w*r» . & 1> t J, U *7* y" 7 ^ ^ ,/~ J i- ■ ^ « *^ ^ V ^V B <>••••<** *bV B * ^ CARL SCML'RZ. HISTORY OF V& GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES AND Successful German-Americans and Their Descendants BY GEO. VON SKAL 1908 I of CuI\mRESS* I wo tAKiiei o SEP 17 laua UUtt LX_ AAC. > ) | a. S « 3 J f a. To the memory of the late (Earl ^rlutrz who, a steadfast and loyal American, remained true to German ideals, and devoted his life to the betterment of his adopted country, never forget- ting or belittling the gifts he had received from the land of his birth, this utnrk is iirMratrii COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY F. T. & J. C. SMILEY NEW YORK CITY INTRODUCTION THIS work is intended to be a record of all that Germans have accomplished in the United States — a record of honest endeavor, energy, perseverance, strength and achievement. It shall, in addition, show the part that the American citizen of German blood has taken in the making of these United States, in peace and war, on the battlefield as well as in the counting house, the workshop and laboratory, in the realm of science and education or in the long fight that was neces- sary to extend civilization and culture over a continent. It contains a history of German immigration in the United States from the first settlements to the present day, showing what the Germans were who left the fatherland, why they came, and what they did in their new country. Every incident throwing light upon the work done by the German element has been made use of to give a complete, though concise, and impartial re- cital of its activity, and a description of the influence it has exerted upon the development of the Union. In the second part the biographies of many Americans of German nativity or descent are given. History is not complete if it chronicles only the deeds of the few who in times of strife and combat rise above the surface; it must tell us of the many who have fought and suc- ceeded. The value of so large and important a part of the American people as the German immigrants and their descendants can be fully understood only if it is shown how many of them have been successful, and how they have, by long and earnest travail, risen to unusual heights. THE EDITOR. CONTENTS PAGE Introduction . History of German Immigration in the United States - - - 7.42 A Martyr to Liberty -----.... - - n The Pennsylvania Germans - --.-._.. 13 The Germans During the Revolution -----.. 18 From the Revolution to the Year 184S ------- 2 5 The Forty-Eighters -----------28 The Civil War and the Years Following It 32 From the Franco-German War to the Present Day ----- -, 4 Conclusion ------------ -in The Percentage of German Blood in the American People - - - 41 Successful German-Americans and Their Descendants 43 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES According to the last Census there were living in the United States in 1900 not less than 2,669,164 persons born in the German Empire. Within the few years passed since then, no great change can have taken place, for the number of German immigrants has probably not been much larger than the decrease of the German-Amer- ican population by death or the return of Ger- mans to the Fatherland. There is, however, no doubt but that the number of Germans living in the United States is considerably larger than the figures given above, for the Census, in de- termining nationality, does not take into account race but political divisions, and calls only those persons Germans who have been born within the borders of the German Empire. Several hundred thousand immigrants who have come from Switzerland, Austria and the Baltic prov- inces of Russia, and who are thorough Germans in race, tradition and customs, are not classed as such by the Census. It is, therefore a very con- servative estimate if we assume that the num- ber of Germans living in the United States ex- ceeds three millions. But even then we cannot estimate the strength of the German element and the influence it exerts, correctly, because we must take into consideration the descendants of the immigrants, in whom, although moderated by American influences, German ideas and ways of thinking are more or less preserved. Here sta- tistics cannot help us, for while the Census Bu- reau has given us a number of tables showing how many native-born Americans had German fathers, mothers, or both, this information, val- uable as it is, does not tell us how many of these descendants may be called German-Amer- icans in the sense that they have retained some of the valuable traits of their ancestors. How quickly complete Americanization destroys even the last vestige of the German origin depends upon innumerable circumstances, and it happens frequently that children who were born in Germany and brought to America in early youth lose all distinguishing traits before they grow up, and retain nothing that betrays their origin, while on the other hand, many families remain German in disposition and certain ways of think- ing for three and even four generations. Where, for instance, the knowledge of the German lan- guage is cultivated, and the children are made acquainted with German literature, the German influence upon the mind becomes strong enough to be traced and in turn exerted even after all connection with the Fatherland has long ceased. Taking all these factors into account, and con- sidering all manifestations of German origin — as, for instance, the numbers of societies which are either composed of Germans and their de- scendants in the first generation, or which, al- though outwardly American, pursue objects and ideals essentially German — and viewing the strength of movements based upon German ideas, the conclusion does not appear extravagant that the so-called German-American element comprises nearly ten per cent of the population of the Uni- ted States. The percentage of German blood in the American people is undoubtedly much larger ; careful and conservative investigators have placed it as high as twenty-five per cent. It goes without saying that so large a part of the total population of the country must neces- sarily have exerted considerable influence upon the formation of the character of the American people. Whether this influence has always been used in the right way and with the full strength it possessed is an open question and has been doubted by many, especially by Germans with scant knowledge of American conditions. The United States would long have been a German country and the English language would have disappeared if pen and printing ink could have accomplished it. Extravagant love of race or country and unreasoning enthusiasm based upon impractical hopes and dreams are, however, not sufficient to bring about tangible results and do not qualify their possessors to sit in judgment upon the work accomplished by Germans in America. To do this a thorough knowledge of the history of the country, of its institutions and evolution, as well as of the German immigra- tion since its beginning is required. In another chapter the attempt will be made to show what Germans could accomplish here, and what they have done, but before this is undertaken a short 8 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION JX THE I'XITED STATES but exhaustive sketch of the history of German immigration will be given- There is, unfortunately, n<> complete history of German immigration in existence. A number of works have been written dealing with single or treating short periods. But sufficient material is at hand to show how widely the qual- ity of the immigrants differed in the several periods during which Germans arrived here in large numbers, and how far apart these periods were. A careful examination of all known facts will not only show what the Germans brought to America hut also whether they made full use of the opportunities extended to them. And it may be stated right here that the result cannot fail to raise the popular estimate of the value of the German immigrant. The first traces of the German immigration extend back to the settlement of Manhattan I>l.md by the Dutch. Peter Minuit or Minnewit, who was appointed director-general of New Neth- erlands by the Amsterdam Chamber of Com- merce and purchased Manhattan Island from the Indian- foi tulders, came from Wesel and herefore a German. Among the colonists who arrived here during the first half of the Seventeenth Century were many Germans, prin- cipally from the lower Rhine, from Geldern, Westphalia, Friesland and Ditmarschen. Ger- many and Holland were at that time neither po- litically nor economically as sharply separated as now. The Hutch language was closely related to the dialects spoken in the neighboring provinces of Germany and its difference from them be- came more marked much later through the in- fluence of the Flemish. German immigration was not confined to the districts named, however, for many came from Holstein, llesse, Thuringia, Swabia, the Efanse cities and from Switzerland. 'I'll'-'- col( '-I exert no influence whatever upon the development of tin- new country. They not numerous enough, consisted mainly of laborers and mechanics, and I probably little education. They soon losl their iden- tity, changed their name-- to make them sound Dutch, rmd disappeared completely among the Hollander-. Every trace of them would be lost if shipowners in Amsterdam had not kepi and .'d the lists of the p; they for- warded to Alio A tew years later an attempt was made 1.. found a German colony in Delaware, near the • the city of Wilmington. It is true that this settlement was founded by the Swedish Government and called New Sweden, but incontrovertible proofs -how that the colo ■ .itn.- almost without exception from Pom crania and Western Prussia, German provinces ■rarily occupied by the Swedes. The leader of the first expedition was the same Peter Minne- wit who had bought New Netherlands from the Indians and had later left the Dutch service. The treaty through which he acquired the neces- sary land for his new enterprise was written in Low German or Plattdeutsch. Minnewit arrived in the spring of 1638 and succeeded in taking the fur trade on the Delaware away from the Dutch. Three years later he disappeared, but whether he died or returned to Europe remains a mystery. His successor was the Swedish officer, Johann Print/, Edler von Buchau, another German and a scion <>f a well known German family which still exists. While he ruled New Sweden the quarrels between this colony and the Dutch of New Netherland began, because the thrifty Hollanders wanted a monopoly of the fur trade and did not intend to divide it with others. Print/, returned soon to Europe and was followed by another German, Johann Resingh of Elbing. In the meantime the Thirty Years' War had ended, Sweden was too weak to assist the distant colony and when, in September, 1655, Peter Stuyvesant appeared with a strong force before the Swedish fortifications, Resingh was forced to surrender. He was permitted to return to Sweden with his troops, but many of the colonists were killed or robbed of all their possessions. The few who were allowed to remain had to swear allegiance to the Dutch Government. The second attempt to form a German colony in America had thus ended in complete disaster and did not even leave traces of the work done. But soon a mighty stream of German immi- grants began to flow. For almost one hundred years they came to seek homes, liberty and peace. Not always in stub masses as during the first half of the Eighteenth Century, and sometimes interrupted, but still continuous and steady enough to mark an epoch in the history of the country. And the Germans who arrived here during that time were in the main so much alike and the motives which caused them to leave their Fatherland were so similar, ami at the same time so different, from the causes of later movements of the same kind, that this one must be treated by itself and may be designated as the religious period of German immigration. The Thirty Years' War had ended. Its rav- ;i^es had well nigh destroyed the German nation and changed a flourishing country into a desert. Towns and villages were in ruins, horses and cat- tle bad all but disappeared. Worse than this; the spirit of the people, hunted, persecuted, robbed and murdered without interruption for thirty HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 9 years, was utterly broken. The burgher, once so proud and active, had become weak and timid. Only masters and serfs were left. The people had neither strength nor courage to fight for the rights that had been taken away by the soldier who rode through the land and took what he wanted. Germany was