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• ,' ■^- 4' _ t C' .;"^ IhiUr THE HISTORY OF WILLIAM FEETER, A Soldier in the War of American Independence, A.1D or nit) rATHUu LUCAS VETTER. Iht anctitor oj the I-'ceUr-Fcder-Feader-Fadtr /amilies In the United States and Canada, Willi (cDfuloK7 ut ttiv family, compiled kt Ibc rvtiucat or JAMKH II. rEIBTER. BY JoBjt U. KoiTTCiim, miiHa MuauMii oovutt mmtoxkai warr'. UTTLE falls, N. Y.: Paoa or iiraBBiKa S Buunnr, IBOl. THE LiSRARY OF COMGRF.SS. T*o Coctto Rfcceive'j SEP. 20 1901 CLASS <*■ XXii. Nj CUPr Li. Copyrigbt by JAMES D. FEETER, 1901. ol^ INTRODUCTORY. This little work is ofTerni to the public as a con- tribution to the history of the Mohawk Valley and it« early settlers and to the descendants of Lucas Vetter aa a token of kinship. Little Falls, A. i., December 2Ath, 1900. JAMES D. FEETER. REMARKS BY THE COMPILER. While preparing the material for a paper read in 1898 before the Herkimer County Historical Society, I gathered from many records genealogical data relating to the family of William Feeter. The search was extended to Germany and Canada and the notes thus collected formed the nucleus of the appended genealogy. The coat of arms was obtained from Mr. Lucas Vetter, of Musberg, Germany, and verified by coiTespondence with members of other German branches of that family. It can also be found in Siebmachers German Heraldrj'. In south- ern Germany many families of the yeomanry and free peasantry have coats of arms and use them to this day, without making any claim of belonging to the nobility. It is not claimed that the family genealogy is complete, and I would request that corrections and additions be sent to me for future use. I take this occasion to express my thanks for assistance to many members of the family with whom I have corre- sponded, especially to Jacob W. Feeter, Esq., of New York, Abram E. Bellinger, Esq., of Little Falls, Mrs. James Weatherwax, of Manheim, and Mrs. Elizabeth Staring, of Little Falls, and to acknowledge with gratitude that Messrs. G. Herbert Carman Feader, of Fleming, Assa., Canada, and Mr. Howard C. Fader of Hainsville, Ontario, Canada, have done all the work relating to the Canadian branches of the family. Liitle Falls, N. F., 1900. J. B. K. CONTENTS. The Vkttkr Famii.t — A Paper read before the Herkimer County Ili.storical Society. The First Mail Carrier West of Albany— From the Fonda Democrat. Obituary Notice of Adam Fleeter — From a newHpaper clipping. The Death of John Ff»'t«r— From a newspaper clipping. Sketch of the Life of the Hon. .lames Feeter. Notice of Death of William Small Feeter. Notice of Death of George A. Feeter. Notice of Death of Frank A. Feeter. Sketch of the Life of tli»^ Hon. James D. F*'<'ter — From the Utica Morning Herald. Genealogy of the Descendanta of Lucas Vetter. Index to the Genealogy. THE VETTER FAMILY. A Paper Read Before the Herkimer County Historical Society, at Herkimer, N, Y.. October 8th, 1898. The immijrrants from Germany commonly known as the Palatines, and their early sui-ressors were of the same im- portance to New York state as the Pnritans, Pilgrims and Huguenots to other American colonies. Driven from home by religions jierMeciition or liy the disastnnis consequences of religious wars, they all became the pioneers of civilization on this continent. The very outpost of white men in the country of the fiercest of the al)origines, the Iroquois confedenition, were those pious and thrifty Germans, who, coming from the valleys of the Rhine and the Danube, from the Vosges and the Black Forest, from the Palatine, Baden, Wuertemberg and the Alsace, ent€relaymate of the younger members of Sir William's household, and as soon as hostilities began he enlisted in the Johnson Greens and fought on the side of the British during the whole of the war. After the Revolution he settled on bounty lands near Matilda, Canada, which lands are still in possession of the family. He died in 1842, leaving many descendants living in many parts of Can- ada and the United States, respected and useful citizens of their respective communities. This branch of the family spells the name "Feader." Wilhelm, the elder son, and the ancestor of all the United States branch of that family, was brought up on the home farm and enjoyed such education as the Stone Arabia schools afforded. The great majority of the citizens of that vicinity were, like the Vetters, of sturdy German stock and many of them descendants of Palatine forefathers. They objected to the feudal manor which Sir William tried to create, they feared and they detested especially the foppish and arrogant manners of Sir John and his set. When the storm between the mother country and the colonies began to rise, there were no more patriotic and loyal Americans in the colony than the Germans in Stone Arabia. With them Wilhelm had grown up, and likely as a boy had listened to their discussions and complaints. Possibly home life with a Tory step- mother had separated him early from home intluences and she may have prejudiced his father against the boy who associated with the so-called rebels. In 1776 the Vetter family lived at Johnstown village and removed that same year to where now the city of Amsterdam is. Williams' afhliations did not suit the rest of the family and he left home. The tradition among his descendants is 12 FEETER GENEALOGY, that lie alone of the family embraceil the cause of the Colonies, and that finally he alone remained in the United States. The Canadian branch believes that several of the children remained here. I have not been able to verify this tradition. In the latter days of his life Mr. Feeter dictated to one Georj^e Heller, a school teacher, a short narrative of his ex- periences dnrinj^ the Revolution, which has since been ar- ranged by Jacob W. Feeter, Esq., of New York, his grandson, ami from which I quote freely and partly verbatim : During the spring of 177t) William enlisted in the company of Captain Emmanuel DeGraff at Amsterdam, Tryon county, and took part in scouting exi>eiisidt>ral)ie rontracliiig. He Imllt the highway leading to Timmerman's hotel and .set out the large trees that surrouinl EastHm Park. 11^ also assisted in the buihliiig of the Old Yflluw Tavern Church. His brother, Adam Feeter, was the first post-rider between Newport and Albany, and for twrj years his father, Colonel PVeter, who was a ' were other F^t-ters living hniv then, who were the followers of Brant, the Indian sachem, and tied to Canada, where they remaineung, Mil- lard Fillmore, then statf^comptrollnr, and Christoi)her Morgan, secretary of state. The \Vhigs had 7o majority in th*' legis- lature and Amos K. Bradley was speaker. When the Repub- lican party was or^caiiiz^^d Mr. Feeter did gooil service for better goTernment in this locality, ami was recognized for his valuable services by his party in being chosen a member of the statf coiiunittt^ and iirfsidnntial elector from this congres- sional district. He also was elected several times as i)resident of Little Falls. He was one of the organizers of the Little Falls National Bank, besidt's being a stockholder in the old National Herkimer County liank. He was a constant attend- ant of the Emmanuel Epi.scopal church, and his funeral will be held from there Tuesday, at 2 i*. m. RESOLUTIONS, At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lit- tle Falls National Bank, held at the bank on the '2.'")th day of .January, 1802, the following l>eing present: Hon. R. H. Smith, .lames H. Ive.s, Uetirge Nelson, James H. Bucklin, Hon. S. M. Richmond, Hon. E. C. Rice, Isaac Small, Arnold L. Eaton, the fijjlowing resolutions were adopted : W/ieitn.s, The death on the 23d inst. of Hon. James Feeter, one of the founders and charter directors of the Little Falls National Bank has been brought to our notice, and we, as his late co directors, desire to pay tribute to his memory ; 38 FEETER GENEALOGY. Hesolced, That by the death of Mr. Feeter, we are de- prived of an associate whom an acute faculty of observation and long business experience made a safe adviser in all fiscal matters, and the loss of whose sound counsel and ever ready assistance is deeply felt by our board; the stockholders of this bank have lost an officer whose efforts have largely contrib- uted to its present prosperity, and who deservedly possessed their entire confidence. Resolved, That as directors and stockholders of this bank, and as citizens of this community, we deeply regret his death and extend to his family aud friends our sincere sympathy. Hesolved, That the officers and employes of this bank at- tend Mr. Feeter's funeral at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of January 26, 1892. Resolved, That these resolutions be inscribed in our book of minutes, and published in the local papers, and that a copy be presented to the friends of the deceased. FUNERAL OF JAMES FEETER. The funeral of James Feeter was solemnized at Emmanuel Church at 2 p. m. this afternoon. The Rev. Ernest Mariett conducted the burial services of the Episcopal Church. The choir chanted the burial anthem and the De Profundis in an impressive manner. Most of the business places along Main street were closed out of respect to the memory of the de- ceased. The bearers were James H. Ives, J. H. Bucklin, A. W. Shepherd, P. A. Conyne, E. C. Rice, Luke Snell, S. M. Richmond and C. E. Teall. The interment occurred in the Church street cemetery. 