: ; ,' ' N- • - ',• ;'^■-■.• . . ;'•■■■ ■ , t:;.:«:' V. ■ ■■• -t'-' sv-' >.^:. ^ -^^0^ o > O * , , , 'V- .0 ^^ ^ : '^^^ *f. . A -^^ ' .::>^>.. ;^lli^" .^^-V. ^-^%^" ^-^ \^ J" : ^Km \ ^^ .^^ :A\M/}h^ ^cp. s' v^^ \WEBB SERIES I GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 r-iS^^^Tt/er/ ^r /^ n.i wi CLvs ^^^^^/vL lar Wi;.5?/5?'i^'-:' 9/ / / ^' ^ri^mi^L - t 7 '^ rx//^/ii^^^' / '/ .«-»^ V GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 ISSUED BY THE EARL OF LOUDOUN AND PHI NEAS L YM AN IN THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE FRENCH NEW YORK MDCCCXCIX V \\ Of this book 2§o copies only luere printed from type January j/, iSgg, by The Gilliss Press. n^ PREFArORT NOTE HE following General Orders are m a full transcript of a Ms. orderly -^ book which recently came into my possession. 'The manuscript belonged to the regiment of General Phineas Lyman^ of Connecticut^ one of the commanding officers in the campaign against the French^ and a man whose merits and sterling qualities were not recognized by his English colleagues and superiors. 'The credit that was owing to him was given to others ; but a study of the campaign of i/S^ shows how ably he per- formed his part, and how much its success depended upon his efforts. We cannot seek in orderly books for deeds of bravery ^ or incidents of battle ; but we do find what is of equal interest — the discipline of the camp and the punishment of wrong doing. 'The dry and somewhat color- less record of the troops from day to day becomes of value when the history of a com- pany or of an army is to be written. Where discipline is maintained and a proper care for the health and morals of the men is bestowed^ surely praise is due. In this light the orders hold a high rank as authoritative records^ and for this reason I have deemed them worthy of publication. The editing of this issue was performed by Mr. Worthington C. Ford. Wm. Seward Webb. Nenv York, November, iSgS. GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 By Phinehas Lyman Esq*^' Maj""- Gen^^- and Colonel of the Troops Raised by ye Colony of Connecti- cut To act in Conjunction with His Majesty's Ragular Troops, Under the command of His Ex- celency y^ Earl of Loudoun, y^ Next Campaign. Order' d That the Two Companys Quartered By ye River Mount a Guard to consist of one Subaltern Two Sergeants 1 Corpo- rals I Drum'- & Forty Private men To Keep out ten Sentinels To be Relieved Every Two Hours. That the Two Companys Quartered at or near Hogaboom's Do ye Same. GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 That Capt Putnam's Company Mount a Guard To Consist of one Searj*- one Corp^- & Twenty Men To Keep out Five Senterys to Be Relieved as Above. All y^ guards to Be Relieved at y^ Beat of the Troop at 9 o'Clock in y^ Morning. That y^ Drums all Beat ye Reveille at Half After Four oclock in y^ Morning & Every Company Turn out immediately & Parade on ye Places of Rendezvous where y^ officers are to Meet and Call them over & See that y^ Men are all clean & well Dress'd & to Note Every Defect, & that Every man Dress Neat & Clean when on Duty. That y^ Commanding officers of Each company See that their Men are Exer- cised from ten to twelve oClock A.M. and from Four to Six P : M :, that the Places of Parad are Kept clean and Neat. That the Drums Beat ye Tattoo at Seven oClock at Night & Every Company to turn out on ye Paraid. The officers to Meet em and call ein over & as soon as Dismised Every man to Return to His GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 Quarters & Not to Be Absent without Leave & to Keep still & Behave Orderly. That No officer or Souldier Goes out of Town without leave from y^ Com- manding officer. That y^ officers Take care to Be Punctual to the Exact time of Performing Every order, & to see That y^ Souldiers Do y^ Same, & By No Means To Get into a Loose way of Doing Duty. That a Return Be Made this Day of Each Company Arrived at Claverack. That for Every Breach of order y® Offender Be Confined & a Report thereof to Be Made By y^ officer of y^ Guard as Soon as Relieved. Given Under My Hand at Fondie's in Claverack y^ 2"<^ Day of May 1757 P. Lyman Fondies in Claverack May 3'''^ 17 57 A Regimental Court Martial to set Tomorrow morning at Hogabooms at 8 oClock Consisting of ye following Officers (viz) Capt: Whittelcy President GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Lieut John Durkel Mem- f Lieut Simons Ens" Porter J bers (Ens"- Minor To Try Such Prisoners as Shall be Brought before them. P Lyman. Vanantwerp in Scortercook May i6th, 1757- Parole London — Countersign Courage ^ Conduct. That there Be a Guard Kept here To Consist of one Capt. Two Sub^' 4 Serg*^' 44 Corp'^' I Drum. & 100 Private Men To Be Detached in Proportion out of y^ Several Companys Stationd Here, and to Be Posted in y^ Following Manner. Viz : The Main Guard To Consist of one Capt : Two Sub^- i Serg'^- 2 Corp^^- i Drum & 60 Men — To Be Posted in Som Convenient Place Near y^ Mill. A Sergt. Corp^- & 14 Men To Be Posted at y^ House NorthEast From Capt : Fitch's Quarters to Keep out 3 Sentnels at a Time. — A Sergt. Corp*- & 13 Men to Be Posted at The Top of y^ Hill N. East of the orchard To Keep out 3 Sentinels GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 at a Time. — A Sergt. Corpl. & 13 Men To Be Posted Upon ye Hill S.W. of the Mill Pond to Keep out 3 Sentrys at a Time. And the Main Guard To Keep out 1 5 Sentinels at a Time. That No Person Go out Hunting Nor over y* River without Leave from y* Commanding oiF- That ye Commanding OfF- of Each Company See that their Mens Cartridges are Examined Every Monday Morning & Return y* Name of those that Have Not their Complement, who are To Be Delt with as Embezzlers of ye Kings Stores Beside three pence Sterling for Each Charge Expended. That y^ Off""- See that There Men Don't Do any Damage To Houses Barns Boards or Fences. And any Person that is Found Guilty of the Same Shall Be immediately Confined That the Names of the Commission off"' & their Rank Be Return.d this Af- ternoon to y^ Adjutant. The Company to Be Exercised as at Claverick. No Person to Fire off His Piece on any GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Account Except that of His Duty against His Enemy. The Tatoo & Ravilee to Beat as Men- tion. d in Standing Orders at Claverick & Roll Call &c. P. Lyman Vanantwerp's in Scortercook May 17th 1757 Parole Winslow. Countersign Cour- age ^ Conduct That y^ Guards Be Lessoned to the Number of One Sub" 4 Serj'^- 5 Corp'^' i Drum & 60 Men. The Main Guard to Consist of One Sub"- i Serj^- 1 Corp'^- 1 Drum & 30 privats. Three Serj'^- Guards To Consist of a Serj*^- Corp^ & 10 Men Each & that there Be three ReHevs of the Sentry that y*^ Capt Be Appointed to Go y^ Grand Rounds at 3 oClock in y^ Morn- ing to See that the Sentals are Elert & Watchful on their Posts. The Serj^^ of y^ Several Guards to Make their Reports to y^ Capt. of y' Main Guard who is to Make His Report to y^ ofF of y^ Day Mentioning all Cas- 6 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 ualties that May Happen During His Guard with ye Name of His Prisoners their Crimes By whom Confind & to whom they Belong As soon as Rehev.d And y^ off' of y^ Day to the Commanding off"^ — the off*^- of the Guard To Go ye Rounds at 12 oClock at Night & a Patrol Betweend Every Relief. — And if any Sentry is Found Asleep or Unfaithful He is to Be Immediately Reliev'd & Con- fined. P Lymon Vanantwerps in Scortercook May i8th 1757 Parole Winthworth. That Capt. Put- nam and Capt. Jeffery's Company's Mount a Guard To Consist of One Subn. i Serj"^- I Corp'- I Drum and 30 Men. That Capt. Slapp & Capt. Wells's Company's to Mount a Serj'* Guard and to Make a Report as Soon as Relieved to y^ Sub. who Commands the Guard Mentioning all Causeltys that Shall Happen During His Guard & y^ Sub" to the Capt: Who is Appointed off"" of y^ Day & He to Capt" GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Putnam who is Appointed Commanding OfF*^ at Vanderhadens. — And that there Be three Relievs of y^ Sentries. The OfF"" Who Commands y^ Guard is to Go y^ Rounds at 12 oClock at Night & yeofP of y^ Day at 3 in y^ Morning & a Serj'- or Corp'- with a File of Men once Betweend Every Relief. That y^ Orderly Serj^^ See that their Men who Mount Guard are well Aquipt Shavd & Decently Dressed Before They March to y^ Parade. The Commanding ofF^ of ye Nine Companys Belonging To ye Connecticutt Troops are Desired to Give in a Muster Roll of their Companys as Soon as Pos- sible with the Time of Enlistment & Places of Abode Sick &c. And That an Exact Return Be Made Every Monday Morn- ing to See whether they Have their Number of Cartridges & those that are Deficient May Expect to be delt with as Embezzlers of y^ Kings Stores Beside Paying three Pence Sterling for each Charge Expended. GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 That ye Tents at Venderhadins Be Put out and Dried As Some Persons Have Hitherto Con- trary to Orders Indulgd them Selves in Not Turning out at Roll Calls — For y^ Future they who Don't Appear at the Place Appointed as Soon as y^ Drum Has Done Beeting Are to Be Confind & tried By a Coort Martial. A Regimental Coort Martial to Be Held this Afternoon to Consist of y^ Fol- lowing Off" Viz : Capt : Aaron Whittelcy President Lieut. Durke ) Mem- j Lieut. Stoton Lieut. Waterman J bers \ Ens." Minor To Try Such Prisoners as Shall Be Brought Before them P Lyman Vanantwerps In Scortercook May y^ 19th 1757 That ye Commanding off" of Each Company in the Connecticutt Reg*^- Se that y^ Articles of War Against Mutiny & Desertion are Read at y^ Head of their Companys at Least once in Two Months. GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 The Orderly Serj^- or Corp'- of Each Company are to Attend at y^ Revallee Every Morning at Relieving the Guards & there to Remain till Dismissd By y^ Ad- jutant that if any Orders are to Be Deliv- erd they May Be Ready to Receive them P. Lymon Vanantwerps in Scortercok May 20th 1757 Parole Belcher Capt. Fitch ofF of y^ Day Tomorrow. That Guards Be Mounted as Usual & Former Orders Obay.d Evening Orders. That the Five Com- panys Now Stationed Here Hold them Selves in Readiness to March Next Day after Tomorrow For Fort-Edward & that they Cook Two Days Provision Befor they March. That My Company Go over ye River this afternoon & Continue there Opposet to Head Quarters & that y^ Men Take Spaciel Care that they leave None of their Provision Behind them P Lymon GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Vanantwerps in Scortercook May 21st 1757 Parole Pownell. That y^ Several Companys Belonging to My Reg*^- See that they Clean up there Arms This Afternoon & Be Ready to March over ye River if Orderd. P Lymon Head Quarters at Saratoge May aj"""* 1757 Evening Orders. That the Following Companys Hold them Selves in Readiness to March Early tomorrow Morning for Fort Edward Viz : Gen"- Lymons Col. Pasons, Capt Putnam's, Capt. Fitch's & Capt Whittlecy's Companys. & 4 Com- panys to Tarry at Saratoge Till Further Orders or Where M: Lesley Shall Ap- point. That an Offr with 30 Men be detach. d out of y^ 4 Companys to Tarry Here. To March Early Tomorrow Morning with Mr. Lesley. P Lymon GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Head Quarters Camp at Saratoge May 24th 1757 Parole Hallyfax Capt. Slapp ofF of ye Day That Lieut Jedediah Waterman with all ye Indians In Capt: Gallup's Company Hold them Selves in Readiness To join the Five Company Orders to Fort Edward That No Man Go without ye Out Sen- try s without His Arms & Liberty from y^ Commanding offr. P Lymon Head Quarters Camp at Saratoge Maya 5th 1757 Parole Pitt That y^ ofF of y« Guard See that His Men are Calld Over Morning & Even- ing & to Exercise them at the Same Time that the Several Companys in Camp are Exercised. A Regimental Court Martial to Be Held at 11 oClock This Morning in y^ Reg^- Commanded By the Honourable Phineas Lymon Esqr. To Consist of y^ Following Members GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 Capt. John Slapp President Lieut Lieut Samuel Wells Mem- John Stoton Lieut bers Ens." Nichola Nichols Elijah Porter To Try Such Prisoners as Shall Be Brought Before them P Lymon Fort Edward May 28^*^ 1757 Parole Parker. Counters" George That y^ Commanding ofF- of Each Company are to See their Men Have all Good Flints, & if any is Wanting To Give in a Return That they May Be immedi- ately Supplied P Lymon Fort Edward May 29*^ 1757 Parole JVebb Countersn Daniel That y^ Remainder of y^ three Com- panys of the 2S Reg'- That Have not as Yet Fired, to Be Ready at 3 oClock This afternoon to Fire at a Mark & Such Men that are on Duty are to Be Rel"^- till Fir- ing is Over »3 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1JS7 Twenty Ax Men of the Connecticutt Troops To Go over to the Island Early Tomorrow Morning & 4 Spade Men in Order to Make a Fence Round y^ Garden Belonging to the Troops. Two Carpenters will Attend & Shall Shew Them the Man- ner it is to Be Done. — This Party is to Continue till y^ Work is Done Fort Edward May 30'^ 1757 Parole Hay Counters" Charles Whereas Several Solders of the Garri- son Have Been Lately Supplied with Rumm without Pases from their OfFr^ Con- trary to Orders. It is therefor Repeated that if Any Person Belonging to y^ Gar- rison or Island Shall Presume To Sell any Rumm to y' Troops or to Any of S"^ W"" Johnson's Indians Pasing or Repas- ing they shall Be Tried For Disobedience of orders & Turned out of y^ Garrison. A Capt: Two Sub^- & 70 Men of the Connecticutt Troops To Hold them Selves in Readiness to March this Evening. »4 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 That all y^ Serj'^ & Corp'^ in y^ Con- necticutt Reg"^- y^- are of from Duty, Turn out at 6 oClock in y^ Morning To Be Ex- ercis'd By M-"- Welch of ye 35^''Regf- till 7 oClock That y^ Commanding ofF of Each Company Se y^- Their Men are Exercised from 4 to 6 oClock in y^ Afternoon Fort Edward May 31^' 1757 Parole Cherlston That a Detachment of 100 Men Hold them Selves in Readiness To March To- morrow Morning to y^ Lake by Break of Day. — Capt. Putnam & Capt, Burgaa's Rangers 30 Men Each The Connecticutt Troops one Capt. One Subn & 40 Men. — That there Be a Piqt. Guard Raised consisting of one Capt. Two Sub^- 2 Serj^^- 1 Corp'^- i Drum"" & 50 Men to Mount At 7 oClock in y« afternoon who are to Lie on their Arms All Night & in Case of any Alarm to Be Ready to Turn out at a Minutes Warning they are like wize to Turn out at Beating y^ Gen^'in »5 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 y^ Morning & to Peraid At y= Common Plais of Peraid In Order to Escort Wag- gons &c. And if there Be Any left that are Not Employ'd in That Servis, Upon Hearing y^ Gen" in Camp they Are to Repair to y'= Plais Appointed for that Porpos. A Regimental Cort Maretial to Be Held at 1 1 oClock This Morning to Con- sist of y^ following ofF^-Viz. Captain John JefFery President Lieut John Durke Lieut Robert Durke To Try Such Lieut John Stoton Ens"' Benjamin Howard Prisoners as Shall Be Brought Before them