'<£$#■ H Hi i ■ WBm ■U9W IHH m HUH H Hi H HHB m H Hi HI H HI Hi Pal Em ■HluffiiB BIB BBS raH Hi HHI Mi H HHHH1 H H8H i Hi > <*. % "W isjl' 11 . "si : ° A ••.'• A «$- ' \ » . :; r *- ./* "< .v ^v ***** •' ° • *MTli§l * ^* - ^ o .0 ,^ 54- %/Oj 3 6 PREFACE The following pages attempt to describe, in the restricted space neces- sary in an auction sale catalogue, the coins and medals forming the mag- nificent collection made and owned by George H. Earle, Jr., of Philadel- phia, a gentleman who has been an ardent collector for many years, select- ing his purchases with great care from the large sales that have taken place in recent years, as well as being a liberal buyer by private purchase. The result of his labors and expenditure of many thousands of dollars is here offered, and it is to be hoped that intending purchasers will appreci- ate the superb collection. Mr. Earle always strived to secure the finest example possible, and the coins speak for themselves; so do not think I am exaggerating when I use the superlative degree so frequently — the condition of the coins warrants it. It is the finest collection ever offered in this country. Those which might be mentioned as having a claim to especial dis- tinction are so numerous that it is difficult to know what to select for mention in the brevity of a preface ; yet I think the attention of collectors should be drawn to the following — the superb Syracuse decadrachm by Euainetos, the large Greek gold coins, the remarkably fine and extensive line of Koman Imperial gold coins, the TO-ducat piece, 1621, of Sigismund III of Poland; splendid foreign gold and silver coins and gold medals, American Colonial coins — N. E. shilling, Willow, Oak and Pine Tree shillings, sixpences, threepences and twopences, Lord Baltimore shilling and sixpence, splendid examples of the cents of the States, extremely rare early pattern pieces, Immune Columbia, 1785, in silver; 17SG Non Vi Virtute Vici, 1786 Immunis Columbia, etc. The first design for a dollar for the Continental Congress, 1776, in silver, of which but one other is known; 1792 silver center cent, 1792 disme, 1792 Washington naked bust or "Roman head" cent, 1836, 1838, 1839 dollars. The regular series of U. S. Coins is wonderfully complete, embracing all the Eagles prior to 1804; the Half Eagles are magnificent— 10 of 1795, IV PREFACE. 3 of 1797, and the gem of the series, the 1798, with small eagle on palm branch; 1819, 1821, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1S33, 1834, with motto. Quarter Eagles, 179G, 1797, 1820, 1834, with motto. Three dollars only lacking 1875. Gold dollars, set, Silver, finest 1794 dollar known and three duplicates. Superb examples of early dates, as well as proofs in the later dates, and 1851, 1852; half dollars, three of 1790, four of 1797, all in very fine condition. Splendid quarter dollars, dimes and half dimes. The cents and half cents are superb ; those worthy of special attention are too numerous to mention, but just look at the 1793's, 1799's, 1804 and the finest 1790 half cent; the rare dates in the forties. The badges of the Order of the Cincinnati and the George of the Order of the Garter are two objects of note! Mr. Earle's instructions are to sell to the highest bidder. I have endeavored to describe the coins as I see them, without favor to the seller or buyer, both of whom I trust will be satisfied that I have done my work conscientiously. Defects, weakness in the striking, dam- ages, etc., have been carefully noted. Collectors desiring further information or to be informed of the possible prices to bid are requested to communicate with the undersigned, who will be glad to answer all questions in his power. Bidders will please examine and compare their bids before sending them in, as mistakes made by them will not be borne by the cataloguer or auctioneers; also kindly sign your name and attach address. At a recent sale an unsigned bid sheet no doubt caused disappointment to the careless one ; who it was I have never been able to discover. Send your bids in as soon as possible. I Avill carefully execute bids entrusted to me for 10 per cent, of the amount purchased — no charge whatever on those lots not bought. Post- age or expressage to be borne by the buyer. The auctioneers will execute bids free of commission, but assume no responsibility and require lots bought by them to be paid for prior to removal. This great collection should have some lots in it to interest every collector receiving the catalogue, and I do hope every one will send in such bids as he can make; all will be thankfully received — the large and the small. The outlay to publish and distribute this catalogue has been very great, and I trust collectors will show their appreciation of my efforts PREFACE. V to please them by either attending in person or commissioning myself or others to execute their bids. Any one who may receive the catalogue and has no use for it will confer a favor by returning it by express, prepaid, book rates, and I will remit them the cost. Messrs. Davis & Harvey, the auctioneers, have recently purchased No. 910 Walnut street, which has been refitted to suit the requirements of their business. Thanking my many friends and customers for their liberal support and loj'alty in the past, and striving to merit a continuance of the same, I remain, sincerely, HENRY CHAPMAN, Numismatist, Bell telephone, Walnut 2019. No. 1348 Pine St., Registered cable address, Philadelphia. "Moneta," Philadelphia. SCKLE, 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 THE CATALOGUE Prior to June 29th the plain catalogue may be obtained free on application. Prior to June 29th the illustrated catalogue, with thirty-six (3G) plates, may be obtained on payment of $7.50. After the sale has been held the purchaser of this catalogue will be sent gratis a printed list of prices obtained. After the sale has taken place the plain catalogue, with a printed list of the prices obtained bound in at the back, will be sold for $2. After the sale has taken place the illustrated catalogue (36 plates), with the printed list of prices obtained bound in at the back, $10 (the cost). After the sale the printed list of prices obtained may be had without any catalogue for $1.50. Expressage prepaid by the publisher on all the above. TERMS OF SALE The sale is made for cash on delivery of the goods, which may be obtained at the termination of each day's sale, or at the end of the sale on 29th. The highest bidder to be the buyer. Should a dispute arise and the disputant has a voucher and is willing to advance on the price at which the lot was stricken off, then the said lot is to be put up again and sold to the highest bidder. The auctioneers reserve the right to refuse the bid of an individual if he declines to make a cash deposit or pay sum bid on their request to do so. No lot is separated. All are sold subject to the catalogue description and by the catalogue numbers. Should any lot become misplaced, the buyer does not acquire any right in it if it is stricken off without the mistake being discovered, and such a lot must be returned to the auctioneers. ORDER OF SALE Commence each day at 1.30 P. M. Coins for the day's sale on exhibition at the auction room from 9.00 A. M. to 12 M. First day — Nos. 1 to 701 inclusive. Second day — Nos. 702 to 1467 inclusive. Third day— Nos. 1468 to 2131 inclusive. Fourth day— Nos. 2132 to 3033 inclusive. Fifth day— Nos. 3034 to 3875 inclusive. Every lot is sold so much each piece, except the proof sets. No coins shown during the progress of the sale unless to oblige a special request. Any one wishing to see a lot will be given every oppor- tunity to do so if possible. Collectors are requested to carefully examine the coins during the exhibition, marking their catalogue, thus being prepared, as the sale proceeds at the rate of about 200 lots to the hour. CATALOGUE GREEK GOLD COINS. SICILY. Agrigentum, B. C. 415-406. AKPA Eagle devouring a serpent; mark of value, .on side of rock on which he stands. R. IAAN0I Crab. Hexas. Uncirculated. Obverse centered a trifle high, but inscription over eagle on reverse perfectly centered. Plate. Syracuse, Ar/athocles, B. C. 317-289. Head of Young Ares (?) laureate 1. R. SYPAKOEIQN Biga r., Triskelis below. Drachm. Weight, 65% grains. Extremely fine. Of rather coarse work. Very rare. Plate. Under Timoleon, B. C. 345-317. Head of Apollo laureate 1., behind a helmet. R. ITPAKOZmN Tripod. Electrum 50 Litra. Very fine. Eicetas, B. C. 287-278. (ITP)KOZIQN Exquisite head of Perse- phone 1. R. EVI IK ETA Biga r., thunderbolt above, wheat ear below. Drachm. Weight, 65% grains. Extremely fine and of beautiful style. Very rare. Plate. Hieron II, B. C. 275-216. Head of Persephone 1., bee in field. R. IEPQNOI Biga 1. Drachm of fine style and in extremely fine condition. Weight, 65% grains. Rare. Plate. Hieron II. As last, but with ox head in field. Drachm. Extremely fine, brilliant. The obverse struck from a rusted die. Rare. Plate. MACEDONIAN KINGS. Philip II, B. C. 359-336. Head of Apollo r., laureate. R QIAMIIOY Biga r., Kantharos beneath the horses. Stater. Extremely fine and of beautiful style. Plate. Philip II. As last, but not of fine style. Stater. Very good. Alexander the Great, B. C. 336-323. Head of Pallas in crested Corinthian helmet, adorned with a serpent r., the hair in three curls. R. AAEEANJPOT. Nike holding wreath in right hand. I GREEK GOLD COINS. MACEDONIAN KINGS, ETC. while in left he supports a trophy stand. Kantharos in field. Distater. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 10 Alexander the Great. Same type as last, but head smaller and the three locks of hair smaller. Distater. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 11 Alexander the Great. Type of last. Eagle in field on rev. Stater. Extremely fine. Plate. 12 Alexander the Great. Similar type, but hair in four ringlets, one of which protrudes at ear. R. AAEEANAPOY Nike as above, Thunderbolt in field. Stater. Extremely fine. Plate. 13 Alexander the Great. Large head of Pallas, the hair loose, in Corinthian helmet r. R, AAEEANAPOY Winged Nike standing, holding out in right hand a laurel wreath and in left supports a trophy stand. In field mon. ah. Stater. Fine style. Very fine. Plate. 14 Alexander the Great. Same design, the head a trifle larger. Stater. Fine. Surface covered with microscopic nicks and reverse sur- face slightly eroded. 15 Alexander the Great. Same design. Head of fine work and smaller than last two; also she wears a beaded necklace. R. AAEEANAPOY) BAZIAEQ(Z) Mons. HP and mi in field. Stater. Very fine. Plate. 16 Philip III ( Aridaeus) , B. C. 323-316. Same type as last Alexander R. QIAinilOY in field inverted s ( ?) and a with crescent. Stater. Very fine. Slight dent near edge over head. Of beautiful style. Very rare. Plate. KING OF THRACE. 17 Lysimachus, B. C. 323-281. Head of the deified Alexander with horn of Ammon r. R. BAZIAEQZ AYIDIAXOY Monogram ynp Byzantium. Pallas Nikephoros seated 1. Stater, struck between B. C. 308-2S1. Of beautiful style and extremely fine. Rare. Plate. 18 Lysimachus. Same type, but not of such fine art as last. Stater. Fine. Rare. 19 Lysimachus. Same type, but of semi-barbaric coarse work, ky and trident below Pallas, while a spear passes over her right shoulder. Stater. Fine. MYSIA. 20 Cyzicus, B. C. 500-4S0. Forepart of a lion. R. Incused head of a calf. Electrum. Hectae. Very fine. GREEK GOLD COINS. IONIA. LYDIA. PERSIA. BACTRIA. EGYPT. 3 IONIA. 21 Phoc^ea, B. C. 600. Wind sail pattern. R. Tripartite incused punch mark. Weight, 20 grains. Another of 5% grains. Electrum. 2 pes. LYDIA. 22 Croesus (?), B. C. 568-554. Foreparts- of a lion and bull facing- each other. R. Oblong incuse. Stater, 124 grains. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 23 Croesus (?). As last, narrower. Fine. Very rare. Wt., 123 grs. PERSIA. 24 Darius III (?), B. C. 337-330. The King, wearing long beard, kneeling r., long spear in right hand, bow in left. R. Irregular punch mark. Daric. Extremely fine and unusually complete. Plate. 25 Similar, but of different work. Daric. Fine. KING OF BACTRIA. 26 Diodotus, about B. C. 250. Head r., filleted. R. BAIIAEQI AI0A0T0Y Zeus hurling fulmen 1., before him wreath and eagle. Stater. Extremely fine. Excessively rare. Plate. AFRICA. KINGS OF EGYPT. 27 Ptolemy I (Soter), B. C. 323-285. Head of Ptolemy I r., filleted. R. IIWAEMAIOY BASIAEQI Alexander the Great in a chariot drawn by four elephants. Stater, 110% grains. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. 28 Ptolemy I. Head r. R. UTOAEMAIOY BASIAEQI Eagle on fulmen 1. Triobol 27% grains. Fine. A few nicks. 29 Ptolemy II (Philadelphia), B. C. 285-246. AAEA0QN Heads of Ptolemy II and Arsinoe II, jugate; behind shield. R. 8EQN Heads of Ptolemy I and Berenice I jugate r. Octadrachm. Brilliant condition and very rare. Plate. 30 Head of Arsinoe II, veiled and wearing stephane r. k behind head. R. A P II NO HI MAAAEA0T Double cornucopia, filleted. Octa- drachm. Brilliant condition and of a pleasing style. Plate. 31 Ptolemy III (Euregetes), B. C. 246-221. Bust of Ptolemy III, radiate crown and wearing aegis, and carrying trident combined 4 ANCIENT GOLD AND SILVER COINS. EGYPT. ZEUGITANA. GALLIA. ITALIA. with sceptre r. R. BAEIAEQZ UTOAEMAIOY Cornucopia, fil- leted and radiate. Octadrachm. The obverse die was rusted. Very fine. A few light scratches on rev. Very rare. Plate. 32 Ptolemy IV (Philopator) , B. C. 221-204. Bust of his wife, Arsinoe III, with veil, diadem, and over shoulder a sceptre, behind head A R. APEINOHS QIAAAEAQOY Double cornucopia filleted. Octa- drachm. Very fine and of excessive rarity — about six known. This piece from Weber coll., lot 4498, Munich, Nov. 16, 1908. Plate. ZEUGITANA. 33 Carthage, B. C. 340-242. Beautiful head of Persephone 1., wear- ing earrings and necklace with pendants 1. R. Horse standing r. Gold stater; weight, 142 grains. Slight scrape on hair and nicks on edge, but in extremely fine condition and very rare. Plate. 34 Similar. Electrum stater; weight, 115 grains. Fine. 35 Similar. Electrum stater; weight, 116 grains. Fine. Light scratches on reverse. 36 Similar. Electrum % (?) stater; weight, 42!/2 grains. Good. ANCIENT GREEK SILVER COINS. GALLIA. 37 VOLCAE TECTOSAGES, B. C. 200. Rude head occupying whole ofobv. 1. R. Cross in angles — wheel-crown (?) — ax-dot. Henri- drachm. Good. 38 MASSALIA, after B. C. 200. Head of Artemis r. R, (M)AIIA lion r. Hemidrachm. Fine. 39 GAULIST PANNONIAN stater of about B. C. 300. Head with wide beaded diadem r. R. Horseman 1. Very fine. See Latour Atlas, plate u., 9907. ITALIA. CAMPANIA. 40 CALES, B. C. 268 (?). Head of Athena r., shield in field. R. CALENO Nike in biga 1. Didrachm. Very fine. Plate. 41 ROMANO-CAMPANIAN, B. C. 286-268. Head Janus. R, Jupiter in quadriga r. roma. Didrachm. Very fine. 42 Romano-Campanian. As last. Didrachm. Very fine. 43 HYRIA, B. C. 420-340. Head of Hera facing ; wearing Stephanos. the ornamentation on which is worn off. R. ydina retrograde. Campanian bull r. Didrachm. Fiue. Rare. Plate. GREEK SILVER COINS. CAMPANIA. CALABRIA. LUCANIA. 5 44 NEAPOLIS, B. C. 241. Head of Nymph r., with hair bound by a wide band. R. NEonOAITQN Man-headed bull, crowned by Vic- tory (head of bull and Victory off). Didrachm. Fine. Plate. 45 Neapolis. Head similar to last. R. AAIO bull 1. (half head off). Didrachm. Fine. 46 Neapolis. Head smaller. R. Ins. indistinct. Type as above — bull r., beneath him b Didrachm. Fine. 47 Neapolis. Head 1. R. Ins. indistinct, e below bull. Didrachm. Fine. 48 Neapolis. Type as last. R. (N)EOnOAITQ(N) bull r., e below. Didrachm. Fine. 49 Neapolis. ' Head 1., mask behind. R. (N)EOIIOAITQN bull r., below bi. Didrachm. Fine, surface of obv. slightly eaten by corrosion. Nick on edge. Beautiful style. Plate. CALABRIA. 50 TARENTUM, B. C. 380-345. Boy on horse in full gallop r. R. TAP AS Taras with torch on dolphin 1., fine pin scratches in field. Didrachm. Fine. 51 Tarentum, B. C. 334-302. Naked horseman lancing downwards to r., and being crowned by Victory; behind SI beneath AYHAN. R. TAP AS Taras with a Kantharos and trident on a dolphin 1., in field Tr. Didrachm. Extremely fine. Plate. 52 Tarentum, B. C. 334-302. Naked horseman spearing downwards; SA beneath. R. TAP AS Taras with torch; minute dolphin be- low. Didrachm. Fine. 53 Tarentum. Horseman with shield 1. R. TAP AS A NO Taras with bunch of grapes astride dolphin 1. Didrachm. Very fine. 54 Tarentum, B. C. 302-228. Head Athena to 1., and r. with Skylla. R. Owls with open and closed wings. Drachms. Fine. 2 pes. 55 Tarentum. Head of Athena with Skylla r. R. NEYMHNI0S (faint) api. Owl with closed wings on olive branch. Drachm. V. fine. LUCANIA. 56 HERACLEA, B. C. 432-388. Head of Athena in crested Athenian helmet adorned with Skylla r. ■ I-HP AK AHIQ.N R. Hercules stand- ing facing, his right hand resting on a club, while in his left is a bow and arrows and over his arm he carries the lion's skin ; to the left a Victory is flying and about to crown him ; in right field a single-handled jug; traces of letters just on edge. Didrachm. Extremely fine, of beautiful style and a gem. Plate. G GREEK SILVER COINS. LTJCANIA — HERACLEA, METAPONTUM, ETC. 57 Heraclea, B. C. 281-268 ( ?) . Head of Athena in crested Corinthian helmet, plain; above A AS behind head ey below i. R. Herakles with club and bow, in field a crayfish ( ?) . Didrachin. Good. 58 Heraclea, B. C. 275-200. (H)PAKAEI Head of Pallas 1. R. m in field. Hercules standing crowned by Nike. Didrachin. Fine. Plate. 59 METAPONTUM, B. C. 550-470. meta. Wheat ear in high relief. R. Same incused. Didrachm of the smaller type. Oxidized, but fine. 60 Metapontum. meta, retrograde. Wheat ear in high relief, a locust on right side of ear. R. Wheat ear incused. Didrachm of small type. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 61 Metapontum, B. C. 400-350. Female head wearing earrings and necklace, the hair in a sphendone r. R. Large a at top, and be- tween ear and branch TA to right met(A). Die broken across wheat ear. Didrachm of fine style. Fine. Plate. 62 Metapontum, B. C. 350-330. Head of Leukippos r. R. {m)eta Wheat ear. Didrachm. Good 63 Metapontum. Fine, artistic head of female r., wearing earrings and with corn wreath in hair. R. meta, wheat ear. Very fine. Plate. 64 Metapontum, B. C. 330-300. Head of Demeter 1. R. Ear of wheat, on right leaf a vase and under it 01, to right meta. Obverse die badly cracked, the reverse extremely fine. Didrachm. 65 THURIUM, B. C. 425-400. Head of Athena with crested helmet bound by an olive spray r. R. 0OTPIQN bull butting r., below i. Didrachm. Fine. 66 Thurium. Type of last. Head smaller; fish not showing. Di- drachm. Very good. 67 Thurium, B. C. 400-350. Head of Athena in crested helmet adorned with Skylla facing r. R. 0OTPI(QN) Bull butting r., below a fish. Didrachm. The obverse very fine and of charming style. Plate. 68 Thurium. Head of Athena r., in helmet bound with an olive branch and crested. R. 80TPIQN Bull to r., head lowered, between his legs 4, in ex'g fish. Didrachm. Extremely fine. Even impres- sion. Plate. 69 VELIA, B. C. 450-400. Head of Pallas p., in helmet adorned with a griffin. R. (Y)EAHTQN Lion prowling p., star above. Di- drachm. Very fine. Plate. 70 Velia. As last. R,

or Double cornucopia bound with a fillet. Deca- drachm. Very fine. Plate. CYRENAICA. 282 CYRENE, B. C. 321-308. Young head of Zeus Amnion 1. R. kypa. Silphium plant with star on either side. Didrachm. Fine. Oxydized. 283 Cyrene. Same, but head large. Good. ZEUGITANA. 284 CxVRTHAGO, B. C. 410-310. Head of Persephone 1., with earrings and necklace, surrounded by four dolphins; escallop shell below chin. R. Horse head 1., behind palm tree; below Punic ins. Tetradrachm. Beautiful style. Very fine. Plate. 285 Carthago. Head of Persephone 1., one dolphin behind. R. Head of horse, palm behind, Punic ins. below. Tetradrachm. Fine. Beautiful style. Plate. 286 Carthago. Head of Herakles r., in lion skin. R. As last. Tetra- drachm. Very fine. R. Surface on reverse lightly eroded. Plate. 287 Carthago, B. C. 340-242. Head of Persephone 1., adorned with corn and large earrings and a necklace with pendants. R. Horse standing r., looking back at a palm tree, star before him. Di- drachm. Extremely fine. Plate. ANCIENT GREEK BRONZE COINS. ITALIA. CAMPANIA. 288 CALES, B. C. 268-(?). Head of Athena 1. R, caleno. Cock and star. Oxidation on cheek. Fine. 289 NEAPOLIS, B. C. 340-268. Head 1., NEOUOAimN before it, but faint, n behind. R. Campanian bull r. Nike above. Scratched on cheek, but fine. Dark green pat. 290 Neapolis. Beautiful head of Apollo 1., wreath extends along on left half of edge. R. NEOilOAlTiiN Omphalos and Lyre. Very fine. Dark green pat. Plate. BRUTTIUM. 291 BRUTTII, B. C. 2S2-203. Helmeted head of Ares 1. R. Obliterated. One patina led, head line, other (leaned. 2 pes. GREEK COPPER COINS. BRUTTIUM. SICILY. 25 292 Bruttii. Head of Zeus r. E. BPETTI&N Eagle. Very fine. Plate. 293 LOCEI EPIZEPHYKII, B. C. 300-268 or later. AEY. Head of Pallas in Corinthian helmet r. R. AOKPQN Persephone hold- ing sceptre ending in poppy head; seated, with patera in hand, 1., stars in field. Fine. 294 Locri Epizephyrii. As last, but patinated dark green, which ob- scures some letters. Pine. 295 NUCERIA, B. 0. 350-270. Head of Apollo r. R. (NO)TKPINQN Horse standing 1., star beneath. Fine. Plate. 296 RHEGIUM, before B. O. 387. Lion's head facing. R. PHriNON Head of Apollo laureate r. Fine. Light green pat. 297 Rhegium, B. C. 270-203. Head of Apollo laureate 1., cornucopia behind it. R. PHriNQN Tripod. Ex. fine. Dark green patina. 298 Rhegium. As last. Very fine. Cleaned. 299 Rhegium. Snake behind head, otherwise as last. Ex. fine. Edge slightly rough at top. 300 Rhegium. Head of Artemis r. R. PHTIN&N Lyre. Vf. Plate. SICILY. 301 CENTURIPAE, B. C. 339. Head of Persephone 1., similar to Syra- cuse medallion. R. Leopard crouching, no ins. Large. Good. 302 Centuripae, after B. C. 241. Head of Zeus r. R. kentopimnqn Winged fulmen; in field A value Dekonkion. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. 303 Centuripae. Head of Demeter r. R. kentopiiunqn Plow, on which stands a bird. Very fine. Rare. 304 MAMERTINI, after B. C. 210. Head of Ares 1. R. mameptinqn Dioskuros standing beside horse, n in field for verdure. Fine. Chip out of planchet on reverse. 305 SYRACUSE, AGATHOCLES, B. C. 317-289. STPAKOimN Ex- quisite head of Persephone 1. R. Furious bull butting r., above ni dolphin and below dolphin also. Fine. 306 Syracuse, B. C. 327-289. ZQTEIPA Head of Artemis r. R. ArA&OKAEOZ baziaeoz Fulmen. Fine and beautiful emerald green patina. 307 Syracuse.. As last. Very fine. Brown color. 308 Syracuse. HICETAS, B. C. 287-278. zrPAKOZlQN Exquisite head of Persephone 1. R. Biga r. 3 half head of charioteer off. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. 309 Syracuse. Hicetas. Head of young Zeus Hellenois laureate 1. R. . . . 0ZIQN Eagle on fulmen 1. Fine. 26 GREEK COPPER COINS. SICILY. MACEDONIA, ETC. 310 Syracuse. TIME OF PYRRHUS in Sicily, B. C. 278-276. Head of young Herakles 1. R. ZYPAKOZIQN Pallas Promachos in fighting attitude r. Very fine. Plate. 311 Syracuse. HIERON II, B. C. 275-216. Head of Hieron 1. R. iepqnos Armed horseman r. Very fine. 312 Syracuse. As last. Head of Hieron very fine. R. Ins. nearly all off. 313 Syracuse. Head of Poseidon 1. R. iepqnO(I) Trident head. Vg. 314 Syracuse. Head of Persephone 1. R. Pegasos. Good. 315 TAUROMENIUM, B. C. 358-275. Only shows ad of ins. Head of Apollo laureated r. R. tatpom(enitan). Lyre. Fine. MACEDONIA. 316 ALEXANDER THE GREAT, B. C. 336-323. Head of Herakles r. R. AAEEANAPOY Horseman. Very fine. BOEOTIA. 317 THEBES, B. C. 197-146. Shield. R, Trident. Very fine. Small. ATTICA. 318 ATHENS, B. C. 220-86. Head of Athena. R. Two owls. Fine. Small. 319 Athens. As last. Very good and fair. 2 pes. CORINTHIA. 320 CORINTH, Tiberius, A. D. 14-37. l. fvrio la inscription behind head off. Bust of his mother, Livia, 1. R. l. arrio peregeino ii vir cor, tops off some letters. Hexastyle temple inscribed gent ivli. Fine. 321 As last, but not so good. Inscription partly shown. MYSIA. 322 PERGAMUM. Head of Asklepios r. R. Serpent coiled around a temple-key and inscription. Fine. LYDIA. 323 PHILADELPHIA, B. C. 200-133. Head of Artemis r. R. (0IA) AJEAQE (QN) Apollo enthroned, on back of which an owl. epmiuuoi epmotenoy(Z) Fine and rare. EGYPT. 324 PTOLEMY III, B. C. 247-222. Head of Zeus. R. Eagle on fulmen. Very fine. Size 22. ROMAN FAMILY DENARII. 27 ROME. 325 As, or piece of 12 unciae, B. C. 555-264. Head of Janus. R. Prow of a ship ; above i. Very good. Green patina. Wt., S 1 /^ ounces. 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 ROMAN FAMILY DENARIUS. Arranged and numbered by Babelon, Monnaies de la Republique Romaine. Acilia. Head of Rome r. R. Hercules in quadriga. Very fine. B 4. Acilia. Head of Health r. R. Health standing. Unc. B 8. Aelia. Head of Diana r. R. Diana in biga of stags. Unc. B 4. Aemilia. Head of Rome. B 7. Aretas, kneeling at side of camel. B 8. Good, former nicked. 2 pes. Aemilia. Aretas, King of Arabia ( defeated by M. Aemilius Scaurus, B. C. 65), kneeling beside camel. R. Quadriga. Ex. fine. B 8. Aemilia. Bust of Concord r. R. L. A. Paullus and captive Per- sians. Very fine. B 10. Annia. Bust of Anna Perenna r. R. Victory in quadriga. Very fine. B 2. Annia. As last. Different dies. Fine. B 2. Antestia. Head of Rome r. R. Jupiter in quadriga. Fine. B 9. R. Victory in quadriga. Fine. B 1. ground. Antonia. Head of Jupiter r. Aquillia. Bust of Valor r. R. Aquillius raising Sicilia from the Fine. B 2. Head of Rome r. R. Jupiter in quadriga. Ex. fine. B 19. Head of Vulcan r. R. Eagle. Very fine. B 21. Head of Rome r. R. Jupiter in quadriga. Fine. B 21. R. Elephant. Uncirculated. B 43. R. Praefericulum and lituus. Fine. Head of Piety r. Head of Piety r. Aurelia. Aurelia. Caecilia. Caecilia. Caecilia. B44. Caecilia. Head of Apollo r. fine, cleaned. B 45. Caesia. Head of Apollo 1. Calidia. Head of Rome r. R. Rome crowned by Victory. Very R. The two Lares seated. Fine. B 1. R. Victory in biga. Very good. B 3. Calpurnia. Head of Apollo r. R. Boy on race horse. Extremely fine. Carisia. Carisia. good. Cassia. Cassia. Test cut in edge. B 24. Head of Moneta r. Head of Victory. B3. Different. Good. Head of Vestal. R, R. Coiners' implements. R. Victory in quadriga. Fine. B 1. Var. Very 2 pes. B 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10. 6 pes. Citizen depositing a ballot. Vf. B 10. 350 Claudia. 351 Claudia. edge. 352 Claudia. 353 Cloulia. good. 354 Coilia. 355 Coponia. 28 ROMAN FAMILY DENARII. Head of Eome r. R. Victory in biga. Yg. B 1. Head of Diana r. R. Victory in biga. Unc. Notched B5. Head of the Sun r. R. Moon and stars. Fine. B 16. Head of Rome r. (patinated). R. Victory in biga. Very Bl. Head of Rome 1. R. Victory in biga. Very fine. B 2. Head of Apollo r. R. Club of Hercules and lion skin. Very fine. B 1. 356 Cordia. Head of Venus r. R. Cupid on dolphin. Fine. Defec- tive planchet. B 3. 357 Cornelia. Head of Rome r. R. Victory in biga. Very fine. B 1. 358 Cornelia. Head of Scipio Africanus. R. Jupiter crowned by Minerva. Very fine. B 19. 359 Cornelia. Bust of Hercules. R. Rome crowning Genie. Vf . B 25. 360 Cornelia. Bust of Mars r. R. Victory in biga. Unc. B 50. 361 Cornelia. Head of Jupiter r. R. Victory crowning trophy. Quinarius. Extremely fine. B 51. 362 Cornelia. Head of Genie r. R. Globe, rudder, etc. Vf. B 54. 363 Cupiennia. Head of Rome r. R. Dioscuri. Good. B 1. 364 Curtia. Head of Rome r. R. Quadriga. Good. B 2. 365 Domitia. Head of Rome r. R. Quadriga and biga. Good B 7, 14. 2 pes. 366 Fabia. Head of Apollo r. R. Cornucopia. Very fine. B 6. 367 Fonteia. Janus head. R. Galley. Very fine. B 1. 368 Fonteia. Head of Dioscuri r. R. Galley. Very fine. B 7. 369 Fonteia. Head of Apollo r. R. Cupid on goat. Unc. B 11. 370 Fonteia. Head of Mars r. R. Soldier riding over two men. Very fine. B 17. 371 Furia. Janus head. R. Victory crowning trophy. Ex. fine. B 18. 372 Furia. Head of Cybele r. R. Curule chair. Ex. fine. B 19. 373 Furia. Head of Ceres r. R. Curule chair. Very fine. B 23. 374 Furia. As last, but different dies. Very fine. 375 Gellia. Head of Rome in wreath. R. Quadriga. Very fine. B 1. 376 Hosidia. Bust of Diana r. R. Boar pierced by spear, dog attack- ing. Very fine. B 1. 377 Hosidia. Large bust of Diana, otherwise as last. Very fine. B 2. 378 Hostilia. Head of Gaul or Vercingetorix r. R, Warrior in biga with driver. Good. B 2. 379 Hostilia. Head of Pavor r. R. Diana. Fine. B 4. 380 Hostilia. Head of Venus r. R. Victory. Fine. B 5. ROMAN FAMILY DENARII. 29 381 Julia. Head of Eome r. R. Victory in biga. Fine. B 3. 382 Julia. Head of Mars 1. R, Venus drives Cupids. Very fine. B 4. 383 Julia. Beautiful head of Venus in high relief. R. Aeneas carry- ing his father and statue of Minerva out of Troy, caesar. Un- circulated. B 10. 384 Julia. As last, in very fine condition. 385 Julia. Very fine head of Augustus r. R. Temple with balustrade, surmounted by a Victory and two statues. On frieze, imp caesar. Uncirculated. B 161. Plate. 386 Junia. Head of Rome r., head of a donkey behind it. R. Dioscuri. Very fine. B 8. 387 Junia. Head of Rome r. R. Victory in biga. Fine. B 15. 388 Junia. Head of Health. R. Victory in biga, a locust below horses. Good. B 17. 389 Junia. Head of Health. R. Victory in biga. Very fine. B 18. 390 Junia. Head of Brutus. R. HeadofAhala. Not even. Vg. B 29. 391 Junia. Head of Liberty r. R. The consul, L. Junius Brutus, the elder, walking to left, preceded by a herald and between two lie- tors. Very fine. B 31. 392 Junia. As last. Very fine. B 31. 393 Junia. As last. Lower part of neck weak. Fine. B 31. 394 Licinia. Head of Apollo 1. R. Diana (off) in quadriga. Fine. 395 Licinia. Bust of Diana r. R. Roman soldier and horse . Fine. B 18. 396 Livineia. Head of Regulus. R. Curule chair. Defective planchet. Very good. B 8. 397 Lucilia. Head of Rome in wreath. R. Victory in biga. Vf. B 1. 398 Lucretia. Head of Rome r. R. Dioscuri. Extremely fine. B 1. 399 Lucretia. Head of the Sun. R. Moon and stars. Unc. B 2. 400 Lucretia. Head of Neptune. R. Cupid riding a dolphin. Vg. B 3. 401 Mallia. Head of Rome r. R. Victory in triga. Very fine. "Bl. 402 Mamilia. Head of Mercury. R. Ulysses recognized by his dog. Extremely fine. B 6. 403 Manlia. Head of Rome r. R. Emp. in quadriga. Fine, but not struck sharp on left side. B 3. 404 Marcia. Head of Rome r. R. Dioscuri. Uncirculated. B 1. 405 Marcia. Head of Rome r. R. Victory in biga, wheat ear beneath. Extremely fine. B 8. 406 Marcia. Head of Rome r. R. Lancer galloping r. Unc. B 11. 407 Marcia. Head of Philip V of Macedon r. R, Equestrian. Fine. B 12. 408 Marcia. Head of Apollo r. R. Marsyas with wine bag, column with statue behind him. Uncirculated. B 24. 30 EOMAN FAMILY DENARII. 409 Marcia. As last. Uncirculated. The obverse struck low. 410 Marcia. Head of Venus r. R. Venus driving biga r. Unc. B 27. 411 Marcia. Head of Ancus Marcius r. R. Equestrian on aqueduct. Extremely fine. B 28. 412 Menimia. Head of youth r. R. Dioscuri standing with their horses. Extremely fine. B 1. 413 Memmia. Head of Saturn 1. R, Venus in biga r. Ex. fine. B 2. 414 Memmia. Head of Ceres. R. Trophy, captive at base. Ex. fine. B 10. 415 Memmia. Head of Ceres. As last. Fine. 2 pes. 416 Minucia. Head of Rome. R. Dioscuri. Fine. B 1. 417 Minucia. Head of Rome r. R. Ionic column surmounted by a statue, at sides L. Minucius and L. M. Faesus. Fine. Edge irregular. B 9. 418 Minucia. Head of Rome r. R. Jupiter in quadriga. Fine. B 15, 419 Minucia. Head of Rome 1. R. Soldiers fighting. Very fine. B 19. 420 Mussidia. Head of Victory r. R. Victory in biga. Fine, but not even. B 4. 421 Mussidia. Head of Concord r. R. Two people on a platform. Fine. Not sharp. B 6. 422 Naevia. Head of Venus r. R. Victory in triga. Unc. B 6. 423 Naevia. As last, but different die. Edge notched. Unc. B 6. 424 Nonia. Head of Saturn r. R. Roman soldier seated, being crowned by Victory. Obverse off center. R. Fine. B 1. 425 Norbana. Head of Venus r. R. Wheat ear, caduceus, etc. Ex- tremely fine. B 2. 426 Papia. Head of Junon Sospita, owl behind it. R. Griffin and eagle r. Notched edge. Very fine. B 1. 427 Pinaria. Head of Rome. R. Victory in biga. Fine. B 2. 428 Plaetoria. Head of Cybele. No. 3. Head of Bonus Eventus. No. 5. Very good. 2 pes. 429 Plaetoria. Head of Vacuna r. R. Eagle. Fine. B 4. 430 Plaetoria. Head of Bonus Eventus (exquisite). R. Caduceus. Gem work and in beautiful condition. B 5. 431 Plancia. Head of Diana Planciana with mushroom hat. R. Stag, etc. Very fine. B 1. 432 Plautia. Head of Neptune r. R. Jupiter driving quadriga 1. Fine. B 11. 433 Plautia. Head of Leuconoe r., dolphin behind. R. As last. Very fine. B 12. 434 Plautia. Head of Cybele. R. Bacchus beside a camel. Vf. B 13. 435 Plan Ma. Head of Medusa. R. Aurora leading her horses. Ex- tremely fine and even. B 11. ROMAN FAMILY DENARII. 31 436 Poblicia. Head of Apollo r. E. Victory crowning Roman soldier. Very fine. B 2. 437 Poblicia. Head of Rome r. R. Hercules wrestling with a lion. Very good. B 9. 438 Pomponia. Head of Apollo r. R. Sacrificing a goat. Test cut on edge. Fine. B 6. 439 Pomponia. Head of Rome r. R. Bituitus in biga r. Ex. fine. B 7. 440 Pomponia. Head of Apollo r. R. Calliope playing on a lyre. Fine. B 9. 441 Porcia. Head of Rome r. R. Liberty in quadriga, Victory above. Very fine. B 3. 442 Porcia. Head! of Rome r. R. Soldier and two others. Fine. B 4. 443 Porcia. Head of Liberty r. R. Victory. Half den. Fine. B 7. 444 Porcia. Head of Rome. R. King Bituitus in biga r. Fine. B 8. 445 Postumia. Head of Mars. R. Clubs and shield. Ex. fine. B 11. 446 Procilia. Head of Juno Sospita r. R. Juno Sospita in biga r. Extremely fine. B 2. 447 Roscia. Head of Juno Lanuvienne r. R. Girl feeding snake. Ex- tremely fine. Not even. B 1. 448 Rubria. Head of Jupiter r. R. Triumphal chariot. Fine. B 1. 449 Rubria. Head of Jupiter. R. Victory (head off). Quinarius. Fine. B 4. 450 Scribonia. Head of Bonus Eventus r. R. Altar. Ex. fine. Slight oxidation on reverse. B 8. 451 Sempronia. Head of Rome. R. Dioscuri. Very good. B 2. 452 Sentia. Head of Rome. R. Jupiter in quadriga. Very fine. B 1. 453 Servilia. Head of Rome. R. Combat between lancers. Vg. B 5. 454 Sulpicia. Heads of the Penates 1. R. Two men and vm. Fine. B 1. 455 Titia. Head of Mutinus Titinus. R. Pegasos. Very fine. B 1. 456 Titia. Head of Bacchus. R. Pegasos. Very fine. B 2. 457 Titia. Head of Victoria r. R. Pegasos. Quinarius. Vg. B 3. 458 Tituria. Head of Sabin. R. Two soldiers carrying off Sabian women (off center). Extremely fine. B 1. 459 Tituria. Head of Sabin. R. Victory in biga. Ex fine. B 0. 460 Vibia. Head of Apollo r. R. Pallas in quadriga. Ex. fine. B 2. 461 Vibia. Head of Pan. R. Jupiter seated. Extremely fine. B 18. 462 Vibia. Head of Bacchus. R. Dog, altar with head of Pan, etc. Very fine. B 24. 463 Balance of the collection generally good to very good and different. Only a few duplicate those above. All in separate envelopes marked. 46 pes. 32 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. JULIUS CAESAR TO POMPEY THE GREAT. EMPERORS. JULIUS CAESAR, B. C. 60-44. 464 c. caesar cos ter. Head of Piety veiled r. R. a. hirtivs pr. Lituus. Praefericulum. Hatchet. Aureus. Extremely fine. Struck by the Hirtia family. Plate. C. 3. 465 Duplicate. The obverse more evenly struck, but on reverse the in- scription is weak along lower edge. Aureus. Ex. fine. Plate. 466 c. caes . Die . ter. Bust of Victory r. R. l. planc. praef vrb. Sacrificial vase. Aureus. Not struck up on head and center of vase. Fine. Plate. C. 31. 467 caesar imp. Head laureated r. of Julius Caesar, star behind. R. sepvlli(vs) macer. Venus with Victory 1. Denarius struck by Sepullia family. Fine. Cleaned. Scratch on rev., weak on lower edge, both sides. B. 1. 468 caesar dict. perpetv. Head as last. R. sepvllivs macer. Venus with Victory ( half off ) , supported by spear and shield. Denarius struck by the Sepullia family. Extremely fine. Plate. 469 Head of Venus r. R. caesar. Aeneas carrying his father out of Troy. Denarius. Uncirculated. C. 12. JULIUS caesar and octavius (AUGUSTUS), b. c. 44-16. 470 c. caesar . dict . perp . pont . max . Head of Julius Caesar r., laureated. R. c. cae(sar cos) pont avg. Head of Octavius r. Aureus. Fine, but as usual, the heads are not struck up, though the portraits are excellent. Obverse evenly struck, but reverse off to one side — the letters in brackets not showing. Deep dent on edge. Very rare. Plate. C. 2. cassius (longinus), b. c. 44-42. 471 c. cassi . imp. leibertas. Head of Liberty r. R. lentvlvs spixt. Sacrificial vase and wand of an Augur. Aureus. Very fine. Rare. Plate. C. 3. 472 c. cassi . imp. Head of Liberty similar, though smaller than last, r. R. m. servilivs leg. Acrostolium. Aureus. Extremely fine. The dotted border weak below bust. Rare. Plate. C. 8. pompey the great, b. c. 81-48. 473 mag.pivs im(piter). Very fine portrait head r., between the lituus and praefericulum. R. (praef) clas.et or (ae) (mar) it . EX. s. c. "Praefect of the fleet and maritime coasts, by decree of the ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. MARCUS ANTONIUS TO AUGUSTUS. 33 Senate." Commemorating his appointment as commander in B. C. 67 against the pirates who were ravaging the shores of the Mediterranean. Neptune standing with foot on galley between Anapis and Amphinomus, carrying their parents out of Catana. Denarius. Very fine. Plate. C. 17. B 27. 474 Duplicate, different dies. Ob. ins. fine. Beverse off. Den. Vg. MARCUS ANTONIUS, B. C. 43-31. 475 ant avg . imp . in . v . r . p . c. Head of Marcus Antonius r. B. pietas . cos. Piety L, with cornucopia, crane, etc. The obverse well struck, but the reverse struck up high' off center, cutting into the head. Chip off upper edge. Aureus struck B. C. 41. Fine. Extremely rare. Plate. C. 76. MARCUS ANTONIUS AND OCTAVIUS (AUGUSTUS), B. C. 43. 476 antonivs imp. Very artistic, fine head of Marcus Antonius r. B. caesar imp. Fine head of Octavius r. The obverse nicely centered; the reverse, while to left side, does not impair the legend. Aureus. Very fine. Extremely rare. Plate. C. 5. 477 m. ant. imp avg in vi (r r. p. c. m.) barbat. q. p. Fine head of Marcus Antonius r. B. caesar . imp . pont . in . vir . r. p. c. Head of Octavius r. Denarius. Extremely fine. Obverse struck a trifle high, cutting off letters in brackets. Plate. C. 8. 478 Same. Different portraits. Tops of a few letters off. B. Head of Octavius shows beard on his cheek. Denarius. Ex. fine. CLEOPATRA AND MARCUS ANTONIUS. 479 cleopatrae regin (ae regum) filiovm regvm. Bust of Cleopatra filleted r., prow at point of bust. B. antonia Armenia devicta tops of letters off in last word. Head of Marcus Antonius r., tiara in field. Denarius. Fine for the coin. Very rare. Plate. 0.1. AUGUSTUS, B. C. 44 TO A. D. 14. 480 avgvstvs . divi . f. Laureated bead of Augustus r. B. c. caes. avgvs. f. Caesar on horse galloping r., three standards behind him. Aureus struck B. C. 12. Fine. The obverse struck slightly off center, cutting off lower end of divi . f. Plate. C. 39. 481 avgvstvs . divi . f. Young head with long neck r. B. imp.x. Furious bull to r. Aureus. Obverse evenly struck and very fine. B. Slightly off center. Small nicks on surface and edge. Plate. C. 136. 3 34 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. AUGUSTUS TO TIBERIUS. 482 avgvstvs . divi . f. Young head with long neck r. R. imp. x. Furious bull to r. Aureus, struck B. C. 12. Well centered. Very fine. Plate. C. 136. 483 caesar avgvstvs. Large and very fine head r. E. iovis tonant. Jupiter Tonans standing left in a Hexastyle temple. Aureus struck B. C. 22. Very fine. Plate. C. 184. 484 imp. caesar. Head of Augustus r. R. avgvstvs. Six wheat ears tied in a bunch. Silver medallion. Extremely fine. C, obv. 33, rev. 32. Plate. 485 imp caesar. Head of Augustus r. R. avgvstvs. Altar embellished with two stags and festooned with garlands. Silver medallion probably struck at Ephesus. Very fine. C. 33. Plate. 486 avgvstvs divi f. Head of Augustus r. R. imp. x. Two soldiers present two olive branches to the Emperor. Denarius. Fine. C. 133. 487 avgvstvs divi f. Head of Augustus r. R. imp x. Furious bull butting r. Denarius. Fine. C. 136. 488 imp. caesar . divi . f. avgvstvs . imp. xx. Head of Augustus 1. R. pontif. maxim, tribvn. pot. xxxiiii. s.c. 2nd Br. Fine. C. 226, var. 489 divvs. avgvstvs pater. Radiate crowned head of Augustus 1. R. s. c. provident. Altar. 2nd Br. Fine. Dark green patina. Broad planchet. C. 228. 490 Same. Smaller planchet. 2nd Br. Fine. LIVIA, WIFE OF AUGUSTUS. DIED A. D. 29, AGED 69. 491 s. p. Q. R. ivliae avgvst Carpentum drawn by two mules r. R. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVST P. M. T R. POT XXI HI. S.C. 1st bronze. Fine. Plate. C. 6. 492 salvs. avgvsta. Bust of Livia r. R. ti caes . divi. avg f avg p. M. tr. pot xxiiii. s.c. 2nd bronze. Fine. Dark pat. C. 5. 493 As last. 2nd bronze. Fine. Dark olive. TIBERIUS, a. d. 4-37. 494 ti . caesar . divi . avg . f . avgvstvs. Laurcated head of Tiberius r. R. pontif maxim. Livia seated r. Aureus struck A. D. 15. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 15. 495 Same type, but the head smaller. Two pin scratches in the center. Aureus. Very fine. 496 Same type, the head larger and more artistic. Aureus. Very fine. 497 Same type, the head larger still. Aureus. Very fine. Plate. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. TIBERIUS TO CALIGULA. 35 498 Same type. Silver denarius. Very fine. Well centered. The "Tribute Penny of the Bible." 499 Same type. Denarii. Fine. 2 pes. 500 TI CAESAR . DIVI AVG F AVGVST IMP VIII. Head 1. R. PONTIF MAXIM tribvn potest xxiin. s.c. 2d Br. Very good. 0. 25. GERMANICUS, BORN B. C. 15, DIED AT EPIDAPHNE A. D. 19. 501 GERMANICUS CAESAR TI AVGVST F. DIVI AVG . N. Head 1. B. C. CAESAR . avg. germanicvs pon. m. tr. pot. s.c. 2nd Br. Good. Silvered. NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS, BROTHER OF TIBERIUS, BORN B. C. 38, DIED IN GERMANY A. D. 9. 502 Nero clavdivs drvsvs germanicvs imp. Fine head of Nero Cladius Drusus 1., laureated. R. de germ. Triumphal Arch sur- mounted with equestrian statue r., and two trophies. Aureus. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. C. 1. antonia,, Wife of Nero Claudius Drusus, and daughter of Marcus Antonius and Octavia. Born about B. O. 39; poisoned A. D. 38. 503 antonia avgvsta. Very sweet bust of Antonia r. R. constantiae avgvsti. Ceres standing, holding long torch and cornucopia. Aureus. Fine. Very rare. Plate. C. 1. 504 Same as last, the expression of Antonia even sweeter than the last, but, unfortunately, the coin has been cleaned and field before bust on obverse scraped; the reverse also has several small but deep dents. Aureus. Fine. Very rare. Plate. C. 1. AGRIPPINA SENIOR, Wife of Germanicus, born B. C. 15. Starved to death A. D. 33. 505 agrippina . m. f. mat. c. caesaris . avgvsti. Fine bust of Agrippina r. R. s. p. Q. R. memoriae agrippinae. Carpentum or funeral car drawn by two mules 1. 1st brass. Fine. Plate. NERO AND DRUSUS, Sons of Germanicus and Agrippina. 506 nero et drvsvs caesares. The youths on horseback r. R. Long- inscription. 2nd brass. Good. C. 1. CALIGULA, A. D. 37-41. 507 c. caesar. avg. pon. m. tr. pot in cos. in. Head of Caligula laureated r. R. divvs. avg pater patriae. Radiate crowned head of 36 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. CALIGULA TO AGRIPPIXA, JR. Augustus. Aureus struck A. D. 40. