LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. | Chap.Jrr..'^Al $ UNITED STATES OF AMERiCA. i^ t -■- 1 1778. ,^^^i^^ 1878. ORDER OF EXEROISES C^eiitennla t ^^knuiv^r^airt) OF THE |aii^)M^ w i|pi@Fi if M|il|ll| iXBge^'Sfg Mktm ^T UMMMBMt $m^M>$, WfQMJjHG. BmRGI'SXS JUJhf 4TM MT Wlls^B$-^2MmB. BmmiSjm S^u^ btm mt WiiiMm-MMm^- I Musical Director, I Band Director, C. B. Derman. H. E. Cogswell. i THK I.KAUKR TMNT. w...t \-'.y ■ \v*^ July 3d, 1878, ASSEMBLE AT FORTY FORT AT 8 A. M. :Lv£-A.i^cia: to iLvcEonsrTjiN^iEnsrT Ga-:E^oi:j3iT^s. EXERCISES AT MONUMENT TO BEGIN AT 9 A. M. I — Music — Selections from Maritana : .Wallace BAND. 2 — Prayer . . .Rev. D. J. Waller 3 — Opening and Reception Address Hon. H. B. Wright „ . . , ^j ( Words by Mrs. Waters 4-Original Ode -^ j^^^i^ ^^^ ^ g j^^^^^^ BAND AND CHORUS. 5 — Addresses by Hon. Edmund L. Dana and Hon. C. I. A. Chapman. 6 — Poem ..Dr. Coppee 7 — Historical Address Steuben Jenkins, Esq 8— Poem ...Mrs. G. M. Richart 9 — Music — Golden Crown Overture Heermans BAND. INTERMISSION FOR DINNER. REASSEMBLE AT 2 P. M. I — Music — Diadem Overture Heermans BAND. 2— Prayer Rev. H. H. Wells ^ . . , ^j ■ i Words bv Miss Susan E. Dickinson 3-OnginaI Ode -j ^^^.^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ p^^^^ BAND AND CHORUS. 4 — Poem Jesse Harding 5 — Address Rev. Wm. P. Abbott £/-.■• I /-vj ( Words by Steuben Jenkins 6 — Original Ode < .. • u u t7 /•-> n * ( Music by H. E. Cogswell 7 — Addresses by the President of the United States and other distinguished speakers. 8 — Music Old Hundred CHORUS, BAND, AND AUDIENCE. 9 — Benediction Rev. E. H. Snowden At 9 a. m. the Wyoming Artillerists will fire a salute of 13 guns from Forty Fort. Exercises July 4l^, 1878, at Wilkes-Barre. Salute of 100 guns at sunrise by Battery of Wyoming Artillerists under direc- tion of Captain Parker. At loa. m.. procession composed of Military, Grand Army of the Republic, Veteran Corps, Fire Departments, Civic and Benevolent Societies, Historical Tableaux, Trades and Mechanical Displays. The procession will consist of Chief Marshal Colonel Stanley Woodward, with one hundred mounted aids, and seven grand divisions, as follows : ist Division— Military ; Major General E. S. Osborne, Marshal. 2d Division— Grand Army of the Republic ; Col. Harry A. Laycock, Marshal 3d Division— Veteran Corps ; Major Charles M. Conyngham, Marshal. 4th Division— Fire Departments; T. S. Hillard and Charles Law, Marshals. 5th Division— Civic and Benevolent Societies ; Capt. James P. Dennis and Dr. O. F. Harvey, Marshals. 6th Division— Historical Tableaux; Geo. H. Parrish and James P. Dickson, Marshals. 7th Division— Trades and Mechanical Displays; Col. Wm. N. Monies and J. W. Patten, Marshals. All organizations are expected to designate their own Assistant Marshals. FORMATION OF PROCESSION. To ensure good order, the following plan of organization will be strictly ob- served : ist or Military Division will form on West River street, right resting on River street. Capt. Parker will place one gun of his battery in position to be fired as the signal of movement. 2d Division will form on West River street, immediately in rear of ist Divi- sion. * 3d Division will form on West River street, in the rear of 2d Division. 4th Division will form on South street, right resting on River street. 5th Division will form on Northampton street, right resting on River street. 6th Division will form on River street, right resting on South street. (This formation will be massed between Market and South streets.) 