Class Book__.a//M^ THE TOWN REGISTER Damariscotta nciDcastIc Bttistol Bremen Hluscon^us Island 1 9 O 6 COMPILED BY MITCHELL, DAGGETT, SAWYER and LAWTON. Brunswick, Maine: Published by The H. E. Mitchell Co. 1906 .-iJiH GENERAL REFERENCE Page Governors of Maine 5 United States Senators from Maine 6 Representatives in Congress from Maine 6 State Officials of Maine (Maine Government) 6 List of Post Offices in Maine 9 Railroads of Maine, Mileage and Fares 21 Steamboat Lines in Maine 35 Vital Statistics, Births, Marriages, and Deaths 39 Cities and Towns of Maine 40 Plantations of Maine 70 Newspapers of Maine 73 National Banks of Maine 80 Savings Banks of Maine 85 Beneficiary Organizations of Maine 89 Insurance Companies of Maine 90 Trust Companies of Maine 95 Loan and Building Associations of Maine 97 Agricultural Statistics 98 APPENDIX-POST OFFICE CHANGES 100a In 4 LOCAL REFERENCE HISTORY OF DAMARISCOTTA Leading Events 101 Settlers 102 Prominent Shipbuilders 103 Churches 103 Soldiers of 18G1-65 104 Town Officials 106 Professional Men 109 CENSUS OF DAMARISCOTTA 110 HISTORY OF NEWCASTLE Important Dates 131 Early Settlement 133 Churches and Pastors 135 Lincoln Academy 138 Civil War Soldiers 139 Town Officers 142 Professional Men 144 CENSUS OF NEWCASTLE 140 HISTORY OF BRISTOL Important Dates 174 Settlements and Settlers 170 Civil War Soldiers 178 Town Officers 181 Churches 183 Physicians 188 CENSUS OF BRISTOI 189 LOCAL REFERENCE CONTINUED HISTORY OF BREMEN Important Dates 251 Early Settlers 252 Civil War Soldiers 253 Town Officials 254 Churches 257 CENSUS OF BREMEN 259 HISTORY OF MUSCONGUS ISLAND 274 CENSUS OF MUSCONGUS ISLAND 278 GENERAL REFERENCE GOVERNOES OF MAINE. 1820 William King, Bath. 1821 William D. Williamson, Bangor, Acting. 1821 Benj. Ames, Bath, Acting. 1822 Albion K. Parris, Paris. 1827 Enoch Lincoln, Portland, (d.) 1829 Nathan Cutler, Farmington, Acting. 1830 Jona G. Himton, Eeadfield. 1831 Samuel E. Smith, Wiscasset. 1834 Robert P. Dunlap, Brunswick. 1838 Edward Kent, Bangor. 1839 John Fairfield, Saco. 1841 Edward Kent, Bangor. 1842 John Fairfield, Saco. 1843 John Fairfield, Saco (elected to U. S. Senate). 1843 Edw. Kavanagh, Newcastle, Acting. 1844 Hugh J. Anderson, Belfast. 1847 John W. Dana, Fryeburg. 1850 John Hubbard, Hallowell. 1853 William G. Crosby, Belfast. 1855 Anson P. Morrill, Readfield. 1856 Samuel Wells, Portland. 1857 Hannibal Hamlin, Hampden (elected U. S. Senate). 1857 Joseph H. Williams, Augusta, Acting. 1858 Lot M. Morrill, Augusta. 1861 Israel Washburn, Jr., Orono. 1863 Abner Coburn, Skowhegan. 1864 Samuel Cony, Augusta. 6 GENERAL REFERENCE 1867 Joshua L. Chamberlain, Brunswick. 1871 Sidney Perham, Paris. 1874 Nelson Dingley, Jr., Lewiston. 1876 Selden Connor, Augusta. 1879 Alonzo Garcelon, Lewiston. 1880 Daniel F. Davis, Corinth. 1881 Harris M. Plaisted, Bangor. 1883 Frederick Eobie, Gorham. 1887 Joseph E. Bodwell, Hallowell, died December 15, 1887. 1887 S. S. Marble, Waldoboro, Acting. 1889 Edwin C. Burleigh, Bangor. 1893 Henry B. Cleaves, Portland. 1897 Llewellyn Powers, Houlton. 1901 John Fremont Hill, Augusta. 1905 Wm. T. Cobb, Rockland. PEESENT U. S. SENATOES FEOM MAINE. William P. Frye, Eep.— Lewiston, 1883-1907 Eugene Hale, Eep.— Ellsworth, 1887-1905 EEPEESENTATIVES TO CONGEESS FEOM MAINE. Amos L, Allen, Eep. — Alfred, Lawyer Chas. E. Littlefield, Eep. — Eockland, Lawyer Edwin C. Burleigh, Eep. — Augusta, Editor Llewellyn Powers, Eep. — Houlton, Lawyer GOVEENMENT OF MAINE. The following arrangement for Councilor Districts, for the ten years ending 1912, was adopted by the Legislature of 1902-3. 1 York, 1903, '04, '07, '08, '09, '10, Geo. D. Bisbee, Rumford Falls, Oxford, 1905, '06, '11, '12, 2 Cumberland, one for each year, Thurlow S. Burns, Westbrook, 3 Androscoggin, 1907, '08, '11, '12, Somerset, 1903, '04, '09, '10, Frankhn, 1905, '06, Cyrus N. Blanchard, Wilton, GENERAL REFERENCE 4 Kennebec, 1903, '04, '09, '10, '11, '12, Lincoln, 1905, '06, Walter B. Clark, Nobleboro, Sagadahoc, 1907, '08, 5 Hancock, 1903, '04, '09, "10, Knox, 1907, '08, Albert M. Prince, Frankfort, Waldo, 1905, '06, '11, '12, 6 Penobscot, 1903, '04, '05, '06, '09, '10, '11, '12, Nathl M. Jones, Ban- PiBcataquis, 1907, '08, gor. Chairman. 7 Aroostook, 1907, '08, '09, '10, '11, '12, George A. Murchie, Calais. Washington, 1903, '04, '05, '06. Byron Boyd, Augusta, •Arthur I. Brown, Belfast, J, E. Alexander, Richmond, ♦Abel D. Russell, Weld, Anna P. Ladd, Augusta, *0. Smith, Litchfield, Hannibal E. Hamlin, Ellsworth, A. B. Farnham, Bangor, N. S. Purinton, W. Bowdoin, Geo. W. Loadbetter, Rockland, *Addie French, Winthrop, •W. W. St^'tson, Auburn, *Edgar E. Ring, Orono, Frederick Mason, Augusta, *S. W. Carr, Bowdoinham, L E. Lang, Bowdoinham, *F. E. Timberlake, Phillips, Francis Keefe, Eliot, J. M. fjeavitt, Kennebunkport, *E. C. Milliken. Portland, •S. W. Matthews, Caribou, •Charles J. House, Monson, A. W. Oilman, Foxcroft, Geo. E. Morrison, Biddeford, Joseph B. Peaks, Dover, Benj. F. Chadbourne, Biddfford, Parker Spofford, Bucksport, •E. C. Farrington, Fryeburg, OFFICE Secretary of State, Deputy Secretary of State, Chief Clerk to Sec. of State, En'g Clerk to Sec. of State, Clerk to Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Attorney-general, Adjutant-general, Private Sec. to Governor, Messenger, Stenographer to Exec. Dept, State Supt. Public vSchools, Land Agt. and Forest Com. Clerk Insurance Commissioner, Deputy Ins. Commissioner, Bank Examiner, Supt. of Public Buildings, State Liquor Commissioner, Pension Clerk, Com. Indus'l and Labor Stat Clerk, Com. of Agriculture, Inspector W., F., M., etc. SALARY .f2,500 1,500 1,200 1,000 1,000 2,000 4,000 1.800 1,200 V Railroad Commiss'rs Clerk to R. R. Comniiss'rs, 1,500 1,000 1,200 1.800 1 ,200 2,500 1,200 1 .500 1,200 1.500 1,500 2,500 2.000 2,000 1,500 GENERAL REFERENCE Geo. F. Giddings, Augusta, Paul D. Sargent, E. Machias, Otis Hayford, Canton, "| George Pottle, Lewiston, | *F. M. Simpson, Bangor, J James Plummer, Augusta, Waldo Pettingill, Rumford Falls, 1 Norman L. Bassett, Augusta, > Alfred H. Lang, Skowhegan, J W. P. Doughty, Gray, Leonard D. Carver, Augusta, Ernest W. Emery, Augusta, Mary L. Carver, Augusta, Edw. Wiggiu, Presque Isle, Chas. B. Caldwell, Augusta, Melvin W. Wiswell, Brewer, Daniel W. Emery, Augusta, Thomas Clark, Tremont, Charles E. Davis, Portland, L. T. Carleton, Winthrop, ] J. W. Brackett, Phillips, [ Edgar E, Ring, Orono, J Myrtle H. Hodgdon, Farmingdale, A. R. Niekerson, Booth. Har. Henry R. Cowan, Bangor, Chas. S. Chase, Portland, C. W. T. Coding, Portland, Cyrus H. Farley, Portland, F. 0. Beal, Bangor, ] John M. Deering, Saco, > F. S. Adams, Bowdoiu, J F. H. Wilson, Brunswick, Charles H. Davis, Bangor, Jos. F. Young, Augusta, Geo. H. Hunt, Old Town, Chas. A. Rolfe, Princeton, Wm. L. Scribuer, Springfield, Albion P. Gordon, Fryeburg, E. P. Mayo, Waterville, John M. Taylor, South Portland, \ John R. McDonald, Addison, / H. P. Farrow, Belmont (Ct.) Assistant Clerk, Highway Commisioner, State Assessors, Clerk to State Assessors, Enforeement Commiss'rs, Clerk to Enf. Com. State Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Cataloguer, Clerk to Supt. Pub. Schools, Treasurer's Clerk, Treasurer's Clerk, Treasurer's Clerk, Clerk to Adjt. General, Clerk to Adjt. General, Commissioners of Inland Fisheries and Game, Clerk and Stenog. Com. of Seashore Fisheries, Keeper of State Arsenal, Commissioners of Harbor and Tidal Waters. Cattle Commissioners. Commissioners of Pharmacy. Agent Penobscot Indians, 400 Agent Passamaquoddy Indians, 400 Inspectors of Prison and Jails. Inspectors of Steamboats. Inspector of Dams and Reservoirs. 1,200 2,500 1,500 1,.500 1,500 1,200 1,.500 1,.500 1,500 1,200 1,200 1,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 100 •Indicates official P. O. at Augusta. GENERAL REFERENCE LIST OF POST OFFICES IN MAINE. Money order offices are indicated by the asterisk (*) ; international money order offices are indicated by the two asterisks (**) ; the figures (1, 2, etc) indicate the number of R. F. 1). Routes emanatino- from the Post Office they follow. Abbot Askwith Bay Point *Abbot Village Asticou Bayview Acadia ♦Athens 2 Bayville Acton ^Atlantic Beachwood *Addison ** Auburn 7 •Beals Albany Stations Beaverpond *Albion Nos. 1,2&3 lieddington Alexander **Augusta 7 •^Belfast 3 *Alfred Aurora *P>elgrade 1 AUagash Backriver •Belgrade Lakes Allen's Mills •Bailey Island Belmont *Alna Bald Mountain * Be mis Alta Bancroft •Beuedicta Alton **Bangor 8 Benner •Amherst Ind. Station Benton Amity *Andover Brewer •Benton Falls Stations Benton Station •Anson Nos. 1, 2, 3 •Berry Mills *Ap])leton Argyle ^ Arrowsic ••Bar Harbor ••Berwick 3 •Baring Berwick Branch Barker ••Bethel 2 Ashdale •Bar Mills ••Biddeford 4 •Ashland 1 •Barrett •Biddeford Pool Ash point Basin •Bigelow Ashville ••Bath 1 •Bingham JO GENERAL REFERENCE Birches Birch Harbor Birch Island *Blaine *BlaDchard *Bluehill 1 Bluehiil Falls *Bolster's Mills Boniiey Bonny Eagle *Boothbay **Brunswiek 4 *Bryant Pond 2 *Buckfield 2 Bucks Harbor **Buck8port 2 Bucksport Ctr Bunkerhill Burdin Burketville *Burleigh *Burlino'ton ^Boothbay Harbor*Burnham 1 *Boundary Bowdoin Ctr. **Bowdoinham 3 Bowerbank Boyd Lake * Bradford Bradford Center *Bradley *Brao:gville Bremen (Brewer, ind. sta. Bangor). *Bridgewater Ctr. **Bridgton 2 Brighton *Bri8tol Broadcove *Brooklin *Brook8 4 Brooksville *Brookton *Brownville *Buxton 1 *Buxton Ctr. * Byron **CaIais •Cambridge 1 **Camden Camp Caribou *Canaan 1 **Canton 1 Cantonpoint *Cape Cottage *Cape Neddick Capens *Cape Porpoise Cape Rozier Capitol *Caratunk Cardville **Caribou 5 *Carmel 3 Carroll Carthage Cary *Casco **Ca8tine Castlehill Cathance *Cedargrove Center *Center Belmont Center Lebanon *Center Lincolnville *Center Lovell Center Montville Chandler •Charleston 2 Charlotte Chase Mills *Chebague Isl, **Cherryfield *Chesterville Chesuncook *China •Chisbolm Christmas Citypoint *Clark Island Clarks Mills *Cliff Island Clifton •Clinton 3 Columbia •Columbia Falls Convene Cooks •Coopers Mills GENERAL REFERENCE n Coplin •Denmark •East Eddington Corea •Dennysville 1 East Edgecomb *Coriuna 2 •Detroit 1 East Franklin •Cornish 1 ••Dexter 4 East Friendship *Costigaii •Dixfield 1 East Fryeburg Cousins Island •Dixmont East Gray Cranberry Isles Dixmont Ctr, East Hampden Crawford *Dorman East Hebron Crescent Surf Douglas Hill •East Hiram Crihaven ••Dover 4 *East Holden Crouseville Dresden •East Jefferson 1 Crystal •Dresden Mills •East Lebanon 1 Cumberland Drew East Limiugton •Cumberland Ctr. 2 *Dryden 1 East Lincoln (Cum'b Mills ind Dry Mills •East Li verm ore eta. Westbrook) •Durham •East Livermore *Cundy Harbor Dutch Neck Mills Cupsuptic Dyerbrook East Lowell •Curtis Corner Eaglelake •East Machiae *Cu8hing Eagel Lake Mills East Madrid •Cutler East Andover East Mercer Daigle •East Baldwin East Newcastle ••Damariscotta East Bethel •East Newport •Damariscotta Mills^East Bluehill East New Portland Damascus East Boothbay •East New Sharon •Danforth East Bowdoinhai nEast Northport •Danville Eastbrook •East North •Darkharbor •East Browufield Yarmouth 1 Davidson East Bucksport •Easton Dead River •East Corinth 2 East Orland Deblois East Denmark East Otisfield Debseoneag •East Dixfield •East Parsonfield •Dedbam •East Dixmont East Peru •Deer Isle 1 •East Dover •East Pittston n GENERAL REFERENCE *Ea8t Poland **Ea8tport East Raymond East Rumford *East Sebago East Sherman East Stoneham *Ea8t Sullivan *East Sumner 1 East Surry East Turner East Union *Ea8t Vassalboro East Waldoboro East Waterboro East Waterford *East Wilton East Winn East Winthrop Eaton *Eddington Eden *Edes Falls Edgecomb Eggemoggin Egypt *Eliot **Ellsworth 3 *Ellsworth Falls Elmore Elms Embden Emery Mills *Empire *Enfield *Etna 1 *Eustis *Exeter 1 **Fairbanks *Fairfield 1 Fairfield Ctr. **Farmington 5 *Farmington Fall *Fayette *Five Islands *Flagstaff *Forest City Forest Station **Ft. Fairfield 4 *Fort Kent Fortune Rock **Foxcroft 2 *Frankfort 1 *Franklin *Freedom **Freeport 4 Frenchboro French ville *Friendship Frye *Fryeburg Fryeburg Ctr. **Qardiner 7 *Garland *Georgetown Gerry *Gilbertville *Gilead Gilman Glencove Glen mere Gleudon *Glenwood Globe Goldenridge Goodrich s*Goodwins Mills **Gorham 4 Gotts Island *Gouldsboro Grafton Grandlake *Grange Grant Isle *Gray 1 Great Pond *Great Works Green bush *Greene 2 Greenfield *Greenlake **Greenville *Greenville Jo. Grimes *Grindstone Grove Groveville Guerette **Guilford Haines Landing Hale **Hallowell 1 GENERAL REFERENCE J3 *Hall Quarry Hamlin *IIamp(leTi *FIanip(leii Corner *Hancock *IIancoek Point * II an over Harbor Harborside *Harnion_v 1 *Harrington 2 *Ilarrison 4 Hartford **Hartland 1 *Hastin<>s Haven Haynesville Haywood *Headtido *Hebron 1 Hebron Station *fIenderson Hernion Hermon Pond Heron Island Herricks Herwey Highisle Hissacook 53 Dexter and Bang:()r. LOO *W i n t h ro p (Sto-. 0.75 *Bruns\vick 30 con 50 22 GENERAL REFERENCE 1.70 *Maranacook 59 To Dexter and Bangor 1.80 *Readfield (Stgcon). 61 ^-75 *Burnham 96 2.00 *BeIgrade (Stgcon). 69 2.95 *Pittsfield (June) 103 2.15 Lakeside 74 3.10 Detroit 107 2.15 No.Belgrade(Stgcon) 74 3.20 *Newport (June) 110 2.25 *Oak]and (June) 78 2.35 *Waterville (Stgcon) 84 "^^ Dexter ^ 1^ . 3.20 *Newport (Stg con) To Skowgehan. 110 2.35 *Waterville 84 3.45 *Corinna 117 2.40 *P'airfield 87 3.70 *Dexter (Stgcon) 125 2.50 *Shawmut 90 4.10 *Dover & Foxcroft 2.65 Good Will Farm 93 (June B & A R R) 140 2.70 *Hiuckley 95 ;Z"r \ 2.90 *Skowhegan (Stgcon) oon*NT^*^^ + -i-irv 1o4 ^Newport 110 ;^^;;^^;;;;;;2!^Z11!ZZ1__ ^'^^ East Newport (Stg)..113 To Belfast, Dexter and Ban- ^"^^ IcIrl^l'tTge)\*:::.\\':i2^ l!!^*wa;;;^;iiie:zz:..82 ^/"i^ i^^^^^^^^f 1^7 n Ar.^ , <-,^ 3.85 *Herman Center 130 2.40 Benton 85 . ,,,, ^^ -,..„ o a(\ *ni- 4- f^-i 4-^^ *Bangor 137 2.60 *Uhuton 91 2.75 *Burnham (June) 96 Mount Desert Branch " Fares from Miles from To Belfast Bangor Bangor 2.75 *Buruham 96 *Bangor 3.00 Unity (Stgcon) 104 0.05 Brewer June 3 3.10 Thorndike (Stgcon). .108 0.35 *Holden 11 3.20 Knox Ill 0.85 Ellsworth Falls 28 3.40 Brooks 117 0.90 *Ellsworth 30 3.55 Waldo 122 1.00 Washington June 3.70 City Point 127 (Wash. Co. R. R) 32 3.75 *Belfa8t (Stg & Stm 1.10 *Franklin Road 36 con) 129 1.20 *Hancock 40 GENERAL REFERENCE 23 1.25 Waukeag Ferry to 1.45 *Fryeburs (Stg) 50 Sullivan 41 1.60 *Convvay Ctr 55 1.25 *Mt. Desert Ferry 48 1.70 *Redstone 57 1.75 *Bar Harbor (Ferry 1.75 *No. Couway <^0 Steamer) 53 1.85 *Intervale (8ta N. H.)62 1.95 *Glen & Jackson 65 Bucksport Branch 2.IO *Bartlett 71 Bangor 2.35 *Sawver8 River 75 0.05 Brewer June 2 ^ 45 Demi's 77 0.10 *Soutb Brewer 4 285 willey Houne 81 0.20 No. Orrington 6 .^ ^q *Crawford House 85 0.25 Pierce's Crossing 7 ^^^ *Brettun Woods 89 0.25 Orrington 8 .^^^ *Fabvan House 90 0.30 South Orrington 10 ^ ^^ *Littieton 107 0.40 No. Bucksport 13 ^^^ *Lisbon 118 0.45 Bucksport Ctr 15 ^ ^^ ^^^^^^ 128 0.50 Chipman's Cros 17 ^ gy »^^.ii's Rjver 130 0.60 ^Bucksport (Stg) 20 ^ ^^ *Montpelier (via M. & White Mountain Division W. R. R. R 168 From Portland 3.60 »Twin Mt. House 94 0.10 Cumberland June 6 3.65 Carrol Tank 98 0.25 *So. Windham 11 3.70 Quebec June 100 0.30 Newhall 12 3.75 *Hazen'8 June 101 0.40 White Rock 14 3.75 MVhitefield 104 0.50 *Sel)ago Lake (Stg) 3.85 *Scott'8 June 107 and Steamer con 17 4 00 *Lunenburg 110 0.60 Richville 21 4.50 *8t. Johnsbury Vt....l31 70 *Sleep Falls (Stg) 25 5.85 Newport 173 75 niattocks (Stg) 27 7.50 Montreal (C. P. R. R.286 0.90 *Corni8h (Stg) 32 5.20 *Hardwick, Vt 165 0.95 * West Baldwin 34 5.71 'Ilydo Park, Vt 182 1.05 *Bridgton June 37 5.85 Mohnson, Vt 187 1.05 *Hiram 37 6.09 *Cambridge June Vt. 195 1.25 *Brownfield (Stg) 44 7.00 *Swanton,Vt 226 24 GENERAL REFERENCE Quebec Division 6.45 *Lime Ridge and Mar- 3.70 Quebec June 100 bletou 208 3.75 WaumbecJunc 102 8.50 Quebec (P. Q.) 320 3.75 Bailey's 105 3.90 fUverton 108 Eastern Division 4.00 *Lancaster 112 Fares and distance from 4.05 Coos June 113 Portland 4.10 Guildhall 118 4.00 *Bansor 137 4.15 Stevens 121 4.10 Veazie 141 4.20 Maidstone 124 4.20 Basin Mills 145 4.30 Mason's 127 4.25 *Orono 145 4.30 *No. Stratford June. 132 4.25 Webster .146 7.50 Montreal via G. T. R. 4.30 *Great Works 148 R 295 4.35 *01d Town (June) 150 4.45 Georges 136 4.40 Milford 150 4.55 Cone's 139 4.55 *Costigan 155 4.65 Columbia Bridge 141 4.70 *Greenbush 160 4.75 *Colebrook:(Stg) 145 4.80 *01amon 164 4.95 Piper Hill 151 4.95 *Passadumkeag 168 5.00 *W. Stewartstown ...153 5.05 *Enfield 172 5.10 *Beecher's Falls 155 5.35 *Lincoln 182 5.15 Hereford 155 5.40 Lincoln Ctr 183 5.25 *E. Hereford 159 5.70 *Winn 193 5.45 *Pacquetville 163 5.75 *Mattawanikeag 5.50 *Malvina 169 (June C. P. R.) 195 5.55 Auckland 171 6.00 *Kingman 203 5.60 *St. Malo 173 6.25 *Wytopitlock 213 5.80 Clifton 179 6.35 Bancroft 216 5.95 *Sawyerville 184 Limited 6.00 Eaton Corner 187 6.60 6.50 *Danforth 225 6.00 *CookHhire (June) 191 6.75 6.50 *Eaton 230 6.25 Brookbury 199 6.90 6.50 *Forest 235 6.25 *Dudswell (June) 204 7.05 6.50 Tomah 239 6.40 Dominion 206 7.25 6.50 *Lambert Lake 246 GENERAL REFERENCE 25 7.35 6.50 *Vanceboro (Jc) GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 251 C. M. HajH secoud Vice Presi- 7.00 0.75 *McAdani (Jc)..257 dent and Gen. Mot., Montreal. 9.25 7.50 *Houltou 300 Connects in Portland with 9.25 7.50 ^Woodstock 308 Railroads and Boats to 8.50 7.00 *St. Stephen 293 Boston. 8.50 7.00 *St. Andrews.. ..299 ^Denotes the Great Nortli- 10.90 9.20 Aroostook 302 western Telegraph Co. n.lO 9.20 *Ft. Fairfield. .370 Canadian Express to all Sta- 11.40 9.20 *Caribou 381 ^j^j^^ Pr^„^ Portland. 11.75 9.20 *Presque Isle.. 390 parea Miles 11.40 9.85 *Grand Falls. .381 0.20 ^Falmouth 5 11.70 10,25 *St. Leonards 0.30 *Cumberland 9 393 0.40 *Yarmouth 11 12.40 11.00 *Edmundston 0.40 *Yarmouth Jc. M C R R 419 12 8.50 7.00 *Frederickton June 0.50 *E. No. Yarmouth 15 ^^0 0.05 *]»ownal 18 9.20 7.70 *Frederickton..318 0.75 NewGloueester (Sto;) ..22 8.50 7.00 *St. John 341 0.95 *Danville Jc.MCR R..27 14.50 11.50 *Halilax (all rail 1.00 Lewiston Jc. (Sts)....29i route) 017 1.00 Auburn Br (Stg) 34% SEBASTICOOK & MOOSE- ^'^^ *^"^^'^^*^" ^^^ HEAD R. R. 1.10 Empire Road 33 W. J. Hayes, Cleveland, O., 1.25 *Mechnnic Falls Jc P & Pres.; A. B. Thompson, Pitts- R. F 30 field, Gen. Mgr. & Treas. 1.40 *Oxford (Sto) 41 Fares From PittHfinl,! Miles ^-^^ *^^ P^^^'i^ (Stg to Paris) ^Pittsfield .4 0.25 Palmyra 4 1.05 'Norway (Branch) 0.40 Hartland (Stg) 8 Stg con 48 0.05 Mainstream (Stg) 10 1.90 'W. Paris (Stgcou)... 55 26 GENERAL REFERENCE 2.10 *Bryant8 Pond (Sto; all traius on the Maine Central con) 62 and Grand Trunk R. Rs,, also 2.20 *Locke's Mills 65 with all steamers running to 2.35 *Bethel (Stgcon) 70 and from Portland. American 2.50 *W. Bethel 74 Express to all Stations. 2.70 *Gilead 80 2.90 *Shelburne 86 Western Division. 3.10 *Gorham (Stocon)... 91 Wm. Merritt, Boston, 3.30 *Berlin Falls (Stg Supt.Chas. A. Messer, Boston, con) 98 Ast. Supt. 4.10 *Groveton 122 Fares from Portland. Miles 4.25 *No. Stratford (Jc.)..134 *M. C. R. R. Jc 1 4.80 *Island Pond, Vt. 0.16 *Scarboro Bch 6% (Stg con) 149 0.22 *Pine Point 9% 7.50 *Montreal, Canada.. .297 0.28 *0]d Orchard Bch ll-^f^ 8.50 *Qiiebec 317 0.40 *Saco 15% 16.75 *Detroit 861 0.40 *Biddeford 1Q% 0.57 Arundel 23^ BOSTON AND MAINE o.63 *Kennebunk (Vil- RAILROAD. lage) 25^ Lucius Tuttle, Prest.; W. *Kennebunkport Br. con. F. Berry, Boston, Second Vice 0.71 The Elms 28% Prest. and Gen. Traffic Mgr.; 0.76 *Wells Bch 30^ W. J. Hobbs, Boston, Fourth 0.95 *No. Berwick (Stg Vice Prest. and Gen. Auditor; con) 37% Daniel W. Sanborn, Boston, 1.08 *So. Berwick 43)^ Gen. Supt.; D. J. Flanders, 1.08 *Salmon Falls & So. Boston, Gen. Passenger & Berwick 44 Ticket Agt.; H. A. Snow, 1.18 *Somersworth (Gr. Portland, Ticket Agt.; W. Falls) 47J^ Sprague, Portland, Station 1.20 *Dover (Branch Agt.; R. A. MacClutchy, Port- Roads) 48 land. Freight Agt. 1.27 Madbury Connects at Portland with 1.33 *Durham 54 GENERAL REFERENCE 27 1.44 *Newraarket 58 Eastern Division. 1.48 *Rockinsham Jc... 59% ^ rp perkins, Boston, Supt.; 1.51 *Newfield8 61 H. Scannell, Boston, Asst. 1.00 *Exeter 65 1.73 *E. Kingston 70 Fares from Portland Milea 1.85 *Newton Jo 74% 0.16 Scarborough (Oak Hill) 1.91 *Plaistow 78 5.8 2.05 *Haverhill 82K ^.22 W.Scarborough.... 8.8 2.05 *Bradford 82=S^ 0.40 *Saco 13.5 2.19 *No. Andover 87% 0.40 *Biddeford 14.5 2.23 *Lawrence 89^^ 0.65 *W. Kennebunk 23 2.30 *Andover (limited 2.25) 0.80 Wells 28.5 92^ 0.95 *N. Berwick 33.8 2.36 Ballardvale 95 1-07 Agamenticus 38.5 2.38 *LowellJc (limited 2.25) 1.14 Conway Jc. (Northern 95% Division) 41 2.42 Wilmington Jc 97^ 1-24 *Eliot 45 2.55 *Readiug (limited 2.25) 1-38 Kitterj Jc 50.5 103):( 1.40 ^Portsmouth 51.5 2.60 *Wakefield Jc 1.54 Greenland 57 (limited 2. 25) 106 1-61 *N.Hami)ton 59.5 2.66 *Melrose (limited 2.30) 1-67 *Hampton 61.8 108^ 1-T2 Hampton Falls 64 2.70 *Malden (limited 2.35) 1.76 *Seabrook 65.5 110% 1.85 E.Salisbury 69 2.80 'Somerville 113% 1.90 *Newburyport Jc... 71 2.80 ^Charleston 114 2.06 *Rowley 77 2.80 *Boston (limited 2.50) 2.15 *lpsvvich 80.5 1151^ 2.28 *Wenham Jc 85.5 2.33 N.Beverly 87.5 2.40 *Beverly Jc 90 2.45 *Salera Jc 92 2.55 *Swamp8Cott 95.5 2.60 *Lynn (Jc) 96.8 28 GENERAL REFERENCE 2.60 West Lynn 97.6 2.70 Revere 102 2.73 *Chel8ea 103.7 2.75 *Everett 105 2.80 *Soraerville 106.8 2.80 *BostoD 108 Worcester, NasLua and Portland Div., W. R. Monney, Nashua, Supt.; H. W. Davis, Nashua, Asst. Regular Fares From Portland, Miles .05 *Woodfords , 1.5 .05 *Westbrook Jc (M. C. R. R.) 2.5 .13 *Cumberland Mills (M.C. R. R.) 5. .15 *Westbrook 6. .27 *Gorham (Sto.con) 10. .42 Buxton Ctr 15. .51 *Saco River Bar Mills (Stg. con) 18. .59 Bradbury (Hoi lis Ctr), (Stg. con) 20.5 .81 *E. Waterborough (Stg. con) 25. .91 S. Waterborough (Stg. con) 28. .93 *Alfred„ 32. 1.05 *Springvale (Stg. con) 36. 1.26 Eastwood (E. Leb- naon) (Stg. con) ... 43. 1.44 *E. Rochester (N. H.) 49. 1.50 *Rochester Jc (B. &, M. R. R.) , 52. 2.13 *Eppiug Jc (B. & M. R. R.) 73. 2.64 *AVindham Jc, (B. & M.R. R.) 90 2.97 *Na8hua Jc.,(B.&M. R.R.) 101 3.51 *Ayer 119 3.84 *cfinton 130 3.99 Sterling Jc 135 4.18 *Worcester 147 BRIDGTON & SACO RIVER RAILROAD. Am. Express to all Points. Fares from Portland. Miles Bridgton Jc 36 1.70 Perley's Mills 45 1.75 Ingalls'Road 46.5 1.90 Sandy Creek 50 1.90 *Bridgton (Stg con) 52 1.95 No. Bridgton (Stmr. con) 56 2.00 Harrison (Stg con). .57 SOMERSET RAILROAD. * Indicates Postal Telegraph. American Express to all Stations. Fares from Portland. Miles 2.50 *Oaklaud (Via M. C. R.R.) 78 GENERAL REFERENCE 29 2.60 *Norridgewock(Ele(\ toSkovv.) 90 2.80 *Madi8oii Sc Anson (Elec. toSkow.) 98 2.95 *N. A.nson 102 3.10 Kinbden 108 3.20 *Solon Ill 3.45 *Bino;ham 119 Stp,'. con. at NoiTid<>;ewock for Mercer and Smithfield, at Ausonfor Stark and Industry, at No. Anson for New Port- land, Dead River, Flaj^staff, Eustis and Concord; at Bing- ham for Caratunk, The Forks, Parlin Pond and Moose River, also for Mayfield, Kingsbury and Abbot. PORTLAND & RUM FORD FALLS RAILROAD. • American Express to all Stations. Fares from Portland. Miles Lewiston Auburn *Rumford Jc 32 1.10 *Elni\vood Farm 37 1.10 *Poland Spr. Sta 38 1.20 *Pohind (Stg. con)... 40 1.25 Meclianic Falls 44 1.40 *W. Minot (Stg con.. 49 l.GO *E. Il.'hron 53 1.75 *Buekfield (Stg. con) 57 1.85 *E. Sumner (Stg. con) 02 1.90 *Hartford G4 2.00 *Canton 69 2.25 Rileys 75 2.35 *Jay Bridge 78 2.40 Chisholm 80 2.40 Livermore 80 2.10 *Gilbertville 71 2.25 E. Peru 75 2.30 Peru (Stg. con) 77 2.40 Dixfield & W. Peru (Stg. con) 81 2.50 *Rumford Falls (Stg. con) 85 Local Telegraph connecting with W. U. T. Co. 2.65 Hale 90 2.75 Frye 92 2.85 Chapman 94 3.00 Roxbury 96 3.10 Byron.."! 101 3.25 Houghton 105 3.75 Summit Ill 4.00 Bemis, Stmr to all pts. on M ooseluc- meguntic and Rich- ardson Lakes 113 4.10 S. Rangeley Stmrsto all pts on Rangeley and Cupsuptic Lakes 120 4.25 Oquossoc Strs as above 123 30 GENERAL REFERENCE GEORGES VALLEY R. R. Fares from Warren Miles 0.15 The Kilns 0.30 So. Union 0.40 Union (Stg con) WASHINGTON COUNTY R. R. connects with M. C. R. R. at Washington Jc. Fares from Portland (Limited) Miles 5.00 Washington Jc 169 5.40 *Franklin (Stg. con) 179 5.65 *TunkPond 186 5.95 Unionville (Stg. to Steuben) 194 6.05 *Cherryfleld (Stg. con) 198 6.25 Dormans 202 6.30 *Harrington 204 6.45 Columbia (Stg. con) 208 6.55 *Columbia Falls (Stg. con) 211 6.70 Jonesboro 215 7.00 Whitneyville 223 7.00 *Machias (Stg. con). 227 7.00 Machiasport 229 7.00 *E. Machias (Stg. con) 231 7.00 Jacksonville 233 7.00 *Marion 244 7.00 *Denn.ysvi]le 249 7.00 *Ayers Jc (Stg con). .255 Eastport Branch 7.00 *Pembroke 259 7.00 Perrv (Stg. con) 264 7.00 Pleai^ant Pt 266 7.00 *Eastport (Stmr to Campobello, Lubec, Grand Man an and St. Andrews 271 7.00 Charlotte 258 7.00 St. Croix Jc 267 7.10 Baring Jc (Stg con). 269 7.30 *Spragues Falls 274 7.40 Whidden Farm 277 7.55 Bailey ville 281 7.70 ^Princeton (Stgcon)285 7.00 *Milltown 269 7.00 *Calais (Stg. Red Beach) 271 SANDY RIVER RAILROAD. From Portland via Leeds Jc. Fares Miles 2.40 *Farmington 83 2.55 No. Farraington 86 2 90 So. Strong , 91 3.00 *Strong Jc Frank. & Megantic 94 3.30 *Phillip8 Jc (P. & R. R. R.) 101 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Fares from Mattawamkeag. Miles 0.30 Chester 8 GENERAL REFERENCE 3J 0.85 Seboois .. 22 1.70 Brownville Jc .. 43 2.45 Ooawa . 61 3.05 Greenville Jc .. 77 8.50 Moosehead ,. 87 3.80 As(initlj .. 95 4.35 Long Pond .109 4.65 Jackman ..117 5.15 Eloleb ..130 5.60 Lowelltown , ..141 5.80 Boundary ..144 6.40 Lake Megan tic .161 Fares from Vanceboro. Miles 0.25 McAdam Jc .. 6 1.60 Debec Jc .. 46 1.1)0 Houlton .. 54 1.90 Woodstock .. 57 3.55 Aroostook Jc ..112 3.75 Ft. Fairfield ..119 3. HO "Caribou ..131 3.80 *PresqueIsle ..146 4.05 Grand Falls ..131 5.05 Edniundston ..170 1.35 St. Stephen (Calais) .. 40 1.65 St. Andrews .. 48 2.20 Frederickton .. 68 2.75 *St. John .. 91 PHILLIPS, RANG F LEY, MADRID AND EUSTIS RAILROAD. Fart's from Portland. Miles 3.40 *Phillips 101 3.75 Madrid 106 3.85 Reeds Mill 108 4.05 Sanders Mill Ill 4.30 *Reddington Mills.. ..117 4.95 Eustis Jc 124 5.30 Greens Farm (Stg. con) 134 4.65 Dead River 126 4.90 *Rangeley (Stmr. Con. in Summer ni OS ) 130 WISCASSET, WATERVILLE & FARMINGTON RAILROAD. Connects with M. C. R. R. at Wiscasset and Winslow and Steamer at Wiscasset for Boothbay and Islands. Fares from WiscasHet. Miles 0.20 Sheepscot 4.8 0.40 Head Tide 9.1 0.60 Whitefield 13.3 0.75 No. Whitefield (Stg. con) 17.4 0.90 Coopers Mills (Stg. con) 20.4 1.00 Maxcy's Mills 23. 1.00 Windsor 24 1.10 Weeks Mills 28.2 1.20 So. China 31.5 1.25 E. Vaesalboro 36.5 1.30 N. Vassalboro 3H.1 1.35 Winslow 42.7 32 GENERAL REFERENCE 1.20 NewellsCor 29 3.75 Kingfield 109 1.25 Palerma Stg. to 4.25 Carrabassett, Liberty 32.9 Flagstaff 119 1.35 China 38 4.50 Bigelow, Sto-. to 1.50 Albion 43.5 Eustis 125 YORK HARBOR & BANGOR & AROOSTOOK BEACH R. R. RAILROAD. Fares from Kittery Jc. Miles American Express to all 0.05 Kittery Navy Yd 1 Points. 0.9 Kittery Ft 3 f denotes Northern Telegraph 0.15 Bedells Crossing 5 Fares Miles 0.18 Oakland Farm 6 from from 0.21 Seabury 7 Bangor Portland 0.27 York Harbor 9 *Bangor via M. C. R. 0.30 Long Branch 10 R 135 0.35 Pavilion n 0.15 4.10 *01d Town 0.35 YorkBeach 11 (Stg. con). ...149.5 0.40 4.10 tPeaCove....l53.5 FRANKLIN & MEGANTIC ^'^^ 4.10 fAlton (Stg DATTTjrkArk ^o^^) 15<.5 0.85 4.10 tS. Lagrange Connects at Strong with (Sto. con).. .164 Sandy Riv. R. R. 0.95 4.10 fLagrange Fares from Portland Miles (Stff. COn) 168 3.00 *Strong via Sandy 1.05 4.10 fBoyd Lake 171 R. R. R. & M. C. R. R 94 1.25 4.10 fMilo Jc 176.5 3.15 West Freeman 97 3.20 Hillside 99 Moosehead Lake Div. 3.40 Summit 100 1.25 4.10 fMilo Jc. 3.50 Salem 102 (Stg. con 176.5 3.60 Mt. Jc 104 1.50 4.10 fSo. Sebec 3.65 Mt. Abram 106 (Stg. con) ...182 3.75 No. Freeman 106 1.70 4.10 fE. Dover... .186.5 GENERAL REFERENCE 33 1.80 4.10 1 Dover cV: Fox- 4.05 croft Jc.M.C.R. R.... 189 4.30 2.00 4.35 LowHBrido-e 194.5 4.40 2.05 4.40 tSano;ervillel96 2.10 4.45 tGuilford (Sto-. Coii)...197 2.20 4.60 tAbbot Vil. (Sto;. con) ...204 2.30 4 70 (Monson Jc.215 2.55 4.95 tBlaiicbard 212 2.80 5.25 tSbirley 218 2.90 5.60 tGreenvllle (Moosehead LakeStt?. con)224 4.40 4.50 4.65 5.00 5.20 5.35 5.70 6.00 6.20 6.40 7.00 7.45 7.85 8.15 8 40 1.35 4.20 tMilo 178 1.55 4.40 *tBro\vnville..l82 2.15 5.00 tKatabdin Ir. Wks. (Braiich)196 1.80 4.65 BrowTiville Jc 185 2.00 4.85 tScboodic 199 2.35 5.20 tW. Seboois...201 2.65 5.50 tNorcroHs 210 8.65 2.75 5.55 Twin Dam 211 2.80 5.65 tMillinocket (Stt()n....2SC, 5.45 8.05 * tMoiitirello..290 34 GENERAL REFERENCE 5.90 8.50 *tBridgewater301 6.80 fGrimes Mill.. .342 6.00 8.60 * tRobbiDsons305 7.00 Goodrich 348 6.15 8.75 * tMars Hill & Blaine 308 6.45 9.05 *tFt. Fair- field Jc 318 6.60 9.20 tEaston (Stg. con) 322 6.60 9.20 tFt. Fairfield 331 7.25 fLimestone (Stg. con) 354 6.60 9.20 * tCaribou 338 7.00 9.55 *New Sweden (Stg. con) 347 7.15 9.75 Jemtland 352 7.25 Stockho Im (Stg. con) 354 7.65 10.25 *Van Buren 6.45 9.05* tFt. Fair- (Stg. con) 371 field Jc 318 1 6.60 920 * tPresque Isle Kennebec Central Railroad (Stg. con) 324 runs from Randolph, opp. 6.60 9.20 *t Caribou Gardiner, to Soldier's Home, (Stg. con) 338 Togus 5 STEAMBOAT LINES THE EASTERN STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Portland Division : Portland, Franklin Wharf, and Boston, India Wharf, steamer leaves, at 7 P. M. daily, Sunday excepted. Sun- day trips from Middle of June to middle of Sept. Dis- tance between Portland and Boston about 110 miles, staterooms, |1 to $5. International Division : Leave Boston, 9 A. M. Mondays during winter, Mondays and Thursdays, Spring; Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- days, Summer. GENERAL REFERENCE 35 Fares (Limited) from Portlaud; Lubec, .f4.()() (187 mi.); Eaetport, H (190 mi.); Calais, |4.5U (220 mi.); St. John, 14.50 (250 mi.); Boston, $1.25, (110 mi.) Meals and staterooms extra. Kennehec Division: Daily trips during summer between Kennebec River and Boston : during spring and fall, three trips a week. Fares from Augusta; ITallowell; Gardiner, 25c (6 mi.) ; Richmond, 25c, (17 mi.); Bath, 50c, (32 mi.); Boston, $2.00, (165 mi.) Meals and staterooms extra. Bangor Division : Daily (except Sunday) from April 15th to October 1st, leave Bangor at noon on Monday, 1.30 P. M. other days. From Oct. 2, to April 14th, two trips a week leaving at 11 A. M. Fares from Bangor; Hampden, 15c, (G mi.); Winter- port, 35c, (13); Bucksport, 40c, (20); Searsport, 80c, (34) ; Belfast, 90c, (40); Northport, 90c (43); Camden, $1.25, (58) ; Rockland, $1.25, (GG) ; Boston, $3.50, (235). Meals and staterooms extra. BooTHBAV Division: Steamers of this line run daily (during the summer sea- son of travel two or three trips daily), from Bath, Booth- bay Harbor and Islands, Murray Hill, So. Bristol and Pemaquid during open navagation — during winter months they run from Boothbay to Wiscasset one trip daily, connecting with ^L C. R. R. Mount Desert and Bluehill Division: Steamer, "J.T. Morse," runs daily (except Monday) dur- ing season of summer travel, fiom Rockhind, at 5.30 A. M., or upon arrival of steamer from Boston, for Dark 36 GENERAL REFERENCE Harbor, Sargentville, Deer Isle, Brooklin, So. West Har- bor, No. E. Harbor, Seal Harbor and Bar Harbor. On return, leaves Bar Harbor, via landings, daily (except Sunday), at 1.30 P. M., arriving at Rockland to connect with Boston boat. Steamer "Juliette," leaves Rockland daily (except Mon- day), at 5.30 A. M. for Dirigo, Eggemoggin, Blake's Point, So. Brooksville, Herrick's Landing and Sedgwick. On return, leaves Sedgwick, via landings, daily (except Sunday), at 2.30 P. M., connecting with Boston boat, at Rockland. Steamer, "Catherine," leaves Rockland, daily (except Monday), at 5.30 A. M., for No. Haven, Stonington, So. Bluehill and Bluehill. On return, leaves Bluehill, via landings, daily (except Sunday), at 2.00 P. M., connecting at Rockland with Boston boat. During spring and fall steamers make three trips a week, each way. MAINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The steamers of this company leave Portland every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 P. M., and Pier 32, East River, New York, the same days at 5 P. M. From June 26 to Sept. 4, steamers will leave Portland, in addition to above, at 10.00 A. M., on Mondays. Fare one way f 6. 