PS 3535 .U65 S5 1914 Copy 1 Shower of Verses MIHiUiiircWiiUU; Althea Randolph (■()P3Tlglil.V.'_^_A5ilrL COl'YRKillT I)1-:H)SIT. A Shower of Verses Containing Mother's Treasure Book Fancies, Fairies, and Frolics Twilight Poems By ^l^AA.u)^^^^^ Randolph (^fSjuiJ^) New York The H. W. Gray Co, Sole Agents for Novello & Co. lA- Copyright, 1914 by The H. W. Gray Co. Permission to include four poems which were first published in the Woman's Maga- zine and one in the Ladies' Home Journal^ is hereby gratefully acknowledged. id Ijj4 Cl.A3744Si TO MY LITTLE READERS Through Memory s door I fancy I see my Babes once more Surrounded by their playthings Upon the Nursery floor; And then again at twilight Within my fond embrace I watch the smiles and dimples Play o'er each pretty face. Now one has grown to manhood, My blue-eyed Baby Boy, He was and is a solace, A treasure and a joy! The other little Darling Left me one autumn day, And oft when shadows deepen I brush a tear away. My heart was heavy laden, How could I rise above The longing and the wanting — The only way was Love! Td love — Td work for children WhoWe in the world to-day, Perhaps they'd like some verses To while an hour away ! Fd think of them as gardeners, The rhymes as growing flowers, And rippling peals of laughter As happy summer showers! Tis thus, my little Darlings, These rhymes were sown for you. Within your Nursery-gardens Will you plant my poems, too? Mother's Treasure Book DEAR MOTHER Dear Mother, If every thought of mine for you Could turn into A violet blue, Then on a flowery path you'd stray, For violet-thoughts Would pave your way. Dear Mother! A Shower of Verses A YEAR OF BABIES January Babies grow As pretty, pure and white as snow! February Babies, next, Have "Kindness" for their daily text! Babies born in bleak March gale, Are healthy, happy, strong and hale! April Babies sometimes cry, To help the flowers grow by and by! Babies born in May are sweet, As blossoms pink, from head to feet! Babies born in June prove true, And make the world a bower for you! July Babies romp and run, And revel in the noon-day sun! August Babies sleep away The sultry hours of summer's day! September Babies watch the sky. And sing a twilight lullaby! October Babies weave gay wreaths Of smiles and autumn's golden leaves! November Babies dance and play, And chase away the clouds of gray! December Babies loving are With eyes that sparkle like a star! A Shower of Verses 5 BIRTH The birds sing sweeter, Since our Baby's birth; The buds bloom brighter, Fairer is the Earth! NAME To-day our Baby has a name, Though God has ever known Our Darling as a pure sweet flower, In His great garden grown! WEIGHT If we should weigh our Baby, The weight could ne'er be told; For the substance of our Baby Is in Love — and not in gold! GIFTS Gifts! oh, what are they? But objects thought of by a friend — As love expressed — to send! With sunny smiles, And winning wiles. And arms about your neck entwined ,- Thus to repay the debt, I find, Is Baby's way! A Shower of Verses FIRST OUTING Out in the golden sunshine, Baby goes; Just to give and get God's love As it flows ; For each Baby is a ray, Adding glad-beams to the day, — Baby knows! FIRST LAUGH I thought the silvery rippling notes Were sung by trilling bird ; But now I know the merry tones Were Baby's laugh I heard! SHORT CLOTHES Have Fairies fastened airy wings Upon our Baby's feet, That they flutter in delight? Ne'er can trailing robes of white Imprison them, for now, at last. They've won their freedom sweet! FIRST TOOTH Such a precious little thing That has come to light ! *T is a gem we treasure dear, — A Tooth of pearly white! A Shower of Verses 7 CREEPING Creeping, creeping, in delight, Happy as a bird in flight ; May our Baby ever glide As smoothly o'er Life's flowing tide! FIRST SHOES Ah, cunning pair of little shoes. To cover up ten pretty toes! Guard well the treasures in your care, And smooth the road where Baby goes! FIRST STEP Oh, just a step upon the way Which leads to Grown-up Land, And soon our Baby will not need The help of human hand! Where'er are left within the path The prints of dainty feet. There seeds are sown to blossom forth As Memory-flowers sweet! FIRST CHRISTMAS The Christ was born to show the way That all may live a prayer each day! FIRST BIRTHDAY Age ne'er can rightly measured be, Nor thought of, even, Unless we count the days and years, As true love given! A Shower of Verses PRAYER 'Tis but a little prayer I say Before I go to sleep: "I know that God is Good and Love, And safely doth He keep His little ones all through the night, And guide them in the day: Thus do I rest in His dear care. And trust in Him alway!" PHOTOGRAPH *Tis here we see a little face, Our Baby's face so wondrous fair — But oh, the picture in our hearts, Is fairer still beyond compare! BRIGHT SAYINGS Would that within my memory clear, I could retain the sayings bright. Of Baby dear; But lest I should forget, I'll write And keep the shadows of them here! Fancies, Fairies, and Frolics AWAKE! Awake! 'Tis time for you to rise! Awake! And open both your eyes! The day is here, the sky is blue, And all the World is calling you! THE DAWN I'm up and dressed while yet the World Is fast asleep in bed ; Ofttimes I wear a skirt of blue, And ofttimes ruby red; About my waist I tie a sash Of golden streamers gay. And o'er my shoulders throw a scarf Of fleecy clouds of gray ; Upon my head I place a crown Of opal rays of light. And as the Moon and Stars behold, They quickly take their flight! I carry in my hands joy-beams, To scatter on my way; And when I waken birds and flowers, They echo back, '"Tis day!" Behind me comes the amber Sun, — Each morn he gives me chase, But never has he caught me yet In swift Aurora's race! II 12 A Shower of Verses THE SUN'S VOYAGE The Sun sails in his golden boat, Across the sea of blue, The fleecy clouds of white are waves Which he goes sailing through! There at the helm he steers along Until the day grows dark. And then upon the mountain top He anchors safe his bark! When morning comes he starts again To travel on his way; — I wonder why he always takes The same road every day! THE POSTMAN I watch out for the Postman, As he goes by each day; In clear or rainy weather He never stays away! He writes so many letters, He must quite busy be ; — Perhaps if I smile sweetly He'll write a note to me! A SECRET ! I love to play with dollies, I have one for a toy, I keep it very secret, — Because I am a boy ! A Shower of Verses 13 PICTURE-BOOK TRAVELS Oh, story-book pictures are wonderful things, They keep you quite busy all day; For first you can go on the ocean of blue In a boat, and sail far, far away! Then next you can travel so fast in a train You soon reach a strange foreign land ; And again you can dig with your shovel and pail Beside the sea- waves on the sand! Now over a page you will find a balloon. Which takes you way up toward the sky; The trees, and the birds, the white clouds, and the Moon, How quickly you pass them all by ! You stroll in the Park and you visit the Zoo, And see the queer animals there; Or back in the orchard with picture-book friends. You swing to and fro through the air! You frolic and romp in the sunshine and snow; You play all day long in the rain ; And when you have come to the end of the book, — You start it all over again ! BABY'S LIKENESS! Mother says she looks like Father ! Father says she's just like me ! Grandma thinks her quite like Mother; But with them I don't agree ! For I think she's like my Brother! Brother says 'tis Uncle Joe 14 A Shower of Verses Whom our Baby so resembles, But Aunt Till declares, "Oh, no!" 'Cause my Uncle's eyes are hazel, While our Baby's eyes are blue; Uncle has no pretty dimples, Like our little Baby's two! Father's Sister says the Darling Is the image of herself! And Nurse Mary says, "My Baby Looks just like a Fairy Elf!" Now Miss Jones, my music-teacher, Thinks she's like my Cousin Wynn, While our next-door neighbor fancies She's more like the other twin ! So I've come to this conclusion. That there's not a single one Whom our Baby truly looks like, — No one's daughter, — no one's son! — All the members of our family Have brown hair, — both small and big; Grandma says our Babe inherits Red hair from Great Grandpa's wig ! THE TEASING RAIN-DROPS Jumping down from clouds of gray, Is the way the Rain-drops play; Chasing birds from out the sky, Making trees and flowers cry. Do you think they're having fun. When they make the people run? For they wet us through and through, That's what teasing Rain-drops do ! A Shower of Verses 15 PIN-WHEELS Pretty Pin-wheels, gold and blue, Red and green and violet hue ; Whirling, twirling, round you go, When the summer breezes blow! Whirling, twirling, through the air. Looking like the flowers fair ; In what garden Pin- wheels grow, — I should really like to know! THE DAYTIME NAP! Come close your eyes, my Baby, And sleep an hour or two ! Your Mother's love is faithful And watches over you ! Within your arms hold Dolly, And say there's naught to fear For Mother loves her Baby, And you love Dolly, dear! FASHION My Uncle says that years ago When he was small Hke me. He wore a skirt and apron, too, And garters at his knee. But since he's grown to be a man, And is so big and tall. He thinks that petticoats would be Becoming — not at all! 1 6 A Shower of Verses FIRST CLIMB Up one step — yes, 'tis high! But you'll make it if you try! Now again, take one more — Do just what you did before ! Up the third — of course you can, For you are a little man! Four and five — take them slow Do not try to hurry so! Six comes next, seven, too, — Mother'll stay quite close to you. Now then eight — don't you see What a brave boy you can be ? Nine and ten — up so fast! There, you've reached the top at last! THE CHOO-CHOO CAR I play that I'm a Choo-choo Car, The Engine is my Brother, Upon the garden lawn we run, And follow one another! Each place we stop at has a name, The Station is a tree! The only passenger we have Is Nursie, don't you see? But she will never run with us. And so we have to play That she comes down to catch the train. But misses it each day! A Shower of Verses 17 MY HOBBY-HORSE My Papa is my Hobby-horse, And on his foot I ride; He trots and gallops up and down, While I sit on astride. "Gee up!" I say, to make him start, Or when he goes too slow; And every time I want to stop, I loudly call out, "W-h-o-a!" He is the nicest Hobby-horse That I have ever had; I wish you had one just Hke him, — But you can't have my Dad! OH, NANCY! Oh, Nancy, Nancy, Do you fancy, The World was made alone for you? — Be not unruly. Others truly Have their own places in it, too! SEA-SHELLS There are echoes in the sea-shells, Echoes which I hear When I hold the pretty sea-shells Close beside my ear! There are echoes which are dreary. And echoes which are gay; — And I often, often