34 HON. JAMES D. FEETER. ThefoUowing is a recentlifpublisfied biographical sketch of Senator James D. Feeler of Little Falls : James I). Keeter, descended from cme of the oldest and most historical families in tlie Mohawk Vaiif^y, wius born in Little Kails .lune *Jt5. 1840, ami is the only surviving,' son of the late Jnmes Feeter. He receivetl a common school education and for many years was associated with his father in the grocery business. In 1879, the Little Falls National Bank was org:inized, and in 1880 James 1). Feeter commencetl his career as a banker as ivssistant cashier of that institution. Amos A. Bradley was the cair()tliHr. Gertrge A. Feeter, which occurred at his home in Grand Kapids, Mich., at midniglit last night. The canse of his deatli wa-s not stateis, Canada. He left New York state for Canada in 1779 and fought during the Kevolution in "Johnson's Greens." He m. Elizabeth Hartle, 1786. She was b. 17.VJ. and d. ISfil. She was also of German descent and came from the Mohawk valley. Children of Lvcas Vktter (1) and Makia Eva Serviss. (7.) Anna Vetter (Veeder) b. August 27, 1767. She removed with parents to Canada. (8.) Philip Vetter. (9.) Eliz;d)eth Vetter. (10.) Christine Vetter. (11.) John Vetter i Fader) b. 1779, removed with his par- ents to Canada and d. June 1863. He m. Elizabeth Shaver. 49 FEETER GENEALOGY. THIRD GENERATION. Children of Wilhelm Vettek (5) (Feetee) and Elizabeth Bellinger. (12.) Adam Feeter, b. October 27, 1782, (Fort Herk- imer Churcli book October 30, 1782.) He d. April 15, 1865. He m. 1st, Mary Keyser, dau. of Captain Joliannis Keyser and wife Margaret of Palatine town. She was b. 1785 and d. November 8, 1828. Captain Keyser served as a private in Sevrinus Dygert's company at the German Flatts by order of Sir William Johnson. In 1768 he was appointed Ensign. During the Revolutionary War he served with distinction as captain. His father, Johannis Keyser, served in 1746 at White Plains and in 1757 at Fort William Henry. The Key- ser family settled at first near Stone Arabia, where the family seat was known as Fort Keyser; m. 2d, Barbara Bellinger, widow of John Bygenbrodt, b. 1793. She d. January 13, 1851. (13.) Eva (Anna Eva) Feeter, b. October 16, 1784, d. April 30, 1830; m. May 14, 1802, Jacob Scott. (14.) William Feeter (William Feeter Jr.) b. December 3 1786, d. April 12, 1852; m. 1st, Catharine Staring, b. May 1, 1785, who d. May 15, 1827; in. 2d, Harriet McKinster, b. 1798, who d. March 14, 1844. (15.) George Henry Feeter, b. March 16, 1789. d. Feb- ruary 18, 1852; m. Margaret Myers, dau. of General Michael Myers and Kathariua Harter. (16.) Elizabeth Feeter, b. May 16, 1791, m. February 16, 1812, Daniel Zimmerman (Timmerman.) He was b. Jan- uary 1, 1787. (17.) Catharine (Katy) Feeter, b. December 7, 1792, d. December 29, 1861; m. Peter Staring, b. June 9, 1793, d. December 25, 1841. 50 FEETER GENEALOGY, (18.) Mary Feeter, b. May 21, 1794, tl. January 4, 1871; m. John C. Bellinger, ^'nindson of Colonel Peter Bellin- ger and Delia Herkimer, b. April 2, 179S, d. June 5, 1881. (19.) Nancy (Ann) Feeter, b. May 21. 1790, m. William Himes (Helms.) (20.) Dorothy (Dolly) Feeter, b. December 4, 1798, d. September 10, 1876; m. Abraham Eysaman (Eisenmann) b. February in, 18, and his wife Isabel. Jacob-Small d. at Little P'alls. N. Y., June 30, 18ti4, and Hannah (Potter) Small d. at Little Falls, N.Y., September 13, 1808, age 84.10.15. (138.) Henry Feeter, b. May 17, 1SU8 (May 9, family bible) d. April 10, 1823. (39.) MargJiret Feeter, b. May 8, 1810, ni. 1st, Maturin Freeman, b. 18n7, d. September 9, 1834; m. 2d, Dr. Daniel Ayres, dead. She resides at Little Va\h, N. Y. (40.) Benjamin A. Feeter, b. January 20, 1812, d. July 4, 18:38; m. Parmelia Ileatli. (41.) Mary Ann Feeter, b. August 7, 1814, d. August 7, 1888; m. P. w'. Putman, Fultonville, N. V. (42.) William A. Feeter, b. May 1, 1816, d. March 10, 1898; m. Catharine Eygebrodt, b. August 11, 1821, d. Febru- ary 20, 1898. Manheim, N. Y. 63 FEETER GENEALOGY. (43.) George Adam Feeter, b. June 6, 1821, d. March 7, 1888; m. Ursula Wright, b. 1824, d. April 6, 1888. (44.) Horace Feeter, b. May 6, 1827, d. August 16, 1830. Children of Jacob Scott and Eva Feeter (13.) (45.) AVilliam Scott, b. October 25, 1802, d. August 6, 1804. (46.) Jacob Scott, b. June IS, 1804. (47.) Moses Scott, b. May 17, 1806. (48.) Elizabeth Scott, b. May 11, 1808. m. — Snell. (49.) George Henry Scott, b. June 6, 1810, d. August 18, 1834. (50.) Mary Scott, b. June 13, bap. June 26, 1812; m. Fiillington. (51.) James Scott, b. September 13, 1814. (52.) Lucas Scott, b. October 12, 1816. (53.) Catherine Scott, b. October 16, 1819, d. August 18, 1836. (54.) Nancy Scott, b. March 16, 1822, m. Beach. (55.) Anna Cornelia Scott, b. October 16, 1828, m. 1st, McCormick; m. 2d Benjamin. Lives at Lockport, N. Y. Children of William Feetek Jr. (14) and Catharine Staring. (56.) Elizabeth (Betsey) Feeter, b, April 18, 1807, d. October 18, 1880; m. Joseph Pickert, b. April 4, 1799, d. Feb- ruary 20, 1879. (57.) Anna Feeter, b. January 9, 1808, d. April 20, 1885; m. Elijah Stanton. 54 FEETER GENEALOGY, (58.) Mary Feeter. h. March 18, 1811, m. Jacob F. Hen- dricks, ia32. Lives at Dolgeville, N. Y. (59.) Sarah Feeter, b. January 28, 18i:^, d. May 11. 1857; m. Samuel Pickert 1830. (60.) Catharine Feeter, b. January 18, 1821, d. October 17, 1881; m. John P. Brown. (01.) Lucinda Feeter, b. March 12, 1823, d. June 13, 1824. Children of WJllia.m Fkkteii Jk. (14) and Hakrikt McKlNSTKR. (62.) Adelia Feeter, b. October 23, 1831, m. James H. Weatherwax. Lives at Manheim, N. Y. (63.) Ann Eliza Feeter, b. May lo, 1834. m. William T. Marcy. Lives at 160 North st., Buffalo, N. Y. (64.) William Feeter, b. March li), 18.37; ni. Ist, Eliza- beth R. Center, d. March 'l^e^, 1867; tii. 2d, Helen Ford. Lives at Highland, N. Y. (65.) John McKinster Feeter, b. August 29, 1840, d. February 26, 1874; ni. Johanna M. Brockett 1862. CluUlren of Daniel Timmkk.man and Elizabeth Feeter (16. ) (66.) Betsy Timmerman, b. April 16, 1813. (67.) Mary Timmerman. (68.) Nancy Timmerman. (69.) Zenew Timmerman. (70.) Washington Timmerman. (71.) Urial Timmerman. (72.) William Timmerman. Children of Peter Staring and Katy Feeter (17.) (73.) Adam Staring, b. December 4, 1814, d. December 28, 1852, single. Natchitoches, La. 55 FEETER GENEALOGY. (74.) Caroline E. Staring, b. October 19, 1816, d. January 13, 1883; m. James Churchill, d. 1898. (75.) George Henry Staring, b. July 1, 1819, d. m. Elizabeth Murphy. (76.) William Wallace Staring, b. September 7, 1820; m. 1st, Mary Jane Lorton; m. 2d, Mary M. Nellis. Lives at Nebraska City. FOURTH GENERATION. (77.) Peter Staring, b. February 18, 1823, d. September 23, 1823. (78.) Peter Abram Staring, b. February 5, 1824, d. De- cember 26, 1893; m. 1st, Catharine M. Rosecrantz, who d. 1878; m. 2d, (79.) Charles E. Staring, b. February 26, 1826, d. Decem- ber 24, 1870; m. Elizabeth P. Windecker. (8(».) Catharine Staring, b. January 5, 1828, d. Septem- ber 24, 187i5; m. William A. Davis. Lived at Stockton, Cal. (81.) John Staring, b. February 14, 1830. Died at Chi- cago, 111. (82.) Frederick Staring, b. April 9, 1833, d. about 1877; m. Addie Hoover. (83.) Susan E. Staring, b. December 14, 183.5, d. April 23, 1842. Children of John C. Bellinger and Mary Feeter (18.) (84.) John W. Bellinger, b. September 2, 1819, d. De- cember 21, 1847. Single. (85.) Joseph H. Bellinger, b. March 29, 1821, d. July 21, 1867; m., Roxy Ann Smith. 