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. C. 6. 508 c. caesar avg. germanicvs pon. m. tr. pot. Fine head of Caligula 1. R. vesta s.c. Vesta seated 1. 2nd Br. Brown pat. Fine. C. 27. CLAUDIUS, A. D. 41-54. 509 ti . clavd . caesar . avg . p . m . tr . t. Very fine portrait head r. R. constantiae avgvsti. Constantia seated 1. Aureus, struck A. D. 4. Very fine. The edge rounds in close on lower side. Plate. C. 4. 510 ti clavd . caesar . avg . p.m tr.p vi imp xi. Small and very long necked bust filleted r. R. As last. Aureus struck A. D. 46. Obverse evenly struck, the reverse off center. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 7. 511 ti clavd caesar avg. p.m. tr.p. Fine, large head laureated r. R. imper. recept on the walls of a Pretorian camp; in the center a gateway, in which are a soldier and trophy. Aureus struck A. D. 41. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 512 ti clavdivs caesar . avg . p . m . tr . p . imp. p. p. Head of Claudius r. R. Wreath enclosing ex. s.c. p. p ob cives servatos. 1st Br. Without patination. Very good. 513 ti clavdivs caesar . avg p . m . tr . p . imp. p. p. Head of Claudius 1. R. s. c. Minerva r. 2nd Br. Fine. CLAUDIUS AND AGRIPPINA, JR.,, Sister of Caligula and fourth wife of Claudius, mother of Nero. Born A. D. 16. Assassinated by order of Nero A. D. 59. 514 ti clavd . caesar . avg . germ p.m. trib. pot. p. p. Head of Claudius laureated r. R. agrippinae avgvstae. Very fine bust of Agrippina crowned with corn r. Aureus. Very fine. Rare. Plate. C. 3. AGRIPPINA, JR., AND NERO. 515 NERO . CLAVD . DIVI . P . CAES . AVG . GERM . IMP TR.P. COS, jugate busts of Agrippina and Nero r. R. agripp. avg. divi. clavd neronis. caes. mater. The Emperor and Empress seated on a oar with royal standard drawn by four elephants 1., in field ex. s.c. Aureus. Very fine. Has been washed. Two light, short scratches in obverse field. Very rare. Plate. C. 3. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. NERO TO GALBA. 37 NERO, A. D. 54-68. 516 nero caesar. Young head of Nero laureated r. R. avgvstvs germanicvs. Nero, wearing radiate crown, standing. Aureus. Very fine. Plate. C. 44. 517 nero caesar avgystvs. Older head of Nero laureated r. R. ivpiter cvstvs. Jupiter seated 1. Aureus. Extremely fine. Slight dent on edge. Plate. C. 118. 518 nero . caesar . avg . imp. Fine unlaureated youthful head of Nero r. R. pontif. max. tr. p. vn.cos iiii.p.p. in wreath exsc. Aureus struck A. D. 60. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 217. 519 nero caesar avgvstvs. Large older head of Nero laureated r., short neck. R. salvs. Hygieia seated 1. Edge has triangular defect in the planchet, but not touching legend. Aureus. Very fine. C. 313. 520 Same obverse as last. R. ivppiter cvstos. Jupiter seated. Denarius. Fine, but severely cleaned. C. 119. 521 nero clavd caesar avg ger. p. m. tr. p. imp. p. p. Fine head of Nero laureated r. R. roma s c. Rome seated 1., holding a Vic- tory on outstretched right hand. 1st Br. Very fine. Plate. G. 278. 522 Same type and inscription, but head faces to the left. 1st Br. Fine. Plate. 523 imp nero caesar avg pontif max trib pot p p. Head of Nero laureated r. R. annona avgvsti ceres s c. Ceres seated. 1st Br. Very good, but has a sweated appearance. Chip out of reverse near edge. C. 23. 524 nero caesar avg germ imp. Head of Nero laureated r. R. pace p. r. vbiq parta ianvm CLVSIT s. c. Temple of Janus closed. 2nd Br. Very fine. C. 164. 525 nero clavd caesar avg ger p. m. tri imp pp. Large head r., with radiate crown. R. As last. 2nd Br. Very fine. Dark green pat. Plate. C. 165. GALBA, A. D. 68-69. 526 imp . ser . galba avg. Fine portrait bust of Galba r. R. s p q r o b c s in two lines in wreath. Aureus. Very fine. Rare. Struck slightly off center. Plate. G. 286. 527 Obverse same as last. R. SPQROBesin wreath. Denarius. Very fine and an unlisted variety. 528 ser. galba. imp. caes. avg pm trp. Head of Galba laureated r. R. e x s c o b cives ser in wreath. 1st Br. Fine. Plate. G. 60. 38 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. OTHO TO VESPASIAN. 529 Inscription and head similar to last. R. roma s.c. Rome seated 1. 1st Br. Fine, but cleaned. Plate. C. 177. OTHO, A. D. 69 (80 DAYS). 530 imp m otho caesar avg trp. Very fine head of Otho r. R, secvri- tas pr. Securitas standing left. Aureus. Extremely fine. Evenly centered and sharply struck. Very rare. Plate. C. 16. 531 Same inscription and design as last. Denarius. Fine. Well and evenly struck. Rare. Plate. C. 17. VITELLIUS, A. D. 69 (8 MONTHS). 532 A vitellivs German imp trp. Large head of Vitellius r. R. xv. vir. sacr. fac. Covered tripod, surmounted by a dolphin; be- tween the legs, a crow. Aureus. Fine, but obverse slightly off center, two nicks in planchet at top. R. Pin scratch in field. Plate. C. 118. 533 vitellivs . German . imp . trp. Bust laureated of Vitellius r. R. libertas rest (itvta). Libertas standing. Denarius. Very fine. R. Off center, cutting off the ins. in brackets. C. 48. VESPASIAN, A. D. 69-79. 534 imp . vespa . avg tr (?) trpii cosiiii. Remarkable large head of Vespasian laureated 1. R. avgvsti virtvs. Soldier standing r., resting on long spear, his left foot on a shield ; in his left hand a baton with streamers. Aureus. Very good. The letters below head rather indistinct. Reverse inferior work to the obverse. A variety not in Cohen. Plate. 535 imp caesar vespasianvs avg. Small laureated head of Vespasian 1. R. cos vii. Heifer ( ? ) r. Aureus struck A. D. 76. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 115. 536 imp caesar vespasianvs avg. Small laureated head of Vespasian 1. R. cos viii. Victory crowning the Emperor. Aureus struck A. D. 77-78. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 131. 537 vespasianvs divvs avgvstvs. Laureated head of Vespasianus r. R. e x s c. Car drawn by four horses 1. Aureus. Very good. Has a cut along edge of obverse behind head. Plate. C. 145. 538 imp . caes . vesp.avg p. m. Large laureated head of Vespasian r. R. nep.red. Neptune standing 1. Aureus. Very fine. Small flan, so inscription is out to the edge, and slight scratch on rev. C. 272. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. VESPASIAN TO JULIA. 39 539 imp caesar vespasianvs avg. Large head of Vespasian laureated r., an unusual portrait. R. fort . red cos iter. Fortuna standing, right hand on a prow. Denarius. Very fine. C. 171. 540 Similar obverse. E. ivdaea. Captive seated near trophy. De- narius struck to commemorate the Capture of Judaea. Off center, cutting the lower letters on obv. Fine. C. 226. 541 Similar obverse. R. tri pot. Vesta seated 1. Denarius. Fine. C. 563. 542 imp caes vespasian avg p.m. t r p. p. p. cos ii. Large head of Ves- pasian r., laureated. R. pax avgvsti sc. Peace standing. 1st Br. Light green patina, which is chipped in several places. Fine. Plate. C. 327. TITUS, A. D. 71-81. 543 t caesar imp vespasianvs. Very fine portrait head laureated r. R. cos vi. Roma seated r., wolf and twins on ground in front, two eagles in field. Aureus struck A. D. 77-78. Extremely fine, sharp, even impression. Very rare. Plate. C. 64. 544 t caesar imp vespasian. Head of Titus r. R. pontif tr pot. Fortuna standing on an altar 1. Aureus. Very good. C. 166. 545 imp titvs caes vespasian avg pm. Fine, small head of Titus laureated r. R. tp p vim imp xiiii cos vi p p. Ceres seated 1. Aureus. Very fine. Plate. C. 269. 546 Head r. R. Car and quadriga. Head 1. R. Dolphin and anchor. Denarii. Scarce types. Fine. C. 278, 310. 2 pes. 547 t . caes . vespasian . imp . pon . tr . pot . cos ii. Head of Titus, laureated r. R. ivdaea capta s c. Judaea weeping under a palm, the Emperor standing behind it, resting on a spear, his right foot on a helmet. 1st Br. Fine. Brown. A highly interesting coin on the capture of Judaea. Plate. C. 113. 548 imp titvs caes vesp avg. p.m.tr.d.p.p. cos viii. Head of Titus laureated r. R. pax avgvst s.c. Peace standing 1. 1st Br. Fine. Plate. C. 139. 549 imp t caes avg p . m . t . r . p . cos. viii. Head of Titus r. R. aeqvitas avgvst s.c. Equity standing 1. 2nd Br. Fine. C. 4. JULIA, DAUGHTER OF TITUS, WIFE OF FLAVIUS SABINUS, DIED ABOUT A. D. 90-91. 550 ivlia imp t avg f avgvsta. Bust of Julia r. R. ( v ) esta s c. Vesta seated. 2nd Br. Good. C. 18. 40 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. DOMITIANUS TO TRAJANUS. DOMITIANUS, A. D. 79-96. 551 domitianvs avgvstvs. Very fine head of Domitianus laureated r. E. germanicvs cos xini. Minerva standing 1. Aureus struck A. D. 88-89. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 142. 552 domit cos in caes avg f. Small head of Domitianus laureated r. E. princeps ivventvt. Spes walking 1. Aureus struck A. D. 74. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 374. 553 imp caes domit avg germ pmtrp xiiii. Head laureated r. E. Pallas r., and inscription. Den. Fine. C. 291. 554 imp caes domit avg germ cos xi cens pqt pp. Head laureated. r. E. s c. Emperor shaking hands of man over a flaming altar, in background man holding a standard, while a soldier with spear and shield are on the right. 1st Br. Very good. Eare. C. 497. NERVA, a. d. 96-98. 555 imp nerva caes avg pm tr p cos in pp. Fine portrait head r. of Nerva laureated. E. portvna pr. Fortuna 1. Aureus struck A. D. 97. Extremely fine. Eare. Plate. C. 78. 556 Similar obv. E. libertas pvblica. Liberty standing. Denarius. Very fine. C. 106. 557 imp nerva caes avg pm trp cos in pp. Head of Nerva laureated r. E. vehicvlatione ita(laiae remissa.) s.c. Two mules grazing liberated from their yokes, which are in the background. It is evident from this coin that Nerva, in A. D. 97, established an office for providing horses, mules and conveyances along the roads for persons travelling on public business. 1st Br. Fine, but right side of reverse off and does not show letters in brackets. Plate. C. 143. TRAJANUS, A. D. 98-117. 558 imp caes nerva traian avg germ. Head of Trajan laureated r. E. pont max tr pot cos ii. Fortuna standing 1. Aureus struck A. D. 98. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 300. 559 Head and bust r. E. Hercules and Ceres. Denarii. Very fine. C. 212, 278. 2 pes. 560 IMP . CAES NERVAE traiano avg . ger. dac p.m. tr.p. cos. vi. pp. Draped bust of Trajan r. E, felicitas avgvst. Felicity stand- ing 1. 1st Br. Fine. C. 142. 561 IMP . CAES . NER . TRAIANO OPTIMO AVG. GER. DAC. P. M. TR.P COS VI T.P. Draped bust of Trajan r. B. senatvs popylysqye EOMANVS s.c Fine figure of Peace standing 1. 1st Br. Fine. Plate. C. 352. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. HADRIANUS TO SABINA. 41 562 Similar ins. Eadiate crown on bust of Trajan r. K. s. p. q. r. optimo princtpi s.c. The Emperor on horse riding down a man. 2nd Br. Fine. C. 510. PLOTINA, WIPE OF TRAJANUS. 563 plotina . avg imp traiani. Diademed, draped bust of the Empress r. E. caes avg germa dac . cos vi pp. Vesta seated 1., holds a Vic- tory in right hand. Aureus struck A. D. 112-113. Very fine. A faint scratch on hair at top of head. Ex. rare. Plate. C. 2. HADRIANUS, A. D. 117-138. 564 imp caes triaan hadriano avg divi tea parth. Fine draped bust of Hadrian r., laureated. R. divi. ner nep p m tr . p. cos. Head of Sun, below which oriens. Aureus struck A. D. 117. Fine. Two faint scratches in field of obv. and one on rev. Plate. C. 1003. 565 imp caesar traian hadrianvs avg. Very fine, large bust of Hadrian r., in armor draped and laureate. R. pmtep cos hi. Hercules standing r. Aureus. Extremely fine. Sharp and a gem. Plate. C. 1057. 566 hadrianvs avg cos hi p.p. Draped bust r. R. aegyptos. Egypt reclining. Denarius. Very fine. C. 96. 567 hadrianvs avg cos in p.p. Laureated head r. R. Africa. Africa re- clining. Denarius. Fine. C. 137. 568 imp caesar traian hadrianvs avg. Fine, large laureated and draped bust r. R. virt avg p.m.tr.p cos hi s.c. Valor stand- ing 1. 1st Br. Fine. Plate. C. 1464. 569 hadrianvs avg cos hi pp. Small bust, draped and laureated r. R. aegyptos s.c. Egypt reclining. 1st Br. Very good. C. 110. 570 imp caesar traianvs hadrianvs avg pp. Bust laureated r. R. pont max tr. pot xos in s.c. Rome seated 1. 1st Br. Fields tooled. Fine. C. 1187. 571 hadrianvs avgvstvs. Draped bust r. R. clementia avg cos hi pp sc. Clemency standing. 2nd Br. Very fine. Brown pat. C. 225. SABINA, WIFE OF HADRIAN. 572 sabina avg(vsta) hadriani avg p p. Draped bust of Sabina r. R, concordia avg. Concordia seated. Denarius. Fine. C. 12. 573 As last, another rev. veneri genetrici. Denarii. Vg. C. 24, 73. 2 pes. 574 sabina avgvsta hadriani avg p p. Fine bust of Sabina diademed and draped r. R. s.c. Venus seated 1. 2nd Br. Fine. Plate. C. 66. 42 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. AELIUS TO FAUSTINA, SENIOR. AELIUS, CAESAR, A. D. 136-138. 575 l aelivs caesar. Fine draped bust of Aelius r. E. trib pot cos ii. Concordia seated L, below concord. Aureus. Fine. Very rare. Plate. C. 71. ANTONINUS PIUS, A. D. 138-161. 576 antoninvs avg pivs pp tr p xii. Head r. E. cos mi. Equity standing 1. Aureus. Very fine. C. 234. Plate. 577 antoninvs avg pivs p p t r p xxiii. Laureated head r. E. pietati avg cos iiii. Pietas holding globe in right hand, child in left arm, while two other children are at her feet. Aureus. Fine. C. 622. 578 antoninvs avg pivs pp. Laureated bust r. E. t r pot cos iiii. Eoina Victrix seated to 1. Aureus. Ex. fine. C. 930. 579 divvs antoninvs. Draped bust r. E. divo pio. Monument, De- narius. Uncirculated. C. 353. 580 antoninvs avg pivs pp. E. Vase, etc. C. 836. Another, Ceres cos iiii. Denarius. Very fine. 2 pes. 581 antoninvs avg pivs p. p. tr. p. cos in. Laureated head r. B, s.c. Esperance 1. 1st Br. Fine. C. 754. 582 antoninvs avg pivs. Laureate head r. B. tr. pot. cos in s.c. Wolf suckling Bomulus and Eemus. First bronze. Very good. Scarce. Plate. C. 917. FAUSTINA, SENIOR, WIFE OF ANTONINUS PIUS. 583 diva avg favstina. Very fine, large draped bust of Faustina r. B. aeternitas. Aeternitas standing 1., holding patera and rud- der. Aureus. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 3. 584 diva favstina. Similar bust, but smaller, the mouth open and smil- ing. B. avgvsta. Empress as Ceres standing. Aureus. Fine. C. 75. 585 diva favstina. Very fine, large bust draped r. E. avgvsta. Em- press as Ceres standing 1., holding two torches. Aureus. Ex- tremely fine. Plate. C. 95. 586 diva favstina. Small bust draped r. B, ceres. Ceres standing 1. Aureus. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 135. 587 diva favstina. Diademed and draped bust r. B. avgvsta. Aeter- nitas standing. Denarius. Very fine. 588 diva avgvsta favstina. Diademed and draped bust r. E, fietas avg s.c. Piety pouring libation on an altar. 1st Br. Very good. C. 243. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. MARCUS AURELIUS TO FAUSTINA, JUNIOR. 43 MARCUS AURELIUS, A. D. 161-180. 589 m antoninvs avg tr p xxiii. Draped and laureated bust of Marcus Aurelius r. R. felicitas avg cos hi. Felicitas standing 1. Aureus. Very fine. Plate. 0. 177. 590 m. antoninvs avg germ tr p xxix. Laureated head r. R, liberal. avg . vi . imp vii cos hi. Liberalitas standing 1. Aureus. Ex- tremely fine. Plate. G. 416. 591 avrelivs caesar avg pn fil. Draped bust r. R. tr pot vii cos ii. Mars Victor standing 1. Aureus. Fine. C. 657. 592 m. antoninvs avg arm parte: max. Laureated bead r. R. trp xxii. imp v cos in. Aequitas seated 1. Aureus. Extremely fine. C. 89. 593 Denarii with armen. Captive seated; another, Minerva standing. Very good. 2 pes. 594 imp. caes. m. avrel Antoninvs avg pm. Laureate head r. R. con- cord avgvstor tr p xvi s.c. ex'g., cos in. Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus standing, shaking hands. 1st Br. Fine. C. 51. 595 m antoninvs avg trp. xxv. Laureate head r. R. imp vi cos hi sc. Victory supports a shield, vie ger. 1st Br. Very good. Green patina. C. 267. FAUSTINA, JUNIOR, WIFE OF MARCUS AURELIUS. 596 favstina avgvsta. Draped bust 1., the hair drawn tightly and smoothly and twisted into a knot at the back. R. avgvsti p ii fil. Diana to 1., holding bow and arrow. Aureus. Fine. C. 19. 597 favstina avg Pii avg fil. Draped bust in high relief 1., the hair waved over temples and tied at back in rows of pearls. R. concordia. Dove to r. Aureus. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 66. 598 Same as last. Very fine. Plate. 599 favstina avgvsta. Draped bust of inferior work r. R. salvti avgvstae. Hygieia seated 1. Aureus. Very good. C. 198. 600 Denarii. Bust. R. Different. Very fine. C. 70, 99, 144, 190. 4 pes. 601 favstina avgvsta. Diademed and draped bust r., the hair between diadem and front is held down by a wavy band. R. ivnoni reginae . s.c. Juno standing, peacock at her feet. 1st Br. Fine. Plate. G. 142. 602 Similar bust and inscription, but inscription carries from back to front of bust. R. laetitia. Laetitia standing. 1st Br. Obv. Fine. R. Poor. C. 149. 603 diva . favstina . pia. Draped bust r. R. sideribvs recepta s.c. Diana r. 1st Br. Obv. Fine. R. Vg. Plate. G. 215. 44 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. LUCIUS VERUS TO COMMODUS. LUCIUS VERUS, A. D. 161-169. 604 l vervs avg armenicvs. Very fine head r. R. tr. p. iiii imp ii cos ii. Victory standing r., supports shield, ins. vie avg on palm. Aureus. Uncirculated, brilliant. Plate. C. 247. 605 l vervs avg arm parth max. Laureated and draped bust r. R. tr p vi. imp mi cos ii. Victory standing supports shield, ins. vie par on top of palm tree. Aureus. Ex. fine. C. 276. Plate. 606 Obverse same ins. and bust. R. tr. p vii imp iiii cos hi. Victory walking 1. Aureus. Fine. C. 293. 607 l. vervs avg carm parth max. Laureate bust. R, tr. pot. vi. imp hi cos ii sc. Armenian captive seated, hands tied around a trophy. 1st Br. Very fine. Dark olive patination. Rare. Plate. LUCILLA, WIFE OF LUCIUS VERUS. 608 lvcillae avg antonini avg. Draped bust r. R. venvs. Venus standing 1. Aureus. Uncirculated, brilliant. Rare. Plate. C. 69. 609 Same as last. Aureus. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 610 lvcilla avgvsta. Large draped bust r. R. concordia. Denarius. Very good. C. 7. 611 lvcillae . avg. antonini avge. Small draped bust r. R, pietas. Piety standing at flaming altar. Denarius. Very fine. C. 50. 612 Same as last. R. vota pvblica in wreath. Denarius. Vf. C. 98. 613 lvcilla avgvsta. Draped bust r. R. ivna regina s.c. Juno standing, peacock at feet. 1st Br. Very good. C. 43. 614 lvcillae avg antonini avge. Draped bust r. R. vesta s.c. Vesta standing 1. 1st Br. Fine. Pale pea green patina, which is scraped in two places on reverse. Plate. C. 94. COMMODUS, a. d. 177-192. 615 l avrel commodvs avg. Youthful draped laureated bust r. R. tr p iiii imp hi cos ii pp. Mars marching r. Aureus. Ex- tremely fine. Rare. Plate. C. 768. 616 m. commodvs . p. brit. fel. Laureated bust r. R. p. m. tr.px imp vii cos. iiii. p.p. Felicity with caduceus and cornucopia. De- narius. Very fine. C, obv. 481, R. 479. 617 m. commodvs ant. p. felix avg. brit. Laureate bust r. R. virtvti avg. p.m. tr . p. vii. imp. vin . cos(v. p. p.)sc. Valor standing 1., with Victory, long spear and shield. 1st Br. Fine. Plate. C. 967. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. CRISPINA TO CLODIUS ALBINUS. 45 618 m. commodvs antoninvs avg. Head laureate r. R. The Emperor on an estrade between two men, another before him, The inscrip- tion is indistinct, though many letters show. Obv. Fine. 1st Br. 619 Similar obv. R. Elephant r., half letters of ins. off. 2nd Br. Fine. C. 378. CRISPINA, WIFE OF COMMODUS. 620 crispina avgvsta. Draped bust r. R. venvs felix. Venus seated 1., a dove beneath the throne. Aureus. Fine. Very rare. Plate. 0. 39. 621 crispina avgvsta. Draped bust r. R. ivno. Juno standing. Den. Very good. 0. 21. 2 pes. 622 crispina avgvsta. Draped bust r. R. ve(n)v(s) s.c. Venus standing. 2nd Br. Fine. obv. Green pat. C. 23. PERTINAX, A. D. 193. 623 imp caes p helv pertin. avg. Laureated head r. R. laetitia . tempor . cos ii. Laetitia standing 1. Aureus. Very fine. Ex- tremely rare. Plate. 0. 18. DIDIUS JULIANUS, A. D. 193, A FEW WEEKS. 624 imp. caes. m. did. sever, ivlian. avg. Head laureate r. R. rector orbis. s.c. The Emperor standing. 1st Br. Obverse fine; reverse good. Brown color. Very rare. Plate. C. 17. DIDIA CLARA, DAUGHTER OF DIDIUS JULIANUS. 625 didia cla(ra avg). Bust draped r. R. (hilar temp) or s.c. Woman standing. 1st Br. Head good, rest poor. Cut on rev. Very rare. C. 4. PESCENNIUS NIGER, A. D. 193-195. 626 imp. a. caes. c. pes(ce.i)sti.av. Bust laureate r. R. victor ivsti avg. Victory walking 1. Letters in brackets do not show, and several others show in part only. Denarius. Good for this coin. Extremely rare. CLODIUS ALBINUS, A. D. 193-197. 627 imp caes d clo. ( sep ) alb. avg. Laureate bust r. R. vict. avg cos ii. Victory walking r. Denarius. Very fine. Obverse slightly off center. Rare. 628 d. clod . sept . albin caes. Head r. Obv. Good. R. Poor. 1st Br. 46 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. SEPTIMUS SEVERUS TO CARACALLA. SEPTIMUS SEVERUS, A. D. 193-211. 629 imp cae. l. sep. pert avg. Laureated head r. E. vict. avg. tr. p. cos. Victory walking 1. Aureus. Uncirculated. Eare. Plate. C. 681. 630 imp. caes l. sept sev . pert. (avg). Head laureate r. E, (fe)lic tr. p. cos s.c. Felicity standing. 1st Br. Obv. Fine. E, Good. Planchet flat at lower corner, taking off letters in brackets. 631 Denarii. Head r. E. Neptune, C. 529. E, Victory, C. 744. Fine. 2 pes. JULIA DOMNA, WIFE OF SEPTIMUS SEVERUS. 632 ivlia pia felix. avg. Draped bust r. E. mat. avgg. mat. sen . m. patr. Julia seated 1. Aureus. Extremely fine. Eare. Plate. C. 110. 633 ivlia pia felix avg. Draped bust r. E, pietati. Piety sacrificing at an altar. Aureus. Extremely fine. Plate. Eare. C. 157. 634 ivlia domna avg. Large draped bust r. E. veneri . victr. Venus Victrix standing r. Aureus. Extremely fine. Eare. Plate. C. 193. 635 Same as last, but different dies. Aureus. Ex. fine. Eare. Plate. 636 ivlia avgvsta. A very fine draped bust r. E. cereri frvgif. Ceres seated 1. Denarius. Very fine. C. 14. 637 Denarii. E. pietas pvblica. C. 156. E. saecvli felicitas. C. 174. Fine. 2 pes. 638 ivlia dia felix avg. Draped bust r. E. i(v)nonem. Juno stand- ing 1., peacock at feet. 1st Br. Fine. C. 88. 639 Same ins. and design. E. vesta s.c. Temple of Vesta with four of the Virgins and flaming altar before it. 2nd Br. Eed oxide, of copper patination. Fine. Eare. C. 234. CARACALLA, A. D. 197-217. 640 antoninvs pivs avg germ. Laureated and draped bust r. p.m. tr. p. xviiii . cos. mi. p.p. Jupiter Serapis standing. Aureus. Un- circulated. Brilliant. Eare. Plate. C. 336. 641 antoninvs avgvstvs. Youthful portrait bust r., laureated and draped r. E. rector orbis. Caracalla nude, standing, holding orb and spear. Aureus. Uncirculated. Brilliant. Plate, Eare. C. 541. 642 antoninvs avg pont tr. p iiii. Youthful bust laureated and in armor r. E. victoriae avgg. Victory walking r. Extremely fine. Obverse struck slightly to one side. Aureus. Plate. Eare. C. 645. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. CAEACALLA TO GETA. 47 643 imp. caes. m.avr. antoninvs . avg. Bust draped and wearing spiked crown r. R. salvs antonini avg. Hygeia r. One and half denarius, weighing 128 grains. Extremely fine. C. 559. 644 Denarius. Different revs. C. 25, 81, etc. Very good. 3 pes. 645 m.avrel . antononinvs pivs . avg . brit. Laureate bust r., in cuirass, draped. R. p. m. tr. p. xvi. cos hi. pp. s.c. Mars stand- ing 1., captive at his feet. 1st Br. Very good. Cracked to center. Green pat. C. 217. CARACALLA, SEPTIMUS SEVERUS AND JULIA DOMNA. 646 antoninvs pivs avg pon tr piii. Youthful bust of Caracalla lau- reated r. R. concordia eaeternae. Bust jugate right of Sept. Severus and Julia Domna. Aureus. Uncirculated, brilliant. Extremely rare. Plate. C. 1. CARACALLA AND GETA. 647 antoninvs avgvstvs. Draped and laureated bust of Caracalla r. R. sep. geta. caes. pont. Draped youthful bust of Geta r. Aureus. Uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. C. 1. 648 antoninvs pivs avgg germ. Laureated bust r. R. p m trp xx cos mi pp sc Sun driving quadriga 1. 2nd Bronze. Patinated with red oxide of copper. C. 393. PLAUTILLA, WIPE OF CARACALLA. 649 plavtillae avgvstae. Draped bust r., the hair in finger puffs and tied at the back; the face unusually sweet and charming. R. concordiae aeternae. Plautilla and Caracalla standing, shaking hands. Aureus. Extremely fine, brilliant. An ex- ceedingly rare and beautiful coin. Plate. C. 9. 650 plavtilla avgvsta. Aged bust and not so fine work as last, r. R. venvs victrix. Venus standing 1., small Cupid before her, shield behind. Aureus. Fine. Very rare. Plate. C. 24. 651 Denarius. Type of last. Very fine. C. 25. 652 Denarius, as last. Fine. C. 25. 653 Denarius, obverse as last. R, concordia avgg. Concord standing. Fine. C. 1. geta, 211-212. 654 p. sept, geta caes pont. Boyish head r. R. secvrit imperial. Se- curity seated. Denarius. Extremely fine, brilliant. C. 183. 655 Denarius, type as last. Fine. 2 pes. 48 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. MACRINUS TO JULIA CORNELIA PAULA. 656 p. sept, geta pivs avg brit. Head r. R. trp hi cos ii pp. Billon denarius. Very good. C. 197. MACRINUS., A. D. 217. 657 imp. c. m. opel. sev. macrinvs avg. Laureated and draped bust r. R. pontf . max . tr . p . ii. cos. ii. p.p. Felicitas standing with Ca- duceus in right hand and cornucopia in left. Aureus. Uncir- culated, brilliant. Extremely rare. Plate. C. 92. 658 Denarius, type of obverse as last. R. aeqvitas avg. Equity stand- ing. Very fine. C. 2. 659 Similar obv. to last, though bust in cuirass and smaller. R. felicitas temporvm. Felicity standing. Denarius. Vf. C 19. 660 Similar obverse to last. R. iovi conservatori s.c. Jupiter to left. 1st Br. Very good. Artificially (?) colored red brown. C. 31. 661 Same legend. Bust draped, laureate r. R. pontif max trp ii cos ii pp. s.c. Jupiter standing. 2nd Br. Very fine. Patinated by coating of red oxide of copper. C. 90. 662 Same legend. Bust draped, laureate r. R, providentia decorvm s. c. Providence standing. 1st Br. Good. C. 109. *&■ DIADUMENIANUS, A. D. 217-218. 663 m. opel. diadvmenianvs . caes. Bust r., he was only 11 years old when executed by Elagabalus. R. princ ivventvtis. Diadu- menian standing, holding ensign in right hand, two more behind him. Denarius. Very fine. Rare. C. 6. 664 Same obv. R. Two ensigns behind and not any before Diadumenian. Denarius. Fine. 665 As last. Denarius. Fine. 666 M. OPEL. ANTONINVS DIADVMENIANVS CAES. BllSt r. R. As first. 2nd Br. Very good. Rare. ELAGABALUS, A. D. 218-222. 667 imp . Caes . M . avr . antoninvs . avg . Laureate draped bust r. R. victor . antonini . avg . Victory walking r. Aureus. Very fine. Rare. Plate. C. 288. JULIA CORNELIA PAULA, WIFE OF ELAGABALUS. 668 ivlia pavla avg. Bust i'. R. Concordia. Concord seated. De- narius. Very fine. C. 6. 669 Same as last. Billon denarius. Very fine. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. JULIA SOAEMIAS TO PAULINA. 49 JULIA SOAEMIAS, MOTHER OP ELAGABALUS. 670 ivlia soamias avg. Bust r. R. venis caelestis. Billon denarius. Fair. JULIA MAESA, DIED A. D. 225. 671 ivlia maesa avg. Bust r. R. pvdicitia. Billon denarius. Fine. C. 36. 672 ivlia maesa avgvsta. Bust r. R. piet( as a) vg. Piety standing. 1st Bronze. Fine. C. 31. 673 ivlia maesa avg. Bust r. R. saecvli felicitas s.c. Felicity standing. 1st Bronze. Very good. C. 47. SEVERUS ALEXANDER, A. D. 222-235. 674 imp. Alexander pivs avg. Laureate bust r. R. p. m. tr. p. v. cos. p.p. ii. Mars r., carrying trophy and spear. Mars' face is scratched. Not sharp on edge, right side. Faint scratch before face. Aureus. Very fine. Rare. Plate. C. 299 var. 675 imp. sev. alexand avg. Bust r. R. virtvs avg. Valor seated 1. Denarius. Very fine. C. 580. 676 IMP. ALEXANDER PIVS AVG. Bust r. R. PROVIDENTIA. S.C. 1st Br. Very good. 2 pes. BARBIA ORBIANA, THIRD WIFE OF SEV. ALEXANDER, MARRIED A. D. 226. 677 SALL. BARBIA ORBIANA AVG. Bust r. R. CONCORDIA AVGG. Concord seated. Billon denarius. Fine. Rare. C. 1. JULIA MAMAEA, MOTHER OF SEV. ALEXANDER, DIED A. D. 235. 678 ivlia mamaea avgvsta. Bust r. R. felicitas pvblica s.c. Felicity standing. 1st Bronze. Brown pat. Extremely fine. C. 21. maximinus i, a. d. 235-238. 679 imp maximinvs pivs avg. Bust r. R. fides militvm. Female standing between two ensigns. Denarius. Very fine. 680 As last, two. R. providentia avg, one. Denarius. Fine. 3 pes. 681 imp maximinvs pivs avg. Bust r. R. providentia avg s.c. Provi- dence standing. 1st Bronze. Fine. Dark green patina. 682 Obv. as last. R. fides militvm. 1st Br. 2nd Br. R. salvs avgvsti. Good. 2 pes. PAULINA, SUPPOSED WIFE OF MAXIMINUS I. 683 diva pavlina. Veiled bust r. R. consecratio. Empress on back of peacock in flight. Denarius. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 4 50 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. MAXIMUS TO PHILIP, SENIOR. MAXIMUS, A. D. 235-238. 684 maximus caes germ. Bust r. R. pietas avg s c. Sacrificial in- struments. 1st Bronze. Very good. Slightly flattened on two sides before striking. 685 Similar obv. R. principi ivventvtis s.c. Maximus standing near two ensigns. 1st Bronze. Good. GORDIANUS AFRICANUS, JUNIOR, A. D. 227. 686 imp. m. ant. gordianvs . afr. avg. Bust laureate and draped r. R. virtvs avgg. Valor standing. Denarius. Cleaned. Very good. Very rare. Plate. balbinus, a. d. 238, three months. 687 imp. caes. d. cael. balbinvs avg. Bust r., with spiked crown. R. Concordia clasped hands. Denarius. Fine. C. 3. 688 Ins. as last. Bust laureate, draped r. R. providentia deorvm s.c Providence standing. 1st Br. Fine. Dark green pat. C. 24. 689 As last. 1st Bronze. Good. PUPIENUS, A. D. 238, THREE MONTHS. 690 imp. caes. M. clod, pvpienvs avg. Bust with spiked crown and draped r. R. (am) or mvtvvs avg. Clasped hands. Double denarius ( ? ) . Very fine. Planchet slightly irregular. C. 1. 692 imp. caes. m. clod, pvpienvs avg. Very fine laureate and draped bust r. R. victoria avgg s.c. Victory standing. 1st Bronze. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 693 Similar obv. R. pax pvblica s.c. 1st Br. Two bad defects on edge. GORDIANUS PIUS, A. D. 238-243. 694 imp . gordianvs . pivs . fel. avg. Laureate and draped bust r. R. fort . redvx. Fortuna seated 1. Aureus. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. C. 96. 695 Denarii. R. Victory. Rome. Emp. on horse. Sun. Also 1st Br. Very good. 5 pes. 696 imp . gordianvs . pivs . fel. avg. Bust r. R. p.m. trp. ii. cos. pp. s.c. Piety standing. 1st Br. Very fine. Green patina. PHILIP, SENIOR, A. D. 244-249. 697 imp. M. ivl. phillippvs avg. Laureate and draped bust r. R. liberalitas avgg ii. Liberalitas standing 1., holding patera and ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. OTACILIA TO ETRUSCILLA. 51 cornucopia. Aureus. Extremely fine. Very slightly bent. Ex- ceedingly rare. Plate. C. 86. 698 Denarii. Bust. R. Female standing. Dif. Vg. 2 pes. 699 IMP. M. IVL. PHILIPPVS AVG. Bust r. R. AETERNITAS AVGG. S.C. Elephant and driver 1. 1st Br. Fine. Brown. 700 Similar obv. R. annona avgg. Annona standing. 1st Bronze. Very fine. Dark green patina. Slight crack in edge. 701 Similar obv. R. secvrit orbis s.c. Female seated. 1st Br. Vf. MARCIA OTACILIA SEVERA, WIFE OF PHILIP I, MARRIED A. D. 234. 702 OTACIL SEVERA AVG. Bust r. R. SAECVLARES AVGG IIII. HippO- potamus r. Denarius struck to bear reference to the secular games celebrated in the 1000th year of the founding of Rome and at which event this animal was exhibited in the Ampitheatre. Very good. 703 MARCIA OTACIL. SEVERA AVG. Bust r. R. CONCORDIA AVGG S.C. Concord seated 1. 1st Br. Fine. Green patina. 704 Same as last. 1st Br. Very good. PHILIP,, JUNIOR, a. d. 244-249. 705 Bust r. R. Prince of the Youth. Sacrificial imp. Den. Vg. 2 pes. 706 m. ivl philippvs . caes. Bust r. R. principi ivvent s.c. Philip standing 1. 1st Bronze. Fine. trajanus decius,, a. d. 249-251. 707 imp c. m. q. traianvs decivs avg. Laureate and draped bust r. R. adventvs avg. Emperor on horse 1. Aureus. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. 0. 3. 708 Bust r. adventvs avg. libertas avg. salvs avgg. Denarii. Fine. 3 pes. 709 Bustr. R. panno(nia). Two females standing. 1st Br. Obv. Good. R. Poor. HERENNIA ETRUSCILLA,, WIFE OF TRAJANUS DECIUS. 710 her. etrvscilla . avg. Diademed and draped bust r. R. pvdicitia avg. Pudicitia seated 1. Aureus. Extremely fine. Exceed- ingly rare. Plate. C. 18. 711 Obv. as last. R. pvdicitia avgg. Den. Very fine. 712 Same. Very good. 713 HERENNIA ETRVSCILLA AVG. Bust r. R. (p)VDICITIA AVG. 1st Br. Obv. Good. R. Poor. 52 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. HOSTILIANUS TO VALERIANIC, SENIOR. HOSTILIANUS, A. D. 249-252. 714 c. valens. hostil mes. qvintvs. N.c. (Nobilis Caesar). Bust f. R. principi ivventvtis. Hostilianus standing. Denarius. Very fine. Scarce. 715 Same type. 1st Bronze. Good. Fields rubbed down. Scarce. TREBONIANUS GALLUS, A. D. 251-254. 716 imp. cae. c. vib. treb. gallvs avg. Radiate crowned and draped bust r. R. libertas avgg. Libertas standing 1. Aureus. Ex- tremely fine. Cleaned. Very rare. Plate. C. 62. volusianus, a. d. 251-254. 717 imp. cae. c. vib. volvsiano avg. Bust r. R. concordia avgg. Con- cord standing. Denarius. Extremely fine. 718 Similar obv. R. p . m . trp mi cos n. Volusianus standing. Den. Vf. AEMILIANUS, A. D. 253-254. 719 imp. aemilianvs. pivs. fel. avg. Bust draped and with spiked crown r. R. ercvl victori ( not very clear ) . Hercules r. Denarius. Fine. Rare. C. 12. VALERIANUS, SENIOR, A. D. 253-260. 720 imp. c. p. Lie. valerianvs avg. Laureate and draped bust r. R. iovi. conservatori. Jupiter Conservator 1. Aureus. Very good. Cleaned. Rare. Plate. C. 91. 721 imp. c. p. Lie. valerianvs avg. Laureate and draped bust r. R. laetitia . avgg. Laetitia standing 1. Small aureus. Very fine. Sligbtly bent across the coin down in front of face. Very rare. Plate. C. 100. 722 valerianvs . nobil . caes. Bust r. R. fides militvm. Three trophies. Denarius. Edge rough in part. Extremely fine. 723 Denarius. Boy on goat (2). Sacrificial imp. Den. Good. 3 pes. mariniana, supposed wife of valerianic. 724 divae marinianae. Bust r. R. consecratio. Peacock standing facing. Billon denarius. Fine. Rare. 725 (diva)e marinianae. Bust r. R. (co)nsecr(atio). Peacock to r. 1st Br. Irregularly struck. Fair. Rare. 726 divae marinianae. Bust r. R. consecratio s.c. Peacock facing. 2nd Br. Good. Rare. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. GALLIENUS TO AURELIANUS. 53 GALLIENUS, A. D. 253-268. 727 imp. c. p. Lie. gallienvs . f. p. avg. Very fine laureate bust in armor r. R. PROViDENTiA avgg. Providentia standing 1., sword in right hand and cornucopia in left. Extremely fine. I believe this coin to be unpublished ! Plate. This coin is laid in ( not soldered or attached) an original antique gold mounting, con- sisting of a plain flat band, to the outer edge of which is escal- loped border, loop above. Weight of mounting, 55 grains. See Plate IX. 728 Denarii. Bust r. Dif. reverses (3). Fine. Salonina (1). 4 pes. SALONINA, WIFE OF GALLIENUS. 729 corn, salonina avg. Diademed and draped bust to r. R. veneri genetrici. Venus Genetrix standing 1. Small aureus. Ex- tremely fine. Exceedingly rare. Plate. C. 111. 730 saloninae avg. Bust r. R. venvs victrix. Venus standing. Den. Extremely fine. 731 Bust r. R. Eagle, lit. Year 13. Potin tetradrachm struck at Alexandria. Very fine. postumus, a. d. 258-267. 732 imp c postvmvs p. f. avg. Laureate and draped bust r. R. nept. comitt. Neptune standing 1. Aureus. Very fine. Faint scratch behind head and several bad scratches in field of the rev. Exceedingly rare. Plate. C. 204. 733 Denarii. Bust r. R's. Moneta and Neptune. Fine. 2 pes. VICTORINUS, A. d. 265-267. 734 (im)p. c. victorinvs . p. f. avg. Bust r. R. salvs avg. Health walking r. Billon den. Very fine. AURELIANUS, A. D. 270-275. 735 imp. avrelianvs . avg. Bust r. R. Concordia avg. Aurelian and Severina standing, shaking hands ; bust of the Sun above. 2nd Bronze. Fine. Dark green patina. C. 35. 736 Similar obv. R. fortvna redvx. Fortune seated 1. 3rd Br. Extremely fine. 737 Similar obv. R. Sun and two captives, another of Severina. 3rd Br. Very good. 2 pes. 54 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. SEVERINA TO DIOCLETIANUS. SEVERINA, WIFE OF AURELIAN. 738 severina avg. Bust r. R. concordiae militvm txxt. Female standing, holding two trophies. 3rd Br. Very fine. TACITUS, a. d. 275-276. 739 imp. c. M. cla. tacitvs avg. Fine half-length bust r., wearing a spiked crown and cuirass, which is draped; over shoulder is a long spear or sceptre with two cross-arms near end. Aureus. Extremely fine. Exceedingly rare. Plate. C. 117. 740 IMP. CL. TACITVS . AVG. Bust r. R. TEMPORVM FELICITAS. Yar. 3rd Br. Extremely fine. 2 pes. probus, a. d. 276-282. 741 imp. c. m. avr. probvs. p. avg. Bust laureated and in draped cuirass r. R. secvritas saecvli. Securitas seated left, below sis. Aureus. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. C. 630. QUINTILLUS, A. D. 279. 742 Bust r. R. Female standing. 3rd Br. Extremely fine. Green pat. CARINUS, A. D. 282-283. 743 imp. c m. avr. carinvs . p. f. avg. Laureate bust in draped cuirass r. R. veneri. victrici. Venus Victrix to 1. Aureus. Extremely fine, but has x scratched under the chin. Plate. C. 138. magnia urbica., wife of carinus. 744 magn. vrbica. avg. Bust r. R. venvs victrix. Venus standing. 3rd Br. Good. Rare. DIOCLETIANUS, A. D. 284-305. 745 diocletianvs . p. f. avg. Large head in high relief, laureate r. R. iovi conservatori, on right side m, in ex'g. t. s. Jupiter Con- servator 1. Aureus. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. C. 253. 746 imp. c. c. val . diocletianvs. p.p. avg. Small bust laureate and draped r. R. romaea eternae. Roma seated 1. Aureus. Ex- tremely fine. Faint scratch on rev. Plate. C. 431. 747 imp. c. diocletianvs p.f.avg. Bust r. R. geino (sic) popvli ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. MAXIMIANUS HERCULES TO LICINIUS. 55 romani, ex'g., ale.. 2nd Bronze. Not given in Cohen with this reading of genio. Very fine. 748 IMP. DIOCLETIANVS P . F . AVG. Head r. E. SACRA . MONET . AVGG . et caess . nostr. Ex'g. aqs. 2nd Br. Very fine. MAXIMIANUS HERCULES,, A. D. 285-305. 749 maximianvs avgvstvs. Large head, laureate r., in high relief. R. Within wreath, xx maximiani avg smn. Aureus. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. C. 704. 750 maximianvs avg. Bust r. R. victoria sarmat (icae). Four soldiers sacrificing on a tripod before the open gate of a camp. Silver denarius. Very fine. CARAUSIUS, EMPEROR IN BRITAIN, A. D. 287-293. 751 imp. c. carvsivs. P. f. avg. Bust r. R. pax avg. Peace standing. 3rd Br. Very good. Scarce. THEODORA, SECOND WIFE OF CONSTANTIUS CHLORUS, MARRIED A. D. 292. 752 FL. MAX. THEODOR P . F . AVG. Bust r. R. PIETAS ROMANR. Empress standing. 3rd Br. Extremely fine. Green pat. GALERIA VALERIA, WIFE OF GALERIUS MAXIMIANUS, DIED A. D. 315. 753 gal. Valeria avg. Bust r. R. veneri victrici. Venus standing. 2nd Br. Extremely fine. 754 As last, and another dif. portrait. Fine. 2 pes. MAXIMINUS II DAZA, A. D. 305-313. 755 maximinvs avgvstvs. Laureate head r., in high relief. R. iovi conservatori avgg, in ex'g. s. M. t. s. Jupiter Conservator standing 1. Aureus. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. C.122. 756 gal. val. maximinvs. nob. caes. Head r. R. Male figure. 2nd and 3rd Br. Extremely fine. 3 pes. ROMULUS, BORN A. D. 306, DIED A. D. 309. 757 divo romvlo nvbis cons. R. aeter(nae) memoriae. Temple. 3rd Br. Fine. licinius, a. d. 307-323. 758 licinivs p. f. avg. Laureate bust in high relief r. R. votis v mvltis x. Ex'g. s. m. a. m. Victory to r., supports tablet, inscribed victoria avg., on pedestal. Aureus. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. C. 204. 56 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. CONSTANTINE THE GREAT TO CONSTANTIUS II. CONSTANTINUS MAGNUS, A. D. 306-337. 759 Head wearing jeweled diadem r. No inscription. E. victoria constantini avg., in ex'g. s. m. n. r. Victory seated r., holding shield, ins. vot xxx, supported by a Cupid. Aureus. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. C. 617. 760 constantinvs p. f. avg. Laureated head r. R, virtvs avgvstin, ex'g. s. m. t. Mars walking r. with spear and over shoulder he carries a trophy, a captive at either side. Aureus. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 681. FAUSTA, WIFE OF CONSTANTINE, DIED A. D. 326. 761 FLAV. MAX. FAVSTA. AVG. Bust r. R. SALVS REIPVBLICAE. The Queen with Constantine II and Constance in her arms. 3rd Br. Extremely fine. 762 Similar obv. and rev. design, spes reipvblicae. 3rd Br. Ex. fine. 763 Small bronze coins, three sizes. Very fine. 10 pes. crispus, a. d. 317-326. 764 crispvs nobil . c. Bust in armor with spear and shield 1. R. Altar. beat . tranqlitas. 3rd Br. Extremely fine. 765 Similar to last and another bust r. Very fine. DELMATIUS, NEPHEW OF CONSTANTINE,, A. D. 335-337. 766 FL . DELMATIVS . NOB . C. Bust r. R. GLORIA EXERCITVS. TWO SOl- diers. 4th Bronze (?). Extremely fine. CONSTANTIUS II, A. D. 335-361. 767 fl. ivl. constantivs perp. avg. Bust with jeweled diadem, and draped r. R. gloria rei pvblicae, in ex'g. s m n s. Rome and Constantinople holding shield inscribed vot xx mvlt xxx. Solidus. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 108. 768 fl. ivl. constantivs p. f. avg. Very fine bust in helmet, armor, spear and shield r. R. gloria rei pvblicae, ex'g. esmp. Rome and Constantinople seated, holding shield inscribed vot xxx mvlt xxxx. Solidus. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 117. 769 fl. ivl. constantivs nob. c. Diademed and draped bust r. R. principi ivventvtis. The Emperor holding labarum, behind him two standards. In ex'g. ts. Solidus. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 162. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. CONSTANS I TO HELENA. 57 770 dn. constantivs pf avg. Bust r. K. VOTIS XXX MVLTIS xxxx in wreath. Ex'g. sirm. Silver denarius. Extremely fine. C. 343. 771 Bust in helmet with spear 1. Bust r. Bust 1. 2nd and last 3rd Br. Fine. 3 pes. CONSTANS I, a. d. 337-350. 772 constans avgvstvs. Diademed and draped bust r. R. victoriae dd nn avgg, in ex'g. tr. Two Nemeses support shield, ins. vot x mvlt xx. Solidus. Extremely fine. Light scratch on rev. Plate. 0. 165. 773 dn. costans. pf. avg. Bust 1. R. Soldier leading a captive. 3rd Bronze. Extremely fine. magnentius, a. d. 350-353. 774 dn. magnentivs . p f avg. Bust draped r. R. victoria avg lib romanor, ex'g. s. m. a. q. Victory and female with sceptre sup- port a trophy. Solidus. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 48. 775 Similar obv. R. Two angels sup. shield. 3rd Br. Lyons. Ex. fine. decentius, a. d. 351-353. 776 Second and third bronze. Dif., one with monogram of Christ. Very fine. 4 pes. julianus ii (the philosopher), a. d. 360-363. 777 fl. cl. ivlianvs p p avg. Bust wearing diadem and draped r. R. virtvs exercitvs romanorvm, ex'g. s.i.r.m. Soldier carrying- trophy in left hand, while with the right he drags along a cap- tive. Solidus. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. C. 78. 778 dn. cl. ivlianvs . nob. caes. Youthful bust, draped, r., very light dents on cheek. R. gloria rei pvblicae, ex'g. konstn. Solidus. Very fine. Rare. Plate. C. 25. 779 dn ivlianvs pf avg. Youthful bust r. R. votis v mvltis x, ex'g. tcon. Silver denarius. Very good. 780 fl. cl. ivlianvs pf avg. Aged bust with beard, diadem, etc. R. votis x mvltis xx, in ex'g. ant. Silver denarius. Extremely fine. Planchet nick on edge. 781 dn. fl. cl. ivlianvs pf avg. Similar bust. R. vot x mvlt xx, ex'g. const. Silver denarius. Fine. HELENA, WIFE OF JULIANUS II AND DAUGHTER OF CONSTANTINE THE GREAT AND FAUSTA. 