wonder What sea-shell echoes say! 1 8 A Shower of Verses THE TRUANT CLOUD Once a naughty little Cloud To his Mother said aloud, "Out across the ocean blue, I shall go — so now, adieu!" "Stay by me, 'tis safer, child, Far away are breezes wild ! ' ' But he hastened on his way And her words did not obey. On and on he sped along While he sang his merry song, "Oh, ho, ho, 'tis fun to do Just the things one wishes to!" But alas, up came a squall ! And it chased this Truant small. "Save me!" cried the Cloud in vain, And disappeared in drops of rain. Heed the lesson this doth tell, Little children, learn it well, — Listen to your Mothers, dears, For 'twill save you many tears. DO AND DON'T! Oh, Mary dear, don't talk so loud! Do learn to modulate your voice; Don't grab the best of everything, Wait first, till others make their choice; Add "Thank you" when you say a Yes, And "Thank you" v/hen you answer No! Be ladylike and dignified, And gentle, too, where'er you go! A Shower of Verses 19 Don't pull your hat down on your nose, Nor chew your gloves while you are out ! Don't lose the ribbons from your braids, And let your hair fly all about ! Stand straight upon your feet, my dear. And turn your toes out when you walk; Be thoughtful for your little friends. And let them have a chance to talk! Don't tear the buttons off your shoes. And never, never slam a door! Another thing, dear child, don't do — Drop handkerchiefs upon the floor! Don't twist your curls, nor knot your sash; And never bite your nails, oh, no! Don't blot your books, — Do dot your i's, Don't run your words together so ! Your teachers mind, — heed what they say, Recite your lessons well in school ; When playing with the boys and girls, Obey always the Golden Rule! Don't chatter, chatter all the time, 'Tis well to be a listener, too; Don't fool away each hour of day, For there is often work to do ! Be prompt, be neat, be kind and good; And don't forget your prayers at night ; — Do all these Do's — Don't do the Don'ts, And you, my child, will grow up right! THE IMPATIENT FARMER I am a country farmer. Just like my Uncle Bill, Who lives down by the river, Which flows beneath the hill. 20 A Shower of Verses I get up every morning, To water all my seeds, And then I rake my garden. And pick out all the weeds. But I am so impatient To see how my seeds grow, I take a little peep each day, Down in the ground below. In summer Uncle's garden Has vegetables so fine; There must be something wrong, I think. That seeds don't grow in mine! GRATEFUL BE Do you ever stop in play. Just a little prayer to say : "Let me grateful be alway. Learn to love and to obey"? Try this simple little way; It will brighten all the day! MY COMRADE! I have a little Comrade Who's cute as she can be; Her hair is long and silky. Her eyes green as the sea. She is the greatest comfort. And plays so nicely, too, 'Tis funny when she ventures To mimic things I do! A Shower of Verses 21 Together we jump fences, — Sometimes we climb a tree! When marching Hke a soldier, My Comrade follows me! On stormy days I show her The pictures in my books, I know she likes the stories From just the way she looks! There's but one disadvantage, She won't sit on my lap ! — She much prefers the fireside, Where she can take a nap ! She sleeps too much to suit me, Her bed is but a mat ; — I'm sure you've guessed by this time, My Comrade is a Cat! FLOWER-FRIENDS Gloria with her Flower-friends, In the garden plays; Happy little comrades, they, Through the summer days! Pansies, Roses, Mignonette, Lilies, white and tall, Violets and Heliotrope, — Gloria loves them all! In their flower-language sweet Secrets do they tell, — And Gloria seems to understand What they say, quite well! 22 A Shower of Verses A MORNING CALL Open your eyes, my Darling, The sky is bright and blue, And all the baby-blossoms Are budding forth for you! The birds within the tree-tops Are calling you to play; So open your eyes, my Darling, To the golden hours of day! MISS UMBRELLA My name is Umbrella, I'm dressed all in red, And when it is raining, I'm carried o'erhead! But when the Sun's shining, I'm left on the shelf; Oh, dear! it is lonely To be by myself! So please do have pity. And take me with you Sometimes when it's pleasant, And the sky is clear blue! YOU NEVER CAN TELL! I go to school and try to read, But it is very hard! I'd so much rather stay at home. And play here in the yard. But Mother says that I must learn, And try to be content; For maybe some day when I'm grown I'll be the President! A Shower of Verses 23 IN THE FAR-AWAY You say Nurse, in the Far- A way, Upon the Treasure Sea, That there's a Ship all laden down With pretty things for me; Bright blocks of gold, and silver drums, And kites with crystal wings, Big tops all set with emeralds green, And hoops like diamond rings ! And Nurse, you say if I am good. That more and more there'll be Of wondrous things within that Ship, Out on the Treasure Sea. Then Nurse, dear, when I'm grown a man. The first thing I shall do, Will be to find that distant Craft, And bring some toys to you. JOY-LAND Mother says there is a way To be happy all the day: "Do kind deeds for some one near, — 'Tis thus you find bright Joy-land here! "If the Clouds of Anger rise. And the hasty Showers of Cries, Put your temper on the shelf, And chase away your naughty self!" Mother is so kind and good. How I wish I understood All the many ways she knows Of finding Joy-land where she goes! 24 A Shower of Verses THE TWINS! My name is Tim, My brother's, Jim, We're Twins! Jim's hair is light. He's very bright. We're Twins! His eyes are blue, And mine are too, We're Twins! He knows a lot. For such a tot. We're Twins! He goes to school, Obeys each rule, We're Twins! "How strange!" folks say, " Unlike are they, The Twins!" CORDELIA AT THE PIANO! A, B, andC, D, E, F, G! These letters I must say Each time I strike piano-keys And try to learn to play. Oh, X, Y, Z! I cannot see Why 'tis not better yet To make the scale run right straight down The entire Alphabet! A Shower of Verses 25 BOBBY! On Monday and on Tuesday, On Wednesday, Thursday, too, On Friday and the next day, My rompers are dark blue! But Sunday when the Sun shines And it is fine and bright ; Fm fixed all up in dresses, Just like a girl in white! They say it is becoming, — To comfort, I suppose. While I am sitting quiet To not spoil skirt and bows ! I'd rather give up looking As pretty as I can Until I am much older And grown a great big man! Of this thing I am certain, I'd rather have my play Than be the best dressed young one In all the world to-day! AMONG THE APPLES I went into the orchard. And climbed up in a tree. And there I sat among the boughs, As happy as could be. I picked the rosy apples Which all about me grew; I'm sure the apples thought that I Grew on the branches, too! 26 A Shower of Verses THE UNWELCOME GUESTS "Fitter patter, pitter patter," Sing the drops of rain, "Don't you hear us knocking, knocking. On your window-pane? "Pitter patter, pitter patter, Let us in, we pray. We should like to play with you, All this stormy day. "Pitter patter, pitter patter," Cry the drops of rain, "Because you've shut the door on us, We'll go home again!" THE BATH I play the bath-tub is a boat, And I a sailor boy, I lift the anchor, blow a horn, And then I shout "Ahoy!" I sail away across the bay, Until I near the land, I steer my boat upon the shore, And leave it on the sand. While Nursie comes and washes me, Until I'm nice and clean; And then I turn the water on, — That's how I get up steam! I start to sail away again And turn my boat about. But just when I am having fun. My Nursie takes me out ! A Shower of Verses 27 A HAPPY CHORUS Baby-blossoms in green bowers, Sing their joyous song ; Babbling brooks chant merrily As they flow along; Busy Baby-Bumble-Bees Hum upon their way; Whispering Baby-Breezes blow Their melodious lay ; Baby-Birds in all the trees Chirp the whole day through; So Httle Baby-Boys and Girls, Join in the chorus, too! WHERE IS MY PRETTY THIMBLE-0 ? Where is my pretty Thimble- 0? I'm sure it must be here; I think 'tis very strange, don't you, How things do disappear? I had it on awhile ago, To sew my Dolly's lace; And just because it wants to tease, It's hid itself some place. Tom, Ned, and I have looked about, And searched the Nursery o'er. We've hunted on the mantelpiece, The table, and the floor. But still that Thimble hides away! So won't you help us look? Perhaps you'll find my Thimble-0, Within this little book! 28 A Shower of Verses NATURE'S HOUSE-MAID I am a busy House-maid, For the World I have to tend; The trees and Flowers I care for, All their clothes and socks I mend. I clean and sweep Earth's garden, And I brush away the weeds, I dust the dewy petals. And I wash the growing seeds. I put in tidy order All Earth's ornaments for you; So help me, little children. Keep yourselves in order, too ! PRETTY BUTTERFLY Flitter, Flutter, go your wings, Pretty Butterfly; You will never play with me; Won't you tell me why? If I had a pair of wings On my back like you. Do you think you'd love me more? Tell me, is this true? MARY-BELLE I have a little Dolly, Her name is Mary-Belle And just what place she came from I really cannot tell! A Shower of Verses 29 One day I woke and found her Beside me on a chair, And often I have wondered However she came there! Her eyes are made of china, Her hair of golden flax. And she is stuffed with saw-dust All covered up with wax ! Her lips are pink like roses. She has a turned-up nose, She never stops a-smiling. Or turning out her toes! Her clothes are sewed right on her. Her shoes glued to her feet; And in her chin's a dimple Which makes her look so sweet ! Now don't you think my Dolly Sounds cute as she can be? I'm sure you'd learn to love her, If Mary-Belle you'd see! I WISH TO KNOW! Morn, Noon, and Night, — three times each day I have to leave my friends and play To march with Nurse up-stairs to scrub With soap and water, — rub, rub, rub! I think, don't you, 'tis really mean, — I wish I'd stay forever clean! — I wonder if in other lands The boys must wash their face and hands! 30 A Shower of Verses MY BALLOON A fine balloon they gave to me, It was a lovely thing, So big and red and round, you see, And tied upon a string. "Of course," I thought, "if I let go, 'Twill bounce upon the ground, As other balls all do, you know. " But this is what I found ! That red balloons are funny things. They go the other way, Bounce up, as if they all had wings. And fly so far away! PHANTOM PLAYMATES I play all day with children Who do just as I wish ; We kneel beside the brooklet To watch the shiny fish ! We pluck the daisy-flowers. And scare away the bees; Then fly into the orchard To climb the cherry-trees. We scamper through the garden. And tease in hiding-games ; — I call them "Phantom Playmates,'* Because they have no names. They're never cross nor naughty, Oh, no! For don't you see They're only make-believe children. And all made up by me! A Shower of Verses 31 WAITING My pretty parasol of blue, To keep away the burning Sun, They said was made to cover two, And so I sit the whole day through A-waiting for that other one! A GIPSY I'd love to be a Gipsy, And like the Gipsies, roam. The sky would be the ceiling, The ground would be my Home! I'd tramp all day through forests, And sleep beside the sea ; With all the World to Hve in, I'd feel so gay and free! MY RAG-DOLLY Oh, Dolly, my dear. With eyes of bright blue, You are a sweet child. And Mother loves you ! 