CS 71 .B912 1904 .... - .. . ....... rO. .;.'■ &,..'..'. 1 - . e- R:;!.:.:*',-.M;;...i,i. ; i;r. , . . • - ■ ' ■ . ■ V* Q v <> /. in' a '- W .'MA*. V,^ * " ° rf^\ ^ * V o ' 4 o r° o-V, **b J> ."•• <** r 0^ of" 8 , % ^ V .1 '^o 1 cK ,f v O 4 o >. r^. i0^ f r> ^ ^ 4 O 4- <^* .^ .0 ^ o s ^V <^ ' o • * % A <\ *o * * «. o ^o^ «* * r 4 f\. ° « ° < V <; lii G E N E A L OCT BRUSH-BOWERS N MS "Fro am tV /om F F PRIVATE CIRCULATION BROOKLYN 1 9 NE W .Y ORK o 4 Cfb1 I i4° Press of Mail and Express Job Print New York T0<\<\ Foreword Realizing the increasing difficulty of obtaining data for a family history, these records have been col- lected and compiled for the benefit of my son, Herbert Bowers Brush, and other younger members of the family and for childrens' children yet to come, in the confident hope that the knowledge that their ancestors were among those who with fortitude and courage, amid the hardships of pioneer life and the perils of war, lived in the fear of God and the love of home and country, will stimulate them to high purposes and de- votion to duty to God, to home and native land. Lovingly dedicated to my son Herbert Bowers Brush. Maria Annette Brush. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1904. < - Note The original immigrants of all the families whose records are given here came to the colonies in the earliest years, 1620-1660. They were of English par- entage and came to New England, except the Van Wvcks, who came from Holland to New Amsterdam. The task of tracing the several families back to the original settlers in America has been comparatively easv in most cases, but finding the English ancestors was far more difficult. A number of extracts from English records are given which may be useful if any wish to pursue the search in the mother country. The family name of the mother of Herbert B. Brush was Bowers. With the records of the Brush and Bowers families are included collateral branches as follows : Page Page Brush Descent 7 Bowers Descent 92 Rogers 42 Brooks 98 Whitman 45 Boutelle 102 Wood 47 Baldwin 106 Van Wyck 50 Wellman no Carman 62 Wellman (Chloe) .... 112 Bloomfield 68 Bancroft 113 MO g~ o ■*-< bJQ G +-> G 3 K c/T o '-I CfQ rs> "I O o n> > < m W o o 7? 2 < GENEALOGY Herbert Bowers (9) Brush, son of George W. (8) and M. Annette Brush, was born in Brooklyn Feb. 12, 1873. He was educated at the Polytechnic Institute of the same city and at the New York Law School, receiving the degree of LL. B. in 1893. The following year, on his twenty-first birthday, he was admitted to the bar. May 3rd of the same year, 1894, he married Alice May Hays, daughter of Hiram W. and Alice (Butler) Hays, of Saratoga Springs, New York. He has served as Assistant Corporation Coun- sel of the City of Brooklyn and of Greater New York, also a term of four years as Assistant United States District Attorney of the Southern District of New York. His infant sons, George Hays (10), born Feb. 24, 1897, and Herbert Woodford (10) , born Jan. 1, 1899, died in November, 1899. Addenda. From a small pamphlet, entitled "The Brush Family in America," by Dr. George Rawson Brush, published at Sayville, Suffolk County, New York, in 1891, the following notes are taken of some branches of the family, aside from the one line previously pursued : 'Thomas Brush, born about 1610, who died about 1670, left four children, Thomas, John, Richard and Rebecca. Rebecca was married to Jeremiah Hobart, or Hubbard, Jan. 31, 1682. They had three sons and one daughter. Richard settled at West Neck, where his great-great-grandson, Thomas, now resides. Rich- 38 BRUSH— BOWERS ard conveyed his farm to his son, Thomas, in 1700. A great-great-grandson of Richard was Conklin Brush, one of the early mayors of Brooklyn." "A History of Greenwich, Fairfield County, Con- necticut," by Daniel Mead, says that two brothers of the name of Brush, came from Long Island to Greenwich soon after 1700. These were probably sons of Edward and Hester Brush, who lived at West Hills, Long Island. Hester was daughter of Richard and granddaughter of Thomas, the first settler. It is sup- posed that Edward was also a relative of Thomas. Their home at West Hills was nearly opposite to the house of John R. Brush. In 1904, is owned by one of their descendants, David P. Brush. In Philip H. Smith's "History of Dutchess County, New York," it is mentioned that Lemuel and William Brush, sons of Reuben Brush, of Long Island, lived in the west part of the town. Lemuel had five sons, Parlee, Jesse, Piatt, John and Henry. Jesse was an officer in the Revolution. John was the General John Brush who commanded the Dutchess County troops at Harlem Bridge in the War of 181 2, and was after- ward major general of militia. Colonel Henry Brush was captain of the Ohio Volunteers in the War of 181 2. "When informed of the surrender of his commander, General Hull, he refused to accept it as authoritative and escaped with his men and stores." Isaac Brush, seventh generation from Thomas (1), of Southold and Huntington, married a Phillips and bought a farm near Cleveland, Ohio. He was the father of Charles Francis Brush, electrician and in- 39 GENEALOGY ventor. He was born 1849 at Euclid, Ohio. His in- ventions have beeen numerous and valuable. Prof. George Jarvis Brush, born Dec. 15, 1831, at Brooklyn, New York, is a descendant of Thomas ( 1 ) , and traces his descent as follows : Thomas ( 1 ) , Rich- ard (2), Robert (3), Jonathan (4) married Elizabeth Smith, Joshua (5) married Margaret Ireland, of West Hills, Philip (6) married Ruth Brush, Jarvis (7) mar- ried Sarah Keeler, George Jarvis (8), mineralogist and author, has been identified with the Sheffield Sci- entific School at Yale University since 1855, and has written extensively on the subject of mineralogy. He married Harriet Silliman Trumbull. He says "the name Brusch was that of a rather noted writer of his time, Caspar Brusch, who lived in Bohemia in the first third of the sixteenth century, and was a member of a large family, some of whom may have been driven to Holland by religious persecution. "In England the name Brush is of rare occurrence, only a very few names being found in the directories of the large cities in Great Britain. While a student in London in 1855, I read one day in the Official Ga- zette, a notice of commendation of a Dr. John C. Brush, a surgeon in the British army before Sebasto- pol, for gallant and meritorious professional service on the battle field. Some thirty years later, by a curious coincidence, I found myself lodging in Hanover Square, London, in the same house with this Dr. Brush. Pie introduced himself to me in a very simple way, saying that the name Brush was so rare that he ven- tured to call on me to ascertain where I came from. 40 BRUSH— BOWERS In due time I asked him in regard to his family his- tory. He said his ancestor was a Dutch soldier who came over from Holland with William of Orange, and for his service at the battle of Boyne and at the siege of Londonderry was knighted and given a grant of land in the north of Ireland. Dr. Brush knew of no other persons of the name except those descended from this soldier and was much interested to find that per- sons of this name had emigrated to America many years before his ancestor came from Holland to Eng- land with William of Orange." Hon. Edward F. Brush, M. D., the present Mayor of Mount Vernon, N. Y., is descended from the Irish branch of the family, having been born in Dublin in 1847. His father, Dr. Crane Brush, came to America about 1850. The son Edward enlisted in a Maine Regiment in 1864. Later he studied medicine, and has been Health Officer of Mount Vernon, President of the N. Y. Society of Medical Jurisprudence, etc. He is extensively engaged in the manufacture of kumiss. Dr. Brush is serving his second term as Mayor. He is a member of the Baptist Church. He mar- ried Miss Marion Beers, and thev have ten children. Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Arch, Brooklyn, N. Y. Rogers Family THOMAS ROGERS of the "Mayflower" and the eighteenth signer of the famous "Com- pact," brought his young son, Joseph, with him, but no list of his other children is obtainable. It is known that he had some who were already mar- ried, and that he died soon, within a year after the landing of the Pilgrims. The records show that a number of persons of the name of Rogers came over during the earliest years, between 1620 and 1635. which leads to great difficulty in tracing the descent and renders it impossible to obtain results as definite and clear as in other lines ; therefore, the records will be quoted as found and the descent counted only as far back as it is positively known, although the earlier rec- ords are probably substantially correct. A William Rogers was in Southampton, Long Island, in 1642- 1645, when he disappeared from the town records. In 1647 William Rogers was in Hempstead, who was "son of Thomas of the Mayflower" (see "Ameri- can Ancestry"). In 1657 William Rogers was one of the grantees, with Thos. Wicks and Jonas Wood, in an Indian deed, which conveyed what was known as the "Eastern Purchase" in Huntington. In 1669 a widow, Ann Rogers, died in Huntington, 42 jggjjBSa ^g j gg^gS23S555 gmBg5gIgqCPiniISBg l leaving property to her children, the names of whom are the same as those of the children of William Rogers, viz : "Obadiah, John, Noah, Samuel, Mary and Hannah." "It is highly probable that Ann Rogers was the widow of William Rogers, one of the earliest settlers here and one of the grantees in the Indian deed in 1656, and whose name disappears soon after." — (Hun- tington Town Records, Vol. 1, p. 141.) "It is probable that William gave to his son, Oba- diah, his homestead at Southampton (where Obadiah afterward lived ) and removed with his wife and young- er children to Huntington." — (Howell's History of Southampton.) From the fact that William Rogers was in Hemp- stead in 1647, soon after his name disappears from the records of Southampton, and did not appear at Huntington until 1656, it seems fair to infer that the William of Hempstead ("son of Thomas of the May- flower") was the same William who came to Hun- tington. Although the name of Jonathan does not appear in the list of the children of William or Ann Rogers, a deed bearing date of June 13, 1699, given by Noah to "my brother Jonathan Rogers," indicates that all were not included in the list or that John may also have been called Jonathan. A few days later Jona- than Rogers and his wife, Rebecca, gave deed to "John Roqers, son of ye above sd Jonathan Rogers." — (Hunt. Town Rec.) 43 GENEALOGY John (i), son of John, married, Nov. 30, 1735, Jemima Whitman. Their son, John (2), was born 1738, and married, Dec. 6, 1 761, Ruth Wood, daughter of "Hunter" John Wood, Jr. She was sister of Elizabeth Wood, who married Jonathan Bloomfield. (See Wood and Bloomfield Families.) Elizabeth (3), daughter of John (2) and Ruth Rogers, was born in 1783, and married Jan. 25, 1800, Zebulon Brush. Their son, John Rogers (4) Brush, married Elizabeth Car- man. Their son, George W. (5) married Maria Annette Bowers. v Their son, Herbert Bowers Brush, is sixth in descent. The Whitman Family THE first of the line in this country were Zacharia (i) and Sarah Whitman, who came from London in the 'True Love," in September, 1635. He was forty and she twenty-five years old. They brought a little son, Zacharia, aged two and a half years. Their son, Joseph (2), was a freeman of the colony of New Haven in 1664. He was born in 1643 an d married Sarah "Cecum" (Ketcham) "against her mother's mind." (Huntington Town Records.) They w r ere in Huntington in 1661-86 and were the first of the name on Long Island. Their son, Zebulon (3), was born about 1678. He married Sybel Lewis, who was born in 1685. Her parents were Jonathan and Jemima (Whitehead) Lewis, of Oyster Bay. Zebulon (4), son of Zebulon (3) and Sybel Whit- man, married first "Margaret Van Wyck, of Oyster Bay, Jan. 13, 1747-8." (Presbyterian church records, Huntington, Long Island.) Their daughter, Margaret (5), was born 1749, and the mother dy- ing soon after, Zebulon (4) married second, Phebe Jarvis in 175 1 . In his will, dated 1757, he leaves his "house-goods, cow, horse, riding chair and one-third part of my real and personal estate not before dis- 45 \ GENEALOGY posed of, to my beloved wife Phebe, during her widow- hood, and no longer. To my daughter, Margaret, the sum of £75," etc. (See will in Surrogate's office, New York County.) Margaret (5) gave receipt for this money and at the same time acknowledged the receipt of a legacy from her grandfather Whitman, which paper is now in the possession of Miss Eliza Van Wyck, of Brooklyn. Margaret (5), daughter of Zebulon (4) and Mar- garet (Van Wyck) Whitman, married Zophar Brush in 1773. (See Brush Family.) Their son, Zebulon (6) Brush, married Elizabeth Rogers. (See Rogers Family.) Their son, John Rogers (7) Brush, married Elizabeth Car- man. Their son, George W. (8) Brush, married M. Annette Bowers. Their son, Herbert Bowers Brush, is ninth in descent. The Wood Family IN the earliest records of Long Island are found two men by the name of Jonas Wood, one of whom is sometimes designated as "Jonas (i) Wood of Halifax" or "Jonas Wood (H.)