66 FEETER GENEALOGY, (86.) Elizabeth Ann Bellinger, b. April 1, 1823, d. November 6, 1882; ra., Robert Casler. No issue. (87.) Catharine Bellinger, b. February 11, 1824, d. November 17, 1882; m. John Smith. (88.) Jame.s F. Bellinger, b. March 7, 182C, d. September 8, 1895: m. Jane Greene, 1850. Lived at Baldwinsville, N.Y. (89.) Peter liellingf^r. b. March 7, 1826, m. Marv A. Goodell. Lives at Little Falls, N. Y. (9.) Christoi)her Bellinger, b. December 17, 18*28, d. May 16, 1897; m.Chri.stina Walrath. (91.) Abram E. B^-ilinger, b. Febniary 11, 1831, m. Maria E. Bellinger. Lives at Little Falls, N. Y. (92.) Joram P. Bellinger, b. September 11, 1833, m. De Etta E. Steele. Lives at Little Falls, N. Y. Children of Wim-iam Himks and Nancy Feeter [19.] (93.) William Feeter Ilimes, b. March 17, 1815. (94.) Catharine Ilinies, b. January 14, 1817, m. Wash- ington Wing. (95.) Mary M. Himt^s, b. June 26, 1820, d. October 1, 1895; m. Sclio(jnlioven. (96.) James Ilimes. Died in Civil War. (97.) Elizjibeth Ilimes, m. Root. (98.) Abnim Himes. (99.) Dorothy A. Himes, m. Allison. (100.) (ieorge H. HiiiieB. (101.) Nancy C. Ilimes, m. Fay. Lives 3326 South Park Ave., Chicago, 111. Children of Ahkaiiam Eysaman and Dorothy Feeter (20.) (102.) AVilliam II. Eysaman, b. August 22, 1819, d. Jan- uary 4, 1883; ni. Cordelia Sophia Casler. No issue. 67 FEETER GENEALOGY, (103.) John Peter Eysaman, b. January 19, 1821, d. April 12, 1826. (1(>4.) Mary Katharine Eysaman, b. February 19, 1825, d. March 7, 1830. (105.) George Feeter Eysaman, b. July 11, 1827, d. May 16, 1850. Single. (106.) Margaret Eysaman, b. August 2, 1829, d. July 12, 1856; m. Reuben Petrie. (107.) Elizabeth Helen Eysaman, b. April 12, 1831, d. April 10, 1835. ' ■ • (108.) Delia Ann Eysaman, b. March 27, 1832, d. Janu- ary 17, 1839. (109.) Horace Eysaman, b. November 1, 1834, m. Mary E. Smith. Lives near Little Falls, N. Y. (110.) Cynthia Eliza Eysaman, b. November 1, 1836, d. March 26, 1837. (111.) Abraham James Eysaman, b. May 18, 1839, d. April 13, 1861. Children of Jacob Small and Delia Feetee (21) (112.) Mary Elizabeth Small, b. July 29, 1822, m. 1st, William Hughes; m. 2d, Walter E. Scott. Lives at 6 Ridley street, San Francisco, Cal. (113.) Martha Maria Small, b. February 6, 1825, d. April 80, 1869; m. 1st, Joseph Rankin; m. 2d, William Stevens. (114.) Cynthia Eliza Small, b. May 23, 1827, m. Philo Reed, b. 1820 and d. 1890. Lives at Flatbush, N. Y. (115.) George Feeter Small, b. 1829, d. 1895, at Pomfret Landing, Conn.; m. Abbie W. James. No issue. Was adopted by George H. Feeter (15) and changed his name to George Small Feeter. 58 FEETER GENEALOGY, Children of Johannes Fekter (22) and Nancy Failing. (116.) Jacob Williams Feeter, b. October 18, 1830, m. Margaret Civill. Attomey-at-law, New York city. (117.) Margaret Elizabeth Feeter, b. June 13, 1832, m. Dexter Aklen. Lives at New Haven, Conn. (118.) Parmelia Feeter, b. January 13, 1854, m. Joseph French, C. E. Lives at BufTal.., N. Y. (119.) James Eysanian Feeter, b. June 27, 1836, d. March 24, 1847. (120.) Gertrude Ilosalia Feeter, b. December 29, 1836, m. Seth Crittenden. Lives at New Haven, Conn. (121.) Cynthia Elen Feeter, b. August 13, 1838, m. Al- fred Walker. Lives at Eliziilyeth, N. J. (122.) Mary Catharine Feeter, b. September 11, 1840, m. Nathan Easterbrooks jr. Live.s at New Haven, Conn. Children o/" Jacou Feadkr (24) and Makgakkt Kanoff. (123.) Lucas Feader. h. March 15, 1817, m., 1835, 1st, Lois Amanda Baldwin, b. Augu.st 10, 1815, d. January 8, 1875; ni., 2d, Catharine March, d. June, 1894. Lives at Iro- quois, Ont. (124.) Catharine Feader, b. April 7, 1819, d. May 23, 1819. (125.) Elizabeth Feader, b. February 12, 1821, m. Wil- liam Binnions. Lives at Iroquois Ont. (12r..) Mary F.^ader. b. January 3, 1823, d. March 13. 1853; ni. Edward McMillan. (127.) Margaret Feader, b. December 13, 1826, m. Josiah Baldwin. Lives at Iroquois, Ont. (128.) Sarah Ann Feader, b. July 29, 1829, d. February 69 FEETER GENEALOGY. 23, 1896; m., 1835, Patrick McDonald, who d. December 8, 1880. (129.) Diana Feader, b. February 7, 1831, d. April 24, 1835. (130.) Jane Roderick Feader, b. March 2, 1834, m. Ed- ward Cole. Lives at Waddington, N. Y. Children of Iukkc Keck and Hannah Feader (26.) (131.) Moses Keck, b. 1812, d. 1885, m. Lavina Serviss. (132.) William Keck, b. 1813. (133.) Elizabeth Keck, b. 1814, d. 1897; m. 1828, John Wallace. (134.) Margaret Keck, m. Nathan Roberts. Lives at Cleveland, O. (135.) Isaac Keck, d. in Australia, 1850. (136.) Catherine Keck, m. William Gordon Serviss. (137.) Henry Keck. Children of Simon Fader (27) and Dinah Stanford. (138.) Catharine Elizabeth Fader, b. March 4, 1832, d. February 15, 1877; m. Coi'nelius CoUison. Lived at Spencer, Iowa. (139.) Lodwick Fader, b. April 9, 1834, m. Jane McNeill. Lives at Lakelield, Minn. (140.) Simon Nelson Fader, b. December 21, 1835. He was born at Matilda, Ontario, where he lived until he was 18, when he moved with his parents and settled at Rockford, 111. At the breaking out of hostilities between the North and the South he enlisted in the 8th Illinois Cavalry and saw much fighting and participated in many battles. For six months 60 FEETER GENEALOGY, he languished in Libhy prison but was exchanged toward the close of 186H, and secured his discharge at Chicago, July, 186.'3. He returneil to farm life and in Decend^er, 1809, he married Martha Cami)l)ell, of Ciiatham, Canada, by whom he had five children. lie moved to Wentworth, Dakota, in 1882, where he secured a most desirable estate and is one of the most successful and extensive agriculturists and stockmen of the state. He is j)a.st commander of (ien. .lolin A. Kellogg Post, No. 1(>7, G. A. R., and has held many local offices. Mr. Fadnr has a controlling iiiflufnce and is pr»^sident of the \Ventw(;rth mills. Hf is chairman of the school board of Wentworth. In i)olitic» he is a Republican. (141.) Charlotte Marpiret P'ader, b. December 21, 1835, m. Eklmond W. Moody. Lives at Heloit, Mich. (142.) John Ciillwrt Fader, b. 1837, m. Elva Stewart. Lives at Rockford, 111. (143.) Uriah Anson Fader, b. Sej.tember 1, la39. (144.) Mary Ann Fad.-r. b. July i\ 1841, m. Stewart D. Sumner. Lives at liiikelinld, Minn. (145.) Erastus Fader, b. July 1, 1843, d. July 15, 1843. Children of Simon Fadkk (27) and Makia Freice. (146.) Alexander Fader, b. December 20, 1848, m. Jose- phine Hare. Lives at Wentworth, S. D. (147.) Charles Fatler, b. August— la'iO, d. January, 1858. (148.) Alice Fader, b. November, 18.'")2, m. Walter Storrs. Lives at Sioux City, Iowa. (149.) Warren Fader, m. Charlotte Wakefield. Lives at Column, S. D. (150.) Harvey Fader, m. Mabel Wakefield. Lives at Lynn, Minn. 61 FEETER GENEALOGY. (151.) Elzina Fader, b. 1858, m. Edward Laughlin. Lives at Colman, S. D. Children of Lucas Fader (28) and Margaret McFadden. (152.) John S. Fader. (153.) Joseph Fader. (154.) William Fader. Enlisted and killed in war of rebellion. (155.) Ira Fader. (156.) Harvey Fader. (157.) James Fader. (158.) Allan Fader. (159.) Sarah Fader. Children of Nelson Fader (30) and Cornelia Thompson. (160.) Albert H. Fader. (161.) Nancy Fader. (162.) Mary Fader. (163.) Edmund Fader, ) rp^- ^ (164.) Edward Fader, f -^w*"»- m. Mary White. (165.) Curtis Fader. (166.) Elizabeth Fader. (167.) Lydia Fader. (168.) James E. Fader, m. Lucy McEwen. OMUlren of George Fader (32) and Susan Crowbar. (169.) Jemima Fader. (170.) William Fader, m. Anne Briggs. (171.) John Fader, m. Letitia Johnston. (172.) Hannah Fader. (173.) George Fader, m. Pauline Shaver. 63 L FEETER GENEALOGY. (174.) Martha Fader. (175.) Mary Fader. (176.) Edward Fader. (177.) Elizabeth Fader. Children of Philip Fader (33) and Rachel Bouck. (178.) Ezra Fader, ni. Elizabeth Cross 1869. (179.) Arvilla Fader. (180.) Jasper P'ader, m. Jane Tlutchcroft, d. 1896. (181.) Christiana Fader. (182.) Spencer Fader, in. Hannah Barrager. (183.) Watson Fader, ni. Aggie (184.) .loliM P'ailer, in. Mary Thompson. (18r).) .lames Fader. (186.) Margaret Fader. (187.) Peleg Fader (dead.) (188.) Charles Fad.-r, mi. Anna Childnm of William Rodney Fader (35) and Eliza Briogs. (189.) Rufns Fader, b. .lannary 20, 1848, ra. September, 1869, Mary Keys, d. Ai.ril 3. 1871. (!!»