Boo k - n ' 7 Gopyriglit]^? COFXRICHT DEPOSir. I Biographical History OF IHi; Manufacturers AND Business Men «^ Rhode Island AT THE OPENING OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY JOSEPH D. HALL, Jr., Editor 1901 J. D. HALL & CO., Publishers PROVIDENCE, R. I. THE LI»R*«i' «^ CONGRESS. Twu CorNU HtctivtB JAN. 30 1802 CO^HlOMT ENTHt COPY a Copyiiulu, igiji. !y J. I). ll.AI.l. \' (-()., rii>\i(lcnce, 1\ I PREFACE. The men who carry on the manufacturing business to the extent of about one hundred and fift\' millions of dollars aniuially, in a State where the [jopulation is less than half a million, and others who are successfully utilizing many more millions in the various avenues of trade in close touch with manufacturing are worthy of a place in the records of events. It is, therefore, the object of this book to record their names in coflveilieiit form foiAfutiire reference, so that their achieve- ments maybe known ami their life wofk made a blessing to the futiu'e generations of Rhode Island. ; No records of a general character have ever been made of the men who held the imjjortant reins of commerce in our .State tiuring the jnist hundred years, and consecjuently there are few re- liable st>urces of information that gi\'e the results of the labors of the busy men who shajied its business affairs, rounding out a centur)' of progress that may well be looked u])on as marvellous. Few states in any country can record such a ra])id advance. To atone somewhat for errors of the past, and to make ample provision for the future, this publication is issued. A [)roduction combining the highest degree of perfection that the engrax - ers and printers arts have developed, with a fund of information that may be relied upon as accu- rate in every detail, each item being carefully revised by the editor and verified by data furnished by each individual manufacturer. It is intended to give concise biographical records so tar as they pertain to their business career, the kind of manufacturing and the amount of business carried on by each, the capital in- vested, growth, improvement in methods, number of emi>loyi'S, and any other vuluable information that may be offered, together with halftone portraits and plates of manufacturing plants and their proiluctions. Portraits and articles inserted in this book are not for the purpose of exalting any person, but simj)])' to show the faces of a goodly number of our manufacturers doing business the first year of the new century and to give a plain statement of facts relating to their productions. Their own achievements must sing their praises. No greater legacy can be handed down to posterity than a record of individual acquirements, so plainly written as to enable others to profit thereb)', and improve u])on if ];)Ossible. What would the world do to-day without a knowledge of the attainments of men like l<"ranklin, Morse and Mdison.' The majority of men do not reach such high planes, but there is scarcely a man of busi- nes, no matter what line he may represent, if he be a thinking man, who has not a few ideas that are worthy of emulation. THE I'UHI.I.-^IIKRS. l^l" "or many years the business remained on the tlie wall oi one ot the upper rooms oi the (ior- site upon which it was first established by Mr. ham Uompan}' at Hroadway and iijtli street, Cioiham ; additional projierty beinj; from time Xew York, in its sim]ile, old fashioned frame, to time acquired as the business increased until lianas an old en!j;ravinjj dating from the early the entire block was occupied, the hotel itself veais ot the centurw This e.\am])le of the skill hein<;- e\'entually absorbed ; but the limit of ex- ol some loiii; dead [irovincial en_i;ra\er, thou<;h tension in this locality was at length reached, cherished with care, has little, ])erhaps, to com and, still more room being needeil, in iSSy the mciid it as a work of art. It is a \iew ol what, present enormous factiu'y was erected in a suit- able ])osition on the \ •JH'.' at that tune, was one of the leading hotels ol I'rovitlence: "The American 1 louse, by Richard Smith, cor ner of Xmth Main and Steeple streets, opposite the P'irst liahlist (sic. I Meet- ing 1 louse, ' as is care- lull\ set t(}rth in its title. It is a sini[)le, toui' sipiare, l)uil(Jing, whose style bespeaks the date ol its con- stiuctioii. It is not. iio\ve\'ei-, the hotel it- sell, l.iit the little gambicl iiiofcd dwell ing house in its rear, but a stone's throw np Steeple street, which gi\es to the engr.uing its interest tor t he ( inrham Uom- p.iny ■ \cr<]>s the gable of this little house runs a sign."( ioi ham, Web- ster \- I'nce, Silver .Spoons and |euelr\-.'' I leic it wa> that in i.'^.ii Mr (.orham ,idded to Ins Inrmer birsiness of leweller the nKinutactuie of siberware — a mannf.ictnie whirh, necess.uil)- conducted on a most limited St-. lie, had as its basis the princi|)les of commei- ( ial integrity .nid honest craftsmanship. Imoui this niiMlcst beginning the lousiness has steadily selves in their own Iniilding in the s.ime head- grown, until today the (loiham ('om|)any quarters of the jewelrv tiade : in 1S71 .1 mo\e stainis among the loremost ol the in'ominent made to P.ond street : in 1S77 they were ni.innl.ictnring estahlishinents in this tciuntry of housed further u[i town, in Union .Stpiare ; while gi eat enterprises. in 1SS4 a further u|)waril mo\'ement was made a?-***:*:*-* .-*'♦>?. ■W.-VM.- ^.>»>>^ Chalice in Sterliivi Silver. Gorham Mfg. Co. )ital. outskirts of the city. 1 1 ere are a few tig- ures showing the continuous and rapid growth of the busi- ness: In the year 1 85 J, some twenty years after its estab- lishment, the total capital ot ihe tirm was S 1 ; ten years later this had grown to :> 100,000. In iSo:;, when the present coin|)an)- was incor|iorated (this in- coi'poiat ion becoming operative two \ears later), its capital was h.xed at S 300,000. In KS7J this was again enlarged to > 1 . At the present time the compaiu' has an authoii/ed capital of $5,000,000, of which $4,200,1100 has been issued and is em- ploved in its busi- ness. The inci'ease ot business has kept ]).ice with the in- The continuous "Towth of creasf ol cap the concern is .dso shown by the changes which it has made Irom time to time in its .\ew N'ork head(piaiters. Beginning with modest cham- bers in Maiden Lane, in i8^i)the\' found them- s lO HI< )(.K.\rilIC.\l. lllSldRN (i|- 111!'; M .\.\ I ' l-'ACTl / R I;RS to Hruadway and loth street, where their present hea(K|iiarters tiirm one 111 the arehiteetural tea- tures ol New ^'oIk City- During the yieater ])art ol this time however, they ha\e still main- tained a store in Maiden Lane, and their uhnle sale and retail trade there now forms an impor tant feature of the business. It must, iiowever. he borne in tiiinil t h, it ,i \er\' large part ol the out[nit of tlie ( C'oni]ian\' finds its way ti> the public through the retail jewellers' estab lishiiients throughout the I'nited .States. l-"or hall a eentui)' the relations between the eom- p.ui\' and the le.idini; houses thidughout the eountiy ha\'e been most cordial l'erha]is the most marked illust i.ition ol the ekill. In iS;j llcniy L. W'cb Joseph B. Kmiwlus. stcr, a practical sih c-rstiiilh, and Josciih \'>. Knowles, a piaclical jeweler, uniteil llieir skill and forces and founded the lirni ot 11. I, Web- ster & Company, the ancestor ot the suhiect of this sketch. They started m business on Meetnig Street, ui the rear of what is now known as the Lons- dale l^lock. They nianutactured s]>oons by hand, for_i;in.L; them from the stock as the custom then was. The ([Uality of their work was the jire^'ailin.i.:; one of coin, as the l-j\!;lish st.ind.ird ot Sterling; was not introduced into this country until 1S5:; and did iu)t come into univer.sal among manufacturers lor several years. i he lirm ado|)ted the new standard in common with other maniifactureis, and since then their trade mark has stiKJil for Sterling Silver only. The practical ability ot the two men asserted itself in two ways, l-iist, m having firstclass workmen, and second, in establishing an appren- tice svstem. The re!)ulation ot the house has always rested on their tl.itware production and is, to-day, secontl to none in tliis c(]untry. In |S;4 the tactory was moved to the Tingley Build- ing on South Main Street; in 1S58 to I'kldy and Miil'lle Streets and the liriu name was changed to Ku'iwles & l.add; in 1 SfiS they mo\ etl to iJ5 I'me .'-street and the name, through changes, be- came I. H. ^; .S. iM. Knowles. In 1891 on the the death ot j. H. Knowles, tlie tirm was incor porated as the I. 1! iH: .S. M. Knowles Company, and in iSi)4 moved to their jnesent location in the Talcot Huilding, 91 Sabin Street, where with increased ol'lice and factory facilities they are Ix'tter able to take caie of the growing business. The line of patterns manufacturen null ■■'■\ ^ ,1. iiii-: M.\\ri-.\("TrKi:RS ihe ,.iii;mal name liy whicli it had previously received a charter Irom the Slate, and organized with I'homas 1, iiill as I'residenl and Treasurer, All'cit Hill, his sun, as Secretary, and Cieorge Hazard as A-ent and Manager. Throughout his entire business lite, while he was the pro- incitei "t and interested in many enterprises, Mr. Hill made the business ol the i'rovidence Ma- chine Co. the special object of his attention, born in r.iwtucket, K. I.. March 4, ■ ■ I'rovidence. July J4, i^^'M- William r. I'eirce, now tl'ie I'lesident^ and ,,1 the I'rovidence Machine Co., a -nandsonol Ihonias J. Hill, who was the found- cr'ol thecHupany. born m New Bedford, Mass.. November Ji, 1 S"3 Received his early education m the public schools <.f his native ipleted ,1 business course in War- it I'rovidence. .After teviving school he entered I'-rown .N Sharpe Mfg. C, ,,F I'n.vidence. to learn the trade of a ma- rhii'n-t. an.l served three years. He then en- tered the w,.rks ot the company that he is now at the head ol, as a journeyman. and grew uji with the business, working in nearly all of the de- Mr. Hil lS(.i5 ; died in A'i 1 easurer town, and comi ner's Hiisiness College, Thomas J. HiU. that was owned and operated 111 I'rovidence by .Samuel Slater. In u'^.^c' Thomas J. Hill be came foreman of this machine shop, and in lS.^4 he bought an interest in the business, the pre sent name ol the company lieing a incorporated under WUliam C. Pence. partmen-.s. l-aitermg as a workman in 1SS4. in l,S,S5 he was admitted to the tirm and became Superintendent, .md in 1804 he was elected the AMD BUSINKSS MKN OF RllOUl': ISLAND. 17 Agent of the company. After Mr. nill'.s death in 1894, Mr. I'eirce was elected President and Treasurer of the company, in which capacity he now serves. He is President of the I-Ilizabeth Mills, director in Equitable Fire and Marine In- surance Co., and in the City Savings Bank ; member Providence Board of Trade and of the New luigland Cotton Manufacturers' Associa- tion. While the business of the company has continued to thrive under Mr. Peirce's manage- ment, the most important service he has ren- completed in 1896. Since then they have ])r()ven their great sujjeriority over the old style roving frame, and the demand for them is be- coming quite general. The entire plant of the company is now devoted to the manufacture of roving machines. The principal features of the new machine are saving in weight and power, and superior work, the roving being laid more evenly owing to the fact that the rail, being jiroperly balanced throughout the entire set, there is no unnecessary dwell at the changes of I 1^^- Plant of the Providence Machine Company, Eddy Street. dered the concern he represents and the manu- facturers of cotton goods at large, lies in the patented roving machine with self-balanced rail, that he has recently brought out, the patent be- ing granted in 1899. This new roving frame may well be ranked among the best and most successful inventions and improvements in cot- ton working machinery that have been brought out during the nineteenth century. Many at- tempts had been made to invent a similar ma- chine, but without success. The first of these new rovin Dudley street. Providence. John P. Carl Weis, a native of Dorchester, Mass., is ])roprietor. ^ 20 HIOGKArilUAl, IllS'lORV Ol" Till'. M ANUFACTUR KKS Nicholson File Company.— The Nicholson l-'ile (dmi);uiy ol I'rovidence was established by William '!'. Nicholson in 1S64, during the Civil War— a time unfavorable for the inception nf new enterprises. All pro\-ious attempts ti> es- tablish a machine-cutting file plant had failed, so that the belief had become almost universal among manufacturers and users of tiles that the hand-made file would hold the field indetinitely. In tace of this condition of affairs Mr. Nichol- son, by his own genius and perseverance, suc- cessfully tleveloped the industry. The Nichol- son I-"ile Company was incorporated in 1 S64. and for a considerable business of the J. l^arton .Smith Company of Philadelphia, I'a., was purchased. The com- pany at present operates si.\ distinct factories, two of which are located in Rhode Island, and one each in the States of New Jersey, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Ohio, where are manufac- tured eight distinct factory brands. The pres- ent capacity of this company's output amounts to civer ten thousand dozen files and rasps daily, and finds emjiloyment for nearly twenty-five huiulred hands, making it the dominant com- pany in the file and rasji trade of the world, and giving it the control of about So per cent, of the file jiroduct of this period i t s progress was slow, but the merits of Mr. Nichol- son's invention anil the cor)sec)uent e.xcel lence of the com- pany's product at lenglli brought sue cess. Its plant was enlarged l)y the addi- tion of new buildings; a factor)' for the niak ing of " .\. I*.. " or jewelers' and fine tool workers' files, was budt; and at his death, in i^fy,v the N icholson bile Coni- ])any was the largest tile-making concern ill tiie world. In i)0 the manufac- tured products represented a great variety, many ot which are not manufactured here at the present time. They included beaver and felt hats, this industry beginning as early as 1730 ; saddles antl harness, boots and shoes, tan- neries, woolen cloth woven on hand looms, nails, gin, shovels, scythes, axes and drawing knives, clocks, chocolate, soap, candles, carriages, gloves, and other articles, which made Rhode Island (|uite a formidable rival to the State of Connecticut in the variety of its manufactures. The great jewelry manufacturing and silver- smiths' business of the cit) was begun by .Seril Dodge in i7,SiS, who manufactured silver shoe buckles, two doors north ol the Hajitist Meeting I louse on \orth Main street, and .Saunder Pit- man soon after manntact ured a similar line of goods on North Main street. This street was the Westminster street c)f the town for that period and tor tn.iny years afterwards so far as business was conccrnetl. It was by far the greatest business thoroughf^ire of the place. Mzekiel and W illiam Hurr larrieil on the busi- ness of sihersmiths in 171JJ, near the Haptist Meeting House, on the same street, and Nehemiah Dodge in the same year was manu- f.'uturing gold rings, fancy jewelry and siKer- ware. I-'rom that time on to the [present the jewelry manufacturing business developed a stead)' growth until now there are upwards of two hundred concerns within the city limits, making e\ery kind of jewelry in gold, silver and brass tliat can ])ossibly be concei\'ed of. in ])at- terns and styles of every description, Ironi the cheapest [irize [lackage productions to the most expensive diamond jewelry. This, to-day, is one of the greatest manufacturing industries of the city, together with silver manufacturing. The other great itulustries are textile and machinery. 'I'hese three form a giant trio in the line of manufactures that has placed the city of Provi- dence well to the front of the m.inufacturing cities of the world, and which have become so much of a fixture here, built upon such solid foundations, there is no possibility of the city ever losing these industries, at least while com- mercial conditions remain as favorable as they ha\'e been during the past century. After Samuel Slater perfected his spinning frame there were a few men in the city who made use of his invention. In 1820 there were five cotton mills and two woolen mills within the city limits, together with two bleachmg estab- lishments and three dye houses. The Provi- dence Woolen Mill was the most complete and extensive plant of all, which was built in icSij, producing fine broadcloths, the [lower for the mill being supplied by steam. In i8::o there were numerous manufacturing concerns in the textile line whose business headquarters were located in the city of Providence, but whose factories were located in different towns through- out the State, much as they are at the present time. A century ago the manufacturing in- dustries were mostly small as com[iared with those of the |iresent time, although they were considered quite extensive for those days. .\ dozen ordinary cotton factories, such as were in oi^eration in the State sixty years ago, could all be swallowed up in the Royal Mill of Ri\'er Point, or the Manville Co.'s Mill of Manville. [n other lines of manufactures the growth has been et|ually large. The Gorham Mfg. Co., for instance, emjiloyed forty hands in 1852; at present thev emiiloy o\er one thousand eight hundred. The i^rown & Shar[)e IMfg. Co. cm- ployed twenty men in 1S57; to-day they em[iloy more than two thousand. And so the business increased in volume more or less in every man- ufacturing plant within the city limits, until at present several hundred plants can be numbered where large forces of workmen are employed, where fifty years ago only a handful of men were re(|uired to operate each establishment. AND 15USINKSS MEN U1-" RHODE ISLAND. 23 Bourn Rubber Co. — Manufacturers of rubber boots and shoes. Business established in 1840 by Bourn & Winslovv. Incorporated in 1901. Capitalized for $100,000. I^mploy 250 hands. Works located at 49 to 63 VVestfield street, Providence. Officers : Augustus O. Bourn, President and Treasurer; Harold H. Bedell, Secretary. Augustus O. Bourn was born in Providence, October i, 1834. He received his early education in the public schools of Provi- dence, and in September, 1851, he entered Brown University, graduating m 1855. l^pon The changes in the company management are as follows : Bourn & W'inslow, 1840 to 1842 ; George O. Bourn, 1842 to 1847: Bourn & Brown, 1847 to 1851 ; Bourn, Brown & Chaffee, 1 85 1 to 1 861 ; Providence Rubber Co., incor- porated 1861 ; reorganized in 1894, as the Bourn Rubber Co., and incorporated under that name in 1901. Oriental Mills, (J. P. Campbell & Co.)^The Oriental Mills, at the north end of I'rovidence, have been over thirty years in existence, and is one of the oldest establishments in the city en- leaving college, he began manufacturing rubber gaged in the manufacture of cotton cloth, goods with his father, and upon his death in 1859, took his father's place in the firm. After Mr continuing in this busi- ness until 1864, he then founded the National Rubber Co. of Bristol, R. I., (now the Na- tional India Rubber Co.) and was its Treas- urer from 1865 to 1887. This establishment be- came the principal in- dustry of the town, and it still enjoys that dis- tinction. The Provi- dence concern was merged in the new company at Bristol in 1867, and was reestab- lished in Its present location in 1894. Mr. Bourn represented the town of Bristol in the Augustus 0. Bourn, Ex-Governor of Rhode Island. J. I'. Campbell acquired proprietorship of the ])roperty in 1894, as successor to Mr. Alfred Reed, the mill having been built by Mr. Reed's father. When Mr. Campbell pur- chased it, he at once set to work at over- hauling and entirely refitted the premises with the latest type of machinery and appli- ances. He started up in the manufacture of white cotton goods, si>lendidly equipped to lead competition, hav- ing introduced im- proved methods of pro- duction, with reduced cost of labor, thus benefitting the con- sumer in every respect. State Senate in 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880 and The buildings of the Oriental Mills aresubstan- 1881. In 1883 he was elected (Governor of the tial structures, conveniently located, and their State, and reelected in 1884. His administra- equipment includes 20,000 spindles, 500 looms, tion was one of the most progressive that the si.\ty-five carding machines, three pickers, etc. A force of 250 hands find employment here, pro- ducing an average of 1,500 pieces of white goods a week, si.xty yards to a piece. The firm sell all of their own goods direct to converters and dealers. The company also operate the Campbell Mills, engaged in the manufacture of fancy woolens at Potter Hill, Westerly, R. I., and the Belleville Manufacturing Co., manufacturers of fancy cassimeres at Wick- ford, R. I. State of Rhode Island has ever exjjerienced. He was Consul-General at Rome, Italy, from 1889 to 1893. The town of Bristol is indebted to Mr. Bourn for much of the success that it has enjoyed during the past three decades. The plant on Westfield street is ec|ui|)[ied with all of the modern rubber-working machinery, and the finest grade of rubber boots and shoes are made here and a great variety of patterns are turned out. 24 IMOCRAI'llKAI. IlISroRN' ol- Till'; M ANUFACTURKRS American Ship Windlass Co. — Maiuifactureis of all kinds of siiip windlasses, capstans and winches, steam, electric and hand ; the noted Shaw and Spiegel Patent Automatic Steam Towing Machine, which is the only automatic towing machine in existence; Automatic Steam Riding Windlasses for light-shiiis, working on the same principle as the towing machine ; Winter's Patent VVharl Drop (".earing; Babbitt Patent Stockless Anchors with S[)roat's patent improvement ; Barring engines, rubber hawse pipe stopper balls, rudder supporters, chain stoppers, clamps for hawseis, chain inilicators, and other marine a])- pliances. Works located at the corner of Waterman and East Rivet streets, Provi- dence. The business of this com]>an\- wa'- established in i''^.v. and from the begin- ning their |)ro(lucts have been in great dc mand throughout this and other countries. As the demand for their man u fa ct u re s grew still greater, the\- have from time to time eidarged their plant tn meet the increasing business, but the real boom that thecompau)' exj.ierienced (lid not come until after icS-5, when i-'rank S. .Man ton, the present man- Frank S. Manton ager, took control of the business. Mr. Man vessels of our modern navy with the " Provi- dence " windlasses, capstans, winches and the other aj)[)liances made by this company that aie necessary to the complete etpiipment of ui)-to- date men-of-war ; that the great majority of first-cIass steamers and sailing vessels of this country are making use of the machines of this company's manufacture, and that the suiieriority ot their manufactures has given them so great a re])Utation as to create an increased demand in foreign countries. This is the result of the energy displayed by Mr. Manton in his manage- ment ot the atTairs of the company during the past twenty-five years. About ten years ago the Shaw and Spiegel patent automatic steam towing machine was brought out, and it fell to Mr. Manton's lot to introduce this new in vention that was to revolutionize the sys- tem of towing. These machines are now a l)art of the regular business of the com- |ian)- and they form one of the most im- portant de|nirtments. These t<.> wing machines are so constructed as to make it iiii]iossible for a vessel being towed to break aw.iy uiuler stressof weather; it matters not how severe the storm, for ton, who served three years in i.i\il engineeiing belore connecting hitnself with this business in 1S75, had become thoroughly familiai^ with the products of the company, as well as the l)i'o;id held that these [iroducts were ad;ipte(l to sup ply. and on taking the man;igemetit heat once set to work to convince the shi|i builders (jI .\merica tiiat the winillasses and c.ii)st.uis and other marine appliances made b\- the Anieiican .Slii]] windlass Co. were superior to those ni;ule in this or any other country. As e\uience ot his success it is sufficient to say that the I'nited States (iovernment has sn|i|ilicd many o| the the cable pays out and is taken in automatic- ,illy, according to the strain that may be caused by the hea\y seas or the wind, or the slack that (■omes when the strain ceases, thereby e(|uali/,- ing the strain upon the hawser and making it perfectlv secure under all conilitions. These mai bines are now in use by the leading towing companies of this country and the demaml is constantl)' increasing. The plant wheie these |iroducti(ins are made is one of the largest in tiie city, and it is supplied with mie d the most perfect ]Miwer ])huits in New T'.ngland, There is no industry in the State that is more ot a i-iedit to the manufacturing ]iidgress that the AND BUSINESS MEN OK RHODE ISLAND. 25 State has made during the century just closed which is equipped with a powerful electric than the business carried on by the American travelling crane which handles with ease Ship Windlass Co. Mr. Manton is a native of the heavy castings used in their productions. Works of the American Ship Windlass Co., Cor. Waterman and East River Sts., Providence. Setting-Up Department of the American Ship Windlass Co. the city of Providence, having been born here This manufacturing concern, under Mr. Man- February 28, 1838. The accompanying cuts ton's management, has become one of the most give a good idea of the extent of the works, important of any in the State of Rhode Island The cut of the interior shows one of the and one that has aided in giving her a world- most complete setting-up rooms of the city, wide reputation as a manufacturing State. 26 HKXiKAl'IllCAI. IIISTom- ol' I'lll-: MAX('1"ACTIK1:RS Rumford Chemical Works. Manufacturers of culinary and medicinal preparations of the phos])hates including Rumford Kaking Powder, liorsford's Bread Preparation, Rumford Veast Pt)\vder, Horsford's Acid Phosphate, etc., and other sjiecial chemicals. The business was established in 1.S54 by (Jeorge !•". Wilson and Professor I'., \. Horsford. In iSjy the com[)any was iticorporateil as the Rumford Chemical Works, the name being given to the works and village where one of its plants is located, in honor of Count Rumford, the emi At the time of the beginning of the manufac- ture of the phosphatic products referred to, under the [latents of Professor Horsford, the only \irtue of any baking powder, yeast or other preparation for the raising of bread, was its power to make the dough light, none of them contributing anything of nutritious \alue. Professor Horsford's object was to produce a powder that would not only raise the dough, but also supply the nutritious elements so essential to the healthy condition of the human body, which are removed from fine white Hour during; """" ^ ^M^^^S RUMFORD CHEMICAL WORKS. Main Offices, Packing and Printing Departments, Providence, R. I. nent authority on the means of supplying nutri- tious food, who had founded at Harvard I'niver- sity a professorship for the [)ur])ose of teaching the utility of science, a chair which was occu- pied by Professor Horsford from iS47to 1865. In addition to the manufacturing ])lant, there are also located at Rumford, the comi)anv's bo.\ sho[) for making the bo.xes used in its business, its carpenter shop, machine shop, cooper shop, harness shoj), etc.; also a library established and endowed by the company for the free use of its employes, and one of its laboratories. The vil- lage is comjiosed largely of houses occupied or owned by its emjiloyes. the process of bolting. How well the Professor succeeded in accomplishing his object is shown by the statement of the late Baron Liebig of (jermany, one of the leading chemists of his time, who. in commenting upon this ])re])aration. said : "1 consider this invention as one of the most useful gifts which science has made to mankind It is certain that the nutri- tive value of tlour will be increased ten per cent, b)' this phosphatic preparation." The output of the works annually is sut'ficient to raise more than 150.000,000 pounds of Hour. Horsford's Acitl Phosphate is a li(iuid jirepar- ation of the phosphates in a form easily assimi- AND 15USINESS MEN OF RHODE ISLAND. 27 lated by the system. It is prescribed by physi- cians in nearly every part of the world for dis- orders of the nervous and digestive organs. The main offices, packing, shipping, printing, and binding departments for producing labels, circulars and pamphlets, etc., used in the busi- ness of the company, one of its laboratories and other departments, occupy the company's build- ing, covering an entire square in the city of Providence, R. I. The Rumford Chemical Woks has its branches and agencies in the prin- cipal cities of the United States ; also its repre- sentatives in most foreign countries where its products are well and favorably known. add to the attractiveness of the town which en-- joys so favorable a location to the city of Provi- dence The village is situated u[)on a level tract of land containing several hundred acres, the New \'ork, New Haven and Hartford Railroad |5assing through the centre of this tract, the Chemical Works being connected by a s]>ur track. Electric lines connect the place with the city of Providence, and every convenience is afforded the occupants of the village in the way of education, by both schools and churches. The highways are kept neat and attractive, and the many residences that have been built here by ])eople doing business in I'rovidence, add iisisiift*;;:; ,;rff.i _ : ^^^0^:i-^:^^^^^::^0m0'::^^^'^i, ^.. v^i*;,-^yi^ ■ RUMFORD CHEMICAL WORKS. Principal Manufacturing Plant Located at Rumford. R. I. The State of Rhode Island is noted for its at- tractive villages, which are in most cases built up and supported by one or more manufactur- ing establishments, which include Bristol, War- ren, Wakefield, Peace Dale, Westerly, Wick- ford, Pascoag, and many more, varying in size from a mere hamlet to a village approaching city proportions. But of all these attractive places there are none of them that surpass in many re- spects the village of Rumford, where a part of the plant of the Rumford Chemical Works is located, and which is named m honor of the establishment that gives the principal support to the place, and makes it possible for the peo- ple to build pleasant homes for themselves, and materially to the attractiveness of the ])lace that the employes of the Rumford Chemical Wt)rks have been largely instrumental in build- ing up by the cottages that they have erected round about the works, and which they are now the owners of in most instances. What Cheer Wire Works. — Manufacturers of wire goods, including bank and office railings, brass, iron and galvanized cloth, steel wire cloth for coal burning locomotives, wire window screens, tree guards, coal screens, etc. Busi- ness established in 1882. Works and office at 157 Dorrance street. Providence. John J. Bishop, the proprietor of the business, is a native of New York city. 28 HKXiRArillCAl, HISTORY OI" TIIK MANUFACTURKRS U. S. Gutta Percha Paint Co. — The maiui- tacturing industries of Providence are larger and more varied, as we believe, than most J. William Rice. ])eo])le are aware of. liuyers in this market of almost any line of goods can supply their wants at home readily ami more satisfactorily, so far as ipiality and price go, than in almost any othe?- market. This certainly is true of paints, tor ill addition to dealers, some of whom have done business here fiii;h this Suiulay Sclujol which is under Mr. Rices care. Mr. Rice is Treasurer of the ('<)n;;rcf;ati()nal liome M issinnary .Society 111 Rhude Island, and a di rector (it the Congre^^ational llome Missionary Society, which is a national or_i;ani/ation with headquarters in New N'oik city. Franklin Machine Co.— The tirst business es- talilislied on this site is said to have been tor the cardiiiLj ot wool some years jirior to 1800. Along about 181 J the princi])al iron foundry of the city was operated by David Wilkinson in this location, and the waters of the Moshassuck river were utilized for the operating of the bel- lows for the blast furnaces. If the business Moshassuck river, and contains between si.\ and seven acres of land, a great part of which is covered by its various shops and foundries, which have been added to from time to time tluring the century, as its increasing business demanded more e.xtended facilities. I""or many years the Moshassuck river furnished ]iart of the |iower for the works, but now it is supjilied by an e.vtensive steam [jlant. There are up- wards of 350 hands employe^!, when the works are o|)erateti to their full extent. The long and honorable life of this corporation is a inagniti- ccnt testimonial to the uprightness of its finan cial and mechanical o[)eraJ:ions. Olficers : John K. II. Nightingale, President: Mdgar (j. IJur- fee, Secretarv and Treasurer. iC*' Works ol the Franklin Machine Co., Charle.s Street, North End, Providence. was not at that time carried on under the name of the I'ranklin hurnace Co., it was soon after ; was incor])orated in 1836 as the I'"ranklin h'oun- (Iry and Machine Co., and reincorporated in I 88(1 as the I-'ranklin Machine Co., with .1 c.ipi- lalization of Si -'0,000. The principal business ot the company has been, Irom the heginning, the manufacture of cotton-mill maihinery, powei transmission machinery, special niachin ery, and iron castings, and the value of its pro (liictinii in these lines has been many millions of dollars. The location of the corporation is now, as always, at is known as the North Ijid in the city ol I'roxidence, Ironting on ( harles street, lioiinded bv Nichols street on the north, and 011 the east and south b\- the Ballou Yarn Co. — iManufacturers of machine threads, gassed yarns, and specialties. Husi- ness established in 1900 and incorporated the same year. Cajiitalized for ^50,000. Oflicers: (jeorge 11 Morison, President ; lulvvanl K. Hal- lou. Treasurer and Manager ; Lawrence ]>ond, Secretary. Works located in the I-"ranklin .Machine Co. Puilding at 189 Charles street, Provideiu'c. I^mploy about 75 hands. Mr. Halloii, the Manager of the business, is a nali\e ot Providence, where he was fiorn in J.iiui ary, 187... Schwarzkopf & Solinger. — Manufacturers of rolled plate and electro plated jewelry, including brooches, sc.irf-pins, rings, etc. iUisiness estab- lished in I S(;8 at loo Stewart street, their pres- ent locition being 9 Caleiuler street, Proviilence. The members of the hrm are Jacob .Schwarzkopf and Jacob .'-^olinger. 7\N'I) 15USINKSS MKN OF RHOUK ISLAND. 31 William Gilbane & Brother. — Maiuiiacturers of all kinds of builders' materials in wood ; con- tractors and builders. Husiness established in 1883 on Lippitt street, and in 1SS9 they estab- lished a plant on .Senter street, which was de- stroyed by fire on April 22, 1897. The same year they built their present works at 96 Harris he was born in September, 1842. Thomas 1*". (iilbane was born in Lincoln, K. L, November 5, 1854. Some of the largest buildings of the city were built by this comjiany, including the I^ast and West side High School buildings, the new wing of the Rhode Lsland Hospital, the new wing of the Butler Hospital, St. Joseph's William Gilbane & Bro.'s Plant, Harris Avenue, Providence. avenue. Providence, which is one of the largest planing mills in the State, where the concern manufacture doors, sash, blinds, moldings, and everything that is required in the line of build- ing materials. Power for the works is sup- ])lied by a 75-horse power Buck-I'^ye steam en- gine. Employ about two hundred hanils. William Gilbane is a native of Ireland, where Hospital, the Convent on Broad street, the car- penter work of the State Normal School, and many other structures within the State, and they are now building the .\dministration Build- ing for Brown University, together with the residence for President I-'aunce, the new dor- mitory, and the new Central i-'ire Station on I^xchange Place. 3-^ lUOCRArillCAl ISToin' ()!•■ Till'. MANn-ACTURl-.RS Clark Manufacturing Co. — Maiuil;ntuicrs of and dresses, luiiploy some 60 hands. In June, burial caskets ot e\cry SS, after a period of twenty-three years as the located at 50 Ashbiirton street, the office and si)le owner, I\lr. Clark had the business incor- wareroonis corner of Mathewson and Sabin porated, his four sons and himself foiminj; the streets, I'rovidence. Cut of the oflice buildinf; shown u[ion the opposite page, loliii L. Clark, the founder of tlie business, was born in the town of Chaplin, Conn., Dec. jj, 1S14. After being engaged in various manufacturing enter- prises for many years, among them being the furniture aiul undertaking business, he was corporation, 'i'he |)resent olTicers are John 1.. Clark, President; John !•'.. Clark, \'ice-l'resident : Albert II. Clark, Secretary, Treasurer and (Gen- eral Manager; William H. and l\. Louis Clark,. Directors. To meet the demands of the business- a down-town ollice, salesroom and warehouse has been estabhshed in the three story brick called to the city of I'rovidence in the early block at the corner of Mathewson and Sabin part of the year i.S()5 by the Itrm of Cleveland streets, which has been leased for a term of Brothers to take the management of the under years. I-'.lcgant parlors have been ojiened here taking branch of their business, and soon alter purchaseil the under taking de|)artment and carried on the business on his own account. In ;i few years he began to manufacture caskets ft)r the trade, and located his plant in the two and a hall story building known as the old luT- gine Building, just north of the I lolbrook Bros.' ]51ock at the j miction of North Main and Mill streets. After a few years new cjuarters were secured in the I''.arl I'. Mason Building, coiner of Smith and Charles streets, where steam ])ower was provided, which enabled him to John L Clark for the benefit of the undertakers of the city and vicinity. There are three floors and base- ment, each 60x60 feet. Jiasement devoted to storage, e.xcelsior, em- balming Huid, steam heater, etc.; first lloor, offices, salesrooms, ship- ping room; second floor, stock room for silks, satins and broadcloths, and other dry goods, also caskets boxed, etc.; third floor, cloth cover- ing and storage of un- covered cases. Building equipped with electric elevator. The general shipping will be done from this point, but the manufacturing will be done at the factory as before, with the excep- tion of suits, dresses, and casket linings. About begin to manufacture on a larger scale. Later secured one-h;ilf ol the Holbrook ]5ros.' Block on North Main street, but .^o hands are employed in the new building. Providence Electrotyping and Plating Works. -Manufacture metallic art work, which includes there being insufficient room on account of the increase of his business, he was again compelled to move, this time to the building now occu|)ied bv the Providence Belting Co. on Charles street. In irt;o II. Siiiitii. It was inc(ii"])c)iatcd in |S(>S and is a chisc (.'ni- ])()rali()n, owned ami lonlrolled eiUiiel\- hy the orignial dwners it is eapilali/eci tcii' S lOO.OOO, lullv [xiici in. The business is tiie nianutactiu'e of tiietai woiicing niaeliine tools, tlie eonipanv' malne, a combined vertical and horizontal spindle milling machine, is herewith illustrated. They employ from sexentyl'ne to one himdieil hands, are located aliout one and a hall miles Ironi the mond was born in l^rookl}ii, X. ^ .. in 1S71. (.raduateot \ale and of the Massachusetts In- stitute ol 'icchnnlogv. Was formerly Treasurer .md deiieral Manager of the Hall Hearing Co., Ill Boston, Mass. Member of the American Union Station in the south p.iit of the city, at Society of Mechanical Engineers. The manu- the corner of Cordon and Reynoltls avenues. facture of emery wheels has been carried on in The pnipertv includes nearly the whole scjuare. this city for many years liy other concerns. lUnCkAl'llirAI. II1ST()R\' {)V Till-. MAX ITAi ir R I:RS Rhode Island Braiding Machine Company. The l)u>.incs,s cit this ciiiii|iany was established in 1X115, in rooms of the Spirer iv l'i\khain l''oiiii- Gilman K. Winchester. ihy lUiiKHiiL;, on what is now West I'.xcliange street, I'rovnleiue, liy (l. is.. Winchester, A. S. ilood and li. H. luhnantis. .About iSdS land was broken direrth' in the reai" on .Aborn street, and a three story wooden buildini;" <-)f their own erected, 40x70, with a boiler house 24x40 ; a lit- tle later another three story l)rick addition, 40x80, was iMiilt. and still later" another addition ■ir- f ^ v — i- (^ ^llyi^ 1^^ N was erected the inesent in width. Benjamin B. Edmands. 4o\.)5 leel, tliiee stories, inakini^" stiucture Jl<) leet in lenj;th b\' 4' 1 In iS()i Mr. Winchester succeeded in de\el- opuij; and adv.uiciny the braiding niaidiineto its present ettecti\e condition, which was largely the result ol a combination of previous partial successes introduced by others, which, combined with im[)ortant im|)rovements of his own, ena- bled him to construct a braider, simple and effective, and thereby introduce to this country a new and importatU industry, now tirmly [ilant- ed in all of our chief manufacturing centres. Incorporated in iSSj. The company make any kind of braider that may be rei|uired. (iilnian K. Winchester was born in New Chester, N. 11., now the town of Hill, March 11, 1S23. lie learned the carjienter's trade and later pattern making. \\ hen the Rhode Island Braiding Machine Co. first began business he made all of the patterns. Mr. U'inchester, who has been President of the companv trom the he- Arnold S. Hood, ginning, is now President and Treasurer. Arnold S. Hood, who was the former Treas- lu'er of the company, was born in I'lainfield, Conn., .\pril 26, iSjj; died June 21, 1899. Fol- lowed the whaling business in his younger da)'s, was a l-"orty-niner, s|)ending several years in California. ( )n his return home he became a machinist, was foieman for the New I'jigland Hutt Co. of I'rovidence, until he became one of the partners in the R. 1. iiraiding Machine Co., where he served as superintendent ot construc- tion. Prominent in Masonic circles, member of l'ro\i(lence ( enti.d Clulv Henjaniin H. lulmands was born in Charles- town, .Mass., June 3. 1823. Began his labors in life in the pottery business in his native town. I'jilisted in 3(1 Mass. vols., infantry ; promoted to I''irst Lieut. 54th Mass. regt., colored. Now Secietary of the compan\-. AND lUJSINESS MEN OF KllOUE ISLAND. 17 Walter Coleman & Sons. — Manufacturers of descent edge lij^numvita- and white ash yacht blocks, tackle l)l()cks. marine haidware, and Edward J. F. Coleman, his brother, who is the great-grandson of the original John Coleman. Mr. Edward J. V . Coleman, the present jjro- ]jrietor, was born in Providence, I'"eb. 15, 183S. Hemg thoroughly conversant with all of the details of the business, he has sustained the reputation tiiat the house has won by keeping abreast of the times in keeping up a modern plant so far as machinery is concerned, so as to be enabled to produce the very best of every- thing in their different lines of manufacture u> the most rapid and economical manner. Many improvements have been devised for the various block-making machines during the past few years. This company will have the honor (>f making the blocks for the cup defenders of 1901, as they already have done for the cup defenders since 1893, including the Columbi.i, Defender and X'igilant ; also the Colonia, Nava- hoe, Isolde, Niagara, Athene, and hundreds of others. Shipping people say that the blocks made by this com|)any are sent to all parts of the world. California shipbuilders patronize this company as liberally as the ship-builders on the Atlantic seaboard. This is indeed one of the most important of our manufacturing in- dustries. Providence Brass Foundry. Manufacturers of all kinds of brass, ahuninum, and bronze castings, l-'oundry established by John T. Jack- Edward J. F. Coleman. general yacht supplies. The shells of their fa- mous yacht blocks are screwed together in a manner that makes it impossible for them to come apart ; they are elegantly finished and will not stain or rust, and the surface is perfectly smooth. Works at 30S .South Water street, Providence. One of the oldest concerns in the State; founded by John Coleman in IJ/X. Mis son, Walter Coleman, succeeded to the business, and with his two sons, Stephen C. and William, he established the firm of Walter Coleman & Sons in 1S21, which name has been retained ever since, and which has won a reputation the world over for producing the finest blocks that are made ni any country, which is a great credit, not only to the firm, but to the .State of Rhode Island as well. I-'or a number of years the man- ufacture of wood well pumps was carried on by this company, in connection with their other business. In the course of time the sons suc- ceeded the father, and u|)on tlie death of Stephen (j. and William, Stephen R., son of Stejjhen (i. Coleman, came into possession of the business^ which he retained until about 1890, when the entire business came int<:) the ])ossessi<)n of .»v- Joseph H. Lee. son in 1800 at the corner of l-.ddy and Broad .streets, where the Narragansett Hotel is now located. In 181^ .A. II. Manchester learned iiis ,vS Hi( )(,KAi'iii(;.\i, iiiMom' < ii 11 M.wriAcrrRi'.RS trade here, and in a tew \ cai s hecune a |)artncr in the business, and later |iurcliased Mi", lack- son s interest, lieconiini; sole proprietor. in Stillm;iii White. KS47, as he needed f^reater and better facilities, he built the foundry now occu[)ied by the pres- ent owner, at 4O0 l-kldy street. Here his son, A. II. Manchester, jr., learneil the trade and became a partner in 1850, ami 1807 the entire business passed intt) his hands. In 1890 Joseph H. Lee jiurchased the business, a gentleman of wide experience in the foundry business. He Ijegan early in life to learn the trade of a pattern and model maker, and from this he launched into the machinery and foundry business, and has followed it ever since He also devoted several years to the study of mechanical en- gineering. He was for five years the superin- tendent of the I'Yanklin l''oundry and Machine Co., of Providence, and for about the same length of time superintendent of construction of the Riverside and ( )swego Mills, of l''ulton, X.N ., besides an e.\|)erience among other machinery building and foundry ccnicerns, until he bought out the i-iresent busmess. In 1895 he had the honor of making all of the castings for the yacht " I defender," which so ahh' defended the America's cup in the international races of that year. The toiindry has always enioyed a re|iu- talion f(.)r doing the best ol work, and their lield of operations is all o\er the I'nitcd .States and iTi many foreign coimtries. Mr. I .ee was born in I'lovidence, Nov. 27, 1853. Member Provi- dence Association of .^Iechanical l-jigineers. Stilllman White. lirass founder at \o. 1 I). irk street, l'ro\idence, R. I. .All kinds of biMss and bronze castings, and manufactiu'er ot the .S. White lining metal, which has ])ro\'ed to be one ot the liest lining metals now in use. The business was estal:>lished in 185(1, and ever since that time the products of this foundry h.ive been used e.\tensively among the manu- tacturers of this -State, and their being so many nianutacturers that require brass castings, the dcni.ind has lieen .ind is still very extensive. Mi. White was born in Canton, Mass., I'"eb. 5, i8^_'. .After receiving a liberal education in the public schools, he learned the trade of a moulder and made himself thoroughly acciuainted with the business of a brass foundry, and at the age of twcnty-foiu- he began business for himself, making a very successful record in the held of Rhode Island manufactures, being still active in the foundry business. Mr. White rs one of the intluetitial men of the city of Providence. The citizens of the l^'irst Ward have honored him by electing him as their representative to the City Council for eleven years, and two years as their representative to the lioard of Alder- men, and the city has honored him by electing him as one of the Representatives to the State Legislature, h'or six years he has filled a posi- tion on the l-5oard of Fire Commissioners of the city of Providence, and has been re-elected for another term of three years. Has been a mem- ber of the fire departments for over fifty years, ami for fort\-tive years a niember of the A. ]•' and A. M. ■ New England Butt Co.— Manufacturers of butt hinges. l)iaiding machinery, and carry on a foiuulry business. W orks located on Pearl street, I'rovidence. I'",m]iloy joo hands. The com]ian\ was founded in 184J, by Nicholas .A. b'enner. for the manufacture of butt hinges, an article which at that time was imported from Lurope. In 1853 the company became incorporated and began to extend its scope. Some years later the manufacture of braiding machines was taken up, and this line, which has grown to very large |)ro]K)rtions, together with its foiuidry business has almost superseded the manufactiu-e of butts. This comi^an)' makes a very complete line of braiding machinery for all kinds of round and tlat braids, shoe laces, sash and curtain cords. The machinery matiufactured b\' the New ICng- land Hutt Co, for the insulation of electrical wires, from the largest cable to the smallest magnet wire, is used by all the large manufac- turers in this country and by many in luirope. The present ol'licers of the company are: Pres- ident — Ilerbeit N. b'enner ; Treasurer- Russell W. Knight: .Secretar_\' — I-ldward H. Knight: .\gent. loscph !•". Hlauvelt. 3 a c 2 s TS. '> .,J''I. >!)*, 1 ! : = - 11' . . I ' " ; ,i,','"4.\ I ■ P" ■■■. IT ' Ji;i-.; ^ ; -.1 i BSfpSMV //a \ je3 I PROVI It 420.0' ?Sic^ Hi^< CE . R . I O. SPINDLES. r^H "^^wsiiiiiiBffe' .•^Si/*A-f'^ Ci-''' 4-' iu( tCKAi'iiirAi. iiisrom- <)!•■ tiiI': maxiM'Aci'I'ri'.ks B. B. & R. Knight. — Mimif.iLturcrs ol rottoii i;oo^ls, ihcii" Khiidc Islaiul mills bcinj; localoii at I'lHUiac (iiKludinj; a l)lcacherv), Xatick, Ui\oi- Robert Knight I'oiiit, A ret ic, West i.-rly,\Vi)i)n socket, Providence, I.ilipitt. I'"iskeville, Jackson, woolen mills at Cov- entry Centie. print works at Cranston ; in Mass- achusetts, at iJoclgeville, Rea(i\alle, Manchaug and I lehronville, making a total of twenty-one cotton mills that are operated by this company, there being more than one mill in several of the towns mentioned. The famous " Frmt of the l.oo)ii" is the product in part of these factories. Xumber of spindles, nearly 500,000; number of looms, over 11,000; number of employes, about 7,000. There are some fifteen villages whose inhabitants derive their livelihood wholly or in part from these e.xtensive cotton mills, and the con)p;in\' maintains stores for the convenience ol their o|)eratives, there being some seventeen hundred tamilies to be sujiplied with the daily necessaries of life. The comjiany also own and carr)- on extensive farms that are located near the various villages. The jiroducts of these mills are all sold direct tu the dealers, their principal head(|iiarters being in Xow \'ork, with l)ranches in l'hiladel[)hia, IJaltimoic, liostdii.and other cities, hut the entire business ol all these agencies is under the direction of the central office at Providence, Xo. 5 W'.ishingtnn Row. The business was established 1)\- Robert K.iii^;lit, who was boi n in Warwick, R. L, |an, S, iSjd lie was an ojierative in 1-dislia I lams' cotton mill at Coventry when but ten years of age, and lor two years prior to that time he was eniplovcd in the Cranston Print Works, which he now owns, lie remained with the ll.iriis mill until he was seventeen years of a^e In iS.):; he was employed in the grocer\' stme owned b\' his brother. Ik-njamin 15. Knight, in l'|-o\-idencc', but alter a two ye.irs' experience he went to West- erly and com|)leted his education in the Paw- c.Uuck .Academy. Alter teaching school for a few iiK)iilhs, he was employed by John II. Clark as clerk in his factor)' store at Pontiac, R. I. .Soon after Mr. Clark leased his bleachery and cotton mill to /achariah Parker and Robert Knight at a rental of a year. In 1850 the business and property were bought bv the linn 'if Parkei- ..S: Knight for $40,000, and the next year, 1S51, .Mr. Knight purchased his part- ner's interest. I're\'ious to this time the place was known as .Arnokl's Hridge, but from this time on the place was known as Pontiac. In this year then, iS5i,was the beginning of the business in the manufacture of cotton goods that has develo])ed at this first year of the new century 1901, just fifty years, to greater jiropior tions than any manufacturing establishment ol its kind in the world. In 1852 Mr. Knight sold a half interest in his Pontiac mill ami bleacher)' to his brother, Benjamin H Knight, (wh(j was born in Cranston, R. I., < )ct. 3, i^Cv) ^'"^1 tti'it^ year the name ol P. H. & R. Knight was adopted as the company name. Henjamin had been in the grocery and grain business some seventeen years prior to this time, and he had been ver\' successful as a merchant, beginning in the town of Cranston and closing his business career in this line in the city of Providence. The train- ing that he receiveil as a merchant, that brought out and fully developed his remarkable business ability, had much to do in laying the foundation for the manufacturing business in which he labored with his brother the remainder ol his Benj.-imin B. Koight. life, lie died in Providence 1 nne 4. i SijS. I-'irm now compiised ol Robert Knight, Webster Knijiht, C. Prescott Knight. AND HUSINKSS MEN OI'" klloDl-; ISLAM). 43 Byfield Rubber Co. — Manufacturers of arctics, gum shoes, caiuas top tennis shoes, and a few specialties, inchiding rubber heels, etc. l-'actory located at Bristol, R. I., having a capacity for turn- ing out 4,000 pairs of rubber shoes in a day, em- ploying some 250 hands. Plant ecpiippcd with artesian wells, having its own power and electric light plant, lousiness established in October, 1897, and incorporated the same year. May 11. Officers ; l-'red L. Smith, President and Treas- urer; Kay (i. Burlingame, Secretary; Terrence McCarty, General Superintendent. The goods of this company are sold in Great Britain and Australia, through their agencies there, as well as throughout theL'nited States. Fred L. Smith was born in Pascoag, R. I., December 10, 1865- He became a bookkeeper and salesman for the !• C. Hall Go., printers, of Providence, in 1887, and ujion the incorporation of the company in 1889 he was elected the Sec- retary, which position he continued to fill un- til the death of its treasurer. John T. Kir- win, in 1893, when he was elected Treasurer, Secretary and General IManager. Secured con- trol of the business in 1896, when he became President, Treasurer and (ieneral Manager, the jiresent Secretary being William V. Lawrence. The company is one of the leading printing houses of New PLngland, their great specialty being lithographic checks. They make more than half of the checks used by the banks of New England. They are also under contract to print the revenue stamps on checks for the L^nited States ( lovernment. Dur- ing the year ending June 30, 1900, they printed nearlv 13,000,000 revenue stamps on checks. Mr. Smith is also General Manager of the Knick- erbocker Lithograph Go., of New 'N'ork city, and Treasurer of the Rhode Lsland Roller Screen Go., and a Director in the Second and P'ifth National Banks of Providence. Colvin Mfg. Co. — ^Lanufacturers of high grade machine made cable and eye-glass chains for the manufacturing trade. \Lide from gold, gold plated, sterling silver and brass stock. Works located at 234 Ghestnut street. Business established in 1898 by Byron L. Gohin and l-'reii B. Thomas. Mr. Thomas was born in North Attleboro, Mass., Dec. 15, 1867. Is the business manager of the company ; was origin- ally a carriage maker. Mr. Golvin was born in Goventry, R. L, May 23, 1861. He completed the machinist and tool-making trades at Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Go. After leaving this company he was employed by a number of manufacturing concerns, among them the Pratt & Whitney Go., of Hartford, Gonn., and railroad companies as rej^airer of locomo- tives. Mr. Golvin while employed in a chain- making shop in North Attleboro, Mass., con- ceived the idea that' tiie city of Providence would prove a good field for the establish- ing of a busuiess of the same kind, as there was no such manufac- tory there, and he pro- ceeded to carry his idea into effect by forming a copartnership with Mr. Thomas, and the busi- ness of the present com- pany was established. Mr. Golvin has taken out one patent on a chain machine which he claims is the only machine that will produce heavy cable watch chain as good as that made by hand. Their machinery is nearly all auto- matic, most of it being designed by Mr. Golvin. Tockwotton Co. — Manufacturers of nails and buttons with solitl leather heads for upholstery, saddlery, travelling bags, hunting suits, etc. Business established in 1897. Incorporated in 1899. Gapitalized for 25,000. Works located in Providence. Officers : W. R. Talbot, President and Treasurer ; A. (i. Talbot, Secretary. Fred L. Smith 44 HIOGRAl'imWI. 1IIS1( )\<\ M.Wl'IArri'Kl'RS TRADE M ARK . The Joseph Banigan Rubber Co. I lie Ins^ph r>.ini.i;aii Rulihci ('(Hii- ])any was oi i;aiii/C(l ami iiiL'iii poraU'il ill \ii\cin- 1)(.T, kSi)(i, 1(11 the inanu- lartuic III i-ul>hi_T Innt w car. 1 h c \ lie t; a n iiianulactui lilt; in laiiu ai y, i.Si)7, and siiuc t hat time ha\c liccn piiidiu' iiiL; all the variety nt styles in inliber bouts and shoes and iiuicasiiiL; their ]irodiielion each year Ironi the coninienee- ment, iimninji; their factory every working day since tlie organization ot the company. In addi- tion to the regular line ot rubber footwear they make many kinds ot goods of their own special invention co\ ered with jiatents and trade marks, which are vei\' ])o]nilar with the trade. Their goods are imexcelled for ipiality, style and tinish, lia\-ing at their disjiosal a fac toiy operated Ijy the most experienced rub- ber workers known in t h e manufacture o f rubber goods, a factory modern in e\'ery [lar ticular, tittetl up with the latest im|)io\es. 1 he Joseph i^anigan Rubber ( 'onqiany facto- ries are situated cm X'alley street, Providence, and ha\-e a ca].)acity of about 15,000 ])airs of rubl)er boots and shoes pcv day, giving emplo\- ment to i.uoo hands. The demand for their goods has steadily increaseil from the com- mencement of manufacturing, keeping this pio- gressi\e company always running u]i to their lull capacity. Their ]iroduct is sold over the wiiole I 'nited States and they have built u]i a good business also with foreign I'oiintries, par- ticularly Australia, where the Hanigan goods are \'ery popular. While The Joseph Hanig.m Kubber Coniiiany is young in years, its management is in the hands ot men of wide e.\|)erience in the rub- ber business. Walter .S. liallou, its i'resident and (ieneral Manager. has tor thirty live years l)een closely and suc- cessfully connected with the manufacture and sale ot ruliber lioots ami shoes and is one of the best known rubber men in t h c count rv. lie is a na- ti\e of Cumberland, R. 1., being born there March 2, 1849, receiv- ing his education at the 1) e a n Academy of branklin, Mass. Mr. liallou began his career as a rubber goods man- ufacturer w i t h the Woonsocket Rubber Co., where he ac(|uired a com]ilete knowledge ol the business, ami perfoinied many years of elfu lent ^er\ice in the business department of that concern. The present officers of the com])any are as lollows ; I'resident, general manager and secre- t,ii\', Walter .S. l-!allou : treasurer, John J. Wat- son, |i ; superintendent. Maurice C. Clark. Hoard ol directors: Walter S Hallou, .Samuel I'. Colt, |ohn J. Watson, Jr., l-alw.ird R. Rice, ( 1,11 ence R. ( iuild. Walter S. Ballon AM) lU'SIXKSS Mi;\ OI- IODIC ISLAND. 45 After the discovery ol that peculiar gum yield- ing tree of South America in 1735, it took more than a hundred years to find the secret of treating that gum so as to make it of any commercial value. Under the Hrst processes the articles made from rubber would become sticky in sum- mer and so offensive that the odor was unbear. ble and in winter the substance became too hard. Many an inventor gave it uj) as one of process for vulcanizing rubber. When by ac- cident he made the discovery that sulphur was the prime factor in the process, even at the very threshold of success, it still took him ten more long years to again by accident discover the fact that it required a certain degree of heat in con- nection with the sulphur treatment to thoroughly and completely vulcanize rubber. This degree of heat was not difficult to ascertain, and once Plant of The Joseph Banigan Rubber Co., Valley Street, Providence. those things that nature did not propose to yield a remedy for, and up to 1836 more than $2 000,000 had been lost in a vain endeavor to prepare the gum so that it could be made use of and remain the same under all conditions of weather and atmosphere. In 1834 Charles Goodyear, a Con- necticut Yankee then living in Philadelphia, came to the conclusion that he could invent a process that would properly treat rubber, and thereby give it the commercial value that was desired. If he had not been made up of more persistent ma- terial than the other inventors his endeavors would have been as futile as those that had already given it upas a bad job. For twenty-five years he labored before he finally discovered the true fi.xeii, the success of the rubber industry was assured. No State in the Union has made bet- ter use of his invention than Rhode Island, and the Joseph Ranigan Rubber Co. is manufacturing as fine a line of goods as are ])roduced in this Country. 'I'he factory buildings which are located on X'alley street, are built in the form of a letter L, the main building running about north and south, and the wing running east and west. A large tower surmounts the main factory near the street, and an office building is conveniently located near the south and front end of the plant. The factory is four stories in height, well et|ui[)i)eil with a couii)lete [lower plant, the entire floor space ami storage room amounting to several acres. Hi( )(.k.\i'iiic;.\i, iii.^K )\<\ i )i III MAX ri'Ac 11 ri;ks Almy Water-Tube Boiler Co M inulcuiureis lit Al ny s p.UcDl water tube boilers tor sIl' iiiiships, ri\-cr stciincrs, both propcllLMS Darwin Almy. anil stern wheelers, toi'pecio boats, fire boats, N'uclits, lauiu'hes, doiikev boilers for steamships, and tor all kiiuls ot stationai v work. \\"orks located ijSto 1S4. Allen's A\'eniie, I'ro\idence. Husiiiess of the company established in iSSy by l)arwm Almy, the President and treasurer. In corporated in iSijo; ca])ital S')0,ooo. (>neof the best machinery ]ilantsin Xewl".ni;land,espet'iall)' designed for this work. Mr. y\lmy was born in 'i'iverton, R. I., l'"ebruar\- 2S. i,S4S. lias been en<;aged in steam eiinineerinj;' since 1879. hu'ciited the .Almy walei tulie boiler iti i88ij, receiving his patent the lollowing yeai'. The advantages claimed for this boiler o\-er the old fashioned Hre tube boiler, are saving in weight, s|)ace, tnel, sately and (pnck steaming, and that this claim is sustained is e\-idcnt from themaiu' boilers that have been put in to some of the best yachts and boats afloat. .Mi. Almy is a member of the following National Societies: American Societ)' Mechanical hjigineers, .American Society of .\aval I-'.ngineers, The iMiginecrs' Club, Society of Naval Architects and M.irine b.ngineers; also member of the rro\idence Mechanical l'',mrineers, the I'rovidence Hoard ot rr.ide, and the R. I. Husiness Men's Association. l'"iank I). Almy, \'ice President and Su])Cr- intendent ol the Almy Water-Tube Boiler Co., burn in ri\'erton, R. I., June 4, \H(>^. Walter .S. Almy, .Secretary of the Almy Water Tube Boiler Co., was born in Providence. .Aug. 4. is;(.. The special claim ol the compaii)' lor this boiler is it was designed to till the following essential leatures: Simple in con.striiction, perlect circulation, large combustion chamber, greatest amount of heating surface possible in tire bo.\, the latest and most efficient method of separating steam from the water, water in sufficient ipiantity to pre\'ent excessive tluc- tuation, mud (hum to receive preciintation, e.\- pansidii pri.xided tor in every part, accessible in all |)arts tor cleaning and re])airs, occupying small space, nnn-e.xplosive, of very light weight, but of sufficient thickness to insure strength ,md dural.filitv. The heating surface of these boilers is con- structed of tubes of the best tjuality of metal. .All manifolds, return-bends, elbows, and V fit- tings are of the best ipiality air-blast malleable iion, and from their own s[.iecial patterns. The steam dome and water reservoir are of the best lap-welded tube. The base of the single tube boiler consists of a continuous manifold, e.xtendingalong each side and across the Ixick ot the boiler below the grate. .At the to]) is a similar manifold extend- ing along the sides and across the front, and is connected to the steam dome outside of the casing. To form the he.itmg surface are a series of i' ^■ Almy Water-Tuhe Boiler. sections m.ide up with tubes connected together by elbows, return bends and Y tittings ; these are connected to the top and bottom manifolds AM) lUSIXI'.SS MICX Ol-' RHoni'; ISLAND. 47 by unions. The .sections at the side from the bottom manifold to a pro[)er heij^ht to form the crown of the fire-bo.\, they then e.xtend half- way across the fire-bo.x, returning back to side, thence up, connecting to top manitold. The sections which form the back of the fur- nace rise from the back bottom manifold to a height sufficient to cross over above anil at right angles to those that form the crown of the fire-bo.x, to the front, then returning back, then to the front again, and connecting to the toj) manitold which extends across the front. This forms the heating surface of the boiler. The water heater consists of one or more layers of tubes connected together by return- bends, forming one continuous tube, and rests on the top manifold. height to fcjrm the crown of the tire-bo.x ; they then extend one-half way across tlie tire-box, then returning over themselves to the side again, then up and connecting to the to]) manifold. There are also two rows of tubes at the back of the furnace ; these rise to a jiroper height to pass over the side sections connecting to the top manifold at the front. The casings are made of sheet metal put to- gether with angles and through bolts ; angles having their flanges outward. The ash pan is connected to the base of the casing, making a tight bottom and [jart of the casing of the boiler, and is made of sufficient strength to sup- port the whole boiler. The casmg is lined with the non-conducting material and this faced with either sheet metal Plant of the Ahiiy Water-Tube Bo The top manifold connects at the bottom oi a vertical separator, and this is connected to the horizontal water reservoir extending across the front of the boiler. The down-flow tubes connect at the bottom of the horizontal water reservoir, extending down to the bottom manifold at each side of the furnace. The design of the double tube boiler is the same as the single, with the following additions ; There are two rows of vertical tubes rising from the bottom manifold at the side, one back of the other, they are connected together by a four- way Y fitting ; these tubes rise to a jirojier iler Co., Allen's Avenue, Providence. or fire-brick, as is best suited to the jnirpose for which the boiler is to be used. The heating surface of these boilers varies according to the size, height of the fire-box, number of sections of water heater, whether of the single or double tube type, or the double tube with two furnaces. These boilers are designed for 250 .pounds steam pressure. P^ach of the sections which form the heating surface of the boiler are tested at i,oco jiounds hydrostatic pressure before they are assembled in the boiler. All boilers are tested at 500 pounds hyilro- static pressure before leaving the works. 4'^ 1511 )i,K.\rilk Al. lll.^li)K\ 111'- nil. MAMl-'Al 1 L kl.kS Davol Rubber Company.— This i.oni])aiiv was ost;il>lishe(l in 1S74, incntpdratcd in iSSj as 1 )a\()l Mamifactiii iiij; C'li., and in 1.S.S5 it was ilecitled that as the prddiict nt their wMrks was a special line of rubber j;o(i(is, ciin)[)lete in all it> branches, the name ol the cutuein sIkhiM iiKire ftdly desii^nate the chaiacter ot its j^oods, and accordini^iy in January that year, a petition tor an amendment to the ch.irter was granted by the (ieneral Assembly, chan«;ini; the name to the Davol Rubber ("ompanv, its present sively, and the amount of crude material used every year by this company alone is very laij^e, owint; to tlie line cpiality ot their [iroduct. The machinery and general plant were all |)Ut in with especial reference to the production of their line, and all its parts complete in every detail, whether of rubber or metal, and the reputation foniuality and workmanship attained by this concern, evidences the success with which this has been done. New machinery and additions to the factory have been made as M" ."^ I '-■*'• '«: ^^MM ^xm^^~ \ %X:^i:&^lX^'^ V \'- .^^srai^ii.ja^.- -. Works of the Davol Rubher Company, Point Street, Providence, R. I. title. The l)a\()l Rubber Company's enlire product are what is termed by the trade, fine rubber goods, embracing the varied assortment used by diuggists, surgical and lc sjirini^ made, and wlicn once put in the goods which today stands at the head. I'his place it is sure to remain permanent witiiout any company does exclusively a manufacturing busi- pussihiliiy i<\ Ineakint; dnwii or i^ivini; any ness, disposing of their product directly through trouble. i'liey make other springs, but lliis is the leading Jobbing Mouses of the United their leader. They are made, like their mat- States and Canada, and through their large tresses, to tit an\ stxie and size oi bedstead, and export trade distribute their specialties largely iliey are sold extensively to tlu- w liok'sah- trade through South America and .Mexico, as well as of Soutiiern .\e\v JCngland. .Mr. I'.urt is a Europe, Australia, China and Japan. As native oi' 1 'roN-idenee. he having lieen liorn here the trade of the company calls for the manu- ( )ctober i. i.S5(). lie is the sole owner of the facture of a large variety of special rubber goods, btisiness, and gives his personal attention to requiring distinct tools, moulds, dies, etc., for every detail of the larior\ and tlie sales (K-i);irt- their production, this feature of their business ment as well, and by this means he is enabled to has received due attention, their machine shops (ind out just the class of goods Uv is producing being fitted with the most modern and u]) to and the re<|uiremenis of the tr.ade that he is en- date machinery, with the most skillful workmen deaMiring to Mippl\. to be obtained, for the rapid and accurate exe- r /^ ^ , -, ,, ^ , 1 . .1 • . -^i I • 1 J- C. Tucket, Jr. — Manufacturers of sash cution of any work ot this nature with which they may be entrusted. '''""'■^' '''""■^ ""'' ^■'''••""^. '■^''"'- "^ ''"'^'; ''"' liouses : also does a large johhiiig mill business. The William Sweeney Co.- Manufacturers of i^^.,,,^,^ „, ^,,,^^, ^,.,^j„ and' carries .m a general all kinds o, mattresses, spring pillows, ^^,,^^. ^^^^^, ,,^^. ,.^^^^.^.^j _^^^,_.^^ ^^^.^^.^^^.^ .^^ j,^^. ^^^^^.^^ cots, cushions, and ilo a Lieiural line of iiphols , ,■ , i,- . ,, ,. - - , 111,- 'o'" '""'i' Iioclcets are located at the .South I ler 1 )oek, .\arragaiisett Tier, R. 1.. his planing mill ami stores bein^ situatt'il a littU- west of the tering. t'arr\ a full line of feathers and bediliii supi)Iies, and are ik'alers in brass and iron bedsteads. The business was established by William Sweeney in iS(u), who develoi.ed an 'l"^'!-' "i^ '^"'^^ ^""l himber being hroughl extensive business and a reputation for niaiui- direct to his works by schooners, enal)les him to factiiring the best mattressi'S that were m;i(K- in do an e.\teiisive business and compete with any the state. I 'iioii the death of .Mr. Sweeney. Mr. of the large houses in his line in .Southern ,\'ew Fred 1!. purchased the business, and he h'ngland. A too-horse power 1 1. arris-Corliss has not onl\ iii,iiut;iineil the excellent reputation steam engine, and two hori/ontal tubular boilers that was established by the originator (jf the ^vith a combined cajiacitv of joo-horse )iower business, but he has increased the volume of the furnish the power t'or the plant, which is out])Ut. and added nian\ new articles to the list equipped with inodeni inachiiier\. including of manufactured goods that the house h.andles. planing machines, moulding inachines. lathes. Jlis plant and office is now located at J_'0 h',dd\ band and circular saws, grinding machines, street, I 'rovidt'iice, where he has put in ihe most sha\ ers, sash .am! blind in.iclunes, etc., making ni)-to-date ;nid niodevn feather in.icliiiier\ , ma- 't one of the most conqilete establishments of chines for the manufacture of mattresses, its kind in the st.ate. The business was estab- sjjrings and other .articles. This is probably the lisheil in 1 S40 by Joshua ( h,-ini]ihii, ,ind lau-r most c-\tensi\e m.ittress .iiid spring bed m.anu- owned 1)\ Rodman \- laxlov, then b\ 1 )aniel facttiring est.iMishmeiit in the st.ite of Rhode Sliernian, later b\ Jeremiah I'eckhaui, then by Island. The fiexible spring bed made bv this Clark &; Cottrell, later b\ Willi.ain C. Caswell, concern is one of the best ni.ide in this couiitr\. tlu'ii b\ Tncki'r vV I'artelow. ,ind Mr. Tucker being attached to a \\oo(Kii fr.iine so .is to bought a one-half interest in the busiiu-ss in stretch the w'wv -pring taut enough to ))revent l.'