Gass Book, COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY, (^AJi^of^ Ce. PENNSYLVANIA. I755-I855. COLLATED BY JOHN BLAIR LINN. HARRISBURG, PA. IjANE s. hart, printer and binder. 1877. f Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1877, by JOHN BLAIR LINN, in the oflce of the juibrarian of Congress, at Washington, D. O. ./ ^- —-. -V.J^V.^ J)rT?tVLg^ L INTRODUCTION. Indian Tribes— Shikellimt— Logan— Aborigines of the Vallev, their Villages and Paths— Purchase of 1754— PexNn's Creek MassIcre- SouRCES OF Emigration to the Yalley — Purchase of 1758. N the year 1868, when I proposed to myself the labor of collating these Annals, I supposed their commencement would, in point of time, be with the date of the purchase made at Fort Stanwix, November 5, 1768. I thought too, the first sounds breaking the stillness of the Valley were the cheer- ful ring of the surveyor's axe, and the merry shouts of advancing settlers, let loose upon the "New Purchase," by the land office adver- tisement of February 23, 1769. But when I came to trace the southern line of that purchase, I found it skirting the deserted clearings and blackened hearth-stones of earlier white settlers, of whose sad fate I had never heard. These annals, therefore, would not be complete, without an account of the Penn's Creek massacre of 1755, although it makes the history of the early settlement of Buffalo Valley unpleasantly like that of nearly all others in America, in the injustice of the settlers toward the Indians, and the bloody retribution that followed ; and I have further concluded- to add all the reliable information I could obtain of the Valley prior to its settlement by the whites. The localities of the Indian tribes prior to William Penn's arrival, (October 24, 1682,) have been identified as follows: "The Five Nations," as they were then called, (after 1714, "The Six Nations,") occupied the territory north of the sources of the Susquehanna and Delaware rivers. After the partial settlement of the country, these r < ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. confederate tribes, were known among themselves by the mxatAquan- oschioni, united people; by the English they were called the Six Nations; by the French^ the Northern Iroquois; settlers called them sometimes Mingoes and Maquais. This will explain the reason Shi- cellimy, the first noted inhabitant of Buffalo Valley, is called, in let- ers from Conrad Weiser and others, indifferently, an Iroquois chief, 1 Mingo chief, and a chief of the Six Nations. South of the mouth of the Hudson lived the Delewares; otherwise railed Lenni-Lenape, or original people. They occupied the coun- ry to the Potomac, and were divided into three tribes : i , the Turkeys ; 2, the Turtles; 3, the Wolfs or Muncys. The Muncys occupied Pennsylvania, from the Kittatinny or Blue mountains to the source of :he Susquehanna, and were the most active and warlike. At the time )f Penn's arrival, the Five Nations had brought under their dominion he whole country of the Delawares. About the year 1 700, the Shaw- mese, who came originally from Florida and Georgia, by permission of Penn's government, settled in Cumberland valley, having their ;ouncil fire near Carlisle, and extending northerly into what is now he territory of Snyder county, and as far as Chillisquaque creek, sub- ;ect, of course, to the authority of the Five Nations. In 1 71 4, the Five Nations became the Six Nations, by adopt- ing' the Tuscarora tribe which had been expelled from North Caro- !ina and Virginia; and subsequently Shikellimy, who was a chief of he Oneida tribe, was sent down upon the Susquehanna as the gov- ■rning chief of the conquered Delawares and their allies, the Shawa- lese. In a letter of instruction to Smith and Pettys, written in [728, jovernor Patrick Gordon speaks of Shikellimy as being placed over he Shawanese; adding "he is a good man, and I hope will give a rood account of them." Shikellimy fixed his residence at the old JVluncy town, in Buffalo Valley, and here he was visited by the first 'vhite man who, as far as we know, ever set foot within it. , (1 737.) 27th February, 1 737, Conrad Weiser records in his jour- i:,al : ' ' Left home for Onondaga, ist March, left Tolheo,^ which is the last place in the inhabited part of Pennsylvania. On the 4th we '•cached Shamokin^ but did not find a living soul at home who could issist us in crossing the Susquehanna river. On the 5th we lay still; ' At the gap in the Blue mountains, where the Big Swataia breaks through into lliebauon county. - Now Sunbury. INTR OD UCTION. we had now made about eighty miles. 6th, we observed a smoke on the other side of the river, and an Indian trader came over and took us across. We again lay still to-day. On the yth we started along one branch of the river, going to the north-west. An old Shawano, by name Jenoniawana, took us in his canoe across the creek at Zilly Squachne.^ On the 8th we reached the village where Shikelimo lives, who was appointed to be my companion and guide on the jour- ney. He was, however, far from home on a hunt. Weather became bad and the waters high, and no Indian could be induced to seek Shi- kelimo until the 12 th, when two young Indians agreed to go out in search of him. On the i6th, they returned with word that Shikelimo would be back next day, which so happened. The Indians were out of provisions at this place. I saw a new blanket given for about one third of a bushel of Indian corn." The site of this village is, beyond doubt, on the farm of Hon. George F. Miller, at the mouth of Sinking run, or Shikellimy's run,' as it was called formerly, at the old ferry, one half mile below Milton, - on the Union county side. It is a beautiful spot for a village; pro- tected on the north by a range of hills, with the river much narrowed in front, giving easy access to the Northumberland side. When the land office was open for "the new purchase," on the 3d of April, 1769, there were very many applications made for this loca- tion. In all of them it is called either old Muncy town, Shikellimy's town, or Shikellimy's old town. It is referred to as a locality in hun- dreds of applications for land in the Valley. I will only quote one : " Samuel Huling applies for three hundred acres on the West Branch of the Susquehanna, about one mile above Shikellimy's old town, in- cluding a small run that empties into the river opposite an island." The Huling location was secured by John Fisher, one of the oldest of our settlers, and West Milton is now built upon it. Shikellimy's town was on the " Joseph Hutchinson" and " Michael Weyland," warran- tee tracts, from whom the title can be readily traced to the present owner. Colonel James Moore, who lived there many years, told nie that thousands of Indian darts were plowed up there, and once, when blasting at the quarry, they uncovered a grave hollowed in the solid rock, in which they found the skeleton of an Indian. Shikellimy, sometime after Weiser's visit, removed to Shamokin, ' Chillisquaque. ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. now Sunbury, as a more convenient point for intercourse with the Proprietary Governors. On the 9th of October, 1747, Conrad Weiser says he was at Shamokin, and that " Shikellimy was very sick with fever. He was hardly able to stretch forth his hand. His wife, three sons, one daughter, and two or three grandchildren were all bad with the fever. There were three buried out of the family a few days before, one of whom was Cajadis, who had been married to his daugh- ter above fifteen years, and was reckoned the best hunter among all the Indians." He recovered, however, from this sickness, and, in March, 1748, we find him at Weiser's, in Tulpehocken, with his eldest son, Tagheneghdourus. He died in April 1 749, at Sunbury, and the latter succeeded him as chief and representative of the Six Nations.^- Loskiel thus notices this celebrated inhabitant of our Valley : "Being the first magistrate and head chief of all the Iroquois living on the banks of the Susquehanna as far as Onondaga, [now Syracuse, New York,] he thought it incumbent upon him to be very circumspect in his dealings with the white people. He mistrusted the brethren [Moravians] at first, but upon discovering their sincerity, became their firm and real friend. Being much engaged in political affairs, he had learned the art of concealing his sentiments; and, therefore, never contradicted those who endeavored to prejudice his mind against the missionaries, though he always suspected their motives. In the last years of his life he became less reserved, and received those brethren that came to Shamokin into his house. He assisted them in building and defended them against the insults of drunken Indians, being himself never addicted to drinking, because, as he expressed it, he never wished to make a fool of himself. He had built his house upon pillars for safety, in which he always shut himself up when any drunken frolic was going on in the village. In this house, Bishop Johannes Von Watteville, and his company, visited and preached the Gospel to him. It was then the Lord opened his heart. He listened with great attention, and at last, with tears, respected the doctrine of a crucified Jesus, and received it with faith. During his visit to Bethle- hem, a remarkable change took place in his heart, which he could not conceal. He found comfort, peace, and joy by faith in his Redeemer, and the brethren considered him a candidate for baptism. But hear- ing that he had been already baptized by a Roman Catholic priest 1 As such, signing the deed for the Indian purchase of 22d August, 1749. INTRODUCTlOh. ,in Canada, they only endeavored to impress his mind with a proper idea of the sacramental ordinance, upon which he destroyed a small idol which he wore about his neck. After his return to Shamokin, the grace of God bestowed upon him was truly manifest. In this state of mind, he was taken ill, was attended by brother David Zeis- berger, and in his presence fell asleep, happy in the Lord, in full assurance of obtaining eternal life through the merits of Jesus Christ." The most celebrated of his sons was Logan, the Mingo chief. By the journal of Mack and Grube, Moravian missionaries, it appears he lived at the mouth of the Chillisquaque creek, August 26, 1753. In 1 765 he lived in Raccoon valley, at the foot of the Tuscarora mountain. Loudon, in his " collections," says he could speak tol- erable English, was a remarkably tall man— over six feet high and well proportioned ; of brave, open, and manly countenance, as straight as an arrow, and apparently afraid of no one. In 1 768 and 1769 he resided near Reedsville, in Mifflin county, and has given his name to the spring near that place, to Logan's branch of Spring creek, in Centre county, Logan's path, &c. See a notice of an interview with him in the memoir of Samuel Maclay, postea, year 181 1. Heckewelder says he was introduced to Logan in 1772. "I thought him a man of superior talents. He then intended set- tling on the Ohio, below Big Beaver. In April, 1773, I called at his settlement, and was received with great civility." In 1774 oc- curred Lord Dunmore's expedition against the Shawanese towns, now Point Pleasant, West Virginia, which was the occasion of Logan's celebrated speech, commencing "I appeal to any white man to say if he ever entered Logan's cabin hungry, and he gave him not meat ; ' ' which will go down to all time, whether properly or not, as a splen- did outburst of Indian eloquence. Heckewelder says he afterwards became addicted to drinking, and was murdered, between Detroit and hisownhom.e, in October, 1781, and he was shown the place. "He was, at the time, sitting with his blanket over his head, before a camp-fire, his elbows resting on his knees, when an Indian, who had taken some offense, stole behind him, and buried his tomahawk in his brains." Howe's Ohio Col- lections, page 409, who quotes as his authority Good Hunter, an aged Mingo chief. ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Aborigines of the Valley. Of the Indians who occupied Buffalo Valley, nothing can be posi- tively ascertained, except that they belonged to the Muncy-Minsi (or Wolf) tribe of the Lenni-Lenape, or original people. The Valley was more a hunting ground than a residence. Some remains have been found at prominent points along the river, as, for instance, at Colonel Slifer's house, on the river, above the mouth of Buffalo creek, some skeletons, evidently of one family only, were uncovered. The large mounds were on the other side of the river, on Joseph Nesbit's place ; and the principal towns or villages, Chillisquaque, at the mouth of that creek, south side, and Shamokin, on the islaiid and mainland, where Sunbury now stands. In quite a number' of applications of 1769 mention is, however, made of an old Indiaii town and fort, on the Dietrick Rees tract, just above New Columbia; an Indian improvement at Laird How- ard's spring, in Kelly; one on the Craig tract, on the river, near Winfield ; one below that yet, on the Andrew Culbertson, afterwards known as the Merrill place; on the "Richard Edward's," now Stoltzfus' place, in Kelly, was an Indian field and plum orchard; and there was an improvement at Strohecker's landing, south of Lewisburg. Indian Paths. The great Indian path through the Valley left the river at the first ravine, a few rods below the Northumberland bridge, passed up it, following the main road, as it now is, for a few miles, then turning towards the river, it came down the hill upon the Merrill place ; thence followed the bank of the river, up through the old Mac- pherson place, to Lees, Winfield ; thence passing up the present road, it crossed directly through the fields from the Gundy road to Fourth street, Lewisburg; thence to Buffalo creek, where the iron bridge now is, a very old fording place ; thence it curved towards the river, passed up through Shikellimy's town, and along the river road, around the rocks, into White Deer Hole valley. A. H. Mc- Henry, the noted surveyor, told me it could be distinctly traced by the calls of surveys; but as all traces of it are now obliterated within the Valley, further identification is unnecessary. INTROD UCTION. The paths through the Valley westward are obliterated, historically and topographically, except the small portion of the one passing into Brush valley, which may still be traced in the woods west of Solomon Heberling's. Early Notices of Names of Creeks, dc. Buffalo creek is mentioned by its name in the Indian deed of Octo- ber 23, 1758. Penn's is called John Penn's creek in the same deed. In the deed of July 6, 1 75 4, it is called Kaarondinhah . It was called by the settlers, between 1754 and 1769, and marked on Scull's map of 1759, Big Mahany, and is so recited in deeds as late as 1772. Thus the "Henry Christ" warrantee, (now in Monroe township, Snyder county,) afterwards Herbster's place, is described as in " Buffalo township, formerly of the name of Shamokin, and bounded by Big Mahany creek, lands of George Gabriel, Abraham Herr, and others." Deed of Herbster to George Haines, 26th May, 1772. In a deed from John Turner to John Harris, June, 1755, for an im- provement, (now in Hartley township, owned byR. V. B. Lincoln, Esquire.) the creek is called "Mahanoy." Turtle creek was so_ called before 1769, and in the latter year I found the stream below it, traversing Dry valley, called Lee's run, after John Lee, the first settler of the site of Winfield. Switzer run had an alias in 1769 — Lick run, probably after Peter Lick, who was .carried off by the Indians in 1755 ; but the interest felt in the mournful tragedy hereafter related substituted the name of Switzer for the name given it by the surveyors in 1769. White Deer creek is marked on Scull's map of 1 759 with the Indian name of Opaghtanoten, or White Flint creek. Tlie run entering the river on the late Samuel Henderson's place, in White Deer town- ship, was called by William Blythe, the first settler there, Red-Bank run; and the bottom above, between it and White Deer creek, had, before 1769, the name Turkey bottom, from the immense num- ber of wild turkeys haunting it. Dog run came in by the old Indian fort, which stood near New Columbia. Beaver run, in Buffalo township, had that name before 1 769, from a large beaver dam near its mouth. Wilson's run, enter- ing at Lewisburg, had the name of Limestone run. White Springs ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. (at Barber's, in Limestone township) is so called in the return of a survey made by Colonel John Armstrong, in 1755. Laurel run had that name prior to 1773; and Spruce run is so called on Colonel Kelly's application for land upon it, dated nth June, 1769. The hills bounding the Valley on the south were called Shamokin, from the earliest times I find them mentioned ; of late years they have had the name of Chestnut Ridge. Nittany mountain had its name as early as 1768. Buffalo and White Deer mountains took their names from the respective creeks. Jack's mountain, extending from Centreville, Snyder county, to Scottsville, Huntingdon county, was so called from Jack Armstrong, an Indian trader, who was mur- dered in the narrows, in 1744, near Mt. Union. Pennsylvania Archives, second volume, 136. (1755.) The Mahany or Penn's Creek Massacre. Cumberland county was erected out of Lancaster, on the 27th of January, 1750, and was to embrace all the lands within the Province of Pennsylvania westward of the Susquehanna and north and west- ward of York county. The country was then purchased from the Indians as far north as the present southern line of Perry county. Nevertheless, settlers pushed on north of the boundary — the Kitta- tinny or Blue mountains. As early as 1753, at a council held at Carlisle, the Indians protested against the occupation of the country north of the line by the white settlers, and "wished the people called back from the ' Juniata ' lands until matters were settled between them and the French, lest damage should be done, and then the English would think ill of them." Then came the treaty of the 6th of July, 1754, at Albany, between the chiefs of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagos, Cayugas, Senecas, and Tuscaroras, known as the Six Nations, and Thomas and Richard Penn, conveying that part of the Province west and south of a line commencing at the " Kittochtinny " or Blue hills, on the Susquehanna river, (a little south of where the southern line of Perry county now strikes the river ;) thence, by said river, to a point one mile above the mouth of a certain creek, called Kaarondinhah ; thence north-west and by west as far as the Province of Pennsylvania extends, to its western line or boundary, &c. On an old map I have, printed in 1771, this INTRODUCTION. line is marked running from a mile above Penn's creek, N. 45*^ W., crossing the river a little above the iiiouth of Sinnemahoning, and striking Lake Erie a few miles north of Presqu'Isle, (now Erie.) Wirtiin the Valley, it crossed Penn's creek, near New Berlin, the turnpike, near Ray's church, thence over Buffalo creek and mountain. The Indians alleged afterwards (see Weiser's journal of the con- ference at Aughwick, September, 1754) that they did not under- stand the points of the compass, and that if the line was so run as to include the West Branch of the Susquehanna, they would never agree to it. Settlers, nevertheless, pushed their way up along Penn's creek. George Gabriel had a house where Selinsgrove now stands as early as 1754, and Godfrey Fryer, John Young, George Linn, George Schnable, and others were in his immediate neighborhood. The Proprietaries, with their understandmg of the line, made surveys along Penn's creek, in Buffalo Valley, as early as the 13th of February, 1755 ; and William Doran had an improvement where Jacob Shively now lives before that date. I have a copy of a survey General John Armstrong, then deputy under Nicholas Scull, made for Henry Nufer, adjoining Doran's, dated 13th February, 1755. The inhabitants along the creek in the Valley proper numbered twenty-five. Their names and their places of residence, for the most part, were obliterated with them. One John Turner had improved Esquire Lincoln's place. It appears by John Harris' ledger, pub- lished among "The Dauphin County Historical Contributions," that Turner sold his improvement to Harris, June 17, 1755. There was a settlement near Kaufman's grist-mill. A man by the name of Andrew Smith lived at White springs. Jacob LeRoy, or King, as he was called by the settlers, lived at the spring on the late Hon. Isaac Slenker's place, in Limestone township. There was a settlement on the New Berlin road, called for many years afterwards Breylinger's improvement, after the German killed there. The late Philip Pon- tius told me his grandfather had made an improvement at Cedar spring, his late residence, in 1755. (i 755-) Braddock's defeat (July 9) emboldened the Indians, and they determined to clear out all these settlements ; and they did it so effectually, that although, by the treaty of 1758, the western part ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. of the Valley became the Proprietaries, no settlers ventured upon the bloody ground until after the surveys of 1768. In October, 1755, the Indians came down upon the settlers. Two men were murdered within five miles of George Gabriel's, and four women carried off. The following cotemporary record tells the whole story. It is a petition, addressed to Robert Hunter Morris, then Governor under the Proprietaries : "We, the subscribers, living near the mouth of Penn's creek, on the west side of the Susquehanna, humbly show that, on or about the 1 6th October, the enemy came down upon said creek, killed, scalped, and carried away all the men. women, and children, amount- ing to twenty-five in number, and wounded one man, who, fortu- nately, made his escape, and brought us the news. Whereupon the subscribers went out and buried the dead. We found thirteen, who were men and elderly women, and one child, two weeks old; the rest being young women and children, we suppose to be carried away. The house (where we suppose they finished their murder,) we found burned up, the man of it, named Jacob King, a Swisser, lying just by it. He lay on his back, barbarously burned, and two toma- hawks sticking in his forehead ; one of them newly marked W. D. We have sent them to your Honor. The terror of which has drove away all the inhabitants except us. We are willing to stay, and defend the land, but need arms, ammunition, and assistance. With- out them, we must flee, and leave the country to the mercy of the enemy. George Glidwell, Jacob Simmons, George Auchmudy, Conrad Craymer, John McCahan, George Fry, Abraham Sowerkill, George Schnable, Edmund Matthews, George Aberhart, Mark Curry, Daniel Braugh, William Doran, George Linn, Dennis Mucklehenny, Godfrey Fryer. John Young, Jacob King, alias John Jacob LeRoy, was killed at the spring on the late Mr. Slenker's farm. He came over, in the ship Phoenix, from Rotterdam, arriving at Philadelphia, November 22, 1752, in the same vessel which brought over John Thomas Beck, grand- INTR OD UCTION. father of Doctor S. L. Beck, of Lewisburg. Rupp's Collection, page 225. In the third volume of the Pennsylvania Archives, on page 633, will be found the "Examination of Barbara Liningaree and Mary- Roy.' 1759- They say they were both inhabitants of this Province, and lived on John Penn's creek, near George Gabriel's; that on the 1 6th October, 1755, a party of fourteen Indians fell upon the inhabitants at that creek by surprise, and killed fifteen, and took and carried off prisoners examinants and eight more, viz ; Jacob Roy, brother of Mary Roy ; Rachel Liningaree, sister of Barbara ; Marian AVheeler; Hannah, wife of Jacob Breyhnger, and two of her child- ren, (one of which died at Kittanin' of hunger;) Peter Lick and two of his sons, named John and William. " The names of the Indians were Kech Kinnyperlin, Joseph Com- pass and young James Compass, young Thomas Hickman, one Kal- asquay, Souchy, Machynego, Katoochquay. These examinants were carried to the Indian town Kittanning, where they staid until Sep- tember, 1756, and were in ye fort opposite thereto when Colonel Armstrong burned it. Thence they were carried to Fort Duquesne, and many other women and children, they think an hundred, who were carried away from the several Provinces of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia. They staid two months, and were carried to Saucang, twenty-five miles below, at the mouth of Big Beaver creek. In the spring of 1757 they were carried to the Kuskusky, up Beaver creek twenty-five miles, where they staid until they heard the Eng- lish were marching against Duquesne, and then the Indians quitted Kuskusky, and took these examinants with them to Muskingham, as they think, one hundred and fifty miles, On the i6th March made their escape, and got to Pittsburgh on the 31st." The date of this deposition is about May 6, 1759. There was a Catharine Smith among the prisoners re-captured by General Armstrong, September 8, 1756, at Kittanning, and brought back, said to have been taken from Shamokin ; but as her name is not mentioned above, it may be doubtful whether she was of the family of Andrew Smith, who lived at White springs. As the others were captives over four years, possibly they had forgotten her. Barbara Leininger was the name of the girl called Liningaree. The next place west of David Oldt, and about two miles below New ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Berlin, is called, in the old survey, " Breylinger's improvement," and was where Jacob Breylinger lived. Peter Lick, no doubt, lived on Lick run, or Switzer run, a short distance above New Berlin. A full narrative of Anne M. LeRoy and Barbara Leininger's adven- tures was published by Peter Miller, at Philadelphia, in 1759. ^ have had diligent search made for it, but without success. Anne M. LeRoy was living in Lancaster in 1764, when she made affidavit again in regard to her capture and the visits of the Cones- toga Indians to Kittanning. The only further trace of the LeRoy family that I can find is a recital in a deed, that on the 19th of October, 1772, John James LeRoy, the son, of Prince George county, Maryland, sold the LeRoy tract in Buffalo Valley to Andrew Pontius, of Tulpehocken. The latter was an uncle of the late Philip Pontius, of Buffalo, to whom I am indebted for several reminis- cences. He said, years afterward, when clearing up John Hoy's place, adjoining, they found several gold eagles, dropped, no doubt, by the Indians or their captives. This gave rise to rumors that money had been buried on the place. Many expeditions were made by night to dig for the treasure ; but, except a few sleeve buttons, noth- ing was ever found. From conversation with people of the neigh- borhood, I find the witch cloud still lingers about that fateful spring, although the wintry winds of more than a century have swept above it. Switzer run preserves the nationality of the first settler. It empties into Penn's creek, a short distance above New Berlin. Among the settlers on Middle creek, then called Christunn, I. D. Rupp informed me, was John Zehring, a relative of the Rupp family, who was driven off by this massacre. He is corroborated by a recital I find upon Zehring's warrant, dated November 12, 1765, " for two hundred acres, including his improvement made in 1755, from which he was driven off by the Indians, adjoining Chris- tunn or Middle creek." The Zehrings have still descendants there. Old Peter Decker married a Zehring, and Michael S. Decker, of Paxtonville, Snyder county, is of the family. (1756.) A sequence of the Penn's creek massacre was the building of Fort Augusta, (Sunbury,) at the then Indian town of Shamokin, in July, 1756. This was done with the consent and at the request of the Indians, from a well-grounded fear that the French meant to take possession of the place, and build a fort there. Among the INTRODUCTION. 13 officers of Colonel Clapham's regiment, by whom the fort was built, I note the names of John Hambright and William Plunket, after- wards prominent in the political affairs of Northumberland county. G.eorge Gabriel and Joseph Greenwood, as appears by their auto- graphs to an affidavit before James Burd, Esquire, dated 2d June, 1756, were sworn as guides to Colonel Clapham's regiment. Ensign Miles, afterward Colonel Samuel Miles, of the Revolution, and proprietor of Milesburg, in Centre county, who belonged to Colonel Clapham's regiment, in his manuscript journal says, "we marched up the west side of the Susquehanna, until we came oppo- site where the town of Sunbury now stands, where we crossed in batteaux, and I had the honor of being the first man who put his foot on shore at landing, In building the fort, Captain Levi Trump and myself, had charge of the workmen ; and after it was finished, our battalion remained there in garrison until the year 1758. In the summer of 1757, I was nearly taken prisoner by the Indians. At about one-half mile distance from the fort stood a large tree that bore excellent plums, on an open piece of ground, near what is now called the Bloody spring. Lieutenant Samuel Atlee and myself one day took a walk to this tree, to gather plums. While we were there, a party of Indians lay a short distance from us, concealed in the thicket, and had nearly got between us and the fort, when a soldier, belonging to the bullock guard not far from us, came to the spring to drink. The Indians were thereby in danger of being dis- covered; and, in consequence, fired at and killed the soldier, by which means we got off, and returned to the fort in much less time than we were in coming out." See Burd's journal, Pennsylvania Archives, second series, 745, for an interesting account of difficul- ties encountered in completing the fort. As it will be of interest to many to trace their ancestry as far backward in the history of the settlement of the Province as possible, I have collated from I. D. Rupp's histories and other sources all I could find in reference to the emigration and former settlement of the families of the Valley. (1723.) Among those who came from Albany, New York, with Conrad Weiser, and settled in Tulpehocken, now in Berks county, in the year 1723, occur the names of Henry Boyer, Philip Brown, Simon Bogenreif, George Christ, John A. Diffenbach, Jacob Fisher, 14 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Jacob Follmer, Jacob Huffman, Peter Kephart, John Pontius, Leon- ard Rees, Henry Reidenbaugh, Adam Ream, John Spyker, Ulrich Schwartz, Adam Stein, Peter Sarvey, Mathias Shafer, Christopher Weiser. In the same year, there were already settled in Donegal township, Lancaster county, the Andersons, Campbells, Clarks, Cooks, Caro- thers, Ewings, Fosters, Howards, Kerrs, Kellys, Lowreys, Littles, Moores, McClellans, Pattersons, Semples, Scotts, Smiths, and Walkers, (1729, August.) Robert Barber, Esquire, ancestor of the Barber family, was the first sheriff of Lancaster county. The Wrights came from Lancastershire, England, in 1714. Settled at Columbia in 1726, ^nd John Wright named Lancaster county from his old resi- dence. As early as 1735, the following families had settled in Lancaster county : the Allisons, Adams's, Alexanders, Bishops, Buchanans, Barretts, Bears, Blythes, Blacks, Douglass's, Daughertys, Greenes, Hustons, Hennings, Hendersons, Irwins, Ketlers, Keysers, Klings, Lowdons, Lynks, McClenahans, Murrays, Mitchells, Meixells, Mc- Phersons, McClures, Phillips's, Royers, Ramsays, Robinsons, Ranks, Ross's, Steeles, Saunders's, Thomas's, Wolf 's,"Wise's, Webbs, Wat- sons, Walters, and Walls. (1749, September 27.) Wendell Baker, ancestor of the Baker family, landed at Philadelphia. On the same vessel came John George Schnable, John Henry Beck, John Simon Shreiner, and R. Fries. (1750.) Among the dwellers in West Derry, Lancaster county, (now Dauphin,) were the Candors, ^Clarks, Chambers, Caldwells, Lairds, Morrisons, Ramseys, Shaws, and Thompsons. In East Derry, the Boyds, James Duncan, James Foster, John Foster, Hugh and Patrick Hayes, William Huston, John Moore, Orrs, William Wilson. In Paxton, West — Robert Correy, George Gabriel, George Gillespie, James Harris, Samuel Hunter, Thomas McCormick, James Mc- Knight, James Reed. South end — John Gray, John Johnston, Rich- ard McClure, John Morrison, John Wilson. Of the Narrows — the Armstrongs, Robert Clark, George Clark, William Foster, Thomas McKee. In Hanoverl— John Brown,7ames Finney, William Irwin, William Laird, Thomas McGuire, Robert Martin, George Miller, INTR OD UC TlO.y. 15 Andrew Wallace, Samuel Young. In Hanover, East — John Craw- ford, John Graham, Robert Haslett, Adam Harper, Jacob Musser, Edward McMurray, and James Young. In Middleton township, Cumberland county, we find the names of William Armstrong, William Blythe, James Chambers, James Dun- lap, William Fleming, ^Andrew Gregg, James Henderson, Jonathan Holmes, William Jordan, John Kinkaid, Hugh Laird, John Robb, John Reed, Robert Reed, George Templeton. In Hopewell, Cum- berland also, were John Beatty, Robert Chambers, John Nesbit, Robert Simonton, William Thompson. In Logan township, now in Franklin county, were Isaac Grier, William Greenlee, Samuel Jor- dan, Samuel Laird, William Linn, senior, William Linn, junior. In Peters township, same county, John Potter, (father of the General) and Samuel Templeton. (1754.) In Bethel, the most remote north-west township in Berks county, we find, in 1754, George Boeshor, George Emerick, Michael Grove, George Grove, Nicholas Pontius, George /^^eninger, Jacob Leininger, Jacob Seirer, Ulrich Seltzer, Baltzer Smith, Michael Weyland. (1756.) In Cumru township, occur the names of George Engle- hart, George Ream, Andrew Wolf, &c. In Exeter, the same year, the names of John Aurand, William Boone, Peter Boechtel, Leonard High, Fredrick Kunkle, Mordecai Lincojnj Michael Ludwig, Peter Noll, Peter Smith, Jacob Yoder. In Greenwich, same year, John C. Baum, Henry Faust, Michael Gotshall, Peter Leonard, Michael Leiby, jSIichael Lesher, Michael Smith. In Heidelberg, same year, George Aumiller, Peter Betz, Peter Bolender, Philip Bower, Henry Christ, Ludwig Derr, Andrew Ruhl, George Rorabaugh, Frederick Stump, Jacob Wetzel. In the docket of Peter Spyker, Esquire, Tulpehocken, 1756, we find, among the names of referees, John George Anspach, Henry Bogenreif, George Christ, Peter Gebhart, John Heberling, Henry Hetzel, Peter Kaufman, Jacob Lutz, Jacob Miller, Nicholas Pontius, Nicholas Reed, William Spotts, Adam Smith, Martin Trester, Nicholas Wolf, Peter Winkleplecht, Jacob Zerbe. He records that Adam Guyer was bound to learn the shoe- maker's trade, (a trade the same family, to my knowledge, followed a hundred years.) John George Wolfe also bound to Jacob Follmer, for thirteen years, &c. it ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. (i 757.) In Maiden Creek township, occur the names of the Dun- kels and Hoys. In Maxatawney, John Bear, Andrew Boahch, John Frederick, Joseph Gross, Samuel Guilden, Samuel High, Jacob Kaufman, Henry Lutz. In Oley, John Yoder. In Rockland, John Albright, George Angstadt, Lewis Bitting, Peter Keiffer, John Moil, Henry Mertz. Windsor — Mathias Alspach, Killian Dunkel, Jacob Hummel, John Hess, Conrad Heiser, Wendell Keiffer, Jacob Roush Michael Rentchler, Leonard Reber. October 16, 1768, came over in the same vessel Michael Beeber, Valentine Beeber, (grandfather of John Beeber, late of Lewisburg, deceased, to whose accurate mem- ory I am indebted for many dates and incidents,) Andrew Hauck, and John Peter Frick. More than a century has elapsed, and their descendants are still within an hour's ride of each other. (i 758.) The south-western portion of Buffalo Valley was included in the purchase from the Six Nations, made at Easton, Pennsylvania, on the 23d of October, 1758, with the bounds of which they de- clared themselves perfectly satisfied. I copy the boundary line from the original deed in the Executive Chamber, at Harrisburg : " Begin- ning at the Kittachtinny or Blue hills, on the west bank of the river Susquehannah, and running thence up the said river, binding there- with, to a mile above the mouth of a creek called Kaarondinhah, (or John Penn's creek;) thence north-west and by west to a creek called Buffalo creek; thence west to the east side of the Allegany or Appa- lachian hills; thence, along the east side of the said hills, binding therewith, to the south line or boundary of the said Province ; thence, by the said south line or boundary, to the south side of the Kit- tachtinny hills; thence, by the south side of the said hills, to the place of beginning." The change of boundary from that of the deed of 1754, it will be observed, excluded all the territory subsequently included in the purchases of 1768 and 1784, or more than one half of the State as now constituted. To localize and modernize the change and new boundary, it excluded more than the one half of the territory of Union county as at present constituted. The boundary, instead of running north-west to Lake Erie, stopped at Buffalo creek, near where Orwig's mill now stands, in Lewis township, and thence ran directly west, or nearly so, to the junction of Spring creek with Bald Eagle, now Milesburg; thence south-westerly to what is now the INTRODUCTION. 17 north-east corner of Cambria ; thence along the west side of Blair and Bedford, terminating at the Maryland line, between the boundaries of Bedford and Somerset counties. This line was never run, nor were there any official surveys made quite near it until six years afterwards. So cautious were the Pro- prietaries at this period of offending the Indians by making surveys beyond the lines, that the most positive instructions were given on this head, and the west end of Nittany mountains, Lamont now, appeared to have been assumed as the most northerly and westerly station. Its assumed locality, however, marked the boundary between Cumberland and Berks counties, which can still be identified upon the ground. As, for instance, a little distance north of Ray's church, on the turnpike, on or near the boundary line of Benjamin and Abra- ham Mench's, stood, and probably stands yet, a black oak, common corner of the Little, Templeton, Mackamiss, and David Johnston's surveys of 1769. The course of the south-western line of the latter survey being N. 57° W., that of the county or Indian line N. 45° W., left a little corner of the David Johnston, a Berks county survey, in Cumberland county, and it was not cleared for many years, under the supposition that it could not be held by the David Johnston warrant, not being in Berks county. The north-east corner of this purchase was, no doubt, made one mile above the mouth of Penn's creek, in order to include Gabriel's improvement, on the spot where SeHnsgrove now stands. Other- wise, what more natural course than to stop opposite the mouth of Mahanoy creek, the north-western corner of the purchase of 1749,^ now Port Trevorton. A line of marked trees was made by George Gabriel and the Indians, from a Spanish oak standing on the river bank, which, in 1766, when William Maclay ran the John Cox survey, stood two hundred and ninety-two perches above the mouth of Penn's creek, to a black oak on Penn's creek, about one mile up Penn's creek, near App's grist-mill, (corner of Henry Clirist and Adam Ewig sur->^ veys.) Their line, being made without a compass, ran west, instead of N. 45° W., or rather N. 49° W., as Mr. Maclay made the bound- ary line between the two purchases in 1768. Gabriel settled on the site of Selinsgrove in 1754. His location was surveyed to John Cox, by Mr. Maclay, on the 15th of May, 1766; but Mr. Maclay 2 iS ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. notes on his return to the Cox warrant that Gabriel had made a settlement and improvement upon it at least ten years ago, and that he then lived on and claimed the property, and his pretensions must be satisfied by Mr. Cox before the return could be accepted. In quite a number of surveys this line of marked trees is alluded to ; and Its western terminus, on Penn's creek, was identified, on the 25th of October, 1765, by William Maclay, when he surveyed the "Henry Christ" tract, (lately owned by Leonard App,) at the lack oak, which, he says, "was made a corner of the purchased lands by Gabriel and the Indians, say both Weiser and Gabriel." The line of this purchase of 1758 was the line between Cumber- land and Berks counties, within Buffalo Valley, until the erection of Northumberland county, out of Berks and other counties, in 1772, (when Mahantango creek became the north line of Cumberland.) This line, as stated, ran from a black oak that stood on the bank of the West Branch of the Susquehanna river, one mile above the mouth of Penn's creek, N. 45° W., to Buffalo creek, near what is now Orwig's mill, in Lewis township ; thence directly west. The settlers north of this line were assessed in Berks county, and repaired to Reading to attend court ; those south of that line were assessed in Penn township, Cumberland county, and attended the sessions at Carlisle. From 1772, Sunbury attracts attention as the seat of justice for the people of the Valley, until the erection of Union county, March 22, 181 3 — a period of forty-one years, to a day — when New Berlin became the county seat, holding it for forty-two years; when, (March 2, 1855,) by the erection of Snyder county out of Union, Lewisburg became the political center of the terri- tory within the immediate scope of these Annals. (i 760.) A letter from Governor James Hamilton, dated November 15, 1760, to Richard Peters, Esquire, incloses a rough draft, show- ing the mountains north of the Valley, Buffalo creek, Penn's creek, the North and West Branches, and main river down to Gabriel's, (whose place is marked at the mouth of Penn's creek,) Shamokin creek, Shamokin marked between it and the North Branch and Chil- lisquaque creek. The space included within a dotted line running from the mouth of Buffalo creek down to a point opposite the mouth of the Chillisquaque, thence in a semi-circle to a point on Buffalo creek, six or eight miles above its mouth, is marked " Manor." INTR OD UCTION. 79 The letter states : ' ' Abel James and two others of the Friendly Association have been with me, and delivered me the inclosed plot of lands about Shamokin, and particularly of the Manor, which, by Job Chillaway's information and description, they suppose John Armstrong to have lately surveyed, and at which they are in fear the Indians will take offense. I told them I was entirely ignorant of it, as I supposed you to be, from what you said to me yesterday, but that I would order an inquiry to be made. I, therefore, desire that you will immediately write to Mr. Armstrong, and know from him what truth there is in all this, what it is he has actually been doing in that part of the country, and by what authority, and require his answer as soon as possible. " I think it also advisable that you should see Teedyuscung before he leaves town, apprise him of this report, and satisfy him that nothing is intended to the prejudice of the Indians with respect to lands, lest, hearing it from other hands on his return, it may make impressions on him and other Indians to our disadvantage." Mr. Peters wrote Mr. Armstrong, Philadelphia, 1 7th November, 1760 : ' ' Sir : Inclosed is a letter I received from the Governor, with a draught of a pretended survey delivered to him by the clerk of the Association of Friends for Indian Affairs, who said that John Chilla- way, the Indian, who was with you, complained that the lines run into the land not yet granted by the Indians. "Be pleased to send to- the Governor a letter fully explaining this affair, in order to obviate any complaints that may be made, and make no delay. "It is proposed that the west line, which is the boundary in the proprietary release executed at Easton, shall be run by the surveyors on behalf of the Proprietaries, and by a deputation of Indians, to be appointed at the next public Indian treaty, to be held in this city, in the spring." The above allusion to Teedyuscung will be understood from the following information, taken from " The Memorials of the Moravian Church," edited by the late Reverend William C. Reichel, a thorough investigator and the best authority upon the history of the Indians who resided within o.ur state ■} ' Reverend William O. Reichel born at Salem, North Carolina, died at Bethlehem, ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. The Lenape or Delawares, although under the power of the Six Nations, had their own king. Allummapees held this position as early as 1 718, and as the purchases of the Proprietaries forced the with- drawal of the tribes from the Delaware, he removed, in 1728, from on the Delaware to Shamokin, "which is eighty miles from Tulpe- hocken, and the residence of the king (Allummapees) of the Dela- wares, and of the Oneida (Shikellimy) viceroy. The latter virtually maintains the balance of power between the different tribes and be- tween the Indians and the whites, acting as agent for the Iroquois confederacy in all affairs of state and war.." — Zinzendorf's Narrative, dated at Shamokin, September 29, 1742, Reichel, page 67. (The year 1728 is, no doubt, the date of the withdrawal of the Muncys, "who were proverbially impatient of the white man's presence in the Indian country," from Buffalo Valley, and their removal to the head waters of the Allegheny, succeeded by the straggling Shaw- anese.) In July, 1739, Richard Penn treated with deputies of " the Shawanese, scattered far abroad from the Great Island to the Alle- gheny." In June, 1746, Weiser writes that Allummapees has no successor of his relatives, and will hear of none as long as he is alive. Shi- kellimy advises that the Government should name a successor, aiid set him up by their authority \ that he has lost his senses, and is in- capable of doing anything. Allummapees is dead, writes Weiser to Peters, in 1747. Lapappiton is allowed to be the fittest to succeed him, but he declines. Finally, Teedyuscung was made king of the Delawares, in the spring of 1756. He had his headquarters in ly^y-g, at Teedyuscung's town, (a little below the site of Wilkes- Barre,) marked Wioming on Scull's map of 1759. Here he was burned in his lodge, on the night of the 19th of April, 1 763, and hence the Delawares fled, in October of the same year, after having struck the last blow for the possession of the " Great Plains," on the 15th of the month, when they fell upon the Connecticut settlers. Reichel differs from Loskiel as to the date, before quoted, of Shi- kelhmy's death, and places it on the 17th of December, 1748, and adds, that his son Logan, returned home from a far off journey sev- Pennsylvania, Wednesday, October 25, 1878, Atat 53. "Murmuring of the Rock of Ages, he passed away quietly as an infant falls asleep." He was professor in the Moravian Theological Seminary, a ripe scholar, an indefatigable student, and, in the language of John Jordan, junior, Esquire, his decease an irreparable loss. INTR OD UCTION. eral days after his decease, to weep over the Hfeless body of a parent he so much esteemed. The brethren, Zeisberger and Henry Fry, made him a coffin, and the Indians having painted the corpse in gay colors, and decked it witli the choicest ornaments, carried the re- mains of their honored chieftain to the burial place of his fathers, on the banks of the "winding river." He was succeeded in his vicegerency by his eldest son, Tachnachdoarus, " a spreading oak," alias John Shikellimy. His second son was James Logan, named for Secretary Logan, of Germantown. Logan was lame. John Petty was the youngest of the three brothers, and bore the name of an Indian trader. AMALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 1^6 Penn Township Settlers — William G-ill — Murder of White Mingo — William Blythe — Purchase of 1768. HE following list of inhabitants of Penn township, Cum- berland county, is taken from the original assessments at Carlisle, Penn township then embracing nearly all of what is now Snyder county : John xA.umiller, Philip Au- miller, William Blythe, Jacob Carpenter, George Drowner, Adam Ewig, George Gabriel, Jacob Hammersly, John Lee, Arthur Moody, Michael Regar, George Rine, John Reighbough, junior and senior, Michael Rodman, Casper Reed, Frederick Stump, (who is taxed with one negro,) Peter Straub, Adam Stephen, and Andrew Shafer. The freemen are John McCormick, William Gill, Edward Lee, and Joseph Reynolds. Of these early settlers I can fix the locality of but few. Wil- liam Blythe lived at the mouth of Middle creek ; Adam Ewig on the creek just above App's mill; George Gabriel on the site of Selins- grove ; Frederick Stump where Middleburg now stands ; Peter Straub at Straubstown ; William Gill on Tuscarora creek, not far from New Berlin. The latter came originally from Bucks county. Belonging to a regiment in Forbes' campaign, he was wounded in the leg in Grant's defeat, September 14, 1758, or in the attack on 23 24 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1768. Bouquet's camp, at Loyalhanna, and made for home, through the woods, with a bullet in his leg. He lived mostly on wild grass on the way. Reaching Penn's creek, he stopped, married a German woman there, and settled. He served in Captain Clarke's company the winter of 1776-7, and when, during the war of 181 2, one of his sons was drafted, and for some reason could not go, the old man went with him to Sunbury, and asked to be substituted for his son. The board rewarded his patriotism by discharging his son. He died in Beaver township, about the year 1820, leaving a large family of boys. His grandson Jacob was a member of Captain Middleswarth's company, in 1814, and now resides about two miles from Bellefonte, (1877.) I am indebted for these facts to William Gill, nephew of William, senior, who at the advanced age of ninety years, had a remarkable recollection of dates and events, which I have frequently verified by old papers and assessments. He died at Bellefonte, November 21, 1876. Murder of White Mingo. Sunday, loth of January, occurred the murder of White Mingo and five other Indians, by Frederick Stump. The information of William Blythe, made at Philadelphia, on the 19th of January, is in substance, that, hearing of the murder, he went to George Gabriel's, where he met Stump and several others, on the 12 th, and was then told by Stump himself that six Indians, White Mingo, Cor- nelius, John Campbell, Jones, and two women, came to his house, near the mouth of Middle creek. Being drunk and disorderly, he endeavored to get them to leave, which they would not do. Fear- ing injury to himself, he killed them all, dragged them to the creek, and making a hole in the ice, threw in their bodies. Then fearing the news might be carried to the other Indians, he went the next day to two cabins, fourteen miles up the creek, where he found one woman and two girls, with one child. These he killed, and putting their bodies into the cabin, he burned it. That he (Blythe) sent four men up the creek, who reported that they had found the cabins burned, and the remains of the limbs of the Indians in the ashes. The scene of the latter deed was on the run that enters the creek at Middleburg, which goes by the name of Stump's run to this 1768.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 25 day. Stump and his companion, Iron-Cutter, were arrested at Gabriel's, and taken to Carlisle jail. They were forcibly rescued on the 29th, were concealed about Fort Augusta a few days, and then fled the country. Tradition has it, that Stump died in Virginia, many years afterwards. For William Blythe's services in this matter, he received the two tracts of land which were surveyed on applications in the names of his daughters, Margaret and Elizabeth, containing, together, six hundred and forty acres, lying immediately south of White Deer creek, whither he removed during the year, and was, therefore, one of the first settlers of Buffalo Valley after the purchase. He was an Indian trader at Shippensburg in 1748, and a lieutenant in the French war, 1758. His cabin stood on Red-Bank run, near the river, on the Eliza- beth Blythe tract, below the late Samuel Henderson's house. Her application of 3d April, 1 769, describes it as including an old Indian fort and a settlement begun by her. William Blythe lived to be a very old man. Roley McCorley informed me he knew him well, and that he was a tall, raw-boned man, and, in latter years, quite blind. His daughter Margaret married Captain John Reed, who had commanded the " Paxton Boys." Her tract was patented to Cap- tain Reed in 1774. Her children by Captain Reed were William, (father of James Reed, who still resides near Hartleton, and grand- father of Doctor Uriah Reed, of Jersey Shore, and of Robert Reed, now of Clearfield, Pennsylvania,) James, who moved west, and Elizabeth, who married John Armstrong. Captain Reed died before 1778, and, with '-'the Runaway" of that year, the Reeds went to Cumberland county. William Reed's family remained there until some years after, when he came up and settled in Hartley township. Captain Reed's widow married Captain Charles Gillespie, an officer of the Revolution, and raised a second family — Edward Gillespie, Susanna, (married to Arthur Thomas,) Eleanor, Charles, junior, Thomas, and John. By a division of the place, the lower half, one hundred and seventy-six acres, fell to Charles Gillespie and wife, the upper to the Reeds, who conveyed it, on the 6th of May, 1796, to Gillespie and wife. The Gillespies all went west, except Edward, who hung himself, many years ago, at the old homestead, which 26 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1768. passed into the hands of the late Daniel Ludwig, Esquire. Marga- ret Blythe survived the fortunes of her second family, and took refuge with her first husband's children. She died at her son's, Wil- liam Reed, in Hartley township, and her remains were interred in the graveyard at Kester's school-house. Elizabeth Blythe married Doctor Joseph Eakers, who had been a surgeon in the revolutionary army. ^ In October, 1798, they sold the place to James Hepburn, and went West, where she died. The Doctor returned, resumed practice, and was drowned in Muddy run, above Milton, many years ago. 5 th November. Thomas and Richard Penn purchased from the Six Nations, at Fort Stanwix, (now Rome, New York,) the remain- der of the Valley whose annals we are writing. As one of the incentives to this purchase, I may state that, as early as the year 1764, the officers of the first and second battalions who served under Colonel Bouquet, made an agreement with each other, in writing, at Bedford, ' ' that they would apply to the Proprietaries for a tract of land sufficiently extensive and conveniently situated, whereon to erect a compact and defensible town ; and, also, to accommodate each of us with a reasonable and commodious plantation ; which land and lots of ground, if obtained, we do agree shall be propor- tionably divided, according to our several ranks and subscriptions," &c. Signed by Lieutenant Colonels Turbutt Francis and Asher Clayton, Major John P. deHaas, Captains Jacob Kern, John Proc- ter, James Hendricks, John Brady, William Piper, Timothy Green, Samuel Hunter ; Henry Watson, adjutant first battalion ; Conrad Bucher, adjutant second battalion ; William Plunket and James Irvine, captains ; Lieutenant Daniel Hunsicker ; Ensigns McMeen and Piper, et al. They appointed Colonel Francis, Captain Irvine, &c. , commissioners to act for all the officers. These commissioners made an application to the Proprietaries on the 30th of April, 1765, in which they proposed to embody themselves in a compact settle- ment, on some good land, at some distance from the inhabited part of the Province, where, by their industry, they might procure a comfortable subsistence for themselves, and by their arms, union, and increase, become a powerful barrier to the Province. They 'In a petition to the Executive Oouncil, dated February 15, 1779, he states that he had been a long time surgeon's mate in the hospital department. 1769.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 21 further represented that the land already purchased did not afford any situation convenient for their purpose ; but the confluence of the two branches of the Susquehanna at Shamokin did, and they, therefore, prayed the Proprietaries to make the purchase, and make them a grant of forty thousand acres of arable land on the West Branch of the Susquehanna. Lieutenant Thomas Wiggins and En- sign J. Foster, who were absent from Bedford when the agreement was signed, were subsequently admitted into the association. The minutes of the association are published in full in the first volume of the Collections of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1*^69. Officials — First Surveys in the Valley — John Ewing, et al. — Officers' Surveys — Original Settlers. OVERNOR, JOHN PENN. Representative of Berks, Edward Biddle; Sheriff, Jacob Shoemaker. Representatives of Cumberland, William Allen and John Montgomery; Sheriff, David Hoge; Prothono- tary, Hermanns Alricks. On the 3d of February, the commissioners of the officers of the first and second battalions met at the Governor's, and obtained an order allowing them to take up twenty-four thousand acres, to be divided among them in distinct surveys, on the waters of the West Branch of the Susquehanna, each three hundred acres to be seated with a family within two years from the time of survey, paying ^5 sterling per hundred, and one penny per acre, &c. The names of the officers in whose favor the order of survey issued were Colonel Francis, Major deHaas, Captains Irvine, Plunket, Hunter, Kern, Green, Houssegger, Sems, Hendricks, Brady, Piper, Bucher, Lieu- tenants, Stewart, Wiggins, Hays, Nice, Hunsicker, Askey, McAl- 28 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1769. lister, Ensigns Piper, McMeen, Morrow, Steine, and Foster; and the order signed by John Lukens, surveyor general, and directed to William Scull and William Maclay. By advertisement, dated the 23d of February, the land office was to open to receive applications for lands in the "New Purchase," on the 3d of April. "So long a day was fixed to give the back in- habitants time to repair to the office." Meanwhile surveys were made on special orders for the Proprietaries or their friends. On the 1 8th of February, William Maclay made the first survey in person on the west side of the river. His field notes are yet pre- served among the records of the deputy surveyor's office of Union county. He began at a black oak on the river, afterwards the south- east corner of the Richard Manning tract, and ran S. 60° W. 70, W. 212, S. 45° W. 755, S. 49° E. 295, to the black oak or Spanish oak on the river, on the line of the purchase or Gabriel's land; thence up the river N. t,6° E. 51, N. 45° E. 2331^, N. 39° E. 462, and N. 26^° E. 220, to the place of beginning. He says this survey is of land above George Gabriel's, for which Andrew Allen has a warrant, and on which Charles Willing intends an old right of five hun- dred acres, "neither of which are in my hands yet." The next day, Sunday, the 19th, he says he received from Colonel Francis the Charles Willing location. The caveat, Willing vs. Allen, was de- termined on the 2ist of December, 1772, by the board of property. Present, Mr. Tilghman, Hockley, Physick, and Lukens. "That the location on the warrant of Charles Willing (which bore date the 24th December, 1768) is such an appropriation of five hundred acres and allowance, that it was not liable to the Proprietaries' warrant," and they directed the surveyor general to divide the land by a line N. 49° W. from the river, so as to leave five hundred acres of the lower end to be returned for Willing. This division line is about where the present road running west from Hettrick's store, in Mon- roe township, Snyder county, is laid. The distance of the river line of the John Cox survey, (which in- cluded Gabriel's settlement,) from the mouth of Penn's creek to the Indian line, was two hundred and ninty-two perches ; of the Richard Willing, from the black oak or Spanish oak, marked by Gabriel and the Indians, to a white oak, which stood on the river bank near Het- trick's store, was two hundred and ninty-five and one half perches. 1769.] ANN.4LS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 2g. The Andrew Allen reached thence six hundred and seventy-one perches, to a black oak which stood below the Sunbury ferry, nearly opposite the old tavern. The Richard Manning survey (made in 1 7 70) extended up one hundred and fifty perches to a maple, where began the John Galloway, which ran up three hundred and forty- eight perches, to the confluence of the West Branch. I will here add, as having interest upon the question of the location of Fort Augusta, that a topographical survey found among the same papers of this date, has a station on the mouth of the little stream that enters the river below the present bridge. The course to the main point is N. 27° E. and S. 5314° E. to the " redoubt at Fort Augusta." The survey next above the " Galloway," is the Daniel Hoffman, (181 4,) extending one hundred and eighteen perches; then comes the Joshua McAfee, (the John Mason place,) surveyed in 1771, extending up sixty-eight perches, and we are in Buffalo Valley. 2 2d February, the Reverend John EAving's survey was made; the first in the Valley. It extends from the mouth of Buffalo creek, six hundred and seventy-five perches, to a walnut that formerly stood on Doctor Dougal's line. Mr. Maclay's starting point for this survey was sixty or seventy rods above the present site of the iron bridge across Buffalo creek. This survey contained eleven hun- dred and fifty acres. 24th February, Mr. Tvlaclay surveyed the Bremmer tract for John Penn. He notes in his field-book the fine spring at late An- drew Wolfe's, the one on the Cameron farm, and the one at Ellis Brown's, and leaves out "the pine barrens," as he calls the present Linn place. This tract contained one thousand four hundred and thirty-four acres, and was called the " fiddler's tract," tradition said, because given a fiddler for one night's performance on the violin. Bremn^r was a music dealer in the Strand, London, and was, per- haps, a fiddler by occupation. 28th February, the site of Lewisburg was surveyed for the Pro- prietaries, by Mr. Maclay, commencing at a white oak, at the present Strohecker's landing. At sixty-eight perches he notes the spring now belonging to the University grounds. This line he makes one mile long, to the mouth of Buffalo creek ; he then ran up the creek to a hickory that stood where the present road reaches the creek at the iron bridge ; thence he ran due south, two hundred and -30 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1769. eight perches, to a pine, the stump of which was dug up when the raihoad excavation was made north of the Eighth Street school-build- ing ; (it stood some eight feet inside of Jacob Derr's fence ;) thence he ran S. 50° E., two hundred and ninety-eight perches, to the river. Several of the latter line trees stand near the cemetery. These lines now mark the limits of the borough, with the exception of the Jacob Spidler place, which was taken out of the borough many years ago by act of the Legislature. In the latter part of February many of the officers of the first and second battalions met at Fort Augusta, and agreed to take the land upon the terms proposed by the Proprietaries, and that one of the tracts should be surveyed on the West Branch, adjoining Montour's place, (Chillisquaque creek,) and one in Buffalo Valley. In order to expedite business, it was agreed that Captains Plunket, Brady, Piper, and Lieutenant Askey, should go along with Mr. Maclay to Buffalo Valley, and Captains Hunter and Irvine with Mr. Scull, to direct the survey in the Forks. On the ist, 2d, and 3d of March, Samuel Maclay, for William, ran out the officers' survey. He commenced at a white oak on now William Spotts' land, at the east of the Limestone ridge, and ran west and south-west to the east line of what is now William Young's land, in Lewis township. The western line he ran N. 318 to Buffalo creek ; thence he ran north of the present turnpike, until he crossed its site a little east of Vicksburg, and came back to a white oak, yet standing, one hundred and twenty-five rods east of where Salem church is now ; thence he ran south to an elm on Turtle creek, and west and south-west to the place of beginning. This survey em- braced the heart of Buffalo Valley, and, as their minutes say, ' ' was made without opposition ; " and the officers returned to Fort Augusta, held a meeting, and determined that the third tract of eight thou- sand acres should be surveyed on Bald Eagle creek. Captains Hunter, "Brady, and Piper were appointed to over-see that survey, to be made by Charles Lukens. The record says that Colonel Francis, Doctor Plunket, and Major deHaas, furnished the stores on the present occasion. 1 6th May, The officers met at Harris' Ferry. Messrs. Maclay, Scull, and Lukens laid before them the drafts of their respective sur- veys. Mr. Maclay reported the tract surveyed by him in Buffalo 1769.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 31 Valley contained eight thousand acres ; Mr. Scull that in the Forks, six thousand and ninety-six, which left nine thousand nine hundred and four for Bald Eagle creek, and Mr. Lukens' survey was several thousand acres short of the quantity. They agreed then that Colonel Francis should receive his share, two thousand seven hundred and seventy-five acres, surveyed to him in one tract, adjoining the tract purchased by him of Montour. Colonel Francis' tract accordingly extended from Chillisquaque creek down to and included Northum- berland point. Boyd and Wilson purchased of him, and erected the mill at the mouth of Chillisquaque creek, in 1791, and John Lowdon bought the site of Northumberland town from Colonel Francis, and it was patented to his wife, Sarah Lowdon, 7th July, 1770. Same day, i6th of May, lots were drawn for the choice of lands. Captain Hendricks, having won the first choice, took the eastern end of Buffalo Valley survey, now the Zellers, Aurands, &c., farms. Captain William Plunket then chose the Dreisbach place, site of the church, &c. Captain Brady the Maclay place afterwards, now Joseph Green's, William Cameron, Esquire's, &c. Captain Kern next took the site of Vicksburg. Lieutenant Doctor Thomas Wiggins got three hundred and thirty-nine acres. Doctor Wiggins resided in Lower Paxton township, now Dauphin county. By his will, proved August 31, 1798, he devised to his brother, John Wig- gins, his land in Northumberland county ; and by the will of John Wiggins, second, proved November 30, he devises it to John and James Wiggins Simonton, each one hundred and ten acres. Hon- orable John W. Simonton many years associate judge of Union county, still owns this military fief. Reverend Captain Conrad Bucher secured the tract now owned by the Pontius's ; Captain Timothy Green the site of the Rockey mill ; Lieutenant Askey the site of Mifflinburg ; Captain Irvine the place so long owned by the Kleckners ; Lieutenant Stewart the old Foster place ; and Lieuten- ant McAllister the old John Hayes place. Captains Plunket and Brady superintended the running of the division lines, which was accomplished by Samuel Maclay, on the 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th of May. The John Ewing survey was made on the 3d of March, extend- ing from the east line of the officers' survey, down Turtle creek, to 32 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1769 the Gundy farm. These are the leading surveys, run with astonish- ing accuracy, and well marked all around. The John Harris surveys, from Jacob M. Shively's, near White spring, up to and including Esquire Lincoln's farm, were also upon special warrants, before the opening of the land office. They were made on the 23d of February. The walnut, the beginning point, stood on Penn's creek, below the mouth of White Spring run. John Harris had bought, as stated before, the improvement made by Turner in 1755. He also owned the Edward Lee, the White Spring tract, the improvement title of which also dated back to 1755 ; both re-surveyed, however, by Mr. Maclay, in February, 1769. He was the father-in-law of William Maclay, and was favored by the Proprietaries in consequence of his services with the Indians. On the 3d of April the land office was opened, and a great crowd attended. Numerous applications or locations, as they were called, were received for the same spots of land, from different persons, under various or similar descriptions. The method taken to decide the preference was to put them all into a trunk, and after mixing them well together, an indifferent person drew them out, and they were numbered in the order of drawing, priority thus being determined by lottery. To illustrate by example : there were numerous applica- tions for the old Muncy town or Shikellimy's town tract. Michael Weyland's was the thirty-second application drawn, and so numbered, and put down on the list. Any subsequent application descriptive of the same locality was, when opened and read, laid aside. Jacob Weyland's application for land, ''on a run of water adjoining Michael Weyland's at Shikellimy's town," was the sixth drawn. John Grove now owns part of that warrantee tract. Dietrick Rees' appli- cation for land, "on a run below Dog run, adjoining land of Lud- wig Derr, in Walnut bottom," came out the eighth. It embraces New Columbia, and the land north and west of it. Derr seems to have marked out a claim for himself, near New Columbia, before the drawing, which he failed to get. In August, the greater part of the surveys on the north side of Buf- falo creek were made, from Colonel Slifer's place up to Farmersville, together with most of the surveys in Buffalo and the Lowdon sur- veys in West Buffalo. Those along the river, down to Turtle creek, also in August. From thence to the county line below, in October. 1769.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 33 The surveys from Doctor Dougal's place up to the mouth of White Deer creek, along the river, were made by Charles Lukens, in October. He speaks in his field notes of Ludwig Derr being with him. Along Penn's creek, above and including the mouth of Switzer run, the sur- veys were made in August. In November, William Maclay made sur- veys of some of the best land in the Valley, including Ray's church, John and Isaac Reish's land, in which he was interested. Colonel Kelly's tracts were also surveyed in August. In December, Samuel Maclay surveyed the lands in Dry valley, now owned by Isaac Eyer, David Gross, &c. The settlers this year, as far as I can ascertain them, were John Lee, at the spring near the stone barn at Winfield ; John Beatty, at the spring near New Berlin; Jacob Grozean, near Hoffa's mill; Barney Parson, at the old Iddings place; John Wilson,^ at Jenkin's mill; Adam Haines, on the McCorley place, White Deer. William Blythe's cabin is marked on a survey made 24th October, as standing twenty- five rods from the river, on the little run above the Ard place. Joseph McLaughlin had an improvement on White Deer creek, west of Blythe's, and one Bennett had a cabin on White Deer creek, about one mile above the cotton factory. John Fisher took up the place now known as Datesman's, West Milton, and settled upon it. Michael Weyland the George F. Miller place. William Armstrong lived where the road comes out to the old ferry, below New Columbia. James Parr commenced an improvement on the same tract, a little above, and they agreed to divide the land, Armstrong to fill up his application by taking more land in the rear. In doing so, he en- croached on the Earnest Burke, a tract belonging to Hawkins Boone. Hence a law suit reported in 2 Binn., 55. 1 John Wnson died in 1774. He was the father of Thomas "Wilson, afterwards a promlnentcitizenof Erie county, and of Mrs. David Mead, (of Mead ville.) Sanford's Erie, page 220. l^^O. Early Surveys — Settlers from Paxton — Scull's Map, OHN PENN, Governor. Ofifacials the same as in 1769. May 21, Turbutt Francis, Esquire, appointed Prothon- otary of Cumberland county, vice H. Alricks, resigned. The following notices of settlers are derived from old conveyances and notes of surveyors : As early as the 28th of March, John Buchanan and his father re- sided on the Richard Edwards tract, where Stoltzfus now lives. By a lease, dated that day, he agreed with Thomas Lemmon and Sarah, his wife, to build a log house, eighteen by twenty, thereon, clear and fence ten acres of field, two of meadow, plant ten apple and twenty cherry trees, &c. [)"acob Fought bought of Captain Timothy Green two hundred and sixteen acres at the mouth of Cedar run, including the forks of Buffalo creek, the Rockey mill site, and moved there. 23d March, James Wilson surveyed the George Palmer tract, embracing Win- field, for John Lee. He speaks of commencing at Lee's spring, and running S. 40°, E. 53, to an ash at the river, and thence, by the back side of Lee's fields, N. 40° W. This explains the corner left out of the Craig survey below, and shows that Lee had cleared the fields where Thomas Pursel now lives as early as the 4th of October, 1769, when Craig's survey was made. The first regular clearing, perhaps, in the Valley, and its exact locality is thus iden- tified. In May, Wilson surveyed the addition to David Moore, along Buffalo creek, now A. J. Rishel's, and speaks of Hans Fleming 34 1770.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 35 living in there. On the 12th of May, he surveyed the Thomas Sutherland place in Dry valley, where Emerick's family was after- wards captured. He says " this land Robert King has bought," indi- ca.tmg the residence of the first constable of Buffalo township. 17th May he surveyed the John Umstead tract, on Stony run, which empties into Buffalo creek, east of the mouth of Rapid run. On the 1 8th, the Peter Horning, where Esquire Sheckler now lives. This land was afterwards in litigation between Christopher Johnston and Matthew Irwin for over thirty years. His field notes explain the origin of the trouble. He commenced at an ash, (which stood in the road afterwards laid out, nearly in front of Esquire Sheckler's house,) in the line of the eight hundred tract made for Foster and Rees; thence ran north 168, to a black oak of same, (this distance was found by subsequent surveys to be one hundred and eighty-two perches;) and thence, by an old Indian cabin, W. 74 to a maple; and thence, by a ridge, crossing a run at seventy-two perches, N. 78 to a hickory, west 122 to a chestnut oak, and by a ridge S. 138 to a Spanish oak, E. 80 to a white oak, and by a ridge S. 122 to a white oak, (subsequent surveys made this distance 135.) "I had set the course east from this white oak, and at 54 I intersected a line of Doctor Plunket's, made by Samuel Maclay, which I found ran north and south. The distance between two black oak corners was between sixty and seventy perches, where, I made a halt, and left open the line between white oak and ash beginning." Leaving this line open, made the difficulty, the white oak having disappeared. On 25 th of September, he surveyed for John Lee the small thirty- eight acre tract, at Strohecker's landing. He says he began at the white oak of the survey Ludwig Derr lives on ; thence ran N. 50°, W. 56, &c., showing that Derr then lived on the site of Lewisburg. I found Lee's receipt for the purchase money among Youngman and Walters' papers, who lately owned the place where Lee was killed by the Indians. Michael Pfoutz was Wilson's chain-carrier. Colonel John Kelly at this time lived on the place where he died, as appears by Mr. Wilson's notes. In an assessment for the year 1 770, of Paxton township, now Dau- phin county, occur the names of Robert Clark, Walter Clark, Robert Fruit, William Maclay, Matthew Smith, William Plunket, George j6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1771. ^_ Overmeier, Michael Troy, William Clark, the four last named marked inmates, indicating either a widower or unmarried man; and in Middletown we find the name of Albright Swineford, all prominent in the subsequent annals. William Scull's map of date April 4, 1770, has Mahantango creek, Middle creek, Penn's creek, Turtle, Buffalo, and White Deer creeks laid down, with their respective names. Reed's residence is marked half-way between Mahantango and Penn's. Gabriel's, now Selins- grove, is marked "Cox's borough." Nittany and Jack's mountains are on, with these respective names, but he has a range of mountains running up the river from the mouth of Buffalo creek. l^^l. Great Flood — Penn Township Settlers — G-eorge Gtabriel — First Mills Built — Dreisbach's Church — Michael Wetland. jICHARD PENN, Lieutenant Governor from October 16. Edward Biddle and Henry Christ, Representatives of Berks county; Sheriff, George Nagle. William Allen and John Montgomery, Representatives of Cumberland ; Sheriff, Ephraim Blaine. 9th March, the Susquehanna river. Bald Eagle creek up to Spring creek, and Penn's creek, for twenty miles above its mouth, were declared public highways. John Lowdon was appointed one of the commissioners for making them navigable, i Smith's Laws, 324. On the same day, the officers of the first and second .battalions held another meeting. Charles Lukens reported that the whole tract surveyed by him on Bald Eagle creek contained only eight thousand three hundred and eighty acres, which is fifteen hundred and twenty-four acres less than the quantity allowed them. He divided the Bald Eagle tract into twenty shares, the last of which 1771.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 37 Lieutenant Askey got ; so that Lieutenant McAllister, Ensign Piper, Captain Sems, and Captain Kern yet lacked their shares. Colonel Francis then said that a grant might be obtained for the tract of land in Buffalo Valley formerly intended to be located by Captain Plunket, and since surveyed for the Proprietaries, containing one thousand and five acres. Piper was, therefore, given lot No. 6, on Bald Eagle, surveyed for Ensign Morrow, who was excluded from the grant by the Penns, because he was of the party that rescued Stump and Iron-Cutter, the murderers of the Indians on Middle creek ; Captain Kern, two hundred and eighty-seven acres, late the Chamberlain mill tract, in Kelly, now Hoffa's ; Lieutenant McAl- lister, two hundred and ninety acres, late Howard farm, adjoining the above ; and Colonel Francis, for Captain Sems, five hundred and twenty-seven and one half acres, adjoining. Colonel Francis sold the latter tract to William Linn, of Lurgan township, P^ranklin county, who divided it among his children. His grandson, W. T. Linn, still owns his father's share. Loskiel mentions that in the spring of this year there was a great flood in the Susquehanna, which compelled the Indians at Wyoming to leave their houses, and take to the hills, where they remained four days. The assessment of Penn's township contains this year the names of the following additional settlers : Frederick Albright, Thomas Allen, Tobias Bickle, Henry Bower, Robert Boyd,'^obias Bickle, junior, Michael Beidenbaugh, William Burchard, Abraham Billman, George Bowerman, Peter Druckenmiller, Widow Dowd, Michael Egulph, John Foutz, George Herrold, Joseph Jacobs, Michael Kers- tetter, Bostian Kerstetter, Andrew Moor, Jacob Myer, Robert Moody, Edward McConnell, William Nees, John Regenbach, junior, Michael Stoke, Michael Swingle, Harman Snyder, Michael Weaver, George Miller, Andrew Ulsh. Freemen : Casper Snyder, Conrad Hayslick, and Michael Foutz. George Gabriel, no doubt, died this year, as his name disappears from the assessment list. His obituary, or the only one I can find, at least, is not very comphmentary. On the 13th November, 1772, at a meeting of '' the officers," Mr. Lukens and Little had a claim, they said, for a location of three hundred acres, presented to them by Colonel John Armstrong, which was included in the officers' sur- 38 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1771. vey, insisting that the place now called Cedar springs, Pontius's now, was the same to which Colonel Armstrong gave the name of Snake spring, in 1755 ; and Mr. Ewing read a paper, said to be a copy of George Gabriel's deposition, who was with Colonel Armstrong when the name was given. ' ' We told them that their location Avas extremely vague, being for land near John Penn's creek, twelve miles south- ward of Fort Augusta, which did not affect our claim in the least. As to Gabriel's deposition, it is but ex parte testimony. The man is since dead, but is well known to have been a man of infamous character. That Colonel Armstrong, the gentleman who gave the location, is still living, and has declared that he cannot fix upon the spot." This claim was, no doubt, founded upon the Manor survey of 1760. Jacob Fought built the first mill in West Buffalo township, and, perhaps, the first in the Valley, unless, we except Derr's, at Lewis- burg, the exact date of the building of which I cannot ascertain, though, probably, in 1770. The date of Fought's is fixed by an agreement, yet on record, with George Rote, dated 1 4th November, 1776. It recites that Fought built the mill in 1771, and a dam on the south branch of the creek. Finding that insufficient, he dug a water-course, and erected a dam to take the water from the north branch of Buffalo creek. George Rote had purchased the adjoining tract of Colonel deHaas, who had purchased of Ensign Foster. By this agreement, the yearly damage to Rote's land was fixed at £^1 ^s, and Fought bound himself, his heirs, and successors to pay said sum yearly; but if the mill-dam became " extink " or the water ceased to do damage, the agreement was to be void. Marks were to be made on a big rock, on an iron-wood, and on a white oak. When the water reached these marks, it was to be run over the dam. The dam on the north branch was to be three feet, and no higher.' At Fought's mill the first elections in the Valley were held. James Wilson made numerous surveys this year: 31st May, the William Kelly tract, on Black's run, on which Stahl, the noted wagon- maker, lived so long; 2 2d June, Peter Herrold and John Flack- inger, on White Deer creek; i6th August, the Thomas Mackemiss, beginning at a black oak, he says, where Samuel Maclay stopped with the officers' line, on the west line of Cumberland county, (north of Ray's church;) 17th September, the Joseph Updegraff, the lead- 1771.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. jg ing survey on the north branch of Buffalo creek, (Kelly's mills.) Thomas McGuire, the elder, was then a resident of the Valley. Hawkins Boone made this year the John Musser surveys, in White Deer Hole valley, four miles from the river. From a short sketch of the Dreisbach church, compiled by the late John Schrack, Esquire, it appears there were Lutheran and German Reformed churches organized in the Valley at this date. He speaks of a record of baptisms, extending from 1771 to 17 7-5'. The church was not built, however, and worship was held in private houses. Among the names of parents, occur those of Henry Bolender, Henry Pontius, Christian Storms, Simon Himrod. (The latter lived in Turbutt township. Was afterwards member of Assembly. The family removed to near Waterford, Erie county, in 1798.) Leonard Welker, Phihp Stover, Christian Biehl, Yost Derr, Christian Ewig, Stephen Duchman, and Henry Bickel, afterwards killed by the Indians. During this year, Daniel Nargong made an improvement on Dog run, near the site of New Columbia. He afterwards took up a tract higher up the run. His daughters married Nicholas and Jacob Welch, whose family owned the place within a few years back, and, perhaps, do still. In November, 1771, Walter Clark, of Paxton township, bought the one thousand one hundred and fifty acres, surveyed to Reverend John Ewing, in trust for himself, Robert Fruit, William Gray, Robert Clark, and William Clark, all of the same township. They divided it into six tracts, agreed each to take one sixth, and sell the remaining tract, which they did to Ludwig Derr, 31st July, 1773. Walter Clark settled on the place now owned by Honorable Eli Slifer, William Gray where Major Paul Geddes now lives, Robert Fruit on the Heinly place, William Clark on the place now owned by M. H. Taggart, and Robert on what is now Judge Hummel's farm. A^ltec Clajk sold to Joseph Musser in 1802, and moved to Mercer county, where his family became prominent. His son John was a member of the Legislature from that county. Captain Gray, afterwards an officer in the Revolution, lived and died on his place. He was ancestor of Dunlaps's, Hayes, Hutchinsons, Hudsons, Wal- laces, W. G. Williams, (of Bellefonte,) &c. Richard Fruit sold out to Henry Hursh in 181 2, and moved to Derry, Northumberland 40 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1772. county. Robert and William Clark died on their respective places. Among the deaths this year occurred that of Michael Weyland, leaving a widow, Magdalena, and nine children, Michael, junior, Jacob, George, John, Samuel, Mary, (married to Peter Swartz, junior,) Margaret, (to Christian Moyer,) Catherine, and Magdalena. He was buried on the place, in an old grave-yard there. Colonel James Moore told rne it was still in existence when his father lived there, a little piece up the road running from the river. i>rr^. Northumberland County Erected — Officials^Boundaries of Town- ships — SuNBURY Laid Out — First Roads — Connecticut Claim — William Speddy — Ludwig Derr — Deaths. |ICHARD PENN, Lieutenant Governor. Representative in Assembly, Samuel Hunter. George Nagel, Sheriff of Berks and Northumberland. Additional residents in Penn's township: Abraham Clements, Michael Hawn, Henry Miser, George Miller, John Swartz, Melchior Stock, Adam Steffy, Simon Scouden, widow of Andrew Moore, Benjamin Ewig, Conrad Hafflich, John Reber. The first assessments of Penn's and Buffalo, from the organization of the county down to 1 775, seem to have been lost when the records were forwarded to Paxton, during the great runaway. List of settlers cannot, therefore, be given for the three years intervening. 2ist March, Northumberland county was erected out of parts of Berks, Bedford, Lancaster, Cumberland, and Northampton, by the following bounds: Beginning at the mouth of Mahantango creek, up the south side, to the head of Robert Meteer's spring, (in West Perry, near Mr. Winey's, sometimes miscalled Montour's spring ;) thence west by north, to the top of Tussey's mountain; -thence along 1772.J ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY, 41 the summit to the Uttle Juniata; thence up the east side of the main branch, to the head thereof; thence north to the line of Berks county ; thence north-west, along the same line, to the extremity of the Province ; thence east, along the north boundary, to a point due north of the most northern part of Great swamp, (the numerous ponds in the upper end of Luzerne county are here referred to;) thence south to the most southern point of said swamp ; thence, with a straight line, to the head of Lehigh; thence down the creek so far that a line run west south-west will strike the forks of Mahantango creek, where Pine creek falls into the same, at the place called Spread Eagle, (now Klingerstown,) on the east side of the Susque- hanna; thence down the south side of the creek to the river; thence across the river to the beginning. The county, therefore, extended as far west as Lake Erie, the head of Lehigh on the east, (Pike county,) New York State on the north, and the mouth of Mahantango creek on the south. Fort Augusta was fixed as the place of election, and the county to be en- titled to one Representative. The Governor was to nominate a competent number of justices, any three of whom could hold the several courts on the fourth Tuesday of February, May, August, and November, at Fort Augusta, until a court-house should be built. William Maclay, John Lowdon, Samuel Hunter, Joseph Wallis, and Robert Moodie were appointed trustees to purchase a piece of ground on which the court-house was to be erected, subject to the Governor's approval. Thomas Lemmon was made collector of excise. Joshua Elder, James Potter, Jesse Lukens, and William Scull were appointed to run the boundary line. Q^cials. William Plunket, Turbutt Francis, Samuel Hunter, James Potter, William Maclay, John Lowdon, Thomas Lemmon, Ellis Hughes, and Benjamin Weiser confirmed as justices in Council, and William Maclay, prothonotary and clerk of the several courts, March 24. The first county commissioners were William Gray, Thomas Hewitt, and John Weitzel. November 23, Casper Reed, of Penn's, was sworn in as county commissioner ; Alexander Hunter, county treasurer; Walter Clark, Jonathan Lodge, Peter Hosterman, James 42 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1772. Harrison, Nicholas Miller, Jacob Heverling, and Samuel Weiser, assessors. 9th April, the first court, which was a private sessions of the peace, William Plunket presiding, James Potter and John Lowdon assist- ing, was held. The county was divided into seven townships : Penn's, Augusta, Turbutt, Buffalo, Bald Eagle, Muncy, and Wyo- ming. Our annals relate only to Buffalo and Penn's. The boundary of Buffalo commenced at the mouth of Penn's creek, at the head of the Isle of Que ; thence up the same to the forks, (a it^^ miles south of Millheim, Centre county;) thence by a north line to the West Branch, (this struck the river at the mouth of Bald Eagle creek, a mile below Lock Haven;) thence down the river to the place of beginning. Thus embracing all of Union, a large part of Snyder and Centre, and a great part of Lycoming counties, as now constituted. Robert King was the first constable. The boundary of Penn's, before that in Cumberland county, be- gan at the mouth of Mahantango creek ; thence, by the county line, to Meteer's spring ; thence, with the same line, to the top of Tussey's mountain; thence, along the top thereof, easterly, to Penn's creek; thence down the creek to its mouth ; thence down the river to the place of beginning. This boundary ran along the present line of Snyder county; thence to the north line of Mifflin county, at the corner of the present townships of Jackson and Brown, and em- braced part of Brown, nearly all of Armagh and Decatur town- ships, in Mifflin, the southern portions of Hartley and Lewis, and all the present county of Snyder, except Monroe township. The first court of common pleas was held on the fourth Tuesday of May, before Justices William Plunket, Samuel Hunter, Caleb Grayson, Thomas Lemmon, and Robert Moodie. The commission of William Maclay, prothonotary, was read, and the following mem- bers of the bar sworn in : James Wilson, of York, (a signer of the Declaration of Independence and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States,) then residing at York ; Robert Magaw, of Carlisle, (afterwards colonel of the Sixth Pennsylvania and defender of Fort Washington;) Edward Burd, district attorney; Christian Hucks^and George North. After examination, James Potts, Charles ' Afterwards the Tory, Captain Hucks, of Tarleton's dragoons, killed in South Carolina, in 1780-81.— G-raydon Memoirs, page 270. 1772.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 43 Stedman, and Andrew Robinson. Tavern keepers applying for license were George Wolf, (below the Northumberland bridge,) Mar- tin Trester of Buffalo, and Martin Cost. The number of suits brought to August term was thirty-three. No. i was James Patton vs. James Garley — Magaw for plaintiff, Wilson for defendant. Of the first grand jurors were Captain John Brady, foreman, George Overmeier, John Rearick, Peter Leonard, William Gray, Ludwig Derr, Andrew Hafer, Hawkins Boone, James Park, and John Walk- er, all of Buffalo Valley. Sunbury. In a letter, dated June 2, 1772, Mr. Tilghman, Secretary of the Land Office, writes to William Maclay : ' ' Mr. Lukens goes to lay out the town, agreeably to instructions. You are joined with him in the work. You are to treat with Mr. Lowdon, and if his title be good, and he will take a sum named in the instructions, (^200,) the town is to be laid out in the Forks ; otherwise on the fort side. Wallis and Haines have said they had a right, and they must relin- quish it. As Lowdon's application was in his wife's name, she must convey. As putting the town in the forks is a concession against the interest of the Proprietaries to accommodate the people, if the place cannot be clear of claims, the town must be on the other side." Some of the difficulties were insuperable, for the instructions to treat with Lowdon for three hundred and thirty acres, or there- abouts, situated near the point of the Forks, are stricken out of the rough draft, and on the i6th of June, the Governor and his Coun- cil issued an order to the Surveyor General, John Lukens, to repair to Fort Augusta, and, with the assistance of William Maclay, lay out a town for the county of Northumberland, to be called by the name of Sunbury, at the most commodious place between the forks of the river and the mouth of Shamokin creek. Main street to be eighty feet wide, the others sixty, the lanes and alleys twenty, &:c. The town was accordingly laid out in June, 1772. On the 31st of Au- gust, William Maclay writes, that the noise about the point town is already greatly quieted, and the people begin to think Sunbury the best situation. 44 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1772. 77?^ Ferry. August 14th, Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, by letters patent, granted to Robert King, his executors and assigns, the privilege of keeping a ferry, over the main branch of the Susquehanna at Sun- bury. (King conveyed his right to Adam Heverling, November 30? 1773; Heverling to Christopher Gettig, April 17, 1775 ; Gettig to Abraham Dewitt, October 8, 1779 j Eleanor Dewitt, alias Coldern, administratrix of Dewitt, to John Lyon, October 25, 1787 ; and on the 2d of November, 1787, John Lyon presented a petition to the Assembly for the privilege for a term of years, which was granted.) The first criminal case was tried at August sessions, King vs. John Williams, for larceny — Robert Fruit and RQbert.C^lark were on the jury. He was found guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of ^^, to receive twenty-one lashes on his bare back, and to be committed to the magazine of the fort until the sentence was complied with. Thomas Hartley, (lieutenant colonel of Eleventh Pennsylvania regiment,) Casper Weitzel, Andrew Ross, and James Whitehead were sworn in as attorneys, at August term. Hawkins Boone and Thomas Sutherland, had suits at this term — Weitzel for Boone, Sted- man for Sutherland \ also, Michael Regor vs. William Blythe. The latter suit referred to Samuel Maclay, John Brady, and George Wolfe, to settle. George Nagel, sheriff of Berks, acted as sheriff until Colonel William Cooke was commissioned, in October, the first sheriff of Northumberland county. The first road up the river from Fort Augusta was reported by the viewers, Richard Malone, Marcus Huling, John Robb, and Alexander Stephens, in October: ' '■ To begin at the end of the road lately laid out from the head of the Schuylkill to Fort Augusta \ thence north-east, one hundred and sixty perches, to the fording; thence across the North Branch, to a marked hickory, near the bank on the main point ; at two miles eighty-six perches, they came to John Alexander's ; at one and a half miles further, they crossed Chillisquaque creek ; at nearly one mile further, they came to William Plunket's ; at three miles further, John Dougherty's ; at two miles further, Marcus Huling's ; at ten miles, the gap in the Muncy hills ; at four miles, Muncy creek ; at two hundred and seven rods, Wolfe's run ; four hundred and forty- 1772.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. < 45 two rods, crossed the run above Samuel Wallis' house; three hundred and twenty-two rods, crossed next run above ; at four and a half miles, Loyalsock creek; at five and a half miles, Lycoming creek." Total, thirty-seven miles from Northumberland point to now New- berry, in the city of Williamsport. This road was confirmed, and ordered to be opened, thirty-three feet in width. The hne of the Indian purchase was then assumed to be at Lycoming creek, after- wards, admitted by the Indians to be at Pine creek. The order specified the "Indian line," as the terminus of the road. Of the Connecticut Claim. It will be recollected that the Connecticut people, or Yankees, as they were called by the Pennamites, claimed under their charter the land as far south as the forty-first degree of latitude, which passes through the county a mile or more north of Lewisburg. By the following memoranduin, furnished me by O. N. Worden, Esquire, which he found among the records of the Susquehanna Land Com- pany, at Hartford, Connecticut, it appears that William Speddy (the elder) was their authorized agent to take and hold possession of land claimed by them in the Valley. " 1771, William Speddy voted one 'selling right' in Wyoming, for previous efforts in hold- ing possession in June, and for further intended efforts." The following affidavit, in the handwriting of William Maclay, which I found among the papers of the deputy surveyor's office of Union county, is the first notice I have of his appearance in Buffalo Valley. It is worthy of note in this connection, that, in deeds of this year (1772) for lands in our Valley, special warrants were common "against the claim of the inhabitants of New England." It appears (Votes of Assembly, 1773, page 492) that in June a large band of armed men from Connecticut appeared upon the West Branch, to dispossess the inhabitants, and were prevented. Speddy was the mere advanced skirmisher or picket : ^^Northumberland County, ss : "John Scott, of Northampton county, being duly sworn on the Holy Evangehsts of Almighty God, deposeth that the night before last, this deponent and his son and another man from Bucks county, lay in the woods near Buffaloe creek, and in the morning a 4(> ANNALS, OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1772 certain William Speddy came to them and told them he supposed they were travelers and looking for lands to buy; this deponent and company answered in the affirmative. He then desired them to take care how they purchased of Penn, unless they had likewise New England rights ; this deponent answered that he would not give a copper for New England rights. He said this deponent might be mistaken in being too sure in depending on Penn's rights. That the New England people had more right than we thought for ; he owned that he stood by and saw Stuart shoot Ogden, and justi- fied the action. Much more was said to nearly the same purpose by the said Speddy, who spoke with great violence, and would not bear any contradiction to what he asserted. Sworn and subscribed the 17 of June, 1772." Wilham Speddy's name first appears in " a list of rioters in the fort at Wyoming, 21st January, 1771, when Nathan Ogden was murdered," to use the language of Governor John Penn. (John Penn's proclamation offering a reward of ^^o for the arrest of William Speddy, 9th February, 1771.) In Hugh Gaines' New York Gazette of November 14, 1771, there is a paragraph of Phila- delphia news, dated November 4, 1771, as follows: "At the Su- preme Court, held here on Tuesday last, William Speddy was arraigned and tried for the murder of Lieutenant Nathan Ogden, who was shot from the block-house at Wyoming, whilst it was in the possession of Lazarus Stewart and company. After a long and impartial hearing, the jury soon gave in their verdict ' not guilty.' " Doctor Peck, in his history of Wyoming, notices him thus: "An- other of these rioters, as they were called, was William Speddy. He was somewhat in years, and was called 'Old Speddy,' but his age could not abate the rigor of the Pennsylvania authorities, for they kept him in close confinement in Philadelphia for more than two years. How, where, or precisely when Speddy was captured we are not able to say, but his final examination must have taken place some time in the year 1771. Mrs. Myers says when her sister Polly was two years old, and she was twelve, her mother was desired to go to Philadelphia, as a witness in favor of Speddy, who was to be tried for the murder of Nathan Ogden. This journey Mrs. Bennett performed alone on horseback, a distance of one hundred and twenty miles, most of the way through the wilderness. 1772.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 47 When she reached Philadelphia, she found that the court had ad- journed, and she then made a journey to Goshen, and attended to some business. When the trial came on she was present, and her testimony cleared Speddy. He was wasted away to a mere skele- ton. When he was discharged his joy and gratitude overleaped all bounds. He fell upon his knees before Mrs. Bennett, and almost worshiped her. 'Get up^ Speddy,' said she, 'I have done no more than any one ought to do for a fellow-creature. ' He kissed her hand and bathed it with tears." This story of " Pennsylvania rigor" is reduced in dimensions from two years to probably eight months, as no man was ever tried twice for the same murder in Pennsylvania ; and he was acquitted on the 4th of November, 1 7 7 1 . Long enough, however, for this old war hawk of New England rights, to be caged, to render him very grateful to Mrs. Bennett. As it is said the honey bee precedes about fifty miles and heralds the advance of the white man into the wilderness, Speddy was the honey bee of New England civilization in Buffalo Valley. He chose for his residence the prettiest little dale in Buffalo Valley. It is on Turtle creek, near what is now Supplee's (formerly Treaster's) mill. Jacob Brown now owns the place. In Decem- ber, 1776, he volunteered in Captain John Clarke's company of Northumberland county, and served during the campaign of Tren- ton and Princeton. In 1778 he resided upon the same tract, which was known as the George Gall tract of two hundred and sixty-two acres. In 1780 he is taxed with the same tract, one horse, and three cows. In 1782, in- connection with John Lee and William Storms, he was assessor of Buffalo township. His signature to the assessment is in a full, round, beautiful hand. In 1785, his name is dropped from the assessment books, and he disappears from our local history. He had a son, William Speddy, junior. J. W. Speddy, of Mifflintown, Pennsylvania, wrote me in 1870 that William Speddy, senior, was his great-grandfather, and that the latter removed to Lost creek valley, Juniata county, and died at a place called Speddy's Gap, near McAllisterville. H. Swartzell, Es- quire, deputy surveyor of Mifflin county, allowed me to copy a draft of the Speddy tract. It is the border one of the Valley surveys, and the finger-board to the Shade mountain surveys, and, there- fore, though dead, he yet speaks, and his name will, no doubt, be 48 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1772. called over in court and out of court for hundreds of years yet to come. In April, James Wilson made a number of surveys for John Low- don, in what is now the territory of West Buffalo. On the 15 th of May he made the leading survey in the lower end of what is now Union township, for Daniel Rees, so many years owned by Joseph Fearon, and now owned and occupied, in part, by Joseph Shannon. In consequence of the suit between Bonham and William Gibbons, referred to hereafter in connection with the capture of the Emerick family, the Rees lines were often run and found well marked. On his original field notes, Wilson says: "This land is situated about two miles from John Lee's, on both sides of the path that leads to Treaster's." Trester's was at the mouth of Tuscarora creek, on Penn's, one mile above New Berlin, now in Jackson township, Sny- der county. Ludwig Derr bought the tract on which Lewisburg now stands, during the summer of this year, from the Reverend Richard Peters. His mill, which is still standing, being the front portion of Smith & Fry's, so many years John Brown's mill, was in existence in the fall of this year. How long previous I cannot ascertain. Derr bought the " Joseph Hudnot tract," (still owned, except the part belonging to Joseph W. Shriner, by his grand and great-grand- children,) in June, 1772, of John Coxe, merchant, of Philadelphia, for ;£i75- On the 3d of October, John Aurand bought the " Jenkin's mill " property, on Turtle creek, and it went by the name of '' Aurand's mill," when he sold it to Morgan Jenkin. It is still owned by the Jenkin's family. Doctor Harbaugh, in his " Fathers of the German Reformed Church," states, upon the authority of John Aurand, of Yellow Springs, Blair county, a grandson of John Aurand, that the latter built both flour and saw-mill at Turtle creek. Wilson, how- ever, had some sort of a mill there as early as 1771. John Wilson died during the year 1772, according to my researches — Miss Sand- ford, ante., says in 1774. In the fall Robert Barber, Esquire, built the first house on the White Springs tract of which we have any knowledge, as he recites in a lease dated 9th August, 1773, ^o John Scott, that he leases him the house he had built last fall at the head of White springs for 1772. J ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 49 seven years. It was on the Edward Lee warrantee, which Barber had purchased, in August, from Reuben Haines. Christian Diehl (written Dale) lived on part of the Ewing tract, (now Colonel Slifer's upper farm, near the iron bridge.) The late John Beeber told me that his father's term of service was purchased by Mr. Diehl from the captain whose ship he came over in, and he helped Mr. Diehl clear that place in 1772, owned then by Ludwig Derr. Adam Beeber then returned to Philadelphia, served five years in the army, after which he came up to Muncy, where he settled and died. Christian Diehl's grandson. Captain Christian Dale, of Harris township. Centre county, aged sixty-six, confirms the story, as a tradition of the family, in regard to Adam Beeber's service with his grandfather. William Wilson bought of James Wilson, his father, the John Moore warrantee. Settled there during this year. He was then unmarried. Boarded at a house near Mortonville, whence he walked over every day to clear his place, on which he died in 1824. His mansion residence is now owned by Reverend Jacob Rodenbaugh. Wendell Baker bought of Samuel Maclay the George Calhoun tract, still owned by his descendants, in August, and moved into the Valley from York county. Mrs. David H. Kelly and J. T. Baker Esquire, are of his descendants. John Lowdon settled on the Levi Shoemaker place, near Miffiin- burg, which he called "Silver Spring," removing there from Nor- thumberland point, where he subsequently laid out the present town of Northumberland. John McClung settled on the place known as "Hard Scrabble," in East Buffalo. In 1807 Matthias Macpherson bought that por- tion of the McClung place, and sold off the lots. In December occurred the first wedding in the Valley I find any record of. Magdalena, widow of Michael Weyland, to Peter Swartz, senior. The latter then moved upon the place described as containing three hundred acres at Sinking spring — Shikelhmy's old town. On the 1 8th of December, Mrs. Swartz took out letters of administration upon her former husband's estate, the first ever issued in Northum- berland county. Her account was filed 8th September, 1774, in which Peter Swartz joins. It has an item on the debtor side of deer skins, accepted for a debt due the estate from Captain John Brady. 4 so ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1773. Peter Smith, who lived at White Deer Mills, (part of his old stone house still stands, now occupied by Doctor Donowsky,) died this fall. Jesse Lukens had the rightful title, and brought a suit, in 1772, against Peter, marked abated by the death of Smith, in 1773, February. His widow held on the possession, (postea 1785.) Thomas McKee, the Indian trader, from whom McKees' Half- Falls gets its name, died in April, 1772. 1^^3 i a m M Settlers — Roads — Buffalo Cross-Roads Church — Ejectment Cases. jICHARD PENN, acting Lieutenant Governor until July 19. After August 30, John Penn, who was confirmed Lieutenant Governor by the King, June 30, was awarded the title of Governor by the Provincial Council. Member of Assembly, Samuel Hunter ; Presiding Justice, William Plunket; Prothonotary, William Maclay; Sheriff, William Cooke; Coroner, James Murray ; County Commissioner, Casper Reed. Officers of Buffalo : Constable, James Boveard 3 Supervisors, Joseph Green and Martin Trester ; Overseers of the Poor, William Irwin, late of Carlisle, and John Lee. Settlers during this year : Abel Reese, on the place now owned by John Gundy's heirs, in East Buffalo ; Joseph Sips, on the David Henning place, in Buffalo; Philip Hoy purchased the place in Limestone township, still owned by his descendants ; James Fleming settled on Dale's place, opposite late Thomas Clingan's, erected a cabin, and cleared four or five acres. He sold out to Samuel Dale. See Gray vs. Dale, 4 Yeates, 494, for an account of their dispute about the dividing line. 1773.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. ji- On the grand jury for May occur the names of William Irwin, John Foster, Peter Swartz, Abel Reese, John Gillespie, William Foster, William Leech, and John Thompson. Leonard Groninger and James Buchanan had a battle, which came before them. Joseph Green became Buchanan's bail. Christian Yan Gundy recommended for license. He kept a tavern at the Strohecker landing, his house standing on Derr's land. Its remains were removed by excavation for the railroad in 1854. William Irwin, John Kelly, Robert King, Jacob Grozean, (called French Jacob,) and Ludwig Derr were appointed viewers to lay out a road " from the fording between Ludwig Derr's and John Aurand's mill through Buffalo Valley to the Narrows." They never reported, and at May sessions, 1774, Samuel Maclay, William Irwin, Henry Pontius, Christian Storms, and William Gray were appointed in their stead. They reported in February, 1775. William Foster and John Lee (first tavern at Winfield) were recommended for license. Among the viewers to lay out the road from Great Plains to Sunbury were James Potter, John Thompson, Joseph Green, et al. Among the jurors were Thomas Sutherland, William Thompson, Philip Cole, the first inhabitant of Hartleton. He was colonel of the militia regiment of the Valley in 1776, went on a tour of duty to Reading and Philadelphia; he left the Valley with the "great runaway," 1778, and never returned. Peter Kester succeeded Cole as tenant of Colonel Hartley, who purchased of Cole in 1784. It went by the name of Kester's until Colonel Hartley laid out the town. An indictment was found against Martin and Michael Trester for assault and battery ; they were found guilty, and that was all the sessions business of this year. Buffalo Gross-Roads Presbyterian Church. According to Mr. Hood's account, this church was organized this year, and James McClenachan and Samuel Allen were its first ruling elders, the former ordained at Derry, now in Dauphin county, the latter at Silver Spring, Cumberland county. Mr. McClenachan was from Hanover township, Dauphin county, and came into the Valley in April, 1773. These gentlemen continued to act as elders to receive supplies until 1781, when the church was broken up in con- S2 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1773. sequence of the country being overrun by the Indians. In 1783 the people returned, and in the same year Mr. McClenachan died, and as Mr. Allen had died while the people were away, it appears the congregation were without elders until the year 1785, when Matthew Laird, who had been an elder at Big Spring, came to reside in the congregation. {Doctor Grier's manuscript sermon.) Ejectment. ^' At May term, Adam Christ brought ejectment against William Speddy, tenant in possessTon" of the George Gall tract, now Sup- plee's mill, in East Buffalo. Speddy's possession under his Connec- ticut title did not avail, and he was ousted. Hartkj^and Burd for Christ ; Stedman and Wilson for Speddy. Japhet Morton also brought suit vs. Christian Storms, tenant in possession of Captain John Brady's land, now Frederick's, adjoining Mortonsville. Brady held it, and it was in possession of his widow until 1783. The family lost it after her death, and Morton became owner. I copy, as a curiosity, a deed for a tract of land now owned by David Heinly, in White Deer township, near New Columbia : "I promise to deliver to Valentine Lees, his heirs or assigns, a convience for fifty aciers of land adjoining Rees' grief and John Cox, and to agine when surveyed to land belonging to Valentine Lees, which warent was entered some time last Spring in My own name, and for the performance I bind myself, my heirs, in the sum of one hundred pounds, if in consequence of the said Lees pein me 5 pound 10 shillings of cash and one pair of lether britches to the valy of one pound 11 shillings. Witness my hand this 26th day of August, 1773. Hawkins Boone. Witness present : Samuel Young. William McMurray, of Sunbury, made many surveys in the Valley this year. The Leonard Welker, East Buffalo, nth May; Fred- erick Deel, on Penn's creek, near Centreville bridge ; James Watson, east of Wehr's tavern, on 13th; Thomas Procter, on Penn's creek, Robert Jewel, Joseph Alston, Samuel Breck, James Barnes, ditto'; Philip Cole tract, McMurray and Grant, &c., in Hartley township. 1774.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 53 William Black settled on Black's run, in Kelly township, and was a juror this year. Extract from a manuscript journal of Richard Miles, (who died in Centre county many years ago,) April 20, 1773 : "Started for Sha- mokin, in company with James and Enos Miles, Abel Thomas, and John Lewis," (from Radnor, Chester county.) They passed up the river, stopping at Malone's, Huling's, Muncy Hill, Wallis's, Loyal- sock, Lycoming, Pine creek. Great Island, and returned, by way of the Narrows, down through Buffalo Valley, to Tarr's Mill, where they got a horse shod; thence they went to Huling's, (Milton now;) thence down the river to the Fort, (Augusta.) In June a large body of armed men from Connecticut attempted to dispossess the inhabitants of the West Branch. This attempt was successfully resisted by the posse of the neighborhood, only to be renewed in 1774. >7>7 1774. Potter Township Erected — Political Documents — Cross-Roads Church Titzell's Mill — Ennion Williams' Journal. |OHN PENN, Governor. Samuel Hunter, Member of Assembly. 4th April, Robert Fruit and Thomas Hewitt sworn as County Commissioners. William Gray elected in October. Officers of Buffalo : James Young, Constable ; James Park and Michael Hessler, Supervisors, the latter lived where Crotzerville now stands ; Hawkins Boone and John Foster, Overseers. In February, William Wilson, (grandfather of Doctor T. H.,) and Samuel Dale, appear as jurors. Colonel Kelly was foreman in May. John ClgjJter Wilham Hutchinson, grand jurors. At May sessions Potter township was erected out of Penn's, Buf- Si ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1774. falo, and Bald Eagle. Bounded eastward by a north north-west line from the top of Jack's mountain, by the four-mile tree on Reuben Haines' road, in the Narrows, to the top of Nittany mountain ; thence along the top to the end thereof, at Spring creek, on the old path ; thence south south-east to the top of Tussey's mountain ; thence along the county line, to the top of Jack's mountain, and along the same to the beginning. To August term one hundred and forty suits were brought. The ninety-ninth was Slough vs. Blythe. Margaret Blythe's title was confirmed. There was also an ejectment brought by Christian Van Gundy vs. Ludwig Derr for the site of Lewisburg. <\ In May Daniel Christ settled and made the first clearing on the place where C. Sheckler, Esquire, now resides, in West Buffalo. James Anderson was then his neighbor, and had an improvement on the Matthew Irwin place. Anderson left before the runaway of 1778. Irwin took possession after the war. George Books also cleared a part of the Sheckler place. Political. The following letter, found among the papers of Captain John Lowdon, discloses the means taken to organize an opposition to the encroachments of the mother country upon the liberties of the Amer- ican people, which culminated in the Revolution and the Declara- tion of Independence, on the 4th of July, 1776 : Philadelphia, y?^«^ 28, 1774. '^To William Mac lay, William Plunket, and Samuel Hunter, Es- quires, Northumberland : " Gentlemen ; The committee of correspondence for this city beg leave to inclose you printed copies of the resolves passed by a very large and respectable meeting of the freeholders and freemen, in the State House square, on Saturday, the i8th instant ; and by the fourth of these resolves, you will observe that it was left for the committee to determine on the most proper mode of collecting the sense of this Province in the present critical situation of our affairs, and appoint- ing Deputies to attend the proposed Congress. In pursuance of this trust, we have, upon the maturest deliberation, determined upon the mode contained in the following propositions, Avhich we hope may 1774.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 55 meet with the approbation and concurrence of your respectable county, viz : " ist. That the Speaker of the House of Representatives be desired to write to the several members of Assembly, requesting them to meet in this city as soon as possible, but not later than the ist of August next, to take into consideration our very alarming situation. " 2d. That letters be written to proper persons in each county, recommending it to them to get committees appointed for their respective counties, and that the said committees or such number of them as may be thought proper, may meet at Philadelphia at the time the Representatives are convened, in order to consult and advise on the most expedient mode of appointing Deputies for the General Congress, and to give their weight to such as may be appointed. "The Speaker of the Assembly, in a very obHging and ready manner, has agreed to comply with the request in the former of these propositions ; but we are now informed that, on account of the Indian disturbances, the Governor has found it necessary to call the Assembly to meet in their legislative capacity, on Monday, July i8, being about the same time the Speaker would probably have invited them to a conference or convention in their private capacity. "What we have, therefore, to request is that, if you approve of the mode expressed in the second proposition, the whole or apart of the committee appointed, or to be appointed, for your county, will meet the committees from the other counties at Philadelphia, on Friday, the 15 th day of July, in order to assist in framing instruc- tions, and preparing such matters as may be proper to recommend to our Representatives at their meeting the Monday following. ' ' We would not offer such an affront to the well-known public spirit of Pennsylvania, as to question your zeal on the present occasion. Our very existence in the rank of freemen, and the security of all that ought to be dear to us, evidently depend upon our conducting this great cause to its proper issue with firmness, wisdom, and unanimity. We cannot, therefore, doubt your ready concurrence in every meas- ure that may be conducive to the public good ; and it is with pleasure that we can assure you that all the Colonies, from South Carolina to New Hampshire, seem animated with one spirit in the common cause, and consider this as the proper crisis for having our dif- j-6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1774. ference with the mother country brought to some certain issue, and our liberties fixed upon a permanent foundation. This desirable end can only be accomplished by a free communion of sentiments and a sincere, fervent regard to the interests of our common country. " We beg to be favored with an answer to this, and whether the committee from your county can attend at Philadelphia, at the time proposed. Thomas Willing, Chairman.^' On this letter is indorsed, in Joseph Green's handwriting, the fol- lowing: "At a meeting of a number of the principal inhabitants of the township of Buffalo, at Loudowick Derr's, of Saturday, the ninth of July, John Lowdon, Esquire, and Samuel Maclay were chosen as committee-men to meet the other committee-men from the other townships, on Monday, the nth instant, at Richard Malone's, in order to choose proper persons out of the township committees to go to Philadelphia to the general meeting of the committees chosen by the respective counties of this Province ; and likewise to fix upon some proper way and means to correspond with the other commit- tees of this Province. " By order of the meeting. Joseph Green, Clark.'' The committees that met on the nth, at Richard Malone's, selected William Scull and Samuel Hunter to represent Northumber- land county, at the Provincial meeting, at Philadelphia. This meet- ing convened in Carpenter's Hall, at Philadelphia, on Friday, the 15th day of July : Thomas Willing, chairman, and Charles Thomp- son, secretary. William Scull was of the committee to draft instructions to the Assembly. The resolutions were as follows, (Some passed unanimously, indicated by "U;" in case of difference of sentiment, the question being determined by the Deputies voting by counties :) " U. I. That we acknowledge ourselves and the inhabitants of this Provmce liege subjects of His Majesty King George III, to whom they and we owe and will bear true and faithful allegiance. " U. 2; That as the idea of an unconstitutional independence of thi parent state is utterly abhorrent to our principles, we view the unhappy differences between Great Britain and the Colonies with 1774.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 57 the deepest distress and anxiety of mind, as fruitless to her, grievous to us, and destructive of the best interests of both. "U. 3. That it is, therefore, our ardent desire that our ancient harmony with the mother country should be restored, and a perpetual love and union subsist between us, on the principles of the constitu- tion and an interchange of good offices, without the least infraction of our mutual rights. "U. 4. That the inhabitants of these Colonies are entitled to the same rights and liberties within these Colonies that the subjects born in England are entitled to within that realm. "U. 5. That the power assumed by the Parliament of Great Britain, to bind the people of these Colonies, 'by statutes in all cases what- soever,' is unconstitutional, and, therefore, the source of these unhappy differences. ^'U. 6. That the act of Parhament for shutting up the port of Boston is unconstitutional ; oppressive to the inhabitants of that town ; dangerous to the liberties of the British Colonies ; and, there- fore, that we consider our brethren at Boston as suffering in the common cause of these Colonies. " U. 7. That the bill for altering the administration of justice, in certain criminal cases, within the Province of Massachusetts Bay, if passed into an act of Parliament, will be as unconstitutional, oppressive, and dangerous as the act above mentioned. " U. 8. That the bill for changing the constitution of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, established by charter, and enjoyed since the grant of that charter, if passed into an act of Parliament, will be unconstitutional, and dangerous in its consequences to the American Colonies. " U. 9. That there is an absolute necessity that a Congress of deputies from the several colonies be immediately assembled, to consult together and form a general plan of conduct to be observed by all the Colonies, for the purpose of procuring relief for our suffer- ing brethren, obtaining redress of our grievances, preventing future dissensions, firmly establishing our rights, and restoring harmony between Great Britain and her Colonies on a constitutional founda- tion. " U. 10. That although a suspension of the commerce of this large trading Province with Great Britain would greatly distress S8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1774. multitudes of our industrious inhabitants, yet that sacrifice, and a much greater, we are ready to offer for the preservation of our liber- ties. But in tenderness to the people of Great Britain, as well as of this country, and in hopes that our just remonstrances will at length reach the ears of our gracious Sovereign, and be no longer treated with contempt by any of our fellow-subjects in England, it is our earnest desire that the Congress should first try the gentler mode of stating our grievances, and making a firm and decent claim of redress. "II. Resolved by a great majority, That yet, notwithstanding, as an unanimity of counsels and measures is indispensably necessary for the comnlon welfare, if the Congress shall judge agreements of non-importation and non-exportation expedient, the people of this Province will join with the other principal and neighboring Colonies in such an association of non-importation from and non-exportation to Great Britain, as shall be agreed on at the Congress. "12. Resolved by a majority, That if any proceedings of the Par- liament, of which notice shall be received on this continent, before or at the General Congress, shall render it necessary, in the opinion of that Congress, for the Colonies to take further steps than are men- tioned in the eleventh resolve, in such case the inhabitants of this Province shall adopt such further steps and do all in their power to carry- them into execution. "U. 13. That the venders of merchandise of every kind within the Province, ought not to take advantage of the resolves relating to non-importation in this Province or elsewhere, .but they ought to sell their merchandise which they now have, or may hereafter im- port, at the same rates they have been accustomed to do within three months last past. " U. 14. That the people of this Province will break off all trade, commerce, and dealing, and will have no trade, commerce, or deal- ing of any kind with any Colony on this continent, or with any city or town in such Colony, or with any individual in any such Colony, city, or town, which shall refuse, decline, or neglect to adopt and carry into execution such general plan as shall be agreed to in Con- gress. "U. 15. That it is the duty of every member of this committee to promote as much as he can the subscription set on foot in the sev- 1774.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 59 eral counties of this Province for the relief of the distressed inhab- itants of Boston. "U. i6. That this committee give instructions on the present situation of public affairs to their Representatives who are to meet next week in Assembly, and request them to appoint a proper num- ber of persons to attend a congress of Deputies from the several Colonies, at such time and place as may be agreed upon, to effect one general plan of conduct, for attaining the great and important ends mentioned in the ninth resolve." The instructions are too long to be copied. They commence, how- ever, with a recital that the dissensions between Great Britain and her Colonies commenced some ten years since, and arose from the power claimed by Parliament to bind the people of the Colonies by statutes, in all cases whatsoever, when from local circumstances they could not be represented in it. The object of the convention of Deputies is stated to be to obtain a renunciation on the part of Great Britain of all powers under the statute of 35 Henry 8th, cap. 2 — of all powers of internal legislation, of imposing taxes or duties, internal or external, and of regulating trade, except with respect to any new articles of commerce, such as silk, wine, &c., which the Colonies may hereafter raise, reserving the right to carry these from one Colony to another j to obtain a repeal of all statutes for quarter- ing troops in the Colonies, or subjecting them to any expense on account of such troops; of all statutes imposing duties to be paid in the Colonies, that were passed at the accession of his present Majesty, or before this time, which-ever period shall be judged most advisable ; of the statutes giving courts of admiralty in the Colonies greater power that the courts of admiralty have in England ; of the statutes shutting up the port of Boston and affecting the Province of Massachusetts Bay. Offering, in case this was agreed to, to settle a certain annual revenue on His Majesty, his heirs and successors, and to satisfy all damages done to the East India Company — the execu- tive powers of the crown to retain their present full force and oper- ation, and we to receive all manufactures from Great Britain, and in case of war, to contribute all aid in our power. In the event of a refusal of these terms, agreements of non-importation and non- exportation were recommended, "and a continual claim and asser- tion of our rights." (>o ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1774. These proceedings being communicated to the General Assembly, it took up and promptly (2 2d July) passed a resolution " that there is an absolute necessity that a Congress of Deputies from the several Colonies be held as soon as conveniently may be, to consult upon the unhappy state of the Colonies, and to form a plan for the pur- pose of obtaining redress of American grievances, &c., and for establishing that union and harmony between Great Britain and the Colonies which is indispensably necessary to the welfare and happi- ness of both." During this year Catherine Smith, widow of Peter Smith, com- menced building a grist and saw-mill near the mouth of White Deer creek, which she completed in 1775. See her statement, year 1785. 5th July, Robert Fruit and Thomas Hewitt, county commissioners, at the request of Ludwig Derr, who desired to borrow money from the loan office, valued the land, three hundred and twenty acres, (now the site of Lewisburg,) " on which said Derr now lives, having a grist and saw-mill, dwelling-house and barn, clear upland and meadow, at ;^i,ooo, Pennsylvania currency." On 7th, their sworn valuation of Robert Clark's, now Judge HummePs, two hundred and fourteen acres, et al., dwelling-house, and barn, was ^429; Walter Clark's, (Slifer place,) one hundred and eighty-eight acres, dwelling-house, and barn, £,$6/^; Aurand mill tract, (now Jenkins,) grist-mill, two pair stones, saw-mill, dwelling-house, and barn, two hundred and twenty-eight acres, at ^700. Buffalo Cross-Roads Presbyterian Church. We come now to the first record evidence in regard to Buffalo Cross-Roads church. December 1 7, Edward Shippen and Joseph, his brother, by a written agreement, on the application of some of the inhabitants of Buffalo Valley, agreed to give a lot of five acres, to be laid off at the north-east corner of the Edward Bonsall tract, including a spring, for the purpose of erecting a meeting-house thereon for the Presbyterian congregation. The building was probably erected the ensuing year. The only clew I can find is a receipt among my grandfather's papers dated December 23, 177S, to William Rodman for ten pounds, being in full of a subscription lodged in his hands for building a meeting-house in Buffalo Valley, 1774.1 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 6i signed William Clark, Thomas Hutchinson, who were probably the building committee. In 1797 the Shippens made a deed to Samuel ■ Dale and David Watson, trustees appointed by the congregation for that purpose. The courses and distances are important, as the land has been encroached upon. Beginning at a white oak; thence by land then vacant, now (1797) said to belong to Francis Zellers, N. 51° E. 20 perches, to white oak; thence S. 39° E. 40; thence S. 51° W. 20; thence N. 39° W. 40; "for the use of such person or persons who now are, and from time to time hereafter shall be, inhabitants of said Valley, members of and forming together a Presbyterian congregation, to have a meeting-house for worship and a place of burial thereon, and for ?io other purpose. ^^ Deed book ''C," page 81, Union county. It seems from Doctor Greer's statement that the church received an additional grant of five acres adjoining, of the " Isaiah Althouse" tract, either of Henry Vandyke or Francis Zeller, former owners. The old church was accordingly built on both tracts and the one half on land now claimed by Daniel Reugler, as an inspection of the old foundation will show, and many persons were buried in Mr. Reugler's field. The Althouse tract was patented to Henry Vandyke, 14th of December, 1774. On the same day he sold off to Captain John Foster nineteen acres and ninety-four perches, adjoining Foster's. Henry Vandyke's will, dated i8th October, 1782, wills his mansion, farm and tan-yard to John. John and Martha, his wife, sell to Francis Zeller two hundred and eighty-nine acres. This would, therefore, include the alleged five acres given to the church. It is probable, therefore, that Francis Zeller was the donor, and the addition made in- 1789 to the building was put on that part. Flavel Clingan says "the old church had three doors and nine windows, one immediately behind the pulpit and two on each of the ends and sides. Part of the church covered where the present pulpit is, and extended out into the fields behind the present church, that it was put on the line of the two grants of five acres each, and the careless trustees lost five acres when Mr. Reugler bought." Surveys, &c. Among the surveys made this year in " Upper Moreland," as Hartley township territory was then called, William McMurray, on ^ 62 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1774. the 3TSt of May, surveyed the Jacob Young and Conrad Weiser tracts; also Anthony Fricker and Daniel Levan ; June 2, Philip Cole tract, adjoining Jacob Landis. In this year William McCandlish, senior, and Samuel Martin came from North Britain, and settled on the Billmyer place, after- wards Gebhart's, and the place now owned by Joseph Meixell's heirs ; which Martin sold to George May, who sold it to Thomas Wilson, (grandfather of Francis Wilson,) 30th July, 1793. James Young settled on the place now owned by David Gross, in Union township. Isaac Hanna, a gunsmith, from Lancaster, bought it in 1 780 for ;^6oo. Three hundred and nine acres, et al. The Weyland place, (now George F. Miller, Esquire,) in Kelly, was valued at 40^. per acre by witnesses. Tiizell's Mill. I St of December is the date of the deed from William Robb and Olive, his wife, to Henry Titzell, for fifty acres on Little Buffalo creek, the mill tract now owned by Jonas Rauch, in White Deer township. The mills were built during this winter, as he is assessed in 1775 with grist and sawmill. Titzell's mill was a rendezvous during the Revolution, and a station of the defenders of the fron- tiers. Titzell never returned from Cumberland county after the great runaway of 1778, and we find Nagel Gray, of Northampton county, in possession in 1783, and a conveyance from Titzell to Gray on the 5th of May, 1 786. Gray died the same year, and his son John took the tract, who, with Jane his wife, sold to George Reniger on the 1 8th of April, 1796. Reniger failed, and it went by the name of Kelly's mills for a long time after, until Mr. Ranch's purchase. Deaihs. Joseph Rotten, of Buffalo, died this year. His will is the first one recorded at Sunbury, on 4th August. He left a widow, Mary, children, Thomas, Roger, and Elizabeth, He lived up Penn's creek, near White springs. Samuel Mathers and James McCoy witnessed it. Thomas McGuire also died in June. He left a son, Francis. 1774.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 63 Major Ennion Williams' Journal. Ennion Williams, afterwards major of Colonel Miles' rifle regi- ment, kept a journal of a trip to the frontiers. The original is in possession of Captain A. H. McHenry, the noted surveyor of Jersey Shore, from which I extract : "October 19, at Fort Augusta, Messrs. Scull, Maclay, Hunter, Troy, &c., entertained me in a very kind and friendly manner. October 25, started for Kishacoquillas valley, with William Foster; forded the river, and arrived at Wolfe's tavern, two miles from Sun- bury, (this must have been at Shamokin dam,) where I took sud- denly sick. A person in the next room played so pleasantly on a violin, and with such an effect, I was soon able to get up. We then passed through a level country to Michael Swingle's, eight miles ; thence to Is. Dalton's, on Middle creek. The land here is good. We lately sold it for ;^ioo per hundred acres. We passed through Potter's tract, which is very fine land, and John Swift's land, which is very good. Several friends settled above this. The land is well timbered — walnut, black oak, and maple — and a very pretty valley, called Beaver Dam valley. 27th, slept at Nathaniel Hazen's on a chaff bed on the floor ; breakfast — elegant milk, butter, pumpkin butter, Indian corn, and venison. (Snyder county fare in the olden time.) Then rode nine miles through a valley between JackVmountain and Limestone ridge. " We crossed the run on which is our one hundred and fifty-nine acres, with a mill seat. The stream is now pretty large. The land is stony, but very well timbered. October 27, Hazen tells me that Reed has got (within this twelve months) a warrant for the hundred and fifty-nine acres, and that he intends to build a mill there, in spite of any person. They say that he is a scheming fellow, and that he has taken out warrants for other person's lands, as well as ours. We dined in the shade of a tree, screened from the remark- able heat of the sun, and fed our horses on a blanket near a run, and eat heartily of our hard cakes and solid venison. We continued up this valley, and passed by some good bottoms, with poplar, wal- nut, and shelbark, &c. ; but there are no large bodies together. The road is very stony for several miles, yet level, and the land well timbered. (>4 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1775. '' Foster's, and the land near it, is very good wheat land, and but little meadow. We passed in sight of our two hundred acres on a branch of Jack's creek, in the name of D. Beveridge, and the land near is very good meadow ground." The D. Beveridge tract he describes as situate on Mitchel Springs, which empties into Jack's creek about two miles from Kishacoquillas, (probably now in Deca- tur township, Mifflin county.) On the 19th of July a petition was presented to the Assembly from the inhabitants of Northumberland county, stating that the county was but thinly inhabited, and had within the hmits of its jurisdiction a great body of intruders from the Colony of Connecticut, who refused subjection to the government, and that they found them- selves unable to enforce the laws, through the want of a proper goal ; whereupon an act was promptly passed, on the 23d, granting ^800 out of the treasury to build a goal. l^rg. Pennsylvania Convention — Assessment List of Buffalo — Revolution- ary Struggle Inaugurated — Roll of Captain John Lowdon's and Captain James Parr's Companies. fOHN PENN, Governor, Samuel Hunter, member of Assembly. On the 20th of May, James Potter was re- turned, and took his seat as additional member of Assem- bly. Samuel Hunter and William Plunket presided in turn over the courts. 29th July, Samuel Maclay, Robert Robb, John Weitzel, and Henry Antis, Justices of the Quarter Sessions, &c. March 1 7, Alexander Hunter was appointed Collector of Excise, vice Thomas Lemmon. 12th October, William Scull was commis- sioned Sheriff; Samuel Harris, Coroner. County Commissioners, Casper Reed, William Gray, Esquire; County Assessors, Paul Ged- des, George Wolfe, Joseph Green, James McClure, John Weitzel, 1775.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 65 dxA James McClenachan. Ofificers of Buffalo : Constable, Henry Vandyke ; Overseers, John Thompson and John Aurand ; Supervi- sors, Robert„Clark and Henry Pontius. On^e'2 3d of January the convention for the Province of Penn- sylvania assembled at Philadelphia, and continued until the 28th. ■ William Plunket, Esquire, and Casper Weitzel, Esquire, representing the county of Northumberland. This convention approved of the proceedings of the Continental Congress, recommended a law prohibiting the future importation of slaves into the Province; resolved to afford all necessary assistance and relief in case the trade of the city of Philadelphia should be sus- pended in consequence of the struggle ; that it was the earnest wish to see harmony restored between Great Britain and the Colonies, but in the event the former should determine to effect a submission by force to the late arbitrary acts of Parliament, it was our indis- pensable duty to resist such force, and at every hazard to defend the rights and liberties of America. It was resolved to kill no sheep under four years old, or sell such to the butchers, and the setting up of woolen manufactures, especi- ally for coating, flannel, blankets, rugs, &c., was recommended; also, the raising of madder and dye stuffs, flax and hemp, making of salt and saltpeter, gunpowder, nails and wire, making of steel, paper, setting up manufactures of glass, wool, combs, cards, copper in sheets, bottoms and kettles. It was further recommended to the inhabitants to use the manufactures of their own and neighbor- ing Colonies, in preference to all others ; and that a manufacturer or vender of goods who should take advantage of the necessities of the country to raise prices should be considered an enemy to his country. At February sessions, Samuel Maclay, Henry Pontius, William Irwin, and William Gray reported the first public road ever laid out by order of court through the Valley. Haines' road ran from Northumberland, by way of Dry valley, crossing into Limestone township now, and along Penn's creek, and by way of the Narrows, into Penn's valley, where he owned large tracts of land about Aaronsburg ; but this was a private enterprise. His four mile tree is referred to as a landmark ever since his day, standing in the center of the Narrows. The road we now speak of commenced on Lud- 66 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1775. wig Derr's land, about fifteen perches above where Christian Het- rick * now Hves, at a hickory on the West Branch of the Susque- hanna, and ran the following courses and distances : S. 85 ° W. 742, to white oak, W. 156 post; N. 85° W. 80, pine; S. 85° W. 300; S. 70° W. 550, pine; S. 82° W. 224, black oak; S. 67° W. 174, white oak; S. 74° W. 138, pine; S. 49°. W. 138; S. 62° W. 419; S. 75° W. 168; S. 85° W. 158, white oak; N. 87° W. 98; S. 71° W. 136; S. 85° W. 266; S. 75° W. 116, white oak: twelve miles twenty-eight perches. After protracting, I found the course to correspond with the site of the road as described by old citizens, viz : Leaving the river at Strohecker's landing, it passed up his lane and by an old house that formerly stood in the south- west corner of Adam Gundy's field ; thence along the line between John G. Brown and J. M. Linn, or near it, to and through Mortons- ville, through or by the site of Ellis Brown's new house, to a white oak about one hundred rods west of his house. Thus far one course. Thence it curved about the hill, and ran in front of Frederick's, where stood the pine ; and thence by Schrack's it ran straight, crossing the present turnpike beyond Biehl's tavern. It then ran north of the turnpike a little distance ; thence along its site to another pine which stood near where the Great Western hotel now stands ; thence it fol- lowed the turnpike site until it reached its terminus, where the Orwig mill road now comes out upon the turnpike, east line of Jane Little warrantee, one hundred and twenty rods west of the offi- cers' survey. It was ordered to be opened thirty-three feet. Inhabitants in 1775. It appears, from a memorandum made by Daniel Montgomery, in 1 781, that the county assessments were carried off to Paxton (Har- risburg) in 1778, and those of 1773, 1774, and 1776 lost. The following list is copied from that of 1775, which is in the handwriting of Joseph Green, grandfather of Joseph Green, of Lewisburg. I copy it in full. Matter in brackets I have added. It enumerates the acres of cultivated land, of horses, cows, sheep, slaves, and servants belonging to each settler : * His name is sometimes written Espig. He trick resided near the site of John Strohecker's present residence. He was afterwards killed by the Indians. (See postea, 1781.) 1775.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 67 i 8 c3 1^ Allen, Samuel Aurand, Henry . . . . Albright, Jacob . . . Aurand, Jacob .... Aurand, Daniel. . . . Armstrong, William Aurand, John 45 15 6 4 10 18 40 12 30 10 30 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I I 2 3 3 2 I 2 I Also grist and saw- Books, George .... Buchanan, James . . Burn, Peter Beatty, Alexander. . 3 I mill. [Late A.McClure's, now Stolzfus.] A new settler. Bolender, John . . . Beatty, Hugh Inmate to Thomas Bickel, Henry Brunner, Jacob. . . . Barnett, Matthew. . 10 4 r 2 2 2 Sutherland. [Now Henry Mertz's.] Tenant on James Bremmer's land. Tenant of James Bremmer. [D. H. Kelly's.] [N. W. of New Bolender, Henry . . 15 20 4 30 50 6 50 Baker, Wendell. . . . 2 I 2 2 I 2 2 I . 2 2 2 2 I Bashor, John Baker, Jacob Columbia.] [Hoffman's, above Brundage, Joseph . . Black, Thomas .... Datisman's.] Stahl's saw-mill, ^ Boveard, James . . [n'r Union ch.] [Isaac Eyre, sr.] Inmate to James Boveard. And grist-mill on Boveard, William, Bower, Casper .... Brosius, John Boone, Hawkins . . . Bennett, William. . 10 10 20 3 12 17 10 60 2 2 I I I I 2 2 I I I 2 6 7 Blythe, William... Bennett, William,jr. ' 3 land belonging to Wm. Blythe. On Wm. Blythe's Blue, Frederick. . . . Brown, Matthew . . . land. ' Boveard is marked a free man, which, under Markham's charter, indicated an elector's qualification. "No person shall be capable ofbeing an elector, or olbeins elected, unless of the age of twenty-one, and have fifty acres of land, ten whereof being seated or cleared, or be otherwise worth £50, clear estate, and have been resident withm the government two years before such election." 6S ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1775. Cornell, Abraham, Clark, William . . . . Cole, Philip Clarke, John Crawford, Edward, Clark, Walter Clark, William. . . . Cupples, David. . . . Cooper, Robert . . . Cook, Henry Caldwell, Hugh. . . Clark, Robert , . . Carson, James. , . . Correy, Robert. . . . Carter, William. . . . Coon, Nicholas. . . . Ditelman, Peter . . . Duchman, Stephen Doudrick, John. . . . Derr, Ludwig Dale, Samuel Doty, Levi Davis, John Deats, Morris. , . . . Deats, David Dale, Christian. . . . Derr, Yost Duncan, David, Daniel, Adam. . Emerick, David Evey, Adam Etsweiler, George. . IS 25 5° 5 60 50 10 7 35 60 15 10 2 3 30 20 15 5 36 2 15 30 15 ^ Co 10 2 [Coryell ?] [Hartleton.] [He lived on the first farm above Mifflinburg ; the name of his slave was "Mel."] Lives with William Bennett & crops on the shares. Inmate to John Kelly. Poor ; [lived where late Jno.Schrack, Esquire, lived.] Lives on Derr's land. [Adam Young's.] Grist and saw-mill. Is a mason; lives at Abel Reese's. Lives on Peter Wilson's place, [now Jas. Law- son, Esquire's.] Lives on L. Derr's. Tenant on Colonel Francis', below Grove's, [now W. T. Linn's.] [Widow Brown's tavern in Union township.] On Simon Snithers' land. 1775.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 6g Eaken, John. . . . Elder, Thomas . , Eyer, Abraham . Evey, Christian . Farren, James . . . Fought, Jonas. . . Fought, Michael. . . Frederick, George.. Frederick, Peter . . . Foster, John, senior, Fought, Jacob Foster, William. . . . Foster, John, junior, Fleming, James . . . Fruit, Robert Fisher, John Fisher, Christian . . . Fought, Conrad. . . Fisher, Samuel .... Fulton, John Fleming, Hans. . . . Filey, John Green, Joseph trlen, Andrew Greenlee, William. . Grochang, Jacob . . Gundy, Christ., Van Gray, William Gibson, Andrew. . . Green, Ebenezer. . . Graham, Edward . . Graham, Thomas . . Groninger, Leonard Grove, Michael. . . . Huston, John Haines, George. . . . Hessler, Michael. . . Hessler, John Hunter, Samuel, . . Hamilton, Robert. , Hoy, Philip 4 [2 5 20 13 20 40 60 10 3 10 5 3 15 15 35 30 ID 10 49 10 60 100 10 100 4 ID 20 8 30 6 5 10 28 12 ^ G 2 ^ ^ Whole number of acres cultivated in the Valley, four thousand three hundred and eighty-three ; total horses, three hundred and forty ; cows, four hundred and fourteen ; sheep, one hundred and forty-one ; taxable inhabitants, two hundred and sixty ; six grist and saw-mills, and five slaves. In the summer of 1873, Jo^^^^ Lesher tore down the old house, known many years as Billmyer's tavern, and afterwards as " Geb- hart's. ' ' On taking off the more modern weather-boards, a log build- ing, about forty-four feet square, was disclosed. In the logs were marks of arrows,- and many bullet holes. Between the flooring he found a shingle, on which was written, "James Taler ; built, 1775," the name, no doubt, of the carpenter, as William McCandlish was the owner. William McCandlish died in the fall of 1 783, and it was sold, in 1784, to Andrew Billmyer, (grandfather of Philip Bill- myer, of Lewisburg,) who sold it on the 21st of May, 181 2, to Philip Gebhart. It was the place of rendezvous for the people in the lower end of the Valley during the subsequent Indian troubles, 1776-1783. • In 1815, Michael Shirtz's deposition was taken, in a suit between John Hoy and John Stees. He said he came to live in the neigh- borhood in 1775. That the land in dispute between them was then occupied by Michael Snyder, (east end of Peter Wolfe's warrantee.) He had cleared eight or nine acres and had grain in. It adjoined what was called the " Switzer tract," surveyed in the warrantee name of John James LeRoy, and between it and the Limestone ridge. Snyder occupied it until the country was drove by the In- dian, 1778 and 1779. After that, Martin Rinehart bought the land, and sold part to Andrew Pontius and part to Christopher Boohave, (Bogenreif.) That the first year the settlers returned after the war, he saw Andrew Pontius in possession of it, inclosed in fence and 1775.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 75 grain growing upon it. The latter sold to John Stees. The deponent moved to the territory of Ohio in 1800. In the spring of 1775, Yost Hoffman, of Lancaster county, black- smith, bought of Jacob Baker, the place next above Datisman's. His descendants still occupy it. John Forsyth, a deputy for Wil- liam Maclay, made quite a number of surveys this year. These and other surveys are noted, because they show what lands were yet unsettled. The Richard Manning for John Lee, on the river next above the Proprietaries, in Monroe township now. 25th March, the addition to John Foster's order, in the name of John Umstead, near Farmersville. 29th, Jacob Long's, a little north-east of Har- tleton. 31st March, 1775, took Daniel Long's note for surveying fee, ^2 los. The William Kelly, on Buffalo mountain, ist April. Jacob Haines, in Union, lately owned by Major Gibson, 6th May. Aaron Levy on Buffalo mountain. "North line open," he says. No wonder subsequent surveyors could not find it. 12th July, Nehemiah Breese, of Sunbury, surveyed the John Sneagon tract, now Chappel's Hollow, then called Haverly's gap. Whoever tabled his notes, (he died not long after,) and made the return of survey, made the N. 20° W. line from the pine one hun- dred perches, instead of sixty, to chestnut, which produced a great dispute afterwards between Abraham Eyer and John Brown. 12th August, Breese surveyed the Thomas Smith tract for Joseph Green, on which the latter built his mill, latterly known as Bellas', on Penn's creek, below White spring. He says, not finding the ad- joining surveyed line on the west of Craig's survey, to extend by the supposed adjoining lands, to include the above quantity to post, thence an open line by vacant land, to make the beginning. One Nees lived on the west of this open line. When Green's land was sold at sheriff's sale, in August, 1784, it was supposed to include Nees' improvement, and so sold by Mr. Awl, who bought at the sheriff's sale, to Badger, so that twenty acres now owned by Miller, Smith, and others, near White spring, has been occupied, bought and sold over and over again for a century, without any title from the Com- monwealth. 27th August, he surveyed a small island for Martin Trester, nearly opposite his house, and another one half mile below his house. 76 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1775. 24th, the Joseph Green, south of Captain T. Green. 8th September, Robert Martin, on north branch of Buffalo creek. 8th September, the Thomas Graham, adjoining McClenachan, in White Deer, west- of George Leiser's. Philip Seebold informed me (1872) that George Overmeier, senior, John Rearick, Christian Shively, and Michael Focht were brothers-in-law. Overmeier settled near where Mr. Seebold still lives ; Shively, at the mouth of White Spring run ; Rearick, near Wehr's tavern ; Focht, in Dry valley ; and added the singular fact, that he, Seebold, owned at one time the Overmeier, Rearick, and Focht homesteads. He is a grandson of George Overmeier. Con- rad Sharp settled upon his tract, in Union township, west of Joseph Shannon. — See case reported, 4 Yeates, 266. The Revolutionary Struggle Inaugurated. SuNBURY, 20th April, 1775. Gentlemen : The time is at hand when the spirit of Americans that love liberty and constitutional principles will be put to the trial. What has been by them in their different resolves avowed must, perhaps, at last be put in execution. The late alarming news just received from England (which we may depend upon) informs that the British Parliament are determined by force to put in execu- tion every of their supreme edicts, as they style them, together with their late oppressive acts, which we have so long, and with so little or no effect, hitherto complained of. We consider it absolutely neces- sary to have a general meeting of the whole county, in order to form some regular plan, in conjunction with our countrymen, to give every opposition to impending tyranny and oppression, either by force or otherwise. The time of meeting, we think, will be best on the first day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and the place most convenient, at Vandyke's, near Beaver run, in Buffalo Valley. We do, therefore, earnestly request that you will immedi- ately, on the receipt hereof, in the most expeditious manner^ notify the inhabitants of your township of this matter, and insist on their attendance without fail there on that day. The place of meeting is such where we cannot expect much accommodation. It will be. 1775.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. therefore, necessary that every man should provide for himself. We are your humble servants. Signed by order of the committee. Cas. Weitzel. Directed to John Lowdon, Esquire, and Mr. Samuel Maclay, in Buffalo Valley. Philadelphia, ^z/«^ 15, 1775. Gentlemen: Inclosed are resolves of Congress which we have transmitted to you, and request you will use your utmost diligence to have as many of the best marksmen procured to enlist as fast as possible. They are wanting for immediate service at Boston, and we have not the least doubt but the spirit of our people of this Prov- ince will induce them without delay to enter into so glorious a service. You will please to consult with gentlemen of knowledge and interest, as you can, (though not of your committee,) for the more speedy raising of the men, and let us know your sentiments relative to such gentlemen as may be proper for officers, and such as may be agreeable to the men. We hope the counties will advance any moneys necessary, as they shall shortly be repaid by Congress. The honor of Pennsylvania is at stake, and we have not the least doubt but that every nerve will be exerted, not only collectively but individually, to carry this matter into instant execution. You will see by the attestation to be signed by the men, they are to serve one year, unless sooner discharged. This may seem inconvenient, as the enlistments will be in one day. The intention is to discharge on the first day of July, 1776, unless their service may not be want- ing so long, according to the attestation,- which may possibly happen to be the case, and they may be discharged this fall. Let the com- mittees or officers give certificates far any moneys necessary for the service which the Congress will discharge. It is expected that Cumberland will raise two companies, York one, Lancaster one, Northampton one, and Northumberland and Bedford one. You will keep the resolves of Congress as secret as the nature of the case will admit, that the arrival of the men at Boston may be the first notice General Gage has of this matter. The pay of the officers is on the establishment of the whole army ; but we beg leave to assure the officers that our interest will be y8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1775. exerted with our Assembly to the utmost to have an addition to their pay, so as to be equal to the pay of officers of the same rank in the Pennsylvania service last war. We are, with esteem, gentlemen, your most humble servants, Thomas Willing, John Dickinson, James Wilson, Thomas Mifflin, Charles Humphreys, George Ross. John Morton, In Congress, ^?