th py 1 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 ^ flare ESQ 5~ Book COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE 46th ILLINOIS VETERAN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, From the date of its organization in 1861, to its final discharge, February 1st, 1866, containing a full and authentic account of the participation of the regiment in the Battles, Sieges, Skirmishes and Expeditions In which it has been engaged, together with a COMPLETE ROSTER OF THE REGIMENT, SHOWING THE PROMOTIONS, COMMISSIONED AND NON-COMMSSSKONEB, DEATHS, DISCHARGES AND DESERTIONS. FREEPORT, ILLINOIS. BAILEY & ANKENY, PRINTERS. 1866. - So S 4-W FIEILID AUXTID STAFF. COLONELS. ^^ John A. Davis, died October 10, 1862, at Bolivar, Term., of wounds seceived at battle Matamora, October 5th, 1862. fBenjamin Dornblaser, appointed Brev. Brig. Gen'l Feb. 20, 1865. LIEUTENANT COLONELS. Wm. O. Jones, resigned December 31st, 1861. f John J. Jones, appointed Brev. Colonel, June 19, 1S65. MAJORS. Benjamin Dornblaser, appointed Colonel October 11, 1862. John M. McCracken, mustered out December, 1864, expiration term «T service. -j-Joseph Clingman. ADJUTANTS. Benjamin Dornblaser, appointed Major February 8, 1862. Edward R. Lord, resigned November 19, 1862. -(•Henry H. Woodbury. QUARTERMASTERS. James L. Wilson, resigned January 15, 1862. David S. Pride, appointed Capt. Co. I, November 24, 1862. Edwin R. Gillett, resigned October 5, 1864. tJames B. Wright. SURGEONS. \Elias C. DePuy, resigned September 3, 1862. Elias C. DePuy, resigned November 1, 1S64. fBenjamin H. Bradshaw. ASSISTANT SURGEONS. Charles Carle, discharged April 8, 1862, to enable him to accept pro- motion in the 41st 111. Infantry. Benjamin H. Bradshaw, appointed Surgeon December 18, 1864. f Julius N. DeWitt. CHAPLAINS. David Teed, resigned September 1, 1862. Hezekiah R. Lewis, mustered out January 12, 1S66. IvTOIlSr-COilVIIDs/IISSIOIIKriEID STAFF. SERGEANT MAJORS. Wm. Swansev, discharged for disability May 29, 1862. Henrv A. Ewing, discharged to accept promotion in colored organi- isrtion, October 25, 1863. John E. Hershey, discharged for disability September 1, 1864. f Edgar Butterfield. Q. M. SERGEANTS. James Duncan, discharged for disability May 29, 1862. James H. Davis, reduced to ranks and assigned to Company I, March 1 1864. James B: Wright, appointed Quartermaster November 16, 186-1. f Julius T. Weld. COMMISSARY SERGEANTS. Edwin R. Gillett, appointed 1st Lieutenant and R. Q. M., December 2R 1862. fWm. H. Barnds. HOSPITAL STEWARDS. Joseph Chambers, discharged for disability, 1862.. James Steele, discharged to accept promotion in colored organizati«n„. March 1, 1864. Thomas Woolcott, reduced to ranks and assigned to Company K, . May 31, 1864. '•[Thomas J. Allen. PRINCIPAL MUSICIANS. George A. Black, discharged for disability, May 25, 1862. fGeorge W. Trotter. {Thomas W. Slade. OOIMUP-A-lKr^Z- \A.." CAPTAINS. John Musser, died April 23d, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh. Joseph Clingman, promoted Major March 20, 1865. tlsaac A. Arnold. 1st LIEUTENANTS. William O. Saxton, resigned April 1st, 1862. Isaac A. Arnold, promoted Captain March 20, 1865. fWm. Reynolds. 2d LIEUTENANTS. Isaac A. Arnold, promoted 1st Lieutenant July 10, 1862. George S. Dickey, resigned November 9, 1861. "William Reynolds, promoted 1st Lieutenant March 20, 186-5. fWilliam R. Moore. 1st SERGEANTS. Joseph Clingman, promoted Captain June 26, 1862. Quincy E. Pollock, died April 9, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh. Adam Kemper, discharged November 14, 1863, to receive promotion in 6th U. S. C. Art. John W. Taylor, reduced to ranks May 1st, 1864. "Wm. R. Moore, promoted 2d Lieutenant March 20, 1865. fShepard A. French. SERGEANTS. George S. Dickey, promoted 2d Lieutenant July 20, 1862. Horace D. Purinton, discharged December 12, 1863, to receive promotion ins colored organization. Wm. Reynolds, promoted to 2d Lieutenant March 3d, 1865. Shepard A. French, appointed 1st Sergeant April 1st, 1865. John Hart, mustered out June 19, 1865— War Department order. tJohn Sheckler. {Robert P. Ritzman. ■(James Van Rrocklin. Oscar B. Fowler, reduced to ranks February 1st, 1862. Daniel A. Galpin " " October 1st, 1862. Benjamin Musser, discharge! November 24, 1862. f James H. Mack. CORPORALS. Andrew M. Fellows, died May 2d, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh.. Wesley J. Best, reduced to ranks. James H. Mack, appointed Sergeant August 1st, 1865. tGeorge W. Bolender. Daniel M. Hart, discharged July 8th, 1862. James M. Van Brocklin, appointed Sergeant April 1st, 1805. Robert P. Ritzman, appointed Sergeant March 3d, 1865. tCharles Clingman. Thomas S. Clingman, discharged August 2d, 1862. fDaniel A. Seoville. Albert M. Lull, discharged October 2d, 1862. John Sheckler, appointed Sergeant January 1st, 1864. tRobert P. Wilson. Ami F. Arnold, killed at battle Shiloh, April 6th, 1862. Adam Kemper appointed 1st Sergeant October 1st, 1862.. James Reim, died of disease March 22, 1864. tRobert Patten. Benj. Musser, appointed Sergeant October 1st, 1862, tWm. F. Early. Robert D. Brunner, died of disease October 6th, 1864. tHilliary Buss. Quincy E. Pollock, appointed 1st Sergeant March 1st, 1862. Harrison \V. Bolender, discharged August 25, 1862. Daniel R. Rubendall, mustered out June 10, 1865. -fThomas W. Evans. James M. Babcock, discharged November 25, 1863, to receive promotion in ■colored organization. PRIVATES. Arnold Ami F., appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. Arnold Albert E., discharged Sept. 4, 1862. Andre Wm., vet., died of disease Dec. 10, 1864. Allison Wm. W., died of disease March 16, 1863. fAndre Jacob D., vet., transferred from B Co. April 1, 1864. {Ambrose DeWitt, C. tAllen John A., transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry. tAskeu John A., transferred from 99th " " Barnds Wm. H., vet., appointed Comissary Sergeant, transferred to non- commissioned Staff, Jan. 1, 1864. Bates Andrew J., discharged July 9, 1862. Barrett Charles, discharged Aug. 13, 1862. Best Wesley J., vet., appointed Corporal Oct. 1, 1864— died Aug. 14, 1864, of wounds received at battle Jackson, Miss. Benton Martin, discharged Nov. 24, 1862. Best Robt. F., died Nov. 2, 1861, of disease. Boss Hilliary, vet., appointed Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. Bolender Harrison W. appointed Corporal March 1, 1862, Bolender Geo. W., vet., appointed Corporal Jan. 1, 1864. Babcock James M. appointed Corporal Dec. 1, 1862. Barrett Edward, died of disease, Aug. 12, 1864. Bruner Robt. D., appointed Corporal May 30, 1864. Brown Charles, discharged May 8, 1865. Best Hiram C, discharged June 19, 1865. fBelknap Corwin. Ceam William, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Aug. 4, 1863. tClingman Abner, veteran. fClingman George R., veteran. Clingman Thomas S., appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. Clingman Charles, vet., appointed Corporal Jan. 1, 1864. Clingman Joseph, appointed 1st Sergeant Sept. 10, 1861. Clause Charles, died of disease, Sept. 7, 1S62. Carter Sherwood E., vet., transferred to Co. I, Nov. 1, 1864. fClause Thilman. tClingman John T. fClingman William. -{Cadwell Horace. tClow Benjamin. Cousins Albert, transferred from 99th Ills. Infantry— mustered out term •expired Oct., 1865. Derrick James E., discharged May 28, 1862. DeHaven Daniel P., died of disease, Sept. 22, 1862. Dickey George S., appointed .Sergeant Sept. 10, 1861. Davidson George W., discharged April 28, 1863. fDaughenbaugh Christian. -fDinges John P. Farley Wm. F., vet., appointed Corporal April 1, 1865. Elliott John, killed in action, April 6, 1862. Ewing Henry A., transferred to non-commissioned Staff, June 1, 1862. Evans Thomas W., appointed Corporal Aug. 1, 1865. tEllis Eli. Fellows Andrew M., appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. French Shepard A., vet., appointed Sergeant July 20, 1862. Fowler Oscar B., appointed Sergeant Sept. 10 1861— deserted Aug. 28, 1862. Fauver Robert A., vet., drowned Aug. 20, 1864. +Fauver Amos. Fellows George E., discharged May 15, 1865. tFrench David H. French Truman A., discharged June 19, 1865. tFord Wm. D. Foster Jasper, transferred from 99th Ills. Infantry— mustered out expira- •tion of term of service, Oct., 1865. ■fGarrison David W., vet. Galpin David A. appointed Sergeant, March 1. 1X62— dropped from rolls .March 3, 1865. Galpin Hiram C, discharged July 8, 1862. ♦Gibbons Thomas, vet. fGibbons Wm., vet. Gillett Edwin R., transferred to non-comjiiissiunixlStarr, Sept. 15, 1861. Green Christopher, deserted Aug. 21, 1862. >Gatliff Thomas C, discharged Junes, 1865 tGlynn James. tGorman Lawrence G, fGarrard Warren. Hathaway Homer, transferred from Co. B, Nov. 1, 1862 — re-enlisted in 2fl Ills. Lt. Artillery, Dee., 1863. fHart James H., vet. Hart Daniel M., appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. Holsinger Win. H., died of disease, April 1, 1862. Hollenback Henry W., died May 3, 1S62, of wounds received at Shiloh. Hoot John, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. fHunting Wm. A. Hunting Chas. H., vet., discharged July 4,1864, to receive promotion iK colored organization. Hunting Geo. H., vet., discharged Set. 18, 1864, to receive promotion us. colored organization. Hart John, appointed Sergeant Dec. 1, 1862. fHart Thomas J. fHartzell William JHuddleston Reuben H. Hart Joseph E. fHill John. fHills Henry M. fHovman Henry. tHadsell Nathan A., transfejred from 90th Ills. tHadsell Almond 0., " " " " tJeffries Joseph, vet. Joy Benedict, discharged July 11, 1865. Kemper Adam, appointed Corporal April 7, 1862. fKrape Wm. W. Lull Albert M., appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. LeFevre Francis J., died April 9, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh. fLaw John H. fLee Lorenzo H. Luzzader Geoi-ge, transferred from 99th Ills. Infantry— mustered nut expi- ration of term, Oct., 1865. Moore Chas. P., died of disease, April 2, 1863. Musser Benjamin, appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. Mack James H., vet., appointed Corporal Jan. 1, 1864. Mason John H., discharged Nov. 24, 1862. McCarty James C, vet., died of disease, March 19, 1865. McIIoes John, transferred to V. R. C, Nov. 10, 1863. tMiller Henry W., vet. Moore Wm. R., vet., appointed 1st Sergeant May 1, 1861. fMusser James, vet. May Willard P., died of disease, May 18, 1864. fMiller Israel. fMcAffeeRobt. L. II. fMoore Geo. W. fMoser William. •Musser Charles. ■Moser Edwin A. ■Morgan Henry W. Neil Wm. R. Patten John, killed in action, Shiloh April 6, 1862. Parish Pleasant, transferred to B Co., Nov. 1, 1862. Patten Robert, vet., appointed Corporal April 1, 1865. Peck Theodore, died of disease, Jan. 8, 1862. Peck Adelbert, discharged Nov. 29, 18H4. Pollock Quincy E. appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. f Plowman Charles E., vet. Purinton Horace D., appointed Sergeant Sept. 10, 1861. {Parker John. Pine George W., transferred from 99th Ills. Infantry— mustered out expi- ration of term, Oct., 1865. fQuiggle Robert H., vet. Reynolds Wm. vet., appointed Sergeant Sept. 10, 1861. ! lit /.man Robert P., vet., appointed Corporal Jan. 1, 1864. Reim James, vet., appointed Corporal Aug. 1, 1862. Rogers David E., vet., died of disease, Dec. 12, 1864. Rogers Henry G., killed in action at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Rodimer Wm. H., killed in action at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Rollins Eliphalet, died of disease, June 29, 1862. Rush John, discharged Aug. 16, 1862. fRice Milton A. j-Reiniger Samuel J. Rudy John discharged May 22, 1865. Rubendall Daniel R., appointed Corporal May 30, 1864. fRitzman John. Smith Eliphalet W., transferred to V. R. C, March 26, 1864. Scoville Daniel A. vet., appointed Corporal May 30, 1SH4. Scoville Nelson", died April 18, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh. Sheckler John, vet., appointed Corporal Aug. 1, 1862. fSills Edwin, vet. Sleight Samuel A., discharged May 3, 1863. tSmith Church H., vet. Smith Franklin, deserted Aug. 28, 1862. Solomon John C, discharged May 28, 1862. Stephens James M., died of disease, May 9, 1862. Steele Alexander J., died of disease, 5uly 24, 1863. fScoville Alfred B. Seidel Chas. H., died of disease, Nov. 20, 1861. fShadel Samuel P. fShadle Adam C. tSheetz (ieo. \V. fShellenberger John. tSmith James C. tSwartz John L. fSanborn Charles G. tSills Thomas. Sherman Leonard, transferred to Co. G, May 4, 1865. Taylor John W., appointed Sergeant Dee. 1, 1863— discharged Jan. 29, 18G5. Thompson James M., died April 1, 1862, of disease. Trotter George W., transferred to non-commissioned Staff, Jau. 1, 1801. fTomlins John \\\, transferred from B Co., April 1, 1864. tTaft Josephus A. Thomason Lee B., transferred from 09th Ills.— mustered out at expiration of term. Oct., 1805. Van Brocklin James M., vet., appointed Corporal Jan. 1, 1864. -(■Vinson Thomas, vet. FWalker John W. Werland John M., died of disease, Nov. 2, 1861. Wisler John B., killed in action at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. fWinchell Hiram P., vet. Wilson Benj. F., died of disease, Dec. 30, 1861. Wilson Robert P., vet., appointed Corporal Nov. 1, 1864. fWindecker John, vet. Winters Darius, discharged July 7, I860. f Woodring John M., discharged Nov. 24, 1S02— re-enlisted Feb. 7, I860. tWaddell John R. Weld Julius T., transferred to non-commissioned Staff, Jan. 18, 1865. Wetzel Franklin T., mustered out, War Department order, June, 1S0-3. ■Woodring Uriah, vet. • Windecker Wm. •Wall Thomas. ■Wright John W., transferred from 99th Ills. ■Waddell Wm. W., transferred from Co. E, Sept, 1, I860. C O JVC J? -A. 1ST Y IB." CAPTAINS. Rollin V. Ankeny, resigned Dec. 31, 1862. Wm. J. Reitzell, mustered out Dec. 23, 1861 — expiration of term of service. tRobert T. Cooper. 1st LIEUTENANTS. Henry Roush, resigned April 23, 1862. Wm. J. Reitzell, promoted Captain Feb. 28, 1863. Emanuel Faust, resigned Oct, 5, 1864. Robert T. Cooper, promoted Captain May 24, 186-5. Geo. S. Roush, resigned June 19, I860. fThomas B. Jones. 2d LIEUTENANTS. Thomas .1. Hathaway, resigned June 10, 1862. Wm. J. Reitzell, promoted 1st Lieut. July 16, 1802. Emanuel Faust, promoted 1st Lieut. Fell. 28, 1863. Robt, T. Cooper, promoted 1st Lieut. Nov. 10, 1864. George S. Roush, promo,ed 1st Lieut. May 24, 1865. Thomas B. Jones, promoted 1st Lieut. Aug. 28, 186-3. fAaron McCauley. 1st SERGEANT. Thomas J. Hood, promoted 1st Lieut, Co. G, Oct. 8, 1861. Wm. J. Reitzell, promoted 2d Lieut. July 20, 1862. Geo. S. Roush, promoted 2d Lieut. Nov. 10, 1864, Thomas B. Jones, promoted 2d Lieut. May 14, I860. ■(•John S. Hoy, vet. SERGEANTS. Emanuel Faust, promoted 2d Lieut. July 16, 1802. Wm. J. Reitzell, appointed 1st Sergeant, Oct, 1, 1861. Robert T. Cooper, promoted 2d Lieut. Feb. 28, 18C3. Robert Smith, transferred to G Co., Oct. 12, 1861. Langford Hill, reduced to ranks at his own request, Feb. 17, I860. Leopold Shook, discharged July 10, 1862. John E. Hershey, appointed Sergeant-Major Oct. 31, 1863. Thomas B. Jones, appointed 1st Sergeant Jan. 1, 1865. /.non McCauley, promoted 2d Lieut. Aug. 23, 186.5. (•Uriah H. Henderson, vet. John S. Hoy, appointed 1st Sergeant Sept. 1, 1865. ■{John H. Runkle, vet. t Anson Torenzo, vet. t'.Virnelius Heimlich, vet. CORPORALS. ( li'. >. Cox, died Oct. 9, 1862, of wounds received at battle of Hatohie. Leopold Shook, appointed Sergeant Oct. 2, 1861. John E. Hershev, appointed Sergeant July 10, 1862. Jay \V. Barker, discharged Feb. 12, 1863. John Y. Haughey, reduced to ranks at Camp Butler, Jan. 1862. Isaac Kleckner, discharged June 14, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh. Geo. S. Roush, appointed 1st Sergeant March 1, 1862. Thomas B. Jones, appointed Sergeant July 16, 1862. Charles F. Bower, died April 23, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh. Aaron McCauley, appointed Sergeant March 1, 1863. Uriah Henderson, appointed Sergeant Oct. 31, 1863. Dayton I). Tyler, reduced to ranks Oct., 1863. Edgar Butterfield, vet., appointed Sergeant-Major, Sept. 1, 1864. John S. Hoy, appointed Sergeant Jan. 1, 1865. John H. Runkle, appointed Sergeant Jan. 1, 1865. Francis McUurdy, vet., reduced to ranks June 3D, 1865— sentence of G. C. M. Kfams From, vet. Cornelius Heimlich, appointed Sergeant Sept. 1, 186-5. Aaron Bolender, vet., mustered out, June 19, 1865. Norton L. Mitchell, vet., reduced to ranks Nov. 9. 186-5. tJohii H. Moses, vet. Harry C. Gallaher, reduced to ranks March 24, 1865. Alonzo W. Forbes, vet., deserted Nov. 1, 186-5. +John A. Mingle, vet. fGeorge McLenahen, vet. jAclam Arnold, vet. {Samuel Askev. Thomas J. Shane, mustered out Sept., 1861— term expired. Anson Turenzo, appointed Sergeant Sept. 1, 1865. fJosiah K. Brenizer. flra Erb. PRIVATES. Ashenfelter Cyrus, died of disease, Dec. 6, 1861. Arnold Adam, vet., appointed Corporal Sept. 1, 186-5. fArnold Charles, vet. Alshause Jacob, discharged Sept. 21, 1862. tAnsberger Sebastian, vet. fAskey Jiohn. Askey Samuel, promoted Corporal Sept. 1, 1865. Artle'y Abraham, transferred to K Co., April 1, 1864. tBole'nder Isaac, vet. Bolender Aaron, vet., appointed Corporal Oct. 31, 1864. I Bolender Jackson. Bolender John P. Boyd Franklin, vet. Sarker Addison J., discharged Dec. 28, 1863. fBarker Seymour S., vet. IBowen John T., vet. Burgess Solon S., discharged June 30, 186;?. Bower Charles F., promoted to Corporal Oct. 8, 1861. Butterfield Edgar, appointed Corporal July 1, 1862. Blanchard David M., discharged July 13, 1862; Barker Jay \V~., promoted to Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. Broomhall John, mustered out by order, 1865. tBraman Edwin P. Brenizer Josiah K., appointed Corporal Nov. 9, 186-5. I Blnss Joseph L. Crawford Franklin, mustered out, Sept. 9, 1864— term expired. Chambers Joseph, appointed Hospital Steward, Oct. 10, 1861. ( lantrell Joel T., vet., transferred to Co. K, April 1, 1864. Cade Charles, discharged Aug. 12, 1862. Cooper Robert T., vet., appointed Sergeant Sept. 10, 1861. Cox George, appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. tCarl Henry. tCooper Geo. W. tClark Silas W. tCooper Amos J. tCollins Thomas, transferred from 99th Ills. Infantry. tColvern Geo. W., transferred from 99th Ills. Infantry. tChase Lewis W., transferred from 99th Ills. Infantry. tCochran Thomas, transferred from 99th Ills. Infantry. D lugherty George, discharged Sept. 14, 1864. tDubois Win. W. tDaniels Willis, transferred from 99th Ills. Infantry. tDuncan Oliver P. tEarnst Jacob, vet. Erb Ira, vet., appointed Corporal Nov. D, I860. Ely Marion, transferred to K Co., April 1, 18*>4. Forbes Alonzo \V., vet., appointed Corporal April 1, I860. tFrankeberger Eli B., vet. From James, vet., appointed Corporal Oct. 31, 1863. Frieze Henry, died March 3, 1862. Faust Emanuel, appointed Sergeant Sept. 10, 1861. tFrankeberger Aaron. tFosler George. tGuiter Adam, vet. Gibler Hiram, mustered out Sept. 9, 1861— expiration term of service. Gibler Joseph H., deserted July 9. 1862. George Wm. A., died Sept. 10, 1804. tGiddings Smith. tGallaher Harly C, appointed Corporal Jan. 1, I860. Heimlich Cornelius, vet., appointed Corporal April 1, 1864. Hoy John S., vet., appointed Corporal July 1, 1862. Hathaway Homer H., transferred to Co. A, Nov. 1, 1862. tHathaway Jeremiah J., vet. Hathaway James B., discharged April 23, 18G2. tHess Aafon, vet. tHill Langford, vet., promoted Sergeant Oct. 1, 1801. Henderson Wm. J., vet., mustered out June 30, 1865, by War Dept. order. tHenderson Francis M., vet. Henderson Uriah H. vet., appointed Corporal July 1, 1862. Hoag Charles, mustered out Sept. 9. 1S64— term expired. tHinds Erastus, discharged Dec. 10, 1862— re-enlisted one year, Jan. 24, 1865. Hershey John E., appoiuted Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. Haughey John Y., vet., appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. Hood Thomas J., appointed 1st Sergeant Sept. 10, -1861. Hathaway Earl transferred to G Co., Nov. 30, 1861. Hathaway Phillip, deserted Nov. 1, 1865. tHine Joseph. Hofmeister Augustus W., mustered out, Oct. 9, 1865— expiration of term. Hendrickson Anthonv, mustered out Oct. 9, 186-5— expiration of term. Hess Andrew, died April 24, 1865, of wounds received at siege of Blakely. Howe James Jr., dropped on muster out roll as a deserter. tHartman Henry J. tHartman Joseph W. tHamilton Thomas, transferred from 99th Ills. Infantry. Hartzell John, mustered out Oct. 12, 186-5— expiration of term. tinman Henry L. Jones Thomas B., vet., appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. Johnson Wm. T., died June 17, 1865. Kaup George, discharged July 30, 1862. jKryder Jacob N., vet. Kerr Wm., mustered out Sept. 9, 1864— expiration of term. Kellogg Eugene V., killed at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. Kleckner Isaac, appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. King Robert, deserted March 1, 1865. +King Edwin. Lobdell Daniel, vet., died Oct. 3, 186-5. Long Casper, transferred to Co. G, Oct. 1, 1861. tLauck Jacob. Mingle John A., vet., appointed Corporal April 1, 1865. tMingle David J., vet. McCauley Aaron, vet., appointed Corporal Oct. 1, 1801. tMather Abi.jah, vet. McElhaney Wm., discharged April 4, 1862. McCurdv Francis, vet., appointed Corporal Oct. 6, 1863. tMitchell Norton L., vet., appointed Corporal Oct. 31, 1864. Moses John H., vet., appointed Corporal Jan. 1, 1864. McLenahan George, vet., appointed Corporal Sept. 1, 1885. Mallory Daniel, mustered out Sept. 1, 1864— expiration of term. Mack Harry A., died June, 1862. Mallory John W., died May 7, 1862. McGinnis Joseph, died Sept. 28, 1861. tMcKee Robert, vet. tMcCauley Isaac. tMogle Samuel. tMogle Jacob. Mogle Lewis W., mustered out June, 186-5— War Department order. tMcKee David. tMitchell Cornelius, transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry. Nichols John, discharged Nov. 17, 1862. Penticoff Levi, died Oct, 19, 1862, tPieter John, vet. Potter Francis M., deserted July 9, 1862. Potter Julius, died Feb. 6, 1862. Peirce James, vet., deserted Nov. 1, 1865. Parish Pleasant, discharged Feb. 3, 1863. 10 Rockwell Charles, died May 14, 1862. Runkle John H., vet., appointed Corporal July 1, 1802. tRunkle Wm. Reitzell Wm. J., appointed Sergeant Sept. 10, 1861. Roush George S.. vet., appointed Corporal Sept. I< ; . 1861. tRishell Daniel L. Roush Henry, died Julv 10, 1864. +Reed Wilson D. tReed John P. Stotler Jacob, died May, 1862, of wounds received at Shlloh. Shane Charles N., died July 26, 1863. Shane Thomas J., appointed Corporal July 1, 1862. Shook Leopold, appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. Sprague George D., discharged Fe >. 