T3 //75 L(, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Technologic Papers OF THE Bureau of Standards S. W. STRATTON, Director No. 189 METHOD FOR DIFFERENTIATING AND ESTIMATING UNBLEACHED SULPHITE AND SULPHATE PULPS IN PAPER R. E. LOFTON, Associate Physicist M. F. MERRITT, Laboratory Assistant Bureau of Standards APRIL 4, 1921 •Z 4, % ^ S" PRICE, 5 CENTS Sold only by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing OiEce, Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS MAY 7^19^1 K^ V 1^ ^<^ A METHOD FOR DIFFERENTIATING AND ESTIMATING UNBLEACHED SULPHITE AND SULPHATE PULPS IN PAPER By R. E. Lofton and M. F. Merritt ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to fill a need felt especially by paper chemists and ana- lysts for a rapid and reliable method of distinguishing between and of making an ap- proximately correct quantitative determination of mixtures of unbleached sulphite and sulphate pulps. This paper gives briefly the basic differences in the manufactiu'e of the two pulps, and contains a concise review of the methods that have been recom- mended from time to time for distinguishing between unbleached sulphite and sul- phate pulps. It gives the procediu-e followed in developing a new and comparatively rapid method for distinguishing between these pulps, and also gives some of the more important experiments carried out with various stains diuing this investigation. The method of preparing the new stain and the method of procedure for differentiating be- tween luibleached sulphite and sulphate fibers is described in detail, and tables show- ing the results of quantitative microscopical analysis of mixtiu-es of these fibers stained by the new method are given. CONTENTS Page I. Introduction 3 II. Theoretical considerations involved 4 1 . Fundamental differences between the two pulps 4 2 . Possible bases of differentiation 5 3. Different affinities of pulps for dyes 6 III. Methods proposed by earlier experimenters 6 1 . Klemm 's methods 7 2. Schwalbe's methods g 3. Fannon's methods 10 IV. The malachite-green and fuchsine method 10 1 . Soitfces of materials used 10 2. Method of attack and earlier experiments 11 3. Detailed method of using 12 4. Estimating percentages 14 V. Summary of results 15 I. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this pubHcation is to give a review of the various methods proposed for distinguishing between unbleached sulphite and sulphate fibers, and especially to describe the development and application of a new method for accomplishing this result. 3 7'^-^ 4 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards That there is and has existed for some time a demand for a quick and certain method for differentiating between these two pulps is indicated by the various attempts that have been made from time to time to develop such a method. To be satisfactory, any method proposed must be practical as well as certain — that is, it must not require any expensive apparatus, or special experience, or tedious and lengthy manipulation- — but it must be such as may be carried out in a few minutes time by any one ordinarily familiar with the microscopical examination of paper-making fibers. Such a method would be of service to pulp manufacturers and jobbers, to manufacturers of sulphite and sulphate papers, and to the retailers and consumers of sulphite and sulphate papers in aid- ing them to determine whether they are getting what they desire. It is useless for a jobber or a consumer to specifically order an all or part sulphate wrapping paper unless there is some means of de- termining whether the article ordered is being furnished. The authors acknowledge the assistance of M. B. Shaw, who made a large number of fiber estimations, the results of which ap- pear in Tables 3,4, and 5, and who gave assistance as to methods of preparing the stains. II. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS INVOLVED 1. FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TWO PULPS The difficulties to be overcome in developing a method for dis- tinguishing between unbleached sulphite and sulphate pulps are due to the similarity of the pulps. Both are made, for the most part, from the same raw material, with but two or three exceptions. Spruce, hemlock, balsam fir, yellow pine, tamarack, and white fir are used in making both pulps. In addition to these woods, jack pine and cypress are often used in the sulphate process. Yellow pine is more generally used in the sulphate than in the sulphite process, because the former process is better adapted to woods rich in rosin and oil. The