<;«^ 14, 1775. Resolved, That six companies of expert riflemen be immediately raised in Pennsylvania, two in Maryland, and two in Virginia. That each company, as soon as conpleted, shall march and join the army near Boston, to be there eniployed as light infantry under the command of the chief officer in that army. That the pay of the officers and privates be as follows : A captain, at 20 dollars per M. A lieutenant, at 13 J^ dollars per M. A sergeant, at 8 dollars per M. A corporal, at 7 ^/^ dollars per M. A drummer, at 7 1/^ dollars per M, A private, at 62/3 dollars per M. To find their own arms and clothes. That the form of enlistment be in the following words : I have this day voluntarily enlisted myself as a soldier in the American Continental army for one year, unless sooner discharged, and do bind myself to conform in all instances to such rules and regulations as are or shall be established for the government of the said army. Charles Thompson, Secretary. True copy: Cas. Weitzel, Secretary. On this paper is indorsed the following: "July i, 1775, Corne- lius Daugherty enlisted, this day, Robert Tuft, Edward Masters, James Garson, George Saltsman, Robert Rickey, Thomas Gilston, Robert Liney, Robert Carothers, John Hamberton, Michael Hare," in Joseph Green's handwriting. I have a copy of Captain Lowdon's commission, which is still in 1775.1 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 79 possession of Samuel Wright, at Columbia, furnished by the kind- ness of Mr. Thomas Barber's son, who was at school there. It reads : In Congress : The Delegates of the United Colonies of New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, the counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Caro- lina, and South Carolina: To John Lowdon, Esquire : We, reposing especial trust and confidence in your patriotism, valor, conduct, and fidelity, do, by these present, constitute and appoint you to be captain of a company of riflemen in the bat- talion commanded by Colonel William Thompson, in the army of the United Colonies, raised for the defense of American liberty, and for repelling any hostile invasion thereof. You are, therefore, carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of captain, by doing and performing all manner of things thereunto belonging. And we do strictly charge and require all officers and soldiers under your command to be obedient to your orders as captain ; and you are to observe and follow such orders and directions, from time to time, as you shall receive from this or a future Congress of the Uni- ted Colonies, or committee of Congress for that purpose appointed, or commander-in-chief for the time being of the army of the United Colonies, or any other superior officer, according to the rules and discipline of war, in pursuance of the trust reposed in you. This commission to continue in force until revoked by this or a future Congress. By order of Congress. John Hancock, President. Attest : Charles Thompson, Secretary. Philadelphia, _/?<{«,? 25, 1775. Roll of Captain John Lowdon^ s Company, First Rifle Regiment, Commanded by Colonel William Thompson. Captain — Lowdon, John. First Lieutenant — Parr, James. Second Lieutenant — Wilson, James. 8o ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1775. Third Lieutenant — Wilson, William ; promoted second lieu- tenant January 4, 1776. Third Lieutenant — Dougherty, John ; appointed January 4, 1776. Sergeants — Hammond, David; McCormick, Alexander; Mc- Murray, William; Dougherty, Cornelius. Corporals — Henry, Thomas; Edwards, William; ^Dougherty, Cornelius; White, John, died January, 8, 1776; Carson, James j Cochran, Charles. Drummer — Grosvenor, Richard. Privates — Adkins, William; All, Joseph, discharged July 31, 1775 ; Bernickle, John, afterwards sergeant in the German regi- ment ; Brady, Samuel, afterwards captain lieutenant Eighth Penn- sylvania; Briggs, William; Butler, John, discharged January 25, 1776; Calhoun, WilKam;. Carothers, Robert; Carson, James, advanced to corporal, January 4 ; Casaday, John ; Cealy, Samuel ; Clements, David ; Cochran, Charles, advanced to corporal January 8, discharged July i, 1776, living in Crawford county in 1819; Condon, Peter ; Davis, David ; Dean, John ; Eicholtz, John, residing in Lancaster in 181 3; Evans, John; Finkboner, Jacob; Ford, Charles ; Garson, James ; Ginter, Philip ; Gilston, Thomas ; Hamil- ton, John ; Harris, David ; Hare, Michael ; Hempington, Thomas ; Henning, Christopher; Humber, William; Jamison, William; Johns, Samuel; Johnston, James; Jones, Lewis; Kilday, Thomas; Kline, Nicholas ; Ladley, John ; Lowdon, Samuel ; Leek, William ; Lines, Robert; Lobden, Thomas; Masseker, Reuben, deserted July 31, 1775 ; Madock, Moses; Malone, John; Maloy, Charles; McMuUen, Alexander; McGonigal, Patrick; McConnell, Cornelius; McCoy, Martin ; McCleary, James ; McMasters, Edward, residing in Ly- coming county in 1823; Morgan, William; Murray, William; Murphy, Timothy ; Murphy, John ; Neely, John, he was captured at Fort Freeland, July, 28, 1779, ^^^ taken to Canada; Oakes, Daniel; Oliver, John; Parker, Michael; Peltson, Thomas, re-in- listed in the First Pennsylvania, and was killed by Joseph Black- burn in 1777; Pence, Peter; Ray, John; Richie, Robert; Roach, Bartholomew; Robinson, John ; Sands, George ; Saltzman, George; Segar, George ; Silverthorn, Henry ; Shawnee, John, (was a Shaw- anese Indian, died at Milesburg — see Jones' Juniata Valley, page 352;) Smith, John, (son of Widow Smith, of White Deer Mills; 1775.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 8i he never came back from the army;) Speddy, James, (lived and died at New BerHn;) Sutton, Arad, (Hved on Lycoming creek; the first Methodist society in northern Pennsylvania was formed at his house, in 1791 ;) Sweeney, James, discharged July 20, 1775; Teel, John; Tuft, Robert, discharged October 25, 1775; Valen- tine, Philip, discharged July 20, 1775 ; Ward, Peter; Ward, John; West, Charles, died January 4, 1776; Whiteneck, Joseph; Wright, Aaron, (residing in Reading in 1840;) Youse, John; Young, Robert, (died in Walker township. Centre county, in 1824.) Quite a large number of this company re-enlisted for three years, or during the war, in Captain James Parr's company, first regi- ment, commanded by Colonel Edward Hand, who became colonel when Colonel Thompson was made brigadier. Of the company, Lieutenant Parr rose to the rank of major, served brilliantly in command of riflemen under Morgan, at Sara- toga and Stillwater, and under Sullivan, in 1779. Second Lieutenant William Wilson was promoted captain, March 2, 1777, and con- tinued in the army until the close of the war in 1783. . He died at Chilhsquaque mills in 181 3, while an associate judge of North- umberland county. David Hammond rose to the rank of lieu- tenant. He was severely wounded in Wayne's attack upon the block-house at Bergen Point, now Jersey City. He died April 2 2 , 1 801, from the effects of his wound, and is buried in the Chilhs- quaque graveyard. He was the father of the late General R. H. Hammond, of Milton. Peter Pence was celebrated in border war- fare, and figures conspicuously in Van Campen's narrative. Captain McHenry informs me he died in Crawford township, Clinton county, in 1827. He left a son, John, living in that neighborhood. Captain Lowdon's company rendezvoused at Sunbury ; marched thence to Reading and Easton ; thence through northern part of New Jersey, crossed the Hudson at New Windsor, a few miles north-west of West Point ; thence, through Hartford, to Cambridge, where it arrived about the 8th of August. McCabe, in his sketches of Captain Samuel Brady, has preserved some few incidents of this service. He says, on one occasion, Brady was sitting on a fence, with the captain, when a cannon ball from a British battery struck the fence, and leveled them both. Brady was the first up, saying "we are not hurt, Captain." I found in a contemporary newspaper an 6 S2 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1775. account of the island fight, to which McCabe alludes, when he says: " Lowdon's company was ordered to drive the British from an island on which they had landed to forage. Brady was considered too young to go along, and left behind ; but, to the astonishment of the captain, he followed after, and was the second man on the island." November 9, the British landed at Lechmere Point, one and a half miles from Cambridge, under cover of a fire from their bat- teries on Bunker, Breed, and Copp's hills, as also from a frigate, which lay three hundred yards off the point on which they landed. The high tide prevented our people crossing the causeway for nearly an hour. This time they employed in shooting cows and horses. The battalion of Colonel Thompson took to the water, although up to their armpits, for a quarter of a mile, and, notwithstanding the regular fire, reached the island. Although the enemy were lodged behind stone walls and under cover, on Colonel Thompson's approach they fled, and although the riflemen followed them to their boats with all speed, they could not bring them to an engagement. Our loss was one killed and three wounded ; English loss seventeen killed and one wounded. — Philadelphia Evening Post, 1775. In "The Letters of Mrs. Adams," wife of John Adams, page 61, under date 12th November, 1775, is also a notice of this incident : "A number of cattle were kept at Lechmere Point, where two sentinels were placed. In a high tide it is an island. About four hundred men were sent to take the cattle off. As soon as they were perceived, the cannon on Prospect hill were fired on them and sunk one of their boats. A Colonel Thompson, of the riflemen, marched instantly with his men, and though a very stormy day, they regarded not the tide nor waited for boats, but marched over neck-high in water, when the regulars ran without waiting to get off their stock, and made the best of their way to the opposite shore. The general sent his thanks in a public manner to the brave officer and his men." Colonel Thompson's men are thus described in Thacher's Mili- tary Journal: "Several companies of riflemen have arrived here from Pennsylvania and Maryland, a distance of from five hundred to seven hundred miles. They are remarkably stout and hardy men, many of them exceeding six feet in height. They are dressed in rifle shirts and round hats. These men are remarkable for the 1775.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 83 accuracy of their aim, striking a mark with great certainty at two hundred yards distance. At a review, a company of them, while on a quick advance, fired their balls into objects of seven inch diameter, at a distance of two hundred and fifty yards. They are now stationed on our lines, and their shot have frequently proved fatal to British officers and soldiers." Journal, pages 37 and 38. Philadelphia, August 13, 1775. Dear • Sir : — We hope this letter will find you safe at the head of your company, acting in support and defense of American liberty; a glorious cause, which must stimulate the breast of every honest and virtuous American, and force him, with undaunted courage and unabated vigor, to oppose those ministerial robbers. We hope the contest will be ended where it began, and that the effusion of blood may be providentially prevented, but, at the same time, we hope to see American liberty permanently established, to have the honor, ere long, to serve in her righteous cause ; and we are well convinced that these sentiments prevail throughout this Province. You can't conceive what a martial spirit prevails here, and in what order we are. Two battalions, with the light infantry companies, are very expert in all the manoeuvres, and are generally well furnished with arms. Several companies of riflemen are formed in this city and the adjacent counties, who are become expert in shooting ; besides we have sixteen row galleys, with latteen sails, now building. Some of them are already rigged and manned. These galleys are rowed with from twenty-four to thirty oars, and carry each one gun, from eighteen to thirty-two pounds, besides swivel guns, fore and aft. We are told by experienced men that these galleys will prevent any ship of war from coming up this river. All the coast to Georgia is alarmed — prepared to oppose our ministerial enemies. Where, then, can these British bastards, those servile engines of ministerial power, go to steal a few sheep. God and nature has prescribed their bounds. They can't deluge our lands, nor float their wooden batteries beyond the bounds prescribed, nor dare they to penetrate so as from afar to view those high-topped mountains which separate the lower plains from our Canaan, and from whence, should their folly or madness prompt them to attempt it, would come forth our thousands and tens of thousands, with gigantic strides, to wash the 84 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1775, plains with the blood of those degenerate invaders of the liberties of mankind. We, in conjunction with many others, presented a memorial to the Congress, representing the threatened encroachments of the Connecticut invaders of our Province. It was well received, and the Connecticut Delegates and those of this Province were desired to write to their people respectively, and inclosed I send you a copy of the Connecticut letter to Wyoming. Stansburyhas in it charge, and it seems to be all that honorable body could do in the affair. Our partiality for the rifle battalion is so great that we are very anxious to hear of their having distinguished themselves in some great enterprise. This partiality is natural and allowable, when, from one's personal acquaintance with many of their commanders, we can and do with martial pride celebrate their distinguished abilities as riflemen and soldiers. We are, with great esteem, dear sir, your most humble servants, Robert Lettis Hooper, junior, Reuben Haines. Captain John Lowdon. P. S. — Present our compliments to Mr. Lukens and Mr. North. Mr. Musser desires his compliments to you and them. P. S. — August 17. Since the date of this letter Hawkins Boone has been down, and says that the Connecticut people have not attempted any encroachments lately, and, from circumstances, have little reason to think they will. Major Ennion Williams (journal before referred to) gives the the details of a trip to the camp at Cambridge, under date October 17. He says : guns of one of our batteries, two miles from Boston, firing. One bursted, and killed one man and wounded six. I returned thence to the riflemen's camp, and stopped with Captain Lowdon over night. At daybreak I awoke, and a few minutes after the morning gun fired. All aroused directly; the men repaired with arms and accouterments to the forts and lines, and in about ten minutes the captains, with their companies, were in the fort, drawn along the sides of the fort, and in two or three minutes they began their firing. The captain stepped on the banket or step, inside at foot of 1775.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 85 breastwork, and gave the word, ' 'Make ready !" The front rank step on the banket, and second step forward. "Present !" He does not give the word "Fire !" but makes a pause. Then they recover, and face to right about, and march through the files. At the word ' 'Make ready !" again the next rank steps on the banket, and so on continu- ually. Every laian is to be sure of his object before he fires, as he rests his piece on the parapet. In about a half an hour the flag vi^as hoisted. They ceased, and retired by regiments to their quarters, and the orderly sergeant read the orders of the day and trials by court martial, &c. There are numerous notices of this company in the Hand papers in the possession of Mrs. S. B. Rogers, of Lancaster, the grand- daughter of General Edward Hand, who was lieutenant colonel, and afterwards colonel of the First Rifle Regiment. On the 24th of October he says : " This morning at dawn Parr, from Northumber- berland, with thirty men from us, marched for Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to defend that place." On the 8th of March : " I am stationed on Cobble Hill, with four companies of our regiment. Two companies, Cluggages' and Chambers', were ordered to Dorchester on Monday ; Ross' and Lowdon's relieved them yesterday. Every regiment is to have a standard and colors. Our standard is to be a deep green ground, the device a tiger, partly inclosed by toils, attempting the pass, defended by a hunter, armed with a spear, (in white,) on crimson field. The motto, Domari Noh:'^ On the 14th of March, 1776, the company left Cambridge with the battalion which was detached by General Washington, with five other regiments, under General Sullivan, to prevent a landing of the British at New York, when they evacuated Boston. Arrived at Hart- ford on the 2ist, and at New York on the 28th. The company was stationed on Longjsland during May and until June 30th, when it was mustered out of service. iThis standard is still in possession of Thomas Robinson, Esquire, grandson of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Kobinson, of the First Pennsylvania, and was on exhibi- tion at the Centennial, 1876. I identified it by this description, found among the Hand papers. 86 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1775. Roll of Captains James Parr' s compatiy, enlisted for three years or during the war , from July i, 1776. Captain — Parr, James, promoted major October 9, 1778. First Lieutenant — Wilson, James. Second Lieutenant — Wilson, William, promoted captain March 2, 1777. Third Lieutenant — Dougherty, John. Sergeants — Hammond, David, (promoted second lieutenant, Sep- tember 14, 1777; first heutenant, May 12, 1779,) McCormick, Alexander; McMurray, William ; Dougherty, Cornelius. Privates — Allen, David ; Bacher, Michael ; Bradley, John ; Calla- han, Daniel; Campbell, Daniel ; Condon, Peter ; Conner, James; Coons, Mansfield; Davis, David; Dubois, Richard; Delling, Cor- nelius; Donahue, Patrick; Edwards, William; Griffin, John; Hag- erty, William; Hammond, John; Henry, Philip; Hinson, Aquila; Hutchinson, John; Jones, Lewis; Leech, William; Lochry, Michael; Loughrey, James; McCleary, James; McConnell, Cornelius; Mc- Cormick, Henry ; McGaughey, Hugh ; Malone, John ; Meloy, Charles ; Moore, James ; Moore, William ; Morgan, William ; Murphy, John; Murray, Patrick; Noishen, John; Norton, George; Oliver, John ; Paine, Thomas ; Peltson, Thomas ; Peter, Philip ; Rankin, John; Ray, .John; Ryan, William; Saltman, George; Scott, Samuel ; Scott, William ; Sprigg, James ; Speddy, James ; Stewart, Thomas; Sullivan, Maurice; Thompson, Alexander; Toner, John; Warren, George; Washburn, Jonathan; Wilson, Matthew; Willson, Samuel; Whiteneck, Joseph; Youse, John. Road from Bald Eagle to Sunbury. The viewers reported this road at November sessions. I copy so much as relates to our Valley, as it indicates the names and resi- dence of early settlers : ' ' From a white oak in the Narrows, between White Deer and Buffalo Valleys, two miles ninety-nine perches, to Smith's mills, (now Candor's;) thence to white oak, west side of Blythe's mill (which was probably nearer the mouth of the creek;) thence to McClures, (who lived on Blythe's land ;) thence to a white oak oppo- site the lower end of Marcus Huling's island, (Milton bridge 1775.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. ^7 island;) thence to a plumb at Peter S^^^rtz's, (Miller's place;) thence to a stone at Clark's, (late John Kling's ;) thence to a post at Robert Fruit's, (Hinely's;) thence to a post at William Gray's, (now Paul Geddes' ;) thence to Buffalo creek, (where the iron bridge now spans the creek;) thence to a pine near the head of Derr's dam ; thence to a pine, corner of Abel Reese's, (/. e. through the University grounds, to Adam Gundy and William Brown's corner ;) thence to a post at Aurand's barn, (Jenkins' ;) thence to John Lee's, (Winfield;) 'thence to Andrew Gibson's; thence to the gum near Reuben Haines' road ; thence down the same to the black oak on the west bank of the river, opposite Sunbury." At the same sessions, the great road up the Valley was extended, through the Narrows, to the Great Plains, now in Centre county. 25th December occurred Plunket's expedition to Wyoming. Colonel Kelly and some others from the Valley were along. Jesse Lukens, Surveyor General Lukens' son, was killed. The history of this expedition, taken from the records at Harrisburg, I will give in brief : On the 23d of November, the Speaker laid before the Assembly a letter from Samuel Hunter, and others, stating that two of the magistrates and the sheriff of the county had an interview with Zebulon Butler and some others of the principal men among the Connecticut settlers at Wyoming, and read the resolves of the Assembly to them, and inquired whether they would peaceably submit to the laws of Pennsylvania. They answered that they despised the laws of Pennsylvania, and never would submit to them unless compelled by force. The magistrates received a great deal of abuse, and returned a different road from that in which they had gone, on account of the risk of their Uves. The Assembly, on the 25 th, requested the Governor to issue orders for a due execution of the laws of the Province in North- umberland county, which the Governor did in a letter of that date to the justices and sheriff. The report of the latter to the Gover- nor is dated Sunbury, 30th December, 1775, and states that pursu- ant to his orders, a number of warrants for the apprehension of a number of persons residing at Wyoming, charged on oath with ille- gal practices and crimes, were placed in the Sheriff's hands. He judged it prudent to raise the posse of the county, and a body of 88 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1775. near five hundred men Accompanied him to the neighborhood of Wyoming. They were met by some of the people ; one of whom was said to be an officer. The intentions of the sheriff and his posse were explained, and that no violence or molestation would be offered any one submitting to the laws. The sheriff had proceeded but a little further when he was fired upon, and Hugh McWilliams was killed and three others dangerously wounded. It was found impossible to force a passage on that side of the river, as the Nar- rows had been fortified with great care, and were lined with num- bers of men, to which ours bore no reasonable proportion. An attempt was then made to cross the river in the night, for greater secrecy, to reach the settlements of the persons against whom the process had issued. When the boats had nearly reached the oppo- site shore, and were entangled in a margin of ice, too thin to bear the weight of a man, they were, without previous challenge, repeat- edly fired upon by a party on top of the bank. Jesse Lukens received a mortal wound, of which he is since dead. As a landing could not be effected, the boats returned. Baffled in the second attempt, and the weather being intolerably severe, and receiving information that the parties he desired to arrest were chief in com- mand in the breastworks, it was deemed advisable to desist from any further attempt. A constant fire was kept upon our men from the opposite side, while they retreated through a long narrows. One man only, however, was wounded in the arm, &c. This report is 'signed by William Scull, sheriff; Samuel Harris, coroner; and the justices, William Plunket, Samuel Hunter, Michael Troy, and John Weitzel. i>l>{6 White Deer Township Erected — Associators — Second Battalion — Colonel Potter — Inhabitants of Penn's — Churches of the Valley — Constitutional Convention — Incident at Derr's Trading-House — Minutes of the County Committee — Roll of Captain Weitzel's Company — Fourth Battalion of Associators — Roll of Captain John Clarke's Company — Roster of Twelfth Pennsylvania. OHN PENN, Governor, until September 28, when the New Constitution went into effect. The surveys, made under John Penn's warrants, until December of this year, were afterwards legalized. James Potter, addi-' tional Member of Assembly. Colonel Samuel Hunter, member of the Committee of Safety, at Philadelphia. William Maclay, Prothon- otary ; William Scull, Sheriff; County Commissioners, Thomas Hewitt, Wilham Gray. 2 2d January, John Weitzel sworn in as County Commissioner. Attorneys admitted, William Price Gibbs, and William Lawrence Blair. i Officers of Buffalo township : Constable, Christian Storms ; Over- \j' seers, John Clarke and John Pontius; Supervisors, Joseph Green and Jacob Fought. At February sessions. White Deer township was set off from Buf- falo, by a line beginning at the upper side of Buffalo creek, at its mouth ; thence up the same to the mouth of Spruce run ; thence up the same to the forks thereof ; thence up the north-east branch to the head thereof; thence by a straight line to the four-mile tree, on Reuben Haines' road, on the line of Potter township. Its first officers were: Peter Swartz, constable; Walter Clark and Matthew go ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776, Brown, overseers ; Hugh Caldwell and Robert Fruit, supervisors. Henry Iddings bought the Parsons' place, adjoining Colonel Kelly's, and moved into the Valley. During the summer of this year Widow Smith added a boring-mill to her other mills, near the mouth of White Deer creek. Here a great number of gun- barrels were bored for the Continental army. Northumberland, y^x^z^arjK 24, 1776. I do hereby certify that at an election for field officers, held at Ludwig Derr's, on the West Branch' of the Susquehanna, on Tues- day, the 12th day of September last, the following gentlemen were regularly chosen for the upper division, of the county of Northum- berland, viz : James Potter, Esquire, colonel ; Robert Moodie, Esquire, lieutenant colonel ; Mr. John Kelly, first major ; Mr. John Brady, second major. William Scull, Chairman of the Committee. A Return of the Names of the Captains and other Offt,cers of the several Companies , in the Upper Division of the County of Northumberland, with the Ranks of said Companies and member of Men. Arthur Taggart, first captain, Cornelius Atkinson, first lieutenant, \ James McClung, second lieutenant, >- 85 privates. James Wilson, ensign. ) William Gray, second captain, William Clark, first lieutenant, \ James Murdoch, second lieutenant, V 90 privates. William Thompson, ensign. ) David Berry, third captain, William Hammond, first lieutenant, ^ Samuel Dale, fourth captain, Israel Parsels, second lieutenant, >- 45 privates. Benjamin Burt, ensign. William Bennet, first lieutenant, ^ Hawkins Boone, second lieutenant, >■ 67 privates. Jesse Weeks, ensign. ) 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Qr Cookson Long, fifth captain, William Mucklehatton, first lieutenant, Robert Fleming, second lieutenant, Robert Fleming, junior, ensign. Samuel Wallis, sixth captain, John Scudder, first lieutenant, Peter Jones, second lieutenant, James Hampton, ensign. James Murray, seventh captain, William Murray, first lieutenant, Thomas Plunket, second lieutenant, Andrew Robinson, ensign. Henry Antes, eighth captain, Thomas Brandon, first Ueutenant, Alexander Hamilton, second lieutenant, Simon Cole, ensign. John McMillan, ninth captain, John McConnol, first lieutenant, John McCormick, second lieutenant, Charles Wilson, ensign. David Hayes, tenth captain, Charles Clark, first lieutenant, Thomas Gray, ensign. PhiHp Davis, eleventh captain, James Aspey, first lieutenant, John Nelson, second heutenant, Jacob Fulmore, ensign. 59 privates. 91 privates. 60 privates. 58 privates. 43 privates. I 41 privates. 74 privates. NoRTHUMBELRAND, 2 \th January, 1776. I do hereby certify the above to be a true return, of the several companies, which, form the battalion in the upper division of the county of Northumberland, as delivered in to me. William Scull, Chairman of the Committee. To the Committee of Safety of the Province of Pennsylvania. The following imperfect list of the inhabitants of Penn's town- ship is taken from the duplicate of Christian Seecrist, collector for this year, duplicate being mutilated: Adams, George; Albright, g2 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. Jacob ; Albright, Frederick ; Arnold, Casper ; Arnold, Lawrence ; Augustine, Hieronimus ; Ault, Michael ; Bait, Adam ; Bander, Adam; Baker, William ; Berst, Peter; Bear, Jacob; Bickel, Tobias ; Bomberger, John ; Bower, Peter ; Bower, Henry ; Bright, John ; Bressler, Nicholas ; Brouse, John ; Brau, Martin ; Bombach, George ; Crean, John ; Hassinger, Jacob ; Hosterman, Peter; Hosterman, Jacob, junior ; Jacobs, Joseph ; Jorday, Peter ; Jordan, Philip ; Jost, Casper ; Kerstetter, Michael ; Kerstetter, Bastian ; Keller, Michael ; Kebler, John ; Kline, Andrew ; Kline, Jacob ; Kline, George; Kline, Stophel; Kroo, Godfrey; Kremer, Peter; Kremer, Daniel ; Graybill, (Krebill,) John; Kreger, Henry; Krail, Michael; Laudenslager, George ; Seiver, Adam, inmate ; Lewis, John, in- mate ; Lepley, Michael ; Leist, David ; Lemley, Leonard ; Livin- good, Jacob ; Lively, John ; Livelihood, F. ; Livey, Peter ; Lowrey, George ; Long, Christian ; Livengood, -George ; Maurer, Law- rence ; Maurer, Peter ; Manning Richard ; Markley, Peter ; Mark- ley, Simeon; Martin, Frederick; Mensch, Charles; Menich, Simeon ; Meiser, Michael ; Meiser, John ; Meiser, John ; Meese, Thomas ; Miser, Henry ; Miller, Henry ; Miller, Christian ; Miller, Frederick ; Miller, Dewalt ; Miller, George ; Moon, William ; Moon, Casper, junior ; Motz, George, inmate ; Motz, John ; Moore, Andrew; Moon, Casper, senior; Motz, Michael; Mull, Anthony; Murray, Alexander; Myer, Charles; Myer, Jacob, junior; Myer, Jacob, senior; Myer, Alexander ; Myer, Stophel ; McQueen, John ; Mc- Kean, William ; Newcomer, Francis ; Nees, William ; Newman, Jacob; Neff, Jacob; O'Brien, Patrick; Puff, Dewall ; Pyle, Peter; Reger, Michael; Reed, John; Reager, Adam, junior; Reichen- bach, John, senior ; Reichenbach, John, junior ; Reed, Casper ; Ream, John; Riddle, Yost; Richart, Henry; Righter, Christian; Right, Ellis ; Row, George ; Row, George, junior ; Row, John ; Row, Martin ; Roush, Casper ; Roush, George ; Robert, John ; Rush, John ; Ryne, Henry ; Sense, Frederick ; Seecrist, Christian ; Schrock, John ; Schrock, George ; Shaffer, Peter ; Shaffer, Andrew ; Shaffer, Ludwig ; Sharrett, Jacob ; Sherrick, John ; Shedderly, Andrew; Shallenberger, Lawrence; Shock, Mathias ; Simeon, Joseph ; Smith, John ; Smith, Nicholas ; Snyder, Harman ; Snyder. Simon ; Snyder, Anthony ; Snider, John ; Snevely, Abraham ; Swift, John; Spayd, Jacob; Specs, Jacob; Stees, Jacob; Steel, 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. gj John ; Stephen, Adam ; Stinley, Daniel ; Stigleman, Jacob ; Straup, Peter; Strayer, Mathias ; Strump, Casper; Stroam, Christian 3 Stock, Melchior; Summerouser, Henry; Sutton, Stephen; Svvengle, Michael; Swartz, John; Swift, John; Swoab, George; Trester, Martin, junior; Trester, Michael; Truckenmiller, Peter; Trout- ner, George; Ulrich, George; Wales, John; Wallace, Samuel; Walter, Ludwig; Walter, Jacob; Warfel, Henry; Weaver, Michael ; Weiser, Peter, senior; Weiser, Benjamin, Esquire; Weirich, Peter; Weirich, William; Whitmer, Peter; Whitmore, Michael; Witten- myer, Andrew; WittenmyerTLudwig ; Wing, Hugh; Wise, George; Worrah, or Woodrow, Ludwig; Zellar, John; Zerbach, Bartel ; Zimmerman, Stophel; Zanzinger, Adam. Single men— Bickle, Simon; Dellman, Andrew; Dill, Leonard; Dunkle, Charles; Gar- ret, Henry; Havelock, Jacob; Isenhower, Frederick; Kremer, Daniel ; Kerstetter, Martin ; List, Andrew ; Maxwell, James ; Me- shall, Daniel ; Miller, Conrad ; Myst, John ; Rickert, John ; Stroup, John; Snider, Stophel; Stock, Peter; Weaver, John; Zeller, Henry. The churches in what was called in general Shamokin, on both sides of the Susquehanna, about the junction of the North and West Branches, namely, Mahony, Sunbury, Middle Creek and Buffalo Val- ley, were in existence as early as 1776. l\\ the minutes of Ccetus, held in Lancaster, May i, is a minute " that different congregations in Shamokin having asked for such an arrangement as to have min- isters visit them, it was resolved that ministers should visit them occasionally during this year, and preach to them," &c. Harbaugh's Fathers of the German Reformed Church, 3d vol., 34th page. The German Reformed Church was under the supervision of the church in Holland until about the year 1791, and only such ministers were received by the church as were either sent over by the Fathers in Holland, or had their indorsement. Ibid., 2d vol. Convention of 1776. In consequence of a circular letter from the Committee of the City and Liberties of Philadelphia, inclosing the resolution of the Con- tinental Congress of the 15th of May, recommending the adoption of the State Government in each of the Colonies, a provincial con- 94 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY, [1776. ference was held at Philadelphia, on Tuesday, June i8. For the committee of Northumberland county appeared Colonel William Cooke, Alexander Hunter, Esquire, John Weitzel, Robert Martin and Matthew Brown. This conference met at Carpenters' Hall, and chose Colonel Thomas McKean, President. It was resolved unanimously that a convention should be called to form a new Government. Qualifications of an elector were fixed as follows : He must be twenty-one years of age, have lived one year in the Province, and paid either a provincial or county tax, and further, swear that he would no longer bear allegiance to George III. To be a member of the convention required like qualifications, and further, that he must swear that he would oppose any measure that would interfere with or obstruct the religious principles or practices of any of the good people of the Province ; and still further, sign a declaration of faith in the Trinity and in the Divine inspiration of the Old and New Testament. It was determined that each county should have eight Represent- atives or members, the election for whom should be held on Monday, the 8th of July, and it passed resolutions to raise four thou- sand five hundred militia, to join a flying camp to consist of ten thousand men in the middle Colonies, &c. The election for Northumberland county was held at George McCandlish's,^ (Turbutt.) Thomas Hewitt, William Shaw and Joseph Green were the judges. The members elected were : William Cooke, James Potter, Robert Martin, Matthew Brown, Walter Clark, John Kelly, James Crawford, John Weitzel. The convention met on Monday, the 15th of July, in Philadelphia, and Doctor Franklin was chosen President. It continued, by adjournments, until the 28th of September, when the Constitution was adopted and signed. A short statement of its salient points will be of interest, and serve to explain the political statistics of these Annals. The law-making power was vested in a House of Representatives, the members of which were to be chosen annually, by ballot, on the second Tuesday of October, to meet on the fourth Monday of the same month. No member could serve more than four years. It was to choose the iMcOandllsh lived in a log house just baeli of Milton, on the late Samuel Hepburn, Esquire's, farm. In July, 1779, Marcus Hulings sold him his tavern stand on the river, at the end of Broadway street, Milton, Hulings returning to his old home, Duncan's Island.— J. F. Wolfinger, Esquire. , 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 9j State Treasurer and Delegates to Congress annually, of which no one could be a member more than two years successively, nor be capable of re-election for three years afterward. Each county was to be entitled to six members until a proper apportionment could be made. There was also a provision for the election of a council of censors in 1783, and every seven years thereafter, two persons from each city and county, whose duty it was to inquire whether the Constitu- tion had been violated. The execution of the laws devolved upon the President and Supreme Executive Council. This consisted of twelve persons, one for the city of Philadelphia, and one from each of the eleven coun- ties into which the Province was then divided. They were, however, chosen by districts. Northampton, Bedford, Northumberland and Westmoreland constituting one district, the embryo of the present senatorial representation. Every member of Council was a justice of the peace for the whole State. The President and Vice President of the State were chosen of members of the Council in joint conven- tion of the Assembly and Council. The President had the power of appointing and commissioning judges, &c., and of sitting as judge in impeachment cases, and could grant pardons, &c. The judges of the Supreme Court held office for seven years. Two or more persons were chosen in each township as justices, and the Council commissioned one or more of them for seven years. These justices held the several courts. It did not follow, as remarked by Judge Duncan, in Albright's case, who was both associate and justice in 1 81 3, the legality of holding both offices at the same time being then tested and affirmed, that the Council should appoint the justices of the sessions from the justices elect, though they generally did. Two persons were to be voted for for sheriff, one of whom was commissioned by the Council. The county commissioners and assessors of taxes were to be elected by the people, thus embodying in the Constitution the principles for which the Revolution was inaugurated, the right of the people to tax themselves. The convention, by an ordinance dated September 3, created a new Council of Safety, of which Samuel Hunter and John Weitzel were the members for Northumberland county. It also appointed the following justices : Samuel Hunter, James Potter, William Ma- clay, Robert Moodie, John Lowdon, Benjamin Weiser, Henry Antes, and John Simpson. g6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. John Lowdon, of Silver Spring, near Mifflinburg, became member of the Supreme Executive Council by choice of the Delegates from the district of Northampton, Bedford, Westmoreland, and Nor- thumberland counties. Buffalo, White Deer, and Potter were in the third election dis- trict; and the first election under the constitution was held at Fought's mill, (near Mifflinburg,) on 3d of November. The Assembly met in Philadelphia on the 28th of November, when Thomas Wharton^ junior, was elected President of the Council and State ; John Jacobs Speaker of the House. Copy of Certificate on file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Northumberland County, November 7, 1776. Agreable to an ordinance in Convention for the State or Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, this is to certify that the following per- sons were duly elected for the respective offices annexed to their names for the county aforesaid : Council, John Lowdon; Assembly, Thomas Hewitt, Samuel Dale, Jacob Fulmer, Robert Fruit, David Robb, and Samuel Wallis; Sheriff, Jonathan Lodge and James Murray ; Coroner, James Mc- Mahan, John Murray ; Commissioners, William Gray, Philip Cole, Joseph Wallis; Assessors, David Mead, Andrew Moore, James Thompson, James McClure, William Watson, and William Shaw. (Signed) John Brady, James McClenachan, John Gray, Thomas Robinson, Judges of the Different Districts, Incident at Derr's Trading-House. It is singular, after a careful search of contemporary documents, I can find no allusion to the treaty, said to have been held at Fort Augusta, at the time this incident occurred. It appears by contem- porary evidence, that the Indians cut down their corn, and moved off their families and effects, on the ist of July. Two Seneca In- 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. g7 dians came to the Great Island, (just below Lock Haven,) the day before, and the whole party moved off suddenly, to join the Six Nations in the war. That is the last we know of them as residents of the West Branch valley, and our troubles with them then began. In a letter, dated Paxton, August 27, 1776, John Harris says: "The Indians, to the northward, southward, and westward, are for war against us, as I am informed by a letter from Northumberland county, by their post, two days ago. The Susquehanna Indians are only for peace with us. About twenty Indians, (enemies,) men, women, and children, have been many days past at Sunbury, and make said report." In all probability this was the party that stopped at Derr's trading-house, and the date of the incident, therefore, August, 1776. Christian Van Gundy (father of Captain Jacob Gundy, who is my authority,) often related the incident. He said, his father. Christian Van Gundy, senior, lived between John Strohecker's and the late Jacob Spidler's, and kept the ferry there. He thought he was about thirteen years old at the time ; but it appears, by his tomb- stone, that he was born about the ist of March, 1766, and if thir- teen, it would throw the date beyond that of the death of Captain John Brady, (nth April, 1779.) He could, therefore, have been only ten years of age. To resume his story : he said he saw the Indians come up the river, until they arrived opposite where they lived. They stopped, carried some things ashore, and left the women there, then crossed over to Derr's trading-house. He asked his father for permission to go up to see the Indians. He said he saw Derr knock in the head of a whisky barrel, and give the In- dians tin-cups to drink with. They drank and danced, and showed how they scalped by gestures. Most of them got beastly drunk ; but one would not drink any. He then saw Brady approach, and kick over the barrel, which put an end to the frolic. He said they would seize each other by the hair, and go through the form of scalping, tearing off the scalp with the teeth. (Derr's house stood by the cherry tree in the present garden, and the barrel was just in front. So John Brown, senior, said, who owned the mill property many years.) R. B. McCabe, Esquire, of Blairsville, Indiana county, (whither William P. Brady removed,) published, some forty years ago, in the 7 ()8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. Blairsville Record, some sketches of the hfe of Captain Samuel Brady, written upon the dictation of one of the Brady family, (so the late Jasper E. Brady informed me,) in which this incident is alluded to. He says Captain John Brady lived on the West Branch, opposite the site of Lewisburg, on the place owned by Honorable George Kremer's heirs. Derr had a small mill on the run that empties into the river below the town, where he supplied the Indians with powder, lead, rum, &c. Brady discovered that the Indians were likely to be tampered with by the British, and proposed making a treaty with the Seneca and Muncy tribes, who were up the West Branch, and were at variance with the Delawares, who were on the North Branch. Captain Brady and two others were selected by the people at Fort Augusta to go after the Senecas and Muncys. The Indians met them in a very friendly manner, and promised to attend at Fort Augusta on the day appointed. They came down about one hundred strong, and dressed in war costume. The people at the Fort were too poor to give them any- thing of value, and they did not succeed in making a treaty. They left the fort, however, in a good humor, and taking their canoes, proceeded homeward. Late in the day, Brady thought of Derr's trading-house, and mounting a small mare he had, crossed the North Branch, rode home with all speed. He saw the canoes of the Indians on the bank of the river, near Derr's, and, when near enough, saw the squaws working the canoes over to his side of the river, and when they landed they made for the thickets of sumac which grew on his land. They were conveying the rifles, tomahawks, and knives into the thickets, and hiding them. Brady jumped into a canoe and crossed to Derr's trading-house, where he found the Indians drunk, and a barrel of rum standing on end before Derr's door, with the head out. He instantly overset it and spilled the rum, saying to Derr, " My God, Ludwig, what have you done?" Derr replied, ' ' Dey dells me you gif um no dreet down on de fort, so I dinks as I give um one here, als he go home in bease." One of the Indians told Brady he would one day rue the spilling of that barrel ; and Brady, being well acquainted with the Indian character, was con- stantly on his guard for several years. On the 4th of July, there was a convention of the associators, at 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 99 Lancaster, to elect two brigadiers general. Colonel Hunter's bat- talion was represented by Captain Charles Gillespie, Lieutenant George Calhoun, privates Frederick Stone and Laughlin McCart- ney. Colonel Plunket's, by Major John Brady, Lieutenant Mor- decai McKinney, privates Paul Geddes and Andrew Culbertson. Colonel Weiser's, by the colonel, Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Maclay, privates Seth Matlock and Jonas Yocum. Colonel Potter's, by Lieutenant Colonel Robert Moodie, Captain William Gray, pri- vates James McClenachan and Benjamin Starret. Daniel Roberdeau and James Ewing were elected, Colonel Potter receiving a very respectable vote. July 29, Walter Clark and John Kelly, in attendance upon the convention at Philadelphia, petition the Council of Safety that they had just grounds to believe that the county would be disturbed by the Indians, and stated that there was not sufficient ammunition in the county for the four battalions already raised. The original of the following minutes were given to the late Joseph G. Wallace, of Lewisburg, by his grandfather. Captain Wil- liam Gray, of Buffalo Valley, and loaned by him to Sherman Day, who never returned them. I am indebted to John Jordan, junior, Esquire, of Philadelphia, for a printed copy of them, published by the Historical Society among their proceedings in 1846 : MmUs of the Committee of Safety of Northumberland county, Penn- sylvania, From February d,th, 1776, to April T^th, 1777. [From the original MS. lately presented to theHistorical Society of Pennsylvania.] On the ^th of February, 1776, The following gentlemen, being previously nominated by the respective townships to serve in this committee, for the county of Northumberland, for the space of six months, met at the house of Richard Malone, viz. : Augusta township. Mahoning township. John Weitzel, Esquire, William Cook, Esquire, Alexander Hunter, Esquire, Benjamin Allison, Esquire, Thomond Ball. Mr. Thomas Hewet. ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. Tiirbut township. Captain John Hambright, William McKnight, William Shaw. Bald Eagle township. Mr. William Dunn, Thomas Hughes, y Alexander Hamilton. Wioming township. Mr. James Maclure, Mr. Thomas Clayton, Mr. Peter Melick, Muncey township. Robert Robb, Esquire, William Watson, John Buckalow. Buff aloe township. Mr. Walter Clark, removed to White Deer, William Irwin, ' Joseph Green. Penn's township. Moughonoy township. Potter township. John Livingston, Maurice Davis, John Hall. White Deer township. Walter Clark, Matthew Brown, Marcus Huling. The committee proceeded to elect a chairman and clerk, when Captain John Hambright was unanimously appointed chairman during the continuance of this committee, and Thomond Ball clerk. A return was presented to this committee, signed by William Scull, Esquire, chairman of a meeting of the officers and committee- men of the lower division of this county, held at Northumberland, the 7th instant, certifying that the following gentlemen were duly elected field officers for the battalion of said division, viz : Samuel Hunter, Esquire, colonel. William Cook, Esquii^e, lieutenant colonel. Casper Weitzel, Esquire, first major. Mr. John Lee, second major. 177G.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. loz Resolved, That we accept of the same as a true return, and that the gentlemen therein mentioned be recommended to tlie Honorable Assembly or Committee of Safety to be commissioned accordingly. Complaint being made that the battaUon of the upper division of this county have not yet met, so as to have a fair election for field officers. Resolved, That it be recommended to the officers, with three committeemen from each township in said division, to meet at the house of John Scudder, on Saturday, 24th instant, to elect their field officers, and return them to this committee on Monday, 26th instant, in order to be recommended to the Committee of Safety. Resolved, That the absence of several gentlemen chosen captains of companies in this county, (upon their several occasions,) and such as did appear (from the short notices they have had) not being provided with as regular returns of their off^cerg and companies as we think can authorize ou^- recommendation of said captains or their subalterns to the Assembly or Committee of Safety of this Province, to remedy this inconvenience it is recommended to the committee- men of each township to advertise a meeting of the several compa- nies on Wednesday, 21st instant, at such places as the majority of the committeemen shall think most convenient, where, under the inspection of two or more committeemen, each company shall establish their present, or elect other officers, as they shall think proper, and the captains so established or elected shall make returns of their subalterns and companies to this committee on Monday, 26th instant. It is expected that no gentlemen will offer to return a company that does not consist of forty privates with the officers and non-commissioned officers, agreeable to the regulations of our Honorable House of Assembly. Resolved, That if a committeeman or committeemen be elected officers, one or more magistrate or magistrates present may certify for them; and if no magistrate be present, then two or more reputa- ble men certifying for the justness of the election will be accepted of. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this committee that a petition be presented to the Honorable Assembly of this Province, setting forth the late murder of two of the sheriff's posse, near Wioming, for attempting to act in conformity to the laws. Resolved, That John Weitzel, Esquire, Alexander Hunter, Es- 102 ■ ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. quire, and Mr. Thomond Ball, be a committee to frame said petition and present it to this committee at their next meeting. The committee then adjourned to Monday, 26th instant, at the house of Laughlin McCartney, in Northumberland town. Monday, February 26th, 1776. The committee met, according to adjournment, at the house of Laughlin McCartney, m Northumberland town, Captain John Hambright in the chair. Messrs. Weitzel, Hunter and Ball presented the form of a petition to tlie Honorable Assembly, relative to the Connecticut intruders, which was approved of and ordered to be copied fair. The following gentlemen appeared and produced certificates of their being regularly chosen captains of companies in Colonel Hunter's battalion, and produced lists of their subalterns, compa- nies, &c., viz : Captain, Nicholas Miller, First Lieutenant, Christopher Gettig, Second Lieutenant, Nehemiah Breese, First Ensign, Gustavus Ross, Second Ensign, William Sims. Captain, Hugh White, First Lieutenant, John Forster, Second Lieutenant, Andrew Gibson, Erisign, Samuel Young. Captain, James McMahon, First Lieutenant, John Murray, Second Lieutenant, William Fisher, Ensign, William Baily. Captain, Charles Gillespie, First Lieutenant, Robert King, Second Lieutenant, Samuel Fulton, First Ensign, William Boyd, Second Ensign, John Woodside. Captain, William Scull, First Lieutenant, Jonathan Lodge, Second Lieutenant, George Colhoun, 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 103 First Ensign, William Sawyers, Second Ensign, George Grant.. Captain, William Clarke, First Lieutenant, John Teitson, Second Lieutenant, William McDonald, First Ensign, John Moll. Resolved, That the above six companies appear to be full and regularly officered, and that they, with the iield officers of that bat- talion, be recommended to the Committee of Safety to receive their respective commissions ; which was done in a letter, of which the following is an abstract : Northumberland, February 26, 1776. Gentlemen : At a meeting of the committee for this county, held this day, the following gentlemen were returned as duly elected field officers, captains, and subalterns of a battalion raised in this county, viz : the officers mentioned above. The above returns of six com- panies belonging to the battalion expected to be commanded by Samuel Hunter, Esquire, appear to be well and regularly certified as complete companies. There are two or three companies more intend to belong to said battalion, but their captains being at present out of the county, we have received no returns of them. We further have the pleasure to inform you there is another complete battalion formed in this county, intended to be under the command of Wil- liam Plunket, Esquire ; but he with his other field officers being so lately promoted, their companies have not had sufficient time to elect captains in their room, we, therefore, think we cannot at present, with propriety recommend them, but hope in a few days to have the honor of transmitting to you a proper return of said battalion. In the meantime take the liberty to recommend the above named gen- tlemen to be commissioned in the several stations annexed to their names. And are, gentlemen, with due esteem, your very humble servants. By order of the committee, John Hambright, Chairman. To the Committee of Safety, Philadelphia. Resolved, That as several companies belonging to battalions in this county have not yet brought in their returns, and it may be 104 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. inconvenient to call the whole committee together to receive their returns, that the chairman, with four others of the committee, be sufificient to receive such returns, and recommend the officers to the Committee of Safety. Resolved, That this committee be adjourned to Wednesday, 13th of March next, then to meet at the house of Frederick Stone, in Northumberland town. Wednesday, March 13, 1776. The committee met at the house of Frederick Stone, in North- umberland town, agreeable to adjournment, Captain John Ham- bright in the chair, when the following gen tlemen made returns of their officers, captains, subalterns, &c., properly certified, viz : William Plunket, Esquire, Colonel, James Murray, Esquire, Lieutenant Colonel, Mr. John Brady, First Major, Mr. Cookson Long, Second Major. Captain, Henry Antis, Esquire, First Lieutenant, Thomas Brandon, Second Lieutenant, Alexander Hamilton, First Ensign, John Morison, Second Ensign, James Alexander. Captain, Samuel Wallis, First Lieutenant, John Scudder, Second Lieutenant, Peter Jones, Ensign, James Hampton. Captain, John Robb, First Lieutenant, William Watson, Second Lieut9nant, Robert Wilson, Ensign, James White. Captain, William McElhatton, First Lieutenant, Andrew Boggs, Second Lieutenant, Thomas Wilson, Ensign, John McCormick. Captain, William Murray, First Lieutenant, Richard Irwin, 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 105 Second Lieutenant, Thomas Plunkett, First Ensign, Andrtw Robinson, Second Ensign, Benjamin Jordon. Captain, Simon Cool, First Lieutenant, Tiiomas Camplen, Second Lieutenant, James Brandon, First Ensign, William King, Second Ensign, James Hewes. Captain, David Berry, First Lieutenant, William Hammond, Second Lieutenant, Joseph Bonser, Ensign, Israel Pershel. Resolved, That the returns made of the above mentioned field officers and seven companies appear to be regular and well certified as full companies, and that [the] officers be recommended to the Committee of Safety ; which [was] done by letter, of which the fol- lowing is a copy : Northumberland, March 13, 1776. Gentlemen : Agreeable to the promise of our last of 26th ultimo, we now inform that at a meeting of the committee for this county, held this day, the following gentlemen were returned as fairly elected field officers, captains, and subalterns of a battalion raised in this county, viz : William Plunket, Esquire, Colonel, and the rest as above. The above returns of officers for a battalion, consisting of seven companies, appear to us to be regular and well certified to be com- plete companies ; we, therefore, take the liberty of recommending said gentlemen to the respectable Committee of Safety, appointed for the Province of Pennsylvania to receive commissions in the several stations annexed to their names. Being unwilling to trouble the committee, who, we apprehend, are already overburthened with business, we have transmitted an enumeration of grievances, under which we think this county labors, to Samuel Hunter, Esquire, our Representative, and one of your respectable body, who is well ac- quainted with the circumstances of 1;his county, requesting he may. io6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. if necessary, lay the same before you, and should be glad of your opinion how to act in the different cases therein mentioned. We are, gentlemen, &c. Signed by order of the committee, John Hambright, Chairman. To the Committee of Safety, Philadelphia. [Copy of Letter referred to in the above.] Northumberland, March 13/A, 1776. Sir : We have this day wrote to the Committee of Safety, re- commending officers of another battalion, to wit : Colonel Plun- ket's. We had it in contemplation to write to the Committee of Safety concerning the recruiting parties that have lately been amongst us and taken away some good men, when both officers and men could be sent from this, if any ought to be sent out of the county. It is unnecessary for us to inform you of our situation, as you are so well acquainted with it. There have been different applications to us for recommendations as officers of companies to be raised in this county, to go into immediate service. We are somewhat at a loss what to do ; but would be desirous, if men are to be taken for the continental service out of this county, officers should go with them. We, not considering it proper to trouble the Committee of Safety with our sentiments on this occasion, have taken the liberty to write to you, with an intention to get your advice upon the matter, as we cannot prevent recruiting parties from coming amongst us, or stop men from going into the army out of this county. If more battalions should be raised, or more men wanted, would it not be proper, from our situation as a frontier county, to have two or three companies raised, officered, and disci- plined, and put into immediate pay; and if not wanted nearer home, to be always in readiness to go upon any service on which the continent may have occasion for them. We have sufficient information that Hawkins Boone has enlisted several men in this county, and has declared his having received his authority and money from the Congress for that purpose, and that he is to be a guard to the Congress. By this conduct he has drawn off some men from the different companies of military associators. We have, as a committee of the county, taken liberty to cite him to appear 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 107 before some of us, and show by what authority he has undertaken so to do ; but he has not appeared. We think when men are enUsted in this county, we have a right to know for what service they are enUsted. It is from our zeal for the good cause now carrying on that we are desirous to know the reason of such procedure. This, if you think proper, you may communicate to the Committee of Safety, and are requesting your advice how to act. With due respect, your very humble servants. Signed on behalf of the committee, John Hambright, Chairman. To Samuel Hunter, Esquire, Philadelphia. Information being given to the committee that a certain Haw- kins Boone is now enlisting men in this county, without giving any satisfactory account for what purpose or service the said men are enlisted, Resolved, That the chairman of this committee call upon the said Hawkins Boone, by letter or otherwise, to appear before him and two or more of said committee, as he, the chairman, shall think expedient, on such day and at such place as he shall appoint, to show cause why he, the said Boone, enlists men as aforesaid. Resolved, That this committee be adjourned to Monday, 25th of March, instant, then to meet at the house of Thomond Ball, in Sunbury. Monday, March 2$th, 1776. The committee met pursuant to adjournment at the house of Thomond Ball, in Sunbury, Captain John Hambright in the chair. Resolved, That it appears to this committee that several recruit- ing officers belonging to the battaHons of different counties in this Province, have lately come to this infant frontier county and drained it of a number of useful men, to the prejudice of the same. Resolved, That for the future no officer or non-commissioned officer be allowed to recruit men in this county, except the officers who are or may be appointed therein. John Simpson, Esquire, presented a return, wherein appears the following list of officers, the company belonging to Colonel Hun- ter's battalion, viz : io8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. Captain, John Simpson, Esquire. First Lieutenant, Robert Curry. . Second Lieutenant, John Ewart. First Ensign, Thomas Gaskins. Second Ensign, David Mead. Resolved, That the same appears a full company, and that the gentlemen therein mentioned as officers, be recommended to the Committee of Safety to receive their several commissions ; which was done accordingly, by a letter, of which the following is a copy : SuNBURY, 2^th March, 1776. Gentlemen : Our last to you was of 13th instant, recommending William Plunket, Esquire, colonel, with other officers of a battalion commanded by said colonel. At this meeting, John Simpson, Esquire, presents a return in which it appears that he is captain, Robert Curry, first, and John Ewart, second lieutenants, Thomas Gaskins, first, and David Mead second ensign, which is well certi- fied to be a full company, belonging to Col. Hunter's battalion ; we, therefore, take the liberty of recommending said gentlemen to receive commissions agreeable to the ranks to which the people have appointed them. We are now, gentlemen, to inform you of what we think a grievance to this young and thinly inhabited county, viz : a constant succession of recruiting officers from dif- ferent counties in this Province. Our zeal for the cause of Ameri- can liberty has hitherto prevented our taking any steps to hinder the raising of men for its service, but finding the evil increasing so fast upon us as almost to threaten the depopulation of the county, we cannot help appealing to the wisdom and justice of your com- mittee to know whether the quota of men that may be demanded from this county under their own officers is not as much as can reasonably be expected from it. Whether, at a time when we are uncertain of peace with the Indians, (well knowing that our ene- mies are tampering with them,) and a claim is set up to the greatest part of this Province by a neighboring Colony who have their hos- tile abettors at our very breasts, as well as their emissaries amongst us, is it prudent to drain an infant frontier county of its strength of men ? and whether the safety of the interior parts of the Province would not be better secured by adding strength to the frontiers ? 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY, 109 Whether our Hon. Assembly, by disposing of commissions to gentlemen in different counties to raise companies which are to form the number of battalions thought necessary for the defense of the Province, did not intend that the respective captains should raise their companies where they [were] appointed ; and not dis- tress our county by taking from it all the men necessary for the business of agriculture, as well as the defense of the same? From our knowledge of the state of this county, we make free to give our opinion of what would be most for its advantage, as well as that of the Province, (between which we hope there never will be a differ- ence,) and first are to inform you [of] the poverty of the people, many of whom came bare and naked here, being plundered by a banditti who call themselves Yankees, and those who brought some property with them, from the necessary delay of cultivating a wil- derness before they could have any produce to live upon, together with the necessity of still continuing the closest application to labor and industry for their support, renders it morally improbable that a well disciplined militia can be established here, as the distance which some men are obliged to go to muster is the loss of two days to them, which, not being paid for, they will not, nor indeed can they, so often attend as is necessary to complete them even in the manual exercise. We would recommend that two or more com- panies be raised and put in pay for the use of the Province, to be ready to march when and where the service may require them, and when not wanted for the service of the public at any particular place, to be stationed in this county in order to be near and defend our frontier, should they be attacked by our enemies of any denomi- nation, the good effect of which, we imagine, would be consider- able, as though they may be too few to repel, they may stop the progress of an enemy until the militia could be raised to assist them. Should this proposal appear eligible, please to inform us thereof, and we will recommend such gentlemen for officers as we think will be most suitable for the service and agreeable to the people. We are, gentlemen, with due respect, your very humble servants, Signed for and in behalf of the committee, John Hambright, Chairman. To the Committee of Safety, Philadelphia. ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 1776. August y^ 13, 1776. The following gentlemen being unanimously chosen by their respective townships to serve in the committee for the county of Northumberland, for the space of six months, met at school-house in the town of Northumberland, viz : J^or Augusta township. Mr. William McClay, Mr. David McKinney, Mr. John McClay. Turbit township. George McCandish, Wm. Shaw, Paul Geddis. Mahoning township. Laughlan McCartney, Thomas Robinson, John Boyd. Muncy township. Mordecai McKinney, James Giles, Andrew Culbertson. Buff aloe township. Martin Treaster, William Speedy, Philip Coal. Penn^s township. Simeon Woodrow, Adam Bolinger, Paul Gemberling. Bald Eagle township. Robert Fleming, Thomas Campling, John Section. Wyoming township. Samuel McClure, Peter Meelick, John Clingman. Moughonoy township. Potter township. Bastian Brossius, George Reitz, Peter Almang. White Deer township. James McClanachan, Robert Fruit, Wm. Gray. The committee proceeded to elect a chairman and clerk, when Mr. Robert Fruit was unanimously appointed chairman during the time of six months, and John Boyd, clerk. 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. iii ist. Resolved, That no complaint be received by this committee that arises in any township and does not respect the county at large, except upon an appeal from the township committee, and that such appeal be delivered in writing, as well as all complaints that are re- ceived, and that all complaints be signed by the persons aggrieved or complaining. 2d. Resolved, That Andrew Culbertson, Mordecai McKinney, and James Giles, call upon Colonel Wm. Plunket for the dividend of ammunition belonging to the six companies of his battalion that lie above Muncy, and in case it is inconvenient for him to make the dividend, Laughlan McCartney, at whose house the ammunition is lodged, is hereby desired to do it and deliver the quotas allotted for the aforesaid six companies to the aforesaid Andrew Culbertson, Mordecai McKinney, and James Giles, who are to deliver the same to the respective captains, and by them kept in some convenient dry place, ready to be delivered out when occasion requires. 3d. Resolved, That the committee, or any two of them, belonging to the other three battalions of this county, call upon Laughlan McCartney for their equal dividend of what ammunition is in hand, and deliver to the respective captains in each battalion an equal dividend of said ammunition according to their number of men, and by them kept secure in some convenient dry place, ready to be de- livered out when occasion requires. 4th. Resolved, That each colonel recommend to their respective captains to use all possible exertions to have any arms that are out of repair put in as good order as soon as possible. As this committee is informed of a quantity powder and lead at Mr. John Harris's ferry, which belongs to the associators of this county, we do recommend Major John Lee and Captain Charles Gillespy as two suitable persons for to bring up the same, and we do appoint Laughlan McCartney and John Boyd for to agree with them for the bringing up of the said ammunition. 5th. Resolved, That this committee be adjourned to Tuesday, the loth of September next, to meet in the town of Northumber- land. ANAALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. Tuesday y" lo of September, 1776. The committee met according to adjournment, in the town of Northumberland, Mr. Robert Fruit in the chair. Complaint being made to this committee against Mr. Aaron Levy and John Bullion, setting forth that the aforesaid Levy and Bullion have a quantity of salt on hand, which they refuse to sell for cash, by a former resolve of the committee. Resolved, That the aforesaid salt that is in the hands of the afore- said Levy and Bullion, (as they have refused the same for sale,) be put into the hands of Mr. William Sayers, and by him sold at the rate of fifteen shillings per bushel, and not to sell unto any family above half a bushel for the time that the said salt is selling, and that the said Sayers shall keep a particular account of every bushel that he sells, and when sold, he shall return the money arising from said salt to this committee, first deducting one shilling out of the pound for his trouble of selling said salt, and six shillings and four pence for porterage. A complaint being made to this committee against two certain men, namely, William Chattim and James Parker, of not behaving themselves as friends to pur country in general, and had armed themselves with two pistols ; therefore, it was Resolved, That the aforesaid Chattim and Parker should be sent for and examined. Being brought before the committee and examined, they con- fessed themselves to be two of his His Britannic Majesty's soldiers, and both prisoners. Therefore, this committee thought it most proper to convey the two aforesaid men into the care of Lancaster committee, where we understand there is a number of their fellow prisoners, and that the aforesaid arms should be sold at public sale, and the money arising from the sale of said arms, should, as far as it would admit of, be put to discharge of such expenses as would arise for the trouble of said prisoners. And as there was a bill of expenses produced to this committee by John Chattim, against the two aforesaid prisoners, and he refus- ing to approve the same, it was Resolved, that the aforesaid bill shall not be accepted of by this committee unless the aforesaid John Chattim do prove the same. 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 113 September 12th, 1776. On examination of the two different quantities of ammunition heretofore forwarded to the care of the committee of this county, and on a careful examination of the number of associators in this county, it appears that the quota of each associator is half a pound of powder and one pound of lead. And Whereas, the greater part of Col. Plunket's battalion are situated on the frontier, and the most exposed parts of this county ; therefore, Resolved, that the further quantity of eighty-nine pounds of powder and one hundred and seventy-eight pounds of lead be delivered into the hands of Mr. Fleming, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Kemp- ling, Mr. Culbertson, and Mr. Giles, and that the same be by them delivered among the different captains of the said battalion, with the strictest charge that the same be preserved for the purposes of the defense of this county. The same division to be made with a proper regard to the different number in each company. And it is further Resolved, that the further quantity of eighty-six pounds and three quarters of powder and the quantity of one hun- dred and seventy-three pounds and one half of lead, be delivered to Mr. Fruit, Mr. Gray, Mr. McClenachan, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Mc- Candles and Mr. Geddis, to be by them distributed among the cap- tains of Col. Potter's battalion, in such sort, that each private have one quarter of powder, and half a pound of lead, Captain McMil- lan's company excepted, who are to have each half a pound of pow- der and one pound of lead. And it is further Resolved, that the further quantity of fifty pounds of powder and one hundred pounds of lead be delivered to Mr. Coal, Mr. Treaster, Mr. Bolander, Mr. Brousers and Mr. Ritz, by them to be divided among the captains of Col. Wiser's battalion in the same proportions as the former fifty weight of powder was directed to be divided. It is likewise further Resolved^ that the additional quantity of fifty pounds of powder and one hundred weight of lead be delivered to John Maclay, Laughlin McCartney, and James McClure, to be by them divided among the captains of Col. Hunter's battalion, in due proportion to the number of privates in their respective com- panies. Whereas, This committee being informed by one of our members 8 JI4 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776.. of convention, that there is a dividend of salt in Philadelphia, which is allotted for this county, by a late resolve of convention, wherefore, this committee thought proper to appoint two suitable persons to go to Philadelphia and take charge of said salt, and [to] be by them conveyed to this county and delivered to the care of this committee. Therefore, William Maclay and Mordecai McKinney were unani- imously appointed by this committee for the purpose above men- tioned. Resolved, That the salt belonging to this county is to be sold at fifteen shillings per bushel. A complaint being laid unto this committee by Samuel Dail against Col. William Plunket, the same being read, was postponed until our next meeting. A record of Mr. Robert Fruit's letter to this committee, respecting salt, &c. : Philadelphia, November 23, 1776. Gentlemen : I have received from the Council of Safety, in this city, seventy-seven bushels of salt for the use of the inhabitants of the county of Northumberland, which I have delivered to Marcus Hulings to forward up. It is delivered to me on the express condition of being divided amongst those of the inhabitants who did not get any part of the former quantity ; therefore, you will please to take notice to inform the county of this exception, when you advertise for the distribution of it. Mr. Hulings has advanced all the money for the salt, together with all costs, &c. I am, gentlemen, your very humble servant, Robert Fruit. To the Committee of Northumberland County. The Committee of the County of Northumberland, To Marcus Hulings, Dr. For cash paid the Council of Safety, in Philadelphia, for seventy seven-bushels of salt, at 15^ per bushel, ;!^ 57 15 For cash paid for casks, to pack said salt . . 3 Porterage and cooperage, ..... 18 1776. j ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. , 115 Cash paid Hugh Cook for carriage of seventy-seven bushels of salt, from Philadelphia to Middletown, ;!^i3 9 6 Storage at Middletown, ..... 86 Carriage from Middletown to Northumberland, . 1 1 1 1 i: 87 2 o December 14, 1776. The committee met, by express from Captain John Brady, upon sundry charges, produced by said Brady, against a certain Robert Robb. Sundry evidences were referred to, to prove the several charges against said Robb, which are as follows : The evidence of Thomas Newman against Robert Robb. This deponent, being duly sworn, deposeth and saith that said Robb had a paper, at a certain house, where they were erecting a chimney, which paper was supposed to be from Lord Howe, con- cerning conditions of peace, of which said Robb said this is the very thing I would be at ; says further, Mr. Frankling was a rogue, he well knew, and that he has led the Government into two or three scrapes already known to him. Also, it was thought Frankling had a pension from home; likewise that it was thought the convention was bribed. Also, said Robb says that Lord Howe used the members of Congress politely that were sent to treat with him, but that they used him ill. And that, as this deponent was one of the township committee, he, the said Robb, thought it was proper he should call a few of the township together, to consult concerning these things. And further saith not. his Thomas x Newman. mark. Joseph Newman'' s evidence against said Robb. That Robert Robb read, at the aforesaid place, a paper, [which] (as the deponent supposeth,) was a declaration of peace from Lord Howe, and asked this deponent's father if he would call a few of the neighbors to consult concerning it, and that his father refused to do it. And concerning the members of Congress, Mr. Robb ii6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. said Lord Howe used them politely, and they used him ill. And as for Mr. Frankling, there were very hard thoughts of him, and that it was thought he had a pension from home ; also that it was thought there was bribery in the convention. And further saith not. Joseph Newman. The substance of John Morris' evidence against Robert Robb. This deponent saith he heard Robert Robb read a paper concern- ing terms of peace from Lord Howe. Said Robb was asked why this paper was not made public sooner. Robb said, because it was kept back by the Congress and committees below. Said Robb said, also, it is well known what Writtenhouse and Frankling was. Mr, Newman asked said Robb what was the reason there was such men in Congress. Robb said it was thought there was bribery in the convention ; also said, it was a minority that held this new form of government, and that the majority would not be ruled by the minority. And further saith not. John Morris. The substance of James Giles' evidence. This deponent saith, that he saw Mr. Robb pull out a paper at the aforesaid building, read it, which he said was printed in New York near three months ago. Mr. Newman asked said Robb how it came to be kept back. This deponent saith, he understood Mr. Robb said it was our rulers kept it back, and that the substance of the above paper was terms of peace from Lord Howe. And further saith not. James Giles. The evidence of George Silverthorn for Robert Robb, viz : This deponent, being at Mr. Robb's house, and from there went together to a chimney raising in the neighborhood. After a while said Robb pulled out a handbill which gave an account of General Washington's army being in need of a reinforcement, and Mr. Robb said in public, that it was necessary for every one to turn out that would go. However, after a while, Mr. Robb pulled out another 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. iry paper, which he said was a declaration of peace, from Lord Howe, and read it in public. After reading the said paper, Mr. Robb said he came on purpose to see Mr. Newman, and whether or not he thought proper to call some of the neighbors together, in order to see whether or not the said declaration was of any effect or not, as he was one of the town committee, or how they would take it, as he would not depend upon his own judgment on such an occasion, as being but one person. And this deponent saith, that after the papers came out which gave an account of what passed between General Howe and them at Staten Island, this deponent was telling said Robb that he had heard them read at Mr. McKinney's, and that Mr. Robb said that he thought it would not be proper to lay down their arms till peace would be concluded on better terms than these for the benefit of the country. And further saith not. George Silverthorn. Lieutenant John Scudder, being duly sworn, saith that Robert Robb said that the King's troops are able to learn us to beat them- selves, as Peter the Great said of Charles, King of Sweden, and that the said Robb never did anything against the cause of America, but always encouraged the sajne, to the best of his know- ledge ; and further saith, that Mr. Newman charged Robert Robb with discouraging people going into the service, and that George Silverthorn and his family were the people. And further saith not. John Scudder, December i 'jth., 1776, Northumberland County. — The committee of this county, taking the proofs and allegations for and against Robert Robb under their serious consideration, do judge that the said Robb hath behaved in such manner as gives just grounds for this committee to suspect him of being not only unfriendly, but inimical, to our com- mon cause ; therefore, Resolved, TlHat said Robert Robb shall either take his gun and march immediately with the militia of this county into actual ser- vice, for the defense of the United States, in order to wipe off the present evil suspicions, or otherwise to be committed to the care of ii8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. Lieut. Col. James Murray, of the second battalion, to be by him sent to some proper place of confinement, until released by further authority. Signed by order of the committee. Paul Geddis, Chairman. December id>th, 1776. The above Robert Robb desires to appeal to the Council of Safety of this State : Resolved, That said Robb may appeal to said council, under the care of the said Col. Murray. Paul Geddis, Chairman. Muster Roll of Captain Casper WeitzeVs Company, in the first Bat- talion of Pennsylvania Regiment of Rifiemefi commanded by Col- onel Samuel Miles. Camp near Kings bridge, September i, I'l'id. Captain — Casper Weitzel, Esquire, of Sunbury appointed March 9, 1776. First Lieutenant — WilHam Gray, appointed March 15; captured August 27 ; exchanged December 8, 1776, for Lieutenant Thompson. Second Lieutenant — John Robb, appointed March 16, 1776, promoted captain i8th April, 1777. Third Lieutenant — George Grant, appointed March 19, 1776, captain in the 9th P. C. L. Died loth October, 1779. Sergeant Major — John Gordon. Sergeants — Jacob Snider, Thomas Price, William Orr, Thomas Shanks. Drummer — John Everard. September i, sick at New York. Privates — ^\llison, William ; Arthur, John ; Aumiller, John \ Barr, William ; ^Brady, Peter ; Brinson, Stout ; Burke, John ; Car- son, Samuel; Carson, William, junior; Carson, William, senior ; ^Carter, Andrew ; Carter, Charles ; ^Caruthers, Robert ; Chisnell, James; Clark, William; Clayton, James ; Connell, Jeffry; Cribs, John; Curry, David; Davis, Peter; Doran, Edward; Durell, David; Durell, Stephen ; Elder, James ; Ewig, Christian ; ^Gass, Henry ; Gerhart, Henry ; Glover, James ; Hardy, John ; Harper, William ; Hissom, Thomas; ^Huggins, Dennis; Hunt, Elijah; Irvine, James; ^Kerstetter, Martin ; Little, Thomas ; McCleane, Charles ; ^McCor- ^ Missing after the battle of Long Island, August 27. 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. iig mick, William ; McDonald, John ; Mclnnis, Patrick ; McManus, Patrick; McMath, William; ^McVey, Patrick; Madden, Joseph; Miller, Henry ; ^Morehead, Robert : Newman, Richard ; Noland, Michael; Ralston, Andrew; Randolph, James; ^Rice, John; Sands, John ; Shaffer, John ; ^Spiess, Jacob ; Staples, Samuel ; Turner, David; ^Watt, James; Wilson, Robert; Winters, Christian; Wolcot, Silas. Lieutenant William Gray, afterwards Captain Gray, died at Sun- bury, July 1 8, 1804, aged fifty-four. Sergeant Price ended his days in a small log house on Water street, in Selinsgrove. It seems he was carried to Halifax, in Nova Scotia. Made his escape traveling through the vast forests interven- ing between that country and the nearest American settlements. See History of West Branch, page 109. In a letter to Honorable Samuel Maclay, member of Congress at Philadelphia, dated Penn's township, December 4, 1798, written in a very good hand, he com- plains that he had been three times elected colonel, beating Charles Drum twice and Frederick Evans once, and yet had not been com- missioned, because, as he says, it was alleged that he was too poor for such a post. He says, ''I settled in these parts before the war, and have resided here ever since, except while I was out in the army. I enlisted in Captain Weitzel's company, and was wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Long Island. I underwent many hardships, but at last found means to escape, returned to the army, and served my time out ; was honorably discharged, and never re- ceived my pay. Soon after my return home I was elected adjutant, and continued in that post many years. Afterwards was elected major." Associators. On the 31st of August the field officers for the battalion in Buffalo and Penn's townships were chosen, and the 8th of October commis- sions were issued to them as fourth battalion of Northumberland county associators and to the company officers : Colonel — Cole, Philip. J Lieutenant Colonel — Sutherland, Thomas. First Major — Foster, Thomas. I20 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. Second Major — Yost, Casper. Standard Bearer — Miller, Dewalt. Adjutant — McCoy, James. Company No. i. Captain — Clarke, John. First Lieutenant — Pontius, Henry. Second Lieutenant — Moore, James. Ensign — Watson, Patrick. Four sergeants, four corporals, one drummer, one fifer, and forty-six privates, certified by me, this 26th day of September, 1776. John Clarke, captain. Second Company. Captain — Weaver, Michael. Third Company. Captain — Links, Jacob. Fourth Co7npany. Captain — Weirick, William. First Lieutenant — Sherred, Jacob. Second Lieutenant — Gill, William. Ensign — Moon, Nicholas. Four sergeants, four corporals, one drummer, one fifer, forty privates. The whole of the above as associators testified by me, this 26th day of September, 1776. William Weirick, Captain. Fifth Company. Captain — Wolff, George. First Lieutenant — Conrad, George. Second Lieutenant — Wildgoose, Michael. Ensign — Hessler, John. Four sergeants, four corporals, one drummer, one fifer, forty- one privates. 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 121 Sixth Company. Captain — Overmeier, George. First Lieutenant — McCelvey, James. Second Lieutenant — Weirick, Peter. Ensign — Snyder, Michael. Four sergeants, four corporals, one drummer, one fifer, forty privates. The whole of the above as associators testified by me, this 26th day of September, 1776. Captain George Overmeier. This battalion, or rather drafts from it, went into service in Decem- ber, when Colonel Cole was with part of it at Reading. Colonel Brodhead writes that he made use of a company from Buffalo Valley to apprehend some of the disaffected and to compel some of the militia of Berks to march. It is probable that when the danger to Philadelphia became im- minent, officers and men volunteered to fill up Captain Clarke's company, as we find their names on the following roll. I am in- debted to John C. Watson, of West Buffalo township, a grandson of Captain Clarke, for an old account book which contained the names. The company left the Valley on the 5th of December, and served three months and eighteen days. It appears from some memorandums in this book, that the com- pany did not leave Reading until the 3d of January, 1777, and consequently did not participate at Trenton and Princeton, b,ut was in the subsequent skirmishes. It was attached to Colonel Potter's second battalion, Lieutenant Colonel James Murray, Majors John Kelly and Thomas Robinson. Joseph Green assigned as surgeon's mate to Doctor Benjamin Allison. Four companies, Clarke's, Lee's, Taggart's, Cookson Long's, had casualties during the campaign : Roll of Captain John Clarke' s Co?npany. Allen, Robert ; Augustine, Hieronimus ; Barnett, Joseph ; Beatty, John ; Bower, George ; Cery, Thomas ; Clark, George ; Cogh, Daniel; Colpetzer, Adam; Commer, Daniel; Conner, Jacob; Con- rad, George ; Conrad, Henry ; Cousins, William ; Esterly, Jacob ; Etzweiler, George ; Ewig, Philip; Fought, Michael; Foster, Thomas; Fry, John; Gill, WiUiam; Gilman, Henry; Green, Joseph; Green- lee, William ; Groninger, Joseph ; Grove, Wendell ; Hain, John ; 122 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. Harpster, Jacob; Heny, Stophel; Hessler, William; Hessler, John; Hessler, Michael ; Kellahan, Patrick ; Keeny, Jacob ; Kishler, Francis ; Kneedler, Frederick ; Kneedler, Conrad ; Lamb, Michael ; Links, Jacob; Long, Jacob; Long, WiUiam ; Lowdon, Richard; McCashon, John; McCelvey, James; McClung, Matthew; Mc- Donneld, Randal ; Mackhn, Valentine ; Miller, Benjamin ; Moor, William; Morrow, Andrew; Nees, Henry; Nees, Peter; Overmeier, George; Pontius, Nicholas; Pontius, George; Rinehart, Frederick; Rinehart, George ; Rith or Ritle, Yost ; Rote, Michael ; Row, Lud- wig ; Sierer, George ; Schneider, Michael ; Schock, John ; Schock, Michael; Schock, George; Scott, Robert; Smith, Michael; Speddy, William; Speese, Jacob ;Steverlspn, James; Storm, David; Thomp- son, Robert; Ulrich, George; Weaver, John; Weaver, David; Wenderbach, Henry; Wilson, Robert; Wolfe, George. Captain Clarke lived on the first farm above Mifflinburg, south of the turnpike; died February 22, 1809, aged seventy-three; buried in the Lewis graveyard. Lieutenant Thomas Foster, grand- father of Mrs. Mark Halfpenny, died June 4, 1804; buried in Lewis graveyard. Augustine was a weaver ; lived near Selinsg rove as late as 1800. George Bower lived in Union township. Joseph Barnett became the patriarch of Jefferson county, Pennsylvania. See a full notice of him in Day's Historical Collections. Honorable I. G. Gordon, of Brookville, writes me, 1871, that some of his grandchildren live near that place. John Beatty lived near New Berlin. George Clark was a prominent surveyor in the Valley until 1800, and then removed West. He lived in a house near JuSge Hummel's, now torn down. He was an exceedingly tall man, and took delight in making his axe marks as surveyor beyond the reach of other men. He once made a narrow escape from the Indians by leaping Little Buffalo creek, from the high bank, near late Jacob Moyer's. It was attributed to Brady, but Brady's leap was in the western part of the State, in Armstrong county. Jacob Conner lived in Buffalo. Adam Colpetzer, in West Buffalo ; married a daughter of George Rote, of Mifflinburg. George Etzweiler was killed by the Indians in 1780, at Heberling's mill, then French Jacob Grochong's. Michael Fought, in Union, on Seebold's farm, near Chappel Hollow, east of it. William Gill, in Penn's. Wendell Grove, in Derrstown. Henry Gilman, in White Deer. Joseph 1776.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 123 Groninger, in Kelly, on Clingan's place. Joseph Green near Philip Pontius' ; he was grandfather of Joseph Green, of Lewis- burg. Jacob Harpster, in Beaver township. John Hain, in Penn's. The Hesslers, near Crotzerville. The church there bears their name. Christopher Heny, on General James Irvine's, now, or lately, Kleckner's, west of Mifflinburg. Patrick Kellahan, north-west of Mifflinburg. Jacob Keeny, on John Aurand's place, Turtle creek. Richard Lowdra was a brother of Captain John, and lived with Tim. Andrew Morrow was a tenant on Samuel Maclay's place. Benjamin Miller, afterwards owned James Biehl's place. Matthew McClung, late George Gundy's heirs, near Turtle creek. Randal McDonneld, on S. Maclay's, just north of the Great Western, now Mrs. Shoemaker's. Peter Nees died of wounds received February j^ j^^^_ George Overmeier lived near Seebold's, in Limestone. Nicholas Pontius was the father of the late J. F. Pontius. George was his brother, sons of John, who owned the Captain Bucher tract, where his descendants still reside, or a few of them, as the name is legion now. David Storm, where B. Lahr lives, on Esquire Came- ron's farm. Robert Scott, on Barber's place. White Springs. Jacob Speese lived, within our memory, in White Deer. William Speddy, see 1772. The Schock's, about Mifflinburg. Michael Smith, in East Buffalo, above Henry Mertz's. George Wolfe was the grand- father of Jonathan, of Lewisburg. Colonel William Cooke's regiment was directed to be raised in the counties of Northampton and Northumberland. Among the last acts of the convention, on the 28th of September, was the election of field officers of this regiment. Four companies, Miller's, Boone's, Brady's, and Harris', were from Northumberland county. These companies were nearly full on the nth of December, and left Sun- bury about a week thereafter, as Marcus Huling claimed for loss of a boat in taking them down the river at that time. The regiment went immediately into active service. Being com- posed mainly of good riflemen, large drafts were made upon it for picket and skirmish duty. A portion, under Boone, was sent into the. northern army, and assisted in the capture of Burgoyne. At Brandywine the regiment lost heavily in officers and men, and at Germantown ; so that, after wintering at Valley Forge, the field offi- cers were mustered out, the supernumerary line officers discharged, 124 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1776. and what remained of officers and companies distributed into the third and sixth regiments. Roster of Colonel William Cooke's Twelfth Pennsylvania Regiment of the Continental Line. Colonel — Cooke, William, of Northumberland, commissioned Oc- tober 2, 1776. Lieutenant Colonel — Gray, Neigal, of Northampton county. He moved to Buffalo Valley after the war. Major — Crawford, James, commissioned October 8, 1776. After- wards justice of the peace in Lycoming county, where he died. Adjutant — Hanson, Thomas. Paymasters — Levers, Robert; Dungan, Thomas; appointed April 29, 1777. Quartermaster — Vaughan, George. Surgeon — Ledlie, Doctor Andrew, of Easton. Surgeon's Mate — Woodruff, Aaron. Captains — Withington, Peter, commissioned October i, 1776; took sick, in Philadelphia, in December, 17763 sent home, to Reading, where he died May 11, 1777; his widow, Eve, survived him over fifty years, and died in Mifflinburg ; Miller, Nicholas, appointed October 4, 1776, from Northumberland county ; died, in 1 79-, in Northampton county ; Boone, Hawkins, appointed October 4, 1776; killed, at Fort Freeland, July 28, 1779; Brady, John, appointed October 14, 1776; killed, by the Indians, April 11, 1779; Harris, John, appointed October 14, 1776; McKinley, Reverend Henry, of Carhsle, appointed October 16, 1776; Pat- terson, Alexander, of Northampton county; Work, William, ap- pointed October 16, 1776. Lieutenants — Brandon, Thomas, appointed October 4, 1776; Lincoln, Hananiah, appointed October 4, 1776 ; he was a sergeant in Captain George Nagel's company, Colonel William Thompson's regiment, 1 775-1 776; resigned, after battle of Brandywine, and went to Daniel Boone's settlement, in Kentucky ; he followed Boone to Missouri, where he died ; Gettig, Christopher, appointed October 14, 1776, from Sunbury; wounded at Piscataway, New Jersey, May II, 1777 ; taken prisoner, and had his leg amputated; justice of the peace many years afterward at Sunbury ; his descendants reside near 1776,] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 125 Bellefonte; Reily, John, appointed October 16, 1776; promoted Captain, May 20, 1777 ; mustered out of service November 3, 1783 ; Chambers, Stephen, Esquire, appointed October 16, 1776; promoted captain; one of tlie council of censors, in 1783; Delegate to the Federal Convention, December 12, 1787; wounded in a duel with Doctor Jacob Rieger, on Monday, nth May, 1789; died on Satur- day, i6th, at his house, in La,ncaster ; McElhatton, William, appointed October 16, 1776 ; wounded, atBonhamtown, New Jersey, in right shoulder ; disabled, and transferred to the invalid corps July I, 1779; died April 26, 1807; Henderson, John, appointed Oc- tober 16, 1776; Sayre, William, appointed October 16, 1776. Second Lieutenants — King, Robert, October 4, 1776; promoted lieutenant, third Pennsylvania, May 20, 1777; left out of service June 23, 1779; Williamson, James, October 4, 1776; McCabe, Edward, October 16, 1776; Hays, John, October 16, 1776; Quinn, Samuel, October 16, 1776 ; Boyd, John, of Northumberland, promoted lieutenant in third Pennsylvania, June 18, 1779; died February 13, 1832; Bard, William, October i, 1776; Carothers, John, October 16, 1776; killed, at Germantown, October 4, 1777; Falconer, Robert. Ensigns — Lodge, Benjamin, junior, October 16, 1776; promoted lieutenant sixth Pennsylvania, October 11, 1777: Hamilton, Thomas, October 16, 1776; Blackall, William Ball, October 16, 1776; promoted lieutenant third Pennsylvania, nth September, 1778; mustered out November 3, 1783; Boyd, William, appointed October 16, 1776; killed at Brandywine, September 11, 1777; Stone, John, October 16, 1776; resigned January 8, 1777; died March, 1792; Herbert, Stewart, October 16, 1776; promoted lieutenant sixth Pennsylvania, January 9, 1778; Engle, Andrew, October 16, 1776; promoted lieutenant of third Pennsylvania, December 20, 1778; retired January 1, 1781; Strieker, Henry, October 16, 17763 Seeley, John, February 3, 1777; Armstrong, John, formerly sergeant; served until the end of the war, and promoted lieutenant in Captain James Moore's corps. Philadelphia, December, 1776. I am commanded by the House to request your attendance in this city, in order to take your seat in Council, that we may immediately 126 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1777. carry all the powers of government into execution. As this must appear absolutely necessary to every good man, we can have no doubt, from your general character, but you are so well disposed to the public, and so desirous of order and good government, that you will not neglect to take your seat in that important body. Com- pliance will much oblige the State in general, and in particular thy real, though unknown, friend. John Jacobs, Speaker. John Lowdon, Esquire, Northumberland county. 2 4th December, Colonel Hunter writes that a company out of his battalion had volunteered ; chosen Major John Lee, captain ; Hugh White, first lieutenant ; Thomas Gaskins, second lieutenant, and marched that day ; and he had impressed guns and blankets for them, and had them appraised. 1>1>1>1 % Officials — Minutes of the Committee of Safety, Continued — Major Kelly at Princeton — Roll of Captain B. Weiser's Company — Matthew Brown — Paoli — General Potter's Letters. HOMAS WHARTON, President of the State. John Lowdon member of Council until October, when he was succeeded by Captain John Hambright, of Turbut township. Members of Assembly elected in October : Samuel Dale, Robert Fruit, James Murray, William Irwin, Simon Himrod, and Robert Fleming. On the 9th of June the following justices were appointed under the new constitution : Samuel Hunter, Thomas Hewitt, Robert Crawford, John Weitzel, Robert Martin, Michael Troy, Samuel Allen, John Aurand, William Shaw, and John Livingston. William Maclay, Prothonotary until September 1 1 , when he was succeeded by David Harris ; Jonathan Lodge, Sheriff, elected in October ; John 1777. J ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. i2j Simpson, the first Register and Recorder of the county, appointed March 14. March 21, Samuel Hunter appointed lieutenant, and Walter Clark, William Murray, George Wolfe, and William Wilson, sub-lieuten- ants of Northumberland county. Constable of Buffalo : Martin Trester ; White Deer, Henry Derr. Elias Younkman's name appears on the grand jury. He resided in Turbut before moving into Buffalo, in 1783. Minutes of the Committee of Safety— Continued. January ist, 1777. The complaint of Petei' Smith against Robert Robb. To THE Honorable Committee of Northumberland County : That on the 20th of last month, at the house of Captain John Brady, said Robb did violently beat and very much abuse said Smith, and further produceth James Brady and Jean Kennan as evidence of said charge, and also Patrick Murdock as evidence afterwards to the wounds alleged to be received by said Smith from said Robb. his Peter X Smith. mark. The above named Peter Smith maketh oath that he received the above-mentioned, abuse, by the above-named Robert Robb, at the time and place above-mentioned, and that he, this deponent, has not been able, ever since receiving the above-mentioned abuse, to follow his usual vocation, as formerly. his Peter X Smith. mark. James Brady's Evidence between Peter Smith, complainant, and Robert Robb, defendant. This deponent saith, that on Friday, the 20th day of December last, Robert Robb did, at the house of this deponent's father, and in his presence, violently beat and abuse the above-said Smith, and continued so to do until he, this deponent, rescued him out of his hands. This deponent further saith, that Robert Robb said he 128 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1777. believed the committee got very li<-tle satisfaction of him, and that they were a set of rascals, some of them were robbers, some were horse -thieves, and some of them were murderers. And further saith not. James Brady. Jean Cannon's Evidence. This deponent saith, that she saw Peter Smith immediately after difference with Robert Robb, and that said Smith seemed to her to have been very much abused- as she understood, by said Robert Robb. This deponent further saith, that said Robb said the com- mittee was a set of rascals, some of them were horse-thieves, some robbers, and some of them were murderers. And further saith not. her Jean X Cannon. mark. January ^th, 1777. Resolved, That this committee be adjourned until the 1 4th day of this instant, to meet at the house of George McCandlish. January 14. The committee met, by adjournment, at the house of Mr. George McCandlish, and proceeded to hear the evidence of James Patton, in behalf of Robert Robb. James Patton, being duly sworn, deposeth and said, that he, this deponent, with Peter Smith and some others, were drinking together at the house of Captain John Brady, when said Smith asked Mr. Robb what news. Mr. Robb answered that he desired none of his discourse, and asked James Brady if there was any fire in the new house. Brady said there was. Mr. Robb then got up and asked this deponent if he would go into the said house and drink share of half a pint. This deponent said he would. After sitting down, the aforesaid Smith came in. Says Mr. Robb, you have follovv^ed me here again, Peter. Mr. Robb further said, if you choose to sit here, I will go into the other house, and if you follow me, I will flog you, or turn you out. Mr. Robb then got up, and asked this deponent to go with him to the other house. This deponent further 1777.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. isg saith, that Mr. Robb said that once in his day he never thought to be tried by such men as some of the committee. Some of them had been tried for murder and some for horse stealing. And further saitli not. James Patton. Whereas, A certain Robert Robb was brouglit before the com- mittee of this county, on account of sundry charges proven against him, and a resolve of this committee entered tliereon, bearing date December 17th, 1776, by virtue whereof he was committed to the custody of Colonel James Murray, to be by him sent to some proper place of confinement until released by a superior authority : And whereas. The saiei Colonel Murray, out of lenity to said Robb's family, saw fit to appoint the mansion-house of the said Robb as a prison for him, on a promise of his good behavior for the future, but as said Robb hath since (as appears by sufficient tes- timony given before this committee) very ungratefully abused the lenity shown him by said Colonel Murray, by barbarously beating and much abusing a certain Peter Smith, of this county, so as to render him unable, for a considerable time, to support himself and his small family by his industry, as usual, as appears by the testi- mony of said Smith, and other evidences produced before this com- mittee : And whereas. He did, at the same time, not only despise all authority of this committee, but also charge them with horse steal- ing, robbery, and murder, as appears by the testimony of said evidences : therefore, Resolved, Notified to take, or order to be taken, the aforesaid Robert Robb before the Council of Safety, of this State, to whom he hath appealed, in order to answer the several charges proven against him before this committee, which we have inclosed in a letter directed to the said Council of Safety, which you are desired to deliver with said prisoner. Signed by order of committee. Paul Geddis, Chairjnan. January 15, 1777. Resolved, That notice be sent to Captain Murray, requesting his attendance to-morrow morning, which was accordingly sent by Mr. Johnson. 9 ijo ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1777. January i6. Upon Captain Murray's not appearing according to notice, Resolved, That Tiiomas Combs be hired and sent with a second notice to Captain Murray, requesting his attendance immediately. Upon Captain Murray's non-appearance upon second notice, Resolved, That the aforesaid Thomas Combs be again sent with a third notice to Captain Murray, and paid five shilhngs for his trouble. January 17. Thomas Combs returned from Captain Murray's, and brought a letter of which the following is a copy : January 17, 1777. Gentlemen : I sent you word by Mr. McKnight and Mr. John- son that I would not act any longer as an officer ; and since you wont take my word, I now send you my commission, and I hope you will believe me now. William Murray. To the committee. Upon Captain Murray's non-compliance with the resolve of this committee. Resolved, That Simon Himrod and Buchanan Smith be ap- pointed to conduct Robert Robb to the Council of Safety of this State, and that they be paid two pounds five shilhngs for their trouble. Resolved, That the sum of one pound ten shillings be paid to Captain John Hambright, for this book found by him for the use of this committee. Resolved, That Mordecai McKinney be paid by the chairman one pound two si lUings and six pence, out of the balance received by Mr. Clay, on account of expresses to the different officers of Colonel Murray';: battalion. Job Jolloway applied to this committee for a letter to Thomas Ferguson, to go with him to the Six Nations. Resolved, That a letter be sent accordingly. 1777. 1 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 131 Northumberland, February 13, 1777. The following gentlemen being unanimously chosen by their re- spective townships to serve in the committee of this county for the ensuing six months, met at the house of Laughlan McCartney, in Northumberland, and gave in the following returns of their election. Augusta township. Potter' s township. John Livingstone, John McMillan. Turbutt township. Thomas Jordan, John Nelson, Josiah Espy. Buffalo Township. John Aurand, Thomas Sutherland, George Overmire. Bald Eagle township. John Fleming, James Hughs, John Walker. Mochonoy township. George Yeakle, Henry Zartman, Henry Krebs. Penn's township. Andrew Moore, David Miller, Jacob Hosterman. White Deer township. William Blyth, James McCormick, William Reed, Muncy township, John Coates, James Hampton, William Hammond. Mahoning township. Wyoming township. James McClure, Peter Milleck, John Clingman. The committee, according to order, proceeded to elect their chairman and clerk, when Thomas Jordan was unanimously chosen chairman, and John Coates, clerk. 132 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1777. Resolved, That this committee be adjourned till Tuesday, the nth day of March next, when they are to meet at the house of George McCandlish ; and as sundry of the townships have neglected to send out their members at this meeting, the committee have ordered the chairman to give notice to the said townships by public advertisement to attend at next meeting. March nth, 1777. The committee met according to adjournment, Mr. Thomas Jor- dan in the chair. Upon complaints being made by a certain Allis Read, of Wyom- ing township, that he, the said Read, had a horse strayed or stolen from him some time ago, and was found in the custody of a certain John Drake, when said Read replevied the horse and got him and kept him in his possession for about six months, and then the widow of said Drake came and took him forcibly out of said Read's stable, he not being at home himself, 'and now keeps the horse, and abso- lutely refuses to give him up again to the said Read. Resolved, That Messrs. James McClure, Peter Milleck, and John Clingman, with the assistance of the committee of Wyoming town- ship be a joint committee to meet at the house of James McClure, in said township, on Saturday, the 2 2d day of this instant, March, to hear the complaint and defense of both parties concerning the said horse, and that the chairman of this committee issue summons for the evidences of the complainer to attend at said meeting, which summons are to be served by the complainer himself, as also a sum- mons for the said Widow Drake to attend Avith the horse and her evidences or reasons, if any she have, why the complainer should not have his horse upon proper proofs being made of his being his property, and the aforesaid persons are hereby authorized to judge and determine betwixt both parties, and upon proper proofs being made, give their final judgment in the matter. A certain Captain Jacob Links, of Buffalo township, appealed to this committee in consequence of a resolve of the committee of said township, a copy of which is as follows, viz : '^Resolved, That Jacob Links does return several sums of money, which a number of the inhabitants of this township did deliver to him for the use of purchasing salt, he, said Links, acknowledging he 1777.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 133 could have had salt, but it being troublesome times, he was afraid he should suffer loss if he would purchase the salt, and a certain evidence did declare that he said he was going on his own business to Philadelphia, and he, said Links, did not bring salt. December 21, 1776, by the committee of Buffalo township. (Signed,) Will. Irwin, Chairman^ In consequence of said appeal, Mr. Links was called in before this committee and asked if he had evidence to produce. He said he had, but that he had them not then ready. Resolved, That Mr. Links appeal be referred till the next meet- ing of committee, and that his evidence be summoned to attend. Whereas, Colonel or Captain Benjamin Weiser has made com- plaint to this committee that a number of parsons who had been out under his command in the militia of this county, in order to join the continental army, in New Jersey, and that the said persons were deserted from him and returned home to this county, as the same is more fully expressed in a letter to this committee, bearing date , craving their assistance. Resolved, That a day of muster be assigned for the said persons to meet and march off to camp, and serve out their time, allowing them to elect new officers, if they had any objections to the old ones, cer- tifying them also, that if they neglect to obey this resolve, they are to be taken up and committed as deserters. Whereas, This committee have received a letter from the com- mittee of the township of Bald Eagle, together with a resolve of their committee anent the selling of grain, &c., in their township, craving advice before they should carry their resolve into execution, of which the following is a copy : February 26th, 1776. We, the committee of the township of Bald Eagle met, and as a complaint was made to us by a number of the inhabitants that there is a quantity of rye that is going to be carried out of the township, for stilling, and that there are some of the in- habitants, which have not sold their grain as yet, nor will not sell without they get eighteen pence or two shillings per bushel above the highest market price that grain is giving in the county, but will keep it up and carry it off; and as it appears to us that a great num- ber of the inhabitants of the township will suffer if such a practice is allowed to go on ; therefore, we 134 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1777. Resolve, That no stiller in this township shall buy any more grain this season for to still, or still any more than what he hath already by him. And further, we resolve, that no grain be carried out of this township till the necessity of the poor is supplied, or till the first day of May next ; and any person having grain of any kind to dispose of, and will not take the market price at Sunbury, reduct- ing a reasonable carriage or the highest price that it will be there when the grain is wanted, we allow to seize on it and take it by force, and pay them their money. Given under our hands the day and year above mentioned. (Signed,) John Dickson, Robert Love, James Erwin. Resolved, That the committee of Bald Eagle is the most compe- tent judges of the circumstances of the people in that township ; that, therefore, the affair be referred back to them to act as they shall see just cause, but, in the meantime, that they be cautioned against using too much rigor in their measures, and that they keep by mod- eration as much as possible, and study a sort of medium between seizing of property and supplying the wants of the poor. Whereas, Report has been made to this committee of a certain Henry Sterratt profaning the Sabbath in an unchristian and scan- dalous manner, causing his servants to maul rails, &c., on that day, and beating and abusing them if they offered to disobey such his unlawful commands. Resolved, That the committee of Bald Eagle township, where he now resides, be recommended to suppress such like practices to the utmost of their power. Resolved, That this committee be adjourned till Tuesday, the 15 th of April next, when it is again to meet at the house of George McCandlish. April i^th, 1777. The committee met according to adjournment, Mr. Thomas Jor- dan in the chair. Whereas, A certain Jacob Dreisbach having disobeyed a sum- mons issued by this committee at their last sitting, for him to have compeared at this meeting of committee as evidence in the affair of Jacob Links, 1777.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. I35 Resolved, That a special warrant be now granted for bringing him before this committee to-morrow, at nine o'clock. April 1 7 /A. Jacob Dreisbach was brought before the committee, and being duly sworn, he saith that he asked Captain Links if he was the man that was to go to Philadelphia for salt, and the said Links answered that he was, and said that he had a sister in Philadelphia, and wanted to see her, and said it would suit him better to go than another who had no errand of their own ; but says, for his own part, he was will- ing to allow Captain Links whatever came to his share of the ex- penses, at the same rate that the rest of his employers allowed him, and further saith not. Jacob Dreisbach. Mr. George Overmire, a member of this committee, declareth that he was present when Captain Links agreed with his employers, and says that he was to have his expenses allowed him, whether he got salt or not. Captain Links compeared and produced his account for traveling expenses, which amounted to ;£5 15, acknowledging the leceipt of ^39 from his employers, part of which he had yet in his hands, and says he could have got salt, but it being salt that had been already purchased or allotted for the use of this county, and was to be distributed over the county at large, it was not answering his purpose to bring it, and there was no other salt he could get to purchase. Resolved, That Captain Links be authorized to keep the sum of two shillings and eleven pence half penny out of every pound of his employer's money for payment of his expenses, as his account ap- pears to this committee to be very moderate. Whereas, A certain William Read, of Bald Eagle township, has been taken into custody and carried before this committee to an- swer for his conduct in refusing to associate and bear arms in behalf of the States ; and being asked his reasons for so refusing, his an- swers were as follows, viz : That he was once concerned in a riot that happened in Ireland, commonly known by the name of the Hearts of Steel, and was taken prisoner, tried, and acquitted, upon his taking an oath of 7j6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Ylll. allegiance to the King, and coming [under] solemn obligations never to lift arms against him for the future ; he, therefore, looked upon it as a breach of his oath to muster or bear arms in behalf of the States, as the arms of the States were now employed against the King to whom he had sworn allegiance. Being further asked if he had any objections to the cause the United States were now engaged in, he said he had not any, and would be as forward and willing as any to join in it, could he do it without breach of his oath. Being asked if he would take an oath of allegiance to the United States, he said he would if it did not oblige him to take up arms. Accordingly an oath was tendered to liim, and he swore as follows : I do swear to be true to the United States of America, and do renounce and disclaim all allegiance to the King of Great Britain, and promise that I will not, either directly or indirectly, speak or act any thing in prejudice to the cause or safety of the States, or lift arms against them, or be any way assistant to their declared enemies in any case whatsoever. William Read. Whereupon, the committee resolved to dismiss him, upon his pay- ing the sum of seventeen shillings and one penny half penny, being the costs of bringing him before the committee. In consequence of sundry accounts, from different parts of the county, of a dangerous plot being on foot by some of our enemies to bring on an Indian war, and in particular by an intercepted letter, wrote by a certain Nicholas Pickard, directed to a certain John Pickard, at the house of Caspar Read, in Penn's township, with all speed, a copy of which was transmitted to us by Nathaniel Landon, of Wyoming, and is now before this committee, and is as follows : Wyoming, March ph, 1777. Worthy Friend : I cannot omit but write you a few lines, that I am in a good state of health, and, further, I let you know that, as soon as the river is clear of ice, we shall march from every part ; therefore, I would advise you, as a friend, to go out of the way, for we then, as soon as the- river is clear of ice, intend to cut all off; therefore, I think it is better for you to go out of the way with the rest, for against May it will go as you heard it should go. Perhaps 1777.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 137 against Easter I will be with you ; then I shall tell you further, and give you a better account of it. No more at present, but I remain your trusty friend. Give my compliments to them all a thousand times ; tell them all that I intend to see them soon. I have wrote to you as much as I durst. (Signed.) Nicholas Pickard. In consequence of which letter, Colonel James Murray and Cap- tain James Espy were sent out, by order of this committee, in search of the said Nicholas and John Pickard. April i']th. Captain Espy returned, and brought the body of John Pickard before this committee ; and being legally sworn, upon the Holy ■ Evangelist of Almighty God, He saith, that he went up the river, some time about last Christ- mas, from Middletown to Wyoming, in a boat, and at Wyoming he met with the aforesaid Nicholas Pickard, his own cousin, and that they two went by land about twenty miles further up the river, to a place called Tankhannock, to see some friends, and being in the house of a certain Nicholas Phillips, he, the said Phillips, told his cousin and him that the Indians had told him they would come down, and cut off all against this spring, or as soon as they got their orders ; and that they would in particular strike upon the Mohawk river and the waters of the Susquehannough ; and that when he parted with the said Nicholas, at that time, he promised to write to the deponent as soon as he thought there was immediate danger, so that he might go out. of the way ; withal telling him that the Indians did not want to kill any that did not take up arms against them, so that if he would go out of the way, or lie still on one side, there would be no danger of him. And further told him, about a fortnight ago, that there were five hundred Indians at Shamung, waiting for their orders from Niagara. Likewise, that he, the deponent, asked the said Nicholas what his reason was for coming down to Caspar Read's at that time, (being about a fortnight ago,) and he told him that the Yankees were going to apprehend him for a Tory, and that a certain ^ Dennis Clark came to him about midnight, and gave him notice of it, and accordingly he made his escape down the river to Caspar Read's, or that neighborhood. And he has told the deponent, that 138 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1777. he has wrote him two letters, one of which was sent by a man of the name of Clark, which the deponent thinks is the same Clark that gave him notice to go off; and that Clark took sick upon the way, and when he could not proceed forward with the letter, by reason of his illness, he threw the letter in the fire and burnt it ; and that the contents of the letter was, that the Indians were coming down, and for the deponent to go out of the way, and further saith not. John Pickard. An oath of allegiance to the United States being proposed to John Pickard, and bail for his good behavior, he complied with both, and produced Caspar Read as his bail, who bound himself in a bond of an hundred pounds for the good and orderly behavior of John Pick- ard, for a year and a day next to come after this date. Then the oath of allegiance was tendered to him, and he swore as follows : I do swear to be true to the United States of America, and do renounce and disclaim all allegiance to the King of Great Britain, and promise that I will not, either directly or indirectly, speak or act anything in prejudice to the cause or safety of the States, or lift arms against them, or be any way assistant to their declared enemies, in any case whatsover. So help me God. John Pickard. Upon the satisfaction given to the committee by the said John Pickard, it was unanimously agreed that he be dismissed. April T^th. Colonel Murray returned, and brought the body of Nicholas Pick- ard before this committee, and being [questioned] .anent the aforesaid letter, confesseth that he wrote it, and a copy of the letter being read unto him, he ackowledged the same in every particular ; and further confesseth, that he is in connection with the ministerial troops at Niagara, and that he has taken an oath of allegiance to the King of Britain, but says he was forced to it ; and further, concerning the letter, he says that he wrote it in a kind of mysterious manner, by reversing the letters, so that it might not be understood, in case it should be intercepted ; and that he sent it by a person of the name of Dennis Clark, and that he has seen said Clark since that time, who told him that he took sick upon the way, and, seeing that he could not get the letter forwarded, he had burnt it. 1777.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. IJ9 He likewise says that one Nicholas Philips, at Tankhannock, noti- fied him and several others thereabouts to move away with their families and connections to a place called Tiogo, in the Indian country, as the English were coming down to cut off the inhabitants upon the waters of the Mohawk river and the Susquehannough. That there were fifteen thousand of the ministerial troops at Niagara, which were to be divided ; four thousand of them were to come down the North Branch and four thousand down the West Branch of Susquehannough, and seven thousand down the Mohawk river, and a number of Indians were to be along with them, and that the person who informed this Philips of it was one John DePeu, who is gone off and joined the English at Niagara, and that he sent him this piece of information by an Indian, after he went off. Upon due deliberation upon the examination of Nicholas Pick- ard, the committee are unanimously of opinion that he is an enemy to the States : therefore, Resolved, That he be immediately sent from before this commit- tee to the Supreme Executive Council of this State, to be dealt with as their superior judgments shall direct them in the case, and that John Coates be the person who shall carry him thither, and that he call as many to his assistance as may be needful. Resolved, That this committee be adjourned till the loth day of June next, when they are to meet at the house of Mr. Laughlan McCartney, in Northumberland. January 3, was fought the battle at Princeton, in which Colonel Potter's battalion took part. Washington, it will be recollected, slipped away from Cornwallis at Trenton, made a forced march on Princeton, and had already won the battle there, when Cornwallis, having made a forced march, arrived near Stony Brook. Washing- ton sent an order to Colonel Potter to destroy the bridge at Worth's Mills, on Stony Brook, in sight of the advancing British. Colonel Potter ordered Major Kelly to make a detail for that purpose. Kelly said he would not order another to do what some might say he was afraid to do himself. He took a detail and went to work. The British opened upon him a heavy fire of round shot. Before all the logs were cut off, several balls struck the log on which he stood, and it broke down sooner than he expected, and he fell into the stream. His party moved off, not expecting him to escape. 140 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1777. By great exertions he reached the shore through the high water and .floating timbers, and followed the troops. Incumbered, as he was, with his wet and frozen clothes, he made prisoner of an armed British scout, and took him into camp. (Lossing, in his Field Book of the Revolution, says he was taken prisoner. This is a mistake.) Colonel Kelly used to tell that during this tour, for three days at one time there was no service of provisions, and during the march before and after the battle, they were thirty-six hours under arms without sleep. / ^jJilf^ Muster roll of Captain Benja7nin Wei^r's companv., at Philadelphia January 30, 1777. Captain — Weiser, B. First Lieutenant — Snider, Christopher. Second Lieutenant — Shaffer, Adam. Third Lieutenant — Van Gundy, Joseph. First Sergeant — Hain, Matthew. Second Sergeant — Markle, George. First Corporal — Moyer, Philip. Second Corporal — Eisenhauer, Frederick, enlisted in the service of the United States. Privates — Brosius, George ; Brosius, Nicholas ; Faust, John ; Furst, Christian, sick at present, (discharged at Reading, by Doctor Potts;) Furst, Conrad; Groninger, Henry; Hauser, John ; Heim, John; Herter, John; Herrold, George; Hosterman, Peter; Kauf- man, Henry; Kerstetter, Adarn ; Kerstetter, Martin: Kerstetter, Leonard ; Kitch, Thomas ; Leffler, Adam ; Livengood, John ; Mei- ser, John; Moyer, George; Neitz, Philip; Newman, Michael; Pei- fer, George; Pickel, Tobias; Reitz, Andrew; Shafer, Christian; Shafer, Nicholas; Snider, Jacob; Spengle, Zacharias; Stroub, John; Troutner, George, (enlisted in the United States service;) Weis, Peter; Witmer, Mathias. 28th January, the Assembly passed an act reviving all laws in force on the 14th of May, 1776, and such of the common and stat- ute laws of England as had been in force previously, except the act of allegiance, or those that acknowledged the authority of the heirs and devisees of William Penn, or were repugnant to the lately formed constitution. The courts were directed to be held at the 1777.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 141 times and places of old, and the President and Council should desig- nate the presiding justice; in his absence, the justices to chose one. • The election for justices was fixed for the 25 th of April, two persons from each township to be elected, one commissioned. Licenses for taverns to be granted by the Executive Council, on recommend- ation of the justices. 14th March, register and recorder's offices established in every county ; and on the 1 4th of June, the county was districted \ Buffalo, White Deer, and Potter placed in the third district. The elections to be held at Fought's mill. February i, occurred the skirmish at Piscataway, New Jersey. Patrick Kellahan, of Captain Clarke's company, was wounded by a musket ball in the right thigh. He lay a long while under the doctor's hands. The ball, however, was never extracted, at least in 1786, when Colonel James Murray certified to the facts, in order to his drawing a pension. Peter Nees was wounded in the privates, and died from want of proper care. He left a widow, Mary Nees, and three children. Henry Dougherty and John Fitzsimmons, of Northumberland county, were wounded. Lieutenant Gustavus Ross, of Lee's company, was killed. Captain Thomas Robinson, who was second in command that day, said he was wounded in the bowels, and died that night, at Ash Swamp, east New Jersey. Rob- ert Wilson, who became ensign of Cookson Long's company, and John Norcross, -were wounded. Wilson in the left foot, Norcross in the left shoulder. The following receipt is a curiosity in its way. It bears date 27th May: " Received of Captain John Clarke the sum of five pounds and twelve shillings and nine pence, together with three pounds seven shillings and three pence, together with four pounds, seven shillings bounty and subsistence, being the full pay for a private for three months and eighteen days. I say received by me. "Jos. Green." During the summer Colonel Kelly was commanding on the fron- tier. Van Campen, in his narrative, says he served a tour of three months with him at this time. Colonel Kelly's guide was Job Chil- loway, a friendly Indian. They were stationed at the Big Island, near Lock Haven. Job Chilloway, says Jones, in his history of Juniata valley, page 351, spent his latter days on Spruce creek, Huntingdon county, 142 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1777. where he was found dead in his cabin, by some hunters, about the close of the last century. He was a tall, muscular man, with his ears cut so as to hang pendant, like a pair of ear-rings ; so said the late E. Bell, Esquire. He was of the Delaware tribe, and his name occurs frequently in the Archives, from 1759 on, as a spy, and always friendly to the whites. April 5 th, General James Potter appointed third brigadier general. April 22. " Matthew Brown, whose remains lie buried in White Deer Hole valley, was quite a prominent man in our history. He was one of the first overseers of the poor for White Deer township ; in February, 1776, one of the committee of safety for Northumber- land county; in June 1776, a member of t±ie Provincial Council that met in Philadelphia to dissolve our political connection with Great Britain, and in July, 1776, a member of the State Convention that formed our State Constitution of 1776, which he signed on the 28th day of September, in that year. In the autumn of 1776 he entered our provincial or United States army as a soldier, and while serving thus contracted what was called 'the camp fever,' which compelled him to return home, and finally carried him to his grave. He lies buried here in a field, about half a mile south of my residence. His grave is surrounded with a rude unmortared stone wall, put there by his wife, Eleanor Brown, the widow named in our above list of names. After surviving him for a period of thirty-seven years, she also died, and now lies buried at his side. The inclosure is about ten or twelve feet square in the clear, inside, and contains two upright, plain white marble tombstones, now much discolored and blackened by time, leaving the following inscriptions and noth- ing more, to wit : 'MATTHEW BKOWN, Died April 2 2d, 1777.' 'ELEANOR BKOWN, Wife of Matthew Brown, Died August 9 , 1 8 1 4. ' "And inside of this stone inclosure there stands four living trees, viz : a straight and handsome hickory tree of about sixteen inches in diameter near the ground, and three other crooked and scraggy trees, a wild cherry tree, and two elm trees of some seven or eight 1777.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. if3 inches in diameter near the ground. Mr. Brown seems to have been well off, and doubtless owned this land and lived somewhere near where he now lies buried. " — /. F. Wolfinger. loth May, occurred the action at Piscataway, New Jersey. Chris- topher Gettig, afterwards many years a justice at Sunbury, was acting first lieutenant that day in Colonel Cooke's regiment. He was wounded in the leg and taken prisoner. His leg had to be amputated. Some of his descendants live near Bellefonte, Centre county, (1877.) nth September, battle of Brandy wine. Captain John Brady was badly wounded. William Boyd,^ his lieutenant was killed. Adam Christ, of Buffalo Valley, was wounded in the breast, a mus- ket ball passing clear through his body. Samuel Brady was also in this battle. The twelfth was under General Wayne, at Chadd's Ford. General Potter was with General Armstrong at Pyles' Ford. Christ was in Lieutenant Colonel James Murray's battalion, under Potter. 20th, occurred the Paoli massacre. Samuel Brady was on guard, and laid down with his blanket buckled around him. The British were nearly on them before the sentinel fired. Brady ran ; and as he jumped a fence, a soldier struck at him with a musket and pinned his blanket to a rail. He tore the blanket, and dashed on. A horseman overtook him, and ordered him to stop. He wheeled and shot the horseman dead, and got into a small swamp, supposing no one in but himself. In the morning he found fifty-five men in it, of whom he took command and conducted to camp. I St November, Colonel Hunter writes that he had orders for the third and fourth classes of militia to march, but he had neither arms or blankets for them ;. that the first and second classes were on the frontiers, and had all the good arms that could be collected ; that the people were in a bad way ; had not got in any crops. For the state of the country, he referred President Wharton to Captain John Hambright, who had been chosen of the Council. That the 1 William Boyd was the son of Sarah Boyd, a widow, who resided at Northumber- land, and a brother of Thomas, who shared in all the dangers and fatigues of the Canada campaign, (see Judge Henry's Memoirs of Arnold's Expedition,) and fell a sacrifice to Indian barbarity in Sullivan's expedition. Another brother, Captain Boyd, lived at Northumberland many years afterwards. See Meginness, page 286, for his adventures. 144 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1777. county was the worst off of any in the State for salt. His next let- ter, nth November, Fort Augusta, is as follows: Sir : This day the third and fourth classes of the third battalion march to join the army of General Washington, under the com- mand of Colonel James Murray. The two classes of Colonel Cook- son Long's battalion I have ordered to duty on the frontiers, as the first class, that was commanded by Colonel John Kelly, has come off from thence, after serving two months, to encourage the poor, scattered inhabitants to return back to their habitations, which I hope will be approved by the Council. The militia that now marches is badly off for blankets, and several go without any, and but thinly clothed, which shows their attachment to the American cause ; though poor, yet brave, and can be depended upon for their integrity. The first class that did duty up the Bald Eagle looks to me for pay. It has come home with the loss of two men, drowned in the river. Your obedient servant, Samuel Hunter. By way of appendix to the year 1777, I insert a letter to Gen- eral James Potter. His correspondence, embracing letters from all the principal characters in the Revolution, from General Washing- ton to Lady Harriet Ackland, after being many years carefully pre- served on his garret, were scattered to the four winds, in the mis- fortune of some of his descendants, some twenty years ago. His dark lantern is still in the possession of Colonel WilHam P. Wilson, of Trenton, New Jersey, one of his descendants. General Potter's positions are indicated as follows: July 22, in command at Billingsport ; 29th August, in command of the first brigade, Pennsylvania militia, at Chester; September i, at Wilming- ton ; 2d and 5th moved up to Newport. Head Quarters, 31^/ October, 1777. Sir : As soon as the Schuylkill is fordable, I shall send over a large body of militia to you, for the purpose of executing some par- ticular matters. The principal one, to endeavor to break up the road by which the enemy have a communication with their shipping over the islands, if it is practicable; and to remove^ the running stones from the mills in the neighborhood of Chester and Wilming- ton. This last I would have you undertake immediately, with your 1777.1 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 145 present force, as I have information that the enemy are about making a detacliment to Wilmington, probably with an intent to take post there, and secure the use of the mills. To execute this matter at once, you should impress a sufficient number of wagons for the pur- pose, without letting any person know what they are for, and send them under good officers, with sufficient parties, to the following mills : Lloyd's, about two miles on this side of Chester ; Robinson's, on Naaman's creek ; Shaw's, about one mile back of Chester, and the Brandywine mills. If there are any other that I have not men- tioned, contiguous to the river, they are also to be dismounted. The stones should be marked with tar and grease, or in some other manner, that it may be known to what mills they belong, that they may be returned, and made use of in the future, and they should be moved to such distance that the enemy cannot easily recover them. If there is any flour in the mills, it should be removed, if possible, after the stones are secured. I am informed that there is consider- able quantity in Shaw's mill, particularly, which there is reason to believe is intended for the enemy. It is very convenient to the navigation of Chester creek, and should be first taken care of I beg you may instantly set about this work, for the reason above mentioned. That no previous alarm may be given, let a certain day and a certain hour be fixed upon for the execution of the whole at one time, and even the officers^who are to do the business should not know their destination till just before they set out, lest it should take wind. I have yours of yesterday afternoon, and am glad to hear that the flood has done so much damage to the meadows. Endeavor by all means to keep the breakers open. When the party that I mentioned in the former part of my letter gets down, I hope you will be able to break up the dyke effectually. I am sir, your most obedient servant, George Washington. P. S. I have desired Captain Lee, of the light horse, to give you any assistance that you may want. General Potter. From the camp at Mr. Lewes', November 12, 1777, after recom- mending Thomas Jordan for paymaster, General Potter writes : 10 i4(J ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1777. "As for news, I have not much. Yesterday came up the river thirty-eight sail of the enemy. What number of troops were on hoard is a secret to me. I went to Chester in the evening, but could not learn. There has been very heavy firing for three days past. The first day they did no damage to the works or the men. I have intelligence almost every day from the city. Howe is the best Whig- maker in the United States. He has converted many from the evil of their ways, and turned them imto the country. Distress and want is likely to abound in the city. I am told the poor would have suffered before this time, if General Washington had not allowed them to get flour at the Frankfort mills. Friend Howe is not a par- tial man. He uses Whig and Tory alike, which is the best thing I can say of him. The friends to the Government lent friend Howe ^100,000. I believe by this time they would not refuse security, if offered . The enemy have made two floating batteries, but they are constructed so badly and sunk so deep in the water, they will do us little damage. My men brought in to-day five British soldiers pris- oners. We catch them napping, sometimes. Firing has been heavy to-day, but we stand it as yet. I have tried to get a man to go to Red Bank to-day, and to-morrow I hope I will get an account from there. I have just received a letter from George Read, Esquire, Pres- ident of Delaware State, informing that their militia had seized a number of people, who were supplying the enemy's shipping with fresh provisions, and destroyed six of their vessels in Duck creek. Three weeks ago I advised the taking and keeping of Province and Car- penter's Islands. If this had been done, friend Howe would have been hungry by this time. We have it reported that on Wednesday last our people sank a sixty-four gun ship. On Monday our people took twelve light horse and some foot prisoners. The soldiers in the city say often that they look upon themselves as our prisoners. One day one of the sentinels told Major Taylor so. "With esteem, your Excellency's obedient, humble servant, " James Potter." Directed, on public service, His Excellency, Thomas Wharton, Esquire, Lancaster, favor of Mr. Thomas Jordan. nth December occurred the action, at Guelph's mills, (near Philadelphia,) in which the enemy endeavored to surprise General Potter. The second battalion, under Colonel Murray, was engaged. 1778] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 147 Timothy Lennington, of Northumberland county, was wounded ; Robert McQuilhams was also wounded, and cut to pieces by the light horse, the same evening; Charles Clark, first lieutenant of Captain Taggart's company, was wounded in the left arm ; had his skull frac- tured ; he remained in captivity three years. December 15, General Potter writes home, that in an action a few days previous his people behaved well, particularly the regiments of Colonel Chambers and Colonel Murray. December 31, the Council request General Potter to stay in the field during the winter, or for some time yet at least. The year closes gloomily enough, with the army encamped at Valley Forge. A return, dated Camp, in Montgomery, Philadelphia county, December 22, shows that Colonel Murray's regiment, of Northum- berland county militia, was then in Major General John Armstrong's division, and numbered two hundred and twenty-six men on the rolls. i^rs List of Inhabitants — Indian Troubles — Great Runaway of 1778 — Covenhoven's Narrative — John Bashor Killed — Incident of Quinn Family — Monmouth Battle — James Brady's Death — Colonel Hart- ley's Expedition. fHOMAS WHARTON, President of the State until his death at Lancaster, 23d May. Members of Congress, Clingan, William ; Morris, Robert ; Roberdeau, Daniel ; Reed, Joseph; Smith, James; and Smith, Jonathan B. Samuel Hunter, Lieutenant of the county. John Hambright, member of Council. Members of Assembly elected, October 2, Chambers, Stephen; Dale, Samuel; Himrod, Simon; McKnight, James; Martin, Robert; and White, John. The candidates voted for, having, according to the returns of the judges of the election, received the following number of votes each: Samuel Dale, 251; 148 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1778. Simon Himrod, 250; James McKnight, 247; Robert Martin, 246; John White, 211; Stephen Chambers, 201; Robert Fruit; 173; James Crawford, 170. Another return, signed by John Kelly, Walter Clark, and Jacob Fulmer, judges, declared Robert Fruit and James Crawford elected, instead of White and Chambers ; but the House declared, November 7, that the return of John Clingman, William Fisher, and Michael Hessler, was the legal one. David Har- ris, Prothonotary. Jonathan Lodge, Sheriff. January i, Benjamin Weiser of Penn's, appointed a justice. County Commissioners, William Gray, John Nelson, and Thomas Sutherland; John Lytle elected in October. Officers of Buffalo : Constable, Martin Trester ; Supervisors, John Pontius and George Williams ; Overseers, William Speddy and Martin Dreisbach. White Deer : Constable, Henry Derr ; Supervisors, James Hammond and William Rodman ; Over- seers, Charles McGenet and .William Wilson. Inhabitants of Buffalo who canie in after 1775. Books, Henry; Barnhart, Martin ; Colpetzer, Adam ; Chambers, Robert ; Cox, Samuel; Divler, Joseph; Dempsey, Cornelius; Dugan, William; Frederick, Thomas; Ferguson, John; GiUiland, John; Haugha- waut, Liftard, tenant of Samuel McClay's place; Irvin, William, (miller,) Mensch, Abraham, (who owned and lived on Abraham Wolfe's place, in East Buffalo. His wife died in the Valley, and was buried at Jenkins mill. He left with the runaway of 1779, taking with him his boys. Christian and John, and one horse. He never returned. He married again, and the late Reverend J. Nicholas Mensch, was a son by the second wife. Christian went to Ohio, John to New York; the latter died, about the same time the Reverend J. Nicholas died, at Lewisburg, in 1854. The father of Abraham and Benjamin, of Lewis township, was a nephew of the one here spoken of.) Mizener, Henry and Conrad; Prinkler, Charles; Shirtz, Michael; Struble, Richard; Stroh, Nicholas, on now Samuel Dunkel's place. (Mathias Allspach made crocks there. The latter killed, with a potter's stick, a wolf following the sheep into the yard;) Henry Winkert. List of Inhabitants of White Deer. Allen, Samuel; Ammon, George; Armstrong, William; Baker, Ja- cob; Blue, Frederick; Blue, William; Blythe, William; Boone, Haw- 1778.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 149 kins ; Brown, Eleanor ; Brundage, Joseph ; Buchanan, James ; Cald- well, James ; Carnachan, William ; Campbell, John; Charters, Wil- liam; Clark, Robert; Clark, Walter; 'Clark, William; Cook, Henry; Cooper, Robert ; Correy, Robert ; Couples, David ; Crasher, Wil- liam ; C-roninger, Leonard ; Dale, Samuel ; Deal, Christian ; Dean, Benjamin; Derr, Joseph; Derr, Henry; Diffenderfer, Michael ; Dier- mand, Thomas; Dike, David; Dunbar, Samuel; Earl, Michael; Elder, Thomas ; Ellis, Richard; Etterburn, Jacob ; Ewing, Alex- ander ; Fisher, Christian ; Fisher, John ; Fisher, Samuel, saw-mill ; Fleming, Hans ; Fockler, George ; Foutz, Conrad ; Fruit, Robert ; Fulton, John; Gibson, Robert; Graham, Edward; Graham, John ; Graham, Thomas ; Gray, William ; Green, Ebenezer ; Hammond, David; Hammond, James ; Hays, James; Hazlett, John; Heckle, Andrew;, Andrew; Hill, James; Hood, Elizabeth; Houston, Doctor John ; Huling, Marcus, saw-mill ; Hunter, James ; Hutchinson, Thomas ; Iddings, Henry; Irwin; George; Irwin, Richard; James, Thomas ; Johnson, John ; Johnson, William ; Jordan, William ; Kelly, John ; Kilday, George ; Kirkwood, John ; Lafferty, Isaac ; Laird, Nicholas ; Leacock, John; Linn, John; Lob- den, Thomas ; Low, Cornelius ; Low, Cornelius, junior ; Low, Wil- liam; Lykens, Thomas ; McCard, James ; McClenachan, James; McCollum, John ; McComb, Daniel ; McClure, Thomas ; McCord, Samuel; McCormick, James; McCormick, Thomas; McGinnes, Samuel ; McLaughlin, James ; Mcjannet, Charles ; Mackey, Wil- liam ; Maffit, Joseph ; Martin, Robert ; Mason, William ; Mitchel- tree, John; Moodie, Robert; Moore, Henry; Moore, John; Moore, Thomas ; Nicholson, William; Noraconk, Daniel ; Norcross, John ; Orr, William ; Pearson, Widow ; Poak, James, saw-mill : Poak, Joseph ; Reed, William ; Reed, Widow ; Reese, George ; Robb, William; Rodman, William; Row, James; Row, Joseph ; Ridehower, Peter ; Semple, John ; Semple, Robert ; Shaw, Hamil- 'ton ; Shearer, Samuel ; Shields, Archibald ; Smith, John, senior ; Smith, John, junior ; Smith, Widow; Stephen, Alexander ; Stephen, Philip; Story, John; Stover, PhiUp; Sunderland, Daniel; Swartz, Peter; Tate, John; Tate, Joseph; Titzell, Henry, grist and saw- mill, (Ranch's now;) Townsend, Codder; Turner, Thomas; Weeks, Jesse ; Weeks, Joseph ; Weitzell, John ; Wertz, Deidrich ; Wheeland, ISO ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1778. George; White, Joseph ; Wilson, Peter ; Wilson, Peter, junior; Wilson, William ; Yarnall, Jesse. Doctor John Houston was the earliest physician in White Deer township, that I have any knowledge of. He is said to have resided at or near the present village of Hightown. Additional List of Inhabitants , Fenn^s Township. Aumiller, Philip ; Bader, George ; Bartges, Christopher ; Bearsh, Peter; Begel, Thomas; Benford, George; Billman, Abraham; Bickel, John ; Bornson, Catharine ; Bowerman, George ; Bower- man, John ; Borald, Adam ; Bowersox, Paul ; Boreminginan, Peter ; Bollinger, Adam ; Braucht, Daniel ; Brenard, Francis ; Buchtel, John ; Bumbach, George, senior ; Byerly, Anthony ; Carrol, Hugh ; Clemens, Abraham ; Conrad, George ; Dauberman, Chris- tian ; Deininger, Frederick ; Eberhart, Frederick ; Eckart, Jacob ; Fannery, Benjamin ; Fisher, Jacob ; Fisher, Adam ; Fiddler, Ste- phen ; Foulke, Jacob ; Fry, John ; Gast, Christian ; Gay, Frederick ; Gemberling, Paul ; Gemberling, Jacob ; Gill, William ; Giltner, Jacob ; Gillan, Moses ; Gift, Adam ; Glass, George ; Gundy, Peter ; Hafer, Andrew; Hains, John; Hampshire, John; Harmin, Henry; Hassinger, Herman ; Havelock, Conrad ; Hawn, Michael ; Hen- dershot, Casper ; Herrold; Simon ; Herrold, George, a grist mill ; Hess, Mathias ; Hosterman, Jacob; Houser, Mathias ; Kern, Yost; Kiester, Martin ; Knippenberger, Paul ; Kline, David ; Krain, Hugh ; Laudenslager, Ferdy ; Lepley, Jacob ; Lever, Adam ; Lower, Peter ; McAteer, Robert ; McCabe, Edward ; Magill, Valentine ; Manning, Simeon, senior and junior ; Maris, William ; Miller, Conrad ; Miller, Dewalt, saw-mill ; Miller, Sigamund ; Mitchell, Daniel ; Mockell, Nicholas ; Molly, Anthony ; Moon, John, one grist mill ; Moon, Casper, junior ; Moore, Andrew, two mills ; Moyer, Jacob ; Moyer, Charles ; Mower, Michael ; Musser, John ; Nees, Thomas ; Netz, Ludwig ; Oatly, Edward ; Paul, Dewalt; Phillips, Benjamin ; Reed, John ; Reger, John; Reiber, John ; Richter, Christena ; Rine, Henry ; Rorabaugh, Simon ; Roush, Jacob ; Roush, John ; Seecrist, Christian, saw-mill ; Sherk, John; Shirtz, Jacob; Shock, Jacob; Shoop, George; Snyder, Christopher; Spangler, Andrew; Spengle, Zachariah; Stock, John ; Stock, Peter; Stock, Michael; Stoke, George; Stum, Abraham, 1778.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 151 junior ; Swineford, Albright, one grist and saw-mill ; Thomas, John ; Trester, George ; Trester, Martin ; Trester, Jacob; Weirich, William ; Weiser, Philip ; Weiser, John ; Welsh, John ; Willis, John ; Wittenmyer, Andrew ; Woodrow, Simeon ; Yost, Casper ; Zimmerman, Christopher. January ist, (from minutes of Council,) Joseph Green presented his claim for supplying the militia with provisions while on their expe- dition up the West Branch, and an order was issued for ^1,600 to Colonel Hunter for the same. January 9th, General Potter gets leave of absence, in consequence of sickness of Mrs. Potter, and Brigadier General John Lacey ap- pointed to his command. February 17th, General Wayne detached Captain William Wilson, Lieutenant John Boyd, and Captain George Grant to recruit for the Pennsylvania regiments in Northumberland county. At February sessions, Samuel Maclay presented a petition, stating that his ser- vant had enlisted in the Twelfth Pennsylvania regiment, and John Thompson and William Irvine (Irish) were appointed to appraise the time of said servant. February 20th, Samuel Dale, member elect, took his seat in the Assembly, at Lancaster. March 9th, James Murray appeared. Nothwithstanding the Indian troubles, courts were held in February and in May. At the latter, John Clark, John Crider, George Overmeier, Martin Dreisbach, and William Irwin were appointed viewers on a petition to divide Buffalo township, by a line commencing at the mouth of Beaver run, thence a south-west course to Switzer run. This was never acted upon. At August term, Stephen Chambers was admitted to the bar. On the grand jury, were Albright Swineford, Elias Younkman, Henry Richard, and Thomas Sutherland. At November term, Collinson Read and John Vannost, were admitted to the bar. Abraham Mensch, Peter Wicoff, and Wilham Clark, were jurors. As early as Dececember, i'777, the Indians re-appeared up the West Branch, and Colonel Hunter ordered out Colonel Cookson Long's battalion, as he says he is an excellent good woodsman ; but for all that, on the ist of January, one of the inhabitants was killed and scalped, two miles above the Great Island, and eleven Indians seen, who were pursued, and two killed. In consequence, the order for the fifth class of militia to march to join the army was counter- ^J2 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 1778. manded on the 19th. It will be recollected that the main army was in camp at Valley Forge, at this time. On the ist of May, General Lacey's militia command was surrounded at Crooked Billet- General Lacey says, the alarm was so sudden that I had scarcely time to mount my horse, before the enemy were within musket shot of my quarters. He escaped, with the loss of his baggage, and thirty killed and wounded. Some were butchered in a manner the most brutal savages could not equal. Even while living, some were thrown into the buckwheat straw, and the straw set on fire. The clothes were burned on others, and scarcely one without a dozen of wounds. From the diary of James F. Linn under date, December 2, 1845, I extract the following : " Uncle David Linn told me some anec- dotes of Abraham Smith, who was married to his sister Jane, and who died in Ohio some years since. He was at Crooked Billet, and was taken prisoner with some others. They lost four or five men by shots. They knew not where they came from. At last Morrow (grandfather of my brother William's widow) got sight of the man, who was shooting from behind a tree. He told them to keep still, and he would fix him. When the man stepped from behind the tree to load, Morrow fired, and one of them saw him drop his hands upon his belly, and fall forward. They lossed no more men in that way. After they were taken, they were ordered to be shot as rebels. The reason for shooting the prisoners was, that they were short of provisions. They shot Maclay and Conner, and burned their bodies in a pile of buckwheat straw. It was Smith's turn next. He stood up, and kept his eye on the man who was to shoot him, until he thought he was about to draw the trigger, when he dodged for- ward, and the bullet took the depth of itself out of his back, op- posite his breast. An officer then interfered, and stopped the shoot- ing." Crooked Billet is now called Hatborough, in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. John Dietrich Aurand (afterward Reverend) enlisted in Colonel Stewart's Regiment, General Wayne's brigade. He had been learning milling at his father's mill, on Turtle creek. His father sold the mill this year, and, possibly, going down the country in search of employ- ment, he fell in with the recruiting officer. Before his term expired his father went to the army, and made an effort to secure his release, on the ground of minority ; but he declined returning, and served 4 1778.1 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. J 53 until the year 1781, when occurred the revolt of General Wayne's troops, when he was honorably discharged, and returned to his father's home on Turtle creek. May 4, Colonel Cooke, twelfth regiment, under General Wayne, in 'camp at Mount Joy. 5th May, Colonel John Kelly, with part of his battalion, on duty in Penn's valley. May 8, Jacob Standford killed at his own house, in Penn's valley, with his wife and daughter, and his son, ten or eleven years old, missing.^ May 17, General Potter writes from upper Fort, Penn's valley, that he was informed by Colonel Long that a few families coming to Lycoming, escorted by a party under the command of Colonel Hosterman, were attacked by twelve Indians, who killed six of them, and six were missing. Three men were killed, at the same time, on Loyal Sock ; twenty persons killed on the North Branch. One who was taken prisoner made his escape, and says the Indians are determ- ined to clear the two branches of the Susquehanna this moon. He says we have two forts in the Valley, and are determined to stand as long as we are supported. The people were poor, and bread very high. May 30, Jacob Morgan writes, that he had just returned from camp at Valley Forge. He saw fifteen regiments under arms, as well disciplined as any of the British troops can be. They per- formed several maneuvers, with the greatest exactness and dispatch, under the direction of Baron Steuben. General Washington after- wards reviewed them. The British were about evacuating Philadel- phia, and our army would follow. One regiment, under Arnold, was to go into Philadelphia for civil service, until the Executive Council could get there. 31st May, Colonel Hunter writes, "we are in a melancholy con- dition.''' The back inhabitants have left their homes. All above Muncy are at Samuel Wallis's. The people of Muncy are at Captain Brady's. All above Lycoming are at Antes' mill and the mouth of Bald Eagle. The people of Penn's valley are at one place in Potter township. The inhabitants of White Deer are assembled at three different places. The back settlers of Buffalo have come down to the river. Penn's township people have, likewise, moved to the river. All from Muncy hill to Chillisquaque have assembled at three different places. Fishing creek and Mahoning settlements ' Their graves are on Ephraim Keller's farm, west of Potter's Fort, (1872.) 154 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1778. have come to the river side. It is really distressing to see the peo- ple flying away, and leaving their all, especially the Jersey people, who came up here last winter and spring. Not one stays, but sets off to Jersey again." 