00; round trip $10.00. Time of pas- sage, 20 holirs. BANGOR AND BAR HARBOR STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Three trips per week between May 1st and November 1st. Fares from Bangor; Hampden, 15c (6 mi.); Winter- port, 35c (12 mi.); Bucksport, 40c (18 mi.) ; Fort Point, 50c (27 mi.) ; Castine, 50c (35 mi.) ; Ilesboro, 75c (42 mi.); Deer Isle, |1.25 (60 mi.) ; Sedgwick, |1.25 (60 mi.) ; South W. Harbor and Bar Harbor, $1.50 (80 mi.) GENERAL REFERENCE 37 FRONTIER STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Leaves Calais, daily, connecting at Eastport with East- ern S. S. Co.'s steamers, for Portland, Boston and St. Jolni. On return, leaves Eastport on arrival of Eastern S. S. Co.'s steamers, connecting at Calais, with Washington Co. R. R., for Princeton and Grand Lake Stream, C. P. R. R., for Houlton and Woodstock, and Shore Line R. R. Fares from Calais; Robbinston, 50c (15 mi.); St. Andrews, 50c (17 mi.); Eastport, 75c (30 mi.); Lubec, 11.00 (33 mi.) VINALHAVEN AND ROCKLAND STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamers daily (Sundays excepted) from Rockland to Hurricane Island, Vinalhaven, No. Haven, Stouington, Isle au Haut, and Swans Island. PORTLAND AND ROCKLAND. Steamer Monhegan leaves Portland from March to November, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for Rock- land, touching at Boothbay Harbor, New Harbor, Round Pond, Friendship, Port Clyde and Tenant's Harbor. Return- ing, leaves Rockland on alternate days. ILESBORO, CASTINE AND BELFAST STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamer, "Silver Star" makes two round trips daily to Islesboro, Castine and Brooksville. Daily trip in winter. Single fares, 50 cents. ^ PORTLAND AND BOOTHBAY STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamer -'Entorpiise" runs between Portland, Sciuirrel Island, Boothbay Harbor, E. Boothbay and So. Bristol, 38 GENERAL REFERENCE touchiDS at intermediate landinpjs and connecting with Eastern S. S. Co,'8 and Me. S. S. Co.'s steamers for Boston and New York. BUCKSPORT AND CAMDEN STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Round trip daily (except Sunday) from Bucksport, con- necting with the M. C. R. R. to and from Bangor to Camden and intermediate landings (except Searsport), connecting with trains at Belfast. ROCKLAND, MATINICUS AND CRIEHAVEN STEAMBOAT LINE. W. G. Butman, Manager, Rockland. POPHAM BEACH STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Steamer makes daily trips between Bath, Popham Beach, Bay Point and intermediate landings during the summer. GENERAL REFERENCE 39 Sex. Males Females Not stated VITAL STATISTICS. BIRTHS, 1902. Parentage. 7,41G American 8,734 7,063 Foreign 3,069 29 One parent foreign 2,525 Not stated 180 1 i r;n» 14,508 MARRIAGES, 1902. Groom and bride both American Groom and bride both foreign Groom American, bride foreign Groom foreign, bride American Not stated 4,285 602 437 627 54 5,905 Sex. Males Females Not stated DEATHS, 1902. 5,454 American 5,216 Foreign 3 Not stated 10,673 Parentage. 9,074 1,399 200 10,673 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, IN MAINE, 1898-1902. 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 Number of Births 14.473 13.895 14,095 14.021 14,508 Number of Marriages 5,144 5.329 5,482 5.735 5,905 Number of Deaths 10,956 11,370 11.389 11,133 10,673 Birth rate (per 1000) Inhabitants 21.89 20.10 20.30 20.19 20.89 Marriage Rate 7.78 7.71 7.89 8.26 8.50 Death Rate 16.57 16.45 16.40 16.03 15.37 40 GENERAL REFERENCE CITIES AND TOWNS OF MAINE Town Co. 1 Abbott, Pis. 2 Acton, York 3 Addisou, Wash, 4 Albany, Ox. 5 Albion, Ken. 6 Alexander, Wash, 7 Alfred, York 8 Alna, Lin. 9 Alton, Pen. 10 Amherst, Han. 11 Amity, Aros. 12 Andover, Ox. 13 Anson, Som. 14 Appleton, Knox 15 Ar^yle, Pen. IG Arrowsic, Sag. 17 Ashland, Aros. 18 Athens, Som. 19 Atkinson, Pis. 20 AUBURN, And. A City 21 AUGUSTA, Ken. A City 22 Aurora, Han, 23 Avon, Fran. 24 Baileyville, Wash 25 Baldwin, Cum. 26 Bancroft, Aros. (cities in caps) Date of Incorporation Jan, 31, 1827 Mar. 6, 1830 Feb. 14, 1797 Jun. 20, 1803 Mar, 9, 1804 Jan. 19, 1825 Feb, 4, 1794 Jun. 25, 1794 Mar, 9, 1844 Feb. 5, 1831 Mar. 19, 1836 Jun. 23, 1804 Mar. 1, 1798 Jan. 28, 1839 Mar, 19, 1839 1841 Feb, 18, 1862 Mar, 7, 1804 Feb, 12, 1819 Mar. 18, 1854 1869 Feb, 20, 1797 1849 Feb, 1, 1831 Feb. 22, 1802 Feb. 19, 1828 Jun. 23, 1802 Feb. 5, 1889 Population 1890 1900 622 878 1,022 645 1,042 337 1,030 512 348 375 420 740 1,444 1,080 363 177 568 1,072 605 11,250 716 778 1,059 538 878 333 937 444 314 364 404 727 1,830 975 320 180 1,513 896 495 12,951 10,527 11,683 175 439 226 932 264 152 448 215 821 318 GENERAL REFERENCE 4i CITIES AND TOWNS OF MAINE (The odd numbered pages arc continuations of the even numbered pages) 1904 '■ Pax rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls 1908 Board of Selectmen 1 1171, 72G 189 .0286 W Weymouth, village 2 268,523 212 .0225 Samuel H Garvin 8 192,237 293 .025 F A Chandler 4 139,976 158 .032 W p] Herriek, Norway 5 376,296 260 .023 E J Crosby 6 59,856 106 .031 G P Flood 7 331,082 237 .02 R S Stanley 8 161,300 141 .01 69 G A Jewett, Head Tide 9 75,711 92 .0235 CGFernald, VV. Old Town 10 75,145 108 .0185 Horace Watts 11 68,790 126 .034 B H Williams 12 232,508 270 .022 1'] M Bailey 13 682,032 553 .049 W C Kmery, North 14 238,342 282 .029 J T McCorrison 15 56.821 80 .03 Alex McKay IG 65,938 61 .03 J McF^adden, Woolwich 17 234,900 246 .024 W B Hallett 18 315,497 296 .019 J F lloluian 19 151,887 159 .092 J P Dow, Sebec Sta. No. 1 20 6,910,755 3,870 .0205 A (2 Miller 21 7,658,705 3,273 .0235 C S Hichborn 22 40,992 50 .009 11 T Silsby 2:5 141,414 132 .022 Geo F Beal 24 80,804 62 .027 J no J Ryan 25 347,139 270 .012 John Sanborn, Went 26 56,516 77 .033 Martin Faridy 42 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Co. 27 BANGOR, Pen. A City 28 Baring, Wash. 29 BATH, Sag. A City 30 Beddington, Wash. 31 BELFAST, Waldo A City 32 Belgrade, Ken. 33 Belmont, Waldo 34 Benedicta, Aroos. 35 Benton, Ken. 36 Berwick, York 37 Bethel, Ox. 38 BIDDEFORD, York A City 39 Bingham, Som. 40 Blaine, Aroos. 41 Blanchard, Pis. 42 Bluehill, Han. 43 Boothbay, Lin. 44 Boothbay Har. Lin. 45 Bowdoin, Sag. 46 Bowdoinham, Sag. 47 Bradford, Pen. 48 Bradley, Pen. 49 Bremen, Lin. 50 BREWER, Pen. A City 51 Bridgewater, Aroos. 52 Bridgton, Cum. 53 Bristol, Lin. Date of Population Incorporation 1890 1900 Feb. 25, 1791 19,103 21,850 Feb. 12, 1834 Jan. 19, 1825 273 231 Feb. 17, 1781 8,723 10,477 Mar. 20, 1848 Jan. 21, 1833 134 86 Jun. 22, 1773 5,294 4,615 1853 Feb. 3, 1796 1,090 1,058 Feb. 5, 1814 475 352 1872 317 350 Mar. 16, 1842 1,136 1,097 June 9, 1713 2,294 2,280 June 10, 1796 2,209 1,835 1718 14,443 16,145 1855 Feb. 6, 1812 757 841 Feb. 10, 1874 784 954 Mar. 17, 1831 213 248 Jan. 30, 1789 1,980 1,828 Nov. 3, 1764 1,718 1,766 Feb. 16, 1889 1,699 1,926 Mar. 21, 1788 940 937 1762 1,508 1,305 Mar. 12, 1831 1,215 954 Feb. 3, 1835 823 682 Feb. 19, 1828 719 657 Feb. 22, 1812 Mar. 11, 1889 4,193 4,835 Mar. 2, 1858 946 1,179 Feb. 7, 1794 2,605 2,868 June 18, 1765 2,821 2,572 GENERAL REFERENCE 43 1 904 Tax rate Valuation Polls 1903 27 10,898,967 G, 139 .02 Mayor, or Chairman Hoard of Selectmen Wm B Pierce 28 128, ()97 ()8 .017 29 6,768,531 2,968 .023 30 31.651 25 .023 31 2,752,236 1,421 .018 (leo W McLellan E S Crosby W H Farus worth, So. Leudall T Shales 32 440,789 304 .018 F L Pray 33 100,850 111 .027 C R Andrews, Lincolnville 34 57,881 64 .04 R R McAvoy 35 457,738 346 .0166 C C Brown, Clinton 36 963 ()45 599 .0195 W A Frost 37 872,580 612 .019 C E Barker, West 38 7,995,401 3960 .024 N B Walker 39 268,601 230 .027 S A Smith 40 184,452 256 .025 II D Hussey 41 69,786 68 .031 E P B Ian chard 42 571,483 483 .016 F P Green 43 569,130 514 .0198 C E Chapman, East 44 1,062,661 629 .018 J C McKown 45 300,879 233 .018 J F Buker, Bowdoinhara 46 542,786 296 .019 L ^I Fnlton 47 256,604 305 .021 N Band all, Ctr. 48 172,984 208 .021 H F Brown 49 135,519 16() .029 F () Kent 50 1,S52,017 1470 .026 HC Clapp 51 345,578 335 .025 A M Stackpole, Ctr. 52 1,409,614 849 .016 CC Smith 53 817,465 738 .0215 C B Meserve, New liar. 44 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Co. 54 Brooklin, Han. 55 Brooks, Waldo 56 Brooksville, Hau. 57 Brookton, Wash. 58 Brovvnfield, Ox. 59 Brownville, Pis. 60 Brunswick, Cum. 61 Buckfield, Ox. 62 Bucksport, Han. 63 Burlington, Pen. 64 Burnham, Waldo 65 Buxton, York 66 Byron, Ox. 67 CALAIS, Wash. A City 68 Cambridge, Som. 69 Camden, Knox 70 Canaan, Som. 71 Canton, Ox. 72 Cape Elizabeth, Cumb. 73 Caribou, Aros. 74 Car m el, Pen. 75 Carroll, Pen. 76 Carthage, Fran. 77 Casco, Cum. 78 Castine, Han. 79 Castle Hill, Aros. 80 Centerville, Wash. 81 Charleston, Pen. 82 Charlotte, Wash. 83 Chelsea, Ken. 84 Cherryfield, Wash. Date of Incorporation June 9, 1849 Feb. 5, 1814 June 13, 1817 Mar. 2, 1883 Feb. 20, 1802 Feb. 3, 1824 1738 Mar. 16, 1793 June 25, 1792 Mar. 8, 1832 Feb. 4, 1824 July 14, 1772 Jan. 24, 1833 June 16, 1809 Aug. 24, 1850 Feb. 8, 1834 Feb. 25, 1891 June 17, 1788 Feb. 5, 1821 Mar. 15, 1895 Apr. 5, 1859 June 21, 1811 Mar. 30, 1845 Feb. 22, 1802 Mar. 1841 Feb. 10, 1796 Feb. 25, 1903 Mar. 16, 1842 Feb. 16, 1811 Jan. 19, 1825 Aug. 17, 1850 Feb. 9, 1816 Population 1890 1,046 475 1,310 429 1,134 1,074 6,012 1,200 2,644 460 846 2,036 180 7,290 425 2,481 1,130 1,303 4,087 1,066 546 439 844 9H7 537 114 971 381 2,356 1,787 1900 936 352 1,171 285 1,019 1,570 6,806 1,139 2,339 394 766 1,838 204 7,655 364 2,885 977 946 887 4,758 962 487 448 783 925 567 91 842 315 3,092 1,859 GENERAL REFERENCE 45 1904 Valuatiun 191,940 260,675 242,569 55,784 305,492 481,317 60 3,828,199 61 402,939 931,539 139,963 230,408 749,078 91,595 54 55 56 57 58 59 62 63 64 65 66 67 2,843,297 68 118,502 69 2,366,857 70 311,473 71 309,737 72 815,881 73 1,538,515 74 284,627 75 107,438 76 143,833 77 280,428 78 521,941 79 105,881 80 51,839 81 294,185 82 78,812 83 230,792 84 493,078 Tax rate Mayor or Chairman Polls 1903 Board of Selectmen 291 .022 I. B Bridges, West 225 .0186 MJ Dow 326 .0235 J S Condon, So. 73 .026 L O Dudley 257 .0158 WBickford.East 710 .022 EL Chase 1,895 .0175 S Kniobt, Jr. 348 .025 H F Irish 662 .0295 F F Smith 144 .0125 J L Pierce 223 .0275 F A McAllister 571 .0183 W A Merrill, Gorh am 87 .03 H H Richards 1,712 .0245 G M Hanson 120 .025 D B Whitney 1,033 .0185 J H Hobbs 318 .022 E H Williams 309 .037 E E Caldwell 237 .015 J M Taylor 1,132 .023 Fremont Small 257 .017 HH Wheeler, Damascus 133 .02 H Stevens 97 .029 Lester S Libby, Berry Mis. 205 .017 S () Hancock 255 .02()3 B D Perkins i;56 .0215 Johti W Dudley, Mapletou 24 .01 V White, North 199 427,631 335 .017 A J Bond, Fast 200 103,028 146 .025 Chas W Smith 201 469.209 609 .02(; (1 F Mansfield 202 16K,145 115 .017:'. B F Ilij^^iins 203 2,256,172 764 .017 () W Clark 204 1,415,563 (•)92 .OK'.'.) W 1' (loodwin 205 350,3(>4 26'.) .0J5 .1 W .lord an 206 157,972 229 .028 H P Osgood 207 820,779 S91 .02() J W IMiilbricU 208 188,266 152 .023 C J Vose, Thorudike 54 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 209 Laorano;e, Pen. Feb. 11, 1832 721 574 210 Lamoine, Han. Feb. 11, 1870 726 594 211 Lebanon, York June 25, 1767 1,263 1,335 212 Lee, Pen. P>b3, 1832 929 801 213 Leeds, And. Feb. 16, 1801 999 1,065 214 Levant, Pen. June 14, 1813 880 789 215 Lewiston, And. Feb. IS, 1795 A City Mar. 15, 186121,701 23,761 216 Liberty, Waldo Jan. 31, 1837 835 737 217 Limerick, York Mar. 6, 1787 966 874 218 Limestone, Aros. Feb. 26, 1869 933 1,131 219 Liminoton, York Feb. 9, 1792 1,092 1,001 220 Lincoln, Pen. Jan. 30, 1829 1,756 1,731 221 Liiicolnville, Waldo JuD. 23, 1802 1,361 1,223 222 Linneus, Aros. Mar. 19, 1836 965 834 223 Lisbon, And. Jun. 22, 1799 3,120 3,603 224 Litchfield, Ken. Feb. 18, 1795 1,126 1,057 225 Littleton, Aros. Mar. 18, 1856 924 956 226 Li verm ore, And. Feb 28, 1795 1,151 1,125 227 Lovell, Ox. Nov. 15, 1800 853 693 228 Lowell, Pen. Feb. 9, 1837 439 300 229 Lubec, Wash. Jun. 21, 1811 2,069 3,005 230 Ludlow, Aros. Mar. 18, 1837 375 394 231 Lyman, York Apr. 24, 1780 854 687 232 Machias, Wash. Jun. 23, 1784 2,035 2,082 233 Macliiasport, Wash Jan. 24, 1826 1,437 1,218 234 Madawaska, Aros. Feb. 24, 1869 1,451 1,698 235 Madison, Som. Mar. 7, 1804 1,815 2,764 236 Madrid, Fran. Jan. 29, 1836 441 326 237 Manchester, Ken. Aug. 12, 1850 612 518 238 Mapleton, Aros. Mar. 1880 832 853 239 Mariaville, Han. Feb. 29, 1836 271 218 GENERAL REFERENCE 55 1904 Tax rate Mayor, or Cliairnian Valuation PollH 1 <)().•{ Udard of Selectmen 209 201,207 183 .0105 W Snell 210 188,845 189 .017 G E King 211 389,233 413 .031 ,^ Loi'd, lOast 212 127,255 220 .031 C H Whitten 213 322,413 325 .017 E E Rand, Curtis Corner 214 239,043 229 .016 F White 215 14,305,199 5814 .02 W E Webster 216 211.315 203 .022 W J Knowlton 217 419,710 238 .015 G H Svvasej 218 378,083 255 .0242 LACyr 219 3r2,911 251 .022 E L Chiek, East 220 513,052 742 .022 M B IMnkbam 221 307,048 329 .024 N D Ross, Ctr 222 237,312 237 .0224 J H Ruth 223 2,159,119 1092 .016 A W Potter 224 353,135 253 .021 A R Bucklin 225 323,333 250 .023 E P l^itoomb 220 447,897 349 .0205 I T Monroe, No 227 399,100 229 .015 J H Walker 228 70,145 90 .025 C G Jewell, East 229 809,370 837 .0175 B M Pike 230 113,004 123 .027 Fred Chase 231 340,007 193 .016 A Roberts 232 802,918 502 .0236 M Gardner 233 193,787 351 .030 W C Hanson 234 128,188 335 .0156 UDiifour, St David 235 1,807,259 899 .0185 G 1) Perkins 230 74,477 93 .028 A H Webber 237 2(J7,055 108 .0102 E M Lenfcst 238 254,045 233 .027 G W Mooers, Prestjue Ish 239 49.777 71 .03 Jos C Frost 56 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 240 Marion, Wash. Jan. 31, 1834 90 95 241 Marsh field, Wash. Jun. 30, 1846 299 227 242 Marshill, Aros. Feb. 2], 1867 837 1,183 243 Masardis, Aros. Mar. 21, 1839 250 438 244 Mason, Ox. Feb. 3, 1843 80 67 245 Mattamiscontis, Pen. Mar. 8, 1839 47 28 246 Mattavvamkeao;, Pen. Feb. 14, 1860 633 527 247 Maxfield, Pen. Feb. 6, 1824 134 115 248 Mechanic Falls, And. Mar. 22, 1893 1,687 249 Meddybemps, Wash. Feb. 20, 1841 156 154 250 Medford, Pis. Jan. 31, 1824 306 282 251 Med way. Pen. Feb. 8, 1875 653 297 252 Mercer, Som. Jun. 22, 1804 584 493 253 Mexico, Ox. Feb. 1818 355 816 254 Milbridge, Wash. Jul. 14, 1848 1,963 1,921 255 Milford, Pen. Feb. 28, 1833 835 838 256 Milliuocket, Pen. Mar. 16, 1901 1,144 257 Milo, Pis. Jan. 21, 1823 1,029 1,150 258 Miuot, And. Feb. 18, 1802 1,355 808 259 Monmouth, Ken. Jan. 20, 1792 1,362 1,236 260 Monroe, Waldo. Feb. 12, 1818 1,079 958 261 Monson, Pis. Feb. 8, 1822 1,237 1,116 262 Monticello, Aros. July 29, 1846 1,132 1,332 263 Montville, Waldo. Feb. 18, 1807 1,049 982 264 Morrill, Waldo. Mar. 3, 1855 460 420 265 Moscow, Som. Jan. 30, 1816 422 378 266 Mt. Chase, Pen. Mar. 21, 1864 284 299 267 Mt. Desert, Han. Feb. 17, 1789 1,355 1,600 268 Mt. Vernon, Ken. June 28, 1792 940 906 269 Naples, Cumb. 1834 846 813 270 Newburgh, Pen. Mar. 13, 1819 867 734 271 Newcastle, Lin. June. 19, 1753 1,282 1,075 GENERAL REFERENCE 57 240 241 242 243 244 245 240 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 25G 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 190+ Valuation 31,751 54 288 115 43 18 133 27 864 28 85 61 159 477 422 301 749 606 332 638 285 257 344 307 127 113 62 1,812 323 263 256 694 395 507 439 925 548 304 177 455 987 500 237 998 172 822 864 697 246 437 837 830 984 464 718 526 881 716 747 919 805 625 874 Tax rate Polls 1903 35 .032 ()4 .0174 323 .024 146 .032 30 .01 66 10 .0185 159 .025 31 .029 534 .0203 52 .037 82 .0182 143 .027 150 .019 664 .035 487 .027 282 .028 1 1 05 .027 439 .022 218 .0183 412 .0165 281 .023 427 .021 295 .0218 253 .0245 114 .02 120 .0335 76 .016 506 .016 293 .016 254 .02 209 .017 294 .0145 Mayor, or Chairman Board of Selectmen B L Smith N S Bowker A Nutter Geo M Sabin Ervin Hutchiusoii P W Sbean Geo W Smith Chas B Fuller E K Holbrook J S Bridges D A Hathorne, Milo iM E Priest A M Pat tee H T Richards A C Leifjhton Geo W Har thorn Geo W Stearns L F Wilder J E Bailey, Auburn W A Richardson Jos Pattee, Brooks J W Tarr Guy C Fletcher N White, Thorndike Elisha Merriani Chas M Hill .1 A McDonald L 11 Somes Ralph K Tbino- L P Crockett, South F Prescott, Arnold 11 VBNash, Norlh 58 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Co. 272 Newfield, York 273 New Gloucester, Cumb. 274 New Limerick, Aros. 275 Newport, Pen. 276 New Portland, Som. 277 Newry, Ox. 278 New Sharon, Fran. 279 New Sweden, Aros. 280 New Vinyard, Fran. 281 Nobleboro, Lin. 282 Norridgewock, Som. 283 No. Berwick, York 284 Northfield, Wash. 285 North Haven, Knox. 28G Northport, Waldo. 287 No. Yarmouth, Cumb. 288 Norway, Ox. 289 Oakfield, Aros. 290 Oakland, Ken. 291 Old Orchard, York 292 OLD TOWN, Pen. A City 293 Orient, Aros. 294 Orland, Han. 295 Orneville, Pis. 296 Orono, Pen. 297 Orrington, Pen. 298 Otis, Han. 299 Otisfield, Cumb. 300 Oxford, Ox. 301 Palermo, Waldo. 302 Palmyra, Som. Date of Incorporation Feb. 26, 1794 1774 Mar. 18, 1837 June 14, 1814 Mar. 9, 1808 June 15, 1805 June 20, 1794 Jan. 29, 1895 Feb. 22, 1802 Nov. 20, 1788 June 18, 1788 Mar. 22, 1831 Mar. 21, 1838 June 30, 1846 Feb. 13, 1796 1680 Mar. 9, 1797 Feb. 25, 1897 Feb. 26, 1873 Feb. 20, 1883 Mar. 16, 1840 Feb. 19, 1891 Apr. 9, 1856 Feb. 21, 1828 Jan. 30, 1832 Mar. 12, 1806 Mar. 21, 1788 Mar. 19, 1835 Feb. 19, 1798 Feb. 27, 1829 June 23, 1804 June 20, 1807 Population 1890 1900 794 676 1,234 1,162 567 600 1,188 1,533 1,034 913 343 286 1,064 946 707 867 660 584 947 810 1,656 1,495 1,803 1,748 143 126 552 551 691 545 709 642 2,665 2,902 720 860 2,044 1,913 877 964 5,312 5,763 244 1,190 492 2,790 1,406 239 838 1,455 887 1,004 208 900 325 3,257 1,266 152 728 1,331 757 915 GENERAL REFERENCE 59 1904 Tax rate Mayor, or Chairman Valuation Polls 1903 Board of Selectmen 272 235,132 165 .018 Thos Bond, West 273 1,067,749 362 .01 Chas P Beunett 274 180,742 155 .0188 M Lougee 275 604,371 522 .0255 Wni A Frye 276 263,764 291 .019 W B Clark, No 277 130,177 99 .02 W B Wight, No 278 373,008 303 .018 W B Hargraves 279 165,720 252 .03 A H Nelson, Nelson 280 166,351 183 .0215 A W Hackett 281 234,646 230 .0185 R T York, Dam'cotta Mis 282 583,530 456 .0205 D G Wood 283 736,874 469 .021 Anson Grant 284 35,868 34 .0225 V M Smith 285 245,356 164 .018 F C Marden 286 313,012 181 .0162 H W Elwell 287 321,745 215 .0143 A E Hodgdon, East 288 1,265,285 929 .018 A J Stearns 289 106,968 210 .034 B J White, Burleigh 290 967,133 700 .026 H W Greeley 291 1,025,156 287 .02 T H Titconib 292 1,827,822 1,489 .032 W H Waterhouse 293 449,043 54 .038 H M Peters 294 276,902 372 .0265 E Sugdeu 295 107,491 113 .03 L C Fowles, Boyd Lake 296 988,751 831 .03 H Hamlin 297 403.613 376 .0165 N A Nickerson, So 298 37,978 56 .032 J O Jordan 299 234.648 240 .021 W F Smith, Oxford 300 472,569 408 .025 C F Durell 301 178,042 217 .0265 F E Spratt 302 342,434 253 .015 C VV Homestead, Newport 60 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 303 Paris, Ox. June 20, 1793 3,156 3,255 304 Parkman, Pis. Jan. 29, 1822 813 718 305 Parsonfield, York Mar. 9, 1785 1,398 1,131 306 Passadumkeag, Pen. Jan. 1, 1835 343 409 307 Patten, Pen. Apr. 16, 1841 936 1,174 308 Pembroke, Wash. Feb. 4, 1832 1,514 1,652 309 Penobscot, Han. Feb. 23, 1787 1,313 1,156 310 Perham, Aros. Mar. 26, 1897 438 580 311 Perkins, Sag. June 24, 1847 69 61 312 Perry, Wash. Feb. 12, 1818 945 1,245 313 Peru, Ox. Feb. 5, 1821 692 773 314 Phillips, Fran. Feb. 25, 1812 1,394 1,399 315 Phippsburg, Sag. Jan. 26, 1814 1,396 1,254 316 Pittsfield, Som. June 19, 1819 2,503 2,891 317 Pittston, Ken. Feb. 4, 1779 1,281 1,177 318 Plymouth, Pen. Feb. 21, 1826 689 658 319 Poland, And. Feb. 17, 1795 2,472 1,648 320 Porter, Ox. Feb. 20, 1807 1,015 886 321 PORTLAND, Cumb. A City July 4, 1786 Mar. 26, 1832 36,425 50,145 322 Pownal, Cumb. Mar. 3, 1808 712 502 323 Prentiss, Pen. Feb. 27, 1858 401 502 324 Presque Isle, Aros. Apr. 4, 1859 3,046 3,804 325 Princeton, Wash. Feb. 3, 1832 1,027 1,094 326 Prospect, Waldo. Feb. 24, 1794 697 648 327 Randolph, Ken. Mar. 4, 1887 1,281 1,077 328 Rangeley, Fran. Mar. 8, 1855 616 961 329 Raymond, Cumb. June 21, 1803 927 823 330 Readfield, Ken. Mar. 11, 1791 1,176 994 331 Richmond, Sag. Feb. 10, 1823 3,082 2,049 332 Ripley, Som. Dec. 11, 1816 478 449 333 Robinston, Wash. Feb. 18, 1811 787 844 GENERAL REFERENCE 6( 1904 Tax rate Valuation Polls 1903 303 1,372,496 1,100 .02 304 225,480 190 .0294 305 423,129 312 .017 306 47,630 128 .045 307 546,858 399 .021 308 338,345 401 .021 309 266,831 334 .021 310 141,987 150 .025 311 42,437 21 .012 312 183,425 270 .026 313 329,199 244 .03 314 602,305 505 .0225 315 416.120 351 .02 316 1,353,291 932 .023 317 465,135 321 .0185 318 166,946 196 .024 319 816,584 433 .021 320 329,736 237 .022 32151,615,575 14,928 .0208 322 261,122 196 .0155 323 78,578 113 .025 324 1,644,963 1,148 .023 325 254,883 306 .023 326 169,734 194 .0175 327 309,439 30!) .02 328 526,699 401 .017 329 218,072 215 .01 15 330 504,124 303 .0155 331 1,011,033 476 .0193 332 138,430 152 .022 333 149,239 200 .0305 Mayor, or Chairman Board of Selectmen J C Hosve, WpRt W Watson, (iiiilford E Burnham, So R G Leonard W S Kelloft-g E L Pattangall W J Creamer B R Blackstone D B Darrah HFHibbard A S Holman, East C F Chandler G C Pease F C Weeks J E Plummer, Gardiner M J Dow, E Newport F B Shackford, So H L Ridlon, Kezar Fls J P Baxter H B True, Freeport P E Averill, Kingman C H Richardson S L Peabody Josiah Colson Chas E Clark W F Jacobs Geo H Hall, East E E Peacock, Morrill McKinney Win Hovt, Dexter J as Ross 62 GENERAL REFERENCE Date of Population Town Co. Incorporation 1890 1900 334 ROCKLAND, Kdox. A City July 28, 1848 June 1854 8,174 8,150 335 Rockport, Knox. Feb. 17, 1791 2,150 2,314 336 Rome, Ken. Mar. 7, 1804 500 420 337 Roque Bluffs, Wash. Mar. 12, 1891 154 168 338 Roxbury, Ox. Mar. 17, 1835 222 238 339 Rumiord, Ox. Feb. 21, 1800 898 3,770 340 SACO, York A City Nov. 1718 Feb. 18, 1867 6,075 6,122 341 St. Agatha, Aros. Mar. 17, 1899 1,396 342 St. Albans, Som. June 14, 1813 1,206 1,037 343 St. George, Knox. Feb. 7, 1803 2,491 2,206 344 Salem, Fran. Jan. 10, 1823 218 195 345 Sanford, York Feb. 23, 1768 4,201 6,078 346 Sangerville, Pis. June 13, 1814 1,236 1,294 347 Scarborough, Cumb. May 1658 1,794 1,865 348 Searsmont, Waldo Feb. 5, 1814 1,144 949 349 Searsport, Waldo Feb. 13, 1845 1,693 1,349 350 Sebago, Cumb. Feb. 10, 1826 681 576 351 Sebec, Pis. Feb. 28, 1812 725 593 352 Sedgwick, Han. Jan. 12, 1789 1,012 902 353 Shapleigh, York Mar. 5, 1785 968 847 354 Sherman, Aros. Jan. 28, 1862 909 980 355 Shirley, Pis. Mar. 9, 1834 291 248 356 Sidney, Ken. Jan. 30, 1792 1,334 1,068 357 Skowhegan, Som. Feb. 5, 1823 5,068 5,180 358 Smithfield, Som. Feb. 29, 1840 479 449 359 Smyrna, Aros. Mar. 7, 1839 303 411 360 Solon, Som. Feb. 23, 1809 977 996 361 Somerville, Lin. Mar. 25, 1858 453 374 362 Sorrento, Han. Mar. 8, 1895 117 363 So. Berwick, York Feb. 12, 1814 3,434 3,188 GENERAL REFERENCE 63 1904 Tax rate Valuation Polls 1908 334 5,597,552 2,617 .022 Mayor, or Chairman Board of Selectmen J as E Rhodes 335 1,295,793 604 .0195 G II M Barrett 336 92,162 145 337 27,869 44 338 67,320 99 339 3,027,570 2,205 340 3,975,106 1,971 .034 .022 .05 .0185 .0225 341 103,816 248 .022 342 395,397 315 .0198 343 410,325 654 .024 344 52,496 55 .022 345 3,071,054 1,845 .017 346 525,665 397 .0254 347 1,073,832 633 .0171 348 629,023 365 .018 349 327,948 292 .0192 350 162,974 172 .021 351 172,723 175 .0235 352 209,184 267 .0187 353 247,266 234 .02 354 200,818 296 .033 355 80,954 76 .028 356 423,715 324 .0204 357 3,513,152 1,480 .0156 358 142,606 139 .0225 359 117,446 110 .034 360 379,996 313 .025 361 54,373 1 05 .035 362 188,846 47 .0135 363 1,277,579 872 .02 S W Clement F M Thompson J H Thomas W G Morse, Falls Phillip C Tapley B S Dufoure S B Prescott W L Allen, Tenant's Har W S Heath F H Preston W A Buro^ess Alonzo Lib by A G Caswell F I Pendleton P P Larrabee, North C F Chase, Station A H Dority A L Hooper F Allin. Nov. 1, 1765 Dec. 5, 1898 5,459 6,287 366 So. ThomastoD, Knox. July 28, 1848 1,534 1,426 367 Springfield, Pen. Feb. 12, 1834 677 532 368 Standish, Cura. Nov. 30, 1785 1,841 1,504 369 Starks, Som. Feb. 28, 1795 766 636 370 Stetson, Pen. Jan. 28, 1831 618 503 371 Steuben, Wash. Feb. 27, 1795 982 901 372 Stockton Spgs., Waldo Mar. 13, 1857 1,149 872 373 Stoneham, Ox. Jan. 31, 1834 322 284 374 Stonington, Han. Feb. 18, 1897 1,648 375 Stow, Ox. Jan. 28, 1833 291 270 376 Strong, Fran. Jan. 3], 1801 627 637 377 Sullivan, Han. Feb. 16, 1789 1,379 1,034 378 Sumner, Ox. June 13, 1798 901 802 379 Surry, Han. June 21, 1803 986 900 380 Swans Island, Han. Mar. 26, 1897 632 758 381 Swanville, Waldo Feb. 19, 1818 689 502 382 Sweden, Ox. Feb. 26, 1813 338 282 383 Talmage, Wash. Feb. 8, 1875 112 93 384 Temple. Fran. June 20, 1803 470 394 385 Thomaston, Knox. Mar. 20, 1777 3,009 2,688 386 Thorndike, Waldo Feb. 15, 1819 589 497 387 Topsfield, Wash. Feb. 24, 1838 375 282 388 Topsham, Sag. 1764 1,394 2,097 389 Tremont, Han. June 3, 1848 2,036 2,010 390 Trenton, Han, Feb. 16, 1789 528 459 391 Trescott, Wash. Feb. 7, 1827 485 463 392 Troy, Waldo Feb. 22, 1812 868 766 393 Turner, And. July 7, 1786 2,016 1,842 394 Union, Knox. Oct. 20, 1786 1,436 1,248 GENERAL REFERENCE 1904 Tax rate Mayor or Chairman Valuatiun Polls 1908 IJoard of Selectmen 364 372,731 136 Sumner Orne 365 2,779,582 1,682 Geo H Weeks 366 369,268 436 G C Putnam 367 115,517 145 .03 C M Lombard 368 701,222 421 .0185 E W Dolloft 369 212,542 195 .028 C W Snell 370 194,003 179 .021 H W Brown 371 179,111 288 .0275 M L Smith 372 263,967 257 .0225 H E Shute 373 105,048 105 .016 F H Bartlett, East 374 272,639 540 .0339 J E Small 375 126,653 78 .0175 J F Seavej, Harbor 376 262,656 216 .0225 W K Howes 377 323,309 338 .0195 G H Hanna, East 378 256,493 259 .02 C H Bonuey 379 171,744 251 .024 F T Jellison 380 146,928 225 .0224 F F Brido;e8 381 150,856 164 .0235 A T Nickerson 382 174,537 99 .016 H Haskell 383 59,373 22 .0187 Andrew AN'illiams 384 133,761 129 .0165 F H. Welch 385 1,296,102 629 .0207 F B Hills 386 202,484 159 .017 H L VVino- 3S7 85,493 83 .021 OH Taylor 388 169,890 609 .0152 W R Hiidreth 389 599,114 ()50 .0275 W W A Heath, ?eal Cove 390 134,583 138 .0225 1) B Alley, Oak I"t 391 58,799 137 .033 Jno Saunders, Whiting 392 262,248 207 .0185 John L Ba'j P r. Moore Beboeis Apr. 8, 1S90 9(; F L Smart Stacy ville 1860 347 T J McAvoy AVebster Sept. 1,1 85(> 124 11 L Tucker 72 GENERAL REFERENCE Name Organized Population 1900 First Assessor PISCATAQUIS COUNTY Barnard Mar. 15, 1895 98 Wm G etch ell Bowerbank Nov. 27, 1888 66 Wm M Glover Elliottsville Jan 3, , 1887 86 E F Drew Kino:sbury Jnl.V 20, 1886 106 G G Robinson Lake View June 16, 1892 173 F D Ellis SOMERSET COUNTY Bigelovv Jan. 18, 1895 57 Ralph Ricker Brighton Apr. 18, 1895 368 H L Wyraan Caratunk 1840 218 Elmer Sterling Dead River 91 R V Safford Dennistowu 96 Moses Hoi den Flagstaff 115 W E Hinds Highland 67 W C Safford Jackraan 352 Geo Nichols Lexington Apr. 18, 1885 251 W Chase Mayfield July 5, 1892 89 F M Wyman Moose River Dec. 21, 1903 239 J H Colby Pleasant Ridge Oct. 17, 1840 114 A L Healey The Forks 157 W I York West Forks Mar., 1893 160 J H Morris WASHINGTON (BOUNTY Codyville 69 Thos Hill Grand Lake Feb. 11, 1897 221 G G Elsemore No. 14 77 H N Lund No. 21 1859 86 C H Yates GENERAL REFERENCE 73 NEWSPAPERS OF MAINE Place. Name. Publishers. Augusta. Kennebec Journal, wk., Daily Kennebec Journal, Burleigh & Flynt Maine Farmer, wk., Maine Farmer Pub. Co. The New Age, wk., H. M. Plaisted & Son. Family Herald, mo.. National Farmer, mo., (jolden Moments, mo.. Sunshine, mo.. Literary Companion, mo.. Lane's List. Vickery's Fireside Visitor, mo., Hearth and Home, mo.. Good Stories, mo., The American Woman, mo., Happy Hours, mo., Vickery & Hill Pub. Co. Comfort, mo., W. H. Gannett. Bangor. Weekly Commercial, Daily Commercial, J. P. Bass Pub. Co. Daily News, Semi-Weekly News, Bangor Pub. Co. Industrial Journal, mo., Journal Pub. Co. Maine Sportsman, mo., Herbert W. Rowe. Bar Harbor. Bar Harbor Record, wk., Bar Harbor Life (Sum.) wk., Bar Harbor Press Co. Maine Coast Cottager, wk.. Joseph Wood. Bath. Bath Independent & Enterprise, semi-wk.. Harry C. Webber. Bath Daily Times, The Times Co. 74 GENERAL REFERENCE Place Name Publishers Belfast. Republican Journal, wk., Rep. Jour. Pub. Co. Maine Temp. Record, mo., and The Girls Home, quar., G. E. Brackett Co. Bethel. The Bethel News, wk., F. C. Bowler. Biddeford. Biddeford Wk'ly Jour., &: Daily, C. H. Prescott Co. Weekl}' and Daily Record, Record Pub. Co. La Justice, wk., A. Bonneau. Booth bay. Boothbay Register, wk., C. E. Kendrick. Bridgton. The Bridgton News, wk., H. A. Shorey & Son. Brunswick. The Brunswick Record, wk., Bruns. Pub. Co. Bowdoin Orient, wk., Bowdoin Col. Students. Calais. Calais Advertiser, wk., Advertiser Pub. Co. Calais Times, wk., Calais Times Pub. Co. The Weekly Journal, wk., J. I). Clark. Camden. Camden Herald, wk., Camden Pub. Co. Cape Elizabeth. Coast Watch, wk., Libby & Smith (Port). Caribou. Aroos. Republican, wk., L. J. Pendell. Cherry field. Narraguagus Times, wk.. Eastern Pub. Co. China. China Tribune, wk., Waterville Sentn'l Pub. Co. Clinton. Clinton Herald, wk., Waterville Sentn'l Pub. Co. GENERAL REFERENCE 75 Place Name Publishers Damariscotta. Damariscotta Herald, wk., G. W. Singer. Dexter. Eastern Gazette, wk., Geo. C. Furber. Deer Isle. Deer Isle Messenger, wk., P. S. Knowlton. Dover. Piscatacjuis Observer, wk., Obs. Pub. Co. Eastport. Eastport Sentinel, wk., J. E. Xutt. Eastport Citizen, wk., Union Pub. Co. Ellsworth. Ellsworth American, wk., Hancock Pub. Co. Ellsworth Enterprise, wk., Campbell Pub. Co. Fairfield. Fairfield Journal, wk., A. C. Ladd Co. -lour, of Me. Ornithog'c'l Soc, quar.. Me. Ornith Soc. Farmington. Farmington Chronicle, wk., J. M. S. Hunter. School World, tV: Our Little People, mo., Knowlton ct Co. Freeport. Six Towns Times, wk., Libby & Smith, (Port). Fort Fairfield. Fort Fairfield Review, wk., C. C. Harvey. Gardiner. The Reporter Journal, wk. cV dly., Gardiner Pub. Co. The Federation, wk., R. W. Hill. Gorham. Narragansett Sun, wk., Libby eV: Smith (Port). Guilford. The (luilford Citizen, wk., A. C. Ladd Co. The Guilford Recorder, wk., Recorder Pub. Co. 76 GENERAL REFERENCE Place Name Publishers Hallowell. The Hallowell Regiister, wk., W. F. Marston. Hinckley. Good Will Record, mo., Good Will Pub. Co. Houlton. Aroostook Pioneer, wk., G. H. Gilman. Aroostook Times, wk., S. H. Hanson. Aquilo, mo., Ricker Classical Inst. Students. Jonesport. Jonesport Enterprise, wk.. Eastern Pub. Co. Kennebunk. Eastern tStar, wk., W. L. Watson. The Local News, wk., Wm. McFadden. Kennebunkport. The Wave, semi-wk., J. C. Emmons. Kennebunk Enterprise, wk., Annie J. Crediford. Seaside Echo (Sum.), wk., Annie J. Crediford. Lewiston. Lewiston Journal, dly & wk.. Journal Pub. Co. Lewiston Sun, dly, Lewiston Daily Sun, (Inc.) Le Messager, semi-wk, J. B. Couture. Bates Student, mo., Bates College Students. Lisbon Falls. Lisbon Enterprise, wk., Enterprise Pub. Co. Livermore Falls. The Advertiser, wk., Advertiser Pub. Co. Lubec. Lubec Herald, wk., F. W. Keene. Machias. Machias Republican, wk., W. B. Nash. Madison. Madison Bulletin, wk., E. A. Merriman. GENERAL REFERENCE 77 Place Name rubliHlierH Mechauic Falls. Mechanic Falls Ledger, wk., Ledger Pub. Co. Millinocket. iMilliuocket Journal, wk., E. E. Morse. New Portland. New Portland Sun, wk., A. C. Ladd Co. No. Ansou. Union Advocate, wk., J. O. Smith & Co. No. F. Harbor. The Island Herald, (Sum.), Campbell Pub. Co. Norridgewock. Norridgewock Gazette, wk., A. C. Ladd Co. Oakland, Oakland F^nterprise, wk., A. C. Ladd Co. Old Orchard. Old Orchard Mirror, tri-wk., A. L. Jones. Old Town. The Old Town Enlerpi-ise, wk., C. W. Robbins. Orono. The Campus, semi-mo., U. of M. Students. Phillips. Maine Woods, \ , t «r r* i i.