^Si, the estate of J. \. lla/ard owning; the it from sa^L;ing when the \\eit;hl of one or more other half. Joshua C. liicker. Jr.. was born in l)ersons is put tqion it. I'liere are more of thi-. X'arragausett Pier. R. 1.. June H), 1X^4. Since style of sjjring used throughout the country at he became ( ieneral Manager the business has the present time than any other spring niaib . increased in volume to a large extent, llemain- because it is the most convenient and most com- tains a large hardware store in Wakefield. (-1) HUK.RArillLAI. IIISIURN' ( )K llll-; M A M ' IWriL' RICRS Joslin Manufacturing Co.--Maiuifactuicrs of llicic ^^K■^1 watn- pinilr-c- ni tin- cn> of I 'li i\ iiK-nrc. Iai-i>. alsd a \aruu c.f -latid liraicl> ami cnr-M-l Tlu- oUkt nnll> an- jnoaud in tlir lown ni SiilnaU-. willi ;^ihii| watir |iri\il('m ^, liul iIk-n ail- all ri|ni|i|ii-il with au\iliar\ >toani pnwor plant> so as tn |irii\ii|e ai;ain>t Inw water in ilrv wc-atlu-r. IIr- mtna- iirnjKrly ci>ni]irisrs sc\iTal hnnilrnl ai'ro i if I'arnnnL; land, and a vnt'ticient nnnd.rr 'il l^■nenu.■nt^ I' ir the ' >3< i eniplnyes. All .■I the nnlls ,ire r(inneeli-d h\ trolley, the new l'ro\idenre anil UanieKnn l\ailwa\. the hne innnniL; \er\ near each taetory. .\lr. hi>lin was lirnui^hl n|i in the niannlaelnr- \i\i^ linsiness. hi-- lather heini; in the textile hnsi- ness liefiil'e hnn, and hi~ ]iersi^tent endeavors in this line h.i\e cirL;anized one ol the Largest |)hnils in the eoninr\ dexcted to the nianntaetnre ol --hoe and eorset laee-^. and which is a decided credit lo the slate of Rhode Ulancl. In lSi|_:; the coni|\ eslahlished in 1 'ro\ ider.ce .an e\tensi\e tinishini; plant ni the IhhlclinL; on Stew an si reel, and at one time there was a com- plete estalilishinent in the ( 'aleiider I'.nildin^- and -till another p.irtial |ilant on haldy street, hnl ihrse were tin.ihx .all l>roni;ht toi^ether. so that (he imlls illiisir.iti.'d on the o]iposite ]ia^e contain .all Ol the ]il.anis laprescaHed li\ Mr Joslin. .\lr loshn's s,,ii. \\ illiani |1. Joslin. who was horn in Sciln.alc-. U i,. \d\endier 7th. 1X74. is Assistant < .M.anauier ■ if the Imsiness Mr, loslin ^^ 1 ^^^^L ^^^ w %l R.^a_ l»t .'■flSfiiii William E. Joslin. la.-es. their -oods heniL; s, .Id direct lo the trade ihrouudioiu the coninr\. therehv ,L;i\inL; the consinner the .ail\aiilau;i' of hn\in;4 a- diiaa-t from the maimfaclnrer .as is p.issihle. W ilhaiii I-"., loslin. ihe rresideiil of the com]ian\. wlm was h' irn in |ohnst,.n. R. I . \l.aicli \ i,. 1S4J. I'stahlished the hiisiness m Richmond. .'~^onth Scitnate. h' ! ,. in lS(i3 I'he hilsiiiess iiici irimrated 111 ,\la\. iSoj. .and cons, .lid.ated in i.S,,.), Mr. joslin l)eL;aii 111 .a sm.ill wa\ with joii hr.aiders. .and as llic hiisiiiess lo ^row nil lie hr.aidei's were .added iroiii lime to time, until .at the present lime iheia ari- J.Soii hraiders m oper.ilioii. hesides a com]ihte spmiiiiiL; iilaiit. where ilie\ spill ,ah tif their own \.arns. with ahoiit jS.ui 1: 1 spindles. the hraidinu machines m.akiiii^ ahoiit 7.viio< spindh-s. in .addition t.i llmsf 1 if tlir spin niiiL; mill Ihe \.arns .are all dxed in tlu Rielmiond and ( l.awille .Mills, .aii.l .all of the rmishiiiL; Is lioiie ill the .\leriiio .MilK ,if |'r,i\i- deiice. ilie latter heiii;: the larL.;i-st ilishmrnt owned h\ ihe coinp.ain . the main ottice heiiiu: located lure. I liese mills ,aie considered one of f,, ihe liesi m.anmactnrmu; plants in the siale. heiiiL; Mills William H. Joslin. as also the ionii i-lcctrd TrcasurLT of the comi)any. in '11 screw- m' all kiiul-. liiisiiu-ss rstalili-lud I'liis riiiii|iaii\ vnffi-ml a luss nl .'?_> as in |anuar\ iS'v'<, a> tin- I'lMvidcnrr Scrrw (..,, -rltlciin iil inr iiifrinL;x-iiU'nl . ui the I'icrMiii uilh a capital of S-M.imhi. h- |iriiui]ial iiumi- ].atriit. iii llii- iiiaohiiKTy piinliasrd Inim the ]"Tatnr hciiiL; ( Kiiu-iit < >. Krad. wli'i had i 'im\ idc lu-c Siaaw ( n, Althmii^h a ,L:rc-al lirrxidtish made w ■ i. id M-rrw- in a wini; "i the -ctliark to llu- pn lori-,., ,jf the CMiu-rni, they ( iciu'va .Mill. h'hn (..nliani and William i 1. ci 'iitiiiiu'd tn can-\ . m Inisincss, and in 1S4O they .Viii^ell were anmii- the (.n^inal iiUi n]" .ran n-. h. in.L;lit the patent mw ned l>v 'riintnas J. Sloan nn The iiiachiiier\ tiseil 1)\ this ci>ni]ian\ was a special form nf -unlet pninted screw, which claimed as the iiueiitiMU "f Mr Read The '^aM' the cdinpanx a liooni in lnisiiiess and factcaw was Imill ..n the i-ast sule .if the' M..slias- .ili.iwe.l them l.i keep pace with ..ther c.incenis suck River, near Kamlall street hri.l-e, winch ilial hail Irie.l t.i iiitr. i.lnce the L;inilel p.. int. uinied out twi-iit\ L;r.iss i.f screws a da\ , In |-r..iii the int r. ..liict i. m ..f this jialeiit .kites the the fall of iS.'.S an.itlier screw c.iiiipan\ was pri.speril\ and rapi.l ,>;riiwtli nl the oiiiipany, J<^^-.^ .ii:;:^?'!^^: '--Ms !;s.Sa -Sm;-}' American Screw Company's New England Mill, Eddy Street, Providence. iiri^ani/eil an.l chartereil as the l'".aL;li' Screw ('.c, ahli.iiiL;h snmc- chan;.;es wer./ iiecessar\ m hrini;- lliere lieini; sevenle.n in.', .rp. .ral . ns. iiuhiiliiiL; mil; their ina<-lnner\ n > c. ml. nin t. . the piiiici| iles hihii (icrliam. lanus llninpliri\ s, Jnlni I'rii.- . .f 1 he .si. .an p.iteiit, llierel>\ lmn in^; the c. unpany t..r, Miller. W t. \ii;..;cll :nid ihe waln.ahle ] .r. ..liuMi. .11 llie\ seeking- t.) |aliez •i.irhani. \nth..n/e.l .apilal. SJt.iki.i. pr.»liu-e The snhscriheil cipilal .it lirsl ani.nnile.l t.. In (icl..her. 1S411. the .\ew l"n;4kin.l S.-rew S^(i. 11(111. and was s.inn r.aise.l 1.. S^n. umi .Ma- I .> was .iri^,aiii/ed an.l cliartere.l with a c.ipital chiner\ w;i- purchased . .f tli.' I'r. .\ i.len.-e .^crew ..I S_'i i.. .1 « 1, I hei'e wcr.- leii inc. .rj i. .ran irs. (■,,.. ami in iS.jn. the eiitiri' pr.iperl\ . .f this mcln.linL; ( nlleii \\hip].le. Ilenrx ll.ipknis an.l cmpaiu was s, ,ld 1. 1 the l',i;.;le .^criw ('...their ll.veki.dt W illard. the latter heiiiL; elected null ha\inL' hiiriied .and th<- enterprise pr..\m,L; hcisiirer . if the c.imii.nix. the Inisiiuss heiiii^ iinpr.ifitalile. William 1 1. \n-ell was elecle.l csialihshed in .a -iii.all hinl.hnL; < m ( street. .\L;eiil iif the l''.aL;le .Screw ( n.. and |,nnes ( iiUeii Wliipi.le. w h. 1 had heeii in the emplnx 1 if llinnplire\s. a fi inner inni f.iimdir and ma- ihe I'n .\ i.lenc.' S.aew I'.i., was an inventive AND l^USINl'-.SS MKN Ol' RIlOl)]'; ISLAND. 53 genius and priKhiccil a nnnihcr iif iniportani inventinns in the- iiiu- of MTi-w-niakini; niacliin iTv. 111.' iiail a niacliinc fur nittinL; tlic tiu'C-ads t)f screws wliicli lie proposi'd tin- nrw omipanN should use, which was pati'iUcil Ant^ust iS. 1S4J. April (>. iS4_^. his niachinr fur >ha\ini;- the heads of screws was jiaiented, and April H). 1^4.^ hi^ device for reniuNini; the burs left in cutting; the slots in the heads was patented. TIh-m- three jiatents were assigned to the \e\\ h'.ni^land Screw (11. In lS5_^. 1S54 ami \X^(< Mr. Whi])- Co. In October, 1X44, authority was f,'raiited to increase the capital to ; and in < )cto- her. i'•.-, ■-*■ S' American Screw Company's Eagle Mills, Stevens Street. Providence. screws, all of which were also assi,i,'^ned to the same comp;in\. In 1X41 the Xew l*Lnij;land Screw coinpam \\;i> anthori/ed under a new charter to increase their cajjital stock to $30,000, and the business placed under the manaijement another in Leeds. h'.n,i.;laiid. .\t present the coni])an\ owns only the three f;ictories located in the cit_\- of rroxidence. The l'.a\ State Mill, on the north side of .Stevens street. w;is built in rS7,v 111 ^^7'* t'"-' capital stock was increased of .Alexaniler !lodt;es. he beiu- elected Treas- to ,^3. 250.000. Since that time cli;mscs urer and .Xgeiit. The old statue buildinsj; at the have taken place in the lis! of otTicers. the i)rcs- corner of I''.nrer ; W illi,-iiii .\. \H^2. when the Xew luiqland Mills were built (■fanstou. Secretarx : James .\. Xealey. .Xtjent ; on I'.ddv and what is now Henderson street. IkMijamin Thurston. ( iencnil Superintendent, extending through to .\llen'> a\emie. and ad- The comp;in\ ,at preseiU are doing an extensive joining the proper! \ of the I'rovideiu'e .M.ichine Imsine-s in the mamil.-ictm'e of wood and ma- 54 iMocRAriiKAi, msrom' oi- Tin mami ACTrKiiKs I'liinc scri\\>. >tii ms ln-iiii^ fxjxjcx) ffi'I. kiiidrnl ;iriii'lrs. llu' wnrks hcing kt|il \rr\ This is said I'l lir ilu- l:irL;lant m llu- I nitnl Males iK'm.UiI whnlK lo this 1,400. 1 hi'si- i^rtal siTiw iiiaimfarluriniL; rslah- hiu- ■ il' Imsincss. ( imjils si iliMari^rK ihr. ni^hiun hslinu-nls, aiiiiiiii^ the larL;rst m llu. wmiI,!. arc ihis (■(>iiiili\ aiul ( anada. and (|uiir a fun-is;!) aiiliiiiL; the li-adris , >\ llu- lar^r iiiaiuUaiHiriii^ hiisiiuss has hrni luiill n]p. llu- ]iii\\\r is su])- I'l iiu-(.-nis (ii tin- Slau nl khdik- jshmil, whu'li |>iiL-d hy a 3odiiirsi.- pwwrr stcain ciiL;iiK-. fnun ha\-i- kc|>t pan- wilh llu- inanh i<\ iin>L;rrss m ihr l■^\^t^-I■ .Mai'liiiu- Works, ,.1 |-'..\(.ti.-r, .\. II. llu-ir liiu-, and wlmh lia\i- ilcmc nnuh in llu- \\a\- Corp Bros. — Manufacturers of bicycles at 40 of cn-alinL; oiu- of th(- iiiiist useful ariii-K-s ihai Mathewson .street, l'ro\-idence. The only real niaii\ of llu- trades ,iie railed upon to use e\ieu manufacturers of bicycles in the state, with a ^i\el\. complete plant for producing; the different parts M I i-tr lite I, ?ii S ;.Bt I American Screw Company's Bay State Mill, Stevens Street, Providence. American Tubing and Webbing Co.— Mannlae- of a bicycle Husiness established in 1S1J4. lurirs oi silk .lud i-oiii,ii (l.isiK wells. i,il sio\e The "Corp" cycle is the name of the wheel wicks, lle\il)le ;;as-liL;lil liibiiii;. el.'istie -ariir Web. etc. I'llsiiiess i-sl:ililislied ill iS.^;;. j n eor]iorali-d in iSijii. ( .-ipiKili/ed lor .Skiii.uou. Works loi-.iled .U '10 li. I115 1 loidon \\eiiile, |une J^, I S7 1 1 'ro\ ideiUe, |-liiplo\ 100 li;inds, I Ifficers 1 '. Le!\o\ 1 iresser, 1 'ri-sidein ; l.orin .\1, 1 dok they 111. ike. which has had an extensive sale thnuighoiit the L'nited States. Ilenr)- forp was born in i'rovidencc, June jS. 1S57; '''rederic W. (.'or]) was born in I'rovidencc, A. Carpenter & Sons Foundry Co. — Iron Cast- ings of all kinds. fUisiness established in iSG^ Tn-.-ism-er : .\l . II , ( 00k . ."seirei.irx ; Xliiediald liy Ah'a Carpenter, incorporated July Ji, .\ell. .\lana-er. Iluir lu-u bruk '^'/'- ^'^'P'talized for j;ioo,000. Found'ry lo- ,- , .-11,1 ■ ., cated on West l-,.\chaiiire street. I'roxidence. l.utoi\ was lniislu-(i 011 ( .ordon a\ciiiu- 111 1 Si |( .. 11 ,.1 1 , >,v \i r^ ■ . , l-.mploy 12; hamls. ( )tiicers : Alva Carpenter, p.iri oi wliuli is ibree storu-s. ilu- r<-in.nndei I'resident ; ' II enry A Carpenter, .Secretary and bi-in;' two stories in lieiL;bl of nnsii.-dh sti-,,nv Treasiiri'r. A\l) HUSINI'SS MF.N ( )1' RHODI-; ISLAND. 55 the "Loxit Sash International Burglar-Proof Sash Balance and Lock Co. Maiuifacturers of the "I.oxit" Sash Balance and Lock, "Loxit" Sash Swinging At- tachment, etc. The history I if Rhotle Island manufactur- ers beginning with the Twen- tieth Century, would not be complete without including Balance." The perfection of the mechanism of this device has been proven by the most severe testing, and the possibility of its getting out of order is so slight that it need not be considered. Not in any other part of construction work has so little progress been made as in that of working and securing win- dow sash, but in the "Loxit Sash Balance" everything that can be desired is found. The necessity of meeting the existing conditions be- comes apparent when we consider the statement of a Chief of Detectives of one of our large Amer- ican cities, who says that "over ninety per cent of house entering at night is done through un locked windows." The risk of burglary is en- entirely removed by the use of the "Loxit." The contentment upon retiring, together with the security against thieves, brings to our mind "Loxit" to all who endorse it. This is one of tlie most important inventions now being brought out within the borders of the state- Outside of Lock. the fact that when an appliance of this kind is needed, it is needed badly. \Ve are confident that gratitude will be extended by users of the Inside of Lock. Architects and builders unanimously recom- mend this new invention, and they are being put into most of the new houses where perfect construction is desired. The accompanying illustrations give an accurate idea of the con- struction and operation of the lock and accom- panying appliances. By simply pressing a but- ton the window may be raised or lowered at w-ill; and in every |iosition it remains locked, so that it cannot possibly be raised from the outside, •and it is imjiossible to leave it unlocked. Can be applied to any window, old or new, and it is certainly the most economical and substantial window fastener made. The corporation was organized under the laws of the State of Rhode Island as the Inter- national Burglar-Proof Sash Balance and Lock Company, antl is capitalized for $200,000 with the following officers : Ilenry S. S[irague, President : Ldmund B. Delebarre, \'ice-i'resident, and Eugene !•". Bowen, Treas urer. The home office and factory of the company is located in the Man- ufacturers Building, loi Sabin street, Prov- idence, where working models are on display. ^"SH BA^.^*^'' 5<> ItX.kAl'llUAl, IIISIUKV ()!■ rill-. .M.WflACll'KKR.S Silver Spring Bleaching and Dyeing Co. — ( )r gani/cil in 1S64, uinlcr a charter uf the State of Rhixle Islaml. with Ilciiry I.iiipitt, I'lesitient. and Charles H. Merriinan, Treasurer. Messrs. l'"rieze and I )o\v had been rarryini; on the business of bleaching cotton cloth on Charles street in I'rovidence since 1X50. The}- employeii about Jj hands with a monthly pay roll ot S500. Their work bore an emiable repu tation for white ness, which was attributed to the excellence of the water used. The plant and the l>usi ness of Messrs, l-"rieze and Dow wx-re purchased as a nucleus for the new c o m ]> a n y. Buildings were at once erected hav ing a floor space of 2.S,7jj square feet, anil suitable ma chinery was pro vided for the pur [lose of bleaching and dyeing cotton cloth. The com pany derived its name trom a noia blc spring, situated just west of the works Its water is of great clear ness and jnuity. which, together with the water of West Ri\-er which flows through the pro|iert\-, was well adapted for the jnirpose of a bleachery and dye works. Pure water is one of the essential ne- cessities lor the success of such ati est.ablish ment, and this plant has been well favored in this respect. I-'iom time to time, as the Inisi ness of the c^'mpany has increased, and the waters of West River became contaminated by the waste of the mills situated .above the wcjrks, lurther su[)plies were needed. A d.uii was erected across West Ri\er. and two large reser- \-oirs on the west side and one on the east side were constructed to furnish the re(|uired water. A number ol years alter borings develnped the fact that water could be obtained by driven wells which ha\'e since furnisheil a large sup])ly ot great clearness and [unity. In 1.S71 Mr. Merriman resigned the treasurership of the com])any and was succeeded by the eldest son of the piesident, Charles Warren Rijipitt. l-"rom that time to the ])resent there has been a continuous development ami enlarge ment of the establishment. From a Hoor sjiace of 28,722 scjuare feet in 18^14, it has been extended to an area of 242,142 square feet, or about 3 ' J acres. It gi\es em[)loy- ment to 575 o|)era lives, with a month- ly pay roll of about S20,ooo. In 1S77 the business of printing was added to that of bleach- ing and dyeing, anti from time to time buildings have been erected and machinery of the must improved and httest tyjie has been put into oper- .ition for this ]iar- ticular branch. The „.,,,, T ■.. i^ ^ < r,u J I 1 J power of the estab- Charles W;irren Lippitt, Ex-Governor of Rhode Island. '. lishment is sup- [.ilied lioin two separate boiler plants, whose conibuied horse [lower is rated at 3300. Thiciugh the medium of Corliss engines and elettric motors, the transmission is made to the uKii hinery of the concern The officers are President, ( harles 11 MerriTiian ; Treasurer, Ch.irles Warren l.ippitt. Charles Waiien l.ip- pitt, the Treasurer ol the conijiany, was born in I'rovidence, < 'ctober S, 1846. (iradu;ite of ludwn I 'ni\ersit\', class of 1803, lie betjan 7 03 W 5 8 iU()(">R.\riiic.\i. iiisTom' i )\- III M.\\ri-'.\( TURIIRS business in i8()9 in his father's ol'lice in connec- tion with the Social Manufacturing Co., Silver S[)ring Hleaching and Dyeing t"o., and the Lip- Dexter B. Potter. pitt Woolen Co. In 1^X71 he was elected Treas- nier of the Silver Sj.iring Hleaching and Dyeing ( o., and has held that position e\er since. In 1S75 and 1876 he was elected President of the Franklin Lyceum, and during the same \ears when his lather was ( lovernor of the state, he served as C(.ilonel and Chief of the Personal Staff. In 1878 and i88i) lie ser\-ed as \'ice- I'resident, and in 1881 and i88j as I 'resident of the l'ro\idence Hoard of 'I'rade, and in 1880 he was elected \'ice- President of the National Hoard of Trade. In 1881) he was elected Presi- dent of the Social Manufacturing Co., which jio- sition he still holds. His entire business life has been connected with nianufacturini; enter- prises conducted within the State of Rhode Is- lanil. In 181)4 he was chairman of the Re|)ubli- can State Convention. At \', 11 ions times he has ser\'ed as ( hairnian of the Republic. m Cit)- and Congressional Conventions. lie was elected < lovernor ot Rhode Island in iSii; and re elected in 189I), his terms ot service de\elo])ing much that was of \-alue to the state. Lver)' (|uestion o| im])oi"tance recei\'ed the l the upper Hoor and from Providence Telephone Building storage of telephone and either electrical appar- atus which are kept constantly on hand for im- mediate use. The second floor is devoted to the main ofifice of the company, directors' room, the President s. Treasurer's and General Mana- ger's rooms. The third floor is devoted to the electrician's operating department, the distrib- uting room and private rooms for the lady op- eratives, in the form of cables some 12,000 wires enter the buildin"; throush cement lined , Union Street, Providence. tliere to the distributing room where the twehe thousand wires are separated and connected in a proper manner with the switch board, making it possible for any Providence subscriber to be connected with any of the more than 100,000 subscribers of the various e.\changes. which in- clude the long distance as well as the local ex- changes. The work of la)ing the underground conduit system in the city of Providence was begun in 1892. and now that it is completed, ami 6o r.K KlRAril 1( AL 1IISI()R\ ()|. IIIl.; M.WIM'ACTI'RI-.RS ill of the branches well established, the I'mvi mysteiies of the field of electricitv that was at leiice Teleiihoiie Company may be saiil to ha\e that time being oi)ened for ]ieriisal by any one )ne of the best telejihone [)lants in the I'liiled who hail the disposition and sul'ficient under ■itates. In August, iSgj, lv\(iovernor llnw staiulini;- to master the business, lie was final- ird resij;ned as I'resident ot the com]>any, and ly emplnyed by the .American Telegraph Com le was succeeded b)- llenr_\' C Cianstim as pan)' ot l'r(>\'idence, in iJeceniber, 186;;, remain 'resident, and .\Ibert ( >. .Morgan, of llostim, as in<; with comuanv and the rninn Tele St; a h I'resident I lert ( K .Morgan, of lloston, as \'ice President. In i.SSi , Charles T, 1 )orraiue resigned, and .is his successor, Charles T. llow ard was elected Treas- urer. I'pon i\lr. Cran ston's death, l)exter H. Potter was elected President, who now holds that position. Mr. Potter is a native ot -Scituate, R. P. he having been born there August 2:;, 1S40. Mr. Potter has held many of the town offices of Co\-eiiti)- in which he has lived foi inan_\- years, rep resenting the town in the <'ieneral As sembly in i,S7i .-unl iSjJ, and as .^cnatoi- from that town in KS73 and 1S74, ;iiiil again as rejjresenta- tive to the Ceiieial -Xssemljly from the same town from i 87(1 to I,S7,S. Tu(i of the latter years he was Sj)eakerof the I bnise. In I i<~i) he again lep rented the town of Coventry in the .Sen ate. 'I'he growth ot the extensi\'e service of the company has nearly all been developed under the manage- ment of Mr, .\ll)crt C. White, who was elected Cieiieral .Superintendent in 1.SS4, .oid in i.S>)i) was |)romoted to the ollice of .M.inager Mr. White is a native ot b'.ill Rivei. M.iss , where he was born June jS, i,S4i. He tirst be ;.ui active life a-- Telephone Building, Newp :mber, 1S6;;, remain ing with company and the I'nion 'Pele grajih C(i, until the spring of iSSi, at which time he accepted the jiosition of electrician of the Providence Tele- jihone Co., which po sition he hekl until 1S.S4, when he was elected Sujierinten- dent of the comjiany. His general oversight of the business dur- ing the i)ast few- years, when many miles of conduits were being construct- ed, new stations be ing established, and a general e.xpansion of the business tak- ing place in nearly every direction has ]iroven wise and effi- cient in every ]iar- ticular, for during all of this time the ser- vice of the companv has been kept up li> the highest standard, notwithstanding all of the changes that have taken |ilace in improving the facili- ties of the com])any, so as to enable them to meet the increas- ing demands of the business. The ac comiianyiiig views of the telephone buildings of Newport and Pawtucket show them to be sub stantial stinctures, with sufficient rooi lort. handliii; tcK le jN, 1S41. i;.ui .n.ii\t iinj as a messenger bo\' in theserv ice of the Cnion Telegra|ih ( o., in Pall River, whcie lie devoted all ot his eneri;ics to Ici"-- •'• Miniiii' the )m for ^ the business of their sections, and the telephone building recently finished on Hroad street. Providence, is e(|ually substantial and commodious, which will give this [lart of the city as good service as any other ]>art ot their eNtensive ten itory AND BUSINKSS MKN OI'" RlloDI-; ISLAM). 6i A. Burgess & Son. Manufacturers of leather belting, raw hide and leather pickers, loom strapping, and carry on a general mill sup- ply business, lousiness established by Al[jheus Burgess in 1835, probably the pioneer business of its kind in Rhode Island. Works located at 692 North Main street, Providence. Upon the death of the founder of the business his son, Ale.xander ]5urgess, became the owner and car- ried on the business under the same name, Alexander's son, I^dwin A. Burgess, in time having an interest in the concern. Ujion the as is made in this country, a large percentage of their production being sold to the (jorham Manufacturing Co., which in itself is a sudicient guarantee that they produce the best of work. The remainder of their output is principally in the New England -States. Business established in iiS/j. Works located at i6i Dorrance street. Providence. Employ 15 skilled workmen. Plant equipped with every modern ai)pliance that is required in the art of glass cutting. The members of the firm are as follows : John K. DeCioey. born in Apponaug, K. I., December Telephone Building, Pawtucket. death of Ale.xander his son Edwin still con- tinued the business under the old name. Ed- win A. Burgess, who was born in Providence, July 31, 1842, died Eebruary 12, 1900. The business is at present being carried on for Mrs. Burgess under the management of .Alphonso D. Marsh, who was book-keeper for the firm from 1887 to 1892, and is thoroughly ac(|uainted with the de- tails of the business. Hope Glass Works — Manufacturers of all kinds of cut glass table ware. This company makes as fine and artistic line of cut glass ware 20, 1870; William DeGoey, born in Apponaug, R. I., March 27, 1872. Some of the goods made by this firm are examples of the most ex- quisite workmanship. Their goods are bought from the glass maker in blank form and their workmen produce the various patterns that are made by their designers. James D. Minto. — Dyeing, winding and spool- ing. Business established in 1894. Works lo- cated at Manton, K. I. P^mploys 100 hands. James D. Minto was born in .Scotland, .April 15, 1849. 6 J HIM(,R.\1M1IC.\I. IIISIORN- ol'- Till'; MAX l' lACTT R l-.RS A. L. Sayles& Sons. .Mamitactureis ot t.iiu)' cassimeres aiul worsteds, ami carriaiie clotlis. l''actnrv Idcatccl at I'ascoag, R. I }{m])liiy 305 Albert H. Sayles. lianiis, proiluciiiL; 14,000 yards iif cloth per week. Husmess can ie lucii ninn- or lr' road depot, tacinj;' the main street of the town, wim-n \\ii\c nin^i ,.i' tin- falirio wdrn in ilmse the new ot'lice ol the company beinj; sitnated at daw. Km hanicl Sa\ii^, a ]ir(it;enitnr nf ihc the extreme lett ol the plant, which is one ol the ^a\K'^r- iimw m ilu- nianui'ainu'in^ lin>inc~> ni most np-to-date and commodious mill orilces in I'a^cnaj;, hail crccu-d in that |ilacr a laiildiiiL; i^r the State. The mill buildings are situated on itillini^ and dt■^■^^inu; wmKii clutli, tin- iariiicr> the edge of the mill [)ond somewhat lower than ..1 tin town l)iinL;in,L; m tluir h.iiiirN|aiM i^.hkIs the street, which gives them the api)earance of to \,c d\(d. inllfd and linislu-d. I'nr tin appliances being much smaller than the\' really are. These of hi^ null prod nerd a nnu h hiur article than the buildings with the oitice form three sides of a lionviv\nr coiiM possibly ]iroihua- in tlir liomc. sipiare, a high tower surmounting the end ol the wiili her i-rndc s\siriii. which wa^ iln-n in u--c in main structure. The tront of the mill is three ncarlx i.crv coniiirx homr oi that sn'tioii. stories, but on the rear it is tour stories in irom llii^ fullini:; mill tin- u'l'tat wonKn maiiu- height. The shmter wing with the tower is laclnrini; iniln--lr\ of the plaic has dcx cIo|nd. >o binlt of stone up to the thirtl stoi}', wliich is that toiia\ I'ascoaL; i^ Ioim^cI upon a> one of the built of wood, the stone part oi this struct lu'e Liieat textile cetUers of the state. I )aniel Sayles A Glimpse of the Manutactuiing Village of Pascoag, R. I. being a part ol the old mill, which is undoiilit >oon lUei put a <>o(il i-.irding inachine into his edly the oldest existing factory structure in the mill, and the farmers broitvlu their to be town of lUirriUville. The remainder ot the mill carded, the lilier iieitiL; far superiiir to that buildings are built of wood with stone basements, produci'd b\ ilie old hand carding process. covered with tin roots. Taken as a whole this .erty, which was owned by Jason l^mer- son, for some 530,000. The machinery was moved from their Mapleville mill, more sets of machinery were adtled, and they continued the manufacture of satinets on a more e.\tensi\e scale. .\ S20,ooo addition was built in KS57, 100 feet in length, for dyeing and other pur- poses. Passing through the financial crisis of |any with !■". Metcalf and his l)rother, l-'.llison Tinkham, began to op- erate the Carolina Mills in Richmond, R, 1., selling his interest in these mills in iSjh. .Mr. Tinkham jiurchased his jKirtner's interest in the Harrisville property in 1873, becoming the sole owner, but later took Fred S. I-'arwoU as a partner in the business, when the firm name became Tinkham & P"ar- well, remaining so until 187,8 when Mr. Tiiik ham's son. I'.rncst W., became a member of the com]>anv. and the name was then changed to Tinkham, P'arwell & Co. In 1884 Mr. Farwell's interest was i)urchased, and the company name then became William Tinkham & Co., I\lr. Tink- and his son heiiii: the sole owners. AND BUSINESS MEN OF RHODE ISLAND. 67 Mr. Tinkham was the man who projected the Providence and Springfield railroad, the build- ing of which opened up one of the best manu- facturing sections of the State. Without this road the manufacturers of that section could hardly have held their own against their com- petitors who were enjoying railroad facilities. Mr. Tinkham became its first President and Manager, which positions he held until the road was purchased by the N. \'.. N. II. & II. Rail- started a spindle and fiyer manufactory located on the south side of the road, while the building containing the forges and trip hammers was lo- cated on the opposite side of the road near the bridge. In 1832 a cotton mill was in operation here, which adjoined the spindle shop. In 1843 John T. l-'iske and D. C. Remington were man- ufacturing print goods here, the mill being sub- sequently operated by James Cunlil'fe, and later John Irons carried on the mill business here, William Tinkham & Co. Factory, Harrisville, BurrillvUle, H. I. road Company. Mr. Tinkham cared little for public office, although he was elected to repre- sent his town in the lower house of the General Assembly of Rhode Island in 1866. The water power that supplies the mill is one of the best privileges in the State, the stream be- ing formed by the waters of the Clear, Pascoag and Nipmuck rivers. There was formerly, in the early years of the last century, a saw and grist mill located on the site of thejiresent mill, when the place was known as Rhodesville, in honor of Capt. William Rhodes. A little later Andrew Harris purchased the privilege and and still later, prior to 1853, a Mr. Burgess was proprietor of the mill. In 1853 Stephen and Jason Emerson purchased the property, the latter finally becoming the sole owner, who pro- ceeded to build a new mill, which was the mill bought by Steere & Tinkham in 1856. and which has developed so extensive a business during the past half century under Mr. Tink- ham's management and ownership. I'.rnest W. Tinkham was born in Harrisville, R. I., September 25, 1857, who now carries on the bulk of the business that was established by his father in 1856, and which has developed into one of the largest woolen plants of Southern New England. 68 iU()(,K.\i'iiuAi. iiisToRv OF Till-: MAxri'ACTi ki:rs Peace Dale Manufacturing Co. — Matuifactiir crs of woolen and worsted goods for men's and women's wear, rugs, shawls, etc. Business established in iSui by Rowland Ila/ard, who was one of the tirst to begin the manufacture ot woolen goods in the State. Incorporated in 1S48. C'a]iitali/ed for ;S5O0,ooo. Works located in Peace Dale. R. I., where the business was first established. ICmploy 600 hands, ( )riicers : Rowland G llazard, President; William (". (ireene, Treasurer; James W. Drysdale, Sujier- intendent ; William T. Stedman, Secretary. built here. The aim of the ("ompany has always been to make strictly first-class goods, anil to build u]> a jileasant and home-like village •about the plant. The Hazard Memorial was built in the centie of the village in iXScj, in memory of Rowland (i. Ila/ard, and contains a good library, assembly hall, gymnasium, etc., for the use of the people of the place. Swinburne, Peckham & Co. — Manufacturers ot doors, sash, blinds, window frames, mould- ings, and general builders' sujiplies. Also deal- ers in hardware. Husiness establisheil in 1S71 . fly '^''WSl^^'^m' •\ *■ s llJSjL. W *^ 'v''/--..J M' ' w Hazard Memorial, Peace Dale, R. I. I'ower is furnished by the Saugatucket River and about i.jDO-horsc i)owcr of steam. The works are lighted by electricity generated by the company's dynamos. There are lOo broail looms, and the product is about one third woolen and twothirds worsted gnoils. The village was |iractically founded by Rnwland Hazard at the beginning of the last centuiy, and the business has been carried on by his descendants uj) to the present time. The jiro- duct was at first coarse woolen cloth, and was entirely confined to the manufacture of woolens either in cloths or shawls until 1872, when the first complete worsted mill in .America was Mill Idcated on I'eckham's Wharf, Newport, 1\. I. Store, J15 'I'hames street. George \\ . .Swinburne was born in Newport, R. 1., in !830. j. A. I'eckham is also a native of Newport. I'liwer for the works is sujiplied by a fifty horse power Corliss steam engine. The plant is cquiiijied with all of the modern wood working machniery re(|uired in a business of this kind. Warwick Mills. — Manufacturers of lawns and fine cotton yarns. Incorjjorated in 1896. Capi- talized for $400,000. ICm[)loy 350 hands. Works locatetl in Centreville, K. I. Officers: R. 15. .Sew- all, of Boston, Mass., President; K. B. Townsend, ol 15oston. Mass., Treasurer; J. T. P'erguson, .Superintendent. D 3 •a » ■■S:.'i-: BKX^RAI'HICAI. 1IIST()R^■ OI'- Till'; MANUI'ACTURERS National Paint Mfg. Co. — Manufacturers of reMUircnieuts, and to-day he is turning out dip- dipping paints, used more especially for ma- i)ing paints in almost any color that may be re- chinery, and sold all over the United .States, quired, that give the appearance ot enamel among machinery manufacturers. Business es- when the surface is dry, with no cracks or tablished in i8S8 by (1. \V. I'aine on Dorrance streaks, making an immense saving in labor as street, and the works removed to the present well as ])roviding a superior surface for all kinds location at 42 (iarnet street, rro\idence. in 1898. Cjeorgc W. I'aine. the ])roprictor of the business, was born in the town ot I'dster, R I . in December, 1838. After lea\ing the |)ublic schools he entered into active liusincss ]Hirsnits, once they have become acquainted with its and the result of his endeavors in the nianufac- quality. Not only small frames or castings are ture of paints has been tiic ])roductii>n of certain treated in this wa), but large castings such as grades of dipping paints that are said to be su[)erior to any- thing of the kind made in this country, and of which Mr. I'aine claims to be the pio neer manutactuicr. r.iinting is as ancient as l''.gyj)tian sculp- ture, as records ot the art as early as t he Nineteenth Century 15. C, give e\idciu-c <-)f in |)lain language, but the producing ol paints, such as are 111 use to-day lor the various manut.ntur ing pur])oses, as well as for art, was the work ot the century just closed, .and not until the end ot the century was the highest degree of pci- fection attained, both as to the pertcct bleiKling of colors and the durability ol the liquitl when a[)[)lied to iron or wood surfaces, Mr. I'aine hail noted that the paints in onlinary use to|- the covering of wooden surfaces or iron with a brush were fairly up to the re(|uircnients ol the times, but it was imj^ossible to use those paints for dippiing purposes, because when the sur- faces became dry they were streaked .and un- even, and wholly unfit for the market on ac- count of their imsightliness. Recognizing a new field. .Mr. Paitie devoted many years in de veloping a line of paints that should meet the George W. P.inie. ot machinery, so much better than the ordinary macliinery jKiint that is put on by brushes that tew manufacturers of machinery ami castings in this country will use anvthing else when loom frames, where two men are required to handle them, are dii)ped with equal e.'ise, and they look as well when dry as the smaller jueces, they being hung up like sides of beef for three or tour hours, when they are suffi- ciently dry to take down and make room for a second lot. The drying process leaves the surface perfectly smooth, the jjaint be- ing evenly deposited c>\er the surface of the whole casting. Two men will do the work that is (U'dinar- il\' (lone b_\' twenty men. < ine manufac- turer was employing three men to paint a nd thev were hardly certain kind ot cast in; able to keep up with the men who were setting up the machinery. When the clipping ])aints made by the National I'aint Mfg. Co. were sidi- stitiited loi- the kind they had been using, one bov .it a inst ol si.\ dollars a week did all of the work that had formerly cost them six dol- lars a day, and he performed the work better th.m brushes could possibly do it. X'ermillion, the most difficult color for a dipping paint, has been brought down to perfection by .Mr. I'aine, and the general line that he has been able to give our manufacturers has done more in the AND HUSINESS MEN OF RHODE ISLAND. 71 way of economy than anything that has been brought out in many years. Information about this kind of work may be procured at the National Paint Mfg. Co.'s Works, 49 Garnet street, Providence. Perforated Pad Co. — Manufacturers of har- ness specialties, such as fronts, blinds, rosettes, pads, etc.; patent leather and felt goods for the harness trade. They are the manufacturers of the famous Becker & VVickser's sore-back sad- dle. Business established by C. H. Ilorton and Palmer Brown in 1877. Incorporated in 1S82. Capitalized for $50,000. Factory located in Woonsocket, R. I. F^mploy 65 hands. Officers: Etienne C. Delabarre, President, who is a native of Belgium; Charles H. Horton, Secretary and Treasurer, who is a native of Rehoboth, Mass. This is probably the largest manufacturini; business of its kind in the State. Dr. Seth Arnold Medical Corporation. — Manu facturers of proprietary medicines. Dr. Seth Arnold's Cough Killer, Soothing Cordial, and Anti-Bilious Pills. Originally the manufac- turers of Dr. Seth Arnold's Balsam. Business established by Dr. Seth Arnold in 1842. In- corporated in 1873. Capitalized for $100,000. Officers: Alexander S. Arnold, President and Treasurer; William B. Lincoln, Secretary. Laboratory located at 158 Park avenue, Woon- socket, R. I. One of the largest medicine con- cerns in the State. Mason Mfg. Co. — Manufacturers of mill and laundry soaps, and make a business of the ren- dering of tallow and grease, also manufacture fertilizers. Business established by Stephen N. Mason in 1837. Works located in Woonsocket, R. I. Fred P. Fenton, the present owner, is a native of North Hudson, N. \., where he was born September 29, 1S57. Was employed in the works some time prior to purchasing them. ■Woonsocket Shuttle Co. — Manufacturers of shuttles for all kinds of textile work. Business established by John Johnson, a native of Scot- land. Works located in Woonsocket, R. I. Consolidated with the American Shuttle Co., in 1898, whose headquarters are in Boston, Mass. Woonsocket Reed & Shuttle Co.^Manufac- turers of shuttles for cotton, woolen and silk mills, lousiness established in 1892 by John Shambow. Works located in Woonsocket, R. I. Consolidated with the American Shuttle Co. in 1897. WOONSOCKET, R. I. Ihis ])lace very soon began manufacturing in tin- textiU- line after Samuel Slater iiad invented his spinning frame and put it into successful ()j)iTation in Pawtuckel. but before this, fully OIK' hundred years, the town that became known as Woonsocket was inannfactnring various arti- cles from iron, wliich probabl) gives it the distinction of being the first to begin the manufacture of iron and steel goods in the state. I'lie first wheel turned 1)\ the waters of the I'llackstone Kiver, at the l'"alls, was that of a sawinill, which stood where the tower of tlu- old liallou mill now stands, not far from the dam. wliich is said to be ahoiil the \ear [()(>nar\ War; so imicli so that the owners were enal)led to reap cpiite a snug fortune for those ihns. William Hopkins was one of the owners in 1720. The next was a scythe factorx. and all of these were located at and received their |)ower from the I'alls of the I'dackstone. The great freshet of 1S07. when the water was higher than it was ever known before or since, carried away or disableil all of the first manufacturing estab- lishnieiits ol tlie village of Woonsocket. only tile scxthe factor\- resinning business. 'Ihe owners of the water privileges of Woon- socket. when the nianulaeture of textiles began to be agitated along about 1810. were James .\riiold of the I'.lackstone River privilege. Joseph Arnold of tin' .Mill Kiver privilege, and .Stephen Wilcox of the Peter's Kiver privilege. .\ meet- ing was held to c< insider the advisability of establishing a cotton mill, ( ictober 24. 1810, y- lUoCRAl'llICAI. lllsrORN' ol' I'lil': M.\\ri'A( TURMKS liicwi- prcseiu at tlu' nici'tiriL; hrini; Xatlian. Irac'tivc and c-i uiipK'to cotton factorit-s v\vr huilt .\ricl and Aimer I'.allon, 1-'.1ht r.artKll, Joli and in llu- -lalr, now dr\otrd wholly to the siiiiniini^ l.nke jeiicke--, l)li\rr 1. eland and Joseph \r- of ei illon \ aiiis. nold As a restdi of this nieetiiii; the Social In iXjj \\ . \- 1'. I'anuini and others were Mainu'aci ininL; to was iiiL;ani/ed with the ca]i- InnshiiiL; satnuis ni a factor\ hijilt li\ jaincs ital stock set at Sl', there lieinL; onl\ sixteen \rnold for the purpose of ntilizinu his water shares, two shan-s for each nicinlur of the coni- prnilei^e on the I'llackstone at \\ o. msocket pan\. The lirst null that was lunlt was a lalls. I his null was limned in iSjij and a new small wooclen sirnctnri' where the present lactor\ erected in its |ilace the followiii!:; year. Social Mill is located, with a capacitx for _',(ioo .March _■( >, iS^i. there was a real estate transac- spindles. I herefore, it was ilecided li\ this tion i hat meant more for the tow n than any other conipain that tin- waters of the .Mill l\i\er snnilar s,ile has ever deveIoj)ed. and I'.dwanl should tmn tin- lirst spindles that weic to he 1 larris, the pioneci' wonlen mannlactnrer, was si't in moiiim m \\ oi msi ickel . and which were the man who made this traiis;ict ion of si i much the hei^immii; of ati indnstr\ that has madi nnportanee, iioi unly to WMoiisocket, liiit to the u. $ ^sst^i ., .,i( 1 1 ■ ' ' ■ 1 « = » ■^;(00^ mj^ The Manufacturing City of the town ami cit\ fanions as mie ot ilu i.;reat coniitr\ at larL;e. When wc say "pioneer textile centers , ,] tin; Conntr\. The clics to the first .\nierican M'ars, iiniil i S.j i . when Itextcr I'.allon liecinie wcMileii f.ihncs iliai stoml dii a par with the ihe sole proprietor of the hiisincss. .Xni hiii;; cassimeri's had hefore that lime been after tins other men Ixcame interested m iniiiiii"ted lioiii l.tiropean countries. (tther the compan\. ( Mm I'.allon luiiiL; I'resideni. manmactnrers had contented thcmsehes with llenr\ l.ippilt 'I'reasurcr and ( liarles Xdnrse ]iroducinL; a lair or |iassalile (|nalit\ oi s.atinets, Snpcrmleiident , hroni this tunc tile Social while uotliim,; sh. .rt nf ilie hest wo.iK'ii L;.Mids .M.annf.u'lnriiiL; to. m.ade •^t\-.\\ progress. dlie 'hat coiild he made direct from the raw m.iterial .Mill was eiacied. dcsii-,,\ei| li\ lire, re ''rom the sliee]i'- hack conid satistx .Mr. Harris, liiiilt on a l;irL;er se.ile. and kiler the ( .lolic .Mill, .•■nd as :i result ,,i this amhition there was hardl\ on tlu- r.i.-ickst. mi- l\i\i-i-. lu-cinu- a p.-ut of the a Rhode lsland<-r as e,-irl\ as iS^d who was sat- comiiaiu's propert\. and still |,-iter the X'ourse islied l.i wear an\ kind of ,-i suit miK-ss he wa- .Mill was erectt-d, which is ,ine of the most at- loiumceil that it was cut out of the "donhle .'md AND BUSINESS MEN UE RHODE ISLAND. 75 twist" made in the Harris Mills of W'ooiisocket. Mr. Harris hetjaii iiis remarkable career here in this mill, which was afterwards known as Harris Mil! Xo. 1. He huilt other mills, hin his s,'-reat- est effiirt was the Harris I'rivileLje on .Mill River. al)iiv(j the .Social .Mamifacturintj (_i.>.'s .Mills on the same stream, which was completed in iS^i,^. and is today owned and operated hy the Law tun Spimhni.;' In., the mill pri)pert\ ha\ini; \k-vu enlar^eil and refitted specially to meet the recniiri'menis nf a modern varn mill. When the ])rii|)ert\' was t'lrst cumpleted it was c-unsid- ereince been knowti as the Lyman .Mill. ;md which passed itUo the hands of j. 1'. iS: |. ( i. Ra\ . the business lieing carried on uiuK-r the same name at the ])reseiU time. He.xter I'.allou was one ot the First ti) |i;ase rooms in tliis mill after it was built, which was for the ])urpose of spinning cotton yarns, ."^ince that time the Lippitl ('o.. which, combinecl with tlu- various tt-\tile plants, make the cit\ of WHonsocket one of the Iitisicst manufacturing centers in New I'.tigland. rile time-honored name of the .Social M.anufac- mring I o. has tiiis \ear been swallowed U]) in the newly incorporated .Manville Manufactur- iii.g Co. There was a stone mill built on I'eter's River, at what is now lenckt-sville. in \X22. by job Jetickes ;md others, and it has been Usi-cl more or less f( ir textile maiuu.acturing ever since, but the water pri\ilege here was not sufticieiitly Woolen Co.'s mills have been built, utilizing the large to slimul.ile as \igorous a growth ;is was saiue water privilege, the I'.agle .Mills. Clinton develoiied on the lUackstone and Mill River Mills, both of which use the waters oi the lllack- privileges. 74 HIOGRAl'llK AI. HIS TORN' ()!• Till': MANUFACTURERS Manville Company. — Manufactureis (if Hue cotton fabrics for women's wear, also sheetings, shirtings, twills, sateens, etc. Husiness estab- lished in 1810 as the Social Manufacturing Co., in the town of WOonsocket, that jiart of the present comjiany being incorporated in 1855, with a capital of $1,000,000. The present com- pany was incorporated under the laws of New Jersey, in May, 1901, the incorpoiators licing Chas. II. Merriman, (has. W. l.ippitt and Henry V I.ipjiitt, of Providence, K. I , and George B. Duren, of Newark, N, j. Capital- ized for $6,000,000. ( )fricers : llcnry !■'. l.ip- pitt. President and General M.nKi,L;cr ; Chas. II. Merriman, Treasurer; 1 jol der l^orden Howen, Sccic- ■'^- tary. Employ about 4,000 hands. The mills of the cumjianv are : Vhv Man- ville Mill, main building erected in 187(1 7, ''^ Man ville, R. I ., which, with the ad|iiiniiig prdpcrty, a ta.x valuation nt S8(XJ,ooo ; the Social Mill, Nourse Mill and (ilobe Mill in W'oonsocket. R. I , foini- erly known as the Social Mfg. Co., which name has sto()(J for nearly a hundred years, but which now Idscs its identity in the new corporation, has a ta.x val nation of $1,231,450, which makes a total ta.\ valuation •> of the property of the con solidated companies of $2,i:!i,45o. The matuifacturc ol coitim was begun on the I'.lackstonc River at the vil],ii;c .fV.ZJa.«>>. - Social Mills of the Manville Company, Woonsocket, R. I. -6 Hi()(,k.\nii( .\i, iii.M()k\' oi III'. M.wri'Ac I l'ri;rs The Taft-Peirce Manufacturing Co. — Manu- facturers of machines and mechanical special- ties. The works, which are amon^ the larj^est in Rhode Island, are locateil in W'oonsocket. Daniel W. Taft, Treasurer; \'.. J. I'eirce, Jr., Agent and Superintendent. They have their own electric lighting plant, and everything about the factory is modern and up-to-date in every resisect, the power being furnished by steam. I'he Taftl'eirce Manufacturing Co. are contract work entirely. They make no machin- ery for themselves, having no lines of their own which are manufactured, the entire thought and energy of the concern being devoted to the \arious manufacturing companies throughout the country, for whom they build machines and tools. Their specialty is the construction of any class of machinery and mechanical devices with interchangeable parts, and the re-designing of machines for economical manufacture. Among jS^W^ wfi#;^.- ' . LL LL'iL ilM 111 ^^^§(^ .^:Mi mu mmw ^ m lis] 1*^ Plant of the Taft -Pence Manufacturing Co., Woonsocket, R. I. one of the best known machinery builders in the com])anies for whom work has been done America. The shops, as shown herewith, are for some time past are the American Knitting large and commodious, three stories high, of Machine Co. of W'oonsocket ; the Universal brick construction, ami they aie \ery strongly Winding Co. of Boston, Mass., and Providence; built so as to contain heav)- machinery without I'urilan Maiiutacturing Co. of Boston, Mass.; causing too much vibration. 'I'here may be 'I'abulating Machine Co. of Washington, 1). C; said to be two main buildings, with connections, besiiles a boiler and engine room in a separate building, and storehouses. 'I'he entire jilatit is fitted throughout with the most modern ma chinery of every description lliat is requiied in a tirst-class machine shop. The company ilo McTammany B.iUot Co., I'rovidence; The I.ans- tnn Monoty])e-Machine Co., Washington, D. C; 'I'he i.anston Monotype Coriioration, Ltd., Lon- don, b'.ngland : The National Knitting Co. of Milwaukee, Wis ; 1'. A. Hubbel, of Detroit, Mich., and others. The kind of machinery AND HUSINKSS MKN OF K I IODIC ISLAND. 77 made by this company is widely diversified, in- volving work of the finest accuracy and most in- tricate detail where nicety of construction is the most essential element. It is by this high-class work that the company have achieved a reputa- tion that is unsurpassed for fine work, both in the line of special tools and interchangeable machine parts. Twice within two years the company have been compelled to enlarge their works in order to accommodate the growing business. The [present area of floor space contained in the works is three and a half acres. The manage- as the " Old l'"orge " at VVoonsocket Falls, which, during the Revolutionary war, made their owners comparatively rich men, so much was the demand for their crude productions. These modern machinery plants, several of which have been established in the city, have prevented the te.xtile industries from making it wholly a te.xtile manufacturing town. The works of the company are situated just off of North Main street, not far from the famous Harris Mfg. Co. plant, where Edward Harris made his world-famous cassimeres, and com- peted successfully with the textiles made in Woonsocket Falls, Blackstone River, Woonsocket, R. I. ment of the company is in the hands of experts foreign countries. The buildings constituting in the line of mechanical construction, and the the plant are modern in every respect and so force of skilled workmen is representative of constructed as to give plenty of light on all four the present high standard of American sides of the different sho[js. mechanics. There is probably no better class September 2, as this form goes to jiress, the of skilled laborers collected together in one es- daily newspapers report: "Daniel W. Taft, of tablishment in this country. U.xbridge, has retired from the company and The establishment of the Taft-Peirce Manu- Herman Hollerith, who has purchased the facturing Co. in Woonsocket has proven a same for a syndicate of New York and Bos- great help in keeping alive the reputation of the ton capitalists, is now in control. The ]5resent place as a producer of iron and steel goods, such name is retained and Ceneral Manager as was first established two centuries ago by the I'eirce remains in charge with increased " Wlnsoket Iron Works," in other words known responsibilities." -8 HIixlRAI'IIHAl. llISTom' oi' Till'; MANIJFACTUKKRS Lawton Spinning Co. Maiuifacturers of tine iSi)i>, wluii the Ntuck was run out and the i)ro|>- ooitnn \arn-. I'.usiiiess estahhsheil ami in erl\ \\a> hou^ht 1)\- the Lawton S])innins,^ Co.. e. iijiorate'l in :SiiS. ( a|iitaH/t-(l inr Si^imjooo .\nL:u>l 17. \Xi)'). 'I'hv new eoin])anv made ex- J'^niiilov 431) hanils. Works loeateii in the eit\ tensi\e ini]iro\ enients on the propertv. tnider the of \\"..on^oekti and llhiewiHe. R. \. I )t'ti,er^ : MUierviMon ol the inih atehiteet. .Mr. C. .\. M, I.e.inder R, I'eek, I'reNideiU; h ie(K-riels ( '. I'larav of I 'ro\ idenee. wllose pLans have made lleteher. \ iee- 1 'resident ; \\ lUiani I). loild, this one o| ihi- most n|i-to-(late spimiint; phmts ."^eeretarv and IreasniiT, w ho w as lioin in l'ro\i ni the I'niled .'-^tate>. Ihe ohl wood breast deuia-. .\nL;nsl 4, 1S03. I lie \\ oonsoekei .Mill wheel, at one lime the lar<.;est in the eountry, properly was lirsl hnilt li\ I'.dward 1 larris, the was taken oiil and three tnrhine watir wheels ol .sueeessfiil pioneer won! mami lael mer. who L;a\e the llohnke make wen- put in le) lakt' its place, to Xew I'liidaiid the 1011 of pro(hieinL; as so as to pro\ ide ;^ieall\ inereased power. I'lu' ihie Woolen talnies as were made in I'lirop;- lloor sp.ue of the main niill. which eompiises .six Plant of the Lawton Spinning Co., Woonsocket, R. I. lie lie.^an the foundation .if the f.ictory in 1 Si H lloors, is _>3o.noo >.|uare feet; a cotton store and com]ileted the mill m I So ^ '1' mamifai- house oi square feel; en-iiie and holier lured W'"ilens km- ihis lime, for he came house, sipiare feel ; d\e house. 7.000 sipiare t., \\ .loiisocket s,,mewliere .•ihoin iSj;, willioin leel ; a hrick smokeslacdx 150 feet hi,L;h, with a any means for carrying; 011 Intsiness. Iml he \'er\ i''"' '"^4 inches in diameU-r, ddiere is om- new soon found a wa\ to liei^in manufacturiuL;. Ihe 1 larris-( orliss cross compound condeiisiim mill plant when com|>leteil cost alioiu Si. 300.000. engine J4"\4(i"x4S". and one I leori^e (orliss and was considereil one of ihe liesl woolen nulls condensiuL; enu;ine _'V'x'(o". I'liese two en- in the counlr\ , heiiii; know II ,1s the Harris I'rui- L:inrs oi\e a t.ilal oi 1 400 horse powrr. To leu;e. In 1 S07 .\|r. 1 larris leased the ]iropert\' sii|i[,|\ ihe sUani for the plant there are three to Taft, W'eeilen \- to f(ir ;i prrioil iif li\-t' \ears, I'.alu'oik \' Wilcox hollers, and four < icor^e at the e\pir;Uion of which the Ihiiris Woolen Corliss li.)ileis of the l;itest patterns made. All (.0. was ori^ani/ed, in lS7^, .ind took possession the I'ipin;.; lor the steam planl were made to lif ihe factoi\ , oper;itinL; it more or less until st.and a pressure o| J30 pounds. The pumps AND BUSINESS MKN OF RlIOnK ISLAND. 79 used in this work are nf the well-known "l\ Howies'" niakc. Power for the mil! is put in so that it can he diviiU'il into as many units as is required, and can all l)e conneeti-(l nr disi-on- liected at will. '\\\v mill is eciuipiird with two 8oo-light dynamos lor liiijhtint; the eompU'le plant, which are driven by a small water wheel, and also connected with the main line of shaft- ingf, so as to ])rovide two sources of power. 'The mill is e(|ui])])ed with 50,000 sjiindles, 25,000 of which are maile specially for the very finest numbers, and the whole factory is fitted so as to manufacture fine .Sea Island and l'"t;\pti;in combed varus and threads, 2, ,:; and d cord, on cones or in skeins and threads, l)leached or un- l)lcached. Most of the machinery of the plant is from the le.Ktile machinery plants of I'aw- tucket and I'rovidence. Their ( )lne\ville plant is located on Dike street, and contains iS,oon spindles, and this is the factory where the busi- ness originated. Joseph Provuncher. — Manufacturer of water tube boilers, ship builder, etc. Business estab- lished in 1882. Ship yard and marine railway, 134 Water street. East I'rovidence, R. I. Joseph Provuncher was born in Canada, in 184X, He went to New York and later came to Paw- tucket, R. I., early in life and worked there as a house carpenter for a number of years. He stationary and marine use, doing quite an exten- sive business. II is yard is equipped with every facility for building boats and doing repairing Provuncher Water Tube Boiler. located in East Providence and began the busi- ness of a ship-builder in 1882, and in 1895 he began the manufacture of water tube boilers for Josepii ProvuncJier. of all kinds, and in addition to boat building he manufactures oyster rakes, propellers for steam- boats, etc., and does all kinds of machine work. Mr. Provuncher is assisted in his business by his three sons, Joseph Provuncher,Jr., who was born in Martha's Vineyard, in 1868, and has been in his father's employ since 18.S3; Fred- erick Provuncher, who was born in Pawtucket, R. I., in 1875, has been in the employ of his father since 1883; Wilfred Provuncher, born in Pawtucket, R. I., 1880, has been employed in the same business for a number of years. This plant furnishes one of the most important in- dustries of East Providence. The water tube boiler patented by Mr. Provuncher is claimed to be superior to other boilers, because the pip- ing is built completely around the fire bo.x, there being no fire brick, and this arrangement en- ables the firemen to get up steam quickly and to maintain a given pressure with less fuel. Leicester Knitting Mill. Manufacturers of ladies' and children's ribbed underware. Busi- ness established about 1886 by George H. Baker. Works located in Woonsocket, R. I. Employ about 200 hands, ilave their own steam power and electric lighting plants. 1,411,. l,M,ni>. Tlu- nuniher a o.ntnni..n> existence s.nce the middle ..1 llie "I ""'li' spnidles are iJ.J^x^ and frame s,„n.ll.s ... 1 ,1. .■ ,,,• I',-..,,,, -'7. 700. I lie faliries iirodneed are l.i mxlale eani- eudileenlli eenUn\ , when the I'lm i .mw n // 1 line muslin, llnllamls and sheetings, and Sdo en emnpleled this \ear of Hiol, wliieh is ,a eninin\ia- imn iif the iine-stc)r\- seeti^n. making the 'leeame kndwn as I'.rnwn \' hes. and tli,il name . , ' 1 r . 1 111 .maiiK KM . ., , , li-i>nlaue se\eral hnndreil \vc\ kiimer, ,ind whuh hrntluTs est.ihlished theinsehes as shii.pms; nier , ,■ , , , , persdiis are emiilii\ed. A new addUmn has Iuh ehants in I'r, .videnee, and then- tnan beeame the ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ -^ , ^,^ , .^^^^ leailinij- nne in the e.ik.nx. In 17110 the Iimusi has e\er smee lieen ret.ained. I 'mil alxml 1 S_:;u the liiisiness \\,is ehiellv ei hill earl\ m the last eenlur\ an interest was seeiired in ''"'^ . . shelters a J.oixi limse ]iiiwer eiini|iiiimd dmiliK l.'insdale. ."suu-e lime the mannlaeliire ..1 i-iiltiiil ekitli has heen the eliiel' luismess of tin- house. Ihe varidiis enterprises, whuh taken enL;"ine Ihe name \nn and llojie is in lioiuir 1 it the wi\"es iif ihe two ehiel founders of the Lonsdale together fonii one of the half-do/en most exteii- , , , , ' ^ ( o., and ;ilso to ]ierpeliiate ihe names o| two -ive aijureualioiis of e.illou mills m the eoimlrx. 1 o v ■^•^ -^ . lamous ships owned a eeiitiir\ a.L;o li\ I.rown & are operated under dittereiil corporate and tirm mo w ar oi' 1 . ' 1 ' i^oi.v- I ,, , , !\es. Ihe !\e\ . William l.lacksione, wlio set- n allies nanielx, the Lonsdale ( o, the I'.erkek , ,: , 1,; 1 1 1 1 1 , .■ 1 .• i> ' • """ ^ ■• ijril 111 Kliode Island a short time helore Kooer (o the llope (o. (i.iddard I'.rothers and . ■,,,,-, 1' ■• "" 'I . . Williams l.imided Providence, is siipji.ised lo "sinr"es \ ( ,aiiimell. Ihe cotton lactones an' , , 1 -i 1 ■. .- , 1 ■ ai - ""■-'^ '^ ha\"e li.ul Ills resilience oii the sUe ol this mill, ne.arlv .ill kir^e, modern stnicinres, :md are ' " .iiid the spot w as know 11 as ^'tiuh llill. \ iiioii- sitnated at l.oiisdale. I'.erkelex and .\sliton 111 ,- oi 1 , 1 ■ ,1 n '^ ''" inneiit 111 honor ol l.lackstone siaiuls in the mill the I'.l.ackstoiie \ allev. and at I'hemx and llopi in the I'awtuxel \ alle\ , The mill at l'.erkele\ was erected m 1S7J, and is a tirst-ckass modern .\aril. American Card Clothing Co. — .^hl^tlfacturers s, ,. , 11, ,1,,. i',,,-i ,.1,., ( o the "I card clothint;' for cotton and woolen mill tnu'llire, operati'il li\ liU !a-IKtic\ v le, uu r. 1 11 • nv ,. ,,, o ,, ,i' ih,. Ill,- lieiii" with surface, side-ground or needle iioints, I-"x- other nulls in I hlleieiil SCI lions ol I 111 si.iu I H m^ ^ \ '^ 1 1 .1111 11 ,,,,,,, . I oiii, ,n,„1,iii cliisi\'e American licenses tor the patent I'de.xi- suhstanlial limldiii,:.;s, well ei|nip]'ei! Willi moiuiii 1 , ■ fort card cloths. Works located at siS Warren nuiclniiers', -' On .a site which man.\ pleasing historic street, Providence. Incoriiorated, June 4. 1S90. hisiness head(.|uarters, Worcester, Mass. lie- sitles the Providence factory, there are factories memories, in the \illa-e of lamsdale, staiuL the Aim and lloiu- .Mill, one of the liiiesi cotton ■,,1 , • ,, ,,■,,..; ,, ■,,,,! ,i-r,n..,. in Leicester, Worcester, Philadelphia, Walpole, mills ill the ci mntrv 111 coiisti iiction ,mi I ,11 1 .(iil;i. - 1 ■ 1 , , 1", • ,..v, 1 , .1, 1 ,, ,1 ,1, I ,, North Antlover Depot, Manchester, Lowell and nieiil. It \\as Iniilt 111 i.SMi li\ the l.onsiLih 1 o. 1 • , , ■ ,1 I ,. ,1 I,' v Cliarles II. Armstrong, who was born in South Kingston. R, I., November 30, 1837. .\tter running the business in iiis own name until! 1883, his two sons, John R. and Charles C. were admitteil as ]iartners in the business, and the lirni name became ( . II. .\rmstrong iv Sons. In .March, 1899, the business was incor- porated under the name of the /Xrmstrong Car- riage Co., and capitalized for ^50,ooo. The officers of the corporation are John R. Arm- strong, I'resitlent and Treasurer; B. 1-". Robin- ous parts of the country, and they have won a reputation for st\'le, ease and wearing qualities that ])laces their name at the head of the list of American manufacturers. Phoenix Spinning Co — Manufacturers of wool- en and merino yarns. Make a specialt)- of custom s|)inning tor m.inufacturers sending in their own wool or stock. Husiness established in i.Si)j by Pardon S. I'eckham. jr.. and I-'rank W. Tillinghast. I'"actor\' located at I 1 West I''..\change street, Pro\idence. Mr. I'eckham was born in Coxentry. R. I., August 24, 1S5;. Mr. Tillinghast is a native of llopkinton, R. I. PiovidiMice Gas Co., South StaliiiD. son, Jr., .Secretary ; Charles C. Armstrong, Superintendent of factory, lohn R. Armstrong, who is the (ieneral Manager of the business, was born in New ^'ork, Januar\' 5, iSdo; Charles C. Armstrong was born in New \'ork State, .March i.^, 1S62. 'The repository of the company on Cranston street is one of the largest in New Taigland, and is stocked with elcg.iut designs ui carriages of nearly every description, inchuling top buggies, coupes, coaches, dog carts, jump seats, landaus and a great variety of patterns of each kind. And all of these caniages are made at their factory in Wakefield, from the \'ery best stock that can be procured, and their workman are the most skilled that they can employ. 'Their carriages are in demand in \-.iri- Elmwood Button Co. -Manufacturers ot but tons tor humdry use. Made from biich wmul with live coats of enamel, gi\'ing them the .i|)- pe.ii.ince of a metal button : make 800 a minute tioin a long round stick of birch wood 1, of an ituh ill diameter. Husiness established by Rodolph !•'. .Mor^e in iSny. the 'Tie.isurer of the comp.iiiv !''.i(toiv on (lolf street, Troxidence. Victor Shaw Ring Traveler Co — .Mamifactu rcrs ot ling tr.u'elers. Husiness established in 1899 and incorporated the same year. i/ed for S_'0,ooo. Works located at _', .Sabin street. Providence. ( )fficers. Amos P. Haker. President : \ irgil T'isher. .Secretary and Treas- urer; ()r\ille I'isher. (ieneral Manager; \"ictor C. .Shaw, .Superintendent. AND HUSINHSS MKN OF RHODE l.Sl.ANlX ^7 J. T. Slocomb & Co. — Manufacturers of mi- crometer calipers and combination centre drills, the latter for the i3ur[)ose of centering lathe work. The business was established in 1891 by the present proprietors, and they have de- veloped a very extensive trade in their special- ties. They send their goods to nearly all parts of the world. I-'actory located at 227 ICddy street, I'roviilence. Employ 20 hands. John T. Slocomb was born in Little River Mills, Canada, July 21, 1x64, and came to the United States the same year. Learned the trade of ,, i.M , ,. a machinist in Bangor, Me., and 1 ocat ed \w Providence in i.'s.S/. Vox two years was em- ployed by l^rown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., and the same length of time by the Rhode Island Locomotive Works. In icSgi he entered into partnershij) with C. K. Harlow for the purj.iose of manufacturing goods as d e s cribed above. Charles V.. Barlow was born in Norwich, Conn., July 22, iiS67. Learned the trade of a machinist at Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., and after a num- ber of years' experience among other manufac- turing concerns as a journeyman, he entered into partnership with J. T. Slocomb under the firm name of J. T. Slocomb & Co. The calipers made by this company are pro- tected by two patents that pertain to the adjust- ments and the form of the frame. The accom- panying cut is of a new micnmieter caliper having a bow of I section and with its anvil formed solidly with the frame which is of steel ; the adjustment commonly made by an anvil screw is made in this tool at the other end. The cut shows the one inch caliper full size wdiich measures from O to i" by thousandths. The two inch size starts at one inch and measures two inches, it being the same as the one inch in other respects. The anvil, being the same size as the screw and end of the frame, makes the caliper convenient for measuring very close to a shoulder, and this, with the proportion of open- ing of the bow, allows a shoulder 3-16 mch high to be measured up to the full capacity of the tool. The anvil is also made higher than com- mon so that measuring can be done in a recess or back of a rib or other slight projection. There are no decimal ecjuivalents stamj^ed upon the bow or frame, a similar result being accom- plished in another way. Graduations on the other side are extended on every 1-8 inch di- vision or those that read decimally .125 inch. These lines are numbered on the lower side from I to 8, so that the too! is readily set by eighths without considering the decimal gradu- ation at all, and without any manner of calcula- tion. Decimal ecpiivalents within i-S inch are stamped upon the thimble, and therefore if a person chooses he need not use the decimal system, except for measurements between eights, but this arrangement in no way inter- feres with reading the tool in decimals the regu- lar way. Rodman Manufacturing Co. — Manufacturers of doeskin jeans, cotton yarn and warps. Busi- ness established by Robert Rodman in 1847. Incorporated in 1883. Capitalized for $500,000. h'.mploy 500 hands. ( Jfficers: Albert Rodman, President; Walter Rodman, Secretary and Trea- surer. l<'actories located at North and South Kingstown. LaFayette Mill at LaFayette, Sil- ver Spring woolen mill, at Silver Spring, Shady Lea cotton mill at Shady Lea, all in North Kingston, R. I. Wakefield woolen mill at Wakefield, South Kingston, R. I. The LaFayette mill is the largest of the four factories, and one of the most attractive woolen mills in the State. The productions of these mills have always borne a hio'h reputation for excellence of quality. .Mr. Robert Rodman is one of the patriarchs of the woolen and cotton industry of South County, and while his two sons now bear the burden of the business, he is still very vigorous and active and apparently as interested in the tex- tile business as he w^as when a young man, although he has passed considerably beyond the eightieth milestone. John H. Althans Co. — Makers of bread, cake, ice cream and general pastry goods. Business established by John H. Althans many years ago, and incorporated in 1900. Bakery located at 207 Brook street. Providence. luiiploy 50 hands. Officers: John H. Althans, President; Allen J. Arnold, Treasurer and General Mana- ger ; Henry T. Braman, Secretary. 88 lUoCRAlMlICAI. IIISK )\<\ t )| 1 111', MAXlFACTrRI'.RS A. B. Pitkin Machinery Co. Dealers in new and second hand inachineiy and supplies. Husi- iiess establisheil 1)\- lolin W. Hovnton in llart- Walter C. Young. tui'd, Conn., in 18511. Incorporated in January, 1891. Oflicers: Waltei- ('. \'(iuiif;-, I'lesiilent (anies T. Thornton, \'ice-rrcsident antl Tieas- iirei-; l'"reil S. Sweet, Asst. Treasurer and Sec- ret. iry. ()rnce and salesrooms located at 39 l-;\ihan<;e I'lace, Providence, t'apitalized for ^100,000; employ 25 hands. The business was bought of Mr. Hoyntcm by .Allied H. I'itkin in 1879, and removed to the cits' ot Providence, when the business was c.irricd on under the name of A. h. Pitkin, the ]iresent name bcmj; .idupted u[)on the incor[)ora- tion ot the company, and for many years the lo- cation ol the Scdesrooms was at the corner of Washington street and Ivxchange Place, with a lloor space ot about 6750 square feet, but the business has so far increased until at the present James T. Thornton. Fit-d S Swt'cl- tinic it ic(|uircs lour buildings in ililferent [larts ol the I it\' toi' sales and wareroonis, amounting to o\ei' 100,000 square tect of floor s])ace. This rapid increase was due to the infusion ol VoLuig blooil nito the business in the year ol 1891, W'altci C \ dung, the President of the comp.iiu', who was born in Providence m 1861, cnti'rcd the comjianv as one of the incoiporators, occupying the oliuc of Secietary until 1898, when he elected \'ice President. lie held this position until njui, when he was elected Piesident o| the comiiany. As a boy he was cm- plo\ed bv the I'erkms Mfg. Co., now known as the I ).ivol Rubber Co. At the age of seventeen he enteied the employ of Belcher 15ros., now the AND BUSINESS MEN OE KllUOl-: ISLAND. «9 Kelcher& Looniis Hardware Co. After .serving this company for thirteen years, he resigned liis position to become one of tlie incorporators of Alfred B. Pitkin. the A. 11 Pitkin Machinery Co., and his long commercial e.xperience ])roved of great advant- age to the company as its growtii and expansion gives ample evidence of. James T. Thornton, who entered the employ of the company in i(S'9i as book- keeper, was born in Lonsdale, K. I., in 1868, and received his education in the city of Fall River, Mass. In 18Q5 he became Asst. Secretary of the company, and in 1898 was elected Secretary; in 1900 was elected Treasurer, and in 1901 was elected \'ice President and Treasurer, and the en- tire business is now under the management of Mr. Thornton. Prior to entering the em- [)loy of this company, he was an e.vpert ac- countant, with an e.xperience in cotton mills, as a boy, and trained in office work at the American Print Works of l-'all River. Prior to becoming an accountant he had learned the machinist and cabinet makers tratles, which he acquired after school hours in the different shops of the city. Mr. Thornton has represented the com pany in various [larts of the United .States, among the mills and machine shops, and to his energy and tact as a salesman is largely due the success of the company. .Mr. Thornton is a member of many local organizations, and Presi- dent of the ICdgewood ]5oat Club. I'led S. Sweet, the Secretary and Asst. Trea- surer of the company, was born in Providence, in 1867. He entered the employ of Bugbec & Thompson at the age of seventeen, and after serving three years with this company, he ac- cejited a position as book-keeper for the Kent & Stanley Co., of Providence, where he remained for a term of nine years, hi April, i8g6, he re- signed his position there to accept a |iosition as book-keeper for the A. 15. Pitkin .Machinery Co.. which department now comes under his control as Secretary of the company. In February, 1898, he was elected Asst. Secretary of the company, in January 1900, he was elected Asst. Treasurer, and in P'ebruary, 190 1, he was elec- ed Secretary and Asst. Treasurer. His exten- sive experience as a book-keeper brought to this company another valuable acquisition that has proven a great help in pushing forward the immense \nlume of trade that has been develojied. Mr. A H. Pitkin is a native of Connecticut, he ha\'ing been born there in 1833; he establish- ed in Pro\-idence a business that has been de- Office and Salesrooms, A. B. Pitkin Machinery Co., 39 Exchange Place, Providence. 90 liioLkAi'iiKAi. iiisr()R\- oi-' rill': manti-ac tiriirs veloped since its inc(ir|)or,itii)ii to a ma^iiitude that few similar coiicerns in the counti)' can equal, eithci- in the \iilunieiil business or in the Walter H. Manchester. class of machinery hainlleil. While this com- pany tio not maniilacture in the strict sense of the teiau. yet they handle more machinery than niaii)' nt dur lari;est maniifactui crs of machiner)', their class of troods ian<;ing all the way from a [nilley to a roving- frame, including every kind of textile nKudiiiie that is made in this or any othi-r conntr\- tint is in demand here among our manutact ureis, Mr. i'ltkin, on ac- count of ill health, had \eiy little to do with the business during the jjast si.x years, the hulk fit its management having devolved upon Mr. Thornton and Mr. \'oung. Manchester & Hudson. I )ealei s in masons' materials, including brick, lime, cement, drain ])ipe, calcined plaster, stone, etc. liusiness es- tablished by W. II. Manchester and j. II. Hud- son in 1 8/8, at 354 luldy street, Trovidenci', and located at their present place at 55 I'oint street in iSSS. 'Ihcy are among the largest dealers in masons' and builders' materials of any in South ern New l-^ngland. Their jilant co\ers over an area of 40,000 square feet of land bordering on the harbor with ample wharfage facilities. There are several buildings for storage ptn^ poses, and the ollice of the concern is situ.ited on the i'oint street side of their |ilant Their up town olflce is at 35 Weybosset street. They are ])ro\ided with a wharf slip 300 feet in length am|)ly wide enough for all kinds of vessels that are recpiired to shii) their goods from one port to another, with a harbor frontage 100 feet, making a total of 400 feet of dockage, and this being situated just north of I'oint Street draw bridge gives this compan_\' the advantage of a sujierior location foi' carrying on their extensi\'e business, because it is in the very heart of the business of the cit}-. Probably no company in I'rovidence has luinished more supplies for the great manu- facturing and mercantile buildings of the State than Manchester's; Hudson, their business re- i|uiiing the services of kj men besides a number ot deli\ei"v teams. James .'-^. Hudson, the senior member ot the tiiin. was born in I'rovidence, December 5, 1S33. Was President of the Builders and Traders V.