2d June, he writes that the people have drawn up a petition to Congress for relief, and Robert Fruit and Thomas Jordan were set off to lay it before the Executive Council, for their approval, before presenting it to Congress. May 6, Colonel Kelly and Thomas Hewitt were appointed agents of forfeited estates within the county. June 13, Michael Campbell, of Colonel Hosterman's battalion, killed by the Indians. June 14, Colonel Hunter writes that communication between Antes' mill and Big Island was cut off. June 17, General Potter writes that Captain Pealer's company, in Nittany valley, had discovered a number of tracks, leading down Logan's Gap, quite fresh ; thirty in number. July I , army moved toward New York. The twelfth Pennsylva- nia, in Wayne's brigade, left wing, under General Stirling. The " Great Runaway." July 3d occurred the massacre at Wyoming, the news of which, received on the 5 th, caused the general stampede of the settlers of our Valley, called the "Great Runaway." On the 9th, Colonel Hunter writes that both branches are nearly evacuated, and Northumberland and Sunbury will be the frontier in less than twenty-four hours. His letter evinces the agony of a strong man, who, with all supports taken away, was determined to fall, if need be, in defense of the charge committed to him. He says : "Nothing but a firm reliance upon Divine Providence, and the virtue of our neighbors, induces the few to stand that remain in the two towns ; and if they are not speedily reinforced they must give way; but will have this consolation, that they have stood in defence of their liberty and country as long as they could. In justice to this county, I must bear testimony that the States never applied to it for men in vain. I am sure the State must know that we have reduced ourselves to our present feeble condition by our readiness to turn out, upon all occasions, when called for in defence of the common cause. Should we now fall, for want of assistance, let the neighbor- .1778.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 155 ing counties reconcile to themselves, if they can, the breach of broth- erly love, charity, and every other virtue which adorns and advances the human species above the brute creation. I will not attempt to point out the particular cruelties or barbarities that have been prac- tised on our unhappy inhabitants, but assure you that, for the num- ber, history affords no instance of more heathenish cruelty or savage barbarity than has been exhibited in this county." July 12, Matthew Smith writes from Paxton, (Harrisburg,) that he had "just arrived at Harris' Ferry, and beheld the greatest scenes of distress I ever saw. It was crowded with people who had come down the river, leaving everything." Same day, Peter DeHaven writes, from Hummelstown : " This day there were twenty or thirty passed through this town from Buffalo Valley and Sunbury, and the people inform me that there are two hundred wagons on the road coming down. I was at Mr. Elder's meeting to-day, and Colonel Clark and Colonel Rodgers made an appeal to the inhabitants to turn out one himdred volunteers," &c. A letter written by William Maclay, from Paxton, on the 12th, gives a very graphic picture of the distress. " I left Sunbury, and almost my whole property, on Wednesday last. I will not trouble you with a recital of the inconveniences I suffered while I brought my family, by water, to this place. I never in my life saw such scenes of distress. The river and the roads leading down it were covered with men, women, and children, flying for their lives. In short, Northumberland county is broken up. Colonel Hunter only remained, using his utmost endeavors to rally .the inhabitants to make a stand. I left him with few. I cannot 'speak confidently as to numbers, but he had not a hundred men on whom he could depend. Mrs. Hunter came down with me. As he is now disencumbered of his family, I am convinced that he will do everything that can be expected from a brave and determined man. It was to no purpose, Colonel Hunter issued orders for the assembling of the militia. The whole county broke loose. Something, in the way of charity, ought to be done for the many miserable objects that crowd the banks of this river, especially those who fled from Wyoming. You know I did not use to love them, but I now pity their distress." (Plunket and Maclay were the leading land proprietors who were affected by the Connecticut claim.) i5(> ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1778. Colonel Hunter, in another letter, dated later in the day of the 1 2th, says : "The towns of Sunbury and Northumberland are the fron- tiers, where a few virtuous inhabitants and fugitives seem determined to stand, though doubtful whether to-morrow's sun shall rise on them freemen, captives, or in eternity !" A letter dated Lancaster, 14th July, from Bertram Galbraith, says : '' On Sunday morning last, the banks of the Susquehanna, from Middletown up to the Blue mountain, were entirely clad with the inhabitants of Northumberland county, who had moved off, as well as many in the river in boats, canoes, and on rafts. This I had from Captain Abraham Scott, a man of veracity, who was up at Garber's mills for his sister, the wife of Colonel Samuel Hunter, and spake with a lieutenant, who was in the action at Wyoming. He also seen six of the wounded men brought down." Robert Covenhoven, (Crownover,) describing the scene nearer home, says : "I took my own family safely to Sunbury, and came back in a keel-boat to secure my furniture. Just as I rounded a point above Derrstown, now Lewisburg, I met the whole convoy from all the forts above. Such a sight I never saw in my life. Boats, canoes, hog-troughs, rafts hastily made of dry sticks, every sort of floating article, had been put in requisition, and were crowded with women, children, and plunder. The re. were several hundred people in all. Whenever any obstruction occurred at any shoal or ripple, the women would leap out into the water and put their shoulders to the boat or raft and launch it again into deep water. The men of the settlement came down in single file, on each side of the river, to guard the women and children. The whole convoy arrived safely at Sunbury, leaving the entire range of farms along the West Branch to the ravages of the Indians." At this time occurred the death of John Michael Bashor. Mi- chael Weyland, who survived many years afterwards, often related the story to my informant. He said it was at the time of the Great Runaway ; and as Bashor's name is dropped from the assessment of 1778, it, no doubt, occurred in the first week in July, 1778. I can find no allusion in the Archives, or in any other written record, to the event, which is to be accounted for from the confusion occur- ring at that time. Bashor came to the Valley in 1774, and in June of that year purchased a part of the "Jacob Rees' " tract, near 1778.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 157 New Columbia, of Hawkins Boone. In April, 1777, he sold it again to Richard Irwin, and moved down upon the place of his father-in-law, Peter Swartz, senior, who owned the land from Doc- tor Dougal's nearly up to John Datisman's. Weyland said, him- self and another person pushed a boat over from the east side and took up Bashor's goods, and then pushed out into the river. Bashor went to the stable and got a horse, and attempted to drive some cattle down along the shore. When he got down to the bluff that comes out to the river, at the present limekiln of Honorable George F. Miller, just by a red oak, that was still standing a few years since, he was fired upon by some Indians in ambush and killed. Wey- land and his comrade, who were lying down in the boat, rose to fire, and Weyland was struck on the lip with a spent ball, the mark of which he carried to his grave. He said Bashor was buried on the river bank. I. D. Rupp, who is a descendant of the Bashor family, wrote me that the bloody clothes of John Bashor were still preserved in the garret of his grandfather's house, in Bethel town- ship, Berks county, as late as 1820; and that he talked with a brother of John Bashor, who said he recollected of his brother's corpse being brought home. He said, also, his uncle, Martin Bashor, who used to live near McKee's Half-Falls, told him that John was killed near Georgetown, and a man named Reedy was in company with him. This is certainly a mistake. It shows how uncertain, as to dates and places, tradition is. John Bashor's daughter, Catherine, married Jacob Wolfe, son of George Wolfe, one of the first settlers of our Valley. Her children were Samuel Wolfe, late of Lewisburg, Michael, Jacob, and Jona- than, still living at Lewisburg. Albert Pohlhemus and wife, driven off from Muncy, both died at Northumberland. They left seven small children, who became charges upon the public. One of them was bound to Elias Younk- man; some to William Thompson. Court ordered them to be brought up in the Presbyterian form of worship. Paul Fisher (of Slifer) tells me that at the time Bashor was killed, his grandfather, John Fisher, lived at Esquire Datisman's. The In- dians burned Peter Swartz's house, and killed a man named Ayres, near White Deer creek. His grandfather, with his two sisters, con- cealed themselves in the straw in their barn, and expected every mo- iS8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1778. ment to be burned up in it ; but the Indians went into Hoffman's house, just above, and carried out a good many articles, among the rest a clock. They seated themselves to examine the clock, when Aaron Norcross, John Fisher, junior, and others who had gathered, hallooed and startled them off, leaving their plunder. This old clock is still in the possession of Jacob Hoffman, living up near the Muncy hills. David Quinn, Esquire, of Chicago, grandson of Terrence Quinn, has furnished me with an interesting incident of this attack of the Indians in Dry valley. He says, ' ' my great grandfather Corinnius Michael, an old soldier of the days of Frederick the Great, emi- grated to America, prior to the Revolution, and brought with him two daughters. What became of the youngest, after her arrival, for some time, is now unknown ; but the oldest, Mary, was sold for a term of years, as was the custom in those days, to pay her passage over. While residing with the family that purchased her in Lancas- ter, Pennsylvania, my grandfather, Terrence Quinn, formed her acquaintance, purchased her unexpired time, and married her. In 1778, they had four little children, and the other sister, unmarried, was living with them. The night the Indians entered the Valley, the news was spread through a system of alarms previously arranged; and those who received warning, fled precipitately. My grandfather and family ran in one direction, and my grandaunt in another. "■ They were thus separated, and continued separated for fifty-two years, each one supposing the other had been tomahawked. At the end of this long period, one of my grandmother's neighbors, whose name I have forgotten, was traveling in the Mahanoy valley, at a time when the stream was so swollen that she was compelled to stop at a farm house for shelter. While here, she fell into conversation about friends and relatives with an old woman, who proved to be the grandmother of the house full of children, and the mother of John Lechman, the proprietor of the premises. The old lady re- lated the story of her kindred, and among other things remarked, that she once had a sister, but she had been killed by the Indians, in a place called Dry valley, more than fifty years ago. A little more conversation developed who she was, and the joyful informa- tion, that her visitor was a neighbor of her sister, and she was still alive, and lived on Turtle creek, near Lewisburg. The traveler re- turned, and told her story. Before the sun had risen over Montour's 1778.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 159 ridge the next morning, Mary Quinn, though in her ninetieth year, was on her way to see her long lost sister. They met, but not as they parted. Each frame, now bent with the weight of years, em- braced its kindred, long mourned as dead. Such a meeting, who can describe ? The sacred pensman of the history of Joseph, alone. It was their final meeting, too ; but they are now where there are no partings." (1872.) . Philip Seebold told me he often heard old Mrs. Fought tell of this raid. She said, they were threshing flax on their place, where the road through Chappel's Hollow comes out into Dry val- ley, when the Indians came upon them suddenly. Her baby was near her, and she picked it up and ran. Another child, that could just run about, was back of their little barn. She heard it call, '■' O mother, take me along, too." She looked around, and the Indians were close upon her. She ran the whole way, two miles, to Penn's creek, to a house where the neighbors had gathered. She never heard of her child again; but as there was no indication that it was killed, she hoped for its return some day. At night and in the quiet hours of the day, the last words of her child, " O mother, take me along, too," she said, rang in her ears, long years after. She said the house they took refuge in, was surrounded by the Indians. They suffered from thirsty and a man named Peter said he would have water, if he died for it. They allowed him to go out, and as he turned the corner of the house, a rifle cracked, and he fell dead. The next day the Indians withdrew, and they em- barked in canoes, and went down Penn's creek. On the Isle of Que, she said, she went into a house, and found no one about. A baby sat propped up m a cradle. On close inspection, she found it was dead, and the marks of the tomahawk. Incidents of the Battle of Monmouth. Captain William Wilson Potter, of Bellefonte, has the flag of the Royal Grenadiers, captured on the field of Monmouth, by his (ma- ternal) grandfather, the late Judge William Wilson, of Chillisquaque Mills, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania. The ground or main surface is lemon, or light yellow, heavy corded silk; five feet four inches by four feet eight ; corresponding. i6o ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1778. in proportions, with the flag of the seventh regiment, surrendered, among others, by Cornwallis, at Yorktown, and presented, by order of Congress, to General Washington, lately in the museum at Alex- andria, Virginia, but eight inches less in size ; the latter being six feet long, and five feet four inches wide. The device at the upper right corner is twenty inches square, and is that of the English Union, which distinguishes the Royal standard of Great Britain. It is composed of the Cross of Saint George, to denote England, and Saint Andrew's Cross, in the form of an X, to denote Scotland. This device was placed in the corner of the Royal flag, after the accession of James the Sixth of Scotland to the throne of England, as James the First. The field of the device is blue, the central stripes (Cross of Saint George) red, the marginal ones white. It wants the Crown and Garter, and full blown rose in the centre, of the Alexandria flag. The flag has the appearance of having been wrenched from the staff, and has a few old dust marks on the device ; otherwise it looks as bright and new as if it had just come from the gentle fingers that made it, although ninety -nine years have rolled away since its golden folds drooped in the sultry air of that June-day battle. The battle of Monmouth occurred on the 28th of June, 1778 ; a fearfully hot day, evinced by the fact that fifty-nine of the British soldiers died of heat, without receiving a wound. This flag was cap- tured near the old parsonage of the Freehold, New Jersey, church, where the hottest of the fighting was. A short description of that portion of the engagement will interest many : After General Lee's retreat was checked by General Washington, in person, the latter formed a new line for his advanced troops, and put Lee again in command. General Washington then rode back to the main body, and formed it on an eminence, with a road in the rear and a morass in the front. The left was commanded by Lord Stirling, with a detachment of artillery; Lafayette, With Wayne, was posted in the center, partly in an orchard, and partly sheltered by a barn ; General Greene was on the right, with his artillery, under General Knox, posted on commanding ground. General Lee main- tained his advanced position as long as he could, himself coming off with his rear across a road, which traversed the morass in front of Stirling's troops. The British followed sharp, and, meeting with a 1778.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. i6i warm reception, endeavored to turn the left flank, but were driven back. They then tried the right, but were met by General Greene's forces, and heavy discharges from Knox's artillery, which not only checked them, but raked the whole length of the columns in front of the left wing. Then came a determined effort to break the cen- ter, maintained by General Wayne and the Pennsylvania regiments, and the Royal Grenadiers, the flower of the British army, were ordered to do it. They advanced several times, crossing a hedge row in front of the morass, and were driven back. Colonel Monck- ton, their commander, then made a speech to his men, (the troops at the parsonage and those in the orchard heard his ringing voice above the storm of the battle,) and, forming the Grenadiers in solid column, advanced to the charge like troops on parade, the men marching with such precision that a ball from Comb's hill, enfilading a platoon, disarmed every man. Wayne ordered his men to reserve their fire, and the British came on in silence within a few rods, when Monckton waived his sword above his head, and ordered his Grenadiers to charge ; simultane- ously, Wayne ordered his men to fire, and a terrible volley laid low the front ranks, and most of the officers. The colors were in ad- vance, to the right, with the colonel, and they went down with him. Captain Wilson and his company, who were on the right of the first Pennsylvania, made a rush for the colors and the body of the colonel. The Grenadiers fought desperately, and a hand to hand struggle ensued, but the Pennsylvanians secured his body and the colors. The Grenadiers gave way, the whole British army fell back to Lee's position in the morning, and decamped so quietly in the night that General Poor, who laid near them, with orders to re- commence the battle in the morning, was not aware of their de- parture. Colonel Monckton was a gallant officer. He had been lieuenant colonel in the battle of Long Island, where he was shot through the body, but recovered. He was buried, the day after the battle, in the Freehold church- yard, about six feet from the west end of the building. The only monument that marks his grave is a plain board, painted red, upon which is painted in black letters, "Hie Jacet, Col. Monckton, killed 28th June, 1778. W. R. W." By a note-worthy coincidence in name, this board was prepared and set 11 ib2 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1778. up by a Scotch school-master, named Wilson, who taught the young people in the school-house near the old meeting-house. Chappel's painting of this battle represents the scene as Monck- ton fell, and the fearful hand to hand fight over his body ; and the little old-fashioned sword looks as if it might have been painted from the original, now in the possession of Mrs. Abram S. Wilson, of Lewistown, Pennsylvania. On the left is the old parsonage. Be- yond it the morass, (now, 1872, good meadow land with a fine stream of water running through it,) extending right and left. On the right is the rising ground from which the Grenadiers made their charge. The. sword had many adventures, and never got back to its captor in his hfe time. (Judge Wilson died in 1813, and is buried in the Presbyterian church-yard, in Northumberland. He was as- sociate judge of Northumberland, from 1792 until his death, when he was succeeded by the late Honorable Andrew Albright.) Captain Wilson gave it to General Wayne, who presented it to General La- fayette, who took it with him to Europe, retained it all through the upheavals &.nd riots of the French revolution, his captivity in a dungeon at Olmutz, and brought it with him to America in 1824, when he visited America, upon the invitation of the United States Government. It is a remarkable instance of his thoughfulness that, after the lapse of nearly half a century, he desired to restore it in person to Captain Wilson. He made inquiries in Philadelphia for him, and' not being able to hear anything of him, he left it with old Captaiii Hunter, with express directions to restore it to Cap- tain Wilson, or if dead, to some of his family. After some years Captain Hunter, found out through Mrs. Billington, of Sunbury, that Judge A. S. Wilson was a son of Captain Wilson, and had the pleasure of delivering the sword to the judge, the next time he went to Philadelphia. The flag was always in the possession of Judge Wilson, senior, and his family. I can recollect well, at least thirty- five years ago, when his son William used to display it on the 4th of July, at Lewisburg and Milton, make a speech about it, and then have a salute fired from sheriff Brady's cannon, brought from Fort Free- land. Mrs. John B. Linn, of Bellefonte, has a very fine oil portrait of her grandfather. Captain William Wilson, taken sixty or seventy 1778.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. ibj years ago, pronounced by aged people about Northumberland an excellent likeness. On the 1 6th of July, Colonel Brodhead's regiment, on its way to Fort Pitt, was ordered to the West Branch; part of Colonel Hartley's regiment was on its way to Sunbury, and the militia were ordered up from Lancaster and Berks, and the people came back to reap their crops. July 24th, Colonel Brodhead, then at Muncy, detached a captain and twenty-four men into Penn's val- ley to protect the reapers at General Potter's place. General Pot- ter writes from Penn's valley, on the 25 th, that " the inhabitants of the valley are returned, and were cutting their grain. He left Sun- bury last Sunday afternoon, and the people were returning to all parts of the county. Yesterday, two men of Captain Finley's com- pany, of Colonel Brodhead's regiment, went out from this place on the plains a little below my fields, and met a party of Indians, five in number, whom they engaged. One of the soldiers, Thomas Van Doran, was shot dead ; the other, Jacob Shedacre, ran about four hundred yards, and was pursued by one of the Indians. They attacked each other with their knives, and our excellent soldier killed his antagonist. His fate was hard, for another Indian came up and shot him. He and the, Indian lay within a perch of each other. These two soldiers served with Colonel Morgan in the last campaign." James Alexander, who, in after years, farmed the Old Fort farms, near Centre Hall, casually kicked up a hunting knife, so rusted as to indicate that it might have belonged either to the Indian or the soldier killed. Two stones were put up to mark the spot on William Henning's place, near Old Fort. August I, Colonel Hartley was in command at Sunbury, with his regulars and two hundred militia. On the 8th he was at Muncy, Colonel Brodhead's regiment having resumed its march to Fort Pitt. Lieutenant Samuel Brady belonged to this regiment — the eighth — in which he was appointed Captain July 28, 1780. Sunbury, August i. General Potter writes: "I came here last week to station, the militia. I found General deHaas here, who said he commanded all the troops. The next day Colonel Hartley came and showed me his orders to command the troops, and po- litely requested me to take the command, which I declined, as I never was very fond of command, and this is a disagreeable one. j64 annals of buffalo valley. [1778- I rather chose to act as a private gentleman, and do all the good in my power J but people will make observations." August 8, James Brady was killed above Loyal Sock. Colonel Hartley relates the circumstance as follows : A corporal and four men of his regiment, with three militia, were ordered to guard four- teen reapers and cradlers who went to cut the grain of Peter Smith, who had his wife ^ and four children killed by the Indians. On Friday they cut the greater part, and intended to complete the work next morning. Four of the reapers improperly moved off that night. The rest went to work — the cradlers, four in number, by themselves, near the house ; the reapers somewhat distant. The reapers, except Brady, placed their guns around a tree. Brady thought this wrong, and put his at some distance from the rest. The morning was very foggy, and an hour after sunrise the sentry and reapers were surprised by a number of Indians, under cover of the fog. The sentry retired towards the reapers, and they in turn fell back. Brady ran towards his rifle, and was pursued by three Indians, and, within a few rods of it, was wounded. He ran for some distance, and then fell. He received another wound with a spear, and was tomahawked and scalped in an instant. The sentry fired, but was shot down, as also a militia-man. Young Brady, who is an exceeding fine young fellow, soon after, rose and came to the house. Jerome Vanness ventured to remain with him ; the others fled. There were thirty Indians, supposed to be Mingoes. Brady wanted Vanness to leave him, but he would not do it. He assisted him to the river, where he drank a great deal of water. Captain Walker and a party came up from the fort at Muncy. When they approached, Brady, supposing them to be Indians, sprang to his feet and cocked his gun. They made a bier and car- ried him to Sunbury, where his mother then was. Robert Coven- hoven was one of the party. On the way he became delirious, and drank large quantities of water. It was late at night when they got there, and they did not intend to arouse his mother. But she had fears that something had happened, and met them at the river. He was a fearful looking object, and the meeting with his mother was heart-rending. He lived five days, the first four being delirious ; but on the fifth his reason returned, and he related the whole cir- 1 Peter Smith's farm was on Turkey run, across the river from Williamsport. 1778.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 165 cumstance distinctly. He said Bald Eagle belonged to the party, who was afterwards killed by Captain Samuel Brady, on the Alle- gheny. James Brady was buried at Fort Augusta, but his grave has, with that of many others, been long since plowed over. August 8, the justices of the court, through Thomond Ball, deputy prothonotary, notify the president of the State Council that busi- ness is much impeded for want of an attorney to prosecute for the Commonwealth ; that it was the second court at which no State attorney had appeared, and many persons had to be admitted to bail; that the long suspension of justice, from February, 1776, to November, 1777, had rendered the people licentious enough, and a further delay of executing the laws must lead them to lengths too difficult to be recalled ; tippling-house keepers, the notorious pro- moters of vice and immorality, remained unpunished, though fre- quently returned, for want of an indictment ; that there were two prisoners for murder, one was admitted to bail and the other in close confinement, who should be brought to trial. In August, bill found against Isaac Webb for misprision of treason. September i. Captain John Brady returned to the army. 2ist September. As some of our settlers took a very prominent part in Colonel Hartley's expedition, it is worthy of a short sketch. It left Muncy on the 21st, two hundred rank and file strong, at four, A. M., with twelve days provisions. Great rains, swamps, mount- ains, and defiles impeded the march. They waded or swam the Lycoming creek twenty times. On the morning of the 26th, the advance party of nineteen men met an equal number of Indians. Our people had the first fire, and an important Indian chief was killed and scalped ; the rest fled. A few miles further, they came upon a camp where seventy Indians lay the night before. These also fled. They then pressed on to Tioga, now Athens, Bradford county. They burned Tioga, Queen Esther's palace and town. On the 28th, they crossed the river and marched towards Wyalu- sing, where they arrived at eleven o'clock that night. Here seventy of the men took to the canoes and the rest marched by land. Lieut. Sweeney commanded the rear guard of thirty men, besides five scouts under Captain Campleton. The advance guard consisted of an officer and fifteen men. At two o'clock, a heavy attack was made on the rear, which gave way. At this critical moment Cap- i66 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1778. tains Boone and Brady, and Lieutenant King, with a few brave fel- lows, landed from the canoes, joined Sweeney, and renewed the action. They advanced on the enemy on all sides, with great noise and shouting, when the Indians fled, leaving their dead, (ten.). The expedition arrived at Sunbury on the 5 th of October, having performed a circuit of three hundred miles, and brought off fifty head of cattle, twenty-eight canoes, &c. November 9, Colonel Hartley writes from Sunbury that the enemy had come down and invested Wyoming, and destroyed the settlements on the North Branch as far as Nescopeck. About seventy Indians were seen twenty-two miles from here yesterday, advancing towards the forks of the Chillisquaque creek. They took some prisoners yesterday. 14th, he writes from Fort Jenkins that he is advancing towards Wyoming. December 4, John Macpherson bought the Andrew Gibson place and ferry, now Cauley's, Winfield. In the fall of 1778, as a party of settlers were leaving Fort Free- land, they were fired at, and Mrs. Durham's infant was killed in her arms. They scalped her, and when the men came there, she raised up and asked for a drink of water. Elias Williams ran to the river and brought his hat full. They put her in a canoe and took her to Northumberland, where Dr. Plunket dressed her wounds, and she lived for fifty years afterwards. She is buried in the Warrior Run grave-yard. The mill of Samuel Fisher, who resided on what is now Kaufman furnace tract, was burned this tall, it was said, by some settlers, to get nails, the place having been abandoned. In a letter, in Decem- ber, Colonel Hunter expresses great regret at Colonel Hartley's departure. He says he made the very best possible use of his troops. He complains of the forestallers of grain, whom he looks upon as worse than savages, for raising the price of grain upon the people. December i, Joseph Reed elected President of the State, Cham- bers, Dale, and Himrod voting for him. i^^9- Death of Captain John Brady — Indian Outrages in the Valley— John Sample and Wife Killed— Capture of Fort Freeland — Death of Captain Hawkins Boone. [RESIDENT of the State, Joseph Reed. Councillor, John Hambright. Members of Assembly, Samuel Dale, Robert Martin, and William Montgomery. Presiding iH Justice, Thomas Hewitt. Prothonotary, David Harris. Officers elected in October : Sheriff, Major James Crawford ; Cor- oner, John Foster ; County Commissioners, Walter Clark and Wil- liam Mackey ; Assessors, Albright Swineford, Peter Kester, William Clark, etc. Buffalo : Constable, Joseph Taveler ; Supervisors, Casper Bower and Alexander McGrady ; Overseers, Ludwig Derr and James Mc- Celvey. White Deer: Constable, James Pollock; Supervisors, Thomas Leckey and James McClenachan; Overseers, Thomas Hutchinson and Philip Stover. At February sessions, Jacob Links was licensed, the first tavern in Derrstown. 25th March, Joseph McHarge made affidavit before the court, that he, with others of Colonel Cooke's twelfth Pennsylvania regi- ment, was taken prisoner at Piscataway, (loth May, 1777 that he was carried to New York, compelled to take the oath of allegiance, and sent on board the vessel that carried General Howe's baggage to Philadelphia, whence he made his escape in disguise ; that his sight had failed him, and, on account of bodily infirmity, he could not go i6y i68 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1779. back into service. Tlie court discharged him. Some companies of the twelfth were now in General St. Clair's division, first brigade. St. Clair complained to the Council, which ordered Justice Hewitt to deliver him over to the military authorities. nth April, Captain John Brady was killed. He was born in the State of Delaware, in 1733. His father, Hugh, an emigrant from Ireland, first settled in Delaware, and then removed to within five miles of Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. John Brady married Mary Quigley, and their eldest son, Samuel, was born in Shippensburg, in 1758. He was a surveyor and pioneer in the settlements, and lived at Standing Stone, now Huntingdon, in 1768, when his son. Gen- eral Hugh, and twin sister, Jennie, were born. In 1769 he came over on the West Branch, and settled on what is still the property of Honorable George Kremer's heirs, opposite Strohecker's landing, below Lewisburg, where he resided until the fall of 1776, when he removed to a place a -little above Muncy, and built upon it. Octo- ber 14, 1776, he was appointed captain in the twelfth Pennsylvania, and was wounded severely in the battle of Brandy wine. I copy McCabe's account, published many years ago in the Blairs- ville (Indiana county) Record. For General Hugh Brady's account, see 1783. McCabe, no doubt, received his version from William P. Brady, senior : " It became necessary to go up the river some distance to procure supplies for the fort, and Captain John Brady, taking with him a wagon team and guard, went himself, and procured what could be had. On his return in the afternoon, riding a fine mare, and within a short distance of the fort, where the road forked, and being some distance behind the team and guard, and in conversation with a man named Peter Smith, he recommended Smith not to take the road the wagon had, but the other, as it was shorter. They traveled on to- gether, until they came near a run where the same road joined. Brady observed, ' This would be a good place for Indians to secrete themselves.' Smith said, 'Yes.' That instant three rifles cracked, and Brady fell. The mare ran past Smith, who threw himself on her, and was carried in a few seconds to the fort. The people in the fort heard- the rifles, and, seeing Smith on the mare, coming at full speed, all ran to ask for Captain Brady, his wife along, or rather before the rest. Smith replied, * In heaven or hell, or on his way 1779.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. ibg to Tioga ;' meaning he was either dead or a prisoner to the Indians. Those in the fort ran to the spot. They found the Captain lying in the road, his scalp taken off, his rifle gone, but the Indians were in such haste that they had not taken either his watch or his shot pouch." Jasper E. Brady, Esquire, told me, in 1870, that some thirty years before, when General Hugh Brady visited him at Chambersburg, some old citizen,»in conversation with him, asked him whether he ever knew John Montour. He became very much excited, and said, "Yes, he is the damned scoundrel that killed my father." I am unable to reconcile this with the fact that General Brady, in his account of his father's' death, (postea, 1783,) says nothing about it. Besides, Heckewelder's letter, the proper date of which is April 28, (see Pennsylvania Archives, Appendix, 1790, page iii,) from Con- shocking, which was in the lower part of Ohio, says that John Mon- tour had come there from the Wyandotte town, (now Sandusky, Ohio,) and from a council near Detroit, where the English commander had ordered his arrest as a spy, and the men had followed him nine days. The whole letter shows that he must have been about Detroit, four hundred miles, as the crow flies, from where Captain Brady was killed, on the nth of April. Further, on the first of July, as appears by Colonel Brodhead's letter, ibid., page 134, Captain Samuel Brady and John Montour had left Fort Pitt with a party to capture Simon Girty and seven Mingoes, who were on a raid. He would hardly have consorted with the murderer of his father. Heckewelder, in a letter of 30th of June, to Colonel Brodhead, says, " John Montour is to be looked upon as without deceit." Captain Brady's death is not mentioned in any contemporary written record that I have been able to find. It is possible it was the result of revenge, but most likely it was an attack by one of the marauding parties that preceded McDonald and his rangers. Mishael Lincoln (grandfather of R. V. B. Lincoln, Esquire) said he was in the fort when Captain Brady was killed, and assisted in carrying in his body. Captain Brady made surveys in Buffalo and White Deer valleys. I have, perhaps, the only autograph of him in existence, attached to an old survey of date 1770. The accounts of John Montour are conflicting. Meginness says he was wounded at Fort Freeland, 29 th July, and died and was buried at Painted Post a few days after. Nevertheless, he was alive ^70 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1779. on the 1 2th of December, 1779. See Colonel Brodhead's letter, ibid., 197. Colonel Kelly used to relate that one of the Montours released two American prisoners and conducted them safely to within a few miles of Northumberland, and the ungrateful scoundrels killed him there ; and he pointed out where he was buried, near a clump of trees that stood to the left of the road, a short distance below what is now known as " Molly Bullion's spring." 26th April, Michael Lepley, of Penn's township, aged 41, killed at Fort Freeland. Jacob Speese, in a certificate dated the 26th of June, 1786, states that he was stationed therewith a party of militia. He was a lieutenant in command, and on the request of Mr. Me- Knight, he sent a guard of six men to go with him to his plantation, a short distance from the fort. Aaron K. Gift, Esquire, of Middleburg, furnished me with the following narrative of this occurrence, as related by his grandfather, Jeremiah Gift, who died at an advanced age, in 1843. The Gift, Herrold, and Lepley families came to Middle Creek valley in the year 1771. John Adam Gift, (great-grandfather of A. K.,) settled on the left bank of Middle creek, three miles west of where Middle- burg now stands ; owned and occupied the farm now owned by John H. Walter. His three sons were Jacob, Anthony, and Jere- miah. The militia were then drawn in classes. Jacob had been drawn, and served a tour in the eastern part of the State. The lot in 1779 fell upon John Adam, the father. Jacob insisted on serving in his stead. Michael Lepley and Herrold were drawn at the same time. They were stationed at Fort Freeland, near which lived a family named McKnight, father and son. They secured a guard consisting of fourteen persons, among whom were Jacob Gift, Michael Lepley, and Herrold, to go to milk their cows. The cows were driven into a pen, and while milking, they were surprised by a party of thirty Indians, who fired upon them. They were so completely surprised, they could make very little resistance. Lep- ley, with others, and old Mr. McKnight, were killed. Herrold ran for the fort. As he ran along a field which sloped towards the fort, the soldiers in the fort heard the report of a rifle, and saw him fall, and an Indian scalp him. Jacob Gift also tried to make his escape, but was overtaken. When the pursuing soldiers came up, they 1779.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. ij^ found evidence of a hard fight ; the ground was bloody, his rifle broken in pieces, and himself tomahawked and scalped. He had sold his life as dear as possible. Young McKnight was the only one who escaped. He jumped Warrior run, and a tomahawk struck the top rail of the fence just after he cleared it. He was the only one left to tell the tale. Upon Jacob Gift's father the stroke fell heavy. He said, " It was my lot to go, but my son went and gave his life for mine." Michael Lepley left a widow, Mary A., and some children. She drew a pension for many years afterwards. In May, John Sample and wife were killed. The inhabitants had mostly left the Valley. The mihtia were out, under Colonel Kelly. — William Lyon's letter, May 13. This marauding party consisted of from fifteen to seventeen Indians. Christian Van Gundy, senior, was one of a party, with Henry Vandyke, who went up to bring these old people away. (They lived on a farm lately owned by Abram Leib, near Ramsay's school-house, in White Deer, where their graves may still be seen.) Van Gundy was a sergeant, and had six men in his party. Six more were to follow them the next day. After Van Gundy got there, he had slabs put up against the door, and water carried upon the loft. After dark an Indian came around the house, barking like a dog, and rubbing against the door. They paid no attention, but lay down, and slept until about three, A. M., when Van Gundy got up, and lighted a fire. The Indians then surrounded the house, and, mounting a log on their shoulders, tried to beat in the door. Those inside then fired, wounding two, whom they saw carried off. An Indian then came around behind the house, and set it on fire. Van Gundy mounted the loft, knocked off some Qf the roof, and put out the fire. In this encounter he was struck on the leg by a spent ball, which marked him for some time. Another of the party had his side whiskers shot off. When daylight came they put it to vote, whether they should remain in the house or try to get off. Two voted to stay, four to go. On opening the door they found an Indian chief lying dead in front of it. Van Gundy took the Indian's rifle, Vandyke his powder horn, (which was still in the possession of John Vandyke, in Illinois, some years ago.) The Indians came on suddenly, with loud yells, and the men sepa- rated. Van Gundy, with his two guns, took into a ravine, and tried to get the old people to follow him. They refused, and followed 172 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1779. the young folks, one of whom, Adam Ranck used to say, was their son. Van Gundy said he soon heard several shots. These killed the old people, who were scalped, and left lie. The Indians followed them several miles. Van Gundy said he never expected to get out alive, but with his two guns he thought he could kill two at least. He made a circuit of seven miles, and came out at Derr's mill. Colonel Kelly pursued this party; he had a dog that could follow an Indian trail, and, coming pretty close, would immediately drop. On this occurring, Colonel Kelly separated his party, and they made a circuit. As Kelly glided very quietly through the wood, he suddenly stepped into a hole, made by an up-rooted tree. Glancing along it, to his surprise, he saw five Indians sitting like turkeys on the trunk. He made a hole through the root, and leveled his rifle. Simultaneously there was the crack of rifles from the opposite side. Four Indians fell, and, notwithstanding their utmost exertions, the fifth escaped. This dog was of great service to the colonel. During this summer, most of the inhabitants of the Valley, or at least their families, had abandoned it. The men left usually occupied their homes, had signals of alarm, upon which they assembled at some point agreed upon. Colonel Kelly's cabin stood in front of the present building, near the spring, at the present road. He was awakened one night by the growls of this dog. He had a hole cut in the door for observation, and, as it was then getting day- light, he could see something moving among the bushes, at the end of an oak log, that laid across Spruce run. On closer inspection, he discovered an Indian. He took aim at a spot above the log, and, when the Indian raised his head, fired. The ball passed clear through his head, killing him instantly. He buried him himself in the little lot by the spring, marking the grave by a large stone, and kept the secret many years, not telling even his nearest neighbor or friend, knowing that there was no city of refuge to protect him from the ven- geance of the next of kin, an Indian law that proves our .common origin. No time or distance overcame it. There occurred one case in the Valley of the killing of an Indian, which was avenged many years after, when the settler had removed to Kentucky. The Indian was apprehended, and confessed that he had often sought the opportu- nity to kill the man here, but was as often foiled, and he followed him to Kentucky, and dogged him many years before it came. Colonel 1779.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 173 Kelly's secret only leaked out a few years before his death, in 1832. The little patch by the spring he preserved undisturbed, but took a notion about this time to have it cleared up. He had a boy, Isaac Bower, living with him at the time, to whom he promised a half dollar to plow it. He superintended it, and when Isaac proposed taking out a large stone with the grub hoe, he told him to let it alone, and plow around it. This aroused Isaac's curiosity, and the next time they had big meeting at Buffalo, and the colonel and all his family were gone, Isaac got to work with a shovel, and had not pro- ceeded far until he reached a huge skeleton. The skull was very large, and had the marks of the bullet in holes on the opposite sides. He carefully covered up the place, and hid the skull under the porch. Some days after old Doctor Vanvalzah came along, and stopped to talk with the colonel on the porch. Something was said about large heads, and Isaac, who became interested, hauled the skull out from under the porch, to show it to them. Doctor Vanvalzah was as- tonished at its size, and Colonel Kelly then asked Isaac where he got •it, and when he heard, became very angry, and would have whaled Isaac but for the doctor's presence. He then told the doctor the story as I have related it. ist November, 1872, I visited "William Allison, of Potter's Mills, Centre county, confined to his house by a paralytic stroke, (he died on nth February, 1877, aged eighty-five,) who told me that his father, Archibald Allison, was one of the party that had gone to bring the Samples off. He related the story substantially as I have given it, as related to me by Captain Jacob Gundy. He added some particulars : that after they got there, they heard the pecu- liar gobble of wild turkeys, and Gundy said he would go out and shoot one. Vandyke said: "You'll catch turkey, if you go out there." (Surmising a common trick of the Indians to imitate turkey calls ; two soldiers at Potter's Fort were enticed out in that way and killed.) That the man wounded through the thumb cried and howled so they had to threaten him to keep him quiet. That they drew the old chief inside the house and scalped him, and divided his accouterments. His father got the string of wampum, which was about the house for a long time. On leaving the house, the two wounded men, with the old people, were placed in the center. They had left the house about sixty rods in the rear, when I-J4 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1779. the Indians sallied out from behind the barn, about thirty in num- ber, according to Mr. Allison's account. Gundy and party held a hurried consultation and agreed to separate, Gundy taking the left, with the old people, the rest of the party the right. Allison concealed one of the wounded men under a log, and the Indians crossed it without discovering him. In the race, Allison lost his moccasins, and when he arrived at the fort, (as the rendezvous was called, on John Lesher's place, formerly Billmyer's,) his feet were bleeding so that he could have been tracked by the blood. Archi- bald Allison was then only eighteen years of age. He was at John Lee's shortly after the massacre there, in 1782, and saw the bodies of the murdered, and was one of the party that pursued the Indians. He left the Valley in 1783 or 1784, and pushed on into Penn's valley, where he married a daughter of George McCormick, one of the first settlers near Spring Mills, where he remained, and died in 1844, aged eighty-four years. William Kelly, son of Colonel John, married one of Archibald Allison's daughters. 19th May, General Potter, from Penn's valley, writes that the greater number of the people of Buffalo Valley had left. 26th May, Colonel Hunter writes that he had come poor speed raising the company of rangers, owing to the number of people that had got appointments to recruit for the boat service, (convoying General Sullivan's commissary up the North Branch;) that he had appointed Thomas Campleton captain ; that the few people remain- ing above were assembled in small bodies at the forts, and very little farming going on; that on the 25th, twelve large boats, loaded with provisions, left for Wyoming. June 7, General Sullivan writes from Easton that he has so great desire for the services of General Potter, and so high an opinion of him, that he will give him a command equal to his wishes if he will go along. June 2 1 , Lieutenant Colonel Adam Hubley, with part of his regi- ment, occupied Fort Muncy, Fort Jenkins, and Sunbury. 26th, Colonel Hunter says Captain Campleton's company is at Bos- ley's mill, Chillisquaque creek, and the country was quite drained of men for the boat service. The few spirited men that remained were guarding the women and children at the different posts they were assembled at, while the army marches from Wyoming. He 1779. J ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 175 had only thirty men, exclusive of those at Fort Freeland, and with General Potter, whom he would keep at Sunbury until the return of the army to Wyoming. Colonel Hartley's regiment marches imme- diately to join General Sullivan, which leaves Fort Muncy and Fort Jenkins vacant. June 24, Captain Samuel Brady killed Bald Eagle, a notorious warrior, of the Muncy tribe, near Kittanning. July 4, he, with John Montour, went out with two or three other Indians to capture Simon Girty. 9th, reports Simon at Conshocking. (Colonel Brod- head's letter.) July 8, Widow Smith's mills burned, and one man killed, in White Deer township. July 16, General Wayne captures Stony Point. July 17, Starrett's mill and all the principal houses in Muncy township burned. July 20, three men killed at Fort Freeland. 21, General Sullivan at Wyoming. The depreciation of continental money was excessive at this time. Vattel's Law of Nations brought $400 ; one volume of Gibbon, $40. 23 March, 1 779, a ream of paper, jQtS- George Read's Life, page, 35°- Capture of Fort Freeland. July 26, William Maclay writes from Paxton (Harrisburg) that he had just returned from Sunbury. That the whole of the troops had moved from Sunbury, a week before, to join General Sullivan. "Northumberland county is in a deplorable situation, without a single man, except the mihtia of the county, and Captain Kamplen, with fourteen men. Almost every young man on the frontier engaged in the boat service. Everything above Muncy Hill is abandoned. Forty savages had penetrated as far as Freeland's mills. Freeland and sundry others had fallen victims. The stores at Sunbury are in my dwelling-house, which is large and conveniently situated for defense. The back part of it was stockaded last year, by Colonel Hartley." 28th July, Colonel Hunter writes : "Thisday, about twelve o'clock, an express arrived from Captain Boone's mill, informing us that Freeland's fort was surrounded; and, immediately after, another , express came, informing us that it was burned, and all the garrison jj6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1779. either killed or taken prisoners ; the party that went from Boone's saw a number of Indians and some red-coats walking around the fort, or where it had been. After that, firing was heard off towards Chillisquaque. Parties are going off from this town, and from North • umberland, for the relief of the garrison. General Sullivan would send us no assistance, and our neighboring counties have lost the virtue they were once possessed of, otherwise we should have some relief before this. I write in a confused manner. I am just march- ing off, up the West Branch, with a party I have collected." A few days before the capture Robert Covenhoven went up as far as Rals- ton, (now,) where he discovered Colonel McDonald's party in camp. He returned to Fort Muncy, (Port Penn,) and gave the alarm. The women and children then were put in boats and sent down, under his charge, to Fort Augusta. He took with him the families at Fort Meminger, at the mouth of Warrior run ; but Freeland's fort being four and a half miles distant, they had no time to wait for the fam- ilies there, but sent a messenger to alarm them. Covenhoven (spelled Crownover,) is buried in the Presbyterian grave-yard, in Northum- berland. Born December 7, 1758; died October 29, 1846. Mrs. Mary V. Derrickson (born loth February, 1779,) a daughter of Cornelius Vincent, in a letter, dated Delaware run, December 17, 1855, gives the following account of the early settlers, and of Fort Freeland : In 1772, Jacob Freeland, Samuel Gould, Peter Vincent, and his son Cornelius cut their way through the wilderness and set- tled within two miles of where the fort was afterwards built. In the summer of 1778, the year of the Great Runaway, they had to leave the country. They returned and picketed a large two-story house, which had been built by Jacob PVeeland. During the winter all the families lived in the fort. In the spring of 1 779 the men planted corn, and were occasionally surprised by the Indians ; but nothing serious occurred until the 21st of July, when a party at work in the corn-field were attacked by Indians, about nine a. m. Isaac Vincent, Elias Freeland, and Jacob Freeland, junior, were killed. Benjamin Vincent and Michael Freeland taken prisoners. Daniel Vincent out- ran the Indians, and leaping a high log fence, escaped. Benjamin Vincent, then only ten years old, hid himself in a furrow; he left it to climb a tree, and was seen and captured. He knew nothing about the fate of the others until in the afternoon, when an Indian thrust 1779.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 777 the bloody scalp of his brother Isaac into his face. At daybreak, on the 28th Jacob Freeland, senior, was shot as he was going out of the gate, and fell inside. The fort was surrounded. There were twenty- one men in it, and very little ammunition. Mary Kirk and Phoebe Vincent commenced immediately and ran all their spoons and plates into bullets. About nine a flag was raised, and John Lytle and John Vincent went out to capitulate, but could not agree, and one half hour was given to consult those within. It was finally agreed that all who could bear arms should go as prisoners, the old men with the women and children to be set free, and the fort given to plunder. The latter left the fort at twelve. Not one eat a bite that day, and not a child was heard to cry or ask for bread. They reached Northumberland, eighteen miles distant, that night. Mrs. Kirk put girl's clothes on her son William, a lad of sixteen, and he escaped with the women. Elizabeth Vincent was a cripple, and could not walk. Her husband, John Vincent, went to Captain Mc- Donald and told him her situation, and asked for the horse the Indians had taken from his son Peter a week before. He carried his wife to the lower end of the meadow, where they lay and saw the fort burned. It rained hard that night, and she lay partly in the water. In the morning the horse came to them. Vincent plaited a halter out of the bark of a hickory tree, set his wife on, and led it to Northumberland, where wagons were pressed to take the people down the country. Colonel Hunter's account says: "That the firing at Freeland's was heard at Boone's mill, about seven miles off. (This mill was on Muddy Run, six hundred yards from its mouth, the site of what is now Kemmerer's Mill, two miles above Milton.) Captains Hawkins Boone, Kemplen, and Daugherty marched with thirty-four men, but were met before they reached the fort. Cap- tain Kemplen, who observed the first Indian, shot him dead. Our men behaved with great bravery, but were overpowered, and fifteen were killed and two wounded. Among the dead. Captain Boone and Captain Samuel Daugherty, two very good men." This engagement took place at McClung's place, above Milton. William Miles, who was taken prisoner at the fort, and afterwards resided in Erie county, said that, in Canada, Captain McDonald spoke in the highest terms of the desperate bravery of Hawkins 12 lyS ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1779. Boone. His scalp, with that of Daugherty, was brought into fort Freeland. Boone came originally from Exeter, Berks county, and was a cousin of the celebrated Daniel Boone, of Kentucky. His grand- father, George Boone, had a large family of sons : William, Joseph, Tames, Benjamin, John, Hezekiah, Squire, and Josiah Boone. Hawkins was a son of Squire, who moved to North Carolina in 1752. Hawkins was a surveyor, and lived on the place just above New Columbia now owned by Samuel Gemberling. He owned, also, the Jacob Rees' place, north-west of the latter place, the Earnest Book tract, &c. He was commissioned a captain in the twelfth Pennsylvania regiment, and selected to accompany a detach- , ment of riflemen from the regiment, sent under Morgan to Saratoga. In a return of Morgan's command, dated at Lowdon's ferry, on the Mohawk, September 3, 1777, he is marked absent; wounded. In February, 1779, the State Council allowed him clothes out of the State stores, "in consideration of his situation and spirited intre- pidity of his conduct in the campaign under Colonel Hartley, when his situation might have justified him in remaining at home." He left a widow, Jane, and two daughters. Some years after his death, his widow married a Mr. Fortenbaugh, and moved to Halifax, Dau- phin county, where she resided many years. Of Boone's party, Samuel Brady, (uncle of Captain Samuel,) James Dougherty, and James Hammond made their escape. Daniel Vin- cent, father of late Mr. Vincent, of McEwensville, had been recently married, and after the capture, his wife returned to New Jersey. For four years she heard nothing -of him. One evening, when she was out with a sleighing party, a roughly dressed man Stopped at the tavern where they were, and inquired if a Mrs. Vincent lived near there. She was pointed out to him, and he told her he had met her husband in Canada. He rode home in the same sleigh, and was disposed to take her upon his lap. She declined the favor until she discovered the impertinent stranger was her husband. — Day's Col- lections, 1843. [See Meginness' West Branch Valley, page 25 7, &c., for an interesting notice of the return of the captives.] In a letter from Sunbury, dated January 27, 1783, to General James Potter, member of the Executive Council, Colonel Hunter 1779. J ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. ijg incloses a roll of the men taken prisoners at Fort Freeland, the 28th July, 1779. "Captain's company, John Neely, sergeant; George Bailey, George Armitage, Aaron Martin, (died at Fort Chambly, January 8, 1780,) Thomas Smith, Isaac Wilson, and John Forney. The following persons, being those of the militia that enrolled themselves for the defense of the garrison : John Lytle, adjutant ; Cornelius Vincent, quartermaster ; sergeant, Samuel Gould ; Henry Townley, Peter Williams, Isaac Williams, Elias Wil- liams, Henry Gilfillan, James Durham, Daniel Vincent, John Watts, William Miles, John Dough, Thomas Taggar<-, (died i6th January, 1780;) Francis Watts, made his escape on the same day he was taken; Peter Vincent, likewise made his escape the same day." Colonel Hunter adds : "I appointed Captain Thomas Kemplen to recruit a company under a resolve of Congress authorizing the Council to raise a company for each frontier county, and to ap- point the officers thereof, in place of Captain John McElhatten, who was not in the county, or expected soon. Kemplen engaged on the 7th of May, and was of as much service as any man could be with the small company of men he had during the time. A number of his men who were taken prisoners at Fort Freeland, have come home poor and naked." Colonel Kelly went over with a party from Buffalo Valley, and buried the dead at Fort Freeland. November 27, the German regiment arrived at Sunbury, and Colonel Hunter proposes to station a sergeant's guard at Titzell's mill, in Buffalo Valley. Among the deaths this year are Samuel Allen, of White Deer, in May. In July, William McLaughlin, of the same township. Samuel Allen left a widow, Lavinia ; children, Ruth Reynolds, Agnes, Mary Rippey, Elphina, Samuel, Joseph, James, John, and Robert. Joseph Weeks, (of now Gregg township,) left a widow, Rachel; children, Jesse, Hannah, Frances, Jemima, Sutherland, Hyllothem, Nacum, and Fronk. John Foster, Esquire, who died at Buffalo Cross-Roads some years since, and who was a son of Captain John Foster, was wont to relate an incident occurring at this time. One night the family were alarmed by Indians, and fled to a rye patch adjoining the house, where they passed the night. A small dog that was usually very i8o ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. | 1780, noisy at night stayed with them and made no noise. The family always considered it a special act of Providence, as the next morn- ing plenty of Indian tracks were found around the house. 1^80. Inhabitants of Buffalo, White Deer, and Penn's — Indian Troubles — David Couples Killed — Attack at French Jacob's Mill — George Etzweiler and others Killed — Roll of Captain Thompson's Com- pany — Patrick Watson and Baltzer Klinesmith Killed — Peter Grove's Pursuit of the Indians — Barber's Mill Built. OUNCILLOR, General James Potter. Representatives in the Assembly, William Montgomery, David Mc- Kinney, and Major John Kelly. Prothonotary, Cap- tain Matthew Smith, appointed February 4. County Commissioners, Daniel Montgomery, Williarn Clark, and John White. Collector of Excise, Daniel Montgomery. Names of the Inhabitants of Buffalo Township, in the beginning of April, 1780. Allison, Archibald; Auld, George; Aurand, Henry; Aurand, Jacob; Baker, Wendel; Beatty, Hugh; Beatty, Alexander; Bernhard, Mathias ; Bickle, Henry ; Bickle, Christopher ; Bilby, John ; Black, Thomas; Brady, Mary; Braton, Caldwell; Brindle, John; Bolen- der, Henry ; Book, Conrad ; Book, John ; Book, George ; Boveard, James ; Bower, Casper ; Burn, Peter ; Burger, Martin ; Chambers, Robert; Charters, William; Clarke, John ; Crawford, Edward ; Cri- der, John ; Conner, Jacob ; Coon, Nicholas ; Cox, Tunis ; Cox, Widow; Davis, John; Derr, Ludwig ; Doudrick, John; Dreisbach, Jacob; Duncan, David; Elder, Thomas; Emerick, David; Etzweiler, George ; Ewig, Adam ; Eyer, Abraham ; Fiddler, Stephen ; Filey, John; Fleming, Robert; Fleming, James; Frederick, Peter; Fred- 1780.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. i8i erick, George \ Foster, John ; ]<'oster, William ; Foster, Captain John; Gibson, Andrew; Gibson, James'; Gilman, Henry, senior; Gilman, Henry, junior; Glen, Andrew; Green, Joseph; Greenlee, William ; Groshong, Jacob, grist-mill ; Grove, Michael ; he was taxed with a ferry, which was at the old Judge McPherson place, near Winfield ; Gothard, John ; Hains, George ; Hains, George, junior; Hains, John; Huntsman, James; Hamilton, Robert; Harb- ster, David; Harbster, Jacob; Hiltman, John; Henry, Christopher, distillery; Hessler, John; Hessler, Michael; Holnian, Charles; Hone, Henry; Hoy, Philip; Hub, Daniel; Hunter, Samuel; taxed with servants, negro, horses, cows, spoons, &c.; he resided on Perm's creek, on the tract he took up, now owned by the Messrs. Oldts, in Union township; Irvine, William, (Irish;) Irwin, James, distillery; Jenkins, James; Jermony, Thomas; Johnston, William; Johnston, John ; Kester, Peter ; King, Samuel ; Kishler, Francis ; Klinesmith, Baltzer ; Links, Jacob ; Laughlin, Samuel ; Lee, John, two stills; Leech, William; Leonard, Peter; Lewis, Daniel; Low- don, John; McCaley, Alexander; McCandlish, William, senior; McCandlish, William, junior ; McClung, John ; McCoy, James ; McDonald, Randall ; McGee, James ; McGrady, Alexander ; Mc- Kelvey, James; Metzgar, Jacob; Miller, Benjamin; Milligan, John • Mitchell, John ; Mizener, Henry ; Mizener, Conrad ; Mook, John ; Moore, William, sawmill; Morrow, Andrew; Nees, John, grist mill; afterwards Green's and Bellas' ; Noble, Robert ; Overmeier, George, senior; Overmeier, George, junior; Parkinson, Daniel; Price, Thom- as; Pontius, Andrew; Pontius, John, senior; Pontius, John, junior; Pontius, Nicholas; Pontius, George; Pontius, Henry; Quinn, Terrence ; Ray, John ; Rees, Abel ; Richard, Henry ; Rinehard, Frederick; Rinehart, George; Rosabaugh, George; Rote, George; Scott, John ; Sharp, Daniel ; Shirley, Charles ; Shively, John ; Shively, Christian ; Sierer, John ; Sips, Joseph ; Shaw, William ; Slack, Henry; Smith, Adam; Smith, Ludwig ; Smith, David; Snyder, Peter ; Snyder, Michael ; Speddy, Wil\iam ; Storms, Chris- tian ; Storms, David ; Stroh, Nicholas ; Sutherland, William ; Tate, Edward; Taveler, Joseph; Templeton, Samuel; Thom, James; Thornburg, Thomas; Thompson, John; Trester, Martin, senior; Trester, Martin, junior ; Trinkle, Charles ; Vandyke, Henry, tan- yard; Vought, Michael; Walker, John; Watson, Hugh; Watson, j82 annals of buffalo valley. 1780. Patrick; Watson, David; Welker, Leonard, grist and saw-mill; Weyland, Henry; Williams, William; Williams, James; Wilson, Robert ; Wise, Jacob ; Wise, Frederick ; Wolfe, Andrew ; Wolfe, George; Young, Samuel, distillery; Young, Matthew; Zeller, Peter. Of these the following returned money for taxation only : Bickle, Christopher, ;^ioo ; Chambers, Robert, jP^fio ; Frederick, George, ^500 ; Green, Joseph, ^x\o ; McCandlish, William, j[^Ap ; Storms, Christian, ;^45o. Additional Residents or Taxable s of White Deer in 1780. Allen, Joseph; Allen, John; Auman, Philip; Barber, John; Caldwell, John ; Campbell, Charles : Cherry, John ; Clendenin, John; Collins, Daniel; Couples, Sarah, widow; Crawford, Robert; Daraugh, Ephraim; Derr, Widow; Eakins, John; Heckle, Andrew, distillery; Gibson, James; Glen, Joseph; Gray, Robert; Hammel, Charles ; Hayes, David ; Hill, Elizabeth ; Hill, Jacob ; Hoffman, Joseph ; Huling, Marcus, of the Island ; Hood, Moses ; Huston, Samuel; Iddings, Jonathan; Kelly, Lawrence ; King, William; Love, Robert; McClenachan, William; McCracken, John; Mc- Cord, Robert; McCord, James; McGowan, John ; McKinney, James ; McLaughlin, John ; Marshall, William ; Miller, Archibald ; Millwright, Mathias ; Montgomery, Samuel ; Murray, William ; Poak, John ; Randels, Joseph ; Randels, Hugh ; Row, James ; Shields, Widow; Shearer, Widow; Turner, Thomas, distillery; Swartz, Peter, junior; Tanahill, John; Vandyke, Lambert. Im- provements, saw-mill at William Blythe's, Red Bank run. Among the Residents of Fenn's Township in 1780. Barnard, France; Bart, Jacob ; Bartges, Stophel ; Beard, Wil- liam ; Berts, Benjamin ; Bickard, John ; Bickle, Thomas ; Bickle, Simon, distillery ; Bickle, Tobias, distillery ; Bickle, Jacob ; Borald, Adam ; Bolender, Adam, senior ; Bolender, Adam, junior ; Bom- baugh, widow, still ; Borer, Peter ; Bower, Peter ; Bunker, Abra- ham ; Carstetter, Martin ; Cline, Jacob ; Cline, Andrew ; Coleman, John ; Collins, Moses ; Copenberger, Paul ; Crow, Godfrey ; Dean- er, George ; Deininger, Jacob ; Dowdle, widow, (widow of Cap- tain Dowdle;) Dreese, Joseph; Eberhart, Bernard; Egeh, William ; 1780.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 183 Evans, John ; Faucy, Benjamin ; Fisher, Abraham ; Freyburg, Lud- wig; Gan, Frederick; Gaws, Christian; Ginney, (weaver;) Gray- bill, Christian ; Green, John ; Graybill, John ; Guyer, Valentine ; Hains, John ; Harman, John ; Heffling, Jacob ; Heffling, Conrad ; Hermon, Henry; Hoan, Michael, senior; Hornberger, Charles; Hooks, Stephen; Horn, Samuel; Kemerer, Peter; Kemerer, Dan- iel ; Kerstetter, Leonard ; Kerstetter, widow ; Kerel, Hugh ; Ket- tleman, David ; Kreek, Philip ; Kreek, Jacob ; Koch, Daniel ; La- bel, Jacob; Leist, David; Liber, Adam; McTaget, Billy; Man- ning, John; Manning, Richard; Mateer, Robert; Meikle, Simeon; Mattig, Daniel ; Merkley, George ; Motz, Michael ; Meyer, John ; Meyer, Charles, distillery; Mogel, Valentine; Moon, Thomas; Moon, James ; Moore, Andrew, four hundred and seventy-nine acres of land, oil-mill, two distilleries, one grist and one saw-mill ; Morton, Jacob ; Mull, Anthony ; Neyman, Jacob ; Newcomer, Peter ; Nitz, Philip ; Nitz, John ; Ogden, Joseph ; Oudly, Edward ; Peters, Michael ; Reybert, John, senior; Reger, Elias; Reger, Michael; Reichenbaugh, Jacob ; Reed, Casper, saw-mill ; Reihm, Henry ; Retzel, Youst ; Reit, John ; Ritchie, Robert ; Rodgers, John ; Roush, Jacob ; Row, Martin, junior ; Row, Ludwig ; Ryhart, John ; Schock, George ; Schock, John ; Shaffer, George ; Sharrer, Michael ; Shoemaker, Pe- ter ; Smith, Stephen ; Snyder, Thomas ; Stees, Jacob, grist and saw- mill ; Steffy, Adam ; Straub, John ; Styer, Henry ; Styers, Jacob ; Sutton, Zachariah ; Swineford, John; Swineford, Albright, six hun- dred and eighty acres, and grist-mill ; Tremgel, Peter ; Trenkle, Matthias; Truckenmiller, Frederick; Ulrich, George, junior ; Wood- waifd, Simon ; Zellner, John. 2d April, William Maclay writes to President Reed, from Sunbury : " Sir : I will not trouble you with the distress of this county. It will, no doubt, be painted to the Council in lively colors, and, in- deed, the picture cannot be overcharged ; nor should I, at this time, write to you, but for a strong belief and persuasion that a body of Indians are lodged about the head of Fishing and Muncy creek. They were with us to the very beginning of the deep snow last year ; they are with us now before that snow is cuite gone. Many of our hunters, who went up late last fall into that country, (which is a fine one for hunting,) were so alarmed with the constant reports of guns, which they could not believe to be those of white men, that they i84 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1780. returned suddenly back. We are not strong enough to spare men to examine this country, and dislodge them. The German regiment are under their own officers, and, for my part, I expect no service from them. I cannot help uttering a wish that what troops we have might be all Pennsylvanians. There is a certain love of country that really has weight. This is a strange divided quarter. Whig, Tory, Yankee, Pennamite, Dutch, Irish, and English influence are strangely blended. I must confess I begin to be national, too, and most sin- cerely believe every public interest of America will be safer in the hands of Americans than with any others. Eut I will not trouble you with any more of my opinions. Help us if you can, and much obhge a distressed country." Colonel Samuel Hunter writes, on the same day : "The savages have made their appearance on the frontiers in a hostile manner. Day before yesterday they took seven or eight prisoners about two miles above Fort Jenkins, and two days before they carried off several people from about Wyoming. The German regiment that is stationed here is no ways adequate to grant us the necessary relief. The case is quite altered from this time twelve months ago. We then had a pretty good garrison at Muncy, Brady's fort, Freeland's, with our own inhabitants. Now we have but forty or fifty at Montgom- ery's, and thirty at Fort Jenkins. The latter was not able to spare men enough to pursue the enemy, that carried off the prisoners, though there were but thirty Tories and Indians, and a pretty deep snow had fallen the night before, by which they could be tracked. I have seen the time within three years that we could turn out some hundred of good woodsmen, but the country is quite drained of^our best men." The rapid depreciation of money may be noted through an item in the State Treasurer's account : May 17, order to Samuel Dale, ad- ditional pay as Member, in consequence of the price of wheat raised from ^15 to ^20 per bushel, nth March, cassimere was ^300 per yard ; jean and habit cloth, ^60 per yard. April 8, a party of Indians made a descent on White Deer creek. At Redbank, one and one-half miles south of White Deer Mills, a little below where Charley Ely's blacksmith shop used to be, toward the river, lived David Couples, with his wife and two children. They killed and scalped Couples and two of the children, and took his wife 1780.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. i^5 prisoner. They camped for the night on the hills above the mills, where she made her escape, although one of them had lain himself down upon her clothes, so that her moving would alarm him. The next day, when the people came to the house, they found the chil- dren had crawled under the bed, but their eyes were rent with in- tensity of suffering. One daughter survived, Margaret Couples. She married a man named William Armstrong, a wagoner on Doctor Eaker's place, and they moved to Centre county. The widow mar- ried a man named Elliot, of Chillisquaque. Some of the family live about Northumberland. Captain John M. Huff, of Milton, is a grandson. In Doctor Harbaugh's Fathers of the German Reformed Church, we find the following notice of the first stated Reformed minister nearest to the region of our annals: As early as the i8th of May, the Reverend Samuel Dubbendorff labored as a minister at Lykens valley. A letter of that date says : ' ' like John the Baptist, he at present preaches to three congregations, bordering upon the Indians. The people greatly love and honor him, yet owing to their poverty, can give him only the most necessary articles of food, but not a cent of money as salary." Mr. Dubbendorff, no doubt, preached as a sup- ply for the churches on Penn's creek, and, perhaps, in Buffalo Valley, as we find that when he beame too feeble, from age, to labor any longer in the ministry, he removed to a friend's, near Selinsgrove, where he died. He is buried in Selinsgrove, but no memorial, we believe, marks his grave. Attack on French Jacob's Mill. Northumberland Town, May i8, 1780. I am unhappy enough to mform you the savage enemy have, on the 1 6th inst., made a stroke on the inhabitants of this much dis- tressed county, at Buffalo Valley. At French Jacob Grozong's mills four men killed, viz: Jno. Forster, jr., Eytzwiller, James Chambers, and Samuel McLaughlen. The enemy got only one of the scalps. The neighboring inhabitants, on hearing the firing, briskly turned out, and pursued the enemy very brave, but was not able to overtake them. The inhabitants have stood here, indeed, longer than could been expected, were it not desperation. But, sir, unless some support can be instantly afforded, the State j86 annals of buffalo valley. [1780. must shortly count one county less than formerly — which God forbid. I refer you, D'r sir, to the bearer, Gen. Potter, for further information, as he waits on horseback, whilst I write this imperfect, distress'd acc't. Provisions none, cash none, nor can it be had in this place. Gen. Potter's acc'ts from this place to the Hon'ble the Assembly, which I doubt not you will see, will fully satisfy you of the state of this place. I am, D'r sir, your most obt. humble serv't, Matthew Smith. Gen. Jos. Reed. Sometime between 1776 and 1779, Jacob Groshong, familiarly known as French Jacob, built a little log mill, the site of which is now familiarly known as Solomon Heberling's, on what he supposed was his own location. He was defeated in a suit at Sunbury, rode home the same night, dismantled the mill, moved the wheels, &c., down to the site of what is now Dater & Reish's mill. Here he re-built his mill in 1782 and 1783, and added a saw-mill in 1785. In 1793, Enoch Thomas got the property, and Groshong moved up to the end of the Nittany mountain, in Centre county, and thence West. From Thomas, it passed into the hands of Christopher Johnson, in 1797, and into the hands of John Hofferd, in 1808, and finally into the Reish's. The old mill building, where this fight occurred, Mr. Philip Pon- tius told me he took down when he owned the property, and that he carefully preserved the timbers that had the bullet marks in them, and placed them in another building there, where they could still be seen. This will explain the impression on the minds of some old peo- ple I have talked with, who alleged the site of French Jacob's mill, where the fight occurred, was at the old Hofferd or Reish mill ; whereas, in truth, it occurred at the little old mill, the site of which is on Solomon Heberling's place. Groshong's name, or rather his nick-name, is still preserved in connection with the large spring a little above the tavern, on the Brush Valley road. I find in 1787 he was assessed by his nick- name, "Jacob, French." He is the hero of all the wild tales of Indian troubles in that part of the Valley. The place where he hid from the Indians, beside this spring, is still pointed out. 1780.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 187 The place became more noted in after years as the residence of Captain John Bergstresser, who, as early as 181 1, had an oil, full- ing-mill, saw-mill, and kept store upon the premises. Bergstresser came in after Henry Snyder, who had some sort of mills there as early as 1802. Christian Shively told my informant, John Beeber, that he heard the signal firing at this time. He was threshing some grain at the time. He had a hard, smooth place tramped on the ground, and was throwing the wheat up in the air to allow the wind to blow the chaff away. He immediately hid his wife and two children near the mouth of White Spring run. He slipped silently about, rolled some logs into Penn's creek, tied them with hickory withes into a raft, put his wife and children on, and floated down to Beatty's, where New Berlin now stands. Philip Pontius told me his father also heard the signal. He un- hitched his horses, and made a circuit through the woods, gun in hand, and came to the mill. He said William Fisher made a nar- row escape. He was running into the mill, when his foot slipped on a board, and he fell into the door. The bullet intended for him struck the building on a line where his head would have been had he not fallen. One tradition of the neighborhood is that this was a patrol of five men which passed every day between Titzell's, late Kelly's, mill and French Jacob's, and they were attacked by the Indians in sight of the mills. Another has it that the soldiers were out washing when they were fired on. John Forster was an uncle of the late Captain John Forster, of Mifflinburg, and a brother of the old Major Thomas Forster. James Chambers was the son of Robert Chambers. George Etzweiler, junior, left a widow named Mary. George Etzweiler, a son of the one killed, kept hotel at McKee's Half-Falls, as late as 181 2. William Fisher was the grandfather of James Crossgrove and Sheriff John Crossgrove, and resided in Limestone, where James Crossgrove lately resided. William Gill told me he heard old Mrs. Overmeier say that the people who were killed, were brought over to the place adjoining Philip Seebold's residence, above New Berlin, and were buried in the old grave-yard on the bluff at the creek, where Dry run comes in, nearly opposite where i88 ANNALU OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1780. Tuscarora run enters Penn's, on the Snyder county side.^ Here old John Trester and the first settlers were buried. This grave-yard, probably the oldest in the county, was not used after 1791, when the people commenced burying in New Berlin. It belonged to Thomas Barber, who was killed in 1792, by the timbers of an old barn falling upon him. Some time during this year, one of the Mizener's, who resided where Daniel Pontius now resides, near Reish's distillery, was captured, and carried off from that place by the Indians. Esquire Sheckler informs me it was Adam Mizener, who moved to Ohio, and died there some years ago. He remained in captivity about eighteen months. On the 14th of July, the Archives state that a man and three children were killed, near the mouth of Buffalo creek. According to the statement of Wjlliam Wilson, (Doctor T. H's. grandfather,) this occurred at the old house where Thomas Ream now lives. The woman escaped across the creek and, looking back, saw an Indian dash the brains out of the small child against a tree. The name of the family was Allen. Copy of Roll found antotig Colonel John Kelly s papers . A pay-roll of my company of the first battalion, Northumberland county militia, commencmg i6th of July, 1780. Enrolled, July 16, 1780. Discharged, August 15. Colonel — Kelly, John. Captain — Thompson, James. Lieutenant — Poak, Joseph. Ensign. — Ewing, Alexander. Black, William ; Black, Thomas ; Brindage, Joseph ; Fleming, Hance; Green, Joseph; Hamersley, James; Iddings, Jonathan; Poak, John; Poak, Thomas; Poak, James Smith; Rodman, Hugh ; Wilson, Peter ; Wilson, John ; Young, John. Letters of administration on Patrick Watson's estate, were granted on the 23d of July, of this year; and his death, perhaps, occurred during May, when the stroke on the Valley, spoken of in Captain Matthew Smith's letter, was made. His cabin was on a slight eleva- tion, a little east of the new school-house (1877) at White Springs, 'Philip Seebold said, in 1872, that George Etzweiler was buried on John Cook's place, now Peter Slear's, in Limestone township. 1780.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. iSg Limestone township. Tlie site was pointed out to me, by Jacob M. Shively, whose grandfather, Christian Shively, showed him the spot, and told the story. He said he heard the firing, and went to Watson's cabin, and found Mrs. Watson, Patrick's mother, lying on the floor, shot, and a dog licking her scalped head. She could orily make motions in reply to his inquiry, intimating that Patrick had gone down the run. He went out after him, and found him near the White spring. Watson did not know he was shot until, stooping down by the spring to drink, the water ran out of his wound. He died within two hours. He and his mother were among the first buried in the Lewis grave-yard. He was an uncle of David, William, and John C. Watson. Friday, 14th July, Baltzer Klinesmith, who resided then on George Sholtz's land, lately owned by John Byler, on the second road south of Dreisbach's church leading to Jenkins' mills, and had a small clearing upon it, was killed. The versions of this story are quite numerous. The one in the "History of the West Branch," was furnished by George A. Snyder, Esquire, deceased. The dates I get from the widow's pension papers, and an old certificate, in which it is further stated that he was a private in Captain Joseph Green's company. Lieutenant John Cryder, in Colonel Kelly's battalion. My version is from one who often heard Mrs. Chambers tell it her- self. She, with her father and sister, went out in the field to work. He, seeing some squirrels, sent Baltzer, junior, back for his gun. Meanwhile, the Indians came along and captured the old man and the two girls, Elizabeth and Catherine. Just where the road winds around the hill, above Heimbach's blacksmith shop, on the road to New Berlin, they killed Klinesmith. Mrs. Dreisbach, the Judge's mother, pointed out the place. She helped carry his body down, and they buried it in the Dreisbach church-yard. The Lidians then made their way to the spring, north of New Berlin, where they left the girls in charge of an old man of their party, and went down Dry valley. After a httle while it began to rain, and the Indian motioned the girls to gather brush to cover the flour bag. He laid down under a tree, with the tomahawk under his head. The girls, in passing with brush, worked it gradually from under him as he dozed. Elizabeth picked up the tomahawk. i<)0 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1780. and made a motion to her sister to run. She then sank it into the old man's head. The old man yelled fearfully, and the girls ran. By this time the Indians were on their return, and heard the old man yell. They pursued the girls and fired on Catherine, just as she was springing over a fallen tree. The ball entered below the right shoulder-blade and came out at her side. She had the scars until her dying day, as large as a half dollar. She rolled herself under the tree, and the Indians passed over her, in pursuit of the sister. Elizabeth, being active, reached Beatty's harvest field. The men ran to their rifles and pursued the Indians. When they came pretty near Catherine, one of the men, supposing an Indian in am- bush, was about firing, when she pulled off her apron and waved it. They found her much weakened from loss of blood, but she soon recovered. Philip Pontius, still living, told me that the Indians were going to Beatty's, and George Rote, who was a lame man, but great on a halloo, frightened them back, by hallooing to an imagin- ary company to surround the black rebels. Klinesmith's widow drew a pension as late as 1 819, at New Berlin. " Elizabeth married John Boal, moved to French creek, near Meadville first, and, in 1843, was still living in Ohio or Indiana, her husband, being one of those restless spirits, who fancy that the land is over-crowded, when the population exceeds one to every ten square miles, and she, from her courage and energy, being an excellent second to a man always ex- posed to the perils of frontier life." — Manuscript of G. H. Snyder. Katy, as she was called, first married Daniel Campbell, a revolu- tionary soldier, and had, by him, two children, John, who died near Mifflinburg, and Ann, who married Robert Barber. They removed West, and are now both dead. Katy married next Robert Chambers, by whom she had one child, the first wife of John A. Vanvalzah, deceased. Notwithstanding her wound, she survived two husbands. My informant, William M. Vanvalzah, tells me that when a boy, many a night he heard her and old Captain Thompson talk over the events of their early life. Klinesmith's land, in Lewis township, was valued in 1810, Robert Chambers taking one portion, and Baltzer Klinesmith, junior, the other. Baltzer, junior, sold his land, some thirty years since, to Christian Mensch, and moved to a lot owned by his wife, near Hartleton, where he died, and is buried in the Laurelton grave-yard. His wife was a daughter of Melchior 1780] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. igi Smith, their children, David, Samuel, John Melchior, daughters Mary Ann and Margaret, who married Messrs. Stover, in Centre county. Catherine married Miller. Martin Trester, a few years after, found a rifle near the spring, supposed to belong to the old Indian. Traditions of the Valley have always connected the following incident with the pursuit of the murderers of Klinesmith ; and the date mentioned in the note below probably confirms that belief: Van Campen, in his narrative, see Meginness, page 277, says that "in the summer of 1781^ a man was taken prisoner, in Buffalo Valley, and made his escape. He reported there were about three hundred Indians on the Sinnemahoning. I was then a lieutenant in Captain Robinson's company. Colonel Hunter selected a com- pany of five to reconnoitre. Captain Campbell, Peter and Michael Grove, Lieutenant Cramer, and myself. We took with us three days' provision, and went up the' West Branch, with much caution and care. We reached the Sinnemahoning, but found no tracks. A little below it we discovered a smoke, and that there was a large party of them. " As soon as it was dark we new primed our rifles, sharpened our flints, and examined our tomahawk handles ; and, all being ready, we waited with great impatience until they all lay down. The night was warm, and as we advanced upon them in the utmost silence, rifle in one hand, tomahawk in the other, we found some of them rolled in their blankets, a rod or two from the fire. Having got among them, we first handled our tomahawks. They arose like a dark cloud. We now fired on them and raised the war-yell. They took to t ight in the utmost confusion; We remained masters of the ground and of all their plunder. It was a party of twenty-five or thirty, which had been down as low as Penn's creek, and had killed and scalped two or three families. We found several scalps of different ages, and a large quantity of domestic cloth, which we took to Northum- berland, and distributed among the distressed who had escaped the tomahawk." 1 Van Campen made a mistake in the year, no doubt, and his description would lead one to believe more than two Indians were killed. Grove speaks only of two, and the following item, in the State Treasurer's account, September SO, 1780, indi- cates that Grove was correct ; Oash paid Robert Martin, for Jacob Oreamer, Peter Grove, William Campbell, and Michael Grove, for two Indian scalps, £1,875. The same account September 29, ten head of cattle for the (Jommissioners of Purchases, jei0,400, shows the immense depreciation of currency at this time. ig2 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1780. There were four of the Grove brothers, Wendell, Adam, who lived where George Wolfe now lives, in Mortonsville, Michael, who lived on the back road to Mifflinburg, and Peter. Peter disappears very- early from our Valley. The only notices I can find of him are the mixture of truth and fiction, in the Appendix to Meginness' History. Michael lived within the recollection of many of my readers. He died in Nippenose, south of Jersey Shore, in September, 1827, aged seventy, and was brought home, and buried in the Dreisbach grave- yard. Meginness says he was attended by Doctor Davidson in his last illness, and gave a vivid account of the engagement above spoken of. Before they commenced the attack, an old Indian annoyed them very much. He was troubled with a severe cough, and frequently rose up, and looked carefully around, seeming to anticipate danger. At length the old man fell asleep, and they commenced creeping up, intending to use their tomahawks first. One of them, unexpectedly, crawled over an Indian, who lay some distance from the rest, and the old man rose up at this moment. Michael, with a powerful blow with his hatchet, clove the old man's skull, and, striking it into the back of another, could not withdraw it, when the Indian drew him over the bank into the creek, where, however, he succeeded in kill- ing him. Some of the Indians got on to the other side of the creek, and commenced firing, and they had to retire. They waded down the creek, taking to the hills, and, thence over to the Bald Eagle ridge. John Beeber describes Michael as having an eye like a hawk, and being able to travel at night, even in his old age, nearly as well as in day time. He told Beeber that Joseph Groninger, of White Deer, was along, and going up, they stopped at James Ellis', uncle of Wil- liam Cox Ellis, and took their dinner with their rifles on their knees. Michael left three children, John, Sarah, married to Samuel Lutz, and to Jacob Srnith. To the two girls he gave farms in Nippenose, and he was there visiting when he died. His son John is now dead. He left a son, Michael, and daughter, Esther. Mich- ael also died on the old farm, where his grandfather lived. Esther married Enoch Kauffman. Michael's son, Peter, still lives in West Buffalo, and other descendants are in the same township. Adam lived on the Nesbit property, which he sold to Thomas Nesbit, in 1822. His son, Samuel, married a sister of the late Joseph Glass, and is the father of Simon, Joseph, William, Mrs. Jacob Parks, 1781.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 193 and Wesley, (who was starved to death in one of the rebel prisons.) Samuel moved West, where his family has become wealthy, and in- fluential at the bar and other pursuits. In July, George Row, of Penn's township, was wounded in the breast, at Fought's mill, (near Mifflinburg,) and died in eight hours. He left a widow, Mary M., who drew a pension for many years afterward. The original Barber's mill, on Penn's creek, was built this year by Adam Smith. It was long known as David Smith's mill. The latter sold to Barber and Heise, who built the present structure. 8th September, General Potter marched a body of one hundred and seventy men to Fort Swartz, and then went up to Colonel Kelly, who lay at the mouth of White Deer creek. Fort Swartz was most likely Peter Swartz's, who lived on the farm now owned by Honor- able George F. Miller. Day's Historical Collections says this fort was a mile above Milton ; but as General Potter says nothing of crossing the river, it was no doubt the block-house at Peter Swartz's. 24th September, Henry McCracken, private in Captain William Clark's company, killed. He left a widow, Mary, and five children. >T I78I. Narrative of Captain James Thompson — Captain Campleton Killed — Letter from Gteneral Potter — Story of the Emerick Family — Roll OF Peter Q-rove's and McGtrady's Companies — Christian Hetriok AND David Storm Killed. EMBER of Council, General James Potter. Assembly, WiUiam Maclay, William Montgomery, and Colonel William Cooke. Presiding Justice, Frederick Antes. Sheriff, James Crawford. Treasurer, William Gray. County Commissioners, William Antes, James Espy, and Daniel Montgomery. 13 i()4 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1781. On the nth of April, David Kennedy was appointed Secretary of the Land Office, Colonel Francis Johnston^ Receiver General, and Joha Lukens, Surveyor General. Buffalo : Constable, Henry Gilman; Supervisors, AbelRees and John Reighard ; Overseers, Michael Hessler and John Clark. loth March, Saturday, at ten^ a. m., Black Ann~,Tor larceny from Eleanor Green, was whipped at the public whipping-post, in Sun- bury — twenty lashes on her bare back, well laid on. March 31, Peter Grove, of Buffalo, commissioned lieutenant of the rangers ; Samuel Quinn, ensign. In 1 788, the latter was deputy surveyor, and Quinn's run, in Clinton county, was called from his camping there during that year. May 3, fast day, by order of Congress. June 26, William Gray, Esquire, appointed paymaster of the militia. PenrC s Township Residents, c^c. : Anderson, William, tan-yard ; Arnold, Casper ; Arnold, Widow ; Campbell, Clary, (tenant on Charles Gemberling's place,) he was from Bald Eagle .settlement; Cripps, John; Dillman, Andrew; Espert, Widow; Graybill, John, non-juror ; Gast, Christian ; Grow, Godfrey ; Gillen, William ; Hafflich, Jacob; Heiner, Frederick; Hauser, John; Hessler, Wil- liam; Hassinger, Frederick; Jordan, Benjamin; Jost, Widow; Kester, Peter ; Kerk, Michael ; Kinney, Jacob ; Kohler, Andrew ; Lepley, Jacob ; Miller, Adam ; Miller, Simon ; Maddox, Richard ; Merkel, Peter ; Meraby, Edward ; Pickard, John ; Potter, James, two slaves; Repass, Jacob; Showers, Michael, tenant of Jacob Stees; Stephen, Adam; Shaw, William; Shetterly, John; Witmer, Peter; Woods, Joseph. In Buffalo : Antes, Philip ; Baker, John ; Bickle, Widow ; Blair, Samuel; Boatman, Claudius; Coon, John; Dean, David; Fergu- son, James; Green, Joseph, two grist and one saw-mill; Holman, Eli; Houghton, John, tenant of Samuel Maclay; Keen, Jacob, tenant of John Aurand ; Knipper, Paul ; Klinesmith, Widow ; Laughlin, Widow; McAdam, William; McDonald, Widow; Reem, Nicholas; Rezner, John; Templeton, Widow; Trester, William; Vandyke, John ; Watson, James, saw-mill, at Seebold's now. White Deer — Single men: Ammon, Philip; Caldwell, James; Clendenning, John ; Collins, Daniel ; Crawford, Robert ; Gamble, 1781.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. ig^ Charles ; Gibson, James ; Hamel, Charles ; Hayes, David ; Hood, Moses ; Huston, Samuel ; McCartney, Robert ; McKniney, James ; McLaughhn, John; Montgomery, Samuel; Murray, William; Poak, John; Tannehill, John. The ejectment for White Deer mills property was resumed. The - suit is brought by Vannost, and has this distorted title : " Timothy Macabees, lessee of James Claypoole, vs. Judias Iscariot, with notice to Catherine Smith, widow in possession." To Movember term we have the commencement of a series of buits between i.udwig Derr and Christian Van Gundy, which, after many years, ended m the pecuhiary ruin of the latter. It was brought to iNlovember term, lessee of Christian Van Gundy vs. Tnomas Troublesome, lessee of Ludwig Derr, with notice to Christian Hettrick, tenant in possession- It astonishes a lawyer of the present how our predecessors managed to keep cases so long in court. Van Gundy's application had not the shadow of chance against Derr's title ; yet the contest went on for years, until Van Gundy's money gave out. This suit was for the present site of Lewisburg. Captain dames Thompson's Narrative. In the manuscript journal of the late James F. Linn, Esquire, under date of June 14, 1832, is the folio wmg entry : "Old Captain James Thompson was with us last night. He told us a good part of his adventures when with the Indians. He appeared not to wish to tell the story. I got it out of him, only m answers to questions." The narrative was entered in my father's journal. I have supple- mented by the article of Elizabeth Gundaker, now Dale, niece of Captain Thompson, in the Lancaster Intelligencer, 1842. "In March, 1781, I was going from this town (Lewisburg) up to my home, on Spruce run, preparatory to following my wife and family down to Penn's creek, whither, 1 had taken them for safety. On the road, between John Linn's old place and Colonel Kelly's, I was captured by four Indians. When we came to the hollow, which is now cleared by Thomas Iddings, tliey discovered a fresh track in the mud, and one of them hallooed ' squaw.' Two of them set off on a run, the remaining two staid with me, one walking before and the other behind. I soon heard the scream of a woman, ig6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1781. whereupon, the one behind me gave me a punch in the back with the butt of his gun, and said 'waugh' — run. We all started off on a run, and when we got to the top of the hill, I saw the father of the girl fall, and the Indians seize her. She had lost a shoe in the race. She was Mary Young, the daughter of Mathew Young, who lived on Spruce run. Wilham Hayes now owns the place ; he bought it as James Black's property, a few years ago, (now, 1877, Gabriel Huntingdon's.) We crossed the White Deer mountains, north of the Valley, and camped the second night on Lycoming creek. They tied me, with my arms behind me, to two grubs. I managed to get the cords off, after they got to sleep ; two of them laid on one side of the fire, near ma, and two on the other, with the girl. I tried to get one of the tomahawks, but they were lying upon them. I then got a stone, they had been using to pound corn with, got on my knees near one of them, and prepared to give him a mortal strbke. I intended striking him on the temple, but he had a blanket wrapped around his head, and I struck too high. The Indian gave a yell and awoke the rest. I started to run, but the cord stretched between the two grubs, caught me about the middle, and in trying to get around it, one of the Indians caught me by the coat collar, and in the struggle, tore it clear down to the middle. He drew his tomahawk to strike me, but stopped, and addressed the wounded one in their language. Drew it the second and third time, when I was sure I would get it; but I had made up my mind, to try to catch it, and wrest it from him. They then got a gourd, put shot in it, and tied it to my waist. This was my death warrant. I could have readily escaped myself, but I was anxious to rescue Mary. After that, they tied me so tight, I lossed all feeling in my arms and hands. Before we got to Towanda, one of the Indians shot a turkey, took out the entrails, and roasted them on a stick, and gave them to us. It was very delicious, as we had but a few grains of corn a day to eat. One of them shot a dipper-duck, and skinning it, after making an opening at the belly, slipped it over the hurt man's head for a night-cap. "When we got to Towanda, the Indians became careless, supposing there was no danger of my running away. They made me gather wood for the fire, and as I returned each time I slipped a few grains of corn out of the kettle, and every load I wandered further from 1781.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. I97 camp. At last, seeing no one looking my way, I started with twenty- two grains of corn for a provision for a journey of nearly two hun- dred miles. I could have escaped before, but I could not bear the idea of leaving the girl with them. Her hardships were fearful. Often her clothes were frozen solid af^er wading the creeks. We had encamped that night at the foot of a hill by a stream of water. She urged me to leave her, and finally I followed her advice. I carried two loads, I think, still going further up the hill. I took a different direction from home at first. I stepped upon a rotten stick, which made a noise, and then, mistaking the sound of two trees rubbed together by the wind, for the Indians, I ran with all my might, and reached a pond, in which I buried myself up to the head. Finding the Indians did not come that way, I proceeded, keeping upon the tops of the mountains. One night I spent in a hollow tree. At another time I came very near getting into an Indian encampment before I was aware of it. I saw the Indians pass between me and the fire. At another time, coming upon a camp, the Indians hallooed. I felt certain I was discovered, but squatted down among the bushes, and when they began to cut wood I made off. At one place I found two walnuts, at another the bone of a deer, which I cracked, and sucked the marrow. This, with the corn, was all the provision I had, and, in crossing Lycoming creek, I nearly drowned from excessive weakness. I struck the West Branch a few rods above where we crossed going up, and found one of the canoes lying on the bank, as the river had fallen. I was so weak I could not lift it in, but, by means of a handspike and some rollers, I managed to get it in. After I got it in, I discovered the other canoe sunk, which I ladled out, and lashed to the other. When I got opposite Watsontown, I was so weak I could only lay in the bottom of the canoe, and wave my hands. Fortunately I was here noticed, and the people came to my relief. They considerately fed me with sweet milk only, until I got stronger, but it was some time before I could tell them about my adventures." Mary Young they carried with them to their town. They set her to hoeing corn. An old negro, who was also a prisoner, told her to dig up the beans planted with the corn, and they would sell her to the English. She did as she was advised, and they thought her too stupid to learn to work, and sold her. She said two of the Indians i()8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1781. pursued Captain Thompson part of two days. The wounded Indian left them shortly after they got out. She supposed he died, as he was very much hurt. Mary was sent to Montreal, and sold. Her purchaser's name was Young, and, on tracing the relationship, they found they were cousins. She remained there until after the war, and then returned to her friends in Buffalo Valley. Tradition says her health was very much undermined, and she died soon after. She was still living in 1787, when her father died ; but I can trace her no further. But for the entry in my father's journal, her history would have been as evanescent as her foot-prints, which revealed her pres- ence to the Indians. Captain Thompson removed his family to Chester county, where they remained until after the Indian troubles were all over. They then returned, and he purchased of the widow Dempsey the place now owned by Jacob Ziebach, on Spruce run, in Buffalo, and resided there until the year 1832, when he went to reside with his son-in-law, Boyd Smith, (sq#i of Gideon Smith, who lived at the mouth of Little Buffalo,) near Jersey Shore, where he died, February 9, 1837, aged ninety- three years nine months and nine days. When ten years of age, he was with his father at Braddock's defeat. He was a remark- able man in old age, often walking from Jersey Shore down into Buf- alo Valley, a welcome guest in every house from Pine to Penn's creek. His son William married Susan Linn, in 1804, and removed to Sugar Creek, Venango county. Their son James died from an explosion, which took place in his store, in 1833. He was carrying out ashes in an empty keg, as he supposed, but which had several pounds of powder in it. Ann married John B. McCalmont, Esquire, nephew of old Judge McCalmont. She died in 1 849. John Linn Thompson died in Venango, leaving a family. William resides in New Brighton, Beaver county. In a letter to General Potter, Colonel Hunter states that Captain Thomas Kempling, as he writes it, and his eldest son, were killed by the Indians, at the mouth of Muncy creek, in March, 1781. In the petition of his widow, who writes her name Mary Campleton, presented to the Assembly, September 23, 1784, she says : "My husband and son, with others, went on a tour of duty up the West Branch, early in the spring of 1781, and lying one night at the mouth of Muncy creek, in the morning the savages came on them, 1781.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. igg when my unfortunate husband and son, with one WilHam Campble, fell a sacrifice to all the cruelties and barbarities that savages could inflict, leaving your petitioner and six children. We were driven lirom house and home, and so reduced that I am unable to return to the place we had improved upon." About this time, John Shively who lived on the place now owned by R. V. B. Lincoln, Esquire, was captured by the Indians, in the meadow, in the rear of Esquire Lincoln's house. He was never heard of afterwards. He left a widow and sons. Christian and Frederick, who owned the place until the year 1804. His widow married Philip Mann, who lived in the Valley up to 1805. George Rote and his sister Rody, aged about twelve and fourteen, were taken at Mififlinburg, where their father, George Rote (or Rhodes) lived. They were separated and carried into the Corn- planter's country. When peace was proclaimed they were liberated, and met at a furnace, near Clarion, Pennsylvania, and came back together. Rody married James Ben, and they rhoved to Centre county. They were uncle and aunt to the late Captain John Rote, who never could h^rar of an Indian in latter times without getting into a passion. Jacob and Conrad Caderman were captured at the same time. The former told my informant that Limestone hill seemed full of Indians ; that he had a gun and fired into the ground, to indicate that they surrendered. He said he liked Indian life so well that he would have remained among them, but for his wife and children. Conrad played stupid, and did all the mischief he could. They soon got tired of him, and sold him to the English for a five gallon keg of whisky. They both returned and lived long in the Valley. James Ben lived on a place adjoining Philip Fish- burn, now in Spring Creek, Centre county. His wife died many years ago, and he subsequently married a widow Murphy. In the' life of Rev. John Dietrich Aurand, Harbaugh's "Fathers," mention is made of his return from the army early this year ; that his mother, Mrs. John Aurand, had died but a short time before his return, and amid the tenderest longings to see her son once more before her departure. A deep sadness took possession of the young soldier's spirit when he found his mother no more among the living. He often went to her grave to weep and pray. She was buried on a gentle knoll on the west side of the present road, and on the south 200 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1781. side of Turtle creek, near the mouth of the stream, under an aged yellow pine, in the midst of a clump of white pines of smaller growth. Tradition has it that a number of people were buried here before and during the Revolution. Bickle, who was killed at Henry Mertz's place, is said to have been buried here. In my earliest recollection it went by the name of the old Indian burying-ground. It is now, however, a cleared fields (1872,) and all marks of its former use probably obliterated. SuNBERY, April 12, 1781. Sir : I arrived at my house on Sunday last, and on Monday I came to this pleace, and since, I have maid a visite to difrent parts of the frunteers, who I find in great disstress, numbers of them flying for their lives. At this early season of the year, the enemy has maid five different strookes on our frunteers, since the 2 2d of March. On the sixth instant, they fiered on an old man, his son^ and daughter., The boy was shott ded, and the Indians imedatly maid a prisoner of the young woman. The old man had a stick in his hand, with which he nobley defended himself against one of the Indians, who had a tomhack and maid the fellow drope his wapon. Col. Kelly, with a few of his neighbolirs, was in a house at a little distance. On hearing the'* enemy guns go off, run to the pleace, and obleged the enemy to retreat, leving the young woman there prisner, and our brave old Irishman, and his stick behind them, and all there blankets. They out run Col. Kelly and his party, and got off as usile. On Sabath day last, the eight instant, in the evening, they came to the house of one Durmes, about five miles from this pleace. Immedatly on there entring they house, they shot Dunn and tooke one Capt. Solomons a prisoner. There was four weemen and a number of children in the house. They plundered the house of every thing that was vallibel. But what is surprising, they went off with Captd. Solomon and there plunder, leving behind the weeman and children. This hapened leaf in the evening. The next day they were persued but not come up with. Capt. Robinson has got forty men enlisted for the war, but many of them are so naked, for want of all kinds of clothing, that the can not do duty. They have not a blanket among them all. I know 1781.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 201 it is not in the power of Council to provide for them at present, but I hope they will as soon as posable. I most sincely wished for our Assembly to have been with me in my disagreeable visit along the much disstressed fruntiers. I have not language to express their distresses. With great esteem, your humble serv't, Jas. Potter. Jos. Reed, Pres'f. The Story of the Emerick Family. On the farm now owned by Jacob Seebold, to the right of the road going to New Berlin, after passing the road through Chappel's Hollow, lived David Emerick, with his wife and four children, his other daughter being down the country at that time. Emerick had first settled upon the tract where the Widow Brown's tavern is, or near it, before the revolutionary war, in 1773, where he built a house, cleared ten acres of land, planted apple trees, &c. He sold this place, by deed dat^d 21st June, 1780, to Daniel Rees. On the 15th of November, 1779, he had purchased of Andrew Glen and wife the tract of two hundred and eighty acres, (on which he subse- quently removed, and was captured.) for ^2^925. Here he cleared a piece and built a cabin, and was residing in April, 1781. Here Henry Bickel, (who lived where Henry Mertz now does,) was shot. He had come there to help roll logs. His family was not dis- turbed. They plundered Emerick's house of everything, and loaded him down with baggage. After proceeding a little way, they pulled down a sapling, sharpened the end of it, impaled the babe, and let it fiy in the air. Emerick became so exhausted with his load that he sat down upon a log, and refused to go any further. One of the In- dians sank his tomahawk into his head, and killed him. One of the daughters died from excessive bleeding at the nose, on the journey through the wilderness. They were taken to Niagara,^ and the wife and daughters married Indians, their captors ; and many years ago 1 Heckewelder says, that the Muncys took refuge during the Revolution in Canada, and remained there. It is reasonable, to conclude, that the party mak- ing this descent upon the Valley were of its aboriginal inhabitants, familiar with its localities, and, therefore, able to enter and withdraw with comparative safety. 202 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1781. Mrs. Emerick and her Indian husband came to Henry Myer's, near Harrisburg, in order to draw some money coming to her from her grandfather's estate. Thus far I had the story from Benjamin Sliell, (court crier,) of New Berlin. Emerick was an uncle of Mr. Shell's mother, and the Emericks came from what is now Dauphin county, and settled, as he heard the story, in the "Shamokin country." My own researches among the records developed the dates and the rest of the narrative. There is on record, in Sunbury, a letter of attorney, dated the 12th of January, 1805, recorded in deed book M, page 516, the parties to which are Archibald Thompson, of Stam- ford, in the district of Niagara, province of Upper Canada, and Catherine, his wife, formerly the widow of David Emerick, to James Thompson, of the same place, authorizing him to collect their inter- est in the rents, issues, and profits of lands, and all the goods and chattels, late of David Emerick ; and also from the heirs and execu- tors of Conrad Sharp, of Berks county, their interest in his estate. It is dated at Willoughby, and acknowledged before Archibald Stew- art. It is recorded on the 4th of March, 1805. It is followed by a Jetter of attorney from James Thompson to George Schoch, to sell and convey their interest in a tract of land, in Buffalo township, adjoining lands of Hessler, Hugh Beatty, George Olds, and James Jenkins, containing one hundred and seventy- one acres, "which they hold as tenants, in common with John Bickle," recited to be conveyed by Andrew Glen and wife. On referring to deed book C, page 378, it will appear that Andrew Glen and Sarah, his wife, on the i6th of November, 1779, deeded to David Emerick, a war- rant of the 15th of December, 1772, for two hundred and eighty acres, consideration, ^2,925. It describes the land as adjoining Thomas Sutherland, James Hunter, and George Olds. 9th August, 1786, John Aurand appointed guardian of Margaret and Catherine Emerick, children of David Emerick, deceased. Ei- nally there is a release recorded at Lewisburg, dated the 26th of Sep- tember, 1 81 6, from James Thompson to George Schoch, which recites that David Emerick left a widow, named Catherine, and two daugh- ters, Margaret, intermarried with James Thompson, and the other intermarried with George Bauder, and he, Thompson, releases his wife's share of David Emerick's estate, amounting to ^516 75. So it seems that the wife, and at least one of the daughters, married 1781.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 203 their captors, who, many years after, came back and received their share of the estate of the man they murdered. Mr. Shell said Mrs. Emerick was infatuated with the Indian style of life, and endeavored to persuade some of her female relatives to go off with them when here. The recollection of one of the old inhabitants of the Valley was, that they came here in grand style, on horseback, Mrs. Emer- ick decorated with all the tinsel of Indian dress. In 1825, Bonham's heirs brought an ejectment against William Gibbons, for a tract of land, in the warrantee name of David Emer- ick, and, to sustain their title, gave in evidence a deed, dated the 2ist of June, 1780, from David Emerick to Daniel Rees, under whom Bonham claimed. The evidence on the trial is all lost, but from some manuscript notes taken by the late James F. Linn, it appears that the defense, who had no real defense, subpoenaed all the old settlers in the country to prove that David Emerick was killed in 1778 or 1779, from which the lawyers argued the deed a forgery, though it purported to be acknowledged before Christopher Gettig, Esquire. We are unable to say exactly, but think this was a dodge of the lawyers, taken upon the second trial, the other side, Mr. Bellas and Hepburn never dreaming of parol testimony thus affecting their title. Ainong others called to prove that Emerick was killed prior to the date of the deed, was Michael Smith, grandfather of A". W. Smith, Esquire. He said " I was living in the place where I am now living (1830 ^) during the revolutionary war. There was a massacre by the Indians in Dry valley. Henry Bickle was killed ; the only one, as far as we know. David Emerick and his family were taken prisoners on the same day. His woman came in afterward, and said Emerick was killed on the road. David Emerick never appeared again. It was three years afterward when his wife returned. She was afterward married to Thompson, in York State. I was eight or nine years of age at the time of the massacre. Bickle's wife had a son, about four months after his murder. He is now in court, and his name is Henry Bickle. I was born in 1769. I saw Henry Bickle after he was murdered. My father lived about two miles from Bickle at that time. My wife's mother and Emerick's ^wife's mother were sisters. I saw Thompson after he was married to Mrs. Emerick. They were married about the last of the war, or in it. Smith lived on Kunkle's place, west of Henry Mertz. 204 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1781. "Lee's massacre was about a year after Emerick's. It was in Dry Valley, and about the time of the general runaway. I saw Lee's fam- ily all lying scalped. Emerick has some children. I never saw any of them. There was one of the girls down below at the time, and was at my house about a year ago. Emerick lived near the hill, not far from Hummel's tavern, in Dry Valley. Emerick's children were all taken, except the one below. I saw Lees' killed in the house where they were killed. They had their heads all scalped, and were laid on a bundle of straw." Jacob Bower, of Union township, whose deposition was read, stated that knew David Emerick, and, three years after he became acquainted with him, he was taken by the In- dians. " They killed him on the hill, and we fled to Lee's, and lived there until after hay-making. Lee was after the Indians when Trin- kle and Faught were killed. Lee was killed by the Indiaiis after- wards. Emerick was not taken prisoner the same summer Lee was killed, but the year we lived at Lee's." Henry Bickle, sworn : "I am fifty-one or fifty-two years of age, and was born in 1778 or 1779, one of the two. I have been always told I was born about four months after my father was killed. I saw Emerick's wife when she was in. My mother lives twenty miles from here. Mrs. Emerick gave me a pen-knife when she was in. I can- not recollect how long since. My mother is eighty-five the 7th of next September. I was born in July, and my father was killed in April, as I have always been told by my mother and others. Emer- ick's wife and my mother were sisters. My mother was married to old George Schoch, who is since dead. She has lost her mind, and would not do any good if she were here." The plaintiffs then gave in evidence the records of an ejectment, No. 138, May Term, 1834. James Thompson and Margaret, his wife, late Margaret Emerick, in right of said Margaret, George Ban- der and Catherine, his wife, late Catherine Emerick, vs. David Zeluff and Robert Hilands, and called the late James Merrill, Esquire, who said that he had brought "this suit at the instance of David Thorburn, who showed me a power of attorney, which he took away with him again. I never knew the man before. He said he lived in Canada." They also offered letters from Thorburn from Canada, post-marked Lewistown, which were rejected. This ejectment was non-prossed under the rules. 1781.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 203 Defendants called Philip Hoyens, who swore he knew David Em- erick and Henry Bickle. " Emerick first lived on the Gibbons place. He made an improvement, built a house, and cleared about ten acres. Bickle and Emerick were killed by the Indians. I think they took Emerick away a piece. Emerick moved to this place of Gibbons' before the war. It was two miles from Northumberland." Instead of contending stoutly that such evidence could not contra- dict a deed as to date, and could raise no presumption of death as against a written document, Mr. Hepburn, for the plaintiff, seemed to yield to the force of the old men's testimony, and said that Emer- ick's name might be a fictitious one, which Bonham had used ; it was the practice of the day to use fictitious names to obtain a warrant of survey, and argued further, that there was no evidence that the David Emerick killed by the Indians was the one who owned this land. The jury, in the former trial, had found for the defendants. It was taken to the Supreme Court, and the case is reported in 2 Rawle, 45, reversed on error of the judge. At this, the second trial, they came in with a sealed verdict, finding for defendant again. On be- ing polled, one dissented, and they were sent out, and, not being able to agree, they were discharged. At May Term, 1830, the cause was called again, and after the jury were in the box, the parties settled by an agreement that Gibbons should hold the interference during life, after which it was to revert to Bonham's heirs. Lashells and Greenough were for the defense, as could be guessed by any one reading the trial, and knowing their peculiar ability in ejectment cases. An examination of the assessment books in the commissioners' office, would have shown that John Lee was assessor on the 27th of March, 1782, wherefore, according to the testimony of all the witnesses, the Bickle and Emerick massacre must have been in 1 781 . The deed from Glen and wife to Emerick, showed that Emerick was alive on the 15th of November, 1779, while Smith and Bickle's testimony would make out that he was killed in 1 778 or 1 779. The assessment books show that Emerick and Bickle were both alive on ist of November, 1780, and in the one made by John Lee himself, in March, 1782, for the year 1781, Bickle's property is assessed to his widow, and the 20b ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. I 1781. name and family of Emerick disappear forever from the assessment lists after 1781. Hummel's tavern, in Dry valley, was at the intersection of the roads at Adam Miller's, beyond Samuel Guise's. The Fought and Trinkle murders I can get no trace of, except the allusion in this evidence. They both lived in Dry valley. Henry Bickle, who was killed when Emerick's family was cap- tured, left the following family : Christopher, the eldest, who took the farm in 1792, at 40 shillings per acre; Maria C, married to Benjamin Stroh; Elizabeth afterwards married Jacob Kamerlin. Henry, as stated. The widow, Esther Regina, married George Schoch. Christopher sold it to John Meyer in 1806, who sold to Daniel Nyhart, who sold, 4th May, 1822, to Jacob Mertz, whose son, Henry, resides at the old place. John Wierbach's daughter, (sister of Nicholas and John,) of Buffalo, was carried off by the Indians. She married among them, and after the war her father went West, and found her, but could never induce her to return, though he offered every inducement he could. She preferred the wild life of the savages. Pay-roll of Peter Grove's Detachment for Services on the Frontier, June I. Lieutenant — Grove, Peter. Sergeants — Clark, William; Wilson, Matthew. Privates — Trester, John; Lamberson, Nicholas; Rough, John; Barber, Uriah ; Trester, Jacob ; Shock, John ; Fisher, Paul ; Bower, George ; Bradley, Matthew ; Bower, Daniel ; Houser, Jacob ; Har- riott, William; Grove, Michael. Pay-roll of Lieutenant Samuel McGradfs Detachment. Lieutenant — McGrady, Samuel. Sergeants — Montgomery, Samuel; Armstrong, Daniel. Privates — Love, Robert ; Daraugh, Ephraim ; Fleming, ^ Hans ; Fulton, Samuel; Marshall, William; Lykens, Joseph; Misener, John ; Clark, George ; Rees, Daniel ; Speddy, William ; Pollock, ^ His proper name was Archibald Fleming. He lived at Shippensburg in August, 1799, as appears by his receipt. 1781.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 20j William ; Dougherty, William ; McClung, Charles ; English, Wil- Uam; Allen, Robert; Parsons, Barnabas; McGrady, Alexander. In 1 781, the first battalion of Northumberland county militia, commanded by Colonel John Kelly, was composed of the following companies : Captain John Foster, numbering, officers and privates, 55 men. " James Thompson, " " " 44 " " George Overmeier, " " " 5^ " Samuel Fisher, " " " 55 " " Samuel Young, " " "51 " Abraham Piatt, " " " 53 " '• WiUiam Irvine, " " " 53 " WilhamGray, '' " " 44 " Among the rangers commanded by Captain Thomas Robinson, June I , occur the following from Buffalo Valley : Claudius Boat- man, fifer, William Armstrong, Ludwig Rough, Conrad Kather- man, Jacob Links. The names of Thomas Perry, Hugh Rodman, John Linn, Wil- liam Black, James Rodman, James Boyd, Thomas Black, John Rhea, William Black, James Hamersly, appear among those who received pay for seven months' services. Indian Outrages in the Valley. July 18, Colonel Hunter writes that the Indians have again made their appearance, and that there were no stores of any kind, and meat very scarce in the county. / August 3 , Walter Clark and William Antes write : ' ' With pain and with the utmost truth we are obliged to declare that we cannot com- ply with the law passed for supplies. The whole personal property of the county, even if removed to a place where cash could be paid for it, would not pay the tax. The improvements are grown up, burned, or destroyed, and the most of the personal property moved into the lower counties." September, Captain Robinson Avrites : ''The savages have been quiet for some time. They made their appearance in harvest, but did no damage. Lieutenant Van Campen and six men have gone up into the Indian country, to discover their moves." He recommends Doctor Eaker, who was then in the county, and intended to settle 2o8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1781. there, for surgeon of his company, and refers to Doctor Shippen, who knew him. October 26, Wilham Antes, James Espy, and Daniel Montgom- ery, the county commissioners, write : " That the county books and papers are yet in Paxton ; that it appeared by the treasurer's books that the residents paid their taxes, while the non-residents did not; that they would now proceed with the tax business with dispatch." 6th October, Christian Hetrick, a private in Captain Samuel Mc- Grady's seven-months men, was killed. He lived at Derr's, and his party was called out upon the appearance of some Indians on Buf- falo creek. They did not come up with them, and on Hetrick's re- turn home, a mile and a half above Gundy's mill, he was shot. When found he had a bullet wound, and was scalped and tomahawked. His widow, whose name was Agnes, married Ephraim Morrison, in 1787, and from an affidavit made to get a pension for Hetrick's children, I got the facts. Her children were Andrew, born May i, 1775; Catherine, 15th March, 17773 Elizabeth, 15th June, 1779; Polly, i6th October, 1781. He was one of the first residents upon the site of Lewisburg, and is buried just above Andrew Wolfe's, where the rocks jut out upon the road, in the corner of the woods. My father often pointed out the place, but he did not know the man's name. During this year David Storms was killed, on the place now owned by Esquire Cameron, in Buffalo, (Benjamin Lahr tenant.) David Storms, a son, married Elizabeth Baker, aunt of Mrs. John Beeber, from whom I received the story. David Storms, the son, lived awhile in Centre county, and laid out Stormstown, called after him. David Storms, senior, was outside the house at work, and his two daughters were engaged spinning. He saw the Indians, and ran into the house. They knocked the door in, killed and scalped him. The girls ran up stairs into different rooms. The one closed the door ; the other got behind the open door. They killed the one, and an Indian looked in the other room ; seeing no one, went down stairs. She watched them from the window, and, thinking they noticed her, she sank down in a fainting fit ; but they did not return. 19th October, Jane, widow of William McClung, killed at Fort Freeland, was married by the Rev. Hugh Rlagill, to David Martin. She had three children, the youngest not born when their father was killed. 1782.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 2og Among those deceased this year occur Casper Yost, of Penn's ; William Rodman, of White Deer ; (his widow, Martha, afterwards married James Fleming.) Children : James, Thomas, Alexander, John, Samuel, Benjamin, and William. 1^8^. Indian Incursions — Rezner Killed — Major John Lee Killed — History OF Lee's Family, and Walker's — Death of Captain Casper Weitzel. ^ILLIAM MOORE, President of the State. James Pot- ter, Vice President. Frederick Antes, Presiding Judge. At the general election held in October, William Mont- gomery, William Cooke, and William Maclay were elected members of the General Assembly. Thomas Grant received the highest number of votes for Sheriff, but Henry Antes, the next highest in number of votes, received the commission ; John Chat- tam. Coroner ; and David Mead was elected County Commissioner. The officers of Buffalo were : Constable, Peter Burns ; Supervisor, Nicholas Reem ; Overseers, Michael Hessler and George Hains. In Penn's township, George Herrold is assessed with two mills and a ferry ; Tobias Bickle, senior, with a tan-yard ; William An- derson, tan-yard. Additional residents : Frederick Bubb, Frederick Guy, (non-juror,) Andrew Gift, John Rush. Captain Matthew Smith was a better warrior, no doubt, than prothonotary, but answered for war times, when there was little to do. I copy a specimen of his orphans' court records : "At an orphans' court held at Sunbury, January ii, 1782, the court are of opinion, from information given, that Benj. Elliot and Jean Irwin (alias Elliot) be and appear at Sunbury, on Mon- day, the 14th inst., to answer said court on some complaint of misdemeanour. Fail not under the penalty of ^j^ioo. Note : the 14 210 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1782. complaint is that the estate of Richard Irwin is embezzhng, and that the above Benjamin and Jean is to be provided with security to cloath, maintain, and educate the minor children ; otherwise, other security will be given, that no expense will accrue to the said minor children. Matthew Smith." The Indian outrages commenced early this year, and on the ist of May Captain Joseph Green had a party out in defense of the frontier. May 6, Edward Tate, a private in Captain George Overmeier's company, was wounded by a ball through ^his foot, in an engage- ment with the Indians, which ocurred on a place then occupied by Frederick Wise, (now in Limestone township, somewhere between Mifflinburg and Wehr's tavern.) A number of the company were on a scout, and were talking, at the time, of the merits of their respective guns. One said he could shoot the drop from an Indian's nose. Just at that moment the Indians, who were in ambush, fired upon them, and several fell. Tate, who was wounded, ran and concealed himself. An Indian, in pursuit, came near to where he lay, and looked over the fence, but did not discover him. Philip Seebold, whose authoritv was old Mrs. Overmeier, said the names of the two men killed were Lee and Rezner ; that their bodies were brought to Captain Overmeier's, and she washed them, and they were buried in the grave-yard at Dry run, near late Philip Seebold's resi- dence. Major Lee and others Killed by the Indians. The attack on John Lee's (now Winfield) was made in August. A letter directed to Colonel Magaw, at Carlisle, found among his papers, from Colonel Butler, dated 25th August, says, a party of Indians, supposed to be sixty or seventy in number, killed Mr. Lee and family, a few miles above Sunbury. Letters of administration were issued to Captain John Lowdon and Thomas Grant on the 31st of August. Lee was assessor in April of this year. I copy from Meginness his narration of the occurrence, as I can find no contemporaneous account of it. Meginness, however, con- founds Major John Lee with Sergeant Lee, killed at Fort Rice, on 1782.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 211 the 24th of October, and relates an incident occurring at Sergeant Lee's funeral as happening at Major Lee's funeral : "It was a summer evening, and his family were at supper. A young woman named Katy Stoner escaped up stairs, and concealed herself behind the chimney. Lee was tomahawked and scalped, and a man named John Walker shared the same fate. A Mrs. Boatman and daughter were also killed. Mrs. Lee, with a small child and a boy named Thomas, were led away captives. They took the path up the Valley, crossing White Deer mountain, and then the river. One of Lee's sons, Robert, returning about the time, saw the In- dians leaving. He fled to Northumberland, and gave the alarm. A party was organized by Colonel Hunter, and started in pursuit. Henry McHenry, father of A. H. McHenry, of Jersey Shore, was in this party, and gave an account of it to his son. In crossing the mountains, Mrs. Lee was bitten by a rattlesnake, and her leg became so much swollen, she traveled with great difficulty. Tne Indians finding themselves pursued, urged her on as rapidly as possible, but her strength failed her. When near the mouth of Pine run, four miles below Jersey Shore, she gave out and sat down. An Indian slipped up behind her, placed the muzzle of his rifle to her ear, and blew off the whole upper portion of her head. One of them seized her little child by the heel and dashed it against a tree. They then fled, crossing the river at Smith's fording, and ran up Nippenose bottom. When Colonel Hunter came up with his men, the body of Mrs. Lee was yet warm, and the child, but little injured, was moan- ing piteously. Near Antes' Gap the Indians separated, and ran up both sides of the mountain, and the party gave up the chase, as they were nearly exhausted. They came back and buried Mrs. Lee where she died, and brought the child back. They dug a hole alongside of Walker's body and rolled him in. Mrs. Boatman's daughter sur- vived and lived many years afterwards. Young Thomas Lee was not recovered for many years afterwards. His brother made arrange- ments with the Indians to bring him to Tioga Point, (Athens now,) where he was delivered to his friends. Such was his love of Indian Hfe that they were obUged to tie him and place him into a canoe to bring him home. When near Wilkesbarre they untied him, but as soon as the canoe touched the shore, he was out and off" like a deer. They caught him, however, and, on arriving at Northumberland, he 212 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1782. evinced all the suUenness of a captive. Boys and girls played about him for several days before he showed any disposition to join them. At last he began to inquire the names of things. By degrees he became civiUzed, and obtained a good education." — Meginness, page 276. John Van Buskirk told me when he came to the Valley, in 181 6, the' old people thereabouts showed him the spot where Lee was killed, by what is now (1877) a blasted pine, some little distance in a westerly course from the furnace stone stable; and he said Lee was buried, with his family, near their residence, which Isaac Eyer, senior, tells me, stood just where the furnace railroad crosses the road to the river, and that his father lived in it until he built the new house, within his own recollection. I once had occasion to examine the title papers of Youngman's and Walter's place. Among them is the release of Thomas Lee, the eldest son, his signature, excellent hand- writing, dated ist April, 1797, to Robert Lee, of Point township. Release of Sarah, mar- ried to William Beard, of Lycoming county, 24th April, 1797, to Robert. Rebecca, married to Robert Hursh, of Lycoming county, of same date ; and Eliza Lee. She was probably the infant spoken of in the narrative. Robert Lee then sold to Abraham Eyerly, (now Eyer,) 2d May, 1797. The sequel to John Walker's murder, Mr. Meginness relates, as follows : "In the year 1790 his sons Benjamin, Joseph, and Henry Walker were living on a farm not far from the mouth of Pine creek, a few miles above Jersey Shore, when two Indians, one a youth and the other a middle-aged, well-proportioned man, came into the neighborhood. At Stephenson's tavern, near the mouth of the creek, some people, and among them the Walkers, had gathered.. The Indians got drunk, and performed many antics ; and the old Indian, putting on the most horrid grimaces, and twisting his face into all sorts of shapes, said, ' this is the way old Walker looked when I killed and scalped him.' That evening the brothers per-, suaded one Samuel Doyle to accompany them, and murdered the Indians, placing their bodies in the creek near where Phelps' mill stands. The bodies were washed out by a freshet, and suspicion pointed to the Walkers, who fled the country." The county records show that letters upon the estate of John 1782.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 213 Walker were granted to his widow, Jane, and eldest son, Benjamin, in August 1782, and the rest of his family consisted of William, who died before 1790, (leaving a son, John,) Henry, Joseph, John, Samuel, and Sarah, married to William Morrison. During this year, a boy sent to Van Gundy's mill (now J. W. Shriner's, near Lewisburg,) was shot from his horse. This occurred on the Meixell place, a short distance above Francis Wilson's. He was only fourteen years of age, and his name has not been preserved, but the spot, a marsh by the present road, was haunted, people said, by his ghost riding a white horse. Deaths. Casper Weitzel, Esquire, was a lawyer, practicing at Sunbury, when the war broke out, in 1775, and as secretary of the county committee, took a very active part in favor of independence. In 1776 he raised a company in and around Sunbury, which was at- tached to Colonel Miles' regiment, and participated in the disastrous battle of the 27th of August, on Long Island. He fought through the British ranks, and made his way into camp, with Lieutenant Colonel Brodhead, with a loss of twenty, officers and men, of his company. His rolls, written in his own neat hand, are in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. He was a granduncle of P. R. Weitzel, Esquire, of Scranton, Pennsylvania. John Smith, of Buffalo township ; his children were Mrs. Cath- erine Norgang and Mrs. Christian Storms. Martin Trester and Adam Smith, of Buff"alo. James Poak, of White Deer, leaving a widow, Mary ; Sarah, married to Colonel John Kelly ; Deborah, to Ephraim Darrough, — James, Thomas, William, and David were his children. He lived at the mouth of Little Buffalo creek. Fort Horn, (Cameron's.) >7Q 1783. State Officials — Election Returns — Contested Election — Reverend Cyriacus Spangenberg — The Brady Family. TATE OFFICIALS: His Excellency, John Dickinson, President. Judges of the High Court of Errors and Appeals, John Dickinson, Samuel Miles, and Henry Wyncoop. Edward Burd, Prothonotary. Councillor, John Boyd. Members of Assembly, William Maclay, James McClenachan, and William Cooke. President Justice, Wil- liam Montgomery. Prothonotary, Major Lawrence Keene, appointed September 25, vice Matthew Smith. (Among the applicants for this appointment were Colonel Atlee and Daniel Montgomery.) County Commissioner, John Clarke. County Treasurer, Frederick Antes, appointed October 2o.~" Collector of Excise, William Wilson, ap- pointed October 20. Officers of Buffalo : Constable, Ludwig Derr ; Supervisors, Jacob Dreisbach and John Dabellon ; Overseers, George Overmeier and Alexander McGrady. Additional residents : Foster, Andrew ; Foster, Thomas ; Frederick, Thomas ; Garret, John ; Greenhoe, Andrew ; Gibson, James ; Gray, John ; Grosvenor, Richard ; Gunner, Jacob; Hart, John ; Harman, Samuel ; Hanna, Isaac; Kennedy, Alexander ; Knox, George ; Lincoln, Mishael ; May, George ; Macpherson, John; Spangler, Christian ; Thompson, John, junior; Troxell, George. Improvement, Andrew Morrow, grist and saw-mill. Residents of White Deer : Iddings, Samuel ; Potter, James, Es- quire. Penn's : Boop, George ; Moore, George ; Pyle, George ; Sherk, John ; Weaver, Michael. Widow Stees is taxed with grist and saw- mill. 21^ 1783.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 215 V. Ttl CO t^ CD « •85[JBX0 uqof 1-1 t^ cq CO CO g r-l CO CO •SJ8iCa uqof 05 1—1 rH cq (N Tf ■*! 00 00 pi •:};oog nqof CO ia (N CO CO •* lr~ •eidsaino sa^j^qo CD iH i-l P5 ■ cq CO CO ■?1 •Si^'jaO jaqdojsuqo 05 iH cq f-l cq t^ TJi Tfl fa •9n^1 uqop CD la CD iH lO CO -^ S ^ C3 CO 05 W •^U^JQ SBiuoqjj r-l cq t^ ^ r_( ,_i 05 CO t^ M • •sa^uv jfjueii cq CO lO •* ^ r-i cq ,_( th •UBq0BU3I00J\[ S9lUBf CO ,_( 03 r^ •ifj8UI0S;U0J\[ TOTUBd SI 10 CD CO in h- cq CO •sa^av 5iou8p8J^^ !M CO 1-1 cc i-\ 'i:'Bxo'Bj\[ raunUM. 02 1-1 cq lO ■ ^ Ch lO 00 00 or 05 b •upj'BH ^^jaqoti CO CO rH S5 ^ cq CO t-- CO •pi!oa aqojf 1^ cq cu cq cq CO t— e; 10 03 1?; •ja^^od: sauiBf cq CO "^ (N - p^ CO M C t^ EI fa •ifaacaoS^uoH raBiniM C-l t^ IC CO CO "^ • (•oiBjgng) 'tCibjo raBfiilAi 1—1 cq 00 Oi s TO cc uoiunf 'ja^nnji TonraBS cq lo" • 1—1 *"* '^"^ ^< cs" S ai 3 ^ > ■i bc to ;h E S 3 3 <^ W ;2; H 2i6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1783. Two returns were made of this election, one signed by Elias Youngman, Anthony Geiger, and John Tschops, judges of the Augusta or Sunbury district, and Jacob Dreisbach, for the Buffalo district, certifying to the election of Samuel Hunter, junior, and William Gray, of Buffalo, as members of the Council of Censors ; John Boyd, as member of the Supreme Executive Council ; William Maclay, William Cooke, and John Weitzel, as members of Assem- bly; John Byers, Commissioner; Henry Antes, Sheriff, &c.; the other return, signed by James Murray, James Espy, and Simon Spaulding, of the Northumberland district, and Richard Manning, of the Muncy district, certified to the election of William Mont- gomery and Samuel Hunter as Censors, Robert Martin as Councillor, James McClenachan, Daniel Montgomery, and Frederick Antes as members of Assembly; Henry Antes, Sheriff; John Clarke, Com- missioner, &c. The former judges arrived at their result by throwing out the Northumberland and Muncy boxes. They did this because in- truders from Wyoming were allowed to vote at Northumberland, and residents upon the Indian lands were allowed to vote at Muncy. On the 25th of November, the House of Representatives arrived at a little different result, by rejecting the Muncy box alone, thus admitting William Maclay, William Cooke and James McClenachan as members;- Samuel Hunter and William Montgomery became members of the Council of Censors, on November 13, by counting all the votes ; John Boyd, Councillor, and John Clarke, (Buffalo,) County Commissioner. The deposition of Thomas Hamilton proved that, at the Muncy election, Richard Manning, who lived on Long Island, supposed to be Indian land, acted as judge, and David McKinney, who lived opposite the Great Island, on Indian land, acted as inspector ; that John Price, Jojm Hamilton, Britton Caldwell, one Thorp, and others, who resided upon Indian land had voted at the Muncy dis- trict election, held at Amariah Sutton's. The Muncy district was composed of Bald Eagle and Muncy. Robert Fleming was the only one from Bald Eagle who voted. Manning testified that he acted as judge ; lived on Long Island ; that Daugherty, who acted as inspector of the election, lived fifteen miles from the district, in Turbut township, which was in the Northumberland district ; that 1783.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 217 the Indian land men voted generally in favor of Montgomery, Antes, and McClenachan for Assembly, &c. William Sims' testimony, with that of others, in regard to the Northumberland box, was that he had been up at Wyoming, and saw William Bonhani there, in company with Colonel Zebulon But- ler, and Bonham acknowledged to him that it was his business there to get the Wyoming people to go down to Northumberland and vote ; that Bonham was exceedingly busy in inviting and persuading the New England people to go down and vote ■ that Colonel Butler told Captain Gaskins that there would be over one hundred down ; that many of them were in Northumberland and had voted, and Bonham kept an open house for them ; heard Bonham tell Schotl to go up to his house and get his dinner ; and further said the elec- tion had cost him $20. Captain Spaulding, one of the New Eng- land men, acted as judge, and Lord Butler, son of Colonel Zebulon, acted as clerk. Simon Spaulding testified that he lived at Stoke \ had been seven years captain in the army, &c. ; that the principle on which the people came down to vote was to show their design of conforming to the laws of Pennsylvania, and that they took that as the first op- portunity of doing it, &c. A petition to the Assembly remonstrating against receiving the returns from Muncy and Northumberland was numerously signed by the inhabitants along Penn's creek, and of Buffalo Valley, and other parts of the county. Among the names of the Hesslers, Ulrichs, Jacob Welker, &c., occurs that of Cyriacus Spangenberg, V. D. M. The autograph is that of an elegant penman, and fixes the date of his residence on Penn's creek two years earlier than Doctor Harbaugh supposed when he wrote the following notice of him: " In the latter part of the year, one Rev. Cyriacus Spangen- berg, who had come over with the Hessian mercenaries, and had secured, irregularly, ordination by a frivolous preacher named Philip J. Michael, thus, not by the door, but ' climbing up some other way,' was this wolf admitted into the fold ; located near Selinsgrove and began to preach there, at Row's Church, Mahantango, Middle Creek, and other places. "Such characters often found their way into the quiet and rural settlements of Pennsylvania, as the serpent did into Eden, insinuate 2r8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1783. themselves into the favor of the needy and unsuspecting, before their old sins could follow them, or new ones could disclose their true character. Hungry souls, who had been for years without the ministry, would hope the best, even amid doubts and fears, and thus were in a favorable position to be deceived. " Like all others, the German Reformed Church has not escaped these painful afflictions. "Spangenberg was not long here before his true character ap- peared. He had represented himself as a single man, drew upon himself the affections of a young female, obtained her promise of marriage, and the day was fixed for the wedding. But on the day previous, a letter was discovered from his wife, still living in Europe. This at once arrested the whole business, and set the son of perdition bare before the community. He now left Selinsgrove, to the great rehef of the people. There are still (1857) aged persons along Penn's creek, who in youth heard the story of this vagabond's doings, and much of it still floats, in half uncertain tradition, among those of the present generation. "His fate will interest our readers. In 1795 he had succeeded in introducing himself to congregations in (then) Bedford county, in- cluding Berlin, now Somerset county, Pennsylvania. A division had for some time been growing wider in the congregation at Berlin — some anxious to be relieved of him, others as desirous of retaining him. On a day appointed for a vote, the people assembled in the church, Spangenberg being also present. Just before voting, a pious and influential elder, named Jacob Glassmore, who sat in the altar with Spangenberg, made some remarks favoring a change- of ministers, and expressed a hope that the result of the vote would show that the congregation were inclined in that way. Whereupon Spangenberg sprang to his feet in wrath, drew a dirk from his pocket and plunged it into the elder's heart. In a moment Elder Glassmore lay in' blood and death in the altar before the whole congregation." " Spangenberg was seized immediately and placed in Bedford jail. His trial ended on the 27th of April, and he was found guilty of murder in the first degree. Efforts were made with the Governor for a pardon, or to have the sentenced commuted. The Governor submitted the records to the chief justice. The reply was unfavora- ble, and on the loth of October, 1795, between ten a. m. and two p. M., Spangenberg was hanged at Bedford." 1783.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 2ig Remim'scences of the Brady Family. October 20, died Mrs. Mary Brady, widowof Captain John Brady. Her remains rest in the Lewisburg cemetery. She died on the Ja- phet Morton place, a long tract, which extends from (and gives the name to) Mortonsville, (better known as Smoketown,) up to .the place lately owned by John Schrack, Esquire. She was born in 1 735 , and her maiden name was Quigley. She died at the early age of forty-eight years, and left the following family : Captain Samuel Brady, born 1758, at Shippensburg. James Brady, killed in 1778. John Brady, born 1761, and known as Sheriff. Mary (married to Captain William Gray, of Sunbury,) died December 13, 1850. William P. Brady, who removed to Indiana county, Pennsylvania. He was deputy surveyor in Northumberland county many years. His son, Hugh, was a noted attorney in the western counties of the State. The latter married a daughter of Evan Rice Evans, Esquire, and their son, the first Brady that ever was killed in battle, fell at Antietam, in 1862. General Hugh Brady, who died in Detroit, in 1851. Jennie Brady, a twin sister, born 29th July, 1768. Robert, married afterwards to a daughter of Colonel WiUiam Cooke. Hannah. Liberty, born August 9, 1778, so called as she was the first child born to them after the Declaration of Inde- pendence. She married William Dewart, and died without issue, July 25, 1 85 1. I copy here, in full, General Hugh Brady's account of the family, taken from an appendix to his funeral sermon by Reverend George Duffield, loaned me by Mrs. Nancy Eckert, of Lewisburg, grand- daughter of Captain John Brady : " I was born on the 29th day of July, 1 768, at the Standing Stone, in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, and was the fifth son (they had six sons and four daughters) of John and Mary Brady. My brothers all lived to be men, in every sense of the term, and at a period when the qualities of men were put to the most severe and enduring tests. While I was yet a child, my father moved on to the West Branch of the Susquehanna river, and pitched his tent about eight miles above the town of Northumberland. At this time, (as well as in later periods,) titles to wild lands could be obtained by erecting a log-house, and by girdling a few trees, by way of improvement or 220 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1783. cultivation. In this way, my father, John Brady, took up a vast quantity of land ; and, had he not fallen in the war of 1776, would have been one of the greatest land-holders in the State. But, owing to the dishonesty and mismanagement of those connected with him, his family received but little benefit from his exertions. Soon after the commencement of the war of 1776, he was appointed a captain in the twelfth Pennsylvania regiment ; and, in a few weeks having recruited his company, he joined the army, with which he remained until after the battle of Brandy wine. ' 'At this time the Indians had become very troublesome in the set- tlements on the Susquehanna; so much so, that application was made to General Washington for regular troops to protect the fron- tier. Not being in a condition to spare any troops at that moment, he ordered home Captain John Brady, Captain Boone, and Lieuten- ants John and Samuel Dougherty, to use their influence in inducing the people to sustain themselves, until he could afford them other relief. And nobly did they execute his design. All that brave and experienced men could do, was done by them, even to sacrificing their lives in the defense of their country; for, in less than two years from that date. Captains Brady and Boone, and Lieutenant Samuel Dougherty, had fallen by the hands of the savages. Ten months before the death of Captain John Brady, his son James had fallen (in 1778) by the Indians. Another son, Samuel, was then an officer in the United States army. John was then at home, in charge of the family, and in his sixteenth year. "After the fall of Captain Brady, my mother removed, with her family, to her father's place in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, where she arrived in May, 1779, and where she remained till Octo- ber of that year. She then removed to Buffalo Valley, about twenty miles below our former residence, and settled on one of our own farms. We found the tenant had left our portion of the hay and grain, which was a most fortunate circumstance. The winter fol- lowing (1779 and 1780) was a very severe one, and the depth of the snow interdicted all traveling. Neighbors were few, and the settle- ment scattered, so that the winter was solitary and dreary to a most painful degree. But, while the depth of the snow kept us confined at home, it had also the effect to protect us from the inroads of the savages. But, with the opening of the spring, the Indians returned, 1783.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 221 m and killed some people not very remote from our residence. This induced Mrs. Brady to take shelter, with some ten or twelve families, on the West Branch, about three miles from our home.^ Pickets were placed around the houses, and the old men, women, and child- ren, remained within during the day ; while all who could work and carry arms, returned to their farms, for the purpose of raising some- thing to subsist upon. Many a day have I walked by the side of* my brother John, while he was plowing, and carried my rifle in one hand, and a forked stick in the other, to clear the ploughshare. " Sometimes my mother would go with us to prepare our dinner. This was contrary to our wishes ; but she said that, while she shared the dangers that surrounded us, she was more contented than when left at the fort. Thus we continued till the end of the war, when peace — happy peace — again invited the people to return to their homes. " In 1783, our mother was taken from us. In 1784, my brother John married, and, soon after, my eldest sister followed his example. All the children younger than myself lived with them. I went to the western country with my brother Captain Samuel Brady. He had been recently disbanded, and had married a Miss Swearingen, in Washington county, Pennsylvania. He took me to his house at that place, and I made it my home until 1792, when I was appointed an ensign in General Wayne's army. Previous to this, my brother had moved into Ohio county, Virginia, and settled a short distance above Charlestown. At that day, the Indians were continually committing depredations along the frontier. West of the Ohio the settlements were very sparse, and the people from the east side went frequently in pursuit of parties of marauding Indians who visited the neigh- borhood. " I joined with several parties in pursuit of Indians, but only met them once in action. This was, I think, on the 2 2d of May, 1791. Our spies in front had discovered a trail of Indians, about eight miles up Indian Cross-cut, making for the settlements. The next morning, ten citizens were met by Lieutenant Buskirk, with twelve State rangers, at the old Mingo town, and from there we went in pursuit. After following their trail till near sunset, we were fired on by the enemy, who lay concealed in a thicket. Lieutenant Bus- ' At Jenkins' mill in East JbJuffalo. 222 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1783. kirk was killed, and three men wounded. After a fight of about ten minutes, the Indians retreated, leaving one gun on the ground and much blood on the bushes. We pursued the party then till dark, but did not overtake them. The next day, we returned to the field with a large party ; and, about one hundred yards up the stream which had divided the combatants, we found twenty- two Indian • packs, showing that our party of twenty- two men had fought the same number of Indians. It was afterwards ascertained that eight of them died of wounds received before they reached their towns. I had a fair shot at the bare back of one of them. I do not know whether I hit him or not. He did not fall, and I think I was some- what excited. •' On the 5th of March following, 1 792, 1 was appointed an ensign in a rifle company, commanded by Captain John Crawford, a sol- dier of '76. William Clarke, of Kentucky, was the first lieutenant. I reported to my captain, and was put on the recruiting service. But, as the pay of a soldier was only $3 per month, I met with little success. Our clothing was also indifferent, and the feelings of the people generally averse to enlisting. They did not consider regu- lar soldiers the thing, exactly, to fight Indians. I then joined the headquarters of the army, at Legionville, the spot where Harmony now stands, twenty miles below Pittsburgh. The first duty I per- formed was on Christmas day, 1792, when I commanded a picket guard. The officer of the day, Major Mills, saw, at guard-mount- ing, that I was very green, and when he visited my guard, at twelve o'clock, he took much pains to instruct me. He also let me know at what hour at night the grand rounds would visit me. I had Baron Steuben's Tactics, and a good old sergeant, and was pretty well prepared to receive the rounds when they approached. "The major complimented me, and remained with me for some time. His treatment had the effect to inspire me with that confi- dence which is indispensable in a young officer, to enable him to perform any duty in a suitable manner. I then thought Steuben had nothing with which I was not familiar, and the confidence it gave me has unquestionably been of service to me up to the present day. The history and movements of that army are before the world ; but its sufferings and privations are only known to those who shared them, of which I had my full proportion. Our campaign in Canada, 1783.