^. ^ Maine Woodsman, | '"'^-^ '^- ^^ ' Brackett Co. Pittsfield. Pittsfield Advertiser, wk., The Advertiser Co. Portland. Zions Advocate, wk.. Advocate Pub. Co. .Maine State Press, wk., Portland Daily Press cV: Port- land Sunday Times, Portland Pub. Co. lO.istern Argiis, wk. &, dly.. Eastern Argus Pub. Co. Portland Daily Advertiser, State Pub. Assn. Portland Evening Express, i . ,, , , ^ Portland Sunday Telegram, / l^venmg Ex. Pub. Co. 78 GENERAL REFERENCE Place Name Publishers Masonic Token, quar., Stephen Berry. Masonic Journal, mo.. Smith & Sale. Safeguard and Armory, quar., Safeguard Pub. Co. Jour. Med. & Sci., mo., Jour. Med. & Sci. Co. Maine Coast Cottager, wk., Jos. Wood. Board of Trade Journal, mo , M. C. Rich. Casco Bay Breeze, (Sum.), wk., Crowly & Lunt. Welcome Guest, mo., F. J. Smith Co. Deering News, wk., Deering News Co. The Bibelot, mo., Thomas B. Mosher. Presque Isle. The Star Herald, wk., G. H. Collins. Richmond. Richmond Bee, wk., F. W. Dunham. Rockland. Courier-Gazette, semi-wk., Rockland Pub. Co. Rockland Daily Star, D. N. Thayer. Knox Co. Hist. & Gen. Mag., mo., | ^ p p... Maine Bugle, quar., j ^- ^- ^^i'^J- Rockland Opinion, wk.. Opinion Pub. Co. Home & Health Mag., mo., H. & H. Co. Rumford Falls. Rumford Falls Times, wk., Rumford Pub. Co. Saco. The Tribune, wk., W. M. Staebler. Sanford. Sanford Weekly Tribune, F. B. Averill. Skowhegan. Somerset Reporter, wk., J. 0. Smith & Co. Solon. Solon Times, wk., A. C. Ladd Co. So. Berwick. The Independent, wk., Ind. Pub. Co. GENERAL REFERENCE 79 Place Name Publiebers So. Paris. Oxford Democrat, wk., Atvvood & Forbes. So. Portland. Cape Eliz. Sentinel, wk., J. U. Harford. Stockton. Waldo Co. Commercial, wk.. Eastern Pub. Co. Thomaston. Thomastou Herald, wk., Knox Pub. Co. Union. Union Weekly Press, The Press Company. Van Buren. Madawaska Journal, wk., Pelletier & Thibodeau. Vassalboro. Vassalboro Times, w^k., Sentinel Pub. Co. Waldoboro. Lincoln County News, wk., G. E. Bliss. Waterville. VVaterville Evenino^ Mail, dly, I ,, -i t^ , -^ Waterville Mail, wk., j ^ail Pub. Co. Waterville Sentinel, wk., | . , ^^ , ^ Waterville Mornino- Sentinel, dly., j Sentinel Pub. Co. Colby Echo, wk., Colby College Students. Turf, Farm & Home, wk., Turf Pub. Co. Fireside Gem, Home Treasury, American Nation, and Homo (^ueeu, mo.. Sawyer Pub. Co. Coburn Clarion, quar., Coburn Institute Students. Civic League Record, mo., C. E. Owen. The Pine Tree Endeavorer, mo.. The Me. C. E. Union. Winterport. Winterport Advertiser, wk., C. R, Lougee. Winthrop. Winthrop Budget, wk., J. A. Stanley. 80 GENERAL REFERENCE Place Name Publishers Wiscasset. The Sheepscot Echo, wk., C. E. Emerson. Yarmouth. Maine State S. S. Star, mo., Me. State S. S. Assn. York Corner. York Enterprise, wk., W. A. & L. A. Donnell. York Village. The Old York Transcript, wk., The York Print'g Co. NATIONAL BANKS IN MAINE Town. Name. President. Cashier. Auburn. First National, H. M. Packard, Horace C. Day. Nat'l Shoe & Leather, G. P. Martin, E. L. Smith. Augusta. First National, L. Titcomb, C. E. Hichborn. Granite Nat'l, J. W. Chase, T. Johnson. Bangor. First National, Edward Stetson, E. G. Wyman. Second National, F. W. Ayer, Geo. A. Crosby. Kenduskeag Nat'l, A. B. Farnham, G. F. Bryant. Merchants Nat'l, E. H. Blake, A. P. Baker. Veazie Nat'l, C. V. Lord, A. B. Taylor. Bar Harbor. First National J. A. Rodick, Thos. Searls. Bath. First National, E. W. Hyde, W. S. Shorey. GENERAL REFERENCE 8J President Cashier Wm. D. Sewall, F. D. Hill. J. C. Ledyard, F. H. Low. H. A. Duncan, J. M. Haines, C. A. Moody, Fred'k Yates, S. H. Duncan. C. W. Wescott. F. R. Wiggin. J. E. Etchells. C. E. Goodwin. K. H. Richards, J. A. Maddocks. H. A. Randall, J. W. Fisher. F. H. Wilson, S. L. Forsaith. Wni. R. Lincoln, L. H. Stover. Town Name Bath National, Lincoln Nat'l, Marine Nat'l, Belfast. Belfast National. People's National, Biddeford. First National, Biddeford Nat'l. Boothbay Harbor, First National, Brunswick. Union National, First National, Pejepscot Nat'l, Bucksport. Bucksport National, P. P. Gilmore, E. B. Moor. Calais. Calais National, Geo. Downee, Frank Nelson. Camden. Canideu National, H. L. Alden, Jos. F. Stetson. Mefiiinticook Nat'l, Joshua Adams, Guy Carlton. Caribou. Caribou National, G. W . Irvinn;, C. B. Margesson. Damariscotta. First National, Dexter. First National, Dover. Kineo National, Eastport. Frontier National, Edw. E. Shead, Geo. H. Hayes. F. E. Tukey, J.P.Huston. Cyrus Foss, C.M.Sawyer. E. A. Thompson, G. L. Arnold. 82 GENERAL REFERENCE Town Name President Cashier Ellsworth. First National, A. P. Wiswell, H. W. Cushman. Burrill National, C. C. Burrill, J. E. Parsons. Fairfield, The Nat'l Bank of C. G. Totman, W. W. Merrill. Farmington. First National, Jos. C. Holman, J. H. Thompson. Peoples National, Geo. AV. Wheeler, J. P. Flint. Ft. Fairfield. Ft. Fairfield Nat'l H. W. Trafton, H. B. Kilburn. Gardiner. Oakland National, J. S. Maxey, Henry Farrington. Gardiner National, J. C. Atkins, H. M. Lawton. Guilford. First National, M. R. Morgan, H. W. Davis. Hallo well. Northern National, Ben Tenney, Geo. A. Safford. Hallowell National, A. D. Knight, W. H. Perry. Houlton. First National, C. H. Pierce, F. E. Gray. Farmers National, L. B. Johnson, P. L. Rideout. Kennebunk. Ocean National, R. W. Lord, C. R. Littlefield. Lewiston. First National, F. H. Packard, A. L. Templeton. Manf'rs National, W. H. Newell, R. B. Hayes. Limerick. Limerick National, Mrs. F. E. Moulton, C. G. Moulton. Madison. First National, C. H. Clark, K. C. Gray. Newcastle. Newcastle National, T. C. Kennedy, L. H. Chapman. GENERAL REFERENCE 83 Town Name President Cashier T. Gould. H. D. Smith. No. Berwick. No Berwick Nat'l, F. (). Snow, Norvvav. Norway National, C. N. Tubbs, Oakland. Messalonskee Nat'l, (leo. W. Goulding, J. E. Harris. rhillips. Phillii>8 National, Jno. A. Emery, 11. U. Field. Pittstield. Pittsfield National, J. W. Manson, H. F. Libby. Portland. First National, Fred'k Robie, J. E. Wengren. Casco National, Fred N. Dow, M. R. Goding. Canal National, Elias Thomas, Edw. D. Noyes. Chapman National, S. L. Larrabee, Thos. H. Eaton. Merchants National, Geo. P>iirnham, Jr., C. O. Bancroft. National Traders, L. W. Fobes, Jno. M. Gould. Cumberland Nat'l, W. H. Moulton,Bion Wilson. Portland National, F. E. Richards, C. G. Allen. Presque Isle. Pres(]ue Isle Nat'l, C. F. Daggett, A. H. .Jenks. Richmond. First National, C. H. T. J. Southard, .J. M.Udiorne. Richmond National, G. H. Theobald, W. H. Stewart. Rockland. Rockland National, G. H. Wiggin, North National, S. M. Bird, Rumford. Ruinford National, J. A. Decker, Saco. York National. 11. I'airfickl, S:i:e of Farms, and Value of Farm Property, June 1, 1900, Classified by area, with percentages. Area Numberof NumberofAcresin Farms Value Farm Prop. Farms Average Total Per cent. Total Per cent Under 3 acres 871 2.8 1,084 (1) |441,290 0.4 3 to 9 2,042 7.3 14,983 0.2 2,484,250 2.0 10tol9 2,890 14.1 40,090 0.7 8,7r)2,260 8.1 20to49 9,267 84.8 817, ()27 .~).0 18,181,150 10.7 50to99 18,644 69.6 1,297,754 20.6 81,886,890 25.7 100tol74 17,191 128.8 2,127,898 88.8 89.178,874 82.0 175to259 5,662 207.0 1,171,767 18.6 17,899,050 14.2 260to499 2,598 822.5 887,867 18.3 10,801,900 8.4 500 TO 999 516 594.4 806,709 4.9 2,954,890 2.4 1000andoverll4 1,615.5 184,172 2.9 1,380,850 1.1 The Stat« 5!>,299 106.2 6,299,946 100.0 122,410,904 100.0 ( 1) Loss than one-tenth of one per cent. )00 GENERAL REFERENCE Acreages, Quantities and '' lvalues of the principal Farm Crops in 1899. Crops Acres Quantity of Product Value Hav and Forage 1,270,254 1,136,774 tons |10,641,546 Potatoes 71,765 9,813,748 bu. 3,711,999 Forest Products 2,652,249 Oats 108,661 3,799,435 bu. 1,374,573 Orchard Fruits 117,322 1,438,919 bu. 833,^34 Corn 16,856 645,040 bu. 326,824 Dry Beans 10,252 137,290 bu. 290,885 Buckwheat 25,292 468,320 bu. 185,836 Small Fruits 1,036 157,679 Flowers and Plants 71 155,131 Barley 8,809 252,850 bu. 137,448 Wheat 6,667 116,720 bu. 107,396 Nursery Products 106 46,207 Dry Peas 2,300 35,991 bu. 44,618 Onions 168 44,489 bu. 38,160 Maple Syrup 16,024 gals. 15,280 Grapes 51 2,758 centals 7,584 Rye 611 9,290 bu. 6,126 Seeds 6 3,082 Clover Seed 519 bu. 2,956 Grass Seed 417 bu. 854 Maple Sugar 5,500 pounds 643 Nuts 593 Chicory 29 64,820 pounds 217 Flaxseed 2 16 bu. 22 Miscel, Veaetables 19,845 1,207,141 Other Miscellany 5,371 Total 1,660,103 121,954,054 APPENDIX CHANGES IN GENERAL REFERENCE POST OFFICE CHANGES The following chanses have been made in the Post Office list to March 1,1906. POST OFFICES DISCONTINUED Albany Banner Bouney Boundary ^Castlehili Ctr. Montville Coplin Dixmont Ctr. Dorman Eastbrook East Dixmont East Jefferson 1 East New Sharon Fortune Rock Globe Goodwin's Mills Holt Mills Hutchius Iceboro Jewell Libertyville Marion Monroe Ctr. Montsweag Morrison Newbur the site of the present church which re- placed it about 1850. Separated from Sheepscot circuit in 104 DAMAKISCOTTA 1858. Pastors since 1875: — Revs. A. S. Townsend, 1875 — 77; G. W. Hudson, 1878— 79; Chas. B. Dunn, 1881—82; J. P. Simonton, 1883—85; G. B. Chadwick, 1886—88; W. F. Stewart, 1889— 90;V. P. Wardvvell, 1891; D. B. Dow, 1892; C. L. Banghart, 1893—96; L. G. Marsh, 1897—99; F. Paila- dino, 19C0 — 02; J. W. Day, 1903; C. H. Johonnett, 1904—06. BAPTIST CHURCH. Organized Sept. 13, 1819 by Phineas Pillsbury and Adoni- ram Judson, Sr. Rev. Mr. Judson was ordained pastor Sept. 20tli. Two years later he was succeeded "by Rev. Duncan Dunbar. Other pastors: Revs. C. Blanchard, 1828 — 37; W. T. Sargent, 1838 — 39; Harvey Hawes, 1841 — 45; S. A. Kingsbury, 1846-55; Jas. Belcher, 1857 — 58; B. F. Shaw (supply) 1859; S. Ilsley, i860; W. H. Evans, 1861 — 65; Chas. Tibbetts 1866 — 69; Henry Crocker, 1871—78; C. V. Hanson, 1879—86; J. H. Parshley, 1888— 89; E. C. Whitmore, 1889—99; W. P. Chipman, D. D., 1900 — April '06; Rev. F. W. Hackett, 1906; \estry built, 1836. Church elected during Rev. Mr. Hawes pastorate. Soldiers of 1S61-65. Chas. E. Ames, Corpl. Asa F. Arnold, Thos. Arnold, Edw. Averill, Jos- H. Barstow, Wm. T. Barstow, Willard T. Barstow, Benj. F. Brown, Dan'l S. Brown, Patrick HISTORICAL 105 Burke, Timothy Bra^g, Nicholas Butler, John S. Chap- man, Marcub S. Chapman, Wm. Curtis, Benj. F. Clark, Joshua L. Clark, Chas. H. Colter, Lieut. Jason Carlisle, Jos. Carlisle, Alonzo M. Cargill, Geo. T. Cox, Benj. F. Djvis, Wm. A. Davi>, Sergt. Marcus Delano, Justin C. Day, Edw, Fgget, Capt. Jas. D. Erskine, Freeman C. Flint, Edw. W. Flint, John L. Flint, Columbus B. Frost, Samuel L. Foster, Orrin Finley Atwood Fitch, Sergt. Jas. S. Fernald, ,Corpl. Abram T. Gammage, Dan'! E. Gammage, Elijah D. Gushee, Jas. L. Garnett, Chas. Horton, Warren S. Higgins, Warren L. Higgins, Au- gustus Hall, Capt. Jas. A. Hall, Alexander W, Hall, Lieut. Jas. A. Hall Sr., Jos. A. Hall, Adoniram D. Hall, Wm. S. Hiscock, Corpl. Abner S. Hiscock, Corpl. Wm. M. Hitch- cock, Hartley D. Hitchcock, Frederick N. Huston, Sergt. Saml, Hoffman, John Hull, Jas. Hull, Ira Hunt, Edw. Jones, John R. Jones, John M. Kennedy, Llewellyn D. Light, Llew- ellyn Light, Wm. Louis, Jacob McLain, Fred A. Metcalf, Corpl. Alexander McAlister, Thos. D. Messer, Wm. H. Mc- Phail, Thos. O'Brien, Harrison Plummer, Harrison C. Plum- mer, Robt. Peterborough, Chas. E. Palmer, Corpl. Chas. E. Palmer, Geo. T. Parks, John T. Pease, John Rice, Isaiah Rhines, Henry B. Reed, Saml. Y. Reed, Jas. J. Reynolds, Jas. Reynolds, Edw. Rooney, Sergt. Artemus Robinson, Frederic J. Stetson, John R. Skinner, Chas. Smith, Gregory Stevens, Wm. Thompson, John L, Thompson, Franz VonDe- Bergen, Corpl. Ira A. Waltz, Wm. A. Wheeler, Sergt. Rus- sell H. White, Saml. Wilson, Thos. E. Wagner, Isaac Young, (Mr. Young served also in the Seminole and Mexican Wars.) 106 DAMARII3C0TTA Foreign Enlistments: — Burnham C. Clark, Tenth Mass. Battery; Chas. H. Cotter, Sixteenth Mass. Regt; Dan'l Campbell, John L, Chapman, Elbridge House, Patrick Howard, Thos. Woodward, U. S, Navy. Saml. F. Chaplin enlisted from Poland and served in both the army and navy; Thomas Dray enlisted from Mass.; Chas. M. Thompson, enlisted in Bristol, ,'served 3 years and received an honorable discharge contrary to record given in the History of Bristol, Town Officers. CLERKS D. R. Clapp, 1848-49; M. W. Woodward, 1850-52; E. W. Stetson, 1853-June '56; D. W. Chapman, June 1856; I. N. Chapman, 1857; E. W. Stetson, 1S58-59; J. A. Hall, 1860-61; D. W. Thombs, 1862-64; C. G. Merry, 1865-69; W. W. Keene, 1870-77; J. F. Sumner, 1878-79: Wm. Johnston, i38o; W. A. Stetson, 1881-87; Geo. O. Keene, 1888-94; E. R. Cast- ner, 1895-1906. TREASURERS Joshua Hilton, 1848-49; Daniel T. Weeks, 1850-55; Thos, Chapman, 1856; Rufus Flye, 1857-58: Joshua Hilton, 1859- 61; Isaac Chapman, 1862-63; Wm. K. Hilton, 1864-88; R. F. Genthner, 1889-95; E. E. Philbrook, 1896-98; A. L. Shaw, 1899 1903; E. E. Philbrook, 190406. HISTORICAL 107 SELECTMEN AND ASSESSORS 1848. David Dennis, Dan'l. T. Weeks, Jos. T. Huston. 1849. D. W. Chapman, Jas, Jones, Benj. Chapman. iBco. Jas. Jones, Rufus Five, Perez Hitchcocl<. 1851- S2. D. W. Chapman, Rufus Flye, Jas. Jones. 1853. U. W. Woodward, John Q. Reed, D. A. Camp- bell. 1854. U. W. Woodward, D. W. Chapman, Rufus Flye. 1855. D. W. Chapman, Rufus Flye, Elden Chapman. 1856. D. T. Weeks, Perez Woodward, Jos. Chapman. 1857. Perez Woodward, B. D. Metcalf, Jos. Chapman. 1858. Robert Dixon, Jas. Woodward, Jos. Chapman. 1859. Jas. Woodward, Thos. Chapman, Elden Chap- man. i860. E. W. Stetson, Joseph Flint, Joseph Day. 1861. Joseph Day, Joseph Flint, David Plummer. 1862 63 Thaddeus Weeks, A. G. Huston, Wm. K. Hilton. 1864-65. A. G. Huston, F. S. Knowlton, Wm. L. White. 1866. A. G. Huston, F. S. Knowlton, Horace Hatch. 1867. A. G. Huston, F. S. Knowlton, Elden Chapman. 1868. Thpddeus Weeks. F. S. Knowlton, Elden Chap- man. 1869. D. A. Campbell, F. S. Knowlton, Thaddeus Weeks. 1870-71. Daniel A. Cvmpbell, John F. Hilton, F. S. Knowl- ton. X872- -n. J. F. Hilton, U. W. Woodward, Elden Chapman. 1878. J. F. Hilton, W. A. Jones, F. S. Knowlton. 1879. U. W. Woodward, J. B. Rafter, Thos. E. Gay. 108 DAMAIIISCOTTA 1880- 8i. J. F. Hilton, Jas. Stetson, D. A. Campbell. 1882. J. Stetson, U. W. WooJvvard, D. W. Chapman. 1883. U. W. Woodward, G. H. Weeks, K. M. Dunbar. - 1884. U. W. Woodward, J. H. Chase, N. M. Morse. 1885-87. Jas. Stetson, J. H. Ch.ise, E. F. Metcalf. 1888. Jas. Stetson, K. M. Dunbar, E. F. Metcalf. 1889. J. H. Hilton, J. H. Hiscock, N. W. Morse. 1890-93. J. H. Hilton, Edw. F. Metcalf, N. W. Morse. 1894. J. H. Hilton, Edw. F. Metcalf, J. H. Hiscock. 1895-96. K. M. Dunbar, H. R. Hutchins, W. M. Barstow. 1897-98. K. M. Danbar, H. R Hjtchins, F. W. Day. 1899- C3. J. B. Rafter, J. H. Hilton, W. M.. Barstow. 1904. J. B. Rafter E. F. Metcalf, W. M. Barstow. 1505 c6. E. F. Metcalf, G. H. Weeks, C. M. Jones. Professional Men. LAWYERS The earliest of whom we h:ive learned was Arad Hazeltine. who came from Belfast in 183^ Those since that time have been Geoige Reed, Col. John Hussey, Oakes Rundlette, John Coffin, Hon. Ezra B. French, Nathaniel M. Pike, John H.Converse, Frank Weeks, W. H. Hilton, Howard E. Hall, Kendall M. Dunbar and Joel P Huston. Mr. Hilton came in 1864. Mr, Hall a native of Newcastle, began about 1870. Mr. Dunbar is secretary of the State Senate and does little HISTORICAL 109 local practice. Mr. Huston practiced a short time before ac- cepting the position ol Cashier of the First National Bank. PHYSICIANS Dr. Daniel MLRuer and Dr. Eastman were early practic- ing physicians in Damariscotta. Dr. Robert Dixon practiced many years during the middle of the last century. Dr. F. E. Russell and Fred N. Huston, a native of Damariscotta, who later removed to Rockland, have practiced here. Those now in practice are Dr. Joseph M. King, Dr. Edwin F. Stetson and Dr. Wm. H. Parsons. Dr. Rufus C. Chapman is the oldest practicing dentist in the State and the first in Lincoln to use ether. Drs. Wm. H. White and H. A. Harvey are also located here for the practice of dental surgery. MjlINE HOTEL LIVERY STABLE, Damariscotta, Maine. STYLISH RIGS AND GOOD HORSES. PROMPT AND CAREFUL SERVICE. TIIK F-LACiC KOK LARGE DRIVINC3^ fARXIKS. HACKS TO ALL TRAINS. CARRIAGES FOR FUNERALS. ROYAL HALL. Prop. Local and Long Distance Telephone. Census of 2)ainart8C0tta, 1906. NOTE: — Where no postoffice is expressed Damariscotta is understood. Damariscotta, R. F. D. No. i is designated, No. i; Damariscotta Mills P. O.— D. Mills; and Newcastle P. O. — N. Casl. Population, 1906, 741. A Achorn, Wm C S Elizabeth (Hu iston ho Adams, Henry S dry g oods Delia (Tibbetts ho Albert T Myra D stu Albee, Sutton retd Rebecca K (Bla ir ho *Wm E restaurant Wiscasset *E Fred hotel prop Wisci isset *Etta M (m Houdlette Wiscasset ♦Frank B far Manchester *Amy E (m Erskine 23 No Main, Rutland, Vt A Lillian (m Nash Annie Sutton tel op Ames, M C carriage smith Emeline E (Sherman ho ♦Alice M (m Flint ho Needham, Mass ♦Jennie P (m Sylvester East Winthrop Arnold, Edward S No i far Mary (Powell ho Katharine E Lucy M Arnold, Thomas retd Louisa E (Gantt ho Austin, A G plumber CENSUS 111 Josephine (Creamer ho Alfred T pi B Baker, Orrin S far Lydia J (Yates ho Chas P far Baker, Chas P far Annette (Clark ho Barker, Lavinia dr mkr Barker, Julia E dr mkr Barstow, L J No i far & car Jennie M (Milner ho Barstow, Jos D grocer Annette (Page ho Barstow, AIzo No i far Philip E genl wk Hattie H pi Barstow, Samuel F ship calker, No i Delia (m Thompson James E meat cutter Barstow, Jas E nieat cutter No I Katherine M ( Hilton Ruith H James S Barstow, Walter M joiner Ellen C (Sidelinger ho *Sadie M (m Bragdon NcasI Merritt W. meat cutter Mary A waitress Cleveland lineman *Winnie E waitress *Hampton C Emily F Louis O Wilmotii H Caleb F Ellen E Chandler Addie M Batteese, John Warren millman Bremen stu stu stu Pl Pl pl genl wk No I Clara E (Scott ho *Bessie L (m Philbrook 267 Chester ave, Oakland, Kan *Verne T molder 137 U.iion, Rockland Florence M stu Clara E slu Belknap, Lunie C (Flail Robert stu Benner, Chas H far Drucille (Chaney ho Isabelle milliner *Edith ( m Stone ho Somerville, Mass *Guy C cl Boston, Mass -^Adalaide tr Farming\ille, Mass ♦Joshua W cl Boston, Mass Berry, Olive (Seiders 112 DAMARIiSCOTTA *Geo S law 6io Kittredge Bldg, Denver, Colo *Henry E broker Hotel Bartol, Boston, Mass Harriett S at home Blanchard, AW No i far E la R (Richards ho Frank L far *Bessie L (m Cunningham Roxbury, Mass Blanchard, Frank L far Nobleboro, i Nannie J (Chapman ho Brown, Mary K (Chapman ♦Josephine emp necktie fact, Wakefield, Mass *Geo W real est Portland *Susan J (m Dodge Ncasl Burnham, Chas F M C R R ser Mary O (Campbell ho Evelyn L Burnham, Joseph mason Inez (Sleeper ho Butler, A O emp Stand Oil Co Addie J (Woodbury Byard, Judson J No i far O Carlisle, Margaret (Burnham ho *Chas. ice work Cedargrove *Geo. T. far No. Edgecomb *Susan M (m Pitcher So. Edgecomb *John H No Edgecomb far Addie ho Carlisle, Jennie M. stu Caster, Albena W (Smith ho Allan L stu Castner, Edward R cl Lillian M (Cox ho Harold W stu Castner, Joseph W retd Sarah S (Mera ho *Herman M prop West End hotel, Portland Laura E (m Dunbar Edward R cl *Frank L Brooklyn, Mass *Helen E (m Johnson Portland *Walter A hotel cl Portland Chadwick, Clara M (Rhoades ho Wallace W. pi Chapline, Sam'l Freeman far Almeda M. (Arnold ho Chapman, David W. retd *Abbie F. (m Lash Lynn, Mass. *Mary C. (m Haines Brooklyn, N Y *Bell L (m Cotter CENSUS 113 Cape Elizabeth Wm D Hattie G. (m Gay Lincoln A cash. New Castle N;U1. Bank Chapman, Duncan I) retd *Pauline (m Freeman Detroit, Mi:h Cora B (m Hodgkins Albert D butcher *Ella M (m Durgin Lynn, Mass Chapman, Clara E (Chap- man, ho, No I *Adora J (m Tobin D Mills *WaIter S marine eng 1024 Regent, Almeda, Calif Jos F far Chapman J F No i far Linda L (Winslow ho Jas W Chapman, Am Elizabeth ho Chapman, Geo A Hk Imogene M (Odium ho *Frank R blk 377 Summer, W Somerville Mass *Wm S tel op 109 State, Boston, Mass Marcia (rn Robbins Georgia A at home Chapman, Laura H ( Titus ho No I *Sanford A section foreman Rockland Wm B • far *Elmer E sta eng Cambridgeport, Mass *Sareh F (m Knowlton Everett, Mass *Isabell A (m Carroll New York, N Y Glencora F dr mkr *Fred W eng Boston, Mass Chapman, Wm B No i far Annie E (Sweet ho Mildred 1 Laura M Chapman, Mary E (Chapman Nobleboro, i, ho *Omar E Ncasl sea capt *Judson I car 268 Park, Lewiston Lillian M(m Soule Nannie J (m Blanchard Chapman, Alda F dr mkr Chapman, Lincoln H cash Newcastle bank Josephine (Jordan ho Gladys M pi Martha A pi Emily J pi Chapman, Cora A Chapman, Samuel L retd Annie C (m Hall ho Chapman, Abbie B (Side- 114 DAMARISCOTTA linger No i ho Stanley F far Cotter, Geo L mtr Chapman, Georgia C Jost-phine ( Harris lio (Chapman No i *Gertrude B (m McFariand Blanch H Christmas Chapman, Sarah A (Rollins *Frank L s fitter No 1 224 Central, Brockton, Mass Arthur A far *LiIlian watch fact *Elden H driver 22 Taylor, Walth-im, Mass 107 Congress, Pasadena, Cal Edna C at home Chapman, Ella ho No i Mabel C compositor Chapman, Alvah far No i Cox, Mary K (Brown Chapman, Blanche M ho Lillian M (m Castner No I Creamer, Andrew 1 hotel mgr Chapman, Ralph W far No i Lillian (Wilson ho Chase, Eben far Crooker, Chas W car & hldr Isabell D (Davis ho Alice B (Stinson ho Harold E stu Harriet M ho Evan T Lena M (m Sherman Chick, Clark W No i far Curtis, Walter H Nellie M (Chapman ho ptr & pap hgr Freeman C Maud E (Winship ho Clark, Franklin retd ship bid Geo Douglass Laura A dr mkr Geraldine H M Mary A (m Dunbar Curtis, Ford B bik & far Caroline A ^Jas F Chelsea far ^Nellie J (m Thompson *Katie B (m Moore printer Chihuahua, Mex 10 Keningston.Roxbury, Mass Robiva A Rose L (Knowlton ho Charlotte B dr mkr *Lottie L waitress *Ralph cl PolandSp Ho, Poland Springs Port Blekeley, Wash Curtis, Annette Clements, Jay S far svk Curtis, Ellen S Corneille, Elizabeth (Taylor Curtis, Jennie (Austin CENSUS 115 D Dartnell, Wm T far Dartnell, Catherine G at home Dartnell, Mary E at home Dartnell, Ellen M at home David, Lozina A (Thompson ho Fred M grocer David, F M grocer Maude E (Patterson ho Ray T stu Day, Fred W mer Winifred (Woodbury ho Maurice E pl Day, Mary A (McClure ho Fannie E ho Fred W mer Day, Augustus H ptr Laura B, (Emerson ho Day, Mary J (Chase ho *M Annie (m Dunbar i8 Dalrymple, Jamaica Plain, Mass Sarah C (m Jones Marcia B (m White ^Joseph H hardware dlr 76 Spruce, Portland ♦Chas A trav sales Dime, Jos J lab Dixon, Harriet G ho Dodge, Margaret (Carlisle ho Dore, Henry ^ far Annie G (Rider ho *Harry L far Watertown, S D Ernest O far Dow, Addie A (m McKenney ho *Wm S sawyer Wiscasset ♦Austin L sawyer II Spring, Bath Annie J (m Ware *Sam'l S mail car Wiscasset *John H far Weyburn, No West Ter, Canada Dray, Thomas ship car Nora (Murphy ho Dunt^ar, Lucinda P (Burnham *E Everett refine of type Jamaica Plain, Mass Kendall M law Wm B driver of mail team *Rev Herbert L Bapt clerg Shanston, N Y ♦Hattie W (m Trott Roxbury, Mass ♦Merton W tel op Worcester, Mass Dunbar, Wm B mail car Hattie A (Hussey, ho Dunbar, K M law Laura E (Castner Dunning, T N restaurant Bernice E (Poole ho 116 DAMARISCOTTA E Emerson, Edith B Erskine, Wm H car Jennie F (Burniiam ho Chas B pi Wilder K pi Erskine, Wm T car Elvina Ervine, Henry team *Chas D sta eng Carrie I (Collins ho Ervine, Ida M ho P Feltis, Harry genl wk Mabel G (Holden ho Carol Estelle - pi Fiske, D E Prop Fiske House Carrie E (Linekine ho *Etta L milliner Portland Myrtle B stu Flint, Edwin T far Mary L (Barstow ho ^Walter J bakery wagon 39 Prince, Boston, Mass Harry E creamery mgr Benj F fireman Mary L at home Flint, H E creamery mgr Mary E (Rankin ho Flint, Albert gen wk ^Minnie (m Bradley New Harbor Jennie (m Gowen *Ernest baker Boston, Mass *Everett baker Boston, Mass Annemariah (Peters ho Flint, Frank S barber Salome E (Benner ho Flint, Henry T pi Flint, Angie V (Nash No i Flint, Wm A grocer Flyc, Sarah E (Yeaton *Emma (m Prescott ho 23 Huron, Lynn, Mass Abbie Y (m Hall organist and tr of music Annie S milliner Folger, Wm H|No i gardener Ddia B (Hall ho Foster, Wm H ice bus Emma R (Thomas ho Chas H pi Martilla S pi Foster, Sam 'I L retd vet Wm H ice bus Frances, Daniel rustic wk Joseph L stable wk Rachel L pi Fuller, Andrew W truckman Annie M (Hatch ho *Emma H (m Ogier Camden Ernest W joiner G Gamage, Abram T far CENSUS 117 Georgia W (Walker millinery *Marcus H R K sta agt Chichester, N H Carnage, D Edwin car Etta E (Lane restaurant *Evander F boat bldr E Boothbay Mae N ho Gammans, Joseph car Ellen S cl Joseph H hardware cl 204 Pleasant, Maiden, Mass Frank A harness mkr *Abner C cl 7 Rockland, Roxbury, Mass *Harry C meat cut 131 Princeton, E Boston, Mass Gammans, F A harness mkr Sophronia L (Gross ho Gay, Gilbert E grocer Harriet (Chapman ho Spencer A pi Katherine D Genthner, Rufus F trav sales Eleanor (Murray dr mkr *Beatrice E bk kpr West End Hotel, Portland *Myrtis E stenog Skow began Allura J pi Giles, AlJen J marble and monll wk Lillian M TDodge ho Ginn, Almira F ho Glidden, E Wilbur far Nobleboro, No i Alda J (Oliver ho Lurie M Doris E Glidden, Albert far Mary W ( ho Goudy, Harwood car Anna (Hatch ho Hildred F pi Goudy, Henry M cl Dora S ( Hennings Paul E Gould, Frank J molder Grundy, Sarah J ( retd Lucinda (m Smithwick *Grundy, Jos E cl Boston, Mass Mabel I (Walker ho Eleanor I Guyman, Julia F ( Hull ho H Hall, Amasa B house ptr Adella P (Hatch ho Ralph B Hall, Chas A far wk No I Hall, Norman C far *Harry tel op Rumford Falls Annie C ( Chapman Hall, Anna E 118 DAMARI8C0TTA Hall, Roxie (Huston ho Sunie C (m Belknap Hall, Royal R Livery bus Zetta (Plummer ho Philip R Hall, Howard E law Abbie Y (Flye organist & tr of music Hammond, Geo far No i Estella (Knowlton ho *Loella ho Somerville, Mass Frank H No i car Hammond, F H No i car Eva (Winslow ho Harrington, Elvina (Jones ho *Annie F (m Vannath millinery, Glendon Fred undertaker Harvey, Howard A dentist Hastings, Frank G horse dlr *Annie (m Benner Mass Hatch, Chas E steam boat eng Ida E (Huey ho *Ethel W compositor New York, N Y Warren H fire Hatch, J D No I far Freeman D far "^Amanda J (m Ellis Waterville *Etta A (m Buckley Washington, D C Hatch, Sarah Hatch, Phebe (Perkins ho '^'Lois A (m Follansbee Saco Joseph P cl Geo W R R ser 'i'Alfred F hotel emp Portland Anna H (m Goudy *Hester H (m Chase Rockland *Sanford K victualer Rockland Hatch, Augustus ship smith Hatch, Geo W R R section fore Catherine (Murphy ho Mary R pi Hatch, Hannah E (Fossett ho *Wi'lard O R R ser New Hampshire *Winnifred E ho Rockland *Bertha E ho 750 Main, Rockland Marcia M (m Snow Caroline E ho Havener, Wm A No i far Clara R (Sidelinger ho Lottie B ho *Fred H Bath Hotel wk Harry W pi Havener, Wm W far No i Sarah ( William A far CENSUS 119 Eugene H ptr Hawes, Edwin F far & car Grace (Wormell ho Hayvvard, Alonzo A R R ser Laura B ( Hmergon ho Chas A R R ser Lester -A R R ser Walter E R R ser Claude N pi Haywood, Chas A R R ser Joanna M (Lane ho Kenneth A Haywood, Willis L mech Mabelle G (Campbe'.I ho Hilton, Abbie K (Keene ho ♦William K tr Salem, Mass Hilton, Jennie A (V\cNear ho *iNellie B (m Hanley Dorchester, Mass *Arace A (m Woodson Portland Catherine M (m Barstow *Maud (m Sumner compositor, Portland James H joiner *Edith H (m Woodbury Stonington Hilton, Wm H law Mary E (Weston ho Emerson law *Weston M law Boothbay Har Mary E tr Hiscock, Chas L shoe mkr Malinda R (Richards ho Winnifred B at home Arthur L at home Myrtie R at home Gladys M pi Helen L pi Marion F Hiscock, Emma L (Hiscock Mildred M sta Hiscock, Jane M (Lombard ho No I *Wm H mach & eng 22 River, Amesbury, Mass M Elizabeth tr ♦Delia J (m Hedman 28 College ave, Waterville Joshua C far Hiscock, Amelia (Hiscock ho No I Hitchcock, Wilder No i far B Ella (Hoffses ho Effie S tr ♦Clarence L Brunswick cl *Lula E (m Purdy 18 Fountain, Gardiner Ralph M far Hitchcock, Rufus No i far Emily (Martin ho ♦Ernest R iron molder 26 Atlantic, Rockland Ward A far Hitchcock E lineman Clinton 120 DAMARISCOTTA Hitchcock, Juliant (Williams *GranvilIe E phy sur ho, No I, Mass ^Lizzie L (m Lindsey Grace M (in Nash Bath 'i'John D trained nurse John H far Wellesley, Mass Flora A Hoffses, Lewis E No i far Mary E (m Sidelinger Neilie L (Blanchard ho Rufus far Frank J far *lsaac C ship joiner *LoubeI!e M (m Roofer Rockland 19 Chapel, W Somerville, *Martha C (m Gardiner Ma5s East Milton, Mass Hoffses, F J No i far *Augustus J far Annie (Kelley ho Nobleboro House, John far No i *Artell Califoinia House, Dflia S (Dole *Mary (m Gushoe Farmington House, Geo car *Lizzie (m Whaff 16 Berkeley Somerville, Mass Huey, Sarah (Fogler Wilmoth H pt Hull, John retd vet Julia F (m Guyman *Wm H Broadcove far 'i-Clara B (m Cook 120 Bridge, Augusta '^^Guy N organist 415 Pearl, Burlington, Vt ♦Herbert F NY City Hunt, h'a far Sarah J (Davis ho Bertron W far Hitchcock, Fred W cl C ora F (Erskine ho Harvey E stu Edith T Pl Arthur G Pl Edward D Hitchcock, Adoniram J far Hitchcock, Frederick cl Cora E (Hopkins ho, dr mkr *Fred A team Boston, Mass Hot'gkins, Wm G mer Cora B (Chapman ho Emma M postal cl VVm G Jr stu Hodgkiiis, Wm genl wk D Mills Hoffses, Gorhman S far No I Olive C (Stetson ho CENSUS 1-1 Roy A gcn'l \vk Helen 1< pi Hunt, B W far Hlton B pl