divided into small prin- cipalities without number, ruled by princes who claimed to be set up by the grace of God, and who considered the land and the people as their own personal property. The very meaning of freedom and liberty had become unknown ; noth- ing but constraint was visible, in trade, in the ex- ercise of the religious creed and even in domestic life. The long and bloody war had prevented the extinction of Protestantism but it had not brought religious liberty. The people were powerless against the oppression practised on all sides. Their only hope was in flight from unbearable conditions. And now began the remarkable spec- tacle that whole congregations and communities set out on the long and weary march to the At- lantic Ocean where ships were waiting to carry them to other shores. Led by their ministers and teachers, singing psalms and hymns, they marched thus, carrying their women and chil- dren on heavy wagons drawn by the strongest of the men, through Germany and Holland, fol- lowed and persecuted by the Government until they had crossed the border. And down the river Rhine floated large boats and barges carrying the population of whole villages with their belongings. Not all these emigrants left their homes be- cause they were prevented from exercising their religion. Even at that time agents of ship- owners traveled through Germany, notably along the Rhine, in the Palatinate and in Swabia, try- ing to persuade people to emigrate to America. They were lavish in their promises and held out hopes that could never be realized, and they found many followers. Want and poverty and the seeming impossibility of ever improving the con- ditions surrounding them drove many away. The terrible winter of 1708-9, when the birds froze in the air in their flight and the wine in the casks, and when almost all the vineyards in the Palati- nate were destroyed, caused the emigration of many thousands. The devastation of the Palat- inate by the French under General Melac, of which the ruins of the castle at Heidelberg still remain as a memento, induced many others to cross the ocean. But the desire to escape oppres- sion and constant want and to find civic and re- ligious liberty were the general causes of this mighty movement of many thousands of people and gave to it the peculiar character it possesses. The first large body of which authentic reports are in existence consisted of farmers from Alsa- tia and the Palatinate. They arrived in 1677 and settled along the Wallkill River, where they founded the still flourishing town of New Paltz. They were followed by a number of Huguenots and to this day most of the family names of the district in question show the German or French origin. In 1709 came sixty-one families from the Palatinate under the guidance of their pastor, Josua von Kocherthal, and founded Newburg. They were the advance guard of the many thou- sands already moving towards the land of prom- ise. Kocherthal was a man of great energy and skill ; he succeeded in settling nearly three hun- dred families on both banks of the Hudson. Hunterstown, Kingsbury, Annsbury, Haysbury, Rhinebeck, Newtown, Georgetown, Elizabethtown, Kingston and Esopus were founded by him. These colonists were at first treated with great respect by the English authorities. They received as much land as they needed and the settlement at New- burg was given five hundred acres to support the Protestant Church. But as soon as the poor Germans had changed the wild forest into well- tilled fields and blooming gardens the English and the Dutch sought means to deprive them of the fruits of their labor. They succeeded in many cases and the greater part of the German settlers on the Hudson lost courage finally and went to Pennsylvania where large numbers of their countrymen had taken undisturbed posses- sion of extended tracts of land. In 1747 the Protestant Church at Newburg was taken away from the remaining Germans by force. The greatest body to leave at the same time started in the spring of 1709, after the hard win- ter that has been mentioned. They went through Holland to England and the governments of both countries were practically helpless when this vast army descended upon them. A large camp was formed near London and this is said to have con- tained fifteen thousand people at one time. For a while it excited the curiosity of the Londoners and the Court visited it repeatedly. But it was impossible to feed this mass and means had to be found to disperse it. Almost all the Catho- lics were returned to their homes. Nearly four thousand were sent to Ireland where they re- tained their customs for over a century but final- ly disappeared. Between six hundred and seven hundred were sent to North Carolina where they were swallowed up by the English-speaking popu- lation, although traces of them can still be found in the names of towns and families. Many of the young men were drafted into the army, and several thousand succumbed to the privations they had to undergo. Of three thousand that went in HISTokV OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IX THE I'XITED STATES to New York eight hundred died during the journey. Several hundred remained in New York, the rest, probably two thousand, were given land on both banks of the Hudson, a few miles south itskill. This was a distinct breach of the promises made t.» them by the English Govern- ment which had set aside for them the fertile district on the Schoharie and the Mohawk rivers. n in their camp near London, the Germans had met several Mohawk chiefs who had invited them to settle among them, and the crown had granted the necessary permission. But when the colonists arrived at New York Governor Robert Hunter decided that they ought to be made to repay the their support and transporta- tion had caused, ami in order to accomplish this nt them to the pine forests of the Hudson to make pitch until their debt was liquidated. The enterprise tailed completely. The poor Ger- mans were without tools or implements and had en the most necessary means of subsistence. Hunter did not furnish them with the promised took away their ritles, because he re- mained in constant fear that they would go away, and thus made it impossible for them to hunt game. Their children were taken away from them and apprenticed to Englishmen in New York, and two years elapsed before the first crop could be red In their despair the settlers revolted against their oppressors but were quickly sub- dued by British troop-,. But the man to meet the emergency arose. Johann Konrad Weiser, who, as ..ne of the leaders of the settlers, had incurred Special disfavor • .-rnor Hunter, and children had been taken away from him, ded about one hundred of the more enter- prising spirits to follow him to the Schoharie. They set out in the winter of 1712, in deep snow, pursued by soldiers, and arrived at their desti- nation after suffering terrible hardships, When they arrived among the friendly Indians they .veil nigh starved and exhausted, and in ad- dition they w. 1 by a formal order from Hunter to return forthwith to their camp on the dians offered t,, protect them and the Governor did not have enough troops to risk a war with the Mohawks. I he new tlemenl flourished, and Weiser's little band was joined by many of those who had remained behind. Before many years had passed a string of vill the Schoharie Mohawk but the troubles of the Ger- mans were not ended. The English and Dutch colonists locked upon the independent farmers who tilled their own land with envy and hatred. They wanted to own the land and rent it out to tenants working it. A feudal state with the aris- tocracy possessing all the land was their ideal. They attacked the crown titles of the Germans and constant quarrels were the consequence. Weiser went to London to get justice, but failed, was captured by pirates and sold into slavery. Years later he returned, an old man, but not broken in spirit. Rather than submit to the de- mands of the English and Dutch landholders he decided to move his tents again. In 1723 he started out as the leader of thirty-three families, taking their women and children with them. Guided by Indians they followed the Schoharie into the mountains till they reached the head- waters of the Susquehanna. Down this river they went to the mouth of the Swatara and then along its shores to the region that is now Berks County, Pa. Here they found at last the peace they had been looking for so long. They were given the land they needed, and not far from where large numbers of their countrymen had already settled. Their trials were ended. What the} accomplished in I'.erks County will be told when the settlement of Pennsylvania by the Germans is described, but it must be mentioned here that they would never have succeeded in their search if they had not made friends of the Indians. Weiser and his son, Konrad, were just in all their transactions with the savages, treated them kindly and were not only never molested but frequently assisted by them when they needed help. They retained their influence over them until they died. Konrad Weiser became justice of the peace, colonel in the militia and official interpreter for the government of Pennsylvania, for he spoke the languagi all the tribes in the territory east of the Missis- sippi. Mis services were constantly required for negotiations with the Indians. ML daughter mar- ried the Rev. Heinrich Melchior Muhlenberg, who had come to America in 17.}-'. and hei two sons, General Peter Muhlenberg and Friedrich August, president of the Pennsylvania convention which ratified the Constitution of the United States, and tirst speaker of the House of Representatives un d.r Washington's administrations, played import- ant parts in the establishment of the independence of the I nitcd Siate- of America. HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 11 A MARTYR TO LIBERTY We must interrupt our narrative here to give the history of a man who may rightly be called the first martyr to liberty on American soil. His memory should be preserved and he deserves a place in this history, not so much because he was a German, but because it seems to have been for- gotten that he died in a righteous cause. Even in the text-books used in American schools he is often called a rebel, and the impression prevails that his execution was the natural consequence of disloyal acts. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Jacob Leisler was born in the neighborhood of Frankfurt-on-the-Main as the son of poor peas- ants. He was hardly more than a boy when he emigrated to the Netherlands and entered the service of a merchant as apprentice. In 1660 he came to New Amsterdam to engage in the fur trade on his own account. Shrewd, frugal, care- ful and yet enterprising, he soon prospered. His business became very large and compelled him to make frequent trips to Europe. On one of these journeys he was captured by pirates and sold into slavery but regained his liberty by paying a large ransom. In the meantime England had taken possession of the colony and changed its name to New York. During the reign of Charles II and of James II the governors and other high officials sent from England joined hands with the landed proprietors in the hope of founding an aristocracy that could rule the other inhabitants after the manner of the feudal system existing in Europe. The favorites of the King who had received grants of large tracts of land did not sell any of it but rented it to those wishing to cultivate the soil. The population became divided into two parts, the aristocrats and the common citizens who were preyed upon in every conceivable man- ner. The merchants naturally became the lead- ers of the people and Leisler was foremost among the defenders of equal rights and justice for all. He was kind of heart and possessed unlimited courage. When Governor Sir Edward Andros at- tempted to deprive the colonists of the privileges granted to them, Leisler protested and was thrown into prison. His friends desired to give bail to release him, but he would not permit it. He said that by furnishing bail he would recognize the authority of the governor to arrest him, and this he did not want to do. He remained in jail until Andros had to set him free. This action increased his prestige with the people immensely. From his many charitable deeds one may be selected. Many of the Huguenots who came to America had been compelled to flee from France without money or other means of subsistence. They were as a rule sold to the highest bidder who had to pay their passage and in this way acquired the right to work these serfs — for that is what they were in fact — until he considered that they had repaid his