PS 3525 . fl2495 K3 1920 copv 1 THE KAISER^S DREAM at the GATES OF PARIS ^e By JOHN L. McKAY 3636 Portland Ave. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Copyrighted 1920 All Rights Reserved THE KAISER'S DREAM AT THE GATES OF PARIS By John L. McKay When German legions crossed the Rhine, > * e^\(^ When first they struck the Belgian Line, ,V,^ They had a plan in Berlin then * y(i,%h To keep the lion in his den. ^* With caution they approached his lair. While threats of vengeance filled the air; They knew that Britain's fleet was there. Bill said to Belgium's King that day. If you attempt to block my way, I'll smite you with an iron hand And brand you with a German brand; For years I've waited for a chance • To plant my flag in Paris, France; My Uhlans now are here in sight. Your answer I demand this night. Brave Albert spoke without delay. And said, "I swear you'll rue the day If ever you come near Liege; My men wait there at my command To strike your murdering, plundering band." With world's freedom slipping fast. With Belgians fighting to the last. They held them 'till the crisis passed; They fought as only brave men can. Till overwhelmed by gun and man; The Allied troops had not yet come. The World's War had just begun. Mighty Britain, fearless, free. World's guardian in the Northern sea. To Berlin an ultimatum went. 'Twas very brief the message sent; The Kaiser knew then what it meant. The lion's cubs on distant shore Had heard the call — Their sire's roar. To Downing Street they sent reply, "For Liberty, we'll do or die; Stand by your guns and have no fear A million cubs are ready here." With outposts scattered far and wide. From starry heights to furthest tide; That wall of fire — death and steel — Lay waiting for the fleet at Kiel; The battles raged on sea and land. Wherever Prussians dared to stand; Beneath the waves, high in the air. No limit to the conflict there. Men mount on wings to realms on high And quickly vanish in the sky; They search the clouds with patient care To see if Huns are lurking there; Before their daily work is done They circle 'round the setting sun Looking for another Hun. ©"^"'''*auHi4i4^.; With lightning speed, on homeward flight. Their pathway shines with Heavenly light; While waiting for the dawn of day They anchor on the Milky Way, In celestial silence there they pray. Like meteors speeding through the air. Like dancers shooting here and there; Like eagles darting for their prey. The fliers come to earth that way. Still planning for the coming day. Bill vowed a vow, — 'Twas on that night When Paris dimmed her silvery light, — " 'Tis by my sword and withered hand. My will be done is Heaven's command; In Paris I will wear my crown Before tomorrow's sun goes down; The people then will quake with fear. Knowing my vengeance then is near; In Heaven above angels will sing An anthem for their German king." "And by the moon in yonder sky, 'Tis now the blood is in my eye; I'll paint this land a crimson red And carpet it with Allied dead; In foreign lands beyond the sea. The people there will bow the knee And kiss the flag of Germany." "When I crush Belgium, Britain, France, — Ye cursed Yanks, I'll make you dance; You'll tremble at my holy name From Golden Gate to coast of Maine; By Prussia's might and pointed lance I'll wake you from your peaceful trance. And when my mission here is done, I'll own the earth, the moon, the sun. In Heaven their king will be a Hun." Von Kluck, the night before that day Slept restless on his bed of hay. Von dreamed a dream and shook with fright. For all was black as Egypt's night. What Von dreamed I cannot tell. But this I know, that he knew well His troops were in the jaws of hell. As a prophet, Bill went wrong; The angels never sang his song; Bill's wishes died ere they were born; He did not see the coming storm. The Allied lines stood firm and fast; Like tempered steel they faced the blast; Their ranks would waver now and then, 'Till signals flashed, "Now at 'em, men." Like hungry lions stalking prey The Allies forward leaped that day; 'Twas gun for gun and man for man, 'Till shattered ranks of Prussians ran; The Allies knew 'Twas victory near. When visions in the Heavens appear. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS At Chateau Thierry, — Soissons,- - n-r, ■ mi They gave the Kaiser's legions l.-.*! ^^^ 929 146 7 • At Ypres, Loos and Vimy Ridge, Thousands daily crossed the bridge; 'Twas when the shells were bursting there. And poison gas was in the air, A lad was struck down by my side. For he was in that bloody tide. I knelt me down beside him there, Twas but a moment I could spare; I saw that death was drawing nigh. That distant look was in his eye; There was no shade or sheltering tree, 'Twas blood and mud, death from the cloud. Ten thousand guns were barking loud; No loving mother's tender care; A kindly deed is Heaven's best prayer. I said, "My lad, how old are you?" No answer came, and then I knew To happier scenes his spirit flew; -But I can swear by Sheba's queen The lad had never seen sixteen. I saw Heaven's Pearly Gates flung wide. All creeds and dogmas swept aside. The password to the Heavenly clan — Deal justly by your fellow man. Old Glory waved and kissed the breeze As Yankee boys went overseas; With shot and shell and sharpened steel They made the German legions reel That glorious day at Saint Mihiel; For freedom's cause you understand They bled and died in No Man's Land. I hear the spirit voices say We are not dead or gone away We're with our loved ones day by day. The Allied dead lay side by side From Alsace Lorraine to Channel Tide; Men died in air, on land and sea. Were crucified upon the tree; They gave their lives that we might live — Was that enough for them to give? When time has ceased, — Heaven's record done, 'Twill be emblazoned on the sun. The glories immortal Verdun won. Senate, Congress, is it fair To hold the Treaty in the air? In days gone by the Scottish Clan Stood by their Chieftain to a man; Now, politicians, you beware, There's trouble brewing everywhere; There'll come a time; there'll come a day; 'Twill be the parting of the way With Allies and the U. S. A. ■iiiiilii ; 015 929 146 7 » Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5