'Tis sad you are made Of rags, — nothing more. But never mind, Dolly, My child I adore! So Dolly, my dear, With eyes of bright blue, I'll rock you to sleep As real Mothers do! 32 A Shower of Verses FUNNY LITTLE ESKIMO Funny little Eskimo, Dwelling in the land of snow, Wearing fur the whole year through, I am sure I'd like it too. To dress exactly as you do. Have you frosty crystal trees. With icicles for glistening leaves. And gardens where the snow-balls grow? Tell me is this really so, Cunning little Eskimo? PLAYING GRANDPA! When I pretend I'm Grandpa old, Like him, I play, I'm stern and bold! I don his hat and suit of clothes, And wear his glasses on my nose! His cane I take when I go out. And swing it as I walk about ; — Oh, rapture! How I'd love to be A Grandpa old, — instead of me! MERMAIDS The Mermaids live down in the sea. At least that's what my book tells me. The book that Auntie gave! And yet I'm sure I've never seen A lady dressed in tail of green A-sitting on a wave! A Shower of Verses 33 EARLY MORNING I always open both my eyes, Just as the Sun begins to rise; When he gets up to shine on me, I like to keep him company. My Mamma cries: "Do go to sleep!" And Papa makes me quiet keep ; So then I take my little toys, And never make a bit of noise. I try to read and look at things, Until I wish that I had wings. So I could fly right out of bed, And soar like birds, far overhead! MAYBE! If I might have a wish come true, Fd wish to find a spot Where I could hide my things away. My marbles and my top! Perhaps I'd choose a place within A forest dense and wild; — I'm sure I'd not be bothered there With any other child! I'm really very, very tired Of sharing gifts and toys With family friends and relatives. Big girls and other boys. My Daddy says to feel this way Is selfish and unkind; — So after all when I'm grown-up, Maybe I'll change my mind! 34 -4 Shower of Verses THE LURE OF THE OCEAN I listened to the Ocean's roar, As it beat upon the shore : "Ha, ha, ha!" it seemed to say, "I shall catch you with my spray!" Off came shoes, and off came hose, — Waded in to wet my toes: "Oh, oh, oh! there, don't you see Ocean dear, you can't scare me!" Then beneath its gentle swells. Near me came such pretty shells: "Ah, ah, ah! don't pass us by!" Cried the sea-shells with a sigh. Ventured farther, shells to save, When alas! in rolled a wave! "Ho, ho, ho! now down you go!" The Ocean roared. " I told you so! MY SLED! I own a bright new sled, A gift from Uncle Ned, It's painted blue and red. My Httle brother Fred, Begged me to loan my sled. "Indeed, I won't!" I said, "I'll use myself, my sled To coast with Neil and Ted";— The sliding-march I led, I tumbled on my head. And had to go to bed; Alas! I wish instead I'd loaned my sled to Fred! A Shower of Verses 35 MY JOLLY LITTLE JAPANEE! My Mother gave a doll to me, A jolly little Japanee! With tiny feet and smile so bright, — It made me laugh in sheer delight! I took her out to call one day, All dressed in her kimono gay ; Oh ! I was proud as proud could be Of my bewitching Japanee! But ah! 'tis really sad to tell About the queer thing that befell My jolly little Japanee, Who came from far across the sea! A Doggie liked her straight black hair, Her china eyes, and cheeks so fair! And now it makes me cry to see My jolly little Japanee! THE HORIZON Swinging, swinging, to and fro, Laughing, chatting, as we go; Up so high, and then so low. Little Mary, Bess, and Joe. Over fences, over trees. Swinging in the summer breeze ; We can see so far away Where the sky rests on the bay. And we think the sky would get From the water very wet Where they come together so; But our Mamma says, "Oh, no!" 36 A Shower of Verses MOTOR-MAN MAX! Sometimes I am a Motor-man, And run a trolley-car; I ring the bell, and turn the wheel, And travel fast and far! My passenger is Mother, dear, Who beckons me to stop ; — I use the break! — Then she gets on To go down town to shop! When she's inside she takes a seat Upon a bedroom chair; And just before I start again I ask her for her fare. We ride awhile — and then she gives Upon the floor a rap! But I pretend I do not hear, So she must pull the strap! That rings the bell, and then I stop To help her from the side; But in a minute she is back, And wants another ride! DONALD'S ECHO I heard the voice distinctly. It rang out loud and clear, It seemed within the forest. From some one who was near! It was not Nurse who called me, But surely some one did! And so I started hunting To see where he was hid! A Shower of Verses 37 I searched beneath the bushes, And brushed away the leaves, I ran down by the brooklet. And all around the trees! "Hello!" I cried out loudly, "Hello!" came back to me; I plainly heard him speaking. Yet no one could I see! And when I couldn't find him. The boy with voice so sweet, I grew, at last, impatient, And stamped and stamped my feet! "You naughty boy!" I yelled out, "You naughty boy!" said he; And then I ran to Nursie, As angry as could be! "Say something kind, my darling. And he will say the same ; Now call him little Donald, Perhaps that is his name!" "How do you do, dear Donald!" The same words came to me; "Please won't you let me love you?" "Love you!" answered he! "Oh, Nursie, did you hear him? It really must be true ! That what you do to others, The same is done to you!" 38 A Shower of Verses THOUGHT-PICTURES When on the sandy shore I play, Safe in my little rocky nook, I watch the pretty ships sail by, Like pictures in a story-book. And then at night when in the dark, My eyes are shut and I'm in bed, Again such pretty ships I see, I guess I've eyes inside my head! LITTLE MISS WEATHER Ah, little Miss Weather, To-day you are clad In robes of bright sunshine. And I am so glad ! But sometimes you're sorry And dress in dark gray. And shed down great tear-drops All through the long day! Then sometimes you're angry And blow things around; And oft your snow-garments You trail on the ground! Oh, sometimes you're naughty And frowning, but then You change in an instant And smile once again ! A Shower of Verses 39 THE SUN'S GOOD-NIGHT AND GOOD- MORNING! The Sun says good-night to you, Good-night to you, Good-night to you, The Sun says good-night to you, At the close of day! The Sun throws a kiss to you, A kiss to you, A kiss to you, The Sun throws a kiss to you, As he goes away! The Sun stays away all night, Away all night, Away all night. The Sun stays away all night. And sleeps the whole night through ! The Sun awakes when it is light, When it is light. When it is light. The Sun awakes when it is light. And says good-day to you ! MY SUN-BONNET! I have a Httle pink Sun-bonnet, Without a flower or ribbon on it, Yet it is stylish as can be, My Mother says, when it's on me. She calls me then her pretty posy, Her dainty flower, her budding rosy; But this is just a teasing-game, For Mary Jane is my real name! 40 A Shower of Verses THE SAILOR I love the deep blue ocean, I love the silvery sea, So when I'm grown to be a man, A sailor I shall be. I'll paint my boat a yellow. And have blue sails, I think; I'll build her of the finest wood, So she will never sink. I'll take a long, long voyage. And lots of things I'll do; Then when I come back home again, I'll take you sailing, too! WEE MISCHIEF My Mother says wee Mischief Comes softly at daybreak And peeps within my window To see if I'm awake! And then he walks in boldly And says, "How do you do? I've come to bother Nursie, While she is dressing you!" He climbs upon the sofa. And jumps down on the floor, He runs about the bedroom, And hides behind the door! A Shower of Verses 41 Wee mischief too, goes walking, When I go out each day, And he teases all the children With whom I often play. He shows his two big dimples. When he winks his eyes at you, And he tries to frighten Father, By calling at him, "Boo!" Oh, sometimes when he's naughty, He makes a great loud noise, And wants to wake our Baby, And take away her toys! Whenever it is rainy He begs to walk or ride; But when the Sun is shining. He'd rather stay inside! He's always very busy, And Mother says 'tis true! In every place where I am. Wee Mischief's found there, too! THE WATERFALL I think 'twould be such lots of fun. To be a waterfall ; Just keep on tumbling down all day. And never stop at all ! But there is one thing, I don't seem To get straight in my head. And that is why a waterfall Can't tumble up instead! 42 A Shower of Verses A PRACTICAL LESSON! They said I was a naughty boy, And made me go to bed; I was so cross, I cried and screamed. And covered up my head! But oh, 'twas dark! And then I thought How very sad 'twould be If all the pretty earth and sky I never more could see. So right away I knelt and prayed, *'Dear God, I am so glad That I'm not blind, but have my sight, I'll not again be bad!'* COOKING CLOTHES I washed and starched my Dolly's things, Just like my Grandma's cook ; She taught me exactly what to do. From out her cooking-book. I made the water steaming hot. And then I boiled the clothes; — I never knew before they cooked Our underwear and hose! BESIDE THE SEA On silvery sand. With pail in hand, I play beside the sea; My Teddy-bear I carry there, And he plays too, with me! A Shower of Verses 43 Great forts with towers ; And make-believe flowers In gardens fine and big ; High mountains steep, With tunnels deep, All in the sand I dig! And too, a lake I sometimes make, And on the water blue, I start a-float My pretty boat. With Teddy for the crew! Thus while I play The hours away Dressed in my bathing-clothes, I am so brave, I let each wave Roll in to kiss — my toes ! SKATING! On winter days when cold winds blow. And snow lies in the street ; I put my cap and jacket on And rubbers on my feet. Then out I go, and fancy that I'm skating on the ice; — I'd like a pair of truly skates Like Bob's, so new and nice! 