woods generally used in foreign countries are of the same kinds as those used in the United States and Canada except that black spruce is frequently used in Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Since the raw material from which these pulps are made is in general the same, the only distinguishable differences between the pulps are to be found in the two different digesting processes em- ployed in their manufacture. Sulphite pulp is made by cooking wood chips in a solution of bisulphite of calcium, or of calcium and magnesium. This solution Differentiating Unbleached Sulphite and Sulphite Pulps 5 has an acid reaction. The chips are cooked under a steam pressure of from 60 to 80 pounds for from 8 to 20 hours. The process was invented by B. C. Tilghman, of Philadelphia, who took out the first United States patent in 1867. Sulphate pulp, frequently called "Kraft" (a German word meaning "strength"), is made by cooking wood chips in a solu- tion the chief ingredient of which is sodium sulphide. The sodium "sulphate" added from time to time is reduced to "sulphide" during the preparation of the cooking Uquor. The reaction of this solution is alkaline. In this process the chips are cooked imder a steam pressure of about 100 pounds for from 2 to 7 hours. This process was invented by Carl F. Dahl, of Danzig, Germany, about 1883, and was introduced into America in 1907, when the Brompton Pulp and Paper Co. set up a sulphate mill in Canada. Unbleached sulphite pulp is used in the manufacttue of wrapping paper and bag stock, of many so-called Kraft and manila papers, of twines used in tying bundles and in making paper rugs, onion and potato sacks, and in any pulp or paper product where strength is the chief consideration. Sulphate pulp has a considerably darker color than sulphite, for which reason the latter is often colored in the process of being made into paper to resemble sulphate pulp. In general, sulphate pulp may be used wherever it is per- missible to use unbleached sulphite. In cases where the greatest possible strength is required, sulphate is used instead of sulphite, since it is somewhat stronger. The cost of sulphate, due to a more expensive process of manufactiire, is somewhat more than that of sulphite pulp. 2. POSSIBLE BASES OF DIFFERENTIATION Commenting on the problem, C. \V. Schwalbe stated' in 191 4 that there was no simple method known at that time for distin- guishing between unbleached sulphite and sulphate pulps; also, that it is difficult to develop such a method because the pulps are so closely related. Schwalbe recognized, too, as do others who have made a study of the two pulps, that there are two differences between them which may be used as a basis on which to develop reactions which will differentiate them, namely, (i) the difference in the amounts of incrusting or Ugneous material, and (2) the dif- ferent chemical changes which have been brought about by the different digesting processes. 1 Testing Methods for Sulphite and Sulphate Cellulose in Paper. Pulp and Paper Magazine, p. 21; Jan. 1. 1914- 6 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards 3. DIFFERENT AFFINITIES OF PULPS FOR DYES It is pretty generally known by persons who have made any analytic study at all of paper-making pulps that those pulps differ- ing in the degree of cooking, or of bleaching, or both, usually have quite different affinities for various dyes and stains. The dye most generally used to show the properties of different pulps in tliis respect is malachite green, a basic aniHne or coal-tar dye which has a great affinity for highly lignified fibers and very little or no affinity for pulps and fibers freed from incrusting matter. The result of this property is that, when malachite green alone is used to stain a pulp composed of a mixture of fibers having a high content of lignin and of other fibers more thoroughly digested, one gets a range of shades varying from deep green to very light green, or, perhaps, to the entire absence of color in the case of fibers that are completely freed from incrusting matter. Although there may be no sharp color line of demarcation to set off any one group of fibers against any other, results of this kind may serve the purpose of determining the thoroughness or the uniformity of the cooking or of the bleaching action. But if this or a similar dye or stain is followed by one of a contrasting color, as recommended by Siebert and Minor,- it will sometimes be found possible to separate quite distinctly a mixture of two different pulps, as, for example, a well-cooked from a slightly-cooked