\- change of Providence for a number of years, also connected with the lUiilding Material Kx change ol New \'i)ik anil member of Providence Piiard of Ti-ide. Walter H. Manchester was ixiin in Providence. August lO, 1S51. The comixiny are agents for American Sewer Piiie James S. Hudson. ( o., Ilolfm.m Rosendale cement. Diagon Port- land lement, also for the best grades of lime and brick. A\D HLSINMSS MKX OF KIKJDl-: ISLAND. 91 Rodolph F. Morse. — Manufacturer and pro- prietor of (iilhcrt's self-packing glass gauge preserver, one of the most useful inventions Rodolph F. Morse. that have been brought out during the past decade, and one that promises to take the place of all other inventions or appliances for the packing of glass gauges, which have never over- come the effects of the expansion and contrac- tion of the glass, caused by the heat from the boiler, \v ater and steam, thereby crack- ing the gauge and making it worthless. The invention is what might be termed a rubber washer, so made as to enable the nut to hold the glass gauge ih place per- f e c 1 1 y water tight w i I li play r o o m enough to overcome the effect of e.xjian- sion and contraction, thereby making it im- possible for the glass gauge to break from that cause. Makes a perfect seating and prevents blowing and eating away of the glass. Can be adjusted without the use of a wrench : lubrica- tors will not leak when jjacked with these [ire- servers. Invented by Ilenry K. (iilbert in i8g8; patent secured March 28, 1899. Patents also secured in many foreign countries, includ- ing Great firitain, l^elgium, I'Vance, and the Dominion of Canada. K. F. Morse, the pro- l)rietor, was born in Boston, Mass., March 3, 1856. For many years a commercial traveller. Ottice, 33 luldy street, Providence, K. I. George W. Edmunds. — Manufacturer of all kinds of fine carriages, and bodies for automo- biles. l?usiness established in i860. Was ap- prenticed to learn the blacksmith trade at twelve years of age. Works located at 75 to 79 Clif- ford street. Providence. Mr. Edmunds was born in Montville, Me., Nov. 13, 1836. Charles 0. Normandy & Co. — Manufacturers of house shoes and sliiipers. lousiness estab- lished by Mr. Normandy in 1899. Works lo- cated at 143 Summer street. Providence, which are well ec|uip])etl with modern machinery. Charles (3. Normandy was born in Lynn, Mass., ( )ctober 12, 1878. Began to learn the shoe makers trade at the age of 1 1 years, and was employed by his father in the same business for a number of years before establishing busi- Charlcs 0. Normandy. ness on his own account. Trade largely in New York and New Fngland States. The only com- pletely equip[)ed shoe factory in the State. 9-^ HK K.KAl'llH .\I. lllSlnK\- ol Till, M A M ' 1- AC 11' Rl-KS Smith Bros. — Maiuilarturcrs of a <;cneral line (it chcip leweliy, iiKirc cspi'cialK for use amoiif,^ mamitact nrin<' cdiitecticmeis, tn lie L;iveii awav James Smith. in [)rize packages, and in other ways. One of the largest manufacturers of cheap jewelry in the State, with an e\tensi\c plant, inchidiiig u]i- to-date modern machinei \'. The company em- [iloy a large force of dtummeis, and their gootls are sold throughout the Tinted States anil many foreign c Hrsi\i:ss .Mi;.\ oi'" Riioni: island. 93 0. C. Devereux & Co. — Mamifactiirers of men's gold plated and pearl jewelry, a general line, lousiness established in 1873 under the firm name of J. ]■".. liraman & ("o., the members of the company being J. !•".. Hiaman, .Ste[)hen 1'. Salisbury, andO. ('. Devcreu.x. The works were then established at 220 l-lddy street, where they made a line of gents' plated goods, the same as the comi)any now make. In January, nS-.S Mr. Hraman retired from the firm, and the name then became Salisbury is: Devereu.x, After one year Mr. Devereu.x bought out his partner's in- terest, and the firm name then was changed to (). (". Devereu.\& Co., that title being re- tained ever since that time. Mr. Devereu.x became thesoleowner of the business when Mr. -Salisbury sold his interest, and he has been sole proprietor from that time to the present. Oren C. Devereu.x was born in Johnston, R. I., April 9, 1837. After completing his education in the [nib- lic schools and Schol- field's Commercial C"oIlege. at the age of fifteen years he be- came an apprentice for William Johnson, then located at 14, now 71, Marshall street. Providence. Mr. Johnson made a gen- eral line of both gold and plated jewelry which enabled Mr. Devereu.x to secure a valuable early training, that should [^irovc of great service to him in the years that were to follow. 1 lis health failing, after two years, he went to work in a store, and March 4, 1857, he returned to com- plete his time in the jewelry business, this time with I'eck & Harton of 30 Page street. 1 1 ere he worked for thirteen months, or until he was twenty-one years of age. lie subsequently worked for Mr. Harton, after the death of Mr. Peck, until the war broke out. The jewelry business at that time being verv slow, Mr. • c ... ^ i; i,~ 1 '> v..r J»a-l i!/ /wi i^K^ ''A A ^^^HP;- m Oren C Devereux. Devereu.x went home and workeil on a farm for a year, and then he was engaged as a clerk in 15radford's seed store on C'anal street. In 1865 he again began working at the jewelry business, this time for Child & Morton. -Afterwards he was eniplo)ed by R. D. liorton, and was the superintendent of his shop for four years. Then in 1873, as already related, he began manufac- turing on his own account as a member of the firm of J. v.. Hraman & Co. In i88y Mr. Dev- ereux bought the mother-of-|)earl business that had been carried on by Charles L. Potter for 28 years at 407 i'ine street. .Another floor was- hired for this depart- ment of the business, and since that time h e h a s made both lines of goods, com- bining gold plate with the pearl so far as possible, although some of the goods are made of pure pearl. l'"rom 1880 formally years the firm made a sjiecialtyof ".Stonine" j e welry, for gentle- men's cuff buttons, studs and scarf pins, a white com])osition to simulate linen, and which made a \-ery dressy article in the jewelry line, specially suited for full dress occasions. Mr. Dev- ereu.x held two pat- ents covering the method of fastening the stone to the shank of the button or stud. Mr. Dev- ereux practically had a monojioly of that branch ol the jewelry trade for many years, and it nat- urally proved a very profitable ilepartment of his business. Mr. Devereu.x has always been too bus}' with his business to think of anything in the line of public otfice, but by his strict busi- ness methods he has built up an extensive trade and a plant well equi|)ped with all the modern machinery and tools necessary to produce the finest lines of goods in the jewelry manufactur- ing business. ICmploy 40 hands when business is good. Mr. Devereux is a veteran ]'"ree Mason and Odd P'ellow and a member of several other organizations. 94 i;ii)(.K.\i'iiic.\i, iiiMMk\ ( M- iiii. M.wri AC rrRi;Ks E. L. Spencer & Co.— Manut.utiircrs ot ,t;i)l(l riii<;s togctliLT witli a s^cncial line nl jcuclry. Works liicatcd in the " I'.ninia" Hiiildini;", lorncr Ahorn and Washinj^tcm streets. Providence. Ml. lAerett I., Sjieiu'er, the sole propiietm' ot tlie business, was born in i'ro\'ideiiee, Apiil 2(). liSt)-. As a bov he heL;an to woik tor tlie jew clr\' tirni ol Waite, Snuth ^v- Co., remaining; with tiiat firm for ton years, the last toiii' )ears he was re|>resenting the company on the road. .\t the end of this time, he severed his connection with the t'lrm antl asso- ciated with (ieorge H. I lolmes iS; Co., becom- ing a traveler through the West tor the latter, remaining in that |)osi- tion for four months. I I IS connection with this house was brief, as he made arrangements to enter the business field tor himselt, and began under the firm name of 1',. L. .Sjiencer & Co . on Ainil 15, i8<_)i, locating his factory at 62 I'agc street. A beginning was made by purchasing the plant of ]•'. A. .Stevens iK: Co., of I'ro\'idence, which was owneil b}' .Albert ,\. Remington, of this cit\', who was a ]iartner with with .Mr. .S[)encer lor one year. .\tter the first year, Mr. Reming- ton's interest was ])nr- chased by Mi. .Spencer, who thus became sole owner ot the entire Inisiness, and has lieen ever since. When business was tirst begun, the firm manufactured a line ol ]il.ited and siKei' brooches and stick pins. In fact, the same line that ])revii)Usly been made by (ieorge II. Cogshill, who had ])reviousl\' owned the plant, ficnn the beginning, Mr. .S|)encer began to make atl ridge|iort, Conn. hactory of the comi)any is located at 138 I'ine street. i'ett'r l.ind, of the firm of Heimberger & i.ind, born in Montiose, Scotland, Jime 19, 1849. 1 le lame to y\merica in 1852 antl learned the trade ol a nundiinist, serving his time at the Taunt(jn I .ocomotive Works, in Massachusetts. Locating in Providence he entered the employ of Thomas W. Lintl, who succeeded to the oldest established jewelry findings [ilant in the city, ser\'ing as foieman of this shop for a term of fourteen years. In i8(./i, being desirous of doing business for himself, he entered into I'op.utnership with Charles J. lleimbergcr. to carry on the same line of business that the latter gentleman had been doing for a number of years in lewelers' rtnilings. Mr. Lind possesses thorough knowledge of the business ; is one of the expert tool makers and machinists of the Peter Lind. cit)'. Mendiei of the New l-'.ngland jewelers and .Sihei smiths .Associ.ition ; Redwood Lodge, A. }■■. .ind A. .M. AND BUSINESS M1-:N ()!•' RIloDl'. ISLAND. 97 Cory & Reynolds Company.— .Maiuifactuiers of gold [)lated jewelry. Claim to be the largest manufacturers of scarf pins in America, which is their specialty. Business established in 1872 by Johnson & Cory. In 1876 business owned by J. r, Cory, who built the new factory at 25 Congress Ave., Providence. In 1893 the firm was Cory & Reynolds, and in 1899 it was incor- porated under the name of Cory & Reynolds Company; capital §30,000; employ 1 10 hands. Officers: Joseph P. Cory, President; Alexander II. Cory, Vice President; Thomas B. Cory, Sec- retary; I-'rank B. Reynolds, Treas. and Gen'l Manager. Mr. Reynolds, the (leneral Manager, was born in South Royalton, \'t., Nov. 17, 1858. Was bookkeeper in the famous Oak hall of Bos- ton for six years, and for five years with a whole- sale jewelry house of Boston. In 1885 was one of the members of the Reynolds Jewelry Co. of Providence, whose plant was destroyed by fire in 1893. The same year he entered into co- partnership with J. P. Cory. Member of the 1",\. Committee West Side Club. Crossin & Co. — Manufacture a general line of jewelry for ladies. Business established by Mr. Crossin and L. Schwarz in 18S8. Peter Crossin, the present owner, was born in Provi- dence, April 20, 1 848. Works at 1 29 I'kidy street. S. A. Bennett. — Manufacturer of solid gold front and plated ladies' and gents' jewelry. Ikisi- ness established by Foster & Bennett. Samuel A. Bennett, the present proprietor, has had an extensive experience in the jewelry manufactur- ing business. Works at 95 Pine street. Provi- dence. Simmons & Paye Mfg. Co. — Manufacturers of silver novelties, including toilet ware, manicure goods, souvenir spoons, match boxes, etc. Busi- ness established in 1896 by Simmons & Paye. Works at 129 P^ddy street. Providence. P^mploy 25 hands. Officers: Charles T. Paye, President; P'rank L. Baker, Treasurer. Dewey F. Adams. — Manufacturer of jet or mourning jewelry. Born in Unionville, Conn., Aug. I [, 1842. Was originally a manufacturer of paper bags in Connecticut, later in Pro\-i- dence in the same business from 1867; four years a tin manufacturer, and in 1881 began the manufacture of jewelry. Works at 129 ICddy street. Providence. (7) Union Jewelry Co. — Manufacturers of cheap jewelry and novelties in brass. Business estab- lished in 1898 by William D. Stone of Provi- dence. Works located at 409 Pine street. Provi- dence. James R. Feeley & Co.— Manufacturers of Catholic society emblems in sterling silver and plated goods. Works at 95 Pine street. J. R. P'eeley and I-". P. Poland constitute the present company. Geo. N. Babington. Manufacturer ot rolled plate rings; works at 129 P'.ddy street; employs 28 hands. Mr. Babington began the jewelry business in Providence in 1886. Born in Provi- dence, Dec. 4, 1862. Charles H. Field. —Manufacturer of watch case engraving machinery. Business establish- ed in 1879. Works located at 113 Point street, Providence. Employ 30 hands. Mr. Field was born in Pro\-i(lence, February 16, 1855. Bacon Mfg. Jewelry Co.— Manufacturers of gold, sterling siher and brass novelties in jew- elry. Established in 1898 by Richard Bacon, who was born in Providence, Nov. 17, 1863. Has worked in the leading jewelry shops of Providence for twenty-two years prior to begin- ning manufacturing for himself. Works at 95 Pine street. P^mploy 27 hands, H. F. Carpenter & Son. -Gold and silver refiners and manufacturing chemists (blue vit- riol, nitrate silver, C. P. gold 1000- 1000 fine.) Business established by H. I-". Carpenter about r86o. He was born in Pawtucket in 1842. Works located at 58 and 60 Page street. Do an extensive business among the jewelry manu- facturers and silver smiths of the city and in other sections of the country. Excelsior Nickel Plating Works. — Do all kinds of nickel plating, brass finishing, iron polishing, etc., their work being mostly on stoves, bicycles, plumbers' goods, and do a general jobbing line of business, plating with nickel any kind of metal except aluminum, the latter of which is not permanent. Business established about 1875 by William A. Campbell. Charles !•". Harris is the [iresent owner, who was born in l^arrington. R. I., September jr„ 1856. Works located at 397, 399, 403 Richmond street. Provi- dence. Mr. Harris was one year a member of the P.ast Providence 'Pown Council. smelters. Hnsi- only loi i he lellnin^; and assaying business, Init .'stablished li\- Kemiii>;ton i.\: ISirlier Horace Remington. 1879. Incorporated March 5, 1901. ('apital ized for $50,000. I'lmjiloy 10 hands. ( )ltice located at 91 h'riendship street ; Works 37, 39, 41 (iarnel street, Providence. (Cut of the plant shown upon the opposite liage. ) This is one of the oldest letininj; and smelting; concerns in the city ol Providence. ( )ri<;inated more than twenty years ai;-o, and has been continuously in thetield since that time. Horace Remington, the rresidcnt of the company, who was born in Cranston, K. I , in 1.S41, began the retining business .IS an apprentice under .Nnstm is: Carpenter in iSO^ l'|ion the dissolution of the firm a lew years Liter he became a partner of the late John Austm, the tn in then being known as John Austin iS: Co. Retiring from that tirtn in iutting in more modern machinery, and inventing many aiito iiiatic machines that simplified aiul made more ])erfect work, until he now possesses one o| the most pertei't machinery plants in the country for the manutaclure ol all kinds ol jewelers' lindings, including g(ild and sterling sihcr, as well as goods loi- cheap jeweli)'. Mr, I.ind has made several tiips to iMUopc tor the |)urpose of getting all of the new ideas that he could glean so as to enable him to add them to the y\merican designs, theieb) proxidiiig a much larger variety ot designs for his cus- tomers. Mr. I.ind was born in Montrose. Scot- land, M.inh J, 1S.15. ( ame to .\merica in 1854. Member of Redwood lodge .\. !•'. iV .A. M. The Edwin Lowe Gold Plate Co. .Manu I, ictuiers of rolled gold plate and all kinds ot lanc)' wires. I''actor\' at Sj Cdillord street, I'rovideiue. I^stablished in 1X49 by Thomas II. Lowe, who the origitial founder of the iDJled ]>late linsiness in this country. Mis son I'jiwin Lowe became a |)artner in the business Ml 1857, and upon thetleath of his father in 1888 he became the sole proprietor. Incorporated m 1893 under the jiresent name, lulwin Lowe was born in Hirmingham, I'.ng., Sept. 25, 1842. ( amc to .America in 1848. Streeter & Co. .M.iinilactinei s of a large line of cheap jeweir}'. Lnjoy quite a trade in Luro]ie and South iXmerica. business estab- lished by W. H .Streeter in 1898. Works now located at 38 {''riendship street, ]'ro\idence. W illiam 1>. .Streeter was born in I'rovidence, l\. I,, June JJ. i8'i■- '-1 ■< \ ■ -^•■^ OSTBY & BARTON CO. BDILDING. Cor. Richmond and Clifford Streets, Providence. B. Barton, Treasurer ; Frederick D. Carr, Secretary ; Aurther O. Ostby, Superintenilent. This IS said to be the largest ring factory in the world. The large si.\ story building that is shown herewith is devoted wholly to their extensive business. The business of the com- pany is so systematized that, after the tools are completed for any production it is onlv a matter of a few hours before rings of that particular kind, fully completed, can be made, all reatly for shipment. A large number of designs are refined in the building and melted over to again enter into stock for the manufacture of rings. The building is sujjplied with a modern power plant, and the machinery of the |)lant is all of the most n[)-to-date patterns, which enables the company to do all of their work after the most a|)i)roved methods. The company employ a number of expert tool makers, and several de- signers are kept busy in creating new designs. Their products not only sell extensively in this country, but they enjoy consideralile trade in foreign countries as well. i;i( )i,K.\i'iiic.\i. iiisroin' ( )i- M.wiiAciL ki;ks George W. Dover. .M.nuit.utiiiei" nl icwclcrs' tindings ot ever\' de-script icni. in all metals. W'oiksatXo Clilfnnl st n-rt, cmc dl the larij,c-~t hrirk buildings in the midst dl the ;eue]r\' manulai-turing section ol thecitvut I'mvidence. luiiiiloys \ CO hands. Mnsiness estalilishe(l in 1S90. when he was engaged nn contract work tor a numl)ei' ol manulact urers, and in iS(jj a copartnership was tonned with (leoige W, Pritchard, under the name ol 1 )ovei' iv I'l itchaid In ]S^)t), Mr. l)over purchased his partnei's interest, at which time he hecame sole owner. The former location ol the works on Iukl\' street were very soon found to be inatlequate to the increasing de niands of the business, new machinery being added to the plant nearly every m o n t h until every availalile s])ace was filled. Con se(|uently in 1900 tin- entire ]ilanl was nio\'ed to the hve story brick building on (.'lilford street, a cut ol which is shown on the o]i posite page. W i t h the n e w machinery that h a s been added to the plant in the new factory, this is now the largest in the world de\'oted wholly to the manu fact u re of jewelers' findings. Mr. 1 )over'.s originality as to the production of patterns that should meet the popular detiiand, and his wide experience witii machinery, was the mainspiing of his success as a manufacturer, and these .lie still the dominating features of his business. I lis plant consists of all the modern machines for the |)roduction of the various designs, manv of them being automatic and others made .specialU' loi the bringing out of original jiat terns Mi I )..\ ei was born in Ancaster, ("aiiada, .\piil 1.;, \Siiy Keceived his education in I l,ii I toi d. ( onn, I 1 is hrsl business in life that o| a newsboy in the city of Hartford, bv which he earned mone\- enough to enable him to take a course of mechanical studies prioi' to entering the employ of the Pratt iK: Whitney ( 'o, (/ompdeting his li.nle as a machinist and tool maker, he was employed tor a number of years by various concerns throughout the country, among them being l.ieb iV Co., I-".. K. (iarxin, and the S. .S. White Co. of New N'ork, the American .Sewing Machine Co of I'hiladeljjhia, anil the Lefever .Arms Co, of S\racuse, N. ^'. This wide ex- lierience undoubtedly had much to do with kiying the foiiiulations of his business as a manufacturer, \v h i c h has ])roven so suc- c e s s f u 1 fro ni t h e beginning. There are a number of in i 1 1 1 n g machines, lathes, etc., which en- able his corr)s of tool- makers to jiroduce the various designs that his trade calls for with great rapidity and ac- curacy, and these tool- makers are kept busy by a force of designers that are constantly planning new jiattcrns for every branch of the business, so as to en- able the house to kee[i fulh' abreast of the times in bringing out the \ery latest |iroduc- tions that the trade is looking for, and which have given Mr. Do\er ,1 le.iding reputation in the line of specialties. There ,iie a number of jiower presses, and every concei\'able kind of a machine that the findings manufacturer retpiires, and many s[)ecial ma- chines of his own make that enables this factory to turn out the most strikingly artistic designs that ha\e e\ei been used in the jewelry manu- f.icturing business. A plant of this size con immense amount of stock in the course of .1 \e.ii, the gie.itei" amount being di\ided be iwcen siher and brass. In the year 1900 this t.utorv consumed upwards of 100 tons of brass alone. I'he consumption of brass for their first \v.w was between 1 and j tons, which shows to what enormous proportions this industry has gi own. George W, Dover. ,NU HUSINKSS M1:N ol'' RUCDI' ISLAND. 103 ^ ■ ' ' A W 11 1 George W. Dover's Plant. Clifford Street, Providence. I04 Hi< K.k.M'iiic.Ai. iiisr()R\- (ih rill-; maxci-ac'iik :s Thurston Mfg. Co. — M.imil.nturcrs nl special millint; machines patcntcil hy lloiacc Tluirston for milling cutter plates, .mil picmoimced the most economical machine ever put into a jewelry shop. .Also manufacture saws, cutters, etc., and do all kinds of johhing. Business estab- lished hv Horace Thurston ( )ctober I, i.SS:;, who was horn in Norwich, (onn., June 17, 1.S5J. Works localetl in the .Simmons Huildinj;. 4M) I'ldily street, Providence. lui)|)lo\'s J3 hands. ( 'ne of the most complete machine shops in the citv. Horace Thurston, Treasurer of the com I-iany, has had .m exten- sive e.\perience as a machmist, and this com bined with his natural ability has niven him the reputation as one ot the most e.\])ert niechaii- ics of the state, his in- \enti\'e genius Inning much to do with this re|nitation. lie served an apprenticeshi[) foi- the Corliss Steam \-'.n gine Co. from iS()ij to 187^ : was employed by the I'rovidenee Tool Co. oti gun tools when the\' were carr)'ing out their contract with the Turk- ish hanpire. He was foreman lor the Urown and .Sharpe .Mfg. Co. for live )'ears, master me- chanic lor the ( iimmer l-'.ngine ("o of Cleveland, ( )hio, lor two years. After his two years' e.\- ])ei'ience in ('lexeland he returned to I'luvidence and established his present business under the name of the Thurston .Mfg. Co. Tor eighteen yeais this lirm h;is done a large business not onh' m this countrv but in toreign coimtries as well, and their machmery and tools are lonsid ered as tine as any made by an\' of oiu" .American manufact mers, 'The tools made fiy this com- (laiiy are usetl c\lensi\'ely by the jewelry luaiiu- lacturers in this and other lewelrv m.inul.ictm ing cent res. Burns Mfg. Co.- Uusiness originally estab lished in Trox idence 1)\' 'I'hurber iK: 1-iurns , Horace Tliurston. succeeded by .\. H. 1 ),iy & Co; the latter bought out by (ieo. E. Burns, a native of IMack- stone, Mass., in 1X97; incorporated under pre- sent name 1 ctolK'r :;, i8(iJ. O'Donnell Jewelry Co.- .Manufacturers of a gener.d line of hidies' and gents' electro].)lated jewelrw l^stablished in hh.kj. 'Their works are located at 357 T'.ddy street . Pro\-idence. Tlmjiloy 7 hands. AM) IUSI\i;SS .Mi;X ol- klloDl'. ISLAM). 105 Simmons Building. — Located on Point, Lddy and Richmond street, Providence. Devoted pnnciiially to manufacturing jewelers, alttiougti the first tioor is occu|)ied by the Thurston Mfg. Co. Part of the estate of ICbben Simmons, Joseph Davol, executor ; (ieorge A. Turner, agent. The Simmons Huikling was erected in Flint, Blood & Co. Manufacturers of solid gold rings, also shell gold filled rings, 10-kt. shell gold, rolled gold plate, solid sterling silver, and shell sterling silver rings in numer- ous designs. Ivxtensive foreign trade. Busi- ness was established in 1869 by William W. l'"lint, Joseph F. lilood, B. A. Holbrook, and lames .'\. Young. Mr. Holbrook retiring in Simmons Building, Point, Eddy and Richmond Streets. 1880; 162'^ feet front on Point street, 130'j feet in the rear ; 50 feet in width, fom' stories. Floor space, 24,199 scjuare feet. Power fur- nished bya42-horse power Harris-Corliss steam engine. Building in a very desirable location for manufacturing purposes. Near the docks, and not far from the freight yards. Building built very strong, with plenty of light, as no other blocks can ever be built near to shut out the light, because it is surrounded by the city high- ways. 1878, the remaining partners continued the business under the firm name of l-"lint, Blood ^ \'oimg. .Mr. \'oung died in 18S8, and the remaining two jiartners have carried on the business in the name of Flint, lilood & Co., the original name of the comi)anv, ever since. William W. Mint was born in Wal[)ole, N. IT, and Joseph V. Blood is a native of Ipswich, ^hlss. Factory located m the Simmons Build- ing at 94 Point street, Providence. Fnijiloy 40 hands. I ci: > IU( >(,k.\i'iiic.\i. iii.sink\ (11.- 11II-: .\i,\M i'\\( 11 ri;k,s George F. cloi s. 47^ I'll lactiii'ciN lit Greene & Co., .M.imitartniing |cw ttci s .\\ I- . I'l (]\'i(lciKH', 1\. I.,nianii SiMiiiK-ss I'latcd Stdiic and Haiul (jeotse F. Greene. Rings. This busines.s was started in the spring of 1 891, by Geo. F. (Ireene, who hired a small shop at 143 Sunmier -St., this city, whcic a small busi- ness was rondiicted until lanu.irv, iSi|j. when tlu.' business was reniovcfi to iii Richmond .St. .\ Imk';iI lathes' goods in Mlectro ])latc made, consisting of l^rooches, h'.ar l)rops, Mail- I'iiis, and .Scart Tins. Larger and better t.icililies were needed and in January, 1893, the business moved to 113 Point .St. There a notable success was made in the production of .Silver I'lated Novelties, such as Scarf I'ins, ('01 sage I'ins, and Waist Sets. They had a phc- nonuaial success in the manufacture and sale of the " I) Id wine "and " Mother ( ioose " stick ])ins, tlKuisands ot gross being sold in all parts of the countr\'. llecember ist, \>^^)4, William .S. and Randol|ih .A. (Jreene, brothers of (ieorge I"'. ( .leene, were admitted as partners; they having loi' se\' vcars been identihed with its success. WiUciin ,s ViuriiL' Randolph A. Greene. The three biothers have contiuueil the business u|)tolhe present time. The firm produced antl put upon the market the first one ))iece Ik-anty pin ill cleciio.ind cheap rolled jilate, whicdi had .1 woiideilul s.ile Their greatest achievement was the productKui of a Seamless I'lated St(Uie Ring, winch perfected after months of tedious experiment, i'revious to this time all plated stone rings were made hollow or with leail tilling l'i\' their process thev made a ling troni .1 piece ot round plated seamless solid wire which caused .1 ie\dlution in plated stone ring 111, iking, riiey naturally remained leaders in this line o| guilds and have alwavs mantained a high gi.ide.ind st, ind. nil foi' their goods. In l)eceni- ber, I ,Sij,S, Lirger ipuirters being needed tor their growing business thev mined to the building at 47J Potter's .\\c. securing o\cr 6,400 square AM) 15LS1NKSS MEN UV KllUDl. ISl.A.XD. 107 feet of floor space. They have maintained Stone and Hand rings as their specialty, but have also made large quantities of other goods such as Buckles, Brooches, Cuff Buttons, Beauty I'ins, etc. They were the originators of the C\rano head lieauty I'ins jiroduced in the sjiring of iy any manu facturei in this line in New l'".ngland lie has travelled in loreigu countrii's where he |)laceil hiinselt in tom-li with trade aliroad, and the result of his ellorts has been an extensive busi- ness in iMigland, ( iei in.iiu , liiikey. .Australia, P'rance, .South .Mrici, .South .\mciica, and (jther markets in\' parts ol the woihl; a really phenomenal foreign trade. 1 .awton Crossley was boi 11 in 1 lalil.ix, i'.ngland, m 1870, and came to .\meiiia in 1881. .Alter a luimber of years' e.xperience in olhci lines ol business he Aincis Giiinshaw . s.ime cnmp.iiu in 1877. l-',mplny 35 hands. Works at 185 l.diU st ici't. Pi ovidence. Harvey assoeiated himsell with Mr. (iiimshaw in hjocj liiiestis and ( .eoi ge \\ . Hutchison. AM) iaSIM;SS MKN OI' RllODl': ISLAND. 109 Oscar E. Place. —Manufacturer (if a tine line of solid t^old rings. Works located at 144 I'inc street, Jesse Metcalf Building, Providence. ing and manufacturing enterprises during the greater pirt of his life and was one of the in- fluential men of the city. White Stone Jewelry Co. — Manufactureis of imitation dianu)nd jewelry ; general line of ladies' and gents' goods. Business established in 1884 by Ettlinger & Safford the present pro- prietors. Works at No. 234 Chestnut street, I'rovidence. Mmploy 50 hands. James M. I'.ttlinger was born in New \'ork city in 1865. William A. Safford was born in Boston, Mass., in 18C0. J. M. Eraser & Co. — Manufacturers of a medium grade of ])lated ladies' jewelry, including brooches, hat pins, stick jiins, etc. Works at 129 luldy street. Number of employes, 75. The business was established by J. M. I'"raser in 1894. John M. l-'raser was born in New Glasgow, N. S.. June i, 1868. Came to the f'nited States in 1887. Learned the jewelers trade at the works of Wade & Thresher, for whom he worked si.x years prior to beginning manufacturing for himself. Mr. P'raser has developed a good business, and has equipped his Oscar E. Place. After learning the trade of a jeweler as applied to manufacturing, he began to manufacture on his own account as early as 1882, and his rings have always found a ready market in all parts of the L'nited States. Employs about 16 hands. With modern machinery this force is enabled to turn off a great number of gold rings daily. Mr. Place was born in East Greenwich, 1\. I., May 17, 1852. Procured his education at the I'Last Greenwich Academ)-, after which he began to learn the jewelers trade, meeting with marked success throughout his business career. John Austin & Son. — Manufacturers of blue vitriol and oxide of zinc, and dealers in fine gold, silver, copper, gold coin, sand antl black crucibles. Gold and silver assayers, refiners and smelters. ]5usiness established by fohn Austin in 1862. Works located at 74 and 7(1 Clifford street, Providence. Since the death of Mr. Austin his son, Aurther K. Austin, has continued the business under the original firm name, who is also the Treasurer of the Improved Seamless Wire Co. of Providence. Mr Austin, senior, was connected with various other bank- John M. Fraser. establishment with modern machinery so as to enable him to produce his goods in the most economical and rapid manner. 11.) iU( K.KAi'iiicAi, iiisKim (H' 'II1I-; M.wriAri iki;Ks Clark & Coombs. Maiiiit:H-lurers ol l;u1i1 Tuttle & Stark. Mamitaclurcrs nl a i;(.-ii filled iiiii;s in all kinds nl ]i.iltcins. Wmks cral line n| ladies' electroplated jewelry. Idc.ited at Sii West Exchange stieet, I'lDNidence. liiisiness established in iSSo by Coombs \- The bnsiness was <]riL;inall\' fstal)lished in I Sfij Tnttle, later Coombs, Tultle & .Stark, .\llei nnder the I iini]ian V name ol (/lark iK; Coombs, six months Mr. Coomlis sold his interest, ami as burnishers and linishers h)r a lai"<;e sih'ei'- since that time the lirm name has lieen Tiittle ware niannlacturer located in .North .Attleboro, \.' .Stark. VVoiks at 254 Cliestniit street, l'ro\- .Mass., and alter the concern mo\ed to New idence. luiijiloy Si) h.mds, John 11. Tnttle \'ork the\' continued .is burnishers ot jewelry was born in the town of llanovcr, N. |., |uly tor local houses. In 1S75 they be<;an the manu- 15,1848. I .earned the trade ot a tool maker in hictnre ot rin,i;s in a small way, and the Newark, \. J., ,\sher .A. .Stark was born in su]ieiiorit\- ot theii;;oods immediately attracteil Lebanon, Conn., .March, iSdo. Learned the the atlent ion ol tlu' t rade, and a large demand trade ol a jeweler, and for many years worked was created thr(Ui.i;hout the ci>untry. .Soon for other manul.icturers jirior to becoming a after the ileath of Mi'. Coombs in iSScj, the Hrm ]iaitnei in the present t'lrm. moved t.. the city ol Providence, where William ^ p_ ^^-^ Co.-.Manufacturers of a general Clark, jr., continued to carry on the business. ,j,^^. ,,,- ^.,,,^, j,,^^^.^, jewelry. Business estab- his son (). (lark being taken into ,.^,^^.,| -^^ ^^.y, ,,^, ^^,,j|,.^,.^, ,, ^,j,,j_^ ^^.^^,,,^ partnership m i.SSj, and later anotherson. Arthur ,,,^..^j^^j ,^j ,^^ Friendship street, Providence; I. Cl.irk. Mr. W. (). Clark is the (.eneral h^ve a fact,.ry in East Iowa City. Iowa. .Sell Manager ol the business. William Uark, Jr., ,^„ ,,j ^j^^.j,. ^.^,,,^,^ thn.ugh their own jobbing was born in Birmingham, Lngland, and camel,) j^,,^,^^^.^^ ^^ ,,-^ Roberts, General Sm.t. ..f h;,istern L.ictory ; Louis K. Lyon, General .Supt. Western i'".ictory. .Some 40 hands employed in l'ro\'idence lactory. The Traf ton Co. — Maiuifacturers of a treneral .\merica with his father, wdio was the lirst to introduce the process of l>urnishing in the United .States in iS^J, in connection with a Mr. .Samuel T,i\lor, who came to .America at the same time foi' the same |)ur|)0se. William ( ). ann)vidence. lMni)loy ^io hands. Albert W. they are equal to any made in the city. 1 here |^,,,^,,,^,|,^ ,, ,,,,^1,.^ „t Providence, and Robert R. are 18 hands emjjloved m the works. . \ 1 u- 1 i-i * 1 Habcock. a native of .Apalachicola. rla., formed Edward N. Cook Plate Co. — M.innfactuiers of a iiartnership under the present name in 1899. seamless wire and gold plate. Business nnder The i ( also make a specialt\- ol millinery the i)resent name established m 1901. Works goods locatetl at 144 Pine street, l'ro\idence. Members C. C. Darling & Co. — M.muf.icturers of gold of the company are P'.dward N. Cook, who was and gold plated society emblems. Charles C. born in Petersham, Mass., March 2, 1857 ; began I.)arling, pro[)rielor. Works Incited at (^i^ West business in Providence in i88(). William (_ . I'",.\change street, I'lox idence. Stark we. ither was born m C o\'enliv. R. I. ^^ ,,, tt u 1 1 1 . i 1 1 , !.,» .1 .^uii Kue.iioi. I . E. W. Holden. M.inutacturer of gold plated Dec -'7, i8()(i; was loreman tor I:. \. ( 00k lor ,,■ 1 1 . iT about 12 years; I-;. Clinton Cook was born in jewelry. Works loc.ited at i>2 I age street, Baldwinviile, R. I., Sej)!. u, 1881. Providence. AN'D lUSlM.SS Mi:\ ()!■ KllOUI-; ISLAND. 1 1 1 H. N. Pervear Co.- -iManutactiircis of solid gold and plated jewelry ; make a general line of ladies' and gents' goods, l-'actory at loy Friend- ship street, Providence. I^stablished in 1S75 by Mr. Pervear. P'.niploy 25 hands. Among their specialties are carved and engraved gold front-bar cuff and baby pins, ladies and child- ren's dress sets and scarf pins. Henry N. Per- vear was born in Pawtucket. R. I , March 20, 1843. He established himself with his father as a bolt manufacturer, and after a lew years experience m this line, he began the manufac- ture of jewelry in I'rovi- dence as described above. Mr. Pervear is still a resident of the city of Pawtucket, R 1. A. Pollard & Co.— Manufacturers of a gen- eral line of gold plated ladies' jewelry, including brooches, stick pins, bracelets, millinery or- naments, etc. Business established in i S97 , works located in the Bovven Building at 59 Page street. Albert Pollard was born in I'aw tucket, R. I., October 29, 187- Thomas P' lard, his brother and partner in the business, was born in Philadel[)hia, Penn., April 5, i8(ji. Charles B. Donle. — Manufacturer of jewelers' diOs and tools. Works located at 109 P'riend- ship street, Providence. Business established in 1890. Mr. Donle was born in Newark, N. J., August 21, 1858. He began business in a small way, and has gradually increased until now he has a well equipped ]ilant, and an extensive trade among the jewelry manufacturers of this section. Mr. Donle has carried on a work in the line of philanthropy for a number of years, somewhat unusual for a busy manufacturer, the result of which has been the elevation of many wayward men to the rank of honorable man- hood, some of them State prison convicts, from the professional safe cracker down to the more ordinary convict. This kind of phi'anthropic work is certainly commendable although very uncommon among manufacturers. David Peabody. — Manufacturer of artificial wood ornaments made Ijy a preparation of chem- icals, which include an almost endless variety of designs from drawer handles to grotesque facial ornaments, Corinthian capitals for pilasters, lOgyptian heads, heads and bodies of all kinds of animals, etc. The only business of the kind in the state. Business established in Boston about 1 805. Sold to (lleason Wood Ornament Co., of ( irand Rapids, Michigan, and located in Provi- tlence in 1890. Works located in the Bowen Building, 101 P'riendship street, Providence. David Peabody was born in Boston, Mass., April 17, 1854; began to work for the company in Boston, later was employed by the West- ern com])any, and in 1890 worked for Bristol and Spencer who were the owners of the busi- ness when first located in Providence. About 1894 Mr. Peabody as- sumed control of the business which he has energetically pushed to its present excellent standing and wide scope, his goods selling all over the country. J. H. Collingwood & Co. — Manufacturers of enamel and enamelers of jewelry. Business established in 1861 by John H. Collingwood, who was born in Birmingham, England, in October, 1840. John R. Dawley. copartner with Mr. Collingvvood, was born in Providence, in May, 1859, Location of works, Bowen Build- ing, 107 P'riendship street, Providence. The company make emblem enameling a specialtv. A. S. Cumerford & Co. — Manufacturers of gold and silver [ilate, solders and ornamented wiresfor the manufacturing trade. Incorporated. Works 129 Kddy street. Providence. Lstab- lished by Arthur S. Cumerford. Henry N. Pervear. i!i( )(,u xi'iiicAi. iiisrom mi- rm.; .M.\\L'i-A(;irRi;RS Bowen Building. llic linwcn Muildiiii; been kiinwii as the Hdwen Huildinj;. It is udw. JMiilt 1)\' Rirhanlsdii & iiiiks in 1S30, ami kiKuvn after lilty years of cimstaiit use, one of the very as the Kichardsoii iS; I licks Hiiildiiii^. When e(iin|ileted it was considered the finest biiildini; tor the niantifactiirin'; jewelrs' business that had e\'er been built in the cit\- of l'ro\'idence, and its locatiiin at t he cornet of l'"riendshi]i and I'at^e streets t;a\e it a ver\' central location. 'I'he tirst jewelry inanulactmers to occup)' the bnildiiiir was the tirni of Kichardsoii, I licks & (_ o,, substantial structures of the cit)'. The build- ings cnnerl)eek (!<: C/lase. In i.SSj .Mr. ( . 1'. \ ennerbeek was admitti-d to the fuMiK In lS«)i \lr. ( lase died, the firm nanu beinj^' ennlinned the same as before. .Mr, (lake's interest lieinL; imrehased b\ Thomas 1\. and C I-. \ I'niierbeek. I homas \ ennerbeels learned the trade of a i^old and siU er platc'r, and aftei haviniL;- made himself thoron^hh iirofieient in every deliarlment of iJu- business, he be.iL;an niannfaetnrin,!; as alreadv described. Ili' was born in I'rovidence in 183(1. (', ]■". Xennerbeck. his brotlnr. born in iSd). The eompain do an extensi\e luisini'ss anion;^ the sihersniilhs and inannfactin-ini; jewelers of this seclion, and their brass jiicture frame wires are sold all over tlie I 'nited States. Thex pi-odnct- some of tlu' most striking ]iatterns in the laltt'r line of u;oods. and conse(|nentl\ they are in threat demand amontr the art metal t^oods m.innfactnrers. Tlu'ir iilam i> well e(|iiipped with modern ma- chini,r\ . iheri'ln enabling;' them to tnrn out tin- best of work in the most exjiedilious and eco- nomical mamier. (8) Fulford & Hobart. — The business of this com- pany was established in 1891 by Harry I'Tilford, who was born in Hirniingham, I^ngland, Aug. 9, 1863: came to America in 1S70. l-"irst learned the trade of a tool maker. In 1897 (jeo. M. llobart became a partner in the busi- ness, and since that date the company name has been l'"ultord & Hobart; manidacture all kinds of metal ornaments, the most of which are used among the manufacturing jewelers. Employ 60 hands. Howen Building, Page street. Providence. Williams & Payton. -Manufacturers ol a general line of plate jewelry. Works at 59 Page street, Howen Hiiilding. Husiness estab- lished in 1891 by jiresent firm. Employ 100 hands. William II. Williams was born P'eb- ruary 9, 1869; William (i. Payton was born in August, 1867. The Improved Seamless Wire Co.— Manu- facturers of gold plated wire and flat stock, ster- ling silver wire and tid)ing, solid and plated gold tubing. Works at 95 Pine street, Providence. Business established and incorjiorated in 1896. Capitalized for $100,000. Employ 16 hands. Officers, Myron H. EuUer, President; Arthiu- C. F. Vennerbeck. E. Austin, Treasurer. During the past four years the comjiany has develo])ed an extensive business. 114 Hi( )(.R.\riiic.\i, iiisToRN 1)1' rill-; M.\xn-:\CTrki;Rs Robert Barton.— Mamitactiiier ot lolleil jj;i)llii and sterlin,:; siK'er ;;("His. lousiness established in 1853 as I'erk, i'luetdr vK: H, 11 ton, theii l.ictor\- being located at the corner ot I'.i^eand C'litToid streets. Mr. l>arton moved into the Kicliardson 6t Ilicks bnilding in 1S37, now tlie ISowen buihl ing. cor. ol I'"riendship and I'age.Sts, l'ro\-idence, where he has remained e\ei since, shuwini; a continuous occu]ianc)' of the piemises of lort\ four \ ears. Mr. Har- ton was born .\|iril 4, iSjj, in Warren, K 1 I le began as a trax'cl ing salesman in the jewelry business se\- eral \eais before he began ni.mulact nring on Ids own account, lie is nnw tlic thiid oldest manutacturiiiL; jeweler in acti\'e bus iness in the city of i'rovidence. I )Ln"ing the main' \ears that Mr, Harton has car ried on business he has brought out many striking designs, and his goods have ahva\ s stood ver\' high with the trade throughout the country. W. J. Feeley Co. M a n u t .1 c t u I ers n[ Robert Barton church and ecclesiastical gooils m gold, siKer and brass. Business established b)' W. J. hee- ley in i^/v incori)orated in 1.S9J. WUrkslo cated at 1S5 ICddy street, I'rovidence. hanploy al)()Ut 100 hands. ( )|]iceis: William J. I'^eelc)', I'resident and Treasurer; K. II. I'"eelev, -Secre tary. William J, i''eeley was lioin in l'vn\'\ tlence, January ict. 16, 1853, U. !•;. Case was burn in W Isluck, \'t., in 1856 H, Lederer & Bro. — .Manufacturers ol gold plated chains 18: .1". ' '^/ - tlrm name became Wm. C. (ircene (^ Co., under which name it is now conducted, .Mr. (Irecne being now the s(.>le ownei Wm ( (ireenewas born in ICast Creenwich, K. I .\ugust 19, i8j(i With one exception he is now the oldest active manufacturer of jewelry in the cit\' ot I'rovi deuce. The works are now located in the .Man- ufacturers Building, im .S.ibin .street. Wightman & Hough Co. Manufacturers of gold and rolled |)late, and steiling sih'er lockets, charms, seals, miniature brooches, tr.unes and medallions. Business est.iblished in 185(1. In- corporated in 1895. C'apitali/ed for ? 100.000. Mmploy 100 hands. Works located in the M.m 7 Beverly street, I'rovi ufacturers Buildin; .md collar buttons. Business was estab- lished in 1895. Works located at _'_7 I-'.ddy street, I'rovidence. lunploy about 40 hands. E. Brown & Co. Man ufacturers of gold lilated rings, lUisi- ness established in 1 880. \\ iirks located ,it 71 I'eck street, I'rovidence. baniiloy abiiut 50 hands. Harden &Kettlety. — Manufacturers of a treneral line of electro [ilated jewelry. Works m Ma. nufact u rers Jiuilding, 7 Be\erly street, l'ro\-idence. In 1873 the In i8()o they employed 25 hands; now em ploy 135, lMaid< W. Marden was born in Kpsom, N, II, in June, 1854, Charles I., Kettlcty was born in Millville, Mass,, in Novem- ber, 18(1:;, Charles E. Hancock Co. — Manufacturers of solid gold brooches, scarf pins, link buttons, studs, rings, and diamond mountings. Works in M.inidactuiers Building, 7 Beverly stieet, I'rovidence. lan|iloy 75 hands. Business cstablisheil by Hancock, liecker & Co., in 1893. Incoriior;ited in 19011. Ca])italized for $ 120,000. nfficers, Ch.irles K. Hancock, President •md Treasurer; Mrs. Charles K. Hancock, Secretary. Wiltiiim C. Greene. AND lUSIXKSS Mi'.X ol' RIIoDI'. ISLAM). ■7 Manufacturers' Building.— The Manufactur- llnildint,'^ Co.. tlic nfticcis heinsj;: Charles ers iSuildiiii; was cr(.'i.-ti.- recirt;ani;^eil as the Kent (S: ."^tanlex Cn., l.inhteil. and the lullowiiie ■in])i)lv. I'te.. is tnis\irp,i>>ed. It is fnll\ pro- teeted a.L;ainst lire b\ .1 sprinlsler system, and is year the n.inie \\a> eh.ini^ed tn the Mannfac- it; e\er\ w;i\ ;in U]> to dale biiildint^. well built, with ever) faeility fur ship])inL; h,L;lu nr heavy i^oods exjieduinush . and 1^ \"er\ near the freight turers I'.uildiiiL;. In 1S07 the iiropertx- was sold at auetion. anil it was bid in for S2() The bnihlint; is now owiumI b\ the .Manufacturer;- depot and yards lis HlOC.KArillC.AI lllSrOK\- ()|- Till'; manui-acturkrs Martin, Copeland & Co. M.imitacturers of mills, tor winding the yarn into a kind of cone gold chains and linj^s, and optical goods. Hiisi- shape for insertion in the shuttle. They manli- ness established liy Martin, ("ojieland 61; ( (). in facture only a fine grade of tube, lousiness January, iSSo, ilenry (Jornian then being a established in i ,SSrooklyn, N. W; J. H. .A. .Moultrop of Providence; -S, [. .McMillen of Pi nyjdence. Works located at 113 Point street. Providence. .Mr. Child was born in ICast Smithfield, Penn., lune 2~. 1.SJ7, Learned the jewelry trade and wiirkcil .It the business until he established the Esser & Barry. — M.mutacturers ol white , ■ 1 • 1 ■ i u 1 f 1 :' . aluminum business, which has been a successlul stone and imitation di;imond jewelr)-. Beg. in undei t.ikiii" business in Providence in iSi)i. Works located -r^ j q r- » ai , ^ t 1 1 1 Ford & Carpenter.- Manufactures of gold ;uid m the Manufacturers Building, mi .S;ibin street, 1 u^ 1 ^- c t ti ^ 1. '^ ■ sih'cr novelties and mountings for leather goods. Providence. ( laim to be the hirgest maiui- c, . . . ■ ,- . t w i- wu\t^ ^r r^ w,.','i-c 1„ ■^ buccessois to \\ . I'.. White ci Lo. Woikslo- tacturers ot this line of gooils in this countrw ^ i- ,1 m . v u -i r ,^, c.,u;„ '^ . , -' catei.1 m the M.mut.icturers Building, loi Sabin James P. Barry was born in New N'ork city, . ,. r> ■ 1 i- 1 -- 1 1 i i>,.. -' , - . . . - street. Providence. P.miiloy ^ -, hands. 1. 1 ar- !• eh. IQ, |S()0. Prank P.sser w;is Ixun in Xew.iik. 1 i- 1 • ,■ i o "11 \- v i ^ • kcr l-ord IS a n.itive of lirooklyn, \. \. J. \. J.. January 2. iS^n. ^,^,^.^.^, Carpenter born in Shrewsbury, Mass., A. T. Wall & Co. M.innf.icturers of rolled in September, 1S47. gold plate and wire. Creat variety of designs Linton & Co.— Manufacturers of rolled gold for the manufacturing jewelers and metal plate, wire ;ind tubing Business established in workers. Business established by .\shbel T. i,s,Sh by .Andrew 1 .inton, who was born in Provi- Wall, wlio was born in Proxidence, March deuce, ( let. -^4, 1N57. Works at 95 Pine street, I, iS'ii. Works located in the Manufacturers Prox'idence. PJuilding, 101 Sabin street. Providence. laii w, & S Blackinton. Manufacturers of gold '''">■'-" ^'""'^ phited chains. Works located in the Manufac- J. E. & H. L. Brown. .NPinufact urers ot turers Building, loi Sabin street, Proyidence. pa[)er cop tubes tor mule s|)indles in cotton Works tormerly located in .Attleboro, .Mass. AM) IUSI.\i;SS MKN OK RIIOUIC ISLAND. 119 H. E. Brown & Co. Do electro -|)latii)<; or coluriiii; of .i^nl'l and sihvr jt'wi'lrv. a ])riK'css tin. .■^aiiK- as the rliHtn) ik-positiuL; "i c'o]i]ht ami Herbert E. Brown. citlu-r niL-tals with llic cxccptinn of iniii, wliicb rf(|uin.-s a .smiicwiiat dilTi'rfiu process. I'.nsi- lu-ss established in 1S70 tuider the name of II. 1-". llrown iS: Co.. ."^olnnion W. N'oini^; lieinu; llu ]iartner with .Mr. llrown. .\fter one \ear .\lr lirown bought his partner's interest and lieianie the sole owner. .\llhons;li sexeral men lia\ e been ^iven an interest in tiu' business at dilTerent times durin.ij the past thirty years. Mr. lirown has alwavs been at ihe head < it the concern and he is now the sole projjrietor. During the various chans^es in ]iartnerships the original name of the tirm has been ritained. The plant is e<|nipped with all of the modern appliances foi doin.L;' this kind of work, ;niil anything" that will add to the ([uality of the ])roduclions and facilitate the process .\lr. llrown s]iari-s no nionev or pains to ]>riicure. so as to be abreast late(i rings, hat |.iins, etc. Works at 95 I'ine street, I'rovidence. H. J. Astle & Co. — Manufacturers of piece tin ware and general kitchen fmiiishings. Hitsi- ness established in 1884. Works and store house located at 1 iS ()ratige street, Provitlence. Fletcher Manufacturing Co. — Manufacturers of braids and webbing and a great variety of small wares, including every kind of boot, shoe and corset laces, in black, white and colors, stove and lamp wicks, braided bandings, glace, himalaya bi'aids, plain braids and bobbins, stay bindings, spool tapes, printer's tapes and bone casings. Business established in 1793 by Thomas Fletcher. Incorporated in 1865. Works located on Charles and Back streets, l'ro\idetice. There are a number of factories clustered together filled with modern machinery for the manufacture of their great variety of goods, and their productions find a market in all parts of the world. Some 800 hands are em- ployed. A modern steam plant finnishes the power. Officers of the cotiipany are : William 15. l'"letcher, President ; William Ames, Treas- urer ; John ( ). Ames, .Secretary. This is one of the oldest and most substantial manufactur- ing ])lants in the .State of Rhode Island. McKnight Artificial Limb Co. — Manufacturers of artificial limbs from wood and com])osites. Business est;dilisheil in 1897. Works located at 107 Westmister street. Providence. John .\. McKnight, the proprietor, was born in New ^'ork. November 2, 1861. Learned the trade before beginning business lor himself. i:;o Hin(;R.\i'iii('.\i. iiisi'om' ()i- rill'; i\iA\LM'At;riki;RS McWilliams Mauufacturing Co - Manutactur ers of iewolers' and siK'crsmiths' machinery nt all kinils ; also special niachincr\'. Miisiiicss John McWilliams established In' |nhn McWilliams in 1S71. In corporated in 1S75 ( apitali/ed tm- Ivmploy 20 hands. \\'(iiks lucated at J-,y l-.ddy street, l'n)\idence. Officers: Jdlin McWilliams, President and Treasurer; Thumas McWilliams, Secrctarw wlm has lieeii a mendier of the com pany since its incnrpDrat inn . William ("(Kik. l''oreman. lohn McWilliams, the President and Treasurer nf the C(im|)an\', was burn in the North ol Ireland, hehruars' 5, i S40, Came to America alxuit 1S47 Learned the trade of a machinist in the city ot I'nAidcnce, and after com])letiri<; his time, he was tnreman fur a Pro\'iiience shop for about a \ear when he re signed to begin manuiacturiiiL; on his own account. lie is one of the pioneers in the manufacture of the class of machinery- that he jiroduces, and the ]ilant is one of the largest m the country. Their assortment of j).-itterns is the largest of any firm in the business, they having l)ought the patterns formerly owneil by the Willets Machine Co. and II. lilundell & Co. They have hllcd some very huge orders during their business c.irt'er The\' have sold to the Hrooklyn Watch Case Co. over S worth of watch making iiku hiner\-, .md other t'oncerns ne,irl\' as large orders. Mr. McWilliams has been one of the most successful buiklers of ma- i hiner\' ot any in the state of Rhode Lsland. lie has enjoyed somewhat ol a [jolitical career. Was a member of the City Council from the Ninth Ward during the years i8.Sj and 1883, and was a member of the Hoard of Aldermen fiom the same wartl m 18S4 and 1S85. During President Clevelaiul's administration he was ap- [jointed Collector of the Port of IVovidence, serving from 1S84 for about five years. The company emjilov the most skilled work- men, and their equiiniient of machinery is the best that can be procured. Harvey & Otis. -Manuf.icturers of gold em- blems. Ikisiness established in 1884. W'orks located at 18:; b'.ddy street, Providence. Henry W llai\e\' was born in (iloucester, K. I., in I ictobei, 1850. Samuel A. utis was born in l'ro\idence, m \o\'ember, 1849. Chase Mfg. Co. — Manufactureis of plated no\-ekies in ladies' and gents' jewelry. Walter W Chase was born in Providence, December 15, 1800. William A. Greene, member of the firm, wasboiii in \.ast (ireenwich, K. 1., Jan uary J, i8:;i. Business established by the same members of the llrni in 1899. Works located at 40 Cliltoi-d street, Pro\-idence. Albert F. Fuller. — Silver, brass and aluminum castings. Makes a specialty of fancy castings for chains and other ornaments used by manu- f.icturing jewelers; also statuettes. Business establisheil in 1881. Works located at 227 ]:My street, I'rovidence. Mr. luiller was l)orn in Cranston. R. I., T'ebruary U), i>!3i. Geo. H. Holmes & Co. — Manufacturers of a general line ot gold plated jewelry. Business established bv Smith & Holmes in 1883; dis- soK-ed in 1884 and succeeded by Ceo. H. Holmes iK: Co. Works located at 183 ICddy street. Providence. Wm. H. Miller & Sons. — Machine and tool liirgiuL's of .all knuK. builders' work; jewelers IiMiU. such as tonL;s, turning tonls. dirs. hubs, cutler plates ,-11111 i.iek dies; gt-neral bl.acksinitli- in- and jobbin-. Works loealed at 11)4, lo'i. l'|8. _'iiii ;inil Jiij I'.ddv street, and 30. 41, 43 and 45 • lifford stiH'el, I 'ii i\ idetice. binplox 30 hands l'roli;ibl\ the l.iri;est blacksmitliing esi;ib- lisliineiil in the cit\. lUisincss established AM) ]ilSI\i;SS MI'.N OF RIIODI': ISLAND. 121 l>v William 11. .\1i1Kt in iSf>'i. wIki \\;i> three and a half vcars lif sold his iiitcrost t(.) ( iil- hnrn in .Swansea, .Mass., in ( )i-lnl)er. |S_'S, hcrt Sisson. which was in iS'n). when the tiini ;i„,l \sh,, (lied in I'niNidem-e in .Ma\. name became Miller iH: Sisson. After seventeen niunths he sold his interest In Simon W. Cam- ernn. who was a |»ariner in the hnsiness for seven and a half years, under the tirm name of \\ m. II. .Miller iK: Co. January i. i8Xo, Mr. Miller l)ou.L;ht the entire business, and Mr. Cameron retireil. That \ear Mr. .Miller look his two sons in as partners in ilie Imsiness, the hrm name William H. Miller igot. .\lirani (rowell became a partner in the business the same \ear. .March :. LSt)() the lirni name bein" (rowell \- Miller, and after Jeremiah W. Miller. William F. Miller. beiuL;^ chan.i;ed to \\ ni. 11, Miller iS; .Sons, which name has been retained to the present time W'm. 11. Miller represi-nted his waid in the City ('oimcil for two Years. iS-cj and iSXo, now the Sixth but then the Xintli Ward. Jeremiah W. Miller was born in rro\idcnce, in May ii'^.s.V and is at present a member of llie ( ity t ouncil from the Sixth W'.ard. lias been in business with his father since iSSo. William h'. .Miller, who has been in busiiu'ss with his father since I SSo. was born in I'roviilence, March. iS^t). 1 he business has i;rown from four forces to twehc. and the plant is e(|uippcd with four ])>iwer mers and one t>()0-])ound steam hanuner, besides all of the other necessar\ m;ichines and tools rci|uired in a business of this kind, includini; two liand saws, three millini;' machines, one upright drill and two cutting-otY machines. 122 IU( )iik.\i'iiic'.\i, iiisioKN' i)v riii: m wri'.xc rikiiks Adams Bros.- ManntaLturcrs dI jeweler's and special macliinerv, and do a "general jobbinf; business, iiusiness established in \(i\'einl)er, George W. Adams. 1<'^S5, bv (ieiiri;e W. and ( hailes M. Adams. Works located ai Jjn to 224 Kddy street, I'luxi- ilencc. in Apiil, kiuo, ( leor^e \\ . Adanis bouL;ht his lirother'^ inteiest and became the Sole ]>ro[)rietor W^: was horn in (anterbur)', Conn.. ( )ctober j^, iS^S Came to I'l ii\-idence and learned the trade ol a mai hinist, where he workeil .IS a |iMiine\inan lor a ninnl)er of \'ears. In ito-date goods. AND lU'SIXl-.SS MI-;N ()1 IIOIJI-: ISLAM). 125 J. L. Crandall & Co. Manufacturers of 14-k i and I J-k .,',, hanil-burnishcd vest charms. ( )mct;a bracelets, ])atented solderless padlocks Joseph L. Crandall. and slides, guards, etc., in gold plate and silver. Business established January 1, icSg6, by J. L. & N. M. Crandall. Works located at 99 Stewart .Street, I'rovidence. lunploy some 50 hands. Joseph L. Crandall was born in Lebanon, Conn., March 7, iS(>(>. When about eighteen years of age he borrowed sul'ficient money to enter the works of the Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., to learn the trade of a machinest, completing his time in 1888. He then went to North Attleboro, Mass., and engaged with C. W. Cheever & Co., where he remained about two years, afterwards entering the employ of H. F. Barrows & Co., of the same town, taking charge of their tool department, holding this position for two years. He then went to work for R. Blackington i\: Co., following which he entered into business on his own account making jewelers' tools, but during the year that he was in business the times were very dull in the manufacturing line, and he returned to R. Blackington & Co., where he remained until 1896, when he again went in- to business, this time manufacturing jewelry, his brother being a partner, and doing all the travelling, while he superintended the factory end of the business. In igoo he purchased his brother's interest, since which time he has been the sole proprietor, retaining the original name of the company. Mr. Crandall owes his success largely to his patent soklerless padlocks which he has sold extensively throughout the country among the manufacturers and jobbers. Mr. Crandall is the son of Joseph C. Crandall, of Lebanon, Conn., one of the ])rominent poli- ticians of that section of the State, who was elected a member of the .State Legislature for two years, a member of the Senate for the same length of time, and at one time was County Commissioner. Queen Dyeing Co. — Dyers of cotton piece goods into analine blacks only. ( )ne of the largest plants in the country. Business estab- lished by .\lbert llorton, B. J. Ilorton and W. Fenn ALather in 1895. Incorporated in 1895. Capitalized for §25,000. Works located rear 589 Atwell's avenue. Providence, l-'.mploy 300 hands. Officers : W. I'cnn Mather, President ; .\lbert Horton, Treasurer; Ix J. liorton, .Secretary. Jeremiah H. Bates. -ALanufacturer of the Bates patent well curb, com|)osed of a plain bo.\ with crank with self-filling and self-tipping bucket. Business established by Mr. Bates in 1857 in New Bedford, Mass., but soon located his plant in Providence. Patent granted in 1858. Used extensively throughout the United States and Canada. Works located at 195 Dyer street, I'rovidence. Mr. Bates was born in Cov- entry, R. I., April 17, 1830. Was first a con- tractor and builder, building some of the largest blocks in New Bedford. Snow & 'Westcott. — Manufacturers of a gen- eral line of 14-k gold jewelry. Business estab- lished in 1834 by G. & S. Owen. Works located in the Jesse Metcalf Building, i 58 Pine street, Providence. Employ 30 hands. James P. Snow was born in Boston, Mass., September 22, 1839 ; Charles E. Westcott was born in Providence, -August 13, 1848. The Bliss Chester Co. — Manufacturers of brass and sheet metal goods. Business established July I, 1900. Works located at 31 Mathewson street. Providence. I'.mploy 25 hands. Hanley & Murdy. — Assayers and refiners. Business established in 1895. Works located at 189 Eddy street. Providence. Patrick Hanley was born in Ireland, February, 1844. I JO i5i()(.k.\i'iii( Ai. iiisiokv oi- liir; mam i'.\( ri;Ri'.Rs M. F. Williams. Mamifacturer of i)carl and Lj'iM ]ilat((l |r\\rh\ l'.n^!iK->^ rvtal)li-~luil ni lSi)7 li\ M, I', W iUkiih- I a|iilali/r(l f. ir George Hamilton. Manufacturer of ji^welers' ml'.: t li ill L'itul< l-'ifiirfHl rnlli^ :t t;i'»er in Itv Mauuil F Williams. .SiS.iiuu, \iinilKr 111' riii])li iM-v, Si I \\iirk> liioalcil .11 'HI Slrwarl -Irr;-!, I 'n i\ nKiuc, Man- uil l"raiu-i- \\ iliiaiiw w.i^ Imni iii 1 'n i\ iilnuT. >i|it(.'iiilnr J. iS'ii). Al tlu- .'il;!' "1 rK-\ cii \iars lir Willi til wiirlx I'm- tlu- n\\rlr\ iiianukn-lunnL; I'liiirni III' tin- Knxvc. \lliii In,, a^ iTr.iinl Imx. ami al tlu- aL;>' i 'i' ril'liTii lir liail wnrknl ii]i In MR-h a iK-i;rrf nf |ir' iliI riu;hl \i:ar^ "i llu- I'mn-trrii llial Mr. Williaiiw \\a^ rni]ili i\ i-d li\ llii^ iiini]>an\ lir I'l irriii:m i il llir |n-ai'l ilc|i,irliiu'iil In 1S114. lia\iii'_; a ilc^ivr in i-nlrr ilu- maiinlai'l iirniL; licid liinisrlf. Ik- Innk niK' n| tlir ]uarl wnrknu-ii and willl liiiii ^l.'iili-il iiiln ilii' |narl |c'\\rir\ liuviiu-sv nndcr llir lirm iiainc nl llic \i\\ kaiL^kand I'rai'l I. n.. at |i> ( 'lilTnrd striTl. Ill 1S117 llu ]iarliiri sliip \\;i^ disvnl\a-d. and Ml'. William^ Niarlril inti) liii^iiir^^ .almir al llir rrar nl' Jj'i k',dd\ --iriTl willl .a l':irlnr\ .)ii\Sii fret. In \]inl, |i|iil. In inn\cil In- |ilan! In In- |iiTNriit Incalinn at 1 1' 1 Strwart -irrrt. wlurr hr li;i- a faclniw. nindrni in c\a.-r\ ri-^iu-i-t. ;5\ii5 I'ni \lf. \\ illiaiiiv lias cariii-ii a ri' inn |nr ni.annlarl nniiLi a -iilirrinr lini- nl ^nmK. wliirli arr vnlil all n\,i- llu- rnitnl .^lalc- ;iiid ( 'aii.-id.'i. and i^ mu- ^li llu- ■,i.-i-\ cii-ilitalilt- jrwi.-lr\ iii.-innf.-u-niriiiL; r-tali- ii-liiiu-iit« 1 1|' llu- lit -, I if i '1-1 1\ iil(-iu-(-. George Hamilton. Manufacturer of ji^welers' looks ot all kinds. I-'i<;ured rolks a sjiecialty. HusiiK-ss established hy .Mr. Ilarniltnnin 1S95. Works at (.(3 I'ine street, I'ldNidenee. Horn in \ew Ipswich, X. 11. January 8, 1854. Was in the employ of other tool makini; concerns tor twenty fue years |irior to heninnint; business tor hiniselt, L. J. Roy & Co. — Manufacturers of collar liutlnii^, i.hains, and a general line of s].iecialties made m rolled j;old. Business established in iijoo. Works loc.ited m the h'itzgerald Huikl- inj;. 47 CliHoiil street, l'ro\-idence. h'.mploy 20 h.iiuls Levi I Roy was born in Canada, De- cember JO, 1S113. lie learned the lewelry nian- iif.icluring business in the employ of the tirni of 'I". 1. ."-imith. No. .Attlelioro, Mass.. in 1879. wdiere he remained until 1888, He was emjiloyed by a ruiniber of manufacturing jewelers in the city of I'riwidencc, among them Fred 1. Marcy. In i8()7 he l)eg;in mannf.ictiiring on his own ac count as a partner in the tnrm ot Roy & Mina- han, continuing under this title until igoo, when the firm name became 1., J Roy vv ('o., .Mr. Levi J. Roy. Roy beiiiL; the sole proprietor. Their goods are sold e.\tensi\elv throiiginmt the I'nited .States and ( anada. AND 1U'SI\I;SS MMX ()1- Rll()])|.; ISLAM) 127 Edward N. Cook Plate Co. — . Manufacturers of rolled Snld and sihcr plate, .ynld plated --caniK's-- wirr III!' Mptical ^mid- and jrwrlrx. cane lii-ad Edward N. Cook. stock, all kiixls nt plain and fanc\' tuhinii;' in i^'okl, silver and ]ilate : also inanufactin-ers nf aluniiniini and silver si)lders. and L;"nld solders in all karats. I'.nsiness estahlishecl 1)\- k'dward \. Cook in iSSd. 1 noi irpi ralid in March, looi. under the present name; capitalized for $5().<)0(). l'".iuplo\' I _' hands. Works now located in the lesse -Metcalf I'.uildin.L;-. 144 I'iiu- street. Providence. ( )t'fieer> nf the couii)any: I'.dward X. Cook. I'resideiU and Treasurer; I". Clinton Cook. .Secretary; William C. .Starkweather, Superin- teu(k-ut. i'"d\vard .\. Cook hetjan business as a liiiokkeeper. and afterwards leariu-d the business III a i;()lcl plater. After acc|uirini; the details oi the business he bei;an mamU'aclurint; nn his own account at 129 Kddy street, then at 'i_> I'atje street, where he remained for nine \cars. or until the Jesse .Metcalf Iluildinj.; was completed, when he was the first to nio\e in. Ills business Ui'adually increased luuil this \ear. wiu'ii a cor- |)nratiiin was fonued and lar.ijer (|uarters wi-re secured in the building. Mr. ( '01 ik was burn E. Clinton Cook. William C. Starkweather. Ml I'elersham. .Mass.. .March _'. 1X57. I'".. ( liu- tim t 1 10k was burn iu I '.aldw iuville. .\la^s.. .Sejit. 12. 1SS2. .\tter gradual in<.4 Irmn the Provi- dence liryaut and Stratton I'.nsiness Collei;e. he bewail as bnokket-per for his tatlier iu iSijS. and liecame a ineniber nt the ciinipan\ u])i)n il^ incorporation iu iijoi. beinj;- elected its .Secre- tary. William C. .Starkweather, after i^raduatiuj.; at the Providence l!r\ant and Stratton I'lUsiuess ("ollege. eui^ai^ed with llamilton Prns.. iliain makers, of Pro\idence. where he reniaiue1< »(,K.\1'II1(A1. IIISTOKV ()!•■ Illi; M.\\ll'.\( riRi;KS The R. L. Griffith & Son Co. Maiuitactuicrs I if l;i'1i1 aii'l i;i'lse Mrloalf I'.nililinL;, I'n i\ iiUnci.-. I nn ii-pi iralcd in iSi)-. ( a|inali/f(l fur 8411.(111(1. l-'.iniiliiv 75 bands. I iflu-crs ; Knfn^ 1., I inft'uli. I'rrsiiK-nt ; W alur \ ( irit'fitli. ."^(.(.laiaix and liaasniar. Tlir liiisinr^- was (sialili'-licd in 1X7(1 li\ .SanL;(-T \' • ivitiith, knfn- !.. < n-itlitli. llir I 'n-i.lcnl df the iiiniiian\, \\a> luirn ni ( ai'xci'. .Ma^s. 1 Jircnilicr _>, !N_^_'. ik-canu tn I\1mi1c Uland ni 1S14. and lHU;an an a|i]iianlua'sln|i m tlu- nwrlrx lin--nii.'sv al the aL.'!- 'it ciLdilccn wnli ."^atdvctt . Maxw \- INittri". sci'\inu; tlnx-c \cai's, \ttcr scr\inL; In^ a]iiiri.ntK'i--lii|i lie weld Iii wiiik tiif I'aliiur i\; l\i(diar(K( m. wlui'c lu- n nianicil li ir aliiinl ^cNar, xrafs. .\lti-f an cxi irnrni'c ni iitlirr sli.ips ,ii tile (■it\. In- i-n;.4aL;"t.-d wnli jiilni 1. .Mani'an. and was with Inin Im' thiftcrn va-ar^. In 1S711 he l>r'.^an a- a inanniai'tnianL; icw(.-lcf a^ a nicmlKT 1)1 till- liiin 111 ."s.nimi" \ 1 iiillith. wIuim- Imatinn \\a- (111 I'liic >lrc(.'t. and later Inralrd at tJi» l-'dd\ -.trect. -\t the end 1 if iwn \ ear^ .Mr, ."^aiiL^cr sdld his iiileresi in the liiisines^. ;nid Waller .\, iiriftith was adinitied Im the lirtn. tin- name then lieiiii; ehan.^ed td K. L. \ plain! iiii\iltu-s in hulif^' |( ssc Mrlcalf I'.uildiiiL; tln-\ snun-il nmnis for aii'l "flit-' ii'\\fli'\. r.n-iiu-s- c-talili-linl in lluii' faiimv lu-ic ami were ahmil the rir>t firm 111 iiiii\r iiitii tills innilmi ic\\ilr\ iiiamifactur- iiii; liiiililiiiL;. In I In riiilirr. |S(|S. Mr. I.ainl)vrt Milil Ills iiilcrrst ill till- luisiiuss to .\lr. Srln itirld. ami I 111- saim- im iiiili .\l r. ( . \\ . 1 '.attr\ w as taki'ii ill as a ]iartiirr. ( liarlrs \\ . r,attc,\ was hum in I 'rii\ iilnuT .Marcli u. iSdi;. 1 K- was I'l ir a iiiiiii- 1 rr 111' \cars traxclin^ saK-siiian I'l ir tlic jcwrlrv iiianiifartiiriiii; lirni of W aiti-. .Matlu'w son iK: L'o.. ol rro\ iilciuc. Ills i'.\tciisi\e cxpfrifnco on the road is of luirssitx of .L;rcat aclvaiitai;r to the i-oiiipam of wliicli he is a nicnilirr. Mr. r.allr\ ro\c-rs tlir ciitiri.- wrstrrn lirM ami otluT siclioiis of tlu- i.iiuntrx. wliiK- .Mr. Sclioru'ld tal-rs cari' of a lrrrilor\ luarrr lionir. hrcaiisc his scr\iiTs as tin- practii-al man of tin- tirni arc rti|iiirril in tlir faotor\ iiion- often than those of his ]iarliirr. Tin- l;ooi1s niaiK.- li\ this company arr aiiioii^ the lu-st of their class niailc in the cit\, ami llic\ arc sold all o\ cr the rnileil Stales and ( .iiiada. some liciiiL; sold in lorci^n comi. trie's. Ihcir plant is one of the hcst. hciilL:; William A. Schofield. riaiiuilic. .Mass., Ill \]iiil. iSSS. li\ l.amlicrt. Scholield \- ( o. \\ orks now locale! in the Jess, .Mctcalt I '.iiildiiiL;. I )4 I'lne sircci, rro\idencc h,m]ilo\ iDo hands. William \ .^ihojicld wa- horn in I'laiinillc, .Mass.. \nL;i|st \] . iSd^. lU K ariicd the ]cwclr\ hilsim-ss with Schotidd. Aston \- < o.. Ill the old Stephen Kichardsi m r.uildmu; of X'orth \ttlchoro. .Mass. After si.r\inL; his apprenticeship with ihis tiriii. Ik- was em]ilo\cd h\ the I'laiiu lUi- ."^Imd^ ( o., of I'lain- \ille. .Mass.. as their assistant foreman, where he remained cil;Ii| \ears Alter this he came lo 1 'r< i\-ideiice and ciiL;aL;cd with llaiicock. I'.cckcr \- to,, where lie sia\cd one \car. ha\mi; chari^c of their shipping dep.irliiiciil . When the lilisi lU ss of Scholield. Aslon vV to. of I'laiiiMlle. .Mass.. was s,,ld out in iSSS. .Messrs Seholield and l.aml.crl lioii;..;lil the |il:iiil. where lhe\ he^aii I'lisiiie^s inider the liriii n.inie ol l.amlicrt. .'~^clio- I'lcld iX,- t o. reiiiaiimiL; l!K''e ahiml iwo \ears. .\l the end of lime, liccoiiiim,;\iticcd llial the facilities i, .r cariwim; on ihc m.iiml.icl iirmu; iewehw 1 .iisines. in tliccil\ of rroM,]eiice were cipiippc-il with all modern niaclimcVN . which superior III those of riannille. tlie\ nioxed their en.ahles them to prodiu-e the hcst results cco- ]ilaiit to tills cit\ 111 .\o\eiiiher, iSSi), locating; at iioiiiic;ill\ and lapidh. Charles W. Battey. AND BUSINi:SS MEN OK RHODK ISLAND. '3' William Bens.— Manufacturer of sterling silver novelties for ladies' and gentlemen's wear. Business established by William ]5ens in 1890. William Bens. Works located in the Jesse Metcalf Building, 158 Pine street, Providence. Employs 50 hands. William i^ens was born in Cologne, Germany, March 13, 1853. He came to the United States in June, i866, and established himself in the manufacturing jewelry business in 1S90, after having served a term of years with other com- panies in the Attleboros and Providence. Mr. Jiens possesses a thorough knowledge of the business, and his plant is equipped with ma- chinery of the latest designs, which enables him to produce the finest of work in an economical and expeditious manner. Wolstenholme Mfg. Co. — Manufacturers of gold plated jewelry, a general line. Business established in I S89 by John I'. Wolstenholme, A. M. Wolstenholme is a member of the firm. Works located in the Jesse Metcalf Building, 1 58 Pine street. Providence. Plmploy 40 hands. Wildprett & Saacke — Manufacturers of solid gold rings, liusiness established in 1887 by William Wildprett ; partnership formed y\ugust 1 , 1 888. Gustave Saacke partner in the business- Works located in the Jesse Metcalf Building, 158 Pine street. Providence. Jesse Metcalf Building.— This building was built m 1896, more especially for the manufac- turing jewelers' business, its location being on Pine, Richmond and Page streets, in the city of Providence. The building was named in honor of Jesse Metcalf, and is owned by his two daughters, Mrs. William ('. Baker and Mrs. I'^liza G. Radeke. The length of the building on I'ine street is 195 feet, 120 feet on Rich- mond street, and 85 feet on Page street, five stories high, with two main entrances on Pine street, each being e(i nipped with a combination !)assenger and freight elevator. The ground Hoor is devoted principally to stores. The win- dows being close together and very large, there being two light shafts in the centre, the build- ing is well lighted during day time and a com- plete electric lighting plant sui)plies light in the evening hours or for night work. The power is also electric, furnished by a complete plant in the building, the shafting of each plant being independent of other shops. liach story is thir- teen feet high, and the windows e.xtend to the top of the rooms. Drop posts of hard pine are carried up to each shop from solid foundations of concrete and granite, and every room is equipped with the latest improved forges, with wind pipes, sanitary arrangements, etc. Everything about the building is modern in every respect Whitehead Brothers Co. — Eoundry and mold- ers' supplies. Business established about i860 by Charles and William Whitehead. The pres- ent company was organized in 1893. Plant at 42 South Water street, Providence. Alfred J. Miller is General Manager of the Providence branch of the business, and also \'ice-President of the company. The foundry trade of New England is said to be nearly all supplied by this house, which includes molding sand, fire clay, foundry facings, etc. The company get their supply from their various sand pits and works which are located in some fourteen different localities in New Jersey. New York and Massa- chusetts. Excelsior Steam Engine and Machine Co. — Manufacturers of the " l^xcelsior " steam engine, specially designed as an upright engine for small plants. Works located at 30 Eriendship street. Providence. The business is carried on under the management of John Borland, Jr. Repair work of all kinds is done by the company. '3^ Mil XiK.M'llIC.M. isrnK\' OF Tin-; .M.\\rF.\CTrRi:RS Samuel Moore & Co. — Manufacturers of jew- elers' and silversmiths' suiiphes, uichuiing urna- menteil and beailed wire, flat stock, etc., in all kinds of metals. Works at 178 I'".ddy stieet. Providence. Samuel Moore, who established the business in kSSj, was liorn m Falmouth, Mass., in September, 1844. He early learned the machinist trade in the works of tlie Mason Machine Co., of Taunton, Mass., and had a thorough e.\[)erience in the building of locomo tives and other machinery. 1 lis experience in this line is of great advantage to the company in their present bu.<;iness, because a practical machinist is requiied to kee[) the machin- ery of the plant in proper running order, many of their ma chines being auto matic and somewhat comi)licated, especial- ly their bead wire and bead chain'machines, of which Mr. Moore is the inventor and sole owner, and is also the foundation of their i)resent exten- sive business. Henry F. Mencke. — Manufacturer (jf steel stamjis. lUisi ness established in i.Sijij. Works located in the Jesse Metcalf Huildin^. 1 ;S Fine street, Providence. Samuel Moore Rhode Island Wire 'Works.— Manufacturers of all kinds 1( iR\- Tl M.wri'Ac TL ki:RS William H. Luther & Son.- Maiuitacturers dt high-grade electro-platetl jewelry, including cull buttons, briioches, waist sets, iini;s. belt pins. William H. Luther. etc. The cumpany have wim a natidnal reputa tion tor their " high-gratle, Inw-priced " jewelry, which signifies that enniiL;h pure guld is de- posited by electricity on their goods to make them serviceable enough to give complete satis- faction to the consumer, and consequently the trade have come to consider these among the best line of goods that they t'an handle, because the great demand for them means ready sales in all [larts of the Inilcd States and Canada, and in foreign countries these goods are sold extensively, llusiness was established in| by William II. Luther, who l.iegan business "down town" where he occupied se\-eral shops at different times, mo\ing from one to another to meet the demands of the growing business, and in January, 1S77, he located in the jiresent factory on ( ).