28, 1863. Smith Roberts., appointed Sergeant Sept. 10, 1861. tSnyder Francis M. tSegin Theodore. tSkmner Wm. W. Stone Edward L., died Sept. 27, 1864. tSeebold Calhoun. Stanley John, mustered out, lso.5— War Department order. Shaffer Wm. F., discharged June 20, 1805. Smith Henry, transferred from 99th illi. Infantry— deserted Nov. 1, 1865. Torenzo Anson, vet., appointed Corporal July 1, 1862. Tyler Dayton D., vet., appointed Corporal July 1, 1862— transferred to D < !o. tThompson Jonathan E. tThompson Robert S. Tomlins John W., transferred to Co. A, April 1, 1864. tTaft Henry C. Vanmeter John C., discharged July 7, 1862. Vinson George, vet., transferred to vet. Reserve < iorps, April 25; 186-5. Vinson John, died August 12, 1861, at Morganza, La. tVocht Levi S. Wilson George, died April 30, 1862. Wright Charles P., vet., deserted Nov. 1. 1805. Weaver David, discharged June 13, 1862. West George, vet., discharged June 20, 1865. Warner Wm. W., discharged July, 1862. tWohlford Franklin. •f-Wunshel George. +Webb Oliver P. Wilson Henry, mustered out Oct. 9, 1865— expiration of term. tWagner Peter R. Wilbur Wm. H., mustered out June, 1865— War Department order. tYoder Andrew B., vet. Zeigler Miller, transferred to K Co., April 1, 1864. COMPANY C." CAPTAINS. Friedrick Krumme, resigned April 23, 1862. Phillip Arno, mustered out December 21, 1864, expiration term of service t Edward Wike. 1st LIEUTENANTS. Phillip Arno, promoted Captain April 23, 1862. Harbert Harberts, discharged to receive promotion in 6th U. S. C A., De- cember 17, 1863. Edward Wike, promoted Captain March 24, 1864. fAndreas Olnhausen. 2d LIEUTENANTS. Addo Borehers, resigned September 30, 1862. Edward Wike, promoted 1st Lieutenant, April 21, 1865. Andreas Olnhausen, promoted 1st Lieutenant March 20, 1865. j-Emil Neese. 1st SERGEANTS. Harbert Harberts, promoted to 1st Lieutenant, April 23, 1862. Edward Wike, promoted to 2d Lieutenant, September 30, 1862. Robert Lang, discharged November 9, 1863, to receive promotion in 6th U. S.. Artillery. Andreas Olnhausen, promoted 2d Lieutenant, May 3, 1864. Emil Neese, promoted to 2d Lieutenant, April 9, 186S Wm. Stober, reduced to Sergeant at his own request. fjohn G. Switzer. 11 SERGEANTS. Edward Wike. promoted 1st Sergeant, Jaly 1, 1862. Adolph Wolbrecht, reduced to ranks at his own request- Carl H. Gramp, reduced to ranks at his own request. Ferdinand Benz, reduced to ranks at his own request. Robert Lang, appointed 1st Sergeant, September 30, 1862. Curtis Michaelson, reduced to the ranks, March 23, 1864. Andreas Olnhausen, appointed 1st Sergeant, November 14, 1863. |Wm. Stober, appointed 1st Sergeant, April 18, 1865. Emil Neese, appointed 1st Sergeant, July 1, 1864. John G. Switzer, appointed 1st Sergeant, June 30, 1865. John Van Raden, reduced to ranks, January 15, 1865. tAlfred Berg, t Anton Bauer. tWm. Keeren. CORPORALS. Albert Kocher, reduced to ranks, December 26, 1861- Arnold Rader, reduced to ranks, January 16, 1862. Carl Lipinsky, reduced to ranks, January 16, 1862. John Oechxle, reduced to ranks, January 16, 1862. Robert Lang, appointed Sergeant, November 10, 1861. Curtis Michaelson, appointed Sergeant, January 16, 1862. Emil Neese, reduced to ranks, January 16, 1862, re-appointed May 1, 1862- Peter Steinnietz, reduced to ranks, January Hi. 1862. Anton Bauer, reduced to ranks January 16, 1862. Heinrich Krumme, reduced to ranks, May 1, 1862. \Vm. Doblie, reduced to ranks, March 1, 1863. Charles Latour, reduced to ranks, July 1, 1862. Albert Polman, discharged, October 13, 1862. Heinrich Klock, died of disease, July 4. 1862. Johann Abels, reduced to ranks, May 1, lS(i2. Phillip Vakopp, reduced to ranks, April 1, 1862. Johann Esch, deserted, October 24, 1862. Wm. Stober, appointed Sergeant, July 1, 1862. John G. Switzer, appointed Sergeant, November 14, 1863. John Van Raden, appointed Sergeant, March 23, 1864. Johann Wolf, reduced to ranks at his own request, September 30, 1862. Alfred Berg, appointed Sergeant, July 1, 1864. Martin Byrne, reduced to ranks, March 23, 1864. Wm. Heeren, appointed Sergeant, April 21, 1864. tFriedrich Miller. tJacob Hoebel. Henry A. Wernicke, reduced to ranks, August 1, 1865. Frank Schroeder, discharged by order, 1865. ♦Phillip Friday. tAnton Erchle. tChristian Mensenkamp. tHenry Cohlstedt. PRIVATES. tArens Peter, veteran. Abels Johann, mustered out September 13, 1864, expiration of term. tAitman Henry. tAdams George W., transferred from Kith Illinois Infantry. Berg, Alfred, veteran, appointed Corporal, July 1, 1862. Bauer Anton, veteran, appointed Corporal, December 26, 1861. Byrne Martin, veteran, deserted December 31, 1865. Benz Ferdinand, mustered out September 14, 1864, expiration of term. Bockholder Jan, mustered out September 13, 1864, expiration of term- Bonn Joseph, deserted October 24, 1862. Bagger Heinrich, died of disease October 15, 1S62. Bles Albert, discharged G. O. No. 77 War Department. tBurkhardt John. tBacker Jacob. Bender John L., mustered out May 22, 1865. tBarmington Friedrich. tBaker Jacob. Brown John W., transferred to Company D, March 11, 1864. Burkhardt Adolph, trans, from 11th 111. Vol., died of disease August, 1865- Cruse John, deserted October 24. LN62. Ceames Friedrich, died January 7, 1865. ( 'ohlstedt Henry, appointed Corporal August 1, 1865. Cruder Henry, died April 24, 1864. tChristian John, transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry. tDuitzman Wolbrand, vet. JDoblie Wilhelm, vet. Deuzing Friedrich, mustered out September 10, 1864, expiration of term. JDiller Michael, vet. Dressman Uppo, deserted October 24, 1862. IDede Henrv. tDavis Phillip. Dennis Thomas, transferred from 99th 111. Inf., died of disease Dec., 1865- 12 >Esh John, deserted October 24 t 1862. Eyhusen Brume W., died of disease May 19, 1863. Eschel Anton, appointed Corporal March 1, 1865. Froning Herman, discharged October 14, 1863. iFarley Thomas, transferred to Company K, March 1, 1862. Erevort Friedrich, discharged January 12, 1862. Erey John, died of disease July 5, 1863. Frevert Charles, died of disease Dec. 19, 1864. ^Friedman Valentine. Friday Phillip, appointed Corporal Sept. 1, 1864. IFranz Safrin. jFosler George. Gramp Carl H., discharged Sept. 9, 1SB4 — expiration of term. Gibomi Heinrich, killed April 6, 1862, at Shiloh. •Gressley Gottlieb, died of wounds received at Shiloh, April 26, 1862. Gassteger Anton, deserted Dec. 31, 1S65. JGetz Andrew. Harberts Harbert, appointed 1st Sergeant Sept. 10, 1661. Heeren Win., vet., appointed Corporal March 23, 1861. Hasselman Friedrich, killed at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. Harberts Johann, discharged Feb. 4, 1863. Husengo, died of disease, May 5, 1862. -tHafmeiner Joseph. tHencke Wilhelm. Hoebel Jacob, appointed Corporal Marcli 2"!, 1864. ^ Heine Friedrich, killed July 7, 18154. battle Jackson Cross Roads. -tHeld Friedrich. i-Jaeger John. tKnoeller George, vet. Kocher Albert, died of disease, May 1.3, 1862. Kahn Conrad, died of disease, May 15, 1862. Koeller Johann, discharged Sept. 9, 1864— expiration of tern. Kulilmeir Heinrich, discharged Sept. 13. 1861 — expiration of term. Kraemer Falkert, died of disease. May 26, 1862. Krueger Klaas, discharged Feb. 5, 1863. Jvlock Heinrich, died of disease Julv 4, 1862. Knock Andreas, killed at Shiloh April 6, 1862. Kaumer Christian, discharged June 19, 1862. Krumme Heinrich, transferred to Co. G, May 1, 1862. -tKoller Wm., vet. tKohle Jacob. tKohle Joseph. -tKraemer George. Kesterer John, died of disease, Sept. 18, 1864. Krueger Carl, died of disease, Nov. 29, 1864. -rKastler Niclaus. fKautenberger Peter G. tKnecht Phillip. tKuhler August. tKogm Friedrich. tKoehler Friedrich. tKorm Louis. tKoller Friedrich. tKraemer George W. tKleter George. Lang Robert, appointed Corporal Sept. 10. 1861. tLipinsky Carl, vet., appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. tLatour Charles, vet., appointed Corporal Jan. 16, 1862. Lapp Aaron, died of disease, March 4, 1862. -tLahre John. tLahre Isaac. tLudicke Henry. Liter Niclaus, discharged Oct. 8, 1865— term expired. •tLahre Elias. tLang Charles M. tLang Jacob. tLubben Alexander. Linemen Hey P., discharged Oct. 8, 1865 — expiration of term of service. Lang Richard, transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry. March James, transferred to vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 10, 1863. Michaelson Curtis, deserted Oct. 1, 1864. -Miller Gottfried, vet. Metzger Richard, transferred to vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 19, 1863. Marbeth Leans, killed at Shiloh April 7, 1862. Marks Jan F., killed at Shiloh April 6, 1862. Marks Markus, discharged June 19, 1862. Miller Friedrich, vet., appointed Corporal March 23, 1864. tMiller William. tMiller Right. Miller Henry O, died of disease, Aug. 21, 1864. Meise Conrad, drowned in Mississippi River Aug 24, 1864. Mensinkam Christian P., appointed Corporal April 18, 1865. Neese Emil, vet., appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. 13 Neef Herman, discharged Sept. 13, 1861— expiration of term. Neef Johann, discharged Dec. 4, 1862. Ningen Jacob Van, discharged Nov. 12, 1864— expiration of term Olnliausen Andreas, vet., appointed Sergeant Jan. 16, 1862. Olthoff Wilhelm, discharged Oct. 29, 1864— expiration of term. Olthoff Anton, discharged Sept. 13, 1864 — expiration of term. Oechxle John, vet., appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861. tOtto Charles. O'Kannis Peter, died of disease, June 12, 1865. tO'Kannis Cornelius. Peuning Wiard, died of disease, Dec. 31, 1861. Polman Abett, discharged Oct. 13, 1862. Persting Friedrich, discharged Sept. 13, 1864— expiration of term. tPlumer Johann, vet. tPepperling Christoph vet. tPrince Jacob. Rader Arnold, vet., appointed Corporal March 23, 1864. tRaden John Van, vet. Rebel Johann, killed at Shiloh April 6. 1862. Richeameir Conrad, died June 1, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh. tRohrbaek Jacob. tRomelfanger Jacoh. tRach Ernst. tRippberger John. tReinicke Joseph. tRestine George, transferred from 99th Illinois Vols. Steinmetz Peter, vet., appointed Corporal Sept. 10, 1861— died October 1864 Stoecker Albert, discharged June 8, 1862. Htober William, vet., appointed Corporal May 1, 1862. Switzer John G., vet., appointed Corporal May 1, 1862. tStoehr John, vet. Schneider Henry, discharged Dec. 11, 1862. Selunalzhaf Heinrich, died April 24, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh Stiefenhafer Martin, died of disease, June 25, 1862. Steinhauer Jacob, discharged May 24, 1862. Siedenburg Friedrich, discharged' at Camp Butler. Spiess Jacob, killed Oct, 4, 1862, at Hatchie. Schraeder Frank, appointed Corporal March 23, 1864. Schneider Joseph, deserted March 18, 1864. tSchwarze Heinrich. tSchmidt Johann. Schlueker Henry, drowned Aug. 26, 1864. Steffen Michael, discharged June 7, 1865. tStark Henry. tSchroenstein Burkhardt. tStreeger Peter. Sehroeder Charles, discharged June 7. 1865. fSauer Julius. tSieferman Lorenzo. tSchneider Andrew C. Trei Freidrich, died of disease, May 9, 1864. tTrible Wilhelm. Vakopp Philip, vet., died of disease, March 21, 1864. Volmer Gottlieb, drowned in Mississippi River, May 14, 1863. Wike Edward, appointed Sergeant Sept. 10, 1861. Wolbrecht Adolph. discharged Sept, 13, 1R63, to receive promotion Weifenbach John, discharged July 21, 1862. tWeggenhausen Max, vet. t Wolff Johann, vet. ■(■Wernicke Henry A. tWagnei>Herman L. tWike Louis. Wnnderlin Savoir, discharged May 26, 1865. Wiarda Theodore, deserted Dec. 31, 1865. tWemer Jacob. tWepel Hemme. tWagner Wilhelm. Ziebrieh Paulres, discharged Nov. 23, 1862. COMPANY "r>. FIRST ORGANIZATION. CAPTAIN. Wm. F. Wilder, resigned November 24th, 1862. 1st LIEUTENANT. Joel L. Coe, resigned November 24th, 1862. 14 2d LIEUTENANT. Henry H. "Woodbury, appointed Adjutant March 2d, 1863. 1st SERGEANTS. .Jasper M. Cadmus, died of disease May 6th, 1862. Uriah J. Terry.* SERGEANTS. .Everett Rollins, discharged November 24th, 1862. Uriah J. Terry, appointed 1st Sergeant. Andrew F. Echelberger, killed at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. Hial Pike, discharged April 21st, 1862. James W. Holmes.* Edwin S. Hubbard, died at La Grange, Tenn., July 5, 1862. Harlan P. Forbes,* reduced to ranks at his own request, 1862. CORPORALS. Frank Howard.* John Trowbridge, died of disease March 12, 1862. Charles S. Beebe.* Eugene T. Thomas.* James W. Holmes, appointed Sergeant. Joel P. Keyes, discharged to accept promotion in U. S. C. I., 1863. Geo. W. Manning, died at Keokuk, Iowa, August 21, 1862, of wounds re- ceived at Shiloh. Edwin S. Hubbard, appointed Sergeant. MUSICIANS. Nathan Sanborn, discharged October 7, 1862. Walter Sanborn, discharged June 25, 1862. PRIVATES. Angier Abel, discharged December 5, 1862. Angier Leander, died of disease, Sept. 21, 1862, at Memphis, Tenn. Alexander Christopher O, died of disease April 21, 1862, at Cincinnatti. Ash George, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Burrington John, died of disease at Amboy, 111., June 6, 1862. Bixby David, discharged November 4, 1862., Butterfield Gilbert L., transferred to Mulligan's Irish Brigade. Bird Roderick D.* Barnard George S.* Bradbury Eben C* Benjamin Porter.* Balmer James, discharged November 24, 1862 at Bolivar, Tenn. Crocker Freeman F,, discharged July 12, 1862. Cromwell Daniel.* Clark Daniel, discharged November 24, 1862. ■Crane Thomas S.* Crawford Samuel E.. died of disease. Case Franklin, discharged October 8, 1862. Conoway John, discharged April 28, 1862. Dexter John, discharged July 10, 1862. Dow John W> Donnovan Dennis.* Echelberger Benjamin P.* Fenstermaker Tillman, died of disease May 2, 1862, at Shiloh. Forbes Harlan,* appointed Sergeant , 1862. Graves Aspasia.* Harmon James.* Holmes Jacob L., discharged October 11, 1862. Holton Jerome R.* Howarter Henry E., discharged September 4, 1862. Hill Truman, died of disease, October 22, 1862 r at Bolivar, Tenn. Hoxie Oscar, died at Pittsburg Landing, April 2, 1862. .Kipley Lorenzo.* Lovering Leonard, died near Corinth, May 28th, 1862. Lovering Henry, died near Corinth, June 5, 1862. Xarish Almon S.* Lasher George.* Mulligan Jacob W.* Millard Samuel, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Morse Benjamin W.* Madden John.* iVtvcrs Jumos * Melley James, killed at Shiloh, April 7. 1862. McCartv John, died of wounds received at Shiloh. Morris David.* Morris John A.* Miller Jacob P.* Manchester Lewis M.* Myer Henry, discharged April 21, 1862. Merchant Myron V., transfered H Company* Nunn Robert.* 15 Post Jacob.* Parsons Nelson, discharged April 1st, 1862. Roff Clark P.* Ritz Martin L.* Smith John, discharged December 5, 1862, at St. Louis. Stevens Burrell, died May 4, 1862, at Shiloh. Sausman John L., discharged June 11, 1862. Sanson Oliver.* Sweet Josiah B., killed at Shiloh April 6, 1862. Smith James P., died at Fairhaven, I1L, June 23, 1862. Tearney Edward.* Whiting Henry B.* Whiting John E., discharged July 18, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh. Whiting Charles L., deserted January, 1863. Wales Martin, missing in action at Shiloh, supposed to be dead. Woolsey Philander H.* Waterhouse Lewis, died at Pittsburg Landing, March 20, 1862. Winebremer John B.* Wood Wm. H.. died at St. Louis, May 27. 1862, of disease. Windle Wm., discharged August 4, 1862. Wier Thomas.* Wressell David.* *Company D was assigned to duty in Company I, November 2d, 1862, by order of Col. B. Dornblazer, commanding Regiment, and was consolidated with Company I March 2d, 1863, by General Order No. 8, State of Illinois. All men marked with an asterisk, thus (*), were transferred to Company I as above. COMPA.NT - ID." NEW ORGANIZATION. CAPTAINS. James W. Crane, left the service, April 7, 1865. Francis O. Miller. 1st LIEUTENANTS. Francis O. Miller, promoted Captain, June 6, 1865. •(-Isaac Bobb. 2d LIEUTENANTS. Isaac Bobb, promoted 1st Lieutenant, June 6, 1865. tBenjamin F. Hayhurst. 1st SERGEANTS. John P. Waggoner, reduced to ranks, June 15, 1864. Benjamin F. Hayhurst, promoted to 2d Lieutenant, July 12, 1865. fJohn Stine. SERGEANTS. Lansing Eells, killed May 14, 1864, near "Vaughn's Station, Miss. Andrew J. Bates, discharged February 14, 1865. Michael Eshelman, reduced to ranks October 1, 1864, at his own request. }Brayton Gardner. Robert A. Jones. Richard W. Hurlbut, vet, tWm. Parker. Benjamin F. Hayhurst, promoted to 1st Sergeant June 15, 1864. John Stine, promoted to 1st Sergeant, July 12, 1865. CORPORALS. Richard W. Hurlbut, vet,, reduced to ranks May 1, 1864. Michael Eshelman, appointed Sergeant June 30, 1864. Brayton Gardner, appointed Sergeant June 30, 1864. Robert A. Jones, appointed Sergeant October 1, 1864. Wm. Parker, appointed Sergeant July 12, 1865. Levi Cross, reduced to ranks January 12, 1865, at his own request. Jacob Winner, reduced to ranks June 1, 1865. tWm. W. Felt. fCharles Caide. tMichael Rogers. John Brown, reduced to ranks January 1st, 1866. John J. Aurand, discharged June 22d. 1865. tWm. Warren. tJohn P. Waggoner. fJoel Fry. PRIVATES. Aurand John J., appointed Corporal October 1, 1864. tAddams John H., vet. t Atkins Lewis E, 16 tAvery Wm. N. Brenner Benjamin, died of disease July 2, 1864. fBolick Henry. ! Benton Levi. Brown James E. Boyer George. Belding Arthur. fBently Wm. M. +Bently Lewis D. fBeck John, f Bundy Ambrose A. fBundy Christopher. tBistline Daniel. tBrown John A., transferred from Company C March 11, 1861. Brady Frederick, mustered out October, 1865, expiration of term. Bates Andrew J., appointed Sergeant January 12, 1864. tBerwick Augustus W., transferred from 99th 111. Infantry. tBrown Wm. W. Cutting Henrv P.. transferred to vet. res. corps, April 24, 1865. tClark Wm. H. +Clark Charles B. tClark John. Caide Charles, appointed Corporal May 1, 1864. ■f-Caide Levi. •j-Cook Sherman. Bross Levi, appointed Corporal January 12, 1864. fDaughenbaugh Jonathan. fDenton Levi. •fDiemer Levi. tDunnegan Dennis. {Edgar Wm. Eister Daniel W., deserted August 20. 1864. Eells Lansing, vet., appointed Sergeant January 12, 1864. Eshelman Michael, appointed Corporal January 12, 1864. Fiss Thomas J., discharged at Mobile, April, 1865. Fogle John D., discharged September 28, 1864. Frey Joel appointed Corporal July 1, 1865. tFetzer Christian. tFlory John. Felt Wm. W., appointed Corporal January 12, 1864. jFurray Wm. {Gressenger Wm. fGrinnel Wm. D. Gardner Brayton, appointed Corporal January 12, 1861. tGross Theodore. Hayhurst Benjamin F., vet., appointed Sergeant January 12, 1S64. Hayden Luther H., died of disease January 5, 1865. t Hammond Marvin. Hurlbut Richard W., vet., appointed Corporal January 12, 1864, appointed Sergeant March 1, 1865. Johnson James W., discharged at Mobile, April, I860. Jones Robert A., appointed Corporal January 12, 1864. tKleckner John P. tKleckner Jacob. tKahley Joseph. {Keller Henry, {King Henry. Knight Hiram., died of disease June 3, 1864. Keohler Christian, deserted November, 1865. fKeohler John. Lincoln Albert, discharged July 7, 1865. tLigtathart Warren H. ■■Lee Samuel. ■Leverton Isaiic. -•Lultz Wm. Lenart Elias. ■Melton Leonard L. ■Minick Nathaniel. -Musser John W. •Musser Raymond. ■Morehouse Warren E. ■McGellegan Wm. K. tMcGellegan Joseph. Maxwell Joseph W., died of disease August 23, 1S64. tMattingly James. Messenger George W., discharged May 31, 1865. ■(•Messenger Wm. Mudy George W., died of disease October 19, 1864, fMachamar Aaron. tManin Samuel, transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry. Parker Win., appointed Corporal January 1st, 1864. ■j-Pangborn George E. {Plummer Jerome B. 17 i Rush Joseph. ] fRush Emanuel. Reed James H., transferred to Company E, March 8, 1865. tReed Stephen A. f Randall James. Rogers Michael, appointed Corporal June 80, 1864. Rudle Jacob, died of disease July 5, 1865. Spitler Win. H., appointed Corporal July 12, 1865. Solace Chester L., deserted October, 1805. IShumaker John A. Scrambling Wm. H. Spofford Charles F. .tine John, appointed Sergeant January 12, 1864. Sincox Allison, died August 5, 1865. tTowle Henry E. Tyler Dayton D., vet., transferred from Company B, March 8, 1865, . l*'->-i. . Wm. N. Haney, promoted to 1st Lieut. Nov. 24, 1864. tDavid Evans. * Wm. Morton, died of disease, June 6, 1862. tJoseph R. Gibson. Samuel V. Boyer, appointed 1st Sergeant Dec. 1, 1864. tElliot E. Pollard. ! Samuel Roberts, discharged May 20, 1862. ; tSamuel Evans. CORPORALS. ; John McClintock, died of disease, Oct. 16, 1862. Joseph Boyles, discharged Dec. 25, 1862. Elliot E. Pollard, appointed Sergeant Dec. 1, 1865. fHenry H. Bemis. Samuel L. Evans, appointed Sergeant March 1, 1*h">. tWm. E. Linsley. James F. Jackson, discharged May 5, 1862. Joseph R. Gibson, appointed Sergeant April 4, 1864. Isaiah Davev, discharged Dec. T. 1864. +Elmore G. Titus. •} David Evans, appointed Sergeant, Dec. 1, 18W. Bela T. Bt. John, reduced to ranks at his own request, July 22, ISO*. ♦John 1\ Boyer. Frederick A. Andrews, reduced to ranks at his own request, July 1U, 1802. Aamuel V. Boyer, promoted .Sergeant Oct. 16, 1862. Joseph It. Kennedy, died Sept. 9, 1803. tLafayette J. Just is. George 0. Cooper, reduced to ranks at his request, Oct. 29. 1864. Thomas Aurner, reduced to ranks at his own request, July 15, I860. ♦Benjamin Switzer. ♦Charles \V. Roberts. {■James It. Shultz. PRIVATES. Auner Porter, discharged Dec. 9, 1862. Austin Charles E., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry — mustered out expiration of term, Oct. 7. 1865. Andrews Frederick A., appointed Corporal Dec. 1,1861 — died of disease .January 31, 1864. Auner Thomas, vet., appointed Corporal March 1, I860. Bosley Julius, vet., deserted Dec. 1, 1865. Birdsell Charles H., transferred to vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 10, 1863. Blodgett Douglass, died of disease, March 6, 1862. fBoyer John T., vet. fBemus Henry H., vet. ♦Benjamin Harvey L., vet. {Buckley Warren E. ♦Butler James. Burk John, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry — mustered out Oct. 7 •t865— expiration of term. ♦Brassel Thomas, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. {Buckley Morrill. Cooper George O., appointed Corporal May 5, 1862 — discharged Dec. 1, I86i. Cole James M., vet., deserted Dec. 31, 1865. Creighton Henry, died of disease, July 13, 1862. •Cowell John \V., died in Southern prison, May 7, 1862. ^Carpenter Ralph L., died of disease Jan. 19, 1865. • Cassady John, deserted Jan. 1, 1866. fColcord Albert H. ; jColcord Ivory A. vrCallender James, transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry. Dodge Columbus, died of disease May 4, 1862. iDavey Isaiah, appointed Corporal Oct. 29. 1862, Demuth Frederick, discharged Aug. 9, 1865. ■Eades Jonathan, died of disease, May 12, 1862. Evans Samuel L., vet., appointed Corporal April 4, 1864. .♦Evans Columbus D. Frazier David, deserted May 13, 1863. .Frank John F., died of disease, June 10, 1862. •Fuller Abram B., discharged Sept. 28, 1862. French James w., vet., died on Steamer Planet, Jan. 19, 1864. tFerguson Russel L. Gillespie Peter, vet., transferred to K Co., February 29, 1864. Gurley Isaiah, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry— discharged tor jtf Inability, July, I860. Hays David, died of disease, April, 19, 1S62. Hill Jesse, discharged Aug. 15, 1862. Hanev Win. N., vet., appointed Sergeant July 1, 1862. Hopkins Wm. T., discharged Dec. 25, 1862. Hodges Jesse G., discharged Dec. 1, 1864. Holden John, discharged Nov. 12. 