." The other is frequently distinguished by the word "Oram" or the letter "O" after his name. Evi- dently the two were frequently confounded and the names appended were supposed to be those of the towns from which they came before settling on the island. If confusing then, when both were living, how much more so two hundred years later ! Both were men of prominence in the management of affairs and granting of lands. Both were apparently justices or magistrates. 'Jonas Wood, Jr.," was son of one of them and owner of one of the "ten farms." According to an old English custom, disputed land was allotted to individuals by first dividing the inhabi- tants into ten parts. Those composing each part, se- lected certain ones to go and possess the land on con- dition of building and improving within a stipulated time. The "ten farms" here referred to were between Northport and Smithtown River. He also owned land on the "East Neck South." He died in 1712. A family record of Jonas (2) Wood, Jr., gives the date of the birth of his son, 47 GENEALOGY John (3), as April 15, 1677. He was called "Hunter John Wood," presumably because of his prowess as a hunter. He was twice married, the second time in 1747, to the widow of Jeremiah Wood, who was a "Widow Whitman." He died in 1751. His son, John (4) Wood, was called "Hunter John Wood, Jr." He was born in 171 1 and in 1736 married Phebe Jarvis, or Jervis (the name was originally Gervaise), who died in 1773. He afterward married Martha Hugins, who was the widow of John Titus and also of Samuel Brush. She died in 1798. To distinguish him from another John Wood, he was spoken of as "of Frogponds" — the other one being "of Flagponds." Frogponds was about half way between West Hills and Huntington. He and his wife, Phebe, had four daughters, one of whom, Ruth (5), married John Rogers and became the mother of Elizabeth (6) (Rogers) Brush. (Another daughter, Elizabeth (5), married Jonathan Bloomfield and was the mother of Mary (6) (Bloomfield) Carman. John (4) Wood, Jr., was thus the great-grandfather of both Elizabeth (7) Carman and of her husband, John Rogers (7) Brush. John (4) Wood died in 1801. From his will and schedules of personal property, found among the pa- pers of John R. Brush, it appears that he had what was then a considerable estate, amounting to about $10,000. He had a store and held the notes of a large number of his relatives and neighbors for sums ranging from £5 to £400. This estate was bequeathed to his four daughters and their heirs. He appointed as ex- ecutors, his son-in-law, Jonathan Bloomfield, and his 48 BRUSH— BOWERS two friends, Obadiah Piatt and Zophar Brush. His grave is within the ridges which mark the line of the old fort on the "old Burying Hill," in Huntington. So said Jarvis Rolph in the "Long Islander" in 1885. Ruth (5) Wood married John Rogers in 1761. (See Rogers Family.) Their daughter, Elizabeth (6), married Zebulon Brush in 1800. (See Brush Family.) Their son, John Rogers (7) Brush, married Elizabeth Car- man in 1823. (See Carman Family.) Their son, George W. (8), married Maria Annette Bowers in 1868. (See Bowers Family.) Their son, Herbert Bowers Brush, is ninth in descent. mm. !23oW£>?0 Van Wyck Arms. The Van Wyck Family THE founder of the family in America was Cornelius Barentse (i) Van Wyck, who emigrated to this country in 1660 from Hol- land, and settled in Midwout, now Flatbush. The family originated in the town of Wyck bei Diersteade, North Brabant, situated on the Teck, a branch of the Rhine, about seventeen miles below Arnheim. It is a picturesque old town with massive walls. "The family descended from Chevalier Hendrick Van Wyck, who lived about 1400. They were Roman Catholics until Jan Van Wyck, a member of the Council 50 BRUSH— BOWERS of Utrecht, married Wyancler Van Asch, a Protes- tant, in 1575. She was the last of her family and received her brother's property, provided her descend- ants would join the family arms and carry the name Van Asch- Van Wyck." (American Ancestry.) Their son, Jacob Van Asch- Van Wyck (born 1584, died 1635), married Anna Van Rynvelt and was councillor and receiver-general. From them the whole Protestant branch descends. The arms are a cross of gold on a field of black with two silver thistles in each quarter. Tradition says that one ancestor was a Cru- sader, and the flowers represent some that grew in Palestine. The whole is surmounted by a crown up- lifted by two griffins, as shown in the cut at the head of this article. Cornelius (1) Barentse Van Wyck, who came to America, became one of the patentees of Flatbush and a member of the Dutch Reformed Church there in 1677. Old records show that he took the oath of allegiance to ''William, Prince of Orange, Sept. 26, 1687, in the thirde year of his majesties raigne." "Thus we have an introduction to the first representative from an old and respected noble family in the Low Coun- try." He owned land in Flatbush on the north side of the main road leading from New Utrecht to Flatbush and east of the Flatbush church lands. (Bergen's Early Settlers of Kings County, New York.) Dominie Theodorus Johannes Polhemus came from Itamarca, Brazil, where he had been a missionary, with Catharine (Werven), his wife, and they were in Flat- 51 GENEALOGY bush in 1654. He was the first Dutch Reformed min- ister to settle on Long Island, and until about 1660 he was in charge of three churches, Breukelen, Midwout (Flatbush) and Amersfoort (Flatlands). He was born in Holland 1598, died 1676. His daughter, Anna, married Cornelius Barentse (1) Van Wyck. Theodorus (2), their son, was born 1668. April 29, 1693, he married Margretia (1675-1741), daughter of Abraham (Joris) and Aeltie (Stryker) Brinckerhoff and granddaughter of Joris (Dirck) and Susanna (Dubbles) BrinckerhofI and of Jan and Lambert je (Seabering) Stryker. (American Ancestry.) Theodorus (2) was justice of the peace in Queens County from 1 7 18 to the year of his death, 1753. He and his brother, Johannes (2), who settled at Flushing, were "Kirkmasters" in the Jamaica Dutch Reformed Church. In 1 70 1 he went to Great Neck and built the house now owned by the Hicks family. He owned large tracts of land and the place is still a farm of nearly one hundred 52 Flatbush Dutch Reformed Church. X o en P o c < P o O CD P a> o r p CO p n> p o td O V GENEALOGY acres. It lies in a long section running from the village to the water's edge, "Hicks' Lane" running through much of it, to the old house, which stands on a pleasant slope close to the water, having a fine view over the arm of Manhasset Bay to the shores on the other side. The house is surrounded by fine old trees and is in excellent condition, having been im- proved in various ways, but not materially altered. A broad veranda extends along the whole front of the house and the general effect is homelike and at- tractive, as may be seen in the cut accompanying this description. The Hicks brothers took their grand- father's name, who probably had the place from his father-in-law, whose name was Morrell, and who is said to have bought the property from the Van Wyck family ; thus the changes in ownership seem to have been few in the two centuries which have passed. The family Bible of Theodorus Van Wyck is said to be in the possession of Theo. Van Wyck Brincker- hoff, of Fishkill, N. Y. Cornelius (3) and Theodorus (3), sons of Theodorus (2) and Margretia, went to Fishkill in 1736 and were the progenitors of the Van Wycks of that town. In a cemetery there we find on a gravestone this inscription : "Here lyes buryed The Bodye of Theodorus Van Wyck, Esqr., who was born on Long Island Oct. ye 15, 1697. Removed to Fish- kill 1736. Departed this life 1776 and in the year of the Independence of America" and also "Mrs. Elizabeth Van Wyck, wife to Theodorus Van Wyck, Born 1698, Dyed 1764 in ye 66 year." Mary (4), a daughter of 54 BRUSH— BOWERS Theo. (3), of Fishkill, married Zephaniah Piatt, of Poughkeepsie, who was the original proprietor of Plattsburg and a descendant of Epenetus Piatt, of Huntington, L. I. (Epenetus was brother of Isaac Piatt, whose daughter, Elizabeth, married John (2) Brush about 1685.) Hon. James P., son of Zephaniah Piatt, married Sarah Breeze, sister of Rear Admiral Samuel Livingston Breeze, U. S. N. Gen. Charles H. Van Wyck, a descendant of Cor- nelius (3), was Governor and United States Senator from Nebraska. Abraham (3), the third son, settled in New York City and married Catharina Prevoost in 1717, (Rec- ords Dutch Reformed Church, New York City.) Theodorus (2) died in 1753 and his grave is in the Thorne ground at Great Neck, where his father, Cor- nelius Barentse (1) Van Wyck was probably buried also, as Miss Anne Van Wyck, of Brooklyn, found a field stone there marked "Cors. Wyck," which has since become illegible. She has recently erected a granite monument to the memory of Theodorus and Margretia Van Wyck, and other ancestors, in Christ churchyard at Manhasset. L. I. Barent (3), the fourth son of Theodorus and Mar- gretia, was born March 30, 1703, at Great Neck, and baptized at the Reformed Dutch Church of Jamaica. In 1724 he went to East Woods, now Woodbury, town of Oyster Bay, and in 1727 married Hannah, born 1704, daughter of Thomas Carman, of Merrick. (See Registry of St. George's Church, Hempstead.) Thomas was brother of John Carman, who married 55 GENEALOGY Elizabeth Wood. (See Carman Family.) Barent (3) was a supporter of the Dutch Church and was one of the building committee when the church of that denomination was organized in 1732 at Wolver Hol- low, now Oyster Bay. The record of baptisms does not begin until Oct. 24, 1741. (Hist. Dutch Reformed Church of Jamaica, by Onderdonk.) He made his will the 4th of January, i/49-'50, and died soon after, his eldest son, Thomas (4), being an executor. He left certain real estate to be sold for the benefit of his wife and three daughters, and his 800 acres of land at Woodbury to his four sons. Theodorus (4) sold his quarter to Thomas (4) about 1737. Capt. Abraham (4) sold his quarter to Samuel (4), left Queens County and bought 200 acres at W T est Neck, Huntington Har- bor, L. I. This property he sold to Abraham (5) Van Wyck, Jr., his nephew and son-in-law, in 1793, who was father of Joshua (6), whose daughter, Miss Anne Van Wyck, of Brooklyn, has been referred to. In 1795 Thomas (4) offered his half for sale, and about the same time Samuel (4) sold his property and removed to Classen's Point, Westchester, N. Y. Under date of Jan. 31, i749-'50 the Register of St. George's Church at Hempstead bears the following record : "Baptized, Hannah Vanwick, widow, Thomas, Theodorus, Samuel (adults), Abraham, Mary, Sarah, Abigail (children)," showing that the family of seven children (instead of six, as stated in several genealo- gies) w r ere received into the Episcopal Church very soon after the death of Barent (3) Van Wyck. St. George's Church had held services some years 56 St. George's Church, Hempstead, L. I. Rebuilt 1822. GENEALOGY before its organization in 1704, and was one of the first of the denomination on Long Island. Queen Anne gave to it a Bible, prayer-book and communion service. The Registry book, in which the first records were made, in 1725, was given by Theodorus (2) Van Wyck, of Great Neck. Abraham (4), son of Barent (3), was a captain in the Provincial Militia, while his brother, Thomas (4), was a captain in the loyal (or Tory) militia. Hannah, widow of Barent (3), died in 1790. Al- though the names of only three daughters appear on the register of baptisms at St. George's Church in 1749, and also in the will of Barent (3), there is con- vincing evidence that there had been another daughter who had died before her father. She was probably born in 1731 or 1732 and was named, Margaret (4), no doubt after Margretia Brinck- erhoff, the mother of Barent (3). According to rec- ords this was a favorite name in the family at