().) Wesley Fader, b. .lamiary 8, 1850, m. September 23, 1873, Sanih Ault. (191.) William G. Fader, b. June 19, 1852, m. Anne Locke, January, 1874. (192.) Rii'hard Factober 8, 1830, m. Henry Post. Lives at Fairfield, N. Y. (2:^7.) Norman Pickert, b. September 13, 1832, m. Adelia Acher. (2:38.) Morgan Pickert, b. September 6, 1834, d. August 1, 1896; m. Irene Acher. CJtiUIren of Ellfaii Stani.on and Anna Feetkr (57.) (239. ) Katharine Stanton, b. September 28, 1829, d. Octo- ber 1, 18(50; ni. Andrew Devendorff. (24(1.) Freeman Stanton, b. February 8, 1831, d. March 16, 1833. (241.) Martha Ann Stanton, b. May 6, 1834, d. Septem- ber 10, 18,')6; m. Israel Keller. (242.) James S. Stanton, b. September 1<>, 1835; m., 1st, Emma Adams; m., 2d. Kliz:ibeth Ciiough; m., 3d, Ada A. Hungerford. Lives at Norden, Neb. (243.) George Henry Sumton. b. March 12, 1837; m., 1st, Barbara Snell; m., 2d, Lminda E. Shelhanier. Lives at Preble. N. Y. (244 ) Michael M. Stanton, b. March 2(», 1837, d. April 24, 1837. (245.) Emily Stanton, b. November 10, 183'J. m. James W. Jobson. Lives at Preble, N. Y. (246.) Elizabeth Stanton, 1). July 8, 1848, ni. Walter Nelson. (247.) John Warren Stantuii, b. January 3, 1845, m. Charlotte Hewitt. Children of Jacob F. Hkndricks and Maky Feetkr (58.) (248.) William Hendricks, 1). February 24, 1834, m. Mar- tlia Broat. Lives at Fairfield, N. Y. 67 FEETER GENEALOGY. (249.) Helen Annette Hendricks, b. May 22, 1841, m. William Ransom. Lives at St. Paul, Minn. (250.) Susan Hendricks, b. February 19, 1844, m. John Drake. Lives at Dolgeville, N. Y. (251.) Jane Hendricks, b. August 11, 1848, m. Charles A. Brown (256.) Lives at Dolgeville, N. Y. (251 a.) Martha Hendricks, b. January 22, 1852, m. Ed- ward Peck, d. 1870. (2516.) Emma Eunice Hendricks, b. November 11, 1857, m. Nathan Brown. Lives at North Adams, Mass. Children of Samuel Pickertand Sarah Feeter (59.) (252.) Catharine Ann Pickert, b. April 7, 1838, d. July 14, 1841. (253.) Joel Pickert, b. October 1, 1840, m. Marietta Kel- ler. Lives at Manheim, N. Y. (254.) Cynthia Ann Pickert, b. May 6, 1847, d. February 14, 1849. (255.) Mary Ellen Pickert, b. March 30, 1855, d. Febru- ary 15, 1860. Children of John P. Brown and Catharine Feeter (60.) (256.) Charles A. Brown, b. March 10, 1847, m. Jane Hendricks (251.) Lives at Dolgeville, N. Y. (257.) William F. Brown, b. March 14, 1851, m. Jennie Fenner. Lives at Dolgeville, N. Y. Children of James H. Weathertvax and Adelia Feeter (62.) (258.) Harriet L. (Hatty) Weatherwax, b. November 24, 1854, d. March 29, 1889; m. Dr. George Graves, Herkimer, N. Y. 68 FEETER GENEALOGY. (259.) James F. Weatherwax, b. October 15, 1859, m. Lizzie M. Hopson, 1883. Lives at Manheim, N. Y. (260.) J. Roscoe Weatherwax, b. September 16, 1861. Lives at Manheim, N. Y. Children of William T. Makcy and Ann Eliza Ff,eter(63.) (261.) Cornelia Marry, b. October 19, ia'58, m. Powers Green. (262.) William I^kp Marcy, b. August 26, ia')8, m. Car- rie Childs. Lives at HiifTalc, N. Y. Childrenof Willia.m FEi'nKR(64) ami ELizAKi-mi R. Center. (263.) John C. Feeter, b. February 1, 180u, m. Gertrude C. Ives. Lives at Highland, N. Y. (264.) Charles M. Feeter, b. September 9, 1861, d. July 6, 1892; m. Genevieve Famham. (265.) James W. Feeter, b. January 20, 1863, m. Carrie M. Hasbrook. Lives at Highland, X. Y. Childrenof ion^ McKinster FekteriCS) and Johanna M. Bkockett. (266.) Frank B. Feeter, b. May 30, 1863, m. Ella M. Loucks, 1884. Lives at Cuyler, N. Y. Children o/'JAMEsCiHRriiiLL andCarolinkE. Staring (74.) (267.) Jane Churchill. (208.) Su.san Churchill, in. Hubert McChesney. (269.) James H. Churchill, b. February 11, 1854, d. March lo, 1896. Single. (270.) Charles Churchill. (271.) Peter Churchill. 69 FEETER GENEALOGY, Children of George Henry Staring (76) and Elizabeth Murphy. (273.) Charles Staring, b. August, 1858, d. October, 1865. (273.) Joseph Staring, b. August, 1860. Lives at Burt- ville, La. (274. ) Louisa Staring, b. September, 1863. (275.) Charlotte S. Staring, b. September, 1865. d. November, 1865. (276.) George S. Staring, b. July, 1867. (277.) Peter Staring, b. June, 1869. (278.) Katie S. Staring, b. July, 1871. Children of William Wallace Staring (76) and Mary Jane Lorton. (279.) Mary Jane Staring, b. October 8, 1857, d. 1885; m. Nero Robinson. (280.) Caroline Staring, b. August 28, 1859, m. Albert Arnold. Lives at Yuba City, Cal. (281.) George Staring, b. May 16, 1860, m. Jennie Con- signee. Lives at Albuquerque, Mexico. Children of William Wallace Staring (76 > and Mary Margaret Nellis. (282.) William C. Staring, b. September 9, 1872. (283.) Peter A. Staring, b. December 25, 1874, d. August 1, 1881. Children of Peter Abram Staring (78) and Catharine M. ROSECRANTZ. (284.) Nancy Staring, m. Halsey W. Warren. Lives at Little Falls, N. Y. 70 FEETER GENEALOGY. (286.) Melissa Staring, m. John T. Walrath. Lives at Little Falls, N. Y. (286.) Frank Staring, b. 1854, d. 1896. (287.) Catharine (Kitty) Staring. Lives at Little Falls N. Y. Children of Cuables E. Staring (79) and Elizabeth P. WiNDKCKKR. (288.) George Staring, b. Octobers, 1862, d. 1873. Single. (289.) Lt-na P. Staring, b. August 2, laH d. July 6, 1884. Single. (290.) Charies Staring, b. March 4, 1&58, d. February 2, 1883. Single. (291.) Chariotte Staring, b. May 2, 18(51, d. November 2/5, 1882, m. Squire Bailey. CJiildren q/" William A. Davis and Catherine Staring (80.) (292.) William Staring Davis, b. June 28, 18.'50. Captain U. S. Army; dead. (293.) Katy Davis, b. IS.^1. (294.) Laura Davis, b, l.sr.4. (295.) Adam Davis, b. 18r)7. CJiildren of Fkedkriok Staking (82) and Addie Hoover. (296.) Ida A. Staring, b. November 4, 18r.9. (297.) Nellie Staring, b. May 8, 1863, d. June 18, 1870. (298.) Frederick Staring, b. July 12. 1871. in. Eniiiia Talbot. Chihlren of Jo.«/ Edward Fader (164) and Marv White. (464.) Angus Fader. «8 FEETER GENEALOGY. Children of James E. Fader (168) and Lucy McEwen. (465.) Alexander Fader. (466.) Fred Fader. Children of William Fader (170) and Anne Briggs. (467.) William Fader. (468.) George Fader. (469.) Arnold Fader. Live at Hainsville, Out. Children of Gteorge Fader (173) and Pauline Shaver. (470.) George Fader. Lives at Hainsville, Ont. Children o/Ezra Fader (178) and Elizabeth Cross. (471.) Philip Fader. (472.) James Fader. Children of Jasper Fader (180) and Jane Hutohcroft. (473.) Willard Fader. (474.) Asa Fader. Live at Hainsville, Ont. Children of Spencer Fader (182) and Hannah Barrageb. (475.) Frank Fader. (476.) Charles Fader. Live at Hainsville, Ont. Children of Watson Fader (183) and Aggie (477.) Merwin Fader. (478.) Robe ft E. Fader. Live at Hainsville, Ont. 84 FEETER GENEALOGY, Children q/" Charles Fader (188) and Axna (479.) Orville Fader. Lives at Hainsville, Oat. Children of Wesley Fader (190) axd Sarah Ault. (480.) Howard C. Fader. (481.) Arthur Fader. Live at Hainsville. Ont. Children of William G. Fader ^191) and Anna Locke. (482.) Herbert Fader. Children q/"RitHARD Fader ^192) and Jane Armstrong. (483.) Wiiliain R. Fader. SIXTH GENERATION. Children of Hobace B. Frebman (207) and Elizabeth Starin. (484.) Matu rill Freeman. (485.) John Starin Freeman. (486.) Minnie L. Freeman, b. May 25, 1857, m. 1882, L. C. Sands, Jr. Lives at Pittsburg, Pa. Children of Archibald Young and Margaret A. Freeman (209.) (487.) Clara Young. Dead. (488.) Marion Young. Dead. (489.) Horace Freeman Young, b. April 26, 1857. Lives at New York city. Children of Joseph Tuttle Rice and Mart Elizabeth Feeter (211.) (490.) Herman Feeter Rice, b. April 9, 1874. (491.) William Josiah Rice, b. May 3, 1876. Children of George Bradford and Catherine U. Feeter (214.) (492.) Bessie T. Bradford, b. December 10, 1886. (493.) Cynthia R. Bradford, b. February 9, 1889. (494.) James E. Bradford, b. August 25, 1892. 86 FEETER GENEALOGY. Children 0/ William A. Fekter, Jr., (215) and Kitty TiMMEKMAN. (495.) Adeline Feeter. b. September 2i>, 1891. (496.) Janie.s William Feeter, b. May 9, 1894. Children of Francis A. Feeter (216) and Addie Ingham. (497.) George Ingham Feeter, b. February 16, 1875; Second Lieutenant 19th U. S. Infantry, Isle of Panay, Philii)pine3. (498.) Silas Stewart Feeter, b. September 2, 1876. Lives at Little Falls. N. Y. Cliildren of GEORciE Washington Snell (219.) (499.) Julia Snell. (5(X).) Eliza Snell. (501.) George Snell, Jr. Children o/" Frank AniusTLf.s MrCoiiMicK (231) and (502.) Nattie McCormick. (60:i) Frank McCormick, Jr. (504.) Nellie McCormick. (505.) George McCormick. (508.) Howard McCormick. (507.) Florence McCormick. Children of An DHKVf Devendorkf and K..\tuarine Stanton. (239.) (608.) Hattie Devendorff, b. November lo, 1850, m. Oliver Strough. (509.) Martha DevendorfT, b. October 7,1852. m. Lewis Wright. Lives at Homer, N. Y. 87 FEETER GENEALOGY, (610.) Alexander Devendorflf, b. Ib56. (511.) Ida May Devendorff, b. October 1, 1859, m. George Tn;ax. (512.) Libbie Devendorff, d. 1861. (513.) Katie Devendorl d. 1861. Qliildren of James S. Stanton (242) and ExMjia Adams. (514.) Charles Adams Stanton, b. 1862. Lives at ISTor- den, Neb. Children of James S. Stanton (242) and Elizabeth Chofgh. (515.) Emma Elizabeth Stanton, b. October 24, 1869, m. Edwin Johnson. Lives at Golden Springs, Neb. (516.) Anna Maria Stanton, b. August 22, 1871. Lives at Golden Springs, Keb. (517.) Walter Elijah Stanton, b. September 20, 1874. Lives at Norden, Neb. (518.) Waldo William Stanton, b. September 20, 1874. Lives at Norden, Neb. Children of James S. Stanton and Ada A. Hungerford. (519.) Claude Merle Stanton, b. September 11. 