Fort Edward June V^ 1757 Parole Greinwich A Return of y^ Two Ranging Com- panys to Be Given In immediately to y^ Commanding ofF Making Mention of y^ Condition of their Arms Powder Horns Shot Bags and Tomahawks. — 16 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 That No Indians Be Suffered to Come onto y^ Island without a written Pass from Gen"- Webb or S""- W'"- Johnson The off'- of y^ Line Guard is to Report all Passengers that come in or Goes out of y^ Lines to y^ Capt. of y^ Day & all Extraordinarys that May Happen on His Guard. — A Regimental Coort Maretial To Be Held at 1 1 oClock This Morning in y^ Reg*^- Commanded By y^ Honourable Phinehas Lymon Esqr. To Consist of y^ following off""^ Viz. Capt. Ben Adam Gallup President Lieut Durke ) Mem- 1 Lieut Humphreys Lieut Simons ] bers ( Ensn Minor To Try Such Prisoners as shall Be Brought Before them. Fort Edward June 2"<* 1757 Parole Kensington. Count" Edward A Serg*^- & twelve Men of ye Connec- ticutt Troops To Take Post at Fort Ann & to Carry 4 Days Provision with them The Party is to March This Evening & 17 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 to Be Relieved Every Fifth Day Till Further Orders. The Sergt. Commanding y^ Covering Party with the Carpenters is Not to Allow any Fire to Be Lighted Near The Timber that is Prepairing for y^ Kings work. And if any is Remaining He is to Use His Utmost Endeavour to Extingish it. Fort Edward June 3'''^ 1757 Parole Milton. Count" Andrew Fort Edward June 4^^ 1757 Parole Athlone Count" George Six Men of y^ Connecticutt Troops to Hold them Selves In Readiness to March at Beating y^ Retreet this Evening To Take 4 Days Provision with them & if they [need] Any Ammunition, A Serg^- of Artillery is Ordered to Provide It on their Giving a Receit for y^ Same. — The ofF^ of all Guards to Give strict Orders to Confine all Solders that shall Be Seen Wadeing or Swiming in the River in their Regimental Cloths, or Fish- 18 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 ing from Under ye cover of the Musket- ary of y^ Garrison. Fort Edward June 5th 1757 Parole Ergile Count" Archahle A Sub" I Sergt. i Corp^ & 30 Men of y^ Connecticutt Troops to Hold them Selves in Readiness to March at an Hours Warning, they will be joined by a Party of Capt. Putnams Rangers & are to be under His Com"^- Who will Give Direc- tions How Much Provision they shall Carry with them. R. O. That y^ Commanding off" of Each Company In y^ Connecticutt Reg^- Return an Exact Muster Roll of their Companys to y^ Commanding ofF Specifying Fit for Duty Sick on Com"*- Dead Deserted Never joined &c. in Diferent Colems By them Selves. — In Order to Prepare for a Muster Tomorro in y^ afternoon By y^ Gen^'- Order Timy Hierlihy Adjutant *9 GENERAL ORDERS OF l^ SI Fort Edward June 6^^ 1757 Parole Abercromhie A Capt. Two Sub^- & 60 Men of y^ Connecticutt Troops To Hold them Selves in Readiness to March at an Hours Warning to Escort y^ Kings Stores to y^ Lake. Gen"- Lymons Reg"^- to Be Under arms tomorrow at 5 oClock in y^ After- noon in Order to Be Muster'd & to Hear y^ Articles of War Read to Them viz. y« I"'* & 6'"^ Sections & 4^^ & 5 Articles of y^ Articles of War The Col : or Com- manding off' of y^ Reg' is to Make Constant Report of their Strength to Maj"-- Gen"- Webb. Fort Edward June 7'^ 1757 Parole Hardy That a Serj'- & 10 Men of y^ Con- necticutt Troops Take Post at Fort Ann Tomorrow Morning & Take 5 Days Pro- vision with them. — The Men Warn'd to Go for Bark to Peraide Early Tomorrow Morning with GENERAL ORDERS OF IJ ^J y^ Other Partys, and a Detachment from y^ Piqt to cover them. Capt. for y^ Day Tomorrow Capt Fossh Fort Edward June S^^ i757- Parole Lisbon Countn John It is Maj"" Fletcher's Orders that when any Discovery of The Enimy Be Made Either By Track Sight or Firing of Small Arms the Commanding off^ of y^ Party that mak Discovery is immediately to Send one Man or More as He Shall Think Proper in Order to Acquaint ye Commanding ofF^ as Soon as Possible. — The Covering Party at y^ Brickill to Take Post within The Stockaids at y^ Re- treet Beating & Place y^ Sentrys y^ Inside & Make as little Noice as Possible Dur- ing y^ Night they will Be Rel*^- Every Morning By y^ New Covering Party who is to Take Post in Like Manner Till Further Orders. — All Sentrys are to Be Vegilent on their Posts Neither are they to Smoke Tobacco or Suffer any Noice to Be Made Near them they are Not to Set GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 down Nor to Lay their Arms Out of their Hands Not to Sleep But to Keep Mov- ing aBout their Posts — if the Weather will Allow of it they are to Keep a Watchful Eye over y^ Things Commited to their Charge & Not to Suffer any of them To Be Moved or Taken away till they Have orders from y^ Corp'- Fort Edward June 12'^ 1757 Parole Johnson A Capt. Two Sub^ & 60 Men of y^ Connecticutt Troops To March To- morrow Morning to y^ Lake as an Escort to ye Kings Teems. The Piq' within y^ Lines are for y^ Future to Ground their Arms upon Forked Sticks, & a Sentry to Be Plaisd Over them. Where they are to Remain with y^ OfF^ Fuzie in y^ Front. Except it Be in Rainy Weather That they May Upon y^ Least alarm Be Ready to March emediately. When any Discovery is Made with Respect to the Enemy By Night By GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 y= Redout Guard or Advaincd Sentrys, Notice is to Be Emmediately Given to the Sentry at y^ Flag Staff Who is to Call to y^ Corpl. of The Fort Guard in Order that y^ Capt. of S''- Guard May Be Ac- quainted with it Who is Forthwith to Make [report] To y^ Commanding OfF- Fort Edward June ij''^ i757- Parole Standwix. The Commanding ofF of Companys are to Take Perticular Cair that their Men are Kept Compleat And all Serj^= & Corp'^ to Inspect into their Ammunition in Order to Se that they Have 24 Rounds of Powder & Ball & a Good Flint in His Pies.— All ofP^ Mounting Guard Detachments out Partys &c. are Before they March from y^ Peraid to Examen their Mens Ammunition Agreeable to y^ Above Or- ders — & if any Deficiency is Found The Adj^ is Emmediately to Be Acquainted with it in Order that y^ Serj* or Corpl Who Peraded y^ Men May Be Found out GENERAL ORDERS OF 1 757 Fort Edward June 14*'' i757 Parole Lyman Countn George Fort Edward June 18^^ 1757 Parole New York Coun' Charles Fort Edward June 19'^ 1757 Parole Hoyne Count" Robert It Is Maj"" Fletcher's orders that when any Firing is Herrd By y^ Patroling Par- tys Detach. d from y^ Piqt. or Advains.d Guards, the Former is Emmediately to March & Make Discovery. Fort Edward June 20^*^ 1757 Parole Go^ Count" Edward Agreeable to y^ Gen^^ Orders the Fol- lowing is a Ragulation for Provisions as Settled By y^ Contractors with His Ex- celency y^ Earl of Louden. The Allowance for one Person for Seven Days Going on aScout In Lieu of y^ three Pintes of Pees 6 oz. of Butter for ye yi lb of Rice they are to Have i lb 3 24 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 oz. of Pork, which Makes their Weeks al- lowance to Be 7 lb of Bread 5 lb. 3 oz. of Pork. Two Serjts 1 Corp^^ & 24 Men to Be Ready to March this Evening at Sunset they are to Carry 7 days Allowance with them Agreable to y^ Above Orders — & When they are Ready They are to Wait on y^ Commanding ofF for Or- ders. It is Maj""- Fletchers Orders that y^ Commanding ofF of the Diferent Corps Se that y^ Streets of their Respective En- campments Be Swept Clean Every Day & that an ofF Of a Company Visit y^ Mens Tents in Order to Se that they Are Kept as Clean as Possable & if any of y^ Tents are Found after this Day with any Filth or Durt in them the Visiting ofF is Em- mediately to Order S'^ Tent to be Struct & Cleaned — & the Men Who He Judges to Be Guilty of this Neglect are Emmedi- ately to Be Confined for Disobedience of Orders. The N Hampshire Troops Under as GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Com'^ of Col. Goff to Peraid as Soon as Possable Betweend y^ Two Encampments Without y^ Lines in Order to Be Mus- terd & Hear the Articles of War Read to them. — R. O. That y^ Commanding ofF of Each Company in the Connecticutt Reg' • Make a Return by 12 oClock tomorrow of y^ Servis Size age & Country of y^ Commissn.d Non Commission. d & Private Men Belonging to their Respec- tive Companys. — Countrys Viz. England, Scotland, Ire- land, Amaircae, Foreigners, Natives of Amaircae &c. — Their Age from 18 years & Under to SS ^ Upward — Their Size from 5 Feet 6 Inches & Under to 6 Feet 2 Inches & upward — The Time of their Servis in Each Reg*^- from one Year & Under to Thirty Five Years & Upward. — Capt. Fitch offr of y^ Day Tomorrow Who is to Visit ye Tents — Lieut. Castle y^ Line Guard. 26 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Fort Edward June 21="^ I757- Parole Montgomery C"- Dan'^^- The Commanding oflP^ of ye Different Corps are to Send their Returns agree- able to y^ Form Deliverd to y^ Brig-aid- Maj""- as Soon as Possable in order that they May Be Forwarded To Capt. Cun- ingham one of Lord Louden's Aid-De- Camps. — Whereas Several Solders Have Been Observed to Strool from Under The Cover of y^ Musketary of y^ Camps & Garrison Contrary to Orders — It is there- fore Maj :"■ Fletchers Orders that No Solder for ye Future Presume to Strool from Under y^ Cover of ye Muskatary as Afor.S"^- without Perticular Liberty as The Col : or Commanding off""- of y^ Reg"^- or Detachments Who are to Be Answerable to y^ Commanding off*"- for all Such as they Shall Think Proper to Give Lieve too. — R. O. That y^ Commanding off"^- of Each of y^ Connecticutt Companys Se that one of their Sub"- off"^^- By Turns Se *7 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 their Company Exercised at 4 oClock Every Afternoon, As it Heatherto Has Been Neglected to Make a Return Every Monday Morn- ing of y^ Names of those that Wont Cart- rages & what Number — It is Gen'^ Ly- man's Orders that y^ Clerke of Each Com- pany Do it with out Fail and any that Disobey this order shall SujfFer Accord- ingly.— Capt. Slapp off""- of y^ Day Tomor- row — Lieut Wells y^ Line Guard — Fort Edward June 22"'*i757 Parole Webb — Daniel Whereas His Majesties Inginear Hath Made Complaint to The Commanding off "■• that y^ Tools Deliver.d out to y^ Troops are Not Brought in When ye Work is Done — It is therefor Maj/ Fletchers Or- ders that all Tools of Whatever Kind that Has already or May Be Delivered out on Account of His Majesties Service Shall for y^ Future be return. d After S''- Work is 28 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Finish. d & if any of S**- Tools are Left or Damag.d they are to Be Made Good By those that Break or Loos them. As Maj--- Gen"- Webb is Daily Ex- pected at Fort Edward Maj""- Fletcher Rec- ommends it to the Diferent Commanding off "^^ of Reg^^ & Ranging Companys to Se that their Respective Incampments Are Kept Clean as Posable Agreable to Former Orders. — At ye Beet of Two long Ruffels all guards are to turn out with Rested arms, on ye Gen" Approaching & in Cais He Chuses to Go Along y^ Lines of y' Different Encampments — the Command- ing offr. of S** Corps or Detachments is Emmediately to order a Long Ruff to Be Beet Upon Which y^ Men are Emmedi- ately to Turn out with their Side Arms — the Piq"^- to Draw out in y^ Senter of y' Reg*^- Advainsing Before y^ Lines with their Proper off""^' & y^ off''^ are to Ad- vains Before y^ Piq"^- in Two Ranks ac- cording to Seniority. — R. O. That a Sub"- of Each Company in y^ Connecticutt Reg^- Se that their 29 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Mens arms are Kept Clean within & with- out & Vieu them at Roll Calling Every Night & any that Neglect to Do it is Em- mediately to Be Confin.d for Disobedience Of Orders. Capt. Jeffery ofF ofy^ Day tomorrow. Lieut. John Durke y^ Line Guard Fort Edward June 2^'^ i757- Parole Brunswick. Coun" 'Thomas. The Sentry at y^ Gate & y^ In Side are Not for y^ Future To Suffer any Person to Pass or Repass till y^ Draw Bridge is Finish. d. R. O. The Commanding off"^ of Each Company to take Cair That their Men Appear as Clean & Deasent as Possable Capt. Wells off*^- of y^ Day Tomorrow — L'- Fitch y^ Line Guard Fort Edward June 16^^ i757- Parole Middlesex. Coun*^- Ralph. R. O. Capt. Slapp oiF- of y« Day to- morrow Lieut Humphrys y^ Line Guard 30 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 Fort Edward June 27'^ 1757 Parole Kensington Thaty«= Adjutants of y= Different Reg^^ are to Attend y^ Brigaid-Maj:'' for Orders Every Day at 1 1 oClock at y^ Off "^^ Gar- den. — Every Reg'- to Send in a Return as Soon as Possable of The Present Strength of their Field off""^ Cap«- Lieut'' Ens"^. Serj"^^' Corp^^ Drum"^^' & Effective Private Men & Such Reg*^' as Have Any on out Commands Are to Specify Where they are Gon, & when they Expect to return. — A Return is Likewize to Be Given in of y* Number of Artificers in Each Reg*^- In which Return is to Be Specified y^ Num- ber and Perticular Traids of those Who are Constantly Employ. d in ye Kings Work. — Also a Return to Be Given in of y' Names of all y^ off ■■= in Each Reg'- With y^ Dates of their Several Commissions, all y^ Above Returns are to Be Sign'd By ye Commanding off •■• of Each Reg'- — & ye Gen^' Desires that they May Be Vary Exact & as Soon as they are Made 3» GENERAL ORDERS OF IJ^J Out they are to Be Sent to y^ Brigaid Maj/- R. O. That ye Commanding ofF^ of Each Company In y^ Connecticutt Reg*- Se that y'= Above returns Are Sent in to y^ Adj*- as Soon as Possable. Tis Gen^'- Lyman's Orders that Jona- than Tuttle of Capt. Putnam's Company is Appointed Corp'- and is to Be Obayd as Such. Fort Edward June 28*^ 1757 Parole Nor/oik When y^ Assisting Debuty Quarter Master Gen'^ Has mark.d out y^ Lines of y^ Incampment y^ Several Reg*^ are to Pitch their Tents — Accordingly y^ Com- mending Off' of Each Corp is to be An- swerable to y^ Gen" that their Reg*^^ In- camp Proper, & on y^ Ground Assign. d them By M""- Lesley. & any Tents Pich.d Irragular will Be Order.d to Be Struct. No Hutts will Be Allow.d off. Upon any Account within y^ Lines — and the Men's Kitchens are to Be Built in 3Z GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 y^ Front Without y^ Lines — the Com- manding off" of Each Reg^- are Like- wise to Be Answerable to y*^ Gen" that y^ Streets are Kept Clean as Possable and y^ Dust Assign. d By Clearing the Camp is Not to be Buried But Carried & thrown into y^ River, forwhich Porpos Gen" Webb will Order a Proper Number of Wheel Barrows or Basketts. — y^ 35th Reg*^ to Muster Tomorrow Morning Emmediately After y^ Guards are Reliev.d — The 62nd Reg^- & Independant Com- panys to Take y'= Guard in y^ Fort & y^ Redoubt Upon y^ Artillery Tomorrow Which Duty is to be Repaid them By y« 35th Regt- Fort Edward June 29th 1757 Parole Northamptonshire Whatever off"" or other Gentleman in y^ Camp Have any Letters to Go to Al- bany on Demands they are Desired to Send them to Capt. Bartman at y^ Gen"^ Quarters at Fort Edward every Tuesday 33 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 & Friday Mornings at lo oClock Ex- actly — Fort Edward June 30'^^ 1757 Parole Northumberland The