F129 .J2 J26 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^' ^^^^B ^^H "^ ^^^^^^^^H ACCODNT BOOK OF AAEON VAN NOSTRA ND (Chairmaker 1767) Sexton for grave digging, , "bell ringing. pall and at tendings GE A C E E at P I S C the OP A L C H D E C E OP J A Mi L I C A , , LONG I S LAND NEW Y E K 1773-1820 Copied by Josephine 0. Frost (L'rs. Samuel Knapp Frost) Brooklyn. JT. I. 19l5 •^2 q5 7.Q f^POO ^ K -1- 1773 Robert Rincliman; for sister Mary; funeral "bell 5/ Feb, 3 use of pall 4/; to Grace Church, Dr. April 21 Jflr, Roberson of Whitestone; for yo\xr child; dicing grave 3/ Aug. 11 I^lrs. Mary Smith; for your mother; bell Sept, 3 Mr. Sackett; putting up tomb stone, 1/ Sept, 19 Obadiah Mills; for your son; bell of Dutch Church 3/ Oct, 3 H'lr. John Ennes; for your wife's grave 6/ Oct, 20 John Vi'illett; for pall 1774 Mrs. Mills; for funeral bell for the Rev. Mr. March 21 Mills, 5/ April 27 Firs. Lashby for j.'r, Lashby May 20 James Taffers; grave for James Taffers July 24 Mrs. Rapelye; bell for Mr. John Rapelye 5/; of the Dutch Church 5/ Sep, 2 Mrs, Beets; for iylrs. li'ish's child; bell Sep. 26 iVlr. Moerl; for pall 4/ Nov. 15 Richard Betts; for two graves 1775 Garret Latten; for bell and pall; the executors Jan. 10 -2- 1775 John I. Troup; taking up- ye church 5/ Pet, 24 March 21 Jacob Curye; for your father; bell April, 28 Obadiah Mills; for Mrs. ITicks June 4 John Smith; for your mother Aug. 26 Is/Irs. Ditmas; ycur husband's grave; pall and bell Sep. 15 John Hilton; your child Oct. 13 John Ennes; your father's grave Nov. 6 Nicholas Jones; your child Nov. 20 Charles Crommeline; pall Dec. 20 John Polhemus, your mother Dec. 30 David Lamberson; your wife 1776 Mrs. Cornbs; for 'Jilbort Gonibs Feb. 8 Feb, 28 Samile Scidmore; yonr child April 21 iilr. Smith* for I.lrs. Colgnn; taking up church 6/ and pu'tin^; r^own Aug. 6 David Lamberson; your child Mrs. Nostrand; pall -3- 1776 William Tiiadford; ./It. Thadford Sep, 3 Sep, 4 Joseph Durlan; vonr child Sep, 5,6,7, Three soldiers graves; 18/ Sep, 13 Mr, Suydam; your child Sep, 17 Benjamin '.viggins; estate grave Sep, 22 David Golden; pall Sep, 26 Daniel Yrhitehead; your child Sep, 26 Joseph Burling; your child Sep. 26 Winant "Van kJant; your child Sept, 27 Joshua Carpenter; your wife Sep. 27 Jacob Carpenter; your father Sep, £9 Charles jic5vers for ii!rs, Brockeis, inviting ard tending 8/ Oct, 1 Joseph Horsfield; your child; half a funeral bell 2/6 Oct, 1 Daniel Yihitehead; your child -4- 1776 Nathaniel Higby; -uour cliild Oct. 2 Oct. 6 Samuel ;*'iils; your \7i1e Oct. 6 Samael Sciamore; your child Oct, 12 Nathaniel Denton; your father Ool;, 17 Joseph Oldfield; your child Oct. 18 .lolm Bergon; 5' oar child Oct. 20 Joyeph Oldfield; your child Oct. 28 Hoseph Oldfield; your child Oct. 29 Abraham Ditmos; pall Nov. 1 John Smith; for Robert Howel Mov. 2 Abraham Colyer; your child Nov. 4 iirs. Betts; bell