'Tis hard to skate when each skate is A rubber over-shoe ; — If you don't quite agree with me. Just see what you could do! 44 -4 Shower of Verses THE TALKING DOLL! My new Doll says, "How do you do?" "Mamma," "Papa," and "Thank you," too. She never says a naughty word, At least that any one has heard, For she speaks when you pull a string, — And strings don't talk a naughty thing! I WONDER! I wonder if the trees and flowers Have relatives like me; If Lilies are the cousins to The Rose and pink Sweet-pea. If Heliotrope and Violets Are kin to one another, Or if they don't know what it is To have a baby brother. I wonder if the Elm and Oak, The Maple and Pine Tree, Have uncles, like my Uncle Ned, Who is so good to me. And now I'd like to know who are The Mother and the Father; But then perhaps to have such things, The trees and flowers don't bother! THE SEA- WAVES! What do the sea-waves whisper, Mother, And are their stories sad or gay? I'd think they'd grow quite weary. Mother, Just breaking on the shore all day ! A Shower of Verses 45 WHAT DO THEY SAY? What do little flowers say, As they grow up day by day? "We are glad that we are fair, And with fragrance fill the air, For our pleasure is to give Happiness to all who live!" This is what the flowers say, As they grow up day by day! What do little birdies say. As they grow up day by day? "Let us sing a song so glad, That to all the world we'll add Paeans of praise and joy and love. In gratitude to God above!" This is what the birdies say. As they grow up day by day! What should little children say. As they grow up day by day? "Let us sing as birdies do. Songs of joy and praises true; Let us each be as a flower Budding in Earth's living-bower, Shedding sweetness everywhere, Proving God's great loving care! This is what good children say. As they grow up day by day! 46 A Shower of Verses A BORROWING BOY He borrows from each passing hour Sunshiny thoughts of joy, And pays them back with loving words, — This happy borrowing boy. He borrows from each present day Bright smiles for each to-morrow. And says, "With kindly deeds I'll pay For all the smiles I borrow!" TOPSY-TURVY I think 'twould be so very queer If things were turned around, The trains to run upon the sea. And boats sail on the ground; If all the land began to rock, The water to stand still. We'd have the funniest tumbling time. For everything would spill! DUTY BEFORE PLEASURE! Oh, golden-haired Daisy with bonnet of white, All tied up securely with green ribbons bright, How gaily you dance in the fields all day long While merrily singing your joyous spring song ! Ah, Daisy, I fear that you are a great tease. For I've heard you call to the soft southern breeze And beg him to tarry and play for awhile. Then try to entice him with your sweetest smile ! A Shower of Verses 47 And too, I have seen you glance up at the Sun, And strive to detain him e'er his work was done; The Moon and the Stars you would like to delay. But alas, my dear Daisy, you'll ne'er have your way! For Duty comes first in this great World of ours, With the Sun, Moon, and Stars, with the Winds and the Flowers, But after the Showers of Work clear away, There'll come, little Daisy, the Rainbow of Play! AROUND THE WORLD Around the tracks my train does run. And never stops at all, Until it reaches Budapest (The station in the hall). From there it travels on to Rome, And then to Naples, too; The bridge across the Baltic Sea, Is in the bedroom blue. The table in the library Is Sweden and Norway; And to the south, behind the desk, The City of Bombay. Then quickly crossing Germany, And travelling 'round by Spain, My train arrives in gay Paree, Which is upon the Seine. 48 A Shower of Verses Over the English Channel rough, Upon a bridge (foot-stool), Next comes my train to London-Town, En route for Liverpool. Across the ocean then it goes (Which is the parlor floor), And stops a minute in New York, The station at the door. America, my nursery is; My bed, the Behring Strait, Upon the ice my train then runs, And reaches Asia great. My Mamma's room is China, My Papa's room, Japan; From there, into the hall again, It goes to Hindustan. Then back into my Grandma's room My train comes steaming fast; — Around the World it has just been, But now is Home at last! HAY-STACK RAILWAY All aboard, for the Hay-stack train! It leaves each day at two, There's room for Lou and Jim and Ned, And little Jane and you I So come along, let's ring the bell And start away our train ; How fast we fiy down Hay-stack road,— And then climb up again! A Shower of Verses 49 RED-FACED INDIAN-MAN On my hands and knees I crawl, All along the garden wall, Then beneath a bush I lie. Like a red-faced Indian-spy. Brother Ben looks all around, Listening well to every sound. For he thinks in ambush low, He may find a hidden foe. Under fences, under trees, Creeping through the fallen leaves, I can hear him prowl about, But he'll never find me out! Oh ! — there goes the bell for tea ! Nursie's voice is calling me, To my wigwam I must fly, So biff! bouf! bang!! Ben! here am I! MY SWALLOW-KITE My Kite is like a swallow, With two wings and a tail, I let it fly 'way up so high In every summer gale. The string I hold with both my hands. To keep my Bird in sight; Oh, how I wish that I could fly Up with my Swallow-kite ! 4 50 A Shower of Verses WHEN I'M KING Sometimes I play that I'm a King; I sit upon a throne, And on each hand I wear a ring Of brass and pure rhinestone. And then a crown of paper gold, I wear upon my head, And play that I am very bold — Have many armies led ! Nurse always does just what I say, And marches with a gun ; Of course her King she must obey — It is such jolly fun ! But when that stupid bell does ring, And supper is announced, No longer may I be a King, But from my throne am bounced! THE BABY-BROOK OF THE MOUNTAIN ! I'm born upon the mountain top, I creep through rocky ridges, I tumble down the stony cliffs. And roll beneath the bridges! I romp, I play, I dance, I leap! I grow in ceaseless motion ; Then run into the open arms Of my great Father-Ocean! A Shower of Verses 51 FAIRY FANCIES If I were a Fairy like you! There's one thing I'd certainly do; I would fly far away To the sweet Land-of-play, Where the toys are forever bran' new ! If I were a Fairy like you! I'd ask to have really come true That my Dolly could walk, Learn to read, and to talk ; Oh, 'twould please my dear Annabel Lou! If I were a Fairy like you ! With wings of bright gold and of blue, I would fly up so high. Toward the stars in the sky. And never come back! — now, would you? SHADOW DANCE I have a little playmate. Who's just the size of me, And everything I try to do, The very same does he! He comes out every morning. In answer to my call, And then we dance and romp and play Beside the garden wall. Some day if you come out there, too. And take a little glance, You'll find 'tis but my Shadow, With whom I always dance! 52 A Shower of Verses FIDELITY She sat by the river, An object forlorn; With hair all dishevelled, And garments all torn; Without shoes or stockings, Without gloves or hat, With no one to talk to, Alone, — there she sat! Could any one love her, This pitiful sight. Or care for an object Which looked such a fright? Ah, yes ! there is some one Who loves tenderly, This maiden so tattered. So torn, that you see. *Tis Baby who loves her, With all her whole heart, For she sees her Dolly, Just pretty and smart! MY ROSE I have a little Rose, And what do you suppose? It has ten pretty toes, One cunning little nose, And hair tied up with bows. Why, everybody knows It is my Baby Rose! A Shower of Verses 53 MISS MIST Miss Mist is quite a merry maid, She trips across the lawn, And dances down the mountain side With golden gleams of dawn. She lightly glides through grassy glens, And floats upon the sea ; But everything she fondly holds She veils in mystery! Miss Mist is quite a fickle maid, 'Tis really sad to say, For never does she linger long, But quickly melts away! THE OCEAN BATTLE I love to play upon the sand. That I'm a King in Fairyland; I build a castle great and tall, Surrounded by a sandy wall. The wall I climb and sit inside. To wait there for the rising tide ; And when the ocean waves roll up, I bail them out with pail and cup. My fortress is so safe and strong, I fear no foe nor mighty throng; But sit and play there all alone, Until the tide has backward flown. And then from out my fort I come, To wend my way with Nursie home; A warrior bold, I've fought and won. And had the greatest lot of fun! 54 -4 Shower of Verses THE RUNAWAY I love to go to Grandma's, And so one winter's day, I thought I'd take my satchel, And slyly run away! I packed in it my rompers, My slippers, and my hat. My trumpet, and my nightgown, — 'Tis true, I took all that! And then I went out softly, And tiptoed through the hall; I shut the door behind me. And no one heard at all! I fled along the sidewalk. With anxious, pattering feet. But with each hurrying footfall, Came Mother's voice so sweet: "Oh, Where's my Baby darling?'* Was what she seemed to say; "I am so sad without him, This long, cold winter's day!" ' ' Dear Mother ! I am coming ! ' * And home again I ran : "I'll never leave you. Mother, Till I'm a grown-up man!" MIRAGE PICTURES Sometimes I see such curious things A-floating in the sky; Big boats with sails turned upside down. And steamers mountain high ! A Shower of Verses 55 Sometimes I see a city clear, Upon the ocean blue, And trees a-growing in the waves; But none of this is true ! And too, when I'm a naughty boy, My sweet Mamma will say: " 'Tis nothing but mirage, my dear. So send it right away ! " Now then, I am a- wondering, If all the things that seem To be quite real to every one Are but a day-time dream! MY TIN ARMY My Soldiers stand all in a row When off to battle they must go, Dressed in their suits of tin! But as there is no foe to fight. They have no chance to show their might Or prove that they can win! A FAIR EXCHANGE! Teach me, little birdie, How to sing like you; I shall do exactly What you tell me to! Then in turn I'll show you How to talk like me; That will be, dear birdie. Fair as fair can be! 56 A Shower of Verses THE MOUNTAIN CLIMBER I play my room's a mountain, The mantelpiece, the peak; To climb up to the top of it. The road I have to seek. I go by way of Chair- ville, Then Bureau-town a mile; And when I've reached the summit, I sit and rest awhile. The view is, oh, so lovely! I look out on the town — I never can enjoy it, though, 'Cause Mamma pulls me down ! THE TIDE A warrior bold, So I am told. Lives down beside the sea; And day or night, In ocean fight. He wins triumphantly! If waves dash high, And bravely try To make him beat retreat; Bold warrior-tide. Doth e'er abide The victor when they meet! A Shower of Verses 57 WINTER With wind and snow I travel Upon my yearly way; The birds all fly before me, The blossoms run away! The singing streams and rivers, I cause to cease their song; The pretty lakes and brooklets, I clothe in jackets strong. I hide the grassy meadows 'Neath soft sheets clean and white; And cover up the bushes With crystal jewels bright! I chase the merry children, And nip them teasingly; But as I bring them happy sports, They gladly welcome me! • SOAP BUBBLES Bubbles, pretty