Carpenters and ye Men ordered to Make Fashiens with the Partys to Cover them are to Take their Breakfast with them as they are Not to Return to y'= Camp till Dinner — Fort Edward July ist 1757 Parole Notingham shire The Necessary Houses Belonging to y^ Several Regt*^^ o Be Emmediately fil.d Up & New Ones Dug Six feet Deep & about 100 yards in y^ Front of y^ Respec- tive Encampments. Each Reg"^ Every Evening to Cover y^ Bottom of them over with Fresh Earth — & New ones to Be Dug Every Wheek & y^ Old ones to Be fil.d Up — The Commanding ofF of Each Reg'- to Be Answerable to y^ Gen'^ that this order is Strictly Obay.d That y^ Commanding ofF of Each 34 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Reg*^ Now Encampt at Fort Edward are Emmediately to Appoint a Setler or a Per- son to Supply y^ Reg* with Necessary Stors The Name of which Person So Ap- pointed is to Be Given In to Mr. Lesley Assisting Debuty Quarter Master General And all other Persons Who are Setlers or Followers of y^ Several Reg'^ are Under their Protection their Names are Likewise to Be Returned to Mr. Lesley, y^ Cors which They are to Follow when any Setler has Occation for a Supply of Stors from Albany or Elce Where for y^ Use of Which Reg* He Belongs — He is to Give an Account of ye Different Speties He Wonts Especially Speritous Liquers, to ye Commanding off" of y^ Reg* for His Approbation & when that is obtaine.d y^ Quarter Master of y^ Regt is to Apply to M*"- Lesley Who will Grant them a Pass to go to Albany By y^ Different Posts Who are to Shew y^ Pass to Capt : Cristie Who will Grant Him another For His Return. — No Setlar Shall Presume to Pitch His 35 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 tent or to Break any Ground or Build a Hutt, Either Within or without the Lines without First Applying to Mr. Lesley, Under Penalty of Having all their Liq- uers Stove & their stors Demolish'd All Setlers Followers Waggoners of y^ Army or Others are Upon their Arrival to y^ Camp to Apply to M"" Les- ley & Acquaint Him of their Busi- ness Where they are Going & How- long they will Tarry Here And they are Not to Leave y^ Camp Upon any Pre- tence With out His Pass Either up or Down y^ Country & all Persons Coming into y^ Camp with Stors & Have Got Passes from M""- Christie are also to apply to M""- Lesley Who will Acquaint them of y^ Commanding ofF^ Orders Conserning them — Fort Edward July 2""^ i757- Parole Oxfordshire A Piq'- to Mount Every Night Con- sisting of Two Capt^ Six Sub^- 8 Serj"^^ 8 Corp^* & 192 Men to Peraid at y^ Grand 36 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Peraid at y^ Firing of y^ Evening Gun. — Mr. Lesley A. D. Q. M. G. will Mark out a Proper Plais Upon y^ Right & Left of y^ Camp where y^ Piq"^ is to Divide & Lay out Each Corp to Send a Num- ber of Tents in Proportion to the Number of Men they Give Allowing 5 Men to Each Tent. — The Capt of Each Piq*^ is to Be Answerable to y^ Gen" that His Piq'- is Constantly Kept togather Ready to Turn out on y^ Shortest Notis. — The Men for ye Piq'- are Always to Bring with them To y^ Peraid their Provision Cook.d for y^ Next Day as the Capts are Not to allow Any Man to Sturfrom His Command on any Pretence Whatever. — After Orders. The Commanding off"" of y= Different Reg*^ to Be Answerable to y^ Gen" that y^ Men Belonging to their Respective Corps When Order.d for Duty Peraid in Good order & Each Man be Provided with 24 Rounds of Powder & Ball — & Such Men as Have No Cartrage Boxes, are to Have their Cartrages Done Up in Small Parsels & Produce them to 37 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 ye Off*" of y^ Piq'- When He Examens them. — And it is Recommended To y Commanding off" of y^ Different Reg^^ to Take Perticular Cair that their Men Don't Waist their Ammunition, for an account is Taken By y^ Artilery of y^ Quantity Deliv- er.d to Each Corps. Whatever Ammuni- tion is Not Expended in y^ Servis will Be Charged to Each Reg' & they will Be Obliged to Pay for their Deficiencys Oc- casion. d By Waist or Neglect. — The Capts of y^ Two Piq*^^ are to Make Seperate Reports to y^ Gen^^ when Re- liev.d & Each Capt : is to Acquaint Him Whether He Has Had Occation To Ex- pend any Ammunition &WhatQuantity. — The Quarter Masters of y^ Several Reg*^^ to Attend Mr. Lesley an Hour Be- fore Sun Set this Afternoon — Fort Edward July 3'''' 1757- Parole Northumberland Fort Edward July 4'^ i757- Parole Amsterdam 38 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Fort Edward July 5'*^ 1757 Parole Summer set shire A Man of Each Mess of y^ 35th Regt. &ofy^ Detachment of y^ 62"*^ Reg"^ Who are in Garrison at Fort-Edward To attend y^ Gardner at 10 oClock Tomorow Morn- ing Who will Deliver them out Vegatables to serve The Reg^^- — The Commanding off" of y^ Different Reg^^ to Send to M''- Furnis Contractor of y* Ordnance to Know what Time He will Appoint to Receive their Damaged Cartrages & Spair Bullets, for which He will Give a Recait. — The Men Belonging to y^ Provensial Reg^* who are Appointed to Do y^ Duty of Rangers are to Be Emmediately Sup- plyd with Leather Shot Bags & Powder Horns to Carry their Ammunition in Fort Edward July 6^^1757. Parole Windsor A Return to Be Given in as Soon as Possable to ye Maj"" Brig.-Aid Sign'd By ye Commanding ofF* of Each Reg*^ of 39 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 y^ Names of y^ Ships Carpenters & Salers or Men Used to Boating, that are in Each Corps, & if any of y^ above Men are Em- ploy. d By ye Inginear, they are be In- cluded in y^ Return, and The Number to Be Specified at y^ Bottom — M^- Roger Morris Maj"-- of Brig- Aid Fort Edward July 7^^^ i757- Parole Stafford-shire Lieut. Vaniggan of y^ 62nd Reg* is Appointed To Do y^ Duty of an Artillery ofF & is Not to Do Duty in this Corp But to Encamp with y^ Train & Be Under y^ Com.** of Capt. Ord. When Ever any Reg'- Wants Ammu- nition a Demand is to Be Made in Write- ing Sign'd By the Commanding off"" of y^ Reg' of y^ Number of Cartrages Powder & Ball that is Wanted. — When & What Number of Cartrages they Lost, and How They Have Ben Expended. — All Returns Whatever To be Sign.d By y^ Commanding ofF of Each Reg'- The Provensial Reg'^ to Make a Re- 40 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 turn as Soon Possable of y^ Number of Arms out of Repair Specifying y^ Differ- ent Deficiencies of Each Firelock. Fort Edward July 8^*^ I757- Parole Suffolk A Return of y^ Number of Inlisted Women & their names Belonging to y* Different Reg*^^ to Be Given in as Soon as Possable to Capt. Bartmon (Aid-De-Camp to Gen'* Webb.) This Return to Be Signed By y^ Commanding ofF of Each Corp. Fort Edward July y' 9*'' 1757. The Provensial Reg^^ to Deliver their Firelocks y*^ Want Mending on Monday Morning Next at 7 oClock To Capt. Ord (Commanding ofF of y^ Artilery) who will Give Directions for there Being Emmediately Repair.d. — A Gen" Cort Mareschal of y^ Line Consisting of one Field ofF 8 Capt^ of y* Ragulars & Four Capt^ of the Proven- sials To Set on Monday Morning Next at 41 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 8 oClock To Try all Such Prisoners as Shall Be Brought Before them. — Lieut. Col: Young President — Capt. Woodall Judge Advocate — An ofF- of Each Company to Examen y^ Men's Ammunition Every Evening at Gun Firing & a Return to Be Given in Emmediately After to y^ Gen^' of y^ State of their Ammunition Sign.d By the Com- manding OfF- Specifying if any Cartrages Be Wanting How ye Deficient one's Have Ben Expended. — The Men for Guard in Camp y^ Cov- ering & Working Party's to Lode their First Cartrages with Runing Ball for Which Porpos a Proper Proportion of Powder & Ball will Be Deliv.d to Each Corp from y^ Artilery. — Fort Edward July io^*'i757. Parole Sussex. That y^ Men for y^ Covering Partys with Arms Be Peraided with Powder & Ball till a Proper Number of Powder Horns & Shot Bags Be Provided. — The 42 GENERAL ORDERS OF IJSJ Piq* & Working Partys are to Peraid with 24 Rounds. Fort Edward July 1 1^^ 1757. Parole Warwickshire. Every Corp is to Appoint a Proper Person to Attend & Receive y^ Letters for their Respective Reg"^^ that Com By y^ Post, Which Person is to Pay for those that are Cleard By y^ Post Master at Al- bony & y^ Maj''- Brigaid will Take Cair to Send & acquaint y^ Reg'^- when ever y^ Post Corns in. Fort Edward July 12^*^ 1757 Parole Westmoreland. When Ever any offr Confins a Solder Whether Belonging to y^ Ragular Troops or Provensiels the Solder is to Be Sent to y^ Quarter Guard of y^ Reg'^- He Belongs to with y^ Crime in Writeing Signed By y^ ofF"" Who orders Him Confin.d — & No Guard is to Receive a Prisoner with out His Crime in Writeing. — 43 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 To Prevent y^ Inconveniencies arising of y^ Solders Not Knowing of y^ off" of y^ Provensiels — Tis Maj''- Gen^^ Webbs Orders that No off"" Stur out of y^ In- campment of His own Reg^- without Put- ing on His Sword. Fort Edward July 15*'' i757- Parole Wiltshire A Cort Mareschal to Consist of one Capt. & Four Subs. To Set Tomorrow Morning at y^ Presidents Tent at 10 oClock To Try a Serjt of y^ 61^^ R^gt- Confined By an off*" of the Massachusetts Reg'- — The 35th Reg' gives a Capt. — y^ 62 Two Sub^' y^ Massachusetts Reg'- Two Sub^- Tis y^ Gen"^ Posative Orders that No off"" Solder or Any other Person Belonging to y*^ Army presume to Give Or Sel any Liquer to y^ Indians Upon any Pretence Whatever. — This Order to Be Read to y^ Men this Evening at Gun Firing In Presence of an off" of a Company. 44 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 Fort Edward July 14*'' 1757. Parole ^Worcestershire Two Men of Each Corp To Peraid Tomorrow Morning At Such an Hour as Capt. Ord shall Appoint at y'= Head of y«= Artilery Park, to Be Employ.d in Mak- ing Up Cartrages, & they are to Be Con- tinued Till Further Orders. Fort Edward July 15^'^ i757- Parole Middlesex Fort Edward July 16'*^ i757- Parole Sterling. Fort Edward July i7'** i757- Parole Cardiganshire A Cort Mareschal To Set Tomorrow Morning at y^ President's Tent Consist- ing of one Capt. & 4 Sub^ To Try a Sold- ier of y^ 60th Reg' Confin.d By an ofF"^ of y^ Massachusetts Reg'- — The 35th Reg'- Gives a Capt. y^ 60th Reg' 2 Sub^- — ye Massachusetts 2 Subs. 45 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Fort Edward July i8^^ 1757- Parole Carmarthenshire When Ever Two or More of y^ In- dependant Companys are Joind Together, they are to Look Upon them Selves as a Corp & Not to act as Seperate Companys & all Returns Reports &c. are to Be Made to & Signed By y^ Commanding ofF of y^ Whol. — M^- Lesley A. D. Q. M. G. will shew y^ Troops at Distance from y^ Lines & y^ Grount where they Are to Dig their Kitchings & Necessary Houses & Every Corp is To Take Cair Not to Interfear With y^ Ground Either in y^ Front or Rear of y^ Camp Upon y^ Right or Left.— The Provensial Reg^- are To Give In a Return of their Strength Every 15'*^ & 30^^ of Each Month According To y^ Form Lately Given them By the Maj"" Brigaid. — This To Be a Standing Order and The Gen'^ Expects y' y^ Com- manding off" of Each Reg* will Be Vary Perticular in Sending their Returns to 46 GENERAL ORDERS OF IJ^J Y" Ma.y- Brig-Aid on y^ Above Men- tion. d Days. R. O. That y*= Men Belonging To y^ Connecticutt Reg' When Worn.d for Duty Appear on ye Peraid with Shoes & Stockens on & their Trowsers Wash.d Clean — & Any Person y' Disobays this Order will be Emmediately Confin.d — Fort Edward July 19*'^ i757- Parole Cornervanshire The Quarter Masters of y^ Different Corps are to Inform them Selves from M>^ Lesley A. D. Q. M. G. Where y^ Ground is Mark.d out for y^ New Burling Yard, & For y^ Future y^ Troops are Not To Dig Graves Any Where Elce Under Panelty of Being Oblig.d To fill Them Up Again — A Regimental Cort Mareschal to Be Held in Gen^' Lymon's Reg*^ at 1 oClock this Afternoon. Capt. Hitchcock President Lieut. Nichols) Mem ( Lieut. John Durke Lieut. Wells J bers \ Lieut. Harding 47 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 To Try Such Prisoners as Shall Be Brought Before them. Fort Edward July 21^^ 1757. Parole Flintshire The Forts at Saratoge & Still Water are To Be Reliev.d Tomorroe By a De- tachment from y^ Whol Lines which is To Peraid Tomorrow Morning By 5 oClock at y^ Grand Paraid. The Men have To Take their Tents & Camp Necessarys with them Which will Be Carry. d Down By y^ Teams Going Down To Saratoge. Each Man is to Be Provided with 24 Rounds of Powder & Ball. — The Ragular Troops are To Send a Fornights Subsistence with there Men of their Respective Reg'' which is To Be Paid In to an ofF of Each Corp or To a Serj' Where No ofF is Furnish. d The Provencial Reg*^ are for y^ Future To Give Their Proportion of ofP^ & Men To y^ Fort Redoubt and Other Camp Guards — it is therefor Recommended to y« Commanding ofF of y^ Provencial 48 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Reg' To Take Cair y' y^ Men for those Dutys Appear Clean & in Good Order. — R. O. Tis Gen" Lymon's Orders y' Serj* Jos:** Comstock of Capt: Fitch's Company Be Reduc.d To y^ Ranks & Do Duty as Such. Fort Edward July 22""^ 1757. Parole Glanmorganshire R. O. That ye Men Who are Worn.d for Guard Appear Clean Deasent & Well Shav.d with Ramrods a Proper Length for Their Guns. & that Every Man Be Acquipt with Ammunition — & ye Orderly Corpi Who March their Men To the Peraid are to Se y^ these Orders are Com- ply.d with. That all y^ Men of from Duty Turn out at 4 oClock In y^ Afternoon Every Day to Be Exercis.d Till Six By an ofF Appointed for that Porpos. — Fort Edward July 23'^'^ i757- Parole Montgomemory shire The Artilery To Send a Field Pies 49 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 to y* Fort Emmediately Which is to Be Mounted on y^ N. E. Bastien where the Flag Staff is Plais.d & In Cais it Shold be found Necessary To Turn out the Lines, a Cannon will Be Emmediately Fired on y^ Bastien & a Flag Histed Upon which Every Reg*- is to Turn out at y^ Head of their Incampments & to Divide them Selves Along y' Intrenchment as Far as their Tents Extend. — At y^ Same Time the OfF' To Be Plais.d at y^ Head of their Several Companys & there Remain till they Receive Further Orders. & Neither ofF Nor Soldier is To Stur from His Post Unles He Receivs y^ Gen^^'* Perticu- lar Orders, Except one ofF from Each Corp who y^ Commanding oiF is to Send to Attend y^ Gen^^- In Cais of Any Firing in y^ Wood y^ Picq*^ is Emmediately To Advains & Soport y^ Party y* is Attacked. The Rangers are Likewise To Turn out at ye Same Time, with y^ Off" at y* Head of their Companys And are To March With y^ First Advainc.d Picq* And 50 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 as y^ Rangers will Extend them Selves on y^ Flanks of y^ Picq^ The Partys that May Be Order.d Afterwards out to join them are To Take Perticular Cair Not to Fire Upon them. The Picq*^ of y^ Next Day to Peraid Every Evening at y^ Same Time with y^ Mounting Picq^- That they May be In Readiness to March To Sustain y^ Other Picq' on to Go on any other Servis That May Be Requir.d. — And Upon An A larm they Are Emmediately To Turn out & to March To the Grand Peraid & there Wait Till Further Orders. — Upon Firing ye Alaram Gun as Soon as y^ Troops Have Taken their Posts ye j^th Reg' is to Send a Company y^ 6oth Reg*- three Companys the Independants one Company Into y^ Fort And The provencial Troops are Likewise To Fur- nish For this Service one Capt. Six Sub^- 8 Serjt« 8 Corp^^ & 150 Private Men. The Perticular Proportion for Each Corp will bCj Demanded By y^ Majr -Brig- Aid, and is to Be Furnish. d Emmediately When 5« GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 y^ Above Detachments join y^ Company of y^ Ragulars & March into y^ Fort — the Whol is to Be Under y^ Command of y^ Eldest ofF- who will Dispose of them Along y^ Paripats. — The Artilery at y^ Same Time to Send an ofF & a Proper Number of Men to Manage y^ Guns within y^ Fort. — The Ambersears in y^ Lines to Be Emmediately Got Ready & Platforms Prepair.d To Receive y^ Iron 4 Po : ^ & Upon y^ Above Guns Being Fired the Artilery is To Send Two Brass Twelve Pounders to y^ Ground Barrear & Two To y^ Head of y^ Roy^ Americans & one Brass Six Pounder to Each of y^ Open- ings of the Lines. — These Orders To Be Read & Ex- plained to y^ Men By an ofF of a Com- pany this Evening at Gun Firing and y^ Gen" Expects that they will Be Punctu- ally Comply. d with and No Person is to Presume To Make a Fals Alarm or to Order y^ Lines to Turn out But Upon a Proper Signal Above Mention.d And In GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Cais of any Shot Being Fired No off" Nor Soldier is to Stur out of y= Lines Unless He is Part of a Detachment or orderd out Under Penelty (if a Commission.d ofF ) of Being Put Under an Erest, & if an Un- commission.d ofF or Soldier of being Sevearly Punish. d And After y" Larem Gun is Fired No Soldier is to offer to Quit His Corp Upon any Pretence What- soever Under Pain of Death. — When Ever y^ Lines is order.d To Turn out By y^ Signal of Alarm the Men are to Be Drawn Up along y^ Intrench- ment But Not Suffer.d to Mount y^ Bank Till order.d By y^ Commanding ofF of y^ Corp they Belong too. Fort Edward July 24}^ i757- Parole Pembrookshire. A Return to Be Given in Emmediately of y^ Men kild Wounded or Mising, & a Return of the Arms & Accotroments Lost be y^ Troops as Likewise a Return of all y^ Arms Found Belonging to y^ En- imy in y^ Attact of y^ Covering Party 53 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 and Workmen Yesterday — this Return To Be Signed By the Commanding ofF of Each Corp. — Any Soldier that is Sent to y'= Gen" Hospital — The Commanding ofF of y" Corp To which He belongs are To Send a Sertificet with them in Writeing which Is To BeDeliver.dto y= Clerke of y^ Hos- pital. No Setler Whatsoever is To Sel any Rhum or other Sort of Sparitus Liquers, To any Soldier Whether Belonging To y^ Ragular or Provencial Troops Under Penalty of Being Turn.d out of y^ Camp & Having all Their Liquers Taken from them. — The Following Detachment To Peraid Tomorrow Morning at Gun Firing at y^ Grand Peraid in Order to March To Fort-Wm. Henry, Viz : the Grannidear Company of y^ 60''' Reg'- y^ Granni- dear Company of y^ N. York Reg' & i Capt. 6 Subs. 7 Serj'^- Corp'^- & 143 Pri- vats of y^ Provencials. R. O. That Each Company in y^ Con- 54 GENERAL ORDERS OF IJS7 necticutt Reg^ Give In a List of Such ofF^ & Soldiers who were on y^ Picq*^- Yesterday in y^ Front of y^ Ingagement Under y^ Command of Capt : Litler, And also those that were of y"^ Party to Cover y^ Carpenters Yesterday. — This is to Be Don Emmediately & also a Re- turn of y^ Number of Arms Mising & Found. Fort Edward July 25^^^ I757- Parole Webb. Lieut. Daiyell of y^ 60th Reg*^ is Ap- pointed to Act as Brig-Aid-Maj"" & is to Be Obay.d as Such. The Capt^- of y^ Ranging Companys Incamp.d Without y^ Lines, are to Make a Thorough Inspection In to y^ Stait of their Mens Arms Ammunition ^c. & To Se that Every Man is Compleated with 24 Rounds Agreable To Former Or- ders — & if there are any Men at Presant among y^ S<^ Companys that are Judg.d By their Cap^^ as Unfit for that Servis they are Forthwith To Be Exchang.d for others 55 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 of their Respective Corps who are To Take Perticular Cair To Send Good arms with them. — Fort Edward July 26''^ 1757 Parole Howe. No Soldier on any Pretence Whatso- ever to Strool From y^ Camp or Be Seen in y^ River from Under y^ Cover of y^ Muskatary of y^ Line or Fort. — The Detachment at y^ Half Moon To Be Reliev.d Tomorrow Morning By y^ Provencial Troops & they are to Peraid By Gun Firing. — This Detachment is to Consist of One Capt. Four Sub^- 5 Serj*^ 5 Corp'^ & I T 5 Privats. — The Massachusets Gives I Cap^- 3 Sub' 3 Serj^^ 2 Corp'^ & 80 Privaters — the Connecticutts Gives one Sub" I Serj' 1 Corp'^ & 21 Privates. — N York 7 Privates. Rhod-Island i Serj'- i Corp^ & 7 Privates. The Capt. who is to Com.*^ ye Above Detachment to Wait on y^ Commanding ofF in Order to Receive His Instructions, this Evening at 6 oClock. — 56 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Fort Edward July 27'^ i757- Parole F or t-Wm -Henry. The Detachment Order.d To March This Morning in Order to Relieve y^ De- tachment at Half Moon, To Strike their Tents By i oClock & Emmediately After to March to y^ Island with their Tents and Camp Necessarys. & To Be In Read- iness To March From thence as Soon as ye Waggon-Master Shall Have Provided them with proper Carriages. — The Lines are Not to Turn out Upon any Alarm Till y^ Proper Signals are Made of y^ 23rd Instant. — And the Command- ing ofF^ of y^ Diferent Corps are To Se that these Orders are Strictly Comply. d with. — The ofF Commanding y^ Covering Party at y^ Brick-kill is Emmediately upon Hearing any Shots in The Woods To Take Upon Him y^ Com.'^ of the Work- men & File off Into y^ Woods So Far as He May Judg Necessary in order To Get Upon y^ Enimy's Rear & at y^ Same Time To Send one Man of His PartyTo y^ Commanding off'^ To Acquaint Him of it. 57 GENERAL ORDERS OF l^ SI The Ranging Companys To Be Under Arms this Evening at 6 oClock in Or- der to Be Review. d By the Commanding off'-— Fort Edward July 28'*^ i757- Parole Hallyfax All ye Salers Ship Carpenters & Boat- men that Were Return. d By y^ Several Corps To Hold them Selves in Readiness to March To y^ Lake. — S^ Detachment to Assemble on y^ Grand Peraid Tomorrow Evening at Gun Firing In order to Be Review.d. — The Ranging Companys Being to Fire at a Mark Between y^ Hours of 4 & 6 oClock — The Troops To Be Emmediately Acquainted with it that They May Not Be Alarm. d with it. — In y^ Same Time y^ Commanding off'^ of ye Sev^ Reg"^^ May Send Such Men as Cannot Draw Their Charges to Fire them off In Presence of an Uncommission.d off""' Who will Take Cair that their Men Fire Their Pieces Where No Accident May Happen. — 58 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Fort Edward July 29^^ 1757 Parole Richmond. A Return To Be Given In Emmedi- ately Signed By The Commanding ofF of Each Corps, of y^ Ship Carpenters Salers & Boatmen that March. d This Morning To Fort W""- Henry, And y^ Reasons Why y^ Compleat Number Was Not Sent as Return. d to Majr Morris. — R. O. The Commanding ofF of Each Company in Gen" Lyman's Reg*^ is De- sired to Give in a Return Emmediately To y^ Adj*^ of y^ Number Deficient of the Former Return & By What Reason. — Fort Edward July 30^*^ i757- Parole Radnorshire A Return To Be Given In Emmedi- ately To y^ Maj"" Brigaid of y^ Number of off" Serj'^- Corp^^- & Private Men of Each Corp, Fit for Duty Mentioning those on Com.d at y* Different Posts Downwards & at Fort- William-Henry y'= Several Persons Employ. d as Artific- ers Sailers & Boatmen in Each Corp are 59 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Likewise To Be Included But are to Be Specify.d in a Different Colem by them Selves Mentioning y^ Different Ranks of y^ Different Persons & y^ Perticular Plaices where they are Employ. d at. — The off""^ Serj"^^ Corp'^ & Private Men Upon Detachments are Likewise to Be Specify.d in Perticular Golems By them Selves. — This Return to Be Sign.d By y^ Commanding off" of Each Corp. — Fort Edward July 31^*^ i757- Parole Aberdeenshire. If one Johnson of y^ Connecticutt Reg' Should Apply to Any other of y^ Proven- cial Reg"^^ For any Indians or Scoutes, they are to Be Emmediately Furnish. d to Him & y^ Commanding off"" of y^ Corp, To Acquaint y^ Maj'' Brig-Aid of y^ Number Sent. — Fort Edward Aug' i^' i757 Parole Cavan. Applycation is to Be Made to M"" Les- ley For y^ Number of Teems Requiset 60 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 To Carry y^ Baggage of y^ Troops To March Tomorrow — & the Gen^^ Desires that Non May Be Carry'd But What is Necessary, as It will Be Vary Dificult to Get Carriage to Bring it Down again. — The Adj*^ of the Massachusetts Reg*^ To Send To y^ Brigaid Maj"^ y^ Number of oft'-^^ & Men on Duty Who are To March Tomorrow, that they May Be Rel.'^ this Evening. — The Gen" Cort Mareschal Where of Col. Lyman Was President is Disolved. Lieut. Titcomb of the Massachusetts Reg"^' For Shamefully Quitting His Post, is Sentenced to Receive a Repremand of y^ Gen'' & therefor To Attend Him at 5 oClock this Afternoon in y' Fort. — The Detachment of y^ 60th Reg' & Independant Companys that March To- morrow Morning are Not To Take any Artifycers with them, That are Employ.d By the Inginear. — Fort Edward Augt 2"'' 1757. Parole Kildare 61 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 The Troops To Change their Present Encampment & Pitch their Tents on y^ Ground Alloted them By Mr. Lesley, & y^ New Ground to Be Cleaned Be- fore y^ Men Pitch their Tents. — The Roy' Americans & Connecticuts are To Strike their Tents First. — The Rest of y^ Troops To Be In Readiness to Strike when Mr. Lesley Informs them y^ Ground is Cleans. d. — Fort Edward Aug^ 3'''^- 1757 Parole Middlesex Fort Edward Aug' 4'^ i757- Parole Argileshire A Return to Be Given in Emmedi- ately of the Strength of Each Corp Ac- cording To A Form which is To Be Given them By ye Maj"" Brig Aid. — This Return To Be Made as Exact as Possa- ble.— The Guard in y^ Fort to be Mounted By y^ Ragular Troops Till -Further Orders. — 62 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 R. O. The Commanding OfF of Each Company In y^^ Connecticutt Reg*^ are To Send in an Exact Return According To y^ Above Order Emmediately to y^ Adjt — To Be Don By a Form which He will Give them. — The Men Ordered for Duty are all- ways To Appear With their Hats Cok.d & with Shoes & Stockings On Before they March to y^ Grand Parade. And Any Serj*^ or Corp' that Marches their Men To y^ Regimental Peraid to Se y' Those Orders Are comply.d with. — Fort Edward Aug' 5^ i757- Parole Dunbannonshire The Lines To Turn out Tomorrow Morning at Gun Firing at y^ Head of their Respective Incampments & there To Wate Till they Receive orders. — This To Be continued Till Countermanded. Fort Edward Aug' 6'^ i757- Parole Bumfree Maj"- Prevost Field ofF of this Day 63 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Fort Edward Aug* y*'^ ^1 SI- Parole Edingborough Fort Edward Aug* 8**^ i757- Parole Fifeshire Maj"" Prevost Field ofF of y^ Day- Tomorrow. The Troops To Have their arms & Ammunition Examened as Soon as Poss- able and Report To Be Made Emediately after to y^ Gen" Signed by y^ Command- ing ofF of Each Corp., of y^ Strength of their Respective Reg*'» with Regard to y^ Condition & Quantity of Ammunition & Number of Flints That Each Man Hath.— The Gen" Expects y* Capt^ & Com- manding OiF^ of Companys will Be Vary CarefuU in Viewing Their Men y* this Return Ma Be as Exact as Possable. — Fort Edward Aug* 9^'' 1757. Parole Forfar R. O. That y^ Commanding ofF of Each Company In y^ Connecticutt Reg* 64 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1 757 Supply y^ Deficiency of Powder Horns & Bullet Pouches with those Men's Accotre- ments y* are UnFit for Service. — This To Be Don Emediately & an Account of Such Powder Horns & Bullet Pouches To Be Taken that y^ Right Owners Ma Not Loose them. Fort Edward Aug* io'''i757. Parole Barwick A Return To Be Given in as Soon as Possable of The Number of Privates Be- longing To Each Corp That are Come from Fort-Wm. Henry. Specifying those y* Have their Arms. This Return To Be Sign.d By y^ Commanding ofF of Each Reg'- Fort Edward Aug' ii'^ i757- Parole Inverness A Return of y^ Number of Persons that Hath Return. d from Fort-Wm. Henry Since Yesterday Morning Till To- Day at 12 oClock, Specifying Whether they Brought In any arms or Not. The 65 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 Same Return To Be Given In This Even- ing at Gun Firing And To Be Continued Every Forenoon & Evening Till Counter- manded. Fort Edward Aug^ 12*^1757. Parole Newry The ofF= & Men of j" 35th 60th & Independent Companys That are Return.d from Fort Wm. Henry To Peraid at Troop Beating In order To March To Albony. — The Commanding ofF of Each Corp To Make a Return of y^ Number of Specifying Those y^ Have arms & Those yf Have Not. — Fort Edward Aug^ 13^^ 1757* Parole Linliihgoo The Field ofF of y^ Day is Taken of, & y^ Capt. of the Picq^ is To Visit y^ Whol Picq^ once Every Hour From Retreat Beating Till Gun Firing in the Morning, To Se that they are Elert, & y^ Capt: Is Every Morning To Report To Lord Howe the Hour He went 66 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 His Rounds, & To Acquaint Him of all Extraordinarys y*^ May Happen in y^ Night Time. — For y^ Future Upon any Alarm y^ Ranging Companys are only To Turn out at y^ Head of their Encampment. But they are Not To March out of y^ Lines, Unless By an order from y^ Gen^^ or Lord Howe. — Fort Edward Aug^ 14'** 1757. Parole Nairn. A return To Be Given in Emmedi- ately To Mr. Lesley A. D. Q. M. G. of y^ Number of Tents & Quantity of Bag- gage Belonging To y^ Different Corps y' is Left at Saratoge Still water & Half- Moon. & Each Corp is to Appoint a Proper Person To Go Down and Bring them Up. — This Return To Be Given in Emmediately to Mr. Lesley. After Orders. — Whatsoever Centry Shall Be Found Mising when on Duty, or Sleeping on His Post, Shall Be Em- mediately Confin.d & Shall Suffer Death. 67 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 — These Orders To Be Read To y^ Men By an Off' of a Company. Fort Edward Aug^ 15'*^ 17 S7- Parole Suffolk Fort Edward Aug* 16''' Parole Rippon Fort Edward Aug* 17^^ ^7S7- Parole IVallingford The Gen" Cort Mareschal Whereof Lord Howe was President is Disolv.d A Return To Be Given as Soon as Possible of y^ Number of Men that are Deserted from Each Corp, Since y^ 11*** Inst*- Specifying y^ Time They Have Ben Missing. A Rep* To Be Made To y« Maj' Brig-Aid Every Morning at Troop Beet- ing of Those Men that were Missing y^ Evening Before at Roll Cal. — The Comm.dg off" of y*" Detachment y' March. d to Saratoge to take under his 6S GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Charge y^ French Deserters & Prisoners yt are here & from thence to Send them forward in y^ Scow to Still water with a Searj^- & 12 men where a Party from Albana will Receive them & conduct them there. — After Orders. The Lines not to turn out again at Gun firing in y^ Morning till further orders. — Fort Edward Aug'- iS'*^ i757- Parole Bedfordshire. Evening Ord. Whenever y^ Com- masary of Stors or Provisions Require any men to be Employ.d they are to Send their Demand in writing to y^ Maj'' Brig- aid at 1 1 oClock in y^ Morning of y^ Day before y^ men are wanted Specifying y= number & for what Purpos they are wanting & without Such a Dem.d in Writing no man will be furnish. d them. And y^ Commasarys to be answerable to Gen" Webb for any Delays in y^ Kings Service Owing to their Neglect. 