for Jure Polhemus Nov. 6 Jacob Carpenter; your wife Nov, 10 Eope Mills, Jr., your child -13- 1776 Jp.col) Dean; your child Nov. 12 Nov, 20 Jacot Tyler; your child Nov. 18 Charles ilcEvers; for Mrs. Johnson Dec. 1 Mr. Smith; for wlr. Eermersly's child Dec. 8 Mrs. Betts; your husband, Thomas Betts Dec, 30 Rulef Dnrye; your child 1777 John Brimmer; for Gone ( 5oT7an ?) rlesbert Feb , 15 March 7 Thomas Welling-; for Jrs. Tarnisr April 4 Joseph Dimh-ir; your wife April 7 John lir.esnerg; jom brat! sr Ax)ril 17 Johin Me?5Tier^'; for If-aao Eoo,l3» April 20 Hopo Mllps; for Pot^n' Colyer April 20 Amos Denton; your hrcther; bell May 21 James Huston;your child May 21 Nathaniel Iiiills; your brolLer Obadiah 177? Natlianiel Mills; your sister Aug. 4 Aug, 14 JosL Van Erant; jOiir child Aug. 23 Major James; for Thomas Day from Yorkshire, Eng, Aug. 25 fhomas IlincLmaii; jour child Sep. 6 John Polhemus; yonr chilo Oct, 3 George Eunbat; your child Oct. 9 Alexander Walles; your child Oct, 18 Alexander Vialles; ^/our child Oct, 29 Tunes Polher.us; your child Nov, 10 Samuel Moore; for ''loll;; WilliaiEson No7, 24 Richard Betts; yonr vrife Dec, 13 Mrs. Higby; yonr husband Dec. 23 John Wiggins, Jr., your child 1778 Isasc PetUt; your child Jan. 4 Jan, 10 James Huston; your child -7- 1778 Benjamin Everit; a child for a woman at John Jan. 28 Skidmore's Feb, 1 ilr, Patterson; to digging grave, 6/ Feb, 12 Samuel Cornell, a pall March 17 Philip Van Cortland; your child March 20 John Snediker; grave for Evert Van 'Ucklen's wife March 21 Benjamin Creed; your father; bell March 28 Nehemiah Coe; your wife April 19 iilrs, Tansly; your child May 2 Mrs. Smith; your son June 17 John Godkel; bell July 18 James Bepeyster; for Joseph Read; inviting aii3 grog, 10/-; 4 carriers at 8/ each July 19 Yir. Weatherhead; for grave, grog, for carriers 2/-; 4 carriers #l/l2 July 24 Mr. Brumman; no grave; bell for Eev. William Brumman of Conn. July 29 Anne Hicksman; grave for Betty and funeral bell -8- 1778 Anne Hinksman; grave for Otadiah and funeral tell Aug. 7 Aug. 8 Col. James; your wench; pall Aug. 12 tHrs. Latten; your husband (In pencil "Garret") Aug. 14 Mrs. iv^ills; your grand child Aug, 18 ilr. Pats on; your child Aug. 30 Isaac Ogden; your child Sep, 3 Col, Lawrence; your child Sep. 7 James War^k; pall Sep. 16 i^athaniel Roods; a woman child at John Scidraore's Sep. 25 Mrs. Scidmore; |or your husband; "bell Sep, 26 Hoal (Iiewel) Smith; your child Oct. 10 Joseph Peel; (Field); your wife Oct. 10 Jacob Tyler; your child Oct. 13 Parrit ? for Wickel Oct. 25 John Smith; for i-'.r. Kuchens -9- 1778 Neherniah Coe; your child Oct, 29 Oct. 31 Houel Smith; your child IIov. 3 Bobert Morrell of Flushing (By Janes Eagar); pall Ko7. 