Delia E (Small ho Jones, T A contr & hkir Beitron R pl Annie M (Waters dr mkr Sadie B pl Jones, Wm iVl far Hatije M pl Mary H (Lavvler ho Hmma F pi Marian L pl Myrtle A pl Jones, J Edward K^''">"l '^vk Howard H pl Sarah C (Day ho Maude B Jones. Herbert cl Gertrude E Jones, Chas M mer Huston, Fred W hostler Winnie M (Hall ho • Sarah E (Erskine ho Ali e W (m Melville Edna N pl Daisy A tel op Huston, Mary A ho Jones, Atwood W retd *Huston, Alfred W Myra (Drummond ho livery foreman K Maiden, Mass Keene, W W hardware dlr Mabel (Russell ho Mary (Varney ho Gertrude L pl Geo O hardware bus Thomas R pl Kelsey, John W retd Huston, Esther H ho *Albert C victualer Hutchins, Harvey R Box 154, Fall River, Mass harness mkr Julia H ho Arlettie J (M>ers ho Adelaide L compositor J Evelyn A compositor Jackson, Arthur C Sam'l J grocer bldg commissioner & lecturer Kelsey, Samuel J c\ Isabella C (Stetson ho Lillian M ( Hassen ho Jacobs, D M collector Lawren:e J Allura J (Sanborn King, Joseph M phy & sur Johonnett, Chas H M E clerg Alzena M (Ramsdell ho Harriet (Rowe ho *Geneva E nurse Aubrey H pl Rockvilie, Ceii, Long Island, V2'2 DAMARISCOTTA N Y *Jessie R (m Boynton 242 Steuben, Brooklyn, N Y *Joseph H reporter 232 High, Hartford, Conn Fred'k M stu Knowlton, Roscoe H far No I Mary C (Turnbull ho Roscoe H Jr far & cook Knowlton, R H far & cook No I Laura E (Davis ho Knowlton, Rosanna C retd tr No I Knowlton, Lucy No i ho Knowlton, Mary A(Gammans ho. No I H M far Knowlton, Wm J far millman No I Knowlton, Harriet S No i tr Knowlton, Raymond K Harness mkr Minnie E (Gould L Lane, Asa sail mkr Lizzie U (Mears Johanna M (m Haywood Lee, Rev Chas F Epis clerg Cordelia (Moore ho *Fred'k C clerg Bar Harbor Sophia M Librarian Elizabeth at home Lessiner, Lafe L pi Lessiner, Frank H No i Grace R (David ho Marguerite pi Chas A pi Cora M Madde I Henry R Lewis, Geo P eng Jdhanna (Dray ho *Geo T eng Portland Joseph Hotel steward mer Linscott Leander S genl wk Isabelle (Burnham ho *Harry J groc cl 395 A Broadway, Everett, Mass M Marsden, Celestien McCobb, Elvira (m Morse ho No I *Justina (m Burrough Waldoboro *Martin eng Brockton, Mass McCobb, Emma S ho McDonald, B F No i car Bertha J (Chappell ho Harry F elect *Lessie B dr mkr Lawrence, Mass B Ralph McKenney, Addie A (Dow cENsrs 123 Zona B stu McLellan, Sarali E (Wylie ho *Geo V sea capt Boothbay Har *Maurice R joiner Boothbay Har Eva (m Metcalf McLoon, Clara A (Foster ho Alice M ^m Varnum *Hattie H (m Jones Chicago, III *Annie M (m York D Mills *Chas A genl \vk Winsbw Mills McMichael, John blk Matilda (Townsenddr mkr McWhorter, Maria (House ho No I Merrill, Enoch W car Tylie J (Weaver ho ' Joseph W pi Merrill, F J mer Julia A (Savvtell ho •Fredrick E store mgr Rockland, Mass *Arthur S steam fit Omaha, Neb T Jefferson, teleg op *Fred'k J Emp Johnson Service Co Pittsburg Pa Merrill, T J teleg op Maude W ^Worthley ho Collis B Douglas A Merry, Mary E (Stetson Metcalf, Edwin F far & real est Clara F (Barstow ho Edwin b pi Metcalf, Wm livery Eva (McLellan milliner Metcalf, Elizabeth (Farnham *Richard A representative Pub ho, 31 Union Sq, N Y *D Bertrand ci\il eng 39 Maple av, Hamburg, N Y "^Margaret F (m Voss 556 LaFayette av, Brooklyn, N Y *Donald B collector 174 Fargo av, Buffalo, N Y Emma M (m Singer *Ruby L (m Giles Moody, John H far &fish pedlar Mooney, C Annie Morey, Howard N far Sarah J (Stewart ho Flore "ice L stu Clifton H pi Morse, Elvira (McCobb ho No I Miller, Capt Austin rtd *Grace M (m Husey Bootlibay Har N Nash, Albion B trav sales No I 124 BAMAKISCOTTA Grace M (Haffses ho *Dora J (m Waltz D Mills Nash, Angie V (Chapman Esther F ho No I Osier, H R R R ser *Josep!i A eng Margaret E drmkr & nurse Somerville, Mass Viola (Emerson ho Nash, Ellis W tel op mer & *Osier, Freeman L fisher express Gloucester, Mass A Lillian (Alhee ho Nettie M (m Pitts Northey, D H carge bldr P Nellie ho Page, Oscar marble wkr *Annie (m Bowie Bath Augusta (Sherman ho O Harold stu Oliver, Sam'l S far No i Otis pi Annie (Bryant ho Page, Ellen E (Huston Kendall S far *Parker, Mabel (Wilson Alice P (m Perry nurse 92 Pinki^ey, *Georgie 1 (m Genthner Boston Mass Glendon Priscilla W pi Zina V far Parsons, Wm H phy & sur Rosalie M ho Anne (Metcalf ho Oliver, Annie M Patridge, Nancy C (Hussey Oliver, Rosie No i ho No i Orchard, Helen (Wheeler *Udolpho E jeweler U S Osgood, Nellie M (m Vinal ho watch fact, Waltham, Mass *Fred A heel fact Albion A mason 213 Cumb av, Portland Patridge, A A mason No i *Alice M ho M Alice (Sidelinger ho N Whitefield, i Perkins, Sarah I ('Irask 'Harris B heel fact *Sarah (m Clark N Casl Salem, Mass *Mary (m Irish N Casl Osier, Esther (Lang ho Nettie C (m Rafter *Louelld (m Havener Perkins, Chas F ship car Muscongus Ruth B (Weston tr Hiram R R R ser Perry, Seth No i far CENSUS l2o John W far Plummer, Tyla A (House ho *Lizzie M (m Freeman Zetta (m Hill Thomaston Porter, Lucretia E ( Berry ho Perry, J W No i far Clara E pl AHce P (Oliver ho John W pl Floience B pi Preble Flora A ho Woodbury E Prentice, S. Elizabeth dr mkr Phelps, Harriet S (Rankin ho Prescott, Emma (Flye *Harriet W (m Roberts sum res Revere, Mass E Wentworth reporter *Eudora M (m Burnham Marion R (m Brown Revere, Mass Katherine Y tr *Eugene M mach Puffer, Harrison car Lynn, Mass Harrison B stu Albert I far Nellie V (Fisher ho Emma E ho R Philbrook, Edw E mer Rafter, Frank M No i mer Fronia E (Sider ho Winnifred T (Kavanaugh Piper, Chas E far ho Carrie A (Hall ho Rafter, Felicitas (Hanly ho Helen J stu No i Caroline R *Jerome lumber Alvin Elk, Calif Piper, H Martha John B sheriff & far Pitts, Fred A sail Frank M mer master of yacht *Augustine L supervisor Nettie M (Osier ho schools, 41 Bradley, Dorches- Geo A ter. Mass Infant *Fred'k W dentist Plummer, Harrison C far Gardiner D Mills *Clara G (m Smithwick Hariison mill wk D Mills i *Lillian (m Reese Rafter, John B carriage deal, Worcester, Mass far, lumber, sheriff 126 DAMARI8C0TTA Nettie C (Perkins ho ^Florence M tr Providence, R 1 *Justina C tr Newton Highlands, Mass Reed, Martha C (Fuller ho Fdvv V cl Reed, Rufus C postmastt r Rhoades, Clara M (m Chad- wick ho Harriet M tr Robbins, Chas H ins agt Marcia E (Chapman ho Mortimer G pi Walter C Roswell, Bertha (Pelkey *Earl shoe op Swampscot, Mass Irene pi Mildred pi Rowe, Abbie M (Sands Harriet (m Johcnnett S Sanborn, Emma G (Milner nurse No i Seiders, Geo W ship car Sarah (Hussey ho *Geo W Jr clothing cl 452 Cumberland Av Portland Shaw, Allen L far, milk bus Florence (Lamson ho *Nelson A cl Maiden, Mass Lewis A Shaw, Elizabeth D (Gibbs Allen L far milk bus *Elizabeth N (m Feltis Bristol Sherman, Chas E barber Lena M (Crooker ho Chas W C Sidelinger, Henry L far Mary M (Gross ho Ella S (m Weaver Isabell (m Tibbetts Harry lineman *Rosie (m Whitefleld Thomaston Lizzie B (m Whitefield *Hattie B (Simmonds Waldoboro Frederick pi Sidelinger, Wm H lab *Everett Jefferson pi *Earle Ncasl pi *Leo Ncasl pi Sidelinger, Henry A mer Isabella (Creamer ho Madelene J stu Sidelinger, D H ship car Mary E (Worthley ho Sidelinger, Anson millman No I Simpson, Thos A horse dlr Maria A (Fuller ho Iva B Willis G CEN8US 127 Harriet E Harold J pl Singer, Geo W printer and publish Dama Herald Katharine H pl Emma H (Metcalf ho Sleeper, Austin far Smith, Morrill barber Smithvvick, Frank L drug Lucinda (Grundy asst Carolyn Snow, James E Pool room Marcia M (Hatch ho Harry W Infant Snow, Arietta M (Hall ho *Henry R Fresno, Cal *Elizabeth B proof reader Portland *Annie G nurse Hartford, Conn *Chas J Bangor cl Arietta H J Edward Helen A stu Snow, A H druggist *Henry R Fresno, Cal •Elizabeth, B proof reader Portland *Annie G nurse Hartford, Conn Arietta •Chas J Bangor cl J Edward Helen A stu So'ile, Lillian M (Chapman nurse Nannie L pl Stetson, Abner S gen'l wk No I Mary E (Hisccck ho *Jessie F tailoress 53 Dwight, Boston Mass *Eugene E. far Lime Center N H *Clara (m Thorndike printer Camden *Llewellyn W watchman 503 Columbus, Boston Mass Stetson, Chas W R R ser Sarah J (Barstow ho Isabella C (m Jackson ♦Ralph W tel op N Y City Stetson, Gladys M pl Stetson, Edwin F phy & sur Mary (Chaoman ho Helen A Mt Holyoke stu Rufus E Bowdoin stu Grace L stu Mary E pl Stetson, Henry W M C R R forman fence Isabel (Curtis ho Annie L tr Stetson, James sea capt Isaac C mer Stetson, Olwald eng No I Hannah, L (Hiscock ho Abner H stu Stevens, Harry G ptr Alice J ( Lairabee ho Chas P Pl Frank R pl Rena G - pl Anna B pl Mary B Arthur M T Tarbox, John N far & ship 128 DAMARISCOTTA E Milton, Mass Tibbetts, SB No i genl \vk Isabel] (Sidelinger Nettie B pl Delia pl Samuel B, Jr pl Georgie A pl Christine Tronant, Albert L retd Angle F ( Barton ho *E R Lynn, Mass, cl *Mattie M (m Hardey Lynn, Mas> fastener *Gertrude E Waldoboro ho M Emma (Emerson ho Tronant, Chas A sea capt Irene E pl Mary E (Webber ho Tarbox, Susan ( Brow ho Tronant, Edvv R canv'sr John N far & ship fast Bertha (Roswell ho *Helen J (m Coombs Tukey, Chas E meat & pro dr iioi Washington, Bath Georgie A (Barstow ho *Annie E (m Morse *William H phy & ser W Franklin Boise, Idaho Taylor, Emeline (Bond *Jessie T (m Mathews *Wm B Togus retd vet N Castle Clara ho Robert K asst bank cash *Emma (m Yates Tukey, Susan J ho Boothbay Har Tukey, Robert K bank cashier *Chas S tr 430 Waveland av, Chicago, III Thomp-^on, Chas M joiner Abbie L (Lincoln ho Tibbetts, Flora A (Hitchcock Daisy L stenog Flora L (Burns ho Eleanor M Tuttle, Geo blk Lucie J (Small ho V Vinal, Sawyer H lab Nellie M (Osgood ho CENETT3 '-"* Mildred H P' ^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^l'[ Y^ Weaver, h R f'^r ^^ ' Wakelleld, Dan'l H ptr & pr Ella S ( ho bar Millie A P' *Oeo H Bath emp iron vvks Weeks, A H team *Frank E Gardiner s s wk A Hden ( Knight ho *Wm W Bath ptr Thalma L *EugeneD ptr Weeks. Geo H l-ery ^Harriet A (m Manson Ella A (Barstovv ho Pittston Helen A music tr ♦Lillian B Bath ho Marion E Elizabeth B Sidelinger ho White, Wm H dentis. BerniceG Mar.ia D (Day ho Waltz. Calvin E No i far Medville M *Belle(m Gamage landlady Willey. Wm E far No i Warren Williamson, John 'ao Li.zeSlBartlett ho AKvilda E (Francis ho BurlieF ^^^ Dora S P Waltz. Geo U grocer No i Grace F P *Ada A (m Benner Nobl Wilson. Andrew contr & bldr Randell J grocer Susan M (Barker ho Wai'tz. Randeil J grocer No i Wilson. Chandler car Emma B (Nash ho Mary L (Poland ho 7: u^ *Mabel (m Parker nurse P^^j J 92 Pinkney . Boston, Mass Nn^rri^ A stu Lillian (m Creamer riiZrd C Pl Winslow, Edwin H trav sales Clifford ^ ^ ^^^^ j,r Chri-tine M P' W,re JisF far & groceries *Alice M (m Marston irnov ho .46 Franklin. Portland Annie J (Dow "^ ,, i n Waters Nellie M dr mkr *Edith H (m Lovell W ve; L^beccacChapman 146 Franklin. Portland ^'^ ' ,v, No I *Carleton, M architect Tiley(m Merrill 8c Washington Sq. N Y City 130 DAMARISCOTTA *Harvey E bank cl 47 Chapel, Portland Winnifed H tr Edith M (Durgin ho Witham, Hattie A (Turner ho D Mills *Horace A Bath team Stella E (m Waltz Otis H team Hattie M (m Bearce Edgar J stu Woodbury, W A far No i Ella B (Benner ho *J Ralph cl Boston, Mass Walter E pl Emily S pl Sands S Woodbury, Susan (Huston Winnie G (m Day Woodbury, Martha (Bryant *Carrie E (m Webber ho Newburyport, Mass Addie J (m Butler Woodward, Clara (^Cutter Katherine S tr Woodward, Elizabeth M Worthley, Mary E (Hitchcock Frank E genl wk Maude W (m Merrill ho JAMESTOWN HOTEL, James E. partridge. PROPRIETOR. PEHAQUID BEACH, MAINE. BOARD $7.00 PER WEEK. OPEN THE YEAR ROUND. Rowboats. Catboats. W. J, BURNSIDE, ... Contractor and Builder. ... Summer Cottages a Specialty. (PEMAQUID POINT) NEW HARBOR, MAINE. Dingeys. Launches. Hacwcastlc Mister^ 1906 Important Dates in Newcastle's History. i6o7(?)— Settlement by Dutch made at Sheepscot. 1623— Settlements made about this time. 1652— John Mason purchases lands on Sheepscot river of Robin Hood, Dick Swash, and Jack Pudding, Indian chiefs. Settlement made soon after. 1660— Fifty families livincr at '-Sheepscot Farms." i66i— Walter Phillips purchases lands here. 1665— Commissioners appointed by Duke of York meet at 132 NEW CASTLE house of John Mason, Sheepscot, and erect the Eastern Set- tlements into "Cornwall" county. Sheepscot is called "New Dartmouth"; made the county seat; Walter Phillips, clerk. 1675 — Settlers driven off by Indians. 1682— New Dartmouth re-settled by Dutch(at Chase's Pt.) 1688 — Second destruction of settlements by Indians. 1702 — Rev. Christopher Tappan purchases nearly all of the present town of Newcastle. 1729 — David Dunbar arrives as governor. 1730 — Wm. Vaughan erects mills at Dama. Fresh Falls. 1745-47 — Indian outrages enacted. 1753 — Newcastle incorporated the 12th town in Maine. 1753 — Old Glidden mansion erected. 1755-59— Indian outrages; peace estab. 1759. 1764 — Census taken; 415 people in town. 1783 — Census shows 28 families, 114 persons, 1795 — Northwest part of town set off to Alna. Newcastle postoffce established July i. 1797 — First bridge built at Damariscotta. 1809— Sluiceway built at Dama. Mills. 1820 — Sheepscot Postoffice established Dec 29. 1850 — Lincoln Democrat estab., J. J. Ramsey, editor 185 1 — Damariscotta bridge rebuilt, made free. 1854 — Newcastle State Bank inc., A. S. Austin, Pres. 1857 — North Newcastle postoffice established. 1865 — Bank became National, Joseph Haines, Pres., D. W. Chapman, cashier, 1855-1901. 1871 — Knox & Lincoln R. R. opened. 1890— Railroad Ifased to Maine Central R. R. Co, HISTORICAL 133 Early Settlement At Sheepscot was made one of the earliest settlements in Maine. This was probably begun as early as 1607, by the Dutch, Many farmers and fishermen were located here be- tween 1623 and 1686 including John White, John Taylor, Walter Phillips, John Mason, Robert Scott, Thomas and Daniel Gent, Elihu Gunnison Esq., Wm. Dyer Esq., Chris- topher Dyer, John Manning, Nath'l Draper, Wm. Dale, Nicholas Manning, Geo. Speare, Wm. Wilcott, Cabel Ray, David Ransford, Richd. Pain, Thos. Messer, Wm. Lowering, Robert Foote, Thos. Gyles Esq., John Dyer, James Cook, John Browne, Wm. James, Wm. Marks, Moses Pike, Andrew Stalger, James Mason, Lieut. Gyles Godward, John Tower, Edward Roberts, Moses Pike, James Smith, Samuel Corbis- son, John Manning, Henry Smith, Edward Taylor, Thomas Kimball, Samuel Boles, James Marston, John Alleyn Esq., S, — Phips, —Walker, and others. Michael Thomas, Samuel Getchell and Benj. Cheney settled on the Damariscotta side about 1719. The Tappan lots, located on the western side, between Mill and Dyer rivers, settled between 1736 and 1775, were purchased by Robert Hodge, Geo. Boulton, Daniel Anderson, Benj. and Thomas Woodbridge, John Hopkins, Christopher Woodbridge, Samuel Johnson, Abernethy Cargill, Henry Cargill. Dyer's Neck was settled by Jos. Tarr, Ezekiel, Samuel, Jonathan, 134 NEWCASTLE Richard and Moses Laiten, Jesse Cooper, John Harley, Robert Harley, Wm. Simpson and Waters. Other Tappan lots were sold, 1735 to 1739, to John Ballantine, Samuel McLain, James Kennedy, James Campbell, James Clark, David Given, David Cargill, Jas. Bowlls, Wm. McLelland, Wm. Hopkins, Solomon Hopkins, Wm. Kennedy, Samuel Kennedy, John Cunningham, Wm. Rose, Robert Cochran, Peter Patterson, and James Forrester. David Cargill settled in 1730. Rev. C. Tappan the proprietor came here in 1733. Capt, John McNear, Capt. Alex Nickels, Enoch Perkins, Samuel Waters, David Murray, Major John Farley (a distinguished public official), Chas. Glidden and Joseph Glidden, Sr., Wm. Black- stone and Samuel Perkins were among the leading men of Newcastle during the eighteenth century. Wm. Hopkins, David Given, James Clark, John Cunningham Jr., David Hopkins, Wm. Cuningham and Wm. Hodge filled town offices in 1755. In 1783, the year after the Revolution, the population had decreased to but 28 families, consisting of 114 persons as follovs: Widow Sarah Cuimingham and family, 5; Thos. McNear, 5; Hugh Holmes, 4, Widow Mary Kennedy, 2; Col. Jas. Cargill, 7; Sam'l McLellan, i; Widow Mary Hodge, 2; Wm. Kennedy, 9; Henry Kennedy, — Robert Cochran, 5; Nancy Hopkins, i; Petter Patterson, 5; David Cargill, 5; David Somes, 9; John Cochran, 2; Adam Cochran, 3; Jas. Brewer, 3; Allan Malcolm, 5; Samuel Kennedy, i; Elias Perkins, 2; Wm. Kennedy, i; Samuel Kennedy, 4; John Cunningham, 6; Benj. Cheney, 5; Capt. Saml. Nickels, 12; David Linscott, 3; A.Iex Duncan, 3; and Benj, Woodbridge, 4. HISTORICAL 135 Churches and Pastors. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH— SHEEPSCOT. Meeting house erected prior to incorporation of Newcastle, and Rev. Alex. Boyd a Presbyterian, preached occasionally as early as 1748. Became preacher, 1750; ordained town min- ister, 1754, dismissed i75«. Meeting house erected on east- ern side, 1765-68. Rev. Thurston Whiting was settled ac- cording to Congregational usage in 1776, after many years of contention between the east and west parts of the town. He remained five and one-half years. In 1792 a meeting house was erected near the middle of the town. Oct. 4, I797, Rev. Kiah Bayley was settled paston and a church organized. He was town minister until 1823. Rev . Jotham Sewall was pas- tor from 1824 to 1839; Rev. Edwin Seabury, 1839-44; Rev. D. Q. Cushman, 1844-56; Rev. John Boynton, Rev. Samuel Talbot, Rev. W. B. Thompson, i86i-66; Rev. G. B. Richard- son, 1866-71; Rev. J. Haskell, 1872-74. Since Rev. Mr. Haskell no pattor has been hired, nor services sustained. Rev. R. B. Mathews is holding regular services here during the summer, beginning June 3. Bangor Theological Seminary holds its origin with this church, suggested by Mrs. Kish Bayley. The present Congegational meeting house was erected on Garrison Hill as a Union house in 1825; all rights purchased by the Congregationalists in 1868. Now in good repair. 186 NEWCASTLE SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH— NEWCASTLE. Formed May 22, 1844 by 94 members dismissed from the First church. Rev. E. Seabury installed pastor Aug. 21, 1844; dismissed 1848. Succeeding pastors: Revs. Wheelock Craig, 1849-50; E. G. Carpenter, 1851-59; E. B. Palmer, 1859-62; J. J. Bulfinch, 1862-69; Wm. A. Spaulding, 1870 71; Wm. F. Obear, 1871-79; Chas. E. Andrews, 1881-85; C. D. Crane, 1883-93; and Rev. Rubert B. Mathews trom June i, 1894 to the present. Present membership, 112. A meeting house was erected in 1824, was replaced by the present brick church in 1848 ; dedicated March 8, 1849. Semi-centennial of dedication held 1899. Church remodeled, 1902, and a fine new organ dedicated June 25. SHEEPSCOT BRIDGE M. E. CHURCH. Preaching established in 1800. Class formed 1818. Newcastle circuit, including Newcastle, AIna, Jefferson and Nobleboro, formed 1832. Rev. Moses Donnell appointed pas- tor. Name changed to Sheepscot Bridge circuit, 1869. Re- vivals, i8oo(?), 1829, and 1835. Meeting house dedicated, Jan, 1869. Pastors since 1875: — Revs. D. W. True, 1875; M. G. Prescott, 1876 jt, S. L. Hanscom, 1878-80; J. R. Clif- ford, 1881-83; Jds. A. Morelen, 1884-85; Thos. R. Pentecost, 1886-89; Chas. Rogers, 1890-92; M. S. Preble, 1893; F. W. HISTORICAL 187 Brooks, 189495; Willis A. Meservey, 1896-98; A. E. Morris, 1889-1901; Clias. F. Smith, 1902-04; O. S. Young, 1905-06. South Newcastle and West Ahia are connected with this cir- cuit. Membership of circuit about 80. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH— DAMA. MILLS. This parish, the oldest in New England, was formed in 1796 by Father John Cheverus. Church erected in 1803, dedicated, July 17, 1808. Connected with St. Denis Church of Whitefield. Father Ryan came to these churches in 1818. In 1848 he was succeeded by Father O'Reilly of Augusta, and soon after by Father Moore. Rev. Edward Putnam came in 1850, died in 1865. Father Peterson was pastor from 1866 '0 1875; Father Seneschalchi, 1875 to 1887; Rev. M. C. McDonough, 1887-90; Rev. J. C. Harrington, 1890-95; Rev. Father Ahern, 1895-96; Rev. Alex. Klauder, 1896-97; Rev. John J. McGinnis, 1897; A. C. LaRiviere, 1897-99; and Rev. Thos. J, Nelligan, since Aug. 1899. ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Was consecrated Nov. 22, 18S3, by Bishop Neeley. The parish was organized Friday, Sept. 13, 1889. Rev. Chas, L. 138 NEWCASTLE Short was rector about five years, 1889-94, followed by Rev. Chas. Follen Lee, Sept. 1895 until Nov. 1905, Rev. Dr. W. K. Berry has recently been chosen rector. NEWCASTLE AND ALNA BAPTIST CHURCH Church organized at North Newcastle, Aug. 19, 1820, with ten members. Present meeting house at Alna dedicated 1838, extensively remodeled and repaired 1898. Pastors: — Rev. C. Blanchard, supply, 1828; Gardner Walker, 1831; E. R. Warren, 1834-36; C. Blanchard, 1837-38; A. Wood, 1840; Wm. Day, 1842-47: E. S. Shepard, 1848 50; G. P. Mathews, 1851-56; A. H. Estey, 1858-59; A. H. Gould, 1861-65; G. M. Atkins, 1868-69; A. J. Nelson, 1870-72; H. M. Heyvvood, 1873; S. S. Brownson, 1874-75; E- J- Whittemore, 1877-80; G. R. Barstow, 1883-84; E. N. Pierce. 1886-87; S. E. Pack- ard, 1889-91; W. P. Squires, 1892; Geo. Junkins, 1893-96- Chas Williams, 1896-1902; A. Natino, 1902-04; and F. L. Cann, since July, 1904. Uncoln Academy. Incorporated Feb. 23, 1801. Opened 1805. Daniel Has- kell, preceptor. Academy building erected 1828. Enlarged HISTORICAL 139 about 1858 and the new annex erected, 1897-98. Among the Principals have been Nathan Fiske, 1818-19; Jas. Drummond, 1836-38; Jos. T. Huston, 1841-42; Benj. F. Mitchell, 1842-45; (later a college pres.); H. L. Pierce, L. L. D., 1853-55 (after- wards pres. Rutger's Female ins. N. Y. City); Granville L. Thurlow, 1863-80; W. H. Kelley, 1880-81; C. A. Black, 1881- 84; H. K. White, 1884-93; Samuel H. Erskine, 1892-93; J. E. Dinsmore, 1893-95 and Geo. H. Larrabee, 1895-1906. Civil War Soldiers. The following list has been caiefully compiled from the state Adjutant General's reports, the names of soldiers being taken therefrom which were credited to the town of Newcas- tle; we have also added a few of whom we have learned from other sources. Captains: Samuel W. Clark and Stephen C. Whitehouse; Lieuts.: Jas. C. Dow, Fred E. Hussey, Wm. F. Rundlett and Wilmot Whitehouse. Sergeants: Theo Clark, Freeman W. Hall, Hiram Hatch, Samuel W. Place, Daniel D. Perkins and M. M. L. Hussey. Corporals: Chas. C. Brown, Ephraim Clark, Chis. H. Haggett, Geo. W. Houdlette, John S. March, Simon C. Moody, Chas. G. Nickols, Wm. B. Perkins, and N. B. Waters. Musicians: Frederick Holman and Geo. Hutch- ings. Wagoners: Nathaniel Webb and Albert S. Webb. Major Edwin Flye was paymaster. 140 NEWCASTLE Privates: Joseph Averill, Jas. Atkins, Stinson Averill, Sim- eon Bonney, Henry Brown, Wm. Brown, Chas. Burke, S. H. Cargill, Edwin W. Campbell, Chas. K. Chapman, Alonzo Chapman, John W. Chapman, Galen A. Chapman, Jas. Clark, Theodore Clark, Henry Clements, Benj. A. Colby, Geo. W. Connell, John P. Conner, Benj. A. Curtis, Elijah Cunningham, Wm. Churchill, Elbridge Cothran, Ephraim Clark, Frank A. Dodge, Frank Dodge, Jere. Duly, John Duly, Larkin H. Decker, Eben Dodge, Chas. H. Dow, David Emerson, Patrick Fawley, Patrick Frowley, Alphonso Frost, John A. Glidden, Nelson C. Glidden, Richard Glidden, Geo. Goodwin, Chas. P. Gove, Oscar C. Gove, Willard H. Gove, Almond Hall, Jesse Hall, David L. Hall, Jas. W. Hall, Joseph Henry, Moses W. Hatch, Jos. H. Hiscock, Ira E. Hopkins, Willard C. Hopkins, Orlando Hatch, Edw. R, Hutchings, Chas. W. Johnston, Wm. Jones, John Jones, 2d., Chas. E. Jones, Ephraim L. Jones. Julius A. Jones, Enoch B. Jones, Benj. F. Jones, John H. Jones, Nathaniel C. Jordan, Warren Keene, John Kent, Jesse S. Kinney, Joseph Ci. Lash, Samuel Leighton, John Lewis. Hoffman Lewis, Joseph Libby, Joseph Linscot, Thos. Linscot, James Lynch, A. R. Leighton, John F. Malcomb, Simon L. Malcomb, Wm. A. Mjlcomb, Wm. R. Marsh, John S. Marsh, Peter H. Mathews, Fred'k J. Marston, Edwin A. Merrill, David Moody Jr., Chas. E. Moore, Chas. H. McNear, John McDermot, Geo. McNear, Alonzo McNear, Alfred McNear, Geo. D. Osgood, John A. Otis, Samuel W. Palmer, Gardiner W. Perkins, Sergt. Thos. R. Perkins ( 1861-65) Geo. Perkins. Chas. E. Perkins, Samuel W. Place, Edward B. Pool, Willard HISTOKICAL 141 Reeves, Wm. Rankin, Joseph Samuels, Amasa P. Sherman, Alden E. Sherman, Samuel Sherman, James Shortwell, Wm. Smith, Wm. H. Stetson, Eugene Sweeny, Wm. B. Taylor, Edwin C. Teague, Wm. B. Tibbetts, Eiden Townsend, Joshua Trask, Isaac T. Waters, Nathaniel B. Waters, Wilmot Whitehouse, Albion Winslow, Wm. H. Wiseman. Wm. H. Marsh who came to Sheepscot in 1824 served 17 1-2 years in the British Army and fought under Wellington at Waterloo. His three sons and three sons-in-law, John S., Wm. R. and Jas. H. Marsh, Edwin 1. Hopkins, Thos. H. Blake and Alfred McNear, were all enlisted in the Civil War. Jas. H. Marsh, served in the navy. SOLDIERS. The following who are now residents ol Newcastle enlisted from the town or state specified. Elijah Cunningham, Wis- casset, i86i;Wm. J. Brown, (army and navy) Rockland; Gustavus Hiscock, Jefferson; Jos. A. Hall, Jefferson; 1863 John L. Thompson, Damariscotta; H. E. Webster, Fairfield; Abie! R. Henry, Mass.; Jos. A. Flagg, San Francisco; Edwin J. Ross, Manchester, N. H. Rev. F. V.iNorcross served in the Christian Commission, employed in hospital work and preaching among the sick. 142 NEWCASTLE Town Officers. CLERKS. Joseph Curtis, 1850-55; Rcbert R. Perkins, 1856-59; M. L. M. Hussey, 1860-62; J. S. Perkins, 1863-68; D. S. Glidden, 1869; Albert Glidden, 1870-79; Chas. F. Willard, 1880; Albert Glidden, 1881-87; A. W. Glidden, 1888; Albert Glidden, 1889- 92; Alex. Farnham, 1893-1906. TREASURERS. Joseph Cargill, 1850-52; John Holmes, 1853; E. D. Robin- son, 1854-55; Jos. Cargill, 1856-64; E. M. Shaw, 1865; E. W. Farley, 1866-67; Royal Wiight, 1868-82; Austin Hall. 1883-86; S. D. Wyman, 1887-1901; J. M, Tukey, 1902-06. Selectmen. 1850 — A. S. Austin, Lewis Kennedy, Chas. Pinkham. 1851 — Thos. Boyd, Lewis Kennedy, Chas. Pinkham. 1852 — Thos. Boyd, J. D. Clifford, Chas. Pinkham. HISTORICAL 143 853— D. S. Glidden, J. D. Clifford, Chas. Pinkham. 854_D. S. Glidden, Robert Murray, Chas. Pinkham. 855— D. S, Glidden, Jos. Curtis, Chas. Pinkham. 856 — Thos Boyd, Jos. Curtis, E. D. Robinson. 857— Edwin Flye, Jos. Curtis, Chas. Pinkham. 858— Edwin Flye, F. L. Carney, David Boyd. 859— John T. Achorn, F. L. Carney David Boyd. 860— Jos. Stetson, F. L. Carney, Jos. Emerson. 861— 62— Jos. Stetson, Amos Flye, Chas. Pinkham. 863— 64— Jos. Stetson, Lewis Kennedy, Chas. Pinkham. 865— 70— Richard Bailey, Lewis Kennedy, Chas Pinkham. 87i_Richard Bailey, Chas. Pinkham, Jacob Nelson. 872— 74— Richard Bailey, David Boyd, Jacob Nelson. 875 — Isaac Genthner, David Boyd, Jacob Nelson. 876— 77— Isaac Genthner, David Boyd, E. G. Baker. 878— 79— Ephraim Taylor, Isaac Dodge, John Fuller. 880 Ephraim Taylor, Isaac Dodge, D. S. Preble. 881— Eben Haggett, Isaac Dodge, D. S. Preble. S82— Isaac Dodge, D. S. Preble, T. C. Kennedy. 883— Addison Austin, I. Dodge, D. S. Preble. 884-85— Addison Austin, I. Dodge, A. Carney. 886— Ezekiel Ross, I. Dodge, A. Carney. 887 — A. Austin, I. Dodge, Addison Carney. 888-89 — Ezekiel Ross, I. Dodge, Addison Carney. 890-92 — I. Dodge, Artell A. Hall, A. Carney. 893-94 — A. A. Hall, A. Carney, B. A. Woodbridge. 895.97_A. A. Hall, H. E. Webster, B. A. Woodbridge. 898 — A. A. Hall, Jonathan Dodge, A. Carney. 899— Eben Haggett, J. Dodge, A. Carney. 144 NEWCASTLE 1900-01— Eben Haggett, J. Dodge, F. Vannah. ,902-03— A. A. Hall.F. 1. Carney, W. H. Decker. 1904— A. A. Hall, H. V. B. Nash, W. H. Decker. 1905— H.V. B. Nash, W. H. Decker, L. H. Sidelinger. 