pulp, or a well-bleached from a poorly-bleached pulp, or a chemical from a mechanical pulp. These authors, however, recommend that malachite green be followed by an acid dye, while in the method described below both of the dyes used are basic. Whether the different affinities of the two pulps for various dyes and stains are due to different chemical properties of the pulps brought about by the different cooking methods, or whether they are due merely to the different amounts of incrusting matter remaining in the sulphite and sulphate pulps, is a question on which cellulose chemists do not agree. III. METHODS PROPOSED BY EARLIER EXPERIMENTERS In studying tliis problem the available methods proposed from time to time by others who have experimented along tliis Une were tried. Below is given a description of each method, together with a brief statement of results obtained by the writers in trying the method. ^ The Differentiation of Sulphite Pulps, Paper, 25, No. 21; Jan. 2S, 1920. Differentiating Unbleached Sulphite and Sulphite Pulps 7 1. KXEMM'S METHODS Klemm is given credit for developing two methods, in one of which use is made of malachite green alone, and in the other use is made of both malachite green and rosaniline sulphate. Klemm's malachite green method is described by R. W. Fannon ' as follows : The reagent consists of a saturated solution of malachite green, a coal-tar dye, to which 2 per cent acetic acid has been added. A portion of pulp is treated with a few drops of the reagent sufficient to soak it, and the excess blotted up. The fiber is then examined microscopically. Unbleached sulphite is colored full green; sulphate is colored light green. The results obtained by using tliis method were not satisfactory, since there is no sharp or distinct line of demarcation between the two pulps, some of the more deeply colored sulphate fibers showing a deeper green than some of the lighter colored sulphite fibers. These results are in harmony with the statements made above regarding the use of malachite green in staining various pulps and fibers. Schwalbe mentions another procedure,* a malachite green and rosaniline-sulphate method, wliich he also calls Klemm's method. No details as to making up the dye solutions or method of applying them are given. It was found, however, that a fairly good differentiation between the two pulps is had if they are stained for about two minutes with a one-half per cent aqueous solution of malachite green, rinsed with water, then stained \\-ith a solution of rosaniline sulphate acidified with sulphuric acid. The same results may also be obtained if these two stains are compounded in the right pro- portions before being applied to the pulps. When the chemical composition of rosaniline sulphate is com- pared with that of magenta, or fuchsine, one of the dyes recom- mended below, it is evident that they are very closely related, and that the color radical is the same in both. An insight into the constitution of these compounds may be had from any good treatise on organic chemistry. Pararosaniline and rosaniline ^ are the bases of the fuchsine dyes. Both are triacid bases, stronger than ammonia. The basic fuchsine or magenta dyes are formed by treating these bases with various acids, particularly hydrochloric and acetic, * An effort to find a simple means of differentiation between sulphite and sulphate pulp. (.\ thesis prepared at the University of Maine. June. 1916.) * Pulp and Paper Magazine, p. 2i;Jan. 1. 1914. ^ A. Bemthsen. Organic Cheinistr>*. translation by J. J. Sudborough; New York. 1912. Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards water being eliminated during the reaction. The formula of rosaniline is aqueous; so'.= soIutlon.] How stained Satranin in equal parts water and alcohol, rinsed with water, Delafield's hema- toxylin. Ext. ale. boiled 1 minute. ^4 per cent aq. sol. malachite green, rinsed with water, rosanjline sulphate and little sulphuric acid. Ext. ale, boiled 1 minute. }.i per cent aq. sol. malachite green, rinsed with water, eosin in equal parts alcohol and water. Ext. ale, heated to 100°C in }'i per cent aq. sol. malachite green, rinsed with water, 1 per cent aq. ale. sot. safranin. Boiled 1 minute in 1 part rosaniline sul- phate sol., then 1 part 1 per cent aq. sol. malachite green added, lightly rinsed with water. Ext. ale, boiled in water, acidified solu- tion 50 per cent alcohol, Deiafield s hematoxylin 10 to IS minutes, rinsed with water, J 2 P" cent sol. congo red 1 minute, rinsed with water. ; Ext. ale. boiled in water, acidified solu- tion 5U per cent alcohol, Delafield's hematoxylin left on until air dry, rinsed with water, ^2 per cent sol. congo red I minute, rinsed with water. Colorless te faint reddish brown. Clear blue, bundles green. Dark blue Light to dark Pink to light magenta. Color difierence quite noticeable. Pale gray to Differen t ia t i lavender. good. Colorless to faint purple. Light to dark red. Pits of sulphite fibers colored green. Do. Purple Good differentia- tion. Fair difierentia- tion. Purple with litUe red. Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards TABLE 1. — Interesting Experiments Made and Stains Used with the Color Reactions on Sulphate and Sulphite Fibers — Continued Action on— Serial How stained Remarks No. Sulphate Sulphite 57 Ext. ale, washed with 1 per cent aq. sol. tannic acid, then equal parts 1 per cent Blue Purple Good differentia- tion. aq. solutions acid ftrchsine and malachite green 3 minutes, rinsed with water. 79 Ext. ale, boiled in water, dried with filter paper on slide, then 50 parts each o( 1 per cent aq. solutions magenta and malachite green and 1 part 1 per cent aq. sol. tannic acid 2 minutes, quickly rinsed in 50-50 aq. ale. sol. slightly acidified with HCl, rinsed with water. Greenish blue.. Differentiation ex- cellent. 82 Boiled in water, i 2 per cent aq. sol. mala- Blue do Color difference not chite green and aq. sol. rosaniline sul- as decisive as phate and little HsSO,, all left on fibers when magenta is 2 mhiutes, then rinsed with water. used in place of rosaniline s u 1 - phate. 84 Slide as made up by No. 79 examined under Various colors . Various colors. No distinguishing 1 microscope in polarized light, wiUi both properties parallel and crossed nicols. appeared. 85 Boiled In water, pulped and examined Yellow, orange. Yellow, orange, Do. under microscope in polarized light with and blue. and blue. both parallel and crossed nicols. Some of the pulps were extracted with alcohol to remove resins, and this fact is indicated in each case in the table. The pulps were then rinsed and cooked, at first, in clear water, and pulped, no chemical being used in the cooking process, as it was thought that any chemical treatment might possibly interfere with the staining action to follow. Experiments that were con- ducted later, however, indicated that cooking the sample of paper in a one-half per cent aqueous solution of caustic soda does not have any effect on the action of the dyes. The alcohol used at various times and for various pvu-poses, as indicated, was in all cases ethyl alcohol. The color appearances and other characteristics noted are those which appeared under the micro- scope. 3. DETAILED METHOD OF USING The stain which was found to be most satisfactory in diflfer- entiating between unbleached sulphite and sulphate pulps or fibers was a mixture of one part of a 2 per cent aqueous solution of malachite green and two parts of a i per cent aqueous solution of Differentiating Unbleached Sulphite and Sulphite Pulps 13 basic fuchsine, or magenta. The solutions were made up accord- ing to the following formulas, kept in tightly stoppered separate bottles, and mixed only when wanted for use : A — Malachite green 2 g Distilled water .;:.... 100 cm* B — Basic fuchsine i g Distilled water 100 cm ^ Since there is considerable variation in the quality of dyes from various sources, it is not to be expected that any given combina- tion of dyes or method of procedure will best fit all cases; it is, indeed, more than probable that the compovmd stain will have to be modified somewhat as to its two components, depending on the source of the dyes. After this stain, therefore, has been made up according to formula, it will be necessary to test it out on samples of sulphite and sulphate fibers. To do this, samples of unbleached sulphite and sulphate pulps should be prepared and a few fibers of each placed on a slide, care being taken not to get the two samples mixed. The fibers are then dried and stained, as directed below, and then examined under the microscope. All the sulphate fibers should have a blue or blue-green color, and all the sulphite fibers should have a purple or lavender color. If any purple fibers appear in the sulphate pulp this indicates that too much fuchsine is present in the combination, and a little more malachite green solution must be added to coimteract this effect. If, on the other hand, some of the sulphite fibers show green or blue, there is too much malachite green in the combination, and more fuchsine solution must be added. Of course the analyst must be sure that he is using authentic samples of the two pulps