''pr%^''jvyr m^ "s I / ^ ©TEL d .W.HILL.PROPBIETOR. DALlASjEXAS, m €;^v5M^iS ^^X- ^~ MANUFACTURERS OF ATLANTA, TEXAS. RIFT FLOORING A SPECIALTV. Orders by Wire Receive Prompt Attention. •^•^f^lf-" m fe^P r ^COSMOPOLITAN m A ! If. ^ Fronting Union Depot, TEXARKANA, TEXAS. RATE; $2,DD PER DAY, Special Rates to Theatrical TrDupes W. H. McCartney. Proprietor. :as KNePFLYS^ SON, DT^L-LMS. .£,. g.^<© p^ ^^9 Fine Watches, Diamonds, Optical Goods and Imported Novelties. ^■■^=i^ This is the House to find everything in the line of Jewelry. impractical Watch JMaKers and [Diamond Setters. OCCIDENTAL TEMPERAIVIENAL REMEDIES. Ask your Druggist for OCCIDENTAL CHILL SPECIFIC This is incomparably the betjt and quickest and most powerfiil Chill C'orrectlv(» ever introduced ano when properly prepared and ready to he administered to the \ patient, it holds first rank amon^" I the substances that have power I to excite the flow of bile. Ncycr I over three doses required. Occidental TonicAlteraiive. The Occidental Tonic and tbo Occidental Alterative are identi- cally the same in their action The' slight change in the men- strum gives the alterative preee- ^_ dent in the more positive temper- ament^ Therefore'the corrective affinities of each will come un- der the" head of Occidental Tonic-Alternative. Both are siibtr^ti- tiites for quinine in all malarial districts, lioth are good Tonic- Alterative — efficient correctives m intermittent ievcr and other malarial affictions. OCCIDENTAL OINTMENT. The safest and most powerful stimulating and sedative Oin'. ment ever invented. Occidental Kidney and Liver Corrective. The Occidental Kidnev and Liver Corrective will stimulate the kidneys and liver to do their duty, and thus remove humor from th'^ blood and purifv the svstem and restore it to a sound healthy condition, making the skin soft and fresh as an infant's. OCCIDENTAL SALVE. In Ulcers, Abscesses. Wounds and Old Sores the Occidental Salve forms a valuable and efficacious application . OCCIDENTAL CATHARTIC PILLS. V Cathartic Corrective in the form of a pill, or otherwise^ is almost an absolute necessity in most derangements of the living economv, and one that is purely vegetable— requinng-no change in food or 'drink-certain in its acticm, is the positive demand of tne hour. OCCIDENTAL LINIMENT. Is Perfectly Safe, hence the very best for family use. It can b- without risk, freely and frequently applied with the most certain success. ^^^^^^^ the Occidental Liniment on Fresh Cuts they w'^ b'^'^l withc)ut paiVi or soreness. Occidental Rheumatic Corrective. The entire materia medica has been ransacked for remedies lo overcome the rheumatic diathesis. x. .. * ^ o^^o Prevention is the only rational course of treatment. Stop the formi tio \ of la( tic and lu tykic acid in the primary and sec- ondarv process of digestion, by raising the standard of the nerv- ous syetem. But the renewal of life in the brain is slow, tardy and must be assisted by the Occidental Rheumatic Corrective. Occidental Kidney and Bladder Corrective. This is the very best Corrective modern science can produce for the relief of weakness arising from excess, indiscretion or dis- sipation in either sexes, and can be relied on as beini:: prompt m giving.relief and lone to the urinary organs. '^Sans PareiU^ '^ . --^ I Ai DallasJexas, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS UHL. 015 863 383 8 # ^^ ^^--^ GommercialTraVelSolicTted