1906— 1. Genther, A. S. Trask, G. Bryant. Professional Men PHYSICIANS Dr. Kenelm Winslow, who practiced here in 1763 was. probably the first located phvsician in town. Others have been: Dr. Bush, 1797; Josiah Myjick, in practice forty years; Dr. Lot Myrick, his son, twenty years at Damariscotta Mills; Dr. Samuel Ford, in practice twenty years; Dr. Moses Call, forty years; Dr. John T. Achorn, began about 1835 and con- tinued over 50 years; Dr. John S. Wright removed from Edgecomb, practiced five years before his death; Dr. Fred Hutchings, about five years. Dr. W. S. Hall was located at Sheepscot. LAWYERS John H. Converse removed to Newcastle village from HISTORICAL 145 Damariscotta Mills about 1840 and continued in practice in this localiiy over a quarter of a century. Glidden Bryant is a law graduate but has not yet been admitted to the bar. W. G. LOUD, GEN ER AL STORE. FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN AND COAL ROUND POND, - - MAINE. ? i A Census of IRewcastle, 1006. POPULATION 1072. NOTE: — When no post office is expressed Newcastle is understood Other offices are abbreviated thus: — Damaris- cotta — Dama.; Damariscotta Mills — D. Mills; North Newcas- tle — Nor.; South Newcastle — So.; East Newcastle — East; Sheepscot— Scot; North Edgecomb, R. F. D. No. i— N. Edge. I A *Chas W tr 47 Water Ames, Delia (Tukey ho Nor Hyde Park Mass *Mary T Greenwood Av, Austin, Harriett N (Cunning- governess Waltham Mass. ham Ames, F B nurse D Mills Harriett C ho Emma E (Plummer Austin, Mary L (Teague ho Annable, Chas D ret'd S'cot Mary A (m Chase ho *Emma (m Knapp *Ellen A (m Foster 18 A Central Somerville Mass Almeda, Cal Mary E (Moody ho Addison G tin smith CENSUS 147 Albert T *Louise A(m Rovve Portland Pauline B Baker, Mrs E G (Choate "Maplehurst" Nor Bailey, Gould retd mer Ellen A (Hilton ho *ElIa (m Flag^i Shanghai, China *Elias bank pres & grain buyer, Burwell, Neb Bailey, Joseph far Bailey, George far Bartlett, Chas H far D Mills Emma M ( Bailey ho Sanford S stu Bennett, Catherine (Madigan D Mills Berquist, John S, car Paulina (Johnson ho Alic stone cutter *Elmer Bcothbay H'br eng *\'ictor E gen \vk New York, N Y Josephine (m Francis Martin gen \vk Fritz R gen \vk ♦Alget, P New York N Y Berry, Dr W K Rector St Andrew's Epis Church * Blake, Thos H retd vet 2 Marbury Fer, Roxbury, Mass, summer res S'cot Carrie M ( Marsh *John M R R eng Allston, Mass *Maude (m Vatter Roxbury, Mass *Blake, J M R R eng Allston, Mass Alice (Smith *Blood, E T trav sales Woicester, Mass Grace E (Briggs ho Ethel stu Margaret pi Marion pi Borland, Mrs Samuel(Metcalf *Benj M ranchman Steamboat Springs, Colo Grace A Boyd, L Pi contr & bldr Lottie E (Wood ho Bragdon, Ernest car & mill wk S'cot Eva E (Marsh ho Lizzie pi Bragi'on, M A ptr Nor Sadie M (Barstow ho Brown, Wm J retd vet Nor *Wilbur W jeweller Middleton, N H *Lulu (m Johnson R F D Centre Harbor, N H Br\'ant, Nathaniel lumber Amanda (Weeks ho Ralph N asst cash Dama 148 NEWCASTLE Glidden Natl Bk law O Campbell, B W Nor far Mary L (Tukey ho *Geo E Mass nurse Ella M at home Campbell, Laura A (Nelson Nor ho Norman N far Antoinette F (m Hodgkins Campbell, N N Nor far Lillian A (Wilson ho Wilson F Norma E Robert G Campbell, Daniel J far & genl \vk Edith C (Pinkham ho Mary E pi Ruby L pi Roxy M pi Bertha S pi Oscar H Carlisle, Walter lab Carney, FrankliniL retd|S'cot F Irving far & ch bd of Co Commisr *Iva A (m Doe 86 Chandler, W Somerville Mass *Clarence E real est & ins II Lebanon, Maiden, Mass Carney, F 1 far & ch bd Co S'cot Commissioners Richard I col stu Marion J stu Doris L stu Flora I (m Sprague Gladys E pi RuthM Alice G Carney, Edwin H ret'd S'cot *Maud 1 (m West Wis i Carney, Addison ret'd S'cot Norman H eng Carney, N H eng S'cot Elizabeth (Marsh ho Luther E stu Roswell H pi Chapman, Omar E sea capt Alda A (Barstow Belle M at home Chapman, J Wm ptr Grace G (Given ho Alice G pi Chapman, Dr Rufus Cdentist J W m ptr *Mary C (m Stetson Dama Chapman, Warren N far Nor *Gertrude (m Royal 53 Sumner, Rochester, N H Ernest W far Gladys M ho Flora E (Chase ho Chase, Mary F (Austin ho Isabel A at home *Helen L (m Gammans CENSUS 149 2301 San Antonio ave ington Place, Pittsfield, Mass Almeda Calif *Homer C law Neillsville, Florence G bk kpr Wis Jonathan H bus coll stu Clark, Fred B R R ser Chase, Laura A (Woodward Isie B (Genthner ho Chase, Wm F far S'cot Millard S pl Annie S( Boy nton ho Bertha 1 Auf'ustus F pl Clark, Alice M pl Dama Chase, Nora A (Leighton ho Clark, Alda V (Hatch ho S'cot D Mills Arthur C coll stu *CIifford A R R eng Sunnie E stu Milford N H Annie P stu Lena E tr Sarah E stu Norman H Roscoe M pl Willis C Helen W pl Chester M pl Chase, Ann (Carney S'cot Clarke, Leander D Mills far Chellis, Annie H (Follinsbee Sarah E (Perkins ho ho D Mills *Sam'l W elec *John M harness mkr 10 Clifton W Somerville, Ashland Mass ^ass Choate, Ellen A Theodore L far "Maplehurst" Nor Clarke, T L far D Mills Clark, A Emeline (Palmer ho Jessie (Erskine ho D Mills Zoa E stu ^Uulia C (m Hopkins 27 Catherine stu Clinton, So Framingham Mass Theo L Jr *Lovesta W box inspector Clarke, Mary (Waltz D Mills II Fred'k So Framingham, Wellington fisher Mass Clarke, Ephraim far D Mills *Berthena A (m Chellis Sophronia M (Lailer ho Ashland, Mass *Susie C (m Haggett ho Phrona M at home Baltimore Md *Orlando A over loWurth- Clifford, Henry W 150 NEWCASTLE supt elct It plant Susette (Glidden ho Henry W Jr Clifford, Louisa ( *Ide!la ( m Murray Boothbay Clifford, John L mer Dama Martha F (Hussey Marion L at home Henry W supt Twin Vil Water Co Arthur H stu Connell, Delia A D Mills Corson, Harry W c\ Sadie S (Wyman ho Cothran, Geo W far N Edge i Cornelia M (Rogers Roger B Maria G Geo O Crooker, Ralph pi Nor Grossman, Sadie E (Bond- holm N Edge I Cunningham, Elijah vet Esther (Sidelinger ho Edward P genl wk Cunningham, N Elizabeth (Wallace ho Cunningham, S C far S'cot Clara C (Wilson ho *Herbert trav sales 36 Francesca av,W Somerville Mass EJdred ins bus & far Cunningham, Joseph far So Eunice (Sherman *Alex bridge bidr Calais Annie (m Gray Cunningham, Jos E far So Cunningham, Edw P lab Bessie (McNear ho Lester P stu Alice M pi Curtis, Abbie (Curtis *Wm H chief mate Dama Cushman, Jas far Minnie (Creamer ho Celia Howard far Clara stu Sadie stu D Decker, Mary J (Genthner retd Nor Nancy (m Parsons Wm H far & bik *Bell bottle wrapping 186 Warren, Roxbury, Mass Decker, Wm H far & blk Nor Clara (Tomlinson ho Frank M baggage mas L Anita pi Dodge, Arthur E prolet East Rosie M (Dodge ho Ava F Dodge, Mary A (Wilson ho East Archie H f?r CENSUS 151 A Eugene Prolet Myra D (m Schroeder Dodge, Calvin G far East Ellen F (m Dodge Howard A gen \vk Dodge, Ellen F (Dodge East Rosie M (m Dodge Dodge, Thomas far N Edge i Annie R (Cunningham Etta C (m Symonds Wilder T bridge bldr *Henry M hostler, Dama Hattie E Achsa M pi Bryon P pi Chas W Dodge, Mansfield C far N Edge I Mary E (Dodge ho *Roscoe H far Bootlibay Benj R pl Austin S pl Dodge, Frank H far N Edge i May (Cay field ho Guy M Florence M Dodge, Chas F bridge bldr Jessie E (Delong ho Elsie M stu Laura A K pl Dodge, Royal W ret'd Caroline H (Perkins ho *Granvill L cook on vessel *Sidney B broker Roxbury Mass Carrie G (m Wyman Dodge, Elizabeth (Haggett ho N Edge 1 Everard G plurnb & far *Ed\vin L plumbing and heating bus92 Lowell, Somer- ville. Mass Dodge, Everard G plumber & far N Edge Martha (Abbott ho *Minnie E (m Munsey Somerville, Mass *E Luther mach Henry A stu Dodge, Eben ret'd vet East *Willard ship car Bath *Woodbury blk Boothbay *Orin far Backriver da M ho Boothbay *Edith (m Boyd Backriver ♦Arthur H blk Squirrel Island Dodge, Mary E (Light ho D Mills Fred'k C R R ser Herbert H far *Winthrop mach Peabody, Mass Alonzo H far & eng Minnie M (m Potter *Clarence C brass molder 45 Water, Hyde Park, Mass *Hattie H (m Reed 152 NEWCASTLE Boothbay *Eliza R (m Garside 55 Summer, Hyde Park, Mass *Lottie R (m Boyd Backriver Clara C ho Dodge, A H far & eng D Mills Jeanette W (Jones ho & tr Dodge, Frank far So Mabel (Humphrey ho Ainsley H pi Heber B pi Lillian M pi Charles L Dodge, Horatio far So S Angeline (Adams ho Jonathan far & car *Dora M (m Smith *Walter I elej eng 388 Essex ave Buffalo N Y *WilIie A bridge car Wiscasset *Frank E elec 15 Natalie Hartford Conn Fred S far & car Dodge, F S far & car So Lillian M (Humphrey Hattie M Dodge, W W mer Dama Carrie M (Richardson ho Rex W stu Leon . stu Gwendolyn Dodge, Jonathan far Sarah H (Fields ho Herman F far Dodge, Bert E far Cora M (Jordan ho Clifford C pi Isaac W pi Carrie A Dodge, Seth W shoe bus Wilder W mer Dama, *Anna W (m Whidden 5317 DeLancey Phila Pa Susan (Brown ho Dodge, Irene A ho Dodge, Arabella (Kennedy ho Donahoe, Mary ho Dow, Joseph far 5 'cot Eudora R (Potter ho *EIva A (m Lewis Dama *Chas W carge mkr Amesbury Mass Annie L ho Ida M ho Georgia A ho J Loring pi Henry E pi Chester N pi Dow, Loring S'cut Ann E (Munsey Wm geni wk Joseph far *Loring Jr truck San Fran- cisco, Cal Doyle, Anastasia D Mills ho Dray, James ex car CENSUS 153 Mary E (Molony ho Abbie E (Avery ho Helena E dr mkr Erskine, A B millman Nor Andrew H pi Home hi AIna Dunbar, Mary (Clark ho Erskine, C W far Nor *Marion (m Winslow Lizzie (Wright ho Portland Helen (m Tuttle E Anna M at home Eastman, Emeline (Carney Erskine W B far Nor ho S'cot Sarah (Erskine ho *Clara R (m Feltman C Esther Fitchburg, Mass Marion L Eldridge, Lydia J (Stoddard Erskine, Emma J (McLean D Mills ret'd Nor ♦Grace G (m Harvey Walton B . far Weston Mass Erskine, Lewis W far and *Katie S (m R^nd auctioneer. Nor Waverly Mass. *Celia T (m Mandant Elms, A F trav sales Cliftondaie, Mass Mary (Kemp ho Jennie F (Harley ho *Wm H restaurant em Erskine, Elva B (Hunt ho Camden D Mills *Martha (m Fountain Hartley A pi 384 Armour, Boston, Mass Edna H Jessie E (m Herbert F jV\aud E ho Farnham, Alex coal dlr Freda L trav sales Fainham, Eunice T ho Elms Carl L Farnsvvorth, Solomon blk Emerson, Roscoe far \vk Nor N Edge 1 Emerson, Wm H far Nor Winifred G (Hassen ho Raymond F pi Daniel M Mary E (Foster ho John H Emerson, Joseph far Fernald, Clara M (Hussey ho Sarah T (Wales ho Margie L at home Erskine, Chas Wi far Nor Fickett, M F jeweller bus 154 NEWCASTLE Dama Fish, Sarah E (Sawyer *Annie B (Medina W Somerviile, Mass *Ella M (m Parker W Somerviile, Mass Fred E mill wk *Dan B barber Boston, Mass *Maud E (m Pillsbury W Somerviile, Mass *Eva (m Black 19 Winter, Boston, Mass Fish, Fred E mill wk Josie (Burnham ho Willie E pi Marion M pi *Harold pi Dama Irene C pi Beatrice V pi Flagg, Jos A far *Forest A far Jefferson i Lenora (Hilton ho Flye, Edwin far S'cot Harriett (Labaree ho *Wm L elec eng 330 W 28th St N Y City S Louise artist Flye, Mrs Amos retd *Clarence meat cut Charlestown, Mass *Harriet, F (m Nye Wiscasset Edith G (m Tukey *Mary (m Richards Wiscasset Flye, Harrison far S'cot Rachel H (Leighton ho Walter H pi Flye, Albion W far S'cot Annie S (Pratt ho Follansbee, Mathew H car D Mills Ford, Arietta B (Myrick *Louise M ( Lynch 67 Park St Ave Jamaica Plains Mass Francis, Louisia (Clifford ho Nelson J far Francis, Nelson J far Josephine A (Berquist ho Stanton F pi Merret R pi Leon A Lawrence E Paule E Francis, Jacob truck Mabel (Eastman ho Josephine pi French, David M pi Nor Fuller, John far Nor Mary E (m Sargent *Jc:hn W shoe mfgr Lynfield, Mass *Maria (m Simpson Dama Furlong, Mary L (Hanley ho *Thersa A (m Haley Cambridge, Mass CENSUS 155 Elizabeth F G Gamage, Wm J trav sales Bessie ( Keene ho ^Gardiner, Chas P summer resdt, Brookline, Mass Emma F (Glidden bo Mary (m Cabot Brookline, Mass Gay, P H coal dlr & grocer Addie J (Sproul ho 1 homas E Joseph D Gelschen, Gerda ho Nor Genthner, E S R R ser Nellie V (Humphrey Sylvan B stu George E pi Evelyn M pi Genthner, Isaac ch selectman *Rufus F trav sales Dama Eleanor F nurse Genthner, Solomon D far Everett S section fore *Idella V (m Rogers 45 Trufant, Bath Isie B (m Clark Glidden, Nath'l B retd Rachel C ( House ho ♦Osmond N cl 1 Allston Ct Cambridge, Mass *Maria (m Pierce W Suuthport Gliddfu, I) S uo(j1 & poultry dlr Adelaide L (m Willard Glidden, Mrs John M Joseph W John M Arthur B *Mary (m Winslow Boston, Mass Amy G Susan (m Clifford Anna C W Glidden, Alonzo W postmaster Ella (Perkins Glidden, Susan F ret'd tr Gove, Chas H car Annie L (Cunningham Wallace H lab *Arthur N pi S S B So Portland *Leon C pi S S B So Portland Ella H pi Geo Eldred pi Beatrice I pi Gladys E Grant, E B sawyer Nor Minnie (Palmer Winnifred R pi Horace D pi *Gray, Warren car Perth Am boy, N J Annie (Cunningham Dama Grten, Chas mill w k 156 NEWCASTLE Gross, Edward far Nor Mary (Overlock ho Nina pi Edna Edward H sea capt retd Hoelstad, H J May (Hall Haggett, Ebenezer Eleanor C (Clark *E R lumber Baltimore, Md *Katie H (m Warren Spencer, Mass *Arthur S prof of Greek Seattle, Wash ^Eleanor C (m Wright Cambridge Md Hall, Chas E far J Etta (Murphy ho *Lawrence plumber Jamaica Plain, Mass Sadie M stu Hall, Edw K far D Mills Viola M (Hodgkins ho Hall, Lincoln H far D Mills Rinda (Hodgkins ho *Chas O pattern mkr Lawrence, Mass David M Sheridan stu Hall, Jesse disabled soldier D Mills Jane A (Humphreys *ida F (m Williams Readfield -i=Everett F assist P M Augusta ^Arthur C cl Waterville *Emile B fgt agt Gardiner Hall, James F sawyer Belle (Stain ho Irene A pi Alice L Angella G Infant Hall, Wilder hostler Hall, Jos A vet *Alden A far Dama Mills Inez E (Hodgkins ho Ross E G stu Hall, Orlando truck Henrietta (McNear *Royal R livery Dama *Jas H harness mkr Rockland *Grace M compositor Norwood, Mass Lillian M at home Raymond pi Hall, Rufus L R R ser Myra (McNear ho Hall, Chas A R R ser Laura (Achorn ho Wm G R R ser Hall, Austin lumber Hall, Austin D lumber CENSUS 157 Hall, Elijah retd mer Caroline A (Rollins ho *Howard E law Dama *Carrie A (m Piper Dama Nellie J at home May E (m Hoelstad Hall, Joseph T far S'cot Belle C (Averell ho Leonard E pi Hall, Almcnd far S'cot Susan C (Dickenson *Harry E elec Goodwin pi, Brookline, Mass Hall, D B horse breeder Lucretia (Cole ho David B Jr stu Reta pi Hall, Artell A millman *Norman C far Dama *Pauline (m Gilpatrick Rumford Falls Mary A ho *Clara J milliner & mer Rumford Falls *Cora B(m Sykes San Diego, Cal James F mill \vk *Roxie H ( m Huston [Jam a ^^Wm C R R break 7 Middle, Brunswick *Artell A, Jr yard master Rumford Falls ^Herbert enii Woolwich *Alice P milliner Rumford Falls *Gertrude (m Trask Rumford Falls *Blaine R R cond Woolwich Hall, Fredr'k W far S'cot Jane W (Noyes ho *Beula L (m Mahoney 97 College, W Somerville, Mass Annie H tr *Hall, Alfred A far Nor Delia M (Banks ho Nor Hall, Mary E (Whitehouse Stephen N R R ser Orlando team *Ida M (m Harvey Sandy Hill, N Y *Everett R R ser 12 Sulli- van, Charlestown, Mass Hanly, Robert H far Sarah A (Erskine ho Ross H pi Frank E Hanly, Geo cook Stella (Sidelinger Harrington, Herbert G gen wk Ellen G (Colby ho James 1 pi Geneva A pi Gladys M Viola G Harrington, Laura R (Hill ho Harrison, Edw far S'cot Mary J ( Dilman ho 158 NEWCASTLE Hassan, C Wm car Nor Frances (Trask-Siegars Myrtie F pi Nena F pi Millard Y pi Clifton A Lottie M Bessie M Hasson, Chas Y lab Nor Dorothy (Rankin ho C Willie car *George E livery Boothbay Har *Cora (m Weaver Nt^r Annie (m Trask Leonard M car & ptr *Walter fm hd Alna Hasson, L M car & ptr Nor Lulu E (Brown ho Edith M Hatch, Julia A (Hatch Edbury W carver *Chas E eng Dama Anniabell dr mkr *Eugene I Supt Water Wks Eureka, Cal *Crovvell E eng S S Tre- mont, Boston S S Co Seattle Wash J Gertrude asst P M Hatch, W S sea capt Eva A (Hatch ho Hanshalter, Geo M artist "Neshotah"S'cot Clara (Wilder ho Henry, Harriett ho Herbert, Jessie (Elms Malcolm E Heyer, Rebecca E (Wallace ho East Hiscock, Gustavus far Nor Abbie B (Jones William ship car Maude C ho Alice C ho Hiscock, Wm ship car Nor Florence (Ripley ho Ella May Hodgkins, Dan'l W retd tr D Mills Alice L (Bartlett nurse ho *Sunie E stenog Augusta Ella R stu Alton R stu Hodgkins, Tilden S mer & P M, Nor Ant('inette (Campbell Hopkins, Bedfield far D Mills Stella C (Hunt ho Hopkins, Wilburt far D Mills Belle F (Lincoln ho Hopkins, Joseph C far D Mills Priscilla A (Maddocks ho *Fred J far Jeferson 'i'Frank C police off Somer- \ille, Mass Josephine P Hopkins, Geo A' far CENSUS l59 Hopkins, Martha A ho Martha S (Robinson Hopkins, Mary R ho Christine E pi Hopkins, Frances G T Hutchings, John mill \vk Nor (Lenox retd Bessie ( *Georgie F (m Hitchcock Lenora pi 73 Bartlett Maiden, Mass I *Henry C mer 32 Market Irish, Wm H shoe mkr Portsmouth N H D Mills Mary L ho Mary P (Perkins ho House, Eibridge fm \vk Dama *W F mgr shoe store Hull, Robert lab 372 Oxford London Eng Annie F (Cunningham J Chas R lab Jenkins, M Louise (Murray Winfield S lab sum res Nor Mabel F pi *Louise (m Denny Hunt, Ellen (Thompson 32 E 62d, N Y City D Mills Jones, Jos R coasting trade Stella C (m Hopkins S'Cot *lda M (m Williamson ' Mary J (Hewey ho Riverside, R 1 Nina R ol Elva B {m Erskine Josephine T pi Clarence N far Jones, Geo C far D Mills Hunter, Mary E (Pinkham Lizzie N (Embleton ho D Mills Alta B Hussey, Dwight A dry good Alice W mer, Dama Helen B pi Nellie M (Poage Leland C pi D Thurlow pi Caroline L pi Doris A ^ pi Hazel E pl Hathorn H pl Jones, W H millman D Mills R Louise pl Helen M (Frizzell ho Hussey, Guy W cl Dama Alice E pl Huston, Joel P cashier Jones, John S retd D Mills Dama Bank Jones. Enos T D MilL 160 NEWCASTLE Emma J (Barllett ho *Li\vrence oiler cutter Woodbury, Portland Jones, J A far Nor Miranda (Tuttle K Karlson, Theresia W ho Nor Kavanagh, Richard L Kavanagh, F M far D Mills Kavanagh, Lizzie D Mills Keene, Chas E far & car S'cot *Abbie (m Kent Bremen *Sarah P (m Weston Bremen *Waite W car i Brackett Milton, Mass *Ruth E stenog 207 Cumb Av Portland Abbie S (Lewis ho Kelsey, Wm H car Lura E (Patch ho *Stillman H s s vvk E Auburn Leslie H Kennedy, Jerome far S'cot Eugene W blk Kennedy, E W blk S'cot Susan (Roberts ho Albert W far Kennedy, Thos C retd Laura A ( Weeks ho Esther H Laura W Kennedy, T F blk Sadie (Vinal ho T Albert pi M Ellen Kennedy, Volutia (m Mitchell Nor *Edwin S fact fore Norvvalk, Conn L Lailer, Austin H far & butch Harriet L (Chaney ho ^Gilbert C emp commis- sion ho 79 Partridge av, Som- erville. Mass Fred W far Lailer, Fred W far Mattie G (Walker ho Harriett I Josephine C Austin H Mabel C Lam son, Wm W ptr Lamson, Sunie V ho Larrabee, Geo H Prin Lincoln Acad Myrta C (Skillings Phillip H stu H Paul pi Lawrence, Rev David retd clerg D Mills Leadbeater, Chas H fm hd Nor Leighton, Rachel H (m Flye ho S'cot CENSUS 161 *Chas C sales O.ik Lane, Phila, Pcnn Lewis, Frank far Edith (York ho Gladys Louise Libby, J L saw mill wk S'cot *Wilder pi SVot Hattie (Hodgmanho Light, Albert M team Nor Ethel F (Poole ho Light, Frank W far Susan L (Rose ho Lewis W pi Arzetta A pi Mary E pi Light, Lizena (Light ho Nor *Annie F (m Fowles Alna Albert M team Orlo A far Sadie E (m Pond Lizzie M (m Orne Ada C ho Angle M ho ='=Blanche G ho Dama Ethel L pl Lincoln, Ahbie B (Morgan ho D Mills Herbert W stu Frank M pl Austin W pl Joushan E pi Jessie M pl Lincoln, Sarah W ho D Mills Lincoln, Mary A ho I) Mills Lincoln, Bell F (Mosher Marion G ho Linscott, Albion gardener Helen M (Offer ho Mildred F pl Ida E pi Bertha M pl Linscott, Frank gardener Clara (Matthews ho Lillian C pi Marion M pi Lowell, Gilbert E cl S'cot Charlotte A (Curtis cl Mary E stu FreJi'k \V pl Lowell, Elwell C far S'cot Grace G (Additon ho Lynch, Mary (Rice Lynch, Sarah E (Lewis John S far *Wm D cl Boston Mass M Malcolm, Mitchell far i N Edge Lizzie L (m Perkins Allen M pl Blaine pl March, F E marble & monu- mental wk Sunie M Fred S marble wk *Frank C druggist Waldoboro Marsh, J S retd vet S'cot 162 NEWCASTLE Marie J (Leighton ho Horace B far Ernest S genl wk Lizzie M (m Carney Eva M (m Bragdon Marsh, H B far S'cot Iva C Averell ho Ruth M Clifton H Mathews, Rubert B Cong clerg Jessica (Tui', Bradford sea capt Randolph N Edjze I *Edward far Pittston Rupee (McKinney dr mkr Moore, Matthew C butch Nor *Metcalf, Horace American Mosher, J E lumber sales Consul, Nevvcastle-on-Tyne Martha (Stanton England Murphy, Dennis marb'e cut Addie (Glidden Sarah L (Wentworth *Annie (m Parsons Dama *Wm D compositor Mary D • Bridgeport, Conn Mitcliell, Jolin W Nor Addie M compositor ♦Herbert L bk kpr T Fred'k cl Medfield Mass Murphy, John J marble cutter Volutia (Kennedy Hannah (Connell ho ^i'Malony, Jas R plumber Joseph R stu Portland Murray, Gertrude Nur Moody, Gilman far Nor Murray, Helen at home Nor Ellen M (Huntington N *Emma K (m Nelson Nash, Geo P car Richmond Gertrude E (York ho *Percy J orchardist Brent- Cora E stu wood, Calif Lillian G stu *AIice M (m Cunningham Ernest A pl Nor Wilder V pl *NelIie M (m Bryant Nor Madeline L ♦Elbert W blk Sanger Calif Nash, H V B retd mer Nor *Lizzie A (m Huntington Florence W (Ryder Litchfield, i8 Henry pi ♦Florence A (m Wight Rebecca pl 25 Kingsbury, Gardiner Nash, Samuel W far D Mills *Clara G (m Geyer Nor Lizzie A (Chapman tr 164 NEWCASTLE Marcedes I (m Hatch ho *Alphonso W sailer Natman, Wm S'cot Norcross, Rev Flavius V retd Sarah B (Little ho Norwood, Zaccheus far Helen E (Haiiley Joseph E far Nutter, Richard E team Sarah L (Hatch ho Carrie L pi Warren H pi O Oliver, Ida (m Paine So Marshall lineman *Florence No Edgecomb ho Oliver, W H eng Sarah J (Lothrop ho Charlie Leroy *Orne, Ewgene H lab Dama Lizzie M (Light Nor Otis, Wm E far Nellie A (Sherman ho P Packard, Thomas H far & rd commiss Alice M (Given ho Page, Cushman S brick mkr Pauline A (Wheeler ho *Flora A (m Staples Dorchester, Mass *Irving C steam fitter New York, N Y Paine, Ida (Oliver ho So Parsons, Chas W trav sales Sarah R (Sherman ho Hilda W Parsons, Jos B lumber Nor Nancy (Decker ho Gertrude M tr H Lawrence pi Patterson, Augustus far N Edge I Flora B (Decker ho Raymond A pi Patterson, Wm H car N Edge I Nellie (Church ho Pearson, F E , poultry Marion (Perry ho Francis E Jr pi Marion E Donald M Pearson, Mary A (Bridgham Ruth N Pierce, Fannie ho Perkins, Thos R pension & ins agt, Dama -''Daniel T 1ns agt Gardiner *Chas F car Dama Nellie M (m Robinson '■'Wm A S mill wk Gardiner Lee E car Perkins, Lee E car Elizabeth D (Malcolm Annie L Perkins, Anioinette C (Hag- CENSUS 165 gett ho Piiikham, Emma M tr ^Brainard car E Saugus, Pinkham, Geo F far Mass L3 Mills *Amos H L car Melrose, Kezia A (Beals ho *Effie A (m Knieb Arthur A fireman 815 Goldgate av, San Fran- Edith C (m Campbell Cisco, Calif *StelIa M (m Reed Dresden =i=Fannie C (m Gorton *Harry M R R fireman 419 Broadway, Lynn, Mass E Somerville, Mass =i=Ward mer E Saujius, Mass *Oscar S R R fireman *Mercy H (m Bartlett E Somerville, Mass 130 South, Reading, Mass *Howard F R R fireman John M car E Somerville, Mass *Dana A trav sales Emma H pl 58 Willow av, Bo>ton, Mass Place, Nettie H (Place ♦Elsie D music tr 186 Maple Edvvin H R R ser Lynn, Mass Samuel W far Perkins, John M car Place, S W far Helen W (Erskine ho Margaret B (Hatch Efifie A pl Miriam W H Louise Plummer, C W agt Lewiston Perkins, Mary H seamstress Journal Perkins, Georgia ho Ada (Jones ho Perkins Jas F antique dlr Clifton A stu Perkins, Wm M lab Plummer, Emma E (Mitchell Perkins, Clara A nurse D Mills Perkins, Everett A far Lester M pl Elvina H (Hatch Poage, Nellie (m Hussey Andrew E *Edwin F mer miller Perron, Eugene A barber Ashland, Ky Dama Helen Marguerite music stu Hulda (Peterson ho Pond, John M car Nor Pierce. Sarah ho Sadie E ( Light ho Pinkham, Mary E ho Irene L 166 NEWCASTLE Potter, F L far S'cot Chas J pi Minnie IVl (Dodge ho Rankin, Wm H Jr far vvk Hattie M pl L) Mills Sunie E pl Gertrude F (Woodside Frank pl Georgie L Fred W pl Reay, John mill vvk Nor Edna G Mabel (Trask ho Pottle, Geo far S'cot Ethel G pl Lena (Freeman ho Lillian M pl Horace pl Iva A pl Harry pl John H Ray pl Catherine S Mary pl Reed, Lucy A (Brown Maurice pl *E Waldo mer George pi Oriental Tea Co, 87 Court, Pottle, S H far Boston, Mass -''Hannah F (m Page Reed, P O ammonia & bluine Gardiner mfg S'cot *Emeline (m Elliott *Wm W mach i Clifford Ct Gardiner Gloucester, Mass Preble, Jas B iron moulder Frances S (Wiseman S'cot Reed, T Brooks far S'cot Theressa (O'Brien ho *Flora S (m Leavitt Putnam, Mary (Fitzpatrick Wiscasset N Edge I Clara M tr R *Chas R drug Augusta Rand, C B mill fore *Ralph H sales Cliftondale Myra E (Oliver ho Mass Walter B pl Reeves, John W lab Rankin, Wm H fisherman Addie (Sidelinger D Mills Victor E pl Etta E (McDonald ho Lawrence W pl Mary L (m Flint ho Doris A "Wm H far v^k Infant CENSUS 167 Rice, Edw far N Kdoe 1 Nor RLe, Augustus far N bdge i *Julia saleslady, 50 Union Richards, J G K retd Pk, Boston, Mass Alice H (King J Arlluir pi Fred'k G stu Scliroeder, Hverett A Roberts, Susan (m Kennedy marine eng East ho S'cot Myra D (Dodge Martha L ho John K Robinson, Wm S mach Shattuck, Wihnot G far & Nellie M (Perkins dr mkr lumber Riijlins, Chas B far at Glidden *Marcia (m Jacobs Houlton estate *George W miner Linda A (Sidelinger *Margaret (m Tobin l-illa M pi Wolfboro, N H Josephine B pi Jos B far & lumber Jjimes M *Clara B (m Niles Houlton Charlena L Shattuck, Ward L tar Ross, Edwin J retd vet Sherman, Alden E far So Mary A (Nichols ho Mary E (Eaton ho *Edwin J Jr tisher Alice G (m Merry New Harbor *Mabel E (m Dodge Laura E stu Wiscasset Ross, Ezekiel retd *Fred L cl 23 Pleasant, Esther H (Weeks ho Maiden, Mass Roundy, Valley Louise pi Wilbur F bridge inspector Nor ^Herbert A cl 23 Pleasant, Rowe, Geo L fm wk D Mills Maiden, Mass Rundlett, Mary E ho Nor Charles L sta agt Ryder, Rebecca C (Murray Ella M at home Nor Sherman, C H far Florence W (m Nash Josephine (Reed ho Murray far *Chas E barber Dama S * Augusta (m Page Dama Sargent, Mary E (Fuller ho Sarah (m Parsons 168 NEWCASTLE Josephine c\ Albert H Sherman, O W mer Eliza A (Hassen ho Dama Smith, W A far N Edge i *W H phy Bow.'oinham Dora M (Dodge ho Eva J (Clisby ho *Sadie A (m Gibbons Sidelinger, Sarah J(Genthner 4 Monument Terrace W Med- dr mki ford, Mass *hiez (m Oliver Nobleboro Isabel S at home I Alton J far Maude P *Fannie M lio 1 1 3 Main, Sidelinger, Lowell H car Bradford, Mass Mary 0(Rines ho Clara E pi '*Walter L nurse Lodi Cal Horatio pi Sidelinger, Earl pi Edgar pi Sidelinger, Leo pi Helen pi Sidelinger, Oscar E lab Marion pi D Mills Harold Ida E (Sherman ho Smith, Seward P far Nor Mary E (m Trask Carrie (Morgan ho *Ella M (m Webster Arthur B pi Sanford Mary A pi Addie B (m Reeves Smith, Frank B far Nor Sidelinger, D W woodsman Smithwick, Frank Flora (Campbell ho dept col of custom's Siegars, Frances (m Hassan Caroline (Austin ho ho Nor *N Austin mech eng Ernest genl wk Seneca Falls, N Y *Lucinda ho *Frank L drug Dama John E pi Marsena P phy and sur 2 Dora E pi Whitefield Arlington, Boston, Mass Simonton, S M far S'cot *Harold mech eng *Lizzie (m Metcalf Rumford Falls Merriam, Kan Smithwick, Clara G (Rafter ^gdwin A So Omaha, Neb ho D Mills CENSUS 169 James E far Taylor, Edward sawyer Mary C stu Teague, Edwin C cabinet mkr Fred L pi U Mills Paul F pi Annie M ( Landers ho Somes, S F blk N Edge i *Mary E (m Chase ho SpragLie, Anthony mill wk Bath Sprague, E B far & genl wk Teague, Harriet (Austin Almore far Thomas, (Jhas E car Nor Flora (m Carney Hattie M (Trask ho *Dora (m Winchenhaugh Thompson, John retd Waldoboro Thompson, John L carge ptr Sprague, Almon E far M Elizabeth (Wyman ho Mary E (Shaw ho *Corinna (m Ordway M Prisulla stu 2 Whittemore PI. Prov. R. I. Stain, Belle (m Hall *Judson W mer Leland F pi Chihuahua, Mex Stetson, Isaac C grocer bus *Ralph C mer Dama Chihuahua, Mex Hattie F (Glidden ho Thurston, Wm far D Mills Gerald A app printer * Fannie H (m Oliver J Glidden stu Nt )bl. :^boro Arthur D Pl Cleveland G tr Stetson, John law sum res Gertrude S Delia (Libby Walter S *Jost'ph New York Chester Marion Gilbert M pl Stickney, l^ando Iph liniment Tibbetts, F P blk mfgr Amanda F (Brown ho Family Elza blk Symonds, Mary (Coffm ho Tomlinson, 1^ E prop El ireka *William Milford Mass Laundry ♦Frank P Pser Saugus,Mass Jennie ( Hay ward T -^-Tomlinson, Jas S ship car Taylor, John lisher 59 Sawyer, So Portland 170 NEWCASTLE Trask, Geo E mer P M & lumber S'cot, home in Alna Trask, Adoniram S retd D Mills Alison F (Austin *A William mach Attleboro, Mass Josephine M stu Alison R pi E Austin pi Trask, Sarah A (McDonald Alna *Mary E (m Carleton Alna Willis far Frances E (m Hassan J Henry mill wk Mabel (m Reay Everett B genl wk Trask, Willis far Nor Annie M (Hasson ho Ruby L pi Trask, Elizabeth E"(Ware ho Nor *Uriah P s s wk Abington Mass *Lewis A s s wk Auburn -'-Benj W s s wk Abington, Mass Hattie (m Thomas Trask, Henry J mill wk Nor Mary E (bidelinger Alice P Trimble, J Delmege real est Nor Emma A (Murray =i'Marie W (m Dove Litchfield, Conn '•'Roswell D tea planter Somerville, S C E Louise at home Ruth at home Tukey, F E Pres First Nat'l Bank of Da ma Edith G (Chapman Tukey, J M, Capt retd seamen Mary H (Knowlton Fred E *Frank M phy & .^ur Bridgeport Conn Mary M at home Tuttle, Miranda (m Jones Nor Guy Roy car & ptr Tuttle, Guy R car & ptr Nor Helen (Erskine ho V Vannah, Walter E far D Mills Bertha M (Wilson ho Kenneth W pi Vannah, Geo retd D Mill Mary J (Hall ho *AImore K shoe op Freeport Walter E far Vannah, B F far & live stock dlr Nor Emma I (Hall ho CENSUS 171 Chester H stu Elsa A pi *Vatter Raymond bk kpr 2 Marbury Ter Roxbury Mass Maude M (Blake Eleanor Vinal, Frank J lab Annie E (Uodge ho Iva M pi Harry L pi Vinal, Margaret (Noyes retd -•^Marcellus car 34 Maverick Chelsea Mass *Sa\vyer lab Dama '=-Wiii W car Jefferson Frank L lab *lda M (m Johnson Clifton Arizona *Jennie (m Barker 3 Alexandria, Roxbury, Mass Belinda ho Sadie (m Kennedy ho W Wade, Frank M eng Lena A (Sidelinger Bryant C cl Walsh, Walter B coachman Katharine E (Kennedy ho Mary K pi Walter J pi Waltz, Loring lab iJ Mills *Eva (m Haskell Lewistcn Waters, Isaac T peddler Emma E (Hodgkins Waters, N B retd vet Abbie J ( Barter ho *Emma (m Harris dr mkr 72 Merrimac, Haverhill, Mass *Annie M (m Jones Dama Bessie M at home Webb, Hannah dr mkr Webb, Roxie S Webster, H E trial justice D Mills Mary A (Merrill *Robert M lab Nobel Frank E baker Mary M (m Oliver ho *Chas C mill op Sanford Weeks, Frank eng Laura M (Frost ho Mildred M pi Weeks, Elijah B retd car Caroline (Hodgkins Ida C ho *John M cabinet mkr Charlestown, Mass White. John G far Winifred K (Hammond Mary Louise pi Whitehouse, Albert far D Mills Westley far *Ella (m Gray Southport Hattie E *Jennett (m Mitchell l)#rchester, Mass Everett S far 172 NEWCASTLE Lydia J (Eldridge Ethel B (m Mc Kenney Whitehouse, Stephen retd car *Chas car Bath *Joseph car Waltham.Mass *£dwin car Brighton, Mass *Etta (m Fields Huntington Ind ^Stephen B R R eng Rockland *Mary E nurse Melrose, Mass *Nellie (m Trask N Edge i *Wilder eng Lisbon Falls *Annie (m Greenleaf Melrose, Mass Willard, Adelaide L (Glidden *Bertel G vocal inst Harvard College, 218 Tremont Boston, Mass *Charles G prin Fryeburg Academy, Fryeburg Wilson, J T mason, D Mills Emeline M (Jones ho Bertha M (m Vanner Lillian A (m Campbell *Geo G, B P M R R fire- man, Sanbornville, N H Walter R stu Wiseman, Mary J S'eot Witherell, Fred L lumber sales Martha L (Woodward Ivers L pi Marion pi Witham, Otis H team D Mills Rosalie L (Waltz ho Arthur G John O Wood, Margaret J (Thomas ho *Geo emp furnace ho Dorchester, Mass Lottie E (m Boyd *John T head cl 6 Essex Cambridge, Mass Albert J grocer Jennie M tr *Amy E (m Jewett Head Tide Wood, Albert J . grocer Annie ( Lowe ho Thomas A pi Frank L pi Woodbridge, Burton A far Nor Georgie E (Paine Helen A pi Benjamin B pi Woodbridge, W W far & poultry Nor Harriet M (Erskine Mary A at home Wright, Edward A R R ser Mary A (Dray ho *Mary A (m Dempster 30 Falmouth, Boston, Mass Josephine L at home Lucy M at home CENSUS 173 Henry G genl \vl< Wyman, Manficltl far Wylie, Almonii I, sea capt Carrie d (Dodo^e ho Nor Y Lizzie M ( Chase York, Geo W far D Mills Wyman, Sam'l D furniture Sopiiie H (Jones ho dlr & undertaker "Florence W (m Benner *Emma F (m Hall 131 First KocklanJ Salt Lake City, Utah Fdith R (m Lewis ■^=Allie A tr Nobleboro Young, S O pastor iV\ E ch S'cot Mary H (Hanson Kathleen tr Muriel tr Sidney O Jr stu Young, Jane (Henry ho *lda J(m Glidden 4 Day N Cambridge, Mass Manfred far Wyman, Georgia ho Wyman, Sarah (Newhall ho Frances pl Sam'l D Pl Harold pl Ernest Pl Henry pl Doris pl Verna :i6ri6tol Mtetor^ 1906 Important Dates in Bristol's History. 1605 — Capt. Geo. Weymouth visits tlie Maine coast. 1607 — Pemaquid is visited by Capt. Popham's colony. 1614 — Capt John Smith visits Monhegan 1621 — Charter issued by Council of Plymouth to John Pierce et als. (Pemaquid Patent.) 1625 — John Brown purchases lands of Indians (Capt. John Somerset and Unnongoit.) 1626 — Alderman Aldsvvorth and Gyles Elbridge of Bristol Eng. purchase Pemaquid Patent. 163 1 — Fort Pemaquid erected by Aldsvvorth and Eldridge. HISTORICAL 17S 1632 — Fort Plundered by Dixie Bull, a pirate. 1635 — The "Angel Gabriel" destroyed at Pemaquid by big storm. !664^King Charles II granted this territory to his brother the Duke of York, afterward James 11. 1C67 — Fort Charles erected by Gov. Andros. 1674 — Devonshire County organized. 1676 — All settlements destroyed by Penobscot Indians. 1686 — Jurisdiction ceded to Massachusetts, 1689 — Fort and settlement destroyed by Indians. 1692 — Fort Wm. Henry built by Gov. Phips. 28 guns mounted. 1696— Pemaquid, "the strongest fastness of the British in North America" captured by French and Indians under Cai- tine. 1729 — Gov. David Dunbar arrives. 1729 — Fort rebuilt and named FortFrederick. Townsend, Harrington and Walpole surveyed and lotted out. 1745-48 — Fifth Indian War, many depredations committed at Pemaquid, Walpole and other seitlements. 1757— Nicholas Daxidson becomes sole proprietor of Pem- aquid Patent. 1764 — Population about 200. 1765— First act of Incorporation passed, toWn named Bris- tol for Bristol, Fng. Town organized Dec. 4. 1766— Second act, including Broad Cove, passed. 1775— WmJ ones sent to legislature, the first representa- tive from Bristol. 1775 — Fort demolished by town of Bristol. J 76 BRISTOL i8oc — Walpole postoffice estab, first in Bristol. 1813 — The British brig Boxer captured by the Enterprise, off Pemaquid Point, 1 814 — Engagement between the British from the frigat* Maidstone and 100 men of Pemaquid under Capt. Sproui. 1824 — Lighthouse erected at Pemaquid Point. 1828 — Bremen incorporated, Bristol Mills nostoffice estab- lished. 1835 — Pemaquid Falls P. O. established. 1847 — Damariscotta incorporated. 