782 FL. HELENA AVGVSTA. Bust r. R. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICA. 3rd Br. Very fine. 58 roman imperial coins. jovianus to valentinianus ii. jovianus, a. d. 363-364. 783 dn iovianvs pep avg. Very fine, large bust with diadem, armor draped r. K. secvritas reipvblicae, ex'g. ant z. Eome and Constantine seated support shield with vot x mvl x. Solidus. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 8. 784 dn. iovianvs pf avg. Bust r. R. vot v mvlt x. Silver den. Cracked in from edge. Very good. VALENTINIANUS I, A. D. 364-375. 785 dn valentinianvs pf avg. Large bust with rich diadem and draped r. R. restitvtor reipvblicae,, ex'g. s m n s. Solidus. Ex- tremely fine. Plate. 786 Similar obv. R. vot x mvlt xx, ex'g. smn. Silver denarius. Ex. fine. 787 Similar obv. R. Soldier leading captive. 3rd Br. Ex. fine. 788 Bust with helmet r. R. Man and boat. 2nd Br. Fine. VALENS, a. d. 364-378. 789 dn. valens per. f. avg. Draped and diademed bust r. R. resti- tvtor reipvblicae, ex'g. anta. Eniperor holding labarum and Victory. Solidus. Fine. Has been mounted — slight solder on reverse. 790 Similar obv. R. vrbs roma. Rome seated 1. Silver den. Vf. 791 Similar obv. R. Victory 1. 3rd Br. Very fine. gratianus, a. d. 375-383. 792 dn. gratianvs p. f. avg. Bust in helmet, armor, shield and spear 1. R. vota pvblica, ex'g. trobs. Two Emperors seated facing in rich robes. Solidus. Extremely fine. Plate. 793 dn. gratianvs p f avg. Diademed and draped bust r. R. victoria avgg, ex'g. trobt. Solidus. Extremely fine. Plate. 794 Similar obv. R. Victory. 3rd Br. Extremely fine. VALENTINIANUS II, A. D. 3S0. 795 dn. valentinanvs p. f. avg. Diademed and draped bust r. R. victoria avgg, ex'g. con, in field tr. Two Emperors seated, Vic- tory behind them. Solidus. Uncirculated. Plate. 796 As last, different dies. Uncirculated. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. THEODOSIUS TO ARCADIUS. 59 THEODOSIUS, A. D. 379-395. 797 dn. THEODOSivs p.t. avg. Bust diademed and draped r. R. vic- toria avgggh, ex'g. conob. Emperor to r., trampling on a foe. Solidus. Very fine. 798 dn . theodosivs p.f.avg. Bust diademed and draped r. R. vic- toria avgg, ex'g. com. Two Emperors seated, Victory behind them. Solidus. Extremely fine. Slightly bent. 799 Similar obv. R. vrbs roma. Rome enthroned, holding Victory. Silver den. Fine. 800 Bust helmeted r. 2nd Br. Also 3rd Br. Very good. 2 pes. FLACILLA, FIRST WIFE OF THEODOSIUS,, DIED A. D. 388. 801 AEL. FLACCILLA AVG. Bust r. R. SALVS REIPVBLICAE, ex'g. CONSE. Female standing. 2d Br. (?). Good. maximus, a. d. 383-388. 802 DN . MAG . MAXIMVS PF AVG. Bust r. R. VIRTVS ROMANORVM, ex'g. trps. Rome seated. Silver denarius. Extremely fine. 803 Same. Very fine. victor, a. d. 383-388. 804 dn. cl. victor p f avg. Bust diademed and draped r. R. virtvs romanorvm, ex'g. mdps. Silver denarius. Fine. Scarce. eugenius, a. d. 392-394. 805 Bust r. Ins. cut down on tops. R. Valor. Silver den. Fine, but cut down. HONORIUS, a. d. 393-423. 806 dn. honorivs . p . f . avg. Diademed and draped bust r. R. victori aavggg, ex'g. conob. Emperor with labarum and Victory tram- ples on foe. Solidus. Extremely fine. 807 Similar. R. Valor seated. Silver denarius. Planchet cracked in edge. Fine. ARCADIUS, a. d. 395-408. 808 d. n. arcadivs p. f. avg. Bust in helmet, armor, shield and spear, % f. r. R. concordia avggs, ex'g. conob. Rome seated. Solidus. Extremely fine. 809 d. n. arcadivs p. f. avg. Bust as last. R. victoria aavggg, ex'g. 60 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. EUDOXIA TO SEVERUS III. comob, in field m.d. (Milan). Emperor holding labarum and Victory tramples a foe. Solidus. Very fine. 810 D. N. ARCADIVS P F AVG. Bust as last. R. VICTORIAE AVGVSTORVN, ex'g. conob. Victory seated r. with shield, vot v mvl x. Chris- tian monogram in field. Semis. Ex. fine. Sab. 20. EUDOXIA, WIFE OF ARCADIUS. 811 ael. evdoxia . avg. Diademed bust, draped, facing r. R. Cross within laurel diadem, below con. Triens. Extremely fine and very rare. Plate. constantinus hi, a. d. 407-411. 812 d. n. constantinvs p. f. avg. Bust diademed and draped r. R. victoria avgg, ex'g. trobs. Emperor holding labarum and Victory tramples down foe. Solidus. Ex. fine. Plate. C. 5. GALLIA PLACIDIA, WIFE OF CONSTANTIUS III, A. D. 421. 813 d . n. galla placidia p. f. avg. Bust diademed and draped r. R. vot xx mvlt xxx, ex'g. conob, in field r. v. Victory supports long cross; star above. Solidus. Fine. Very rare. Plate. THEODOSIUS II, A. D. 408-450. 814 dn. theodosvs p. f. avg. Helmeted bust facing, holding spear. R. imp. xxxxii cos xvii p.p., ex'g. conob. Roma seated 1. Solidus. Very fine. Pin-head nick in field. 815 dn. theodosivs p.f avg. Small helmeted bust facing, with spear. R. vot xxx mvlt xxxx z., ex'g. conob. Roma seated 1. Solidus. Extremely fine. VALENTINIANUS III, A. D. 424-455. 816 d.n. pla. valentinianvs p. f. avg. Bust with diadem and draped r. R. victoria avggg, ex'g. conob, in field r. v. Emperor standing, holding cross and Victory, his right foot on a dragon. Solidus. Extremely fine. Plate. SEVERUS in, a. d. 461-465. 817 d. n. libivs . severvs. p.f. avg. Diademed bust in armor. R. vic- toria ... avggg . ex'g. comob. Emperor facing with cross and Victory, his right foot on a dragon's head. Solidus. Vf. Plate. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. ANTHEMIUS TO JUSTINIANUS I. 61 ANTHEMIUS, A. D. 467-472. 818 d.n. anthemivs p. f. avg. Helmeted bust in armor, with spear, facing. K. salvs rieipvblicae, ex'g. comob. Two Emperors standing, facing, each with long spear in right and left hand, mutually support orb between them, above which a cross, below a star. Solidus. Extremely fine. Plate. C. 7. 819 Same type and ins., but of inferior work. On rev., hd or nd in place of the star. Solidus. Very fine. GLYCERIUS, a. d. 473-474. 820 d. n. glycerivs p . f. avg. Large diademed bust, draped r. R. vic- toria avgg, ex'g. comob,, in field r. v (Ravenna). Emperor standing, holding long cross and Victory. Solidus. Rather coarse work, but very fine. Very rare. Plate. From Ch. Robert and O'Hagan collections. C. 1. LEO II AND ZENO, A. D. 474. 821 Bust in armor, helmet and with lance, % r. R. Leo II and his father, Zeno, seated, facing, cross between them. Solidus. Ex- tremely fine. Sab. 1. ZENO, a. d. 474-491. 822 Bust in armor and helmet % r. R. Victory standing, supports long cross. Solidus. Extremely fine. Plate. S. 1. 823 Bust r. R. Victory. Triens. Fine. S. 6. ANASTASIUS 1, A. D. 488-518. 824 Bust in armor, helmet and with lance, % r. R. Victory standing, supports long cross. Solidus. Extremely fine. Scratch in field. B. M. C. 3. JUSTINUS, A. D. 518-527. 825 Large bust in helmet, armor and with spear % r. R. Victory stand- ing front face supports long cross in right and holds orb in left hand. Solidus. Extremely fine. Faint scratch in field. B. M. C. 5. JUSTINIANUS I, A. D. 527-565. 826 Large bust in helmet, armor and with lance facing. R. Victory to left, supports long cross. Solidus. Very fine. Plate. B. M. C. 7. 62 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. JUSTIN II TO CONSTANS II, CONSTANTINE, ETC. 827 Large bust in armor and helmet, facing r., supporting in his right hand the orb. K. Victory holding staff and orb. Solidus. Brilliant. Plate. B. M. C. 8. 828 Type as last, but smaller. Solidus. Extremely fine. B. M. C. 18. 829 Bust r. R. Victory standing. Tremises. Brilliant and in high relief. B. M. C. 22. justin ii, A. d. 565-578. 830 Bust facing in helmet and armor, holding orb surmounted by a Victory. R. Victory seated, staff in right hand, orb in left. Solidus. Extremely fine. B. M. C. 10. MAURITIUS TIBERIUS, A. D. 582-602. 831 Bust facing in armor, large helmet and right hand orb. R. Victory standing with staff and orb. Solidus. Ex. fine. B. M. C. 1 var. FOCAS, a. d. 602-610. 832 Diademed bust facing, holding orb. R. Victory standing. Solidus. Extremely fine. Plate. HERACLIUS AND HERACLIUS CONSTANTINE, A. D. 613-641. 833 Busts diademed facing. R. Cross on four steps. Solidus. Ex- tremely fine. B. M. C. 18. HERACLIUS, HERACLIUS CONSTANTINE AND HERACLIONAS, A. D. 630-611. 834 The three August! standing full length facing, diademed and with orb. R. Cross on three steps. Solidus. Extremely fine. Plate. B. M. C. 67. CONSTANS II, A. D. 641-668. 835 Large bust, full face, with long beard and orb. R, Cross on four steps. Solidus. Extremely fine. B. M. C. 34. 836 Similar to last. Solidus. Extremely fine. Plate. B. M. C. 280. 837 Bust with short beard, diademed, facing with orb. R. Cross on three steps. Solidus. Brilliant. S. XXXII, 5. CONSTANS II, CONSTANTINE IV, AND HERACLIUS AND TIBERIUS. A. D. 654-660. 838 Busts facing of the first two. R. Heraclius and Tiberius standing, between them cross on three steps. Solidus. Extremely fine. S., pi. XXXIV, 17. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. CONSTANTINE IV TO CONSTANTINE VI & IRENE. 63 CONSTANTINE IV, POGNATUS WITH HERACLIUS AND TIBERIUS, A. D. 668-669. 839 Bust of Constantine IV, with large helmet and spear facing. R. The two August! standing, between them cross on three steps. Solidus. Ex. fine. B. M. 0. 10. S. II, pi. 12, 3 var. JUSTINIAN II, A. d. 685-695. 840 Bust facing, holding orb. R. Cross on three steps. Solidus. Very fine. S. 5. B. M. C. 6. 841 Same type, though different dies. Extremely fine. B. M. C. 9 var. 842 Same type, but in higher relief. Extremely fine, brilliant. S., pi. 37, 6. Plate. 843 Same type. Cross on one step. Triens. Obv. not evenly struck, nick in field. Very good. S. 9. JUSTINIAN II AND TIBERIUS IV, A. D. 705-711. 844 Half lengths of Justinian and his son, Tiberius IV, facing and hold- ing between them a long cross. Inscription on right side off. R. Half length of Christ. Inscription perfect. Solidus. Very fine. Rare. B. M. C. 2. Plate. 845 Same design, but figure of Tiberius smaller. Inscription on right side of obverse only shows lower half of letters. Solidus. Very fine. Rare. B. M. C. 2. Plate. LEO III AND CONSTANTINE V, A. D. 716-741. 846 Bust facing of Leo III. R. Bust facing of Constantine V. Solidus. Very fine. B. M. C. 13. Plate. CONSTANTINE V AND LEO IV, A. D. 751-775. 847 Bust facing in rich dress and holding cross. R. Busts of Con- stantine and his son. Solidus. Fine. Rather small planchet cutting in tops of some of the letters on rev. B. M. C. 8. S. XL, 16. CONSTANTINE VI AND IRENE, A. D. 797-802. 848 Busts facing of Constantine VI and Irene. R. Standing figures of Leo III, Constantine V and Leo IV ( great grandfather, grand- father and father of Constantine VI). Solidus. Extremely fine. The obverse sharp and shows all of the inscription. R. Not quite even, the ins. on left side is all that shows. Very rare. Plate. S. 2, 68, 1. B. M. C. 1. 64 ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. IRENE TO CONSTANTINE IX. IRENE, A. D. 797-802. 849 Bust full face with orb and sceptre, eirinh basiliss ho. R. Sim- ilar bust, inscription on left confused, that on right perfect, basiliss h. Solidus. Very fine. Very rare. S. 1. B. M. C. 1. Plate. THEOPHILUS, MICHAEL II AND CONSTANTINE, A. D. 832-839. 850 Bust of Theophilus facing with cross. B. Busts of Michael II (his father) and Constantine (his son) . Solidus. Very fine. B.M.C. 6. 851 Rude bust of Theophilus. R. Bust of Michael or Constantine. Solidus of barbaric fabric, struck in lower Italy. Very fine. B. M. C. 56. Plate. CONSTANTINE VII AND ROMANUS II, A. D. 945-959. 852 Half lengths of Constantine and Romanus facing, support cross be- tween them. R. Full face bust of Christ in high relief. Solidus. Extremely fine. B. M. C. 60. Plate. ROMANUS III, a. d. 1028-1034. 853 Full length of Romanus in rich attire with orb, being crowned by the Virgin, who stands beside him. R. Christ enthroned. Solidus. Very fine. B. M. C. 2. S. 1. Plate. 854 Type as last, but the figure of the Virgin larger than that of Romanus. Solidus. Extremely fine. B. M. C. 2. S. 1. 855 Same type. Solidus. Fine. MICHAEL IV, A. D. 1034-1041. 856 Half length of Michael in rich attire, diademed, holding labarum in right hand and orb in left, while hand from Heaven casts blessing on his head. R. Bust of Christ. Superb solidus in brilliant condition. S. 1. B. M. C. 1. Plate. 857 Similar, but figure of Michael much larger and not of as fine work. Concave solidus. Extremely fine. CONSTANTINE IX, MONOMACHUS, A. D. 1042-1055. 858 Half length facing of Constantine, diademed and holding labarum and orb. R. Bust of Christ. Thick, small solidus. Extremely fine. Evenly struck. Rare. Plate. B. M. C. 4. 859 Half length of Constantine with sceptre and orb, facing. R. Figure of Christ seated on a throne. Broad concave solidus. Ex- tremely fine. B. M. C. 8. Plate. ROMAN IMPERIAL COINS. THEODORA TO JOHN II. 65 THEODORA, A. D. 1055-1056. 860 Half length of Theodora facing in rich attire, crowned and with sceptre and orb. K. Bust of Christ. Thick, small solidus, per- fectly centered, with broad outer margins, and extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. S., pi. 49, No. 14. B. M. C. 1. 861 Same design, but larger bust of Theodora. Solidus. Fine, though slightly worn and chip cut off edge, not invading the design. Very rare. ISAAC I, COMNENUS, A. D. 1057-1059. 862 The Emperor standing with drawn sword. R. Christ seated. Con- cave solidus. Extremely fine. S., pi. 49, No. 17. B. M. C. 3. Plate. s CONSTANTINE X, DUCAS, A. D. 1059-1067. 863 Emperor standing full face with labarum and orb. R. Christ en- throned. Concave solidus. Extremely fine. B. M. C. 1. Plate. 864 The Emperor and Virgin standing front face. R. Christ enthroned. Concave solidus. Extremely fine. B. M. C.4. ROMANUS IV, A. D. 1067-1071. With Eudocia and Michael, Constantine and Andronicus. 865 Christ standing on a platform, crowning the Emperor Romanus IV, who stands at his right, and Eudocia, who is on the left. R. Their three sons standing. Concave solidus. Perfectly struck and in superb, brilliant condition. B. M. C. 1. S. 4. Plate. ALEXIUS 1, a. D. 1081-1118. 866 Emperor standing full face in robe adorned on the border with large dots ; sceptre in right hand and orb in left, while hand of Provi- dence extends from side, blessing him. R. Christ seated. Broad, concave solidus. Extremely fine. B. M. C. 5. Plate. JOHN II, COMNENUS, A. D. 1118-1143. 867 The Emperor and Virgin standing, the latter crowning him. R. Christ enthroned. Semi-concave solidus. Very fine. B. M. C. 1. 868 Type as last, but broader and in brilliant condition. Said to be an inedited variety of S., pi. 53. B. M. C. 1. Plate. 869 Half length busts of the Emperor and Virgin holding long cross between them, above, hand of Providence pointing to John. R. 5 <><; ROMAN IMPERIAL AND EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. Christ seated. Broad, semi-concave solidus in brilliant condi- tion. B. M. C. 10. Plate. m and Virgin standing, the latter crowning him. R. Christ seated. Small, concave solidus of coarse work. Very fine. B. M. C. 27. 871 872 873 MANUEL I, COMNENUS, A. D. 11131180. Emperor standing, the Virgin at side, crowning him. R. enthroned. Concave electrum solidus. Extremely fine. 55, No. 12. B. M. C. 21. Plate. Similar example. Very fine. Christ S., pi. ANCIENT GREEK GOLD EARRINGS. Found near Athens. Twisted rope terminating in a small boss (one has tip end of wire severed). Very fine. Weight, 5 pwts., 8 grs. Plate. Pair sold as one lot. 874 875 EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. So. African Republic. Extremely fine. AFRICA. Bust of Kruger. R. Arms. Pond. 1898. ANGLO GALLIC, Edward the Black Prince, A D. 1355-1376. Pavilion struck at Rochelle. ed . po . gns . reg . angl pn(s)aqvita. The Prince enthroned under a beautiful Gothic canopy, in the field at his sides are four detached ostrich plumes, so placed in commemora- tion of his having deplumed the helmet of the King of Bohemia ; at his feet two leopards. R. Cross fleury, the ends terminating in acorns; leopards and fleur-de-lis in fields. Tops off some of the letters in ins. Fine. Slightly dented. Plate. AUSTRIA. 876 1619-1637 Ferdinand II. Four ducats 1628. Bust in armor and great ruff r. R, Eagle crowned. Extremelv fine. Plate. S77 1658-1705 Leopold I. Broad four ducats 1669 for Styria. Bust in armor r. R. Arms in chain of the Golden Fleece. Ex- tremely fine. Plate. 878 1682 Leopold I. Double ducat 1682, struck at Vienna. Bust r. R. Eagle and arms. Extremely flue. EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. AUSTRIA, BAVARIA, BERMUDA, BRANDENBURG. 67 879 1687 Leopold I. Double ducat 1687 for Styria. Bust r. R. Crowned arms within collar of the Golden Fleece. Brilliant, like a proof. Plate. 880 1625-1657 Ferdinand III. 10 ducats 1629. Bust in armor, and scarf, wearing huge fluted collar r. Ferdinand hi d : g : h : b : rex. R. archidvx avstri^e etc 1629. Arms within collar of the Golden Fleece. A magnificent coin in semi-proof condition. Plate. 881 1651 Ferdinand III. 10 ducats 1651. Bust in armor, draped and laureated r., ferdinandvs : hi : d : g : rom : im. se : av : ge : hv : bo : rex. 1651 beneath bust. R. arc : dvx : avstd : bvr : s : k : c : c : tyr. Double-headed eagle, crowned and bearing an elaborate shield of arms, whilst between the tail are the Arms of Hungary. Very fine, though surface of obverse is slightly chafed. Plate. 882 1740-1780 Maria Theresa. Souverain (about $7), 1758. Bust r., with small crown. R. Arms on crossed sceptres, arch . avs . dvx. bvrg. brab. c. el. Fine. Plate. 883 1763 Maria Theresa. Ducat 1763. Bust r. R, Eagle. Semi- proof. 884 1871 Franz Joseph I. Broad 4 ducats. Bust r. Very fine, proof surface. BAVARIA. 885 1598 Maximilian. 8 ducats 1598. St. Henry standing with orb and sceptre, sanctvs . henricvs . rom . imperator . bavar : DVX. R. MAXIMILIANVS . DEI . G : CO : PAL : RHE : VT : BAVA . dvx. Arms crowned 1598. Extremely fine. Plate. BERMUDA. 887 Penny in gold. Bust of Geo. Ill, draped and wearing crown on back of head, by Kuchler. georgivs hi dei gratia rex. R. Bermuda 1793. Ship 1. Brilliant proof. The obverse from a pattern half penny. Restrike and a mule. Plate. 888 Penny in gold. The regular dies. Bust laureated r., by Droz. georgivs . in . d . g . rex. R. Bermuda 1793. Ship 1. Brilliant proof. Restrike. Plate. BRANDENBURG. 889 1726 Christian Charlotte, Guardian and Regent, 1723-9. Ducat 1726. Bust 1. R. Two c's croAvned. Very fine, but bent. 68 EUROPEAN AND SOUTH AMERICAN GOLD COINS. BRAZIL, ENGLAND, ETC. 890 1735 Carl Wm. Fred. Double ducat 1735. Fine bust r. R. Arms. Very fine. Badly scratched on obverse. 891 1757 Alexander. Ducat 1757. Bust r. c. f. c. (Christian Fred. Chas.). Alexander, d. g. m. b. d. b. & s (Dei Gratia Marchis Brandenburgensis Dux Borussiae and Silesia). Ex. fine. Plate. BRAZIL. 892 Peter II. Head of little boy r. R. Arms in wreath, in hoc signo vinces. . 6400 reis. The coin mounted in an ornamental band. Has had clasp at top. Very good. Size, 24y 2 . Weight, 14 pwts. Plate. BRUNSWICK. 893 1733 Louis Rudolph. Ducat. Head r. R, Wild man with pine tree supports arms. Very fine. Slightly bent. CHILI. 894 1819 Doubloon. Two volcanoes with sun between, a. d. 1818 in wreath; around, el estado de chile costit. independiente. R. Column, globe, star shining upon it, two flags crossed, por la razon, o la puerza etc. Very fine. ENGLAND. EDWARD III, A. D. 1327-1377. 895 Noble, 4th coinage, 1360-1369. After the Treaty of Bretigny, with title of Aquitaine and reading rex . angl dns hyb aqyt, omitting France. King standing with drawn sword and shield in a ship, tAvo ropes from prow, three from stern, from which a flag is flying. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Rare. Plate. 896 Noble. As last, but without flag. Uncirculated. Sharp impression. 897 Noble. As last. Very fine, but not so sharp on face. 898 Noble, 4th coinage, 1369-1377, after the breaking f the Treaty of Bretigny, type as last, except one rope from prow, and with French and Aquitaine titles, rex angl z franc dns hib z aqvit. Uncirculated. Splendid sharp, even impression. Slightly bent. 899 Noble. As last. Very fine, but not so sharp an impression. 900 Noble. As last. Very fine, but not so sharp an impression. EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. ENGLAND, RICHARD II TO HENRY VIII. 69 RICHARD H, A. D. 1377-1399. 901 Noble. King in ship with drawn sword and shield; one rope to bow, three to stern, no flag. B. Ending mediv . illorvm . ibat. Very fine, but clipped, invading inscription. Bare. henry v, a. d. 1413-1422. 902 Noble. King in ship with drawn sword and shield, mullet at sword arm, a mullet on side of ship. Ins. terminating dns hyb. E. Cross over lion in second quarter. Extremely fine and even, but face not up. 903 Noble. As last. Uncirculated. Sharply struck on face and else- where, except inscription on lower side of obv., which is doubled. 904 Noble. As last, but one rope from bow and three from stern, mullet below and annulet above sword arm. E. Cross before lion in first quarter and large pellet behind lion in fourth quarter. M. M., cross pierced. Very fine. EDWARD IV, A. D. 1461-1483. 905 Eose Noble, 2nd coinage. King standing with drawn sword and shield in ship, with rose on side; flag with e (Edward) astern. E. Floriated cross with emblazoned rose in center; lion and crown in each angle. Very fine. Well and evenly struck. Plate. HENRY VIII, A. D. 1509-1546. 906 Sovereign, 1st coinage. King crowned and in robes of state seated on a throne, sceptre in right and orb in left hand, portcullis at feet. M. M., lis. E. Arrow head. E. Arms on double rose, white and red, symbolical of the Union of the two Houses of York and Lancaster in the persons of Henry VII and his Queen, Elizabeth of York, surrounded by a single tressure of a floriate character. Very fine. Slight nick on edge. Very rare. Plate. 907 Sovereign. Type as last. M. M., lis on both sides. E. Outside of rose beaded line inside outer line, the ornamentation of the tressure is different also. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 908 Sovereign, 4th coinage. King of elderly aspect, crowned and en- throned, sceptre in rigbt and orb in left hand; double rose at feet; sides of throne curved. E. Lion and dragon support crowned arms, below monogram hr. Fine. Slightly bent. This coin has been mounted, the remains of which show very slightly in a small spot at either side of the throne and corresponding place on reverse. Very rare. Plate. \ 70 EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. ENGLAND, MARY TO JAMES I. MARY, A. D. 1553-1554. 909 Fine sovereign 1553, date in Roman numerals. The Queen en- throned, crowned and holding sceptre in right hand and orb in her left, portcullis at feet. Arms as before on double rose. An- nulets after each word and a pomegranate after maria. Ex- tremely fine. Nick on edge. Very rare. Plate. ELIZABETH, A. D. 1558-1602. 910 Fine sovereign. Same type as last. Extremely fine, a brilliant example, sharp, even impression. M. M. Escallop on both sides. Rare. Plate. 911 Pound sovereign (160)1. Bust of Queen in rich attire crowned 1. R. Arms crowned, e r at sides. Extremely fine and well struck. Rare. Plate. 912 Pound sovereign. M. M. Woolpack on both sides. Type of last. Extremely fine. 913 Half sovereign. M. M. Tun. As last. Extremely fine. Plate. 914 Half sovereign. M. M. Crown on both sides. Bust in plain dress, crowned, 1. R. Arms crowned, er at sides. Ex. fine. Plate. 915 Crown. M. M. Tun on both sides. Large bust of the Queen in rich attire, profusion of hair. R. As last. Ex. fine. Rare. JAMES I, a. d. 1603-1625. 916 Rose Ryal. M. M. Rose, both sides. King enthroned, sceptre in right and orb in left hand; crowned and robed, portcullis at his feet. R. Arms in center of double rose. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 917 Unite. M. M. Thistle. Half length in armor, crowned, drawn sword in right and orb in left hand, r. R. Arms crowned. Very fine. Plate. 918 Sovereign. M. M. Lis. Half length in rich armor crowned, sword and Mund r. R. Arms, faciam . eos. in gextem ynam. Very fine. Well struck. 919 Twenty shillings. M. M. Lis. Bust laureated 1. R, Arms on long cross. Extremely fine. Well struck. 920 Ten shillings. M. M. Trefoil. Typo as last. Very fine. Weak on head. 921 Five shillings. As last. Ins. weak at point of bust. Slightly bent. Very fine. EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. ENGLAND, CHARLES I TO WILLIAM III. 71 CHARLES I, A. D. 1625-1648. 922 Unite or 20 shillings. M. M. Negro head on both sides. Bust 1. R. Arms crowned. Fine obv., rev. double struck in parts. Plate. COMMONWEALTH, A. D. 1649-1660. 923 Unite or 20 shillings. M. M. Sun. the commonwealth of England. Shield of St. Geo. R. god with vs 1651. Shields of St. Geo. and Ireland joined, xx above. Extremely fine, brilliant. Rare. Plate. OLIVER CROMWELL, A. D. 1656-1658. 924 Broad or 20 shillings, by Simon. Fine head laureated 1., olivar. D . G . R . P . ANG . SCO . ET . HIB & PRO. R. PAX . QViERITVR . BELLO. Arms crowned, 1656 above. Edge milled. Splendid proof, the fields very slightly hairniarked. Very rare. Plate. CHARLES II, A. D. 1660-1684. 925 Unite or 20 shillings, by Simon. Very fine bust 1., laureated, hair in profusion, car . ii . d. c. m. br. fr. et. hi. rex. R. florent . concordia . regna . 1662. Square-topped shield crowned. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 926 Unite or 20 shillings. M. M. Crown. Bust laureated 1., carolvs ii . D.G. MAG BRIT . FRAN . ET . HIB . REX. XX behind bust. R. Same ins. as last. Oval shield crowned, dividing cr. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 927 Five guineas, 1672. Milled coinage, as are all following. Bust r. R. Arms forming cross, sceptre between. Fine. Slight edge dents. JAMES II, a. d. 1685-1688. 928 Five guineas, 1688. Bust 1. R. As last. Fine. Dent on cheek. WILLIAM AND MARY, A. D. 1688-1694. 929 Five guineas, 1692. Busts jugate r. R. Arms crowned. Superb specimen in proof state, and rare. Plate. 930 Guinea, 1691. Busts jugata r. Very good. WILLIAM III,, A. D. 1694-1701. 931 Five guineas, 1701. Large bust with hair flowing down below it. Brilliant, extremely fine condition. Plate. 72 EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. ENGLAND, ANNE TO EDWARD VII. 932 Five guineas, 1701. As last. Extremely fine, slight hair marks before bust. ANNE, a. d. 1702-1714. 933 Five guineas, 1714. Bust 1. R. Arms forming cross , sceptres between. Extremely fine, slight nicks on bust. Rare. Plate. 934 Two guineas, 1711. Design as last. Very fine. Slight dent on edge. GEORGE I, A. D. 1714-1727. 935 Five guineas, 1717. Head r. R. As last. Extremely fine. Rare. GEORGE II, A. D. 1727-1760. 936 Five guineas, 1741. Young head 1. R. Arms crowned. Extremely fine. Nick on cheek. Plate. 937 Five guineas, 1748. Old head 1. R. As last. Extremely fine. Plate. GEORGE III, A. D. 1760-1820. 938 Spade guinea, 1798. Bust. R. Pointed shield. Uncirculated. 939 Sovereign, 1820. Head. R, St, Geo. Good. 940 Half guinea, 1804. Head. R. Arms in garter. Uncirculated. GEORGE IV, A. D. 1820-1830. 941 Five pounds, 1826. Head 1. R. Arms on mantle, crowned. Proof, slightly chafed on obverse field. VICTORIA, a. d. 1837-1901. 942 Five pounds, 1839. Pattern by Wyon. Head 1. R, Victoria as Una directing the British lion with her sceptre. Brilliant proof. Rare. Plate. 943 Five pounds, 1839. As last. Proof, stained and dull. 944 Two pounds, 1887. Bust 1. Very fine. 945 Pounds, 1883, 1885, 1892, 1895. Different types. Very fine. 4 pes. 946 Proof set, 1887. Gold, pounds, 5, 2, 1, y 2 . Silver, 5, 4, 2y 2 , 2, 1, V2> V±- I n original case. Sold as one lot. EDWARD VII, A. D. 1901-1910. 947 Five pounds, 1902. Head r. R, St. Geo. Dull surface proof. Perfect. 948 Two pounds, 1902. As last in every respect. 949 Pound and half pound, 1902. As last. 2 pes. EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. FRANCE, PHILIP VI TO HENRY IV. 73 950 Proof set, 1902, of his gold and silver coins, all with the dull or sand-blasted surface. Gold, pounds 5, 2, 1, y 2 . Silver, shil- lings 5, 21/2, 2, 1, y 2 . Pence 4, 3, 2, 1. 13 pieces in original mint case. Set as one lot. FRANCE. 951 1328-1350 Philip VI of Valois. Pavilion d'or. philippvs dei gra franchorvm rex. The King in robes of state enthroned in a pavilion, the canopy covered with fleurs-de-lis. R. xp'c vincit xp'c regnat xp'c imperat. Cross fleury in tressure of four arches, crowns in angles. Very fine. Hoffman No. 8, pi. XVI. Plate. 952 1364-1380 Charles V. Franc-a-pied. karolvs. di. gr. francorv. rex. King in armor, with sword and sceptre, standing in an arch, fleur-de-lis at sides. R. Similar to last. Very fine. H. No. 2, pi. XXIV. Plate. 953 Charles V. As last. Obv. inscription blurred in a few letters. Fine. 954 1380-1422 Charles VI. Ecu d'or. Arms crowned, karolvs dei gracia francorvm rex. R. Similar to first lot. Very fine. H. 1, pi. XXV. 955 1422-1461 Charles VII. Royal d'or. karolvs di gr francorv rex. King in robes, standing facing, fleur-de-lis in field. R. As last. Very fine. H. 10, pi. XXXI. Plate. 956 1461-1483 Louis XL Ecu du Soleil. lvdovicvs dei gra francorvm rex. Arms crowned, sun above. R. Cross with fleur-de-lis at ends ; ins. as last. Fine. Scratch on rev. H. 1, pi. XXXVI. 957 Louis XL Ecu a la Couronne. Ins. as last. Crowned arms, crowned fleur-de-lis at either side. R. Floriated cross, crowns in angles in tressure ; ins. as above. Very fine. H. 4, pi. XXXVI. 958 1498-1515 Louis XII. Ecu au Pore-epic. Ins. as last. Crowned arms, with a porcupine at either side,hence name of coin. R. Ins. as above, cross with l's and porcupines in angles. Very fine. H. 6, pi. XLIIL 959 1515-1547 Francis I. Ecu du Dauphine. franciscvs dei gra fracor rex. Field quartered with fleur-de-lis and dolphins, sun above. R. Small cross, fleur-de-lis on ends, ins. as above. Very good. H. 19, pi. LV. 960 1589-1610 Henry IV. Jeton in gold, henri . mi . r . de . fran . et . nav. a M. M., Paris. Fine bust in armor, r. R. sva . circvit . orbe . fama. Fame standing on clouds. Restrike. Weight, 3y 2 pwts., IS gr. Size, 13y 2 . Plate. 74 EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. FRANCE, LOUIS XIII TO NAPOLEON III. 961 1G10-1643 Louis XIII. 10 Louis d'Or, 1640, by Warm. Draped and laureated bust r. lvdovicvs . xin . d . g . franc . et . nav . REX 1640. R. CHRISTVS . REGNAT . VINCIT . ET . M PER AT. CrOSS formed of addorsed l's crowned, in center a. M. M., Paris. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. Hoffman, No. 15, pi. LXXXIV. From the Mayer sale, Paris, 1902. Murdoch, London, 1903. 962 1641 Louis XIII. Louis d'Or, 1641. Head laureated r. R. As last. Very fine. H. 22. 963 1643-1715 Louis XIV. Louis d'Or, 1650. Head laureated r. R. Same as last. Fine. H. 12. 964 1713 Louis XIV. Louis d'Or, 1713. Head laureated r. R. Same as last. Sun in center. Struck at Rouen. Extremely fine. H. 33. Plate. 965 1715-1774 Louis XV. Louis d'Or, 1720. Sometimes attributed to John Law. Bust laureated r. lvd . xv . d . g . fr . et . nav . rex. 1720. R. Addorsed l's crowned, fleur-de-lis at sides and below, christvs . renat . vincit imperat . d — Lyons. Uncirculated. H. 11, pi. CVII. 966 1722 Louis XV. As last except date and mint n — Montpelier. Uncirculated. 967 1724 Louis XV. Louis dit Mirliton, 1724. Fine bust r. R. In- terlaced l's crowned between palm branches, chrs. regn . vinc . imp. M. M. e — Tours. Uncirculated. H. 14. 968 1764 Louis XV. Double Louis dit au bandeau, 1764. Head with long neck 1. R. Shields of France and Navarre crowned. M. M. k — Bordeaux. Very fine. H. 18. Plate. 969 1755 Louis XV. Louis d'Or, 1755. Type as last. M. M. d— Lyons. Uncirculated. 970 1774-1793 Louis XVI. Double Louis d'Or, 1786. Head 1., by Du Vivier. R. Similar to last, M. M. k — Bordeaux.. Vf. H. 5. 971 1799-1804 Consulate Napoleon Bonaparte, 40 francs an xi — bonaparte premier consul. Head 1., by Tiolicr. R, repvblique francaise 40 francs an xi. Extremely fine. Scarce. Plate. 972 1804-1814-1815 Empire, Napoleon I, 20 francs, 1813. Head lau- reated 1., NAPOLEON EMPEREUR. R. EMPIRE FRANCAIS . 20 francs 1813. Extremely fine. 973 1814-1824 Louis XVIII. Bust r. R, Arms, 20 francs, 1814. Fine. 974 1S30-1848 Louis Philippe. Head 1. 20 francs, 1840. Fine. 975 1848-1852 Republic. Head of France r. 20 francs. 1851. Fine. 976 1S52-1870 Napoleon III. 100 francs, 1858. Bare head r. R. Arms. Fine. EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. FRANCE, HILDESHEIM, HOLLAND, HUNGARY. 75 977 1855 Napoleon III. 50 francs, 1855. As last. Very fine. 978 1859 Napoleon III. 5 francs, 1859. As last. Very fine. 979 1861 Napoleon III. 20 francs, 1861. Laureated head r. Vf. 980 1870 Napoleon III. 20 francs, 1870. Laureated head r. Vf. 981 1870 Kepublic. 100 francs, 1878. Angel inscribing tablet. Vf. 982 1900 Kepublic. 20 francs, 1900. Beautiful head by Chaplain. R. Cock. Extremely fine. 983 1899 Republic. 10 francs, 1899. As last. Extremely fine. HILDESHEIM. 984 1519-1556 Charles V. 4% ducats, 1528, commemorating the granting of armorial bearings to Hildesheim. carolvs . v . ROM . imp . q . feliciss . et . triv mp . avgv. Half length of Charles V r. R. IN . SIG . A . CAR . V . ROM . IMP . HILD . AO . 1528 . COLLATA. Helmeted and elaborate coat of arms. Extremely fine. Loop removed from edge at top. Plate. HOLLAND. 985 Napoleon, Louis, 1806-10. Head 1. R. Knight standing with sword and seven arrows, eendract maakt magt 1809. Ducat. Brilliant. Scarce. Plate. 986 William III, 1849-1891. Head r. R. Arms. 10 gulden, 1876. Vf. 987 Westphalia. Jerome Napoleon, 1807-1813. Bust 1. R. x thaler 1812, etc. Extremely fine, brilliant. Scarce. Plate. 988 Westphalia. Jerome Napoleon. Bust 1. 20 francs, 1809. Ex- tremely fine. Scarce. 989 Westphalia. Jerome Napoleon. Bust 1. 5 francs, 1813. Ex- tremely fine. Scarce. HUNGARY. 990 1378-1400 Wenceslaus II. Ducat. St. Ladislaus standing. R. Arms. Very fine. 991 1458-1490 Matthias Corvinus. Ducat. St. Ladislaus standing. R. Virgin and Child, below Raven with ring in its beak — the device of the Huniades family and superstitiously used in Hun- gary and elsewhere as an aid in difficult births, etc. Extremely fine. Plate. 992 Matthias Corvinus. Ducat. Obverse as last. R. Arms, Raven in fourth quarter. Very fine. 993 1564-1576 Maximilian II. Ducat, 1568. St. Ladislaus standing. R. Virgin and Child. Very fine. Slightly bent. 76 EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. IRELAND, ITALY, MEXICO, MILAN. 994 Maximilian II. Ducat, 1574. As last. Extremely fine. 995 1875 Fran. Jos. I. Head. R. Arms. 8 florins, 1875. Fine. IRELAND. 996 Celtic Ring Money. Twisted into a rope like half ring, the other half plain and tapering to points which meet. Perfect and very rare. Splendid example. Weight, 12 pwts., 6 grs. Size, 18 x 17. Plate. 997 Celtic Ring Money. Similar to last, the flutes extending to the points. Perfect. Very rare. Size, 12 x 13. Weight, 6 pwts. Plate. 998 Celtic Ring Money. Similar to last. Perfect. Very rare. Weight, 2y 2 pwts. Size, 10x10. Plate. ITALY. 999 Beneventum. Sicone, A. D. 817-832. sicop rinces. Bust facing. R. mihael arhangely ono. Angel with crozier and orb. Pale gold. Extremely fine. Rossi 360 variety. Plate. 1000 Marengo. Beautiful bust in helmet 1. l . italie delivree a MARENGO. R. LIBERTY EGALITE ERIDANIA 20 FRANCS L. AN. 10 — 1801. Very fine. Plate. 1001 Two Sicilies. Gioacchino Napoleon (Murat). Bust 1. 20 lire, 1813. Very fine. 1002 Venice. Giov. Loranzo, 1312-18. Sequin. Doge kneeling before St. Mark. R. Christ. Very good. 1003 Venice. Andrea Dandolo, 1342-54. Sequin. Doge kneeling be- fore St. Mark. R. Christ. Fine. 1004 Venice. Aly. Mocenigo. Sequin. Type as last, but barbaric exe- cution. Very good. MEXICO. 1005 Maximilian. Twenty Pesos ($20), 1866. Head r. maximiliaxo emperador. R. imperio mexicano 20 pesos 1866. Imperial arms. Proof, the finest specimen I have ever seen. Plate. MILAN. 1006 Forty Lire, 1848. City standing, italia libera dio lo vuole (Italy free, God wills it). R, governo prov visorio di lombardia 40 lire italiane 1848. Extremely fine. Scarce. Plate. 1007 Twenty Lire, 1848. As last. Very fine. Bad scratch across obv. EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. MONACO, ORDER OF ST. JOHN OF MALTA, ETC. 77 MONACO. 1008 Charles III. 100 francs ($20), 1884. Head r. R. Arms on mantle. Very fine. Plate. 1009 Charles III. 100 francs, 1884. As last in every respect. 1010 Albert I. 100 francs, 1891. Head 1., by Boty. R. Arms in wreath. Very fine. Plate. ORDER OP ST. JOHN OF MALTA. 1011 Emanuel Pinto. 20 Scudi, 1765. f. emmanvel pinto m. m. h. 1765. Bust r. R. hospitalis et sancti sep s 20. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 1012 Franciscus Ximenez de Texada. 20 Scudi, 1773. Bust r. fr . d . FRANCISCVS XIMENEZ DE TEXADA 1773. R. M.M.H.ET SANCTI sepvlhri iervsale, s 20. Two shields crowned. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. 1013 Emanuel de Rohan. 20 Scudi, 1778. f. Emmanuel de rohan M . M . Bust r. R. HOSPITALIS ET S SEPUL . HIERUSAL 1778 20 S. Two shields crowned. Extremely fine. Plate. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1014 Isabella II. Dollar or Peso, 1864. Head 1. R. Arms, filipinas. Very good. POLAND. 1015 Stephen Bathori, 1575-1586. Dantzig ducat, 1586. Bust crowned r. R. City arms supported by two lions. Very fine. Plate. 1016 Sigismund III, 1587-1632. 70 ducats, 1621. sigismvndvs . m . d : g : POLONLE . et svECiiE . rex. Very fine bust in rich armor, scarf and Order of the Golden Fleece, facing r. Border of leaves. R. MAGNUS . dvx . litvan : rvss : prvss ; mas ; sam : livon : zc : 1621. Elaborate arms crowned within the collar of the Golden Fleece. Edge stamped 70. Extremely fine. Of the greatest rarity and one of the largest gold coins in the world. Plate. 1017 Sigismund III. Five ducats, 1614. Fine bust crowned, wearing great ruff, armor and Order of G. F. sigismvndvs . hi . d : g : POLONLE . MAG : DVX . LIT . RVS : PRVSSI^E. R. EX . AVRO . SOLIDO . civitas . gedanensis . fieri . f 1614. Arms of the City of Dantzig on a console supported by lions. Very fine. Bent across. Very rare. Plate. 1018 Sigismund III. Ducat, 1629. Bust r., type as last. City of Dantzig arms on rev. Extremely fine, proof surface. Plate. 78 EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. POLAND, PRUSSIA, GERMAN EMPIRE. 1019 John Casimer, 1648-1668. Dantzig ducat, 1666. Bust crowned r. R. City arms. Extremely fine, proof surface, slightly bent. Plate. 1020 Michael Korybut, 1669-1673. Dantzig ducat, 1672. Bust r. R. City arms. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 1021 John III, Sobieski, 1676-1696. Great Conqueror of the Turks. Dantzig ducat, 1685. Bust r., crowned. R. City arms. Ex- tremely fine, proof surface. Rare. Plate. 1022 Alexander I of Russia. 50 Zlot (|5). Head r. Alexander i . CESARZ SA . W . ROS . KROL POLSKI. R. 26 Z GRZ . CZ . KOL . 50 zlot polsk. Arms of Poland on Russian eagle. Very fine. Rare. Plate. PRUSSIA AND GERMAN EMPIRE. 1023 Frederick William. Four ducats, 1738. Large bust r., frid . wilh . d . g . rex . bor. el. bran. R. Cross formed of f. w. in monogram, crowned, in center Prussian eagle, pro deo et milite 1738. Extremely fine, brilliant. Rare. Plate. 1024 Frederick William. Ducat, 1737. Bust r. R, Star of Order crowned. Extremely fine. 1025 1740-1786 Frederick the Great. Ducat, 1742. Bust r., frider- icvs borvssorvm rex. R. Eagle on a cartouche crowned, 1742. Very fine. Plate. 1026 Frederick II. Ducat, 1749. Bust r. R. Eagle above crossed flags and helmet. Extremely fine. Plate. 1027 Frederick II. Two Fredericks d'Or, 1750. Bust r. R. Eagle amid trophy of arms. Very good. Plate. 1028 Frederick II. Frederick d'Or, 1777. Head r. R. Eagle standing on flags and drums. Very fine. Plate. 1029 Frederick II. Frederick d'Or, 1782. Head r. R. As last. Very fine. Plate. 1030 1797-1840 Frederick William III. Frederick d'Or, 1797. Bust 1. R. Eagle with palm and olive branches and sceptre in talons. Very fine. 1031 Fred. Wm. III. As last, 1798. Extremely fine, brilliant. 1032 Fred. Wm. III. Double Frederick d'Or, 1801. Bust 1. R. Eagle surmounts trophy. Uncirculated, slightest touch on hair. Plate. 1033 Fred. Wm. III. As last, 1811. Extremely fine. 1034 1872 William I. 20 marks, 1872. Head r. R. Arms. Very fine. 1035 1888, 9 months Frederick III. 20 marks. 1888. Head r. R. Arms. Very fine. EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. RUSSIA, SAXONY, SCOTLAND. 79 1036 1889 William II. 20 marks, 1889. Head r. E. Arms. Very fine. 1037 1895 William II. 10 marks, 1895. Head r. R. Small eagle. Extremely fine. RUSSIA. 1038 Elizabeth I, 1741-1762. Imperial, 1756. Bust r. R. Four shields of arms crowned, forming cross. Extremely fine. Plate. 1039 Elizabeth I. Double rouble, 1756. Bust r. R. Eagle. Ex. fine. 1040 Catherine II, 1762-1796. Imperial, 1771. Fine bust r. R. Four shields of arms crowned, forming cross. Ex. fine. Plate. 1041 Catherine II. Imperial, 1786. Older bust r. R. Cross. Ex- tremely fine. Plate. 1042 Nicholas I, 1825-1855. Twelve roubles, platinum, 1832. Eagle. R. Ins. Very fine. Extremely rare. Plate. 1043 Nicholas I. Six roubles, platinum, 1831. Eagle. Extremely fine. Very rare. 1044 Nicholas I. Three roubles, platinum, 1828. Eagle. Proof. 1045 Nicholas I. Three roubles, platinum, 1831. Eagle. Unc. 1046 Alexander III. Five roubles. Head. R. Eagle. Ex. fine. SAXONY. 1047 1630 John Geo. I. Double ducat on the Centennial of the Augsburg Confession. Bust of John, 1530. R. Bust of John Geo. I, 1630. Very fine. Slightly bent. 1048 1782 Fred. Augustus. 10 Thaler. Bust r. R. Two shields of l s-> arms crowned. Extra fine. SCOTLAND. MARY, A. D. 1554-1567. 1049 Abbey Crown. maria . dei . gra . regina . scotorvm. Arms crowned ; star at either side. R. crvcis arma seqvamvr. Cross, thistles in angles. Fine. Slightly bent. Burns, pi. LIV, 808. Plate. CHARLES I, A. D. 1050 Unit, by Briot. Exquisite portrait bust r., in rich armor, sceptre in right hand, orb in left. R. his . pr^esvm . vt . posim. Arms crowned, divide c r. Superb, brilliant example of this beauti- ful coin. Rare. Burns, pi. LXXIV, 1033. Plate. 1051 Unit. As last. Tops of letters carolvs flattened down, as well as corresponding place on reverse. Very fine. 80 EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. SPAIN, SPANISH PROVINCES. SPAIN. FERDINAND AND ISABELLA, A. D. 1474-1506. 1052 Double ducat, fernandvs elisared dei gracia + Busts crowned vis-a-vis, s for Seville between them, above a firebrand (?). R. svb vmbra alarvn tvarvn. Arms with eagle behind them. Very fine. Heiss, pi. XX, 65. Plate. 1053 Double ducat, fernandvs et eisabe : dei gracia rex. Star and four dots in field ; otherwise as last. Very fine. 1054 Double ducat, fernandvs et elisabet de gratia r. Busts larger, otherwise as last. Fine. 1055 Ducat. Busts vis-a-vis. svos : devs : conivnsit : homo : non : s : E. fernadvs : et : helisabe : Crowned arms divide s s and star. Nick on edge. Extremely fine. H., pi. XX, 69. 1056 Ducat. Busts vis-a-vis. dei : e . rex : et . reginan . svos. R. As last, but helisabet. Very fine. Not in Heiss. 1057 Ducat. Busts vis-a-vis. cos : devs : cvnivnsit . homo. R. fernandvs : 7 : helisab. Very fine. Bent. Not in Heiss. CHARLES IV, A. D. 1788-1808. 1058 Eight Sueldos or a doubloon. Bust r. R. Arms crowned in chain of the Golden Fleece. Very fine. ALFONSO XII, A. d. 1874-1885. 