LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. i|ap, - iojajrig^^t !f o, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from * The Library of Congress THE y iEOPLE'S fROGRESSIYD Spiritualist ASSOCIATION OF PROVIDENCE, R. I. OCl 18 ]894 Copyrighted, 1894 PROVIDENCE WM. R. BROWN, SOCIETY PRINTER 1894 TIi8 People's Progressive Spiritualist Association. irilTIATIOM SERVICE. PRESIDENT. One rap calls to order. Two raps^ oncers rise. Three raps., all rise. One rap., all be seated. HOW CHEERING THE THOUGHT. How cheering the thought, that the angels of God Do bow their bright wings to the world they once trod, Do leave the sweet joys of the mansions above. To breathe o'er our bosoms some message of love. Chorus. — Happy greeting to all. They come, on the wnngs of the morning they come, Impatient to guide some poor wanderer home. Some brother to lead from a darkened abode, And lay him to rest in the arms of his God. Chorus. — Happy greeting to all. They come when we wander, they come when we pray. In mercy to guard us wherever we stray ; A glorious cloud, their bright witness is given ; Encircling us here are these angels of heaven. Chorus. — Happy greeting to all. PRESIDENT. Will the first and second Ushers please enter the ante-room and see if there be any one desirous of joining us in the rank and file of Spiritualism, willing to denounce creeds and all dogmatic prin- ciples, and come under a ban of love and brother- hood. If you find such, please conduct them into our presence. Exit of first and second usher. BOTH USHERS. Arm in arm with applicant or applicaiits. FIRST USHER. Three raps on door. GUARD. Opens door. GUARD. What news, Sisters ? FIRST USHER. 'Good news. SECOND USHER. We have found those who are willing to accede to our precepts and the teachings of the spirit world, in the interest of love and justice to human- ity, and do unto others as we would that others should do unto us. GUARD. Enter and bring them in, that their desires may be granted. Conduct them arm in arm to middle of room facing the President. All sing one verse. JOYFULLY, ONWARD I MOVE. Joyfully, joyfully, onward T move, Bound for the land of bright spirits above. Angelic choristers sing as I come, Joyfully, joyfully, haste to thy home ; Soon with my pilgrimage ended below. Home to the land of bright spirits I go, Pilgrim and stranger no more shall I roam. Joyfully, joyfully, resting at home. Wheel around to first aid. FIRST AID. Welcome, Sisters. What can I do for you ? FIRST USHER. We ask, oh Aid, that these seekers after light, truth and knowledge be given such instructions as shall promote their own happiness, that ^they may realize more fully from day to day, a religion whose aim and object is to do good and sow along the pathway of life the seeds of truth, that they may grow and unfold their petals to the bright sun- light of eternal love and peace to all the children of earth. FIRST AID. Your desires shall be granted. FIRST AID (to Applicant.) Dear Friend (or Friends) I rejoice that the veil has been rent and that the light and glory of the spirit world has descended upon you and filled your soul with a desire to know more of these beautiful truths that are so radiant with joy and gladness to all the world, Do you feel to rejoice with me ? APPLICANT OR APPLICANTS. Yes, I do. FIRST AID. Then I commend you to my worthy brother for further instruction. Conduct Applicant to Second Aid. SECOND AID. Sisters, what news. SECOND USHER. Worthy Aid, the friend or friends we present to you, are desirous of renouncing all Creeds and becoming one with us. SECOND AID. To you, my friend or friends, I will say that our religion embraces all that is grand, noble and ele- vating to mankind, therefore I ask of you to re- nounce creeds or anything that will prevent you from gaining the true knowledge that leads to pro- gression here and hereafter. SECOND AID (to Applicant.) Press forward, be steadfast and dutiful to all the decrees, listen to the inner voice and you shall rejoice that light has superceded the darkness. Have you considered the many obstacles you will have to surmount in your progress towards the real- ization of truth in all its beauty and fullness ? APPLICANT. ' Yes. SECOND AID. Do you feel to try to overcome all difficulties that may arise to retard your progression and let your example be in harmony with the precepts you advocate. APPLICANT. Yes, I will. SECOND AID. May the spirit of divine love and care guide and guard you and help you in the fulfillment of your desires. Sisters, please lead them to the Vice-President. Sing : SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP. Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in holy love ! The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. We share our mutual vs^oes, Our mutual burdens bear ; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. When we asunder part It gives us inward pain ; But we shall still be joined in heart, And gladly meet again. This glorious hope revives Our courage by the way ; While each in expectation lives, And lonors to see the day. VICE-PRESIDENT. Worthy Sisters, what do you wish of me. FIRST USHER. We require that you instruct our Friend or Friends of their duties to their fellow men and themselves. CHAPLAIN. Amen. VICE-PRESIDENT (to Applicant.) Please repeat after me, I do solemnly prom- ise to acknowledge any member of this Association as my Brother or Sister, and treat them as such. I will not slander or abuse them, nor will I hear others do so without standing in their defence. I also promise to try and live an honest, upright life, and I solemnly swear, under no conditions, will I reveal the secrets of this order. VICE-PRESIDENT (to Applicant.) Remember, Friends, it is wrong for you to break any of the ten commands. Do you promise to abstain from anything that shall bring upon you or the cause, any reproach. APPLICANT. I do. We are all witnesses of your solemn obligation. VICE-PRESIDENT. Then Friend or Friends you will become one of us and share in equal rights our love and care and the light and truth from the Spirit world. VICE-PRESIDENT. Please lead them to our President for final in- structions. PRESIDENT. Well-beloved Sisters, thou hast been faithful— thy reward shall be sweet peace and joy to thy hearts. PRESIDENT (to Applicant.) Cast away the Creeds. Dear Brother or Sister, look upon the Creeds as the dark clouds from which has evolved the beauti- ful light that has filled thy soul with its rays of truth and happiness. We want you to be like us, to work for the prornulgation of truth in all its varied forms and conception. Lovers of justice and humanity, acknowledging ourselves to be humble instruments of a higher divine power, children of the great infinite Spirit, created under its universal law, endowed with faculties for growth and unfoldment in all that pertains to life here and beyond, fully believing in the continuity of the Soul or Spirit, that in accord- ance with demonstrated facts proved by natural law and science, the return of the Spirit to give knowl- edge and teachings of their existence beyond the Shadowy Vale of Death, that in the Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man dedicating ourselves as the Temple of the living God within for the con- structing and upbuilding of all the enobling quali- ties of the mind, consonant with the wish of our divine parent. Sisters please escort our new and welcome brothers or sisters to the middle of the hall. Sign and password of the order to be given. Sing : WHEN THE MISTS HAVE CLEARED AWAY. When the mists have rolled in splendor, From the beauty of the hills, And the sunshine warm and tender, Falls in kisses on the rills ; We may read love's shining letter In the rainbow of the spray ; We sliall know each other better, When the mists have cleared away. Chorus. — We shall know, as we are known, Never more to walk alone, In the dawning of the morning. When the mists have cleared away. If we err in human blindness, And forget that we are dust ; If we miss the law of kindness, When we struggle to be just ; Snowy wings of peace shall cover All the pain we cause today ; When the weary watch is over, And the mists have cleared away. Chorus. — When the mists have risen above us. As our Father knows his own ; Face to face with those that love us ; We shall know as we are known ; Love beyond the orient meadows. Floats the golden fringe of day ; Heart to heart, we bide the shadows, Till the mists have cleared away. Chorus. — INVOCATION BY CHAPLAIN. Oh thou supreme intelligence that ruleth over all, daily we are brought into communication with thee through our own self-consciousness and inate desire of our hearts for that inspiring faith to elevate us and fill our souls with diviner light and knowl- edge. Coming as we are, out of all the dark shadows of the past, we feel and know that truth is slowly but surely dawning upon us, and we feel our hearts to swell with gratitude and thankfulness for the growth and understanding that has come through thy infinite power. We ask that our per- ceptive faculties be strengthened, that our ideal conceptions may culminate in the highest good for all, that growth in grace may characterize all our daily walks through life, that we be enabled to over- come all the obstcales that tend to retard our pro- gression, that the temple within be dedicated and sancti-fied unto the enlightenment of humanity. As we meet together from time to time may our hearts be bound together in the ties of sympathy and love. Working in unison we shall draw unto us the high intelligences, that through them we shall be better able to reach those on a lower plane of thought and raise them up to a more comprehensive idea of life and its duties. As we go to our homes may we take with us the thoughts of our dependence upon each other for our happiness here and hereafter. May the silent prayers of our hearts go out to those in sickness, may they go with that fullness of love and goodness, they may reach them, soothe and comfort them in their distress. Asking in faith we feel that we shall receive, and to the consecration of thy superiority we humbly bow. PRESIDENT. Addressing the whole house. Brothers and Sisters, please congratulate our new members. I now declare the meeting open to the public. Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. 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