bubbles. With your tints of red. Gracefully now floating. Then tumbling on my head. Made of soap and water. With a pipe of clay; How I wish that bubbles Would never fade away! 58 A Shower of Verses MY DOLLY Whenever the lights are out at night, And I am in my bed; Whenever the stars are shining bright In the sky far overhead! Then I nestle close to my Dolly dear, For she never has the least bit of fear! Whenever I play in the fields by day. Or lie on the grassy ground; Whenever I gather the pretty wild flowers, And the bees come buzzing around! Then I keep quite close to my Dolly dear. For she never has the least bit of fear! Whenever I'm down on the sandy beach, And the waves are rolling high. And they seem to say as they come my way, "We shall catch you by and by!" Then I keep quite close to my Dolly dear. For she never has the least bit of fear! So when I am grown to be a man, And my school-days are all through. When into the world I have to go. And I find hard work to do! Then I'll keep quite close to my Dolly dear. For she'll never have the least bit of fear! A Shower of Verses 59 OUR HAMMOCK-BOAT To and fro we swing In our Hammock-boat; Lots of fun it is O'er grassy seas to float! Up and down we go, Then our Sailor-band Tumbles out, to play We're ship- wrecked on the land! THE NAUGHTY STORM A naughty Storm came up one day Upon a little face. It drove the sunshine all away; And rain came in its place. Great peals of angry cries rang forth So naught else could be heard, And with each lightning flash there came A very naughty word! "Oh, oh!" cried Nurse, "I s'pose sometimes We must have heavy showers. To make the trees and blossoms grow, And water all the flowers. "But soon I hope the clouds will go, And let the weather clear — Do hurry up, dear Mister Sun, And come and shine in here!" Then quickly came a rainbow bright, Across that pretty face: "Oh, Nursie, dear, I'm sorry now, Forgive your Baby Grace!" 6o A Shower of Verses A JINGLE One day I took my Dolly, Whose name is Mistress Molly, Out riding in a trolley. My Nurse said it was folly To take my little Dolly Out riding in a trolley; But I don't see the folly Of taking darling Molly Out riding in a trolley. For she thought it was jolly, And whispered to me, "Polly, Let's live inside a trolley, 'Twould be so nice and jolly For you and me, your Dolly, To have our Home a trolley! " MY SOLDIER-TENT I played I was a Soldier-boy, All ready for a fight; I made my tent of shawls and sticks. Tied up with strings so tight ! I climbed inside to wait awhile For foes of great renown ; But just before the fight came off, My war- tent tumbled down! UNITY Many little grains of sand It takes to make the mighty land; While alone, they ne'er would be Anything but sand, you see! A Shower of Verses 6i Many drops of water too, It takes to make the ocean blue; While alone, they ne'er would make Ocean, river, or a lake! Many trees of different kinds, Within a forest dense, one finds; Still, together there they stay, Each one growing in its way! But suppose they all should hate, Fight, and then should separate; All alone, each ne'er would be Anything except a tree! So together we should stand, Like a mighty soldier band, With Love as armor, then should we, United, be God's Family! ONLY Only two little worn-out shoes. Only a sash of blue; Only a faded rose-trimmed hat That once looked bright and new ! Only a soiled white frock of silk. With flounce of ragged lace ; Only a coat with buttons off. Only a sorry face! Only a pair of china eyes, Only a thing forlorn ! Yet Baby's love for Dolly, dear, Can ne'er grow old nor worn ! 62 A Shower of Verses MY AEROPLANE Oh, come with me, And I'll explain The way I fly My Aeroplane! We'll sail so fast Up toward the skies, 'Twill make you open Wide your eyes! Now say good-bye To all below; Then turn the crank. And off we go ! Just hold this lever. Pull it tight! And we shall gain An upward flight ! Oh, soon we'll reach The golden Sun!— A flying-ship Is lots of fun ! Quick! here's a cloud! Steer round about ! Alas! we've struck And tumbled out ! Oh, oh! dear me! It is too bad! 'Twas nothing but A dream I had! A Shower of Verses 63 PICTURES IN THE SKY I like to look way up so high To see the Pictures in the sky; ThereVe valleys, mountains, hills and dales, And pretty boats with cloudy sails. ThereVe flowers and animals and things Which look like birds with fleecy wings; But while I look, I wonder why My Picture-clouds must all blow by! LITTLE FISHES Fishes in the rivers, And fishes in the sea! How I wish the fishes Would sometimes play with me! If I go too near them They quickly swim away! Maybe little fishes Do not know how to play! THE PHILOSOPHER I have to go to bed just when I want to stay awake, but then My Mamma says 'tis good for me To go to bed soon after tea. And so I put my dollies, too, Within their little bed of blue. For what is good for me must be Just quite as good for them, you see! 64 A Shower of Verses CONTENTED I did not like to have red hair, I wanted golden curls, Like Sister Sue and Cousin Mai, And other little girls. And so I took my brush and paints And mixed a yellow bright; But when I'd painted all my hair, I looked a dreadful fright! My Mamma came and scolded me, And put me into bed. So after this I guess I'll be Content with my hair red! THE TREES' WARDROBE The trees are very vain, I think ! I feel this must be true. Because they like to change their gowns As much as people do ! When spring and summer time arrive, Each one is proudly seen To don a dress all new and bright. Made up in shades of green. In autumn time they make a change, And robe in gorgeous clothes Of orange, yellow, red, and bronze, All trimmed with tints of rose! But when the winter comes, alas! I'm sorry for the trees. For then they wear no clothes at all ! I wonder they don't freeze! A Shower of Verses 65 FRISKY SQUIRREL Frisky little Squirrel, Won't you play with me? I shall be as gentle, Gentle as can be! Peanuts I shall give you If you will but stay Just where I can stroke your Pretty coat of grey! If I wear to-morrow My fur coat that's new, Then perhaps you'll think that I'm a Squirrel, too! AFTERNOON TEA On rainy afternoons at three, I make a cup of Cambric-Tea; I first take water, boiling hot, And next some sugar, — such a lot! A drop of milk I put with it. And stir it up a little bit. And then from out my pretty cup, I quickly drink my tea all up! My Nursie always says to me, " 'Tis only Old Maids who like tea!" But oh, of course, this cannot be. Because I'm not a girl you see! 5 66 A Shower of Verses THE SELFISH MOON Sleeping, sleeping, all the day, Never watching children play; Opening your eyes to peep, When it's time to go to sleep ; Naughty Moon, you are so bad, No wonder that your face is sad, Only giving out your light, In the middle of the night. Now, it's diff'rent with the Sun, He seems to have a lot of fun. Getting up on every day, Just to make the world look gay. He's not selfish, like you. Moon, Sleeping all the time at noon; Just suppose he did that, too. What would everybody do? THE WICKET-GATE Swinging swiftly back and forth On the Wicket-Gate, Holding fast with both their hands Are Cousin Ray and Kate. Off to London-Town in haste Speed these cousins two, Happy little travelers, All the journey through. Home again they come at last On the Wicket-Gate, Having had an hour of fun, — Ray and Cousin Kate! A Shower of Verses 67 OH, WHY! Oh, why do the trees grow up, Mamma, Instead of growing down? And why are the leaves all green. Mamma, Instead of black or brown? Oh, why is the sky a blue, Mamma, And not a pink or white? And why do the Stars come out just when It's time to sleep at night? Oh, why is the Sun made round, Mamma, And why does it shine by day? And why does the Moon sail through the sky Across the Milky- Way? Oh, why is the Earth a ball, Mamma, And why does it roll about? And why do the people stick on it. Instead of falling out? Oh, why do I have to be a girl, And not a boy like Joe? Now all these things, my dear Mamma, Fd so much like to know! THE WIND Oh, Wind, I'm sure you are a tease, You whisper secrets to the trees, And gaily send a playful breeze To toss the ships upon the seas. You love to kiss the children fair. And tangle up their flowing hair; Ah, Wind! how much you do and dare, As you go flying through the air! 68 A Shower of Verses MY DOMAIN Down beside the running brook There's a little shady nook, Where I love to go and stay- Through each happy summer day. On a bough I have a throne, Where I sit and play alone That I am a royal King Governing flowers and everything. Robin redbreast in the tree Sings a song to welcome me; Butterflies and golden bees Flit and frolic in the breeze. And I watch the speckled trout In the water swim about, While the gentle wandering sheep Steal quite near at me to peep ! Thus the hours slip by too fast, And the happy day is past, For, ere twilight shadows fall I must say good -night to all! THE RAIN Oh, dry your eyes and do not cry, Dear Baby Rain from out the sky. For don't you know you've helped along The babbling brooks to sing their song? There is no reason to be sad, You've really made the flowers glad; So Baby Rain just stop your fears. And cease, on us, to drop your tears! A Shower of Verses 69 THE SNOW Fair flakes of Snow, you're Fairies bright, Who flit and dance all through the night, And leave your prints of dainty feet Upon the trees and on the street. You like to paint the world pure white, And give the children all delight; I'll tell you something that I know. We love you dearly, Fairy Snow! THE SUNSHINE I fill with light the earth and sky, I climb upon the mountains high, I drive the darkness all away. For where I live 'tis always day. I sparkle on the waters blue, I make the world a golden hue, I whisper to the hills and dales. The prettiest little fairy-tales! THE MOONLIGHT I dress in silvery robes of light, Whene'er I travel in the night; I strew my pathway on the sea, With sparkling gems of brilliancy. I play with shadows on the ground, I throw bright moonbeams all around, I chase the darkness from the lawn, And frolic with the rays of dawn ! 