outlay. Leisler happened to be at the wharf when one of these ships arrived. He felt deep pity for the unfortunate passengers who were well educated and had evidently been brought up in comparative luxury. Before the usual auction began, he paid the passage money for all of them and sent them to a tract of land he owned on Long Island Sound. There they founded a vil- lage and called it New Rochelle. When William of Orange became King of Eng- land the Governor of New York and his aristo- cratic friends tried to suppress the news. The people, however, soon heard of the change and naturally hailed it with delight. As the officials continued their rule of oppression a riot broke out on June 2, i68ojacob Leisler as the commander of the militia was forced to take charge. He compelled Governor Nicholson to deliver into his hands the fort and the treasury. A Committee of Safety was organized with Leisler at the head. On June 22 the inhabitants formally took the oath of allegiance to William and Mary. Later on Leisler was appointed Governor of New York. But his administration was not successful because the aristocracy did not recognize his authority and tried to place obstacles in his way. When the war with France broke out he was unable to de- fend the colony, partly because the English gen- erals did not consider themselves bound to act in harmony with him, partly because he did not possess the knowledge required for operations of this kind. The reverses he suffered made it easy for his enemies to gain the ear of the King, and Leisler was deposed two years after he had taken office. In Leisler's place General Sloughter had been appointed, a man of loose habits and addicted to drinking. Sloughter was in no hurry to come to New York because he liked the hospitality ex- tended to him by the landed proprietors whose plantations he passed on his way from the South. He sent a Captain Ingoldsby ahead to take pos- session of the colony, but Leisler declined to de- liver the fort and the treasury because Ingoldsby 12 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IX THE UNITED STATICS could ii"t produce any written order or authority from Sloughter. This was the opportunity for which Leister's enemies had-been waiting. In spite of the fact that the former governor treated In- goldsby with great courtesy and immediately up everything to Sloughter when the latter finally arrived, they complained thai Leisler had wilfully ted the commands of the King. Sloughter appointed a special court consisting of four of his own officers and four civilians, all enemies of Leisler, to sit in judgment upon the late Governor ami his son-in-law. The composition of the court > manifestly unfair that the accused and practically the whole population, with the • tion of the aristocratic element, protested, l>ut . !er would not listen to them. As was to be expected, Leisler and his son-in-law, Milbourne, were found guilty of high treason and were con- demned to death by hanging. But even Sloughter ted to sign this severe decree, and Leisler's enemies had to arrange a banquet in order to make the Governor drunk, in which condition it an easy matter to make him sign anything. They did not want to run the risk of a mitigation of the sentence after Sloughter had become sober and consequently their victims were executed on the morning of the following day while Sloughter •ill asleep. The scene was dramatic in the high( On the scaffold .Milbourne faced the instigator of this brutal act, the same Robert Livingston who, in later years, became the op- r of the Palatines, and called out to him: I ivingston, for this deed you will have- to answer before the judgment throne of Al- mighty God." Leisler remained quiet and com- : in a few words he stated thai he had done nothing but his duty, and then said to the sheriff: "I am ready." At this moment dark clouds hid un, a terrific storm arose and the rain came down in torrents. The immense crowd that had Med around the gallows began to cry and to pray, and loud condemnations against tin- Gov ernor and the aristocracy were heard from all as Leisler was d< ad the people fairly stormed the gallows and cut off his hair and hi- clothes; they were divided into bits and i as relies of the litst martyr to liberie on American s,,j| Four years later the English Parliament the judgmenl pro nounced by Sloughter's court. Lord Bellamount, later Governor of New York, stated, after a care- ful examination of the papers: "These men were murdered, cruelly murdered." Leisler's Jon le- an indemnity of one thousand pounds from ' wii, Bui it was ■ tWO of tin no men that ever lived in tin- colony had been killed and could ii"t be broughl back to life Jus tice requires it, however, to keep in mind that Jacob Leisler was not a rebel, but a patriot and hero, and wherever we find a statement that does not agree with these facts it should be corrected. [1 may be mentioned here that it was a German, too, who first defended the right to a free press. Johann Peter Zenger had come to New York in 1710 as a boy and had been apprenticed to William Bradford, a printer. He was a very intelligent and ambitious young man and won his employer's confidence to such a degree that he became his partner. But Bradford was a champion of the aristocracy and defended it in his paper, the New York Gazette, while Zenger took the side of the common people. They parted, and Zenger founded the Weekly Journal, lie did not hesitate to at- tack Governor Cosby when he, in order to strengthen his party, went beyond the limits of his authority. As repeated warnings could not swerve Zenger from doing what he considered his right and duty, Cosby had him arrested and kept him in prison for nearly nine months. All efforts of Zenger's friends to procure a regular trial for him seemed to be in vain, but finally the Governor yielded to the determined stand taken by the people's party. Zenger was brought to trial in 1735 and his friends secured for him the services of one of the most brilliant advocates of the day, A. Hamilton of Philadelphia. The defence proved that every statement made by the Weekly Journal had been true, and the prose- cution attempted to show that the press had no righl to criticise the government under any cir- cumstances. In a grand speech that has become a classic and was widely and with great effect quoted wdien fifty years later the fight for a free press was successfully waged in England, Ham- ilton plucked this claim to pieces, and the jury acquitted Zenger immediately after the court had made- its charge. He was taken home by a throng that was wild with delight, and a few days later the aldermen of the city presented him with a golden Snuffbox. The bold attempt to muzzle the press bad been successfully baffled by a citizen of German birth. These two incidents indicate, what can be shown with the help of many facts beyond confutation, that all through the colonial days the Germans were always arrayed on the side of the people and liberty, and that it must be ascribed to them to a large extent if all attempts to transplant the European feudal system to America and to per with special privileges and the rirjit to govern the masses, were frustrated. From the earliesl days they have stood firmly againsl Oppression and never faltered when the liberties of tbi' people had to be defended It HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 13 will be shown how they were among the first to take up arms during the war of the revolution. They knew from bitter experience what oppres- sion meant, and they were not willing to allow themselves to be robbed of the choicest fruit of all their sacrifices, liberty. THE PENNSYLVANIA GERMANS We must now retrace our steps because the German immigration in Pennsylvania must be treated as a distinct and separate chapter, and has not been touched upon in order to furnish a consecutive narrative of the fate of the Ger- mans following the first settlers on Manhattan Island. The Pennsylvania Germans, or as they are generally called, the Pennsylvania Dutch, came in such numbers and kept so closely togeth- er for almost a century, preserving even to this day many of their customs and their language, though their speech has been corrupted by the adoption of English words and the change of German expressions where they sounded similar to those used by Americans, that they must be looked upon as a group different from all the others. Their importance to the United States may be judged from the fact that at the begin- ning of the revolutionary war at least 100,000 Germans had settled in Pennsylvania, but it will be shown here that they exerted a strong influ- ence not by their numbers alone but also by other and more valuable qualities. The causes which drove these masses from their homes were the same that have been ex- plained at length in the first chapter. The misery caused by the Thirty Years' War and by the tyranny of the princess after peace had been concluded, together with the failure of crops, but above all religious persecution, were the mov- ing forces. The emigration to Pennsylvania differs from other similar movements, however, in one important particular, inasmuch as it was started by one man, William Penn. He had be- come a Quaker missionary and as such visited several places in Germany where small numbers of Quakers existed or where similar sects had been founded that might be converted to the creed he followed. His eyes were turned towards America where he hoped to find freedom of wor- ship for his followers. In Frankfurt-on-the- Main he succeeded in forming a society with the object of buying a tract of land in America and emigrating thither. The opportunity for execu- ting his plans came when Charles II, in pay- ment of a debt of sixteen thousand pounds the crown owed to Penn's father, gave the son the vast tract between the colonies of New Jersey and Delaware. Penn immediately resolved to found a state in which religious as well as po- litical freedom should be granted to every inhab- itant. He called it a "Holy Experiment." In pamphlets printed in English and German he called attention to his plans. One of these fell into the hands of Franz Daniel Pastorius, a young law student, who was acquainted with sev- eral members of the society Penn had founded at Frankfurt. He became so enthusiastic that he decided to emigrate. His friends were not ready to join him, but he found a number of Mennonites and Quakers at Kriegsheim and Cre- feld who were willing to follow him. Pasto- rius set out almost immediately, arriving at Phil- adelphia on August 16, 1683, where he was warmly welcomed by Penn. The ship Concord, frequently, and with good reason, called the German Mayflower, landed the first thirteen Ger- man families on October 6, 1483, and this day marks the real beginning of German immigra- tion into the United States, and is to this day celebrated as "German Day." The little band settled near Philadelphia and founded German- town, not without trials and hardships, for most of the men had been weavers and were not used to the hard work awaiting them. They succeeded, however, and after about fifty more families had followed them the tract of land heretofore held in common was divided. In 1691 Germantown was made a city and the number of inhabitants had increased to such an extent that a number of them could devote themselves to the indus- tries they had learned in their youth. Soon Ger- mantown became known for the excellence of the linen and knit goods its inhabitants manufac- tured. Thus the Germans laid the foundation of one of the most important industries of the United States long before Americans thought of producing at home anything but the plainer and coarser fabrics, and while all superior goods were imported from England. The fame of Pennsylvania soon spread all over Germany. The country where every one could follow his religious convictions and where nobody was persecuted, punished or banished for belonging to any church not recognized by the government — and only the Catholic, the Lutheran 14 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IX THE IXITED STATES and the Reformed Church were officially sanc- tioned— seemed indeed like the promised hind. The sufferings the German people had undergone had created in this nation, so much given to in- trospective contemplation, a deep religious feel- ing which was not satisfied but rather offended by the dogmatic strictness of the established churches. New sects sprang up almost every day, every one attempting, in it- own particular way, the true teachings of the Savior ac- cording to the ideas of the founders. Some of them found their peace in the most remarkable and sometimes strange forms of worship