1059 Twenty-five pesetas ($5). Head r. R. Arms. Very fine. SPANISH PROVINCES, ETC. 1060 Naples. Ferdinand I of Aragon, 1458-1494. Bust crowned r. RECORDATVS MISERICORDIES. R, FERDINANDVS : D : G : R. SI : I \ V : Arms crowned. Ducat. Ex. fine. Slightly bent. Heiss, pi. 120, No. 5. Plate. 1061 flanders. Philip II, 1555-1580. Bust in armor crowned r. ths . D : G : HISP . Z . REX . COMES . FLAN. R. DOMINVS MICHI A divitor. Arms. Double ducat. Extremely fine. Heiss, pi. 174, No. 94. Plate. 1062 zeeland. Philip II. Busts of the King and Queen vis-a-vis. n between them, cross above; phls . d : g . hisp . z . rex . com . ZEL. R. svb . vmbra alarum . N. Eagle and shield. Double ducat. Very fine. Heiss, pi. 181, No. 185. Plate. EUROPEAN GOLD COINS. SPANISH PROVINCES, SWEDEN, SWITZERLAND. 81 1063 overyssel. Philip II. Busts as last. phls : dei : grat . HISPANIAR . REX. R. DVCATVS . ORDI . TRANSIS . VAL . HISP. Eagle and shield. Double ducat. Extremely fine. Heiss, pi. 184, No. 226. Plate. 1064 overyssel. Philip II. Castle of Cauipeu above heads. Ducat, as last. Very fine. Heiss, pi. 184, No. 227. 1065 brabant. Albert and Elizabeth, 1578-1621. Busts vis-a-vis. albertvs . et . elisabet . dei . gratia . (Hand, Antwerp M. M.). R. ARCHI . AVST . DVC . BVRG . ET . BRAB . Z . Double ducat. Very fine. Heiss, pi. 186, No. 3. Plate. 1066 tournoi. Albert and Elizabeth, 1578-1621. Figures of the royal pair seated side by side on a throne, facing, albertvs . et . ELISABET DEI . GRATIA . ARCHIDVCES . 1619. R. AVSTRIiE DVCES bvrgvndle et dom . torn . z. Arms crowned in chain of the Golden Fleece. Double souverain, 1619. Extremely fine. Heiss, pi. 189, No. 44. Plate. 1067 besancon, City of. Charles V, 1535-1540-1554. carolvs qvintvs imperator. Very fine head laureate r. R. mone . avrea . civi : bisvntine 1579. City arms on double-headed eagle. Four ducats, 1579. Extremely fine. Slight planchet crack on edge. Very rare. Plate. Type Heiss (but no beaded circle inside legend; head larger), pi. 199, No. 11. Plate. SWEDEN. 1068 Gustavus Adolphus. Bust r. R. Crown. Ducat, 1634. Fine. Piece clipped off edge. Plate. SWITZERLAND. 1069 Beautiful head of the Republic 1. R, Arms. 20 francs, 1894. Extremely fine. 1070 Beautiful head of the Republic 1., background of the Alps. 20 francs, 1899. Uncirculated. WALDSTEIN, WALLENSTEIN. 1071 1627 Albert. Ducat, 1627. albertvs . d . g . dvx . fridland. Bust in great collar and armor of this great warrior and Prince. R. sac . ro . impe . princeps 1627. Arms crowned. Very fine. Very rare. Plate. 82 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. EMPERORS, KINGS, ARCHDUKES, DUKES. ARCHDUKE SIGISMUND, 1439-1496. 1072 1486 Thaler, sigismvndvs archidvx avstrie. ArcMuke full length, in armor, with sceptre, facing, at his right a lion sup- ports the arms of Austria, the left a helmet. R. Archduke in full armor, mounted, charging r., banner in r. hand ; below 1486, around 16 shields. Very fine. Rare. One of the earliest coins with the date in Arabic numerals. R. 4279. M. 1373. Cat. S., 4200. Plate. archduke Maximilian i. Born 1459. King 1486. Emp. 1493-1519. 1073 1479 Thaler on his marriage with Mary, daughter of Charles, last Duke of Burgundy. Maximilian magnanim archidvx avstrie bvrgvnd. Bust of Max. laureated, hair long, r., in field etatis 19 * ( age 19 ) . R. maria karoli filia heres bvrgvnd brab conivges. Bust of Mary r., in field etatis 20. 1479. Well struck, the inscription and every part clear and distinct, which is unusual. Has had a loop removed from edge, but cleverly done, as only to show on reverse and there so slightly as to be immaterial. Very good. Very rare. Highly interesting, being from a die by Cavalli after a medal by Candida, and was struck at Hall, in Tyrol, 1506, though bearing one of the earliest dates in Arabic numerals on a coin. Plate. R. 4284. M. 1371. Cat. S., 4201. 1074 About 1500. Thaler without date, maximilianvs dei gra ro- manor imperator semp avgv. Half length of Emp. r., with sceptre and sword. R. Five shields, plvrivmo EVRorE pvinoiab rex et princeps pota. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1075 1516 Show thaler, maximilianvs romanob imperator semper avgvst arch dvx avstrie. Remarkably artistic bust in high re- lief, in armor, with long, straight hair, crowned left, on a de- pressed field, the ins. being on a slanting, raised edge; beneath bust 1516. R. Knight in armor, charging right over prostrate soldier; before the horse walks a soldier, while behind an angel holds the Austrian arms, below four shields; plvrivm . oz . evropb . PROVINCIARVM . REX . ET . PRINCEPS . POTBNTBSSIMVSj legend also on slanting edge 1 as obverse. Extremely line. Very rare. M. 5572. S. 20. Plate. EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. 83 FERDINAND I, 1531-1564. 1076 1541 Medallic double thaler, ferdinandvs d . g rom . hvng . boem . dalm . croa . rex. The King in full armor, helmeted and crested on a caparisoned tourney horse 1., below 1541. R. INFANS. HISPANIEN . ARCHI DVX . AVSTRIE . DVX . BVRGVNDIE. Eagle bearing shield. Extremely fine. Plate. R. 1025. 1077 1558 Thaler. Half length in armor r. R. Eagle, below orb, with 72. Fine. 1078 1563 Thaler. Half length in armor; Arab ins. 60, before him. R. Eagle. Fine. ARCHDUKE FERDINAND, SON OF EMP. FERD. I, 1564-1595. 1079 1567 Thaler. Half length, in armor, crowned, sceptre in right hand and left on hilt of sword, r., below 60. ferdinandvs * D * G * ARCHID * AVSTRIiE. R. DVX * BVRGVNDIiE * COMES. tirolis 1567, in wreath above a slender eagle crowned. Ex- tremely fine. Rare. 1080 1570 Thaler. Obv. as last. R. dvx bvrgvndie . comes tirolis 1570. Shield of arms, on three sides scroll work. Extremely fine. Rare. RUDOLPH II, 1576-1612. 1081 1583 Thaler. Bust r. Arms of Hungary in legend. R. Eagle. Vf. 1082 1598 Thaler. Fine bust in armor and ruff r. } at either side of it arms and Virgin and Child. R. dvx . bvr . march mora 1598. Double-headed eagle crowned, below which nagi . bania. Die cracked across. Extremely fine. 1083 1604 Double thaler. Fine bust in armor, etc., r. R. necnon archidvces a dvc : bvr : co . tirol. Elaborate arms crowned, Order of the Golden Fleece. Extremely fine. MATTHIAS, 1612-1619. 1084 1611 Thaler. Fine bust wearing Hungarian crown r., Virgin and Child above. R. Arms, crowned, Order of the Golden Fleece. Very fine. FERDINAND II, 1619-1637. 1085 No date. Double thaler. Bust in armor laureate r., ferdinandvs D. G. ARCHI DVX AVSTRLE. R. DVX BVRGVNDIIE COMES TIROL. Eagle. Very fine. 1086 No date. Double thaler. Bust left unlaureated, otherwise as last. Shield on eagle's breast. Very fine. 84 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. 1087 No date. Double thaler. Bust left crowned, otherwise as last. Fine. 1088 No date. Double thaler. Half length r., in armor, with sceptre. R. dvx bvr la . als . co . fer. Arms crowned, Golden Fleece, arms of Elsass, etc., at either side. Very fine. 1089 1617 Thaler. Bust r. Also thaler without date. Vg. 2 pes. 1090 1621 Double thaler. Bust crowned, great ruff within wreath of olive leaves. R. archi avstrle dvx bvrgvndle styrle etc 1621. Eagle bearing arms, crowned shield below. Fine. 1091 1625 Broad, double thaler. Large bust, in armor laureated r. R. Arms crowned, collar of Golden Fleece. Fine. 1092 1631 Double thaler. Type as last. Extremely fine. 1093 1624 Thaler. King in armor crowned standing r. R. Eagle. Defect in planchet on edge of rev. Very fine. 1094 1632 Thaler. Same type as last, King shorter. Very fine. 1095 1631 Thaler. Bust with great ruff, Hungarian arms in legend at sides. R. Eagle. Very fine. ARCHDUKE MAXIMILIAN (ill). Son of Emp. Max. II. Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. 1096 1617 Broad, double thaler for Elsass. Bust in armor r. R. Arms crowned, flanked by arms of Elsass and Pfirt. Fields burnished. Loop removed from edge so it hardly shows. Very fine. Plate. 1097 1611 Thaler. King standing in armor, robed, supports great sword; arms and helmet crested at sides. R. Knight with ban- ner, in full armor, on tourney horse, r., around 15 coats of arms. Very fine. 1098 1614 Thaler. Fine bust r. R, Arms crowned. Ex. fine. 1099 1616 Thaler. As last. Extremely fine. Spot in field. ARCHDUKE LEOPOLD. Brother of Ferd. II, Son of Chas. of Styria, etc., 1619-1632. 1100 1626 Double thaler for Tyrol. Half length in armor r. R. Eagle. Very fine. ARCHDUKE FERDINAND CHARLES, 1632-1662. Son of Emperor Ferdinand II. 1101 No date. Double thaler for Tyrol. Bust crowned, hair long, r. R. Eagle. Very fine. 1102 1654 Half and quarter thaler. Bust r. R. Arms. Vf. 2 pes. EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. 85 ARCHDUKE LEOPOLD AND CLAUDIA DE MEDICI. 1103 (1630) Double thaler on their marriage. Bust r. E. Eagle. Fine. FERDINAND III, 1625-1657. 1104 1646 Thaler for Stiermark. Bust r. R. Elaborate arms. Ex. fine. 1105 1651 Thaler. Similar to last. Extremely fine. 1106 1654 Thaler for Carinthia. Very fine bust r., laureated. R. Arms, Cupid, at top. Extremely fine. 1107 1654 Thaler for Styria. Obv. as last. R. Arms. Ex. fine. 1108 1657 Thaler for Hungary. Bust. Crude work. Very fine. Leopold i, 1658-1705. 1109 No date. Double thaler for Tyrol. Bust r. R. Eagle. Ex. fine. 1110 1668 Thaler. Bust, fine work, r. R. Arms. Very fine. 1111 1692 Thaler for Hungary. Bust with profusion of hair. Fine. 1112 1695 Thaler. Bust with great hair r. R. Eagle. Fine. 1113 1695 Thaler. Bust with great hair r. Very fine. 1114 1704 Thaler. Bust with great lip and wig. R. Eagle. Ex. fine. Joseph i, 1690-1711. 1115 No date. Double thaler for Tyrol. Splendid bust r. R. Eagle. Extremely fine. R. 1081. 1116 No date. Double thaler, as last. Extremely fine. 1117 1705 Thaler. Fine bust r. R. Eagle crowned, archidvx avstrle 1705. Extremely fine. 1118 1711 Thaler for Silicia. Long bust r. R. Eagle. Fine. CHARLES vi, 1711-1740. 1119 No date. Double thaler for Tyrol. Bust r. R. Eagle bearing- arms. Extremely fine. 1120 1715 Thaler for Hungary. Large bust. R. Eagle. Very fine. 1121 1716 Thaler. Bust r. R. Eagle and arms. Extremely fine. MARIA THERESA, 1740-1780. 1122 1780 Levant thaler. Splendid bust of this great Empress. R. Eagle. Proof. 1123 1780 Levant thaler. Type as last, but not in such high relief. Fine and extremely fine. 2 pes. 1124 1S88 Vienna Numismatic So. Com. thaler, by Scharff. Beauti- ful bust of the Empress r. R, Ins. Edge lettered. Proof. Plate. 86 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. EMPIRES, AUSTRIA, GERMANY. 1125 1888 As last. Also a fine proof. 1126 1888 As last. Edge plain. Brilliant proof. A beautiful piece. Joseph ii, 1765-1790. 1127 1771 Thaler. Fine bust r. R. Eagle. Extremely fine. Leopold ii, 1790-1792. 1128 1790 Thaler. Bust r. R. Arms bearing crowns of Hungary and Bohemia, above crown 2 griffons as supporters. Semi-proof. R. 7917. EMPIRES. AUSTRIA. francis i, 1806-1835. 1129 1820 Thaler. Bust r. R. Eagle. Fine. FRANZ JOSEPH I. 1130 1854 Double gulden, on marriage of Franz Joseph I and Eliza- beth. Head r. R. Archbishop uniting the royal couple. Ex. fine. 1131 1857 Thaler. Head. R. Arms. Extremely fine. 1132 1879 Double gulden, on the 25th anni. of marriage. Head r. R. Abundance seated. Extremely fine. 1133 1879 Same as last. Very fine. GERMANY. BADEN. 1134 1902 Frederick. 5 marks. Head. R. Eagle. Uncirculated. 1135 1902 Frederick. 5 marks. Jubilee, 50th year of reign. Head. Uncirculated. PRUSSIA. 1136 1871 William I. Peace thaler. Head r. R. Germania seated, sieges thaler. Proof, very slight hair marks. Bare state. 1137 1876 William I. Fiinf (5) mark. Head. R. Eagle. Unc. 1138 1888 Frederick II. 5 marks. Head. R, Eagle. Unc. 1139 1888 Frederick II. 5 marks. Head. R. Eagle. Uncirculated, slight abrasion. 1140 1889 William II. Commemorative 5 marks size, medallic piece with milled edges. On his marriage. Busts of the royal pair. Cupids placing crowns on their heads, while before them is EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. EMPIRES, GERMANY, RUSSIA. 87 another Cupid, palms and garland of flowers; defiant eagle be- low. R, UNSEREM KAISERLICHNEN PAARE EIN HERZLICHES WILLKOMMEN IN STRASSBURG V. METZ 20-23 AUGUST 1889. Proof. 1141 1888 William II. 5 marks. Head r. R. Arms. Proof. 1142 1901 William II and Frederick I. 5 marks. Busts jugate 1. Ex. fine. Struck on the bi-centennial of the foundation of the Prussian Government. SAXE-ALTENBURG. 1143 1901 5 marks. Ernest. Head. R. Imperial arms. Unc. 1144 1903 5 marks. Ernest. 50tk anni. of reign. Head r., below olive branch 1853-1903. R. As last. Uncirculated. SAXE-MEININGEN. 1146 1901 5 marks. Geo. II. Head r. R. As last. Uncirculated. 1147 1902 5 marks. Geo. II. Head 1. R. As last. Ex fine, chafed. WURTEMBERG. 1148 1902 5 marks. Wm. II. Head. R. As last. Uncirculated. RUSSIA. 1149 1645-76 Alexius Michailowitsch. Rouble. Czar with sceptre, mounted, r., long inscription around border. R. Eagle and ins. Restrike by Catherine II. Uncirculated. Rare. R. 1135. M. 49. S. 543. Plate. 1150 1722 Peter the Great. Rouble. Bust r. R. Cross formed of Russian P's crowned, i in angles. Very fine. 1151 1723 Peter the Great. Rouble, as last. Very fine. 1152 1723 Peter the Great. Rouble, as last. Very fine. 1153 1725 Catherine I. Rouble. Draped bust 1., inscription encir- cling. R. Eagle. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. 1154 1726 Catherine I. Rouble. Bust 1. R. Eagle. Very fine. Rare. 1155 1727 Catherine I. St. Petersburg rouble. Bust r. R. Eagle. Very fine. Rare. 1156 1727 Catherine I. Rouble. Bust r. R. Eagle. Very fine. Rare. 1157 172S Peter II. Rouble. Bust r. R, Cross of p's. Fine. 1158 172S Peter II. Rouble, as last in every respect. 88 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. EMPIRES, RUSSIA. 1159 1729 Peter II. Rouble, same type, but dif. portrait. Fine. 1160 1732 Anna. Eouble. Bust r. R. Eagle. Fine. 1161 1737 Anna. Rouble. Bust r. R. Eagle. Very good. 1162 1738 Anna. Rouble. Bust r., differs from last. R. Eagle. Fine. 1163 1739 Anna. Rouble, as last. R, Eagle. Fine. 1164 1741 Ivan III. Rouble. Bust r. R. Eagle. Extremely fine. Rare, as Elizabeth, on ber accession, immediately ordered all his coins to be returned to the mint under penalty. Plate. 1165 1750 Elizabeth I. Rouble. Remarkable bust r. R, Eagle. Vg. 1166 1751 Elizabeth I. Rouble, as last. Very fine. 1167 1752 Elizabeth I. Rouble, as last. Very good. 1168 1753 Elizabeth I. Rouble, as last. Fine. 1169 175.4 Elizabeth I. Rouble. Smaller bust. Very fine. 1170 1759 Elizabeth I. Rouble on the defeat of Frederick the Great at Kunersdorf.^ Fine bust r. R. Russian, "To the Victor." Warrior with Russian flag and spear striding over a battlefield strewn with dead and implements; his left foot rests on an overturned urn inscribed "River Oder," the City of Frankfort in the background. Ex'g., Russian "Over the Prussians, Aug. 14, 1759." Fine. Rare. Plate. 1171 1762 Peter III. Reigned only a little over six months. Rouble. Bust r. R. Eagle. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. 1172 1762 Peter III. As last. Extremely fine. Rare. 1173 1762 Catherine II. Rouble. Bust r. R. Eagle. Very fine. 1174 1762 Catherine II. Rouble, as last in every respect. 1175 1764 Catherine II. Rouble, as last in every respect. 1176 1765 Catherine II. Rouble, as last. Extremely fine. 1177 1774 Catherine II. Rouble. Bust differs from last. Ex. fine. 1178 1783 Catherine II. Rouble. Aged bust. R, Eagle. Ex. fine. 1179 1785 Catherine II. Rouble. Aged bust. R, Eagle. Very fine. 1180 1834 Nicholas I. Rouble in honor of Alex. I, whose head it bears. R. Column. Proof, hairmarked. 1181 1859 Alexander II. Rouble in honor of Nicholas I, whose head it bears. R. Equestrian statue erected by Alexander II to his memory. Proof, slightly hairmarked. 1182 1859 Alexander II. As last in every respect. 2 pes. 1183 1883 Alexander III. Coronation rouble. Head. R. Crown, orb and sceptre on a cushion. Very fine. 1184 1886 Alexander III. Rouble. Head. R. Eagle. Unc. 1185 1888 Alexander III. Roubles, as last. Extremely and very fine. 50 kop. Uncirculated. 3 pes. EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. KINGDOMS, BAVARIA, BELGIUM, DENMARK. 89 KINGDOMS. BAVARIA. MAXIMILIAN JOSEPH I, 1806-1825. 118G 1818 Convention thaler. Bust r. R. Cube. Distributed among tbe members of the first Assembly of the Estates. Unc. ludwig I, 1825-1848. died 1868. 1187 1828 Dollar. Head. R. Royal family, Queen and eight children, "Blessings of Heaven." Uncirculated. 1188 1830 Dollar. Head. R. Bavaria seated. "Fidelity of Bavaria." Uncirculated. Slightly chafed on head. 1189 1841 31/2 gulden. Head. R. Statue of Richter. Very good. MAXIMILIAN 11, 1848-1864. 1190 1851 Sy 2 gulden. Head. R. Arms. Edge, convention vom 30 JULY 1838. Extremely fine. 1191 1853 Two gulden. Head. R. Arms. Extremely fine. 1192 1864 Sy 2 gulden. Head. R. Arms. Edge, gott segne bayern. Extremely fine. LUDWIG II. 1193 No date. Thaler. Head. R. Virgin and Child. Very fine. 1194 1871 Victory thaler on Peace after Franco-Prussian War. Head r. R. Beautiful female seated. Uncirculated. 1195 1871 Victory thaler, as last. Fine. BELGIUM. 1196 1834 5 francs. Leopold I. Beautiful head 1. Uncirculated. 1197 1849 5 francs. Same design and condition as last. DENMARK. 1198 1647 Christian IV. Thaler. Bust crowned r., in upper half of obv., ins. below. R. 14 shields of arms crowned. Extremely fine. Rare. 1199 1659 Frederick III. 4 marks. On repulse of the Swedes on their unsuccessful storming of Copenhagen. Royal cipher on rock — ebenezer. R. Hand with sword issuing from a cloud, cutting off another hand reaching for the crown; beneath, 11 feb . soli deo gloria. Very fine. 1200 1659 As last. Very good. A very interesting coin. 90 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. ENGLAND — ALFRED THE GREAT TO WM. I. ENGLAND. 1201 872-901 Alfred the Great. Penny. + elfred re. R, edelv lfmo =Ethelwulf moneyer. Very good. 1202 925-941 iEtkelstan. Penny, jedelstan re. R. petit +++ mone =Petit moneyer. Fine. 1203 941-946 Eadmund. Penny. + eadmvnd rex. R. birne +++ ard MO=Birneard moneyer. Fine. 1204 946-955 Eadred. Penny, eadred rex. R. : : eadm o+o vndm : : in two lines divided by a cross flanked by two o ; 's=Eadniund moneyer. Extremely fine. 1205 Penny. + eadred rex :+. R. hvnr +++ ed mo : :=Hunred mon- eyer. Very fine. 1206 978-1016 Aethelred II. Penny. Large bust left, aedelred rex anglo. R. Long cross, +lodrie mo LVND=Godric moneyer, London. Fine. 1207 Penny. Small bust 1., in circle, aedelred rex ail. R. + leofpine mo LNE=Leofwive moneyer, Lincoln. Fine. 1208 1016-1035 Canute. Penny. Bust crowned in circle, + cnvt rex anglor. R. +elfpine on LVNDE=Elfwine on London. Cross, with four tressures in center. Uncirculated. 1209 Penny. Bust with conical helmet, + cnvt rex an. R. edperd on LVND=Edwerd on London. Small double cross with pellet in each angle. Bent. Fine. 1210 Penny. Type as last. + cnvt rex ani. R. hildolf m-o eofrpic =Hildolf moneyer, Eoferwic=York. Very fine. 1211 1042-1066 Edward the Confessor. Penny. Bust crowned r., eadparrd re a. R. diorman on STAENiG=Diolman on Steyning. Double cross ending in crescents. Extremely fine. 1212 Penny. Large bust, crowned, r., +edpard r. R, +stircol ox EOFER=Stircol on York. Type as last. Very fine. 1213 1066 Harold II. Penny. Head, crowned 1. harold rex ang. R. + leofpold on PiN=Leofwold on Winchester, pax across center. Fine. Rare. 1214 1066-1087 William I, the Conqueror. Penny, Canopy Type. Bust crowned, facing, canopy over the bust. + pillem rex. R. + godpine on LVNDi=God\vire on London. Floriated cross. Ex- tremely fine and very rare. 1215 Penny. Pax Type. Bust crowned, facing, pillelm rex. R. + iestan on riNE=Jestan on Winchester. Cross with paxs in angles. Very fine. 1216 Penny. Type as last, pillelm rex. R. +doiir ox efrpic= Thorr on Efrlm — York. Fine. EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. ENGLAND — JOHN TO CHARLES I. 91 1217 1199-1216 John. Irish Penny. Bust crowned, in triangle. iohannes rex. R, roberd on DiVEi=Roberd on Dublin. Cres- cent and stars. Very fine. 1218 Irish Penny. Obverse as last. E. wilelm p on DNE=William on Dublin. Fine. 1219 1272-1307 Henry III. Penny. Head crowned, facing, henricvs rex. R willelm . l . on . Lv=Williani on London. Fine. 1220 1272-1307 Edward I. Penny. Bust crowned, facing, edwr angl dns hyb. R civitas London. Long cross, pellets in angle. Very fine. 1222 1327-1377 Edward III. London groat. Bust facing. Good. 1223 1327-1377 Edward III. London groat. Different portrait. Fine. 1224 1399-1413 Henry IV. Calais groat. Bust facing. Fine. 1225 1422-1461 Henry VI. London groat. Bust facing. Fine. 1226 1485-1509 Henry VII. Groat. M. M. Arrowhead. Bust in pro- file r. Fine. 1227 1485-1509 Henry VII. As last. York y 2 groat. Keys under arms. Fine. 1228 1509-1547 Henry VIII. Groat. 2nd coinage. Profile bust. Fine. 1229 1509-1547 Henry VIII. 3rd coinage. Bust % r. Groat. Fine, 1230 1547-1553 Edward VI. Shilling, 1549. Bust in profile r. R Arms. Fine, but inscription on reverse somewhat doubled. 1231 1553-1558 Mary. Groat. Bust 1. Dent in field, and edge nick. Vg. 1232 (Without date). Philip and Mary. Shilling. Busts vis-a-vis, crown above. R. Arms crowned. Fine. 1233 1553-1603 Elizabeth. Crown (160)1. Bust in rich dress, great ruff, crowned and with sceptre and orb. R. Arms on cross. Fine. Well struck, the portrait strong. Short, light scratch on rev. Superior to the usual examples. Rare. Plate. 1234 1553-1603 Elizabeth. Hammered shilling. M. M. Martlet. Six- pence, 1585. Threepence, 1562. Good. 3 pes. 1235 1553-1603 Elizabeth. Milled sixpence, 1562. Bust in plain dress. Very fine. 1236 1603-1625 James I. Shilling. Bust. R. Shield. Fine. 1237 1625-1649 Charles I. Oxford Pound Piece, 1642. carolvs : d : g : magni : britani : fran : et : hi : rex. King mounted 1., sword drawn, beneath cannon and various arms, plume in field. R. exvrgat : devs : dissipentvr : inimici (Let God arise (and) let His enemies be scattered) . Across center in two lines relig . prot . leg . ang . liber . par . the declaration he made before the battle of Wellington that lie would protect the Protestant re- ligion, laws of England and liberties of Parliament. Obv., M. M. 92 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. ENGLAND — COMMONWEALTH TO VICTORIA. Plume. R. M. M. Seven pellets. Fine. Well struck, but et hi double and confused. Very rare. Plate. 1238 1642 Charles I. Oxford Half Pound, 1642. Same as last, but no cannon and fewer arms below horse. Well struck, except G. of d.g. does not show. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1239 1649-1660 Republic. Commonwealth. Crown, 1652. the com- monwealth of England. Shield of St. George between palm and laurel branch. R. Shields of St. George and Ireland joined. god with vs. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 1240 1653 Commonwealth. Half crown. Type as last. Ex. fine. Rare. 1241 1653 Commonwealth. Shilling. As last. Extremely fine. 1242 1658 Oliver Cromwell. Crown, 1658. Bust of Cromwell 1., Oliver . d.g.r . p. ang . SCO . hib . & pro. R. Arms crowned. pax qvzeritvr . bello (Peace is sought by or through war). Extremely fine, early impression, the flaw in die barely show- ing. Very rare. Plate. 1243 1658 Oliver Cromwell. Half crown, as last. Ex. fine. Rare. 1244 1658 Oliver Cromwell. Shilling, as last. Semi-proof. 1245 1663 Charles II. Crown, 1663. Bust r. R, Cross made of Arms of England, Scotland, Ireland and France. Fine. 1246 1695 William III. Crown, 1695. Bust with curved cuirass r. Extremely fine. 1247 1736 George II. Crown, 1736. Young bust 1. Pin-like scratch on neck, in planchet. Extremely fine. 1248 1804 George III. Bank of England dollar or 5 shillings. Bust. R. Britannia seated. Extremely fine. 1249 1818 George III. Pistrucci crown. Head r. R. St. George. Tarnished proof. 1250 1818 George III. Pistrucci crown, as last. Proof, hair marked. 1251 1819 George III. Pistrucci crown, as last. Dull proof. 1252 1821 George IV. Pistrucci crown. Head 1. R. St. Geo. Proof. 1253 1821 George IV. Pistrucci crown. Extremely fine. 1254 1837 William IV. y 2 crown and Victoria 1S87 2 sh. Extremely fine, 2 pes. 1255 1839 Victoria. Pattern crown by W, ^Y. Wyon, R. A. Plain edge. Adopted type. Extremely fine. Minute nicks on cheek and one in field. Very rare. 1256 1847 Victoria. Pattern crown — known as the Gothic crown. Beautiful bust in rich dress 1. R. Arms, angles filled with a trellis and emblems. Proof, slightly hairmarked. Plain edge. 1257 1847 Victoria. Pattern Gothic crown, as last. Edge lettered. Proof. EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. IRELAND. FRANCE — CHARLEMAGNE, ETC. 93 1258 1847 Victoria. Pattern Gothic crown, as last. Edge lettered. Proof. 1259 1902 Edward VII. Proof set (sand blasted surface). 5, 2%, 2, 1 sh., 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 pence. 9 pieces, sold as one lot. IRELAND. 1260 Bank of Ireland. George III. Bust r. K. bank of Ireland TOKEN SIX SHILLINGS 1804. Proof. 1261 Bank of Ireland. As last. Proof, two very slight scratches on obv. FRANCE. FRANCE] — CARLOVINGIANS. 1262 768-814 Charlemagne. Milan Denier, carlvs rex fr + R. Monogram of carolvs; around, mediol+ Extremely fine. Gariel XII, 178. Plate. 1263 814-838 Louis-le-Debonnaire, Empereur. Metallum Denier. hlvdovvicvs imp. Cross in center. R. In two lines meta llvm. Very fine. Slight dent on edge and bent. G. XVI, 68. 1264 814-840 Louis-le-Debonnaire. Denier au Temple, hlvdovvicvs IMP+ Cross with pellet in each angle in center. R. Temple. pistiana religio. Very fine. G. XLIII, 4 var. 1265 840-877 Charles-le-Chauve. Melle Denier, carlvs rex fr. Cross. R. Monogram of karolvs. met+ vllo+ Extremely fine. G. XXIII, 59. 1266 840-877 As last, different dies. Very fine. G. XXIII, 59, var. 1267 840-877 Charles-le-Chauve. Nevers Denier, carlvs imp avg + Cross. R. Monogram of karolvs, around neverais civit + Fine. G. XXIV, 91. 1268 879-882 Louis III. Tours Denier. Monogram of Karolus, around, misericordivdirex. R. +tvrones civitas. Cross. Extremely fine. G. XXXVIII, 5. 1269 879-882 Carloman. Aries Denier, carleiiaiivspe + Cross. R. Mon. in center, afiiadivis. Extremely fine. G. XXXIX, 4. 1270 887-898 Eudes. Toulouse Denier, oddo rex frc. Cross. R. tolosa civi + oddo in center. Fine. G. XLVIII, 52. 1271 954-986 Lothaire. Bourges Denier, loterivs rex + Cross. R. bitvrices civitas. Temple. Weak. Very good. G. LVII. 9. FRANCE. 1272 10th Century. Poitou. carlvs rex + Cross. R. metalo. Melle Denier. Fine. Poey d'Avant, LIII, 7. 1273 1031-1060 Henry I. Paris Denier. Piece broken from edge. Fair. Hoffman 1. 94 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. FRANCE — PHILIP I TO HENRY 111. 1274 1060-1108 Philip I. Etampes Denier, philipvs + rex icris. R. castellvm stampis. Cross, s in two angles. Slightly broken on edge. Good. H. 17. 1275 1137-1180 Louis VII. Bourges Denier. Head facing, lvdovicvs rex + R. Floriate cross, vrbs bitvrica + Fine. H. 4. 1276 1169-1196 Poitou. Richard lion heart. Denier, ricardvs rex. Cross. R. pictaviensis in three lines. Good. Poey d'Avant LIV, 21. 1277 1226-1270 Louis IX. Gros tournois a l'Etoile. lvdovicvs rex + around a cross; in outer margin bndictv : sit : nome : dni : nri : dei : ihv. xpi. R. tvronvs civis. Gate of Tours, fleur- de-lis forming border. Very fine. H. 9. 1278 1226-1270 Louis IX. Gros tournois. As last. Ex. fine. H. 10. 1279 1226-1270 Louis IX. Gros tournois. Type as last, Extremely fine. H. 10. 1280 1270-1285 Philipp III. Gros tournois. Type as last. Fine. H. 4. 1281 1285-1316 Philipp IV. Gros tournois. Type as last. Extremely fine. H. 8. 1282 1285-1316 Philipp IV. As last. Fine and ex. fine. H. 8. 2 pes. 1283 1285-1314 Philipp IV. Bourgeois fort. Cross, fleury. phillipvs rex. R. bvrgensis, in center, crowned, fortis in two lines. Fine. H. 26. 1284 1364-1380 Charles V. Gros tournois. Type similar to gros above described. Very fine. H. 6. 1285 1380-1422 Charles VI. Gros dit Florette. Shield with three fleur-de-lis. karolvs francorv rex. R, sit : nome : dni : benedictv : Cross with fleur-de-lis and crown in alternate angles. Very fine. H. 22. 1286 1422-1461 Charles VII. Grand blanc aux fleurs-de-lis. Three fleurs-de-lis in field, karolvs francorv : rex. R. As last. Very good. H. 32. 1287 1461-1483 Louis XL Grand blanc au Soleil. Three fleurs-de-lis in trcssure; sun above, lvdovicvs + fraxcorvm : rex. R. Cross in tressure. sit nomen etc. Fine. H. 19. 1288 1515-47 Francis I. Testoon. Bust crowned r. R. Arms, crowned. f crowned at either side. Very fine. Plate. 1289 1559 Ilenry II. Testoon. Bust in armor r. R. Arms. Bor- deaux Mint. Extremely fine. Plate. 1290 1560 nenry II. Testoon. As last. Fine. 1291 1562 Charles IX. Testoon. Bust 1. R. Arms. Fine. 1292 1587 Ilenry TIL Testoon or Demi-franc. Bust r. R. n in center of floriated cross. Extremely tine. Plate. EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. FRANCE — HENRY IV TO NAPOLEON III. 95 1293 1604 Henry IV. Testoon. Arms crowned. E. Cross. Fine. 1294 1679 Louis XIV. Parliament crown. Artistic bust in armor r., palm branch over head. B. Shield crowned. Extremely fine. Scarce. H., pi. XCVII, 113. Plate. 1295 1686 Louis XIV. 80 sols or double crown. Bust r. E. Arms crowned. Fine. Eare. H., pi. XOVIII, 128. 1296 1718 Louis XV. Crown. Boy bust r. E. Arms crowned. Unc. 1297 1724 Louis XV. Crown. Amiens Mint. Boy bust r. E. Arms of France crowned. Unc. Milling not struck up over head. 1298 1763 Louis XV. Crown. Orleans Mint. Bust with long neck 1. E. Arms between olive branches crowned. Very fine. 1299 1784 Louis XVI. Crown. Lille Mint. Bust 1. E. As last. Extremely fine. 1300 1793 Louis XVI. Crown. Head 1. E. regne de la loi, l'an 5 de la liberte. Angel ins. const, on tablet. Extremely fine. 1301 (1797-8) Eepublic. 5 francs. Hercules, Liberty and Equality standing. Extremely fine. Scarce. 1302 (1802-3) Bonaparte Premier Consul. 5 francs. Head r. E, republique francaise an xi. Extremely fine. Plate. 1303 (1803) Bonaparte P. C. Same as last. 1, y 2 , *4 fr- Extremely fine. 3 pes. 1304 (1803-4) napoleon empereur. 2 francs. Head r. E. repub- lique francaise an 12. Extremely fine. 1305 1810 napoleon empereur. Franc. Head laureated r. B. empire francais. Uncirculated. 1306 1813 Napoleon I. 5 francs, as last. M. M. Utrecht, in Holland — fish and flag on pole with supporters. Very fine. Scarce. 1307 1815 Napoleon I. 5 francs struck during The Hundred Bays. Type as last. Extremely fine. Chafed on neck. Eare. Plate. 1308 1828 Charles X. 5 francs. Head 1. M. M. Lille. Uncirculated. 1309 1828 Charles X. 5 francs. Head 1. M. M. Nantes. Ex. fine. 1310 1830 Louis Philippe I. 5 francs. Head r. Very fine. 1311 1835 Louis Philippe I. 5 francs. Old head. Very fine. 1312 1848 Louis Philippe I. 5 francs. Old head. Extremely fine. 1313 1848 Eepublic. 5 francs. Hercules, Liberty, Equality, stand- ing. Uncirculated. 1314 1848 Eepublic. 5 francs. As last. Very fine. 2 pes. 1315 1849 Eepublic. 5 francs. Head of Liberty. Fine. 1316 1850 Eepublic. 5 francs. Head of Liberty. Very fine. 1317 1853 Napoleon III. Pattern 5 francs, napoleon hi par la grace de dieu et la volonte national. E. empereur des francais 1853. Plain edge. Proof. Very rare. Plate. 96 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. FRANCE, HANOVER, ITALY, NETHERLANDS. 1318 1856 Napoleon III. 5 francs. Head L, unlaureated. R. empire francais. Extremely fine. 1319 1870 Napoleon III. 5 francs. Head laureated 1. E. As last. Last year of the Empire! Uncirculated. 1320 1870 Republic. 5 francs. Head of Liberty 1. Ex. fine. Scarce. 1321 1870 Republic. 5 francs. Hercules, Liberty and Equality, stand- ing. Extremely fine. Rare. 1322 1871 Commune. 5 francs. Hercules, Liberty and Equality. standing. M. M. Trident. Uncirculated. Rare. HANOVER. 1323 1854 Double thaler. George V. Head 1. of this blind King. R. Royal Arms of Great Britain. Uncirculated. 1324 1866 Double thaler, as last. Extremely fine. ITALY. 1325 (1499-1515) Louis XII of France. Milan Testoon. lvdovicvs . d . g . francor . rex. Bust in cap, draped, fleur-de-lis on chest. R. mediolani dvx. St. Ambroise mounted, galloping r., arms of France below. Very fine. Very rare. Hoffman, pi. XLIX, 87. Gariel 11. Plate. 1326 1811 Napoleon I. 5 lire. Head r. R. Arms. Very fine. 1327 1865 Victor Emanuel II. 5 lire. Head r. R. Arms. Fine. 1328 1879 Umberto I. 5 lire. Head r. R. Arms. Fine. NETHERLANDS. 1329 1558 Philip II of Spain, husband of Mary of England. Dollar. Bust 1., with title of King of England. R. Arms. Fine. 1330 1587 Bust of William I of Orange r., with sword and arrows. Dollar. R. Arms. Very fine. 1331 1808 Louis Napoleon. 50 stuivers or dollar. Head r. R, Arms. Extremely fine. 1332 1808 Louis Napoleon. As last in every respect, 2 pes. 1333 1824 William. 3 gulden. Head. R. Arms. Uncirculated. 1334 1861 William III. 2i/ 2 gulden. Head r. R. Arms. Unc. 1335 1898 Wilhelmina. 2i/ 2 gulden. Head 1. R. Arms. Proof. Rare. 1336 1586 Holland. Crown with bust of Earl of Leicester, the great General and favorite of Queen Elizabeth of England. Fine bust in armor, laureate, r. R. Arms of the Six Provinces. Very fine. Rare. Plate. EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. NETHERLANDS, NORWAY, POLAND. 97 1337 1616-79 Utrecht. Lion dollars. Knight and arras. R. Ram- pant lion. Good. 2 pes. 1338 1672 Holland. Double dollar. Knight, mounted, charging r. R. Arms. Extremely fine. 1339 1684 Holland. Dollar. Holland with liberty staff standing, left arm rests on Bible on a pedestal. R. Rampant lion 1. Beauti- ful coin in extremely fine condition. 1340 1734 Holland. Double dollar. Knight, standing, holds arms. R. Arms. Uncirculated. 1341 1775 Utrecht. Dollar. Knight, mounted, charging r. R. Arms. Semi-proof. 1342 1781 Utrecht. Dollar. As last. Beautiful example. 1343 1786 Utrecht. Dollar. Liberty standing. R. Arms. Very fine. 1344 1793 Utrecht. Dollar. Knight charging r. R. Arms. Very fine. 1345 1813 Westphalia. Dollar. Jerome Napoleon. Bust r. Vg. 1346 1790 Belgium. Insurrection. Dollar. Lion rampant with sword supports shield, libertas. R. Shields of the eleven insurgent provinces. Extremely fine. NORWAY. 1347 1658 Frederick III. Thaler. Bust crowned r. R. Lion on spear 1. Very fine. 1348 1662 Frederick III. Thaler. Bust crowned r. R. Lion on spear within wreath of two branches. Very fine. 1349 1669 Frederick III. Thaler. Draped and laureate bust r. R. Lion on spear within ornamental frame on cross crowned. Ex- tremely fine. Rare. 1350 1749 Frederick V. Mining thaler of 6 marks. Bust r. in armor with Order of the White Elephant. R. Lion on spear, moun- tains in background. Uncirculated. R. 1628. 1351 1844 Charles XIV. John. Dollar. Bustr. R. Arms. Fine. 1352 1827 Charles XIV. John. Dollar. Bustr. R. Arms. Vf. 1353 1830 Charles XIV. John. Duplicate of last. Ex. fine. POLAND. 1354 1615 Sigismund III. Dantzig y± thaler. Bust r. R. City arms. Uncirculated. 1355 1637 Wladislaus IV, 1632-48. Czar of Russia, 1610-12. Dantzig thaler. Very fine bust % face right, vladisl iv d : g : rex POLON M . D : LIT . RUS : PRUS & N N SUEC & H : REX. R. MONETA 7 98 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. POLAND,, PRUSSIA. argentea civiTATis gedanensis. City arms. Fields polished long since and not conspicuous now. Very rare. Plate. 1356 1711 Fred. Augustus. Vicariats thaler. King mounted r. R. Three tables, on two sceptre and crown — the other royal robe. Extremely fine. Loop removed. 1357 1740 Fred. Aug. II. Vicariats thaler. Large bust r. R. Eagle. Very fine. 1358 1741 Fred. Aug. II. Vicariats thaler. Elector mounted r. R. Vacant throne. Uncirculated. 1359 1754 Augustus III. Thaler. Crowned bust r. R. Arms. Unc. 1360 1766 Stanislaus Augustus. Convention thaler. Fine bust r. R. Arms in wreath with ribbon entwined. Semi-proof. 1361 1763 Augustus III. Thaler. Bust r. R. Twin shields crowned. Fine. PRUSSIA. 1362 1712 Frederick I. 2/3 thaler for Magdeburg, 1712. Bust r. fridericus rex Prussia. R. ouique suum. Elaborate shield of 11 coats of arms crowned. Very fine. Rare. 1363 1767 Frederick II, the Great. Thaler, 1767. Bust r. in Roman armor, draped, laureated. fridericvs borvssorvm rex. R. MAR . BRAN . SAC . ROM . IMP ARCAM ET ELECVP DVX . SILES 1767. Crowned eagle bearing elaborate coat of arms crowned on his breast. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. 1364 1771 Frederick II, the Great. Thaler. Young bust r. Vg. 1365 Frederick II, the Great. Thaler, 1778. Aged portrait. Bust r. FREDRICUS BORUSSORUM REX. R. EIN REICHS THALER. Eagle amid arms, ein reichs thaler 1778. Uncirculated. Remark- able specimen of this interesting coin. 1366 1785 Frederick II, the Great. So-called death thaler. As last. but date 17 a 85. It so happened that the King died 17th of August, 1785, and it is curious, and by the superstitious and ignorant thought to have been so intended, that the usual plac- ing of the a, the M. M. of Berlin, dividing the date, was to be taken as noting the day, month and year of death. Very good. 1367 1794 Frederick William II. Thaler. Bust r. R. Eagle in circle, crowned, between olive branches. Uncirculated. 1368 1790 Fred. Wm. II. 1809. Fred. Win. III. y 3 thaler. Ex- tremely fine. 2 pes. 1369 1815 Fred. Wm. III. Thaler. Head r. R. Denomination in wreath. Extremely fine. EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. SAXONY, SCOTLAND, SICILY AND NAPLES. 99 1370 1829 Fred. Wm. III. Thaler. Head r. R. Arms crowned. Ex- tremely fine. 1371 1854 Fred. Wm. IV. Double thaler. Head r. R. Arms on mantle crowned. Extremely fine. 1372 1859 Fred. Wm. IV. Double thaler. Head r. R. Eagle. Vf. SAXONY. 1373 1813 Fred. Aug. I. Convention thaler. Bust r. R, Arms, crowned, between palm branches. Extremely fine. 1374 1820 Fred. Aug. I. Mining thaler. Bust in costume 1. R. Arms crowned ; der segen des bergbaus. Extremely fine. 1375 1834 Anton. Thaler. Head r. R. Arms. Extremely fine. 1376 1893 Albert. 5 marks. Head r. R. Arms. Uncirculated. Slightest chafing. 1377 1903 George. 5 marks. Head r. R. Arms. Uncirculated. l & v SCOTLAND. 1378 1561 Mary. Testoon. Bust in plain dress and cap 1., maria . dei . gra . scotorvm . regina 1561. R. Arms crowned, m crowned at sides, salvvm . fac . popvlvm . tvvm . domine. Fine for coin. Extremely rare. Plate. 1379 1565 Mary and Henry Darnley. Crown, 1565. maria & henric dei . gra . r. & r. scotorv. Arms of Scotland crowned, thistle head at either side. R. exvrgat devs & dissipentr inimici . ei . (Let God arise (and) let His enemies be scattered). Ewe tree crowned; dat gloria virvs on scroll, in field 1565. Vf. Rare. 1380 1625-49 Charles I. Twenty pence (5c). Bust crowned 1. R, Thistle crowned. Very fine. SICILY AND NAPLES. 1381 1246-85 Charles of Anjou. Penny. Half length crowned and with sceptre r. R. Eagle. Extremely fine. 1382 1684 Charles II. Crown. Bust in armor, draped, long hair, r., CAROLVS . II . D . G . HISPANIAR . ETE . NEAP . REX. R. VNVS . NON . svrnciT 1684 (One not sufficient). Two hemispheres with crowned sceptre dividing. Extremely fine and interesting, as it is the first coin showing the New World ! Plate. 1383 1730 Charles III. Crown. Bust in armor and great wig r., CAROLVS . Ill . DEI . GRATIA. R. REX SICILLiE ET HIER 1730. Eagle. Extremely fine. Rare. 1384 1791 Ferd. IV. Crown on his nuptials with Maria Carolina, 100 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. daughter of Maria Theresa and sister of Marie Antoinette. Busts jugata r. R. soli redvci. Earth, Sun and portion of the Zodiac. Uncirculated. 1385 1805 Ferd. IV. 120 grano or crown. Fine bust in sunken field. R. Arms crowned similarly treated. Extremely fine. 1386 1808 Joseph Napoleon. 120 grano or crown. Head 1. R, Arms, mermaids at sides. Fine. 1387 1809 Joachim Napoleon, Murat. 12 carlini or crown. Very ar- tistic head 1. R. principe e grand ammiraglio di francia. Extremely fine. 1388 1813 Joachim Napoleon, Murat. 5 lire. Head r. R. Arms. Extremely fine. 1389 1818 Ferd. I. 120 grano or crown. Bust crowned r. R. Arms crowned, from which, suspended,, are several Orders. Unc. SPAIN. 1390 1811 Joseph Napoleon. 20 reals or dol. Bust 1. R, Arms. Very fine. 1391 1859 Isabella II. 20 reals. Head. R. Arms. Uncirculated. 1392 1871 Amadeo I. 5 pesetas. Head. R. Arms. Extremely fine. 1393 1874 Charles VII (Don Carlos), Pretender. 5 pesetas. Head r., by P. Bembo, carolus vii dei gratia 1874. R. Arms, hispaniarum rex p 5. Edge milled. Proof. Rare. Plate. 1394 1888 Alfonso XIII. 5 pesetas. Head of baby King. Unc. 1395 1891 Alfonso XIII. As last. Extremely fine. 1396 1892 Alfonso XIII. 5 pesetas. Head of King as a boy. Ex. fine. 1397 1897 Alfonso XIII. 5 pesetas. Older head. Extremely fine. SWEDEN. 1398 1543 Gustavus I, Vasa. Thaler. Half length with sword and orb, r., resting on coat of arms. R. Christ, standing. Vf. Plate. 1399 1576 John III. Thaler. Type as last. Very fine. Plate. 1400 Without date. John III. Double thaler. Half length in armor with sword and orb, crowned within titles, and in outer border 23 coats of arms. R. Three concentric lines of inscription en- circle croAvned arms. Fine. Very rare. Plate. 1401 1610 Charles IX. Thaler. The King in a defiant attitude with sword raised in right and orb in left hand, standing left, table with crossed sceptre and key r., coat of arms at either side; above Jehovah in Hebrew. R. Christ standing. Very fine. Surface polished. Loop removed. Rare. Plate. EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. SWEDEN. 101 1402 1617 Gust. Adolphus. Bust 1., 3 coats of arms below. E. Plant growing up through a crown. Extremely fine. Size 19. 1403 1617 Gust. Adolphus. Thaler. Half length in armor, crowned, and with sceptre 1., Jehovah above. K. Christ standing. Fields burnished. Very good. 1404 1632 Gust. Adolphus. Thaler. Half length in armor with sceptre and orb 1. B. Christ standing. Obverse very fine, a scratch in field. E. Badly scratched all over the field. Plate. 1405 1632 Gust. Adolphus. Thaler. Bust laureated and with lace collar r. E. Arms. V. fine. Obv. field slightly polished. Plate. 1406 1632 Gust. Adolphus. Augsburg thaler. Bust laureated in armor % face r. E. Arms. Extremely fine. 1407 1632 Gust. Adolphus. As last. Very fine. 1408 1641 Christina, daughter of last. Thaler. Half length in rich dress and large collar, standing at a table on which are royal insignia. E. Christ standing. Very fine. Eare. 1409 1643 Christina. Thaler. Bust in rich dress % face 1. E. As last. Very fine. 1410 1707 Charles XII. Thaler. Large bust in armor r. E, Arms, med. gudz hielp. Fine, but burned in acid. 1411 1716 Charles XII. 4 marks (i/ 2 thaler). Bust r. E. Arms. Fine. 1412 1718 Charles XII. Thaler. Bust r. E. As next to preceding. Very good. 1413 1719 Ulrica Eleonora, sister of last. Thaler. Bust r. E. Arms, gud . mitt . hopp. Very fine. Eare. Plate. 1414 1766 Ad. Frederick. Thaler. Bust r. E. Arms crowned in Order. Very fine. 1415 1794. Gust. IV, Adolp. Thaler. Head r. E. Arms, gud och folket. Fine. Nick on edge. 1416 1821 Charles XIV (John Bernadotte). Jubilee thaler on the centennial anni. of the expulsion of the Danes and introduction of Lutheranism into Sweden. Large bust r. E. Busts of Gust. I, II, Fred. I. Proof, slightly hairmarked. 1417 1869 Charles XV. Dollar. Head r. E. Arms. Ex. fine. SPIEITUAL LOEDS. popes. 1418 (1635) Urban VIII. Scudo. Bust r. E. vivit devs (God lives) roma. Archangel Michael subduing the devil. Ex. fine. 102 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. SPIRITUAL LORDS — POPES. 1419 (1646) Innocent X. Scudo. Bust r. R. in verbo tvo "In thy word," romae. Christ giving the keys of Heaven and Hell to St. Peter, who kneels before Him. Extremely fine. Very rare. Cingali 24. Plate. 1420 1669 See Vacant. Scudo. Arms of Card. Barberini. R. Holy dove and fire from Heaven. Ins., trs., "Shine upon, appear as heretofore." Fine. 1421 1672 Clement X. Scudo. Bust r. R. malvm . minvit . bonvm avget. Clemency and Liberty standing. Ex. fine. C. 15. 