70 A Shower of Verses SPRING You cannot hear me coming, My footfall is so light, But everywhere I journey, I'm welcomed with delight! I coax the brooks to babble, The mountain streams to flow, I deck the trees with blossoms, And help the flowers to grow ! I brighten all the landscape, I bid the birds to sing; And little children love me. And know my name is Spring ! THE WOODS I like to wander through the woods, And pick my way among the trees; I love the rustling mystic sound My feet make on the fallen leaves ! I hunt the little Gnomes, and Elves, And Fairies bright with gossamer wings. Who live within the forest dense, Of which my Nursie sometimes sings! But softly as I try to step, I know the Fairies hear me come. And shyly hide themselves away, Or fly back quickly to their home! For I have never seen one yet. Though many times I've tried and tried! But some day, soon, I hope I'll find The secret places where they hide! A Shower of Verses 71 MEMORY BOOK Our memory is like a book, The pages written on With things we've said, and things we've thought, And deeds that we have done. Now let this Book of Memory, Be sacred to us all. Write nothing on a page of it, We'd care not to recall. Then when the leaves are backward turned, To read the story told, There'll be no word, no thought, nor deed. But of the purest gold. THE SUN AND I! The Sun and I have oh, great fun, He plays with me till day is done. And then he slowly goes to bed. And covers up his golden head. I miss him through the long dark night, My faithful friend so big and bright! But then in just a little while Again I see his merry smile! For every mom he early wakes. And o'er the earth his way he takes; And as he goes he looks about Until at last, he finds me out ! 72 A Shower of Verses Then with a glance most teasingly He quickly darts a ray on me! But in the shadows dark I run To hide myself away in fun. Quite often, too, he does the same, And plays with me the hiding game; He creeps behind the clouds of gray, And there he stays all through the day! But always do I like it best At eve, when he is in the West; For then it seems he's nearer by To play our games, — the Sun and I ! MY SUNSET GARDEN The rainbow hues at eventide Are flowers in the sky, Which bud and blossom one by one Up in my Garden high. The Violet lifts her modest head And looks the wide world through, Then quickly comes the dainty bloom, Forget-me-not of blue. Glad Marigold and Roses red, With emerald leaves about. Chase Dandelion and Mignonette, While Clovers pink peep out ! A Shower of Verses 73 Next Mister Dusk-man wanders forth With his great cloak of gray And covers up my pretty flowers, And hides them all away! But well I know when night is gone, And day-time hours fly by, That once again my flowers bright Will blossom in the sky! MY FUNNY FUZZY BEARS! I own two funny fuzzy Bears, A white one and a gold! They came about five months ago. So they're not very old ! They both kiss me when I kiss them. And cuddle close and tight; They sleep beside me in my bed All through the darksome night! They're gentle, kind, obedient, too. As nice Bears ought to be; They'll sit quite still upon the floor For hours to play with me. But oh, suppose my fuzzy Bears, Should come aUve some day! Dear me! But wouldn't I be scared! I'd have to run away! 74 ^ Shower of Verses OH, JUST SUPPOSE! Oh, just suppose each drop of rain Became a pretty flower; — How much we'd wish for showers to come To make the world a bower! We'd have green showers of mignonette. And showers of violets, blue. And purple showers of heliotrope, Pink showers of roses, too ! We'd have perhaps a shower of gold, When Spring or Fall was nigh. And daffodils or golden-rod Fell down from out the sky! Sometimes we'd have a rainbow shower Of wild flowers, every hue! And oh, I think this shower would be The prettiest one, don't you? And just suppose in Winter-time, When cold North winds do blow. We'd have a shower of daisies, white, Instead of flakes of snow ! A glorious world we'd have, for when The bright Sun hid its face, There 'd be a shower of brilliant flowers To quickly take its place! Twilight Poems 75 SLEEP, BABY, SLEEP Sleep, Baby, sleep, The birds have ceased to peep. And all the pretty baby-flowers Have closed their eyes for bed- time hours. Sleep, Baby, sleep! Sleep, Darling, sleep, Within the fields the sheep Have gone to Dreamland long ago, The drowsy breeze begins to blow, Sleep, Darling, sleep! Sleep, Sweetheart, sleep, The Angels bright will keep A watch o'er you all through the night. So shut your Httle eye-lids tight, Sleep, Sweetheart, sleep! OUR TWILIGHT AIR-SHIP Soaring, soaring, towards the sky, In an Air-ship, you and I, Faster than the clouds we go, Rocking, swaying, to and fro! O'er the breezy waves we float, Sailing Hke a little boat ; Oh, 'tis fun to fly so high To the Land-of-Dreamy-bye! 78 A Shower of Verses NOD-TOWN Have you ever been to Nod-town, The town where children go, When at night-fall they are drowsy, And dream- winds gently blow? The town is filled with Fairies, Who nod as you pass by; And none of Nod-town's babies Was ever heard to cry! The flowers in Nod-town's gardens All bloom at twilight hour, And little children tarry To pluck a shadow-flower. The birds in Nod-town's tree-tops Sing sweetest lullabies To the flitter and the flutter Of the wings of butterflies. And as you wander onward. Through Nod-town's quiet street, You find you, too, are nodding To all whom there you meet. But lo! a mist from Sleep-land Comes softly every night, And quickly covers Nod-town, And hides it from your sight! A Shower of Verses 79 THE SKY-NURSERY One little, two little, three little Stars, Tucked away snugly in bed ; Four little, five little, six little Stars, Shining so brightly o'erhead; Seven little, eight little, nine little Stars, Where do you stay all the day? Ten little, dear little, cute little Stars, Have you a name each, I pray? One little, two little, three little Stars, Do you have pretty sky-flowers? Four little, five little, six little Stars, Where do you hide in the showers? Seven little, eight little, nine little Stars, Have you rag-dollies to hold? Ten little, dear little, cute little Stars, Are all your gowns made of gold? One little, two little, three little Stars, What makes you all twinkle so? Four little, five little, six little Stars, Is it the way that you grow? Seven little, eight little, nine Httle Stars, Tucked away snug in your beds; Ten little, dear little, cute little Stars, Don't tumble down on our heads! MY CUDDLEY-PILLOW My Cuddley is my comfort ; Each night when I'm in bed, I put my arm about it. And hold it 'neath my head. 8o A Shower of Verses I press my cheek upon it, For it is smooth and white, And thus we sleep together Till morning's golden light. Then up I jump from bed-bye, And leave my Cuddley there Alone, all through the day-time, — I hardly think it's fair! But Cuddley never minds it. For when again each night, I cuddle close to Cuddley. It cuddles just as tight ! TREASURE-MINE! Rocking in a cradle-shell, To and fro. Singing to herself a song. Sweet and low. Does my little Treasure-Mine, Think she's sailing on the brine? She is happy as can be. In her bed. Watching all the twinkling stars Overhead. She will catch a moon-beam bright. To guide her safely thro' the night. Pretty little cradle-shell, Pink and white! Guard my precious Treasure-Mine, Hold her tight. Till the waves of dawn once more Bring her back to waking-shore! A Shower of Verses 8i TOODLEDY-TOOTS! Toodledy-Toots, from the room next door, Glides softly over the Nursery floor; Then lowly bends to take a peep To see if her Baby is fast asleep: Toodledy-Toots! Toodledy-Toots pulls the sheets of white Over her Baby so snug and tight; Then gently lays on her cheek so fair, A tender kiss and leaves it there: Toodledy-Toots! Toodledy-Toots breathes a little prayer, And trusts her Baby to God's safe care; Then back to her pretty bed of blue, She goes and sleeps the whole night thro' : Toodledy-Toots! Toodledy-Toots, in the morning bright. Jumps from her bed with a cry of delight, And swiftly runs o'er the Nursery floor: "Oh! Baby-Doll, to-day I'm/owr/" Toodledy-Toots! THE NURSERY-SEA Rolling on the Nursery-Sea, In my cradle cosily, Dolly with me on the deep — • O'er the tide we float; While the breaking waves of sleep Splash against our boat, And the quiet dreamy spray Covers us, till dawn of day! 82 A Shower of Verses CRYSTAL DEW-DROP Little crystal Dew-drop, Sparkling like a star, Tell me where you come from, And what you really are. You 'light upon my flowers. And kiss their petals bright ; You flit about my garden, And play all through the night. But when I try to catch you, Or pick you from a rose, You fly away to nothing! — You're a Fairy, I suppose! PIERRETTE AND PIERROT! When dressed up in our nighty-gowns. We look just like two comic clowns; Of course you ask, how do we know? Because the mirror tells us so! My little Sister is Pierrette, We grandly dance the minuet ; Of course you ask, how do we know? Because the mirror tells us so! My sweet Pierrette and I, Pierrot! We laugh and sing and heel and toe ; And when into our beds we go, We dream of Fairy-Clowns, Hi, Ho! A Shower of Verses 83 THE MAN IN THE MOON Dear old, queer old Mister Man Dwelling in the Moon. It is such a funny house, Like a big balloon! How do you go in and out With no door at all? Does it not seem strange to live In a shining ball? Daddy says you always stay Up there in the sky. Have you, too, a little child Quite as small as I? When the stars peep out each eve Then I watch for you. So to-night, dear Mister Man, Look for me — please do! SLEEPY-EYES Two little eyes so sleepy, Two little eyes of blue; Two little eyes so busy. Working the whole day through ! Two little eyes so merry, Two little eyes so bright ; Two little eyes go bye-bye, Shut up your eye-lids tight ! Two little eyes rest sweetly, Two little eyes dream dreams; Two little eyes pop open, Soon as the day-break gleams! A Shower of Verses DEAR LOVE Dear Love, I know That while I sleep, Your little child You safely keep; And in the day, I'm in Love's care; For "God is Love," And everywhere! Thus day or night, As Love is near, Why should a child Have aught to fear? THE COMET-TRAVELER Dashing gaily through the sky, Speeds the Comet with one eye, Brilliant eye of golden light, Shining in the dark at night. *Twixt the Stars he wends his way, Trails his flaming bright array: "Ho!" he cries as he sweeps by, "Was ever Star as grand as I!" Though he's always on the wing, He, of all the Stars is King, And wisely rules his twinkling band, In his flight through Starry- Land! A Shower of Verses 85 A NIGHT VOYAGE Oh, lift the anchor, Nursie dear, And say good-bye to me. For I must sail away alone Upon the Sleepy-Sea! I need no crew to take me out Across the deep afar; The gentle waves of dreams bear on My boat o'er Drowsy-Bar! And when at last I wake, and see That Day-Time Dock is nigh, I find my room the Harbor is, The ceiling is the sky! GOING TO SLEEP! When I am tucked in bed each night, Before Mamma puts out the light. She lets me take a farewell look Within my pretty picture-book! I see the birds upon the trees, Some ships a-sailing on the seas, And children running to and fro, — To bed they never have to go! The Elephant and Kangaroo, May stay awake the whole night through! 