F549 .F7F7 a.* . < . «o V* . i ' • |Ph.nhcc> and published bn H. F. MACKERN, 6608 51 Xawrence arc. Cbtcaflo. ,.,,, . I on RIGH I. ENGRAVINGS l<\ rHAYBR . ITION8RV CO l^<7. BlNNBI ENGRAVING Cl , hi. m II I'' Mai kern, igo. \n Fort Sheridan AT ATTENTION T nvi NTY-FlVt YIN I NORTH i '1 i Hi' VG< i ON i in n- iRI i 'i LAKE MICHIGAN ...AND AT REST DEC 3 111' N PRESENTING the following series of views illustrating dif- ™^ fereril phases of soldier life, as well as natural features of Fort Sheridan, 1 take this opportunity to express my thanks and sincere appreciation of the many privileges so kindly granted me by Colonel Robert H. Hall, commanding the Fourth United States Infantry, and the Post; and to accord that share of the credit of the work due on the one hand, to the officers for their hearty support and kindly sugges- tions, and on the other, to the men, for their interest and co-operation, without which my work would have been but a failure. H. F. MACKEPN. |?f ORT SHERIDAN is located on the shore of Lake Michigan, twenty-live miles north ol Chicago, [£■ via Northwestern Railroad. It is a type ol the modern military post, which are now being built near the large cities and railroad centers. This reservation was presented to the United States b\ the Commercial Club of Chicago some ten years since. Their wisdom and foresight in providing a station for regular troops thus practically putting a part ol the law enforcing power ol the government within easy reach, was fully demonstrated in the labor disturb- ances in Chicago in 18' M. The immense barracks, measuring over a thousand feel in length, and providing comfortable quarters for a thousand soldiers, faces north toward a parade ground of seventy acres. Across the parade from the barracks is the mess and quarters of the bachelor officers. To the east of the parade towards the lake, three large loops are found, the quarters of the married officers. The mess hall, drill-hall, guard-house, quartermaster and commissary buildings, the non-commissioned start officers quarters, the stables, gun-shed, hospital and all the minor buildings ol the post are south of the barracks. Extending out into Lake Michigan is a substantial pier, which can be used to load troops and baggage on boats, should such transportation ever be necessary. Throughout the post .ire beautiful drives and concrete walks. It is in even detail one of the most beau- tiful spots on the shores of Like Michigan, and gives visible evidence of the more than million dollars which ur been expended b) the United States. When fully completed and garrisoned it wQl be the ideal army post of our country. The present garrison consists of the Fourth Infantry, Troops G and C, 1st Cavalry, and Light Battt 2nd Artillery, all under the command of Colonel Robert H. Hall. 4th Infantry. The Fourth Infantry is one of the oldest regiments in our history, being tirst organized in 1792. Some of the most honored names in our histon wen I this regiment. Grant. Sheridan. Augur. Crook and main others. Its flag has been home in nearly all the prominent battles of our country's history during the last century. Hie Squadron. 1st Cavalry, is from the oldest cavalry regiment in ttx - - Troop C and G we a car: of some oi the most noble epochs of our history. As for Light Battery \. 2nd Artillery, suriice it to say that it was the famous Duncan's batten oi the Mexican War. The record the) made at Palo Alto has been kept bright in deeds of later years. : < liiSfcsi sik ••"•■V STizT! ; ' ;;;i*'.;i'i .'i » ■iimi'""i ,,,, i ,,,,, !'i!ii' , .!L*u!i - BARRACKS Length 1005 Ft., Height 205 Ft. miiAjii OFFICERS OF THK 4 t: U. S. S RY. i?t Lient G. B. Dbbcu - - Opt H.Setoo. Capt UP: t. C W. Mason Cipt. ' W Bubb Cjpt II E. K [. Brown --• TROOP G, 1st CAVALRY OFFICE OF THE SERGEANT-MAJOR COMPANY B, 4th INFANTRY COMMANDANT. COLONEL ROBERT THE HOSPITAL JARD MOUNT : REAR VIEW OF BARRACKS, MESS HALL AMD KITCHEN ON THF 1 EFT RESIDENCE OF LIEUT -COLONEL AUGUSTUS H. BAINBRIDGE TROOP C, 1ST CAVALRY. LIGHT BATTERY A, 2nd ARTILLERY ST LOOP, LOOKING WEST • ROUGH RIDING Troop C. 1st Cavalry OFFICER- COMPANY E, 4TH INFANTRY " TROOPERS SQUAD ROOM Major C. D. Viele Lieut. R. D. StogSDall OFFICERS' RESIDENCES OFFICERS OF LIGHT BATTERY A. 2nd ARTILLERY 2ND L,EUT. 0. W. B. FARR 1ST L.EUT L. OSTE.M CapTA,N G. S. GRIMES 1ST L.EUT. J. CONKL.N. JR. 4ND L.EUT. J. L. KNOW!.™ i*^-;-J3I|PJ^ sift^"- -ait r if ' ; " COMPANY F, 4th INFANTRY CHARGE OF LIGHT BATTERY, 2nd ARTILLERY TTW1ANN OFFICERS' RESIDENCES 'THE LAST CALL' COMPANY BILLIARD ROOM AND LIBRARY ITH lN«NTRV M^^ffl B8£""' #& 4 A • 4 to i ik 4 . .uSe «-t i. .1 IT Tip **-