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 223 _ during the war of 181 2, was by no means interesting, and its priva- tions, &c., were the subject of much discussion. Compared with the campaign of General Wayne, it was all sunshine. At its close, I was left under the command of Colonel Hamtramck, at Fort Wayne. The force consisted of Captain Porter's company of artil- lery, Captains Kingsbury's, Grattan's, and Reed's companies of infantry, and Captain Preston's company of riflemen, to which I was attached. "During that winter, 1794-5, we lived very poorly. Our beef came to us on the hoof, and poor, and we had little or nothing to fatten them with. Having no salt to cure it, it was slaughtered, and hung up under a shed, where, by exposure, it became perfectly weather-beaten, and as tough as an old hide. Of course, it made a miserable soup. At the same time, our men received but half ra- tions of flour, and were working like beavers to complete our quar- ters. Thus we lived until about the middle of February, when a brigade of pack-horses arrived, loaded with flour and salt, and with them came a drove of hogs. From this time forward we considered ourselves as living on the 'fat of the land.' An early spring fol- lowed, and with it came ducks, geese, and trout, to improve our living ; and the Indians, soon after, came in with their flags to sue for peace ; and our time passed away pleasantly. The treaty was opened at Greenville on the 4th of July, 1795, ^^ which day I ar- rived at that place. I had been ordered there as a witness in the case of Captain Preston, who Avas tried for disobeying the orders of Colonel Hamtramck. The court sentenced him to be reprimanded, and the General laid it on pretty heavy. "I remained at headquarters till the treaty was concluded, and then returned to Fort Wayne. While at Fort Wayne, I received many letters from my brothers, urging me to resign. I had not seen them for ten years. Those letters held out the idea that they would make my fortune. That, (and a desire to return to the land of my early habits, and to see my brothers and sisters, who had grown from children to be men and women, and most of them married,) decided me to leave the service. I resigned my commis- sion and left Fort Wayne on the 20th of November, 1795, ^^^^ passed the next winter in Lexington, Kentucky. About the ist of March following, I rode through to Limestone, (Maysville.) I there 234 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 1783. got into a quartermaster's boat, and, in about three weeks, landed at Wheeling, Virginia. I spent a few days with the widow of nxy brother Samuel, who had died on the Christmas previous. I then purchased a horse, and reached home about the 20th of July. I went first to Captain William Gray's, my brother-in-law. My sis- ter, Mrs. Gray, came to the door, and, as I inquired for Mr. Gray, she put on rather an important look, and replied : ' I presume you will find him at the store,' and turned into the parlor. I was about turning on my heel, when I heard steps in the entry, and, turning round, I saw my sister Hannah. She immediately raised her hands and exclaimed : ' My brother Hugh !' and flew into my arms. This was not a little surprising, as when she saw me last she could not have been more than eight years old. She knew me by my resem- blance to my twin sister, Jane. I found my connections all living happily, and moving at the head of society. I passed a happy three or four months with them, when I became weary of an idle life, and began to look for my promised fortune ; but, up to this day, have never been able to find it. I remained out of business till the win- ter of 1798 and 1799? when I was appointed a captain in Adams' army, and, in less than two years, was disbanded. My brother William, who had been most urgent for me to resign, now requested me to assist him to improve some wild lands he owned on the Ma- honing river, about fifty miles from Pittsburgh. We commenced this settlement in the spring of 1802, and, that summer, built a grist- mill and a saw-mill. All our breadstuff had to be carried about thirty miles on horseback. Meat I procured with my rifle, deer being plenty, and I could kill them without much loss of time from other business. "I married in 1805, and took my wife to our place in 1806, where Sarah and Preston were born. During the time we were there, we were happy, and had a plenty of such things as the coun- try afforded. All being on an equality, as regarded our resources, were not annoyed by the insolence of wealth. Still, I saw that my fortune could not be made there, and, in 1810, I returned, with my family, to Northumberland, and got along as well as I could, until 1 81 2, when the war again called me into service; since which time the Government has provided for me. I have rendered her some service, and, with my brother officers, have kept my shoulder 1783.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 225 to the wheel. This was no more than onr duty to a country which supports us, and of which we are justly proud. "Thus, I have given a sketch of my hfe, containing nothing un- usual or strange among those of my day and generation. But what a wonderful generation it has been — the most wonderful of any since the days of our Saviour ! "I have already stated that my brother James fell by the Indians, in 1778. It was in this manner : With ten or twelve others he went to help a neighbor harvest his wheat, about ten miles from the nearest station. On entering the field, they placed a sentinel at the most exposed point, and their arms convenient to their work. They had worked but a short time when the sentinel gave an alarm. They all ran to their arras, but it proved to be a false alarm. After reprimanding the sentinel for his unsoldierly conduct, they returned to their work; but they had not long been reaping when they heard the report of a rifle, and their sentinel was killed. Without noticing the conduct of others, my brother ran to his rifle, and as he stooped to pick it up, he received a shot which broke his arm. This caused him to fall forwards, and before he could recover, a stout Indian was upon him, tomahawked him, scalped him, and left him for dead. After the Indians left the field, my brother recovered and went to the house, where he found the rest of the reapers who had run from the field without their arms, and without making any attempt to de- fend or rescue him. They sent James to his parents, at _Sunbury, forty miles from the spot where he received his wound, which was on Saturday. He lived till the Thursday following, retained his senses, and related what is stated above. "James Brady was a remarkable man. Nature had done much for him. His person was fine. He lacked but a quarter of an inch of six feet, and his mind was as well finished as his person. I have ever placed him by the side of Jonathan, son of Saul, for beauty of person, and nobleness of soul, and like him, he fell by the hands of the Philistines. " My father was killed on the nth of April, 1779, not more than half a mile from his own house. He had left that morning at the head of a party of men, to move in a family that had wintered at their farm, about ten miles from my father's place. Having seen no sign of Indians, my father stopped at Wallis's Fort, and let the 15 226 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1783. party go on with the family. He was tlie only person mounted, and intended, soon, to overtake the party, but unfortunately for him, his family, and the settlement, he overtook a man who had fallen behind, and remained with him till the Indians shot him dead. The man escaped by mounting my father's horse, after he had fallen. It is a remarkable fact, that this man, Peter Smith, was in the field where my brother was killed, and afterwards, his own family was mostly destroyed by Indians, and he again escaped. After the war he settled in the Genesee country, and became a wealthy man. Some men are born to luck. [JNOTE. — It is worthy of notice, that although General Brady fre- quently sought, he was never successful in finding, the spot where his father was interred. One of his surviving daughters, Mrs. Backus, wife of Major Backus, was providentially made acquainted with the spot, during a visit (185 1) to the place of her grand- father's residence. An old revolutionary soldier,^ who was with the father of General Brady when he fell, and h9,d known and marked the place of his interment, a short time before her visit, had, on his death bed, requested to be buried beside his old captain, and desig- nated the spot. His request was granted, and there lie together in the woods, the captain and the private of his company, in a place where the inhabitants of the neighborhood intend, it is said, to erect an appropriate monument. — Geoi'ge Duffield, D. D.'\ "My brother John, in his fifteenth year, was in the battle of Brandywine, and was wounded. On the retreat he would have been captured had not his colonel, William Cooke, taken him up behind him. ' ' John had gone to the army with my father, in order to take home the horses ridden out, and was directed by my father to return. But John heard from Ensign Boyd that a battle was expected to be fought soon. He, therefore, remained to see the fun ; and when my father took command of his company, on the morning of the battle, he found John in the ranks, with a big rifle by his side. My father was wounded in the battle. Ensign Boyd was killed, and John received a wound during the retreat. ' ' As one good turn deserves another, two of my brothers, many years after, married two of the colonel's daughters. ' Henry Lebo. 1783.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 227 " Captain Samuel Brady entered the army as a volunteer when he was nmeteen years of age, and joined General Washington at Boston. A year after, he was appointed a lieutenant, and returned home to recruit. He did not remain long. He belonged to Cap- tain John Doyle's company, Wayne's brigade, and was with him at the surprise of Paoli. In 1779, his regiment, the eighth Pennsyl- vania, was ordered to Pittsburgh. It was then commanded by Col- onel Brodhead. Soon after, my brother heard of his father's death ; and he waited, with impatience, for an opportunity to avenge it, on the Indians. Nor was the opportunity long delayed. The Indians had attacked a family and killed all in it, except a boy aged twelve, and his sister, ten. These were taken prisoners, and their father was absent from home at the time it occurred. "The place was thirty miles east of Pittsburgh, and it so hap- pened Samuel was out in that direction, and, hearing of it, he started in pursuit, having with him a friendly Indian, very useful as a guide. The second evening of the pursuit the party stopped on the top of a high hill, and the Indian guide pointed with his wiping stick to the foot of the hill, and said, ' The Red Bank runs there.' The men sat down, while the captain consulted with the Indian about his future movements. Suddenly, the Indian sprang to his feet, and said he smelt fire ; and soon after they saw the smoke curling above the trees, on the opposite side of the Red Bank. " The Indian said, ' They will sleep by that fire to night.' ' And I will awake them in a voice of thunder in the morning,' replied the captain. The Indian also said, ' After they smoke and eat, and the sun has gone to sleep, they will give the scalp halloo.' "With breathless impatience, the party watched the setting of the sun, and, as its light disappeared from the tops of the trees in the east, they heard seven distinct scalp halloos, with the usual whoop between each. After it was over. Cole, the Indian, observed, 'There are fourteen warriors, and they have five scalps and two prisoners.' The night being clear and the weather mild, the cap- tain remained in his position till near morning, when he forded the stream above the Indians and posted his men, to await the crack of his rifle as the signal of attack. As day broke an Indian rose up and stirred the fire. The signal was given. The Indian standing pitched into the fire. The attack continued, and resulted in eight 238 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1783. of the warriors being deprived of the pleasure of ever again giving the scalp halloo. When the captain got to the fire he found the children much alarmed. After quieting their fears, the boy asked for the captain's tomahawk, and commenced cutting off the head of the Indian that fell in the fire, observing that this was the leader of the party, and the man that killed and scalped his mother. The boy was permitted to finish the job he had commenced. " Three easy days' march brought the captain back to Pittsburgh. The father of the children was sent for to receive his lost ones. He showed much affection, on meeting his children, and thanked the captain for having restored them ; and then asked the captain what had become of his 'big basin.' It appeared the Indians had carried off, or destroyed, a big basin, from which Henry and his numerous family ate their sourkrout. The honest Dutchman thought there could be no impropriety in asking for it, of the man who had the best chance to know. "In 1804, the writer met Henry (the boy) at a friend's house, in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Henry had stopped, with a wagon, before the door, and had a barrel of cider for my friend, who, pointing to me, said, ' This gentleman is a brother of Captain Brady, who took you from the Indians.' Henry was assisting to remove the cider, and he gave me a side look for a moment, and then con- tinued his work. I felt hurt at the coldness he showed towards the brother of a man who had risked his life to rescue him from death or bondage, and to avenge the murder of his family. My friend informed me that Henry owned the farm from which he was cap- tured, and was as rich as any farmer in the county. I thought, then, if his circumstances were as easy as his manners, he probably- had at home, in the old family chest, as many dollars as would fill his father's big basin. "At the request of his colonel, Captain Brady visited the San- dusky towns, at the head of four or five men, and lay concealed over ten days, so that he could see all their movements. It was a time for horse racing among the Indians, and men, women, children, and dogs were all in attendance. A gray horse was the winner until the evening of the second day, when they compelled him to carry two riders, (a new way to handicap,) when he was finally beaten. The Indians then retired from the field. That evening 1783.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 22g Captain Brady took two squaws prisoners, and started for home. On the second day of their journey they were overtaken by a fright- ful thunder storm, which destroyed their provisions, and destroyed most of their powder, having but tlaree or four loads of good pow- der left in a priming horn. The stormy weather continued several days. After it cleared away, the captain, just before night, went ahead of his party, hoping to kill some game, as they were without provisions. The party was then traveling on an Indian trail. He had not gone far when he met a party of Indians returning from the settlements, with a woman and child, prisoners. The captain shot the leader of the party, rescued the woman, and endeavored to ob- tain the child, that was strapped to the back of the Indian he had shot. But he had not time to do so, as the Indians had ascertained that he was alone, and had returned to their leader. He was, there- fore, compelled to fall back, and he took the woman with him. His men, seeing the Indians, and supposing the captain was killed, made their way to the nearest fort, and let the squaw run away. The other squaw had escaped during the great thunder storm'. The next day he met a party coming from Fort Mcintosh, to bury him, his men having reported him killed. A few days after, he returned with a party to the battle ground, and found the dead Indian. "In 1835, the writer met, at the town of Detroit, a son of the boy that was strapped to the back of the Indian. He informed me that after Wayne's treaty, his father was delivered up, at Pittsburgh, by the Indians. When the land west of the Ohio came into market, his father bought the lot on which the affair took place, and built his house, as near as he could ascertain, on the spot where the Indian fell, and lived there till eighteen months prior to our conversation, when he was killed by the falling of a tree. His name was Stupps, and he was a fine looking man. I remember his grandmother's name was Jane Stupps, and I have often heard my brother relate the above story. " On the Beaver river is a place known as Brady's Bend, where he had a hard fight, and killed many of the enemy, with small loss on his own side. His enterprising disposition and his skill in stratagems, in which he equaled any Indian, enabled him to do more towards protecting the frontier than all his regiment besides. Indeed, he was looked upon by the whole country as their surest protector, and 230 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1783. all the recompense he ever received was in a reward of I500, being offered by Governor McKean for his person, for having, in 1791, killed a party of Indians on Brady's run, thirty miles below Pitts- burgh. He surrendered himself for trial, and was honorably acquit- ted ; he having proved, to the satisfaction of the court and jury, that those Indians had killed a family on the head of Wheeling creek, Ohio county, Virginia. That, on receiving notice of the murder, he suspected those Indians had come out of Pennsylvania. He, therefore, crossed the Ohio at the mouth of the Wheeling, and by steering west, came on the trail, and pursued it to where he attacked them. " When General Wayne arrived at Pittsburgh, in 1792, he sent for Captain Brady, who lived in Ohio county, Virginia, and gave him command of all the spies then in the employ of the Government, amounting to sixty or seventy men. The captain so disposed of them that not a depredation was committed on the frontier. On the contrary, three or four times the Indians were surprised in their own country, thirty or forty miles in advance of the white settlements. His plan of carrying the war into the Indian country put a stop to all murders on that frontier. He continued in command of these rangers until the period of his death, which occurred on Christmas day, 1795, at his house, about two miles west of West Liberty, Vir- ginia, (in the thirty-ninth year of his age.) His disease was pleu- risy. He left a widow and two sons. "Never was a man more devoted to his country, and few, very few, have rendered more important services, if we consider the nature of the service, and the part performed by him personally. He was five feet eleven and three fourths inches in heighth, with a perfect form. He was rather light ; his weight exceeding at no time, one hundred and sixty-eight pounds. As I have said before, there were six brothers, viz: Samuel, James, John, William P., Hugh, and Robert. There was but half an inch difference in .our heights. John was six feet and an inch, and I was the shortest of them all. Is it not remarkable that I, who was considered the most feeble of all, should outlive all my brothers, after having been exposed to more dangers and vicissitudes than any, except Samuel ? Is it not a proof that there is, from the beginning, ' a day appointed for man to die?' It is said, ' the race is not to the swift, or the battle to the 1784.] ANNALB OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 231 Strong, but safety is of the Lord.' That has ever been my beUef." Among the deaths this year, Wilham McCandhsh, senior, of Buf- falo. (Will dated nth September. Children: Peter, Johii, George j Grizzelda, William, junior, Jennette, Alexander, and Martin. Mr. McCandlish lived on the place now owned and occupied by John Lesher, in Buffalo township.) William Greenlee, and in November, Mathias Trinkle, (of Union now.) In 1783 the people generally returned to the Valley. Mr. Allen having died, Mr. McClenachan became sole elder of the Buffalo Cross-Roads church until his death, in June, 1784, when the con- gregation was without an elder until 1787, when Matthew Laird, who had been an elder in Big Spring, came to reside within the con- gregation. — Doctor Grier's Sermon. h- ir»4. Joe Disbury — Bear's Mill (now Hoffa's) Erected — Flood of 1784 — Captain Lowdon's Roll — Death of Colonel Samuel Hunter. OUNCIL of Censors, General James Potter, vice Samuel Hunter, deceased. Members of Assembly, elected in October, Frederick Antes, Daniel Montgomery, and Sam- uel Dale. Henry Spyker, Esquire, was a Representative for Berks county. Presiding Judge, John Buyers. Sheriff, Henry Antes. Lieutenant of the county, William Wilson, vice Samuel Hunter, deceased. Collector of Excise, Alexander Hunter, vice Wil- liam Wilson, resigned. County Commissioner, Walter Clark, qual- ified at November Term. The celebrated thief, Joe Disbury, was tried. On his jury were Adam Grove, Michael Grove, William Clark and Adam Christ. His sentence was severe : That he should receive thirty-nine lashes, be- tween the hours of eight and nine to-morrow, stand in the pillory 232 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1784. one hour, have his ears cut off and nailed to the post, that he be im- prisoned three months, and pay a fine of ^,^30 to the President of the State, for' the use of the Government. [See his history in Meginness.] George Herrold this year opened the " Herrold Tavern," on the river below Selinsgrove, and Captain Anthony Selin the first hotel in Selinsgrove. In September, John Bear, of Lancaster, bought the Hoffa Mills, (now) property of William Charters, and erected the first grist-mill there. The saw-mill he added in 1 787 ; and in 1 790 he had four mills (grist, clover, oil and saw-mill) there. Additional Residents in White Deer Tow7iship in 1784. Allison, David j Ant, Jacob; Bennett, Justice; Bennett, Ephraim; Bennett, Thaddeus ; Bentley, Green ; Brown, John; Brown, Joseph; Brown, widow, Elinor ; Buchanan, David ; Buchanan, James ; Bu- chanan, James, junior ; Buchanan, WiUiam ; Campbell, Alexander; Carnahan, Robert; Creal, Michael; Daugherty, Daniel; Davis, Wil- liam; Dodds, Andrew; Dunlap, William ; Feager, widow ; Fisher, Paul; Fisher, Paul, (single;) Fisher, Henry; Gillespie, Captain Charles ; Gilman, Philip ; Gray, George ; Gray,^ Neigal, grist-mill, formerly Titzel's ; Heany, Hieronymus ; Heany, Frederick ; Heany, Philip ; Huston, Samuel ; Iddings. Samuel ; Iddings, Samuel, (single;) Jordan, William; Jordan, Andrew; Judge, William; Kerk- endale, Hermaii; Landon, Nathaniel; Lean, Abraham; Lean, Han- nah; Low, widow; McComb, John; McCracken, Mary; McLanahan, David ; McLanahan, widow ; Moore, John ; Moore, John, junior ; Moore, George ; Morrison, Samuel ; Montgomery, Samuel ; Perry, Thomas ; Plants, Jacob ; Poak, widow, Mary ; Potter, James, Es- quire; Ramsey, John; Rodman, widow, Martha; Sheaffer, Nicho- las : Tenbrooke, John ; Turner, Robert ; Vandyke, John ; Welsh, Nicholas; Welsh, Ludwig. (William Wilson, William Gray, and William Clark, assessors.) In a memorial, on file at Harrisburg, signed by Robert Martin and John Franklin, they state "that on the 15th of March, 1 784, the Sus- quehanna rose into a flood, exceeding all degrees ever before known ; that its rise was so sudden as to give no time to guard against its mischief; that it swept away about one hundred and fifty houses, ' Neigal Gray was lieutenant colonel of twelfth Pennsylvania, Continental Line, appointed from Northampton county. J784.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 233 with all the provision, house furniture, and farming tools and cattle of the owners, and gave but just opportunity for the inhabitants to fly for their lives ; that, by this dreadful calamity, one thousand per- sons are left destitute of provisions, clothing, and every means of life. " Micster-RoU of Captain John Lowdon's Company of Northumber- land County Volunteers who marched to Suppress the Riot at Wyomifig, by Orders of the Supreme Executive Council, August 4, 1784- Captain — Lowdon, John. Lieutenant — ^Vancampen, Moses. Ensign — Grove, Michael. Sergeants — Snyder, Frederick; Vancampen, Garret. Privates— Adams, John; Allen, John; Antes, William; Arm- strong, Hamilton; Armstrong, John; Backinstow, John; Baker, William ; Boo, George ; Busher, John ; Calhoon, Matthew ; Camp- ble, Andrew ; Champ, John ; Clark, William ; Clingman, Jacob ; Crawford, Edward; Crawford, James; Bering, Stophel ; Doyle, Samuel ; Drake, Samuel ; Emmons, Alexander ; Eply, Leonard ; Ewing, Jasper: Ewing, John; Fowler, Eshel ; Fowler, Nathan; Gillespie, Charles; Gibbons, Alexander; Giles, Thomas; Good- heart, Henry ; Goodman, Daniel ; Gettig, Stophel ; Grant, Thomas; Gregg, Andrew; Gregg, John; Gregg, William; Hamilton, Thomas; Hammond, David ; Hammond, James ; Harris, John ; Harris, Sam- uel ; Hepburn, James ; Hessler, Michael ; Hilman, James ; Hunter, Alexander; Johes7john ; Keel, John; Keel, Philip; Lamison, Ja- cob ; Lougan, David ; Ludwick, John ; Lyon, Benjamin ; Marshall, John ; Martin, Benjamin ; Martin, Thomas ; McCoy, Neale ; Mc- Kinney, Abraham ; Meads, Ely ; Moreland, Thomas ; Morrow, James; Ogdon, John; Pearson, George; Rees, Thomas; Robins, Zack ; Rope, Michael ; Rurer, Frederick ; Salomin, John ; Shaffer, Adam ; Shaffer, Henry ; Smith, Jacob ; Steuart, William ; Stout, John ; Teterly, George ; Vanderslice, Henry ; Volin, Leonard ; Webb, William ; Weitgur, John ; Weitzel, Jacob ; Wheeler, John ; Wilkeson, Joseph; Wilkeson, William; Wilson, James; Young, John. One sergeant and twelve men, two days guarding the prisoners at Sunbury. 234 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1784. I do hereby certify the above muster-roll to be just \ without fraud to the State of Pennsylvania, or any individual, according to my best knowledge. John Lowdon, Captain. Mustered the above company as specified in the above roll. W. Wilson, Lieutenant Northumberland County. August 9, 1784. Deaths. April 10, Colonel Samuel Hunter died, aged fifty-two. His grave is near the site of Fort Augusta, which he so heroically defended. His will is dated the 29th of March, and proved the 21st of June. His wife's name was Susanna Scott, sister of Abraham Scott, formerly member from Lancaster. Colonel Hunter was from the county of Donegal, Ireland, and when he died had a mother and two brothers still living there. He left two daughters, Mary and Nancy, minors, i. Mary, married Samuel Scott, who died before her, leaving children, Samuel H. Scott, Sarah, Susanna. Samuel Scott lived on what is now the Cake farm, and was drowned. He was a son of Abraham Scott, who lived on the island which he had purchased of Mungo Reed, the original owner. Abraham Scott died there in August, 1 798, leaving a widow, Sarah, and children, Samuel, (above,) Mary, wife of General William Wilson, after- wards of Chillisquaque Mills, Susanna, and Sarah. Susanna mar- ried Rose. Their daughter, Isabella, is the widow of Hon- orable Robert C. Grier, late Justice of the United States Supreme Court. 2. Nancy, married her cousin, Alexander Hunter, who died in June, 1810, leaving her also a widow, and children, Mary, Elizabeth, Nancy, and Samuel. Henry Vandyke, formerly of Hanover township, Lancaster county, leaving a widow, Elizabeth; children, Lambert, John, Sarah, Hannah, Mary, and Elizabeth. He resided on the second farm east of Buffalo Cross-Roads, now Jackson Rishel's. John Forster, of Buffalo, (will proved 24th October.) He left a widow, Margaret ; eldest son, Thomas, grandfather of Mrs. Mark Halfpenny ; second son, Andrew ; eldest daughter, Christena, mar- ried to John Montgomery ; Robert Forster was his youngest son ; 1785.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 235 Jane, second wife of William Irvine; Elizabeth Gray, and Rebecca McFarland. Robert was the father of the late Captain John Fors- ter, of Mififiinburg. Simon Himrod, elder in the Dreisbach church, and late member of Assembly. He resided in Turbut. His descendants live near Waterford, Erie county, Pennsylvania. James McClenachan, (in June.) Widow, Sarah; daughters, Mar- garet, Elizabeth ; sons, Robert, David, and Andrew. 1^85. Lewisburg laid out by Ludwig Derr — Bounds of — ^^Fall Election — Washington Township Erected — Widow Smith's Petition — Militia Officers. I ICE PRESIDENT, Charles Biddle. William Montgom- ery, Presiding Justice. Justices, 24th January, Simon Snyder, Wilham Irwin ; Colonel John Kelly, in August, and William Wilson. Sheriff, Thomas Grant, elected in October. Walter Clark, John Clarke^ and William Gray, all of Buffalo, County Commissioners. Representatives declared elected : Frederick Antes, Samuel Dale, and William Maclay, over Daniel Montgomery, John Weitzel, and Anthony Selin. General Potter, William Maclay, William Mont- gomery, junior, William Gray, and Joseph J. Walhs, Deputy Sur- veyors in the " old purchase." Lawyers admitted : John W. Kittera, John Clark, and John Reily, all officers of the war of the Revolu- "don. "Vannost, suspended at February term, for treating the justices with contempt, re-admitted at May term. Of Buffalo officers : Constable, John Thompson ; quota of State tax, ^^194; county, ^45. Among the Buffalo taxables loere : Armstrong, William, tan-yard ; 2j6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1785. Baldy, Christopher ; Barber, Robert, Esquire, who moved from near Wrightsville ; Billmyer, Andrew ; Brown, John ; Burd, David, who lived where Sherry now lives, in the same township; Chri st, Ad a.m j^ Colpetzer, Adam, who lived where Jacob Engle now lives, in Lime- stone ; Douglass, William ; Evans, Daniel ; Everett, Abel ; Giles, Isaac; Haughawaut, Leffard ; Huston, Robert; Jenkins, Morgan ; Knox, George, tan-yard ; Laughlin, Adam ; Mucklehenny, John ; Voneida,' Philip, who purchased of John Crider part of the Cap- tain Kern's tract, (late Peter Voneida place.) Single Men in Buffalo Township, in 1785 — Allison, Archibald Bann, Lewis; Beatty, David; Black, William; Black, Thomas Books, George ; Clark, John ; Cosaith, George ; Cough, Adam Cox, Tunis ; Dale Henry ; Dale, Christian ; Derr, George ; Dreis- bach, Martin; Goodman, John; Gilkeson, a tailor; Iddings, Wil- liam ; Ingram, John ; Jenkins, Morgan ; Katherman, George ; Leon- ard, Peter; Lewis, Paschall; Lowdon, Richard; McGahey, Neal ; McGrady, Captain Samuel ; Mook, John ; Rearick, John ; Reese, John ; Rees, Daniel ; Scott, William ; Shively, Henry ; Stewart, Archibald; Taylor, Christopher; Templeton, David; Thompson, John ; Vanvalzen, Levi ; Waggoner, Christopher ; Wilson, Samuel ; Youngman, George. Joseph Green, John Aurand, and Thomas Forster, assessors ; which list they returned the 4th of January, 17.86. Among the Residents in White Deer were — Allen, Robert; Bear, John; Coulter, Nathaniel; Eaker, Doctor Joseph; Lacock, John; Leckey, John; McAllister, Archibald ; McGinnes, James; McCorley, Robert, taxed with negro girl; Marshall, Widow; Potter, General James, negro and one servant ; Vandyke, John, junior, (Widow Smith, grist-mill.) In 1785, William Blythe's name disappears from the assessment list, and the two tracts, taken up in his daughters' names, are taxed to his sons-in-law. Captain Charles Gillespie and Doctor Eakers. Daniel Lewis' name disappears, and Paschall Lewis ap- pears in its place. His wife, who was Margaret Paschall, was a relative of Thomas Paschall, a hatter, of Philadelphia, who owned a great amount of wild lands, was married three times ; first to a man named Watson, by whom she had Jesse, James, (who built Seebold's mill,) and John Watson, all settlers in the Valley. Second, to Ma- thers, by whom she had Samuel Mathers and Thomas, also early settlers ; and third to Daniel Lewis, father of Paschall. One of the 1785.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 237 Mathers once went to Philadelphia to get his share of the fortune. He got as his share — a lot of hats — enough to hat the whole Valley, nearly. Among the Feuft's Taxables were — Arbogast, John ; Dreis, Jacob ; Herrold, Simon, ferry and grist-mill ; Miller, Dewalt, sa^v-mill ; Pontius, John ; Pontius, Peter ; Schoolmaster, Abel ; Shipton, Thomas; Shisley, Jacob, Sinclair, Duncan; Smith, David; Selin & Snyder, store, negro slave, and forty acres of land ; Speakman, James; Stoll, Mathias; Swineford, John; Vanhorn, Daniel; Weiand, Jacob ; Witmer, Peter, with ferry. In March, 1785, Ludwig Derr laid out the town of Lewisburg. Samuel Weiser, of Mahanoy township, was the surveyor, and for his services received lot No. 5, on which is now erected the store of Walls, Smith & Co., 1870. His first donation of lots was for reli- gious purposes. 26th March, he, with Catherine, his wife, conveyed lots Nos. 42, 44, and 46 to Walter Clark, William Gray, and William Wilson, in trust for the Presbyterian congregation at or near Lewis- burg, for a meeting-house and burying-ground. William Maclay made the survey of the tract the town stands on the 28th of February, 1769. Ludwig Derr lived upon it as early as 1770. It was patented on the nth of August, 1772, to Reverend Richard Peters, who conveyed, on the 17th of September, 1773, to Ludwig Derr, by the following description, "containing three hun- dred and twenty acres, situated at the mouth of Spring run, below and adjoining the mouth of Buffalo creek." Weiser's survey was as follows : The southern boundary commenced at a post at the river, at the the corner of the tract on which the mill is erected;, thence along the land of the said Derr, S. 80 1^^ W. 121 perches 2^4 feet, to a stone; thence N. about 10^ ° W. 164 perches, to a stone; thence N. about 8oj4° E. about 139 perches 2^ feet, to a post or stake, by the north-west side of Buffalo creek ; thence down the creek to its mouth, and thence down the river to the place of beginning, and con- tained about one hundred and twenty-eight acres, which was divided into three hundred and fifty-five lots. By the act of the 31st of March, 181 2, which incorporated " the president and directors of the streets, lanes, and alleys of the town of Lewisburg," the charter bounds commenced at the south side / 238 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1785. of the mouth of Lyman's (formerly called Derr's) run, and ran thence up the south side of the run, including the said run in its meanders, to the line of George Derr's land ; thence along the same to the fording of Buffalo creek ; thence down the south side thereof to the river, and down the river to the place of beginning. And by the act of the 21st of March, 1822, incorporating "the borough of Lewisburg," the bounds were still further increased southerly, as they commenced at the river, at a corner of Jacob Zentmeyer and Margaret Spidler's land, and ran along the same N. 52° W. 62 perches, to a pine ; thence, the same course, by land then of Wil- liam Shaw, James Bennet, James Geddes, George Berryman, and WiUiam Hayes, 236 perches, to a pine on land of George Derr. From this pine the line ran N. 2° W. 208 perches, to the creek; thence down the creek and river to the beginning. Ludwig Derr made a lottery the same year, and disposed of some of the lots in this way, among the rest, lot No. 21, corner Fourth and Market, on which (1877) Doctor Howard Wilson is now resid- ing, was drawn by John Brown, and for which he paid three pounds, as appears by the deposition of John Hennig, taken before Colonel John Kelly, on the 2d of May, 1791. The very first lot sold was No. 351, corner of Water and St. Lewis, to WiUiam Wilson, 26th March. The first residents of Lewisburg were Bolinger, John ; Conser, Henry, (Reverend S. L. M. Conser is a grandson;) Dering, God- frey, (removed to Selinsgrove ; one of his descendants was post- master there;) Evans, Joseph, cabinet-maker, (descendants still in Lewisburg;) Leonard, Peter, (descendants still in Lewisburg;) Long, Edward ; Smith, Nicholas ; Welker, Jacob, tailor, (moved to Mifiiinburg, and died there.) [See 1 788, for a description of Lewis- burg at that time.] In September, Ludwig Derr went to Philadel- phia to sell lots. The date of his death there is not known. The last deed he signed is dated October 1 8. December 9, George Derr, ^Walter Clark^ and John Weitzel, administered upon his estate. He left a widow, Catherine, who survived him a very short time, and only one heir, George Derr. September 13, Northumberland county divided into four election districts, Buffalo, White Deer, and Potter in the third, and held their elections at Fought's Mill, (near Mifflinburg.) August sessions, Washington township, now partly in Lycoming, 1785.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. ' 23g erected, the division line commencing a short distance above Widow Smith's mills, thence west, along the south side of White Deer creek, to where Spruce run commences. It was a mere sub-division of White Deer township, calling the northern division Washington. The following is a list of the inhabitants of Washington, as thus erected : Bennett, Ephraimj Bennett, Justice; Bennett, Thaddeus; Ben- nett, Abraham ; Bennett, William ; Bently, Green ; Brown, Charles; Brown, Judson ; Brown, William ; Caldwell, William ; Creal, Mi- chael ; Coats, widow; Eason, Robert ; Emmons, John ; Emmons, Jacob; Emmons, Jacob, (single;) Gray, William, junior; Green, Ebenezer ; Harley, John ; Hendrick, Nathan ; Hickendoll, Her- man ; Hood, Moses; Huling, Marcus ; Hunter, widow ; Laiidon, Nathaniel ; Layn, Abraham ; Layn, Isaac ; Low, Cornelius, senior and junior ; McCormick, Seth ; McCormick, Thomas ; Mackey, Wil- liam ; Mitchell, John ; Ramsey, John ; Reynolds, Joseph ; Shaffer, Nicholas ; Stephen, Adam ; Strieker, John ; Sunderland, Daniel ; Tenbrooke, John ; Towsend, Gradius ; Towsend, Gamaliel ; Weeks, Jesse. Assessors : William Gray, Joseph Allen, and Thomas Mc- Cormick, The fall election for members of the House was contested. Paul Baldy, John Macpherson, and Samuel Quinn, among others, went to Philadelphia as witnesses. The officer reported Richard Sherer, a wit- ness, absent, and John Gray, another, gone to Fort Pitt. It appears, by the report of the committee, that Frederick Antes had 41 4 votes, Daniel Montgomery 410, Samuel Dale 414, William Maclay 407, John Weitzel 396, Anthony Selin 297. Daniel Montgomery was ousted, and William Maclay put in, upon a tie vote, the Speaker deciding. Twenty-five members signed a protest against these pro- ceedings, which seem to have been dictated by party rancor, for the protestants say the reason of the contest was, that in one district the names of the electors on the poll-list were ten short of the number of tickets received by the inspectors, and that the testimony ac- counted for this defect. They contended that the whole election should have been set aside ; that the vote of the House was destruct- ive to the rights of the people, and an unwarrantable usurpation, of a very dangerous character. In a petition to the Assembly of this year by Catherine jgmith. 240 ■ ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1785. indorsed, read December 8, 1785, she sets forth "that she was left a widow, with ten children, with no estate to support this family, except a location for three hundred acres of land, including the mouth of White Deer creek, whereon is a good mill-seat; and a grist and saw-mill being much wanted in this new country, at that time, she wast often solicited to erect said mills. At length, in 1774, she borrowed money, and in June, 1775, completed the mills, which were of great advantage to the country, and the following summer built a boring-mill, where a great number of gun-barrels were bored' for the continent, and a hemp-mill. The Indian war soon after coming on, (one of her sons, her greatest help, went into the army, and, it is believed, was killed, as he never returned,) the said mills soon became a frontier, and in July, 1779, the Indians burned the whole works. She returned to the ruins in 1783, and was again solicited to re-build the grist and saw-mills; which she has, with much difficulty, accomplished, and now ejectments are brought against her by Messrs. Claypool and Morris, and she, being now reduced to such low circumstances as renders her unable to support actions at law, and, therefore, prays relief," &c. The facts set forth in this memorial are certified to by William Blythe, Charles Gilles- pie, Colonel John Kelly, James Potter, the younger, and many other citizens of Northumberland county. The Legislature, of course, could grant no relief, under the cir- cumstances, and the petition was dismissed. How long the litiga- tion went on I am unable to determine; but in 1801, Seth Iredell took possession of the premises as tenant of Claypool e and Morris. She is said to have walked to Philadelphia and back thirteen times on this business. Her house was where Doctor Danousky now (1874) lives, on the Henry High place, part of the old stone house being still used as a kitchen. She was buried in the old settlers' grave-yard, which was at the corner of the Dan Caldwell barn. Her bones were disturbed in Mr. Caldwell's time, in erecting a sheep-pen, and were identified by old Mr. Huff, by her peculiar projecting teeth. Some years since, an old man came to the place and desired to look about the old dwelling. He spent several hours about the place. When leaving, said he had come in from Ohio to see it ; that he was a son of Catherine Smith, and that if justice had been done her, they would still own the place. Roily McCorley, 1786.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 241 who recollects the mill last built by her, said it was a small, round log mill. Field Officers Elected in April. First Battalion — Peter Hosterman, lieutenant colonel; Christo- pher Gettig, major. Fifth Battahon — John Kelly, lieutenant colonel; Thomas Forster, major. Company Officers of the Fifth. Captains — Michael Andrews, William Clark, John Thompson, Joseph Poak, Joseph Green, Samuel McGrady, James Potter, junior, John Macpherson. Lieutenants — Adam Harper, Joseph Eaker, James Irwin, Samuel Iddings, Henry Pontius, Jacob Dreisbach, John Brown, M. Wild- goose. Ensigns — Joseph Price, George Clark, George Books, James Moore, J. Hunter, James Templeton. 1^86. Slaves in the Valley — Pickering's Visit at G-eneral Potter's— Buf- falo Valley Soldiers at Saratoga — First Folling-Mill Erected. ' RESIDENT of the State, Benjamin Franklin. Member of Council, William Maclay. Members of Assembly, Frederick Antes and Samuel Dale. Lawyers admitted : on examination, John Andre Hanna and Charles Smith ; on motion, John Joseph Henry and Jacob Hubley. Buffalo, Officers— Collector, George May ; Constable, John Cri- der; Supervisors, George Rote and Leonard Welker; Overseers, John Aurand and Samuel Mathers. Among the taxables — Carney, Anthony ; Moore, James, tailor ; 16 242 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1786. Ohrendorf, Henry ; Piper, Henry ; Potts, David ; Stephens, Wil- liam ; Straub, Jacob ; Swartzcope, Anthony ; Pool, William, ferry at Macpherson's. Single Men : Getz, Adam ; Grove, Philip ; Holmes, Jonathan. In Lewisburg, additional residents — Armor, Thomas ; Hammersly, John; Roan, Flavel; Snodgrass, David; Steele, Alexander; Troxel, George ; Williams, William. White Deer — Bear, Isaac; Coburn, John; High, Rudolph; Sherer, Thomas ; Sims, William. Penn's — Auple, Jonas; Bolender, Adam, junior; Bossier, George; Businger, Conrad ; Dauberman, Christian ; Devore, Abram ; Gar- mon, John; Gemberling, Jacob ; Giltner, Jacob ; Gross, Henry; Gruber, Christian ; Mertz, Philip ; Nerhood, Henry ; Winkelpleck, Henry. In the Valley, Eli Holman, Samuel Hunter, and John Linn are each taxed with female slaves. From the bill of sale, it appears John Linn purchased his slave, called "■ Judy," of John McBeth, of Ches- ter county, on the loth of April, 1786. After residing fifty-eight years in the Valley, she removed with John Linn's (second) family to Knox county, Ohio, and died near Mount Vernon, in that county, November 4, 1855, upward of one hundred years old. In March, George Derr and his mother sold George Langs the ground between the railroad bridge and the site of the old wagon bridge. It is not included in the town plan of Lewisburg, or laid out in lots by number. At the same time, William Williams bought No. 343, in Lewisburg, built a stone house, still standing, (Martin Hahn's,) and a frame store-room, adjoining it on the south, and opened the first regular store in the town. At May sessions, C. Van Gundy was bound over for forcible entry, &c., renewing the old controversy with George Derr, Ludwig'sson. In the life of Colonel T. Pickering, volume 2, page 251, is a letter from him, dated August 12, 1786, "at Philip Francis',, about a mile above the mouth of Muncy creek, and three miles below Mr. Wal- lis'," in which he states Mr, Wallis was to go with him to make sur- veys in Wyoming. "As Mr. Wallis was not ready, we spent two nights and one day at General Potter's, where we were kindly enter- tained." On the 15th he adds : " We were to set off for Tioga, but my horse has wounded himself. I am going down to General Pot- 1786.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 243 ter's to borrow or purchase another." This proves clearly that Gen- eral Potter then resided on the Ard farm, just above New Columbia. At August sessions, Andrew Billmyer's tavern was licensed. He kept two miles up the Valley, where his grandson, John Lesher, now lives. Magdalena Pohlhemus, an indentured servant to E. Younk- man, presented a petition to court to be allowed her freedom dues ; and after giving due notice, the court ordered Mr. Younkman to pay her five dollars down, and three dollars next May, as freedom dues for seven year's service. 23d September, an orphans' court was held at the house of Flavel Roan, (at the mouth of Buffalo creek,) before William Irwin and John Kelly, justices, when the applications of George Martin and Samuel McClurgan for pensions were considered. They belonged to Colonel Cooke's twelfth regiment, but were drafted into Colonel Daniel Morgan's riflemen, sent to resist Burgoyne. They were wounded at Saratoga, in October, 1777. In September, George Derr sold Flavel Roan and Sankey Dixon the ground between St. John's street and St. Anthony's, along the creek. Sankey and Ann, his wife, sold out to Roan, and went on West. Sankey had been sergeant and ensign all through the war, in sixth Pennsylvania regiment. He died at Nashville, Tennessee, in 1 81 4. Roan then kept the ferry, two years before it had been leased to Henry Conser, who sold to Stephen Duchman, the latter to Roan. Christopher Weiser built the first fulling-mill in the Valley, on Tur- tle creek, on what is now Peter Wolfe's place, and James Watson built the first grist-mill, erected at Seebold's, above New Berlin. Deaths. Catharine, widow of Ludwig Derr. Captain John Forster, often mentioned in Brady's adventures. His old log house stood to the left of the road to Hoffa's mills, be- yond Rishel's stone house. He left a widow, Jane. First son, James, afterwards married to a daughter of William Clark, to whom he willed the old place. James moved to Ohio. His son John, who lived in Brush valley, was the father of Mrs. William C. Duncan, of Lewisburg. Second son, William, a bachelor, said to be the first white child born in the Valley. Third, John Forster, so long a part- ner of James Duncan, at Aaronsburg. (Descendants : Sarah, mar- 244 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. .[1787. ried to William Vanvalzah; Emeline, to S. S. Barber; Margaret, to Doctor Charles Wilson ; Jane, to R. B. Barber, Esquire.) Fourth, daughters : Agnes, Margaret, and Dorcas. James Jenkins, aged eighty-two, left widow, Phoebe, and sons William and James. Cornelius Dimpsey, left widow, and children, Mary, James, and Jonathan. Captain James Thompson bought the place of his widow, in 1 796, late Jacob Zeibach's, in Kelly. Lietenant Colonel Neigal Gray, twelfth Pennsylvania, of White Deer. Children : John ; Elizabeth, married John Auld ; Isabella, and Robert. xrm- Families in White Deer Hole Valley — Andrew Gregg's Wedding — Call to Eeverend Hugh Morrison — Members of his Congregation. I EMBERS of Assembly : Samuel Maclay and John White. Sheriff, Thomas Grant. County Commissioners, John Lytle, Walter Clark, and William Gray. Buffalo township : Constable, John Clark 3 Overseers, David Watson and Michael Vought ; SupervisOTS,'^TEomas Forster and Andrew Billmyer ; Assessor, William Irwin, Esquire ; Assist- ants, William Moore and Flavel Roan; Collector, Jolvi Sierer. Among residents — Anderson, William ; Barber, Thomas ; Barber, Samuel; Baum, Charles; Carothers, William; Dixon, Sankey ; Getz, Adam; Irwin, Matthew; Johnson, Christopher; Nevius, Christian; Pickle, Jacob; Wales, Henry. White Deer, additional residents — Falls, James ; Farley, Caleb ; Farley, John; Laird, Matthew; Marshall, Richard: Washington — Grub, Peter; Hagerman, James; Lawson, John; Sips, Joseph; Swan, Samuel. Fenn's, among residents, ^'c. — Ball, George ; Bickle, Simon, dis- tillery; Biegh, Frederick; Burkert, John; Bright, Michael; Ditzler, 1787.] AXXALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 245 John; Grum, Jacob; Herrold, Simon, hemp-mill; Hertz, John; Kremer, Daniel; Lutz, John: Manning, Nathan; Miller, Widow, saw-mill ; Motz, John, oil-mill ; Mumma, John ; Reedy, Peter ; Ruch, John ; Snyder, John ; Stump, William, with distillery ; Swineford, Albright, taxed with a slave; Zieber, Adam. Isle of Que : Weaver, Michael, junior ; Wayland, George. Sketches by John F. Wolfinger, Esquire. In 1787, "White Deer Hole valley had fourteen families of white settlers, whose names and places of residence were as follows : 1. Rachel Weeks, an old Enghsh widow woman, occupied a small log hut or cabin, near the mouth of White Deer Hole creek, between the bank of the river and where the fine brick mansion of John S. Smith now stands. Rachel had six children, named Jeth, Job, Hanna, Jemima, Xaomi, and Annie. 2. Thomas Weisner, occupied a cabin on the river bank, near where the bridge at Uniontown now crosses the river Susquehanna, about half a mile north of Rachel Weeks' . Thomas, who had a -n-ife and six or seven children, afterwards moved away to parts unkno^Ti. 3. John Rumsey, occupied a cabin on the river bank, north of Wiesner's, and had a wife and nine children, and a small farm here. He is supposed to have come here from the State of Xew York, and soon after returned to that State. He talked English. 4. George Gray, occupied a cabin on the river bank, about three quarters of a mile north of Rumsey "s, and had a wife and three chil- dren. He talked English, and worked at little jobs around among his neighbors, but moved away about two years afterward to parts unknown. 5. Marcus Huling, occupied a cabin on the river bank, about three hundred yards north of Gray's, and had a wife and five chil- dren. He talked English, and worked at his trade, being a black- smith. He afterwards moved higher up, or west, into the Valley, and from thence to Newberry, and from thence again to Youngmans- town, (Mifflinburg,) and finally into York State. He is supposed to have been a cousin of the Marcus Huling, also a blacksmith, who lived at the town of Milton at th§.t day. 6. Cornelius Vanfleet, a New Jerse}Tnan, occupied a cabin that 246 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1787. Stood on the White Deer Hole creek, a httle west of the widow Weeks'. He acted as a justice of the peace for many years, and died here on the 7th of December, 1841, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. His remains he buried in the Presbyterian grave-yard. 7. Peter Dougherty, an Irishman, occupied a cabin on the White Deer Hole creek, about a mile and a quarter above the mouth of the creek. He had a wife and children, and afterwards moved farther west into the Valley, and finally out to the State of Ohio. 8. Eleanor Brown, commonly called "Nellie Brown." She was the widow of Matthew Brown, already noticed, and occupied a cabin on the White Deer Hole creek, about two and a half miles west of its mouth. She died at her son's, William Brown's, cabin, that stood about half a mile west of her own cabin, on the 9th of August, 1 81 4, and her descendants are still found in this Valley and its adjacent parts. 9. Samuel Swan, occupied a cabin that stood about two hundred and thirteen yards due west of Eleanor Brown's. Swan talked Eng- lish, had a wife and children, and afterwards moved away to parts unknown. 10. Seth McCormick, an Irishman, occupied a cabin on South creek, a branch of White Deer Hole creek, about a mile west of Swan's cabin. Seth died here on the 17th of January, 1835, in the seventy-ninth year of his age. His remains lie buried in the old Presbyterian, (now Lutheran,) grave-yard, at the "stone church," on the south-west side of Penny Hill. He left a wife and nine children, and his descendants are still living here, and occupy a part of their great ancestor's estate. 11. Thomas McCormick, an Irishman, and a brother of Seth's, occupied a cabin on South creek, about half a mile from Seth's. He seems to have acted as a justice of the peace for some years. He died on the 6th of October, 1826, aged seventy-two years, and his remains also lie buried in the old grave-yard, near the above ' ' stone church." 12. Jesse Weeks, a son of the widow Weeks, already noticed, oc- cupied a cabin that stood on the north side of " Spring creek," the northern branch of White Deer Hole creek, and about four miles west of its junction with "South creek." Jesse Weeks died here, but his age and place of burial are unknown. 1787.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 247 13. Daniel Sunderland, an Englishman, occupied a cabin that stood about a mile further up on Spring creek, and he died there. 14. John Farley, a New Jerseyman, came here in 1787, from the State of New Jersey, with a wife and seven children, named Jacob, Barbara, Minard, John, David, Naomi, and Fanny. He immedi- ately built himself a log cabin, and occupied it, on White Deer Hole creek, about two hundred feet from where the dwelling house of the late Charles Gudykunst now stands, and being an active and enter- prising man, he soon afterwards built himself a log grist-mill here, \\it first one in the Valley, as already stated. I have obtained all of the above facts relative to these fourteen families, (excepting what relates to their times of death and places of burial,) from Mr. John Farley, a son of the above John Farley, and who is still living in our Valley, a venerable white haired old gentleman, in the eighty-eighth year of his age, whose house I visited for that purpose on Tuesday, the 17th of July, 1870. He says: "I was born in Tewksbury township, Hunterdon county, State of New Jersey, on the 9th of July, 1783, and came here into this Valley with my father, John Farley, in 1787, when I was four years old. And I have resided here ever since, for the long space of eighty-three years, and knew and remember the names of all the white settlers that lived in this Valley in the spring of 1 7S7, when I came here, and where their log huts or cabins stood, and how their cabins were made. My father built one of the same kind of cabins here in 1 787, and four or five years afterwards he also built a small log grist-mill here, with but one pair of grinding stones in it ; the first grist-mill erected in this Valley. In the year 1800, my father, after living here thirteen years, moved back to the State of New Jersey. But he died here in this Valley in June, 1822, while he was up here on a visit to me and my family. He was upwards of seventy years of age when he died, and my brothers and sisters are all dead, and I am now the only one left of all my father's family. Very great changes have taken place in the appearance of this Val- ley, its farms, houses, barns, &c., since I came here; changes far greater than any I ever expected to see here, and all for the better." John Swineford opened the first hotel at Middleburg, Snyder county. loth June, George Derr sells George Knox as much water 248 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1787. as will run out of an inch hole at the bottom of the race, two poles from Derr's house. 29th January, Andrew Gregg was married by the Reverend John Hoge to Martha Potter, daughter of General James Potter, at the latter's residence, the first farm above Jacob McCorley's, Esquire. Mr. Gregg rode up from Carlisle on horseback, and brought Mr. Hoge with him. There were then no Presbyterian clergymen settled in this part of the country, and some sixteen or seventeen couples took advantage of Mr. Hoge's presence, hurried up their matches, as Mr. Hoge had to return to Carlisle within a limited time. Andrew Gregg moved to Oldtown, now Lewistown, ^yhere his first daughter, Mary, afterward Mrs. McLanahan, of Greencastle, was born, November 3, 1788. In 1789 Mr. Gregg moved to Penn's val- ley, within two miles of Old Fort. In 1790 he was elected member of Congress, and by seven successive elections for several districts, as they were arranged from time to time, including one by a general vote over the whole State, was continued a member of that body for sixteen successive years, and during the session of 1 806-1 807 was elected a member of the Senate of the United States. In December, 1820, Governor Hiester appointed him Secretary of the Common- wealth. He died in Bellefonte, on the 20th of May, 1835, aged eighty years. He had removed there some years previous, for the purpose of educating his children. His wife died in 1815. He was born on the Conodoguinet creek, near Carlisle, July 10, 1755, and received a classical education ; was tutor for some years in the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, and first settled at Middletown, Pennsylva- nia, where he kept store. He had a fine library, containing all the Greek and Latin classics, most of which are still in the possession of his daughter, Mrs. Margery Tucker, of Lewisburg. His grandchil- dren, Governor A. G. Curtin, General D. M. Gregg, and General John I. Gregg, have flung far forward into the future the light of their family fame. In May, 1787, a call was given to the Reverend Hugh Morrison,^ by the Buffalo Cross-Roads congregation, in connection with the con- ^The Keverend Hugh Morrison, the first regular pastor of the Presbyterian Church in this Valley, came from Ireland, Presbytery of Koot, in 1786. Among the records of the Synod, under date May 18, 1786, "the Presbytery of Donegal reported that they had, since our last meeting, admitted Hugh Morrison; a licensed candidate from the Presbytery of Root, in Ireland," &,c. 1787.1 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 24^ gregations of Northumberland and Sunbury, and among die records of die Synod, May 22, 1788, is die following: Carlisle Presbytery reports that it has, since our last meeting, ordained to the work of the Gospel ministry Mr. Samuel W, Wilson, in the pastoral charge of "Big Spring" congregation, and Mr. Hugh Morrison, in the pastoral charge of the Sunbury, Northumberland and Buffalo Valley congregations. The following is a copy of the call, for which, with other material in reference to this church, I am indebted to Isaac Grier, D. D., of Mifflinburg : "Mr. Hugh Morrison, Preacher of the Gospel : " Sir : We, the subscribers, members of the united congregations of Buffalo, Sunbury, and Northumberland, having never in these places had the stated administration of the Gospel Ordinances, yet highly prizing the same, and having a view to the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ, and the spiritual edification of ourselves and families, have set ourselves to obtain that blessing among us. And, therefore, as we have had the opportunity of some of your labors in these places, and are satisfied with your soundness, piety, and minis- terial ability to break unto us the bread of life, we do most honestly and sincerely, in the name of the Great Shepherd of the flock, Jesus Christ, call and invite you to come and take the pastoral charge and oversight of us in the Lord. And for your encouragement, we do promise, if God shall dispose your heart to embrace 'this our call, that we will pay a dutiful attention to the word and ordinances of God by you administered ; that we will be subject to your adminis- trations and reproofs, should our falls and miscarriages expose us thereto ; and will submit to the discipline of the Church, exercised by you agreeably to the word of God. And, also, that we will treat your person with friendship and respect, and behave in all things towards you as becomes a christian society to behave towards their pastor, who labors among them in word and doctrine. Further, we are persuaded that those who serve at the altar, should live by the altar. We do promise, in order that you may be as much as possible freed from worldly incumbrances, to provide for you comfortable and honorable maintenance, in the manner as set forth in our sub- scription papers attending this our call, during your continuance with us as our regular pastor. In witness of our hearty desire to have 2^0 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1787. you settle among us, we hereunto set our names this 31st day of May, 1787." Signed by seventeen from Northumberland, eight from Sunbury, and forty-eight from Buffalo. On it is the following deputation : "We, the undersigned, do nominate, appoint, and intrust the Reverend Mr. Wilson with the annexed call for the Reverend Mr. Morrison, to be by him presented to the moderator of the Carlisle Presbytery, for the purpose mentioned. Signed : William Gray and Abram Scott, for Sunbury ; William Cooke and James Hepburn, for Northumberland; and William Clark, for Buffalo." ' "~ In October, Reverend Hugh Morrison became pastor of the Buf- falo Cross-Roads Presbyterian church. The congregation engaged to pay him ;^75 per year. From a list of contributing members found in the treasurer's book, I gather the following names : An- derson, John ; Allen, Joseph ; Baldy, Christopher ; Barrett, James ; Black, Thomas ; ^Boyd, James ; ^Brady, John ; ^Buchanan, James ; ^Charters, William ; Clarke, Captain John ; Clark, Robert ; ^Clark, Walter ; ^Clark, William ; Cox, Samuel ; Cox, Tunis ; Davis, David ; ^Davis, John ; Derr, George ; ^Douglass, William ; Dugan, William ; Elder, Thomas ; Evans, Joseph ; ^Farley, John , Fleming, William ; ^Forster, Andrew ; ^Forster, James; ^Fruit, Robert; Graham, Edward; ^Gray, John; Gray, Captain William; Green, Joseph; Grogan, Charles ; Hammersly, George ; ^Holmes, Jonathan ; Hudson, Jo- seph ; Huntsman, James; Hutchinson, Thorhas; Irvine, William; Irvine, Matthew; ^Irwin, William, Esquire; Johnston, Christopher; Kennedy, Alexander; ^Kelly, Colonel John; Knox, George; Laird, Matthew; Lewis, Paschall ; Links, George; ^Linn, John; Lowdon, Captain John; McClenachan, William and Andrew; McDougal, William ; McGrady, Alexander ; Maclay, Samuel ; Magee, James ; Marshall, William; ^Miller, Benjamin; Milligan, John; Montgom- ery, Samuel ; Moore, George ; Nichols, William ; Poak, Charles ; ^Poak, Joseph ; Toak, Thomas ; Poak, Widow ; Porter, Samuel ; ^Ray, John; Rees, Daniel; Reznor, John; Roan, Flavel ; Rodman, Widow; Rorison, Alexander; Scroggs, Allen; Sherer, Richard and Joseph ; Sims, William ; Snodgrass, David ; Steele, Alexander ; ^Thompson, Captain James ; ^Thompson, John; Vanvolsan, Levi; ^Watson, David ; Williams, William ; and Wilson, William. Shortly after Mr. Morrison's arrival, an election for elders re- 1787.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 25^ suited in the choice of Walter Clark, John Linn, William Irwin, David Watson, John Reznor, and Joseph Allen. The siibscriptions by the more wealthy attendants upon service were Andrew Forster, -£2 ; Samuel Maclay, John Lowdon, and William Irwin, each, £1 \os.; William Irvine £1 6s.-, James Forster £1 2s. Those marked ( ^ ) were signers of Mr. Morrison's call, and as such, in 1803, were sued for back stipends. The principal and in- terest and costs, when they made the last payment, in December, 1810, was ^1,179 30. September 17, the Constitution of United States was adopted, and on December 12, the State Convention ratified it. The dele- gates to the latter from Northumberland county were Colonel William Wilson and his partner, John Boyd. They then kept store in the town of Northumberland. In 1791, Colonel Wilson built the Chillisquaque mills, at the mouth of that creek, and moved to that place. At November sessions, the road commencing at the head of Penn's valley ; thence through Aaronsburg to the road at Richard Lowdon's barn ; thence down the same to John Davidson's ferry, was laid out. Deaths. Alexander Beatty, of New Berlin. Children : Jane, Agnes, Hugh, John, Hannah, Sarah, James, and Alexander. The deceased car- ried on the first tannery in the Valley, on site of present town of New Berlin. Matthew Young, of Buffalo. Children : Margaret, (see her cap- ture, related 1 781,) still hving, in 1787, John, Sarah, and Agnes. One of his daughters married Robert Dixon. Sarah was residing in Westmoreland county, in March, 1796, when she gave Colonel Kelly and Captain Thompson a letter of attorney to draw her share under her father's will. John Snyder, original owner of Selinsgrove, brother of Simon, subsequently Governor. John McClung, of Buffalo. Children : John, James, Matthew, Charles, Rebecca, Esther, and Elizabeth. Sebastian Kerstetter, of Beaver. Children: Martin, Lenhart, Peter, Sebastian, Catharine, and Margaret. James Thorn, of Buffalo. ^fflnm^^s^l^^^ >T 17 Dreisbach CnuRCH — Roads — Houses in Lewisburg — Matthew Laird's Family. EMBER of Council, William Maclay. Members of Assembly, Samuel Maclay and John White. County Commissioners, William Gray, Peter Hosterman, and John Lytle. Treasurer, John Buyers. By act of 26th of September, the Buffalo election place was changed from Fought's to Andrew Billmyer's tavern, on the road mentioned below. In August, Christian Van Gundy, William Irvine, John Thomp- son, David Watson, and Andrew Billmyer reported that they had laid out the road, beginning at Derrstown, on the West Branch ; thence to the meeting-house, in Buffalo ; thence to Thompson's mill, on Buffalo creek j thence to the east side of George Rote's lane, where it intersects the road leading from Davidson's ferry to the narrows ; distance, nine and a half miles. (Thompson's mill became Rockey's in 1789.) This is the road leading past the late Francis Wilson's, (by old Billmyer place,) to Miffiinburg. In November, John Clarke, John Lowdon, and Philip Voneida reported a road from Michael Shirtz's, at the narrows of Penn's creek, past Peter Kester's, on the Cole place, to a pine tree at the end of Colonel Clarke's lane. This is still the main road down Penn's creek, through Laurelton, Hartleton, and then south of the turnpike to Miffiinburg. Additional Residents of Bujfalo — Betz, Abraham ; Bogenreif, Christopher ; Caldwell, Samuel ; Dobbins, Robert ; Miller, Chris- 252 1788. j ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 253 tian ; Sims, William, weaver, at Alexander McGrady's ; Vanvalzah, Doctor Robert ; Yentzer, Christian. Lewisburg — Eaton, John; Grove, Wendell; Kendig, Jacob, (Isle of Que;) McCrackeri, Widow; Scroggs, Allen; Wise, Fred- erick. Improvements in White Deer — John Bear's saw-mill. Among Residents- — Adams, Joseph ; Bennage, Samuel ; Denning, Samuel ; Derr, Frederick ; Henning, Philip, distillery ; Hoover, John; Linn, William, on Joseph Brundage's place; McLanahan, Andrew; Perry, Thomas. Single Men, taxed \os. each — Black, Timothy; Hammersly, James ; Iddings, Isaac ; Iddings Henry ; Laird, Moses ; Scott, Thomas; Smith, Ludwig. Penn's Township — Bickle, Tobias, grist-mill ; Brownlee, William ; Bowerman, Daniel ; Buchtell, John ; Carstetter, Bostian ; Eberhart, Philip; Howell, Adam; Kay, Frederick; Koons, John; Meiser, Henry, saw-mill; Miller, Widow, saw-mill; Miller, Benjamin; Notestone, John ; Neiman, Weiand ; Pyle, George, distillery and saw-mill ; Quinn, William ; Quinn, Thomas ; Rush, Daniel ; Ship- ton, Thomas, distillery ; Shock, Jacob, grist and saw-mill ; Snyder, S. ; Spade, David ; Spade, Jacob ; Swineford, George. The following memorandum, relative to the Dreisbach church, is derived from the late John Schrack, Esquire : " In this year the German Reformed and Lutheran congregations united in building a log church, where the Dreisbach Church now stands. John Pontius had set apart some land, on the south end of the Bucher tract, for a church and burying- ground, (the family burying- ground is still there,) but Martin Dreisbach, senior, offering to donate seven and a half acres for that purpose, it was judged best to accept that. On the part of the Reformed, John Aurand and Elias Younk- man were trustees ; Martin Dreisbach and Jacob Grozean were elders ; Peter Frederick and Henry Dreisbach, deacons. On the Lutheran side, Herman J. Shellhart was pastor ; Christian Storms and Adam Christ were trustees ; Casper Bower and Henry Meizner, elders ; Jacob Metzgar and John Sierer, deacons. The names of some of the members of the Reformed Church were : Aurand, George ; Aurand, Henry; Barnhart, Matthias ; Barnhard, Henry; Brown, John ; Dreis- bach, John ; Dreisbach, Jacob ; Frederick, George ; Fisher, George ; 2S4 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1788. Mook, Jacob ; Michael Vought, and John Pontius. Of the Lutheran, John G. Buch, George Bower, John Hiltman, Stephen Duchman, Jacob Gebhart, John Meizner, Leonard Welker, Mathias Alsbaugh, Adam Kreichbaum, William Rockey, Peter Fisher, Leonard Gron- inger, George Smith, Christopher Wagner, Adam Meizner, George Buch, Christopher Bickel, Jacob Welker, Christopher Baldy, John Crider. In 1839 the log church was taken down, and a brick build- ing erected. Among the pastors of this church were Dietrick Au- rand, Gentzler, Pfriemer, Shellhart, Geisweit, William Ilgen, John C. Walter, and Herbst, but the dates of their service are unknown." In November, William Gray, Esquire, deputy surveyor, made a re-survey of Lewisburg, and in his plan indicated the roads then ex- isting, and the lots built upon, with their occupiers. The road from Sunbury to Muncy is marked as along the bank, on the opposite side of the river, and Captain John Brady's house as immediately opposite Strohecker's landing. Thomas Rees is marked as the owner of the house at Strohecker's, and the road to Penn's valley, as running directly west from it. The road from Sunbury to Buffalo and Penn's valley is marked as intersecting the last men- tioned road, some distance from the river, and crossing Lime- stone run, opposite Third street ; then entering Fourth street, and running along it out to the creek, it crossed the creek at Colonel Slifer's upper farm, the site of the new iron bridge built there, then the site of High's saw-miil, the remains of which are yet visi- ble, where it intersected a road leading up to Gundy's mill above, and thence up the Valley. From High's mill at the creek it ran over to William Gray's, (there was no road then crossing Buffalo creek at its mouth ;) thence by Robert Fruit's, &c. There were no houses west of Fourth street, and the first one on it is where John Griffin built a fine house, (18 71.) Alexander Steele had a house where John Beeber resided, and a tan-yard, on that square. Ed- ward Long lived opposite^ on the Charles Buyer lot, and next to him, north, was Wendell Grove. John Bolinger had a house on the alley behind William Nogel's present residence. John Hamersly lived on the corner of Third and St. George, where Reverend Job Harvey now lives. There was also a small log house, burned down some thirty-five years ago on the same lot. On Second, George Troxell lived, and owned the adjoining lot. 1788.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 255 Doctor Buyers built the present house, on the corner of St. Cathe- rine's, where Troxell lived. There was a house also on Spyker's corner, opposite James S. Marsh's new residence. Jacob Welker lived on the site of Marsh's new house. David Snodgrass lived on the Chroni- cle lot, opposite where his widow afterwards kept a cake and beer saloan. Nicholas Smith occupied the only house on Market, now Jonathan Wolfe's lot, west of his residence. The two lots where the depot now stands are marked " Roman Chapel." On Front, Joseph Evans, cabinet-maker, had the only house, on the lot now owned by William Cameron, Esquire. Joseph Sherer lived on the corner of Water street, where Halfpenny's woolen store or warehouse now is. William Williams had a store where Martin Hahn's stone house is now. Ellenckhuysen's ferry was opposite to it. Henry Conser, prob- ably, lived where Spyker's heirs now live. He was the grandfather of Reverend S. L. M. Conser, so James Kelly tells me. Thomas Armor, probably, lived on the Griffin lot, and the only other inhabitant of Lewisburg, Flavel Roan, lived in Derr's tenant house. Where that was I do not know. Roan owned three lots, James Walls, John Nesbit, and Henry Frick's, lying close together, and had the ferry over Buffalo creek. George Derr, of course, lived at the mill. The old house stood in what is now the garden, just two rods north-east of the place where Hull's tannery water-pipe taps the race. George Knox, father of Mrs. William Armstrong, probably, made his tan- yard this year, where E. J. Hull now has his. In July of 1787, George Derr conveyed to Knox, for tan-yard purposes, as much, water as will run out of an inch hole, at the bottom of the race, two poles from Derr's house. October i, Winiamjvlaclay and Robert Morris, first United States Senators from Pennsylvania, elected. A paper of the day says : " The landed and commercial interests of the State will be well rep- resented." The Congressmen were elected on a general ticket, and not from districts. Matthew Laird, who came to the Valley this year, is the ancestor of a large generation. He came originally from Ireland, where his son James was born. He was a wagoner with General Braddock's army, and was in Colonel Dunbar's camp when the news came back of General Braddock's defeat, 9th July, 1 755. [See his statement in 2^6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1788. the Colonial Records, volume 6, page 482.] He says, "a wounded officer was carried into camp on a sheet ; then they beat to arms, on which the wagoners and many common soldiers took to flight, in spite of the sentries, who forced many to return, but many got away, among them, this examinant." His daughter, Isabella Black, was twelve years old when he came to White Deer. Matthew Laird died in August, 1821. His children were James, John, Isabella, married to James Black, Moses, (father of R. H. Laird, Esquire,) who died in Derry, in January, i8i6, Margaret, married to John Blakeney, Matthew, who died in Tiffin, Ohio, Ehzabeth, and Ann. Moses married Jane Hayes, and their son. Reverend Matthew, mar- ried a Miss Myers, and went out as missionary to Africa, dying there, May 4, 1834. Their other children were John, Mrs. Mc- Calmont, Mrs. Joseph Milliken, of Chnton county, , married William Caldwell. Deaths. Leonard Groninger, leaving widow, Elizabeth. Children : Leon- ard, Daniel, Jacob, Susanna, Margaret, and Elizabeth. Jacob Aurand. John Rearick, senior. Children : Mary and John. Margaret Green, wife of Joseph. 17^9 4 ! BoUDE Family — Residents of Beaver Township — First G-erman Re- formed Pastor — Manufactures, &c. — Deaths of Major Lawrence Keene and General James Potter. RESIDENT of the State, Thomas Mifflin. WiUiam Wilson, member of the Supreme Executive Council. Samuel Maclay and John White, members of Assembly. William Montgomery, President Judge. Abraham Piatt, William Shaw, &c.. Associates. July 28th, Jasper Ewing, Esquire, appointed Prothonotary, vice Major Lawrence Keene, deceased. John Simpson, re-appointed Register and Recorder ; Frederick Antes, Treasurer ; Martin With- ington, elected Sheriff. County Commissioners, John Lytle, Peter Hosterman, and William, Hepburn. Commissioner's Clerk, H. Douty. Bernard Hubley, Lieutenant of the county. On the 7th of January, the first election for presidential electors resulted in the choice of General Edward Hand, Colonel George Gibson, John Arndt, Colinson Reed, Lawrence Keene, James Wil- son, James O'Hara, Colonel David Grier, Samuel Potts, and Alex- ander Graydon. November 19th, Daniel Brodhead, Surveyor General, appointed the following deputy surveyors : Henry Vanderslice, for part of Berks ; Joseph J. Wallis, for part of Northumberland ; James Harris, for part of Mifflin ; William Gray, part east of the Susquehanna. Officers of Buffalo : Constable, C. Baldy; Overseers, Isaac Hanna and Wendell Baker ; Supervisors, William Williams and James Wat- son ; Fence Viewers, John Crider and Benjamin Miller. 17 ^S7 2s8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 1789. Additio?ial Taxables of Buffalo — Mathias Alsbach ; Henry Fulton, merchant at Lewisburg ; Philip Grove, Jacob Kephart, Joseph Oldts, George Oldts, William Rockey, John Rengler, (grist and saw-mill,) Henry Sassaman, John Shuck. Officers of White Deer — Constable, Robert Clark ; Supervisors, John Lackey and Samuel Dale ; Overseers, Thomas Hutchinson and Richard Irwin. Additional resident, Roan McClure, (taxed with a negro.) Caleb Farley built the grist-mill on White Deer Hole creek, late Charles Gudykunst's. January ist, Paschall Lewis married to Elizabeth Boude by Colo- nel John Kelly, justice. The Boudes were a highly respectable family, from Lancaster county, one of whom. Major Thomas Boude, distinguished himself as an ofiicer in the revolutionary war, and stands connected with some of the largest and most respectable fami- lies in our Valley. Thomas Barber's wife, Mary, and Robert Bar- ber, Esquire's wifj, Sarah, were Boudes, sisters of Mrs. Lewis. Names of the Residents of Beaver Township, taken from an Assess- ment made by Daniel Hassinger, in April, 1789. Albright, Jacob ; Aupel, Peter ; Barnes, John ; Beak, Frederick ; Beard, Jacob; Bell, George; Bopp, Conrad; Boutch, Anthony, distillery; Breiner, Philip; Briesenger, Conrad; Carrel, Hugh; Car- rel, Frederick ; Christy, James ; Clark, James ; Deininger, Fred- erick; Deward, Francis; Dido, Frantz; Diese, Michael; Dries, John ; Dries, Jacob ; Dries, Peter ; Everhart, Barnard ; Everhart, Frederick; Gift, Adam; Gooden, Moses ; Gothers, Henry ; Grim, Jacob; Hall, Matthew; Hartz, John; Hassinger, Jacob; Has- singer, Daniel, saw-mill; Hassinger, Frederick; Herbster, David; Houser, Jacob; Kern, Yost, (Joseph;) Kline, George; Kline, Christopher ; Kline, Stophel ; Kricks, Jacob ; Krose, Henry ; Krose, (Gross,) Henry, junior ; Krose, Daniel ; Laber, John ; Lepley, Jacob ; Lewis, Thomas ; Manning, Nathan ; Mattox, Jacob ; Maurer, Michael ; Maurer, Michael, junior ; Meek, An- drew; Meek, Peter; Meyer, John; Meyer, John, (weaver;) Meyer, Mary ; Michael, Jacob ; Mook, George ; Moon, Nathaniel ; Moriarty, Francis ; Mumma, John ; Nerhood, Henry; Newcomer, 1789.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 259 Peter ; Nyer, Nicholas, grist-mill ; Oatley, Edward ; Oatley, Asa ; Philips, Benjamin ; Poe, Jacob ; Reger, Adam ; Reger, Elias ; Reigelderfer, Adam ; Roushj Jacob ; Royer, Stephen \ Royer, Bas- tian ; Sharred, Jacob ; Snyther, John ; Snyder, Peter ; Stock, George ; Straub, Andrew, grist-mill and two distilleries ; Strayer, Mathias; Stroub, Jacob; StuU, Mathias 3 Stump, William, distil- lery ; Thomas, John ; Thomas, George ; Treminer, Paul ; Van- horn, Daniel ; Walter, Jacob ; Wannemacher, Casper ; Watts, John ; Weiss, Stophel, grist-mill ; Wiant, Jacob ; Woods, John ; Yost, Widow ; Yomig, Matthew. Single men taxed ten shillings each : Collins, Joseph ; Gift, Anthony ; Gross, John ; Hassinger, John ; Hassinger, Henry ; Lewis, Stephen ; Lewis, Enos ; Manning, Elisha; Manning, Nathan 3 Phillips, Benjamin; Sherrard, George; Strayer, Mathias. In March or April, the German Reformed Churches of Mahony, Sunbury, Middle Creek, and Buffalo Valley, united in a call to Rev- erend Jonathan Rahauser, which he accepted, and accompanied by Mr. Jacob Meyer, he arrived in his new field September 22. He only performed such duties as come within the province of a licen- tiate until the 27th of June, 179X, when he was ordained, at Lancas- ter, by the ccetus of the church. It is well to observe here, that all regular ministers of the German Reformed Church in the United States, although they had a coetus, or assemblage of ministers, of their own, from the year 1748, were under the care, and received their authority from the Church of Holland until about the year 1 79 1 . Mr. Rahauser was one of the first ordained without authority from Holland. His appKcation having been transmitted thither, and no reply received. In October, 1 792, Mr. Rahauser removed to Hagers- town, Maryland, and took charge of the congregation there. He died there September 25, 181 7. He was- a very energetic and la- borious pastor, and caught his last sickness, in crossing a swollen creek, to fulfill one of his appointments. He was the first regular German Reformed clergyman who performed stated services in our Valley. He died at the early age of fifty-two. — Harbaugh's "■Fath- ers:' At May Session, Samuel- Mathers, Colonel John Clarke, John Macpherson, Christian Shively, and William Moor make report that they have laid out the road from the second hollow in the Big Blue 2bo ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1789. hill to Hartley's house, where Peter Kester now lives, on the road from Davidson's ferry to Penn's valley. On the 19th of October, a convention was held at Paxton, to take measures for the improvement of the river. Charles Smith, Anthony Selin, William Wilson, Frederick Antes, Aaron Levy, Andrew Straub, and others, were delegates. They resolved to do it by subscriptions, to be received in money, grain, or produce of any kind. Boyd & Wilson's store, in Northumberland, Yentzer & Derr, at Lewisburg, Selin & Snyder, in Penn's township, &c., were designated depositaries. Review of. manufacturers, dr^c, in Buffalo Valley, in 1 789 — Jona- than Holmes, tan-yard ; John Dreisbach, gunsmith ; James Watson, saw and grist-mill ; William Jenkins, grist-mill ; Christopher Wei- ser, fulling-mill ; William Rockey, saw and grist-mill, formerly Fought's and John Rengler's grist and saw mill ; George Wolfe, saw-mill ; Benjamin Miller, merchant ; George Knox, tan-yard ; George Derr, two grist and two saw -mills ; Henry Fulton, mer- chant ; William & Alexander Steele, tan-yard ; Joseph Green, grist and saw-mill ; Wendell Baker, saw mill ; Jacob Groshong, saw-mill ; David Smith, saw and grist-mills ; Benjamin Herr, merchant ; Alex- ander Beatty, tan-yard. Distilleries in White Deer — William Gray, Philip Henning, Samuel Huston, Robert Carnahan, Matthew Laird, and Robert McCorley. The old log church at Buffalo Cross-Roads was repaired and somewhat enlarged in October. Deaths. March 10, Dreisbach, Anne Eve, wife of Martin, aged sixty-seven. In July, Lawrence Keene, prothonotary. He served in the Revo- lutionary war as captain, in the eleventh Pennsylvania, commissioned February 3, 1777, and as aid-de-camp to General St. Clair; pro- moted major, and mustered out November 3d, 1783. His wife was Gainor Lukens, a daughter of John Lukens, Surveyor General. He left three children, Samuel L., who died in Philadelphia, May II, 1866; Lawrence, who married Maria Martin, daughter of the celebrated Luther Martin, and died August 13, 1S13 ; and Jesse L. Keene, who died November 27, 1822. 1789. J ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 261 David McClenachan, of White Deer. Adam Smith, of Buffalo, whose children were Adam, Mary, George, Catherine and Barbara. Major General James Potter died in the latter part of November or beginning of December. James Potter, junior's, letter to Chief Justice McKean is dated Penn's valley, December 10, 1789, in which he states, "doubtless before you receive this, you will have heard of the death of my father. — Pennsylvania Archives, volume 11, page 661. He was assisting in building the chimney of one of his tenant houses, in Penn's valley, and, in turning about suddenly, injured himself internally. He went to Franklin county, to have the benefit of Doctor McClelland's advice, and died at his daughter's, Mrs. Poe, and is buried in a grave-yard at Brown's Mills, near the present railroad station of Marion, in that county, with no tablet to mark his grave. He was a son of John Potter, the first sheriff of Cumber- land county, and in January, 1758, was a lieutenant, with William Blythe, in Colonel John Armstrong's battalion. He next appears in command of a company in pursuit of the Indians, who had mur- dered, that morning, July 26, 1764, a schoolmaster, named Brown, and ten children, near where the town of Greencastle now stands. He married a Miss Cathcart, sister of Mrs. George Latimer, of Philadelphia, who died, leaving a son and daughter. He then married Mrs. Chambers, sister of Captain William Patterson. He resided principally on the Ard farm, in White Deer township, just above New Columbia, though, no doubt, he changed his residence on account of the Indian troubles. One year, 1781, he resided in the Middle Creek settlement, now Snyder county, as the assessments show, and family tradition has it, his eldest son, John Potter, died there. In 1786, Pickering visited him at the Ard farm, and in 1787, Mrs. Gregg, his daughter, was married there. In personnel he was short and stout, with a hopeful disposition, which no troubles could conquer. In a letter, dated May 28, 1781, he says, " look where you will, our unfortunate country is disturbed, but the time will come when we shall get rid of all these troubles. His eldest daughter married Captain James Poe. Mary married George Riddles, who died March 14, 1796, and is buried at North- umberland, in the Presbyterian church-yard. Their daughter, Mary 2(32 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1789. A., married W. H. Patterson ; Eliza, Doctor Joseph B. Ard, whose heirs still own the old place in White Deer ; Martha, married Mr. Gregg. General Potter's son James married Mary Brown, daughter of Judge Brown, of Mififlin county. Of their children: i, General James Potter, (third,) married Maria, daughter of General William Wilson, of Chillisquaque ; 2, William Potter, Esquire, late of Belle- fonte, attorney-at-law ; 3, Mary P., married Doctor W. I. Wilson, of Potter's Mills; 4, John Potter; 5, Martha G., married to Abra- ham Valentine; 6, Peggy Crouch, married Doctor Charles Coburn, of Aaronsburg ; 7, George L. Potter, Esquire, who practiced awhile at Danville, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Andrew G. Curtin, who is a daugh- ter of Doctor W. I. Wilson, of Potter's Mills, is a great-grand- daughter of the revolutionary general, and the Governor is a great- grandson, on the Gregg line of descent. John Lukens, Surveyor General of the State, died in October, and was succeeded by Colonel Daniel Brodhead, on the 3d of No- vember. John Lukens' estate, at this date, (1877,) is still before an auditor for distribution. Charles Lukens Barnes, an heir, lived and died in Lewisburg, making his living sawing wood, while wait- ing for his share of this veritable Jarndyce vs. Jarndyce. h- 790 Officials- Survey of the Susquehanna for Inland Navigation — New Constitution, and Elections under it. HE following is a list of the county representatives and officials during the year, under the Constitution of 1776, which was superseded by the Constitution adopted Sep- tember 2, 1790: William Wilson, Councilor; Samuel Maclay and John White, members of Assembly; William Mont- gomery, Presiding Justice ; Jasper Ewing, Prothonotary ; Martin Withington, Sheriff; Peter Hosterman, John Weitzel, and William Hepburn, County Commissioners. Officers of Buffalo : Constable, C. Baldy ; Supervisors, George May and Alexander McCaley ; Overseers, Peter Zeller and John Macpherson. Of White Deer : Constable, Robert Fruit ; Supervisors, Joseph Poak and Alexander Stephens ; Overseers, William Clark and Robert Martin. Additional Taxables in Bit-ffalo — Betzer, William ; Boveard, Wil- liam; Cress, Conrad ; Carroll, William; Campbell, John; Cald- well, William; Depuy, Hugh; Dunlap, William; Hempstead, Joshua ; Jones, Benjamin ; Lourey, Samuel ; McDaniel, Daniel ; Oatley, Isaiah ; Porter, Samuel ; Shreiner, Nicholas ; Sherer, Joseph ; Wilson, John ; Clarke, Joseph ; Mann, Philip : Wilson, Hugh, (father of Francis.) ~~~ Additional Taxables in Fenn's — Evans, Frederick ; Metterling, Baltzer ; Reiber, John ; Stees, Frederick ; Snyder, John S. ; Wei- rick, Peter; Zerber, Peter; Snyder, Simon, (son of Henry.) 263 2b4 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1790. At February Sessions of the quarter sessions of Northumberland county, the name of Potter township (now in Centre) was changed to that of '^ Haines." In May, Josiah Haines and John Thorn- burg started a store in Lewisburg. Prices of grain at Philadelphia, in July, were, wheat, 9^. dd. ; rye, 6x. ; oats, 3^-. 5^. ; Indian corn, 2yS. gd. ; buckwheat, at 2s. Survey of the Susquehanna. On the 6th of April, Timothy Matlack, John Adlum, and Samuel Maclay were appointed commissioners to survey and examine the Swatara, part of the Susquehanna, Sinnemahoning creek, and the Allegheny river, with a view to the promotion of inland navigation. The commissioners started in May, and were engaged most of the summer in their work. Mr. Maclay's journal of this expedition is in the possession of his grandson. Doctor Samuel Maclay, of Mifflin county. On the 26th of April he started with James McLaughlin's boat, him, Edward Sweney, and Mathew Gray taken into pay. They went first down to the Swatara, which, it appears they were to exam- ine, to see whether it could be made navigable ; got to Herrold's on the 27th, where breakfast and a quart of whiskey cost him 5^-. 2d. ; then to Harrisburg and Lebanon. The commissioners, however, for some reason, failed to meet him. He, with the rest of the com- missioners, came up on the 17th of May, and at Herrold's one of Er- win's boats came up, and they raced from that to Sunbury, McLaugh- lin's boat coming out ahead. From there they came up to the point at Northumberland, and dined with Colonel Wilson. Mr. Maclay then went over to visit his family, in Buffalo Valley. May 19, he says : Colonel Matlack detained the boat at Northumberland, to carry Josiah Haines' goods up to Derrstown, where he and one Thornburg are erecting a new store. The boat then came up to T. Rees', where Mr. Maclay wanted some things landed. At Derrs- town they met with Captain Lowdon, who told Matlack that Rees had sent for Mr. Maclay, but Matlack would not wait. So he had to shoulder his baggage and follow on foot. He trudged through the rain and bad roads, up to James McLaughlin's, opposite the mouth of Warrior run, where he arrived at ten o'clock, and found the boat landed. 1790.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 263 Major Adlum was detained at Northumberland until the 23d, when he joined them at Loyal Sock. He speaks of leveling the race- ground at Wallis's Island, (near Muncy, I suppose.) Sunday, 23d, they reached the nciouth of Bald Eagle, at sunset, and stayed there on Monday, baking bread and providing horses. There they breakfasted with Mrs. Dunn. They leveled the Sinnemahon- ing, and also made canoes there. From "canoe place" Mr. Adlum and part of the men started and run a line to the Allegheny. The object of the expedition was to determine what method of commu- nication the country would admit of, between the eastern and west- ern parts of the State. He speaks of catching beaver, and of the large wolves that frequently crossed their track, in a very indifferent manner. On the 14th, he surveyed the West Branch of the Sinne- mahoning, and got a little above Boyd's whetstone quarry. 15 th, got to Bennett's cabin, three quarters of a mile above the forks. July 2d, they reached the Ohio, and went down it, having an In- dian, named Doctor Thomas, for guide. At the State line, Con-ne- Shangom, the chief, had gone to Venango, but Captain John makes them a speech of welcome, which he inserts in full in the journal. Near this place Mr. Maclay met a Dutchman, who had been taken prisoner by the Indians in the last war, and chose to continue with them, and was living among them. July 7th, they had an interview with Cornplanter, at Jenoshawdego. The Indians were very jealous of them, until they explained their business. Cornplanter then welcomed them in a speech, which Mr. Maclay inserts. He says, we were addressed by an orator, on behalf of the women. The principal points were, that as they, the women, had the hardest part of the labor of making a living, they had a right to speak, and be heard. They welcomed them, because, they were the pioneers of the good roads that were to come, and make intercourse easy and merchandise cheaper, and they hoped good correspondence would make them all one people in the future. Colonel Matlack responded to this speech. They then went down to Captain John O. Beales' town, and "had the honor of his com- pany for supper." July 14, they struck the old French road to Erie. He says the ruts were quite plain yet. He says. Lake Erie is a fresh water sea. "You can see the horizon and water meet." They arrived at Fort Franklin, on the 20th. The commanding offi- 266 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1790. cer, Lieutenant Jeffries, was very polite to them. He speaks of kill- ing a cat-fish with Mr. Adlum's Jacob staff, which weighed ten and one half pounds. 2d of September, the new constitution was adopted by a conven- tion, convened at Philadelphia, 24th November, 1789. Simon Sny- der and Charles Smith,' Esquire, were the delegates from Northum- berland county. The first election under the new constitution took place on the 12 th of October. In Northumberland county, for Governor, Thomas Mifflin received 865 votes, to 68 cast for General Arthur St. Clair. William Montgomery, elected State Senator without op- position, having 1,029 votes. Samuel Maclay and John White were elected members of Assembly, over Samuel Wallis and Alexander Hunter; Martin Withington^ sheriff, over Charles Gobin, John Boyd, and Flavel Roan ; Joseph Lorentz, coroner ; and Daniel Montgomery, county commissioner. John Simpson was re-ap- pointed register and recorder. It having been decided that the powers of the House of Assembly and State officers were superseded by the constitution, on the 2d of September, the house in a paper filed, September 4, declined acting longer. On the 20th of December, the Executive Council ceased acting, and on the 21st, Governor Mifflin was inaugurated. February 17, by Reverend Hugh Morrison, Hugh Wilson married to Catherine, daughter of Captain William Irvine. Deaihs. George Troxell, of Lewisburg. . Christopher Haney, of Haines township. He was a private in Captain Clarke's company, in 1776. His children were Hieroni- mus, Christopher, Adam, John, Eve, Elizabeth, and Frederick. John Black, of Sunbury, (brother of James, of Lewisburg.) Ulrich Lotz. His children were John Jacob, Anna Maria, and Catherine. In his will he recommends his children to adhere strictly 1 Charles Smith was the third son of Doctor William Smith, Provost of the Col- lege at Philadelphia. He was admitted to the Sunbury bar, in 1786, and married, in 1791, to a daughter of Jasper Yeates, Esquire. He was the compiler of Smith's laws, and afterwards president judge of the Cumberland and Franklin distrl(>t. He died in Philadelphia, in 1840, aged seventy-five. 1790.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 267 to the advice which Tobias, in fourth chapter, gives, "Keep God before your eyes," &c. Peter Burns, senior, of Buffalo. Jonas Fought. Children : Michael, Barbara, Ann Elizabeth. John Wierbach, (who lived upon the place next above Weiden- saul's mill, in Hartley now.) He left a widow, Catherine, who died in 1804, of cancer. Sons: John, Nicholas. One daughter, married to Frederick Wise, who moved to Brush valley, Centre county. One married to John Hoover, and moved to Clearfield, and one married Philip Dale. One of his daughters was taken by the Indians. (See 1781.) Charles Grogan, of Buffalo, was returning home, from a wood- chopping, with a yoke of oxen, one cold night this wint-er, and, becoming bewildered, was frozen to death. He left a widow, sister of James Burney, and two sons, Alexander and James, and two daughters. His widow, after some years, married Henry Van Gun- dy, and removed to now Chnton county. James and Alexander Grugan, as they now write their names, became the heads of quite large families. Grugan township derives its name from this family. Honorable Coleman Grugan, late associate judge of Clinton county, is a grandson of Charles Grogan. — Maynard's Clinton County, page 153- h- 1791 List of State and County Officials — Additional Taxables — Death of Doctor William Plunket — Mrs. Samuel Maclay's Family Lineage. lOVERNOR, Thomas Mifflin. Judges of the Supreme Court, Thomas McKean, Edward Shippen, Jasper Yeates. Attorney General, Jared Ingersoll. State Treasurer, Christian Febiger. Receiver General, Francis Johnston. Secretary of the Land Office, David Kennedy. Surveyor General, Daniel Brodhead. Secretary of the Commonwealth, A, J. Dallas. Deputy Secretary, James Trimble. The Judges of the several Courts were, Jacob Rush, President ; William Montgomery, Joseph Wallis, Thomas Strawbridge, and John Macpherson, Associates, commis- sioned August 17. Jasper Ewing, Esquire, Prothonotary, August 1 7. Member of Congress, Andrew Gregg, representing Bedford, North- umberland, Huntingdon, Franklin, and Mifflin. Senator, William Montgomery. Members of Assembly, Samuel Maclay and John White. September 3, Flavel Roan was commissioned a Notary Public ; he was sole notary in the county until his death ; John Teitsworth suc- ceeded him, April 2 0, 1815 ; Flavel Roan was commissioned Sheriff, October 18; William Hepburn, John Weitzel, and Daniel Mont- gomery were County Commissioners ; Bernard Hubley, Lieutenant of the county ; Justices of the Peace commissioned. Colonel Kelly, August 31 ; Simon Snyder, October 26 ; William Irwin, August 31 ; Captain Wiljiam Gray, December 30 ; for Penn's and Beaver Dam, John Bishop, August 31. Frederick^Evans was Deputy Surveyor of Peters, in Mifflin county, Haines, Beaver Dam, Penn's, and that part of Buffalo south of the 268 1791.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. zbg _ Indian purchase of 1754; Christopher Bering appointed Collector of Excise, September i. Officers of Buffalo : Constable, Henry Pontius ; Supervisors, John Crider and Peter Kester ; Overseers, John Reznor and William Irwin. White Deer : Constable, John Bear \ Supervisors, Richard Fruit and Thomas Hutchinson ; Overseers, Robert McCorley and John Steel. Martin Withington opened hotel in Mifflinburg. Additional residents in Lewisburg — Black, James, (ferry;) Ellen- huysen, Joseph; Lewis, Alexander; Metzgar, Jacob, innkeeper; Moore, John, blacksmith; Poak, William; Stroh, Nicholas. 27th May, Andrew Kennedy, senior, commenced the publication of the Sunbury and Northumberland Gazette, at Northumberland. This paper was extensively circulated in the Valley, and continued up to 1813. Among those assessed in Buffalo township — Barnhart, George ; Barnhart, Henry ; Black, William ; Book, George ; Bower, Casper ; Bower, George ; Caldwell, Thomas ; Cox, Tunis ; Frantz, Lewis ; Fox, Andrew; Gettig, Frederick; Getz, Peter; Getz, Andrew; Gibbons, Edward; Glover, John; Gooden, Moses; Graff, (Grove,) Philip; Grimes, Samuel; Hixon, John ; Hudson, George; Kelly, Hugh; Kemmerling, Jacob ; Leitzell, Anthony; Lowry, Andrew Lowry, John; Lowry, Robert; Lowry, William; McElrath, Robert McMurtrie, Hugh; Meizner, Adam; Metzgar, John ; Patton, John Richard, Henry, (name which disappears from the assessment after 1784, re-appears again with the supplement "■ thief," which is carried all through the assessments afterwards;) Rees, Daniel; Roan, Fla- vel; Sarvey, Jacob; Struble, Adam; Thornburg, John; Thomp- son, John, erects a mill to be driven by the water from Thomp- son's spring; Van Gundy, Christian; Van Gundy, Henry; Van Gundy, John; Weeker, William; Wilson, Hugh; Yentzer, Chris- tian ; Zimmerman, Christian ; Zimmerman, Jacob. 4th August, 1 79 1, Christopher Baldy, William Irwin, and Chris- tian Yentzer, assessors. Robert Barber erects a saw-niill at White springs. Penn's — Adam, Widow ; Berry, Jacob; Bishop, Jatob; Grove, Adam; Goy, Frederick, distillery; Gwynn, Hugh; Heimbach, 270 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1791. Peter ; Housel, Peter ; Oberdorf, Andrew, grist and saw-mill to Anthony Selin ; Snyder, John, tan-yard ; Stees., Frederick, grist, saw, and oil-mill ; Thornton, John ; Witmer, Peter, distillery, ferry, and saw-mill. Beaver — Bopp, Conrad, hemp-mill ; Collins, David ; Edmmison, Wilham ; Hassinger, Jacob, tan-yard; Johnston, John and James; Myer, Henry, grist and saw-mill ; Myer, Jacob, tan-yard ; Knepp, George ; Sherrard, Jacob, grist and saw-mill ; Wise, John, grist and saw-mill. Buffalo Gross-Roads Church. In October we find the pews in the Presbyterian Church at Buf- falo Cross-Roads rated and rented for the first time. There were thirty-six pews or seats. No. i, probably reserved for the minister's family; No. 2, rated at ^£'3 ^s., taken by David Watson, Colonel John Clarke, Alexander Kennedy, and Joseph Clark; No. 3, Thomas Forster, Andrew Forster, Robert Forster and Robert Cham- bers; No. 4, ;^3, Christopher Johnston; No. 5, Captain James Thompson, William Thompson, Samuel Porter, and Jarnes Boyd; No. 6, jQ2 i$s., Arthur Clellan; No. 7, Robert Clark, Richard Sherer, and Joseph Allen ; No. 8, Samuel Dale, Esquire, and Joseph Evans; No. 9, John-Reznor and David Tate; No. 10, Samuel Mac- lay, (this seat he retained until his death, in 181 1;) No. 11, John Steel, Joseph Hudson, and William Steele; No. 12, Joseph Green, ^i 9J-. 6d. ; No. 13, James Irwin and Matthew Irwin ; No. 14, Wil- liam Irwin, Esquire, ^2 ; No. 15, John Thompson; No. 16, Benja- min Miller; No. 17, John Ray, William and Thomas Black; No. 17, Roan McClure ; No. 1,8, Mr. Lincoln; No. 19, George Knox; No. 20, Walter Clark; No. 21, William Irvine; No. 22, Jonathan Holmes and Joseph Sherer; No. 23, James Poak, William Poak, Widow Poak, and Thomas Poak; No. 24, Edward Graham and John Davis; No. 25, William Wilson and James Black; No. 26, vacant; No. 27, John Linn, John Gray, and Joseph Patterson; No. 28, Robert Fruit and Gideon Smith ; No. 29, William Gray and Thomas Howard; No. 30, William Clark, James Forster, and Widow Fors- ter; No. 31, Thomas Elder, David Buchanan, and Robert Elder; No. 32, Charles Pollock, Thomas Hutchinson, and William Wil- liams; No. 2>2>' Colonel John Kelly and Captain Joseph Poak; No* 1791.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 271 34, Samuel Demming, James Moore, (Widow Moore,) George Moore, Widow Fleming, Thomas Rodman, Jame^ Meginness ; No. 35, Adam Laughlin, Widow McGradyand James Clelland; No. ^^6, Matthew Laird and Andrew McClenachan. With the meeting of Congress, at Philadelphia, on the 14th of October, we note the division of the people into two great parties, the Federalists and Democrats, the funding of the public debt, char- tering the United States Bank, and other measures, inflaming the States Rights or Democratic party so much that, at this session, they, for the first time, appeared in open and organized opposition to the administration. — George Read's Life, page 536. Noi'ice of William- Plunket, William Plunket, the first presiding justice of Northumberland county, died in the spring of this year. He resided, as early as 1772, a little above Chillisquaque creek, at his place called "Sol- diers' Retreat," now owned by Mr. Solomon Walters. He was the father of Mrs. Samuel Maclay, whose lineage is traceable to John Harris, senior, whose grave is yet to be seen on the bank of the river at Harrisburg, in front of the residence of General Simon Cameron_ Near it are the remains of the mulberry to which he was tied by the Indians, to be burned. I will only add to the story, that it was his negro slave, Hercules, who crossed the river, and brought the neigh- boring Indians to his rescue, while the drunken Indians were about applying the fire to him. For this he gave Hercules his freedom, and directed his burial on the same spot. John Harris, senior, died in 1748. His wife, Esther Say, was a lady of rare endowments, who came from England, in the family of Judge Shippen. Among their children were John, the proprietor of Harrisburg ; Samuel, who settled at the outlet of Cayuga lake, New York, and a daughter, who married Doctor William Plunket. Doctor Plunket, at the time of his marriage, resided at Carlisle, Penn- sylvania, and his daughters, four in number, were born there. His wife dying, he remained a widower, which fact gave rise to Meginness' mistake in stating that he was a bachelor. His daughters were Eliz- abeth, born in 1755, married to Samuel Maclay ; Isabella, born Jan- uary, 1760, married to William Bell, Esquire, of Elizabethtown, New 2y2 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1791. Jersey ; Margaret, married to Isaac Richardson, removed to Wayne county, New York, then known as the (jenesee country. She left four sons and two daughters. Israel J., in Delaware, Ohio, and David H., of Monroe county, New York, of her sons are still living. Hester Plunket, the youngest, married Colonel Robert Baxter, of the British army, and died about a year after her marriage. Her daugh- ter, Margaret, married Doctor Samuel Maclay, of Mifilin county. John Harris' wife, Elizabeth McClure, said to have been the most lovely woman of her day, died young, from fright and grief, at the report, brought her by a neighbor, of her husband's death. He saw a man shot, and fall off his horse, in attempting to swim the river, and supposed it was Mr. Harris. It proved to be a young physician, whom Mr. Harris had taken up behind him (25th October, 1755.) Her daughter, Mary Harris, who inherited much of her mother's beauty, married Senator William Maclay. A miniature likeness of her is now in the possession of her granddaughter, Mrs. Eleanor M. Brinton, of West Chester, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Samuel Maclay and Mrs. William Maclay were cousins, and married brothers. The late William C. Plunket, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, was a nephew of Doctor Plunket. A brother of Doctor Plunket came to this country, bringing with him a daughter, Margaret, who married Samuel Simmons, of Pine creek. His name was Robert. Another brother, David Plunket, settled at Baltimore, and was lost at sea on a voyage to the West Indies. Doctor Plunket served in the French war as a lieutenant, and secured for his services six hundred acres of land, part now owned by Judge Dreisbach. He owned large bodies of land, and was one of the leaders in the Pennamite war. He lived afterward and died in the ofHce owned by Ebenezer Greenough, and lately occupied by David Rockefeller, Esquire, at Sunbury. His will is dated January 3, 1791, and proved May 25, 1791, in which he mentions his granddaughter, Margaret Baxter, one of the most beautiful and accomplished ladies of the State, who died at Mil- roy, Mifflin county, July 6, 1863. The three sisters, Mrs. Maclay, Mrs. Bell, and Mrs. Richardson, survived to a good old age, and resided together, in Mifflin county. Mrs. Maclay was a Presbyterian, Mrs. Bell an Episcopahan, and Mrs. Richardson a Quaker. They were all three remarkable ladies. Mrs. Bell was a very handsome and highly polished woman. She had a 1792.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 2jj boarding-school at Albany, New York^ where Mrs. Catherine Sedg- wick, and many of the celebrated ladies of the time, received their education. 1>IQ)Q,. East and West Buffalo Townships Erected — Miffltnbueg and New Berlin Laid out — Notice of Reverend J. Gr. Phreemer — Simon Sny- der's Dam Controversv — Death of Captain Anthony Selin and M. J. Ellenkhusen. jEMBERS of Assembly, Samuel Dale and John White. January 13, General William Wilson appointed Asso- ciate Judge, vice Joseph Wallis, resigned. February 23, Samuel Maclay appointed Associate, also. Flavel Roan. Sheriff. John Weitzel, Daniel Montgomery, and Robert Fleming, County Commissioners. i8th January, Joseph J. Wallis appointed Deputy Surveyor of Charles Lukens' and William Scull's district, (both of whom are deceased,) and of that part of William Maclay's district north of Penn's creek, and of Upper Bald Eagle, in Mifflin county. Officers of Buffalo — Constable, C. Baldy; Supervisors, Adam Christ and John Sierer ; Overseers, William Irvine and Henry Dreis- bach ; Fence Viewers, Philip Voneida and George Frederick ; Col- lector, Christian Yentzer; November 29, Robert Barber commis- sioned Justice of the Peace for Buffalo ; School-teachers in Buffalo, Alexander Templeton and George Paget. The latter taught many years at a school-house near Michael Grove's, the former in New Berlin. Officers of White Deer — Constable, William Robb ; Supervisors, Andrew McClenachan and John Gray ; Overseers, Robert Finney and Robert Clark. 18 2J4 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1792. Additional Taxables of White Deer — Charles Nogel, Gideon Smith. Easi and West Buffalo Townships Erected. At January Sessions, William Irwin, Samuel Dale, John Thomp- son, Christopher Baldy, Benjamin Miller, and Henry Pontius were appointed viewers to divide Buffalo township. They commenced the line at two gum saplings, on the south bank of Spruce run, at the line of White Deer and Buffalo, a little west of Daniel Rengler's old saw-mill, (Applegate's ;) thence south to the head of the spring at Andrew Pontius' ; thence down Switzer run to its mouth, at Penn's creek, (Philip Seebold's,) and the townships were called East and West Buffalo.^ The first officers of this township were, Robert Forster, constable ; John Reznor and Thomas Forster, over- seers ; Ehas Younkman, supervisor ; Andrew Forster and Robert Chambers, fence viewers. At January Sessions, the road from Brush valley, by way of French Jacob's old mill, (now Heberling's,) to James Irwin's, was laid out. George Langs, Henry Dreisbach, Matthew Irwin, were of the viewers. It commenced at a black oak, near the gap of Buffalo mountain, by way of said mill to a corner of Wendell Baker's field, where it intersected "the meeting-house road." Distance, six miles fourteen perches, (now road by way of Cowan.) Improvements of this year — Wendell Baker's saw-mill, (at Cowan;) Alexander Beatty's tan-yard, at New Berlin ; Christopher Weiser's fulling-mill, on Turtle creek, now Peter Wolfe's. Lower ferry, at Lewisburg, kept by James Black. At November Sessions, the road from Wolfe's tavern (afterwards Lyon's, on the Cumberland road, leading to Sunbury) to Jenkins' mill, thence to Derr's town, at the south end of Second street, along Second to Market, to Front, by way of St. John's, to the mouth of Buffalo creek, laid out. Mifflinburg, laid out by Elias Younk- man, in the summer of this year; and New Berlin, laid out by George Long, Frederick Evans, surveyor. The dates of the first deeds for lots in these places I can find on record are 30th Novem- 1 East Buffalo always went by the name of Buffalo among the people ; is so called In deeds and elsewhere, except on the assessment books, until the erection of the present Buffalo. 1792.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 2js ber, 1792, lot No. 55, in Mifflinburg ; i8th January, 1793, George Long to Adam Snyder, for No. 53, in New Berlin. John Hager built one of the first dams on Penn's creek, about one half mile below App's present mill, according to William Gill's recollection. Samuel Dale, Esquire, moved from where New Columbia now stands to his place, now in Kelly, owned by his grandchildren. Reverend John G. Phreemer. The Reverend John G. Phreemer, who was connected with the religious movement -which resulted, at length, . in the sect of the United Brethren in Christ, and sometimes professing to be a min- ister of the German Reformed Church, made frequent and extensive tours through middle Pennsylvania. The aged Mrs. Fulmer says that about this year, 1792, Andrew Straub and Michael Weyland used to push their canoe, containing their families and others, across the river, where Milton now is, in order to worship under a tree on the opposite side. The tree stood at Hoffman's, (1854,) a short distance above the bridge. On such occasions, the preaching and service . were conducted by Mr. Phreemer, and afterwards by Mr. Phreemer and Deitrick Aurand. Mrs. Fulmer often crossed herself to attend worship under this tree. Phreemer leute, or " Phreemer people," was a common expression in Buffalo Valley at an early day. He was very fanatical. A very pious old man once told me he had the people act the fool by his preaching. He is said once to have remarked that he could preach the Devil out of hell. Abraham Brown said he saw him in Ohio, in 181 4, where Phreemer was on a visit. He was then residing in Kentucky, and associate judge of the court there. He died at his home in Harrison county, Indiana, in 1825. — HarbaugK s Fathers. Sel'm and Snyder's Mill- Dam. On the 28th of December, a petition was presented to the Senate on the part of Simon Snyder and Anthony Selin's heirs, to enable them to maintain a dam across Penn's creek of the height of two and one half feet. This aroused the settlers along the creek and 2y6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1792. produced a remonstrance, read in the Senate, March 4, 1793, which is interesting from some statements it contains. It states ' ' that Simon Snyder, and Anthony Selin, before his death, erected a dam across the main current of Penn's creek ; that there were no less than ten mills within nine miles of Snyder's, some of which grind the year round unobstructed by ice, and they subjoin a list of the mills, with their distances from Snyder's : Lauterslager's and Pickle's, within three miles; Moore's, three miles and a half; Shock's, four miles; Rush's, five miles ; Hickadron's, six ; Maclay's, seven miles. Swine- ford's, ditto; Weitzel's, eight; and Frederick Stees', nine miles. This being the case, we consider it highly injurious to stop the whole navigation of Penn's creek, in order to promote the indi- vidual interest of Simon Snyder, Esquire," &c. This petition is signed by James Beatty, George Long, Christian Miller, Alexander Beatty, Samuel Templeton, William Fisher, Benjamin Griffith, Rob- ert Tait, David Tate, Robert Barber, Thomas Barber, John Green, Paskel Lewis, John McMullen, James Davis, Peter Kester, Wilham Douglass, Adam Laughlin, John Glover, John Thompson, junior and senior, David Burd, Alexander Connel, Andrew Lovvery, Joseph Green, Ludwig Schmidt, James McKelvey, Martin Trester, &c. Notwithstanding this remonstrance, the Legislature, April 10, 1793, passed an act authorizing the dam. [See Dallas' Laws, vol- ume 3, page 364.] Deaths. Alexander McGrady, died in May. His children were Alexan- der, William, Agnes, wife of Eli Holeman, Jane, wife of James Johnston. Samuel Barber, who lived at the mouth of Switzer run, was killed by the falling timber of an old barn he was taking down. One of his daughters married William McConnell, the other Swinehart. His widow, Martha, lived on the old place (now owned by Philip Seebold) as late as 181 2. Captain Anthony Selin, founder of Selinsgrove. He was com- missioned by Congress, December 10, 1776, captain in Ottendorff's corps, afterwards attached to Armand's legion, and was still in service in ] 780, at Wyoming. His children were Anthony, Charles, and Agnes. His wife was a sister of Governor Snyder, and Selin pur- 1792.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 2-j-j chased the ground on which the town now is, at the death of his brother-in-law, John Snyder. Finding Snyder's plot would not fit, he re-surveyed the ground, laid it out anew, and named it. His son, Anthony Charles, was a major in the war of 1812. The widow of the latter, Mrs. Catherine Selin, died at the residence of her son- in-law, Robert Swineford, in Selinsgrove, November 3, 1868, aged eighty-two, the last of the family name in the United States. George Hudson, of White Deer. James Fleming, of Buffalo. He left his property to his wife's children, Samuel, Jane, and Benjamin Rodman. Abel Rees died, (at Strohecker's now.) James Thom, of West Buffalo. His children were Robert, Arthur, Annie, married to John Boude, Sarah E., married to James Robb, Elizabeth, and Mary. At Lewisburg, July 17, 1792, Mathias Joseph Ellenkhusen. He came to Lewisburg in 1790, was the son of Carl Ellenkhusen, who had purchased the principal part of the town, and was sent over by his father from Amsterdam, Holland, to look after his interests, or to found a family in the western world. The principal notice we have of the son and his wife are from the recollections of Mrs. Mary Brady Piatt, taken down by O. N. Worden, Esquire. Mrs. Ellenk- husen was short in stature, considerably pock-marked, very lady- hke in manner, spoke the Low Dutch language, and astonished the people by her elegance and passionate fondness for skating. She and Mr. Ellenkhusen took that method of visiting the different towns on the river. She married John Thornburg, who also soon died. She afterward married Mr. Moore, and removed to Erie, Pennsylvania. Ellenkhusen was a man of very genteel address, and fond of soci- ety. His father had given him the town site, and a good outfit of clothing and money, hoping, no doubt, he would build up a fortune ; but emigration suddenly declined, and the convivial habits he had acquired, probably before leaving Europe, shortened his days. Per- sonally, he was much esteemed. He was quite an artist, and often drew with pencil striking likenesses of his companions. Sheriff John Brady was a joker. He had found a cannon near Muddy run, and he told Ellenkhusen that he would present it to him if he would take care of it. On cleaning out the mud which covered the muzzle, two large black snakes came out, greatly to the horror of Mr. Ellenk- 2JS ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY, [1793. husen. He told Brady the circumstance afterward. " Why," said Brady, '-they were my i)ets ; I would not have lost them for a ;^ioo," and Ellenkhusen, no doubt, died in the belief that he had let loose some play-fellows of Brady's. P211enkhusen and Thorn- burg were both buried beneath what is now the vestibule of the Presbyterian church. The annalist recollects well the wild cherry tree that stood near, and the brick wall inclosing these graves. The tombstone of Ellenkhusen was preserved by the late James F. Linn, Esquire, and is in the cellar of the church. Its inscription is : "Here lie the body of Mathias Joseph Ellenkhusen, who departed this Hfe July 17, 1792, age thirty-eight years and three months." " Since it is so we all must die, And death no one doth spare ; So let us all to Jesus fly, And seek for refuse there." >T 1793 Additional Taxables — Yellow Fever in Philadelphia — Fall Elec- tions — Deaths in the Valley. NDREW GREGG, Member of Congress. Josiah Haines and James Davidson, members of Assembly. Daniel Montgomery, Robert Fleming, and Richard Sherer, County Commissioners. John Brown was commissioned a Justice of the Peace for Washington township March 13. Number of taxable inhabitants in Northumberland county, three thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight. Additional Taxables, East Buffalo — Barber, Martha (Widow;) Baily, John ; Betz, William ; Brown, Christian; Carstetter, Martin ; Covert, Luke ; Dale, Samuel ; Dunkle, Jacob ; Doty, Doctor ; Gass, George; Gelitzler, William; Getz, Adam; Hayes, John; 1793 ] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 2jc> Hummel, John ; Miller, Christian, (Berhntown;) Morton, Thomas; Myer, George, (Berlintown ;) Ray, John ; Reedy, Conrad ; See- bold, Christian, grist-mill, formerly James Watson's ; Sheckler, Dan- iel ; Sheckler, Tobias 3 Speddy, Jeremiah; Stahl, Philip; Wilson, Thomas. List of Residents in Lewisburg—E\, James; Caldwell, Thomas ; Deering, Francis; Belong, Edward; Donachy, John; Dunlap, John, (ferry;) Ellenckhuysen, Clara ; Evans, Joseph ; Groninger, Leonard ; Grove, Adam ; Grove, Wendel ; Heineman, Samuel ; Holdship, George ; Kemble, Lawrence ; Knox, George ; Links, George ; Lewis, Alexander ; Metzgar, Daniel ; Poak, William ; Russell, David ; Sherer, Joseph ; Snodgrass, David ; Swinehart, Lewis ; Thornburg, John ; Troxel, Abraham ; Wells, Benjamin ; Wells, Joseph ; Yentzer, Christian. Christopher Baldy commenced the tan-yard at Buffalo Cross- Roads. Doctor Charley Beyer practicing medicine in Lewisburg. Still-houses — Andrew Billmyer's, Andrew Blair's, John Beatty's, George Gass', on John Aurand's place, Peter Leonard's, Henry Pontius', Daniel Rees', Levi Vanvolsen's. New Saw mills — John Hager, Michael Moyer. Additional Residents in White Deer — Adams, James ; Chamber- Tin, Colonel William, of Anvil township, Hunterdon county, New Jersey, bought the mill known as Bear's, and moved into the Valley ; Dale, Henry ■; Fruit, Richard ; Howard, Thomas, one slave ; How- ard, David ; Miller, Samuel ; Marshall, Stephen, lived on George . Riddle's place or General Potter's place, late Doctor Ard's ; Rose, Andrew ; Stillwell, Daniel ; Williams, William. Stephen Marshall and James Adams, above, were grandparents of late Honorable James Marshall. Philip Heany moved to Penn's valley. First Residents in Mifflinburg — Dreisbach, John ; Holmes, Rob- ert; Holmes, Jonathan ; 'Longabaugh, Henry; Longabaugh, Mi- chael; Reedy, Nicholas; Sampsel, Nicholas ; Youngman, George ; Waggoner, Christopher. West Buffalo, State of Improvements, S^c. — Thomas Barber, saw- mill ; Jacob Grozean, grist and saw-mill ; Joseph Green, grist and saw- mill ; William Rockey, grist and saw-mill ; Michael Shirtz, grist and saw-mill at Penn's Valley narrows, finished this year ; 28o ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1793. Christopher Seebold, grist, saw-mill, and still ; David Smith, grist and saw-mill. Stills — Robert Barber, John Boude, George Rote, Elias Younk- man. Slaves : One taxed to Colonel John Clarke, named Mel, and one to David Watson, named Kate. Additional Residents — McCreight, John ; Shriner, Henry ; Wil- son, Hugh, on General Irvine's land, late Solomon Kleckner's ; Zip- pernock, Frederick. Penn's Township — App, Mathias ; Aurand, Daniel ; Bastian, Daniel, Michael, and George ; Blasser, ; Burchfield, Charles ; Clements, Peter ; Dusing, Nicholas and John ; Gable, Frederick ; Grogg, Peter, saw-mill ; Hager, John, saw-mill ; Hershey, John ; Highlands, John ; Hoffer, Elizabeth ; Hummel, George Adam ; Jasemsky, Reverend Frederick William ; Kern, Mathias ; Ken- dig, Jacob ; Krebs, John ; McKinney, Abraham ; Nyhart, David ; Pfiel, Henry, saw-mill on Middle creek ; Ram, Nicholas ; Rhoads, Francis, junior ; Shatzburger, Christopher ; Shawber, Christopher, junior; Silverwood, James; Snyder, John, tan-yard; Snyder, Simon, junior ; Solt, David ; Strausser, John N. ; Sutherland and Vanvalzah, grist and saw-mill on Penn's creek ; Trester, Michael, saw-mill; Walter, John, Jacob, junior, David, and Philip; Weirick, William, saw-mill; Witmer, Peter, junior, saw-mill; Wolfe, John and George, junior ; Young, George ; Zering, John. March 28, petition presented to the House, asking Buffalo creek to be declared a public highway up as far as Rockey's mills. In September, the yellow fever prevailed so badly, that the Supreme Court held no session in Philadelphia. It broke out early in August^ and continued its ravages until November. Over four thousand deaths in that period, out of a population of fifty thousand. In October, Thomas Mifflin re-elected Governor. Vote in North- umberland county, Mifflin, 1 443 ; Muhlenberg, 514. The candidates for Senate were WiUiam Hepburn, Daniel Montgomery, Evan Owen, Samuel Wallace, and Bernard Hubley, and William Hepburn was elected. The candidates for Assembly were Josiah Haines, James Davidson, William Cooke, Samuel Dale, John White, Jacob Fulmer, and John Weitzel. The candidates for County Commissioner were Chistopher Dering, John Buyers, David Ireland, Robert Clarke, John Thornburg, Charles Gobin, and William Bonham. 1793.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 2S1 December 1 2 was observed in the churches as a day of humiHation and thanksgiving, for removing the plague from Philadelphia. In December, the court-house and jail at Sunbury were in such ruinous condition, that the president and associate judges threatened the commissioners with prosecution, "unless new buildings are com- menced next year." Deaths. Nicholas Smith, White Deer. George Barnhart, East Buffalo. James Ferguson, Buffalo. His children were Mrs. William Thomp- son, Mrs. Hugh McConnel, Mrs. Charles Hummel, and a son, John, married to David Hanna's daughter. In West Buffalo, 2 2d April, Daniel Campbell, a soldier during the whole war of the Revolution. He married Catherine Klinesmith, who was wounded, as described ante page 190, and had by her two children, John and Ann. John died near Mififlinburg. Ann married Samuel B. Barber. Campbell had received a land warrant for one hundred acres, and, in order to locate it. Barber and wife had to make proof of their identity. Catherine Chambers, the widow, and Baltzer Klinesmith, junior's, depositions were taken ; on file at Lew- isburg. _ - ■ Robert McCorley, of White Deer, died in the fall. Left widow, Anna, and children, Isabella, wife of William McLaughlin ; Mary Seidel, Robert, James, Roley, (still living, 1877,) and Jacob, after- wards member of Assembly. Levi Vanvolsen lived in Dry valley, and had a distillery. A girl, living with him, took one of his children into the still-house, and placed it upon a barrel, and went to draw some beer. The child fell off into a vessel of boiling mash, and was scalded to death. The girl, Nancy Grimes, afterwards married Jeremiah Speddy. 1^94. First BAPxrsT Settlers— Sample of Mr. Morrison's Sermons — Reverend GrEORGE GeISTVVEIT ExCITEMENT INCIDENT TO THE WhISKY INSURREC- TION — County Politics — Election Returns — Flavel Roan's Poetry. HOMAS SMITH appointed Justice of the Supreme Court, vice William Bradford, resigned. Senator, William Hep- burn. Members of Assembly, Flavel Roan, George Hughes and Jacob Fulmer. Henry Vanderslice, Jailer. County Commissioners, Robert Fleming, Richard Sherer, and Chris- topher Bering. On the 8th of January a special election was held for a Senator, in the place of William Montgomery, resigned. William Hepburn was elected by sixty-four majority over Rosewell Wells, for the un- expired term. Among the Officers of West Buffalo — John Reznor, Adam Laugh- lin, and William Moore, assessors. The additional Taxableswere — James Barklow, John Barton, John Kleckner, Solomon Kleckner, Benjamin Jones, Conrad Coons. The name of Jacob Groshong disappears from the list, and his mill is assessed to Enoch Thomas. Additional Residents of Mifflinbiirg — John Irvin, store -keeper ; Henry Neal, Ludwig Gettig, Jacob Welker, William Welker, Israel Ritter, John Earnhart. Of Lewlsburg — Alexander McBeth, Matthias Shaffer, Hugh Mc- I^aughlin, William Stedman, Esquire. 282 1794.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 283 First Residents of New Berlin — Hugh Beatty, George Moyer, Christopher Miller, Zeba Smith, Philip Harmony, William Black, John Mitchell, and Martin Carstetter. Among the names of those who moved into the Valley this year, I note particularly James McClellan, Esquire, and Gabriel Morrison, school-teachers, both from Chester county; widow Mary Harris, grandmother of William Laird Harris, of East Buffalo ; John Betz, and Samuel Baum. Improvements — The bridge across the Buffalo creek, at its mouth, For this, the court of quarter sessions directed an allowance of ;^5o, ($133 33.) It was without a roof. Travel now deserted the road by way of the ferry, where the iron bridge now (1877) stands, for the road on the river bank. Seventy-seven years elapse, and the engines at the boat-yard of Frick, Billmyer & Co. frighten it back again. Stedman and Smith keep store at Lewisburg. The court- house at Sunbury was commenced. William Gray, of Sunbury, Alexander Hunter, and John Weitzel were the trustees for build- ing it. O. N. Worden, in a short history of the Baptist churches, pub- lished in Meginness' History of the West Branch, quotes from the minutes of the Philadelphia Baptist Association, (1794:) "A letter was received and read from the church in Buffalo Valley, Northum- berland county, requesting to be received into the association. Post- poned, no messenger appearing to receive the right hand of fellow- ship." Mr. Worden adds that there were a few Baptists and preach- ing stations in Buffalo Valley after the Revolution, but there is no knowledge of any Baptist church in Buffalo Valley until the forma- tion of the Lewisburg church, in 1844. Colonel James Moore informs me that Colonel William Cham- berlin was a Baptist ; and after his arrival in the Valley, with other New Jersey people of the same persuasion, he probably made an effort to establish a Baptist church, which was abandoned, on ac- count of the distance the people lived from each other. Additional Taxables, East Buffalo — Beatty, James; Bickle, Chris- topher ; distillery, erected by Conrad Reedy ; Elliot, George ; Free- man, Doctor ; Pfreemer, Reverend George ; Gray, Robert ; Harris, Widow Mary ; Hoy, John ; Lytle, Anthony ; Lutz, Jacob ; Mc- Clellan, James ; McConnel, William ; McLaughlin, John ; Schrack, ^84 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1794. Benjamin ; Smith, William, store-keeper, Lewisburg ; Steel, David ; Stockman, Nathan; Thompson, Benjamin. Additional Taxables, White Deer — Armstrong, Andrew ; Awl, Samuel ; Elder, James and John ; Fisher, Christian ; Goodlander, Christian; Henderson, William ; Hilliard, Guy; Hoffman, John ; Jordan, Widow ; Luther, Andrew ; McCorley, Widow ; McGines, Thomas ; Martin, Hugh ; Reninger, George ; Riddle, George ; Woods, John. Penn's — Drum, Charles, grist and saw-mill ; Forey, Christian ; Hendricks, Samuel ; Landis, George ; Menges, Adam, grist and saw-mill ; Ott, George ; Page, Abraham, still ; Pawling, Joseph ; Reish, Daniel, saw-mill ; Ritter, Simon, still ; Stober, William ; Tryon, Frederick, fiddle ; Wetzel, Philip. Beaver — Aurand, Henry and George ; Cummings, James ; Ewing, Thomas ; Ewing, John ; Gill, William ; Hendricks, Jacob, mill ; Harman, Samuel ; Hileman, Adam, mill ; Romich, Joseph ; Ship- ton, Thomas ; Shultz, John ; Troxell, John ; Wilson, Moore. Dietrich Aurand, who had followed milling at different places down the river, removed, with his family, into the Valley, and set- tled on a farm on Turtle creek, midway between its source and out- let, about five miles above Jenkins' mill. The farm he was on had a reserved water right, and was given to him by his father, with the design that he should build a merchant mill on it, and he intended so to do ; but the Hessian fly having proved very destructive to the wheat crops for upwards of ten years, he lost severely in purchases of wheat for the French, and lost by bailing, so he could not build the mill, and had to sell and remove to an adjoining farm, in 1801. Mr. Morrison's Sermons. The late James McClellan, Esquire, left his father's home, near Fagg's Manor church, Chester county, on the 2d of April. He had been in the habit for years of writing down a skeleton of the ser- mons of Messrs. Sample, Latta, senior and junior. Smith, senior and junior, Barr, Dayton, Mitchel, Findley, and others, who filled the pulpit there. The last, by Mr. Sample, was March 15. Then his manuscript is destroyed, and the next that can be made out is 1 8th of May, John xv, from the i6th to the end, by Mr. Morrison. 1794.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 285 He says parsed by Mr. Morrison, and nothing but what is clearly- contained in the verses offered. From the few skeletons preserved by Esquire McClellan, Mr. Morrison seems to have fallen into the lazy habits, still indulged in by some of our present preachers, of com- menting on quite a number of verses, instead of delivering a logical and prepared discourse on one theme. For instance, his fast-day sermon, June 13, on Matthew v, ist to the 9th, is stenographed thus: "This is Christ's sermon on the mount. He went up on a mountain,' some of the commentators say, because the law was given on a mountain. However, he made choice of this place to deliver his sermon. Verse 2 : He opened his mouth, expressive of deliber- ation, judgment, and authority, and taught. Verse 3 : This cannot mean poor in possession, as some allow, as some are poor and wicked ; but it means those children of God who are broken under a sense of guilt, whatever their external circumstances may be, but frequently it is that of middle circumstances. Verse 5 : The ' meek ' does not mean the external, affected pohsh which prevails ; it means a christian behavior, whereby he serves God as becometh Christians," &c., to the end. Perhaps we do injustice to Mr. Morrison's mem- ory by putting on record this " Chat band" style of preaching, but it is the only memorial, perhaps, in existence to throw any light on his pulpit services, not abilities, may be, as he could make a flaming political harangue. At a meeting of the German Reformed Synod, held at Read- ing, in May, the Reverend George Geistweit was licensed as a minister, and a call immediately presented him from the Shamokin churches. The congregations in all these regions had been vacant since the Reverend J. Rahauser left them, in 1792. Mr. Geistweit preached statedly at Selinsgrove, Sunbury, &c., and occasionally in Buffalo Valley, in the newly-built town of New Berlin, at Penn's creek, &c. He labored here until the year 1804, when he accepted a call to York, Pennsylvania. He died there, November 11, 1 83 1 , aged seventy years, and was buried in the Reformed grave-yard there. There are still (1857) some people living in the Valley who were confirmed and married by him, and speak of him with great affection and gratitude Doctor Harbaugh. Mr. Geistweit bears the enviable reputation of having been one of the kindest and most benevolent of men. It is reported of him 286 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1794. that, on one occasion, he even took the hat from his own head and gave it to a poor wanderer, whose destitute condition appealed to his charity. — Reverend D. Y. Heisler, Fathers German Reformed Church, volume 3, page 77. The Whisky Jnsurrecfion. September 30. The summer and fall of this year are noted for the excitement through the State, culminating in the whisky insur- rection. Some of the whisky boys determined to erect a liberty pole, at Northumberland; Judge William Wilson, of Chillisquaque, and Judge Macpherson, of Dry Valley, hearing of it, determined to prevent it. They called upon Daniel Montgomery, also "a justice, to assist them. He told them he would pull at the rope if the people required it. He, however, went with them, but rendered them no assistance in suppressing the disturbance. A fight took place ; Judge Wilson read the riot act, as he called it, to disperse the crowd, but they paid no attention to it. One of them presented his musket at the judge, but the old revolutionary captain cocked his pistol and made him put down the musket, under the penalty of having his brains blown out. They arrested the judge. He would not give bail, and they were afraid to put him to jail. In the melee, Jasper Ewing, the prothonotary, drew his pistol and snapped it at William Cooke. See the case reported in i ^eates, 419. Kennedy's Gazette, of 3d December, has General Henry Lee's proclamation to the people of western Pennsylvania, dated at camp, at Parkinson's ferry, November 8, in command of the troops of New Jersey, Mary- land, and Virginia. Also, an advertisement of Doctor Priestly's works, he was then publishing. Indictments were found versus Robert Irwin, Daniel Montgomery, John Frick, William Bonham, John Mackey, senior, and Samuel McKee. Mr. Meginness says they were tried in Philadelphia, con- victed, and sentenced, and that General Washington pardoned them at the end of twenty days. His account of the riot is, that the liberty pole was erected at the corner of Second and Market streets, in Northumberland. The arsenal was under care of Robert Irwin, (grandfather of the Nesbit brothers of Lewisburg.) The rioters took possession of the arsenal, and distributed the arms. The pole was driven full of nails, and guarded day and night. John Brady, 1794.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 287 junior, was deputy marshal, and a very determined man. A col- lision was imminent, when Captain Robert Cooke's company, from Lancaster, arrived, and dispersed the rioters at the point of the bay- onet. An axe was called for to cut the pole down. Mrs. Bernard Hubley came running with one, her sister, Mrs. Jacob Welker, met her and tried to take the axe. Mrs. Hubley got past her, and the pole came down. This company passed through Buffalo Valley. At Andrew Bill- myer's, a little beyond Lewisburg, a pole had been erected, but the report of the advancing troops got there before they did, and the pole was cut down and hid. The soldiers could not find it, and took their revenge in drinking up all the whisky, eating everything in the house, leaving word that Uncle Sara would pay the bill. Politics. By an act of the 2d of April, Dauphin and Northumberland con- stituted our congressional district, and by the act of the 2 2d of April, Northumberland, Luzerne and Mifflin our senatorial district, electing two members for the term of four years, and Northumber- land became entitled to three members of Assembly. Slates were at that early day made at Philadelphia, but usually smashed by the people. George Green writes from Philadelphia to Robert Irwin, September 24: ' ' Son Robert : I am at loss to know whether the county of North- umberland or the county of Mifflin, as I understand they are in one district, is entitled to one or two Senators. If two, Mr. Mar- tin, I hear, is to run in your county, and there is a certain Mr. John Culbertson mentioned in the other county. I look upon him as a good man, and if there are two for the district, I could wish the two above-mentioned to run- if but one for the district, you may act as you think proper. I think they are both good men. There are great preparations being made here for an army to go to the Fort Pitt country to subdue the rioters, as they are called. It appears to me to be a serious affair. How it will turn out only time can tell." The following schedule of election returns is printed in full, so as to show the strength of party in each election district in the county. I found it among Flavel Roan's papers, kindly loaned me by his nephew, Flavel R. Clingan, of Kelly township. 2S8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1794. 05 lO r^ CO on 1^ Tti © •puBjnv l^iui^d CO CD © o ■o •i!BJ£) UIBIXXI^ eo o 11' M (N CO (N O lO r^ QO '■^Pl^a aaqdo^siaqQ 1—1 o CO 'co~ rfi -QO U3 ~t^ CD (N T-H lO 02 •jasitstaaoqs ^ju8h to 04 1-1 lO (N CD CO ""co CO lO *^ CO IM ■o lO •^pBja; uqor eo 35 1-1 (N lO CO o ~CO~ o i-i CO 1^ (N CO 03 CD (M •uiMJti (^jaqoH: CO 1—1 1-1 TT 1^ C5 CO "* 1—1 05 r^ r— 1 00 1—1 lO . 00 lO ■*! •:noog ineq'Baqv ^ '^ i-t CO "~^co~ rfT 00 •^ •* 1— 1 »C on o in ,_^ i- . •95IOO0 lUBHIlAi 00 ^ 1-1 -^ CO Tt< !N 00 lO ^ (N o 1^ CO * eo co CO CO (M CO 05 cb t— 1 n c3 l>^ u > iA 1 P5 >> 6C C ,2 > p-l C 0/ 0) O 'bi) ft o c C3 ^ jr. C fV) DO c c CC ;- cS 1 «} 1^ w 1-1 p^ ^ is( e w T-l T 1799 Hartleton — Sketch of Colonel Thomas Hartley — Lists of Taxables — Martin Dkeisbach — Thomas Wilson. NDREW GREGG, Member of Congress. Samuel Dale and Samuel Maclay, Senators. Jacob Fulmer and Si- mon Snyder, members of the House. Henry Spyker, commissioned Justice of the Peace for East Buffalo, March 9 ; John Cummings, Beaver, December 6. Hartleton was laid out by Colonel Thomas Hartley, who owned the site and a considerable body of land around it. His first deed for a lot is dated March 28, 1799. There is no plan of the place on record. Colonel Hartley was a distinguished lawyer, born near Reading, September 7, 1748, admitted at York, July 25, 1769. He was lieutenant colonel of sixth Pennsylvania battalion, Colo- nel William Irvine, and commanded the battalion after Colonel Irvine's capture at Three Rivers. The anonymous letters published in Force's Archives, describing this campaign, were written by Col- onel Hartley. This battalion served one year. There were two additional regiments to the Pennsylvania line raised in the State in 1777, whose officers were to be appointed by General Washington. Colonel Hartley was appointed to one, and commanded, tempora- rily, a brigade at Brandywine. In 1778, his regiment was ordered into the West Branch valley. On the 13th of January, 1779, it was combined with the other additional regiment, Colonel John Patton's, under the name of eleventh, the old eleventh having been broken up; whereupon, February 13, Colonel Hartley retired from service, and Lieutenant Colonel Adam Hubley succeeded to the 316 1799.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 317 command of the eleventh. In 1783 he was a memb'er of the Coun- cil of Censors; in 1787, of the State Convention. In 1788, he was elected to Congress, and continued a member until his death, December 21, 1800. He died at York, aged fifty-three, and is buried in St. John's church-yard there. He left two children, Charles William Hartley, some time prothonotary of York county, and Eleanor, married to Doctor James Hall, afterward physician to the lazaretto, at Philadelphia. Among Taxables in White Deer — Awl, John ; Bennage, George ; Baughner, William ; Bellman, George ; Bennage, John ; Bower, Moses ; Covert, Isaac ; Covert, John ; Gottshall, Michael ; Linn, Charles ; Nees, Henry ; Orr, John ; Oliphant, Andrew ; Rauthraff, Henry ; Sheetz, Jacob. Single men — Chamberlin, Tenbrooke ; Davis, Stephen ; Luther, John ; Stahl, George ; and Rank, Adam. In West Buffalo — Christopher Johnston is taxed with grist and saw-mill; Peter Rote, grist and saw-mill ; Burrows, Aaron; Betz, Adam, tavern-keeper ; McClelland, James, miller at Barber's White Springs. He was a great joker, and his fun was still current among the old people when I began these Annals. Saunders, Henry ; Shively, Christian, son of John ; Webb, George, hatter ; Wilt, Adam; Wilt, George. In East Buffalo — Auple, Conrad ; Baker, Wendell, two mills ; Barber, Joseph, blacksmith ; Beatty, Ann, widow ; Betzer, Conrad, cordwainer ; Betting, Joseph ; Boyles, William ; Breyvogel, Jacob ; Christie, James ; Collin, John ; Cook, John, cabin ; Cornelius, John; Coser, Andrew; Ewing, Joshua; Eyer, John; Frederick, George, inn-keeper ; Gross, Jacob ; Hudson, William, mason ; Kinney, Martin ; Lehman, Tobias, two mills ; McKinley, Hugh ; Ness, Jonathan ; Nevel, Nicholas ; Oldt, John ; Poeth, Joseph ; Sherer, William, weaver ; Shout, Adam, shoe-maker ; Strayhorn, Nathaniel ; St. Clair, John ; Taylor, James Graham ; Taylor, Wil- liam, tailor ; Truitt, Andrew ; Watkins, Joseph, weaver ; Wetzel, Jacob ; Whitmer, Peter, blacksmith ; Wigton, John ; Wilson, Hugh, (Ridge;) Wright, John; Wolfe, Michael; Young, Jacob; Zeih- rung, John. Philip Callahan was one of the principal school-teachers in the ji8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1799. Valley. He had a large account at Henry Spyker's store for whisky and tobacco. The difficulty between Reverend Hugh Morrison and Honorable Samuel Maclay terminated in a suit for slander. Morrison vs. Maclay, loi August term; Evan R. Evans for plaintiff, Messrs. Moore, Cooper, and Roberts for defendant. It was regularly con- tinued until 1 817, when the clients and most of the lawyers had appeared before another bar. George Frederick started the first hotel at Buffalo Cross-Roads. In 1799, Miflfiinburg was the largest town in the Valley. Its resi- dents were Ayers, James, shoe-maker ; Bartges, Michael, nailor ; Barton, Kimber, tavern-keeper ; Black, William, shoe-maker ; Car- mony, John, shoe -maker; Carothers, Moses; Clarlc, Daniel, tanner; Clark, Adam, jobber ; Collins, Michael, jobber ; Crotzer, John, carpenter ; Crotzer, Jacob, tailor ; Derr Christian, joiner ; Dreis- bach, John, gunsmith; Earnhart, John, blacksmith; Eilert, Chris- topher, farmer; Ely, John, clock-maker; Evans, Nathan, saddler; Forster, James, tavern-keeper; George, Simon, laborer; Getgen, Ludwig, mason; Gibbons, John, joiner; Hassenplug, Henry, brewer; Herring, Adam; Herrington, Nathan, cooper; Holmes, Robert, store-keeper; Holmes, Jonathan, jobber; Irvine, John, store-keeper ; Layman, Michael, joiner ; Eighty, John, tanner ; Longabaugh, Henry, laborer; Moss, Patrick, jobber; Neel, Henry, tailor ; Paget, George, school-teacher ; Patterson, John ; Patton, Andrew, wheelwright ; Peters, Philip, carter ; Rockey, Jacob ; Rote, Widow; Rudy, Nicholas, tailor; Russ, Charles; Russ, George, tailor; Sampsel, Nicholas, wheelwright; Shock, Michael, carpenter; Shock, Jacob, blacksmith ; Skiles, James ; Van Buskirk, Richard, tavern-keeper ; Wagner, Christopher, farmer ; Webb, John, hatter ; Welker, Jacob, tailor; Welker, William, jobber; Young, Peter, shoemaker ; Youngman, Elias ; Youngman, George, post-master ; Youngman, Thomas, store-keeper. Additional Taxables in Penn's — Adams, John, weaver; Ander- son, Jacob, inn-keeper; Auple, Peter, inn-keeper; Balliet, Nicholas, tanner ; Bard, Jacob, skin-dresser ; Berger, Bostian, weaver ; Berry, John, potter ; Beyer, Christian, carpenter ; Bleiler, David, mill- wright; Bloom, Henry, weaver; Bowersox, George A., mason; Bower, Philip, inn-keeper; Boyer, John, blacksmith; Bryan, George, 1799.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 319 tailor; Bucher, John, blacksmith; Bull, Nicholas, tailor; Bum, Peter, saw-mill; Clymer, Isaac, shoemaker; Cooper, Martin, cooper; Dauberman, John, carpenter; Deitz, Jacob, blacksmith; Engel, George, weaver; Epler, John, nailor; Esterhn, Frederick, carpenter; Etzweiler, George, potter ; Filman, John, weaver ; Fisher, Peter, weaver- Frey, David, shoe-maker; Fuehrer, Joseph, tobacconist; Gaughler, Nicholas, gunsmith; Gemberling, Jacob, nailor; Gem- berling, George, carpenter; Giltner, Christian, carpenter; Grove, Richard, saddler; Grub, John, carpenter; Hackenberg, John, car- penter; Hager, John, died; Haines, John and George, wheelwrights; Harland, Thomas, miller; Holtzapple, Henry, miller; Hummel, Jacob, distiller; Hummel, Frederick, shoe-maker; Kelly, John, carpenter; Kratzer, Benjamin, shoe-maker; Kreider, Isaac, carpen- ter; Kuhn, Jacob, weaver; Leist, Andrew, mason; Long, Peter, shoe-maker; Maurer, John, nailor; Merkel, George, turner; Meyer, John, son of Stephen, shoe-maker; Meyer, Jacob, son of Stephen, tailor; Miller, George, tailor; Neaman, Peter, fiddler; Nelson, John, tailor; Oberdorf, Henry, mason; Oswald, John, tailor; Row, John and Frederick, masons; Rupp, George, carpenter; Shearer, Andrew, blacksmith; Shock, Jacob, blacksmith; Snyder, John, tailor; Snyder, George, shoe-maker; Snyder, George, inn-keeper; Snyder, Simon, junior, inn-keeper; Spade, George, mason; Straw, Andrew, hatter ; Stump, Jacob, shoe-maker ; Wales, James, mill- wright; Weiser, Benjamin, tailor; Weikel, Christian, tailor; Werhn, Michael, ferry and saw-mill ; Westman, Jacob, carpenter ; Witten- moyer, Michael, clock-maker; Wolf, Philip, millwright; Yoder, Henry, carpenter ; Yoder, Jacob, potter. Beaver, additional Residents, &-c. — Aurand, Daniel; Barlet, Ja- cob ; Blompon, Conrad, mill ; Cummings, John ; Fry, Jacob and Abraham; Gilman, Henry; Grosscope, Samuel; Heil, Daniel; Howell, John, fulling-mill; Lehr, William; Manning, Richard; Mid- dlesworth, John ; Miller, John ; Peters, Jacob ; Reigeldorf, Adam ; Romig, Joseph, mills; Rote, Jacob and John; Smith, Adam; Steele, Adam ; Sterninger, Dewalt ; Wise, John, miller; Zerns, Jacob, paper mill. Single Men— Uoyn, Henry, in a store with Henry Aurand ; Kern, Adam; Kern, Peter; Mussina, Zacharias ; Weber, John. At the October election, Thomas McKean received, in Northum- 320 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1799. berland county, 2,997 votes; James Ross, of Pittsburgh, 637 for Governor. Jacob Fulmer and Simon Snyder were the two highest candidates for Assembly, Fulmer havmg 3,569 ; Snyder, 3,047, ' Deaths. On the 1 8th of February, Martin Dreisbach, senior, aged eighty- two. He emigrated from Germany in 1752, and came into Buffalo Valley in 1773, having purchased from Doctor William Plunket the tract still owned by the Dreisbachs. He left four sons, Henry, Jacob, John, and Martin, junior. Henry went to Ohio in the year 1804, and laid out the town of Circleville. Jacob died on John Dunkle's farm. John lived and died at Mififlinburg. George, Ellis, and John were his sons. Martin, junior, died at his place, near the church. Martin, senior, was of the German Reformed faith, and donated seven acres of his place for church and grave-yard purposes. " The Dreis- bach Church" will be his memorial in all future time. One of his daughters married Henry Aurand ; another, Peter Fisher. Honor- able Martin Dreisbach, (third,) and Honorable John Dreisbach, for- merly of the State Legislature, are of his grandchildren. Philip Stahl, of White Deer. (He was a brother of Jacob.) His children were John, Jacob, Philip, and Peter. Thomas Wilson. February 23, Thomas Wilson, of East Buffalo. He lived on the Meixell place, (fair ground.) His grandfather was the first to pass the Boyne, when William of Orange defeated the Irish Papists. For his services he drew two hundred and sixty acres of land. He resided within a mile of Coats' Hill, county town of Cavan, in the north of Ireland. He owned a large body of land there, having sixty tenants. His son Thomas had but one child, Hugh, to whom his estates de- scended. The latter disliked living among the Papists so much, that he sold his estates, and came to America, and finally settled in the forks of the Delaware. Hugh bought twelve hundred acres of land of the Aliens, but lost six hundred, a superior title intervening. His farm in Northampton was owned, in 1844, by a man named Levan, had mills upon it, and is very valuable. In 1737, he, with Colonel 1799.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 321 Martin, laid out the town of Easton, and, with Judge Craig, organ- ized and held the first court held in Northampton county, in 1752. He left a large family. I. William Wilson, a merchant, in Philadelphia. He went to the West Indies, and died there. 2. Ann, married to Reverend Mc- Reynolds, of Deep Run, Presbyterian preacher. 3. Elizabeth, mar- ried to Captain William Craig. 4. Charles, father of Judge Hugh Wilson, of the Ridge, some of whose grandchildren are still in the Valley : Robert, a merchant at Mifflinburg ; Charles, a grand- son, is baggage-master on the Pennsylvania road, at Altoona. 5. Samuel. 6. Margaret, married to McNair. 7. Francis, went bacl^: to the old country, and returned an Episcopal minister ; settled near Mount Vernon, taught in General Lee's family, and was intimate in General Washington's family. His family called him ' ' Aun Boyne," to remind him that he had made too great concessions in becoming anEpiscopahan. 8. Thomas Wilson, whose death we are recording. He was twelve or thirteen years of age, when his father, Hugh, moved his family to America, making their emigration about 1730. He spent a great deal of his means purchasing flour, and forwarding it to the revolutionary army. He was paid in Continental money, and his loss on its depreciation was about seven thousand dollars, which reduced his circumstances very materially. He sold out his place in Northampton, moved to the Susquehanna, and bought the place now owned (1877) by Joseph Meixell's heirs, about one half mile from Lewisburg, where he died. His grave is under the steps of the Presbyterian church. It was not disturbed by the building, but the tombstones of himself and his son Francis, were removed to the Wilson lot, iA the Lewisburg cemetery. His widow, whose name before marriage was Elizabeth Hayes, moved, in 1803, with her sons, William and Thomas, to Beaver county, where she died in 181 8. Their children were Hugh, father of Francis Wilson ; Sarah, mar- ried to Richard Fruit, moved to Mercer county, died in the spring of 1 844 ; Eliazbeth, married to James Duncaa, of Aaronsburg ; she died in 1797 \ Mary, married to Jonathan Coulter, sheriff of Beaver county; William Wilson, died in Beaver, 1841; James Wilson, at- torney-at-law, died in New Orleans, 1 800 ; Margaret Wilson, mar- ried John Thomas, storekeeper, at Hartley, moved to Beaver ; Thomas Wilson, of Beaver, who died 6th July, i860, aged eighty- 21 322 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1800. five years; Colonel Joseph H. Wilson, of the one hundred and first Pennsylvania, who died near White House, Virginia, July ii, 1862, was his son. He had been district attorney of Beaver county, and a member of the Legislature. Thomas Wilson left ten children, resid- ing in Beaver county. 1800. Inhabitants of New Berlin and Lewisburg — Sketches of the NoRTnuM- BEELAND CoUNTY BaR DaNIEL SmITH, EvAN RiCE EvANS, ChARLES HaLL, &c. OVERNOR, Thomas McKean. Members, Simon Snyder, Jacob Fulmer. September 24, Daniel Levy, Esquire, commissioned Prothonotary, &c., vice Jasper Ewing, deceased. October 23, Henry Vanderslice commissioned Sheriff. Brigade Inspector, Frederick Lazarus. List of Inhabitants of New Berlin in 1 800. Beatty, William; Beatty, Hugh; Berger, Philip, potter; Clark, John; Cook, James; Gill, Isaac; Grove, George, saddkr ; Herman, Philip, carpenter; Myer, George, weaver; Myer, George, tailor; Overmyer, Philip; Parks, James, Esquire, store -keeper ; Rearick," William ; Rethrow, Jacob ; Seebold, Christopher ; Smith, Peter, sailor ; Spaight, Adam ; Trester, Martin, carpenter ; Wagoner, An- drew, inn-keeper. List of Inhabitants of Lewisburg in 1800. Albright, Andrew, inn-keeper; Beatty, John; Black, James; Bole, Samuel, weaver; Byers, Charles; Clark, George, store-keeper; Dreisbach Jacob; Endsworth, Andrew, saddler; Evans, Joseph, 1800.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 323 joiner; Fairchild, Caleb, blacksmith; Grove, Adam.; Kemmel, Lawrence, tinsmith; Knox, George, tanner; Lawshe, John, tavern; Leisenring, John, potter ; McLaughlin, Hugh, tailor ; Metzgar, Daniel, saddler ; Metzgar, George, hatter ; Metzgar, John, store- keeper ; Miller, Valentine; Park, Thomas, tanner; Pollock, John, store-keeper ; Pollock, William, tailor ; Reed, Christian, joiner ; Shaffer, Mathias, carpenter ; Shearer, Richard, store-keeper ; Spyker, Henry, store-keeper; Stedman, WilHam, inn-keeper, Strickland, Timothy, carpenter; Troxel, Abraham; Wilson, Hugh, store-keeper. List of Single Freejnen in East Buffalo, in 1800. Anderson, Samuel; Baker, Jacob, fuller; Betzer, Peter, weaver Bolender, George ; Bracken, James ; Callahan, Patrick ; Callahan Philip ; Dale, Samuel ; Deratt, Daniel ; Dreisbach, Martin ; Finess John ; Forster John ; Forster, William ; Frantz, John, cordwainer Frantz, Jacob, weaver ; Frederick, George ; Hafer, Lewis ; Hartley Thomas, carpenter ; Hays, Philip, junior ; Hayes, William ; Hayes Patrick ; Keeth, Andrew ; McClay, William ; McClosky, William McQuhae, William; Markle, John, blacksmith; Morton, John Nickle, John ; Pollock, Edward ; Price, John, store-keeper ; Reedy Conrad ; Russell, Alexander ; Slater, Peter ; Smith, Benjamin Spyker, Peter ; Stahl, John, wheelwright ; Thompson, James ; Ward Thomas ; Ward, William ; Wise, John ; Wise, Daniel ; Wolf, John Yentzer, Christian. Sketches of the Northumberland Bar, by Charles Miner. " Daniel Smith, Esquire, a tall, delicate looking gentleman, always elegantly dressed. He turns pale and actually trembles as he rises to speak. You are interested by such exceeding modesty, and half fear he will not be able to go on. His voice breaks sweetly on the ear, and words of persuasive wisdom begin to flow, and now pour along in a rapid torrent. Ah! that is eloquence." He graduated at Princeton in 1787. " Evan Rice Evans, a heavy, stout gentleman, with a large head and florid complexion. His delivery rapid ; his words crowd upon each other as sometimes to choke utterance. He talks good sense. Why should he not ? His head has more law in it than half a mod- 324 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1800. ern library. He is a powerful advocate, with a good fee and an intricate case." He died in 1811. His daughter married Hugh Brady, Esquire, son of William P., of Indiana count/. "Charles Hall, Esquire. A very handsome man. His dress is rich, ruffles neatly plaited. Slow, distinct, and very pleasant in speaking. He prepares with care, and argues his cause with excel- lent skill." He came from Lancaster county. His wife was a Cole- man, owning a great estate, still called the Hall farms, above Muncy. " Honorable Thomas Cooper. Short round figure, stooping for- ward \ has a florid, high, English countenance and complexion. His forte is to seize two or three strong points, and present them forcibly to the court and jury. He never wearies by long speeches ; never uses a word, or an illustration, or an argument that is not to the purpose \ a man of extraordinary endowments and of most dis- tinguished genius." From John Binns' Autobiography I take some notices: When I came first to Northumberland, September i, 1802, there then resided Doctor Joseph Priestly, son, and family, and Thomas Cooper, Esquire, afterwards president judge in that district, and also president of the State College of South Carolina. He was fined and imprisoned for libel on President John Adams. The fine, with interest, was, on a petition of Doctor Cooper, refunded by a vote of Congress, many years afterwards, I think when General Jackson was President. The doctor wielded a powerful pen in favor of the general's election, and he was a man who rarely forgot to repay both partisans and opponents. Before Judge Cooper came to this country, he accompanied Mr. Watt, of steam engine memory, to Paris, and they took their seats in the French convention as rep- resentatives of the Manchester Philosophical Society. In 1820, Doctor Cooper resided in Philadelphia, as professor of chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania, and was a member of a club, with John Binns, which met every Monday evening at each other's houses. While here, he published his " Jurisprudence," and his edition of the "Institutes of Justinian." Binns says the first breach in their club was made by the removal of Doctor Cooper to South Carolina. His extensive knowledge, wit, and good humor were sufficient to instruct and enliven any society. His literary and scientific knowledge were of world-wide fame. His reply to "Burke's Invective" was inferior to no answer that was published. 