1802. Hill James, discharged Mav 25, 1862. 4-Hall Wm. J. ♦Hammond Andrew J. Imlay Robert, vet., killed at battle Jackson, Miss., July 7, 1864. .-(•Johnston Gustavus, vet. -{Johnston August, vet. Justus Lafayette, vet., appointed Corporal April 4, 1864. Johnston Wm. W., deserted Dec. 31, 1865. fJunior Alexander, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Kennedy Joseph R., died of disease Sept. 9, 1863. -jKoin John W. fKeenan Michael. Lenhart Silas N., died of disease, May 2, 1862. Laidley David, discharged Sept. 29, 1862. Lathrop Carlo, died of disease, May 4, 1862. Longedon Rufus, deserted Dec. 19. 1862. Lindsay Wm. E., vet., appointed Corporal April 4, 1864. Larry Hiram, deserted Nov. 4, 186-1. ♦Law John W. {Leslie Edward. {Long Isaac. McNeil Alexander, discharged Dec. 1, 1661- expiration of term. ♦Morton John, vet. 19 Martin James S., died of disease, May 16, 1862. iMann Frank, vet. Marble Roscoe, deserted May 13, 1863. tMoxley Risdon R., vet. IcGee Mathew, discharged Sept. 5, 1862. McOloud David, died of disease, April 4, 1862. Mellenger John B , discharged Nov. 11, 1862. Middaugh John E., deserted July 16, 1864. f Moshier Lorenzo. rMarian Joseph. fMoses Lewis. _ . „ • Moses Wm. M., discharged Oct. 9, 1865— War Department order, No. . .. McGinness Chester, transferred irom 11th Illinois Infantry— mustered out expiration of term, Oct. 4, 1865. tMulinaux John, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Newton James, discharged Dec 1, 1864. Noble Alonzo B., deserted Nov. 18, 1863. Newton Addison, discharged Sept. 29, 1862. fO'Neil Patrick, vet. iO'Brien Patrick, vet. tPalmer Wm., vet. Pearl Joseph, died of disease, June 27, 1863. Peck Charles W\, died of disease, July 19, 1863. fPlantz Victor A., vet. IPike Thomas. JPeaslee Cornelius. tPhillips Christopher. Phillips Wm. PI., deserted Jan. 2, 1866. Patterson Orrin, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry —mustered omi -jcpiration of term, Oct., 1865. . , Plank Christian, transferred from 11th Illinois Intantry. Quinn Edward, deserted Oct. 12, 1865. Remer John, appointed Sergeant July 1, 1862. Ryan Michael, vet., discharged for disability, June, 18u>. JRussell Alanson H., vet. Roberts Charles W., appointed Corporal March 1, 186-... ♦Randall Willis A. , Soot Samuel H., transferred from I Co., June 10, 18Gv>. tRoadnight Wm. II., vet, tRunkle John S. Rishel John G., discharged May 27, 1865. tReed Isaac W. tReed James H., transferred from D Co., March 8, I860. iRoper Allen P., vet., transferred from ltth Illinois Intantry. Ransford Henry, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry— mustered our —"spiration of term, Sept. 30, 1865. Seizick Albert, promoted 2d Lieut. July 3, 1862. Switzer Benjamin, vet., appointed Corporal March 1, 1865. Sheehy Michael, deserted March 18, 1863. ».»,,.«. St. John Bela T., vet., appointed Corporal Aug. 16, 1862— appointed 1st Hev- >?Mmt Sept. 1, 1865. Smith James P., discharged Nov. 10, 1862. Shultz James R., vet., appointed Corporal July 15, I860. Simmers Mathias, discharged dec 4, 1862, of wounds received at Hluloh- Still John, discharged May 5, 1862. Swanson Peter, vet., discharged March 15, 1865. tSteele David. rShaw Wm. Shaw Stephen. Stonebraker Jasper N. . .,-,.., . . Shumake John, died from eneets ol stab 01 kniie at Natcnitoenea, La., Vig. 15, 1865. ... ,. t ^, . ,- , m . Stonebraker Eliphalet J., mustered out expiration oi term, Oct. IT, I860- Sprlnger David, discharged May 27, 1865. |Shaw Wm. E. jSeyler Peter. tSaxby Wm R. ;Sidles Charles Z. Shaw John W., vet., transferred from llth Illinois Intantry— deserut! Spears Henry, transferred from llth Illinois Infantry— deserted July 8, 1S«5. tTrefethen Alfred M., vet. Thompson Henry, discharged Nov. 12, 1862. Titus Elmore Y.. vet., appointed Corporal April 4, 1864- Tilton Horace, discharged Nov. 10, 1862. Turney Robert W., died of disease, Oct. 20, 1864. XTrenholm Robert. iTrenholm John W. Thorp Isaac N., drowned Jan. 3, 1865. fTrotter James transferred from A Co., March 17, ISM. XTozer Alonzo, transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry. Vennum Edward C, discharged March 30, 1863. tWheeler Wm. N-,vet. JO Welsh Peter, died of disease, May 4, 1862. Whi^K/d^mefo^oS recced at battle of Jackson, Mis,., July '^'wtisonAlbert.discharged July 16, 1861 «^ J T& V fiS5SSS"S!^S& ^Infantry-mustered out " XP WeSd?U Jes e S T^?tran' S fefred from 11th Illinois Infantry, died Aug. 3, 1865- CJ03S^I»A3SrY "F-" CAPTAINS. Thomas Wakefield, mustered out Dec. 29th, 1864, expiration of term. tFrancis M. Lollar. T 1st LIEUTENANTS. John W. Barr, discharged March 20th, 1864, to accept promotion in 6th D. 8. YohKaw, mustered out Dec. 29th, 1864, expiration of term. ; Alvin T. Byrne. 1 2d LIEUTENANTS. Wiufleld S. Ingraham, died April 23d. 1862, of wound s .received at Shiloh. rohn Shaw, promoted to 1st Lieutenant April 21st 1862 Francis M^Lollar, promoted to Captain March 20th, 18fo. tJohn L. Carter. T 1st SERGEANTS. Tesse B Shadle, reduced to ranks March 21, 1865. John Shaw, promoted to 2d Lieutenant Dec 26 1862. Wm W Crosson, reduced to Sergeant Jan. 15 1863. Francis M. Lollar, promoted to 2d Lieutenant July 24, lhM. \ Zander R Barker, vet,, discharged Sept 9 1804 UvInT Byrne, promoted to 1st Lieutenant March 20,1860. tWm. W. Crosson, vet. SERGEANTS. ^ssas^ss^^^^s^ of term ' ,rg r n P orse°A White, discharged July 9. 1862. . tlexfnder R .Barker, appointed 1st Sergeant July 24, 1864. ^mathan Blair, died of disease August 24 1862. Francis iLLolfar, appointed 1st Sergeant Jan. 13, 1863. gf^T?S&^S5^S!S3S« September^, 1864. tCharles Boyd, veteran, t Andrew J. Shores. HS^SMKS ■ .« .'.— w. ■- 1S,5x CORPORALS. Varon D. Shadle, discharged November 7 1862 ggiySl, rea.oea to ranks May », 1866, metered »t JoneSl*. 1865, expiration of term. ■j-David Reeves vet. \v- V m H • LltSvll^TJduced to ranks at his own request July M, 1864 . ^rSfs^Tacksoufdied of disease October 10, 1864. 21 Samuel McGuire, mustered out June 19 I860, expiration W term. Charles Boyd, appointed Sergeant March 20, I860. fJoshua Arnold. Ephraim M. Bryan, reduced to ranks. Hooper C. Morgan, died of disease September 27, 1862. +Wm. A. Wood. Eli Grouse appointed Sergeant July 24, 1864. Erhard Stoll. reduced to ranks at his own request fJoseDh Cradler, vet., transferred from 11th Illinois Intautrj . tAugSst Rump, vet,, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. PRIVATES fAbbott James P., discharged April 7, ^.re-enlisted January 14, 1864. Arnold Joshua, vet., appointed Corporal March 20, 1805. tAnde^rfjames P., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Boyd Charles, vet., appointed Corporal July 24 1864 Barker Alexander R., vet,, appointed Sergeant May 1, 1862. tBryan Wm., vet, Ballard Henry C, died of disease October 22 1862 -Rrvan Wm H. died of wounds received at Shiloh, April -o, i»w. Bryan Ephraim M "appointed Corporal August, 1862, mustered out Dec. 2* Bryant Richard R., discharged February 15, 1863. tBrant Johnson W., vet. Brown Harrison, discharged August 20, 1862. Byrne Alvin T., vet., appointed Sergeant August, 1862. Barnett James W., died of disease August 8, 1863. Brooks Jonathan, discharged May 13, i860. Babbitt Francis C, died of disease November 9, 1864. CffinJ<poMted Corporal December 29, 1861, transferred to vet. res. corps March 26, 1864. ,, , MI Bixler Hiram, died of disease February 17 1864 Butroff John, died of disease November 24, 1864 +Broms Lamus. transferred from 11th 111. Intantry. rt „*„»»«. iba-. Blah^nsom, transferred from 11th 111. Inf., mustered out October, 18tw. expiration ot term. T -_*_, tBlanchard James, transferred from 11th 111. Inltotry. tBeddoe Samuel T., transferred from 11th 111. Inlantrj • Blair Jonathan, appointed Sergeant December 29, ««• Bryant Quintin J., appointed Corporal December 29,18 . tCraig Joshua B., vet., discharged August 28 1862 re-enlisted Dec. 29, 188* Crowse Calvin, appointed Sergeant March 31 1862. Crowse Eli, appointed Corporal February 29, 1864. Chrissman Benj. F., mustered out Dec. 29, 1864, expiration of term. Clark Riley, discharged May 3, 1862. Corder John J., died of disease June 12, 1862. Craig John W., died of disease December 8, 1861. Clark John W., died of disease August 5, 1862. Carter Parkson, died of disease September 1, I860. fSrter Ftobert M.^nustered out December 29, 1864, expiration of term. fCovell Thomas G., vet, .„,,„„. Chrisman Silas, died ot disease August 26, 1864, Chauman James H., died June. I860. , Curtis Elmsly, mustered out May 18, I860, War Department order. fCarter Thomas. 10 „, Crosson Wm. W., appointed Corporal December 29 1861. rnrtpr Tohn L anoointed Corporal December 2V), lsoi. ^hlin^omat^sfewed P froin 11th 111. Inf., mustered out October,^,, eXP +Cumev lamuei, transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry Daniel Walter P., vet., appointed Corporal March 29, 1804. Devore David J., died of disease July 22. 1862. tDeJaynes Lewis, transferred from 99th Illinois Infantr> . tErnst Joel C, vet. Elliott Wm., died of disease June ■ 2o. I860. fe „ +TO tEzzell Wm. J., transferred from 99th Illinois In&ntry. Elder George W., appointed Sergeant December 29, 1801. Foster Henly R.7 mustered out December 29, 1861, expiration ol term. fForeman Hugh L. Gard Wm. F., died of disease November 4, 1864. tGard Mitchell. jGard Jarrett. „ . loa . Gard George W., died of disease September, I860. jGross Josiah. fietson James E., transferred from 11th 111. Inf., mustered out October, 1 %1L P ionjTml,1ransferredfrom 11th 111. Inf., mustered out October, I860. expiration of term. on ioj-i Hai.ow Joshua P., appointed Corporal December 29 1861. tHorsman Frederick, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantiv . 22 Houston George W., transferred from 11th 111. Infantry, mustered outO*>- »ober, 1865, expiration of term. fHavie John, transferred from 11th 111. Infantry. Hart Henry C, vet., mustered out October. 1865, expiration of term. tHart John W. Hanna Aaron, died of disease February 15, 1865. tHeady Thomas S., vet. Harris Levi, died of disease — date unknown. Hinman Benj. L., mustered out December 29, 1864, expiration of term. Hays Thomas, mustered out December 29,, 1864, expiration of term. Hinds Daniel T., discharged August 15, 1862. Hellman Martin, transferred to V. R.C., September 19. 18(53. Hays James, deserted May 15, 1862. tHaeuszler Conrad. tHitchcock Frederick. tHays Samuel P.. transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Hanifln Wm., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry, mustered out Otinst- i»er, 1865, expiration of term. Ingraham Wm. I., died of disease February 3, 1864. Ingraham Doman, transferred to V. R. C, March 26, 1864. Jackson James S., appointed Corporal September 20, 1864. Jones Thomas R., died of disease April 28, 1864. tKelley John, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. tKimberlin Wm. O. Knowles James M., died of disease December 15, 1861. Knowles James R., died of disease May, 1862. Kittle George, died of disease December 15, 1861. jLittler Wm. H., vet., appointed Corporal February 29, 1864. {Lyons James W. Lear John W., died of disease February 20, 1864. Lacey Caner, died of disease March 20, LS6J. tLansing James, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Little Ira G., discharged, date unknown. Logan Wm. S., died April 25, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh. Lollar Francis M., appointed Sergeant November 1, 1862. tMervin Patrick H., vet. McGuire, Samuel, appointed Corporal July 10, 1864. McCullum Stephen, died of disease August 6, 1864. Montgomery James F., discharged May 3, 1862. Miller James, vet., appointed Corporal February 29, 1864.. Morgan Hooper C. appointed Corporal August, 1862. Marshall Squire, died of disease May 20, 1862. tManning Elisha, vet. McKinney Robert P., died of disease June 3, 1862. Mallory James C,. transferred from Co. K. died of disease April 10, 1862. Mahalland Adam, discharged August 15, 1862. Marshall James R., died of disease May 17, 1862. tMcMillen James. Miller Crawford C, died of disease November 16, 1861. McCaw Samuel M., mustered out August 1865, War Department order. McClure Franklin, died of disease, date unknown. Murphy James, died of disease February 22, 1864. Moore Samuel B., deserted August 30, 1865, never reported to regiment. McGhee Daniel, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry, mustered out Octo- ber 5, 1865, expiration of term. Menzies Robert, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry, mustered outOit— robero, 1865, expiration of term. Nash Roswell, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry, mustered out October 7, 1865, expiration of term. Nichols Ira, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry, mustered out Octob«r 7, 1865, expiration of term. Oaster Benjamin, transferred to V. R. C, November 10, 1863. tOtto Simon. Oaster John, died of disease December 3, 1864. Orman George W.. appointed Sergeant December 29, 1861. Pruett Walter P.. discharged April 9, 1862. tPhillips David C. Pettey Stephen, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry, mustered outOc— lober, 1865, expiration of term. rRead Daniel. ■rRead Nathaniel. Read Franklin, died of disease January 14, 1864. RodeftVr Wm. H. H., died of disease May 31, 1865. ■rRujiyan Bascom. Rogers Wm. B., died of disease January 10, 1864. Rude James, vet., died ot disease July 21, 1864. rRedman George W., vet., appointed Corporal November 7, 1862. Rolfe Thomas E., mustered out December 29, 1865, expiration of term. Rominger Franklin L., mustered out June 2d, 1865, expiration of tern. 1 . Rominger Oliver H., deserted December 19; 1865. Reeves David, vet., appointed Corporal February 29, 1864. Reid John, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry, mustered out Octobtsr,- 1865, expiration of term. 23 Rogers Lott 8., appointed Corporal December 29, 1861. (Stewart John. , .Stewart John W., died July 30, 1864, of wounds received at Jackson, Mis*. Self Josephus, vet., died of disease December 15, 1864. Strawn Wm. F., vet., discharged May 30, 186.5. hStewart Wm. R., vet, Stock Wm., died of disease January 13, 1863. Stoll Erhard, vet., appointed Corporal February 29, 1864. died of disease. De- cember 22, 1861. (Stanley John C, vet. ISchuler Frederick, vet. IStoll Frederick. Smith Barney, died of disease, December 13, 1864. tStaniford John H. I Stamford George W. Shore Andrew J., appointed Sergeant April 8, 1865. tShore Francis M. Sanford Wm. H., deserted January 3d, 1866. Slaughter Joseph H. Shadle Jesse B.. appointed Sergeant August, 1*62. Shadle Aaron D., appointed Corporal December 29, 1861. Stewart Geo. H., mustered out May 31, 1865, War Department order. Toliver Francis M., died of disease April 1st, 1864. tTruitt Alfred L. ♦Taylor James A. Taylor Stephen, died of disease December 14, 1861. tUtterback John T. Utterback Menville T., died of disease June 1, 1862. Wood Wm. A., appointed Corporal October 29, 1864. tWells John. rWells Joseph P. Woods James G., discharged November 23, 1862. West Willis, discharged December 24, 1862. Wakefield John, mustered out December 29, 1864, expiration of term. Wakefield Wm. L., vet., appointed Corporal April, 1864. Wakefield Milton, vet,, appointed Corporal December 29, 1861. h Weaver John G., vet. ^Veaver George W., vet. White Reuben M., vet., killed by lightning March 15, 1865. Wells Jefferson T.. discharged May 28, 1862. Witzman Zimri C., appointed Corporal April 1, 1863, mustered out June 19. 1865. Wright James B., appointed Q. M. Sergeant, transferred to non-commis- sioned staff April 4, 1864. jWright Reuben. {Wheeler Michael J. tWalker James, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Wilcox Wm. B., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry, mustered out Oc- tober, 1865, expiration of term. tWood Thomas, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Wilson David B., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry, mustered out May 13, 1865, expiration of term. White George A., appointed Sergeant December 29, 1861. •Weaver Isaac. co3vti'-A.3srir a-." CAPTAINS. Wm. Young, resigned April 12, 1863. Robert Smith, mustered out December 28, 1864, expiration of term. Sam'l Buchanan, resigned July 21, 1865, surgeons certificate. tDaniel D. Diffenbaugh. 1st LIEUTENANTS. Thos. M. Hood, died at Shiloh of wounds received at Shiloh, April 6*1862. Moses R. Thompson, died at Bolivar, Tenn., October 10, 1862 of wounds re- ived at the Hatchee, October 5, 1862. Robert Smith, promoted to Captain June 16, 1863. Thomas Allen, resigned August 11, 1863. Michael J. Cooper, resigned July 12, 1864. Samuel Buchanan, promoted to Captain March 20. 1865. Daniel D. Diffenbaugh, promoted to Captain October 1, 186.5. fThomas C. Laird. 2nd LIEUTENANTS. Moses R. Thompson, promoted to 1st Lieutenant, April 24, 1862. Robert Smith, promoted to 1st Lieutenant, October 16, 1862. Thomas Allen, promoted to 1st Lieutenant, June 16, 1863. 24 Michael J. Cooper, promoted to 1st Lieutenant. November 14, 1863. Samuel Buchanan, promoted to 1st Lieutenant. August 23, 18(54. Daniel D. Dilfenbaugh, promoted to 1st Lieutenant, March 20, 1865. Thomas C. Laird, promoted to 1st Lieutenant, October 1, 1865. fThomas E. Joiner. 1st SERGEANTS. Robert Smith, promoted to 2d Lieutenant, April 24, 1862. Michael J. Cooper, promoted to 2d Lieutenant, June 16, 1863. Samuel Buchanan, promoted to 2d Lieutenant, April 14, 1864. Daniel D. Diffenbaugh, promoted to 2d Lieutenant, August 23, 1864. Thomas C. Laird, promoted to 2d Lieutenant, April 9. 1865, Thomas E. Joiner, promoted to 2d Lieutenant, October 1, 1865. frRudolph Kencke, vet. SERGEANTS. Wm. Swansey, promoted to Sergeant Major, December 7, 1861. Joseph M. McKibben, reduced to the ranks at his request, Dec. 15, 1861. Joseph Stamp, died of disease June 10. 1N62. James B. Smith, discharged August 23 1863. Robert ('. Young, discharged Nov. 12, 1864, reduced to ranks. Michael J. Cooper, promoted to 1st Sergeant. July 1, 1862. Samuel Buchanan, promoted to 1st Sergeant, June 30, 1863. Daniel D. Diffenbaugh, promoted to 1st Sergeant, April 1, 1863. Thomas C. Laird, promoted to 1st Sergeant. September 1, 186-1. j-Seth Cable, vet. Thomas E. Joiner, promoted to 1st Sergeant, April 10, 1865. Aaron Fehr, reduced to ranks, January 7, 1865. ■Rudolph Kencke, vet., appointed 1st Sergeant, October 1, 1865. #Firdinand Loehle, vet. James S. Chambers, reduced to ranks, 1865. j-David Allison, vet. fLewis B. Richmond, vet. CORPORALS, .Samuel E. Hershey, transferred to invalid corps, November 10, 1863. ■Joseph S. Brown, died April 28, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh John W. Rowrey, discharged, June 21, 1862. Thomas Snyder, discharged, December 11, 1862. •David W. Fiscus, Discharged. Dec. 24, 1862. •Reuben Brubaker, died May 8, 1862 of wounds received at Shiloh. Lewis B. Richmond, vet., appointed Sergeant, October 1, 1865. Sidney A. Ward, died July 8, 1863, of wounds received at Jackson, Mis Oaniel D. Diffenbaugh, promoted to Sejjgeant, July 1, 1862. Samuel Buchanan, promoted to Sergeant May 1, 1*862. Thomas C. Laird, promoted to Sergeant, July 1, 1862. ■Seth Cable, promoted to Sergeant. July 1, 1862. Aaron Fehr, promoted to Sergeant, May 1, 1864. Thomas E. Joiner, promoted to Sergeant, May 1, 1864. Jonathan McMurray, discharged, May 20, 1863. Charles Spooner, reduced to ranks, October, 1863. Wm. Helm, died of disease, June 22, 1863. •Elias D. Baker, reduced to ranks. Rudolph Kencke, promoted to Sergeant, September 1, 1864. ■Ferdinand Leohle, promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 1865. Isaac S. Lee, reduced to ranks, May, 1864. ■Chambers McMurray, prisoner of war from August 27, 1864. James S. Chambers, promoted to Sergeant, April 6, 1865. Edward H. Baker, mustered out, June 19, 1865, War Department order. David Allison, promoted to Sergeant, June 1, 1865. John Wilson, reduced to ranks, January, 1864. Francis Redinger, deserted, October 29, 1805. JNewton Linsley, vet. ■J James H. Haughey. j-Ezekiel S. Clark, i Uriah Richards, t Aaron Fehe, vet. PRIVATES. £ Albright Jacob, vet. Allison David, vet., promoted Corporal, Jim.- I. 1864, Auman John, discharged, March 22, 1865. Allen Thomas, promoted 2d Lieutenant, October 16, 1863. Aikey Robert, died April 9, 1862. of wounds received at Shiloh J-Albright Wm. j-Angle Luther. i Aikey Abraham. Buchanan Samuel, vet., promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1862. Brubaker Reuben, promoted to Corporal, December 15, 1861. Beler Geo. D., killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Urown Wm., discharged, June 30, 1862. tBenton Geo., discharged, Dec. 22, 1862, re-enlisted as vet. Feb. 29. 186-1. Brown Joseph S\ promoted to Corporal, October 15, 1861. Bradshaw Benj. H., promoted to Assistant Surgeon, September 12, 1802. (Baker Elias D., vet., promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1862. Bates Branan L., died of disease, July 12, 1862. Bush \Vm., discharged February 9, 1863. Baker Edward H., promoted to Corporal Jum- 1, 1864. Baker Solomon S.. discharged May 24, 186-5. tBrubaker Wm. H. H. f Baker Joseph. tBeedy Eldridge H. tBarfoot Frank R. tBardner Henry. +Brew Ferdinand. tBelliman John. fBoyer Owen. Buttler Elijah M., mustered out Jan. 8, 1866, expiration ot term ; transferred from 99th Illinois. tBaker John M. Gupple Calvin J., died of disease Nov. 7, 1865; transferred from 99th Ill's Cable Seth, promotedjto Corporal May 1, 1862. . Cable David, discharged October 19, 1864, Cole James, discharged August 18,1862. Craig Edwin W., discharged June 21, 1862. Cooper Michael J., promoted to Sergeant December 15, 1861. Clubine Daniel, discharged June 30, 1863. Curtis Henry H., discharged November 11, 1862. Clark Ezekiel S., promoted to Corporal May 1, 1865. Christman Frank, discharged May 22, 186-5. • .'able Elmas. discharged June 19, 1865. fCampbell Richard. tCable William. Carrel Daniel, mustered out June 9, 1864. jCole John. {Chambers James S., promoted to Corporal April 11, 1864. Diffenbaugh Daniel D., promoted to Corporal December 15, 1861. Drake Edwin, discharged November 12, 1864, expiration of term. Daughenbaugh Samuel, vet., dishonorably discharged Oct. 17, 1H65. Dunn Thomas, vet., deserted October 31, 1865. Driesbach Daniel, died of disease March 12, 1863. Daws Alfred, deserted November 2, 186-5. tDaws Thomas J. Fehr Aaron, vet., promoted to Corporal June 1, 1862. tFiscus David W., re-enlisted February 28, 1864. ■ tFrisbie Charles G. Frisbie Wm. D., deserted October 29, 1865. Graken Samuel H., died April, 1862. tGage Isaac, vet. fGardner John. tGroffJohn. tGarraan Henry C. jGarman Wm. A. •{■Goodrich Jerome. Hulet Henry, died of disease May 30, 1862. fHeckle Elias, vet. Helm Wm., promoted Corporal July 1, 1862. fHood Joseph R., vet. Hood Thomas J., deserted March 20,1864. Hershey Samuel E., promoted Corporal October 15, 1861. Hathaway Earl, re-enlisted in 2d Illinois Light Artillery Jan. 4, 1S64. Havard Wm., transferred to K Co. 46th Illinois Volunteers. Haines Wm., died of disease, February 12, 186.5. tHaines John H. Haughey James H., promoted Corporal April 10, 186-5. fHaughey Samuel J. Hay Jonathan, discharged March 30, 1865. Hall Thomas W., mastered out October 3, 1865, expiration of term. tHathawav Robert. tJohnston Wm. H. Joiner Thomas E., promoted to Corporal June 1, 1862. .Tahn Franciso B., discharged by sentance of court martial Jan. 22, 1865. Klantz Geo., vet., prisoner of war from August 27, 1864. Kencke Rudolph, vet., promoted to Corporal July 1, 1862. Kettner George, died April 12, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh. Krumme Henry, discharged Sept. 13, 1864, transferred from C company. Klontz Peter, discharged May 5, 1865. Laird Thomas C, vet., promoted Corporal May 1, 1862. +Lee Ion, vet. +Lee Isaac S., vet., promoted Corporal March 16, 1863. Linsley Newton, vet., promoted Corporal March 1, 1865. Long Casper, discharged July 9, 1862. LeBell Peter, died of disease June 2, 1862. Larrie John, died of disease June 27, 1863. Lahay James, transferred to company K, 46th Illinois. Leohie Ferdinand, vet., promoted to Corporal March 1-5, 1868, tLowe Thomas A. fLaAv Rolandus. 