\ford street, in South I'roxidence. where the com[)any ha\e one of the tuost uji-to date jewelry manufacturing establishments in the state of Rhode Island. The m.nn |)art of the factory, which was built some twcuty-tue years ago, is located at the ciuncr of ( ).\ford and Harriet streets, and since that time smallei' additions have been built on ( )\for(l street, and in iijooa brick addition was completed 35 feet wide by 75 feet in length on Harriet street, which was necessary on account of the great volume of business that the concern w^as obliged to turn out. This new addition is used wholly as a workshop in connection with the remainder ot the l.ictory. 'l"he plant is equippetl with all ot the modern machinery necessary to the ]iro- duction of the riucst lines of jewelry, and a torce of skilled workmen enable thec(mipan\ to com])ete with any manufacturers of jewelry in this country. Capacity of the i)lant, 250 em- ployes. The ]>ower for the works is supplied by a J5 horse |iower Fuller steam engine, and a complete electric lighting plant has been put in for the accommodation of the factory. William 11. Luther was born in Dover, X. H., .\pril Ji. 1844. He is at present a member ot the Board of biie Commissioners of the city of I'rovi- deuce. I'lederick H. Luther, son ot William II., the othei- member of the tirm. was born in I'lovidence, R, L, September u, iSoo. He is .Superintendent of the w^orks. In addition to this l)usiness he is also i)ro[)rietiu' of the .\tlantic Crcen Houses, which have developed a large business in the city. This is the only jewelry Frederick B. Lutfier manut.icturing ])lant in thi;'. jiait of the city, known as .South Providence, and it may be saitl to be one of the most .ittiactixe locations. AND BUSINESS MEN OK kllODI-: ISLAND. 135 Reliance Mill Company. — Manufacturers of fancy table meals, including corn, rye, graham, whole wheat, buckwheat, oat meal, etc. Works located at 208 to 214 Dyer street, Providence. The mill of this company was erected by Henry C. ("lark in 1873, and is a substantial five story structure, now equipped with four double sets of rolls; power being supplied by a 500 horse power engine. In the building is a grain ele- vator and storage capacity for 40,000 bushels of Oliver Johnson & Co. — Manufacturers of paints and oils. Business founded by Oliver Johnson in 1833. He in turn was succeeded by his son, William S. Johnson, now deceased, and Benjamin W. Spink. The works are situated at the junction of Kllen and l-^ddy streets. Provi- dence, are five stories in height, and have a frontage and depth of 50x125 feet. The machinery equipment here in force is of the latest improved pattern, including thirty mills Factory of William H. Luther & Son, Cor. Oxford and Harriet Sts., Providence. grain, while the company owns a large pier on the river, with depth of water alongside suffi- cient to enable the largest vessels to discharge, while there is a direct railroad switch, thus giv- ing them perfect transportation facilities. On the dock they have a large three story ware- house for the storing of salt, hay, straw and sundries. Business was originally established by J. C. Redding, succeeded by Goodspeed & Co., and later by the present company. Joseph Spellman has been the general manager of the business since 1893. and mi.xers, grinding and jjulverizing devices, etc., operated by a seventy-fi\e horse power engine. The firm are manufacturers of the celebrated "Villa" brand of paint, "King Philip" white lead, "Excelsior" ready mi.xed [laints, Arthur's matchless stains, putty, etc. Oriental Silk Mfg. Co. — Manufacturers of all kinds of silk dress goods, lousiness established in igoo by M. Maksodian, G. I-'abrickian, .\. Bar- ronian, B. Barronian, and M. M. Stone the gen- eral manager, all natives of .Armenia. Asia. Works at 297 Canal street, l'ro\idence. Small plant. 1^6 Hloi.RAI'IIU AI. IIISIOKN' ( H- Till'; M .\ \ T I- .\( 1 l' R l-.RS Colvin Foundry Co. — Iron c;istinj;s of all kiiuLs, their s[)ccialty being heavy castings tor machinery, steam engines and tools. JUisiness established bv ( i iV' T II Colvin in 1872 on Dyer street, l'ro\idence. where the I )yer Stieet Land C"o. Huilding now stands. In 1S7:; they built a foundry Iniilding of their own on West I'lxchange street, then Cove street, where thev located the satiie year. Ilere they continueil business until 1 Sjd under the firm name of d. & T. ll.('ol\in, when Theodore bought his]iart- ner"s interest, and changed the name to that of Theodore 1 1. Colvin, which was retained until the incorjioration of the business in 1 Sij6, the name then being changed to the Col- vin I''oundry Co , with a ca|.>italizatioii of Si 00,000. ( Hticers of the comjiany are : Theodore II. CoKin, President and ( .eneral Manager ; Charles T. Colvin, .Secretary and Treasurer. In iSi)7 a new |jlant was erected on (ilobe street, which is one ot the largest and most up-to-date iron foundries in New I'ingland, 175 feet long by 100 feet in widlii, equiiiped with every modern con \'enience tor doing all kinds of work in their line. In addition to this new foundr)' there is an otficeand jjatlern building. 150 by 50 feet, two stories, the engine room being located in one end of this structure. Theodore H. Colvin, the President and ( len- eral Manager ot the business, was born in I'lain- lield. Conn., .Xpril 2(1. i.S4(] lie learned the trade of a niolder in I.)anielson\ ille. now l).iniel son, C(.-nn., in 1804. In i,S<>5 he went to woi k in a loundr)- in Whitinsville. Mass., uhcre he remained but si.\ months In iJecember nt that year he went to work tor Caleb (ohin of Worcester, Mass., where he remained until 1S72, when he located in Providence, and es- Theodore H. Colvin. tablished, in comjiany with his uncle, the firm of (i. & T. II. Colvin. ami ever since that time he has been carrying on business for himself. 1 )uring the thirty years that he has done busi- ness here he has won a reputation for doing the best ol work, and he has made some of the largest castings ever turned out in the State. His son, Charles T. Cohin, the Treasurer aiul .Secretary, was born in Worcester, .Mass., July 3, iSoS, and has been emplo)-ed by the concern toi- a number of years, Clarence II. Colvin, another son of Theodore II., who is a member of the comjiany and actively associated with the business, was born in I'rovidence, R. I., Uecember 20, 1S77. h:iisha II. Colvin, brother of Theodore M., who has been ac- tively associated with the comj.iany for a number of yeais, and is now a member of the corjjoration, was born in Plainfield. Conn., March 4, ICS48. The cut illustrating the jilant upon the o{)j)osite jxige shows one of the \-ery modern foundries of the city. S. K. Merrill & Co. — Manulacturei s ot solid gold and j)lated lockets. Established by Sylvester K. Mer- rill in I .S71 , who was born in Pheni.x, R. I., Sept. 9, 1840. Robert ]'.. lUidlong, who was born in Providence in 1864. liecame a member of the firm about 1883. I-'ac- tory located at 1 in Chestnut street, iunjiloy 50 hands. The Thomas Phillips Co. — Manutacturers of machinery and cojijier work ; bleaching, dyeing, dr\ing and finishing machinery. lUisiness in- corj)orated in 181)4. Works locateil on Henefit, Pike, Tr.iverse aiul Tockwotton streets. Pro\-i- deiuc This is one of the oldest and largest m.muf.icturing jilants in the cit_\-. George C. Phillijis is President and Treasurer ot the comjiany. AND HUSINESS MEN OF RHOIJI'; ISLAND. 137 John Heathcote. — Manufacturer of tcntering and drying machines, for use in woolen mills, etc Business established by John lieathcote in 1870. Works located at 212 Eddy street, I'rovidence. John Heathcote was born near Manchester, England, April 30, US33. In 1842 he came to I'rovidence, and after procuring an education in the public schools of I'rovidence, he was a]iprenticed to the I-Vanklin I'oundry and Machine Co., to learn the trade of a ma- chinist. Serving four years he soon after entered the employ of the Corliss and Nightin- gale Engine Co., and then was engaged in tit- ried on the manufacture of these machines, mak- ing important improvements from time to time. Mr. Heathcote is also the Treasurer of the Rus- sell I'-lectric Manufacturing Co., of i'rovidence. George H. Heathcote is at present associated with his father in the manufacture of tentering and drying machines. Edwin Lowe & Co. — Manufacturers of solid gold finger rings, ear rings, scarf pins and studs. Business established by W. IC. Webster & Co., about the year 1888, the business purchased by Edwin Lowe and l-'rank W . liodwell in iSgg. ]''actory located at 116 Chestnut street, Provi- in- Plant of the Colvin Foundry Co.. Globe Street, Providence. ting up the machinery for the Pacific Mills of Lawrence, Mass. Then he was in the service of Brown & Sharpe for about three years when that concern was located on South Main street, and employed seven or eight workmen instead of the eighteen hundred or more that the Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co. now employ. In 1866 Mr. Heathcote established a steam, gas and water piping business in company with a Mr. Barbour, under the firm name of Barbour & Heathcote. About 1870 this firm bought out the patent of the J. S. Winsor Tentering and Drying Machine Co, and in 1874 Mr. Heathcote purchased his partner's interest. Since that time he has car- dence. Employ 40 hands. I'" rank \V. Bodwell was born in Bo.xford, Mass., December 11, 1858. Learned the jewelers and tool makers trades, and is now the Superintendent of the business that is carried on under the name of K. M. Lowe & Co., Mr. Bodwell being a co partner. The Clason Architectural Metal Works. — Manufacturers of copper and galvanized iron cornices, fronts, bay windows, metal ceilings, skylights, etc. Works located at 281 Canal street. Providence. Incorporated in 1898. Officers : Harold J (iross. President ; John W. Bishop, Treasurer ; (ieorge E. Hussey, Secre- tary. Capital, Cicneral Manager, Clayton Harris. lUOCRArillCAl. IIISIOKV (U- Till-; MA.\ri'A(TL'RI':RS David Burton. — Steam, (ias and Water Vipc, ami litlin<^>. Ai^w ilcalcT in k'c.-uni]is. Mr. j'.'.irlnn wa^ liiirn ni I'li i\ idrnic. David Burton. IH-Crnilirr 1-1. iS:;:;. Vflrr n ini] iKuni; Iii^ nln- catimi ni xhv pnlilic m'IkmiK he Karncil llir iradc lif a >teani and i;a^ fitui-. anil after \\i irl.inL; a-- a )i lUrncN man fi U" :i nnnilirr <>l \rar^ lie r^lali- lisheij tile pn-^rnt Im^inr-^ in tin- \car iSii:^, and lias Cdiilinned in ihiv Inu- r\rr niiut. dr\ eh )1iiiil;' a \'er\" cxlcii^nc I'lisinrsx t liri hil^Ih ml llie slate. lie i-- iiiie 111' tile mMcvI inaiiii laet iiferN ni lii^ line in tile eil\ ( it' 1 'r. i\ ideliee. Wiirk^ lin-aled at J3 and J7 I 'a,L;e >lreel. I'viixidenee. lie wa^ a iiicniluT lit iIk I'ri i\ idetiee ( il\ ( iiiiiuil Irinn 1SS7 til 1S117. re|it-esentinL; the liitli W aril. 1 e\v men ill tlie eil\ lia\ e earned 1 m a nmre lliiirnni^li and ^nrcessinl liiisiness i'. ir ,1 iHiiiid 1 it ii\-er tliiny liw \ears than .\lr. Ilnriiui. Mi- repnlatiiin is -ueli tliat \\liene\ei' a I'lmtraet lia- lieen auardt-d tii liiin lee aii\ 1 it inir inatiiitae- inrers tlie\ were eiinlident lliat llie\ were In reeeixe the lie-t l.nid ii| wink that was im lie prn- enreil in the line that .\lr I'.nrtiin was eni;aL;ed m. I his i^eneral eiinlidenee that has lieeii aeciirded him has wiui Imn main a einitrael that iilherwisc- niii.;lil ha\e u,' me In iither ladders in tin- general tield 1 it ei iiiipetil ii in. .Mr I'nrtim was line 111' the memliers iif the 1 ild lime tire de|iarl- nunt I if the eit\ . B. A. Ballou & Co. -Manufacturers of a gen- eral line (if gold and rolled plate jewelry, to- gether with specialties and jewelers' findings. Make a large line of small gold chains, with minute links, such as are used on eye glasses, Inr trimming jiurixises, etc. In this latter line they are probably the most e.xtensive manufac- turers in the country. Ikisiness established in iSji) by liaiton A. Halloii, and soon after this time his brother-in-law, John J. I-"ry, was taken in as a partner in the business. Works located at iji I'eck street, and 102 Orangestreet, Providence, in the Dyer Street Land Co. Building. I-anploy about I 15 hands. Their plant is equipped with all res- ent owners in iScjo. P'actory at 116 Chestnut street. Providence. Lmjiloy 65 hands. William A Read is a native of Attleboro Falls. Henry .\. Lincoln was born in .\ttIeboro P'alls, .Mass., i-'eb, iv iSvS. AND BUSINESS MEN OF RHODE ESLAND. 139 Dyer Street Land Co. Building. — The Dyer Street Land C'o. Huildiiij;, which was built in 1874 exclusively for manufacturing jewelers, ex- cept the first floor, which was planned for the wholesale grocery business, is located on Dyer, Peck, Friendship and Orange streets, Provi- dence, occupying a whole stpiare. It is five stories high, the entire building now being oc- cupied by manufacturing jewelers, including the first floor. The building is io Sabin street. I'rdNidence. F. A. Chase & Co. Manufacturers of shut- tle irdns and dealers in textile mill supplies. Messrs. l-'rederic .\. Chase and I'^rederic L. Chase constitute the company. The works ami storehouse are located at 2~i West ■ •Exchange street, I'rovidence, in the Hnnvn Ikiilding. The C. A. Caswell Carriage and Harness Co. — Manufacturers of all kinds of light and heavy carriages. 'I'he company make a specialty of heavy e.\])ress and teaming wagons, and their trade is ])rincipcdly in .Southern Rhode Island. ■■'actory located in Wakefield, R. I.; one of the largest carriage manufacturing plants in the State. luiijiloy I 5 hands. Business established in 1892 by Caleb .\. Caswell, who was born in -South Kingstown, R. I., September 14, 1S31J, and was the sole owner of the business. Mr. Caswell does horse shoeing in connection with his carriage business, and his salesroom, which is connected with his carriage factory, contains a full supply of carriages of various makes, to- gether with harnesses and all kinds of horse iroods. Mr. Caswell is thoroughlv versed in the Frank L. Thornton. Packer of whole wheat, graham Hour, R. I. corn meal, oatmeal, l^altimoie I'earl Meal, rolled oats, etc. lousiness established in 1882. Mr. Thorn- ton was born in l'ni\ idciuc, Maicli 11, 1849. After spentling three \cais in the gold and diamond mines of .South .Africa, m the Trans- vaal and l''ree State, he returned home antl entered into the mercantile business, until he established his i)resent business in i88j. His cereals are used e,\tensi\'ely throughout Rhode Island and ]jarts of Massachusetts and Con- necticut. Geo. Hawes & Sons. - M.inuf.icturers of 1 lawes improveil steam tr.i]). liusiness estab- lished in 1881. I.orin 1'. Hawes was the inven- tor of the tra]i, which possesses main' ad\'an- tages. .\t a very low temperature it will not freeze up, the claim is made that a savmg of one-third in cost of fuel is made bv its use, and the ])atent dia|ihragm insures satisfactory ser vice for nioie than ti\-e years. ()riice J3 Hver street. The business nl the compans' originally carriage manufacturing business, and his ]iro- was that of wholesale truit and ]ii'o(luce, which ductions are of the highest grade that are made was established in 1839 by (ieorge Hawes. in this part of the country. Caleb A. Caswell. AND BUSINESS MPIN OF KHODI", ISLAM). 141 Mechanical Fabric Company.— Manufacturers of rubber thread, card cloths, air mattresses and cushions, and other rubber specialties. Business established by A. I,. Kelley in May, i8go, and incorporated the same year. Capital- ized for Si 50,000. Works located on Sprague street, I^lmvvood, Providence. Km])loy about 100 hands. Officers: Arthur I.. Kelley, Presi- dent: lulward B. Kelley, Secretary and Treas- urer. The plant is one of the best in the city; ship street, Providence. Mr. Norton is a native of Swanscy, Mass.. where he was born October 7, 1857. C. P. Darling & Co. — Manufacturers of wooden packing bo.xes, bo.x shooks, etc. Busi- ness established in 1884 by C. P. Darling. Works located at 413 Charles street. Provi- dence. The entire plant was destroyed by fire in 1895, but new works were built the same year and the business continued, Mr. Darling's Plant of The Mechanical Fabric Company, Sprague Street, Elmwood, Providence. the entire property occupying nearly a sc|uare. The goods manufactured by this company are considered as fine as any made in the country. Frye Bros. — Manufacturers of rolled gold plate, buttons, pins, chains, charms, etc., and optical goods. Business established June i, 1901. Works located at 38 Friendship street, Providence. I^mploy 10 hands. William Norton. — Manufacturer of gold plated novelties in jewelry ; also a variety of pearl goods. Busmess established by William Norton in 1896. Works located at 38 F'riend- son, Edwin S. Darling, being at that time ad- mitted as a member of the firm. The works cover an area of 40,000 square feet, and are con- nected with the railroad by a switch, thereby making it convenient for shipping their goods. C. P. Darling was a native of Douglas, Mass. The Rhode Island textile mills are supplied largely by this house with their packing cases. George H. Cahoone & Co. — Manufacturers of ladies', misses' and children's solid gold rings, seamless filled rings, scarf pins and brooches. Works located in the Manufacturers Building, 7 Beverly street, Providence. M^ UK )(,k.\iiiK'.\i. iiisroRN- oi- rill-: Mwri-AcrrkiiKS Hamilton Web Co. Manufacturers ol narrow fabrics, lioot and f;aitcr webs, tapes, binclin<;s, and non elastic webs in cotton, worsted and silk, also name webs. Husiness established in iS6ti bv X'aughn ^; (ireeue in the piesenl loca- tion. Incorjiorated in 1.SS5. l"a])itali/ed for Si 50.000. ( )lTicers: Janies A. any own another small mill which is AM) iusixi:s.s Mi;x oi- riiodi-; isi..\\d. 143 •■"* M t M pBp^'wj ^ P^TTT 2*« iS[^^^ B^^ ^^^^BfVV'^ " ' ■■■ Hamilton Web Co.'s Annaquatucket Mill. S-' 1 ( 11 ;)/ la. ^.>vY74|ffyr-^|A., 1 mig. *• "'fflRBr^ ^' =i ^ ■3^a -nnrT^al ..aiXlS; sLs\ .^ ^py^ii4r'ar KJ JB '■^■"5 "'^t'^^^^m L »t. • j-^^^i^ '.I) .1 ^. ^f^ng^ Mills of the Hamilton Web Co., Hamilton, R. I. m -f'l fr \' r ( fit ,"•^11' ' --S^- HT; :' LSJ V i' t&tM|.^ flr 11! 1!5 ■11 1,' ,' i >■-- :i »■ a r, U — Halkyard Mfg. Co. Building, Cor. Dotrance and Friendship Streets, Providence. AND lUSIXKSS MEN Ol' KHoUK ISLAND. 145 Halkyard Manufacturing Co. Manufacturers of lacing hooks for shoes and other purposes, and a line of rivets for belts, shoes, harness trim- mings, etc. The business was established in 1879 by William Halkyard and incorporated October J4, 1888. Capitalized for Si 50,000 with William Halkyard, President and (ieneral Man- ager ; Henry A. Church, Treasurer, and George M. Church, Secretary, the two last named being members of the well known jewelry manufac- turing firm of II. A. & C. M. Church. The works are located at the corner of Dorrance and I'Viendship streets where they employ 50 hands. This is one of the pioneer manufactur- ing concerns of its kind in this country and their goods are sold all over the United States and in foreign countries. There is hardly a shoe manufacturer in the country that does not use these shoe lacing hooks, and the indus- try is one of the very important ones of the state. William Halk- yard, the President, was born in Leeds, England, June 20, 1845. Came to Amer- ica in 1849. After completing his edu- cation in the public schools of Providence, he entered Ihomas J. Hill's machine shop, located on Ivddy street, now the Pro\idence Machine Co , to learn the trade of a machinist, serving three years, after which he was engaged by the Providence Tool Co. to make gun tools. Later he was employed by William A. Harris when he first began the manufacture of steam engines on Eddy street. Mr. Halkyard, with the assistance of another machinist, built the first Harris-Corliss engine, which has proven so popular among the manu- facturers of the country. Later he proceeded to invent various machines for the manufacture of patent lacing hooks, etc., that the company make a specialty of. One machine was made (10) William Halkyard. for producing the lacing hooks all completed and ready for the enameler, another for the purpose of inserting hooks in shoes automatic- ally, and still another for making metal beads. Machines were also invented by Mr. Halkyard for the manufacture of rivets and for covering electric wire with lead. The factory building that was purchased by the company is seven stories in height, and is one of the oldest buildings in the city devoted to the manufacturing jewelry business. The Halkyard Manufacturing Co. occui)y four floors, and the remainder is devoted to the manufactur- ing jewelry business or kindred trades. The office of the com- pany is located at 148 Dorrance street. The cut shown upon the opposite page repre- sents a structure sub- stantially built, well ada[ited to manufac- turing [jurposes, and for the times when it was constructed it was considered oneof the best buildings of the city. This, with the Bowen Building on Page street, shared about equal honors as great centres of the jewelry manufactur- ers prior to the build- ing of the more mod- ern structurers like the Manufacturers' Building and others in the city of Providence. Greenwood & Chase. — Manufacturers of a general line of ladies' jewelry in rolled gold plate and electro-plated goods, lousiness estab- lished April 15, 1901, by Thomas V . Green- wood, who is a native of .Xttleboro, Mass., where he was born June 13. 1865. Howard P. Chase became a member of the firm soon after its establishment, who is a native of Providence. Goods are sold extensively in this country, and to some extent in luirope. The works are locatetl at 9 Calender street. Providence. R. 1. They now em[iloy about 50 hands. I40 HIOC.KAI'IIICAI. IIISTDRV ol Till. M AMTFACTl' Rl'lRS Carpenter & Wood. — One of the most imiior tant industries that has been pushed to the tront durins the iiast few vears is the manufacture ot A. 1 Carpenter. enamel, which is used largely by jewelers and others who have occasion for decorative art. One of the |irincii>al firms engaged in the man- ufacture of enamels in I'rovidence is that of Carpenter i\: Wood, who are located in the so- called I'enholder liuilding, now the Halkyard Mfg. Co. Huilding, at J.S I-"riendship street. The firm is composed of A. I. Carpenter and I-'.. 1). Wood. Mr, Carpenter was born in the town of Cranston in 1.S5S, and received a com- mon school education. While yet a young man, he came to I'roviilence and learned the art of enamel making, and has since been engaged in the business in one cajjacity or another. 'l"he present business was started by him in 1X79. In 1887 he entered into a partnership with Mr. Wood and the firm has since continued under the firm name of Carpenter & Wood. Mr. W ood, the other member of the firm, was bovn in I'rovidence in iS^S, and received a common .school education in this city, ills lirst work was at the machinists' trade, which lie learned at the shop formerly owned by Thomas J. Hill, now deceased. .Mi. Wood has had a \-. tried ex- l>erience, having been a sailor during three years of his life time, and has tr.iveled e.xten sively. lie served three years in the Civil War and has been foreman in a jewelry factory during quite a jieriod of his life. In fact he was engaged in that capacity when the firm of Car- ])enter & Wood was first started. Hoth of the members ot the firm are entirely practical, and have brought out many new^ ideas in enamels that have proven not only profitable to them- selves, but also to customers who had use for tliat commodity. In fact, it may well be said that the firm has done as much as anybody, and [Hobably more, to bring about the pojui- larity of enamel with jewelers for decorative I)urposes in their business where many thous- ands of dollars worth are used by manufactur- ing jewelers every year. Carpenter & Wood make everything that can be thought of in enamel aiul may well be said to be a self-made and progressive firm. The great popularity of enamel goods of all kinds which have been I reated largely b_\' this firm, has aided materially in increasing the volume of manufactured goods m the line of jewelrv, and the ])rospect for the luture [iiomises a still greater business. 'l"he efforts that the members of this company have put forth in this particular branch of trade has E. B. Wood. again given Rhode Island the right to claim the leadership in a branch of another industry, as she has in many other instances. AND BUSINKSS IMICK OF RHODI-; ISLAND. 147 C. Warren Tuttle. — Manufacturer of imitation perfect as if they were cut in the most e.\|)en- precious stones of all kinds, glass eyes, claws, sive Brazilian diamond. These goods are used noses and taxidermist supplies and millinery or- mostly by the manufacturing jewelers, and con- naments, including jet work, beads, etc. Works sequently his output is used largely here in located at 21 Eddy street, Providence. Busi- Providence and the Attleboros, although they ness established in 1867 by Charles 1). Tuttle are sold in all parts of the country. This class in the city of Pawtucket, K. 1., (for a short time of goods was formerly made in I'.urope, but being located in Attleboro, Mass..) who was the since the introduction of the business in this inventor of this line of work in the I'nited country by Mr. Tuttle, senior, the foreign pro- States. Prior to introducing this line of glass duct has found comparatively little room here, goods he was a gold plater in Providence, doing because the goods made by Mr. Tuttle are equal an e.\tensive business in that line. I'pon the if not superior to the imported imitation stone death of Charles D. Tuttle in 1883, Noveniber and the price being equally low, the home mar- 14, his son succeeded him in the business, and after remaining in Pawtucket until 1892 he moved his plant to Providence, 21 Eddy street, where he has carried on business ever since. Here he has increased his busi ness largely, his place being equipped with all of the modern ma chinery and appliances for the producing of his various glass specialties. In addi- tion to the number of goods made already mentioned, he also makes a line of glass dress buttons in vari- ous colors, and mill supplies including creal steps, which are used C. Warren Tuttle. ket is supplied by the A m e r i c a n man ufac- turer. It is quite cred- itable to the State of Rhode Island to have the [jrivilege of saying that a manufacturer within her borders was the first to introduce this very important in- dustry, which enables the jewelry manufac- t urer to produce highly finished and stylish jewelry in imitation of the most costly hrooches, pins, rings, etc., so that the masses can be accommodated with inexpensive decor- ations, fully as attrac- tive as if real gems were incased therein. Rhode Island has long since had the reputa- generally throughout the textile mills of the tion for creating many new things in the country. C. Warren Tuttle was born in Provi- various lines of manufactures, from the steam dence. May 20, 1856, and began business with engine down to the minute ornament in jew- his father when he began the manufacture of dry. Mr. Tuttle has displayed a tact for glass specialties, which have taken the place of introducing his goods throughout the country costly stone ornaments in jewelry throughout that is somewhat unusal, and which has proven the country, their imitation stones being so one of the prime factors that have pushed his near in color and form to the real article it re- business to the front and made it one of the cjuires a very close examination to discover whether they are imitation or the genuine stone. He makes them in imitation of diamonds, down to the more ordinary turquoise. Every con- ceivable shade of color are produced in these stones, and the facets are made to ajipear as very successful manufacturing concerns of the city of Providence. His plant is conveniently situated in the liiUings Block, near the railroad station in the business centre of the cit\-, and it is one of the most progressive industries of the State. 14S HKx^RAPniCAI. IIISTORV fll" THK MAN Tl' AC'l IK l.RS J. A. Charnley Co. Manutacturers ot icw- clcis iiiulings in the line of figured wire ol all kinds, tlat stock, i^alleries. etc. estab- / ■ m ■■ -^^ \j£' .^M^p^-''' '' ' < James A. Charnley. lishcd in iSjj 1)\ James .\. Charnley, who was a native of Ti\erton, K. I., where he was born October 2, I S3 1, anil who died January .S, 1899. Mr. Charnley developed an extensive business, and produced many orif,Mnal designs in the vari- ous kinds of stock that he manufactured, besides many of the automatic machines that were used in their manufacture. He served an appren- ticeship as an engra\er of rolls for calico print- ing with the firm of Andrews & Knight of Providence, and was employed at the Cranston Print works and other similar concerns at vari- ous times, prior to establishing business on his own account r|)on his death, his son, Charles F. Charnley, became the manager of the con- cern, and under his management the business has steadily increased, keeping pace with the trade in bringing out everything new in the way of designs and jKittenis. lie learned the trade of a printer or comiiositor and was employeil on the Providence Journal and Bulletin for a luim ber of years About 1885 he left the printing business and engaged with his lather m the making of jewelers' lindings, where he has re mained ever since, learning every detail ol the business, which he has kejjt up to the high standartl that was set by his father. Me was born in Pawtucket, June 21, 1854. when that city was ])artly in Massachusetts. Ills son, Jose[)h A. Charnley, who was born in Provi- dence, October 13, 1880, is an able assistant in the management of the business. The works are located at ihi l)orrance street. Providence. Saxondale Worsted Mill. — Manufacturers of fancy worsteds for men's wear. Business established in 1898 by Inman & Tracy, and .September i, 1900, the business was reorganized and Robert Wilco.x, M. 1)., of Pascoag, be- came a partner in the business, and was ap- [xiinted Treasurer of the concern. He was born in Pascoag, R. L, in November, 1854, where he has jjracticed medicine for more than twenty- two years. .Mill located in Pascoag, R. I. i^mploy about 100 hands. The property w-as tormerly known as the James O. Inman .Mill, which was carried on successfully b\' him for many years. National Elastic Webbing Co. —.Manufacturers of elastic webbing. Works located at 85 .Sprague street. Providence. Consolidated with the ^American Tubing & Webbing Co. of Providence, cll.^lIt■^ F- Charnley. 1901. The webbing company ol Xew])ort, R. I., also consolidated with the same company the same vear. AND BUSINKSS MKN OK RHODE ISLAND. 149 Frederic W. Morse. — Manufacturer of every variety of high grade pieced tin ware. Factory and warerooms at 94 Dyer street, IVovidencc. Frederic W. Morse. One of the best equipped tin manufacturing plants in the State. The business was estab- lished in i86g under the company name of Hill, Morse & Knight, and probably the first to be started in Rhode Island. Mr. Morse, the pres- ent owner, w-ho purchased the plant and busi- ness in 1894, was born in Boston, Mass., April 23, 1854, and for twenty-si.x years was in the same line of business with his father, Mark F. Morse, whose shop was located at 94 Dorrance street. Having learned the trade of a tin smith in his youth, and having followed the business ever since that time, he possesses a knowledge of the various lines that is unsurpassed by any manufacturer of tin goods in New l^ngland. American Spinning Co. — Manufacturers of woolen yarns for woolen mills. Formerly the Galvin "\'arn Co., which began business in 1895. Works located at 4 Addison Place. John E. Donley, proprietor. New factory erected about 1898, which has a floor space of some 15,000 square feet. K. W. Whittemore. — Manufacturer of the " ('hanii)ion " blackboard material for school houses. Business established in 1881. Ken- dall W Whittemore, the proprietor, was born in Warehouse Point, Enfield, Conn., December 29, 1833 J'e learned the trade of a brick layer, plasterer and ornamental stucco worker in the city of Worcester, which business he fol- lowed for some thirty-five years. In 1861 he went to work for the United States Government in the Armory at Springfield, his work there being the boring and straightening of gun barrels. After eleven months he engaged with the Colt's Armory in the same line of business, in the city of Hartford, Conn. Here he remained until the close of the war. Mr. Whittemore came to Provi- dence in 1880, and that year he invented the Potter & Fenner soapstone blackboard material, and in 1881 he invented the Champion black- board material, and began its manufacture. This blackboard material has been put into school houses in all parts of the United States, and it has proven more durable than slate, with ec|ually good surface, and much less liable to be scratched. Many of the school houses of Provi- dence are equipped with blackboards made from this "Champion " material. Works located at 69 Sprague street, Providence. This material is put on to rough plastering, making a surface that will wear for years. This invention has Kendall W. Whittemore. proven one of the most valuable for use in edu- cational work that has been brought out in this country. i;o iiin(,kAi'iii(Ai, iiisrom' oi' ii: MAMlACTrkl'.RS WESTERLY, R. I. Prior to iSoo there was very little manufac- turing done in Rhode Island in the line of tex tiles, but the early settlers made use of the \'ari- ous water ])rivileges for grinding grist and for sawing logs from the then more adjacent for- ests. The first use that was made of the j'aw catuck River, so far as an\' record shows, with in the town of Westerlv. R I., was at a |)uint about one mile above I'ottcr Hill, where a dam had been built across the ri\er and I'eter (ran Jose[)h Knowles, where he carried on custom carding and cloth dressing. At what is now Stillmanvillc in 1772 a saw mill was constructed on the Connecticut end of the dam owned by Samuel Brand, Jr., a grist mill having been built prior to that time on the Rhode Island end of the same dam. The dam below I'awca- tuck l?ridge is known to have been in existence aliout 1750, and the mill on the Rhode Island side of the river was known as Brown's Mill. Here in 1809 Stephen Wilcox owned a grist Hartiur ;iiid Paweatuck River, Westerly, R. I. dall had erected a grist mill. This was some time prior to 1667' The settlers both near and far came to (randall's mill to have their corn ground, and he did a thriving business for those early tlays. Some years afterward this mill was removed to I'otter Hill, where as early as 1730 a saw mill had been built on the west side of the river. At Shattuck's Weir Bridge, now Xiantic. a dam was budt ])rior to 1758, and a grist mill started. Some years afterwards, a small factory was erected on this site, by Col. mill, and he leased to William Stillnian certain water privileges for any other purpose than grinding grain. December 9, 18 13, he sold to ICnoch Bartlett and Samuel V. Denison of Bos- ton, and Jedediah W. Knight of Westerly, a tract of land with water privilege. These owners of the water privilege established in 1814, the Pawcatuck Manufacturing Co., and built the stone mill where at first they made woolen goods, and afterwards manufactured cotton fabrics. The pro[>erty was sold after a AND BUSINESS MEN OF RIIOUE ISLAND. f5' few years, and continued as a textile plant, but with little success. The property was finally sold to Stafford, Simmons & ]51odgett. This new firm purchased other privileges up the river, at Stillmanville and White Rock, and be- came incorporated under the name of the White Rock Manufacturing Co., now the property of H. B. & R. Knight. In August, 1827, they be- gan the construction of a canal from Stillman- ville to Westerly, which was completed in May, 1828, at an expense of about $io.OOO A few years later other manufacturing industries were begun, which developed into large establish- ments and made the town quite noted as a tex- tile manufacturing centre. The Westerly the town is that which has been developed by its quarries, Westerly granite being considered the finest for many purposes that can be found in the world, and the fine productions in the line of sculpture have made the town famous. C. B. Cottrell & Sons Co Manufacturers of printmg presses, including rotary web printing presses for high class work, two revolution stop cylinder, lithograjih and drum cylinder presses. Business established in 1855. Incorporated in 1892. Capitalized for $800,000. Employ about 500 hands. Works located in Westerly, R. I., on the west bank of the I'awcatuck River. Busi- ness offices. No. 41 Park Row, New York, and No. 279 Dearborn street, Chicago, 111. There Dixon House Square and High Street, Westerly, R. I. Woolen Co. plant is now one of the most im- portant in the town, and the Crefeld Mills and .Sohvay Mills produce some of the finest fabrics that are made in the state, and the mills are well constructed for textile manufacturing. The other manufacturing plants within the limits of the town are the Westerly Silk Mill, the Campbell Mills Co. at Potter Hill, the Ash- away Woolen Co. at Ashaway, and the Bethel Mills Co. at Ashaway, the Wm. Clark Co.'s Thread Works, now the property of the Ameri- can Thread Co. combination, and the C. B. Cot- trell & Sons Co. plant where the famous Cot- trell jirinting presses are made. (Jutside of manufacturing, the most important industry of are a number of manufacturing [ilants in the State of Rhode Island that have given her the reputation of being the leading State in the L'nion for the production of certain lines of goods, like the Gorham Mfg. Co., Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., The American Screw Co., Nicholson File Co. and others, but none of them have given her quite so striking a reputation as this printing press concern in the town of West- erly, because there is scarcely a magazine or periodical of any kind issued in the United States, with a circulation of any great extent, that is not printeii upon one of their presses, and there are very few [irinters in this country who aim to do the finest of work, who are not 15-' 151()(,U.\I'1IIC.\L niSTom' ()!■ Till': manufac itjkkrs using the Cottrell rrintiiig Presses, which pro- duce the finest illustratccl work that is possible to be obtained by the art ot printing The old C. B. Cottrell. time drum cylinder that to-day is very important for the country ])rinter, met all of the require- ments when that [jress was considered ^luite sulTicient lor the demands of the time, when the letter-press of America contained very few illus- trations, and those very coarse, and color print- ing had scarcely been dreamed of. Since that period, however, the production of half-tone plates has matle the matter of illustrating very simple and inexpensive, and the tri-color process has given the common printer an opportunity to compete with the lithographer, in producing colors, a position that was considered entirely exclusive up to that time. These new inven- tions gave the printing press manufacturers an o])portunity to do business on a much larger scale than they had ever enjoyed before, for they meant a greater demand for ])rinteil mat- ter and consequently a greater demand for printing machinery, provided the machinery could meet the requirements of the new pro- cess. The Cottrell Company were the first to produce the finely adjusted half-tone printing press, thereby revolutionizing the method of printing in this country l''iist i)r()(lucing their two-revolution perfecting press, with their patent automatic shifting tymjian, which pre- vents "offset" or smirching, and later their magazine rotary web-perfecting machine, which handles the immense editions of the iiopular magazines and illustrated [lapers of the country, such as .Munsey's, .Scribner's, McClure's, Les- lie's, the Ladies' Home Journal, the \'outh's Companion, .Saturday Lvening Lost and many others, which are filled with halftone illustra- tions, all of which are printed with an elegance that twenty years ago would have been thought impossible even on one of the slow tlat-bed presses. These large rotary web [iresses print sixty tour pages of a magazine folded and de- livered in four si.xteen-page signatures, the tops, bottoms and sides of the signatures being cut on the machine, without sacrificing the margins. The bound book has all leaves open, preserving the appearance of an uncut magazine. These machines are also more or less in use in foreign countries. The plant where these machines are made is one of the best equipjied in the country, and the most skilled labor is em|iloyed in [jroducing the best printing machinery that is made in the world for high class work. C. H. Cottrell, the founder of the business, was born in Westerly, R. L, August 15, 1821, where he died in May, 1893. He early learned the trade of a machinist, and in 1855 began the manufacture of jsrinting [presses in a small way. His first productions gave evidence of care and ])ainstaking in construction, the best of material being useti. Lvidently his motto was then, as it has been all through his business career, "The best of material and the finest of work- manship." Mr. Cottrell was one of the most inriuential men of Westerly, and his labors in behalf of the town has probably had more to do with its growth than those of any other person. Mr. Cottrell's four sons have taken an active part in the affairs of the company, aiding mate- rially in producing up-to-date improvements, and in advancing the interests of the concern. The death of the third son, Calvert B. Cottrell, in April, igoi, was a sad event for the town and a great blow to the company, as he had made his personality an ini[iortant factor in the business Calvert Byron Cottrell. of the concern. The officers of the com|)any are : Kdgar H. Cottrell, President; Charles L. Cot trell. Treasurer : .Arthur ^L Cottrell, Secretary. CO o =8 o — . — c - S — AND liUSIXICSS MICX OK RHODK ISLAND. 155 The Solway Mills. — Manufacturers of fancy colored cotton goods, consisting of fine Madras shirtings and dress goods, such as zephyrs, tis- sues, wash siiiilando K. Smith being I'resicient and (ieneral .Manager of the company, ami John I'. Randall, Secretary. The directors were ( ). K. .Smith, II. 11. S.' Calhcart, J. 1-:. Smith, j. 1'. Randall and W. .S. Martin. I'ntler the new org.uii/a tion the l.) developed to a point where ;iger of the business. The Hoard of Directors include the abo\e officers and .\lbert I-. Ches- ter, William Ilo.xsey, (ieorge S. (ireenman, ]olin Champlin, Julia K. Smith and Orlando R. .Smith who is made X'ice-l'resident of the com |)any. The capitalization remains the same as before, SiocooD, and about the same number of hands are employed. Among the great ])roduc- One of the Quarrie.s o( the Smith Gianite Co., Westerly, R. I. about 300 workmen were em])lo\ed, and the_\' represented men of nearly all nations, man_\- ot which were (iermans, Italians, .Swedes, i'jiglish men and -Scotchmen, and they were all the best of wcukmen. The com[)aiiy was reorganized in 1901, the olficers now being Henry II. (iallup, President, of .\c)rwich, Treasurer ot the .State ol Ccinnecticut ; Thomas I'. Nichols, Treasurer, (it Westerlv, Cashier ot the National I'hcnix Hank; tions in granite that this company has turneii out probably the most wordertul ])iece of wmk was the equestrian statue of Washington, made from a solid block of granite, and weighing twent\' tons. This is the only ei|uestrian st.atue e\er cut in granite. It was set upon a [ledestal twenty feet high in .Allegheny City, I'a, The ])rinci|>al business of the compaii}' is the building of mausoleums, which range in William S. .Martin, .Seci'etary and Ceneral .Man- price from ;5io,ooo to S', AND HUSIN1':SS MEN OF KHODK ISLAND. 159 Westerly Silk Mill Co. — Tlnow.sters of all kinds of twisted silk thread. They take the raw silk, reel it off on to spools, put it through John W. Conant. the various processes, including the spinning of the thread, and this is sent out of this factory in the gum, all ready for the dye house, where the gum is boiled out and the colors set that are de- sired, after which it is finished and ready for the market. This factory simply prepares the thread for the dyers, and has a capacity for pro- ducing about 1000 pounds a week. Business established in Westerly in 1895 by John W. ("onant, Eugene Atwood and E. E. Bradley. Business incorporated January i, 1896. Capi- talized for §15,000. Employ 65 hands. Officers : John W. Conant, President and Manager; Ed- ward E. Bradley, Treasurer ; Eugene I{. Brad- ley, Secretary. Mr. Conant, the General Man- ager of the company, was born in Hartford, Conn., August 30, 1854, but resided in W'illi- mantic, Conn., during his boyhood, where he learned the trade of a silk worker under his father, who was the Superintendent of the Holland Mfg. Co., of that place. After learning his trade he was employed by Belding, Paul & Co., of Montreal, Canada, as Superintendent, then by the Eureka Silk Co., of ICast Hampton, Conn., for a term of ten years. After this he went into the silk manufacturing business on his own account in Gurleyviile, Conn., where he remained for si.\ years, prior to entering into the present business. Mr. Conant is considered one of the best throwsters in the country. This is the only plant of its kind in Rhode Island, liugene Atwood is President and Manager of the Atwood, Morrison Co., of Stonington, and K. E. ]?radley is X'icePresident of that company, where all of the silk machinery used in the Westerly mill is made. William Clark Co, (The American Thread Co.) — Manufacturers of si.x cord cotton thread. The mill is located on the Connecticut side of the Pawcatuck river, and on the N. Y., N. H. and Hartford Railroad, which afford amjjle facilities for receiving their coal supply by barges direct to their dock on the river, and for shipping their goods by rail without the necessity of carting their productions to the freight yards of the town, there being a siding built expressly for this concern. The mills are built upon the slow-burning construction plan, and the whole plant is thoroughly equipped with automatic sprinklers, and in other ways has all the modern appliances for protection against fire. The machinery employed in the mills is of the most improved kind, and the result is, that the product of The William Clark Co. has made for itself an excellent reputation, both in the spool cotton and yarn trades. The main product of the mill is a six-cord sewing cotton, known as "The William Clark Co.'s Best Six Cord," and is sold from one end of the United States to the other. William Clark, who was formerly the Presi- dent of the company, began the manufacture of thread along about 1850, and to his energy is due many of the improvements that have made American spool cotton the best that is made in the world. A large force of workmen is em- ployed. An extensive steam plant furnishes power. This is one of the largest thread plants in the United States, and a valuable acciuisition to the town of Westerly. The ]iroport\' is now owned by The American Thread Co. combina- tion, of New York, T. M. Ives, Secretary and Treasurer. The plant is one of the most impos- ing of the town since the enlargemerit of the main factory a few months ago. making it one of largest of this section. i6o Bi()(;k.\riiicAi llSTi )]<\ ( II' I. M.WrFACTrkl'.KS R. A. Sherman. Mamifactmcr of dye tiilis, tanks, etc., for mill ])urposcs, also all kinds of lumber moldings and tinish for building [)ur poses. i\lso contractoi' and builder. Works located on Main street, in Westerly, R. I. I'.ni [)loys about 75 hands. Inisiness established in 1870 by the [iresent owner, Mi'. Robert A. -Sher- man, who was borii in l''..\eter, R. I., January ^, 1843. lie located in Westerly in iSi)3, where he learned the trade ol a carpenter of Hall \' Dickerson, and in 18711 he began business in a small way on his own account, grailually increas. ing until he now has de\elni')ed one of the largest such as |)Ianing and molding machines, band saws, lathes, etc. The ])ower for the plant is sui)i)lied by a steam engine of about 100 horse ])ower. Helow the mill and office that are located in town, are store houses and lumber yaiils tarther down the river, near Island .Sound. .Also the yard formerly occu|)ied by Randolph, llentley & Co. The accompanying cut represents the [jlaning mill and a ]iart of the yards on Main street. National Button Co.— Manufacturers of shoe and clothing buttons, eyelets, etc. liusiness inc()r[)orated ( Jctober 18, 1900. Caiiitalized R. A. Sherman's Planing Mill, Pawcatuck River, Westerly. R. I. planing mills in the State, and his contracting anil lumber business has develojjed to large pro- portions. Ills lumber yard and mill being located on the I'awcatuck River, he is afforded the unusual facility of having his hmiber brought direct to his yards by water, thereby saving the e.\tra cost of cartage. Among the many build ings that Mr. .Sherm.ui has built in town are the Public Library building, National Xiantic l^ank buikling, William Clark Co.'s Thread mills, C. 15. C\)ttrcll & Sons' Machine sho]), and many ])rivate residences. 'I'he mill is eiiuijiped with all of the modern machinery retpiired in producing general builders' finish ol all kinds. tor ;Siou,ouo. The officers ol the com|iany are: II. Martin J^rown, I'resident; A. Curtis Ting- ley, Treasurer; Frederic A. Chase, Secretary. The works and office are located in the Hrown Building, 257 West l^xchange street, I'rox'idence. Donley & Co. - Manufacturers ot a general line of l.idies' gold [ilated jewelry, including stick pins, studs, ear-rings, etc. Business es- tablished in 1891. Works located in a new brick factory built by John I'".. Donley, the [)ro[)rietor, at 4 Aildison Place, Providence, in 1898, Their goods are sold in all parts of the Cnited States. AND HUSINESS MEN OF RHODE ISLAND. i6i Brown Bros. Co. — Manufacturers ami manu- facturers' agents for all kinds of mill supplies. One of the largest in the United States. In- corporated in 1893. Officers: D. Russell Brown, President and Treasurer; Milton B. Brown, Sec- retary. Daniel Russell Brown, the thirty-ninth (jovernc^r of Rhode Island (1892-5), was born at Bolton, Tolland county, Conn., March 28, 1848, son of Arba Harrison and Harriet M. Dart Brown. His youth was spent on his father's farm and his early education was ob- tained in the Bolton district schools. Subse- quently he prosecuted his studies at the academy at Manchester and still lateral Hartford. Hav- ing comjileted the course of study, he entered at once on a business career, beginning as a clerk in a hardware store at Rock- ville, Conn. Two years afterward he became head salesman in the leading hardware establisment at Hartfortl. In January, 1870, he took charge of the mill supply store owned by Cyrus White in Provi dence, R. I. Within three months he formed a part- nership with William But ler & Son, the style be- coming Butler, Brown & Co., and in 1877 the firm of Brown Bros. & Co., as it then became, was the largest establishment of the kind in the United States. In 1893 the com- pany was incorporated as the Brown Bros. Co. While giving close attention to his large and constantly increasing business interests he found time to take an active and intelligent part in political affairs. A staunch Republican, he became one of the foremost members of the ]iarty in the city and State. In 1880 he was elected to the Common Council of the city of Providence, serving in that body four years. In 1885 he was nominated by the Republicans as Mayor of Providence, but declined the honor. In 1888 he was one of the presidential electors of the State, and in 1892 was nominated and elected Governor of Rhode Island, receiving D. Russell Brown, Ex-Governor of Rhode Island. 27,461 votes, and John W. Davis, Democrat, -5.433- The total vote was 54,679, the largest ever cast in the State. In 1893 he again was a candidate. David S. Baker, Jr., was the nomi- nee of the Democrats, and Henry B. Metcalf, of the Prohibitionists. The votes for the respec- tive candidates were 22,015, 21,830 and 3,265, and there being no choice by the people, the choice devolved ujwn the General y\ssembly, and (jovernor Brown held over on account of a disagreement between the two branches of the Assembly. In April, 1894, {Governor Brown polled 29,179 votes and David S. Baker, Jr.. Democrat, 22,924, the former's plurality being 6,255. It was largely due to Governor Brown's ad- vocacy that the amend- ment to the constitution providing for elections by plurality was adopted. He also favored biennial elec- tions and exercised a potent influence in secur- ing the [passage of the free te.\t book law, measures for the improvement of highways, the anti-pool selling law, the medical practitioners' law, the laws regulating the business of surety companies and building and loan associa- tions, the factory inspec- tors' law, and the revision i>t the statutes. During his three years' adminis- tration Governor Brown was especially interested in the State militia, and to his wisdom and good judgment was in a great measure due the high standard in discipline and efficiency it then at- tained. He was New l'".ngland's candidate for the Vice-Presidency before the Republican National convention in 1896. F. A. Leonard & Co. - Manufacturers of electroplated brooches and sterling silver sus- pender mountings. Business e.stablished in 1892 as the J. M. Chandler Co., and was pur- chased by P'rederick A. Leonard in 1899, who died in April, 1901. The business is now carried on under the management of I-'rank P. Stanley, trustee. Works located at 157 Orange street, Providence. Employ 40 hands. (H) 102 l!lOi,k.\I'llI(,Al iisT()R\' (»!■ rill'; MANii acturi;rs National Ring Traveler Co. — iMaiuifacturers ol rill}; travelers and mill .specialties, including filling forks, siuiiniiig tranie saddles, belt hooks, etc. lousiness incorjjoratcd in iSij^. Ol'licers: loseph E Jenckes, rresident ; .\. Curtis Ting- lev, Treasurer and (leneral Manager. ( )l1ice and works locateil in the new Hrown j^uilding at J51 to 265 West I'^Nchange street. I'nAulence. The new huiliiing which was recently cnniijleted and occupied by the company, isoneot tliemost substantial manufacturing buildings in the .State, it being built with the idea of providing great strength for the accommodation ot heavy machinery, and ,it the same time providing ample light tor every part of the building. It has a frontage on West Exchange street of 130 feet, si.x stories high, with a dcjith ot 64 feet, and an ell 40x42 feet, extending from the centie of the rear end of the main building, which gives a depth of 104 feet for the centre of the main structure. On the rear or railroad side of tin- building there are seven stories. There are four one-stoi)' buildings erected near the main building with dimen sions as iollows: 33 x JS feet, 33 X 52 feet, 3SX41) feet and 33 x 50 feel. \\ itli these four build- ings addeti to the main structure it is one ot the largest manufacturing plants in the city of Providence. The building, which was built ]iy Col, II. Martin Hrown, has been leased by the National l\ing Traveler Co. for a term of years. .Since the iiiventil- Till'. MAX 11 ACTr RI.RS Norcross Brothers. Cimtractois ami buiUlcis, and niamifacturcrs of l)iiilcliii<; materials in stone at their steam stone wt)rks at the corner of Kinsley anti Sims a\enues, Providence, which are the largest of any works ot their kind in New l-".ngland. The ])lant was l:)unt in 1.S95 [irincipally to prejiare the marble for the State House on Smith's Ilill, which is now nearing completion, but now are used in preparing the stone material for other l)uildings that the firm are constructing, including the I'nion Trust building at the corner of Westminster and Dor- rance streets, the loftiest business block in the city, twelve stories high, and one of the most attractive, as will be seen by the cut upon the opposite page, which marks the latest style of the mill by a steam capstan, this same [)ower serving to place the marble or granite blocks under the gang saws, and removing them after they have been sawed into the desired shape. There are four ordinary gang saws, and two extra large ones, besides four rip saws, all ar- ranged in a row at the east side of the mill. The fact that as many as forty-five tons of mar- ble have been worked under one of these saws at one time, gives some idea of their capacity. While the saws are working a stream of water, mingled with sand and chilled iron, is kept flow- ing upon the marble, which aids very materially in the work. In the centre of the mill are six power double stone planers, which to the ordin- ary observer are the most interesting of all the e(iui])ment of machinery of this immense plant. These [ilaners are capable of handling twelve tons at a time, and they will plane a straight — t— f \ ^E^^^^ Norcross Brothers' Steam Stone Works, Corner Kinsley and Suns Avenues, Providence. architecture in the city of l'rn\idence at the opening of the twentieth century, which was designed by -Stone, Carpenter & Willson, our local architects. This building will be devoted wholly to offices for business and professional men. The stone works cover an area ot several acres, and the\' are equipped with all of the modern machinery necessary for handling all kinds of stone, and for prejiaring them in all of the varied forms that are required for building- purposes. They are located near the tracks of the .\. \'., N. II. ..K: II. R. H. fomi)any. In the stock yard there is an endless rope crane of twenty tons ca[)acity, which is so arranged as to enable the operator to convey the heavy ami bulky stone to any [lart of the yartl. and to ])lace it on to cars that are drawn the entire length of surface, or, by jnitting on a circular attachment, the machine will plane a curve of almost any variation from a true circle. At the northern end of the mill there are three stone lathes, the largest of which will turn a shaft twenty-two feet in length. Near these is a large heading machine, which in reality is a stone [ilaner, but this planer moves along the surface of the statit)nary stone, while the other [ilaners are stationary, and the stone moves along as fast as it is planed. This heading machine planes and cuts molding on heads of stone shafts, and also planes straight surfaces. At the southern end of the mill are three large rubbing beds, where the smooth surfaces are matle on all facing stone, and ne.xt to these is a dental saw, which is used for making ornamental work on stone. -A twelve ton electric crane extends along the entire length of the west side of the mill, which handles all of the heavy columns and blocks of stone ver\' rapidl\', and in all parts of the mill I Vf-/- I il ; A' Is "^t'l'l^' *^ii 11 ilfl ___||liH *! < i •Tftlj I ill I!) \\\ in . > . I' %^^ r^fi %. /i'^ '-^."" UNION TRUST CO. BUILDING, PROVIDENCE. The Tallest Commercial Building in the City, and the Latest Style of Architecture the First Year of the 20th Century, 1901. Sl(.nic. Carpenter ^ W'iUmui. .\rilnleci^. .Nuri:ro>s lirothers, r>iiildcri>. 1 66 BIO(iKAI"llI("AL mSTORN' OF THK MANUI-ACTUKKRS are small hand Iravclinj^ Liaiies which enable the workmen to convey any piece of stone to any jiart of the mill, the railway tracks which extend throu:;hout the plant in various direc- tions, aidint; very much in this line of work. \'ery little old-fashioned chiseling by hand is done in this establishmetit. All of the men are provided with ]ineumatic tools, which do the work much more rapidly and better than by the old method. In the blacksmith shop are emery wheels, a power hammer, forges, and all the cipiipments necessary for this department, where all of the tools for planing the moldings, etc., are shaped and kept in re])air. Power for the plant is supplied by two lOO horse |)0wer 1 licks boilers, and one joo horse jjower steam engine. They employ upwards of 250 workmen and the majority of them are the most skilled stone cutters that can be found in any part of the globe. Norcross Brothers h;i\e built many large edifices in this .State, but the Capitol Building is of course their crowning effort, and it will stand as a monument to their ability as builders as striking as any structure that they have erected. ( ). \V. Norcross, of Worcester, Mass., where their main office is located, has been the head of the firm through all of its many years of prosjierity. Their Providence office is located in the Industrial Trust Build- ing. Among the buildings erected in Rhode Island besides the I'nion 'I'rust Building and the State House, are the l?anigan Building, In dustrial Trust Building, R. I. Hospital Trust, Lauderdale, Francis, ami Alice Buildings, Provi- dence Telephone Co. ]5uilding, of Providence. In l^oston they built the South Terminal Sta- tion, F.xchange Building, Colonial Theatre Building, Tremont Building, Ames Buildingand Trinity Church. In Worcester, the Worcester City Hall, and .State Mutual Life Insurance Co. Building. The Bank of Montreal, Montreal, Canada; \ale Memorial Dining Hall and Audi- torium, New Haven, Conn.: I''.(|uitable Building, Baltimore. Md.; Marshall iMeld Building, Chi- cago, 111.; .Allegheney ("ourt House and [ail, Pittsburg, Pa.; Corcoran Art (iallery, W.ishing- ton, I). C.; New \'ork City Library, and the Library of Columbia Universit\'. Woonsocket Wagon Mfg. Co. Manidacturers of wagons and carriages ot all kinds, including heavy work in the line of barges, express wagons, tip-carts, farm wagotis, tlrays, etc. Busi- ness established originally in rSjo by Henry Marsh, the propeity h.aving been iindci- the management of several cS2J William Almy bought the interest of his partner, Obadiah lirown ; the interest of lames Greene went to his heirs upon his death /'^^^^^^^H 1825. The mills eas- ^^^^^H ily weathered the panic of 1829 anil their sue cess was unusual while they were under the controlling ownership of William Almy and the management of John (ireene. In 1835 .Almy sold out to John (ireene and Daniel Howland, 1 1 7 shares to the former and 03 to the latter. The same year Howland sold out to (ireene, who thus became the owner of three-fourths of the stock which at that time comjirised in all j88 shares. John Allen died in 1845 and his one-eighth interest, or 30 shares, was beipieathed as follows: to his wife, 12 shares, to his children, 14 shares, and to various religious societies, the remaining loshares. ( )f these shares John (ireene in 1846-7 ])urchased eighteen which made 234 shares or thirteen si.\ teenths held b)- him. '1 his interest descended to his heirs at his death in 1851. -Soon after William Almy sold his interest, a portion of the laclorv which had been conxerted from a grist AND BUSINESS MEN OF RHODE ISLAND. 169 mill was leased to Brown & Altlrich tor the manufacture of a coarse mixed cotton and woolen fabric called negro cloth. In 1846 Christopher Allen and James Waterhouse began, in the same place, the manufacture of cassimercs. In 1S50 their machinery was pur- chased by William D. Davis of I'rovidence, a woolen manufacturer, who operated the mill with Waterhouse as partner. In 185 1-2 Davis purchased of the heirs of the original proprietors owner of the property and so continued until the date of his death, June 21, 1894, when, by the terms of his will, his entire estate was placed under the control and management of Mr. John H. Allen as Trustee, for the term of five years. Mr. Lapham bequeated one-third of his prop- erty to his daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Treat, and the remainder to his only grandson, Robert Byron Treat, who, upon the expiration of the Centreville Cotton Mill, Centreville, Warwick, R. I. the entire estate of the Warwick Mfg. Co., and trusteeship, purchased his mother's interest in immediately sold the "green mill" to lienedict the manufacturing business, excepting her one- Lapham of Burrillville, R. I., who began operat- third interest in the real estate and machinery, ing it in 1852. In 1861 he made a large addi- which he leased of her for a term of years, tion to the mill and in 1871 erected a new mill, The business, as outlined above, is now owned of stone, T,o^x/2 feet, four stories and base- and managed by Mr. Treat in his name as an in- ment. The additions to the old mill were in- dividual, the projierty never having been incor- corporated in the new plant, and the original porated since the days of the Warwick Mfg. C o. portion was removed a short distance from its in 1807. former site and converted into a store house. The mill property is modern, well equipped Upon the death of Mr. Benedict Lapham, June and shows evidence of the special care and at- 16, 1883, his brother Enos. became the sole tention given it by its owner, and the mill vil- 170 ]5I( )(.K.\rill('.\I. HISTORY Ol- Till-; MANUFACrUKKKS lage is attractive and well laid out lor conitort iS8(), he was employed durinout 3,000 bales and the annual production of ber of the boaril of trustees of his school dis- cloth about 9,rjoo,ooo yards. trict, which position he has occupied, some- In justice to the memory of the founder ot times alone and sometimes w'ith associates, al- tlie business, Mr. Henetlict I.apham, and to the most continuously since his twenty-first year, memory of his successor, Mr. I'jios I.apham, it In politics Mr. Treat is a Republican and was IS proper to state that while the manufacturing one of the presidential electors chosen to elect industries of the I'awtuxet \'alley will, almost the afterwards martyred President McKinley to without e.\ce|ition, show a record of failure his second term of office. Mr. Treat is a niem- at some time in their history, yet the record of ber of the committee on town debt of the town the affairs of the Centreville Cotton Mill shows of Warwick and a member of the school com continual prosperity from the date of its pur- mittee. He is also a director of the Centreville chase by Mr. Henedict I.apham in 1852 down to National Hank and of the Centreville Savings the present time, covering a [period of over Bank, forty-nine years. He was marrietl June 1, 1892, to Mar\-(iay- Robert 15. Treat, son of l-'ranklin and Eliza- lord, eldest daughter of Francis S. and Sarah J. beth (I.apham) Treat, is a native of Centre. Turner, of ( )aklawn, R. I. Of this union were ville, K. I., where he was born F"ebruary 11, born Roliert, May 28, 1893, and Ha/el, August 1868. He early attended Mrs. X'aughan's private 30, 1894, school at Centreville, and later the public Thomas Townsend.— Manufacturer of wool schools, where he remained until 1879, when he and cotton combs, used in cotton and woolen entered the Friends School ol i'rovidence. Ill mills. established in Philadelphia, health [irevented him from i)nrsuing his studies i'., . i„ ,885; removed to Manchester, Conn,, and, after remaining two years, he left the where alter three years the business was school in the hope of recuiierating. In Sep- located in Providence in 1S94. Works at 157 tember, 1882, he entered Mowry S: Goff's Orange street. luiiploys about 15 hands, school, of Pro\idence, from the jjiglish and Thomas Townsend is a native of Bradford, scientific departments of which he graduated \-oikshirc, l-'.ngland. He came to America in with honors in June, i88(>. The following Sep- iS77and located in Providence, where he worked tember he entered the mill office of his grand- f„r William Miller in the same line of business father, .Mr. luios I.apham. as otfice boy, where. uiitil he began manufacturing m Philadel|)hia by faithfid and persistent application to his ,.n his own account in 1885 uniler the firm name duties, he was advanced to a responsible posi ,,t Il,,(,d& Townsend. He afterwards bought lion which he occui)ie(l several years j.revious out his partners interest and carried it on alone, to the death of .Mr. I.apham, which ociiirred in M,-. Townsend served seven years appren- 1894, Mr. Treat at that time being twenty-six iiceshi|nn F.ngland to learn the trade of a comb years of age. .Mter he was fourteen years ol niaker, and his thorough knowledge of the busi- age, and uji to the time he entered the office, in ness enables him to turn out the finest of work. AND BUSINESS MEN OF RHODE ISLAND. 171 Weeks Bros. Co. — Manufacturers of fine chocolates, bon bons and a general line of con- fectionery. The only manufactory in the State O Fred A. Weeks, where candies are made on a commercial scale. Works located at 167, 169, 171 and 173 Rich- mond street, Providence, lousiness established in 1867 by Weeks Bros. Incorporated in March, 1899, under the name of the Weeks liros. Co. Capitalized for 510,000. l-^m- l)loy about 70 hands. Officers: E. Frank Packard, President: Orrin B. Weeks, X'ice-President and Secretary; William i;. Beach, Treasurer. I'"red A. Weeks, who is the princijial stockholder in the corporation, was born in (iuilford, N. H., May 2g. 1848 In company with his brother, Arthur B Weeks, he began the manufacture of candies in the city of Providence in 1867 in a small way, under the firm name of V\'eeks Bros., and their goods gave such excellent satisfaction, their business gradually increased until thc\- felt the necessity of a much larger factory, and in i88g b\ A. Weeks purchased of the city of Providence the old school buikP ing on Richmond street, and there in stalled his plant, and in 1897 an e.xten sive addition was built of brick five stories in height, which gave the concern an additional floor space of 90,000 square feet, mak- ing the plant one of the largest and best candy manufacturing establishments in Southern New luigland. The accompanying cut gives a good idea of the new five story structure, together with the original school house building which was formerly the property of the city. In 1888 Mr. Weeks bought his brother Arthur's in- terest, and until the incorporation of the con- cern in 1899, he carried it on alone, building uj) an extensive business in all parts of the United States, although his principal trade was in Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts. The house has won a reputation for using in the manufacture of their goods the finest of pure materials, fruit flavors and colors. While Mr. Weeks has turned over the management of the business to the young men who are filling the offices of the corporation, he still lends a careful oversight and is really the directing spirit of the company, although the burden of the work he is glad to lay aside after so many years of active service in the business which he has built up to such extensive proportions. The power for the works is supplied by an 80 horse power Almy water tube boiler, and an 80 horse power steam engine. The plant is equipped with all of the modern machinery required in the manufacture of all kinds of confectionery. ^ '' iM LJitti^ Week.s Bros. Co. Factory, Richmond Street, Providence, R. I. i;^ HK )( AI'IIKAl. IIIS1()R\- ()|- Tllh: M.Wn-'ACTrRI'.RS Hamlet Textile Co. Manul;utiircr.s of cottdii goods, silks and book cloths. Mill was liist built about i8jS. Ikisiiiess incorporated in igoo. Cajiitali/ed for $500,000. l""actory located at llanilet, W'oonsocket, K L l{mi)loy V"' hands. (XTicers: Charles l{. Thomas, President and Treasurer; (leorge A. ("arr. Secretary. Mr. Thomas was born in .Sniithlield, \\. I.. I )eccni her 17, 1850, but moved to W'oonsocket when but four years of age, where he attended the public schools, and coni])leted his education in the l'"riends school of i'rovidcnce. i\fter leav- ing school he went to work in the mill owned and ojicrated 1)V the Clinton Mfg. Co., and known as the Clinton Mill, his father being the agent of the com pany. He worketl for about two years in every department of the mill, becoming thoroughly acquaint- ed with every detail of the cotton manufac turing business, and then he entered the office and kejit the mill books tor a num ber of years, after which he was ap pointed superintend- ent of the mill. In I-'ebruary, 18S7, he was elected superin tendent of the ( ilobe Mill, where he re mained in that capa- city until l'"ebruary, 1S95. That year he organ- ized a company and purchased the mill property of the Forestdale Mfg. Co., of Korestdale, R. I., and was elected its treasurer and general mana- ger. The business has been \'ery successful. In K/JO the Hamlet Textile Co. was formed and incorporated, and purchased the Hamlet Mills and Pycott Mfg. Co."s business, whiih was car- ried on in these mills, and Mr. Thomas was elected ])resident and treasurer. The mills have been enlargetl and the business increased, and the [nospect fot the future is very Hatter ing. The mill villages and l.ictory ]jro|)erty of both the I lamlet and h'oresldale are models of Charles E. Thomas. neatness, the dwellings for the ojierativcs being well j)ainted and ke[)t in excellent repair, and e\erything about the mill property is kept in the \ery best condition. Three turbines utilize about 400 horse power from the Hlackstone river at the Hamlet, and a Corliss engine of 300 horse power furnishes the remainder of the |)ower lor the plant. The water [irivilegeat the Hamlet was purchased by Stephen H.Smith, acting as the agent of (ieneral lulward Carring- tt)n, in 1825 and 1826, which at that time was composed of three estates, and owned by Seth A]iplebv, Smith Arnold and Joseph Wilkinson. Upon these estates the village and mill are located, and the original mill was [irobably built in 1827 or 1828, as this was the period when there was a general scram- ble for mill privileges, and cotton mills were being erected all along the l^lackstone river from Worcester to Pawtucket. Mr- Carrington was prob- ably the sole owner of the entire property, but Mr. Smith re- mained at the head of the concern until 1842. The t;dl elm trees that line both sides of the village street, which make it one of the most pic- turesque villages in the .State, were jirobably set out by Mr. Smith under General Carring- ton's direction. Kdvvard Carrington died in 1843. (ieorge S. W'ardwell, who was one of the most ]niblic s|)irited men of the town, followed Mi. ."