69 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Fort Edward Aug. 19*^ i757- Parole Boston The Ranging Companys, not y^ Picq* to furnish y^ Patroles in y^ Night for y= future. Their Patroles will go out & Return through y^ Barriers on y^ Right & y^ Barriers on y= Left of y^ Camp. As soon as any Patroles Approach y^ Camp, y^ Sentrys will be Perticularly carefuU in Challing & hail them & then to give notis to y^ Officer of y^ Piq* who will Send out a Searj' and file of men to Examin them before they Enter y^ Camp. — Tis Gen^' Lymans orders y' y^ Com- manding OfF of Each Company in his Regt give in as Soon as Possible, a Return of y^ Names, & Plaices of Abode of all the Deserters & never joined & y^ time when Deserted in Each Company. Fort Edward Augt 20^^^ i757- Parole Sandwich Tis Gen" Lymans orders, that no per- son in his Reg' Shall Brew or Sell any fern Beer & whatsoever Person Shall Dis- 70 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 obay this order Shall be Sevearly Pun- ished. Fort Edward Augt 21'^ i757- Parole Barnstable No person whatsoever is to make use of any Boards Shingles or any other kind of timber yt is found in y^ Camp with in y^ Lines, or on y^ ground where y^ Mi- lisha were Incamp.d without first Apply- ing to Mr. Gordon Inginear — And if any one is found guilty of Disobaying these orders they will be very Sevearly Pun- ished. — R. O. That Murfa y^ Gardiner hath y^ whole cair of y^ Connecticut Garden & no man to take any thing But of s*^ Murfa & by his order ; & he to be Excused from all other Duty & Constantly to Attend on y' business. That y^ Commanding Off" of Each company in y^ Connecticut Reg^ Sent in as Soon as possible to Gen" Lyman a Duplicate Muster Role of their Com- panys, Specifying in Different Colems, 71 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 y^ time of Death, Desertion, Captivated Never joind &c., of their whole Com- panys Including y^ Number y^ Company first consisted off. — The whole Reg^ to turn out at Gun firing in y^ morning to call over y^ Role, & likewise at Evening, this order to be Strictly comply.d with. — Fort Edward Augt 22"** 1757. Parole Northampton Fort Edward Aug* 23''^ i757- Parole Litchfield. G. O. The Gen" Expects y*^ his former orders forbidding y* fireing of Pieses in, or near y^ Camp will be punctually com- ply.d with. All Commissiond & Non Commis""^ 0£P^ are to confine Prisoner upon y^ next Guard any Person whom they Shall find Disobaying these Orders. — Fort Edward Augt 24'^ i757- Parole Warwick G. O. Whenever y^ weather will per- 7a GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 mit y^ Comm<^g OiF of Each Corp are to order their mens tents to be Struck, ye Bark to be laid out in y^ Street & y^ Ground turn.d up. Fort Edward Aug* 25*^^ i757- Parole Tork. G. O. A Return to be given in as soon as possable of y^ number of Sawyers in Each corp y"^ are not Employ.d in y^ Kings work. Fort Edward Aug* 26*^1757. Parole Aldborrough G. O. A Detachment of one Capt. 3 Sub^ 4 Searj*^ 4 Corp'^ & 96 men from y^ Lines with one Capt. & 100 Rangers to peraid tomorow morning at Gun firing at y^ Grand peraid to take their Blankets & 2 Days Provision with them. — The Eldest Capt. is to wait this Evening at Gunfiring on Lord Howe to receive his Instructions. Fort Edward Aug' 27*^ i757- Parole Salop. 73 GENERAL ORDERS OF IJ ^J G. O. The Piqf upon y^^ Right & Left of y^ Camp to be Augmented with one Searjt. one Corp^ & i8 men Each till further orders. — Those Indians who were order.d some time ago to join Johnson be- longing to y^ Connecticut Troops are to Return to their Respective Corps again. Fort Edward Aug^ 28^*^ 1757- Parole No ting ham. G. O, The Detachment y*^ is in Fort- Edw"^ to furnish one Searjt i Corp^ & 50 men Every Day to work in y^ Fort They are to Assemble with y^ other working partys on y^ Grand Peraid. Fort Edward Aug' 29'*^ I757- Parole New-Port. G. O. Whoever is found Stealing Plank or timber belonging to y^ Kings works will be Sevearly Punish. d Emediately — and y^ Persons to whom y^ hutts belong will be Responsible for it if any Such Timber is found in them. 74 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 The Detachment in y^ Fort to march out this afternoon & to join their Respect- ive Reg'^ in Camp, The Guards to mount tomorrow morning when they will be Re- lieved from y^ Line. After orders. A Gen" Cort-Mareschal consisting of one Field Off'' 4 Capt^ 2 Sub* from y^ Ragular Troops, & one Field Off ■■ 4 Capt^ & I Sub" from y= Provensi- als, to Set Tomorrow morning at 8 oClock at y^ Presidents tent, or where he Shall Appoint. Maj'' Fletcher President. Capt. Maun- sel Judg Advocait R. O. Majr Pason & Capt. Hitchcock for y^ Court Mareschal. Fort Edward Aug' 30'^ i757- Parole Staffordshire. G. O. No person to be Allowed to go hunt or kill game without a Pass Signed by y^ Gen"^A. D. Camp in which is to be Specifyd y^ Number of y^ Party & y^ Reg'* they belong too, & any person what- soever not being on Duty who shall be 75 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 protected [detected ?] fireing his Pies within a mile of y^ Camp will be order.d to receive 500 Lashes with a Cat of nine tales without a Court Mareschal. — The Commanding Offr of Each Reg*^ to be an- swerable to Gen'^ Webb y*^ there orders are comply'd with. Fort Edward Aug* 31'' 1757- Parole Plymton G. O. When ever any Prisoners are confind upon Either of y^ three Piq*^' y^ OfF Commanding Such piq'^ is Emedi- ately to send them to y^ Fort Guard with their Crime in Writing & at y^ Same time to Acquaint y^ Commanding OfF of y^ Reg' they belong too y* Such men are Sent to y^ Fort Guard from y^ Piq*- R. O. Whereas it has been practised heatherto by Some of y^ Commanding OfF^ of Companys in y^ Connecticutt Regt to give in & Sign fals Returns, Tis Gen" Lymans orders y* they take pertic- ular cair for y^ future as they will be An- swerable for all such Neglects. & to pre- 76 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 vent Such Mistakes Every Commissiond & Non Commissiond OfF in Each Com- pany is Desired to keep a Muster Roll of their Companys & Enter y'' time of death, Deserted, Discharged, Captivated & never joind of those men that are lost out of their Several Companys. Fort Edward Sepf^ i^' i757- Parole Bridgewater. G. O. Coppy of y^ Kings orders for y^ Rank of Provensial Gen"^ & Field Off^ in North- America, G. R. Whereas Some Disputes have Risen with Respect to y^ Rank & comm*^ which Y Gen" & Field OfF^ of y*= Troops Raisd by y^ Governors of our Provenses in N. America, should have when joind or Serv- ing together with our Ragular forces in our s"* Provences, in order to fix y^ Same & to prevent all Disputes on y*^ Ac' We Do hereby Declair y' it is our will and Pleasure y' all Gen" & Field Off" Serv- ing by Commission from y^ Governor, L"^ or Deputy Governor or Presidents of 77 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 y^ Counsel for y^ time being of our s*^ Pro- vences, Shall take Rank as Eldest Capf*- on all Detachments Court Mareschals or other Duty wherein y^ s'^ Gen^' or Field OfF may be Employed in N/ America in Conjunction with our Ragular forces. — Given at our Court at Kensington y^ 1 2th Day of May 1756, in y^ 29th year of our Reign. By his Majesties command. Henery Fox R. O. Patt Welc Lately of ye 35th Reg*^ is appointed an Ensign in y^ i*' Company of y^ Connecticutt Reg"^ com- manded by Phinehas Lyman Esq"" and Standard bairer of y^ Same. Fort Edward Sept.*^ 2""^ ^1 SI- Parole Denvenshire. R. O. That all y^ men of from Duty in y^ Connecticutt Reg*^ in camp on this Side y^ River Rangers & all, Turn out at 3 oClock Every Afternoon to be Exer- cised till 5 By an OfF of y^ Regt who Shall be Appointed for y"^ Porpose. 78 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 All y'^ Invaleades in y^ Reg*^^ to turn out at Such an hour as Docf Adams Shall Appoint in order to follow Doctr Odeas Directions & any of s'^^Invaleades y' Re- fuse to comply with these orders Shall be Emmediately put upon Duty. — Searj' & Corp'* to turn out their men to Attend Morning & Evening prayers which they are to Do as Soon as y^ Drum beats for y' porpose. Fort Edward Sep*" 2"^ ^757- Parole Stanford. G. O. The Gen'' Court mareschal whereof Maj"" Fletcher was President is Dissolved. Henery Dorman Corp" in Capt. Porters & Luelen Rice private Souldier in Capt. Delences Company, in y^ Royal American Reg^ Having ben found Guilty of Desertion are Condamnd to Suffer Death for y^ Same. Frances Fleming private Souldier in y^ Connecticut Reg*^ having been found guilty of Desertion is Sentanced to Re- ceive 1000 Lashes with a Cat of nine tails 79 GENERAL ORDERS OF IJ ^7 & to be Drum'd out of y^ Camp with a Holter about his neck. Silley Hull, Wm. Mullen, John Jones, & Benj" Randal private Souldiers in y^ N. York Reg*^ Having been found guilty of Desertion are Sentenced to receive looo Lashes Each with a Cat of nine tails. John Dun private Souldier in y^ N. Jersey Reg' being Tryed for Selling a Watch Coat belonging to y^ 35th Reg* is Ordered to Repay y^ Several Sums he Rec** for it & be Drum.d out of y^ Camp with a Holter about his neck. John Anderson private Souldier in y"^ Royal American Reg* having been found Guilty of Mutiny is Sentenced to Receive 1000 Lashes with a Cat of nine tails. The Gen" Having Approved of y' above Sentences, They are to be put in Execution on Monday morning next at 8 oClock. Roger Connolly private Souldier in y<= Massachusetts Reg* being found guilty of mutiny, is orderd to Receive 500 Lashes with a Cat of nine tails. go GENERAL ORDERS OF IJ^J John Rider private Souldier in y^ N. York Reg^ being tried for Sleeping on his post is found guilty & is Sentanced to Re- ceive 500 Lashes with a Cat of nine tails. Peter Thear private Souldier in y^ Mas- sachusetts Reg* being found Guilty of De- sertion is Sentanced to Receive 500 Lashes with a Cat of nine tails. The Gen" has been pleas. d to pardon John Rider, Roger Connolly & Peter Thear. They are to be Emmediately Sent for from y^ Guard to their Respective Reg*^ As it appears y* through Neglect of OiF^ ye Articles of war have never been Read to Several of y^ Souldiers in y^ Pro- vencial Troops, Tis therefore Gen" Webb's order y*^ y^ Commanding Off'^ of Each Reg"^ Do Assemble their respective Com- panys & after having read y^ Articles of War Cause Each man present to Sign a paper which y^ Capt. or Comm'^s OfF of y^ Compy is Likewise to Sign as witnesses y*^ they were Present at y^ Reading of them. — GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Fort Edward Sept. 4'^ 1757. Parole Pembrook G. O. A Detachment of 10 men of a Compy from y^ Line with one Capt. 2 Subs. 1 Searj'^' 1 Corp^^ to Every 50 men & one Field Off" to Com'^ y^ Whole to peraid tomorrow morning at y^ Grand pe- raid at 7 oClock in order to Attend ye Execution of Corp^' Dorman & Lualen Rice of y^ Royal Amarican Reg*^ who are to be Shot by a Plattoon of y^ Companys they belong too. — The Royal American Reg*^ to Send one Sub" i Searjt i Corp' & 24 men to bring y^ Prisoners to y^ Plais of Execution. — Majr Fletcher to Com'' y^ Party for y^ Execution. The commander at Saratoge to be Re- lieved on Tuesday Morning next. R. O. That Capt. JefFery with 3 of his Sub"^ 2 Searj^^ 1 Corp'^ & 60 men Attend y^ Execution & to be Ready on y^ Peraid at 7 oClock tomorrow morning & y^ men to Appear Clean & in a Deasant manner. Capt. Whittlecy & Lieu' Castle for y^ above com''- 8% GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Fort Edward Sepf y^ 5^"^ i757- Parole Durham. The Commanding Off ^ of y^ Different Corps are to Order a Party Every morn- ing to Clear y^ Ground without y^ Lines along y*^ Front of their Respective Regt^* all Filth & Nastiness is to be taken away. — The Com'^s Off'^ to be answerable to y^ Gen" y' these orders are Complyd. with Fort Edward Sepf 6^'> 1757 Parole London Fort Edward Sept. J^^iySJ- Parole Plymmouth. G. O. The Sentrys are not to Suffer any Person to go out at y^ Barriers in y^ Front of y^ Camp after Dark. Fort Edward Sepf y^ 8^*^1757. Parole Newtown. Fort Edward Sepf y^ 9''' I757' Parole Glosester. 83 GENERAL ORDERS OF I 757 Fort Edward Sept. y^ lo'*^ ^757- Parole Glasgow Fort Edward Sepf ii^^ i757- Parole Woodstock Fort Edward Sepf 12^^ i757- Parole Monmoth Fort Edward Sep f 13^^ i757- Parole Angle sea. G. O. The men of y^ Different Corps y*^ are with y^ Artilery are to join & Do Duty with their Respective Reg*^^- Capt. Wests Compy of Rangers to be compleated from Capt. Larnards & y^ Re- mainder of Capt. Larnards men after Capt. Wests Compy is Compleated to do Duty with y^ Massachusetts on y^ Island. Capt. Jefferys & Capt. Walls Companys are to join their Corps & to do Duty in y^ Line. — A Gen^^ Court Mareschal to Consist of one Field OfF Six Cape Six Sub' to 84 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 set tomorrow morning at 8 oClock at y^ Presidents Tent. Maj"" Prevo Presi- dent. — R. O. That Capt. Jefferys make a Re- turn to y^ Adjutant as Soon as possable of y^ Number of OfF^ & men fit & unfit for Duty in his Ranging Company y' join y^ Reg' — Searj' Nott is Likewise to give in a Return of his men. Fort Edward Septr y^ 14'^ 1757 Parole I" he t ford G. O. A Capt. 2 Sub^- 4 Searj'^ 4 Corp"^& 96 men of y^ Provensials to hold them Selves in Readiness to March to- morrow morning to Stillwaters. — The commanding Off"^ to Receive his orders this Evening at Gunfiring of Capt. Bart- man Aid De Camp to Gen^^ Webb. Fort Edward Sept. y^ 15'^ i757- Parole Bristol Fort Edward Sept. 16'*^ 1757- Parole Saram 85 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 G. O. All y^ Provensial Troops are Emmediately to move out of y^ Camp & onto y^ Island where they will pitch their Tents in y^ most convenient manner till y^ Ground is Cleard. — The Quarter master & Quarter Searj"^ to apply to M*"- Lesley this afternoon who will Shew them the Ground their Respective Reg"^^ are to Encamp on. — The Provensial Reg^^ to furnish their proporsion of OfF^ & men for y^ Piq^ till further Orders & by turns to furnish an Adjutant of y^ Day to peraid all Partys y' may be orderd from y^ Island & also to attend y^ Maj''^ Brigaid for y^ orders of y^ Day. The Provensial Troops are to be under Com"^ of Col. Lyman who is to Send a Report in Writing Every Day to y^ Gen" by y= Adjutant of y^ Day & all Extraordinarys to be Reported Emedi- ately. Fort Edward Sepf y^ I7'^i757 Parole Mahnsberry. G. O. Field Off for tomorrow Maj' Marsey. S6 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 All Persons Guilty of crimes Cognas- able for a Regimental Court Mareschal are to be confind by y^ Quarter Guard of y^ Reg"^ they belong to, & those for Capi- tal Crimes to be Sent to y^ Fort Guard. The Parole is to be sent to y^ Field OfFr of y^ Day in writing by y^ Majr Brigaid. The Adj^ of y^ ij'^ & 2j'^ Reg^Uo get Standing orders of ye Maj"" Brigaid. Gen'' Webb not approving of Several of y^ Sentences of y^ Gen" Court Mares- chal whereof Maj"^ Prevo is President, they are to meet again tomorrow morning at 9 oClock at y^ Presidents Tent in order to revise them. R. O. Searj^^ David Pike of Gen" Ly- mans Company Being Tryed by a Regi- mental Court mareschal for Neglect of Duty is Reduced to y^ Ranks & to Do Duty as Such. Fort Edward Sept iS^'^ i757- Parole Londendary. G. O. Field OfF for tomorrow. Maj' Prevo. 