but all imbued with that deep religious feeling which has found expression in the word pietism. They all sent colonies to America. The first were the Mystics, who arrived in l\ probably saved the day for England. His diary is still in existence and shows what ter- rible dangers he underwent in order to serve his country. *» y~A word must be said as to the trials and trib-l ulations these immigrants had tq pass through) before they could begin to found new homes for themselves. We have already described how they reached the coast of the Atlantic. There they were literally packed into sailing vessels which were in no way prepared for carrying human beings. As a rule they were nol even sufficiently provisioned, and when the trip lasted longer than the captain had anticipated the passengers had to live on the rats and mice they caught. Caspar Wintar tells us of such a journey during which One hundred and fifty passengers died from fever and starvation. Mittelberger, who published an nt of his voyage to America, says that thirty-two children died and were buried in the Ocean. Ship fever was no prevalent that it was called "Palatine Fever" and was looked upon as a peculiar sickness to which German immigrants were victims. Nobody thought of disinfecting 'lips, and smallpox broke out again and again on the same vessel, which continued to carry immigrants in spite of this. But nothing could break the spirit of those sturdy men and women who were imbued with the deepest re- ligious feeling. In the hour of danger and amidst all the horrors they would assemble and HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 15 sing their hymns or pray to the good Lord to deliver them, having an unbounded faith in His will and kindness. Their firm belief that they were in His hands helped them to endure all suffering. For many of them the hardships were not ended when they had reached the new country. As soon as emigration increased to such an ex- tent that the carrying of passengers became a profitable business, shipowners sent agents to Germany and Switzerland promising free passage to America. Many availed themselves of this seemingly liberal offer. Others who could have paid were induced to spend their money before embarking, and were then carried free. But when they reached America they were sold to people needing help and had to work for them until their passage money was paid. Children whose parents died during the voyage were sold into virtual slavery and the property of any pas- senger who died was taken possession of by the captain. These abuses lasted until long after the Revolution. It has been said that the custom of selling passengers to work for their passage was not wholly bad, that it was certainly not looked upon as a disgrace, that it helped many to come here who would otherwise have been compelled to remain in misery, and that this semi-serfdom gave the immigrants an opportun- ity to acquire a knowledge of their new sur- roundings before they were compelled to strike out for themselves. There is some truth in this but it must not be forgotten that a great many of the immigrants were of good education and not used to work as menials, and that frequently the different members of a family were sold to dif- ferent parties living widely apart. In this way parents and children, brothers and sisters, and even husband and wife, were sometimes separated forever. It must, however, be said that the im- migrants sold for service were as a rule treated fairly well, protected by the law and furnished with an outfit when their time had expired. Still the system was cruel, and not much more can be said for it than that it might have been worse yet. These immigrants were by no means unedu- cated and ignorant as has been supposed by many writers. The vital fact must be kept in view that most of them did not go to America in order to improve their material welfare alone. This was one of the motives but by no means the strongest. They yearned for religious free- dom, for freedom of thought, and nobody cares for this whose mind has not been awakened. Since the Reformation it had become the general custom in Protestant Germany to unite religion and education. Hardly a village was without a teacher and there were few children who did not learn how to read and write. Many of the im- migrants were quite well educated and there was even a sprinkling of what might be called learned men among them. Their leaders had almost without exception received a university education. It stands to reason that they would not have gone to America with a horde of utterly ignorant people, nor would they have been selected as leaders by them. Daniel Pastorius, Josua von Kocherthal, Johann Kelpius, Heinrich Bernhard Koster, Daniel Falckner and others were men of the very highest attainments. Additional proof is furnished by the fact that the German settlers sent to Germany for their preachers when the original leaders had died. They wanted men of intelligence and learning to lead them, and they could not get them in America because there the schools had not progressed far enough. It was quite natural that they looked upon their ministers as the intellectual leaders because their whole life was centered in religious thought and they could not imagine any other way of satis- fying their thirst for knowledge. In this man- ner many eminent men came to America as preachers and teachers and the German parochial schools were soon readily acknowledged as su- perior to the English. Among these men was Heinrich Melchior Muhlenberg. He had studied at Goettingen and Halle and came to America in 1742 where he soon became the organizer of the Lutheran Church. Within a few years he had united the different congregations and cre- ated an organization that has lasted to this day. What Muhlenberg did for the Lutherans, Mi- chael Schlatter accomplished for the Reformed Church. The leader of the Moravians, Count Zinzendorf, failed, however, when he came to America, in 1741, with the intention of carrying out his plan of uniting all the different sects in one Protestant Church. Numerous others came but not enough to satisfy the colonists for in examining the documents of the time we hear continually that more ministers and teachers were wanted. It is true that the German settlers bitterly op- posed the establishment of the free common schools but this does not prove, as some writers have claimed, that they were hostile to education. On the contrary, they saw clearly that their own schools were better than the first common schools established, and for this reason wanted to retain the former. They also desired very much that their children should learn the language of their parents. Above all, however, it was their deep religious feeling which made it practically im- 16 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IX THE UNITED STATES possible for them to permit their children to attend a school in which either religion was not taught at all. <>r where different creeds were treated with equal respect. They believed firmly that the child belonged first to God, then to its parents and then to the state. The fight was a hitter and a long one hut it was finally won by the common schools, and it i- significant that the governor of Pennsylvania who succeeded in having the system adopted was a German, George Wolf. That the Pennsylvania Germans were not opposed to education a- such i- besl shown by the fact that the state they helped to found contain- more high schools than most of the others, and that many of these institutions were founded by German-. These people were very pious hut by no means narrow-minded fan- atic-. The different sects often clashed on re- ligious questions hut they never carried their differences so far as to persecute those who be- lieved differently. They admitted every man's right to hold and preach his particular religious convictions. While witches were burnt and Quakers executed in New England the Pennsyl- vania Germans, though divided into many sects, lived together in peace and practised toleration. They had themselves suffered too much and the true Christian -pirit had taken possession of them too fully to allow them to harm others who did not try to harm them, hut simply had chosen a different road to reach the same goal. Their cial influence upon the development of the religious life and the relations between church and state, a- well a- between the different sects, cannot he overestimated. It ha- already been mentioned that the Penn sylvania Germans were a- solicitous for their mental a- for their material welfare. It was only natural that above all they wanted hook- treat ing the religious side of life, for the whole trend of their mind tended t,, keep them away from worldly things and from literature of a worldly kind. Besides, tiny could not have kepi Up a connection with the Fatherland close enough to •hem informed of the literary activit) go ing on ti I nsequently hymn and prayer I k- wen ' which the ' ierman printers published. Not they alone, for American print- er-, among them the greal Benjamin Franklin, I honk- and new-paper- printed in 1 1 1 ■ man language. In fact, Franklin published not only the first German hook- printed in America. hut al-o the first newspaper of which, however, only a few numbers appeared. This was in [732 and up to that time only -mall pamphlets and leaflets had been printed. But to Christoph Saur belongs 'he credit of having founded the firsl printing house that used German type, lie came to America in 17J4 and first tried farming in Lancaster County hut did not succeed. In 1738 he imported a printing-press and type from Ger- many and established a business in Germantown that soon reached large dimensions. His first publication was the "High-German-American Al- manach," which appeared regularly until 177s. Many other publications followed, mostly hymn and prayer hooks hut also quite a number of historical works, English and German school books and political pamphlets. On August 20, [739, he published the first number of the first German newspaper on American -oil (the abor- tive attempt on Franklin's part deserves no con- sideration). The paper was at first published monthly, then semi monthly, and finally weekly. It had a very large circulation for those days .tinl exerted great influence. Saur's greatest work, however, was the printing of the first Bible on American soil. Not the first German Bible, hut the first Bible of any kind, for the first Bible in the English language was not printed in America until forty years later. Saur's enterprise was really gigantic, for the type, specially cast for this work, had to be imported from Germany, and the facilities at Saur'- dis- posal were of a very limited kind. In addition, it was a great question whether the undertaking would pay, for the expenses were very large. But Saur succeeded, the Bible appeared in 174-'. had a large sale and several edition- had to be printed. The paper was furnished by another Pennsylvania German, William Rittenhouse, who had built the first paper mill in America. From now on German printing houses and new-papers increased rapidly; in 1753 Franklin stated that of the six printing houses in the province two were German, two English ami the other two half English and half German. Of the news papers founded in that period -everal are still in existence. But it is as a fanner that the Pennsylvania German excelled. Me did not. like hi- American brother of different origin, continually try to make new conquests, read] to give up the home for the hope of rinding a better one farther west. Me loved the -oil a- he loved hi- family. When he had found the -pot that suited him he stayed and cultivated it 'until he had changed the pri- meval forest into a veritable garden spot. The ..il in Pennsylvania for farming purposes i- limestone and almost every acre of this soil i- -till in the hands of the descendants of Ger- man settlers. I hey farmed not for one harvest hut forever, thej did not dream of leaving the - the firsl Btrength of the soil HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 17 had been exhausted. They carefully burned the trees they had felled to clear the land as well as the stumps and roots, and did not let them rot like other settlers ; in this way they enriched the soil and saved their ploughs. They introduced irrigation and treated their horses so well that they could do twice the work other farmers made them do. They built large and substan- tial barns, known to this day as "Swisser Barns," and they erected comfortable stone houses. The Pennsylvania farmer introduced horticulture and truck farming in America, and it is not sur- prising that he prospered and