-^niith as manager of the mill and estate, in which c.ipacit\- he continued until March, 1859. .\l this time the property came into the posses- sion of Isaac M. Hull, who was a nephew of (ieneral iuhvard Carrington. Hetirst began as a tierk in his uncle's store in Pro\-idence, and in 1827, while in his cmjiloy he went to China, where he remained until 1S47. The business under the management of Mr. Hull was very AND BUSINESS MEN OI' KHOD]-; ISLAND. 173 successful. In 1885 the mill piroperty was pur- chased by Tarbell & Harris, and in 1889 Frank Harris became the sole owner by purchasing Mr. Tarbell's interest. Mr. Harris sold his in- terest to the Hamlet Textile Co. in 1900. Forestdale Mfg. Co.— Manufacturers of sheet- ings, shirtings, twills, etc. Business estab- lished in i860. Incorporated in 1870. Capital- ized for $300,000. Factory located at Forest- dale, North Smithfield, R. I. Employ 200 hands. Officers : E. Charles I'"rances. Presi- dent ; Charles E. Thomas, Treasurer; Alphonso F. White, Secretary. It has a model manufac- turing village with neat, well-kept yards and City Iron Foundry. — Makers of iron castings of all kinds, and equipped to do general machin- ery manufacturing. Husiness established in 1891 as the F. A. Thomas Machine Co. Works located in Woonsocket, R. I. Flmploy about 30 hands. Charles E. Thomas, Treasurer ; Henry Pruyn, (ieneral Manager. Power sup- plied by a 40 horse power C'orliss engine, and a small vertical engine of 12 horse power. American Shoe Lace Co. — Manufacturers of tubular shoe laces. Husiness established in 1901 by Herbert C. Clemence and William H. Hall. Works located at 502 Kinsley avenue. Providence. Employ 16 hands. Herbert C. Hamlet Textile Co. Plant, houses, and, as its name indicates, an abundance of beautiful trees. The main mill is of stone 175 x 70 feet, with an ell of 70 x 50 feet, and with its lofty and handsome tower, which can be seen down the valley for miles, is a picturesque object. In this tower are the large tanks for supplying water for the mill and automatic sprinklers. The mill is run most of the year by water power supplied by the Branch river, and has one of the best granite cut stone dams in the State. Three turbine water wheels utilize about 450 horse power, and two Corliss engines and one Westinghouse engine furnish about 450 horse power, the latter engine used to supply power for their electric lighting plant. Hamlet, Woonsocket, R. I. Clemence is a native of Johnston, were he was born in September, 1859, and he is the General Manager of the business. He was employed for eighteen years by H. E. Smith & Co. in the cotton yarn business, three years by Joslin & Smith in the shoe lace business, and two years by the Joslin Mfg. Co. in the same line of busi- ness. His long experience in the manufacture of yarns and shoe strings qualifies him as a manager of the business, being fully equipped with a knowledge of all of the machinery re- quired in their plant, which includes braiders, tipjjing machines, etc. William H. Hall is also a native of Johnston, R. 1., and has been in the bird business on Westminster street, Providence, for over ten years, and is a man of good execu- tive ability. 1>^ i z -v^jir^j'':;'^; f -. "f $' F. •■ / J B 75 AND KUSINKSS MEN (3F RllODK LSI. AN H. 175 Frank Wood Manufacturing Co. — Manufac- turers of fancy tapes for trimming children's clothing, night robes, vvra|)pers, etc., all colors Manning Wood. in cotton and silk, lousiness established in 1898 by Manning and Frank Wood. In igoo William Hinchliffe became a member of the firm. Works located in Valley Falls, R. I. I^mploy 15 hands. Manning Wood, the senior member of the firm, was born in the town of 15urrillville, R. I., April 5, 1834. lie was a suc- cessful merchant in the village of I'ascoag for about thirty years, and he is at present the manager of the William II. Sheldon estate, where wooden boxes and building materials are manufactured, the plant being one of the largest in the State. Upon the establishment of the l^rank Wood Mfg. Co., Mr. Wood became a member of the firm, his son being the prime mover in the enterjirise. I'Vank Wood, the General Manager of the business, is a native of Frank Wood. William Hinchliffe. Burrillville, R. I., where he was born May 4, 1865. After completing his education in the public schools of his native town, he went to work in the carding room of A. I.. Sayles' fac- tory of Pascoag, and later he took a course in the Philadelphia Textile school where he re- ceived the kind of education that has fitted him for the line of work that he has since followed. He was employed for about one year by the National and Providence Worsted Mills, in the capacity of assistant tlesigner. After leaving this place he was employed as assistant designer in the Farwell Worsted Mills of Central F'alls, where he remained one vear, and then engaged with the Hope Webbing Co. of Pawtucket, as i:'j i;i()(,K.\i'iii(Ai. iii>iuk\ (ii'- rill'; m.wiI'Ai riKi;Rs their designer, where he remained three years. lie left this concern to estalilish the husiness ot the l-'rank Wood Manut'acturing Co. in \alley balls, beginning with ten looms, and to meet the steady increase ot business others have been added until at present their plant consists of sixteen broad looms and one narrow loom. The indications are that this will be one ol the most important manufacturing concerns of the State of Rhode Island, because they manufac- ture a sjiecial line of goods, and their ])roduc- tions are of the finest quality. William Ilin F. B. Wilkins & Co. — Manufacturers of loom harness and reeds, and dealers in manufacturers" su])i)lies. lousiness was established in 1894. The works are located at 16 South Main street, Woonsocket, R. I. Fred H. Wilkins was born in Milford, X. 11., January 16, 1S61. lie learned the trade of a harness and reed maker in Clinton, Mass., where he served about four years l)efore locating in Woonsocket, where he began to work in the establishment that he is now part owner of, which was some sixteen years ago. Mr. Wilkins is the (ieneral Mana F. B. Wilkins & Co. Factory, Woon.socket, R. I. chlitfe, who became a member of the lirm'january I, 1900, was born in Charlton, Mass., November 12, 1S63. He has followed the woolen business for a number of years, lie began in the wool room ol the Slater Woolen Cd. nt Webster, Mass., where he serveil ten years, and then w-as em[)loyed by the Sayles & jenks Mfg. Co. in their factory at Warren, Mass., where he had charge of their wool room for about five years, after which he became a member nt the h'rank Wood Mfg. Co., where he is act ively engaged in the factory at X'alley I'"alls, which is one of the most progressive concerns of the town. ger of the business. William J. Milan, the other member of the firm, was born in New Bedford, Mass., in 1848. He came to Woon- socket thirty-five years ago and has been em- |)loyed in this establishment from that time to the present. The business was purchased by Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Milan in 1894, antl their thoiough knowledge of the reed and harness manufacture has placed their productions among the first in the mills throughout the country where the)- have won a good repu- tation. Their works are situated near Woon socket Kails in the midst of the textile concerns. ANU Hrsi\i-;ss micx oi' riiodk island. 177 Benjamin Wilbur. —Manufacturer of bobbins and spools. Works located in .South Scituate, R. I. Business established in 1818 by .Samuel Benjamin Wilbur. Wilbur, who carried on the manufacture of bob- bins and spools in the orit;inal factory, which was built by him the year of the establishment of the business, until 1853. He was then suc- ceeded by his son, Benjamin Wilbur, who is a native of South Scituate, where he was born April 7, 1S35. He continued the business in the same factory until 1865, wlien he moved the old building and used it as an engine house, erecting in its place a new and much larger fac- tory, where he continued the manufacture of bobbins and spools on a somewhat larger scale. This building was destroyed by fire October 3, 1876, together with the machinery, tools and stock. Mr. Wilbur at once began the rebuild- ing of a structure located across the street from the old factory, formerly the property of Robert Knight, which provided a factory suitable for the employment of about twenty men. Here he continued business until 1883, when these works were destroyed by fire, together with alt of the machinery, etc., as before. The factory as shown by the cut upon this page was imme- diately built by Mr. Wilbur, and is the one now occupied, beuig a substantial wooden building, and superior in every way to either of the olil factories. This new factory was equipped with all of the modern machinery recjuired in the manufacture of bobbins and spools, and the power for this plant is sujjplied by a turbine water wheel of 56-horse ])ower and a steam en- gine of about Go-horse power. Mr. Wilbur is one of the most infiuential men of the town. He was a member of the Town Council from 1870 to 1875, was assessor of ta.xes for several years, and has held other minor offices. He was elected a Representative to the General yXssembly in 1876 from the town of Scituate, and was re-elected in April, igoo. He united with the Baptist church in 1858, and was or- dained deacon in 1859. He is sujierintendent of the Sabbath school and has always been an active church worker. E I h t t If f^i I .c: E I- u (12) Benjamin Wilbur's Bobbin Works, South Scituate, R. I. 1 7^ KXiKAl'llK'Al lilSTORV ()!• Till-: M ANL'I'AC Tf R I'.KS Crompton Company. Manufacturers of jirint cloths, corduroys and cotton \clvets. Mills located in ('roninton, town of Warwick, K I. ^f % '■ H^ •• ^^^ ^v *- '\ f , V ■: %, ^ 1 f; '::'■ . F. E. Richmond. The business was establislied in 1S07, as the Providence Manufacturing; Company, by Seth Wheaton, Thomas Sessions, |ohn K. I'itman, lienry Smith, Nathaniel Searlc, Jonathan Tiff- an)' and Hcnjamin Remington. They purchased tweiit)' acres of land at Crompton of William i\ice who also may have been a stockholder in the coni]iany. The [irice paid was S1050, which included the water privilege on the I'awtu.xet river. The capital stock was divided into thirty two shares. Col. Seth Wheaton was the gen eral manager of the business, which was that of spinning cotton yarns. The original stone mill was built in Croni])ton in 1807, ^nd it was locally called the "Stone jug," the vdlage being known as "Stone Factory." This mill, now designated by the present company as the No. i mill, has Howard Richmond. G. Richmond Parsons, been very much enlarged. It is believed to be the si.xth cotton mill and the first stone mill erected in the State, and the company is cer- tainly the oldest textile manufacturing concern in Rhode Island, with one e.xceiJtion. which has done a continuous business fi'om its organiza- tion to the [iresent time. In 1808 additional land w;is ])urchased of William Rice and Thomas Matteson. May 16, 181O, the company matle an assignment, and the property came into the possession of John K. I'itman in January, 1819, who carried on the business until his ileath in i.Sjo. This mill projjcrty was then leased for a term of three \-ears, from No\ember 29, 1S20, by the executors of the estate, Mrs. Mary Dor- g 9 13 3 3 5 I So Hiock.Ai'iiKAi. iiisr()k\' oi- 'rill', manti-actirmrs rancc and Asa I.arncil, to Mr Rhodes of Raw tiixct. I-;iisha 1'. Smith and Tiilly Doirancc, ot Rro\-idcni.'c. I-'ebruary jn, iS_'> Scth W'hcaton and l'".duard ( 'anini;ton boui^ht the propert)-, ami in Maieh ot the same year they enteietl into a co])ai tnershi]) with Hetijamm l'o//ens. This new firm changed the name ot the concern to the Crompton Comjianx', and the village soon after adopted the name of Crompton. The name was gi\'en in honor ot the celebrated machinist. Sir Samuel ('rom])ton. the in\entor of the sjiinning ]enny. This change was made in iSj^. In the same \'ear the new comjiany started a bleachery under the management of h.dward I'ike of Sterling, Conn. 'I'he No. j mill was erected ni iSjiS, the No. 3 in ]S]2. and the No. 4 mill in iS.Si Since then extensive enlargements and atlditions have been binlt from time to time, and at jiresent there is a new building in course of con struction. Within a few years after 1823 the firm began calico printing, which de])artnient is said to have been very profitable dur- ing the years 1844 and 1.S45. Mis- fortune followed the ]irosperous times of 1843 and in 1846 the whole ]iroperty had to be sold, and the purchasers were dov. Charles Jackson, l^arl I'. IMason, Daniel liush and \\ illiani T. Dorrance, of Providence. In 1S50 the business wa.s incorporated at $200,000. The present capitalization is $400,000. The print works were leased to Abbott & Sanders in 1852, and later to James Sanders, who car- ried on the business for a number of years, after which the print works buildings were taken down, and new buiklings erected in their place. George M. Richmond of Providence, a success- ful calico printer, obtainetl the controlling inter- est in the ])roi)crty in 1866, and it has since re niained in his family. The i)roduct of the mills untd 1885 was cotton goods in the form of printing cloths, but in that year a new enterprise was commenced. This was the niaiuifacture of velveteens and cortluroys. After a careful study of the inducements and the methods of Mill Towti ill Cuiiip, manufacture emplo\ed in luigland and Euro])C, four looms were started producing about four ]iieces a week. The industry was unusual and difficult ton is one of the very at- tractive manufacturing villages in the State. The main street is lined with elm trees of more than half a century's growth, and the dwellings are neat and well careil for. 'I'he village is AND BUSINESS MEN OF RHODE ISLAND. 181 twelve miles from the city of rrovidence, and can be reached by two lines of steam cars and by the electric trolley; a very different condition from the early days when the only communica- tion was by roads, and all the products of the mill had to be teamed to Providence. The officers of the company since the organi- zation in 1850, are: Presidents — Earl P. Mason, Sept. 16, 1850 to Oct. 2, 1876; F. E. Richmond, Oct. 2, 1876 now in office. Treasurers — William T. Dorrance, Sept. 16, bleaching and dyeing machinery, ageing bo.xes, shafting, pulleys, gearing, hydraulic i^resses, tenter drying machines, cloth cutting machines, warp dyeing and drying machines, silk lace and cotton finishing machinery. The company are sole manufacturers of the Nagle Power Feed Pump. Business established in 1830 by (ieorge B. Holmes, Dr. John McKie, and Benjamin, Charles and Paris Dyer. The first building was erected at the corner of luldy and I'^lm streets in 1830, and later other buildings were added from time to time, until the ])resent extensive plant ^fCJrS ?f}yf fiSCLki Elm Street Machine Shop of the 1850 to Jan. 2, 1866; Sanford Durfee, Jan. 2, 1866 to July I, 1875: ¥. E. Richmond, July i, 1875 to Jan. 26, 1876; Howard Richmond, Jan. 26, 1876 now in office. Secretaries — W'illiam T. Dorrance, Sept. 6, 1850 to Jan. 2, 1866; Sanford Durfee, Jan. 2, 1866 to July I, 1875 ; Howard Richmond, July i, 1875 to Jan. 27, 1892; G. Richmond Parsons, Jan. 27, 1892 now in office. Phenix Iron Foundry — Manufacturers of brass castings, rolls, etc., copper singe plate rolls, cal- enders, starch mangles, calender rolls of paper, cotton and husk-chilled picker balls, dye kettles, expansion pulleys, wool washing machine rolls. Phenix Iron Foundry, Providence. was completed. The machine shop is located on Elm, corner of Butler street, Providence, known as the Eddy Street Machine Sho]), the foundry being on luidy street, in 1886 Charles R. Earle became the President and Treasurer of the corporation, still holding that position, since which time many im])()rtant inventions have been brought out at the works. Many heavy iron castings are made at the foun- dry for the various engine manufacturers of the city. This is one of the best equipped foundries and machine shops in the State, covering an area of about 100,000 square feet. I.S2 KXiKAl'lIU'AI. 1I1S1(»K\' OI' Till-; MAN I' l'A( TT R IlkS Lymansville Company. Manutaclurers of which was c()m])lctc(l in KSS5, the ends being worsted yarns, worsted coatin;j;s and suitings, finished in wood. As the business increased Business established in 1884, and incorporated these wooden ends wore removed and additions the same year, under a capitaii/ation of 5500,000. built on from time to time, until to-day the plant ()riicers; A. Albert Sack, I'resiiient and Treas- is one of the larsrest in the State, as shown bv urer. Herman Ambach, Agent ; l?enjaniin llalli- well. Secretary. I'actory located in Lymans- ville, K. I. Mr. A. Albert Sack, the president of tlie cor- poration, to whose enteijirise anil skill as a manufacturer is due the i)iesent extensive busi- the cut on opjiosite i)age, which gives a good idea of the extent of the mills as seen from the front, although in the rear there are several wings that do not appear in the [jrint, that amount to nearly as much in floor s])ace as the part that is shown in the illustration. The ends ness, was born in llansfelde, (lermany, August of the main buildings are still built of wood lb, 1843. After com])leting his education and so as to provide for further enlargements should the increase of business demand it. In 1885 the f] rst year's out [) u t amounted to 170,000 pounds of yarn and I 50,000 yards of cloth. In 1901. after fifteen years of grow'th, the production of the mills have reached 1,200,000 pounds of yarn and 1 ,000,000 yards of cloth ■ In 1888 the comjiany opened salesrooms in New \'ork and seven other large cities for selling their goods di- lect to the trade. All office work, shipiiing, charging ami collecting of accounts is tione at the mill olfice in 1 .y- mansville, jiossibly the onl)'mill doing so in the counti}-. The mills give .Mass., ami still later in the Hates Mills of Lew- ein|>loymcnt to 600 operatives. I'dwer for the iston, Mc. Alter leaving this company he was works is sup|)lied from the W'oonasiiuatuckel with the commission house of I.eland, Allen \- ii\-er lo the amount of about 1 20 horse |)owei' Hates, ot Hoston, where he had the super\'ision of thrnngh two Perfection turbines, and liy a liar all the woolen mills operated liy this company- gaining a thorough knowledge of all of tlie details of the woolen manufacturing business in his nati\e country, he came to America in 1807. lie was first em- ployed by Ktlward Har- ris, the veteran woolen manufacturer oi Woon- socket, who was at the head of the Harris Woolen ("omiiany, and whose products became known as the only woolen fabrics that could ap[)roach in qual ity the same class of goods made in foreign countries. With this com[)an)' he ser\ed as a designer, and later em- ployed in a similar cajia- city in the I-". verett .Mills ol I .awrence, A. Albeit Sack. He liecame superintendent ol the < )wen is: ( lark worsted mill of I'roxidence in 187:;, and in 1879 he |)urchaseil the business ot Mr. Uwen ami incorj)orated the same as the (iciie\a Wor- sted Mill. He sold his interest in this concern after having managed the business successfully until 1884. In that year he organized the Lymansville t.'ompany; the mills were built of l)rick under his personal su|)ervision, the first of I is t'oiiis comiiound condensing engine ot (lOO- horse ]K)wer. Two tlynamos of 250 uoo-candle power arc lamps give anij^le light for the various tIepartniciUs, Mr. Sack is prominent in a num- ber ol the leading societies of the city of l'ro\ i deuce, where he resides, but he has ne\'er l)e- cutiie interesteil enough in [lolilics to allow his name to be jiresented as a nominee tor olTice ot anv kind. His strict attention to niamifactur- ing has enabled him to build u|) an industry within the State that is second to none, and which is a credit to Rhode Island. o 3 <: re' B '0?^ii*- — 1 -a ^ S - -^— -m — -m ?■ bii © ^ -If = K 8* T i: MIC' '(.. r Bam mm mami sh:! .-7^=: jSl — .. ^ J - ^•5 i 3-.* 33 L, t lUlWflB ■ • r- iBKi;:zi - - L KVfE^:i -4 i "JS Pl^'^' «; '5^ !^;^j ^ I.S4 lUoCkAl'IIICAI. I1ISI()K\ OF Till-. M A M 1- .\( 1 I k l-,kS John Heathcote & Son. — .Maiiufaflurers of capable of stretchiiii;' and drviii!;- any kind of lunteiin;; anil drying; machines, for stretching' woolen or worsted goods, shawls, blankets, felts, and drying all kinds of woolen or worsted goods, etc. The chain is made of heavy malleable iron shawls, felts, etc. Husiness established in i S70 with brass plates for the tenter pins (the pins by J oil n Heathcote, who was born near .Man- being close together) and the chain guides of Chester, luigiand, .Xpril 3l>, 1833. When about hea\y wrought iron. The advantage of this 9 years of age he came to I'rovitlence and this machine, besides taking up considerably less has been his home ever since. After acquiring lloor space than other style machines of the a good common school education, he began to same ca])acitv, is the small amount of power learn the machinist trade in the I-'ranklin l''oun compared with other dryers, as the chain going dry and Machine (o.s works, being at that u[) on one side and coming down on the other, time se\'enteen )ears of age. After completing acts as a counterbalance. The machine is pro- \ided with sprocket wheels both top and his ai)])renticeship he soon alter was em ployetl by Corliss i\: Nightingale, where he remained two years. I ie then w ent to woi k for W. ('. I lelme, who was a manufacturer ol jewelers' tools, etc lie later was em ployed by J^rown iv .Shar|ie, when their works were located on South Main street, atid had in their em I'loy only se\-en hands. After again working for the l-"ranklin J-"oundry and Machine Co. as foreman, he began manufacturing in comjiany with another gentleman, and in 1.S70 he began busi- ness on his own ac- count, manufacturing drying and tenterin John Heathcote l>oltom and to o\'er- come any unevenness by wear of the chain as well as to prevent any une\enness, there is an automatic take- up which always keeps the chain taut and on its bearing. The steam iiiping be- ing placed below and awa)' from the goods (which is a decided advantage) and with the improved circula linn, the goods com ing from the machine have the same soft feeling and finish as goods that are dried out of doors. This machine is adjustable to different widths of goods by means of heav)- screws, right and left thread, and can be machines of all si/es and widths, the patents adjusted either by hand or power. They ar- for which had been ])urchascd by Mr. Heath- range for these machines to be set all on one cote in iS/O, the original machine being the floor it necessar)-. These machines are es- W'insor k)r}'er, patented in i.SOi. .Since that |)ecially adapted for carbonizing. They are time important im[)rovements ha\e been made, built in various sizes, widths and heights. This and two new [latterns of maihines tor heavier machine is paneled and is t urnished with a tan. work ha\e been added, including a horizontal In operation the wet cloth jiasses over the roll |),ittern machine and special felt drying machin- at the front of the machine: passing up and er\'. The most im|)ortant machine now built across the top the cloth turns and goe> down bv the concern is the new im[)roved upright into the machine and then up again and so on tentering and drying machine of a heavy pat- according to the number of folds, and passes tern. This machine is built e.xtra he.ivN' and out dr\' o\-er the delivery roll in tnmt and then strong and being heavily braced throughout is up to the folder. The operator staniling on the AND BUSINESS MEN OV RHODE ISLAND. i8s platform in front has (.omplcte control of the they are set. W'e herewith print a cut of their machine as well as of the tenter wings, con- heavy pattern upright machine. These drying trolled by a hand wheel, and coarse right and and tentering machines have been sold in all Tentering and Drying Machine, Built by John Heathcote & Son. left screw shaft which gradually stretch the parts of the country Mr. Heathcote is con- goods to the width desired. These tenter wings nected with a large number of societies in the are adjustable and will positively stay wherever State, bemg a past commander of St. John'sCom- 1 86 ni()(.kAi'iiic.Ai, iiisroin' oi- riii; mam i\c irki.Rs inamlery of I'rovKioiuc. a charter member, and a Earl A. Potter. Maiiutarturer of all kinds ol I'asl Master of Adel]ihai I.otlge .A. I-'. M: A. M, (if hont and shoe laees. Business established rr(i\'idenee. niemlKM" nf the X'eteran Masonic As- April i, i.SgS, at J'/ Cromwell street. Provitleiice. I he present works in Pocasset, Cranston, R. !., were occu|)ied J une i , Kjcxj. Post ol'fice address, Auburn, K. 1. P'.arl A. Potter, who is the ^reat >^randson of Col. Israel Angell, of .Smith field, who was active in the Revolutionary War, was born in .South .Scituale, R. I., .May 22, iiS59. He learned the bobbin and spool business of his father, luios .A. Potter, in his native town, be- gnininfj at the au^e of seventeen, and remaineti with him for twenty-one years, lie <^ave up this trade and learned the manufacture of shoe laces, and after gaining a thorough knowledge ot the business he began manufacturing on his own account, meeting with marked success. He began with 1800 spindles in iSy8, and has gradually increased until now he has some 9,000 sjiindles in operation at his factors in Pocasset, and the works are running night and day to meet the demands of the trade throughout the countrv. The Pocasset river supplies about 40 horse power through an Angell turbine, but this not being sufficient for both day and night Earl A. Poller. work, Mr. Potter has recently put in a 45 horse sociation, Veteran Firemen's Association, the power boiler and a 40 horse power Nagle en- Central (/lub, the Pomham Club, of which he has gine, which, combined with the water power, been a member since its organization, and has affords all that is required at present for run- been president of that body for the past fiveyears, ning his plant, which includes an electric light- .md others, (ieorge 1 1. I leathcote was born in ing outfit. 1 lis son, Wallace C. Potter, is super Providence, in January. iSfj^. lie has been .issociated with his fatherin the business for .1 number of years, and July i, Kjoi, he became a partner, occujiying the position ot general manage!', which jiosi- tion he has really held for se\-- eral years. This company also manuf.ic tuic niast aims which arc in use throughout the citv of Pi(i\'i- dence tor extending o\'er the streets tor supporting electrii- lamps, which have herctotorc been manutacturcd under the name ot the Russell h'.lei-tric Mtg. Co., now an adjunct to their other business. Mr, John Heathcote has been for some intendent of the works and has been with his Earl A. Potter's Factory, Pocas.set, Cranston, R. I. time the trcas- t.ithci' since the business was established. Ileis )ducts are a native of .South .Scitu.itc, where he was born urer of that com[)any, and their products are a native o \'ery im|)ortant. januar\ Jy, 1 S80. AND I5USINESS MEN OF RHOUi: ISLAND. US; Gilbert F. Whipple.— Manufacturer of woolen yarns for knit goods and cassimeres. Husiness established in 1893 for the manufacture of yarns, hut the original business of manufactur- ing cassimeres was begun in 1879. l-'actory located at Whipple, R. I., formerly I'lainville. After leaving Mowry & (loff s school in Provi- dence, he learned the textile business in his father's mill at Simmonsville, now Thornton, R. 1., where he was employed for some time, and then went to Massachusetts, where he worked in a woolen mill, and in 1879 began business on his own account in the factory shown upon this page. The mill has a floor space of about White & Co. then leased the mill and carried on the business until 1879. C.ilbert 1'". Whipple, son of Charles H. \Vhii)|)le, then operated it for one year, when a copartnership was formed under the name of Whipple & Walling, doing business until the fall of 1887. Howard Maguire & Co. then conducted it for a short time, when W. V. Ksten & Co. leased the mill in 1888 and operated it until 1893, since which time Gilbert V. Whipple has had full control of the mill. Hope Worsted Mills. — Manufacturers of fancy worsteds for men's wear. Business established September i, 1901. Works located in Gilbert F. Whipple's Mill at Whipple, near the village of Oakland, R. I. I'" rank Fiske, the treasurer and ^11 EiMll II X] li II Whipple's Mill, Whipple, Burrillville, R. I. 50,000 square feet, and is supplied with power from the Clear River through one turbine of 100 horse power. A Heald & Morris engine of too horse i)0wer is used in case of low water, but the river seldom fails to supply sul'ficient power. Some 30 hands are employed, (lilbert !■". Whipple is a native of l^urrillville, where he was born April 12, 1855, The mill was built about 1847 by David Mathewson, and was first operated by D. C. Remington and James Colby in the manufacture of cotton goods, and after- wards Lindsey Jordan began the manufacture of satinets. In 1856 Charles II. Whipple pur- chased the mill property from David Mathew- son, and began the manufacture of fancy cassi- meres, which he carried on until 1873. F. R. manager of the firm, was born in (iloucester, R. I., September 30, 1850. He has been connected with the woolen and worsted mills of Pascoag in one capacity or another for the past 20 years. He was for about eleven years- the bookkeeper and general manager of the Shef- field Mills, and when these mills were pur- chased by the American Woolen Co., he be- came their agent, serving in that capacity for one year. He left this company January i. 1901, and in September established the present business in company with Arthur Ames, a native of England, who is the superintendent of the works. Mr. Ames was employed in the mills of Pascoag for a number of years prior to beginning business on his own account as a partner in the Hope Worsted Mills. I-lmploy about 50 hands. ISS i;|n(,k.\l'lIIC \l. llISI(tK\- ()|- rill-; .MAMlWCriURI-lRS American Electrical Works. .Maiuilai,tiirers ot bare and insulated electric wire, electric lit^ht line wire, incandescent ami flexible cortls, r.iilwav feeder and tnilley wires. Aniericanite, niaL;net. iiKice and annunciator wires, antl cables |i)r aerial and undergroiHul use. liusiness establisheil in kSjo by iuiL(ene I'". Phillips. Incorporated in May, kSSj. Capitali/ed lor $750,000. Works located in l'hilli]isdale, R i, laii])loy 1000 hands. (X'ticers: luigcne \'. I'hilli])s, (ieneral Manager; I*'rank X. l'hilli|is, {'resident; K. l\owland l'hilli])s, \'ice- I'resident; C. II. Wagenseil, Trea.surer; C. R. Remington, Jr., Secretary. Mr. luigene F. I'hillips,ithe general manager and founder age. This was the beginning of an industry that h,as developed to such I)ro])ortii)ns as to place it at the heail of the wire manu- facturing establishments of the world, and the founder of the business, who is still at the head of the concern, pushetl the enterprise along as rapidly as the growth of the application of electricity during the past thirty years re(]uired. In 1880 he occu- pied the building at the cor- ner of .Stewait and Conduit streets, which at that time was considered a large plant, four stories, and well equipped with wire making machinery. The business continued to grow raiMclly, ami in i8go the greater part of the whole square in the same location was utilized large delegation of students, returning at the by a new factory which was built expressly to Frank N, Phillip.s. E. Rowland Phillips. close ol his enlistment to com])lete his studies, accommodate the immense business of the com- •After leaving school he was engaged in \arious, which was built in the lorm re])resented lines of liusiness until : 870. when he beL;an the upon the op])osite page, with a court in the ^_:>. -•*-,. fiSsP . % -rm kl ! ■ d nails a - J ^ lS .■ kiiiggg AMERICAN ELECTRICAL WORKS, PHILLIPSDALE, R. I Growth of the Works from 1870 to 1900. 1^0 ]?1:";K.\I'III( AI. lllSIOm' ol' llll-, M.Wri'AC 1 I'RI-.KS centre. This ])lant was lodk"'' upon as a nioilel lailway, electric lij;ht anti telephone use to the in every res])ecl, aiul its increased facilities most delicate silk covered testing wire. There were thi)Uf;ht to be sul'ticient to liamlle the (nit are a dozen buildings in the group that make u[) l>ut of the concern for a great many )ears. 15ut the plant, and all are equipped with improved the use of electrical appliances had apparently machiner}' and appliances for the manufacture onh' just begun, for the demand fur their pio- of wire. 'I'he company has its own electric ducts increased more rapidly than ever, an^'e" I)rominently connected with the company , ' , ,, , . 1 c f 1 • n I since 1S8; in various capacities, and was elected (av are used, the crude metal tirst being rolled , . -> ^ .. ■' , > ^ , ., _ 111 t" 111^ ])resent [)osition in October, 1897. into rods ot .•,, inch diameter, and then drawn The village of Phillipsdale has other impor- to any desired size, which include every descriji- tant industries that promise to make the place tion of wire made from that for hea\y street very prominent. AM) ia;siM>;ss mi-:n of riioiji<: island. 191 Granger Foundrj' and Machine Co. — Manufac- turers of bleaching, dyeing, drying and finishing machinery for textile fabrics. Works located at the corner of Harris and Sims avenues, Providence. In 1842 the Cove Machine Co. was incorporated under the laws of Rhode Island, and located at the corner of Gaspee and Francis streets, in a building erected for them sours, water mangles, sjirinklers, drying machines, calenders and various other machines for finishing textile goods. They also build calenders for finishing fine letter, ledger and surface coated papers. yXfter all these years in one location, the comi)any found it necessary to erect a new and more extensive building on Harris and Sims avenues, and Granger and Machine Shop of the Granger Foundry and Machine Co., Providence. the same year ne.xt to the old State Prison, in Tingley streets, as they had outgrown their old this city, the last remains of which have been quarters and also because the State had looked torn down. For thirty-six years the business opon their former location with a favorable eye, was carried on under this name, and then, in as the new State House and Normal School 1878, it was changed to the Granger F"oundry were to be located in the immediate vicinity, and Machine Co. For fifty-eight years this Yielding to the inevitable, the company laid the concern has carried on a successful business foundations for an extensive plant, and in De- manufacturing machinery for bleaching, dye cember, 1895, the superstructure was completed, ing, drying and finishing cotton goods, including the machinery removed and new machinery singeing machines, washing machines, chemic. added. This is now one of the most complete I';-' luocRAi'iiic.Ai, iiisToin' oi- Till-; MANi'i'ACii i])s in New l'',ni;l;uK], every moilcrn appliance being at hanil b\' which the tinest and most intricate parts (it iheif niachinci)' can he tnrned (lut accuiatcly aiul with j;ieal dispatcli. riiese new w(nks add anothei iniprdvcnicnt In tile long list that ha\e been building witliin the [last tew yeai's, all ol which are a great credit to the city nt i'rdxideiue. We hercwitli |>rint a plate nl the inteiinr i)t (irder as promptly as any concern in America. I'he company emi)loy only skilled mechanics, many ol them having been in their employ for many years, and t'onsecpicntly they are enabled tn add to their skill a practical knowledge ol the great \'ariety ol machinery manufactured at these woiks. The oHicers of the company are: William S. (Iranger, I'resitlent ; I lenry A. Till- inghast, Secretaiy and Treasurer. Mr. (iranger the main portion of their extensive machine is also the President of the Wheelwright I-"iller shop, which IS the largest in the I'nited .States and Manufacturing Co. of Providence, and of Plant of the Granger Foundry and Machine Co., Harrus and Sims Avenues, Providence, R. I. lor their class of woik. T!ie main Iniilding is the American Wringer Co., a director in the 305 -x 1 10 feet, the storage and |iattern building Cnited .National ]5ank and numerous other cor- being 100x40. porations. The dyeing and bleaching concerns through Pawtucket Spinning Ring Co.- Manutacturers out the I'nited .States will appreciate the in- of siiinning rings. l-!usiness established in 18S4 creased facilities enjoyed by this company in by John Booth. Incorporated in 1899. Capi- their new ipiarters, for greater facilities mean tali/.ed for 530,000. Works located on North more rapid |)roduction, and when only limited M.iin street, Pawtucket. I'.mploy 14 hands, time is granted for turning out certain machin- ()llicers: .Albert P. Martin, President; John ery in their line, they will feel satished that the Pooth, Treasurer and Secretary, who was born (ir.inger I*'onn40,ooo to bleach, dye and and Henry lloppin formed a company for the tiiiish such cloth, seems as much of a daring en- bleaching and calendering of cotton and other ter|)rise .is the promoting to. da\' ot , I twenty mill- goods, interesting with themselves James ]'< ion liollar trust. It shows that our ancestors Mason, 15enjamin, Charles, l-'.lisha and ( )lne\ had a great of conlidence in the future of Dyer, l-Senjaniin and Thomas ('. IIop])in, .Smith Rosworth and John Wilson. These gentle men formetl themselves into a compan}' known the cotton industr\- in New ICngland, and the result shows that their faith was well tounded. In the year above mentioned, 1 lercules Whitiie)', 1 lenr)' 1 lup pm, lulward Mason, Jr., and I >aniel Hates, all of Providence. l)0ught from ( Miver l-Aans of i'hilailelphia. the second steam en gine ever erecteil in Rhoile Island, the first ever used in America, and [.irobably in the world, for the bleach- ing, dyeing and hnisli- ing of cotton labrics. It was ])atriolicall\' nameil the Cohnnbian .Ste.uii I'jigme.and was ].)atented b)' the saiti l-^vans. who issued to these gentlemen a license to run the en Jolin P. Farnswortli. as the "I'atent Calen dering and Bleaching Company" and as sumed all the corpor- ate rights and privi leges afterwards given them b)' the State. Col. Smith Rosworth was ap]H)inted the ac- tive tTcatl of the com- pany, holding this po sition for a number of \ears. Later Wm. C. .Snow was elected agent ,nul in 1840 Mr. .Ste- phen Cornell was made su]3erintendent. About this time most of the stock being in the hands of the Dyer and Hoppin families, a charter was taken from the State and the gine together with a guarantee of the develop- officers electeti under it were Klisha Dyer, I'resi- ment of 20 horsepower. The descrijition of dent; Wm. C. .Snow, agent. At this time a this engine as set forth in the license for its use, purchase of land was made in ( )lney\-ille, near when com[)ared with that of a modern triple the Johnston line, and an old grist mill was con- condenser is most interesting to tlie stuilent of verted into a blue dye house and bleacliery. dynamics. This engine was bought at an e,\- In 1872 Wm. C. .Snow died and Mr. Stephen pense of si.\ thousand dollars and when erected in Providence at the corner of Mathewson and .Sabin streets is said to have clney as the sole proprietor under the original name of Olney Brothers. Chas. Pay & Co. — Manufacturers of wagons anil trucks of all kinds, coal hoisting apparatus, mud dredgers, wheelwrights and general ma chinists. lousiness established in 1877 bv Charles Pay, who is a nati\e of luigland, where he was born in 1851. Works located at ;v'i South Water street. Providence. Dt)es a gen eral line of blacksmithing and forging. I. H. Smith. — Manufacturer of card clothing machiner\'. Business established in i8()i. b\' 11 :h. >^^i Israel II. .Smith, who is a nati\e ot Rutlaml, Mass., where he was born in 18.19. \\diks located in bidnewootl, Providence. AND BUSINM:SS MKN ()!• Kllnl)!'; IS1,AM). 199 The Coronet Worsted Co. — Manufacturers of fine worsted suitings and piece dyes. Mills located at Mapleville, K. I., in the town of Bur- rillville. The business was established under the present name in igoo; incorporated, 1901; capitalized for $150,000, and employs 500 hands. Joseph i:. Fletcher, who is a director of the Union 'I' Co. of Providence, and of the Law- ton Spinning Co. of W'oonsocket, is the Presi- dent and Treasurer ; John 11. IJoyd is the Vice- President, and John W. Duncanson is the Secre- tary. The sales office of the company is at lu 15roadway, N. Y. Joseph K. Fletcher, the founder of the present business, was born at liradford, luigland, in 18O6. He is the eldest son of Charles Fletcher, the noted worsted manu- facturer, who estab- lished the mills known as the National and Providence Worsted Mills ; the Fulton Wor- sted Mills ; the Pocas- set ; the Victoria ; the Saranac Mills at Black- stone, and the Lawton Spuming Co., and has now ceased to take an active interest in the woolen business, as he has sold his different mills to the American Woolen Co. Joseph E. F"letcher entered his father's em- ploy in Providence, and was finally elected Vice- President and Treasurer of the National and Providence Worsted Mills, also Treasurer and (ieneral Manager of the Saranac Worsted Mills, which mills were sold to the American Woolen Co., and for two years he acted as the agent and general manager of these mills for this com- pany. After resigning from the position of agent, he purchesed the Mapleville property in December, igoo, and organized it under the name of the Coronet Worsted Co. The old mill was completely transformed into a modern establishment, and put on to a running basis, with a New \'ork office selling their goods di- Joseph E. Fletcher. rect to the trade. After the old mill was in shape and in good running order, Mr. i'lctcher immediately started building a new brick tac tory 300 feet long, also a number of tenement houses, as shown herewith in the double page cut. The new company is established on a much larger scale than the old time business, which for a number of years was running at a low ebb, on account of the destruction by fire of the factory on the site of the new mill. Any one acquainted with Mapleville in the old time would hardly recognize it now under the trans- formation that has taken jjlace. The old mill is known as Mill No. i, and the new factory as Mill No. 2. .'\nd now that both are running to their full extent, the village of Mapleville is placed in the front rank of the textile centres of the manufacturing town of Burrillville, and the enterprise shown by this new company under Mr. {•"letcher's management has given the old town a renewed stimulus to l)ush her manufacturing interests to a point of vigor that she has never realized before. Power for the No. 1 Mill, the old cluster of buildings as shown on page 202, is supplied from the lower privilege of the Chepachet river to the extent of about 150-horse power through two turbines.and a 1 larris-Corliss steam engine of 200-horse power. This mill operates 70 looms in the manufacture of fine suitings, and the No. 2 Mill, the new one, is supplied by the upper jirivilege in the same village on the Chepachet river to the extent of about I 30-horse power through two turbines and a Whitehall steam engine of 200-horse power, operating 100 looms. These are among the most complete worsted plants in the State of Rhode Island, and the village with its neat houses, situated on a gentle slope facing the east, the streets lined on either side by full -'Oil Hii tiiRAi'im Ai. iiisiom- (ii iiii; mamiac tiri^us ;^i()\\ii maple tiec>. wliich \cry aiijjropiiatcly H. Smith, wIki turther eiilarned the plant and i^ivcs it the name ot Maplc\'ille, is ver\- attrac ti\c anil well laid out. This |)lace was formerly known as Cooper's Mills, a saw mill situateil ui)on the site ut the No I Mill hein<;- the only business ot the place lor .1 <4reat many years, or until the buildin"- ot the tirsl woolen taclor\- here in i S.] i by Uariiis began the manutarture ot tancy woolen i;o()ds Smith & Whiteheatl were the owners in July, iS()4, and the following year, in March, Fred erick 1!. Smith bought his partner's interest, whose name was James H. Whitehead March y>. iSfiO, Mr. Smith sold the jiropertv to the firm ol Whitehead M- and I )ecend)er /^^, .■-s^ms Coronet 'Worsted Co. Mill No. 2. 1807, lames I. egg bought his paitnei's iiiteiest and became the sole owner. ,\t this time there were onl\' i .S iiairow ( "ireenhalge lonms in the mdl, and Mr. 1 .egg began making improve ments and enlargements. The large addition erly and rebuilt the mill on a much larger was built in 1S71.', and the works in iSijocon scale, ])rol)ably utilizing the stone walls of the sisted nl lour mam stiuctures together with a old factory, in 1S57 he sold the property to number of smaller buildings, the section with Smith iK: ilawkms, who in turn sold it to Jose|ih the bellry being the original structure, -At this r. I .awton, whose son-in hiw, James \\ . Hale, operated the mill, his e<|uipment being one set of cards and a lew looms. This lust mill was built of stone, and was destroyed !))■ lire prior to 1S56, when < )li\er Tracv bought the ]irnp- AND BUSINKSS MKN OF RHODM ISLAND. 20 1 latter date there were some two huiulred hands employed operating six sets of cards and forty broad looms, making weekly about 4,000 yards of fancy cassimcres and cheviots, and at present the mill produces about 20,000 yards of worsted goods ]ier week. Mr. I. egg took his son into partnership, and the name of the firm became James Legg & Co. In March, iSgo, the busi- west bank of the river, a woolen mill was erected of wood with a stone basement by Daniel S. \\'hipi)le about the year 1845. Mr. Whipple bought this upper privilege from Duty Smith, March 8, 1845, and as he was the owner of the next water privilege above on the C'he- pachet river, at Gaza, where he was busily en- gaged developinn an extensi\e textile business. Village of Mapleville, R. I. ness was incorporated under the name of the Mapleville Manufacturing Co., but it was a close corporation, the shares being all owned by the Legg family. The same year Mr. Legg, senior, died August 2d, and then the business of the corporation devolved u])on his sons, James Legg as President and General Manager, and William Legg, Treasurer. Some 200 yards above the No. 1 Mill, on the which, by the way, is now in ruins, he leased his Mapleville mill. John L. Ross hired one room and made cottonyarns; Benjamin F.Cireeneoccu- pied the two upper Hoors and made warps for Hill & Carpenter. Mr. (Jrecne suliseciuentl)- founded the Greene & Daniels Manufacturing Co. of Pawtucket. Some time after, in 1848, John Barber hired the basement and manufac- tured linsey woolseys for Hill & Carpenter of lUOCiRAI'lIKAI, IIISroRV Ol- Till': MANUI-"AC'11KI;RS I'rovidenco. Soino years later Mr. \\'hip])le built a stone mill in the rear of the wootien tac- tory, and leased the new building to Steere is: I'inkhani in 1S53. 1 lere William Tinkhain be gan his suceesstul career as a manufacturer in com])any with Job Steere. They carried on the manufacture of woolen goods until i85(j, when these gentlemen moved theii' plant to Ilarris- \ ille. on the Clear river. The leases e.\])iring Ml iS;*), Mr. \Vhi|)ple then began the o]ieration of the mills himselt. In i.SiiJ he enlartred the brick factory, which has just been completed, and is one of the most substantial mill build ings in the State, well equipped with modern machinery and every modern device for the manutacture ot line worsted goods. Daniel S. Whipple is creilited with having set the trees that to-day make the jilace so at tractive. With the jjresent impetus that the new compan\- has de\eloped for the place, Mapleville is destined to be one of the ver\' popular manufacturing hamlets of the State, %■■ * .* } -,r — - _^ -*■ /f ■.vf>.^:. .^ -..:. .-K.; •-,^^.il[ fe., ,-»^ ?!--!A«iiae !».>>,. : "- ^c» v«"js wald C. Ihilew who is a native of Hoosick, X. ^ ., where he born Inly 1 1, 185(1. The busi- ness ot ( Isw.ild (', llalev was merged into the R. I. I'ilevator and Machine Co., January 1, 191JO, James X. Ramage being President of the new company and ( )swal(l C 1 laley. Treasurer and Manager. .Arthur 1\. 1 laiuly became a member of the firm in August, 1901. who isa native of Provi- dence, and was made Secretary of the company Works located at ^5 ClilTord street. Providence. The jilant is equipped with modem machinery loi- l)uilding elevators and doing all kinds of re pair work in the most a[)prove(.l manner. Mr. llaley, the general manager of the business, isa ])ractical machinist, with a thorr)ugh knowletlge ot elevator manutacturiiig. There are few UKinufactui ing plants in the .State that do not rcipiire some kind of an elev.itor, either for treight or |)assenger ser\'ice, and this concern will prove of great achantage because of the superiority of their i)rotluctions, ami because if .iuything liappens in the way of a lireak down they are near at hand to make the necessary re- jiairs. This new plant shoukl pro\-e one of the most valuable lines of business in the city. Oaklaad Worsted Co. -Manufacturers of clay worsteds. Business established in 1892, and in- corporated the same year. Mill located in Oak land. R. I., on the Clear river, at a jioint where the stream is enlarged h)- the waters of the Pas- coag, Nipmuck anti C"he])achet rivers, thereby furnishing through two turbines about 80-horse l)ower. 'l"he mill is also ecpiipiied with a Corliss engine of loohorse power. Mmplny about 130 h.mds. C)nicers: Ste[)hen < ). Metcalf, Treas- urer; William I 1 , White, .Superintendent . Mr. W hite is a gentleman of extensive experience in the manufacture of worsteds. The original mill built by John L. Ross in 1850, the dam hav- ing been built by him in 1849. .Several addi- tions were built from time to time, and theijro]!- eity was first opeiatetl b\- the Woonsocket l)e- laine Co., continuing for about three years, when Mr. Ross carried on the business himselt in the ni.mufacture of cotton yarns. The mill was destroyed liy hie in i88j, July 1 J. but was rebuilt immediately by Mr. Ross, who leased the [noperty to Hogart, llanis & Co., which firm manufactured silk yarns, hosiery, etc.. do- ing a thriving business for about si.x \ears. The present company purchased the iiropert)' in July. 1892. F. A. Colwell. — Manufacturer of pa|)er boxes. Husiness established in 1871.) by I'.dnier Hrown, and purchased In' Mi. Colwell .diout 1881. Works located at 159 .Main street, Woon- socket. !-".m[)loys al.iout 41;) hands, h'red .A. Colwell is a native ot .Maiuille. R 1 . where he was born .September 9, 1858 lie com- pleted his education in Mowry \- (jotf's school, and then entered the employ of .S. .S. i'"oss as bookkee|)er where he remained for about three years, and then served in the same ca|)acitv for h'red \\ Jenckes in the tailoring business tor two ye, us, when he lesigned to begin the manufacture ot paper l)o\es. In 181)4 he bought C. C. Wheeloi. k's job printing establishment which he now uses as an .idiunct to his paper box business. Mr. Colwell has shown much enterprise in the management of his business. He has not de- l.iended u[)on local trade wholly, but he has de- veloped a business that gives him a wide field to work in throughou' the .State and elsewhere. AND lUSIXMSS MEN OF RIIODK ISLAND. 205 E. B. Bosworth & Son. — Manufacturers of presses, millino; lathes for jewelry manufacturers and other machinery. Husiness established by K. Edmund B. Bosworth. 1^ Bosworth in January, i8t bank ot lihukstonc river, be tween the iip|)er and lower dams, at I'awtucket r'alls, Mmploy 1J5 hands. ( tfticers : Altieci 1 1. I.iltletield. I'resident ; b'.beii \. bittletiekl, rre.isiirer. Alfred II. I .ittletieUl, otie of the founders ol and the former piesident ol the LittletieUl M an u t a et u r i n ;^ ( ' o 111 ]) a n y , and (iovenior ot the State of l\h., niaiuilacturers of threads and \'ariis. .Mr. Rvder's interest was pur- chased, and trom laiiuar)', iliie\- .\riiold, which olhce he heUI tor live years. In 1 S73 he was a member ol the town council of Lincoln, being re elected Ironi 187410 1877, when he declined a reelection. He was representati\-e in the (ieneral .\ssenibly in 1876 and 'jj, and senator in 1878 and '79. In 1880 he was nominated for governor, and re- cei\etl 10,988 votes against 7.339 for the Demo- cratic and ;,o()j tor the third jiarty candidate. Altred H. Littletield, E.\-Goveiiior of Khode Island. ittemled the village pointed dnision inspector AND BUSINESS MEN OF RHODE ISLAND. 207 It requirinfi a majority to elect, the (ieneral Assembly chose Mr. Littlefield Governor by a vote of 82 Republicans to 20 Democrats, and the two following years he was re-elected by a handsome majority. During this service the same ability and ujirightness that had charac- terized his business dealings was conspicuously manifest as Governor of the State. His good judgment and sagacity contributed to the highest welfare of his constituency; and as pre- siding officer of the Senate he displayed a rare courtesy and wisdom, coupled with a becoming modesty, that won for him hosts of friends, and made him one of the most respected and hon. ored of governors. His death occurred Dec. 21, 1893. Mr. Littletield married, I-'ebruary 9, 1853, Rebecca Jane Northrup, of Central Falls. Their children are ICben N., Minnie J., (deceased), George II., (deceased), and Alfred H.Jr. E. B. Ingraham, Agent. — Manufacturer of button and stud liacks for the trade, and specialties in jewelry for the jobbing trade. Solid gold, rolled jjlate, electro-plate, etc. Busi- tiess established in 1891 by Eustis B. Ingra- ham, Agent. Works located at 21 Eddy street. Providence. Mr. Ingraham is a native of Attle- boro. Mass , and came to Providence and worked for a number of concerns before begin- ning business on his own account. Warren Manufacturing Co. — Manufacturers of cotton gooils in the line of sateens, twills, lawns and " Fancies," made from fine combed and carded yarns and silk. Mill located in Warren, R. I. This corporation carries a his- tory of more than half a century, and its growth and success confirms the wisdom, judgment and skill of those who early conceived, planned and put in operation the original enterprise, and have wisely guided and directed its management during these years, making possible its rapid increase from a small mill of about 12,000 spindles in 1847 to the modern and ideal plant of 100,000 spindles and 2,300 looms in 1901. The business was established through the en- terprise of Mr. John O. Waterman, July 6, 1847. who was then a citizen of Providence. He early identified himself with the town of War- ren, became actively related to its every inter- est and was honored by its citizens with many appointments to positions of inriuence and trust. It had the support and co-operation of the citi- zens of the town, who invested in it, and, in a degree, aided in the direction of its affairs. The first mill which was known as No. 1, was built of brick in 1847, and about 1861 the No. 2 mill was erected, and in 1872 the No. 3 mill was built, all three structures being joined together in one mill soon after. The year following the completion of the No. 3 mill, in 1881, Mr. Waterman died, and he was succeeded by his son, Mr. John Waterman, as Treasurer and General Manager of the business. The com- pany received their charter at the spring ses- sion of the Rhode Island Legislature in 1847, the capital of the corporation being J5 150,000. In March, 1854, this was increased to §175,000,' and in i860 the capital was raised to $300,000, and later it was increased to $600,000, the pres- ent capitalization. Mr. John Waterman for more than twenty years successfully managed the business of the corporation. During his administration the early mills, in a reconstructed form, were entirely destroyed by fire on the night of October 3, 1895. Above this reversal the will and enterprise of Mr. Waterman was early manifested, and pre\ailed in the re-estab- lishment of the plant, and in its present en- larged proportions and improved equipment. The same masterly genius and ability started and successfully operated the mills and during the subsequent years, some of them years of depression, built for it the reputation of one of the most successful corporations in the State. Mr. Waterman died very suddenly December 21, igoo, stricken in the very prime of his life, and in the strength and power of his usefulness. He was influential in town affairs, being at one time a member of the town council, and a mem- ber of committees having charge of town im- provements, which included the Town Hall, the Public Library, the new bridge that spans the Warren river, and other improvements. Dur- ing 12 years of Mr. Waterman's administration he had associated with him in the superinten- dency and management of the mill, Mr. Arnold Schaer, and in the successes of the mill he shared mutually with Mr. Waterman. Mr Schaer's skill and ability was ever fully recog- nizee! by the administration of Mr. Waterman and by the directory as well. He is a man of broad knowledge and excellent e.xecutive ability. Mr. Schaer is a native of Switzerland where he was born in 1852. He received a thorough technical education in the mills of his native :o8 I^IOC.RAI'IIKAI, llISri)R\- OF 1111. MAX T lACTr RllRS country and in the wider t'lekis dt l''rance and ICnglanti. L'pon the death i>l Mi'. Waterman he was elected to the agency ol the corjioration. thus secLH'ing to the coinjiany the most thorough direction and management of the mill, together with the excellent mercantile al)ilitv ot Mr. Schaer in the bioader ticld ot purchaser lor the com])any and seller ol the mill protlucts. I he wisdom of this has lieen e\inced in the con tinned and increasing success ol the mill. l'"rank S. Hioune. the Tre.isurer ot the corpor ation, is a native ol W'aiien. where he was boi n Xovember 5, 1S4J. lie was elected to the ot'llce Januar\' ni, 1 ijui , .d)out one month after the death of Mi', Waterman, lie had served on the board ot directors for a nnnd)er ol \-ears antee that the business ol the \\ arren Maiiulac- turing Co. will be kepi up to the same high standai'd that was set in the beginning, and has been m.nntained by its managers in the past. The tirst president of the cor|)orati()n was John !\. W'heaton, who was elected to that ol'lice July ij, iS47. lie was succeeded by liis brothei', deorge W'heaton, and he in turn was succeedeil by (ien. William T. l^iarton, who was elected president m 1 S.S7, anil still hoUls that olfice. The tirst clerk elected was William T. Wheaton which occurred at the same time of the election of the tirst presiilent of the cor])oration The present clerk or secretary is I-'rank II. Champ- lin, who is a native of Warren, educated at its institutions, ami has tilled and now holds iiosi- L ■^^:. >^>v^-: if Warren Manufacturing lie received his education in the ])ublic schools of Warren and alter lea\ing the high school he was identitled with the .American I'"ile Co., ot I'awtucket. until that concern u|> Inisiness and their works bec.imc a part of the plant of the Slater Cotton ( d 1 le entered the employ of the new corporation, and serxed 111 the capacity of bookkeeper lor abmit two years, when he was called to the superintendency ol the mill, in which capacity lie served fourteen years, ,ind then he elected treasurer, which jxisition he held lor about four years, or until he was elected the treasurer ot the Ri\er .S|)inning Co. of Woonsocket, in iSyi, a ])osition which he still holds, .Mr, l)idwne's long ami successful C-\i)erience in the te.xtile businesss is a guar Co, Mill, Warren, R, I tions of honor, the gift of his townspeople Ho.ird ol Directors: W. d', B.iiton, tleo. Welch_ tdias. H. ( hild, !•". .S. Drowne, Arnold .Schaer .md luhvin A. C.uly. I'ower to] the mill is supplied by an .\. 1'. Allis Cied as a machine shop and brass foundry b\' his father, on the old homestead estate, about two miles out of the \iilage, which was des- troyed by lire in .August, 1892. The jsresent foundry is locateil on Cutler street, in the vil- lage of Warren, R. 1., where about 17 work- men are em|)loye(-l. Walter .S, J-iosworth, the pro])rietor of the business, was born in the town of Warren, 1\. 1 , January 10, 1851. He learned the trade of a machinist and brass molder in his tather's sho[i, and after completing his trade he afterward worked as a joiu'neyman for the I'rovi- dence Tool Co., of Providence, now the House- hold Sewing Machine Co. After leaving this ])lace he worked in James Brown's machine shop of Pawtucket, R. I., where he remained about four years. He then went back to his nati\'e town to work for the Warren Machine Co., and after about a year and a half the plant was destro)-ed by fire, and he then began the manufacture of wrought iron hardware for the Boston market, which he followed until he went into the foundry business in 1892. The cast- ings made by Mr. Bosworth are said to be as perfect as any made in the .State. Parker Mills, No. 2. Manufacturers of fine cotton goods. Mill locateil in Warren, R. I., Parker Mills, No 2, Warren, R. I. which was built in 1899, by the Parker Mills corporation ot hall Ri\er, Mass., which was incorporated m 1895, with a capiitalization of S8oo,ooo. Their P'all River mill was erectetl in 1896, and contains 48,968 sjjindles, and their AND BUSINESS MEN OF KlIODK ISLAND. 21 I Warren mill contains 41,344 spindles, 400 hands being employed in their Rhode Island mill. Officers: Leontine Lincoln, President; Seth A. Borden, Treasurer. Mill run entirely by a steam plant. A modern mill in every respect, and a great helj) to the town of Warren. Howland & Wheaton Co. — Manufacturers of cotton handkerchiefs. Business established and incorporated in 1898. Capitalized for $10,000. Factory located corner Main and Broad streets, Warren, R.I. Employ 50 hands. Officers: Albert L. Calder, 2d, President; Henry P. Howland, Treasurer and Manager. Mr. Howland was at the R. I. Bleach & Dye Works, Providence, R. I., for about eleven years before beginning the manu- facture of handkerchiefs. The factory is equijiped with modern machinery, and their production is C. E. & F. E. Sullaway.— Manufacturers of all kinds of button findings, including seamless balls of all shapes, levers, etc. Also manu- facture collar buttons in rolled gold and electro plate. Business established in 1898 as Colvin & Sullaway, and in 1899 V. E. Sullaway became a partner in the place of Mr. Colvin, when the firm name was changed to C. ]{. & F. K. Sull- away. F. E. Sullaway died in November, 1900, and Charles E. Sullaway became the sole pro- prietor. He is a native of Providence, where he was born January 24, 1854. He learned the jewelry findings business of the George H. Ful- ler & Son Co. of Pawtucket, where he worked for twenty-three years. He then became fore- man for D. A. White & Co., of Attleboro, Mass., where he remained for two years and then be- Plant of the Howland & Wheaton Co., Warren, R. I. as fine a line of goods as are produced in New gan business in Providence on his own account. England. A part of the factory was built some His present plant is located at 157 Orange street, fifty years ago, and was used as a jewelry manu- Providence. factory for a few years, the name of the firm be- William H. Sheldon Estate. — Manufacturer ing Smith, Dean & Eddy. Along about 1S80 of wooden bu.xes and builders' materials. Works the factory was enlarged and occupied by the located in Pascoag, R. I. One of the most ex- Inman Mfg. Co., manufacturers of shoe strings, tensive wood working shops and planing mills The Howland & Wheaton Co. purchased the in the State. The business has been under the factory in 1898 and established their present management of Mr. Manning Wood since the business. Messrs. Howland & Wheaton are death of Mr. Sheldon. young men of marked business ability, and their American Pickling Co. — Manufacturers of management of the affairs of the corporation pickles, ketchup, mustards, etc. Business estab- has made the business a great credit to the town lished by John B. Trottier and Stanislaus Four- of Warren. The factory is supplied with power nier. Office and packing rooms 12 to 22 Lons- by a complete modern steam plant. A part of dale avenue, Providence. Mill at 12 Beverly the lower floor is leased for a machine shop and street. Also carry on the baking business at printing ol'fice. 4 Dike street. 21 . IU()(,K.\1'1IKA1. ilMnm ()|- llll-, MANTFACTUKKKS J. W. Grant Chain Co. Maiuifacturers of rolled gold chains, ami sterling silver bracelets and ladies' chain. Business established in July. 1872. by J. W. (Irant ^^ Co. Works located at J5 Calender street, I'rovidence. Incorporated in May, lyoo. Cai)italized for Officers : loseph \V. (Irant. Treasurer; ICverett Cross- man, -Secretary. Joseph W. (Irant. who estab- lished the business, is one of the \-eteran jewelry manufacturers nt the city ol I'mvidence. He was born in Cumberland. R. I., August 10, 1X33. 1 le began the trade that he has followed through life in 1855. lie first went to work tor J. II. Sturdy iv C'o., of Wren t ham, Mass., where he remained about three years. He then was em ]i]()yed b\' I'aid vv I'"airbanks. j e wel ry m a n u f ac t u rer s of Xewburvpi irt, Mass.. where he remained one year; then located in Central h'alls. K. I., in the employ of riuubcr & Moies tor a few months. ihis was in i.Sdj. I Ic lelt the jewelry business and eidisted in the ijth Rhotlc Island Regiment, serving at the front ten months. Returning home he was employetl by 1 1. F. H;irrows & Co., (jI North Attleboro, and later by Robinson & Co., of .South Attlebori), M;iss., where he re- mained two years. He ne.xt served two years with the Whiting Mtg. to, of North Attleboro, ;uid with II. !•". Harrows iS; Co. again for three years. He then em]iloyed for a few months by Draper, I'ate iK: Haile)-, of Xorth .\ttleboro, after w-hich he located in I'rovidence. where he worked for A. < ). ii.dser and I'ayton is: Ihiwkins for about two \e,ns, which brought his working career up to i.Sjj, when he concluded he would manufacture on his own .account, and the firm of J, W. (iiant i\: Co. was organized and carried along un Clilford street, I'r()\-ideni'e. K. I. This E. M. Datt, liusiness was Inunded in iS(i5 !))• 1{. M. l)art, wlio continued it until iSi)4, when the present company was nrL;ani/e(L The pinduct of this iiidnstr\' is the well known I )art i'atent-Self I .uhricatiui; Stoji ('ocks loi steam, j;as, water, oil, etc., ,<;as tixtme a]ipliances ot a sujierior tpiality, steam i;liie heaters, l)art I'atent I'nion CoLi])linL';s, tlaniies ot all kinds, and elbow unions, made in all the tlilferent sizes and forms ro(piire(l by the users of such articles. This com])any occupies a part o| the building located on Chestnut, Ship and (lilTord streets and numbered i V> "H the last named street; the ofticers consist of !■;. M. Iiait, I'resiilent and Manager; (ieorge H. (hamplin. Treasurer; J. Milton ( lotf, Secretar)'. About lifty persons are em])loyed The l''airl)anks Co., 311 J^road- way, New \'ork, aie their i)rinci|)al sales agents in the Cnited .States, and sole export agents. The business has been ])rogressive, and is lutw well established, with an increasing yearly trade. S. B. Champlin Co. Manufacturers of solid gold stone rmgs, and ,i;olartnership continued until 1891, when he withtlrew from the com- pany, and since carried on business under the name of The Miller I'ress and Machine Co. He brought to the new company the same en- ergetic spirit that aided so much in advancing the age of 18 He was first employed in the the interests of the former company, and the re- mill of the Woonsocket Company, which was suit has been success from the beginning, owned by i'hilip Allen. He worked there Mr. Miller's sons are young men of enterprise, under Samuel and Paul (ireen. manufacturers and they are endeavoring to maintain the same of sheetings, for si.\ years, and was for a time high standard in the manufacture of these second hand in the carding room. He went to presses that their father establisheti. 220 Hit x.RAI'llICAI, IllSlOKN' Ol- 1111: MA M ' 1'"ACTL'R1';RS Geo. W. Voelker & Co. Manufacturers ol the X'oelker rotary cloth presses, dewing ma- chinery, cloth roll trucks, burling tables, clear- ing and brushing ni.ichinery. lousiness estab lished in 1S9J. Works located rear 65 L'nion street. Woonsocket, R I. ( ieo. W . X'oclker was born in Woonsocket, R. 1., July 18, 1S55 When he was two )-ears of age his parents nio\-ed to Indiana, where he was brought up, receiving his education in the public schools. He learned the trade of a carpenter and in i Sjii came back to the pl;ice of his nativity anil engageil with the Ilautin Sewing Machine C"o. Here he ob- tained his first experi ence in the machuic business. He after wards engaged with <;. W- Mdler .K- Co., tr.neling among the woolen manufacturers selling .md erecting some oi the hrst ro tary cloth presses, cdled the .Springhorn ^S: Haush, Ihey ha\ iug rebuilt a press which was imported fnim < icrman)-, the same construction ha \- i ng been jjatented here m iN^5 by Mr. H.tilev ot .\mesbury, .Mass. The m.ichine had (Uie bed, and one ccuitact, the l)ressu re being obtained hy compound le\erage. In i.Xijj Mr. \oelker began manufacturing his rotar)- chith ]iress which is his specialty. He in\-ented se\eral ])arts that he believes have placed this jjress where it can do the finest work it is |)ossible to m,d)• a series of \'ertical levers and toggle-links opeiatecl b\- c.ims. The X'oelker dewing ma- chine, tor dampening woolen, worsted and cotton fabrics, before ani.1 after pressing, was [latented by .Mr. X'oel- ker I*"ebruary 28, 1899, •md is consetpiently cuie of the latest im- proved machiuesot this kind. The machine is simple in construction, and reipiiics no watei pressiu'e, pumps, blow- ers, filters, jiressure gauge, (U' nozzle, the dew bemg made by centrifugal force. The mois- ture recpiired can be regulated to ';: ounce to the v.ird, ;ind the change can be made in less than ti\e seconds. These machines, together with his cloth [iresses, are used extensively thmughout the cmuitry where textile manufac- turing is carried on. The ]ilaut where these machines are made is equi|iped with modern machiuei)-, ,ind the latest devices for handling the hea\ \' p. 11 Is while in course of construction. National Pile Fabric Co. — Manufacturers of corduroys, cotton dress goods, shirtings, etc. i5usiness established in iSgQand incorporated AND BUSINESS MKN OF RllODl'; ISLANH. 221 in 1901. Capitalized for S 100,000. W'oiks located corner of Pond and East School streets, Woonsocket, R. I. Employ about 60 hands. Officers: J. M. R. Taylor, President; William Maertens, Treasurer and Secretary. A 100 horse power Corliss engine supplies the power for the plant, and their own dynamo furnishes electric lights. James M. R. Taylor, the (Jen- eral Manager of the business, was born in Providence, June 2, 1866. He learned the J. Kenworthy & Co.— Manufacturers of brush machinery and tool work. Also does pattern making in wood and steel. Business established in 1897 John Kenworthy was born in Woon- socket, R. I., Dec. 24, 1844. Learned the trade of a machinist in Woonsocket, and labored as a journeymen for a number of years in various I)laces, among them being the Morse Twist Drill Co., of New Bedford, the Taft-Pcirce Mfg. Co., of Woonsocket, and others. Voelker Rotary Cloth Press. Geo. manufacturing business in the mills of the Lorraine Manufacturing Company of Paw- tucket, where he was em|)loyed for some si.xteen years, beginning in the picker room and working up through all of the depart- ments of the factory, until he was finally given full charge of the designing, in which capacity he was serving when he left to start in business on his own account in Woonsocket. W. Voelker & Co., Woonsocket, R. I. S. S. Getchell & Son. — ^Lanufacturers of tin- ware for factories, including tin cylinders, etc. Works located on South Main street, Woon- socket, R. I. Seth S. (ietchell was born in Wells Depot, Maine. Located in Woonsocket and established the tin manufacturing business in 1870. Herbert E. Getchell is a native of Woonsocket, where he was born December 21, 1872. He became a partner with his father in 1894. HinCkAI'llIC.M. HlSl OR^■ i )1 .MAXIM-ACT :i:k.s Lafayette Worsted Co. Manutacturcrs of worstcil yarns, I'reiK'h system. lUisiiiess estab lished i.'^yg, ami incorporated the same year. Capitalized for $350,000. l'"actory located in Hamlet. Woonsocket, R. I. ()tficers: M. .Simonis, President; P. Mali, Treasurer; Charles l)e\-ine, .Secretary. Mr. .Simonis is a nati\e of X'erviers. Helgium. P. Mali is a native of \'er- \iers. liel^dum, and is the Peli^ian Consul (ien- eral to the Cnited Stales, whose head(|uarters .ire in New ^'ork city. .Mr. Dexine is a native George A. Metcalf. — Maiudacturer ot cotton and woolen machinery, steam and <;asolene en- gines, model work, etc. J5usiness established in iSStj. Works located in Woonsocket, K. I., on Park avenue. (leorge.