26 rLapp Joseph. Moot-hart Phean, discharged May 9, 1862. Moothart John F., died of disease February 9, 1864. ; rMotter Jonathan, vet. Meinhart Conrad, discharged November 12, 1861. (•McMurray Jonathan, promoted Corporal July 1, 1862. McMurray Chambers, vet., promoted Corporal April 11, 1864. McKibben Joseph M., transferred to company K, 46th Illinois, McLaughlin Thomas, transferred to company K. 46th Illinois. McClintic John N., discharged March 17. 1863. fMcMurray George. fMaver Isaac. tMcLeas Robert. Pricing George, killed in battle at Jackson, Miss., July 6, 1864. ■KPetrick Paul, vet. iPaul William. (Pease Yeedock, transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry. hRiddle William, Richmond Lewis B., vet., promoted Corporal December 15, 1861. Richard Uriah, promoted Corporal July 1, 1861. Richard Win. I)., discharged October IS, 1864. Rubold Henry, discharged March 8, 186.5. Reeter Wm., discharged November 12, 1864. Howry John W., promoted Corporal October 15, 1861. Etedinger Francis, vet., promoted Corporal February 1, 1865. Rutter Jacob, deserted April 20, 1862. Reasmyer Henry, died July 20, 1864, of wounds received at the battle of Jackson Miss. Realt Edward, discharged August 9, 1865. tRutter Benj. F, Rishel Ellas, discharged August 9. 1865. tHiddle Samuel. Utaymen John A. iRaymen Wm. H. Smith Augustus I.., discharged December 11, 1862. fSmith Wm., vet. Smith James B., promoted Sergeant October 15. 1861. Smith Robert, promoted 1st Sergeant October 15, 1861. Stamp Joseph, promoted Sergeant October 15, 1861. Swanzey Win., promoted Sergeant October 15, 1861. iSindlinger Wm. M., discharged July 9, 1863, re-enlisted July 28, 1865. Shively John, died April 23, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh. Schrubh Thomas, discharged November 25, 1862. Snyder Thomas, promoted Corporal, October 1.5, 1861. Smith Martin, vet., died of disease March 24, 1864. Steele James W., promoted Hospital Steward September 20, 1862. Shaffer Jacob, died of disease July 17, 1862. tSpooner Charles, vet., promoted Corporal July 1, 1862. shirk Daniel F., vet.,;deserted June 4, 1864. Stamm Wm. D., died of disease September 24, 1864. +Smith Edward O. W. Shinkle John T., died of disease August 28, ism. Shippey Joseph W., died of Disease November 23, 1864. Shearer John, died of disease, December 26, 1864. tSausman John S. tSpringman Adam. Stamm Amos A., mustered out October 186.5— expiration term of service. rSindlinger Samuel. tSeeley Orrin. >Sherman Leonard, transferred from company A. jScott Lorenzo D., transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry. Tombleson Silas W., mustered out October 186,5— expiration of term. Tool Albert S., mustered out October 186.5 — expiration of term. Tool Eugene T., mustered out October 186,5— expiration of term. rThomas Wm. H. tVore John, vet. Williams Peter, vet., died of disease March 3, 1863. tWilson Francis T., vet. rWilson John, vet., promoted Corporal September 1, 1861. Wyer John, discharged April 26, 1863. Ward Sidney A., vet., promoted Corporal December 25, 1861. rWentz, Philip, vet. Weaver Wm., discharged December 5. 1864. Wike Peter, transferred to invalid corps November 10, 1863. Wooten James E., deserted October 21, 1865. Williams Wm., died of disease December 14, 1864. (■Walters Samuel. Wolflnger Aaron, died of disease June 19, 1865. r Wells Henry, transferred from 99th Illinois. t Young David D. Young Francis M., discharged October 19, 1864. Young Robert C, promoted to Sergeant Dec. 15, 1863, mustered out Oct.. I86t— expiration of term. 27 CAPTAINS. John Stevens, killed April 6, 1862, at the battle of Shiloh. John A. Hughes, mustered out Dee. 6, 1864— expiration of term. fFred W. Pike. 1st LIEUTENANTS. John A. Hughes, promoted Captain April 6, 1862. Fred. W. Pike, promoted Captain December 6, 1864. KThomas A. Peironnet. 2d LIEUTENANTS. Fred. W. Pike, promoted 1st Lieutenant April 6, 1862. Edward A. Snyder, mustered out December 16, 1864. tWilliam P. Hardy. 1st SERGEANTS. Thomas A. PeironnoU promoted 1st Lieutenant December 1, 1864. Wm. P. Hardy, prom.. tod 2d Lieutenant September 1, 1865. t James Dorman. SERGEANTS. William P. Hardy, appointed 1st Sergeant April 9, 1865. John M. Murphy, reduced to ranks November 2, 1862. Charles C. Mason, killed at Shiloh April 6, 1862. Ebenezer McCoulugh, discharged April 4, 1862. Deviilia D. Segnor, discharged October 4, 1862. David Chapman, mustered out December 5, 1865— expiration ol term. John Meignan, reduced to the ranks November 2, 1862. James Dorman, appointed 1st Sergeant September 1, 1S(±>. Wm. N. Henrie, reduced to the ranks. John P. McGrath, transferred to veteran reserve corps. Wm. M. Patterson, deserted November 19, 186-5. tJames Patterson, f Ed ward H. Reynolds. TCorydon Stone. CORPORALS. E. H. Blackburn, discharged October 19, 1862. DeWitt C. Bennett, reduced to ranks at his request.. A. J. Cooley, deserted January 28, 1863. Wm. McDonald, reduced to the ranks. Abram Fuller, discharged July 27, 1862. Samuel D. Hemenway, reduced to the ranks at his request May 1, 186.'- Wm. P. Hardy, appointed Sergeant October 1, 1862. Wm. H. Cook, mustered out December 1, 1864. James Dorman, appointed Sergeant December 6, 1862. Preston K. Hill, mustered out December 5, 1864. James Patterson, appointed Sergeant December 5, 1864. John Ure. mustered out November 21, 1861. Henry McUarl, died of disease February 16, 1864. Michael Rooch, reduced to ranks April 17, 1864. Edward H. Reynolds, appointed Sergeant February 1, 186->. Corydon Stone, appointed Sergeant April 9, 1965. Charles Keniston, reduced to ranks November 17, 1865. John P. McGrath, appointed Sergeant December 6, 1863. Wm. M. Patterson, appointed Sergeant September 1, 1865. John Meighan, died of disease December 19, 1864. George W. Williams, deserted November 17, 1865. James Landy, died at home, 1865. James K. Sechler, reduced to ranks at his own request Feb. 1. 186o. John Gorman, appointed Sergeant November 17, 1865. tCharles B. Hardy. James B. Newbery, appointed Sergeant December 1, I860. (•Corn, lius Kallag'er. tAlva D. Akins. tKinney Wood. tWoodbury Akins. tJacob Wood, tHenry R. Ojers. PRIVATES. Antisdel Moses, discharged April 4, 1862. Atkins Alva D., appointed Corporal November 17, 1865. Atkins Woodbury, appointed Corporal November 17, 1865. (Antenham Herman. Adams Anderson, mustered out May 13, 1865. Bond John, deserted April 7, 1862. ISullis Abram P., discharged September 23, 1862. Bullock Charles, deserted January 4, 1862. Blaker Geo. M., deserted July 16, 1862. tBennet DeWitt C, vet. Blackmail E. H. appointed Corporal. 28 tBennett Edward. tBailey Emery D. tBailey Albert. Buttz Christian M., transferred from 99th 111. Infantry, mustered out Jan. II, 1866— expiration of term. tBrown Joseph, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Baldwin Lewis E. transferred from 11th 111. Infantry, mustered out Oct., 1865 — expiration of term. Burroughs Wm. H., transferred from 11th 111. Infantry, mustered out Oct. 1865 — expiration of term. +Brace Sylvester N., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Cooley Anderson J., deserted January 28, 1863. Cook Wm. H., appointed Corporal December 1, 1861. t-Cook Lyman H., vet. tCook Monroe, vet. Chapman David, appointed Sergeant April 6, 1862. tCosort Samuel F., vet. Carpenter Wm. I., discharged October 16, 1862. Carpenter Denning, transferred to veteran reserve corps Nov. 11, 1863. Goyle John, died May 8, 1863, of disease. Ceames Frederick, transferred to company C, December 26, 1863. < lase Franklin, transferred to company D December 1, 1861. Clank Jacob T., transferred to 23d Illinois Volunteers January 1, 1862. tCase E. B. Chambers Geo. W., died of disease January 26, 1863. Corbin O. A. deserted October 31, 1865. Commisky Thomas, mustered out May 2, 1865, tCosgrove Michael, transferred from company I July 1, 1864. Carmichael John, mustered out October 31, 1865 — expiration of term. - tCohen Aaron, transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry. Chase Everett E. transferred from 11th 111. Infantry, mustered out Oct. 8, 186.5— expiration of term. Campbell Joseph A., transferred from 11th 111. Infantry, died Aug. 18, 186-5. tCollins Dennis, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Dwyer Wm., transferred to veteran reserve corps Nov. 11, 1863. Dolan James I., discharged Jan- 10, 1861, to accept promotion in the 6th U. S. C. A. Dorman James, vet., appointed Sergeant December 6, 1862. Dailey Patrick, died April 6, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh. Dunn James, discharged September 20, 1862. IDumphey Wm., vet. Dunn Patrick, mustered out August 11, 1865— expiration of term. iDoninger Addison. )eWitt Ralph, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry— mustered out Oct. J I, 1865 — expiration of term. Emerson Jerome, died Feb. 16, 1862, of wounds received at Ft. Donelson. tEarnest Jacob, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Foy Peter, died April 4, 1862. Fitzgerald John, vet., died January 7, 1865. Fuller Abram, appointed Corporal December 1, 1861. Fox Ferdinand, discharged November 25, 1862. Green Phileman. drowned October 8, 1862. Gonnan John, vet., appointed Corporal April 9, 1865. Horton Burton M., discharged February 4, 1863. Hughes John A., promoted to 1st Lieutenant December 1, 1861. Horton Sylvester, died May 18, 1862. tHorton Nelson J., vet. Hill Preston K., appointed Corporal November 20, 1862. tHardy Robert, vet. Hardy Win. P., vet., appointed Corporal December 1, 1861. Henrie Wm. N., appointed Sergeant December 1, 1863— discharged Decem- ber 5, 1863. tHemenway Samuel D., vet. Hardy Charles B., appointed Corporal February 5, 18t>">. Herrick O. B., mustered out May 4, 1865. jHuntley Livington. THorton Benjamin. tHochstoetter Wm. tHorton Myron D. tHileman Thomas, transferred from*Ilth Illinois Infantry. fHileman John H., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Holmes James A., transferred from 11th 111. Infantry— mustered out Oct. 1865 — expiration of term. Hicks Willard I., transferred from 11th 111. Infantry— mustered out Oct. 1865 — expiration of term. Jones John J., appointed Lieut. Col. December 31, 1861. Kenaston Charles H., vet., appointed Corporal December 6, 186;-!. tKiersey Geo. W., vet. Kieman John, discharged for disabilitv July 17, 1865. +Kelley John W. Kalaher Cornelius, appointed Corporal June 1, 1865. fKing Andrew. fKeller James M., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. 29 Larson Andrew, discharged December 22, 1862. tLittle Isaac, vet. Loveridge Jerome, died July 30, 1864. Landy James, appointed Corporal December 5. 1864. Lawless John, transferred from 11th 111. Infantry— mustered out Oct. lh 1865 — expiration of term. McCarl Henry, appointed Corporal October 1, 1861. McGrath John P., vet., appointed Corporal October 1, 1862. McConlaugh E., appointed Sergeant October 14, 1861. McDowell David, mustered out December 5, 1864. Meighan John, vet., appointed Corporal December 6, 1863 . Murphy John M., discharged November 2, 1864, Mason Charles C, appointed Sergeant October 1, 1861. McSweeney Wm.. died December 1, 1865. McDonald Wm., appointed Corporal November 5, 1862. deserted 1863. Miller Henry C, transferred to veteran reserve corps Nov. 16, 1863. Merchant Myron V., discharged April 4, 1862. tMurphy Murtha. tMartin Don V. JMeighan Thomas. McBride Thomas, died July 18, 1865, Moore Henry, mustered out May 1865. AGO No 77. {Millard Morey. Miller Sanford. Mayer Michael. Morgon Geo. F., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry— nvustereti out October 1865— expiration of term. «** Muddoon Barney, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry— mustered;. out October 1865 — expiration of term. Newberry Jas. B., vet., appointed Corporal April 9, 1865. Nugent Patrick, transferred from company I— taansferred to veteran, reserve corps November 11, 1863. fNeer Barton B. Ojers Henry R., appointed Corporal December 1, 1865. Pike Fred W., apointed 2d Lieutenant December 1, 1861. Perry Geo. H., discharged November 1862. Patterson Wm. N.. vet., appointed Corporal December 6, 1863. Patterson Alexander, deserted April 30, 1862. Parker Shepherd P., deserted August 1, 1862. Peironnet Thomas A., vet., appointed 1st Sergeant October 1, 1861. Pettis George dropped at special muster August 18, 1862. tPethrof John. Page Scott, deserted Jan 1864. Powers Martin, discharged August 18, 1865. tPatterson Rease G. Pells Simon P., mustered out Aug, 1865— expiration of term . tPeironnet John A., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantrv, vet. Quick Joseph W. V., died May 1, 1862 ofwounds at Shiloh. * Reynolds Edward H, vet., appointed Corporal Dec 6, 18©. tRoach Michael, vet., appointed Corporal December 12. 1863. fReady Peter, mustered out Dec. 5,1864 — expiration of term— re-enlisteu January 20, 1865. Robertson Charles F., died June 2t), 1S64. Reynolds Walter S.. mastered oat May 22. 1865— expiration .it term. -rReach Martin. Stevens John, appointed I 'aptain December 1, 1861. smith Zerah O., discharged April 4, 1862. Segnor Devilla D., appointed Sergeant November 6, 1861. Schronmaker Andrew, discharged June 16, 1862. Snyder John E. died May 1, 1862. Sperry Justice, deserted January 4. 1862. Smith John.discharged April 4, 1862. Stone Chas. H., discharged July 20, 1862. Stone Corydon, vet., appointed Corporal May 1, 1864. tSmith John. Sechler James M., appointed Corporal April 1, 1864. -(-Saunders Geo. H. Sullivan Michael, mustered out October 10— expiration ol term. Sullivan Garnett, mustered out October 10— expiration of term. Snyder E. A., appointed 2d Lieutenant September 1, 1862. tSells Eliend. transferred from 90fh Illinois Infantry. Sausman John B., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry— mastered out October 1865 — expiration of term. Townsend Luther, died at Jit. Vernon, Indiana. tTalley William, vet. Tracy James, discharged October 18, 1862. Tracy Stanton C, discharged June 16, 1862. tThroop Freeman W. tTilcher John. Thrasher Wm., transferred from 11th Illinois— mustered out Oct. 186->— ex- piration of term. Ure John, appointed Corporal July 1, 1862. tWertz Upton, vet. 3a Welsh Theron, deserted May 7, 1802. Whalen James, vet., discharged July 21, 1865. Wood Jacob, vet., appointed Corporal December 1, 1865. Wear George W., discharged August 19, 1863. Williams George W., appointed Corporal December 5, 1864. Williams Stephen E. r transferred to veteran reserve corps Nov. 11, 1863. Wood Kenney, appointed Corporal November 1865. ffay Chas. R. Tood George H. neks Charles H. iles Jepthath A., transferred from 11th 111. Infantry— mustered out Nov. 8T,. 3865— expiration of term. Wiley Henry E., transferred from 11th 111. Infantry— mustered out Oct. 8, fS65^-expiration of term. COULFA.N^r I." CAPTAINS. Charles P. Stinsou, resigned Feb. 16. 1862 Rosiel D. Campbell, resigned Aug. 31, 1862. fDavid S. Pride. 1st LIEUTENANTS. James Ballard, resigned Nov. 19, 1862. fHezekiah Bullock. 2d LIEUTENANTS. Wm. H. Howell, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Hezekiah Bullock, promoted 1st Lieut. March 13, 186;?. Uriah J. Terry,* mustered out expiration of term, Nov. 30, 1864 ? fHenry G. Kennelley. 1st SERGEANTS. Hezekiah Bullock, promoted to 2d Lieut. June 26, 1862. John St. John, discharged Nov. 19, 1862. Henry G. Kennelley. promoted 2d Lieut. Aug. 4, 1865. jSolomon A. Shifter. SERGEANTS. John St. John, appointed 1st Sergeant June 26, 1862. Harvey P. Sargent, reduced to ranks March 31, 1862. Charles L. Pratt, transferred to 2d Ills. Lt. Art. June 1, 1862. Henry G. Kennelley, appointed 1st Sergeant May 18, 1863". John Collins, killed at Shiloh April 6, 1862. Solomon A. Shiffer, appointed 1st Sergeant Sept. 1, 1865. .James W. Holmes * discharged May 25, 1863. Jacob P. Miller* discharged Sept. 21, 1863. Lewis Manchester,* mustered out Nov. 30, 1861— expiration of term, Jacob Post * reduced to ranks, May 15, 1865, at his own request. fLorenzo Kipley,* vet. fGeorge W. Reiman. tPhilander Woolsey,* vet. •JMuther H. Trask, transferred from 11th Ills. Infantry. CORPORALS. .Russell D. Carter, died April 5, 1862. David B. Rossiter, died May 27. 1865. Wm. H. Robbins , died April, 1862. ludson Ware, deserted July 4, 1862. James H. Davis, appointed Q. M. Sergeant. Tan R. Strong, reduced to ranks, Nov. 2, 1863. Lewis Shiffer,.reduced to ranks. Gyrus Booth, transferred to invalid corps, March 2, 1864. Solomon A. Shifter, appointed Sergeant May 1, 1863. Jerome R. Holton,* reduced to ranks Feb. 3, 1S65. Jacob A. Post,* appointedSergeant Nov. 2, 1863. James F. Beebe, reduced to ranks Feb. 3. 1865. fEmanuel F. Brown. Charles L. Beebe,* reduced to ranks Feb. 1, 1865. iEugene Parmin. TGeorge P. Shipman. rJohn A. Morris,* vet. Philander H. Woolsey,* vet., appointed Sergeant Sept. 1, 1865. fBenjamin W. Morse,* vet. rAlnion W. Bennett, vet., reduced to ranks, Nov., 1865, Joel P. Key es/ discharged to accept promotion in colored organization. ■by, 1863. 31 PRIVATES. fAbbott Jacob B., vet. Alford Harry, died of disease, April, 1862. Aster Frank, killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Averill George, discharged, 1862. Anderson George, deserted Aug. 18, 1865. fArnold Abraham. tBennett Almon W. vet. Boyd Nelson, discharged Dec. 29, 1862. Bates John, died of disease Nov. 18, 1862. Booth Henry, transferred to invalid corps April 2, 1864. Brown Emanuel F., vet., appointed Corporal Nov, 1, 1863. fBrown Franklin S., vet. Barron Henry, discharged July 9, 1862. Burns Michael R., mustered out Nov. 30, 1864. Burns Mitchell, deserted Jan. 1, 1862. tBeebe James F., appointed Corporal Nov., 1863. Bennett Charles F., appointed Hospital Steward U. S. A. Barnard Geo. S.,*mustered out Nov. 30, 1864. tBenjamin Porter,* vet. Briscoe Edward, transferred from 99th Ills. Inf., mustered out Oct. 8, 1866— expiration of term. tBenjamin George. TChasm Thomas. Curtis Wm., discharged Oct. 18, 1862. Cooper George H., died of disease June 19, 1862. Cole Cornelius C, died of disease Nov. 4, 1864. Cummings Ezra J., discharged April 3, 1862. Campbell Rosiel D., promoted Captain Feb. 26, 1862. tCorkins Wallace. Campbell Charles R., discharged Aug.,*1862. Campbell Wm. L., died of disease, May 19, 1862. Cannon Curtis, transferred to invalid corps, March 2, 1864. Clark Rothchild N., died of disease. June 22, 1862. Corsort John, died of disease, Jan. 2, 1864. Cosgrove Patrick, transferred to invalid corps, Appil 2, 1864. Cromwell Daniel,* vet., killed at battle Jackson Miss., July 7, 1864. Crawford Hamuel E.,* died of disease March. 1863. tClay Charles H., transferred from 11th Ills. Inf. TCure Wm. M., transferred from 11th Ills. Inf. Cowen John R., transferred from Ilth Ills. Inft.— mustered out Oct. 1865— expiration of term. Claypool Elisha, transferred from 11th Ills. Inf.— mustered out Oct. 1866— expiration of term. Cosgrove Michael, transferred to H Co., July 1. 1864. fCourier Lorenzo. fCleaveland John K. fColton Orim. Dow John W.,* vet., killed near Jackson Miss., July 7, 1864. Donnovan Dennis,* mustered out Nov. 30, 1864— expiration of term. tDavenport George A., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry Dillon Henry, transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry — mustered out Dec. 1, 1865 — expiration of term. tDavis James H., appointed Corporal December 1, 1861. IDavis Wm. H., transferred from 118th Illinois Mounted Infantry. Echelbarger Benj. F„ * transferred to invalid corps Jan. 5, 1864. tFox Fredinand W. +Forbes Hardan P., * vet Fisher Wilson J., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry — mustered out October 8, 1865 — expiration of term. Fowler John, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry— mustered out Octo- ber 8, 1865 — expiration of term. Frey James, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry — mustered out October 8, 1865 — expiration of term. Fisher Thomas B., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry— mustered out October 8. 1865 — expiration of term. tGailer Willet P., vet. Goss Alonzo, mustered out November 30, 1864 — expiration of term. Graves Aspasia, * mustered out November 30, 1864— expiration of term. Gardinier Chas. H., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantrv— mustered out October 8, 1865 — expiration of term. tGuill Jefferson. tHormell Lewis C. tHormell Cornelius H. Hills Joseph, died June 10, 1862. tHobday James. Hight John R., discharged November 25, 1862. Heining Adam, discharged August 15, 1862. Harris George, died of disease June 8, 1862. Harman James E.,* mustered out Nov. 30, 1864— expiration of term. tHoward Frank,* vet. +Holton Jerome R.,* ret. 32 Harris Alanson C, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry— mustered out October 8, 1865 — expiration of term. Harris Wm. A., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry — mustered out Oct. 8, 1865— expiration of term. tHorseman Charles F.. transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Hunter John D.. transferred from 11th 111. Infantry— mustered out Oct. 3, 1*65 — expiration of term. Hunter Morrison, transferred from 11th 111. Infantry — mustered out Oct. 3. 1865 — expiration of term. Hutson Alfred, transferred from 11th 111. Infantry — discharged Sep. 1865. Huber George, transferred from 11th 111. Infantry — mustered out October 12, 1865— expiration of term. tHill Hiram. fJohnson Albert S., vet., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. tJackson Wm. A., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Kennelly Henry G., vet., appointed Sergeant May 1. 