1879. (520. ) Genie Stanton, b. March 8, 1882. Children of George Henry Stanton (243) and Barbara Snell. (521.) Gertie Stanton, b. May 10, 1860, m. Frank Bleaks- lee. Lives at Mile Strip, N. Y. (522.) Daniel Freeman Stanton, b. September 29, 1862, d. September 29, 1882. (523.) Cora Ann Stanton, b. July 3, 1864, d. April 9, 1870. 88 FEETER GENEALOGY, (624.) Addie Eve Stanton, b. January 29, 1867, m. Stephen Palmer. Lives at Pout,'hkeepsie, N. Y. ^f)25.) Anna Belle Stanton, b. May 24, 1871, d. August 3, 1879. (526.) Clark Warren Stanton, b. November 23, 1877. Children, of Gkorue Henky Stanton (243) and Llcinda SHKLHA.MEK. (627.) Martha Vem Stanton, b. January 14, 1887. (628.) George Leo Stanton, b. March 24, 1890 d. August 30, 1890. Chihlrtu of W w.w.w Nki.-on and Elizabktii Stanton (246) (620.) William H. N.-lson 1>. February 4, 1804, ni. Emma A. Christ man. (".30.) Orville 1). Nelson, b. May 16, 1806, d. December 11, 1874. (631.) Eugene A. Nelson, b. March 22, 1868, m. Josie Bellinger. Live.s at Little Falls, N. Y. (632.) Iceland N. Nelson, b. November 20, 1870, d. March 23, 1871. (633.) Roselle Nelson, b. January 16. 1872, d. March 21, 1874. (634.) Stanton Nelson, b. August 27, 1873, d. February 3, 1874. (636.) Lillie Bell Nelson, b. August 22, 1876, d. February 8, 1876. (636.) John Banie Nelson, b. October 31, 1881. FEETER GENEALOGY, C7illdre?i of JoKif Wauken Stanton (247) and Charlotte Hewitt. (537.) Dora B. Stanton, b. August 7, 1865, d. March 6, 1888. (538.) Fred Elijah Stanton, b. July 3, 1866. Lives at Riverside, Cal. (539.) George Hewitt Stanton, b. February 12, 1879. Lives at Preble, N. Y. Children of William Hendricks (248) and Martha Broat. (540.) James E. Hendricks, b. October 8, 1855, m. Chloe Barnes. Lives at Parker, Turner Co., S. Dak. (541.) John B. Hendricks, b. September 12, 1864, m. Anna Scanlon. Lives at Herkimer, N. Y. (542.) Wilfred Elliott Hendricks, b. February 1, 1868. Lives at Schenevus, N. Y. (543.) Harry Elmer Hendricks, b. April 18, 1870. Children of William Ransom and Helen Annette Hen- dricks (249.) (544.) Mary Olive Ransom, b. July 7, 1865. (545.) Leah Hendricks Ransom, b. October 27, 1881. Lives at St. Paul, Minn. Children o/ John Drake and Susan Hendricks (250.) (546.) Minnie E. Drake, b. June 24, 1867, m. George Arnold. Lives at Dolgeville, N. Y. 90 FEETER GENEALOGY. Children of Chakles A. Brown (256) and Jane Hendricks (251.) (547.) Ida Adelia Bruwii, b. January 25, 1870, d. August 17, 1893. (648.) Effie Jane Brown, b. November 27, 1873, m. Ed- ward Archer. Livt^s at Dolgeville, N. Y. Children q/" Edward Pkck and Martha IIkndricks (251A.) (649.) Hendricks Peck, b. 1870, d. young. Cfdldren of Joel Pickert (253i and MARiErrA Keller. (550.) Frank K. Pickert, b. January 10, 1866, m. Fannie G. Wood. Lives at Manbeini, N. Y. (551.) Harry W. Pickert, b. November 27, 1869. Lives at ManlnMni, N. Y. Children of William F. Brown (257) and Jknnie Fenner. (552.) Ward Fenner Brown, b. November 3, 1877. (553.) Charles Mortimer Brown, b. Febniary 21, 1879. CliiMren of Dr. Geoiusk Graves and Harriet L. Weath- WA.\ (258.) (654.) George Ezra Graves, b. August 29, 1876, now in medical service with General Funston' a command in the Phil- ippine Islands. (555.) James Weatherwax Graves, b. January 24, 1884. (666.) Harriet Maria Graves, b. March 27, 1889, d. April 16, 1891. 91 FEETER GENEALOGY, Children of i\yiv,s F. Weatherwax (259) and Lizzie M. Hopsox. (557.) James Hopsou Weuthenvax, b. December 1, 1889. (558.) George Dean Weatherwax, b. March 10, 1893. Children of William Lake Marcy (262) and Carrie Childs. (559.) Henry Childs Marcy, b. May 10, 1890. (560.) Esther Childs Marcy, b. March 5, 1894. Children o/ John C. Feeter (263) and Gertrude C. Ives. (561.) Gertrude J. Feeter, b. October 29, 1895. Children o/' Charles M. Fep:ter (264) and Genevieve Farnham. (562.) Grace E. Feeter, b. June 18, 1890. (.563.) Lucas William Feeter, b. 1891, d. November 24, 1891. Children o/" Frank B. Feeter (266) and Ella M. Loucks. (564.) John McKinster Feeter, b. March 3, 1887. (565.) Frank B. Feeter, jr., b. February 11, 1889, d. April 22, 1890. (566.) Elizabeth M. Feeter, b. March 1, 1891. (567.) Albertis Carey Feeter, b. February 14, 1893. (568.) Norman L. Feeter, b. June 20, 1894. Children o/ Robert McChesnet and Susan Churchill (268.) (569.) James V. McChesney, b. March 9, 1872, m. Ola IngersoU. (570.) Nellie McChesney, b. January 9, 1872, m. 1st, Stephen Charles Waters; m. 2nd, Brown, Chicago, 111. 92 FEETER GENEALOGY. Children of Nero Robinson and Mary Jane Staring (279. (571.) Alice Robinson. (672.) James Robin-son. (573.) Jennie Robinsun. (574.) Victor Robinson. C%iZ and Ellkx Wallace (424.) (711.) James Mj'ers, b. 1862, m. Merkley. Lives at Chesterville, Ont. (712.1 Edward Myers, b. 1864, m. Block. Lives at Smith's Falls. Ont. (71:^.) Eliz;il)eth Myers, b. 1808, m. William Cameron. Lives at Cardinal, Ont. (714.) Mary >[yHrs, b. 1870, m. John Lewis. (715.) William Myers, b. 1871. Lives at Smith's Falls, Ont. Children of Jamics Wallace (42r)) and Melissa Serviss. (716.) Ma Wallace, b. June, 1870, m. Charles Burnside. Lives at Iruiiuois, Ont. (717.) An.son Wallace, b. December, 1872, m. Persis Webl). Lives at Cordova, Can. Children of QoRDOs Wallace (426) axd Henrietta Abkott. (718.) Alford Wallace, b. May 7, 1875, m. Mabel Johnson. Lives at Cardinal, Ont. (719.) Byron Wallace, b. March 6, 188.o. CJiildren of Rohert Ga.mhle and Elizabeth Wallace (427.) (720.) Frederick Gamble, b. 1865, m. Ellen Armstrong. Lives at Iroquois, Ont. 103 FEETER GENEALOGY, (721.) George Gamble, b. 1867, m. Lillian Genac. Lives at Brockville, Ont. (722.) Amelta Gamble, b. 1870, m. John Sherman. Lives at Herkimer, Wis. Children o/Edson Fadek (429) and Louisa Welsh. (723.) Vivian Vienna Fader, b. July 24, 1881. (724.) Vira Venetta Fader, b. April 13, 1883. (725.) Cleveland Cliflford Fader, b. December 13, 1884. (726.) Leland Lodowick Fader, b. June 3, 1886. (727.) Madell Fader, b. March 4, 1888. (728.) Maggie Fader, b. December 25, 1889, d. August 13, 1890. Children of Edson Fader (429) and Sarah Nislet. (729.) Pennina Frances Fader, b. July 4, 1892. (730.) Wahnetta Fader, b. May 30, 1894. (731.) Ula Fader, b. June 6, 1896. (732.) Ingra Fader, b. August 9, 1898. Children of Sammy Fader (430) and Mart Alexander. (733.) William Fader. (734. ) Charlotte Jane Fader. (735.) Lois Fader. (736.) Warren Fader. (737.) Ward Vance Fader. Children of MEi,To-ti Walters and JessieLeona Fader(439.) (738.) Harley Nelson Walters, b. July 1900. 104 SEVENTH GENERATION. CJiildren of L. C. Sands Jk. andMinnik G. Frkkman (486.) (7H9.) Marg-aret A. Sands, b. Novenihtr 29, 1884. CJiiUlren o/Olivek STUornii anh Hattik Dkvkndokff (508.) (740.) Jiianita V. Strouj;li, 1>. Noveiiil)er 17, 1883. CJiildren o/' Lewis Wuniin ani» Maktiia Pkvexdorkf (509.) (741.) ElniHF Egl)ert Wriglit. 1). March 30, 1875. (742.) Anna Wright, 1.. July 20. 1877. C/(/W;-/"GKoKOETKrA.\ and Ipa May Dkvendoi{Ff(511.) (743.) Mable V. Tnia.x, h. UctohHr 1, 18.")0. Cranes Vil- lage, N. Y. Chihhfu of Fkank Bi.kaksi.ek and Gertie Stanton (521.) (744.) Mahle Al.'ne Uleakslee, I.. Octubpr 6, 1886. (745.) Daniel HIeakslee, 1>. April, 1889. (746.) Mihlred Bleaksiee, b. October 12, 1893. CMldrtn of Stephen Palmer and Adelie Stanton (524.) (747.) Aletta Beatrice Palmer, b. September 13, 1896. Childrm o/ Eugene A. Nelson (531) and Josie Bellinger (329.) (748.) Earl B. Nelson, b. November22, 1890. (Seealso615.) 105 FEETER GENEALOGY, Children of James E. Hendricks (540) and Chloe Barnes. (749.) Myrtle Hendricks, b. September 26, 1885. (760.) Leo Hendricks, b. September 12, 1889. Children of John B. Hendricks (541) and Anna Scanlon. (751.) Mary Madelena Hendricks, b. August 22, 1891. (752.) Martha Marguerite Hendricks, b. September 13, 1892. Children of George Arnold and Minnie E. Drake (546.) (753.) Sarah Drake Arnold, b. August 9, 1889. (754.) Susie Cordelia Arnold, b. August 9, 1891. (755.) Lillian Gertrude Arnold, b. August 17, 1893. (756.) Leah Ransom Arnold, b. August 17, 1893. (757.) George Arnold, b. February 8, 1898. Children of Edward Archer and Effie Jane Brown (548.) (758.) Harry Brown Archer, b. October 26, 1896. Children of Stephen Charles Waters and Nellie McChesney (570.) (759.) Harold Churchill Waters, b. November 20, 1892. Children o/ Adelbert Steele and Annette Heath (587.) (760.) Blanche Margaret Steele, b. December 7, 1895. Children o/" Thomas H. Gibson and Alice Lois Quinn (645.) (761.) Maud Alice Gibson, b. July 29, 1884. (762.) James Thomas Gibson, b. April 3, 1888. (763.) Ruth L-ene Gibson, b. July 11, 1891. (764.) Pauline Ida Gibson, b. June 7, 1894. 