for this test. When tested out in this manner and the proper combination found, the stain is ready to be used on unknown combinations of fibers con- taining either imbleached sulphite or sulphate, or both. A mixture of one-haif sulpliite and one-half sulphate may also be used to test out the stain, the proper combination for the stain being indicated when one-half of the fibers are colored blue, and the other half purple. The stain should not be used for more than a few hours after being compounded and should be made up anew at least each day. 14 Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards The method of preparing the samples of pulps or papers for staining, and of applying the stain, is as follows: The sample is boiled for a few minutes in water or in a one- half per cent aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide, and the fibers are thoroughly disintegrated by shaking in a test tube or other receptacle about half filled with water, glass beads being added if the fibers can not otherwise be separated. Several fibers are then removed by means of a teasing needle, or preferably by means of a glass tube " about seven thirty-seconds of an inch in diameter, placed on a microscope slide, and dried by the use of hard filter or blotting paper. Two or three drops of the com- pound stain are then placed on the fibers by means of a suitable dropper or a pipette and allowed to remain 2 minutes, during which time the fibers are being teased apart and moved about in the stain on the slide. This teasing is necessary in order that the stain may have equal opportunity to act on all the fibers. At the end of 2 minutes the excess stain is removed with three or four thicknesses of hard filter paper, and the fibers treated with three or four drops of a weak aqueous solution of hydrochloric add, made by adding i cm' of concentrated acid (sp. gr. 1.19; HCl 37 per cent) to i liter of distilled water. The acid solution is allowed to remain on the slide for from 10 to 30 seconds, during which time the fibers are teased and moved about rapidly. Fol- lowing this, the excess acid solution is removed with filter paper, three or four drops of distilled water applied, the fibers quickly teased about, and the water absorbed with filter paper. If all the excess stain has been removed from the sHde at this point, a drop or two of water may be added, the fibers spread about on the slide, and a cover glass placed over them. But if too much stain remains on the slide at this point, it will be necessary to rinse again wth distilled water before applying the cover glass. After the cover glass has been placed in position the fibers are ready for examination imder the microscope. 4. ESTIMATING PERCENTAGES The color contrast not only enables one to detect the presence of one or both of these fibers, but is sharp enough to enable one, after some practice, to make an approximately correct estimate of the percentages of each of these fibers present. "> F. C. Clark, Paper Testing Methods, Tappi Publishing Corp., New York. N, Y.; 1920. Differentiating Unbleached Sulphite and Sulphite Pulps 15 In order to get a practical idea as to what could be accomplished in estimating the percentages of sulphite and sulphate fibers when stained as directed, three persons, all of whom had had experience in estimating the percentages of fibers stained with the zinc- chloride and iodine stain, made a number of estimations on known mixtures of these two pulps. Seven mixtures, made from representative samples of sulpliite and sulphate pulps, were prepared by weighing on a chemical balance the proper proportions of each pulp, the weights of the two components totaling 30 g in each case. The pulps were then thoroughly mixed by agitating in a tight container with consid- erable water. The series made up contained 20, 25, 40, 50, 60, 75, and 80 per cent of unbleached sulphite. A representative portion of each member of this series was placed in a container and labeled. Microscope slides were then made up from each of the seven samples, each slide being given an unknown mark of identification, and handed over to the analysts for their esti- mations. Four different series of estimates were made, in each of which a different make of American dyes was used. V. SUMMARY OF RESULTS In the tables below are given the results of estimates on the seven fiber mixtures, each table showing the results obtained by using dyes from one of the four sources. TABLE 2. — Results of Analyses, Using Dyes from First Source Ob- server Percentage sulphite in mixture Error o( aver- age Prob- able error