1862. Kennelly Maurice, died of disease May 15, 1862. Keightlinger Alexander, vet., deserted July 1, 1865. Kent John R., deserted 1862. Kent Marcellus B. f mustered out Jan. 1, 1865— expiration of term. tKipley Lorenzo,* vet., appointed Sergeant March 22, 1864. Keightlinger Carson, transferred from 11th 111. Infantry— mustered out < >ctober 8, 1865 — expiration of term. tKimmel Geo., transferred from the 11th Illinois Infantry. Keyes Joel P.,* appointed Corporal March 2, 1863. jLucraft Joseph. Lawton James E., mustered out Nov. 30, 1864— expiration of term. Lawrence Milo, discharged November 25, 1862. Larison Erie, mustered out Nov. 30, 1861— expiration of term. JLasher George * vet. Larish Almoh S. * mustered out Nov. 30, 1864— expiration of term. Leasch August, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry— mustered oui i )otober 8, 1865 — expiration of term. JLorch Alexander, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. JLee Daniel E. McLaren Charles, vet, died of disease January 4, 1865. Moray Henry C, discharged December 18, 1862. Marcy Frank P., killed at Shiloh April 6, 1862. Madden John, transferred to invalid corps. Marcy Andrew M., deserted August 18, 1862. Madden John,* vet., died of disease at Amboy, Illinois. tMeligan Jacob W.,* vet. Morris John A.,* vet., appointed Corporal. Morris David * mustered out Nov. 30, 1864— expiration of term . Morse Benj. W.,* appointed Corporal. Myers James,* mustered out Nov. 30. 1864— expiration of term. Munger Riley D, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry— mustered out October 8, 1865 — expiration of term. Manuel Frank, transferred from lllh 111. Infantry— mustered out October 8, 1865— expiration of term. Morse Wm. E., transferred from 11th 111. Infantry— mustered out October 8, 1865— expiration of term. Merigold Arthur, transferred from 11th 111. Infantry— mustered out Octo- ber K, 1865— expiration of term. {McCain Milford. JMills Isaac, transferred from 118th Illinois Infantry. Xorris Wm. H. II., killed at Shiloh April 6, 1862. Nugent Patrick, transferred to company H October 1, 1S62. tNunn Robert,* vet. Nevors Alonzo, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry— mustered out Octobers, 1865 — expiration of term. North Charles II.. died of disease Novembers, 1864. tOsborne Thomas P. Olney Ransom, discharged May 27, 1862. O'Harra Thomas B., promoted 2d Lieutenant .56th 111. Infantry 1865. JPost Jacob,* vet., appointed .Sergeant Julv 1, 1864. Pratt Herman, discharged Mav 20. 1862. Pratt Newell, mustered out Nov. 30, 1864— expiration of term. Pratt Charles L., appointed Sergeant December 1, 1861. {Parker Wm. N. Parker Marion, mustered out Nov. 30, 1865— term expired. Parker Flijah, deserted November 3, 1862. tPaul George, vet. Parr David, discharged April 3, 1862. Pinnev Dwight, deserted January 1, 1862. Price John W., deserted August 18, 1862. fPugh John, vet., transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Parmin Eugene, appointed Corporal May 15, 1865. Hoot Samuel H., transferred to company E January 1, 1865. Roff Clark P.,* mustered out November 30, 1864. Ritz Martin L.,* mustered out November 30, 1864. Reiman Augustus C, died of disease August 31, 186,). Reiman George W., appointed Corporal. 33 Shifter Solomon A., vet., appointed Corporal. Sniffer Robert, deserted June 30, 1863. JScott Jacob, vet. Swanston Peter, transferred to company B April 1, 1863. JStevens Elnathan, vet. tSarles Elijah. Snyder Edward A., promoted to 2d Lieutenant company H. tSloan Ephrain, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. Sheedy Patrick, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry— mustered out October. 8, 1865— expiration of term. Shinkle John W., transferred from 99th 111. Infantry— discharged May 24, 1865. fShipman Edgar W. Shipman George P., appointed Corporal May 15, 1865. fSnyder George W. ■fSheedy James R. Sawyer Horace P., died of disease September 1, 1865. tTearney Edward,* vet. Thomas Eugene T.,* mustered out November 30— expiration of term. tThorne Jacob, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. TJlm Robert R., transfei-red from 11th 111. Infantry— mustered out October 12, 1865— expiration of term. Vaughn Mathew, deserted September 5, 1862. Vickey Chester, transferred from 11th 111. Infantry— mustered out OctobeF 12, 1865 — expiration of term. JVan Nedan Theodore, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. West Alexander G., discharged August 16, 1662. Wright Burgess, died of disease April 19, 1862. Wing Horace J., discharged. Wressell David,* mustered out November 30, 1864. Whiting Henry B.,* transferred to invalid corps April 2, 1864. tWarren James, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. tWindland James, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry. f Welty Tyras. IWinebrenner John B.,* vet. Wier Thomas,* transferred to veteran reserve corps April 2, 1861. * All names of men marked with an asterisk (*), were transferred from Company D., first organization, March 2d, 1863, by Special Order No. 8, A. G. O., State of Illinois. COKVUiPAlSrY "IK." CAPTAINS. John M. McCracken, promoted Major Jan. 13, 1863. William Stewart, mustered out Dec. 21, 1864— term of service expired tOley F. Johnson. 1st LIEUTENANTS. William Stewart, promoled Captain Jan. 13, 1863. Joseph McKibben, mustered out Dec. 15, 1864— term of service expiree Lewis C Butler, died of disease Oct. 5, 1865, at Salubrity Spring*, J.a tJohn Wilson. 2d LIEUTENANTS. Beverly W- Whitney, resigned July 16, 1862. Joseph M. McKibben, promoted 1st Lieut. Jan. 13, 1883. they F. Johnson, promoted Capt. May 4, 1865. .John Wilson, promoted 1st Lieut, Nov. 25, 1865. • Thorn James. 1st SERGEANTS. James C. Mallory, reduced to ranks, Jan. 1, 1862. Joseph M. McKibben, promoted to 2d Lieut., Aug. 16, 186'-'. Oley F. Johnson, promoted to 2d Lieut., Jan. 13, 1863. Lewis C. Butler, promoted to 1st Lieut., March 20, 1865. Samuel D. Lamb, reduced to ranks, Dec. 11, 1865. I Win. Keeling. SERGEANTS. Lewis C. Butler, appointed 1st Sergeant, Jan. 13, 1863. Oscar H. Osborne, discharged July 27, 1862. ( Hey F. Johnson appointed 1st Sergeant, Aug. 16, 1862. 4. Dodson Jacob, died of ; disease JKst. SO, WM. Doan Joseph, died of disease, May 28, 1864. i§?nsmo?e a Wm ia t h ransferred from 11th Ills. Inf Eshleman Wm. J., appointed Corporal, Aug. 17, 1862 Ely Marion, died Aug. 8, 1864. Felton TimothyS, died March 1/.18W. N t , lmi . iroriev Thomas, transferred from Co. C, to N .R- C., ^°\riiL S2fiSfl tS.«Tw'fllB«ha«»ed Dec. 29. 1864-expiration of term. tFlood Bartholomew, transferred irom uw £». Gardner Elijah M.,dfed of disease, June o, 1862. 8853F Na^hanTelTlppoiuted Corporal March;!, 1864. fflly wTlfsa, discharged June 12, 1865. JStespte Pete?.' vet., transferred from E Co-discharged May 8H.MB- !Grigsby John W. gaSo^lTaef T. transferred irom 99th Ills. Inf. land Barney, died of disease, Dec. 23 1861. Kiatt John, appointed Corporal Jan. 1, low. wirtman Wm vet., appointed Corporal May 31. 18fc>. Hardy ffnC, appointed Corporal Nov. 7, 1861. IHolverson Matthias, vet. Humphrey David, discharged May 19, 186-. Hills %nos P., deserted Aug. 18, 18ft-. Howard Wm., deserted Aug. 18, ist>-. Hay?Thomas'j., transferred to vet .res corps, Nov. 10, 1863. Hartman Amon, discharged July 19, I860. iHavs^XXtransferred from 11th Illinois Infautry. tHugnes WiA; transferred from 11th Illinois In&ntry. Johnson Oley F., appointed teTg&ntKov.T,im. Jefferson Lewis, died of . disease, Jm ae ! 20, 18b2. Kettleson Oley, died of disease Dec. 19. 1861. Kostenbader Daniel, discharged Nov. 24, 1862. Kn^WmS'el'appointed Corporal Marchl, 1861. feamrar iffi l.?fe^ppolnted Corporal Dec. 20. 186.. tKraft Jacob. iKelley Zebeidee. JKamrar David. Latour Charles, transferred tp Co C. Jan. 1, 1862. Logan Wm. deserted March 4, 1864. tLeibhart Henry. +Lower Reuben. teottA^ra'ham, transferred from 11th Illinois Infantry-mortared ««*, jffifesafflt«asaWE-ss:»--A »»-«-—« Ser S" a BS?K,!kwoiuted Corporal March 1. 1864. Mll,er e jo?nTap,>ol»ted Corporal March 1. 1865. tMcCoy Geo. tMuffiey Charles T. +McKibben James H. Miller Ambrose, discharged June 24.186o. Mather Abiiah, vet., transferred to Co. B, Jan. 17,_ l»bo. tNeedham Richard N., vet., appointed Corporal bee. 30, 1862. Newton James H., transferred to E Co., Dec. 1, 1864. ffiomToscSHSet., appointed Sergeant Nov. 1 ; 1861. Kon Oley, vet,, appointed Corporal August 17. 1862. 36 Oleson Jolin, deserted Augnst 18, 18b2. tOwen Albert. Phillips Smith, vet., dishonorably discharged. May 8. 1865— sentence Gen- eral Court-Martial. Phillips Jesse, deserted July 15, 1865. Parmlee Silas, discharged Dec. 29, 1864 — expiration or term. Patten Lawrence, discharged March 7, 1862. fPlotner Frank. Quinn Wm., vet., appointed Corporal Dec. 31, 1865. Reagle Jacob, died of disease, Oct. 26, 1862. Reed James H., appointed Corporal August 17, 1862. tButler Wm. H. H.. vet. +Rudle Leonard, vet. Heber Martin Van B., discharged January 4, 1864. xReber Levi M., vet. fRunner Ziba. T. F. tRichards Wm. D. fRichards Levi. Senterben Benjamin, deserted August 18, 1862. Slade Thomas, vet., appointed principal musician, Dec. 20, 1863. Scheie Anthony vet., appointed Corporal March 1, 1865. Schock Robert, discharged August 26.1862. Snow Abijah, L. F. M., discharged August 27. 1862. of wounds received at Shiloh. Segen Theodore, discharged August 27, 1862. -"■Starr Frederick, H. JScott Isaac. Scott George W., appointed Corporal Dec. 1, 1865. strong Frederick, H., deserted March 4, 1864. Shearer Wilson, mustered out October 7, 1865 — expiration of term. tSpowage Wm, JSweeley Lewis Z. fShane Matthias. tShane John W. jSmith Charles. tSloan Thomas. jShefty Levi W. iSheffer Thomas. J. tSilkwood James, II., transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry. [Tisinger Robert R., transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry. Thorn James, vet., appointed Corporal Nov. 7, 1861. Thompson Neils, died of disease, May 13, 1862. iThomas Wm. ITrain Leonard R. Winnie Daniel, discharged Dec. 29. 1864 — expiration of term. Wagner Wm. N., vet., appointed Corporal May 31, 1865. tWoodruff Isaac vet., appointed Corporal March 1, 1861. • jWarner David J., vet., appointed Corporal March 1, 1865. xWood Thomas, vet., appointed Corporal March 1, 1864. Wardwell Wm. G., vet., deserted July 15, 1865- Wilson John, vet., appointed Corporal Nov. 7. 1861. Walbridge Thomas vet., drowned in White River Ark., Nov. 28, 1864. 1 Woolcock Thomas, vet., appointed Corporal December 26, 1861. VVertz Peter, discharged Jan. 4, 1864 — expiration of term. Witlmeck Peter, died of disease, May 17, 1862. 1:Waruer Wm. W. Watson Henry, deserted October 4. 1865. Winnie Abram, died of disease, June 16, 1865. ; Whyte James T., transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry, '. Williams Andsen J., transferred from 99th Illinois Infantry. IZeigler Miller, transferred from B Co.. April 1, 1864. JZweifel Albert, appointed Corporal December 31, 1865. All Officers and Knlisted Men marked thus (ft) were mustered out with the Regiment January 20, 1866, at Baton Rouge, La., and received their- diftchfii-src and final pay, at Springfield. Illinois. February 2, 1866. 38 HISTORICAL MEMORANDA OF THE 46th ILLINOIS VETERAN VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, FROM ITS ORGANIZATION. :p.a.:r,t first. The 46th Regiment Illinois Infantry Volunteers, composed of Companies A, B, C. G and K, from Stephenson County, and F from Richland County, rendezvoused at Camp Butler, Illinois, and Companies D, I, H and E from Lee, Ogle and Whiteside counties, rendezvoused at Dixon, Illinois, was or- ganized at Camp Butler, Illinois, on the 28th day of Decem- ber, 1861, under the command of Col. John A. Davis, of Stephenson county, who labored assidiously while the Reg- iment was in camps of instruction to bring it up to a high state of drill and discipline, with very satisfactory results. On the 11th day of February, 1862, the Regiment left Camp Butler by rail, via. Decatur, Ill's., arriving at Cairo the morning of the 12th. and immediately embarked on the Steamer " Belle Memphis " with orders to proceed up the Cumberland River and report to Gen. Grant, before Fort Donelson, Tenn. After a very pleasant trip in company with the largest and most magnificent fleet of steamers ever be- fore seen on the Cumberland River, the regiment landed on the west bank of the same on the merning of the 14th of February, three miles below. Fort Donelson. The men were supplied with forty rounds of ammunition each and disem- barked. Having no teams, nothing but what the men could carry could be taken along. Everything else was stored up- on the muddy bank and a guard of invalids placed over it. A weary march of six miles was made to reach the Head Quarters of Gen. Grant, to whom Col. Davis reported on the afternoon of February 14th. The Regiment was assigned to Gen. Lew Wallace's command, but was not ordered to the front until the morning of the 15th of February. Having no tents and only a limited supply of blankets and rations, the men suffered greatly during the cold and snowy night. It was a very rough initiation into the soldier's life, and few 40 indeed wore the number who did not wish for a speedy ter- mination of the war and the termination of their enlist- ment. On the morning of the 15th the Regiment was assigned a position near the right of the line where the rebels had the day. previous attempted to cut their way through and where it was apprehended they would make another attempt. The regiment, however, with the exception of changing position .several times during the day, rested quietly upon its arms uutil about three P. M., when it was ordered to the front and right to support a battery that was about to open on the enemy in their works. No sooner had the Regiment taken its position partially protected from the enemy's fire by a low ridge upon which the battery was posted, than the en- emy opened a most terrific fire to dislodge our battery, which was annoying them very much, wounding three of our men. one mortally. After having several horses killed and woun- ded, the battery retired. There being no sign of the enemy attempting any advance, Col. Davis withdrew the Regiment to a more sheltered position where it remained, until night put a stop to all further work, and then marched to its biv- ouac of the preceding night, which proved even more cheer- less than the first. Early on the morning of the 16th while moving to our po- sition of the previous day, messengers met us with the joy- ful tidings that the enemy had surrendered, which was soon ^iiade apparent by the numerous white flags seen floating over their works. The Regiment continued its march through the rebel works and into the town of Dover, where it was at once detailed to guard the immense stores left by the enemy upon the landing. Very soon Gunboats and transports arriv- ed at the landing loaded with troops and supplies, the latter of which were very acceptable to our almost famished sol- diers. On the 17th of February the Regiment was assigned to (xen. Thayer's brigade and ordered to proceed to Fort Hen- ry, Tenn. It was provided with two four mule teams to draw rations and cooking utensils, while the tents and all other baggage was forwarded by boat down the Cumberland and up the Tennessee rivers to Fort Henry. The Regiment arrived at Fort Henry on the afternoon of the 19th February in a terrible rainstorm and through mud indescribable. W"hild at the Fort the Regiment occupied the log huts or barracks constructed by the Confederates, which proved •most convenient and comfortable. On the fifth of March orders were received to proceed by boat up the Tennessee River. During that afternoon and night, with great difficulty and labor, the baggage, supplies and ammunition were put on board the Steamer " Aurora." The water was very high, overflowing the banks and filling the bayous, which made it necessary to transport all the bag- gage to the steamer in a few small and miserably constructed 41 boats and dug-outs, making it a very tedious as well as la- borious operation. The Begiment embai-ked on the 6th and started up the river on the 7th. After many delays it arrived at Savanah, Tenn., on the 12th. It laid in the vicinity of Savanah until the morning of the 18th, when it proceeded up the river, ar- riving at Pittsburg Landing on the same evening. March 19th, disembarked and went into camp one and a half miles from the landing, the men having to carry the greater part, of their tents and baggage to camp, for the want of other means of transportation. The trip from Fort Henry to Pittsburg Landing, on account of the crowded condition of the boat, bad water, and want of proper opportunity for ex- ercise, proved very injurious to the health of the Eegiment. Several died on the way and the sick list was largely in- creased. Before leaving Fort Henry the Eegiment was assigned to the 2nd Brigade, 4th Division. The Brigade consisted of the 14th, 15th and 46th Illinois, and the 25th Indiana Infantry and was commanded by Col. James C. Veatch of the latter regiment. The Division was commanded by Brig. Gen. Ste- phen A. Hurlbut, of Illinois. The regiment remained quiet- ly in camp, drilling and doing camp and picket duty, until the battle of Shiloh, on the 6th and 7th of April. On the night of the 4th of April, our camps were alarmed and our Brigade moved out about two miles to Gen. Sherman's camp, when we were ordered back, being told that it was a false alarm. The part taken in the battle of Shiloh by the Eeg- iment is fully and ably set forth in the following reports, viz : COLONEL JOHN A. DAVIS' EEPOET. Headquarters 46th Eegt. III. Vol. Inft'y. Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., Ap'l 8th, 1862. Capt. F. W. Fox, Asst. Adjt. Gen'l. 2nd Brigade 4th Division. Captain : — I have the honor to report to you that, on Sun- day morning the 6th inst., at aboui 73 o'clock, A. M., the en- emies fire was first heard in my camp, whereupon I ordered my men to hold themselves in readiness to march at a mo: ments notice, and in less than five minutes after receiving your order my regiment was on the march to the battle-field, reaching there between 9 and 10 o'clock, A. M. It took a po- sition ordered by Col. Veatcb in person. A regiment posted about two hundred yards in front of our line gave way un- der the enemies fire, and retreated through my line which was lying down. As soon as it passed my men rose, dressed their line and immediately commenced pouring a destruct- ive fii*e into the enemy. The regiment posted on our right 42 gave way and the enemy, keeping up a hot fire along my whole front and a raking cross fire upon my right fllank, killing and wounding over one half of my right companies, badly cutting up my other companies, eight of my line of- ficers, the Major and color bearer wounded, I deemed it my duty, without further orders, to withdraw my command, which I did, to a position beyond the brow of a hill, where I again formed it by command of Col. Veatch. Finding no support to my right or left, I fell back to the foot of the hill, finding the 49th Illinois Infantry, commanded by Lieut. Col. Pease, at whose request I assumed command of both reg- iments and moved them by the right flank and established a line of battle on the ground which had been occupied by a portion of Gen. McClcrnand's Division, and in front of where Taylor's Battery was then planted. The enemy appearing in large force over the ground from which we had just re- treated, I was ordered to withdraw my troops, that the Bat- tery could open fire on the enemy. The 49th 111. Infantry deploj-ed to the left and my regiment to the right of the Bat- tery. Forming my men again in the rear of a fence front- ing the enemy, I ordered them to lay down and prepared to resist any attack the enemy might make upon the Battery. Having succeeded in driving the enemy over the brow of the hill, the 1st Brigade of Shermans Division appeared upon the ground for the purposeof following up the enemy in their retreat. I joined my command upon the left of this Brigade and moved up in line to within two hundred yards of the en- emy, when a brisk and destructive fire opened upon our whole line. Planting our colors in front of our line of battle, I ordered my command to shelter themselves behind trees and logs as best they could, within short range of the enemy, and kept up a constant fire until the regiment on our right had given away and fallen back across the ravine, when I ordered my men to fall back into the ravine, and moving them by the left flank I took them out of the range of the enemies guns. In this last engagement, Capt. Wm. Young, of company " G." who had succeeded in rallying more men after the first engagement than any other Captain, and who heroically told me he would stand by me and the colors un- til the last man was killed, fell, shot through the mouth, and was carried from the field. Reinforcements now arriving, and my men having been compelled to fall back from these two fierce engagements, had become somewhat scattered. It being now one o'clock, my ammunition exhausted, having lost my horse in the first engagement, and compelled to go on foot the balance of the time, and finding myself within a half mile of my Regimental encampment, I marched my men to it for dinner. Calling my men into line immediatly after dinner, I formed them on the right of the Brigade comman- ded by Col. C. C. Marsh, at his request, in front of and to the left of my camp, where we again met the enemy. A Battery on my left leaving under the fire of the enemy, the regiments 43 both on the right and left fell back, but my line did not wa- ver, and the other regiments were again rallied and stopped the advance of the enemy. We lay in this position on our arms all nignt. After break- fast in the morning, still retaining my position on the right of Col. Marsh's Brigade, I moved with him until I reached and went beyond the ground of our last engagement of Sun- day when our skirmishers were driven in and some confu- sion arising on the left of our Brigade, Col. Marsh ordered the Brigade to fall back and changing the whole front of his- line to the left, he again moved the Brigade forward The enemy soon drove in our pickets and we found him in strength along tne whole line of our front, and when within two hundred yards the fire opened upon both sides, my ^men loading and firing with the coolness of veterans. Here I had another horse shot from under me in the midst of the en- gagement and while the battle was raging with the utmost fury. My men determined that they had fallen back for the last time, and while receiving the fire of the enemy and de- livering their own with the utmost coolness, I was wounded and earned from the field. Lieut. Col. Jones reports that my men still stood firm, holding their ground, although out- flanked, with the colors of the 46th and those of the rebels planted within thirty yards of each other and the enemy driven back for the last time, when the 46th was ordered, by Gen. Hurlbut in person, to their quarters. I ought not to close this communication without bearing tribute'to the gallantry and bravery of my command. Lieut. Col. Jones was with the regiment throughout all its engage- ments, and did his duty manfully. Maj. Dornblaser, severly wounded in the arm in the early part of the action, remained with me until the men were brought off the field and re-form- ed, and did not leave until after a peremptory order from my- self to go to his quarters. Capt. Musser of Company " A. while his brave company was assailed by overwhelmnmg numbers to the front and right flank, still kept his fire pour- ing upon the enemy and his ranks dressed until hnnsell wounded and carried from the field, seven of his men killed and twenty wounded in the action. The company held its ground as did all the others until ordered to retreat. Capt. Stevens while bravely keeping his men in line to bring them off the field, fell, fatally wounded, the nearest man of his company to the rebel line. Capt. Marble of Company " L, fell while brandishing his sword and calling on the Major becked him to take it, saying, " if the rebs get me they shall not get my sword." Capt. McCracken received a severe contusion in the first engagement, but kept on duty with his company the whole of the two days. Lieuts. Hood Barr r Arnold. Ingraham and Howell were all wounded in the first engagement of Sunday while manfully doing their duty at their posts. Too much praise cannot be awarded to the 44 brave officers and men of the 46th Illinois Infantry who helped to win our signal victory. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN A. DAVIS, Col. Comd'g 46th 111. Vol. Inft'y. LETTER OF THANKS FROM COL. C. C. MARSH. Headquarters 2nd Brig. 1st Div., April 9th, 1862. Dear Sir : — I beg to thank you and the officers and sol- diers of the 46th Illinois Infantry for their noble conduct during the action of Monday morning last, when your la- mented Colonel so promptly responded to my request to take a position in my command and so gallantly led you in the £ace of the enemy with so fatal a result to himself. My heartfelt sympathies are with you in your severe loss, and your soldierly conduct shall receive a fitting notice in my official report. I am, sir, Truly Yours, C. C. MARSH, Col. 20th 111. Inft'y, Comd'g Brigade. EXTRACT FROM COLONEL VEATCH'S REPORT. Headquarters 2nd Brig. 4th Div. Pittsburg, Tenn., April 10th, 1862. Captain S. D. Atkins, A. A. A. Geril, 4f/t Division. On Sunday morning while most of the troops were at breakfast, heavy firing was heard on our line in a direction suthwest from my camp. lu a few moments the 2d Brigade, consisting of the 14th Illinois Infantry, Col. Hall, 15th Illi- nois Infantry, Lieut. Col. Ellis, 46th Illinois Infantry, Col. Davis, and 25th Indiana Infantry, Lieut. Col. Morgan, was formed in lino and awaiting orders. In a short time Gen. Hurlbut's aid, Lieut. Long, directed me to move forward to support Gen. Sherman, and to take, a position near a field Ksed for reviews, beyond Col. Rap's Headquarters. When we reached the field fhe enemy was pressing rapidly forward toward that point. A line of battle was already formed in front of us and a second line in the rear of the first was being- formed on our right. I had but little time to examine the ground, but took the best position that could be found to support the troops in front of us. An officer representing himself as acting under Gen. Sherman's orders, rode up in great haste and directed me to move ray Brigade by the 45 right flank and join to the line which was forming on our right. I executed the movement as directed but it placed the rio-ht of my Brigade on wor6e ground than I had chosen, thougn it had the advantage of forming a line of battle of greater length. The enemy now opened fire on the troops in front ot us which threw them into confusion and they broke through the lines of the 15th and 46th Illinois Infantry, many of them without returning a fire. At the same time the line on the right of this Brigade gave way and left the 15th Illinois In- fantry exposed to the whole force of the enemies fire in front and a raking fire from the right. Lieut. Col. Ellis heorically held the ground and returned the fire with deadly effect. While cheering his men and directing their fire, he fell, mor- tally wounded. Nearly at the same time Major Goddard was killed, and the regiment, without field officers, was com- pelled to fall back before overpowering numbers. The enemy was moving another" heavy column on the point occupied by Col. Davis of the 46th Illinois Infantry. The line in front of him broke and rushed through his ranks, throwing them into confusion. As soon as these scattered troops had cleared his front he poured in a well directed fire upon the enemy, which for a time checked his progress, but it was impossible to hold his position against a force so far superior. Major Dornblas* r was severely wounded, a large number of his company officers disabled and his color guard shot down. Col. Davis seized his colors and bore them from the field, presenting a most noted mark for the enemy who sent after him a terrificfire as he retired. I directed him to fall back and rally his men in the rear of the fresh troops that were then advancing. It will not be claiming too much for this Brigade to say, that, but for its determined resistance to the enemy, he would have reached the center of our camp early in the day. The field officers behaved with gallantry on every occasion. Col. Davis, Lieut. Col. Jones and Major Dornblaser of the 46th Illinois Infantry, each displayed coolness and courage in resisting the heavy columns thrown against them. Major Dornblaser was wounded and compelled to leave the field early on the first day. Col. Davis was severely wounded on the second day while gallantly fighting in Col. Marsh's Brig- ade and was carried from the field. Lieut. Col. Jones took command and conducted his regiment with skill and courage until the battle closed. * * * * * * * * JAMES C. VEATCH, Colonel Commanding Brigade. 46 BRIG. GEN. S. A. HURLBUT'S CONGRATULATORY ORDER. The General commanding tenders his heartfelt congratula- tions to the surviving officers and men of his Division, for their magnificent services during the two days of struggle -which, under the blessing of God. has resulted in victor)^. Let the Division remember, that for five hours on Sunday they held, under the most terrific fire, the key point of the left of the army and only fell back when outflanked by over- whelmning numbers, pressing through points abandoned by ■our supports. Let them remember, that when they fell back it was in order, and that the last line of resistance in rear of the heavy guns was formed first by this Division. Let them remember, that on the morning of Monday, with- out food and without sleep, they were ordered forward to re- inforce the right, and that whenever either Brigade of this Division appeared in the field of action, they were in time to support broken planks and to hold the line. Keep these facts in your memory^ to hand down to your children when we con- quer a peace, and let it be the chief pride of every man in the command — as it is of your General — that he was at Pittsburg with the Fighting Fourth Division. By Order of BRIG. GEN. S. A. HURLBUT : Smith D. Atkins, A. A. A. Gen'l, 4th Division. During the two days fighting at Shiloh, the regiment lost one hundred and ninety-six men killed, wounded and missing, Prior to the battle, Col. Davis obtained sufficient transpor- tation for the regiment, it having been in the field nearly two months without the means of transporting rations or baggage except what was carried by the men. On the 24th of April, the regiment with the Brigade, com- menced its march upon Corinth, Miss. The first day it marched but four miles and went into camp, from which it did not again move until the 30th of April. On the 29th of April Major Hazelton, Paymaster U. S. A., paid the regiment up to February 28th, being the first pay that it had received since its organization. On the 30th of April the old Fourth Division made its famous march through Monterey, Tenn. Although the distance made was but five miles, it was a very hard day's march through such a rain storm and over such roads as will never be forgotten. The teams with the bag- gage and supplies could not get through until the following day. The regiment went into camp at Pea Ridge, where it remained until the fo'irth of May, when it again advanced a few miles. Skirmishing with the enemy now commenced, they disputing «ur way almost constantly. On the eighth of 47 May we advanced two miles toward Corinth, driving the en- emy and capturing some prisoners and property. On the 9th the rebel pickets were pressed back nearly three miles, and on tho 10th our camp was taken to the front. Our lines were thus advanced from day to day with more or less skir- mishing until the 14th of May, when the work of throwing up heavy lines of eath works was commenced in good earnest and the siege of Corinth actually began. On the 21st of May another advance was made, and anoth- er line of works thrown up. On the 27th the 46th Illinois Infantry was sent around to the rear of Corinth with a large force of Cavalry, on a reconnoisance. Near Purdy Church the enemy was encountered by the advance guard of cavalry. The 46th was at once ordered to the front, one company (" A.") was deployed as skirmishers and the remainder formed into line as fast as they could come up. The enemy soon ap- peared upon a full charge, but after receiving a volly from the skirmishers, turned and fled in great confubion, with a loss to them of eight killed and wounded and no loss to us. The object of the expedition having been accomplished, we returned to camp very much fatigued by our long and rapid march. The particular object of sending one small regiment of Infantry on a scout with over three thousand cavalry, and when the enemy was encountered, hurrying the Infantry for- ward on the run to the front, could never be fully comprehended by the combined wisdom of the regiment. On the 29th our lines were again advanced three fourths ot a mile, and a line of heavy works thrown up. Early on the morning of the 30th, it was discovered that the enemy had evacuated Corinth during the previous day and night, thus enabling our army to take peaceable possession of the town. On the 2d of June we broke camp and marched through Corinth, and went into camp six miles west from the town. On the 9th the regiment was again paid by Major Phelps, for March and April. On the 10th marched fifteen miles to Hatchie Eiver and constructed a bridge across the same on the 11th, which had been destroyed by the rebels to retard our pursuit. Our march was leisurely continued until Sun- day, June 15th, when we passed through Grand Junction, Tenn., and went into camp at Cold Springs, three miles south- west from Grand Junction. Here the regiment did its first drilling since the battle of Sbiloh, its music consisting of one snare and one base drum. On the 24th we moved our camp four miles to a point two miles west of La Grange. The place of our encampment here is known by the regiment as " Collar Bone Hill." June 30th, left camp at 2 p. m., and marched twelve miles to old i: Lamar Churcb " in the direction of Holly Springs. Miss. July 1st, marched to Cold Water Creek. It was re- ported that the rebels had a camp at this place, but we found no enemy and went into camp. On the 3d we had a big scare, which brought us into line in a remarkably short space 48 of time. It was reported that the enemy were advancing upon us in large force, but after making a more cool and ac- curate reconnoisanee it proved a false alarm, being one of our own regiments coming in from a scout. On the 5th of July, we commenced our return march, hav- ing accomplished all that was expected. We returned by the same route we came and arrived at La Grange on the 6th. The heat was intense on our return march, and water poor and scarce, causing much suffering. A number of men in the command were sun-struck. On the 17th of July we struck tents and commenced our march to Memphis, Tenn., going to Moscow the first day, to Lafayette the second, to Germ&ntown the third, to Whites Station the fourth, and on the fifth day, July 21st, to camp two miles South of Memphis, on the east bank of the Missis- sippi River. The distance from La Grange to Memphis is fifty miles., and the mai*ch was made in the hottest weather and over the most dusty roads. The regiment had been unable to procure new clothes for a long time and its appearance when enter- ing the city of Memphis called forth anything but compli- mentary remarks as to its dress. Several officers had to substitute their last pair of drawers for pants. Jew clothing dealers went into ecstacies of delight as they saw the ragged column pass in anticipation of large sales and larger profits. The regiment was engaged in camp and picket duty until August 27th, when it went with the Brigade on a scout on the " Pigeon Roost " road running southeast from Memphis to Nonconah Creek, six miles from Memphis, and encamped. On the 29th went two miles further, the cavalry going in ad- vance, capturing some twenty-five prisoners. Returned to camp on the 31st, having accomplished but little. On the Gth of September, the whole Division started in the direction of Brownsville, Tenn., to which place it was sup- posed we were ordered. We had orders to be ready to march at 2, a. m., consequently the men were aroused at one o'clock, tents struck and wagons loaded, but the order to march did not come until four o'clock p. m. We marched through the city and encamped for the night near Wolf river, five miles from Memphis. On the 7th, marched sixteen miles through Raleigh and Union Station on the M. & C. R. R, Rested on the 8th. September 9th, marched to Big Muddy River, — a very appropriate name — where the bridge had been destroyed by the rebels. After constructing a crossing so as to enable us to resume our march, a messenger arrived with orders for us to proceed to Bolivar, Tenn., instead of Brownsville. Hence on the 11th we moved by the way of Hampton Sta- tion and Danville, and on the 12th through Whiteville to Pleasant Creek, three miles northeast of Bolivar. On the 14th we changed camp, passing through Bolivar to the Hat- chie river, two miles north of town. We were obliged to change our camp every few days from one side of the town 49 to the other until the 24th of September. On the 27th of September all the troops of this place were reviewed by Gen- erals McPherson, Veatch and Lauman. They made a very fine appearance. "While here Colonel Jobn A. Davis returned to the reg- iment and was very warmly greeted. He had been absent since the battle of Shiloh, suffering from a severe wound, which still troubled him. On the 4th of October orders were received to proceed towards Corinth to make a division in favor of our force there, which had been attacked by Price and Van Dorn. When near Matamoraon Hatchie river, a large force of reb- els were encountered and vigorously attacked by our forces, soon driving them across the river, capturing several pieces of artillery and a large number of prisoners. The part taken by the 46th Illinois in this engagement is fully given in the following report : LIEUT. COL. JOHN J. JONES' KEPOKT. Headquarters 46th Ills. Vol. Inft'y. Bolivar, Tenn., Oct. 9th, 1862. Captain F. W. Fox, A. A. Gen'l 2nd Brig, ith Division. Captain. — At eight o'clock on the morning of the 5th inst., under orders from Brig. Gen. Veatch, the 46th regiment took a position on the right of the 2d Brigade, in the advance, to support Bolton's Battery, two miles west of the Big Hatchie. After firing shots the Battery took a position half a mile in advance, where they opened a galling fire upon the rebels, which lasted about three-fourths of an hour, when the word " forward" was given. The men all moved at the word and soon received the melancholy intelligence that our loved and gallant Col. Davis was again severely wounded by a canister shot. When I took command and announced this, the reg- iment seemed determined to avenge their loss, and soon an opportunity offered, for at this moment the rebels opened their first volly at short range, which was received with great coolness by the men until they heard the command to fire which they did and charged, driving the rebels over and from their batteries to the opposite bank of the river. Here the enemy made a stand, and confidently expected to repulse our force, but the word was still " forward," and on we marched at double-quick, forming in line over the river. Here Sergeant John E. Hershey, color bearer, fell wounded. Corpl. Thomas E. Joiner, of company " G," true to duty, bore both colors across the field and handed one to Priv. James Hobdey, of company " I," who done it honor through the day. At this time. Captain F. W. Fox, of General Veatch's Staff, took the front and called the 46th to follow him, when 4 50 the regiment charged with cheer after cheer, until the field was theirs. In the last line iormed, about four o'clock, p. in., the brave and generous Lt. Moses R. Thompson fell mortally wounded. I cannot close this report without special men- tion of Assistant Surgeon Benj. II. Bradshaw. who, unassist- ed, took the wounded from amid the ranks, doing even more than his duty ; also the officers of the line, who were all at their posts, fearless of rebel power, and if honor has been won it is due to them and their brave men alone. Herewith is a report of the killed and wounded of my command. Very Respectfully, Your Ob't Serv't, JOHN J. JONES, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding Brig. Gen. Veatch in his report of the battle of the Hatchie, speaks in the highest terms of his Brigade. He says : " The field and staff officers of every regiment appeared to •" do all that could be done to render victory complete. The " line officers, so far as their conduct came within my notice, " did their whole duty, and the men moved with steadiness " and resolute courage not easily surpassed. The loss in " killed and wounded embraces many valuable officers. Col. " John A. Davis of the 46th Illinois infantry, fell severely " wounded early in the action while gallantly leading his " regiment in a charge. He has since died of his wounds. " He was generous, noble and brave, and will be regretted by " all who knew him." GENERAL VEATCH'S CONGRATULATORY ORDER. Headquarters 2nd Brigade 4th Division, Bolivar, Tenn., Oct. 9th, 1862. General Orders, ) No. 62. } The General desires to congratulate the troops of his com- mand on the brilliant victory of the battle of the Hatchie. On no field since the war began has better fighting been done. The force of the enemy greatly superior in numbers, were posted in the very strongest positions, and commanded by those veteran Generals Van Dorn and Price. You met them, you fought them, you drove them, you defeated and routed them, capturing a battery and hundreds of prisoners. You compelled them to seek shelter on the east side of the Hatchie. Here the 1st Baigade came to your support and with Hurlbut's fighting fourth Division united, you drove them again from their last stronghold and forced them to a hasty retreat. "While we rejoice in victory we regret the loss of many brave men. Let us honor the memory of our 51 fallen comrades, and transmit to their friends the story of their noble deeds. The wounded who survive will carry their bat- tle scars which will speak more eloquently for their bravery and daring ihan words can do. A battery of four field pieces captured by this brigade has been entrusted to your care by the Major General command- ing the Division. These pieces, manufactured in rebel work- shops, will be made to do service for the Union in the hands ©f Bolton and Burnap. Officers and men of the 2d Brigade! I You have the con- fidence of your Generals, and the respect and esteem of all loyal citizens. Let your future good conduct maintain the high reputation you have gained. Remember that you belong to " Ilurlbut's Fighting Fourth Division ; " that what he commands you will obey; what he orders you will execute; where he leads you will follow with full confidence of honor and victory. By Order of Brig. Gen. James C Veatch : F. W. Fox, A. A. Gen'l. After the battle the regiment returned to its camp at Bol- ivar, Tenn. Col. John A. Davis and Lieutenant Moses R. Thompson died of their wounds on the 10th of October, and. their remains sent home for burial. Both were men of the highest worth and standing at home. Both entered the ser- vice with the purest motives, and both received their death wouuds while bravely and nobly fighting at their posts. Their memories will ever be kindly cherished. On the 3d of November, the regiment with the Brigade, marched to La Grange, Tenn., via Grand Junction, and went into the old camp at La Grange, where we remained till the 28th of November, nothing noteworthy occurring excepting a few Grand Reviews. We then took up our line of march to Holly Springs, Miss., where we arrived on the night of the 29th. November 30th marched south toward the Tallehat- chie River, and went into camp near Waterford, twelve miles south of Holly Springs. The enemy abandoned his works on the Tallehatchie and retreated towards Oxford. "We re- mained in camp, in an old cornfield, which became extremely muddy during the heavy rains, until the 9th of December, when we changed our camp to a fine wood two miles south, where it was almost universally supposed we should remain for the winter ; hence, on the 10th our grounds were put in splendid condition, tents pitched in line, chimneys built and our camp christened " Camp Hall," when suddenly all our plans were frustrated by an order to be ready to march at seven a. m., the next day. December 11th, marched twenty miles to Hurricane Creek, six miles from Oxford, and the next day eleven miles beyond Oxford to the vicinity of Yon- cona Station on the Mississippi Central R. R., where we re- 52 mained until December 22d, when we marched five miles to Taylor's Station on the same road. Van Dorn having captured Holly Springs and cut off oar communication, our forces marched north again on the 23d, through Oxford to Hurricane Creek, a distance of seventeen miles and arriving at noon. On the 24th the 46th Illinois and 33d Wisconsin Infantry, in command of Colonel Moore, left Hurricane Creek in charge of the corps train, arriving safe on the north side