increased. From the neighborhood of Germantown the Germans spread over Montgomery, Berks and Lancaster counties ; they crossed the Susquehanna and set- tled York and Cumberland. Northampton, Dau- phin, Lehigh, Lebanon, Centre and Adams fol- lowed. Under Jost Hite they advanced into the Shenandoah valley and founded Frederick, Rock- ingham, Shenandoah and other counties in Vir- ginia. Others went to Ohio. Everywhere the Pennsylvania German became the pioneer of civ- ilization who cleared the forest and prepared the soil for the masses that were to follow him. At the beginning of the Revolution there were at least one hundred thousand Germans or chil- dren of German parents in Pennsylvania. John Fiske estimates that the descendants of the Eng- lish who emigrated to New England before 1640, number about fifteen millions. According to this estimate, there must be at the least five million descendants of the Pennsylvania Germans in the United States. There are certainly two millions of them in Pennsylvania alone. The others have spread all over the country. They are difficult to trace because their names have been changed long ago, in many cases so much that the orig- inal can hardly be discovered. It is comparatively easy to detect the German origin in Wanamaker, Pennypacker, Custer, Beaver, Hartranft, Keifer, Rodenbough, etc., but it becomes more difficult when the name has undergone several transfor- mations, as for instance Krehbiel to Krehbill, Grebill, Grabill and finally Graybill, or Krumm- bein to Krumbine and Grumbine, or Schnaebele to Snavely, Gebhard to Capehart, Herbach to Harbaugh or Gne'ge to Keneagy, and it is almost impossible to trace the descent if the names have been translated like Froehlich into Gay, or Klein into Little or Small. The radical changes have mostly been made by those families who went to other states ; of those remaining in Pennsylvania the larger part has retained names which show the German root and can be traced with comparative ease, except of course where the name has been translated into English. Nowhere else have the Germans remained to- gether in such compact masses as in Pennsyl- ; vania, and nowhere else can, therefore, their in- fluence upon the formation of the character of the American people be better observed. They still retain their characteristics to a marked de- gree, the peculiar forms of the religious life, the habits and even the physical appearance of their forebears. Their language is still different from that of other parts of the population ; it is a composite of English and German words and forms, foreign to either and yet in many re- spects akin to both. It is wonderful how these people have preserved, at least in part, the lan- guage of their ancestors who settled in Pennsyl- vania more than two centuries ago, for they did not receive any additions to speak of which might have kept the memories of the Fatherland and its language green and fresh. Most of the immigration from the same districts that came in later periods remained in the cities or went to the West and Northwest. We find likewise the traits that distinguished the first settlers still in existence ; the strong desire for independence and the almost stubborn resistance against every fan- cied or real attempt to encroach upon their rights, the untiring industry, strongly marked honesty, frugality and the inclination to take life seriously. All these qualities have produced a conserva- tism which has frequently caused the statement that the Pennsylvania Germans were obstinate and self-willed but which withal has exerted a very beneficial influence. It has kept them and their offspring upon their farms and perhaps re- tarded the development of the region they in- habited in a certain sense ; at least their cities have not grown as rapidly as those of the West, but on the other hand the soil their ancestors conquered has not been given up and left unfilled because the young men became restless and went away to more distant regions, as has been the case in New England. The compact mass of the Germans in Pennsylvania still forms a reservoir from which the American people draw strength and conservatism, and it is still a great factor in the equalization of the many qualities brought here by immigrants from widely differing countries. The statement is justified that the often ridiculed and sometimes despised Pennsylvania Dutchman has been one of the most valuable factors in the development of the mighty republic that has arisen on the North American continent, and he deserves the fullest appreciation and gratitude. While the bulk of the German immigration of the period under consideration went to Pennsyl- vania and New York, it must not be supposed that these states alone received settlers from Ger- many. All through the South we find German names in old records and deeds. According to the Colonial Records of Virginia, a number of 18 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IX THE IWITKl) STATES the victims of the massacre of March 22, 1622, led by Chief Opechancanough, were undoul Germans. We know that the Salzburgers set- tled in Georgia in [734 and that a large body of immigrants from Switzerland arrived in South Carolina in 17.}-'. About the same time German Valley and Friesburg were founded in New Jersey and a German Roman-Catholic Church ex- in Maryland in 1758. liven in New England we find German settlements, for in 1740 Waldo- borough in Maim- was founded and about ten years later Leydensdorf in the same state, it- name indicating the sufferings the immigrants had tn undergo. But, as lias been stated, most of these groups have entirely disappeared among the English population, and none of them dif- fered enough from the great mass thai settled in Pennsylvania to deserve separate treatment. THE GERMANS DURING THE REVOLUTION We have seen that during colonial times the Germans were always found on the side of the common people and sturdily opposed all at- tempts of the aristocratic element to curtail the liberties granted by the crown, but they were alway> loyal to the Government. In the war against the French and the Indians the French had counted on the assistance of the Germans, especially of those in the Mohawk valley who had been so cruelly treated by the English, but they remained true to their Government. They had to pay dearly for it, for in November, 1757. a part] of Frenchmen and Indians, under Captain Belletre, appeared, burned all the houses and barns, killed or maimed the cattle, massacred the settlers, their women and children and carried many of them into captivity. In the following spring the attack was repeated, bul in the mean- time the settlers had erected a fort and defended their lives successfully under the leadership of Nicolaus Herckheimer, of whom we will hear more later on. Their houses ware, however, again burned to the ground. The Germans in Pennsylvania furnished many volunteers for the war. Of the officers of the provincial militia more than one third wen- Germans. Conrad Linger, commanded a battalion of whom two-thirds were Germans, and Nicholas •holt's regiment was composed of his countrymen entirely. Another regiment, cmn manded by General Bouquet, a Swiss whosi name was Straus, consisted entirely of German officers and nuii. Bui there is no doubt that the f defending life and home against a cruel and unrelenting foe had as much influence upon the position taken by the Germans as loy- alty. They had no h.ve for the English, nor had they any i it. Outside of Pennsyl- vania they had been badly treated wherever they settled, the promises made to them had been broken, and the to deprive them of their liberty as well as of the fruits of their industry had never ceased. So the great movement for liberty and for independence found them in a receptive mood and fully prepared. Another factor must he taken into considera- tion. The German immigrants and their children still loved their Fatherland. They had left it to escape oppression, persecution and tyranny, hut in their hearts lived the wish to see the Fatherland delivered from the conditions that made the German people so miserable. To see the great German Empire restored to its old power and importance was a dream they cher- ished. When they heard of the deeds of Fred- erick the Great of Prussia, when they read how he had taken a firm stand for religious liberty and had vanquished the princes and princelings who had oppressed them, their hearts went out to him. lie became immensely popular all through the German colonies. Taverns bearing his name were found in almost every village where Germans lived and his portr.ait had a place in every dwelling. They saw in him the great liberator, the unrelenting foe of oppression in every form, as indeed many Americans of his time did. The\ look inspiration from him and his deeds, and their yearning for freedom, their readiness to fight and if need lie to die for n be came stronger as they followed his triumphant career. Taking it all in all. no pan of the popu- lation of the colonies was more ready for the Revolution and for the complete separation of the colonies from England, than the Germans. When the call to arms was sounded the Ger mans were ready. They had long prepared for it and drilled in every township. Pastor rlelmuth of the Lutheran Church at Lancaster writes "ii February -'5, 1775. that the whole country was ready for war, that every man was armed and that the enthusiasm was indescribable. Even the ml MennoniteS, whose creed forbade them in hear arms, came forward and renounced their creed in this time of great emergency. It HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 19 is a significant fact that the first company of militia to arrive at Cambridge in 1775, after the battle of Lexington, came from York County, Pa., and was composed entirely of Pennsylvania Germans. The commander was Captain Henry Miller and the company had marched five hun- dred miles to reach its destination. But Penn- sylvania did not stand alone ; from Georgia to the Mohawk valley every German settlement sent its young men to fight for liberty. One of the most dramatic incidents was furnished by Johann Peter Muhlenberg, the eldest son of Heinrich Melchior Muhlenberg, who has been mentioned as the organizer of the German Lutheran Church in America. Johann Peter had been sent to Ger- many to study theology but his fiery temperament chafed under the restrictions placed upon him. He ran away from the seminary at Halle where he had been sent by his father and apprenticed himself to a merchant at Lubeck. This life did not suit him any better and he listened willingly to the promises of fame and glory held out by one of the many English recruiting officers who plied their questionable trade in Germany. He became a private in a regiment of dragoons and soon earned the sobriquet "Devil Pete" by his recklessness and daring. But his regiment was sent to America and his father purchased his release. Johann Peter seemed to have quieted down ; at least he finished his studies, passed the examinations and became pastor of the German Lutheran Church at Woodstock, Va. But the change was only apparent and probably executed more to please the father than from inclination. The young minister spent more time in the for- ests and on the mountains bunting game than at church work and became a firm friend of George Washington and Patrick Henry. When the movement for independence began he entered into it with heart and soul and served as presi- dent of the Council of Safety and as member of the convention at Williamsburg which elected delegates for the first Continental Congress. Fi- nally, in January, 1776, he assembled his congre- gation and from the chancel told them that the time had arrived when every citizen must serve his country to the best of his ability; that he be- lieved he could do more in the field than in the church, and that for this reason he had accepted a commission as colonel to raise a German regiment and asked all men who could bear arms to fol- low him. With these words he threw off his priestly gown and stood before the congregation in full regimentals. He then left the chancel, took a position in front of the church doors and gave orders to sound the drums and swear in recruits. Lieutenant-colonel Baumann and Ma- jor Helffenstein stood at his side. A tremendous wave of enthusiasm swept over the multitude; fathers who were too old to go to the war pushed their sons forward and wives their hus- bands and before the day. closed three hundred men had enlisted. A few days later Muhlen- berg had a regiment of four hundred and fifty men, more than most regiments numbered. He did splendid service in Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, in