that time. A personal search of the registry of marriages of the First Presbyterian Church of Huntington, L. I. (which has never been published) revealed the record of the marriage of "Zebulon Whitman, of Huntington, to Margaret Van Wyck, of Oyster Bay, on Jan. 13, 1747-8." Barent 's (3) family was the only one of the name living as far east as Oyster Bay. A careful study of the family history shows no other Van Wycks except those descended from Cornelius Barentse(i),of Flatbush, living on Long Island at that time ; therefore "Margaret (4) Van Wyck of Oyster Bay" must have 58 BRUSH— BOWERS been the daughter of Barent (3), of Oyster Bay. She died before the death of her father, which accounts for the absence of her name from his will. The record of the family of Barent (3) and Hannah (Carman) Van Wyck, as far as can be learned from various sources, is as follows : Thomas (4), born Aug. 6, 1728, married Rachel Eldert 17,43; died, 1815. Theodorus (4), born May, 1730, married Martha Robbins 1760; died, 1819. Margaret (4), born probably in 1732, married Zeb- ulon Whitman 1747-8; died, 1748-9. Samuel (4), born Aug. 4, 1735; married Hannah Hewlett 1766; died, 1810. Abraham (4), born March 22, 1738; married Eliza- beth Wright 1761 ; died, 1809. Mary (4), married John Polhemus 1762. Sarah (4), married Simon Cortelyou 1763; died, 1816. Abigail (4), born Sept., 1748; married Thomas Wicks 1767; died, 1816. Margaret (4) (Van Wyck) Whitman, left one child. Margaret (5) Whitman, born Jan. 12, 1748-9, who married Zophar Brush. (See Whitman and Brush Families.) Although not mentioned in her grand- father's will she received some of the family silver, tablespoons and teaspoons, which came into the pos- session of two of her granddaughters, Amelia and Mary Brush (see will of Zophar Brush, page 19), who had them melted and made into a more modern 59 GENEALOGY pattern. One was lost and thus preserved from this transformation, and about i860, in digging a drain near the Brush Homestead, at West Hills, the small silver teaspoon was found, marked "B. V. W." which John R. (7) Brush said had belonged to his great-great-grandfather "Bont" (Barent) (3) Van Wyck, and had been in the possession of his grandmother, Margaret (5) (Whitman) Brush, granddaughter of Barent (3) Van Wyck. He remem- bered having heard many years before that one of the set had been lost. This spoon is still in the family. The farm of Barent (3) Van Wyck at Woodbury, L. B^VW I., is now usually known as the Hewlett place. The graves of Barent (3) and Hannah are said to be in the corner of the woods in sight of the house, a spot selected by himself. (Elizabeth (7) Brush, sister of John Rogers (7) Brush, and great-granddaughter of Margaret (4) (Van Wyck) Whitman, married John (6) Van Wyck, of Woodbury, whose father was Richard (5), son of Theodorus (4), who was son of Barent (3). Many of their descendants are now living in Brooklyn and vicinity, among them being Samuel (7) Van Wyck, a former Supervisor of Kings County, and his son, Al- bert (8), and daughter, Eliza (8). Former Mayor Rob- ert A. (7) and Ex- Judge Augustus (7) are also de- scendants of Barent (3) Van Wyck.) Zebulon (6), son of Zophar and Margaret (5) (Whitman) Brush, married Elizabeth Rogers. (See Rogers Family.) Their son, 60 BRUSH— BOWERS John Rogers (7) Brush, married Elizabeth Car- man. (See Carman Family.) Their son, George W. (8), married Maria Annette Bowers. (See Bowers Family.) Their son, Herbert Bowers Brush, is ninth in descent. The Carman Family THIS coat of arms has been used by several branches of the family for many years, among them that of Mr. Nelson G. Carman, of Brooklyn, New York City; Mr. E. S. Car- man, of Manhattan, New York City, and Mr. Bliss Carman, the distinguished Canadian poet and literateur, whose father also used it. The earliest trace of the name obtainable is of a Carman in the Norman- French forces that came into England with William the Conqueror. The next mention is of a Thomas Car- man, who was among the last of the martyrs burned at the stake, about 1558, in the persecution under "Bloody Mary." In records of Woburn, Suffolk County, England, reference is made to "Margaret ux John Carmyn" (Harleian Soc. 32). In an old record of Capt. John Smith's troops in 62 BRUSH— BOWERS Virginia occurs the name of Henry Carman. There were families of the name at Cape May, N. J., and also in Cecil County, Maryland, as early as 1690, the Christian names of whom, Caleb, Joshua and John, seem to show a common ancestry with the family of John ( 1 ) Carman and his wife, Florence (Ford- ham ) , to whom he was married in England, in 1631, and who came from England in the "Lion" with Elliott, the Indian apostle, arriving on Xov. 3 of the same year. Some say that they came from Halifax, Eng., others that their old home was in Hemel Hempstead, fifteen miles out from London, now a part of Greater London. This seems the more probable from the name given to their home in the New World. They stopped for a short time in Roxbury, and also in Lynn, Mass.. before coming to L0112: Island. Nov. 3, 1881, the 250th anniversary of their arrival, was celebrated at Hempstead by the "Association of the Descendants of John and Florence Carman." A full account of the occasion was published in the local papers. The Rev. I. N. Carman, of St. Paris, Ohio, who was present, preserved a copy, which was later given to Mr. E. S. Carman, of the "Rural New Yorker." Gen. E. A. Carman, of New Jersey, was the historian of the association, and at that time Chief Clerk of the Department of Agriculture at Washing- ton, D.C. Theodore F. Randolph, ex-Governor of New Jersey, was a descendant from John and Florence Car- man also. Another one was Stephen Carman, of Hempstead, L. I., who was a member of the conven- tion that met in Poughkeepsie in 1788 to ratify the 6* GENEALOGY proposed Constitution of the United States, and voted to ratify. Among his associates at that time were Alexander Hamilton, Livingston, Melancthon Smith, Clinton and other distinguished statesmen. From Mr. William S. Carman, at one time Presi- dent of the Association, much of the information con- tained in this account was obtained. The records show that "in 1643 tne village of Hempstead, L. I., was settled by a colony from New England, the land, (about 120,000 acres) being pur- chased from the Marsapeague and other Indian tribes by the Rev. Robert Fordham and John Carman ;" the original deed being still in the possession of some of the family. The tract extended from the East River to what is now Garden City, and embraced a large part of Brooklyn. Weathersfield, Conn. ; St. John, N. B. ; Fordham, N. Y., and Denton, Md., were also founded by the Carman family. The Rev. Robert Fordham was father of Florence, the wife of John (1) Carman. He was the leader of the colony which came from Stamford, Conn., and was the first minister of the Hempstead church, which was built in 1648. This was Congregational or Presby- terian. Mr. Fordham was succeeded by John Moore, and the third pastor was Richard Denton, according to the researches of Dr. W. W. Tooker, of Sag Har- bor. Robert Fordham was son of Philip Fordham, of Sacombe, Hertfordshire, England. He came to America with his wife, Elizabeth, and family, in 1640, and was in Cambridge and Sudbury, Mass., before or- 64 y BRUSH— BOWERS ganizing the migration from Stamford to Hempstead. > In 1644 patents for the land on Long Island which had been bought from the Indians were obtained from Gov. Peter Stuyvesant. John (1) Carman died in 165 1. y John (2), son of John (1) and Florence, was born in 1633. Another son, Caleb, born in 1645, was the first white child born in Hempstead. John (2) mar- > ried Hannah, daughter of Capt. John Seaman, who "came from Essex, Norfolk Co. Eng. young and un- married." He married first, Hannah Strickland, and v second, Maria Moore, of Newtown, L. I., who was the mother of Hannah Seaman. Capt. Seaman was a Quaker and descended from an ancestor who was v burned at the stake in England during the persecu- tion of the Puritans. He was one of the first settlers in Hempstead, a large land owner, and a magistrate v in 1656. He died in 1695. John (2) Carman died in 1684. John (3) went to Huntington in 17 18, and died v in 1759. His will mentions his "son John" as his "heir- son." John (4) married Elizabeth Wood, Dec. 29, 1732, and died in 1788, according to records of the First Presbyterian Church of Huntington. (See — Wood F&m44yi.) y John (5) was born Jan. 10, 1741, and married Jane Valentine, (who was born 1751 ) in 1772 The Long Island Valentines are descended from y Richard Valentine, who was in Hempstead in 1644. and was one of the sixty-six proprietors in 1667. He was then 3 young man, probably a lineal descendant of 6a GENEALOGY Richard Valentine, of Eccles, Lancashire, England. The earliest record of this family (of Eccles) is the will of Richard Valentine in 1520. He married Anne Hapwood and left his estate to his son, Thomas, who left his, in turn, to his son, Richard. He is called "Thomas Volantyne of Beaucliffe, County Lancaster, Gent." John (5) and Jane Carman had four children, John (6), Mary (6), who married a Smith; Elizabeth (6), and Phebe (6). The two latter never married. Phebe (6) outlived all the others, and had a large collection of family relics in "her part" of the old homstead, in- cluding quaint old dresses and bonnets, home spun linen and even the flax in hanks which she and her mother and sisters had prepared for weaving many years before, some of which are in the possession of the family of the writer. John ( 5 ) Carman died in April, 1825, and his widow, Jane, July 30, 1834. They were buried in the family ground near the homestead at Half Hollow Hills, which was occupied by their great-grandson, Clarence Carman, until 1902. John (6) was born in 1773, and in 1796 married Mary Bloomfield. (See Bloomfield Family.) They had seven children and spent their lives on the farm just referred to. John (6) and all his ancestors, as far as known, were Presbyterians. He died in 1857. Mary ( Bloomfield ) Carman is remembered by her grandchildren as a very genial, energetic woman. She died in 1852 at the age of seventy-seven. The children were John Bloomfield (7), Abigail (7), Elizabeth (7), Jane (7), Mary Ann (7), Jarvis (7), and Timothy (7). 66 BRUSH— BOWERS Elizabeth (7), born Sept. 8, 1802, married John Rogers Brush (see Brush Family). She resembled her mother in features, having brown eyes and hair, and her father in height and form, being rather short. She was very domestic, quiet and industrious in her habits. A devoted Christian from childhood, she spent much time in later years in reading religious books and hymns. Her son, George W. (8) Brush, married Maria Annette Bowers. Their son, Herbert Bowers Brush, is ninth in descent. Efimmj&flu The Bloomfield Family THE family of Blofield was settled in Norfolk, Eng., at a very early period. Thomas Blo- field possessed lands in North Repps in that Co. which he sold before 1466." A "Robert Blofield was living at Hickling in 1479. Thomas B. of Suestead Hall of Beeston Priory, Nor- folk, was son of Thomas of South Repps." (Burke's Landed Gentry, Vol. I.) 68 BRUSH— BOWERS In an account of the Singleton family of Mendle- sham, Suffolk County, reference is made to "Joane ux Thomas Bloomfield of Mendlesham." (Harleian Soc, 32.) Rev. Francis Blomefield, rector of Fersfield, in Norfolk, was the author of "An Essay towards a Topo- graphical History of Norfolk, containing a description of Towns, villages and hamlets, foundations of monas- teries and churches, also an account of villages and likewise, an historical account of castles, seats and manors, their present and ancient owners." This was in eleven volumes, published at Fersneld in 173 1-1775, and re-published in London in 1805. Among the sub- scribers to this work was one Thomas Blofield, of Salhouse, Norwich, Norfolk. In the first volume the author gives many details concerning his own family, and traces his own descent back six generations from Henry ( 1 ) Blomefield, Gent., of Fersfield. He also refers to an early mem- ber of the family, "Sir Henry Broumflete alias Brome- feldt who lived in the time of King Henry VI and was one of those sent by him in 1433 to the Council of Basle, at which time he bore the same coat of arms as was used in 1603. He died without issue." Many of the family died at Fersfield and their tombs are in the parish church there. The epitaph of John Blomefield, fourth generation from Henry (1), says he was "sometime of Corpus Christi Coll. in Cambridge and afterward an inhabitant of this place where he lived a very charitable, humble, peaceful, de- vout, good son of the church and died Dec. 22, 1700." 