1800.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 325 It took rank with those of Paine and Mackintosh. At the time he was printing that book, William Y. Birch was apprentice to the pub- lisher. He said, when Cooper stepped in to correct the proof, the printer would say, "We want more copy, sir," and Cooper would set down and write two or three sheets, and hand it to the printer without reading, much less correcting. He had a heart as warm and capacious as his mind was richly stored. He was my ardent and faithful friend for a period of nearly half a century. I have his 'portrait, taken when ninety years of age. He was a chemist of no common caliber ; admirable in compounding sauces and gravies, and enjoyed them very much. He was somewhat of a gourmand, yet he was never idle, and lived to the very advanced age of ninety- eight or ninety-nine, cheerful and polite to his last days. Miner mentions Daniel Levy, Thomas Duncan, and Charles Hus- ton, but makes no particular note of them. Daniel Levy was the survivor of these old-style lawyers, who always dressed in broad- cloth, wore queues, gold watch seals, and were eminently dignified and respectful. October 14. Bishop Newcomer again visits the Valley. " Crossed the West Branch at Northumberland with a great deal of trouble, and reached the house of Abraham Eyerly after dark. Next day he went to Brother Aurand's, where a great many people had col- lected and he and Brother David Snyder addressed them. On i6th, preached at John Rank's, in White Deer. 17th, at John Baer's. 1 8th, sacrament at Martin Dreisbach's ; rode twenty miles through the rain to get there. Held class meeting, and had a happy time. Text on Sunday, 19th, "For the time is come when judgment must begin at the house of God." Preached at Mr. Dreisbach's in the evening ; next day, at Mr. Walter's, and at night at a poor man's house, on Middle creek." At the presidential election in 1800, parties were clearly defined under the names of Federalists and Democrats. Kimber Barton, who lived at Mifflinburg, was assessor of United States taxes. The tax on window glass was very unpopular. The assessor had to go to each house and count the panes. Before he arrived, some people went to the trouble of taking out their glass and putting in paper. John Bower, father of Thomas Bower, of Middleburg, was married to a sister of Kimber Barton. 326 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1801. Deaths. Jasper Ewing, attorney-at-law, and late prothono'tary of the county, died. He was from Lancaster county. His library he left to his four nieces, daughters of General Edward Hand, of Lan- caster ; his fees to his nephews, John and Jesse Hand, together with his gun, fishing rod, and gold watch ; his cane to Charles Hall, Es- quire. He was adjutant of the first Pennsylvania, Colonel Hand, in July, 1776. In April, 1777, when Hand was promoted brigadier, and appointed to the command of the Western department, Ewing went -with him to Fort Pitt, as brigade major, and served as such during the years i 777-1778. 1801. Rejoicing at Jefferson's Election — Condition of the Reformed Church IN THE Valley. EMBERS of Congress, Andrew Gregg and John A. Hanna. Senators, Samuel Maclay and James Harris. Act of February 27, reduced the number to one. Mem- bers, Jacob Fulmer, Jesse Moore, Samuel Dale, and Simon Snyder. July 18, William Montgomery appointed Associate, vice Thomas Strawbridge, resigned. County Commissioners, John Metzgar, John Frick, and Abrani McKinney. February 27, Apportionment bill allows Northumberland one Senator and four members. Taxables, four thousand seven hundred and forty-four. Additio7ial Residents of East Buffalo — Robinson, William, John Lawshe, keeping the " Pennsylvania Arms," at Lewisburg. Additions to White Deer Township — Clingan, William, Esquire ; 1801.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 327 Cornelius, James; Espy, John, shoe-maker; Hafer, Lewis; Iredell, Seth, miller at White Deer mills; Linn, David; Long, Joseph; Lutz, Jacob ; Lutz, Samuel ; McGinnes, John ; McGinnes, James ; Marr, David; Saryey, Christiaii; Shuck, Andrew; Stillwell, Joseph; Weikel, George. George Wilt, of Cumberland county, bought the Narrows property of Michael Shirtz. His sons, Adam and George, came up and built a new mill, and jointly kept the hotel, afterwards kept by Roushs, Stitzers, &c. Adam Wilt and John Fisher, who formerly lived on Esquire Lincoln's place, ran arks out of Penn's creek, from 1810 to 1 81 8. Adam was the first man that ran Conewago falls with an ark, successfully. Products of the Valley then went down in the shape of whisky, linseed oil, &c. March 4, a meeting was held at Bethuel Vincent's, in Milton, to celebrate the inauguration of Thomas Jefferson. Colonel Kelly's toast was : " May this be the happy day to unite the hearts of all true Americans in their duty to God and our illustrious President. ' ' This year the road from Jenkins' mill to where it joins the Mifflin- burg and Lewisburg road, was laid out by Abraham Eyerly and Daniel Rees. Richard Sherer, postmaster at Lewisburg, advertises that the Phila- delphia mail arrived at Northumberland every Saturday at two, P. m., and returned on Sunday at six, a. m. The following sketch, taken from Doctor Harbaugh's Fathers, re- lates, of course, to the Reformed portion of Dreisbach church: The Buffalo church, now called Dreisbach, had, for some time, been in a very distracted condition, having the irregular attention of the irregular Pfruemer, called Frommer, but was, for the most part, closed entirely. The young men were growing up without adequate spiritual instruction, and the old members having passed through scenes of strife, had grown, to a great degree, indifferent. Seeing, however, at length, that religious matters were tending in a bad way, they awoke and saw that something must be done. Re- formed ministers being at that time few, and difficult to be secured, they thought they saw in Deitrich Aurand, who was still on his farm, a man who could be useful among them as a Reformed minis- ter. About the beginning of the year 1801 they came together, and unanimously and very cordially agreed to call upon him to 328 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1801. preach a sermon in that church, which he consented to do. The appointment was made. The day arrived. The people assembled in great numbers. The pews, the galleries, the isles, the doors, the lower windows, and even the grove in front of the church were crowded with listeners, anxious to hear the new preacher. Some, no doubt, came from motives of curiosity, but the greater portion were there with a true desire to hear the Gospel. " Never," says an eye witness, "^'have I seen a multitude so eager to hear the words of life." The sermon ended, he came down from the pulpit, and standing in the altar, he was soon surrounded by the "ancient men " of the church, who earnestly desired him to make another appoint- ment. The congregation, having, in the meantime, stood still, he announced that he would preach again as desired, appointing the time. The second sermon was attended by a still greater multitude of people, some coming from a distance of ten and fifteen miles. The day was pleasant. The organ, long silent, had been repaired by the skillful hands of Mr. John Betz, the school-master, and was made to accompany the hymns by Stophel Aupel. The theme of the preacher was the astonishing love of Jesus Christ, in condescending to come into the world to save sinners. The absolute necessity of timely preparation to meet death was earnestly and pathetically urged upon all present. Towards the conclusion, different classes were separately addressed and exhorted. The young were asked how the hope for a blissful eternity stood with them ? and they were entreated to seek the Lord early, and remember their Creator in the days of their youth. Then the preacher turned to those in middle life, and in words of melting tenderness and burning zeal, were they warned against delay, and urged to flee from the wrath to come. Finally he turned to the aged, among whom sat his own venerable father, crying with the deepest feeling. Oh ! you who are hoary-headed, how stands the matter between you and your God ? You stand already with one foot in the grave, and in a few more days Avill sink into it, and have no more any portion forever in all that is done under the sun. You have, through a long life, enjoyed the mercies and favors of your kind Heavenly Father. Have you served Him with full sub- mission to His will, and loved Him supremely? and have you the assurance that you are reconciled to Him, through His dear Son 1801.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 32g Jesus Christ ? If so, oh ! then it will be well with you. But, if this has not been done, oh ! then, I now entreat you, as you value the ever- lasting rest and peace of your souls, do not delay, but accept the offers of mercy in Christ, our dear Redeemer. " Such," says one who was present, "was the spirit and substance, and such, as near as I can recollect, even the closing words of this never-to-be-forgotten sermon. It made a deep impression upon me as a youth, and I re- member distinctly of having seen his own father, and such men as the Dreisbachs, the Dunkels, the Barnharts, the Betzs, the Good- mans, and others, bathed in tears. " He was unanimously elected pastor, and the congregation of New Berlin joined with them in the call, which he agreed to accept. He had been licensed by the "Brethren," but was not yet ordained or even licensed by the Synod. He began, however, to catechise in the Dreisbach church, and large numbers attended, whom he con- firmed, baptizing such as had not been. " Never since that day, " says an aged eye-witness, "have I witnessed such solemnity and strong feeling as on that day of the consecration of those youth, and the next day at communion." On the 3d of May the Synod met at York, and a request was made by the congregations of Buffalo Valley and New Berlin for the examination and ordination of Mr. Aurand. The matter, however, was deferred, principally at his own request, until he might improve himself. He, however, continued to preach to the congregations of Buffalo Valley and New Berlin, until his removal to Huntingdon county, in October, 1804, where he founded the congregation of Water street. He died near there, on the 24th of April, 1831, aged seventy years five months and sixteen days, and is buried in front of Zion's church, at Water street. November 1 1 , Reverend Hugh Morrison regularly dismissed from the Presbyterian congregation at Buffalo Cross-Roads. Marriages. September 27, by William Irwin, Esquire, Jacob D. Breyvogel, printer, of Sunbury, to Susanna Baldy, daughter of Colonel Chris- topher Baldy, of Buffalo. November 19, by Reverend Bryson, William Kirk, of Turbut, to 330 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1801. Miss Jane Knox, of Lewisburg, and Daniel Dreisbach, merchant, to Katy Dreisbach, both of Lewisburg, "Whosoever findeth a good wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the Lord." Deaihs. Sunday, September 20, Colonel Frederick Antes, of Northumber- land, died at Lancaster, buried in the German Reformed church- yard. John Thompson, of Buffalo, died. His children, James, Benjamin, Rachel Lincoln, Susanna Patterson, and Sarah Piper. John Reznor, West Buffalo, leaving a widow, Rebecca, and chil- dren, John, George, Agnes, &c. November 4, Mrs. Jean McClure, buried on the 5th, in the Pres- byterian yard, Lewisburg. She left fourteen children, one hundred and ten grandchildren, one hundred and forty-eight great-grand- children, and four great-great-grandchildren; total, two hundred and seventy-six. Thirty-six of them attended the funeral . She was of an amiable, benevolent, and friendly disposition, and might be called a true christian. — Kennedy'' s Gazette. i8o^. Residents in Freeburg, Middleburg, &c. — St. Peter's Church, in Kelly, and Ray's Church Built — Tabular Statement of Election Returns — Death of Joseph G-reen. ENATOR, SAMUEL MACLAY ; elected Speaker of the Senate, December 7. On the 14th of December he was elected United States Senator. Members, Jesse Moore, Jacob Fulmer, Daniel Montgomery, and Simon Snyder. County Treasurer, Christopher Dering. County Commissioner elect, Flavel Roan. Andrew Albright, Postmaster, Lewisburg. Hotels: Adam Wilt, Narrows ; Richard Van Buskirk, Youngmans- town ; C. Baldy, Cross-Roads ; Isaac Latshaw, Lewisburg ; John Metzgar, Andrew Albright, at the ferry. Residents in Straubstown, or Freeburg. Alspice, Doctor Henry ; Felmly, Jacob \ Hackenberg, Michael, joiner; Long, Peter; Moore, Andrew; Moore, Philip; Myer, Mi- chael ; Myer, Jacob, son of Stephen ; Myer, George ; Nagle, John ; Reigert, Paul; Roush, John, tan-yard; Rupert, John; Schock, Jacob ; Smith, John, weaver ; Straub, George, son of Peter ; Stump, Abraham ; Weaver, Michael. Swinefordstown — Aurand, John, joiner; Epler, John; Fry, David, shoe-maker ; Fry, Jacob, senior ; Kennel, Mark ; Lechner, Jacob, inn-keeper ; Leist, David ; Mertz, Isaac ; Mussina^ Zacha- rias; Nelson, John; Smith, Martin, cooper; Smith, Robert ; Spade, 331 332 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1802. George ; Spade, David ; Swineford, George ; Weller, John ; Wiant, Michael; Wittemyer, Michael, clock-maker. Selinsgrove a?id Weisertown — Clymer, Isaac ; Drum, Charles ; Dusing, John ; Etzweiler, George ; Fisher, Peter ; Four, Joseph, weaver; Gaughler, Nicholas; Gemberling, Charles; Gettig, Fred- erick; Good; Adam; Hegins, Charles, tavern; Hughes, Widow ; Kemerer, Christian ; Krider, Isaac ; Laudenslager, Valentine, tavern; Meyer, Widow ; Mewhorter, Henry, tanner ; Myer, Jacob ; New- mauer, Michael ; Oberdorf, Henry ; Price, Thomas ; Rhoads, Fran- cis; Rhoads, Henry; Rhoads, Daniel; Reim, Nicholas; Robins, Alexander, tailor ; Roop, George ; Silverwood, James ; Snyder, Simon ; Tryon, Frederick ; Ulrick, George. Mahantango Township — Bergstresser, John, millwright ; Christ, Valentine ; Derstein, Michael ; Gordon, Willis ; Hagerty, Robert ; Heimback, George and Jacob ; Holtzapple, Widow ; Light, Adam ; Richter, Widow ; Richter, John ; Stees, Frederick, adds fulling- mill and smith shop ; Walter, Conrad. Additional Residents in East Buffalo — Barbin, Joseph ; Bellman, Henry; Benner, John; Bickle, Leonard; Billmyer, Jacob ; Bill- myer, George; Brouse, Peter; Cummings, James; Coser, Andrew; Dale, James ; Dale, Samuel, junior ; Dreisbach, John, gunsmith ; Dreisbach, John, carpenter ; Elder, Robert, on John Kelly's place ; Freeman, Widow, on John Wiggin's place ; Hull, Thomas, on Conrad Reedy's place ; Irwin, Andrew ; Jodon, James, on Andrew Struble's place ; Maclay, William P. ; Maclay, Charles ; Markley, John, junior ; Messinger, John ; Reedy, Andrew ; Shoemaker, Jacob ; Slough, Christian ; Tietsworth, Jacob, on Simington's place ; Wolfe, George Wendell ; Winegarden, Peter ; Young, Abraham. Lewisburg — Brice, John ; Donachy, John, weaver ; Franklin, Daniel; Hartley, Thomas, carpenter; McKinty, Barney; Russell, David, mason. ' Neiv Berlin — Himmelreich, Peter ; Mussina, Zacharias ; Rem- inger, Peter, shoe-maker ; Speddy, Jeremiah, shoe-maker. White Deer — Armstrong, John, on Margaret Blythe's place ; Bayard, Benjamin ; Blackeney, John ; Bowers, John ; Bowers, Bar- bara, widow ; Criswell, Joseph ; Espy, John, shoe-maker ; Lawshe, John, still-house, on George Derr's place; Marr, David, on Riddle's place ; Servey, Christian ; Weikel, George. 1802.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 333 Improvements — John Hoffman, saw-mill ; Seth Iredell, three- story stone grist-mill, Anthony Morris having recovered the pro- perty of the Widow Smith. The mill had two pair of overshot wheels. A new saw-mill was added, stone dwelling-house and barn were on the premises, and an excellent shad fishery. West Buffalo — Baxter, Robert: Blunbaum, Conrad; Boop, John: Boop, Davidson, George ; William ; Deal, Henry ; Deering, Christo- pher ; Englehart, George ; Gill, Isaac, on Robert Barber's place ; Gutelius, Frederick, cooper ; Heise, Solomon ; Imhoof, John 3 Leberick, George, tanner; Shultz, Daniel; Smith, Melchior, saw and hemp-mill on Laurel run ; Spigelmoyer, John. The stone house on Mather's place, in Limestone township, built. Si. Peier's Church. The church known as St. Peter's Lutheran church, in Kelly, was built upon land donated by Philip Stahl. Jacob Lotz, his executor, by deed, dated August 13, 1802, recorded at Sunbury, in deed book L, pages 712-713, conveys to Christian Zerbe and George Reininger seven acres and ninety-one perches, in Kelly to\\Tiship, in trust to and for the use of building or erecting a school-house and a German Lutheran church on the same, and for a burying-ground, by the fol- lowing bounds and measures : beginning at a line of Henry Neese ; thence S. ^Z^ W. 78, to a post; thence S. 2° E. 22, to a post; thence N. 80° W. 80 perches, to a post; thence N. 2° W. 11, to beginning. Ray's Church. Ray's church, in Lewis, was founded by a gift of one acre of land by Mr. Ray. The first church was never finished. The timbers furnished seats in the gallery up to the time of the building of the new church. September 24, Bishop Newcomer again visits the Valley, preached in Youngmanstown and at Aurand's. 25th, quarterly meeting com- menced at Martin Dreisbach's. Brother Kempt preached the first discourse, and Brother Farley, a Methodist, spoke in English. Republican standing committee, General William Montgomery, 334 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1802. Henry Vanderslice, Simon Snyder, Robert Giffen, and Christopher Baldy. April 2, Northumberland, Lycoming, and Centre made a congressional district. September 16, meeting of delegates at John Metzgar's, in Lewisburg, John Barber, chairman. Nominated An- drew Gregg for Congress. Saturday, i8th. The following delegates met in convention at Lewisburg, at Metzgar's hotel : Augusta, Charles Maus ; Shamokin, Jesse Simpson \ Point, Robert Irwin ; Chillisquaque^ James Straw- bridge ; Mahoning, Mathew Collum ; Penn's, Charles Drum; Derry, George Langs; Turbut, Bethuel Vincent; West Buffalo, John Dreis- bach ; East Buffalo, Andrew Albright ; White Deer, Andrew McLan- achan. Thomas McKean nominated for Governor ; Samuel Maclay, for Senator; Jesse Moore, Jacob Fulmer, John Bull, and Daniel Montgomery, junior, for Assembly; Solomon Markley and John Wilson for Coumiissioners. ELECTION BETUIiNS, 1802. GtOV'NB. 1 CON 1 SEN 03 ASSEMBLY. DISTRICTS. a 00 6 3 s 'CD a ft 02 OS pel ^ 9 1 8th. Shearer, McClure, and Fruit returned with their wagons from Piiiladelphia ; away above three weeks. 21st. Mrs. Stedman died. Sun edipsed. Harris and Wilson's families had a social hop at Hugh Wilson's. 25th. Ball at Colonel Baldy's. 28th. Frolic at Billy Poak's to-night. Tuesday, i. March comes in Hke a lion. Thinking about Billy Poak's. 3d. Breakfasted at George Clark's, with McCord, Dale, James Dunlap, and Mrs. Young. Taggart called with a petition to sell the old jail. 6th. Mrs. McLanachan buried. 8th. At L's in the evening ; about twenty playing cards there. 9th. With Squire Kelly, Hayes, Gray, Clarke, and Colonel Baldy, at Billy Poak's. loth. Quit school-keeping, and moved my things to Caleb Fairchild's. nth. William Brady's barn burned; seven horses and two cows burned. Spent the evening with Foster's girls, at Dunlap's. James Thompson came there in the evening. 13th. Richard Sherer's wife had another daughter. Mr. Jackson preached at Buffalo Cross- Roads. 15 th. John W. Clark very sick. I went down for the doc- tor ; not at home ; he and Mr. Jackson at Stedman's. Stayed until all was blue ; good company. Deaths. James Jenkins, of East Buffalo, aged forty, buried at Northumber- land, father of Miss Harriet, still living at Northumberland. He left a widow, Sarah. Children : Thomas S., Mary, Sarah, Harriet, and Ehzabeth. i8o4. Contemporary Notices of the People of the Valley — Henry Spyker's Form of Writing Their Wills — Doctor Joseph Priestly — Colonel William Cooke. JACOB FULMER, Senator; Speaker of the House, Simon Snyder. Sheriff, Andrew Albright. County Commis- sioner, George Bright. East Buffalo, Additional Residents — Brown, John j Bucher, John, ferry ; Dimpsey, James ; Frederick, Jacob ; Gibbons, WilUam ; Hill, Daniel ; Kremer, Frederick ; Lloyd, John ; Pan- coast, William ; Reichly, Conrad ; Renner, Frederick ; Shock, Peter ; Swinehart, Henry ; Wormly, George. Single men : Lin- coln, John ; Machamer, Daniel ; Morton, Edward. White Deer — Gillespie, Edward ; High, Jacob ; Laird, William ; Robb, Eleanor ; Robb, James, blacksmith \ Smith, Boyd. West Buffalo — Gable, Jacob ; Glasgow, William ; Glover, John, taxed with a slave ; Jones, Ezekiel ; Miller, John; Mingle, Andrew ; Reeser, William ; Roush, Jacob ; Roush, George ; Royer, John, smith ; Spiegelmyer, John, junior ; Thomas, William. The David Smith mill passed into the hands of Robert Barber, Esquire. Thomas Frederick, who had been of the rangers, in the Revolution, and whose name appears on the tax-hst in 1782, settled originally on the Thomas Paschall tract, (on Laurel run, lately owned by George Fees,) where he built a saw-mill, and made considerable money farming and rafting down Penn's creek. He sold out to Ezekiel Jones, and moved to Ohio this year, where he founded the town of Fredericks- burg, Wayne county, Ohio, and built the first mill there. 340 1804.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. j^/ Michael Brown's Recollections, &c. John Brown, father of Abraham, Michael, &c., came to the Valley this spring from Pine Grove township, Berks county. He bought the Andrew Edge warrantee, (late Michael and Christian Brown, Getz, &c.,) of Henry Spyker, for £S per acre. There was then an old log cabin on it, in which Peter Spyker, son of Henry, lived. Michael Brown, late county commissioner, who was then seven years old, stated that he had eight children when he came, John, who went to Ohio; Elizabeth, married to Simon Christ, moved to Ohio; Christena, married to PhiHp Frederick; Peter, who went to Ohio ; Abraham, lately deceased ; William, Christian, Michael, and Jacob. Their mother died in 1806, the father, 1838, and both are buried in the Dreisbach grave-yard. He was born in Pennsylvania, served in the Revolution, was in the battle of Brandywine. His father came from Germany. Our neighbors were Lorentz Barn- hart, who lived where Peter Getz lives ; Kreighbaum, at David Schrack's ; Christopher Weiser had a fulling-mill where Peter Wolfe now lives ; Henry Poeth, father of old Henry, late of Lewisburg, was the sole inhabitant of Smoketown, which was a part of Spyker's land. He made there all the brick that were used in Lewisburg. Edward Morton lived where A. Frederick's barn now is ; Bailey on R. Laird's place ; John Zellers, where Samuel lately lived ; John Aurand, on the Aurand place, now owned by John Zellers ; Chris- tian Gundy lived where John W. Brown now lives. From our place to Derrstown only ten acres were cleared where George Wolfe now lives. The road commenced at Spyker's, (now James S. Marsh's,) at the river, passed through part of the cemetery, the lane at Chamberlin's, came out at George Wolfe's, passed through Smoke- town, skirted the ridge at Elli^ Brown's and along by Morton's, (Schrack's now,) crossed the present pike above Beale's tavern; that, with the road to the cross-roads and the one up along the river, were the only three roads I recollect of. Jacob Musser lived on Meixell's place. The streets in Lewisburg were laid out, but the lots not fenced in. Black had a ferry near the dam. Valentine Miller was the undertaker of that day. John Beeber, lately living at Lewisburg, told me he came with his father this year to get a wagon at Jacob Stahl's, near the Union church. He was the wagon-maker 342 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1804. of the day. People came from Muncy and all around the country to get wagons made by him. He said, also, the locusts were so plenty, that while riding along with his father above Milton, they made so much noise he could not hear what his father said. At Miller's place they crossed the ferry ; were polled over by two of George Hoffman's daughters. Ernhart, at Mifflinburg, ironed their wagon. John Stahl had one son, Enos, and a daughter, Salome, married David Herbst. Charles Hall, Esquire, built the stone house and barn now owned by Martin Rishel's heirs. Daniel Shappell moved into the house as tenant. June 2 2, fast day. Mr. Bryson lectured in the morning. Mr. Dunham preached in the evening. On 26th of July, Mr. Hood arrived. He introduced Watts' ver- sion of the Psalms. Members were offended on that account, and whether he would accept the call or not was doubtful. Reverend Mr. Morrison died September 13, and in December Mr. Hood again visited the congregation, and it was understood that he would accept the call. In December there was great rejoicing over the election of Presi- dent Jefferson. Maclay's boys went to Derrstown, where they had large bonfires, fired cannon, and burned up their hats. Old Judge Wilson and Nathan Stockdon took the back road home by Baldy's, at the cross-roads. Their dearborn was loaded with china and crockery. Getting a little too much cider oil on, they upset at the little bridge, a few rods east of the hotel. The broken china and crockery laid there for years after. Abel Owen lived near Rengler's. He was a lame man, but could Avhip any man in the Valley, so it was said. John Betz kept school at the Dreisbach church school-house. He and wife were celebrated as a very handsome couple. Marriages. March 27, by Reverend John Patterson, William Thompson to Susan, daughter of John Linn. Deaths. Knowing something by tradition of the prominent characters of these 1804,] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 343 times, the highly pious strains in tlieir dying testimonies somewhat startled me. On examination, however, I fomid they were all writ- ten by Henry Spyker, Esquire, and from the mouths of all, saints and sinners, flowed his churchly rhetoric: " I commend my soul into the hands of God, hoping, through the merits of my Saviour's sacrifice, for the remission of my sins and a happy admission into heaven." February 6, Doctor Joseph Priestly, aged seventy-one. Epitaph : '' Return unto thy rest, oh my soul, for the Lord hath dealt bounti- fully with thee. I will lay me down in peace, and sleep until I awake in the morning of the resurrection." His remains were re- moved to the' new cemetery, near Northumberland, a {t\Y years since. Binns, in his Autobiography, says Doctor Priestly published nearly one hundred moderate sized octavo volumes, on a great variety of subjects. He had an extensive library and chemical labo- ratory. He rose early, retired at ten, p. m. He slept on a cot in his library. (His wife died September 11, 1796, aged fifty-five.) He played chess and back-gammon, a few games nearly every day. Some time before his death, when he was very ill, I occasionally sat with him during the night, in a large arm chair by his cot. He was then writing and I was publishing his " History of the Christian Church," in six volumes. The fourth or fifth volume was printed. "I should," said he, "have been gratified if it had pleased God to spare me to finish my History of the Church. I should have nothing more on earth to do or regret at leaving undone." He recovered so far as to finish and correct the proof of his history. Some months after, when very feeble, at the dead hour of the night, he asked me if I had recollected what he said about the history. I said I did. He said I wished to remind you of it, and to say that I have now nothing unfinished — nothing that I feel uneasy about, and I am ready to depart when I am called hence. Some hours after, sur- rounded by his family, he departed. On his death bed he expressed himself to me, in substance, as follows: "Reflecting on the Divine love of the Creator, and the felicities of a future state, I have thought that when the immortal portion of the human frame should be called hence, that it would be conveyed to a region of blissful enjoyment, proportioned to its capacity and preparation, there to remain until, from its superior opportunities and acquirements, it should become 344 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1804. better prepared and more capable of yet subliiTier and more spiritual enjoyments; whence, through Divine mercy and love, it would* from time to time, be removed from one region of bliss to a higher, and yet a higher, until it should attain the most sublime and perfect state of felicity, of which our most improved nature should be made susceptible ; enjoyments becoming more and more blissful without end." It will be noticed that Binns wrote his Autobiography in 1854, and asks for reasonable allowance for the errors of an octo- genarian. He continues : " Doctor Priestly told me he had written four volumes of commentaries on the laws of England, which were burned by the " church-and-king " mob in Birmingham, 1791 and 1792." February, Daniel Rees of Buffalo. April 16. Died on Monday last, (April 16,) at his country seat, adjoining Harrisburg, in the sixty-eighth year of his age, William Maclay, Esquire, a member of the Legislature of this State. April — . Colonel William Cooke, twelfth Pennsylvania. His children were John, (father of Jacob Cooke, of Muncy, Robert, of Howard, Centre coimty;) Rebecca Stedman; Jane, married to Wil- liam P. Brady, son of Captain John ; Mary, married to Robert Brady, brother of the former; Sarah McClelland, and William, father of William L. Cooke, of Northumberland. May 8, Margaret, wife of Mathias Alsbaugh, born May 27, 1759. June 5, Thomas Forster, aged fifty-eight. (Major in the Revolu- tion.) September 13, Reverend Hugh Morrison, aged forty-eight. His wife died in April, aged forty-nine. They are both buried in the old yard at Sunbury. They left five children : Mary Ann, who after- wards married Andrew Hutchinson, and who died in Lewisburg, October 18, 1868, aged eighty-two; Isabella, married to Isaac B. Jones; Eliza, John, and Jane. In 1822, these heirs sold their father's place in Buffalo to Conrad Dunkle, whose descendants still own it. Eliza willed ter all to the Presbyterian church, at Lewis- burg. (I saw her broken tombstone lying about the church not long since.) September 27, Honorable Samuel Dale, aged sixty-three, and left a widow, Eliza, who died April 23, 1835. Children : Judge Samuel Dale, of Lancaster; William Dale, Chillisquaque ; James Dale, 1805.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 345 Esquire, late of Lewisburg • Ann, afterwards married to John Ma- clay ; Elizabeth, afterwards married to Aaron Chamberlin ; Marga- ret Simonton, late of Lewisburg, deceased. In his will, he speaks of the black girl, "Dinah," belonging to his wife. Dinah was liv- ing within our recollection. October 16, Esther Laughlin, wife of Adam Laughlin, of West Buffalo. Michael Buttorf, of White Deer. Peter Swartz, of White Deer. Eve Iddings, wife of William. John Simpson, former register and recorder. His handwriting looks like copper-plate engraving. He was succeeded by his son, Jeremiah, in 1798. Jacob Dreisbach, of Buffalo. Jacob Brunner, of West Buffalo, (now Limestone.) Deitrich Wertz, of White Deer. A 1805. Sudden Adjournment of the House of Representatives — Ordination of Reverend Thomas Hood — First Acadamy built at Lewisburg — Duel between John Binns and Samuel Stewart — Political Parties in 1805. NITED States Senator, Samuel Maclay. Member of Congress, Andrew Gregg. Speaker of the House, Simon Snyder. Members elected in October, Robert Smith, Leonard Rupert, John Bull, and Abraham Mc- Kinney. Register and Recorder, John Boyd, commissioned De- cember 20. Christopher Seebold, commissioned Justice of the Peace for East Buffalo, January 7. 34(> ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1805. Prices, February i8, flour, $\\ 50 to $12 per barrel ; wheat, 13^-. 6^., and will keep up, as a war between England and Spain is almost certain ; Rye is 5^. (yd. to ds. ; flax seed, 9 to 91^. — Thomas Stubbs, Middletown. May 28, flour very dull, seUing from wagons on the streets at $10 50, at |ii on credit; but price is ^11 50 to $11 75. — G. & W. G. Latimer, Philadelphia. A road was laid out in April, from the west line of Andrew Bill- myer's, by Mary Harris', to intersect the road from Derrstown to Japhet Morton's. This is the road from Kephart's to the turnpike, past W. L. Harris.' Hugh Wilson, Daniel Rees, and John Brice were the viewers. For a singular freak of a Buffalo Valley boy, I quote from Binns' Autobiography : " During the session of 1804-5 ^ ^^'^.s in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, at Lancaster, when a well-dressed young man, of a respectable family from Northumberland county, about the dusk of the evening, threw open the inner door, and en- tered the body of the House. In a loud, clear and distinct voice he said : ' Mr. Speaker, I am charged by the Lord God with a message to this House, to direct them forthwith to pass a law for the removal of the seat of government from Lancaster to the top of the Blue Hill.' Many of the members called out, 'Turn him out.' Instantly the door-keeper and sergeant-at-arms, both elderly men, one at each side, seized the intruder by the collar of his coat to eject him from the House, upon which he tripped up their heels, and left them both sprawling on the floor. A motion to adjourn was promptly made and carried. The young man, who was laboring under insanity, remained three days about Lancaster, then started for home on horseback. It is said and believed that he never drew bit until he arrived home, a distance of one hundred and fifteen miles. In a few minutes after he arrived, the horse dropped dead." — See Roan's Journal, May 20, 1809. Mr. Hood at Buffalo. Mr. Hood preached at Buffalo from the ist of April. He was ordained on the 2d of October. Mr. Stewart preached the ordina- tion sermon from i Corinthians ix: 16 : " For though I preach the Gospel, I have nothing to glory of," &c. Mr. Bryson gave the 1805.1 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 347 charge to the people. Mr. Hood's first sermon after was from Ro- mans V, 5 : " And hope maketh not ashamed." In which he showed the nature and advantages of evangehcal hope, and the amazing dif- ference between the life of the believer and that of the hypocrite. His salary was fixed at ^220 per year. In May, a resolution was passed to raise it to $300, but not carried out, as in 1809-10-11-12 he was still paid but ^220. September 5, trustees elect of Buffalo— George Knox, Gideon Smith, Andrew McClanachan, James McClellan, Christopher John- ston, Robert Forster, Adam LaughHn, and Hugh Wilson. Removals out of the bounds— Tenbrooke Chamberlin, John Clarke^JiHwor, Joseph Gilliland, Thomas Sutherland, and William Thompson, junior. In 1805, among the names of members of Dreisbach's congrega- tion, occur : Barnhart, Lorentz; Heinly, John ; Reber, John; Reedy, Andrew ; Ream, George ; Spyker, Peter ; Wormley, George ; Zel- ler, Benjamin ; Zeller, John. The log cabin academy built by subscription. It occupied the pres- ent site of the parsonage of the Presbyterian church in Lewisburg. Doctor Charles Byers was the principal physician of Lewisburg and vicinity. Binns and Stewart Duel. The duel between John Binns and Samuel Stewart is noteworthy as being one of the last fought upon the soil of Pennsylvania, and on account of the prominence of the actors, having special influence in causing^ the passage of the act of 31st March, 1806. The duel was fought on Sunday, the i6th of December. Tradition says Stewart spent the night before at Andrew Albright'fe tavern, in Lewisburg. I extract a circumstantial account of it from John Binns' Autobiogaphy : On Saturday, November 5, 1805, while I was in the public ball alley, at Sunbury, with a bat in my hand, tossing a ball against the wall, waiting for Major Charles Maclay to play a game, a very tall, stout stranger came to me, and said, "My name is Sam Stewart, of Lycoming county ; your name, I understand, is John Binns, and you are editor of the Republican Argus ^ I replied, " Iwas." " I wish to know who is the author of the letters published in that paper 34S ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1805. signed 'one of the people.' " ''For what purpose," said I. He re- plied, "There are remarks in one of them which reflect on my char- acter, and I must know the author." I declined to tell him, but said if there was anything untrue it should be corrected. He was standing on my left, and instantly threw his left arm across my breast, and with it held both my arms tight above the elbows, and, at the same time, threw his right arm across the back of my head, violently pushing his forefinger into the corner of my right eye, evidently with the intent to tear it out of my head. I struck him with the bat with all my strength, when he left go his hold, seized me about the waist, and endeavored to throw me down. We were separated by Major Maclay and others, who came into the alley. In his effort to gouge out my eye, he left a scar which will accompany me to my grave. The ball alley was attached to Henry Shaffer's hotel. I went into the hotel and wrote a note : SuNBURY, November 2, 1805. After threatening me like a bravo, you have attacked me like a ruffian. Some satisfaction ought to be rendered for such conduct. If you have the spirit and courage to meet me as a gentleman, and will appoint time and place, and meet me with pistols, accom- panied by a friend, what has passed shall be overlooked by John Binns. Samuel Stewart, Esquire. To this note Mr. Stewart returned a verbal answer, "that he was going to the city, but would be back in two or three weeks." On the 13th of December, a note was handed me by Mr. Andrew Kennedy, printer of the Northumberland Gazette : Northumberland, December 13, 1805. When I received your challenge I was on my way to the city, and had it not in my power to meet you ; but now I am here, ready to see you. You will, therefore, mention the time and place, and you will have it in your power to try my spirits, that you so much doubted. It must be immediately. Let me hear from you. Samuel Stewart. I replied that as soon as I could get Major Maclay here I would be ready. That I had sent for him, expected him that evening, and the meeting could be the next morning. On the evening of the 1805.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 349 13th, a friend informed me that application had been made to a magistrate for a warrant of arrest, to bind me over to keep the peace. I immediately wrote a note : Saturday Morning. Sir : — I have just heard that application has been made to a mag- istrate to prevent our meeting. I write to request that you will instantly appoint some other place, say Derrstown, Milton, or any other place more convenient to you, where my friend and myself will attend. I then wrapped a pair of pistols in my overcoat pocket, walked about half a mile to the house of William Bonham, where I directed my horse, and any note that came, should be forwarded. Major Maclay soon arrived, and, after giving him a full statement of the occurrences, he went to Northumberland to settle the time and place. While we talked in the back room, the constable rapped and inquired if I was in the house. He was told I had gone up the road. On Mr. Maclay's return, he told me the meeting was to be at seven o'clock the next morning, at the end of a fence behind Lawshe's house, opposite Derrstown, where we agreed to sleep that night. We were on the ground at seven o'clock, just in the gray of the morning. In a few minutes we saw Mr. Stewart and Mr. Kennedy coming down the lane. After mutual salutations, Mr. Maclay pro- posed that we should cross the swamp, and retire to a more private place, where the ground was perfectly clear. Mr. Kennedy proposed that the parties should settle the distance. I objected, that being the duty of the seconds. Mr. Maclay and Kennedy then retired, and, after some conversation, stepped eight paces, and placed Mr. Stewart and myself at the extreme ends of the line. Mr. Maclay then said, "It is agreed between Mr. Kennedy and myself that if either of the parties shall leave his ground before the affair is entirely settled, such party shall be regarded as disgraced." The seconds then retired to load the pistols. Mr. Maclay told me after- wards that he at this time suggested to Mr. Kennedy the propriety of an effort at reconciliation. Mr. Kennedy said " that was impos- sible, unless Mr. Binns would apologize for the language used in his message to Mr. Stewart. For my part, I think nothing should be attempted until the parties have at least interchanged a shot." Ma- clay and Kennedy drew near to us, and Maclay said : ' ' When the J50 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1S05. word ' fire' is given you are to fire soon as you can. If either delay while one of us count three, and say 'stop,' that one shall, for that time, lose his fire. A snap to be considered a fire." The seconds tossed up to determine which should give the word. Maclay won. The pistols were handed us, and discharged so simul- taneously that but one report was heard. Neither balls took effect. The pistols were again handed to the seconds. They retired a few paces, and Mr. Maclay assured me afterwards that he used every honorable argument to move Mr. Kennedy to present a proposition for settlement. This he did without effect. Maclay then raised his voice and said, you had better consult your principal, and I will do the same. Maclay's first words to me were : " Kennedy is a scoun- drel; he is determined to have you shot." I said : " you know the terms we agreed upon, and we will carry them out." The pistols were again handed to us. After a short pause, Mr. Maclay came between us and said: " Gentlemen, I think this business has gone far enough, and may be amicably and honorably adjusted." He proposed that Mr. Stewart should apologize for his attack, and that then Mr. Binns should declare that the publication was not made to wound the feel- ings of Mr. Stewart, or affect his character; but because Mr. Binns believed it to be true, and that it was matter proper for public in- formation. Mr. Stewart then said: "If God has given me more strength than other men, I do not think I ought to abuse it. I never struck a man in my life that I was not sorry for it." This was not held sufficient apology. After a pause Mr. Stewart made the required apology, and I made the declaration my friend pro- posed. The parties shook hands, and at a tavern in the neigh- borhood, they and their friends breakfasted together. Mr. Stewart and I continued friends until his death, many years afterward. When he was elected to the Assembly from Lycoming, some years after, he voted for me, then editor of the Democratic Press, as a director of the Pennsylvania Bank. Major Maclay was then about twenty-eight years of age, and a man of much promise. Son of Honorable Samuel Maclay, at that time a United States Senator, He returned to Buffalo Valley ; I to Northumberland. He died soon after this. I found, on my return, that it was Joseph Priestly that had the war- rant issued for my arrest. He saw me leave with a small mahogany 1805.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 351 case, in which he knew Judge Cooper kept his pistols, and suspected what was about to take place. The termination of this business put an end to anything like personal rudeness by any member of the Federal party, so long as I remained in Northumberland, and doubt- less had its effect after my removal to Philadelphia. This duel was fought beyo-nd the marsh, near what was then called Allen's. Andrew Kennedy was the father of the late Andrew Ken- nedy, of Lewisburg. Lawshe's hotel was below the dam, nearly opposite Strohecker's, kept by John Lawshe, grandfather of A. M. Lawshe. Flavel Roan, in his journal, carefully notes the fact, that he always took a drink there before crossing the ferry to Derrstown. The house was burned down some years ago. Sam Stewart, as he was called, was sheriff and treasurer of Lycoming county, and the Federal candidate for Senator, in 1808, against General John Bur- rows, the Democratic candidate. Political. July 10. Extract from a letter of James Cochran, of Mead town- ship, Crawford county, to Robert Irwin : ' ' On the call for a con- vention to amend the constitution and on our new candidate for Gov- ernor, the people are much divided ; but there will be a majority in favor of the convention and Simon Snyder in this county and many of the neighboring counties. From every appearance the majority will be considerable. From the insolent behavior of old Tom, (Governor Thomas McKean,) in my opinion, he merits no longer the approbation of the people, not only from his impertinent lan- guage, but for the last three years he has an undoubted right to be charged with wasting his Lord's goods ; therefore, agreeably to St. Luke, xvi: 3 v., he has a right to either dig or beg, whichever he thinks he caii do best, for he will be no longer steward. The ''Feds " and "Quids" are squealing like fell -hyenas about it, and fear of being drowned before they see the water; but it will turn out like all the rest of their hot-water injections — they will burst like the bubble, with the weight of their own air, and leave them a blank in society, or rather, a vestige of contempt by all the true friends of the prin- ciples of seventy-six." A mingle of metaphors not often found in so short a composition. jj-2 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. fl805. October 4, the Governor, by his secretary, WiUiam Thompson, writes from Lancaster to Robert Irwin : " The friends of Mr. Sny- der have circulated in the counties of Northampton and Berks, that Governor McKean has promised, after his re-election, to appoint Mr. James Ross, of Pittsburg, Chief Justice of the Supreme court. I am authorized to assure you that the tale .is wholly a falsehood, fabri- cated on the eve of the approaching political contest, for base elec- tioneering purposes, an idea of the kind having never been suggested to the Governor by any friend of Mr. Ross, or by the Governor to any person whatever ; nor, indeed, is it believed Mr. Ross would accept the appointment if offered to him." In order that my readers may understand the allusions in the Cochran letter, I will state, as part of the history of the time, that Governor McKean had vetoed an act substituting referees for jury trials, and prohibiting the employment of counsel in reference cases ; also, the acl extending the jurisdiction of justices of the peace, which, however, was passed over his veto. This, with the acquittal of the judges who were impeached, incensed the ultra Democrats, and they immediately started the project of remodeling the Consti- tution. The moderate Democrats took the name of Constitution- alists, and organized a constitutional society, and the other section of Democrats a club called "The Friends of the People," the Feder- alists looking on, and enjoying the strife. The ultra Democrats nominated Snyder for Governor, and the friends of the Constitu- tion, McKean, who was elected Governor, and entered upon his third term on the 17th of December, Marriages, by Henry Spyker, Esquire. Peter Epler to Eve Christ. Witnesses, Henry Fulmer, Chris- tian Van Gundy, John Smith and wife, &c., (April 4.) September 8, John Lawshe with Polly Sites. Witnesses, Nancy Robb, John Dreisbach, &c. Deaths. George Martin, White Deer. Children : Jane, Elizabeth, John, Robert, and Matthew. January 15, John Swineford, of Middle- 1806.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. jjj burg; born April i6, 1755. Martin Housel, West Buffalo. Chil- dren : Jacob, Joshua, Catherine, Mary and Elizabeth. September 22, Catherine, wife of Abraham Eyer ; born, October 15, 1752; married, May, 1776. Peter Jodon, of West Buffalo. Captain George Overmeier. Children : George, Peter, Philip, John, David, Jacob, Catherine, (Margaret, then dead,) Elizabeth, Eve, Esther, Magdalena, and Barbara. To Jacob he left his rifle and shof-pouch carried in the Revolution. Adam Shewel, of Centre. Jabel Fred- erick, of Buffalo. George Motz, Penn's. Children : John, Lo- rentz. December 19, Catherine Dunkle. She was born February iT^, 1769; married October 24, 1784. 06. Additional Residents of East Buffalo, Lewisburg, White Deer, and West Buffalo — First Methodist Camp-Meeting. HOMAS COOPER, President Judge, commissioned March i. Members, Simon Snyder, Leonard Rupert, Abraham McKinney, and Major Robert Smith, of Tur- but. David Taggert, Charles Maclay, and Samuel Awl, County Commissioners. John Frick, Clerk. April i, John Thomp- son, junior, commissioned Justice of the Peace. July 4, William Poak. John Lynn, of Erie, was the principal School-Teacher of the Valley. Additional Residents, East Buffalo — Ammon, Andreas ; Badorf, Michael, blacksmith ; Bostian, Andrew ; Brown, John, miller ; Culp, Peter, shoe-maker ; Daugherty, James ; Geddes, James, single ; Gra- ham, Alexander, merchant ; Haverling, Jacob, weaver ; Hafer, Lud- wig ; Holmes, Jonathan, tanner; McClure, Richard, chair-maker; Marriner, James; Mettlin, Patrick; Morrow, Alexander; Reem, 23 3S4 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1806. George, carpenter ; Reish, Daniel ; Renner, Jacob ; Renner, Fred- erick; Strayhorn, Nathaniel ; Vaness, John ; Winter^ Daniel, car- penter. Lewisburg — Conser, John ; Crosgrove, Samuel ; Kremer, George ; Renfrew, Jacob ; Wolfe, Christian, hatter. Additional Residents of White Deer — Clark, John, William's son ; Dersham, Jacob ; Farris, Dennis ; Lushbaugh, John ; Madden, Neal, tailor; Marshall, James; Monpeck, Nicholas ; Reznor, David; Rora- baugh, Philip ; Schock, Andrew, wagon-maker. West Buffalo — Aikey, Lewis ; Betzer, Peter ; Bohr, Michael, miller; Eilert, John ; Green, Abbot ; Hildebrand, Levi ; Kaufman, David; Kimple, Jacob, potter; Kleckner, John, tavern and still- house ; Maize, Jacob, tavern ; Mitchell, George, blacksmith ; Shri- ner, Jacob ; Zeller, John ; Zeller, Henry. In August, the first Methodist camp-meeting in this part of the State was held on Chillisquaque creek, one and one half miles from the river. Marriages. January 2, Ludwig Coasin with Susanna Olifant, in presence of both their parents, Joseph Stillwell, Thomas Nesbit, &c. April 7, Frederick Renner with Magdalena Krause, daughter of Christian Krause, deceased, in presence of his father, and step- mother, and brothers, Jacob Renner and wife, Benjamin Renner, Daniel Sheckler and wife. May 15, George Troxel with Mary Hoffman, in presence of Wil- liam Clark and wife. Doctor James Dougal, Andrew Heckle and wife, George Derr and wife, John Betz and wife, Andrew Ensworth and wife, Abraham Troxell and wife. June 12, John Sergeant with Catharine Beyer, in presence of her parents, brother James, Peggy Evans, &c. November 16, Michael Straub to Sarah Grove. Deaihs. John Pollock, Lewisburg. Michael Smith. John Graybill, Ma- hantango. William Steele, Buffalo. Henry Richard, East Buffalo. James Adams, White Deer, left a widow, Margaret ; children : Agnes, Joseph, Sarah. James was his grandson, and son uf Joseph. Mary Green, widow of Captain Joseph Green. Henry Myer, West Buffalo. i8o^. Pexn's Creek Improtejiext Lottery — Extracts from Bt.vxs' Argcs County Convention — Gterman High School in Buffalo Township Roan's Journal — John Aurand — Character of the Legal Business AND Sketches of Leading Circuit Lawyers, by late George A. Snyder. Esquire. [ NITED STATES SENATORS, Samuel Maclay and An- drew Gregg, the latter elected January 13. Member of Congress, Daniel Montgomery, junior. Senator, James Laird. Speaker House of Representatives, Simon Sny- der. Members elected in October, Simon Snyder, Leonard Rupert, Abraham McKinney, and' John Murray. Commissioner elect, Samuel Bond. Total expenditures of the county last year, ^5,716. Sheriff, Jared Irwin. Treasurer, Simon Snyder. Postmaster at Lewisburg, C. Baldy. Additional Residents of West Buffalo — Harris, Amos, shoe- maker ; Lytle, Charles ; Peters, Philip, tinner ; Reed, Robert and William ; Ruhl, Philip ; Stitzer, John, junior ; Stover, John and Samuel ; Wilkert, Jacob. AIifflinburg—K.&Qner, William, tailor; Lemon, Thomas, school- master ; Miller, Doctor ; Smith, Doctor ; Swentzell, Jacob ; Year- ick, Simon. Andrew Ensworth sold his property and removed from the Valley ; also, William Irwin, junior, Robert Harris, and Alex- ander Steel. In White Deer 7iew Names on the Assessmetit List Anthony, Henry; Anthony, Nicholas, shoe-maker; Billman, John and Jo- siah; Chamberlin, Uriah ; Clingan, Thomas; Heckle, George ; Huntingdon, Simon ; McCorley, Robert ; Shaffer, John ; Shamp, Jesse ; Pancoast, William, blacksmith ; Yocum, Jesse. Additional Residents in East Biiffalo — Beidleman, Valentine 355 356 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1807. Daniel, and Jacob ; Cochran, John; Eagler, Conrad, shoe-maker; Forsythe, Samuel; Hight, Henry, shoe-maker; Hummel, Christian, shoe-maker ; Jamison, John ; Linn, Daniel, miller ; Noll, Henry ; Trester, George ; Wagner and Kline, grist-mill ; Wallace, Wil- liam; Wilson, Charles; Wommer, Jacob. Lewisburg — Bellman, George, clock-maker. New Berlin — Berger, Jacob, millwright ; Miller, Philip ; Shref- ler, Henry ; Stain or Stem, Doctor Jacob. By act of March 31, Samuel Templeton, George Long, Robert Barber, Peter Fisher, and James Duncan, commissioners, were au- thorized to raise by lottery ^4,000, for the improvement of Penn's creek, from the mouth of Green's saw-mill. Robert Barber was appointed treasurer, and in October^ they advertised a scheme of cash prizes, amounting to $30,000 ; nothing came of it. April 10, the middle district of the supreme court was created, and Sunbury fixed for the place of holding the court, on the first Monday of July. The Political Situation. Argus, July 27, "appointments by the Governor: William Wil- son, major general of the ninth division ; Wilham Hepburn, of the tenth. Both these gentlemen are associate judges, and thorough- paced Federalists. Elections by the people : Christopher Baldy, brigadier general first brigade, a Democrat, by a large majority. Colonel John Jones, Alexander Moore, George Weirick, and Thomas Youngman^ all Democrats, by decided majorities. For brigade in- spector, Frederick Evans, 435 to 80 for Charles Drum, Quid." February 4, Binns' Argus has the message relative to Burr's con- spiracy. The lot of ground on which the old jail stood, offered for sale. Binns. says, at the court of quarter sessions of Centre county, held last week, there was no business for the grand jury, save one bill for keeping a tippling-house. So much for the peace- able demeanor of one of the most Democratic counties in Pennsyl- vania. He thinks Rankin's vote for Gregg for United States Sena- tor will prevent his return as representative of that county. "Hugh White and other Federalists" contested the election of Isaac Smith, member for Lycoming; but Smith was declared the sitting member. 1807.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 357 In his valedictory he says he has sold his type, fixtures, and rented his house and office, in Northumberland, to Mathew Huston, by whom the Argus will be conducted. Mr. Huston is clerk of the House of Representatives, which will detain him at Lancaster, until the ist of April. Mr. Huston is a man of good understanding, and will be an independent editor. . In politics, he is a decided Demo- cratic Republican. Has been a soldier in the Revolution, and served in the Legislature. In bidding farewell to John Binns' paper, I quote one of his saucy items: " I do not know whether Rudolph Spangler was or was not, as the Lancaster Journal says, at a cock- fight, for a whole day. If he was, to the neglect of his public duty, he was to blame ; but I do know most certainly that Timothy Mat- lack, the master of rolls of this State, was at a common cock-fight, the cheek-by-jowl companion of negroes, vagabonds, and spoils- men." June 3, Mathew Huston issued the first number of his Argus, and in his second number attacks Governor McKean for appointing a number of Senators to lucrative offices before their terms expired. Says it is morally certain he had no relatives in Pennsylvania or any quarter of the globe, who might be imported to fill those offices. The attack of the Leopard, on the Chespeake, on the 2 2d of June, brings forth a fearful editorial, in which Great Britian is styled an "incurable old bawd," &c. I quote some of the toasts at the 4th of July celebration, to show the drift of politics. At Selinsgrove : " Thomas McKean — alas, how art thou fallen." "■ 2d Tuesday of October, 1808 — may it give us a farmer for Governor, who will care more for the people than for the dust under his feet, and not a student of morality, whose only care is for his family, lawyers, and sharpers." ' ' The besotted, card-playing general and the golden calf — may they ever be haunted with trout visions." "The Democratic presses — the nurses of political virtue." At Milton, Captain Thomas Pollock, president, Doctor James Dougal, vice president: "Thomas McKean — political damnation to all political hypocrites." "Aaron Burr, the treacherous apostate Whig — may the portion of eternal infamy be the fate of every trai- tor to virtue, liberty, and independence." "The American fair — may Columbia boast of a race of daughters, amiable and beautiful, and may Hymen join them to Republican merit." Kennedy's paper. 358 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1807. May 19, attacks an article in Binns' paper, as smelling strongly of the committee-room at Derrstown, and says Esquire Laird, the State Senator, is a favorite pupil of the professors at the political ' college of Derrstown, and hints that Tilghman might be got out to run against Simon Snyder for Governor. The Quids, he says, talk of Judge Spade, who knows no more of politics than of Arabic, and who may possess qualifications for the place, but nobody knows it. Huston on Burr : ' ' Burr is to the body-politic like an emetic to the physical body. Since he has got into operation, the body-poli- tic has discharged and brought into view a huge mass of swindlers, speculators, sharpers, jugglers, jockies, pettifoggers. These followers of our Cataline, whom he collected from the harlot's stew, the gaming table, and the wine-bibber's shop, must appear truly pitiful when they slink home with their golden prospects blasted, and their leader the subject of scorn and contempt." James Boyd's toast at the Danville celebration is unique : " The Quids — a jackass apiece to them, and a snail's horn for a spur, so that each mule may ride his own ass." Daniel Montgomery pre- sided at this meeting. James Laird was vice, and Andrew Russell was secretary. The names are given, so that we may know on what side in politics our antecedents were. July 13, Governor McKean issued a general order for a draft of the militia of the State, in prospect of a war with Great Britain, to be divided into two grand divisions, of which Major General Thomas Craig and General Joseph Heister were appointed commanders. The quota for Northumberland division was ten hundred and forty. The delegates from the different townships to the meeting held at Sunbury, on the 1 8th of August, to express the sentiments of the county, in ref- erence to the attack upon the Chesapeake, were : Sunbury, Andrew Albright and John Boyd ; Buffalo, Samuel Maclay and Christopher Baldy ; West Buffalo, George Youngman and Henry Gray ; Centre, George Weirick and Michael Wittenmyer ; Penn's, Jacob Lechner and Daniel Rhoads ; Point, Matthew Huston and Andrew Kennedy ; White Deer, Seth Iredell and William Clark ; Washington, William Pollock, &c. Colonel Robert Clark, of Derry, was chosen presi- dent. They resolved unanimously to support the Government in such measures as may be necessary and proper to obtain satisfaction for former injuries and insults committed by the British Govern- 1807.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. jjg ment, and security against such aggressions in time to come. The meeting at Selinsgrove to appoint delegates to this meeting, was presided over by George Holstein. Committee on resolutions, Frederick Evans, Christian Welker, and Daniel Rohrer. By an order of Frederick Evans, it appears that the thirty-ninth regiment (district Buffalo Valley) was to furnish one hundred and thirty-seven men, to rendezvous at General Baldy's, on the 24th of September. Seventy-seventh regiment draft, one hundred and twenty-seven men, to meet at Swinefordstown, on the 23d. At a meeting of the Society of the Friends of the people of Sun- bury, held at the public buildings, on Saturday, September 26, and at a meeting of the same society of Point township, held at the house of David Taggert, on Monday, September 29, resolutions were passed arraigning Michael Leib at the tribunal of public opinion, for secretly and hypocritically laboring to defeat Simon Snyder in 1805 ; for intriguing with the Quids to bring forward Joseph Hiester for Governor. These proceedings are signed by Andrew Albright, presi- dent of the society of Sunbury ; David Taggert, at Point. June 27, John Sierer and wife, Susanna, Christopher Baldy and wife, Susanna, conveyed two acres and one hundred and ten perches of the Henry Sees tract to John Kaufman and John Rengler, trustees elect of a German high school, in Buffalo township, to be erected on said premises, and kept for that purpose forever. Domestic Incidents taken chiefly from F lave I Roan's Journal. He was teaching school at this time at Jimmy Wilson's school- house, near where Adam Stahl now lives. January t . Citizen Kremer (afterward Honorable George) called at Clingan's, (William Clingan, Esquire's.) A very great talker. Brought sweetmeats for the ladies. 5th. Roan McClure's youngsters and Richards', from Derrstown, at Clingan's. Amusements, selling pawns, shaving, &c., until after twelve. loth. Citizen Kremer again at Clingan's. Has a great memory, and likes to hear himself dis- course. 13th. Clingan's young people down at Roan McClure's until after twelve. 24th. Went to Sunbury, crossing on the ice. Got a hard fall. Stopped at James Black's. Agreeably entertained by Esquire Buyers' daughters and Mr. Black's young people. 29th. 3(>o ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY, [1807. Young people at Derrstown singing-school. Thirty young people at Baldy's singing, February 8, Sunday. The ladies would not sing, because Tommy raised an old tune, " Isle of Wright." 9th. Six degrees colder than it has been for two years, by Doctor Dougal's thermometer, nth. Visitors at Clingan's, Doctor Dougal and lady, Mrs. Linn and rela- tives. Sister Clark, &c. 13th. Ice broke in Buffalo creek, and carried off the bridge. 17th. Youngsters went to Esquire Kelly's. 22d. Youngsters at Dale's. Returned at three, a. m. 25th. Charles Hall, Esquire, and lady at Clingan's, and Mrs. David Linn, Esquire Kel- ly's youngsters, J. Thompson's youngsters, Charlotte Candor, and Thomas Howard came. All went over to Aunt Dale's, to spend the evening. Kelly's lads very sociable. 26th. Esquire McLanahan and lady at C's. I think the Squire will run for Assembly. 27th. Thomp- son's, Dale's, Chamberlin's youngsters, Boyd Smith, Bella Kelly, Charlotte Candor, spent an agreeable evening at C's. Went away at one, a. m. March 5. Clingan's youngsters, with Gideon Smith and J. Thomp- son, went to visit at Chamberlin's. Returned at three a. m. Citizen Kremer here again. 7th. Roan Clarke at C's. He is making great progress at knowledge with citizen K. Has a learned book with him, puzzling Tommy and George. Roan's route to Sunbury — cross at Nesbit's ferry, drink at Lawshe's, stop to see Judge Wilson at Chil- lisquaque, leave his horse at D. Taggert's, and walk over to Sunbury. Return — stops at Dentler's, Lawshe's, Metzgar's, Derrstown, call at Roan McClure's, sleeps at Giddy Smith's. 17th. Wilson Smith calls to request Clingans to spend to-morrow evening at Doctor Vanval- zah's. 21st. Called at Poak's, Metzgar's, and went to see the rope- dancing at Rees'. 23d. Rope-dancingat Baldy's. 27th. Went to Hoffman's. Had a talk with Tom Iddings about Steel being an officer. 31st. Snowed all day. Snow eighteen inches deep. April 4. View on the bridge at Derrstown. Slept at Krenier's. Called at Metzgar's. Went down to Franklin's. Saw some boats start down the river. Called at Doctor Byers'. Saw Franklin's leg ; an ugly sight. 8th. Snow five feet deep in Jimmy Wilson's lane, loth. Left Clingan's, stopped at Baldy's, then to Youngmanstown, where I stopped at Van Buskirk's. Met Esquire Robert Barber and Abbot Green, with whom I had business. Slept at Smelcher's, in 1807.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 361 a bed at the fire, and saw sparking going on. 13th. Came to Baldy's; drank too much whisky; spent the evening with Sheriff Jared Irwin there. 15th. Crossed at Black's, went to Lawshe's, spent tlie evening there, and slept with old Sam Brady. ^ May 2. Went with Mrs. Hood to White Deer valley. They sing new tunes and Watts' Psalms here. 4th. Went to Newbury, where I met Billy Dougan, and went home with him. 5 th. Heard Mr. Siers preach from the text "Come, for all things are ready." He said the man should have brought his wife with him to the wed- ding. [He was no doubt the ancestor of the sensational- preachers of our day.] Sunday, loth. Heard Mr. Smilie, Baptist, preach at Jaysburg, on the fruitful vine. Crossed from Jaysburg to David Russel's, where Doctor Davidson prescribed for me. 13th. Crossed the mountain with Mr. Smilie. Stopped at Week's, [now Union- town.] He went to preach, and I to Esquire Brown's. His route home is marked by stops at G. Anderson's, Graham's, Hugh Don- nelly's, [Uniontown,] Iredell's fishery, and John Hoffman's. June 7. Hoffman's son and daughter went to the consecration of the new church at Youngmanstown. 9th. The boys went fish- ing with Mr. Hood. 14th. Reuben Davis, a student full of self- importance, dined at Clingan's. 24th. At George Clark's, took tea with the amiable Miss Becca, who displayed a gold ring on her finger. Wednesday, July i. Election at Baldy's for militia field-officers. Cider oil plenty, which occasioned words and blows. 5th. Mr. Hood preached at Buffalo, Psalm xxvii : 4. He gave me a rub, in the last part of his sermon, for not attending church. 19th. A great thunder storm, with hail. 20th. Reverend Mr. Hood with us, cutting wheat. He is a great cradler. 24th. Mr. Clingan has seven hundred dozen, and not two bottles of whisky drank at the cutting. Sunday, 26th. Mr. Grier and Mr. Hood exchange. Buf- falo people not used to such long sermons. He is not so able an orator as Mr. Hood. 27th. Election at Derrstown. Fighting going on in the evening. Citizen Kremer got marked. Miss Wilson and Miss Craig, of Northampton, at Mr. Hayes'. They are great belles. 28th. Election for rifle company officers, at Clingan's. 29th. Elec- tion for company officers, at Richard Irwin's, [White Deer.] Ed- ^ Uncle of Captain Samuel Brady.— iii;i«. 362 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1807. ward Morton and I attended and clerked. We had plenty of talk and whisky. 30th. Went down to John Reber's. Clerked here, too. Another election of officers. Plenty of drink here, also. 31st. Went to Michael Fought's, [near Chappell hollow.] Clerked at another election. August — . Captain Fought went along. Got to Baldy's before breakfast. Another election. Plenty of cider royal. 8th. At Mil- ton. The Flemings and Vincents there, raising a troop. 13th. At Mr. Huston's, his daughter, though small, a great belle, [afterwards wife of John Taggert, Esquire, of Northumberland. She is recently deceased, 1871.] September 6. Mr. Clingan and George went to John Cornelius' funeral. Mathew Laird says he will be very much missed in his family, as he was a very shifty man. Saturday, 19th. Over at the camp-meeting beyond Milton. Went to town. Called at Dan Smith's, William Pollock's, and drank wine at Calhoun's, with the Barrs. Sunday night at camp. Sermon from Revelations, iii: 18. The moon shining through the trees, the fire, candles in the camp, the large, quiet crowd of people, made the scene romantic and solemn. 20th. Great carrying on at camp. Criswell's boys got happy. 26th. Mr. Bryson preached on Psalm cxxxiii. Billy Peak's wife fainted in meeting. October 3. Drank a morning dram with Mr. , the Metho- dist minister from Lycoming, and went home with Robert Lyon. He is very poor, but hospitable. 6th. At Franklin's. Albright and wife there. Took dinner at Doctor Byer's. Called at Peak's. Much diverted with the girls and Donaldson's wife and daughter. Then called at Hayes' and Cramer's and went to George Clark's- 9th. Clingan brought home Mr. Hood and Reverend H. R. Wilson, Bellefonte ; the latter a very facetious man. Comet still in view. 13th. Clerked at the election at Billmyer's. Tommy stole a bag string to cure Trimmer's ancle. 20th. Review at Derrstown. Seve- ral bottles in the evening. George stole a bag string for another horse. 31st. My horse broke his bridle at Robert's tavern, Milton. Staid and slept with old Peter Vincent. Sunday, November i. Mr. Hood got a letter, stating that the horse had ran away with his wife and Ann Dale, broke the chair, and Mrs. Hood's leg. [This accident happened near Harrisburg. 1807.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 3(>3 They were going to Chester county on a visit. Mrs. Hood was a Has- let, from that county.] 2d. Tommy took sixty-eight bushels corn to deGruchy's, at Northumberland. 7th. Mr. Hood and James Dale set off in a boat to bring Mrs. Hood home. nth. Mrs. Hood arrived at Derrstown. Mr. Wilson brought her home on a sled. Annie Dale much hurt, too. [My uncle, Doctor W. I. Wilson, says he recollects well of riding the horses attached to the sled which brought Mrs. Hood to her home from the river.] 1 5th. Chngan's youngsters, Aunt Dale's youngsters went with Mr. Haslet to visit at Senator Maclay's. December 9. Clingan butchering. George Weikel assisting Beau Barber here. Mr. Haslet and Mr. Hood helping butcher, loth. George at a tramping frolic at Uncle Clark's, nth. Beaux Kremer, Haslet, Barber here. " Where the carcase is, thither will the eagles gather together." 12th. Billy Thompson died. 20th. Mr. Hood preached from 11 Timothy, i : 10. The people seemed too lazy to leave the meeting-house. There is a stove in it now. 21st. Girls up at Mrs. Linn's last night. George, Nancy, Haslet, Sam Maclay, Dale, &c. 24th. Shooting match at Zerbe's, [now John Grove's.] 31st. Billy Forster and citizen Kremer at Chngan's. George fired off guns at midnight. The Leading Circuit Lawyers, by George A. Snyder. At this time, the courts of Northumberland, Lycoming, and Lu- zerne were attended by the lawyers of Lancaster, York, Harrisburg, and Carlisle. From Lancaster came Charles Smith, one of the ablest jurists of Pennsylvania. Mr. Hopkins also came, but seldom. Bowie^ was the only one I can remember from York. Thomas Duncan and David Watts, from Carlisle. From Harrisburg came George Fisher, Thomas Elder, William Irwin, and others. Each lawyer kept his saddle-horse.- The Lancaster, York, and Carlisle lawyers met at Harrisburg ; when that court terminated, they came to Sunbury ; then to Williamsport and Wilkesbarre. As their num- bers were recruited at each county town, they formed a considerable troop of cavalry on entering the two last places. The nature and character of the law business were then different from what they are at present. Almost all the important actions ' Ralph Bowie, Esquire, died at York, Pennsylvania, October 22, 1816. He is said to have been an elegant lawyer. — Linn. 364 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1807. were ejectments upon disputed original titles. The number of wit- nesses was very great, the means of traveling scanty, the district large, so that much allowance had to be made for failure of attend- ance. The causes were, therefore, frequently continued, so that they usually stood upon the trial list several years before they could be acted upon. This, added to the dilatory habits always prevalent in frontier settlements, produced that leisurely, time-wasting habit of doing business which, until lately, characterized our county courts. The lawyers of this district seldom undertook an important cause without calling in the aid of Duncan, Watts, Fisher, or some other able practitioner. Duncan was a small man, with keen looking gray eyes, and a sharp, unmusical voice. His knowledge of law was more extensive and accurate than that of any of his compeers, and he possessed great tact in the trial of a cause, almost always managing to put his opponents, though they were plaintiffs, on the defensive — an im- mense advantage in law as well as in war. My father placed him upon the Supreme Bench, where he was considered an important acquisition. Mr. Watts was a large man, with a powerful voice. His self- reliance was great, and of great advantage to him, for his abilities were considerable. He contemned authorities, preferring to argue his case from first principles, and this he did with much power. He was apt to be violent and overbearing, and was in the habit of heap- ing abuse upon his opponents. He was a good classical scholar, and on that score was susceptible to flattery. He maintained that squinting was an infallible mark of dishonesty. He himself squinted, though he was not aware of it, and could not be convinced of it by others. He spent his money with careless profusion. He died of cancer, about the year 182 1. He wa.s the father of Judge Frederick Watts, a man of talent and industry, and greatly esteemed for his many excellent qualities. George Fisher was a large man, of imposing exterior. Inferior in ability either to Duncan or Watts, he was still able to make a good figure at the bar. His practice was mostly confined to the defensive side, as it was dangerous to allow him to collect money. He lived to a great age — eighty-four, I believe. Charles Hall, of Sunbury, was a good lawyer, and highly esteemed 1807.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 365 as a man. He was shrewd, laborious, and very attentive to the interests of his chents. He had not, however, the gift of a ready speaker, being rather tedious. Daniel Smith was the only lawyer of the district who could be called eloquent in a high sense. Daniel Levy, of Sunbury, outlived all the old lawyers, as they were popularly called, except Mr. Bellas. He was a conceited man, active as a cat, an insatiable dancer, and a hard fighter. He had considerable science as a boxer, and although not large or strong, his skill joined to his prodigious activity made him quite formidable. His vanity and fondness for dress made him a capital butt, and sub- ject of jokes for his fellow-members of the bar. He lived to the age of seventy, and a fop to the last. [I have dropped Mr. Snyder's strictures on the morals of these old legal giants. But that the truth may be told in a general way, drinking habits got the better of some of them.] Hugh Bellas was the last survivor of the old lawyers. A man of singular energy, and the most elastic spirit, I ever knew. He came to this country from Ireland, when he was about ten years of age. George Bellas, his father, was poor, and unable to educate his children. Hugh was bound to Robert Irwin, of Northumberland, to learn the mercantile business. Here he found a congenial spirit in Robert Christie, the senior clerk. Robert was the son of an English teacher, and had been well educated. Store-keeping was not then conducted on the go-ahead style of the present, and our clerks, having consid- erable leisure at certain periods, devoted themselves to reading and study. Mr. Bellas' father was a strict Presbyterian, and had brought up his family in the faith of that Church ; but the active and inde- pendent mind of Hugh, let him into inquiries, which caused him to reject Calvanism, and even to doubt seriously the entire christian faith. About this time (1799) he heard much said of three re- markable sermons of Doctor Priestly, on "habitual devotion," the ''danger of bad habits," and the "duty of not living to ourselves." Meeting the doctor one day, he expressed a desire to read these sermons. "My young friend," replied the doctor, "I judge from your opinions on the subject of revelation, that you would not be able to appreciate these discourses. Before you undertake them, I will, if you please, put a tract into your hands, the reading of which 366 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1807. will, I hope, prepare you for the doctrine of my sermons." The seed fell into good ground and brought forth an hundred fold. While at Irwin's, Mr. Bellas commenced studying law with Jon- athan Walker, afterward Judge Walker. It was about the year 1803, Mr. Bellas applied for admission, but he met a most formi- dable opposition. Every lawyer then at the bar in this district was a decided Federalist, and as Mr. Bellas was not only an active and influential Democrat, but of the plebeian stock,- the aristocratic gen- tlemen objected to his admission, on the ground of his not having studied actually in the office of Mr. Walker, but in a store, and while conducting a business of another character. Whether the court decided against him, or he was induced by the clamor of his opponents to suspend application, I am unable to say. This happened during the session of the court at Bellefonte. Re- turning to Northumberland, and stating the case to Mr. Walker, the latter advised him to employ counsel in his behalf, and renew his application at Sunbury. Mr. Bellas accordingly retained Daniel Smith, who brought his case before the court, and advocated it so ably that an examination was ordered, and Charles Hall, the most determined of his opponents, appointed one of his examiners. The examination was held in open court, and was most rigorous. Mr. Hall came prepared with a sheet of written questions ; many of them mere trials of memory. Such as the date of certain statutes of Queen Elizabeth. Mr. Bellas' memory was, however, never at fault. The judge perceiving that he had no ordinary candidate before him, was highly gratified. At one stage the judge asked him what is criminal law? Mr. Bellas, after a moment's hesitation, commenced: Law is a rule of action. Here the judge interrupted him in his quick, nervous way, with " I don't want a general definition of law, but of criminal law." Criminal law, resumed Mr. Bellas, is a rule of action defining and prohibiting crime, and prescribing due punishment. That will do, remarked the judge, I only asked the question in order to try your judgment. There is no definition of criminal law in the books. The three hours' ordeal passed. Mr. Hall most grudgingly admitted that the young man had passed a satisfactory examination, and recommended his admission to the bar. My father, [afterward Governor Snyder,] who was at the time county treasurer, witnessed the whole proceedings, and resolved to 1807.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 367 patronize the young lawyer. He accordingly employed him in the memorable Isle of Que case, which terminated in his favor, after more than twenty years litigation. Hugh Bellas, Esquire, died October 26, 1863, aged eighty-three and a half years. Marriages. May II, Peter Kreechbaum with Elizabeth Davis, in presence of his father Peter, and brother George. June 21, Martin Billmyer with Margaret Himmelrich, in pres- ence of her parents, George Billmyer and wife, Stephen Frantz and wife, George Withington, &c. November 13, George Kreechbaum with Polly Keller, daughter of George Keller, now in Sciota. December 10, By Reverend Henry R. Wilson, Thomas Burn- side, Esquire, to Miss Mary Fleming, of Bellefonte. December 26, John Brobst with Lydia Marriner. Witnesses, Sophia Nixon, Thomas Poak, John Conser, &c. Deaihs. February 15, Adam Young. March 30, John Aurand, of East Buffalo. He was born in Dil- lenberg, Germany, February 5, 17253 was, therefore, eighty-two years six months three weeks and four days old. His grave, in the Dreisbach yard, is unmarked, and possibly cannot be identi- fied. His wife, Mary Elizabeth, died before him. His children were : Henry, who lived and died in Snyder county ; Peter and Jacob, lived in Reading; Daniel, in Sunbury; Reverend Dietrich, who died in Huntingdon county ; George Aurand, Esquire, died July 18, 1850, buried in the Hassinger grave-yard, near Middle- burg, (father of Jacob Aurand, Esquire, of Middleburg;) Eliza- beth, intermarried with Francis Zeller ; John, who died soon after, (his widow Catherine married Henry Rhiem;) Abraham; Mary, married to John Wolfe. His descendants are, like the sands of the sea, innumerable, scattered all through New York, Ohio, Illinois ; and the family Bible, written for by the agent in New York, which will secure a large fortune to the family, can,'be produced by Jacob Aurand, Esquire, of Middleburg. 3(>S ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1807. September t6, Florence, wife of Colonel John Clarke, aged sev- enty-six. William Thompson, of White Deer township, in the seventieth year of his age. His remains were interred in the Presbyterian burial ground, in Derrstown, followed by a numerous assemblage of friends and relations. He left a widow, Jane, who died in Lewis- burg. Daughter, Ruth; granddaughter, Nancy T. Reznor; son, James. ^ George Wilt, of West Buffalo, died in the spring. Widow, Cath- erine. Children : Elizabeth, Adam, George, Barbara, and Mary. Daniel Franklin, inn-keeper, died in September. Wilham McKim, of Buffalo. Robert McKim. Reverend John Hoge. Children: Ebenezer, Samuel, David, Jonathan D., Elizabeth Brice, Mary Redrick, Priscilla Bennett. David Katherman, West Buffalo. Children : Barbara, George, Jacob. Lewis Frantz. Children : Stephen, John, Jacob, Philip, Cathe- rine, George, Margaret. William Steele, of Buffalo. ' Keverend James Thompson studied theology under Mr. Hood. Licensed, 1817. April 17, 1819, installed pastor of Shaver's Creek and Alexandria churches. Died October 8, 1830. Left a ■widow, Eliza, (Stewart,) one son, and two daughters. — See Gxbs'>n''s History of the Huntingdon Presbytery. i8o8. The First Baptist CnrRCH Organized —Political Affairs — Simon Sny- der Elected G-overnor — Death of John Brady, (Sheriff,) and No- tices OF his Family. 'EMBER of Congress, George Smith. Members of As- sembly, elected in October, John Murray, Leonard Rupert, Frederick Evans, and Andrew Albright. Clerk of the Middle District of the Supreme Court, Johii L. Finney. County Commissioner elect, Andrew McClenachan. Amos Ellmaker, Deputy Attorney General for Dauphin and Northumber- land. By the act of 21st March, Northumberland county was enti- tled to four members of the House, and, with Luzerne, to two members of the Senate. January 23, the congressional caucus nominated James Madison for President and George Clinton for Vice. Under date March 16, the Argus notices a meeting of the Repub- lican members of the Legislature, which declared unanimously for Simon Snyder, for Governor. The Federalists, it says, favor James Ross. The Quids, John Spayd. Democratic Presidential electors : William Wilson, Robert Giffen, Jacob Hostetter. 29th March, Adam Wilt commissioned justice. May 15, Rev- erend John Dietrich Adams, of the Reformed Church, called to the Middle Creek, Beaver Dam, &c., churches. He accepted, and seems to have served until 181 2, when he was excommunicated. Tradition says love for strong drink was his ruin. Postmaster at Mifflinburg, Thomas Youngman. During this year and the next, the Reverend Jacob Diffenbach, of the Reformed Church, lived in 24 36() 370 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1808. Mifflinburg, preached there, and at times in Brush valley and Selins- grove. He married a Miss Lydia Hughes, of Selinsgrove, subse- quently removed to Espy town, and died there in 1825. One of his children, Samuel Dieffenbach, resides near Selinsgrove, Snyder county. 30th September, George Clark commissioned justice. White Deer. James McClellan, Esquire, taught school at Cham- berlin's mill. Additional Residents in East Buffalo. — Baldy, Benjamin ; Beard, Christian, blacksmith ; Brewer, John ; Bossier, John ; Christ, Adam, junior ; Christ, Henry ; Dentler, John ; Deratt, Daniel, both on Mathias Macpherson's place ; George, John ; Heiser, Frederick ; Jackson, Robert, (colored;) Kitchen, John; Kline, Jacob; Mc- Curdy, Daniel, at James Dale's ; Searfoss, George ; Shields, Wil- liam ; Snook, Martin, (Jenkins;) Snook, Peter, (Jenkins ;) Snyder, Daniel, blacksmith ; Taylor, Robert. Lewisburg — Billman, Henry ; Clark, George ; Friedly, John ; Guy, Thomas ; Horning, Conrad ; Kremer, George, store in Chamberlin's building; Martin, John, carpenter; Myers, Peter; Rees, Daniel, inn-keeper ; Sergeant, John, nailor ; Sitgreaves, Charles, saddler ; Stillwell, Joseph, school-teacher ; Stroub, Michael, weaver ; Wagner, Henry. N'ew Berlin — Estrich, Christian, merchant ; Feather, Jacob, hat- ter ; Frantz, William ; Fought, George ; Lehman, Thomas, school- teacher ; McCullough, William ; Maurer, Adam ; Pontius, Henry, junior, carpenter ; Smith, Peter, gunsmith ; Springer, Henry, chair- maker ; Winter, Daniel, inn-keeper. White Deer — Awl, Samuel and John, junior; Ferris, Joseph, on William Clingan's place ; Heckle, George ; Heckle, Simon ; Hunt- ingdon, Abraham ; Kline, Charles, on Ranck's place ; Thomas, Arthur, miller. West Buffalo — Charles, John ; Elert, Widow ; Elder, John ; Geddes, Samuel ; Jodon, James ; Komp, Adam ; Kline, Jacob ; Miller, Peter ; Shaup, Henry. Mifflinburg — Clark, Widow Sarah ; Cronmiller, Martin, black- smith ; Grove, Andrew, blacksmith ; Hofferd, John, taxed with grist and saw-mill, late Christopher Johnson's, on Rapid run, after whose death it passed into the hands of John Reish ; Lane, William, hatter ; Yearick, Henry. 1808.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 371 Enumeration of the Taxable Inhabitants of the different Town- ships of Biffalo Valley — Buffalo East, four hundred and forty-seven, and one slave \ Buffalo West, three hundred and seventy-four ; White Deer, two hundred and five, and one slave ; Washington, eighty-one, and one slave. f'lrsi Baptist Church. The first regular Baptist church in what is now Union county, was raised under the labors of Thomas Smiley, in Washington (now Gregg) township, and was recognized by sister churches October 23, 1808. Elder Smiley remained its pastor until his death, in 1832. He was succeeded by George Spratt, M. D., 1 833-1 834; his son, George M. Spratt, D. D., 1835-1839 ; William S. Hall, 1 840-1 843 ; John Edminster, 1843-1847; William T. Bunker, 1849-1853; Pro- fessor Robert Lowry, 1854; George Frear, D. D., 1855; Joshua Kelly, 1857-1858; W. R. McNeal, 1859 ; Samuel W. Ziegler, i860; J. Green Miles, 1861-1865 ; George W. Snyder, 1867 ; and J. Green Miles since 1869. — O. JV. Worden. Political. Northumberland and Luzerne composed the senatorial district. Centre, Lycoming and Northumberland composed the congressional district. General Daniel Montgomery declined a re-election. At the Democratic-Republican convention, held at Sunbury, on the 28th of June, the delegates from Buffalo were Samuel Maclay and General C. Baldy ; West Buffalo, John Wilson and Thomas Youngman ; Penn's, Frederick Evans and Philip Moore; White Deer, Andrew McClenachan and William Chamberlin. The nominating convention was held at Derrstown, on the 20th of August. Thirty-seven delegates from twenty townships. General Robert Giffen was elected president ; Matthew Huston, secretary. Simon Snyder was unanimously nominated for Governor ; George Smith, of Lycoming, for Congress ; Nathan Palmer, of Luzerne, for State Senator; John Murray, Andrew Albright, Leonard Rupert, and Frederick Evans, for Assembly. The Federal leaders of that day were General William Wilson, 372 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1808. Charles Hall, Esquire, Captain Christian Brobst, William Mears, Samuel Miles, Esquire, John Buyers, &c. The canvass for Governor this year was exceedingly bitter. Among other stories, was that the Honorable Samuel Maclay had expressed himself in favor of James Ross for Governor, at William McAllister's, in Juniata county, when he and the Honorable Daniel Montgomery were on their return from Congress ; that Simon Snyder had said in the presence of one George Church, who made affidavit to that effect, that no poor man ought to have the right of voting at an election ; that he had voted for a bill to fine Mennonists and Quakers ^lo for not attending militia train- ings ; that he intended, or favored, dividing the property of the rich among the poor. The Snyder men were accused of suing the Ross- ites for debts. Jared Irwin, the sheriff, certifies that Simon Snyder has not issued an execution for twelve months ; Judge Cooper, that Simon Snyder did not behave improperly in handing a paper to the judge, &c. James Ross was declared to be a man of mercenary and avaricious disposition ; accused of blasphemy and mockery of religion ; said to be "the candidate of the nabobs and lawyers; that while member of the United States Senate, he advocated the wresting of New Orleans from the Spaniards by force, instead of acquiring it by treaty. During the reign of terror, (Adams' administration,) his violence for its measures secured him the Federal patronage." All manner of tricks were resorted to. Andrew Albright and Robert Smith were nominated by the Fed- eral meeting, at Milton, for Assembly, although known to be Dem- ocrats, in favor of Jefferson and his embargo. Both came out in the Argus, disclaiming the nomination. As early as this year, Andrew C. Huston, with John Frick and others, issue an address, as representatives of the young men of North- umberland county, in favor of Simon Snyder. Judge Thomas Cooper, in a communication, vindicates the private character of Simon Sny- der, although he did not feel at liberty to vote for either Simon Snyder or James Ross. 1808.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 373 OCTOBER ELECTION. Buffalo, . . West Buffalo, Berlin, . . . Svvinelbrd's, . Milton, . . Selinsgrove, . MifSinburg, . Beaver, . . SNYDER. ROSS. 311 68 300 70 209 10 166 8 467 127 237 28 49 32 138 8 Snyder's majority in the county, over both, was 2,927. Colonel John Bull was the Federal candidate against Colonel George Smith, for Congress. Colonel John Kelly, against Nathan Palmer, for Senate. For Assembly, the Federal candidates were Sol Markley, Robert Barber, Esquire, Abraham Miller, and Thomas Wallace. Henry Musser was elected commissioner, over Theodore Kiehl and James Smith. For presidential electors on the Democratic-Repub- lican and Whig side — for the party recognize all three names — were William Montgomery and Robert Giffen. The Federalists are called the Tories. John Boyd was the Federal candidate for elector. Vote, 2,793 to 221. Marriages. March 22, John Freedly with Elizabeth Lehman, by H. Spyker, in presence of Daniel Nyhart, her brother-in-law, &c. May 4, Peter Myers to Sophia Nixon, by same, in the presence of her step-father, James Marriner, and her mother, Peter Spyker, George Graham, Thomas Poak, Margaret Graham, Betsy Smith, Lydia Pross, &c. May 1 7, by the same, Henry Zerbe with Susanna Heckel. Wit- nesses : Adam Wertz, Peter Leonard, John Snyder, &c. July 5, Peter Brown with Catherine Kantz, in presence of her brother, Peter Kantz, brother-in-law, John Hartman. March 24, by Reverend T. Hood, William Nesbit, of Chilhsqua- que, to Nancy Musser, of East Buffalo. November 29, George Freedly with Catherine Frantz, by H. Spy- ker, Esquire, in presence of Andrew Billmyer and wife, George Billmyer and wife, John Frantz, Jacob Frantz, Peggy Librunen, &c. 374 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1808. Deaths. Samuel Dunning and James McCorley, White Deer. Neal Madden, father of the late James Madden, Esquire, West Buffalo. 17th May, Adam Christ, aged sixty-six. Left widow, Elizabeth. Children : Henry, Ehzabeth, Eve, married to John Snook. Elizabeth Earne, Buffalo. (Her daughter married Jacob Moore.) Children: John, Anna M., Balisa, and Susanna. Joseph U,ltz, of West Buffalo. John Aurand, junior. East Buffalo. James Boveard, East Buffalo, soldier of the Revolution. Enlisted, 1776, as private in Captain David Kilgore's company, eighth Penn- sylvania, and served three years. His family as follows : Children : Hannah, Robert, Alexander, Mary, married to Robert McBride, Jane, to Doctor James Charleton, , to John Steans. Daniel Metzgar, hotel-keeper at Lewisburg. His widow, Eve, afterwards married to Colonel Christopher Baldy. Saturday, 30th January, Mrs. Annie McBeth, of White Deer, formerly of Cumberland county, buried at Buffalo Cross -Roads. Her ancestors fled from Scotland on account of religious persecution. They were of the first settlers at Brandywine, in Chester county. She was twice married, first to John Fleming, and afterwards to An- drew McBeth ; had four children by her first, and five by her last husband. One of her sons fell at Long Island. — Argus. 27th July, Susanna Baldy, consort of General C. Baldy, aged fifty two. A faithful observance of all the relative duties of wife, mother, and friend, marked the conduct of this truly excellent wo- man. — Argus, T^d August. December 10, at Milton, John Brady, inn-keeper, and former sheriff of Northumberland county, aged forty-eight. He is buried in the cemetery at Lewisburg. His wife, Jane, survived him twenty years, and is buried in the same grave. A mural monument, covered with a heavy marble slab, marks their grave and that of Mary Brady, widow of Captain John Brady. John Brady's children were : Lieutenant Samuel Brady, born 2 2d February, 1793. At the commencement of the war of 1812, he served as a volunteer, under Governor Edwards, in a campaign 1808.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 375 against the Indians. Tliey had one battle, defeating tlie Indians. Shortly afterwards, he received a commission as ensign in the twenty- second United States regiment, commanded by his micle, General Hugh Brady, and served in the unfortunate campaign under Gen- eral Wilkinson. In the summer of 181 4 he was attached to General Brown's army, on the Niagara frontier. He was in the bloody battle of Lundy's Lane ; a second lieutenant in the sortie from Fort Erie. He was the only platoon officer of his regiment that was not either killed or wounded in the former battle, and Major Arrowsmith was the only field-officer of General Scott's brigade that was left on horseback; See his letter to Captain B. Vincent, under date of 181 4. After peace was proclaimed. Lieutenant Brady entered into an arrangement with Captain John Culbertson, a brother officer, to go on a trading expedition to the Rocky Mountains, supposing that, upon the reduction of the army, he would not be retained in the service. He was retained, however ; but thinking he could not, in honor, break his engagement with the captain, he resigned. The Government declined to accept his, resignation, and sent him a,n unlimited furlough. His health, however, failed him, and he was advised to winter in the South. He went to New Orleans, accom- panied by his friend. Lieutenant Colonel Trimble, of Ohio, and died there on the 17th of February, 1816, not quite twenty-three years of age. He was six feet five, and a remarkably fine looking man. His disease was hurried on by exposure in the Niagara cam- paigns, when he should have been in the hospital, instead of the field. In the Sunbury Times of that year, there is an eloquent obituary, by his friend, Colonel Trimble, in which he says : "In Lieutenant Brady's death, the country has lost an intelligent and gallant officer, and myself a firm and distinterested friend." William Perry Brady, his brother, was born i6th February, 1795. He worked for a while at his trade — cabinet making — in Aarons- burg. In 1813 he entered the army as private. His regiment was at Erie when Perry was fitting out his fleet. The commodore, not having a sufficient number of regular marines, called for volun- teers. William was the first who volunteered. Before Perry sailed, Colonel Hugh Brady came to Erie, and through his influence. Perry appointed him a purser's steward. He was attached to one of the small vessels, and was in the battle of the loth of September. His 3y6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1808. vessel had to be abandoned, and he was the last man to leave his gun. His shirt sleeves were shot away. He took great pride in the old shirt, and often showed it to his friends in after years. After the battle, and the return of the fleet to Erie, William and two of his Centre county friends, waited on the commodore. He granted them their discharges, and advised them to return home and settle in civil life, remarking that they had already rendered important service to their country. William took his advice, returned to Aaronsburg, and in a short time married Rachel Mussina, of that place. In 1846, he was elected assistant sergeant-at-arms of the Pennsylvania Senate, which place he retained until his death, at Harrisburg, on the 4th of April, 1864. Every onC' having business in Harrisburg in the last twenty years, will recollect the genial com- panionship of William P. Brady. He survived all his children, except one son, who died about one year after his father. Jasper Ewing Brady, Esquire, the fourth son, was born March 4, 1797. He first learned the trade of hatter, and, after traveling from place to place for two or three years, he settled in Franklin county, Pennsylvania. He there abandoned his trade, and taught school several years, meanwhile studying law. He was admitted at Cham- bersburg in 1826 or 1827, and there commenced practice. In 1843 he was elected to the Assembly, and re-elected in 1844. During the first session, although he represented an aati-improvement county, he ofl"ered an amendment to the bill to reduce the State tax provid- ing for the assessment of a three-mill tax, which redeemed the credit of the State. He was treasurer of Franklin county for three years. In 1846 he was elected to Congress, beating Honorable Samuel Hep- burn some eight hundred votes. He was, however, defeated in 1848, by Honorable James X. McLanahan. The Whig loss in the Carlisle district was some two hundred votes. Mr. Brady was beaten only one hundred and sixty-seven votes. In September, 1849, ^^ removed to Pittsburgh, and practiced law very successfully until 1861, when he was appointed to a responsible position in the paymasters' depart- ment at Washington. He was removed in July, 1869, by General Rawlings, then Secretary of War. He then resumed the practice of law at Washington, where he died. John Brady, the third, died several years ago. James, the young- 1808.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. ^jj est, died in Franklin county, in 1829. He was a man of fine intel- lect, and was thought to be the most talented of the family. Of the daughters of Sheriff John Brady, Mary married William Piatt, uncle of Judge Piatt, of Brady township, Lycoming county ; Hannah married Judge Piatt ; Charlotte married H. C. Piatt ; Jane married Roland Stoughton ; her descendants, Mrs. Lyndall's chil- dren, still hve in Lewisburg ; Nancy married George B. Eckert, of Lewisburg. I am indebted to O. N. Worden, late of the Lewisburg Chronicle, for the following narrative he took down at the time. He says : In June, 1857, I took the following notes of a conversation 1 had with Mrs. Mary Brady Piatt, aged seventy-two, born in 1785 : "My father was a brother of Sam Brady, the Indian fighter. I saw him once. He was then on a visit to my father's, at Sunbury. I went with them over to Northumberland. On the way over, my father asked Sam if he could jump as well as ever ? He said he could not, but coming to a high fence in a few minutes, he sprung clear over it, with but little effort. ' I never could do that,' said my father. ' You could, if obliged to,' said Sam. " Sam killed three Indians after peace was declared, and a reward of ^300 was offered for his apprehension. Shortly after, he was sit- ting with a tavern-keeper, in West Virginia, when two strangers, Virginians, rode up, alighted, and asked for horse feed and dinner. They laid their pistols upon a table, near which sat Sam, rolling his rifle upon his knees. In the course of conversation with the land- lord, they found out that he knew Brady, and that he lived in that region, and was very popular. They told the laiidlord that they had come to arrest him, and if he gave them assistance, they would share the reward with him. The landlord said they could never take him, nor could any one take him alive. They declared they could. ' I am Sam Brady,' said the man at the table. They were startled. They looked at him for a minute, and, estimating his power, waived the attempt. After dinner, they went to the table to get their pistols. Brady said they could not have those pistols, nor could the landlord's entreaty or their threats prevail. ' Go back to your homes, and tell them Sam Brady took your pistols,' was all the answer he made. He afterwards gave their pistols to his sons. " After awhile he delivered himself up for trial at Pittsburgh. He 378 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1809. was defended by James Ross. Brady laid the scalps on the bar. ' There they are ; I killed them.' A great many women attended this trial, or rather men in women's clothes, ready to rescue him, if convicted; but there was no occasion for their intervention." Mrs. Piatt, like her brother, the late William Perry Brady, re- mained a Federalist to the last. She said when Washington was burned, through the inefficiency of a granny President, her blood boiled, and she longed to go, that she might shoot at least one British invader. 1809. Officials — Residents — Roan's Journal — Election Return — Marriages AND Deaths. OVERNOR, Simon Snyder. Surveyor General, Andrew Porter, appointed April 4, vice Samuel Cochran. Dep- uty Attorney General, E. G. Bradford, appointed Jan- uary 19. Prothonotary, &c., Hugh Bellas, commissioned January 3. Register and Recorder, John Frick, commissioned Jan- uary 18. Sheriff, Daniel Lebo, commissioned October 24. Coro- ner, Joseph Lorentz, re-commissioned October 24. County Com- missioner elect, Henry Masser. Justices commissioned : Penn's, Joseph Fiihrer, February 28 ; Mahantango, Michael Rathfon and Philip Burchart, the same day. Postmaster at Lewisburg, William Hayes. Jamjs Moore, senior, built the bridge at the mouth of Buffalo creek. Tobias Lehman's property divided. His children were : Henry, Barbara, married to George Baily, Elizabeth, married to John Freedly, Margaret Spidler, Catherine, married to Daniel Nyhart, i809.j ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 379 Mary, married to John Browa, Freeily took the mills and four acres; John Brown, one hundred and thirty-two acres one hundred and one perches ; and Nyhart the tract next Derr's, fifty-five acres one hundred and twenty-six perches. Reverend John G. Heim became pastor of the Lutherans, at Dreis- bach's church, where he remained until 1831. East Buffalo Additional Residents — Aurand, Abraham ; Badger, Joseph, tailor; Boveard, Robert; Brown, Peter, stiller; Clinger, Adam; Gross, Mathias; Hauck, Andrew; Herbst, Henry; Jar- man, Jacob ; Johnston, John, colored ; Knittle, Adam, shoe-maker ; Shamp, Jesse; Sheckler, Martin, miller; Thompson, Samuel; Thompson, Moses ; Updyke, Isaac ; Wise, Henry, shoe-maker ; Ze- luff, David. Lewis bur g—^3X^\V\\\, Doctor Ethan ; Espy, John ; Nyhar.t, Dan- iel ; Smith, Robert. White Z)„-^r— Bellas, James ; Davis, John, school-teacher ; Lan- dis, Jacob, shoe-maker ; Smith, William Walker ; Sypher, Jacob. West Buffalo — Anthony, Henry ; Bergstresser, John ; Bruner, John; Caldwell, William; Hayes, John; Keeply, John; Koons, •Peter ; Linn, Isaac ; Yerger, John. Mifflinburg—Ku^lQ, Conrad; Haslet, John; Larabee, Widow; Manly, John; Millhouse, Nicholas; Smelker, Godfrey, tavern; Staple, Conrad; Wolf, Andrew; Young, Christian. Roan's Journal. 14th January. Scholars at Mr. Hood's had a pubhc exhibition of their speaking abilities. Elder Brown, Honorable George Kremer, and others attended. Sunday 29th. Mr. Hood's text, John xiv : 6 v. Thirty-six sleds and sleighs at meeting. ■ February 9. Roan, Sally, Becky, and Bob Clark, and John Eaker came and staid all night. Sunday, 12th. Saw a woman putting a hippen to her child during church. Read twenty-two chapters, verse about, to-night. 15th. Maclays and their connections spent the day at Clingan's. i6th. George and Davy Reznor went to Easton, with grain, in sleds. They returned on the 22d. 27th. Billy Clark, Uncle Giddy, Wilson's, &c., at Aunt Dale's, in all seventeen, for supper. Had two turkeys. 38o ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1809. March i. The young folks at Roan McClure's. Turkey for sup- per, and plenty of cider and apples. 3d. Debate at Mr. Hood's school-house. Question: " Is a lawyer a promoter of justice?" 12th, Sunday. No singing at meeting, as people cannot agree about the psalms and music. 13th. Black Grace free to-day, and left us. Seven Methodists dined at Clingan's to-day. 15 th. Met Doctor Baldwin at Lewisburg to-day. He is a Democrat, full of ostenta- tion. 1 8th. Mr. McClure's family, Richard Fruit and wife, Judge Wilson and wife, came to my school to-day to hear the boys speak. Wednesday, 2 2d. John Linn died last night. 23d. Went to John Linn's funeral. Stopped at Baldy's, and wrote a piece on his death for both papers at Northumberland. April 8. Saw a clegyman, a Congressman, six esquires, and a constable at Billy Poak's to-day. River very high. Congressman Smith bought a silk shawl at Kremer's for Betsey Smith. i8th. Planted the locusts at Clingan's ; got them down at Billy Clark's. Eight ministers here, Mr. Wilson of Bellefonte, Mr. Bard, &c. 19th. Planted some Lombardys. Presbytery in session. 2 2d. At North- umberland; called at Seidel's, Jones', Taggart's, 'Priestly's, Welker's, Irwin's, Huston's, and Bonham's. Spent the evening at Reverend Isaac Grier's. He is a very friendly man. I heard Isaiah Linn was buried to-day. May 7th. Clingan came home from Lancaster. He had news of General Bright's trial, Snyder's ignorance, foreign decrees revoked. He brought the girls fashionable ear-rings. Tommy got fifty shad, at Hoffman's, sent down from Lawson's. nth. Went to the review at Voneida's, [near Samuel Maclay's.] Five hundred and fifty men in line, and a great many spectators. Any number of studs. 13th. A good foot-way made over the creek, at my instigation. Got the slabs in Derrstown. Doctor Beyer and Dan Rees each gave a bottle of whisky. 17th. Jimmy Thompson building a barn on the Hafer place, for Clingan. 20th. Josiah Cander called, with pro- posals for an astronomical wheel. I called at Esquire Clark's, Captain Gray's ; then went to Derrstown, at Rees', Hayes', Poak's, Black's, and Stillwell's. Saw crazy John Maclay at Metzgar's. I and Sam Awl went to look after him. Called at Baldy's, then at Captain Robinson's for shirting, and at Anderson's for lasts. 25th. John Cochran, [surveyor general,] wife, and two sons at Clingan's, 1809.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 381 with Mrs. Thompson. 29th. Violent storm last night ; blew down trees, and took the roof off several barns and houses. 3d June. Went to Centre county, for balm of Gilead for Roan Clark, who is sick. Fed at Wilt's, [Narrows.] Aaronsburg, at three. Left with Evans Miles, and came to George Wood's. Had psalm- singing, the old way, and prayers. He is a very religious man. 4th. Called at Kern's. Stopped at Benner's, (old fort.) Then to Ludwig Reily's, on Hasting's place, where I got some leaves and branches. Stopped at Barber's tavern, and back to Baker's — twenty- four miles — a good Sabbath-day's journey. 5th. Left Aaronsburg with John Forster. At eleven fed at Wilt's, and at Youngman's at five. Stopped at Baldy's, with Holmes and Kimmell. 7th. Raising at Hafer's ; sixty-eight feet by thirty wide, forty-two rounds high. There were seventy people there. Finished before night, and then had a sumptuous .entertainment. 12th. Called to see General Baldy and lady, (married last night to Eve Metzgar.) 13th. Long John Maclay called. He is from Genessee. 20th. Anne Roan Laird here to-night, getting a dress for her name. 23d. William Patterson here from Lewistowh. A social man and great talker. 28th. Called at Lawyer Hall's, with Billmyer. Dined at Lebo's, with Lawshe. Snyder lost his suit with Voneida. Judge Yeates called to-night. Asked me how I could live honest, and be single. July I. Called at Grier's, Shannon's, and Irwin's. Sent a snuff- box to Mrs. Robert Lyon. Had business at Priestly' s with Rees and Bonham. Met John Hayes at Jones'. 6th. Flavel bit by a snake. Indigo extracted the poison. 13th. Jacob Zerbe married to Miss Ferris. Mr. Hood called on the way home, and craddled all after- noon. He is very jocose, and good company. 2 2d. Went to Giddy Smith's, and read a play; then crossed the creek to Hudson's. [Cameron's place now.] 30th. Ensign Seeley and others, from Sunbury, at meeting to-day. Clingan came home by Derrstown, to attend christening of Graham's children. 31st. I am forty-nine years old to-day. August I. Clingan had six hundred dozen on the Hafer place, one thousand at home, and not a quart of whisky drank in all hay- ing and harvesting. 2d. James Dougal commenced at the Latin school. 3d. Fishing with Mr. Hood. 8th. Mrs. Nevius had a young son. 9th. Mr. Potter's son came to the Latin school at Mr. Hood's. j82 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1809. [W. W. Potter, Esquire.] 14th. Mr. Hood gave us Caul Kail pet, II Peter, i : 5, 6, 7. Commenced to rain as the sermon closed, and we were kept there two hours. 15 th. Stahl had his barn burned with lightning, yesterday. Two horses killed. i6th. At Derrs- town. Went with Cremer to Methodist meeting. Hamer squeezing Nancy McDonald behind the stove. Returned and slept with Kre- mer. 23d. Jamy Wilson hauled the stuff for the fence at my school- house, and Cherry put it up. Sent Joseph Wallis for another bottle of whisky for him. 27th. Tommy and sister, James McClellan, Ruth Thompson, and others, went to church. At the river, men rode over and the women were ferried at Milton. Met a great com- pany, and went on to Warrior Run. Mr. Bryson preached in the fore- noon. Two hundred and thirty-seven communicants. Mr. Hood gave us C. K. p., 11 Peter, i: 5, 6, and 7. Mr. Nesbit asked my advice about marrying. 30th. Referees sitting at Sunbury, on suit Snyder and Drum. Sat up until midnight, talking with Esquire Maus. 31st. Rode out to see John Cooke. Drank cider royal at Shriner's. Dined at Reverend Grier's. Gave Ehza a copy of an enigma. Carried widow Allison on behind me part of the way home. Took a drink at Lawshe's. September 2. Rode with McEwen to Alexander Griffey's, on electioneering business. Went over the Muncy hills with Umbrella Hayes, whom I met at Shannon's. Stopped at Frederick's, in Pennsboro'. Met with Mrs. Pott's son-in-law, Fiester, and carried him home with me on the horse, three miles. 3d. Went to Shoe- maker's mills. Called on Robert Robb. He is eighty two; his wife, seventy. Went to Williamsport. Fed at Mrs. Moore's, then to Jaysburg, to Mrs. Dunlap's. Called to see John Davis and wife. She is a great Baptist. 4th. Went to James Stewart's, from that to Esquire Salmon's ; then to Larry's creek, at John Thomas' ; to She- rer's, at Jersey Shore. Called to see Lawshe, and then to Morri- son's, at Pine creek. 5th. Drank tea at Boyd Smith's. Great ball at Wilson's. Judge Cooper and Mrs. deGruchy led off the dance. Doctor Baldwin and wife there. 21st. The Governor's carriage in Derrstown, with Fred Evans. They brought citizen Kremer home in great pomp. 30th. Called on D. Smith, Esquire. He promised to attend to my business, but got into company^ and soon got past business. 1809.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 3S3 October 19. The Governor's son, Prince John of the Isle of Que, commenced school with me. 29th. Colonel Chamberlin's wife had a young son, his twenty-third. He is above seventy-three years, I believe. November 3. Clerked at Mrs. Hutchinson's vendue all day. Con- tinued over until to-morrow. Went to bed with the cryer and Der- rickson. Four ladies and a child slept in a bed in the same room. 7th. D. Reasoner married to Miss Hamil. i6th. Clerked at Lawshe's vendue. Spent a high old night. Four from Milton, three from Northumberland, and the sheriff full of mischief, not drunk. Markley cried the sale. 21st. Sunbury court. Peter Smith's wife fined one dollar for flogging Miss Adams. Esquire Youngman one cent for whipping Doctor Smith. 23d. At Shaffer's for breakfast this morning. Billy Covert and two other shoe-makers working at Clingan's. [By the custom of that day, shoe-makers and tailors went to the houses of their employers.] The shoe-makers made thi'rteen pairs shoes, at 4^'. bd. per pair. 30th. At Dale's. Met Colonel S. Dale on his way to the Assembly. [He was a son of Samuel Dale, deceased, and represented Mercer and Venango.] 2d December. Went with Roan Clark and James Forster's son, John, to Billy Forster's. Met Captain John Wilson there. Had eleven sorts of diet for supper. 5 th. Got my shoes mended at Mr. Espy's, in Derrstown. A dose of salts at Doctor Beyers'. loth. Mr. Hood's text, Ecclesiastes, xi : 19-20. 13th. I gave one Meloner a certificate that he was taken prisoner with me on shipboard. 17th. At Derrstown, heard Kremer tell of arresting Langs for passing counterfeit money at four taverns and two stores. i8th. Eight strangers at supper. 19th. George, Tommy Scott, and Allison went to Colonel Kelly's. A quilting party there. Plenty of rye there. Mr. Allison, a spark of Betsey Kelly's. 25th. Christmas — very quiet. Met some Penn's valley folks, Billy Clark, and gentry, going to George's to spend the evening. 27th. Wa:lter Clark called, and took George along to a " kicking frolic ". [Old settlers well know what that means.] 28th. Party at Mr. Hood's. McClures, How- ards, &c., there. Two turkeys and twelve sorts of diet. 30th. At Milton. Called at D. Smith's, McKisson's, Donaldson's, McCann's, Calhoun's, on Hannah Rees. Dined at Doctor Dougal's, with Sam Hood. 31st. General Baldy's wife has a young son. 384 AANALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1809. Marriages. January 4, Henry Grove with Hannah Leisenring, of Lewisburg, (by Henry Spyker, Esquire,) in presence of his three brothers, John, Samuel, and Frank, two sisters, Betsey and Sarah, &c. January 8, by same, Philip Frederick with Christena Brown, in presence of John Brown and wife, T. Sheckler and wife, Peter Brown and wife, Abraham Brown, George Frederick. April II, by A. McLanachan, Esquire, John Vandyke to Miss Margaret Adams, both of White Deer. April 13, by same, John Ranck to Miss Nancy Luther. June II, by Henry Spyker, Esquire, General Christopher Baldy with Eve Metzgar. June 28, by Henry Spyker, Esquire, Joseph Bower with Susanna Machamer. July 25, by Henry Spyker, Esquire, Lawrence Martin with Polly Juge. August 31, Robert Montgomery with Nancy Knox, in presence of her father, George Knox, her brother, James, and sister, Bell, (by Henry Spyker, Esquire.) On Tuesday, the 12th October, by the Reverend Mr. Deffen- baugh, Mr. John Sierer, aged sixty-five, to the amiable Miss Louisa McMillan, aged nineteen, both of Buffalo ; and on Thursday, the 2ist ultimo, by Esquire Hamilton, Mr. George Knox, of Derrstown, to Miss Jane Mcllroy, near Pine Creek. Deaths. Tuesday, 21st March, in the fifty-seventh year of his age, John Linn, of White Deer township, of pleurisy, on the tenth day of his sickness. He was buried at Buffalo Cross-Roads, on the Thursday following. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of people. He was an inhabitant of this county upwards of thirty-six years, and twenty-one years an elder of Buffalo church, and principal clerk, conducting the music. He came into the Valley in 1772, and en- dured the hardships incident to the early settlement of the country, frequently sleeping on his cabin floor, with a bag of grain for a pillow, and his rifle by his side. During the year 1779, while' off 1809.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 385 on a tour of service, his cabin was spoiled by the Indians. He was married by his brother, Reverend Doctor WiUiam Linn, to Ann Fleming, of Middleton township, near Carlisle. She was of the Fleming family, of Chester county. Her ancestor, William Fleming, came over before 17 14, and settled in Cain township, in Chester county. From there, his descendants moved up to Cumberland and Northumberland counties. John Linn's children were : Susan, married to Wilham Thompson, (son of Captain James,) in 1804, and shortly after removed to Venango county; Ann, married to Andrew McBeth, a son of John McBeth, of Aaronsburg, died at Greencastle, Indiana, October 1873, ^S^^ eighty-six; William Linn, who moved to Miami county, Ohio, died there, October 26, 1834. John Linn, married to Mary F., daughter of Colonel Wil- liam Chamberlin. He resides at Mount Vernon, Ohio. Margaret Linn, married to Joseph McCalmont, of Venango county, died February 7, 1873. The late James F. Linn, Esquire, of Lewisburg, who died October 8, 1869, aged sixty-seven, and Jemima Linn, who died April 17, 1873. Doctor William Kent Lathy, of Northumberland, July 28. August 10, Mathew Huston, q.6\\.qx oi Ai'gus , aged fifty-one years. He was an officer in the Revolution, participated in the battles of White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, and Germantown. Afterwards representative of the county of Philadelphia, and was six times elected clerk of the House. Father of the late Mrs. Hannah Taggert, of Northumberland, and of Andrew C. Huston, Esquire. Albright Swineford died. His children were : Catherine Cum- mings, (wife of John, senior, and mother of John J.,) George, Mi- chael, Peter, and Jacob. Adam Ranck, of White Deer. Children : Rachel, John, Daniel, Noah, Mary, and Adam, junior. Conrad Reedy, of Buffalo. Children : John and Jacob. John Beatty. October 22, Colonel John Clarke, aged seventy-three. He is buried in the Lewis grave-yard. His children were : Jane, wife of David Watson, (mother of John C, William, and David Watson;) Joseph Clarke, who had two children, William and Grace. October 6, Mary Hutchinson, of White Deer township, aged sixty- seven, thirty-six years a resident of the Valley. Children : Sarah, 25 j86 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1810. wife of James Cornelius ; Mrs. Elizabeth Criswell, (mother of James, of Lewisburg.) John Swineford. Children : John, Mary, married to Jacob Foltz ; Margaret, with George Snyder ; Susanna, with Jacob Fryer ; Eliza- beth, with John Smith ; Catherine, with John Aurand ; Jacob, and Albright. 1810. Counterfeiters Arrested — ^Langs' Suicide — Daniel Doudle — Roan's Journal — Notice of Nathan Evans. |ENATOR, James Laird. Representatives, John Murray, Jared Irwin, Leonard Rupert, Frederick Evans, elected in October. Treasurer, David Taggert. Commissioner elect, Joseph Gaston. Commissioners' Clerk, Nathan Patton. Postmaster at Miflflinburg, Thomas Youngman. Henry Yearick commissioned Justice of the Peace, June 4. Passing counterfeit money seems a very prevalent offense. Doctor Thomas Barrett, of Danville, convicted. George Langs and Jared Langs also. Barrett made his escape from jail at Sunbury. Sheriff Lebo was complained of for his negligence with prisoners. At April term (20th) George Langs received his sentence. He bowed to the ♦ court, and retired. The next morning his daughter called on him. He asked her to withdraw a little while, and about one hour after- wards he was found hanging on an iron bed, near the door of his room. He was convicted of passing a counterfeit $20 note upon John Sargent, of Lewisburg. Additional Residents ' East Buffalo — Bird, John and William ; Brewer, Matthew ; Brewer, Thomas ; Clements, Michael ; Gross, Jacob, carpenter; Hahn, Andrew; Kreisher, Henry ; Lilly, Peter; Slear, Charles; Zellers, George. 1810.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 387 Le^Jsburg Bo^,r, Joseph; Gordon, John B., dyer; Hutchin- son Alexander ; McClure, MatAevv; Pross, John. November 10, McQuhae and Hepburn opened a new store meSlnt^"'^''""'''"'"' "^"""^ ^ ''°^^' ^^^^^^^ ^^'^< >--' _ White i?..r_Caldvvell, Daniel; Dieffenbach, Adam; Eyer Dan- iel ; Guyer John ; Haas, Peter; Huff, Thomas; McKisson, James, smgle ; Reed, Robert. ^-/^.#^/._BeideIman, Valentine; Bilman, Dewalt; Braucher, Christian ; Deal, John, carpenter ; Wright, John J^i^/;.^..j_Montelius, John. John Bergstresser bought Henry Snyder s mill on Rapid run. The latter probably died this year. Daniel Doudle. Daniel Doudle was an acquaintance of Governor Snyder in his boyhood, and in maturer years he would sometimes pay the Gover nor a visit, at Selinsgrove, and thus formed acquaintance with George Kremer. After George moved to Derrstown, and established him- self in business and a bachelor's hall there, Daniel extended his visits thither, and became so much pleased that he resolved to forsake York altogether, and remain with George. Accordingly, he sent for his money, a considerable stock of dollars, and took up his abode in Derrstown. He and George agreed very well, for George humored him m all his whims, but he quarreled sadly with old Pe-gy Miller the housekeeper. Sometimes he would come in a towering passion to George, with -Now, George, I can't live with the old devil any longer. Just send me off to Selinsgrove, to Simon, and he will send me to York." -Well, well," said George, -Roan (Glark) or John ■ shall take you and your money in the cart to Selinsgrove as soon as you like." - Do you think," Daniel would reply, - I would trust myself with the damned rascals? They would murder me for my money before we got half way to Selinsgrove." Then an argument would commence on the honesty of Roan and John, which generally lasted until Daniel, in his rage against these two, had forgotten his wrath toward old Peggy. At length, Daniel fell into the hands of an old Methodist woman, who, by her exhortations, made consider able impression on him. After spending an evening at Mother jSS ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1810. Grove's, Daniel came home with a face so solemn and important that the whole family noticed it, and, knowing where he had been, the clerks followed him on his retreat to bed, and peeped and listened at his door. Daniel locked his door, looked carefully around, undressed, (taking off his hat the last of all, as was his custom,) kneeled by the bedside, and commenced thus: " O, Lord God; " then ensued a long pause. Up rose Daniel, exclaiming "It is too damned cold to pray here ! " and jumped into bed. Whether Dan- iel made another effort to pray is uncertain. He once acted god- father for one of his friend's children. The clergyman asked the name of the child. Daniel, understanding him to ask his name, promptly replied : "Daniel Doudle, to be sure. Don't you know me any more?" Daniel, at this time eighty years of age, usually dressed himself once a day in state, in a blue silk-velvet coat, white vest, ruffled shirt, brown silk-velvet small-clothes, and turned-up shoes, and paraded himself down to the river bank and back, to exhibit himself to the ladies. He lived to be one hundred and one or one hundred and two years of age, dying in August, 1828, at Mr. Kremer's, near Middleburg, where his bones rest with those of his friends, Frederick Evans and George Kremer. Certainly three more singular men were never so intimately associated in life and rest so close together in the solemn silence of death. Among other characters of this date, were Billy Nicholas, a car- penter of White Deer, and old Mr. Mook, the revolutionary soldier. Saturday was the usual day to assemble in Lewisburg, and getting pretty drunk, old Mook asserted he could " hex a bullet" at an hun- dred yards. Mook held a silver bullet in his hand and began pow- wowing. Billy shot from the porch of Metzgar's tavern, knocked the bullet out of Mook's finger, skinning the latter considerably, thus disabusing Mook's mind of the idea that he could "hex." Roan's Journal. January 23. T. Clingan had a water-smeller, to find where he should put the well on his place. Grand ball at Baldy's. Poaks and a number from Milton there. 24th. Rees' vendue at Derrs- town. April 8. T. Clingan, Wilson Smith, and I went to Daniel Smith's 1810.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 3S9 funeral ; eighteen chairs and carriages ; one hundred and twenty on horseback. 1 4th. Planted two Lombardys at the school-house. Met Mr. Coryell at Poak's. He brought his family from Williamsport in a canoe. 17th. Review day. Seven hundred on parade at Derrs- town. June 2. Hoffman sold his place to one Boal. 3d. At Chillis- quaque grave-yard. Saw Dan Smith's grave. 4th. I dreamed Dan Smith came to life, and exhorted us to " remember our Creator in the days of our youth." Hail storm broke a great quantity of glass at Derrstown. 5th. George Clark left for the State of Ohio, nth. John Clark died. 12th. Fair at Sunbury. i8th. General Baldy's flitting in town. Moving to Cayuga lake. 2 2d. Fast day. Clerked at the election of elders. 23d. Mr. Grier ordained four elders. July 3. Rode with Adam Smith to Centre county. Stopped at Wilt's and fed at Miles', at Aaronsburg. 4th. Met Esquire Woods, Barbers, and a great company at Gregg's. 5th. At Mrs. Van Horn's, a very fashionable old lady. Dined at James Potter's, with Doctor Dobbins. 6th. Saw the grave Nuby was stolen from. 27th. Fair at Derrstown. 29th. Buffalo creek higher than it has been for twenty years. Mr. Hood could not attend church. Hudson's surrounded. August 2d. Esquires Hall, Evans, Albright, and Maclay at an audit, in Derrstown. 9th. Black Judy came to wash. 24th. Met John Hayes and his brother, Patrick, at Esquire Gray's. 31st. Thirty bills for bastardy before the grand jury. September 6th. Robert Boveard married to Hugh Wilson's daugh- ter, the amiable Miss Peggy. October 4th. Mr. Priestly got Clingan's carriage to carry his family to Philadelphia, on their way to England. 9th. Clerked at the election, at Derrstown. One hundred and forty-eight votes polled. George Smith candidate for Congress ; no opposition. James Laird vs. A. McKinney for Senate ; Laird elected. ' Candi- dates for Assembly, John Murray, Fred Evans, Jarad Irwin, Leon- ard Rupert, D. Montgomery, and Samuel Maclay. Commissioners, George Holstein and Flavel Roan. 13th. I have seven hundred and eighty-six majority for commissioner. 14th. Hugh McLaugh- lin's wife buried. i6th. Battalion at Derrstown. Sergeant and James Patterson had a box. Great dinner at Billmyer's. 39° ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1810. November nth. Esquire Harding here, on his way from Luzerne county to Kentucky. His horse got lame ; they killed a cat and put it to his foot. December 3d. Doctor Dougal dissected black Tom, and made an anatomy of him. i8th. Went to Esquire Gray's to see Samuel Hutchinson married to Jenny Wallace. Groom did not come. I went up to Hoffman's to see what was the matter. He coyld not cross for ice. Came down in a sleigh to Nesbit's, and crossed there. Marriages. March 13, Moses Bower with Catherine Moyer, daughter of Philip, in presence of her brother, Peter, John Fulmer and wife. March 15, Joel Ranck with Sarah Long, daughter of Joseph, in presence of his father, John Ranck. May 27, George Bower with Polly Smith, daughter of Michael, deceased. August 26, Sunday, Anthony Selin, of Selinsgrove, to Miss Catherine Yoner, of Sunbury. Same day, Conrad Weiser to Elizabeth Snyder, both of Penn township. Octo- ber 7, Philip Stahl with Susanna Spotz. October 9, Wilham High- land with Mary Gann, widow of Christian. November 11, Michael Meyer with Sarah Kelley. December 13, by Reverend T. Hood, Washington Dunn, of Lycoming county, to Miss Betsy Musser, of White Deer. December 18, by Reverend Mr. Patterson, Samuel Hutchinson, of Derry, to Mrs. Jenny Wallace, daughter of Captain William Gray, White Deer. Deaths. April 6, at his seat, at Milton, aged forty-five, Daniel Smith, Esquire, attorney-at-law. Left a widow, Cassandra. Children : Samuel, Jasper, and Grace. He was buried at Chillisquaque grave- yard. July 7, Alexander Hunter, former treasurer of the county. Joseph J. Wallis, deputy surveyor. Peter Getz, East Buffalo. July 4, John Weirick. Children : William, Sarah, and John. October 15, Albright Swineford, born February 16, 1728. Henry Myers, West Buffalo. Children : Henry, Daniel, Valentine, William, John, Elizabeth, wife of Royer, Mary, and Eve Maria. Joseph Ultz, West Buffalo. November — , Thomas Forster, of West Buffalo. Left 1811.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. jgi widow, Jane. Children: John, William, Thomas, Mary, and Eliz- abeth Jane. Nathan Evans died this year, and his widow removed to Bucks county with his family. He was an active christian, and he and his wife were Baptists. He was in the habit of preaching at Baptist meetings, although not a clergyman. His granddaughter, Mrs. Professor C. S. James, of Lewisburg, has in her possession many abstracts of his sermons, preached in the Valley. 1811. Hartley Township Erected — Presbytery of jSTorthumberland Formed — Impeachment of Judge Cooper— Reverend Yost Henry Fries — Death of Honorable Samuel Maclay. and ISTotice of his Family. EMBER of Congress, George Smith. Senator, James Laird. Members elected in October, Samuel Bond, Ja- red Irwin, Andrew McClenachan, and Frederick Evans. President Judge, Seth Chapman, commissioned July 11, Register and Recorder, John L. Finney, commissioned April 3. County Commissioner elect, Flavel Roan. April sessions, Robert Barber, John Wilson, and Peter Fisher reported favorably to the erection of a new township, to be called Hartley, by the following boundaries : Beginning on the line be- tween West Buffalo and Washington townships ; thence along the same to the four-mile tree, on Reuben Haines' road, on the line of Centre county ; thence south along said line, across Penn's creek, to the top of Jack's mountain ; thence along the summit, to a point south of where Adam Laughlin formerly lived ; thence north across Penn's creek, and by a line of marked trees, to the beginning. By a resolution of the Synod of Philadelphia, May 16, the Pres- bytery of Northumberland was set off from that of Huntingdon by 392 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1811. the following line : Beginning at the mouth of Mahantango creek, a north-west course to the west branch of the Centre and Lycoming county lines, leaving eastward Reverends Asa Dunham, John Bryson, Isaac Grier, John B. Patterson, Thomas Hood, and their respective charges, and the vacant charges of Great Island, Pine Creek, and Lycoming. Additional Residents of West Buffalo — Aikey, Lewis ; Beaucher, Jacob ; Orwig, Jacob ; Schnure, Christian ; John Bergstresser, taxed with oil and fulling-mills. Mifflinbtirg — Clark, Roan, merchant ; Wallis, Doctor Thomas. White Deer — Boal, John ; Covert, Isaac, ferry at Caldwell's ; Davis, Stephen, miller at Dan Caldwell's ; DeHaven, Jacob, shoe- maker, on Roan McClure's place ; Heitzman, Jacob ; Leiser, Jacob ; Mervine, Samuel, brick-maker ; Sypher, Peter; Williman, Thomas. Additional Residents in East Buffalo — Albertson, John, Jenkins' place; Betz, John ; Beaver, Peter ; Brown, Abraham ; Dieffenbach, John ; Hafer, Michael, at Hugh Wilson's ; Hamilton, Francis ; Hentzleman, George ; Highlands, William ; Howard, George ; Kreechbaum, Peter, junior ; Kremer, Charles ; Leiby, Jacob ; Lytle, Samuel ; McCrea, Robert, shoe-maker ; McDonnel, John, weaver at Jenkins' ; McFadden, John, tailor ; Newman, Michael ; Newman, John; Phillips, George ; Shannon, Joseph ; Shirtz, William, weaver ; Smalley, Abraham. Lewisburg — Collins, Joseph, tailor ; Donaldson, Robert ; Evans & Kremer, store ; Kemerer, Charles, tailor ; Langs, Widow ; Mc- Quhae, WiUiam ; Miller, Andrew ; Wilson, William, store-keeper. New Berlin — Charleton, James; Dennis, Jacob, blacksmith; Dennis, John, junior, cordwainer ; Hubler, Abraham, weaver ; Yost, Casper. Improvements — Daniel Clarke, tan-yard in White Deer. Domestic Incidents. Uriah Silsby commenced singing schools in the Valley. January i6. An article appears in the Argus in favor of the division of the county. The distance the people have to travel, the expense of ferriage over the river, then an appeal to the pocket on account of the expense of ornamenting the town of Sunbury. Ap- propriation for a fire engine there. An appropriation that was 1811-] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. jpj urged for the building of fire-proof buildings for the records. This was the entering wedge of the erection of Union county. In the succeeding paper was a strong argument, founded on increase of the value of property in the new county. Nearer market for purchase. Facility of reaching the county seat. ^Saving of expense of court trials. from Diary of James McGlellan, Esquire. April 9. Had my house and barn consumed by fire. Lost grain, meat, and everything but a little flour. Happened between ten and eleven, a. m. Received the same evening, of John Rangier, two loaves of bread, a shoulder, potatoes, cabbage, &c. James Thomp- son, a bag of corn and hay; Joshua Ewing, bag of corn, &c. Next day, of William Irwin, Esquire, bag corn, two bushels wheat, load of hay. Matthew Irwin, dry peaches, wheat, &c. William Clin- gan, wheat and rye, and other articles from John Frantz, Jacob Reedy, Jacob Dunkle, Martin Dreisbach, Jacob Hinely, John Stahl, John Kelly, William Dunkle, Samuel Templeton, Mrs. Linn, Samuel Sterret, John Baker, Jacob Baber, David Watson, Peter Dunkle, John Kaufman, Thomas Howard, Hugh Wilson, William Hayes, James Magee. Reverend Isaac Grier, Academy at North- umberland, the educational point. Latin and Greek languages taught for ^24 per annum. 77?^ Impeachment of Judge Cooper. The first charge against him was fining persons and immuring then in prison for whispering in court. Cooper's reply was, one Hollister, a constable, was merely given in custody of the sheriff one hour, until the disposal of a case, and then fined $2. This was at Wilkesbarre, in 1807. Second charge. Imprisoning a respectable citizen for wearing a hat, in conformity with a religious habit. Cooper replies that he did not recollect the circumstances exactly, and presented the affi- davit of Doctor James Dougal, who says he was present in court, and on account of the confusion and deafening noise there was for- merly in court, he recollected the circumstances vividly. John Hanna was standing close to the bar, with his hat on. A young 394 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. \\%\\. looking man stood behind him, with his hat on also. Judge Cooper arose and said : I will thank you, Mr. Hanna, to tell that young man to take his hat off. The young man walked away. Judge Cooper waited a little while, and then said to Mr. Hanna : I will thank you to pull off your own. Hanna made no reply. The judge repeated the request. Hanna replied in a coarse, low voice, which I could not hear distinctly, but I thought he said, if you want it off, take it off yourself. The judge then said, this is not a wor- shiping assembly, nor a play-house, nor a dance-house. Is a court of justice entitled to less respect than any of these places ? And then requested him again. On Hanna making the same reply, I believe, as above, the judge said : Sheriff, take this man to jail. The sheriff took Mr. Hanna by the hand and they both walked off. Judge Cooper then states that Hanna lived at Northumberland, and was an old neighbor. He had never heard or suspected that he. had any scruples on the point; that he asked him when he came to fine him, whether he was a Quaker, and he said not ; then whether he had any religious scruples on the subject, he said yes. I then said, if he had said so, that would have been sufficient to entitle him to keep his hat on.^ Third charge. After sentencing a felon, calling him from prison, and pronouncing a second sentence, increasing the penalty. This referred to the case of young Gough, a horse-thief, convicted at Wilkesbarre. The court sentenced him to twelve months, he having plead guilty. The next morning, Judges Hollenbach and Fell in- formed Judge Cooper they had understood he was an old offender. I gave it as my opinion, says Judge Cooper, that during the ses- sions, the judgments were in the power of the court, and subject to revisal. He was re-sentenced to three years. Fourth charge. That he has decided important causes in which > It is not many years since the courts in Olearfield county were also hard to keep in hand. The folks stood around, as Judge G-. W. Woodward said, like people in an auction-room. When the Honorable James Burnside held his first court there, the people crowded in among the lawyers, and in front of the bench. An indictment was brought against one Pennington. The judge called out: "Is Pennington in court?" A stalwart man standing in front of the crowd, said : " Jedge, you better call out the whole damn grist of the Penningtons." The judge put on a severe look, and commenced a lecture to the man for disturbing the court. After he pro- ceeded awhile, the man said: "Hush up, jedge, you are making a damned sight more disturbance than I did." 1811.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. . jg^ he was interested. Judge Cooper's contradiction is too long for in- sertion. Fiftli. Setting aside the verdict of the jury in an intemperate and passionate manner. In the case of Albright and Cowden, Judge Cooper and his associates, Wilson and Macpherson, agreed in opin- oin. Judge General Montgomery differed. Judge Cooper charged the jury, and General Montgomery also, and the jury w8nt with the latter. The verdict was set aside by Judge Cooper. The latter denied intemperance of language. Sixth. Browbeating counsel and witnesses. Judge Cooper admits reprimanding members of the bar, for unprofessional conduct, in managing a cause ; for making statements not supported ; for per- severing in objections, after the court had decided : for want of silence, and keeping order ; but denied anything further contained in the charge. Seventh. That he appeared armed. Judge Cooper says he never carried arms but once, and then on the road from Northumberland to Williamsport, as he had been warned that he would be attacked. After calling the jury at Williamsport, Judge Cooper went off the bench, and made information against the party who had threatened him. The party, a professional gentleman in the neighborhood, of good character, came forward, and, finding himself mistaken, the complaint was dropped. Eighth charge. That he refused to hear persons in their own de- fense. This denied in toto. Ninth. That he had issued a proclamation against horse-racing, and then ordered a suppression of the proclamation. Judge Cooper says : This is true. Some of my friends, engaged in the said horse- race, applied to me, and stated that horses were expected from Phil- adelphia; that the county was generally notified, and that there would be a great assemblage of people ; that the tavern-keepers had made expensive preparations, and that it was too late to put a stop to the meeting. They said if I insisted in my opposition to the race, they would submit to the law ; but this should be the last race, and they would be individually responsible for keeping order, suppress- ing gambling, riot, &c. This was acceded to, and there has been no horse-racing since in Sunbury or in the county, that I know of. Tenth charge. Fining and imprisoning a constable for neglecting 39(> ■ ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1811. to execute a process issued contrary to the Constitution and laws. This referred to the case of Conner, who so misused the warrant Judge Cooper had issued for arresting Jacob Langs, a counterfeiter, that the latter escaped. Judge William Montgomery, of Danville, although he frequently differed with Judge Cooper, came out in a strong affidavit, in which he said Judge Cooper was a good lawyer, earnest in preparing public business, prompt in his decisions, and clear of partialities, and that he had, with manly firmness, opposed further and unnecessary litigation, and disposed of the charges as far as they referred to Judge Cooper's practice in Northumberland county. The committee to investigate the charges met on the yth of March, (at Lancaster.) ' John B. Gibson, Samuel Dale, and Jared Irwin were of the committee. Mr. Duncan, of Carlisle, appeared for Judge Cooper; Mr. Greenough, for the petitioners. Jared Irwin com- plained to the committee that Daniel Levy, Esquire, was interfering outside in favor of Judge Cooper; whereupon, Mr. Duncan dis- claimed having any connection with Mr. Levy, and added, that it was this young man's folly that caused Judge Cooper to be here. After an examination of Charles Hall, Esquire, Frederick Evans, and many other witnesses, the committee reported that the Judge's conduct had been arbitrary, unjust, and precipitate, and in favor of an address to the Governor for his removal. ''More than two thirds of the Legislature voted for his removal," says the Argus, of April 3. The witnesses called on his side were Doctor Dougal, Joseph Priestly, George Kremer, Colonel D. Montgomery, Charles Hegins, John Cowden, E. G. Bradford, &c. "Judge Cooper spoke four and a half hours, in a very eloquent and impressive manner." — Ibid. In the Argus of the 17th, the testimony of the witnesses is printed in full. Judge William Wilson (of Chillisquaque) says: "The court was very disorderly before Judge Cooper's time. I have seen Judge Rush leave the bench. It is now very orderly. Judge Cooper can- not see very well. John Dreisbach, of Mifflinburg, was one of the parties Judge Cooper fined for talking to a witness. Dreisbach said he was merely telling the witness that court had adjourned, as the man was hard of hearing. Esquire Youngman came forward to speak in my favor, and the judge told him he would fine him a dollar if he did not keep still." The courts in May were held by 1811.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. jgj Judges Wilson, Montgonaery, and Macpherson. A queer rule was adopted : "No bills on the return of a constable, unless at the re- quest of the mother of the child, or the overseers of the poor, or by special direction of the court, should be returned." September 17, convention met at Derrstown, and made the fol- lowing nominations : Simon Snyder for Governor ; Jared Irwin, Frederick Evans, Samuel Bond, and Andrew McClenachan for mem- bers ; Commissioner, Henry Vanderslice ; Auditors, Hugh Wilson, (ridge,) Charles Gale, and Andrew Albright. The election returns gave Simon Snyder all the votes, except twelve, polled in Buffalo for Jacob Bumberger. Bond, Irwin, Mc- Clenachan, and F. Evans were elected to the Assembly, with Henry Vanderslice for county commissioner. Auditors as above. Argus, of November 13, says: "William Hayes, of Derrstown, raised five pumpkins on one vine, largest weighing one hundred and sixty pounds ; least, fifty-four pounds." Roan's Journal. February i . Judge Cooper a good deal annoyed about the peti- tions to remove him. 2d. Stopped at Irely's, (Winfield.) 4th. Scurrilous poetry circulating among the neighbors about last hallow- een night. [The family feuds in the Valley may be traced to this practice. It will be all understood by the old residents.] Entry of the 7th. James Dale and James McClure had a bout at Derrstown about hallow-een night stories. 14th. Mr. Barber married to Polly Vanvalzah. 19th. Thomas Proctor and Polly Musser married. March 5. At Jimmy Wilson's: three Moores, of Lycoming, two Vanvalzahs, Bob Fruit and Nancy, two of the Nevius girls, and Polly Darragh, at the spinning. March 8. Tailor McFadden work- ing at Clingan's. James McClellan had his house and barn burned. 13th. R. Mc and Aaron C would have fought at Rees' to- night, but Long John Maclay prevented them. All about hallow- een night. 20th. Concert of the singing-school at Derrstown. Eat cakes and drank cider with a number of young ladies and gentle- men at Granny Phillips'. 29th. Firing of cannon and rejoicing at Northumberland, on account of the removal of Judge Cooper. April 5. Citizen Kremer has lost popularity by taking Judge Cooper's part. 3g8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1811. May 1 8. Great horse-race at Derrstown. August 19. The new Judge, Chapman, took his seat. September 8. A blazing star, like a comet, appeared in the north for some time. 17th. Nominating convention met at Derrstown. McLanachan put on the legislative ticket, with Evans. i8th. Comet still visible, going around the north star like the pointers in the bear. 19th. Quilting at Mr. Laird's. Thirty ladies there. Hayes says Fred Evans is a Burrite. 29th. Graham had a child baptized Caroline. October 8. Election at Derrstown. Two hun^^ed and forty-six votes polled. Eeople pretty quiet. 15 th. William McQuhae mar- ried to John Cowden's daughter. 2 2d. Review at Derrstown. Fid- dles going all day at the tavern. 26th. John Musser, with Thomas, at Philadelphia. He had a horse stolen there. It takes two weeks to make the trip. November 9. Called at Giddy Smith's, to get signers to the peti- tion for a new county. Giddy says there are too many Federalists on the petition, nth. Esquire Vincent, Esquire Brown, and Mr. Iredell here on a road view. They are very jocose, sociable, and funny men. December 1 1 . James Clark took Flavel home with him to a kick- ing frolic. 17. T. Woodside here, surveying Mr. Lyons' land, sold to Frantz. Governor Snyder's message, of December 3, is worthy of remark, as containing an emphatic protest against slavery, and also a strong recommendation of the canal system. That noted divine, Yost Henry Fries, now enters the Valley, and his wide-spread influence takes its start. The Reformed congrega- tions had become vacant, by the resignation of the Reverend Jacob Dieffenbach, in 1810, and Mr. Fries was induced to make a visit to Buffalo Valley from his congregation in York county. He was born in Westphalia, town of Gusterhain, 24th April, 1777. He landed in Baltimore, 20th August, 1803. From early childhood he had a strong inclination to the ministry, and, being poor, saw little hope of entering the ministry at home, where so many strict formalities were observed. He could not pay his passage, and was forced to become a " redemptioner ;" that is, he was bound to serve out a cer- tain length of time, gener^ly three years, for the benefit of the man 1811.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. ' jgg who paid his passage. When a ship arrived, farmers and others, needing laborers, would go to the port, and buy the time for which they were to serve from the captain. Mr. Fries had his certificate of church membership, and also a recommendation to a wealthy man named Hinckel, at Philadelphia. It seems he never presented the latter, as Doctor Harbaugh found it among his papers, long preserved after his death by a daughter, near Mifflinburg. Mr. Fries fell into the hands of a kind German farmer, in York county. He was honest, industrious, and trusty, and soon won the full confidence of his em- ployer. He was fond of improving his mind in spare hours, and his desire to be a minister stirred him strongly. He spoke in small assem- blies, when he got the opportunity. There was, however, nothing fanatical about him, yet he went so far once as to preach a sermon, in a school-house, on the words, "Much study is a weariness to the flesh," Ecclesiastes, xii : i. A singular text certainly to begin with. He commenced his preparatory studies with Reverend Daniel Wag- ner, in Frederick, Maryland, April 3, 1809, and, after being with him a year, was licensed at Harrisburg, and on the 20th of June, 1810, took charge of eight congregations in York county. In June, 181 1, he came up on a visit to Buffalo Valley, and on the 2 2d preached in the Dreisbach church, on Acts, v: 31 ; on the 23d in Mififlinburg, Acts, xxvi : 28 ; in the afternoon of the same day, at New Berhn, on 11 Peter, i : 19, and in the evening again at Mifflin- burg, on I Corinthians, xvi : 13. In October, 1 8 1 1 , he made a second visit to Buffalo Valley, from 1 7th to the 24th. He preached at Ans- pach's school-house, Dieffeftbach's, White Deer school-house, Dreis- bach church, Mififlinburg, New Berlin, Aaronsburg, and in Brush valley, and on the 28th was home again in his charge. A strong effort was now made by the churches in Buffalo Valley and neigh- borhood to secure his services. — Harbaugh. The first meeting of the Northumberland Presbytery was held in the Presbyterian church of Northumberland, on the first Tuesday of October. Reverend Asa Dunning opened it with a sermon from Ephesians, ii : 14. The members composing it were Reverends Dun- ham, Bryson, Grier, Patterson, and Hood, with Elders James Shed- dan, James Hepburn, William Montgomery, and Thomas Howard. 400 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1811. Marriages. Evan Rice Evans was married, last Thursday evening, to Mrs. Forrest. She was a widow of five months. (Roan's Diary, 12th January.) September 8, Ehjah Updike to Elizabeth Snook, daugh- ter of Martin. Witnesses : John Brown, (miller,) Peter Snook, Sarah Smith. October 7, William Davis to Catherine Derr, daughter of George Derr. December 25, by Reverend Slater Clay, Samuel Hepburn, Esquire, to Miss Ann Clay, of Montgomery county. DecejTiber 26, John Cochran, junior, with Anna M., daughter of Adam Grove. James Kelly, George Kremer, John and Sarah Montgomery, and Catharine Gordon. Deaihs. George Holstein, of Penn's, father of George, of Lewisburg. Joseph Evans, Lewisburg. Evan Rice Evans, Esquire, in December. Henry Myer, of West Buffalo, left wife, Ehzabeth. Children : Henry, Daniel, Valentine, William, John, Ehzabeth, Margaret, Eve, and Maria. Daniel took his land at the appraisement, and in 1813 sold it to William Forster. William Douglass, West Buffalo. John, James, Elizabeth. George Cramer, (of now Union.) Children : Matthew, Howard, Chatam. Jacob Albright, Beaver. Children : Rachel, married to James Moore ; Stephen, Peter, Jacob, Juliana, Catherine. February 23, Mrs. Mary Bull, wife of General John Bull, of Northumberland, in her eightieth year. She was buried in the Quaker grave-yard. Previous to the grave being closed, General Bull, although much reduced by sickness and old age, addressed the audience as follows: "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord. May we, who are soon to follow her, be as well prepared as she was." At Sunbury, on Sunday, March 11, John Frick, Esquire, Regis- ter and Recorder, aged fifty-one. Left widow and eleven children. 1811.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. ^oi Honorable Samuel Maclay Died at his residence, in Buffalo Valley, October 5, 1811. He was born June 17, 1741, in Lurgan township, Franklin county. Of his early education I can learn nothing. His field-note books, as assistant deputy surveyor to William Maclay, in 1767 and 1768, are before me, and indicate a cultivated hand. He next appears in 1769, as assistant to his brother on the surveys of the officers' tract in Buffalo Valley. He surveyed largely in what is now Mifflin county, and took up a good deal of land there. R. P. Maclay, his son, still living, related an anecdote which he had from the late Judge Brown, of Mifflin county, which is worth transcribing. He said : "I was wandering out in the Valley, in search of good loca- tions. I was traveling, looking about on the rising ground for a bear, I had started, when. I came suddenly upon the Big spring. [This spring is four miles west from Reedsvilie, in the rear of a blacksmith shop. Still called Logan's spring.] Being thirsty, I set my rifle against a bush, and rushing down the bank, laid down to drink. Upon putting my head down, I saw reflected in the water, on the opposite side, the shadow of a tall Indian. I sprang to my rifle, Avhen the Indian gave a yell — whether for peace or war, I was not, just then, sufficiently master of my faculties to tell ; but upon my seizing my rifle and facing him, he knocked up the pan of his gun, threw out the priming, and extended his open hand toward me in token of friendship. After putting down our guns, we again met at the spring and shook hands. This was Logan, the best specimen of humanity 1 ever met with, either white or red. He could speak a little English, and told me there was another white hunter a little way down the stream, and offered to guide me to his camp. There I first met Samuel Maclay. We remained together in the Valley for a week, looking for springs and selecting lands, and laid the founda- tion of a friendship which never has had the slightest interruption. " We visited Logan at the camp, at Logan's spring, and he and Mr. Maclay shot at a mark for a dollar a shot. Logan lost four or five rounds, and acknowledged himself beaten. When we were about to leave him, he went into his hut and brought out as many deer skins as he had lost dollars, and handed them to Mr. Maclay, who refused to take them, alleging that we had been his guests, and did 26 402 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1811. not come to rob him; that the shooting had been only a trial of skill, and the bet merely nominal. Logan drew himself up with great dignity, and said : ' Ale bet to make you shoot your best ; me gentleman, and me take your dollar if me beat.' So he was obliged to take the skins, or affront our friend, whose nice sense of honor would not permit him to receive a horn of powder in return, even." Mr. Maclay was lieutenant colonel of a battalion of associators,, and as such, delegate with McLanachan, Geddes, and Brady, to the convention at Lancaster, July 4, 1776, which elected two brigadiers and organized the associators, the then militia of the State. In 1 792, he was appointed one of the associate judges of thecounty, and resigned December 17, 1795. In October, 1794, he was a can- didate for Congress, and carried the county by eleven hundred ma- jority ; vote only two thousand eight hundred and fifty. In Buffalo, he had four hundred and sixty-four, to fourteen for his opponent, John Andre Hanna. Served for the year 1795-96. On the 2d of December, 1801, Mr. Maclay was elected Speaker of the Senate, and re-elected December 7, 1802. On the 14th, he was elected United States Senator, and, being Speaker, had to sign his own certificate. In January, 1803, he presided at the impeach- ment trial of Judge Addison, and continued acting as Speaker (against the protest of the opposition, however, after March 3) until March 16, when he resigned that position, and, on the 2d of September, his position as State Senator. He resigned his seat in the United States Senate on the 4th of January, 1809. Mr. Maclay was very popular in his manners, a good scholar, and efficient writer. He had an extensive library, containing many' val- uable books. He was always of the people and for the people, plain and simple in his manner, disliking ostentation. On one occa- sion he brought a handsome coach home from Lancaster, and the family took it to Buffalo church the next Sabbath. Mr. Maclay noticed the impression, and that coach never left the carriage-house afterward ; it rotted down where it was left that Sunday evening. He stopped once at the late Hugh Wilson's about tea time. They had mush only, and Mrs. Wilson commenced getting something better, as she thought. "No," said he, "mush is good enough for 1811.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 403 a king's dinner." He was a large man, resembling Henry Clay very much, though much stouter in his latter years'. Honorable Martin Dreisbach, who still recollects him well, says his return home was always indicated by the hogs being driven out of the fields, the repairing of the fences, and general activity over the whole place. He was a good mechanic also, and often amused himself working in the blacksmith shop. His servant, Titus, was a character. His hair was white as the snow ; always dressed in a ruffled shirt. He walked with a long staff, and on public days he came out in a many- colored coat, looking like the king of Africa. He lectured the boys somewhat after this style : " Massa Dave a damn fool ; he no shoot a pheasant, he no shoot a coo \ cuss a damn fool ; he go into the meadow and shoot a blackbo, (bird.) Mr. Maclay's wife was Elizabeth Plunket, an account of whose family appears ante year 179.1. Their children were : 1. William Plunket Maclay, born in Buffalo Valley, 23d August, 1774. Married, in 1802, to Sally Brown, daughter of Judge Wil- liam Brown, of Mifflin county, and was, therefore, brother-in-law to General James Potter, second, and John Norris, many years cashier of the old bank at Bellefonte. Mrs. Maclay died in 1810, leaving three sons, Doctor Samuel, of Milroy, William P., and Charles J., and in 181 2, William P. married Jane Holmes, of Carlisle, who died in 1844, leaving four sons. Holmes, David, Robert P., and Joseph H. William P. Maclay died in Millroy, September 2, 1842. 