of the Tallehatchie late on the same night. We remained in this camp until the 26th of Decem- ber, making Christmas as merry as the means at our com- mand would permit, when we moved our camp four miles nearer Holly Springs, between Waterford and Wyatt Sta- tions on the Mississippi Central Railroad. Here the new year of 1863 was duly inaugurated with a feast, the best the country could afford, which was our whole dependence, as Uncle Sam's commissary had ceased to honor requisitions. The feast consisted of corn in all the varieties of style known to experienced camp cooks, except corn in the juice. However, the New Year's Day was not the least happy one. On the 6th of January, we marched to Holly Springs, where we remained to the 10th, when the 15th and 46th Ill- inois Infantry were ordered to escort the ammunition train to La Grange Term., at which place we arrived late on the night of the 11th of January. Our progress was very slow- and tedious on account of muddy roads and emaciated con- dition of the mules attached to the train. On the 13th of January, we marched to Moscow, Tenn-, nine miles west of La Grange. Remained at Moscow doing guard duty until February 5th, when we went to La Fayette, Tenn., eight miles west. The garrison at Moscow up to this time consisted of the 1st Brigade, 4th Division, and the 46th and 76th Illinois Infantry of the 2d Brigade, and two bat- teries. After re-joining the Brigade at La Fayette and per- forming similar duties as at Moscow until the 9th of March, we marched via Collierville and Germantown to Memphis, Tenn., arriving at the latter place on the 12th. We went into camp on the northeast side of the city, near the fair ground, which made quite an extensive as well as beautiful drill ground. On the 21st of April the 46th, 14th Illinois Infantry, and 5th Ohio Battery were sent out to re-enforce Colonel Bryant of the 12th Wisconsin Infantry, who had gone in the direc- tion of Hernando, Miss., with a Brigade and met the enemy in force near Cold Water. He then moved his whole force again three miles south of Hernando and encamped for the night, as the cavalry had reported the enemy gone. Colonel Bryant had captured and sent to Memphis about seventy prisoners and a large lot of mules and horses. April 23d, commenced our return march to Memphis, where we arrived on the 24th, thoroughly drenched by a heavy rain. We met 53 ■with no loss and the troops made the march in good time and in fine order. We remained in camp at Memphis until the 13th of May, when -we embarked on the Steamer " Clara Poe," and left the same evening for Vicksburg, Miss. Passed Helena on the morning of the 14th and Napoleon at six oi'clock p. m., same day. Private Gottlieb Vohmer, " C " Co. fell overboard during the night and was drowned. As we passed Gaines' Landing, Arkansas, the Steamer " Fort Wayne," with the 76th Illinois Intantry on board, was fired into by guerillas from the Arkansas shore. Three men were wounded and the boat disabled by running foul of some drift wood, breaking the wheel and rudder. We reached Young's Point, La., at 8 p. m., May 15th. Disembarked on the 16th and went into camp near the landing. At eleven o'clock a. in., on the 18th, we marched across the Point to Bower's Landing, below Vicksburg, leaving all our tents and baggage at Sherman's Landing. On the next day a portion of the Brigade embarked and went to Grand Gulf, but the 46th and the two Batteries belonging to the Brigade were obliged to await the return of the transports that had taken the other troops. Before their return, however, orders were received by us to return at once to Sherman's Landing, as General Grant had opened communication via the Yazoo Kiver to the troops in the rear of Vicksburg. Arrived at Sherman's Landing on the night of the 19th, and at noon on the 20th embarked on the Steamer " Luminary," and pro- ceeded up the Yazoo river to Chickasaw Bayou. Disembark- ed and moved three miles in a southeasterly direction across the swamps to the bluff. On the 21st of May the balance of the Brigade joined us and proceeded to the right of Gen. Grant's lines about the city. We were at once ordered to Snyder's Bluffs on the Yazoo river, ten miles from Vicksburg. Went into camp at the Bluffs on the same evening, much disappointed that we were not permitted to enter the line of attack. The object of sending us to this place was to watch a large rebel force said to be advancing to form a junction with the Vicksburg garrison. On the 24th of May we marched in the direction of Vicks- burg on the Benton road. The road was extremely dry and dusty and the weather very warm, making it a very hard march. On the 25th we marched to the extreme left of our lines near the Mississippi river, below Vicksburg, and relieved Gen. McArthur's Division. The regiment was detailed for picket duty, and during the night one wing was surrounded and one hundred and thirteen officers and men captured by the enemy. The particulars of the capture are set forth in 4he following reports, viz : 54 Headquarters 46th III. Vol. Infantry. In the Field, June 7th, 1863. S. P. Bourquin, A. A. A. General : Lieutenant : — In compliance with orders from Division Headquarters, with reference to a capture of a portion of the- 46th Illinois Infantry, I have the honor to report that on the afternoon of the 25th ot May, the regiment was detailed to relieve the 63d Illinois Infantry on picket duty. At 4 o'clock p. m., the regiment reported at Brigade Headquarters, but owing to unavoidable difficulties the regiment was not fully posted until after 7 o'clock p. m. Five componies — a poi*- tion of which wei*e captured — were posted by Lieut. Col. John J. Jones of my regiment, under the guidance of the Major of the 63d Illinois Infantry, and upon the same ground in the same manner that the 63d was posted at the time we relieved them, which line extended from and near a cotton gin on the Warrenton road westward to a swamp which we supposed and had been informed was impassable. The other portion of the regiment was posted from the Warrenton road eastward to the pickets of thy 1st Brigade by myself, but owing to the lateness of the hour when I arrived at the cen- ter of our lines, and having implicit confidence in the ability and skill of Lieut. Col. Jones and other officers on that por- tion of the line, I deemed it entirely unnecessary to visit it. The first alarm occurred at about half past nine o'clock p. m. I heard several sharp volleys of musketry. I immediately strengthened the several posts nearest the point of alarm, and proceeded in person to the point from whence the alarm came, to discover, if possible, the cause. I had gone but a short distance when I discovered a body of troops moving rapidly along a skirt of timber towards the river, which proved to be rebel soldiers. Owing to the extended line of picketg, I had only men enough to hold that portion of the line east of the Warienton road. Unable to hear anything from the pickets on the west side of the road, and fearing some disaster had befallen them, I immediately deployed skirmishers along the Warrenton road, which afforded them a full view of the ground between it and the river bluff, in order to guard against a flank movement of the enemy with a view to cut us off and capture us. At the earliest oppor- tunity, I notified the Brigade commanders, Col. Hall and Col. McGowan, commanding a Brigade in Gen. MeArthur's Division, who both rendered mo prompt assistance. For more full and complete particulars, I refer you to the reports of officers of my command enclosed herewith. As to the degree of vigilance exercised by the officers and men of my command, I can only speak of those under my own control, which met with my entire approbation, and from the known character of the officers in charge of the captured portion of the regiment, with possibly one excep- 55 tion, which I have not yet sufficient information to report. I believe the disaster to be more attributable to an injudic- ious posting of the pickets than to a lack of vigilance. Very Respectfully, Your Ob't Sv't. B. DORNBLASER, Col. Comd'g Reg't. The remainder of the regiment took a very active part in the siege of Vicksburg, from the 25th of May until its sur- render on the 4th of July, doing picket duty both in the front and rear, digging trenches, &c, &c. The 4th of July will be kept in sacred remembrance by all who took part in the famous siege of Vicksburg. On the afternoon of July 4th, orders were received to keep our men in camp and prepare for a march, Next morning the Division left camp and proceeded to Clear Creek, twelve miles east of Vicksburg on the Vicksburg and Jackson rail- road. The day was extremely warm and the roads very dusty. July 6th, marched through Edward's Station to near Bolton's Station, twenty miles. We marched part of the night until the rainstorm made the roads impassable, which, with the extreme darkness, rendered further progress out of the question. The only shelter we had from the driving storm was a rail fence, which afforded both warmth and shelter. July 7th, marched three miles and encamped until dusk, then resumed our march in the rear of the corps train until twelve o'clock and bivouacked until morning. July 8th, marched to Clinton, and on the 9th the Brigade was de- tailed to guard the train to Jackson, Miss. Marched six miles and parked the train on Dickson's plantation, where we remained in charge of the train until the afternoon of the 12th, when we were ordered to proceed to Jackson and re- port for orders to Gen. A. P. Hovey, Gen. Lauman having been relieved of the command of the 4th Division after mak- ing his disasterous charge upon the enemies works. The 46th Illinois Infantry was posted on the extreme right of our line, near Pearl river south of Jackson. Earthworks were thrown up in front of the regiment and a battery placed in position to command both front and flank. Our 4th Div- ision was temporarily assigned to the 12th Division 13th Army Corps, commanded by Gen. A. P. Hovey. The siege was actively carried on from the 12th to the 16th of July, when the enemy evacuated the place. The regiment did its full share of the work. 56 'COL. HALL'S EEPOET OF THE SECOND BRIGADE. Headquarters 4th Brigade 12th Division. Jackson, Miss., July, 1863. Captain Philips : A. A. Gen'l., 12th Division, 13th Army Corps. Captain : — I have the honor to report to you the part taken by my command, consisting of the 14th, 15th, 46th and 76th Illinois Infantry, Co. "K," 2d Illinois Artillery, and 4th Ohio Battery, before the fortified city of Jackson. Late on the p. m. of the 12th instant, whilst encamped at Dickson's plantation five miles west of Jackson, I received orders from Major General E. O. C. Ord, commanding 13th Army Corps, directing me to report to Brig. Gen. A. P. Ho- vey, commanding 12th Division 13th Army Corps, for orders, which order I obeyed as speedily as possible, arriving at Gen. Hovey's Headquarters at nine o'clock p. m. At 4 o'clock a. m., I put the column in motion and took a position on a ridge on the east side of the New Orleans and Jackson rail- road, which position we immediately proceeded to entrench and put in the best possible state of defense. On the morning of the 15th, I was ordered by Gen. Hovey to send scouts from my right east to Pearl River, which duty was performed by 2d Lieut. Reed and six men from company " I," 15th Illinois Infantry, in a very able and satisfactory manner, finding the enemy in force on the east side, with one company on the west side as pickets. After making known to Gen. Hovey the disposition of the enemy's force, I was ordered to take the 15th, 46th and 76th Illinois Infantry and make a rapid move on the enemy at the river. The move was made with great rapidity, but not sufficiently so as to overtake the enemy. We reached the river just in time to see the last of their pickets pass out of sight on the opposite bank. On the morning of the 16th it became apparent to some of the officers of my command that the enemy was evacuating Jacksou, which fact I at once communicated to Gen. Hovey, it being the first intimation he had of it. The spirit manifested by both officers and men during the short siege was highly commendable, obeying with alacrity every order, and executing the work assigned them with zeal and enthusiasm. To Col. B. Dornblaser and Capt. R. P. McKnight, A. A. G. of this Brigade, I am particularly indebt- ed for valuable information obtained by reconoitering the enemy's works. Respectfully your Obedient Servant, CYRUS HALL. Colonel Commanding Brigade. On the night of the 16th of July, the rebels evacuated the 57 town and retreated rapidly toward Meridian, leaving us to take quiet possession on the 17th. After pursuing the en- emy and destroying the railroad and other public property in and about Jackson, the troops commenced their return march on the 21st, via Kaymond and Big Black Bridge to Vicksburg, where we arrived at one p. m. on the 23d, hav- ing marched over fifty miles in two days and a half, through terrible heat and dust. The Division was again detached from the 12th Division, and placed in command of Brig. Gen. M. M. Crocker, and soon after transferred to the 17th Army Corps by General Orders No. 214, Department Headquarters. August 11th, 1863, embai-ked on Steamer ' ; Rocket," and left on the morn- ing of the 12th for Natchez, Miss., where we arrived the next morning. The regiment at onco disembarked and went into camp one and a halt miles from the city, northeast, where it remained doing camp and garrison duty until September 1st, when it started out with the Division on an expedition into Louisiana. The following is a report of the same : REPORT OF EXPEDITION INTO LOUISIANA. Headquartern 46th III. Inft'y Vols. Natchez, Miss., Sept. 8th, 1863. Captain R. P. McKnight, A. A. Genl 2d Brig. Uh Div. 17th Army Corps. Captain : — I have the honor to report that the regiment left this camp at 12 m., September 1st, and marched with the Brigade, in the place assigned it by your order, to the Mis- sissippi river at Natchez. Crossed over in transports and en- camped for the night at Vidalia, La. Early on the 2d it took up its line of march at the Head of the Brigade, and marched sixteen miles to the west side of Cross Bayou, going into camp at sundown. On the 3d, marched to Trinity on the Washita river twelve miles, arriving there a little past noon. By your order the 46th and 76th Illinois Infantry, both un- der my command, were left at this place to guard the trains and ferry, whilst the balance of the force proceeded to Har- risonburg, La. Upon your return on the 5th, the regiment was ordered to escort a part of the artillery and Brigade train to Cross Bayou, ferry the same across and select the camp for the night for the Brigade ; all of which was safely accomplished by eight o'clock p. m. On the 6th the regiment marched with the Brigade to Vi- dalia, crossed the river and arrived in this camp at five o'clock p. m. The march was made without los or incident worthy of special note. The officers and men of my com- mand acquitted themselves as good soldiers throughout. I am, Captain, very Respectfully, . , B. DORNBLASER, Col. Commanding Regiment. 58 The regiment immediately resumed its usual routine of camp and picket duty, interspersed with prize inspections and drills, together with occassional reviews by our command- ing General and distinguished military visitors, which made our stay at the beautiful city of Natchez both pleasant and profitable. On the 10th of November the regiment embarked for Vicksburg, where we arrived on the evening of the 11th ; dis- embarked and bivouacked on the levee for ihe night and the next day located our camp near the Vicksburg cemetery. We had to occupy old camps, covered with all kinds of filth and rubbish, and only sufficiently large to accomodate a half a regiment comfortably. However, our stay in this camp, fortunately, was not of long duration. On the 28th of November we moved camp to Camp Cow- an, near Clear Creek, nine miles from Vicksburg. Here the construction of comfortable log barracks was immediately commenced and soon completed, making it one of the most pleasant and comfortable camps it has ever been our good fortune to occupy. About the time our barracks were completed General Or- ders No. 191, A. G. O , Washington, D. O, relating to re-en- listing Veteran Volunteers was received. Vigerous measures were at once adopted by the officers of the regiment to re- enlist the same as a veteran regiment. The enlisted men came forward with great unanimity and promptness. On the 4th of January, 1864, three-fourths of the regiment was mustered into the service of the United States for three years or during the war, by Lieut. C. W. G. Hyde, A. C. M., 4th Division, 17th Army Corps, and on the tenth of January Gen. McPherson ordered the regiment to proceed to Vicks- burg and embark on the Steamer " Planet," then awaiting us. On the evening of the 11th the regiment was paid by Ma- jor Stewart on board of the boat, and the next day at nine and a half o'clock a. m., the regiment, numbering twenty of- ficers and three hundred and thirty-four enlisted men, left Vicksburg for the North to enjoy a thirty days' furlough and to fill up the regiment if possible. The river as far up as Napoleon, Arkansas, was full of float- ing ice, which greatly impeded our progress. We passed Napoleon at six o'clock a. m. of the 15th, Helena at two o'clock and fifteen minutes on the 16th, arriving at Memphis on the same evening at nine o'clock. Left Memphis on the 17th at six o'clock p. m., and arrived at Cairo, Illinois, on the 20th at 11 o'clock a. m. Col. Dornblaser at once telegraphed to Col. Allen C. Fuller, Adjutant General, at Springfield, Ill- inois, who ordered us to proceed direct io Freeport, Illinois, as our place of rendezvous. By reason of want of railroad transportation, the regiment was obliged to remain on the boat until noon of the 22d, when it proceeded by special train on the Illinois Central R. R. to Freeport, Illinois, where it arrived at half past twelve 59 o'clock p. m. on the 23d of January. The citizens of Free- port and vicinity gave the regiment a most hearty and en- thusiastic reception, which will ever be remembered grate : fully by every officer and soldier in the 46th. After marching through some of the principal streets of the city, and listening to some eloquent welcoming speeches, the regiment stacked arms in the streets and entered Plym- outh Hall, where a most sumptuous repast awaited them, prepared by the fair ladies of Freeport and vicinity. When the boys appetites were appeased they again fell into line and marched to the barracks on the tair ground one mile west of the city. Adjutant Woodbury had gone direct to Springfield from Cairo to procure the furloughs for the men. He arrived at Freeport on the 26th and on the 27th the whole regiment was furloughed for thirty days, when it would again assem- ble at Camp Freeport. Eecruiting stations were established and recruiting officers appointed in Lee, Ogle, Whiteside and Stephenson Counties, and the work of filling up the regiment vigorously commenced with flattering prospects of success. The regiment has thus far made a name for itself of which it feels proud, and the noblo State in which it in part rep- resents has never been dishonored by it. When it again re- turns to the field with full ranks, it will doubtless add still brighter lustre to its name, and continue as heretofore to be an honor to the Stete. PART SECOND. 