69 GENEALOGY His son, Henry, was father of Francis (the author), who "was instituted (rector) at the presentation of Henry Blomefield, gent, (his father) patron of this turn." A picture and description of the coat of arms borne by this gentleman shows it to be substantially the same as that which has come down to us as a bookplate through the ancestors who settled at Woodbridge, New Jersey, excepting such changes and additions as had been caused by intermarriages with other families bear- ing arms. ( See cut at head of this article. ) The crest is nearly identical, while the motto, "Pro aris et focis" ("For our altars and our firesides") is the same. The heraldic blazoning of the Blomefield of Fers- field coat of arms, is as follows : "Sa on a chevron or, three broom br. vert budded gal : on a canton of the second a spear sab. embriled broken in the truncheon." Then follow the quarterings added from intermarriages with four different families. The crest is "a demi tiger az. mane and tail arg. holding in paws a sword broken in blade." Many changes in the spelling of the name are noticeable, Bromfield, or Broomfield, being apparently the most ancient. A book called "Kings Chapel Burial Ground, Boston, Mass.," by Bridgman, gives an obitu- ary notice from which the following extracts are taken, because the early family history of the subject is linked with that of the Norfolk Blomfields : "The Brom- fields were first heard of in Wales in the time of Fd- ward II. (i 307- 1 327), where they had extensive pos- sessions. Next in Derbyshire whence a younger son, 70 BRUSH— BOWERS William, removed to London and became Lieut, of Ordnance in the Tower under Queen Elizabeth ( 1558- 1603). He acquired by marriage, large estates in Nor- folk where, before this time, a branch of the family had been settled to whom Edward VI. in 1553 granted an augmentation of their coat armor. Sir Edward Brom- field was Mayor of London in 1635, some of whose descendants came to America. The family seat was Haywood House, near New Forest." The "augmentation of the coat armor" to William Bromefeyld was granted by the following document : "To all nobles and jentles — Thos. Hawley Claren- cieulx, Principall herauld and Kyng of arms of the South Easte and Weste partes of this Realme of Eng- lande sendeth dew and humble commendacion and gretyng. Equyty willeth and reason ordenith that men virtuous and of noble courage be for their merytes and good renown rewarded, not alone by their persons in this Mortall lyfe, so brief and transitory, but also after them those that shall be of their bodyes descended, to be in all places of honor with other renowned, accepted and taken by certvne enseigmes and demonstrancvs of honor and noblesse. And forasmuch as William Brome- feyld of South Rayngham in the Co. of Norfolk, gen- tillman, is descended of an anntyent house berying arms and hath in the Kyngs Majestys warres, both in Fraunce and Scotland, bled himself so valauntly and manfully that he is well worthy to have an augmenta- tion to his said amies ; yet nevertheless he, uncertyne under what sorte and maner his predecessors have their Creste and tynture, not willing to do any thing that 7i GENEALOGY should be precudiciall to any gentillman of name and amies, hath desyred me the said Clarencieulx. Kyng of armes to ordeyne, assigne and set forth to his saide amies a creste dew and lefull to be borne. And there- fore, the said Clarencieulx sying his request so juste, and reasonable, by the authorite and power annexed attributed, given and granted by the Kyng, our Sover- ayne Lord Highnes, to me and to my office of Claren- cieulx, Kyng of armes, by expresse wordes under his Majestys most noble greate seal, have ordered, assigned and set forth to his saide amies an augmentacion with a Creste dew and lawfull, to be borne, in maner here- after foloweth (that is to say:) Sable on a Chevron Silver, three braunches of brome vert budded golde, on a canton of the same a spere head asur. the poynte bluddy, in the socket a truncheon of the spere broken, on his healme, on a wreth silver and geules, a demy Tygre asur. the mayne and the Tayle flaxed silver, langued geules, tusked gold, holding in his pawes a sworde hilted and pomeled silver, porfled gold, the blade broken, mantled geules, dobled silver as more plainly apereth depicted in this margent. To have and to hold to him and his posteritie forevermore. Geven and granted at London the Xth of Januarye in the 7th yere of the reigne of our Souveraigne Lorde Edward the Syxth, by the grace of God Kyng of England, Fraunce and Ireland, defender of the faithe and of the Churche of England and Ireland, under Christ the supreme head." Again comparing this blazoning (or description) with the cut at the head of this article, the common origin is evident ; the slight changes being i BRUSH— BOWERS such as might be expected from the lapse of time and the descent from one generation to another. An old print of the bookplate, from which the coat of arms is here reproduced, is in the possession of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Jervis, of Ithaca, N. Y., both of whom are descendants from Jonathan Bloomfield, of Wood- bridge, N. J. The Heraldic Journal and Burke's Armoury give descriptions of other "arms" of other branches of the family, several of which are similar to those already described. The records show that there were some of the name both in Norfolk and Suffolk, adjoining counties in the eastern part of England, from which many Puritans came to America, among them, Thomas (i) Bloomfield, with his four sons, Thomas (2), John (2), Benjamin (2), and Ezekiel (2), and his daughter, Mary (2). They came from Woodbridge, Suffolk County, England. Thomas (1) had been a Major in the Army of Oliver Cromwell. He was probably in Newbury, Mass., before going to New Jersey. About 1 660- 1 665, in company with several asso- ciates, he took a lease of the then proprietors of New Jersey, the Duke of York and Lord Carteret, of a tract of land, comprising sixty-four square miles, lying in a compact form and including the present towns of Amboy and Woodbridge. This lease really was a transfer of the fee simple, a certain rent being re- served for the original proprietors, who, however, judging from the nature of the country and the con- 73 GENEALOGY venient harbor upon which the City of Amboy is now situated, and believing that it would become a seat of business and commerce, afterward, in consideration of a reconveyance of three square miles at this point, ex- ecuted a release of the rent, as to the remainder. By this means the company became possessed of sixty-one square miles, free from incumbrance and without the expenditure of any valuable consideration. The lands were divided among the associates, and they called the place of their settlement Woodbridge, after the town in England, from which several, or most of them came. Of the children of Thomas ( i ) Bloomfield, Ben- jamin (2) left no issue. Mary (2) was married to Jonathan Dunham. She was afterward shot by a slave, who was burned to death for the crime. She left two children, Thomas (3) and John (3). Ezekiel (2), born 1653, married Hope Randolph about 1680, and they had six children, Mary (3), Tim- othy (3), Jeremiah (3), Benjamin (3), Ezekiel (3), and Joseph (3), born 1695. Ezekiel (2) was a repre- sentative to the General Assembly in 1687 and died in 1702. Joseph (3) married "Unis Dunham 1721. She was a daughter of Jonathan and Easter (Rolph) Dunham and was born 1702. She is called a cousin in some records because she was daughter of the Jonathan Dunham whose first wife was Mary Bloomneld, who was shot by a slave." Joseph (3), and Eunice had three children, who grew to maturity. Moses (4), born 1729, Hannah (4), born 1724, and Jonathan (4), born 74 Governor Joseph Bloomfield, of New Jersey. GENEALOGY 1735. Joseph (3) died in 1782 and, according to the custom of those days, left the greater part of his estate to his eldest son, Moses (4), who had been "educated a physician and surgeon in the best manner, having finished his education in Edinboro." After his return he married Sarah Ogden, a daugh- ter of Moses Ogden, of Elizabethtown, N. J. They had six children. Dr. Moses (4) Bloomfield was, dur- ing the Revolutionary War, senior physician in a United States hospital ; a representative to the Provin- cial Congress, a Magistrate and an elder in the Presby- terian Church. He died in 1791. His son, General Joseph (5), who was a lawyer, was Governor of New Jersey from 1801-12 and in Congress from 181 7-182 1. "He was a Republican and an abolitionist. When Aaron Burr was under indictment for murder in New Jer- sey, Governor Bloomfield refused to interfere in his behalf, although he had been his personal friend." He was also a Brigadier General and Attorney General of New Jersey. (Hildreth's Hist, of U. S.) The town of Bloomfield was named for him. He married a Miss Mcllvaine. They left no children. Samuel (5), another son of Dr. Moses (4), stud- ied medicine with his father. He married a daugh- ter of Joseph Ellis, of Gloucester, N. J., and had three sons, who came to maturity. The youngest two entered the army during the last war with Great Britain. One was killed in a duel near Greenbush, N. Y., the other fell in the battle of Little York, in Upper Canada. The eldest, Joseph (6), was consul at Cadiz in Spain, and on his return married Miss Barberouz, the daughter 76 BRUSH— BOWERS of a French gentleman who fled from St. Domingo at the time of a revolution on that island. Of Jonathan (4), (the younger son of Joseph (3) and Eunice Bloomfield) and his family, his son, John Wood ( 5 ) , wrote the following account when seventy- nine years old, in 1844, which was published in the "Rome Daily Sentinel," June 2, 1887: 'Jonathan Bloomfield, my father, was born the 25th of Aug., 1735, and on the 12th of Jan., 1758, married Elizabeth Wood, daughter of John Wood, of Hunt- ington, L. I. (see Wood Family) by whom he had nine children, two sons and seven daughters, to wit : Jarvis, John Wood, Eunice, Betsey, Mary (died in 1773), Sarah (died 1780), both under ten years of age ; Martha, Phebe and Mary. My mother died the 22c\ of Aug., 1776, leaving eight children, the oldest about seventeen, the youngest a few days short of one year old." (This was Mary (5), who became the wife of John Carman, of Huntington, L. I.) "In October, 1776, the American Army retreated be- fore the British and encamped partly on my father's farm. He suffered but little damage from this, but the next day, he was "pressed" with his team to carry baggage to Trenton for the American army. My brother was sick and my father was obliged to go him- self. Two or three days after, the British Army en- camped on the same ground the Americans had occu- pied — and then destruction commenced. Every hoof was either purchased or driven off, the fences burned and the house plundered. They staid only one night and then moved forward. In about a week my father 77 GENEALOGY returned with his team and by secreting it, saved it. My brother continued some time very ill. On his re- covery he entered the American Army as a volunteer but was soon commissioned as an Ensign. "My father had no money to provide for his proper equipment and was obliged to sell one of his slaves, for this purpose. In Dec, 1776, the British army met with a check at Trenton and Princeton, which compelled them to fall back on Brunswick, and they finally con- centrated their forces at Arriboy. From this time for- aging parties of the British were out continually be- tween Amboy and Elizabethtown, and on the direct road between them lay my father's farm. These forag- ing parties and the militia were constantly skirmish- ing and several battles were fought around my father's house. At these times the children were put in the cellar. At one time, as the British fled out of the south door of the house, the militia entered it at the north side. This situation was trying to my father in the extreme. Not wealthy before these disasters, and now poor, yet something must be done to save himself and his family from utter destruction. "My Uncle Moses had entered the army as a surgeon ; he took his family with him when the army passed through Woodbridge. His son, Joseph, was also in the army, a captain, and was stationed at Fort Stan- wix in 1776 or 1777. My mother had a sister, who married William Cross, who lived at Basking Ridge ; also an aunt, a sister of her father, who had married a Mr. White. (At her home General Lee made his head- quarters at the time he was captured by a party of Brit- 78 o » 5 O v <^ JO vr 0\ o O M-, 3? p p pj p td a © 5' 2 crq 3 _ E±> g.