106 FEETER GENEALOGY, Children o/" Jamks Josiaii Qiinn (649) and Jkssik Lindlet. (766.) Minnie Lois Qui nri. h. .Inly IC, 1889. (766.) Goldie Jessie Qiiinn. h. May 15, 1S92. Children of .Jamk.s Josiaii Qt inn (049) and Mai;y IIooi.ky. (767.) JKinnette Maudn giiinn, 1). .Iiiiie 10. 1896. Children of John W. Mh.i.ak a.vd Flokknck Llklla Fkadkr {V>yi.) (768.) Ellen Grace Millar, b. Septeraber 12, 189.3. (769.) Gladys Lii-lJa Carnraii Millar, h. December 16, 1897. Children o/ .]<)uy V. W . Dim.mk k ami Emma .1. Fkadkk (G.')7.) (770.) Knby Alice Dimmi.-k, b. .lune 15, 1898. Children of .Ioun (Juaiiam Hakknkss and Laiha Kkadkr (06.-..) (771.) Helen Louisa Uuriviiess, b. June 2, 1893. (772.) Marjorie Esther Ilarkness, b. May i;i 1898. Children of Nklson Toissai lt and Abba Ann Kkck (700.) (773.) Amelia Toussault, b. 1862, m. Philip Welsh. Lives at Eilwanlsburfih, Unt. (774.) Edward Toussault, b. 1804. (775.) John Toussault, b. 1870. Lives at Belleville.Ont. 107 INDEX TO GENEALOGY. The Numbers Refer to Genealogical Numbers, Abbott, Hcnrietu 426 Acher, Adelia 237 Acher, Irene 23H Ackert, Ruby 43- Adams, Emma 342 Alden, Dexter 117 Alden, Louise Ciertrude. 364 Alden, Mary Elizabeth.. 363 Allison, 99 Allison, Wirt H 344 Alexander Mary 43° Archer, Harry Brown. . . 758 Archer, Edward 548 Armstrong, Ellen 7^0 Armstrong, Jane 192 Arnold, Albert 2S0 Arnold, George 546-75" Arnold, Leah Ransom. . . 756 Arnold, Lillian Gertrude. 755 Arnold, Sarah Drake. .. . 753 .\rnold, Susie Cordelia.. 754 Ault, Sarah 190 Ayres, Dr. Daniel 39 Bailey, Lena B 5S1 Bailey, Squire 291 Bailey, Thomas 702 Baker, .Arthur Millard. .. 591 Baker, Estelle Gertrude.. 594 Baker, John Blair 593 Baker, Rush Darwin .... 304-592 Baldwin, Albert Josiah. . 399 Baldwin, Alice '99-398 Baldwin, Bertha 400 Baldwin, George Anson. 401 Baldwin, Harriet 396 Baldwin, Josiah 127 Baldwin, Lois Amanda.. 123 Baldwin, Lois Elizabeth. 397 Baldwin, William Howard 402 Barcley, Catherine 420 Barcley, Ellen Frances.. 695 Barcley, Floyd Anderson 697 Barcley, Idella Valeria E. 699 Barcley, Lydia .Mice Belva 69S Barcley, Sarah Florence. 694 100 INDEX. Barclay, Simon Barcley, Simon Franklin Blake Barnes, Chloe Barragar, Hannah Beach, Beach, Maria Bellinger, Abram E Bellinger, Abram H Bellinger, Adam Bellinger, Barbara Bellinger, Carrie Bellinger, Catherine Bellinger, Charles Bellinger, Charlotte Bellinger, Chloe Bellinger, Christina Bellinger, Christopher. . . 90 Bellinger, Cora Bellinger, Edna May. . . . Bellinger, Elizabeth Bellinger, Elizabeth Ann Bellinger, Esther Bellinger, Frank Bellinger, George Bellinger, George W Bellinger, Gertrude A . . .323 Bellinger, Gertrude Edna Bellinger, Gertrude 1 . . . Bellinger, Harold H Bellinger, Harry Bellinger, Hattie 317- Bellinger, Helen Maria.. Bellinger, Hiram W 408 Bellinger, James 321 Bellinger, James F 88 696 Bellinger, Jennie 311 540 Bellinger, Jessie May... 327 182 Bellinger, John C 18-328 54 Bellinger, John H 312 230 Bellinger, John \V 84 91 Bellinger, John William. 313 326 Bellinger, Joram 608 5 Bellinger, Joram P 92 12 Bellinger, Joseph H 85 310 Bellinger, Josie 329-531 87 Bellinger, Juliet Alice. . . 301 327 Bellinger, Leta 599 307 Bellinger, Lillian 600 309 Bellinger, Lyman 308 322 Bellinger, Margaret 318 1-607 Bellinger, Maria Elizabeth 5 314 Bellinger, Maria E 91 602 Bellinger, Marr H 611 300 Bellinger, Martha B 302 86 Bellinger, Mary 299 315 Bellinger, Minnie 316 316 Bellinger, Moses 320 612 Bellinger, Col. Peter 18 330 Bellinger, Peter 89 -325 Bellinger, Ralph 613 606 Bellinger, Ralph H 605 610 Bellinger, Russell Ervin. 603 604 Bellinger, Stewart Peter. 601 614 Bellinger, Zelma DeEtta. 331 ■324 Bellows, Arthur H 629 303 Bellows, Charles R 630 319 Bellows, George H 355 110 INDEX. Beltzer, Susannah 21 Benedict, Mary 432 Benjamin, 55 Bennett, Rebecca 441 Best, Margaret 646 Best, Minnie ......... 650 Bigford, Mary 194 Binnion, Bessie A. 693 Binnion, Edith Allen 689 Binnion, Fanny Ellen... 687 Binnion, Florence Agnes 690 Binnion, George .\ 390 Binnion, J. Henry 389 Binnion, Margaret E 3S8 Binnion, Mary E 387 Binnion, Robert Allen.. 691 Binnion, Roy Clinton.. . . 6S1 Binnion, Samuel A 391 Binnion, William 125 Binnion, William Addison 680 Binnion, William Clinton 3S6 Binnion, William Henry. 688 Binnion, William R 692 Billings, Charles 363 Billings, Charles Kings- bury 635 Billings, Julia Holmes. .. 638 Billings, .Mabel Frank... 637 Billings, Margaret Louise 636 Billings, Mary Elizabeth. 639 Bliss, .Albert ^66 Block, y , 2 Bleakslce, Daniel 74c Bleakslee, Frank 531 111 Bleakslee, Mabel .-Mene. . 744 Bleakslee, Mildred 746 Bostwick, Christina 609 Bostwick, H. Wheeler... 322 Bouck, John 34 Bouck, Rachael 33 Bowen, .\nnie 386 Boyce, John 4,8 Boyd, Mary. 36 Bradford, Bessie T 492 Bradford, Cynthia R 493 Bradford, George 214 Bradford, James E 494 Brennan William 701 Briggs, Anne ,70 Briggs, Eliza 35 Bristol, Curtis 705 Broat, Martha 24S Brockett, Emma 365 Brockett, Johnna M 65 Brown, cyo Brown, Charles .A 251-256 Brown, Charles Mortimer 553 Brown, Effie Jane 548 Brown, Ida .\delia 547 Brown, John P 60 Brown, Nathan 251B Brown, Ward Fcnner 552 Brown, William F 257 Browning, Benjamin 443 Buchanan, Helen L 313 Burgess, Fred 449 Burnside, Charles 716 Burnside, Ellen 419 Burt, Katie Belle 349 INDEX. Cameron, William Campbell, Martha Carman, Ella Maria Casler, Cordelia Sophia. . Casler, Robert Cassel, George Center, Elizabeth R Childs, Carrie Chough, Elizabeth Christman, Emma A.... Churchill, Charles Churchill, James Churchill, James H Churchill, Jane Churchill, Peter Churchill, Susan Civill, Margaret Cole, Edward 130 Cole, Viola Collison, Cornelius Consignee, Jennie Corey, Hannah Cowan, Estella Maria. . .. Cowan, Josephine Smith. Cowan, Mahlon N Cowan, Nettie Maria .... Craig, Ella Crandall, Lucy Crittenden, Maud Shep- ard Crittendon, Seth Crittenden, Wooster.... Cross, Elizabeth Crowbar, Susan 7 13 Cummings, Addie 140 Custer, Achsah 378 102 Davis, Adam 86 Davis, Katy ^ir Davis, Laura 64 Davis, William A 262 Davis, William Stauring. 242 Degree, Josephine 529 Devendorff, Alexander.. 270 Devendorff, Andrew.... 74 Devendorff, Hattie 269 Devendorff, Ida May.... 267 Devendorff, Katie 271 Devendorff, Libbie 268 Devendorff, Martha 1 16 Dimmick, John F. W . . . . -414 Dimmick, Ruby Alice... 415 Drake, John 138 Drake, Minnie E 281 37 Easterbrooks, Edith 597 Easterbrooks, Frederick 598 James 306 Easterbrooks, John 305 Feeter 205 Easterbrooks, Nathan Jr. 444 Easterbrooks, Robert Thomas 371 Eygebrodt, Catherine. ... 120 Eygebrodt, John 370 Eysaman, Abraham 178 Eysaman, Abraham Jas. . 32 Eysaman, Abraham P... 112 320 234 29s 293 294 80 292 411 510 239 508 511 513 512 5°9 657 77° 250 546 376 374 373 122 375 42 12 20 III 349 INDEX. Eysaman, Bertha 6j i Eysaman, Cynthia Eliza. iio Eysaman, Delia Ann.... loS Eysaman, Elizabeth Helen 107 Eysaman, (ieorgc Feeler 105 Eysaman, Horace 109 Eysaman, John I'eter. .. . 103 Eysaman, Laura Uelle... 632 Eysaman, Maggie S 347 Eysaman, Margaret 106 Eysaman, .Mary Kalherine 104 Eysaman, Minnie .•V 348 Eysaman. William H.... 102 Fader, Albert H 160 Fader, Alexander 146-465 Fader, Alice 148 Fader, .-Vllan 15S Fader, .\ltha 197 Fader, Ambernette 437 Fader, Angus 464 Fader, .Anne 202 Fader, Arnold 469 Fader, .Arthur 481 Fader, .\rvilla 179 Fader, Asa 474 Fader, Charles 147-188-476 Fader, Charles Barney. . . 451 Fader, Charles Nelson.. 435 Fader, Charlotte Jane... 734 Fader,Charlotte Margaret 141 Fader, Christiana 181 Fader, Clara 447 Fader, Cleveland Clifford 725 Fader, Curtis 165 Fader, Dewey 457 Fader, Edmund 163 Fader, Edson 429 Fader, Edward 164-1 76 Fader, Elizabeth. 34-166-177-196 Fader, Ellen 195 Fader, Elva 434 Fader, Elzina 151 Fader, Erastus 145 Fader, Ezra 178 Fader, Frank 475 Fader, Fred 466 Fader, Fred Stanford.... 436 Fader, George. ..32-173-468-470 Fader, Gertrude 203 Fader, Hannah 172 Fader, Harold Valentine 456 Fader, Harvey 150-156 Fader, Herbert 48a Fader, Hope Benice 454 Fader, Howard C 4S0 Fader, Ingra 732 Fader, Ira 155 Fader, James 157-185-472 Fader, James E 168 Fader, Jasper 180 Fader, Jemina 169 Fader, Jessie Leona 439 Fader, John 1 1-171-184-432 Fader, John Gilbert 142 Fader, John J 36 Fader, John S 152 118 INDEX. Fader, Johnston 462 Fader, Joseph 153 Fader, Leland Lodowick. 