2. Charles Maclay (John Binns' second in his duel with Sam Stewart) died, unmarried, while on a visit in Wayne county, New York, aged twenty-eight. 3. John Maclay, register and recorder of Union county, also prothonotary for two terms. Married to Annie Dale, daughter of Honorable Samuel Dale, and sister of the late James Dale, Esquire, of Buffalo township. In 1833, John moved to Vandalia, Illinois, and soon after died, leaving two sons and two daughters, Charles, William P., Elizabeth, (afterwards Mrs. Armstrong,) Anne, all since deceased. His eldest son, Samuel, died in Buffalo Valley. 4. Samuel Maclay, married first to Margaret and afterwards to Elizabeth, daughters of Reverend James Johnston, of Mifflin county. Samuel died February 17, 1836, leaving seven sons and three daugh- 404 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1811. ters, of whom only three are living, Robert P., in Louisiana, and Elizabeth and Jane, in Galesburg, Illinois. 5. David Maclay, married to Isabella, daughter of Galbraith Pat- terson, Esquire, died in 1818, leaving no issue. David was a ripe scholar, and would have made his mark in public life, if his health had not failed. His widow married Honorable A. L. Hayes, late and for many years associate law judge of Lancaster county, Penn- sylvania. 6. Robert Plunket Maclay, born in April, 1799. Senator from Union, in 1842. Still living in Kishacoquillas valley, Mifflin county. His wife was a Lashells, of Union county. Samuel Maclay's daughters were : 1. Eleanor, the eldest, married to her cousin, David Maclay, of Franklin county, Pennsylvania. Herself and children dead. 2. Hester, who accompained Charles to Wayne county. New York, and died there about the same time. 3. Jane E., married to Doctor Joseph Henderson, died without issue, January, 1848. Doctor Henderson was a captain in the war of 1 81 2, and in Congress four years, during General Jackson's ad- ministration. He was a brother-in-law of Reverend James Linn, D. D., of Bellefonte, now deceased. Mr. Maclay is buried on the farm now owned by Joseph Green. The brick wall inclosing the grave is within sight from the turnpike, after passing the New Berlin road. It is immediately in front of his old stone mansion. How few now know that within it rest the re- mains of one of Pennsylvania's ablest statesmen. The disjecta mem- bra of a fine monument, intended to be placed at the head of his grave, still lie in one corner of the inclosure, as they were unloaded forty years ago. i8i^. Division of the County Agitated — Lewisbubg Incorporated — Roan's Journal — Rolls of Captains John Donaldson's and jSTer Middles- warth's Companies — Reverend Just Henry Fries, Pastor at Mif- flinburg. EMBERS of the House of Representatives elected in October, Samuel Bond, Andrew McClenachan, Leon- ard Rupert, and George Kremer. Treasurer, Andrew J Albright. Commissioner elect, Henry Vanderslice. February 9, Frederick Evans writes to George Kremer : " Musser gave me petitions amounting, in signatures, to seven hundred and eighty-nine. Get the next sent forward as early as possible. I think John Swineford and Seebold would interest themselves to get signa- tures, as Buffalo has agreed to their proposals ; that is, to have the seat of justice fixed not more than three miles from the center of the inhabitable part. By the time you receive this, no doubt you will hear that a resolution recommending the petitioners in the Forks, to the early attention of the next Legislature, on the subject. If it should dishearten the favorers of a division, you can inform them that if the west side only sends down five hundred signers more, the Forks petition will be re-considered, and things will go on fortunately yet. Had the west side petitions came in as early as the Forks, the county would, by this time, have been divided. However, there are still hopes. If five hundred more signatures cannot be obtained, send on as many as can be got. Four hundred and fifty-one would be a majority of the taxables. I am glad you are willing to clear out of Derrstown. I will leave the place before long, at all events." 40s 4q6 annals of buffalo valley. [1812. May 25, Methodist church organized in Lewisburg. Sermon at Gordon's house ; text : i John, iii : i . June 18, President Madison's proclamation declaring war. The first bridge was erected over the North Branch to Northumberland, during this and the following year, by aid of a State appropriation. The division question was the all-absorbing one. By combining with Derry people, and others in favor of the erection of Columbia county, the division ticket. Bond, Kemer, &c., was elected. It was, however, bitterly opposed, and an able paper against the division presented, which, among other things, urged that if the soldiers' vote at Meadville had been counted, that ticket would not have been elected. Borough of Lewisburg. March 31, the act incorporating the directors of streets, &c., of Lewisburg was passed. The first election held under this act for directors of streets, lanes, and alleys of the town of Lewisburg was held at the house of Andrew Billmeyer, on Saturday, the 1 7th day of October. Henry Spyker, John Martin, John Lawshe, John Gor- don, and William McQuhae were elected. October 23, the directors elected John Lawshe president, and Henry Spyker secretary. James Geddes was appointed supervisor, Andrew Sherrard constable, George Knox overseer of the poor. The first ordinance passed was one requiring the opening of the streets, the most of which were fenced in and cultivated at that time. They were finally opened in 1813, except in the case of Doctor Charles Beyer, who, May 5, 181 3, represented that he had not rails to fence with, and if he opened the streets he had inclosed in his lots, it would be to the great damage of his grain ; and the directors agreeing that this was so, let him off, upon his agreement to pay two bushels of wheat and two of rye, immediately after harvest, for the use of the corporation, after which they were to be opened. Simon Wehr purchased his tavern stand, in Limestone township now, and William Pancoast erected his blacksmith shop in Buffalo, so long known as Ritter's. 1812.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 407 Incidents from Roan's Journal. April 25. Christopher Johnson z/^. Mathew Irvine, tried. Verdict for plaintiff, $150. 29th. Beyers for Sarah Wister vs. Clark tried. Duncan squealed a long time for Sarah. 30th. Dance in the court- house to-night. May 19. George Clingan went to Mr. Hood's to see Mr. Wright married to Miss Lewis. Mr. Hood got $2 for the job. [Mrs. Wright was a few years since hving in Stevenson county, Illinois. She was a daughter of Paschal Lewis.] 21st. Billmyer executed a deed for his land to Gebhart. June 4, Thursday. This is Nimrod Hughes' day, but he is mis- taken about the dissolution of the world. Went to the meeting of the regiment, at Reedy's, about drafting men for the war. 9th. Cap- tain Patrick Hayes called. Went with him to Billy Clark's, and then to Esquire Gray's. Met John and Robert Hayes there, and Judge Macpherson. Thursday, nth. James Sanderson married, on Tuesday, to Miss Griffen. He gave Mr. Hood ^20. 12th. Libby Robinson married to John Bell, of Chester. July 7. Visited my father's grave, in Derry church-yard, Dauphin county, with Captain P. Hayes. Tomb-stones are still good. 23d. Set off to James Moore's funeral, but was too late. 30th. Continental fast-day. Mr. Hood's text, Jeremiah, xiv : 7. Old Captain Kearsley spent the evening here. [Captain Kearsley, of the Revolution, died March 22, 1830, aged eighty-one, at Middle Spring, Cumberland county.] 31st. Went with Captain K. Called at Roan McClure's, at Derrstown ; Judge Wilson's ; then at Jones' tavern, Northumber- land. Went to see the new bridge building over the river. August 20. President Madison's fast-day. Jared Irwin's rifle com- pany paraded, and went to the German church. Drank wine at Enoch Smith's, with Judge Cooper, Mr. Bradford, Gray, Brady, etal. Took tea at Mr. Finney's. September 7. Three hundred enlisted troops left Milton, to join General Dearborn's volunteers and drafted men. Have orders to march to Meadville. 8th. Great consternation in the Valley about the volunteers going away. 9th. Volunteers from our neighborhood went as far as Derrstown to-night. loth. Volunteers on their march. A number of our neighbors among them. i6th. Delegates met at 4o8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1812. Derrstown, and formed two tickets. 20th. Three hundred soldiers passed through Milton. October 10. Rob. Smith came from Meadville. Troops had reached that place, and were in high spirits. 13th. Went to Derrs- town. Left my horse at James Geddes', and clerked the election. Three, A. M., before we got through. 17th. Borough officers elected in Derrstown. 25th. Five doctors tapping Davy Reasoner. 26th. D. R. died. 30th. Clerked at presidential election at Derrstown. Gov- ernor Snyder's daughter visiting at Kremer's. November i. A big bear made his appearance near Billy Clark's to-day. 3d. Andy Steel shot at a bear in the meadow at Tommy's place. 5th. Tommy returned from Philadelphia. Made trip in eleven days. 6th. Clerked at Esquire Gray's vendue. 8th. Mrs. Colonel Chamberlin had a young son. This is his twenty-third child. Fourth wife. 19th. Young Doctor Kennedy fined $4, for assaulting Doctor Martin. 2 2d. Roan Clarke came for Kremer. His wife has a young daughter. 27th. Biddle & Dougal vs. Cochran, about some land, below Milton. Cochran argued his own case, and spoke nearly all day. [Surveyor General Cochran,] Hall, Duncan, and Watts against him ; Fisher and Hepburn for him. Cochran got a verdict. 30th. Betsy Myers and Hetty Shaffer came here to spin. December 8. Bill Morton went to hustling match at Myers'. Flavel at Mr. Hood's chopping frolic. 13th. Three volunteers went past, probably deserters from Canada. 14th. More volunteers went* by. John Forster, the widow's son, a volunteer from Canada, here to-night. He says, General Sraythe being a traitor, is the reason of volunteers returning. i6th. Sam Lytle, another volunteer, break- fasted here. 21st. Twenty volunteers passed Green's house. 25th. Great quilting and ball at William Wilson's to-night. 31st. At Shaffer's tavern, at Sunbury. Got little sleep. They were shooting away the old year all night. Roll of Captain John Donaldson' s Company, Pennsylvania Militia, Colonel Snyder' s Regiment, September 2^ to November 24. Captain — Donaldson, John. Lieutenants — Chamberlin, Aaron; Hall, John. 1812,] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 409 Sergeants — McFadden, John ; Johnston, Abel ; Eilert, Jacob ; Cunfort, Henry. Corporals — Alsbach, Jacob ; Jones, Samuel. Fifer — Dennis, Michael. Drummer — Parks, Robert. Privates — Auple, Christopher; Barbin, James; Barklow, Francis; Black, Robert ; Bower, Joseph ; Chamberlin, Uriah ; Clements, Uriah; Cornelius, William; Cosier, Jonathan; Culbertson, Jacob; Curtis, Thomas ; Frederick, Samuel ; Frederick, Peter ; Frederick, Jacob ; Frock, Jacob ; Forster, John ; Forster, William ; Forster, William, junior ; Gibson, John ; Gile, John ; Glover, John ; Gray, Robert H. ; Harman, Benjamin ; Hoff, James ; Hollinshead, Fran- cis ; Jodon, George; Johnston, William; Jones, Benjamin; Kelly, John; Kimple, Philip; Kline Daniel ; Klingaman, Jacob ; Klinga- man, John; Klingaman, George; Klingaman, Peter; Linn, David; Lytle, Samuel; Lytle, William; McGinnes, John; McKinley, John ; McKinley, James ; Magee, John ; Martin, Peter ; Meekert, Daniel ; Mies, Jonathan; Miller, Thomas; Miller, Henry; Nelson, Daniel; Norman, William; Parks, John; Pearson, John; Rearick, John; Reeder, Henry ; Reininger, Henry ; Renner, Michael ; Renner, Henry ; Seebold, Christopher ; Shaw, Samuel ; Slear, John ; Snook, Peter; Stine, Frederick; Struble, Peter; Struble, Henry; Stuttle- bach, Jacob ; Thompson, Samuel ; Turner, John ; Vanhorn, Wil- liam ; Walker, John; Wartz, George; Weaver, Benjamin; Weikel, Henry ; Wise, John ; Wright, John ; Zimmerman, David. It was to this company that Reverend J. H. Fries preached, Sep- tember 10, in Ehas church, from Joshua, xxiii : 6, 11. It marched to Meadville and Erie ; thence to Black Rock. '« You will think strange to hear that all of our volunteers are returned home. They give different accounts of the proceedings at Black Rock, but all say that they came off without being discharged, and all agree that General Smythe has acted the part of a traitor." — Roan Clark's Letter to George Kremer, December 1 4. 410 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1812. Roll of Captain Ner Middle swartKs Company, Eighth Riflemen, Colonel James Irwin's Regiment, September 25 to November 24, 1812. Captain — Middleswarth, Ner. Lieutenants — Youngman, Tiiomas, and Kline, John. Sergeants — Wise, George ; Zigler, George \ Devore, Daniel, and Schwartz, Daniel. Corporals — Nerhood, Adam; Bremenger, Henry; Heater, Adam, and McNade, John. Bugler — Huick, George. Privates — Baker, George ; Bong, John ; Bristol, Peter ; Brunner, Henry ; Clements, John ; Devore, Andrew ; Devore, George Doebler, Daniel ; Etzler, Benjamin ; Fete, Simon ; Frock, Henry Frock, Jacob ; Frock, Benjamin ; Harbster, David ; Hassinger David ; Hassinger, Jacob ; Heter, John ; Hammer, Andrew Hummel, George ; Kaler, John ; Krebs, Samuel ; Layer, Peter Layer, David; Love, William; Lowder, Peter; Lowder, Michael Mook, Henry ; Moyer, George ; Nerhood, Jacob ; Peter, Leonard Shay, Timothy; Stewart, Thomas;- Stock, Peter; Stock, Mel- choir. Reverend J. H. Fries was called, 27 April, 1812, to Buffalo Val- ley. Early in June, Mr. John Reber an elder^ in the Dreisbach church, left home with his team, and proceeded to York county to bring up the new minister. Often have we seen this worthy man in his old age, renew his youth, while he related, in the most circum- stantial manner, the varied events of this eventful journey down into a strange country, with much anxiety, and back again, with a pre- cious load and a glad heart. Having arrived safely in Mififlinburg, Mr. Fries entered upon his duties in his new field on the 1 7th of June, 181 2. His field extended east and west from Brush valley, and the lower end of Penn's valley, to Bloomsburg, and up and down the Susquehanna from Muncy to Selinsgrove. His first reg- ular charge was composed of Miffiinburg, Dreisbach's, New Berlin, Aaronsburg, and Brush Valley. Besides these, he preached at many •John ileber was a warm and staunch friend of the church and her ministers, whose house was always open to God's servants ; and who for his generous hospitality and piety, is held in grateful rememberance by all who knew him. 1812.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 41 r Other points, in school-houses, gradually laying the foundations of future congregations. — Harbaugh. Marriages. February 2, David Black with Catherine Berrey. February 11, John Maclay to Annie Dale. February 11, Aaron Chamberlin to Betsy Dale. February 12, Michael Engleman with Barbara Gilman, daughter of Jacob. February 25, by Mr. Hood, Robert Fruit to Maria Nevius. He was the youngest of eleven children, and Maria the oldest of eleven. March i, James Kelly with Hannah Seitz, daughter of George. "March 19, James Lawson to Nancy Chngan. Calf and two turkeys killed. Twenty-six strangers at the wedding. March 26, Thomas Barber to Betsy Clingan. Groom came with fourteen attendants ; thirty-seven strangers, altogether. 2 7th, twenty strangers, beside the bride and groom, breakfasted at CHn- gan's ; twenty-two of us left Clingan's with the bride and groom ; four joined us at Doctor Vanvalzah's; went to Esquire Barber's, where there was a very large party and much dancing, although Quakers."^ November i, John Grove with Sarah Montgomery, daughter of John. Deaths. January 5, Colonel Thomas Youngman, aged forty. Left wife and seven children. March 9, John Steel, of White Deer. July 7, John Walter, born January 6, 1749. Charles Sechler, East Buffalo. Children: Jacob, John, George, Daniel, Catherine, wife of C. Reichly. Alexander McGrady, second, shoe-maker, of White Deer township. His widow, Elizabeth, died in Ohio, in 1861, aged ninety-six. Children: Polly, Margaret, Thomas, Wilham, Eliza- beth, Nancy, and Isaac. They all moved to Ohio in 181 9. Thomas was in Lewisburg in 1863. Isaac was in the army, near Corinth, then. 1 rrom riavel Roan's Journal. i8i3. Union County Erected — Officials — Efforts for a Union of the Al- bright Brethren with the United Brethren — School-House Lot IN Union — Lewisburg in 1813 — Re-survey of the Town. EMBER of Congress, Jared Irwin. Members elected in October, Samuel Bond, Leonard Rupert, Thomas Mur- ray, junior, and George Kremer. President Judge, Seth Chapman. Associate, Hugh Wilson, appointed October ii. First sheriff of Union county elected, John Ray. Prothonotary, Clerk of the several Courts, Register and Recorder, Simon Snyder, junior, commissioned October 14, 1813. Deputy, John Lashells, Esquire. District Attorney, William Irwin, Esquire. November 11, County Commissioners sworn, Daniel Caldwell, Frederick Gutelius, and Philip Moore. Clerk, Flavel Roan. Coro- ner, John Dreisbach. March 22, the act erecting Union county out of Northumberland passed. The territory was that part of Northumberland west of the river 5 the act to go into effect after the first of November. Courts to be held at Mifflinburg until the commissioners appointed by the Governor should determine the locality of the county seat. The commissioners were directed in the act to select the most central point. March 23, Governor Snyder appointed James Banks and Henry Haines commissioners to fix the site of the court-house, &c. March 29, election place for Buffalo, &c., changed to Andrew Reedy's, at Cross-Roads. Washington and White Deer, north of a 412 1813.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 413 line from Spruce run, at Matthew Laird's, to John Boal's, at the river, to hold their election at. Dan Caldwell's. As the tax-books are at Lewisburg, it is unimportant to take further account of them in these Annals. April 21, Bishop Newcomer reaches Martin Dreisbach's again. The Albright brethren had their conference here. Eighteen preach- ers in attendance. He stayed with them until the 24th. They dis- cussed the practicability and propriety of a union between the two societies. He laid the discipline of the United Brethren before them for examination. They made no objection, but, on the con- trary, appeared to cordially approve of it. They delivered to him a written communication on the subject, addressed to the conference of the United Brethren. On the loth of November, he was again in the Valley, held a meeting at John Walters', and preached at Mr. Mack's, near New Berlin, from Psalm xxxiv, last four verses. On the forenoon of the nth. Christian Crum, Joseph Hoffman, Jacob Bowlus, and himself appeared for the United Brethren^ and Messrs. Miller, Walter, Dreisbach, and Mebel for the Albright Brethren. The consultation continued until the 13th, but they were not able to effect a union. The greatest stumbling-block appeared to be this : According to the United Brethren's discipline, their local prea.chers have a vote in the conference as well as the traveling preachers. This was a sine qua non which the United Brethren could or would not accede to, so we parted and came to Young- manstown. — Newcomer' s Journal. October 25, John Snook and wife conveyed the school-house lot in Union township to Christian Gundy, et al. , trustees, bounded by Macpherson, Jenkins, Epler, &c. November 12, the county commissioners met at Mifflinburg and elected Flavel Roan clerk, at ^i 33 per day while on duty. Hired a room of George Roush for the prothonotary. Standard of valua- tion of first-rate land : East Buffalo, ^40 ; West Buffalo, $40 \ Bea- ver, ^30 ; Centre, ^30 ; Hartley, $40 ; Penn's, ^40 ; Mahantango, ^40 ; White Deer, ^40 ; Washington, ^30. March 30, Henry Beck came to Lewisburg from Earl township, Berks county. Then Frederick Freedley owned Brown's mill ; George Knox had Hull's tan-yard ; Henry Spyker lived in the brick house at the river ; Robert Smith, a boatman, where James S. Marsh lives; ^i^ ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1813. Mathias Shaffer, in a two-story house, where M. Halfpenny now lives ; Richard McClure, where his grandchildren do now ] William Evans, where Joseph Housel now lives ; on the opposite side lived Evans' sister. These were all on Front street. Garman kept ferry at the stone house, now Martin Hahn's ; John Sargent had a nail factory, where F. Davis now lives ; Andrew Shearer kept at Weidensaul's ; William McQuhae had a store^ where C. S. Wolfe now lives. George Kremer's was the only store-house on the river ; James Black had a distillery, and kept store just above the latter, and where Norton's coal-yard now is ; White Roost, now M. Halfpenny's, was occupied by Billman ; the old Albright tavern by William Poak. At the mouth of Buffalo creek there were three houses, owned and occupied by John Pross, Valentine Miller, &c. Leisenring, a potter, lived opposite John A. Mertz's ; Mrs. Nicely's lot was occupied by John Lawshe, senior \ J. B. Linn's, by John Metzgar ; Esquire Cameron's, the Black Horse, was kept by John Lawshe, junior ; George Kremer had a store, where Jonathan Wolfe now lives. Second street was then vacant down to Joseph Glass' lots, lying in common, and pine trees growing on them. The brick house of Joseph Glass was built by Henry Beck in 1823 ; Joseph Bennett lived where the Union Na- tional Bank now is ; on part of Peter Beaver's lot, Henry Burget kept a tavern ; George Metzgar lived where Captain Brooke has his jewelry store, and had a hatter shop ; an old log house, in from the street, next Jonathan Wolfe's, was occupied by John Montgomery ; old Mr. Kimmell kept store in the next house ; William Hayes kept store where Peter Nevius' widow now lives. Doctor Beyers lived on the corner of Third and St. Catherine. No house from there to Mar- ket. Alexander Graham lived and kept store on Doctor Harrison's corner. There were no houses on Third street north. On the Bill- myer lot, depot lot, &c., was a large pond, where they often shot ducks. On Fourth and St. Louis, Betsy Amnion's house was built this year. There was an old house at the race at St. George, and one at the east end of Fourth, occupied by Strickland ; Doctor Wil- son's lot was occupied by Mr. Espy, who kept tavern ; on William Moore's, Thomas Poak kept bachelor's hall, and a brewery; Wil- liam Shearer lived in the old house, lately standing on Cherry alley, and followed weaving ; opposite C. Gemberling's, Caleb Fairchild had a blacksmith shop ; north was a stone house, occupied by Daniel 1813.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 415 Rees as a tavern ; C. Beyers' was occupied by a family named Sey- del ; next was Sam Grove, a boatman \ Adam Grove lived on Thomas Nesbit's. deceased, lot ; he was the youngest of the Grove brothers, Indian fighters, and followed boating ; James Geddes lived on the corner of Fourth and St. Anthony, and had a saddler shop ; next, north, John Norton, and the next Burgets' house^ which Henry Beck moved into. On the opposite side lived John Moore, famous many years as a blacksmith \ George Snider, father of widow Stro- hecker, lived where John Bieber lately resided ; there was an old tan-yard on the property. The streets were re-surveyed in the spring of 181 3, and a slight angle made to suit the buildings. James Geddes and Thomas Fisher carried on a tannery. Peter Nevius, Joseph McCool, and Andrew Best were their apprentices. John Musser lived at the Slifer mansion farm. High's mill, at the fording, was then abandoned. George Derr had built another mill, where Joseph W. Shriner's now is. In repairing it, some years ago, Mr. Shriner found an old stone, with date of 1778 carved upon it, no doubt the date of Gundy 's mill, a few rods above it. On Derr's farm lived Abram Troxell and Wil- liam C. Davis ; John Guyer, on the Shuck place ; Thomas McGuire kept tavern at the old ferry, now George F. Miller, Esquire's ; Jonas Butterfield kept school in the Market street school-house, now Pres- byterian parsonage ; Breyvogel kept where the Lutheran parsonage now stands ; Charles Cameron lived on Front and St. Mary's. Among those who enlisted in the regular army. Doctor Beck recol- lects of Valentine Miller, George Christ, Dennis O. Boyle, John Buck, and Alexander Hutchinson. Abram Fry lived at the boat- yard ; Granny Phillips kept cakes and beer next the Revere House, on late Judge Schnable's lot ; John McFadden kept tavern where Charles Penny now lives. John Rees, John Beyers, and James For- rest succeeded Jonas Butterfield, as school-teachers. May 16, Justice Spyker fines Henry Burket, Edward Morton, and William Keller each $20, for horse-racing on Market street, Lewis- burg, on oath of Andrew Shearer, John McFadden, and Thomas Fisher. June I, The inhabitants of the town met and resolved that the president, secretary, and directors should serve free gratis, and this agreement was to remain in full force for ever. The same day, John ^i(, ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1813. Hayes' account for surveying the town was examined and allowed. One item was a gallon of Geneva' whisky, one dollar. The duplicate for 1813 and 1814 amounted to ^96 88. Expen- ditures on streets and survey, in full, $103 06. November 2. George Sweeny commenced the publication of the Cohmibia Gazette, at Northumberland, a strong war paper, and the Sunbury and Northumberland Gazette of A. Kennedy was sus- pended. Kennedy was a Federalist, and the war feeling was too strong for that paper. Chillisquaque and Northumberland county up to the Lycoming line had been erected into Columbia county, accounting for the new name. In 181 5 this territory was put back to Northumberland. Marriages. January 24, Jacob Billman to Charity , daughter of Caleb. February 4, Paul Goodlander with Rachael Heckel, daughter of Andrew. February 11, Jesse Dickson to Polly Merkel, daughter of Christian. April i, Philip Lesher to Polly Billmyer, daughter of Andrew. April 4, Alexander Donarchy with Fanny Seitz, daughter of George. April 6, Daniel Keenly with Maria Richter, daughter of John. May 16, Samuel Dersham with Susanna Shadel. August i, Levi Burd with Eve Winegarden, daughter of Henry. August 12, Francis Jodon with Elizabeth Cherry, daughter of Charles. August 26, Hugh McLaughlin with Elizabeth McClister. Deaths. February i , John Sierrer, leaving a widow, Lucy, and the follow- ing children : Jacob, Catherine, married to Jacob Reedy, John, Elizabeth, married to John Frantz, and Sarah to George Smith. William Irwin, Esquire, member of Assembly during the Revolu- tion. He left all his property to William, son of John. William Clark, an original settler, leaving widow, Elizabeth. Children : George, Mary, (who married James Forster, and was dead, leaving Jane, married to Thomas Smith, John, William, and Ann, married to George Monroe,) Rebecca, Roan, Sarah, William, Walter, Flavel, and James. 1814.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 41 j February 21, David Watson, father of late David, John C, and William Watson, aged sixty-one. March 27, Henry Deal. Family: Henry, junior, Elizabeth, married to Jacob Maize ; Mary, to John Grossman ; Nancy, to Jona- than Waters \ and three grand-daughters, children of John : Nancy William, and Ehzabeth. Nicholas Egbert, West Buffalo. . May 18, John Bishop, aged seventy, buried at New Berlin. Christopher Seebold. September 13, Honorable Thomas Strawbridge, aged eighty-two. John Walter, of Buffalo. Children : John, Benjamin, William, George, Jonathan, Elizabeth, married to Focht; Catherine, with George Reed; Margaret, with Adam Witmer; and Mary, with John Rodman. His widow, Margaret. 1814. Lewisburg Bridge Chartered — First Courts Held at Mifflinburg — - Battle of Chippewa — Captain Evans at Foet McHenry — Eoster of Lieutenant Colonel G-eorge Weirick's Regiment — -Rolls of Captains Henry Miller, Jacob Hummel, Valentine Haas, John Bergstresser, and Ner Middleswarth's Companies. ENATOR, Thomas Murray, junior, elected in October. Members, David E. Owen, Robert Willett, Joseph Hutchinson, and Henry Shaeffer. On the 2ist of March, the Houses passed, over Gov- ernor Snyder's veto, the act regulating banks. One was allowed for Northumberland, Union, and Columbia, to be called the Northum- berland, Union, and Columbia Bank. It was located at Milton. John Dreisbach was one of the commissioners for this bank. On the 26th of March, the charter of the bridge over the Susque- 27 4i8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1814. hanna at Lewisburg, was granted by the Assembly, under the corpo- rate name of " The President, Managers, and Company for erecting a Bridge over the West Branch of Susquehanna, at the Town of Lew- isburg," and John Dreisbach, Jacob Brobst, William Hayes, William McQuhae, James Geddes, and Andrew Reedy, appointed commis- sioners to open subscription books. On the 28th, the act transfer- ing all suits, and all unsettled estates where the defendant or de- cedent resided in the territory of Union to its courts, was passed.- Roads laid out — From Mortonsville, by Hugh Wilson's and Derr's mill, &c., two and one half miles; from Rockey's mill to Reznor's saw-mill, five miles; from Reznor's saw-mill to the Brush Valley and Mifflinburg road, four miles one hundred and forty-one perches. The first court was held at Mifflinburg, on the 14th of February. First grand jurors, John Boal, Adam Regar, Arthur Thomas, Jacob Musser, John Fisher, James Madden, Robert Chambers, Valentine Haas, Jacob Houseworth, John Nogel, James McClure, John Wil- liams, Aaron Chamberlin, Levi Zimmerman, Philip Gemberling, Frederick Wurtz, James Caldwell, Andrew Grove, David Simmons, Abraham Tenbrooke, Henry Ramstone, John Aurand, John Seidel, and John German. The commissions of Judges Chapman and Wil- son were read. On motion of Enoch Smith, for himself, E. G. Bradford, Samuel ETepburn, Ebenezer Greenough, Charles Maus, William Irwin, and John Lashells, were sworn in as attorneys. On motion of Mr. Lash- ells, John Johnston, and Ethan Baldwin. William Irwin sworn as deputy attorney general. On motion of Mr. Bradford, Charles Hall, George A. Frick, Alem Marr, and Hugh Bellas were qualified as attorneys. The survivor of this bar, George A. Frick, Esquire, of Danville, died at Danville, June 10, 1872, aged eighty-five. April 21, Gideon Smith sold his farm on Buffalo creek to William Young. Andrew Kennedy, junior, commenced a paper at Mifflin- burg. He sold out to Henry Shaup, in 181 5, and the latter re- moved the press to New Berlin. The month of May was remark- able for the appearance in the Valley of locusts in vast numbers. June 28, James Banks, of Mifflin county, Henry Haines, of Lan- caster, (Edward Darlington not acting,) commissioners appointed by Governor Snyder, met at Selinsgrove, and explored the county, generally, and viewed a number of different situations which had 1814.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 4ig been in contemplation. After considering advantages of each, and having due regard to territory and population, they reported the village of New Berlin, alias Longstown, the most eligible and proper situation in the county of Union for the seat of justice therein, and fixed the site of buildings, of court-house and public offices, on a lot belonging to C. Se,eboldj Esquire, and the site for a prison on a lot belonging to John Solomon. Baiile of Chippewa. Camp at Fort Erie, West Canada, July 28, 181 4. Dear Sir: Blood, carnage, death, and destruction of men are the contents of this painful letter. On the 2 2d, we had orders to reduce our baggage, allowing one tent to ten men, and two shirts to each officer. The surplus was sent across the Niagara, at Queens- town, where we then laid, to be sent to Buffalo. On the 24th, we marched to Chippewa. On the 25 th, the enemy appeared on the heights, near the Falls of Niagara, two miles distant from our camp. At three o'clock, we were ordered to parade. At five, our brigade, urider General Scott, marched out. At six, the action commenced, when, great God ! to tell the details from that time till ten o'clock at night, is impossible. Could I converse with you for the length of time we were engaged, I could give some idea of it, but to make an attempt will, doubtless, not be unsatisfactory to you. Our bri- gade fought a much superior force, under great disadvantages, for one hour and a half, and we were completely cut up, more than half the officers and men being killed and wounded, when the second brigade, commanded by General Ripley, came to our assistance. The enemy, at the same time, received reinli'orcements, which made the action again severe. General Ryall and a number of prisoners were, previous to this, taken by our brigade. Colonel Brady was wounded before we were fifteen minutes engaged, and commanded the regiment till the action was nearly closed. I assisted him off and on his horse during the engagement, when he was like to faint from loss of blood. We got possession of the heights, and kept them till we got off our wounded. The British made three different charges to gain them, but they were as often beat back. Our brigade made three charges, in the last of which we lost three officers of our (the It 430 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1814. twenty-second) regiment, our brave General Scott heading each charge. He was severely wounded in the shoulder near the close of the action. General Brown was also wounded. When we re- turned from the ground, there were, of our regiment. Major Arrow- smith, myself, and thirty privates, that marched into camp. The balance were killed, wounded, missing, and in camp. Colonel Brady can inform you that I was the only platoon officer of our regiment that kept the ground to the last, and marched in with the men. For the satisfaction of your friends and yourself, I inclose you a copy of our report of the killed, wounded, and missing ; likewise, the officers' names who were in the action. Our wounded are at Buffalo, in good quarters. Let me hear from you. I am yours, sincerely, Samuel Brady, Twenty -second Infantry. Captain Bethuel Vincent. N. B. Our total loss in killed, wounded, and missing on that day must have been eight hundred. The British loss no doubt exceeded that, as General Ryall acknowledged that they were whipped when he was taken, and we fought two hours after that, and took nineteen British officers. You shall see the report in my next. I wish you to show it to my friends, but it must not be published. 13th September, occurred the bombardment of Fort McHenry, Baltimore. Frederick Evans was then a captain in the second regi- ment of artillery. His commission is dated 23d July, 181 2, to rank from the 6th. Mrs. George Kremer told me he assisted in building the fort, and was one of its noble defenders. He often described the scene inside as terri^c. Three bomb-shells struck and exploded inside of the fort, and he remarked one man shaking as if he had a chill. He asked to sit under one of the cannon. Evans gave him permission, when shortly another shell struck inside and killed him instantly. Another man was killed within three feet of him. Their coffee ran out, and they had very little to eat for three days. He spoke of a woman who brought water for them. A bomb-shell hit- ting her, exploded, and she was blown to atoms. He brought a small piece of her dress home with him, the largest part of her remains that he could find. The fourth shell that came in was 1814.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 421 marked "a present from the King of England." This did not ex- plode. It weighed within two pounds as much as an ordinary bar- rel of flour. This he brought home with him, and it may still be seen at Evans' mill, in Juniata county. He said only four shells fell inside. Muster Roll of the Field and Staff Officers belonging to the Regi- ment, or Detachment, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel George Weirick, Brigadier General H. Spearing, First Brigade, Second Division, in the service of the United States. Lieutenant Colonel — George Weirick, September 24, 181 4. Majors — William Taggert and Jacob Lechner, September 24, 181 4. Adjutant — George Coryell, September 24, 181 4. Surgeon — John Y. Kennedy, September 24, '1814. Surgeon's Mate — Thomas Vanvalzah, September 24, 181 4. Quartermaster — George Clingan, October 31, 181 4; Quarter- master Sergeant, John Reehl, November 5. Sergeant Major — Daniel Rohrer, October 5. Aid-de-camp to General Spearing — Hugh Maxwell. Camp Marcus Hook, November 14, 181 4. Roll of Captain Henry Miller'' s Company. Pay-roll of the company of infantry from Union county, under the command of Captain Henry Miller, attached to the regiment commanded by Lieutenant Colonel George Weirick, Marcus Hook, November 10, 181 4: Captain — Miller, Henry. Lieutenant — McMillan, John. Sergeants — Williams, Benjamin ; Rearick, John ; Ruble, Philip ; Francis, William. Corporals — Specht, Adam ; Wilson, Foster ; Spangler, George ; Robinson, Richard. Privates — Baker, George ; Baker, Peter ; Barber, John ; Bitting, Charles ; Bobb, Conrad ; Bobb, John ; Black, Robert ; Bossier, George ; Cooke, Andrew ; Coryell, George, appointed sergeant ma- jor, September 26, 181 4; Crossgrove, Samuel; Dar, Elias ; Dreis- 422 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1814. bach, John; Dreisbach, Thomas \ Dunsipe, Daniel; Egbert, Cyrus; Eilert, William; Farres, Garrett; Forster, William; Fought, George; Fought, Jacob ; Fox, Conrad ; Fry, John ; Gearig, Jacob ; Gear- hart, Samuel ; Gill, John ; Gill, William, discharged October 26, 1814, died at Bellefonte, November 21, 1876, aged eighty-nine; Hanius, Peter, (called Panier;) Herger, Henry; Hasenplugh, Henry; Hasenplugh, Samuel; Kleckner, Abraham; Kleckner, Anthony; Kleckner, Isaac ; Maclay, John, appointed assistant quar- termaster general, October 9, 181 4 ; Mangel, David ; Mayer, John; Moyer, John ; Moyer, WiUiam ; Myer, William ; Norman, John ; Phelps, Francis; Rearick, John; Reichly, William; Ritter, Henry; Rote, John ; Royer, Henry ; Saunders, Michael ; Shaffer, William ; Shaffer, Jacob ; Smith, John ; Snyder, Michael ; Sleer, George ; Shaw, Samuel ; Slough, Benjamin ; Stitzer, David ; Spangler, Chris- tian ; Speer, David ; ' Spiegelmeyer, Daniel ; Solomon, Abraham ; Thompson, James ; Weight, John ; Zimmerman, Jacob. Roll of Captain Jacob HumnieV s Company. Pay-roll of the company of infantry under the command of Cap- tain Jacob Hummel, attached to the regiment commanded by Lieu- tenant Colonel George Weirick, Marcus Hook, November 10, 1814. Captain — Hummel, Jacob. Lieutenant — Brady, Walter. Ensign — Swartz, Francis B. Sergeants — Baldy, Stephen ; Eisely, John ; Hammer, John ; James, John S. Corporals — Gordon, John B. ; Petery, John ; Leisenring, Jacob ; Martin, James. Privates — App, John; Applegate, John; Armstrong, John; Barn- hart, John ; Bear, William ; Bestler, Henry ; Born, John ; Buck- ner, John ; Burn, Henry ; Buyers, John ; Campbell, John ; Ca- ruthers, Andrew ; Conor, Daniel ; Crutchley, John ; Delany, Dan- iel ; Espy, George; Forly, George; Furman, Jona ; Gearhart, Daniel ; Haupt, Henry ; Hedrick, Jacob ; Housel, John ; Hoy, 1-ockwood G. ; Huff, Benjamin; Hull, Isaac; Lowdon, Zachariah; McCloughen, Joseph; Mahoney, William; Marsh, Griggs; Mettler, William; Mirely, Balser; More, David; Morgan^ Joseph; Morgan, 18H.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 423 James ; Masteller, John ; Newcomer, Abraham ; Overdurf, Peter ; Redline, John ; Renn, John W. ; Rinehart, Frederick ; Ringler, Daniel ; Roadarmel, John ; Sterner, Henry ; Stroh, Jonathan ; Wagner, Christian; Warner, James; Weaver, Frederick; Willet, William; Willet, Samuel; Woodruff, Elias; Woldigan, William; Zeluff, David. Roll of Captain Valentine Haas^ Company. Roll of the company of infantry from Union county, under the command of Captain Valentine Haas, seventy-seventh regiment Pennsylvania militia, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel George Weirick, Marcus Hook, November 10, 181 4. Captain — Haas, Valentine. Lieutenant — Shedle, Samuel. Sergeants — Eckhart, Jacob C. ; Hosterman, George ; Boyer, Henry; Hendricks, Andrew. Corporals — Johnston, John ; Kleckner, Jacob ; Richter, Freder- ick; Overmyer, David. Privates — Alter, Joseph, discharged October 5 ; Bachman, Lo- renzo ; Bear, Isaac ; Berger, Joseph ; Berman, Anthony ; Benfer George ; Binckly, Jacob ; Bous, Frederick ; Bosler, Jacob ; Brous Henry ; Buttenstine, Philip ; Clendinin, John ; Doebler, Ludwig Derk, Jonathan ; Doffe, John ; Duke, Jacob ; Duke, George ; Ever hard, Barnes ; Everhard, Philip ; Fetter, Benjamin ; Folk, John Foltz, Joseph; Gordon, Willis; Gaugher, Jonas'; Grim, Henry Haas, Henry ; Haas, Daniel ; Hentricks, E. ; Herrold, Phihp Hobb, Frederick; Hummel, John H. ; Jarrett, Jacob; Karstetter George; Keely, John, discharged October 22 ; Kesler, Michael Kreisher, Henry ; Kreitzer, Frederick ; Kuns, John ; Miller, Dan iel; Mowrer, Jacob; Moyer, Phihp; Neitz, Jacob; Pontius, Henry Rettig, William ; Richenbach, John ; Rusher, John ; Shedler Jacob; Shoemaker, Peter; Smith, Abraham; Smith, John; Smith Joseph; Sold, Philip; Spaid, Henry; Stahl, Henry; StimeUng George ; Stock, Peter ; Swartz, Peter ; Swartzlender, George Trester, John ; Wagner, George ; Weaver, John ; Weller, Isaac Witmer, Samuel; Woodling, Henry; Wool, Daniel; Yeager, John Yeager, Adam ; Yeisly, Henry : Yerger, Philip ; Yordon, John Young, Ludwig. 424 AhNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1814. Roll of Captain John Bergstresser's Cofnpany. Pay-roll Union county company of militia, attached to the regi- ment commanded by Lieutenant Colonel George Weirick, Marcus Hook, November i8, 1814. Captain — Bergstresser, John. Lieutenant — Fisher, Thomas. Ensign — Noll, Henry. Sergeants — Silsby, Uriah ; Reedy, Philip ; Gillaspy, John ; Reng- ler, Daniel ; Merwine, Samuel ; Sargint, John ; Clingan, George. Corporals — Nevyus, William ; Vartz, John ; McCorley, Jacob ; Lutz, John. Privates — Aikey, Lewis ; Anderson, James H. ; Baldy, Benjamin ; Bellman, George ; Bennage, Samuel ; Bennett, John ; Bidleman, Abraham ; Bower, William ; Bower, George ; Bower, John ; Camp- bell, William; Campbell, John; Campbell, Joseph; Clarke, Joseph; Clark, Flavel ; Clark, Francis ; Clark, William ; Darraugh, John ; Dempsey, Jonathan ; Darsham, Ludwig ; Diefenderfer, Philip ; Eg- burd, Jesse ; Flickingner, Charles ; Frederick, Peter ; Frederick, Jacob ; Frederick, Samuel ; Gilman, Jacob ; Goodlander, Paul ; Hufford, John ; Heiser, Frederick, discharged October 2 ; Herren- don, William ; Housel, Joshua ; Hubler, Jacob; Irwin, John; Irvin, William ; Jamison, John ; Jodun, William ; Jodun, Benjamin ; John- ston, Thomas ; Jones, John ; Kaufman, Jacob ; Kelly, Andrew, dis- charged October 28; Kimmell, Adam; Kunts, Daniel; Kline, Abram ; Kline, George ; Lilley, Peter, discharged October 3 ; Lutz, Samuel ; McClure, Richard ; McGuire, Richard ; McKinley, Hugh, McLaughlin, James ; Maughamer, Daniel ; Magee, James ; Mizener, John ; Mengel, George ; Mowry, Peter ; Myers, Peter ; Moyer, Henry ; Quinn, Michael ; Rees, John ; Ranck, Jonathan ; Rora- bough, Christopher ; Rorabough, Philip ; Rose, Adam ; Shaffer, Daniel ; Shaffer, Henry, substitute for John Hummel ; Sheckler, Jonas ; Sheckler, Simon ; Smith, Jonathan ; Smith, Adam ; Steel, Richard; Steel, David; Stoner, Daniel; Strickland, Samuel; Stru- ble, Peter ; Sypher, Jacob ; Vanderhoof, Henry ; Vanderhoof, Wil- liam ; Vanhorn, William ; Vanhorn, Abram ; Wallace, James ; Wal- ters, John ; Welch, Nicholas; Williamson, Gideon; Wilson, Thomas, Wilson, Samuel; Young, Abraham; Zearphus, George, (Sarphus.) 1814,] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. ^25 In Captain Robert McGuigan's company, November 12 to .24, we find the names of— Egbert, John ; Hafer, James ; Haslet, Joseph ; Ranck, Adam ; Stadden, WilHam ; Vanlew, Peter ; Whitacre, John • Wurtz, Daniel. Roll of Captain William F. Buyers' Company. Roll of the Northumberland County Blues, volunteer company, attached to the regiment, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel George Weirick, Marcus Hook, November 10, 181 4. Captain — Buyers, William F. Lieutenants — Jenkins, Thomas S. ; Scott, Samuel H. Ensign — Hepburn, John. -^ Sergeants— Wilson, Samuel H.; Wallis, Joseph T.; Sweeney, A.M. Corporal — Reehl, John. Fifer — Armor, William. Drummer. — DeLong, Samuel. Privates— Armstrong, Jacob ; Black, David ; Bonham, Thomas Buyers, George P. ; Cameron, William ; Campbell, Robert ; Chap man, Edward ; Cooke, William ; Cook, Adam ; Cramer, Joseph B. Cramer, Abram ; Dale, Henry; Dieus, William ; Dougal, James S. Frazier, Charles; Gale, William; Grant, Mact; Grant, Thomas junior, discharged October 23 ; Grant, William M. ; Gray, William Harris, Thomas ; Hendershot, Isaac ; Hopfer, Jacob ; Huffman Joseph; Jones, William; Jones, Jeremiah; Latherland, WiUiam Lay ton, William ; Lebo, Daniel ; Lyon, Robert ; Lyon, Jeremiah McCord, Isaac; McPherson, John ; Martin, John; Maus, Charles Oliphant, James ; Prune, George ; Quinn, John ; Reininger, Henry, Rockele, Theodore J. ; Ross, John ; Watson, William ; Weisner, John ; Weitzel, George ; Wilson, Samuel. Jacob Armstrong, John Martin, Robert Campbell, and William Dieus, drafts in Captain Hummel's company, joined my company on 29th, They have been in service the same time our company has. William F. Buyers, Captain Northumberland County Blues. The following memoranda are from Lieutenant Colonel Weirick's order-book, now in possession of M. L. Schoch, Esquire, of New Berlin : 43(i ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1814. General Order, dated at Headquarters, Fourth Militia District, Philadelphia, October 19, 1 814. The advance corps will consist of the light brigade, under Briga- dier General Cadwalader, who will report directly to the command- ing general, and act alone under his orders, and those of the War Department. Colonel Irvine's regiment of regulars will support the advance. The army of the center will consist of Brigadier General Spearing's, Smith's, and Snyder's brigades, forming Major General Worrell's division. The volunteers and recruits at Bush Hill will form the reserve. The New Jersey troops, under General Elmer, form the left wing. The officers and men of the fifth United States infantry, at camp near New Castle, will form a detachment, under the immediate command of the senior officer, and act under Colonel Irvine. By order of Major General Edward P. Gaines. Major General Isaac Worrell's headquarters were transferred to Marcus Hook, on the 20th of October. Henry Sheets, major general, second division ; Brigadier General Henry Spearing commanding first brigade, second division, — drafted militia, Northampton, Mont- gomery, Lehigh, Pike, Northumberland, &c. ; Hugh Maxwell, aid- de-camp ; Thomas J. Rodgers and W. C. Rodgers, brigade majors. November 13, Ensign Farnsworth transferred to Captain Miller's company. November 15, Lieutenant Colonels Heister and Weirick, and the field officers of their respective commands, ordered to report, at twelve o'clock, at General's quarters, to decide their precedence of rank by lot. John Campbell, Griggs Marsh, and David Moore, who have been absent without leave, have come this day, and joined their compa- nies. I, therefore, order the same to be entered on the regimental book. George Weirick, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding. November 16. The above, who have been reported as deserters, are to be tried as absentees. George Weirick, Lieutenant Colonel. J814.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 427 November 16, lot determined in favor of Lieutenant Colonel Weirick, who is hereby announced first lieutenant colonel in first brigade, second division, Pennsylvania militia, under the command of Brigadier General Henry Spearing, and is to be obeyed and respected accordingly. It was determined to mutual satisfaction that Major Taggert was properly entitled to the first rank and Major Lechner to the second rank in Colonel Weirick's regiment, and will hereafter take precedence accordingly. November 17, the lot for rank of captain resulted: first captain, MjUer ; second. Hummel ; third, Haas ; fourth, Bergstresser. The court-martial held at Adjutant Coryell's marquee, John Bergstresser, president, Lieutenants John McMillan and Samuel Shedle members, Thomas Jenkins, judge advocate, sentenced John Campbell, Griggs Marsh, and David Moore to stand camp guard every other day, and to be within the limits of the camp during the remainder of their tour. November 23. The German troops in Major General Sheetz's division will be formed upon the parade to-morrow, at ten o'clock, with their side arms, for divine worship in German. The last orders in the book are dated at Marcus Hook, December I : The sick troops are to be discharged on furlough to their res- pective homes until further orders. Adjutant of the day, Coryell. The discharge of Peter Myers, signed by Captain John Berg- stresser, is dated Philadelphia, December 20, 181 4, and I presume that is the date of the muster out of the regiment. Pay-roll of the Union Rifle Volunteers, commanded by Captain Ner Middleswarth, attached to the Rifle Battalion, commanded by Captain John Uhle, in the Light Brigade, commanded by General Thomas Cadwalader , in actual service at Camp Dupont, Octo- ber 27, 1814. Captain — Middleswarth, Ner. Lieutenants — Mertz, Isaac; Aurand, John. Ensign — Devore, Daniel. Sergeants — Fryer, Jacob; Weiser, Daniel; Stees, Frederick, jun- ior; Weikel, George. Corporals — Frederick, Abraham ; Layer, Daniel ; Swineford, Albright ; Long, Jacob. 428 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1814. Privates — Beitler, Jacob ; Bird, John; Bowersox, Daniel; Boyer, Samuel; Campbell, Elias; Carroll, Henry W. ; Clemence, George Dreese, Henry ; Ely, Asher ; Freedley, Ludwig ; Gilbert, Jacob Gill, Jacob ; Gilmore, Robert ; Grubb, Jacob ; Kaley, Abraham Katherman, John ; Kratzer, Henry ; Kuhns, John ; Loehr, Joseph Loehr, Peter ; Martz, Samuel ; Miller, Daniel ; Miller, Jacob Mitchell, John ; Moyer, George ; Moyer, Jacob ; Shneb, Henry Smith, James ; Stock, Melchior ; Troxell, Jacob ; Thurston, Israel Wakey, John ; Wales, John ; Weirick, Henry ; Wient, George. • Marriages. 2 2d February, John Beeber married to Miss Anna Baker, by H. Spyker, Esquire. Deaths. At Lewisburg, January 16, Charles Cameron, father of the late John Cameron, William Cameron, Esquire, General Simon Cam- eron, Mrs. A. B. Warford, of Harrisburg, Mrs. Boggs, of Indiana, Colonel James Cameron, who was killed at Bull Run, and of Daniel, who died in the naval service. August 23, Reverend Isaac Grier, died at Northumberland. Born 1763; graduated at Dickinson college in 1788; licensed December 21, 1 791. He taught the academy, and was father of Honorable R. C. Grier, Isaac Grier, D. D., &c. John Turner, tailor, of Lewisburg. He left a widow, Elizabeth, and daughters, Christena and Matilda. Jacob Wolfe, of Buffalo, leaving a widow, Catherine, and chil- dren, Catherine, Elizabeth, Jacob, John, Jonathan, and Samuel. August :^9, Adam Laughlin, of Hartley township, aged sixty -six. Wendell Baker, of East Buffalo. Children : John, Jacob, Mrs. Mathias Alsbach. Grandchildren : John and Ann Mizener. October 14, Paul Collins, of West Buffalo, aged seventy-nine. Adam Struble, of West Buffalo. i8i^. Courts held in New Berlin — Union Township Erected — St. Peter's Church, Kelly — Death of Captain William Gray, of Buffalo. CT 8th March provided that after the first Monday of May, the courts should be held at New Berlin, in the court-house, provided a full and sufficient deed be made, for the consideration of sixty-seven cents, to the com- missioners, before the first Monday in April, for the court-house and lot. The original receipt for sixty-seven cents may be seen in the commissioner's office, at Lewisburg. nth March, Washington township annexed to Lycoming. — P. L., 119. April i, Hugh Mc- Laughlin's land, in Kelly, was sold to John Gotshall for ^36 per acre, and the Japhet Martin place. East Buffalo, now Frederick's, appraised at ^48. 15th April, Reverend C. Newcomer arrived at Michael Maize's. "On i6th preached at Martin Dreisbach's, 17th at George Miller's, and on the i8th had a long conversation with Messrs. Miller and Niebel on the union of our respective societies, but we could not bring it about." Union Township Erected. September sessions, upon the report of Andrew McLenachan, John Hayes, and Adam Wilt, Union township was erected, with the fol- lowing boundary : Beginning at a double walnut, on the West Branch, (below Jenkins' mill,) S. 73° W. 3 miles 100 perches to stones on the top of Shamokin ridge ; along same, S. 75° W. 3 miles ID perches, to chestnut oak ; N. 150 W. i mile 200 perches to top of 42g 430 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1815. Limestone ridge; S. 75° W. 2 miles 100 perches to line between Buffalo and West Buffalo ; along same, S. 150 perches to head of John Stees' spring ; thence down same and Switzer run to Penn's creek ; down Penn's creek to the line between Buffalo and Penn's ; thence along the same to the river ; thence up the river to the mouth of West Branch ; thence up West Branch to beginning. St Peier's Lutheran Church, in Kelly. On the 4th of November, Christian Zerbe and George Reininger, trustees in the conveyance made by Jacob Lotz, executor of Philip Stahl, granted, permitted, allowed, and confirmed the full right, liberty, and privilege unto the members of the Presbyterian con- gregation (German Reformed) of White Deer township, in common with the members of the Lutheran congregation of, in, and to the aforesaid premises and church, when built, in consideration of the German Reformed congregation contributing to the purchase of the lot and building of the house, &c. Marriages. Daniel Shannon with Christena Pross, February 23. March 23, Samuel Strickland with Elizabeth Turner. April 2, Jonathan Ranck with Catherine Long, daughter of Joseph. May 30, Jacob Wehr with Margaret Sassaman. June 25, Jacob Rees and Elizabeth Wil- liamson, in presence of her brother, Gideon. September 3, Elisha Barry with Elizabeth Herbst, daughter of Henry. October 12, George Mook with Julia Fastnock, daughter of Adam. All by Henry Spyker, Esquire. Deaths. 4th April, Catherine, wife of John Dreisbach, born nth March, 1785. Married i8th April, 1811. nth April, Elizabeth, wife-of William Wilson, aged fifty-seven. June 27, John Freedly, (miller,) ' ' found this morning lying in a water sluice, in his meadow, dead. George Knox, George Schnable, John Lawshe, senior, George Metzgar, Henry Colway, Philip Lesher, Alexander Graham, George 1815.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 431 Kremer, Robert Smith, Alexander Morton, Jonathan Spyker, and James Knox, a jury empaneled, found he came to his death by acci- dent, and not by violence." (He was the owner of Ludwig Derr's mill.) Captain William Gray, one of the first settlers in the Valley, died. His children were : Sally, Mrs. Mary Dunlap ; Susanna, mar- ried first to William Hudson, after his death, to Andrew Forster ; Eleanor, to John Robinson ; Margaret, to John Hayes, Esquire ; Nancy, widow of Hudson Williams ; Jane, widow of William Wal- lace, married to Samuel Hutchinson. Hugh McLaughlin, White Deer. He lived, adjoining William Clingan's, owning a farm of seventy acres. His children : James Eleanor, wife of William Cameron, Esquire; Hugh, who recently (1871) died at Lewisburg, and Margaret, who died unmarried. Japhet Morton, East Buffalo. Children : Edward, William, John, Alexander, Isabella, married to Thorrt&s McGuire, and Rachel and four grandchildren, sons of Thomas, deceased: Martha, Betsey, Polly, and Japhet. November i. Christian Nevius, aged fifty-six. He left a widow, Lucretia, who died January 19, 1841, aged seventy-five. Children: Peter, John, Ann, Ralph, Aaron, Elizabeth, Phoebe, and Sarah. i6. Henry Shaup's Newspaper — Susquehanna Bible Society Formed — Lewisburg Bridge Built — A New Church at Cross-Roads — Pres- idential Election — Simon Snyder's Letter to George Kremer — Judge Cooper Transfered to the University of Pennsylvania. TEMS taken froift Henry Shaup's Union Newspaper — Markets in Philadelphia: wheat, ^2.20; rye, ^1.45 ; corn, ^1.50; butter, 14 cents pound. Proposals are published by JFrederick Gutelius, James Dale, and John Bower, county commissioners, for building the jail. Israel Inman was the principal store-keeper in New Berlin. George Spring notifies all persons having lots in the town of Springfield, to come forward on the ist of April, and lift their deeds or give up their tickets. James Merrill, practicing law at Mr. Maurer's, op- posite the New Berlin hotel. William Poak kept hotel at Hartle- ton. John 'Grove's vendue at New Berlin. James Monroe and Daniel D. Tompkins nominated for President and Vice President, by the Republican members of Congress. Simon Snyder had thirty votes in caucus for Vice President. Aaron Chamberlin elected col- onel, vice George Weirick, resigned. Philip Franck, watch-maker. New Berlin. George Eisenhuth, merchant. William Dale and John Leany, executors of Samuel Fisher, of White Deer, advertise his land on White Deer creek for sale. A public market held in New Berlin on the 20th of June, continuing three days, for the purpose of selling horses, horned cattle. " Here the weary peddler was in- vited to repose a few days, with his pack, and at the same time vend jewelry to his advantage ; the lovers of music and dancing, to spend the careless hours in pleasure. Boxers and gamblers are not invited, 432 1816.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 433 but may attend at their own risk." A bear beat is also advertised as one of the attractions. An association formed to suppress horse- racing, Abbot Green, treasurer. John Sargeant and Robert Smith were brought before Henry Spyker, Esquire, who fined them ^20 each. He notes in his docket that "the judges of Union county say this is wrong, and have reversed my proceeding. After this, the judges may fine the horse-racers themselves." July 23, Ann Smith, alias Carson, arrested above Harrisburg, with two companions, who called themselves Owen Jones and Na- thaniel B. Bard. She had formed plains to abduct the Governor, and extort by violence a pardon of Richard Smith, convicted of the murder of Captain Carson, or, failing in this, to seize some member of his family. Susquehanna Bible Society formed at Milton, John B. Patterson, president; vice presidents. Reverend Thomas Hood and Judge An- drew Albright. Shaup thus notices the demise of the The Advocate of the Union, Hugh Maxwell's paper : " Union county has lost an Advocate, Saturday, 27th September, after a lingering illness of one year and seven months. The remains, we understand, have been removed to Belief onte." August 24. Adam Wilt made a plan of New Berlin, showing the original as laid out by George Long, and the additions made by Christopher Seebold, Christian Miller, Henry Gross, Alexander and James Beatty. This plan was signed by the lot owners of New Berlin, and recorded as the proper plan of the place. Deed book " C, " page 198. Improvements. 15 th March, supplement to the Lewisburg bridge charter passed, authorizing the Governor to subscribe four hundred shares for the State. June 19, the company organized. July 4, contract made with Reuben Fields for the erection of the bridge for $52,600. $2,400 was afterwards allowed, in addition to the contract price. The jail at New Berlin was erected this year by Frederick Hippie, of Centre township. Contract price, $4,000. The stone furnished by Henry Gross, at twelve and a half cents per perch, measured in the wall. 23d February, Buffalo Cross-Roads congregation met, William Clingan called to the chair, James McCIellan, secretary, 28 434 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1816. and resolved to build a stone meeting-house, sixty by thirtf-five. The trustees altered it to fifty-two by forty ; four rows of seats, and pulpit in the end. Jacob Hartman contracted to do all the carpen- ter work and painting for ^625. William McLaughlin to do the mason work at seventy-five cents per perch. This stone church stood within the limits of the present grave-yard, north-west corner. The corner-stone was laid on the 23d day of July. It was com- pleted by the 29th of December, when Mr. Dunham preached the first sermon in the new church, from Nehemiah, iv : 6 : " For the people had a mind to build." 19th March, 181 7, Mr. Hood preached the first sermon in the new pulpit. Text, John, vi : 38 and 39, showing the reasonableness of the doctrine of predestina- tion. 27th April, Peter Burg conveyed to Conrad Philips and John Walters, a lot on Walnut street and Apple Tree alley, in New Berlin, for a grave-yard for the use of the Union County Evangelical Asso- ciation. At the October election, the candidates for Congress were George Kremer, WilHam Wilson, David Scott, Charles Maus, and Captain William F. Buyers. William Wilson and David Scott were elected. At this election, one thousand six hundred and twelve votes were polled. Democratic majority nearly seven hundred and fifty. At the November election, Monroe and Tompkins received six hundred and one votes, against one hundred and two for the opposition or Independent Republican ticket, on which were the the names of Andrew Gregg, Christian Brobst, Daniel Montgomery, and others, as electors. October 1 1 , Reverend C. Newcomer arrived again in the Valley ; preached at old Mr. Eyers'. 12th, at Mr. Dreisbach. Sunday, 13th, had meeting in the forenoon and at night. 14th, conference of the Albright brethren commenced. 15th, attended a funeral at Mr. Gilmore's; at night preached at Solomon Betz's. i6th, preached at Youngmanstown and lodged at Mr. Corl's. Mail arrives at New Berlin once a week. Extracts from a letter from Governor Snyder to George Kremer, 24th November : "I should like much to see you pitted against that arch fiend, Lieb, in the House of Representatives; but unless Brobst resigns, I cannot see how the Speaker could constitutionally issue a writ for the election of another. A writ of lunacy could be awarded 1816.] . ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 435 by tire court of Union county, and thereupon a writ might issue for a new election. The people might memorialize the House, that, through mental derangement, the act of God, one of their Repre- sentatives is disqualified to represent the wisdom of the county. This, accompanied by certificates from regular-bred physicians — Doctors Dougal, Vanvalzah, &c. — would undoubtedly bring the ques. tion fairly before the House, and a precedent established in his case, if there is not one already, in this country or in England. But, if he has any interval of sanity, this might be embraced to procure his resignation. Thus all difficulty would be removed, and make room for your election, which, I suppose, would be certain, if the Longs- town interest does not oppose you. Whatever may be done, it will be all-important to keep out of view his having been mad before his election, or that the people were so who elected him." The letter refers to Jacob Brobst, who became insane. He lived just above Mififlinburg, where he died. The path the poor old man tramped in his fearful spells and struggles was visible many years after his death. December 6. Judge Thomas Cooper, late professor at Dickinson College, Carlisle, was elected professor in the University of Penn- sylvania. Marriages. 1 7th January, Daniel Shriner with Catherine Funston, daughter of William. June 6, John Hayes with Jane McFadden, daughter of John. June 23, Titus Kemp with Betsey Huntingdon, in pres- ence of her cousin, Gabriel. £0 die, William Francis, widower, with Catherine Gettig, widow. November 7, Henry Moyer with Polly Strickland. December 19, John Walters with Susanna Moyer, daughter of John, in presence of her brother, Peter. December 31, by Reverend J. H. Fries, Jacob Strayer to Rachel Harmony, of New Berlin. In August, John Johnston, (painter,) of New Berlin, to Elizabeth Kress, by H. Yearick, Esquire. Deaihs. 9th March, Mrs. Elizabeth Weirick, wife of Colonel George Wei- rick, aged thirty-six. Vj^ ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1817. Peter Bower, East Buffalo, aged sixty-eight. Killian Dunkle, East Buffalo. John Hoover, of West Buffalo. Children : George, Jacob, Ann, Mary, Elizabeth, Catherine, Susan, and Christena. Philip Gebhart. Widow : Mary. Children : Jonathan, George, John, Henry, Michael, Elizabeth, Sally, and Mary. Daniel Rees, of Buffalo, left widow, Catherine, and children, Catherine and George W. October 15, Thomas Sutherland, father of Mrs. Doctor Thomas Vanvalzah, aged eighty-four. (His widow, Jane, died July 9, 1819, aged eighty-two.) 181^. Political — Election Returns — Lewisburg Bridge — Henry Spyker^^ Esquire — Colonel William Chamberlin. |OHN SNYDER, United States Collector Internal Rev- enue. Postmasters : Lewisburg, A. Graham ; New Ber- lin, James Merrill ; Mifflinburg, John Orwig ; Hartle- ton, James Madden. Republican Standing Committee, Henry Yearick, James Geddes, and P. F. Deering. 19th February, Democratic Republican Convention held at New Berlin. John Gross, president ; Henry Yearick, secretary. Ner Middleswarth and James Dale appointed delegates to the State Convention, and William Findlay, of Franklin, recommended for Governor. 4th March, William Findlay nominated at Harrisburg, and Joseph Hiester by the Independent Republicans, at Carlisle. June 19, Stephen Hughes, chairman, John Mauck and Lewis Bertram secre- taries of the Hiester meeting, held at the house of John Solomon, in New Berlin. July 12, Findlay meeting held at New Berlin; John Wilson, president ; James Geddes and Christopher Seebold secretaries. Vigilance committees : Hartley, Adam Wilt and Henry 1817.1 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 437 Roush : West Buffalo, Michael Schoch, John Dreisbach, Christo- pher Johnston, John Ray, and Robert Forster ; East Buffalo, James Dale, John Reber, Andrew Reedy, and George Knox ; White Deer, Colonel Aaron Chamberhn, A. McClenachan, Major John Ranck, and Dan Caldwell ; Union, Alexander Boveard, Michael Waggoner, Jacob Kline, and William Kessler. loth September, convention at New Berlin ; John Orwig, chairman; Isaac Mertz, secretary. Jo- seph Hiester nominated for Governor. Assembly, Fred Stees and Joseph Stillwell ; commissioner, Mishael Lincoln ; auditor, Samuel Baum. Delegates: Union, George Eisenhuth ; Hartley, Abbot Green and William Reed ; West Buffalo, John Orwig and Daniel Reeser ; East Buffalo, Christian Sterner and William Hayes. 20th September, General Adam Light nominated by the Independents for Congress. ELECTION BETUIiNS. DISTRICTS. Union, . . , East Buffalo, , West Buffalo, White Deer, . Hartley, . . , Beaver, . . . Centre, . . , Perry, . . . Free burg, . . Penn's, . . . GOV'NR. CONG'SS, 192 116 173 45 103 171 204 92 163 248 145 222 115 200 108 70 35 39 49 35 192 96 173 141 229 114 23i 218 99 111 71 3 48 156 182 232 48 55 49 Total, . ■ . . . 1507 1018 972 1268 1405 1890 1116 1096 1320 1011 ASSEMBLY. 167 102 173 43 101 162 192 70 157 238 184 98 167 43 87 159 186 67 157 242 165 236 123 202 110 79 47 59 51 44 152 228 116 201 113| 79 46 68 53 40 comm'r. 134 111 172 37 102 167 104 87 160 246 141 219 113 204 109 68 35 45 50 33 February 6, prices in Philadelphia: Wheat, $3 per bushel; rye, $1.60; corn, ^1.70. February 13, Methodist church, at New Ber- lin, dedicated. A great assemblage of people. Over two hundred sleds and sleighs. March 13, ice broke on the river, and obstructed the stages. 9th August, Limestone Run bridge, in the town of Mil- 438 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1817. ton, swept out, with large portions of the road, by a sudden freshet in that stream. Lewisburg Bridge. November i, superstructure up, and teams cross the Lewisburg bridge. James Lee, the old tavern-keeper, at Northumberland, in a suit, Burrz/j. McCay, 6 Barr, 149, about the " Burr bridge patent," testified to the following facts, in regard to the building of this bridge and others on the Susquehanna : "In May, 181 6, Theodore Burr was at my house, in Northum- berland, and I asked him whether he proposed attending the letting of the Lewisburg bridge. He said he had enough bridges on hand, and recommended Reuben Fields as a first-rate builder, who worked with him on the Harrisburg bridge. I went to Harrisburg, got an introduction to Mr. Fields, who came to Lewisburg the week fol- lowing, to look at the points for material, contiguous to the site. A few days before the letting, he brought up a plan and draft for the bridge. Theodore Burr advised Fields and myself to build on that plan. We presented the plan to the company on the 3d of July, 1816, together with our proposals. The day following, Mr. Hep- burn drew the contract between the Lewisburg Bridge Company, Fields, and myself, and on the 7th we commenced excavating the foundation for stone-work. In September we had got up two piers, and the two abutments half way. - Mr. Fields came up that fall, and commenced the wood-work. Early the next spring one of the reaches was up, and another part raised on the east side," &c. Theodore Burr commenced building the Northumberland bridge in 1 8 1 2 . Finished it in two years. In 1 8 1 4 he commenced the Har- risburg bridge, and finished it in two or three years. Marriages. February 20, by Henry Spyker, Esquire, Peter Long to Sarah, daughter of Jacob Moore. June 19, by Reverend J. H. Fries, Samuel Roush, Esquire, to Miss Elizabeth Dunkle. September 9, by Rev- erend Peter Kessler, Jacob Alter to Miss Ann Kessler. October 24, George Mitchel to Eliza Anderson. May 22, by Reverend John Patterson, Andrew McBeth to Ann Linn. 1817.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 439 Deaths. February 6, Enoch Smith, Esquire, attorney-at-law, Sunbury, Pennsylvania. February 19, Flavel Roan, Esquire, born July 31, 1760. Son of the Reverend John Roan, and brother of Mrs. Clingan. He was buried in the Presbyterian grave-yard, at Lewisburg, near the pavement, a little east of the present church. The grave being immarked, it was lost sight of when the church was built. March 1 7 , Elizabeth, wife of Reverend J. G. Heim, born April 1 7, 1 776. April 17, Elias Youngman, born August 15, 1738. Married, January 11, 1763, to Catherine Nagle. His children were: George, father of Elias, of Jersey Shore ; Thomas, who died, (Thomas' widow married Robert Forster,) and Catherine, married to. John Dreisbach. Elias Youngman was a hatter, in Sunbury, in 1775. Moved into the Val- ley in 1783. April 27, Jacob Dunkle, who bought the Heberling mill at sheriff's sale, as the property of Captain John Bergstresser, was killed near Bear Gap, as he was coming home with the team from Philadelphia. His horses ran off, and the wagon wheels passed over his head, killing him instantly. He was the grandfather of Charles C, of Lewisburg. He left a family of seven sons and five daughters. He was married, November 24, 1789, to Ann C. Shoemaker. July I, Henry Spyker, Esquire. His children were: Mrs. Alex- ander Graham, Jonathan Spyker, &c. He was a son of Peter Spy- ker, who was president of the courts of Berks county in 1780. The Spykers, Christs, Kadermans, &c., came over with Conrad Weiser to New York, in 17 10, from a place called Herrenburg, in Wurtemberg, Germany. In .1729, they all removed together to Tulpehocken, where Henry Spyker was born, 29th August, 1753. He was adju- tant, in 1776, of a militia regiment on duty at Amboy, New Jersey, where he heard the thunder of the battle on the 25 th, 26th, and 27th. His manuscript journal is yet in the possession of his grand- daughter, Mary Spyker, at Lewisburg, together with many valua- ble papers, a complete file of almanacs from 1756 down. He was paymaster of the militia from October i, 1777, to July 27, 1785, during which he disbursed ^^122, 847 js. 6d., and accounted satis- factorily for every cent. He was afterwards member of Assembly for Berks, 1788-90. In 1797, when Jonathan was twelve years old, just the'age of Lewisburg, he removed to Lewisburg, where he en- 44° ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1817. gaged in store-keeping for a few years ; was then appointed a justice, which office he exercised until within a few days of his death. He used to tell of two Germans of the Valley, who came to his office to make some sale, and have a note written, and when through, the party who was to have the note told the other to keep it, and he could then know when it was due, and come and pay him. August 21, Colonel William Chamberlin. He came from Hun- terdon county. New Jersey, where he was born, September 25, 1736. He served as lieutenant colonel in second regiment. Colonel David Chambers, his commission bearing date 9th September, 1777, in November of which year, by order of Governor Livingston, he was directed to call on Messrs. Penn and Chew, at the Union iron- works, to conduct them to Worcester, Massachusetts, and deliver them to the Council of that State. He was also directed to purchase, in Connecticut or Massachusetts Bay, twenty thousand flints for the Council of New Jersey. He participated in the battle of Mon- mouth, 28th June, 1778, where his eldest son Lewis was killed by a cannon ball. He moved into our Valley in 1793, and on the i6th of August, 1794, married his fourth wife, Mary Kemble. He was the father of twenty-three children, fifteen of whom were born in New Jersey. Of his children, Nelly married John Lawshe, senior ; Ann, John Ross ; Lucretia, Christian Nevius ; William, Enoch, Tenbrooke ; Sarah, married to James Wilson ; Uriah • Elizabeth, married to William McCreery ; Aaron, came with him. His fourth wife's children were : John, James, I^ewis, Mary Frances, married to John Linn; Joseph P., James D., and Moses, the latter still resid- ing at Milton. James Marshall, of White Deer. 1§1§. Delawares and Shawanese Remove West of the Mississippi. ILLIAM FINDLAY, Governor. February 8, prices current in Philadelphia : flour, ^lo per barrel ; wheat, $i 80 ; rye, 95 cents. 9th, the first toll was taken on the Lewisburg bridge. On the 5 th and 6th of May, David Yoder had the town of New Columbia surveyed and laid out in streets and lots. During this summer, the Christian chapel, a frame building on Fourth street, between St. John and St. Anthony, in Lewisburg, was erected. I note, September 17, the treaty by which the Delawares and Shawanese cede their lands in Ohio and Indiana, and agree to take locations on the Arkansas river. The Delawares resided principally on Stony creek, a branch of the Maumee ; the Shawanese on the Auglaize river, where it empties into the Maumee, in north-western Ohio. The election this fall did not manifest any material change in the political situation of the State. Ex-Governor Simon Snyder was elected Senator from Northumberland, Union, &c., without any opposition. Marriages. Among marriages are : February 24, James Dale to Eliza Bell, of Hanover, Dauphm county. June 11, John Snyder, Esquire, to Miss Mary Kittera, daughter of late Honorable John Wilkes Kit- tera, deceased. November 4, Lieutenant R. H. Hammond, fifth U. S. infantry, to Miss Eliza C. Gloninger, of Lebanon. 44r 442 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1819. Deaihs. Among deaths: March 30, Christopher Weiser, East Buffalo, aged sixty-one. May 25, Sarah Barber, wife of Robert, aged sixty-five. 1819. Difficulty in Mr. Fries" Church — Bank Suspensions. |HIS year is noted in our religious history for Mr. Fries' difficulty in his Miffiinburg congregation. It assumed such proportions that the Synod recommended that he should withdraw from Miffiinburg and take charge of the eight congregations at Middle creek. He came home from Synod, called a meeting of the elders of Penn's, Brush Valley, New Berlin, Dreisbach's and Miffiinburg, before whom he invited his accusers to appear. It appears they had circulated a story that, on Easter Sunday, he had conducted himself as if he were intoxicated. The elders pronounced him innocent. Their report is signed, Adam Harper, president ; Adam Neidig, secretary ; John Brown, Henry Herbst, John Zeigler, John Philip Meyer, Frederick Gutehus, John Ray, Sebastian Whitmer, Elias Youngman, and John Dreisbach, elders. In August, the Northumberland, Union, and Columbia Bank, at Milton, stopped payment. Its notes in circulation were ^55,000, and the debts due to the institution amounted to ^190,000. Manu- factures having broken down in the country, bank notes necessalrily flowed in large quantities to Philadelphia and Baltimore for the pur- chase of goods and the payment of debts. City banks had plenty of their own paper, and, therefore, would not take them ; or, if they did, forwarded them forthwith for redemption. The result followed. 1819.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 443 the country banks had to suspend. This was the case with the Read- ing Bank, Northampton Bank, &c. Among the deaths this year were : Henry Iddings, aged ninety- two, leaving ten children. John Boal, of White Deer; his family were Elizabeth, married to Matthew Laird ; Mary, to John Reznor ; Sophia^, to Samuel Woods ; Margaret ; Nancy, to J. Foster Wilson, of Hartleton. Domestic. The use of the tomato, as" an edible, is noted. Prior to this, the plant was cultivated for ornament. The large stone house in Lewisburg, now occupied by Mark Half- penny, was built by William Hayes. Governor Simon Snyder. Governor Simon Snyder died at Selinsgrove, November 9, at three, a. m., aged seventy years and four days. His remains rest in the old grave-yard, at Selinsgrove, under a marble slab, without any inscription. His father was a mechanic, who had emigrated from Germany to Lancaster, where the Governor was born. In July, 1784, he removed to Northumberland county, and settled at Selins- grove, where he opened a store, and became the owner of a mill. He soon became useful as a scrivener, and as a friend of the poor and distressed. He was soon elected justice of the peace, in which capacity he officiated for twelve years. (Justices then presided in the county court.) So universally were his decisions respected, that there never was any appeal from any judgment of his to the court, and but one writ of certiorari was served upon him during that time. His political record is spread forth on the foregoing pages of these Annals. Mention will, therefore, be made here of only a few inci- dents of his public life. With him originated the arbitration prin- ciple, first incorporated, with other wholesome provisions, for the adjustment of controversies brought before justices of the peace, called the hundred-dollar act. After a few years' experience, this salutary principle was ingrafted upon our judiciary system. Gen- eral Abner Lacock was his coadjutor in these measures. His con- 444 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1819. duct during the war of 1812 was patriotic, and worthy of a Gov- ernor of Pennsylvania. His son John, afterwards the Honorable John Snyder, of the thirteenth district, then a boy of nineteen, raised a company, and marched with them as captain tg Baltimore. They arrived at Harrisburg before daylight, and were halted before the Governor's door. He arose from his bed, and welcomed them, and with stirring words complimented their bravery. He always said, in speaking of the circumstance, he never before had felt so proud of his son John. During the session of 1813-14, a very large majority of both Houses passed the bill to charter forty banks. The candidate for Governor was at that time nominated by the members of the Leg- islature. When they came into caucus, it was remarked that the bank bill was then before the Governor, and that it would be prudent to make no nomination till it was seen whether he would sanction it. Within three days. Governor Snyder returned the bill, with his objections, and it did not pass that session. His independ- ence was the theme of universal praise, and he was that year re- elected by an immense majority. Having served out the consti- tutional term, he returned to Selinsgrove, and at the next general election was made State Senator, and served one session. The crowning glory of Governor Snyder's career was his Chris- tianity. In religious culture he was a Moravian, and in public station he never forgot his vows or neglected his religious duties. His heart went out at all times in deeds of kindness to the poor and unfortu- nate. He was long mourned with sincere grief by them, and the few old people still surviving, tell how tenderly it was manifested when he was buried out of their sight. His letters to his children are very affectionate, and full of good advice. I quote^ from one to his daughter, Amelia, afterwards Mrs. Jenks, dated the 30th of January, 1813 : " I hope the practice I recommended, of reading by the boys in the evening, has been adopted, and the reading of a chapter in the New Testament or one of Blair's sermons on a Sunday, when there is no worship in our church. When there is, and the weather is tolerable, I trust you and all the boys attend. Your ensample may influence them. I would advise you to set apart, say two hours each day, for reading, and endeavor to store in your mind all that 1819.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 445 is worth recollecting. Write to me when you have an opportunity, or rather write when anything occurs to your mind worth com- municating, and then you will be ready, and not hurried, when an opportunity offers. This is my method, or I never could get through half my business." His parental tenderness and his earnest desire for the conversion of his children is the burden of many of his letters. From one, dated Harrisburg, 19th January, 1813, I make the following ex- tracts : .;■. " Dear Child : I have but a few moments time, before the mail starts, to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 17th. I feel much distressed by your relation of John's state of health. I hope that no pains or expense will be spared to restore him. God grant that he may recover, and become sensible of the necessity to alter his mind, and prove thankful and grateful to God for his mercies. His God, from whose hand the thread of his life is sus- pended, will hear him, if, with a contrite heart he calls for mercy and forgiveness. I write under strong emotions of pain. God have him and you all in His holy keeping, is the prayer of your father, S. S." The Governor's long residence at the seat of government, during which he had not the leisure necessary for managing his extensive estates, and his liberality to his relatives and friends, had greatly embarrassed his affairs. The death of his son Frederick taking place at this time, broke his spirit. The powers of the other world soon claimed him for its silent fellowship. He is now united with the apostles and martyrs, the great and good of all ages, with those he so tenderly loved in life, and more than all, with his Saviour. Governor Snyder's first wife was Elizabeth Michael, of Lancaster, by whom he had two children: Amelia, born 21st June, 1791. She was married March 28, 1820, by Doctor Dewitt to Doctor Phineas Jenks, member of the House from Bucks county, at Harrisburg. Mrs. Elsegood, wife of Reverend J. I. Elsegood, of East New York, is the only daughter of Amelia. The Honorable John Snyder, who married June 11, 181 8, Mary Louisa Kittera, daughter of Honor- able John Wilkes Kittera, of Lancaster, Congressman during the administration of General Washington, and until the election of 44(> ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1819. Thomas Jefferson, in 1801, when he died. John Snyder's children by his first wife are Miss Mary K. Snyder, postmistress at Selins- grove, Mrs. Vandyke, who now hves in Lewisburg, widow of James C. Vandyke, Esquire, late United States district attorney for the east- ern district of Pennsylvania. Among his children by subsequent mar- riage, is Mrs. G. W. Walls, of Lewisburg. Honorable John Snyder died at Selinsgrove, August 15, 1850. The children by his second marriage were Henry W. Snyder, born 20th July, 1797. He was a paymaster in the late war, and died at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Of his children, are Mrs. Joseph Musser, of Lewisburg, who has a portrait of her grandmother, which is certainly complimentary to the Governor's appreciation of beauty. George A. Snyder, a man of unmistakable genius, was the second son. His artist aspirations were early developed, and he desired his father to send him to Italy ; but he insisted upon making a lawyer of him. He never practiced, I believe. Taught school for the most part, and died in Williams- port on the 6th of July, 1865. During the war, being old and feeble, he still insisted upon doing something, and gathered all the news- papers that came in his way, cut out the interesting articles, and pasting them into small scrap-books, sent them to the hospitals to help the sick soldiers while away the tedious hours of sickness. His children are Mrs. Mathias App, now of Michigan ; Mrs. Kate Crane ; Henry and George S., foundrymen of Williamsport, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Riley, Antes and Jesse D., of the same place. Antes Snyder,^ who died at Pottstown in December, 1861, where his widow, Mrs. Mary B., still resides, (18 71,) was the child Mrs. Carson wished to kidnap, in order to obtain from the Governor the pardon of Smith. He well remembered how carefully he was guarded in door until after the execution of Smith. ' Antes was educated at West Point, graduated with high honors, and was soon afterwards sent by the Government to England on business con- nected with the railway system, then in its infancy here. The Governor said, should Mrs. Carson succeed in the abduction of his child, the law should, nevertheless, have its course. He was spared the trial, but all who knew his stern integrity, felt assured ' Antes Snyder was the engineer who designed and built the large stone bridges over the Schuylkill, at the falls and Peacock's lock, above Reading, and one at Schuylkill Haven, and a number of small ones along the line of the Philadelphia and Keading railroaa. 1819.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 447 that the law would have been honored, even had he been put to so severe a test. Governor Snyder was married the third time to Mary Slough Scott, a widow lady of Harrisburg, i6th October, 181 4. She sur- vived him, and died at Harrisburg October 8, 1823. She was a member of the Episcopal church, and was the first person who com- menced a Sabbath-school in Selinsgrove. She is spoken of as a bril- liant woman in society. I quote from her letter to Amelia, dated Philadelphia, June 1 1 , 18 1 8, anticipating Honorable John Snyder's wedding. The gar- lands have faded this many a day ; their perfume may still linger in some households : "My Dear Amelia* At length I have a moment to devote to you, on the morning of the important day which is to connect us with Mary. At nine o'clock this evening Doctor Wilson will tie the knot. Mr. Peacock has stayed for the wedding. The fair brides- maids are Mary Smith, Miss Houston, Hannah L. Orme. The groomsmen, Shunk, T. Conrad, Thomas and John Kittera. All the relatives will be here. The company will consist of about thirty per- sons. To-morrow, early, we set out, and will rest at Lancaster on Sunday, go to Harrisburg on Monday, and leave that on Thursday or Friday for Selinsgrove. I am very anxious about your father. Henry writes Mr. Peacock that he was unwell after I left him. I hope in God he is now well. Mr. Hemphill gave a dinner for me Tuesday. I had twelve of my particular friends to meet me last evening. I took tea with Mrs. Watson. She sends much love. It is so warm, I am obliged to ride everywhere, and Anthony is very accommodating. I long to get home again, and shall enjoy our old house more than ever, for this place is intolerably hot. Shunk [afterwards Governor Shunk] goes by his father's house, so we shall have no beaux. John Kittera cannot go home with us, but will be up in a few weeks. Mrs. Hall is still here, but goes home with Mrs. Humphrey and her daughter next week. Their new carriage is not yet done, and she is almost homesick. Shunk has just come in, and desires me to tell you he has tried to behave pretty, and is as polite as possible." i8^o. HILIP MILLER was appointed court crier. He held this office thirty-three years, and was succeeded by Ben- jamin Shell, in 1853. 1 6th March, the division line of Mifflin and Union directed by act of Assembly^ to be run by a surveyor appointed by the commissioners of each county ; otherwise the line run by Peter Hackenberg made the line. — P. L. i2>2o, page 82. 28th March, James Dale, of Union, Jacob Cryder, of Centre, and John Hanna, of Lycoming, appointed to run the division line be- tween Union and Centre counties. In 1819 or 1820, Doctor Grier says, the Associate Reformed church, of Mifflinburg, was organized of Buffalo Cross-Roads mem- bers, a dissatisfaction having arisen on account of giving up Rouse's version, and adopting Watt's version, of the Psalms. James McClel- lan, Esquire, and Samuel Templeton were of the elders. James McClellan gave up his pew in Buffalo in April, 1820. So it was pro- bably in this year. This church was served by the late Doctors George Junkin and David Kirkpatrick. In October, 1827, on ap- plication of Mr. Kirkpatrick and his congregation, they were received into and taken under the care of the Northumberland Presbytery. (This congregation is still served by Doctor Grier, although there is another Presbyterian church organized at Mifflinburg.) Political. At the October election for Governor, General Joseph Hiester received 1,621 votes, and William Findlay, 1,040 in Union county. 1820.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. For Congress, Thomas Murray ran against William Cox Ellis. 4,341 tickets had the name of Thomas Murray on; 3,074 had Thomas Murray, junior. Mr. Ellis' vote in the district was 6,526, and he received the certificate, but not considering it fair, Mr. Ellis resigned in June, 1821, and another election was held that fall. At the November election James Monroe carried every State, John Quincy Adams receiving only one electoral vote, (in New Hamp- shire.) Census 1820. Penn's, . Centre, . Beaver, . Perry, . Washington, Mifflinburg, West Buffalo, Hartleton, . Value of leather Hartley, New Berlin, Union, . White Deer, Lewisburg, Buffalo, . Total, 519,200; linseed oil. i>239 515 1.369 1,677 579 2,376 18,619 2,099 2,094 2,036 i>33o 1,427 620 1,183 75 manufactures, ^19,200; nnseea oil, ^2,790; pottery, $1,050; whisky; corn and rye, used for, 16,000 bushels, value, twenty-five to thirty-one cents per gallon. Twenty-two still- houses. Wheat manufactured into flour, 23,300 bushels. Fourteen mills in operation. For cotton yarn, one hundred and twenty spin- dles, one carding machine, one spinning machine. "The whole establishment gone to ruin for want of a market. It formerly em- ployed four men and rhree boys." Notices of Revolutionary Soldiers Residing in the County in 1820. Brown, Jonathan, had served three years as a private in Captain Elijah Humphrey's company. Colonel William Douglas' regiment, and was sixty-two years old. Britton, Joseph, enlisted at John Stetler's tavern, in Limerick township, Montgomery county, in the spring of 1776, in Captain Caleb North's company, of Colonel Anthony Wayne's regiment. Captain Frederick Evans testified in his behalf, that he had lived forty-three years before with David Evans, whose land joined his 29 450 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1S20. father's, in Montgomery county; that he recollected of hearing Britton had enlisted, and about a year afterwards he came back very much emaciated ; that forty-four years had elapsed since he had seen Britton, and he was so much altered he had no recollection of his person ; but from conversation with him, he had no doubt he was the same Joseph that had enlisted with Captain Caleb North's company, and marched to Ticonderoga. Britton was, in 1820, seventy-one years old, a farmer, and had a wife and two daughters. Billman, Dewalt, aged sixty-seven, enlisted at Reading, in Captain Jacob Bowers' company. Burd, Daniel, seventy-five years old, enlisted at Amboy, Colonel James Treddle's regiment ; served five years nine months, except three months, when he was at home sick. He was wounded in the left thigh at Battle Hill, with two musket balls. He had two sons and four daughters, youngest named Anne. Bower, George, of White Deer. Pressed in the fall of 1777 as teamster; had charge of an ammunition wagon at Valley Forge. Drafted in June, 1778; arrived on the field of Monmouth as the battle was closing. He received a sword cut on the knee from a British soldier who lay in ambush by the road. Recollected of see- ing Lafayette at Monmouth. Campbell, McDonald, served in Captain John Conway's com- pany, Colonel William Wind's New Jersey regiment, thirteen months. Re-enlisted in Colonel John Conway's regiment and served nine months, and then was detailed by General Green as his express rider, and remained such during the war. Was a fifer in Captains Conway's and Furman's companies. He married a widow Valentine, who had two children, Jesse, aged thirteen, Jane, aged ten. His children by her were, Isaac Wilson Campbell, Sally Walls, Almeda, Eleanor, and Elizabeth ; latter aged eight months. Carney, Anthony, blacksmith, Hartley, enlisted in Orange county. North Carolina, served three years. He was sixty-seven in 1820, and had no family except his wife, Catherine. Clemmens, Peter, private in Captain Stake's company, Colonel Butler's regiment, and served two years. He left a daughter, Eliza- beth. His wife, Elizabeth, died in 1820. Campbell, John, (still living in West Buffalo, 1838, and then eighty-three years old,) was drafted into the militia from Derry 1820.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 451 township; Lancaster county, in 1776, served under Captain Robert McKee, arrived at Trenton the day after the capture of the Hessians, and went thence to Morristown. Took oath of allegiance before Jacob Cooke, Esquire, 2d August^ 1777. In the latter part of 1777, he was again drafted, and went to Trenton. Saw British horses and wagons brought into camp and sold at auction. His third tour was at the close of the war, in a company commanded by Lieutenant James Laird. They lay at Chestnut Hill awhile. General Potter and Major Stewart had a quarrel there about the treatment of the militia, and were on the point of fighting it out with their swords. Camp- bell moved to Buffalo Valley in 1777, lived on Captain Gray's farm one year^ then moved to another farm of the captain's near James Dale's. He lived there seven years, then moved near Buffalo mount- ain, then into West Buffalo, where he died. Cook, John, private in Captain Herbert's company, from Wom- elsdorf, who was taken prisoner at the surrender of Fort Washington, exchanged, and appointed ensign in the twelfth. Colonel Cooke's. He was unmarried and childless in 1820, seventy-eight years old. Coryell, George, was a native of Hunterdon county, New Jersey, was born at Coryell's ferry, on the Delaware river, now Lambertville, on the 28th of April, 1 761. He entered the army in Captain Craig's company of dragoons, in 1776, just after the taking of the Hessians, and before the cannonade at Trenton, on the 2d of January, 1777. His company marched up the creek, and was in the battle at Prince- ton. He was a year with Captain Craig. He was afterwards drafted into a company of dragoons, under Lieutenant Reading, in which he served one year. He was afterwards drafted into the company of Captain Palmer, in which he continued until the fall of 1 780, He was only sixteen years of age when he enlisted, and while in Captain Craig's company, he was sent, as an express, to Boston, leaving or- ders at Danbury and other places on the route. He said there were gray-headed men and minors in Craig's company. At one time General Washington had his headquarters at his father's house, at the ferry, while the army encamped partly in his orchard. The British and Hessians got possession of his father's premises at one time, and cut the bedding, threw the feathers into the street, and burned all the fences on the farm, which lay in common a long tim.e. George Coryell was married, in 1790, to a sister of Richard Van 452 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1820. Buskirk, of Mifflinburg, and moved, in 1793, ^^ ^"^^ premises of Samuel Maclay, in Buffalo township. He was a carpenter by trade, and built many houses in Buffalo Valley, among others, the old "Black Horse tavern," at Lewisburg ; of barns, he built the one oft Maclay's place, now owned by Joseph Green. In 1 799 he was captain of the Buffalo Valley Republican troop, and always rode on parade days a sorrel horse that had been wounded at St. Clair's de- feat. John Webb, a hatter, father of Colonel Webb, who, some years ago, kept hotel in Philadelphia, was first lieutenant of the com- pany. Webb lived in Mifflinburg, and moved to Ohio many years ago. Coryell was adjutant of Colonel George Weirick's regiment, at Marcus Hook, in 1814. He removed to Lycoming county once ; then back to Buffalo valley ; then to White Deer valley ; thence to Butler county, near Hamilton, where he died, 1837-38. His wife soop followed him to the grave. He had four sons, Tunison, John, Joseph R., and Abraham, of whom Ttmison, the eldest, and Abra- ham, the youngest, alone survive. There were several daughters, most of whom ended their days in Ohio and Indiana. Tunison re- sides in Williamsport, and occupies the house in which he was mar- ried, in 1 81 5, and where his golden wedding was celebrated. Derr, Christian, West Buffalo, aged, in 1820, seventy-two. En- listed at Reading, in Captain Nagle's company, Colonel Thompson's regiment, and served one year ; re-enlisted in November, 1776, in Captain Moore's company, Colonel Humpton's regiment, and served in the battle of King's Bridge, nth January, 1777, Brandywine, and Germantown. In the last action he was wounded, had several ribs broken, and was, therefore, discharged. He was a carpenter, and had ■eleven children. He had three balls in his body, which he carried to his grave. His children were Ellis Derr, MifiHinburg ; Samuel, Uniontown; Henry, Schellsburg, Bedford county ; Susan, married to Jesse Egbert, afterwards David Kline, of Hartley; Polly, to Jones, of Sugar valley ; Elizabeth, to William Kepner, moved to Venango ; John, Oley township, Berks ; Catherine, to Henry Bar- rich ; Christian, junior, who died in Spring township. Centre county, in 18152. His children live in and about Bellefonte : Daniel, Rachel, married to William Young ; William, in Benezet ; Christian and Solomon, in Bellefonte. Ewig, Christian, aged sixty, enlisted at Sunbury, in Captain Weit- 1820.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 453 zel's company, Colonel Miles' regiment, in April, 1776, served one year, nine months, then re-enlisted at Sunbury, in Captain James Wilson's First Pennsylvania, Colonel James Chambers, in which he served until the close of the war. A wheelwright by trade. Kerstetter, George, blacksmith, Washington township, aged sixty- four. Served four years in Captain Burkhart's company, Colonel Hunsecker's regiment. Children: Jacob and Dorothy. Wife's name was Elizabeth. Linn, John, aged sixty-five, enlisted in the winter of 1 778, at Lan- caster, in third troop, Captain Erasmus Gill, fourth regiment Penn- sylvania cavalry. Colonel Stephen Moylan. Discharged in Octo- ber, 1783. Had five children ; Robert Bruce, born May 21, 1806 : Altha, January 15, 1808; James Smith, October 20, 1811 ; Eliza, June 4, 1814; Mary Jane, November 23, i8t6. Weaver by trade. Lennox, George, private. Captain Bankson's company. Colonel Stewart's regiment. Reger, Elias, enlisted in May, 1775, Captain George Nagle's company. Colonel Thompson, first rifle regiment. In the siege of Boston. Discharged at Long Island, in June, 1776. Cooper by trade. Seventy-seven years old. Rorabaugh, Philip, Buffalo township, served three months in Penn- sylvania line. Captain Slaymaker's company, Colonel Bull's regi- ment, while the army lay at Valley Forge. Served also in the cam- paign of 1794, known as the whisky insurrection, and three months in Captain John Bergstrcsser's company, at Marcus Hook, in 1814. This hero of three wars died February 3, 1837, aged eighty-six, and is buried in Lewisburg German grave-yard. Swesey, Daniel, died in White Deer, 31st January, 1836, leaving a widow, Mary. Strickland, Timothy, carpenter, Lewisburg^ enlisted in 1776, in Berkshire county, Massachusetts, Captain Bacon's company. Colo- nel Porter's regiment, and served therein one year. Re-enlisted in September, 1777, in Captain Mill's company. New York State line, and was honorably discharged after three years' service. Aged in May, 1824, seventy- three, but very much crippled. He had four sons, (Samuel was a soldier of 181 4.) His grandchildren reside still in Lewisburg ; Cyrus, a grandson, in Bellefonte. Smith, Adam, was a teamster during the Revolution. He settled 4^4 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1820. upon the place now owned by Jacob Kunkle, above Henry Mertz's. He died there and was buried at the Dreisbach grav^e-yard. His sons were : Adam, George, Michael, and John, and a daughter, married to Michael Maize, another to Steffy Touchman. Adam, junior, moved to Beaver township, Snyder county. His descend- ants are about Beaver town yet. George died in Union county, John at Beaver town, and Michael in Union county, in 1841. He had a blacksmith shop above Henry Mertz's, and that is the point so often spoken of in old road views. Michael's children were Michael, who moved to Michigan; Daniel, who moved to Ohio; Benjamin, to Illinois; David, now, 1869, living near the old place. His daughters married, one to Jonas Nyhart, one to John Wolfe, one to David Oldt, near New Berlin. Michael had three wives : first was a Bower, of Dry valley ; second, Susanna Bartges, of Mifflinburg ; third, Sophia Bickle, whose father, Henry Bickle, was killed by the Indians. Michael had also a son Jonathan, father of A. W. Smith, Esquire, late jury commissioner, who died in Hartley township, in 1870. Yiesely, Michael, aged sixty-seven, enlisted in August, 1776, in Captain B. Weiser's company, in Colonel Haussegger's regiment. Served during the war, and was discharged in 1783. He had a wife and five children, Henry, Catherine, George, Elizabeth, and Maria. Deaths. June 17, Paschal Lewis, aged sixty. His family: Elizabeth, widow, who died August 26, 1828, aged seventy-one. Margaret, .married to Thomas Clingan ; Mary, married to Samuel Wright, (she is still living in Stephenson county, Illinois ;) Sarah, married to James Merrill, Esquire; Elizabeth L., wife of Robert Candor, Esquire; Amelia B., married to Samuel Heise, of Columbia. ^n^AS^Mi5^^^^HoL^lKi(i«^^^!^^^^fii^^^^^ Si^^S^S|!BiiiiHMgi^ '- W^X!mM 18^1. Governor Hiester's Appointments — General Items. PPOINTMENTS — Secretary of the Commonwealth. Andrew Gregg. Auditor General, James Duncan, of Carlisle. Samuel Cochran, Chester county, Surveyor General. (He held office nine years, under Governor Snyder.) James Brady, of Westmoreland, Secretary of the Land Office. Prices current at Philadelphia, in April : wheat, seventy cents, rye thirty-seven, corn thirty-two, butter ten cents per pound, bacon seven per pound, whiskey twenty cents per gallon. In July wheat advanced to eighty cents ; in October to ninety, and in November to $1 50. The other grains proportionably. February 19, '^a comet made its appearance in the western horizon. It was seen last even- ing between seven and eight o'clock, considerably elevated, and could be found by drawing a line due north from the planet Saturn. It was but a few degrees from it." On June 8th the locusts made their appearance in great numbers in Buffalo Valley. The Union county Democratic nominations were Ner Middles- warth and James Dale, for Assembly; commissioner, Joseph Fuehrer ; auditor, John Maclay ; all opposed to Hiester. The Federal party had really gone under, and politics was now confined to tactions in the Democratic ranks. Binns and Buchanan appear among the Hies- ter men, who are called bank men, and aristocrats, and ''Feds." The Findlay papers style themselves indifferently Democrats, Demo- cratic-Republicans, and Republicans. ■fss 456 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1822. In Union county, Thomas Murray, (Findlay^) for Congress, had ten hundred and forty-five ; WiUiam Cox Ellis, opposition, eight hundred and thirty-six ; and Murray was elected in the district by a small majority. The fall election resulted in the choice of a 1 legis- lature in opposition to Governor Hiester, which .elected William Findlay United States Senator. Deaths. Among deaths this year were, June 27, Captain William F. Buyers, former editor of the Times, Sunbury, aged forty ; and December 7, John Baker, of Buffalo, aged sixty-five. 183^ Certain Laws — Newspapers Noticed — Death of William Clingan, Esquire, Honorable Andrew Albright, and Henry Pontius. |HE act of February 18, Pamphlet Laws, 29, required all the original lists of assessments for land situate in Union county, to be transmitted to the commissioners of Union county, and were made evidence in suits. March 21, Lewisburg incorporated as a borough. — {Pamphlet Laivs , 68.) The election place was fixed at Randall Wilcox's, who kept the Black Horse, and John Nesbit and Alexander Graham were ap- pointed to superintend the first election. March 25, Northumberland and Union placed in the ninth sena- torial district, and entitled to two members. April 2, Union, Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Susque- hanna, Bradford, Lycoming, Tioga, Potter, and McKean placed in one congressional district, and entitled to three members, and on 1822,] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 457 the same day the borough of Lewisburg was erected into a separate election district. In January, the prices current in Philadelphia for wheat was ^1.12 ; rye, 60 cents; corn, 62 : oats, 30. In April wheat rose to ^r.20, and in May it stood at I1.48. Nathaniel Henrie bought out the New Berlin Gazette, of Frederick Wise, and started the Union Times. May 31, Simon Cameron became the junior editor of the Intelligencer at Harrisburg. Hugh Maxwell was editing the opposition paper at Lancaster. In December, a special election, occasioned by the death of An- drew Albright, resulted in the election of Lewis Dewart, Federal, as he was called, over Ner Middleswarth and E. G. Bradford, Demo- crats, to the State Senate. The vote was light, and stood in the district: Dewart, 1192; Middleswarth, 1059; Bradford, 606. Marriages. At Selinsgrove, March 28, George A. Snyder, Esquire, to Miss Ann Ellen, daughter of the late Stephen Duacan. June 1 1, at Lew- isburg, by John Nesbit, Esquire, Lewis Moore to Dorothy Smith. Deaths. January 23, Catherine, widow of Elias Youngman. She was born in 1 745, and was a daughter of George Nagel, sheriff of Berks county in 1772. May 24, WilHam Clingan, Esquire, of White Deer, aged sixty-six. He left a widow, Jane. Children : Margaret, wife of Thomas Scott ; Ann, wife of Joseph Lawson ; Thomas; Elizabeth, married to Thomas Barber; George, and Flavel. His wife was a daughter of Reverend John Roan. They were married June 11, 1778, and resided on a farm, which is now within the borough of Mount Joy, Lancaster county, until their removal to Buffalo Val- ley, in 1800. William Clingan, member of Congress from Chester county, during the Revolution, was his uncle. August 9, Mary, wife of Peter Himmelreich, and daughter of Captain Peter Withing- ton, deceased. Born July 18, 1765. Buried in the Dreisbach church-yard. Tuesday, November 26, Honorable Andrew Albright died at Sun- 45S ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [182! bury, after an illness of three months, in his fifty-third year. He was born at Litiz, February 28, 1770. His father's name was An- drew ; his mother, Elizabeth Orth, of Lebanon. His first wife was a daughter of Melchoir Rahm, a very prominent man in Dauphin county. Mr. Albright came to Lewisburg in 1798 and opened a tavern where Halfpenny's factory now stands, where he resided until he was elected sheriff, when he removed to Sunbury. He was mem- ber of Assembly in 1808. His wife died March 9, 1810, and he subsequently married the mother of Mrs. John G. Youngman, of Sunbury. He was appointed associate judge in 181 3, in place of General Wilson, deceased, and had just been elected to the State Senate when he died. He was noted for his integrity, and was very popular throughout our Valley. He owned Colonel Slifer's upper farm on Buffalo creek when he died. He left no children, but brothers, Henry, Jacob, Godfrey, and a sister, Susanna, married to Philip Backman. An obituary in the Sunbury Enquirer of that date concludes: " Society has been deprived of a valuable mem- ber, and a wife of an amiable husband. In private life he sustained the character of an honest man and christian, and was universally beloved. He has held various public and responsible offices, with honor to himself and advantage to his fellow-citizens." December 13, Henry Pontius. He was born on the 25th of Feb- ruary, 1744, came into the Valley as a pioneer at the close of the French war, and permanently in 1770. He was a son of John, and his brothers were Andrew, Peter, Nicholas, John, junior, George, and Frederick. Henry Pontius left a large family : Andrew, born June 17, 1770 ; Frederick, June, 1772 ; Henry, December 22, 1773 ; Nicholas, 19th April, 1775; Catherine, (King,) 19th May, 1777; John, October 8, 1778; George, 13th December, 1780; Peter, 20th March, 1783 ; Christena, 12th June, 1785 ; Barbara, June 13, 1787 ; Philip, August 15, 1789. The latter died upon the old place on Cedar run, a mile east of Mififiinburg, in 1872. He was a fine old gentleman, and his excellent memory preserved many incidents related in these i^nnals. His remains now moulder with their ances- tral dust, in the old burying-ground upon the place. 1823. General Items — Election Returns — Chrtstian Chapel at Lewisburg — Kelly Township. ARKET quotations in Philadelphia: Wheat, $1 35 ; rye, 75 cents; butter, 18 cents; whisky, 28 cents. David Ramsay carried on a fulling and carding-mill in White Deer ; Daniel Moyer at Weiser's old mill in East Buffalo. Thomas R. Lewis kept hotel at the sign of " The Lewisburg Stage," on Market, above A. Graham's store. 14th March, first election held under the borough charter of Lewisburg : John Nesbit, burgess ; James Geddes, Alexander Gra- ham, George Knox, Henry Beck, and William Hayes, council. 3d May, meeting of the stockholders of the Lewisburg bridge ; George Kremer elected president, and the first dividend of $1 50 per share of I50 was declared. 15th May, the Lewistown convention held;' Dan Caldwell and John Stees delegates from Union ; Andrew Gregg nominated for Governor. 9th August, a Republican meet- ing held at New Berlin ; Frederick Evans, president ; Andrew Mc- Clenachan and George A. Snyder, secretaries ; in favor of J. A. Shulze for Governor. October 4, Simon Snyder, junior, and James Dale, candidates on the Shulze ticket for Assembly ; William Hayes and Francis A. Boyer on the Gregg ticket ; Uriah Silsby for com- missioner on the Shulze ticket, against John Rank. October 5, Andrew Reedy, in pursuance of a banter from Major John C. Coverly, attended at his house and counted down ^r,ooo, which he offered to bet on Shulze's election, and could get no takers. 4S9 460 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1823. ELECTION BETURNS— October, 1823. GOVERNOR. ASSEMBLY. comm'es. DISTRICTS. bJD 0) .^ CO Si . >j C 03 ^ ® c OS u jZ cS c8 02 w w ft w tf . cc Centre, .... 106 100 112 111 98 94 108 100 Weirick's, 26 74 29 30 72 70 26 74 Chapman, 61 73 70 70 62 62 43 69 Perry, . . . 29 94 30 23 97 95 27 97 Beaver, . . 102 183 98 98 186 185 97 188 Washington, 82 79 10. 83 73 65 84 76 Penn's, . . . 132 183 135 145 175 165 134 179 Lewisburg, . 51 62 51 64 59 52 37 76 Hartley, . . 90 153 88 96 152 149 89 148 Wliite Deer, . 77 210 66 83 223 211 41 250 East Buffalo, 62 209 60 71 209 102 55 215 West Buffalo, 144 164 141 45 168 151 136 171 Union, . . , 141 181 137 139 178 171 126 178 1103 1765 1117 1058 1752 1572 1003 1821 November 15, the stockholders in the German school-house in Lewisburg met, and elected Henry Hursh, Charles Beyers, and John Martin, trustees, and decided by vote that the trustees should select the school-master, instead of the stockholders. This school-house was situated on the lot now occupied by the Lutheran parsonage, and was erected before 181 2, and kept in repair by subscription. 14th September, Sabbath, the Christian chapel in Lewisburg was opened for worship. Reverend James Kay delivered a sermon on the occasion. It will be gratifying to the friends of religious liberty and free inquiry to learn that this church has been built upon the most liberal principles, and is intended to accommodate all those , who acknowledge the divine mission of our Lord Jesus Christ M//- tofiian. Elijah Bacon commenced a series of meetings in 1822, which resulted in the formation of this congregation. There were to be no pews in the church, but Elder Badger, who succeeded him before the church was completed, had them put in. George Rich- mond became the preacher in 1825. Bacon's points were mainly against the discipline of the orthodox, and the church was open to all persons for free discussion of religious tenets. 1823.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 461 The Times of Saturday, November i, says : "On Friday morn- ing last, as Mr. Jacob Yutten, son-in-law of Mr. Royer, of East Buf- falo township, in this county, was engaged, with several others, in tearing down a log house, to move it a short distance, he fell, and, distressing to relate, hit his head again a joist, and mangled it in such a manner that he expired immediately after." Friday, December 4, the first snow of the season fell. Kelly Township fwsl called Pike. At December sessions, 1823, Adam Wilt, Christian Miller, and George Aurand reported a new township, to be erected from White Deer, and called Pike. This report was set aside, at the instance of Dan Caldwell, so Flavel Clingan informed me, and new viewers ap- pointed, of whom Frederick Evans was one, who finally reported a township, to be called Kelly, after Colonel Kelly. Marriages. 1 8th March, John P. Gutelius, of Mifflinburg, to Miss Maria Au- rand, of Lebanon. loth yVpril, Conrad Grove, merchant, of New Berlin, to Miss Mary Gingerich, of Juniata county. 31st July, by Reverend Samuel Gutelius, Michael Hoffman to Lydia Wagner, both of White Deer. September 25, by Reverend John Thomas, Jacob Wagoner to Rachel, daughter of Thomas McGuire, of White Deer. i8^4- Kklly-Township ERKCTiiD— Statk Eoad from Bk[.i,kfonte to the Mouth OF White Deer Creek — Political — The Clown and Rope Dancer at New Berlin — Snyder's Heirs vs. Simon Snyder — Show of Wax Fig- ures — Trial of Samuel Johnston. REDERICK E VANS to George Kr enter, at Washing- ton, D. C. — "3d January. Duncan's wife, of Penn's valley, died lately, and Thomas R. Lewis died about the same time. Sick since November 8. Solomon Betz and Wormly's trial came on last court. Verdict for Wormly, ^195. Betz cut scollops until he had the judges and jurors angry. [This is an allu- sion to the celebrated trial between Betz and Wormly, about a piece of stove-pipe, that lasted many years, and broke up Wormly.] 8th February. Yesterday I was over at court, and find we shall send dele- gates to Harrisburg, with instructions to vote for General Jackson. If we cannot succeed, then to use a sound discretion. My opinion would be, to say, if we cannot get Jackson nominated, our delegates should withdraw. [He, with others, was getting the grist ready for the county convention.] But 1 do not believe such a motion would carry, if made. I spoke with Middleswarth. He says he is for Jack- son, but will support the congressional caucus man. I think if a caucus cannot be prevented, the friends of Jackson should attend, but not pledge themselves to a foul nomination. I saw Dan Cald- well. He says McClenachan is opposed to Jackson, and one Reed, and they are all the opponents he has in the township^ [White Deer,] if Caldwell tells the truth." Kelly township was erected during this year. After careful search, I 462 1824] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 463 could not find the record. The first constable, however, was Albright Bower, who attended at May sessions, 1825. On the 29th of March, an act was passed to lay out the State road from Bellefonte, by way of Sugar valley, to the river, at the mouth of White Deer creek. Political. September 17, the Democratic-Republican convention met at New Berlin, John Snyder, president ; William Linn, secretary. Kremer, Montgomery, and McKean nominated for Congress ; Aaron Cham- berlin and F. P. Deering for Assembly. 5th October, Independent-Republican meeting, Joseph Musser; chairman ; Mathew Brewer, secretary. Peter Hackenburg and James McClellan nominated for Assembly ; George Weirick for commis- sioner. At the conferee meeting, on the 21st of September, Mc- Kean, Kremer, and Espy Van Home were nominated. In November, Union county gave seven hundred majority for An- drew Jackson, twenty-six votes for Crawford, two for Clay. Social. The following are the names of a dancing party at Mrs. Gross man's tavern, in New Berlin, on the evening of February 12 : John Lashells, Esquire, and wife, James Merrill, Robert Forster, John Mumma, Nathaniel Henrie, Henry M. W. Kirke, Elias P. Young- man, Robert P. Maclay, Confad Grove, John Maize, George Shock, John Seebold, John Lotz, James F. Linn, Mrs. Henrie, Elizabeth Jones, Sarah Messimer, Catherine Jones, Mrs. Grove, Ehzabeth Brooke, Margaret Kessler, Mary L. Duncan, Sarah Weikert, Mar- garet C. Lashells, Eleanor C. Lashells, Elizabeth S. Stillwell, Eliza- beth Winters, Sarah A. Ingram. John Mumma and James F. Linn were managers. It was a Buffalo Valley custom, on wedding occasions, to welcome the bride with a party composed of elderly folks. Here is a list, Wednesday night, October 20 : Colonel John Kelly, Elizabeth Kelly, Doctor Robert Vanvalzah, Elizabeth Vanvalzah, William Poak, Esquire, and wife, James Dale, Esquire, Mrs. Eliza Dale, 464 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1824. Colonel Aaron Chamberlin and wife, Andrew McBeth and wife, John Campbell, Maria Campbell, Thomas Sawyer, Elizabeth Saw- yer, William Linn and wife, Charles Maclay, Elizabeth Vanvalzah. The next evening, October 21st, at the same place, the festivities were taken up by the young people, of whom were : William Kelly, Andrew Kelly, Joseph Kelly, Robert P. Maclay, Samuel Gamble, James Mathers, F. F. Linn, James Sawyer, Joseph Candor, John Young, John Vanvalzah, Robert Forster, John Chamberlin, Mrs. S. Kelly, Miss Sarah Dorrough, Sarah McClellan, Margaret and Cath- erine McClellan, Sarah Forster, Hetty Forster, Catherine Hood, Mary Hood, Frances Chamberlin, Elizabeth Vanvalzah, Margaret Vanvalzah, Harriet Candor, Matilda Sawyer, Eleanor Young, Jane Davidson. /4 Rope Dancer at New Berlin. ' ' This summer a rope-dancer and his clown visited New Berlin, and put up at Seebold's, where he proposed to display his agility for the amusement of the people and the replenishment of his pockets. Before he mounted the slack rope, however, he must needs make an equestrian display, in order to attract the attention of the public. He applied to me for my horse, but I declined giving it. Nat Hen- rie, a waggish printer, happened to be present, volunteered to lend him his, a handsome, young gray mare. The offer was accepted, and Nat went away to bridle her. He soon came back to my ofhce, and notified me that there would be some fun presently. He said he had put on the mare a broken bit, which he had mended with twine. He said the mare was as wild as the devil, and if the clown attempts to hold her in with that bridle, there will be a ride worth seeing. Nat then walked over to Seebold's, and engaged the clown in conversation, while the showman, dressed in red jacket, white pants, white kid boots, and with his hair put up like a lady's, with side combs and in puffs, mounted and set out. When Nat judged that the showman had made sufficient headway, he let loose his hold of the clown's stirrup. The clown followed his master at a full gallop, with a whoop and halloo ; the mare quickened her speed at the sound. The showman drew bridle with all his strength, the bit gave way, the rider fell on his back, with his heels in the air, and then, rolling off, alighted on hands and knees upon the ground. 1824.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 465 Nat ran to his stable, whither the affrighted mare had fled, "put on another bridle, and, returning, condoled with the showman on his misfortune, and offered him the chance of another ride. This he declined. The show was not good that night, on account of the want of agility of the rope-dancer." 4th December, the first snow of the winter fell. 24th and 25th December, show of wax figures at Christopher Seebold's, in New Berlin : Macbeth Consulting the Witch ; General Butler and the Indian • Two Chinese Dwarfs ; An American Dwarf; -Harriet Newell presenting Tracts to Heathen Children; Seven Boys Chiming Bells; hand organ. Admittance, twelve and a half cents. If a man had a lion or leopard, a porcupine or the skin of a huge snake, he wandered about the country, collecting the odd change of idlers, children, and curiosity hunters. These were usually exhibited in a stable or out-house. Theaters and rope dancing in the ball- rooms of the tavern, rooms communicating with folding-doors, of which the hotels of the olden times were never without. There was exhibited a cat's skin, which excited considerable attention, and was, indeed, a great curiosity. The skin was white, except a black spot in the middle of the back, resembling the bust of a man in profile. So perfect was the resemblance, that it required close examination to satisfy the beholder that the picture was not a work of art. The owner, on one occasion, refused three thousand dollars for it. I cannot tell what has become of it, but believe the owner took it to Europe, and disposed of it. This fact should induce us to be less skeptical as to some of the stories of the ancient historians about the liisus naturcz, which so often alarmed the superstitious Greeks and Romans. The outline of the head was as perfect and complete in all its parts as if it had come from the hands of the most skillful pro- file cutter. — G. A. S. John Snyder's Heirs vs. Simon Snyder. This hardly-contested case deserves especial mention from the great interest it excited in the minds of our people at that time. It was originally brought at Sunbury, and the claim was for ninety- ■ three acres of land on the Isle of Que. George A. Snyder's narra- tive of it is as follows : 30 4b6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1824. John Snyder, brother of my father, purchased the property of Peter Weiser, in 1785. John died from a fall from his horse, and his widow removed to Lancaster, with her children. She afterwards married Jacob Kendig, who lived a mile from Selinsgrove, up the road to Sunbury. Simon Snyder, John Miller, and Martin Kendig were appointed administrators of John Snyder. The estate was incumbered largely, and an order of sale was obtained. The property was offered for sale at Selinsgrove, and adjourned, for want of bidders, to Sunbury, and, on the 12th of November, 1790, was struck off to Anthony Selin, who married my father's sister. My father advised Selin not to buy, thinking he would have trouble in paying for it. Just as it was about being struck down, Jacob Kendig put in a bid, for what reason he never explained, but as he and the whole party were somewhat fuddled, he probably bid to vex Selin. The purchaser, after some swearing at Kendig, treated all hands, and they got into the ferry scow with unsteady steps and heated brains. On the water Selin took occasion to call Kendig a damned rascal, and then to lick him for not acknowledging the truth of the charge. Selin entered into possession, and commenced farming the land. He was then in partnership with my father in a mill, erected on a tract of forty-two acres, part of the tract originally owned by John Snyder, and which they had purchased of John, in 1787. Selin died in 1792, leaving two children, Anthony and Agnes. The latter married James K. Davis, about the year 1808. My father was nom- inated for Governor, and, among other slanderous reports started against him, was one that he had been in league with Selin, and cheated his brother's orphan children out of the land. Daniel Smith, a lawyer and active politician, is supposed to have been the origina- tor of the story. At all events, he was active in spreading it, and persuaded the guardians of John Snyder's children to bring an eject- ment for the land. The plaintiff on the trial, before Judge Chapman, claimed on three grounds : i. That the orphans' court proceedings were irregu- lar. 2. That Selin's violent conduct at the sale prevented others. from bidding. 3. That Simon Snyder was in partnership with Selin in the purchase, had come into possession after Selin's death, and had spoken of the property as his own. The first ground, being 1824.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 467 matter of record, was decided by the court to be insufficent. The second and third grounds, if proved to the satisfaction of the jury, were sufficent to justify a verdict for the plaintiff. The jury, however, without much hesitation, gave a verdict for the defendant. The judg- ment was reversed on some exceptions to the admission of testimony being such as lawyers are wont to make in order to have the chance of another trial. Soon after the decision, Anthony Snyder (John's son) removed to the Genessee country, (New York.) He became a pettifogger, and met with great success in his vocation. Union county was erected in 181 3, and the cause removed thither. Anthony Snyder and Daniel Rhoads came to Pennsylvania, as the representatives of the plaintiffs, to attend to the trial. There being much delay in coming to trial, on account of the difficulty of collecting the wit- nesses, who were numerous and much scattered, and on account of the indolence and dilatory temper of Judge Chapman, Anthony and Daniel traversed the county, visiting the taverns and all kinds of gatherings, and holding forth in piteous style on the subject of the frauds, whereby the defendant had cheated his orphan nephews and neices out of their inheritance. A general prejudice was thus ex- cited, and an impartial trial became impossible. Had the judge been a man of courage and firmness, in whose legal qualifications the bar and the public had confidence, he might have secured a righteous verdict. But the clamor terrified him. He continued the cause from term to term, and from year to year, on almost any pretext ; his fears and indolence making him unwilling to face the long and wearisome case. The second trial came off, I think, in 1 8 1 6 . The judge saw clearly where justice was, but, weak and timid, he shuffled in his decisions and in his charge, and there was a verdict for the plaintiffs. The partnership they endeavored to prove by general repute. Their only witnesses were illiterate, and sometimes dishonest, laborers, who had, more than twenty years before, worked for Selin and my father ; while Kremer, Evans, Simon Snyder, junior, well acquainted with the parties, testified to the real extent of the partnership. The amount of perjury on the plaintiff's side was surprisingly great. The main witness to the allegation that Selin's threats had frightened off bidders was a man named Bower, from Dauphin county, who 468 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1824. swore that but for Selin's threats he would have given ^400 or ;!{^5oo more. The defendant proved that Bower said on his way home that the land went too high, and no sane man would give so much for it. The oldest land-holders of the vicinity, Boyd, DeGruchy, Leisen- ring, Taggert, Dentler, and others, unanimously testified the land sold above its value, it being island land. The defendant's counsel, apprehending the result from the violence of the prejudice, presented numerous points, and upon a writ of er- ror, the judgment was reversed. Soon after this my father died, and Anthony Selin, the younger, and James K. Davis, were substituted as defendants. An attempt was made to put the costs, thus far ac- crued, upon Simon Snyder's estate ; but the court decided that Selin's heirs had all the time been the real defendants, and that Simon Sny- der had only been nominally defendant. The cause was tried again in 1823 ; Lashells and Hepburn for plaintifis \ Bellas and Greenough for defendants. The clamors of the plaintiffs and the weakness of the judge made it more than ever a hopeless task for the defendants. A verdict was again had against them, followed by a reversal by the Supreme Court. Another ver- dict must have been, under our judicial system, final, provided it should be for the plaintiffs, and this was almost certain to be the case. The defendants resolved to refer the case to arbitrators. I was pro- thonotary, and, on account of my consanguinity to defendants, liable to be objected to. Mr. Maclay, the register, acted in ray place. He was an upright man, and performed his duty faithfully. The number of referees was five. Joseph Rathfon was the only one that was not objected to of the five nominated by each party. Mr. Maclay made then a list of twenty names, and each party struck eight names. The board thus formed, Dan Caldwell, Michael Rathfon, Valentine Haas, John Reifsnyder, and Joseph Spotts, gave an award for the de- fendants. Plaintiffs then resolved to appeal, and Doctor Atlee, of Philadelphia, came with Mr. Lashells, the leading counsel on his side, to enter the appeal. I was desired to take the necessary affi- davit and bond, and lay them aside for the present, until the costs, which were necessary to be paid, should be forwarded, and then I was to file the affidavit and enter the appeal. The taxation of costs was difficult and tedious. Many of the subpoenas had been lost, and as no account had been kept of time, the defendants had to make 1824.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 46g their bill very low to avoid exceptions. The amount, however, after all allowances, was upwards of $i ,500. The twenty days elapsed, and no costs were paid ; the defendants demanded judgment, which I entered with good-will. So ended the Isle of Que case. The reason why the costs were not forthcoming, we learned after- wards. When Doctor Atlee got back to Philadelphia, he took coun- sel of David Paul Brown, his attorney, who advised him not to pay over the costs, as the mere taking of the affidavit and bond for future costs constituted an appeal — that I Avould be liable to the de- fendants for costs. When Mr. Lashells wrote to inquire why the costs were not forthcoming, and was informed of Mr. Brown's advice, he refused to be a party to any such unfair dealing, and added that. he felt sure the court would not allow an appeal to be entered ; that it was ungenerous to throw Mr. Snyder into the costs for an act of kindness to Doctor Atlee, to save him a journey from Philadelphia, by taking the affidavit and bond while he was at New Berlin. The plaintiffs then brought a suit in the United States court, at Philadelphia, for that part which lay west of Penn's creek, and on which Selinsgrove was built. The first attempts to bring on the suit to trial failed, for the absence of witnesses, who were too old and in- firm to go so far. A rule to take depositions was then entered. Here David Paul once more proved their evil genius. The rule of court required the depositions to be forwarded under the seal of the justice or commissioner, to the clerk of the court, to be by him opened. The justice did his part correctly, but the bearer, who was a friend of the plaintiffs, handed them first to Mr. Brown, who igno- rantly, or regardless of the rule, broke them open and perused them. He then took them to the clerk, but the latter refused either to re- ceive or file them. A few days afterward the case was called up, the depositions were rejected by the court, and the plaintiffs suffered a non-suit. . December 25, Samuel Johnston, aged twelve, tried for setting fire to his uncle Jacob Johnston's barn, in West Buffalo. He was con- victed, but obtaining a new trial, was acquitted at May sessions, 1825. Mumma, district attorney, and C. A. Bradford for Com- monwealth ■ Horning, Van Home, Packer, and W. Cox Ellis for defendant. 470 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1824. Deaths. April 9, William Wilson, of Kelly township, aged eighty-two. He came into the Valley in 1772, and his eldest daughter, Martha, was born in 1774. His children were : Thomas, born August 18, 1776, died May 23, 1831 ; James, born August 3, 1778, died December 26, 1831; Mary, born April 14, 1783, married William Hayes, died December 10, 1827- William, junior, many years a merchant at Lewisburg, born August 10, 1787, died June 12, 1783; Samuel, died January 16, 1843; Effie, married to William Murray, died January 23, 1853 ; Eliza, who married Peter Nevius, alone survives. David Soult, born March 18, 1752, enlisted in Northampton county, in Captain Marien Lamar's company, and served in Canada in 1776, and afterwards enlisted in the second Pennsylvania. His captain, who was major of the second, was killed at Paoli. Soult was in the battles of Brandy wine, Germantown, Monmouth, and at the storming of the block-house. He left five children : John, Jacob, Philip, George, and Michael. October 4, at New Berlin, Adam Specht, shoe-maker ; enlisted as a private, (in Colonel Nicholas Haussegger's German regiment,) at Shafferstown, May, 1776; discharged at Northumberland by Lieu- tenant Colonel Lewis Wiltner, in 1779. Marriages. 2 2d July, Nathan Jordan, merchant, to Miss Hannah Smith, both of White Deer. 24th August, by Reverend Heim, Conrad Pontius, of Ohio, to Miss Mary Seebold, of New Berlin. 26th, by Reverend Thomas Hood, Captain James Magee to Miss Elizabeth Strayhorn, of West Buffalo. 14th October. William Linn, of Kelly, to Miss Jane Morrow, of Franklin county. 14th October, by Reverend Jacob W. Smith, Martin Dreisbach, junior, to Miss Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Solomon Kleckner. 31st October, by Reverend Martin Dreis- bach, Isaac Peters to Miss Susan Miller, of New Berlin. December 16, William C. Stedman to Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh Wilson. r< 18^5. G-EORGE Kremer's Article in the "Columbian Observer," and Henry Clay's Card — Reception of Mr. Kremer at Lewisburg — Weather Record — Peculiarities of the Bar — The Shoavman at New Berlin ■ — Witchcraft Farce in Beaver Township. [From the Columbian Ob.=!erver.] Washington, January 25, 1825. JIEAR SIR : I take up my pen to inform you of one of the most disgraceful transactions that ever covered with infamy the Republican ranks. Would you believe that men professing Democ7'acy could be found base enough to lay the axe at the very root of the tree of Liberty ? Yet, strange as it is, it is not less true. To give you a full history of the trans- action would far exceed the limits of a letter. I shall, therefore, at once proceed to give you a brief account of such a bargain as can only be equalled by the Famous Burr Conspiracy oi 1801. For some time past, the friends of Clay have hinted that they, like the Swiss, would fight for those who would pay best. Overtures were said to have been made by the friends of Adams to the friends of Clay, offering him the appointment of Secretary of State for his aid to elect Adams. And the friends of Clay gave this information to the friends of Jackson, and hinted that if the friends of Jackson would offer the same price, they would close with them. But none of the friends of Jackson would descend to such mean barter and sale. It was not believed by any of the friends of Jackson that this contract would be ratified by the members from the States who had voted for Mr. Clay. I was of opinion, when I first heard of this transaction, that men, professing any honorable principles, could not, nor would not, be 471 47 2 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1825. transferred like the planter does his negroes, or the farmer his team and horses. No alarm was excited — we believed the Republic was safe. The nation, having delivered Jackson into the hands of Con- gress, backed by a large majority of their votes, there was on my mind no doubt that Congress would respond to the will of the nation, by electing the individual they had declared to be their choice. Con- trary to this expectation, it is now ascertained to a certainty that Henry Clay has transferred his interest to John Quincy Adams. As a consideration for this abandonment of duty to his constituents, it is said and believed, should this unholy coalition prevail. Clay is to be appointed Secretary of State. I have no fears on my mind — I am clearly of opinion we shall defeat every combination. The force of public opinion must prevail, or there is an end of liberty. [From the National Intelligencer.] A Card — I have seen, without any other emotion than that of ineffable contempt, the abuse which has been poured upon me by a scurrilous paper, issued in this city, and by other kindred prints and persons, in regard to the presidential election. The editor of one of those prints, ushered forth in Philadelphia, called the Columbian Observer, for which I do not subscribe, and which I have not or- dered, has had the impude?ice to transmit to me his vile paper of the 28th instant. In that number is inserted a letter, purporting to have been written from this city, on the 25th instant, by a member of the House of Representatives, belonging to the Pennsylvania delegation. I believe it to be d. forgery ; but, if it be genuine, I pronounce the member, whoever he may be, a base and infainoics calumniator, a DASTARD, and A LIAR, and if he dare unveil himself and avow his name, I will hold him responsible, as I here admit myself to be, to all THE LAWS which govern and regulate the conduct of MEN OF HONOR. H. Clay. ■^xst January, 1825. Another Card. — George Kremer, of the House of Representa- tives, tenders his respects to the Honorable " H. Clay," and informs him that, by reference to the editor of the Columbian Observer, he may ascertain the name of the writer of a letter of the 25th ultimo, which it seems has afforded so much concern to " H. Clay." In the meantime, George Kremer holds himself responsible to prove, to the 1825.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 473 satisfaction of unprejudiced minds, enough to satisfy them of the ac- curacy of the statements which are contained in that letter, to the extent that they concern the course and conduct of " H. Clay." Being a representative of the people, he will not fear to " cry aloud and spare not," when their rights and privileges are at stake. On the return of Mr. Kremer, the citizens of Lewisburg assembled at the house of Thomas R. Lewis. Alexander Graham was chosen chairman, and John Sargeant, secretary. The object of the meeting being stated from the chair, the following resolutions were unani- mously adopted, viz : Resolved, That James Geddes, Doctor Thomas Vanvalzah, Daniel C. Ambler, Jacob Bogar, and Doctor William Joyce, be a commit- tee of arrangement to carry the object of the meeting into effect, and that they draft an address to the Honorable George Kremer, inviting him to a public dinner, at the house of T. R. Lewis, on Saturday, the 26th instant. Resolved, That a general invitation be given to the friends of the Honorable George Kremer. Committee'' s Invitation. Dear Sir : We, the undersigned, appointed a committee of arrangement, present our compliments to you, and respectfully re- quest the honor of your company, at the house of Thomas R. Lewis, on Saturday, the 26th instant, to partake of a public dinner, with your fellow-citizens of the borough of Lewisburg and its vicinity, to be given as a manifestation of their respect and gratitude for your firm, dignified, and patriotic conduct, as a member of the House of Representatives of the United States ; but more especially for your unremitted and vigorous efforts to stem the torrent of corruption, which threatened to inundate the national Legislature. With sentiments of esteem, we remain yours, dear sir, very re- spectfully, William Joyce, James Geddes, T. Vanvalzah, D. C. Ambler, Jacob Bogar, The Honorable George Kremer. 474 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1825. To which Mr. Kremer returned the following answer : Lewisburg, March 23, 1825. Gentlemex : Your friendly invitation to me, to partake of a public dinner at the house of T. R. Lewis, on the 26th instant, has just been received. This new testimonial of regard and kindness towards me is a sure pledge that the representative who discharges his duty with good faith, will always be supported and sustained by a virtuous and patriotic people. I need not say to you, that how- ever averse I should feel on ordinary occasions, on the present I shall waive all objections, and do myself the pleasure to dine with my fellow-citizens. Accept the assurance of my sincere respect and regard. George Kremer. Messrs. James Geddes, Doctor Thomas Vanvalz ah, D. C. Ambler, Doctor William Joyce, Jacob Bogar. On Saturday, the 26th, pursuant to previous arrangement, the long room of Mr. Lewis was crowded to overflowing. Colonel James Dale was called to the chair, and John Sargent appointed Secretary. The company sat down to a splendid entertainment provided for the occasion. After the cloth was removed, the following toasts were drunk with much hilarity and good glee. * * * * 9. Honorable George Kremer, our worthy guest, the intrepid and watchful guardian of the people's rights — When corruption reared its hydra head, he "cried aloud, and spared not." [Here Mr. Kremer rose, and delivered a short and very appropriate ad- dress.] Volunteers. By Jonathan Smith: The intrepid Kremer — Like David of old, he slew the modern Goliah, the giant of intrigue, made of Clay, daubed with corruption. William Kelly : The apostate BRECK — a member of Congress, belonging to the Pennsylvania delegation ; he was surely a bastard, not a legitimate son of Pennsylvania. John Sargent : Our worthy fellow-citizen and guest, George 1825.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 475 Kremer — His patriotism and manly firmness, in exposing the corrupt intrigues of a political gambler, claim oirr best plaudits and gratitude. Henry Beck : Greece — The ancient seat of the muses, of science and philosophy ; she was great ; she will be great again. Alexander Morton : The government of the Union, like a pure stream, may it have no foul Clay to pollute it. John Machemer : The hero of New Orleans — the firm patriot and statesman ; the second savior of his country ; the protector of beauty and booty; if he is one of the "military chieftans," may the genius of liberty send us a great many of them. Doctor Samuel Strohecker : The press — the grand engine of lib- erty and civilization ; destined to illuminate, emancipate, and exalt the world. John Musser : The editors of the National Intelligence}', who de- clined publishing the patriotic letter of Mr. Kremer, addressed to his constituents — Fit tools, indeed, to execute the purposes of the Holy Alliance. Daniel Beyers : May Pennsylvania and our sister States be forever blessed with such bright members as our worthy fellow-citizen, George Kremer, who will unshield all intrigues, without respect to persons, and that, too, at the risk of his popularity. Alexander Graham : The people of Pennsylvania, and our worthy countryman, George Kremer, Esquire. John Reber : The press — On its freedom depends the happiness, liberty, and independence of the world. Jacob Reedy : General Jackson — As a soldier, statesman, and patriot, unequaled ; may he be our next President. John Hummel : The Government of the United States has been seized by a Quincy, produced by the putrid exhalations of a tobacco pipe, made of Clay, drenched in corruption — It will prove fatal in less than four years. George Schnabel: Our next Governor — A man of stern integrity and undeviating republican principles. Andrew Reedy : Thank Providence the freemen of the United States made choice of a hero and statesman, in preference to a po- litical gambler. John Brown : The corruptionists in Congress — may they meet 476 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1825. with the same fate hereafter, as did Henry Clay in his late attempt to disgrace the Pennsylvania farmer. Clement Beckwith : Henry Clay and John Q. Adams — From every consideration, there is nothing good they have said or can do ; may they sink in their corruption, and the friends of freedom stand up in their shoes. Thomas R. Lewis : Henry Clay, who smuggled J. Q. Adams into the presidential chair, as the serpent did original sin into Paradise — May the flaming sword of the people thrust them both out in the year 1829. Jacob Musser : Adam, the first man, was made of clay — Adams was made President by Clay and corruption. George Kremer was the nephew of Governor Snyder, and came to reside with him when a mere lad. He was very ill formed, but not the least ashamed of his ugliness, and rather inclined to feel proud of his distinction in this respect. He grew up to be stout, and soon became able to fight his own battles, in an age and a dis- trict where broils were of daily occurrence. This region, then called by the general name of Shamokin, was in those days the fron- tier, and looked upon by the dwellers on the sea-board, as we look upon Iowa and Kansas at the present time. It served as a place of refuge for all runaway and desperate characters from the south east- ern counties. The sheriff and constable seldom ventured into the wilds on this side of the river, which acquired the significant title of RascaP s creek. George was remarkable for shrewdness, no less than for courage and bodily strength, and he became, in a short time, a person of great influence among the hardy inhabitants of the new country. In addition to his other good qualities, he was strictly honest, and his word was his bond. Whatever he did, he did it with all his might. With such qualifications and endowments, it is no matter of wonder that he became a leading man so soon as he embarked in politics. After serving several terms as a member of our State Legislature, he was elected to Congress, and here acquired the distinction which he enjoyed. In 1825, it having been ascertained that neither of the candidates for the Presidency had received the constitutional majority of votes, the matter was referred to Congress. Mr. Adams, General Jackson, 1825.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 477 Mr. Clay, and Mr. Crawford were the candidates, and as the choice of Congress lay between the two first, there was, of course, consid- erable intriguing on the part of the two latter and their friends. The friends of Jackson, finding that Mr. Clay and his friends were decidedly hostile to their candidate, and, indeed, made no secret of their aversion to him, resolved, after in vain trying the arts of per- suasion, to resort to intimidation. They caused a letter to be writ- ten and published in the Columbian Observer, of Philadelphia, which stated that a corrupt bargain had been made between Messrs. Adams and Clay, in pursuance of which, the latter was to transfer his vote, and the vote of his friends to Mr. Adams, who was to make him Secretary of State, as his reward. On the day after the appearance of the letter, Mr. Clay, then Speaker of the House of Representatives, moved that a committee be appointed to inquire into the truth of this charge. Mr. Kremer seconded the motion, stating that he was ready with the proofs, and willing to meet the inquiry. The motion was opposed by Mr. Mc- Duffie and some others, friends to Jackson, on the ground that there was not sufficient reason to consume the time of the House in inves- tigating a frivolous newspaper charge — a charge which no one ac- quainted with the parties concerned would believe. Mr. Clay had even insisted on his right to clear his character from the stain thus publicly attempted to be fixed on it, and Mr. Kremer eagerly sec- onded him, exulting in the anticipated certain confounding of the Clay and Adams party. Not one, however, of those who had put him upon writing the letter, supported him, or manifested any anxiety for the proposed inquiry. The committee was appointed. On the evening of the same day, Kremer discovered that his friends could furnish him with no evidence to support his charge, and that he must get out of the scrape .as well as he could. On the succeeding day, the committee notified him they were ready to proceed. In answer to which, he wrote a long letter to the chairman, declining to appear, alleging that as he had made no formal charges, the committee could have no jurisdiction— that his charge was made for the public, &c. This special pleading was so nearly identified with the argument of Mr. McDuffie on the preceding day, in the motion for inquiry, as to lead some to suspect that he, (Mr. McDuffie,) was its author ; but the 478 AANALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1825. character of Mr. McDufifie forbids us to harbor any such suspicion. It was probably the production of Mr. Ingham, who, as afterwards appeared, was Kremer's chief prompter in this business. It was natural for him to adopt Mr. McDuffie's arguments, being the best and, indeed, only mode of getting clear of the difficulty. One might have supposed that this disgraceful retreat would have convinced the whole public of the falsehood of Kremer's charge, but political faith covers mountains, and the charge was eagerly entertained and reiterated by the partisans of Jackson. Kremer himself, as appears from the testimony of Mr. Crowninshield, doubted, at the last, and had a letter of apology ready for Mr. Clay, which Mr. Ingham found means to suppress. Such was the eagerness with which the Pennsylvanians received the corruption story, and such the cloud of incense with which Kre- mer was fumigated, that it is no wonder that his brain was affected, and he really believed himself the savior of his country's liberty. His vanity became excessive, and as Cicero of old continually rung the charges in his later orations, on the names of Lentulus and Catahne, so Kremer made corruption, and his famous letter, the eternarburden of his song. Finding that the corruption story was unsparingly used against him by the Jacksonians, notwithstanding the way in which they had backed out of the charge, and that even General Jackson had con- descended to lend the authority of his name to this shameless cal- umny, Mr. Clay took the trouble to collect the letters, certificates, and affidavits of almost every one who could have any knowledge of the matter in agitation, and published them in a pamphlet. These testimonials, coming from upwards of fifty persons of all parties, formed a most triumphant refutation of the corruption story. But it was all in vain for Messrs. Adams and Clay. The popular mind had been roused to phrensy, and was utterly inaccessible to all reason. Jackson was elected, in 1828, by a decided majority, and Kremer, having answered the purpose of his party, was for- gotten at once. Too honest to take a part in the intrigues of his fellow-partisans at Washington, he could not make himself of any further use to them, and was pushed aside to make room for those who knew how to make the best use, for selfish purposes, of his ser- vices. For some years after he was left out of Congress, he con- 1825.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 479 tinued to make speeches at public meetings, the burden of which was "corruption" and ''My letter to the Columbia Observer. '' His action, in speaking, was vehement and ungraceful, his voice loud, and his accentuation false and ranting, such as school-boys are apt to acquire under the tuition of an injudicious teacher. His honesty and zeal no one doubted ; but designing demagogues con- trived, by dexterous management, to keep him back, as he was too straightforward for them, and if admitted to their councils, would mar the harmony of their best laid plans by denouncing their selfish- ness and unfair dealing. There was neither selfishness nor mean- ness about him, and had he condescended to cringe to the party leaders in 1828-1829, when his name was in the mouth of every one, or had he intimated that his influence might possibly be turned against Jackson, there is no donbt but that he could have obtained highest reward in the form of political preferment. Indeed, it was a matter of wonder and remark, among his unsophisticated constit- uents, that he remained without office. They little thought that their favorite was altogether thrust aside by the throng of hungry office-hunters, who assailed the President with their importunate cries for the spoils of victory. He was not blind to the intrigues and foul play going on at the seat of Government, for on his way home once, he met an acquaintance whom he mistook for one of his own political caste, and to whom he said: "Adams and Clay were corrupt, but their corruption was child's play to what is going on at Washington now." — G. A. S. Weather Record. The spring was early; peach trees in bloom on the loth of April; plum trees on the i8th; flowers in the garden on the i6th; rye in head on the 8th of May. July 13, the thermometer stood at ninety- six degrees. Many springs in the Valley gave out, and the pasture burned up. July 16, the crops in Union county were most extraor- dinary. It was generally acknowledged that the yield was one fourth more upon the same quantity of ground than ever has been raised before. Jonathan Spyker, of Lewisburg, cut twenty-three dozen of wheat off thirty-eight perches. October 4, a comet visible. December 4, the first snow fell. 4^0 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1825. Various Items. March 29, a dinner at Jacob Maize's, in Mifflinburg, to Honor- able George Kremer. The latter sold out his stock of store goods at Lewisburg to Samuel Roush, Esquire, who removed it to Mifflin- burg. William Tagger t kept the hotel at the Cross-Roads ; Valen- tine Hahn and Roland Stoughton at Lewisburg ; John Hoffman, " The Rising Sun," at New Berlin; and Thomas Crotzer, "The Bull's Head," at Mifflinburg. May 18, George Kremer, James Merrill, and Ner Middleswarth, appointed delegates to the internal improvement convention, at Harrisburg. July 2, John Cummings, junior, took charge of the Union Times, succeeded on the ist of October by John A. Sterrett, Esquire. The candidates on the Democratic ticket for Assembly were Ner Middleswarth and Wil- liam Forster, junior. On the Independent ticket, James Madden and J. Reifsnyder. For a convention, 1,715 ; against, 717. Novem- ber I, Camp Calhoun held at McEwensville. The Lewisburg Guards, commanded by Captain Jackson McFaddin, numbering forty-five men, were in camp. David and James Templeton left New Berlin to establish a store at Canonsburg. James to study di- vinity there. David C. Ambler left Lewisburg. He finally landed in Florida, where he died in 1867 or 1S68. November 10, Mr. Still- well commenced a survey of the turnpike, from Mifflinburg to Belle- fonte, at Mifflinburg. James Wilson purchased Captain William Gray's place. In July, James Magee commenced boring for salt in West Buffalo , at the place still known as the salt works. A stock company was formed, Saiiiuel Roush, Esquire, treasurer, and an assessment of one dollar per share of "The Union Salt Works" called in. The opera- tors humbugged the share-holders until their patience was exhausted. In December, according to the Times, " they had reached the depth of one hundred and fifty feet, striking on two veins of salt water of considerable magnitude. Should the anticipations be realized, Union county will, ere long, be able to supply its inhabitants and those of the neighboring counties with the indispensable article of salt." [A barrel of salt conveyed in the night to the well saturated it well enough to raise an assessment from the stockholders assembled the 1825.