£ ^ o p ^ > o CfQ ^ CO ° ►n ,-. 6 3 cr P CO — j ? GENEALOGY ish horse.) Thither my father went to seek shelter for himself and family, in which he succeeded, and returned and took his children and housekeeper and transported them over the mountains to Basking Ridge, where he rented a house. Here he remained until the spring of 1778, when he returned to his farm, the enemy having been driven out of New Jersey. His farm, however, was only three miles distant from the line dividing the two armies, and constantly subject to incursions of refugee parties from Staten Island. Here we re- mained, but in constant fear of being captured. Every night, we were under the necessity of removing our stock so as not to occupy the same place two nights in succession and lay in the open air with them. In the winter we had a place made under the hay-mow to lodge, but nothing special happened to us till the 5th of August, 1780, when my sister, Sarah, was taken very ill and my father thought best to send to the camp for my Uncle Moses to come and see her, if, perhaps, by his skill, he might relieve her. He came and notice was given (to the enemy) by one of our neighbors of our situation ; my father and slave and myself, all in the house, the surgeon of the army and the parson of the parish. Here was a fine chance for catching a number of rebels, and a party of the refugees em- braced it. They came first to my father's house, took him and his slave and were about to take me. but my step-mother told them to let that little boy alone. (They said afterwards, if they had known how big I was, they should have taken me.) From thence they went to the parson's, took him and his negro man ; then to my 80 1 BRUSH— BOWERS uncle, took him and a slave he had (who was a tory ) and thence to Daniel Moore, whom they took to cover him from suspicion of being the spy or informer, as he no doubt was. They then made the best of their way to Staten Island, from whence they let Moore and the doctor's man return. The rest were taken to Xew York and shut up in the sugar-house. My sister died the next day. My brother was immediately informed of this transaction and got leave of absence, came home, raised a company of volunteers, crossed over to Staten Island and surprised a British guard of twelve or fourteen men, took them without a gun being fired, with several of the principal tory inhabitants, and brought them off safe to Woodbridge. "The consequence was that my father, my uncle and the parson were exchanged within a fortnight. My father's negro man was told he might go free, but he replied that he would stay till he could go home with his master, which he did, not long after, being ex- changed for a British soldier. Nothing: further of con- sequence happened to us till the close of the war, ex- cept that in the winter of 1782 the refugees took a horse out of the stable within ten feet from where my father's negro man and myself were asleep in our secret lodging place, and we did not hear them. "This horse, however, my father recovered after the close of the war. "My brother, Jarvis, held the rank of lieutenant in the New Jersey line, but he was compelled by his straitened circumstances to withdraw, which he did in 1 78 1, and went on board a privateer commanded by 81 GENEALOGY one Captain Truxton. The vessel on her first expedi- tion afterward was captured and my brother thrown into the prison-ship at New York, where he remained till the summer of 1782, when he was exchanged, and came home worn out by sickness caused by his un- wholesome confinement. As soon as he recovered, he formed a company of volunteers and fitted out sev- eral large boats, with which he made trips from the mouth of Woodbridge Creek round Staten Island and cut out several merchant ships. After the war he en- gaged in lumber trade between New York and the coast of Virginia. In returning to New York with the sloop which he commanded in 1794 he was thrown overboard by a sudden turn of the boom as he came on deck ; being sick and closely bound up in his over- coat, before assistance could reach him he was drowned. A few years before his death he had married and he left one daughter, Anna, now Anna Bernhard of Con- stantia, New York. "Those of my sisters who arrived at maturity mar- ried, to wit : Eunice married Jonathan Bloomfield ; Betsey, Nathan Bloomfield ; Martha, Richard Marsh ; Phebe, Timothy Jervis ; Mary, John Carman. All these have or have left children, except Betsey. "After the close of the war, I continued with my father, assisting him on the farm till the fall of 1786, when, through the influence of Joseph Bloomfield, I went to Burlington and became interested in the manu- facture of iron. In 1789 I married Ann Ellis, widow of Joseph Ellis and daughter of Samuel Bullus. Two years later the business partnership, into which I had 82 BRUSH— BOWERS entered, being dissolved, it was found that we had lost a good deal, my own loss being about $1,500 to $2,000, for which I was in debt to my cousin, Joseph Bloom- field. My father was not able to assist me, nor was my father-in-law, although my wife had handsome ex- pectations, from an entailed estate, which were after- ward realized. In this situation I was at a loss what to do. My father proposed to give up his farm to me and leave me to pay small legacies to my sisters, but this I absolutely refused to do, telling him that I desired no more than my equal share of the estate and that I would not consent but that he should remain in the possession and enjoyment of it during his life. At this time I held a bond of his for $250, which I had advanced to him when he purchased additional land at the time he set off a part of his farm to my brother, and my father, knowing that I was largely indebted to Joseph Bloom- field, was greatly distressed for fear this bond should be transferred to him. To quiet my father's apprehen- sions, I threw the bond into the fire, in his presence. I continued in the business of manufacturing iron, alone, till the fall of 1792. The next winter I was en- gaged in arranging the business of my father-in-law, Mr. Bullus. "I came to the State of New York for the first time in 1793. Mr. Mcllvaine, of Burlington, had pur- chased a tract of land (1,600 acres) in the present town of Lee from Joseph Bloomfield, whose title was de- rived through one Giles from Matchin, the original patentee, and one of the conditions of the patent was, that a certain number of settlers should be settled upon 83 GENEALOGY the land within a limited time. This time had nearly expired, and to make arrangements for fulfilling the conditions of the patent, and to inquire into the situa- tion and value of the land, I came as Mr. Mcllvaine's agent. I set out on horseback from Burlington in the early part of April and travelled through Newark and Bergen upon the west side of the Hudson River to Tappan, from thence to Esopus, to Albany and Schen- ectady. Of this place the Dutch had at that time full possession, and I believe there was not a single English inhabitant. I went up the Mohawk on the south side. The flats were under full cultivation, but not yet di- vided by fences. Even the road was entirely open, di- rectly through fields of grass and grain. The cattle of the settlers were kept principally upon the hills back of the river. I crossed the Mohawk above Little Falls and continued on to Fort Schuyler, which was a few rods lower down the river than the site of the present R. R. depot at Utica. About where the depot now stands was the only house, with one exception, within the limits of the present city of Utica. There was al- ready a large clearing of about two hundred acres, but I was unable to get food either for myself or my horse, and was obliged to continue on, without stopping, to Whitestown. This was the principal settlement, the headquarters of civilization of the county of Oneida. Here was the office of the county clerk, kept by Mr. (afterward Judge) Piatt. Here the county courts were held, and here was the most western post-office in the State. The mail had been brought so far only two or three years and was at first carried by a footman, but 84 BRUSH— BOWERS it was then brought on horseback. Here Judge White had been established with his family since 1784. His son, Col. White (father of the present Judge White), kept a public house on the opposite side of the road, and with him I put up. There were already two stores here, in one of which George Huntington had been previously engaged as a clerk, but he, at this time, was making arrangements to set up for himself at Fort Stanwix, to which place he went this same spring. There were in all perhaps from six to twelve houses scattered along the road within half a mile of Judge White's. I staid a week at Whitestown to recruit and make inquiries. "My journey had been at the rate of about forty miles a day and was fatiguing to me, not much accus- tomed to this mode of travelling. Oneida County then stretched far to the west and north of its present limits, and the town of Whitestown was nearly, or quite, co- extensive with it. The Indian title had been extin- guished in 1786 as to all the lands in the county except the reservation at Brothertown for the use of the rem- nants of several tribes from Xew England and Xew Jersey, the reservation of half a mile upon each side of Fish Creek, from the lake to near the source of the creek, made to secure to the Indians the right of fishing in its waters without disturbance from, or disturbing the whites, and several small reservations about Oneida Lake. The tract known as Scriba's patent had been contracted for with the State by an individual named Roosevelt at the rate of seven cents an acre, and Georere Scriba, of New York City, in company with four or five others, had taken an assignment of his contract. 85 GENEALOGY "At Whitestown, I agreed with one Young, a sur- veyor, who resided there and had assisted in running out the lands about which I came to inquire, to go with me and point out their boundaries and assist me in ex- ploring with a view to making a purchase. We came together to Fort Stanwix, where there was one house, a tavern kept by John Barnard, who was a tenant of Dominic Lynch, for the carrying ground between the Mohawk and Wood Creek. The carrying business was brisk and the house was crowded constantly with boat- men and emigrants. In this house, occupying part of the bar-room and of the bar with his goods, George Huntington, then a young, unmarried man, that spring opened his first store. Young and myself went over Mr. Mcllvaine's land and explored the tract since known as the 6000 acre lot, lying between Mr. Mc- llvaine's and the Indian reservation on Fish Creek, and, finding the land very good, formed a company to pur- chase of George Scriba four thousand acres, with per- mission in the contract to extend it to six thousand, if we thought proper. The company consisted of Daniel C. White, John Young, myself and one other. The contract was made by White and myself, who became responsible for the purchase money. We received a joint deed and gave a joint mortgage. The price was twelve shillings, one quarter to be paid on receiving the deed, which we were to receive the following De- cember and which we received. The other partners were bankrupt and could not hold any property, but could find means to make the first payment. After further exploring we concluded to extend the purchase 86 BRUSH— BOWERS to six thousand acres. The additional two thousand was, however, divided between White, Young and myself, which gave us in all near 1700 acres each. After allotting the tract, White and myself released to each other the lots as divided between us. "After this I went down Wood Creek in one of the small boats used in conveying goods. In the same boat was a Frenchman, who, a year or two before, had made his escape from France, carrying along a nun whom he had stolen from a convent there. He had married her and for the purpose of security had taken up his abode upon an island in Oneida Lake, about three miles from the shore and from the site of the present village of Rotterdam. The island contained about thirty acres of land. He built a log hut upon it, and supported himself and his wife mainly by fishing. I recollect hearing of a laughable