63 From the 27th of January till the 1st of March, the officers and men of the regiment vied with each other in laudable ef- forts to fill up the same. The nine old companies were most- ly filled up, and Capt. Crane of Freeport, Illinois, had re- cruited and organized a new company (" D,") for the reg- iment by authority of the War Department. On the 2d day of March the regiment lefc Freeport with an aggregate of 987 men, and proceeded to Cairo, Illinois, by rail, thence to Vicksburg, Miss., by boat; thence to Camp Hebron, ten miles east from Vicksburg, and re-joined the 2d Brigade 4th Division, 17th Army Corps. From March 10th until April 5th, the regiment was vigorously drilled and fitted for active service in the field. On the latter date the Brig- ade marched to Big Black Bridge, twelve miles east from Vicksburg, and reported to Brig. Gen. E. S. Dennis, com- manding. April 25th the regiment moved by rail to Vicks- burg, and encamped near Battery Ransom, northeast of the city, doing garrison duty. May 4th we started on an expe- dition to Benton and Yazoo City, Miss., commanded by Brig. Gen. John McArthur, and returned to camp at Vicksburg on the 21st of May.. REPORT OF THE EXPEDITION. Headq'rs 1st Brigade Yazoo Expedition, Vicksburg, Miss,, May 22d, 1864. Captain W. F. Randall: Assistant Adjutant General. Captain : — I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by this Brigade in the Yazoo expedition : At five o'clock a. m. of the 4th inst., the 1st Brigade, con- sisting of the 46th Illinois Infantry, Lieut. Col. John J. Jones commanding, and the 76th Illinois Infantry, Col. Samuel T. Busey commanding, left camp and proceeded via Jackson road to Hebron. Mechanicsville and Benton, which we reached on the 7th. The enemy seemed disposed to dispute our pos- session of the place. The 1st Brigade marching in the rear was ordered up, leaving two companies with the train, and formed by your order in a field east of the town and in the rear of the 124th Illinois Infantry of the 2d Brigade. The enemy, however, soon fled before our advance and left our troops in quiet possession of the place. On the morning of the 8th General McArthur went to Yazoo city to communicate with General Slocum at Vicks- burg, leaving me in command during his absence. At about 64 two o'clock p. m. of the 9th, a scout reported the enemy ad- vancing in large force on the Lexington road. I at once formed my Brigade and Boltons Battery on that road and requested Col. Coats of the 2d Brigade to form iton the Can- ton road, which was promptly done. Major Mumford with his 5th Illinois Cavalry dismounted, passed around my left, deployed as skirmishers and drove the enemy across to the old Lexington road, from which a few well directed shots from Bolton's Battery drove them pell mell into the timber beyond the field. Major Cook of the 3d U. S. Cavalry, (col- ored) with a portion of his command, also drove to the shel- ter of the woods a small force of the enemy who were ad- vancing via Pickett's plantation towards the right of my Brigade. After posting a strong picket, I ordered the troops to camp. On the morning of the 12th, I was ordered by General licArthur to remain at Benton to guard the approaches by the Lexington road with the 1st Brigade and one section of Bolton's Battery, whilst he with the other troops went to Moore's Ferry, on the Big Black, via the Canton road, on a reconnoisance, returning the same day. At five o'clock a. m, on the 13th, the expedition started for Vaughan's Station on the Mississippi Central Railroad, the 1st Brigade in the ad- vance. The cavalry advance encountered the enemy at Luce's plantation, five miles southeast from Benton. I or- dered the 76th Illinois forward to support a section of artil- lery commanded by Lieut. Nichols, who, together with a line of skirmishers from the 76th Illinois Infantr} 7 , drove the en- emy from their position. The column then moved forward in its regular order of march along the road about one and a half miles, when the enemy was again found posted in a strong position with three pieces of artillerj'. I at once pushed my Brigade forward to an open field, forming the 76th on the left and the 46th Illinois Infantry on the right of the road, throwing forward two companies each as skirmish- ers, while at the same time Lieut. Nichols, with a section of artillery posted on the right of the road near the timber, opened a vigorous and well directed fire upon the rebels' bat- tery, which was soon silenced and compelled to retreat. I then moved forward in line of battle with skirmishers well advanced — expecting to encounter the enemy at any mo- ment — fully a mile to the plantation houses where I halted to await orders. The General commanding, finding the en- emy gone, permitted the troops to rest and refresh thom- selves after their weary march. After a halt of an hour and a half, the column again moved forward to within two miles of Vaughan's Station and en- camped for the night, the enemy making but a feeble resist- ance to our advance. On the 14th we moved via Decenville to Benton, and on the 15th to Yazoo City, w T here we remain- ed until the morning of the 18th, when we proceeded via Liverpool, Sartatia and Haine's Bluffs to camp at Vicksburg, 65 where we arrived at ten o'clock a. m., having marched ovei two hundred miles. The only casualty I have to report in my command, is that of Sergeant Eells, company '■ D," 46th Illinois Infantry, who was killed on the morning of the 14th while acting as a scout, tor which he was well suited, and in which capacity he had rendered much valuable service. Although the march was a long one and rendered wear- isome by the heat and dust, but very few complaints wore heard, and whenever a fight was expected every man was? found in his place ready and eager for the fray. The officers ot this command, including my personal staff, are entitled to great praise for the able and prompt discharge of every duty devolving upon them. I have the honor to be, Sir, Very Respectfully, your Obe't Serv't, B. DORNBLASER, Colonel Commanding Brigade. The regiment remained quietly in camp, drilling and per- forming picket and camp duty until the 1st of July, when it went, out with another expedition, commanded by Major General Slocum. REPORT OF THE JACKSON EXPEDITION. Headquarters 2nd Brig. 4th Div., 17th A. C, Vicksburg, Miss., July 13, 1865. Capt. W. E. Kuhn. A. A. A. Gen'l, 1st Div., YlthA. C. Captain : — I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by this Brigade in the late expedition to Jackson, Mi^s., and return. In compliance with orders from Brig. Gen. E. S. Dennis 5 commanding 1st Division, the Brigade consisting of the 46tb Illinois Infantry, Lieutenant Col. Jones commanding, and the 76th Illinois Infantry, Col. Samuel T. Busey command- ing, left camp at 3 A. M. on 1st instant, and proceeded to Big Black Bridge, where we had to await supplies and the build- ing of a pontoon bridge across Big Black. Left Big Black on the morning of the third, and reached Clinton on the 4tb inst. at noon, meeting with but little opposition from the enemy. During the afternoon quite a large force of rebels took a position about one and a half miles east of Clinton, on the Jackson road, and made several sallies on the pickets. Early on the morning of the 5th inst., the enemy was encountered bv the advance, and driven back to within three 5 and si half miles of Jackson, when they made m stand, using several pieces of artillery with great skill and accuracy. The 76th and five companies of the 11th Illinois Infantry guarded the train. Col. Coates moved his Brigade by a cir- cutous route to the left to gain the enemies flank. At the same time, by Gen. Slocum's order, 1 moved the 46th and four pieces of artillery commanded by Lieut. Moore through a. thick belt of timber, on the left of the Jackson road, -thereby gaining a commanding position, and by a few well directed shots from the Battery, drove what was left of the ■enemy, from the ground. I advanced with the force at my seommand and occupied the rebel position without further opposition. After resting several hours to enable the other •troops to come up, the Brigade marched into Jackson in ^splendid order and encamped on the south side of the city. At four P. M. of the 6th, the troops left Jackson on the >«ame road they came ; the cavalry in advance followed by •this Brigade. Near the Junction of the Clinton and Canton ■voads, three miles from Jackson, and near where the enemy was posted the day before, they were discovered advancing An heavy force, evidently with the intention of gaining a ^position to prevent us leaving by this route. Major Mumford with his cavalry attacked them with great spirit, and held -them in check until this Brigade could be brought up to his (•support. Forming the 46th Illinois Infantry on the right of the Canton road, and the 76th Illinois Infantry on the left, with Lieut. Nichols' section of Artillery in the center, 1 ^advanced under a heavy fire about a half a mile. Here Lt. Nichols posted his section, supported by the?6th and opened ,a vigorous fire upon the enemy ; while the 46th moved for- ward and took a position on a hill farther in advance, and within short range of the enemy's line. A brisk fire was kept up on both sides until darkness closed the work. During the engagement Capt. Clingrnan of A Co., 46th Illinois infantry, was severely wounded through the left arm. Lieut. Moore made repeated attempts to plant his section of Artillery in advance near the 46th, but found every promi- nent point so completely commanded by the sharp-shooters, that he was compelled reluctantly to withdraw. After post- ing a strong picket, I ordered the Brigade back to a less exposed position and encamped for the night. Next morning at four o'clock, by order of Major Gen. •Slocum I moved the Brigade across a field in a Northwesterly direction to take possession of a house held by the enemy on .the previous evening, to enable our train to pass out on the Clinton road. The leading Begiment, the 76th Illinois, had advanced but a short distance beyond our position of the previous evening when it was brought to a stand by a heavy force of the enemy strongly posted in a ditch dehind a hedge, ^from whence they poured into our ranks a murderous fire. Finding that the enemy's front extended beyond either flank, 3 formed the 46th on the right of the 76th and advanced a 67 3ine of skirmishers along my whole front. In this position with Lieut. Moore's section of Artillery in rear of the 76th Illinois Infantry, the Brigade kept the enemy fully engaged over two hours, until the train had safely passed. The 8th Illinois Infantry, posted a short distance on the left of this Brigade received orders and had moved out to follow the train before 1 had received a similar order, which enabled the enemy to throw a large force on our left. The 76th moved off by the left flank under shelter of a rail fence -which at the same time concealed the enemy. With great fresence of mind, Lieut. Col. C. C. Jones of the 76lh Illinois nfantry ordered his men to fire on them as soon as their position was discovered, and drove them back in confusion. The 46th changed its front and charged across the field under a heavy fire of artillery and musketry to the shelter of the woods, and then marched out upon the road to the next hill, where they were Again vigorously shelled by the enemy. The 76th after repulsing the enemy moved directly to the road exposed toheav} r fire, and soon after joined the Brigade. The column moved forward with but little further oppo- sition, until within about two miles of Clinton, where the -enemy charged our rear and were repulsed with great loss, Jjy the 11th Illinois Infantry, commanded by Capt. Vore and Lieut. More's section of Artillery. The 46th was ordered to support the lKh, but reached the ground only in time to fire a volley after the retreating foe. The 46th Illinois then relieved the 11th as rear guard, which position it held alter- nately with the 76th and 8th Illinois Infantry during the day. The enemy were seen several times during the day drawn up in line, but they evidently thought " discretion the better part of valor," and wisely kept out of range. We arrived in camp at Vicksburg on the 9th without fur- ther annoyance. It is with pride and pleasure that I refer to the conduct of the officers and soldiers of my command, many of whom were for the first time under fire. Not one left the ranks or flinched from duty during the engagement, unless compelled to do so from wounds or exhaustion. It is enough to say of them that every man did his whole duty. The field and line officers were all at their posts and did their duty so well that a few cannot be mentioned without doing manifest in- jury to the others. To Lieut. Col. Sheetz and his noble regiment, the 8th Illi- nois Infantry, I am under great obligations for relieving my regiments as rear guards, after they had become so completely exhausted from long continued fighting and marching as to toe almost unable to proceed further. Lieuts. Moore and Nichols of Bolton's Battery, are deserving of much credit for the able manner in which they handled their respectixe sec- tions while with this Brigade. Of my personal staff, Lieuts. Woodbury, Arnold, Hughes and Seizicks, 1 cannot speak in too high terms of praise. Prompt in the discharge of every duty, fearless of danger, they communicated every order with such coolness and pre- cision that they could not fail to be understood. The list of casualties in this Brigade has been forwarded. Ver}^ Respectfully your Obe't Servt, B. DOUNBLASER. Colonel Commanding Brigade, The casualties in the regiment were as follows, viz : Killed, three; wounded, thirty-six; captured, one : missing, three ; total loss, iorty-five. Our wounded received but little care until our arrival at Big , Black. Here their wounds were carefully dressed and every attention possible given to them. During the night of the 8th of July the sick and wounded were removed to the hospital at Vicksburg, and on the 9th the troops marched to their camps in the city. The wounded of the command that fell into the hands of the enemy were very kindly treated, so much so that it was spoken of in the highest terms of praise by the wounded men, and as soon as they were able an amicable exchange of prisoners was appointed. The ceremoney of exchange took place just outside the old fortifications of the city and was the ocaasion of much good feeling among the prisoners. July 21st Maj. Gen- B'air's General Order No. 5 was re- ceived, organizing the 1st Division, 17th Army Corps, the 2d Brigade of which was composed of the 11th, 46th and 76th regiments of Illinois Infantry, and Col. Dornblaser of the 46th placed in command. July 29th the 46th, together with the 76th Illinois Infantry, embarked on board the Steamer "Adams "and proceeded down the Mississippi river to Morganza Bend, La. The Div- ision encamped on the river bank and constructed shades and arbors for shelter from the burning sun. Drill and picket was the order, the latter of which was a very nece sary as well as a rather delicate duty at times, from the fact that the enemy made frequent raids upon our picket lines from their camps on the Atchafalaya. ,.. On the night of the 8th of August, Lieut. Col. Jones and two hundred men of the 46th went out on a scout and cap- tured twelve gay and festive rebels who, not dreaming of danger, fell asleep and into the hands of the blue coats, and were brought into camp on the Oth. On the 13th of August, General Canby's order No. 93 was promulgated, assigning the regiment to the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 19th Army Corps. The Brigade to consist of the 8th, 11th, 46t,h and 76th regiments of Illinois infantry, and the 7th and 30th Missouri Infantry, and to be commanded by Col. B. Dornblaser of the 46th Illinois Infantry, General Dennis to. command the Division, and General Reynolds the Corps. 69 Lieut. I. A. Arnold and Lieut. H. H. Woodbury were placed on the Brigade staff, the former as A. A. Q. M. and the latter A. A. A. Gen. The Division was ordered to embark on transports on the 23d of August and proceed to Port Hudson, La,, where it ar- rived on the morning of the 24th. See report. Headquarters 1st Brig. 2d Div., 19th A. C. Morganza, La., August 29th, 1864. Captain W. E. Kuhn, A. A. A. Gen. 2d Div., 19th Army Corps. Captain : — I have the honor to report that in compliance with orders, this Brigade embarked on Steamers on the night of the 23d iust., and proceeded to Port Hudson, La., where it disembarked. On the evening of the 24th instant, at live o'clock p. m., the column moved out in the direction of Clinton, La., the 1st Brigade in " advance, supplied with five days rations and one ammunition wagon to each reg- iment. The command marched all night, only resting at in- tervals to enable the column to close up, and arrived at Clin- ton at noon of the 25th. Small scouting parties of the en- emy only were encountered, who fled at our approach. The troops rested until four o'clock p. m. of the 26th, when the return march was commenced, arriving at Port Hudson on the morning of the 28th and Morganza on the morning of the 29th. Port Hudson is distant twenty-five miles from here, and from Port Hudson to Clinton the same. The march was a veiy hard one and the losses sustained by the Brigade were caused principally by men becoming exhausted by the way and being captured by the enemy, who followed in our rear. The following are the losses of the Brigade : 11th Illinois, three missing; 46th Illinois, two missing; 76th Illinois, one missing; 30th Missouri, two missing. Eespectfullv your Obed't Serv't. B. BORNBLASEB, Colonel Commanding Brigade. Orders were received September 2d to embark early on the morning of the 3d, with all the camp and garrison equip- page of the command, Left Morganza at four a. m. on ihe 4th ; proceeded up the river and arrived at the mouth of White River, Ark., without incident of note, on the 8th of September, and went into camp on a large cotton plantation. Tne ground was speedily cleared of the luxuriant cotton plant and the camp fitted up in splendid style. On the 13th of September Chaplain Lewis started with the 70 non-veterans of A, B and C, whose term of service had ex- pired. They were to proceed to- Springfield, Illinois,, to be mustered out of service. The only incident worthy of note occurring during the stay of the regiment at the Mouth of White Iliver,. was a tremendous storm of wind and rain on the night of the 28th r which leveled every tent and flooded the camp with water. The sudden waking up of over two thousand men to find their frail shelters swept away and themselves drenched to the skin by the pouring rain, caused a conglomeration of the most hideous and ludricious sounds ever heard or made by man. While some were making frantic yet vain effort* to hold up their tents against the storm, others — and many officers of both high and low degree — could be seen by the vivid lightning's glare, " scudding under bare poles " from one demolished shelter to another, doomed to a similar fate. A company of men in one portion of the camp would hurrah for McClellan which would be answered from another portion by the shout of a whole regiment for Lincoln. A cheer for Valandigham or Jeff Davis would be answered by a whole Brigade with curses and groans. Slang phrases, such as ■ l here's your mule," &c, &c, were the common utterances of' those in busy search of lost clothing, tents and baggage. The incidents of the night furnished a rich theme for ludic- rous comment and laughter, which served to while away many tedious hours in camp. A short distance from camp were numerous ponds or lakes containing large quantities of fine fish, the catching of which furnished much sport. The modus operandi of catching them was novel. Twenty or thirty soldiers would divest them- selves of their clothing, arm themselves with clubs of about four feet in length, form a skirmish line across one end of the lake and advance, beating the water and thus drive the fish hefore them into the shallow water at the other end of the lake, then woe to the unluck} T fish that would show hi& head, his fate would be sure to be sealed by a blow from a club. In the excitement of the chase many a blow aimed at the head of a fish would descend on the head or back of some unlucky biped of an entirely different species. Such accidents would call forth peals of laughter and the injured party would pass it off in the most philosophical good humor. On the 6th of October the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 19th Army Corps, and the 46th Illinois Infantry, all under the- command of Lieut. Col. Jones of the 46th, were ordered to embark, to proceed to Duvall's Bluff, Arkansas. They left the mouth of White River at sunrise, October 7th, and ar- rived at Duvall's Bluff on the 9th. The regiment went into camp south of the Landing and commenced building log barracks which they soon completed. The regiment was highly complimented by General C. C. Andrews commanding^ Post, for its skill and energy in building such neat and com- fortable barrack& in so short a time. At this place the reg- 71 iment also did much fatigue duty on the fortifications, which 1 were extensive and incomplete. The wet Aveather and pe- culiar character of the soil made their duty very arduous.. As an offset for this, however, the large number of deer on the prairies near by afforded profitable amusement for the sportsmen of the command, who brought in five or six fine deer every day they went out, and one day fourteen were killed and brought into the regiment. The fine barracks built by the regiment had to be given- up, as orders were received on the 27th of November to em- bark on transports for Memphis, Tenn. Left Duvall's Bluff at one o'clock p. m., of the 28th, and arrived at the mouth of White River at three o'clock, p. m. of the 29th, and Memphis on the 1st of December at six o'clock, p. m. "While coming down White River, Arkansas, on the 28th a- party of guerillas fired on the boat and wounded three men, none severely. The fire was quickly returned by the reg- iment. On the same night Thomas Walbridge, a Private of company " K," fell overboard and was drowned. His body could not be recovered. At Memphis the regiment went into camp on the Pigeon- Roost road, just east of the cit}-. While at this camp all the non-veteran soldiers of H, E. I. K and F, were mustered out of the service, together with Major McCracken, Captain Hughes, Stewart, Wakefield, Reitzell, and Lieutenants Terry. Shaw and McKibben. The command suffered here from cold by reason of shelter, tents and scarcity of timber and fuel. The tents were np protection against cold, and the want of timber or lumber prevented the men from building comfortable huts or barracks. On the 12th of December orders from General Canby were received re-organizing the troops of the 19th army corps into the Reserve Corps, Military Division of West Mississippi. The 2d Brigade, which was composed of the 8th, 11th, 46th and 76th regiments of Illinois Infantry, and the 23d Wiscon- sin and 30th Missouri regiments Infantry, was commanded by Brig. Gen. E. S. Dennis. Early on the morning of the 21st of December an expedi- tion started out, commanded by Brig. Gen. Lawler, going in the direction of La Grange, Tenn. The 8th, 11th and 46th Illinois Infantry, commanded by Colonel Dornblaser of the 46th, was accompanied by two other small brigades and marched the first day to Germantown, second to Moscow, and third to Wolf River near Moscow, Tenn., where we re- mained until early on the morning of the 26th of December, when the return march to Memphis was commenced. Col. Kent's Brigade marched to Collierville and encamped. Col. Dornblaser's Brigade encamped three miles west of Colliers- ville on the Bailey plantation, and Col. Green's Brigade at Germantown and White's Station. This disposition of troops was made with a view to guard the railroad, which had been repaired from Memphis to Colliersville, against the numerous 72 bands of guerilla parties prowling through this section of the country. ■ On the 31st of December the troops were all brought to Memphis by rail and ordered to be ready to embark without delay. The 46th, with the exception of four companies that were put aboard the "Autocrat," embarked on the Steamer "Marble City," on the morning of the 2d of January, 1865, :ind proceeded to Kennerville. La., twenty-five miles from Kiew Orleans by water, and disembarked. The camp at this place was protected irom overflow by the levee, but the rainy season made it exceedingly muddy. It was a com- plete •stick-in-the-mud" camp. The regiment marched to Lakeport on Lake Pontchar- train on the 4th of February, and embarked on the Steamers : - Planter" and ''Alabama " on the 7th and 8th of February, and proceeded to Fort Gaines, Dauphin Island, Ala., at which place we arrived and went into camp on the 9th and 10th of February. While the camp at Kennerville, La., was pure mud, at this place it was pure white sand. However, the discomforts of the camp were fully neutralized by the pleas- ure and profit afforded catching and eating oysters, which wers found in great abundance in the ha}' close by. Col. Dornblaser having been home on a leave of absence, returned to the regiment on the first of March, bringing with him one hundred and sixty recruits, filling up the regiment, to nine hundred and twenty-two men, aggregate strength. This made the 46th one of the largest regiments in the com- mand. While hero the Reserve Corps w T as re-organized and called the 13th army coips, to be commanded by Major General Gordon Granger. The 8th, 11th and 46th Illinois Infantry, comprised the 2d Brigade of the 1st Division, and Gen. E. S. Dennis assigned to the command of the same. Brig. Gen. •fames C. Veatch commanded the Division. On the 17th of March all the surplus baggage, camp and garrison equlppage was turned in to the Post Quartermaster and the troops fitted for an active land campaign. The Brig- ade was transferred to the opposite tide of Mobile Bay the