\. .Metcalf was born in U.xbridge, .Mass., June 10, i'S55. Learned the traile of a machinist in Worcester. Is a thorough meihanical engineer. U. S. Rubber Co. Wool Boot Department. Manufacturers of wool boots which are made to lit into .1 kind of rubber arctic for lumber Voelker Dewing Machine Geo. W. Voellcer & Co , Woonsocket, R. I. (."^te p.ige 220. of l''rance. A large nundier of the empknes mcti, cti of this factory are natives of h'rance. E. J. Prue & Co. — Manufacturers of knit goods, including undershirts, mittens and gloves. Business established in 1.S9.J as Prue ^: .Stiles. .Mr. Stiles later disposing of his interest, the tirm name became ]•".. J. Prue & Co. Mr. I''rank |. Prue is a iKitive of Woonsocket, where he carries on ;i gents' furnishings store in con- nection with his manufacturing. I'"aclory lo- cated on .South M:un street, near Woonsocket h'alls. hisiness established about iH'J/- Works l(Hatcd on South Main street, Woon- socket, R. I. lunploy about J75 hands. Ceorge C Wetmore, jr., Treasurer of this branch of the ciim]ian\'. Naushon Company. —Manufacturers of cotton cloth. Pusiness established June i. njtii, and in- corporated May 4, 1901. Factory located in Woonsocket, R'. \. Panjiloy 200 hands. Con- template building a new factory in 1902, in \'al- ley l''alls. ()l'ticers: Malcolm (i. Chase, Presi- dent; (ieorge C. Hinckley, Secretary and Treasurer. AND BUSINESS MEN OF RHODE ISLAND. 223 William A. Harris Steam Engine Co. — Manu- Mr. Sims, who was so long identitied with Arm- factiirers of the Harris-Corliss steam engine, ington & Sims, manufacturers of the Armington and the Armington & Sims high speed engine. & Sims high-sjjeed steam engine, which has Business established by William A. llarrisin won so wide a reputation for certain class of i.S()4, in the old (iovernor Dorr headc|uarters on work among manufacturers, is giving to the ICddy street, where he remained until Novem- company his extensive e.xperience as an en- ber, 1 868, wiien he moved his plant to the cor- gineer, thereby guaranteeing the best class of ner of Park and I'romenade streets, in the city construction work that can [xissibly be secured of Providence, where the business is located at in the line of steam engine building. William the present time. Business incor])orated in A. Harris, Jr., the President of the corporation, 1888, with a capitalization of $100,000 Reor- was born in Pro\idence, Jiuie 22, 1872. P>ed- gani/ed January (, 1901. Officers: William A. erick A.W.Harris, the \'ice-President of the Harris, Jr., President ; Frederick A. W. Harris, concern, was born in I'rovidence, August 22, \'ice-President ; l-l. I'rancis Crowell, Secretary 1864; both are sons of the loutuler of the busi- and Treasurer ; Gardiner C. Sims, Superintend- ness and l)oth are graduates of 15rown Univer- ing luigineer. William A. iiarris, the founder of the business, was born in Wood- stock, Conn., March 2, 1835. After completing his edu- cation in the public schools, and in the private school of South Williamstown, Mass., he was engaged as a clerk in 1852 in the Union Bank of Providence, where lie re- mained until 1855, when he entered the employ of the I'rovidence F'orge and Nut Co., now the Rhode Island Tool Co, as a draftsman. In April of the following year he entered the drafting room of Corliss & Nightin- gale, afterwards the Corliss Steam F^ngine Co., where he remained until 1864, when he began manu- ice for family trade. Flmploy about 55 hands, facturing steam engines on his own account. The ]30wer for the jilant is supplied by two De His [jroductions became very popular, demands la \"ergne refrigerating machines with a capa- for the Harris-Corliss engines being received city of 75 tons each, the engines rejjresenting from nearly all the manufacturing countries, 125 horse power each. There are also two and to-day they are in use in nearly all parts of Harris-Corliss engines and five small vertical the globe. Mr. Harris was a member of the engines, together with a 40 horse power Ridge- City Council of Providence, and was a member way high sjieed engine for the electrical plant, of the House of Representatives from 1883 to all of which aggregate a total of about 1,000 horse power. R. S, Cutting & Co.— Manufacturers of col- lar buttons in rolled plate. Also handle the [jicture hooks manufactured for the firm by (ieorge Ilummell. Business established about 1880. W'orks located at 157 Orange street, William A. Harris, sity. The plant is equijjped with modern machinery of every kind necessary to the production of the best class of work in the building of stationary engines, powers ranging from 50 to 3,000 horse. The Providence Brewing Co. — Manufacturers of lajrer beer. Business incorporated in 1891. Capitalized for $300,000. Officers; James Hanley, President; John E. Ciood, Secretary and Treas- urer. Brewery located at the corner of Hams avenue and Eagle street. Providence. Also are the proprietors of the Hygenic Ice Co., manu- facturers of and dealers in 1886, covering a term of four years. Mr. Crowell, the Secretary and Treasurer of the company, has been connected with the concern for about eighteen years, and understands every detail of the extensive business, which has proven of value to the corporation, since the death of Mr. Harris, which occurred Oct. 29, 1896. Providence. Robert S. Cutting, proprietor. 224 HI()(iR.\rilHAI. I1IST()K\" nl- Till.. MAXlM'A(TrRi:RS Oakdale Mfg. Co. Maiuifacturcis ot mar gariiie and biitleiinc. Husiness e-stablishcd in 1881 in a small vva\'. Incorporated in i8gi with a paitl uj) capital of 5300,000. l"\actory located on .South Water street, I'rovidence. In 1894 the demand for their jiroducts being so great the company were com[)elled to enlarge their works, which they did by acquiring the proj^erty to the south of their original factory, containing over 4,000 si|u,ire feet. ( )n this site a six story building was erecteil. and the old building in- creased in si/e by atkling enough .stories to make it the same height of the new structure, and so joined on to the new liuilding as to make them ha\'e the ap])earance of one structure, as shown on the opposite l>age, making it one of the largest ])lants for the manufacture of but- tenne, etc., in the L'niled .States, and the (juality of theii proiliictioiis is said to lie as line as can possibly be pidducetl in a nianufactured article of food of this kind. The process of pre[)aring the ingietlients of which butterine or margarine are made is a steiili/ing process, and entirely destroys all germs nijurious to the hu- man system that possibly may occur in any pro- duct not sterili/ed. The factoiy is as clean as any dairy in the countr)', and their products are handled by workmen who are clean and neat in their apjiearance, ex'erything alxnit the factory imjiressing one as carried on under a perfect and strict system, the tirst demand being neatness and cleanliness. They em|)loy about joo work- men, many ladies being included in this number, who do the ]iacking, etc., and this force can turn out al)out 100,000 pounds of nianuf.ictured but- ter daily. The goods tor the foreign market are ]nit up tastefully in tinfoil and ]jacked in bas- kets, and in tin plate packages, [Kicked in com- partment cases, thereby insuring sate transpor- tation to any part of the world. The jiower de- ](artment consists of two 1 30 hoise power boilers of the horizontal type, ami .1 Rice & Sargent engine, 150 horse powei', ol the Corliss t\'iie. The boilers fuiiiish steam, not only fur the en- gine and heating, but .also tor the various uses re(|uire(l in the preparation of materials antl manufacture ot goods made ,ind put up by the company. A comjilete electric ]iL;hting plant is installed tor use of both arc anil incandescent lamps, by which the whole building is lighted. The officers of tlie company are: h'rank M. Mathewson, President; (leorge A. Munyan, Treasurer: Jeremiah 11. Ilall, Secretar)-. Theodore Foster & Bro. Co. — Manufacturers ol all kinds ot rolled gold plate jewelry, and sterling silver goods. Business originally estal)- lished January i, 1875, under the name of White & l'"oster, and was later changed to White, Foster & Co., and still later to I'"osler & l^ailey. In Ma\, 1898, the business was incorporated under the present name, and capitalized for S.500,000. Works located at 100 Richmond street, corner ot Friendship street, I'rovidence. The business was located here in this building in 1880, only one floor being occujjied at that time, but now the whole building is occupied by the company, together with other buildings lo- cated in the same square, all of which are owned by them, with the exception of the ( )stby & Harton Building and the (ieorge M. Baker Build- ing. The building in the rear of their main tactory, which is one of the oldest manufacturing buildings in the city, is leased principally to other jewelry manuf.icturers. The building on Richmond street was originally occu[)ie(l by -S.ickett iK: l).ivis, jewelery manufacturers, which concern built the factory. The Theodore h'oster & Bro. Co. are among the largest manu- facturers of jewelry and sterling silver goods in the cit)', employing some J75 hands. The officers of the corporation are: Theodore W. h'oster, President and Treasurer; T. Clyde l-'oster, X'ice-I'resident ; Ernest I.. I'"ullci", Sec- retary. Raliance Worsted Co. — .Manufacturers of worsted goods for men and ladies's wear. Busi- ness established in 18(^9. Incorporated the same year. l'';ictor)' loc.itetl in Woonsocket, R. I. hanploy ab"Ut Joo hands. Capitalizeil for ^ 1 00,000. (Tliccts: William I,. \'oungman, President; John C ;imi)bell, \'ice-President ; Philip llenault. Treasurer and .Secretary. Mr. \'oungmaii is :i nati\'e of the .State of Penn- sylvania, lie is a practical manufacturer, and is engaged in other maniitacturing enterprises, and is now located in New York, lohn Camp- bell is a native of Pascoag, R. 1, where he learned the worsted business b\- working in the mills of his native town. Phili|> llen;iult, the Manager of the business, w-as born in Montreal, Canada, November 13, i860. Came to Woon- socket in 1871), ;ind learned the worsted busi- ness in the ITirris i'rix'ilege .Mill, where he worked some tittecn years. The linn ot Camp- bell, IleiKiultX: Co., then organized and began business in Westerly. R. I., where they remained for about li\e years before removing to Woonsocket. &Ak.. I .*1 JI 4 .-If F 7. '"- - rrrr im-^ -^N c/v^-i Plant o{ the Oakdale Mfg. Co.. South Water Street, Providence. (l->) 226 HIO(^.RAl'lIKAI, llISrORV OI'' Till', MAN T I AC TU K MRS Wm. Oscar Cornell. — Merchant and manufac- the public schools of the city, his first business turer. Mr. ('(irnell was born in Providence, experience being that of a bookkeeper for a l-"e]iruary S, iS:;6. lie received his education in commission house in I'ro\idence from iS63to 186(1. in 1 866 he established a tlour and oil busi- ness in the old \'aup;han Building on Custom 1 louse street, the business being carried on untler the tirm name of S. Cornell K' Co., his father being associated with him. This was continued until 1869, when he entered the wholesale grocery business under the firm name of Cornells ami Mumford, his father still re- taining an interest, their store being located on Dyer street, oi>posite the wharf of the I'rovi- William Oscar Cornell. r* ^ *w^ 1 / id C ><^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^ Frank H. Andrews. dence, I'"all River & Newport .Steamboat Co. Here he reniainetl until 1S84, a period of fifteen years, during which time an extensive business was built up throughout Southern New I'^ng- land, their kerosene oil business develoi)ing to such an extent that they became the largest dealers ni that article in the State. l-'rom 1880 to i8yi .Mr. Cornell was a special I)artner in the tirm of \V. H. Sawtelle & Co., of Detroit, Mich., wholesale dealers in tlour antl salt, the business being a very successful one. In 1890 he entered into co-partnership with Messrs. Freilerick W. ami Frank H. Andrews under the tirm name of Cornell & .Andrews, the Frederick W. Andrews. AND HUSINKSS MEN OF RHODE ISLAND. 227 business being that of gold aiul silver refiners, smelters and dealers in bullion, their works be- ing located on Calender, Sabin and Mathewson streets. Providence. lie is Secretary and Treasurer of the American Seamless Wire Co., which was organized in May, 1897, whose works are located at 144 Pine street. The conijiany manufacture principally gold seamless wire. Mr. Cornell is President of the Providence Dye- ing, Bleachitig and Calendering Co. with works on Valley street. Providence ; Mr. Cornoll's father, Stephen ("ornell, being identified with this business for a period of fully si.\ty years, commencing as a workman in the establishment and occupying at various times all of the posi- tions that the business offered up to the office of President, which position he held until his re- tirement from all active business. Upon Mr. .Stephen Cornell's retirement, his son, Wm. Oscar Cornell, was elected a director in the corporation of the Providence Dyeing, Bleaching and Calendering Co., and in January, 1901, was elected to the office of President of the Board. The business was established in 1814, and has been one of the most successful bleacheries of the State. Mr. Cornell has always been very much interested m educational matters, having been a trustee of Tuft's College, of Medford, Mass., since March 2, 1882. He established a scholarship there, which cares for a tuition, and Mr. Cornell has been careful to give the benefit of this scholarship to students whose means were limited, which have included young women as well as young men. He has been a director in the Westminster ]5ank for nearly twenty years. While always refusing to accept any public offices, or to enter the politi- cal field, still he has always wielded a healthful influence in the city, particularly in that section round about Davis Park, where he resided for over thirty years, his place of residence now being on the east side of the city. Cornell & Andrews. — Smelters, refiners and assayers of gold and silver, and dealers in bullion. Business established in 1S90 by William Oscar Cornell, Frederick W. Andrews and Frank H. Andrews. Mr. Cornell is a native of Providence, R. I., where he was born P'ebru- ary 8, 1836, and has been one of the most active and best known business men in the mercantile line in the city of Providence for a number of years. F. W. Andrews was born in Gardiner, Maine, l<"ebruary 28, 1839. He was with the old firm of Curtis & Arnold and its successor of 'Ip^ 11 ~ Si .f ■„'_J Providence and has been actively engaged in the business for thirty years. His son, F. H. 2JS Hioc.KAriiicAi. iiisrom- oi' iiii-. mami-'actiri-.ks Andrews, was hmn in (iardinor, Ale, Xov. 23, i86j. Works located on Calender, Sabin anil >[ ,t u,.,, ,,,,, streets, Trovidence, and contain Harry W. Marcy. about 14,000 sijuare feet of floor sjiace. 1 he office is located at 23 Mathewson street. The works of the ('ornell-yXndrews Smelting Co. are located in Attleboro, Mass., in a new building erected specially for the purpose, 50 .\ 170 feet. These works are equipjjed with smelter and cojiper recovery plant, including acid condenser, also with roller bearing mills, which are among the largest used for rolling silver in this coun- try. ( )rficers : W'ni. ( )scar Cornell, President; (icorge I'". Andrews, \'ice rresident ; l-'rederick W. Andrews, 'Treasurer; l-'rank II. Andrews. .Secretary. The I-ioard of I )irectors is composed o| the al)o\e n.tnicd gentlemen, with l\eulien |. Kice, the Manager of the Meridcn works, and I'rof. !''rank \V. l)urkec of Tutt's College, in ventoi' ot the cop|)er jHocess used b\' the com pany. There are also works at .Meridcn, Conn., carried on under the management of Ivcuben |. Rice, who had been lor nian\ years in the same line ot l)usiness in the State ot Connecticut prior to the establishment of the Cornell & Andrews Co., of which he is a memlier. These three plants arc among the most coni|)leteto be found ni New luigland, and an e.\tensi\e business is carried on all o\er the I'nited .States and Can- ada. The gentlemen who established the busi- ness are fidly versed in every detail, and as a result of their knowledge a very large trade has been built u|). The accomi)an)ing cut of theii' works in Providence, Attleboro and Meridcn, gives a good itlea of the e.\tent of their com- buied plants. Harry W. Marcy. - Manufacturer of high grade tlat and tubular shoe laces and fancy l)raids. Business estal)lished in iSijij. Works located at " Cromwell street, Trovidencc. Harry W. Marcy was born in Providence, June 2. T. C. Tucker & Co. Manufacturers of a gen- eral line of electro-]>lated jewelrv. Business es- tablished in 1 89(1 b)' Thomas C. Tucker, who was l)oi n in Nantucket, .Mass., in July, 185c). Works located at u Bexerly street, Proxidence. ljn[)lo_\'s I J hands. R. I. Color Works. — Manulacturers of kalso- mineand colors. Business established by Bern- hard Ilainbach some twenty years or more ago. Works located at 19 Calender street. Providence. AND imSIXESS MEN OF RHODE ISLAND. 229 Crahan Engraving Co. — Makers of half-tone and line cuts, by the photo-engraving process. Also half-tone cuts for three-color printing. Marcus Crahan. The business was established by Marcus Crahan in 1897, at 301 Westminster street, Providence, and one year later was located in the present quarters at 193 Westminster street, where he turns out the finest grade of halftone work to be found in New England, together with half-tone cuts for daily newspaper use, which are of neces- sity a much coarser line of work. One depart- ment for the fine work and one for the coarser grade. Mr. Crahan was the first engraver to introduce three-color plates in the city of Provi- dence. He has made a great success of this line in bringing out the variety of colors in enamel jewelry and in various other color de- signs. Marcus Crahan was born in l""ulton, N. Y., F'ebruary 5, 1869. He began the trade of an engraver in Syracuse, N. Y., in 1888. After leaving this place he was engaged by the Maurice Joyce Engraving Co. of Washington, D. C, where he remained three years. He was then employed by George H. Benedict, a lead- ing engraver of Chicago, 111., and after remain- ing there one year he was offered the foreman- ship of the Rhode Island Engraving Co. of Providence, which he accepted, remaining one year, at the end of which time he was employed, by C. J. Peters of Ikiston, and after a few months he again entered the employ of the Rhode Island P2ngraving C^o., where he re- mained until he established business on his own account under the name of the Crahan Engrav- ing Co., in August, 1897. lie has been remark- ably successful, his plant being one of the best equipped and most complete in the New Eng- land States. The half-tone plates of this publi- cation were nearly all made by this company, and the plates used by J. D. Hall & Co. in their other publications were also made by this con- cern, all of which show a high class of work- manship by the superiority of their printing qualities. Rice & Hayward. — Manufacturers of all kinds of [ilain and fancy crackers, biscuits, bread and pastry. By far the largest manufac- turers of breadstuffs in the State of Rhode Island. Business established by P'itz-James Rice. Bakeries located at 310 to 316 Broad street, Providence. William S. Hayward, de- ceased, bought an interest in the business in 1858, after he had worked in the establishment for about seven years. In 1863 Mr. Hayward purchased the entire busuiess, and two years later Mr. Rice again became a partner, which continued for a number of years. William S. Hayward, who had been the predominating spirit of the business, during his life, was born in Foster, R. I., February 26, 1835. At the age of twelve he went to Old Warwick, R. I., to work on a farm, and in 1851 began to work as a baker in the establishment that he had the honor of owning in the years that followed. He made the business a success, the goods made by Rice & Hayward being known in all parts of the country, and their local trade being very extensive. Mr. Hayward was one of the most highly respected citizens of the city of Provi- dence, because of his gentlemanly qualities that stood out prominently under all circumstances. He was a member of the City Council from 1872 to 1876, when he was elected to represent his ward in the Board of Aldermen, being reelected for several years until he was elected Mayor of the city in 1880 to succeed Mayor Doyle. After serving three years he declined a renomination. He was a member of the State Legislature in the Lower House for two years, 1885 and 1886, and was appointed a member of the State Board of Charities and Corrections, by Governor Bourn, in 1884, and reappointed in 1886 by Governor Wetmore. Upon Mr. Hayward's death in 1900, the business was continued under the direction of Mrs. Hayward. '30 Hit )(,R.\l'ilIC.\l, :iSl()R\- OI' Till'; .MANUl'AC ks Quidnick Manufacturing Co. — Incorporated in 1S.S4. ( Jfficers: Jeffrey Davis, President; John 11 llanihly, Treasurer. lunploy 500 hands. William D. Davis. The mills (if the erty durint; their owner- ship in de\eloping the water |)owerand improve- ments, and it was the last of their vast property til be relintpiished by them, and then only after a long and expensive litigation. The property tinally came into the jiossession ni the jiresent K ^'*^ / John H. liambly. Cdmpany which was oi'gani/ed m 1.SS4, by William I). l)a\is, Henry A, Iliddeti and others. l'[itcithis lime the [irotluclinn nt the mills were (<4 by (14 print cloths, and the t'orporation at once com mencetl to make improvements, add it ions and changes in the niachiner\', replacing the print cloth looms with wide looms, so that at present the mills are cipiippcd foi the manu- lacluic of wide sheetings, twills, fancy goods, etc., for ihc converting trade. The present capacit)- of the mills is .ibout 45,000 spindles and 1000 hioms. ( )iiginall\' there were two woolen mills standing upon this estate, which were owned by the I'afts, and known as the Taft Mills and Print Winks. These were taken Jeffrey Davis. AND Hl'SINKSS MKN (IF RIIODK ISLAND. 231 down, and in 1848 the Spragues built the No. i stone mill, which had twoe.xtensions, one at each end, of only two-and-one-half stories. Since then these extensions have been built up to the height of the main building, and an addition on the northern end has been added of the same height, which makes the mill much larger than when first built, having a length of 425 feet. The No. 2 stone mill was built about 1875, and is 225 feet in length. Mr. William 1). Davis was born in Davisville, R. I., and is a descendant ing by the old hand looms, they conducted from 181 1 to 1824. In 1824 they began the operation of woolen looms by water power at the same locality where their ancestors had ground corn at their grist mill for over a century. Mr. William D. Davis is a son of Jeffrey Davis. Had been a woolen goods manufacturer nearly all of his life prior to the establishment of the ( Juidnick Mfg. Co. Jeffrey Davis, the President of the company, is the son of William D. Davis, and was born in Centreville, R. I., .Sejatember 2, 1850. He began in the manufacturing busi- ness in 1870, after graduating from Brown Uni- Mills of the Quidnick Manu of the founders of the village of Davisville, North Kingston, R. I., where they settled some time prior to 1700. The first Jeffrey Davis was born here in 170S, where he followed the milling business until his death in 1782. His name has been handed down through several gener- ations, the last to bear the name being the present President of the (Juidnick Mfg. Co. Jeffrey Davis, 2d, with his brother Kzra, was one of the earliest woolen manufacturers in the State of Rhode Island, their business being carried on under the firm name of I{. & J. Davis, their factory being located at what was then known as Davis's Mills, now Davisville. They began with a wool carding and cloth-dressing establishment, which, in connection with weav- facturing Co., Quidnick, R. I. versity, and was elected to the Presidency of the (Juidnick Mfg. Co. in 1894. Was Treas- urer of the (Juidnick Mfg. Co. until 1893. Mr. Davis is also a director of several banking institutions, insurance and manufacturing com- panies of the State. John II. Hambly, Treas- urer of the company, was born in Massachusetts. Oct. 22, 1861. He began the manufacturing business in Fall River, Mass., and was elected Assistant Treasurer of the (Juidnick Mfg. Co. in 1891 and Treasurer in 1893. Mr. Hambly was elected President of the Providence Roarti of Trade in 1899 and re-elected in 1900. Mr. Ham- bly has been a member of the Fxecutive Coun- cil of the Board for a number of years, and chair- man of the I-'inance (Committee for five years. The recent success of the Board is in a large measure due to his enterprise in advancing its interests. liKXiUAI'IIICAI, HISTom- ol- TIIK MANU1'ACTL?RI;R.S Capron & Co. — Maniilactuicrs of rolled golil and clcctid plated CDllar buttons, cult Inittons, -Studs, etc. Husiucss establishetl January i, X Herbert S. Capron. 1S7.S, the lirm tiien eonsistini; ot llartord /\. (apron, iMank Iv (.'.ipion anlate. Business established in 1S9S. Works located at ly Calender street, i'ro\idence. Em- ploy 85 hands. Archibald .Silverman was born in Kussia, March 5, iSSo. Charles .Silverman was born in Russia in 1S77. They both came to .Amer- ica about the year 1891, locating in Providence, where they learned the jewelry business and were emijloyed b)' a number of Providence con- cerns before establishing business on their own accoimt. Johh T. Cuddy & Co. M.inufacturers of rolled gold i)late and electro-platetl jewelry ; general line for ladies. Business established about 1885. Woiks located at 25 Calender street, Proxideuce. John T. (uddydied about the year 189J, liut his interest retained by members of the family. John A, h'leming, the active member of the rtrm, who is gen- eral manager of the business, was born in Paw- tucket, R. !., July 3, 1858. Their goods are sold extensively throughtmt this coimtry, and e.\])Ort some of their lines. Ralph Colwell & Co. — Manufacturers of worsted goods for ladies' anil men's wear Business established b)' Ho|)kins & Rhodes in 1887. Works located at i) Calender street. Providence. l';m|)loy 43 hands. The mem- bers of the firm are Ral[)h Colwell, a native of .Scituate, R. I., and I'riah R. Col- well, a native of Clocester, R I AND lU'SINKSS MI'lN Ol' RIIODK ISLAND. 235 PAWTUCKET, R. I. products that tlii'v produce, knittius,^ machines. etc.. as made 1)\ tlie hales i\: jenks Machine Co., .Sometime i)rii ir |c p tile I i|nninL; dl' the i\e\iihi h'.astim iV I'.m'uiiam Machine Co., Charles .\. tionary Wai. in 1775. the manniactminj; Hfe of i.nllier iV Co., llie I'autncket Mannfactnrintj I'awtucket had heynn in the form of foru;c> in Co., tile \\ ilHani II. Ilaski-ll Co.. Ceori^e W. '.Ill' workin;; of metals for varion> pnrppjses, Tayne iV Co., I'otter (.\; .\tluilon .Machine CV)., wliich were owned hy Jose])li Jenks. Jr., and .\. IC Tennev .Manufacturini; Co.. James I'.rown about i/N.^ ( )ziel Wilkinson I'stahlished a for^L and a number of others, all jirodncini^ the hii^h- tor similar ]itn-poscs the I'alls, where the est j^'rade of i^nods in their various specialties, [enks fors,;es were located, lie made anchors. Ilie cit\', however, is looked u]ion b\ the outside tools, and diliferent kinds of implenu'nis, inclnd- world a.s more of a textile manufacturinf; center, \uix shovels, spades and scytlies, cloiuL; ipiite an \i ith the modern |)lant of the .Slalei' ( otion Co. extensi\e business for the ship owners and resi- on .Main stri'ct, a creditable representative of dents ol the adjoiniiiL; town ol I'rovidence. tlu' nanu- of . "slater, both in the ap])earanci' of the While the industrial loumlation of I'awtuckel null slrucliu'es and the class and \dlnme of ^*i ^•.>i® '^^T%^. iiiiilllii EH liiliiBliiii WMW-I nniii,'^" Pawtucket Falls, 1901. was laid in the iron and stt-el indnstr\, when y'oods jjroduced. Then there are the works of ,'-iamuel .Slater completed hi> ^pinniuL; frame here the Conant Thread Co., anioni; the Liryest in the in 171)0, the town of I'awtncket became famous World, the I ireene iK; Daniels ])lant, Hope Web- as the home of the textile industry in ,\merii-a. bini;- (_'o., the Littlefield Manufactm-in.!^' Co., and forever afterwarn. Cumber- mi;- the first successful spinnini,; frann' that was ],incated in different parts of the city, afterwards used as a machine shop Iiy Stejjhen There was another dam built across the l^lack- Jenks iK: .Sons, and the balance of the building stone River a few hundred feet above the dam for the manufacture of cotton cloth. This at I'awtucket Falls, somewhere about 1792, building was l)urned in January, iSj(), and soon which provided about the same amount of power after a mill was built by Lemuel II. .\rnold and for the mill owners in I'awtucket as was fur- I'alemon Wolcott, for the manufacture of cdtton nished the manutacturers at Central h'alls at tluck, which was known as the "Duck Mill." the dam built by Charles Keene, and there was Charles Moies and Ceorge I^'. Jenks bought the ;' similar division ot the water ])ower, which was Duck Mill estate in 1S32, and the firm ot Moies, occasioned by the buikling of .Sargent's Trench. Ingraham e\; C'o., began the manufacture (jf cot '> canal that extended under Main street, empty ton thread. The lot on which the mill stood i"g mto the river proper again below I'awtucket , I , ,, f ,•, ,f , , ■ . , I-alls. 1 his uiMier dam supiilied this trench with was sold to Kufus .Statlord, and is now a i)art o . , ^ 11 .u -n ' a gi\'cn amount ot water, as well as the mills the .Stalford Mfg. Co. property. In i.S?? the situated on the dam, which included .Samuel owners of the Central I'"alls water pri\-ilege IkuI .Slater's original mill. AND BUSI\1-:SS MKX Ol' RHoDK ISLAM). 241 Stafford Manufacturing Co. — .Maiuil'; lit cotton yarns. liusiiifs.s cslahlislioil l)\ Rufus J. StalTord, who carricil cm tlu' l)u>inc>s lor sc\cral \ rar> piinr t'l iSdo at tlu' .\'o. 1 |iri\iles"c ol' tlic (-\-mral l''all> dam that was l)iiilt h}' Charles Kccni- in ijSo. 'Ilu- l)nsincss was incorporated nndrr the present name in iS(i4. the principal sli jckliohiers heins;' jose])li \\(.)o(.l and join 1 .\. .\danis. [ '|)on the death of .Mr. Wood in 1 ■'^J.v Mr. .\danis became the I'resident and Treasurer of the companw which po>itions he held nntil lii^ death. .Ma\' 24. lXi)_'. I lis Min, liihn h. .\d;ims, then hec.ime the I'resident and .\i^ent ot the corporalon. and still holds thosi' positions. The position of Treasurer i> held hy his son, Rnfns S. .\dams, \-\. S. I'.inf'inl heins; the Secretary of the com- ])any. The mills of this conipan\- are situated on hoth sides of tlu' river near the hrids^e in Central l';ills, k. I, Mr. |,,hn I'. Adam- ha^ .\merica in 1X53. who si.'itled in Wooiisocket, R. I., where lie attended the public sciiools pari of the time, and ])art of the time was employed in one of the milK of that town nntil he was ten years ol aj^e. W hen he was (.•iijhteen lie entered the machine shop of the I larris Woolen C. I U- ilnii \\v\\\ in I'a^niaL; in lakr \\oi>U(l L;n.,.N l..r nunV wear, I'.ii-iiK'ss c> cliar.m' uf the \via\in.L; mnni fnr I'liilip llaw-' m iSm.(. Mill^ I.K-alol n, iVnlral '^'"r- -V'^''- '■V"^""",'- "'"' ' V"' '"' ':"-''^^''' \, ,11 I \i 1. ^^"Ii \ I. ^a\h-N ..I thr >anir ]ilarr as SniKTin a N. \. ., aih in \ h i r » 'ii i. A a-^v, .iivi , i , ,• i , i . , i .■ uinUiil 111 In- cxlrnsui- |ilanl, wliuii pusiiinii n>-s Ih-uii ni \l i.ldKh. irn Mill a I'rw \ rai> l^- filKd fcr niiu' \rar-, lli~ rxpcrinirc lia\ aL;i>. I' iTiliTuk S, I'arwcll. tin- pn ipi-uti ir, is m;^ niadi,' liiiii laiiiihav with cvrrx Inaiuli cif a iialur 111 Xrw laiir. \ t., \\ liiir In: was liniii llic W'kiIih inauiilarl mini; Ijiisiiu---,, lu- jiail a laiiuaiv II, lS.(V \ 111 T ciiniplrliiiL; his cihiia- drsiir hi lir^iii niakim.^ l^ikmIs ,in liis uwu ar liiiii 111 llir pnlilu' soliiiiils lit his nati\r lnwii, iiniiil. In ariinil with this aniliitiini lu- rii whii'li was at a \ ri"\ rarl\ aL^c. Uv wriit tii ti'iail inlii | iaiiiuisln|i witli William Tinkham. Willis 111 a wiiiilm lai'tiir\ in MilKillr, Ma-s., a \i-lrraii inanii I arl iiiTr. m l''~-7,v I hi'ir inami- .s^i'^y^ :\A^^ T J Farwfll Woistcd Mill^, Cential F.ills, R. I. w liriT lir liarnid lii \\.;ui-. rrnianiim; in thr l.hliirniL: |ilaiil \\a- kn-ali-il in I I arris\ ilK-. iiii|ilii\ Ml llial iii|ii|ian\ liir aluiiit h\r \oar- 1\ I , llir liiisiius~ luiii^ i-arrinl .hi iiiiilci' thr rills was the 1 iri^inniiiL; I'l a larccr in maiin linn naiiir iii linkliam .S.' larwrll iiiilil 1SS4. I'ai'l iiriiiL; ihal Irw mm 111 Xi-w lii^;laiiil lia\r w Inn \lr I arwrll -iihl In- nUrrcst I11 Mr. ii|nallril. w It h I lir hmitril ad \ aiitau;i- that Mr I ink ha in 1 I r I hen nitrrrd nil' 1 ] la n lu-rshii 1 larwili had lMi..iiirnd with. liiiii MilKilh with ( liaiir- IKlidnr and ii]KTali-d ihr \a hr w lilt ti 1 I xlindL'i'. -\la-- . w liiTr 111' inL;aL;id ii.Hial Wm-trd Mill- at 1 »liu\ \ illr. .\lr kar 111 niakinu; I'l.iin hanus-r- and rliaiii- at thr w rll ml ri idnriii;; and -ii) n run riidniL; ihr wra\ "-ax Ir- ^lill- In lannarx. I Si . 1 . lir wrnt li. 1 iil; di pan niriit 1 I r ] Hiri liasrd .\ i r k hi rllrr'- I ii'aiiil r\ ilh . 1\ I . and i-ntind thr rnipkix 1 a inUTr-t in I Si 1 1 . and a- lir wa- thr lai'm'-i 1 'liil I i']ilaiT \- Si-ai;ra\ r- a- -n-tiiiii hand 111 -ti iidslii ddrr in thr n ir)H iral ii m lie prai't irallx till- wraxiiiL; I'liiiiii 111 ihiir mill, ri'm.aiiiiiii^ Iwi' n iinhirl id thr lin-inr--. In 1 .S. 1 :; ili,- .Xatiinial A\l) lUJSINKSS MKN OK RHODK ISLAND ■^43 WiirsU'd Mills wrrr r(iii--i ilnhit(.-il with llu- I'roviilc'iuT W nr^tnl Mills, m which Mr. I'ictcluT was llu- ci intrc illiiiu; owiur. tlu' com- \c ihc j^rcsont brid.uji-. and wlu-n tlu- new dam was built bclnw tin- bridtri.- tlu-ri- wa-s billed c<)in|)aiiie> bt-inij chartered b\ llu Uliode a new ai)])i)rtinniiient nl llu- water prix ilet;e. Island (leneral Asseniblv under the name oi "in- "f which the l-'arwell WdrsU-d .Mill> arc the .\'atii)nal and I'rovidence Worsted Mills, now the rit;lilfnl Ihe ])lanl is also and capitalized at Sj,(x:) When the Xa- tioiial \\'orsted .Mills were started l)\ Mr. l-'ar- well, ihey had ni o])eration sniiu- 75 Iddiii^ sn])])lied with sUam imwer to tlu- extent i)t 3CXI horse power, by a I iarris-( orliss enijjiiic, and the work- are siiji|ihed wilh their own eb-ctric but when ihe c< misi didalion took ])lace there li.t;htiii.ii' ])lant. were 2,i,J liMinis in operation. h'or ei.i.;hteen The l-'arwell Wnisied .Mills .Xn. j, ot .\liddle- numths lie remained with the new ci )rporatioii bori). .Mass.. w i.-re |)iirchased by .Mr. l-'arw-ell as Sn])erinteiub-iit nf the w"ea\ iii.^ mills, and a tew \ ears aujii. alter llie mills had lieen idle then tendered his resij^natii ni. In 1S04 lu' lor schk- time. Mr. larwell eipii|)])ed them |)iirchased the Central lalls W.ndin .Mills. with mdilei-n m,-iclimer\ and bt-^aii maiinf;ic ^ f^J^^,^^ .X^ "m *>• ' 49- .-■•{H^qjj^^ Farwell Worsted Mills, No. 2, Middleboro, Mass. which is ihe plant iimw (Hcnpii-d, When he innnu; win'sted u;iicids ihr sanu- \ ear of ihe tiiok ch;irt^e ril the mills iheie were but 31) inirchase dI ihe ])ri)perl\. Ibex are siliiated loom> in oj)er;itiim. bin inside ol' a \er\ tew on the .Xi-m.-iskel l\i\er. Iroiit Xohnrse pi iw er t lire uiL^h a KihIi-cx- tine .L;i"aus su]iplii.-- li\ riionia^ IviMuim \- Sim 1 uii ip] n ivatiil m Api'il. lSi)7, nnijcr llic ina-^c-nl nann;. lln' ra|ii- laii/atum liruiL; S|i>(>.(«iii I in|ilii\ :^ni> lianiU < M'tu'ci-^ : liiiui |. I\rn\(in. I'li-nKnl and I ii-.i^niii : KmIkti \ Ktiunn. \ i.t rrr-^idiiu : Inlni !■ l\in\.'n. Si-iTcl ai'\ ; lanu- krnxim. Snpcnnl rndrni hilni J kctiMin. llir I'la-^i di'nl anil rrra--nrrr iil llu- ri ir| n >ral n mi , w a^ 1)1 iin in I .anca^lni'i', I'.n^land. \'i i\ rniln i _'5. iS.V' \l I lie aL;r uf i-iylil lie wriil l'> \\ I irl< a-^ a 1 nr 1 n >\ ti > I ill H'k pniil cT^. al I rml m;; >ol)iinl half ' li llu' 1 inir and w i irkiiiL; tin- nlluT hall' \i I lu- a,m' III ii inrlrrii he \\ a~ ap |>i\-nlirccl ti 1 W alki T i\: Sun 111 Mamhi-^li r. !■ ni^land. \\ here he k-anu-il ilic niannfai- turf and lini'-hinL; ul r 1 II t h 111 all I lu- hramdu'.N. \\ liu li in I' I n d (• d -^|llllnIn;.^. \\ <.-a\ inL;. Mrai him^, d\ emu;, ami ] ninl iii^ AlUf (iim|ilrlin^ lii^ trade he lainr lu NnuTii'a in iS^^ and ^ernrrd i iii|ili i\ nunt in llu- iirii;inal I'rm iuTtmi Mill, 111 I ,a\\ ITIUT, \la^--. when- he \\a~ at WDik m iSliii. wlirii tin- mill IntihliiiL; ii il la| ran^inu a t;rrat lii>^ nl' life, Mr l\tn\iin evraprd with im •^c■t■MU-. liiidiU harm After llii^ lie went tii I 'Inlailel] ihia. I'a . and remained nnlil the lireakiiiL; lUil nl the Reliel linn, when lie retnriied In l'.nL;laml. In reinrii ;iL;ain tn \nieriea in iSi.^. linaliiit; in I'aw tneket. i\. I In eiiiii|\ with lii^ father he eiif.;af;ed in ihe mannlaeture nl lape-- and liraid> m the nld i iieene Mill at 3(1 I'.a^t axe nm.', the hrm name lieinu; rhnma> l\eii\nii X: Snii. I pnn the death nl hi> fatlu-r lie earrii-il iiti the lin^ine>N in hi- nwn naitu-. wliuli 111- John J. Kenyon iiea-ed -11 raiMillv the nld null wa- tint larL;e ennn;^h In handle llie lin-ine--. and nthi-r rnniiw were hired 111 nther liiiildiiiL;-. until fniir dillerenl -luip- were ill ii]ieratiiili lie-ide- the nnL;inal lai'tnr\ I lii> arrangement -n divided the hn-iiie--, Mr. Iseliynii fnnnd it dilfienlt In ]ier-niiall\ -liperimeiid the department-, and 111 nider In linn;,.; them all tiiu;elher under mie innl. Ill lNi)3 he erected a laelniw m that part nl rawtiiiket kiinwii a- I )arlinL;ti 111. V"' ffet Inii^ l'\ 3n leei wide, ail illn-lratinii I if whieli 1- -Imwn ii|inii ihe nppn^iii- paL;e, din- fae- |ni\ ha- prn\ en nl Lireal ai|\anl;iL;e In the eit\ li\ its Inealinii at the iinrt lua-terii part nf t lie eit \ , w here t lu-fe w a- \ er\ lit 1 le I hat in diealed Ini-im-- lile when \\ r l\t-ii \ nil laid the |i 11 in li ir lii- inill Nnw there 1- ipilte a tlliekl_\ -ettled lieii;hlii irhi 11 id. n iiind alii ml the laeP ii\ . and e\ ery \ ear ili ite- a L;i'adiial L;ri iw ill. Ihe mill 1- i.i|nippeil with all I if 1 he nil iilerii nia- ilimer\ reipiired in the mannlaeture nl their -nnd-, and, the pi iw er Inr the iilaiil i- -upplied li\ a 1 lai"ri-- ( nrli-- -team eiiL;iiie 111 I ^( > hi ir-e pi iw cr, and the II iiupaiu ha\ e their nwn ileclric liLjIuing plant. Iheir piniluel- are -nld I lin in^hiuit the riiiled Slate-. priiuipalK aiiumL; maiiu l.iet urer-. and -lime 111 their u;niid- are expnrled. .\h- kemnii ha- heeu niu' nl the nin-l re -peeled and mllneiitial eiti/eii- nl the eit\ Inr mam \ ear-, hi- uuihnd- nl dniiiL; lui-ineN- heiiiL; -neh a- In will the enntideiue .ind L;iind will i>i e\ er\ enmerii that he dealiil!;- with, and till- eniilideuee pminpted the kepiik hean l'at"l\ nf the eit\ i>i I'awnuket In nnnii iiate linn fnr the nlf'iee nl Mavnr 111 the -jirinu; iti 11)111. .\lr. keiunii wa- XcliiiL; .Maxnr nl I'awtneket in iSiji). and hi- admini-lrat n m w a- a thnrnUL;hl\ l)ii>ine-- uwr, de\nled In llu- ke.-^t AND BUSIN1';SS MKN OF RllOUl'; ISLAND. 245 interests of the community, whic-h was iiaiural Central l*"alls. lunploy-^ al)out 35 workmen, from his method of (loinij everything well that I'ower supplied l>y a J-, hor^e |)ower engine. i-onicv to his hands. Mr. Kenson i- assisted I'.nildinj.;^ is 40 hy 100 feel, three -tories. in ln> niana^'enient of the affairs of ihe eor- |)oration 1)\ his three sons, who ha\(.' Keen hrout^'hl up in the htisiiiess. J. S. White Co. — .Maniifaeturer> of iron cast- inj.(s, shaftinij. hantjers, ]>idU'y>. furnaces, and do ijeneral machinery work. I'.nsiness cstah lished in 1S47 1)\ |. S. \\ hite. who wa-^ one ol the most highly res])ecled citizens of I 'aw tucket. I'oinulry located at _•_' Dester ■-treet. I'awtucket. The business is now under llu- Nasonville Woolen Mill. — .Manufacturers of cassimere>. I'aclnrv located at Nasonville. k. I., in tlie town of I'lUrrillville. tw^o miles hilow ( ilendale. I'.mploy 100 hands. I'ower derived from tlu' I'.ranch River. Leonanl .\ason l)e<;an tin- manufacture of a.xes and hoes a> earl\ a> iSjd. at this place, he havinsjf built a dam and erected a factory at that time. About 1S3X he leased a portion of hi.s factory 1(1 |olin I,. Ilui;iies and Ih-iiry t'arpenter for John J. Kenyon Mfg Co. Plant, Darlington, Pawtucket, R. I. manai;emenl of Henry T. White and t. I'.. the manufacture of kerseys, then known as llultervvorth. " .\ii.;.iL^er cloth." About 1S30 ihi.- works wcrt' Perseverance Worsted Co. — .Manufacturers increased in >i/c, .ind tln' maiitifacture of axe> i>t lancv worsted t;c)0(ls. liusiness cstablislu'd and hoe> was carried on e\tensi\el\-, the mill in 1883 l)v James TT. Singleton, the present lia\ing a c;i]iacit\ of looo axes a dav, besides Treasurer of the compan\-. who wa^ born in other tools. These works were nearly all de- r.radford. luigland. lie came to .\inerica the stroved b\ lire in 1S71. .\l,i\ 13th. -\noilu-r same year that the business of this coni])any building; was burned in iSSi, and the next was begun. Does a business of u])\vards of sjiring the found.ition for the present mill was Si ,ooo,0(X) amiually. Works located in W'oon laid. After being operated 1)\- se\eral concerns, socket. R. 1. ni iSSo |oslma I'erkins leased the ])roperty. and Albert Frost. — .Manufacturer of ])ai)er biixes. has carrii-d on the busimss since that time. I'lUsiness established in 1868 by the ])resem The place i- one of the \ ery attractixe mill owner. Works located at 448 High street, villages of t he State. J4'- Hl( X.KAIMIK Al lllSlDkN OK IHh. M A M ' 1- A( I I K I.KS Harrison Yarn & Dyeing Co. — Mamitai- inrcr> and (l\n- "\ ihHdh. wonloii ;ind worstcil \ari!-- and raw ^tock. l'.iisiiu->> c>tal>li>lud Richard Uariison. m iSti^ li\ Kuliard llairi-im ami lliiuna^ lla\lr\. liiii M |iMrali il in I Si (,^ and ia]iitali/i,d al 875.0(10, winrli i.\a- nicrca^r liarnr oi ilu- kirm'^l d\i, lion'-i- ni N'l uk^lniT. tnijik i\ ni^; ,V"' liand^. lir ranu- Im Xinrrii'a m icS^n .-md ln.ik rli;u'L;i ol ilu- d\a-ini.; iK-|iai-i nu-nl d ilu- l\iuk\ilK- Mann iai-UiriiiL; • o., UiukvilK-. U I . wlu-ri- lu- ihrd ilu- fir^t i-iillipii w.-irp- r\ rr d\rd in lhi~ Sl;iU- in iani-\ i-olnr^ llr w ,1^ al work in Nohin- iiiwii in iS:;j. and iriiin llu-rc- inii\cd tii ll.'ix- di-n\illi. \la~~. tlu-iu-c |.. i»akland. R. I. w luiT lu- \\ a~ 111 p~~ iK rr h ir |i ilin 1 .. l\ii~^. Mr iTinaiiu-d llu-rr im- \\\(> xrar- ;ind llun i aim tn rawlnrkit lii wink idr I in-riu \ Maiiu-U at ilu- lii-.-id iii llu-ir (l\riin.4 iK-|iarlnunl lU- vv iiiaiiud Willi ilirin iiiu- \ rar ami llun lu-uian lin--itu--- nil In- iiwii .u-iiinnl in i-Miii|ian\ witli riiDiiia- lla\l(-\ iimKi- ilu- firm nanu- iii lla\-K-\ \- 1 I aiii^i 111. Ill iSii^. in lln- li,i~rim-nl 111 ilu- rayiu- ^^ 'r,-tylii|- I'liiildinc;- on l-'a^^t :\w init-. rawliukoi, wIutl- llu-y \stTi- .--npplicd with wati-r from Sariji-nlV iroiudi. which lap|K-d tlu- r>l;u-kstonc, l\i\-cr al ilu- iip]KT dam at rawliu-ki-l k.ilN, I Krr .Mr. llarri^on lu-L;aii ilu- ihriiiL; III wo|--U-d di-(--~s hraid> and wa- ilu- tir-l rr;.;nlaf d\i-r nl llu--c l;o(mK in tlu ioiintr\. 111 a U-w miiiith- ilu- lni~.iiu-^~ had iiu-|-ra^rd 111 5.01H1 piiiind-. prr ila\. Alti-r vi\ niiiiilh- in llii~ liiralion llu-\ lu-L;an tlu- loiimla I H HI 111 ilu- pr(--riil r\i<.-n^i\t- pkiiit 1 111 I run I ■-ti-i-it. whirh wa- n nnidi-U-d 111 lSfi3, wluii tlu-\ niiixrd ilu- liii-iiu--~ 111 ilu- lu-w lartor\ In 1 SoS lu- liiiiiL;ht iiiit In- partiiri-'- mtc-ri--l .iiid liiiik in a-- iiu-nilii-r- nl tin- linn < iwrii >S^ (lark, inainitart iiri-r> of liiu- wiir-.U-d \ ariw. and iiiiodiiian \- 1 loard. iiiannfail iinr- of knit '.^iiiiiN It wa- at tlii- tiiiu- ihal .\lr llarn-mi II 111 Kill 10 k I lu d\ riiiL; and lilrarhiiiL; ol < u-nnaii llii-- Wor-u-il, wlmli n|i to llun had iu-\ a r ln-rii dmu- in ihi-- loinnrv. Inil lu- -m-i-ridcd in pvodm-iiiL; rr-.iill- i-ipi.-ih-d tlir fori-iL;ii prodiut . Ill 111- w hill-- Ihiiiu; hi- -prriall \ , Ilu following; \ lar tlu- iiunpaiu lH-L;an ilu- iii.iini fartiirr ol woolrii \arn- 111 \arioli- -.rrliini-- iil tin- St.'itr, hill ilii- lii-.-iiu-h of tlu- liii-iiu--- wa- ■^^nrii up in iSjo. tlu- iiiti-ri-l- owiud li\ lii- p;irliiir- .-it th:it liinr ln-iii^ piiri-ha-i-d li\ Mi- ll ;iri-i-i m Ilu- -I \ Ir ol tin- (-iiiiipanx w a- l\ llairi-on \ (o. .ifui' Mr lla\K-\ -old lii- iiiur(--l lip 111 1S711. w lu-ii .Mr, llarn-iHi i-.-irfu-d ■ 111 till- liii-iiK--- 111 hi- own nanii' iiiilil iNo.V Charles E. Harrison. wlu-ii ilu- liii-iiu--- wa- nuoipi iiatnl .-iiid capi l.ili/rd for S7,;.oo(i, nmh-i- tlu- nanu- ol ilu- liar 11-011 \ .1111 \ |)\(-iiui I 0, hi- -on. CliarK-- \:. AND BUSINKSS MKX Ol'' RIlOUK ISLAND. 247 TIarrisoii. bectimint; a slockliDldcr and an ofH wnrks. lie is one of the dinclors (if ilic cor ciT of the corporation at that time, lie is a i)oration. native of Voluntown. Conn., where he \va- The first factory was 43x(kj feet, hnl as the ht)rn Januarx' 12. it e.\- tensi\e plants of its kind in New Enij;land. l"or a number of years tiieir t>i)ods have been advertised under the (piotation of "IMacks that wash and don't fade"; in connection with this sentence there was a cut represeutinjjf se\eral coal black faces of briniil little net^ro children that made it one of tiie uio'~l strikiut;' adverti>e and workinsj; u]i thronf^h .ill the departments of the business. He then became Sniierin- tendent and sellint^ aj.;ent, and for the past two wars has been the .Xctin^' .Manas^er and .\s>ist- ant Treasurer. All Ihrcniyh his connection with the bnsini-ss he has been of inestimable \ alue to lii^ father in the ad\anci'inent ol tiie # ,^^ Works of the Harrison Yarn and Dyeing Co., Pawtucket, R. I. ali'airs of the com]ian_\. .Mr. tharlo I'., liar- meiil^ of the |julilic ]ire^^. I lii^ \\a^ lirou|.;ht rison h:\> been lor a iiumbcr of years oiU' of about b\ the emer|iri>e of the concern whose the most inllueiUial men in the ])()litical i-ircle> l:no\\ jecli^e of i^cioil ad\ I'ltisiiiL; i-- reco^ni/.ed of I'awtucket. but he never >oin^lit ])iililic a> lu'iui; .abreast of the tinie>, Thi^ compaiu' ofiUce. He was city auditor for one year and for the p.i^t i\\eiit\ li\e \ eai> ha\ e manufac- lias been importuned many times to acce])! the tuied what i~ known a> [•';iir\ l"los>. which is nomination for other otiices. bin lia> alw;i\> refused. iClmer \L. I.eiit. the SuperiiUendcni of ilu works, is a native of \o\a Scotia, and has had extensive experience in the \ arn and d\einL; business. He came to ('eiilral l-'alN ;il the a<;e of three years, lie was .'-iu|iirinteiiileiii for (Ireeiie \- Daniels .Manufacturinj.;' t'o.. where he learned tlu' business, when he wa> crimped in a m.anner that niako it e\en throui^hout the skein and i- u>ed for knillinj; hoods .•md shaw Is, ^i\ iiii^ them a tlulT\ atice .■md \ ef\ lii^hl. Iliis work is done on machines ownecl exclusivfU li\ this coinpam and iinented 1)\ .Mr. Rich;ird ll.irri- son. Tiles are soK- maim lacturei's ,,\ these .L^oods ill this coiintr\. i lu' works contain about (10.000 s(|uare feet of tloor space and arc en^-aiL^ed to become Sii j)eriiUeiideiit of these simateil on the I'.lackstoiie River, I'ower for J4S HloCKAI'lllC Al, llISroKN' ol' 11 1 !•: MANUl-ACTl KIKS ilu- jilant 1- ^ii|>|ilu(l li\ llirn' II. .,!-,■ lioiKi- Strplun \. Uiik^. 1 'rr^idcnl ; ( kwi-,- 1 1 . \\ rlili. ol j^o Imr-r power racli aii.l ri-lit ni-iiu-^ of TrraMircr and ( iciural Manauri'; \llri-il |. (lifUTiiit .■ai)arilii-N, \\ rlih, Suju riiilni.lfiil. ( )iu- oi ilir lari^csi Mir Imlk o| ilu'ir liii>iiu--N i^ t iinii--linp^ marliiiurx plaiils in llir Stair. I'owrr fnr idilon \ arnv I, ir llic nsr ol woolen and \\or-.lrd nivlu(lli\ strain. I )o a lar.m- v\|ioi-i l.n-~inc>>. nnlK for nun'- wear m fa-t Mack- and rolor-. Lorraine Manufacturing Co. — ,\l annfarl nrer- lint llu-y aKo d\c w..oKii and \\or-.ird \ am- of coilon and wor-ud drr-- i; K and famx lor ilu- -anic IraiK'. and llun- iir.iihut- are -liii'l ini;-. I'.n-ine-- e-1 al)li--lied ni i XX i li\ lltill^HIII C^r r r r r r r r Lorraine Manufacturing Co. Plant, ll-ed tlnon,L;lioul \e\\ l\n,-land and l lie Mnldle W . k, \- k. t ^a\K- 1 1 ieoi| ,, .i.n ed m iXwo. ^^latc-v. ( a])nali/ed, foi- S i .j^r kac'tone- k>ealed Pawtucket Manufacturing Co.— Al annfae '" I'.iwtnelsei ami \\e-leil\, k. I, ( iflieer- : inrer- of l„,|l. nm and -]ieeial niaeknierv . and ','""'^ ^ ^aUe-, I 're-n K-nt : J anie- \< .\lae( oik I rea-nier ami Seeiel; lie w I >rk- al I ;iw 1 1. 1 1 , , , - , I I » .1- u 1 I I ,1 1 M I .-( ( I ei ,1 1 \ 1 ne \\ oi Is- a I 1 .l\' iioll- .and e.ild i.nnelied nnl- oi e\ er\ .le-enii- , i , . i i" - i ^■ ' ' Inekel .ire aillolli; the kirL;e-t 111 tile .^l.ate, ; """ '■"-""-- >-1;ikli-lied 111 iXXj. and iiieoi- ,..,,, i„, .,,,.,, |,, ||„, aeeonii .an\ iiii; illii -I r.,1 ion !"""'"''l 1" \l:i> of the -.line \ W.irk- and I lieir prodnel ion- rank Willi t lie ke-l i;ood- loealed on ( ■onanl -treel. I'.iwlnekel ( irfieer- : on the nnirkel in llieir ila--. AND BUSINI';SS MKN ()!•" klluDK ISLAND. 249 Janu-s R. MacColl, tlie (Icncral Mainii^'cr of tin- husiiu'ss. was l)i)rn in ( lla^l;(l\v, Sontland. April 2, 1X5(1. lio i-(iiii|)lttr rilncalicin 1)\ Tin- Lorraine Mills arc situated on the Mo^liassuck River. i'ower for the plant is ^n]iplieil li\ a ('()rlis> horizontal and .Mcintosh taking,' a course at the (ilas.ijow Technical ( ■il X: Seymour vertical steam en.s^ine ot 2.300 le,L;e. and in lS"! he entered the eni|ilo\ of horse power, and the com])any"s own dynamos llenrv i'yfe i'<: Son, of ( ilasL;-ow. niannf.-iclnrer^ furnish electric power for liiihlin.n' purposes, of dre>s ^ood-,. I n compan v wit h Jolni Tlioin Tlie Westerly mills arc >ilnate lin-ines-~ in 1878. ;ind catuck l\i\cr. and -.nppHcd i)y |>ower from a contmued it imder the tirni name of Tlionivon ^''"■li>s steam cn-ine of 300 horse power. . . , I , ■ ,, I .00, 1 . i> . 1 . I liesc niilK are aUo lighted li\- electricit\' froni iV .\lacC oik In 1882 he i-ame to r.-iwlucket a^ , 1 1 1 • d\nanio> operated li\ llic comjjanv. the mana-er ol the L..rramc .Manntactiir.n.L; \^ ^..„.,, ,.,^ ,X,s there wa> a small mtll ( o.'s .Mills, which i.osition he has retanicl until Maiidiii- on the site of this I'awtucket plant, the present time, the works lieini.; iiicre.a-ed ujiicli w a^ removed to make way for the new from lime to time as the Iin-ine>~s de\elo)ied structure. It was used for the manufacture of under his manaL;ement. tliread li\ Samuel Sanders. -'SO Hi( t(,K.\i'iiu Ai iii.^iokN ()i- rill'. M.wri'ACi I Ki;k.s The Robert U. Mason Co. — I'.lrarlur^ and tmind iii I'aw l lukct td Iul^iii tin- llu^ln^-^^ ,U in- |ui|-ilia^iil ln~ |iai'tnr|-^' intrri.--l -. aiul \\iir>-tri| \ain^ and liraiiU ul i\-ril Irinn imn- Im linir as tlir demand-- I'l larilil ir-- and a larL^rr r--l al ili-lnm-nl . llir new llu- liiisinc'v-- rriiiiiiTik kin- wa- tlu- lir--l ni |ilanl imw ihi-ii|iui1 ihi k-ti-ti axrimr. rear ■■! d<|K-nilrnl lilcailuTx a nd 1 1 \ r In ui-^r r>l akli-lu-d f'>77 .Mam -Irrcl. rawliukrl. w.i- Iniill llu- in 1 In- 111 \ III I '.1 w tiu'kcl , and |iri il i.d d \ the l'ir-1 in New Imil; land I'.armw \len"\ died in iSj^. .md In.' wa- sllieeeded k\ 111- .--1 HI, Samuel \! enw , w hi > ei Hit mm d i he lill--ine>> under ihe iii"iL;inal name mild iSiiii. when he ad- mitted lli.s lle|i|lew, kiiliert I '. \\ ,1-1 ill, .as a meinlier nf the liiiii III SaiUllel .\liii\ »S. ( II., .\lr. .\la-iiii lia\ iiil; liecii in lii> iiiiele- em|)li i\ Miiee i N^i i. ae i|Uirm!; a |iell'eel kill iwleduje I if the Im- llleNs 111 e\(r\ ile|i.irl- lllelll. I le W.I- a]i pi niited Sii|iennt end eiit III llu- eimeerii in iSdi. wliieh |Mi-iiiiiii \ ear I il I lie iiiei ii pi ira tiiiii 111 the li|i>iiie.->>. ,iiiil the iild wiirk- .iliaiiiiiined 1 hi- i- ei ill-ldereil line iil ihe lie-l eijllipped hleaeli iiiL; ami d\ i'iiil; e-t.ili- h -hnieiil .-ml he ei niii- t r\ . where -I line I ;i i iiaild- ,ire em|ilii\ed. Ihe eapaeily <>\ the iiriL;nial wiirk- wa- aki Hit I .31J1 ) pi iiiml- jier I me I it her nil 1-1 iiilln- Robert D. Mason, he held iiiiiil he liee.aiiie a iiuinln r I il I he firm, enii.d eiti/en-. I pmi in- de;itli. in |aiiiiar\. al'ler whieh he pr.aet le.ail \ lieeame the lieiieial lSi|S. In- -mi. kreik-nek, \\ . tlieii lieeame the .\i.-iii.aL:er 111' the Ini-iiie-- in 1S711. .iller the i're-idenl .iiid .^eeretarx 1 if I he ei ir] n u m , and wiirk- had -nltered .111 explii-nm ihat eaii-ed the ^eiier.d management ul the Ini-iiu--- de ei ni-ideraiiie limaiuiai in--, ,\lr Meiiw reined xnUid whiillx ii]iiiti him, ahiiiuii;li he iiai fi h friini aeti\e liii-nie--, and the lii in name then -e\er,il \ ] ir.ul leall \ Idled ihal pn-ilinii. wa-'ii in knliert Ik .Ma-mi X' * n. llu 1 I ,■ 1- ,1 n.ilue nf I ',iw 1 nek el , where he wa- I )e\tii 1 '.n it her- ii.ei iiiiinL; 111- a--i ii'iale- ,\lr linrii .\iarili 11, 1S311 \ller leaxiii- the piili \la-iiii w.i- imrn in I 'a w llieiset , k, 1 , .M.iieh in. lie -eiinnl- he entei-ed the prnale -elinnl nl the |S:;_' ill reeeued hi-, edlieatinii ill the pnlilie kiw . (\ \k W heeler, nf i '11 1\ ideiiee. and enin- -eluiiil-. and al the a^i nf -ixleeii lie Weill In pleted In- ednealinii .at I'.rnwil I iil\er-il\. lak- laiinlnii, .\ia-- . In learn llu' -a-li and liliiul iiiu a Iwn \ ear-' emii-e in elieiiii-tr\. .\ftei- ir.ide with hi- lirnthei lie wnikcd .il till- till- lie lieeame a--i-tanl In in- f.iliier in llu Ini-ine-- fur iiL;hteeii niniilii-. .and then re in:iiiaL;emeiit nf hi- inaiinlai't iirim.^ Ini-ine--. AM) lU'SINKSS MI'.N ()!■ RlloDI': ISLAM). ami was ailiuilU-il a~ a iiuniluT of tlir tinn m imnud, ami llu- -anic \rar tlu |>ri.-scnt coni- |SS(). ami cKTlrd rrra~iiror upnti tin- im-or |i(iralii>n ni tlu lni>iiu'ss in iXijj, 'I'lir work ilniic li\ ilii> rnm-iTii i> Cdiisidcrcil a^ tine a~ an\ ijiMU' h\ an\ ilxciiii;" ami Meacliinu; otali lislinuiil in tln> cmintrx. Ihr main ImililinL; i> tliriT >ti>rir> lii.L;li. with a ioiiy diu- >tc)r\ wiiiL; nil tin- sonth siilc ni the main strm-tiirr lii-siiles an rni^ine ninm. all luiill ol' hi-ick paiiy \\ a.-- iiudipnrati-il. witii a capitalization of $H)0.(XX3, ami the |)re>enl e\teii.--i\e works on Xorth Main >tfeet. I'awtneket, were hcf^tin ami the plant put in operation in Mareh. 18S4. In lS((4. ( )etol)er I. Mr. |aille> l)emi>sey dieil. 1 he oltieeis o| the eor|ioration ari' : \\ illiaiii I'. Denipsey. i 'resident and Treasurer; .\lar\ |. l)empsey. Secretary, (ajjacity of the wt)rks ahont lifteeii tons j)er day. Water for bleach ill!; ]iiirpo-,es obtained on the premises from iiiiotintin- iti lloor space lo aliom 4<).(x)o s have their own electric li.i^htm.u i)latit, u,,rks. where he remained three years, l-'roin Dempsey Bleachery and Dye Works. — there he went to rrovidence. and soon after to lUeachers. dyers and hnishers of c.tton -ood- 1 .onsdaK- as the overseer of the(lve works 1.,, ■., .'.„rr.i, 11 I . i\ of the l.onsdale ('oiniianw remaininu' some l.usiiiess estahlished l)\ lames I )empse\ 111 , ■ c ■ 1 • 1 , , , . ^. , ,, ■,■",■ , ,' , twentv-two \ t-ars. \ttt-r leavini^ tins place he iSSo in North I rovidence. h,s .oits. John j. ^^..^^ em,>loved \,^ a nnmber of other concerns and Wilbain I'.. bem,i.i employed as mana-ers „, various part- of the cmnlry before be,ii-in of the business. In iSSj these works were ninv, Imsine^s on hi> ow 11 accoiinl . HKXiRAI'HICAl. IlISTom nl Till. MA MM-AC'l I ' K MRS James Brown's Machine Shop. — Maimi.u- ti\ ah mi; aln mi 1S41). lU imikdiu lii-^ i>au-iii - !nm" (il iiiltim ami iiinlam' niai'linnrx . I'.iim id iin])n i\ (.iiicnl tiir ilu- s|ic(,(Kr in |aiuiar\. ni^'. i~lalili^luil m ilic woikv >liii\\n iipmi tin- ^^r<7 lli> ini|iiM\i(| lallu- l«ir tin- li ms^itudinal "|)|ii'Mtr paj^i- ni \X.\i} 1>\ |anu> S. I'.mwn. Imt lminni4 nl IhkIIo nf irrru;nlar lHnu- wa'- iK- he \\a-- 111 (■( iiii|iaii\ Willi a Mr. I'itiluT a^ rarK -il;iui1 h ir iiiakiiii; o>iii)n niailniirr\ nill>, Iml a-- 1SJ4. ilir lm-.inr^^ luiiii; .arruil .m iiiuKr alur llu- lircalsinu; 'HU nl tlu Kilirllidii il \\a- 1 lie t'iriii iiaiiir I >l rilrlur\ I '.ii jw 11. 1 lii;ir \\ 1 nk^ liimid i.> In- will ailapud hir ijic liiniini; til Kriiii; liKaliil al wlial 1-. now ilu- " I 'nii !;..;(.• Mill. " l;iiii harvrK. ami a-- a la-^nll llir nilirr i->lali lu-ar llu- lalU In iS.jj \\v I'.rowii ]mi\lia--ril li--lunriil wa-- ni^ai^nl in makiiiL; li"il> ami liix |iaitmr'^ inu rr-^l ami n )iii niiu il llic 111,11111 inacliim-^ hir liirmnL; L;nn liana-K fur ilu- larturr .il iiiai-liiiu-r\ l a !■ ■iindr\ . w lui-i- lu- niadt.- Iii> lir^l ra-l- iiil;^ I lriTnilu-|- ^ 1 ^i "f ihal _\ i-ar, llu- li ilk iw-iiil; \ rar lu- lilllll llu- i-Mcll.^ur inai-liim- -li,,|,, u liuli is 400 l"<-.-i km- l.\ i«i lilt in wirhli. hi i^^.^i) a ^nli^ianiial pallrrn lum-,,- w^-^ I'lnll. and Ni-\rral "iluT MiialK-r liiiild iiiu;-. h ir \ aril iii> imi- 1" '"-I'S. I- \ rr\ 1 Inn- alioiil llu- work- were .so Will .liul 11 m \ iiiuiii 1\ arraii^ < d ill r vi-r\ di-])ai-l nu-iii . 11 w as km >w n as . .m- , .f ill,- lar-r-i and iiio-,l r.mi|ililr i-siaMi-linu-nl s , ii" n * '-Hid in \\-w |-;iiL:laiid. and llu I ii-( 11 lames Brown. \1ciiil; alioiii iSiij Mr I'.row II Imill tlu- iiiai IniKs for llu- \ inert c- a 11 I- iK- \\ • irks, win isr |ilatil w a~ k uaud dirriiK 1 1| 1] io~iu- Ills w I irks. I I .- ,iKi I iin i-iiu-d a niailniu- Uu' L;riiid iiil; ide Maiiks, and a liiriiai-r io|- liardni 111;^ liK-s \iu-r llu- rki-^e oi llu- war lu- iiiaiiiila<-t iin-d I li e 1 'air. I 'nrl is \- .Mad K-N iniiK-. an l-.nL;lisli 111\ lilt loll, w liii-li uu-l Willi l"a\ I ir aim hil; .Xiiuruaii iiiaiinlac- tiiri-i s IK- al'ti-r- w.-irdi- iii.iiK- ini|iori- aiit miiiri i\ niirnls , m 1 Ills 11111U-, I'l ir wliii'li lu- si'i.-iirrd ]iatriils. Ill ilii- l.ittrr part of 111- lif.- lu- di-\otid niiu'li imu- to iIk- aiii 111. 11111 1.1, 1 iirr of iiiallraliK- iron and c-onsiriu-lid l--e]il ii]i lo 11-. lii-li -laiidard to llu- ]iri-- .1 foimdrx for ilii- piir]iosi- lu-ar liis niacliim ^'11' linu-. .\lr. I'.row 11 w.i-, ilu- iiuiiiloi of -hop at L;reat r\|u-ii-i-. Ill- I'ari-rr as an in iii,iii_\ iisi-lnl iii,-u-|inu--. Iml llu- iiio-l n-i-fiil .iml \i-iilor -a\r liiiii llu- re] ml al mn a- om- of ilu- po]iiik-ir iiumlion w,-i- hi- im|iro\(-d \iiu-ru-an fori-iiio-i iii:iniifai-1 urrrs of i-ottoii inai-liim-r\ >lH-i-d(-r. whirli )iro\i-d -o iiimli -iipi-rior to m tlu I iiiud M.iU-s. Ilr was horn in I'aw- llu- l-.iiL'lis|i ll\ iranu- ihal lu- was roinprlKd. liii-ki-l. llu-ii tlu- lowii of Xortli I'rox ulriu-t-, oil acroiint 111 tlu- L;r<-al ih-iii.-ind for tlu- I Irreiiihi r J,;, iSoj lit- dud 111 rawtiii-kil 1U-W \im-rii-aii spredi r ihiou-hoiil llu- (oniil r\ . I )ri-(-iid ler J(|. I S7. 1. 1 'aw t nikil lias had few to ahandoii tin- nianuf.u'l tirr of tlu Sharp \- -oiis who have doiu- as nimli for lur di-\rlo|i- Kol.rrts iiinh--. wliuh lu- had ln-rn niaiinfact nr nu nl 111 llu- hm- of iiumuion. in;4 i-\ t-r sim-r 1 lu-ir lilt rodiutioii into ilii- Conn I |ioii llu- cK-ath of Ins f.iilur. |aiiu-s I'.rowii AND HL'SINI'-.SS Ml-.N ol'' KlIoDl', ISLAND. ->j a.'-Miiiuil llu- maiiai^cnicnt ni the riilirr liu>i- lU'^ido iiianai;iii,^ the ati'airs nf tlii< iiniiuiisc ness. and is now tlu- xiK- pii i|irntMr nf i1k- plain. \\v. r.njwii lia> I'mmd mhik- uiiu' to de- works. Mr. I'lniwn was Ikhii in 1 'aw nukii , \ dir in ilu- affair^ > if tlu- oit \ in a |)nlitical \\ a\ . Mass. (tlu-n Massacluisctts ) . I)rixinlnr iX, I U- rc|)n.-scnti.-d tlu- I'lmrtli Ward in the (."nni- lX_^,S. .M'tcr attcndini; the piihlic sehooU for ni< in I'nnneil hum iSSStn iScjj. was I'residenl a nimil)<.-r nt' teriii^, at the aj^e nf eij^hteen he ut' the (iinneil t'rnni iSSi) tu iS<;i. and was entered l,\iin iS.- hri/e's I 'ni\ei'-ity • Iranunar .\layi u' i il' tlie eity in i.'^'i.^ lie i^ a niemher of School, of I 'n i\ iilenee, from which he s;rad the I'awtncket I'.nsiness .Men's .\ssociation. nated in |S:;S, lie then entered his lather'^ and is oiu' ol the inllnential men of the citw James Brown's Machine Shop, Corner Pine and Main Streets, Pawtucket, R. I. machine shop to learn the traile of a ma- hecanse of his dee]) interest in e\ erythint; that chinist. Here he I'cmained nntil he sitcceeril .:i. iS,^-. Works lo- plied by power from a Corliss walking beam ^..^ted at 490 .Mill street, (."entral I''alls. R. 1. steam engine of al)out (K) horse jMiwer. the only jjuploys 16 hands. I'actory well etpiipped for engine of its kind now in o)>eration in the Stati.-. the manttfactnre of wagons of all kinds. -54 i?I()(;rai'III(A1. iiisiom- oi iiii mam i\( i i'ki-,ks New England Thread Co. — M aiuilail urrr^ |a|>i mua ^1 net , Mr W arluiriiin i > iiurin|ilalr> "I UuTail. \ain, hullnnlu ilr idnl. ~U|nTtiiif iiudrpc iralin^; tlir lui-nu^s \rr\ ~.i(iii. Ilriii\ ta)H'>. and vliiK- wcliKiuL; and nilicr ^|Kcialtir^. \. Warhiirtun i-- tlu- ^i in >ii I'rtci' anfl Sarali I lax 1' II' 1 \\ arlmrti >n, I Ir i^ a natu r ■ ii' I I \ iK . i.)nnl\ 111 ( lir^lnrr. Ivnijland. \\ hnc lie wa- lnHii \i i\ rinl HI' J, i''^.^7 Mr ranic til Nimrua in 1^3-' \\ 11 h 111- lalluT, and liicaU'il m I'lirl- nmntli. \. II. I'u-l'urr IcaxiiiL; l'-iiL;land In- bad ari|nii'id ri in-idiralilr klli i\\ lcdL;c iil llir Icvtili Im-litrw, lia\inu; W'lrkrd in a I'lillim null al ilu- aL;i' 111 riL;lil, wiirkiiiL; liall ii| llir liiiu- and .| alUMidniL; -rliiml llir iillui- hall, niild lir \\a- ^ ; irii \rai- 111 aL;r I piiii In- arrual in AnuTu'a ^ In- ri iiii| ilrlfd In- I'dnratiiin li\ alU'iidniL; r\Tn Henry A. Warhiirton and di 1 all kind- > il Mrai Iiiiil; and d\ niiL; I'lii-i- llc^- c-l alili-lu-d laiinarx I, iSSd, |i\ IL A. \\ ailinrii 111, knipliix 130 liand-. Main far l(ir\- liiratrd riinuT lu' wriil 111 I .aw irihT. Ma--, and (■iiL;au;rd in iniilr -|iiniiiiu^ wliiia lie niiiaiiu'd -i\iii \ rar- I HMTat iiiu: a ]ian" iil -1 mini iil: iniiK- lie later wiirkid 111 I '.allaiiU all'. \la--. al tile I'littin- 1 1\ iiiarlinn'i-\ . and 1 Inn I'rt nrnid In I '1 nl - nil ml h. \ II. w lirrr lir -1 ■ iirid .1 i" i-il n m a- .i--i-taiii ii\i'i'-i-rr 111 llir I '1 H'l -nil ml li .strain Mill. ,iiid \\a- 1 laii-n ri'cd In tlu' llii'cad df pari iiiiiil . w Ik IT lie 1 ikl aim d a n miiiK'ti.' i.iii iw Irdv.i' 111' tin- iK'|iai'l iiuiil nl llu' Im-iiii--. lie laliT wnrki'd III \i'\\ inarki'l . I'.M'trr. .\' II . ,iiid -till latrr \\a- nii] ili i\ rd a- a--i-taiil nxir -, rr 111 till' I ladli'V I liread ( n,. nl I InlMikr. \la-- and a It cr t In- w a- n\ rr-rrr 1 il' I lie W ar 1 111 I IllTad I 11 . nf \\ nl'.-r-lrl', \la-- I 11 I'l' 111' iii-a-i'd with William Ward, nl I 'nrt -inniit li, \ II. In take I'har^r >'i a di-lill\\ lu 1 111. anil all In iul;1i In- re- 50 In 1 J.m ki \ anK 1 111 >])(»)!>. ii\ I lu- iiounil mi maiiu-(i ii\oi' lliiTc \ rar^. tr^liii'^ all kiiuN nl inln-^ ami miK-^ tni- iiiainitav'lniiiiL; iiiir|)n> .•~. aK'iiluilii' liiiiuir^ In la^lc ami ^iiull, lu- m\ cr \Kii iiianii lacliin- iiiiilat ii m ^vwIiil; --ilk. .mi drank a ilmp In \>^jy Uv mnrnnl l«> lii^ nlil iin.lul ami cnilni iiiKi\ riiltnn Irnui nuTi-rri/cd l)n^ini>--. aiirpl mil; a pn^itiiiii a- ii\cr^ioi" nl \arn~ in all ^liailc- I'.n^inr--^ r^lalili--liril in ilu- w imluii.; I'liMninl William W arri-n'^ t lircad iSiiSli\ Ifaiiklin k. W arlnini m. -1 ni 1 il llrnr\ i.utniv of \r\\ Niii'k ril\. 111- returned in \, W arliurinii. \\ Im w a-- linrii 111 I 'nrl --mnni li. rawliudsel m iSSnaml luianu- 1 lie n\ (■r--i-er ni X ||,, \iiL^u~t |i|, iSii^^. lie \\ a^ emiiln\ed in MalTnrd i.'v I n.'x \\nik->. and laUr the Snperm liis fatliei''^ l'aetnr\ . ilie .\e\\ k'nL;land d'liread lemlent nl llie plaiil In I SSl 1 lie entered min ( n., a^ ( ieiieral .Manager, tnr a immlier ni iiarl nef^lii]' witli lanie^ l Kntli and pnrcdia-ed \ ear^. nntil tlie alMi\e dale, wlien lie lieL;an llie llinad de|iarlnieiil ni tlii^ enniiiaiu. and the mannlaelnre nl lii^ ^peeialtie^ willi nn'' iirL;ani/ed llie New I ,nL;lanil I bread ( n., .\|r. liel|ii-r. I'.n lii-^ enier]iri~.e and | ier^i.-\ eranei- W arlilirtnii lieim.^ llie 1 leiieral Manager nl llie he ha- ile\eln|i(d llie lin-ine--- nl the l'ln-,-,t-li e liii.,,iK-sN, lli- extensive e\]ierienee eiiahled \ I anil lael nriiiL; in. in ji- ]ire-eiit dimen-inn-. him In prnilnee Inr the linn a u'rade nl ^niids n|ieraliiii_; I _■ dre>-^er-. I J( 1 I ni\er-al Wimlmt.; nl' a -^niK-rinr (|iialil\ wlmh -teadiU iiierea-^ed -|iindle-. Inr tnl-e and enne wmdiiiL;. _' 4 antn- iheir liii'-ine--- frnm \ i-ar in \ear 1 pnii ilie niatie _'i n > in j. 411(1 \ ard -|innl enitnn \\inilei>. iKalli i<\ Mr, Knili m iSS.i. .Mr Warlmrlnii 1 lalde nf 1 j.nnn \ard -1 1 enitnn winder-. pnreha-ed hi- mteie-t ami liecanie the -nle 1 laldenl hand w iiider-. * 1 -pnnler-. ^^ t\\i-ter>, pi'nprietnr. In 1 Si 1 ^ hi' pnreha-ed the I nnper _■ haller-, .and nther iieee--ar\ iiiaeliiner\. iii- M1II-. wliieli repre-eiil hi- ]ire-eiil plant nu clmlm;; a prmtiii;^ pre-- Inr |iriiitim^ -|innl ( nttai'.e -treet. kill- l'aelnr\ 1- liilU eipiip]ied end-. m\mi.; einpln\ meiil In 73 hand-. Idle w 11 h tile inn-t 111 ml em iiiaeliiner\ . and -nine l.aclnrx a- -Imw n 111 t he enl i- K in.\^^3 leel . Iniir I ;, , hand- are enipln\i-d. ihe '_;rn-- Im-me-- -tnrie- I hi- \\a- Imiiid inadei|nate. and the handled lieiiiL; frnm Sjnn.i mi i In S_'5n, niiii :m lniddiiii; next dnnr n| t \\ 1 1 -tnrie- 1- m i\\ ne- imalK. Ihe pn\\er fnr tin- plant 1- -npplied eiipied llie plant 1- Inealed al the mnier nl li\ a < ireeiie eiiL;iiU' nf aliniit 73 Imr-e |in\\er Mill .and I l.a\ -Ireel-. (eiilral kail-. R. I 111 iSi|ii Mr W arlnirtnii ImiiL^ht the il\ e I'nwer 1- Inrni-hed li\ an .\ine- Imiler nl I _>3 wnf'U- and lileaeherx fnrmerU nwned li\ the Imr-e |in\\er. .ind an Ante- eiiL;iiie nl mn Imr-e hilm r. I'.rax ( n. nn japmiiea -tree!. I'aw pnwer. In .\n\einlier. 1 1 ini 1. the lui-ine-- had tinket. wliieli had lieeii nperaled under ditler L;rn\\ii tn -mdi dinieti-mn-. nmre e,i]iii,al liein^ enl nwner- fnr main \ ear-. lie eiil;irL;ed thi- needed tn kee]i pare with it - ^rnw t h, hi- lal her. pkinl . pntt itiL; 111 new iiiaeliiiier\ , a new Slximur .\|r lleiiiw \. Warhiirtnii. -hniildered llie eiiL^iiie 'li >; linr-<- pnwer. and a 1 nn Imr-e tmaneial end nl llie eiiterpri-e. the Inimder nl imwer liniler. iliakini.; it mie nl llie nm-t enin ihe Ini-iiie-- -till retaining; the nitiee nt I ieii- plete dveini; and MeaehiiiL; e-taMi-hmenl- in eral .\lana!.;er. I lii> wa- dniie Innkinn in llie the Slate. Water fm ihe IdeaehmL; depart- inenrpnrat imi n| the Im-iiie-- within a lew nieiit i- prn\ ided frnm -]M"iiiL;- mi tlu- preini-e-. mmith-. .Mr. W arlnirtmi. Sen., al-n L;i\ e- the whieli i- iiiimped iiitn a new 3,11(10 L;allnii tank Im-ine-- the lunetit t>i hi- knnwleilL;e. therein and frmn thai drawn iiitn ihe \al-. d hi- plant a--i-tinL: hi- -mi 111 the nianaua-menl I'i the 1- knnw 11 a- t he liseini^aml IdeaelmiL; 1 'eparl- eiiterpri-e. mem iii the New kn.uiaml d hread ( .... where ^ ^ j^^,, ^ Co.— \ I aimfaet iirer- nl lewel tlie\ dn their nwii wnrk and aLsu tnr nther ,11 11 11 ,1-1 I el- ImdiiiL;- 111 unlil. -iher and hra--. melmlniL; eniuern-. I a]>aeil\ 3.nnn pniiiid- d.iiK. ami ^, -- .,,,,,1 tn he iiierea-ed In 1 1 i.nnn pmiiid- a da> . hiittmi haek-, -tiid haek h.all-. hell pn-l- Inr I larr\ \. W arlinrlmi. \ nuiii;e-t -mi nf I lent y ei dkir lint Inn-, piii tniiL;iie-. ininl-. eat e he- and \ W arhiirlmi. 1- the ( leiieral .ManaL^ernt ihe nriiameiit- r.n-iiie-- e-iahli-hed 111 iSSS li\ 1 iii-ine' nf tlu New k.m'land I hread ( n 11 \. Mall and lame- 1 . 1 )nraii under llu linn here lie li.i- heen emplnxed fnr a nninher nl ,,.,,,,,,,,,■ | ), „ ,-,,ii'\. ||all. wlmli ] mr-liip w.i- w \ ear- lie 1- a mil i\ e nf I '1 iit-nii mill. X. II li--nl\eil 111 lSi|^. the Im-me-- lieiim earru'd v\ lure he wa- hnrii ,\la\ 11. 1S77. kraiik !! ,,,, ,,,,,|^,,. ,,,_. |,,\,,,.,,, ,,.,,,,^. ,,.,„„ jj,.,, ,,,,,,. (irnxer. Mr, W arlMirtnii'- -mi-m law. i- tlu s W m k- Ini-.ited .It 74 r.rnad -treel. I'awtiudxet. npennlemleiit nt the wnrk- at the main tae ,, , ||, „-,„.,. \p,,, ||.,n. ihe innprielnr. wa- "•'} "I '''^- '^'^■^^ lii.L;land Ihread ( n. I ;- |„ „.„ „, Xnl.lehnm. M e. m jamiarx . 1X41 ,. wife, .Mrs. klnieiue k.. 1 W arl iiirtmi 1 (irn\er. attend- tn the enrre-pmideme t'nr the tiriii. Jewelers' Supply Co.— .M annlaet nrer- nt whn i- a iiatixe ni Wniee-ter. .\la--, Ihe en jeweler- rmdins.;- i^r enllar hiittnn-, lapel Init- tire ])lam ammml- tn ahmit -'3.(hi(i -(piare feei ti.n-. de. liti-ine-- e,-lahli-lied in 1 Si |i . Iiy nf tlnor space. lame- ( '. I )ni-aii and Cvn. \\ . I'ayne. \\ nrk- Flossette Manufacturing Co. — .M.iimfae- liHateilai7 Uailrnad a\ enne. I'awineket. i''.m- liirer- nf thread -peeialtie- ni all kind-, frmn ]iln_\ 1 J hand-. AND msixicss mi-:n oi' riiodI': island. 257 City Brass Foundry. — I'Vank McKcniia& CO,, I)ro]irietors. Manufacturers of heavy bronze rolls, brass, bronze, bell metal, and |)hnsphor Frank McKenna. bronze castings. I-"oundry located at 21 Slater avenue, I'avvtucket, R. I., on the site where Samuel Slater began his successful career, lousiness established in 1890. l""rank McKenna, who established the business, is a native of County Monaghan, Ireland, where he was born July 14, 1H57. He came with his parents to this country in 1S73, and located in Central Falls, where he completed his education, and learned the trade of a brass founder. He worked in Central Falls until I1S90, the year in which he began business on his own accoimt. He has always done the highest class of work, and as a result of his painstaking in making his castings, the City Brass P'oundry developed an e.\tensive business throughout the State among manufacturers who use brass and bronze cast- ings in their business. He was married Octo- ber 15, 1S89, to Fllen McNeil of I'awtncket, and of this union there are four children: James, born December 22, i8gi ; Mary, born July 29, 1893; Francis, born December 15, 1894: Fllena, born April 13, 1896. The State of Rhode Island has a large number of brass foundries that have won good reputations for su])erior class of work, but none of them have won a more creditable name for good work than the establishment that Mr. McKenna established and managed. Royal Weaving Co. — Manufacturers of a fine grade of cotton, silk, and worsted fabrics. Also silk dyers and finishers of silk and cotton goods. Business established in 1888 by Joseph ( )tt, in the old Hicks building, off I'^ast avenue, in Paw- tucket, where he operated eight looms. In 1889 the business was incorporated under the present name, Daniel (j. Littlefield and Darius B. Goff having previously become partners in the business. The plant was removed to the mill of the American Hair Cloth Co., corner of .Mill and Cross streets, in Central l""alls, where tiie business was carried on until the present plant was built across the way from the Hair Cloth mill. This new mill is so constructed as to give all of the light through the roof, which makes it much more desirable for silk weaving. Ollicers: Darius B. Cioff, President; Charles K. Pervear, Treasurer; Joseph Ott, Agent and General Manager. Mr. Ott isa native of Troch- telfingen, in the district of Hohenzollern, Ger- many, where he was born March 11, 1861. He came to America to avoid military duty in 1884, and after working for several concerns indifferent parts of the country he came to Pawtucket to work for the Slater Cotton Co., from which place he retired to begin manufacturing on his own account Mill No. 3 is located at Darlington. R. Plews Mfg. Co. — Manufacturers of Plews' celebrated patent tiii cylinders for self operating mules, spoolers, twisters and spinning frames; also patent adjustable card screens for cotton and woolen cards, and do a variety of work for mill equipment. Business established in 1858. Incorporated in 1900. Works ojijiosite the rail- road depot of the N. \., N. H. &. II. K. R., Central Falls, R. I. Pawtucket Braided Line Co. Manufacturers of braided fishing lines of all kinds, made from silk, linen and cotton in all colors and sizes. Business established in 1882 by A. G. Hazard, the present projirietor. Works located on Bay- ley street, Pawtucket, R. I Mr. Hazard is a native of Central I-'alls. where he now resides. National Card & Paper Co. -Manufacturers of surface coated |ia])ers, and card board of every descrijjtion. Also glazed pajiers in roll or sheet. Masterson street, near \'ork avenue, Pawtucket. j;S HiockAriiicAi iiisTt )m' < >i' I-: M.wri-'ACTrRi'.Rs Slater Cotton Co. - Matuitacturcrs ol the ■■I'lide ot the West" imislins, which ha\c been u.seil lor shiitinj;s and ladies' and chiklien's wear t(ii a ninnhei ol years, also twills, sateens, nainsooks, and lane)- lenos. Also manufactme hne cotton yarns, business established in 1869. ( tHicers: .