ad- venture of his. At a time when he was very much in need of provisions he espied a bear swimming in the lake. He put off his boat to secure the prize, and succeeded in throwing around the animal a rope which was fastened to the end of the boat. He was afraid to come near enough to despatch him, and dared not bring him to the shore ; so he paddled about in the lake till he thought the bear was drowned and then brought him to the land and drew him up on the bank. The bear was only partially strangled and gave a gasp which so frightened the Frenchman that he ran away. His wife, however, with more spirit, seized an axe and dispatched the animal. This man remained till about 1796, when the revolution in France had made it safe for him to 87 GENEALOGY return home. He loaded his hoat with his wife and chattels, and through Wood Creek, the Mohawk and the Hudson — all the way in his own boat, he came to New York, where Mrs. Scriba aided him with funds to reach France. "I staid a night at Rotterdam, where Mr. Scriba had made something of a settlement, though he himself yet resided in New York. From Rotterdam I went to the mouth of the lake and engaged a settler, an experienced woodsman, to go with me by water to the mouth of the Salmon River and across the woods back to the lake. We provided ourselves with three or four days' pro- visions and a pocket compass, and took boat with a party of refugee tories, who, unable to remain in peace in the States, were emigrating to Canada. With them we went down the river to Oswego and reached the mouth of the Salmon River just as the day closed. Here we camped for the night. In the morning the boatmen set myself and my companions upon the oppo- site shore and stood out across the lake for the Canada shore. We laid a course with our compass, as near as we could judge, for the mouth of Oneida Lake and- struck off through the woods. At night, we built a hut of boughs, made up a good fire in front of it, and, though annoyed by the hooting of the owls and dis- turbed sometimes by the wild animals whom we could hear crackling among the' bushes around us, we lodged safely and not unpleasantly. Soon after this I set out on my return to N. J. I had a letter of introduction to Judge Sanger, of New Hartford, and called at his house on my way, but did not find him at home, and 88 BRUSH— BOWERS continued on through the present town of Bridgewater down the Unadilla River to Carr's Place, an old settle- ment made hefore the (Revolutionary) war on the west side of the river near its junction with the Susque- hanna. Here I crossed and went to Cooperstown, where I spent a night with William Cooper, whom I had pre- viously known at Burlington, where he had lived before his removal to New York State. In the early part of the Revolutionary War Cooper was an oysterman and fishmonger at Burlington. He married a Miss Fenni- more, daughter of a small farmer who lived at the mouth of Rancocas Creek on the banks of the Dela- ware, and opened a store in Burlington, in the latter part of the war. He was an enterprising man and be- came agent, afterward, for the sale of lands in Xew York belonging to several owners in Burlington and Philadelphia. In the course of his business he secured a good deal of the best land to himself and gathered to- gether a very valuable estate. I think Cooper settled at the foot of Otsego Lake in 1788-9. When I vis- ited him there were perhaps half a dozen log houses there and Cooper himself lived in a frame house, the only one in the place, about where his son, Fennimore, now resides. From Cooperstown I went up the west side of the lake to the head of it, through what is now the town of Springfield, to Fort Plain, thence down the south side of the Mohawk to Schenectady and so on to Albany, where I crossed the river and reached the village of Hudson on the 4th of July. Here, tired of travelling on horseback, I shipped myself and my horse to New York and reached Burlington about the 10th of July, t 793." 89 GENEALOGY John Wood Bloomfield (5) settled in Annsville, which was named after his wife, in 1794, near the resi- dence of Dr. Beach, in what is now called Taberg. In 1804 he removed to Rome, where he bought a farm of forty acres, which included that part of the city now bounded by Washington, Bloomfield, Madison and Elm streets. The house which he lived in was removed to the corner of Elm street and Turin road. "He was a surveyor by occupation. At one time he had charge of the iron works at Constantia and was also interested in iron works at Taberg. He was a gentleman of the old school, a public-spirited citizen and a benevolent man. During four years he served as President of the village of Rome. When the first church was built he headed the subscription list with a liberal amount. He died in 1849, an ^ was buried in the New Cemetery. By his will he gave more than one-half his estate to benevolent purposes." ("Rome Sentinel.") His sister, Phebe, who married Timothy Jervis, was the mother of the Hon. John Bloomfield (6) Jervis, the eminent civil engineer. He was superintendent of the building of the Erie and other canals and designed many im- portant works, such as the Croton Aqueduct and the High Bridge over the Harlem River. He was also consulting engineer to supply Boston with water. The town of Port Jervis was named for him. He was au- thor of a book on "Railway Property," and of another on "Capital and Labor." After the death of his wife, their home, on the site of the home of John Wood Bloomfield, was given to the City of Rome, together with his private library, for a public library. "He lived 90 BRUSH— BOWERS a life of industry, economy and Christian rectitude," and died at Rome in 1885. Jonathan (4) Bloomfield, father of John Wood (5) and Mary (5) Bloomfield, was a minute man in the New Jersey militia, as certified by the Adjutant Gen- eral of the State in 1895. After the War of the Revolution was over he was elder in the church and school commissioner. (See Daily's "Hist, of Woodbridge, X. J.") He died in 1 810 and his tombstone is in the cemetery at Wood- bridge. There is also a stone in memory of his little daughter Sarah, who died the day after her father and Uncle Moses were taken prisoners by the British, as told in the foregoing narrative by John Wood (5) Bloomfield. Mary (5), born 1775, married in 1797 John Car- man, of "Half Hollow Hills," town of Huntington, L. I. (See Carman Family.) Their daughter, Elizabeth (6), married Jan. 22, 1823, John Rog- ers Brush, of West Hills, town of Huntington. L. I. (See Brush Family.) Their son, George Washington (7) Brush, married M. Annette Bowers. (See Bowers Family.) Their son, Herbert Bowers Brush, is eighth in descent. \ f v The Bowers Family GEORGE BOWER, or Bowers, the first of the name in this country, is mentioned as being in Scituate, Mass., in 1637, m Plymouth soon after, and at Cambridge in 1639, where he lived on the east side of North Avenue, near the railroad bridge. He and his first wife, Barbara, were born in England, and probably several of their children also. (According to "Burke's Armoury" the Bower family had ten coats of arms and Bowers three.) One son, Benanuel (2), who was of Charlestown, is said to have "suffered much as a Quaker," as did his son, George. Benanuel (2) married Elizabeth Duns- ter 1653. She is called "cousin" of Henry Dunster, the first President of Harvard College. He was son of Henry of Balehoult, a seat in Bury, Lancashire, Eng- land. He graduated from Magdalen College, Cam- bridge, England, took degrees in 1630 and 1634, came to Cambridge, Mass., 1640, where he was a "freeman" in 1 64 1. Soon after coming he was made President of Harvard. His will mentions two sons and "daugh- ter Elizabeth," who may have been the one who mar- ried Benanuel Bowers. Another son of George (1) was the Rev. John Bower, of Derby and Guilford, Conn., who was graduated from Harvard in 1649 and taught school in Plymouth in 1650. (See Hist, of Rev. 92 o in <-t- a> 0. hi r^ td |~* ' o •-t- 3 CD &J ■-t O CO o CD y CD GENEALOGY John Bower by C. C. Baldwin, a reprint from W. C. Sharpe's Hist, of Seymour, Conn.) Barbara, wife of George Bower (i), died in 1644, and he then married Elizabeth Worthin^ton and "had "Jerathmael (2), born May 2, 1650, probably in Chelmsford, Mass. There were also two daughters, Patience and Silence." George (1) died 1656, leav- ing "Jerathmael to inherit with his mother the old homestead at Cambridge." Jerathmael (2) is referred to in the records as a "prominent inhabitant" and a representative to the General Court or Legislature. He married Elizabeth , and is recorded at Chelmsford as one of the proprietors of a tract of five hundred acres of land bought from a Major Henchman in 1686. Samuel (3) was married to Esther Satley in 1709 (Charlestown Genealogies). Their son, Jeramael (4), was born in Groton, Mass. "Jera- mael filius Samuel and Esther Bowers, baptized Aug. 18, 1717." (Groton Records.) Jeramael (4) married Eunice, daughter of Benjamin and Anna Bennett, Feb. 9, 1748, "both of Groton." Their son, John (5), was born Sept. 2, 1757, probably at Gro- ton, Mass. He was a soldier in the War of the Revolu- tion, having enlisted in Col. Asa Whitcomb's regiment in 1775, from Leominster, Mass., according to certifi- cate from the office of the Secretarv of State of Massa- chusetts, in 1895. He married Elizabeth Boutelle, of Leominster. Dec. 11, 1784. (See Boutelle Family.) 94 BRUSH— BOWERS "After serving with honor he returned and emi- grated to the wilds of New Hampshire, and purchased land in the northern part of Hancock, in 1780. (In 1895 this property was owned by his grandson, Sam- uel.) "Having cleared his land and built a cabin he brought his young wife from Massachusetts." They were anion? the seventeen original members of the first church. (See History of Hancock, N. H.) They had six children, John (6), Relief (6), Mary (6), James (6), Luke (6), and Mark (6). John (5) died Aug. 10, 1808, and his wife March 12, 1845. Both were buried at Hancock. His gravestone is a large slate slab with the con- ventional willows at the top, and this inscription be- low : "Death, thou hast conquered me — I, by thee, am slain, But Christ has conquered thee, And I shall rise again." John (6) Bowers, son of John and Elizabeth, was born Feb. 27, 1786, and was married March 1, 1809, to Ursula Brooks, by the Rev. Reed Page, at Hancock. (See Brooks Family.) He was a farmer in a region where rocks abound, and only industry and frugality could have enabled him to bring up his family of thirteen children. Their names were Elizabeth (7), John (7), Abigail (7), William (7), Ursula Ann (7), Mary J. (7), George (7), Isaac Walter (7), James (7), Charles (7), Lorin (7), Sanford (7), and Charlotte 95 GENEALOGY (7). John (6) died Oct. 2, 1840, his wife, Ursula, Oct. 10, 1856. Their graves are in Oakwood Ceme- tery, at Troy, N. Y. Their son, Isaac Walter (7), was born May 3, 182 1, and married June 19, 1843, Adeliza Tirzah Baldwin, of Hoosick Falls, N. Y. (See Baldwin Family.) He was exceedingly fond of study all his life, and when actively engaged in business he frequently studied far into the night, and when, in later life, he retired from his profession of dentistry, he spent most of his time in the study of evolution and astronomy, the comput- ing of eclipses and similar work. One daughter, Alice Adeliza (8), was born at Hoosick Falls, Dec. 8, 1845. The only other child, Maria Annette (8), was born at Troy, Jan. 21, 1850. In 1859 the family moved to Brooklyn, where, some years later, on account of some annoying experiences with his name, Isaac, he had it legally changed to Henry, retaining the middle name of Walter. He died at Saratoga Springs, March 9, 1 89 1. Adeliza Tirzah, his wife, died in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 9, 1900. Their graves are in the Rural Ceme- tery at Huntington, L. I. Their daughter, Alice Adeliza (8), was married March 30, 1865, to Capt. George W. Brush, of the 34th U. S. C. T., by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. She was lost at sea Oct. 22, 1865. (See Brush Family.) Maria Annette (8), second daughter of Isaac (Henry) W. (7) and Adeliza T. Bowers, was mar- ried to George W. Brush Jan. 21, 1868, by the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. Their son, Herbert Bowers Brush, was born Feb. 12, 1873, and is ninth in descent. 96 Mrs. Adeliza T. Bowers and her two daughters, Alice A. and M. Annette. 