the battles of the Brandywine and Germantown. At the end of the war he was made a major-general and served as vice-pres- ident of the Executive Council of Pennsylvania, did valiant work to induce the Pennsylvania Leg- islature to ratify the Federal Constitution, be- came a member of Congress, United States sen- ator and later, until his death in 1802, internal revenue collector at Philadelphia. How great the enthusiasm was among the Ger- mans is shown by an incident of almost hu- morous aspect. At Reading three companies of militia had been formed who drilled diligently. The old men of the town did not want to be left behind and formed another company to which nobody under forty years of age was ad- mitted. The commander was ninety-seven years old, had served forty years in the Prussian army and taken part in seventeen battles. The drum- mer was eighty-four years old. Whether this troop ever saw active service is not known. The German butchers guild of Philadelphia passed resolutions demanding independence for the colo- nies in 1774 before the question whether the colonies should separate from England had been decided in the affirmative. A splendid figure, worthy of being remembered, was the baker, Christoph Ludwig, at Philadelphia. He had been born in 1720 at Giessen in Germany and had learned his trade from his father. When he was seventeen he enlisted and fought with the Austrians against the Turks and later under the great Frederick against the Austrians. Then he became a sailor and passed several years of his life in the East Indies. In 1754 he settled in Philadelphia, started a bakery and amassed con- siderable wealth. When the Revolution broke out he was fifty-five years old, but he threw himself into the movement with the ardor of a young man. He served on almost all the Revo- lutionary committees and when the convention of 1776 proposed a popular subscription in order to raise money for the pui chase of arms, and when there was hesitation as to the advisability of such a step, Ludwig arose in his seat and said: "Mr. President, I am only a poor baker, but I am willing to start the list with two hun- dred pounds sterling." This action ensured the 2u HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IX THE UNITED STATICS success of the undertaking. On May 5. 1777. Lud- wig was appointed baker-in-chief for the army. As such he showed his honesty by pledging him- self to furnish one hundred and thirty-five Is of bread for every hundred pounds of Hour, while hi- predecessors had given only one hundred pounds of bread. The army inspectors had nut known, though the bakers probably knew, that the weigh! of the moisture contained in the bread must be deducted Washington ap- preciated Ludwig's services highly and never failed to receive him when he came to Philadel- phia; in fact, the lowly baker was repeatedly in- vited to the great man's table. One of the most heroic figures of the war of the Revolution was Nicolaus Herckheimer, who has already been mentioned as the leader of the German settlers in the Mohawk valley during the French War. These settlements formed the frontier between New York and the Indian ter- ritory and a wall which protected the white in- habitants of the colony against the attacks of the savages. The English authorities did not take great pains to help the settlers in their with the Indians, in fact they let them shift for themselves as we have seen. The Germans of the valley of the Mohawk, therefore, formed four companies of riflemen who had to hold themselves ready at all times to defend the set- tlements against the Indians. Herckheimer was their commander. When the Revolution broke out the whole population of that section hailed it with delight and offered to serve against the English Government. Herckheimer was appointed commander of the militia of western Xew York with tlu- title of brigadier general, by the con- vention which had taken charge of the colony. At first it did not seem a- if Herckheimer would have to do much more than protect the border against Indian raids, but it developed soon that In- was distined to plaj a very important role in the war for liberty. In the summer of 1777 General Bourgoyne Canada with a lar^e army to reach Xew York by way of Lake Champlain and Lake \' tin- same time Admiral Howe was in and around Yew York with another lar^e army. The presumption was natural that an attempt would In- made to unite thes ( - two armies. Now Washington knew very well that he cuild never d if he did not prevent the union of the British forces, not only in this case but during the entire war. All his manceuvers and the ion "f all his positions and winter i always done with one object in view: to be able at any time to strike at an enemy advan- cing against the line of the upper Hudson, whether he came from the seacoast or from Can- ada. He was well aware of the fact that his cause was List if two hostile armies operating from those points could unite and thus divide the colonies into two halves unable to communi- cate with each other. This was exactly what Bourgoyne had planned and Washington ex- pected. Neither could know that Howe would leave Xew York and go to Philadelphia instead of pushing north to join Bourgoyne. But both knew that the question whether the army coming from Canada could reach the valley of the lower Hudson might decide the war. Washington had sent his best generals and troops to stop Bour- goyne's advance, but the Englishman had so far overcome all resistance. He had reached Fort Edward and waited there for news from Howe. When this failed to arrive he determined to ad- vance as soon as his right wing under General St. Leger would reach him. St. Leger had started from Montreal and, landing at Oswego, had reached the portage from Lake Oneida to the Mohawk and thereby the direct and easy road to Albany. Had he been allowed to continue his march he would have protected Bourgoyne's right flank successfully, at the same time threatening the left flank of the American army. But at the upper Mohawk Fort Stanwix had been erected and this was held by seven hundred Americans under Colonel Gansevoort. At the beginning of August St. Leger appeared before the fort with seven hundred regulars and over one thousand Indians led by Chief Josef Brant. He asked Gansevoort to surrender but the American refused, he and his men knowing the importance of holding their position as long as possible. The very next day they received the welcome news that Herckheimer with the Ger- man militia was on the way to succor them. He had collected his force of four battalions, all to- gether eighl hundred men. as soon as he had hi aid of St. Leger's approach. On the evening of AngUSl fifth, he reached the point where the Oriska joins the Mohawk River and the presenl village of Oriskany is situated. From here he sent messengers to Fort Stanwix and decided to advance as soon as he knew that Gansevoort could sup- port him by a simultaneous attack upon the ene- my. This prudent and wise determination did, no', however, please the younger and less expe rienced element among his command. They wanted to attack in the early morning regard- less "f the dangers connected with a fighl against large numbers and in a dense forest where the enemy could nol 1" Seen. Herckheimer resisted their urging as long as he could, but when some HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 21 of the rashest among them said he had become afraid of the Indians in his old age, he reluct- antly consented to the advance. Events unfor- tunately proved that his judgment had been cor- rect. After the long and slim column had en- tered the forest on a narrow path it was sud- denly beset on all sides by the Indians assisted by a detachment of regulars. Herckheimer or- dered his men to hide behind the trees and suc- ceeded in getting them together in some kind of order. A short hand-to-hand fight convinced the Indians that victory could not be won as easily as they had believed. Herckheimer was wounded by a shot through the knee that shat- tered his leg. He ordered his men to place him on a saddle under a large tree and from this position encouraged them and gave his orders as if nothing had happened to him. About noon a thunderstorm with a heavy fall of rain inter- rupted the bloody work for some time and gave Herckheimer the opportunity to place his men in a large circle and close together. He also gave orders that two men should be behind each tree because the Indians had waited until a volunteer had fired his rifle when they jumped on him and scalped him. His men obeyed him willingly now. Late in the afternoon heavy firing was heard from the direction of Fort Stanwix. The gar- rison had made a sortie and was on its way to join Herckheimer. The enemy, already discour- aged by the strong resistance of the Germans, fled precipitately. The day was won and Herck- heimer's judgment was vindicated. But a high price had been paid. Two hundred of the militia- men were either dead or so severely wounded that they could not be removed. Many more had been captured by the Indians. Whole families were wiped out. Nine members of the Schell family were left on the battlefield, two of the Wohlleben, several Kast, Demuth, Hess, Kau- mann, Vetter, Orendorff, etc. Herckheimer him- self lived but a few days longer; he did receive the congratulations General Schuyler sent him but died soon after. The city of Herkimer was named after him and the state of New York erected a monument in his honor. He had ren- dered the American cause a service, the value of which can hardly be estimated high enough. Oriskany was the first successful engagement in the efforts to resist the advance of Bourgoyne; Herckheimer's victory discouraged the British troops and the Indians who left their allies in large numbers, and made it possible for Gates to advance against Bourgoyne without running the danger of being attacked in flank and rear. The surrender at Saratoga would have been im-' possible without the victory of Oriskany; it is even a question whether Bourgoyne could have been prevented from reaching New York. Wash- ington himself said that Herckheimer brought about a change in the situation in the northwest when it seemed hopelessly dark, and when every quality of leadership seemed to be absent. And he added : "General Herckheimer served and gave his life to his country because he loved it, and not because he desired preferment, fame or riches." The most prominent German in the War of the Revolution was, without question, Friedrich Wil- helm von Steuben. We are, indeed, justified when we say that his services to Washington and the American cause were of greater importance and value than those of any other foreigner serving in the American army, not excepting General Lafayette. As an individual Steuben did far better and more valuable work than the Frenchman, whose importance was based on the fact that he represented a whole nation and brought the aid and enormously valuable assist- ance of the French Government. Lafayette be- came the exponent of all that France did for the United States, and upon him were showered the expressions of the gratitude the American people justly felt for his country. A dashing figure, of undaunted courage, though lacking in experience, with many amiable traits which were more prominent than during the later years of his life, he fully deserved the love and admira- tion extended to him. But for the practical services he rendered as an individual we look in vain in the annals of the great struggle. Steu- ben played an entirely different part. He had very little opportunity to show his ability as a general in the field, he did not look for glory or admiration but worked hard and unceasingly and found contentment and happiness in strict and unremitting devotion to duty. Thus it came about, as it is always in this world, that La- fayette became a popular hero and received in- numerable proofs of the appreciation felt for him while Steuben had to wait many years before Congress gave him a pension sufficient to pass his remaining years in peace and comfort, and is all but forgotten by the American people. Friedrich Wilhelm August von Steuben was the son of an officer who had served in the Rus- sian and the Prussian armies. Hardly seventeen years old, the son entered the army of the Great Frederick in 1847, soon after the close of the sec- ond war with Austria. When the Seven Years' War broke out, Steuben was first lieutenant, and took part in the battles of Prague and Rossbach. During the year 1758 he served as volunteer in General von Mayr's Free Corps, one of those 22 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE I'XITED STATES detachments