\. .Sayles, I'resitient ; C. ]■'.. l.ind- sey, 'I'reasurei ; ]•'. N. Bishop, .Secretary. The business was incorporated as the .Slater Cotton Co. in honor ol .Samuel .Slater, the " l''ather oi American Manufactures." The plant consists of two mills, situated on Church and Main streets, I'.iwlucket. The old mill on Main street was built in 1 803 for the purpose ol manufacturing- files, and was devoted to that line of business for se\eral years by the Ameri can l'"ile Co. In iSihj the buikling was enlarged and converted into a cotton factory. This building is 300 feet long by 50 feet in width, two and a half stories, and has two wings, 60 by 40 feet, two stories iti height, all built of brick. The new mill, erected in 1.S72, is a handsome, high-studded, well ventilated brick building. It is 303 feet long, with engine and picker romiis on the end, which are 40 feet long, making the entire length 342 feet by 90 feet wide and live stories. It is well lighted with many large double windows, and has three large towers, two in front and one at the rear. Power for the plant is sui)plied wholly by steam to the amount of 1,200-horse power through Corliss engines. The production of the establishment appro.xi- matcs I 10,000 pieces of goods yearly, at a valu- ation of over ^500,000. Seventy-five bales of long staple, the very best cotton grown, are used weekly, .iiid 5,000 tons of coal are con- sumed yearly. William I'". Sayles was the prime mo\ei in the establishment of the enter- prise, and he was I'resident of the comininy at the time of his death. Charles A. Luther & Co. — Manufacturers of ildlh stietchers, thread dressers, thread ami varn reels, improved \ am |)rinting machines for war]) or skein, belt cutters, scarfing machines, ])atterns. and special machinery. ]•'.. A. Hum, jiroprietor. Works located at J47 North Main street, i'awtucket. Linton Bros. & Co. -- Manufacturers of print- ers', engravers', ph()togra|ihers', jewelers' and button manufacturers' cards. Also make stock lor tag nianulacturers. Works located at 20 Commerce street, I'awtucket Easton & Burnham Machine Co. - Manufac turers of spindles, usetl in the manufacture of cotton, wool and silk goods, and other mill e(|uipments including im[)ro\ed upright spool ers. I5usiness established in i'rovidence in iS49by i\. R. luiston and C. C. lUirnham. In iS'iQ the business was remo\ed to I'awtucket, the [Jiesent works being erected in 1SS2. In corjjorated under the present name in 1891 and ca])italized for 580,000. Upon the incorpora tion Mr. ICaston's son, Frederick W. Maston, was elected the Treasurer of the company, which position he has held to the ]>resent tiiue. He was born in I'rovidence, ( )ctober 17, 1852. lie completed his education at Mowry ^\: (iolY's school, graduating in 1870. lie entered the em|)loy of ICaston iK: Hurnham in 1873, and was admitted to the firm in 1879. He has been ver\' prominent in public life. He was a member of the I'awtucket Town Council in 1883. He rep resented I'awtucket in the House of Represent atives in 1 891 and was chosen .Senator from I'awtucket in 1892, 1894 and 1895. Cole Bros. — Manufacturers of automatic l)and ing machines, beaming and chaining machines, stationary steam engines, and special machinery, liusiness established in 1858. W'orks located on Bayley street, I'awtucket. The firm con- sisted of Henry S. Cole and his brother Edward R. Cole. They at first made cotton machinery and did geneial repairing. In 1864 they began the manufacture of steam fire en giiies, sending their productions all over the country, e(|ui|iping st)me of the best fire depart ments that ha\e ever been organized. Theii [Minci|ial specialty at present is their automatic banding machine. .Since the death ol lulward R. Cole, in 1887, his brother Henry has carried the business along under the old firm name He is a native of what was then .Seekonk. Mass., where he was bom m 1S37, now Fast I'rovidence, R I. United States Cotton Co. Manufacturers of cotton goods. Mdl located in Central h'alls, R !., on I'Ouiulry street, bordering the tracks of the N. v., N.'ll. & H. R. R. Co. One ol the most extensi\e cotton factories in Rhode island. The works contain 1570 looms, and 58,660 spindles. Fred E. Newell.- Manufacturer of brass and bron/e castings of all kinds, b'oundry at 623 High street, ( entral (•'alls, R. 1. 2 S" CO 3 •a » o :6o HllXiKAI'llK XI. I1IST()R\' Ol- r MAM iaciuri;ks * — American Hair Cloth Co. Maiuitaclurers ol hair cloth lor crmolinc, upholstering purposes, etc. Business established as the I'awtucket Hair Cloth Co. in the old .Slater Mill, the motherof cot ton s[>inning in the L'nited -Stales, and of so many successful industrial enterprises, in I'awtucket in 1S56, I-"recnian Haxter being the [ninie mover in the enter])rise, as he [lossessed the knowledge reipiired in the manufacture of haii- cloth, 1 )avicl K)cler \- Co. and James M. i\yder tuinisiied the capital, Ceorge I,, antl Altred 11 l.iltlelield being associate^l with iJavid Ryder. In iSsS Mr. Ha.xter sold his interest in the com. ])any to Sj4 was doing block jirinting. He car- ried on the businesss until 1.SJ5, when the Ilopefield Coniiianx' took charge ot the busi- ness tor a tew months, ,nul then the i\rm of ."-^hinkwin v^ Bliss took ' harge of the works, carrying on bleaching and |)rinting from I1S25 until 1S29. In 1830 Royal Sibley hired the place of Jenkins (.\: .\lmy, and introduced the coloring of cam brie in addition to the bleachmg business, forming a firm under the name of .Sibley & Kelley, doing a busi- ness amounting to about S5,ooo per week Their main attention was given to the dye- ing of cambric, and m 1833 the\' introduced printing, the firm name being changed to the Frankhn I'rint Works, e\er\ description. This is one of the most substantial [ilants of the .State. E. Jenckes Manufacturing Co. Manutacturers ot I lick's improved ring travelers, and sjjinners ot yarns for knitters and weavers, on cops, cones or sjiools. Also make specialties in ma chiner\- including the I'.leclric .Automatic Knit- ting machine. Business established in the old Slater .Mill by \. 1'. 1 1 icks in 1S67. The hrm of ]■'.. Jenckes v\: Co. was formed in 1.S70. .After a number of years the business was incor])or- porated under the ])resent name W (M'ks lo- cated in I'awtuiket. which was continued under that name until 1835. Their first [irinting machine carried but two colors In kSV) Jacob I )unnell, Thomas J. Dun- nell antl Nath.niiel W. Brown, formed a partner- shi|i under the name of the Dunnell Manufac- turing Company, and for over sixty years the business was contituied untler this name, the sen- eral term used in describing the [)lace being the "Dunnell I'rint Works." The projierty was re- cently acquired by tiie United .States I-"inishing Co. The works are among the largest of theit kind in the country, and the Dunnells made the property what it is to-day by their untiring en ergv and carefid business management. The business was uicorporated in March, iSi(). AND BUSINESS MEN OI- RllODl'; ISLAND, 265 L. B. Darling Fertilizer Co. — Manulacturers of fertilizers, oils, tallow and glue. Husiness begun in a small way by Lucius H. Darling in 1865, on Mineral Spring avenue, I'awtucket, west of the Lorraine Mfg. Co. mills where the e.xtensive plant is now located. He gradually developed the business until his works con- sumed nearly all of the bones collected in I'rovi dence and Pawtucket and this section of the State. The business was incorporated in i8Sy under the present name, L. B. Darling being George H. Fuller & Son.- Manufacturers of jewelers' findings. Business established in 1861 by (ieorge II. Fuller, which makes it one of the oldest findings houses in the State. He began in the I'ayne & Taylor Building, but his present works are located on the banks of the Black stone River, at the eastern end of the Suspen- sion Bridge, I'awtucket. It is one of the largest plants of its kind in Rhode Island, and their goods have alwajs been considered the best that have ever been made. In 1878 Mr. Fuller Smith Webbing Co. Plant, Pawtucket, R. I its first I'resident and remaining in that office until his death, the former name being L. B. Darling & Co., a brother of Mr. Darling being a [lartner in the business before its incorpora- tion. Mr. Darling was born October 3, 1827. and died January 3, 1896. He was prominent in business circles, and in 1885 was elected Lieut. -Governor of Rhode Island, and re-elected in 1886. He was one of Pawtucket's most en- terprising citizens. The business of the fertili- zer company is now controlled by outside capi- tal, with headquarters in New \'ork. took his son, Charles H., in as a partner and then the present name was adopted. Since Mr. Fuller's death, June 26, 1892, his son has continued the business under the old name. A. E. Tenney Mfg. Co. — Manufacturers of arc lamps, cli>th stretchers, models, patterns, fine machinery, and specialties. 'I'hey have made Morrill's saw set for a great many years, which is owned by Mr. Morrill of New ^■ork Mr. A. E. Tenney established the business, and is the present manager. I'Ved Tenney is 'Lreas- urer of the company. Works located in the Broad Street Power Co. 's liuilding, Broad street. Pawtucket, R. I. ~(>(j l!l()(,K.\l'lll(\|. IIISTURV <)1- Till- MAMIACI LKl-.RS National India Rubber Co.— Manufacturers of learned the trade of a machinist in his native a variety nf jioi.ds in rubber, inchiding hose of town, in the employ of Mather K: riatt, niaiui all kinds, tor garden or steam imrposes, belting, facturers of bleaching and dveing machinery packing, spittoons, tire buckets, curry combs, .After serving a se\en years' aijpretiticeshij), l)ertorated and jjressed tloor mats, cariiage Mr. Rusden soon after became the compans's cloth, mackintoshes, and a great variety of representatix e on the road, traveling in nearh wearing .i[)parel, c.irriage ajirons, horse coveis, ;dl of the manuf.icturing countries of the old water bottles and tount.iin syringes, carriage world, where he introduced their machiner\- and chair cushions, bed pans, o|)er.itmg cush 1 'uring this tune he was stationed in Russia for ions, inflatable bath tubs, bed sheets, life pre^ a term of live years, where he looked after the servers, tubing, and numerous other specialties interests of the com|)an)- throughout that coun in the line ol druggists' sundries. lUisiness es try. I'pon arrivmg in the I'nited .States he tablished by l'..\ ( iovernor Augustus ( ). Hoiuii was emjiloyed for a dozen years or more prior in i.S()4, undei the name of the National Rubi)er to tlie organization of the company of which he ( o., the goods then manufactured being prin is the General Manager, whose machinery is cipally, it not wholly, rubber boots and shoes, considered as fine as any manufactured in this In April, iSS.S, the business was reorganized and country. The power is sujjplied by an e.xten^ incorporated under the u.ime of the National sive steam plant, and the ivorks are equip[)ed India RubberCo. The works are among the larg with the best machinery that is recjuired in the est in the I'nited .States, and the businessof the manufacture of their productions. This estab- company is the m.iinstay of the town of Bristol, lishment tias pro\'ed of great benefit to the town where the i)lant is located, em|)loying, as they do, of Warren, and is one of the most substantial some 1.400 operatives. The officers of the industries of the State. company are: Samuel P. Colt, President and Burdon Wire & Supply Co.— Manufacturers of Treasurer; W. Del-". Hrown, Secretary; H. IT jKitent seamless filled wire, either solid or Shejiard, (Jeneral Manager. 'I'he entire works hollow, made with a coating of gold on the out cover an area of eighteen acres, and consist of side surface of wire made from any of the base twenty-seven buildings, as shown in the cut metals. The company also manufacture gold ui)on the opposite page. There are two pump- plated flat stock, watch bows, and joint wire, ing stations maintained by the company. One I-'actory located at 109 Summer street, I'rovi tor sup])lying spring water for washing the dence. Business established by Levi L. l^urdon rubber, and the other for su|)])lying salt water (deceased) in 1SS6, who secured the [)atent the trom the haibni' whu h is used m the condens- [irevious year. Incor])Orated in 1.S8.S; enij.ilo)- ers. .Seventeen bmlers are su|)i)lied from the about twent\- ti\e h.iiuls. ( Uticers. Henry 1. town water works, which supiily steam for three Spooncr, I'resident ; William li. (iladding, engines, the largest of which is a Ilarrks-Corliss Treasurer and .Manager; Henry |. .Spooner, Ir,, K.O,). horse power engine. Secretary anil Superintendent.' At the present The Rusden Machine Co. -Manul.icturers ol time there is a consolidation with a I'awtucket bleaching, d\cing, printing and linishing ma- concern contemiilated, the business to still be chinery, whicli , ire their specialties. In their carried on in l'ro\ idence. marine depaitment they manufacture steam Crees & Court. — Die sinkers ami designers, steerers, steam .iiid hand windlasses, c.ipstans, hub cutters and tool makers for jewelr)-, siher gasoline yacht eiigines, and coal h.indling ma- ware, medals, badges, and metal ornaments, '■hinery. Business estalilished in iSucjand in Business established in 1X1)5. Works located at e and complete in every detail. Mr. Ikady is a student of the scientitic as well as the jiractical [lart of his business and has succeeded in de\'elo|)ing many valuable im|)rovements in methods in electro- de[)ositing the precious metals. Plating of jew- elry has become an import. mt part of his Inisi- ness and in fact it may be said that his success is largely due to his skill in this line, although he does an extensi\e business in other lines as well. L. Vaughn & Co.- .Manulacturers ot all kinds ot building materials in wood, including doors, sash, blinds, etc, Hiisiness established about ■^^^ John F. iS5rjas a cai[)enter sho|) b)' I.oren/o X'aughn, who is a native of the town of Kast (Jreenwich, R. I., where he was born March 2. iSjj. I lis I)laning null is located at 1153 Westminster street, Providence. l'".m])lo\' about 40 haniis. Power for the jilant is supplied b)' a 20 horse power Cruickshank engine. Builders Iron Foundry. — M.mulactmers of all kinds of iron castings, water metres, architec- tural iron work, and do contract work for the goveiiniient in the manufactureof coast defence guns, etc. Husiness established in 1S22. In- corjiorated in ii^5.v Officers: /achariah Chafee, I'resident ; R. Austin R o b e r t s o n , Treasurer The works are located on Codding street, and are one of the oldest concerns of its kind in the city, as well as one of the largest. During the past seventy- hve years theyha\'e tilled large contracts for the go\'ernment, about the last of which was the making of a large nutii- ber of mortars for coast defence, which were counted as perfect in the line of heavy ortl- nance as any that ha\e ever been made. The gun carriages and the full equipment were also made b\' this concern. l*"or a time the Rice & Brady, e ' Sargent engmes were made in these works. The foundry and machine sho[i are eijuipped with all kinds of machinery and ajipliances for doing nearly every kind of metal work Diamond Machine Co. -Manufacturers of ma- chinery for operating emery wheels. Their jjro- ductsare manufactured at the Huilders Iron Foun- drv, on CotUlington street, Pro\idence. Husiness foiiiierl)' located on .Xtwell's a\'enue. John A. Cioss is treasurer of the company. Incorporated George W. Dickinson. To[) roll coverer Husiness established in No\-eniber, 1869. Works located at 44 Horden street. Providence (ieorge W. Dickinson was born in Philadeli>hia, Pa., in ( )ctol.)er, 1 84 J. AND BUSINKSS MKN Ol' Klioni': ISLAM). 269 Bradney Novelty Co. — Manufacturers of nov- elties in scarf pins, brooches, and a general line of rolled gold and electro-plated goods. Works located at 1 17 Point street, }'rovidence. .Arthur J. IVI\ers, the proprietor, was born in Litchfield, England, May 11, 185 1, he began manufactur- ing jewelers' findings in South Providence in 1885, in which line he continued for about five manufacturing business, assisted b\' Mrs. M\ers lie established the business of the Bradnev Xovelt}' Co. in 1898, and his trade has gradualh increased until now he emjjloys about 25 hand.'^ in his establishment. The Empire Rubber Shoe Co. — Manufacturers of rubber shoes. The present business was in- corporatetl in June, 1901, Capitalized for Plating Works of John F. Brady, Corner Friendship and Garnet Streets, Providence. years. For a number of years Mr. M_\ers was a 550,000. Factory located on ( )ak street, Woon- regular Minister of the (iospel in the I'rimitive socket. R. I. ICmploy 140 hands. Officers : Methodist Church, during which time he gave up the manufacturing business. lie is at pres- ent pastor of a church just outside of the city of i'rovidence. He is also a deacon in the Metho- dist Episcopal Church, and does a great deal of church work, at the same time attending to his Herman Clarke, President; C. \'. N. Radclife, Treasiuer; Charles P. Russell, .Secretarv. The building was erected by the Model Rubber Co. in 1899, and is a substantial wooden structin-e. well eciuii)])ed with modern rubber-working machiner\ . -"o liKx.k.AI'IlICAl, 11IS1()R\- ()!■ rill'. MA\tl-.\(ri'Rl';k,S Fuller Iron Works. MaiiutactLii crs of inm castings, water works specials, steam and gas flanged pijje and littings, and general niarhiner\- castings. Business established in I1S40. W'oiks located on South M.un, Toi'kwotton, Pike and l?enetit streets. I'roxiileiice. Incorporated ni |S()4. C".ipitali/ed for I'',ni[)loy 100 h.mds. Otlicers: l'"rederic I'"uller, I'resident ; h'rederic 11. l-'uller, \'ice I'resident ; II. Clinton I'uUer. .Secretar\' anil Treasurer. I''rederic I'ullei. the I'resitlent of the com that tune it was considered one of the most im- portant loundrics in this section and of New h'.ngland, and the fact that u|)on the introduc- tion of water into the city of Boston, many ot the large water mains of the Boston water works were cast here at h'rederick I'~uller's foundry, is evidence that the foundry was equip])ed tor doing the heaviest of work that was required at that time. Mr. I'^dler carried on the business in his own name untd his death in 1S65. His sons, I'"rederic and (ieorge I''uller. became his natural succe.ssors and thej' adopteti the name ot l-'uller Iron Works, which name has* Macliine Shop of the FuUei pany, was born in I'.aston, .Mass., March .S, I1SJ5. lie came with his [larents to Cranston, K. 1., where his tatlier, I'redeiick I'uller, began the loundry business at ttie Cranston ore beds in 1S33, making nearlv all of the castings for the .Spragues' and the other mills ot the i'awtuxet \'alley of that ])eriod. In 1 840 l'"redei ick I'uller purchased the woo nndci' tlie name of 1). (]off & Sons was l)et;nn in the did -Stone .Mill, situated on the east bank of the P>lackstone River, just above the I'alls, which was erected in 1813. Tiiis was in i8()4. Ilnsi- ness increased rapidly, and annlhei- mill wa> built jnst south of the old mill. In 1877 Darius but his son, Darius I,., has seconded his father's efforts ever since the betjinniny; of the l)usiness. and since his father's death in i8 incor])oratcd in 1897, and is prominently connected with a number I il I it her enli-rprises. Nottingham Mill. — Manufacture cotton gniids. Pusinos isi.ililishcd in l8_>(i. The oldest >team cut tun mill in .\'ew Pngland. 1 1 was first kuKun as the I'mxidence Steam .Mill, under which n:uuc il cuiiiimied to do business until 1863. It w.iN then ch.niged ti> the .Nottingham Mills, and later K, tlic W anrcgan Mills. P.. P.. cK: R. kni^lit hccanu- the inanaiiers of the mill in UlBeeESeRIEJeEEEEItEEEEr.... EBECECIEEEDJiF.fSeFFFilitcFsl f'^^^miiim -i- Plant of D Goff & Sons, Pawtucket, R. I. L. t'lofT originated the idea of putiuig up liraid> on rolls and fastening the cud^ with wire vlasps. This patented method became a great success. The Gof¥ braids have been in com- mon use throughout the I'nited Stales and other countries f(.ir many years, being almost a household necessity for binding the skirts of dresses, coats, etc. In 1881 the com|i;iny began the manufacture of mohair [ilush for car seats, furniture, etc.. which is equal in every respect to the best foreign productions. These two ])rodnctious are among the leaders of the manufactured goods of the State. Lyman P.. voungest son of Darius Goft. was admitted to the firm in 1872, and became Vice President upon its incorporation. Darius Goff was the prime mo\er in the estal)lishment of the enterprise. vis. \ugn>t. i8(j(>. and the following year the name was again changed to Nottingham Mill, and in lamiary. njot. they became the owners of the propcrtv. putting in new machincrv and enlarg- nig the plant, making it a modern mill so far as ei|ui])ment is concerned. The mill is located at the junction of P.ddy ;md D\er streets, Provi- ilenci', the rear oi the mill bordering' on the h.iiiior front. P.mploy _'5() hands. Power for the plant is sui)])lied by a Harris-Corliss cross- compound and a Geo. II. C'orliss engine, of 600 horse powrr. Ihe old original engine was of the walking beam type, but it was not the first cngineiisedinthecity. The second engine was jiut in by what is now known as the Providence Dvc- ing. Pleaching and Calendering Co., a cut of which is shown in this book in connection with that compain's business record. -74 Hl( XiKAI'lIK Al. lllSlom' ()!■■ Till'. MAXTI-'ACTr KS The Union Wadding Co. — ( )nc nt the oldest ol I'.iwlLU'ket's mdiistncs was established in 1.S47 by Darius ( Kiii. In iS;y Mr. (lolf associated himself with John 1). Cranston and Stephen KiDwnell undei' the funi nanient ( iolf, Cranston »\: Urownell, for earryini; on the business of buying and selling cotton .ind cotton waste, and to the members of this firm and Henry A. Stearns he disposed of thi ec ijuarters ot his holdings in the Cnion Wadding Co. In uSjo the ^ompally was incorjiorated with a ca[iital of 5^00,000, which was soon after in creased to S.iOO,- 000. In iSSo The Cnion Wadding * Co, purchased the business ami assets of (ioff. Cranston i\: Hrownell, ami the stock holdmgs of Messrs. Cran ston and Browned were jnirchased by Mr. Cioff and his son, l.yman. Mr. ( ioff was President of the coni|)any from 1.S70 until his death in iSyi, when he was succeeded by his son, I .yman H. (iolf, who had been Treasurer since iX.So. Lyman H. ( iofi was born in Keho both. Mass., ( )ct. U). 1S41. and re moveil with his |)arents to Paw- tucket in I. '^47 I le received his elementary and ])reparatory education in the (irammar and 1 ligh schools ol Pawtucket and was graduated Irom Hrown Cnlversity with the class of 1S62. 1 le entered the military ser\'ice at I'drt Aber crombie. iJakota. at the outbreak of the .Sioux war of i.S()J, .md remained in the serxice until the close ot that war. l']>on his return to I'.iw tucket he was salesman loi 1). (lolf iv .Son and continued in this emiiloyment until 1X72. when he was admitted to the lirm, the natiie then be- B Gott. ing changed to I), (loll iv .Sons, whith was in- corporated in iiS,S4. In I Sy Holmes & I'ayne. After one year Mr. TTolnies sold his interest to George ^V. Payne, and then Thomas A. Mathewson was admitted and the llrni name became I'ayne & Mathewson. and later .\lr. ( ieorge M. h'anning l>ecame a member of the firm, the business being carried along tmder this name for fourteen years. Upon .\lr. Mathewson's death the firm name then became ( leorge W . I'ayne & Co. The first shop was located o\i ilie we-i bank of tin.- Ulackstone Kiver, iietween the l"all> and the ujjper dam. where the mills of the Littletield Manufaclur- iiiLT Co. arc now located. After two rears a larger shop was occttpied near the old Grist .Mill I'rivilege. l)e]ow the balls, where the busi- ness was carried on for fourteen years. Then rooms were secured in the I'avne & 'rayli>r r.uilding on I-^ast avenue. In I-'ebruary. 11883. tlu- tirm removed to their present location in tile building owned b\- the IJroad Street Power Co., at io() llroad street. Pawtucket. The works now cover an area c»f 150 by 50 feel, and an ell 50 by 30 feet. Employ about 40 men. Mr. I'ayne. after leaving school, went to work lor I'.-iyiie iv Taylor, where he remained for two years in their engraving shop. After this lie ^er\eaI)Cock. of \\ esterly. and b'ales iS; Jenks. of I'awtucket. am] afterward began biisine>s on his own ac- count, and then iMitered tlu- lirni ol (Jeorge \\ . 1 ';i\ lie il- t o. in kSjc). Hope Paper Company. — .Manufacturers of card board, glazed and lithograph ]^aper>. ^.t^^illl•-^^ e-^tabli^hed |ul\ 11. h;oi. by Eliza lieth Linton, who j^ the ^ojc priiprietor. Rob- ert Linton. .Manager. ( )ti'u-e and factorx' loi'atL-il at _'o' I llrook >lreet. I'awtucket, R. I. l\oln-rl Linton, who ha> the full charge of the )ilant. w a^^ born in l'.-ii^le\. Scotland, and came to .\merica in 1833. I lis kii compU-te. and hi> long experi- ence in tlii-^ line of manufai'lure has enabled liini to accpiire a >\-teiii that few pa])er manu- facturers of tlii-' couiilrx possess, llis ])roduc- tion> ha\e been sold among the leading litliog- raplier^ and prinler- of ibe Lilited States, and lhe\ ha\ei;i\en niii\er-~al i>lact ion. .\bnlern ]iriiitim.;. both in lithograph and half-tone worls. re(|nire- a p;i]iei- with a >nrface that is perfect ami maile >peciall\ for tine lui't line effect-, and the product- of the Hope paper niill- meet these recpiirement-. The W(_)rks are -uli-tantial -tnicture-. modern in every respect, and well eipiiii|ie(l with the late-t pajjt-r making m;icliiner\-. Lower for the woi'ks is supplied 1)\ ;i Crei-ne -team entwine of 1 _>3 horse power, and the entire plant i- lighted by electricity. The coinp,-m_\ i> ;it pre-enl making ;' ;-,ie- eialtv of wliite glazed paper- for boxniaki'rs, and h;i- the reputation of pnidiiciuL'- '.'-'e finest ;;ood- ill ill!- line. Mthough a coniparativelv new concern, it ha- alre.idy gained an !m- port;iiit -tanding m the commercial worh! a-'id l)ids fair to become one of l';iwtucket'- most -ncce--ful (-nter])rises. _'"S |( »(,k.\l'IIU Al. I1IST()R\' ()!■ Till MAMIACiLki'.kS James 0. Draper J. O. Draper & Co. — M ainil';uliin.r> of\r liurr iinlil 1X3(1. ami 111 iSi.i wiili \liiiir At- (III anil l'.n^li~li tiu; M-iap inr washiiii;' wmil. wikmI slarlnl llu- mi;i]i hn^iiu-^^ m I'awliu'kcl. wdiilcn. \\iir-~Uil and >ilk L;ni)ils. wliitr I If wa-^ a nl ^U'rlin;^ rliaracter. .-.tronij lorlinL;--, ,in rnrin\ In lir Irarrd ami a Irii-inl wliii wiinlil >lanil li\ in i1k- rnd. Mr. A. W . ."^t:inlr\ i-, a n:ui\r ni' AiiKlmrn. .\las>,. \\ lure 111' \\a- Imrn SrplrnilH r ,VJlli. 1S47, .inij \\,i- a in|iln\\ iii llu- iniimKr nt tliu liu~iiu-~, Snnii .iiur licrnnnnL; .a nn-niln-r nt llir lirm lie i-.irnnl tin- |iiim'ipal Imnliii ni iIk- lui^inc^^. .-iml In ]ii~ tulrrprisc ami ^tricl alU-n- imn tn It- ijri.aiU. tin- --tc-,ail\ L;rn\\tli ni' tin- fniHiiii 1- larL;rl\ iliic I pnn tile ilcatli iit .Mr. I )rapi'f, t lilnlicr i_). iSnl. lir lifcanu' llu- >nK' nian.aL;c'r :mil li.a-. iniit niiinl in i^ur lif~ pc-r- v(iii,-|l .It I rut mil In tile luisinc-- c-\rf -iiu'r lime \li", Sl.iiili'N li.a^ luiii iiil crc'-t I'll 111 ntlu'i" rnu-rpfi-r- nl iiii| infi .aiu'i', I lie ,\l .'11111 l.acl iirrr- rillililin^ III I 'rn\ idi'lU'l'. nlU' nl llu- l.'ll'i;i'~1 nianii lari nriiiL; liiiildiiiL;- m llu- Slali', w.'i^ Imill li\ llu- knil \' Sl.'inlrx ( n.. nt w liiili lie \\ a-^ llic rrr^idi'iii . and lie wa^ ,'l]-^n a nu'inlK-f nt the t'lnii III Im'iii Ov Maiilrv, iiianiilai'l iirmu; lrv\'cl- ci"-- III I'rnx idi'iirc. wliu'li inni'trn \\a- cnii- >iiKTi'il I nil' III till' nm-t I'lii ct"] ifi--inL; nl 1 lir cit \ . 'Mir --nail \\nrk-, wirr rniniilrud in llicii" prc^- ml Infill III iSiin. iii)\i|i) Ic'ct. tlifff >lnfii.'S ill lu'iL;lit. riiriT 1- aUn a -Inrr Imiisc. (lOxXo tret, nl' iliriT -tnru'- 1 lu wnfk^ .aiT well ;ir- ranL;rd Inf tjir in.'iiiiil.iiiiirr nt Mi;ip. and arc ri|iii])pi'd Willi inndrni ni.'u'liim'rx and a])- clii]ipi'd >nap I'nr -^traw. pniil wnrk- ,'iiid pli,iiu-c^. I'lir aniin.'il niiipnt ni ilic iai-lnf_\ i- stcaii! l;iiinilru'>. ]ialiii nil. IiIcu'Iiihl;. Inll- almiil 3,nnn.niin pniimN. .'ind llu-if prndiu'l> 11114 ;ii"l ^rniirinn snap^ Inr ;ill i.ulnry ::-.•--. liavr lirminr \ rrx ]inpiil.if .unnn.^ tin- tii.inn- ,\l^n l';iiiiil_\ -naps III' all kind- .'iml .1 lariat liiu' nl' tnilrt -n.-iji- I'.ii-iiU'-- r-1 al ili-lii'i I in I S' . ; I lu laillf- 11. 1 'r.iprr .iiid \liiur \l\\nnd. tin- hii-iiU'Nv ki-iiiL; rarrii'd nii iimKr llu' linn iiaiiK' ,,. Ill' I ir.apcr \' \l w nnd mild iSnj.wlu'ii \iil;u-iii- W ( "rn\\ I'll w .'1- admit U'd a- a tin iiilu'r nt 1 lir t'liiii, llu- iiaiiu- llicn ln'iiiL; rlian^id In llra]H't'. \l w.ind \' I 'n. A t'cw tiinii ill-- later Ml', 1 M.qH't' linnL;lii niti till- inirrt'-l- nf hi- panncr-. .-iml I'arrii'd mi tin- liii-iiu--- alniu- ttnlil 1S71. when \rlliiir \\ , M,'iiilr\ w.'i- adniitti'd a- a parlnrr. till' iiami' ni llu- lirin tlini :idnpU'd ln'niL;" I 1 '- I )l'.'lprl' \ ( n,, wllH'll h.'l- linn till -1\K' tn t 1 U' pi'i'-i'iil linn lanii'- I I l)ra]Mr w .1- Imrii in Xlllcl'ni'n, Inn, Julli. 1X1,^ Mr .iiundi'd iIk- pnl'lu' -i-linnj- ,-inil wnri cd nil 111- i.'i 1 1 lit' '- farm llnlll hr \\a- III, wllrll 111' Willi In Milll-lnll. Ma — .. .-11111 Icariii'd 'lir ir.idr I'i -Imrinakmi; \t jn hr wrlll In Mnliijr. \1,L, wlu'rr lir and In- lifnthrr m l,-i\\. I II Sl.inlrv li.itlirr ni A W M;iiilr\. In- 1,'ilri- ]i:irlnri'i, \\rrc- i'iiL;a.i;rd III lllr prndnrr Im-Illr-- Mr rrtliriird In .\ ' tU-linrn ,-ind tnnk rharL;r i>i In- i.ilhrr'- i;u'ni .-iiid did -mnr -hnrtnak iiii;. .'iiid m 1X41) wrnl ■i-nnnd lllr llntii tn I alifnrni.-i nii tlir -Irainn \rrntii- .'ind \\a- -i\ nintith- mi tlir way. In iirn- ient busim.'^^. Charles W. Jencks & Bro. — Manufacturers ooilfu boxes, r.usiness established mz Plant of J. O. Draper & Co., Pawtucket, R. I. shoddv. ( hvned bv William l\. W iKon and his ni September, iS^j. Works locateil at 31 I'.road nei)hew, 1 lerliert M. Wilson. The mamifacture >irii-t. Providence. I'lii-- is one of the oldest of shoiUU was begun here in iXf.o. The first mill p.ipei' box concerns in the coinitry. Charles \\ . was destroxed In- fire in 1871. and rebiuh the and lohii 1. Jencks, the pni])rietors. are both same year. I'rom 1878 until 181)3 llerberl M. nati\-es of Providence. They ,-ire the sole mami- Wilson carried on the shoddv mill, and then facturers ..f the "Sensible"' mailing box. l-.mploy , ,, -r- 7 1 1 ii . 1 -1 about 200 oi)erati V1.-N. ( )lnev 1. Inman lea>eil the properly and earned 1 on the same line of buMuess. Mill l.icated on John F. Lassen & Co.— .Manulacturvr.-. of , ,>.., ■ 1 - 1 ■ 1-11,1 awnings, tents, sails, etc. lUisiness estal)hshed the \\ 1 son re-ervoir which is snpi)lied bv the ^,^ ' ... ' , . , , , w » • , . ,. . . ' • m |S<)V Works located at n^^-, W estnnnster ( lear River, about two miles irom 1 ascoag. K. I. ^^^.^.^.^ '| ■,., ^-j.k,,,,.,.. j,,i,„ |.-. j.assen i> a native J. L, Fugere. — \lainifactnri-r of ,-ill kinds of i>f llalifax. \o\-;i Scoii.-i. ?.so HIOCRAIMIK \I. 1IISI()R\- ( )| I-; M.\Mi-A( ruR];Ks The A. T. Atherton Machine Co. .Manufac lurers ol cotton mill niachinei)'. IJusiness es- tablished in iSS- as the I'ottcr & Atherton Ma chine Co. 'I'he name was changed in 189310 The A. T. Atherton Machine Co., anil in i,S(/i the business was reor<;"ani/ed under the same name. Works located on Prairie a\'cnue, I'aw tucket, on the India I'oint Branch of the N. ^^, \. II. vK: II. R. R. .\ new buildint;', modern in e\ery respect, and lUst completed this year ol ii)oi. I'jiiploy about 200 hands. ()tVicers: 1{. 1,. I'"reeman. President, (ieo. W. Stalford, \'ice- Presiilent , I'led Anthony, .Secretary and Treas- remained lor six years. He then accepted the office of clerk for the Hebron M ft;. Co., in He- bronville, K. I., remaining three years. And then after ser\-ing one year with A. 15. McCrillis & Co., he engaged with Oliver Johnson iv Co., ICxchange street and Exchange ])lace, remaining about two years, and then he acce])ted a posi- tion with the Congdon & Carjjenter Co., where he remained some seventeen years, after which he engaged with the A. T. ^Atherton Machine Co., in 1899, and in A[)ri], 1901, he was elected the Secretar)- .and Treasurer of the corporation. P'red A. Wilde, the General Manager of the * * 1 « » . ^ ^-.'^ "^>.'<3f4'- .^ J^'' New Plant of The A. T. Atherton Machine Co., Pawtiicket, R. I. urer; Fred ,\. Wilde, (ieneral Manager. 'I he Hoard of I )iretors are: V.. I.. P'reeman, (ieo. M. ■Phornton, 1). P. (lolf, P.dward .Smith and tieo. W. Stafford. .Mr. .\nthony, the 'Preasurer of the company, is a native of Coventry, R. I. .\fter lea\ing school he entered the enijiloN- of Chas. P". Pease o' " company, is a native of J'rovidence. He was em- ployed for SIX years with the tjeo. W. Stafford .Mfg. Co., of Providence, which later consoli. tlated with the Knowles Loom Works, and was known as the Providence l>ranch, and later as the Providence Hranch of the Crompton tS: Knowles Loom Works. After leaving this f Hoston. in the u]iholstery Inisiness, and later comjiany he entered the emjiloy of 'Phe A. T. engaged with .'\nnable iv .\llen in the dry .\thertoii Machine Co., as .Asst. Manager, at the goods business in the .\rcade in Providence, as time of the reorganization in 1.S9O. January i, bookkee])er. .\fter leaving this place he en- 1901, he was elected the Ceneral Manager of tered the emjiloy of John IP I'.ddy ^s; Co., on the business. Phe works formerly occujiied I'.xchange street as their bookkee])er, where he were located on Broad street, Pawtucket, AND liUSlNKSS .MKX UF RllUDE ISLAND. 281 which were a part of the property owned by the Broad Street I'ower C"o. The new j^lant will afford an increased floor space, which will en- able the company to carry on their business on a larger scale, in a factory that is equipped with all of the modern machinery necessary in the manufacture of their cotton machinery. Woonsocket Rubber Co. — Manufacturers of rubber boots and shoes. 1-iusiness established in 1865 by Lyman A. C'ook anil Simeon S. Cook, who soon after employed Jose[)h Hanigaii to help set u]) the machinery for the new works. In May, 1867, the business was incorporated under the present name, the incorporators be- construction. During a greater part of his life the late Joseph Banigan was the controlling spirit of the company, and to his energy much of the success of the undertaking was due. The weekly pay roll of this company amounts to over $20,000. The capacity of the Millville plant is 8,000 ])airs of boots daily, and that of the Woonsocket factory is 25,000 pairs of shoes in a single day. I'hese rubber goods are made in all of the prevailing styles so that every per- son may have as good a fitting rubber as they ha\e in a shoe. American Textile Co. Manufacturers of lace goods in cotton and silk. Business incorpor- Woonsocket Rubber Co., "Alice Mill," Woonsocket, R. I. ing: Lyman A. Cook, -Simeon S. Cook, Joseph Banigan, Latimer W. Ballou and Henry L. Ballon. Works are located at Woonsocket, R. I., and Millville, Mass. Capitalization, $3,000,000. Employ 2,500 hands. The present officers are: Samuel P. Colt, l^resident ; P'rederick Cook, Treasurer; C. H. (juild. Secretary. Twenty boilers are recjuired to furnish steam for both of the mills, and Corliss engines are used to the extent of about 2,000-horse power. The factory at Millville manufactures rubber boots and the Alice Mill at Woonsocket is where the rubber shoes are all made. The accompanying cut is a good representation of the Alice Mill, and the factory at Millville is very similar in style and ated in 1898, works built in lyoo, in I'awtucket, just over the line from I'rovidence, near the dye works of the R. D. Mason Co. The mill is a modern one, and the industry promises to be one of the new enterprises that will be of great advantage to the State in the line of manufac- tures. Power supplied by steam. Officers: Hezekiah Conant, President; Lyman B. Goff, X'ice-I'resident ; (ieorge M. Thornton, Secretary- and Treasurer. J. D. Warren & Co. — Manufacturers of solid gold stone rings, and sterling silver rings. Busi- ness established about 18S0, and by the present company in February, 1899. Works located at 21 Kddy street. Providence. j8: luoc.kAi'iiicAi iiisrom' oi' iiiF', M.\\ri'A(-n'ki-;Ks Eagle Mills. Manutaclurers ot corduinvs. ])lusli. and cotton dress goods, liusincss estab- lished under the name of the drolon Mfg. Co., and in iSSj tin- business was reorganized under the name of the I'iagle Mills, ['"actories located near the new l)riilge. Woonsocket, R. I. The old wooden mill owned and operated by this company is one of the oldest in the city now in o[)eration, being built i)robably in 1831 Ijy John W . Hulfum, and ktiown as " lUitfum's Mill, " until the seconti mill was built a few years afterwards, when they were known as "Law's Mills," m honor of (^leorge I.avy, who was the Superinten- dent and Manager tor a numbei of years. John Hutlum certainly purchased the land here in 1831, and he probably built the old wooden factory the same yeai'. The st)le ot architectine of this mill was in use in Rhode IslantI for mill purposes the first halt ot the Nineteenth Cen tury. lunploy about 300 hands. ()lficers: Charles Morris .Smith, I'resitlent ; (icorge M. Smith, rreasLuer and Secretary; (ieorge I I < irant. Superintendent, Mr. (irant is a nati\c lit Woonsocket, where he was b.iiii I )ecendier 1 I. 1837. llcrcceiyed his etlui-atiuii in the public sihools of Wdon socket and i> a graduate of Smitlnille Semin- ary, of \i>rth Scituate, R 1. After leaving school he wuikcd for his uncle in the grocery business in I'.iwtuckcl. and soini after he was em|)loyeil li\ lulwaid llarris. the tamous woolen maiHitac tnrer, to learn the trade of a machinist. At the breaking out ot the Rebel lion he \yas the ho^s machinist at the Jenks' Mill in Jeuksville. \\ donsocket. now the duerin .Spinnuig ( u. Mill. He also worked as a ma chinist in rro\idcnce at the l'"ranklin b'oundry anil Hope lion I'Dundiy along about iS;8 and l85y. lie attei wards made the toicman ot George H. Grant. the machine shop ot the llarris I'rivilege mill in Woonsocket. now the l.awton Spinning Com[)any [ilant. .After remaining there lor a number of years he entered the employ of the (iroton Mfg. Co. in what was commonly called Law's Mills, in 1872, as master mechanic the first year, and the second year he was ap |iointed the su[)erintendent, a position which he has held to the ]jresent lime. Mr. (irant was honored b\- the citizens of Woonsocket, who elected him the first IVhiyor of the city. He was a member ot the first Town Council which was formed in iSh^ lie was a member four years, and |)resident ot the Council one year, and was Chief of the tire tlepartment. Since that time Mr. Grant has [laid strict atten- tion to business, and has not accepted any other [niblic positions. .Mr. (irant was ensign of (.'<>. K, 1st Rhode Island Infantry, and was later promoted to captain of Co. L), 5th R. I Heavy Artillery. The b'.agle Mills are ^u]i|)lied by power tiom the Hlackstone trench to the extent ol Jo )horse ])ower through two turbines, and by a llarrisCor- liss engine of 380) horse power. C[ion the op- |)osite page we jirint a cut ot the mills made from an old print, which was taken before the Ha[nist church was moved from Main street. And another troni a photo- graph t.iken I )ecember 5, njoi, which shows eNtensi\e additions that give nearl) double the tloor space for manufacturing pur])oses over the okl mill. There is the >ame interest centeied in this old origin, d structure that we find in connection with all of the old mills ot this section, which include the Jenks\ille ami Hamlet mills, those near Woonsocket I'"alls, and others that have been built in ditferent ])arts of the city and State. AM) lUSIXKSS MI;N' ()!• RlloDl-; ISLAND 283 Eagle Mills, Woonsocket, R. I. 1901. Eagle Mills, Woonsocket, R. I 1875. JS4 lll()(iR.\mi( \1, 111ST()K\- ol- 'llll'; M.Wri'ACTrKMKS Woonsocket Machine and Press Co. — Maiui- friction which was necessarily caused heretotoio tacturcis ot cutton niaciiinery, power transmit- by the conipound sleeve revolvin;;' in an oppo- tirii; ni.ichiiiery and niiscellaneous iron work, site direction ti-oni the main shaft, 'i'hese im lUisiness cslablislied as the \\ Ooiisockct h'oun piovements, which were so \alual)le, were dry about 1S3S on South Mam street, W'oon eclipsed in 1 S1J4 by the invetition and introduc- socket, K. I. Later the n.inie ol the conip.iny tion ol the\ertical shaft, doinj^' away with the was chanj;ed to the Woonsocket MachmeC'o., horse head entirely, and obtaining a positive ,ind m 18.S4 the business incmporated dri\e l.)etween the main and bobbin shafts, under the name ol the WOonsocket Machine through an ,ingle shaft, \ertical shaft and slid- .md Press (o., with a caiiitali/ation of S200,ooo, inj^ j;ear. thereby giving an even tension to the the |)lant being removed to its jiresent location ro\iiig at all points of the trax'erse, an inipossi on .Second avenue, I'"airmount district, W'oon- ble result with the use of the horse heail or train socket, in iSjij, The works consist of a foun of gears following the rail up and clown. This dry, machine sho|), blacksmith shop, jxittern vertical shaft has pro\en the invention that has house, shaltiug dep.irtment, drv shed, sand sheil, made this lly frame the acme of perfection, .md store house, boiler house, etc., the main build- which has i)laced them in the mills throughout mg being 475 teet long by 5J feet wide, and the country, doing a class of work that is abso the \arious wings making full as much more lutely [lerfect. In 1895 l)aly's differenti.d lloor space as the main structure. 1-anploy 650 motion and their patent contact gearing were operatives. ( ine ot the largest machinery added, and the ne.xt year the steel clearer cov manutacturing i)lants in the I'nited .States- ers and steeN'astings were put on, and in 1 S97 (Mlicers: iulward II. Kathbun, President; the steel draft gear bonnet and safety cone William .S. llo|)kins. 'I'reasurer ; .Stanley G. catch were introduced, and in 1.S98 their patent .Smith, .Sec ret a r)' : Malcolm ( 'am].ibell, (General self-oiling sjiindle step and Campbell's ball- Manager, bearing top rolls. These in\'entions make the I he business began in a small wa)', but the most complete up-to-date Hy frame manufac- ipialityol its productions built up a good trade- tured in New laigland. and gradually the ]jlant has been increased The great advantage derived from the \erti- until it reached its |)resent dimensions. One of cal and angle shaft that this company has the ])rinci]ial events that biought about a boom brought out, is the fact that it tloes aw.i\- with lor the concern was the purchasing of the City all gain or loss heretofore experienced in other Machine Co. of Providence, in 1888, all of the machines, because the motion of the gear.s is al- pattei IIS, .s])ccial m.ichineiy, jigs, etc.. used in ways continuous in one direction, regardless of the manutacture ol the lly Iranie that bears the direction taken by the rail, thereby causing that conipan)'s name, all ol which were re- a perfectly even tension on the roving, moved to the Woonsocket Machine and Press Daly's differenti.d gearing overcomes the ( o. s works. I'oi' twenty years before this time great .imount of friction and breakage caused the ( ity Machine lly p'rame had been in use b\ the several bevel gears of the old style differ- thiough(Jiit the country, receiving the best of ential, moving ,it double the speed of the lack- indorsements Irom the manulacturers using shatt. The I), ily gearing entirely overcomes all them, and since this comi)any became the own- [irevious diHicnlties, producing a bobbin of yarn CIS they h.ave made impro\-ements that which ciunot be surpassed by an\- other ma- ])laces it in the front rank ot cotton nnu:hinery, chine. ihis iiivenlioii provides s])ur-gears run- '.astly su])erior to the machine as originally ning in the same direction, and at half the speed built. The impro\'ciuents that h.ive made this ol the old stvle m.ichine. il)- Ir.ime so iiojuilar was tirst the introducti(ui 1 he p.itented improvement used fress evenly. At the end of the machine is evaporation, which is very slight. the folding device, wherelsy the cloth is folded The I. eon W. Campbell ball bearing top roll evenly and without a wrinkle as it comes trom now used on this tly frame is superior to the press. other rolls because it requires but one-half the The Fisher Card Feed is another important weight ordinarily used, .ind runs absolutely machine made by this company, which is being steady. The reason for using less weight is be- used generally throughout the count rv. Any cause there is no friction to overcome, the roll kind of stock can be fed, either long, short, starting the instant the steel roll revolves. coarse or hue. It is made with few parts, and These are adapteti to railway heads, drawing therefore sim]3le in construction, .iml \crv diir Irames, s[)eeders, spinning frames and combers, able. When the reser\'oir is full it runs at a We have described at considerable length the slow speeil, and when nearly empty will run jKitented imjjrovements of the City Machine fast: arrangetl automatically. Testimonials from Fly I'"rame because it is so important a machine, the most prominent te.vtile companies of the used extensively among the te.Ntile manufai- country ileclare this feed to be perfect in every turers of the country, in producing goods of the respect. tinest texture. These improvements e.xpl.iin The improved cloth trimmer, made b\- this \ery clearly how well the work is done. compaii)', is another imjiortant iiKichine, for use 'I'he C()m[)any also make W. II. I->skin s in cotton mills for inspecting and lirushing |iatented cone stop motion lor tl)' frames, which o| cloth, leaving the goods in excellent condi- is a s.iletv sto]) mechanism to prevent the ends tion on rolls ready to be shipjied. Thev are breaking down in front il the cone belt should made in \arious witlths as mills ma\' reipiire. break, and it is very success! ul in its operation, .tnd arranged so that cloth can be rolled up or and is lull as im])ortant as their salety stop unrolled. .\ l>ad ])lace in the miildle of the cut motion which [irevents the bre.ik down of the can be unwouiul by simpl)- iiKiving a hand machine by stopping the frame before such a le\er. These machines arc all built with iron result is brought about by some unnatural panels, and the brush bearings are .iiranged so cause. that fire ciniuit originate bv the winding in of The ne.xt m.ichine in import, incc to then tlv loose thrcids lietween the be.uing and shoulder Irame is probably their patent rotar\' of brush. cloth press, which, l>y then ncwl)' ])atented bed The McMichael Kxise reed motion maile b_\ in iiSy.v provides lor loin points ot this company ])re\'cnts "shuttle smashes ' and is t he I loth passes through the pi ess. Two points consequently an important attachment. It is on the lower .111(1 two pniuts on the upper bed, impossible to dent the reeds, and the)" are and the concave and coinex surfaces run the locked and unlocked .lutomaticalh' h\ this ntire leuLTth of the beds so that the roll bears attachment. AND BUSINESS MKN Ol' RIloDl': ISLAM). 2S7 A very important adjunct to the textile ma chinery manufacturing business of the Woon- socket Machine and Press Co., is their depart- ment for the making- of power transmitting ma- chinery and miscellaneous iron work, which in elude shaftings, hangers, clutches, Hange face couplings, the "Woonsocket" Patent Compres- sion Coupling, horn clutch couplings, safety horn clutches, the latest improved friction cut off couplings, spread and swivel hangers, yoke and J hangers, post hangers, balance wheels, coupling and pulley forcing machine for shaft- ing 4 inches diameter and under, improved belt Power for the works is supplied by two Allen boilers of 125-horse power each, one liarris-Corliss engine of 175-horse power, and one Ames engine, and the company have their own dynamos for lighting purposes. The machinery e(|ui]iment of the |)lant is modern in every res])ect. lulward Harris kathlnin. President of the com])any, is a native of Woonsocket, son of P.\- l.ieut.-tiovernor Kathbun, and grandson of the late I^dward Harris, the manufacturer who first brought American woolen goods up to the standard of foreign productions. He became Patent Rotary Cloth Press. Woonsocket Machine & Press Co. tighteners, turntables, covered clamp coup- lings, angle belt drives, etc. A list probably greater in the line of power transmitting appli- ances than are made by any other concern in this section of the country. Their miscellaneous castings for mill con- struction include fancy and plain posts of any length, post caps, pintles, post bases, ventilators^ brackets for balconies, saddles for truss roofs. double truss rod braces, beam end brackets, corrugated thin iron stair treads and floor plates, belt scuppers, hinges and catches, brick wall guards, cast iron tubs, door frames, babbitt ladles, hitching posts, cast iron grate bars, sewer covers, etc. the President of the corporation upon the ileath of Chester P. Smith in 1899. Mr. Rathbun is prominent in banking circles, and is promi- nently connected with a number of manufactur- ing concerns in and outside of the State. William S. Hopkins, the Treasurer of the company is a native of the city of Providence. He came to Woonsocket in 1879, ami was em- ])loyed by the Woonsocket Machine Co. as bookkeeper. He was electeil Treasurer of the company upon its incorporation in 18.S5, and has held that position to the [present time. Mr. Hopkins has been a member of the Hoard of Al- dermen of Woonsocket, and has been recognized in other ways as one of the public men of the city. _'S>S HI< x.RArilKAl^ IllSlom- ()|- I 111-, M.Wri'ACTrRl'RS Slanlcv ( 1, Smith, the Secretary ol the com en ioyeil an e.\tensi\e experience in the machin- pany, is a native nl W'non.sdcket. and is the ery business before coming to Woonsocket, in grandson ot the late lion. Latimer W. J^allou, the works ol the Athcrton Machine Co. of Low- who was one ot the most highly respected citi- ell. !\Liss.. the I )ean Steam I'um]) Co. of llol- /ens of the State ol Rhode Islaiul. Col. Smith \dke, ALiss., the Maine Belting Co, of I'hiladel- City Machine Slubbinj; Fly Frame, Woonsocket Machine & Press Co., Woonsocket, R, I has held the position ot Secretary tor a number ol years. lie is jirominent in banking circles, and is a director in a numl)er of large manufac- turing concerns, Malcolm Campbell, the (ieneial ,Manager of the com])an\, is a natixe of i'.ilnier, NLiss. He phia, I'.i , the Hampden (Otlon .Mills of ilol- yoke, Mass,, the I'.dmer Cotton Milks, Three Risers, town of i'almer, Mass, In 1890 he was employed as the Ahinager of the business of the Woonsocket Machine and i'ress Co,, which po- sition he has held to the iiresent time. AM) l^USINESS MKN OK RIloDI-; ISLAND. 289 THE FIRST TEXTILE MILLS OF RHODE ISLAND. \'ery niucli lia> Ijccn wrillrn 111 tlio lime, relalinjL; to the early eolton and wcmlen factories of the ."^tale of Rhode Island. .Some of these statements ha\e jiroven to i)c accurate, but many of them have coinc from mere hearsay, and proven to he enlirelx inaccurate. hor convenience and tjeneral reference, we ha\ e pre|)ared a list of the early textile milK toll .Mill, and on the site of the Kent Manu- facinriiii; (o.. the present mill beinij a modern one, tile old mill heini;' taken down. In 17<)S tile foundation was laid for the second Slater .Mill, which was hnilt upon the east side of the I'dackstone River, nearh' op- po-iir the (irsl Slater .Mill in I'awlucket. This mill was not completed until i.Soi. and was hnilt liy Siimnel Slater & Co, Destroyed by tire --.onie time ])rior to 1824. In iXoi Rowland Hazard built a woolen factory in I'eace Dale, but the orifjjinal building is not staiidins,;', the present extensive works h.iviny been beyiiii at a lati'r ])eriod. In 1807 the '■( h'cen .Mill" was built on the Slater Mill, Pawtucket. The First Cotton Mill Built in America— 1793. of Rhode Island, which we beliexe is ipiile accurate, the information Ijcinj:;- in most cases !;lcaned from early records or from parties li\ - inq- who are thorou<;hly aciptainted with the history of the mill about which they have ijixen information. The list is as follows: There is no ipiestion about Samuel Slater's cotton s|iinnint;- mill beint:;' the first textile fac- tory erected in the State, wdiich was in 1793, and wdtich is still standiiii;-, in the city of Paw- tucket, on the west side of the Rlackstone Ri\er, at the np])er riL;inal Xalick Mill \\a^ limit w ick. ami ni lu r ^rcl ii )ii>. al Xatuk. l\, 1. Willie iluiT wen- iimlnulitrilK a iiuiiilur nf III iSoj llu- SlaUT^xilIc Mill \\a^ ei iinpK-l r.l ..tlirr iiiill^ Imili akmu; alHuil llu- lirsi nf the at ^lati r-\ illr. K' 1 iiiiirtmit li ieiiliir\, lln' li-i tliat we lia\c In lS(i- tlic- null at \iitlii>ii\. Is. L. \\a~ eiiiii- pfinlnl lufew itli rriire^riit ^ I lie iiiiHT iiU]iol"l- pK'trcl. Tin- claim 1^ mailr that llii> mill \\a~ aiit ntu-.. '^'Ilj^'" •'^^^■•''■'''■'^^''^■■''■'•^''■''"' '•^"7'>i1h-1""1'- Woonsocket Worsted Mills.-MamifaotufcTs ''While 11.. 1 l.iiill wn.^niallv I. ir lexlile pur- "' "'"-'^'l ^ •"•'is. r.iiMiie.. e>lahlishe.l by jiM-e-.. the Simlhtield Mamil'aetiiiMi.i; to. were ImIwiii lariiell. W . U (.n.lm-lx ami ImIwiii -]>iiiiiiiiL; .-,,11, ,11 \arii- 111 the ..1,1 '•'( 'li. le. ilal e W ilenx in 1SS7, Mill l.wate.l in W omiim u-kel . |-aetMr\" in ( eiilVal halN in iSoS, wliieli was \< ■ I William U . ( Mr.liii- 1 \ . I'rea-Mirer ; h'.dwiii alterwaiaN .lesir.ive.l li\ lire. Tins iaet..rv I'.iniell, Xi^eiit. Mr. larnell is a nativi- ..l' was kiealed iiear'lhe .lam l.iiilt hy (harle's I '.i adiMn 1 , h.n- laii.l. near which jilaee he was a keem 111 I ~S(i, niaiuilael iirer 'il \\i>rstei| l;(iih1s. ||r canu- \n III \S,,<, 'ihe mill al \rk\\ri-lit. U. I., was .\merica 111 1 SNn, ami was empl>].inminj ( , .. .\l ill l.\ S eiiheii . ^iiii I ill Lime \a e\, ,.11 ,, , .. ' , ,'^. .Mi.shassiick ki\er. 111 what is ii,iw tin- P.wii ,.t W ,..ins.,ck,t. I M' ; (»,-ta\e l'..tliier. I'resi- .leiit ; rhe.iplnbis 1 ,iierin, Ireasurer ami Secre- l:ir\ ; l'..ltiiiiml iiiniin, .Manager. I ,im', .111. Ill i<'~ii,^ a st..m c..tti.n l,i. lie acipiired a conii)lete knowledfre 111' the lexlile business belore cominij to the I'niieil States. The accom])anyint;' cut shows one of ihe old-time mills of the city, which has Hart Textile Co. Factory, Woonsocket Falls. Woonsocket, R. I. ploy Joo hand.-. I'ower for the mill i- supplied fri manufacturers very ,succes>fully. riiis mill of tlu- llan Textile Co. was built l)y ( ien. ('. Ilallou in 1X4(1. and has been known as the Tiallou .Mill e\er since. It was run as a cotton mill by .Mr. llallou and a cor])oration bearino- his name, until iSSd. when the |)rop- ert\' was sold to |. 1'. iV I-'. K. l\a\ under a foreclosure. The Rays imj)ro\ed the |)ro|)erty by takiniL^- out the old breast wheel and in its jdace i.ii ilu lull i- tlii^: l-.xcci, llu' tn-t Slalrr Mill at I'autnckct. ''^''''''[: ^'i;-', AniMol.Klanu-. An,,,,, i jm.v Mo. .,,,,,,,,,. Irril. . \\l,,tli >,i;Mi,t,cs that ,t \\a~ i,,ailc in many ,nan„la.M „,t,-. .„ kl„„K- Man,! I.rhcxr \„, .,,.,,,.„„ ;„ ,_„,, -j-,,,. |-„jt^.,, s,.„^., f,,,^.. ihat ihc "l'.i,,lfi-t1y lac-t..,y \\a^ aliout \hr ri-,i,in-nl -. il.l 1 1,,. hrll aln,ii; witl, a Inl , ,f ,,tlu•I• l^•^t I'dtliM, ,iiill dI' tlic Statr, w liiK- ci,,r 1 1,- ,,,i ii\- raptniTil ,,a\al >Iiii'l>, and Wv. Sinitli srciiri-d iif our histiii-ia,i> l>i-lii\c tliai ii i^ ,,(it entitled titis ])rizf that jicalcd fortli the hoiti-- ni lahi),' 111 ho coltnted attimiL; the \ cm-\ old I'actoi-ics. and i-cst to 1 he opfi'atiN-es of the mill, w Im lived Alanv articles that luuehee,, |nii,ied i,, Rhode i,, the Li,i,e Rock \ alle\ . foi' t,|i\\a,'ds of a lsla,i(l hooks l,a\e lailed to tell the tiite >tor\ eentiirv. The hell possessed a \er\ eleaf ti famous mill in Rhode Islaml, w ;is hiiilt elami hem^ m.ide it \\ a^ not inelndeil <)ii the Mosh;i-'--nek Ri\(.-r, at the eiilraiue of with llie remainder ol tlu- mill pro|)eri\ when ihe Lime Rook \;dh\. ;il)oiil three iniK-.. Irom w a^ sold. the eit\ ol I ';iw 1 neket . in I lie town 1 il Lineoln. Ilii-- olil hell ,l;,'i\ e the mill .a wide 1011. in 1S13. when the iSij war w a-- .it il~ lieiLjIit, km whieh ;;a\e 11 il^ name, .and whieli .\lr. .'~'tc])Iun 11, Smith wa^ lln' hiiihler. .and lo .aided in m.akint; il ihe lust known l,ulor\ in eonimemorale the strife lielweeii the I'liitid llie Sl.ate. was a freak |(ine-- llie wiiiL;> ol a creeled, he enio\ed the pri\ iKa;e ri| pkaeiiiL; in hiilterlK. ami the m.i^(in id.ieiiiL; them side li\ the lillle mill lullrx the lull w.a^ taken side. prohahU h\ ehanee. .a-- --how n in the from the l'.nL;li-li -.hip "I iiurriere ' .after the aeeomp.aiu ihl; enl , hel ween the I w o upper win - ;-;ood ship "( on-titnlioir' made her strike dow - ne\l to llie l.irL;i- elnmnex . u;i\e-. the .ap- lier eeilen's in the na\.al eiiu;a.u;ement of .Xvii^iivt pe.arame of a hiitterlly on the wIiil;. Ilenee its AND BUSINESS MKN OF KIIODI', ISLAND. 293 name, which imist have been adopted soon after the mill walls were built. Mr. Smith built the stone mansion across the highway from the mill in 1S14, which was considered one of the most elegant residences of the -State at that time. The accompanyinti; cut discloses a kind of architecture peculiarly its own. some- what different from the ordinary Colonial style then in use. This represents the stone house as it appeared the iSlh day of Xovember. i<;oi, when the photograph was taken, the ])icturc of the mill being taken the same ilay as ^hown in the cut. The wnuik-n addition of the mill. before the ^toiu- mansion was built, and as there's a date in the house that tells when that was put up, you can go and look and figure for yourself." We wi-nt up into the garret, and sure enough there were the figures cut into the plastering very near the peak of the west gable, which were "1S14." That settled the (|uestion of the building of the factory in 1813, which we had arrived at <|uiti' clearly through other sources of information. Mr, i'hetteplace continued: "(ilad you'll' satisfied. Did you know this prop<.rt\ was all built u]) from money that Mr. The Old "Stone House," Built in 1814, Nearly Opposite the "Butterfly Factory," by Stephen H. Smith. I As it Appeared in December, 1901. as seen in the rear, together with the brick chimney, are of comparatively recent date. The great variety of business carried on in this old factory is better describeil by .\lr. Benjamin I'hetteplace. a life long resident of the place, who drove U]) with a load of wood just as we were about to take a i)icture of the mill, .\fter bidding him good iiiorning we asked him a few (|uestions about lii> knowledge of the old mill and its Iniililer, which broM<.^lu out the following : "Yes, sir. I know all .•ii>oiit it. Knew .Mr. Smith for a great many years. "How do I know he built it? Ik- told me so. .Said he ]>iit up that mill .1 \ear .Smith drew in ,1 lottcr\ .' \\ ell, it was. He drew $40,000 and pill it all out here beautifying this ]dace. and \ oii can see I lie results of it now. He was about as liberal an old bachelor as yon could tind. "You want to know what kincl of work has been carried on in the old mill? W ell. I'll tell \(iii. .\ e\erytliiiig from the spinning of cotton \arn to the selling of New iMigland nun. "."sounds .1(1(1, 1 know, but it's a tact. You sii-. tile mill has lu-vcr paid ;iiiyb(i(ly who has ojierated it except in one or two instances, and so ihcre were spells when it was idle. In these idle times it was (Kwoted to other uses. One 294 1!I( icJkAI'HlLAl. lllSlOm' C)l' TllK M AN U I'ACl'L' R1;RS iiKiti ii'-icl a |i,in 111 ii 111]- tlu- ^iiinniiiL^dl \ am iMiUriii;^ tin- I'nml \ ai'il of tlii^ wld "Sidiu- an.l ihr I'm -1 llnor wa-- ,mUi1 In a u;i'iicir\ llnii^r," \ i m air ini]irr>M,'(l willi an Ml(l-l'a>li- ■^t'MT. hi ■111,- c-.inur \\a^ a lidLi^luad iil nini I'liinl In iiiu-liki- air llial miiiii a yalli 111 '1' wasn't llnnii^lu aiu tliini^ i if (|naiiuiu--^ i it' tlu- >mi-i mndin^s and i.-ii]ii\ tlu- in ;1m-i- da\ ». \ll i^i-i u-i.-r^ m ild nun. \ mi kiuiw, iK-antil'id --iTmfx iliat Mf, Sniitli innl tn iiii- 'AN (-11. ^ir. it wasn't iiian\ \ car^ lntiirc it pn i\ c li\ planting liar^ in all dirrrtiimv riuind- \\a> ii>.t-d I'cir a --('luiol Jicm-M-. I '^cd tn l^c i tn almnt tlu- ]ilarc. i lu- c-~tatc i^ , uu- . it" tlu- imi^l ^oliiio] tluTc in\--i'll'. ilianiiiiu^ rt-lii-> nl' liNi^mu- da\ -- that can in- "Sonif III' llu- I )c irril !-■- ii^cd it a^ an ar--i-iial lunnd in KIkhIi- Ul.ind. aiul it i^ ^till in a 141 x id dttriii^ till- liiirr War. and tluii «ild iiiii>kit^ --tau- 1 if prr^i r\ ,il u m [|.]-p' •'"■""" """ '''^- 1"""' "1' '''^''^' ■'" ''"■ Clear River Woolen Milk— M aiuilartiirrr- "••V.>. I Mippiis,- „ was fn-M intrmlol fur a ■" """''" - '^ ■^''" '"^■"^■'' '" I •'-■"■•'^- 1-^- !■• (utton _\arn mill, and 11 w a> n ml imu-d in tliat "" '''^' * '''•"' l<'\«'"- ' "1 llu- Mtc nt this null lln-iv Inu- until tlu- pi i\\ i r Iimhiis \\ na lni iiiL;lit lUit. linalcd a tort.;!- as rarl\ as I7i).i which was and llun nittdii cliilli w ,is \\.iii'miis| he snr(- and take a walk'np .111 Pi the 'Icatli ..f .Mr, liimaii. m Jiil\. I S. ,1 1. the iiill Pi the w(-st and sec •( iiiiiisnieket' |i.ind. I'l'sim-ss was inc. irj.. irat(-.l as the 1. 11, Inman which Mr. Smith lieaiititie.l.niakim; the wil.ler- Mann factiiriii- I '< ■. In 1 .S. ,,:; the mill k-as,-,'; ness hl.i.v.ini lik(- the r.ise. Ihere's w here the '" ^'^ alter k. Sla.k- X ('.c. which cnce-rn Indians limit tlu-ir si,,„(- lunises ami In a-.l f. .r ''arried . m llu- liiisnu-s. ,,ii.l.-r tlu- name ..f tlu- \(-ars .-iiid \(-.-irs .-liter the whites .(-itK-.l here. ' 'l>ar Kiver W.i.ileii .Mill. \\ Ims,- . iftice lu-a.k d hat's the 111. 1st mii-resinp- .if .iiiythm- aliniil d"''"'''''"-- -i'"' 7r I'-Nchaii-e sua-e-t. I 'n w i.l,-iic(-, this neiL.dili.irli 1. sin((- it limit, ll(--a\(- al.iii- alii. aiul is pr.iperts which lu- had made s, , attractixa- all at pi(-s(-nt .kiiiiL; an e\l(-iisn(- lnisnu-s^, |-',ii- passed iiiil III .Mr, Smith's hands Int. ire his tliirl\-li\e \ (-ais ihe\ ha\e lu-eii kii.iwn as tlu- death. Rliddi- Islam! 1 .. .ci int. itn i- Wurks- AND HLS1M-:SS MEN Ul-' RHODl-: ISLANU. 295 Rhode Island's Annual Manufactured Products $184,000,000. W'licn tin- |)rct;u'(,' of \\u> Ixxik was ])rinu-ii tin- chief slatistioian nf the Tnited States. Mi'. S. X. I). .Viirth. had not cDiiipleted iiis work to .a |ioint wliere he eotild .t;i\c even an esliinale on the'tiired products of Kliode Island for the year iipo. liie editor was accordiiiijly conijjelled to make an estimate from his own o. Tliis has proxen. to his i;reat satisfaction, loo small ;ni estimate l)y al)out $34.(XXJ,ooo. Ilere is a part of the 'I'welfth Census report as relating to mannfactm-es : I'lie \alne of the products is returned ;it $184,074,378, to ])roduce which invoUed an out- lav of $5,552,189 for salaries of ofticials. clerks, etc., $41,114,084 for wages. $i2.19().j83 for mis- cellaneous expenses, includiuii' rent, taxes, etc., and $(X),392,7JO for ni;iterials used, mill sup- plies, freis;lu anil fuel. It is not to lie assuniecl. however, that the ditterence between the aij^rcsi^ate of these sums and the \alue of the ])roducts, i>. in an\ sen^i.'. indicati\e ol the profits in the manufactiu'e of the products dur- intif the census year. The value of the product .ijiven is the value as obtained or fixed at the shop or facteirw and takes no co<;nizance of the cost of sellinsi'. or of interest on ca])ital invested, or of mercantile losses incurred in the liusiness, or (.)f the de])reciation of the plant. The $184,000,000 max*, therefore. ]iv considered the fJTOss, rather tli.m the net \aliie. .\s compared with i8i;o. the ca|iital emploved in Rhode island ni;inufactures has increased onlv 21;. J per ci-nl. This ai^parently unsatis- factorv showini;' is not owini; to a decrease in the volume of g'oods ])roduced. but rather to a fall in ])rice. Thus in woolen and wH.J per cent, in capital, and an increase of 34.1 per cent, in the ouK 20.1 jier cent., the axeras^e values per scptare yard having; f.allen from (-n) cents in i8i>o to 50.1 cents in njoo. In cotton g;ot)ds there was .m increase of 7,.V'3-75'^ yards in the i)roduction of fabrics, and a decrease of $1,287,574 in their value. The a\eraii:e |)rice ]nr yard of these cotton i;oods was (1.07 cents in i8()o. and 5.48 cents in upo. Table I. of the statistical ])resent:ition of the bulletin shows the mechanical and m.anuf.ictur- inu; indnstric'^ of Rhode Island as retin'neup])lies nia\' be taken to them .at K-.^ cost than to man\- manufacturing points in the itUerior of Xew IuiL,''land. ( )ur statistician. .Mr. Xorth. ^.axs; ■■Rhode Island occu])ies a unicpie ])lace as a niatnifactnrini;- State. Smallest in area, the -State stood fourth at the census of i8ijo in the \alue of its textile jirodncts and fifteenth in general m;mufacturinL;". and it^ rank i> not likely to be inateriall\- altered at the ])resent census. In the jierceiita^'e of the total popula- tion employed in manufacture, in the \ ariel\- and imp<'rtance of products and the .i;eneral healthy ami proiiTessive character of inanufac turinj.;- methods, Rhode Island is ni>t sur- p;i--'-e(l." Anchor (Inman) Mills. — I larris\ ille. R. T. [.\merican \\ ooKn I o.J — In the town of lliir- rilUille, R. I., just west of the \ illa,L;e of llar- risviUe. .-md so closely connected as to form an intimate ]iart of that phice, is the \ ilhai^f of < iranitexille, in which are located the Inman -Mills of the .\merican Woolen Co. Ilere is one ol tile best water ])ri\ ileyes in :?i)6 HIOCRAI'IIICAI. IIISTORV Ol' lllK M AN L'FAC. TL K I'.RS ilif liiwii, ilnir hniiL; ail cxcclKiii I'all ami an aluiiiilaiu lliiw III walcr iuarl\ tin- i-iilirc- \ rar. wliK-Ii 1^ ^uiiplud li\ thr >ti\ain I'dfiiuil In ihr lunlhu'iuT 111' llu I'a^ina;; and C'k-ar l\i\rr-. In 1S411 llu 111 -1 null mi tlii-, site \\a> rrcctcd li\ S\ ra anil Su|ilirii 1.. Sluinian, who at that liiiu- iiwiuil a I I in--iiK ralilc ]iMniiiii nl' llu- land in llial \uiiiil\. S\ia SluTiiian \\a-- a -^liuu niacin and Imilt tin- null liiiiixclf, \\v had Imt ifw a~--islaiil-~ 111 tlu- 11 Mivi niitii in, and vi 1 lari;i.l\ wa-- il In-- |nrsiinal lalinr llial luaiK niiu- xrai's' linir wa^ ihtiiiiuiI m tlic wiirk nf IniildiiiL;. I'.nl till-- ^triuliin- wa-- iml iK>tiiu-d tn ic main Ihiil; a niiinnnunl in lii> |ni'-.r\ naiiri' and -kill, liir ill |S3_' il \\;i- de-Ill )\ 111 li\ tire, Dnrm;^ the lnu'l nine iirei-edniL; the tiie U \\a- Iva-ed and ii|irraleil li\ j. I'. ,^eaL;ra\es t\: (o,. :nid -'I aiiMiin- were lhc\ In innlmne inaniil'ai- inrillL; there thai the mill \\a- -peediK relunlt and \\a- nperaled iinder tin- t'lnii name until 1S71. I hiriiiL; the L,;riater iiarl \ rariK. The prniluei ha- alwa\- Ix-eii wnnleii nr wnr-ud ■^iinil-. Iaiu\ oa--iiiiere- were mannfactiired hv I, I ,^eaL;ra\e- »V t n., and wnnleii- and wnr-tcd- |p\ the Sinilli- llie plant i- imw (i|iii]ipii| fnr the niaiiii lartnie i>i wnr-ted LinmK. J he )iresent mill is a niassi\a> li mkiiiti- nimlorn -Inlie hinldiiiL;, -'< " 1 frit Inn;^ h\ 34 feet wide, three -tmie- in liei.i;lu. willi a t;ravel mnf, ,iiiil li.i- Iwn lar^e M|uari' tnwcr,- nii the frniii. w huh ,l;im' U an im]insin<;' appi-arancr, ,\(ljninini; llie inaiii -triutnre mi the w i>l there is a twn-tniw hnildmt; ii-e.l a- a diw iiiLj-rnnm, ihedmuse, elli;ille rnnlil. and liniler llnllse. and a smaller -Iniie hmldiiiL; liy is used as a slnckdimisc, < 'II the iinrtli i- ihe mill nftiee, a neat nne-slnr\ limldiiiL; nl wiiixl, wiih an annex nf -Imie adiniii- uil;, I he ei|iiipiiieiil miisisis n| -(1 hrnad Innin- and llie iieee--ar\ rnlllplemelll n| reelili;;. spnnlinu;, ilre--iiiL; and lini-liiiii,; m.icliiiieiw . and ihi'iiiL;" lacihtie- ill prepare and lini-li the |irniltKl ni llie Inniii-. Ihe ahiiiidaiil water ]inwer is an^ineliled h\ an engine. Ill llic immediale \ii.iiiit\ and nii llie -amr e-tate ,ire .1 niimher III lenemeiit- and a ImardiiiL;- hmi-e Inr the aiinmmmlatii iii I'i llie ein])ln\e-, MllimiLjh imi in rln-e prnMiniu tn a railmad -tatinii. a -pnr nark run- direrlh inin llie mill \aril, al'lnrdiiu,^ ,ill iiei,-e--ar\ freight facilitie-, rill- plant ha- receiitlx heeii niiiled with the Shetlield .Mill- nf r.a-ciia.i;. R, I., and nperati-d a- niie plain, iiiider llie niana,L;rineiil ni .Mr. Inmaii. the twn hein;,^ kiinwii a- the .Xiu'hnr Mill-. Anchor (Sheffield) Mills.— I 'a-. ..a-, R I I \niericail W nnleii ( n, | — The -Hi; w here the null iinw -land- wa- nwiied and neenpU'd 111 I Sji . li\ \le--r-, I'liin \' \ulinla- Sa\les, Ilieir iiiaini- lai\ 1 1 _> feel. .Mr. Inside Innk niii .all I'i the nld maehineiw and in- stalled ^11 hrnad Innms n| llie ('rnlllptnll lIKlke. AND ]UJSI\i:SS MEN 01-" R11UDJ-: ISl.AxND. 297 witli full (.■quipniciu fur tlu- man u fact urc of worsted goods. The plant was then kiu)\vn as llic ShefTicld \Vorstf both Xo. I and .\'o. 2 mill> wt-re extended and ini- ])roved. In the seventies, though the men's- wear market was influenced much 1)\- foreign styles and designs, it was not so completely dominated as at jiresent. < iriginal designs fi;imd favor. es])eciall\ among clothiers, and the "W t-ybossets" became well known in these respects. Imitations were audacious and frequent, causing the corpor- ation to suffer through the robbery ot designs created by itself and established through its rei)Utation. rrotection imder the laws of letters ])atent was sought, and for several years all orig- inal designs were issued imder the seal of the Patent < )ffice. Infringers were at first ])rosecutt'd anil enjoined until the annoyance ceased. In 1880 .\o. 3 .Mill was built for au.xiliary card- ing and spinning. Worsted had been constantly encroaching on the old cassimere and other solid, felted fabrics. The clothing trade at last turned from a cartled thread and embraced the comlu'd filament in every variety of lustrous faliric. In 1883-84 a portion of tlie machiner\ was removed from .\'o. 3 Mill, and combing, ilrawing ;md spinning were installed, .^ince that tinu' worsteds and cassimeres have been made in the better grades used by clothiers. In 188; Ro\a! ('. Taft sold his --hares in the cor])oration to the partners in the house of Jacob Wendell iS; ( o.. .\ew York, in May, 1899. the establislimt'iit was sold to the .\merican Woolen Co. and the corporation merged its individnalitx iiUo a larger concern. .\n interesting story of the fibers of wool and its gcogra])hical e.xpression. as rendered in breeds, might be woven out of the e.\|)erience of these mills in ;ibout a generation, .as human life goes. At first oidy ( )liio nr I 'eimsylvania wools were used, with .a litiK' from Miciiigan and Wiscrmsin. Ill the ik'pression caused by the h"ranco-(.iennan war .\ustralians were brought in (luantily from l'iigl;md or the Land of their growth. Cnder the liberal tarilT prevailing in the early seventies pelts were im])orted largely from iSuenos .\yres, and a pullery was operated on the i)remises. Califor- nia then afforded a substitute for the growths of < )hio, and as the territories west of the Missouri bi'came (piiet communities they afforded pastur- age for the descendants of the central western sheep. .\11 these changes reveal the processes of civilization in embryo. The great civilizing in- strument of Lister and .Xoble — the automatic comb — was taking the better staple from its elder l/rother. the carding machine. Wools of shorter and inferior staple w i-re left in the grip of the card, while the better libers were being seized and engrossed b\ tlu- constantly encroaching comb. After the Atnerican Woolen Co. took posses- siiiu of this |ilant important changes were made lor increasing ;ind improving the ]iroduct. I he |iroduct Consists of worstids and cassimeres, in- cluding over-coatings and cloakitigs : generally the fabrics are in f,-mc\' colors, though piece-dyed goods are made. It ranges from i.iik),ooo to 1.501^,000 \ards per annum, ;iccoriling to weights ;md (|uality. The establishmeiU imw comprises the following buildings and ec|uipmeiUs : .\'o. 1 .Mill, of stone, coni]irise> the main building, of four stories. 22y li\ 50 feet: two wings, of four stories each. 157 b\ 51 feet and 107 bv 411 feet, respectively, and a >lu'd. one stor_\ in height, 107 by 88 feet. No. 2 .Mill, of brick, includes a so-c;illed iire])aration building, three stories in height. 112 by 47 feet: a dve-house of one stor\. 103 b\ 22 feet, and an engine and boiler-house of brick. Xo. 3 Mill is made of stone, is four stories in lieight. and is 1 1 18 b\ 30 feet. There is attached to this mill also an engine and boiler hou>e of brick. The mil! office is of brick, one story, 32 by 18 feet, with an extension _'8 li\- 25 feet. The main equipment includes the following machinery: F.ight combs with two sets of worsted drawing. i('> si)imiing frames. 10 twisters, three reels, three winders, eigiit mules, and scouring, dyeing, drying ma- chines and extractors: J5 sets carding machines. 17 nude-, three winder-, three twisters and 31 -poolers: _>t8 loom> ((1-4). 11 dressing frames, two winders, and all necessary finishing ma- chinerw j!■■ iiik m.\\ii-actlri;rs Riverside Worsted Mills. — I'l' iv kK-iici-. R. 1. wa-- -.■■Icj at aiKninn ami wa-- i) lli^ iallier, Mr. W , C. w ,. , 1 \ 1 11 ,. ,■,,,, 1 II, \ I ,- r • ,■ w < liaiHii, ami liim--rll. ... ,,,,,,■ ,,' II "'1^ iliunii' llir \<.ai> iSr; tn 1S77 iliat tin- I liapiii ami .\lr. I.rwi^ I. I)ii\\iu> in iNi;. in n . 1 1 1 1 '. ■ 11 .■ .1 , ', , , II ,11 iiinl i->tal>li>lu(| a ini '^l rn\ial>lc ri-putalmn m tlu u liK'li \rai' llu-\ pnniia^o tlu- ^ilr m < 'lnr\\ilU'. • . - ■ . , • • ., , ■ ■ ^ , I, I I. 1 ■ 1 inaniilat'lnrc nt imii ^ wdi-.-^ti-cl suUini:>. tlu- mil- m tin- town I.I .\(inh I v. .\ ulnur, K. I., ' 'ii tlu- , , ■ 1 1 .1 1 .1 ■ ■' 1 ... II, I II,- I'i'i Ihiiiv ^"lll lhriinL;li thr nunnnssiim lnHiNr dI , ., ,. I .,., ... I , 1 ■ I \. I). |uilliai a>jam cliansj-i-d tn KivitmiIc aiii i-ini>M\i-( aliMiit two nim red ian< s. >> . . s,-,, 1 ' 1 1 ■' . 1 -.1 , , • , . 11 \\iir>tfil .\lill>. and \\,-i^ dnh iiu-nrpdrati-d with In I S( 13 ilu lir^t c ii-]ii iialK III wa^ i-rc.itrd, witli .\|r I.. 1. l)iiwiir^ a^ |ii-rviiU-nt. .\lr. I n.-' n'l^e W tin- hiUowniu; -tall in-ir, am .Mr. \lln.-n ( lialU-i-. sci,-ri.-- • ■•. , -,■ n ■ . .1 r. ' .,., . , I 1 I n ( < iiidit, ti(-a--iiii.i . I Ik- null, I iwinii- t(i till- (inalitx lar\. I lu- lir>t "mimK pii " nrcd in tin- mill wrrr ,- . , . . -.i 1 ' 1 , -, . ■~' '.. ... .-. 1 , "' "^ priidiirtN. iiK-t Willi ]>lK-ni mu-nal ^-u iccc- iliilli- tiir oi i\a-i-iim i-iittin-.. Ilu- inritrrial ci i-t 1 .1 ' 1 .- 1 .- 1 .• 11 , , 111- I ,1 Imiii ;i> til Milnnu- nl pn idiitiiiii and tavnrabli- \(-r\ little .iml -I'ld till" viiiid miiiu-\. .\lii>t nl 1 1 .- ■ 1 . 11 1 , -, . , , ^ , . pi'u-c.-> >ri-iiri.-d. and Infcisjlit \i-ar-- wa-- ci miui'llcd the biiMiii-s-, wa-- dniit- t lin hiljIi a I iriiiian linn in . -. , , 1 ' . ■ 1 , n 1 .. V , , I ■ - -, III iiptrah- It- wlinU- iil;iiil nmlu a- well as da\ . .New ^ nrk. (•wiiil: In tlior jiartu-s lailinij tn , , , , ii-.