1855. -> The Brooks Family HINMAN, in his "Early Settlers of Connecti- cut," says that Brooks and Brookes were names of Scotch families, and had but one coat of arms, while Brook and Brooke were of England and had many. The Brookes arms are described thus : "Sa, 3 escallops or, Crest, a beaver pass. Motto, Per- severando." Henry (i) Brookes, of Concord and Woburn, Mass., the first of the line in this country, appears on the tax list of the latter town in 1649. Woburn, which was one of the earliest settlements, was first called Charlestown village. (See Woburn Historic Sites.) Henry (1) married Susanna, widow of Ezekiel Rich- ardson, who died in 1681. In 1682 he married Annis Jaquith. In his will he mentions his wife, Annis, sons John (2) and Isaac (2), and daughter Sarah (2), wife of John Mousall. He died in 1683. His son, John (2), married in 1649, Eunice Mousall (sister of John Mousall, the husband of his sister, Sarah). The father of these two, Deacon John Mousall, was an original grantee of the town, one of the first seven members of the first church, and selectman for twenty- one successive years. In his will he mentions "my two sons," referring to his own son and his son-in- law, John Brooks. He left considerable property for 98 BRUSH— BOWERS. those times. "Hopewell House" was owned in com- mon by John Brooks and John Mousall, in 1673. In 1676 John (2) took part in King Philip's war, and in 1684 his wife, Eunice, died. Shortly after he mar- ried Mary, widow of Theophilus Richardson, who was son of Ezekiel and Susanna Richardson, who, there- fore, was already the mother-in-law of Mary. John (2) volunteered and went with the Phipps' Expedition to Quebec, Canada, in 1690. (See Mass. Archives, vol. 36, pp. 346-7.) His death in 1691 was probably hastened by the exposures incident to this campaign, as he must have been over sixty years old at the time. His widow died in 1704. John (3), son of John (2) and Eunice, was born 1664, and died 1733. His son, Nathan (4), was born 1706, and married, 1726, Sarah, daughter of Jonathan and Hannah (Fowle) Wyman, of Woburn. Sarah died 1747. Nathan, in 1 75 1. Their son, William (5), was born in Woburn 1737, and 1757 married Abigail, daughter of Zerubbabel and Abigail Kemp. They removed to Hollis, N. H., where their son, William (6), was born, 1760. He married first Deborah, daughter of Robert Parker, of Groton, Mass., 1782, who died 1824. He afterward married Hepsibah, daughter of William and Sarah Draper, of Francetown, N. H. William (6) Brooks was an officer in the Revolu- 9 tionary army, and according to a certificate of service from the office of the Adjutant General of the State, he 99 GENEALOGY enlisted Aug. 6, 1778, as ensign of Capt. Emerson's Company, Col. Moses Nichols' Regiment, for the ex- pedition in Rhode Island. The soldiers of the army of that time do not seem to have enlisted for any defi- nite time, but for a specific service. Also, on Sept. 1, 1778, he was enrolled as Sergeant of Capt. Nathaniel Chapman's Company, Col. Flower's Regiment of Ar- tillery and Artificers. Discharged March 18, 1780. Again "the returns of the 5th Reg't of Militia of the state of N. H. for three months" shows "Lieut. Will- iam Brooks of Hollis" to have marched Sept. 23, 1781. He was called "Major Brooks," but the above is the record of active service. The title of Major may have been by brevet. After the war he was farmer and blacksmith, besides representing the town of Hancock, N. H., to which he had removed in 1786, for ten years, in the "General Court" or Legislature, from 1798 to 1808, excepting the year 1802. (See History of Han- cock, N. H.) He died in 1843 m Greenfield, N. H. His grave is at Hancock. His third child, Ursula (7), was born in 1788. The old house is still standing in which she was born, and the present owner is Mrs. Caroline L. Chase. It has been recently altered and repaired. Members of the Bowers family living at Hancock relate that members of the previous generation told of the generous hospitality of the Brooks family and of the merry times enjoyed at their home when Ursula (7) and her brothers and sisters were young, especially mentioning the courtesies ex- tended to the students attending the excellent school there. A small portrait of Ursula (7) Brooks, taken 700 BRUSH— BOWERS. in her later life, is in the possession of the writer. She married John Bowers March i, 1809. (See Bowers Family.) Their son, Isaac Walter (8) Bowers, married Adeliza T. Baldwin, June 19, 1843. Their daughter, Maria Annette (9) married George W. Brush. Their son, Herbert Bowers Brush, is tenth in descent. Mr. Z. W. Brooks, of Hancock, N. H., and Mr. William R. Cutter, Librarian of Woburn (Mass.) Li- brary, both descendants from Henry Brooks, of Wo- burn, have kindly contributed items for this sketch. The Boutelle Family THE family is of ancient Norman descent, went to England with the Conqueror, and came from England to this country in the very early days. The name was originally De Boutville, and so appears on the Battle Abbey Roll. Before the 14th Century it was changed to Boutelle, or Boutwell. (American Ancestry.) The records of this line are quite complete, and doubtless many particulars could be learned, as a large collection, described as "a trunk full of papers/' which belonged to Mr. John A. Boutelle, late of Woburn, Mass., are now the property of the "New England His- torical and Genealogical Society," of Boston. Two brothers, James and John, settled in Massachusetts about 1636. John removed to the New Haven Colony the same year. James (i) Boutelle was a farmer of Salem and Lynn, Mass. He is said to have "owned rights in Westfield towards Cambridge in 1638." He made his will in 1 65 1, mentioning his wife, Alice, sons James (2) and John (2), and a daughter, Sara (2). He also had a son, Samuel (2). James (2) Boutelle was born in 1642, and mar- ried at Reading, Mass., Rebecca, daughter of "Deacon" Thomas and Rebecca Kendall. She was born Feb. 10, 102 o r-t- a> p CD w o n> P rt- p o o o w p o CO CO GENEALOGY 1645, an d died 1713. Her husband, James (2), died 1716. Their son, James (3), was born at Reading, April 6, 1666, and married Jan. 20, 1690, Elizabeth Frothingham, born Feb. 15, 1673. She was daughter of Samuel and Ruth (George) Frothingham, who were married in 1668. Samuel was son of William Frothingham, of Yorkshire (Holderness) England, who came with Winthrop's fleet in 1630. He was in Charlestown in 1632, married Anna , who was born 1607, an d died 1674. William died 165 1. James (3) died Jan. 18, 1713. His grave is at Reading. His widow, Eliza- beth, married Benj. Swayne. James (4) was born at Reading, Dec. 25, 1690, married Judith Poole Feb. 7, 1723. They lived in Sud- bury and Framingham. He owned "rights" in New Framingham and in Leominster, Mass., where he was one of the first settlers. His gravestone and that of his wife at Leominster are inscribed as follows : "In memory of Dea. James Boutell who died Aug. 22, 1752, in the 53d year of his age" and "Memento Mori — erected in memory of the widow Judith Boutell who departed this life May 28th, 1791, in the 91st year of her age. As you are now, so once was I, As I am now, so you must be, Prepare thyself to follow me." Stop, passenger as you go by James (5), their son, was born in Sudbury, April 9, 1726, and April 16, 1752, married Elizabeth Smith. 104 BRUSH— BOWERS He died Oct. n, 1791. Their graves are also at Leominster, where Elizabeth (6), their daughter, was born March 12, 1759. A "sampler" embroidered by her contained the letters of the alphabet and her initials, and is now in the possession of the writer, her great-grand- daughter. William (6), a brother of Elizabeth, served in the Revolutionary War under General Stark, at the Battle of Bennington, Aug. 16, 1777. The name James has been continued, a tenth James Boutelle being now living. The family is said to be characterized by "marked ability with a disposi- tion to investigate each for hmself, rather than to ac- cept the conclusions of others." Elizabeth (6) mar- ried John Bowers Dec. 11, 1784. (See Bowers Family.) One Henry Boutelle, of Cambridge, married Eliza- beth, widow of George Bower, or Bowers, in 1657. This was evidently Elizabeth Worthington, the sec- ond wife of the first of the name of Bowers in this country, the mother of Jerathmael, who was born 1650. This shows that the names and families of Bowers and Boutelle were joined more than a century before John Bowers and Elizabeth (6) Boutelle were married in 1784. Their son, John (7) Bowers, mar- ried Ursula Brooks, (See .Brooks Family.) Their son, Isaac Walter (8) Bowers, married Adeliza T. Baldwin. (See Baldwin Family.) Their daughter, Maria Annette (9) Bowers, married George W. Brush. (See Brush Family.) Their son, Herbert Bowers Brush, is tenth in descent. 105 The Baldwin Family THE name, in one form or another, is found in many European languages, in the German, Scandinavian and Italian. "Bald" means bold or quick, and "win" signifies victor. The family was in England as early as 672, and was noted in history. In the famous Roll of Battle Abbey one of the name is mentioned as contemporaneous with Alfred the Great, whose son, Baldwin the second, married Elstruth, daughter of Alfred. Baldwin the fifth mar- ried a daughter of Robert of France, whose daughter married William the Conqueror. Sir John Baldwin, of Buckinghamshire, was Chief Justice of Common Pleas from 1 536-1 546. His home was at Aylesbury. He and one Richard Baldwin were the ancestors of most of the name in America.* Rich- ard, of Donrigge, Parish Aston, Clinton, Bucking- hamshire, yeoman, left a large property in 1553. Rich- ard, of Cholesbury, his son (or grandson), died in 1633, and his three sons emigrated to New England and appeared in the list of "free planters" at Milford, Conn., in 1639. He is described as "an educated, lead- ing man." : The family arms consist of a shield with three pairs of hazel or oak leaves arranged upon it, with a golden squirrel above. The mottoes were "Je n'oublerai pas" and "Est Voluntas Dei." IOG BRUSH— BOWERS. Some of the family remained at Milford and other towns in Connecticut, and others went to Massachu- setts. The preceding account is mainly derived from the full and very interesting ''History of the Baldwin Family," in two volumes, by the late Judge C. C. Bald- win, of Cleveland, Ohio, who visited Dundridge in Bucks, England, in 1870. He says "there have al- ways been many lawyers in the family." It is probable that the ancestors of Levi Baldwin went to Massachusetts, perhaps to Billerica, where one of the founders in this country settled, and from here went to Dorset, Vermont. The Christian names of this Dorset branch of the family are largely identical with those in use in the Dummerston and Jamaica families. The description of a Benjamin Baldwin, of Dorset, recalls the "Uncle Ben," of Chester, Ver- mont, of later days. "He had a powerful physique, was warm-hearted and generous, fond of good stories," etc. The earliest ancestor of whom family records are obtainable lived in Dummerston, Vt, of which it is said, in Thompson's "History of Vermont," that "it was one of the first towns settled in the State, but there is no account of its early history." This seems to have been the case in many towns in Vermont and New Hampshire, in contrast with the early settlements in Connecticut and Massachusetts, where, especially in the latter State, the town records were kept in such an accurate manner that excellent town histories have been published, in recent years, largely from facts gleaned from these records. The name of Dummers- 107 GENEALOGY ton was from that of a man named Dummer, who was prominent in the local history. John (i) Baldwin appears on the tax list of 1801. He married Mary, daughter of Benjamin and Obedi- ence Jones, of Dummerston. They, John and Mary Baldwin, had nine children, namely, Levi (2), Obedience (2) or "Beda/' John (2), Benjamin (2), Asa (2), Polly (2), Relief (2), Elmena (2), and Sarah (2). Levi (2), the first child, was born in 1773 and married Bathsheba, daughter of Ebenezer Fisher, of Brattleboro, Vt., whose grave is at Brattleboro. They lived many years in Jamaica, Vt., where their children were born. Levi (2) died May 8, 1S40, and his wife, Bathsheba, Jan. 22, 1857. Levi (3), born March 2, 1796, married Dec. 2, 1819, Tirzah, daughter of John and Chloe Wellman. (See Wellman Family.) Levi (3) and Tirzah Baldwin had six children, Angeline (4), born 1820; Elkanah (4), 1822; Minerva (4), 1825; Adeliza Tirzah (4), 1823; Sarah (4), 1827, and Nelson W. (4), 1830, all born at Jamaica, Vt., where Levi (3) was a farmer, as was his father before him. After some