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 481 next day.] One good result, however, was a stream of cold sulphur water, which has refreshed and invigorated thousands of people. "A man by the name of Ephraim Stephens, of White Deer town- ship, was brought to the jail of this county. One report says that he had formed the resolution of killing some part of his family, and then putting an end to his own existence, and that he loaded his gun for the purpose of putting this resolution in execution. Fortunately, one of his sons caught him, and wrested the gun from his hands; but in the struggle, the gun accidently went off, and its contents lodged in the barn, which was filled with grain and hay, and which was totally consumed." — Times. July 22, James Young, of Kelly township, (near Ephraim Stean's,) was found dead, his body in such a state of putrefaction, he was buried where he was found. He had gone to the mountain with some of his neighbors to cut cooper poles, and, complaining of being sick, started home and, no doubt, died from excessive heat. His neighbors searched for him all night and the succeeding day, before finding his body. ' ' The German Reformed and Lutheran church, known as 'Emanuel Church,' at New Berlin, was dedicated on Sun- day, July 31, agreeably to the German ritual, in the presence of a vast concourse of people. The Reverend Mr. Hendel, of Berks county, officiated, assisted by Reverend Messrs. Shindel, Smith, and Fries. The concourse of people was numerous, beyond all conception. The building is a handsome piece of architecture. Christopher Seebold, Esquire, was the contractor, and deserves much credit for the superb manner in which this building is finished, particularly the pulpit, which is said to be a correct model of the one in the German Re- formed church at Harrisburg, and which has been pronounced to be inferior to none in the State. On the subsequent Sunday, dedica- tory services were held in the English language, by Reverend Martin Bruner, of Sunbury, assisted by Reverend Thomas Hood." Times. Peculiarities of the Bar, from the Manuscript of the late James F. Linn, Esquire. " I do think, and I do say, gentlemen of the jury." — Lashells. "According to the perpendicular line of justice." — Bellas. 31 482 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1825. "It is not in the power of mortal man to have a particle of doubt about it." — G?'eefiotigh. "But this is of no earthly consequence, if the Court please." — ^S*. Hepburn. " Under the statoot of hoo and cry." — Bancraft. " The gentle, humane, and mild spirit which is diffused through the penal code of Pennsylvania. " — William Cox Ellis. "Humph! the gentlemen are marvelous witty." — R. C. Grier. "Yes, stop — well, let us see — stop there — come, let us have it down in writing." — Frick. "There is no evidence in the wide world to support it." — Van Horn. "It is no such matter." — Donnel. " I fancy." — -Jordan. "Hum! the big man gets up, and the little man gets up, and they try to carry their cause by a kind of mechanical operation." — Marr. " The creditors of the time of this transaction had no existence." — H. D. Ellis. Showman at New Berlin again. The evil star of last year's showman brought him to New Berlin again. The place seemed charged to the full with ill-luck for him. My young friend, B , having ascertained that he was to perform in a room on the ground- floor of Grier 's tavern, went to a window of the room, soon after the performance commenced, and having silently raised the sash about one inch, introduced the nose of a large syringe filled with a most abominable compound of filth. He had not waited long before the performer, standing upon the rope, presented a full front, within point blank distance ; then the fra- grant liquid was squirted over his magnificent person. Grier, who sat in the capacity of fiddler, in a line with the discharge, had his hair perfumed by the falling of divers odoriferous drops from the hissing current. Down leaped the rope-dancer, and up leaped Grier ■ the former ran out to plunge his head and body into a rain- barrel • the latter, foaming with wrath, to wreak his vengeance on the offender, whom, however, he could not find. The showman 1825.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 483 swore he never would set foot in New Berlin again, and he kept his oath. A very remarkable meteor appeared during this summer. I was standing in the prothonotary's office in New Berlin, when I heard, as I imagined, some one fall heavily upon the floor of the room above me. Knowing that the room was unoccupied, I had the curiosity to go and look in, but found no one there. On my return to my house, I mentioned the matter to my wife, who said she had heard a simi- lar sound, and I soon discovered that all my neighbors had been deceived in a similar manner. Those who were in the open air when they heard the sound, said the ground trembled under their feet, and horses were observed to start and crouch as when a bridge cracks under their feet. It appeared afterwards that the explosion had accompanied the appearance of a meteor, and had been heard at Bellefonte and Lewistown, on the Juniata, and at Sunbury and Liverpool, on the Susquehanna. The flight of the fiery ball was dis- tinctly seen by the workmen on the Juniata, and at Liverpool. I was told a fiery body was seen to fall apparently on the north side of Peter's mountain. Temperance associations began to be formed in the Valley in this year. Those connected therewith bound themselves to use no intox- icating liquor, except in such cases as required their use as medicines, and to discontinue the custom of offering strong drink to visitors. The latter practice had been so common that to omit it was con- sidered a breach of politeness. Every one knows with what a whirl- wind force public opinion in America, when once excited, bears down everything before it, and here was an illustration of its power. After three or four years, it became rare to offer liquors to visitors, and common to hear a person refuse to drink, on the ground that he was a temperance man. A respectable inn-keeper in Sunbury told me, about three years after this, that the sale of liquor at his bar, to travelers, had been diminished by not less than one half, under the influence of the temperance societies. The first temper- ance societies allowed the use of wines, on the ground that those who limited themselves to these would not get drunk on so expens- ive an article. 484 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1825. Witchcraft Farce. During this year a remarkable farce of witchcraft was played in the family of a man named Kern, in Beaver township. He had a wife and two daughters, and followed the occupation of farming. In his immediate vicinity lived a man named Romig, who, from some unknown cause, became a hypochondriac, and the impression got abroad that he was bewitched. Soon after this the milk in Kern's spring-house became sour, within a few hours after it was placed there. This occurred daily, until the farce was concluded, which was in two or three weeks. The next act played was of a more remark- able character. Kern's tables and kitchen furniture were to be seen flying in all directions, thrown, it was supposed, by supernatural means. Knives, forks, spoons, ladles, &c., never remained more than five minutes on the dresser, after having been placed there, but were thrown in various directions about the house ; and, as the more BELIEVING portion of the neighbors asserted, it was no uncommon thing to see them thrown through the solid wall of the house, with- out leaving any mark of their passage in the wall ! A peddler, who stopped for the purpose of trading some of his notions to Kern, as- serted that he had not been in the house ten minutes before his hat and dog were thrown through the wall of the kitchen, into the adjoin- ing yard. It is not to be presumed that he was influenced in propa- gating this story by the hope of assembling a crowd around his wagon. During these transactions, Kern had a numerous crowd daily at his house, and on Sundays there was a gathering at his door, such as the most eloquent divine would have failed to assemble. Of these, the major part came prepared to believe all they saw, and all they might hear. Of course, there was no lack of true stories. The un- believing portion of the visitors — a very small number, for men of SENSE generally staid at home — kept their eyes open, and readily discovered that the old woman and the daughters were the witches, and threw the knives, forks, &c. A witch doctor was called, who proceeded, with great solemnity, to expel the evil spirit. Divers magical and mysterious rites were performed, exorcisms were chanted, and texts of Scripture nailed to every door and window in the house. The witches, however, set the doctor at naught, and baffled all his schemes. At length a party of young men, residing in New Berlin, 1825.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 4^5 resolved to try their skill at taking evil spirits. One of them, having procured a mask, a huge flaxen-wig, a pair of furred gloves, and other necessary apparatus, set out with the rest, in the afternoon, and arrived at Kern's early in the evening. At their request, the witches performed, to their great satisfaction, until a late hour. At length, when all the visitors, except the young witch doctors, had left the house, it was resolved to commence operations. They desired to see how the witches acted above stairs, and were accordingly con- ducted up the ladder, accompanied by the whole family. In the meantime, one of the party, who had a remarkably hoarse and deep- toned voice, and who was to act the part of the devil, was notified by a preconcerted signal— for he had not entered the house — to pre- pare for action. He accordingly put on his wig and mask, which he rubbed with phosphorus, and wrapped himself in a buffalo-skin. The party up stairs were well provided with squibs. One of them had a piece of phosphorus, with which he wrote on the wall such words as " devil," "hell," &c., in a number of places. The sig- nal being given, the candle was extinguished, the squibs distributed most copiously, and the horrid words on the wall shone out in Hquid fire. The barrels and furniture in the room were trundled about the floor, and an astounding uproar was kept up for some minutes. Pres- ently a terrific roar was heard from below. All parties ran to the stair-door, and saw, at the foot of the ladder, his grim majesty, in all the terrors of flames, flax, fur, and horns. Satan made an appro- priate speech on the occasion, and then retired. His address was followed by a most edifying exhortation, by the wag of the party, on the sin of deceiving, and the danger of another visit from old Nick, if the present practices should be persisted in. The terrified witches made a full confession, and so ended the enchantment. — G. A. Snyder, Marriages. January i8, by Reverend J. W. Smith, Hezekiah Amberg, of New Berlin, to Miss Ehzabeth Brooks. February lo, by Reverend T. Hood, David Nesbit to Miss Mary, daughter of Jacob Musser. February 24, by Reverend Patterson, Thomas Candor, of Kelly, to Margaret, daughter of John Montgomery. March 15, James Dun- can, of Aaronsburg, to Mrs. Sophia Maxwell, of New Berlin. April 486 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1825. 7, by Reverend Fr-ies, John Orwig, of Mifflinburg, to Miss Maria Bright. April 28, by Reverend T. Hood, John Linn to Mary F. 1 Chamberlin. May 5, by Reverend Heim, Daniel Ludwig to Miss Sarah Hoffman. May 6, by Reverend John Dreisbach, Robert P. Maclay, of East Buffalo, to Miss Margaret C. Lashells, of New Ber- lin. May 20, Henry B. Mussena to Miss Elizabeth Winter, of New Berlin. June 5, by Reverend Fries, Mathias Banner to Elizabeth Overmyer, of New Berlin. October 6, by Reverend Fries, Daniel Apple to Miss Susan Orwig, of Mifflinburg. October 9, John Maize to Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Mifflinburg. October 13, Mr. Straw- bridge, of Columbia county, to Miss Louisa, daughter of Charles Maus, Esquire. November 2, by Reverend Heim, Jonathan Wetzel to Miss Hettie Hoff, of Union. November 3, by Reverend J. H. Fries, Jacob G. Chestney, of Mifflinburg. to Juliana, daughter of John Cummings, Esquire, of Hartley. November 3, by James Mc- Clellan, Esquire, Daniel Mook to Miss Mary Dieffenbach. Novem- ber 20, David Mauck to Miss Nancy Shriner. December 22, by Reverend Stewart, William Kelly, of Union, to Miss Margaret Alli- son, of Centre. December 26, John Row to Miss Rachel Kunkle, of Dry Valley. 1§26. Lottery Advertisements — Fourth of July Celebration — Murder of Jacob Swineford — Weather Record — Bishop Newcomer's Death — Political — Obituary. lANUARY 7, prices current in Philadelphia: Wheat, ninety cents; rye, fifty-eight; corn, sixty-two; whisky, twenty-six. Samuel Baum, postmaster at New Berlin, in April; Alexander Graham, at Lewisburg; Jacob Maize, at Mifflinburg. February 13, the coldest day of the year. The Democratic-Republican convention met at New Berlin. Robert Taylor, president ; John Bossier, secretary ; William Forster and Henry C. Eyer were appointed delegates to the State convention, with instructions to support the re-nomination of Governor Shulze. Feb- ruary 18, Judge Seth Chapman, who was impeached for misdemeanors in office, was acquitted by the Senate, twenty-six Senators voting not guilty, five voting guilty. March 13, James F. Linn admitted to the bar. April 10, the turnpike company incorporated to make a road from the end of the Lewisburg bridge to Mifflinburg. Com- missioners, William Hayes, James Geddes, Jacob Maize, Henry Roush, and James Duncan. Lottery advertisements fill the county papers this year. John A. Sterrett was agent for the Union Canal lottery, at New Berlin, and James Appleton, at Mifflinburg. New Berlin lottery, by Peter Smith. In Mifflinburg, one by John and Henry Orwig ; James Cummings, Samuel Roush, John Ray, James Appleton, George Bogar, and Conrad Grove, managers. William Wolfinger advertises the Selins- grove lottery. Andrew Reedy, one at William Taggert's, Buffalo 487 4^8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1826. Cross-Roads. Two prizes of ^3,000, one of $2,000. Severe drouth which continued until the 23d of June, when it rained so excessively as to spoil much hay.^ 28th, a great freshet on the river. The old market house, on Market street, in Lewisburg, taken down. 4th of July celebrated at New Berlin. Reverend J. H. Fries delivered a discourse from Psalm Ixxxv : 10 and 11 verses; Charles A. Brad- ford, Esquire, an oration. The singing was under the direction of Mr. Hickok. After which the company repaired to Gross' spring, where Mr. Eilert had prepared a dinner. Abbot Green was then made chairman, George A. Snyder, secretary, and a number of toasts were read. Murder of Jacob Swineford. Jacob Swineford, Esquire, of Middleburg, in this county, was murdered on the night of the 4th of July, in Lebanon. The facts, as far as we can learn from a German paper published in that place, are as follows : Swineford and his son had been, for some days pre- vious to the 4th, in the vicinity of Lebanon, with a drove of sheep, consisting of about three hundred and eighty, which he had disposed of, except about fifty, with which he arrived in Lebanon on the morning of the 4th, where he spent the day. In the evening he met with a Mr. Greenawalt, an old acquaintance, at the tavern of a Mr. Williams, where they drank together, after which Swineford asked Greenawalt to walk with him. They went, and when they came to an alley in Hill street, they were suddenly attacked by three men, by one of whom Greenawalt was knocked down twice, but succeeded in making a retreat, calling to Swineford to run also. Immediately afterwards, some boys, while passing, discovered some one lying on the ground. Light was immediately brought, and it was found to be Swineford, who was then in the agonies of death, and expired immediately afterwards. He had received two blows on his head, which occasioned his death. The deceased is supposed ' At this time a farmer in West Buffalo made several attempts to haul in his hay, only to be disappointed by sudden showers. Finally he had a load within a short aistance of his barn, when a terrible storm came on. In his wrath, he swore he would have some hay in dry at any rate, and grabbing from the wagon as much as he could carry in his arms, he ran for the barn. Unfortunately for him, the creek intervened, and as he was running with all his might, his foot slipped at the middle of the foot log, and he plunged, with his hay, into the stream. 1826.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 48g to have had between $400 and ^500, in a large pocket-book, which was missing. About |8o in a snaall pocket-book was found about his person. Two men were arrested on suspicion of having com- mitted the crime, but were afterwards discharged. The deceased has left a wife and six children to mourn his untimely end. — Times, July 14. In August it became very sultry, with no rain. Dust followed the plow, and a great deal of sickness prevailed in the Valley. In Sep- tember, fever and ague prevailed extensively. In December, there was a great deal of snow and good sleighing, and the river was fro- zen, and crossed by sleds. The first snow fell on the 4th of Novem- ber. September 28, Bishop Newcomer visited the Valley for the last time, on his return from a trip into Canada, staying at Martin and John Dreisbach's. He died at his own home, in Hagerstown, on 12th March, 1830, aged eighty-one. "Long will he be remembered by thousands. Many, very many, souls will, at the great day, own him as the instrument, in the hand of God, by which they have been turned from the error of their ways, and have been brougnt from darkness to light." Utica for girl's name having become quite common, it is, perhaps, proper to state its origin. In this year, Captain John Snyder went on a visit to New York, taking with his newly-married wife, Margaret. Having a race-horse with him, he was lucky enough to win a match at Utica, in memory of which he named his daughter, born within the year, Utica, and the name, through mere fancy or personal liking, became quite the rage. Political. September, Democratic convention at New Berlin, Michael Rath- fon, chairman ; Samuel Aurand, secretary. William Forster, junior, and George Aurand nominated for Assembly; Elias P. Youngman for commissioner ; Andrew McClenachan and William Kessler, sen- atorial conferees, with instructions to support Ner Middleswarth for Senator, and indorsed the nomination of Governor Shulze. At a county meeting, held on the 20th, Frederick Gutelius, chair- man, Dan Caldwell and John Montelius, secretaries, John Ray was 490 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1826. nominated for Senator ; James Madden and Robert Willet for As- sembly : John Montelius, commissioner ; Conrad Grove, James K. Davis, and Simon Shaffer, standing committee. The congressional conference met at the house of William A. Pet- riken, in Pennsborough. Henry Yearick and Jacob Hummel, con- ferees. George Kremer, Samuel McKean, and Espy Van Horn nominated for Congress. 25th September, a senatorial conference met at Randall Wilcox's, in Lewisburg, and John Ray was nominated as a canal man. Governor Shulze had no opposition in the county, receiving 1062 votes, nor had Van Horn, McKean, and Kremer. For Senate, John Ray received 929 votes; Middleswarth, 785. Marriages. 2d February, by Reverend T. Hood, John Chamberlin to Eliza- beth, daughter of William Hayes, of Lewisburg. 21st February, James Caldwell, of Lewisburg, to Isabella, daughter of James Dun- can, of Centre county, i ith April, Jonathan Reedy to Miss Amelia Buchner. July 20, by Reverend T. Hood, James F. Linn, Esquire, of Lewisburg, to Miss Margaret, daughter of Hugh Wilson, of Buf- falo township. 1 7th August, by Reverend T. Hood, Thomas Grier to Mrs. Rachel Stratton, of New Berlin. In New York, by Reverend Doctor Roberts, John Snyder to Miss Margaret Hammond. 31st October, John Devling to Mary Wilson, daughter of Judge Hugh Wilson. 19th October, by Reverend T. Hood, James Merrill, Esquire, of New Berlin, to Miss Sarah Hepburn, of Northumberland. 2 2d October, by Reverend J. H. Fries, Jesse Mauck, of New Berlin, to Miss Catherine Crotzer, of Mifflinburg. November 1 4, by John Nesbit, Esquire, William Alsbach to Catherine Shively. December 26, by Reverend John Dreisbach, John Yost, of New Berlin, to Miss Sarah Shaffer, of Buffalo. ObiiMry. Samuel Templeton died at his residence, near New Berlin, on Sat- urday, February 18, aged seventy-two. He was born in Ireland, and came to this country at the age of nineteen, and has since then resided in this neighborhood. He has been for many years an elder 1827.1 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 49 ^ in the Presbyterian cliurch, and, by an exemplary life, gave evidence that his profession of rehgion was sincere. He departed, after a long and distressing illness, in full possession of his mental faculties, and relying on the mercy of God, through the merits of our Redeemer, for salvation. His children were : Alexander, David, Reverend James, Ann, and Nancy, married to Doctor Charlton. On Monday morning, February 20, after a lingering illness of several months, John Mumma, Esquire, aged twenty-eight. His remains were interred with masonic honors on Tuesday last. At her residence, in Centre township, February 20, Mrs. Mary Wales, consort of James Wales. — Times, February 25. i8^>r- Canal Meeting — Debating Societies — Mifflinburg Academy Estab- lished — Borough of Mifflinburg Incorporated. |LOUR in Philadelphia, in January, $6 per barrel. The newspapers note the winter of 1826-27 as the coldest since 1782. February 16, a public debate between the Lewisburg Debating Society and the Mifflinburg Debat- ing Society took place at William Taggert's tavern, at the Cross- Roads. George A. Snyder, the president, awarded the victory to the Mifflinburg society. A little newspaper war between the societies resulted. William Cameron, Esquire, president of the Lewisburg society, and Doctor William Joyce, secretary, cudgel the Mifflinburg society in a pretty lively way, in the Times. February 20, a meeting in favor of canals was held at Lewisburg, president, Andrew McClenachan ; secretary, James Dale; committee on resolutions, Dan Caldwell, Doctoj Thomas Vanvalzah, and Wil- liam Haves. 493 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1827. April 2, Honorable George Kremer moved from Lewisburg to the Stees place, adjoining Middleburg, and Joseph Hutchinson opened store in the Kremer building. Under the act erecting cir- cuit courts, Judge Molton C. Rogers held the first circuit court in New Berlin, on the 9th of April. On the loth, Peter Gearhart was put on trial for murder ; Bellas and Bradford for the Common- wealth, Lashells and Maus for the defendant. (May 16, George A. Snyder remarks : " Took Judge Chapman two and one half days to try Henry Frock for stealing walnuts, while Judge Rogers, in April, tried a murder case, two fornication and adultery cases, in three days.") 14th April, act establishing the Mifflinburg academy. — Pamphlet Laws, 322. Henry Yearick, James Appleton, Jacob Maize, James Merrill, John Forster, Joseph Musser, Michael Roush, Thomas Van- valzah, and John F. Wilson, trustees. Three trustees to be elected annually by the people of the county. April 13, the borough of Selinsgrove incorporated. — Pamphlet Laws, 278. 14th April, the borough of Mifflinburg incorporated, by the following boundaries : Beginning at a post on line of the heirs of Jacob Brobst, N. 2° W. 362 ; thence along line of the heirs of George Rote, deceased, N. 76° E. 118 ; by the same, S. 2° E. 145 ; thence, N. 88° E. 120, to a post in the center of the road leading from George Rockey's to Mifflinburg ; thence along the center thereof, S. 2° PI, in a line between Michael Bartges, John Charles, Conrad Mull, et al., 210; thence along the north side of Limestone hill, S. 88° W. 240, to beginning. — Pamphlet Laws, 305. These boundaries embrace the whole of Ensign Meen's, the south half of Ensign Forster's, and part of the Elias Younkman warrantees. July 30, John Musser's (Kelly township) still bursted, and scalded himself, James Wilson, and the stiller. They applied to Jonathan Spyker to "hex" the fire out of them. August 2, William Hayes' store robbed of ^100. The taker con- fessed, and Mr. Hayes let him off. Some few years since a person from Lewisburg stopped over night at a farm-house in Ohio, and recognized in the owner of the fine farm the penitent subject of Mr. Hayes' clemency. August 25, Lafayette Lodge, New Berlin, appropriated $40 to the Greek fund, " to be applied in accelerating the cause of liberty in 1827.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 493 Greece," and James Aiken returned to Lewisburg, after an absence of two years. Doctor E. Appleton, of New Berlin, made a great sensation about a recipe he had made for curing drunkenness. It had a great run for awhile, but proved of no account. loth September, Peter Nevius, constable, took charge of a party of town boys convicted of an affray at Poak's, to convey them to jail at New Berlin. On the Shamokin hill he pretended something was wrong with the harness, and got out to fix it. The boys saw their opportunity, and ran off. As some of them became prominent citizens, remarkable for good works, it is not worth while to say who they were. 9th October, John Dreisbach, Ner Middleswarth, Jackson men, elected to the Assembly, over James Madden and R. P. Maclay. 14th, masonic procession at New Berlin. Sixty-seven appeared in regalia. Reverend Fries and James Merrill, Esquire, addressed them, nth November, John Sheckler's barn burned; fired by his aunt, who is deranged. 21st November, snow storm, ground cov- ered. December 4, Ner Middleswarth chosen Speaker of the House. Marriages. February 13, John Yarger to Miss Margaret Kelly, of Hartley, by Samuel Haupt, Esquire. April 19, Thomas Wilson, of Kelly, to Mrs. Drake. May 10, John Housel to Margaret Musser, daugh- ter of Jacob, Esquire. June 5, Saul McCormick to Catherine, daughter of Reverend Thomas Hood. August 30, John Magee to Susan Struble. Deaths. Thomas Shipton, Esquire, died in Middleburg, February 4, aged seventy -four years. He officiated as justice of the peace for upwards of thirty years, and was very highly esteemed. Honorable John Macpherson died on the 2d of August, at his residence, near Winfield. He served in the navy of the Revolution, was badly wounded, and, on that account, received a pension from the State. He was associate judge of Northumberland county for twenty-three years. 494 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1828. September 26, Mrs. Conrad Foutz, aged eighty-eight, mother of Mrs. Charles Cameron, was buried at Lewisburg. Her husband was one of the rangers who, with the Groves and Samuel Brady, were a great terror to the Indians. Conrad Foutz's grandson, General Simon Cameron, was Secretary of War under Abraham Lincoln, and his great-grandson, J. D. Cameron, Secretary of War under General Grant. i8^§. List of Attorneys — Canal Located — Lewisburg and Mifflinburg Turnpike Located. ANUARY 5, Frederick Evans and Robert P. Maclay, delegates to the State convention which nominated An- drew Jackson for President. List of attorneys attending February court, Union county : James Merrill, John Lashells, John A. Sterrett, John Wyeth, Charles Maus, Jacob H. Horning, and James F. Linn ; from Northum- berland county, Hugh Bellas, Ebenezer Greenough, Alexander Jor- dan, Charles G. Donnel, Samuel J. Packer, and Samuel Hepburn; Lycoming, William Cox Ellis, James Armstrong, and Robert Flem- ing ; Schuylkill, Charles A. Bradford, Esquire. There was not snow sufficient for sleighing during the entire win- ter, and arks passed down the river as early as the loth of February. 2 2d March, public debate at Lewisburg on the question: "Will the present Government of the United States decline and fall?" Affirmative, Isaac Slenker, J. F. Linn, and Jackson McFadden ; negative, James Aiken, Doctor William Joyce, and William Nesbit, Esquire; presiding judge. Reverend George Richmond; associates. Doctor Thomas Vanvalzah, John Vandyke, Frederick Pontius, T. R. Lewis, John Machemer, and John H. Hickok. People from 1828.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 4gs New Berlin, Milton, and all the Valley attended. A majority of the judges decided for the negative, Vanvalzah and Lewis dissenting. The debate was continued all the afternoon and evening. 26th, news arrived that grain had fallen rapidly at Baltimore. All the merchants lost heavily. Worth only sixty-five cents. Hayes settled with his customers at seventy-two cents per bushel. Sunday, 13th April, north-east snow storm prevailed. Laird Howard, Francis Wilson, and James F. Linn, only, put in appear- ance at Buffalo church. Mr. Hood thought it not worth while to preach to three men. This snow storm did a great deal of damage to fruit. 30th, Judge Rawle, Robert Farias, and William Wilson, engineers to locate the canal, arrived at Lewisburg ; Rothrock, draftsman ; Paul Geddes and Joseph Green, chain-carriers. ^May 13, Isaac Slenker admitted to the bar. Judge Chapman 'remarked that he passed the best examination had before him in five years. July 13, Elijah Bacon made his appearance, and preached in the Union church. August 28, Messrs. Hayes, Caldwell, Cameron, Joyce, and Van- valzah, who were representing the interests of the west side, returned from Harrisburg, and reported that the canal would be located on the east side ; Rawle estimating that the west side would cost ^340,000 more. Our people, however, believed it the result of intrigue and good management. September 1 1 , James F. Linn surveyed a route for the turnpike be- tween Lewisburg and Miffiinburg. Alexander Graham, James Ged- des, William Wilson, William and Daniel Cameron, Jackson McFad- din, Robert Hayes, John Reber and, Thomas McGuire, went along all the way. Started at eight, and reached Miffiinburg half-past four, where Joseph Musser and John Machemer met the party with wagons, and took them back. Straight course between the two places, S. 71° 39' W., distance, eight miles thirty-four perches. 12th, the mill, house, and barn, late Adam Wagoner's, on Rapid ruri, (now Cowan,) belonging to Jacob Baker's heirs, burned at one o'clock last night. Family escaped with difficulty. This was the 1 Honorable Isaac Slenker studied law with the late James F. Linn, Esquire. In 1862 he was elected Auditor G-eneral, and served from May 4, 1863, to May 1, 1866. He died at New Berlin, April 17, 1873, aged seventy-three years. 4()(> Ai\NALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1828. second time the mill was burned in Wagoner's time, having been burned once fourteen or fifteen years ago. Supposed to be the work of an incendiary. October i, West Branch division of the canal let at Milton; and a horse-race between Petriken's gray and Doctor Getz's mare. The gray led three or four lengths ; stakes, ^400. September 28, Isaac Bockener, who lived on Colonel Ruhl's place, died from the effects of an injury received at David Linn's clover- mill. The water-wheel caught his leg, stripped the flesh off, and gangrene set in. This mill was erected during this summer. October 31, presidential election. Jackson electors had eighty- seven, Adams six votes, in Lewisburg. November 4, Subscription to the turnpike completed. Wheat rose to ^i 25. 29th, the committee met to draft a petition for a cross-cut canal to Lewisburg : William Hayes, James Geddes, Wil- liam Wilson, Doctor Joyce, and James F. Linn. December 22, James F. Linn commenced surveying the turnpike. 29th, he commenced locating, and got as far as James Harris'. Fin- ished on the 30th. Marriages. 3d January, William Miller, of New Berlin, to Miss Elizabeth Myers. January 16, by'Mr. Hood, Jacob Derr to Isabella Hunter. 13th March, John Haus, late deputy sheriff, to Margaret Roush, of Mifflinburg, April 8, Mrs. Abigail Iddings, widow of Isaac, married to old Mr. Mackey, by James McClellan, Esquire. 28th May, by Reverend Richmond, Abner Metzgar to Eleanor Lawshe. Novem- ber 6, by Reverend T. Hood, Hugh McLaughlin to Frances, daugh- ter of George Derr. nth, by same, John Forster, to Margaret, youngest daughter of Doctor Robert Vanvalzah. 20th, Joseph Cham- berlin to Nancy Deal. December 9, by Mr. Hood, David Duncan, of Centre county, to Miss Susan Hayes, of New Berlin. i§i^9- Union Hickory Newspaper — Supreme Court Personnel — An Un- published Opinion. HE winter of 1828-29 particularly unpleasant ; rain fell daily for seventy days, and spring was fifteen days later than usual, when the weather became suddenly warm. June 17, most of the farmers commenced mowing. Market price of wheat in May, ^i 40. January 27, the turnpike let to John Maclayfor ^3 90 per perch, the whole distance from Lewisburg to Mififlinburg. February 17, a large meeting held at New Berlin to appoint dele- gates to 4th of March convention. George Weirick and William Kessler, Esquire, appointed delegates, with instructions to support, first, for Governor, George Kremer ; second, Ner Middleswarth ; third, Samuel D. Ingham ; and, if neither succeeded, to unite in nom- inating a Jackson man, no way connected with the present Adminis- tration, by blood or otherwise. 3d March, an appropriation made by the Legislature for the im- provement of Penn's creek. May 5 , William Carothers moved the Union Hickory newspaper press from New Berlin to Lewisburg, and continued its publication till April 13, 1830. In May, James F. Linn surveyed and laid out the river road from Lewisburg to Selinsgrove. Jacob K. Boyer, of Reading, who had done a large mercantile business, and bought a great deal of wheat through Buffalo Valley, was convicted of passing counterfeit money. He was said, by the district attorney, to be 32 4^7 4g8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1829. guilty of the most expert, extensive, and wholesale counterfeiting ever known within the United States. June 26, Supreme Court personnel : Gibson is a large, portly man, somewhat corpulent, small eyes, black hair, clean shaven, noble countenance. Rogers, small, thin-faced man, dark hair, no whisk- ers, very intelligent countenance. Huston, tall, awkward, promi- nent eyebrows, eyes deep set, large nose, iron gray hair, and short whiskers. Tod, short, corpulent, red complexion, light hair, very little of it, and that frizzled. Smith, short, fat, white headed, large nose, large rolling eyes, stooping a little as he walks. An Unpublished Opinion. Sunbury, June 27, the news arrived of the nomination of Joseph Ritner for Governor, by the Anti-Masonic convention, at Harrisburg, yesterday. Justice Frederick Smith took his seat in the court-house some time before the meeting of the court. Justice Rogers next ap- peared, to whom Smith said : " Well, Mr. Rogers, whom think you the Anti-Masons have nominated? " Rogers: " I have not heard; have you?" Smith: "Yes, they have fixed on Joseph Ritner." "Why, the damned fools, what do they think they can do with him. He wont get ten thousand votes. Oh, the damned fools, ha! ha! ha!" Justice Tod came in next, when Smith went on : " Well, Mr. Tod, have you heard whom the Anti-Masons have nominated for Gover- nor?" Tod: "No; have you? " Smith: "Joseph Ritner." Tod: "Joseph Ritner! Joseph Ritner! Joseph Ritner! Well, I'll vote for any Anti-Mason, any Anti-Jackson, Anti-canal candidate ; but Joseph Ritner, I won't vote for him, by God ! " Then in sauntered Chief Justice Gibson, and Smith began again : " Mr. Chief Justice, have you heard whom the Anti -Masons have nominated for Gover- nor?" Gibson: "No; who is it?" Smith: "Joseph Ritner." Gibson : " Oh, hell ! " The chief justice whistled a slow march, and took his seat without further remark. Justice Huston did not enter until the court had proceeded to business, so that he delivered no opinion on this momentous subject. — G. A. S. This year is noted for its tremendous Anti-Masonic excitement. September 15, Reverend J. H. Fries delivered an address before the Masonic Wolf meeting, in New Berlin, when George Kremer and 1829.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 4gc) John Dreisbach were nominated for Assembly. August 29, the Anti-Masonic convention nominated Ner Middleswarth and Philip Ruhl. George Bogar, president. Delegates were, Union, Charles Maus and George Bogar ; East Buffalo, William L. Harris and Peter Voneida ; Hartley, Michael Peters and Daniel Speigelmyer ; White Deer, Jacob Sypher and Christian Reichly ; Kelly, Joseph Spotts and George Moyer; Mifflinburg, John Montelius and John Van Buskirk ; West Buffalo, Henry and David Jordan. Joseph Ritner recommended for Governor; county commissioner, William Betz. In October, the Ritner vote in Union county was 2,068 ; Wolf, for Governor, had 764; Middleswarth and Ruhl had each 1,914; Kremer, 810; Driesbach, 971. For Governor^ Ritner had 61 votes in Lewisburg, Wolf had 58 votes. Horse races very common this year in and about Lewisburg. August 20, occurred the one between Sargent's sorrel and " Tam- any," of Milton. The Milton people came down and bet all the money they had on their favorite ; watches, knives, and, in fact, everything they had about them. Sargent's horse won by five to six lengths. J. P. Ross used to relate the scenes of this day, and laugh until the tears ran down his cheeks. He said the Lewisburg fellows had to lend the Milton men money to pay their toll going home. October 3, race between John Forster's horse and Silverwood's. Thomas Sawyer and family left the Valley for Ohio. Road from Chamberlin's mill to Kelly's saw-mill laid out. Farm of Ben- jamin Schrack, deceased, appraised at $15 per acre. General Green bought the Stedman farm, opposite Lewisburg, one hundred and forty-seven acres, at $i(i per acre, cash. December 4, the first snow fell. December 28, turnpike managers met, and the commis- sioners appointed by the Governor reported it completed. Manlages. 17th January, William Wilson (son of Judge Hugh) to Ruth Wad- dell, of Centre county, by Reverend Mr. Todd, at Mifflinburg. 20th, Walter Devling to Eliza, daughter of Judge Hugh Wilson, by Mr. Hood. February 17, Doctor Joseph F. Grier to Margaret, daughter of A. Graham. February — , Peter Strayhorn to a daughter of James Cornelius. Robert Forster to Miss. Jane Rutherford, of 500 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1830. Harrisburg. February 27, Abraham Amberg to Charlotte Brookes, of ChilUcothe, Ohio, formerly of New Berlin. 28th April, Simon Grove to Miss Mary Miller, of Reading. 20th May, C. H. Charles, of Hartley, to Juliette Mann, of Tioga. 28th May, by Reverend T. Hood, Robert Hayes to Emily Fields, (daughter of the bridge- builder.) 31st, by Samuel Wilson, Esquire, Henry Benner to Miss Moyer, of Union, nth June, George Aurand, Esquire, to Mrs. Mary Royer. 23d, by J. F. Linn, Esquire, John Shaw to Margaret Baker, at Jacob Musser's hotel. July 2, Daniel K. Hill to Barbara A. Musser, Lewisburg. By Reverend James Kay, Christopher Woods, junior, to Miss Maria Little, of Lewisburg. July 14, Israel Zent- myer to Eve Snook, daughter of John, of West Buffalo. 4th Au- gust, by James F. Linn, Esquire, Henry Myers to Hannah Walter. nth August, L. B. Christ, Esquire, to Esther Bogar. September 22, by Reverend Nathaniel Todd, John A. Vanvalzah to Miss Re- becca Chambers. 1830. Weather Record — Johnny Morton — Census of 1830. N the 1 6th of May, oak leaves made their appearance — a very early spring — blossoms all off the trees by the 30th of April, except apple, which were in bloom two or three weeks since. The month of July was excess- ively hot. The 1 8th, 20th, and 2 2d, were the warmest days. Sat- urday morning, in shade, ninety-three degrees; Monday, ninety-five degrees; Wednesday, ninety-five degrees. Officers of Lafayette Lodge : H. W. Snyder, W. M. ; George A. Snyder, S. W, ; John Seebold, J. W. ; Doctor John Baskins, secre- tary ; Henry C. Eyer, treasurer. January 11, the New Berlin Anti-Horse-Race Association formed. 1830.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. joz Peter Beaver, president, John Mauck, secretary. February 22, James Sargent fell off Kremer's boat, at the mouth of Brown's run, and was drowned. March 2, a union agricultural association formed at R. H. Hammond's, in Milton, embracing Columbia, Lycoming, and Union counties. Dan Caldwell chosen president. March 12, Samuel Reber opened hotel at Lochiel now. May i , Daniel Gott- shall issued the first number of the Lewisburg Journal. May 28, the Mifflinburg Anti-Horse-Racing Association formed ; Henry Yearick, president, Frederick Gutelius, secretary. The road between Lewis- burg and Mortonsville vacated, and the Turtle Creek road, at the latter place, extended to the turnpike. June 12, William Linn sold his farm in Kelly to Adam Stahl, for ^34 per acre. October 15, farm of C. Nevius, deceased, sold to his son-in-law, Samuel Wilson, at I40 per acre. October 21, George Ritter's farm, in Buffalo, sold to Roan McClure for $36 25 per acre. August 10, Anti-Masonic ticket formed at New Berlin : E. Greenough for Congress, S. J. Packer for Senator, Ner Middleswarth and Philip Ruhl for Assembly, Peter Hackenburg for commissioner. Democratic ticket : Lewis Dewart for Congress, Samuel Bloom for Senator, John Dreisbach and Jacob Wittenmeyer for Assembly. October 26, the first agri- cultural fair was held at Milton. December 16, Abner C. Harding, a student at law with James F. Linn, Esquire, was admitted to the bar.^ Johnny Morton. Johnny is now dead. I wonder that he lasted so long. Although everybody called him ''Johnny," he never suffered himself to be so called, without displaying a sense of offended dignity. " My name is John," he used to say; " Johnny is a boy's name." He disliked also the name of beer ; beer was trash, only fit for hogs ; "a bier was a thing for the dead." I General Abner C. Harding was born in East Hampton, Connecticut, educated at Hamilton, New York, studied law at Lewisburg, and settled finally in tbe State of Illinois. He was a member of the Illinois Constitutional Convention of 1848, and served in the State Legislature in 1848-9-50 ; and was for ten years engaged in man- aging railroads. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in the eighty-third Illinois, and having been appointed colonel, served at Fort Donfelson ; was made a brigadier gen- eral, and had command at Murfreesboro' in 1863. In 1864 he was elected to the Thirty-Ninth Congress, serving with Honorable George F. Miller, another student of Mr. Linn, in that Congress. He died at Monmouth, Warren county, Illinois: July 19, 1874, worth, it is said, over $1,000,000. 502 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1830. Johnny's love of whisky and his hatred of beer afforded abundance of amusement to the idle boys of New Berlin and Mifflinburg, who flocked around him as soon as he made his appearance in the streets, as did the small birds around the owl, who happens to be overtaken in the daylight. " Johnny ! Johnny ! do you want any beer ?" was shouted by the blackguards ; to which Johnny replied with curses, and sometimes with stones. Johnny came to New Berlin one day, and having drank, and run the gauntlet of the boys, laid himself down upon the door -steps of the jail. The sheriff found him here, and, with the assistance of two or three others, carried him into the dungeon,^ and made all fast. A few hours afterward one of the sheriff's family went to the door to make observations, and heard Johnny beginning to stir, probably just waking. After muttering something to himself, he was heard to say, " I wonder where I am ?" and after a brief pause, '' Well, I guess I am in hell," and, seemingly satisfied with this conjecture, quietly laid himself to rest until the sheriff came to release him. — G. A. S. Census, 1830. White Deer, . . . . 1,295 Kelly, 739 Mifflinburg, .... 663 West Buffalo, .... 1,404 Hartley township, . . 1,730 Washington, » , . . 1,097 Perry, 1,050 Chapman, IJ094 One male and two female slaves Lewisburg, . . . . 924 Buffalo, 2,130 Centre, ..... 1,952 Beaver, ...... 2,280 Union, 2,085 Penn's, 2,304 Total, 20,747 1 In all old jails was a room from which the light was altogether excluded, called the dungeon, a relic of barbarism or popery now, happily abolished. 1831. Cross-cut Canal — First Temperance Society formed in the Valley — Bethel Church Organized. ARCH 22, news of the passage of the improvement act; and its signature by the Governor, which includes the Lewisburg cross-cut, reached Lewisburg. The town was illuminated, cannon fired, and toasts drank. North- umberland Bank incorporated. — Pamphlet Laws, a^gS. April 12, A. Reedy's, deceased, stone house at Buffalo Cross- Roads sold by his administrators to John A. Vanvalzah, for ^586. May 10, price of grain in Philadelphia, ^i 25. May 12, Messrs. Cameron, Vanvalzah, and Joyce returned from Harrisburg, having succeeded in getting the cross-cut canal under contract. "^ Penny saved is a Penny made — Old Adage. — Canal boat 'Mer- chant's Choice,' Captain Blair, arrived here on Monday last, in nine days from Philadelphia, with merchandize for Messrs. Comly and Cadwallader. Her cargo was twenty tons. 12 for C. Comly, at ^10, , . . . . ^120 8 do. S. Cadwallader, ..... 80 ' ' These twenty tons by wagons would come to 600 dollars, at 30 dollars per ton, or |i 50 per cwt., the usual price. Now, what is saved to us, the consumers, in this single trip ? Why, only ^400. Sugars we used to pay 12^ cts. per lb. is now sold for 10 cents. This is what we call canal politics." — Prick's Miltonian, May 14, 1831. 503 504 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1831. Mowing commenced in the Valley as early as the 8th of June. 4th July celebrated by the Lewisburg Guards and citizens, at Brown's spring, below Lewisburg. James Aiken made an address. 28th September, the first temperance society formed at Lewis- burg. Reverend Seiwers delivered an address. Only seven persons, John Nesbit, Esquire, James Aiken, James F. Linn, Caroline Gra- ham, Mary Irwin, Elizabeth Irwin, and Abner C. Harding joined. During this year, the Bethel church in White Deer was organized from members of the Buffalo Cross-Roads church \ elders, Andrew McClenachan and Matthew Laird. Deaths. Mrs. Sarah Kelly, wife of Colonel John Kelly, 2d January. She went to bed in her usual health the night before ; got up in the night and made herself a cup of tea ; was heard to groan, and com- plained of pain in her stomach. By the time the family were awakened she was dead. She was a daughter of James Poak, sister of Mrs. Darraugh. 23d May, Thomas Wilson, of Kelly, died. He was injured on Thursday, 19th, by a log falling from the top of a wagon-wheel upon him. i83^. Lewisburg Presbyterian Church Built — Laurelton Church Organ- ized—Sketch OF Colonel John Kelly. ARCH 4, General Abbot Green, delegate to the State convention to form an electoral ticket. 5th, A. C. Harding addressed the temperance society and sixty- eight names were added. 17th March, over ^3,000 subscribed to build a Presbyterian church in Lewisburg, and Gen- eral Green, Alexander Graham, James Geddes, Thomas Clingan, William L. Harris, Doctor Thomas Vanvalzah, and William Nesbit directed, as trustees, to go on with the building. 4th May, Samuel Oaks, Colonel Thomas Smith, and Abraham Straub appointed to run the county line of Lycoming and Union : Beginning at a marked red oak, 58 perches above Lafferty's run, S. 89° W., until it intersects the original division line between North- umberland and Lycoming; thence along the same to the Centre county line. — Pamphlet Laws, 458. July 4, thirty-seven survivors of the Revolution still living in Union county. Twenty -six joined in the procession at the celebra- tion in New Berlin to-day ; among them were John Linn, Frederick Bingaman, Hugh Wilson, George Engle, Christopher Seebold, and John Wilson. Isaac Slenker, Esquire, delivered an oration, and afterwards entertained the old soldiers at his house. Ice was then just coming into use, and one old gentleman was observed picking the pieces out of his brandy. He thought it was glass. August 9 was observed as a day of fasting and prayer to avert the 505 50b ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1832. cholera. On the i6th Doctor Ezra Styles Ely preached at Lewisburg. His delivery was rapid, but his discourse he seemed to make very plain to every one. The Laurelton church was organized — an off- shoot of the Buffalo Cross-Roads Presbyterian church. Colonel John Kelly. Colonel Kelly died on the i8th of February, aged eighty-eight. The following sketch of him is taken from an address made by James Merrill, Esquire, on the 8th of April, 1835, when the monument, purchased by his relatives, was put in position with public ceremony. Colonel John Kelly was born in Lancaster county, in this State, in February, 1744. After the purchase from the Indians of 1768, and before the opening of the land office in 1769, he came to Buf- falo Valley, then a part of Berks county. Here he suffered all the hardships and privations, which are inseparable upon the first settle- ment of a new country. He was tall, about six feet two inches in height, vigorous and muscular, with his body so inured to labor as to be almost insensible to fatigue, and a mind so accustomed to dan- gers, that dangers ceased to alarm. In the prime of manhood, and in the vigor of health, with intelligence to understand correct prin- ciples, and with firmness to adhere to them, it may well be supposed that he took a commanding position among his fellows. He was a captain, and a major at twenty-seven years of age, and when his country called on her sons to save her from the fangs of a tyrant, he was ready. At the very darkest period of the revolutionary war, when all was lost, but honor and hope, and when hope was almost buried in despair, in the fall of 1776, he volunteered to assist in the protection of New Jersey. He was present at Trenton, when the Hessians surrendered, and assisted in that most masterly movement on Princeton, by which the chain of communications of the enemy was broken, all their plans deranged, and their army compelled to return to New York and its neighborhorhood, and to leave New Jersey free to avenge her wrongs. When we consider the depression of public spirit, how public confidence in the final success of our cause was shaken by the battle of Long Island, and the losses of Fort Washington and Lee, with most of our military stores ; when we consider that at one time the American army numbered less than two thousand men, we would 1832.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 507 not think it wonderful if all should have been given up for lost — and so it would, if the stake had been less. But our people believed that they had no right to abandon their cause of liberty. They were bound to protect it for themselves, and upon their success depended the freedom of their posterity. They must decide, whether or not, their children should be slaves. They must decide whether all peo- ple must bow their necks to the iron yoke of despotism, or whether they might anticipate a time when free institutions should prevail through the world. Our friend and his confederates of that day might have retired into an ignoble and contemptible security. They might have said, what is New Jersey to us ? We have homes and firesides, which may be endangered. But they argued better : if we refuse to come to the rescue, we cannot expect security. We cannot propitiate the monster tyranny, by shrinking from our duty. Influenced by these considerations, our friends went to the rescue of our sister State. Our friend joined the army fully resolved to do his duty. Then was the time to test his vigor of body, as well as the firmness of his mind. For three days at one time, there was no regular service of provisions, and for more than thirty-six hours, at another time, they were constantly on the march, or in action, without a moment's sleep or giving up their arms. In the course of one of their retreats, the commander-in-chief, through Colonel Potter, sent an order to Major Kelly to have a certain bridge cut down to prevent the advance of the British, who were then in sight. The major sent for an axe ; but represented that the enterprise would be very hazardous. Still the British advance must be stopped, and the order was not with- drawn. He said he could not order another to do what some might say he was afraid to do himself; he would cut down the bridge. Before all the logs on which the bridge lay were cut off, he was completely within the range of the British fire, and several balls struck the log on which he stood. The last log broke down sooner than he expected, and he fell with it into the swollen stream. Our soldiers moved on, not believing it possible for him to escape. He, however, by great exertions, reached the shore through the high Avater and the floating timber, and followed the troops. Incumbered, as he must have been, with his wet and frozen clothes, he, on his road, made a prisoner of a British scout, an armed soldier, and took him S08 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1832. into camp. What did Curtius do more than this ? If such an in- stance of devoted heroism had happened in Greece or Rome, the day would have been distinguished from all other days. A medal would have been struck, and every means used to secure the everlasting re- membrance of such a deed. In England such a man would have been made a knight or a lord, with the thanks of Parliament. In our poor devoted land such instances were too common to receive especial notice. History mentions that our army was preserved by the destruction of that bridge ; but the manner in which it was done, or the name of the person who did it, is not mentioned. It was but one of a series of heroic acts, which happened every day, and our soldiers then were more familiar with the sword than with the pen. As we have met to erect a marble tomb over the remains of that individual, it is right for us to bring out this act into more bold relief. Let it be borne in mind, that at this time no arrangement had been made respecting prisoners ; that the British commanders only admit- ted that they arrested rebels, and not that they took prisoners of war. Thus all who fought on our side, in addition to the common dan- gers of war, might expect, if taken, to suffer an ignominious death. After his discharge, Major Kelly returned to his farm and his family, and during the three succeeding years the Indians were troublesome neighbors to this then frontier settlement. He became colonel of the regiment, and it was his duty to keep watch and ward against the incursions of hostile Indians, through our mountain passes. At one time our people were too weak to resist, and our whole beautiful country was abandoned. Colonel Kelly was among the first to re- turn — for at least two harvests reapers took their rifles to the fields, and some of the company watched while others wrought. Colonel Kelly had the principal command of the scouting parties in this Val- ley, and very often he was out in person. Many and many nights has he lain among the limbs of a fallen tree to keep himself out of the mud, without a fire, because a fire would indicate his position to the enemy. He had become well skilled in their mode of warfare. One circumstance deserves particular notice. The Indians seem to have resolved on his death, without choosing to attack him openly. One night he had reason to apprehend that they were near. He rose in the morning, and, by looking through the crevices of his log-house, 1832.] . ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. sog he ascertained that two, at least, if not more, were laying with their arms, so as to shoot him when he should open his door. He fixed his own rifle, and took his position, so that by a string he could open the door, and watch the Indians. The moment he pulled the door open, two balls came into the house, and the Indians rose to advance. He fired and wounded one, and both retreated. After waiting to satisfy himself that no others remained, he followed them by the blood ; but they escaped. For many years Colonel Kelly held the office of a magistrate of the county. In the administration of justice, he exhibited the same anxiety to do right, and the same disregard of self gain, which had characterized him in the military service of the country. He would at any time forgive his own fees, and if the parties were poor, pay the constable's costs, to procure a compromise. While, by industry and economy, his own pecuniary circumstances were comfortable and easy, he seemed to desire the prosperity of all men, and most anxi- ously to desire, that all neighbors should be friends. No man ever in vain sought his interposition to reconcile conflicting interests, to soothe angry passions, to stand, as the defender and protector of the poor man, the widow, and the orphan. He obeyed the injunction, "be given to hospitality." There are few middle aged men in this country, who have not experienced the cordial welcome, which every friend received at his house. It is true, that so general is the hospitality of his neighborhood that the want of it would be considered a great vice ; but in him it was a part of the same character, indicating a freedom from selfishness, an inability to enjoy fully God's bounties alone ; a feeling that a good thing is rendered far more valuable by participation ; and a convic- tion that the diffusion of happiness is not merely light in itself, but the source of great joy to every well-regulated mind. Colonel Kelly was an affectionate husband, and a kind and judicious father, as well as a friendly and hospitable neighbor. Thus have we seen our venerable friend performed his domestic, social, military, and political duties in such a manner as to entitle himself to the love and esteem of his neighbors, and to the thanks and honors of his countrymen and of posterity. It may be asked, could a man so punctiliously perform all those duties, and leave out of his regard his obligations to his Maker? No, indeed, my friends, Sro ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1832. he did not lack that crowning virtue. He was a sincere and an exemplary Christian, and he adorned all his other virtues by exhibit- ing a pattern of humility well worthy of imitation. Having no anxieties who should be greatest in the kingdom of Heaven, he had no striving who should be greatest in the Church on earth, his pro- fession of religion was well sustained by his practice. Towards the end of a long and active life, Colonel Kelly became, by disease, incapable of much motion, and seldom left his home. He seemed to be retiring from public view, and preparing to leave this world when he should be called. He had that true characteristic of bravery, an indisposition to fight his battles over again, and that feeling of humility, that where a man has only done his duty, boast- ing has no place. It is in some measure owing to this reserve that our notice of his life must be so brief and so imperfect. He seemed not to know, that other men would have done differently from him; but to believe that whatever distinguished him from others, arose mainly from the circumstances under which he acted. We are of another generation, and his contemporaries have either gone down to the grave, or through lapse of time and failing faculities, are unable to give particular details. From himself, but a few glean- ings from a life long and full of incidents, have been obtained. His last end proved his character to be consistent. He met the grim messenger calmly; "■ for he knew in whom he had trusted;" and he could ' ' walk through the valley and shadow of death, fearing no evil." Age brought its weakness, no doubt. The frame was bent, and the muscles relaxed; but the mind — the immortal mind — could not be obscured. It brightened more and more ' ' unto the perfect day." He has passed beyond "that bourne, whence no traveler re- turns." He has gone, we humbly trust, to that Heaven where " there remaineth a rest for the righteous, and where the wicked cease from troubling." Emphatically may it be said, that after a life well spent, and in firm hope of a resurrection to immortal glory, at the age of eighty-eight years, he departed, leaving his memory to our care and his virtues for our imitation — -James Merrill, Esquire's, Address. Colonel Kelly's children were : James, who moved to Penn's val- ley, and died there. He was the father of Honorable James K. Kelly, United States Senator, of Portland, Oregon ; John, who also 1833.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 511 moved to Penn's valley ; William, who married a daughter of Archi- bald Allison, of Centre county, and died, January 27, 1830; An- drew, a bachelor, who was born 1783, and died on the old place, September 24, 1867, aged eighty- four ; Samuel Kelly, of Armstrong county, Pennsylvania ; Elizabeth, married to Simeon Howe ; Maria, married to John Campbell, of Lewisburg ; Robert, who died April 12, 1865, aged seventy-seven; Joseph, died March 2, i860, aged sixty-six; David H. Kelly, Esquire, deceased, late county commis- sioner of Union county. I note, also, the death of Reverend Thomas Smiley, aged seventy- three, born (in Dauphin county now) in 1 759, of Scotch-Irish parent- age. Served in Colonel Curtis Grubb's battalion of militia. Ordained in December, 1802. Settled in White Deer in 1808, where he estab- lished the first regular Baptist church within the bounds of Union county. 1833- Methodist Church in Lewisburg Dedicated — The Presbyterian Church Completed, and the German Church Commenced — Eain of Fire — Court and Lawyers. ANUARY 5, the new Methodist church, on Third street, Lewisburg, consecrated. The weather was so warm that the windows had to be opened. Sunday, 6th, Reverend Mr. Steele preached in a. m., in the new church. Mr. Hood in p. m. Weather still very warm. The i ith of January was probably the coldest day of the year. January 30, David Myers, of East Buffalo, who was kicked in the abdomen by a horse, on Monday, 28th, died to-day. March 21, J. F. Quay, J. F. Murray, and David Rockefeller ap- pointed to run the division line between Lycoming and Union counties. 512 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1833. May 31, Jesse Cornelius, miller, at Trester's old mill, on Turtle creek, was caught in the machinery. Ribs, breast bone, &c., broken. He died immediately. July 26, Ephraim Darraugh's widow buried at Lewisburg. 31, Presbyterian church building completed, and on the 4th of Au- gust Mr. Hood preached the first sermon therein, on the text, " Re- member the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." August 31, Thomas Clingan, William Nesbit, Esquire, Robert H. Laird, and James F. Linn were elected elders. September 30, Reverend Mathew Laird married, at Mr. Hood's, to Miss Harriet Myer, school-teacher at Lewisburg. They sailed, on 15 th October, as missionaries to Africa. October 15, Thomas Jones, inn-keeper, died. 18, Roan McClure, after fifteen minutes' sickness. November 4, a subscription was started, for the purpose of build- ing a Union German Reformed and Lutheran church, on Third and St. Lewis streets, in Lewisburg, to be called St. Lewis church, " in honor of the original proprietor of the borough, and the benefactor, (Ludwig Derr,) who gave three lots for religious use." On 19th May, 1834, John Reber, John Snook, and Henry Noll, elders ; Henry Noll and Ludwig Long, deacons of the German Pres- byterian congregation, entered into an agreement with Jonathan Spyker and John Gundy, trustees of the German Lutheran congre- gation, giving the latter " the same privilege of the German burying- ground, which Ludwig Derr, in his liftetime, gave to the German Presbyterian congregation, being on lots Nos. 121, 123, and 125, as well as an equal privilege of the church built or building on said ground, to be tenants in common," &c. See deed book K, pages 173 and 174, (at Lewisburg.) In the year 185 1, the Lutheran con- gregation bought out the interest of the German Reformed, the lat- ter having built on the corner of St. John and Third streets. November 13, from two o'clock until daylight occurred a fire- storm, or the fall of small particles of fire, which appeared to extin- guish a few feet from the ground. It was observed all through Buf- falo Valley. December 7, the first boats passed through the Lewisburg cross- cut. December 29, Lorenzo Dow preached at Lewisburg. 30th, Johnpterk, Esquire, of Beaver, a member of the Legislature, from 1834.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. jrj that county, visited Lewisburg. He is is a son of Walter Clark, de- ceased, one of the first settlers on Buffalo creek. 31st, Mrs. Hayes, mother of William, (merchant formerly,) died suddenly. Court and Lawyers . At September term the grand jury of the county, William Forster, foreman, petitioned the Governor for the appointment of William W. Potter, Esquire, of Bellefonte, as president judge, vice Seth Chapman, resigned. On the i6th of December Judge Ellis Lewis' commission as president judge was read, who, with Hugh Wilson and General Adam Light, associates, comprised the court. George F. Miller and Samuel Weirick, Esquires, were admitted to the bar on the 15 th of May. 1834. Eclipse of the Sun — Anti-School Meetings — Election Eeturns. sRICE of wheat in Philadelphia, in May, ^i 10; in Sep- tember, $1 04; corn, 64; rye, 65. There was no snow during the month of February, and the weather was ^ as mild as it usually is in April. On the nights of the 31st of May and the ist of June occurred a black frost so severe as to kill the leaves of almost every species of plants in this part of the country. Even the locust, a hardy tree, did not escape. Cherries apples, peaches, and all orchard and garden fruits, except currants and gooseberries, perished. Bears, missing their summer supply of whortleberries, came down from the hills to feed upon the green corn, and were killed in unusual numbers. It was interesting to see robins, woodpeckers, and other birds now searching among the limbs of the trees for caterpillars and other insects ; fortunately the 33 514 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1834. caterpillars were prodigiously numerous. During the summer, bitu- minous coal was received at Lewisburg from the western part of the State, by the canal, and sold at twenty-five cents per bushel. At Hartleton, R. H. Kerr was postmaster ; and J. H. Seiwers was prin- cipal of the academy at Lewisburg. February 2, Lorenzo Dow died at Georgetown, D. C. March 18, Charles Sargent (son of J,ohn, inn-keeper,) found drowned be- low Brown's mill. Has been missing since the i6th. He was de- deranged. 30th, Mr. Hood preached his last sermon as pastor. April 10, John Moore, merchant, of Lewisburg, died. Reverends Henry Tarring and Oliver Ega, Methodist ministers for this circuit this year. April 21, Joseph Evans, of Lewisburg, found drowned in the canal at Selinsgrove. Job Harvey, a young preacher of the Christian church, preached his funeral sermon. May 19, cor- ner-stone of German church in Lewisburg laid. J. H. Fries, pas- tor. June 19, Howard Vanvalzah, son of Doctor Thomas, fell from the steeple of the new German church to the ground, striking the timbers as he fell, his thigh and leg broken. He fell forty-five feet. (He is still living at Lewistown.) June 30, news arrived of the death of Reverend Matthew Laird and his wife, missionaries in Africa. He died on the 4th of May, his wife on the 3d. Wed- nesday, 9th July, thermometer at ninety-nine degrees in shade. July 28, John Geary, an apprentice of David Ginter, drowned at the upper landing in Lewisburg, last night. November 13, Pres- bytery met at Lewisburg, and ordained and installed Reverend P. B. Marr, pastor of that church. Sunday, 30th r\ovember, eclipse of the sun. Began quarter before one, went off twenty-five minutes past three. During its greatest obscuration it became very cold, and it seemed like a bright, moonlight night, and one star was visible. Anil-School Meeting. Agreeably to public notice, the citizens of Union county opposed to the school law passed at the last session of the Legislature, met at the court-house, in New Berlin, on Thursday, the i8th September^ when Henry Yearick, Esquire, was called to the chair; Robert Tay- lor, Esquire, was appointed vice president ; and John Montelius and John Snyder were appointed secretaries. On motion of the Honor- 1834.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. s^S able George Kremer, a committee of fifteen were appointed to draft a preamble and resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting ; whereupon, the following persons were appointed, viz : George Kremer, Peter Richter, Doctor John G. Piper, Frederick Pontius, Abbot Green, John Boyer, Frederick Kremer, John S. Ingram, George Schnable, John Zigler, James Madden, Henry Roush, Henry C. Eyer, John Snyder, John Reber, junior. After retiring a short time, returned and reported the following, which were unanimously adopted : Whereas, The Legislature of Pennsylvania, at their late session, passed a law known as the common school law, the principles of which we consider dangerous to our rights and destructive of our interests \ therefore, be it Resolved, That, in the opinipn of this meeting, it behooves us to use every honorable means in our power to procure a prompt repeal of the law in question. Resolved, That the chair appoint two persons from each town- ship or borough in the county, as the case may be, whose duty it shall be to act as delegates for their respective districts, and bring with them the election returns, which will take place to-morrow, for the adoption or rejection of the school law, and report the same to this meeting. Resolved, That should a school man, by mistake, be selected by the chair, he shall be rejected by the anti-school delegate of that district, &c., who shall have full power to supply his place with a man opposed to the school law. Resolved, That this meeting adjourn to meet again at the court- house, in New Berlin, on Tuesday next, at one o'clock in the after- noon, and that the present officers are again requested to preside, to adopt further measures in relation to this oppressive law. The following persons were appointed by the chair, as delegates from the several townships, to meet in New Berlin, on Tuesday, the 23d instant, viz : East Buffalo — Philip Ruhl, Peter Voneida, Lewis burg — William Hayes, Jacob Zentmire. Kelly — Laird Howard, George Meixell. White Deer — John Rank, Jacob Sypher. Union — John S. Ingram, Michael Benfer. 5r6 AANALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. iVSU. Chapman — Frederick Kremer, John Snyder. Washington — John Boyer, Henry Hilbish. Fenn's — Peter Richter, George Miller. Perry — George Shetterly, senior, Joseph Schnee. Centre — George Kremer, Henry Bolender. Beaver — John Highley, John Shipton. Centreville — Stephen Bruce, George Weirick. Hartleton — James Madden^ George Ruhl. West Buffalo — Robert Taylor, John Reber, junior. Mifflinburg — Henry Yearick, John Montehus. — Times, Septem- ber 19, 1834. Anil- School Delegate Meeting. At a meeting of the delegates appointed by the anti-school meeting of the 18th instant, held at the court-house, in New Berlin, on Tuesday last, Henry Yearick, Esquire, presided ; assisted by John Montelius and Captain John Snyder, as secretaries. The names of the delegates having been called, the following gentlemen were present, representing the different townships, as fol- lows : Union — John S. Ingram, Michael Benfer. Hartley — James Madden, Esquire, George Ruhl. West Buffalo — Robert Taylor, John Stees, junior. Mifflinburg — Henry Yearick, John Montelius. East Buffalo — Philip Ruhl, Peter Voneida. Lewisburg — George Schnabel, Jacob Zentmire. White Deer — Jacob Sypher, Samuel Baker. Kelly — John Hummel, Joseph Spotts. Chapfnan — John Snyder, Frederick Kremer. Pemi s — Peter Richter, George Miller. Perry — George Shetterly, Joseph Schnee. Centre — George Kremer, Henry Bolender. Beaver — John Highley, John Shipton. Washington — John Boyer, Henry Hilbish. On motion of James Madden, Esquire, a committee of nine dele- gates were appointed by the chair to draft a preamble and resolu- tions, expressive of the sentiments of the delegation. Whereupon, the chair appointed George Kremer, John S. Ingram, 1834.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. ^tj Peter Richter, Henry Hilbish, George Schnabel, James Madden, Jacob Sypher, Philip Ruhl, and John Reber, junior. The committee retired a short time and reported the following, which were unanimously adopted : Preamble and Resolutions. Fellow-Citizens : Your committee view with deep interest the law of our last Legislature, creating a system of education by com- mon schools. They consider it as affecting the interests and en- croaching upon the rights of the honest and industrious citizens of the Commonwealth. They view the system as unwarranted by the Constitution, and at war with the interests of every useful member of the community ; as a system of education was only asked, and not one of unjust and unequal taxation. For these reasons, and others, we oppose the bill, urging our constitutional objections, and will merely here state its local effects upon the county of Union. The ^75,000 appropriated for common school purposes, of which Union county will be entitled to about $1,100, is a fund arising from the unpatented lands in this Commonwealth. Owing to the scarcity of money, the law has, from year to year, been extended ; but as this amount is now appropriated, and will be drawn out of the treasury, consequently, all those whose lands are unpatented, will now be compelled to pay, as the finances of the Commonwealth will not warrant a longer credit. All men know its enormous debt and embarrassed condition. By the law in question. Union county must raise $2,200, double the amount of the appropriation, to entitle them to the proffer made by the Legislature. To this add our already exhorbitant State tax, of about $3,000, and we have upwards of $5,000 to pay by taxa- tion, for merely receiving the bill. Agreeable to the law, the six directors are to divide each town- ship into as many school districts, and build as many school-houses as they may think proper; and this additional debt you will be bound to pay by taxation, which will amount to at least $800 for every township io the county, making a sum total of $17,000, adding the other taxes imposed by this bill. To this may be added the teachers. Suppose each township have six teachers, who cannot be engaged at a less expense than $250 5i8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1834. per annum, each, making a gross amount of ^1,500 per annum for each township, the whole cost for this purpose in the county would be $22,500. Deduct from this the ^^1,100 proffered by the Legis- lature, and the people have $21,400 to pay for teachers, $17,000 for buildings, $2,200 for accepting the proffer — making a sum total of $40,600, all to be paid by the people by various taxations. Resolved, That five persons be appointed a committee to draw petitions to be signed by the citizens of this county, praying the Le- gislature to repeal the school law for Union county. Resolved, That the chair appoint two persons in each township, who shall have authority to appoint as many more as may be neces- sary in each township to solicit subscribers to said petition. Resolved, That the chair appoint a committee of five persons, a corresponding committee to correspond with other committees in this Commonwealth to procure a repeal of the school law in this Commonwealth. On motion George Kremer, John S. Ingram, and Philip Ruhl were appointed a committee to prepare and publish a petition for a repeal of the law in question. The chair then appointed Peter Richter, John S. Ingram, George Kremer, George Schnabel, and John Reber, junior, a committee of correspondence, in accordance with a resolution of the committee of nine. On motion, it was then Resolved, That the delegates of this con- vention act as township committees to circulate and procure signers to the petitions praying for a repeal of the school law. On motion of John S. Ingram, the secretary was called upon to report the votes at the different township elections held on Friday, the 19th instant; which was carried, and the following result ex- hibited, viz : Townships Union, . . Hartley, West Buffalo, Miffliiiburg, East Buffalo, Lewisburg, White Deer, Kelly, . . Chapman, . Penn's, . . A gainst For School. School. 205 — 144 30 187 7 67 41 87 3 55 71 26 52 70 7 71 1 198 55 Townships . Perry, . . . Centre, . . . Beaver, . . . Washington, . Against For School. School. 63 — 170 — 192 — 85 — 1620 267 267 Balance vs. school, 1353 votes. 1834.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. j-zp Poliiical. Delegates to the 4th of March convention, " to oppose executive usurpation," Simon Shaffer, William Cameron, Ner Middleswarth, William L. Harris, George Weirick, and R. P. Maclay. Delegate Meeting. — On Tuesday last the delegates from the dif- ferent townships of Union county, representing the Anti -Masons, assembled at the court-house, in New Berlin. Samuel Paulding, of Penn's, was called to the chair, and Solomon Engle, Esquire, of Centre, appointed secretary. As soon as the meeting was thus organized, George Aurand, Esquire, of Centre, rose, and moved that no delegate be received in this convention, unless he be ?i pure Anti-Mason. This motion, however, was postponed until after the credentials had been pre- sented. The credentials were then presented, in regular order, which com- prised the following delegation : Centre — Ge(;^rge Aurand, Solomon Engle. Union — Henry Frock, George Schnee. Mlffllnburg — Jacob Haus, David Eckstein. Lewlsburg — Doctor I. S. Vorse, G. F. Miller. East Buffalo — Peter Wise, Robert Laird. West Buffalo — Samuel B. Barber, John Kutz. Hartley — William Glover, Jacob Snyder. Kelly — John Hiunmel, Joseph Lawson. Penn's — Samuel Paulding, Philip Gemberling. Beaver — Archibald Thomas, John Reger. Washington — J. P. Hackenberg, Jacob Garman. Perry — Michael Gougler, John Weimen. Centrevllle — Jonathan Farnsworth, S. Bruce, The credentials being thus presented in due order, when Lewis- burg came in turn. Doctor Vorse rose and stated that a motion had been made to expel any member of the convention who was not an avowed Anti-Mason. He said he did not wish to act the hypocrite, and consequently he would inform the convention that he was not an Anti-Mason — that he was an anti-Jackson man — that he came here to represent that portion of the borough of Lewisburg who were opposed to Jackson, and that while he would perform such 520 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1834- incumbent duty, he wished it to be distinctly understood that he had no claims to the character of an Anti-Mason. Mr. Aurand then stated that as he was not a political Anti-mason, he would move that he be not permitted to occupy a seat in the convention. Mr. Miller, his colleague, then rose, and hoped that the conven- tion would not act rashly on this subject ; that Doctor Vorse was not in an individual capacity, but serving as the representative of the party in Lewisburg; that he had his instructions and would conform to them. He hoped such a vote would not be taken. Mr. Aurand, however^ persisted in the vote, which was taken, and resulted as follows : For rejection, 23 votes. For retention, 2 votes. Doctor Vorse was, therefore, ejected from the convention. He rose, and returned his thanks to the meeting for their kind treatment; and while he expressed his regret at having put the gentlemen to so much trouble, he retired from any participation in the proceedings, considering the decision a very curious one. Mr. Miller then moved that Lewisburg be entitled to a full repre- sentation, by suffering the remaining delegate to have two votes ; but on the question, " Shall Lewisburg have a full representation?" it was decided in the negative. The convention then proceeded to make nominations, which re- sulted in the following ticket : J^'or Congress — Samuel J. Packer. JFor Senate — Robert P. Maclay. I^or Assembly — Simon Shaffer and Ner Middleswarth. For Coroner — Jacob Aurand arid Daniel Winter. J^or Commissioner — James Harrison. For Auditor — Jacob H. Hummel. For Trustees — Israel Gutelius, John Kutz, and Samuel Wright. Mr. Aurand then offered the following resolution ; which was adopted : Resolved, That a committee be appointed to address James Mer- rill, Esquire, on the subject of Masonry, and to request an explana- tion on that subject, in terms which he may think most proper. 1834.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 521 Whereupon the chair appointed George Aurand, J. P. Hackenberg, and J. H. Horning, Esquires. On motion, WilUam Glover and George F. Miller were appointed conferees, to meet other congressional conferees at Milton. On motion, David Eckstein and Solomon Engle, Esquire, were appointed senatorial conferees, to meet similar conferees at Lewisburg. The following persons were then appointed a standing committee for the ensuing year, viz : Jacob Fryer, Jacob Haus, Joseph Lawson, Matthew Brewer,, S. Weirick, George Schnee, and Jacob Snyder. It was then Resolved, That the convention adjourn, and that the proceedings be published in all the papers. — Times, August 8. Democratic Convention. On Tuesday last, the following delegates, from the different town- ships of Union county, met at the court-house, in New Berhn, to form a ticket for support at the next general election, viz : Union — Jacob Spangler, Jesse Beaver. Buffalo — Hugh Wilson, junior, Samuel Reber. West Biffalo — Robert Taylor, Thomas Forster. Penn's — C. M. Straub, Isaac Hottenstein. Chapman — John Snyder, Philip Herold. Mifflinburg — Michael Schoch, Thomas McCurdy. Lewisburg — John Nesbit, Joseph Hutchinson. Centre — George Kremer, John Bower. Hartley — George Roush, Andrew Cook. Beaver — George Swartz, Thomas Youngman. Perry — Philip Benner, George Shetterly. Kelly — Alexander McClure, John Young. White Deer — Samuel Baker, William Mackey. The convention was organized by electing Captain Alexander Mc- Clure, president ; Robert Taylor, Esquire, vice president, and Joseph Hutchinson, secretary. On motion, it was unanimously Resolved, That no candidate, for any office, should be considered nominated, who had not a majority of all the votes of the delegates present. S22 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1834. The following nominations of candidates were then made, and re- sulted as follows : Senator, Isaac Slenker. Assembly, Captain Jacob Hummel and James McClure. Commissioner, Peter Beaver. Auditor, Martin Dreisbach. Coroner, Jacob McCorley. Trustees of the Mif- flinburg Academy, Philip Pontius, Samuel Barber, and William Ir- win. — Times, August 15. OFFICIAL ELECTION BETITBNS. Districts. Union, . . , White Deer, , Kelly, . . , Lewisburg, East Buffalo, West Buffalo, Miff] in burg, , Hartley, . . , Centreville, Penn's, . . , Centre, . . . Beaver, . . , Washington, , Chapman, . , Perry, , . , CONG'SS. SENATE. 216 P3 45 J 05 158 117 86 192 6 254 76 61 109 115 82 120 47 4B 55 137, 86' 48' 112 73 124' 1711 242 68 31| 41! i CO 241 105 64 134 148 114 75 191 5 233 55 49 100 102 84 Total 1716 1398 1700 1320 1389 1599 1745 1396 1866 1324 31 24 17 123 78 56 99 73 141 189 253 76 32 40 ASSEMBLY. 150 55 21 100 186 101 88 153 12 148 61 33 95 108 78 220 79 56 85 122 90 78 169 7 233 77 76 102 120 85 188 79 74 73 174 106 41 138 71 216 181 249 82 31 42 101 55 34 45 96 104 58 132 661 143 173 247, 78' 24' 40 SHERI'P o 207 95 61 125 123 135 84 230 25 281 69 99 122 122 pq 142 47 22 27 148 66 34 80 60 133 187 230 73 29 46 Honorable Joseph B. Anthony was elected to Congress in the district composed of Union, Northumberland, and Lycoming, by a majority of 2,218, and Mr. Slenker in the district composed of Union and Northumberland, by a majority of 1602. September 12, John S. Ingram retires from the Thnes, and James M. Kuester took charge. He retired December 19, and Gabriel Yearick became editor. 1835- Debate in the Lewisburg Temperance Society — Colonel Kelly's Monu- ment Erected with Imposing Ceremonies — Fourth of July Celebra- tions. HE winter of 1834 and 1835 '^^^ very severe. On Shade mountain, a pack of twenty wolves were found frozen after the melting of the snow. They appeared to have huddled together, perhaps exhausted with a long march, and perished of cold and hunger. On Friday evening, the 13th of February, the Lewisburg Tem- perence society again met, and resumed the discussion of the pro- priety of adopting the resolution, ''that the distillation and vendi- tion of ardent spirits, as a drink, is morally wrong," which, it must be known, had been discussed before by the society, and adopted by a majority of four votes ; but the opponents of the resolution, not being satisfied with the proceedings, on account of illegal votes having been taken, as they alleged, it was, therefore, agreed by both parties to re-consider the resolution. The debate was held in the Methodist church. Mr. Merrill, Mr. Marr, and Mr. Aiken for affirmative. General Green, Doctor Joyce, Mr. Barber, and James P. Ross in the negative. The first resolution : Resolved, That the distilling and vending of ardent spirits, as a drink, is morally wrong. Second, that it is expedient that the temperance societies of Pennsylvania adopt the above resolution. The vote on the first, yeas, 70; nays, 36. Second, yeas, 58; nays, 30. 523 524 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLBY. [1835. February 24, Isaac G. Jones admitted to the bar.^ April 8, the monument to the memory of Colonel John Kelly was erected with impressive ceremonies, in the Presbyterian burial-ground, in the borough of Lewisburg. A company of cavalry from Northumber- land county, one from Union, with three infantry companies, par- ticipated. Abbot Green was grand marshal, with Michael Brobst, General R. H. Hammond, Colonel Philip Ruhl, and Doctor J. S. Dougal as aids. The procession was formed by the adjutant, Colo- nel Jackson McFadden, with the military, in front, followed by the revolutionary soldier? and citizens ; after whom came the monu- ment, drawn by four gray horses,, flanked by cavalry ; then the mar- shal and aids, preceding the orator, clergy, and relatives ; lastly, the ladies, and a section of cavalry brought up the rear. On its ar- rival at the ground, the cavalry were stationed outside the burial- ground, and the infantry formed a square about the grave, inclosing the relatives, clergy, &c. The monument was set by the architects, William Hubbard, F. Stoughton, Samuel Hursh, and Charles Penny ; after which the grand marshal performed the rites of dedication, and James Merrill, Esquire, delivered an oration. On the 12th of April, Mr. Hood preached his farewell sermon to the Milton congregation, and on the 19th, to the Buffalo congrega- tion, thus closing with the latter a pastorate of thirty-one years. On the 3d of May, Reverend Isaac Grier succeeded him at Buffalo Cross-Roads. On the 31st of May, the German church in Lewis- burg was dedicated. A great number of people in attendance. The 4th of July was celebrated at Buffalo Cross-Roads by a meet- ing, at which Colonel Philip Ruhl presided and James D. Cham- berlin acted as secretary. Colonel Henry Noll delivered an oration, and James C. McCreight read the Declaration of Independence. The citizens of New Berlin and Hartleton united in a celebration at Mifflinburg. James A. Cummings was grand marshal, and there was a grand parade, in which Captain Forster's infantry, the Jack- son guards, and the Lafayette troop, under the command of Cap- tain Eilert, took part. A fourth of July sentiment, of a partisan character, appeared in the proceedings of the Miffiinburg celebration, contrary to an under- Isaac Gr. Jones, Esquire, moved to Beaver, Pennsylvania, where he practiced law until his death, March 30, 1853. 1835.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 5^5 Standing that all political toasts should be suppressed. It appeared among the proceedings, and was published accordingly. The fol- lowing is the toast : By J. H. Fries : Democrats, Jackson, and Anti-Bank men of Pennsylvania, will you, or can you, suffer to be beaten after such a glorious victory as you achieved in 1834? Lay all personal and family desires aside, and think on the true and faithful saying : "United we stand, divided we fall." M'lliiary Election. • Abbot Green, Esquire, of Lewisburg, in this county, was, a few days ago, elected to the honorable station of major general of this division. We believe this selection has given general satisfaction. Henry Noll was elected colonel ; Samuel Reber, lieutenant colonel ; John Gundy and George Roush, junior, majors of the forty-third regiment. — Times, July 6. At September court, politics were lively in New Berlin. A Wolf meeting was held on Monday, a Muhlenburg meeting on Tuesday, and a Ritner meeting on Wednesday. September 24, John Sargent and family left Lewisburg, moving eight miles west of Meadville. November 27, an explosion occurred in Charles F. Schafifle's drug store at Lewisburg, in which he was badly burned. December 24, Beck's tannery burned down. i§36- Political Appointments — Accident on the Fourth of Julv. INTER of 1835-6 was very severe; snow frequently over twelve inches deep, and the river frozen to the depth of two or three feet. Joseph Ritner having been elected Governor, appoints his friends to office. Robert P. Maclay succeeding Joseph Stillwell as prothonotary, and George Aurand succeeding Samuel Roush as register and recorder. Ner Middleswarth was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. On the 1st of April, the Lewisburg, Penn's Valley, and HoUidays- burg railroad was incorporated, and on the i6th of June an act was passed re-districting the State. Juniata, Mifflin, and Union a dis- trict, entitled to three members. May 23, James Reasoner died. He had hitched his horse to a post in Hartleton ; the horse frightened and pulled out the post, and Mr. Reasoner, in trying to catch the horse, was struck with the swinging post, and died from the effects. James McClune com- menced his classical school in Lewisburg. i6th June, Charles de Haas, engineer, commenced surveying the Lewisburg, Penn's Valley, and Hollidaysburg railroad. He ran his line up Cherry alley, Lewisburg. 4th of July celebration terminated unfortunately. Towards even- ing, a party were firing a cannon at the foot of St. John street. They had fired twice, when, in the act of ramming the third charge, it exploded. Joseph McCool had his right hand blown off, and his arm had to be amputated below the elbow. John Bower lost his two forefingers. Peter Bower had his thumb torn off. August 24, Kirkham, the grammarian, delivered a lecture in Lewisburg. 526 1837.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 527 October 5 , heavy snow-storm ; one and a half feet deep in Penn's valley and on Buffalo and White Deer mountains. November 4, James Merrill, Esquire, and William P. Maclay, elected Senatorial delegates, and William L. Harris, Ephraim Banks, and John Cummin, Representative delegates to the Convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the State. 183^. First Abolition Lecture in the Valley — Shows — Report of the Union County Agricultural Society. []EBRUARY 5th, Philip Rorabaugh buried in the German grave-yard, at Lewisburg, with military honors, aged eighty-five. He was a hero of three wars, the Revolu- tion, the whisky insurrection, and the war of 181 2. March 15, Mrs. Dunlap's house, on Buffalo creek, a mile below Chamberlin's mill, was burned last night ; Sally Gray and her son, (both deranged,) John Young, about seventeen years old, and a son of Joseph G. Wallace, eight years old, burned. There were eight in the house ; four escaped. April 17, Doctor Thomas Vanvalzah, and others, left the Valley to settle in Illinois. This was the start of an emigration which has made Stephenson county, Illinois, a counterpart of Buffalo Valley. November 10, Miller McKim delivered his first lecture in Lewis- burg on the abolition of slavery. On the 1 4th there was a meeting which, upon a motion made to determine whether McKim should be allowed to speak, ended suddenly in a small riot. Shoms. Shows have changed in character with the increase of population. Welsh & Purdy's came through the county. They have collected upwards of one hundred beasts, birds, and reptiles, in a great cara- ^28 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1837. van of wagons ; have an excellent band of musicians, and held their exhibition under a huge pavilion, capable of containing five thousand people. It is quite a grand spectacle to see them entering New Ber- lin. In front marches the elephant, clad in red housings, with a lofty saddle, on which are mounted two musicians ) next, came a band of musicians, mounted upon gray horses, gaily caparisoned, followed by a train of wagons, containing the animals. The whole establishment embraced one hundred horses, all grays, and eighty men. The hotels were open before daylight, and people gathered in from the country as soon as it was light. The largest room in the house was thrown open for dancing, and the fiddles only ceased with the news of the entrance of the procession, to be resumed after the procession, and continued until the call for dinner. Union County Agricultural Society. It is with regret that we notice so late the reports of three com- mittees of this society, made on the 20th of October. They were the reports of the committee on grain, on hogs, and on butter and cheese. The way in which these reports came to be omitted in the report published in the Union Times, of the 4th instant, was, that they were handed to the former treasurer, who supposed that they would be called for, and the present treasurer, not knowing that such reports existed, they were omitted to be laid before the committee on premiums. Consequently, the articles recommended in those reports as worthy of premiums had no premiums awarded them out of the funds appropriated for that purpose. These reports are now noticed, because it is due to the producers of the articles noticed in them. It is only to be regretted, that the funds of the society will not afford them the premiums they merited. The following is an abstract of the reports : The committee on grain reported, that John Wilt, of Hartley town- ship, produced evidence of the best yield of wheat per acre, accord- ing to the quality of the soil, having raised thirty-Jive bushels off an acre, selected out of a field of about eight acres, the wheat having been cultivated alike. They report the soil as being of second-rate land — a gravel shale — adjacent to limestone soil. That Colonel Samuel Barber, of West Buffalo township, exhibited 1837.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 3^9 evidence of the next best specimen of wheat, having raised forty- bushels off an acre, selected out of a field containing eleven acres, all cultivated alike. That the soil is of first rate limestone. Con- sidering the quality of the soil, the committee awarded the first premium to Mr. Wilt, and to Colonel Barber the second. The committee also considered Colonel Barber worthy of a premium for the best specimen of summer wheat. Francis Wilson's corn, being seventy bushels of shelled corn to an acre, was also deemed worthy of a premium. The committee also notice in terms of commenda- tion Mr. Wilt's yield of corn; as also Philip Seebold's grapes; Sam- uel Templeton's potatoes, having yielded eighty bushels per quarter of an acre, (one single potato weighing four and three quarter pounds;) Mrs. Merrill's sugar-beet, and Mrs. Shroyer's red-beet, and Mrs. Schoch's cabbage. To some of these small premiums are recommended, especially Mr. Seebold's grapes. The committee on hogs awarded to John Clemmens a premium for the best breed of hogs, considering their size and age. The committee on butter and cheese recommended a specimen of butter exhibited by Mrs. Margaret Pontius, as of a superior quality, both in color and taste. Joseph Stilwell, Recording Secretary. Philadelphia Prices Current, October 21, 1837 — Grain: Wheat, Pennsylvania, bushel, $i 55 ; Rye, 80; Corn, yellow, 93 ; Barley, inferior, 83 ; Oats, 35 to 38. Spirits : Whisky, rye, 33 ; hogsheads, 31. Wool: American, full blood, lb. 50 to 63. At the October election, Yearick, for Assembly, received 1,381 votes in Union county; Boyer, opposition, 1,666. 34 183 Locust Year — Buckshot War. HIS is the " locust year." I saw and heard them for the first time this year on the lytli of June, and the last of them were heard in the last week of July. They were very numerous, and most of the oak trees in this neigh- borhood bear witness of their labors ; the present year's shoots of the branches being killed by the punctures this creature makes in laying its eggs. The common opinion is that they re-appear every fourteen years, (some say seventeen,) but I incline to think they are by no means regular in their visits. The first time I saw them was in 1804, when they were very numerous about Selinsgrove. In the year 181 7, I saw them at Princeton, N. J. ; in 182 1, at Sunbury ; at Selinsgrove, in 1832 ; and, lastly, here, (Milton.) A gentleman who had a contract on the canal in 182 7-28-29, informed me that the laborers frequently dug up this insect in the aurelia state, in the flats. Their size diminished according to the depth beneath the surface. Some were found at the depth of four feet, and were small, soft, and entirely white. They do not make their appearance in all parts of the country at the same period. — G. A. S. To the Electors of the District composed of the counties of Union, Juniata, andMifflln:^ Fellow-Citizens : I have been in a deplorable situation for eight or ten days past. I was elected your representative. As such, I am 1 Tills communication was published as an extra of the Union Times, Wednesday, December, 19, and gives Mr. Montelius' reasons lor withdrawing from his party organization at that interesting epoch in Pennsylvania political history, known as the " Buckshot War," causing a collapse of Thaddeus Stevens' " Eump Legisla- ture," as it was called. Mr. Montelius was commissioned associate judge of Union county, February 27, 1845, by Grovernor Shunk, and died at Mifflinburg, March 31, 1864, aged eighty years two months and tweuiv-three days. 530 1838.] ANNALS OF BLFFALO VALLEY. 531 bound faithfully to discharge my duty to you, to myself, to God, and my country. You are already informed that there were two Speakers elected on the 4th instant, in the House of Representatives. With the information I had, and the advice of the friends in whom I confided, I was induced to act here with the party who profess the same principles with those of my constituents who nominated and elected me. But full information, cool and deliberate reflection, and warnings of my conscience, have convinced me that my party friends here have mistaken their course, and that, as a faithful rep- resentative, and an honest man, I was bound to retrace my steps, do what I conscientiously beheved to be right, and trust to the im- partiality of your judgment, upon a full and fair examination of all the facts. Finding my political friends had done wrong, according to my judgment, I withdrew from them immediately, and have waited for several days to give them time to retrace their steps, and to allow all concerned to arrange, peaceably and justly, the unhappy difference that had arisen ; but finding this has not been accom- plished, I have nothing left for me but to do that which I believe to be right, and leave to those who would destroy our beloved State the consequence of their rashness. Do not think I have acted rashly. The step I have taken was taken deliberately and coolly, and in obedience to my understanding of the constitution and laws of our dear country. I am for peace. " Es wird meiner seek bange zii wohnen bey denen die den frieden hassen.'" And I hope the course I have taken may help to save our beloved Pennsylvania from blood- shed and the horrors of civil war. The great question is whether the majority shall rule, and upon this question I know you all think with me. Now, all I have done has been done with an honest desire to carry out this great principle in our free government, that the minority must yield to the majority. And I am certain not one of you, however strong a party man he may be, will blame me for maintaining this principle. My constituents, particularly in Union county, all know me, and I beg of them all, before they condemn me, fully and coolly to examine the facts. I have not, in this in- stance, acted as a party man, but I have acted honestly, and accord- ing to my conscience. In joining with my party friends in organizing the House of Rep- resentatives, with the eight Philadelphia county members of the 532 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1838. Whig party, I thought these had been elected by the majority of the votes of the county, and had been returned by a majority of the judges, but I soon found that this was not true, and that the eight members of the opposition party in the county of Philadelphia, had been elected by a majority of about five hundred votes in the whole county, and had been returned elected by a majority of the judges. I am sorry to say that the Secretary of the State kept back these returns, which I think was wrong. Under these circumstances, I could not continue to act with men who had no right to their seats, no more than my opponent had to mine. You would not, as honest men, ask me to sanction so bad a principle, and it is that I know your honesty that I have joined those who have been fairly elected by the majority. My party opinions and principles have not changed, and my future course will show that I am true to those principles. On your calm judgment I rely. What I have done has been done for what I believe to be your interest, and is approved by my conscience. I remain your friend, John Montelius. Hall of the House of Representatives, December 17, 1838. On the 17th of December, Messrs. Butler and Sturdevant, of Luzerne, and Mr. Montelius, of Union, appeared in the House, over which Mr. Hopkins was presiding, and, after some remarks by Mr. Butler, explanatory of their course, were duly sworn as mem- bers, thus ending the contest. 1839- Aurand's Hotel Buened- -PoLiTics — Obituary Notice of Reverend J. H. Fries. ANUARY 15, David R. Porter proclaimed Governor. February 19, Samuel Aurand's hotel, at New Berlin, burned. It was court week, and the house full of law- yers, jurors, suitors, and witnesses. Some made narrow escapes, with the loss of their clothing, as the fire broke out in the night, when all were abed. April 5, John Egbert's stable, at Lewis- burg, burned, with his horse and cow. This was followed by the burning of Alexander Graham's and a number of others, caused by incendiaries. The Times, August 21, publishes the following as the "Demo- cratic-Republican Anti-Bank ticket : Assembly, Doctor Isaac Hot- tenstine ; Prothonotary, Samuel Roush; Register and Recorder, Robert Forster; Commissioner, George A. Snyder; Auditor, Jacob Wittenmyer; Trustees of the Mifflinburg Academy, Colonel Samuel Barber, John Hilbish, and Charles Pellman ; and the following as the "Abohtion United States Bank ticket:" Assembly, John A. Vanvalzah; Prothonotary, Jacob H. Horning; Register and Re- corder, John Glover ; Commissioner, Henry Hilbish ; Auditor, Samuel Pawling; Trustees, Samuel B. Barber, James Simington, and David Watson. Anti-Masonic candidate for Register and Recorder, David Schwenck. At the October election, Vanvalzah's vote was 1,577. Average majority of his colleagues on the ticket in Union county, 277. In October, the banks in Philadelphia and Baltimore suspended 533 S34 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1839. specie payment, and the Northumberland bank was compelled to follow. The directors of the latter bank, John Walls, Alexander Jordan, John Taggert, &c., however, published a card, in which they pledged their individual responsibility that all its issues should ultimately be made good. October 3, grew on the farm of Samuel Zellers, in East Buffalo township, two pumpkins on one vine, one measuring two feet three inches in diameter, and two feet five inches in length, and weighs one hundred and twenty pounds; the other measures six feet eleven inches in circumference, and weighs one hundred and seventeen pounds. November 19, Absalom Swineford, Esquire, admitted to the bar. On the 8th of December, the new Lutheran and Reformed church, at the place of the old Dreisbach church, in Buffalo township, was dedicated. The building committee were John Sheckler, Samuel Reber, Peter Engel, and Jacob Ritter. Obiiuary. Just Henry Fries died on Wednesday evening, the 9th of Octo- ber, aged sixty-two years five months and sixteen days. For some years before his death, he was deprived of his sight, but his astonish- ing memory enabled him to give out the hymns in full, and preach with a precision for which he was always noted. He refused to take medicine in his last illness, saying he wished to die in the full pos- session of his senses. His disease was of a very singular character. In July he cut a corn on his toe, mortification took place, spreading gradually, with intense pain, to his knee. Here it remained seated in his knee, the pain having nearly ceased, when suddenly it com- menced spreading, and affected his whole body. He is buried in the Mifflinburg grave-yard. The grave-yard lies along a slope, somewhat elevated above the town, which lies immediately in front ; beyond it, west and east, extends one of the finest valleys in Penn- sylvania. To the west, in the distance, are the jutting knobs ; and to the north, the broad, blue side of the mountains, with quiet nooks between ; and as far as the eye can reach, in the north-east, are the breaks in the mountains, with the broad levels between, which indicate the course of the noble Susquehanna. Thus does 1839.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 535 his quiet grave still overlook the wide scene of his labors, while he has gone to await the final issues of his care, as they shall gather around him in the resurrection of the just. Mr. Fries was remarkably open, honest, and true. His word could be depended upon. He hated all sham and hypocrisy to such a degree that he was constantly in danger of falling into a blunt frankness, without giving due attention to that suavity of manner, which is to an open heart what the fragrance is to an open flower. He was fearless in preaching.^ He was unnecessarily open and free with his political views. He not only argued readily on this subject in private circles, but often introduced political matters, with more or less plainness, into the pulpit, referring even to candidates and parties. He also wrote numerous articles for the papers during the heat of contests, anony- mously, it is true, yet still so that their parentage was recognized by many. This was one of his weaknesses, which his friends always regretted, but which he was never able to see in its true light. He was very kind hearted, which he manifested in great affection towards his family and in kindnesses to his friends. His labors in the min- istry were very extensive, and the complete statistics of his services show an astonishing result, kc—HarbaugK s Fathers. He was twice married, first to Catherine Groff, by whom he had two children ; second, to Susanna Groff, by whom he had eleven. Judge Henry W. Fries, late of Lewisburg, now of Iowa, is his son. II have often heard quoted a remark he made in a sermon in Brush Valley: "Money rules the world, but ignorance rules Brush valley."— iiwra. i840- Weather Record — State Road from Heberling's to Elk Creek, Cen- tre County, Located — Census of 1840. ANUARY — , the deep snows of this winter, followed by intensely cold weather, drove the wolves down from Shade and Jack's mountain. A pack of thirteen attacked and destroyed an ox near Beavertown. Friday, January i6, was called the "cold Friday," thermometer being seventeen degrees below zero. On the loth of February the ice broke in the river, and passed off, and on the 4th of December the first snow of the succeeding winter fell. The following is the result of the elections held on the 5 th March, in the borough and township, for and against the common school : Borough of New Berlin. For the school, 64 Against the school, 31 Majority in favor of the school, 33 Union Township. Against the school, 154 For the school, 12 Majority against the school, 142 May 26, the commissioners, Anthony Wolfe, of Centre county, Henry Noll, of Union, and Jacob Stitzel of Northumberland, com- 53(> 1840.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 537 menced locating the State road from Heberling's mill, in West Buffalo township, to Elk creek, in Miles township, Centre county, through the Brush Valley narrows. James F. Linn was the surveyor, David Wolfe and Henry Peters, chain carriers, and Colonel Samuel Reber, axeman. July 4, a monument to the memory of Captain Samuel M. Patterson was erected in the Presbyterian grave-yard at Lewisburg, with appropriate ceremonies, by the "Union Hornets." On the 19th of October, Reverend Thomas P. Hunt commenced his series of temperance lectures, at Lewisburg, which gave a very remarkable impetus to the cause through Buffalo valley. On the 29th, Reverend Hugh Pollock, from Belfast, Ireland, arrived and took charge of the Lewisburg academy, made vacant by the removal of James McClune to Mifiiinburg. United States Pensioners Residing in Union County in 1840. Centre, Conrad Swartzlander, aged 85. Union, George Miller, 81 J Jacob Bickel, 85 ; John Derr, 86. Mifflinburg, Peter Lenhart, 85 ; John Linn, 84. West Buffalo, Robert Barber, 89. East Buf- falo, Jacob Mook, 86 ; Adam Schout, 86. White Deer, Joseph Bit- ting, 8^. Hartley, Peter Klingaman, 85. Census of 1840. Mifflinburg, Kelly, . Buffalo, . White Deer Hartley, Centre, . New Berlin, Lewisburg, . West Buffalo, East Buffalo, 704 788 1,348 1,252 1,866 1,891 679 1,220 1,460 812 Penn's, 2,280 Middle Creek, . . . 562 Chapman, 1,297 Perry, 1,254 Union, 1,630 Washington, . . . . 1,135 Beaver, 2,609 Total, 22,787 Samuel Roush, Esquire, was the deputy marshal, who took the census of the south side of the county. Captain John Forster, dep- uty marshal for the north side. 1841 to i855- Death of James Merrill, Esquire — Development of Iron Ore in the Valley — Newspapers — Politics — Danville Encampment — Notice of William Hayes — Millerism — Camp Potter — Liberty Party Formed — Furnaces Built — Death of William L. Harris — Daguerreotypes Introduced — Railroad Meeting — Accident at Turtle Creek — List of Valley Soldiers in the Mexican War — Vote on License— Death of John Lashells, Esquire, and G-eneral R. H. Hammond — Lewisburg University Chartered — High's Mill Burned — The Last Battalion — Taxables and Valuation — Census of 1850 — Susquehanna Railroad Commenced — First Commencement at* Lewisburg — Railroad Excite- ment — Union County Agricultural Society Formed — Lewisburg, Centre, and Spruce Creek Railroad Company Chartered — Gtreat Fire AT Lewisburg — Death of Honorable G-eorge Kremer — Union Fur- nace AT Winfield Erected — Erection of Snyder County — Vote in Favor of Division — Vote on the Location of the County Seat. [1841.] In the spring, J. & M. Halfpenny started the Laurel woolen factory, at the mouth of Laurel run, in Hartley township. They built the Winfield woolen factory, near Laurelton, and removed thither in 1851. The Presbyterian church, at New Berlin, was or- ganized. Elders, John Lashells, James Merrill, and Joseph Stillwell. Mr. Hugh Pollock published his pamphlet, entitled "The Present State of America compared with England and Ireland." April 12, the People's Advocate, at Lewisburg, suspended publication. Septem- ber 4, S. K. Sweetman and D. O. E. Maize commenced the publica- tion of the Independent Press at Lewisburg. In October, the vote for Governor, in Union county, was : For David R. Porter, 1,568 ; for John Banks, 2,132. October 29, James Merrill, Esquire, died at New Berlin, after a lingering illness, from cancer of the face. He was born at Peacham, Vermont, May 8, 1790. Eldest son of Jesse and Priscilla (Kimbell) Merrill. Graduated at Dartmouth College in 1842.] A-NNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 539 i8i2, in the same class with Honorable John Blanchard, and came with him to Pennsylvania. He studied law with David Cassat, Esquire, at York, and settled in New Berlin in 1816. As a jurist, he soon became prominent in every department of legal science. He was always upright and candid in all his professional intercourse, and was a faithful and efficient advocate. He was a member of the Con- stitutional Convention of 1 837-1 838. In the fall, the iron ore below the mouth of Turtle creek was found to be of a superior quality, and its development was commenced by Napoleon Hughes, of Franklin county, a short distance above the site of the present furnace of Beaver, Marsh & Co., a few hundred yards from the river bank. On the 25 th of December, Nathan Mitchell and James S. Marsh com- menced the manufacture of the " Hathaway Cooking Stove," at the Lewisburg foundry. Current prices of grain at Lewisburg, Septem- ber 18: Wheat, $1.20; rye, 50 cents; corn, 56 cents; oats, 33 cents; butter, 10 cents. [1842.] Current prices at Lewisburg, June 11, wheat, $\.oo. August 20, wheat, 80 cents. The military spirit of the Valley may be inferred from the number of volunteer companies: Lafayette Troop, Union Troop, Patriotic Blues, Union Rifle Rangers, Mifflinburg Greens, and the Lewisburg Infantry. The Union Times, at New Berlin, was published by Jacob Reichly & Co. , John M. Baum, editor. The Independent Press, at Lewisburg, by S. K. Sweetman and J. F. Busch. February 10, twelve, p. m., distillery of R. M. Musser, in Kelly township, burned down. March 2, the Northern temperance convention met in the Methodist church at Lewisburg. March 1 4, Elder William Lane commenced his labors at Lewisburg. March 21, Jonas Kelchner, editor of the People's Advocate, at Lewisburg, died, aged thirty-five. June i , the encampment at Danville was held. General Winfield Scott was the distinguished guest. Lewisburg In- fantry, Captain McFadden, and the Union Troop, Captain Vanval- zah, were in attendance. June 6, the election for field officers of the forty-third regiment resulted as follows : Colonel, Levi B. Christ ; Lieutenant Colonel, Jacob Ritter ; Major, Robert B. Green. Inde- pendent Battalion — Lieutenant Colonel, S. H. Laird ; Major, S. F. Lyndall. July 4, General Abbot Green was elected major general of the eighth division. Union County Democratic Standing Committee — James Dale, Hon- 540 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1843. orable George Schnable, Jacob Reichly, Honorable John Baskins, Thomas Bovver, Colonel Samuel Reber, Captain John Forster, Major George Roush, Major John Gundy, Valentine Haas, Esquire. Dem- ocratic convention at New Berlin, August 29, vv^as composed of the following delegates: New Berlin, Samuel Wilson and Sem Schoch; Union, Adam Miller and Jacob Wetzel ; West Buffalo, Elias Kleck- ner and William Forster ; Mififlinburg, J. G. Chestney and Joseph Eilert ; Buffalo, Jacob Ritter and Martin Dreisbach ; Kelly, David Kelly and David Howard ; East Buffalo, James Reber and David Herbst ; Lewisburg, John Walls and C. D. Kline ; White Deer, Sam- uel Henderson and J. W. Drum; Hartley, Henry Charles and Charles D. Smith. Henry C. Eyer was nominated for Senator, and Samuel Reber for Assembly. Samuel Wilson, president,; Thomas Bower, secretary. The Whig convention also met in August, and nominated the following ticket : Congress, William L. Harris ; Sen- ate, Ner Middleswarth ; Assembly, John A. Vanvalzah ; Register and Recorder, Michael H. Weaver ; Commissioner, Solomon Engel ; Auditor, S. H. Laird ; Trustees, Robert Chambers, William A. Pi- per, Charles Montelius. This ticket is called, in the choice language of the Union Times, The Anti-Masonic, Anti-Suffrage, Peg Beatty, Blue Light, Federal Whig ticket of Union county. Vote in October : For John A. Vanvalzah, for Assembly, 1,562; for Samuel Reber, 1,405- October 29, the church at Laurel run, in Hartley township, dedi- cated. December term, George W. Graham, Esquire, admitted to the bar. December 13, Reverend S. H. Reed installed pastor of the German Reformed church at Lewisburg. December 23, New Berlin Artillerists organized by Colonel Jackson McFadden, brigade inspector. Officers : Captain, J. J. Maclay ; first lieutenant, Mi- chael Kleckner; second lieutenant, Charles D. Roush, and the event celebrated by a dinner at Michael Kleckner's hotel. .[1843.] In January, Honorable John Baskins resigned the office of associate judge of Union county, preparatory to moving to Mer- cer county, and on the 24th, B. F. Baskins was admitted to the bar. February 17, William Hayes, merchant of Lewisburg, died, aged sixty-one. His ancestors, John Hayes and Jane, his wife, with four children, emigrated from Londonderry about the year 1730 — settled in Chester county, where his house burned. He then moved to 1843.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 541 Northampton county, where he kept public house and store. During the Indian troubles, he used to beat a drum on the hill-top, near his house, to warn the settlers of approaching danger. He died in 1788, aged eighty-three. His widow died at Derry, Northumber- land county, aged ninety-four, in 1806. Of the four children born in Ireland : i, William, moved to the State of Virginia at an early period; 2, Isabella, married to Patton, whose descendants live near Bellefonte; 3, John, died near Meadville, Pennsylvania; 4, Mary, married a Gray, afterwards a Steele. Of those born in Pennsylva- nia : 5, Elizabeth, married Thomas Wilson, (grandfather of Francis Wilson, of Buffalo;) 6, James ;^ 7, Robert, born in Northampton county, in 1742; 8, Francis, who moved to Tennessee; 9, Jane, married a Brown, settled first in Virginia and afterwards moved back to Pennsylvania. Robert married Mary Allison, and moved to Northumberland county in 1790. He lived nine years on a farm near Warrior Run church, sevea years at Derry, and in 1806 moved to the farm in Delaware township, where his son Joseph lately lived. He was a school-master, and at that time there were seven or eight acres of the place cleared and two indifferent huts on the premises, which he used as a dwelling and school-house. He died in 181 9, and his children were: i, John, whose descendants live at Water- ford, Erie county, Pennsylvania; 2, Jane, married to Moses Laird, (father of Robert H. Laird, Esquire, of Lewisburg;) 3, William Hayes, born in 1776; 4, James Hayes; 5, Joseph Hayes, who was living a few years since, at the age of ninety ; 6, Mary Walker, who died at eighty-four years of age; 7, Sarah Shipman, descendants re- siding in Michigan; 8, Elizabeth, married her cousin Brown, living near Franklin, Pennsylvania. William Hayes' wife was Mary, daughter of William Wilson, of White Deer, now Kelly township. Children : Robert and Thomas of Philadelphia, Mrs. Doctor Seller of Harrisburg, Mrs. John Chamberlin, Mrs. Doctor Thomas Mur- ray, James Hayes, late of the Auditor General's office, at Harris- burg, Doctor William Hayes of Muncy. Mr. Hayes was the second postmaster of Lewisburg, and held the office a long time, in con- ' Lieutenant James Hayes served under Colonel Bouquet in the French and In- dian war, and received for his services a tract of land at the mouth of Beech creek, in Clinton county, on which he settled, raised a large family, and died. He is buried in the Hayes grave-yard, so called from him, at Beech creek. He is the only one of his brother officers who lulfilled to the letter his contract with the Proprietaries by settling upon his allotment. 542 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1843. nection with his store, which was tlie principal one in the Valley for many years. The late George A. Snyder relates the following inci- dent of Mr. Hayes' early life in Lewisburg : ' ' Soon after I commenced business in Lewisburg, said my old friend William Hayes, I was so unfortunate as to lose an entire cargo of wheat at Conewago falls. I was indebted to several per- sons for money borrowed, and much of the wheat had been pur- chased from the farmers on credit, who, being in easy circum- stances, were content to leave the money in my hands, receiving interest after six months. So heavy a loss to so new a dealer created alarm. It was feared I should not be able to answer my liabilities, and every creditor discovered that he had just then need of his money. I paid out to every one who came, though with each pay- ment my heart grew heavy, for it felt that I must be crippled, if not ruined, before all were paid. One of my creditors, however, on the day after I had paid him ^400, came to my store and returned me the money, saying, ' by taking the money, I have been only making sure to you the ruin which I apprehended ; take it back, I can trust it to your honesty, and it will help you get afloat again.' From that time I took courage and worked with a good heart, and was enabled to become what you see." In April, 1843, Isaac G. Gordon,^ a student-at-law with James F. Linn, Esq., was admitted to the bar. Millensm. The grand delusion of this year was Millerism. A clergyman named Miller undertook the task of ascertaining when that hour should come "whereof no man knoweth ; no, not the angels of God, neither the Son." Relying on the chronology of Rollin, and seemingly not aware of the impossibility of verifying the dates of the Old Testament writers, he confidently predicted that the visible and personal reign of Christ would commence in the year 1843. His preaching, vehement and fanatical in its tone, and the seeming accuracy of his calculations, quickly gained him hearers and prose- 'In 1860-61 Honorable Isaac Gr. Gordon was elected member of the House from Jefferson, &c., April 12, 1866, commissioned president jud^e of the twenty-eighth judicial district, and in October, 1873, elected one of the justices of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. 1844.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 543 lytes. Miller was content to take the whole year for the fulfillment of his prophecy, but some of his disciples had undertaken to fix the precise day and hour. One preacher fixed on twelve, p. m., 14th February. He and his little flock provided themselves with ascen- sion robes, and repaired to the church-yard to await the resurrection of their departed friends, and join them in their ascent. The clock struck twelve, one, and two, but the graves gave not up their dead, and the company gradually dispersed to their homes. September 23, Wilham B. Shriner commenced publishing the Lewis burg Chronicle. October 28, some little boys collected some shavings at the new Presbyterian church, in New Berlin, and kin- dled a fire, which burned M. Kleckner's barn, with his poultry, hay, and oats, and almost set the whole town on fire. John Robinson, principal of the Levvisburg Academy. In Union county, in Octo- ber, the vote on the State ticket for Canal Commissioner was. Whig, 2,034; Democratic, 1,393. General Henry Frick, Whig, was elected Congressman in the district by a majority of 249 over Hon- orable John Snyder. Lewisburg market prices in November : wheat, 75 cents; buckwheat, 40 cents; rye, 44 cents; corn, 37 j^ cents; oats, 25 cents; butter, 10 cents. December 20, the revival services under the charge of Reverend William D. Grant, were crowned with success, in the baptism of a number of persons this day, which culminated in the formation of the first Baptist meeting at Lewis- burg. December 31, Reverend Henry Harbaugh preaching in Lewisburg. [1844.] January 3, the Baptist church at Lewisburg was recog- nized as such, with Reverend C. A. Hewitt as temporary pastor. January 8, the new Lutheran church at Selinsgrove was dedicated. February 29, the Presbyterian church at New Berlin was dedicated. March i. General Henry Frick, member of Congress from this dis- trict, died at Washington, D. C, aged forty-eight. He was interred at Milton on Monday, 4th. He established the Miltonian Septem- ber 21, 1 81 6. March 18, Charles G. Donnel, president judge of the eighth district, died at Sunbury, of paralysis, and on the ist of April, Joseph B. Anthony, of Williamsport, held his first court at Sunbury. On the 5th, a special election for Congressman, vice General Frick, deceased, was held. In Union county, James Pol- lock received 2,086 ; Honorable John Snyder, 1,289. Pollock had 544- ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1845. 5 majority in Northumberland county, and 154 in Lycoming. Sny- der had 89 in Clinton. May 16, John Hayes, deputy surveyor of Union county, died. Of his children were R. G. H. Hayes, Nancy, William, David, Esquire, and James Hayes. July 4 was celebrated in Brown's woods, at Lewisburg, four schools from the town and two from the country joining. There were seven hundred Sabbath- school scholars in procession, who were addressed by Reverends Crever, Harbaugh, Zeller, and Sutton. August 27, Camp Potter, on the farm of James F. Linn, in East Buffalo township, organized, by the arrival of two troops and three foot companies, General James Potter in command. September 2, Methodist camp-meeting on the farm of Jacob Ziebach. September 14, large Democratic meeting on the island, at Milton. Honorable James Buchanan spoke, and assured his auditors that James K. Polk was as good a tariff man as Henry Clay. The summer was noted for great efforts in the temperance cause — the burden of the speeches an appeal to the ballot-box. Reverend W. H. H. Barnes, who afterwards be- came a backslider, and was murdered by guerrillas during the Mexi- can war, canvassed the county and made a fine impression from his eloquence in advocating that appeal. General Reily, of Rochester, New York, also lectured frequently during this period. October 8, at the gubernatorial election, Francis R. Shunk and General Joseph Markle were the opposing candidates. Markle (Whig) received 2,721 votes in Union county; Shunk (Democrat) received 1,777. For the sale of the main line of canals, 1,289 votes were cast, against 2,113. F. J. Lemoyne was voted for by the Liberty party for Gov- ernor. November i, presidential election. Henry Clay had 1,024 majority. James G. Birney (Liberty party) had 8 votes in Lewis- burg. The names of those who voted for the latter were John K. Housel, H. R. Noll, Augstadt, Poeth, Samuel Evans, Dennis Phillips, and James F. Linn. December 18, a Native Ameri- can meeting was held in the court-house, at New Berlin, which was addressed by Absalom Swineford, Esquire. [1845.] Market prices at Lewisburg, March: Wheat, 75 to 80 cents; rye, 50 cents; corn, 37 cents. In June, wheat, 80 cents. In October, 85 to 95 cents. J. M. Kuester editing the Pittsburgh Daily in January. February 4, occurred the first deep snow of the winter. It was over twelve inches in depth. April 30, James Kelly, 1845.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 545 senior, opened a temperance house, on Market street, in Lewisburg. July 7, the first metal made at the Berlin iron-works, operated by Wilson, Green & Mitchell, was brought to Lewisburg. The Baptist church at Lewisburg, that stood on the corner of Pine alley and Third street, now the site of Music Hall, was built during the summer by L. B. Christ, Esquire, contractor. August 9, John Wolfe's barn, in East Buffalo township, was struck by lightning, and burned. Au- gust 13, Honorable Hugh Wilson, late associate judge of Union county, died, at three, p. m. , aged eighty-four. His wife, Sarah Craig, was a daughter of Colonel Thomas Craig, of the third regiment, Pennsylvania Line, afterward General Thomas Craig, of Northamp- ton county. August 29, West Branch Division, No. 53, Sons of Temperance, organized at Lewisburg. September 3, barn of George F. Miller, Esquire, in East Buffalo, burned by an incendiary. Sep- tember 28, Reverend Joel E. Bradley preached the first sermon in the lecture room of the Baptist church at Lewisburg. September 13, ^, first frost. October 9, Hugh Wjlsori^of Buffalo township, died. He ^ moved to this Valley from Northampton county, and got here a few days before Christmas, 1790. Lived the winter of 1790-91 in an old cabin, on his father-in-law's, William Irvine, (Irish,) place, in Buf- falo ; then kept tavern for two years, one mile above Miffiinburg, (late John Kleckner's.) In the latter part of March, 1793, moved to a place owned by Colonel Hartley, one fourth of a mile east of Hartleton, on the old road, (late Yerger's,) where he lived five years, and in the spring of 1798 moved to Lewisburg, where he kept store in a log building, formerly Thomas Caldwell's, (which stood where Doctor F. C. Harrison's house now is,) until 1804, when he was succeeded by William Hayes, and then moved on to his farm, one mile west of Lewisburg, where he died, lacking twelve days of eighty-five years of age. His children were. Doctor William I. Wil- son, of Potter's Mills, still living ; Mrs. William C. Steadman, Fran- cis Wilson, and Mrs. James F. Linn. At the October election, S. D. Karns, Whig candidate for Canal Commissioner, received 2,015 votes in Union county ; James Burns, Democrat, 1,416. October 30, Frederick Bingamandied in Beaver township, aged ninety years. He was in the militia, under General James Potter, at Brandywine. In November, Green, Howard & Green commenced erecting the Forest iron-works, in White Deer township. November 11, Honor- 35 546 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1846. able William L. Harris died at four, p. m., from the effect of an op- eration, performed between twelve and one, p. m., for the removal of a tumor. He was highly respected, and as it was not known that he was the subject of a disease, his death caused a great shock to the people of the Valley. He was a member of the House in 1 833, and of the Constitutional Convention of 1 83 7-1 838. In December, an artist named Felch took the first daguerreotypes in the Valley. He charged ^650 for a group of five in a small four-inch glass case. December 16, Charles Merrill, Esquire, admitted to the bar. [1846.] January 8, a large railroad meeting was held at Mififlin- burg, Henry Yearick, president, to urge the incorporation of a company to make a railroad through the Valley. February 5, the act to establish the University at Lewisburg was passed, (Pamphlet Laws, 32,) and on the 5th of October, Professor Stephen W. Tay- lor opened its high school in the lecture room of the Baptist church. Friday evening, March 13, Thomas Follmer and his son Henry and William Gundy, son of Major John Gundy, who were managing the Farmers' company store at Turtle creek, were drowned at the mouth of that creek. They were going in a boat, about ten, p. m., to visit the store-house on the opposite side of the creek, and were on their return, when the mill dam gave way, and the boat struck a timber raft. William Gundy's body was found in the boat under the raft, the next day ; the others were carried down the river, and their bodies were found three weeks afterward, some miles below. The flood in the river at this time exceeded that of 1810, being six and one half inches above the mark of that date on Kremer's store-house. The canal was broken, mails stopped, the Milton bridge badly in- jured, the bridge on the North Branch, at Northumberland, carried away, as well as the one at Duncan's island, and the Harrisburg bridge in part. March 21, price of wheat at Lewisburg, eighty-five to ninety cents. April i, the last sermon preached in the old stone church, at Buffalo Cross-Roads, by Reverend Isaac Grier, from Mat- thew, xxviii : v. 5. The congregation worshipped twenty nine years and three months in that building. In August, Reverend Samuel Shaetfer had charge of the Lewisburg academy. At the October election, in Union county, James M. Power received 1,976 votes, and William B. Foster, 905, for canal commissioner. November 15, Baptist meeting-house at Lewisburg dedicated. November 27, John 1847.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 547 Derr, a revolutionary soldier, died in Centre township, aged ninety- three years. Monday, December 28, the Columbia Guards, after- wards company C, second regiment. Captain John S. Wilson, passed through Lewisburg on their way to the seat of war in Mexico. They were provided with dinner by the citizens. Charles H. Shriner delivered an address, and Colonel Jackson McFadden presented them with a flag. List of Soldiers in the Mexican War from Union county. App, Jacob, Selinsgrove, company C, second regiment, died at San Francisco, California, in October, 1849, aged twenty-four; Best, Francis R., Mifflinburg, company C, second regiment, died at Perote, June 30, 1847 ; Bower, Doctor Charles, surgeon ; Bruner, William, Hartleton ; Cronmiller, Henry, Mifflinburg, Independent rocket and howitzer battery; Forster, R. H., Mifflinburg, company C, second regiment ; Leopard, Joseph, Kelly, company I, first reg- iment ; Miller, George ; McFadden, Hugh, Lewisburg, company C, second regiment, died at Perote, September 14, 1847; M!c- Laughlin, William, Lewisburg, fifth United States infantry, died in service; Montgomery, John C, company M, second regiment; Nyhart, Peter, died January 14, 1849; Oliphant George; Quid- dington, Thomas; Yarnell, Peter; Zentmyer, Enos, first regiment. The survivors of company C returned to Danville in x\ugust, 1848, and shortly after Lieutenant Clarence G. Frick returned the flag, tattered by the storms of war, and little left beside the staff", to Colonel McFadden, at Lewisburg. [1847.] March 19, vote in Lewisburg against licensing taverns, 210; in favor of, 75. In April, price of wheat in Lewisburg was ^i 30 to ^i 35. May 7, corner-stone of the German Reformed church in Lewisburg laid. Reverend Doctor John W. Nevin preached and performed the services. In April, the extreme dis- tress in Ireland and Scotland, on account of failure of crops, caused meetings to be held for their relief, and large contributions of money and provisions were made by the people of Buffalo Valley. May 18, John Lashells, Esquire, died at New Berlin. He came to this county from Adams county, and his legal experience was contempo ■ rary with the county. He was buried at Buffalo Cross-Roads, on S48 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1848. the 2oth, the following members of the court and bar attending : A. S. Wilson, president judge ; Joseph Stillweh and John Montelius, associates ; Hugh Bellas, Ebenezer Grenough, Alexander Jordan, James F. Linn, Isaac Slenker, George F. Miller, Joseph Casey, Samuel Weirick, D. W. Woods, R. B. Barber, William Van Gezer, and Henry C. Hickok. June 2, General R. H. Hammond, who was a paymaster in the United States army, died on board of a vessel, between Vera Cruz and New Orleans, aged fifty-seven. He served in Congress two terms. His body was interred with military honors at Milton, on Monday, August 2. Independent Grays, of Selinsgrove, Lewisburg Infantry, Danville Rifles, Lycoming and Northumberland troops, Masonic fraternity, in full regalia, were in procession; General Green commanding the military. In all, over six thousand people in attendance upon the ceremonies. In August, Alexander McClure was appointed postmaster at Lewisburg, wV^ William Murray. On Saturday, August 21, a meeting favor- ing the nomination of General Zachary Taylor for President, was held at New Berlin. Honorable George Kremer presided ; General Abbot Green, William Cameron, Jacob Reedy, Henry Yearick, vice presidents; John Walls, Thomas Bower, and John M. Baum, sec- retaries. The meeting was addressed by Henry C. Hickok, Esquire, and Charles H. Shriner. September 15, a Democratic meeting, pre- sided over by John Cummings, junior, recommended General Taylor for President. In October, the vote in Union county for Governor was, for James Irvin, 2,463; Francis R. Shunk, 1,479. October 9, river rose very high, and the west half of the Buffalo creek bridge was carried away, and lodged upon the river bridge. The river is said to have been one foot higher at Lewisburg than it was in the spring of 1846. October 20, Philadelphia synod met at Lewis- burg, and was opened by a sermon by Doctor Yeomans, of Danville. December 25, O. N. Worden became editor and publisher of the Lewisburg Chronicle. [1848.] January 8, the German Reformed church at Lewis- burg, was dedicated ; the exercises were conducted by Reverend H. Harbaugh, pastor, assisted by Reverend Messrs. Fishers and Reverend Mr. Funk. It is situated on Third street, below Mar- ket, and is sixty feet by forty — H. R. Noll, architect. In Feb- ruary ground was broken for the academy building of the Univer- 1849.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 549 sity. Noll and Crites had the carpenter work, L. B. Christ the brick and plastering ; brick-work was let to Reed & Baker, paint- ing to Metzgar & Munson. March 2, a meeting was held to secure a suitable place for a cemetery at Lewisburg. The company was incorporated April 10, (Pamphlet Laws, 446,) and in July they purchased six acres from John Chamberlin, adjoining the western limit of the borough. March 17, Reverend Thomas Hood died, aged sixty-eight. He was born in Chester county, in July, 1781, graduated at Dickinson college at the age of seventeen, studied the- ology under Reverend Nathan Grier, of Brandywine, was licensed in 1802, and was married April 16, 1803, to Miss Mary Haslet, of Chester county. Mrs. Hood died November 10, 1840, and he married Miss Hannah McClure, March 4, 1845. His children were Mrs. Catherine McCormick, of Mill Hall, Clinton county, Mrs. Mary Rutter, Mrs. Margaret Harvey, and Wilson Hood. June 6, Charles L. Shoemaker, of West Buffalo, was kicked by a horse, and died on the 7th, aged thirty-five years. June 14, J. S. Hawke sold the Union Star to D. W. Woods, Esquire. The Union Democrat, published at New Berlin, by J. Young. June 9, Lewisburg market : wheat, ^i 06; rye, 60 cents; corn, 35 cents; butter, 12 cents. October 10, Ner Middleswarth's vote for Canal Commissioner was 2,941 ; Israel Painter, 1,580. Joseph Casey had 1,333 majority for Congress in Union county, and 223 in the district. In November General Taylor had 1,473 majority in Union county. In Lewis- burg, Taylor had 205 ; Cass, 124; Van Buren, 10. In New Berhn Taylor, 79; Cass, 57; Van Buren, 5. [1849.] January — , A. Kennedy appointed postmaster at Lew- isburg, and R. P. Maclay appointed associate judge of Clarion county. Doctor Thomas A. H. Thornton commenced the practice of medicine at Lewisburg. The Berlin iron-works were blown out, and Forest iron-works in the hands of the sheriff. Tlae California gold fever reached the Valley, and on the 26th of February, R. B. Green, David Howard, Cyrus Fox, W. H. Chamberlin, Frederick Schaffie and John D. Musser, set out for California, by the overland route. James K. Kelly, James M. Duncan, and others, left Lewis- town for the same destination. March 5, Peter Struble, of West Buffalo, aged about fifty-eight, was found dead on the public road near Buffalo Cross-Roads. He had accompanied a newly married 550 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1850. daughter to her home in Lycoming county, and was returning on foot, when death met him with a paralytic stroke. April 25, High's flouring-mill, at White Deer, burned. Over ^5,000 worth of grain destroyed. Kaufman & Reber bought the Forest iron- works for $7,000. May 21 was the last of the battalions, one com- pany only, the Lewisburg infantry, paraded. A great crowd of boys and people from the townships had come to Lewisburg. "The meanest battalion I ever seed," was the general expression. Octo- ber 9, H. M. Fuller, candidate for Canal Commissioner, received 2,431 votes in Union county; John A. Gamble, 1,820. Colonel Eli Slifer's majority over John Cummings, junior, for Assembly, was 617. Against a poor-house, 2,537 votes were cast; for, 910. No- vember 5, James McClellan, Esquire, died, aged eighty-two. He had lived over fifty years in the Valley, and was nearly the last of those worthies who settled our Valley. He came from Chester county, and married Mary Irvine, daughter of Captain William Irvine, of the Valley. He was a school-master and justice of the peace for many years. He was considered by many, who could not appre- ciate his worth, as an obstinate man, the true reason of which was, that he was firm in his opinions, and in nine cases out of ten right. I never knew a man who was more willing to acknowledge his error when he discovered it. Among his last expressions was, "when a man came to die, this world and all its interests were of little ac- count." He was a living encyclopedia of church history, and with him passed away forever many interesting incidents of the early his- tory of the Presbyterian church in Pennsylvania. — J. F. Linn's Diary. [1850.] January 2, H. C. Hickok, Esquire, takes the editorial chair of the Lewisbwg Chronicle, O. N. Worden, publisher, and Reverend Henry Harbaugh issues the first number of The Guardian. February 26, report of James Marshall, John App, and Leonard Wolfe confirmed, erecting a new township, which the court direct shall be called Limestone. 1850.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 55^ Taxables. If^iZtt Buffalo, 251 ^573,260 Buffalo, East, 198 282,842 Buffalo, West, 294 391,144 Hartley, 384 403'49S Kelly, 209 299,007 Union, 346 44i>io5 White Deer, 315 233,575 Lewisburg, 428 168,782 Mifflinburg, 207 57)i47 New Berlin, 153 86,922 In April, Frick & Slifer removed their boat-yard to Lewisburg, a pecuniary advantage both to the borough and the Valley, which should be specially noted. April 18, Doctor Robert Vanvalzah died at Buffalo Cross-Roads, aged eighty-five. He was born near Croton river. New York, April 17, 1764, and when a boy of sixteen, he served two tours in the militia with the Continental an"^y. He came to Buffalo Valley in 1786, so poor, that one of the Beattys gave him a shilling to pay his ferriage over the river at Sunbury, a favor he never forgot, and repaid with much interest in providing for one of the family for many years. He settled on Penn's creek, and in connection with his father-in-law. Colonel Sutherland, built the mills, two miles below New Berlin, lately owned by the Maurers. He located at Buffalo Cross-Roads, about the year 1796, and his his- tory is intimately associated with that of the Valley for sixty-four years. His practice extended into the present counties of Mifflin, Centre, and Juniata. Two of his sons, Doctors Thomas and Robert, became eminent practitioners in the Valley, and his grandsons, in the same profession, have been and are numerous and skillful. In May, Reverend D. Y. Heisler was installed pastor of the German Reformed church at Lewisburg, and a post-ofhce was established at Forest Hill in West Buffalo township, on the Brush Valley road, A. H. Lutz, postmaster. In April, wheat at Lewisburg was at 95 cents to ^i 00, and in June, ^1 05 to ^i 10. June 7, Captain William Housel died in Lewisburg, aged sixty-one. He served five years in the regular army, was captured in 1813, taken to Quebec, and there was exchanged, and rejoined his regiment. He was in the engage- SS2 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1851. ments at Chippewa and Lundy's Lane, and was in Fort Erie when the magazine exploded. He was buried with mihtary honors by the Lewisburg infantry and the Cameron guards. Thursday and Fri- day, July 1 8 and 19, a north-east storm raged for thirty-two hours. Limestone run higher than ever known, and Chillisquaque creek higher than known before in fifty-seven years. In October, Henry W. Snyder had 2,172 votes for Auditor General; Ephraim Banks, 1,443. ■^o'" th^ judicial amendment, 1,45 1 votes were cast; against, 1,424. Census of 1850. Buffalo, . Buffalo, East, Buffalo, West, Hartley, Kelly, . . Lewisburg, . Limestone, . 1,346 970 1,007 2,142 834 2,042 807 Mifainburg, New Berlin, Union, . White Deer, 783 741 1.452 1,537 Total, 13,631 [ 1 85 1 .] Honorable Ner Middleswarth was the Whig caucus nom- inee for State Treasurer. The following post-offices were established in January : Chestnut Ridge, Samuel R. Baum, postmaster ; Dry Valley, J. Mitman ; Winfield, M. H. Taggert ; Crotzerville, H. Heiser. In April, the old bridge at the mouth of Buffalo creek was removed, and a new one commenced. The Sugar Valley and White Deer turnpike received an appropriation from the State, and was completed. Volksfreund, started at New Berlin, byF. & E. Smith. April 26, Thomas Howard, in digging a ditch, near his residence, in Kelly, dug up a tusk of a mammoth, ten feet long and nine inches in diameter. It was found in a layer of blue clay, two feet below the surface. In May wheat was 80 to 85 cents; rye, 50 cents; corn, 50 cents. May 26, the telegraphic wire was brought to Lewisburg, and before night a message dispatched to Philadelphia, and an answer received ; and a meeting was held favoring the construction of the Susquehanna railroad, on the west side of the river, from Sunbury to Williamsport. August 20, the first commencement of the University at Lewisburg was held, and its first class graduated as follows : Salutatory, J. M. Linn, Washington Barnhurst of Philadel- phia, R. M. Fish of Beaver, George O. Ide of Philadelphia, J. M. 1852.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 553 Lyons of Chester county, Henry Poraerene of Pittsburgh. Vale- dictorian : J. H. Castle. The degrees were conferred by Professor Taylor, and Professor George R. Bliss delivered his inaugural ad- dress. Professor S. W. Taylor then took formal leave of the insti- tution, having accepted the presidency of Madison university at Hamilton, New York ; and Doctor Howard Malcolm was formally installed president of the University by Thomas Watson, Esquire, president of the board of trustees. October 14, vote in Union county: For Governor, Wilham F. Johnston, 2,817 ; William Big- ler, 1,949. For president judge, Joseph Casey received 2,379, and A. S. Wilson, 2,283. [1853.] March 1 3 , a railroad convention was held at Baltim ore , attended largely by delegates from the Valley. April 15, Daniel L. Miller, junior, Esquire, president of the Sunbury and Erie railroad, visited Lewisburg and endeavored to interest the people in favor of that road, but public sympathy was with the Susquehanna or Balti- more company, and the railroad controversy was inaugurated, which ended in 1855 with a division of Union county by a proposition that the county commissioners should subscribe ^200,000 to the stock of the road. This was done by Captain John Wilt and George Heimbach, county commissioners, on the 28th of April. The borough authorities of Lewisburg subsequently subscribed $75,000. In May the Union County mutual fire insurance company was or- ganized; John Gundy, president, J. A. Mertz, Esquire, secretary. June 10, weather as cold as in December, a heavy frost on the morn- ing of the nth. August 31, the largest meeting ever witnessed in New Berlin assembled to take action on the railroad question. The court-house being too small, the meeting convened in front of the public buildings. John Swineford nominated R. B. Barber for presi- dent, and took the ayes, but not the nays. He then read a list of vice presidents and secretaries. The nays were again demanded, and when put the whole organization was voted down. C. H. Shriner attempted to offer a resolution, and Mr. Barber proceeded to state the object of the meeting, but his voice was drowned by a shout that compelled him to desist. Mr. Casey then nominated Hon- orable Ner Middleswarth for president, which motion was carried. He was helped into the wagon, and proceeded to state the object of. the meeting. The repudiators of the bonds had retreated to the steps 554 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1853. of the jail to make another stand, when a delegation of them sallied forth, seized the wagon, and carried off president Middleswarth and his fellow officers around the corner towards Penn's creek. The audience, however, kept its place, and the president returned and mounted another wagon, when the meeting was addressed by Messrs. Casey, S. C. Wilt, G. F. Miller, and resolutions passed approving of the ^200,000 subscription to the Susquehanna railroad. The watchword of the Democratic party this fall in the county, "no more hay for Breyman's cow," arose from the fact that C. Breyman farmed and pastured the public lots. October 12, for Canal Commissioner, Jacob Hoffman received 2,555 ; William Hop- kins, 1,807. Ner Middleswarth, for Congress, had 706 majority; Adam Sheckler, for county commissioner, had 718 majority over Philip Ruhl. The Union County agricultural society was formed at the court- house at New Berlin, Saturday, November 13; the East Buffalo society, which had been in existence for a year, passed a resolution calling the meeting for such organization. Martin Dreisbach presided at this meeting, Samuel Weirick acting as secretary, and Jacob Gundy presented a form of constitution, which, after several amendments, was adopted. Jacob Gundy was elected president of the society; Samuel Shedle, of Perry, and others, vice presidents; R. H. Laird, treasurer; R. V. B. Lincoln, assistant secretary; O. N. Worden, recording secretary; Samuel Weirick, librarian; executive commit- tee, James P. Ross, Isaac Slenker, and Henry W. Snyder. Li No- vember, Nesbit Hayes and Fichthorn commenced erecting the first steam flouring-mill, upon W^ater street, in Lewisburg. December 14, at a meeting held at New Berlin the Crawford county system of voting directly for candidates was proposed. Joseph Casey, Esquire, Israel Gutelius, and John Wilt favoring its introduction. Ner Mid- dleswarth, D. A. Woods, Samuel Weirick, and James Marshall, op- posing. It was finally agreed to try the system for one year. [1853.] February 11, a meeting was held at Potter's Fort tavern favorable to building a railroad from Lewisburg to Spruce creek, and on the 12th of April, the Lewisburg, Centre, and Spruce Creek railroad company was incorporated, and on the T6th of May Thomas A. Emmett, with a corps of engineers, commenced the survey. April 20, the Lewisburg saving institution was incorporated ; books 1854.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 555 were opened on the 23d of June, and two hundred shares taken. It commenced business September 19, with William Cameron as presi- dent, H. P. Sheller, cashier. In October, the vote in Union county- was, for Thomas A. Budd, judge of the Supreme Court, 2,616 ; John C. Knox, 1,521. On 13th and 14th of October, " The Union County agricultural society" held its fair at New Berlin ; two hun- dred and seventy five articles were entered for competition, and a plowing match came off. October 15, Frick, Slifer & Co.'s steam saw-mill burned down, with the newly erected county bridge, three boats, &c. Captain John Forster appointed postmaster at Mifflin- burg, and Henry W. Crotzer, at Lewisburg. December 9, the workmen on the Susquehanna railroad, about two and a half miles below Lewisburg, on Major John Gundy's farm, came upon the skeleton of a full grown person covered with stones. The bones crumbled on exposure. The site was on the side of a steep and almost impassible hill, and the body must have been deposited there with considerable effort. [1854.] In April, price of wheatwas ^i 50; rye, 75 cents; corn, 55 cents. In June, wheat advanced to ^i 87. At February term Jackson township was formed, out of parts of Penn's, Middle Creek, Limestone, and Union townships. In June, Professor J. S. Whit- man was elected the first superintendent of public schools for Union county, with a salary of I300, and one hundred and fifty schools to oversee. July 15, W. A. Patterson, of Kelly, died, in his eighty- third year. He held a pen in his hand, preparatory to signing a note, when the "grim messenger" came, and he died before mak- ing a mark. Honorable George Kremer died, near Middleburg, on Sunday, September to, aged seventy-nine. His last public appear- ance was in July, 1847, when he presided over a public meeting, held at New Berhn, to advocate the election of General Taylor to the presidency. He was buried in the family burying- ground, on his own farm, on Wednesday, attended by a large concourse of peo- ple. The new Christian chapel, on Third street, below Market, in Lewisburg, was built this year. At the election, in October, James Pollock had 2,881, and William Bigler, 1,913, for Governor in Union county. The vote in the county for a prohibitory liquor law was 1,440; against, 2,614. In October, the Union furnace at Win- field was built by Beaver, Marsh & Co. The University extension 5i-6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. [1855. of the town plan of Lewisburg laid out by Reverend A. K; Bell, treasurer of the University, and James F. Linn, surveyor. [1855.] Wheat, in March, $2 00 ; rye, $\ 00 ; corn, 75 cents ; butter, 16 cents; eggs, 12 cents. Chronicle published by O. N. Wor- den and J. R. Cornelius, Henry C. Hickok having been appointed Deputy Superintendent of Public Schools. Thursday evening, January 18, Clinton Welch, Esquire, a lawyer from Lewisburg, was drowned in the Delaware, at Philadelphia. March 2, the act creat- ing a new county^ to be called Snyder, out of Union, was approved. The election provided for therein was held on the 14th of March. The vote was as follows : For. Against. Buffalo, 189 84 Buffalo, East, 175 4 Buffalo, West, 114 62 Hartley, 152 191 Kelly, 143 22 Lewisburg, 485 i Limestone, 3 60 Mifflinburg, 69 92 White Deer, 254 21 In the county the vote stood, for division, 1,688 ; against, 1,643. In May, Union seminary at New Berlin was established. Reverend W. W. Orwig, president; Reverend F. C. Hendricks and Hoffman, professors. October 9, the election was held to determine the site of the county seat, Lewisburg and Mifflinburg were the competing towns, having each furnished a guarantied subscription, that the county buildings should be erected by the successful town, without any cost to the taxpayers. The vote was as follows : 1855.] ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 557 For Lewisburg, For MifflinburK. Lewisburg, North Ward, 286 — " South Ward, 233 — East Buffalo, i74 8 Union, ' 79 26 Kelly, 145 21 White Deer, 255 26 Buffalo, 157 121 West Buffalo, 13 200 Hartley, 78 321 New BerHn, 7 139 Jackson, 4 39 Limestone, 5 129 Mifflinburg, i 196 1,436 1,226 For Canal Commissioner, Nicholson's majority was 607. Gensus Returns for 1860 and 1870. I860. 1870. Buffalo, 1,560 1,521 Buffalo, East, . . . . ' 968 1,011 Buffalo, West, 1,075 1,046 Hartley, 1,530 1,143 Hartleton, (incorporated 1858,) .... 288 292 Kelly, 779 942 Lewisburg, 2,666 3,121 Lewis, (taken from Hartley 1856,) . . . 658 1,007 Limestone, 913 880 Mifflinburg, 865 911 New Berhn, 672 646 Union, 820 840 White Deer, 1,639 1,676 14,433 15,036 LIST OP OFFICIALS. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. District composed of the Counties of Northumberland, Union, Colum- bia, Sasquehanna and Luzerne. 1814-15, Thomas Murray, junior. 1816-17, Charles Fraser. 1818-19, Simon Snyder. 1820-21, Redmond Conyngham. Northumberland and Union. 1822, Andrew Albright. 1823-26, Lewis Dewart. 1826-30, John Ray. 1830-34, Samuel J. Packer. 1834-38. Isaac Slenker. Perry, Mifflin, Juniata, Union, and Huntingdon. 1837-3S, Isaac Slenker. 1838-39, Robert P. Maclay. 1841-42, Robert P. Maclay. 1843, Henry C. Eyer. Mifflin, Union, and Juniata. 1844, Henry C. Eyer. 1845-48, Jacob Wagenseller.* * JDiea, 1847. f Vice Wagenseller. 1848, Ner Middleswarth.f 1849-51, Jonathan J. Cunningham. 1852-54, EliSlifer. 1855-57, James M. Sellers. | Clinton, Lycoming, Centre, and Union. 1858, Andrew Gregg. 1859-61, Andrew Gregg. 1862-64, Henry Johnson. Lycoming, Union, and Snyder. 1865-67, John Walls. 1868-70, John B. Beck. 1871-73, Andrew H. Dill. Snyder, Perry, Northumberland, and Union. 1872-73, Andrew H. Dill, 1873-76, Andrew H. Dill. Union, Snyder, and Nort/iumber- land. 1875-76, Andrew H. Dill. t Died in Philadelphia, June 21, 1877. MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY. District composed of tlie Counties of Nortliumberland, Union, and Co- lumbia. 1814-15, David E. Owen. Robert Willett. Joseiah Hutchinson. Henry Shaifer. Union County. 1815-16, Ner Middleswarth. 1815-16, Jacob Brobst. 1816-17, Ner Middleswarth. Jacob Brobst. 1817-18, Frederick Stees. Joseph Stillwell. 1818-19, John Ray. Ner Middleswarth. 1819-20, John Ray. Ner Middleswarth. 1820-21, Frederick Wise. Dan Caldwell. 558 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 559 1821-22, Ner Middleswarth. James Dale. 1822-23, Simon Snyder. James Dale. 1823-24, James Dale. Simon Snyder. 1824-25, Ner Middleswarth. William Porster. 1825-26, Ner Middleswarth. James Madden. 1826-27, James Madden. William Forster, junior. 1827-28, Ner Middleswarth. John Dreisbach. 1828-29, John Dreisbach. Ner Middleswarth. 1829-30, Ner Middleswarth. Philip Ruhl. 1830-31, Ner Middleswarth. Philip Rulil. 1831-32, Henry Roush. Philip Ruhl. 1832-33, William L. Harris. George Weirick. 1833-34, Robert P. Maclay. Simon Sliaflfer. 1834-35, ISTer Middleswarth, Jacob Hummel. 1835-36, Ner Middleswarth. John Montelius. Union, Juniata, and Mifflin. 1836-37, Plenry Yearick. Enoch Beale. James Hughes. 1837-38, Abraham S. Wilson. James Hughes. Henrv Yearick. 1838-39, John Funk. William Ramsey. John Montelius. 1840, Abraham S. Wilson. Isaac Hottenstein. William Cox, senior. 1841, Ner Middleswarth. Jolm Funk. . Joseph A. Bell. 1842, John H. MeCrum. William Ross. John A. Vanvalzah. 1843, Tliomas J. Postlethwaite. David Glenn. Samuel Reber. Union and Juniata. 1844, John Hall, John Adams. 1845, John Hall. John Adams. 1846, John McCrum. Jacob McCorley. 1847, Jacob McCorley. 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1847, John McMinn. 1848, JohnMcMinn. Samuel Weirick. 1849, Samuel Weirick. John McLaughlin. 1850, Eli Slifer. Jolm McLaughlin. 1851, Eli Slifer. 1852, William Sharon. 1853, John Beale. 1854, John W. Simonton. 1855, J. W. Crawford. Union, Juniata, and Snyder. 1856, George W. Strouse. Thomas Bower. Thomas Hayes. Daniel Witmer. John J. Patterson. William F. Wagenseller. Thomas Hayes. William F. Wagenseller. Thomas Hayes. John J. Patterson. H. K. Ritter. J. Beaver. H. K. Ritter. George W. Strouse. John Balsbach. Samuel H. Orwig. Lycoming, Union, and Snyder. 1865, S. H. Orwig. Samuel Alleman. Charles Wilson. 1866, S. C. Wingard. D. A. Irwin. Isaac Rothrock. 