uc '5 LQ2.C& THE CONSTITUTION THE PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY ESTABLISHMENT AND SUPPORT CHARITY' -SCHOOL S. THE CONSTITUTION THE PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY ESTABLISHMENT AND SUPPORT CHARITY SCHOOLS. INCORPORATED THE EIGHTH DAY OP SEPTEMBER; 180U PHILADELPHIA : PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE SOCIETY. 1840. o»-V v^ C. Pliprman & Co Printers, 10 St. James Street. ACT OF INCORPORATION. THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO ALL PEOPLE, TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING : " Know ye, That in pursuance of an act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, entitled, ' An act to confer on certain associations of the citizens of this commonwealth, the powers and immunities of corporations or bodies politic in law,' Jo- seph Bennett Eves, Joseph Briggs, Benjamin Williams, Wil- liam Nekervis, John Stockton, Hartt Grandom, Thomas Potts, Jr., Philip Garrett, Thomas Bradford, Jr., Matthew Cunning- ham, Charles L. Baker, Samuel Wistar, Edmund Darch, Wil- liam Foster, William Brown, Jr., Thomas L. Bristoll, William Fry, Rowland Jones, William Paxson, Robert Coe, Jr., Caleb Emlen, Caleb Cresson, Jr., Thomas M. Hall, Michael New- bold, Adam Konigmacher, John Walker, Charles Allen, Sa- vage Stillwell, William Lee, James Carson, Thomas Smith, Isaiah Jeanes, Frederick Stelwaggon, Jacob Mitchell, Green- berry D. Hanson, John Craig, John Sims, Morris Longstreth, Joseph D. Brown, Joseph Head, Robert Evans, Jr., Fielding Lucas, Jr., John Watkins, James A. Hood, Timothy Abbott, Jr., William Allibone, Jr., Michael Fagan, Daniel Newman, Ephraim Pittman, Samuel P. Jones, Joseph Hufty, George Pryor, Jonathan Thomas, Jeremiah Warder, Jr., William Pope, Joseph Jones, William Brown (B.), Thomas Austin, Mahlon Haines, Benjamin Paxson, Charles Watson, Thomas Firth, Robert McMinn, John Dull, John Ecky, Jr.. Joseph Williams, Josiah Bunting, Jr., William Allen, William Potter, Josiah White, John Hanse, Samuel Darch, Samuel Lippincott, Jo- seph Clay, George Klaer, Samuel Holmes, John Perkin, James Cresson, Robert Gill, Jr., Benjamin Jones, Joshua Haines, Enoch Allen, William Stokes, Archibald Burns, William Little, and James White, arc, agreeable to the said act, and in pursuance thereof, incorporated and made a body corporate and politic in law, by the name and style of the PHILADELPHIA. SOCIETY, FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND SUPPORT of charity schools, upon the articles and conditions con- tained in the instrument hereunto annexed." CONSTITUTION. Whereas, there are many children in the city of Philadel- phia, the districts of Southwark, and the Northern Liberties, whose parents or friends are unable to give tliem a useful edu- cation ; and may, without the aid of a charitable institution, continue destitute of an acquirement so important to them- selves and society : Therefore, we who subscribe the following constitution do associate, under the title of "The Philadelphia Society, for the Establishment and Support of Charity Schools," for the purpose of establishing and supporting a school or schools, to educate gratis in reading, writing, arithmetic, and other use- ful learning, children of the poor of all denominations, in the city of Philadelphia, the districts of Southwark and the Nor- thern Liberties, without respect to the country or religion of their parents or friends : we, the said subscribers, being citizens of the State of Pennsylvania. ARTICLE I. The society shall hold four stated meetings in every year, at such times and places as their by-laws shall direct, and fif- teen members shall constitute a quorum : and the clear yearly value of their property, and the interest of the money to be lent by them, shall not exceed the sum of five hundred pounds. 