87 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Fort Edward Sepf 19^^ 1757. Parole Westbury, G. O. Field OfF for tomorrow Maj' Fletcher. Adj' for ye Rag^^ y^ 35 th Reg""- — For y^ Provensials y^ N.-York Reg^- The 17'*^ & Inneskilling Reg'^ to give in a Return as Soon as Possable of their Carpenters, Ship Carpenters, Sawyers, Brick layers, & Joiners y^ are in Each of their Corps, Whenever any Reg^ has occasion to Send any men over to y^ Island they are to Send a Non Commissiond OfF with them & if any men want to go over after their own Business they are to have a pass in writing Signed By y^ Capt. or Com'^e OfF of y^ Compy they belong too which is to be Returnd back when they Return. And y^ Com^s OfF of y^ Provensial Troops on y'^ Island is to Send back all Souldiers belonging to y^ Ragulars, Pris- oners to their Respective Reg^^ who Shall be found on y^ Island not having a Pass without a Non Comm'^ OfF with them — 88 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Any Souldier found Guilty of Disobaying this Order Shall be Sevearly punished. Orders for Ragulating y^ Duty of y^ Pro- vensials on y^ Island. The Guard to consist of one Capt. 2 Sub^- 8 Searj"^^ 8 Corp^^ & 80 men who are to mount at Troop beating in y^ morning Every Day. out of which Number there is one Searj*^ one Corp" & 9 men to be sent from y^ Grand Peraid to Each Corp as a Quarter Guard. The Searjt^ are to make their Reports to y^ Capt. of y^ Main Guard Before they are Relieved & y^ Capt. to y^ Com^^s OfF of y^ Provensials. The Sentrys to be Reliev.d Every 2 hours in y^ Day time & once Every hour in y^ Night. After Tattoe a Searj^ or Corp" with a file of men to Patrole be- tweend Every Relief & a Sub"™ to go y^ Rounds at 12 oClock & another at 2 & y^ Capt. to go y^ Grand Rounds at 3 oClock to Se y' y^ Sentrys are Elert & Watchfull on their posts. R. O. Searj"^ Dickinson of Capt. Jef- ferys Company in y^ Connecticutt Reg"^ is 89 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Reduced to y^ Ranks & to Do Duty as Such. And Corp. David Handee of s** Company is appointed Searj' in s'^ Dickin- sons Room & to be obeyd as Such. Fort Edward Sept. 20^*^ I7S7- Parole Montgomery G. O. Field OIF for tomorrow Lt Col. Morris. Adj*^ for y^ Ragulars y^ 60th Regt. — For ye Provensials y^ Massachusetts Reg'- Gen^^ Webb being Informed Last night there was a grate Noise & Disturbance of y^ Ragularity of y^ Several parts of y' Camp Hoping y"^ for y^ Future he Shall not be Obliged to give out Orders which will be Equally Disagreeable with himself as to y*^ Persons Guilty. Capt. Thody of y^ N. York Regt is to Attend y^ Different Corps whenever y^ Post comes from Albany & Each Reg*^ is to Send a Proper Person to Re- ceive y^ Letters & y^ Person to pay y' postage Due for Such Letters as are De- manded by y^ postmaster at Albany, 90 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Otherwise they will not be Delivered them. The Drum*^^ are not to be allowd to practise before Troop Beating in y^ Morn- ings. Gen^^ Lymans Orders. The Quarter Masters of Each Regt Emediately to See that there are Necessary houses Dug about 100 Yards Advainsed in y^ Front of y^ Incampment which are to be coverd over Every Day with Dirt & when about half full they are to be fild up & Newones Dug.- That y^ Quartermaster of y^ Massa- chusetts Se yt y^ Bank on y^ East of y^ Island be made & kept clean & y^ Quar- ter Master of y^ Connecticutt to Do y* Same on y^ West Bank & y' Quarter Master Ripley takes cair to Build a Neces- sary house over y^ Riv^r below y^ Off" Tents for y^ Use of y^ OfF^- That y^ Field OfFs be Field Off" of y^ Day by turns Day about & y^ Capt^ of y^ Guards to make their Returns to them & they to y^ Commands OfF as Soon as 91 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Convenient after y^ Relief of y^ Guard in y^ morning. Coll : Glayser Field Off-- of this Day. Fort Edward Septr 21^' i747' Parole Minchead. G. O. Field OfF Tomorrow Maj"" Prevo. Adj"^ for y^ Ragu'^ y^ Independ' Compa- nys Adj"^ for y^ Provensials y^ Con- necticutts. Two Companys of y^ Inniskilling Reg' will Peraid tomorrow morning at 7 oClock. A Patrole consisting of a Corp' & 1 men at Tattoe beating in y^ Fort to visit y^ Hutts with out y^ Lines & to confine all Souldiers to be found in them. All OfF^ are Desired to confine any man y"^ they find Gaming & to Send them Prisoners to y^ Fort Guard. The Piq'^ & Guard for y^ Future to lode with y^ havy ball & ye Command* ofF^ of Corps are to Apply to y^ Train for y^ Quantity of Cors powder they will want. 92 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 The Gen'^ Court Mareschal whereof Maj'' Prevo was Presid' is Disolved. A Gen'^ Court Mareschal to consist of one Field OfF Six Capt= & Six Sub^ of y^ Ragular Troops to Set tomorrow morn- ing at y^ Presidants tent. Lieut. Coll : Haviland Presidant. Capt : Charters Judge Advocait. Fort Edward Sep"" 22"'' 1757. Parole T'ruro. G. O. Field Off-^ for tomorrow Maj' Darby. Adj' for y^ Ragulars y^ 17th Reg'- Adj"^ fory^ Provencials y^ N. York Reg*^- Field Offr for y^ Provencials Coll. Glayser. Fort Edward Sept 23'''^ i757- Parole Penryn. G. O. Field OfF for tomorrow Lieut. Col. Haviland Adj' for y^ Ragulars y^ InniskiUing Reg^- Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Rhod Is- land Regt. 93 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Field Offr for y^ Provensial Col. An- gel. The Genii Court Mareschal whereof Lieut. Col. Haviland is President is Dis- solv.d & y^ Genii Having Approv.d of y^ Sentance of Joseph Coser, Corp' of Capt. Porters Company in y^ Royal American Reg^ having ben Tryed for being Insolent to Searjt Mackinsey of s"^ Com- pany & Reg^ & Knocking him Down, is acquitd. For y^ future Commissiond & Non Commd Off" Comma's Guards are to Send a man of their Guard to y^ Adj^ of y' Reg*^ they belong too for y^ Parole, who is to Send it in writing Signd. Fort Edward Sepf ye 24*^ i757- Parole Worcester. G. O. Field OfF for tomorrow, Majr Marsa Adj' for y^ Ragulars y'^ 35th Reg'- Adj* for y^ Provensials y^ Massachusetts Reg'- Field Offr for y^ Provensials Maj' Pason. 94 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 R. O. Capt. Fitch for Guard tomor- row. Corpl Jacob Andrus of Capt : Fitchs company is appointed Serj' in s"* company & is to be obeyd. as Such. — Gideon Dike & James Cobb are ap- pointed Corp^'^ in s'^ Company & are to be obeyed as Such. — Fort Edward Sept. 25*^ i757- Parole Gatton. G. O. Field Of"^ for tomorrow Maj' Fletcher. Adj' for Y R^g'' y^ 60th Reg^ for y^ Provensials y^ Connecticutt Reg' Field ofF for y^ Provensials Col Glayser. Three companys of y^ 17th Reg' will fire tomorrow morning at 7 oClock. Fort Edward Sept. 26''' 1757. Parole Hartford. G. O. Field Offr for tomorrow L'- Col. Morris. Adj' for y^ Rag^^ y^ Independants. 95 GENERAL ORDERS OF IJ ^J for y* Provencials y^ N. Yorke Reg' Field OfF for y^ Provensials Col. Angel. The Capt. Guard on y^ left of y^ lines to be Augmented Every Evening with two Corp''^& 12 men who are to peraid at y^ Same time of y^>Piq*- Fort Edward Septr 27^^1757. Parole Ludlow. G. O. Field OfF for tomorrow Maj"" Prevo Adj' for y« Rag^^ y^ 17th Reg'- Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Rhod-Island Reg'- Field OfF for y^ Provensials Maj"" Pason. The Corps of Lieu' Harrison to be Buried tomorrow morning at 8 oClock & a Lieu'^ Com*^ from y^ Ragulars to Attend his burial. Fort Edward Sept. 28'^ 1757. Parole Shoreham. G. O. Field Offr for tomorrow Maj"^ Darby Adjt for y^ Ragulars y^ Inniskilling 96 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Reg"^- Adj^- for y^ Provensials & Massa- chusetts Reg'- Col. Glayser Field Off- for y« Pro- vensials. No body to fire at mark but by leave & only between y^ hour of lo & 12 oClock in y* forenoon, & all y* Targaits to be put up in Front of y^ Grand Peraid & no where Else. R. O. Capt. Whittlecy & Ens" Tracy for Guard tomorrow. Fort Edward Sept. 29*^ i757- Parole Shaftsbury. G. O. Field oiF for tomorrow L' Col. Haviland. Adjt for y^ Rag^^ y« 35th Regt. Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Connecticutt Reg"^- Field Offr for y^ Provensials Col. Angel. Tis Gen" Lymans orders that y^ off"' belonging to y^ Provensial Troops on y^ Island, Incamp in their Respective plaises in y^ Rear of their Reg'^- When ever any Fireing is heard in 97 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 y^ Woods y^ Capt. of y^ Main Guard is to Send a Searjt & 12 men to Fetch in y^ Persons Fireing & confine them to y^ Main Guard. No Person is to go a hunting with out leave from Capt. Bartman Gen^' Webb's A. D. Camp, & then not to fire within a mile of y^ Camp. Ens" Baldwain for Guard tomorow. Ensn Minor for y^ Saratoge Com^- Fort Edward Sepf 30*"^ i757- Parole Rutland. G. O. Field OfFr for tomorrow Maj' Marsa. Adjt for y^ Rag^' y^ 60th Reg' Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Rhod Island Reg'- Field offr for ye provensials Majr Pason. R. O. L' John Durke for guard to- morrow. — Fort Edward Oct. i^' 1757. Parole Surrey. 98 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 G. O. Field Off for tomorrow Maj'' Fletcher. Adjt for y*= Ragu'' y^ Indep' Compy^- Adj* for y^ Provensials y^ N. York Reg^- Fleld OfF for y^ Provensials Col. Glayser. Fort Edward Oct. 2^^iy^j. Parole Cornwall. G. O. Field OfF for tomorow L* Col: Morris. Adj' fory^ Rag^^ y^ 17th Reg^- Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Massachusetts Reg^- Field OfF for y^ Provensials Col. Angel. Gen'^ Webb having Approved of y^ Sentance of y^ Gen^^ Court Mareschal where of Lord Howe was Presid^ which is as follows. Lieu*^ Noles of y^ Massachusetts Reg' having Ben Tried for Saying in y^ hearing of Capt. West of s"^ Reg*^ & others that there is no man at Fort Ed- 99 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 ward or in this Camp that hath Power to Com"^ y^ Massachusetts Souldiers to Stay- here & if they go home nobody can pun- ish them. — It is y^ Opinion of this Court Mareschal y^ y^ s^ IJ Noles is guilty of y^ Accusation laid to his charge & comes under the Breach of y^ 3rd Article of ye ^nd Sect : of y^ Articles of War and therefore Do Adjudge y*^ afors'* L' Noles have his Sword Break over his Head at y^ Head of y^ Afors'* Reg^ and to be Banish. d out of y^ Camp & Dismissd from his Majestys Service. It is therefore y^ Gen^^* orders y^ s'* Sen- tence be put in Execution tomorrow morn- ing at 8 oClock at y^ head of y^ Proven- sial Camp, at which time a Piq' consisting of one Capt. 2 Sub^ 2 Searj'^- 2 Corp^^ & 48 men from Each of ye Provensial Reg^* to be under arms & to Attend. R. O. Lieu*^ Simons for Guard to- morow. Fort Edward Oct. ;^'^ i757- Parole Maiden. GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 G. O. Field OfF for tomorow Maj' Prevo. Adjt for y^ Ragulars y^ Inniskilling Reg*- Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Connec- ticutt Reg*- Field OfF for y^ Provensials Maj-" Pa- son. A Detachment of two Capt^ Six Sub^ 7 Searj*' 8 Corp^^ & 192 men to Peraid to- morrow morning at Gun firing with Arms. M"-- Lesley A. D. Q. M. Gen" will give them their directions, they are to be Re- lieved by y^ like number of OfF^ & men at 12 oClock who are to Remain upon y* work till Evening & y^ OfF^ are to be allowed only a Piq' Duty in y^ Gen'^ Ros- ter. — The Provensial Troops are Like- wise to Peraid tomorow morning on y^ Island at y^ Same time one Sub : 2 Searj*^- 2 Corp'^ & 50 men with arms who are to be provided with falling Axes. y* Party is likewise to receive their Direc- tions from M"^- Lesley. As Soon as y^ Adj'^ have got y^ De- tail of y^ Number y* Each of their Corps GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 are to furnish, they are to Acquaint their Quarter Master Searj"^^ who are to apply this afternoon to M*"- Lesley for Tools which are to be DD out to them upon their Regimental Peraid tomorow morning. Gen^^ Lymans orders. That all y*^ Fall- ing Axes in Each of y'' Provensial Reg" be Emediately Returnd to y^ Comdg OfFrs of Regts who are to appoint some person as they Shall think Sutable to se y' they are all Ground up & prepaired for Service & to Detach a Sutable number of men for that porpose & all Persons y*^ have any Axes in their possession & Do not Return them as above are to be Punishd as Em- baslers of ye Kings stors. P. Lyman R. O. The Comm<^g ofF of Each Compy in y^ Connecticutt Reg*^ are forth- with to give in a Muster Roll of their Companys Specifying in Diferent Colems those y^ are Dead by Sickness, Kild by y^ Enimy, Captivated, Deserted, Never joind, with y^ Day of y^ Month. By y^ Gen"^ order Timothy Hierlihy Adjutant. GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Fort Edward Ocr 4'^ 1757. Parole Janworth. G. O. Field OfF for tomorow Maj"- Darbe Adjt for y^ Ragulars y^ 35th Reg'- Adj^ for y^ Provensials y^ N. York Reg'- Field OfF for ye Provensials Col : Glayser. The Same number of OfF^ & men as in Yesterdays orders & to be Relieved in y^ Same manner. — R. O. All y^ Commissiond ofF^ of from Duty in y^ Connecticut Reg' to turn out Every morning at Such an hour as Ens" Welch Shall Appoint for Exer- cise & the privates in y^ Afternoon for that purpose. Fort Edward Ocf 5'^ i757- Parole Lymington G. O. Field OiFr for tomorrow L' Col : Haviland. Adj' for y^ Ragulars y" 60th Reg'- 103 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Adj* for y^ Provensials y^ Rhodisland Reg' Field Offr for y^ Provensials Col. An- gel. The working partys to be continu.d & to be Relieved as this Day till further Orders. R. O. Capt : Hitchcock & U Billings for Guard Tomorrow. Fort Edward Ocf 6^^ 1757. Parole j^ar. G. O. Field OfF for tomorrow Lt Col : Morris. Adjt for y^ Rag'^ y^ Indipandant Com- panys. Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Massa- chusetts Reg'- Field Offr for y^ Provensials Maj' Pason. Fort Edward Octr 7'^ 1757. Parole Sussex. G. O. Field OfF for tomorrow Maj' Prevo. 