years spent in Hoosick Falls. N. Y., several of their children having settled in Troy they went there also and there Tirzah died, April 18, 1856. Elkanah (4) and Minerva (4) went to Califor- nia soon after, and the father went with them. He died there, Aug. 30, 1865. His grave, with monument, is at Franklin, Sacramento County. His daughter, Adeliza Tirzah (4), born Feb. 23, 1823, married 108 BRUSH— BOWERS Isaac Walter Bowers, at Hoosick Falls, June 19, 1843. (See Bowers Family.) Their daughter, Maria Annette (5), married George W. Brush. Their son, Herbert Bowers Brush, is sixth in descent. The Wellman Family THE family came from England, and the Rev. Dr. Joshua W. Wellman is at the time of the publication of this sketch in correspondence with Mr. Samuel Welman, of Overton, Godalming, England, who has furnished some valuable records and information respecting the English ancestors. Dr. Wellman is a retired Congregational minister, for many years settled at Maiden, Mass. He has pub- lished several books and is collecting material for a family genealogy which he hopes soon to complete and publish. A small volume of Wellman genealogy, writ- ten by Rev. James Wellman, was printed at Salem, Mass., in 1867. Thomas (i) Wellman came from London in the "Hopewell," February, 1634, when he was twenty- one years old. (Hotton's Lists of Emigrants to America, 1600- 1700.) Lie was in Lynn, Mass., 1640, and died 1672. His son, Abraham (2), married Elizabeth Cogswell. They were "of Lynnfield." Their eldest son, Thomas (3), was born 1669. He had four sons, David (4), Joseph (4), Samuel (4) and Benjamin (4), who moved from Lynnfield to Norton, Mass. Samuel (4) married Hannah Hall, Jan. 9, 1730, Rev. Joseph Avery officiating. Their son, no Reuben (5), was born in Mansfield, "formerly North Precinct in Norton," the same year. Jan. 16, 1752, he married Alary Grover. They had eleven children. With this family and a group of relatives and friends they moved to Packersville (now Nelson), N. H. They were among the first settlers of the town and helped to organize the first church in that place. Reuben (5) Wellman was its first deacon. Among those who went to Packersville with them were James and Sarah (Wellman) Grover and George and Mary (Wellman) Brintnall. After living there a few years they all left the place, James Grover and his family going to Bethel, Maine; Reuben (5) Wellman and and family to Jamaica, Vt., where Reuben (5) and his wife died. Their son, John Wellman (6) was born Sept. 30, 1755. He was a soldier of the Revolution, having been a member of the Sixth Regiment of Vermont in 1780, and in 1 78 1 he was in Capt. George Sexton's Company of Volunteers, belonging to Col. Ebenezer Walbridge's Regiment, from Aug. 12 to Nov. 20, as certified by the Adjutant General of Vermont, in 1895. ( )n April 26, 1784, he married Chloe, daughter of Elkanah and Mehitabel Wellman. They had twelve children. Charles (7), 1785; John (7), 1786; Sally (7), 1788; Elkanah (7), 1790; Anna (7), 1792; Tirzah (7), 1796: Seba (7), 1797: Asa (7), 1799; Loany (7), 1800; Reu- ben (7), 1803; Abigail (7), and Nelson (7), 1807. Their daughter, Tirzah (7), born Jan. 13, 1796, married Levi Baldwin, Dec. 2, T819. (See Baldwin Family.) A small in GENEALOGY portrait in oil colors of Tirzah Wellman is in the possession of the writer, her granddaughter. The descent of Chloe Wellman was as follows : Thomas (i) Wellman, who came in the "Hope- well" in 1634, and who was of Lynn, in 1640. His son, Isaac (2), married Hannah Adams. Their son, Ebenezer (3) married Sarah Hull. Their son, Elkanah (4), married Mehitabel Bancroft. (See Bancroft Family.) Their daughter, Chloe (5), married John Wellman. Their daugh- ter, Tirzah (6), married Levi Baldwin. Their daugh- ter, Adeliza Tirzah Baldwin, was seventh in descent in the line of her grandmother, Chloe (5"), and eighth in line of her grandfather, John (6) Wellman. She married Isaac Walter Bowers. Their daughter, Maria Annette (9) Bowers, married George W. Brush. Their son, Herbert Bowers Brush, is tenth in descent. 112 The Bancroft Family JOHN (i), of Lynn, probably came with his wife, Jane, in the "James," from London, in 1632. In the list dated April, 1632, of ''men and women who are to pass to New England to be resident upon a plantacon and have tendered their oath of allegiance and supremacie," are the names of John and Jane Barcrofte (see Hotton's Lists). In London, in 1602, the family had two coats of arms. John (1) died about 1637, leaving a widow and sons, John (2) and Thomas (2). Thomas (2) Bancroft was probably born in Eng- land. He was called Lieut. Bancroft. He married, at Dedham, Mass., Elizabeth, daughter of Michael Met- calf. He was freeman 1678 and died 1705, his widow, 1 71 1. Llis son, Thomas (3), married Sarah, daughter of Jonathan Poole. He was called "Deacon." He died 1718. His son, Capt. Samuel (4), in 1713 married Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Alary Nichols. Sarah died 1733. Their son, Nathaniel (5), born 1720, married Mehitabel . (Samuel (5), a brother of Nathaniel, was grandfather of George (7) Bancroft, the historian and diplomat. After graduating at Cambridge, George (7) Bancroft ti3 GENEALOGY studied and traveled extensively in Europe. In 1845 he was Secretary of the Navy, from 1846- 1849 ne was Minister to Great Britain, and in 1867 Minister to Prussia. Mehitabel (6) Bancroft, daughter of Nathaniel and Mehitabel, was born at Sherborne, Mass., Sept. 10, 1745, and married Elkanah Wellman. She died at Jamaica, Vt. Their daughter, Chloe (7) Wellman, married John Wellman. (See Wellman Family.) Their daughter, Tirzah (8), married Levi Baldwin. (See Baldwin Family.) Their daughter, Adeliza Tirzah (9) Baldwin, married Isaac Wal- ter Bowers. Their daughter, Maria Annette (10) Bowers, married George W. Brush. Their son, Herbert Bowers Brush, is eleventh in descent. Index of Persons Referred to other than Subjects of Sketches Page Adams, Hannah 112 Ainsworth, Col. F. C 30 Anne, Queen 58 Asquith, Annis 98 Avery, Rev. Joseph no Barbarouz, Miss 76 Barker, Mrs. Joseph 23 Barnard, John 86 Beach, Dr 90 Bennett, Anna 94 Bennett, Benjamin 94 Bennett, Eunice 94 Bergen's "Early Settlers". 51 Bernhard, Anna 82 Beecher, Henry Ward... 33,96 Booth 9 Breeze, Rear-Admiral . . . . 55 Breeze, Sarah 55 Bridgman's "King's Chap- el" 70 Brinckerhoff, Abraham Joris 52 Brinckerhoff,Theo.Van W. 54 Brinckerhoff, Joris Dirck. 52 Brinckerhoff, Margretia. . 52 Brintnall, George in Brintnall, Mary 1 1 1 Bullus, Samuel 82 Burr, Aaron 76 Burke's "Armoury" 68, 73, 92 Carteret, Lord 73 Chapman, Capt. Nathaniel. 100 Chase, Caroline L 100 Chickinoc 9 Clinton, Gov. De Witt... 21 Clinton, Colonial - Gov. George 64 115 Page Cogswell, Elizabeth no Cooper, William 89 Cooper, Fennimore 89 Concklyne, John 9 Coukling, Elizabeth 14 Conkling, Phebe 17 Comegyns 7 Cortelyou, Simon 59 Cromwell, Oliver 73 Cross, William 78 Cummings, M. E 7 Cutter, W. R 101 Daily's Hist, of Wood- bridge, N. J 91 De Lancey, Lieut. -Gov. . . 16 Denton, Rev. Richard... 64 Draper, Hepsibah 99 Draper, Sarah 99 Draper, William 99 Dubbles, Susanna 52 Dunham, Easter 74 Dunham, Jonathan 74 Dunham, Unis 74 Dunster, Elizabeth 92 Dunster, President 92 Edward VI. of England. . 71, 72 Eldert, Rachel 59 Eliot, Indian Apostle.... 63 Elizabeth, Queen 71 Ellis, Ann 82 Ellis, Joseph 76, 82 Emerson, Capt 100 Fennimore, Miss 89 Fisher, Bathsheba 108 Fisher, Ebenezer 108 Fleat, Pheby 14 INDEX Page Flower, Col ioo Floyd, Col 15 Fordham, Florence 63 Fordham, John 63 Fordham, Rev. Robert . . 64 Fordham, Philip . , 64 Frothingham, Elizabeth. . 104 Frothingham, Ruth 104 Frothingham, Samuel.... 104 Frothingham, William... 104 Gervaise 48 Giles 83 Grover, James 111 Grover, Mary 1 1 1 Grover, Sarah 111 Hager, Frances 25 Hall, Hannah no Hamilton, Alexander 64 Hapwood, Anne 66 Hays, Alice May 38 Hays, Alice (Butler) 38 Hays, Hiram W 38 Hawley, Thos 71 Henchman, Major 94 Hendrickson, John 18 Hewlett (place) 60 Hewlett, Hannah 59 Plicks, family 52 Hobart, Rev. Peter 10 Hildreth's Hist, of U. S. 76 Hobart, Rev. Jeremiah.. 10,38 Hobart, Bishop J. H 10 Hottoirs, Lists of Emi- grants, etc 16, no, 113 Howell's Hist, of South- ampton, L. 1 43 Hugins, Martha 13, 48 Hull, Gen 39 Hull, Sarah 112 Huntington, George 85 Ingersoll, Dorothy 16 Ingersoll, Hannah 16 Ingersoll, John 16 Ireland, Joseph 14 Ireland, Margaret 40 Jaquith, Annis Jarvis, Jane (Powell) .... Jarvis, j ohn Jarvis, Mary J Jarvis, Phebe 45, Jarvis, Capt. Thomas. . . . Jennings, Elizabeth Jennings, Hezekiah Jervis, Mr. & Mrs. B. F. Jervis, Hon. John B Jervis, Timothy Johnson, Alice Dean Johnson, Edward A Johnson, Henry M Johnson, Louise C Jones, Benjamin Jones, Mary Tones, Obedience Keeler, Sarah Kelsey, Daniel Kelsey, Hannah .... Kelsey, Mary Kelsey, Stephen Kemp, Abigail Kemp, Zerubabel. . . Kendall, Rebecca... Kendall, Thomas. . . Ketcbam, Sarah. . . . Ketcham, Stisannah , Lambert's Hist, of N. H. Lamont, Hon. D. S. . . . Lee, Gen Lewis, Jemima Lewis, Jonathan Lewis, Sybel Livingston, Robert R. . . Lord, Dorothy Lord, Thomas Lynch, Dominic Mapes, Thomas. Marple, Gen. W. Marsh, Richard. Matchin Mcllvaine, Mr. . Mcllvaine, Miss. W. Page 98 26 26 26 48, 90 16 25 9 73 90 82, 90 24 24, 79 24 24 108 108 108 40 16 16 16 16 99 99 102 102 45 17 8 28 73 45 45 45 64 16 16 86 9 28, 29 82 83 83, 84 76 Il6 INDEX Mead, Daniel, Hist, of Greenwich, Conn Metcalf. Elizabeth Metcalf, Michael Miller, Amy J Miller, Henry Miller, Teresa Moore, Daniel Moore, Rev. John Moore, Maria Moore, Rev. Dr. H. H. . . Morrell Montgomery, Col. J Mousall, Deacon John... Mousall, Eunice Mousall, John Newcomb, Alethea Newcomb, Ellen Newcomb, Rev. Harvey. Nichols, Col. Moses.... Nichols, Mary Nichols, Samuel Nichols, Sarah Noble, Col Oakley, Israel Oakley, Mary Oakley, Thomas Oakley, Timothy Oakley, Zophar B Ogden, Moses Ogden, Sarah Onderdonk's Hist. Ja- maica, L. I., Church. Page, Rev. Reed Panemaquand, Charles. . . Parker, Deborah Parker, Robert Phillips Phipps' (Expedition) .... Place, Edwin Burr Piatt, Elizabeth Piatt. Epenetus Piatt, Isaac Piatt. Jesse Piatt, Judge 117 Page 39 113 113 24 24 24 81 64 65 28 54 28 98 98 98 25 25 25 100 "3 "3 113 32 15 18 14 17 18 76 7 6 56 95 10 99 99 39 99 26 12, 55 12, 55 12, 55 14 84 Page Piatt, Mary 14 Piatt, Richard 12 Piatt, Obadiah 49 Piatt, Zephaniah 55 Polhemus, Anna 52 Polhemus, John 59 Polhemus, Rev. Theo. J.. 51 Poole, Jonathan 113 Poole, Judith 114 Poole, Sarah 113 Prevoost, Catharina 55 Price, Frank E 25 Price, Thomas 25 Randolph, Hope 74 Randolph, Ex-Gov. T. F. . 63 Reed, Hannah (Burr) ... 23 Reed, Hannah Maria.... 23 Reed, Thomas P 23 Richardson, Ezekiel 9 8 , 99 Richardson, Mary 98 Richardson, Susannah... 98, 99 Richardson, Theophilus.. 99 Robbins, Martha 59 Rolph, Jarvis 49 Rooseveldt Rumford, Count I2 Sanger, Judge Satley, Esther 94 Sammis, Susanna 20 Scriba, George 85, 88 Seabering, Lairibertje 52 Seaman, Capt. John 65 Seaman, Hannah 65 Sewalls' Hist, of Woburn. Sexton, Capt. George.... m Sharp's Hist, of Seymour. Conn 94 Smith, Benjamin J o Smith, Capt. John 62 Smith, Elizabeth 40.104 Smith. Mary 66 Smith. Melancthon 64 Stark. Gen. John 105 Strickland, Hannah 65 Strycker, Aeltie 5- Strycker, Jan 5- INDEX Surtee's Hist, of Durham. Page 7 Taylor, Josephine 25 Thompson's Hist, of Vt. . 107 Thorne, George 55 Throop, Gov. E. T 21 Titus, John 13, 48 Tooker, Dr. W. W 64 Townsend, Henry 17 Trumbull, Harriet S 40 Truxton, Capt 82 Valentine, Jane 65 Valentine, Richard 65 Valentine, Rich, (of Eng.) 66 Van Asch, Wyander 51 Van Rynvelt 51 Page Walters, Samuel 18, 19 Walbridge, Col. E in Wameas 10 Werven, Catharine 51 Whitcomb, Col. Asa 94 White, Mr 78 White, Judge 85 White, Dan. C 86 Wicks, Thomas 42, 59 William of Orange 41.51 Winthrop's Fleet 104 Worthington, Elizabeth.. 94,105 Wright, Elizabeth 59 Wyman, Sarah 99 York, Duke of 73 Young, John 9, 86 Key to Brush Family Picture on Page 6 Reading from Left to Right I. Valentine Brush. 13- 2. Mrs. Mary Ann Brush. 14. 3- Joseph Barker. 15- 4- Zophar Brush. 16. 5- Edward Hale Brush. 17- 6. Miss Margaret Brush. 18. 7- Mrs. Phebe A. Place. 19. 8. Mrs. Susan A. Barker. 20. 9- Rev. Jesse Brush, D.D. 21. 10. Mrs. Annie E. Johnson. 22. 1 1. Mrs. Elizabeth Carman Brush. 23- 12. John R. Brush. 24. Samuel Brush. Mrs. M. Annette Brush. George W. Brush, M.D. Herbert B. Brush. Mrs. Ellen Newcomb Brush. Frank E. Price. George Robert Brush. Mrs. Mary J. Brush. Mrs. Amy J. Brush. Abner Brush. Henry Wells Brush. Mrs. Hannah Maria Brush. Il8 y '. V^ i0 v ^ •*. ♦ ^ v % ^r <* ** • ?* ; a "o^o ,0 V *b\> ^ ./ « / ■» °o <,' v^ v -• -y C *<> o o ^/ N. MANCHESTER INDIANA ^ X* ** ^ ■