726 Fader, Lodovvick 139 Fader, Lois 735 Fader, Lucas 28 Fader, Lydia 167 Fader, Lydia A 193 Fader, Madell ^2^ Fader, Maggie 728 Fader, Margaret 186 Fader, Margaret Jane... 201 Fader, Mary 31-175-198-204-431 Fader, Mary Ann 144 Fader, Mary Hagar 438 Fader, Martha 1 74 Fader, Maud Mary 453 Fader, Merwin 477 Fader, Minard Bruce 446 Fader, Nancy 162 Fader, Nelson 30 Fader, Orville 479 Fader, Peleg 187 Fader, Pemina Frances. 729 Fader, Philip 33-47 1 Fader, Philip Jefferson.. 433 Fader, Richard 192 Fader, Robert E 478 Fader, Robert W 200 Fader, Rufus r89 Fader, Sammy 430 Fader, Sarah 159 Fader, Seeley 463 Fader, Simon 27 Fader, Simon Nelson 140 Fader, Spencer 182 Fader, Thomas E 194 Fader, Ula 731 Fader, Uriah Anson 143 Fader, Valentine 452 Fader, Vira Venetta. ... 724 Fader, Vivian Vienna... 723 Fader, Wahnetta 730 Fader, Ward Vance 737 Fader, Warren 149-736 Fader, Watson 183 Fader, Wesley 190 Fader, WiUard 473 Fader, William iS4-i7°-467-733 Fader, William A 199-398 Fader, William G 191 Fader, William Rodney. . 35 Fader, William R 483 Failing, Nancy 22 Farnham, Genevieve 264 Fay, loi Feader, Alfred Lucas. . . . 667 Feader, Alice Elmina... 383 Feader, Alva E 385 Feader, Anson 380 Feader, Austin Matthew. 655 Feader, Catharine 124 Feader, Catharine Eliza- beth 138 Feader, Clara Elmina... 664 Feader, Colin Brainard . . 656 Feader, Diana 129 Feader, Edwin Anson. . . 658 114 INDEX. Feadcr, Elizabeth 1 25 Feadcr, Emma Jane 657 Feader, Florence Luella. 653 Feadcr, Frances Irene May 661 Feader, Francis J 669 Feader, George H 378 Feader, George Harved. 679 Feadcr, George L. 671 Feader, Hannah 26 Feader, G. Herbert Carman 651 Feader, Jacob 14 Feader, Jane 377 Feader, Jane Roderick.. 130 Feader, John H 672 Feadcr, Kenneth 668 Feader, Laura 665 Feader, Lillian Mabel. . . . 654 Feadcr, Lucas 6-123 Feader, Lydia .Vnn 382 Feader, Margaret 127 Feader, Margaret E 381 Feader, Martin Lucas Baldwin 659 Feader, Mary 126 Feader, Mary Ellen Amand.i 652 Feader, Rachel Catharine 663 Feader, Ruby Mildred . .. 662 Feader, Sarah .Vnn 128 Feader, William 25 Feader, William Albert. . 379 Feader, William Arnold. 666 Feadcr, William Stanford 660 Feader, William Warren. 670 Feder, Dr. Henry Carlton 384 Feeter, Adam 12 Feeter, Adelia 62 Feeter, .■Vdeline 495 Feeter, Alburtis Carey. . . 567 Feeter, Anna 57 Feeter, Ann Eliza 63 Feeter, Benjamin A 40 Feeter, Caroline Civill. . . 361 Feeter, Catharine 1 7-60 Feeter, Catharine U 214 Feeter, Charlotte M 264 Feeter, Cynthia Barbara. 212 Feeter, Cynthia Elen. .. . 121 Feeter, Delia 21 Feeter, Dorothy ....... 20 Feeter, Elizabeth 16-56 Feeter, Elizabeth M 566 Feeter, Eva (Anna Eva). 13 Feeter, Francis A 216 Feeter, Frank B 266 Feeter, Frank B. Jr 565 Feeter, George Adam. ... 43 Feeter, George Henry. . . 15 Feeter, George Ingham. . 497 Feeter, George Small .... 115 Feeter, Gertrude J 561 Feeter, Gertrude Rosalia 120 Feeter, Grace E 562 Feeter, Henry 38 Feeter, Jacob Williams. . 116 Feeter, James 37 US INDEX. i'eeter, James D 205 Feeter, James Eysaman.. 119 Feeter, James W 265 Feeter, James Williams.. 496 Feeter, Johannes 22 Feeter, John Acton Civill 360 Feeter, John C 263 Feeter, John McKinster. 65-564 Feeter, Lucinda 61 Feeter, Lucas William... 563 Feeter, Margaret 39 Feeter, Margaret Eliza- beth 117 Feeter, Margaret Maria. 213 Feeter, Mary 18-58 Feeter, Mary Ann 41 Feeter, Mary Catharine. . 122 Feeter, Mary Elizabeth. . 211 Feeter, Nancy (Ann) 19 Feeter, Nancy Failing. . . 359 Feeter, Norman L 568 Feeter, Pamelia 118 Feeter, Peter 23 Feeter, Sarah 59 Feeter, Silas Stewart 498 Feeter, William 5-64 Feeter, William Jr 14 Feeter, William A 42 Feeter, William A. Jr.. .. 215 Feeter, William Henry... 362 Feeter, William Small... 206 Fenner, Jennie 257 Fisher, Edward 37 Fisher, Judith 37 Fisher, Ruth 37 Foley, Bertha 589 Foley, Michael 302 Ford, Helen 64 Forster, Silas 403 Freeman, Horace B 207 Freeman, George H 20S Freeman, John Starin... 485 Freeman, Margaret A... 209 Freeman, Mary L 486 Freeman, Maturin 39-484 Freice, Maria 27 French, Albert Feeter. ... 365 French, Alice Brockett.. 641 French, Cynthia 366 French, Francis Joseph. . 369 French, Gertrude 367-642 French, Joseph 118 French, Julia 3^8 Fullington, 5° Fullington, Belle 224 Fullington, George 223 Fullington, William 222 Gallinger, Franklin 677 Gallinger, George Nelson 383 Gallinger, Leila Dorothea Maria 678 Gallinger, Lydia Delia... 676 Gallinger, Amelta 722 Gamble, Frederick 720 Gamble, George 721 Gamble, Robert 427 Genac, Lillian 721 116 INDEX. Gibson, James Thomas. . 762 Gibson, Maud Alice. . . . 76. Gibson, Pauline Ida 764 Gibson, Ruth Irene 76,? Gibson, Thomas H 64.S Goodell, iMary A 89 Gould, Mar}' 35 « Graves, Dr. George ^58 Graves, George Ezra. . . . 554 Graves, Harriet Maria. . . 556 Graves, James Weather- wax 555 88 Greene, Jane Green, Powers, 261 Hall, Emma Lillian 328 Hames, Euphemia 200 Hare, Hortense 442 Hare, Josephine 146 Harkness, Helen Louisa. 77' Harkness, J 665 Harkness, Marjorie Esther 772 388 686 Harper, James Harper, Jennie Harris, Thomas H 647 Harter, Katharina '5 Hartle, Elizabeth 6 Hasbrook, Carrie -M 265 Hawkins, Charles 45° Heath, Alonzo 588 5«7 299 Heath, .\nnette Heath, Morris Heath, Parmelia 40 Hendricks. Emma Eunice 25 iB Hendricks, Harry Elmer. 543 Hendricks, Helen -•Vnnette 249 Hendricks, Jacob F 58 Hendricks, James E.... 540 Hendricks, Jane 25 1-256 Hendricks, John B 541 Hendricks, Leo 750 Hendricks, Martha 251A Hendricks, Martha Marguerite 752 Hendricks, Mary Madelena 751 Hendricks, Myrtle 749 Hendricks, Susan 250 Hendricks,Wilfred Elliott 542 Hendricks, William 248 Herkimer, Delia 18 Hewitt, Charlotte 247 Hines, 340 Hines, Abram 98 Hines, Catharine 94 Hines, Coulogne W 345 Hines, Dorothy .\ 99 Hines, Elizabeth 97 Hines, George H 100 Hines, James 96 Hines, Mary M 95 Hines, Nancy C loi Hines, Rebecca Ruth.. . . 617 Hines, William 19 Hines, William Feeter. . . 93 117 INDEX. Hooley, Marv 649 82 Hopson, Lizzie M 259 Howard, Helen 640 Howard, William L . 364 Howe, Anna Mayme . . . . 632 Howe, Lewis B • 356 Howe, Raymond R . 631 Hughes, William 112 Hughes, William Reed . 350 Hungerford, Ada A 242 Hutchcroft, Jane 180 IngersoU, Ola 569 Tncrham Ad die 216 Ingraham, Horace 431 Ives, Gertrude C .. 263 James, Abbie W IIS Jobson, James W 245 Johnson, Catharine 37 Johnson, Edwin 515 Johnson, Mabel 718 Johnston, Letitia 171 Jones, Agnes French . . . . 643 Jones, J. Floyd .368-644 Judge, Rose 380 Kanoff, Margaret 24 Keck, Abba Ann 700 Keck, Catharine 136 Keck, Demetrius 420 Keck, Elizabeth •133-418 Keck, Henry 137 Keck, Hiram 419 Keck, Isaac 26-135 Keck, Jane 416 Keck, Margaret 134-701 Keck, Mary Ann 702 Keck, Moses 131 Keck, William 132-417-703 Keller, Charles S 311 Keller, Israel 241 Keller, Marietta 253 Keys, Mary 189 Keyser, Johannis, Sr. . . . 12 Keyser, Johannis 12 Keyser, Margaret 12 Keyser, Mary 12 Kilts, William 314 Knight, Hall Dorr 303 Knight, Mabel D 590 Lasher, Hazard 358-634 Lasher, Robert Reed. . . . 633 Laughlin, Alon Peter. . . . 460 Laughlin, Edward 151 Laughlin, Franklin 461 Laughlin, Norman 45S Laughlin, Walter Alexan- der 459 Lavis, Melissa 3S9 Lewis, John 714 Lindley, Jessie 649 Locke, Anna 191 Lorton, Mary Jane 76 Loucks, Ella M 266 118 INDEX. McChesney, James V... McChesney, Nellie McChesney, Robert McCormick, McCormick, Florence McCormick, Frank Jr... McCormick, Frank Augustus McCormick, George McCormick, Howard.... McCormick, Nattie McCormick, Nellie McCormick, Wilbur Fish McDonald, Alice E McDonald, B. .\nan Mcr)onald, Edwin S McDonald, George C... McDonald, John .•\ McDonald, Lydia .\ McDonald, Margaret E. . McDonald, Martha L... McDonald, Mary Ellen.. McDonald, Patrick McDonald, I'. Elgin McDonald, William Albert McFadden, Margaret... McGuire, Nellie Mcintosh, Elizabeth .... McKinster, Harriet McMillan, .Mexander. . . . McMillan, Edward McMillan, Elizabeth McMillan, George 569 McMillan, William...... 570 McMullagan, Ann 268 McNeill, Jane 55 Marcelis, Lillie L 507 Marcy, Cornelia 503 Marcy, Esther Childs Marcy, Henry Childs 231 Marcy, William Lake 505 Marcy. William T 506 Marks, Agnes Olivia.... 502 Marsh, Catharina 504 .Melvin, Winnie 232 Merkley, 412 Millar, Ellen Grace 405 Millar, Gladys Luella 41 1 Carman 407 Millar, John W 413 Moody, Alfred Eugene. . 410 .Moody, Charles Wesley.. 404 Moody, Edmund W 408 Moody, Emma 403 Moody, George Duane.. 