104 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Adjt. for y^ Rag'^ y^ 17th Regt Adj' for y^ Provens'^ y^ Connect^ Field Off" for y^ Provensials Col : Glayser R: O: Capt: Fitch & Ens" Parsons for Guard Tomorrow. Fort Edward Octr 8'^ i757- Parole Rochesterfield. G. O. Field OfF for tomorrow Maj' Derba. Adj' for y^ Rag^^ y^ Inniskilling Reg'- Adj* for y^ Provensials y" N. York Reg'- Field OfF for ye Provensials Col: Angel Capt Wests Company of Rangers to return to their respective Companys & to do Duty there. Tis Gen" Lymans orders that y^ Com- m'^e OfF of Each of y^ Provensial Reg'' Se that there is a Peraid made in y^ Front of their Encampment & y' all y^ Streets & Allies in y^ camp are kept clean. xos GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Capt: Wests Ranging company Em- mediately to Strike their Tents & Pitch with y^ Reg^ of their Reg"^ — R. O, David Pike of Gen^' Lymans & Charles Ripley of Capt: Slaps Companys are Restored to Searj'^ & to be Obay.d as Such. — Fort Edward Ocf 9'^ 1757- Parole Cambridge. G. O. Field OfF for tomorrow Maj' Fletcher. Adj^ for y^ Rag'^ y" 35th Reg^- Adjt for y^ Provens'^ y^ Rhod Island Reg^- Field OfF for y^ Provensials Maj"" Pason. R. O. That y« Off^ of y« Several Companys in y^ Connecticut Reg*^ are to take Spatial cair y"^ y^ men of their Several Companys build their Chimnys in Such a manner as will best Secure y^ mens Helth, Prevent Damage in their Tents and Cloths & make y^ most Deasent and Souldier- like Appearence that is Possable. 106 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Fort Edward Ocf lo''^ i757- Parole JVendover. G. O. Field offr for Tomorow L* Col. Morris. Adj' for y« Rag^^ y^ 6oth Reg' Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Massachusetts Regt Field ofF for y^ Prov"'^ Col : Glayser. The Provensial Troops are to Send over this afternoon at 4 oClock to Mr. Euings Cleark of Ordnance Stores all the Axes they have Rec"^ Except y^ 60 Now Employd By y^ working partys on ye Hill. — The commanding OfF^ of Differ- ent Corps to be answerable to Gen^^ Webb that this order is strictly Obayd. The Effects of y^ Late L*^ Harrison of y^ Royal Artilery to be Disposed off by Publick Oction Tomorow in the After- noon in y^ Rear of y^ Artilery Park. Fort Edward Ocf 11'^ i757- Parole Ducks bury. G. O. Field off"^ for tomorow Maj' Prevo. Adj' for y^ Rag'^ y^ Independants. — 107 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 Adj'^ for the Provensials y^ Connecti- cutts. Field OfF for y= Provensials Col. Angel. A Court of Enquiery Consisting of Col. Lyman Col. Glayser. Col. Angel Maj"" Pason & Capt ; Carver of y^ Mas- sachusetts Regt Set tomorow morning at 7 oClock at Col : Lymans Tent to Ex- amen into y^ Complaint of L^ Russel of y^ Rhodisland Reg^ against Capt. Wall of S"* Reg' & give in their Opinion to Gen'^ Webb. Fort Edward Ocf 12^^1757. Parole Sarum G. O. Field OfF for tomorow Maj' Darbe Adj' for ye Rag^^ y^ 17th Reg'- Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ N. York Reg'- Field Offr for y^ Provensials Maj' Pason. The Troops to Receive 4 Days Salt & 3 Days Fresh Provision Till farther orders. 108 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 The working party Employd on y^ Hill are for y* Future to peraid at 7 oClock Every morning & not to Ret" till Evening, y^ men are to carry their Provi- sion for y^ Day with them. R. O. Capt: Jeffery For Guard to- morow. — Ens" Baldwain for Saratoge. Fort Edward Ocf 13'*^ i757- Parole Nairn. G. O. Field Off for tomorow Maj' Fletcher. Adj' for y^ Rag^^ y^ Inniskilling Reg'- Adj'^ for the provensials y^ Rhod Island Reg' Field OfF for y^ Provensials Col : Glayser. Fort Edward Ocf 14'^ i757- Parole Inverness G. O. Field Off for tomorow L' Col : Morris Adjt for y« Rag^^ y^ 35th Reg'- Adj' for y^ Provencials y^ Massachusetts Regi- ment. 109 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1JS7 Field OfF for y^ Provensials Col : Angel. The Field OfF of y^ Day to make his Report to the Eldest Field OfF in Camp. — Agreable to Gen'' Webbs order to us to Enquire into ye Complaint of Lieu* Russel of y^ Rhod Island Reg^ against Capt. Wall of s'' Reg^- We have persuant to that Carefully Examen.d into y^ affair & it is our Oppinion y^ Capt: Wall is guilty of y^ Crime Exhibited by L' Rus- sel as he can Soport it by a number of Witnesses. And it is our further Oppin- ion y*^ Capt: Wall ask Lt. Russels Pardon at y^ head of y^ Reg' before y^ Col: & all his OfF^- P. Lyman B. Glayser S. Angel N. Pason J. Carver Orders That Capt. Wall ask Lt Rus- sels pardon at y^ head of y^ Rhod Island GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Regt according to ye above Sentence of y^ Court of Enquiery. Fort Edward Octr 15^^^ 1757 Parole Glasgow. G. O. Field OfF for tomorow Maj""- Prevo. Adj' for y^ Rag'^ y^ Royal Amari- can Reg'- — Adj' for the Provensials y^ Connecticut Reg"^- Field Offr for y^ Provensials Maj"" Pa- son. Gen^^ Lymans orders. That no per- son is allowed to play with Panics in ye Provensial Camp & whatever person Diso- bays these orders will be Sevearly Pun- ish. d Fort Edward Ocf 16^^1757. Parole Barwick. G. O. Field OfF for tomorow Maj' Darbe. Adj' for y^ Rag'^ y^ Indipendant Com- pany. Adj* for the Provensials y^ N. York Reg*- GENERAL ORDERS OF IJSJ Field OfF for y* Provensials Col : Glayser Fort Edward Ocf 17^^ i757- Parole Argyle G. O. Field OfF for tomorow Maj' Fletcher. Adjt for 7"= Rag"^y^ 17th Reg' Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Rhod-Island Reg*^- Field OiF for ye Provensials Col : Angel. The Several Reg'^ & Independant Companys now at Fort Edward Eme- diately to prepair Muster Rolls from y° 25'^ of April 1757 to y^ 24th of Ocf fol- lowing. Each Compy to have one parch- ment & Four paper Rolls. R. O. Each Company of y^ Con- necticut Reg' is Emediately to give in to y^ Adj' y^ names of those y' have Died, Deserted, Discharged, &c. in their Several Companys Since y^ j*^"^ of Ocf Inst. — Searj' Josiah Smith of Captt : Slapps Company is by Gen'^ Lymans order Re- dused to y^ Ranks & to Do Duty as Such GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 for unfaithfulness in his Duty when on Guard. Capt: Wells & L* Fitch for Guard to- morow. Fort Edward Ocf i8th 1757. Parole Sterling. G. O. Field Off for tomorow U Col: Morris. Adj^ for y^ Rag'^ y^ y^ Inniskilling Reg' — Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Massa- chusetts Reg* Field OfF for ye Prov"i=- Maj-" Pason. The Pioniers & Camp Colermen of Each Company with a Quarter Master Searj' from Each Corp to peraid tomorrow morning Emediately after Guard mount- ing with their Tools in order to build Hutts for y^ Several Guards in y^ Lines The whole to be under y^ Direction of y^ Quarter Master of y^ 17th Reg'- who is to Receive his orders from y^ Field OfF of y^ Day. N. B. The men for work are to bring "3 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 their Breakfast with them as they will not be allowd to go to y* Island till Din""- R. O. Capt : Hitchcock & U Huntly for Guard tomorow Fort Edward Ocf 19*'* 1757. Parole Cliston G. O. Field OfF for tomorow Maj' Prevo. Adj' for y^ Rag^^ y^ 35th Reg*- — Adj"^ for y^ Prov^'^ the Connecticutt Reg*- Field OfF for y^ prov.*^^ Col. Glayser. John Rhodes a private Souldier in y^ Royal Amarican Reg* having ben Tried at a Gen" Court-Mareschal for Stealing Several Species of Goods (y^ prop- erty of Garshom Levi) is found guilty of y^ charge layd against him & is Sentanc.d to Suffer Death for y^ Same. Fraderic Young a private Souldier in y= Royal Amarican Reg* having ben Tried at a Gen" Court Mareschal for Stealing Sundry Species of Goods (y^ property of Garshom Levi) is found guilty of y^ Theft Laid to his charge and is Sentanced to 114 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1JS7 Receive looo Lashes with a Cat of 9 tails & to be Drumd out of y^ Reg^ with a Holter about his Neck & with a Labell upon his Brest. George Leynord a private Souldier in y'= Royal Amarican Reg' having ben Tried at a Gen" Court Mareschal for Stealing Sundry Species of goods (y^ prop- erty of Gershom Levi) is found guilty of y^ Theft Laid to his charge & is Sentenced to receive 1000 Lashes with a cat of 9 tails and to be Drumd out of y^ Reg* with a Holter about his Neck & with a Labill upon his Brest. John Kim a private Souldier in y'= Royal Amarican Reg*^ having ben Tryed at a Gen" Court Mareschal for Stealing Sundry Species of goods (y'= prop- erty of Garshom Levi) is found Guilty of y^ Theft Laid to his charge & is Sentanced to Receive 500 Lashes with a cat of 9 tails. Andrew Westerman a private Souldier in y^ Royal Amarican Reg*^ having ben Tried at a Gen" Court Mareschal for De- GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 sertion & also for Stealing Sundry Species of goods (y^ property of Garshom Levi) is found guilty of y* whole charge layd against him & is Sentanced to Suffer Death for y^ Same. John McDuffy a private Souldier in y^ N. York Reg* Having ben tryed at a Gen^' Court Mareschall for Deserting & Stealing Capt: Bellew's horse of y^ 35th Reg^ is found guilty of y^ Charge brought against him & is Sentanced to Suffer Death for y^ Same. The Gen^^ Having approved of y^ above Sentances is pleasd to order that John Rhodes & John Westerman private Souldiers in v^ Royal American Reg'^ Do Suffer Death tomorow morning at 8 oClock. — John McDuffy private Souldier in y^ N. York Reg"^ be Pardon. d. The Field OfF of y^ Day with y^ Piq*^ of y^ Line, & a Detachment of One Capt: 2 Sub'- 2 Searj^'- 2 Corp"^& 48 men from N, York Reg' to Attend y^ Execution. As Soon as y^ Piq' is formd y^ Field 116 GENERAL ORDERS OF IJ ^J OfP of y^ Day is to order a Searj' & 1 2 men with y^ Prevos to go & fetch the Prisoners. John McDufFy & y^ other Prisoners orderd to receive Corpl Pun- ishment are Hkewise to march to y^ plais to attend y^ Execution. The Troop not to beet tomorow morning till 10 oClock & y^ Guards to Peraid Emediately after. The Prevo is to take cair to have Labills fixt upon the Brests of y^ Prisoner ordered to Suffer Death Specifying the Crimes for which they Suffer. R. O. L*- Harden for Guard to- morow. Fort Edward Ocf 20^*^ i757- Parole JVenchester. G. O. Field Off-- tomorow Maj' Darbe. Adj^ for y^ Rag'^ y<= 60th Reg*- — Adj* for y^ Provensials y^ N. York Reg* Field Off"^ for y* Provensials Col : Angel. "7 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Gen" Lymans orders. That there be a Detachment of 220 men properly offi- cerd from y^ Provensial Troops to peraid tomorow morning at 6 oClock in order to March to Lake George & to Take 2 Days provision with them. Fort Edward Ocf 21^' i757- Parole 'Taunton. G. O. Field Of? tomorow Maj' Fletcher. Adj*^ for y^ Ragulars y^ Independants. Adj' for the Provensials y^ Rhod-Island Reg^- Col : Pason Field OfF for y« Proven- sials. For y^ future when y^ Guards march off from the Peraid, y^ Rear Ranks are to Close to y^ Front & they are to wheel to y= right by Divisions, y^ Front Rank of Each Division is to Step of with y^ Rear Rank of y^ Division before them & y^ Senter & Rear Ranks of Each Divi- sion are not to march of with y^ Front Rank of their Respective Divisions but to 118 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Step of with y^ Front & Rear of y^ Right before them. After Orders. The 17^*^ & Inniskil- ling Reg' are to be Musterd tomorow at 12 oClock, & y^ 2S^^ ^ Royl Amarican Reg' & Independant Companys are to take all y* Guards tomorow. The 35th & Royl Amarican Reg' & Independant Companys are to be Mus- terd on Sunday in y^ forenoon, y^ 17th & Inniskilling Reg' are to take all y* Guards. N. B. The Same party y' was orderd for Saratoge to Day, to march tomorow with y^ Teems Arrivd. R. O. Ens" Parsons for Guard To- morow. Fort Edward Ocf 22"^^ i757- Parole Darby. G. P. Field OfF for tomorow L' Col. Morris. Adj' for y^ Rag'^ y^ 17th Reg'- Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Massachusetts Reg'- 119 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Col. Glayser Field ofF for y^ Proven- sials. Fort Edward Ocf 23'''* 1757 Parole Dover. G. O. Field OfF for tomorow Maj^ Prevost. Adj' for y^ Ragulars y^ Inniskilling Reg'- Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Con- necticutt Reg"^- Col : Angel Field OfP for y^ Proven- sials. The workmen Employed by y^ Engi- neer are to be Furnish.d by y^ Ragular Troops till further orders & y^ Provensial Troops ar to furnish whatever men Shall be Demanded by Ens" Parsons (of y^ Con- necticutt Reg*^- ) till ye Bridge over to y^ Island is finished. All y^ hand Hatch- ets y"^ have been Deliver.d out to y^ Pro- vensials by Mr. Euens Clerk of Ordnance Stores are to be Returnd to him as Soon as Possable. A List of y^ Names of y^ Women belonging to Each Corp to be given into GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 y= Gen" Emediately Specifying y'^ Com- panys to which they belong. A Copy of an Advertisement Sent up by Capt. Christy A. D. Q. M. Gen" Whereas two Canadian Prisoners Le- coign & Leforge confind in y^ Fort at Albany on Suspicion of carrying on a Corrispondancy with y^ Enimy found means to Escape on y^ i6'^ Currt in y^ Night. This is to give notice to all his Majestys Subjects who Shall Appre- hend & bring them to Albany Shall Re- ceive iOj£ N. York Currancy Emediately paid or lo^ N. York Currency for one of them. All off" Civel or Military are Desired & Required to be Aiding & As- sisting in Apprehending & Securing s"^ Le- coign & Leyforge by Com*^ of the Genii. Gabi Christy A. D. Q. M. Gen" R. O. Capt. Fitch & Ensn Tracy for Guard, Ens" Baldwain for y^ Saratoge Com'^- Fort Edward Octr 24^^ i757- Parole Lincoln. GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 G. O. Field OfF for tomorow Maj' Darbe. Adj^ for y^ Ragulars y^ 35 th Reg^- Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ N. York Reg^- Col. Pason Field Off' for y^ Proven- sial. R. O. Ens" Minor for Guard. Fort Edward Ocf 25, 1757. Parole Newark. Field OfF for tomorow Maj'' Fletcher. Adj' for y« Rag'^ y^ 60^^^ Reg'- Adj' for y^ Provensials the Rhode Island Reg' Field Off for y^ Provensial Col. Glayser. R. O. Capt: Slapp & L' Wells for Guard tomorow. Josiah Smith of Capt: Slaps Company is Restored to be a Searjant in s*^ Company & is to be Obayd as Such. Fort Edward Oct"^ 26'^^ i757- Parole Stafford. GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Field Off for tomorow L' Col: Mor- ris. Adj* for y^ Rag'^ y*= Independant Companys. Adj"^ for y^ Provensials y^ Massachusetts Reg"^- Field OfF for y^ Provensials Col. Angel. The working partys orderd for y*^ A. D. Q. M. G^^ are to carry their Days Pro- visions with them. The provensial Troops will Fire on y^ Island this afternoon. R. O. Lieu* John Durke for Guard tomorow. Fort Edward Ocf 27**^ i757- Parole Cheshier Field OfF for tomorow Maj"^ Provost. Adjt for y« Rag^^ y« 17th Reg*- — Adj* for y^ Provensials y^ Connecticutt Reg* Field OfP for y'= Provensials Mj' Pason. R. O. Cap* JefFery for Guard to- morow. 123 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 Fort Edward Ocf 28^^ i757- Parole Marlow, Field OfF tomorow Maj"" Darbe. Adj^ for y^ Rag'^ y^ Inniskilling Reg*- Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ N. York Reg^- Field OfF for y^ Provensials Col. Glayser. N. B. The party from y^ Connecticutts is to continue 4 Days & Cr: will be given them in y^ Gen^^ Roster. R. O. L' Simons for Guard tomorow. Fort Edward Ocf 29^^1757. Parole Eye. Field OfF' for tomorow Maj"* Fletcher Adjt for y^ Rag'« 35th Reg'- Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Rhod Island Reg"^- Field OfF for y^ Provensials Col. Angel. Fort Edward Octr 30**^ i757- Parole Sandwich. Field Offr for tomorow L' Col. Morris. 