1422 1675 Clement X. Scudo. Bust r. R. Porta Santa open, pil- grims advancing. Ins., trs., "Love dearly the Lord, the gate of Zion." Uncirculated. 1423 1675 Clement X. Scudo. Arms. R. As last. Very fine. 1424 (1676) Innocent XI. Scudo. Bust r. R. non prodervnt etc., trs., "They shall not come forward in the day of vengeance." Extremely fine. 1425 (1678) Innocent XL Scudo. Bust r. R, St. Peter's Cathedral. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. 1426 (1684) Innocent XL Scudo. Bust. R. dextera etc., trs., "Thy right hand, O Lord, hath smitten the enemy," referring to the defeat of the Turks by John Sobieski at Vienna. Fine. 1427 1684 Innocent XL Scudo. As last, but with date. Ex. fine. 1428 1689 See Vacant. Scudo. Arms of Card. Altieri. R, Holy Dove in tongues of flame. Ins., trs., "Send forth Thy Spirit," Fine. 1429 1690 Alexander VIII. Scudo. Bust r. R. Ins., trs., "On the levying of a legion for the sacred war," referring to the aid lent by this Pontiff to the Venetians in their conquest of Negropont. The Church as a woman, standing, holding a temple in her right hand and a legionary standard in her left. Very good. Slight nick on edge. 1430 1696 Innocent XII. Scudo. Bust. R. "He speaks peace to the nations." Pope in consistory, enthroned. Cardinals in circle before him. Extremely fine. 1431 (1697) Innocent XII. Scudo. Bust. R, "He speaks peace to the nations." Pope in consistory, the Cardinals ranged before him, Holy Dove descending from Heaven; differs from last. Uncirculated. Rare. 1432 (1697) Innocent XII. Scudo. Arms. R. Pope on a dais. Plugged at top ; has also been mounted on edge. Very good. 1433 1702 Clement XL Scudo. Large bust 1. R. Ins., Irs., 'I love EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. SPIRITUAL LORDS. 103 dearly the service of Tlry house." Virgin and Child in the style of the Greek Church, enthroned, angel at either side, kneeling priest before them. Extremely fine. 1434 1704 Clement XI. Scudo. Arms. R. Priest holding Christ. Uncirculated. 1435 1704 Clement XI. As last. Fine. Planchet slightly granulous. 1436 (1708) Clement XI. Scudo. Bust 1. R. St. Peter in boat being propelled by wind from Heaven. Fine. Rare. 1437 (1711) Clement XI. Scudo. Arms. R. Aqueduct of Castel- lane. Very fine. 1438 (1715) Clement XI. Scudo. Bust r. R, Arms. Ex. fine. 1439 1754 Benedict XIV. Scudo. Bust r. R. The Church. Unc. 1440 1774 See Vacant. % scudo. Arms of Colonna. R. Holy Dove. Extremely fine. 1441 1825 Leo XII. Scudo. Bust 1. R. The Church. Uncirculated. 1442 1825 Leo XII. As last. Ex. fine. Pin-head nick in field. 1443 1829 See Vacant. Scudo. Arms of Card. Camerlingo Galeffi. R. The Church. Proof. 1444 1829 See Vacant. As last. Uncirculated. 1445 1830 Pius VIII. Scudo. Bust r. R. Sts. Peter and Paul. Unc. 1446 1845 Gregory XVI. Scudo. Bust 1. Very fine. 1447 1846 See Vacant. Scudo. Arms of Card. Sforza. R. Holy Dove. Uncirculated. 1448 1870 Pius IX. 5 lire and last year of coinage by the Popes. Bust 1. R. 5 lire 1870 in wreath. Uncirculated. 1449 1870 Pius IX. As last in every respect. archbishops. 1450 1642 Mainz. Thaler. Anselem Casimer. Bust, nearly facing, in rich attire and plain collar. R. Arms. Fine, but fields bur- nished and bad nick on edge. Plate. 1452 1694 Salzburg. Thaler. John Ernest. Virgin and Child above arms. R. St. Rupert with salt box. Extremely fine. 1453 1700-7. Salzburg. As last. Extremely fine. 2 pes. 1454 1716 Salzburg. Thaler. Francis Anton. Bust. R. Arms and hat. Extremely fine. 1455 1758 Salzburg. Thaler. Sigismund. Picture of Virgin and Child in a glory, Angel and Arms at sides. R. St. Rupert standing. Very fine. 1456 1787 Salzburg. Thaler. Hieronymus. Bust. R. Arms. Ex- tremely fine. 1462 1706 Olmutz. 1463 1707 Olmutz. 1464 1722 Olmutz. Arms. Fine. 1465 1726 Olmutz. 104 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. SPIRITUAL LORDS, ANCIENT PRINCELY HOUSES. BISHOPS. 1457 1786 Bamberg. Double tbaler. Francis Louis of Ertbal. Bust. R. Genius with cornucopia, globe, book, etc. Extremely fine. 1458 1786 Bamberg. Thaler, as last. Marked with ink in field. Ex- tremely fine. 1459 1790 Eichstadt. y 2 thaler. Jos. Bust. R. Arms. V. fine. 1460 1796 Fulda. Thaler struck during the occupancy by the French, 1794-96. Adalbert III, of Harstall, 1788-1802. Bust r. R. pro deo et patria. Uncirculated. 1461 1705 Olmutz. Thaler. Charles von Lothringen. Bust r. R. Arms on Maltese cross; eagle at sides. Extremely fine. Thaler. Similar to last. Extremely fine. Thaler. Similar to last. Uncirculated. Wolfgang, Graf von Schrattenbach. Bust. R. Wolfgang. Type of last. Extremely fine. ABBOTS. 1466 1694 Kempten. Thaler. Rupert. Arms. R. Bust facing, of St. Hildegard. Very fine. Rare. Plate. ORDER OF ST. JOHN OF MALTA. 1467 1790 Malta. E. De Rohan, Grand Master Knights of Malta. Bust. R. Arms. 30 tari or crown. Extremely fine. ANCIENT PRINCELY HOUSES. BAVARIA. 1468 1627 Maximilian I. Thaler. Arms. R. Virgin and Child. Ex- tremely fine. 1469 1694 Max. Emanuel. Thaler. Bust r. R. Virgin and Child. Extremely fine. 1470 1764 Max. Joseph. Thaler. Bust. R. Virgin and Child. Good. BRANDENBURG. 1471 1543 Geo. of Ansbach and Albrecht of Kulmbach. Thaler. Busts vis-a-vis. R. Arms and cross. Very fine. 1472 1549 Albrecht alone. Thaler. Bust in armor 1. R. As last. Vf. 1473 1620 Joachim Ernest, of Ansbach. Thaler. Bust % face r., in armor and lace collar. R. Arms. Ex. fine. Nick on edge. EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. ANCIENT PRINCELY HOUSES. 105 1474 1625 Joachim Ernest. Thaler. Half length in armor, with baton and helmet, crested % f. r. K. der herist mein schilt avp den ich trawe in center in 8 lines, date of birth, etc. Ex- tremely fine. Rare. R. 3267. M. 1061. Sch. 6143. Plate. 1475 1633 Geo. Wm, Thaler. Half length in armor, with sceptre and sword r. R. prvs . ivl . cl . ber . m . pom . & dvlx 1633. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1476 1640 Geo. Wm. Thaler. Same type as last. Obverse appears to have been struck from a rusted die. Fine. Rare. 1477 1648 Frederick Wilhelm. Thaler. Half length in ermine cap and cloak, with sceptre and sword r., die broken on edge. R. Arms. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 1478 1686 Johann Friedrich, 1667-1686. Thaler. Fine bust in armor, long hair r., iohannes . friderich march . brand . dux . magd . PRUSS. R. STET . POM . CAS . VAN . IN . SILES . CROS . E . IAG . BURG . NOR . PR . H . M . C. C. IN . HOHENZ . in Center NATUS onold . 8 . oct : 1654. ibidem . denatus . 22 . mart . 1686 . ann . regiminis . 14 . ^etatis . 31 . mens . 5 . die 14. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. 1479 1689 Fred. Ill 2/3 thaler. Bust with great hair. Ex. fine. 1480 1727 Christiane Charlotte, Guardian and Regent, 1723-9. Thaler. Beautiful bust 1. R. Arms of Brandenburg and Wurtemberg side by side and crowned. Semi-proof. Extremely fine. R. 3279. Sch. 6178. Plate. 1481 1764 Alexander. Thaler. Bust r. R. Arms. Very fine. 1482 1765 Alexander. Memorial thaler. The Margrave, mounted, riding to left, below mdcclxv schwabach. R. secvritati pvb- LiCiE. Prussian eagle on arms and trophy. Extremely fine. Slight nicks. 1483 1774 Alexander. Thaler. Bust r. R. schwabach. Lion sup- ports arms. Uncirculated. BRUNSWICK. 1484 1591 Henry Julius. Thaler. Bust 1. R. Wildman and tree at left side guard arms. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 1485 1614 Fred. Ulrich. Thaler. Wildman and tree. Good. 1486 1619 Fred. Ulrich. Thaler. Wildman and tree. Fine. 1487 1625 Fred. Ulrich. Thaler. Wildman and tree. Fine. 1488 1634 Fred. Ulrich. Thaler. Wildman and tree. Very fine. 1489 1622 Christian, Bishop of Halberstadt. Thaler. The celebrated coin with gottes frkvndt der pfaffen feindt — God's friend, 106 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. ANCIENT PRINCELY HOUSES. priests' foe. Mailed arm with uplifted sword issuing from clouds. Made from silver obtained from smelting a solid silver statue of a Gaelic saint, named Liborius, which he found in the Cathedral of Halberstadt. Extremely fine. Scarce. Plate. 1490 1640 Augustus. Thaler. Half length in armor with baton and crested helmet. Extremely fine. 1491 1640 William. Thaler. Half length in armor with lace collar. % r. Extremely fine. 1492 1643 Augustus. Bell thaler. Three hands ringing a bell. R. Arms. Good. 1493 No date. Augustus. Thaler. Bust % face r. R. Two ancient vessels, one with gang-plank out, man approaching, alles mit bedacht (Everything with thought), below iacta est alea (The die is cast. ) Very fine. 1494 1659 Augustus. Thaler. Bust in skull cap, below crossed branches of laurel, which extend up each side and on which an inscribed scroll winds. R. Arms and scroll. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1495 1655 Augustus. Thaler. Bust with skull cap 1. R. Arms. Very fine. Plate. 1496 1655 Augustus. Broad four thalers! The Duke on horseback, walking, r. R. Arms. Fine. Rare. Plate. 1497 1655 Augustus. Thaler. Wildman and tree. Loop removed. Vg. 1498 1662 Augustus. V/ 2 thaler. The Duke mounted r. R, Arms. Vf. 1499 1647 Frederick. Broad three thalers! Bust within laurel wreath, surrounded by 14 coats of arms. R. Rural scene, a hill in foreground, beside which is a crossbeam, at which two men are embracing, in background sheep grazing, farm houses, and at right side a house in flames. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 1500 1648 Christian Ludwig, Zu Calle. Broad three thalers. Duke on horseback r. R. Arms. Very fine. Rare. Plate. 1501 1671 John Fred. 2/3 thaler. Bust 1. R, Palm on rock in sea, ships in background, ex duris gloria. Very fine. 1502 1680 Ernest Aug. Bishop of Osnabruck, Duke B. and L. Broad double thaler. Bust with long hair, in armor, r. R. Wheel of fortune, being guided by a ribbon held by a hand from Heaven, sun above, palm behind; in background, sea with ships and rocky isle with castle, varus in motibus eadem, ex'g. 1680. Very fine. A beautiful coin. Plate. 1503 16S5 Rudolph Augustus and Anton Ulrica. Thaler. Wildman and tree Avithin a circle. Very fine. 1504 1702 Rud., Aug. and Ant. UL Thaler. Pine busts r. R. Mili- tary trophy, dvobvs fvlcris secvkiys. Extremely fine. EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. ANCIENT PRINCELY HOUSES. 107 1505 1704 Anton Ulrich. Thaler. Wildman and tree. Fine. 1506 1712 Anton Ulrich. Thaler. Wildman and tree. Fine. BURGUNDY. 1507 1519-56 Charles V of Spain. Double testoon. Fine bust in armor crowned r. R. Arms. Fine. Plate. LOTHRINGEN. 1508 1776 Charles Alex. Thaler. Bust r. R. Arms. Ex. fine. NASSAU. 1509 1815 Fred. Augustus. Thaler. Bust r. R. Arms. Ex. fine. 1510 1832 Wilhelm. Crown thaler. Bust r. R. Arms. Ex. fine. PALATINATE. 1511 1567 Frederick III. Thaler. Bust in fine armor % face r., with great sword and orb. fride . d . g . co . pa . rhe . s.r.i prin . el . ba . dvx. R. Three shields of arms joined, crested, and lion seated on top. herr . nach . deinem willen 1567. Ex- tremely fine. Rare. Plate. 1512 1610 Frederick IV. Thaler. Half length in armor, with great sword and orb, r. R. Twin arms crowned, regier mich her nach deinem wort 1610. Extremely fine. Rare. Plate. SAXONY. » 1513 1542 John Fred., 1532-47. Head of the Protestants. Fraeburg thaler. Bust in cloak, sword drawn. R. Bust of Maurice. Four shields on either side divide arms. Very fine. 1514 1552 Maurice. Thaler. Half length in armor r., with sword. Three coats of arms divide ins. on both sides. Slight crack in planchet. Extremely fine. 1515 1579 Fred. Wm. and John. Thaler. Half lengths in great cloaks on either side. Very fine. 1516 1579 Augustus. Thaler. Half length in armor and great sword. Very fine. 1517 1598 Christian, John Geo. and Augustus. Double thaler. Half lengths facing of the three brothers. R. Arms. Very fine. 1518 1600 As last. Thaler. Very good. 1519 1601 As last. Thaler. Fine. 1520 1611 John Fred, and Seven Brothers. Thaler. Four half lengths in a row on both sides. Very fine. ',-5' 108 EUROPEAN SILVER COINS. ANCIENT PRINCELY HOUSES. 1521 1614 John Geo. and Aug. Busts on either side. Very fine. 1522 1619 John Geo. I. Vicariats thaler struck when he was Elector, and as Vicar of the Empire after decease of Emp. Matthias. Elector mounted r. R. Titles in 12 lines. Fine. 1523 1625 John Geo. I. Thaler. Half length r. Very fine. 1524 1630 John Geo. I. Square or diamond-shaped thaler on the en- gagement of Princess Marie Elizabeth with Duke Frederick of Holstein. Bust of John Geo., in elaborate armor, christvs scopvs vitm meae in angles. R. Crossed swords and hands joined by a bracelet on either wrist, attached by a chain which passes through a wedding ring, omnia ad metam mdcxxx. Extremely fine. Plate. 1525 1630 John Geo. I. Thaler on centenary of the Augsburg Con- fession. Bust of John, 1530. R. Bust of John Geo. I, 1630. Extremely fine. Plate. 1526 1630 Duplicate of last. Very fine. 1527 1652 Half length r. Thaler. Extremely fine. 1528 1656 John Geo. I. Obituary thaler. Bust r., within circle of two lines of ins. R. Ins. in 10 lines. Very fine. 1529 1657 John Geo. II. Vicariats thaler. The Elector mounted r., deo et patrle 1657. R. Titles in 12 lines. Extremely fine. 1530 1657 Duplicate of last in every respect. 1531 1671 John Geo. III. Thaler. Bust. R, Arms under Electoral cap. Fine. 1532 1683 John Geo. III. Thaler. Large bust r. R. Arms. Ex. fine. 1533 1691 John Geo. III. Funeral thaler. Bust r., in three con- centric lines. R. Ins. in 16 lines. Very fine. SAXE GOTHA. 1534 1675-91 Frederick I. Broad iy 2 (?) thaler. Large bust in armor draped, wearing huge wig, r. R. pietate . prudentia . iustitia. Crown and sceptre on a cushion, below I.G. w ( TVerinuth ) . Ex- tremely fine. Rare. Plate. saxe-weimar. 1535 1763 Anna Amalia, Regent until 1775, during minority of her son, Chas. Aug., the friend of Goethe. Conv. thaler. Bust 1. R. Arms. Fine. R. Struck off center. R. 4563. SCHLESIEN. 1536 1675 George William. Thaler. Bust in armor and with long hair r. R. lignicensis : bregensis : et : wolayie xsis. Eagle FOREIGN SILVER COINS. ANCIENT AND MODERN PRINCELY HOUSES 109 with cross and crescent on breast; crown above. Extremely fine. Eare. Plate. 1537 1674 Sylvius Frederick of Munsterberg and Oels. Thaler. Bust with great wig r. E. Crested arms. Very fine. Eare. Plate. 1538 1686 Sylvius Frederick. Funeral thaler on the death of his mother, Elizabeth Maria, widow of Sylvius Nimrod, born 1625, died 1686. elisabet maria . duc . wurtemb . tec. Bust left, wearing a beautiful lace veil. E. Ins., in 14 lines. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. E. 4878. SIEBENBURGEN. 1539 1621 Gabriel Bethlen. Thaler. Half length in rich armor with sceptre. 1540 1629 Gabriel Bethlen. Thaler. Half length in armor, fez and with sceptre r. E. Arms. Very fine. 1541 1656 Geo. Eakoczi II. Thaler. Half length in armor, with fez and sceptre. E. Arms. Extremely fine. 1542 1660 Geo. Eakoczi II. Thaler. Large bust r. E. Arms. Ex- tremely fine. 1543 1684 Michael Apafi. Hexagonal thaler. Half length in rich armor, with fez and sceptre r. E. Arms. Thaler die struck on a hexagon planchet. V. fine. Very rare. Plate. Montenova 1144. 1544 1681 Michael Apafi. Thaler, as last, on regular planchet. Planchet has half inch straight edge on right side, not interfer- ing with device or legend. Extremely fine. MODEEN PEINCELY HOUSES. BATTHYANI. 1545 1788 Ludwig. Thaler. Very fine bust r. B, Elaborate crested arms on crowned mantle. Proof. Plate. ctjrland. 1546 1780 Peter, of the house of Biron. Thaler. Head r. E. Arms of Poland and Lithuania joined and crowned. Ex. fine. EGGENBERG. 1547 1629 John Ulrich. Thaler. Fine portrait bust r., in armor and great collar. E. Arms. Extremely fine. Eare. E. 5013. M. 1649. Plate. 110 FOREIGN SILVER COINS. MODERN PRINCELY HOUSES — ITALY. SCHWARZBURG-RUDOLSTADT. 1548 1791 Fred. Carl. Conv. thaler. Bust r. R. Nude man and wo- man standing at either side of arms. Semi-proof. ITALY. TUSCANY. 1549 1573 Francesco I. Medici. Tallero or dollar. Bust in armor r. R. St. John in the Wilderness, grass and tree at either side. Extremely fine. Rare. 1550 1575 Francesco I. Medici. Tallero. Bust in armor r. R. St. John in the Wilderness, mountains and grass on either side. Extremely fine. 1551 1605 Ferd I. Medici. Tallero. Scudo. Bust in armor, with sceptre, spiked crown. R. Arms. Defect on edge over head. Fine. 1552 1611 Cosmus II. Tallero. Fine bust in armor 1. R. St. John in the Wilderness, tree on high ground at either side. Deep nick at point of bust, otherwise extremely fine. 1553 1635 Ferd. II. Tallero. Bust in armor and great ruff r. R. St. John standing, date beneath weak. Uncirculated. 1554 1638 Ferd. II. Tallero. Similar to last. Very fine. 1555 1680 Cosmus III. Tallero. Large bust with long hair r. R. St. John baptizing Christ. Very fine. 1556 1683 Cosmus III. Tallero. Smaller bust, with spiked crown, r. R. Port of Leghorn. Slight defect on obv. edge. Very fine. 1557 1684 Cosmus III. Tallero. Small bust r. R. Christ being baptized by St. John. Extremely fine. 1558 1703 Cosmus III. Leghorn tallero. Arms. R. Rose bush. Ins., trs., "Grace proffered, punishment provoked." Ex. fine. 1559 1712 Cosmus III. Tallero. Bust r. R. Gate guarded by two towers, crown above. Very fine. Cosmus III. Tallero. Large bust r. R. As last. Unc. Giovanni Gastone. Crown. Bust in armor with great wig R. As last. Uncirculated. Rare. Plate. As last. Extremely fine. Rare. Peter Leopold. Pisa crown. Bust. R. Arms. Fine. Leopold II. Pisa crown. Bust. R. Arms, griffons n( sides. Extremely fine. 1565 1846 Leopold II. Pisa crown. Head r. R. Arms. Ex. fine. 1560 1723 1561 1726 1562 r. 1726 1563 1766 1564 1790 FOREIGN SILVER COINS. MODERN PRINCELY HOUSES — ITALY. Ill GENOA. 1566 1631 Genoa. Heavy dollar. City gate. K. conradvs h ro rex. Conrad II, 1021-39, bestowed on the city the privilege of coining money and they continued placing his name on the coins in honor of the event. Fine. 1567 1676 Genoa. Broad double dollar. Virgin and Child, two an- gels above, with Celestial crown. R. Cross, cherubim in angles. Fine. 1568 1796 Genoa. Lire. St. John standing. R. Arms. Unc. LUCCA. 1569 1805 Lucca and Piombino. 5 francs. Felix and Eliza Bona- parte. Head r. Extremely fine. MILAN. 1570 1466-76 Milan. Johannes Galeazzo Maria Sforza. Testoon by Leonardo da Vinci, io . gz . m . sf . vice comes . dvx mli . sx. Head of St. Ambrose in legend. Fine bust r. R. lv . patrvo . gvbnante. Two helmets crested vis-a-vis above arms. Ex- tremely fine. Rare. 1571 1476-94 Milan. Lodovico Moro. Testoon by Leonardo da Vinci. lvdovicvs m . sf . anglvs . dvx mli. Bust with long hair r. R. pp . angle q3 . co . ac . ianve . d . 7 . c. Arms crowned, dragon and branch at either side, and branch with fire buckets at the sides of arms. Extremely fine. CISALPINE REPUBLIC. 1572 (1799) Cisalpine Republic. Scudo. France seated, female and crane before her. Fine. 1573 (1801) Gaul Sub Alpine. 5 francs. Two beautiful figures stand- ing. Very fine. LIGURIAN REPUBLIC. 1574 1798 Ligurian Rep. 8 lire. Two figs. R. Arms. Fine. Scarce. MONACO. 1575 1652 Monaco. Honore II. Crown. Fine bust r., hono : n : D : G : PRIN : MONOECI. R. DVX . VALENT . PAR . FRANCLE &C 1652. Arms crowned, scroll on crown with deo ivvante. Very fine. Rare. 112 FOREIGN SILVER COINS. MODERN PRINCELY HOUSES — ITALY. PARMA. 1576 1590 Parma. Double crown for Placentia. Alexander Farnese, the great General and enemy of Queen Elizabeth of England. Fine bust in armor r., Alexander . farn . dvx . hi . plac . par . etc. B. placentia romanor colonia 1590. Minerva holding fleur-de-lis in right hand, a cornucopia in left; at her feet, God of the Po and she wolf guarding the arms of Placentia. Fine. Well struck. Very rare. Plate. 1577 1591 Parma. CroAvn, as last, the inscription slightly abbreviated. Very fine. Loop removed at top. Fields slightly rubbed down. Eare. 1578 1815 Parma. Maria Louise, wife of Napoleon I. 5, 2 lire, 10, 5 soldi. Head. E. Arms. Proofs. 4 pes. 1579 1626 Parma. Odoardo Farnese. Crown. Bust in armor, great collar r. E. St. Antonius mounted r. Very fine. Bare. ROMAN REPUBLIC. 1580 1798-1800 Scudo. Liberty standing, repvblica romano. B. scvdo romano. Broad milling. Extremely fine. Scarce. 1581 1797 Bologna, Eoman Eep. Scudo. pr^sidivm et decvs. Virgin and Child on clouds above city. E. popvlvs et senatvs bon . p. 10 . 1797. Arms. Uncirculated. 1582 1797 Bologna. As last. Very fine. savoy. 1583 1580-1630 Charles Emanuel I. Crown. Fine bust in armor draped, great collar, r., carolvs . em . d.g. dvx . sab . p. p. etc. E. omnia . dat . qvi . ivsta . negat. Mailed arm with uplifted sword issuing from clouds. Uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. VENICE. 1581 1786 Paul Eainier. CroAvn. Bust of female as the Eep. E. Lion of St. Mark. Uncirculated. 1585 1794 Louis Manin. Crown. As last. Very fine. 1586 1848 Eepublic. 5 lire. Lion standing. 22 MABZO 1848. Unc. SWITZERLAND. 1587 1798 Helvetian Eepublic. 40 Batzen or dollar. Man with flag. Extremely fine. Bare. FOREIGN SILVER COINS. SWITZERLAND. GERMAN CITIES. 113 1588 1801 Helvetian Eepublic. 4 francs. Man in circle with flag. Extremely fine, semi-proof. Bare. 1589 1850 Helvetian Eepublic. 5 francs. Female seated. Ex. fine. 1590 1812 cantons. Aargau. 4 francs. Arms. E. Ancient warrior with spear. Very fine. 1591 1812 Appenzell. 4 francs. Arms. E. Ancient warrior with sword 1. Very fine. 1592 1792 Bern. 40 Batzen. C. S. of arms of Bern on obverse and 40 bz on reverse of a crown of Louis XVI of France. Fine. Eare. 1593 1798 Bern. Dollar. Arms in oval. E. Ancient warrior with great sword in a depressed oval. Proof. 1594 1798 Bern. As last. Fine. 1595 1813 Freiburg. 4 francs. Arms. E. Ancient warrior with great sword. Very fine. 1596 1851 Geneva. Medallic dollar on Shooting Fest. Arms. E. Female standing. Very fine. 1597 1814 Lucern. 4 francs. Arms. E. Ancient warrior with hal- berd. Extremely fine. 1598 1861 Unterwalden. 5 francs, though value not expressed. Shoot- ing Fest. Arnold Winkelried gathering the hostile lances into his breast. E. Arms. Uncirculated. GEBMAN CITIES. 1599 1744 Augsburg. Charles VII. Thaler. Fine bust in armor. E. View of city, Eye of Providence above. Proof. Plate. 1600 1763 Augsburg. Francis I. Thaler. Head r. E. Pine cone. Very fine. 1601 1624 Besancon. Charles V. Thaler. Bust 1., carolvs : v : imperator. (32) below bust. E. moneta : civi : imp : bis- vntin^e 1624. City arms. An eagle supports column in each talon. Fine. Eare. Plate. 1602 1861 Frankfort. Double thaler. Beautiful female bust. Ex. fine. 1603 1887 Frankfort. Com. thaler. 25th anniversary of the. 1604 1885 Innsbruck. Thaler on Second Austrian Shooting Fest. Ancient bowman. E. Eagle. Uncirculated. 1605 1673 Magdeburg. 2/3 thaler. August of Saxe-Weissenfels. Bust r. E. Arms. Uncirculated. 1606 1623 Minden. Christian. Thaler. Bust r. E. Arms. Vf. 1607 1721 Nuremberg. Chas. VI. Thaler. Large bust. E, View of city. Date in chronogram. Very fine. 114 FOREIGN SILVER COINS. NECESSITY OR SIEGE COINS. 1608 1754 Regensburg (Ratisbon). Francis. Thaler. Bust r. R. View of city, river and bridges. Extremely fine. 1609 1756 Regensburg. Thaler, as last. Extremely fine. 1610 1791 Regensburg. Leopold II. Thaler. Bust. R. Crossed keys. Fine. 1611 1793 Regensburg. Francis II. Thaler. Bust, R. View of city, river and bridges. Extremely fine. NECESSITY OR SIEGE COINS. 1612 1713 BAVARIA. Landau. 2 florins and 8 kreutzers, struck by the Imperial Commander, Charles Alexander of TVurteniberg, when besieged by the French. Oblong piece of silver with seven counterstamps in center of arms of Charles Alexander, 1713. At top PRO(tector) cjES(ar) & mr(erator), in angles monogram ca crowned, below bel : landau 2 fl : 8 k. Very fine. Crack in from edge near corner. 28 x 32. 1613 1625 BREDA. 40 stuivers, struck when blockaded by the Span- iards from plate supplied by the officers. Diamond-shaped plate with stamped arms crowned, breda . obsessa 1625; in angles 40, two arms of city and rose. R, Blank. Very fine. 18 x 26. Plate. 1614 1625 Breda. 20 stivers. City arms, breda obses 1625. Above 20, below rose. Extremely fine. 19 x 20. 1615 1578 CAMPEN. 42 stuivers, struck when besieged by the troops of the States of Holland. Diamond-shaped piece of silver with points cut off. Stamped in center with arms of city, above, in two tablets, extremvm svbsidivm at either, divided by arms, 42 st beloAv campen 1578. R. Blank. Extremely fine. Rare. 31 x 32. Plate. 1616 1672 HOLLAND. Groningen. 50 stivers, struck when besieged by the Bishop of Munster. Diamond-shaped piece of silver with central stamp of arms, ivre et tempore 1672 50 ST. R. Blank. Extremely fine. 30x30. 1617 1574 LEYDEN. Medallic double (?) thaler. View of Siege. sic. hispa. A. leydn OCT fvg 3 OCTO 1571. R. Avenging Angel driving the soldiers from their camp. VT. sanheiub. a. IERVSALEM 2. reg. 19. Extremely fine. Plate. 1618 1812 MEXICO. Sombrerete. Dollar, struck by General Vargas. Arms, (o)acaxa (som)brete. R. vargas 1812. Fair. FOREIGN SILVER COINS. ORIENTAL GOLD COINS. 115 AFEICA. 1619 ABYSSINIA. Menelick. Bust r. K. Lion. Dollar and $y 2 , W±, $1/10. Uncirculated. 4 pes. 1620 Abyssinia. Menelick. New design, ornamental border. Bust r. B. Lion. Dollar. Uncirculated. 1621 EBITBEA. Italian Colony. Bust of King Umberto I. 2 lire, 1890. Uncirculated. 1622 GEEMAN EAST AFEICA CO. Bust of Enap. Wm. II. Vi, i/ 2 , 1 rupee, 1891. Uncirculated. 3 pes. OEIENTAL COINS IN GOLD, SILVEE, COPPEE. NOETHEEN INDIA. KTTSHAN DYNASTY. GOLD COINS. 1623 120-150 A. D., about. Kanishka. King standing, long inscription. E. Sun God standing, miipo. Gold dinar, weight 3 pwts. Good. 1624 120-150 A. D. Kanishka. As last, dif. die. Gold dinar. Good. 1625 120-150 A. D. Kanishka. King standing. E. War God, opvalno. Gold dinar. Very good. 1626 120-150 A. D. Kanishka. As last, dif. die. Gold dinar. Good. 1627 120-150 A. D. Kanishka. King standing. E, Male Moon God. mao. Gold dinar. Very good. 1628 120-150 A. D. Kanishka. King standing. E. Goddess, nanapao. Gold dinar. Very good. 1629 120-150 A. D. Kanishka. King standing. E. Four-armed Siva, ohpo. Gold dinar. Very good. 1630 150-180 A. D., about. Huvishka. Half length in armor of the King. E. Four-armed Siva ; goat in the field, ohpo. Gold dinar. Very fine. 1631 150-180 A. D. Huvishka. Half length in armor and helmet of the King. E. Fire God standing and holding out a pan of fire in his hand. Gold dinar. Extremely fine, oappo. Plate. 1632 150-180 A. D. Huvishka. Bust of the King. E. Warrior. Gold dinar. Good. 1633 150-180 A. D. Huvishka. Half length of the King. E. God of Fire and metals, aopo. Gold dinar. 1634 150-180 A. D. Huvishka. As last. dinars. Good. Very fine. aoro and abopo. Gold 2 pes. 116 ORIENTAL GOLD COINS. INDIA. 1635 150-180 A. D. Huvishka. Half length of the King. R. Draped Goddess, nanapao. Gold dinar. Fine. 1636 150-180 A. D. Huvishka. As last, apvoxpo. Gold dinars. Good. 2 pes. 1637 200 A. D., about ( ?). Barbaric gold dinars, probably of the sundry Chiefs. Rude and curious. Weight, 25*4 pwts. 5 pes. 1638 185-220 A. D., about. Vasudeva Kushan (Bazodes). King stand- ing. R. Two-armed Siva and bull, onpo. Gold dinar. Fine. Plate. 1639 3rd and 4th Century A. D. Sundry Chiefs ruling in Punjab. King standing. R. Ardochsho seated. Gold (low grade) dinars. Crude. 2 pes. 1640 3rd Century A. D. Little Kushans. Bhadra. King standing. R. Ardochsho enthroned. Gold dinar. Weight, 5 pwts. Vf. 1641 455-480 A. D. Gupta Dynasty. Probably Skandagupta. King standing. R. Goddess seated. Base gold dinar. Fair. 1642 1628-1658 Shah Jahan. Square Mohur dated 1048 A. H. Very fine. Bust like the one in the Calcutta Museum. It is doubtful and is sold without guarantee. Weight, ? SULTANS OF DELHI. 1643 1325-51 Mohammed II ibn Tughlaq. Ins. on both sides. Very fine and perfect gold Mohur struck at Delhi, 1327. 1644 1392-1412 Mahmoud Shah II. Ins. on both sides. Gold Mohur. Fine. VARIOUS PLACES IN INDIA. 1645 1818-19 Assam. Bhrajanatha Simhia. Octagonal 14 Muhr, gold. Perfect. 1646 1792-1818 Bengal Presidency. B. E. I. Co. Ins. only. Moors- hedabad. Vi Mohur. Fine. Dented. 1647 About 7th Century A. D. Kashmir Yigraha. Hindu coinage, a debased type of Kushar coins. Crude imitations of standing and seated figures. Gold. Weight, 112 grains. Fine. 1648 1468-1500 Malwa. Ghyas ud din. Square gold coin with fine ins. on both sides. Very fine. Weight, ? 1649 1468-1500 Malwa. As last. Very fine. 1650 1790 (?) Mysore. Tippoo Sahib. Gold fanams, 2 from Patau Mint, the other from Nuggar Mint. About 50c. in gold in each. Very fine. 3 pes. 1651 1750 (?) Travancore. Gold fanams. Perfect. 3 pes. 1652 1019-49 A. D., about. The Tomara Dynasty of Ajmir and Delhi. ORIENTAL COINS. INDIA AND CENTRAL ASIAN. 117 Kumara Pala Deva. Figure of a man, facing. Gold. % Mohur. Fine. 1653 Bengal Presidency. Furruckabad Mohur, 1803-19. Inscription only. Uncirculated. Plate. 1654 Victoria. Bust in rich attire, crowned, 1., victoria empress. V4 Anna, y 2 Pice, 1/12 Anna. 1899. Copper coins struck in gold. Brilliant proofs. Extremely rare. Plate. 3 pes. INDIAN AND CENTRAL ASIAN SILVER COINS. 1655 400-500 A. D. (?). Indo-Sassanian. Napki, King of Kabul. Bust r., ins. around. R. Indistinct (an altar with fire worshiper at sides). Dirhem. Very good. 1656 500 A. D. (?). Ephthalites or White Huns. Bust r. R. Fire altar. Dirhem. Good. Rare. 1657 500 A. D. (?). Similar to last. R. Ins. Fair. Rare. 1658 230-187 B. C. Bactria. Euthydemos I. Head filleted r. R. Herakles, naked, seated on rocks. BAZIAEUE (E)TdYAmW(r). Tetradrachm. Oxidized. Poor. Rare. 1659 100 A. D. (?). Bactria. Hyrkodes, a Kushan Chief. Head r. R. Warrior. Small. Fair. 2 pes. 1660 1813-19 B. E. I. Co. Bengal Pres. Rupee struck at Benares. Fine. 1661 1700 (?) Butan. Curious character. Thin. Dime size. 3 pes. 1662 1835 Calcutta. Rupee and y 2 r. Fine. 2 pes. 1663 1433-45 Delhi. Sultan Mohammed V, bin Farid. Base silver rupee struck at Delhi, 1440. Very fine. 1664 1850 Kashmir. Goolab Singh. Rupee with j. h. s. Very fine. 1665 1788 (?) Kuchawan. Thick rupee of Ajmere Mint. Fine. 1666 1468-1507 Khorasan. Hoseyn Baitcara,' Governor under the Timarid dynasty. Dirhem struck at Herat. Very good. 1667 1700 (?)-1800 (?) Kutch, Bhartpur and Moghul, Emperors. % rupees. Very good. 4 pes. 1668 1851 Mewar. Swarup Shahi. 4, 8 Annas. Fine. 2 pes. 1669 1816-47 Nepaul. Rajendra Vikrama Saha. Characters in scrolls. Nick on edge. Mohar (25c.). Fine. 1670 1049-79 North India. Tomara dynasty of Ajmir and Delhi. Ananga Pala. Bull and horseman, rude. Billon. Good. 3 pes. 1671 1820, about. Oude. Ghazi Eddin Hyder. 2 fish. 2 Annas. Fine. 1672 800-900 ( ?) Schind or Kabul. Hindu Kings, Spalapati Deva and Samanta Deva. Bull and horseman type. Dime size. Good. 30 pes. 118 ORIENTAL COINS. INDIA. AFGHANISTAN. PERSIA, ETC. 1673 1785 Tipperah. Dliara Deva. Dragon surrounded by Singla and Sanskrit legends. R. Tablet of ins. Rupee, dated Samvat, 1785. Very fine. Rare. 1674 1849 Tipperah. Type as last. Rupee, dated Samvat, 1849. Very fine. Rare. 1675 India. Punch-marked coin, about Christian era. Oblong bar with C. S. on it. Size 8 x 11. MOGUL EMPERORS. 1676 1556-1605 Akbar. Ins. within square, outside of which are addi- tional letters. Rupee of 1585. Very fine. 1677 1556-1605 Akbar. Square rupees. Good. 2 pes. 1678 1556-1605 Akbar. Square V± rupee of 1591. Fine. 1679 1556-1605 Akbar. y 2 rupee struck at Lahore in 1598. Vg. 1680 1628-58 Shah Jahan. Square y 8 rupee. Very fine. 1681 1628-58 Shah Jahan. Rupees struck at Surat, Lafar, Nagar, etc. Good. 6 pes. INDIAN COPPER COINS. 1682 175-150 B. C. Eucratides, King of Bactria and N. W. India. Bust r. R. Horseman. Square. Fair. 2 pes. 1683 90-40 B. C. Azes I, King of Taxila and Western Punjab. Poseidon and Goddess. Square. Fair. 1684 Various issues and places, some with busts of rulers, cows, ele- phants, etc. 22 are very debased silver. Fair to good. 122 pes. AFGHANISTAN, PERSIA, TURKEY, ETC. GOLD COINS. 1685 1863-79 Afghanistan. Sher Ali. Tilla ($1), struck at Kabul, 1877. Very fine. 1686 1758-85 Astrakhan, Jans of. Abul Ghazi. Tilla ($2), 1768. Vg. 1687 About 670 A. D. Baghdad Amawee Caliphs. Dirhem in imitation of the Sassanian type issued by the Governor of Bisbapur, Zizad ibn Abi Sufian. Bust r. Counterstamp of a Harpie(?) near edge. R. Fire Avorshipers. Silver. Very fine. 1688 740 A. D. Baghdad, Amawee Caliphs of. Hisham. Dinar ($2 K struck 122 A. II.=740 A. D. Very fine. 1689 786-809 Baghdad, Abbasee Caliphs of. Haroon el Rashid. Dinar (|2), struck 185 A. H.=801 A. D. Extremely fine. 1690 786-809 Baghdad. As last in every respect. ORIENTAL COINS. FORMOSA. CHINA. JAPAN, ETC. 119 1691 1875 Kashghar, Yakoob Beg of. Tilla, struck at Kashghar in 1815 in the name of Abdul Aziz, Sultan of Turkey, during the Mohammedan revolt against China. Very fine. 1692 1199-1220 Khuwarezm. Shah Ala ed din Mohammed. Dinar, struck at Samarkand in 1210. Fair. 1693 1848-96 Persia. Kajar dynasty. Nasir-ed-din. Toman (|2) s struck at Kazvin, 1855. Fine. 1694 1848-96 Persia. As last. Toman ($1.50), struck at Meshhed, 1856. Fine. 1695 1848-96 Persia. As last. Fancy design. Toman ($1.50), struck at Hamadan, 1864. Fine. Loop removed. 1696 Persia. Silver Kraus and a Ghazni coin. Fair. 6 pes. 1697 591-628 Persia, Sassanian of. Chosroes II. Bust r. B. Fire worshipers. Silver dirhems. Dif. Fine. 3 pes. 1698 Persia. Similar to last. Unattributed. Poor. One twice holed. 4 pes. 1699 1839-61 Turkey. Constantinople. Abd-el Medschid. Pound. Fine. FOBMOSA, COBEA, CHINA, COCHIN CHINA, JAPAN, ETC. 1700 (1841) Formosa. Ta-ts-ing dynasty. Emperor Taou-Kwang. Dollar. Half length of the Genius of Longevity (formerly thought to be intended for Confucius), with four words on the front, trs., K'oo ping ts 'eith urh. "Seven (tseeen), two (fun) by the treasury balance," etc. B. Vase surrounded by char- acter in Manchu. Extremely fine, and wonderfully free of C. S's. one minute one on head. B. Two small ones. Bare. Plate. 1701 (1841) Formosa. As last, but different dies. Ex. fine. One deep C . S at left arm. B. Five C . S's. Bare. 1702 1860 Cambodia. 2 francs. Head, Norodom I. Proof. 1703 Corea. 5 Yang. Dragon. B. Ins. in wreath. Ex. fine. 1704 Corea. 5 Yang. As last. Extremely fine. 1705 China. An-Hwei, Hu-Peh, Kiang Nan, Kwang-Tung, Pei-Yang Arsenal. Pei-Yang. 7 mace, 2 candareeus or dollars. Dragon. Extremely fine. Different. 6 pes. 1706 China. Dups (dollars) of Kiang Nan, Kwang-Tung, Pei-Yang; also $y 2 Kwang-Tung. Extremely fine. 1707 Cochin China. Bar money. Characters on all sides. Perfect. 4.x 8x27. 1708 (1845) Cochin China. Dragon dollar. Extremely fine. 1709 1886 French Cochin China. Piastre. France seated. Unc. 1710 1895 British Commercial dollar. Britannia standing. Unc. 120 ORIENTAL COINS. JAPAN. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. 1711 Japan ( ?). Oval plate with 10 C.'s and four characters in center. Perfect. 36x53. 1712 Japan. Old double bow, itzebues (2), 14 itzebue. Oblong. Per- fect. 4 pes. 1713 (1874) Japan. Dragon dollar. Uncirculated. 1714 (1845) Burmah. Thee Bau. Rupee. Peacock. Uncirculated. 1715 1821 Ceylon. Geo. IV. Rix dollar (25c). Head. R. Elephant. Uncirculated. 1716 1821 Ceylon. As last. Very fine. 1717 1894 New Guinea. 5 marks. Bird of Paradise. Proof. Rare. 1718 Siani. Bullet money. Splendid set, 8, 4, 2, 1, i/ 2 , 14, %, 1/16 Tical. 8 pes. 1719 Siani. Bust of King. R. Arms. Rupee. Extremely fine. JAPAN. 1720 Obang. Large oval plate, the obverse covered with lattice-like work, four counterstamps of a flower ( ? ) . R. Two counter- stamps of flowers and four of characters. Pale gold. Weight, 3 oz. 12 pwts. Size, 5iy 2 x 86. 1721 Cobang. Oval plate, ribbed with oblong and fan-shaped counter- stamps at either end. R. 4 C . S. of characters. Very fine. Bent, as always. Size, 41 x 23^. 1722 Cobang. Another as last. Size, 38 x 20. 1723 Quarter cobang ( ? ) . Oblong struck coin. 10 x 6. 1724 Modern coinage. $5, |2i/ 2 , f 1. Uncirculated. 3 pes. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. 1725 1814-18 BRAZIL. John. 960 reis or dolls. Diff. Fine. 2 pes. 1726 1837 BOLIVIA. Dollar or Peso. Bust of Bolivar. Good. 1727 1895 CHILE. Peso or dol. Eagle on rock. Very fine. 1728 1897 CUBA. Souvenir dollar. Head of Liberty in high relief. R. Arms. Uncirculated. 1729 1897 Cuba. As last, but head in low relief. 1730 1897 Cuba. As last. 3 uncirculated. 1 very fine. 1731 1891 DOMINICA. 5 francs or doll. Head of Indian Queen as libertad. Uncirculated. 1732 1897 Dominica. Peso. Design as last — a copy and fraud made by U. S. Gov. at Phila. Mint, as it contained about 257c of silver, the balance nickel ; so it had practically no melting value. Unc. 1733 1884 ECUADOR. Un Sucre or dol. Head of Pres. R. Arms. Very fine. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. FOREIGN COPPER COINS. 121 1734 1894 GUATEMALA. y 2 real, die counterstamped in center of a Peru dol. Uncirculated. 1735 1894 Guatemala. Peso. Beautiful female seated. K. Scroll on crossed guns. Uncirculated. 1736 1882 HAITI. Gourde or dol. Head Liberty. E. Arms. Unc. 1737 1822 MEXICO. Augustin I. 8 reals or dol. Small head. R. Eagle. Fine. 1738 1823 Mexico. Augustin I. 8 reals or dol. Large head. R. Eagle. Fine. 1739 1866 Mexico. Maximilian. Peso. Head. R. Arms. Unc. 1740 1866 Mexico. Maximilian. 50 cents. Uncirculated. 1741 1866 Mexico. As last; also Peso. Very fine. 2 pes. 1742 1872 Mexico. Peso. Eagle. R. Scales, cap, scroll, sword. Unc. 1743 1837 NEW GRANADA. Bogota. 8 reales. Shield. Ex. fine. 1744 1839 New Granada. 8 reals. Eagle, scroll, cornucopia. Vg. 1745 1824 NEW GUATEMALA, republica del centro de America 1824. Sun and mountains. R. Tree. Proof. Very rare. 1746 1846 New Guatemala. As last. Fine. 1747 1904 PANAMA. Dollar. Bust of Balboa. R. Arms. Ex. fine. 1748 1904 Panama. 2y 2 c. As last. Uncirculated. 1749 1808 PERU. Ferd. VII. Bust r. R. Arms, eagles, crowned be- tween Pillars of Hercules, abascal 13 octob 1808. Dollar. Very fine. Rare. 1750 1837 Peru, South. Cuzco 8 reals. Sun. R. Volcano, fortress, ship. Very fine. 1751 1838 Peru. As last. Very fine. 1752 1880 Peru. 5 Pesetas. Head Liberty 1. R. Arms. Unc. 1753 1884 Peru. Sol or doll. Liberty seated. Uncirculated. 1754 1894 SALVADOR. Peso. Bust of Columbus. R. Arms. Unc. 1755 1826 URUGUAY. 8 reals. Sun. provincias del rio de la platta. R. Arms. Fine. FOREIGN COPPER COINS. 1756 AM I NOT A WOMAN? Slave kneeling. 1838. Very fine. 1757 ANDORRA. 10 centimos, 1873. Arms. Proof. 1758 CANADA. Rebel Un Sou and another. Extremely fine. 2 pes. 1759 CHINA. B. C. 336. State of Chin (modern Shensi). Fork money. Patinated. Fine. 1760 China. Razor money. Patinated. Very fine. 1761 China. Razor money. Patinated. Very fine. 122 FOREIGN COPPER COINS. FOREIGN GOLD MEDALS. AUSTRIA. 1762 China. Bound with square hole in center. Size, ? 1763 ENGLAND. Geo. III. Cartwheel 1 and 2 pence, 1797. Bril- liant proofs, gold-plated before striking. Bare. 2 pes. 1764 England. Geo. III. Cartwheel 2 pence, 1797. Fine. 1765 England. Coventry. Lady Godiva nude on horseback. B. Ele- phant and castle. y 2 p., 1792. Uncirculated. 1766 England. Coventry. As last. Large and small letters in ins. Very fine. 2 pes 1767 FBANCE. Monnerons. 5 sols, 1792. Soldiers taking oath on Constitution. Bronze proof. 1768 HAWAII. Kamehameha III. Small and large heads. Cents, 1847. Very fine. 3 pes. 1769 LIBEBIA. Cents, 1833, '62. 2c, 62, 66. Fine; last a proof. 5 pes. 1770 MEXICO. State of Tlaxcala. 2c, 1890. Essai. Proof. 1771 MONACO. Honore V. 5, 10c, 1838. Pr. 2 pes. 1772 BTJSSIA. Catherine II. Eagle. 5 kop, 1792. Large. Fine. 1773 SWEDEN. Baron Gortz necessity dalers, 1755-19. Set and one duplicate. Very good. 11 pes. 1774 SMALL SILVEB, a few base. Good to uncirculated. 21 pes. 1775 VABIOTJS COPPEBS. Poor to uncirculated. 32 pes. FOBEIGN GOLD MEDALS. Size, in 16th of an inch, is at last of description. 1776 Austria. Joseph II. Bust in armor, draped and laureated, r., by Erafft. iosephus n . Augustus. B. agricvltvrae et artivm INCREMENTO, in ex'g. SOCIETAS INSTITVTA MEDIOLANI MDCCLXXVII. Abundance and Mercury standing. Extremely fine. Dent in field. Weight, 13 pwt. 14 grs. Size, 25. Plate. 1777 Austria. Francis Joseph I. Head laureate r. i. ferencz iosef i. k. avsztriai csaszar. B. bizalmam az osi erenybe. Hun- garian crown above crossed sceptre and sword, below which Magyar kiralya koronaztatott bvdan mdccclxvii. Superb Coronation medal and rare. Proof, slightly hairmarked. Weight, 33 pAvt. 9 grs. Size, 31. Plate. 1778 Austria. Elizabeth, Empress of Pr. Jos. I. Bust left of this beautiful woman, erzsebet avsztriai csaszarxe. B. boldogito csillagzat oromar.tai kozt. Crown and crossed olive branches; belOW, MAGYAR KIRALYNEVA KORONAZTATOTT BVDAN MDCCCLXVII. Superb Coronation medal and rare. Proof, slightly hairmarked. Weight, 33 pwt. 14 grs. Size, 31. Plate. Note. — The two last medals commemorate the Coronation as King FOREIGN GOLD MEDALS. AUSTRIA. ENGLAND. 123 and Queen of Hungary, and should go together. The purchaser of the first may take the second at same price. 1779 Austria. Marriage medal of Rudolph and Stephani. Busts jugata r., by Tautcnhayn. R. Beautiful Nuptial Angel, matri- monio . ivncti . vindob . x . maii .1 MDCCOLXXXi. Very fine. Field worn, nick on reverse edge. Weight, 3 oz. 7 pwt. 12 grs. Size, 35. Plate. 1780 Austria. Marie Louise, wife of Napoleon I and Duchess of Parma, etc. Beautiful bust r., by Santarelli. m . lvdov . arch . AVSTR . D . G. PARN . PLAC . ET . VAST DVX. R. ADVENTV PRINCIPIS . svae parma voti . compos xx apr . m . d ccc . xvi. Brilliant proof. Bare. Weight, 32 pwt. 3 grs. Size, 26. Plate. 1781 England. James II. Fortunes of James II, 1696. Bust of the King laureate in high relief, in armor, r. iacob. ii rex. m. br. B. fato (By fate) 1696. Crown in a boat, in a rough sea, emblematical representation of the fortunes of James, who was tossed about in an ocean of adversity. Die cracked. Very rare. Proof. Weight, 6 pwt. 2 grs. Size, 17. M. I., p. 150, Vol. II. Plate. 1782 England. Succession of Prince James, 1699. Bust in armor 1., by Roettier. iac . wallle princeps. R. sola . lvce . fvgat . ( He disperses them by his light alone). How ridiculous to ascribe to this young Prince the power of dispersing, by his appearance alone, the clouds and noxious vapors which obscured and tainted the atmosphere of his royal house. Ex'g. 1699. Sun rising over a calm sea, on which are ships, dispersed clouds and demons. Proof. Rare. Weight, 9 pwt. Size, 17. M. I., p. 204, Vol. II. Plate, 1783 1742 England. George II. Medal of the Royal Family struck by order of the King for distribution to foreign Princes and others whom His Majesty was pleased to honor. Bust vis-a-vis of Geo. II and Queen Caroline. R. Busts of the seven royal children, that of the Prince of Wales in the center, felicitas imperii (The happiness of the kingdom). Ex'g. Their names. Extremely fine. Two small nicks on edge. Original case. Weight, 7,oz. 8 pwt. 17 grains. Size, 44. In gold, it must be of great rarity. Med. Ills., No. 47, p. 500. Plate. 1784 England. Victoria. Commemoration of her Golden Jubilee, 1837-1887. Fine bust in rich veil and Orders, crowned, 1., by Boehm. R. The Queen seated amid a group of beautiful females, representing the Arts and Sciences, etc. Proof, hairmarked. Weight, 2 oz. 14 pwt. 19 grs. Size, 36. Plate. 124 FOREIGN GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS. ENGLAND. FRANCE. SWEDEN. 1785 England. Victoria. Commemoration of her 60th anniversary, 1837-1897. Bust 1. R. Head as in 1837. Very fine, but nicked. Weight, 8 pwt. 6 grs. Size, 16. Plate. 