128 Moody, William .Adelbert 4o() Moody, William Nelson. Munroe, Solomon 409 Murphy, Elizabeth 29 Myers, Edward 704 Myers, Elizabeth 409 Myers, James 14 Myers, Margaret 392 Myers, Mar}- 126 Myers, General Michael. 395 Myers, Philip 393 Myers, William 394 36 139 390 26r 560 559 262 63 385 123 312 7" 768 769 <''53 445 440 141 443 444 441 442 31 75 712 7'3 7" IS 714 '5 424 715 119 INDEX. Nellis, Mary M 76 Nelson, Carrie 206 Nelson, Earl B 615-748 Nelson, Eugene 3-9 Nelson, Eugene A 531 Nelson, John Barrie 536 Nelson, Leland N 53^ Nelson, Lillie B 535 Nelson, Orville D 530 Nelson, Roselle 533 Nelson, Stanton 534 Nelson, Walter 246 Nelson, William H 529 Nisley, Sarah 429 Norris, Mary 423 Orlosha, Otto 434 Page, Will C 324 Palmer, Aletta Beatrice. 747 Palmer, Stephen 524 Peck, Edward 25 1 A Peck, Hendricks 549 Petrie, Cordelia Isabel.. 619 Petrie, George A 346 Petrie, Margaret 620 Petrie, Maria Elizabeth. . 5 Petrie, Reuben 106 Pickert, Catharine Ann. . 252 Pickert, Cynthia Ann... 254 Pickert, Frank K 550 Pickert, George 233 Pickert, Harry W 551 Pickert, James 235 Pickert, Joel 253 Pickert, Joseph 56 Pickert, Mary 236 Pickert, Mary Ellen 255 Pickert, Morgan 238 Pickert, Norman 237 Pickert, Samuel 59 Pickert, William 234 Pierce, Nettie J 648 Pillmore, Robert M 367 Pitts, Agnes 3S9 Pitts, Agnes Elmina 673 Pitts, Effie Viola 674 Pitts, Robert E 382 Pitts, Roland Wilberforce 675 Post, Henry 236 Putman, P. W 41 Putman, William Henry. 210 Potter, Hannah 21 Potter, Isabel 37 Potter, John 37 Potter, Robert 37-37-37 Quinn, Albert Edward. . . 648 Quinn, Alice L. E 645 Quinn, Goldie Jessie. .. . 766 Quinn, Henry 377 Quinn, James Josiah ... . 649 Quinn, Jeanette Maude. 767 Quinn, Jesse W. A 646 Quinn, John ^Vesley.... 650 Quinn, Maud Martha... 647 Quinn, Minnie Lois 765 Rankins, Eugene V 626 120 INDEX. Rankins, George J 35 i Rankins, Joseph 1 13-625 Rankins, Martha Louisa. 623 Rankins, Maurice 624 Ransom, Leah Hendricks 545 Ransom, Mary Olive.... 544 Ransom, William 249 Reckard, Nellie 352 Reed, Charles P 354 Reed, Eleanor Caldwell. 356 Reed, Fanny Perry 355 Reed, George Feeter 357 Reed, Mary Hart 358 Reed, Philo 114 Rice, Herman Feeter... 490 Rice, Joseph Tutile 211 Rice, William Josiah.... 491 Roberts, .Nathan 134 Robinson, .\lice 571 Robinson, James 572 Robinson, Jennie 573 Robinson, Nero 279 Robinson, Victor 574 Roof, Jennie 326 Root, 97 Root, Will A 343 Rosecrantz, Catharine M 78 Rust, Elizabeth 433 Rust, M 448 Rutherford, Charles Her- bert 683 Rutherford, Frederick .VUen 684 Rutherford, Isabel 391 Rutherford, Joseph 387 Rutherford, Margaret... 386 Rutherford, Mary Eliza- beth 682 Rutherford, Nellie Mar- garet 685 Sands, L. C. Jr 486 Sands, Margaret A 739 Sanford, Sarah 233 Scanlon, Anna 541 Schoonhoven, 95 Schoonhoven, .\daniram Judson 341 Schoonhoven, Charles Avert 338 Schoonhoven, George W. 337 Schoonhoven, Gertrude E 342 Schoonhoven, Henry B... 339 Schoonhoven, May E 616 Schoonhoven, Nancy Elizabeth 340 Schoonhoven, Rebecca Layton 336 Schoonhoven, Thomas L. 618 Schoonhoven, William Henry 335 Schultz, Frederick S 673 Scott, .'Vnne . . 36 Scott, Anna Cornelia. ... 55 Scott, Belle 227 Scott, Catharina 53 ISl INDEX. Scott, Elizabeth 48 Scott, George Henry. ... 49 Scott, Jacob 13-46 Scott, James 51-226 Scott, Lucas 52 Scott, Louisa 221 Scott, Mary 50 Scott, Moses 47 Scott, Nancy 54 Scott, Nettie 228 Scott, Robert 225 Scott, Voltaire 217 Scott, Walter E., 112 Scott, William 45-229 Scott, Winfield 218 Service, Edwin 709 Service, Elizabeth 710 Service, Lena i Service, Maria Eva i Service, Melissa 425 Service, Nancy 417 Service, Peter i Service, Reuben 422 Service, William Gordon. 136 Sharpe, Ellen 703 Shaver, Elizabeth 11 Shaver, James 416 Shaver, Pauline 173 Shelhamer, LucindaE... 243 Sherman, Ellen 379 Sherman, John 722 Shoemaker, Jeanette.... 313 Sidders, Hattie 446 Small, Cynthia 37 Small, Cynthia Eliza 114 Small, George Feeter. .. . 115 Small, Jacob 1 21 Small, Jacob 2 21 Small, Jacob 8 21 Small, Maria Elizabeth.. 112 Small, Martha Maria.... 113 Smith, John 87 Smith, Josephine 304 Smith, Katie Josephine.. 595 Smith, Libbie Gertrude. . 306 Smith, Mary E 109 Smith, Millard Fillmore.. 305 Smith, Roxy Ann 85 Smith, Zelma Gertrude.. 596 Snell, 48-219 Snell, Barbara 243 Snell, Chloe 220 Snell, Eliza 500 Snell, George Jr 501 Snell, George Washington 219 Snell, Julia 499 Somers, Anne 708 Somers, James 706 Somers, Jane 705 Somers, John ... 704 Somers, P 421 Somers Thomas 707 Stanford, Dinah 27 Stanton, Addie Eve 524 Stanton, Anna Belle. ... . 525 Stanton, Anna Maria... 516 Stanton, Charles Adams. 514 Stanton, Clark Warren.. 526 122 INDEX. Stanton, Claude Merle.. 519 Stanton, Cora Ann 523 Stanton, Daniel Freeman 522 Stanton, Dora B 537 Stanton, Elijah 57 Stanton, Elizabeth 246 Stanton, Ennily 245 Stanton. Emma Elizabeth 515 Stanton, Fred Elijah 538 Stanton, Freeman 240 Stanton, Genie 530 Stanton, George Henry. 243 Stanton, George Hewitt. 539 Stanton, George Leo . .1. . 528 Sunton, Gertie 521 Stanton, James S 242 Stanton, John Warren. . . 247 Stanton, Katharine 239 Stanton, Martha Anna.. 241 Stanton, Vera 527 Stanton, Michael M 844 Stanton, Waldo William. 518 Stanton, Walter Elijah. . . 517 Starin, Elizabeth 207 Staring, Adam 73 Staring, Carmelia 584 Staring, Caroline 280 Staring, Caroline E 74 Staring, Catharine .... 14-S0-287 Staring, Charles 272-290 Staring, Charles E 79 Staring, Charlotte 291 Staring, Charlotte S 275 Staring, Frank 2S6 Staring, Frederick 82-298 Staring, Genevieve 585 Staring, George 281-288 Staring, George Henry.. 75 Staring, George S 276 Staring, Ida A 296 Staring, John 81 Staring, John Creighton. 575 Staring, Joseph 273 Staring, Katie S 278 Staring, Lena P 289 Staring, Liliie May 583 Staring, Louisa 274 Staring, Mary Jane 279 SUring, Melissa 285 Staring, Nancy 284 Staring, Nellie 297 Staring, Peter 17-77-277 Staring, Peter .\bram... 78 Staring, Peter A 283 Staring, Ralph 586 Staring, Stephen F 582 Staring, Susan E 83 Staring, William C 282 Staring, William Wallace 76 Steele, .\delbert 587 Steele, Blanche Margaret 760 Steele, De Etta E 92 Stevens, Harry 353 Stevens, Harry L 628 Stevens, William 113 Stevens, William Jr 352 Stevens, Willie M 627 Stewart, Elva 142 123 INDEX. Strader, Mary Storrs, Lillie May Storrs, Walter Strough, Juanita V Strough, Oliver Suiter, James A Sumner, Elizabeth Sumner, Ella Sumner, Rada Sumner, Stewart D Talbot, Emma Talmadge, Willard Thompson, Cornelia Thompson, Mary Timmerman, Betsey .... Timmerman, Daniel Timmerman, Kitty Timmerman, Mary Timmerman, Nancy Timmerman, Urial Timmerman, Washington Timmerman, William. . . . Timmerman, Zenew Toussault, Amelia Toussault, Edward Toussault, John Toussault, Nelson Truax, George Truax, Mabel V Turrill, F. B Van Slyke, Amanda Von Alton, Countess Dorothea Vetter, Anna 406 Vetter, Anna Catharina. . 455 Vetter, Christine 148 Vetter, Elizabeth 740 Vetter, Hanyost 50S Vetter, John 300 Vetter, Lucas 448 Vetter, Philip 449 450 Wacker, Agnes 1 44 Wacker, Jacob. 298 Wakefield, Charlotte 310 Wakefield, Mabel 30 Wakeman, ^\'ard 184 Walker, Alfred 66 Walker, Nancy 16 Wallace, Alford 215 Wallace, Anson 67 Wallace, Byron 68 Wallace, Elizabeth 71 Wallace, Ellen 70 Wallace, Emily 72 Wallace, Gordon 69 Wallace, Henry 773 Wallace, Ida 774 Wallace, James 775 Wallace, John 700 Wallace, Margaret 511 Wallace, William 743 Walrath, Christina 372 Walrath, Florence 235 Walrath, John T Walrath, Katharine Mar- 384 garet 7 Walrath, Madge Irene.. 1S4 4 10 9 3 2 I I I 149 15° 347 121 372 718 717 719 427 424 421 426 428 716 425 JO 422 423 90 580 2S5 579 578 INDEX. Walrath, Staring J 577 Walrath, Harley Nelson. 738 Walrath, Melton 439 Warren, Edna 576 Warren, Halsey W 284 Waters, Harold Churchill 759 Waters. Stephen Charles. 570 Weatherwax, George Dean 558 Weatherwax, Harriet L. . 258 Weatherwax, Jatnes F. . . 259 Weatherwax, James H. . . 6j Weatherwax, James Hop- son 557 Weatherwax, J. Koscoe.. 260 Weatherwax, .Margaret.. 208 Webb, Persis 717 Welsh, Louisa 429 Welsh, Philip 773 Wilder, Sarah 37 Windecker, Elizabeth P. 79 Wing, Mary V 333 Wing, Orlando H 334 Wing, Washington 94 Wing, William H 332 Wright, .\nna 742 Wright, Elmer Egbert. . . 741 Wright, Horace 43 Wright, Lewis 509 Wright, Ursula 43 Wood, Fannii; O 550 Young, Archibald 209 Young, Clara 487 Young, Horace Freeman. 489 Young, Marion 488 125 80 %/ ^m^^ %,^ ;aK^ \/ :mm^ -v^^ -\^ -'^ '"\ %/ ,VS«V, \/ ,^;. ^^^ ,) V i .■ '' "-^ f %,/ ^^^^% X./ ;-^^^^'''" %/ /^*^^^ >./^ Mfh %/ f} V? ^-i> o-.v./^ .^^-J-, '. ,. ,.. ^ '^. 'X :■< '■ V r/.';.;;^/^o ./^^-i^^-^i, ,o^\.r-%'o^ / .'4i:^V V "■h v^ t.^^^ c ' 1 ■•-■-■ - -■- s 0^ A"'' <.'"-' \> - ^^=i^ ... 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