1850 — Round Pond postoffice established 1861 — '65 — 337 men sent to the Union Army. 186^ — So. Bristol P. O. established on Rutherford's Is. Settlements and Settlers. Pemaquid was visited by the Popham colony in 1607 but there is no evidence of a permanent settlement having been made. Richard Pearce and his father-in-law, John Brown, settled at Muscongus about 1625. Abraham Shust, an in- fluential magistrate was at Pemaquid in 1626. Thos. Elbridge and Paul White, land proprietors, lived at Pemaquid. Alexan- der Gould lived at New Harbor. In 1672 Thos. Gardiner Esq. Jere Hodsdon, Jno Cole, Jno Hinks, Elex Gold, Jno Browne, Wm. Phipps, Thos. Harrison, Thos. Elbridge, Walter Phillips Jno. Taylor, all of Pemaquid, signed a petition asking the HISTORICAL 177 protection of the Massachusetts Bay government. Thos. Gardiner was appointed county treasurer, Thomes Cox, con- stable and John Cole a juryman in the new county of Devon- shire erected soon after. John Early was licensed in 1674 as an inn-keeper. Thomas and John Giles, were here in 1688. Thomas was killed by Indians the next year together with James Stilson and others. Among those who settled in Harrington under Gov. Dun- bar, about 1730 were Moses Young, — Kent, James Sproul, and —Reed, the^e men had lots side by side on the West side of Pemaquid river. The following men came the year speci- ficedand settled at theplace named; James Bailey, 1729 or '30, Round Pond; Thos. Henderson, R. P; John North, about 1731 Pemaquid; Wm. Jones, 1730; Rev. Rob't Rutherford, on Rutherford Isd, 1729; Joseph Burns, about 1730; Alex Nickels, Capt. of Fort Frederic in 1758, later settled at Pemaquid; Htnry Hunter, Walpole; Hlijah Crooker, 1779; Solomon Mc- Farland, father of Walter, before 1747, on John's river; Alex Fossett, father of Capt. John, in the Long Cove district. A map prepared m 175 1 shows the tollowing houses: Near Damariscotta line, Wm. Jones and— Lermond; at West Bristol, J. Kent, Wm. Kent, G. Clarke, Patrick Rogers, K. Sproul, J. Young and John Whirling (on the neck); At Harring- ton, Widow North, Geo Catwell, Moses Young, Wm. Sproul; At Pemaquid, Jere House; at Round Pond, James Yates, T. Bodkin, J. Bayley and T. Henderson; at Muscongus Harbor, Jas. Morton and Wm. Burns and at Broad Cove, Wm. Hilton. There must have been many that were not located on this map. Wm. Hiscock came to Walpole about 1735; Simon ITS lUilSrOL Elliot to Round Pond, about 1755; John Randall to R. P. be- fore 1759; Amos Goud\-, (born in Bristol i744\ Alox and Ninon ErsUine about 174S; Robert Paul to W'alpolo bctoro 1747 and man\' athers. At the orjianization of the town in 176c; Thos. Hletcher (chosen moderator). Robert Gi\en (^elerk). P. Rotors, Wm. Jones Jr., Rob't Sproul, Heni\- Hunter, Jas Young Jr., (selectmen). Alex Erskine. Jas. Sproul, Fhos. Johnson, Jas. Bo\'d, Jas. Huston, Geo. Clark. Nath'l Palmer au^] Wm. Mc- l.ain were prominent. Re\ . Alex McLean, settled pastor in 177J; Wm. Chamberlain came to Round Pond before 1800; Thos McClure appointed first postmaster in Bristol, 1800 and Aaron Blaney, father of Hon. Arnold Blane\- werealso ann»ng the main' distinguished ancestors of Bristol Families. Civil War Soldiers From Bristol. Enlistments during 1861: — Edwin D. Bailey, Har\ey Bearce, Corp; Da\id Bryant, Jr., Sergt; Linsdale Burnham, Green Burns, Albert S. Clark, Surgeon; J. S. Clark, Orvill H. Clark, Corp; John T. Dyer, Arnold B. Erskine, Corp; Jas. H. Erskine, Jas. D. Erskine, Lieut.; Chas. W. Ford, Lieut.; Eugene H. Ford, Ambrose H. Foster, Issac W. Fountain, Lewis S. Gallup, Timothy F. Goudy, Henry G. Goudy, Donald M. H.istings, Phillip Hatch, Wm. M. Herbert, Sergt.; IIISrOFtHAL 179 John W. H)s 'in, Jr.; Cyrus F. Jones, S.imuel Junes, Solomon Lain, riuiddeus Little, Adjutant; Frank H. Lailer, Ed.v. U. M-Clure, Parker Mears, Jos. H. Wears, Benj. Qainby, Bed- field Sproul, Chas. E. Sproul, Clias. M, Thomson, Lucius B. Varney, Nathl. Wentworth. 1862:— Nathl. P. Barker, Arad Barker, Corp.; Briggs G. Besse, John M. Bryant, Corp.; Francis A. Brackett, Josiah J. Brown, Chap.; Elbridge K. Bryant, Sergt.; Timothy F. Brown, Orin Carter, Geo, B. Caswell, Levi Cudworth, Aus- tin Curtis, Alvin Cutler, Andrew J. Erskine, Capt,; Lemuel Erskine, Geo. F. Emerson, John H. Erskine, Wilson T. Ers- kine, John Ervine, Jos. B. Fitch, Capt ; Atwood Fitch, Lieut; Samuel H. Fitch, Corp.; August H, Ford, Sergt.; John H. Ford, Thos. H. Fossett, Samuel L. Foster, Thos. A. Foster, Thos. Foster, Orrin I. Gaul, Musicn.; John Goiidy, Albert Hatch, Enoch Hatch, Robert Hanly, Lyman Hanna, Robert Henry, Albert H. Herbert, Nathan C. Hodgdon, Edw. A. Humphrey, Abel C. Huston, Sergt.; Elbridge R. Huston, Elbridge Huston, Henry C. Huston, David Hyson, Robert S. Hysom, Zebard F. Hysom, John E. Johnston, Wm, J. Kelsey, Alonzo Lawton, Daniel W. Little, Thos. C. Little, Patrick Mann, Corp.; John J. Mclntyre, Reuben R. McFarland, John Mclntyre, Wm. H. Mclntyre, Wm. D. McKim, Jos. N. Myers, Wm. Nash, Jas. E. Nichols, Commissary Sergt.; Jos. Odiam, Geo. Palmer, Stephen Palmer, Freeman Peasley, Corp.; John Pool, Jr., Julian B. Perkins, Geo. W. Prentiss, Enoch O. Richards, Montgomery Richards, Calvin C. Rogers, Sergt; Marion Simmons, Ephraim Stevens, David P. Sproul, August M. Sproul, Corp.- Simeon Tarr, Bradford Thompson, Samuel 180 BRISTOL F. Tarr, Everett A. Wentworth, Wilson J. Yates, Enoch Wentworth. 1863:— Stanley C. Alley, Corp.; Henry H. Goudy. John Goudy, Chas. G. Kinny, Henry H. Webber. 1864— Geo. H. M. Barrett, Franklin H. Bell, Wesley K. Bell, Patrick Burns, John Conner. Henry B. Richards, Chas. H. Robinson, Wesley Scott, Richard H. Short, Franklin B. Tarr, John Taylor, John Welch. 1865: — Ambrose Foster, JohnM. Gamage, Jos. Hanscomb, John McManus, Freeman Peasley, Corp.; Albert L. Wiles, Edwin W. Merrill (year unknown). Enlistments in the U. S. Navy during the war of the Re- bellion not including those. transferred from the Army: — Gil- bert P. Brown, AbJon Davis, Gilbert Hammond, John A. Johnson, Thos. King, Leander M. Reeve, Willot Russell, Thos. Wentworth, Jas. Burns, Van B. Fountain, Geo. W. Hastings, Chas. Johnson, Lavoir Mansen, Jas. Rice, Jos W. Sproul, Jos. Willett, Liman Curtis, Marcus A. Hannah, Geo. W. Huston, Richard Keyes, Wm. B. Perley.Alonzo Richards, Wm. E. Thompson. Foreign Enlistments: Wm. Davis, Jas. Erskine, Joshua Gammage, Chas. Hanly, John L. Martin, Llewellyn Mc- Clain, Chas. Swain, Jacob Day, Chas. E. Foster, Jas. Gray, Wm Lane, Augustus McClain, Elliot Pierce. Geo. H. Andrews, now a resident of Bristol, enlisted in Somerville, Mass.; Lyman Curtis, (navy), in Boston; John A. Chamberlain, (navy), N. Y. State; Daniel Mason, R. !.; Leander McFarland, Gloucester, Mass.;Silas Penniman, Ohio; Fred'k Creamer, Waldoboro; Corp. Randall E._Humphrey,. HISTORICAL 181 Bremen; Mai tin V. B. Robinson, Levviston; Robt. A. Brackett, Portland; Lewis L. Walker and Calvin C. Robbins. Town Officers. CLERKS Hovvland Hatch, 1850; P. M. Wells, 1851; Wm. Hanley, 1852-54; Augustus H. Ford, 1855-57; Simuel P. Myers, 1858 Abel C, Huston, 1859-60; Andrew J. Erskine. 1861-62; Fran cis Wheeler, 1863-65; C. G. Robbins, 186667; Dennis R Handy, 1868-72; Jas. H. Varney, 1873-82; John M. Bryant 1883-85; Chas. M. Bryant, 1886-89; Chas. W. Bryant, 1890 93; A. H. Hunter, 1894-95; C. H. Bryant, 1896; A. H. Hunt er, 1897; A. B. Little, 1898-99; J. A. Little, 19OC; Andrew B Little, I90i-02;M. F. Blalsdell, 1903; E. J. Ervine. 1904-06 TREASURERS. Leander Morton, 1850-54; Oakman Ford, 1855-56; R. C. Curtis, 1857-58; Jas. Varney, 1859-60; Arnold Blaney, 1861; S. W. Johnson, 1862-65; Jas. H. Varney, 1866; Jas. Nichols, 1867; L. Morton, 1868-70; A!ex. Yates, 1871-72; Horace Foss- i82 BRISTOL ett, 1873; David Chamberlain, 1874-79, Jas.. Nichols, 1880-84; C. B. Meserve, 1885-88; A. J. Dodge, 188993; VV. S. Brain- erd, 1894-97; J. D. Munroe, 1898, J. P. Munioe, 1899; J- W. P. Goudy, 1900; E. S. Elliott, 1901; C. V. Robbins, 1902; W. S. Brainerd, 1903: J. W. P. Goudy 190405; E. W. Fossett, 1906, SELECTMEN AND ASSESS'ORS. 1850— David Chamberlain, Thos. Thompson, Thos. Ers- kine. 185 1 — Geo. Yates, Chandler Bearce, Henry Erskine. 1852-54— Arnold Bjaney, Horace Fossett, H. N. Fossett. 1855 — D. Dhamberlain, Abner Baker, Asa Thompson. 1856— Geo. W. Ellis, T. Ttask, David Huston. 1857 — Geo. W. Ellis, David Huston, John Mears. 1858 — D. Chamberlain, John Mears, A. Drummond. 1859 — D. Chamberlain, Wm. McCIintock, A. Drummond. i860 62 — Arnold Blaney, D. Chamberlain, Horace Fassett. 1863-64 — Arnold Blaney, C. Bearce, Leander Morton. 1865 — Arnold Blaney, D. Chamberlain, C. Bearce. 1866 — D. Chamberlain, Horace Fossett, A. Drummond. 1867 — Arnold Blaney, D, Chamberlain, C. Bearce. J868-69 — Arnold Blaney, C. Bearce, Jas. NichDis. J870 — Arnold Blaney, D. Chamberlain, Horace Fossett. J871 — Arnold Blaney, D. Chamberlain, Thos. Erskine. HISTORICAL •• 188 1872— AriKikl Blaney, C. Bearce, Jas. Nichols. 1873-77— C. Bearce, J. Nichols, 1). R. Hanley. 1878— Horace Fossett, J. Nichols, D. R. Hanley. 1879— D. I^- Hanley, Alex. Yates, L. W. Hanna. 1880— D. R. Hanly, L. W. Hanna, M. M. Rhoades. 1881— D. Chamberlain, D. R. Hanly, L. W. Hanna. 1882— D. Chamberlain, D. R. Hanly, J. N. Fossett. 18S3-84— D. R. Hanly, J. N. Fossett, W. M. Fossett. 1885— J. N. Fossett, W. M. Fossett, Thos. Erskine. 1886-88— J. N. Fossett, W. M. Fossett, J. M. Bryant. 1889— W. M. Fossett, J. N. Fossett, J. M. Bryant. 189091- W. M. Fossett, J. M. Bryant, E. W. Fossett. 1892— J. M. Bryant, E. W. Fossett, CJ. M. Elliott. 1893— J. M. Bryant, E. W. Fossett, E. S. Pope. 1894-95— W. C. Thompson, H. H. Goudy, A. A. Farrar. 1896— W. C. Thompson, H. H. Goudy, A. W. Geyer. 1897 — W. C. Thompson, A. W. Geyer, M. A. Benner. 1898-99— E. W. Fossett, G. M. Elliott, C. H. Bryant. 1900— A. W. Geyer, M. A. Benner, P. H. Yates. 1901— E. W. Fossett, W. A. Elliott, B. Redonnett. 1902— W. A. Elliott, C. B. Woodward, D. W. Hanna. 1903— R. H. Oram, B. C. Redonnett, W. M. Fossett. 1904 — A. W. Geyer, Geo. Watts, M. D. Sproul. 1905 — C. B. Meserve, M. H. Benner, W. M. Fossett. 1906 — C. B. Meserve, O, A. Poland. M. D. Sproul. Churches of Bristol; in 1772 Bristol was erected into three pcirishes, viz, Har- 184 BRISTOL rington, Walpole and Broad Cove. A meeting-house was soon after erected in each parish. Rev. Alexander M:Lean, a Presbyterian, became pastor in 1772, was installed the fol- lowing year and remained until 1795, died 1808. Rev. Mr. Riddell, a Congregationalist became associate pastor in 1895, remained until 1804. Rev. Jonathan Belden was pastor from 1807 to i8i4(.'') Rev. Nathaniel Chapman came as pastor in 1824, serving acceptably until 1853. Rev. Dan Kendrick, 1837-39; Rev L. L. Gould, 1839-48; Rev's. A. Vinton, Chas. Morgridge, C. Q. Cushman, T. A. Merrill, J. M. Parsons, H. E. Russell, M. Campbell, S. W. Pearson, W. S. Spaulding (1870-74), L. D. Evans (1875-82), Albert Donald (1882-85), T. S. Lewis (1887 92), Geo. P. Bradford (1892-96), Wm. H. McBride (1896-98), Henry W. Conley (1898 1900), Wm. H. McBride (1900-03), Geo. C. Bliss (1903), and Rev. L. M. Bosworth (1904-05) have served as pastors. The Bristol Mills church was organized Jan. 31, 1855 with Rev. Ralph Fairfield evangelist and pastor until his death in July 1855. in 1871 the two societies united under the name of the Congregational Church in Bristol. The meeting house at Bristol Mills was erected in 1839. METHODIST CHURCHES. Jesse Lee preached the first Methodist sermon in Walpole in 1795. A class was formed in 1798 with Elisha Hatch HISTOmCAL 185 leader. Bristol circuit was formed in 1803. The first Metho- dist meeting-house was dedicated in 1823. This stood one mile north of the Mills village, in 1868, Rev. S. H. Beale, pastor, the house was torn down and rebuilt on the present site. A class was Formed at Round Pond in 1820, John Fountain leader, Rev. D. P. Thompson was the first regularly appointed pastor, in 1843. The church was erected in 1855, extensively repaired in 1904-05. The Pemaquid Fails church was built in 1837; rebuilt and rededicated, 1897. Parsonage bought, 1887. New Harbor Union church was erected in 1856. The Harrington Union Meeting house was rebuilt in 1853. PASTORS, SINCE 1875. Previous to 1889 Bristol Mills and Pemaquid Falls formed one charge. Round Pond and Bremen one and Fast Boothbay and South Bristol one. Bristol Mills and Round Pond were then united and the Pemaquid and New Harbor charge es- tablislied. BRISTOL MILLS AND PEMAQUID FALLS APPOINTMENTS. Revs. E. H. Tunnicliffe, J. P. Simonton, 1877-79; F- ^' Handy, 1880; M. G. Prescott, 1881-83; F. A. Glidden, 1884- 186 BRISTOL 86; W. F. Chase, 1887; W. H. Faroat, 1888; (For Round Pond appointments previous to 1889, see Bremen). BRISTOL MILLS AND ROUND POND APPOINTMENTS. Rev. W. J. Kelley, i88g; W. T. Johnson, 1890-91; Edward Freeman, 1892; G. E. Edgett, 1893-95; C. F. Butterfield, 1896- 97; R. A. Colpitts, 1898; D. S. Kerr, 1899-1900; H. W. Winter (Supplied by H. I. Holt), 1901; T. W. Hunter, i902;E.S. Gahan, 1903 05; and Rev. Mr. Collins, 1906. The parsonage is located at Round Pond. PEMAQUID FALLS AND NEW HARBOR APPOINTMENTS. (Charge established 1889) Rev. V. E. Hills, 1889; P. A. Smith. 1890 91; M. S. Preble, 1892; Jas. A.Morelen, 1893-96, C. E. Peterson, 1897-98; A. J. Lockhart, 1899-10,04; F. W. Brooks, 1905 and Rev. Chas. F. Beebee, 1906. EAST BOOTHBAY AND SOUTH BRISTOL APPOINTMENTS. Revs. A. J. Clifford, 1879-81; 1882-83; F. D. Handy, HISTORICAL 187 18S4; Wm. L. Brown, 1885-87; J. Biram, 1888-89; W. F. Campbell, 1890-91; W. T. Johnson, 1892-93; V. P. Wardwell, 1894-95; A. E.. Russell, 1896-99; W. A. McGraw, 1900; E. S, Gahan, 1901. Rev. Mr. Galian was" tlie^ list man appointed t J South Bristol. THE UNIVERSALIST CHURCH OF ROUND POND. Was organized in 1888 by Rev. Q, H. Shinn, with 16 members. Rev. Wm. Drew dedicated the house abou.t 1853. Rev. Z. H. Howe was pastor about 12 years. Divinity stu- dents have also been employed. Rev. Stanford Mitchell ol Norwood, Mass, has preached during the summer months since i8h8. A Union Church was erected in New Harbor in 1897 and a society incorporated about the same time. No regular preaching has been established. A Union Chapel has been recently erected at South Bristol and a Congiegational pastor settled. Rev. C. W. Rogers, the first pastor, was succeeded by Rev. E. A. Mason, the present pastor. 188 BRISTOL Physicians. Dr. Marius How, at Walpole, was probably the first reg- ular physician settled in town, coming before 1800. Dr. Fos- ter, Dr. John F. Gardiner, Dr. Joseph Washburn, who be- gan about 1812, Dr. Albert S. Clark, Dr. Samuel W. Johnson who practiced about fifty years, now retired, and Dr. J. W. P. Goudy have all located at Bristol Mills. At Pemaquid Falls have been Dr. Owen St. Clair O'Brien, Dr. W. S. Brainerd, Dr. Ceo. E. Woodside. (re- cently shot accidentally) and Dr. F. W. Clark. At the Point Dr. Jos. Thompson was the earliest, succeeded by Drs. Jason Walker, W. P. Miller, H. E. Chase, Freeman H. Hall, J. W. Loughlin (now of Bath) and Dr. F. W. Tilley. Census of Bristol, 1006. POPULATION 2400. IVlOTE:— Where no postoffice is expressed, Bristol, (at Bristol Mills) is understood. Other postoffices are abbreviat- ed thus:— Pemaquid, Pema.; Pemaquid Beach, P. Bch.; Pem- aquid Harbor, P. Har.; Pemaquid Point, P. Pt.; New Harbor, N. Har; Koundpond, Rpd.; Walpjle, Wal.; South Bristol So.; Christmas (summer) Xmas.; Chamberliin (summer), Cham.; Damariscotta, Dama.; Muscongus, Mus.; R. F. D. routes are designated by the number of the route. ^ *Annie L forelidy dr mkr Allen, Lonnie S pl Boylston. Boston, Mass Alley, Stanley C car So Alley, Ambrose P sail mkr Sarah F (Plummer ho So ♦Frank Deng Tiverton, Rl Agnes E (Thorp ho Ambrose P sail mkr Harold C pl Wm C ^"-i'' Stanley L p' Fannie L stu Fredric pl Alley, Roxie L (Hatch ho Richard John E fisher Andrews, J E fisher So Cora B (Giles ho Frances L Andrewf, Geo H retd vet 190 BRISTOL Alvvood, L P brake sum res Pema Mus Jennie S (Wilson ho Lillian (Bryant ho Carl Z far Andrews, Almeda F (Lane Bailey, Edward fisher N Har ho So Edward fisher *Aura E (m Gorham Roxie (Gray ho Wisc.isset Bailey, L Edw fisher N Har Addie (m Thompson Ball, Helen A sum res So Barker, Mary A (Poole So *Carrie L (m Hoyt Woonsocket R 1 *Mary A (m Howard Augusta Wal Barter, Cyrus H blk N Har Andrews, Ferdinand A retd Fannie A (Davis ho Wal Gertrude M emp M 1 Hosp Andrews, Ruth A (Hanly ho Maitland G pl Dama Bearce, Emily A (McGuire ho Andrews, Benj W capt naptha *A'tgustus F driver of mail launch So team Boston, Mass Cordelia T (Gamage ho Mary C (m Rowell *Georgie A (m McFarland *Chas J motor Boston, 19 Federal, So Portland Mass *Frank A car Geo far 506 W 2d, Chester, Penn Abbie M (m Goudy Adoniram B eng Annie J (m Crooker Bessie F (m Gamage Maggie G Austin, C M sum res Pema Bearce, Wilbur F far & sea- sub master Bigelow School, man Wal Boston *Florence M 4? Mt Vernon, Emma (Dibble Maiden, Mass Joel M pl -Ce^sie M stu B 43 Mt Vernon, Maiden, Mass Bailey, Edwin D rttd \ et Bearce, Josephine H ho Wal CENSUS 191 Beebee, Rev Chas F Laura (Thompson ho M E cler^i F^ema Lucretia (m Poland Emma N (Clarke ho Etta R at home Helen L music tr Blaisdell, Granville B Bell, Mary P Bch sea capt P Bch Benner, M A far Dama i Maude H (Russell Emma(Hiscock ho Russel E pi *Mary E ho Edwin G Framingham, Mass Ella Daniel C Blaisdell, Arad L fisher P Bch Ozra M Hannah (Davis ho Austin A pi *Millard F laundry J Gordon Boston, Mass Benner, P V far Rpd Blaisdell, Enoch retd P Bch Nancy A (Geer ho Laura A (Lavvton ho Berry, Daniel G cl So Chas E sea capt Josephine W (House ho Arad L fisher Berry, Lucretia (Ciamage So E Alonzo sea capt Daniel G cl Laura E (m Brackett Blair, Clara A (m Gordon Blaisdell, CEP Bch sea capt sum res P Pt Lizzie H (Wallace ho Fannie G tr Granville B sea capt Blaisdell, Edgar S car P Har Blaisdell, Wm H cook N Har Eliza F ( Hatch ho *Clarence W cook *Emma M (m Bradley East Boston, Mass 114 Alder, Waltham, Mass Ida B (m Martin * Annie E bk kpr 133 Adams *Caleb G shoe op Chelsea, Waltham, Mass Mass Lula M *Arthur H shoe op Florence M pi Chelsea, Mass Blaisdell, Geo W far Pema Blaisdell, Capt Alonzo So Blaisdell, A C far Pema Josephine ( Pinkham Rilla (Thompson ho Blaisdell, S W fisher N Har Blaisdell, John far Pema Roselda W (Thompson 192 BRISTOL *Simon A ptr 64 Prince, Cambridge, Mass Burton B pi Blake, John N Har Bianey, Henry H retd Blaney, Mary H Bowman, Orlando M fisiier So Ella A (Holmes ho Maude (m Gamage Lula M P O cl Ada L stu Eben H pi Bowman, Ellis A pilot P Har Roxie L waitress So Raymond H Mildred H pi Bowman, G L Capt yachting N Har *L Milfred organ pipe mUr 197 Auburn, Cambridge, Majs Clara E (Woodbury ^Reginald H elec R R ser 16 Bigelow, Brighton, Mass Boyd, Wm M retd Brackett, Ambrose A fisher N Har Mattie G (Weeks ho Alonzo L pi Barbara pi Ella pl Florabella pl Brackett, Clarence A fishtr P Bch Julia S (Gifford ho Brackett, Edw hotel kpr N Har Ethel (Russell Walter cl Eddie pl Russell Brackett, Ernest A fisher N Har Nellie S (Hanna ho Courtland A pl Larimer E Brackett, Alexander mer N Har Sarah J (McLain Ada M (m Partridge *John W law Boothbay Leona E (m Hanna Biackett, Francis Addison fisher N Har Carrie L (Stevens ho *Clara F (m Dole 391 George, New Haven Conn Clarence A fisher Inez M (m Day Brackett, Frank A fisher N Har Eleanora (Davis ho Edw hotel prop *Geo C fisher Monhegan Ernest A fisher Catherine B (m McLain Brackett, Lauraetta (Blaisdell cook N Har CENSUS 193 Annie J ( m Jones Joseph E pi Addie M ho Helen Chas B hostler Melvin G Millard A pi Bradley, Sam'l C retJ sea Brackett, Melvin fisher N Har capt Pema Lola M (Mc Farland ho Elizabeth (Sproul ho Brackett, Thos H fisher N Har Oscar mer Etta M (McFarland ho * Walter watch fact \vk Susie M pi Waltham, Mass Gladys L pi Elmer coll stu Stanley M pi Bradley, Oscar H mer Pema LeRoy T Josephine W (Smith ho Marlon Bradley, Rose Brackett, Robert A fisher Bradley, Jos E retd N Har Sum res P Pt Elvira (Mclntire ho Mary (Sawyer Ambrose A hsher Bradley, Edwin far N Har Jerone fisher Han nah A (Miller Wilbur G fisher Bradley, Henry A far Pema Brackett, Wm 1" fisher N Har Bradley, Wm J lab N Har E Elizabeth (Palmer ho Mira (Little ho Arthur B fisher & boat bldr Tena M ho *Lizzie 1 (m Katon Bradley, Ruhamah (Lane ho Montesano Wash N Har *Edith M (m Gamage Theophilus car Westboro, Mass Herbert geni wk Thos N fisher & boat bldr Bradley, Theophilus car Melvin N . fisher N Har Elmer A fisher Minne B (Flint Fred L fisher Lucy M pi Bradley, Eugene M far & Mildred G pi barb Pema Brainard, Walter S phy & sur Bertha (Feltis ho Pema Charlena . pi Lizzie (Ward ho 194 BRISTOL Charlotte stu Arthur stu Catherine stu Newell stu Walter pl Carroll pl Carl pl Dorothy Brewer, Manley S Xmas hoarding ho Lydia P (Thorp ho Elliott P hoarding H Brightman, B G stc-ne mason Rpd Jennie (Richards ho Brown, Reuben A arct & bldr Rpd *Pamelia E (m Blaisdell Portland *Annie L (m Fish Ports- mouth, R I Mary E H (Foss ho *Hervey C arct & bid Roslindale, Mass Geo W car *Chas K car Maiden, Mass Reuben S car Roslindale, Mass *Addie L (m Negus Tiverton, R 1 *Evelyn A (m Doering Everett, Mass Kathryn M (m Walley Brown, Joseph far Dama Z (Stevens Lawrence L Lemuel S Josephine P ho capt capt dr mkr Brown, Lawrence L capt Dama Myrtle B (Brown ho Hattie B pl Marie E Percie B Brown, Lemuel S sea capt P Har Hattie B (Davis ho M;vy A Emily Brown, Chas E car N Har Phebe (Poland ho Belle (m Young ho Brown, Henry fisher N Har Brown, Henry C car Rpd Annie C (Crockett ho *Arthur cl Boston, Mass Bryant, Frank H genl wk Nellie L (Tibbetts ho Nellie M pi Ralph E pl Lawrence F pl Sidney H pl Ernest W Bryant, Zenas A fisher Rpd Arthur lab *Genie (m Dyer Portland Artell pl Bryant, Henry A far Rpd CENSUS 195 Bryant, Emily (Ahhott Hannah (Wilson ho Sum res Kpd =iAIiLe M (m HerolJ 88 ♦Bryant, Alfred M retd sea Bradford, Everett, Mass capt, Wilcox Fish'rs, Mystic, Annie R (m Goudy Conn Bryant, J W far iJama i Mary C (Benner iuir>.e Bryant, Ruth A ho Dama Mus Br>ant, Nancy W (Elhott ho *Geo N team 25 Moreland Dama Somerville, Mass John L stu *Mathias B car 54 Albano, Mildred R stu Roslindale, Mass Bryar.t, Abbie P (Elliott ho ^''Frank 46 Green, Jamaica Dama Pin, Mass *CaIvin S eng. Katherine S (m Weston *J Weston eng Jennie (m Fossett *Annie L straw fact Upton, Lillian (m Alvvard Miss Enid D stu *CI$ibelle straw fact Bryant, John M retd Upton, Majs Margaret C (Erskine lio Bryant, Wm H far Wal Mary E (m Weeks Nellie E (Hutchins ho *Chas Vv' car Woodfords Etta M (m Kelsey *Annie M (m Tayloi *Arth.jr H fireman So Framingham, Mass Boston Mass *Jennie B (m Macmillan *Lettie J ho Dama Hong Kong China Carrie B *Cyprian H clerg Meth Bryant, Annie (Burns Penobscot milliner R pd Bryant, Lorenzo sea capt Vernon pi Rpd Bryant, E Y mer & mgr Pool- Martha A (Ervine ho room iRpd Herbert stu Mary L (Butler ho Bryant, Susan D ( Wallace ho Lora M stu Bryant, Gi'bert L far Bertie E pi Br>ant, Hibridge K far Myrtie A pi 196 BRISTOL Bryant, Henry A far R pd Burnham, Wm W fisher Adelia H (Lane ho Nettie E pi Walter M Lyman A Irene B Burns, Granville B pilot Rpd Augusta S (Wallace dr mkr *D Castner emp millinery ho 2818 No Capital av, hidi- anapolis, hid *Mildred E (m Goodman *Flora L (m Tukey Dama M Gordon, seaman Burns, Betsey O (Humphrey ho ♦Lewis R B & A R R ser 7 Griggs Place, Allston, Mass *Eldoras G R R cond 7 Griggs Place, Allston, Mass Geo N groc cl Nellie M (m Fossett Burns, Frank H stu Burns, Geo N cl N Har Fannie G (Hastings ho Mary H Louis E Geo N Jr Burnside, Matthew grocer N Har Alida M (Poland ho Ira M Harlan pi Burnside, Robert Prop "Dingley House" P Pt Hulda (Lunt ho Matthew mer Wm J car & boatbldr *Etta M nurse 64 School, Auburn Butman, Sanford S marin eng Rpd Katie H (Fountain ho Ida M Butman, Esther (Chase Rpd Adelaide F stu Butman, John D marine eng Rpd Estella M (Clark ho Carley, Mr & Mrs J J actors sum res P Har John Carter, Ma-y B ( Morton ho Rpd *Milton A Supt Elee Lt Co E Weymouth, Mass *Louis W team 31 Joseph- ine av, W Somerville, Mass Carter, Roscoe mariner Rpd Carter, Mary E (Fossett ho Rpd *Gustavus W stat eng 40 Stewart, Quincy Mass *Thomas A joiner i Oakland Av, Roxbury, Mass *Frank F dentist, 40 Lawrence E car Geo A shipmate Flora E ho Hva J ho Christie. A stu CENSUS 197 Hewctt, Ru^Iindalc Mass Mary A *EmuIous M stat eng Cartland, J Henry Steamboat E Weymouth, Mass agt, Justice of Peace P Bch Cora h" (m Smith Chadvvick, Francis A fisher Walter E stu P Bch Carter, Thos C car RpJ Susanna (Carter ho Nancy E (Foster ho Ehza M (m Ervine LilHan E (mSchroeder Francis A Jr fisher mate Carter, Sam'l W truc!< Rpd NeUie M (m Kelsey Warren E hsher capt *Granville F supt fish factory Biioxi Miss Mabel F (m Hatch Eruvst E car & boat bldr Catherine F (Huestis ho Chadwick, Raymond J pi Carter, Nelson F ship car N Har Rpd Chamberlain, John A far Mary E (Harding Catherine M (Conlogue ho Stephen H car Wilsonetta (m Foster Carter, S H car Rpd *Margaret bk kpr 153 Cen- Nellie G (Mason ho tral. Central Falls, R I Richaid M Chamberlain, H H far Rpd Carter, A M fisher Rpd Chamberlain, Sarah (Weston Rosa E (Osier ho Capt Weston P surgeon in J Lawrence far wk USA Vernard M pi Chapman, Eugene A far & Carter, WS fisher Cham butch Mills Helen M (Bryant ho Mary L (Lessner Wm B car & fisher Rodney L mill op *Nellie F (m Lowell Frank Port Clyde Martha B pl Carter, Wm B car & fisher Mabell Cham Churchill, A-.hsa J (Mehuren Florence E (Curtis ho N Har 1« BRISTOL Angle B (m Reilly Gladys E pi *Iva B (McLain iMalden, Preston B pi Mass Winfield G pi Clark, Jas F far Rpd Frank Nellie F(m Foster Clifford, Chester A candy Maud B (Jeffrey mfg So Irene F pi Martha J (Smith ho John J pi Myra V pi Theodore R Clifford, Washington retd So Clark, Jas E fisher Rpd Geo W fisher Clark, Almon car Wal Mary A (Barker Clark, Jas M pilot Rpd Coats, D F far Rpd Hannah (Miller ho Elmer F pi C Almeda(m Francis *Mary L pi Western av, Jas E fisher Augusta *Otis P capt fisher Co its, Ann B (m Jones Rpd Sidney, Australia Daniel F far Estella M (m Butman Coggan, Jas W lumber Rpd Clark, Benj S far Rpd Isa O i^Coggan Augusta (Keene-Harris Coggan, Esther F R pd Clarke, Salina L (Ferry ho Coggan, B L far Mas Pema Martha J (Burns ho Emma N (m Beebee *Oscar Y elec R R cond Clarke, Frank W phy & sur lOO Bower, Roxbury, Mass Pema Coombs, Chas B oil fact fore Mattie M (Kay ho Rpd Eleanor L pi Abbie M (Poland ho Catherine L Ella R at home Clarke, Wm W mate So Gilbert W stu Cora (Goudy ho Linden F stu Minnie B pi S Johnson pi Clifford, Chas fisher So Coombs, J F bik Laura E (Andrews ho Clara W (Farrar ho Blanch H stu Chester A stu CENSUS 199 Cotton, Rev H E sum res Cotswold cottage Dama Helen D Beckenhaugh E Bruce stu Douglas Dudley Page Cox, Mary H (Russell nurse Edith A stu Cox, Capt Arthur far Mary E (Morton ho Creamer, Fred L genl \vk So Zettie E (Poole ho Mildred Creamer, Fredrick far Wal Georgie A (Howard ho Willis blk Fredrick L fisher May E (m Foster Creamer, Almore B bar Nancy J (Erskine ho Hattie M pl Nettie R pl James E pl Julia E Crocker, R S fisher Rpd Nora C (Reeves ho Annie Allene Crocker, Elvira (Jones P Bch Elzena (m Gatcombe Ray E lab Roscoe S fisher Crocker, R S fisher P Bch Norah (Reeves ho Annie A Crocker, Ray E stat agt P Bch Myrtle A (Parmenter dr mkr Claude P pl Ralph E Crockett, Roseleath (Osgood ho Rpd *Annie C (m Brawn Roslindale Mass Grace (m Humphrey Crooker, John W ptr & car Annie J (Bearce ho Marion E pl J Kenneth pl Martha A Crooker, Elisha E far Ann S (Page ho John W ptr & car Joseph E far 'Cudworth, Lucinda (Foster Rpd Ida (m Fountain Katie (m Poole *Lena (m. Thompson Port- land Cudworth Mary L ( Fossett ho N Har Mildred (m McLain *Hilda (m Hoar 4 Clark W Everett, Mass Cud worth; Thos far Rpd Mary (Miller ho *Chas C eng 200 BRISTOL Worcester, Mass Rhoda C (Fossett ho AUhea (m Shadwick Curtis, Orlando fisher P Bch Cudwoith, Isabel(lV\orrison ho Annie M (Ellis ho Culhane, Thos. bik Raymond C stu sum res Rpd Parmenter W pi Florence (Prentiss Evelyn M pi Cummings, Chas. A. far Curtis, Weston M fisher P Pt Pema Annie D (Knipe ho Lizzie A (Sidelinger ho Velma M Cunningham, Angeline (Mur- LeForest S phy ho Rpd Earl W Curtis, Albert C fisher N Har Cushing M Josephine (m Albert E fisher Wells ho P Bch Weston M fisher Ernest W fisher Orlando V fisher Cushing, E W fisher P Bch *WiIlis L fisher Janettie R (Mc Lain ho Boothbay Har Geo W *Claren:e P life saver Cushing, Miss M G Mt Hol- Cape Elizabeth }ok-e tr sum res P Pt *Amanda E (m Luken Cushman, Geo far Dama N Reading Mass Emily A (Huston ho Alvah T fisher Augustus G far Florence (m Carter Henrietta H (m Kingsley Minnie 1 (m Lane Cushman, Geo H millrnan Arthur L fisher Mills Sadie L ho Mary E (Prentiss Curtis, A L fisher N Har Cusick, Mary (Murphy Beulah M (Hanna ho D Curtis, Daniel far Dama Danforth, Nancy T( Johnston Maude (Richards ho N Har Gladys M Herman J agt East'rn S S Curtis, Gilbeit B far Wal Co, N Har Delia F (Sproul ho Davis, Eugene H freighter capt Curtis, Lyman far Pema Rpd CENSUS 201 Nora (Thompson ho Chas A pi Elva H Merle F. p| Davis, VVm H far P Har DeGrasse, Naricy T(Gama^e Mary E (Coombs ho So Davis, Ford W fislier N Har Deiora (m French Lulu E (Hanna ho Maggie M (m Jones Josephine A pi Dodge, Flora E (m Poland ho Manville W N Har Davis, Wm R fisher N Har Carrie B tr Henrietta (Flinton Lawrence W pi *Lottie (m Goudy Dodge, Mary A (McFarland W Falmouth So Edith (m Little *Laura E (m SeiJers Carrie (m McFarland Damariscove Isl Eugene H coasting Alice M ho Nathan K fire Arthur L stu Davis, Almond fisher N Har Dole, Geo D pi N Har Ellavilla( Carter ho Dole, Clara F N Har Emma H ho Drummond, Albert sum res Leslie C fisher retd Davis, McLellan fisher N Har Drummond, Edward sum res Davison, Nancy J (McCosh retd sum res P Pt E Elizabeth M at home Edwards, Agnes (Cooper Clara C at home N Har Kathryn M pi Emma E Day, Nancy J (Carter ho Elliott, Mvrick" M contr & R d bidr Rpd Frank B contr bIdr Rpd Isadore ( Webber ho Day, Frank B contr bidr Rpd Mary E pi Adella M (Goudy ho Emulous C p| D EtKvin pi Norman W Day, Wm J truck N Har Elliott, Wm O sea capt Wal Inez M (^Brackett ho Ella F (Hutchins ho 202 BRISTOL Winnie L pi Walter L pi Thomas G Howard Elliott, Wm C far Rpd Lucy A (Loud ho *Amy M watch mkr 57 Wardsworth ave.Waltham, Mass *Roscoe L gas fitter 242 Mass ave, Boston, Mass Elliott, Elmer S undertaker & furniture dlr Pema Maria P (Fosselt ho Stanley P mer Elliott, S P mer Pema Annie W (Churchill P M Elliott, Geo M contr & bldr Catherine M (King ho F Eugenia stu Elliott, Chas C contr & bldr Rpd Lena M (Packard ho Madolyn M Elliott, G B ship mate Dama Lizzie P (Fitch ho Elliott, Henry W joiner N Har Millie B (Leeman ho Marie pi Madolin Elliott, Wm A contr & bldr prop Hotel Pemaquid, P Pt (winter res Round Pond Mary C (Fossett ho Ellis, Narcissa R (Lewis ho P Bch *Ernestine L (m Parmenter Boothbay Har Annie M (Curtis Emerton, S M sum res P Har Sarah E (Weltch ho *F Walter elec light Lynn, Mass Emery, Frank S far So Cliarlotte E (Young ho Sarah A tr Jas E fire Emery, Nellie M (Hatch Erskine, Samuel far Mus Mattie ho Guy fm wk Warren fm wk Roxie stu Erskine, Elizabeth P (Erskine Dama i *Walter E elec Bath *Eunice E (m Thomas 72 Camden, Rockland *Myrtie E ho N'casl *Sarah (m Huston Dama Marietta ho *Susie J ho Dama Wilbur A sawyer *Harold L eng s s Annie L Wilcox, Mystic, Conn Erskine, Cyprian H far Dama i CENSUS 203 S:n-ah M (Bryant Etheridge, O E prop Morton Nancy (m Weeks House Rpd *Sanford B stone cut Mary A (Leeman Toledo, Ohio Chas N stone polisher jo\mE f^r Laforest stage driver Erskine. J E far Dama i R^W F fireman O.