'Tis really sad that only I Must go so soon to Dreamy-Bye. I try to keep awake my eyes, But every night to my surprise They close up fast so I can't see Till daylight comes to waken me! 86 A Shower of Verses THE UNREAL ELF! I thought I'd try the other night, To catch the little Elf called Fear; And so I walked right in the dark, To see if he were real and near! For just one second I was scared, And cried, "Go 'way, you naughty Elf!" And then I saw there is no Fear, 'Cause no one answered but myself! THE LULLABY TREES "Lullaby, lullaby!" Sing the tall Trees, As they rock, gently rock Their baby leaves. "Hush-a-bye, hush-a-bye! In your bough-bed ; While the Moon, while the Stars, Shine overhead. "Shut your eyes, pretty eyes, Go sleepy-bye; Dear little baby leaves, Oh, do not cry! "Rock-a-bye, rock-a-bye! Branches bend low; While you sleep, while you dream, Soft breezes blow. "Lullaby, lullaby!" Sing the tall Trees, As they rock, gently rock, Their baby leaves! A Shower of Verses 87 DOLLY-BYE Go to sleep my Dolly-Bye, For your Mother dear is nigh, Close your pretty eyes of blue. Just as grown-up children do! Now we'll say our little prayer, Thank God for his loving care, Know He'll guard us through the night, And wake us in the morning bright. Oflf to Dreamland there you go. While I rock you to and fro ! Oh, but soon I'll follow you. For Dolly-Bye I'm slee-py — to-o — MISTER DUSK-MAN Does Mister Dusk-man draw a shade Across the sky each night, To cover up the pretty blue And hide it from our sight? And does he place the Stars around, And light them one by one. As soon as he has hid away The jolly beaming Sun? And does he sometimes send the Moon To guide the ships at sea? And does he watch the World asleep, As Nursie watches me? And does he early every morn. Before we are about, Roll back the shade from off the sky, And turn the Star-lights out? 88 A Shower of Verses THE MOON-BOAT The Stars are sparkling silvery isles, Upon the Empyrean sea; The crescent Moon, a craft afloat, — 'Tis thus it seems to me. Oh! that I knew the Port from which The Moon-Boat sails away, I'd hasten to embark in it, And cross the Midnight Bay! MY CRIB-CANOE To and fro. Off I go On the sea of sleep ; Eyes shut tight, Through the night, While I sail the deep. Dolly dear, I hold near. In my Crib-canoe; Nursie's song Echoes long A lullaby-adieu! On the tide Thus I ride; And when the morning gleams, I'm back once more From the shore Of the Land-of- Dreams! A Shower of Verses 89 THE STARS I like to watch the pretty Stars Shining in the sky, They peep out only in the night ; I wish they'd tell me why! If I could do just as I wish And have all things my way, I'd surely make the pretty Stars To shine, instead, by day! THE ROCK-A-BYE ELVES The Rock-a-bye Elves, From Rock-a-bye Town, Wear garments of gray. And slippers of brown. Their wings are of blue, Their caps made of green, And they look the queerest You ever have seen ! They dance on the flowers, All wet with the dew; And with their own shadows, They play peek-a-boo! They balance themselves On the leaf of a tree. While singing their song Of "Hy-diddle-dee-dee!" They enter your room. When you're snug in bed. And if you're not careful They 'light on your head! 90 A Shower of Verses They look for your blocks, Your dolls, and your gun; For Rock-a-bye Elves Just love to have fun! But when you wake up. They hasten away. And do not come back Till the close of the day. So place your toys neatly, — That's what you should do, — Then at night little Dream-Elves May play with them too ! THE WHISPERING WIND! Whispering Wind, please tell me Just what you say at night, Most times your tales sound sorry ! 'Tis seldom they are bright ! 1 wonder where you wander, When'er you go from here; And if you live far yonder ; Or is your home quite near? Can no one understand you. When murmuring low you tell The many little secrets true, Which in your heart do dwell? O Whispering Wind a-blowing, Teach me your language, too, That I may have the knowing Of how to comfort you! A Shower of Verses 91 FAIRY FOUNTAIN Little drops of water Jumping up so high, Do you really try to see If you can reach the sky? I can hear you chatter As you romp and play, Tell me Fairy Fountain, What is it that you say? CRADLE-CORNER When in my Cradle-Corner, I'm happy all the night, For then I dream of Fairies, With shining wings of light ! They dance about my bedroom, And climb up on the wall ! And if they tumble downward. They never mind at all ! They glance at me quite shyly, And smile the sweetest smile ; Then sit upon my cradle To rest themselves awhile! But there's about these Fairies, A Something very queer! They never speak a single word, At least that I can hear ! And so perhaps the Fairies, The Birds and Flying-things, All have a special language, And talk just with their wings! 92 A Shower of Verses TELL ME! Do Birdies fly to Dreamland, When they are fast asleep, As twilight softly deepens, And they have ceased to peep? And do the tiny Blossoms Run off to Dreamland too, Ere they awake at daybreak. Kissed by the morning dew? And every night do Children, The little Girls and Boys, All hurry into Dreamland, To play with Fairy toys? And do they tease the Elves there? Is that the reason why They're chased back home each morn when The Sun is in the sky? GOLDEN FIRE-FLY Flying, flying, in and out. Flashing rays of light about; Golden Fire-fly do you stay Asleep in bed all through the day? I look every place for you. In the house and garden, too; But you keep well out of sight Until the darkness comes at night! Then you flit and fly around. Up so high and near the ground; But when I try to catch your spark, You quickly make your lantern dark! A Shower of Verses 93 DREAMLAND HARBOR Sailing along on the water, Sailing along on the deep ; This is the way that I journey Out on the calm Sea-of-Sleep. Rocking about in my cradle, Rocking about to and fro, Into the Harbor-of -Dreamland; This is the way that I go ! BABY BREEZE Sweet Baby Breeze is calling To all the Woodland Trees, "Oh! have you seen my Mother? Do tell me if you please ! "I've chased her through the valley, I've climbed the mountains high, And yet I cannot catch her. She blows so swiftly by!" "Yes, Baby Breeze, we've seen her," Cried all the Trees aloud, "She passed this way at sunset, Wrapped in a dusky cloud!" "Oh! I must hasten onward. Before she's reached the sea. For if I call out loud enough, Perhaps she'll wait for me. "And then we'll blow together Across the ocean blue, So good-bye pretty Woodland Trees, I'm much obliged to you!" 94 A Shower of Verses LULLABY-BABY-BYE Lullaby-Baby, Lullaby-bye, Soon like the birdies. You'll learn to fly, Fly from your cradle In the home nest ; Close your eyes, Darling, Now take your rest. Mother is near you, Softly she sings, Wait till the morning. Then try your wings; Flitter and flutter. Off you can fly; Oh, Lullaby-Baby, Lullaby-bye! THE FUNNY MOON The Man in the Moon Comes up from the sea, He winks, and he blinks, And smiles down on me! He's jolly, and big. And rosy, and fat, The funniest thing I ever looked at! And as on his way The higher he goes, The paler he gets And the smaller he grows! A Shower of Verses 95 COZY-CRAFT Come glide away in Cozy-Craft, The gentle billows o'er, We'll wave good-bye to day-time friends, On Wide- A wake-Land shore. Our bark is strong, our sails are set. And thus there's naught to fear; We'll rock upon the flowing tide. Until we reach the pier. Then anchored safe in Slumber-Port, We'll rest in quiet there; The Cozy-Craft is Mother's arms. The tide, her rocking-chair! A DREAMER I love to dream at night-time, I love to dream by day, For then I go a-traveling So many miles away ! I sail across the ocean, I climb up mountains steep. And sometimes play with Fairies, When I am fast asleep! I wish in night- and day-dreams You, too, might go with me. For no one can imagine The lovely things I see! 96 A Shower of Verses FAIRY-FLOWERS Please tell me, are there Fairy-Flowers With rainbow wings of petals bright? And do the Fairies hide themselves Within the stems quite far from sight? Oh! I shall hasten to the pool, In which I know pond-lilies grow, And I shall pluck one out to see If there's a Fairy down below! TWINKLING STARS Twinkling Stars, oh, tell me why You live ever in the sky ; Don't you like it here below, Where the pretty rivers flow? Some day if I find a way, I shall climb up where you stay ; Then perhaps I'll like it, too. Dwelling in the sky of blue! BABY MOON The Moon rocks gently to and fro. Safe in her silvery bed; And every night the Stars keep watch Above her pretty head. In day-time when their lights go out, The Stars have shut their eyes; Does little Baby Moon go then To sleep in other skies? A Shower of Verses 97 GLOWING EMBERS Beside the fire I like to sit, Each windy wintry night, And gaze into the golden flames And glowing embers bright! I picture royal Queens and Kings, And Giants great and tall! All holding court in gay attire, Or dancing at a ball! I fancy dainty Fairies, too, Who lightly flit about; But when my fun is at its height. My pretty fire burns out ! THE RUNAWAY-STAR Last night I saw a silver Star Dash swiftly through the sky, I could not follow his bright flash He went so quickly by! Do you suppose he dropped to Earth From out his home afar, And left his little shining friends, And gleaming Mother-star? Oh, do you think they'll miss him soon, And search the sky about Until at last they look down here. And find the truant out? I wonder if when clouds arise, And it begins to rain. That sparkling little Runaway Will dart up home again ! 