Hollinger pH8.5 Mill Run F3-1 955 MiiiFARv Order, Lovat. IvEciion UNITED STATES. COM.MANDERY OF THE StATE OF ILLINOIS. Military Essays. 1905-1906 C O M M A N D E R Y State of I t. l i n o i s The Committee on Exercises of the Comraand- ery of the State of IlHnois, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, respectfully submits the following plan of exercises for the season of 1905 -1906: Oct. 3, 1905. Hon. Thom.^s W. Bry.\x Subject — ' \Reminisce7ices. ' ' Nov. 7, 1905. Surgeon Albert G. H.art Subject — ""The Surgco7i and I he Hospital in Dec. 5, 1905. LADIES' NIGHT. TMP96-0C7606 Gift Author Jan. 2, 1906. Major Robert Mann Woons Subject — "The Grand Artuy of (Jic A'e- fublic. ' ' Feb. 6, 1906. Bvt. Brig. Gen. John H. Stibles Subject — "/1/r. /;-/// ?//-'s Division at Naali- 7'ille as seen by a Refrinioilal Com - viander.'' Mar. 6, 1906. Lieut. Francis M. Wright SUBJECT — '"' So7ne Incidents in the Life of One Regiment." April 3, 1906, Brevet Major Frank P. Crandox Subject — "The Great Commander.^' May I, T906. Major William Eliot Furness Subject — " 7^he Battle of Olustee, florida/' June 5, 1906. Bvt. Brig. Gen. CharlesT. Hotchkis.s Subject — "Tlie Man zcith the Musket. '' Hartvvell Osborn, George H. Heafford, Anson T. Hemingway, Nelson Thomasson, John R. Montgomery, Committee. Chicago, Sept. 25, 1905. I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS OFFICERS OF TI 19C y^j-^ g---^ Commander, Brig. Ge.n. MARTIN D. HARDIN. Senior Vice-Commander, Capt. JOHN H. SHERRATT. Junior Vice-Commander, Major ORVILLE W. BALLARD. Recorder, Cai't ROSWELL H. mason. Registrar, Lieut. JOHN J. ABERCROMBIE. Treasurer, Cai'T. JOHN C. NEELY. Chancellor, BvT. Coi.. WILLIAM B. KEELER. Chaplain, BvT. Brig. Gen. SAMUEL FALLOWS. Members of the Council, Gait. WILLIAM P. WRIGHT. Capt. WILLIAM A. MARTIN, First Lieut. ALOIS PODRASNIK. First Lieut, and Adjt. MARMADUKE NICHELSON. Mr. WALTER C. GUNN. LIBRARY III lllllll 11 015 OF CONGRESS illlliililllilL 910 385 7 •