which were so frequent in former They did not belong to the regular army, acted independently and were meant to harass the enemy in his flank and rear by appearing sud- denly at the most unexpected places and disap- pearing again as quickly. After the death of his commander he was appointed adjutant-general to General von Huelscn, took part in the battles of Kunersdorf and Liegnitz and the operations against the Russians, was taken prisoner by them but soon set free. The close of the war found him an aide-de-camp to the King and quarter- r general <>f the army. For a time he had commanded a regiment hut the King was forced to economize after peace had been declared and, like many other officers. Steuben was reduced to the rank of captain. This and other reasons which have never been fully explained, induced him to resign his commission, although the King had given him many proofs of his favor. Dur- ing the next ten years Steuben served as court marshal to the Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechin- gen and after that for three years in a similar capacity to the Margrave of Baden. But his ambition could not be satisfied by the quiet life at one of the many small German courts. He traveled extensively and made repeated efforts to procure a commission in the Austrian army. In this he did not succeed and made up his mind to go to England. On his way there he visited Paris and did not want to let the occasion pass without calling on an old friend, the French minister of war, Count St. Germain. The Count immediately tried to persuade him to go to America and join the Colonial army. After much 'ion— which was justified, for Paris was full of French and other officers who had gone •I erica with letters of recommendation and even promises from the American agents, but had been refused commissions ami had returned pennile Steuben derided to follow St. Ger- main's advice, i n spite of the fact that the Amer- ican agents, Deane and Franklin, refused to pay even his traveling Franklin said he would try to induce Con| give to Steuben a lai . [ land, hut this promise seemed so ■il.en declined it and preferi offer his service-, without stipulating any reward, his arrival at Boston lie wrote letters to the I ami to General Washington in which he s.-,i(l that he had given up all his offices and his income in order to gain the honor, if need he with his blood, to become one of tl fender~ of liberty. He asked for commissions for himself and hi- companions, hut stated ex- ly that hi' expected no reward of any kind until he had shown by his services that he had earned it. He arrived at an opportune moment. Wash ington was in camp at Valley Forge with an army that lacked practically everything neces- sary for active warfare. It was the darkest time of the whole war. The American army had neither sufficient clothing, nor ammunition, nor ions. It had dwindled to five thousand men, many of whom were sick, insufficiently clad or without arms. The discipline was lax and there was nothing like uniformity in drill and tactics. Each colonel drilled his regiment in the way he found best, and quite a number of them possessed little or no knowledge of military science. After a few conversations with Steuben, Washington was convinced that he had found in him the man for the hour. He ordered him to take temporary charge of the duties of the in- spector-general, a very wise move, because it did not arouse the natural jealousy of the American officers which a permanent appointment would have done. Steuben took charge immediately, drew up rules and regulations and a complete military code, and compelled the regimental com- manders to interest themselves in their men. He not only supervised the drill, but formed a corps of one hundred and twenty nun under the pre- text that a special bodyguard for the general-in- chief was necessary. This corps he drilled in person and its proficiency soon aroused the am- bition of every colonel to show equal results with his men. This was exactly what Steuben had intended and expected. In his diary he describes at length tlie methods he pursued and one can- not withhold the greatest admiration from the man who, without any knowledge of the con- ditions and the language of the country, immedi- ately perceived how he hail to proceed, what pan- of the European systems could he adopted and how this army, officers as well as men, had to lie handled in order to make it a homogene- ous and effective body that could meet the well- drilled Britishers in compact formation on their ow n ground. The results of Steuben's work were quickly. < >n April 30, 177N. a little more than six weeks after the German had begun to drill the army, Washington asked Congress to give him a commission. In his letter he said: "II would lie an injustice it' I were to continue leav- ing the services of Baron von Steuben unmen- tioned. Mis ability ami his military accomplish- . as well as the untiring energy which he liown since he entered our service, compel me to state that he is a distinct gain for our army, and I recommend him to the special at- HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 23 tention of Congress." Steuben was accordingly appointed major-general and inspector-general of the army. But the great test was yet to come ; the question had to be decided how Steuben's reforms would influence the action of the troops under the fire of the enemy. He had not long to wait. On May 20, 1778, Lafayette had made a demonstration against the enemy and advanced a little too far. When Washington saw that Lafayette was in danger of being cut off he gave orders to ad- vance in force. Within less than fifteen minutes the whole army was in position. This was a feat never before thought even possible. Steu- ben's work had accomplished it. But a still bet- ter demonstration of the value of his services was soon to be given. On June twenty-eighth the battle of Monmouth was fought. Although most of his generals, especially Charles Lee, advised against it, Washington decided to attack the British army under Clinton. He alone was con- fident that his army was now in a condition to cope with a well-drilled and disciplined body of troops. The result vindicated his conviction. When the advance guard under Lee had been repulsed and its retreat began to assume the pro- portions of a complete rout, Washington ordered Steuben to collect the fleeing soldiers and to re- store them to order. Not only did Steuben suc- ceed in this but all the other troops remained firm and were not in the least influenced by the spectacle Lee's detachment offered. This would not have been possible before the army had been reorganized by Steuben ; the fleeing advance guard would have carried the others along and the engagement would have been lost. Washing- ton acknowledged freely that the credit for the victory at Monmouth had to be ascribed to Steu- ben, in spite of the fact that the German had not been actively engaged in the battle itself. Even Alexander Hamilton, not a friend of Gen- eral Steuben at that time, declared that he had been greatly surprised by the ease with which the fleeing regiments were re-formed and the others kept in good order, and added that at that moment only he had grasped the value of disci- pline and military training. One year later an- other illustration of the excellence of Steuben's methods was furnished, when the American troops stormed Stony Point at the point of the bayonet without firing a single shot. When he began his work, the bayonet was looked upon with contempt by the Americans; like all insuf- ficiently drilled troops they wanted to shoot as soon as they saw the enemy. He had taught them to remain cool and collected under the enemy's fire, and after Stony Point they acknowl- edged freely that his views were right. We cannot follow General Steuben's career during the entire war. He served as inspector- general, as chief of the general staff and for some time in the South. He was in command in the trenches before Yorktown when Corn- wallis offered to surrender. During all these years he had worked hard and used what time he could spare to perfecting the rules and regu- lations for the organization of the American army in war and peace. It was Steuben who first proposed the foundation of a military academy and when Congress erected the academy at West Point his plans were used to a great extent. When General Lincoln resigned as Secretary of War in 1783 nobody doubted that Steuben would be appointed his successor. His ability as well as his unselfish devotion to his new country had been sufficiently proven. But Congress selected General Knox who, though brave and an able commander, had never shown any special fitness for this office, on the absurd plea that so im- portant a place should not be given to a man not born in America. A few months later Steu- ben resigned his commission, and the thanks of Congress were voted to him, coupled with the promise that his valuable services would be fit- tingly rewarded. Congress also gave him a sword. This he received three years later, but he had to wait seven years before the pension promised to him was granted, in spite of the fact that Washington and others urged Congress to action. All of Steuben's efforts to get at least an accounting and reimbursement for the sums he had expended out of his own pocket were unsuccessful. For years he had to live in bitter poverty, in a cheap boarding house in New York, and without the assistance of some personal friends he might have starved. In 1790 Con- gress was at last induced to grant him a pension of $2,500 per annum. Several states had given him tracts of land, among them New Jersey, which offered him the confiscated possessions of a Tory named John Zabriskie. When, however, Steuben heard that Zabriskie was penniless, he transferred the gift to him. He accepted a quar- ter section of sixteen thousand acres from the state of New York near Utica. Here he erected a modest house, gave some of his land to for- mer officers and rented another part to colonists. Giving considerable attention to agriculture, he lived there during the summer and passed his winters in New York City. He died on No- vember 28, 1794. The cities of Albany and New York had made him an honorary citizen and he 24 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES had been appointed :i regent of the University of the : i New York. Another German served as general in Wash- -.'- army, Johann Kalb, or, as he called himself, Baron Kan de Kalb. But he was more of a Frenchman than a German. He had been born in Germany, it is true, but emigrated to France when hardly more than a boy. His work as uaiicr did not please him and he decided to enlist, but as he did not care to servo as private he assumed the predicate of nobility and secured a commission as lieutenant in the regiment I. w endal. De Kalli was a good soldier and fought in all the campaigns of the French army from 1743 to 17'M. He then resigned and married the daughter of a wealthy merchant. He must have enjoyed the confidence of the French Government to a high degree for when the first news arrived that the British colonies in America were dis- satisfied with, and might revolt against, English rule, de Kalb was sent to America to inves- the situation. On his return he reported that thing- were not ripe yet. hut would he in a few years. When the Revolution hroke out de Kalh went to America in the company of La- He was made a major-general and ren- dered valuable services. After heroic efforts to save the troops under his command from an- nihilation by .'in enemy many times stronger, he was killed in the battle of Camden, S.C., on August 10, [780. This narrative would not be complete without mention of a picturesque figure that has become immortal under the name of Molly Pitcher. It seems almosl an irony "t' fate that great gen- eral- should have been forgotten because they were not bom on American soil, while this sim- ple woman, also of German birth, is still re- membered, and this only because the name the soldiers gave her induced people t.i believe that she was an American. Her real name was Maria Ludwig and she was in the service of Dr. Irvine of Philadelphia. When she left hi- service she married Wilhelm Heiss. lb- enlisted in the ar- tillery when Dr. Irvine became colonel of the 1 Pennsylvania Infantry. Hi- wife went with him. for the soldiers, nursed the •id the wounded, and, during the frequent engagements, carried water to the tiring line in a large pitcher. In this way she earned the name under which history know- her. In the battle of Monmouth the battery to which Heiss belonged suffered severely from the British fire. of the men, including Molly's