1786 France. Head of Napoleon in helmet r., arme pour la paix. R. a bonaparte 1803. Stork, olive branch and thunderbolt. Un- circulated. Weight, 2 pwt. 22 grs. Size, 8%. Plate. 1787 France. Napoleon and Marie Louise. Marriage, 1810. Head jugata r., by Andrieu. R. Napoleon leading Marie Louise to a hymeneal altar, napoleon emp. et roi m. louise d'autriche mdcccx. Extremely fine. Very rare, as it is one of the medals distributed by the Emperor to those attending his wedding. Weight, 18 pwt. 15 grs. Size, 20y 2 . Plate. 1788 France. Same as last. Very fine. Weight, 1 pwt. 23 grs. Size, 9. Plate. 1789 Sweden. Charles XII. Bust in armor and scarf r., by Hedlinger. CAROL . XII . D . G . R . SVEC . OCCVB . D . 30 . NOV . A . 1718. R. indocilis pati. Lion, rampant, tearing off a rope within which is entwined, in ex'g., in perpet . memor . magnanimi. Extremely fine. Very rare. Weight, 2 oz. 15 pwt. 19 grs. Size, 33. Plate. FOREIGN SILVER MEDALS. All in perfect condition. Closing number refers to size. 1790 1726 Brandenburg. Geo. Wm. Bust in armor r. georg . gvile . d. g. marggr . br . dvx . bor. . R. Mars, Religion and Peace, mourning at his monument. Extremely fine. 28. 1791 1767 Marriage of M. Josepha of Austria and Ferd. IV of Sicily. Bust of the Queen r. R. Hymeneal altar. Proof. 27. 1792 1788 Marriage of Francis II of Austria and Elizabeth of Wur- temberg. Busts jugata r. Fine. 27. 1793 1800 Fred. Wm. Ill, King of Prussia. Bust 1. R. Eagle sur- mounts bee hive, globe, emblems of Peace, Arts, etc. Vf. 23. 1794 1814 Fred. Wm. Ill, King of Prussia. Bust 1., by Dcnon. R. VISITE LA MONNAIE DES MED AILLES MDCCCXIV (Paris). Pl'OOf. 26. 1795 1840 Fred. Wm. IV, King of Prussia. Head r. R, Arms. Fine. 20. 1796 William II. Bust % r. R. View of the nord-ostsee-kanal. 1887-1895. Proof. A magnificent medal and one of the largest. 57. 1797 Christ. Bust r., under a canopy. R. Cross and various imple- ments. Proof. 32. 1798 Denmark. Christian VI and Sophia Magdaleua. Busts jugata r., FOREIGN SILVER MEDALS. 125 by the great artist, Hedlinger. R. Cross, in felicissimae UNIONIS MEMORIAM A. D. VII. AUG. AN. CHR. MDCCXXXII AUGUSTISS connubii xi. Extremely fine. Valuable. 36. 1799 1661 England. Coronation, Charles II. Exquisite bust r. R. The King in royal robes, seated, 1., Peace above, everso . missvs . svccvrrere seolo. xxiii. apr. 1661 (Sent to support a fallen age, 23 April, 1661). Ex. fine. 19. The official medal by the great Simon for distribution among those attending the cere- mony. 1800 1689 England. Coronation of William and Mary. Bust r. R. Jove thunders against Phaeton falling from his chariot, ne totvs absvmatvr (That it may not all be consumed). Ex. fine. The official medal, by Roettier, which was distributed amongst the spectators. 23. 1801 1805 England. Nelson. Bust r., by Ahramson. R. Naval trophy. Very fine. 26. 1802 England. Sir Walter Scott. Head 1., by Bain. R. Lady of the Lake; beautiful female in a boat. Very fine. 31. 1803 1674 France. Louis XIV. Superb bust in plumed helmet and armor r., by Varin. lvd . magnvs . fran . et . nav . rex .p.p. R. nec . plvribvs . impar (Not unequal to many) . 1674. The earth, sun in splendor above. Restrike, but early, as it is without metal mark on edge. 52. 1804 1722 France. Louis XV. Bust in ermine, crowned, r., by Du Vivier. R. View of the ceremony of the King receiving the Sacrament in the Cathedral at Rheims, 25 Oct., 1722. Restrike, early, as it is without metal mark on edge. 46. 1805 1830-48 France. Louis Philippe I. Head 1. R. chambre de commerce de nantes. Arms. Edge nicked. Fine. 23. 1806 1870 France. Eugene. Exquisite bust of this beautiful Queen. R. Wreath— blank. 32. 1807 Parma. Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma, etc. Bust 1., by Voigt. R. Mercury addressing Vibilia, Goddess of Roads and Travellers. VIA A FORO NOV., AD APVAN FINES RESTIT AMPLIATA MVNITA A., mdcccxli. Very fine. 36. 1808 1788 Russia. Catherine II. Superb bust of this great woman, by Eoltzhey, r. R. i nvnc et verbis rvssos illvde svperbis, ex'g. AXIACE IN CREDIBILI avdacia EXPUGN. -jl?- dec. mdcclxxx- viii. Peace alighting on an overturned urn inscribed borysth. City, under bombardment, in flames in background. 29. 1809 1889 Sweden. Ericsson, inventor of the Monitor. Head r. R. Monitor. Silver and bronze. 20. 2 pes. 126 EUROPEAN BRONZE MEDALS. EUROPEAN BRONZE MEDALS. All in perfect condition. Closing number refers to size. 1810 Austria. Maria Theresa. Bust r. R. Her monument. 1888. Superb medal by the great artist, Scharff. 40. 1811 Belgium. Leopold I. Head. R. Exposition of Flanders, 1849. Beautiful female. Silver-plated. 36. 1812 brandenberg. Queen Louise. Beautiful bust 1. konigin lose. R. The Queen, seated, watching her two sons at play of soldiers. Silver-plated on bronze. 38. 1813 William I. Head 1., laureate. R. Fame mourning his death, 1888. Brass, silvered. 32. 1814 William II, and around his bust are those of William I, Frederick II, Moltke, Bismarck ; below, a lion. R. Germania, triumphant, SIEGES JUBEL NACH SEDANSCHLACHT, HAT UNS KAISER UND REICH gebracht; border of names of cities, etc., in France captured in War of 1870-71. Bronze. A magnificent medal and one of the largest produced. 64. 1815 England. Victoria. Bust 1. R. Britannia, St. Paul's, Ship, etc., 1889. Same obv. R. H. M. S. "Roval Sovereign" and "Roval Arthur." 40. 2 pes. 1816 France. Marriage of Francis II and Mary of Scotland, 1558. Busts vis-a-vis. R. Arms, fecit vtraqve vnvm (He has made both one). Restrike. 1817 France. Louis XIV. Bust r. R, View of Rheims. Copper. Ex- tremely fine. 48. 1818 France. Carthagena, captured in 1697. Louis XIV. Bust. R. Female at foot of a palm tree. Restrike. 26. Betts, No. 83. 1819 France. Duke and Duchess De Berry. Busts r. R. Paris pre- senting their infant, the Duke de Bordeaux, to France. 29 Sep., 1820. 43. 1820 France. Louis Philippe and Marie Amelie. Heads vis-a-vis. R. Four medallions of portraits of the royal family, the fields sur- rounding being filled by various beautiful females, etc. A splendid medal on the visit to the mint by the royal family. 48. 1821 France. Marriage at Madrid, 1846, of Due de Montpensier and Louise Ferd., Infante of Spain. Heads r. 33. 1822 France. Napoleon III. Head 1. R. exposition UNIVEBSBLLE DE mdccclxvii a . paris . grand prix. Two angels hold tablet in- scribed CYRUS field et les compagnies anglo-amebicainbs du CABLE TRANSATLANTIQUE. Bronze, gold-plated. 43. MEDALS OF NAPOLEON I. 127 1823 France. Presidents Thiers, MacMahon, Grevy, Cornot, Loubet, Perier, Faure. Bust. Artistic medals with sand-blasted sur- faces, the bronzing slightly fingermarked. 43. 7 pes. 1824 France. Mortuary placque, by Roty, commemorating Sadi Carnot. France mourning at his bier. K. The body being borne to the Pantheon, 1894. Silver-plated. 51 x 36. 1825 Germany. Bismarck. Bust of the great German r. B. New Eeichstag in Berlin, 1890. Superb medal, the bronzing slightly impaired. 54. 1826 Germany. Moltke. Bust of the great General 1. R. Olive branch and iron cross, getrennt marscien vereint schlagen. Splen- did medal on his 90th birthday 1890. 54. 1827 Holland. Queen Wilhelmina and her mother. Busts r. E. The Queen Eegent presents her daughter to Peace 10 Juni, 1892. 42. 1828 Russia. Peter the Great. Bust. R. Plan of Kexholm. 30. 1829 Russia. Elizabeth I. Bust r. R. Queen seated amid implements of the Sciences, etc., Academy of Moscow, instituted 1754. 32. 1830 Russia. Catherine II. Bust of the Czarina in armor, with plumed helmet, 1. R. The crown being offered to her. A grand medal on her Coronation at Moscow, 1762. 43. 1831 wagner. Fine bust 1., 1813-1883. richard wagner. R. walkuren. Bronze, silver-plated. 46. NAPOLEON MEDALS. Closing number refers to size. All bronzed copper and perfect, unless contrary is stated. 1832 1796 Battle of Montenotte. Bust r. R. Victory flying over a section of the globe, showing Italy, Greece and Turkey. Beauti- ful medal. Silver. Restrike. 26. 1833 1797 Peace of Campo Formio. Fine bust r., by Du Yivier. R. Bonaparte mounted 1., Prudence and Valor running before him, Victory crowning him from above. Very fine. Original. 35. 1834 1798 Conquest of Egypt. Fine bust r., by Bovy. R. View of the Pyramids, before which Napoleon is addressing the soldiers. 26. 1835 1800 12th Anni. of 14th July. Artistic bust of Napoleon r. R. Names of Cambaceres and Le Brun, second and third consuls. Slight spot. 36. 1836 1800 Battle of Marengo. Bust 1. R, le premier consul com- mandant l'armee de reserve en personne. 32. 1837 1800 Escape from infernal machine, 24 Dec. Head r., by Man- 128 MEDALS OF NAPOLEON I. fredini. R. dvx. tvtvs. ab. insidiis (The Chief is secure from ambushes) . The three Fates, represented with wings and seated on clouds, hold a distaff and thread. Destiny, as an old man, seated before them, his eye fixed on the thread. In his hands he holds the scissors, but turned in the opposite direction, as the time for cutting the thread has not yet come. Minute nick in field. 38. 1838 1802 Peace of Amiens. Fine head 1. R. Justice alighting on a section of the globe. Edge lettered. Gold-plated before strik- ing. Extremely fine. 26. 1839 1802 Contemplated invasion of England. Head 1., by Brenet. R. Fortune in galley. 21. 1840 1803 Venus de Medici. Fine head r. R. View of the Statue. Slight spot. 26. 1841 1804 Grand entertainment at Hotel de Ville, 16 Dec, in honor of his Coronation. Busts of Nap. and Josephine. R. French eagle resting on top of a mountain covered with laurel; "His seat is fixed forever at the summit." Spot. 22. 1842 1807 Conference between Napoleon, Alex. I, Fred. Wm. III. Accolated busts of latter two face that of Nap. R. Rising sun dispelling the war clouds from the sea. Silver. Proof. 27. 1843 1807 Peace of Tilsit. Accolated busts of Nap., Alex. I, F. Wm. Ill r. R. God of the Niemen holding a model of the pavilion in which the conference was held in the center of the river. Silver. Original or very early impression. Perfect. 26. 1844 1810 Prize medal distributed at Rome Aug. 15, the Emperor's fete day and anniversary of his birth. Head 1., by P. Mercandetti. R. LABORI ET INDVSTRIAE PRAEMIVM ET HONOR ROMAE IDIBVS avgvsti anno mdcccx. Very rare. 43. 1845 1810 Marriage. Beautiful medals com. the event, Dif. 30. 2 pes. 1846 1811 Birth Nap. II. Busts of Nap. and M. Louise. R. Infant: another with the three heads on obv. Silver. Proofs. 9. 2 pes. 1847 1811 Baptism, Napoleon II. Beautiful head laureate 1., by Andrieu. R. Napoleon I holding up his son; throne and bap- tismal font in background. This medal is considered to be one of, if not the finest, medal of Napoleon. Silver. Restrike. Per- fect. 43. 1848 1S11 As last. Bronze. Original or very early impression, as it is without cuivre on edge. Extremely fine. 43. 1849 1840 Remains brought to Paris. Bust in high relief r., by Co L795 Perfect die. Star touches second curl. Uncirculated. Mil- ling not struck up on edge over D stat. Mint lustre. Plate. 3243 1795 Perfect die. Star touches two curls. Very fine. Slightly bent, dent in edge. :;_' II 17'.).") Die broken over ty * Una Slight nick over t on edge. Plate. UNITED STATES HALF DIMES, 1795-1829. 193 3245 1795 Die broken over ty * Uncirculated. Very light plancliet file marks on cheek. Mint lustre. Plate. 3246 1795 Die broken over ty * Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Plate. 3247 1795 Die broken over ty * Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Plate. 3248 1795 Die broken over ty * Uncirculated. Slightest abrasion on cheek. 3249 1795 Die cracked across. Very fine. 3250 1796 Over 1795. Extremely fine. Planchet file mark down head, hardly discernible. Sharp, even impression. Ex. rare. Plate. 3251 1796 Over 1795. Fine. Severely cleaned. Extremely rare. 3252 1796 Perfect date. Very fine. Very slight nicks before nose. Eare. 3253 1796 Perfect date. Very good. Eare. 3254 1797 Thirteen stars. Extremely fine. Sharp, even impression. Extremely rare, far more so in any condition than collectors are aware, and this is probably the finest known. Plate. 3255 1797 Fifteen stars. Very fine. Not struck up in center, as is always the case. Plate. 3256 1797 Fifteen stars. As last in every respect. Eare. 3257 1797 Fifteen and sixteen stars. Fair. 2 pes. 3258 1797 Sixteen stars. Extremely fine. Sharp impression. Two nicks on throat. Mint lustre. Eare. Plate. 3259 1800 liberty. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Wide margin, which is not struck sharp. Very small edge dent. Mint lustre. Plate. 3260 1800 liberty. Die broken on edge before date. Wide, flat mar- gin. Minute nick on edge. 3261 1800 liberty. Extremely fine. Even imp. Weak on last cloud. Beautiful example. 3262 1800 liberty. Very good. 3263 1800 liberty. Date double cut, as also point of nose. Slight planchet suction mark behind head. Unc. Mint lustre. Plate. 3264 1800 liberty. Fine. Slightly weak on shield. 3265 1800 liberty. Very good. 3266 1801 Very good. Slight nick on edge of reverse. 3267 1801 Good. Small scratch on obverse. 3268 1803 Large 8. Extremely fine. Eare. Plate. 3269 1803 Small 8. Very good. 3270 1805 Very good. Dent on lower part of hair. Weak on stars over eagle. Very rare. Plate. 3271 1829 Proof. Considerably hairmarked. 13 194 UNITED STATES HALF DIMES, 1829-1849. 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 1829 1830 1831 1831 1832 1833 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1837 Proof. Proof. Proof. Proof. Rare. Plate. Plate. Rare. Nick Mint lustre. 1838 1838 1839 1840 3290 1841 3291 1841 3292 1842 3293 1842 3294 1843 3295 1844 3296 1844 3297 1844 3298 1844 3299 1845 3300 1845 3301 1845 3302 1846 3303 1847 3304 1847 3305 1848 3306 1S48 3307 1848 3308 1849 330!) ism Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Proof. Considerably hairmarked. Very slightly hairmarked. Beautiful example. Rare. Beautiful example. Rare. Frosted in center. Hairmarked. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Slight proof surface. Uncirculated. Proof. Slightly frosted in center. Small date. Proof surface. Slightly hairmarked. Uncirculated. Bust. Extremely fine. Scarce. Liberty seated. Curved date. Proof. Hairmarked. on edge. 1837 Liberty seated. Curved date. Uncirculated. Stars. Proof. Hairmarked. Very rare. Stars. Slight proof surface. Uncirculated. Extremely fine. No drapery from elbow. Proof. Very slightly abraded. Very rare. Plate. 1840 Drapery from point of elbow, marked. Proof. Slightly hairmarked. Semi-proof. Hairmarked. Proof. Slightly hairmarked. Uncirculated. Scarce. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. 184 recut. Slight proof surface. 184 recut. Extremely fine. 184 recut. Extremely fine. Perfect date. Uncirculated. Brilliant proof. Excessively rare. Semi-proof. Polished. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Proof. Hairmarked. Very rare. Proof. Hairmarked and acid burned. Extremely fine. Large date. Very fine. Scarce. Small date. Brilliant proof. Extremely rare. Plate. Small date. Uncirculated. Recut 9. Brilliant proof. Extremely rare. Plate. Uncirculaled. Mint lustre. Slight proof surface. Hair- Verv rare. Plate. Very rare. Plate. Rare. Plate. Plate. Verv rare. U. S. HALF DIMES, 1851-1870. THREE CENTS, SILVER, 1851-1867. 195 3310 1851 Uncirculated. 3311 1852 Proof. Badly hairmarked. Rare. 3312 1853 No arrow heads. Uncirculated. 3313 1854 Brilliant proof. Rare. 3314 1854 Proof. Very slightly hairmarked. Rare. 3315 1855 Brilliant proof. Rare. 3316 1856 Brilliant proof. Rare. 3317 1856 Brilliant proof. Rare. 2 pes. 3318 1857 Brilliant proof. Pin-head abrasion in field. 3319 1858 Proof. 3320 1858, 1860 Philadelphia and O. Mints. 1861, '62 (3), '63, '64, '65, '66, '67, '68, '70. Uncirculated, brilliant. 15 pes. 3321 1860 With stars on obverse. R. half dime. No mention on either side of United States. Uncirculated. Sharp. Mint lustre. Very rare. Plate. 3322 1829-'59 Various dates. Probably varieties from those in collec- tion. Very good to fine. 25 pes. THREE CENTS SILVER. 3323 1851 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Sharp impression. 3324 1851 Slight proof surface. Uncirculated. 3325 1851 As last. Weak on edge. 2 pes. 3326 1852 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Sharp impression. 3327 1853 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Sharp impression. 3328 1853 Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Sharp impression. 3329 1854 Brilliant proof. Sharp impression. Very rare. 3330 1854 Proof. Hairmarked. Very rare. 3331 1855 Brilliant proof. Strong impression. Very rare. 3332 1856 Brilliant proof. Sharp impression. Rare. 3333 1856 Proof. Not quite as brilliant as last. Rare. 3334 1857 Brilliant proof. Scratch over 18. 3335 1857, '58, '59, '61 (3), '62 (2). Uncirculated. 8 pes. 3336 1858 Proof. 3337 1859 Brilliant proof. 3338 1860 Brilliant proof. 3339 1861 Brilliant proof. 3340 1862 Brilliant proof. 3341 1865 Uncirculated. Shows suction marks. Lustre. Rare. 3342 1866 Uncirculated. Brilliant mint lustre. 3343 1866, '67 Unc. Brilliant mint lustre. Two of each date. 4 pes. 3344 1867 Brilliant proof. 196 U. S. THREE CENTS, 1867-1872. CENTS, 1793. 3315 1867 Uncirculated. Brilliant mint lustre. 3346 1868 Uncirculated. Brilliant mint lustre. 3317 1869 Brilliant proof. Rare. 3348 1871 Extremely fine. 3349 1872 Brilliant proof. CENTS. STRUCK AFTER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MINT AT PHILADELPHIA. 3350 1793 ameri. Head of Liberty r., with short hair, above liberty, beneath 1793. R. united states of ameri. In center within circle of 15 links one cent t ^ Edge, vine and bars. Uncir- culated. Small dent on reverse edge. Steel color. Sharp, even impression. Extremely rare. Plate. Crosby 1-a. 3351 1793 ameri. As last. Extremely fine. Minute nick near y. Slight dent on edge under i and on reverse, minute granulation in field on reverse. Steel color. Sharp, even impression. Ex- tremely rare. Plate. Crosby 1-a. 3352 1793 ' ameri. Very good. A few minute nicks. Even impression. Brown-steel color. Very rare. C. 1-a. Plate. 3353 1793 America. Same type as last. Uncirculated. The slightest touch of cabinet friction on highest tips of hair. Sharp, even impression. Light olive. Ex. rare. Plate. Crosby 1-c. 3354 1793 America. Head of Liberty with heavy, flowing hair r., otherwise as last. Uncirculated. Minute nick in obverse field and neck. Sharp, even impression. Steel color. Extremely rare. Plate. Crosby 3-c. 3355 1793 America. Small head of Liberty, long, flowing hair. Period after liberty and 1793. R. As last. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. The planchet on edge to left of date was not quite circular, and while it took the edge design, yet the coin is not a true circle at this point, However, it detracts so slightly that I feel tb is to be one of the finest specimens of this variety known. Its color is a lustrous, rich brown. Plate. Excessively rare. Crosby 4-c. 3356 1793 America. Same variety as last. Uncirculated. The sur- face lias been very lightly corroded, and at some remote time the coin lias been cleaned red, which, however, has disappeared ex- cept in liberty and in the chain, otherwise light olive. Plate. 3357 1793 Wreath. Large head of Liberty, with flowing hair; above, in large letters, liberty; beneath 1793, in large figures, above which twig w ith three leaves, one upright, another on either side. UNITED STATES CENTS, 1793. 197 K. united states of America, wreath enclosing one cent, below bow of ribbon with which the wreath is tied is the fraction T | T denoting denomination. Edge, vine and bars. Die broken on edge for quarter of an inch after y. Uncirculated. Original bright red color. Magnificent, even impression, and without doubt the finest known example of the 1793 cent, wreath. This superb coin we (S. H. and H. Chapman) bought about 1880 of the late S. K. Harzfeld, of Philadelphia, who obtained it from an old Philadelphia family that had preserved it in a chamois bag, made to fit it, from the date of its mintage. We sold it for $200 to the late Hon. George M. Parsons, of Columbus, Ohio, who sold it in a New York sale a few years later, where the late Richard Winsor purchased it for $200, and at our sale of his collection we again became the owners at $200, selling it shortly afterwards at an advance to Mr. Earle. Plate. Crosby 6-f. 3358 1793 Wreath.- Same dies as last, the die more broken on edge, showing over liber and a small crack on temple. Uncirculated. Pale steel color. Sharp, even impression. Extremely rare. Plate. C. 6-r. 3359 1793 Wreath. Small head of Liberty, above, in small letters, liberty ; beneath, in small figures, 1793 ; the sprig over date large. R. Same as last. Uncirculated — proof surface; in fact, it would be no stretch of the imagination to call this superb example a proof. The color is a most beautiful light brown. Sharp im- pression and the finest specimen known. It may be the coin given by Crosby on his Plate II, for I compared the piece with the plate and they seem to be identical. Excessively rare. Plate. Crosby 7-f. 3360 1793 Wreath. Similar to last, but the sprig over date has smaller leaves. R. Die cracked across, fine scratch from edge to wreath between fa. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Light olive. Steel color. Very rare. Plate. C. 9-G. 3361 1793 Wreath. Same as last. Extremely fine, showing but the slightest wear on the tips of the hair. Sharp, even impression. Light brown-steel color. Very rare. Plate. C. 9-G. 3362 1793 Wreath. Uncirculated. The impression is wonderfully sharp, though not quite even — on the obverse all the beading is on, though it runs along upper edge, while on lower there is a slight margin outside of it. R. The beading runs almost off on lower edge. A few microscopic granulations in the copper on obverse. Light olive. Very rare. Plate. C. 9-h. 198 UNITED STATES CENTS, 1793-1794. 33G3 1793 Wreath. Same as last. Extremely fine, only showing the slightest touch of wear on tips of the hair. The surface shows, under a glass, very fine erosion. Sharp, even impression. Brown color. Plate. Very rare. C. 9-h. 3361 1793 Wreath. Same as last. K. Die cracked. Extremely fine. Sharp, even impression. Steel color. Very rare. Plate. C. 9-h. 3365 1793 Wreath. Tall head of Liberty, small liberty and date ; the sprig has three upright leaves. Very fine. Sharp, even impres- sion. Light olive. Plate. Eare. C. 10-1. 3366 1793 Lettered edge. Head of Liberty as before, date and liberty small, twig's leaves turn to right. E. Same type. Edge, one hundred for a dollar. Very fine. Eemarkably even impres- sion. Beading all around obverse. Light olive color. Very rare. Plate. C. 11-j. 3367 1793 Lettered edge. Same as last. Extremely fine obverse; the reverse not so bold, as the metal went into the head. Has been cleaned red long since; now a pale pink color. Very rare. Plate. C. 11- J. 3368 1793 Lettered edge. Same as last. Very good. Surface lightly eroded. Black. Plate. 3369 1793 Liberty Cap. Bust of Liberty r., with flowing hair, a staff and cap of Liberty over left shoulder, above liberty, beneath 1793. Die cracked across from e to right of 3. E. united states of America, wreath enclosing in center one cent, below bow of ribbon which ties it T ^ a . Edge, one hundred for a dollar. Uncirculated. Minute nick on edge. Light olive. Probably the finest specimen known of this excessively rare coin. Plate. Crosby 13-l. 3370 1794 Hays, No. 3. Uncirculated. Splendid, even impression, with fine milling around edge of both obverse and reverse. Pale light olive, with traces of original red. Several very small dark specks, one over the ear. Probably the finest known example and of excessive rarity in this state of preservation. Plate. 3371 1794 Hays, No. 13. Extremely fine. Even impression. Surface eroded and recolored, now a fine light olive. Pin-head spot of corrosion on reverse. Plate. 3372 1794 Hays, No. 17. Obverse die cracked. Extremely fine, only the highest tips of hair over ear show slight wear. Sharp, even impression. Beddish steel color. A beautiful cent. Eare. Plate. 3373 1794 Hays, No. 17. Die cracked. Extremely fine. Two slight edge dents. Even impression. Brown color. Plate. UNITED STATES CENTS, 1794-1795. 199 3374 1794 Hays, No. 17. Very fine. Surface lightly corroded. Dent on edge at end of staff. Steel color. 3375 1794 Hays, No. 19. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Steel color, with traces of original color. A beautiful example. From Borden, Anger, Cleneay collections. Plate. 3376 1794 Hays, No. 21. Uncirculated. Even, but not a sharp im- pression on the obverse milling. Pale, reddish steel color, partly original red. Very rare. Plate. 3377 1794 Hays, No. 21. Extremely fine. Sharp, even impression. Light olive. Plate. 3378 1794 Hays, No. 23. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Obverse light olive. R. Eed and this side varnished, probably done many years since to protect the color. Plate. 3379 1794 Hays, No. 26. Uncirculated. Sharp impression. Reverse has very slight oxidation in three spots, hardly showing. Rich brown color. Rare. Plate. 3380 1794 Hays, No. 33. Die cracked. Extremely fine. Sharp, even impression. Olive color. Plate. 3381 1794 Hays, No. 33. Very fine. Steel color. 3382 1794 Hays, No. 33. Precisely as last in every respect, but color slightly lighter. 3383 1794 Hays, No. 34. Extremely fine. Bronzed long since. Plate. 3384 1794 Hays, No. 39. Extremely fine, only the two high tips over ear show cabinet friction. Milling not quite even. Beautiful light olive color. Plate. 3385 1794 Hays No. 45. Very fine. Off center, as always. Minute nicks on neck. Brown color. Plate. 3386 1794 Hays, No. 46. Uncirculated. Sharp impression. The mill- ing uneven, slightly wider at back of head. Beautiful light olive color, and I believe the finest known of this very rare variety. Plate. 3387 1794 Hays, No. 51. Die cracked. Fine. Steel color. 3388 1794 Hays, No. 54. Extremely fine. Sharp, even impression. Dark brown color. Plate. 3389 1794 Hays, No. 56. Fine. Slight edge dents. Dark brown. 3390 1795 Lettered edge. 5 merges into bust. Uncirculated, only the slightest cabinet friction on hair. Superb impression, with even milling around obverse and reverse. Beautiful light olive, and one of the handsomest cents of this year and variety known. Extremely rare. Plate. 3391 1795 Plain edge, one cent high in wreath. Uncirculated, only 200 UNITED STATES CENTS, 1795-179G. the very slightest touch of cabinet friction on the tips of the hair. Broad, even milling around both obverse and reverse. Beautiful light olive color. Very rare. Plate. 3392 1795 5 free of bust. Top knot just to left of y, l far from cap. one cent in center of wreath, which has seven berries and thirty- three leaves. Uncirculated. Border not struck up. Slight granulation in the copper on obverse. Considerable original red color. Very rare. Plate. 3393 1795 5 touches bust. Top knot ends right side of t. R. l touches cap. R. Compact wreath of 41 leaves and 10 berries. Very fine. Broad, even milling. Olive. Very rare. Plate. 3394 1795 "Jefferson Head," so called from the head of Liberty being thought by some to resemble President Jefferson. Struck from dies, no doubt contemporaneous, but I consider them to be dies not made by same person who cut the foregoing, as they are crude, while the former are very beautifully made. Edge plain. Very fine. Dark olive. Extremely rare. Its weight is 8 grains more than the lettered edge. Plate. 3395 1795 "Jefferson Head." As last, but this is a contemporaneous casting, with the obverse fields slightly rubbed down. Very good. Dents on edge. Weight 2 grains less than last and it is a trifle less in diameter. Note. — I sell these two lots as they are, only guaranteeing them to be "Jefferson Heads." 3396 1796 Liberty Cap. Gilbert a. High 6, touching bust. Uncir- culated. Sharp, even impression, with even milling. Light olive color and a superb example. Excessively rare. Plate. 3397 1796 Liberty Cap. Gilbert e. High 6. Extremely fine. Head not struck up sharp, the granulations in the copper not elimi- nated by the impression. B. Shows the weakness of the center by the ent of cent weak, though it shows. Light olive. Exces- sively rare. Plate. 3398 1796 Liberty Cap. Low 6, far from bust. Gilbert 6, but a reverse not shown by him. Nineteen leaves and four berries on left branch and 18 leaves and 4 berries on right one. Twin berries opposite space between t and e and above, one on the inside opposite space between ds, two leaves at left of c, the inner one upright; second in fraction high. Wreath almost meets. Un- circulated. Sharp impression. Milling not quite even on ob- verse. Light olive. Excessively rare. Plate. 3399 L796 Draped bust of Liberty, the hair bound by a fillet, which is UNITED STATES CENTS, 1796-1798. 201 drawn back and tied in a bow; above liberty, beneath 1796. R, As above, but the dies show defects, the obverse has a small rust spot behind head, the reverse badly fractured from below the fraction to e in America. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impres- sion. Superb light olive, with tinges of original red color. Ex- cessively rare. Plate. Gilbert 2. Note. — This type was used 1796 to 1807 inclusive. 3400 1796 Bust of Liberty. Gilbert, No. 9. liherty. Very fine. Slight corrosion on surface. Dark olive color. Very rare. Plate. 3401 1796 Bust of Liberty. Gilbert, No. 14. Extremely fine. Brown- steel color. Very rare. Plate. 3402 1797 Wide date. R. Fine, slender wreath, with 16 leaves and 5 berries on left stem and 19 leaves and 5 berries on right stem. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression, with deep, even milling. Steel color, with some original red around the outlines. Very rare. Plate. 3403 1797 Same dies. Precisely same condition as last. 3404 1797 Medium date. R. Heavier wreath, 16 leaves and 6 berries on left stem; 19 leaves and 6 berries on right. Uncirculated — practically a proof. Superb specimen of beautiful pale red color. Deep, even milling around obverse and reverse. V. rare. Plate. 3405 1797 Medium date. R. Same as last. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression, with deep milling on both sides. Slight defect in the planchet, appears as a pin scratch on top of head. Light olive. Very rare. Plate. 3406 1797 Close date. The variety with nick in the die under eye. R. As last. Uncirculated. Superb, even impression. Light brown color. Plate. 3407 1798 Wide, small date, 8 touches bust. R. Slender, fine wreath, 19 leaves and 4 berries on left branch, 18 leaves and 4 berries on right branch. Proof. Superb light olive color. Even impres- sion, with deep, even milling on both sides. The finest known example of this very rare die. Excessively rare. Plate. 3408 1798 Small, close date, as are all following. R. Wide, large leaved wreath, 16 leaves and 5 berries on each branch. Wide y^ and long dividing line. Small nick on edge behind head. Un- circulated. Reddish light olive obverse, reverse light olive. Very rare. Plate. 3409 1798 Die cracked from back of head to edge. R. Large T £ T the 0's double cut. Sixteen leaves and 6 berries on left branch, 19 leaves and 5 berries on right. Uncirculated. Beautiful light olive color, with some original red color. Very rare. Plate. 202 UNITED STATES CENTS, 1798-1802. 3410 1798 Slight bulge in die below lower curl, near edge. R. Small, close T | T . Sixteen leaves and 5 berries on left and 19 leaves and 5 berries on right stem. Uncirculated. Almost invisible scratch from bust to edge. Light olive. Rare. Plate. 3411 1798 Same as last, but die not bulged. Uncirculated. Sharp im- pression. Steel color. Plate. 3412 1798 Die broken from t to edge before face and another crack joins it before the nose and extends down to edge. R. As last. Extremely fine. Light olive. Plate. 3413 1798 Perfect dies. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Steel color, with traces of original red. Slight, small, dark spot on bust. Plate. 3414 1799 Over 1798. Very good. Very light, short scratch on cheek. Steel color. Extremely rare. Plate. 3415 1799 Perfect date. Very fine. Strong, even impression, shows bottoms of 9's and the word liberty very strong. Very small, light dent on cheek. Steel color. Extremely rare. Plate. 341G 1800 Over 1798. Under date shows plainly. Uncirculated. Die sunken at rty of liberty and on corresponding place on reverse, also cracked. Steel color. Probably finest example known of this extremely rare variety. Plate. 3417 1800 Perfect date, but die broken on both 0's, making one appear as a q. Extremely fine, but seriously damaged by the field before face being scraped; two pin-head specks behind head. R. Some oxidation in center. Light olive and steel color. Plate. 3418 1801 via ou reverse. Extremely fine. Light scratch before nose. Surface very lightly eroded. Cleaned red long since, now chang- ing to light olive. Plate. 3419 1801 Perfect T | ff . Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Orig- inal bright red color, slightly darkened, and on reverse, though some red, it is changing to steel color. The finest cent of this year I have seen. Excessively rare. Plate. 3420 1801 Perfect j\ v . Uncirculated. On side of head two chains of beads, as if the die had slipped and the edge beadiug had in- dented the coin in two places. R. Die cracked from e in America to 1 in fraction. Steel color. Plate. 3421 1801 Perfect y| T . Uncirculated. A light impression. Beautiful light olive color, traces of red. Very rare Plate. .'JlL'L' L802 No ends to stems of wreath below bow, fraction line and S double cut. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Light olive-steel color. The finest I have seen of this rare variety. Plate. UNITED STATES CENTS, 1802-1806. 203 3423 1802 Same variety. Extremely fine. Sharp, even impression. Light olive. 3124 1802 Ends to stems. Long fraction line extending to each rib- bon. Die broken over at. Uncirculated. Short nick on cheek. Light olive. Plate. 3425 1802 Short fraction line. Very fine. Small nick behind head. Die broken below date and the curious crinkled appearance from 2 to beyond point of bust. Very weak on united and left of wreath. Light olive. 3426 1802 Long fracture, touching left ribbon only. Extremely fine. Light olive. Plate. 3427 1803 Large T | 7 . Crack in obverse die from edge behind bow-knot to 1 of date, very light, barely shows. Uncirculated. Splendid, even impression, with even milling. Superb light olive, and I believe the finest cent of this variety known. Plate. 3428 1803 As last. Uncirculated. Beautiful light olive color. Not as sharp as preceding. Plate. 3429 1803 As last. Extremely fine. Steel color. Plate. 3430 1803 Small T |^. Die cracked from s to e states. Fine. Light nicks. Steel color. 3431 1803 T f -jf over ^^ Die broken under chin. Extremely fine. Two very small nicks on obverse. Steel color. Plate. 3432 1804 Perfect dies. Uncirculated. Small spot in field before face rubbed out, otherwise rich brown color. Splendid, sharp, even impression and believed to be the finest example of this year known. Excessively rare. Plate. 3433 1804 Perfect die. Very fine. Surface lightly corroded, three small nicks on obverse. Milling on two-thirds of obverse. Steel color. Very rare. Plate. 3434 1804 Die broken over ety, but not on reverse. Very fine. Surface lightly corroded. Milling not quite even on obverse. Steel color. Match for last lot. Very rare. Plate. 3435 1805 Pointed 1 in date. Very fine. Steel color. Kare. 3436 1805 Blunt 1 in date. Extremely fine. Weakly struck on edge. Brown color. Rare so fine. Plate. 3437 1805 Blunt 1 in date. Extremely fine. Sharp, even impression. Small dent on edge. Reddish brown color. Plate. 3438 1805 Blunt 1 in date. Very fine. Small nicks on obverse. Weakly struck on point of bust and corresponding spot on reverse, of just visible. Light olive. 3439 1806 Fine. Dark olive color. Rare. 204 UNITED STATES CENTS, 1807-1814. 3440 1807 Over 1806. Large 7. Extremely fine. Bold, even impres- sion. Light olive. Eare. Plate. 3441 1807 Over 1806. Large 7. Extremely fine. Weak impression, as is usual with this variety. Steel color. 3442 1807 Over 1806. Very fine. Very weak impression. Light olive. 3443 1807 "Comet" variety, caused by sinking of the die behind head. Uncirculated. Minute nick under bow and also on edge. Sharp, bold impression. Steel color. The finest specimen of this rare variety known. Plate. 3444 1808 Uncirculated. Stars not centered and milling off behind head. Superb light olive color, traces of original color. One of the finest specimens of this year known. Excessively rare in this condition. Plate. 3445 1808 Extremely fine. Star behind head not centered. Weak impression. Brown color. Plate. 3446 1809 Over 1808. Uncirculated. Weakly struck around edge and stars on obverse. Pale light olive-steel color. Ex. rare. Plate. 3447 1809 Over 1808. Very fine. Weakly struck on stars and edge. Slight dent on reverse edge. Olive color. Bare. Plate. 3448 1810 Over 1809. Extremely fine. Stars before bust not up, other- wise an even impression. Beverse weak on left side. Obverse light olive. Beverse steel color. Bare. Plate. 3449 1810 Perfect date. Uncirculated. Bold, even impression. Light steel color. Very rare. Plate. 3450 1811 Perfect date. Uncirculated. Bold impression, stars all centered but last one. Slightly off center, milling on half of obverse, but off back of head. Light olive. Very rare. Plate. From Parnielee collection. 3451 1811 Perfect date. Extremely fine. Stars before bust weak and pin-head dent between second and third star. Off center. Steel color, with very slight traces of original color. V. rare. PI air. 3452 1812 Large date. Uncirculated. Weak impression, stars flat. Beautiful light olive color. Extremely rare. Plate. 3453 1813 Uncirculated. Bold, fairly even impression. Dent on edge. Steel color. Bare. Plate. 3454 1S13 Uncirculated. Bold, even impression. Dark brown-suvl color. Bare. Plate. 3455 1813 Uncirculated. Bold impression, last four stars not cen- tered. No milling on lower half of obverse. Light olive. Bare. Plate. 3456 isit Crossed 4. Uncirculated. Sharp impression, but not even, UNITED STATES CENTS, 1814-1822. 205 having wide milling on upper half and very little on lower. Steel color. Rare. 3157 1814 Crossed 4. Extremely fine. Sharp impression, but off center. Steel color. 3458 1814 Plain 4. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Rich dark brown color. Plate. 3459 1814 Plain 4. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Very slight corrosion for a space of one-quarter of an inch on reverse. Dark brown color. Plate. 3460 1814 Plain 4. Very fine. Sharp, even impression. Dark brown. 3461 1814 Plain 4. Double chin. Very fine. Deep nick on neck. Light olive. 3462 1816 Perfect die. Uncirculated. Sharp impression. Beautiful light olive. Plate. 3463 1817 Thirteen stars. "Tufted" head from break in die. Date wide and open, 18 17. Uncirculated. Light olive, traces of red. R. Small spot. Plate. 3364 1817 Thirteen stars. Even date under bust. Uncirculated. Sharp stars. Light olive. 3465 1817 Thirteen stars. 1 of date before point of bust. Uncircu- lated. Sharp, even impression, with almost even milling. Steel color. Plate. 3466 1817 Fifteen stars. Uncirculated. Stars sharp, but milling un- even. R. Even. Beautiful light olive, with traces of original color. Remarkably fine specimen of this rare cent. Plate. 3467 1817 Fifteen stars. V. fine. Left half of obv. weak. Dark olive. 3468 1818 Perfect die. Uncirculated. Sharp imp. Light olive. 3469 1818 Die cracked, connecting date. Uncirculated. Dark brown. 3470 1819 Over '18. Large date. Uncirculated. Traces of red on obverse. R. Light olive. 3471 1819 Large date. Uncirculated. Considerable red on obverse. R. Light olive. 3472 1819 Small date. Uncirculated. Original red. 3473 1820 Small date. Uncirculated. Bold impression, not quite evenly centered. Light olive. Plate. 3474 1820 Small date. Uncirculated. Bold, even imp. Brown color. 3475 1820 Large date. Die cracked around stars and date. Uncir- culated. Wonderful lemon-yellow color. 3476 1821 Wide date. Extremely fine. Sharp, even impression. Light olive. Very rare. Plate. 3477 1822 Wide elate. Uncirculated. Bold, even impression. Beauti- 206 UNITED STATES CENTS, 1822-1828. ful light brown color, with traces of original red on reverse. Rare. Plate. 3478 1822 Wide date. Extremely fine. Bold, even impression. Beauti- ful golden light olive. Slight dark spot before nose. Bare. Plate. 3179 1822 Wide date. Uncirculated. Minute specks on obverse. Dull red and steel color. Plate. 3480 1822 Close date. Extremely fine. Minute nicks on face. Steel color. Sharp, even impression. Plate. 3481 1823 Over 1822. Uncirculated. Bold impression, with deep, even milling on both sides. Barely perceptible dent on edge. Light olive. Excessively rare. Plate. 3482 1823 Perfect date. Bestrike in silver. Dies badly broken. Un- circulated. Very rare. 3483 1824 Over 1822. Extremely fine. Minute nick on cheek. Sharp, even impression. Dark steel color. Very rare. Plate. 3484 1824 Wide date. Uncirculated. Stars not centered. Dull orig- inal color. Very rare. Plate. 3485 1825 With inner line. Uncirculated. Superb, sharp, even im- pression. Bich light brown color. Very rare. Plate. 3486 1825 Without inner line. Uncirculated. Sharp impression. Not evenly centered, edge milling on left half only. Dull original red color. Very rare. Plate. 3487 1826 Inner line. Sharp, even impression. Light olive and orig- inal red color. Plate. 3488 1826 Without inner line. Uncirculated. Dark red and brown color. Streak of silvery color from eye to edge. Sharp, even impression. Plate. 3489 1826 Without inner line. Extremely fine. Nick on cheek. Nick in edge before date, both on obverse and reverse. Dark olive. 3490 1827 Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Olive and traces of original red color. Plate. 3491 1827 Uncirculated. Two stars not centered, otherwise sharp. even impression. Beautiful light olive color, traces of red. Plate. 3192 1828 Small date. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression; the stars on right side bold, but not centered. B. Small flalce out of planchet over e in AMERICA. Bich brown color. Very rare. Plate. 3193 1828 Small dale. Uncirculated. Bold, even impression, but stars rounded. Light olive, with considerable red on reverse. Very rare. Plate. 3494 1828 Small date. Bold, even impression. Five stars sharp, cen- UNITED STATES CENTS, 1828-1833. 207 tered, the others rounded. Kich brown color. E. Lighter olive. Uncirculated. Very rare. Plate. 3495 1828 Large date. 8 between the 82. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Beautiful light color, with some red. Very rare. Plate. 3496 1828 Same variety as last. Uncirculated. Light olive, with traces of red. Plate. 3497 1829 Large letters on reverse. Uncirculated. Sharp, even im- pression. Considerable original red color, especially on reverse, otherwise light olive. Kare. Plate. 3498 1829 Large letters on reverse. Uncirculated. Sharp, even im- pression. One star not centered. Light olive and mottled steel color, traces of red on reverse. Rare. Plate. 3499 1830 Inner line. Uncirculated. Original color, slightly smeared. Bold, though not a sharp impression, but far superior to those usually seen. Very rare. Plate. 3500 1830 Inner line. Equal to last, but color is a dark brown. Plate. 3501 1831 Small letters on reverse. Proof. Dull red color. Stars not centered. Very slight, thin spot in planchet on edge causes the milling to be not struck up over next to last star. Extremely rare. Plate. 