1* ARTICLE II. The officers shall be a president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary ; and there shall also be a board of managers to consist of eighteen, and an electing committee to consist of twelve members. The abovenamed officers, the board of ma- nagers, and the electing committee, shall be chosen annually, at such times and in such manner as the society shall direct. The president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary, may be elected members of the board of managers, or of the elect- ing committee. ARTICLE III. The president, or, in his absence, the vice-president, or, in the absence of both, a president pro tern., shall preside at all meetings, and subscribe all public acts of the society. In all questions (when a ballot is taken excepted) where an equal division of voices happen, he shall have a casting vote ; and shall call a special meeting of the society, when five members concur in requesting it. ARTICLE IV. The treasurer, before he enters upon the duties of his office, shall, for the faithful performance of the trust reposed in him, give a bond with sureties to the president for the time being, in the penalty of such sum as the board of managers may from time to time require. He shall receive and keep in trust all deeds, securities and evidences of debts due and to become due ; and collect, receive and keep in trust all moneys owing, paid, and belonging to this institution. He shall pay all orders of the society and of the board of managers, and annually, or oflener if required, lay before the society and the board of ma- nagers a correct statement of the funds. ARTICLE V. The secretary shall keep fair and correct minutes of the proceedings of the society, preserve all papers and documents entrusted to his care, and do every other duty which the so- ciety may, by any rule or by-law, require him to perform. ARTICLE VI. The board of managers shall hold stated meetings at least once in every month, appoint a chairman and secretary, enact rules and regulations for their own government, and provide for, and have the entire government of the school or schools. They shall have power to draw on the treasurer for any mo- neys they may deem necessary for fulfilling the duties of their appointment, and ten members shall constitute a quorum. They shall in the name and for the use of this institution re- ceive and decide on all applications for loans of money; and shall add to, place out at interest, secure and improve the ca- pital stock, and dispose of the interest, profits and produce thereof, and other income of the society, in such manner as they may deem most beneficial to the institution. They shall keep fair and correct minutes of their proceedings, and lay the same before every stated meeting of the society. ARTICLE VII. The electing committee, seven of whom shall be a quorum, shall have the sole power of electing members ; but no person can be chosen who shall not have been nominated at a previous 8 stated or special meeting of the society ; nor until one month after such nomination shall have taken place. ARTICLE VIII. Every person who may he elected, and shall subscribe the constitution, and pay one dollar, shall be a member of this so- ciety. Each member shall annually pay one dollar for the use of the institution, and shall contribute thereto, as may from time to time be required ; and any member who shall neglect to pay the same for two years successively, provided due no- tice thereof shall have been given, shall forfeit his right of membership. The society shall have power, at any stated or special meeting, to supply all vacancies in office, from any cause whatsoever. ARTICLE IX. No amendment to, nor alteration of this constitution shall be made, but at a stated meeting of the society, when there shall be at least twenty members present; and which shall have been proposed at a previous meeting thereof: provided that the amendments or alterations to be made in pursuance of this article, be approved by the attorney-general and su- preme court of this commonwealth, transmitted by the governor to the master of the rolls, and enrolled in the same manner as this constitution is. Done at Philadelphia., the seventh day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one. 9 I have perused and examined the within written instru- ment, and hereby certify, that I am of opinion that the ob- jects, articles, and conditions, therein set forth and contained, are lawful. JOS. B. M'KEAN. We, the justices of the supreme court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, hereby certify, that at a Supreme Court held at Philadelphia for the said Commonwealth, on the seventh day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one, an act or instrument of incorporation of the Philadelphia Society, for the establishment and support of charity schools, by the name and title of " The Philadelphia Society, for the Establishment and Support of Charity Schools," signed by a number of persons, citizens of this commonwealth, together with the opinion of Joseph B. M'Kean, Esq., attor- ney-general of the said Commonwealth, thereon, was exhibit- ed to the said Supreme Court; who having perused and exa- mined the same, concur with him in opinion, that the objects articles, and conditions therein set forth and contained, are lawful. EDWARD SHIPPEN, J. YEATES, THOMAS SMITH. Pennsylvania, ss. ~-^n In the name and by the authority of the Common- | l. s. J wealth of Pennsylvania, Thomas M'Kean, Go- v "" v ^"- / vernor of the said Commonwealth. 