98 A Shower of Verses THE CALL OF THE ELVES Can you hear the wee Elves singing, Baby dear? Listen to their chime-bells ringing, Baby dear! They are calling you away To their Fairyland of play, Baby dear! Close your pretty eyes of blue, Baby dear, Soon the Elves will come for you. Baby dear, And upon their wings they'll bear You to their home so wondrous fair. Baby dear! But when gleams of day appear, Baby dear. Beg them bring you quickly here. Baby dear, For your Mother loves you best. Safely in her arms now rest, Baby dear! DREAMY-VALLEY Way down through Dreamy- Valley I dearly love to go, For there among the shadows I wander to and fro. A Shower oj Verses 99 I chase the silver fire-flies Which glimmer in the grass; And watch the dainty Fairies Dance gaily as they pass. They often beckon to me To join their happy band, And as we frolic onward, They lead me by the hand. We flit through Drowsy-Forest, And stop at Slumber-Tree; And here the pretty Fairies Shower dream-leaves down on me. Then on again we scamper Until we reach the shore Of Sound-Asleepy River,— Where I see and hear no more! Just how we cross the water, And travel round-about To Sudden- Wake-Up Mountain, I never can find out! I only know the Fairies There quickly drop my hand, For when my eyes are open I'm back in Nursery-Land! Oh! sometime I shall tease them And hold on tight to see If I can make the Fairies Come home and live with me! 100 A Shower of Verses SLUMBER-SEA I watch my Baby slowly sail Out on the Slumber- Sea; The Fairies light the Stars above To guide him far from me. The moonbeams strew his path with gold, The dream-waves rock him bye, And softly gliding on he drifts Beneath the midnight sky! But with the coming of the dawn, His craft will land him here; And then he'll find he never left His home, and Mother dear! THE STAR-BALLOONS! At twilight when the sparkling Sun Has bidden us good-bye, And every little diamond Star Peeps out up in the sky; *Tis then I wonder if perhaps Good children live up there, And all the Stars are bright balloons, A-flying in the air! And maybe when a Shooting-star Drops down toward us below; 'Tis just because some little girl Let her balloon-string go! A Shower of Verses loi WHEN DAY IS DONE When day is done — and lights are out, And you are tucked in bed ; Remember then the deeds you've done, Recall the words you've said. And if the deeds that day were kind, The words both gentle, true, I'm sure the Angels bright will bring Sweet rest, dear child, to you! THE MOON IS SHY! The Moon looks down and smiles on me, When I'm in bed; I throw a good-night kiss to her, Far-overhead. She hides her face behind a cloud on high, — I think the Moon is shy, so very shy! She comes out only in the dark, — I wonder why? She never shines when it is day. Up in the sky! Perhaps she does not like the Sun, and so — She stays away until she sees him go! She seems quite friendly with the Stars, As they pass by ; For I have seen her beam on them When they are nigh ; So I am sure if she just once would try. She'd learn to love the Sun as much as I ! 102 A Shower of Verses SLEEP-A-BYE, BABY! Sleep-a-bye, Baby, In your rose-bed ; Softly the dew-drops Shine overhead. Wee golden ringlets Are petals so bright; Sleep, Mother's Rose-bud, Sleep well to-night! THE DREAMLAND QUEEN I am Queen of the Fairies of Dreamland, I am Queen of the Fairies of Sleep ! While you drift to the Land-of-Bye-bye, Ever close to your side do I keep ! As I guide your canoe down the river, Down the River-of-Rock-a-bye-bye, We can hear the sweet tones of the song-birds That are singing a low lullaby! The round Moon and the Stars drop downward Just to bathe in the cool crystal stream; And our boat gently glides with us onward To the realm of a Shadowy- Dream! In this wonderful country called Dreamland, We can see how the real jewels grow On the trees and the bushes like blossoms, And the leaves are bright emeralds, aglow! All the houses are made of great diamonds. While the streets are pure turquoise of blue, And the wings of the Fairies are opals, Their soft robes like the topaz in hue! A Shower of Verses 103 Now we stay in this Land-of-the-Fairies, And we join in their dances and play, Till the faint ruby rays of the morning Softly herald the coming of day ! Then away in my arms do I bear you, Bear you back o'er the pearly white shore Of the fast-rolling Sea-of- A wakening, Till we reach your Home-Nursery once more! In your crib then I leave you and kiss you, E'er you open your eyes in the light; But alas! You'll forget your Queen Fairy, Your Queen Fairy of Dreamland and Night! BYE-0-BYE! Bye-o-bye, Baby, Bye-o-bye, Dear, Dream-bells are ringing, Softly and clear; Fairies are singing Sweet lullabies, Bye-o-bye, Baby, Close your bright eyes! Bye-o-bye, Baby, Bye-o-bye, bye. Stars are appearing In sleepy-sky; Echoes from Night-Land Come to us here, Bye-o-bye, Baby, Bye-o-bye, Dear! I04 A Shower of Verses Bye-o-bye, Baby, Bye-o-bye, Dear, Dream-bells are ringing, Softly and clear ; Fairies are singing Hush-a-bye-bies, Good-night, my Baby, Close your bright eyes! FAIRY FROLICS Dear pretty little Fairies, I'd love to play with you; I'd flit and fly exactly The way I see you do! Now if you would but lend me Two wings like yours so bright; Then all about the garden, I'd frolic in delight! I'd tease the bashful flowers, And chase the gentle breeze, Alight upon the tree-tops, And dance upon the leaves ! And when the morning Sun-beams Shine forth and spoil our fun, I'd give you back your golden wings, And swiftly home I'd run! A Shower of Verses 105 ROCK-A-BYE Rock-a-bye, low, Rock-a-bye, high, Oh, soon you will rock to the Slumberland sky; And there you can sail on a soft cloud of white, And Rock-a-bye, Rock-a-bye, all through the night ! Rock-a-bye, high, Rock-a-bye, low. The Fairies will guide you wherever you go, And sing, sweetly sing as the soft breezes blow : So Rock-a-bye, Rock-a-bye, Rock-a-bye, Oh! COMPANIONSHIP When in my bed at night-time. And all the lights are out. Sometimes I feel quite lonely For no one is about ! But then I think of Jamie, And Ben, my friends of day. And little baby Sister, With whom I always play. I love them, oh, I love them So hard! I cannot feel The darkness any longer. The love-beams are so real. And soon I sleep securely. And know the Angels bright. Which took away the "lonely," Were just love-thoughts of light! io6 A Shower of Verses A LULLABY! Let me rock you, little one, Now the happy day is done ; In your Mother's arms you'll stay Till you reach the land Where the pretty Fairies play On the golden sand; Safe within their care you'll be Till morning brings you back to me! MY CRADLE-SHIP My cradle-ship sails out to sea, It carries Baby-doll and me; We both are happy as can be, Each night! As o*er the waves we rock-a-bye, We softly sing our lullaby. My precious Baby-doll and I, Each night! Then gently gliding to and fro, To far-off Dreamland soon we go. Out where the peaceful sleep-winds blow, Each night! Within our tiny ship we stay And rest a-while from day-time play, Until the dark hours flee away, Each night! A Shower oj Verses 107 THE STAR FLOWERS There is a garden in the sky, I know, Where twinkling Stars like flowers bloom — 'Tis so! And when the Sun goes down by day, I see Each tiny bud peep out to look At me! I watch them grow and blossom forth So bright, In sparkling flowers which glow all through The night; But when the morning comes the Sun Sees them And picks each flowering Star from off Its stem! BED-TIME MARCH Every night we play at marching, When it's time for bed ; Sister Claire and little Willie, George and I and Fred! All around the room we tramp-tramp, With our dolls and toys, Tooting horns and blowing whistles, — Making such a noise! But the instant Nurse gives signal Into bed we leap — Still our thoughts keep right on marching To the Land-of-Sleep! io8 A Shower of Verses NIGHT I throw my mantle o'er the Earth, To shield her garments bright; The sapphire seas, the emerald hills, Each eve I hide from sight. The Moon looks down and smiles on me, The Stars shine overhead; And while the World sleeps calmly on. My peace is o'er her spread. And at the hour for Morn to rise. To bring the coming day, I gather up my flowing robes And softly steal away! \^^/ ^ FROM THE A UTHOR My dearest children big and smalls Whene'er you read these rhymes recall The one who wrote them loves you all! INDEX A PAGE A Borrowing Boy . . . .46 A Dreamer 95 A Fair Exchange ! 55 A Gipsy . 31 A Happy Chorus 27 A Jingle . 60 A Lullaby! 106 A Morning Call. 22 A Night Voyage 85 A Practical Lesson ! 42 A Secret! 12 A Year of Babies 4 Afternoon Tea . 65 Among the Apples 25 Around the World 47 Awake ! II B Baby Breeze 93 Baby Moon 96 Baby's Likeness! 13 Bed-Time March . 107 Beside the Sea . 42 Birth 5 Bobby! . 25 Bright Sayings . 8 Bye-o-Bye! 103 C Companionship .... 105 Contented 64 109 no Index Cooking Clothes 42 Cordelia at the Piano 24 Cozy-Craft 95 Cradle- Corner . 91 Creeping . 7 Crystal Dew- Drop .... 82 D Dear Love 84 Dear Mother 3 Do and Don't! . 18 Dolly-Bye . 87 Donald's Echo . 36 Dreamland Harbor 93 Dreamy- Valley . . 98 Duty before Pleasure! ... 46 E Early Morning . . . . . 33 P Fairy Fancies . . . . .51 Fairy-Flowers . . 96 Fairy Fountain . 91 Fairy Frolics . 104 Fashion . 15 Fidelity . 52 First Birthday . 7 First Christmas 7 First Climb . 16 First Laugh 6 First Outing 6 First Shoes 7 First Step 7 First Tooth 6 Flower-Friends . 21 Frisky Squirrel . . 65 From the Author 108 Funny Little Eskimo 32 Index III Gifts .... PAGE 5 Glowing Embers 97 Going to Sleep ! . . 85 Golden Fire-Fly. 92 Grateful Be 20 H Hay-Stack Railway 48 In the Far-Away I Wish to Know ! I Wonder! 23 29 44 Joy-Land . 23 Little Fishes 63 Little Miss Weather .... 38 Lullaby-Baby-Bye .... 94 M Mary-Belle 28 Maybe! 33 Memory Book . 71 Mermaids 32 Mirage Pictures 54 Miss Mist. 53 Miss Umbrella . 22 Mister Dusk- Man 87 Motor-Man Max! 36 My Aeroplane . 62 My Balloon 30 My Comrade! . 20 My Cradle-Ship 106 112 Index My Crib-Canoe. 88 My Cuddley-Pillow . 79 My Dolly 58 My Domain 68 My Funny Fuzzy Bears ! 73 My Hobby-Horse 17 My Jolly Little Japanee ! 35 My Rag-Dolly . 31 My Rose . 52 My Sled! 34 My Soldier-Tent 60 My Sun-Bonnet! 39 My Sunset Garden 72 My Swallow-Kite 49 My Tin Army . 55 N Name 5 Nature's House- Maid ... 28 Night 108 Nod-Town 78 Oh, Just Suppose! .... 74 Oh, Nancy! 17 Oh, Why! . 67 Only . 61 Our Hammock-Boat . . 59 Our Twilight Air-Ship ... 77 P Phantom Playmates .... 30 Photograph 8 Picture-Book Travels . 13 Pictures in the Sky . . 63 Pierrette and Pierrot! 82 Pin-Wheels . 15 Playing Grandpa! 32 Prayer 8 Pretty Butterfly 28 Index "3 R Red-Faced Indian- Man Rock-a-Bye PAGE 49 105 Sea-Shells . Shadow Dance . Short Clothes . Skating ! . Sleep-a-Bye, Baby! Sleep, Baby, Sleep Sleepy-Eyes Slumber-Sea Soap Bubbles . Spring 17 51 6 43 102 77 83 100 57 70 The Baby-Brook of the Mountain! . 50 The Bath 26 The Call of the Elves ... 98 The Choo-Choo Car . . . .16 The Comet-Traveler .... 84 The Dawn ii The Daytime Nap! . . . .15 The Dreamland Queen . . .102 The Funny Moon .... 94 The Horizon . . . . -35 The Impatient Farmer . . .19 The Lullaby Trees ... 86 The Lure of the Ocean ... 34 The Man in the Moon ... 83 The Moon-Boat .... 88 The Moon is Shy ! . . . .101 The Mountain Climber ... 56 The Moonlight 69 The Naughty Storm .... 59 The Nursery-Sea . . . .81 The Ocean Battle .... 53 The Philosopher .... 63 The Postman 12 114 Index PAGE The Rain 68 The Rock-a-Bye Elves 89 The Runaway . 54 The Runaway-Star . 97 The Sailor 40 The Sea- Waves! 44 The Selfish Moon 66 The Sky-Nursery 79 The Snow 69 The Star-Balloons! . 100 The Star Flowers 107 The Stars 89 The Sun and I! 71 The Sun's Good-Night and Good Morning ! . 39 The Sunshine . 69 The Sun's Voyage 12 The Talking-Doll 44 The Teasing Rain- Drops 14 The Tide 56 The Trees' Wardrobe 64 The Truant Cloud . 18 The Twins! 24 The Unreal Elf! 86 The Unwelcome Guests 26 The Waterfall . 41 The Whispering Wind! 90 The Wicket-Gate 66 The Wind. 67 The Woods 70 Tell Me! . • 92 Thought-Pictures . 38 Toodledy-Toots! 81 Topsy-Turvy • 46 Treasure- Mine! . 80 Twinkling Stars TT 96 u Unity • . 60 W Waiting 31 Wee Mischief . 40 Index 115 PAGE Weight 5 What Do They Say? . . . -45 When Day is Done .... loi When I'm King 50 Where is My Pretty Thimble-0? . 27 Winter 57 You Never Can Tell! ... 22 mm:. 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