- 1 1 1 • 'i -^. , ' . , -^ . ihniii'' w IiuImh rii id ,iddilii iiial l.iiid w a- ai. iinired, cari'v iHil ciiiilraits in ilu- nialtrr iil niikr- tiir , .- , , . , ■ -, , . , ... , , ,., iiiiuli lu-w liireiL;n and diiiiu---lu- inacniiu-r\ wa- vi II 111-, till- ela-- I it lU'i iiltu-tii 111 w a- di'i iiiin-d. Ilu- 11 1 1 1 'i 1 , . ' , ' '. , ,iddi-il. ,iiid .ihi lilt J.7111 1 I ipcrali\-e- w ere t-llll)lii\-ed. ne\t iiiiiid- inaniitaeliiied were a \ei'\ tine "rade , . . 1 • . - i\ 1 -^ . I - I II - 1 ,1 7 1 1 \ii aL^ieeiiienl wa- entered iiUn 111 December. lit ea-Minere- made tiir n-eiili .ee ut I liiladel- ,,., ■ , ., , , 1- ,, \i / . - i- I . ,1,1 , r s V- 1 iNNa. with the ( )-weL;ii hall- .Manittactnrmsj- ( o.. plii.i. ,uid --I lid t nil iii"li the New > 1 irk n .iniiii--ii ill .- 1 1, \- \- . 11 , .1 . ' 1 . . ,, ,. r:.,,. , .... , 111 liiliiiii. .\ . > .. Ill ci iii-i ilidate tlu- iwii )lant> liiiii-i.- Ill lliiiil iV I ilhiiLih.i-t. Ilu- m-\t "mill- , . . , - , , ,,, 11 I , . ^ , . , -^ , and 1 i|iei ate tluiii under I iiie title. -\ Klmde Island maniitai.'liired were a tine -'radc- nl a-traelian and , . . 1 .1 i. - 1 1,1 , II ■ I 1 •■ II I I - eliaitei wa- ijranted a- the l\i\er-ide .•md < »-weL;ii iitlu-r eliiakiiuj- Inr ladie- wear, w huh -nld tiir a ,|-,, -i-i ■ .■ . 1 ■ .- '.i ... 7 11 11 Mill-. I hi- ei irpi iialii HI ei'iitiimed in liiree until hmli iinee. t wa- iiimii tin- e a-- iil ''iiiid- that . ,- ,, ,- ,,., , ., ,, .■ ■ , ., ,^ ,'. ., I ■ 11 tlu- tall lit iNSii. In tSi 11 . tlu- ei iinieetii m w itli the llie l\i\ei--ide made II- lir-t rei iiitat n m. w huh n . , , r 11 1 • 1 1 , , , , ,11-1 mill :it ' l-weijii rail- heiii'' ilrniiped. a new were the nllU ,-i-l raelhill- Ihell ni:ide 111 the I niled , , 1 d 1 .- .1 'c. . V \ 1 , • III I , , eh.irter iiiuler the law- nl tlu- .^l.ile iit .M.iiiie wa- ."-tate- and \\ere the hiLihe-t iirieed wihiUii " 1- 1.1 1 .1 .- n- ■ 1 w , 1 , , . , ^ ' .,., ■ ,, , I ilit.-inied, under the name iil Kuer-ule Wiir-led iiriichieed 111 till- i-iiiintr\. I he\ weri- called i,-,, . ■ i- .- .- ^ \i ' , II- ■• ,-, I - - .Mill-, .it ,1 catiit;ili/';ittiin iil M .( « « i.( « ic >. .Mr. astrachan clnakmi's. .\lacliiiier\ Inr inanulac- 11,, 1 1 . \i -i-i 1 1 , . , . , ,^ . , - , , , jiihii ( . I iiiiili- hec-ime iire-ideiit. Air. 1 heuiihihl- tnrinii- tin- hnjh clas- nl v I- cniild imt at that -, 1 \i w 1. w 1 7 ., - , ^ , , - II Kiiil;. trc-.i-iirer. and Mr. Walter Ward, niaiiayer. time he ea-il\ tirncnred, and iniicli nl il wa- limit ,' ■ i ■ .1 ■ i-*: .-idi , nil , 1 - •'111'! cnntimied m their re-iiecli\e nthce- until the 111 the mill maclniu---linii, \ \ei-\ tine "raik- nl .- . 1 \ w i ,- 1 , 1 ,1 ", • , tr.iii-tei- tn the Ainetican W 1 mkn tnmpaiu in -haw I- was alsn made iii the e,-irl\ \ nt the ,, \ .1 . .1 . - . '1 ,,. . , .,.,, , I - , - ,- I ,- i.^i)ii. \t that tiiiu- the iirniieriv cniisisti-d ni KiverMck- .Mill-, winch tmiiid a read\ and iirntit- , . 1 1 i.- .- 1 ' 1 1 . ,, , ■ ' ,-ihinit se\-eii and a halt ticres nl land nwned niit- atile -ale. -1.11. 1 . r 1 1 ,.i - 1, , 1 I ■ . ■ 1 riLjht and alunit niu- and a iniarter acri-- nt k-a-eu I In- mill iirndiici-d the lir-t luece nt wnr-ted , , i-, - ' ■ . , . ' . , ' 11 land. Ilu- eiiniiimeiit imw cniiiprises JJ -et- •'nnil- Inr iiieii- Wear thai w.'i- made- in the , 1 \- 1 1 in 7-. 1 I I 11 1 11 wiir-tei! c;ii-i|-. ^i 1 .Xnhle cnmh-, all nece-sar\ I lilted .^l;ite-. Ill tin- mill al-n w.i- Il-ed the . 1 - ' 1 - . ,- 1 I, , 1 • , -I - 1 1 wnrsled -plimiil" iliacllliiei-\, i| -et- nl wdnjell tir-1 liiilette c,-ird-teeder. nijhl nl which wa- , - ' ,' in 1 ,- - 1 11 ,| ., ,, ■ , , ,1 - ni,-icliiiu-r\ , ,711 Inniii- and a w ell-einniiiied nni-li- iiwiiei iw lie- ijiu. Ill which llu-\ Innll n\er nne luin , , , , , i> • , 1- 1 1 I i' '11 . ^■, ■- 11 1 Incited .-il _' V 1 l-dih -ireet. I riwidence.|)ln\ died and -nld .il M .1 « ii 1 a iiiect-. Mere al-n were , , V, , , , • - 1 , ■ " , ,1 ,- . 1 .- .- , 1 , . , ., ■ h 1 hand- I . I I . ( niile\ i- a nati\e nt t he W e-t ii-ed the tir-t -ell I iperatiiiu; milk-- hrniiLjht tn tin- - 1 , , 1 1 ' 1 s- 1 ,. ,1 1 1 I 1 -j- 1 nl Irelaml. where he wa- lini'ii .\ii\einlH-r N. ciii!ntr\. which were iii.ide li\ Inhn I atliani in^land. Ilu- tir-l cnld ,-iir w ni il-dr\ iiii; dniie in the I 'niled Sl;ile- w a- cnndncted at the Rivc-r-ide, iSiij. I. \. SlraiL^lit. the ntlier partner, i- a na lu e I il l-.a-t I 'ii i\ iilenci.-, I\. 1 . which mill w;i- the third textile mannlaclnrx in Hicks Boiler Works.— .\l ainitactnrer- nt the cnnntrx tn adi ipt electric :irc illiiiiiiiiatiiiL;.' the m.irine and -t.-itinn,-ir\ hmler-. Wnrk- Incated at Ih-ii-h s\-tem hem- in-t.ilk-d 111 1S77. -U' ' ^''I'lli M-nn -Heel, I 'n .videiice. l'.ll-ine>- lii iSd:; a tin- ncciirred which de-imxed the c-tahli-hed in iSni h\ 1 ieiii-L;e ( .. llick-. riieir cirdiii- ami -]miiiiiiii: dep.-irlment-, al .'i daiiia:..;e ^''-^'i'll'.^ li-'" '" l''^' l'^'^' ''^■^n tiihtilar hmler.- lor nt' $-5.(1011. ' -team tn;.;-. Ill iS7_> .Mr. 1., T. Ilnwiie- ^nld mil ,-md tran- H. F. Thompson Co. — .Mannfactnrer- oi' leried all 111 llie mill inlere-t-. l„itei in the -atiu- \.-u-lit -.iil-. awiniii;-. llai;-. elc. Wnrk- Incated year, mi accmint nf the failure "\ I Iml. Siiras^iu- .it X'n. 1 Tnwiier -treet, I 'ri w ideiice. 11. 1-'. (S; ( 'n.. wlin had ,'in intiresl in the -ale i'\ the pm- Tlinnipsmi, .ManaLier. Their specialty i- -ail- I'm- diict- Inr -e\er,-il \e;ir- ]ii-iiir In iSj^, tlu- prnpert\ \aclil-. 300 I^IOC.R.M'HK AI. lllSr()K\- OF Till'; m.\nl'f.\ctiki;rs National & Providence Worsted Mills. — iKotrioit\ is ctnidoved, hmh i In- ari- and iiuaii I'rovidciUT, K. I, [Auuriran Wn.iliti I'.i.] — drsciiu >\ siiiiis lieiiis; iist-d. 'i'lu' XaliMiial \ l'r,.\iilriKT WcuMcl MilK In llir c insiructi. .n of tin- mill-, ,s;ri-at carr lia- ,,, ,. ,.ir 1, 1 1 ,11 11.1 Ihim lakni li 1 iiii ,\ idc tin- nil i>t advaiict'd sanitarv wcu- r-lalilislicd li\ ( liarU-^ IlitcluT in ,- i ■ , • ,- • . 11 iiif litiMiis. \ tntilalii 111. am! ci nu cnirncr Inr tlu- iSjd inukr the namr nl tJK' 1 'ii i\ idnuc i iprralix r-~ \\<)r>Ui| Mills and wnr iiui ir|i. iralnl in llir ]ii i\\ it iK-ci»ai\ ii ir ilii\ in- llir niaclniKT\ iSS,^ nniKr tlu- ^anu- nanu- iiiidir tlu- law- nf i^ duixdl inmi a -tram plant a.L;.L;iTL;atin^ 2..S<)i) tlu- Stall- lit Kliddi- l-l.-ind. I'lu- nii^inal in In >r-i--]» i\\ rr. 'I'lK-rc is alsn a Miiall w atrf pnw c-r dii-tr\ 111 till- plant ii imnu-nri-d Willi _\ arn c< iinu-clid. oap.iliK- ■ if pfi Mhu'inL; ( k i In ir-r-pi >\\ i-r. -liinnmy In an nld -tmu- null wliuli. until I'lu- nu-iliauical rc|iiipnu-iit nf tlir plant v\u hnnit-d -r\ rral \ rar- ai.;ii, Inrnnd thr mu-Kii- liracr- tlu- nin-l i-x|K-ii-i\(- inarliiiu-rx nf hntli aixiin wliii'li litis .u;fii\\n up tlu- lar-i-sl indi\i- l-rnuli and diinu--iu- iiKinnfaitnri-. I'lii- conu dlltll laiu-y wnr-trd null in tin- (iumtry. v\i\- pr -r- ,^i i w i n-tid and J I w i m iK-ii ctinls. ^_' Ci mili-. ])liiyinL; -'.^ou littnd- and nprratiiu; 4.V1 faiu-\ 1 i.i ic k 1 1- rciuli and U, SjS l-'.nu;lisli \\i ifstrii sjiindK-. Iniini-, with a ci iinpK-iiunt nf -pmnini.; and all m.iqn wnnKn -pindK- and 5^1 limni-. It nii- Dtlu-r iu-cr--;ir_\ inarliiiur_\ t.i inakr tlu- plant lirtici- all tlu- niaoliiiu-r\ iu-rr--ar\ fur handling; ooitlliK-tt- in it-i-lf. WDiil a- it i- -li.nii fnnu tlu- -lu-rp tn tlu- liiii-lud 1 he i'iimp;m_\ Ci mt iinu-d inakin;.; \ arn- milx prndiict. tnitil iSSli. \\ lu-n a wraNiiuj drpartiiu-nt wa- -v/^n \i7 ^ j iv;i-n t, 1 1,1 II , ,• , , , Valley Worsted Mdls. — 1 'n i\ idi-iui-. U. 1. addi-d. which wa- uici npi irati-d m thai \ i ar tni li\ a Mr. < .ilr-. had tlu- tinns pnr-iiid tlu-ir Ini-iiu--- -rparatvK iiiidn- di-tiiu-lii .11 nf lu-inu; tlu- lir-t wnv-u-d mill in thi- tlu-ir i.wn iliarlrrs nntil iS.,:;, w lun h. ii h u rre ci.nntr\. Tlu- nri-mal i.lani wa- ]iriiniliv<- 111 iiuT.Ljrd intd iiiu- r-nuTrn. Tlu-x tlun lu-.-anu- 'wa\-. it- in;ichiiu-r\ Ik-iii- ii]HraU-d In knnwii as tlu- Xatinnal \ I'mMik-iur Wm-tcl p, i\\ .r lUnxnl fn nn a u nidia- innud In i.xni. Mills, ha\in- lu-ni rhartrrcd niidrr tlu- law- In iS;S tlu- hr-t ci .m]iaii\ w a- fi .rmnl n 1 . .pi-r- '" '''^' ^'''t"- "I lar. lu-w maclnm-ry lu-m- a.l.Kd as tlu- ur\\ ma.linur\ and the facilitir- f. ,r c-.nidiu'tiiu: Imildni-- wc-rc- n m-l riutid In rfcei\-c their l.ii-me— ' w ere enii-ideiahU imprnved. !t_. niilil at the pre-ent time the ].lant enii-i-l- h, |-\-hruai-\ . I S( .( .. hnwever. the plant w;i- nt' -e\ c-11 mill- fully eipiippeil fm- the prnduet i< .11 im.-illx .le-lrn\rd l.\ lire, hut wa- pmmptK rehuilt. nl \\iir-u-d \ ;irn and L^mid-. \ll nf the- mill and 111 \i ivemher nf the -ante \ e;ir w a-'aL;aiii m hmldiiiL;- are emi-i rueli-d nf hriek ami an- npcral mn mi the ui:iuufaeliire nf w 1 ir-ted liraiil-. mn-meiit ju iSjj tlu- cmupain npc-raliu- tlu- mill wa- Imildm.L;, _'73 h\ 3S f,-et ; Xn. _■ .\| dl, al- . fmir menrpnr.ited under tlu- nanu- \>\ the \"alle\ -tone- and l.a-einenl, ji .,;; |.\ 37 feel, \Mtli 'd .'■ \\ nr-led .Mill-, wuh a capital nf .>-;43. .., ., « ,. The Inlir -InrK--. _'4 li\ jn feel : Xn. ,:; .Mill 1- |<,S l.\ nttiei.-d- nf till- cniiipanx were: I'resi'deiil, |. Car- 1.3 I eel, with an 'd." kki 1i\ 1,3 feel, fmir -Inru - peiiier ; Irea-mer, W . l" ( m— ; and secret a'r\. W . in hei.i,;ht : X-.. 4 .Mill, fniir -Inru--, JS4 l,y 4(1 |< Xninld, I iider ilii- uumti-enieiit the mill leet ; X'.. 3 .M ill, i \\n -turn--, 144 h\ (ij.ind 11,^ cntilinued in .iciu e nper,-il mil, |.ri.duciiiL;' cardiijan hy 30 feet ; Xn. 1. ,Mill i- a fmir -inry 'd." 1 _'(i jacket-, wnr-led and wnr-ud \,-irii fnr hy So feet ; .Xn, 7 .Mill j- a fniir-lnry -iniclnre. kmltin.u pnr|in-e-, niilil 1SS3, when it w.i- rc- l_>(nn 3(1 feet, nri^anized li\ .Mr. jame- I'h'illips. jr., with tlie I'.eside- ihe-e Imildmi,;- llurc- an- -e\ eral fnilnwiu- nVfuer- : ' lame- 1\. 1 )nnilt;e hecime ntlu-r-, inclndin- iiiacliine--liiip Imildm- and pr<--ideiil, W , R. XViinld. in.i-urer, and 1. .\. tw-n dyedinu-e-, al-n a w ell arranmd nfhce ( rn--, -ecnlarv . A fler llii- change ,\l r I'hillip- hinhlini;. In addilinn lliere are ihrc-e lar-e. Imik an .iciive |iart in the mana.L;emenl and tlu- -uh-laiilial luiddin--, all l.uill :>i l.ruk. which pLnii w a- run\ nn the manufacture 1 if wnr-ted tin- n-ed Inr tlu- stnrti^e nl wiinl and m.iurial- \arn fnr wea\in,L; purpn-e-, hi- mill- al l-'ilchliur,s cnntaim-d in llu- maniifacl iir<- nf wnr-ted \ arn- ii-m^ iu-arl\ llu- eiilire prndiiciinii. •'""' W'lr-ied L;nnd-. l-.acli indi\idiial mill i- 1 hi \pril 17, 1 Si ).,, w uh ilu- niher mill- nf M r. mdependi-nt, -n lar a- pnwer and machinery l.une- I'lullip-. jr.. the \ alle\ hecame ,1 pari ••( are cniuenied. a -ImtlinL; dnw n nf ,,iu- imt thr \iiierican W nnleii In. ;iftectini,Mhe ntlu-r-. llu- manufacturing; huildini.;- cnmpri-e Mill l-'nr liL;hiiiu; tin- imnieu-e esialdi-lmunt Xn. 1. jnnhx (.4 feet. ;md .Mill Xn. _', i4_:;h\ (.0 AM) lUSlNl'.SS MI'.X OF iOUi: ISI.AXIJ. 301 ICft. TlioL- hiiilclmij^ an- jniiR-d. ami ]iracticall_\' ftirni one mill ami ari' ii]>crateally fn .\lilU .-ire lociled on tin- \\ oonas(piatucket l\i\er, nn the line of the l'ro\idence and Springlield Railro;id, in what was foi'inerU the town of .Manton. R. I., but which has now become part ^f ilu' city of Proxidence. The old .Ntone mill was liuilt in i^^.^.t by .Messrs. .Xlantou <.K: Kelly. It was St) feet li>ng and 45 feet wide, having two stories and an attic. The Mr. .Manton of this firm was for a good years connected with the I'xiston .Manufacturers' Mutual l-'ire Insurance C'o, .\fter the firm retired the mill stoocl idle for ;i nmnber of years, and wa^ next iiperated b\ James Harvey as Suiierintendent for .Mr. (leorge C, Xightingale as trustee. Tuder this management the mill was sold at auction ;ind bought by .Mr. John Carter lirown of I'roxj- dence. In 1857 .Mr. lirown deeded the prop- erty to the Lonsdale Co. 'Hie mill at this time contained sixty looms and facilities for making cotton cloth. The Lonsdale Co. conlitiued to operate it until the se\entiex. when llie in.i- chinery was removeil to Lonsdale and another ])eriod of idleness ensued. In 1880 .Mr. Charles Fletcher bought the ];)roperty and at once commenced to ecpup it for a woolen yarn mill ; new water-wheel- wire ])Ut in, with new shafting and a 125 lior-e power Corliss engine, four sets of woolen card- ami four 384 sjiindle Tatam mules. In 188:5, before any stock had been jjiit intu the mill. .Mr. Fletcher sold the ])ropert\- to .Mr. Horace .\. Kimball. The nnll was enlarged. an.-nin\ (.d. .and the new buildings now coxer a lloor s])ace of 120,000 s(|uare feet, and contain nine sets of cards, 2.040 mule s])indles, and 185 L'rompton and Knowles looms, and boilers with a capacity of j(JO horse power. There i- also a d\e house large enough to su])ply the looms with all tlu' fancv yarns they re(piire. 'J"he buildings are modern in con- struction and are ;dl lighted by ,arc and in- candescent light,-. The water jiower is sup- ])lied by the river on which the mill is kx'ated, ;uid a 300 hcirse |)o\\cr (Ireene engine. The mill has a complete fn-e service connected with that of the city of Providence, which has at this point g2 pounds pressure. The ])l;nU was sold to the .\merican \\ Dolen Company in .May, i8(>t^, and now |)roduces f.'incy worsteds for men's wear with an annual product of o\ er $1,000,000 in value. .Mr. Kim- ball was lor some time retained as the resident agent for the conii)any. lint has lately been succeeded b\ .Mr. I'.dmond Corcoran. The plant now c< ini|iri-i's eight manufacturing and -ior;ige buildings, haxing an aggregate Hoor -p.ace 0I 'jJ.^VtJ square feet. J. D. Nichols & Sons. — .Manufacturers of fancy cassinieri-s. .Mill liicate established Ijy Joseph D. -Nichols in 1844. The old mill was burned in 1872. and the present main building was erected, the wing being l)uil! in 1884. The founder of the business died in 1 870. His sons became part- ners of tin- firm in 1803, and from that lime the tirm name has been J. I). .Nichols & .^ons. The claim is made that a cnttnn mill was built upon the site "f the ])resent factiir\ in 1810, and that it was the first mill binlt in the ti>wn of Ihirrill- ville. .\nother snurce nf information gives the !"n>t mill as the one that stood on the site of the l.inciiln Mill, Pascoag, which was luiilt in 1809, rmd operated .as ;i cottnn mill. Tluse were with- iiut dnubt the twii first mills of the town. American Wringer Co. — .Manufactin-ers of cliiihcs wringers. WUrks located in W'oonsocket. R. 1. i'.usiness established by .^. .\. Pailev, who iiiiil< nut a number of |);itents and made his wringer the most successful of any that had been brought out in this country before \ llari'v Harry Cutler. I. ulK-r. Wiirk-, lucaud at iv I 'ali'inlii- -trrrl, I 'n i\ iiKiuT. I in]ilii\ Iriiin j^ lii kk) liaml-. Mr. ( nlKr \\a- Imni .\la\ i. 1S73. lie ln-^aii vsiirkiiiL; al varniii^ lliiiiL.;- aiinnul l.akr l-.rii- 111 I'.ullalii al llir ai.;r iii tin \iar-. iiiakiiiL; In- limiu- 111 I'.iilTaki. .\. \. Ill- afterward- waiil ',1 > W-\\ N I 'fk lit \ , w luiT 111- \\ a- i-iiipli )\ nl in a ihriiiL; ami Mc.ailnni.; c-lal jli-linicnl . At tlir at^i' lit twrUf ill- wnil til kail Rurr, .\la--.. wlu'rr 111- \\a- till' liii-- i|iilti.r 111 tlir -|iinmiiL; nmin lit tin- Xnuruan I .iiini \\iirk-, lia\ini;' t\\(.iil\ lui.- 1ki\- nmlir lit- caw. llcri- lu- ri.' inaiiu-il ntiiil timrtcvii \ Aar- iil am', llr ilu-ii ;ii(>\<.'i| til I 'ri i\ iiKiirc. R. I., ami i-iiurril tin; i.-iiil)lii\ lit (iriii;;i- k.. ('iiK', a- firaml Imx. w luTf 111- Icariiiil iIr- imtiirc Iranic Int-itic-s. lnTiitmiii; a |i utriU'v in.aii ^iklcr at tlii- a^i; iif -i.-\i.-iiU'iii. All 1 i|iiii iilitnit \ lit-niL; nllrrnl him to he i(K'iil i lii'il \\ illi ihr n\\i.'lr\ iiianiilactiirini^ liii-im--- ill an (.Nrrntnr \\a\, lir L;a\c up tin- ^ihliiii; lni-iiu--> ami riilmd tlir cinpliix nt' mu 111 the lariL;<->t ir\\alr\ ri iiiciiii- in the rit\. ami was -iiiierintrmlciil ami iiiatiau;tr iit' aiinthrr lari^'^e jewclrv nianiitait nniiL; nimrrn \\ lun in- ri--iL;iir(l til lirLlin tnann tart nniiL; tn a -tiiall \\a\ 1111 In- ii\\ii atTiinnt in the k it /i loralil I '.nihliiiL; 1 in k.ilih -imt in iSi|S. wluri- In- i,tii- |iliiyi-(l Init t w 1 1 liainl-. Ill- Ini-iiu-- -tradiU" imTea-cil until il narlinl il~ |irr-riit ilinieii- -imi-. .Mr. I'litKr'- nirtliinl nt" ikiiim hii-inc-s ha- al\\a\- luni n iii-rr\ al i\ r. niakiii^ -iirr •.! Ill- 1111-iliiiii a- lu- wi-iil aliiiii.;. ami llu- rc-nll It a- -lu i\\ n llu- \\ i-ili im 1 it' hi- -\ -tnii 1 if nu-i ; ihl; tlu- ri-i|nirinu-nl- nf a ra]iull\ -rnwiiiu; IraiK-. Ili- |ilaiit i- i-i|in|i|n-il with all nf the iu-i-e--ar\ iiuiili-rn inarlniiir\ tiir Inriniiu: 'if.! Ill- -| H-rialt U-- A. H. Sweet & Son. — .\l .innfait ni-rr- nf !ia]Ki- .iml wiiiiik-ii Imxr-. I'lii-iiii--- r-tahli-hril in iSS^ h\ \. II. . li till- mill n\\ iird li\ l-',\ ,111- iV .^ea^rav es nf I '.lal'k- -tnlll-. .Ma--, tnr -niiu- -i-\ i-nU-rn \ ear-. Ile Sayles & Gilleran Mill, Woonsocket, R. I. L;a\e n]i tin- pn-itinii In ln-rnnu- .'i nirinhrr iti tlu- pre-i-nt linn, wliirli 1- dniiii.; an i-\trii-i\r lin-im--. AND iasixi:ss mI'.n oi- riiodI'. island. 303 Guerin Spinning Co. — Mamifacuircrs of woolen and merino yarns. r.n--iness cstal)- lislicd in 11^93. IncoriHjratcd in iX();. Cai)ital- izc'eph ( itierin. ( ieneral .Manager; Theophiln-^ (inerin. \>si>tant .\lanas.;'er. Jose])li (iiierin, the ( icneral .Manager of the hiisiness. was horn in X'ervicrs. lleljjintn. where he learned the _\arn business in all of its details. lie came to America in iSoi and he.^an mami- factnriiiii' \arns in liis own name on Sonlh .Main street, in \\ oonsocdsct. in tlu' nhl l'>raim tile actual e\])erience th;U he nia\ have the privilec;e 1 if Guerin Spinning Co. worstetl ii'oods busine>^. In iSo.^ a co|)artner- sliip was formed, and in 181)5 the business was incorporated under the present name, and the niachiuery was moved into their new plant at Jenksville, on Social street, in i8(/). wdiere they have (lone an extetisive business. To meet the increase of trade a new addition of three stories is now beintr built of brick at the north- cast end of the oritJ'inal stone factory, wliich was built in 1828, the accompanviuL;; cut show- ing its old style architecture wliicli was com- mon in those days. His mui. rheojihihts (iuerin, came to .America a year earlier for the purpose of assistin.i^ in setting' up the ma- chinery of the River Si>innin,!.; Co.. where he labored for si.K tnonths. and later was emiil(i\i.-d with his father in the manufacture of yarn^. He has served as .\ssistant .Manager of the business of the present companv for several years. In iix)0 he organized the halls 'N'arn .MilK in Woonsocket for the manufacture nf Plant, Woonsocket, R. I. enjoying in the mill or '■ho]) than all of the dnnmiy nudes or tly frames that have ever Iicen mani])ulatcil li\ the professors of our schools in an endeavor l.i make good workmen of our American bov>. I'm 1h- sure, they catch on ipiickl}- when they enter the mill, but with an advance experienct- of ilu- real kind, such as they are given in many of the foreign schiiols, they will be ready to take hold in the right wav the first dav. Ilu're are some 250 woolen mills in \ erviers, and these mill owners sup- ])ort the technical school, each lending all the aid that he can in educating the pupils that may be sent to his mill for instruction. The Treasurer and .'secretary of the com- |ianv. .Mr. .\ram I. I'othier. is a native of (juebec, ( an.'ida. lie came to W oonscjcket in 1870. and in 1875 he was emjiloyed by the Woonsocket Institution for Savings, where he has remained until the present time. He was keprcscntative to tin- 1 , legislature from 1887 to 304 HKX.RAl'IIK Al, lllSr()R\' n|.- llll'. M A M ' I'AC 'I UR i'lRS I SSi), and in llu latin \ tar lu' \va- clu )>(.'n I i>\\i nii.sM'iiui f"i- khiMlo Ulaiiil t.i llu- I'aris Mx- ])o>iii(iii. J U- w a^ rlci'Uil \la\ iir mI' iIh- I'ii y in Dunn Worsted Co. No. i Mill, Woonsocket, R. I. iNm_(. anil wa^ latiT rlcclril I .uailciianl (nix rninr. and lias tdK'd nihrr .itVu'c-- of iinpurl- aiuT. l.alinuT W . r.all'Ui. llu- Al.;i.ii1 "I tlic idiii- liaiiw is a iial i\ r "I \\ i " msi ickrl. \\ luif lu- w a-- ixirn (•rtiihrr X. iSjj. lie is a ;_;iaiiiNi in n\ llu- latr I h 111, Latimer \\ . llalli m, \\ lui \v:i-~ i nit- "f the lilMxi ln.i;liK rrspi-i'trd riti/rn-. ol 1 lu- Statr (if Uliiidr U'laiid. \lv i~ a -ra.liiatr nf till.- Massaidnisiils 1 ii-.t it iilr i if 'rn-lim di il;} and a |Hist-.iL;Tadiiaic nf (unudl I 'iii\ ii'-it \ . I |hiii lea\in^" Mdimil lu- wa-- (-K-i'tcd tin- \L;i-iit nf llu- oiiiii]ian\. Ill wliu'li rapanlx lu- lia- srr\ i-d with iiiarkrc] alnlitx, tin- llllsllu-■^■- nl llu- cniuTrn lia\ Mi;^ bad a ^U-adx ^rnwtli fruiii llu- inrnr- lioratidii iif tlu- riiti-r|irisi- m 1N113, and llu- |inis- |H-i-t fur tlu- fiilnri- i-- \ rr\ pri iiiii--inL;, Willi iiuTras>.-d facililirs llial tlu- iu-\\ adilitinn t,i llu- fa('t(ir\ will alTnrd. tlu- cuiiiiian) will ln- aliK- til 1.-1 itnpcti.- with tlu- lari^i- nianiilart iirrr-- ' if I lu- (.■iiitntrx , I'liwcr fnr llu- planl i^ sn|i]ilu-d fnnii llu- I'l-li-is l\i\-i-r 111 llu- i-xtvnt 1 >f alintil 311 linr^i- |H w I f llininL;li \\\>i I iirliiiu---. and a 1311 linr-^r ]H \\ i-r Slati-r c-iii^iiu-. Dunn Worsted Co. — M.initf.ui nn-rs ni wiii^uds fur nu-nV w lai". 1 '.n-.iiu---. i-'~talilislu-il ni 1 >eri-iiiln-r. 1S113, and iiu'i irjii id tlu- knuwn a- K-nks\ilh-. mi Surial -trrrt, W 1 " m-i nkit , iiffu-i-rs: |iihn I'.. I >nnn. 1 'rr-uK-iil ; l-'r\in S, Miiiin. dri-a-iirrr and Si-i'rt-t ar\ . I'liwi-r hir tlu- iiiilU 1- -iiiiplii-d friiiii tlu- I'rti-T-- i\i\t-r In till- r-Xtnil iif 311 Imr-r |iii\\rr tlirnii'^h mu- inrliiiu-. and hv a 173 hur-r imwcr llaiii- ( iirliv- i-ni^nu-. llu- |iri iprii-ti ir- i<\ tlu- cum |ian\ wi-rr fi)inu-rl\ inmu-i-ud \sitli tlu- SaMUi Wiir-ti-d * II.. iif 1 'n i\ idciUT. llu- ulil vloiif mill wliuli nnw fnrni- a part 1 if llu- |ilant was litiill in iSjj. aiiil tlu- ciimjian\ liavc insl coin- plitrd a iu-\\ tar|iir\ imiiu-diaicU in tlu- rear lit tlu- iild mill, whu-li i- a nuidi-rii -trui-litri- in i-\cr\ ri-s)u-ct. as .slmwn li\ tlu- accumpaiu iiitj rill. riu- rnt nf llu- nld mill slmws (.-.Mriisi vc adililiiiiis lia\r liri-ii madr. wliiili makr it olic 1 if tin- Ik-sI plants in t lu- ril \ . Glendale Woolen Mill. — Maniifactiirr fancy .(■-simcrcs. .Mill liicatcil in < iK-iidalc. R. 1.. tnwii 'il 1 'iiirrilK iUc, nii the I'lranch Ri\cr. -, .mc li\c miles iriiiii I'asciiaL;, mi the .\. N .. .\ . 11. and 11. Railmad ci nmccliiiL; willi W ■ h uisi icket. I'liisiiu'ss 1 11 iL',iiiall\ estalilishcd li\ Aiilhuiu Slei-re in 1 S4 I will! ciiiuelled the limldlllLJs slaiulillt;- nil the pn\ile'.^c mill a ciillim mill. .Mimil 1X311, like must III till- earlier mill sH-ucliires nl the tnwn, it was desiriivcil li\ lire, and 111 1X3:; he creeled a -Imie null, which is iii i\\ used ;is llu- 1 itt'ice ul the picsi-nt t.-|i-|iir\, lie SI K 111 afler snld the pi'nlieru 111 l.Niiian I iipelaiiil. wlm lie'_;an the maimtacliire ill will lien L;iiiids, 111 i,X-,S the mill was leased tcj I line) \ .\lelcalf iiiilil iXii_^, wlieii I lay i!v: (.'liapin le.isrd it fiiim I Xi I :; In 1 X( iX, and then il was leased I l-'r,iiicis ( arpeiiler, w In 1 ]nirchaseil the ]iri iperty m 1X7^^. and lic^.-m nperaliiiL; the mill iiiider ihe name nf llu- ( ileiidale Wnnlen I 1 ■. I pmi ihe dealh nl .\lr. ( ai-]ieiiler m iXX^. the prnpertx was leased li\ inseph \. ( arpcnlcr. Riilu-rl Kershaw. and William ( Irrell. Mr. kershaw died 111 ahmit iwii \ears .iinl the Inisiness was carriid nil lu the twn iillier gentlemen until iXXij, when W illiam ' irrell. tlu- preseiil pi'i 1] irieti if, ]nircliaseil his |i,-irl iier's interest, .Mr, (Irrell li.'is enlari;ed and im- prii\ed the mill, adding; lu-w machmerx. lie is ;i iiati\e iif 1 la\ w 1 11 111, 1 .,-iiicasliii-e, l-ai>;laiiil, where 1.1 w.'is liiirii \ii\emher 14. 1 X4X, Me c.ime with his |i.-irelils ill \iiieric.-i 111 1X33. lie ll.-is re]ire- seiitcd the liiwn 111 llie Sl.ite Isenalc, .iiiil ill nllier w,i\s h.-is heeii hiiiinred ,-|s mie nf ihe |inlilic men Ij^ nii,iii <'-»•■' I I.^ \ the tnwn, riu- tiist dam acrnss the I'.raiich Rixcrat this place w .IS hnill .ilimit 1 7X11 tn n|ieraU' .•| saw .-11111 L;rist mill. AND l{USINi:SS MKN OF KHODK ISLAND. 305 Rhode Island Engraving Co.— Makers of half- tone and line cuts ot every description. lousi- ness established by Willis /\. Dean on North Main street, in 1894, as the R. 1. I'hoto-Kn graving Co. This was the first plant of the kind established in the State of Rhode Island doing engraving by the "photo-process." Mr. Dean's business had been that of a commercial traveller until about 1893, when he interested himself in the photo-gelatine business, where he remained for one year prior to beginnitig the photo-engraving business on his own account. The plant was removed to 206 VVeybosset street, I'rovidence, in 1896, the present location, where continues to do high class work in the photo- engraving line, and they are equipped to fill large orders promptly. l'"rederick W. Ferguson, who was sent to I'hiladelphia by the company to learn the ])hoto-engraving business, now has charge of the artistic and mechanical depart- ments of the business. Hehas for a number of years been an expert designer and draughtsman. Eastern Electrotype Co. Makers of electro- types and all kind of letter press cuts, including wood cuts, line cuts, half-tones, etc. Husiness established in 1888 by the master printers of I'rovidence, and in 1889 the business was in- corporated. Works located at 91 Sabin street. James A. Hawes. an interest in the business was sold to one or two of the prominent master printers of the city and State, new machinery was added, and the plant became one of the most complete in New England, and the volume of business was very great. At one time the firm was doing work for the United States Government, and for many of the large manufacturing concerns of the country, the quality of the cuts produced being of the highest class. In 1899 the firm sold the business and plant to Pardon .S. Rem- ington, and the business was incorporated in May, 1900, as the Rhode Island I^ngraving Co. Soon after Mr. Remington sold his interest in the business, and T. R. iMagee was elected President and Treasurer of the company, and J. A. Hawes the Secretary of the Company, these gentlemen still holding those offices. The concern still Thomas R. Magee. Fmploy about 22 hands. Officers: A. K. Hawes. President ; T. R. Magee, Treasurer; J. A, I lawes, Secretary. Thomas R. Magee is a native of Philadelphia. Pa., where he was born P'ebruary 12, 1854. 1 le learned the busuiess of an electro typer in his nati\e city, where he was engaged in se\eral of the large foundries. He was later employed in the electrotyjje foundries of Cin cinnati, and was at one time the superintendent of the Ryan 1 ype I-Oundry of Baltimore, Md. I le was later emjiloyed by the University Press and H. C. Whitcomb & Co., of Boston, the latter concern being one of the largest electro- tyjiing foundries of the country. Mr. Magee was engaged to take charge of the Providence foundry, and under his management the Fastern I'^lectrotype P'ountiry has become one of the most successful iii New Fngland. In March, 1S94, ;uo nux.KAriiK'AL iiisujKV OF 1 1 1 !•: MAxii'Ac 1 1 ri;ks Mr. Magce. together with .\. K. and J. A. Hawcs. l)urcliasc(l tlie L'lUire stock ol the coniiiany, who are tlie |)resent owners ol the business, the original name being relainetl. The coni])aiiy do electrotyi)ing for all parts of the country, and theii" recent iinproNeinents in the line ol new machinery enables Iheni to do work much more rai)idly than before, which is very much apjire- ciated by the ])rinters ol New I-".ngland. James A. llawes, the Secretary ot the comjiany, was born in I'roviilcnce, J une 2, iSjj. lie learned the engraving business, and after working at his trade for a few years, he purchased a jiart of the stock of the corporation, and was elected Secretary in iiS94, which ]:)osition he has held ever since. Ills knowletlge ot engraving has been of great benelit to the company, that de- partment being fully as extensive as the electro- typing department. The workturnedout by this company is of the best and highest grade that can be made. Union Oil Co. — Manufacturers of cotton seed oil Business established in 1S55. Works lo- cated at J39 Tockwotton street, I'rovidence. Lyman Klap]), w^ho was the originator of the business, was born in Westhampton, Mass., in 1827, and (lied in 1 iSSij. In 1.S54 he perfected the ])rocess of retining the oil taken from cot- ton seed, and he turned his inventions over to the I'nion ( >il C"o. upfin its organization in 1.S55. He had completed machinery for hulling the cotton seed and for treating it in other ways ]ire[)aratory to the refining ])rocess, and the works have turned out immense tjuantities of oil since thebeginning,enlargingtheir plantfrom time to time to meet the increase of Ijusiness. Barstow Stove Co. — Manufacturers of stoves, ranges and furnaces. ]?usiness established in I.S36 by Amos C. Barstow, who made the busi- ness a complete success with the assistance of his son, Amos C . 15arstow, Jr., who is now the Treasurer and .Manager of the com])any. The business was incorporated in 1S59. In 1900 the .Spicer Stove Co., who had manufactured the ".Model (irand" range, went out of existence so far as the old name was concerned, and their business was merged into that of the ]5arstow .■-^tove Co. This is now the only stove foun 111 ii'Mi ami l)ra>^ ca>liiiL;>. l'.u>iiK>> ]iatiMiiaL;r fiiiiii all |iail-- > if tlu- lislui! Ill iSc)- a> llic \ iiloaii liinndrx' C.O. (Uiut ami I 'aw t lukcl liciiii; In-. |iriiici|)al tu-lu aihl iiu'i u-p, iralnl llu- >aiiir \ var willi a ia|iilal- 1 here is pnihaliK no belter ci|iiippe(i i/alii'ii 111' Sim I, ( II 111, 111 mm Mr. I nil A. Iniiinlrx in llic iiiiiiiti\ I'l n' iluiiiu; li'-;lil ami I 111 iiiias. I il \\ 1 11 iii~i K'krl , wliiiliail luTii III llu- lu-a\ \ ca^liii^^ than llir |ilam iiwiinl li\ tlu- liiuiiilr\ liii--iiic^^ tiir --iiim- ic-ii \ rar-. la-i ir 1 'aw uu-krl 'inimlrs ( 1 1. Slartnl. a^ it \va-, i;aiii/ril llu- lui^iiir^> mnlrr tin- iiaiiR- iil tlu inilx a tew \rar^ a^ii, mi iiiiiiu\ w a-- --paia-il in I'awtm-kit liiiimli\ i Mnipaii\, ami >laitril up ]irii\iiK- tlu- tiiii--l iiu ulrni iiiacliiiunw aiul a]i llu liiiiiiiliy iimki llu iilil cliancf, llu- \ ill pliamx> llial rmilil lir liini^ht. ami llu- t'iiiimlr\ can 1 iiiimlr\ t n, hail rln-^cil up 1 iii~iiu-v>, >( i hiiililins; was en-cU-il alur tlu iiiii..t apprma-il thai tlu n uu-i-iii hail Im lu-i;iii ami wi irk up iiu-iIuhIs Inr |iitiiulr\ wurk. Siuh a plan! an imh-priiih-ii! tiailr, ami llu- onterpri--i.- has eiialih--. llu- iiiana<^i-r In ]iii--h hi-. liiisiiu--.~ liiTii ^11 smrv's^liil iiiuk-r Mr. 'riinmas's nianam-nu-nt that an adililimi nl (i.O'ki xpiare U-et is tii In iuiilt til iiu-rl llu- \ 111 iinu- 111 hiisiiu-ss 111 liaml. llu- I it'fu-rrs 1 1! tlu- ci iinpany are : l-.iiw ard Siliit h. 1 'resi '1 e n 1 ; h r r il A. rill Unas. Irc-a'-iiri-r ;iml Seerelarx. Tlu- ei)in|)aii\ will i,-iii|ilii\ ahoiil 75 hands. Mr. 'riuimas. tin- < lemral .\1 .i; rr if t hr n \ . w a-- liririi in \\ i h uisi icket , l\. 1,. .\la\ Hi. iS(,4 ifi- ei iinph-tril 111- i-dm-atinii 111 tlu l-'riend-. Silnml nf I'rmideiu'e and tlu- .\la--saehiisetts Insti- Fred A. Thomas. ;ilu-ad nf llu- nld-fash- H Hu-d ccjiioeriis. w hnsc nu-thiids and appli- aiuTS ari- i ilisnh-tr. l-(-\v t-(iiu'eriis in tlu- St.itc lia\T ni;ide tlu- r.ipid jiri iL;ri--ss that till- iiiiniiain ha- iii.nh- diiriniL; mie \ car's e.xperieiire. and tlu- eredit fill- thi- ^riiwth I- dill' til llic caiTiul ni.iii.iL^i-nu-nt 1 h.'il .\1 r. 1 hiiinas lia- ^u I n the hiisiness. The fiiiiiulrx- is In- i. It 111 the .\ . N -. \ 11. \: 11. aliii-it a li;ilf iiiih- -I ml h wl 1 )arliiiL;li ui. in the i-tl\ 111 I'aw- liirkcl, w-liii-h alfiiriN e\ ery ei m \ xnuiu't.- tor r<-(-i'i viiiL; -tipplu-- ,111(1 shipping; tluif lu-a\_N liile iif I ecliiii ill iu;\ . .\ft<-r leaxni.L; --chiml lu- e.-isl iti^s. ;iti exUn-ixi ^wilih ha\iiiL; lu-eii put i-nU-red tin- < lintiui ,\lill, tnries in In the * il\ Imn lnundr\. \ltrr li-a\-iiiu; thi^ frnnl, the iiiiildiiiL; mnni in tlu- re,ir heiiiL;- niu- ]>l;u-i- he re- r-t ,-ilili-lu-d tlu- Ini-ine-- nl tlu- -tiir\, Jim U-rt Imu; li\ 1 « 1 tirt widr. the enre \ uleaii Inttndrx ( n.. a-- alii-.uU -latcd. and rnniii, liiinaie rnniii .-ind -tnrai^r i-Menilini; the rniil]>leti.- ei|iiipnu-nt ui llu- ]ilant lu'i^ en- almiL; the switch. The ;ieci itiip,-iny Iiil; cut .-diu-d him to cmniiele with llu- lies] fmimlries L;i\e- .'i t;niid idc.-i nf tlu- eMiiit nl llu- pkinl. AND 15USINKSS MEN OF RllOUK ISLAND. 309 which is one of the many enterprises that are a decided credit to the State of Rhode Ishmd. New England Electrolytic Copper Co. — The electrolytic production of copper. Business es- tablished, under the supervision of H. R. Caul- field, in 1892. Works located at the junction of the Worcester and Boston lines of the N. Y., N. II. & H. R. R. Co., at Central Falls, R. 1. At the beginning the works produced 2,000 pounds per day, but the plant has been increased so that now over 75,000 pounds of copper are turned out daily. Business incorporated in anon mill. S Willard Thayer is now the man- ager of the business. NarragaHsett Machine Co. — Manufacturers of light machinery, gymnastic apparatus, lockers, and bowling alleys. Jkisiness established in 1882. Incorporated in 1889. Works located at WoodJawn, in the city of Fawtucket. Two new buildings have just been completed this year of igoi, that doubles the capacity of the works, which are situated on the N. Y., N. II. & H. R. R., a spur track running into the mill yard. Rhode Island Card Board Co. — Manufacturers Pawtucket Foundry Co. Plant, Pawtucket, R. I. 1892 under the present name, Lewisohn Bros, of New York, holding the controlling interest. Some 200 men are employed. Lebanon Mill Co. — Manufacture knit goods; 60 knitting machines. Business originally es- tablished in 1828 in Pawtucket, R. I , where the works are now located, as a yarn mill. The jiresent name was adopted in i86g, at which time the business was carried on by Fdward Thayer, son of Alanson Thayer, who Inrnierly carried on the business under the firm name of Alanson Thayer & Son. Before that tune K. B. Gage & Co. were doing business in the of lithographic stock, printers', engravers', and photographers' cards, and stereoscopic mounts. Works at 105 Exchange street, Pawtucket, R. I. Business established in 1844. Incorjjorated m 1886. One of the largest plants of the kind in New I'.ngland. Dexter Yarn Co. — Manufacturers of cotton \arns. Business established by Capt. X. G. B. De.xter in 1820. He was succeeded by his sons who ado|)ted the name of the Dexter Yarn Co. The knitting yarns made by this Pawtucket con- cern were considered for years the best on the market. ;io lUi)(.K.\rill( AL IIISTORN ol- IIIM MAN L' l'.\( 1 L'RllRS Blodgett & Orswell Co. Manufacturers of 1 8S7 tlie business was incorporated as tlie Hlod- j;la/e(i varns ant! spool cottoii. lousiness estab i;ett & < )rs\veli Co. The [jrescnt otiicers are: lislied bv lulwaid < i. Hlodirett and 1'.. W. Ors lulnumd W ( )rs\vell. Treasurer; William W. ■■:;:■ . ... ^ \: >; ^^fs/^^^^^^^^^^^^ i \ '^^w« 1 '""'Sr ^^^^^1 1 .Jl-^^ ...ZSB I Edmund W. Orswell. William W. Orswell. well, January 1, 1 S.S5. their works at that time ( )rswell, Secretary. Manufacturing |)lant lo- lieiiig located on Haylev street, I'awtucket. In cated on I^'ront street, I'awtucket, on the Hlack- "'*^***^-..-. -^ Pawtuikft DyeinR and Bleaching Co. Plant, Pawtutket, R. I. AND HUSINP:SS men of KHoDK ISI.AMJ. ill stone river, next to the Harrison Yarn and Dye- ing Co. works. The business increased so rap- idly the works on Bayley street were found too small, and the present extensive plant was erected, which is one of the largest in tiie State. In 1889 the Hlodgett & Orswell Co. estab- lished the I'awtucket Dyeing and Bleaching Co. which was incorporated the same year, where they carry on the dyeing and bleaching of cot- ton yarn and stockinet. An extensive business was educated in the public schools, and after leaving the high school of Lonsdale, R. I., he became bookkeeper for the firm of N. I'. Hicks & Co., and remained with this firm and its successors in that capacity until 1883. In 1884 the firm was incorporated as the li. Jenckes Mfg. Co., and Mr. Orswell became its Secretary, remaining until he joined with Mr. Blodgett in 1885 in the manufacture of glazed yarn, which was the beginning of the present large business. In 1894 Mr. Blodgett, who was Blodgett & Orswell Co. is done at both of these plants. The dyeing and bleaching works are located at the extreme eastern section of the city. We print herewith an excellent cut of both plants, which gives a fair idea of their tlimensions. The officers of the Blodgett & Orswell Co. also serve in the same capacity for the i'awtucket Dyeing & Bleaching Co. Edmund W. Orswell, the Treasurer of the corporations, is a native of \'alley Falls, R. I., where he was born December 11, 1849. He Plant, Pawtucket, R. I. the President of the company, died, but the business was continued under the management of Mr. Orswell, who has developed one of the most important industries in Rhode Island. William W. Orswell, son of I'.dmund W. Ors- well, who is the Secretary of both companies, is a nati\e of I'awtucket, R. I., where he was born January 6, 1874. He is thoroughly versed in all of the departments of the business, giving his father valuable aid in the management of the works. >I2 lU()(,k.\l'llI('Al. HISTORY Ol- Till'. M AN U I'ACTU K I:RS Rogers Screw Co. - Mamitacturers ot steel, brass and hroii/e wood screws lUisiness estab lished in 1S99 by the former President, Suiier- intendent. Asst. Superintendent, Secretary and C'onnsel ol the American Screw (_'o. Incorpor ated the same year as the Rogers Screw Co., with an authorized capital of ^230,000. Works located on At well's avenue, I'rovidence. The olficers of the corporation are: ( )lney Ar- nold, Treasurer; llenry R. Roj^ers, .Superinten- dent. I'ower for the jilant is furnished by a (Ireene eni;inc and an auxiliary electric supply. Clyde Bleach and Print Works. (.S. 11. (ireene i\: .Sons ( iirpoiation.) — l?leachers, dyers and partnership, and later the business was incor- porated. Providence Stock Co. -— Manufacturers of rolled plate chains, silver novelties, chain brace- lets, lorgnettes, ladies' and gents' gold chains, gold scarf pins, and brooches. Works located in the .S. & B. Lederer Building at 100 Stewart street, I'rovidence. R. I. Malleable Iron Works. — Manufacturers ot .dl kinds ot malleable iron and steel castings. Business establisiied in Hdl's (irove, R. I., in 1867. Thomas |. llillwasthe prime mover in the enterprise and the lirst president of the company. Rogers Screw Co. Wortcs, Providence, R. I. I)rinters. Works located at Clyde, R. 1. Busi- ness established in i.S^i by .Simeon II. Greene and a Mr. I'ike, who may have been the Kdward I'ike, from Sterling, Conn , who was managing a bleachery for the ( rom]ilon Comjiany in 1,mk of North .\merica. and is |irominently iciiincctcd with a number (.)f other business en- terprises. The Interlaken .Mills which are car- ried on under his management, are among the most im])ortant of our Rhode Island iiulustries The cloth covers of this book were made at these mills .and the\' re[n"esent a vers durable and .iltractixe line AM) imSINKSS MI-;\ OK RIIODK ISLAND. j'j Finishing Works of the Inlerlalien Mills, Arkwright, R. I. Harris Mill, Interlaken Mills, Harris, R. I. 3"'> l^IOGkAI'llRAL llISroKV OI' Till-; MAN LFACTLK l-.KS Reynolds Mfg. Co. .Maiuit;uturcrs of uiiidii cassimercs. Mill locatctl at Davisville, North Kiii,i;.stown. K . 1. i'lie first woolen maiiufac tnriiig ot this |)larc was carried on by Ivra and Jeflrey Davis, iiiidcr the tiriii name ot !■;. ^v |. l)a\'is, which was begun in iXi i. |effre)' Uavis was the lather of VVilliani I). Davis, who was one of the incor|K)rators ol the ( Miidnick Mfg. Co, and the grandfather of Jeffrey Davis, the President of the ( Jiiidnick Mfg. Co. E. Kenyon & Son. - Manufacturers of fancy cassimeres. Mill located at Kenyon, town of Richmond, R. I. 'i'he mill is one of the most attractive of any in the State. Elizabeth Mills. — Manufacturers of cotton goods. Business established about i 1 1 II mil 1 1 11 Hl'lWu Finishing Works, William Wanton Dunnell, Apponaug, R. I. office the country as one of the most complete plants in America. They are now owned by the U. S. Finishing Co., and are known as the Dunnell Branch. The l-'inishing Works at Apponaug will undoubtedly become as famous for their high class work as the Dunnell works of Paw- tucket. Rhode Island has become a leader in the finishing of cotton goods, there being several plants that are counted the largest in their line in the country, and the Apponaug i)lant is one of the most extensive and complete. and mill purposes. including stools for park settees, etc. S. & B. Lederer. — Manufacturers of rolled plate and electro-plated jewelry. Buttons and chains their specialty. Works located at the corner of Stewart and Conduit streets, Provi- dence. ( )ne of the largest plants in the city devoted to the manufacture of jewelry. Ashland Co. — Manufacturers of sheetings. Works located at South .Scituate, R. I. The mill contains 100 looms, and 3,000 spindles. il.S HRXiK.M'lIll Al, 1II>I()UV ol- III-. M.wii'Ac rrkj'ks Hope Webbing Co. .Mamilacturcrs nf narrow woven fabrics, elastic and nun-elastic in cotton. woolen and silk, which arc used tor boot and shoe slrajjs, blanket and c.irpet biiulings, hat l)ands. dress stays, tlress trimmings, hose supi)orters, electrical apparatus and for many other purposes, business established in iScS^ by Charles Sisson and Oscar A. .Steere on .Sprague street, Trovidence. incorporated in i88y. C'apitali/.eil for SjOO.OOO. ( )Hice, 1005 Main street. Officers: He/ekiah Conant, Presi- ilent ; Charles Sisson, Treasurer; Willis II. White, Secretary and Assistant Treasurer; ( )s- car A. Steere, Superin tendent. The new works in I'awtucket were begun in iSSy and the machinery was moved from Sprague street in 1890. The lirst section of the fac tory was built on I.arned street, dim en sions 2 JO feet in length. So feet in width, with an ell 60 feet square. Additions were made of substantially the same dimensions in 1892, 1895 and 1S99. The works have been built entirely around I.arned street which now constitues a court enclosed by the factory. The factory covers about 1 50,000 st|uare feet of floor space. There are two stories in the front and rear with connecting weave sheds of one story in height. The buildings are ot brick ot most ajiprovetl ccjnstruction and the plant is ecpupiied with all modern imjirovements. The gre;iter jiart of the machinery has been built fiom special tie- signs of the Superintenscar .\. Steere. I''ully 600 i)eoi)le are em|)loyed ofierating 416 broad looms and accessory m.ichinei)'. This is one of the most substatuial textile lactories in the .State. Power is supplietl wholly by steam to the extent of about .jon-horse power. ( )ne Corliss engine ot 300-horse power turnishes power for the works and two smaller enusiiiess established in 1S69. Works located in Carolina, R. I Mr. Cross is a native of Charlestown, K. ! . where he was born November 5, 1832. lie completed his education in the Ivast Greenwich Academy. After learn- ing the cigar makers trade he was emi)loyed in the city ol I'rovidence for a time as the man- ager of a cigar factory, .ind in 1869 began busi- ness on his own account in the town where he now resides, and still carries on the cigar manu- facturing business. Mr. Cross is one of the most inlluential men of the town. Me was electeil to re[)resent the town in the House of Kepresentati\es in the years iSjj, 1898, and 1899, anil was elected to the Senate in 1880, ujoo, anti 1901 lie served in the Town Coun- cil from 186910 187J, and from 1879 to 1891. l-"roni 1893 until the present time he has been President of the Council. In 1873 and 1874 he served as Commissioner of Indian Schools, for the Xarragansett Tribe, which was then living on the reserxation in Charlestown. lie was elected Town Treasurer and Collector in 1897, and has held the office continiKuisly from that time to the jiresent. William H. Haskell Mfg. Co. .Manufac- turers of bolts and nuts, lousiness established in 1853 by Lewis T. llaskell, under the firm name of I'inkham, llaskell ^: Co. In 1857 William II. llaskell bought out the entire busi- ness. In 1861 Robert Sherman became a part- ner, but in 1868 he sold his interest to Mr. Has- kell. The business was incorjiorated in 1881 as the William H. Haskell Co The manufact- uring plant is one of the largest in Xew Eng- land, which was develo]ied under Mr. Haskell's management, and after the incorporation Mr. Edmund .S. Mason as Treasurer and Uaniel A. Hunt as Agent, were instrumental in its growth. Allen's Print Works. — I'rinters ami dyers. \\ (irks located at the North I^nd of the city of I'rovidence. Tlie first building erected on this site was built for a woolen mill about 1812. I. H. Kellex', is the Treasurer of the corjjoration The plant is (|uite an extensive one, and has been used for a d\'eing ami printing establish- ment tnr many years. Barr & Thornley. — Clobc Brass I-'nundry. .Manufacturers of all kinds of brass and bron/e castings and lining metals. I'"oundry located at 38 Wa\ne street, I'rovidence. New England Brush Co. — Manufacturers of all kinds of brushes, tor silk, cotton and woolen mills, also for machine builders, silversmiths, sprinkling brushes for printers and bleachers, and for manufacturing jewelers. Works located at 77 I'age street. Joseph Adams and Samuel M. Robinson, proprietors. Charles E. Taylor.— Manufacturer of paper cop tubes, made to fit all kinds of spindles of American and English manufacture. Successor to the Hurgess Cop Tube Co. Received a gold medal at the Mechanics Association Exhibition of 1869 of Hoston. Works located at 21 Eddy street. Providence. Philip L. Voelker. — Manufacturer of brushes for silk, cotton and woolen mills, furnishing and s[)rinkling brushes for printers and bleach- ers. Husiness established in 1858. Works located at 935 Westminster street, I'rovidence. Volney W. Mason & Co. — Manufacturers of friction clutches, hoisting machinery, etc. Business established in 1S61. Works located on Lafayette street, Providence. X'olney W. Mason, Proprietor. John D. Lewis. — Manufacturer of dye-wood li(|uors, extracts, etc., for dyeing, bleaching and finishing cotton and woolen fabrics. Works located on Charles and Bark streets. Providence. Office, 4 l*".xchange Place The J. A. Gowdey Reed & Harness Co. — I\hui- ufacturers of reed and harnesses for woolen and cotton mills. Business established about 1840. Works locatetl at 40 Clifford street. Pro\'iileiue. Livingston Woolen Mills.- Manufacturers of woolen goods. Mill located at Washington, in the town of Coventr)-, R. I. ( )perate some twenty looms. James Morton. Manufacturer of shawls. Works located in Washington, in the town of Coventry, R. I. The only shawl manufacturer in the .State. Hand Brewing Co. — Brewers of beers. Brew ei v located at Darlington. Pawtucket, R. I., on the India Point branch of the N. V., N. II & II. R. R. Brewery erected about 1899. Joseph J. Schofield. .Manufacturer of sjtecial machinery, a])|)liances lor woolen and cotton mills, bleacheries and print works. Works lo- cated at 282 Dyer street, I'ro\itlence. AND HUSIM;SS men of RIIODI': ISLAND. 323 Horton Brothers. — Photographers. The Hor- ton Hrolhers were born in Westmoreland, Cheshire county, New Hampshire. In 1878, in E. Chamberlain Horton. Providence, K. C. Horton established the busi^ ness and one year and a half later took as a partner, his brother, E. K. Horton. Since then the firm has been known as Horton Hrothors. K. C. Horton, as an operator, ranks among the very best and has a thorough knowledge of all the diffent branches of the business. E. K. Horton is financial manager and by the personal supervision of each in their de- partments they have kept pace with the times and maintained an enviable reputation, second to none. Their patrons are from all parts of the country, many of them being our most dis- tinguished citizens. For eighteen years they have been photographers to Brown University. Most of the portraits used in this book were made by them from si)ecial sittings. Wickford Worsted-Woolen Mills. — Manufac- turers of woolen and worsted goods. Business established in 18S1 by William Gregory, Ex- (iovernor of Rhode Island, whose biographical sketch is printed on page 7 of this book. Soon after Governor (Gregory's death in December, the business that had been carried on so suc- cessfully by him, which included the mill at Wickford and the Oak Hill Mill, at Bcllville, R. I., was incorporated under the name of the Wickford Worsted-Woolen Mills, the former name being the Wickford Worsted Mills. The incorporation papers were granted December 27, 1901. Capitalized for Sioo,ooo. OfTicers : Mrs. Harriet Gregory, President, widow of the late Governor; Albert Gregory, Secretary and Treasurer; Miss Louise Gregory is a member of the Board of Directors. Under the new name the company plans to resume business January I, i(j02. Canonchet Mills. — Manufacturers of cotton yarns and warps. Mills located in Hope \'alley in the town of Hopkinton, R. I. Mr. L. I-^d- vvards, proprietor. The plant was built by Mr. FMwards in 1876, and is one of the most sub- stantial of any textile establishment in the State. Power is supplied by water to the ex- tent of about lOO-horse power, and an auxiliary steam plant supplies all that is needed in time of low water. The mills have about 3,000 spin- dles. Mr. lulwards is well known as a thorough textile manufacturer. Eagle Dye Works. — Dyers and finishers of cotton from the bale. Business incorporated in 1886. .Snow & P.arle, Agents. ICmploy about ■ 'V 1 ^^^^^^^w. . - ■ > ^5^5^ ^ ^ ^^l. ^ '^ 1 1 ■j' •"^1 \ I 'L_ ^^^ft 1 '1 '■•, 6 1^^^^^^^* i M ■ T , ;. M hands. Edgar Kendall Horton. Newton I-".arle has served as Presi- /3 dent and Treasurer of the concern f(' T'oun- tain street. Providence. < n' n c 8 > UlniiKAIMlK AI. ilISrnR\- i )1- IHI-; M AN L'FACTrRl'lKS RHODE ISLAM) INULSIRIAL lIXHIIil HON. As a titling close to tlie last years ol the Nineteenth Century, which iiiaikecl a wonder till growth in the line ot tnaiuifactures in the State ot Rhode Island, the I'rovidence lV)ard of Trade [)lanned and orgaiii/.ed an Industrial M.x- hihition to be hckl the week ol June 17, 1.S97. the prime object being to place betore the Mexi- the most complete exhibition of its kind ever held in the State, reflecting much credit upon the organization and the committees appointed to look after the various details. Not only were the iiroducts placed on exhibition, but there were many enterprising concerns who [)laced in operation many of their machines, thereby giving an accurate idea of the manner in which their goods were manufactured. Nearly every line of goods made in the State were on e.xhi- '''%E_RBuv__ "^iltifPt! mm^fi Hi I b ^' ^'^^ Fuller Building. The Industrial E.xposition Building of 1897. can, Central and South ^Xmerican delegates, who were at tliat time making a tour ot the United States, on the invitation of the I'hiladel- ])hia Commercial Museum, the manufactured products of the State so that they could ins[ject them under one roof, and get an idea of the e.x tent of our manufactures without the necessity of N'isiting nimierous factories. Lender the effi- cient management of its Secretary, (ieorge H. Webb, the exhibition was comiileted within a \cry few days, the time being limited. It was bition from the minutest piece of jewelry to a Corliss steam engine, and everything was ar- ranged in an attractive manner. Upon the ar- rival of the delegates a receiition was tendered them on June 17, at which Governor I'~.lis]ia Dyer made the address of welcome. The Fuller Building was erected by I-'rederic I'"uller in 1896. It is located at the corner of West Uxchange and Sabin streets. The build- ing is de\oted princijially to manufacturing, in- cluding jewelry, l)icycles, ring travellers, etc. < .uvs iU()(iK.\iiii(Ai llIs^()k^■ oi' tiik manlii-aci i ki us APPONAl'O AND EAST (iREENWICM. castcily towards Cowcsct poiul, i^^c. Xotwith- standing the town do reserve the liberty to The village ot Apponaug lays claim to about themselves, if they see cause, to set u() a town the tirst fulling mill built in the State, and l-last mill upon the same river, &c. Said John Mi- (Ireenwich claims the first calico printing es- carter hath liberty to raise Coweset pond two tablishment in the I'nited States. These feet if occasion be for it, &c." places have both become somewhat famous for This grant indicates that there were no other their dyeing, bleaching and printing establish fulling mills in the State at that time, from the ments, but they are not engaged very exten statement that the "Said John Micarler sliall sively in other lines of manufactures, although always be ready to do the town's work upon as ICast (ireenwich had tjuite a record in the te\- reasonable terms as they can have it done else- tile line soon after the advent of the Nineteenth where in s/ntr.s alHiHfiis." This also makes it Century. At present there is but one cotton ,|uite iilaiii that there were fulling mills in Con- factory in operation, and one Ideachery and necticut and Massachusetts then in operation, print works. Now as to the first te.xtile printing plant in The following is the act of the " Proprietors" America: I'last (ireenwich claims a Mr. Daw in reference to the establishment of a fulling son was printing linen cloth there which was mill in Apponaug : spun, woven and bleached by the women of the June 6, 1O96. "These presents declare and village as early as about 1780. "As there was testify that John Micarter, of the town ol I'rovi little or none of the calico in the shops for sale, dence in the colony of Rhode Island, and i'lovi every family made their own cloth and then dence I'lantations, having m.ide apjilication by carried it to the printing establishment to be way of petition to this town of Warwick, desir- printed, each person selecting their own |)attern ing leave and liberty for the building and setting and colors. The patterns were very neat and up .1 fulling mill uj-ion a small river at the place pretty, and the colors remarkably brilliant; but called and known by the name of Aponake those brilliant tints were owing to the material (Apponaug), also some convenient accommo- on which they were printed, as linen will take dations for the abode and residence of himself color better than cotton." and family, 'the town having considered the These printed linens were considered as cost- premises have granted his request, always with ly in those days as the silks and velvets of the this proviso, that the said fulling mill shall be present time, and full as stylish. In 1794 finished ami com[)leted fit to do the town ser- Messrs. Schaub, Tisset and Dubosque were do- vice at or before the first d.iy of .May, which ing printing in Providence, and since that time shall be in the year 1(197. .And that the said the printing of textiles, principally cotton goods, John Micarter shall always be ready to do the has gradually increased until at present the town's work upon as reasonable terms as they State ranks anmng the leaders in the line of can have it done elsewhere in the states about ]irint goods. us; u[)on these considerations the town hath The town of W'arwitk, it will be observed, granted him one acre .md a halt of land situate when it granted John Micarter the right to set and being between two wading ])laces, the up- up a fulling mill within its borders, reserved the permost being the toot way and the lowermost right lor the town to carr_\' on the same business the horseway, as also allowed liberty for digging if its representatives should decitle that such a a trench at the entrance ol Kekamewit brook thing was desirable. Such a clause prevented to raise it sutliciently, whith done will make a the class of monopoly that today is often car- small island, which he may also make use ecialt\' of mill soaps. Soap works located at Ivist (Ireenwich, K I,, where he has carrietl (ui the business for cated in l^ast I'ro\idence Centre, R. I. The busuiess ol'tice is located in the Banigan Ikiild- ing, Providence. John McAuslan. — Manufacturer of paper co|) tubes, paper mailing tubes, etc. Works located at S() Valle\- street, Kast Providence Business originalU located on Canal street, Providence. ( )ne lit the most extensive manufacturers of tubes in this section of the countr\. INDEX Adams Bros 12-. Adams, Dewey F 9". Albiim Co 31(i. Althans, J. H. Co 87. Allendale Co 83. Allons Print Works 322. Almy, Stoue & Co 23!t. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co... ii>. American Ball Co 212. \merican Card Clothing Co... 80. Xnieriean Fllectrical Works... 188. \nieriian Emery Wheel Works. 34. \meriean Endoscopic Co 157. \merican Hair Cloth Co 260. Vmerican I.iiiuid Soap Co 3:'.0. \nierican Locomotive Works.. 294. \nierican Multiple Fabric Co.. Hi7. .•\merican Paper Tube Co 290. Vnierican Pickling Co 211. \merican S7. HamorU. Charlrs 10. Co 11.;. \"">"''-', ,^"'^; ',' ,. ! ^ '' KM-.lsior St, am Kii,i;in.- and Hand Hrcwins Co i',-' -'^^'•"- •'"'"' •■■*:< <> -i''-'- Ma.U.n,. Co i:U. ! . "l^ m^^,. Z}/ I-awton SiMnnin« Co 7S. I. Ilanlry & Mnrdy U llanli'y. The Jas. Hi'ewinK Co. :i2n. Jitlier. Charles .\. & Co 2.".S. laitlier. H. C. A: Co 12:;. Luthei-. William H. 4i Son.... i:;4. Lebanon .Mill Co Ijii;). ,, ,, ,, .,,,. Lederer, 11. ii Hro IKi. F ^"'■'■'^"" .^ ^"■" *;,">■'■'"? ^ 'V.- ■ o.t >'■ I-fderer. S. & I! .-in. Harris W m. A Steam Im.k. Co. ... ,,,,(,,.„,, Knitting Mill 7!.. Kales A: .leaks .Marhine Co.. , 2i;i, art l-'-Ntile(o 2.1 Leonard. K. .\. 4: Co li;i Kails Yarn Co 2;iii. Harv.'V k Otis 12u. |^^^^.._. ^^^^^^^ ^^ .,.,.^ KaniiiKtoM, William V. ;W0. Haskell. Wm IK Mt^. Co :i22. |_j,,,,,.jj Worsfd Mills;::::;:: idi' Karwell Worste.l Mills 242. awes. ,eo^ A: Sons 4n. f.,,,,,., ,, ,, ^ ^.^^ '•""•■l*-.v. W. .1. Co 114. .■ath,-ote, .lohn & Son 1S4. , ;„,, Thomas W 100 Keeley, .lames H. & Co :i7. »'iml"'rK'fr A: l-.n.l .H. , „„„„ ,„.„^ ^ ,,„ . Kield. Charles 11 :i7 Heller. .losejih A: C o ms. | ,„,,„, ^(^ ,-,, Ijc Finishing Wks. W.W. Iiininell. :;i7 Herresh..rf Mf.« C. 214 |;i|,,„,, \v,„den Co: :;:;;:;:: : 1% First Textile Mills of li. 1... 2N!i "'■'•"I;; ■^- '^,."- ,;■-• l.ittlen..ld MfK. Co 20(;: Fit/fierald. M. Ai Co II,-,, nks Holler \\ orks 2! .V j^j^.j^^^,,,,, ^^.„„|^.„ ^^,5,,^ .,^, Fleteher. Harrows A: Co 111. il .lames .Mfg. (o .... |_,„.|, \villiam A: Co 11-,. Fleteher Mtg. Co 11!,. oblen, K « ^ • ■ ■ ; •; , I.,>.S,.e, F.lf^ar 1.. A: .'o 1.17. Flint, Hlood Ai Co In.", H,dnies. (,eo. 11. A: Co l-d. |,„|^,|.||,. , .„ ^1, Klossell,. Mt;;, C„ -^r.i:. Hope Class Woj'ks ijl |^„,|,|.,„ Worsti'd' Co ::::::::: : 2:j7: Kol.som. I-", \V, A- Co 2:ai, Hope, .lohn & Sons -H. | ^^^.^| ^ ^,,^^^ ^1^. Foivsldale .MfK, Co 17:: Hope I'ap.^r Co 277, i::(;,i.raine MfK Co 'Ms' For,! Ic Carp,.iil.-r I IN Hope Valh.y Wool-'ii Co :i20, ,_„^^,^ ,,,,,^^,.,^ ,,,,,,1 ,,,.,, ^ ^ ; -„„; Fost.^r, Theodore Ai Hro, Co,,, 221, Hope W ehbum (o IS, ,,,„,,. |.;,|^^,j„ ^ ,.,, , .j Franklin .Maihine C,, :;,,, Hop,- Worsted Mills is. Fraser, .1, .M, A: Co ln;i, Hopkins .Machine Works S2 P'rosi, .\lberl.. .. "l.". Horlon Hros :;2:; ''■'•y H'-"-^ in,,.hohl S.-winK MarhineCo, 224, |.,,niansville Company 1S2 Fnlfonl A; lloharl li:;, lli>,l Ar W he;iton ( o -11, ^^^.^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^y • ^^.^ l''ni;ere. .1.1. ;; 7,1 limit, 4'lioinas (1 2o:;. FiilliM-. ,\ !■■ Ii;i,. Hiiti bison A: HiP'Stis 124. Fuller, I'arpeiil,! A: Co :i4, Hnntooii A; Corham Co :;21. M Fuller, P'ri'deiirk B,dl FM'y, , , 271. Fuller. C'or.:;,' H. A; Son 2i;.'.. , .^Iainl■ Creamery Co S:!. Fiill.r Iron Works 27n. ' .Main. W. I'". Co 110. , , , ,,., , ,,., .Manchester Ai Hudson '.to. n,pro^ed S,.nnless Wii.. .0 II... ^,^,,,„ ,,,,^,,.,^^ ^ ..,,, G ndiis ries ot Rh, Islan.l... ... .\,.„„„n Mills :!,il. In.^raham. h, li,. .\,^,.nt , , ,., n , . M,,„„fa,.,„,-,.rs Specialties Co.. 2:-!9. Callaf;h,'r. .1. H. A:Co 122. International P.iir.Klar Hrool .\laii\ ill,. (',. 74. '.eneral Fire KMinfjuisbi-r Co. :!2!i. I.oidi C,i i.>, \]ai-, v Harry W ""S ceneya Mills 1-4^ int,.riak,-n Mills :;i-i, ;\,a,,i;.;, i, Kett i.'tv :::::::::: : n.i: <;et,liell, S, S, A: Son 221, '"'"^ *' li'issell 1.,.,, .\,.|,.,i„ (•„,„. jand & Co llS. Cilbane. William A; lirother, , , :; I , .Mason Mfi;, Co 71 . Clendal,' Wo,.>,.,^.^. c, ...1.1 .l,'n(d%s. (hares \\ . A: Hro 2.:t, ."'.>asi.iii .o.riii ,.hi. "■"■"^•'''" '•--■ |.,„c^ H,.„,.v F •17 -McCarn.n. .1, .\, A: Co 2.i;t. i.ranK.-r Foundry A: .M^"" ^ Williams ,,;7. ' .^^.^'^''^ ,,'''. "^ ^'•'""- \-} McLaughlin. F, S, A:.'o 212. '•'■""'•■'■ \V, Chain Co 212, ' ^ ^, f o 'e J ;, ]'■■', McWilliams Mlg, Co 12o. Creen.- H Haniels Mfg. Co.... 2.;:i. ^ ''rM," 'o ''>' -^''■^"' ''^'^ Fugin,. Co 2n;5. ':>-'-'>f Tb,. .-\. ..\, Co 104, ■'"""" •^"■- *" • M,.haiii,al F.-ibric Co 141. Creene. Ci' F, A: Co Iiii;. .Memke. II, 111 \ F i:i2. Cre,.ne. William C, A: Co lli;, 1^ .Merrill. S, K A: Co Liil. Cr.'envill,' .Mlg, Co ::- 1. ,\l,.,,air, C.'.irg,. .\ 222. <;reeiiw,i,Ml A:,' 14.-,. K,.ai h A: Hrown 217, Milbr Press A: ,Ma,biiii' Co , , , , 2i:i, Cri.,nwi,h Hh'acb,-ry 272, K,m-, h. H, nry .A. C,i 21.-.. .Milh-r. William II, .Si Sons,,, I2o. Criinni. Th,. R. L. A.- Son Co. . 12s. Ki-n,lall .Mis. Co :;24. .Minahan, C A: Co Ill, Crimshaw, Crosslev .Mtg. Co.. loS. K,'n! .Mtg. Co >-ii. Miuto. .lames |i i;i. C.rosveiioMlah' C,i :;ii;. Kenworlhy. .1, A- Co 221, .Moom-y, F, H IIii. ilrover, S K A; Co 122, Kenyon, FA: Son :;it., Mooi,.: Sainii, ! A- Co i:;2. Ciieiin Spinniiii; (',, :!ii:;, K,.ii,\,iii, ,l,>hn ,1 .\ir«. Co 244, \|,ugaii. i:, A S.,ns :;:;o. L\i)i:\. 333 Morse, Kretloric \V 14!l. Morse. Rodolph W 91. Morton, James 322. Mossberg & Granville Mfg. Co. 115. Molt f'ovpring Co 217. N Karragansett .Mailiiiic Co 3U9. Nasonville Woolen Mill 245. National Button Co 160. National Card & Paper Co.... 257. National Klastic Webbing Co.. 148. National India Rubber Co 26C. National Faint Mfg. Co 70. National Pile Fabric- Co 220. National & Prov. Worsted Mills. 300. National King Traveler Co. . . . 162. Naushon Co 222. Navatt Brick Co 320. Newell. Fred K 258. N. K. Brush Co 322. New ICngland Butt Co 38. N. E. Electrolytic Copper Co.. 309. N. E. Steam Brick Co 320. New England Pearl Co 122. New England Thread Co 254. Newi)ort .Mfg. Co 313. Nicholson File Co 20. Nichols, J. 1). & Sons 301. Nichols* l.angworth.v Mch. Co. 316. Norcross Bros 164. Normand.v. Chas. O. & Co 91. North Scituate Cotton Mills.. 313. Nottingham Mill 273. Norton, William 141. Novelt.v Pearl Co 18. Oakdale Mfg. Co 224. Oakland Worsted Co 204. ODcninc'll .lewelr.v Co 104. Olne.v Brothers 198. Otis Bros 119. Oriental Mills 23. Oriental Silk Mfg. Co 135. Orr Brothers 264. Otsby & Barton Co 101. Palmer & Capron 115 Parker Mills. Warren 21ti, Parks Bros. & Rogers 118, Pascoag. .Article 64 Pawtucket Braided Line Co... 257, Pawtucket. City of 235, Pawtucket Dyeing & Bleaching Co. Works 310 Pawtucket Foundry Co 308 Pawtucket Mfg. Co 248. Pawtucket Spinning Ring Co.. 192 Payne. Gorge W. & Co 277 Pay. Charles & Co 198 Peabody. David Ill Peace Dale Mfg. Co 68 Pearce. F. T. & Co 122 Pease. 1.. F. & Co 291 Perforated Pad Co 71 Perry. John W 253 Perseveranie Worsted Co 245. Pervear, H. N 111. Phenix Iron Foundry 181. Phillips Insulated Wire Co 320. Phillips. The Thomas Co 136. Pluenix Si)inning Co 86. Pitkin. .\. B. .Machinery Co... 88. Place. Oscar K 109. Place, Wm. H. Mfg. Co 167. Plews. R. Mfg. Co 257. Pocasset Worsted Co 18. Pollard, A. & Co 111. Polsey. J. N. & Co 320. Potter, Earl A 186. Potter, E. A. & Co 115. Potter & Buffinton 95. Potter & .lohnson Machine Co.. 262. Prendergast. William H 65. Presbrey. A. A, & Son Co 13. Providence .Muminum Co 95. Providence .\rt Glass Co 33. Providence lielting Co 18. Providence Brass Foundry.... 37. Providence Brewing Co.. The.. 223. Providence. Citv of. Sketch.... 21. Prov. Dyeing. B'leach. & Cal.Co. 194. Providence Elec. & Plat. Wks. . 32. Providence Engineering Wks.. 196. Providence Gas Co 84. Providence Machine Co 16. Prov. Ornamental Iron Works. 321. Providence Sizing Co 237. Providence Stock Co 312. Providenc-e Telephone Co 58. Provnncher. Joseph 79. Prue, E. J. & Co 222. Quarters. William F Queen Dyeing Co. . . Quidnick Mfg. Co. . . R Randall, W. C Read & Lincoln Reliance Mill Company Reliance Worsted Co Remington, Horac-e & Son... R. 1. Braiding Machine Co. . . Rhode Island Brush Co R. 1. Card Board Co R. 1. Elevator & Machine Co. R. I. Engraving Co R. 1. Industrial ICxhibition. . . . Rhode Island Tool Co R. 1. Perkins Horse Shoe Co. Rhode Island Wire Works. . . R. 1. Mall(>able Iron Works. . Ric-e Ai Hay ward Richards. 1. P Richmond Mfg. Co River Si)inning Co Riverside Worsted Mills Rogers Screw Co Rodman Mfg. Co Royal W'eavin.g Co Roy. L. J. & Co Rumford Chemical Works. . . . Rusden Machine Co.. The.... Rycler. W. M 2tl3. 125. 2.30. 114. 138. 197. 224. 9,S. 36. 319. 3W. 2114. 305. 326. 321). 320, 132. 312. 22:». 3211. 205. 21.8. 29S. 312. 87. 257. 126. 26. 266. Saxondale Worsted Mill 148. Sayles Bleacheries 238. Sayles & Co.. Fred I, 62. Sayles & Gilleran 302. Sayles & Sons. A. I, 62. Schofielcl, liattey & Co 130. Schofield, .loseph .1 322. Schwarzko|)f & Solinger 30. Scott. Henry L. & Co 83. Sheldon. William H. Estate... 211. Sherman. K. A IttU. Silver Spring Bleaching & Dye- ing Co 56. Silverman Bros 232. Simson & Kirkaldy 205. Simmons & Paye Mfg. Co 97. Slater Cotton Co 258. Slater Weaving Co 83. Slocomb. J. T. & Co 87. Smith Bros 92. Smith, B. K. & Co 107. Smith. George J. & Co 115. Smith Granite Co.. The 157. Smith, I. H 1<»8. Smith Webbing Co 264. Snow & Westcott 125. Solway Mills, The 155, Spencer, E, L, & Co 94, Spofford, William & Son 18 Stafford Mfg. Co 241, St.anclard ,Iewelry Co 132, Stearns, A. L. & Co 239. Stone Worsted Mill (i5. Streeler & Co I no. Sullaway, C. E. & F. E 211. Sumniei-. Kotler & Scheiner... 228. Swarz. Fred M 237. Sweeney. William Co.. The.... 49. Sweet. A. H. & Son 302. Sweet. A. 1 119. Swinburne. Peckhain & Co.... H8. im. Taft .Machine Co Taft-Pierc-e Mfg. Co Talcott. Walter O Taylor. Charles E Tenney. A. E. Mfg. Co. .. Thayer. Ellis Thayer. P. E. cfe Co Thornton Bros Thointon. Frank I Thompson, H. F, Co Thui-ston Mfg. Co Tinkluim & Co.. William. Tockwotton Co Towel Rack & Novelty Co.. Tower. James H Townsend. Thomas Traftou. The Co Tucker. .1. C.. Jr Tuckcu-. T. C. & Co Tuttle. C, Warren Tutllc- a Stark u I'nion .lewelr.v Co I'nion Oil Co I'nion Wadding Co.. The. I iiitecl States Cotton Co. 13. 76. 322. The. 324. 321. 132. 140. 298. 104. 66. 43. 272. 321. 170. 110. 49. 228, 147, no. 97, 306, 274. 33-4 i\i)i;x Ciilta r< Knillins III ; I'll , W'iKll llddt r^iiii ('(I , . . ifiii. Villi. ■>■ Falls Co \'alli\v Worsted Mills. . Vausilin. I.. 4i ("o Veniicrlii'ik & C'lase. . . VfTiiioiil .Mffl. <'o.. 'Pin VpsIit. Alfn>il ii Son . . Vesta Kiiitliiif; Co \'ietor Sliaw Hiiin Travel \'oelUer. Ceoi'ge W. & Co Voelker. I'bilip I Waile. T Wall. A. Wanskm Warren. W esh.-l- 4; C. & Co Co I). A: Co. . :'.1J :',oii 1 i:i 11.". i:;s. IIS. :!J4. l-'M, Warren MIk. Co Warren. Town of Warwi.k Mills Wi'at her Ilea. 1. Tliotnpsoi Weeks Uros. Co W.-lch a Co Westerly, .\rtiel.' of. . . Westerl.v Silk Mill Co. . Wi'sterl.v Wooli'n Co. . . Weyhossel Mills What Cheer llr.'wer.v. . What Ch.'.M- Wir.' Wort Whippl.'. Cilh.'i-t I-'. . . Whili'h.'a.l Bros. Co. . Whit.'. .1. S. Co White, Stillinan White Stone .l.'Welr.v C( White. Zar." Whitteinor.>. K. W Whittl.' D.v.' Works. . .. W.Mil,.n-Worsl. Wi.kfor.l Worsted Mill Winhtniaii & Hoiinh Co Wil( ox. II. & Co Williiir. Hi'iijaniin i;.s L'i;i 171 ■2\2 l.-|0 l.-.l) l.Ml 2!i7 :!l'n l.'^T i:;i J I.'. :',s |ll!< IS It!) lit: Williams 4: .Vii.lei-son llJT. Wjlkins. !■". H. & Co ITlJ. Williams. .M. F lit!. Williams & i'ayton 113. Wild. S. S. & Son 122. Wil.lprett & Saaike i:il. Wilkinson. C. A. ii Co IM. Wilson's .Mill 27;). Witisor A; .l.'raMl.l MIV'. Co :!2il. Wolsteilholme .Mfg. Co 131. Wood, l-'reil .Maniifa.turiiiK Co. \77>. Woonsoeket liiaish Co ti.".. Woonsoiket, City of. Article... 71. Woon.soeket .Mill. & Press Co.. 2S4. Woonsoiket Napping Mcli. Co, 30ti. Woonsoeket Keed & ShnttleCo. 71. Woonsoeket R\il>her Co 2S1. Woonsoeket Shnttl.' Co 71. Woonso.ket WaKon .Mfg. Co , . . ItUi. Woonso. k.'t Worst.'. I Mills... 2110. Y Yoiini; Hr.i 139. Portraits and Illustrations. A Adams. Coorge 122. Alniy. Darwin 46. .Mmv Water T\il)e Holler 4(;. Alray Water T. R. Co. Plant. . . 47. .\nieriran Klee. Works I'lants.. 189. American Hair ("loth Co. Plant. 2in. .•\ni. Screw Co. Factories. •")2. !>',i. .")4. Am. Ship Windlass Co. Works. 25. Amer. Woolen Co.s R. I. Mills. 299. Andrews. Frank H 22B. Andrews. Frederick W 22fi. Ann & Hope Mill 81. Arnold. Warren O IStJ. A. B. Pitkin Mch.Co. Salesrooms. 89. A. T. Atherton Mch. Co. Plant. 28(1. A. T.. Sayls & Sons Mills «3. B Halloa. Walter S 44. Barton. Robert 114. Battey. Charles W i;}v I' Coats Tlu'i'ail Kactoi-ics :;:17. .1 II l>ra|n'i- a;- Co.'s Plant L'T'.t. K i\i'nynn, .luhii .1 L' 11. Kniulit. Hi'iijamin I! li;. Kiiisjlit. KoliiTt 4:;, Kllnwll'S. .Iiisi-])ll I! 1 1. L hawliiii Spiiuiiii^ Co. IMant .... T.s. I.II-. .losi'pli 11 :17. ;,iiiil. I'cti'v ;ir, l.iiiil. Tlionias \V Imi. l.iiiton, KoliiTl J77. l.itllcliclii. .\1iimmI 11.. ICx-Cov.. . lim;. I.ipilitt, ('. Wal'l'rll. l';\.(ioV ."il'i. l.oiraini' .Ml.n. Co. I'laiit L'ls. Luther. Fn-il.'fick H KM. l.utluT. Henry C IJ::. I.iither. WilliMin II i:it. I.ytiiaiis\ ille Coin|iariy .Mill... l.s:;. M .Ma^ee. Tliomas K :!ii."i. .vlaili-llesler. Wallei- H '.m. .Maiiton. FranU S lil. -Mauutai-turers' liiiililiii.i; 117. .Maiiville .Mill 7.'). Many. Harry \V lil-'.s. Mason. Itobei-I 1) 2.".ii MrKenna. Frank L'."i7 MrWilliams. .lohn IJ" .Mei haniral Fabric Co. Plant. . 111. .>Ii-rriman. Charles II 71 Mil romeier Caliper. Sloeomb iV Co S7 Miller. (!eorf;e \V lll'.i. .Miller. .Jeremiah W llil. Miller. William F llil. .Miller. William 11 PJl. Millins Maeiiiiie. lieaman .V- Smilh :M. .Miller Steam Itolary Cltli PrV I'Pi. .Millins .Maeli.. lirown A.- Sliarpe 11. .Moure. Samuel PI-. .Morse. FreileriiU W 1 I'.V Morse. Uoilolpli 1-' '.U. N .\ai rasiansett Piewinn Co :','2'i. Xatioiial Imlii Knblier Plant.. :;i'.7. X. !•; Butt Co Plant :;'.'. .s. !•:. ■Phreail Co.s Plants :;:..",. .Newport Telepholle 1 til i 111 i Il« . . HH Xieholsoii !■ ile Co. Plants :;i. .Xieliolsoii, Samuel .M iln. .Xoreross Pros. Snaiii Stone Works p;i Xoiinanily. Charles ( ) :i I () 'lakilaie .Mm. Co Plant L".'.'.. Olney ,\lberl 11 P.i.s. Urswell. Kilmiiiiil W :;in. • Irswell. William W liM Ostby .Si Partoii Co P.uililiii!; . . lnl P Paine. Ceorue W 71'. 1X1)1 x. Palmer, .lohn S ] i." I'arker Mills .Xo. L' iMn. Paisons. Cr. Ftiehmonil I7.S. Paseoas. VilUme ot i;4. PautiuUet. City ol. N'iews.... 2;U. Pautiiekei Falls i>:>-,. Pautiieket Foiinilry Co Plant. :;ii:i. Pawliii kit Telephone liiiililini; i;i. Peaie Dale .Mty. Co. Plant (i'j. Peine. William C HI. Peivear. Cliarles i-; I'llii. i'ervear. Henry .X 111. Phillips. lOiisene F \>is. I'hillips. K. Uowlanil I.SS. Philli]is. I''rank .X IS.S. Pitkin, .\lfreil H n:i. Plaee. tJsear K lii;i. Poeasset Worsted Mill i;i. Potter. Dexter P, ."..S. I'otter. Karl .\ l.^ii. Potter iV: .Johnson .Maehine Co. Plant ji;-. Preniler.i^ast's Worsted .Mill... i;.",. Pri/.e Cup. .J. li. & S.M.Knowles I.". Proviilenee Belting Co. Wks. .. is. Prov. 1).. B. * Cal. Co. Works. . P.i.'.. I'rovidenee lOnsjineerin.i; Wks.. Pi:;. I^rov. (las Co. Smith Station, .sil. Prov. (ias Co. West Station.. .s.',. Proviilenee Maehine Co. Wks.. 17. Pro\iilenee Tele|)hone Blilt;... .'.'.t. I'l ii\ idillee. \'ie\vs ot 4. Plin lllleller. .losepll 7'.'. Pro\iinrher Water 'I'lihe Boiler 7;i Q (jiiarters. William I-' L'n.';. (Jiiidnii k .Mis Co Mills L':!l. R Kelian.e .Mill V.ei 2S'.i. Smith. Charles S litM. Sniilh. l-'red 1 4:1. Smith i'lianite Co. tjnarry l."is. Siiiil li. .lames icj. Smilh Webbing Co. plant 2»ir, Smith. William. ... "i)-) Social .Mill [" jf,' Solway .Mills if,- Soiithwick. I'llwin K i,;); Spencer. Kverett 1. ' 1.(4' Stanley, .\rthnr W 27S Starkweather. William C v^-[ "Stone House'. Stephen H. Smit li's 2'.r.i ^"■'■'■'. ■■■'•'■'I S '.'.'.'.'..'. "hh. T TaltPeine MIk. Co. Works... ?i;. Tliayer. |-nilo E .-i^l. 'rinuley, A. Curtis \i\-z. 'rinkliain. William r,i\. The Roht. D. .Mason Co Plant . J.",l Tliomas. Charles K 17^'. 'I'homas. Fred .\ i;,,,^ Thornloii. Frank L 1411. Thornton. .James T ss Thurston. Horace in) "I'reat. Robert B his Tiitlle. c Warn-ii 147. u I'. S. Ciitta Penha Paint Co. Works -nj. I'liion Trust Co. Biiildin-4 It;.'). I'nioii Waddins Co. Plant 2'7,. V N'ellllellM.CK. C. F I 1:!. \'enueriieek. Thomas R 1 l:i. \'oelker (.'loth Press Jiil. \oelker Dewiii.t; .Machine 222 Voelker. C,eor«e W 22u. w Wai burton, l-'ranklin 10 2.'i4. Warbiirton. llari\ .\ 2.")4. Waiiiiirtoii Henry .\ 2.t4. Warren Mis;. Co.'.Mill 2us. Webst.u-. Henry I i4. Weeks Bros. Co. I-'actorv 171 Weeks. FnMl .\ 171. Westerly Harlior. \'iew ol . . . l.'iii. Westerly Woolen Co. Mills. . . . 1 r,7. Westminster Street . \'iew ol . li. Whipiile's .Mill 1.S7, White, .\lberl C .-.s. While. SI illiiian :!s. Whillemore. Kendall W 14:i. Wilbur. Ben.iainin 177 Williams. Daniel C li;7. Williams. .Manuel F 12i'.. Win. Tinkham >^- Co. Factory.. i;7- Wiiieliesler. Ciilmaii K :!i;. Wood, I-:, B I u; W.iod, h'rank 17.' Wood. .Manniim 17."i. Woonsockel Falls, N'iewot,... 77. Woonsockel. \'iew of Briikge. . :!2."i, Wooiisocket .Machine ii I'ress Co. Works 2S.-.. Woonsockel .\i. A: P. Co. Cloth IM-ess 2S7. Woonsockel Rubber Co. .\lice .Mill 2S1. Woonsockel. \'iew ot 72. W. S. Bosworth iMiiindry 2Iii. Win II Luther \,- Sou Factory I :'..'.. Y N' m, Wa.ler C SS, 'LRGap76 mm^a^mmm ;'fRARy OF CONGRESS 014 079 990 7 h