3502 1831 Small letters on reverse. Uncirculated. Bold impression, though stars are rounded. Obverse not even, wide milling on left side, little or none behind head. Beautiful pale pink color. Plate. 3503 1831 Small letters on reverse. Extremely fine. Bold, even im- pression. Nick on edge of reverse. Light olive. 3504 1831 Large letters on reverse. Stars connected by a crack in the die. Unc. Slightly darkened on cheek. Light olive. Plate. 3505 1832 Large letters on reverse. Uncirculated. Sharp, even im- pression. Light olive, traces of red. Rare. Plate. 3506 1832 Small letters on reverse. Uncirculated. Bold impression. Stars rounded. Not evenly struck, milling on left side wide. Considerable original color smeared. Rare. Plate. 3507 1832 Small letters on reverse. Die crack connects stars over head. Stars rounded. Uncirculated. Beautiful light olive color. Rare. Plate. 3508 1832 Small letters on reverse. Uncirculated. Stars rounded. Steel color, with traces of red. Rare. Plate. 3509 1833 Uncirculated. Sharp, even imp. Some original red. Plate. 3510 1833 Stars and date connected by crack in die. Uncirculated. Some original red color. Plate. 208 UNITED STATES CENTS, 1833-1838. 3511 1833 As last. Uncirculated. Steel color, traces of red. Five stars before face not centered and flat around mouth. 3512 1834 Double profile, deeply marked and more so than usual. Small date. Uncirculated. Bold impression, but stars not cen- tered. Beautiful light olive color. Finest I have seen. Plate. 3513 1834 Double profile and so marked as last. Dent from edge of another coin striking it before the chin. Obverse reddish brown, reverse steel color. 3514 1834 As last, but perfect profile. Uncirculated. Olive color. 3515 1835 Small date. Pointed diadem. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Stars rounded. Steel color with considerable red. Bare. Plate. 3516 1835 As last. Uncirculated. Stars rounded. Light olive. 3517 1835 Large date. Blunt diadem. Even impression, deep milling. Very fine. Cleaned long since. 3518 1836 Perfect die. Uncirculated. Original red color. Plate. 3519 1836 Chip out of die over eighth star. U/ncirculated. Minute nicks. Light olive. Sharp impression. 3520 1836 Chip out of die over sixth star. Uncirculated. Light olive- steel color. Sharp, even impression. Plate. 3521 1837 Plain hair cord. R. Large letters, small bust; all so for next seven lots. Proof. Sharp, even impression. Original color. Extremely rare. Plate. 3522 1837 Uncirculated. Stars not centered, but a beautiful cent of brilliant red, original color. 3523 1837 Uncirculated. Stars centered. Pale olive color. 3524 1837 Uncirculated. Stars centered. Pale olive color. 3525 1837 Slight proof-like surface. Minute nicks. Extremely fine. Steel color. 3526 1837 Uncirculated. Light imp., but of exquisite light olive color. 3527 1837 Uncirculated. Light impression. Rose-steel color. 3528 1837 Large bust, Uncirculated. Stars before bust not centered. Light olive color. 3529 1837 Beaded hair-cord. R. Small letters in legend. Uncircu- lated. Considerable original red color. Minute nick on edge of reverse. Five stars, not centered. 3530 1S37 Beaded hair-cord. R. Small letters. Uncirculated. Four stars, not centered. Light color, traces of red. 3531 L838 Proof. Sharp impression, though stars before bast are not centered. Dark red color. Very rare. Plate. 3532 L838 Uncirculated. Lighl olive. UNITED STATES CENTS, 1838-1844. 209 3533 1838 Uncirculated. Some original color. 3534 1838 Different reverse die. Uncirculated. Slight blister spot on reverse. Light olive. 3535 1839 1838 head. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Light olive. Scarce. Plate. 3536 1839 Booby Head. No bar under cent. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Pin-point nick on cheek. Original red color, slightly darkened. Eare. Plate. 3537 1839 Booby Head. Uncirculated. Defect on edge of planchet at twelfth star causes the milling not to be struck up on both sides. Considerable original red. 3538 1839 Booby Head. Uncirculated. Light olive, traces of red. 3539 1839 1840 head. Uncirculated. Steel color. Minute specks on obverse. Scarce. 3540 1840 Large date. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Light brown, traces of red. Plate. 3541 1840 Large date. Extremely fine. Light olive. color. 3542 1840 Large date. Extremely fine. Light olive color. 3543 1840 Large date. Extremely fine. Light olive color. 3544 1840 Small date. Extremely fine. Light olive color. 3545 1840 Small date. Extremely fine. Cleaned red. 3546 1841 Proof. Sharp, even imp. Bright red. Very rare. Plate. 3547 1841 Dull proof. Sharp, even impression. Bright red. 3548 1841 Dull proof. Sharp, even impression. Minute specks on obverse. Red. 3549 1841 Uncirculated. Considerable original color. Sharp imp. 3550 1842 Large date. Uncirculated. Light olive, traces of red. 3551 1842 Large date. Uncirculated. Light olive, traces of red. 3552 1842 Large date. Uncirculated. Light olive. 3553 1843 Obverse and reverse as 1842. Unc. Light olive color. 3554 1843 As last. Extremely fine. Weak on edge. Light olive. 3555 1843 1842 obverse, 1844 reverse. Uncirculated. Light olive and some original color. Sharp, even impression. Bare. Plate. 3556 1843 As last. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Light olive-steel color. 3557 1843 1844 obverse and reverse. Uncirculated. Steel color. Sharp and even. Plate. 3558 1843 As last. Uncirculated. Sharp, even imp. Olive color. Rare. 3559 1844 Proof. Sharp and even impression. Bright red, slight dark spot at knot of hair. Excessively rare. Plate. 3560 1844 Uncirculated. Olive color, traces of red. 14 210 UNITED STATES CENTS,, 1844-1857. 3561 1814 18 recut. Uncirculated. Steel color, traces of red. Rare. 3562 1845 Proof, not very brilliant, but a beautiful cent of pale pink color. Date far from bust. Very rare. Plate. 3563 1845 Date far from bust. Uncirculated. Brilliant bright red. Pin-head dark spot on obverse. 3564 1845 Date close to bust. Uncirculated. Partly red. 3565 1846 Tail date, 1 touches bust, 84 almost does. Proof. Dull red, badly finger- smeared. Sharp impression. Several microscopic nicks in field. Extremely rare. Plate. 3566 1846 Tall date, which does not touch bust. Uncirculated. Light olive, traces of red. Rare. 3567 1846 Small 6. Slight glimmer of proof surface. Reddish steel color. 3568 1846 46 recut. Unc. Bright red. Slight dark spot on edge. 3569 1846 18 recut. Uncirculated. Dull red. Sharp impression. 3570 1 846 4 recut. Uncirculated. Light olive. 3571 1847 Date clear of bust. Uncirculated. Sharp. Partly red. 3572 1847 Duplicate in every respect. 3573 1847 1 and 4 touch bust. Uncirculated. Dull red. Sharp. 3574 1848 Proof. Curl over right side of 8. Sharp, even impression. Obverse tinging to steel color from red, while reverse is bright red. Very rare. Plate. 3575 1848 Curl over space between 84. Uncirculated. Dull red. 3576 1848 1 double cut, Uncirculated. Bright red. Rare. 3577 1849 Proof. Dull. Bright red, slightly smeared. Sharp im- pression. Very rare. Plate. 3578 1850 Uncirculated. Brilliant bright red. Extra beautiful. 3579 1850 to 1856 Uncirculated. Partly red. 8 pes. 3580 1850 to 1856 Uncirculated. Light olive. 9 pes. 3581 1852 Uncirculated. Brilliant bright red. Extra beautiful. 3582 1852 Uncirculated. Brilliant bright red. 3583 1853 3 double cut. Uncirculated. Not quite evenly centered on obverse. Red. Very rare. .'!.->>■! 1 1854 Proof. Sharp, even impression. Brilliant bright red. Very rare. Plate. 3586 1855 Proof. Not very brilliant. Dull red. Slanting 55. 3586 1S"> As last. Proof. Light olivo-rod color. 3587 L855 Slanting 55. Uncirculated. Dull red. Scarce. 3588 L856 Proof. Slanting 5. Bright red. Sharp, even imp. Rare. 3589 L856 Upright 5. Uncirculated. Slightly chafed. Bright red. 3690 L857 Proof. 'Small date. Sharp impression. Bright red. A l»cauty. Rare. Plate. UNITED STATES CENTS, 1857-1897. HALF CENTS, 1793-1795. 211 3591 1857 Proof. Dull. Small date. Iridescent steel color. 3592 1857 Proof. Dull. Small date. Reddish-steel color. 3593 1857 to 1897 inc. Both nickel and copper 1864. Proofs. 40 pes. 3594 1857 Eagle flying. Proof. Bare. 3595 1858 Large and small letters. Uncirculated. 2 pes. 3596 1859 R. Oak wreath and narrow shield. Uncirculated. HALF CENTS. 3597 1793 Head of Liberty, undraped, L, hair long and flowing down over the back. Liberty pole and cap over right shoulder ; above liberty, beneath 1793. R. united states of America, in center of wreath half cent, below bow tying same aw Edge, two hundred for a dollar. Crosby 1-a. Very fine. Light olive. Bold impression. Very slight dents on edge. Rare. Plate. Note. — This type only made this year, though same design, but with bust facing right, was issued in 1794, 1795, 1796 and 1797. 3598 1793 Crosby 1-b. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Beau- tiful light olive. Very rare. Plate. 3599 1793 Crosby 2-a. Uncirculated — the slightest touch of friction on tips of the hair. Sharp, even impression, with wide margin outside of beading. Olive color. Very rare. Plate. 3600 1793 Crosby 2-c. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression, cent rather weak, but shows; die broken on edge of reverse, so that a quarter of an inch long projection stands up along edge over f ame. Very rare. Plate. 3601 1794 Large head facing to right, far from date. R. Close wreath. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Steel color. Extremely rare in this superb preservation. Plate. 3602 1794 Large head evenly spaced between liberty and date. R. As last. Extremely fine. Light olive. Sharp, even impression. Rare. Plate. 3603 1794 Large head as last. R. Wide open wreath. Very fine. Edge not struck up on right side. Steel color. Plate. 3604 1794 Small head r. R. Close wreath. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Light olive. Extremely rare in this superb condition. Plate. 3605 1794 Same variety as last. Uncirculated. Light steel color, Avith slight original red color on and around head. Border before bust not struck up; also corresponding place on reverse. Ex- tremely rare in this preservation. Plate. From Mills collection. 3606 1795 With pole to cap. Edge lettered two hundred for a dollar. 212 UNITED STATES HALF CENTS, 1795-1804. Even impression, with deep milling on both sides. Very fine. Light olive. Rare. Plate. 3607 1795 Same as last. Drift mark, like a scratch, across obverse. Fine. Steel color. Plate. 3608 1795 No pole to cap. Thick planchet, but plain edge. R. Die cracked and sunken across. Very light erosion on surface. Bronzed long since — now a rich dark brown. Deep, even milling. Rare. Plate. 3609 1796 No pole to cap. Die cracked across obverse. Proof. Of exquisite light olive color, with traces of original red on both sides. Sharp, even impression, with deep, even milling. The finest specimen of this variety known. Of excessive rarity. Plate. 3610 1796 Pole to cap. Fine. Strong impression. Steel color and it is rubbed off on high parts. Extremely rare. Plate. 3611 1797 Perfect date. Uncirculated. The granulations in the cop- per show on bust as if microscopic nicks. Strong, even impres- sion. Steel color. Very rare. Plate. 3612 1797 1 over 1 of date. Fine. Slight nick on milling. Light olive. Plate. 3613 1797 1 over 1 of date. Die sunken at cap and throat. Very fine. Brown-steel color. Plate. 3614 1800 Bust of Liberty draped and hair tied with ribbon, which is gathered at back in bows. R. As last. Uncirculated. Light olive and with considerable original red color. Rare. Plate. Note.— No half cents coined 1798, 1799, 1801 and the type of 1800 used to 1808. 1812 to 1824, inclusive, 1827, 1830, 1837-1839. 3615 1802 Over 1800, as all are. R. As 1803. Fine. Much above the best usually seen. Minute nicks. Steel color. Rare. Plate. 3616 1803 Extremely fine. Minute nick on neck. Steel color. 3617 1803 Very fine. Brown-steel color. 3618 1803, '05, '07 Fine. 3 pes. 3619 1804 Crossed 4. Ends to stems. Uncirculated. Light olive. Plate. 3620 1804 Same as last. Very fine. Steel color. Brown color. 2 pes. 3621 1804 Crossed 4. Tongue out, spiked chin variety. R. Stems below bow; die broken along right edge. Uncirculated. Light olive. The finest example I have met with of this variety. Plate. 3622 1804 Crossed 4. R. No ends to stems below bow. Uncirculated. Light olive. Finest I have met with of this very rare variety. 3623 1804 Small, plain 4. R. No ends to stems. Uncirculated. Pale steel color. 3624 ISO! Same variety. Extremely line. Steel color. UNITED STATES HALF CENTS, 1804-1831. 213 3625 1804 Same variety. Extremely fine. Steel color. 3626 1805 No ends to stems. Uncirculated. Pale original red-olive color. Plate. 3627 1805 As last. Extremely fine. Faint scratch on cheek. 3628 1806 Large 6. Uncirculated. Partly original red color. 3629 1806 Large 6. Uncirculated. Cleaned bright red. 3630 1806 Large 6. Ex. fine. Light scratch in field. Light olive. 3631 1806 Small 6. No ends to stems below bow. Very fine. 3632 1807 Extremely fine. Brown color. Plate. 3633 1808 Extremely fine. Obverse has small specks of corrosion. Plum color. Plate. 3634 1809 So-called over 1808. Bust of Liberty L, 13 stars. R. united states of America, in wreath half cent. Extremely fine. Mi- nute nicks on obverse. Light olive. Type from 1809 to 1836. 3635 1809 So-called over 1808. Extremely fine. Light olive-steel color. 3636 1809 Perfect date. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impression. Beautiful light olive color. Plate. 3637 1809 Perfect date. Extremely fine. Light olive-steel color. 3638 1810 Uncirculated. Even impression. Stars not centered, but good. Light olive and steel color. Rare. Plate. 3639 1810 Uncirculated. Stars centered before face, those behind not centered. Light olive-steel color. Rare. 3640 1810 Uncirculated. Same condition as last. 3641 1811 Bold impression, though stars before bust are not centered. Very fine. Olive color. Rare. Plate. 3642 1811 Almost as fine as last. Rare. 3643 1825 Uncirculated. Steel color. 3644 1825, '26 cleaned, '28 12 and 13 stars, '29, '33, '34, '35. Extremely fine. 8 pes. 3645 1826 Uncirculated. Light olive. 3646 1828 Twelve stars. Uncirculated. Bright red obverse, reverse turning to steel color. Four lower stars not centered. Scarce so fine. Plate. 3647 1828 Thirteen stars. Uncirculated. Brilliant bright red. Plate. 3648 1828 Thirteen stars. Unc. Sharp. Dull red. Two specks. 3649 1829 Uncirculated. Bright red. Beautiful example and rare so fine. Plate. 3650 1829 Uncirculated. Light olive, traces of red on obverse, 3651 1829 Extremely fine. Light olive. 3652 1831 Original. Bright red. Proof. Sharp, beautiful impres- sion. Pin-head speck in obverse field. Extremely rare. Plate. 214 UNITED STATES HALF CENTS, 1832-1850. 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 Bright red. Dull red. One-third of reverse steel color. Rare. 1832 Uncirculated. 1833 Proof. Plate. 1833 Dull proof. Red obverse. Reverse, steel color. Slight proof surface. Steel color. Proof. Bright red. Beautiful specimen. Proof. Light olive. Beautiful example. Uncirculated. Partly original red. Proof. Bright red. Sharp impression. Uncirculated. Light olive, traces of red. Original. Dull proof. Considerable red. Very fine. Brown color. Extremely rare. Head of Liberty with diadem, on which is 1833 1834 1834 1834 1835 1835 1836 1836 1840 Plate. Plate. Ex. rare. Plate. Original. Original. Type 1840-1857. Original color. liberty, around 13 stars. R. Similar to 1809. Proof. Obverse slightly dull. R. Brilliant. Extremely rare. Plate. 1841 Original. Proof. Dull red color. Very rare. Plate. 1841 Original. Proof. Obverse reddish, smeared. R. Steel color. Very rare. 1841 Restrike. Obverse die cracked. Proof. Pink-steel color. Very rare. 1842 Original. obverse edge. Proof. Bright red. Very slight depression on Excessively rare. Plate. Proof. Dull red, smeared. Ex. rare. Plate. Steel color, tinge of red on obverse. Ex- Proof. Plate. Proof. Proof. Proof. Beautiful plum color. Dull red, light olive, red Bright golden Proof. Dark brown color. Excessivelv rare. 1843 Restrike. 1846 Restrike. tremely rare. 1847 Original. 1847 Original. 1847 Restrike. rare. Plate. 1848 Original. Plate. 1848 Restrike. 1849 Small date sively rare. Plate, 1849 Small date rare. 1849 Large date. Uncirculated. Light olive. 1849 Large date. Reverse, cross set. Very fine. 1850 Proof. Slightly abraded. Light olive. 1850 Proof. Dull red. Ex. rare. Plate. Excessively rare. color. Extremely Proof. Original Golden red color. Ex. rare. Plate. Proof. Dull red color. Exces- Original. Proof. Steel color. Excessivelv U. S. HALF CENTS, 1850-1857. SILVER PROOF SETS, 1857-1867. 215 3682 1850, '51, '53, '54, '55, '56, '57. Uncirculated. 7 pes. 3683 1851 Dull proof. Light olive. 3684 1851 Uncirculated. Bright red. 3685 1852 Original (?). Small berries. Proof. Bluish-steel color. Very rare. Plate. 3686 1853 Uncirculated. Obverse red. R. Reddish-brown. 3687 1854 Uncirculated. Reddish-brown color. 3688 1855 Proof. Bright red. 3689 1855 Proofs. Bright red. 3 pes. 3690 1855 Uncirculated. Bright red. 3691 1855 Uncirculated. Dull red. 3 pes. 3692 1856 Proof. Bright red. 3693 1856 Proof. Reddish light-olive. 3694 1856 Proof. Dull. Plum and steel color. 3695 1856 Uncirculated. Traces of red. 3696 1857 Uncirculated. Bright red. 3697 1857 Uncirculated. Bright red. 3698 1809, poor. 1810, '25, '26, '28, '5, '50, '51, '53, '54, '55, '56, '57, very good to very fine. 19 pes. UNITED STATES SILVER PROOF SETS. EACH SET CONSISTS OF THE SILVER, NICKEL AND BRONZE COINS OF THE YEAR. SOLD SO MUCH THE SET. ALL FINE PROOFS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. 3699 1857 Dollar, $y 2 , $V4, $1/10, $1/20, 3c., la, y 2 c. and lc. with eagle. Splendid set and very rare. 3700 1859 Dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, $1/20, 3c., lc. Scarce. Slightly hairmarked. 3701 1859 Dollar, p/ 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, $1/20, 3c, lc. Scarce. Slightly hairmarked. 3702 1860 Dollar, $y 2 , $V4, $1/10, $1/20, 3c, lc. Dollar hairmarked. 3703 1861 Dollar, $y 2 , $V4> 3c - Incomplete. Slightly hairmarked. 3704 1862 Dollar, $y 2 , $%, $1/10, $1/20, 3c, lc. Slightly hairmarked. 3705 1862 Dollar, $y 2 , WA, IV10, $V 20 > 3c -> lc - Slightly hairmarked. 3706 1863 Dollar, .$y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, $1/20, 3c, lc. Rare. 3707 1864 Dollar, $y 2 , $V4, $1/10, $1/20, 3c, 2c, lc. in nickel and also copper. Very rare. 3708 1865 Dollar, $y 2 , $Vi, $1/10, $1/20, 3c silver, also nickel; 2c, lc. Very rare. 3709 1867 Dollar, $y 2 , $V4, $1/10, $1/20, 3c, 5c. nickel with (uncir- culated) and without rays, 3c, 2c, lc. 216 UNITED STATES SILVER PROOF SETS, 1868-1896. 3710 1868 Dollar, $y 2 , VA, $1/10, $1/20, 3c, 5c, 3c, 2c, lc 3711 1868 Dollar, $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, $1/20, 3c, 5c, 3c, 2c, lc. 3712 1869 Dollar, $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, $1/20, 3c, 5c, 3c, 2c, lc 3713 1869 Dollar, $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, $1/20, 3c, 5c, 3c, 2c, lc 3714 1870 Dollar, $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, $1/20, 3c, 5c, 3c, 2c, lc 3715 1871 Dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, $1/20, 3c, 5c, 3c, 2c, lc 3716 1871 Dollar, $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, $1/20, 3c, 5c, 3c, 2c, lc 3717 1872 Dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, $1/20, 3c, 5c, 3c, 2c, lc 3718 1873 Dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, $1/20, 3c, 5c, 3c, 2c, lc Rare. 3719 1873 Trade dollar set, arrow heads at date on $y 2 , f ^, $1/10. Dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3720 1873 Trade dollar set, as last. 3721 1874 Trade dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3722 1874 Trade dollar, $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3723 1875 Trade dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/5, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. Not bril- liant, so were nearly all sets struck this year. 3724 1876 Trade dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/5, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3725 1876 Trade dollar, $y 2 , $V4, $1/5, 5c, 3c, lc. Been tarnished and severely cleaned. Ruined. Lacks dime. 3726 1877 Trade dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/5, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. Very rare. 3727 1878 Standard and trade dollars, $y 2 , $14, $1/5, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc Rare. 3728 1879 Standard and trade dollars, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3729 1880 Standard and trade dollars, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3730 1881 Standard and trade dollars, $y 2 , $Vi, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3731 1882 Standard and trade dollars, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3732 1883 Standard and trade dollars, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, 5c (3), 3c, lc 3733 1884 Dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3734 1885 Dollar, $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc 3735 1886 Dollar, $V 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3736 1887 Dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3737 1888 Dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3738 1888 Dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3739 1889 Dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, 5c, 3c, lc. 3740 1890 Dollar, $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, 5c, lc 3741 1891 Dollar, $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, 5c, lc 3742 1892 Dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, 5c, lc. 3743 1893 Dollar, $y 2 , $14, $1/10, 5c, lc. 3744 1894 Dollar, $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, 5c, lc. 3745 1895 Dollar, $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, 5c, lc Rare. 3746 1896 Dollar, $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, 5c, lc. U. S. PROOF SETS. COLONIES. PRIVATE MINT GOLD COINS. 217 3747 1903 Dollar, $y 2 , $Vi, $1/10, 5c, lc. 3748 1903 Dollar, $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, 5c, lc. 3749 1905 $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10. Lacks 5c, lc. 3750 1905 $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10. Slightly nicked. Lacks 5c, lc. 3751 1906 $y 2 , $^, $1/10, 5c, lc 3752 1906 $y 2 , $y 4 , $1/10, 5c, lc. 2 sets. 3753 1872 Minor proof set, lc, 2c, 3c, 5c Extra bright. Set. 3754 1872 Minor proof sets. As last. 4 sets. UNITED STATES COLONIES. 3755 1883 Hawaii. Kalakaua. 50c and $1. Head. R. Arms. Un- circulated. 2 pes. 3756 1891 Hawaii. Dollar. Bust of Liliuokalani 1., lilivocalania dei .gratia. R. Hemisphere showing Hawaiian Islands. hawaiarvm regina 1891 akahi dala. Brilliant proof. Issued unofficially by R. Huth, dies by J. H. Pinches. 3757 1903 Philippine Islands. Proof set. Peso, 50c, 20c, 10c, 5c, lc, y 2 c. Set. 3758 1906 Philippine Islands. Proof set. Peso, 50c, 20c, 10c, 5c, lc, y 2 c Set. 3759 1906 Philippine Islands. Proof sets, as last. 14 sets. PRIVATE MINTS. GOLD COINAGE. CAROLINA. RUTHERPORDTON. 3760 $5. C. BECHTLER. AT RUTHERF : 5 DOLLARS. R. CAROLINA GOLD 134 g. * 21 carats. Extremely fine. Slightly bent. Dent on edge. Plate. 3761 1834 $5. c. bechtler. at rutherpord. * 5 dollars. R. Caro- lina gold august 1. 1834. 140 . g. 20 . carats. Very fine. Plate. 3762 $1. a. bechter. * 1 dol : Carolina gold 27. g. 21. c. Ex. fine. tremely fine. GEORGIA. 3763 $5. c : bechtler. at rutherp : 5 dollars. R. Georgia gold 128 . c. * 22 carats. Very fine. Slight edge dents. Rare. Plate. CALIFORNIA. $2y 2 . U. S. regular issue with cal. stamped in on reverse eagle. Uncirculated. Semi-proof. Excessively rare. Plate. CALIFORNIA 3764 1848 over eag 218 PRIVATE MINT GOLD COINS. CALIFORNIA. MOFFAT & CO. 3765 1849 $5. Type U. S. coin. Head of Liberty inscribed moffat & co., around 13 stars, beneath 1849. R. Eagle, s.m.v Cali- fornia gold five dol. Uncirculated. Mint lustre. Not struck up on bair on side of tbe head. Adams No. 9. Plate. 3766 1852 $10. Head of Liberty 1. moffat & co. 13 stars. 1852. R. 264 grs. California gold . ten d. Eagle with ribbon in beak, shield and arrows in talons, above on scroll 880 thous. : Very fine. Very rare. A. 16. Plate. AUGUSTUS HUMBERT, UNITED STATES ASSAYER OF GOLD. (MOFFAT & CO.) 3767 1851 $50. Octagonal, united states of America 50 d c. Eagle with U. S. shield and arrows in talons, scroll through beak in- scribed liberty, above on scroll 887 thous. Border plain. R. Engine-turned with 50 stamped in center. Edge, stamped AUGUSTUS HUMBERT UNITED STATES ASSAYER OF GOLD CALIFORNIA 1851. Point of angle at h of Humbert dented. Extremely fine, one of the finest known of this variety. Extremely rare. A. 12-a. Plate. 3768 1851 $50. Octagonal. As last, but 880 thous. and without the 50 in center of reverse. Extremely fine, brilliant, small nicks on side of the plain edge over ame. R. Two corners dented. Very rare. A. 11-b. Plate. 3769 1851 $50. Octagonal. Within beaded circle united states of America fifty dolls. Eagle with arrows and shield in talons, above on scroll 880 thou s - Outside of this central device and following the angles of the coin is Augustus Humbert united states assayer of gold California 1851. R, Engine-turned. Edge milled. One corner bruised, two slight dents on reverse edge. Very fine. Very rare. A. 14. Plate. 3770 1851 $50. Octagonal. As last, but 8S7 thous. Fine. Some minute nicks. Dent on one corner. Rare. A. 13. Plate. 3771 1852 $50. Octagonal. As last except date. Good. Nick in field; also minute nicks. Rare. A. 15. Plate. 3772 1852 $20. united states of America twenty dols : Eagle with scroll inscribed liberty, holds shield and arrows in talons on scroll above 884 thous. R. Small, oblong tablet, inserted in center of the engine-turned back, inscribed Augustus Humbert UNITED STATES ASSAYER OF GOLD CALIFORNIA 1852 (over 1851). Very fine. Very rare. A. 17. Plate. PRIVATE MINT GOLD COINS. CALIFORNIA. 219 3773 1852 $10. Same design as last. R. The tablet extends beyond the engine-turning. Die cracked across. Date over 1851. Ex- tremely fine. Brilliant. Rare. A. 21. Plate. 3774 1852 $10. Same design, but a different die, occasioned, no doubt, by the breaking of that used on last coin. Ex. fine. Rare. Plate. UNITED STATES ASSAY OFFICE OF GOLD. (CURTIS, PERRY AND WARD.) 3775 1852 $50. Octagonal. Within beaded circle united states of America fifty dolls. Eagle with shield and arrows in talons, on scroll above 887 thou s -, outside of this central device and following the angles of the coin are united states assay office of gold san francisco California 1852. R. Engine-turned. Edge milled. Extremely fine, slightly hairmarked. Very rare. A. 19. Plate. 3776 1852 $50. Octagonal. As last, but date larger and 900 thous. Very slight nicks and edge dent. Very fine. Very rare. A. 20. Plate. 3777 1853 $20. Design as the center of last. R. Oblong tablet in- scribed UNITED STATES ASSAY OFFICE OF GOLD SAN FRANCISCO CALI- FORNIA 1853. Extremely fine. Two bad dents on edge. A. 23. Plate. 3778 1852 $10. Design as last. 884 thous. Extremely fine. A. 21. Plate. NORRIS, GRIEG AND NORRIS. 3779 1849 $5. Eagle with shield on breast marked 5, above California GOLD, below WITHOUT ALLOY. R. FULL WEIGHT OF HALF EAGLE in center circle of 22 stars, enclosing n. g & n san francisco 1849. Edge, plain. Extremely fine. Dent in field on right side that bends the coin. Rare. A. 33. Plate. KELLOGG AND COMPANY. 3780 1854 $20. Type U. S. coin. Head of Liberty, kellogg & CO. on diadem. Around 13 stars and date. R. san francisco Cali- fornia twenty d. Eagle, scroll, rays, stars, etc. Light dent on edge. Nicks on obverse, otherwise very fine. A. 53. Plate. 3781 1855 $20. As last. Dents on reverse edge. Very fine. Minute nicks. A. 56. 3782 1855 $50. Round. Head of Liberty 1., kellogg & co. on diadem. 220 PRIVATE MINT GOLD COINS. CALIFORNIA. Around 13 stars and date. R. san francisco California fifty dolls. ; in center eagle supports XJ. S. shield and arrows in right talon and on ground in left an olive branch, through beak a plain ribbon, on double scroll, above 1809 grs 887 thous. Edge milled. Superb, with proof surface. Slightly hairmarked, as all are, probably from the planchets being polished with a gritty cloth before striking. Sharp impression. Mr. Earle had second choice of the five from the Humbert collection, which we handled for Captain Zabriskie. Of excessive rarity. A. 54. Plate. 3783 1855 $50. As last. Copper. Bronzed proof. Sharp, even im- pression. Unique. Formerly in the Ulex collection, thence to S. H. & H. Chapman, to Mr. Earle. wass, molitor and company. 3784 1855 $50. Round. Head of Liberty 1., with plain diadem. Around 13 stars and date. R. san francisco California wass molitor & c ', in center two olive branches crossed, tied by a ribbon, and form wreath enclosing 50 dollars ; above, on ribbon, 900 thous. Edge milled. Uncirculated. Sharp, even impres- sion. Mint lustre. The finest specimen known ! Unique in this superb condition. A. 50. Plate. 3785 1855 $10. Head of Liberty with w. M & c°- on diadem. Around stars and date (altered from previous dates). R. Eagle, s.m.v. California gold ten D. Weakly struck, the stars and obverse not all visible. Poor. CALIFORNIA GOLD $1, $!/£> I 1 /! DOLLARS. 378G 1853 Dollar. Octagonal. Head of Liberty, 8 stars. R. Cali- fornia gold 1 dollar 1853 deri. Very fine. 3787 1853 Dollar. Octagonal. Head of Liberty, 13 stars. R, As last, but n instead of deei. Bad cut on mouth. Extremely fine. Slightly bent. 3788 1853 Dollar. Octagonal. Same type, but different obverse die. Very fine. 3789 1854 Dollar. Octagonal. Obverse as last. R California gold, in wreath 1 dollar 1854. Very fine. 3790 1854 Dollar. Octagonal. Small head of Liberty L, 10 stars. R. California gold f.d. ; in center, in circle of stars, 1 dollar 1 S.">4. Extremely fine. 3791 1S52 Half dol. Round. Small head of Liberty L, 13 stars. R half dol. California gold, in wreath 1852. Very fine. PRIVATE MINT GOLD COINS. CALIFORNIA. 221 3792 1853 Halfdol. Round. As last, d.n below head. Unc. 3793 1853 Half dol. Round. As last, but large head and d below it. R. California gold half d. 1853. Extremely fine. 3794 1853 Half dol. Round. Large head of Liberty, 11 stars. R, half d. California gold 1853. Uncirculated. Slightly bent, 3795 1854 Half dol. Oct. Small head of Liberty, 13 stars. R. half dol. California gold. n. 1854. Uncirculated. 3796 1855 Half dol. Oct. Head of Liberty, 13 stars. R. As last, the date altered from 1854. Extremely fine. 3797 18G4 Halfdol. Oct. Small head of Liberty, g below; 13 stars. R. Wreath enclosing half dollar 1854. Extremely fine. 3798 1868 Half dol. Round. Head of Indian; 13 stars, 1868. R. Wreath enclosing \ dollar. Proof. 3799 1871 Half dol. Oct. Head of Liberty; 8 stars. R. \ dollar 1871 in wreath. Uncirculated. 3800 1871 Half dol. Oct. Head of Liberty, g (double cut), below 1871 ; 13 stars. R. half dollar cal. in wreath. Proof. 3801 1871 Half dol. As last, but g perfect. Slightly bent. Very fine. 3802 1872 Half dol. Round. Head of Indian ; 13 stars. R. \ dollar cal. in wreath. Uncirculated. 3803 1872 Half dol. Round. Same as last. Uncirculated. 3804 1880 Half dol. Oct. Indian head ; 13 s. R. \ cal. gold. Proof. 3805 1880 Halfdol. Round. Indian head ; 13 s. R. \ dollar. Proof. 3806 1881 Half dol. Oct. As last. Proof. 3807 1856 Quarter dol. Oct. Head of Liberty ; 8 stars. R. In dotted circle \ dollar 1856. Oct. Weak. Very fine. 3808 1859 Quarter dol. Round. Head of Liberty; 10 stars. R. In wreath \ dollar 1859. Proof. 3809 1869 Quarter dol. Round. Head of Liberty, G below; 13 stars. R. \ dollar 1869. Proof. 3810 1871 Quarter dol. Oct. Head of Liberty ; 9 stars. R. \ dollar 1871. Uncirculated. 3811 1871 Quarter dol. Round. Head of Liberty, g and date below ; 13 stars. R. \ dollar cal. Extremely fine. 3812 1871 Quarter dol. Oct. Same design as last. Proof. 3813 1872 Quarter dol. Round. Die broken on 2. Indian head; 13 stars. R. \ dollar cal. Proof. 3814 1872 Quarter dol. As last. Die not so much broken. Proof. 3815 1872 Quarter dol. Oct. Same design as last. Proof. 3816 1885 Eureka. Arms of Cal. y 2 size 2, *4 size 4. Oct. and round. 6 pes. 222 PRIVATE MINT GOLD COINS. COLO. UTAH. C. S. A. CENTS, 1861. COLORADO. CLARK, GRUBER & COMPANY. 3817 1860 $10. pike's peak gold ten dol. View of the mountain. Denver below. K. clark gruber & co. 1860. Eagle with olive branch and three arrows in talons. Edge milled. Extremely fine. Very rare. Plate. 3818 1860 $10. As last. Copper proof. Extremely rare. 3819 1861 $10. Head of Liberty, pike's peak on diadem; 13 stars and date. R. clark gruber & co Denver ten d. Fine. Plate. UTAH. COINS ISSUED BY THE MORMONS AT SALT LAKE CITY. 3820 1849 $5. Eye of Providence, to . the . lord . holiness. R. g.s.l.c.p.g. (Great Salt Lake City Pure Gold) five dollars. In center, clasped hands, below which 1849. Fine. Plate. 3821 1850 $5. Eye of Providence, etc., in circle of 9 stars, around to the lord holiness. R. As above. Very slight dent on edge. Fine. Rare. Plate. 3822 1860 $5. Lion reclining to left, Holiness to the Lord in the Mor- mon cypher, 1860 below. R. Bee-hive, behind which stands an eagle, his talons holding olive branch and three arrows extend below it, around deseret assay office pure gold . 5 d. Fine, but shows on reverse where it has been soldered as a pin, over and below eagle, erasing the 5 d. Very rare. Plate. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. 3823 1861 Cent. Head of Liberty, by Lovett, Philadelphia, cox- federate states of America 1861. R. 1 cent in center of wreath of cotton, tobacco, sugar cane; cotton bale at bottom. Nickel, Original. Excessively rare, as only about seven are known. Very fine, though stained around edge. Plate. 3824 1861 Cent. As last. Restrike in silver. Twelve only made. Dies destroyed. Proof. Plate. 3825 1861 Cent. As last. Restrike in copper. Fifty-five made. Dies destroyed. Proof. 3826 1868 21. 3827 1869 3828 1870 3829 1870 3830 1871 3831 1872 3832 1878 3833 1880 3834 1885 3835 1892 UNITED STATES ASSAY COMMISSION MEDALS. 223 MEDALS GIVEN BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO MEMBERS OF THE MINT ASSAY COMMISSION. All in proof condition. Closing number refers to size. All rare. Peace applying the torch to munitions of war. Aluminum. Liberty seated, field plain. Aluminum. 21. Moneta standing, with attributes. Aluminum. 21. As last. Bronze. 21. Archimedes standing. Silver. 21. Same design as 1870. Silver. 21. Bust of Washington right. Bronze. 21. Bust of Hayes. E. Science trimming her lamp. Silver. 21. Bust of Arthur. R. Moneta and boy. Silver. 21. Bust of Cleveland. R. As last, but without Latin inscrip- tion. Silver. 21. 3836 1896 Bust of Cleveland. R. Moneta standing, in right field a head of Minerva on laurel branch. Silver. 21. 3837 1897 Bust of Harrison. R. As last. Silver. 21. 3838 1898 Bust of McKinley. R. Justice and Mechanic standing at either side of a pedestal surmounted by a bust of Minerva. Silver. 21. 3839 1900 Bust of McKinley. R. Moneta seated. Mint in distance. Silver. 21. 3840 1900 Duplicate of last in every respect. 3841 1901 Bust of McKinley. R. Smelter at work. Tablet form, 25 x 36. Silver. 3842 1901 Duplicate of last in every respect. 3843 1901 As last, but in bronze. 3844 1902 New Mint, Philadelphia, View of. R. Minerva, etc. Sil- ver. 21. 3845 1902 Duplicate of last in every respect. 3846 1903 Bust, front face, of Roosevelt. R. Same as 1901. Tablet form, 25 x 36. Silver. 3847 1903 Duplicate of last in every respect. 3848 1904 Bust, side face, of Roosevelt. R. Arms. Tablet form, 25 x 36. Silver. 3849 1905 Same design as 1904. Tablet form, 25 x 36. Silver. 3850 1905 Duplicate of last in every respect. 3851 1906 Same design as 1904. Tablet form, 25 x 36. Silver. 224 MEDALS OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. AMERICAN MEDALS. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. Medals struck to commemorate the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America, 1492-1892. 3852 Bust L, cristoforo Colombo, at either side Indian Queen and Columbia, etc. R. Progress, attended by Angels of Light, Plenty, etc., alights at Chicago; startled Indian in foreground, the Exhibition grounds in the distance. Silver. Proof. Rare in this metal. The most beautiful medal issued for the event. Published by Johnson, of Milan, Italy. 36. 3853 Same bust, though larger, but without the figures at sides. R. As last. Bronze. Proof. 38. 3854 As last and other medals of Columbus. Wm., 10; aluminum, 5; bronze, 7. Very fine. Different (1 duplicate), 20x40. 23 pes. 3855 Bust 1., by Lea Ahlborn, of Sweden. Christopher Columbus. R. View of Christopher columbus landing and taking possession of the island which he named San Salvador, October 28, 1492. Silver. Proof. Scarce. 32. 3856 Head of Liberty 1. R. Similar to last. Bronze and gilt proofs. 32. 2 pes. 3857 Half length of Columbus 1., with chart, christoforo Colombo nato 1456 morto 1506. R. View of the Exhibition buildings at Genoa, Italy, ricordo dell' esposizioni italo-americaxa genova . 1892 1492-1892 iv. centenario. Aluminum. Proof. Unusually large medal to be in this metal. 56. AMERICAN MEDALS. 3858 BroAvn, John. Bust % r ., by ~]Yunlen. The medal subscribed for by Frenchmen. Bronzing spotted. Rare. 36. 3859 Centennial, 1876. Official medal. Br. Fine. 36. 3860 Dewey. Bust r. the maine . feb . 15 . 1898. may 1, 1898. Trial of a fine die on piece of steel from the Maine. 20. 3861 Harvard College Hasty Pudding Club. Sphinx. In wreath en- graved member's name, c. morgan "94. Octagonal. Silver. Very fine. Ring at top. 26. 3862 Lincoln. Half length r., by Brenner. Silver. Placquette 42 x 56. 3863 Lincoln-Garfield. Bust on either side. Silver. Proof. 16. 3864 McKinley. Bust 1. R. Columbia mourning his death, 1901. Bronze. Perfect. 48. 3865 Nevada. Struck at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1870, AMERICAN MEDALS. COIN CABINET. 225 from Nevada ore. Mining scene. R. Soldiers of 1776 and 1870 present arms to Liberty Bell. Silver. Proof. Rare. 24. 386G Roosevelt. Bust % 1. R. Hall of Festivals, St. Louis Exposition, 1904. Silver. Proof. 24. 3807 Roosevelt and Prince Henry. Busts 1. R, S. S. Kronprinz Wil- helm, on which he came to U. S., 1902. Silver. Proof. 20. 3808 Wharton, Jos. Bust. Int. Nickel Co., 1904, St. Louis Exposition. Extremely fine. 22. 3809 Washington. Bust in ornate armor r., by Webb, and inscribk!) to his memory by d : eccleston . Lancaster (England). R. In- dian, the land was ours, etc. Bronze. Proof. Rare. 48. 3870 Washington. Bust r. R. Independence Hall. Cent'l Anni. of the Adoption of the Const, of U. S., 1887. Bronze. Proof. 32. 3871 Wayne, Anthony. Bust. German town and Stony Point. Differ- ent. Bronze. Perfect. 22. 2 pes. coin cabinets. 3872 Black walnut. Two cabinets — one resting on top of the other, and as it is on two dowels, can be removed at will and used separately. Cabinet No. 1 — Ten drawers, velvet lined, 18 x 13, i/. inch deep. Drop front, electrotypes of the great Waterloo medal by Pistrucci inserted in ends. Fine lock and key. Over all, 23 x 17 x 17!/2. Cabinet No. 2 — Seventeen drawers, IOV2 x 7%, velvet lined, 10 of which are % inch deep; at bottom one drawer 1% deep. Lock and key. Surmounting tbe cabinets, but not attached thereto, is a carved-out-of-wood bust of a Knight. Excellent condition. Sold as one lot. 3873 Olive and other woods made up of small pieces. Double tier of 28 drawers (14 on each side), 8% x 9%, 24 V4 inch deep, four at bottom iy s deep, velvet lined. Double doors. Drawers warped and need overhauling by a cabinetmaker. 3874 Black walnut. Nineteen drawers, pierced (one unpierced), for a collection of U. S. coins, velvet lined ; at bottom four more draw- ers 11/4 inches deep. Drop front door, lock and key. Over all, 13y 2 x 131/2 x 12. MAGNIFYING glass. 3875 Blank's Patent Triple Strap Rimless Reading Glass. In case for vest pocket. New. PRICES REALIZED AT THE SALE OF THE COLLECTION OF COINS OF GEORGE H. EARLE. JR., ESQ. OF PHILADELPHIA. PA. CATALOGUED BY AND SOLD UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HENRY CHAPMAN, NUMISMATIST No. 1348 PINE STREET, PHILADELPHIA AT THE AUCTION ROOMS OF DAVIS & HARVEY, AUCTIONEERS 910 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA 6th Month, 25th, 26th, 27th. 28th and 29th, 1912 No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. 1 $23.00 29 145.00 57 1.25 85 27.00 113 1.50 141 15.00 2 23.00 30 72.00 58 11.00 86 31.00 114 2.00 142 3.50 3 8.00 31 120.00 59 2.50 87 9.00 115 62.50 143 33.00 4 95.00 32 110.00 60 26.00 88 5.00 116 33.00 144 22.00 5 45.00 33 53.00 61 24.00 89 1.20 117 27.00 145 10.00 6 35.00 34 10.00 62 1.00 90 4.00 118 9.50 146 26.00 7 45.00 35 8.00 63 16.00 91 1.25 119 33.00 147 21.00 8 12.50 36 2.75 64 6.00 92 90.00 120 1.25 148 21.00 9 82.50 37 .60 65 6.00 93 5.50 121 60.00 149 1.25 10 65.00 38 1.10 66 2.25 94 9.00 122 13.00 150 32.00 11 30.00 39 2.75 67 31.00 95 2.25 123 13.00 151 5.00 12 31.00 40 12.00 68 19.00 96 2.50 124 15.00 152 2.50 13 31.00 41 2.25 69 7.00 97 3.00 125 10.00 153 6.50 14 16.00 42 1.75 70 2.50 98 19.00 126 13.00 154 3.00 15 20.00 43 22.00 71 1.50 99 21.00 127 11.00 155 8.00 16 50.00 44 5.25 72 2.25 100 12.00 128 12.50 156 .90 17 60.00 45 9.50 73 3.75 101 44.00 129 10.00 157 1.40 18 30.00 46 3.75 74 13.00 102 6.00 130 4.50 158 4.25 19 11.00 47 4.25 75 2.50 103 2.75 131 4.25 159 11.00 20 13.00 48 4.00 76 1.10 104 5.00 132 3.75 160 16.00 21 3.50 49 5.25 77 12.50 105 5.50 133 10.00 161 15.00 22 40.00 50 3.50 78 2.75 106 3.25 134 5.00 162 12.00 23 27.00 51 7.00 79 2.00 107 26.00 135 3.00 163 16.00 24 31.00 52 2.50 80 10.50 108 5.50 136 1.50 164 4.25 25 21.00 53 4.25 81 11.00 109 16.00 137 3.75 165 4.25 26 200.00 54 1.20 82 7.00 110 14.00 138 4.00 166 7.25 27 150.00 55 4.25 83 12.00 111 6.00 139 10.00 167 8.50 28 7.75 56 52.50 84 18.00 112 660.00 140 30.00 16S 13.00 No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. 1G9 1.00 226 41.00 283 2.30 340 1.10 397 .65 454 .80 170 1.50 227 3.00 284 25.00 341 1.30 398 .70 455 1.00 171 2.75 228 1.00 285 19.00 342 .25 399 3.60 456 1.00 172 2.00 229 1.00 286 4.50 343 .60 400 .50 457 .22 173 .60 230 4.00 287 10.00 344 1.90 401 .85 458 .30 174 5.00 231 4.00 288 .50 345 .70 402 1.30 459 1.60 175 10.00 232 3.50 289 1.25 346 1.00 403 .55 460 1.20 176 5.00 233 5.00 290 3.50 347 .21 404 1.00 461 1.40 177 2.00 234 21.00 291 .25 348 .24 405 1.00 462 .60 178 12.00 235 30.00 292 .60 349 .60 406 1.00 463 .56 179 1.25 236 21.00 293 1.25 350 .21 407 .60 464 15.00 180 6.50 237 .25 294 1.00 351 .35 408 .70 465 15.00 181 4.00 238 1.60 295 .70 352 .30 409 .65 466 15.00 182 1.75 239 35.00 296 2.00 353 .50 410 .80 467 1.00 183 3.25 240 3.00 297 2.25 354 1.10 411 1.10 468 2.75 184 1.25 241 11.50 298 .40 355 1.10 412 .85 469 .75 185 1.70 242 4.50 299 3.50 356 .25 413 .60 470 51.00 186 8.50 243 2.25 300 5.25 357 .40 414 .80 471 65.00 187 20.00 244 2.75 301 2.50 358 1.85 415 .35 472 60.00 188 1.50 245 10.50 302 2.25 359 .40 416 .65 473 5.25 189 7.00 246 .25 303 .50 360 1.15 417 .85 474 .80 190 2.00 247 1.10 304 .50 361 .60 418 .50 475 135.00 191 8.50 248 .60 305 2.00 362 .95 419 .85 476 165.00 192 .60 249 15.50 306 2.75 363 .50 420 .60 477 3.00 193 20.00 250 7.00 307 1.00 364 .50 421 .50 478 1.00 194 1.50 251 10.50 308 5.75 365 .25 422 1.00 479 14.00 195 .10 252 6.50 309 1.20 366 1.00 423 .70 480 37.50 196 1.10 253 18.50 310 3.50 367 1.00 424 .50 481 35.00 197 10.50 254 16.00 311 2.50 368 .60 425 1.60 482 45.00 198 3.00 255 3.00 312 1.50 369 .70 426 .65 4S3 59.00 199 2.50 256 1.50 313 .30 370 .60 427 .50 484 6.50 200 5.00 257 3.50 314 .10 371 1.10 428 .21 485 7.00 201 11.50 258 8.50 315 2.25 372 .60 429 .55 486 1.50 202 8.00 259 3.00 316 1.00 373 .60 430 2.70 487 1.10 203 1.25 260 3.00 317 .50 374 .55 431 2.00 488 1.30 204 2.00 261 1.10 318 .25 375 .SO 432 .60 489 1.00 205 1.15 262 32.50 319 .in 376 1.25 433 1.90 490 .70 206 1.20 263 30.00 320 2.00 377 .60 434 1.10 491 5.50 207 4.25 264 12.50 321 .50 378 .40 435 1.30 492 1.60 208 .90 265 22.00 322 .25 379 .50 436 2.00 493 .70 209 2.00 266 1.35 323 3.50 380 .55 437 .45 494 18.00 210 1.90 267 .80 324 .25 381 .85 43S .22 495 12.00 211 2.25 268 .50 325 6.75 382 1.60 439 2.40 496 14.00 212 2.25 269 32.00 326 1.10 383 2.00 440 1.20 497 lo.OO 213 1.10 270 20.00 327 .70 384 .85 441 1.20 49S 2.15 214 2.50 271 36.00 328 1.00 385 4.10 442 .30 499 1.50 215 1.30 272 5.00 329 .21 386 .SO 443 .24 500 .2.