1867, S. C. Wingard. Charles D. Roush. J. H. Wright. 1868, R. H. Lawshe. C. D. Roush. George G. Glass. 1869, W. P. I. Painter. Thomas Church. William G. Herrold. 1870, Theodore HUl. Thomas Church. Andrew H. Dill. 1871, Samuel Wilson. John Cummings. William Young. Snyder and Union. 1872, William G. Herrold. 1873, Charles S. Wolfe. 1874, Charles S. Wolfe. Union. 1875-76, Charles S. Wolfe. 1877-78, Alfred Hayes. s6o ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. PRESIDENT JUDGES. Seth Chapman*. . . July 11, 1811 Ellis Lewis, .... Oct. 14, 1833 Abraham S. Wilson, . Mar, 30, 1842 S. S. Woods, . . Joseph C. Bucher, . Nov. 20, 1861 Nov, 7, 1871 Hugh Wilson, . John Bolencler,! Adam Light, . . George Schnable, John Baslvin, Joseph Stillwell, John Montelius, Jacob Wittenmyer, James Harrison, James Marsliall, Jacob Wittenmyer, J . * Resigned, October 10, ASSOCIATE JUDGES. Oct. 11, 1813 Philip Buhl, . . . Aiig. 26, 1815 Jolni W. Simonton, Dec. 11, 1820 John Walls, . . , Mar. 26, 1840 Jolm W. Simonton, Mar. 15, 1841 Martin Dreisbach, . Jan, 21, 1843 Martin Dreisbach, , Feb, 27, 1845 John W, Simonton, Feb, 28, 1848 Jacob Hummel, Mar. 7, 1850 Cyrus Hoffa, . . . Nov, 10, 1851 Jacob Hummel, Nov, 10, 1851 William F, Wilson, 1833. t Resigned, December 11, 1820. . Nov. 17, 1855 . Nov. 12, 1856 . Nov. 20, 1860 . Nov. 28, 1861 . Feb. 3, 1865 . Nov. 6, 1865 . Nov. 9, 1866 , Nov. 9, 1870 . Nov. 17, 1871 . Dec. 3, 1875 . Dec. 8, 1876 J Legislated out. DEPUTY ATTORNEYS GENERAL. William Irwin, 1814 John Lashells, 1815 M. McKinney, junior, . . . 1818 James Merrill, 1821 John Mumma, 1824 C. A, Bradford, 1826 John A. Sterrett, . . , Feb, 1828 John Wyeth, Sept, 1828 Isaac Slenker, 1830 Samuel Weirick 1836 Robert B, Barber, 1839 John Porter, 1842 George W, Graham, . • . . 1843 Robert B. Barber, 1846 William Van Gezer, .... 1848 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. George Hill, . . . . . Dec. 1850 1 Joseph C. Bucher, . . . Dec, 1859 William Van Gezer, . . Dec. 1853 Alfred Hayes, . . . . Dec. 1862 James B. Hamlin, . , . Dec. 1856 PROTHON Andrew A. Leiser, OTARIES. , , Sept. 1876 Simon Snyder, jr.,* . Oct. 14, 1813 John P. Gutelius, . . Oct. 13, 1840 Joseph Stillwell, . Feb, 7, 1821 William Roshong, , Nov. 12, 1841 George A. Snyder, . Jan. 22, 1824 Jacob Haus, . . , Nov. 11, 1847 Josepli Stillwell, . Jan, 28, 1830 Joseph Eyster, . . Nov. 25, 1850 Robert P. Maclay, . Jan, 6, 1836 Samuel Roush, . . Nov. 22, 1853 Samuel Roush, . , Jan. 31, 1839 James W. Sands, . Nov. — , 1862 Jacob H. Horning, . Nov. 14, 1839 C. H. Hassenplug, Nov. 18, 1865 * Simon Snyder, junior. Esquire, was b orn at Lancaster, November 9, 1762 , and died at Harrisburg, May 10, 1833. REGISTERS AN D RECORDERS. Simon Snyder, junior, Oct, 14, 1813 | Henry Aurand, j unior , Aug. 25, 1845 Peter Hackenberg . Feb. 7, 1821 Daniel Bellman, . . Nov. 17, 1845 John Maclay, . . Jan. 22, 1824 Christian Breyman, . Nov. 22, 1851 Samuel Roush, . . Jan. 28, 1830 J. W, Pennington, Nov. 29, 1854 George Aurand, . Jan. 6, 1836 George Merrill, . . Nov. 27, 1857 Robert Forster, . . Jan. 31, 1839 Elisha H. Weikel, . Nov. 28, 1863 John Glover, . Nov. 14, 1839 Reuben Kline, . . . Nov. 22, 1869 Samuel Aurand, . Nov. 12, 1842 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 561 SHERIFFS. John Ray Frederick Wise, Isaac Mertz, ... Jacob Rhoads, . . Philip Seebold, John Haas, . . . Jolm Cumniings, . Jolni Cumniings, jr., William Glover, Israel Grutelius, John M. Benfer, . Dec. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Oct. Oct. Oct. 13, 1813 30, 1816 30, 1819 21, 1822 20, 1825 24, 1828 18, 1831 3, 1834 17, 1837 24, 1840 17, 1843 Henry S. Boyer, . Archibald Thomas, John Kessler, . . Daniel D. Guldin, . Lafayette Albright, Thomas Church, . Lafayette Albright, Michael Kleckner, Lafayette Albright, Thomas P. Wagner, Oct. 24, 1846 Oct. 24, 1849 Oct. 27, 1852 Oct. 24, 1855 Dec. 16, 1861 Dec. 16, 1864 Dec. 17, 1867 Dec. 10, 1870 Nov 31, 1873 Dec. 26, 1876 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. 1813 Dan Caldwell, Frederick Gut- 1845, elius, and Philip Moore. 1846, 1814, James Dale. 1847, 1815, John Bower. 1848, 1816 Henry Roush. 1849, 1817 Mishael Lincoln. 1850, 1818 Jacob German. 1851, 1819 William Kessler. 1852, 1820 Sebastian Witmer. 1853, 1821 Joseph Fuehrer. 1854, 1822 Christian Miller. 1855, 1823 Uriah Silsby. 1824 George Weirick. 1856, 1825, Samuel Aurand. 1857, 1826 John Montelius. 1858, 1827 Thomas Youngman. 1859, 1828 John Ziegier. 1860, 1829 William Betz. 1861, 1830 Peter Hackenburg. 1862, 1831 Philip Franck. 1863, 1832 J. F. Wilson. 1864, 1833 John Keller. 1865, 1834 James Harrison. 1866, 1835 Samuel B. Barber. 1867, 1836 John K. Snyder. 1868, 1887 Archibald Thomas. 1869, 1838 Jacob Hummel. 1870, 1839 Henry Hilbish. 1871, 1840 Samuel Boop. 1872, 1841 Jacob McCorley. 1873, 1842 Solomon Engel. 1874, 1843 Michael Clemens. 1875, 1844 Henry Saunders, junior. Jacob Martin. R. H. Laird. Joseph Winters. James Barbin. John WUt. George Heimbach. S. K. Herrold. Adam Sheckler. Sem Leitzel. John D. Romig. R. V. B. Lincoln, Jacob Hum- mel, George Schoch. William Rule. R. V. B. Lincoln. James Pross. D. H. Kelly. F. Bolender. J. M. Walters. Robert Reed. Samuel Marshall. Michael Kleckner. Michael Brown. T. V. Harbeson. S. B. Hoffman. E. S. Gudykunst. T. V. Harbeson. S. B. Hoffman. Willam Steans. J. W. Kauffinan. Jose]3h Boop. George Schoch. Joseph Boop, George Schoch and John Yarger. COMMISSIONERS' CLERKS. 1813, Flavel Roan. 1817, Frederick Gutelius. 1821, JohnMauch. 1831, J. H. Horning. 1834, S. Weirich. 1836, M. H. Weaver. 1841, J. J. Maclay. 36 1843, J. S. Dubois. 1851, C. Breyman. 1851, (Nov.,) David Schwenck. 1853, A. J. Peters. 1855, Andrew Kennedy. 1869, Peter Hursh. 562 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. COUNTY TREASURERS. 1814, Michael Schoch. 1851, 1817, Joseph Stillwell. 1853, 1818, Thomas Shipton. 1855, 1820, Christopher Seebold. 1857, 1823, William Kessler. 1859, 1826, Samuel Wilson. 1861, 1829, Samuel Aurand. 1863, 1831, .Jacob Mauck. 1865, 1835, Isaac Peters. 1867, 1838, John P. Seebold. 1869, 1841, Michael Kleckner. 1871, 1843, Philip Gross. 1845, Archibald Thomas. 1847, Charles Seebold. 1873, 1849, Daniel Horlacher. 1875, DEPUTY SI JRVE Jacob Mauck. Henrv Solomon. R. H.' Laird. H. P. Sheller. R. H. Laird. John A. Mertz. William Jones. John Hayes. William .Jones. William Hauck. John Hertz, deceased. Wil- liain Jones apijointed to fill vacancy. James Pross. B. F. Eaton. 1813, Simon Snvder, j unior. 1818, Adam Wilt. 1821, John Hayes. 1833, Robert G. H. Hayes. 1836, Solomon Engle. 1836, Michael H. Weaver. 1839, Robert G. H. Hayes. 1846, James Madden. 1846, Philip Hilbish. 1850, Robert G. H. Hayes. 1854, J. Henry Motz. 1858, Wilson I. Linn. 1859, Conrad Sheckler. 1868, Reuben F. Brown. 1874. Conrad Sheckler. CORONERS. 1816, Isaac Mertz. 1819, Daniel Winter. 1822, Jacob Swineford. 1825, Christian Shroyer. 1828, Robert Vanvalzah, junior. 1831, John Bower. 1834, .Jacob Aurand. 1837, Joseph Long. 1841, Matthew Brewer. 1842, Jacob Reichley. 1845, John D. Smith. 1858, William L. Harris. NOTARIES PUBLIC. Christian Miller, . Henry C. Hickok, George A. Frick, . O. Norton Worden, John B. Miller, . Samuel Slifer, . . William Jones, Andrew Kennedy, George A. Frick, . Samuel Slifer, . . Andrew Kennedy, .Joseph J. R. Orwig, Samuel Slifer, . . Andrew Kennedy, S. P. Myers, . . . Samuel'Slifer, . . Jan. 6, 1820 Andrew Kennedy, Oct. 30, 1867 April 12, 1853 Simon P. Myers, . Aprl 7, 1868 Dec. 28, 1854 Paul Geddes, . . . July 15, 1869 May W, 1855 John Stitzer, . . . Nov. 12, 1869 Aug. 12, 1856 Samuel Slifer, . . . Jan. fi, 1870 Dec. 9, 1857 Mellville Reese Dill, May 5, 1870 Jan. 12, 1858 John S. Stitzer, . Nov. 15, 1872 .Jan. 15, 1858 Samuel Slifer, . . . Jan. 9, 1873 Jan. 2 1861 William Rule, . . April 30^ 1873 Jan. 12! 1861 D. B. Miller, . . . May 6, 1873 Jvme 24, 1861 Samuel Slifer, . . . Jan. 12, 1876 Jan. l-l, 1864 John Stitzer, ' . . . Jan. 22, 1876 Jan. 14, 1864 William Rule, . . . Mar. 20, 1876 June 29, 1864 D. B. Miller, . . May 3, 1876 Apri 7, 1865 G. N. LeFevre, . Mar. 29, 1877 Jan. 11, 1867 ANNALS OF BUFFA'LO VALLEY. S(>3 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BY APPOINTMENT. John Bolender, . . . George Weirick, . . Thomas Shipton, . . Thomas Youngman, . John Cummings, . . Christopher Seebold, . Henrv Siavker, . . . Adam Wilt, . . . . Henry Yearick, . . John Wilson, . . . Philip Burchart, . . Joseph Fuehrer, . , Peter Hackenberg, j r. , Dan Caldwell, . . , Christian Miller, . , Frederick Gutelius, , Abraham Aurand, William Kessler,* . . John Schnee, . . . George Schnable, . , Jacob German,! • ■ Robert Willett, . . , Andrew McClenahan, Samuel Wilson, . , Michael Rathfon, . , John Reifsnyder, . , John Bassler, . . . George Aurand, JohnNesbit, . . . . James McClellan, Sanruel Haupt, . . . John Glover, j unior, . Jacob German, . . . Valentine Haas, Samuel Ludwig, . Charles Weirman, . Joseph Still well, . Joseph Musser, . . Mathew Brewer, J . John Mauck, . . . Solomon Engle, William Cameron, Thomas R. Lewis, . Mar. 2C, 1S13 Mar. 2P, 1813 Aug. 27, 1813 Nov. 10, 1813 Dec. 10, 1813 Mar. 2(), 1813 Mar. 30, 1813 Mar. 26, 1813 Mar. 26, 1813 Nov. 1. 1813 Mar. 26, 1813 Mar. 26, 1813 Mar. 26, 1813 Mar. 26, 1813 Jan. 25, 1814 Nov. 11, 1814 June 23, 1814 June 24, 1816 Mav 13, 1816 July 14, 1817 May 9, 1817 Oct. 20, 1817 May 30, 1817 June 3, 1819 Mar. 16, 1819 June 3, 1819 May 17, 1819 Jan. 4, 1820 Mar. 26, 1821 June 4, 1821 Oct. 4, 1821 Mar. 21, 1822 Mar. 29, 1822 Sept. 23, 1822 Mar. 29, 1822 Dec. 11, 1823 Nov. 18, 1823 Dec. 8, 1823 Dec. 10, 1823 Jvme 22, 1825 , Apr. 17, 1827 Feb. 19, 1827 , Nov. 23, 1827 * Ke3igned, A.pril 30, 1819. Henry Strubel, . . . Apr. 14, 1828 Henry Herold, . . . Apr. 14, 1828 Hottenstine, Dr. Isaac, Mar. 12, 1828 Michael Wittenmoyer, Apr. 20, 1829 Isaac Smith, .... Apr, 20, 1829 James Fleming Lum, Jan. 2, 1829 John Maclay, . . . Dec. 7, 1829 Robert G. H. Hayes, . Mar. 12, 1829 Simon Snyder, . . . Feb. 3, 1829 John Rank, .... Feb. 3, 1829 Jacob McCorley, . . Feb. 3, 1829 George Clingan, . . Dec. 15, 1829 Amos Stroll, .... Mav 5, 1830 James Madden, . . . Feb. 24, 1831 Samuel Geddes, . . Aug. 2, 1831 John Reifsnyder, . . Apr. 25, 1831 Jacob J. Marr, . . . May 31, 1831 Jacob Musser, . . . May 17, 1832 William Kessler, . . Jan. 11. 1833 William Roshong, . . Sept. 3, 1834 Jonathan Farnswarth, Feb. 2, 1835 John Highlv, . . . Nov. 18, 1835 Isaac Jones, .... Mar. 27, 1835 Samuel Roush, . . . Deo. 1, 1835 Henry Noll, .... Dec. 9, 1835 Peter H. Hawk, . . Nov. 4, 1835 John Lenig, .... Apr. 20, 1835 John Emmit, . . . Mar. 14, 1835 David Schwenck, . . June 7, 1836 .lames Harrison. . . Feb. 3, 1833 Samuel B. Barber, . June 7, 1836 Peter Hackenberg, sr., June 8, 1836 Philip Ruhl, .... Mar. 27, 1837 Joseph McCool, . . . Nov. 6, 1837 Daniel Bellman, . . Mar. 3, 1837 Andrew Glover, . . Mar. 27, 1837 John Courtney, . . . Oct. 24, 1838 Lewis Bertram, . . . Dec. 25, 1838 Levi B. Christ, . . . Jan. 3, 1838 Jacob F. Hummel, . Nov. 14, 1838 Jacob Riblet, . . . Dec. 26, 1838 Conrad Stock, . . . Jan. 11, 1839 George N. Youngman, Apr. 16, 1839 t Resigned, December 14, 1821. X Resigned, September 2T, 1838. NECROLOGY, COMMENCED BY JAMES E. LINN, Esquire, in 1826. Date of h Death. |^ Ackerman, Mrs. C, Jan. Adams, Joseph, Jan. Adams, William, Oct. Adams, Mrs. Mary, Oct. Aikev, Lewis, Apr. Albert, Jacob, July Albert, Benedict, May Alsbach, Solomon, Jan. Alter, Mrs. Mary, Feb. Alter, Abraham, July Ambers, Mrs. M., Sept. Ammon, Andrew, Mar. Ammon, Samuel, Sept. Ammon, Beyer, Feb. Ammon, Elizabeth, Feb. Anderson, James, May Anderson, Jere., Jan. Anderson Moses, June Andrews, George, Jan. Angle, Mrs. L. T., Oct. Angstadt, Mrs., Apr. Angstadt, Gideon, Angstadt, Benj., Feb. Anthony, Hon. J. B. Jan. Arbegast, Eve, Jan. Ard, Dr. Joseph B., Feb. Armstrong, Mrs. S., Feb. Armstrong, Wm., Aug. Armstrong, James, Aug. Armstrong, Marg't, July Arnold, George, May Atwood, Henry, Apr. Aubel, Mrs. Barb., July Aurand, Samuel, Aug. Aurand, Mrs. Geo., Aug. Aurand, Abram, jJan. Aurand, Henry, Mar. AnspaGh,Susan'h., Sept. Backhouse, Dr. S. T. Dec. 40 187476 1825 1868150 1872 i 85 1862 73 1848J80 1875 71 1828 1817 1829 1861 1842 1852 1862 1868 1847 i 1864 176 1874|75 1860 33 187126 1853! 18541 1863155 185l| 1868 90 1861 1829 1854 1867:75 18691 184875 1836 1843 82 1845 1848 71 1855 1844 1842 1848 Date op Death. 60 Badger, Robert, Baker, John, Baker, Peter, Baker, Mrs. Sarah, Baker, Jacob, Baker, Mrs. Ann S., Baker, John, Baker, John, W. D., Barber, Robert, Barber, Mrs. Mary, Barber, Col. Sam'l, Barber, Thomas, Barber, Mrs. S. A., Barber, Rev. D. M., Barber, Mrs. A. B., 1 Barber, Mrs. Eliz., Barber, Eleanor, Barber, Mrs. Jane, Barber, James W., Barkdoll, John H., Barnes, Charles L., Branhart, Mrs. S., Barnhart, Rev. W., Barrett, Able C, Barrett, Mrs. S. H., Barton, Esq., S. S., Baskins, Hon. J., Baum, Mrs. Eliz., Baum, Samuel, Baum, John M., Beaver, Rev. Peter, Beaver, W. M., Beaver, Mrs. E. G., Beatty, Jane, Becher, Capt. D. L., Bechtel, Peter, Bechtel, Samuel, Beck, Henry, Beck, Isaac L., Oct. 16, Oct. 25, Oct. 11, Apr. 9, Apr. 7, Sept. 20 Nov. 27, Feb. — , Mar. 2, Apr. 14, Dec. 26, Oct. 30, Dec. 17, Apr. 5, Aug. 25. Feb. 13, May 30, May 3, Jan. 21, Feb. 18, Apr. 19, Sept. 10, Jan. 8, Sept. 14, Sept. 26, Sept. 23, Oct. 3, June 29, Aug. 26, Nov. 13, Oct. 30, Mar. 4, Mar. 17, Feb. 3, Apr. 9, Jan. 2, May 21, 837 1821 J 23 1853 34 1855 42 1862 35 1868 58 1874 82 184191 1846 1846 1856 1860 56 1865 66 187130 1872,86 1873 81 1874 60 1877182 1868] 1862 70 1854-78 1862 35 1849 1872 1864 65 1851 '63 183961 1842 1 1862139 184967 1854 22 186141 1829 62 1858 84 1852 1870; 1846 1856' 158 145 5(>4 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. S6S Beck, Adam, Beck, Mrs. Susan'h, Beckly, sr., Daniel, Becker, John, Beckly, Benjamin, Beeber, Jolm, Beisel, Mrs. Susan, Beiler, sr., John, Bell, Berrvhill, Bell, W. G., Bell, Mrs. M. R., Benner, .John, Benner, George, Benner, Elizabeth, Benner, John B., Bennett, Elizabeth, Bennett, Charles, Berkley, Joseph, Bertolette, Jona., Betz, Solomon, Beyer, Daniel, Beyer, Charles, Beyer, Dr. Charles, Bibighaus,Dr. .Tno., Bibighans, Mrs. J., Biddle, .John, Billington, Thomas, Billmyer, Clara, Billmj'er, jNIartin, Billmyer, Mrs. S., Binns, John, Bird, Jonathan, Bishop, .John, Black, .Tames, Black, Mrs., Isa'la, Black, Hannah, Black, Mary, Black, Thonias S., Black, Mrs. M. B., Blackwell, Mrs. Blair, .Tane, Blvthe, Esq., Cal., Boal, Capt. David, Boal, Esq., Geo. F., Bobst, Michael, Bockener, Isaac, Bogar, Jacob, Bogar, John D., Bogar, Hester, Boggs, Rose G., Boop, Peter, Bergstresser, Geo., Bossier, .Jolm, Boveard, Mrs., Bower, Mrs. Sarah, Bower, Jacob, Bower, William, Bower, George, Date of Death. Dec, 21 Mar. 11 July 22 Sept. 18 May 29 MaV 11 Feb. 28, Mar. 3 Nov. 15 June 27 July 28 Mar. Nov. 10 Dec. 29 Sept, Mar. 2 Aug. 5 Oct. Jan. Oct. 23 Oct. 31 July 19 Sept. 13 Julv Mar. 1 Aug. 29 Mar. 10 June 25 Apr. 3 Nov. 14 June 16 Feb. 13 Nov. 21 Mar. 9 Apr. 25 Aug. 11 Am: 18 Nov. 29 Feb. 7 Nov. 23 Nov. 17 June 27 Oct. 11 Jan. 18 Mav Sept. 28, Aug. 15 Apr. 15 Aug. If Aug. 4 Aug. 14 May 3 .June 4 Nov. 20, Mar. 1 Sept. 2^ Dec. 21 Aug. 13 , 1867 91 , 1870 89 , 183li , 1843 84 , 1856 , 1872 , 1862 , 1868 , 1861 , 1875 , 1876 , 1854 , 1854 , 1834 , 1875 , 1872 , 1874 , 1850 , 1874 , 1837 , 1826 , 1866 , 1830 , 1860 , 1861 , 1867 , 1856 , 1844 , 1862 , 1874 , 1860 , 1873 64 , 1854 , 1837 , 1847 , 1858 , 1862 , 1870 , 1872 , 1849 , 1861 , 1849 , 1824 , 1856 , 1841 , 1828 , 1826 , 1862 , 18631 , 1872 49 , 1872 70 , 1856 72 , 1859 82 , 1847,91 , 1846! ;, 1847 86 , 18511 , 1854 65 44 Bowes, John, Boyd, .John B., Boyer, Mrs. Barb'ra Boyer, Mrs. Sarah, Bover, Samuel, Bradford, E. G., Brady, Charlotte, Braucher, .Jacob, Brauclier, George, Brautigam, Daniel, Brause, Jonathan, Breyman, Christ'n, Brice, Thomas, Bridge, Mrs. Eliz., Bright, Schreyer, Brigiit, George, Bright, Jacob, Bright, Joseph, Brobst, Jacob, Brooks, Enos, Brown, .John, Esq Brown, .John, Brown, John, BroAvn, John, Brown, Cin-ist, G., Brown, William, Brown, Mrs. Susan, BroAvn, Cliristian, Brown, Matthew, Brown, Mrs. Han'h, Brown, Lt. Hogan, Brown, Abraham, Brown, .Jacob, Brown, Christian, Brown, George, Brown, William, Brown, Michael, Bryson, Robert, Bryson, Rev, John, Bucher, Maggie, G,, Buckner, Isaac, Buckner, William, Buckner, Amelia, Buckner, Sarah, Budd, Mrs. Anna, Buoy, Edward, Burn, Sarah, Burr, Henry H., Burrell, Joseph, Burris, John L. Bussler, Mrs., Butterfield, Jonas, Byler, Samuel, Cadwallader, Seth, Caldwell John, Caldwell, Mary, Caldwell, Dan, Caldwell, James D., Date of Death, Aug, 1 Mar, 1 Jan, 3 Apr, 10 May 17 June 6 July 7 May 11 Mar. 10 Jan. 12 May 26 Oct. 20 Nov. 22 Nov. 15 May 18 Feb. 13 Mar. 6 Mar, 22 Feb, 23 July 27 Dec. 13 Aug, 7 Dec, 30 July 29 .Julv 15 Sept, 28 July 29 Aug, — Jan. 7 May 10 Nov. 11 Dec. 28 Oct. 28, Apr. 4 Sept. 29 Mar, 9 Oct, 30 Aug, 3 Mar, 23 Sept, 28: Aug. 18 May 18 Aug, 4 Feb, 20 Dec, 5 Nov, 21 Oct, 15 Mar, 5 Fall of Oct, 3 May 28 Aug, 26 jMay — Aug, — , Dec, 16 Mar, 14 93 1832 1845 1868 1872 '68 187469 1836 1848 1870 '86 1874'80 1863'75 1876|73 1862 67 1858 53 1873 62 1854 16 1862 62 1865 175 1872 67 1825173 1872 66 183165 1838 82 1845 '62 1846 61 1850 1855 59 1858 30 I86OI 1860 67 1865 62 1861 1 1869 81 1870 71 1873 80 1875180 1875,84 1876 1832 1855 1869 1828 1849 1858 1864 1866 1874 1842 1853 1827 1869 1825, 1826 1868 1863 1834 1834 1836 1847 56b ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Date op Death. Dec. 11, 1868 40 Apr. — , 18(53 Nov. 10, 1830 i. .June 80, 183 Caldwell, .TaneM., Cilvin, Miss Mary, Cameron, Martha, Gamei-on, Daniel, Cameron, Col. .Jas., .July 21, 18(31 Cameron, jr., Wm.,'Nov. 29, 1S()1'24 Campbell, .John, jOct. 27, 1838 Campbell, Maria, |Jan. — , 18(5 1[ Campbell, Rebecca, Jan. 25, 18(il 83 Campbell, Wm., Sept.—, 186l| Campbell, F. C, :Apr. 21, 18(57 Candor, Harriet, May — , 1836 Candor, Mrs. Eliz., iDec. 14, 183(5 Candor, J. Howard, Sept. 23, 1839 Candor, .Josiah, j June 26, 1840 Candor, Joseph, 'Apr. 18, 1849 Candor, John M., jNov. 13, 1849 Candor, Miss Lydia,! Mar. —^ 1862 Candor, Franklin, jMar. 12, 1882 Candor, Elizabeth, JApr. 12, 18(32 Carson, John B., 'Mar. 25, 1849 Carothers, William.'Jan. 7, 1861 Carothers, Annie M. ' Jan. 10, 1861 Caul, John, : Jan. 9, 1861 Cawlev, James, -Sept. 25, 1840 Cawley, Miss Eliz., ! July 11, 1862 Cawley, Charles, 'May 16, 1871 Chamberlin, Ann, [Apr. 2, 1832 Chamberlin, Uriah, Feb. 1, 1853 Chamberlin, Col. A. Jan. 12, 1856 Chamberlin, John, Apr. 15, 1858 Chamberlin, Mrs M. Mar. — , 1859 Chamberlin, G. A., Apr. 13, 1860 Chamberlin, Mary, Apr. 3, 1865 Chamberlin, M. E., July 25, 1866 Chambers, Robert, . — , 1835 Chambers, Reb'aE. Mar. 11, 1836 Chambers, Benj. Chambers, Mrs. M., Cliambers, Robert, Chambers, Benj. Chambers, Mrs. M., Chapijell, Lucinda, Chappell, Mrs. M., Chappell, Jason L., Chappell, Mearit, Charles, Samuel, Charlton, Dr. Jas., Cherry, Charles, Chesney, Jacob G., Chestnut, J., Chestnut, Rev. D., Chestnut, Ann, Christ, Jacob, Christ, Mrs. Cath., Christ, Mrs. Hester, Christ, Levi B., Christie, Mrs. Mar., Dec. 19, 1847 Aug. 2, 1863 Oct. 15, 18(34 Oct. 19, 1872 Oct. 26, 1875 Sept. 2, 1849 Oct. — , 1849 Aug. 26, 1865 Oct. — , 1872 Sept. 23, 1873 Oct. — , 1831 Sept. — , 1823 Mar. 9, 1858 Feb. — , 1825 _, 1837 June 10, 1851 July 27, 1832 Feb. 23, 1861 Aug. 16, ]863 Oct. 4, 1876 Oct. 27, 1860 Clark, Sarah, Clark, Sarah, Clark, Flavel, Clark, .James, Clemmens, Mich'l, Clingan, Wm. Esq., Clingan, Mrs., Clingan, Thomas, Date op Death. Aug. 13, 1854 68 Mav 10, 1857 67 Mar. 6, 1858 44 Oct. 22, 1864| Apr. 7, 1859|77 May 24, 1822 May 7, 1838 85 :Vpr. 24, 1858 73 Clingan, jr., Flavel, Apr. 21, 1859 24 Clingan, George, Clingan, Mrs. M., Clingan, Flavel R., Coburn, Dr. Clias., Cole, George, Collins, Mrs. Mary, Colsher, , Comly, Tliomas, Conner, David, Conner, Elizabeth, Conner, John, Conrad, George, Cook, Adam, Cook, Elizabeth, Coolc, .James, Cook, Andrew, Cooper, .Judge Jno. Cornelius, William, Cornelius, Jesse, Cornelius, Mrs. J., Cornelius, .James, Cornelius, Mrs., Cornelius, .John, Cornelius, Mrs. F., Corneliiis, Mrs. S., Cornelius, .James, Cornelius, Thomas, Corrj^, George, Costenbader, Hen., Courtney, William, Coverly, Maj. J. C, Covert, Mrs. Mary, Cowden, Esq., Jno., Cox, Mrs. Sarah F., Craig, Mrs. Anna, Crawford, Dr. J. W., Cress, Conrad, Criswell, Thomas, Criswell, Mrs. E., Criswell, Mrs. Sar., Cronmiller, Martin, Crosgrove, Samuel, Crosgrove, James, Orotzer, Thomas, Cummings, John, Cummings, sr., ,J., Cummings, James, Cummings, Alex., Dale, Mrs. Eliza, 45 Jan. 14, 1860 72 Dec. 31, 1861 72 Oct. 17, 1876 82 Apr. 23, 1858 72 Mar. 2, 1868 69 Aug. 2, 1874 1 82 May 26, 1857:96 \pr. 13, 1866 '47 Feb. 8, 1840 Sept. 26, 1840 Sept. 3, 1846 July 5, 1849 Aug. 21, 18321 Jan. 4, 1849 1 Feb. 21, 1873 81 Sept. 16, 1873 82 June 21, 1863 79 About 1814. I May 31, 1833 Aug. 26, 1843 80 Nov. 19, 1849 Oct. 1, 1854 Apr. . 8, 1866 Sept. 23, 18(37 Aug. 10, 1868 Jan. 24, 1874 Mar. 10, 1874 Aug. 15, 1856 Aug. 27, 1853 Sept. 5, 1854 May 18, 1856 Mar. 29, 1858 Jan. 13, 1837 Oct. 13, 18(58 Jan. 26, 1848 Apr. 17, 1861 Oct. 24, 1844 Apr. 26, 1860 June 4, 1861 Feb. 10, 186246 Jan. 26, 1838 76 Sept. 24, 186188 Feb. 27, 1876 ;76 53 Sept. 14, 1852 Aug. 27, 1829 Feb. 16, 1846 Jan. 19, 1859 72 Mar. 30, 1862 58 Apr. 23, 1835 80 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 5(>7 Dale, Samuel, Dale, William, Dale, Mary Ellen, Dale, Col. James, Dale, Miss Agnes, Danowsky, Wm. F., Davidson, Ann, Davis, James K., Davis, William, Davis, Mrs. Sarah, Davis, Miss Ann, Dawson, Rev. A., Dawson, Mrs. R., Deck, Grodfrey, Dennius, Mrs. H., Deibert, Henry, Dentler, Peter, Dennis, John, W. B. Dennis, Mrs. Mich., Dentler, John, Dentler, Hon. J. F., Dentler, Mrs., Deratt, Daniel, Deratt, Nancy, Derr, George, Derr, Frances, Derr, Mrs. Fanny, Derr, Elizabeth, Derr, John H., Derr, Lewis, Derr, Benjamin, ' Derr, Jose^jli Y., Derr, John, Derr, Mrs. Char., Derr, Jacob, Derring, Miss Eliz., Dersham, Abra. V., Dersham, Mrs. H., Diettenderfer, F., Dififenderfer, Philip Dieflenderfer, J., Diefifenbach, Mrs., Dilcomb, George, Dillen, Mrs. R", Donaldson, Mr., Donaldson, Mrs. A., Donarchy, John, Donarchy, Benj., Donarchy, Mrs.F. S. Donnel, Esq., H., Dorman, Peter, Dorman, Mrs. C, Dorough, Sarah, .Dorough, James, Dougal, Dr. John, Doudle, Daniel, Dovigal, Mrs. S. A., Dreisbach, Martin, Date of Death. Aug, Sept. 12 Mav 7 Sept. 11 Jime 23 Mar. 1 Julv — Mar. 10 Aug. 11 Sept. — , Apr. 5 Nov. 4 Jan. 27 June 30, Jan. 27 Sept. 9, Apr. 21 Mar. 22 Mav 18 Aug. 18 Jan. 5 Mar. 6 Mar. 20 Nov. 2: Feb. i Oct. 9 Feb. 15 Nov. 17 Aug. 14 June 17 Nov. 11 July 21 Feb. 1 Feb. 8, Aug. 2 Aug. 16 Nov. 3, Nov. 8 Aug. 17 Sept. 12, May 19 Fail of Dec. 13 July 15 < 1848 1857 1861 1862,81 1865 1875 73 1827 1847 1860 1860 1861 1855 168 186377 39 1870 1848 1872 1843 1876 1876 1853 1860 1866 1848 1850 1829 1832 1842 1848 1861 1862 1862 1864 1869 1873 1873 1859 1873 1875 1825 1876 1875 1819. 1842 1867 1823 1826 1841 1845 1872 1826 1874 1875 1832; 1860 1830 1828 1862 1831 80 Dreisbach, Ellis, Dreisbach, Charles, Dreisbach, John, Dreisbach, Rev. J., Dreisbach, Thomas, Dreisbach, Mrs. E., Duncan, James, Dubois, James S., Duncan Martha, Duncan, David, Duncan, Mrs. D., Duncan, Thos. F., Dundore, George, Dunkle, Mrs., Dunkle, Conrad, Dunkle, John, Dunkle, sr., .John, Dunlap, Mrs. Mary, Dunlap, John, Dunn, Josiah, Dunn, James, Dunn, Mrs. Eliz., Dunn, Mrs., Dunseif, Hironem's, Eartley, Mrs. Maria, Eaton, Cyrus, Eckert, George, Eckert, George B., Eckert, Mrs. N. B., Egbert, jr., John, Eilert, Mrs. Ann, Eilert, Christopher, Elder, Mrs. Eliza, Elliott, John W., Elliot, Henrietta G., Ellis, Esq., H. D., Ellis, William, Ely, Issac, Ely, Richard Har., Engle, Solomon, Engie, Samuel, Engiehart, Mrs. H., Ettman, John, Evans, Josei^h, Evans, Elizabeth, Evans, Williara, Evans, Dr. Chas. R., Ewing, Joshua, Ewing, Agnes, Ewing, Mrs., Ewing, James, Ewing Rev. James, Ewing, Elizabeth, Eyer, Abraham, Ever, Jacob, Eyer, Jacob, Eyer, jr., Isaac, Eyerly, Prof. Jacob, Date of Death. Oct. 29 Apr. 29 Feb. 7 Aug. 19 May 4 Oct. 2 Oct. 12 June 7 Feb. 13 Sept. 6, Sept. 8, July 27 Mar. 31 Sept. 29 Jan. 26 Jan. 2 Feb. 18 Sept. 8 Sept. 26 Oct. U June — Feb. 18 Julv 12 Nov. 13 Mar. 9 Jan. 25 Julv 21 Mar. 10 :Vllg. 29 Apr. 7 Aug. 7 June 1 Jan. 20, May 9 July 21 Sept. 19 Apr. 11 Oct. 15 Nov. 19 Nov. 6 Sept. 19 Sept. 22 Apr. 21 Mar. 26 Aug. 24 Sept. 23 July 22 Sept. — Mar. 8 Mar. 22 Sept. 22 Aiig. 19 Oct. 30 Julv 14 Sept. 19 July 9 Aus. — 1860 1861 1869 1871 1872 1875 1843 1852 1847 1855 1865 1867 1866 1842 1845 1846 1864 1837 1842 1823 1849 1861 1862 1830 1842 1873 79 1850 1868 1876 1855 1874 1824 1870 1857 1872 1851 1868 1843 1849 1852 1872 1874 1827 1834 1836 1841 1867 1844 1851 1855 1856 1861 1869 1823 1827 1854 1868 1864 161 21 178 ,82 177' i73 ;85 156 65 58 80 69 195 164 145 55 170 >78 ■72 64 160 40 160 45 169 22 55 63 28 :80 25 45 74 53 75 28 145 75 S6S ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Date of Death. Sept. 25, 1854 36 June 9, ISfil 26 Apr. 12, 1830 Sept. 22, 1827 Sept. 7, 1826 Sept. 7, 1826 — , 1823 Feb. 9, 1854 May 16, 1855 Jan. 27, 1857 Julv 30, 1824 Mar. 29, 1875 May 31, 1874 Mar. 13, 1846 Sept. 6, 1853:64 Jan. 4, 1860 43 .Jan. 29, 1834]76 Mar. 11, 184-1 Aug. 9, 1849 Mar. 26, 1853 July 2, 1864 Farley, Abraham, July 29, 1875 84 Faries,Fsq., Robert, Nov. 12, 1S64 60 Fetter, Mrs. Abram, Oct. 21, 1868}78 Fetter, Abram, May 4, 1876 84 Fenner, Marv R., Aug. 13, 1865 74 Fess, David, July 29, 1876 76 Fessler, Mrs. Mary, Sept. 21, 1854 64 Fessler, Jacob, ' " "~ ' "" Fiedler, Fred. G., Fields, Emily, Fillman, Jacob, Finney, .Jaines, Finney, Mrs. Eliz., Fisher, Rebecca, Fisher, Lieut. Thos. Fisher, Esq., A. C, Fisher, Rev. A., Fleming, .Tames, Follmer, Daniel, Fleming, Gen. Rob. Follmer, Thomas, Follmer, Mrs. M., Forry, Nathan, shff. Forster, Robert, Forster, Joseph, Forster, John, Forster, William, Forster, .John, Forster, Mary Lou.,|Maf. 19, 1865 Forster, John V., Mar. 19, 1865 Forster, William, Forster, Mrs. Jane, Forster, T. H. B., Fowler, Mrs. A., Fox, Peter, Frain de, Henry, Frank, John Pliilip, Frederick, Philip, Frederick, Matilda, Frick, Mrs. Eliz., Frick, Dr. Clar. H. Frick, Esq., G. A., Fries, Rev. Just H. — Ji'ries, John, Frock, Heni-y, Fryer, Jacob, Fulmer, Andrew, Gable, John, Gearhart, John L., Nov. 6, 1860 Gebhart, Jonathan, Nov. 3, 1838 Gebhart, George, Dec. 13, 1876 Geddes, John R., Jan. 7, 1837 Geddes, Miss Maria, Oct. 1, 1854 Gemberling,Mrs.E.'Oct. 13, 1861 Mar. 27, 1865 Sept. 29, 1868 Jan. 16, 1861 Sept. 24, 1860 Jan. 10, 1856 Jan. 4, 1864 Sept. 25, 1856 Feb. 19, 1852 Sept. 6, 1866 Sept. 2, 1859 .Tan. 21, 1861 June 10, 1872 Oct. 9, 1839 May 1, 1869 Nov. 25, 1861 Feb. 13, 1864 Apr. 5, 1862 Sept. 11, 1873 43 72 63 Date of Death. Gember]ing,Phi]ip,iApr. 26, 1870,75 George, Rev. John, |Dec. 13, 1867160 George, Sarah Ann, iFeb. 18, 1864;39 German, Jacob, 'Jan. 6, 1848 60 Gessner, Francis J., Sept. 9, 1855 36 Gessner, Mrs. F. J., Sept. 9, 1855 35 Getz, Mrs. Barbara, Jan. 13, 1864 66 Geyer, Adam, Dec. 13, 1832 Gibbons, Hugh, Apr. 7, 1871 Gibson, Henrv, Aug. 22, 1871 Gilfillan, Dr. Ed., Apr. 12, 1833 Ginter, Mrs. Ann, Sept. 24, 1863 Ginter, Charles, Dec. 17, 1836 Glass, Joseph, July 25, 1870 Glass, Mrs. Mary A., Apr. 30, 1870 Glover, John, Mar. — , 1825 Glover, Esq., Wm., Nov. 8, 1854 Glover, Esq., John, Mav, 17, 1862 Goddard, Abner S., Sept. 11, 1852 Goodlander, J. V., Aug. 22, 1863 Gordon, Mrs. Har., Julv 17, 1846 Gordon, Mary, Sept. 20, 1855 Gottshall, David, July 14, 1849 Graham, Alex. Aug, 23, 18.39 Graham, T. W., .Tuly 22, 1859 Graham, Mrs. M.M., Mar. 18, 1863 Graham, Thomas, Aug. 20, 1864 Graham, Rosetta, Aug. 4, 1872 Graham, H. Spyker, Aug. 28, 1868 Grant, Deborah, Feb. 22, 1847 Gray, John, Mar. 23, 1849 Gray, Robert, Oct. 17, 1854 Gregg, Mrs. C. H., Jan. 14, 1865 Gregg, Andrew, Mav 14, 1869 Green, Dr. Geo.,W., Jan. 12, 1848 Green, Robert B., Dec. 29, 1849 Green, Abbot, Mar. 23, 1851 Green, Mrs. Marg., Sept. 6, 1856 Green, Margaret, May 7, 1858 Green, Thomas, Dec. 3, 1865 Green, Mrs. Eliz., June 6, 1867 Green, Mrs. J. H., Apr. 30, 1870 Greenough, Esq.,E. Dec. 25, 1847 Grier, Thomas, . Feb. 2, 1829 Grier, Joseph F., Feb. 10, 1858 Grier, Thomas G., Oct. 6, 1864 Grier, Maria Jane, Dec. 7, 1865 Grier, Mrs. Marg., June 1, 1870 Groff, Abraham., Oct. 8, 1873 Grove, Mrs, Cath., Feb. 29, 1848 Gross, Henry, Aug. 15, 1842 Grove, Mrs. "Nancy, June 12, 1853 Grove, Michael, Sept. — , 1827 Grove, David, May 30, 1866 Grove, Eliza, Nov. 3, 1869 Grove Samuel, Sept. 1, 1873 Gudykunst, Chas.. Jan. 13, 1865 Gun'drum, George, Apr. 29, 1853 Gundy, Eliza, May 15, 1829 Gundy, Christain, Sept. 30, 1836 Gundy, George, Nov. 6, 1843 Gundv, William S., Mar. 13. 1846 78 63 64 60 77 61 70 80 44 50 52 45 53 77 42 59 84 70 28 78 28 68 77 45 52 46 61 31 56 24 33 62 63 79 80 32 54 78 75 66 45 Vp A ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 5(^9 Date of h Death. 2 Gundy, John, Oct. Gutelius, Fred., May Gutelius, Esq., I., Sept. Gutelius, Rev. S., July Gutelius, Andrew, Sept. Guyer, Adam, July Guyer, Peter, Sept. Guyer, Rev. John, Dec. Guj'-er, Israel, Mar. Guyer .John, Mar. Haak, .John, Mar. Hackenberg, Peter, Dec. Hafer, Mrs. Eliz., Jan. Hafer, Mrs. Eliz., AjDr. Hafer, .Jacob, Oct. Hagenbucli, Peter, Feb. Halfpenny, Mrs. C, June Hall, Esq., Charles, Mar. Hall, Ebenezer. Ajar. Hall, Rev. Wni. M., Aug. Hall, John, jOct. Hammond, Joseph, Hammond, Marg., Oct. Hammond, Oscar, Mar. Hann, Jacob, Mar. Hann, .Jared, Aug. Hannah, John, Aug. Hai-baugh, Mrs. L., Sept. Harkens, John, July Harbaugh, Rev. H., Dec. Harimer, Mrs. M., Dec. Harmon, Susan, Oct. Harmony, Benj., : Harris, Sally, Dec. Harris, Mrs." Mary, Dec. Harris, Mrs. Mary, Oct. Harris, Caroline D., Sept. Harris James, J^dy Harris, Miss M., Feb. Harrison, .James,, July Harrison, Hon. Jas., Apr. Hartman, George, July Hassenplug, J. H. ISTov. Hassenplug, , Apr. Hassenplug, Wm., Feb. Hauck, George, Mar. Haupt, jr., Sam'l, Jan. Haupt, Esq., Sam'l, Feb. Hans, .JohUj July Hans, Susannah, July Haus, Jacob, Oct. Hawn, Mrs. Eliz., Sept. Hawn, Daniel, Dec. Hawn, Nancy Jane, Jan. Hayes, Mrs. Mary, Dec. Hayes, Mrs. Emily, Ajjr. Hayes, Sarah, JAug. Hayes, John, I Mar. 51 1864 66 1839:72 1863,60 1866:72 1874166 1835 1843] 84 1867 60 1875 54 1875 57 1828 1847 75 1873 80 1875 76 1875 79 1875 60 1877 54 1825 1847 1849 1856 1823 1835 1857 35 1841 ! 1864^51 1832 83 1847 23 1870 50 1867 1872 1875 1833 1827 1842 1863 1864 1868 1873 1850 1866 1861 1829 1859 1876 1864 1864 1869 1849 1852 1855 1865 1865 84 1859 33 1827 1830 1845 1850 67 Hayes, R. G. H., Hayes, Esq., David, Heckel, Mrs. Mary, Heckel, Mrs. Han'h, Heckendorn, D., Heinbach, George, Heinly, .John, Heiser, Catherine, Heiser, Frederick, Heitzman, Jacob, Hendrick, Andrew, Henderson, Sam'l, Henning, John, Hepburn, Esq., S., Herbst, Ilenry, Herbst, Henry, Herbst, Mrs. Cath., Herbst, Mrs. M. M., Herbst, .Josiah, Herbst, Esq., D., Herr, David, Hertz, .John, Hess, Henry, Hess, jr., Ilenry, Hess, Mrs. Eliz"., Hess, Mrs. L. C, Heverling, John, Hicks, Cliristian, Hicks, Mrs. C, Hickok, John H., Hickok, Mrs. M. L., Higgins, Chas. W., High, .John, High, Elizabeth M., Hilands, Robert, Hilbourn, James, Himmelreich, P., Hinnnelreich, Dan., Himmelreich, j r. , P. Himmelreich, D., Hixson, Mrs. Jane, Hoffman, Mrs. L., Hoffman, Mrs. C, Hoffman, Mrs. C, Hogendobler, Jos., Hood, Jane, Hood, -Julia, Hood, Wilson H., Hood, Catherine, Hoover, George, Horning, Mrs. Ann, Horlacher, Daniel, Houghton, Mrs. S., Houghton, M. A., Houghton, John, Houghton, .Jas. M., Housel, William, Housel, Mrs. Wm., Date of Death. May 2 .June 15 Sept. 15 Dec. 13 Apr. 26 Oct. 23 Feb. 27 Dec. 18 Mar. 27 Sept. 7, Feb. 15 Sept. 29, .June 18 Oct. 16 Aug. 15 Apr. 22 Sept. 24, Aug. 3 Nov. 27 Feb. 16 Feb. — June 16 Apr. 7 Mar. 9 May, 8 Apr. 25 Feb. 15 Dec. 22 Jan. 27 .Jan. 14 Sept. 4 Jan. 2 Sept. 20, Jan. 29 Mar. 15 Nov. 2 Jan. — Sept. 2 June 12 Feb. 21 Nov. 17 Apr. 20 July 28 July 6 Feb. 26 Mar. 11 May 26 June 9, July 21 Mar. 10, July 24 Jan. 21 Sept. 1 Oct. 25 Apr. 26 Aug. 9 July 7 59 !49 87 41 '59 '75 1854 , 1858 - 1864 1871 1864 . 1860 , 1845 ' 1844 172 1845 73 1861 1868 80 18751 1853 1865 1 1829 1848 I 1863 1866 1870 1875 1872 1872 1858 1860 1864 1876 1869 1853 1863 1841 1868 1862 1855 1860 1824 1851 1828 1830 1866 1873 1876 1872 1875 1876 1864 1826 1839 1849 1867 1869 1842 1873 1847 1853 1863 1873 1829 1835 84 84 7 82 41 94 51 60 63 46 62 23 67 49 69 84 570 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Housel, William L., Housel, Jacob, Housel, Capt. Win., Housel, Joshua, Housel, Jacob, Housel, Mrs. Mary, Housel, Wni. Esq., Housel, Mrs. Mary, Howard, Elizabeth, Howard, Thomas, Howard, Mrs. E., Howard Thomas, Howard, David, Howard, Laird, Hoy, John, Hubler, .John, Hubler, Mrs. John, Hubler, Henry, Huft; Mrs. Marg., Humes, Samuel, Hummel, Mrs. Chr. Hummel, .John, Hummel, Capt. J., Hummel, Daniel, Hunsicker, Cath., Hunter, Montg. Hunter, Barbara H. Huntingdon, John, Hursh, Henry, Hursh, Mrs. Hursh, George, Hursh, Samuel, Huston, Hon. Chas., Hutcheson, Mrs. P., Hutcheson, John, Hutcheson, James, Hutchinson, M. A., Iddings, Henry, Iddings, Samuel, Iddings, Isaac, Iddings, Elizabeth, Iddings, Abigail, Iddings, Mrs. Isab., Iddings, Thomas, Iddings, Lewis, Iddings, Mrs. Mary, Iddings, Sarah Em. Ingram, John S., Ireland, John W., Irvine, Mrs. Nancy, Irvine, Susan, Irvin, Sarah Harris, Irwm, Mrs. Nancy, James, Mrs. Marg't, Jenks, Mrs. A., Jodon, Casper, Jodon, Joseph, Johnson, Jacob, Date of Death. Aug. 3 July 26 Juiie 7 Sept. 17 Aug. 4 Julv 30 Apr. 21 Dec. 14 IMar. 30 Jan. 15 May 21 July 17 Nov. 15 Mar. 19 Aug. 27 Mar. 14 Mar. 27 July 3 Sept. 22, Mar. 28 Aug. July 11 Dec. 17 Sept. 7 July 5 Aug. 18 Apr. 7 Feb. 8, Aug. 15 Jan. 27 May 2 Dec. 14 Nov. 10 June 10 Jan. 22 Oct. 13 Oct May 16 Mar. 8 Aug. 24 Nov. 7 Mar, Jan. 4 Apr. 22 Oct. 14 Jan. 25 July 6 Mar. 1 Jan. 23 Aug, 6 July 31 Feb. 5 June 3 19 80 65 , 1849 , 1850 , 1850 , 1852 , 1859 1 60 , 1860 66 , 1867 77 , 1868 '82 , 1829 , 1842 , 1842 , 1859 , 1859 , 1870 , 1853:86 , 1845182 , 1845 '80 , 1874173 , 1832 , 1859 , 1847 , 1853 72 , 1860 80 , 1861 176 , 1872.80 , 1860 46 , 1862169 , 1873*65 , 1829 , 1848 , 1873 , 1875 70 , 1849 , 1825 , 1828 , 1860 '43 1, 1868 , 1820 , 1820 , 1823 , 1823 , 1828 , 1838 , 1848 73 , 1857:37 , 1861 40 , 1862 19 , 1848! , 1862 19 , 18301 , 18341 , 1857 96 , 1830 , 1823 , 1859 , 1826 , 1863 j74 , 18351 77 Johnson, Abel, •Johnson, Mrs. S. J., .Jones, Thomas, .Jones, Mrs. Eliz., Jones, Mary A., Jordan, Mrs. M. H., .Joyce, Isabel, .Joyce, Dr. William, Ivaufman, Peter, Kaufman, John, Kaufman, David, Kaufman, Mrs. L., Kaufman, Mrs. D., Kaufman, Daniel, Kaufman, J as. B., Kaufman, Isaac, Kaufman, Mrs.H. B. Kay, .James, Keeler, .Jacob, Keeler, Mrs. Barb., Keiser, John, Keiser, Jacob, Kelly, William, Kelly, Mrs. S., Kelly, James W., Kelly, Esq., Col. J., Kelly, .James S., Kelly, .Joseph, Kelly, Robert H., Kelly, Peter M., Ivelly, .James M., Kelly, Rev. Joshua, Ivelly, Ellen, Kelly, Robert, Kelly, Andrew, Kellv, Mrs. H., Kelly, David H., Kennedy, Mrs. N., Kennedy, Andrew, Kerr, Hamlet A., Kessler, Catherine, Kessler, Esq., W., Jvetchitm, Mrs. M., Ivetner, Catherine, Kiehl, George W., Kieffer, Miss Sallie, Kietfer, Henry, Kimbell, John, Kimple, Adam, Ivimple, .John, Ivimple, ]\'Iiss Sarah, King, sr., James, King, Mrs. Marg. Kingan, Sarah, Kinkead, .Joseph, Kinkead, Eug. W., Ivirkpatrick,Rey.D. Kleckner, Solomon, Date of Death. Nov. 19, Apr. 14 Oct. 15 June 15 May 11 Feb. 3 July 27 Apr. 18 Dec. 10 Nov. .30, Sept. 27 Dec. 24 May, 1 Jaii. 7 Julv 6 July 18 May 31 Apr. 22 Mar. 8 Dec. 13 Nov. 23 Feb, 12 Jan. 27 Jan. 2 Dec. 26 Feb. 18 May 14 Mar. 2 Nov. 26 Aug. 19 Mar. 27 Apr. 10 Jime 16 Apr. 12 Sept. 24 Feb. 20 Feb. 11 Feb. 24 Aug. 24 Sept. 3 Sept. 1 Feb. 21 July 13 July 13 July 3, June 11 Aug. 4 May 19 Dec. 17 Mar. 12 Jan. 11 Dec. 15 Apr. 5 July 2 Dec. 17 .Jan. 5 Aug. 18 ,83 I 86 1849 1862 29 1833 i 1847,84 18(53 1857 62 1850 1851 1845 1849 1863 1859 73 1861125 1866 165 1866180 187160 1872 69 1856 76 1870 90 1869 84 1850 1867 60 1830 1831 1831 18.32 88 1854 39 1860 67 1860 1861 27 1862 23 1862 40 1862 34 1865 77 1867 84 1868 77 1875 72 1865 57 1870 75 1849 1827 1861 80 1870 81 1826 54 1858 53 1873 55 1874 66 187() 74 1831 1856 76 1876 73 1870 94 1874 80 1857 90 1845 1846 18(;9 74 1837 72 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 57^ Kleckner, John, Kleckner, William, Kleckner, George, Kleckner, Isaac, Kline, Jacob, Kleckner, Eliz., Kleckner, Miss M., Kline, Charles, Kline, John H., Kling, Jeremiah, Kling, Jolm, Kling, Jolm, Klingaman, Peter, Knarr Anna Mary, Knittle, Mrs., Knight, Mrs. Rach., Kohler, Anna, Koser, Jonatlian, Koser, Joim, Kratzer, Daniel, Kreamer, Mrs.Abr., Kreamer, Abraliam, Krenier, Hon. Geo., Kreamer, Micliael, Kreider, Hon. Jac, Kreitzer, Fred., Lafey, ISIargaret, Lafey, Isaac, Lairfi, Mattliew, Laird, Rev. Matt. Laird, Mrs, Matt. Laird, .lane, Laird, Mrs. Maria, Laird, Col. S. H., Laird, Mrs. Jane, Laird, Matthew, Lantz, Samuel, Lashells, ,Tolm, Lashells, Mrs. Geo., Lasliells, George R., Lashells, Mrs. Mart. Lashells, Marg, C, Lashells, George, Lashells, jr., John, Lasliells, Ida, Lashells, Elean. C, Love, William, Love, Mrs. Eliz., Lawrence, George, Lawson, Josepli, Lawshe, sr., John, Lawshe, jr., John, Lawson, Mrs. Nan., Lebkicker, Mich., Lebkicker, Pliilip, Lebkicker, John, Lee, Catherine, Lehman, Mrs. Han. Date of Death. Aug. 23, .Tan. 5, May 3, May 14, Nov. 15, Julv 19, Aug. 9, Mar. 22, Mar. 28, Jan. 20, Jan. 22, Julv 17, Apr. 27, Mar. 1, Sept. 12, Oct. 17, June 7, Mav 12, Oct". 17, Apr. 4, Dec. 13, Mar. 2, Sept. 10, Aug. 23, May 13, Feb. 4, Apr. 22, Mar. 1, Oct. — , May 4, Mai-. 1, Mav 29, Julv 7, Mar. 14, Apr. 4, Oct. 29, July 30, Feb. 7, July 7, Apr. 16, Oct. 12, May 29' Sept. 14, Mar. 15, Dec. 2, Dec. 30, Feb. 24, Feb. 8, Sept. 14, Apr. 19, Jan. 28, Sept. 19, Mar. 18, Mar. — , Nov. 15, 79 1839 1861 1874 1877 1852 1876 1829 1860 1868 1861 1863 1872 1848 1875 1860 1875 1868 1864 1873 1869 1842 1847 1854 1855 56 1852 77 1868! 1855:64 186070 1821 1834 1837 18491 1862 71 1870 66 1863 89 1867 1850 1832 1834 1835 1837 1845 1844 1845 1849 1850 1834 1842 1863 1843 1832 1845 1867 1848 1854 1870 1853 1875 74 84 74 Lee, James, Leiby, Christena, Leiby, Jacob, Leiby, George, Leiby, John, Leinbach, Rev. T., Leisenring, John, Leiser, Jacob, Leonard, Peter, Lepley, Jacob, Lepley, George, Levan, Mrs. Sophia, Levy, Esq., Daniel, Lewis, Mrs. Mary, Lewis, John, Lewis, Tliomas R., Lincoln, John, Linn, William, Linn, Mrs. Ann, Linn, Franklin F., Linn, John, Linn, David, Linn, Mrs. Marg'j^, Linn, Mrs. Marg't I. Linn, Esq., Jas. F., Locker, John, Long, Jonathan, Long, .Tacob, Long, Mrs., Long, Ephriam, Long, Mrs. Mary, Longbay, Caroline, Longmore, Rev. D., Lotz, Mrs. Ann, Lotz, Henry, Lotz, Dr. Joseph R., Ludwig, Dr. W. H., Ludwig, Daniel, Ludwig, Sam'l W., Luker, John, Lyndall, Henry, Lyndall, Steph. F., McAlarnev, John, McBeth, Eliz. A., McBeth, Andrew, McBeth, John A. H. McCall, John, McCall, jr., John, McCarty, William, MoClanachan, And. McClanachan, Mrs., McClearv, John, McClearv, Dr.W., McClellan, Ruth, McClellan, Sam'l, McClellan, Mrs. M., McClellan, Marg., McClure, Jona., Date op Death. May — , July — , May 21, Aug. 9, Oct. 21, Mar. 31, Jan. 24, May 28, Jan. — , Jan. 17, Jan. 23, Aug. — , May 12, Aug. 18, May 20, Aug. 17, Aug. 19, Oct. 26, Sept. 4, Nov. 27, Sept. 28, July 26, Nov. 19, -Tune 2, Oct. 8, May 5, July 8, Oct. 31, July 13, Jan. 13, .Tan. 27, June 30, Sept. 12, Aug. 8, Apr. 6, Jan. 18, Nov. 28, Aug. 17, Oct. 2, .Tan. 2, Nov. 26, May 12, May 16, Dec. 20, Julv 3, Octr 12, May 28, Nov. 24, Apr. 8, Mar. 19, Jan. 30, June 21, Dec. 4, Feb. 7' Mar. 29, Jan. 7, Nov. 10, 1853 1852 ■ 1856 i 1872' 1872- 18641 1859' 1862 i 1862 18481 18741 1847 1844 ■ 1846' 18691 1872' 1862: 1834 1841: 1846 1847 1848' 1865 \ 1868 ( 1869 I I860: 1824 : 1828 1847 1856' 1863 1862 1855 1824 1845' 1875' 1848' 1855 I860. 1850 I860' 1856 ■ 18761 1850 1854' 1854 1863 60 186430 1861 75 1836 1846 1851 1867 1820 1854 1858:87 186361 1825 1 177 ;80 ;65 67 62 175 ;83 ;66 63 77 78 '91 77 iSO 91 ;71 .85 ;64 67 1 76 24 41 ,48 .76 ;40 I 50 I 146 43 65 I :77 38 65 78 572 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Date of Death. McClure, Richard, >Iar. 26, McClare, Roan, Oct. 18, McClure, Mrs. H., 'Aug. 20, McClure, .James, Avig. 30, McClure, .Tane, July 6, McClure, Richard, Aug. 7, McClure, Alex., Sept. 25, McClure, Nancy ]Sr.,ISept. 24, McClure, Mrs. M., !Oct. 24, McClure, Hannah, Oct. 21, McClure, William, jNov. 20, McClure, Miss .Jane, Dec. 21, McClure, Miss .Jane, July 17, McClure, Robt. M.,'Jan. 2, McCool, Esq., Jos., — , McCorley, Esq., R., Dec. 11, McCorlev, Esq., J., Apr. 15, McCorm'ick, W. S., Dec. 7, McCoy, William, Dec. 1, McCoy, Mrs. Eliz., Nov. 11, McCreight, James, June 80, McCreight, Mary D. Sept. 22, McDowel, George, May 26, McEwing, Alex., Nov. 26, McFadden, John, Feb. 9, McFadden, Mrs. C.,'Oct. 15, McFadden, Mrs. N., Mar. 2, McFadden, Col. J., June 18, McFadden, J. A., July 27, McGrady, Alex., McGrady, Alex., McG-rady, William, McGrady, Mrs. E., McGregor, Charles, McGuigan, Col. R., McGuire, Rachel, McGuire, Mrs., McGuire, Thomas, McGuire, John, McKean, Hon. S., Mclvinley, Cath., McKinney, Jacob, Mclvinty," John, McLaugiilin, Wm., McLaughlin, Dr. R. McLaughlin, Wm., McLaughlin, Jas., McLaughlin, Marg., McLaughlin, .Jane, McLaughlin, Mrs. E McLaughlin, Hugh, McMahon, Samuel, McNeil Dr. C. J., Mabus, Joseph, Machamer, Daniel, Mackey, Mrs. T. S., Mackey, sr., Thos., Mackey, jr., Thos., June 3 Mar. 2, Aug. 26, Aug. 22, Mar. — , Dec. 14, June 23, Oct. 17, Feb. 5, Feb. 24, Mar. 26, Jan. 12, Mar. — , Dec. 25, Apr. 19, July 9, Apr. 16, Feb. 9, June 11, Aug. — , Feb. 18, Aug. 3, May 1, Aug. 4, IFeb. 14, 1833 1S33 1838 1840 18491 1850 18531 1854,73 18551 1859 61 1859 36 1876 1 88 1875 [55 1876,62 1844 1869,86 187282 1868 29 1846 j 1869:76 1862 1865 22 1864145 1850,94 1835 1845! 1848 90 1851 1 1855 31 1830 1812 1836 1861 1866 52 1850 96 1834 1844 1845 1852 1840 18(52 1861 1856 1831 1832 1834 1845 1848 1862 57 1865 59 1871 Date of Death. 1854 1864 1876 1856 1828 1849 1860 Maclay, David, June — , Maclay, Ann, jJuly 6, Maclay, Mrs. Ann, iMay ,12, Maclay, Esq., John,' June 25, Macpherson, .John, |Aug. 2, Macpherson,Mrs. J. Sept. 6, Madden, Esq., Jas.,|Nov. 19, Mader, George, Apr. 17, Magee, Levina, | — , Magee, James, Magee, Levina, Magee, Mrs. And'w, Magee, .James, Magee, Joseph, Magee, Andrew, Magee, John T., Magee, Esq., Jas., Magee, Mrs. Eliz., Magee, Mrs. Susan, Magee, Mrs. Susan, Magee, Eleanor S., Maize, John, Maize, Mrs. T^ydia, Manning, Henry, Markle, Gideon, Marr, David, Marr. Rev. P. B., Marsh, Fred. C, Marshall, .James, Marshall, Judge J., Martin, Hugh, Martin, Esq., J. M., Martin, Esq., .J., Mason, Maria D., Mason, Henry, Mathers, Mary, Mathers, Mrs. Ann, Mathers, Mrs. El'n, Mathers, Peter, Mathers, Mrs., Mathers, James, Mauck, .Jacob, Mans, Esq., Chas., Maus, Emily, Maus, Lewis, Maxwell, Mrs. S., Maxwell, Esq., H., Maxwell, Capt. J. G. Meixell, George, Meixell, Joseph, Mensch, Rev. Nich., Mensch, Mrs. Maria, Mensch, Miss Sarah, Mensch, Mrs. S. J., Mensch, Rev. A. B., Merrill, Mrs. M., Merrill, Sarah, Merrill, Esq., Jas., Dec. 6, Aug. 16, May 4, Sept. 29, Sept. 23, Oct. 28, Mar. 17, Aug. 25, Feb. 17, Jan. 17, July 9, Oct. 13, Mav 7, Aug. 28, Mar. — , Feb. 2, Jan. 27, Jan. 25, May 14, June 28, June 22, Apr. 17, Apr. 8, Sept. 15, July 4, Aug. 20, Jan. 8, Apr. 23, Sept. 4, May 25, Aug. 4, Aug. 5, Mav 8, May 14, Aug. 22, June 10, Nov. 1, July 19, July 29, Feb. 19, Oct. 14, Mar. 12, Mar. 23, Apr. 18, May 19, June 3, Sept. 17, Oct. 29, 1818 1835 1851 1855 1827 1869 88 185567 1875 71 1822 1823 18261 1827 1 1851' 1851 55 1853 1863 37 1866 1 1873,70 1875:82 187572 1876|70 18.39i 186143 1863! 1851j 1864149 187466 1858 39 1835 52 1873 1827 — ■ 1832 1858 49 1860 20 1874:65 1845 1854 80 1868,55 1845 1860:78 1874169 1869 76 1830 1829 1854 84 1837 1860 82 1867 i33 1868;82 18671 18.54:74 18()3] 1876,64 1876 63 1876 1825 1831 1841 30 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 573 Merrill, Esq., Chas., Merrill, Mrs. S. B., Mertz, Catlierine, Mertz,' Jacob, Mertz, Mrs. Eliz., Mertz, Mrs. Nancy, Mervine, Mrs. M., Metzgar, Marg. C, Metzgar, Mrs. Eliz., Metzgar, Rebecca, Metzgar, Mrs. CM., Middleswarth, Ner, Miller, Samuel, Mitchell, George, Miller, Valentine, Miller, Mrs. Sarah, Miller, Mrs. Isab'a, Miller, John F., Miller, George, Miller, Hugh, Miller, George, Miller, Jeremiah, Miller, Mrs. J. H., Miller, Mrs. Sarah, Miller, Mrs. Mary, Miller, John, Miller, John F., Miller, Mrs. K. V., Miller, Isaac, Miller, Joseph, Miller, Margaret, Miller, Mrs. S. H., Mitclaell, John, Millliouse, .Jacob, Millliouse, Jno. N., Millhouse, Jul'a W. Millhouse, Mrs. R., Mitchell, Nathan, Motz, John, Moll, Mrs. Montague, Thomas, Montelius, Peter, Montgomery, Eliz., Montgomery, John, Montgomery, Thos. Montgomery, D., Montgomery, Mary, Montgomery, Jas., Mook, John, Mook, David, Moon, jr., John, Moore, John, Moore, John, Moore, James, Moore, Mrs. Marv, Moore, Mrs. M. A., Moore, Edward W., Moore, Jane W,, Dec. 25, Aug. 4, Sept. 2, Apr. 5, Mar. 8, June 8, Mar. 28, Jan. 28, Jan. 27, Jan. 24, May 13, June 2, Mar. 1, Sept. 22, Oct. 3, Apr. 17, Apr. 20, Aug. 2, Oct. 9, May 28, Jan. 23, Dec. — , Mar. 28, May 31, Dec. 14' July 25. Feb. 22, Feb. — , Dec. 1, May 28, July 24, May 3, Apr. 22, Apr. 14, Apr. 8, Dec. 3, Nov. 22, Oct. 6, Oct. 24, July 2, Mar. 23, Apr. 29, Nov. 23,' Nov. 17, Mar. 9, May 16, Apr. — , Mar. 11, Ajar. 9, July 17, Mar. 29, Feb. 16, Oct. 1, Sept 14, Apr. 25, 1865 42 187682 1842 '52 1859 178 1870:76 187356 1862 36 1846 1847 1852 1865 1865 1826 1827 1828 1845 1849 1851 1851 1856 1859 1861 1862 1862 1863 1871 1870 68 1874 28 18691 1873 66 1877 78 18761 1862 69 1870'68 18351 1845 '83 1872 68 1864, 1849' 1869 90 1842 37 1859 68 1850 1 1853 93 1853^ 1859 93 1864 63 1874 52 1867 83 1867 1829 1834 1840 185576 1858 '80 1858 44 186129 1863 62 Moore, E. C, Moore, D.,(W. B.) Moran, Mrs. Mary, Morrison, Mrs. H. Morrison, Thomas, Morrison, Gabriel, Morrison, Eliza, Morrison, Rev.W.S Morrow, Jane, Morrow, Alexander, Morton, William, Morton, Alexander, Morton, Polly, Morton, John, Morton, Nancy, Morton, Elizabeth, Morton, Alexander, Mowerjr, Cath., Mowrer, Mrs. Mowrer, Andrew, Mowrer, James, Moye'r, John, Moyer, William P. Moyer, Jacob, Moyer, Daniel, Murphy, Griffith, Murray, Joseph M. Murray, Marg., Murray, Mrs. E. N., Murray, Mrs. C, Murray, Mrs. E., Murray, Esq., J. F., Musser, John, Musser, Esq., J., Musser, Margaret, Musser, Mary, Musser, Mrs. Sarah, Myers, Samuel, Myers, Amanda, Myer, Harriet, Meyers, Peter, Meyers, Mrs. Sarah, Nees, Michael, Nefif; Peter, Nelson, Joseph, Nesbit, Alexander, Nesbit, Mrs. Isabel. Nesbit, Mrs. Nesbit, Sarah Ann, Nesbit, Mary, Nesbit, jr., John, Nesbit, Jonathan, Nesbit, Esq., Wm., Nesbit, Mrs. Sarah, Nesbit, Alexander, Nesbit, Mrs. Nancy, Nesbit, James, Nesbit, Thomas, 'Apr. 21, Dec. 28, Sept. 8, Apr. — , iMay 21,' iJuly 19, Mar. 18, Mar. 15, 'July 7, Aug. 11, 'July 30, Jan. 2, Feb. 2, Apr. 16, May 5, July 30, June 8, Dec. 3, Aug. 18, Feb. 1, Feb. 1, Apr. 13, May 8, Dec. 20, Oct. 14, Nov. 27, Sept. 24, July 15, June 21, Jan. 24, Mar. 17, June 3, Oct. 22, Nov. 9, Mar. — , Aug. 7, Oct. 16, Nov. 17, May 3, Apr. 2, July 16, Nov. 1, Sept. 16, Nov. 8, Sept. 13, Jan. 26, Apr. 5, Feb. 23, Mar. 7, May 19, Jan. 22, May 26, June 18, Aug. 24, Mar. 15', 60 1868 1874 1859 1804 49 1826 1830 1832 1858 1848 1862 1825 1826 1828 1830 1849 69 45 51 '45 '75 1860 ; 1876. 1875' 1827 1829 1839 1848 60 1863 35 1870 79 1873 74 1868157 1830 1841 1 31 1845 1850' 1853 1869 1830 1837 1837 1863 1872 i 1825 1869' 1834 1854 ' 1863; 1856 ( 1856 1823 1823 « 1827 1832 1849 1856 1858' 1859 ( 1860 [76 186167 1862 70 1862 84 1863 1863 174 '77 81 '76 72 57 '60 i69 i24 '62 574 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Nesbit, Sarah, Nesbit, John,, P^lizabeth, NGsl)it, Mrs. Mary, Nesbit, R. I., Neuer, Henry, Neuer, JNIrs. Eliza. Nevius, Ralph, Nevius, Mrs. Lucr. Nevius, Aaron C, Nevius, Peter, Newman, Mrs. M., Neyliart, Daniel, Nicely, Samuel, Noetling, Dr. Wm,, Nogel, Jacob, Nogel, Mrs. jNIarj^, Noll, Mrs. Mary E., Noll, Col. Henry, Noll, WilUam, Noll, .John, Noll, Samuel L., Noll, Samuel, Noll, Peter, Noll, Elias, Njdiart, jNIichael, Date op Death. Sept. 15, 1864 74 Jan. 27, 1865 80 May 22, 1867 70 Nov. 25, 1868 73 xVug. 31, 1873 47 Sept. 1, 1866 05 Feb. 1,1872 75 Sept. 22, 18321 Jan. 19, 1841 73 Oct. 2, 1857148 Feb. 22, 1869,74 Jan. 4, 1859 65 Jan. 7, 1864I47 Sept. 5, 1832! Jan. 22, 1861 84 Apr. 18, 1860 64 Jan. 17, 1864 37 June 21, 1846 86 Nov. 9, 1847 Mar. 12, 1851 Mar. 4, 1858 May 5, 1864 Dec. 18, 1866 Oct. 2, 1869 Apr. 13, 1876 June — , 1869 Oliphant, Charlotte, 'June 13, 1862 Orwig, John, Orwig, George, Orwig, .Jacob, Orwig, Samuel, Orwig, Mrs. M. A., Osborn, INIrs. ISIary, Painter, John, Painter, John, Painter, Thomas, Palmer, Lewis, Pardoe, John, Pardoe, Esq., H., Parks, Elizabeth, Parr, Mrs. Eliz., Parsons, Rebecca, J. Patterson, Robert, Patterson, S. M., Patterson, Mrs. R., Patterson, J. B., Patterson, Wm. A., Paul, Sampson, Paul, John, Peifer, George, Peifer, Mrs. Cath., ]^ellman, Samuel, Penny, William, Penny, Jane, Penny, William, Penny, Hugh, Penny, John, Penny, Thomas, Aug. 19, 1828 iDec. 2, 1841 Jan. 23, 1859 Sept. 7, 1872 June 7, 1875 Apr. 7, 1874|71 May 22, 1854 66 June 6, I862I36 Feb. 12, 186378 May 24, 1860146 April 1, 1859 April 4, 1864 Aug. 22, 1829 Mar. 27, 1828 Aug — , 1846 56 July — , 1826 Jan. 29, 1840 Jan. 20, 1842 60 May 8, 1843 1 70 July 15, 1854183 May 4, 1843 41 June 6, 1870 65 Aug. 7, 1861|57 Sept. 27, 186l'67 Jvily 25, 1875 i 81 Nov. 25, I829I75 July 21, 1850 Jan. 20, 1852 Dec. 3, 1853 Aug. 6, 1868 78 Aug. 28, 1868165 Penny, Jane E., Penny, Alexander, Peters, INIiohael, I^hilliijs, Mrs. G., Phillijjs, Dennis, I^hlegor, Ludwig, Phlegor, John, Piper, Dr. F. A., Piper, Mrs. M. M. Poak, William, Poath, Mrs. Eliz., Poatli, Henry, Pollock, Mrs. I., Pollock, Mrs. Eliza, Pollock, Margaret, Pollock, Thomas, Pontius, Peter, Pontius, Elizabeth, Pontius, John F., Pontius, Rachael, Pontius, Philip, Pontius, Mrs. M., Porter, Samuel, Porter, William, Potter, Mrs. ilaria, Potter, James, Pratt, Charles, Preistly, Joseph R., Pross, Richard, Pursel, Daniel, Pu.rsel, Peter, Quiddington, Mrs. Quinn, Terrence, Quinn, Michael, Ramsey,Esq.,Wm., Ranck, Barbara, Ranck, Daniel, H., Ranck, Daniel, Ranck, Adam, Ranck, Mrs. Mary, Ranck, Joel, Ranck, William, Ranck, Mrs. Jane, Raser, Thomas, Rawn, Nathan, Ray, Mrs. Jane, Ray, Esq., John, Reedy, PhilijD, Ream, Miss Elean., Ream, John N., Ream, Samuel, Reber, Mrs., Reber, John, Reber, James, Reber, Margaret, Reed, George, Reed, John, Reed, Stewart, Date ov Death. 52 Feb. 18 1869 60 Nov. 6, 1874 63 June 12 1854 Sept. 17,' 1827 Apr. 22, 1863 Mar. 15, 1858 74 Sept. 25, 1860 71 Apr. 22, 1831 Dec. 10, 1876 Aug. 13, 1830 Oct. 18, 1863 49 fVpril 9, 1865 79 Oct. 23, 1824 July 3, 1833 Oct. 13, 1842 Aug. 5, 1861 Dec. 24, 1862 May 2, 1863;39 June 17, 1869|81 Mar. 16, 1868 63 Sept. 7, 1872 83 79 Apr. 18, 1876 Jan. 10, 1825 Aug. 19, 1872 Apr. 10, 1826 Mar. 22, 1865 Aug. 24, 1829 Nov. 10. 1863 Jan. 26, 1874 Mav 5, 1861 Aug. 11, 1867 Nov. 13, 1874 Aug. 10 1831 Feb. 20, 1854 Oct. — , 1831 Mar. 28, 1830 Aug. 25, 1847 Nov. 16, 1854 Mar. 8, 1860 Aug. 1, 1864 Oct. 1, 1868 Apr. 29, 1875 May 28, 1875 — , 1858 Jan. 28, 1865 Mar. 3, 1860 Sept. 10, 1864 , 1822 Mar. 28, 1858 Jan. — , 1835 Oct. 2, 1874 June 11, 1845 June 22, 1852 Sept. 20, 1853 Sept. 24, 1863 Sept. 20, 1854 Mar. 22, 1860 Nov. 6, 1864 72 68 75 72 57 78 87 73 93 69 75 75 79 33 82 69 70 58 72 86 m 69 83 82 48 54 74 79 65 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 575 Date of vA Death. 9 Reed, Joseph, iJan. Reed, Mrs. Rachel, June Reed, George, lApr. Reed, Mrs. Cath., Sept. Reed, Peter, Apr. Reedy, Andrew, Nov. Reedy, John, I Nov. Reedy, Jacob, iISTov. Reedy, Mrs. Cath., ;Oct. Reedy, Jacob, iFeb. Rees,' Miss Hannah, ' Mar. Rees, Miss Nancy, iNov. Rees, Sema, ! July Rehniel, George, |Oct. Reichly, Christian, !Apr. Reidenbaugh, Dan.,! July Reidenbaugh, Jno.,'Aug. Reish, Daniel, jOct. Reish, John, 'Feb. Reitniyer, George, |Sept. Reitmyer, Mrs. S., Feb. Rengier, John, Feb. Rengier, Catherine, Dec. Rengier, Mrs. M. D. Jtme Rengier, Jacob, 'Jan. Rengier, George, 'May Rengier, ^Irs. Rengier, Daniel, |june Renner, Catherine, isept. Renner, Frederick, iNov. Reznor, Ann, |Oct. Reznor, Mrs. 'Nov. Reznor, sr., John, ,Oct. Reznor, James, I May Rheem, George, ISept. Rhoads, Jacob, July Rhoads, Mrs. Eliz., Feb. Rhoads, John, Feb. Richart, John F., Aug. Richart, Mrs. Mary, (Sept. Richter, Peter, '^ May Riehl, John, |Apr. Rishell, Mrs. !Apr. Rishell, Martin, :Dec. Rishell, John, jSept. —, Rishell, John, I Dec. 30, Rishell, Daniel, Nov. 8, Ritter, George, I Sept. 17, Ritter, Elizabeth, 'Jan. 19, Ritter, Col. Jacob, I Julv 28, Ritter, WUlam H., Mar. 11, Ritter, John, Mar. 10, Robb, James, , Robb, Nancy, Oct. 8, Robins, Daniel, I Jan. 20, Robinson, Ann, [Aug, 12, Robinson, Samuel, Sept. 15, Robinson, Mrs. S., JSept. 19, 1868 66 1873 64 1874 69 1874 73 1875 67 1827 45 1845! 1854 84 1856 84 1866 40 1829! 1853 88 1863 63 1823 35 1863 77 1859 60 1861 68 1847 48 1848: 1860 70 1873 77 1825 66 1844 72 1847 i 1853 1856 70 1858 1 1874183 186341 1865 82 1828 18281 18351 1836 186l|90 1851 177 1858:72 1876 i78 1869^64 1875 '69 1846169 1864 33 1846 1849 185170 1859 79 1868:36 1825170 1846 35 184947 1861126 1872i72 1839 1849187 1864 1825 1825 1825 99 Date op m Death. I^ Robinson, William, 'Dec. 1, Robinson, Adeline, .July 12, Robinson, Mrs. M., Oct^ 13, Robinson, Wilson, jNov. 19, Rockefeller, David, L\ug, 22, Rockey, John, Apr. 20, Rockey, George, Oct. 3, Rockey, Elizabeth, Feb. 6, Rodearmel, Sami, Feb. 11, Rohland, Richard, Mar. 20, Roland, Charles, iJuly 31, Roland, John, !Jan. 31, Rorabaugh, Philip, [july 3, Roshong, Henry, IDec. 29, Rote, Mrs. Elean'a, Apr. 20, Rothermell, Mrs. C.Aug. 4, Ross, James, P., Jixly 31, Roush, George, lAug. 23, Roush, Mary Ann, [Mar, 7, Roiish, Maria E., ,Oct. 11, Roush, Michael, Apr. 19, Roush, Esq., Sam'l, Feb. 5, Royer, Joel, Oct. 15, Royer, Joel, Aug. 6, Royer, Jacob, Mar. 30, Ruhl, George P., Apr. 29, Riihl, Mrs. Sarah, Aug, 9, Sanderson, Henrv, Feb. 8, Sanders, sr., Henry, Feb. 17, Sanders, Henry, Jan. 11, Sands, David, Apr. 18, Sands, James W., May, 10, Sawder, jNIatilda, Feb. 8, Savers, Ethan, Dec. 26, Sayers, Mrs. A., Feb. 23, Schaffle, Joseph, Jan. 11, Schaffle, Charles D., Feb. — , Schaffle, Frank S., Apr. 6. Schnable, jr., Geo., Aug. 5, Schnable, Hon. G., Dec. 13, Schock, Mrs. H., Dec. 9, Schrack, Benjamin, Dec. 9, Schrack, Susanah, June 19, Schrack, Esq., Jno., June 4, Schrack, Eve, Jan. 15, Schrack, Daniel, Dec. 25. Schrack, Mrs. E., Sept. 20, Schroyer, Conrad, Sept. 1. Schroyer, jr., C, Mar. 7, Schroyer, Cath., Dec. 23, Schwenck, Esq., D., Jan. 19, Scudder, Esq., D., Jan. 27, Search, Elijah, Aug. 25, Search, Mrs. Sarah, Mar. 21 Search, Thomas, Sept. 25, Search, Stephen, Apr. 15, Seebold, Mrs. B., Auo-. 22 Seebold, Sarah, Mar. 19' 185285 1854 26 1865 95 1867,51 1876! 76 1842! 59 1853 70 187273 1843 52 1850 1865 1866 1837 1850 80 1875|70 1876:94 I860' 52 1839:84 1848125 1857 1 63 1859 77 187377 185375 187253 1876 77 1843 82 1863 67 1828 1850 82 1870' 1850 1877 1827 1845 1846 1863: 1863 1876 . 1854: 1863' 1875 I '74 I ■59 '36 •34 :32 !74 i60 1828 67 1842 70 1860 58 1861 86 1869 58 1876 60 1825 63 1855 65 1860164 1861 1829 1848 1854 1862 1864 1825 1828 57(> ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Seebold, Nancv, Seebold, Philip, Seerer, Jacob, Sergeant, Mrs. Shatter, William, Shatter, Esq., Hen., Shatter, Esq., Sim., Shatter, Mrs.. Shaffer, Mathias, Shatter, Mrs. Mat., Shatter, David, Shamp, Jesse, Shamp, Ezra, Shannon, Mrs. M., Shannon, Ejjh. P., Shearer, Maj. Jas., Scheckler, Mrs. E., Shamorj^, John C, Shamp, Mrs. J., Sheokler, Mrs. C, Sheckler, Mrs. M., Sheokler, Daniel, Sheokler, Tobias, Sheckler, Henrj^, Sheckler, Esq., A., Sheller, Mrs. Marg., Slieller, Christian, Sheller, Mrs. J. W., Sherard, William, Shipton, Esq., T., Sliields, William, Shively, Benjamin, Shoemaker, Eenj., Shoemaker, Sam., Shoemaker, Mrs. S., Showers, , Shrader, Frederick, Shriner, Mrs. M. E., Sliriner, Esq., Jno., Shriner, W. B., Shriner, Mrs. Eliz., Shriner, Samuel, Shuck, Peter, Sierer, Sarah, Silsby, Uriah, Silsby, Esther, Simonton, J, W., Simonton, Jaiie 6., Simonton, James, Simonton, Mrs. M., Sites, George, Sites, Mrs., Sleer, Jacob, Slear, Mrs. Eliz., Slear, Daniel, Slear, George, Slenker, Jacob, Slenker, Esq., J. G., Date of Death. Apr. 24, July 24, Dec. — , Aug. 28, June 5, Mar. 1, Oct. 22, Nov. 10, Oct. 22, Sept. 11, May 7, Dec. — , Mar. 3, Aug. 28, Apr. 11, Oct. 15, July 11, Sept. 27, Oct. 25, Mar. 12, Aug. 30, June 10, Feb. 15, Au.g. 21, Jan. 7, Sept. 13, Apr. 25, Apr. — , Feb. 4, May 21, June 11, Jan. 18, July 16, Julv 29, Feb. 9, June 5, Oct. 22, Dec. 3, Sept. 26, Mar. 11, Jan. 17, Apr. 18, Feb. 27, May 26, Dec. 10, Sept. 10, Apr. 6, Feb. 24, Nov. 4, Oct. 6, Nov. 4, June 6, Jan. 13, Jan. 22, Mar. 1, Nov. — , Feb. 11, 86 1828 1874 1824 1828 1825 1833 1838 1853 87 18541 1861 1 95 1864 1824 1835 1845 1851 1864 1855 1868 1873 1832 1837 1842 1850 1874 1875 1859 1862 1863 1825 1827:74 1858 80 187361 1856,70 1862 ;79 1865 1859 80 1873 82 1856 37 1860,70 1862 43 1866133 1868! 39 1849 78 77 74 85 62 1875 1849 1871 1853 62 1854130 1858 1861 1824 1846 1857 1872 1874 1875 1863 1871 Slifer, David C;, Slifer, Jacob, Slonaker, Mrs. A., Slough, .Jacob, Smaitzried, Gotlieb, Smiley, Rev. Thos., Smith, Elizabeth, Smith, Dr. Jos. L., Smith, Dr. Jonas, Smith, Catherine, Smith, Elizabeth, Smith, Gideon, Smith, Michael, Smith, Charles D., Smith, Susanna, Smith, Rev. W. R., Smith, Rev. J. W., Smith, John B., Smith, Wilson, Smith, Mrs. Mary, Smith, George, Smith, Esq., A.W., Smith, George, Snook, Daniel E., Snyder, Mrs. Mary, Snyder, Simon, Snyder, Hon. John, Snyder, George A., Snyder, Antis, Snyder, Mary M., Snyder, Reuben, Snyder, Henry W., Solomon John, Soult, David, Spatz, Lewis, Spatz, Joseph, Specht, Adam, Spidler, Daniel, Spidler, David, Sjaidler, Jacob, Spigelmyer, M. E., Spotts, Samuel, Spotts, Michael, Spotts, Mary, Spotts, Michael, Spyker, Mrs. Maria, Spyker, Jonathan, Spyker, Solma, Spyker, Mrs. E., Stahl, John, Stahl, Adam, Stahl, Lewis, Stahl, Jacob, Stahl, Elizabeth, Stahl, Mrs. Cath., Stahl, George, Stahl, Mrs. Cath., Stahl, Jeremiah, Date op |h Death. !^ Aug. 18 Mar. 3 Sept. 25 Apr. 21 Sept. 6 About Dec. Mar. 17 July 3 May 22 Apr July 2 June 10 18: Sept Apr. Mar. 19 Mar. 1 Feb. 28, Jan. 19 Feb. 12 Mar. 6 Sept. 14 Oct May 10 Aug. 15 June Dec. — June 14 Nov. 24 Apr. 18 Aug. 9. May 20 Oct. 4 Aug. Mav 30, Apr. 21 July 7 May 17 Oct. 18, Oct. Oct. Oct. Dec Jan, Dec Apr. — Oct. 21 Jan Aug. 29 Sept. 22 Mav 4 Apr. 12 Aug. 25 Apr. 12 , 1864 , 1868 , 1874 , 1876 , 1863 , 1832 '22. , 1825 , 1826 , 1829 , 1836 , 1841 , 1841 , 1844 , 1850 , 1849 , 1852 , 1859 , 1862; , 1862 i , 1869 , 1870 ,1871 , 1845 , 1823 , 1838 , 1850 , 1865 , 1861 ,1865 , 1876 , 1866 , 1840 , 1824 , 1853 ,1857 , 1824 ', 1826 , 1862 , 1873 , 1847 , 1864 , 1872 , 1865 , 1872 , 1829 , 1862 1868 , 1868 , 1832 , 1850 , 1855 , 1856 ,1856 , 1860 , 1861 , 1861 , 1862 53 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 577 Date of Death. Dec. 29, Apr. 28, May 27, Mai-. 11, Jun. 30, Apr. 30, Nov. 10, Feb. 3, July 27, Dec, 17, Oct. 7, Mar. 22, May 22, Apr. 26, July 29, Jan. 4, I Apr. 25 [April 4, Aug. 22, 'Jun. 28, jSept. 26, 'Dec. 8, Feb. 16, Sept. 3, Sept. 28, Stahl Jacob, Stahl, Peter, Steans, John, Stamin, John, St. Clair, John, St. Clair, Mrs. R., Steadman, Eliz., Steadman, Marg., Steadman, Marg., Steadman, Wm. C, Steadman, Mrs. R., Steadman, David, Steadman, H. C, Steans, Mrs. N., Stees, John, Sterner, Nathan, Sterner, Christop'r Sterner, Peter, Sterrett, John A., Stillwell, Hon. Jos., Stillwell, Mrs. Ann, Stineme], Mr., Stitzel, Jacob, Stoclv, Martin A., j Stoughton, Roland Stoughton, Mrs. J., i Stoughton, J. S. I --, Stougliton, Fred., tApr. 25, Stover, Mrs. M. M., Sept. 26, Strahan, Peter, iSept. 20, Stratton, Tyler, |Mar. 5, Stratton, Mrs. R., [Mar. 29, Straub, Andrew, ;Oct. 23, Straub, Abram, 'Aug. 21, Stravvbridge, Mary, [Oct. 11, Strawbridge, J., - Sept. 25, Strawbridge, Mrs. C. I Jun. 4, Strayhorn, Eliza, !Dec. 11, Streighorn, Peter, Sept. 20, Streighorn, Robert, May 8, Strickland, Samuel, Apr. 23, Strohecker, Leah, JFeb. 19, Strohecker, Dr. S., 'Auo-. 26 Struble, Mrs. M., Aug. 15' Sullivan, Wm. B., Sept. l' Sutlierland, Col. T.,'Oct. 15 Sutherland, Jane, Feb. %, Swarm, sr., John, Sept. 24, Swarm, John, Mar. 25, Swartz,Geo.(W.D.) Apr. 17 Swineford, John, June 24,' Swmeford, Mrs. M.,'Aug. 18, Sypher, Jacob, June 6, Tate, William, July 19 Taylor, Tliomas, Sept. 19' Taylor, William C, June 9, Templeton, Sam., Feb. 18 Templeton, Rev. J., Dec. 3, 37 1864 82 1868 [81 185178 1875 60 1873 1875 1827 1832 1834 1840 1843 1863 58 1876 43 83 1861 1855 1829 1841 1864 67 187271 185li74 1862 [72 18441 1863 68 1857,70 1832! 1842 i 1857 [ 1869169 187671 1845 1825 1 1850 1824^38 1864^60 1829 i 1861 '87 1870 80 1867!78 18451 18J3 67 1858:79 1853 i 1869 75 1868 60 1850 45 1816 84 1819 82 1827 [ 1841,66 187l[65 1867 45 1872 185474 1859 59 1868 76 1874 70 1826 72 1843, Date of Death. 22 68 Tharp, Esq., James, 'Mar. 27, 1849 Thompson, Wm., [Apr. 1,1823 72 Thompson, John, [Aug. 22, 1823 70 Thompson, Benj., :Oct. — , 1830| Thompson, Mrs. J., Aug. 21, 18391 Thompson, Rev. G.,' Jaii. 28, 1864 '43 Thompson, Mrs. M.,' Apr. 10, 1864i Thompson, Chas.L., June 29, 18651 Thompson, Mrs. B.,|Jan. — , 1869[60 Thornton, Dr. T. A., {Feb. 8, 1867 51 Thornton, Mrs. A., lAjsr. 24, 1873; Thursbj^, Margaret, (Jan. — , 1848 91 Todd, Rev. Nath., July 8, 1867^88 Trester, George, May 28, 1850 Trout, John, Mar. 15, 1862 Trutt, Mrs. Eve, Aug. 19, 1861 Tucker, Martlia G., Apr. 20, 1864 Tweed, David, , i824 Tweed, William, Feb. 1,' 1857 Ulsh, Andrew, Apr. 19, 1864 79 Valentine, Bond, Oct. — , 1862 Van Buskirk, Thos. Sept. 12, 1830 ' Van Busldi-k, Rich. Oct. 9, 183066 Van Buskirk, John, Aug. 2, 1836! Van Buskirk, John, Jan. 28, 1874:80 Vanhorn, Espy, Aug. 25, 1829 Van Gundy, Christ., Sept. 30, 1836 ■ Vanvalzah, Mrs. E., Mar. 30, 1840' Vanvalzah,jr.,Dr.R. Mar. 14, 1851 Vanvalzah,jr.,Dr.T. May 28, 1852 Vanvalzah, John A. Aug. 26, 1854 Vanvalzah, Mrs. N., Apr. 26, 1857 Vanvalzah, W. W., Oct. 13, 18c Vanvalzah, Rob. H., July 25, 18C0 ; Vanvalzah, Mrs. S., Nov. 16, 1862 Vanvalzah, Mrs. H., July 25, 1870 Voneida, Peter, Aug. 26, 18581' V oneida, John, Mar. 26, Voneida, Esther, July 8, Vornando, Mrs., Vorse, Dr. Isaac S., Vorse, Mrs. Eliz., Waggenseller, Dr., Waggenseller, Wm. Wagner, Andrew, Wagner, Mrs. R., Wagner, Michael, Wagner, Daniel, Wagner, Mrs. S., Walborn, Martin, Waldrum, Samuel, Wales, Mary, N. B. Wales, Marj^, Walker, John, Walker, Francis, Walker, Mrs. Mary, Walker, Thomas, i Wallace, Polly, Jan. 17, Aug. 17, Apr. 28, Aug. 10, Dec. 30, Aug. 22, Dec. 22, Aug. 20, Apr. 13, Sept. 20, Aug. 25, May 15, Feb. 20, Sept. IS, June 9, July 16, [Sept. 17, 'Mar. 17, 1858177 1865! 1823 1839 1878 42 1847 1876 1826 1884' 1858172 1861 '62 1872 81 1865 1858 1826 1826 1827 1867 50 18(57 85 1868 58 1829; S7S ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Wallace, Joseph G., Wallace, Sarah, Wallace, William, Jan. 6, 1844 July 24, 1849 Julv 15. 1857 V. Wallace, Elizabeth,! Nov. 26, 1860 44 Wallace, Joseph, Wallace, Mrs. N., Walter, William, Waller, Abram, Walls, Miss S. McC. Walls, Johnson, Waters, Thomas, Waters, Mrs. Ellen, Watson, Mrs. M., Watson, Samuel, Watson, Robert, Watson, Mrs. S. C, Watson, William, Watson, Davicl, Weaver, Jacob, Weaver, M. H., Weidensaul, A. J., Weirick, Mrs. M., Weist, Miss E., Wehr, Simon, Weirick, Esq., D., Weirick, Esq., S., Welker, Mrs. L., Welch, Esq., C, Welsh, Henrj^, Wertz, John," Wetzel, Henrjr, White, James, Mar. 22, 1862 Oct. 26, 1868,69 Feb. 10, 1874 60 Mar. 18, 1869,57 Mar. 14, 1860 18 Apr. 18, 1868 50 Sept. 6, 1864 65 Sept. 10. 1868 95 Mar. — , 1825 Jan. 17, 1841 Sept. — , 1846 Mar. 25, 1849 May 22, 1866 Oct. 9, 1874 Apr. 13, 1862 Feb. 13, 1872 Aug. 10, 1869 Mar. 4, 1861 Aug. 17, 1875 Dec. 19, 1840 Apr. 3, 1866 Feb. 9, 1869 Dec. 22, 1860 Jan. — , 1855 May 16, 1862 July 26, 1861 173 :Oct. 4, 1850 90 Jan. 15, 1862 ;44 Whiting, Wm. B., [Jan. 2, 1861,33 Whitmer, Ann, jOct. 4, 1845 70 Whitmer, Sebas'n Whitmer, Peter, Whittaker, John, Wikotf, Peter, Wildtrout, Fred., Wilhelm, Moses, Williamson, Rev. J. Wilson, Elizabeth, Wilson, Mary, Wilson, Sarah, Wilson, Thomas, Wilson, .James, Wilson, Elizabeth, Wilson, Mrs. Cath. Wilson, John, Wilson, Samuel, Wilson, Samuel H., Wilson, Mrs. Eliz Wilson, Thos. C, Wilson, Charles, Wilson, Esq., Sam., Wilson, Mathias, Wilson, John F., Wilson, Louisa, Julv 17, 1846 j73 Juiie 8, 1877|78 Julv 25, 1859 64 Maj' 29, 18321 June 27, 1848:71 Apr. 19, 1862 172 Apr. 10, 1835169 — , 1823 Julv 11, 1828 Apr. 8, 1829 May 23, 1831 Dec. 26. 1831 Nov. 24', 1832 Aug, 21, 1835 Jan. 22, 1842 Jan. 16, 1843 Mar. 14, 1850 Aug. 9, 1851 May 25, 1853 .June 21, 1853 Nov. 3, 1855 Mar. 20, 1859 Apr. 6, 1859 July 20, 1860 Wilson, William, Wilson, Hon. A. S.,' Wilson, Mrs. Ann, Wilson, Mrs. Sarah, Wilson, Hugh, ■Wilson, Francis, Wilson, Mrs. S. B., Wilt, Adam, Wilt, Esq., Jno. C, Winegardner, P., Winegardner, N., Winegardner, H., Winegardner, Alia., Winters, Sarah, Winters, David, Winters, Mrs. C, Winters, Margaret, Winters, Daniel, Winters, Sarah, Winters, Mrs. Reb., Wise, Mrs. Barbara, Wise, Mrs. Eleanor, Witmer, Sebastian, Witmer, Mrs. S., Wittenmyer, Jacob, Wolfe, Jonathan, Wolfe, Michael, Wolfe, Samuel, Wolfe, Anthonv, Wolfe, , Wolfe, Samuel, Wolfe, Mrs. Mary, Wolfe, Mrs. Han'h, Wolfe, John, Wolfe, AndreAV, Wolfe, Peter, Wolfe, Mrs. Eve., Wolfe, Leonard, Wolfe, Mrs. E. M., Wolsey, Henry, Woods, Cliristop'r, Woomer, Mrs., Worman, F. S., Wykoff, Mrs. S., Yearick, Esq., H., Yarnell, George, Yerger, Jacob, Yoder, Jacob, Yoder, Samuel, Yohn, John, Yost, Elizabeth, Young, James, Young, Frederick, Young, John, Young, Maria, Young, Catherine, Young, Daniel Young, Jacob, June 12 Dec. 19 Sept. 21 June 31 July 3 Feb. 15 Nov. — . Aug. 13 |May 24 Aug. 17 July 15 Jan. 1 Feb. 16 Apr. — Aug. 13 Mar. 19 June 21 Jan. 5 Jan. 7 Oct. 18 Oct. 11 Aug. 17 Apr. 15 July June 23 Nov. 6 Nov. 25 Sept. 15 Jan. 21 Mar. 17 'Apr. 19 |Feb. 17 'Apr. 7 Nov. 11 'Jan. 21 Dec. 20 Feb. 4 Feb. 12 May 6 Dec. 18 Aug. 23 Sept. 26 Sept. 24 Jan. 16 June 21 June 6 Jan. 22 Apr. 11 Mar. 7 Feb. 17 Oct. 5 July 20, Aug. 29 July 8 Jan. Aug. 6 June 4 June 7 1863 76 1864 '64 1865'67 1872184 1873 81 1874 1874 1830 1858 1829 1854 1872 1875 1821 1825 1829 1829 1837 1868 1873 1823 1875 1824 1874 1856 1834 1847 1850 1851 50 76 64 61 60 74 44 77 78 73 60 46 81 40 76 1851J79 1860 20 1862'30 1866162 1868 20 87 73 63 78 60 62 1871 1871 1872 1875 1876 1871 1853 1827 1876 1876 1856 1873 1870 1864 1870 1871 1856 1825 1825 1840 1843 1853 1854 1857 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 579 Yoting, William, Young, Mrs. Marg., Young, Eleanor, Young, Mrs., Young, Adam, Young, Abra.,(B.,) Young, Abraham, Young, Mrs. Eliza., Young, Mrs. Ellen, Youngman, George, Zearfos, Mrs. M. A., Zeigler, Mrs., Date op Death. 20, 1859 73 3, 1860 62 17, 1865 18, 1866 8, 1872 3, 1873 13, 1875 22, 1866 18, 1867 6, 1843 18, 1860 — , 1826 Zellers, Peter, Zellers, John, Zellers, sr., John, Zellers, Mrs. Cath., Zellers, Daniel, Zellers, Mrs. Han., Zellers, Daniel, Zellers, Samuel, Zentmyer, Jacob, Zentmyer, Mrs. E., Ziebach, Mrs. Ann, Zimmerman, John, Date op Death. Jan. Aug. Nov. July Nov. Feb. Oct. Feb. Mar. Mar. Sept. Aug. 5, 1822 1, 1832 12, 1843 22, 1850 30, 1853 21, 1856 13, 1865 3, 1874 8, 1849 13, 1863 2, 1867 18, 1825 MILITARY RECORD, 1861-5. COMPANY E, FIFTY-FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. Captains. G. H. Hassenplug, William R. Forster. First Lieiotenaiits. John A. Morris, Francis R. Frey. Second Lieute7iants. Martin L. Schoch, James L. Seebold, George C. Gutelivis. /Sergeants. John M. Wierman, Thomas D. Reed, Elbridge G. Maize, Charles Mills, Cornelius Edelman, George Diehl, discharged, July 11, 1865, for wounds received inaction, Lewis G. Titus, died, January 7, 1863, of wounds received at Fred- ericksburg, December 13, 1862. Corporals. John H. Sortman, Cyrus A. Eaton, Peter Strubble, Isaac Treat, Daniel High, Ebert Sprowles, William Kleckner, Isaac G. Magee, Adam Gluse, Thomas F. Search, John C. Youngman, George W. Foote, Levi H. Amnion, Thomas S. Mauck, died, June 20, 1864, of wounds received at Peters- burg, Virginia, buried in National cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, George M. Aurand, killed at W^l- don raUroad, August 19, 1864, 580 James Luker, Charles D. Kline, junior. Musician. Joseph A. Logan. Privates. Aikey, Jeremiah, captured, died at Andersonville, Georgia, Baker, Ralston, Barklow, George E., died at Browns- ville, Mississippi, July 21, 1863, Barnes, Albert E., Beers, David H., Bell, William H., Benfer, Abraham, Benner, Asher, Benner, Lewis J., Black, James, Blair, Simon S., Bomgardner, John, Boop, Jacob, Bowers, George, Brouse, Benjamin H., killed at Cam- den, North Carolina, April 19, 1862, Burk, George P., Burkhart, Adolph, Burris, Samuel, Chappel, Ezra, Chambers, James M., Chambers, M. B., Clapham, Thomas H., died, March 13, 1864, Cole, Luther G., Cornelius, James F. Cornelius, George W., Curfman, Daniel, Curtis, Jeremiah F., Derkes, John D., Dersham, Henry, Dewire, Alexander, Diehl, Henry C, Dingman, Abraham, Dolbj', Isaac, ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. jSi Dolby, Abraham, Donacby, Thomas, Donnison, Aaron, Dunkle, James M., killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, Eidem, Henry, Engle, SoloDion, Fetter, John, Fletcher, Justice J., Fox, Henry D., Frederick, Jacob, Galloway, George W., Geniger, William, Gordon, Jacob, Hansen, David, Hanselman, David, Hanselman, Adam, Harris, Berryhill B., Hassenplug, John T., Hauley, Timothy, Heckrnan, Wm. R., Heinbach, Elias, Heitsman, Isaiah, Heitsman, Jacob, Heitsman, Henry, Henderson, William, Hendershot, Christ, Hendricks, John, Hickernell, Robert, died of wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, Hilbish, Ammon, Hoffman, William R., killed at Cam- den, Xorth Carolma, April 19, 1862, Hofftnan, Edward J., Hummel, John, Hutchinson, Henry, Irwin, Robert, H., Kelly, James T., Kennedy, Barton, Kidson, Francis, Kline, Joel, Kline, Reuben, Kline, Daniel, Kline, Charles, Kline, Andrew T., Kline, Jacob L., died May 6, 1864, buried in United States general hospital cemetery, Annapolis, Maryland, Klingier, John, Kunkel, Samuel, Kunkel, Jonathan, Laird, Samuel H., Laudenslager, William, Leinbach, William F. N., Lenhart, John, Lenhart, David, killed near Peters- burg, Virginia, June 17, 1864, Lloyd, Charles, Lloyd, John, Long, Jacob, Lotz, Galen N., Lytle, Charles, McGregor, Samuel, McFadden, Jackson, Marsh, Charles H., Masterson, Ed. J., Mecklejs Alfred, MLled at Weldon railroad, August 19, 1864, Mertz, Jacob K., Middaugh, John T., Miller, Jacob, Miller, Henry, Miller, James, Millhouse, John, Moll, Joseph A., Mullen, Arthur, Myers, Daniel, Norton, Henry M., Orwig, William P., Orwig, John W., Paul, Peter G., Post, Victor E., Radenbaugh, Jeremiah, Rahback, John, Reed, Martin G., Renner, Levi, Reese, Jonathan, Rote, Joel, Rote, Samuel, Rulp, John v., Sassman, Emanuel, Sassman, Noah W., Searles, Sebastian, Seebold, George A., See bold. Castor, died at Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania, May 11, 1864, Schaffle, Frank S., Schnure, George, Schnure, William, Shatfer, Anthony, Sheckler, John W., Sheary, Samuel F., Shreliier, Joseph, Shriner, Josiah, Sholley, William S., Simmons, Thomas, Smith, Albert E., Sm^der, Henry, Snyder, Jonathan, Speese, Daniel, Stitzer, John T., Toland, Robert, Trainer, Charles H., Tucker, Samuel, Watson, William S., Weaver, John D., Webb, William, Wilson, Charles, Wirt, Andrew G., SS2 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Wirt, George W., died at Lexington, Kentucky, September 15, 1S6B, Woltinger, Joseph, Woodward, C. W., Zechman, Melanc'n, Zimmerman, William, COMPANY H, FIFTY-FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. Captains. J. Merrill Linn, G-eorge Sliorkley. First Lieutenants. J. Gilbert Beaver, killed at Antie- tam, September 17, 1862, Hugh McClure. Second Lieutenants. Aaron Smith, Jacob H. Santo, David C. Brewer. First Sergeant. Jacob Nyhart. Sergeants. Matthew Vandine, killed at Antie- tam, September 17, 1862, George Breon, Seth'j. Housel, Harrison Hause, Frederick Erwine, George W. Brown, John Aldenderfer, James Kincaid, Daniel M. Wetzell, William Allison, killedatFredricks- burg, December 13, 1862. Gorj)oraJs. H. J. Lingerman, John Grambling, Alfred Durst, George H Kauff, Henry Foglemian, Michael Lepley, Andrew Knepp, R. A. M. Harner, H. C. McCormick, Henry B. Wetzell, Reuben Baker, Peter Koser, Nicholas Nichols, Robert Henry, H. Co'y McCormick, John Q. Adams, Charles Merrill, James L. Schooly, Deitrich Beckman, J. Bachenhamer, Henry J. Warner. Musicians. ■ Jacob Moore, Charles P. McFadden, Andrew Bernade. • . Privates. Allshouse, Peter, Angstadt, Jonas, Angstadt, Mabury, Armpriester, William, Au:chenbaugh, William, Ayers, James, Baldwin, Eleazer, Bastian, Peter, ^/ Bastian, Abraham, • Bear, Edward, killed at Antietam Beeber, Henry, Beehn, Henry A., Beck, Isaac, killed at Antietam, Benner, Lewis J., Bennett, Miles, Berkeville, Daniel, Blunt, James, Brensinger, Levi, Britton, Simon, Brown, Asa, Brownfield, John, ''' Bobst, David, Boon, Daniel, Bower, Harrison, Bomgardner, Daniel, Bordmel, Daniel C, Boyer, John, Boyer, William, Buskirk, Jacob, Carey, George W., Casseck, Northell, Chriesher, William F., Christv, James, Clark," David, — - Corl, John, Dawson, John L., Debilzon, John S., Dehaven, Reuben,' Dillsplains, Mahl'n, Dopp, J. Peter, Dougherty, John, Dougherty, James, Douty, William H., kCled at Knox- ville, Tennessee November 29, 1863, Doyle, Matthew, Doyle, James, Dumheller, Abner, AANALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 583 Dysher, Mathias, Dye, Richard, Eardly, John W., killed at North Anna, May 27, 1864, Eglof, Samuel, Ervlne, Frederick, Espenship, David, Everly, Andrew F., Everett, William, Farley, Samuel, died at Knoxville, Tennessee, December 19, 1863, Fewring, George, Fies, Henry, Fike, John, Foote, John W., Fox, William H. R., Frederick, Ebenezer, Frynte, George H., Gallagher, W'illiam, Gardner, William, Getty, David H., Goss, Simon, Grier, Thomas G., died at Moore- head City, North Carolina, October 6, 1864, Haas, William, Hain, Henry, Hain, John, Harding, Jarrett S., Harris, "Joseph, Hartline, Daniel, Hartline, David, Hefner, Jonathan, Hefflefinger, George, Henry, Adam, Hertzog, Emanuel, Heitsman, Isaiah, Hoffman, Thomas, Holen, Thomas, Holslander, George F., Humphrey, John, Ingerson, Hillman, Jones, Thomas, Keffer, Henry J., Kelly, James S., Kelly, James A., Kneph, Simon, Knode, Albion G., Kyseraski, Joseph, Lattimer, William J., Leamon, John E., Leinbach, Calvin L., Lenig, Jacob, Leplev, William, Lott, John W., Lyon, Conrad, McMurtrie, Isaac, McEvven, Samuel S., Marks, Levi, Marr, Tliomas P., Mease, George, Miller, John, Miller, Samuel S., Miller, Daniel I., Miller, Jeremiah, Miller, William A., Miller, Henry, Mocherman, John H., Moll, Joseph A., Moore, John, Moyer, Daniel B., Moyer, Daniel, Murphy, John, Murphy, Joseph, My ers, William H., Nainan, John A., Oaks, William L., Pareby, Joseph, Passel'l, Robert W., Phleger, Jacob, Phillips, Abraham F. C, Purcell, George, Ream, Jacob, Rexford, Henry E., Rhoades, Jacob, Search, Thomas F., Scales, Edwin, (N. B.,) Serwatznes, Joseph, Shafiter, Lewis L, Shappee, Dwier, Shalley, William, Shriner, William H., Shreck, John V., Slottman, Daniel, Smith, John P., Smith, John D., Smith, David, Smith, John, H., Smith, Jacob, Smith, Isaiah, Smith, Frederick, Smith, Peter, captured August 21, 1864, absent at nuister out, Snyder, Nathaniel, Snvder, Samuel, Steltz William, Steward, Charles R., Sullivan, Patrick, Swab, William, Swaverly, Adam, Taylor, Samuel, Turner, James, Wagore, George, Watkins, Benjamin, Weisenbach, Anthony, Weisenbach, Leo, Wellings, William J., Wentzel, Jacob, Wien, William, Williamson, Aaron, Williamson, James, Williams, William, Jc?^ ANX.tLS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Wittes, Isaac, killed at Antietam, Wood, vVaron A., Uhl, Christian, Umstead, John C, Updegraph, Lewis, Van-Gezer, George, Yoder, David, Young, David I., Youngman, John C, Zechnow, Charles. COMPANY K, FIFTY-FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. {Includinr/ only those from Buffalo Valley and vicinity.^ Captain. George P. Carman. First Lieutenants. Josiah Kelly, John B. Linn. Second Lieutenant. Franklin Beale, Frank P. Sterner, promoted captain April 16, 1864, and killed in action May 12, 1864. Sergeants. L. J. Crossgrove, Thomas C. Pierce, killed in action front Petersburg, Virginia, June 17, 1864, .lames Gibson, kUled at Petersbui-g, July 30, 1864, .John Vanlew. Corporals. William Buoy, died of wounds re- ceived at Cold Harbor, Virginia, Henry G. Dentler, died at Ancle rson- ville, Georgia, May 17, 1864 — grave 1,161, Edward Held, Thomas J. Arbuckle, died in cap- tivity, Nathan M. Hann. Musician. Montgomery S. Adams. Privates. Aikey, Lewis, Aikey, Zechariah, Allen, Benjamm, Bastian, George W., Babcock, Joseph, Baldwin, Absalom, died at Ander- sonville, Georgia, September 24, 1864, Barnhart, James, Bently, Franklin, Berryman, Richard, Betzer, John, Benfer, David, Bower, William D., Bratton, Philip H., Cole, Christopher E., Cox, John F., Crites, Kremer, Crossgrove, Samuel, Depo, Thomas, Doebler, Alexander, taken prisoner May 27, 1864, Duck, Franklin F., died in captivity. Dull, George, died at Alexandria, Virginia, September 19, 1864 — grave 2,683, Fangboner, John, Foster, Thomas, killed at Weldon railroad, August 19, 1864, Garrett, James, captured, died at Andersonville, Georgia, August 19, 1864— grave 6,140, Geddes, John, Gift, .lonathan J., Hanselman, Peter, Harris, John, killed June 17, 1864, Henry, Isaiah, Hoover, Daniel, died June 27, 1864, Hoover, Charles, died at New York city, November 12, 1864, Houtz, Henry, Huffman, John, Ludwig, Jarad, McBride, Paul M., Macpherson, John, Mann, Pliilip, J., Marr, James, Meylert, William S., Mills, David, Moore, Joseph G., Ocker, David G., Poeth, Josei^h G., Rank, Benjamin, wounded at Cold Harbor, Rank, Samuel, Rank, John, died of wounds received in battle at Spottsylvania, Reese, John, Reichlj^, David, Reinhart, Nicholas, Reish, Solomon, captured at Weldon railroad, Richards, Edward, died September 10, 1864, of wounds. Rider, Benjamin, Riefsnyder, William, ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 5S5 Royer, Samuel, Sarvis Joseph, Souders, Ephraim, Search, William, Shaflfer, Thomas, Sheriy, George H., Shiers, Michael, Shilling, Alfred, wounded at Wil- derness, May 6, 18fi4, Shingle, David, killed at Cold Har- bor, Virginia, June 3, 1864, Showers, JBenry C, Stees, David C", Stuttsman, William M., Summers, Oliver, Royer, Samuel, Roush, Benjamin, Terry, George W., Treaster, Henry, Truitt, William M., Turner, Lyman B., Watts, John, W^eidell, John, died, October 2(i, 1864, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, buried in National cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, Wertz, Robert, Winegardner, John, wounded in action, June 6, 1864. Yearick, Tobias. COMPANY D, FIFTY-SECOND REGIMENT. Ga%)tains. James Chamberlin, resigned Mav 11,1863, Samuel Cuskaden. First Lieutenant. .1. P. S. Weidensaul. Second Lieutenaoits. Aaron Stoughton, William Pliillips. Sergeants. George W. Scott, died from wounds received at .Tames Island, South Carolina, July 3, 1864, Edward Zechman, Lot Trate, .Jacob Fetter, William J. Evans, .Jacob Getter, Joseph H. Pardoe, Michael Flaherty, Samuel Chalfanf, William Richardson, William Connelly, •Joseph R. Housei, B. F. Machamer, John McPherson, William A. Sober, James McBride, died at Wa.shing ton, D. C. Coo^porals. Joseph McCracken, Thomas INIackey, Enoch Rice, Martin Young, .John Tambler, James Campbell, .John Leidataeck, Elias K. Foust, Patrick Kearney, Peter Sheddel, Abraham Kauffman, Alexander J. Sober, Samuel Herman, Samuel Dolby, I. Dunkleberger, died June 4, 1862, of wounds, Charles A. Penny, died at Craney Island, Virginia, Sept. 25, 1862, Gotlieb Smaltzried, died at Morris Island, South Carolina, Septem- ber 6, 1863. Musicians. Henry Gallagher, died at White House, Virginia, June 15, 1862, Charles McGregor. Privates. Able, John, died at Annapolis, Ma- ryland, December 21, 1864, Baker, Peter, Barker, Henrj^, Balliett, John", Bennett, William H., Berkhiser, Isaac, Blake, Christopher, Blake, James, Bower, Wilson M., Bowers, James, Brocius, Gideon, Buck, Frederick, Burris, Henry H., Callahan, Michael, died at Ander- sonville, Georgia, September 27, 1864—9,886, Carey, Archibald, died at Florence, South Carolina, November26, 1864, Chalfant, Samuel, Chappell, Ira, Chappell, George, Cogin, John, SS6 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Cornelison, John R., Cornelius, Jackson, Collins, George, Courtwright, P. W., died at Hilton Head, South Carolina, June 13, 18G4, Banner, Samuel, Danne3% William, died at Florence, South Carolina, December 10, 1864, Dailey, John, Donachy, John, Doyle, John, Doyle, Thomas, Duck, Daniel, killed at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862, Duryea, James, Emerick, Philip, Evans, Richard, Fadden, James, Fenstermacher, James, Fertig, John, Fisher, Peter, Foulds, Richard, Gahring, Charles, died at Florence, South Carolina, October 18, 1864, Geiger, Lewis, Gordon, George, Greiger, Jacob, Grey, William, Gross, Joseph, died at Washington, D. C, Jvme 19, 1862, ^"^ Gunn, Jeremiah, Gooden, George, Hall, Henry, Hankey, John, Hankey, Frank, Heaton, John, Heimbach, Benjamin F., Heller, Jeremiah, Helwick, Andrew, Hensyl, Lot, Houtz, Austin S., Hufford, Lewis, Hunter, John, Irving, Abrani A., Jameson, Henry, Jarrett, Franklin, Jones, Daniel, Kinney, John, Kinter, Maurice, Kirsch, Frederick, Krider, Jacob, Krider, Daniel, KauiTman, Ab., Kearney, Patrick, Lemereaux, O. H., Lenhart, Henry, Lennard, James, Livengood, Abraham, Loch, Samuel, Long, Zephaniah, Long, Charles, Long, John F., Long, Isaac; Lupoid, Jeremiah, killed at Fort Henry, Tennessee, April 2, 1862, McGaniiel, Edward, killed at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862, Martin, William, Martin, David, Messersmith, Jeremiah, Miller, William, Miller, Amzi W., died at Anderson- ville, Georgia, October 1, 1864, Minnier, Samuel, Moran, Patrick, Morrison, Michael, Moyer, Benjamin F., killed at Fair daks. May 31, 1862, Mussleman, John, died at Yorktown, Virginia, November 27, 1862, Musser, John, Nagle, Samuel, Neifert, Henry, O'Gara, Dominick, 01 by, William L., Ott, Samuel, Owens, John H., Pell, Benjamin, died at Florence, South Carolina, October 21, 1864, Poeth, Henry C, Poole, Josiah, died September 23, 1864, buried in Cypress Hill ceme- try. Long Island, Pooie, Gilbert, captured, died in Florence, South Carolina, August 22, 1864, Price, William, Pifer, Elias F., Phillips, William, Pardoe, Joseph H., Rahmer, Charles, Ransom, Thomas D., Reed, Samuel, died July 1864, of wounds received at Fort Johnson, South Carolina, Renney, James B., died at Yorktown, Virginia, December 17, 1862, Richard, Charles, Richley, Frederick, Rorabach, Henry, Rutloss, Moritz 'C, Saunders, Sanmel, Slaeibelhood, Joseph, Smith, William H., Specht, Michael, died at Washing- ton, D. C, June 24, 1862, of wounds received at Fair Oaks, Virginia, May 31, 1862, Springer, Joseph, Sober, Salathiel, killed at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862, ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 587 Sober, Aaron, Staples, Nelson, captured, died at Florence, South Carolina, October 20, 1864, Stapleton, Franklin, Stetler, Charles, Souder, Henry J., died at Florence, South Carolina, October 20, 1864, Trutt, David, Vertz, George W., Wagner, Josiah, Warner, Gideon, died at Florence, South Carolina, October 1, 1864, Wertz, Thomas, Wheat, John, Wheeler, Walter, Williams, Philip, Willis, David, died at Morris Island, South Carolina, August 31, 1864, Wilson, John, Womelsdorf, J., Woodward, G. W., Wright, Franklin, Wright, Charles, ZeUers. John, died at Florence, South Carolina, October 1, 1864. COMPANY E, FIFTY- THIRD REGIMENT. {Including only those froyn Buffalo Valley and vicinity.) Captains. Thomas Church, Beach C. Ammons, Daniel Art man. First Lieutenant. Henry F. Menges. Second Lieutenant. Albert H. Hess. First Sergeant. John R. Smith. Sergeants. William Ulrich, Joseph Hartley, David Davis, John Milsom. Corporals. William Parry, James Harvey, Archibald McPherson, William Byrne, Ezekiel Gilham, John McCollum, William Tovy. Musicians. Jacob Bingaman, Daniel Bingaman. Teamster. David Kohlen. Privates. Bingaman, Daniel J., Bingaman^ James, died at Annapo- lis, Maryland, December 20, 1864, Bvioy, Sylvester, Cushion, John, Davis, Thomas, Davis, Job, Dickison, Samuel, Druin, William, Getz, George, Hancock, Richard, Hancock, William, Hayden, James, Heinback, George, Hess, Isaac, Hess, Francis, Kaler, Jefferson, McCollum, William, McPherson, John, Marsh, Charles P., Oldfleld, John, Price, John, Rearick, Oliver, P., Sergeant, William, Slay man, Russel, Snyder, Samuel, Stevens, William, Thomas, William H., Tovy, Daniel, Ulrich, Eisle, Walters, Henry, C, Wiehr, David M. L. COMPANY A, ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT. Captains. Jacob Moyer, Joseph R. Orwig. First Lieutenant. Joseph Williaiu Kepler. Second Lieutenant. William Fitchthorn. Sergeants. Albert Barnes, • Forster Halfpenny, 588 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Isaac Treat, Josiah Shriner, Henry Rotherinal. Corjoorals. George W. Fiester, Charles Worinan, Jacob Hower, Harrison Hater, Samuel S. Smith, William H. Weirick, Joel Kline, Henry Phillips, Nathaniel W. vStrahan. Musician. James Forrest. Privates. Aikey, William Henry, killed at Fredericksburg, Virginia, Decem- ber 13, 18f52, Burkliolder, William, Burkliolder, Lewis, Burkensfcock, H., Brant, Henry, Baldwin, Absalom, Brocius, Isaac, Bordner, William, Cauliflower, William, Charles, Sturger, Collins, Peter, Cornelius, Washington, Crisswell, William, Dennis, Phares, Devine, Peter, Diehl, Henry Calvin, Dollard, William, Dresher, William, Fiester, John Uhl, Foltz, Martin, Foster, Andrew, Glover, John W., Grove, G. Samuel, Hansel man, David, Harris, Jolm, Hartley, Elias, Hayes, Jaixies C, Henry, William G., Huff, George, Huff, John, Hultsizer, Jesse, died at Washing- ton, D. C, November 10, 1862. Katherman, Joseph, Katherman, Isaiali, Kline, Charles, Kline, George, Kline, Henry Charles, Laird, Samuel H., Lashells, George W., killed at Fred- ericksbui-g, Virginia, December 13, 1862. Lenhart, David, Leib, Emanuel, Ludwig, George, McPherson, Archibald, Markle, John, Maxwell, Archibald, Meyers, Daniel B., Miller, Harry, Moyer, George W., Newman, Lewis, Rarer, John, Reed, G. Thompson, Reed, John, Richards, Christian, Rorabaugh, James A., Rossman, William, Rote, Joseph, Sanders, George L., Schnee, Peter, Schuck, Thomas L., Shaffer, Milton, Showalter, Samuel, Smith, Sylvester, Snyder, William A., Snyder, William W., Snyder, Emanuel, killed at Fred- ericksburg, Virginia, December 13, 1862, Solomon, Henry C, Sommers, Jeremiah, Sonniiers, Oliver, Stees, Henry George, killed at Fred- ericksburg, Virginia, Dec. 18, 1862. Swartz, John, Taylor, William A., Wertz, William, Wilson, Frank, Winegarden, J. A., Wise, Charles, Zechman, M. Calvin. MISCELLANEOUS. In Battery JE, First Artillery — Forty-third Regiment. Captain Tliomas G. Orwig. First Lieutenant Benj. M. Orwig. In Company F, One Hundred and Thirteenth — Twelfth Cavalry. First Lieutenant David A. Irwin. Second Lieutenant Henry E. Gii- telius. Company F, Fifty-sixth Pennsyl- vania. Second Lieutenant George W. Guil- din. ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 589 COMPANY E, ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT. Captains. John A. Owens, Charles R. Evans. First Lieutenants. Andrew O. Tucker, died July 5, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Isaac S. Kerstetter. Sergeants. Scott Clingan, Alfred Hayes, Samuel Brown, John V. Miller, Reuben B. Fessler, Thomas P. Wagner, Thomas R. Orwig, died at Washing- ton, D. C, November 30, 1862. Corporals. Isaac J. Kerstetter, Isaac F. Brown, John Gellinger, Benjamin W. Minium, Henry C. Penny. John H. Martin,' William Keifer, Nathaniel Strahan, Henry M. Specht, Jacob H. Rank, died, June 1, of wounds received at Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 12, 1864. ^ > J , Samuel Moyer, killed at Fredericks- burg, Virgmia, December 13, 1862. Musicians. William Geibel, Hunter B. Barton. Privates. Ammon, W^illiam L., Armagast, Peter, killed at Freder- icksburg, Virginia, December 13, 1862, Baker, George, Boope, Geoz-ge E., Boyer, Solomon, Campbell, Reuben, Deibert, John P., killed at CatJett's Station. Virginia, November 30, 1863, Dellinger, John S., killed at Freder- icksburg, Virginia, December 13, 1862, Donachy, William L., Fangboner, Theodore, Farley, John, Fees, "David, Fetter, David, died of wounds re- ceived at Fredericksburg, Vir- ginia, December 13, 1862, Fetter, Adam, Fullmer, William H., Gellinger, Jackson, Gilboney, Jacob B., Gundy, James P., Hartman, Har'n R., Hofl'man, Noah, Hoffman, John, Hoffman, Henry W., Hoffman, Solomon B., Houghton, Thomas, Jamison, David, died of wounds re- ceived at Fredericksburg, Vir- ginia, December 13, 1862, Kline, John, died of wounds receiv- ed at Wilderness, Virginia, Mav 6, 1864, Kling, John, died at Acquia creek, January 22, 1863, Koser, William, died at Warren- ton, Virginia, November, 1862, Koser, Uriah, LeFevre, Frank P., Lenhart, Jacob, McBride, Daniel, Marr, James, Martin, Henry, died at Sharpsburg, Maryland, "November 24, 1862, buried in National cemeterj^, An- tietam — section 26, lot B, grave 224, Martin, Daniel, died of wounds re- ceived at Fredericksburg, Vir- ginia, December 13, 1862, Minium, John A., Morris, A. Judson, Moser, Jacob, killed at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 1, 1864, Moser, Jeremiah, died of wounds re- ceived at Fredericksbvirg, Vir- ginia, December 13, 1862, Moyer, John N., Moyer, Levi H., died of wounds re- ceived at Fredericksburg, Vir- ginia, December 13, 1862, Pontius, Henry B., Raboss, John, Raboss, Henry, killed, March 24, 1865, Rank, Samuel, Reichley, George, Reish, George, Renner, William, L., Renner, Levi, died at Richmond, Virginia, Febuary 23, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericks- burg, Virginia, December 13, 1862, SPO ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Root, David, died at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1863, Sechler, William R., Shafl'er, Jeremiah, Shields, William, Sho waiter, John W., Smith, Henry M., Smith, Henry C, Smith, Michael, Sraham, James C, Sortman, Daniel, Stapleton, George, died, July 26, of . wounds received at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1, 1863, Steinmetz, Philip, Stettler, Henry, died at Washing- ton, D. C, October 12, 1862, burial record, October 7, 1864, buried in Military Asylum cemeterj^, Stitzer, Samuel, died at Washington, D. C, May 30, of wounds received at North Anna river, Virginia, May 23, 1864, buried in National ceme- tery, Arlington, Stuck, Henry, died of wounds re- ceived at Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 13, 1862, Wilson, Robert M., Wolfe, Emanuel, Wolfe, William H., Wynn, Thomas. COMPANY D, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH REGIMENT. Captains, Henry W. Crotzer, William P. Dougal, Roland Stoughton, died May 27, of wounds received at Wilderness, Virginia, May 5, 1864, John H. Harter, S. H. Himmelwright. First Lieutenant. John A. Hauck. Second Lieutenants. Samuel G. Gutelius, James Cummings. Sergeants. Samuel C. Ranson, Samuel Kerstetter, James W. Marshall, Charles A. Frey, John Stennert, Ellas B. Weidensaul, killed at Get- tysburg, July 1, 1863. Coi-porals. Albert Forster, Howard Ritter, Samuel Ruhl, Amos Browand, William Eberhart, George L. Murray, John Donachy, John M. Hunt, George W. Barkdoll, William E. Hennings, killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863, Joseph B. Ruhl, killed at Gettys- burg, July 1, 1863, William Donachy, killed at Laurel Hill, Virginia, May 8, 1864, Ephraim Campbell, died at Wash- ington, D. C, November 10, 1864, Joseph J. Gutelius, killed at Get- tysburg, July 1, 1863. Musician. Abraham Kuhn,died at Washington, D. C, December 21, 1862. Privates. Ammon, Aaron, Bird, John S., Breyman, Mahlon, Browand, Henry,* Brian, Michael, Boyer, Jacob, Buoy, Charles S., Chambers James M., Deal, Adam, Deal, Henry, Deal, John, died of wounds received at Hatcher's Run, Virginia, Feb- ruary 5, 1865, Eberhart, Abrahain, Eberhart, .James, Eisenhaur, Isaac, Erdey, Simon, Fees, Henry A., killed at Gettys- burg, July 1, 1863. Fillman, Jacob, Foust, Simon E., Fox, John F., Garrett, Edward, Grove, Peter, Gutelius, Fisher, Gutelius, Charles H., Hafer, John, Hassenplug, S. F., Hauck, Ammon L., Hoffrnaster, B., Hottenstein, D. R., ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 59^ Hursh, William, Kaler, John, Keifer, Henry M., Knittle, James, Lashells, Wilson, Linn, Isaac, Linn, Abraham, died at Washing- ton, D. C, November 10, 1862, Lucas, James, killed at AVilderness, Virginia, May 7, 1864, McFa'dden, E. A., killed at Gettys- burg, Pennsylvania, July 1, 1863, Mader, Charles E., Malehom, Simon, Master, Henrj^, May, John, killed at Gettysburg, July, 1, 1863, Miller, William R., killed at Gettys- burg, July 1, 1863, Nagie, Samuel, Neese, Jacob, Oberdorf, George F., Paige, David, Paul, Samuel W., Pick, Nathan, Putzman, Jacob D., Reedy, Joel, Sarba, John, Seamen, Jonathan, Sedam, Jolm, died at Richmond, Vir- ginia, January 2, 1864. Shaffer, Edwin, died at Elmira, New York, March, 22, 1865. Shell, Jacob, Smith, Hiram, Stahl, Peter S., Stable, William, Stitzer, William, Stoutz, Milton J., Trout Frank F., Wirth, Calvin, Wittenmj^er, Henry, Weiser, George W., Wolfe John, Zellers, Isaac. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. Lieut. Colonel Charles Kleckner, George W. Kleckner, Com. Sergt., Charles E. Haus, Sec. Lieut. Co. I, Corporal John L. Strong, Charles Crotzer. TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, EMERGENCY TROOPS. Field and Staff. Colonel James Chamberlin, Lieut. Colonel John McCleery, Quatermaster Thompson G. Evans, Surgeon George Lotz, Quar. Sergeant Samuel H. Orwig, Company A. Captain Thomas R. Jones, First Lieutenant David M. Nesbit, Second Lieut. Charles S. James, First Sergeant Owen P. Eaches. Sergeant Benjamin F. Cox, " John B. Hutton, " Ross Ward, " Robert A. Townsend. Corporal John G. Blair, " John Ritner, " David McDermond, " Joseph R. Frederick, " Henry H. Witmer, " Harrison B. Garner, " Joseph H. Shepperd, " Henry C. Wolf. Musician Frederick E. Bower, *' George D. Kin cade. Privates. Barnhart, Daniel W., Bobb, Peter G., Brensinger, George J., Bowman, George, Case, William W., Cook, jr., A slier, Curtis, John W., Colvert, Edwin, Donachy, John A., Derr, Frank C, Fegley, George, Gebhart, David, Gessler, Theodore A. K., Giddings, Nathaniel, Gill, Thomas A., Grier, Henry F., Hall, George C, Hess, Jacob W., Hill, Eleazer E., Hutson, John S., Henderson, Henry J., James, Jacob D., ' Johnson, Jesse Z., Krape, Antis, Leas, David P., Lotz, Galen H., S9^ ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Looinis, Freeman, Low, Clement B., Leinbach, James C, Martz, ('xeorge O., Maul, Webster R., Mettler, Charles W., Munro, Henry C, Overliolt, John J., Phillips, Thomas E., Probasco, John B., Read, David E., Read, Jesse J., Read, Oliver J., Ranney, Edwin H., Runyan, William H., Spratt, Orlando W., Stef)liens, Leroy, Shanafelt, Thomas W., Stone, Charles A., Schwartz, John J. W., Startzle, Franklin P., Shaffer, Edward H., Straw, Robert C, Small, Thomas J., Smith, Joseph R., Truitt, jr., George W., Vanvalzah, Robert, Winterbottom, William, Wolf, Jacob C, Wolverton, William J., Wynn, Isaac C, Yeager, Peter. Co'mpany D. Captain Charles C. Shorldey. First Lieutenant Josiah Kellj-. Second Lieut. Samuel D. Bates, Fii-st Sergeant Samuel W. Murray, Sergeant William L. Nesbit, " Jacob Neyhart, " Jacob K, Mertz, " Sylvan us G. Bennett. Corporal George W. Cornelius, " Daniel Meyers, " William T. Leinbach, " Daniel Brown, " Thomas Shoemaker, " George B. Miller, " William Myers, " Isaac Wagner. Musician Edward McGregor. Privates. Brooks, David, Bay, Franklin, Bans, Sanuiel, Balliet, John W., Betzer, John H., Barton, Bright Henry, Crites, William K., Cornelius, Edward, Cornelius, Zacheus, Chappel, Zacheus, Collins, Peter, Cowley, William H., Dull, George, Dunkle, Charles C, Donachy, William O., Donahower, Franklin, Eyer, John, Frain, John A., Fornwalt, John H., Goodman, Abraham H., Gussler, Isaiah, Giffin, Samuel M., Heitsman, Henry, Heitsman, Jacob, Herr, James E., Howard, Thomas, Howard, John, Hess, John R., Irwin, John F., Kelley, James W., Loomis, William A., Lokas, William, Lilley, Alfred, Murphy, Howard W., Murty, James, Munson, Salman D., Mowry, Abraham, Meixell, P., Meixell, Ziba, Mench, John, McFadden, Theodore, Pennj^, Hugh H., • Paul, George, Pross, George, Pierce, Amariah H., Reber, Samuel, Rossell, William R., Reber, Edward M., Rearick, Oliver P., Reed, Howard W., Straub, Elisha, Slifer, Alfred, Stuck, Samuel, Slear, Jonathan W., ^ Stitzer, John D., Solomon, Charles E., Winegarden, John A., Wetzel, Conrad, Washeliskei, William H., Washeliskei, George, Williams, Benjamin H., Wagner, Joseph H., Zechman, George W., Company F. Captain George W. Forrest, First Lieutenant Andrew H. Dill, Second Lieutenant James Hayes, First Sergeant David B, Nesb'it, ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 593 Sergeant William Ginter, " Lorenzo D. Brewer, " AdolphusA. Kaufman, " William H. Nesbit. CorporalJ. Henry Brown, " John W. Brown, " Richard Dye, " Theodore Taylor, " Joseph M. Housel, " Samuel F. Gvindy, " Thomas Ritner, " Edward H. Richards. Musician James Forrest, " Jacob H. Worth. Privates. Baldwin, Absalom, Beck, Samuel, Bell, Allen, Bently, Frank, Bower, William D., Brown, William F., Cathcart, Robert M., Derr, George P., Dotts, David H., Dill, M. Reese, Dclby, Abraham, Donachy, Tliompson, Hughes, George, Imhoff, William H., Kennedy, William, Long, Jacob, Loudenslager, William, Marsli, Charles, Miller, J. Howard, Muriahy, Joseph, Nesbit, Alvin, Pardee, Samuel I., Paul, Peter G., Poeth, George M., Rank, Lemuel, Reese, John S., Simonton, John W., Smithers, Benjamin F., Smitli, Jacob M., Search, William, Stoughton, Frank, Vincent, Jolm, Walker Edward, Wertz, C. C, Wallace, John D., Zentmeyer, Peter. TWO HUNDRED AND SECOND REGIMENT. Lieutenant Colonel John A. Maus, Surgeon S. Carson McCormick. Company I. Captain Jacob Neyliart, First Lieutenant Jacob H. Brown, Sec. Lieut. George Y. McLaughlin, First Sergeant John B. Ritner, Sergeant William P. Allen, " James P. Gundy, " Samuel S. Rank, " George H. Gressinger. Corporal Enos Zentmeyer, «' Joseph C. Dull, " John W. Brown, " Samuel S. Hess, " George Himmerdinger, " Henry S. Dewey, " John M. Brown, " Zacheus Cornelius. Musician Cameron McGregor. Privates. Becher, Amos G., Becher, William, Bently, John, Bogart, Hosea, Bogart, Joseph, Bower, Francis, Brintzehofif, C, W., Brobst, John, 38 Brown, William W., Chappel, Sheller, Chappel, Charles, Chappel, Charles W., Cleaver, Jesse, Cornelius, Jesse M., Cornelius, Andrew M., Dennis, Levi, Dickey, Lester P., Difienderfer, D. A., Elce, Jonathan F., Ellis, James S., Engie, Jacob, Engleman, Elias, Eveland, James, Everet, John, Fahnestock, H. M., Fesler, John H., Fetter, Cyrus, Fisher, Jared, Fisher, Jolm H., Fisher, Paul, Flick, Charles W., Gebhart, Henry G., Good, Haram, Gossness, Joseph W., Ginter, William, Gussler, Isaiah, Hann, James R.,. Hann, David, Hawkenberry, J. D., 594 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. \ Haynes, John, Heister, Jacob, Hess, Joseph, Hester, Henry, Hooveman, James, Huff, Daniel, Huff, James, Huff, John S,, • Huff; David, Hummel, Benjamin, Hummel, Frederick, Irwin, Henry, Jamison, senior, John, Jamison, Augustus B., Keener, John, Keyser, Jacob, Kint, George W., Kupp, John S., Landaw, William, Leonard, William, Leonard, Benjamin, Long, Peter, Lynn, Charles, Mathias, John A., Miller, Joseph P., Mowrer, Michael S., Nagie, Andrew, Newman, Daniel, Pierce, Amariah H., LIST OF SOLDIERS BURIED IN THE SEVERAL CEMETERIES IN UNION COUNTY. Platner, Lemuel J., Powers, Edward, Rank, Martin J., Rank, David, Rahrer, John, Reichley, Benjamin F., Reichley, William A., Reitmeyer, George E., Reitmeyer, D. K., Rohrabach, James, Sanders, Hiram, Sanders, Charles, Sanders, Henry W., Sanders, George L., Search, John B., Shannon, James, Shannon, William, Slear, David G., Smith, Jeremiah, Speece, David, Swartz, John, Taylor, Henry O., Trester, Martin, Wagner, Jesse H., Wertz, Henry, Williams, George, Young, Abraham, Young, James A. Mifflinburg. — Presbyterian Ceme- tery. Clapham, Thomas H., Rissel, David H. Old Grave-yard. Edleman, Elias, Mattis, Henry, Musser, Robei-t, Oberdorf, George, Schreck, Jacob. Netv Cemetery. Durst, John H., Forster, Wilson, Montelius, W. P., Orwig, Benjamin M., Reish, Daniel K., Smith, Levi H., Smith, Hiram, Steadman, Dr. H. C. White Deer Church Cem,etery. Deibert, John P., Co. E, 142d, Dersham, John S., Co. A, 199th, FoUmer, William, H., Co. E, 142d. Buffalo Cross-Roads. Lashells, George W., Co. A, 131st, McGee, Isaac G., Co. E, 51st. Union Church Cemetery. Fetter, Jacob, Co. D, 52d, Moyer, John W., 142d, Richard, Edward A., Co. K, 51st. Dreisbaeh Church. Bowersox, Henry, 51st, Dunkle, James M., Co. E, 51st, Eachus, John F., Wolfe, William H., Co. E, 142d. Lewisburg Cemetery. Arey, William R., Orderly Sergt., Co. F, 24th U. S. C. T. Died Feb- ruary 19, 1871. Arey, Milton, Co. A, 43d U. S. C. T. Died October 14, 1867. Bennett, William A., Hospital Stew- ard, 14th U. S. Infantry. Died November 28, 1869. Brooks, John, Co. F, 49th Pa. Cameron, James, Col. 79th N. Y. Highlanders. Killed in battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. Chappel, Zacharv, Co. B, 5th Pa. Res. Cor. Died April 6, 1865. Cornelius, Jackson, Co. D, 52d Pa. Died June 5, 1867. ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 595 Cox, William Franklin, Sergt., Bat. K, 2cl Pa. Heavy Art. Died July 9, 1866, from disease contracted while a prisoner at Anderson villa, Georgia. Dewire, Alexander, Co. E, 51st. Derr, John H., Co. G, 4th Fa. Vol. Died August 15, 1861, from disease contracted whUe in service. Dickey, Lester P., Co. I, 202d Pa. Vol. Died August 29, 1870. Dodge, Edward K., Surgeon, U. S. Navy. Promoted Surgeon, De- cember 21, 1869. Died March 29, 1871. Eccleston, Charles, First Lieutenant, Heavy Artillery. Evans, Charles R., Captain, Co. E, 142d Pa. Vol. Died September 23, 1867. Graham, Henry Spyker, Sergeant, Co. F, 2d Pa. Cav. Died August 28, 1868. Gussler, John A., Co. C, 161st N. T. Vol. Died July 27, 1871. Ireland, John W., Co. D, 5th Pa. Res. Cor. Died October IS, 1862. Kennedy, William M., Co. E, 208th Pa. Vol. Died at City Point, Va., April 15, 1865, from wounds re- ceived before Petersburg, Virginia, April 2, 1865. Knox, John H., Captain, Co. D, 11th Pa. Vol. Died at Jersey Shore, Pa., February 28, 1862. Lenhart, Henry, Co. D, 52dPa. Vol. Died November 28, 1864. Lenhart, Benjamin, Co. I, 202d. McBride, James, Sergeant, Co. D, 52d Pa. Vol. Died at Washington, December 1, 1861. McFadden, Theodore H., First Lieut. Co. D, 5th Pa. Res. Cor. Wounded in battle of New Market Cross- Roads, Jime 30, 1862. Died Jan- uary 29, 1870. McGregor, Charles, Musician, Co. D, 51st Pa. Vol. Died March 4, 1866. Milsom, John, Sergeant, Co. E., 53d Pa. Vol. Died at Annapolis, Md., December 30, 1864. Murphy, Edward H., with construc- tion train, 5th N. Y. Vol. Died February 9, 1870. Penny, Charles A., Corporal, Co. D, 52d Pa. Vol. Died at Craney Island, Va., Se]3tember 25, 1862. Phillips, William L., Lieutenant, Co. D, 52d Pa. Vol. Died at Cham- bersbm-g, Pa., January 5, 1872. Rohrabach, James H., Co. H, 131st. Schaffle, Joseph J., Co. H, 90th Pa. Vol. Died at Washington, D. C, January 12, 1863, from a wotmd received in battle of Fredericks- burg, Va., December 13, 1862. Schaftie, F. S., Co. E, 51st. Stapleton, George, Co. E, 142d Pa. Vol. Died July 26, 1863, from a wound received at Gettysburg July 1, 1863. Stoughton, Roland, Captain, Co. D. 150th Pa. Vol. Died May 24, 1864. Tucker, Andrew G., First Lieut. Co. E, 142d Pa. Vol. Killed in battle at Gettj'sburg, July 1, 1863. Van Gezer, George, Co. H, 51st Pa. Vol. Died November 16, 1870. Wertz, John H., Co. G, 4th Pa. Vol. Died May 28, 1862. Wetzel, Conrad. Died October 20, 1866, from disease contracted while in service. Wilkes, Noall, Co. D, 5th Pa. Res. Cor. Died September 7, 1861. Young, Peter, Co. I, 192d Pa. Vol. Died January 6, 1869. Zimmerman, William, Co. E, 51st Pa. Vol. Died August 3, 1866. Buried at Various Places. Ammon, Levi H., Corporal, Co. E, 51st Pa. Vol. Killed in Wilder- ness battle, May 6, 1864. Arey, Barton, Co. A, 43d U. S. C. T. Wounded before Petersburg, Va., and taken to hospital at David's Island, where he died and was buried. Baldwin, Absalom, Co. K, 51st Pa. Vol. Captured and died at Ander- sonville, Ga., September 24, 1864. Beaver, J. Gilbert, First Lieut., Co. H, 51st Pa. Vol. Buried at Mil- ler stowu, Pa. Dentler, Henry G., Corporal, Co. K, 51st Pa. Vol. Captured and died at AndersonviUe, Ga., May 17, 1864— grave 1,161. Donachy, William, Corporal, Co. D, 150th Fa. Vol. Killed in battle at Laurel Hill, Va., May 8, 1864. Dull, George N., Co. K, 51st Pa. Vol. Died from disease, at Alexandria, Va., September 19, 1864. Buried there— grave 2,683. Evans, Edwin A., Captain, Battery D, 3d Pa. Heavy Art. Died, in Philadelphia, April 30, 1872. Bu- ried at New Britain, Bucks Co., Pa. 59(> ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Ficlithorn, James, Sergeant, Co. D, 5th Pa. Res. Cor. Mvistered June 5, 1861. Died between the 11th and Kith of Febrviary, 1865, at Salisbuiy, North Carolina. Gallagher, Henry, Musician, Co. D, 52d Pa. Vol. Died at White House, Va., June 15, 1862. Gibson, James, Sergeant, Co.K, 51st. Killed in front of Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864. Green, William Cameron, private, Co. D, Fifth Pa. Res. Cor. Pro- moted Second Lieutenant in First United States Infantry, Sei^tem- ber 27, 1861. Afterward promoted to Captain in First United States Infantry. Died on board ship, Oc- tober 3, 1867. Grier, Thomas G., Co. H, 51st Pa. Vol. Died with yellow fever, at Morehead City, N. C, October 6, 1864. Buried there, Kelly, James A., Co. H, 51st Pa. Vol. Died at Roanoke Island, N. C, March 27, 1862. Ludwig, Jared R., Co. K, 51st Pa. Vol. Absent at muster out ; sujd- posed to have been killed in bat- tle or captured and died while a prisoner. McFadden, Edward A., Co. D, 150th Pa. Vol. Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Mensch, Jolm, Co. F, 49th Pa. Vol. Killed at Spottsylvania Court- House, Va., May 10, 1864. Miller, Samuel E., Co. I, 1st Pa. Killed in battle at Fredericks- burg, Va., December 13, 1862. Musser, .John D., Lieutenant Col- onel. Mustered as Major of 143d Pa. Vol., October 18, 1862. Pro- moted to Lieutenant Colonel June 2, 1863. Killed in battle of Wild- erness, May 6, 1864. Buried at Muncy, Pa. Piper, William, Co. H, 56th Pa. Vol. Killed in battle of Si)ottsylvania, Va., May — , 1864. Potter, Thomas, Corporal, Battery xV, 1st Pa. Art. Killed in battle at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Reed, Daniel M., Corporal, Co. G, 50th Pa. Vol. Killed at Chantilly, Va., September 1, 1862. Schaffle, Charles D., Captain, Co. D, 5th Pa., Res. Cor. Wounded and taken prisoner in battle of Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862, and died in Richmond, Va., January 31, 1863. Sedam, John, Co. D, 150th Pa. Vol. Taken prisoner, and died at Rich- mond, Va., January 2, 1864. Smaltzried, Gotlieb, Corporal, Co. D, 52d Pa. Died at Morris Island, S. C, September 6, 1863. Sterner, Frank B., Captain, Co. K, 51st. Killed at Spottsylvania Court-House, Va., May 12, 1864. Weidensaul, Elias 13., Second Lieu- tenant, Co. D, 150th Pa. Vol. Killed in battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Wertz, Harrison, Co. D. 5th Pa. Res. Cor. KUled in battle of Freder- icksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Wilson, Robert M., Died August 19, 1867. Buried at Norfolk, Va. INDEX. Abolition lecture, 527 Aborigines of the Valley, 6 Academy, Lewisburg, 546 " building of University, ground broken for, . . 548 Accidents, 439,492,496,512,514,525,526 Adams, Reverend John Dietrich, ■•.... 369 Agricultural, Union, association formed, 501 fairs, 501,555 " society, Union county, 528,554 " " " " awards of committees, 528 Albright, Honorable Andrew, sketch of, 457 Allen family inurdered, 188 Allison, Archibald, narrative of, 173 Allummapees, King of the Delawares, 20 Anti-Mason ticket formed, 501 Anthony, Joseph B., holds court at Sunbury, 543 Armstrong, Colonel John, surveys of, , . 9,19 Associators, list of companies of, 90 " officers chosen, 90,119 " brigadier general elected, 99 Associate Reforiued Church, 448 Attorneys admitted, 42 , 44,89,151,235,241,418,495,501,513,524,534,540,542,546 '' list of 494 Aui-and, Reverend John Dietrich, 152,199,284 Aurand's hotel burned, 533 Ayers killed, .• 157 Bacon, Elijah, visits Valley, 400,495 Bald Eagle creek declared a highway, 36 Banks, act regulating, passed, 417 " suspended, 442,534 " card of directors of Northumberland, 534 Baptist settlers, 283 Bar, peculiarities of the 481 Barber, Robert, builds at White Spring, 48,269 Barnes, Reverend W. H. H., 544 Barton, Kimber, 325 Bashor, John Michael, killed, 157 Baskins, Honorable John, resigns and removes, . . . . ' 540 Battalion drill at Lewisburg, 550 Baum, Samuel R., appointed postmaster, 552 Bear's mills erected, 232 Beaver run, 7 " township, residents of, 258,270,284,319 597 598 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Bellas, Esquire, Hugh, 365 Berlin iron-works, first metal made at, 545 " " " blown out, 549 Bickle, Henry, killed, 201 Billman, Dewalt, notice of, 450 Billmyer, Andrew, tavern of, 243,252 Bingaman, Frederick, death of, 545 Black Ann, whipped, 194 Blythe, William, notice of, 25 Boatman, Mrs. Claudius, killed, 211 Boat-vard removed to Lewisburg, 551 Boone, Captain Hawkins, 52,107,123,166,178 Boude family, notice of, 258 Bower, George, notice of, 450 Boy killed near Gundy's mill, 213 Boyd family, notice of, 143 Boyer, Jacob K., convicted, 497 Brady, Captain John, 98,143,165,166 " " " killed, 168,220,225 " James, killed, 164,225 " Mrs. Mary, death of, 219 " family reminiscences of, 219 " Captain Samuel, 81,143,219 "■ " " kills Bald Eagle, 175 " " " adventuresof, 227 " " " death of, 280 " General Hugh, 219 " John, (sheriff,) 226 " Lieutenant Samuel, at Chippewa, 419 " " " letter to Captain Vincent, 419 Brandy wine, battle of, 143 Bridge, Northumberland built, 406,438 " " carried away, 546 " Lewisburg chartered, 417 " " supplement to charter, 433 " " built, 438 " Limestone' run, carried away, 437 " HarrisbuTg, . 438 " " portion of, carried away, 546 " at mouth of Buffalo creek built, 378 " " " " " " carried away, 548 " new " " " " 552 " Milton, injm-ed by flood, 546 " at Duncan's Island, carried away, 546 Brinton, Joseph, notice of, 449 Brobst, Jacob, 435 Bockenor, Isaac, accident to, 496 Brodhead'sregiment, Eighth Pennsylvania, two soldiers of, killed, . . 163 Brown, Jonathan, 449 " Eleanor, 246 " Matthew, death of, . 142 " Michael, recollections of the people of the Valley, 341 Buchanan, Honorable James, speaks at Milton, 544 Buffalo creek, 7 " " bridge built at mouth of, ■ . . 378 Buffalo township erected, 42 " " attempt to divide, 151 67 ,148 ,181 ,194 ,'214 ,'236 ,'242 ,'244 ,'252 ,'258 ,'263 ,269 Buffalo Cross-Roads church, 51,60,270,433,524 " " " first hotel at, 318 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. sgg Buffalo, East and West, townships erected, 274 " East, residents of, 278, 283,294,317,323,326,332,337,340,353,355,370,379,386 Buffalo, West, improvements, &g., 279 " " stills in, 280 " " residents of, 280, 282 , 294 , 301 , 317 , 333 , 337 , 340 , 354 , 355 , 370 , 379 , 387 Caderman, Jacob and Conrad, captured, 199 California gold fever reaches Valley, 549 " emigration to, 549 Canal meeting 491 " located, 495 " let, 496 " Lewisburg cross-cut, 496,508 " " " " first boats through, 512 " rates of freight on, 503 Camp Potter organized, 544 Camp-meeting, first Methodist, 354 " '< 544 Campbell, Captain, killed, 19£ " Daniel, notice of, 28] " . McDonald, notice of, 45( " John, " " 450 Campleton, Captain Thomas, (Kemplin,) 165,174,17^' " killed, 19f earner, Anthony, notice of, 45(i Celebration, Fourth of July, 488,504,505,524,54- " " " toasts at, 52( " " " partisan toasts at, 52-; " " " accidents at, 52( Cemetery at Lewisburg, 54i' Census 1820, 44!- " 1830, 50: " 1840, 53' " 1850, 55; " 1860, 55' " 1870, 55'- Chamberlin, Colonel William, notice of, 44 Chambers, James, killed, 18 Chapman, Seth, acquitted, 48 Chappel Hollow, alias Haverly's Gap, 7 Chestnut Ridge, post office established at, 55 : Chilloway, Job, 14 Chippewa, battle of, 41- Churches, notices of, 93,253,44- Church, Buffalo Cross-Roads Presbyterian, 51,60,231,250,27' " " " " new built 43, " " " " last sermon in 54' " Methodist, organized at Lewisburg, 40 ' " " new, at Lewisburg consecrated, 51 " First Pastor German Reformed, 25 " Baptist, effort to establish, 28' " Dreisbach, condition of, 32, " St. Peter's, in Kelly, buUt, 333,43. " Ray's, built, 33- " first Baptist, organized, 37' " " ■" pastors of, 37- " Baptist, at Lewisburg, 543,54 " " " first sermon in new, 5A- " Emanuel's, at New Berlin, dedicated, 48'. " Associate Reformed, of Mifflinburg, organized 44 S 6oo ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Church, Methodist, at New Berlin, dedicated, 437 " Christian Cliapel at Lewisbiirg built, 441,555 " " " " opened, 460 " Bethel, organized, 504 " Presbyterian, at Lewisburg, built, 505 " " " first sermon in, 511 " Laurelton, organized, 506 " Union, German Reformed and Lutheran, subscription for starting, 512 " Union, German Reformed and Lutheran, dedicated, .... 524 " Laurel run, dedicated, 540 " German Reformed, Pastor of, installed, 540 " Lutheran, at Selinsgrove, 543 " " and Reformed, in Buffalo townshif), dedicated, . . 534 " Presbyterian, at New Berlin, 538,543 " German Reformed, in Lewisburg, corner stone of, laid, . . . 547 " " " " dedicated, 548 * " " " pastor of, 551 • ..t.k. Esquire, John, visits Lewisburg, 512' ■ .i'k, George, surveyor, 122 ' ' -k, Walter, (fee, rnoves to Valley, 39- ;-ke, Captain John, roll of his company, 121 /, Henry, card of, in National Intelligencer, 472 nens, Peter, 450 igan, William, notice of, 457 1, bituminous, received, and price of, 514 hran, James, letter to Robert Irwin, 351 3, Colonel Philip, 51 d Friday, 526 < ainbia Gazette, 416 umbia guards en route to Mexico, flag presentation and return, . 547 aiet visible, 898,455,479 iomittee of Safety, minutes of, 99,127 ' nmittee men, lists of, 99,110,131 idition of the Valley, 153 " " " courtbusiness, 165 iference, Albright and United Brethren 413 ' inecticut claim, 45,53,87 "istitution of 1776, synopsis of 94 . " United States, ratified, 251 " 1790 adopted, 266 ■itributions for relief of distressed in Ireland and Scotland, .... 547 ' itroversy, railroad, . , ; 553 ivention. Carpenter's Hall, 56 1775, 65 1776, 93 " of associators, 99 " constitutional, delegates to, 94,266,527 " 1834, delegates to, 519 " Anti-Masonic, '. . 519 " Democratic, 521,540 " temperance, at Lewisburg, 589 " Whig, 540 " railroad, at Baltimore, 553 * ok, John, notice of, 451 t oke. Colonel William, roster of regiment, 124,243 ' 'Oi^er, Honorable Thomas, 324,435 -. '• )rnelius, Jesse, accident to, ; 512 irruption story, Adams and Clay, 478 ' »ryell, George, 451 >unterfeiters convicted, 497 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 6oi County lines, 448,505 " seat, " division of, agitated, " Union, erected, " seat, vote for and against, " division of, vote for and against, Couples, David, Idlled, Court crier appointed, " business condition of, " to be held at New Berlin, " first cii-cuit, at New Berlin, " "in Northumberland countj^, *' " suits in, " " at Mifflinburg, " Supreme, middle district of, created, <' " ^jersoiJiic? of justices of, " " justices opinion of Jose i^h Ritner, Covenhoven, Robert, describes the Great Buna-way, " " " also that of 1779, Crawford county sj-stem introduced, Creeks, early names of Crooked Billet, Abraham Smith's story, Crotzerville post office established, Crotzer, Henry W., api^ointed postmaster, Dam built on Penn"s creek, " at Selin and Snyder's mill, Dancing partj^ at New Berlin, • ... Daguerreotypes first in the Valley, Day's Collections quoted, 143. Deaths — Adams, James, 354 Albright, Jacob, 400 Albright, Andrew, 457 Allen, Samuel, 179 Allison, Archibald, 174 Alsbaugh, Margaret, .... 344 Antes, Colonel Frederick, . . 330 Aurand, Jacob, 256 Aurand, John, 367 Aurand, junior, John, . . . . 374 Baldv, Susanna, 374 BakeV, Wendell, 428 Baker, John, ' 456 Barber Samuel, 276 Barber, Thomas, 188 Barber, Sarah, 442 Barn hart, George, 281 Barnhart, Mathias, 293 Baslior, John Micliael, . . . 156 Beattv, Alexander, 243 Bickel, Henry, 201 Bingaman, Frederick, .... 545 Bishop, John 417 Black, John, ' 266 Boal, John, 443 Bockener, Isaac, 496 Bolender, Henry, 296 Bower, Casper, . 293 Bowser, Peter, 436 Boone, Captain, 177 Boveard, James, 374 Deaths — Brady, James, Brady, Captain John, .... Brady, John, Brown, Mathew, Brown, Eleanor, Brunner, Jacob, Bull, Mrs. Mary, Burns, Peter, Buttorf, Michael, Buyers, Captain WUliam F., Cameron, Charles, Campbell, Michael, Cami3bell, Daniel, Chambers, James, Chambers, Mary, Chamberlin, Colonel William, Christ, Adam, Clark, Robert, Clark, William, Clarke, Florence, Clarke, Colonel John, . . . Clemens, Elizabeth, Clingan, William, ..... Collins, Paul, Cornelius, Jesse, Cooke, Colonel William, . . Cook, John, Couples, David, Cramer, George, Dale, Honorable Samuel, . . Darraugh, Widow, ,511 18 405 412 556 556 184 448 165 429 492 42 44 418 356 498 498 156 176 554 7 152 552 555 275 275 463 546 193 164 169 374 142 142 345 400 267 345 456 428 1.54 281 185 311 440 374 313 416 368 385 450 457 428 512 344 452 184 400 344 512 602 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Deaths — Daiigherty, Captain, .... 177 Deal, Heniy, 417 Denii^sey, Cornelius, .... 244 Derr, Catherine, 243 Derr, John, 547 Douglass, William, 401 Dow, Lorenzo, 314 Dreisbach, Anna Eve, . . . 260 Dreisbach, Martin, 320 Dreisbach, Jacob, 345 Dreisbach, Catherine, .... 430 Dunkle, Catherine, 353 Dunkle, Killian, 436 Dunning, Samuel, 374 Earne, Elizabeth, 374 Egbert, Nicholas, 417 Ellenkhusen, Mathias Joseph, 277 Emerick, David, 201 Etzweiler, George, ..... 185 Evans, Nathan, 391 Evans, Joseph, 400 Evans, Evan Rice, 400 Evans, Joseph, (Lewisburg,) 514 Ewing, Jasper, 326 Eyer, Catherine, 353 Ferguson, James, 281 Fisher John, 293 Fleming, James, 277 Follmer, Thomas, 546 Follmer, Henry, 546 Forster, junior, John, .... 239 Forster, Thomas, 344 Forster, Thomas, 390 Forster, Captain John, . . . 243 Foster, John, 234 Fought, Jonas, 267 Foutz, Mrs. Conrad, 494 Fox, Andrew, 293 Franklin, Daniel, 368 Frantz, Lewis, 368 - Frederick, George, 335 Frederick, Jabel, (should be Jacob,) 353 Freedly, John, 430 Freeland, Elias, 176 Freeland, j unior, Jacob, . . . 176 Freeland, "senior, Jacob, . . . 176 Frick, General Henry, . . . 543 Fries, Rev. Just Henry, . . . 634 Gabriel, George, 37 Geary, John, 514 Gebhart, Philip, 436 Getz, Peter, 890 Gift, Jacob, 170 Gray, Lieut. Colonel Neigal, 244 Gray, Captain William, . . . 431 Gray, Sallie, and son, .... 527 Graybill, John, 354 Green, Margaret, 256 Green, Joseph, 335 Deaths — Green, Marv, 354 Greenlee, William, 231 Grier, Reverend Isaac, . . . 428 Grogan, Charles, 267 Groninger, Leonard, .... 256 Gundy, William, 546 Harris, Honorable William L., 546 Hammond, General R. H., . 548 Haney, Christopher, .... 266 Hayes, John, 544 Hayesj Mrs., 513 Haves, William, 540 Herrold, , 170 Hetrick, Christian 208 Himmelreich, Mary, .... 457 Himrod, Simon, 235 Hoge, Reverend John, . . . 368 Holstein, George, 400 Hood, Reverend, 549 Hood, Mrs. Mary, 549 Hoover, John, 436 Housel, Martin, 353 Housel, Captain William, . . 551 Hiidson, George, 276 Hunter, Colonel Samuel, . . 234 Hunter, Alexander, 390 Huston, Matthew, 385 Hutchinson, Mary, 385 Iddings, Eve, 345 Iddings, Henry, 443 Irvine, William, 297 Irwin, Esquire, William, . . 416 Jenkins, James, 244 , Jenkins, James, 339- Jenkins, Phoebe, 335 Jodon, Peter, 353 Jones, Thomas, 512 .lordon, William, 335 Katherman, David, 368, -^ Keene, Lawrence, 260 Kelchner, Jonas, 539 Kelly, Mrs. Sarah, 504 Kelly, Colonel John, .... 506 Kempling, Captain Thomas, 198 Kerstetter, Sebastian, .... 251 Kester, George, 297 Klinesmith, Baltzer, .... 189 Kremer, Honorable George, . 555 Laird, Matthew, 256 Langs, George, (suicide,) . . 386 Lashells, Esquire, John, . . 547 Lathy, William Kent, .... 384 Laughlin, Samuel, 185 Laughlin, Esther, 345 Laughlin, Adam, 428 Lee, John, and wife, .... 210 Lepley, Michael, 170 Lewis, Paschal, 454 Linn, John, 384 Lotz, Ulrich, 266 '- ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 603 Deaths — Lowdon, Captain John, . . . 314 Lukens, John, Surveyor Gen., 262 McBeth, Mrs. Annie, .... 374 McCandlish, senior, William, 231 McClellan, James, 550 McClenaclian, James, .... 235 McClenachan, David, .... 261 McClure, Mrs. Jean, .... 330 McClure, Roan, 512 McClung, John, 251 McCracken, Henry, 193 McCorley, Robert, 281 McCorley, James, 374 McGrady, Alexander, .... 276 McGtiire, Thomas, 62 McKee, Thomas, 50 McKim, WUliam, 368 McKim, Robert, 368 McKnight, , 170 McLaughlin, Samuel, .... 185 McLaughlin, William, . . . 179 McLaughlin, Hugh, 431 Maclay, Esquire, William, . 344 Macpherson, Honorable, John 493 Madden, Neal, 374 Marshall, James, 440 Martin, Aaron, 179 Martin, George, 352 Merrill, James, 538 Metzgar, Daniel, 374 MUler, Theobald, 296 Miller, Christian, 314 Moore, John, 514 Morrison, Reverend Hugh, . 344 Morton, Japhet, 431 Motz, George, 353 Mumma, John, 491 Murphy, John, 314 Myers, Henry, 390 Myers, David, 511 Nevius, Christian, 431 Newcomer, Bishop, 489 Overmeier, Captain George, . 353 Patterson, W. A., 555 Peters, Henry, 309 Piatt, Abraham, 310 Polhemus, Albert and wife, . 157 Pollock, Charles, 296 Pollock, John, 354 Pontius, Henry, 458 Potter, Major General James, 261 Priestly, Doctor Joseph, . . . 343 Ranck, senior, John, .... 256 Ranck, Adam, 385 Ray, George, 335 Rearick, John, 256 Reasoner, Davy, 408 Reasoner, James, 526 Reedy, Conrad, 385 Kees, Abel, 277 Deaths — Rees, Daniel, 344 Rees, Daniel, 436 Richard, Henry, 354 Riddle, George, 310 Rodman, William, 209 Rorabaugh, Pliilip, 453 Rote, George, 311 Rotten, Joseph, 62 Row, George, 193 Sample, John and wife, . . . 170 Sargent, Charles, 514 Sargent, James, 501 Seebold, Christopher, .... 417 Selin, Captain Anthony, . . 276 Shedacre Jacob, 163 Shewel, Adam, 353 Shipton, Thomas, 493 Sierer, John, 416- Simpson, John, 345 Smiley, Reverend Thomas, . 511 Smith, Peter, 50 Smith, John, 213 Smith, Adam, 261 Smith, Nicholas, 281 Smith, George, 293 Smith, Colonel Matthew, . . 293 Smith, Anna M., 297 Smith, Michael, 354 Smith, Esqviire, Daniel, . . . 390 Smith, Albright, 390 Smith, Enoch, 439 Snyder, John, 251 Soult, David, 470 Specht, Adam_, 470 Spyker, Esquire, Henry, . . 439 Stanford, Jacob, 153 Steele, William, 354 Storms, David, 208 Strawbridge, Hon. Thomas, . 417 Struble, Peter, 549 Struble, Adam, 428 Sutherland, Thomas, .... 436 Swartz, Peter, 345 Swesey, Daniel, 453 Swineford, John, 352 Swineford, John, 386 Swineford, Jacob, 488 Taggert, Tliomas, 293 Tate, Edward, 293 Taveler, Joseph, 310 Templeton, Samuel, .... 490 Thompson, Captain James, . 198 Thompson, John, 330 Thompson, William, .... 368 Thom, James, ........ 251 Thom, James, 277 Thornburg, John, 296 Trinkle, Mathias, 231 Troxell, George, 266 Turner, John, 428 6o^f. ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Deaths — Ultz, Joseph, 374 Van Doreii, Thomas, .... 163 Vandyke, Henry, 234 Vandyke, Lambert, 293 Vanvalzali, Doctor Robert, . 551 Vanvolsen, Levi, child of, . . 281 Vincent, Isaac, 17(5 Wales, John, 314 Wales, Mrs. Mary, 491 Walker, John, 211 Wallis, Joseph J., 390 Walter, John, 417 Watson, Patrick, 188 Watson, David, 417 Weeks, Joseph, 179 Weirick, John, 390 Weirick, Mrs. Elizabeth, . . 435 Weiser, Christopher, .... 442 Weitzell, Esquire, Casper, . . 213 Deaths — Wertz, Deitrick, 345 Weyland, Michael, 40 Wierbach, John, 267 Wilson, John, 48 Wilson, Thomas, 320 Wilson, Hugh, (of Buffalo,) . 545 Wilson, Elizabeth, 4.30 Wilson, Honorable Hugh, . . 545 Wilson, William, 470 Wilson, Thomas, (Kelly,) . . 504 Wilt, George, 3(i7 ^ Wolfe, Jacob, 428 ' Yost, Casper, 209 Young, Matthfew, 251 Young, Adam, 367 Young, .James, ....... 481 Young, John, 527 Youngman, Elias, 457 Yutten, Jacob, 461 Debate at Lewisburg, 492,523 Debating societies, 491 Deed, cojiy of Hawkins Boone's, 52 De Haven, Peter, letter of, 155 Depreciation, examples of, 175,184 Derr, Ludwig, 33,48 " " mill, meeting at, 56 " " trading house, incident at, 96 " " mention of, 237 Derr, Christian, notice of, 452 Derr, John, death of, 547 Derrickson, Mrs. Mary, account of capture of Fort Freeland, .... 176 Dieffenbach, Reverend Jacob, 369 Disbury, Joseph, 231 Dixon, Sankey, 243 Dog run, 7,32 Domestic incidents, 392,463 Donnel, Charles G., 543 Doudle, Daniel, 387 Dougherty, Peter, 246 Dreisbach's church, 39,253 Dreisbach, Martin, 320 Drouth, severe, 488 Dry Valley, post ofRce established at, 552 Dubbendorff, Reverend Samuel, 185 Duel, Binns-Stewart, 347 Duffield, George, D. D., quoted, ■. . 226 Duncan, Esquire, Thomas, 364 Eakers, Doctor Josej)h, 26 Eclipses, 514 Egbert, John, stable burned, 533 Ejectment cases, 33,35,52,54,74,195,203,313 Election, certificate of first, 96 " contested, 148,216,239 *' return of, 1783, 215 returns, 288,334,373,437,448,457,460,463,522 " first, under new constitution, 266 " districts, 310,312,456,526 " of militia officers, 539,540 " presidential, 496 Electors, choice of first presidential, 257 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. , 605 Ellenkhusen, Mathias Joseph, 277 Ely, Reverend Doctor Ezra Styles, 506 Emerick family captured, 201 Emigration, sources of, • 13 " to the West, 527 Encampments, 480,539,544,550 Etzweiler, Greorge, killed, 185 Evans, Evan Rice, 323 " Captain Frederick, at Fort McHenry, 420 " " " letters to George Kremer, 405,462 Ewing, Jasper, death of, 326 Ewig, Cliristian, notice of, 452 Factories, woolen, 538 Famine in Ireland and Scotland, 547 Farley, John, quoted, 247 Ferry at Sunbury, 44 " landing dispute, 313 " at Lewisburg, 274 Fires, . 166,335,493,495,525,533,539,543,545,550,555 Fire storm, 512 Fisher's, Paul, statement, 157 Fisher, John, 157 Fisher's, Samuel, mill burned, 166 Fisher, Esquire, G-eorge, 364 Flag captured at Monmouth, 166 Floods, great, 232,488,513,546,548,552 Follmer, Thomas, drowned, 546 " Henry, drowned, 546 Forest iron-works, began building, 545 " " " in hands of sheriff, 649 " " " sold, 550 Forest Hill, post-office established at, 551 " " postmaster at, 551 Forster, John, incident related by, 179 " death of, 239 " " killed, , .... 187 " Lieutenant Thomas, 122 " Captain John, appointed postmaster, 555 Fort Augvista built, 13 " Freeland captured, 175 " Swartz, 193 " McHenry, bombardment of, 420 " " " Captain Frederick Evans at, 420 ■Fought's, Jacob, mill, 34,38 Fought's, Mrs. Micliael, narrative, 159 Fought and Trinkle murders, 206 Foutz, Mrs. Conrad, 494 Freeburg, residents of, 331 Freeman, definition of, 67 Frederick, Thomas, 340 French Jacob's, mill attack on, 185 " " " locality of, 186 Frick & Slifer's boat-yard removed to Lewisburg, 551 Frick, Slifer & Co's steam saw-mill burned, 555 Frost, severe, 513 Frick, General Henry, death of, 543 Pries, Reverend, 398,410,442 " " obituary of, 534 Furnace built, 555 Gabriel, George, 9,17,37 Gal braith, Bertram, letter of, 156 6o6 . ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Gazette, Sunbury, Northumberland, publication of, commenced, . . 269 Gazette, Columbia, i^ublication of, commenced, 416 Gcisweit, Reverend George, 285 German regiment at Sunbury, 179 German Reformed cliurches, 252 " " *' first pastor of, 259 Gift, Aaron K., account of Lepley, 170 Gill, William, notice of, 23 Gordon, Isaac G., notice of, 542 Grant, Reverend William D., at Lewisburg, 543 Grave-yards — Dry Run, 187 Turtle Creek, 200 White Deer, 240 Presbyterian, 312 Evangelical, 434 German and Lutheran, 512 Gray, Lieutenant William, 119,224 " Captain William, death of, 431 " Lieutenant Colonel Neigal, •. • • 232 " George, .' . . 245 Green, Joseph, 66,141,151,210 " " death of, 335 " George, letter from, 287 " General Abbot, elected major general, 539 Green's mill, 75 Greenville laid out, 311 Gregg, Andrew, marriage of, &c., 248 Grier, D. D., Reverend Isaac, 52,61,231,524,546 Grocliong's, Jacob, Mill, 185,186 Grove, Peter, pursuit of Indians, 191 " Michael, kills an Indian, 192 " family notice of, 192 Guelph's mills, action near, 146 Gundy, Van Christian, recollections of, 97,171 " " " notice of, 242 Gundy, William, drowned, 546 Haines township, formerly Potter, 264 Halfpenny, J. & M., woolen factories, 538 Hall, Esquii-e, Charles, 324,364 Hammond, Lieutenant David, 81 " General R. H., death and burial of, 548 Harbaugh's Fathers, quoted, . 199,399 Harbaugh, Reverend Henry , 543,548,550 Harding, General Abner C, 501 Harris, Honorable William L., death of, 546 Hartley township, formerly Upper Moreland, 61 " " erected, 391 " Colonel Thomas, 163,316 " " " expedition of, 165 Hartleton, 316 Hayes, John, death of, 544 " William, store robbed, 492 " " death of, and notice of family, 540 " " incident of early life, 542 Heckewelder quoted, 201 Heim, Reverend John G., 379 Heiser, H., appointed postmaster, 552 Heisler, Reverend D. Y., quoted, 286 " " " installed, 551 Herrold, killed, 170 Herrold tavern opened, 232 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 607 Hetrick, Christian, ^ u ii killed ^^° Hickok, Henry C, appointed' Deputy Superintendent Public Schools, 556 High's mill burned, • ^^^ Hiinrod, Simon, ■ '000 Hoflfa's mills, ^°^ Hood, Reverend Thomas, ordination of, 0^0 " " " last sermon, o-^* " death of, 549 " Mrs. Mary, death of, ■ • g9 Horseraces, cnn " " anti association formed, °^^ Hotels mentioned, 'i^'r Housel, Captain William, death of, &o^ Hucks, Captain, tory, killed, |^ Hug;hes, Napoleon, develops iron ore, '^^A9% Huling, Marcus, . 'ro7 Hunt, Reverend Thomas P., lectures on temperance, &rf/ Hunter, Colonel Samuel, letters from, „•, \„V,.,-^ \o. o^4 144 , 153 , 154 , 156 , 174 , 175 , 179 , 184 , 207 " " " pursues the Indians, 211 " " . " death of, 234 Improvement act passed, • • • ■ • 503 Improvements, 39,283,333,433 Indian tribes, localities of, 1 " paths, o " Muncy, leave the Valley, 20 " Delawares, withdraw, 20 " Six Nations, 9" " re-appear as enemies, 151,153,154,171,184,201,207,210 " Mvmcy, in Canada, 201 " married to whites, 202 " outrages, , 208 Independent press of Lewisburg, 538,544 Inhabitants, 1775, 67 Insane lad in House of Representatives, 346 Insm-ance company, mutual fire, organized, 553 Iron ore, develo]Dment of, 539 " works, Berlin, first metal at, 545 " " " blown out, 549 " " Forest, began building, • 545 " " << in hands of sherilf, 549 " " " sold, 550 Irvine, William, 297 Irwm & Johnston, 35 Isle of Que, 245 Jack's movintain, name how derived, __8 Jackson township erected, 555 Jail, appropriation for, 64 Jay's treaty, 295 Jefferson's election, rejoicing over, 327,342 Jenldns' mill, 221 Johnson, Samuel, tried for firing a barn, 469 Jones, Esquire, Isaac G., 524 Journal, Conrad Weiser's, 2 " Richard Miles', 53 " Major Ennion Williams', 63,84 Flavel Roan's, 338,359,379,388,397,407 Jurors, grand, list of, 43,51,53,127,151 " " petitionfor appointment of judge, 513 " traverse, list of, 51,53,151,231 bo8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Keene, Major Lawrence, prothonotary, 214 Kelly, lirst settlers in, 34,53 Kelly, ColonelJoim, 35,141,144,153,179 " " " at Princeton, 139 " " " pursues the Indians, 172 " " " kills one near his cabin, 172 " " " toast of, 327 " " " sketch of, 506 " " " monument erected to, 524 Kelly, senior, James, o^jens temperence hotel in Lewisburg, .... 545 Kelly, Mrs. Sarah, 504 Kell}^ townsliip reported as Pike, 461 " " erected, 462 Kempling or Kemplen, Captain — See Campleton. Kennedy's Gazette susiiended temporarily^, [finally in 1817,] .... 416 Kennedy, A., appointed postmaster, 549 Kerstetter, George, notice of, 453 Kester, George, bequest of, 297 Kleckner, M., laarn burned, 543 Kelchner, Jonas, death of, 539 Klinesmitli, Baltzer, killed, 189 " " notice of his daughters, 190 Kremer, Honorable George, death of, 555 Lafayette lodge, officers of, 500 Laird, Matthew, notice of, and family, .' 255 Lau-d, Reverend Matthew, sails for Africa, 512 Lane, Elder William, 539 Land office, new purchase, 28 ' ' locations, draAving of, 32 " valuation of, ... 60 Lashells, Esquire, John, death of, 547 Laughlin, Samuel, killed, 185 Lawyers, sketches of, 363 " peculiarities of, 481 Lechmere Point, skirmish at, 82 Lee, Major John, 126,204 " " " and wife killed, 210 " Thomas, 211 Lennox, George, 453 Lepley, Michael, killed, 170 Leroy, Jacob, 9 " John, 9 " Anna M., affidavit of, 12 Levjr, Esquire, Daniel, 365 Lewisburg laid out, 237 " residents of, 238, 242 , 253 , 269 , 279 , 282 , 301 , 322 , 332 , 337 , 354 , 356 , 370 , 379 , 387 - " survey made of, 254 " merchants in, 311 " first postmaster at, . 312 *' incorporated, 406,456 " sketch of, in 1787, 254 " University, act incorporating, passed, 546 " Academy, 546 '< postmaster at, 548,549 " cemetery at, 549 " Chronicle, j)ublication of, began, 543 * ' University, extension of, 556 " sketch of, in 1813, 418 " explosion in drug store at, 525 " lecture at, 526 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. bog Lewis, Judge Ellis, commission read, 513 License, applications for, 43,51,167 " vote for and against, 547 Lieutenants of the county appointed, and subs, 127 Limestone township, original settlers of, 76 " " erected, 550 Lincoln, Lieutenant Hananiah, 124 " Mishael, 169 Line of Indian purchase, 17 Linn, John, notice of, 453 " J. F., diary of, 550 Locusts appear, 418,455,530 Logan, son of Shikellimy, 5 " death of, 5 Loskiel quoted, 4 Lottery, Derr's, 238 " for improvement of Penn's creek, 356 " advertisements, 487 Lowdon, Captain John, 49 " " *' copy of his commission, 79 " " " roll of his company, 79 " " " letter to, from Hooper & Haines, 83 " " " company mustered out, 85 " " " letter to, from Speaker Jacobs, 126 " " " sketch of, 314 Lukens, John, death of, ""T^-^ 262 Lutheran churches, 253,430,534754^ Lutz, A. H., appointed postmaster, 551 McCabe, Esquire, R. B., sketches, 97,168 McCandlish, George, 94 " William, house built, 74 " << 231 McClellan, Esquire, James, Z%Z " " " death of, 550 McClune's, James, school, 526 McClure, Alexander, appointed postmaster, . ! 548 McCracken, Henry, killed, 193 McCormick, Seth, 246 " Thomas, .' 246 McHarge, Joseph, soldier, 167 McHenry, Henry, 211 McKim, Miller, delivers abolition lecture, !.!!!!! 527 Mack and Grube, journal of, 5 Maclay, Honorable Samuel, sketch of, !.!!'.!! 401 Maclay, William, letters of, 155,175 " " Native American letter, 'l84 " " elected United States Senator, 255 " R. P., appointed associate judge of Clarion county, 549 Macpherson, John, (Judge,) 166,493 Mahantango township, inhabitants of, 308 ,'332 Mails, arrival and departure of, 327 434 Manor, survey in Valley, !!!'.!..' 18 Manufactiires, &c., review of, '.'.'.".'.". '. . . '. '. 269 Market quotations, 432 441 455 , 457 , 459 , 497 , 503 , 513 ,529 ,539 ,543 ,544 ,546 ,547 ,549 ,551 ,552 , 555 , 556 " public at New Berlin, .............. 432 Marr, Reverend P. B., ordained and installed, 514 Marriages — Alsbach, William, Catherine Shively, 490 Alter, Jacob, Ann Kessler, ' 438 Amberg, Hezekiah, Elizabeth Brooks, !.!!!!!! 485 39 6io ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Marriages — Amberg Abraham, Charlotte Brooks, 500 Apple, Daniel, Susan Orwig, 486 Aurand, George, Mary Royer, 500 Balcly, General Christopher, Eve Metzgar, 384 Barber, Thomas, Betsy Clingan, 411 Barry, Elisha, Elizabeth Herbst, 430 Beeber, John, Anna Baker, 428 Benner, Mathias, Elizabeth Overmeier, 486 Benner, Henry, Mary Royer, 500 Billman, Jacob, Charity , 416 Billmyer, Martin, Margaret Hinnnelreich, 367 Black, David, Catherine Berry, 411 Bower, Joseph, Susanna Machamer, 384 Bower, Moses, Catherine Moyer, 390 Bower, George, Polly Smith, 390 Breyvogel, Jacob, Susanna Baldy, 329 Brobst, John, Lj^dia Marriner, 367 Brown, Peter, Catherine Kautz, 373 Burd, Levi, Eve Winegardner, 416 Burnside, Thomas, Mary Fleming, 367 Caldwell, James, Isabella Duncan, 490 Candor, Thomas, Margaret Montgomery, 485 Chamberlin, Aaron, Betsy Dale, 411 Chamberlin, John, Elizabeth Hayes, 490 Chamberlin, Joseph, Nancy Deal, 495 Charles, C. H., Juliette Mann, 500 Chestney, Jacob G., Juliana Cummings, 486 Christ, Esquire, L. B., Esther Bogar, 500 Coasin, Ludwig, Susanna Oliphant, 354 Cochran, junior, John, Anna M. Grove, 400 Dale, James, Eliza Bell, ' 441 Davis, William, Catherine Derr, 400 Derr, Jacob, Isabella Hunter, 495 Dersham, Samuel, Susanna Shadel, 416 Devling, John, Mary Wilson, 490 Devling Walter, Eliza Wilson, 499 Dickson, Jesse, Polly Merlile, 416 Donachy, Alexander, Fanny Seitz, 416 Dreisbach, Daniel, Katy Dreisbach, 330 Dreisbach, Martin, Elizabeth Kleckner, 470 Duncan, James, Sophia Maxwell, 485 Duncan, David, Susan Hayes, 495 Dunn, Washington, Betsy Musser, 390 Engleman, Michael, Barbara Gilman, 411 Epler, Peter, Eve Clu-ist, 352 Evans, Evan Rice, Mrs. Forrest, 400 Forster, Robert, Jane Rutherford, 499 Forster, John, Margaret Vanvalzah, 495 Francis, William, Catherine Gettig, 435 Frederick, Philip, Christena Brown, 384 Freedly, John, Elizabeth Lehman, 373 Freeclly, George, Catherine, Frantz, 373 Fruit, Robert, Maria Nevius, 411 Goodlander, Paul, Rachel Heckel, 416 Gregg, Andrew, Martha Potter, 248 Grier, Thomas, Rachel Stratton, 490 Grier, Doctor Joseph F., Margaret Graham, 499 Grove, Henry, Hannah Leisenring, 384 Grove, Simon, Mary Miller, 500 Grove, John, Sarah Montgomery, ' 411 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. • ^/i" Marriages — 4f.i Grove, Conrad, Mary Gingerich, ^"| Gutelius. John P., Maria Aui-and Ji^ Hammond, Lieutenant R. H., Ann Eliza Dimcan, ^o' Haus, John, Margaret Roush, *^^ Hayes, Robert, Emily Fields, ^"" Hayes, John, Jane McFadden, *^^ Hepburn, Samuel, Ann Clay, ^"" Highland, WHliam, Mary Gann, . . . . ■ ^^" Hill, Daniel K., Barbara Musser, ^"Y Hotlman, Michael, Lydia Wagner, *°^ Housel, John, Margaret Musser, *^Y Howard, Thomas, Elizabeth Harris, ^^j!- Hutchinson, Samuel, Jennie Wallace, ^^" Jodon, Francis, Elizabeth Cherry, *^° Johnston, John, Elizabeth Kress, ^^^ Jordan, Nathan, Hannah Smith, " ' lift Keenly, Daniel, Maria Richter, ^|° Kelly, James, Hannah Seitz, *^^ Kelly, William, Margaret Allison, *°^ Kemp, Titus, Betsy Huntmgdon, %^ Kirk, WUliam, Jane Knox, ^^" Kreechbaum, Peter, Elizabeth Davis, ^^1. Keechbaum, George, Polly Keller, '^' Laird, Reverend Matthew, Harriet Myer, V^^ Lawshe, John, Polly Seitz, ^^^ LaAVSon, James, Nancy Clingan, *|^ Lesher, Philip, Polly BUlmyer, *^o - Lewis, Paschall, Elizabeth Boude, ^^® Linn, William, Jane Morrow, *^^ , Linn, John, Mary F. Chamberlin, ^\ • Linn, James F., Margaret Wilson, ^1 Long, Peter, Sarah Moore, ^ Ludwig, Daniel, Sarah Hoffman, *^? Mackey, Mr., Abigail Iddings, 'fJi Maclay, John, Annie Dale, *^^ Maclay, Robert P., Margaret C. Lashells, *°o Magee, Captain James, Elizabeth Strayhorn, 4^^ Magee, John, Susan Struble, ^A Maize, John, Elizabeth Jones, *°^ Martin, David, Jane McClung, ' ' ' asd Martin, Lawrence, Polly Juge, ^°* Mauck, David, Nancy Shriner, *^^ Mauck Jesse, Catherine Crotzer, ^^|^ Merrill, James, Sarah Hepburn, ^yu Metzgar, Abner, Eleanor Lawshe, *^^ Meyer, Michael, Sarah Kelley, f^ Miller, WUliam, Elizabeth Myers, fA^ Mitchel, George, Eliza Anderson, ' lac Mook, Daniel, Mary Dieffenbach, 4°° Mook, George, Julia Fastnock, '^ Moore, Lewis, Dorothy Smith, ^ Montgomery, Robert, Nancy Knox, ^oR Moyer, Henry, Polly Strickland, 4^^ Mussena, Henry B., Elizabeth Winter, *»o Myers, Henry, Hannah Walter, SUU Myers, Peter, Sophia Nixon, ^oo McBeth, Andrew, Ann Linn, 4g° McCormick, Saul, Catherine Hood, 4^^ McLaughlin, Hugh, Frances Derr, 4^5 McLaughlin, Hugh, Elizabeth McAllister, 4lt) 6i2 • ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Marriages — Nesbit, William, Nancy Musser, 373 Nesbit, David, Mary Musser, 485 Orwig, John, Maria"^ Bright, 486 Peters, Isaac, Susan Miller, 470 Pontius, Conrad, Mary Seebold, 470 Ranck, John, Nancy Luther, 384 Ranck, Joel, Sarah Long, 390 Ranck, Jonathan, Catherine Long, 430 Reedy, Jonathan, Amelia Buckner, 490 Rees, Jacob, Elizabeth Williamson, 430 Renner, Frederick, Magdalena Krause, 354 Roush, Samuel, Elizabeth Dunkle, 438 Row, John, Rachael Kunkle, 486 Selin, Anthony, Catherine Yoner, 390 Sergeant, John, Catherine Beyer, 354 Shannon, Daniel, Christena Pross, 430 Shaw, John, Margaret Baker, 500 Sheckler, Tobias, Catherine Fredericks, 296 Shriner, Daniel, Catherine Funston, 435 Sierer, John, Louisa McMillan, 384 Snyder, John, Margaret Hammond, 490 Snyder, John, Mary Kittera, 441 Snyder, George, Anna Ellen Duncan, 457 Snyder, Simon, Catherine Antes, 309 Stahl, Philip, Susanna Spotz, 390 Steadman, William C, Elizabeth Wilson, 470 Straub, Michael, Sarah Grove, 354 StraAvbridge, Mr., Louisa Maus, 486 Strayer, Jacob, Rachael Harmony, 435 Strayhorn, Peter, Cornelius, 499 Strickland, Samuel, Elizabeth Turner, 430 Swartz, Peter, Magdalena Weyland, 49 Thompson, William, Susan Linn, 342 Troxell, George, Mary Hoflfman, 354 Updike, Elijah, Elizabeth Snook, 400 Vandyke, John, Margaret Adams, 384 Vanvalzali, John A., Rebecca Chambers, 500 Wagner, Jacob, Rachael McGuire, 461 Walters, John, Susanna Moyer, 435 Wehr Jacob, Margaret Sassman, 430 Weiser, Conrad, Elizabeth Snyder, 390 Wetze ., Jonathan, Hettie Hoff, . 486 Wilsfai, Hugh, Catherine Irvine, 266 Wilson, Thomas, Mrs. Drake, 493 Wilson, William, Ruth Waddell, 499 Woods, junior, Christopher, Maria Little, 500 Yarger, John, Margaret Kelly, 493 Yost, John, Sarah Shaffer, 490 Zerbe, Henry, Susanna Heckel, 373 Zentmyer, Israel, Eve Snook, 500 Masonic procession, 493 " Anti, excitement, 498 " " delegate meeting, .■ 519 Maynard's Clinton county quoted, 267 Meeting, anti school, 514 " " " resolutions adopted, 515 " " " delegates, list of, 516 " " Masonic delegate, 519 «' native American, 544 " railroad, at Mifflinburg, 546 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 613 Meeting, railroad, at Lewisburg, 552 " " New Berlin, 553 " " Potters's fort, 554 Meginness' West Branch quoted, 178,191,192,210,232,283 Merrill, James, address of, 606 " " death of, 538 Meteoric shower, 612 Meteor at New Berlin, 483 Mexican war, soldiers in, 547 Middleburg, residents of, • 331 Middle creek, alias Christunn, 12 Mifflinburg laid out, 274 residents of, 279,282,318,355,370,379,387 <' first court held at, 418 " Academy, act establishing, passed, 492 " incorporated, 492 MUes, Colonel Samuel 13 " Richard, jovirnal, 63 Military record, 1861-5, . 580 MUitia officers, 90,102,104,108,241 " elections, 525,539,540 " companies of Valley, 539 Miller, Philip, appointed court-crier, 448 Miller, George F., barn burned, 545 Millerism excitement, 542 Mills built— Fought's, 38 Smith's, 60 Titzell's, * 62 Barber's, 193 Weiser's fulling, 243 Farley's, John, 247 Farley's, Caleb, 258 Chillisquaque, 251 Penn's creek, 311 Barber's, Robert, 311 Wilt's, 327 steam flour, 654 Mingo, White, murder of, 24 Minutes of the Committee of Safety, 99,127 Mitman, J. M., appointed postmaster, 548 Mizener, Adam, captured, 188 Monckton, Colonel, sword of, 162 Monmouth, battle of, 159 INIontelius, Honorable John, address to electors, . . : 530 Montour, John, 169 Moore, Colonel James, quoted, 3,283 Morgan, Jacob, letter from, 153 Morrison, Reverend Hugh, 248 " " " his call, 249 " " " sermons of, 284 " " " difficulty with Maclay, 296,318 " " " dismissed, 329 Morton, Johnny, sketch of, 501 Mountains, mention of, 8 Mumma, Esquire, John, deatli of, 491 Musser's distillery burned, 539 Necrology of the Buffalo Valley, 564 Nesbit's, fire at, 335 Nevin, Doctor John W., preaches in Lewisburg, 547 New Berlin, residents of, 283,301,322,332,337,356,370,387 " " courts at, 429 6r4 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. New Berlin, plan of, made, 433 " " showman at, 482 " " meteor at, 483 " " incorporated, May 16, 1837. Newcomer, Bishop, visits Valley, 299,325,413,429,434,489 Newspapers — Kennedy's Gazette, suspended temporarily, 416 Columbia Gazette began publication, 416 Andrew Kennedy's, junior, 418 Union Hickory removed to Lewisburg, 497 Sunburj' Northumberland Gazette began publication, 269 " " " susi^ended, .... 416 Union Times, 457 " " editorsof, 480,522,539 Lewisburg Journal published, 501 ■- People's Advocate, at Lewisburg, suspended, 538 Independent Press began publication, 538 " " editors of, 544 Lewisburg Chronicle began publication, 543 " " editor of, 543,548,550,556 Pittsburgh Daily, editor of, 544 Items from Henry Shaup's Union, 432 Union Star sold, 549 Union Democrat, editor of, 549 The Guardian, 550 Northumberland county erected, 40 " " first officials of, 41 " " " courts held in, 42 " " ' " sheriff of, 44 " " " suits in, 44 " " bar, sketches of, 323 " " recruiting in, 151 " " divided into election districts, 238 Officers, application for land, 26 " grant of land to, 27 " survey of land, 30,37 " " meeting, reference to, 36 " militia, elected, 525,539 Officials, list of, 558 Orders, general, from Lieutenant Colonel Weirick's order book, . . 426 Overmeier's, Mrs., statement, 187 Paoli massacre, 143 Parr, Major James, 33,81 " '"' " roll of his company , 86 Pastors of Baiatist church, ; 371 Patterson, Captain Samuel, monuinent erected to, 537 " W. A., death of, 555 Pealer, Captain, in Nittany valley, 154 Pence, Peter, 8 Penn, Thomas and Richard, purchase from Six Nations, 26 Penn's creek massacre, 8 " residents on, 10 " public highway, 36 " appropriations for improvements, 497 Penn's township, settlers of, 23,37,40 " bounds of, . 42 " list of inhabitants, 91,150, 182,194,209,214,237,242,245,253,263,269,280,284,294,313 Pensioners, United States, residing in Union county in 1840, .... 537 Pennsylvania convention, 65 Phreeiner, Reverend John G., 275 Pickering's life, quoted, 242 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 615 Pickliard, John, case of, 137 " Nicholas, case of, 138 Piscataway, skirmishes at, 141 , 143 Pittsburgh Daily, editor of, 544 Plunlvet, William, expedition to Wyoming, 87 " " notice of, 271 Poalc, James, family of, 213 Pohlhemus, Albert, family, 157 Pollock, John, opens store, 294 •' Hugh, publishes pamphlet, 538 " Reverend Hugh, takes charge of Lewisburg Academy, . . . 537 Political notes, .54,76,147,257, 266,280,282,287,295,310,312,319,325,334,351,356,369,371,434,436, 448 , 455 , 456 , 459 , 463 , 487 , 489 , 493 , 497 , 499 , 501 , 505 , 519 , 525 , 526 , 527 , 529 , 533 , 538 , 540 , 543 , 544 , 545 , 546 , 548 , 549 , 550 , 552 , 553 , 554 , 555 , 557 Pontius, Pliilip, statements, 187 " Henry, notice of, 458 Poor-liouse, vote for and against, 550 Post-offices established, 551,552 Potter township, erected, 53 " " name changed, 264 Potter, General James, 142,144,151,243 " " " letters to and from, . . . .145,146,154,163,174,200 " " " death of, 261 Presbyterian church, Cross-Roads, 51,60,231,250,270,433 " " Lewisburg, 505,511 " " at New Berlin, ' 538,543 Presbytery of Northumberland, formed, 391 Prices current, 432,441,455, 457,459,497,503,513,529,539,543,544,546,547,549,551,552,555,556 Price, Sergeant Thomas, 119 Priestly, Doctor Joseph, 343 Princeton, battle at, 139 Proliibitory liquor law, vote for and against, 555 Pumi^kins, big, 534 Pu.rchases, 1754, 8 1758, 16 1768, 26 Quinn, Esquire, David, incident related by, 158 " Samuel, commissioned, 194 Quinn's run, origin of name, 194 Rahauser, Reverend Jonathan, 259 Railroad incorporated, 526 " stirvey began, 526 " Sunbury and Erie, subscription to, 526 " Lewisburg, Centre, and Spruce Creek, incorporated, .... 554 " " " " suz'vey began, . . . 554 Read, William, case of, 135 Real estate, valuation of, by townships, 551 Reasoner, James, accident to, 526 Reber, Samuel, opens hotel, 501 Red Bank run, 25 Reed family, 25' Reger, Elias, notice of, 453 Reichel, Reverend W. C, notice of, 19 Reily, General, 544 Revival at Lewisburg, 543 Revolutionary soldiers, notices of, 449 " " at fourth of July celebration, 505 " struggle inaugurated, 76 Rifle battalion, notice of, 82 6ib ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Rifle battalion, standard of, described, 85 Riflemen, ordered to be raised, 78 " enlisted at Derr's mill, 78 River, improvement of the, 260 Road — Fort Augusta to Lycoming creek, 44 Derr's to Narrows, 51,65 Great Plains to Sunbury, 51 Reuben Haines, 65 Bald Eagle to Sunbury, 86 HeadofPenn's valley to J. Davidson's ferry, .... 251,252,259 Lewisburg, by Cross-Roads, to Mifflinburg, 252,487,495,496,497,499 Shirtz, at Narrows, to Colonel Clarke's lane, 252 Jenkins' mill to M. and L. road, 327 Milton to Derrstown and Mitflinbm-g road, 335 Jenkins' mill to Michael Smith's, 337 Gephart's to turnpike, 346 Brush valley to James Irwin's, 274 Wolfe's tavern to Buffalo creek, 274 Rockey's mills to Reznor's, 418 Reznor's saw-mill to Brush valley and Mifflinburg road, . . . 418 Bellefonte to White Deer creek, 463 Lewisburg to Selinsgrove, 497 Mortonsville, by Hugh Wilson's and Derr's, 418,501 Chamberlin's mill to Kelly's saw-mill, 499 Turtle creek, 501 State, Heverling's mill to Elk creek, 537 Sugar Valley and White Deer, 552 Roan, Flavel, 243 " " poetry of, 292 " " journal of, 338,359,379,388,397,407 Robh's, Robert, case, 115,127 Robinson, John, 543 Roll of Captain John Lowdon's company, 79 " " James Parr's comjDany, 86 " twelfth Pennsylvania, 124 " Captain John Clarke's company, 121 " soldiers captiired at Fort Freeland, 179 " Captain James Thompson's company, 188 " " Casper Weitzel's company, 118 " " B. Weiser's company, 140 " " Peter Grove's company, 206 <' " Samuel McGrady's company, 206 " Rangers, 207 " Captain Lowdon's company, 1784, ". . . . 233 " " Donaldson's company, 1812, 408 " " Middleswarth's company, 1812, 410 " Field and staff of Lieutenant Colonel George Weirick's regi- ment, 421 ♦' Captain Henry Miller's company, 421 " " . Jacob Hummel's comi^any, 422 " " Valentine Haas' company, 423 " " John Bergstresser's company, 424 " " William F. Buyers' company, 425 " " Ner Middleswarth's company, 427 Roise dancer at New Berlin, 464 Rorabaugh, Philip, notice of, 453 " " buried, 527 Rote, George, and his sister captured, 199 Row, George, killed, • 193 Roj'al Grenadiers' flag captured, 159 Rumsey, John, 245 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 617 Runaway, the Great, 1778, ' 154,176 Rupp, I. D., quoted, 13 Salt-works, 480 Sample, John, and wife killed, 171 Sargent, John, removes, 525 Sawj^er, Thomas, 499 Schools, 297,359,413,460 School, anti, meeting of, 514 " " " resolutions adopted at, 515 " " delegate meeting, 516 " " delegates, list of, 516 " vote for and against, 518,536 " first county superintendent of, 555 " Deputy Superintendent of Putjlic, 556 Scull's map, 36 Seebold, Pliilip, 159 Selin, Captaui Anthony, 276 Selinsgrove, residents of, 332 " incorporated, 492 " first hotel in, 232 Seminary, Union, at New Berlin, established, 556 Settlers, early, Penn to\^Tiship, 23 " of Valley, 33,39,49,50,53,54,62 " first Baptist, 283 Shamokin. now Sunbury, 2 " original name of the country, 7 Shaeflfer, Reverend Sanuiel, 546 Shil-cellimy, Viceroy, 2 " residence of, 2 " removes to Shamokin, 4 " death of, 20 Shikellimy's old town, 3,32 Shikellimy, Loskiel's notice of, 4 Shively, Cliristian, statement of, 187 , 189 " John, carried away, 199 Shoemaker, Charles L., 549 Showman at New Berlin, 482 Shows, character of, 527 Skeleton found, 555 Slaves, .• 74,242,299 Slenker, Honorable Isaac, 495 Smitli, Catherine, petition of, 240 " Widow, mills, 60,175,240 " " petition of, 240 " Anna M., bequest of, 297 " Esquire, Cliarles, sketch of, 363 " Enoch, sketch of, 439 " Ann, alias Carson, arrested, 433 " Adam, sketch of, 463 " Michael, statement of, 203 " Matthew, letters of, 155,186 " " specimen record of, 209 " Jolui, of Buffalo, family of, 213 " Daniel, 323,365 Snyder, Governor Simon, letter from, to George Kremer, 434 " " " sketch of, 443 " Antes, • • . 446 " George A., extracts from manuscript, 190, 464 , 479 , 482 , 484 , 502 , 527 , 530 , 542 " John, heirs of, law suit, vs. Simon Snyder, 465 Snyder county, erected, 556 6i8 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. Snowstorms, 495,527,536,544 Social incidents, 392,463 Society, Union County agricultural, 528,554 " Susquehanna Bible, formed, 433 " debating, 491 Soldiers, revolutionary, notices of, 449 " list of, from Union county in Mexican War, 547 Soult, David, 470 Spangenberg, Reverend Cyriacus, notice of, 217 " " " executed for murder, 218 Spalding, Captain Simon, testimony, 217 Speddy, William, 46 Spyker, Henry, house built, 294 " " notice of, 439 Stanford, Jacob, killed, 153 Starret's mill burned, 175 Steam flour-mill built, 554 Straubstown, residents of, 331 Stevens, Ephraim, 481 Still bursted, 492 Stony Point captured, 175 Storms, David, killed, 208 Storm, lieavy north-east, 552 Stove, Hathaway cooking, manufacture of begun, 539 Strickland, Timothy, 453 Strubble, Peter, death of, 549 Stumjj, Frederick, murders by, 24 Suits, act passed transferring all unsettled, to Union county, 418 Sullivan, General, letter from, 174 Sunbury laid out, 43 " Northumberland Gazette, 269 Sunderland, Daniel, 247 Supreme Court justices opinion of Ritner, 498 " personnel of justices of, 498 " middle district created, 356 Surveys, first, 19,28 " oflBcers, naade, 30 " early, 34,38,48,52,61,75,237 Surveyors, deputy, appointed, 257 Susquehanna declared a highway, 36 " survey of, 264 Swan, Samuel, 246 Swartz, Peter, marriage of, 49 " " house burned, 157 Swartzel, Esquii-e, H., 47 Swesey, Daniel, notice of, 453 Swineford's hotel, 247 " mvirder of, 488 Swinefordstown, residents of, 331 Switzer run, 7 " tract, 74 Synod, Pliiladelphia, met at Lewisburg, 548 Taggert, M. H., appointed postmaster, 552 Tannery burned, 525 Tan-yard at Buffalo Cross-Roads, 279 Tate, Edward, 210 Taxables, enumeration of, by townships, 551 Taylor, Thomas, anecdote oi^, 488 Teedyuscung, king of the Delawares, 19 Telegraph brought to Lewisburg, 552 Temperance associations formed, 483 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. 6ig Temperance society, 504 '> efforts, 544 " sons of, organized, 545 Tenipleton, Samuel, death of, 490 <- Thompson, Captain James, narrative of, 195 Thornton, Doctor Thomas A. H., 549 Times, Union, publication of, began, 457 " " editors of, 522 Titzell'smill, 62 Tomato, as an edible, 443 Treaty at Fort GreenvUle, 223 Turtle creek, 7 Turnpikes, 495,496,497,552 Tusk, mammoth, dug up, 552 Union township, surveys, 34 " " erected, 429 " county, " 412 " Hickory, (newspaper,) removed to Lewisburg, 497 " furnace built, 555 " seminary at New Berlin established, 556 " '< " " " officers of, 556 Utica, origin of, for girl's name, 489 Universitj^, Lewisburg, act to establish, passed, 546 " " first commencement, 552 " " graduating class, 552 " " change of presidents, 552 " " Academy building of, ground broken for, . 548 "Van Campen's narrative referred to, 191 Van Fleet, Cornelius, 245 Van Gundy, Christian, licensed, 51 " " narratives of, 91,171 " " notice of, 242 Vanvalzah, Doctor Robert, 253 " " " death of, 551 " " Thomas, 527 " Howard, accident to, 514 Vincent, Daniel, incident of, 178 Wagoner, Adam, house and mill burnt, . . . .' 495 Walker, John, sequel to his murder, 212 Washington township erected, 239 " " inhabitants of, 239 Watson, Patrick, killed, 189 Watts, Esquire, David, 364 Weather record, 479,497,500,511,513,523,526,536 Wedding, first in the Valley, 49 " party, 463 Weeks, Rachel, 245 " Jesse, 246 Weirick, Lieutenant Colonel, order book, 426 Weiser, Conrad, journal of, 2 " Captain Benjamin, roll of his company, 140 Weisertown, residents of, 332 Weisner, Thomas, 245 Weitzel, Captain Casper, letter of, 77 " " " roll of his company, 140 " " '' death of, 213 Welch, Clinton, drowned, 556 y West Buffalo, early settlers in, 54 Wheat, fall of, 405 Whisky insurrection, incidents of, 286 White Deer creek — Opaghtanoten, 7 620 ANNALS OF BUFFALO VALLEY. White Deer mills built, 60 " '< " burned, 175 " " townshij) erected, 89 " " " inhabitants of, 149,182, 194,214,232,236,242,244,253,258,274,279,284,294, 305,310,317,326,332,337,840,354,355,370,379,387 " " " valuation of, 299 " " distilleries in, 260 " " election district, 310 " *' Hole valle}^ peojileof, 245 White Min^o, murder of, 24 Wliitman, Professor, J. S., elected county sui^erintendent, 555 Weirbach's, John, daughter captured, 206 Williams', Major Ennion, journal, 63,84 Wilson, John, . 33 Wilson, Judo-e William, 81,159,162 " William, Doctor T. H., grandfather, 49,188 " Thomas, 320 " " of Kelly, death of, 504 " William, of Kelly, 470 " Honorable Hugh, death of, 545 " Hugh, of Buffalo, notice of, : . 545 Winfield post-offce established, 552 Witchraft farce, 484 Withington, Captain Peter, 124 '» Martin opens hotel, 269 Wolfe's, John, barn burned, 545 Wolfinger, John F., quoted, 94,143,245 Wolves perish from cold, 523 Woolen factories, 538 Worden, O. N., quoted, 45,283,371,548 Wright, John, (erratum for Weight, read Wright,) 422 Yellow fever, 280 Yeomans, Doctor, preaches at Lewisburg, ; 548 Yiesely, Michael, notice of, 454 Young, Margaret, story of, 197,251 " James, death of, 481 SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE. After these Annals had gone to press, John Jordan, junior, Es- quire, of Philadelphia, found in the library of the Archives of the Moravian Church, at Bethlehem, the Narrative of Anne LeRoy and Barbara Leininger, referred to upon page 12. Rewrites: " it is in the German language, fourteen pages, and bound in one of the five volumes entitled ' Varia,' in that library, of which Bishop Ed- ward de Schweintz is custodian. It purports to be taken from the lips of the parties, but does not give exact information of the precise places where the girls were captured. They lived on adjoining farms, some miles from Shamokin. They were taken in October, 1755, and reached Philadelphia May 6, 1759." I am glad the occasion for a note enables me to acknowledge my obhgations to William H. Egle, M. D., of Harrisburg, for many valuable suggestions, and for his intelligent and laborious supervision of the proofs ; but for which, in a book containing such an abund- ance of names and dates, many errors other than those which may possibly be found must have occurred. John Blair Linn. July 18, 1877. G' Q Lfc N 10 ^/i^i^