7th Division will form on River street above Market, right resting on Market street. The Chief Marshal requests, as far as possible, the formations, military and civic, be in not less than four ranks. At II o'clock a single gun will be fired, and the procession will move over the following route : Down River street to Academy (or Hanover) street, thence to Main street, up the same to Public Square, thence through East Market street to Washington street, up the same to Union street, through the same to Main street, thence down Main by countermarch to Ross street, through Ross to Franklin, up same to Union, through Union to River street, down River street to Wyoming Valley Hotel, where the parade will pass in review before their Ex- cellencies the President of the United States and the Governor of Pennsylvania; and then dismiss. Plentiful supplies of ice-water will be furnished along the whole line of pro- cession. All organizations will report directly to the proper Division Marshal, by whom their respective places in line will be designated. The special Aids of the Chief Marshal (and also the bands personally engaged by him) will report to him mounted at the corner of River and Northampton Sts. at 10 a. m. The people of the city are respectfully requested to decorate their dwellings and places of business. -^1" ^ o'CXjOCik: rF. i^. ASSEMBLE ON RIYER BANK OPPOSITE SOUTH STREET. I — Music — Romance Bach BAND. 2 — Prayer Rev. Father O'Harran 3 — Reading of the Declaration of Independence Hon. H. W. Palmer „ . . , ^ . j Words by C. E. Wright, Esq. 4-Ong.nal Ode -j ^usic, Keller's Hyr^n. BAND AND CHORUS. 5 — Addresses by His Excellency the President of the United States, His Excel- lency the Governor of Pennsylvania, Hon. C. R. Buckalew, Hon Wayne Mc- Veagh, H. Armitt Brown, Esq., Hon. A. K. McClure, Hon. Clayton McMich- ael, Hon. W. W. Nevin, and others. 6 — Music — Medley National Airs Heinicke BAND. 7 — Benediction Rev. John Pierce At 6 o'clock p. m., if time and water allow, there will be a regatta on the river. At 8.30 p. m., display of fireworks on River street above Market. Citizens are requested to illuminate their houses during the evening. Exercises July 5th at Wilkes-Barre, A Grand Regatta will take place on the Susquehanna river at Wilkes-Barre, to begin at lo o'clock a. m. The following crews have entered : -. New York City Carman / „ . Philadelphia Crescent ^^ ^ Vesper Quaker City Mountain Rose • Undine „ -, ,., Reading Nautilus • ,. ^, f ^ ., Burlington, N. J. Z"":^" Watkins. N.Y. Watkins ^ >, ,r „ Owego, N. Y. Owego ^. Ti „... . Pittsion, Pa. Pittston There will be pair-oared contests between rowers from the above crews. Single Scull Races between celebrated oarsmen from Pennsylvania and the West. A Scrub Race of home crews, open to all. The whole to' conclude with a brilliant Aquatic Tournament in Tubs, free to all. COMMITTEE ON ADDRESSES, ORATIONS, AND POEMS HON. K. h. DANA, C. I- A CHAPMAN, J. E. BARRETT, . G. M. RICH ART, V. M. OSTEllHOUT, W. A. CAM PRE LL, O. H. WORDEN, . Wll.lvKS l^ARRE. PoKT Rlanciiard. SCKANTON. PiTTSTON. Ttjnkhannock. PiTIVSTON COMMITTEE TO ARRANGE ORDER OF EXERCISES. HARRISON WRIGHT, E V. JACKSON, JOHN R. ALEXANDER, JOHN ESPY. E W WESTON, GEORGE STEVENS, . Wilkes-Barre. Providence. TOWANDA. ^>Kc COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS. C. E. BUTLER, . E. D. BARTHE, . J ALBERT CLARKE, E. A. NIVEN, . G. M REYNOLDS, ROBERT BAUR, Wilkes-Barre. Plymouth. Scran TON WikkrsBarre. H