18 lilr. Losson; a nian, and bell Nov. 20 Capt. 61st Light Infantry; a solger of 63r'3 Nov. 21 i/ir. Lot; a man Boy. 23 Bobert Hinchinan; your brother Benjamin Dec. 4 Capt j^ontgomery ; for Capt. Graham, 37th Beg. Grenadiers Dec. 5 Cornelius Bennit; grave for ii/irs, Higby Dec. 5 John Kinckman; your child Dec. 21, Benjamin Smith; mother Dec, 31 JohnEoods; iv^rs. Stinfsent; (Stuyvesant^ Dec, 25 Charles A, Evers; for wife iAary; inviting and tenoiP* 15/ ; boll 8/; 6 cariTers |2.8.0 Dec. 28, for going down; rec. of above account Iil-7-4 1779 Jan. 3 Benjamin Smith; your father -10- 1779 Mrs. fiose; ilrs. Van '.Vagener Feb. 4 Feb. 9 ; your wife; bell Feb, 24 Samuel Scidmore; Eobert Denton; bell March 6 Joseph French; French Captain April 14 Aaron Van Nostradd; your child June 4 Cerick Bergen; your wife July 15 M Lott; young woman July 7 Jacob Oddergane; /.re. Van Foock Aug. 7 Iher 12/ bell and nail Feb. 1 April 2^ I/irs, Johnson; your husband 12/ June 8 JliTs, Johnson; your child May 25 Capt, Clarkcon; your father: be?cl, pall, etc -28- 1798 Benjamin Caprenter; vour mother Jane 19 Sep. 8 Charles Rouch; f/!r. Warne Oct, 1 Est. of Bev. Mr. Keteltas; hell 5/ Nov. 12 ViTS, Brown John; grave for Mr. Euhhard's child 8/ Dec, 17 plat Smith; Jr.; Mrs. Broune 1799 Joseph Thatford; your child Jan. 8 March 16 Josiah Brown; your daughter Polly April 7 William Prince; pall for i^irs. Pane April 16 Josiah Brown; small grave 4/ April 16 Died at Flusliing k'irs. Ann Borden; a^ed 95 years; 6 months and 26 days June 13 Estate of Derick Bergen; Llr. Bergen July 27 Capt. Depeyster; your father; departing hell 3/ grave 12/: hell ani pall 9/; inviting 12/ Ang, 10 Thomas Smith; small grave for your son's child Sep. 8 L'T, Duffel (Duffiela ?); your child Yjlo r.ic -29- 1800 _ Ex, of Amos Mills; bell for Amos Mills Jan. ?D March 6 Mr, Peter Francis Fendr7 Dheland; your wife aged 21; Lamentia Josephine Oeroline Ann llary Louisa Colheux de Longpr*, died March 4 April 5 Nancy Whithead; your moti:er; tolling bell 2/ grave 10/ ii'iey 3 Josiah Erown; small grave Mey 24 2faniel Kissam; your v.i fe Sep, 1 Jost Van Brunt, Jr., your child Sep. 3 Nathaniel "Roods; your mother, bell 5/ Sep, 10 Ex. Benjamin Creed; bell for him Sep, 22 Carey Dunn; bell for wife Sep, 26 John Van Brunt: your child Oct, 1 Mr, Dheland; your child Dec, 5 [rilbert Pose; y.-ur cVild Dec. 7 John Eremner; bell Dec, 14 Nathaniel T-enton: bell -30- 1800 Jno. Thatford; vour mother Dsc. 31 1801 Capt. Hoogland; pall L^arcli 24 March 15 Mr. Woolfenden; your daughter March 30 James 7:atersJ Mrs. Smith; tell a'iarch 31 William Pierce; pall for Yrs. Brovme iarch 31 James Van Lcm; .your grand -mother; bell May 13 Benjamin Thurston; ooll for your mother June 14 Willet Skidmore; Mr. Her.dr— '"'' dnc-^-jhter Jnne20 James roeter; 'bell fcr your child June 21 John Mesnorg; bell fcr your sister Aug, 16 John I, bkidmore; Icsll for your wile Oct, 1 Ex. Laniel Balye; beli .for ilr. ]?.ai;ye Oct. 2 Hulet Croed, hell for your child Oct. 8 iviajor McNei^; yocr child Oct. 26 uir. Selyo; your oivjld 51- 1802 