-tavia (Little ho Alice M stu Erskine L D far Uama i Etheridge, Chas N stone cut- Jane '(m Creamer terRpd George J^enl vvk Annabel *badi"e (m Hanley N'casl Elizabeth (Clark Prank C f^r Etheridge, Ray F fireman Rpd Erskine, 1 Eugene retd Wal Ethel (Poland Erskine, Geo L ship car Etheridge, Chas N fisher Rpd Ernestine H (Hatch ho Annabel Morris J Evans, Mary J (Reynolds Erskine, Clara ^ ^^ Ervine, Edwin J car & far F L uella A (Robbins ho Farrar E T fisher So Ervine, Edward N Har Eula A (Thompson ho Blanche (Hastings ho Edward T £^,p,.ett H pl Farrar, Hannah (Thorpe ho So Arthur B *J"'>a ("^ '^•^'"ti" '^^ Eleanor M ^ Boothbay Ervine. Austin E fisher Rpd Clara (m Coombs Ervine, Parker M fisher Rpd *Mary (m Cameron So Port Ervine, Emma E ho Rpd E T fisher Ervine, Annie M tt Rpd Farrin, C A P M & mer Ervine, Wm V Supt Fisheries ^ Flar Co P Bch Mary E (Holmes ho Eliza M (Chadwick ho Mary N (m Gamage So WmVJr eng Alice M (m Gorham Susie M (m Sproul Urial L fisher g.jjie t£ stu A Drummond mer 204 BRISTOL Farrin, Frank far P Har Hannah A (Holmes ho Afton H far Edison W stu Farrin, Urinl L ' fisher So Ressie B (Rice ho Alton E Farrow, Cordelia A (Thomp- son So Ella M (m Prentiss ho *Afton O cl 85 Hudson, Somerville, Mass Feeney, Wm L leather dlr sum res Wal Feeney, Catherine A bk kpr sum res Wed Feeney, Mary E at home sum res Wal Feltis, Leland H far Dama Lizzie N (Shaw ho Feltis, Lorenzo far Wal Marjorie (Hutchins ho A Leroy far Augustine H far Lorenzo Jr far Leland H far *Annie B (m Heath 83 Everett, Mass Flora E (m Poland *Harry genl wk Dama Feltis, Warren.G genl wk Wal Mary 1 (Herbert ho Marguerite H Karl G Feltis, Leroy A far Wal Clara (Goudy ho Alvah L far Feltis, Lorenzo Jr far Wal Cora E ( Pease ho Wm L genl wk Warren G genl wk *Edith L (m Weston Bremen Charlottie E ho Feltis, Ckirence A lab Pema Julia A (McFarland ho Annie Belle Fitch, Daniel W sailor Dama Fannie S (Hysom ho *Frank W car Pasadena, Cal '■'Lilla B (m Hodgdon Woodfords *Lincoln D sailor Portland Lizzie P (m Elliott ho *Blanch E (m Fossett Portland *Ethelbert A ptr paper hanger Gardiner Ford, M Amanda (Blunt ho Pema -'^Margaret L (m Thomp- son Beverly, Mass Ford, W P millman & far Pema Ellen V(Perkins ho Ford, Bessie S Pema Fossett, F'erley W mach Pema CENSUS 205 Eva A (Leeman ho Fossett, Delia E (Fossett ho CeMa pl Albert C far Eleanor Susan M (m Thompson Fossett, Warren P sea capt Fossett, Albert C far Rpd Clara C (Hatch ho Julia M (Pope ho Eunice A pi Rufus K . Edward C pl Leo P pl Madeline E Kermit R pl Fossett, Adeline (Lawton Fossett, Arjd bik & millman Fossett, Chas E mariner Pema Ruth E (Hatch ho Nettie M (Leeman ho Caritcn W pl Perley W mch plumb & Horatio L pl elec plater Fossett, Elizabeth M (Myers Angle L compositor ho Dama Victoria A pl Emma H (m Woodward Fossett, A W fisher Rpd Fossett, Enoch A car N Har Adela (Jay dr mkr Sallie M (m Russell '•'Chester J pipe organ wkr Waldo (j;enl wk 351 Columbus av, Boston, Margaret M (m Gray Mass Fossett, E M pilot Nellie M stu ' N Har G Alison fire Australia (Churchill ho Hazel M pl *Alta M (m Boynton Fosset, Ambrose far Rpd 863 Broadway, Everett, Mass Sarah E (Miller ho Flora E (Wa^^on 863 Broad- Manley E pilot way Everett, Mass Ambrose W fisher *Clyde M fireman *Hannah (m Hatch Dama Providence, R I Lizzie (m Hunter Leah M stu *Wm Y barber & under- Fossett, Jasper N far Pema taker Vinalhaven S Matilda (Greenlaw Everett E eng Mary C (m Elliott ho Orlando M cook *Rosilla W (m Carter 206 BRISTOL 40 Stewart, Quincy, Mass Richard fisher Caleb G eng Fossett, C G eng Pema Iva B (Weeks ho Florence E Fossett, Jane E (Fountain ho Rdp ^Gardner M glue fact Vinalhaven Fossett, Newell R genl wk Rpd Annie L (Fogler ho Pauline Fts>ett, Orlando F barber & cook P Bch Freda M (Gray ho Etta M pi Fossett, Mary (m Cudworth N Har Blanchard fisher Fossett, Richard ifisher Pema Janie (Bryant ho Jasper B pi Mildred pi Lloyd E Malcolm R Fossett Susan S (Blunt ho Pema Varney H far Fossett, Augustus far & bik Pema Oscar A eng Fossett, O A eng Pema Frank C pi Fossett, Susan (Sproul nuise Dama Nellie B (m Stewart Fossett, Sarah J (Blunt Eva M (m Russell *Walter H joiner 143 San ford, So Portland *Octavia B (m Fitch 150 W Walnut, Pasadena, Calif *Hannah S ho 479 Main, Melrose, Mass Fossett, Susan M (Gam:i_e retd N Har Mary V (m Hanna Edwin W mer Abbie G (m Tibbetts Frank A mer Fossett, F A mer N Har Nellie M (Burns Fosett, E W mer N Har Annie E [m Ayer Hattie S coll stu Marion stu Fossett, Wm M retd sea capt Rpd Mary L (Morton ho *Mary D tr 273-9th, Astoria, Ore *L Morton rubber fact 61 Prentess, E Watertown Mass *Roderic stone cut 54 Lincoln, Worcester, Mass CENSUS 207 *Ada H v\atch fact 185 Margaret H Adams, Waltham, Mass Foster, Laforest fislier Rpd *Briceno M stone cut Jay Foster, James retd Fossett, Waldo geiil \vk PBch Foster, Martilla S (Thompson Clara M (Lewis ho ho So Wilder H pl Lewis F far & livery Foster, Alpha fisher Rpd Ggssie G (m Gilbert Nellie F (Clarke lio Fred M gen! wk Harl C fire Foster, F M gen! wk So Carlton C pi May E (Foster ho Ralph L pl Minnie A Foster, Bainbridjie fish So Wm S Alice M (Clark ho Foster, May E (m Foster ho Harvard So hvino; C Mabel F pl Thomas H Foster, Thomas H ptr So Foster, Cha. H fisher So Emily A (McFarland Eda M (Herald ho Allen G mariner Irene H Justin G eng Foster, Dana E cook So Nellie M (m Sykes Carrie B ( Humphrey ho Chas H mariner Foster, E T fisher Rpd Dana E cook Hannah A (Annis Bainbridge fisher Sadie O (m Miller Vesta L (m Leeman *LuIu (m Watts Hallowell Francis, Manuel Hear & boat Ruel C geni wk buid Rpd Foster, J G eng So Clara A (Clark ho Lillian M (FcsJer ho *Frank D marine eng Mildred M pl Portland Foster, Lewis F far & livery --Manville H fireman So Promised Land, L I, N Y Mabel F pl *Guy R eng Mystic Conn Wilsonettia (Chamberlain Edwin R pi ho Franck, Kate M (Yates ho 208 BRISTOL Rpd Ida H ( Cudworth ho Lena L pi Jas C sea capt Jas R pi Katie H (m Butman Mary A pi Fountain, J C sea capt Rpd Franklin, Swantia J far Philena ( Poland hu French, S A mer Xmas Frances H Rachel (Jones ho Fuller, R W meat market French, Capt Joseph W Rpd prop "French House" *Lida (m Berry Dama Albertina C (Gamage Chester R tr Frey, Lillian M (Foster So Fuller, W S mer So *Chas E fire Newport, R 1 Evelyn F (Fossett ho *John H fire Newport, R I G Clarence cl Gamage, A O ship blJr So Fountain, Fred Y far & car Julius C capt Mildred L pi Albertine C (m French Maurice E pi Annette (m Gamage ho Fount lin, Marcia ho Rpd *Levi Hotel Warren, Fountain, John C far Warren *Loring F car iVlass Alice B (Barker ho *Frank S taJor Lewiston Gamage, A P prop Russell Alvin mach L\ nn, Mass House, Xmas Mary A(m Gamage Hannah A (F^ussell ho Melinda (Poland ho *R G eng 154 Union, Fountain, Edgar far Evereit, Mass Mary F (Jones ho *Edward M druggist So Katie M (mSproul Framingham, Mass *Inez G (m Herbert *Russell P cl 154 Union, Franconia, N H Everett, Mass Fred'k Y far & car Susie M *Wm A elec R R scr C^amage, Allen fisher So Armory, Jamaica Plains, Mas^ Lydia ( McFarland ho Fountain, Jos W sea capt Newell C joiner Rpd Gifford R fisher CENSUS 209 Emerson M fisluT (Jama;:e, Jerome C fisher;io;e, (jifford R (isluT N Har Maude (Bourn, in ho l.ina (Mears ho Leoiia M Clias E fisher Gamaj;;e, Everett W Parker M fisher J F' & Ins So f illian H stu Elizabeth (Pool (jama^ie, C E fisher N Har Clara I pi Effie (Studley ho Elizabi th Eva D Gamage, Elliott P capt "New- Gamage, Joshua E far Pema castle" So Mary A (Fossett ho Annette (Gamage ho Annie at home Gamage, Oren T car & *GJara (m Fountain mer So 170 Chestnut, Cambridge, Exa A (Otis ho Mass *irving E trav sales Gamage, Laura E (Foster So Boston, Mass Gamag-f", Einwood Ejc^iner So Gamage, Edwin S hotel wk Bessie (Andrews ho So Gladys B stu Mary A (Dodge Gamoge, Luke A car So Gamage, Emerson M fisher Eidora ( Burgess ho So Elmer Lydia G (Hutton ho Gamage, Llewellyn S Wilford M Mary E (Russell ho Gamage, Eliphalet tr pilot So Gamage, Menzies R car So Lucinda M (Norwood ho Clarinda (Farrar ho AKa F mer Elliott P capt Ann.! May stu Martilla F (m Leeman Alice P pi (jamage, L A joiner So Arthur E pi Mary F (Otis ho Gamage, Julius C capt So Nellie F (m Welch ho Lizzie M (McFarland ho V\'arren L joiner *Grace N (m Marshall Linwood E joint-r 102 Judson, Maiden, Mass Gamage, Nelson W nur & 210 BRISTOL prop Summit House So Mahala (Marr ho Everett W J of P & ins Laura W (m Munroe Carnage, Norman C car & fisher So Emma E (Sherman ho Myrtle C Marguerite M Louise A Gamage, Newell A car So Lottie B (Thompson ho Ethel B pi Gamage, Warren L car So Mary N (Farrin ho Chas L pi Harvey F pi Eunice C pi Gamage, Willis R ptr N Har Adlia H (Knip ho Susie (m McLain Revada A stu Gatcombe. Will D P Bch Elzena (Crocker ho F Crawford pi Geer, Nancy A (mBenner ho Rpd *LaForest barber Cam- bridge, Mass J W granite cut Geer, J W granite cut Rpd Ralph app stone cut *Maude (m Morton Friendship *Pearl L pi Scarbord Carl B pi Gerald, Walter I asst P M Boston, Mass Pema sum res Emma (Bezanson Walter I Jr Geyer, John A fisher P Har Nellie F (Wells ho Kathleen M stu Marshall W pi Barbara I pi Josephine P pi Gerald J pi Pauline pi Eugene H Gcyer, Thomas far P Pt Emma M (m Hanna Rhoda D (Hooper ho Geyer, Thos W car Pema Martha A (Bradley ho Myrtle (m Wentvvorth Geyer, Walter S fisher N Har Lillie E (Johnson ho W Raymond Maude S Christie W Geyer, Martha F (RiJiardson ho N Har *Almeda (m Abbott Camden Rufus fisher Jolin fisher *Maude (m Hatch Fulton Newburyport, Mass CENSUS 211 Walter S fisher Gertrude (m Lewis Leander fi^'ier Geyer, Rufus fisher N Har Maud B( Abbott ho Genevera M pl Eva Nellie pl Geyer, Hannah M (Hackelton N Har *Wm F fish peJler No Newcastle Sidney ' hostler Laura E (m Murphy Sullivan cl *Chas fisher Boothbay Geyer, Sidney hostler N Har Midge B (Keene ho Wm C pl Freeman G P' Geyer, A R i^e cream & confec N Har Abbie (Hanna ho F Kenneth Geyer, F C fisher N Har Nancy V (Lawton ho Geyer, S G cl N Har Nora (McFarland ho Ralph G P' George W Chester E Geyer Arthur W lumber dlr N Har Geyer, Lois (Mears ho N Har Frank G fisher Afton R icecream & confec Gifford, Joseph fisher Rpd Nellie (Hussey ho Sherman pJ Edward pl Charles pl Lottie pl Geneva pl Newell Gifford, John H fisher P Bch Emma A (Jones ho Gifford, Jane C (m McLain P Bch Joseph H fisher Julia S (m Brackett John H fisher Estella B (m McLain Gilbert, Geo. A supt lobster pound N Har Gussie G (Foster Geo W fisher Willis A fisher Marion B P' Laura G P' Fred O P' Addie T P' Florence G Walter T Gilbert, Lois S (Ellis ho So *Lyda (m Williams Vinal Haven *Carrie (m Smith Boston, Mviss *Abbie L (m Smith Boston, 212 BRISTOL Mass *Harwood joiner Dama *Jennie (m Farrar Jacob W P phy & sur Tennants Har Georgie (m Wilson *Daniel L mariner Mystic, Caroline P (m Mar,k Conn Burton E far *Coartney B fisher R 1 Goudy, Capt E H Wal Geo A supt Lobster pound Lucy A (Paul , ho Frank A Lobster dealer Goudy, Dana D fai Wal Gilbert, Frank O capt lobster Annie R (Bryant ho smack So Lynwood B pi Clara B (Spear ho Goudy, John far Wal Goldwin L pi Sarah F (Hastings ho Marie L *Geo H far vvk Falmouth Clidden, C E far Duna i Dana D far Gordon, Wm S eng *Nettie M (m Hatch sum res P Pt Portland Clara A (Blair ho *Lettie B (m McFarling Gorham, Frank E blk Rpd Charleston Mass Alice M (Fan in ho Goudy, Albert G rtd Dama Francis W Salley F (Fuller ho Marion Goudy, Margaret (Hanly Gorham, Chas H car Rpd Dama Aletha (Elliott ho Goudy, Henry H mer & P M Gorham, Sophia A (Hastings Wal ho Rpd *Everett R ranch \vk Los Frank E blk Angeles, Calif Chas H car Laura A (Wiley ho Ralph E far Cora A (m Clark Goudy, Burton E far Wal Minnie H (m Little Flora E (Hatch ho *Henry M cl Dama Goudy, Mary F (Paul ho Wal Goudy, J W P phy & sur Clara A (m Feltis Abbie M (Bearce *Chas E team & far Graves, Mary D (Erskine N N'casl Kpd CENSUS 213 *iV\innie N (m Francis iiS Falcon, East Boston, Mass Ci.ay, Chas F marine eng P Bch Dorcas J (McLain ho Freda iVl(m Fossett Gray, Geo W far & fisher N Har Margaret M (Fossett ho Gray, Edvv far & fisher N Har Leantha S (Carter ho Geo E pi Gray, Sarah C (m Metcalf N Har E-iward far & fisher *Roxana (m Bailey 436 Main, Melrose, Mass Geo W far & fisher *Rose W (m Gaffney dr mkr 107 Shepard, Lynn, Mass Harriet (m Tarr *Chasc!iaffeur 1C7 Shepard L>nn, Mass Greenwood, Harley retd mer sum res Chamberlain Nettie (Hodgkins *Mariu.i 1 (m Daly NY Grover, Freeman C P Har Lucretia R (Stevens iio Freeman B fisher *Celestia C (m N^-^ison Collinsville, Conn Cusintha S *Mazina S steam ftr 71 Sa- von Hill Av, Dorchester Mass ^Harriett L tr Edward H Ham, Eva M (m Russell ho Harry F seaman Hanly, Luuan B far Johanna (Murphy ho John A far Margaret G ho *Wm H barber, Reading, Mass ♦Robert H far N'casle *Mary H (m Hewey New Haven, Conn *Geo L cook Dama *Edward L eiec RR ser MalJen, Mass Augustus G far Ruth F at home Hanly, Robert retd Dama Mary A (Kavanagh ho Hanly, Andrew J far & lumber Hanly, Johan'xi V (Sproul Dama Hanna, l.yman W fisher N Har Archibald H fisher ErvilleB fisher ♦Florence H ho i39F^obbins Wa'th. m, Mass Hanna, A H fisher N Har 214 BRISTOL Edith M (McKenney ho Alta M waitress Guy M pi Hanna, Mary V (Fossett ho Hanna, Nathaniel J fish war- N Har den N Har Walter S mer Lizzie S (Poland ho -i'Thiirlow c\ Higjins Beach Neihe S (m Brackett *Mark A car 15 Magazine, Hanna, Juan F fisher N Har Cambridge, Mass Wintie M (Wells ho Hanna, S fisher N Har *Roxie H (m Carnage *Rupert C plumh N Y City 154 Union, Everett, Mass Durmet pilot *Carl S fire Stewart, "^'Ursula tr Arlington, Mass Quincy, Mass *Bessie (m Hoffses *Clifton J emp lumter yd Waldoboro 154 Union, Everett, Mass *Justin fisher Aleitha F stu Long Island, N Y Lilla stu *James M eng Mystic Conn Morrill T stu Blanche (m Curtis Gretchen pi Mary E stu Hanna, J T retd N Har Lloyd far wk *Marcus A retd So Portland Howard pi Lyman W fisher *Harold mach Boston Mass Sylvester W fisher Hanna, Walter S Gents Nath'l J fish warden furnisher N Har James W fisher Lillian M (Robbinson ho Thomas E fisher Harrington, Alfred L mariner Juan F fisher So Hanna, Jas W fisher N Har Amanda M (Burnham Edna W (Bowman ho Randall A pi *Margie H (m Davis Madeline B pi 241 Cumberland, Portland Harris, Augusta (m Clark Eva A (m McLaine Rpd Abbie L (Geyer Chas K theatiical bus *Asbury Acl 241 Columbus *Joseph theatrical bus Portland St Janes, NY CENSUS 215 *Martha A ho "The ( Ernest W far & fisher Florence" Boston, Mass (Ernestine ( m Erskine Harris,ChasK Theatrical bus Eliza M ho Rpd *Margaret B (m Place Jessie Harcourt pi N 'castle May (Chase actress Hatch, Fred L fm vvk Hastings, Sophia (Greenlaw Hatch, Evander H car Wal Rpd Florence M (Chadwick ho *Chas W watchman Wal- Erving A pl tham, Mass Florence A Sophia A (m Gorham Hatch, Albert car Wal Eugene A ptr Helen N (Alley ho Lora E ho *Crawford A cabinet mkr Fred J car West Sumerville, Me *Edward M stone cut Evander H car No Conway, N H Alice M (m Morrison Hastings, D M far N Har Almon P tr *Daisy (m Thompson Hatch, Rosetta (Loud ho Rpd San Louis Abisbo, Calif Ada F (m Simmons *Fre I eng & contr Seattle, Ruth E (m Fassett Wash *Harry O plumb & gas ftr Mollie (Hopkins Boston Mass Hastings, Fred J car Rpd Cora E (Law *Nat F drill mkr i8o Mill New Bedford, Mass Maude H Hastings, J E far Rpd '^'Blanch (m Ervine N Har ♦Fannie G (m Burns N Har Hatch, Edw L far Wal Hatch, Grace M ho Wal Hatch, C Woodbury far Dama Eliza A (Bearce ho Hatch, Enoch mer Hattie M (Rounds ho Hattie M (m Steer Flora E (m Goudy Chas E cl Georgia E tr Hatch, Wm J far & mil Iman Mary D (McFadden h.o Grace M Susie L tr Edward L far Howard W mil Iman 216 BRISTOL Hatch, Capt Silas P P Har Mabel A p Julia A (Elliott ho Edwin S pi *Helen H (m Hatch Catherine E pi 6i Heath, Somerville Mass Beatrice R Clara C (in Fossett Bethel M Ralph S sea capt Hodgdon, Anstrus (Sprjgue Ethelind M tr Wa' Lewis C Sarah E (m KeLsey Herbert, Chas E far Daniel F far So Augusta H (Little ho *Edna A (m Winchenbaugh Mary I (m Feltis Dutch Neck "^Albert I mill cp Camden *Jas B piano bus Elizabeth M tr Boston, Mass Edna A tr *Hannah A (m Baker Edith B pi 3 Ash Place, Boston, Mass Annie L pi Hodgdon, Daniel E geni wk So Jeannette C pi Hoftses, Geo tore Rpd Julius E pi Martha (Stetson ho Hersey, Dan'l W far Pema Georgie (m Schio.der Hinds, B Eudora (Smith dr dr mkr mkr Rpd Holden, Geo A stage driver *Annie (rn Munroe No Jay Elizabeth M (Hatch h; *Augusta N (m Lockwood Mabel G (m Feltis Woodstock, Ont Estelle M *Lizzie B watch fact vvk Ovro L 345 Moody, Waltham, Mass Beulah O stu Hinds, Emma (Tarr P M Roxie A stu Heywood S pi Holden, Simon joiner Hinds, Henry E stat eng Rpd Cariie P (Hatch ho Viola (Hodgkins ho Herbert L f^ir Wm H seaman Elmer S far wk Carrie N stu Holden, Horace far Hiscock, Samuel J mason Rpd Mary (Weymouth ho Emma C (Rehm ho Addie at home CENSUS 217 Hunner, Tlios J clcry sum res So Nevvjastie So Constantine L far Flora B (Boardman Gussie E Humphrey, Randall H retd sea capt Rpd Laura M (Blaisdell ho *Rodn^y B coal & wood dlr 4 Revere, Woodfords *Randa!l M stone cut HardwicU, Vt Carrie B (m Foster Hunter, Albert H tar Dama Elizabeth E (Fossett ho J Wilbur far Ernest H marine eng Alice E (m Oliver \ Harold M pl 1 Henry F pl Huston, Sally B(Woodvvardho Dama *Hester A (m Evans Camden *Henry A pre f Cht mistiy Chicago, III Geo A far Huslon, Geo A far Dama RoxieH(Hall ho Hutchins, Thomas mason Dama Martha J ( Holmes ho Ella F (m Elliott Austin lab *Arthur mach 156 High Bath Halsey B stu Agness H pl Cicely V pl Robert S Emil>- I Hopkins, Arthur W far & ti- her Dama Lorena P (Hait ho House, David P So Clara L ( Dodge ho Josie W {m Berr y Nathaniel D mer Harry H joiner Arthur W mer House, Harry fish m a r ket So Gc-nie (Young ho Francis L -i-Howard, Mary L So 15 G So Boston . Mass Huestis, Catherine F\^m Car- ter ho Rpd A Marion pl Huey, J P genl \\k N Har Sarah (Tibbetts ho Carrie L pl Huey, Wilson fish er Rpd Humphrey, Jos L far P Har Hattie E (Lewis ho ♦Lillian M (m Dodge ho So Newcastle *MabeIle H ( m I Jodge 218 BRISTOL Flora B waitress Hysom, Julian C mer xWaude H (Haskell ho Tracie E pi Wm M pi Vera M pi Paul P Hysom, Sarah C (Fossett Julian C mer Hysom, John F fisher So Jeannette stu Alice (Dodge ho I Irving, Edwin hostler N Har Blanche (Hastings Everett pi Ellen Arthur J Jo'inson, August stone cut Kpd Hilda (Svenson ho Delia pl Elsie pl Mildred pl Helen pl Selma Norwood Johnson, Samuel W retd phy Johnston, Arthur retd N Har Minnie (m Penniman *Margaret (m Howard 80 Taylor, Waltham. Mass *Jennie (m McLeod 2 Franklin, Watertown, Mass Jones, Mrs. Alfred (Coats Rpd Thomas H ^Rachel J ( m Banner Augusta Jones, Chas A far Fannie R (George ho Albert W stu Edward A stu Dora E pl C R Lawrence pl Jones, Samuel A far Jones, Emma A (m Gifford P Bch Florence E (m Leeman Jones, Elvira (m Crocker P Bch Annie S (m Tarr Lois A (m McLain Jones, Ernest L fisher N Har Annie (Brackett ho Etta M pl Jones, Alice M P Bch Jones, Lemuel sea capt Rbd Dora (Sweizer Edward 1 pl Lillian M Jones, Chas S gen wk Rpd Jones, Samuel H fisher So Maggie M (DeGrasse ho Jones, Newton J far Rpd Jones, Warren P Rpd Hattie L (Fossett ho CENSUS 219 *Hthfl C teleji op H.mover, *CaroIine D (m Rapelye ho N H Chicago ave, Elmhurst, N Y Harold L fire Chas A far *Clifton E stone cut No Jay *Lura E (m Holman Broadway, Elmhust, N Y Kelsey, F B far Wal Amelia A (Burnham ho Ethel B stu Flora E pi Alice A Kelsey, Alden H far Wal Sarah E (Hutchins ho Frank B far Myra M ho Walter L hotel cl Vinal D far Kelsey, Freeman W fisher So Emma A (Thompson ho Ella E (m Plummer Angle B Marrion M pi Geo W pi KelsL-y, Herman W fisher So Lettie M (Thorp ho Wilder H pi Erville T Kelsey, Arthur H stage driver So Lizzie M (Page ho Kelsey, Wm T far Wal Sarah E ( Hodgdon ho Herman W fisher *Hattie M(m Couch lancy Hannah W ( iJoughty wk N V City Geneva M stu Florence M stu Mabelle M Pl Jordan, Wm F car So Lolelta (Gamage ho Frank M cl Winnifred B stu Wellington M stu K Keene, Mildred E pl Rpd Kelsey, Kosterd C ship car Wal Nellie N (Chadwick ho Horace A stu Alta H pl Kelsey, Chas A watch Susan B (Redonn lett ho Eric R Kelsey, Webst.-r far Da ma Mabel G (^ fhompson ho Ernest C ice bus Harold S far Albert G Kelsey, Wm J far Wal Abbie S (Richard s dr mkr Ralph L far Kelsey, R L far Wal Etta M (Bryant dr mkr Kelsey, Hiram W retd Wal BRIIiTOL car Pcma tr Ma ( Bezanson tr Kimball, Geo F hard bus stu Penia 220 Arthur H mail Angie M Lena E Hcllis E Kelsey, Emeline O (Gamage Emma (Logan ho Wal Wesley Freeman W fisher Carl Thomas W far Kimball, Ella IV\ (Dean ho Everett P car Pema Augusta E (m Wiley l^i'ig, Wm M far Wrl Amy O (m Somes Annie M (Woodward ho Georgie (m Russell l^ing, Martha E (Man'en So Albertine (m Stevens Kingsley, Henrietta H (Gush Kelsey, Everett P car Wal man bama Laura E (Somes ho L Laura B pi Ladd, Frank far & tLsher Lewis S pi P Har Inez L pi E (Stevens ho Kendall, Elizabeth retd Hosea S fisher Kennedy, C M *Ella F stenog 197 Colum- compass adjuster So bus Av, Boston, Mass Mary O (McLain ho Lailer, Frank H far Rpd Kennedy, Walter W Margaret E (Erskine ho marine eng P Bch Thomas S blk Winnie M (Tarr ho *Mary A (m Tibbetts Keyes, Annettie (Leighton ho Amagansett, N Y Wal *George C cook Dora (m Feltis Promised land, N Y Kimball, Donald E sec Morse *Alton V boat bldr Portland Co Pema *Arthur C boat bldr Blanche (Robbins Portland Muriel Lailer, Thomas S blk Rpd Haze! Millie E (Hatch ho Kimball, Wm A cabinet mkr Hannie B pi CEN8U8 221 T Linwood pi Mildred E pi Chas O Lane, Eliza A ho So Lane, Margaret A ho So Lane, Asa A sail mkr So *Joanna M (m Haywjrd D ima Lane, Chas P fisher & far N Har Minnie I (Curtis ho Edwin A pi Hester Sadie A Lane, Geo E fisher N Har M Belle (Hersey ho Perlie E pi Florence B pi Lane, Thomas retd So "^Almeda A (m Burnham Boothbay Edith T (m Rice *Pheba L (m Burnham Boothbay *Riley E gen \vk Boothbay Adelia H (m Burnham Langdon, Mary F (Webber sum res Rpd Lawler, Jos W car ptr *Wm P designer 28 Oxford Somerville, Mass Susie C (m McFarland Helen H ho Lawler. Lewis W car Harrielte M (Fuller ho *Everett F car Maiden, Mass *Mary H (m Jones Dama Carrie C ho *Manfred car Maiden Mass Andrew F car idelle A Lawler, Andrew F car Vivian G [Thomas Irvin T Langhton, Franklin Bfar Rpd Rosalinda [Etheridge ho Lawion, Alonzo far Mary B [Hatch ho Lawton, Sarah B [Hatch *Ada E [m Cloudman Wakefield, Mass Edwin A sea capt Lawton, E A sea capt Irving p' Irene pi Lawton, Adelaide P (Seiders N Har Edwin Wchef Boston, Mass *Winnie A (m Huey 9^4 Dorchester, Dorchester, Mass Nancy V[m Geyer Leeman, Albert fisher Rpd Lizzie (Lawry iho *Lauren.i (m Watts Houlton *AIbert E stonecutter Augusta 222 BRISTOL Leeman, Emery W fisher Rpd 92 Pitt Oakdale Cal Bell (Leeman ho Millie B (m Elliott Eliza M pi Leeman, Theron J fisher Rph Lewis A Arvilla (Thompson ho Douglass Leeman. Scott fisher Kpd Leeman, Jos H fisher Rpd Susie M (Murphy ho Mary [Etheridge Mabel (m Leeman Leeman, Lillian O [Wallace *Etta H ho 233 Broadway, tr N Har Rockland Kermit R Frank H pi Leeman, Leonard F fisher Calvert M pi N Har Clifford M pi R S [Thompson ho Clara M Plummer E fisher Leeman, Wm fisher Rpd Leeman, Plummer E fisher Carrie (Jones ho N Har Roy Florence E [Jones ho Leighton, Geo M fisher So Leeman, John A fireman So Harriett A [Brown ho Vesta L (Footer ho Warren fisher Madeline E Edwin mate Leeman, Edw fisher Rpd Nellie L op straw shop Nellie (Simmons ho Everett E pi Leeman, Maitin P sea capt Geneva L pi Rpd Leland, Eugene O fisher Rpd Wm W fisher Jennie R [Pedley ho Eva E (m Fossett Lloye E pi *Elsie E (m Brackett Verner R Peaks Island Emma Elvira Leeman, Plummer J capt So Lewis, A C fisher P Har Marlilla F (Gamage ho O Uurell tlsher Elliott G Lewis, Margaret J (Upham Leeman, R M pti N Har P Bch Mary E (Huey milliner Cleveland F fisher *Jane W (m Hawkes Clara M (m Fossett CENSUS 223 Wm M fisher Emma E [Walton ho Frank F fisher Justin W pi Ada M ho Little, Joel A millman Lewis, W M fisher P Bch Minnie H Goudy Flora [Palmer ho Laura B pi Silvia E pi Mary H pi Edw B Bertha E pi Lewis, Leslie E fisher N H Cora W Viola W [Williams ho Little, Melissa [Little ho Ruby E Joel A millman Inez R Little, Alfred H mason Lewis, Cleveland F fisher Martha J(Wiley ho P Bch ^Raymond C eng Gertrude M (Geyer ho Quincy, Mass Goldie V pi *Rena W milliner Dama M Marguerite pi *Archie L hotel cl Lewiston Woodbury C Samuel W far Linscott, A H far Rpd Alfreda F pi Amanda (Stetson ho Little, Lillian M [Farnham ho Florence E pi Fred F Little, Andrew B far & team Harry M Lena M [Prentiss ho Ernest R stu Little, Geo E mason N Har Nellie N [Brackett ho Delmar B fisher Zilpha B [m Munsey ho Geo V stu Glenn M pi Little, Delmar B fisher N Har Edith E [Davis ho Ava E pi Bertrill E pi Laura M pi Minot K Hester M Pl Eleanor M pl Laurice P pl Little, Tho D hotel & car Wilour E he )tel prop *Mary E steno,^; 443 W 73 rd Chicag 0, III Thos M car Isabel [Huslon ho Annie L Castine Normal stu Little, Thos M car 224 BRIftTOL Little, Wilbur E prop Ccve Mary [Bartktt House, Xmas Mahan, Helen M ( Blaisdell Minnie G [Cronin ho p i^.^^ Loud, Samuel retd sea capt Margarett H Rpd *Zelma M [m Baislow Amanda E (Fossett ho Da ma Wm G mer Wesley W car Samael A steward Manchester, Eettie Y [Munro Thomas F mer RpL Ethelbert far Mank, Austin F far Dama ^Arthur C barber Boston Caroline P [Goudy ho Mass HolHs E pi *Nellie A watch mkr Uoris E Waltham Mass Marden, Anson P fisher So Rookie Y [m Sawyer Marr, Clarence E Keeper Loud, Samuel A steward Rpd Pema Pi Lt P Pt isa D [Poland ho Clara E [Pinkham ' ho Eugennie pi *Estelle C [m Pierce Box Stanley pi 1097, Bath Dorothy C =^ida B [m Buker Boothbay Loud, Ethelbert far Rpd Har S Jennie (Poland ho Alberta M stu Helen M pi Marscn, Lena A (Yeaton ho Stephen P p] Pema Loud, W G mer Rpd *Yiyrtle D [m Hodgkins Herbert S eng Springfield, Mass *Wm T sales Mass Christine M stu Luce, Fred N far Rpd Martin, Wealtha J[m Thomp- Elida A [Palmer ho son Rpd Millred P far *Emily [m Hitchcock Dama M *Jason W quarry wk MacDonald, Duncan B Prof in Waldoboro Hartford Theo Sem sum res *Robert H cook Falmouth P Pt hotel, Portland CENSUS 225 Martin, McClelhm fisher Mary A (m Gamat^e ho N Har ^Leslie W blk East Booth- I a B (Poland ho bay Martin, Alvin fisher N Har *Matie E (m Blake *John W s s vvk 107 Shep- East Boothbay arc!, Lynn, Mass McFarkmd, Caroline Elmer car & fisher (Gammage So Martin, Levi P fisher N Har Josephine (m Blaisdeli Minnie E (Barker ho Wellington far & fisher Helen G summer store McFarland, Chas F barber So Walter A pi Sophronia T (Mears ho Martin, Elmer fisher & car sum res P Pt Cora R (Chafee Mason, Daniel sea capt Rpd Eliza J (Leeman ho Frink H pilot Nellie G (m Carter Daniel E stu Mason, Frank H pilot Rpd Matilda R (Leland dr mkr Pauline pi Maymard F Doris pi Mabel L Mason, Rev E A Cong clerg McFarland, Eli is fisher N Har So Marg iret (Simmons Annie W (Pinkham ho Wm Riley fisher May L stu Edward A fisher Katharine stu *Emma A (m StudL^y Masters, Harry O elec Rpd Mednmak Eva M (Sherman ho Etta M (m Brackett Nettie M Lola M (m Brackett Ethel M Nora (m Geyer McFarland, Alplunis fisher So Julia (m Feltis Julia A (Mears ho McFarland, E (j cook Guy E cook Vernon F Floyd A McFarland, Edvv A fisher N Har Iva P (Davis ho Allen E Pl Inez M Pl Walter M pl Florence H P» 226 BRISTOL Thompson Inn, So Ada E (Thompson ho McFaiiand, F Y boat bldr So Gertrude B (Cotter ho McFailand, G W ptr So Lenora (McFarland ho Harold 1 C Waldo stu C Warden stu Christine M stu Eva L pi Harlan D pi McFarland, John fisher So Oris fisher Lenora (m McFarland *Daniel G fish market Jamaica Plains, Mass *Annie (m Blackman Rockland *Harvey O mer Charleston, Mass Eliphelett G prop "Thomp- son Inn" Lois S (Gilbert ho McFarland, Harvey W car So Mary (Farrow ho Sumner F pi McFarland, S G ptr So Adelia M (Tibbetts ho *Gilman T, Austin, Nevv- tonville, Mass McFarland, Hiram fisher N Har Lyman W far McFarland, L W far N Har Carrie A (Davis ho Ella J pi McFarland, Leander far So Eliza S (Parkhurst ho McFarland, LaFayette fisher N Har S Bertha pi Arthur A pi Isaac R pi Susie C (Lavvler ho McFarland, Oris car So Nellie M (Mears ho Elsie M (m Pool Henry G candy mkr McFarland, W R fisher N Har Nettie (McFarland ho McFarland, Lois A (Martin ho N Har Thomas E fisher LaFayette fisher Osgood seaman Nettie (m McFarland M:Farland, Wm A boat bldr So Ann (Young ho Wm P boat bldr Howey W car boat bldr Frank Y car boat bldr McFarland, Watie A (Gamage ho So Emily A (m Foster ho Alphis D * fisher Sylvanus G ptr CENSUS 227 Geo W pU- Mclntire, Royal E fisher N Har Chas F barber Bertha M (Wilson ho *Levi ship car So Portland I:mina pi Walter H cook Willie O pi McFarland, Walter H cook So HIsie M Fannie (Blaisdell ho LeRoy Marion I. pi McLain, Harry fisher Pema McFarland, W P So Emma .V\ (Tukey ho Flora B (French ho Beatrice W Wm F pi McLain, Jane C (Gifford ho McGray, Henry fisher Rpd P Bch Eliza (Osier ho McLain, Newell B fisher *Phebe (m Tomlinson P Bch Dama Mills Estella B (Gifford ^William H stone cut Mildred J Hallowfll McLain, Leander retd P Bch Mary (m Thompson Sarah M (Curtis ho *Ernest stone cut N Jay *Faus'iina ho 59 Cushinji, Mcintyre, John J retd vet Cambridge, Mass Laura J (Myers ho *CordeIia (m El well watch Mclntvre, Betsey H (Bradley fact wk 10 Orange Waltham, ho N Har Mass *Wm E seaman Newell B fisher Eugene lab *Geo R sea capt ig Vesper *Samuel B trunk mkr Portland Maplewood, Mass McLain, D G pilot N Har *Owen St C lab Mildred (Cudworth ho Yarmouthville Royal E fisher Thos L fislier Mcintyre, Eugeue lab N Har Elzina (Brackett ho Lottie pi Hattie pl Llewellyn G pl Phyllis A McLain, Leonard B fisher N Har Eva A Hanna ho Winston C McLain, Lorenzo D blk & 228 BRISTOL boat bldr P Bch Dorcas J (m Gray *Emma C (m Murphy 99 Sea Rockland *lsaiah L police 90 Bryant, Maiden, Mass *Louis E marine eng Maiden, Mass MeLain, Mary E (Gray ho P Bch Leonard T pilot *Etta V (m Kennedy 199 E High, So Portland Melvin A marine eng Mary O {^m Kennedy McLain, L T pilot P Bch Cora E (Palmer ho Clinton E stu Harold A pi W Bradford pi Helen M McLain, Melvin A marine eng P Bch Winnie (Jones ho Lester L stu McLain, Alex C fisher P Bch Lois A (Jones ho Linwood F stu Anna J stu Verena E pi McLain, Margaret (Curtis ho P Bch *Viola (m.Greenlaw 21 Walnut, Haverhill, Mass Harry tlsher Orren fisher Edward fisher Mears, Fred H pilot Rpd Flora C (Etheridge *Edson P bk kpr 205 Lincoln, Boston, Mass Mears, Wm P fisher N Har Lois (m Geyer Lina (m Gamage Mears, Carrie (Hastings cook N Har Edgar fisher Gorham fisher Daisy stu Ruby pi Donald H Mears, Joel T fisher So Cora A (Traynor ho Merry, Alden B far Wal Ruby A (Cook ho E Stella pi Leander R pi Metcalf, Greenlief W Wal Margaret J (Gallop ho *Willard L artist New York N Y Metcalf, Sarah (Gray N Har Meserve, Delia C (Bickford N Har Chas B deputy sheriff and fish dlr Meserve, C B deputy sheriff CENSUS 229 & fish dlr N Har Ada N pi Soplironia (Wentvvorth Verdell pi Miller, hdward gardiner Millard pi Miller, Norris bk Upr Dennis