-) 216 1.30 273 6.00 330 .65 387 .50 444 .SO 501 .10 217 2.20 274 6.00 331 .60 388 .46 445 .60 502 .-.7. 00 218 5.00 275 4.00 332 .90 389 "> it*; 1.45 503 r.o.oo 219 .75 276 3.00 333 .30 390 .50 117 1.20 50 1 is.r.o 220 4.25 277 2.00 :\:\ l .55 391 2.00 us 1.00 50.") 9.00 221 2.2.~) 27S 6.00 :::;:, .55 392 1.00 ll!t .50 506 2.75 222 .20 279 10.50 336 .90 393 .65 150 .65 507 60.00 223 1.50 280 4.00 337 1.00 391 .50 451 .45 r.os 1.50 22 I L.00 2S1 32.50 338 .00 395 .60 152 1.10 r.oo 39.00 225 .70 2S2 3.00 339 .60 396 .40 i:,:*, .40 510 20.00 No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. 511 60.00 568 5.00 625 1.10 682 .221 740 .50 797 6.25 512 .50 569 3.00 626 11.00 683 11.00 741 72.50 798 4.75 513 .50 570 .80 627 2.10 684 1.00 742 .90 799 • .50 514 55.00 571 .90 628 .10 685 .60 743 51.00 800 •071 515 32.00 572 .90 629 40.00 686 9.00 744 .70 801 .40 516 27.00 573 .20 630 .50 687 1.50 745 34.00 802 1.60 517 16.00 574 3.10 631 .40 688 1.50 746 31.00 803 .80 518 29.00 575 41.00 632 55.00 689 1.00 747 .50 804 3.00 519 11.50 576 20.00 633 57.00 690 2.10 748 .20 805 .70 520 1.25 577 9.75 634 41.00 692 5.50 749 20.00 806 4.75 521 13.00 578 8.00 635 45.00 693 .65 750 .50 807 .50 522 5.25 579 .50 636 .70 694 35.00 751 .60 808 7.25 523 .25 580 .20 637 .45 695 .121 752 1.50 809 4.50 524 3.25 581 1.00 638 1.30 696 .90 753 1.20 810 2.20 525 3.50 582 5.00 639 3.25 697 72.50 754 .35 811 15.00 526 38.00 583 45.00 640 65.00 698 .121 755 41.00 812 18.50 527 1.60 584 13.00 641 44.00 699 2.50 756 .15 813 20.00 528 10.50 585 41.00 642 37.00 700 1.00 757 .85 814 3.25 529 2.75 586 25.00 643 1.00 701 1.80 758 58.00 815 6.00 530 105.00 587 .50 644 .12 702 .75 759 24.00 816 5.00 531 2.75 588 .60 645 1.00 703 1.80 760 41.00 817 11.25 532 32.00 589 19.00 646 115.00 704 .40 761 1.00 818 16.00 533 1.50 590 29.00 647 110.00 705 .45 762 .90 819 8.50 534 8.50 591 10.00 648 .85 706 1.30 763 .14 820 48.00 535 42.50 592 26.00 649 190.00 707 95.00 764 .30 821 8.00 536 25.00 593 .18 650 50.00 708 •121 765 .25 822 10.75 537 9.00 594 2.00 651 1.30 709 .20 766 .80 823 5.75 538 16.00 595 1.25 652 .75 710 51.00 767 7.00 824 6.00 539 .50 596 12.50 653 .75 711 .50 768 12.50 825 4.00 540 2.20 597 100.00 654 1.35 712 .25 769 15.00 826 4.00 541 .30 598 45.00 655 .15 713 .25 770 1.05 827 6.00 542 2.25 599 9.50 656 .25 714 2.25 771 .20 828 4.75 543 59.00 600 .35 657 174.00 715 1.40 772 10.00 829 4.00 544 8.00 601 2.20 658 .70 716 65.00 773 .80 830 7.00 545 22.00 602 .80 659 1.00 717 2.10 774 16.00 831 6.00 546 .85 603 2.00 660 1.40 718 .40 775 .20 832 7.25 547 8.50 604 31.00 661 2.50 719 1.10 776 .27 833 7.25 548 5.25 605 31.00 662 1.50 720 16.00 777 14.00 834 4.00 549 1.00 606 12.00 663 3.00 721 51.00 778 10.00 835 4.00 550 .50 607 8.00 664 1.00 722 .80 779 .70 836 4.00 551 36.00 608 35.00 665 .90 723 .30 780 1.70 837 4.00 552 26.00 609 31.00 666 .65 724 1.30 781 .80 838 5.50 553 .50 610 .25 667 62.50 725 .70 782 1.10 839 8.25 554 4.25 611 .85 668 1.30 726 1.20 783 19.00 840 3.00 555 52.50 612 1.00 669 1.20 727 92.50 784 .80 841 3.40 556 .65 613 .75 670 .05 728 .30 785 9.25 842 10.00 557 4.50 614 .75 671 .70 729 115.00 786 1.80 S43 1.50 558 26.00 615 46.00 672 2.00 730 .50 787 .55 844 5.00 559 .45 616 .85 673 1.75 731 .60 788 .45 845 5.00 560 2.40 617 2.00 674 35.00 732 37.50 789 3.25 846 6.75 561 4.50 618 .50 675 .50 733 .26 790 .80 847 9.50 562 1.50 619 1.00 676 .221 734 1.00 791 .15 848 41.00 563 170.00 620 105.00 677 2.00 735 1.15 792 27.00 S49 46.00 564 17.00 621 .35 678 2.10 736 .65 793 8.50 850 5.00 565 45.00 622 1.20 679 .85 737 .121 794 .35 851 4.00 566 .75 623 160.00 680 .30 738 .35 795 6.75 852 7.75 567 .60 624 19.00 681 1.20 739 91.00 796 6.25 853 8.00 No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. 854 6.00 912 14.00 969 5.70 1026 3.25 1083 2.75 1140 2.00 855 4.00 913 8.50 970 9.00 1027 5.00 1084 1.50 1141 3.10 856 14.50 914 8.50 971 12.50 1028 3.25 1085 2.75 1142 1.30 857 10.00 915 9.00 972 4.35 1029 3.20 1086 2.50 1143 1.20 858 10.00 916 16.00 973 3.85 1030 3.30 1087 2.30 1144 1.20 859 5.00 917 8.00 974 3.85 1031 3.00 1088 3.25 1146 1.35 860 20.00 918 8.00 975 3.85 1032 5.00 1089 .95 1147 1.35 861 10.00 919 6.25 976 19.00 1033 5.00 1090 2.75 1148 1.50 862 7.00 920 2.75 977 10.00 1034 4.75 1091 2.90 1149 7.00 863 10.00 921 1.40 978 1.10 1035 4.75 1092 3.00 1150 2.00 864 9.50 922 7.25 979 3.85 1036 4.75 1093 1.00 1151 2.75 865 21.50 923 10.00 980 3.85 1037 2.40 1094 .80 1152 2.00 866 10.00 924 40.00 981 19.00 1038 20.50 1095 1.75 1153 7.25 867 8.50 925 10.00 982 3.85 1039 2.25 1096 4.50 1154 3.25 868 15.00 926 10.75 983 1.90 1040 15.00 1097 1.00 1155 4.00 869 11.00 927 26.75 984 15.00 1041 12.00 1098 1.00 1156 3.25 870 3.75 928 27.00 985 4.50 1042 77.50 1099 .70 1157 2.00 871 11.00 929 34.00 986 4.00 1043 50.00 1100 2.50 1158 1.80 872 10.00 930 8.00 987 14.00 1044 16.00 1101 2.10 1159 1.75 873 10.00 931 32.00 988 5.00 1045 14.50 1102 .30 1160 2.00 874 6.50 932 30.00 989 2.50 1046 3.75 1103 2.20 1161 .80 875 11.00 933 42.50 990 2.50 1047 5.00 1104 1.50 1162 1.50 876 17.00 934 12.50 991 2.75 1048 7.50 1105 1.00 1163 1.35 877 20.50 935 40.00 992 2.25 1049 10.00 1106 1.05 1164 6.75 878 6.50 936 30.00 993 2.30 1050 10.00 1107 .95 1165 3.00 879 8.00 937 32.00 994 2.40 1051 10.00 1108 1.00 1166 1.60 880 45.00 938 10.00 995 2.00 1052 8.00 1109 2.00 1167 1.00 881 32.00 939 4.80 996 19.50 1053 7.50 1110 .90 1168 1.50 882 6.75 940 2.60 997 13.00 1054 7.00 1111 1.10 1169 1.75 883 2.80 941 25.00 998 10.50 1055 3.50 1112 .70 1170 7.00 S84 8.00 942 34.00 999 3.00 1056 3.75 1113 .90 1171 4.50 885 33.00 943 27.50 1000 6.70 1057 3.10 1114 1.10 1172 4.00 887 21.00 944 10.00 1001 4.40 1058 15.50 1115 2.80 1173 1.50 888 21.00 945 4.85 1002 2.00 1059 4.80 1116 2.80 1174 1.50 889 4.00 946 45.00 1003 2.10 1060 7.10 1117 1.10 1175 1.40 890 4.25 947 24.50 1004 2.00 1061 6.25 1118 1.10 1176 2.20 891 4.75 948 10.50 1005 23.00 1062 6.25 1119 2.40 1177 2.00 892 14.50 949 3.70 1006 11.50 1063 7.30 1120 1.25 1178 1.50 893 4.10 950 45.00 1007 6.00 1064 4.00 1121 .85 1179 1.10 894 19.00 951 17.00 1008 19.00 1065 6.00 1122 1.60 1180 .65 895 7.00 952 5.50 1009 19.00 1066 10.50 1123 .65 1181 .65 896 7.00 953 3.50 1010 20.00 1067 55.00 1124 2.30 1182 .60 897 6.50 954 3.75 1011 12.50 1068 3.50 1125 2.00 1183 1.10 898 7.00 955 7.50 1012 12.50 1069 3.85 1126 2.10 1184 .60 899 7.00 956 4.50 1013 10.00 1070 3.85 1127 1.10 1185 .40 900 7.25 957 6.50 1014 1.75 1071 21.00 1128 1.50 1186 1.00 901 8.25 958 5.25 1015 7.00 1072 12.75 1129 .25 1 187 1.10 902 7.00 959 3.50 1016! 505.00 1073 21.00 1130 .90 1188 .70 903 7.50 960 4.75 1017 50.00 1074 12.50 1131 .40 1189 1.20 904 7.50 961 320.00 1018 7.50 1075 42.00 1132 .75 1190 1.20 905 7.50 962 6.25 1019 6.00 1076 7.50 1133 .65 1191 .50 906 43.00 963 6.00 1020 15.25 1077 1.55 1134 1.30 1192 2.50 907 42.00 964 5.00 1021 8.00 1078 1.10 1135 2.60 1193 .26 908 23.00 965 8.00 1022 5.50 1079 2.00 1136 .90 1194 .50 909 25.00 966 6.25 1 023 19.00 1080 1.50 1137 1.20 1195 .30 910 15.00 967 7.75 1024 3.50 1081 1.50 1138 1.25 1196 1.30 911 12.00 968 7.75 1025 4.00 1082 1.25 1139 1.20 1197 1.10 No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. 1198 3.25 1256 3.30 1313 1.00 1370 1.25 1427 2.10 1486 1.55 1199 2.75 1257 3.30 1314 .90 1371 .70 1428 2.75 1.487 1.50 1200 1.05 1258 3.20 1315 1.50 1372 1.65 1429 2.80 1488 1.60 1201 3.75 1259 3.25 1316 .90 1373 1.00 1430 3.50 1489 5.25 1202 2.00 1260 2.70 1317 10.00 1374 1.10 1431 3.50 1490 1.50 1203 2.25 1261 2.70 1318 .95 1375 .60 1432 1.00 1491 2.80 1204 3.50 1262 3.10 1319 1.00 1376 1.60 1433 3.50 1492 1.60 1205 1.10 1263 2.00 1320 2.00 1377 1.60 1434 3.00 1493 3.00 1206 .65 1264 1.50 1321 1.00 1378 32.00 1435 1.50 1494 3.25 1207 .60 1265 2.00 1322 2.00 1379 6.50 1436 4.75 1495 2.00 1208 1.90 1266 1.25 1323 2.75 1380 .30 1437 2.00 1496 31.00 1209 .50 1267 1.50 1324 2.00 1381 .30 1438 2.25 1497 .80 1210 .80 1268 2.70 1325 22.50 1382 4.10 1439 3.40 1498 5.00 1211 1.40 1269 2.70 1326 .90 1383 1.00 1440 .60 1499 30.00 1212 1.00 1270 1.40 1327 1.00 1384 1.50 1441 2.10 1500 23.00 1213 2.25 1271 2.40 1328 1.30 1385 1.00 1443 1.40 1501 1.05 1214 10.00 1272 1.10 1329 1.40 1386 1.30 1444 1.50 1502 20.00 1215 1.00 1273 1.20 1330 1.90 1387 2.00 1445 2.90 1503 1.90 1216 1.10 1274 .60 1331 1.10 1388 1.30 1446 1.50 1504 1.70 1217 1.00 1275 1.50 1332 1.05 1389 .50 1447 1.20 1505 1.60 1218 1.25 1276 .50 1333 1.25 1390 1.00 1448 1.50 1506 1.60 1219 .20 1277 .50 1334 .95 1391 .50 1449 1.40 1507 2.80 1220 .25 1278 .60 1335 4.00 1392 .90 1450 5.00 1508 3.80 1222 .30 1279 1.00 1336 3.75 1393 5.00 1452 .60 1509 1.10 1223 .80 1280 .55 1337 .55 1394 .80 1453 .67^ 1510 1.05 1224 .75 1281 .55 1338 3.25 1395 .75 1454 .65 1511 8.00 1225 .80 1282 .50 1339 2.00 1396 1.40 1455 .75 1512 29.00 1226 .50 1283 .70 1340 2.75 1397 2.50 1456 .60 1513 2.30 1227 .35 1284 1.00 1341 1.30 1398 7.00 1457 2.10 1514 2.00 1228 .40 1285 .75 1342 1.10 1399 6.00 1458 1.30 1515 2.00 1229 .35 1286 .55 1343 .65 1400 7.50 1459 .40 1516 1.75 1230 1.65 1287 .75 1344 .70 1401 5.25 1460 1.50 1517 3.00 1231 .25 1288 1.10 1345 .75 1402 2.90 1461 .85 1518 1.00 1232 1.30 1289 2.30 1346 1.50 1403 2.10 1462 .90 1519 1.00 1233 12.50 1290 1.00 1347 3.00 1404 1.30 1463 .85 1520 2.25 1234 .21 1291 1.60 1348 4.60 1405 3.10 1464 1.70 1521 1.10 1235 1.85 1292 2.90 1349 3.75 1406 3.00 1465 .90 1522 1.50 1236 .25 1293 1.10 1350 4.25 1407 2.80 1466 8.50 1523 1.00 1237 40.00 1294 3.00 1351 .70 1408 4.40 1467 2.25 1524 3.50 1238 13.50 1295 3.00 1352 .70 1409 3.70 1468 1.00 1525 2.25 1239 10.00 1296 1.30 1353 .70 1410 1.30 1469 1.00 1526 1.75 1240 8.50 1297 1.50 1354 1.15 1411 1.00 1470 .30 1527 1.00 1241 1.50 1298 1.20 1355 22.00 1412 1.50 1471 1.50 1528 2.10 1242 17.25 1299 1.10 1356 1.10 1413 11.00 1472 1.40 1529 2.25 1243 7.50 1300 3.80 1357 1.20 1414 1.70 1473 3.90 1530 2.00 1244 3.75 1301 2.40 1358 1.10 1415 1.40 1474 7.50 1531 1.50 1245 2.50 1302 2.20 1359 1.30 1416 6.00 1475 9.25 1532 1.50 1246 3.25 1303 .35 1360 1.10 1417 .60 1476 1.25 1533 2.00 1247 3.25 1304 .80 1361 1.15 1418 1.75 1477 13.00 1534 10.00 1248 1.00 1305 .75 1362 2.20 1419 6.00 1478 7.50 1535 3.60 1249 1.20 1306 3.00 1363 12.50 1420 3.00 1479 1.25 1536 8.70 1250 1.20 1307 8.10 1364 .25 1421 2.60 1480 6.75 1537 12.10 1251 1.30 1308 1.50 1365 2.30 1422 1.70 1481 1.05 1538 26.00 1252 2.50 1309 1.50 1366 1.00 1423 2.50 1482 1.80 1539 1.50 1253 2.00 1310 .95 1367 1.60 1424 2.50 1483 1.50 1540 1.90 1254 .50 1311 .90 1368 .20 1425 3.00 1484 2.10 1541 2.10 1255 3.00 1312 .90 1369 1.50 1426 1.50 1485 1.50 1542 2.10 No. Brought. No. Brought. No. E rought. No. I l rought. No. Brought. No. Brought. 1543 10.00 1600 1.25 1657 .10 1714 .35 1771 •12£ 1828 1.00 1544 3.50 1601 6.00 1658 .10 1715 1.50 1772 .20 1829 1.10 1545 3.25 1602 .70 1659 .m 1716 .60 1773 .06 1830 2.00 1546 2.00 1603 1.10 1660 .40 1717 2.00 1774 .05 1831 1.50 1547 11.25 1604 1.10 1661 .10 1718 1.45 1775 .on 1832 1.30 1548 2.30 1605 1.50 1662 .11 1719 .60 1776 10.00 1833 2.10 1549 4.50 1606 1.50 1663 .20 1720 48.00 1777 37.00 1834 1.60 1550 4.00 1607 2.25 1664 .20 1721 4.50 1778 37.00 1835 1.60 1551 1.50 1608 1.25 1665 .20 1.722 4.00 1779 35.00 1836 1.50 1552 1.90 1609 1.20 1666 .40 1723 1.20 1780 30.00 1837 1.30 1553 2.20 1610 1.00 1667 .11 1724 2.90 1781 5.00 1838 1.80 1554 1.40 1611 2.00 1668 .10 1725 .37 1782 14.00 1839 1.50 1555 2.10 1612 8.50 1669 .10 1726 .37 1783 200.00 1840 1.80 1556 1.20 1613 4.50 1670 .20 1727 .42 1784 40.00 1841 .80 1557 2.20 1614 2.00 1671 .20 1728 .85 1785 8.00 1842 2.00 1558 1.50 1615 6.50 1672 .11 1729 .45 1786 3.20 1843 1.25 1559 1.50 1616 3.75 1673 2.90 1730 .40 1787 19.00 1S44 2.00 1560 1.40 1617 10.00 1674 3.00 1731 .75 1788 2.75 1845 .50 1561 3.25 1618 3.00 1675 .80 1732 .50 1789 40.00 1846 .35 1562 1.50 1619 1.00 1676 .35 1733 1.10 1790 3.50 1847 2.00 1563 .70 1620 1.50 1677 .20 1734 .55 1791 1.30 1848 1.90 1564 1.25 1621 .45 1678 .20 1735 .40 1792 1.00 1849 .85 1565 .80 1622 .25 1679 .20 1736 .50 1793 .30 1850 .65 1566 1.20 1623 3.00 1680 .25 1737 .75 1794 .30 1851 .70 1567 3.00 1624 2.80 1681 .14 1738 .75 1795 .30 1852 4.25 1568 .80 1625 4.00 1682 .274, 1739 .75 1796 4.50 1853 .70 1569 1.20 1626 3.00 1683 .25 1740 .50 1797 1.10 1854 3.50 1570 4.20 1627 4.00 1684 .021 1741 .37* 1798 2.50 1855 .50 1571 4.25 1628 4.00 1685 2.00 1742 .50 1799 1.00 1S56 .25 1572 1.60 1629 4.00 1686 1.80 1743 .60 1800 1.00 1857 .30 1573 1.00 1630 8.00 1687 .20 1744 .60 1801 1.60 1858 .20 1574 1.10 1631 7.00 1688 2.00 1745 6.00 1802 1.70 18591 77.50 1575 4.00 1632 2.75 1689 3.25 1746 .45 1803 5.00 1860 500.00 1576 20.00 1633 6.50 1690 3.50 1747 .50 1804 3.50 1861 1.00 1577 2.20 1631 2.75 1691 3.30 1748 .16 1805 .25 1862 .75 1578 1.20 1635 5.00 1692 1.30 1749 1.50 1806 2.00 1863 .40 1579 1.80 1636 3.00 1693 2.00 1750 .60 1807 2.25 1864 .75 1580 1.80 1637 3.10 1694 1.85 1751 .50 1808 4.00 1865 .80 1581 1.00 1638 6.00 1695 1.40 1752 .55 1809 .80 1866 .55 1582 1.05 1639 1.00 1696 .05 1753 .42 1810 1.10 1867 .35 1583 14.00 1640 6.00 1697 .21 1754 .42 1811 .30 18(58 .85 1584 1.40 1641 1.50 1698 .06 1755 1.00 1812 4.00 1869 1.00 1585 .90 1642 6.50 1699 4.50 1756 .65 1813 .30 1870 .90 1586 1.10 1643 8.00 1700 5.50 1757 .20 1814 3.25 1871 .80 1587 4.00 1644 7.25 1701 3.60 1758 .50 1S15 .25 L872 2.00 15S8 3.80 1645 3.00 1702 .50 1759 .60 1816 22 1873 1.00 1589 1.00 1646 1.70 1703 1.00 1760 2.00 1817 2.00 187 4 1.00 1 590 2.50 1647 5.00 1704 1.10 1761 1.00 1818 1.10 1S75 .85 1591 2.50 1648 8.00 1 705 .75 1762 .20 1819 1.80 1876 .85 1592 1.60 1649 8.00 1706 .60 1763 3.40 1 820 1.20 1S77 .50 ! 593 2.00 i <;:><) .60 1707 2.65 1764 .60 1S21 .20 1878 1.00 1594 1.15 1651 .55 1708 1.40 1765 .40 1 S22 2.00 1S79 1.00 1 595 2.25 1652 1.80 1709 .80 1766 .35 1823 .75 1880 1.00 1 596 1.20 1 653 7.00 1710 .50 171 17 .66 1 824 2.00 1881 36.00 1597 1.50 1654 4.50 1711 2.80 1768 .m 1825 2.00 1 S82 10.00 L598 L.40 1655 .40 1711* .20 176!) .11 1 826 1.90 1 883 24.00 1599 3.00 1656 .10 1713 .40 1770 .25 1 Si>7 2.00 1884 26.00 No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. 1885 5.00 1942 65.00 1999 8.50 2056 .65 2113 .65 2170 4.75 1886 5.00 1943 21.00 2000 3.00 2057 1.80 2114 1.00 2171 5.50 1887 3.00 1944 5.00 2001 1.80 2058 1.40 2115 1.10 2172 5.00 1888 3.25 1945 5.50 2002 1.40 2059 1.40 2116 9.50 2173 140.00 1889 2.50 1946 22.00 2003 3.75 2060 150.00 2117 9.00 2174 2.25 1890 2.75 1947 17.50 2004 .15 2061 14.00 2118 2.25 2175 1.80 1891 1.60 1948 18.00 2005 3.25 2062 2.00 2119 1.00 2176 22.00 1892 3.75 1949 12.00 2006 21.00 2063 2.75 2120 20.00 2177 5.00 1893 2.30 1950 6.00 2007 5.00 2064 6.00 2121 11.50 2178 2.50 1894 11.00 1951 5.00 2008 2.50 2065 1.60 2122 17.00 2179 330.00 1895 2.00 1952 16.00 2009 2.00 2066 1.50 2123 9.00 2180 75.00 1896 1.00 1953 25.00 2010 2.10 2067 4.00 2124 1.50 2181 8.50 1897 .90 1954 9.50 2011 10.00 2068 .50 2125 1.70 2182 23.00 1898 .55 1955 9.00 2012 2.25 2069 .30 2126 1.30 2183 23.00 1899 .60 1956 9.50 2013 .55 2070 3.75 2127 1.60 2184 21.50 1900 .50 1957 6.00 2014 3.00 2071 .60 2128 8.50 2185 17.50 1901 .25 1958 15.00 2015 10.50 2072 .55 2129 .75 2186 17.00 1902 .50 1959 4.50 2016 1.00 2073 .50 2130 .55 2187 15.50 1903 10.50 1960 4.50 2017 1.30 2074 1.20 2131 19.50 2188 16.00 1904 11.00 1961 14.00 2018 1.00 2075 3.50 21322200.00 2189 14.25 1905 3.25 1962 5.75 2019 12.00 2076 .70 2133 7.00 2190 14.50 1906 22.50 1963 6.75 2020 4.25 2077 .80 2134 54.00 2191 14.50 1907 20.00 1964 15.50 2021 3.25 2078 .80 2135 20.00 2192 14.00 1908 .75 1965 10.00 2022 3.25 2079 .80 2136 15.00 2193 45.00 1909 1.10 1966 7.50 2023 2.80 2080 1.00 2137 6.00 2194 155.00 1910 1.20 1967 25.00 2024 1.60 2081 7.25 2138 2.00 2195 5.25 1911 1.15 1968 22.00 2025 4.25 2082 1.60 2139 1.00 2196 .70 1912 1.05 1969 7.75 2026 1.10 2083 6.25 2140 1.60 2197 400.00 1913 2.00 1970 3.25 2027 1.80 2084 2.50 2141 .70 2198 16.00 1914 1.00 1971 9.50 2028 1.10 2085 2.25 2142 1.30 2199 13.50 1915 17.50 1972 5.00 2029 1.20 2086 3.25 2143 2.50 2200 75.00 1916 42.00 1973 8.00 2030 1.00 2087 .30 2144 .65 2201 66.00 1917 46.00 1974 8.00 2031 2 25 2088 .90 2145 .55 2202 290.00 1918 38.00 1975 7.50 2032 1.00 2089 2.25 2146 1.00 2203 4.50 1919 35.00 1976 3.25 2033 .55 2090 2.00 2147 .75 2204 4.00 1920 26.00 1977 11.00 2034 12.00 2091 3.25 2148 2.75 2205 6.25 1921 23.00 1978 1.10 2035 7.50 2092 .50 2149 1.00 2206 4.25 1922 15.00 1979 1.30 2036 1.10 2093 .80 2150 .60 2207 4.25 1923 25.00 1980 .90 2037 .90 2094 .55 2151 2.50 2208 2.00 1924 10.50 1981 2.00 2038 1.00 2095 3.00 2152 1.75 2209 5.50 1925 26.00 1982 3.00 2039 .40 2096 1.00 2153 2.75 2210 3.75 1926 10.00 1983 .60 2040 .70 2097 1.50 2154 1.60 2211 2.25 1927 9.50 1984 1.20 2041 .90 2098 .25 2155 5.25 2212 2.50 1928 8.00 1985 .80 2042 6.00 2099 6.50 2156 120.00 2213 25.00 1929 36.00 1986 .50 2043 .25 2100 .50 2157 145.00 2214 18.00 1930 15.00 1987 1.00 2044 .50 2101 1.25 2158 12.00 2215 10.50 1931 6.00 1988 .80 2045 1.20 2102 .30 2159 7.50 2216 41.00 1932 22.00 1989 .80 2046 1.20 2103 1.10 2160 1.75 2217 4.25 1933 12.00 1990 .55 2047 1.20 2104 .40 2161 2.25 2218 2.30 1934 7.50 1991 1.10 2048 1.00 2105 1.60 2162 1.50 2219 2.55 1935 6.00 1992 .60 2049 3.00 2106 1.60 2163 2.50 2220 2.70 1936 9.50 1993 25.00 2050 1.00 2107 1.40 2164 3.00 2221 3.00 1937 21.00 1994 8.50 2051 .50 2108 6.25 2165 3.25 2222 1.80 1938 25.00 1995 3.00 2052 .25 2109 26.00 2166 7.50 2223 2.25 1939 12.00 1996 11.00 2053 .80 2110 1.00 2167 6.00 2224 2.25 1940 7.50 1997 4.00 2054 1.00 2111 .70 2168 4.00 2225 2.25 1941 6.00 1998 4.25 2055 1.20 2112 1.50 2169 4.50 2226 2.75 No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. 2227 1.75 2284 27.00 2341 15.00 2398 60.00 2455 5.25 2512 30.00 2228 1.50 2285 52.00 2342 17.00 2399 43.00 2456 29.00 2513 29.00 2229 7.50 2286 32.00 2343 39.00 2400 42.00 2457 4.75 2514 128.00 2230 6.00 2287 36.00 2344 31.00 2401 57.50 2458 4.75 2515 52.00 2231 6.00 2288 37.00 2345 29.00 2402 155.00 2459 8.00 2516 35.00 2232 6.50 2289 60.00 2346 34.00 2403 47.50 2460 6.75 2517 32.00 2233 3.75 2290 21.00 2347 16.00 2404 57.50 2461 6.00 2518 24.00 2234 3.75 2291 21.00 2348 10.00 2405 75.00 2462 6.00 2519 32.00 2235 3.75 2292 150.00 2349 14.00 2406 5.50 2463 20.00 2520 21.00 223G 3.75 2293 400.00 2350 8.00 2407 5.25 2464 110.00 2521 15.00 2237 3.50 2294 20.00 2351 10.00 2408 5.75 2465 5.00 2522 160.00 2238 3.75 2295 20.00 2352 9.50 2409 5.25 2466 4.15 2523 3.75 2239 3.75 2296 20.00 2353 11.50 2410 6.25 2467 180.00 2524 2.75 2240 8.50 2297 18.00 2354 8.50 2411 5.75 2468 76.00 2525 28.00 2241 2.75 2298 1S.00 2355 27.00 2412 6.25 2469 4.25 2526 2.75 2242 4.00 2299 21.00 2356 13.00 2413 6.75 2470 4.10 2527 26.00 2243 1.70 2300 18.00 2357 12.50 2414 5.00 2471 6.00 2528 3.05 2244 1.10 2301 23.00 2358 14.00 2415 6.25 2472 5.75 2529 2.70 2245 .90 2302 18.00 2359 9.75 2416 5.50 2473 5.00 2530 3.75 2246 3.10 2303 18.50 2360 9.00 2417 5.25 2474 6.00 2531 3.75 2247 12.00 2304 51.00 2361 20.00 2418 6.75 2475 6.00 2532 3.25 2248 1.60 2305 44.00 2362 8.50 2419 5.25 2476 11.00 2533 4.00 2249 4.50 2306 14.50 2363 8.00 2420 5.25 2477 4.75 2534 3.25 2250 4.25 2307 11.00 2364 12.00 2421 5.25 2478 4.25 2535 4.00 2251 140.00 2308 10.00 2365 11.00 2422 7.00 2479 10.00 2536 4.00 2252 8.50 2309 11.00 2366 8.00 2423 5.25 2480 6.75 2537 3.30 2253 6.00 2310 15.50 2367 15.00 2424 11.50 2481 6.50 2538 3.50 2254 6.00 2311 10.00 2368 9.00 2425 6.00 24S2 7.25 2539 3.25 2255 5.25 2312 10.00 2369 16.00 2426 8.00 2483 7.00 2540 4.00 2256 90.00 2313 13.50 2370 7.50 2427 5.25 2484 3.25 2541 35.00 2257 80.00 2314 10.25 2371 10.50 2428 7.00 2485 6.50 2542 4.50 2258 76.00 2315 10.00 2372 7.75 2429 10.50 2486 4.50 2543 2.75 2259 4.00 2316 10.50 2373 9.00 2430 8.50 2487 5.75 2544 4.25 2260 4.00 2317 10.50 2374 14.00 2431 8.00 2488 5.50 2545 2.75 2261 4.00 2318 10.00 2375 10.50 2432 8.00 2489 4.25 2546 3.10 2262 10.50 2319 15.50 2376 8.00 2433 6.50 2490 4.75 2547 2. SO 2263 85.00 2320 10.00 2377 9.50 2434 6.50 2491 4.30 2548 2.70 2264 340.00 2321 10.50 237S 8.00 2435 7.00 2492 4.15 2549 2.65 2265 100.00 2322 10.00 2379 14.00 2436 6.50 2493 6.00 2550 3.25 2266 40.00 2323 46.00 2380 8.50 2437 5.50 2494 4.50 2551 2.60 2267 40.00 2324 25.00 2381 11.00 243S 5.50 2495 90.00 2552 2.70 2268 62.50 2325 46.00 2382 28.00 2439 5.25 2496 215.00 255:5 2.50 2269 63.50 2326 37.00 2383 23.00 2440 4.90 2497 140.00 2554 20.00 2270 60.00 2327 26.00 2384 22.00 2441 4.10 2498 90.00 2555 2.75 2271 41.00 2328 28.00 23S5 21.00 2442 7.00 249!) 90.00 2551 ; 2.50 2272 40.00 2329 29.00 2386 530.00 2443 4.15 2500 20.00 2557 2.75 2273 40.00 2330 57.50 2387 48.00 2444 4.S0 2501 30.00 2558 2.50 2274 37.50 2331 52.50 23 88 29.00 2445 4.10 2502 19.00 255!) 1.00 2275 37.50 2332 31.00 2:5s!) 39.00 2446 4.70 2503 21.00 2500 11.00 2276 38.00 2333 29.00 2390 32.00 2447 48.00 250 1 20.00 2561 3.25 2277 37.50 2334 125.00 239] 120.00 2 US 15.00 2505 66.00 2562 3.00 227S 20.00 2335 50.00 2302 53.00 2449 1.50 2506 L35.00 2503 10.50 227!) 21.00 23:5(1 300.00 2393 180.00 2 1 50 4.20 2507 17.00 2564 2.75 2280 2 1,00 2337 370.00 239 1 155.00 2151 L90 2 5 OS 17.00 2505 S.50 2281 21.00 2338 ioo.oo 2395 100.00 2152 31.00 250!) 12.50 2566 20.00 2282 21.00 23393000.00 2396 320.00 2453 26.00 2510 50.00 2567 1 1.00 2283 27.00 2340 15.00 23!)7 400.00 2454 40.00 2511 31.00 256S 11.50 No. 2339 purchased by Henry Chapman No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. 2569 12.50 2626 10.50 2683 62.50 2740 1.80 2797 1.10 2854 1.60 2570 12.00 2627 24.50 2684 3.50 2741 28.00 2798 1.30 2855 2.75 2571 2.75 2628 7.50 2685 4.75 2742 1.50 2799 1.00 2856 1.40 2572 41.00 2629 8.50 2686 5.25 2743 1.25 2800 1.00 2857 1.50 2573 2.50 2630 8.00 2687 5.75 2744 4.25 2801 1.60 2858 .80 2574 6.00 2631 17.00 2688 15.00 2745 2.75 2802 1.10 2859 4.75 2575 2.75 2632 4.50 2689 6.50 2746 1.50 2803 1.70 2860 1.30 2576 3.75 2633 2.75 2690 10.50 2747 10.00 2804 1.10 2861 1.25 2577 13.50 2634 5.25 2691 4.20 2748 2.00 2805 1.10 2862 1.75 2578 3.00 2635 88.00 2692 4.10 2749 2.25 2806 1.00 2863 .65 2579 5.00 2636 5.00 2693 5.00 2750 1.50 2707 1.00 2864 1.75 2580 6.50 2637 5.25 2694 17.00 2751 110.00 2808 1.10 2865 .95 2581 3.50 2638 5.25 2695 5.50 2752 105.00 2809 1.70 2866 1.30 2582 7.75 2639 5.00 2696 14.00 2753 20.00 2810 1.80 2867 2.00 2583 3.25 2640 5.00 2697 5.00 2754 2.00 2811 1.70 2868 1.75 2584 3.75 2641 4.75 2698 5.25 2755 1.80 2812 1.10 2869 1.50 2585 4.00 2642 5.25 2699 11.00 2756 10.50 2813 2.00 2870 .90 2586 3.50 2643 10.00 2700 2.75 2757 23.00 2814 50.00 2871 .80 2587 3.50 2644 3.75 2701 3.00 2758 17.00 2815 10.00 2872 1.70 2588 3.00 2645 2.70 2702 2.75 2759 13.00 2816 12.00 2873 .80 2589 4.75 2646 3.25 2703 3.50 2760 5.50 2817 3.00 2874 1.50 2590 3.00 2647 2.50 2704 13.00 2761 3.25 2818 2.25 2875 1.50 2591 2.75 2648 3.10 2705 6.50 2762 2.75 2819 2.40 2876 1.10 2592 3.25 2649 2.35 2706 4.00 2763 2.50 2820 3.25 2877 15.00 2593 2.50 2650 2.80 2707 6.25 2764 31.00 2821 6.50 2878 8.50 2594 3.10 2651 2.80 2708 4.50 2765 26.00 2822 3.50 2879 8.00 2595 2.75 2652 3.10 2709 9.50 2766 1.25 2823 210.00 2880 1.25 2596 2.75 2653 2.75 2710 12.00 2767 10.00 2824 290.00 2881 4.25 2597 3.00 2654 2.70 2711 8.00 2768 1.10 2825 205.00 2882 2.25 2598 3.25 2655 2.70 2712 6.00 2769 1.50 2826 65.00 2883 1.25 2599 2.50 2656 2.50 2713 5.50 2770 1.70 2827 62.00 2884 1.75 2600 2.40 2657 2.55 2714 12.00 2771 2.25 2828 50.00 2885 .75 2601 2.35 2658 2.60 2715 16.00 2772 1.50 2829 24.00 2886 1.00 2602 2.35 2659 2.50 2716 4.00 2773 1.30 2830 21.00 2887 1.10 2603 2.50 2660 2.30 2717 6.00 2774 1.75 2831 27.00 2888 5.75 2604 2.35 2661 3.00 2718 45.00 2775 1.30 2832 5.00 2889 1.25 2605 2.30 2662 2.30 2719 5.50 2776 1.50 2833 5.00 2890 1.10 2606 2.30 2663 2.35 2720 7.75 2777 4.00 2834 1.50 2S91 1.10 2607 2.15 2664 3.00 2721 7.50 2778 1.10 2835 1.60 2892 .621 2608 2.30 2665 3.20 2722 30.00 2779 1.50 2836 1.80 2893 1.00 2609 2.10 2666 2.70 2723 5.00 2780 1.30 2837 1.50 2894 .65 2610 2.20 2667 620.00 2724 5.00 2781 .90 2838 1.50 2895 .65 2611 2.20 2668 140.00 2725 3.00 2782 .65 2839 3.50 2896 .65 2612 25.00 2669 80.00 2726 16.00 2783 .70 2840 .65 2897 .70 2613 2.20 2670 87.00 2727 1.90 2784 .65 2841 4.50 2898 .65 2614 14.00 2671 10.50 2728 1.50 2785 .70 2842 3.25 2899 2.30 2615 10.00 2672 18.50 2729 1.50 2786 .70 2843 2.75 2900 2.00 2616 6.50 2673 4.75 2730 1.75 2787 1.40 2844 4.25 2901 .65 2617 6.75 2674 45.00 2731 1.50 2788 1.10 2845 2.50 2902 .80 2618 7.00 2675 6.00 2732 1.50 2789 .65 2846 1.25 2903 .65 2619 47.00 2676 43.00 2733 1.50 2790 2.25 2847 3.75 2904 1.00 2620 30.00 2677 5.00 2734 2.00 2791 1.10 284S 2.50 2905 .75 2621 58.00 2678 22.00 2735 23.00 2792 1.45 2849 2.25 2906 .80 2622 51.00 2679 10.50 2736 1.40 2793 1.15 2850 .55 2907 .02i- 2623 14.50 2680 4.50 2737 35.00 2794 1.00 2851 3.75 290S 1.10 2624 14.00 2681 3.75 2738 1.50 2795 1.40 2852 2.30 2909 .55 2625 31.00 2682 29.00 2739 1.50 2796 1.00 2853 3.75 2910 1.00 No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. 2227 1.75 2284 27.00 2341 15.00 2398 60.00 2455 5.25 2512 30.00 2228 1.50 2285 52.00 2342 17.00 2399 43.00 2456 29.00 2513 29.00 2229 7.50 2286 32.00 2343 39.00 2400 42.00 2457 4.75 2514 128.00 2230 6.00 2287 36.00 2344 31.00 2401 57.50 2458 4.75 2515 52.00 2231 6.00 2288 37.00 2345 29.00 2402 155.00 2459 8.00 2516 35.00 2232 6.50 2289 60.00 2346 34.00 2403 47.50 2460 6.75 2517 32.00 2233 3.75 2290 21.00 2347 16.00 2404 57.50 2461 6.00 2518 24.00 2234 3.75 2291 21.00 2348 10.00 2405 75.00 2462 6.00 2519 32.00 2235 3.75 2292 150.00 2349 14.00 2406 5.50 2403 20.00 2520 21.00 2236 3.75 2293 400.00 2350 8.00 2407 5.25 2404 110.00 2521 15.00 2237 3.50 2294 20.00 2351 10.00 2408 5.75 2465 5.00 2522 160.00 2238 3.75 2295 20.00 2352 9.50 2409 5.25 2466 4.15 2523 3.75 2239 3.75 2296 20.00 2353 11.50 2410 6.25 2467 180.00 2524 2.75 2240 8.50 2297 18.00 2354 8.50 2411 5.75 2468 76.00 2525 28.00 2241 2.75 2298 18.00 2355 27.00 2412 6.25 2469 4.25 2526 2.75 2242 4.00 2299 21.00 2356 13.00 2413 6.75 2470 4.10 2527 26.00 2243 1.70 2300 18.00 2357 12.50 2414 5.00 2471 6.00 2528 3.05 2244 1.10 2301 23.00 2358 14.00 2415 6.25 2472 5.75 2529 2.70 2245 .90 2302 18.00 2359 9.75 2416 5.50 2473 5.00 2530 3.75 2246 3.10 2303 18.50 2360 9.00 2417 5.25 2474 6.00 2531 3.75 2247 12.00 2304 51.00 2361 20.00 2418 6.75 2475 6.00 2532 3.25 2248 1.60 2305 44.00 2362 8.50 2419 5.25 2476 11.00 2533 4.00 2249 4.50 2306 14.50 2363 8.00 2420 5.25 2477 4.75 2534 3.25 2250 4.25 2307 11.00 2364 12.00 2421 5.25 2478 4.25 2535 4.00 2251 140.00 2308 10.00 2365 11.00 2422 7.00 2479 10.00 2536 4.00 2252 8.50 2309 11.00 2366 S.00 2423 5.25 2480 6.75 2537 3.30 2253 6.00 2310 15.50 2367 15.00 2424 11.50 2481 6.50 253S 3.50 2254 6.00 2311 10.00 2368 9.00 2425 6.00 2482 7.25 2539 3.25 2255 5.25 2312 10.00 2369 16.00 2426 8.00 2483 7.00 2540 4.00 2256 90.00 2313 13.50 2370 7.50 2427 5.25 2484 3.25 2541 35.00 2257 80.00 2314 10.25 2371 10.50 2428 7.00 2485 6.50 2542 4.50 2258 76.00 2315 10.00 2372 7.75 2429 10.50 24S6 4.50 2543 2.75 2259 4.00 2316 10.50 2373 9.00 2430 8.50 2487 5.75 2544 4.25 2260 4.00 2317 10.50 2374 14.00 2431 8.00 2488 5.50 2545 2.75 2261 4.00 2318 10.00 2375 10.50 2432 8.00 2489 4.25 2546 3.10 2262 10.50 2319 15.50 2376 S.00 2433 6.50 2490 4.75 2547 2.80 2263 85.00 2320 10.00 2377 9.50 2434 6.50 2491 4.30 2548 2.70 2264 340.00 2321 10.50 2378 S.00 2435 7.00 2492 4.15 2549 2.05 2265 100.00 2322 10.00 2379 14.00 2436 6.50 2493 6.00 2550 3.25 2266 40.00 2323 46.00 2380 8.50 2437 5.50 2494 4.50 2551 2.60 2267 40.00 2324 25.00 2381 11.00 2438 5.50 2405 00.00 2552 2.70 2268 62.50 2325 46.00 2382 2S.00 2439 5.25 2496 215.00 2553 2.50 2269 63.50 2326 37.00 2383 23.00 2440 4.90 2497 1 40.00 2554 20.00 2270 60.00 2327 26.00 2384 22.00 2441 4.10 2498 90.00 2555 2.75 2271 41.00 2328 28.00 23S5 21.00 2442 7.00 2400 90.00 2550 2.50 2272 40.00 2329 29.00 2386 530.00 2443 4.15 2500 20.00 2557 2.75 2273 40.00 2330 57.50 2387 48.00 2444 4.80 2501 30.00 255s 2.50 2274 37.50 2331 52.50 23S8 29.00 2115 4.10 1 2502 10.00 2550 1.0!) 2275 37.50 2332 31.00 2389 39.00 2446 4.70 2503 21.00 2560 11.00 2276 38.00 2333 20.00 2390 32.00 2117 48.00 2501 20.00 2501 3.25 2277 37.50 2334 125.00 230 1 120.00 2 US 15.00 . 2505 66.00 2502 3.00 227S 20.00 2335 50.00 2302 53.00 2 110 1.50 2500 135.00 2563 10.5(1 227!) 21.00 2336 300.00 2303, 1S0.00 2450 1.20 2507 17.00 2564 2.75 2280 21.00 2337 370.00 239 1 155.00 2151 4.90 250S 17.00 2505 S.50 22S1 21.00 2338 il)O.(M) 2305 100.00 2152 31.00 2500 12.50 2500 20.00 22S2 21.00 23393000.00 2300 320.00 2153 20.00 2510 50.00 2507 14.00 2283 27.00 23 10 15.00 23,07 100.00 2151 40.00 2511 31.00 250S 11.50 No. 2339 purchased by Henry Chapman No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. 2569 12.50 2626 10.50 2683 62.50 2740 1.80 2797 1.10 2854 1.60 2570 12.00 2627 24.50 2684 3.50 2741 28.00 2798 1.30 2855 2.75 2571 2.75 2628 7.50 2685 4.75 2742 1.50 2799 1.00 2856 1.40 2572 41.00 2629 8.50 2686 5.25 2743 1.25 2800 1.00 2857 1.50 2573 2.50 2630 8.00 2687 5.75 2744 4.25 2801 1.60 2858 .80 2574 6.00 2631 17.00 2688 15.00 2745 2.75 2802 1.10 2859 4.75 2575 2.75 2632 4.50 2689 6.50 2746 1.50 2803 1.70 2860 1.30 2576 3.75 2633 2.75 2690 10.50 2747 10.00 2804 1.10 2861 1.25 2577 13.50 2634 5.25 2691 4.20 2748 2.00 2805 1.10 2862 1.75 2578 3.00 2635 88.00 2692 4.10 2749 2.25 2806 1.00 2863 .65 2579 5.00 2636 5.00 2693 5.00 2750 1.50 2707 1.00 2864 1.75 2580 6.50 2637 5.25 2694 17.00 2751 110.00 2808 1.10 2865 .95 2581 3.50 2638 5.25 2695 5.50 2752 105.00 2809 1.70 2866 1.30 2582 7.75 2639 5.00 2696 14.00 2753 20.00 2810 1.80 2867 2.00 2583 3.25 2640 5.00 2697 5.00 2754 2.00 2811 1.70 2868 1.75 2584 3.75 2641 4.75 2698 5.25 2755 1.80 2812 1.10 2869 1.50 2585 4.00 2642 5.25 2699 11.00 2756 10.50 2813 2.00 2870 .90 2586 3.50 2643 10.00 2700 2.75 2757 23.00 2814 50.00 2871 .80 2587 3.50 2644 3.75 2701 3.00 2758 17.00 2815 10.00 2872 1.70 2588 3.00 2645 2.70 2702 2.75 2759 13.00 2816 12.00 2873 .80 2589 4.75 2646 3.25 2703 3.50 2760 5.50 2817 3.00 2874 1.50 2590 3.00 2647 2.50 2704 13.00 2761 3.25 2818 2.25 2875 1.50 2591 2.75 2648 3.10 2705 6.50 2762 2.75 2819 2.40 2876 1.10 2592 3.25 2649 2.35 2706 4.00 2763 2.50 2820 3.25 2877 15.00 2593 2.50 2650 2.80 2707 6.25 2764 31.00 2821 6.50 2878 8.50 2594 3.10 2651 2.80 2708 4.50 2765 26.00 2822 3.50 2879 8.00 2595 2.75 2652 3.10 2709 9.50 2766 1.25 2823 210.00 2880 1.25 2596 2.75 2653 2.75 2710 12.00 2767 10.00 2824 290.00 2881 4.25 2597 3.00 2654 2.70 2711 8.00 2768 1.10 2825 205.00 2882 2.25 2598 3.25 2655 2.70 2712 6.00 2769 1.50 2826 65.00 2883 1.25 2599 2.50 2656 2.50 2713 5.50 2770 1.70 2827 62.00 2SS4 1.75 2600 2.40 2657 2.55 2714 12.00 2771 2.25 2828 50.00 2885 .75 2601 2.35 2658 2.60 2715 16.00 2772 1.50 2829 24.00 2886 1.00 2602 2.35 2659 2.50 2716 4.00 2773 1.30 2830 21.00 2887 1.10 2603 2.50 2660 2.30 2717 6.00 2774 1.75 2831 27.00 2888 5.75 2604 2.35 2661 3.00 2718 45.00 2775 1.30 2832 5.00 2889 1.25 2605 2.30 2662 2.30 2719 5.50 2776 1.50 2833 5.00 2S90 1.10 2606 2.30 2663 2.35 2720 7.75 2777 4.00 2834 1.50 2S91 1.10 2607 2.15 2664 3.00 2721 7.50 2778 1.10 2835 1.60 2892 .62^ 2608 2.30 2665 3.20 2722 30.00 2779 1.50 2836 1.80 2893 1.00 2609 2.10 2666 2.70 2723 5.00 2780 1.30 2837 1.50 2894 .65 2610 2.20 2667 620.00 2724 5.00 2781 .90 2838 1.50 2895 .65 2611 2.20 2668 140.00 2725 3.00 2782 .65 2839 3.50 2896 .65 2612 25.00 2669 80.00 2726 16.00 2783 .70 2840 .65 2897 .70 2613 2.20 2670 87.00 2727 1.90 2784 .65 2841 4.50 2898 .65 2614 14.00 2671 10.50 272S 1.50 2785 .70 2842 3.25 2899 2.30 2615 10.00 2672 18.50 2729 1.50 2786 .70 2843 2.75 2900 2.00 2616 6.50 2673 4.75 2730 1.75 2787 1.40 2844 4.25 2901 .65 2617 6.75 2674 45.00 2731 1.50 278S 1.10 2845 2.50 2902 .80 2618 7.00 2675 6.00 2732 1.50 2789 .65 2846 1.25 2903 .65 2619 47.00 2676 43.00 2733 1.50 2790 2.25 2847 3.75 2904 1.00 2620 30.00 2677 5.00 2734 2.00 2791 1.10 2848 2.50 2905 .75 2621 58.00 2678 22.00 2735 23.00 2792 1.45 2849 2.25 2906 .80 2622 51.00 2679 10.50 2736 1.40 2793 1.15 2850 .55 2907 .62-i- 2623 14.50 2680 4.50 2737 35.00 2794 1.00 2851 3.75 290S 1.10 2624 14.00 2681 3.75 2738 1.50 2795 1.40 2852 2.30 2909 .55 2625 31.00 2682 29.00 2739 1.50 2796 1.00 2853 3.75 2910 1.00 No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. 2911 .60 2968 3.25 3025 .75 3082 24.00 3139 21.00 3196 1.10 2912 .55 2969 .60 3026 .55 3083 .324 3140 16.00 3197 5.00 2913 .60 2970 18.00 3027 1.05 3084 1.75 3141 10.00 3198 1.10 2914 .55 2971 3.25 3028 .00 3085 3.75 3142 2.25 3199 2.00 2915 .65 2972 1.00 3029 .85 3086 .80 3143 6.50 3200 .55 2916 .90 2973 12.00 3030 .75 3087 .SO 3144 10.00 3201 .85 2917 .60 2974 .70 3031 .75 3088 2.25 3145 5.00 3202 .60 29 1 8 4.75 2975 .60 3032 .50 3089 .50 3146 4.25 3203 1.20 2919 1.10 2976 2.25 3033 .50 3090 .30 3147 27.00 3204 1.10 2920 .70 2977 1.10 3034 49.00 3091 14.00 3148 3.50 3205 1.20 2921 .60 2978 1.50 3035 42.50 3092 10.00 3149 5.50 3206 1.50 2922 .60 2979 .65 3036 26.00 3093 15.00 3150 4.00 3207 .70 2923 .65 2980 .60 3037 10.50 3094 11.00 3151 4.25 3208 .25 2924 .60 2981 .60 3038 .90 3095 2.25 3152 2.75 3209 .35 2925 .55 2982 .60 3039 2.40 3096 2.00 3153 2.25 3210 3.00 2926 2.50 2983 .70 3040 8.50 3097 .85 3154 2.25 3211 5.50 2927 5.50 2984 .60 3041 .70 3098 2.25 3155 1.70 3212 .45 2928 .55 2985 .50 3042 3.20 3099 3.75 3156 5.50 3213 13.00 2929 .90 2986 31.00 3043 3.50 3100 2.25 3157 1.10 3214 10.00 2930 .55 2987 .65 3044 4.25 3101 .45 3158 1.40 3215 .70 2931 .50 2988 1.25 3045 1.40 3102 3.25 3159 2.25 3216 1.00 2932 .55 2989 23.00 3046 1.40 3103 2.75 3160 1.20 3217 .30 2933 3.25 2990 .90 3047 1.00 3104 .60 3161 .70 321S .45 2934 .70 2991 19.00 3048 1.40 3105 1.30 3162 1.80 3219 1.75 2935 1.10 2992 .85 3049 5.75 3106 .45 3163 .55 3220 1.30 2936 2.25 2993 1.20 3050 .70 3107 .60 3164 31.00 3221 .80 2937 .55 2994 .95 3051 5.75 3108 .70 3165 22.00 3222 1.10 2938 4.75 2995 .75 3052 4.75 3109 .80 3166 3.50 3223 2.00 2939 1.00 2990 1.30 3053 .75 3110 .50 3167 2.75 3224 3.25 2940 .60 2997 25.00 3054 7.00 3111 .50 3168 1.50 3225 2.30 2941 .524 2998 .65 3055 1.10 3112 .30 3169 10.00 3226 1.30 2942 32.00 2999 .60 3056 .50 3113 1.10 3170 3.75 3227 .20 2943 .60 3000 2.00 3057 12.00 3114 1.25 3171 2.00 3228 .90 2944 .60 3001 1.80 3058 2.50 3115 .40 3172 4.75 3229 1.20 2945 .50 3002 .60 3059 1.30 3116 1.30 3173 1.70 3230 .45 2946 .80 3003 2.10 3060 4.50 3117 5.50 3174 1.20 3231 .30 2947 .70 3004 4.50 3061 2.75 3118 5.50 3175 1.00 3232 .45 2948 .70 3005 .60 3062 1.90 3119 4.60 3176 1.50 3233 .20 2949 1.10 3006 .50 3063 1.80 3120 19.00 3177 1.50 3234 .32* 2950 .70 3007 .90 3064 .90 3121 10.25 3178 .40 3235 .15 2951 37.00 3008 5.00 3065 3.25 3122 12.50 3179 2.30 3236 .16 2952 .60 3009 . .60 3066 .60 3123 10.75 3180 1.25 3237 36.00 2953 .50 3010 6.00 3067 25.00 3124 10.50 3181 5.75 J 3238 15.50 2954 .524 3011 .65 3068 .70 3125 6.25 3182 2.75 3239 28.00 2955 21.00 3012 .65 3069 .95 3126 9.00 3183 .60 3240 9.00 2956 .75 3013 .60 3070 28.00 3127 33.00 3184 1.75 3241 8.00 2957 6.50 3014 4.75 3071 .90 3128 28.00 3185 .75 1 3242 4.25 2958 8.50 3015 .80 3072 10.00 3129 15.00 3186 2.00 3243 2.00 2959 4.00 3016 .80 3073 .90 3130 25.00 3187 10.00 3244 4.00 2960 2.75 3017 .50 3074 1.20 3131 21.00 3188 .40 3245 4.00 2961 .65 3018 .80 3075 .75 3132 23.00 31S9 .15 3246 4.00 2962 .60 3019 1.10 3076 1.50 3133 10.50 3190 .30 3247 4.25 2963 .65 3020 .70 3077 .60 3134 22.00 3191 7.00 3248 4.25 2964 2.00 3021 .85 3078 .50 3135 3.00 3192 .32 3249 2.50 2965 L.00 3022 .80 3079 .80 3136 1.75 3193 .60 3250 30.00 2966 1.30 3023 .75 3080 .SO 3137 7.00 3194 .35 3251 5.00 2967 10.00 3024 .80 3081 .80 313S 18.00 3195 .25 3252 4.50 No. 3rought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. brought. No. : 3rought. No. ] 3rought. 3253 4.00 3310 .30 3367 15.00 3424 4.75 3481 90.00 3538 4.00 3254 30.00 3311 1.00 3368 11.50 3425 3.25 3482 5.00 3539 3.50 3255 6.50 3312 .50 3369 270.00 3426 5.25 3483 28.00 3540 3.25 3256 5.75 3313 2.20 3370 75.00 3427 20.00 3484 23.00 3541 2.00 3257 1.00 3314 1.60 3371 4.50 3428 7.50 3485 18.00 3542 1.75 3258 9.00 3315 2.75 3372 18.00 3429 6.50 3486 11.50 3543 1.25 3259 5.50 3316 2.00 3373 10.50 3430 2.25 3487 7.50 3544 2.80 3260 4.00 3317 1.60 3374 5.00 3431 8.50 3488 4.00 3545 .15 3261 4.75 3318 .80 3375 41.00 3432 215.00 3489 4.00 3546 16.50 3262 1.75 3319 1.20 3376 48.00 3433 35.50 3490 8.50 3547 12.00 3263 5.50 3320 .20 3377 9.00 3434 32.00 3491 7.00 3548 7.00 3264 1.50 3321 7.50 3378 36.00 3435 5.50 3492 17.00 3549 3.25 3265 1.80 3322 .08 3379 36.00 3436 10.00 3493 13.00 3550 2.05 3266 3.25 3323 .25 3380 14.00 3437 8.00 3494 8.50 3551 2.75 3267 1.80 3324 .40 3381 9.00 3438 5.00 3495 9.25 3552 2.40 3268 5.75 3325 .20 3382 6.00 3439 4.50 3496 8.25 3553 2.50 3269 3.25 3326 .40 3383 11.50 3440 10.00 3497 10.00 3554 1.00 3270 9.00 3327 .55 3384 16.50 3441 6.00 3498 9.50 3555 8.50 3271 .60 3328 .30 3385 9.00 3442 4.50 3499 6.50 3556 7.50 3272 .45 3329 8.00 3386 65.00 3443 46.00 3500 3.75 3557 5.00 3273 1.30 3330 2.00 3387 8.00 3444 47.00 3501 11.00 3558 4.75 3274 1.50 3331 7.00 3388 27.00 3445 11.00 3502 3.25 3559 20.00 3275 2.75 3332 2.25 3389 12.50 3446 54.00 3503 2.75 3560 1.50 3276 3.75 3333 1.75 3390 110.00 3447 15.00 3504 5.00 3561 2.00 3277 1.90 3334 5.25 3391 32.00 3448 5.00 3505 7.75 3562 12.00 3278 .35 3335 .20 3392 16.00 3449 12.50 3506 4.50 3563 2.00 3279 1.30 3336 2.20 3393 6.00 3450 39.00 3507 4.75 3564 1.20 3280 4.25 3337 .75 3394 12.00 3451 20.00 3508 4.50 3565 6.75 3281 1.00 3338 .75 3395 7.50 3452 9.50 3509 4.75 3566 3.00 3282 1.00 3339 .75 3396 86.00 3453 9.00 3510 4.00 3567 1.10 3283 .80 3340 .75 3397 22.00 3454 15.00 3511 3.75 3568 1.80 3284 .45 3341 1.00 3398 57.50 3455 9.00 3512 6.75 3569 1.60 3285 1.60 3342 .60 3399 50.00 3456 9.00 3513 3.00 3570 1.50 3286 .35 3343 .65 3400 21.50 3457 4.50 3514 3.25 3571 1.40 3287 .25 3344 .85 3401 21.50 3458 7.00 3515 10.00 3572 1.20 3288 2.10 3345 .65 3402 16.00 3459 7.00 3516 2.50 3573 1.10 3289 2.25 3346 .65 3403 16.00 3460 3.50 3517 .50 3574 17.00 3290 1.60 3347 1.50 3404 30.00 3461 2.25 3518 2.50 3575 .55 3291 .25 3348 .70 3405 18.00 3462 1.90 3519 3.25 3576 1.50 3292 3.30 3349 1.10 3406 12.85 3463 3.75 3520 3.25 3577 15.00 3293 .55 3350 145.00 3407 35.00 3464 1.30 3521 8.00 3578 .45 3294 .70 3351 80.00 3408 8.00 3465 2.25 3522 2.00 3579 .35 3295 1.00 3352 28.50 3409 16.00 3466 33.00 3523 2.25 35S0 .22 3296 1.00 3353 135.00 3410 13.50 3467 2.00 3524 2.00 3581 .65 3297 1.00 3354 91.00 3411 10.00 3468 1.25 3525 1.00 35S2 .40 3298 .90 3355 140.00 3412 7.00 3469 1.00 3526 1.20 3583 1.30 3299 7.25 3356 35.50 3413 11.00 3470 1.50 3527 .80 3584 14.00 3300 .30 3357 220.00 3414 52.50 3471 1.40 3528 1.00 3585 2.10 3301 .50 3358 100.00 3415 85.00 3472 1.60 3529 2.25 3586 3.50 3302 8.75 3359 160.00 3416 22.00 3473 1.40 3530 2.00 3587 .30 3303 1.60 3360 52.00 3417 2.50 3474 1.70 3521 9.50 3588 3.50 3304 .15 3361 39.00 3418 9.50 3475 2.50 3532 .50 3589 1.00 3305 1.00 3362 50.00 3419 50.00 3476 16.00 3533 1.00 3590 9.50 3306 7.00 3363 19.00 3420 13.00 3477 8.50 3534 .60 3591 3.75 3307 1.00 3364 27.00 3421 23.00 3478 4.00 3535 7.25 3592 4.00 3308 6.50 3365 52.50 3122 15.00 3479 4.75 3536 4.25 3593 .55 3309 .60 3366 52.00 3423 4.00 3480 4.50 3537 3.25 3594 4.25 No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. No. Brought. 3595 .80 3642 6.00 3689 1.70 3736 2.50 3783 160.00 3830 1.60 3596 .50 3643 .90 3690 .35 3737 2.60 3784 875.00 3831 1.60 3597 13.00 3644 .25 3691 .35 3738 2.75 3785 10.00 3832 1.60 3598 35.00 3645 1.20 3692 1.40 3739 2.75 3786 4.00 3833 1.60 3599 35.00 3646 2.25 3693 1.30 3740 3.00 3787 2.00 3834 1.60 3600 31.00 3647 .60 3694 .50 3741 2.50 3788 3.25 3835 1.60 3601 23.00 3648 .60 3695 .50 3742 2.50 3789 4.00 3836 1.60 3602 19.00 3649 1.80 3696 .50 3743 2.50 3790 4.10 3837 1.60 3603 7.00 3650 1.05 3697 .45 3744 3.00 3791 2.25 3838 1.60 3604 26.00 3651 .35 3698 .20 3745 5.25 3792 2.00 3839 1.60 3605 23.00 3652 49.00 3699 40.00 3746 2.50 3793 1.75 3840 1.60 3606 8.00 3653 .45 3700 5.00 3747 2.25 3794 1.90 3841 1.60 3607 4.25 3654 2.50 3701 4.75 3748 2.25 3795 2.00 3842 1.60 3608 3.00 3655 1.75 3702 4.65 3749 1.10 3796 1.25 3843 1.60 3609 400.00 3656 .60 3703 3.25 3750 .90 3797 1.25 3844 1.60 3610 165.00 3657 7.00 3704 4.20 3751 1.20 3798 1.25 3845 1.60 3611 18.00 3658 3.25 3705 4.90 3752 1.00 3799 1.25 3846 1.60 3612 7.50 3659 .60 3706 6.20 3753 2.00 3800 1.50 3847 1.60 3613 5.00 3660 8.10 3707 11.50 3754 2.00 3801 1.00 3848 1.60 3614 2.60 3661 .35 3708 6.80 3755 1.10 3802 1.20 3849 1.60 3615 8.50 3662 51.00 3709 4.25 3756 18.50 3803 1.40 3850 1.60 3616 1.30 3663 42.00 3710 4.00 3757 1.20 3804 1.10 3851 1.60 3617 1.60 3664 42.50 3711 4.25 3758 2.50 3805 1.10 3852 4.00 3618 .65 3665 36.00 3712 5.00 3759 1.20 3806 1.10 3853 .85 3619 1.50 3666 32.00 3713 5.25 3760 20.00 3807 1.00 3854 .09 3620 .65 3667 23.00 3714 4.50 3761 2S.00 3808 1.10 3855 2.25 3621 1.70 3668 90.00 3715 5.00 3762 3.50 3809 1.20 3856 .65 3622 2.50 3669 41.00 3716 6.00 3763 56.00 3710 1.30 3857 1.90 3623 1.00 3670 58.00 3717 4.90 3764 64.00 3811 1.25 3858 1.10 3624 1.00 3671 50.00 3718 9.00 3765 25.00 3812 1.25 3859 .65 3625 .60 3672 57.50 3719 3.75 3766 97.50 3813 1.10 3860 1.00 3626 1.30 3673 42.50 3720 3.25 3767 227.50 3814 1.00 3861 1.00 3627 1.25 3674 63.00 3721 3.50 3768 197.50 3815 1.10 3862 7.00 3628 1.25 3675 45.00 3722 3.00 3769 165.00 3816 .30 3863 .45 3629 1.25 3676 68.00 3723 3.25 3770 140.00 3817 51.00 3864 1.75 3630 .80 3677 71.00 3724 3.50 3771 134.00 3818 10.00 3865 2.25 3631 .60 3678 .50 3725 3.00 3772 155.00 3819 18.00 3866 .80 3632 3.70 3679 .65 3726 12.00 3773 27.00 3820 39.00 3867 .60 3633 4.25 3680 .90 3727 7.25 3774 22.00 3821 46.00 3868 .16 3634 .70 3681 1.10 3728 4.20 3775 185.00 3822 17.00 3S69 5.00 3635 .80 3682 .25 3729 4.00 3776 165.00 3823 31.00 3870 1.05 3636 1.50 3683 1.00 3730 4.00 3777 23.00 3824 25.00 3871 .20 3637 .50 3684 .40 3731 4.00 3778 19.00 3825 14.00 3872 25.00 3638 2.00 3685 26.00 3732 4.10 3779 33.00 3826 1.60 3873 16.00 3639 2.10 3686 .55 3733 3.00 3780 22.50 3S27 1.60 387 1 20.00 3640 2.10 3687 .40 3734 2.80 3781 22.50 3828 1.60 3875 1.00 3641 14.50 3688 1.70 3735 2.90 37821100.00 3829 1.60 First day, - - $9,442.13 Second day, - $6,061.65 Third day, - $4,097.65 Fourth day, - $23,522.52 surpasses all previous records for a single day for Amer- Flfth day, - $12,697 68 lean coin sale. Grand total, $55,821.63 surpasses all previous records for American coin sale. ? D 5 9 * & # 1 1 • ^° ,* - " "wot; ^ v *V ** v % %%> ■» a." » ^SSxv\ft%.'' "^ ** to*. ,o '•-• V o ...,o 0' ^ • ^ o ... v <-, >,/ CS N c o • « , <6 . c\ v^ *> ik^X * v *&t\ ;*>";• ^ ^ ^°* ^ *% ^ % ^1BK ; ^ s °\ °o%W^ /\ : -^^^° 4>*% » \-W!\s V^-/ %/^V V^'Z \'^'. ^ O'*** 4 "^ < ^*'°-' 4 \< v **s'^*\<>** ***+'"'•'* A #* & ^^ <-> '^o« .^^'- "ov* r-^ia': ^ <" :jfil^"- ^ov* %^fM . ■** o 4^ s . • r . <■ • • - ^ . <&> 6 - - . , <$. *S| OOBBSBROS. J - * '^.', liaKARY SINDINO ^ V^fe » *P « e, LISHARY DINDINO : MAR 81 ST. AUGUSTINE •^ FLA- 32084 1 v -*u < ^ 022 008 954 A