Benjamin Carpenter; Mrs. Suthland Jan. 2 Jan, 10 Jolin Llesnerg; bell for your father Feb, 8 John Mesnerg; digging grave; taking up your father and moving him, 16/ Feb. 17 John Thatford; putting up 3 tombstones 8/ Feb. 24 David Sproung; bell for Mrs, Van lue 5/; bell og Dutch Church 5/ Feb. 25 Est. of John Roods; bell for Mr. John Eodds April 6 James Cratine; grave for Dr. Ogden 12/; bell 5/ May 14 Mrs. Creed; bell May 20 Mr. Genet; bell for your child June 7 Capt. Depeyster; your sister 12/; D, of bell 5/; Meeting bell 6/; bell 5/; pall 6/; inviting 12/ June 17 Joseph Tuttell; bell for your wife July 8 Jacob Bergen; bell for Tunis Bergen Aug. 2 Hulet Creer" ; bell for your child Aug. 23 Est. of Capt. Btory; bell ^tr/f i: blH'. -32- 1802 Est. of James 'Vaters; grave for Mr, Waters Sep. 3 Oct. 12 Isaac Eoods; bell for your child Oct. 31 Rev. ivlr. Puethes; bell for ..'rs. Tittes Nov. 2 Jacob Bergen; bell for Abraham Bergen Nov. 15 Daniel Ludlam; bell for j-our wife Dec. 17 Capt. Depeyster; grave for your mother Dec. 20 William Ludlam; bell for your son 1803 Thomas Welling; Llrs. Polhemus Jan. 10 Jan. 16 John Hinckman, Sr,, your son John's wife March 23 Nathaniel Ludlam; bell for your mother March 25 Est. Luke Bergen; bell for him March 31 William Puntine; your wife May 9 Josiah Brown; Lirs. Dicken's cliild May 10 E:st, of Ann Bergen; bell -33- 1803 James Mackerell, Sr., grave for Mrs. Pish Ma;' 10 April 21 Charles Smith; bell for ;j?our father ili/iay 31 David Springsteen; pall June 3 Est. of Mr. Leffert; grave for him, Isaac Leffert jffn^ji 24 Jos i ah Brown; your daughter July 24 Capt, Depeyster; Mrs. Eve Depeyster Sep. 3 Rev, Mr, White; grave for your child Sep. 4 Atraham Skinner; your mother Margaret; aged 74 years, 5 months and 5 days Sep, 5 Mr. Colter, pall Sp. 13 Est, Nicholas Evsret, Jr,, hell for }j;rs. Everet Sep. 21 William puntine; your child jNov. 8 Jno. D. Smith; hell for your wife jI^ov. 13 nulet Creed; hell for your child 1804 Capt. Jno. Dawson; Mr. l^omes Jan. 25 '?\ ^4- 1804 Est. Mr. Pish; bell Jan. 29 Feb, 4 John Skidmore; your wife; D. and M. bells 12/ March 21 Thomas Balye; bell for your wife 12/ April 8 Christ. Smith; Mrs. Smith (Mary Colgan); bell raised to { ? ) b/; aged 71 years May 9 Est. of John I. Skidmore; bell for u'r. Skidmore June 11 Othniel Smith; bell for your mother Aug. 22 Mrs. Hazard; Jjc, Delafield; inviting son 8/ Aug. 26 Major I/.cNeil; your child Aug. 29 Increase Carpenter; teil for your son Oct. 25 Abiather r.ocds; bell for your sister Vandam Nov. 8 Est. JohnEoods; his widow Nov. 12 Nicholas Sveret; bell for your son Nov, 22 Jacob Carpenter; bell for I.lrs. Oakloy 1805 Est. John Everet; bell for i^r. Everet Jan. 17 -35- 1805 Est. Benjamin xhui-ston; bell for l.ir, Thurston Jan. 17 Jan. 31 Est. of Cnrist. Jmith; Mr. 0. Smith, died Jan, 29 digging away snow, 16/ Fet. 4 Mr. James Morrell; Mr. Miers, 16/ Jan, 31 Est. John Everet; bell for his widow April 19 Est, John Hinchman; grave for John Ilinchman 12/ May 1 Est. Prank jXasten; hell for Mr. '."