10 Thomas M'Kean, To Timothy Matlock, Esq., Master of the Rolls in and for the said Commonwealth. Whereas, it hath heen duly certified to ine by Joseph B. M'Kean, Esq., Attorney- General of the said Commonwealth, and by Edward Shippen, Esq. Chief Justice, and Jasper Yeates> Thomas Smith, and Hugh H. Brackenridge, Esquires, jus- tices of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvan a, that they have respectively perused and examined the act or instrument for the incorporation of " The Philadelphia Society, for the Esta- blishment and Support of Charity Schools," within written; and that they concur in opinion that the objects, articles and conditions therein set forth and contained are lawful : Now, know ye, That in pursuance of the act of the General As- sembly, in such case made and provided, I have trans- mitted the said act or instrument of incorporation to you the said Timothy Matlack, Master of the Rolls aforesaid, here- by requiring you to enrol the same at the expense of the ap- plicants; to the intent that according to the objects, articles, and conditions therein set forth and contained, the parties may become and be a Corporation or Body Politic in law and in fact, to have continuance by the name, style, and title in the said instrument provided and declared. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State at Lancaster, this seventh day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one, and of the Commonwealth the twenty-sixth. By the Governor, T. M. THOMPSON, Secretary. 11 Enrolled in the Rolls Office, in Commission Book No. 2, page 114, &c, this eighth day of September, 1801. /"""**"\ The same having been presented to me for enrol - ( L ' s "1 ment on the seventh day of the same month, at te-n minutes after eight o'clock in the evening. Wit- ness my hand and seal of office. T. MATLACK, M. R. AMENDMENTS. AN ACT Relating to the Philadelphia Society for the Establishment and Support of Charily Schools. Whereas, according to the provisions of the Act, entitled, " An act to confer on certain associations of the citizens of this commonwealth, the powers and immunities of Corpora- tions or Bodies Politic in law," " the Philadelphia Society for the Establishment and Support of Charity Schools," was duly incorporated; and whereas, by virtue of the said act, "the clear yearly value or income of the messuages, houses, lands, and tenements, rents, annuities, or other hereditaments and real estate of the said corporation, and the interest of money by them lent, cannot exceed the sum of five hundred pounds ;" and whereas, said Corporation have represented that their an- nual income is nearly equal to this sum, and that the design of the institution will be advanced by an increase of revenue, and pray that the limitation may be enlarged to ten thousand dollars. Therefore, Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- 12 sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in Gene- ral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the Corporation styled "The Philadelphia Society for the Establishment and Support of Charity Schools," to hold and enjoy additional re- venue, provided, that the clear yearly value or income of the messuag-es, houses, lands, and tenements, rents, annuities or other hereditaments and real estate of said Corporation, and the interest of money lent, shall not exceed ten thousand dol- lars. Approved, January 27, 1818. A Supplement to the Act, entitled, " An Act to erect Shirleys- burg, in the County of Huntingdon, New Hope in the County of Bucks, and Hamburg in the County of Berks, into Boroughs, and for other purposes.'''' Sect. 53. That the real estate owned by the Philadelphia Society for the Establishment and Support of Charity Schools, within the City and County of Philadelphia, be, and the same is, hereby exempted from the payment of City, County, Poor, Road, and Corporation taxes. Approved, April 16, 1838. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. The stated meetings of the society shall be held on the first Tuesday in October, January, April, and July, in every year. ARTICLE II. The election for officers, the board of managers, and the electing committee, shall take place at the stated meeting in January in every year. ARTICLE III. At the opening of each meeting of the Society the minutes of the preceding meeting shall be read, and, if necessary, amended. ARTICLE IV. When a member rises to speak, he must address the presi- 2 14 dent ; and shall not be interrupted by another while speaking, except for the special purpose of explaining any expression the member so interrupting may have used. ARTICLE V. If two or more members rise at the same time to speak, the president shall determine who shall proceed. ARTICLE VI. Any member shall have the right of appealing from the de- cision of the president; but no order shall be taken on such appeal, unless five members concur in the same. ARTICLE VII. At the request of five members a decision by yeas and nays, or by ballot, shall be taken. ARTICLE VIII. A motion for postponement, commitment, or adjournment, shall supersede every other motion. ARTICLE IX. Reports of all committees shall be in writing. ARTICLE X. The Secretary shall give notice of all the meetings of the 15 Society in at least two of the daily newspapers; which notice shall not be less than one day previous to such meeting. ARTICLE XI. As soon as the Secretary shall receive official information from the Electing Committee of the election of a candidate, he shall immediately give notice thereof to the person elected. RESOLUTION Passed January 1st, 1822. Resolved, That the sum to be paid by the members of this Society be reduced to two dollars, including the annual dollar required to be paid by the constitution ; to take effect from the present time. LIST SUCCESSIVE OFFICERS OF THE INSTITUTION FROM ITS ORIGIN. PRESIDENTS. Joseph Bennett Eves, December 18, 1799. Joseph Brings, October 28, 1800. Joseph Bennett Eves, August 7, 1801. Thomas Bradford, Jr., January 2, 1810. Jonathan Fell, January 5, 1819. Philip Garrett, January 5, 1830. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Hudson Stockton, October 28, 1800. Joseph Briggs, August 7, 1801. Thomas Bradford, Jr., September 12, 1801. Joseph R. Kammerer, January 2, 1810. Jonathan Fell, January 5, 1813. Philip Garrett, January 5, 1819. Paul Beck, Jr., January 5, 1830. TREASURERS. Joseph Briggs, December 18, 1799. Joseph Parry, October 28, 1800. 17 Thomas Potts, Jr., December, 13, 1800. Benjamin Williams, June 8, 1801. Samuel J. Robbins, November 1, 1822. Richard Price, January 7, 1823. George Peterson, January 5, 1830. SECRETARIES. William Nekervis, December 18, 1799. Joseph R. Kammerer, January 1, 1805. Stephen North, January 2, 1810. Samuel J. Robbins, January 4, 1814. Charles Biddle, Jr., January 7, 1817. Richard Price, January 6, 1818. Samuel L. Shober, January 5, 1819. Joshua Kimber, January 2, 1821. Richard Wistar, Jr., January 7, 1S23. James C. Biddle, January 6, 1824. Thomas A. Alexander, January 3, 1820. Edwin Walter, January 5, 1830. John Robbins, January, 5, 1836. James J. Barclay, January 1, 1839. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. CHAIRMEN. Joseph Briggs, June 15, 1801. William Fry, August 10, 1801. Jonathan Fell, January 7, 1803. 3 18 Joseph R. Kammerer, January 5, 1803. Jonathan Fell, January 10, 1812. Philip Garrett, January 8, 1813. John Claxton, January 5, 1821. William Abhott, January 6, 1826. James Cresson, January 13, 1832. Samuel J. Robbins, January 3, 1833. Richard Oakford, January 10, 1834. SECRETARIES. William Fry, June 15, 1801. Edmurid Darch, August 10, 1801. Joseph Williams, January 8, 1802. Caleb Cresson, Jr. January 7, 1803. Joseph R. Kammerer, January 4, 1804. Fielding Lucas, Jr., January 5, 1805. Thomas L. Bristoll, January 8, 1808. Joseph M. Paul, January 14, 1809. William Fry, January 12, 1810. Joseph Williams, January 10, 1812. John Robbins, January 8, 1813. Blakcy Sharpless, January 9, 1818. Samuel L. Shober, January 8, 1819. Samuel Mason, Jr. January 5, 1821. William B. Davidson, January 8, 1825. John B. Ellison, May 29, 1829. Henry Cramond, January 10, 1840. *i ^5^69 i!S R 4Rv OF CONGRESS 029900 067 91