^'?Jj^M3 WHITF ^^\/a)TAN voiA; Cf^YSTAL^HiLL^ • HLy5 P-5CHVYUR /A^THPW5 P s 595 J LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ©|ap.- Scqnjrigi^l !f « Shelf. .ik'X M^ UNITEB STATES OF AMERICA. IVMITE MOUNTAIN VISTAS. THE CRYSTAL HILLS, ILLUSTRATIONS BY F. SCHUYLER "^MATHEWS. j(jN 1. BOSTON: L. PRANO & CO. MT. ADAMS. rpt. Qdams from Qit. W^s^^ngion. Upon cur loftiest Wnjte Mojntain pirak, Filled with the h '■hi)';'^s of untai"tec air, We stood, nor tf-.re.'i to listen or u. speak To one anotl-.'.r, for i::ie silence i.here Was el< q'-ieii t with CJod's presencj. Not a sound Uttt.'f.d the \y\nds 'n their up' indei-ed sweep Above us th;ougb ll.s nepvnrss. Ine gv.'.t profound Below ui seethed with iivsti. a sullen deep, From thawlcSL ice-cav s of a vi.Jt rav-r.? Roiled slieeted clouds across die brids. unseen. Who whirpered uriio us of life and dcnlh iVs silence closed upon our bearis ov-ct mere' Oil lieiji-iiis v.dierc angels sic, perhaps-, ■x i.irca-h May ci'.'ar tlie separaiiiig guifs; a door May open soir. jtiines betwixt earth and hf^v-. :;, A.nd life's mosi ha-antlng riycti-fy 1 e shown A fog-drift of the mind, scatterv^d and driven fSefore the winds of God: no vague unknown, Death's dreaded path, — only a curtained stair; Aiid beavon but earth raised into purer air. LUCV LARCOM. Hy periHisaiim of f/r:'g-/tti!n, Mifflin &= Co. MT. WASHINGTON RAILWAY. ^Se (Pt. (bos^ifigtoR ReiirajQ^. Our own familiar world, not yet half known, Nor loved enough, in tints of Paradise Lies there before us, now so lovely grown, We wonder what strange film was on our eyes Ere we climbed hither. But again the cloud, Descending, shuts the beauteous vision out; Between us the abysses spread their shroud : We are to earth, as earth to us, a doubt. Dear home folk, skyward seeking us, can see No crest or crag where pilgrim feet may be. LUCY LARCOM. By permission of Hot(ghion, Mifflin Co. CHOCORUA AND SQUAM LAKE. ••^^s-*. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS ISiiii lilll 11 ■ !!l||!!!IS''i"!"'i"i'"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 021 929 769 5 %