^astsn May 9 Est. Dsniel Everet; bell for !JIr. Everet June 14 Est, irlr. Ja.oies Smith; bell for Mrs. Smith Sep, 30 Daniel Gracy; bell for jour ^^ife Dec. 8 Parish of Jajoiaica; ;7illi?.m Betts Dec, 8 Est, of John E. Smith; pall Dec, 11 Jost Van irunt, Jr., your cLila 18C6 Jameu Llorreil; I/.ru, Yores child Jan, 5 Jan, 20 John Dunn; your cliild -56- 18Co James Mackerell, Sr., vour wife Feb. 8 Feb. 13 Eichard ^aggins ; your mother March 9 Est. Steven Voris; his bell March 13 Est. Nicholas Smith; bell for Mrs. Smith May 7 JacPmiat Valontine; his grave June 6 Benjamin Hinchman; your brother June 18 Stephen Hicks; your dai^^htar July 16 Est. Nfthaniel Dentor; hell July 16 Hulet Greed; bell icr yovii' c'nild Oct. 16 Mrs, P. Smith; ps-11 June 6 Est. Capt. Daniel Thorn; pall — William Prince; paix i'or /•Ir'j. Brovm Mr. Garden; tj^H John Skidiaore; fiodding and piitting up life's tombstone -37- 1806 John Skidmore; grave for your child Nov. 16 Nov, 20 John Dunn; your child March 26 When I, Aaron Van Nostrand broke my leg; April 6, Easter Sunday Vestry paid doctor's bill; $13.00 Nov. 30 Mr. Fowler preached here Dec. 2 Abraham Coles; your wife 1807 Mr, Ireland preached here Jan. 11 March 1 Est. of I^Irs, Ann I. Depeyster, widow of Joseph; her grave March 20 Est. Daniel Ludlum; his grave March 26 Hathaniel Smith at Cider Mill; bell for your wife May 14 Est, Mr. Nathaniel Austin; his grave June 21 Est. Increase Carpenter; bell June 15 Dudley Brown; your wife Aug. 15 Josiah Brown; Mr. John Dudley Aug, 24 Aaron Van Nostrand; your wife, Sarah Poyer; she died the 23rd, aged 75 years and 9 months. -38- 1807 Jacob Carpenter; "bell for Benjamin WiggiM; Aug. 31 Sep. 13 Cornelius Creed; bell for Mrs. Ostrand Sep. 18 Est. Nicholas Everet; bell for li.r. E. Sep. 20 Est. late Nicholas Smith; bell for :,irs. Smith Sep, 22 Abraham Coles; your father Oct. 5 Caleb Mills; bell for widow of Obadiah Mills Dec. 6 Sheriff Vi'ykoff ; bell for your daughter 1808 Est. of John Briraner; died Jan. 29; his bell Jan. 31 April 14 William Prince; pall for wirs, Stratton April 28 Thomas iflartin; bell for your wife June 13 Jost Van Brunt; bell for your wife June 26 Mr. Disosway; pall July 6 David Eowland; William Taylor Aug. 22 ¥x, Parker; bell for your wife -39- 1803 Welemiah Hinckmsn; "bell for Awit Phe"be Aug. 30 Sep, 4 Est, of j^r, Griael; grave for Mr, Thomas Griswold* inviting the clergy 4/; bell and pall; pa^l "bearers Nov. 6 William puntine; Mrs, Price, late from Ireland( ? ) Nov. 7 t'lrL Eigeribrodt; "bell for your child Dec. 14 Wooffendale; your mother 1809 3s t» Bfiniel Everet; "bell Jan. 12 Jan. 13 Ei^.t, John Buydam; pall (A iRcf or tiK-o lost ?) March 1 James alackerell, Sr,; hell for Ambrose Fish inarch 3 Heheniah Hincksman; hell for jour