124 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Adj' for y^ Ragulars y^ Royal Amari- can Reg'- Adj*^ for y^ Provensials y^ Mas- sachusetts Reg*^- Field OfF for y^ Provensials Maj' Pason. R. O. Capt : Wells & L' Elmer for Guard tomorow. Fort Edward Ocf 31^' i757- Parole Salfash. G. O. Field offr for tomorow Maj' Prevost. Adj'- for y^ Independant Companys. Adj' for the Provensials y^ Connecticutt Regt- Field OfF for y^ provensials Col. Glayser. R. O. Capt : Gallup & L' Fitch for Guard tomorow. Fort Edward Nov"" i*' 1757 Parole Rygate. G. O. Field OfF tomorow Maj-^ Darbe Adj' for y^ Rag^^ y^ 17th. — Adj' for y'= Provensials the N. York Reg'- "5 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Field OfF for y* Provensials Col : Glayser. Fort Edward Nov"" i"*^ i757- Parole Beverly. G. O. Field OfF for tomorrow Majr Fletcher. Adjt for Y" Ragi' y" 35th Reg^- Adjt for y^ Provensials y* Rhod Island Reg^- Field OfF for y^ Provensials Maj^ Pa- son. Whenever his Excelency y* Earl of Loudoun shall Arrive the Lines are to Turn out at y^ Head of their Respective Encampents & Draw up according to His Royal Highness the Dukes orders. The 17**^ Regt is to have a Sub" i Searj^ i Corp. & 30 men ready to turn out at a Minutes warning as a Guard upon y^ Earl of Loudoun. — Each Corp is to have an Orderly Searj^ Ready for y= Earl of Loudoun & y^ Adj' Gen'^ when ever Sent for by y Maj"" Brig-Aid. Q\\ Lns o. That all y* Commissiond 126 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 & Non-Commissiond OfP^ & Souldiers belonging to y^ Several Provensial Corps on y^ Island to hold them Selves in Read- iness to turn out at a Minuts warning at y^ head of their Respective Reg^^ this af- ternoon. The Souldiers without their arms. R. O. Searj"^ Epaphras Not of Capt. Whittlecy Company in Gen" Lymans Reg^ is Appointed Searj^- Maj"" in s'^ Reg' & is to be obayd as Such. Lieu* Billings for Guard tomorrow Fort Edward Nov' y^ i757- Parole Arunder G. O. Field OfF for tomorow L* Col. Morris. Adj* for y« 6oth Reg*- — Adj* for y^ Provensials y^ Massachusetts Re'- Field OfF for y' Provensials Col. Glayser. A Return to be given in Emmediately to y^ Maj*" Brig Aid from Each Corp of y* Number of men they have to send from their Hospitals to Albana. — The Cirgions 1Z7 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 of Each Corp are all ways to Attend them Selves & se their own Sick properly in ye Waggons. Upon y^ Arrival of y^ Earl of Lou- doun y^ Guns will be Fired. R. O. Capt : Hitchcock for Guard to- morow & L"^ Huntley for y^ Saratoge Command. Fort Edward Nov"" 4^^ 1757. Parole Brentford G. O. Field Officer for tomorow Maj' Prevost. Adj' for y^ Rag'^ y^ Independant Compy^ — Adj*^ for y^ Provensials y^ Con- necticutt Reg"^- Field OflP for y^ Provensials Col : Angel. R. O. L' Nichols for Guard tomorow. Fort Edward Nov"" 5^^ 1757. Parole Maiden. G. O. Field OiF for tomorow Maj' Darbe. 128 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Adjtfory^ Rag'^ 17'*^ Reg^- — Adj' for y^ Provensuals y^ N. York Reg*^- Field Off" for y^ Provensials Maj' Pason. The out Centerys from y^ Guard in Camp are not to allow any Souldier to pass them without a Pass from y^ OfF of y^ Guard. & y^ Patroles from y^ G"* upon y*" Right & left of y^ Lines are to make prisoners all Souldiers y* they find beyond y^ Advans'd Centerys who are to be Confin.d & tried for Disobaying orders. Qu Lns o. that any person who Shall be found Guilty of fireing off Crackers or Squibs in y^ Provensial Camp Shall be Emediately Confin.d for Disobaying orders & Embazling y^ Kings Stores. The Searj*^ & Corp'^^ of Each Corp are to Se y"^ their men who are orderd for any Com^ are acq' 24 Rounds of powd*"- & Ball before they march them into y^ Grand Peraid. R. O. Capt. Durke & L' Parsons for Guard tomorow. 129 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 Fort Edward Nov"" 6^^ 1757. Parole Harwich. G. O. Field OfF tomorow U Col. Morris. Adj' for y^ Rag'^ ye Inniskilling Reg'* — Adj' for the Provensials y^ Rhodisland Reg^-^ Field OfP for y^ Provensials Col. Glayser. The 2'^ Battallion of y^ Royal Amari- can Reg*^ is to March tomorow. Y^ Off^ & men of y' Corp now on Duty are to come of Emediately after Gunfiring to- morrow morning No huts to be burnt upon any account. The piq' till further orders is to be furnish. d from y^ 17^^ & 27^^^ Reg^^ & to consist of one Capt : 3 Sub^ 4 Searj^^ 9 Corp^^^ & 148 men. — Ye Piq' is to peraid tomorow morning at gunfiring & y^ Capt. with two Subs : 3 Searj'^ = 5 Corp"^ & 9 1 men is to march to y^ Left of y^ Lines to Relieve y^ Capt : of y^ Guard there the other Sub" with one Searj^ 4 Corp^' & 57 men is to march & Relieve y^ OfP on 130 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 y^ Right of y^ Lines & for y^ future y^ Posts of y^ Camp are to be Augmented by y^ Piq"^ & Divided as above. Y^ 17*^ & 27'*^ Reg*^ are to Augment their Quarter Guards with one Sub. i Searj*^ i Corp^ & 30 men Each. & to mount every morning at Troop beeting. R. O. Capt. Fitch for Guard tomorow. Fort Edward NoV 7'^ i757- Parole Loudoun. G. O. Field OfF for tomorow Maj' Darbe Adj' for y^ Rag'» y^ 17th Reg'- Adj' for y^ Provensials y^ Massachusetts Reg*- Field OfF for y^ Provensials Col. Angel R. O. Ens" Chick for Guard tomorow Corp^ Kent of Gen^' Lymans Com- pany is Appointed Searj"^ & Osaah Will- cockson is Appointed Corp^^ and both to be obay.d as Such. A Return to be given in to y^ Adj' Emediately of y^ Names of all y^ Artifis- 131 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 ers of Each Company in y^ Connecticutt Reg^- Fort Edward Nov"" S^^ i757- Parole London. G. O. Field OfF tomorow U Col. Haviland. Adj' for y^ Rag>^ y^ if^ Reg^- — Adj*^ for the Provensials y^ Connecticutt Reg*- Field OfF for y« Provensials Maj"" Pa- son. All ye Folentears belonging to y^ Rag- ular Troops & now with y^ Rangers are to join their Respective Corps as Soon as they can. The 17'^ Reg* & y^ Detachment from the Inniskilling Reg* y* are to be Posted at Saratoge & Still Water are to March tomorow. G^ L"^ O. That y^ men belonging to y^ Provensial Troops take perticular Cair not to pull Down or Distroy any of their Hutts upon Penalty of Staying here all Winter. 132 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 The men y"^ Ens" Sumner has a List of belonging to y^ Connecticutt Reg* are to march to Saratoge tomorow morning by lo oClock. Fort Edward Nov"" 9'^ i757- Parole Barwick. R. O. At a Gen" Assembly of y^ Gov- erner & Company of y^ Colony of Con- necticutt holden at Hartford y^ 2"*^ Thurs- day of May A. D. 1757. Whereas y^ Reg"^ Raisd in this Colony y^ present Year to act in Conjunction with his Majestys Ragular Troops under y' Com*^ of his Excelency y^ Earl of Lou- doun in y^ Next Campaign are furnish. d with y^ Kings arms for which Recaits are taken of y^ Respective Compy^ who are ac- cordingly chargable with y^ Same to be Returned According to Such orders as Shall be given by y^ Commander in Chief of his Majestys forces in North America to Such Person or Persons as Shall be ap- pointed by this Assembly to Receive y* Same. Therefor it is Resolv.d by this »33 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 Assembly y*^ Andrew Burr of Fairfield Esq""- Col : Gurd" Saltonstall of New Lon- don, Col. Jabez Hamlin of Middle Town Maj"" David Whitney of Canaan & Mist" Chancy Whittlecy & Joseph Church of Hartford are appointed and Impowered to Receive y^ S*^ Arms from y^ S"^ Capt^- & give proper Receits for y^ Same & keep Distinct Accounts of Each Capt^ Com- pany & keep y* Same in good order un- til further Directions be given them by y^ Assembly. George Wyllys Sec^ A true Coppy. The Commanding OfF^ of y^ Several Companys in y^ Connecticutt Regt are to take perticular Cair not to have any Bills Contracted upon y^ Governments Credit upon their march home. The following Detachment to be Drafted in to Capt. Putnam's Ranging Company this Afternoon, (viz) Gen" Ly- mans Company 3 men Capt. Gallup 5, Cap : Wellss 2. Capt. Whittlecys 2. 134 GENERAL ORDERS OF 1757 Fort Edward Nov. lo'*' 1757. Parole Loudoun. Col. Haviland's orders. All y^ Mas- sachusetts Rhod-Islanders & Connecticutts (Except y^ two companys of y^ Connecti- cut Rangers) to hold them Selves in Read- iness to march as soon as Carnage can be provided, the men of these Corps now on Duty are to be Relieved by y^ N. York- ers. Maj"" Rogers is to order a Guard of Rangers to post proper sentery from it, on y^ Live Stock Garden & Fire wood & no Sort of thing to be taken out ofy= Garden without proper leave from Col: Haviland & no fire wood to be touch. d as they will be answerable for it & y^ offender pun- ished with the utmost Severity. The guard at y^ Island End of y*" Bridge not to Suffer any man to pass over toard y^ Garden after the Retreat. — And any Preson y^ is known (Either of y* Troops in Garson or on y^ Island) to pul down any part of a Hut on Either Side y^ water will be brought to a Court Mare- »35 GENERAL ORDERS OF I757 schal for y^ Same unless he Shall have perticular leave for it. Fort Edward Nov"" io*''i757. Parole Hampton. The Massachusetts & Rhodlslanders to march Emediately. they are to apply to M*^- Lesley for carnage & proceed accord- ing to y^ orders they have Rec*^ from Lord Loudoun. Fort Edward Nov"" 12^^ i757- Parole Inverness. Fort Edward Nov"" 13''' 1757- Parole Sterling. Fort Edward Nov'' 14'^'^ i757- Parole Prestonpan. Fort Edward Nov"" 15''' i757- Parole CoUoden. Fort Edward Nov"" 16^'' i757- Parole Perth. 136 GENERAL ORDERS OF IJS7 Fort Edward Nov"" ly''^ 1767. Parole I'weede. Fort Edward Nov"" 18''' i757- Parole Callen. 137 INDEX INDEX Adams, Doctor, 79 Adjutants and orders, 31 Alarms, 21, 22, 24, 50 Albany, detachment for, 66 Ammunition, 42 Anderson, John, 80 Andrus, Jacob, Captain, 95 Angel, S., Colonel, no Arms, return of, 41, 133 Articles of War, 9, 20, 81 Artificers, return of, 131 Assembly of Connecticut, 133 Attack, report on, 53 Axe parties, 102, 107 Bark, gathering, 20 Bartman, George, Captain, 33, Beer, brewing of, 70 Bellew, Captain, 1 1 6 Billings, Lieutenant, 104 Breach of Order, 3, 9 Bridge to Island, 120 Burr, Andrew, 134 Burying-ground, 47 Camp, cleaning of, 25, 29, 33. 83, 105 Carpenters, 88 Carpenters, ship, 40, 58, 59 Cartridges, 5, 8, 28, 37, 40, 45 Carver, J., Captain, no Castle, Lieutenant, 26, 82 Centries, punishment, 67 Certificates for hospital, 54 Charters, Captain, 93 Chimneys, 106 Christie, Gabriel, Captain, 35, 36, 121 Church, Joseph, 134 Cobb, James, 95 Commissaries, 69 Comstock, Josiah, Sergeant, 49 Connecticut, 47, 102, 133 Connolly, Roger, 80 Coser, Joseph, 94 Crackers, firing of, 129 Cunningham, Captain, 27 Dalyell, Lieutenant, 55 141 INDEX Delancey, Captain, 79 Deserters, 68, 70 Dickinson, Sergeant, 89 Dike, Gideon, 95 Dorman, Henry, 79, 82 Dress of men, 47, 49, 63 Drummers, 91 Dun, John, 80 Durkee, John, Lieutenant, 4, 16, 17, 30. 47 Durkee, Robert, Lieutenant, 16 Ewings, Clerk of Ordnance, 107, 120 Exercise of men, 49, 78, 103 Fascines, 34 Firelocks, repair of, 41 Firing of pieces, 58, 72, 97 Fitch, Captain, 10, 26, 30 Fleming, Francis, 79 Fletcher, Major, 21, 25, 27, 28, 75, 82 Flints, I 3 Fort Ann, 17, 20 Fort Edward, 10, 49 Fort William Henry, 54 Furniss, Contractor, 39 Gallup, Ben Adam, Captain, 12, 17 Gaming, 92 Garden, 14, 135 Glayser, B., Colonel, 92 Goff, Colonel, 26 Gordon, Engineer, 71 Guards, 118 Guards at Fort Edward, 1 5 Guards at Scortercook, 4, 6, 7 Half Moon, 56, 57 Hamlin, Jabez, I 34 Handee, David, Corporal, 90 Harding, Lieutenant, 47 Harrison, Lieutenant-Colonel, 96, 107 Haviland, Lieutenant-Colonel, 93 Haviland, Captain, 135 Hierlihy, Timothy, 102 Hitchcock, Captain, 47, 74 Hogaboom's, I, 3 Hospital, 54, 127 Houses, necessary, 34, 46, 91 Howard, Benjamin, Ensign, 16 Howe, Lord, 66, 67 Hull, Silley, 80 Humphreys, Lieutenant, 17, 30 Hunting, 75 Huts, 113, 132, 135 Independent Companies, 46 Indians, 12, 14, 17, 44, 60, 74 Inspection, 23, 55, 64 Invalids, 79 Island, occupation of, 86 Island, rules for, 88 Jeffery, John, Captain, 16, 30, 82, 85 Johnson, Sir William, 14, 17 Johnson, 60 Jones, John, 80 Kent, Corporal, 131 142 INDEX Kim, John, 115 Knowles, see Notes Lake George, detachment to, iig Lamed, Captain, 84 Lecoign, 121 Leforge, 1 2 1 Lesley, 11, 35, 46 Letters, 33, 43, 90 Levi, Garshom, 114 Leynord, George, 115 Liquor, sale of, 44, 54 Littler, Captain, 55 Loudoun, Earl of, 126 Lyman, Phineas, 1, 86 McDuffy, John, 116 Marsey, Major, 86 Maunsel, Captain, 75 Minor, Ensign, 4, 9, 17 Morris, Roger, 40 Mullen, William, 80 Murphy (Murfa), Gardiner, 71 Muster rolls, 8, 19, 26, 31, 71, 112 New Hampshire troops, 25 Nichols, Nicholas, 13, 47 Noles, Lieutenant, 99 Nott, Epaphras, Sergeant, 85, 127 Odea, Doctor, 79 Officer of the day, duties of, 66 Officers, rank of, 77 Officers to wear swords, 44 Ord, Captain, 41 Panics, ill Parade, 2, 10 1 Parole, 87, 94 Parsons, Ensign, 120 Patrol, night, 70 Payson, N., Major, 75 Picquets, 22, 37 Pike, David, Sergeant, 87, 106 Pioneers, 1 1 3 Porter, Elijah, Ensign, 4, 1 3 Powder-horns, 65 Prayers, 79 Prevost, Major, 63, 85 Prisoners, 43, 69, 76, 87, 121 Provisions, 24 Putnam, Captain, 8 Randal, Benjamin, 80 Rangers, 16, 19, 39, 50, 58, 67, 70, 84, 85, 105 Rank of officers, 77 Returns, 27, 40, 46, 59, 62, 64, 76, 102 Rhodes, John, 114 Rice, Llewellen, 79, 82 Rider, John, 81 Ripley, Charles, 106 Ripley, Quartermaster, 91 Rogers, Major, 135 Royal Americans, 130 Rum, 14 Russell, Lieutenant, 108, no Sailors, return of, 40, 58, 59 Saltonstall, Gurdon, 134 Saratoga, 1 1, 48 Sawyers, 73 Scouts, 60 143 INDEX Sentinels, 21, 67 Simons, Lieutenant, 4, 17 Slapp, John, Captain, 12, 13, 28, 30 Smith, Josiah, Sergeant, 1 1 2, 122 Stillwater, 48, 85 Stoughton, John, Lieutenant, 9, 13, 16 Strolling, 27, 56, 129 Suttlers, regulations, 35, 54 Teams, 60 Tents, 32, 62 Thear, Peter, 8 1 Thody, Captain, 90 Timber, 18, 71, 74 Titcomb, Lieutenant, 61 Tools, 28 Tuttle, Jonathan, 32 Vannigan, Lieutenant, 40 Wall, Captain, 108, 110 Waterman, Jedediah, Lieuten- ant, 9, 12 Webb, Daniel, Major-General, 29, 87, 90 Welch, 15 Wells, Captain, 30 Wells, Samuel, Lieutenant, 13, 28, 47 Welsh, Patrick, 78 West, Captain, 84 Westerman, Andrew, 115 Whitney, David, i 34 Whittlesey, Aaron, Captain, 3. 9. 82 Whittlesey, Chauncy, I 34 Willcockson, Osaah, Corporal, 131 Women, enlisted, 41, 120 Woodall, Captain, 42 Young, Frederic, 114 Young, Lieutenant-Colonel, 42 144 r^.i-, . 0^ V^-\/* ^"°* > '5^ ^o a'^ V- O \'^ .. -^ ' .^^ 'b V^ r « ♦ • o V-^^ v^9- A 0- '^^ ■ <^. -..- ^0^ \. •^0^ 0^ ,.^'/. ^O • 'vV /v » ^m Deacldified using the Bookkeeper process. ' "• \S^ Cj « VOA Neutralizing Agent: MagnesiunD Oxide < ? - vvS^ Treatment Date: .0^ .-j.:_%'^Oo .-^^.'J^!.^^ iBBKKEEPER ^oV^ s .' PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES. INC. V 1 1 1 Thomson Part^ Drive Cranberry Twp.. PA 16066 (412)779-2111 ^ ■kVA\ -^.^ .v^ - ■C"^ .A 0^ APR 69 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 4 O -a/* y<»