Carrie (Hail ho Ethel Edna pi Morton, Aiigastus E car Rpd Miller, Alvin M fisher N Har Delia R (Hart ho Rosilla J (Waltz ho *RaIph H bik No Jay *Norris A bk kpr Tiverton, Morton, Jas W quarry Rpd R I Rachel E (Bryant ho Crosby G meat bus Mary H (m Emery ho Hannah (m Bradley Moses, R Jane (McKnight Lawrence S fisher sum res So Miller, C G meat bus N Har W H mer Sadie (Foster ho H C mer Clyde A pi A C mer Mitchell, Ella F (Hill ho *Fannie (m Gasling Elizabeth tr St Davis, Penn Morrison. Alvin far car Rpd Munro, S D rtt 1 seacapt Rpd Alice M (Hatch ho Harriet J (Erskins Helen A pi *MelviIle E cl 22 Merchants Addie G Row, Boston, mass Hilda A Fred K Morse, Nellie C (Webber *Edmund D steward sum res Rpd Brooklyn, N Y Elspeth B pi Munro, Jos W far Rpd Clyde W pl Munro. John F mer Rpd Morton, Geo W far Rpd *Jennie P( m Morton N -Jay M Elizabeth (m Cox Annie E tr *Cieo W Jr fisher Laura W (Gamage Morton, Abijah A far Rpd Munroe, Chas E N Har Morton, Mary W ho R\^d Rose E (Cushman ho Morten, Jos H geni \vk N Har Fannie H pl E'idavilla (Carter lo Hazel J 230 BRISTOL Munroe, John B fisher Rpd Vinalhaven Mar) F (Ervine ho *RosvveII quarryman John P mer Vinalhaven *Laura A (m Smith *Ade!aide (m Butman Waldoboio 41 No Main, Rockland *Geo E quarry suptNo Jay Evander W far *Jas N quarry fore No Jay Murphy, L F far Kpd Munsey, Warren M fisher & Alice A (Carter ho mer N Har Delora pi Zilpha B (Little ho Simon b Donald W pi Francis S Geo K pi Augusta C Munsey, Frank P Jr fisher Murphy, Margaret H (Miller N Har ho Rpd Eliza M (Palmer ho *Etta (m Hall N'casI Hester M *Geo A stone cut Frank A Waldoboro Murphy, Geo A stone cut Susan (m Leaman Rpd Addie (m Thompson Effie L (Geyer ho *Chas E stone cut Augusta Lawrence C pi Leonard F far Mildred D pi Murray, Thomas sea capt Minnie M pi N Har Ada H pi Ida B (Brackett ho Gladys N Warren Nash, Emeline J (Johnston Murphy, Evander W far Rpd ho Pema Clara H (Prentiss ho Austin J fisher tar Auranus P pi 'i'Gussie M (m Hall Union Geo P pi Nash, Austin J fisher far Vesper R Pema Murphy, Angeline (m Cun Annie M (Greenlaw ningham ho Rpd Etta R *Jeremiah H gen! \vk *Nash, Wm So Portland CENSUS 231 Nichols, Jas E mer Rpd Winthrop, Mass Carrit* L ho Frank fisher Mary H tr Osier, Philena (McFarland *Everett A d rug 4360 ho N Har Washington, Roslinci lie, Mass Osier, Alton, mach Rpd Jennie E(Fossett supt of \/\ '1 rr T r i r* { iv\tiggie (^ schools John pi Helen M stu Albra pi Nichols, T W ptr Rpd Norman Edna M ( Ervine ho Osier, Frank A fisher N Har Florence A stu Belle S (Poland ho Phillip J pi Alva E Thomas pi Leuign W Mary H pi Infant Frances Osier, Myra (Simmons ho Nichols, Au^u^ta M (Barrett Pema retd Rpd *Myrtie pi E Boothbay Thomas W ptr *Lloyd pi (on Loud's Island *Frank B pub Bath Times *Perley pi E Boothbay O Osier, S E trav sales Rpd Oliver, Amos E marine eng Lucy M (Kimball ho Dama Ernest W hotel wk Alice E (Hunter ho Osier, Thos N fisher N Har Oram, Robert H ins agt & Almena S (Davis ho fishing bus *Maiy A(m Cornell dr mkr Sarah E (Kendall ho 3 Southvvood, Roxbury, Mass Oram, W F sea capt *Nathan F fisher French- L Isabell (Robinson ho boro *Maude I tr 11 Laurel Horace S pi Portland Otis, Eben R far So J Calvin coll stu Lois R dry goods Osier, A C fisher N Har *Edmond L far Bridgton Rosanna J (McFarland *Lincoln B Southport *Elva (m Nickerson Otis, Oscar A fisher So 282 BKISTOL Mabell N (Thom pson ho N Har Ida A Pl Bernice M (Pdhner ho Linvvood E Leroy L pl Otis, Alonzo pilot So Eileen A pl Oscar A P fisiier Pahner, McClellan fisher N Har Packard, S Ol iver stone cut Effie (Davis ho Rpd Flora E (m Lewis Esther (Erskine ho S Elizabeth pl Lena M (m Elliott Parker, Dedlilah (m Tarr ho Page, Chas E gen wk So Sarah (Holden ho Chas J gardener Page, Otis far Dama *Geo W eng Rachel F (Huston Providence, R I Page, Sam'l T far Wal Parker, Catherine ho Iva L at home Parkhurst, Eliza S (m McFar- Elizabeth M (m Kelsey land ho So Ada A at home *Harriet B (m Merchant Thomas W pl 29 Commonwealth av, Wilder A pl Gloucester, Mass Palmer, Stephen lab N Hab *Hugh furniture bus Mary J (Thompson ho Eduewood, Gloucester, Mass Stephen A fisher -*Lftie M tr Edgewood, Eliza M (m Muqsey Gloucester, Mass Stillman pl M Eliza at home Palmer, Wm J fisher N Har ^'-Leander drug "Essex Sarah P (Carter ho House" Salem, Mass Oora L *Mary E (m Janeret Kenneth W 14 Cherry, Salem, Mass Palmer, M Maria Rpd Parsons, L W fisher & fish Palmer, Winfield S car N Har buyer N Har Marcia E (Hussey ho Isabel (Sampson ho Bernice M (m Palmer Marjorie E pi Palmer, Blanchard T fisher Eleanor C pl CENSUS 233 Lucille T I\'niiiman, Marcellus Partridge, Lincoln J seaman tin smith N Har P Bch Emily (Buynton lio Emma L (Wallace ho Hazel A pi *Sadie L (m Uwincll C}eo H pi 87 Hermon, Winthrop, Mass Penniman, Minnie (Johnston Jas W stu N Har Zina M stu Francis J car & Prop Echo Wallace J pi House Doris L pi *Jennie E nurse M I H Partridge, Henry C far& gas- Augusta oline bus P Bch *Jessie M nurse M I H Partridge, Jas E prop Augusta "Jamestown Hotel" P Bch Ruth A pi AdJie B (Johnston ho Peters, Vi let B (McClary Dora S Gorham Normal stu Laundress Rpd Partridge, Fred A lobster bus Ra>mond C lab P Bch M Isabel ho Ada M (Brackett ho Geo Harrison lab Clara E stu Philput, Rev Jas M Jennie V pl "Bunjalow" P Pt John R pl Lillian (Reynolds Paul, Leonard O far D.ima Pierce, Catherine F(m Car- Paul, Annie M ho Dama ter ho Rpd Paul, Caroline E ho Raymond F pl Pedley, G J car Rpd Pierce, R W mer So Lillian (Yates ho Alice A (Gamage Infant Piiikham, Josephine (McFar- Penney, Frank G P Har land So Emma F (Chase ho *Leroy B mach Bath Penniman, Silas rctd vet Flossie M p B.h Clarence R pi Amanda A (Clark U<> Pitcher, Alonzo B gmluk Silas E pi Wai 234 BRISTOL Nellie E (Fitch ho Leslie A genl wk Carrie S (^m Thompson Stella A ho Geo T genl wk I Velma L pi 1 Vesta B pi Lillian I pi Lawrence B pi Plummer, Wm A far So Alice P (Farmer ho Miles A fisher Plnmmer, M A fisher So Ella E (Kelsey ho Jennie V Miles A Jr Plummer, Hannah (Sargent So Wm Atwood far Poland, Ada F(m Simmons ho Rpd *Leona (m Watts log Seminary, Barre, Vt Philena (m Fountain Poland, Amaziah fisher N Har Luella H (Thompson ho Raymond O stu Wyman L pi Poland, Chas T mer & P M N Har Annie R (Elliott ho Charlena M music tr Poland, Geo W team N Har Flora E (Dodge ho Iverne H pi Poland, Ida B (m Martin ho N Har Albert H pi Mary E pi Poland, Jos M fisher Rpd Laura E (Leeman ho Mildred stu Floyd L Poland, Leonard L far N Har Clara A (Tarr ho Belle S (m Osier Addie M asst P M Heber G D pi Leland S pi Poland, Melinda (m Fountain *j3hn contr & bldr Norfolk Downs, Mass ^Georgia (m Poland Quincy, Mass *Lizzie(m Cudebach N Y Poland, M W butcher P Har Elva J (Young ho Llewellyn K fisher * Thomas A Portland -f=Lillian (m Seavey Boothbay Marrion E Poland, Orren A far Rpd M Alida (Elliott ho Poland, Stephen E retd sea capt Annie S (Poland ho Haliowell car stu stu fl: sher 1 ^ema ho far Wal ho CENSUS 235 Jennie S (m Loud Isa E (m Loud Randell J Joseph H far Jennie B Nellie M Harrietta Poland H far Poole, Isaac F Lawrence E Ella J (Sproul Poland, Thos J boat bidr & Susie L fisher N Har Poole. John F Annie H (Tibbetts ho Ann M (Thorp Eugene fisher & boat bldr *Ada stenog San Francisco, Poland, Eugene fisher & boat Cal bldr N Har Harriet waitress Lucretia (Blaisdell ho Loring T fire Poole, Everett A far So Muriel stu Katie E (Cudworth ho F^oole, Scjiomon L car So Ethel F (m Light Elsie M (McFarland ho Harold E far Ruth A Alice K Poole, Wm J far Pema Clifton C Ida J ( Fossett ho Poole, Henry E boat bldr Sf- *Laura F ( m Wallace Zettie E (m Creamer Woonsocket, R I 'Herman fisher No Booth- Elizabeth S (m (damage bay *Josephine Ci ( m Blaisdell Lawrence E fisher Maldc n, Mass Solomon At wood E bar Grace M Poole, Albert Poole, Edna E Poole, Horace G Dora B (Hall ho Julia M (m Fossett *Sadic F (m Wooster ho *Roland H eng Dorchester, Bar Harl or Mass *Annie M (m Davis PreiUict-, W H Prop Harbor seaman Chester W far ler Ne>v Har Isaac F fisher ho Wm J Jr boat bldr So P ope, S T retd Rpd ho So =i=Edward S car Fall River far Mills Mass 236 BRISTOL View Hotel Rpd Ella M (Fassovv landlady *Cordelia (m Sherman 9 Sand Stapleton, N Y Alice D i^m Poole *Cynthia M tr 76 Dexter, Medford, Mass Florence (m Culhane Gladys L tr Stephen F stu J Cheever pi William H pi Prentice, Geo W tar Rpd ^; Clara H (m Murphy Martha M (Richards ho Prentiss Mary E (Page Mills Lona M (m Little Maude H (m Hysom Prior, Wm T capt fishing steamer Rpd Clara H (Hatch life & accdt ins agt Gertha Mstenog Rossford W R Redonnet, E B rubber gar- ment cutter Rpd Caroline (Hetzel Ridonnett, Bertha(Hersey ho Wiilard H piano mover *Annie S Cm Carter 31 Josephine av, W Somerville, Mass John N mill wk Adelbert hotel cl *Lewis N piano mover 12 W Cottage, Roxbury.Mass Susan B (m Kelsey Bradford C tr Redonnett, John N lawyer Mary A (Jones ho Annie M ho Clifton C pi Reeves, R T far Rpd Adella A (Coombs-Sproul *Samuel E mill wk So Scituate, R I *Mary E (m Chase So Scituate, R 1 Nora C (m Crocker Rawson T pi Margaret F pi Reilly, Maurice F canning fact fore N Har Angle B (Churchill ho Wm F fire Maud A stu Paul pi Jas R pi Louis 1 pi Iva B pi Rupert M Karl E Infant Reynolds, Mary J (m Evans "Bungalow" P Pt Lillian (m Philput Reynolds, Flora M CENtSLki 237 "Bungalow" P Ft Sprinfifiekl, Mass Rice, Geo W fisher So Richardson, Laura F ho Edith T (Lane ho . N Har Ressie B (m Farrin Richardson, Mary E (Hussey Farl' Cal *Franl< W dt'nti>t, 41 Cen- Smith, A B trader Rpd ter, Brockton, Mass Alice M (Sidelinger lio Amy M tr Lorerz B pi Nellie B dr mkr Smith, Mary F pi kpd Sproul, Mary (Smith ho Pema Somes, Elmer C fisher N Har *Lena (m Thompson Amy (Kelsey ho Waltham, Ma^^s Spear, Pearl E en;: So *Lizzie B (m Bradley Halhe S (Foster ho Corn Island, C A Geo R Eugene B car Sproul, Chas A mer P Bch Minnie A (m Young 41 Rut- Wilda E (McLain P M land Sqr, Boston Mass C Alvah marine eng Sproul, Mary A (Erskine ho Una E cl Rpd Leiand pi *Wilbur L stone cutler Sproul, Rodney fisher N Har Hallowell Sproul, Loring fisher N Har *Grace E (m Bodvvell Sproul, Albert C capt lobster Brooklyn, N Y smack P Bch *C Augustas bk kpr Emma L (Scott ho ic;2i C'jmmercial, Boston, Ella J (m Poole Mass Bertha L at home ■*Norman R bk kpr Melville W pi 5 Nor Market, Boston, Mass Albert C Jr pi Spioul, Wesley far Rpd Spioul, Adella A (m Reeves Lauretta A (Huey ho Rpd Nellie ( m Shad wick *AIvin F greenhouse \^ k 13 Chas far Maple Cliftondale, Mass Sproul, Isaac E far bik & barb *C 1 IS W rubber shop \vk Katie M (Fountain ho 598 Highi'd A\eMalden, 'Mass Florence M pi Sproul, Eugene B car I'ema Ikkii A pi Susan L (Wells ho Sproul, J I) sea capl Dama 242 BRISTOL *Addie J (m Gay N'casl Carrie E (Fitch ho Agnes M stu Sproul, Mary V (Fossett ho Pema Sproul, Laura A (Fossett ho Pema Fossett M car & far Ethel M ho Sproul, F M car & far Pema Susie M (Ervine ho John A Eleanor M Sproul, Robert M mer Pema Mary E (Gamage ho *Otis J trav sales 124 Sherman, Portland Marshall S cl Sproul, Mary A (Goudy ho Wal Maurice D far *Hattie M ho Dama *Maude E (m Watts; Booth- bay Har *Mabell G (m Dodge East Boothbay Sproul, Maurice D far Wal Hattie F (Thompson Clifton M Sproule, Robert A far Wal Angle (McClintock ho Wm D schooner mate Chas B stu Austin V stu Steer, Thomas meat bus Hattie M (Hatch ho Hazel M Stevens, Albertine (Kelsey N Har Ralph S Stevens. Ephraim R fisher P Har Carrie M ho Francis L fisher Stevens, Francis Cmer Pema (sum res) Delia (Siveney ho Stewart, Wm A retd Dama John H far *Sarah (m Morey Dama *Geo W barber 2436 Wash- ington, Boston, Mass Stewart, J H far Dama Nellie B (Fossett ho Helen F Clinton H Stickney, Chas A police Rpd sum res Annie (Carter ho Stickney, Mellen, L far Rpd Olive E (Leeman ho *Chas A police q7 P, So Boston, Moss *Samuel G B & M R R ser Portland *Sarah A(m Kimball 148 Mkt, Portsmouth N H *Rose (m Foster 94 Vesper CENSUS 243 PortI mil Mellen L, Jr police officer Boston, Mass *McibeI (m Thomcs 19 AtKuitic, Portland Sveiison, Jnlin A stone cutter Rpd Albena O (Home I10 Mary waitress N Har Jennie pi Lillian pi Clias Svenson, F^eter m^r stone quarry Rpd Sarah E ( Cutter ho Svveney, Geo mer sum res Rem a Lillian (Cuhert Maude stenog Emily Myrtle Sweet, E C sum res Mus Elvira(Lei^hton *Chas W mach 1 Castor Boston, Mass *Fred W car Cumhirlad Mills *W Stanley music stu Cumberland Mills Swett, C W mach sum res Mus Ida Bell ( Havener Sykes, Chas W fislu-r N liar CaK'in gen I wk Annie J (Morton ho Eunice pi Maurice pi Lester pi Arretta Lillian Sykes, Chas team N Har Sarah J (Bradley '^-^ Chas W James E Aaron ho fisher fisher fisher Sykes, Jas E fisher So Nellie M ( Foster Bertell E pi Ada E pi Dana E pi Clifton J pi Elsworth E pi Eva M Sykes, A.iron fisher N Har Agnes (Warren ho Gladys M pi Newell W pi Walter T pi Elwin A pi Richard H T Tarr, Augustus P far Pema Lena J ( Benson ho Tarr, Chas S car N Har Harriett (Cjray ho Lewis E pi Mildrfd W pi Franl< b) pi 244 BKLSTOL Floretice G pi build So Tarr, Dedlilah (Parker ho Susie M (Fossett ho So Mildred A pi Tarr, Geo D fisher P Bch Thompson, Alex fisher N Har Margaret E (Tibbetts ho Martha A (McFarland ho Henry F cupt steamer *G Halstead o2; G. L. Westo 1903-06. TREASURERS. W..H. Little, '850 55; Thos. Little .856-57 f-WU K„U ,858 60; Cha.. B. H..lme,-. ,86,;,. RhoaJs, ,862 HK:,',86,6,;A.I^CU,,ney, ,865-,CB.P..,n,e,,,8^-, A. H. a,.,ney, ,867.70; J. Genthne, ,87,-84 E-. S ^^ - kins ,885-89; Luuriston Little, .89092; S. K Studley, ZX .90304; K. W. Weston, npy, A.onzo R.Cards. I9O6. SELECTMEN. ,S,o.5^-Josl,u. Webber, John Genthner, Chas Mar„n, S,,. Webber, FreJ'U, W,.rre. Weston. ,8 4-Josl,ua Webber, John Genthner, Thos Mutn,. ,8C5-A. R. Heyer, Eben B. Hilton, Jos. GlidJen. ,8 L7-J0S. GlidJen, Thos, Martin, S, F. Stinson. 8C8-J .s. GlUden, John Genthner, Jr., S. F. St.nson. ,8 o-Jos. GliJJen, John Genthner, Jr., UanM Keene. ,860-Jos. GliJden, Thos. Martin, Daniel Keene ,86, -Jos. GliJJen, John Genthner, Lewis Studley. 256 BREMEN 1862 — Joshua Webber, John Genthner, Lewis Studley. 1863 — Joshua Webber, Thos Martin, Jas, P. Hilton. 1864 — Joshua Webber, John Genthner, Wm. Keen. 1865 -Joshua Webber, John Genthner, Wm. B. Hilton. i863 John Pool, Warren Weston, Jos. Burns. 1867 — John Pool, Thos. Martin, Jas. A. Johnston 1868 — J. A. Johnston, John Genthner, Wm. B. Hilton. 1869 — J. A. Johnston, Wm. B. Hilton, Edw, K. Howard. 1870 — J. A. Johnston, Fred'k Kent, Wm. B. Hilton. 1871 — F. Kent, J. A. Johnston, Benj. Hardy. 1872 — F. Kent, Benj. Hardy, Thomas Martin. 1873 — Fred'k Kent, Benj. Hardy, S. H. Keene 1874 — Freu'i< Kent, Thomas Martin, Simon Foster. 1875 — Fred Kent, Dan'l Keene, Simon Foster. 1876 — J. A. Johnston, Benj. Hardy, J. A. Wellman. 1877-79- Dan'l Keene, Wm. M. Genthner, J. A. Wei man. 1880 — Dan'l Keene, S. Foster, Edw. K. Howard. 1881-83 — Dan'l Keene, C. A. Trouant, F. Woodbury. 1884 — Dan'l Keene, J. A. Johnston, S. Foster. 1885 — L. F. Cudworth, D. Keene, G. A. Storer, 18.6 — A. Richaids, J. E. McLain, F. Lailer. 1887 — F. Lailer, A. Richards, (i. A. Storer. 1888-89— A. Richards, F. Lailer, Geo. Yates. 1890— L. F. Cudworth, G. W. Hilton, C. K. Nash. 1 891— A. Richards, C. K. Nash, G. N. Yates. 1892— E. S. Perkins, G. W. Hilton, Robt. McLain. 1893-94— E. S. Perkins, F. O. Kent, Robt. McLain. 1895— F. O. Kent, Robt. M.Lain, F. W. Turner. HISTORICAL 257 1896— Jas. Donnell, J Kccne, F. P. Chaney. 1897— F. O. Kent, J. B. Ktene, F. P. Chaney. 1898— F. O. K^nt, H. Poole, F. P. Chaney. 1899- 1900 — F, O. Kent, C. A. Trouant, R. McLain. 1901 — S. F. Studley, C. A. Trouant, C. E. Poole. 1902— F. O. Kent, G. W. Hilton, W. H. Keene. 1903— F. O. Kent, G. W. Hilton, W. H. Hull. 1904— F. O. Kent, W. H. Hull, J. E. Human. 1905— F. O. Kent, Roht. McLain, J. H. Human. 1906— F. O. Kent. J. L. Human, W. L. Hilton. Churches; Broad Co\ e pari>h was fstal li^lu J in 1772 and a church erected at the head of (net nla nd Bay soon after. This was torn down and rebuilt as a Union church at the present site in 1824. Remodeled and bell added in 1889. Preaching by Bristol town ministers until the division of the town ini828. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF BREMEN. Was orjzanized Mar. 3, 1829, with 14 members. Rev. John Starrman of Waldoboro preacher until 1S34 when Rev. Her- man Stiiisun preached. Succeeding pastor^ : Rev. Mr. Merrill, 1841-42; Uivid Q. Cushmin, 1S47-54, N. W. Sluldon, 1854- 258 BREMEN 57; F, V, Norcross, 1857-60; D. Q. Cushman, 1863 64; Samuel Pearson, 1867-78; Students from Bangor Theol. Sem. preached from 1868-78 in summer. Rev. J. J. Bulfmch of Waldoboro since 1878. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. A class was formed at Broad Cove about 1820, with Miss Amelia Merritt, leader. This society occupies the Union meetinghouse. A parsonage was built in 1875. Up lo 1889 this was connected with Round Pond charge; since that date, with West Waldobro. Pastors since 1875: — Revs. David Smith, 1875-76. J. R. Bakei, 1877-78; M. D. Miller, 1879-80; J. W. Price, 1881-82 (?); Orren Tyler, 1883-84; W. W. Ogier, 1885-87; W. J. Kelley, 1888; J. A. Morelen, 1889-92; W. A. Meservey, 1893-95; E. K. Smith, i8j6; A. E. Morris, 1897-98; Geo. Reader, 1899-1900; Paul Shivell, 1901-C2; J. N. Atwood, 1903-05; and E. S. Cud worth, 1906. Services are held in the Medomak schoolhouse every other Sunday by the M. E. pastor. Occasional services are held by the Advents. The Quakers organized a Friends' Church at Broad Cove in 1795. They erected a small meeting house in 1798, when they numbered over fifty members. The Friends burying- ground was opened about this time. This society continued active here until about 1826 when their services were discon- tinued. Census of Bremen, 1006. Population: — Mainland, 376; on Long Island, 115. Total in town, 497. Long Island names in separate list. NOTE: — When no office is expressed in Mainland list, Bremen is understood. Broad Cove post oft'ice is abbreviated B'cove; Muscongus— Mus; Medomak— Med; West Waldoboro- W W'boro; Damariscotta—Dama; Newcastle— N'casI; Round- pond — Rpd. Those residing on Long Island get their mail at Medomak office, which is not expressed with the names. B Brown, Angie E (Tolman dry MAINLAND LIST. gOOds, grOC & llO Med Brow, Lizzie (Marshall ho Myrtie E cl Med Brown, Edw far B Cove Willie I fisher Brown, Frank car B Cove 260 CENSUS Burns, John J far Mus Margaret E (Bryant *Chapin C Elec R R cond 339 Broadway Chelsea, Mass Alvin B musician A Loretta pi John F pi Chaney, Frank P far B'cove Ada M (_McNear 1 o Verena H tr Clari<, C M fisher & far Mus Martha E (Osier ho *Martha E (m Ethridge Rpd Wm O pl Clark, Hattie ho B'cove Chiik, Sarah L (Brow Wm Henry far Susan A (m Fernald *Jas F far Rpd *John A mach 30 Patterson Worcester, Mass *Eliza F(m Winchenpaw Monhegan *Geo W mach Manchester, N H *Mary E (m Davis Monhegan *Joseph A farm over Cherry Valley, Mass *Chas W mach Lowell, Mass Clark, Wm H far Dama i Emeline (Erskine ho *Everett E macli 3S4 Graf- ton, Worcester, Mass *Eugene F fore mech 2027 N 13th Phila, Pa *Wm A mach 144 Beacon Worcester, Mass *Annie N (m Winslow Waldoboro Frank L pl Robena pl Cobb, Eiizabeth A (Richards ho B'cove Collamore, Clifford boat bldr & fisher B'cove Alice M (Wellman ho Walter A Collarnoie, Dorcas [McGray Med *Chas W cl Jacksonville Fl *Daniel K real est agt 25 Elm Melrose, Mass Collamore, Wm fisher B'cove Pheba J (Loud ho Elden pl Vernell pl Flossy Creamer, E E fjr B'cove Hattie C (Genthner ho Orren E far -''Edith E (m Eugley W W'boro *BuIa M (m Woodbury CENSUS 261 W W'boro Creamer, Orren E far B'cove Grace (Cunningham ho Ruth M Blossom Percy L Cudworth, E S Meth clerg B'cove Abbie M [Drury ho Florence M [m Simpson D Davis, Abdon T far Sarah E [Kelley ho Harry A U S N Marion A pi Davis, Mark C far Lucinda B [Richards *Lawrence J stone cut Haliowell Decosta, Mary B [Ginon ho Med *Mary A [m Footer Bath Deshon, Herbert L fisher Flora G (Osier ho Maxwell A pi Donnell, James far B'cove Matilda (Fiske ho *Geo tar Gonic, N H *Susin (m Clapp ho Boston, Mass Grace nurse *John supt home for feeble minded, Baldwinville, Mass *Laura deaconess Boston, Mass Drury, Martha E nurse B'cove F Feyler, Mary J (Wallace ho B'cove Fogler, Herbert geni wk Da ma i French, Mary [Nash ho B'cove *Angehna [m Creamer ho Waldoboro Mary E (m Collamore *Abbie J [m Wellman Nobleboro *Benj far blk W'boro *Chas M far W'boro *Sanborn chair fact Leominster, Mass Estella [m Poland ho a Genthner, Chas fisher Med Eugene fisher *Melven C fisher W'boro Nellie [m Webber Mary B [Decosta Fred D fisher Orren P fisher Samuel N Ralph Genthner, PhillipW far B'cove Lillian R [Sprague ho Genthner, John M far B'cove Genthner, Melissa lio B'cove 262 BREMEN Genthner, WmM retd B'cove Eliza A (Little ho Lawriston W far Jennie A ho *Annie E tailoress, i6 Joy, Boston, Mass Phillip W far Glidden, Chester joiner & millman Dama i Ethel M (Williams ho Joseph Glidden, Alston genl wk Dama Green, W E far W W'boro Mary A (O'Connell ho Green, S W far W W'boio Sadie (Hardey ho Marjorie E Gross, H J fisher B'cove Cora A (Gross ho Gertrude M ho Ethel B ho Cleveland pi Earl E pi Gross, Almore far Mary A (Allen ho Gross, Warren lab B'cove Susan C (Condon ho *G Leonard fisher W W'boro Henderson J fisher *Sylvester S far W W'boro *Wealtha A (m Black Waldoboro H Hardy, Maria H (Arnold Havener, Lewis fisher Med Cora(lNash ho *Hattie (m Prior ho Friendship Ernest fisher Winfield fisher Chester fish Abbie pi Willie pi Mildred Edna Havner, Geo E fisher Mus Ella (Osier ho Havner, W S poultry Almeda (Winslow ho Heath, A J J of P, notre pub & far Med Mary F (Yeaton ho Herald, Mary F (Erskine ho Mus Sands W far *Thomas E meat cut 88 Bradford, Everett Mass *Chas G stone cut Portland *Eda M (m Foster So Bristol Herald, S W far Mus Maggie J (Roach ho Nettie Bell pi Louis L pi Ellsworth P Effie P CENSUS 263 Hilton, G W far Nettie M (Groton ho *G Burton gen vvk Dama Mills *Maurace M car Portland *Clyde W stu Portland Wm H pi Hilton, Willis L farWW'boro Linda M [Smith ho Florence K Carl W Hilton, Wm B retd W W'boro Rhoda T [Little ho Geo W far Florence [m Richards ^Isabelle R [m Adams Neponset, Mass Willis L far Homan, Jesse L far Mus Hattie F (Wellman ho *Alfred W car Wakefield, Mass Howard, Elizabeth T (Turner ho B'cove *Geo C cond Allston, Mass Howard, Mary J (Palmer nurse B'cove *Georgia A (m Creamer Bristol *Helen M (m Wellman 144 Castle, Boston, Mass *Lizzie E (m Tukey Pern *Orrin H car Leicester, Mass Ira G far & bik *Alice M (m Benning Worcester, Mass Hull, Wm H far W W'boro Mary [Baker ho Humplirey, Mary (Brooks ho Mus *NelIie [m Genthner N'casl Thomas B far K Keene, Geo A far Med Keene, Wm C far Med Elizabeth E [Stahl *Herbert L cl Portland Astor C third mate on steamer Keene, Geo T cook Med Mercie E [Kimball Keene, J Higgins far Emily J (Eugley ho Keene, Angle poultry & P M Keene, John H K fisher & sumr boarding Med Hattie M (Keene ho Fred R fisher Elda E Keene, Weston H mer & P M Med Janie M (Osier ho Carroll H pi Ralph W Keene, Sarah C ho Med Keene, Jerome B far Mus Keene, J J A retd sea capt 264 BREMEN Med Tillie M pi Lois A (Thompson ho Mary H pi keene, Winfield S far Med Ernest E pi Laura A (Tolman ho Leland, LaRoy L seaman Bernard S stu Mus *Keizer, Gardner R R break Amanda M (Webber 79 Perkins, ESomejville Mass Elizabeth W ho Keizer, Irvin W bell boy Mus *Otis Eugene fisher Rpd Kent, Sarah (Weston *Matilda R (m Mason Rpd G L Weston town clerk & dr mkr far David H fire F Otis ch bd of sel & far Lermond, Joseph far & poul- Kent, F O far & ch bd sel try Abbie O (Keene ho Susan A (Clark ho Edward W stu Lermond, Samuel mer & far Kimball, Timothy seaman Emeline M (m Morton ho *Nettie E (m Stewart 94 *Addie M f m Wyman Rankin Rockland Waldoboro George S eng Little, Lauriston fisher B'cove Kimball, S E far & poultry J Raymond fisher Kimball, Wm C far wk Little, J R fisher B'cove My ra (Morton ho Augusta H (Keene ho & tr *H.ittie M (m Weston Lauriston K Maplewood, Mass M *Lucy (m Osier Rpd Martin, Almon T far Med Willie C picture agt Adelia A (Decker boarders L *Sidney Dj hardware cl Lailer, G A trav sales Dama i 17 Mt Vernon, Gardiner Matilda (Wright ho *Almon T Jr trav sales *Frank A car 56 Neal, Gardiner 19 Charles, Dorchester, Mass Jennie M at home Julia W tr Martin, Robert far & fisher George A Jr far Med Phronie C pi *Alton G grocer Rutherford CENSUS 265 av, Charlestown, Mass *Astor H joiner Chas W genl wk Boston, Mass *Hattie M (m Winchen- *Melvin A far baugh Dutch Neck West Roxbury, Mass Martin, C W genl wk Meci *AnnieM (m Colby Bath Lizzie S (Willey iio *Addie ho Martin, Stephen far Med Winchester, Mass Arvilla (Osier ho McUonakl, Lawrence mason Ida M pi B'cove Grace pi Margaret (McLain ho Martin, Lmeline (Willey ho Miller, Charlotte (Robinson Med ho B'cove *ida (m Chaney ho Bath Wm O far *WaIter ship car Rockland *Lela A (m Wellman Mal- *Nancy (m Beals Both den. Mass Stephen far ^Henderson E car Maiden, McLain, Jos E far & ins agt Mass Cora A (Havner ho Morton, Alfred lab Mass Jesse E gen wk Moses, Tho*; H shoe mkr Mus Harris H stu S Maude (Appleton Joseph J stu Ruth E pi Ralph D pi N McLain, Jas far B'cove Nash, Chas K far Med McLean, Marias far Myra J (Delano ho Electa A (Sidelinger Amy L stu Joseph E far Beatrice K *Emma A (m Knowlton Harold pi Bath Nash, Nancy M (Keene ho *John F police Boston, Mass B'cove *James S team Boston, Chas K far Mass Nash, Hannah D (Little *Geo M team Boston, Mass Charles H fisher ♦Albert T motor Nash, Chas H fLshcr Boston, Mass Martha M (Keene ho 266 BREMEN o O'Brien, Horace sum res Justina ( ho Martha B stu Osier, Almore K fisher Med Julia E (Osier ho Ethel E pi Arthur C pi Osier, Helen M (m Willey Med Martha E (m Clark Emma (m Yates *Syder E trav sales Rpd *Granville F motor Melrose, Mass Osier, John retd Med John W fisher Martha F (m Weston *Freeman L fisher Dama *Alton Bristol *Rose (m Carter Bristol Arvilla (m Martin Osier, John W fisher Med Nancy J (Willey ho Janie M (m Keen Llewellyn W pi Osier, Joseph retd Med *David D fisher W'boro Julia E (m Osier Emily M (Simmons ho Osier, Martin fisher Med Osier, Luther D fisher Med Mary E (Carter ho Flora G (m Deshon *Lida M nurse 203 State, Portland *Sadie F (m Phinney Boothbay Osier, Mary A ho Med P Palmer, Eben retd Catherine (Wallace ho Poland, Warren fisher Estelle (French ho LaForest fisher ^Lizzie (m Miller Friendship Ethel (m Etheridge Thurlow D pi *Poole, Florence 24 i 2 Florence Worcester, Mass *PooIe, Herbert tr & stu 24 1-2 Florence Worcester Mass Poole, Chas E car & far Mus R Richards, Alonzo far B'cove Florence (Hilton ho C Sargent far *M Evelyn (m Flewelling 17 Tufts, Somerville Mass Irving S far Richards, Archibald farB'cove Richards, Chas S far W W'boro Jennie (Baker ho Norris Richards, Montgomery Mus Cynthia A (Webber ho CENSUS 267 S Everet A pi Shuman, Merchant fisher Oliver W Med Stetson, Elmer E far Dama i Elbina (Osier ho Ethel (Rollins ho Eva pi Joseph W pi Lenora pi Mabel G pi Clifford pl Mattie V pi Helen pl Almain •\ pl lam ] ion I Carrie pi Almon j pl Irene Nelson E Simmons, Irving G fisher Stetson, John retd Dama i Med Ruth (Robinson Almeda (Collamore ho *01ive (m Hoffses Dama Josephine *Martha (m Hoffses Rpd Simpson, Herbert M car *Amanda (m Linscott Rpd B'Cove Elmer E far Florence M (Cudworth ho Studley, Byron eng Med Giennis M Emma (McFarland ho Harold R *Effie M (m Gamage Sadie E New Har Spear, Oliver B far B'cove Mertie W pl Lizzie S (Butler ho Linvvood B pl *Pearl E marine eng Studley, Hiram retd Med So Bristol Byron eng *Lizzie E waitress Dama Ruie M ho *Bernice E (m Dunning Studley, J T . far Med Dama Susan (Brown ho *Clara B (m Gilbert *Annie E (m Geele So Bristol Portland Wm H eng Willie C shoe op Spear, Wm H eng B'cove *Matlie E (m Garfield Cora L (Stevens ho Rockland Pearlie F pl Studley, Geo R far Med Mertie E pl S F far 268 BREMEN Studley, Sylvester F far Med Evie (Morelem ho Storer, Cieo A retd T Taylor, Artell genl \vk Mus Turner, Frank W mer, far & P M B'cove Laura E Winchenbaugh ho *Millard H bk kpr Pinehurst, N C Fred K bus col stu W Wallace, David fisher Med Florence (Winchenbaugh ho Almon N fisher " *Estella (m Lawry Friendship Nina M clam fact Milton fisher Merrill fisher Ruth pi Oscar P pi Olivia pi Bernard K Webb, Abbie H (Erskine ho B'cove Webber, Samuel A fisher Martha W (Little Eric S pi Webber, Lizzie (Coggan ho Mus Alden C dl Webber, Wm F far Mus Webber, Sarah F ho Mus Webber, Joshua far Mus *Wm F 2d S S wk Newburyport, Mass Wellman, Gilbert H far B'cove Annie E (Dorsett ho Wellman, Mary (French ho B'cove Wellman, Jos A retd vet B'cove *Alexander R overseer Maiden, Mass *Edwin H black & mach 56 Spring, E Everett, Mass ^Fannie E (m Southworth N Easton, Mass *Annie E (m Rich N Dorchester, Mass *Crosby K cl Clinton, Mass Lizzie S (Creamer ho Weston, Arunah blk & wheelrt Louisa H (Osier ho Warren M joiner *isabell cl W'boro Weston, Warren M Edith L (Feltis ho Clayton L Weston, Cyrus far Dama i Nancy J (Bryant ho *Ruth B (m Perkins tr Dama Alice G ho CENSUS 209 Weston, Frank W far B'cove *Hezel' L (Simmons ho Osier, Ellsvvorlii fisher Derrt-I A pl Winnie M (Poland ho Randele S Elmer E tisher L Jennie L pl Loud, Chas C fisher Osier, Lloyd F pl Octavia (Collamore ho Osier, Robert B li-her *Pheba J (m Collamoie Martha J ( Puland ho 280 MUSCONGUS ISLAND Dennis C fisher far Pike, Wm F Endavilla C (Yates *Osborne B milk bus Roslindale Mass Pokind, Alpheus fisher Vioki D (Carter ho Bronett, pi Henry C pi Ethel M Orman S Poland, Bronett fisher Poland, Cornelius B fisher Elzira V (Collamore ho H Eugene pl Cassie B Poland, Edward fisher Eliza (Elwell ho *Cora E (m Carter New Harbor Helen B (m Carter Thomas E fisher Winnie (m Osier Josiah F fisher Lottie (m Poland Poland, Everett fisher Carrie (Loud ho Geneva R pl Poland, Jas E fisher Ida V (Mclntvre ho Poland, Josiah F fisher Florena (Collamore ho Alberta pl Helen M pl Stanley L Poland, Lewis E fisher Lottie (Poland ho Chester R pl Poland, Marion A (Carter ho Arthur N far & fisher Poland, Mary C (Elwell ho *Amaziah fisher New Har Betsey E (m Simmons James E fisher Poland, Nelson retd Selinda C (m Carter Nelson Jr fisher *Luther O life saver Port Clyde Everett C fisher ^Leonard G yacht mate Dutch Neck Lowell fisher Prior, Alvira (m Hoffses Thomas C far Prior, Thomas C far Lottie B (Moore ho Dora V S Simmons, Martin O fisher Hattie M (Poland ho lona L pl Evelyn L Simmons, Melvin fisher Delora A (Prior gen'l store Isadore (m Thompson *Emerson C fisher CENSUB 281 Medomak lilmira (Simmons ho *MeIvin A fisher Medomak -''Luella H (m Poland Simmons, Orman L fisher New Harbor Sarah E (Carter ho *Ruth S (m Leeman Simmons, Randall fisher New Harbor Betsey E (Poland ho Everett O fish Mary L (m Hyson Thompson, Martha W Florence E (m Carter Thompson, Venus fisher T Laura J (Thompson ho Teel, Fred B fisher Lettle (m Garland Mary A (Loud ho Blanche E pi Thompson, Dexter far & Y fisher Yates, Endavilla (Jones ho Thompson, Everett O fisher -•MdaL(m Hemman Isadore (Simmons ho Rosindale, Mass Thompson, John fisher LEJa'l3 THE TOWN REGISTER DAMARISCOTTA NEWCASTLE BRISTOL BREMEN MUSCONGUS ISLAND ! 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