mother Marc-i 8 James Morrell; Mrs. Llillsr April 2 Est. Ahiatl:ar Hocds; hell A.pril 9 oarKuel Tuttle; v,'illiam Ennes; paid hy Overseers of Poor April 10 Est. Mrs. Creed; hell and pall; widow of Benjamin Creed -40- 1809 ^Villiaa Bellerd; bell for vour wifs May 18 Aug. 16 iiilr. Carman; your child Aug, 26 Joe Rooe; your daughter Aug. 30 James Morrell; Mrs. Miller's cpld Sep, 28 Mr, Numan; your wife Nov. 12 Mr, John Troup; your child in the church and cleaning £1-6-0 Dec. 17 fo. Numan; your child 1810 ilr. Grace; bell for your child Jan. 21 Jan, 21 i?ir, V.eeks; hell for Daniel kinena Jan. 22 Est. Joseph Morris; his bell Feb. 5 Joseph That ford; your wife April 5 Est. John Ludlum; his bell inlay 5 Daniel Kissam; pall May 20 Est. Nathaniel Ludlaii; be! J for Nathaniel Ludlam -41- 1810 Nehemiah Hincksman; bell for your brother John May ?9 July 22 Est. Miss Clarissa Keteltas; bell for :,liss Keteltas Aug. 21 James Morrell; your wife Oct. 28 Est. Yi'idow of Luke Bergen; bell for widow Dec. 2 Est. Nicholas Jones; Nlrs. Jones Dec. 20 Daniel Gracy; bell for youw ife 1811 Est. Charles Cro-neline; paU Feb. 3 Feb, 26 Daniel Gracy; bell for your son Feb. 27 Joseph Dunbar; Mrs. Coles March 5 Cornelius Lamberson; your wife March 29 Caleb Mills; your brother Nathaniel June 9 Simeon Smith; bell for your daughter June 17 Est. of Mr. Tuttle Keeves; fur. bell for Mrs. Beeves July 4 Johnlitmas; your child ^.2- loll Est» Thomas ii\elling; ii/lr» Welling July 7 July 17 ii.amuel Carman; your clild Aug. 13 Augustus Sacket; your child Aug, 15 Mr, Pioberson; your child Aug. 22 Isaac rettit; your daughter Z\ig» 28 Sst. Kicholas 3mith; bell Sep. 4 John Day Smith; bell for your son Sep. 3 Est, Mrs. Leiferts; her grave Sep. 2? Benjamin EvtBret; bell for your wife Sep. 3 nilliam iie'ie; your child Oct, 6 Yi ill iam Creed, 3r,, bell for your vdfo Oct, 13 Est. Sarah Hinchinen; her gr'ave Oct. 13 James .v'ackereli; his mm Oct. 10 John 'iV. Wellin{^;; your child -43- 1811 Mr, Jonson Masson; your child Oct. 31 Dec. 6 Est. Hope Roods; his tell 1812 Sheriff VJykoff ; your wife Jan, 7 Feb, 18 Est, Samuel Denton; his tell Pet, 19 Est, John V>elling; his grave Fet, 28 Est, Joseph Old field; his grave April 6 Est. John Plulet, Sr., pall April 12 Joseph Rotinson; tell for your daughter Sarah April 14 James Mackerell; Sr.; your son James April 18 Calet Mills; your trother peter May 3 David Lamterson, Jr,, tell for your child May 8 Est, Nehemiah Everit; his tell May 21 Est, Samuel Ttttle; ielling; your child Iflay 2 Est. of widow of Jno. liurye, Sr. , bell for V.rs. Durye May 7 Tredwell Kissam; pall ilay 13 Est. V/ilmot Oakley; his bell June2 Joseph Sealy, Jr., your child 6/ -*Y- 1814 Josiah Brown, Sr., crave for Kr, Erorn July 3 July 12 Llr. Preerjan; pall Aug, 1 r&vid Caj-penter; bell for your vrife Aug. 15 Stephen nicks; "hell for your mother Aug* 23 liavid Laihberson, Jr., "bell for your child Aug, 31 briah Ilend^ickGcn; your child Sep. 26 French GerillemBn; chiild Oct. 5 ^Ulliam Pantine; Mrs. Bailey Dec. 30 iist, Mrs* Story (Zebediah) her bell 1815 Huiet Creed; bell for Llrs. Creed Jan. 15 Feb. 4 ivir. Jonson ...ason; your child B'eb, 18 Andrew Napier; your child March 28 Samuel I.lills; bell for your daughter April 8 Est. ito-. Garden; pal J -^o- lfil5 Thomas Bayle; "bsli for vour mother April 12 April 16 Gilbert Crood; be:l for your ^ife iYa7 7 Est. JoBia^. Brotvn, Jr. , 'bis grave July 15 Saraael Mesnerg; bell for your wife June 4 Est, Jno. '/I'illiamson; his grave 12/ Aug, 18 Lawrence Hoe; your child; bell 6/ June 24 Est, Jno. Bcods; his bell Aug. 22 Est. Sev, ijirs, Jj'aitoute: bell for Sev. Mr. Faitoute, 6/ Sep. 13 Est. Joseph i^.obinson; his "oeli Sep. 21 Parish of Jamaica; ^L^hilip Valentine's grave; ^ 12/; bell 6f ^ Oct. 13 Est.. li^lrs, Keteltas: apening the grave for vour ]yirs. Reteltas 12/; bell 67 Oct, 10 Bernard ns Fendikson; bell for your daughter Got. 22 ^^r. Holsta.!id; vour chii-5 Oct. 13 John Xeteltas; o~oeriii]g grava for your iTiother, 12/; beir6/ -49- 1815 Mrs. Brasier; "bell for your son Nov. 18 Dec. 8 Est. Isaac Brinkerhoff ; his bell Dec. 20 Est, Jno. Smith, bell for Mr, Smith at the Pond 1816 Jonathan Jones; beli for your son Isaac Jan. 6 Jan, 11 Jno. Dunn; your wife's bell Jan, 13 ivisjor LIcNeil; your son Neil Jan, 14 Jonathan Jones; bell for your wife Jan. 27 Amos Denton; bell for your wife Feb. 25 Jacob Bergen's estate; his bell March 10 Eev. Mr. Cooper; pall for your brother Peter March 17 ¥\t» Y.icks, Sr., bell for your wife March 19 Est. Samuel Mesnerg, his bell May 28 Oliver Strckland; your wife June 5 James Sacket; your wife -50- 1816 Mrs, Browne; your son John June 29 Tunis Van Brunt; grave for lir» Van B — ?, 8/ I£rs, Brovmjohn; your son Prank Est. George Codwise; his grave Jno, A, Ditmas; bell for your wife Amos Mills; bell for your wife Nehemiah Coe; bell for your son-in-law Richard Creed's estate; his bell Est, William Ludlam; bell for Judge Ludlam Est. Mrs, Latten; her grave Tunis Van Brunt; grave for ?'eb, 29 Set. Stephen hicks; Mr. Eicfcs April 14 Koah Saith; bell icr jour dsughter End of L>oxtor/rt entrioc 1822 Jan. 23 Aaron Tan Kostraiid, a/red 84 ^-ears, sextor of this parisli \va3 buried -56- Index AlDolwy, Anderson, Arding, Austin, Bacte, Bailey, Balje, Barden, Bargen, Bamed, Barran, Beekman, Beets, Bell, Bellerd, ■t>ennet, Bennit, Bergen Betts, Eibte, Blumfeel, Bloomer, Bogle, Bonne, Borden, Bowden, Brasier, Bremner, Brewer ton, Brinmer, Br inker noff, Brockels, Broune, Brown, Browne , Brownjolm, Burling, Burnet, 26 12,13,16 15 37 11. 47 30.34,48, 19, 51 16 26 26 1,22,24 20 13,24,40,46 25,27 9 4.10,11,12.15 19.26,28,31,32 41,49 1,4,5,6.16.18, 1^,^,35,5^ 18,19 19. 22 17 21, 28 11. 49 29 l^A 5,38 4§ 3 28 28,29,32,33,36, 37,47,48, 30,46,50 28,50 3 12,20 Campbell Carman. Carpenter, Cebra, Clarkson, Clous, Clouse, Clout, Cock, Cockel, Codwise, Coe, C of ion, Coit, Golden, Coles, Colgan Colter Col7er, CoroDes, Combs, Comes, Conklm, Conkling, Cooper, Cornell, Cortelyou, Cratine, Creed, Croraeline, Crommeline, Day. Dawson, Dean, Delaiield, Delancyy, Done as, Denton, 17 40,42,22,24 25,26,28,31,34, 37.38,45,47.54 12,16,26,51, 27 13 13 13,15 25 7 50,53 7.9,50 1^ 45 3 2,21,27,34 33 4,5,11,24 15 2,24 35 25,52 21 49,51 7,10. 21.52 5^,5^ 17,18,31 7,11,26,27,29 30,31,33,36,38, 39,42.45,47,48 50,5^,54 40 2.23 6 33 5,11 34 14 18 4,10,16,22,26 2§. 36. 43 ,44, 49 kh. r.\ -57- Index Depeyster, 7.28.31,32, 35,3-^ Powler , 37 Derje, Dheland, 15 Freeman, 47 29 French , 10 Dicken, 32 Fuethes , 32 Dickson, 12 Ditmas, 2-16,27,41,50 Ditmis, 25 Garden, 36,45,47 Ditmos, 4 6a tore. 14 Disosway, 38 Gatter 11 Dor land. 20,23 Genet, 31 Doughty, 11, Gilbert, 15 Draper, 16,27 Gleane, 18 Drumman, 7 Gleen, 22 Dudley, Diffel. Duffield, 12,26,37 Goram, 12 28 Gorom, 17 28 Go rum. 14 Dunbar , 5.6^2,13,18, Gould , 11 4i,5l Grace, 40 Dunn, 29,35,37,49, Gracy , 35,41 Durlan, 3, Gr£>_am, 9 Durye, 2,5,20,46, Griael, Griswold, 39 39 Eagar, 9 Eigenorodt, 39 Hals ted. 24 Eldert, 44 namilton. 14 Ennes. lz2.39. Hammers ly. 5.20 Sveret, 2^,^3,^4,35,38, Harriet, iS 39,42,45, Hartang, 14 Everit, 7,43, Hai'.ard, 34 Evers, Pair child. 9! 13 Heggie, 17 25 Eenaickson, 47,51.54 PaitDuts, 48 Hendikson, 48 Feel, 8,15 Hendricks on. 46,51 Feele, 1^,^ .. neit.Jrikson, 46,5(,55 Field, 8 , 15 , l6 , Herri man. 23,26 Fish, 14,3^,34,39, "ester. 17 Pleger , 18 }'icks , 2,47,53^55 4.6,^', 26 Fleming, Polliot, 19, Kixton, 11 2 Porbush, 46 Einchman, 1^6,9,17,25,26 30,^6,42,52 Poster, 30,52, rinckman. 32 39 es ^' -58- Index Hinckrman, Hinksmaii , Bolhern^ Hooglann , Hoisted, Eors field, HouBinen, Howel, Bubbard , Huberd, Euchens, Eulet, Huston, Ireland , Janes , Jolmscn, Jones , Kemers , Keteltas, King-, Kiss am. Laddae , Laniberson, Lasiiby, La t ten, Lav'rence , Lesnk, Leech, Leffert Le cnard , Lewis , Livinston, Los son. Lot J Loto, 39.41 If-'- 14,16,30, 48 3,13,15 4 4 28 46 8 22,43 5,6,15 37 5,v T « ^ X O y Trcrercrs , Tronp, Tut tell, Tuttle, Tyler, D 7_ 38 16 3.11,12,13,15, 13 28,30,31,40,45 36 30,35 :j2 14 he-""- 21-39,43,45 r, p ValcTitine, Van Brunt, ^'3,36,48 3^^: ,44,4c, 50 Van Cortland,' Y and am, 34 Van deceit. Van Dine, Van uund. Van Ijoock:, Van Lew, Van Lue, u.o,-l-,j.v^,-i-7:,c/ Van i^o3tr£nd,10.23,25,37,5 Van Wickleij, ' ,^6 Yam Zant, 3 Vcrss , 35 Voris, S4,36 !;0 55 b2 10 Of, :3, 14, 18, 44, 53 Waters , V/eathorhead, V/eeks , We.lling, m:itG, 7'Mtenead, Vliithead, Fickes, Wicks , ^ii^en, Y/ig£:ins , Willet, Willett, V/iiliamson, WiLnot, Wood , Wooffendale, 7^:?olfenden, 17,23,24,25 7 40 5.17,20,32,42 43,44,46,50,54 33 12,22,29 55 49 15 3,6,20.36,38 51,54,55 19 12-13,14 1,12,20,25 0,12,19,24,4 12 CO 39 30 36,43 Waller, Walles, 'iVararok, j«ardj, vVarne , 14 8 15 oc, on oo I