husband, had been Wollllded .'Hid tile fe-t ShOWed weakening. Thereupon the courageous woman sprang forward, grasped the rammer and started to load a gun. The spirits of the soldier- re- vived at this Spectacle, they gave three cheers for Molly Pitcher, redoubled their efforts and 1 the British to retire. It is reported that llei--. whose wounds were not serious, was made ■ am by Washington on the spot. Two more names must be mentioned, not of warriors, but of men whose services were of great value to the young nation in the hour of its greate-t need. One of them is Friedrich August Muhlenberg, a brother of the Reverend and General Johann Peter. He wa- also a min- ister of the gospel, but soon exchanged the chan- cel for the political platform. Of commanding ability, he was a member of the Continental Con- gress, president of the Pennsylvania convention which ratified the Constitution of the United States, Speaker of the Pennsylvania Legislature, and Speaker of the first and second United States Congress under Washington's administration. The other is Michael Hillegass, who was treasurer of the Continental Congress. Enough has been said to show that the Ger- mans did their full part — and perhaps more — to win independence for this country. They did then, as always afterward, prove their loyalty and devotion, their trustworthiness and their righl to receive full and complete justice. If this was not, and is not now, given to them, they do not complain but find solace in the con- sciousness that they are doing their duty and do not require praise from others. The history of this period would not be com- plete if we did not mention the Hessians, as the German troops fighting with the British army were generally called in America. They were by no means all Hessians but came from several of the small German principalities. It would be entirely wrong to draw from their presence the conclusion that the German people were in sym- pathy with England. These troops were sold by their ruler- for cash, and compelled to tight for a cause which did not interest them in the least They had no choice, and even the princes who -old them cannot be called allies of Great Britain. They were simply heartless tyrants who gave their helpless subjects to the highe-t bidder. If the American colonies had been willing and able 1.1 pa\ a better price there is no doubt that the Hessians would have been sold to them. These soldiers interest us because a g lly number of them remained in America after peace had been concluded. Thej were loyal and fought bravely whenever called upon, but naturally felt no en- thusiasm. When they were captured by the Amer- thej considered that their duty wa- done and did not need very close watching as a rule. HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 25 Many of the prisoners were given into the cus- tody of German farmers for whom they worked willingly and with whom they felt quite at home. There were so many of them that at one time the Congress seriously considered the advisa- bility of forming a regiment composed of Hes- sians, for quite a number had taken such a liking to their new-found friends that they were willing to take up arms for them. The project was, however, abandoned. But when peace came not all the Hessians who had been brought to Amer- ica returned. According to very conservative es- timates at least five thousand of them remained. Some of them had intermarried with the families of German settlers, others had become used to the new country, and many did not care to go back to conditions that had become distasteful to them after they had learned to appreciate re- ligious and political liberty. They settled mostly among the Germans in Pennsylvania, New York and the neighboring states. No distinct traces of them have remained. FROM THE REVOLUTION TO THE YEAR 1848 After the Revolution a period set in during which comparatively few Germans came to the United States. The French revolution and the Napoleonic wars acted as preventatives to emi- gration. This may appear contradictory at the first glance because, as a rule, troublous times are apt to drive people to seek new homes. It is, however, quite natural. The events that led to the French revolution filled the German people with a new hope. The belief that absolutism, re- strictions and serfdom would be done away with, became general. Why go to foreign shores if the happiness that might be found there was al- most certain to arrive at home? And after the long wars had broken out the state needed every able bodied citizen at home, while at the same time the ports of the Continent of Europe were closed to navigation and the seas were no longer highways of commerce, but the scene of never- ending strife between France and England, mak- ing it difficult and perilous for merchant vessels to cross the ocean. It is true that German im- migration never ceased completely, but it was not numerous enough to make a strong impression nor even to strengthen the already existing Ger- man settlements sufficiently to prevent their Americanization by slow but sure steps. Thus for nearly forty years the German element in the United States remained stationary as far as the number of newcomers was concerned. But the Germans remained by no means idle. They continued to spread in the way we have indicated and carried their characteristics into new regions. They took part in the conquest of the great western territory that had been pur- chased from the French Government. There were, in fact, many Germans among the bold spirits who forced their way through primeval forest and over pathless mountains with the firm purpose to extend the frontier of the colonies farther toward the setting sun. Their names have been forgotten, with few exceptions, but it is known that the large majority of the settlers who followed in the footsteps of the conquerors and advanced along the banks of the Ohio River, making Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana habitable, were of German blood. They also did a large share of the winning of Tennessee. Here, as everywhere, and at all times, the German settler did the real work. He did not look for fame or glory, he did not seek adventures and the spoils of war and the chase, but he cleared the soil and tilled it until it was changed into fer- tile fields and gardens. Valuable as the pio- neer's work was, his methods could never have opened the land to civilization. His log cabin served him more as a place of retreat in times of need than as a permanent home, while the German immediately began to produce and to improve, preparing the country for peaceful and permanent habitation by the millions who were to follow soon. All during this period the Ger- man proved his value for the land of his adop- tion and never ceased to be one of the most im- portant factors in its development. The Napoleonic wars had hardly ended when the immigration from Germany began to increase again. The great bulk consisted, as before, of peasants who came to find new homes on virgin soil. But withal a great change was discernible, for there arrived also a large number of men of the highest accomplishments and education, not as leaders of the masses or with them, but on their own accord. Again it was persecution that drove them from the Fatherland. They had to go because they had been foolish enough to be- lieve that the German people did not rise against the great Napoleon for the sole reason of re- placing their princes and princelings upon the thrones the conqueror had taken away from them. 26 HlSToRV OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IX Till- I WIT ED STATICS They h;i came here before [848. The greal Johann August Roebling lia the educated cla it had now spread, especially in Baden, tin- Pala tinate and Rhenish Prussia, to the body of the people. Consequently the refugees were no long- er almost without exception men of high at- tainments and superior abilities, as had been the case before. These classes still formed a large percentage, but with them came -mall shopkeepers, artisan-, tanners and even laborers. The Forty- eighters showed a high average intelligence but were not, as has sometimes been supposed, with- out exception highly educated. Quite a number of them, in fact, were lacking in the experience, knowledge and judgment required to fully under- stand the ideas they had been lighting for. These frequently showed an exaggerated belief in their own importance, and were apt to cover their inability to defend their position by sustained argument witli an aggressiveness sometimes verg- ing on intolerant and intolerable fanaticism. They did considerable harm for a time. For while the leaders who-e names had become known to tlh- American people even before they arrived w.ie received with open arms and showed them- selves worthy of the appreciation extended to them, many "I the rank and file repulsed the sym- pathy felt for their cause by word and action. The idea had taken possession of them that in order to be truthful, the common usages of or- dinary politeness must be dropped, and for the same reason they believed themselves bound to give expression to their own opinions without 1 to the feelings of others and without being called upon. Thus, for instance, many of the HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 29 newcomers, who were almost without exception atheists, or as they preferred to call themselves, freethinkers, considered it their duty to ridicule all believers and to attack churches and ministers, as well as worshippers as narrowminded and unprogressive fools. Such behavior, coupled with an almost studied unconventionality of apparel brought about a revulsion in the American mind, and the German revolutionists were no longer looked upon as martyrs of liberty to be wel- comed to the shores of the only free country on the face of the globe, but rather as a danger to a country whose people were imbued with deep religious feeling and, it must be said, were at that time rather provincial in their views on the larger questions which had come to the front in Europe. There can be no doubt that such ac- tions formed one of the contributing causes to the knownothing movement which swept over the country during the Fifties. While indefensible in itself, it was, to some extent, a reaction against the position taken by a part of the German rev- olutionists which caused the latent nativism al- ways in existence to break out in agitation of an unreasonable and most deplorable kind. This feeling was intensified by the fact that quite a number of the German immigrants for quite a while considered this country only in the light of a temporary home. They were waiting for a new revolution in Germany and continued to dream of the establishment of the great German republic, which would call them back to the Fatherland. In the meantime, they shifted for themselves as best they could, with a firm belief in their own superiority, which they never hesi- tated to express, and with very little regard for the feelings of the people whose hospitality and protection they were enjoying. All these defects disappeared quickly, however. Even the most ardent spirits made their peace with the new conditions surrounding them and settled down to work. They became most valu- able citizens of the republic, as soon as their hon- est, but under the circumstances, purposeless en- thusiasm had changed into the sober endeavor to secure an existence by hard work and industry. Many of them, it is true, did not succeed, be- cause their training had not fitted them for the combat that was before them. Comparatively few were fortunate enough to continue in the professions they had followed before they emi- grated, and quite a number were compelled to enter occupations which they would have con- sidered far beneath them only a few years before. But they tried hard, and the great majority ac- complished finally what they had set out to do. For the United States this immigration was of the greatest benefit. For we must not forget that the man who is ready to sacrifice his all for an idea is always superior to those who are willing to suffer oppression and tyranny as long as they are allowed to earn a scanty living. Thus even those who were not highly educated and who came from the ranks of the artisans and laborers were the best of their kind. They were filled with the same spirit that had made the colonies free and independent. They had been fighting for liberty without counting the odds which were overwhelmingly against them. With all their faults they fitted into the institutions they found here and they became excellent Americans as soon as the natural opposition to unaccustomed surroundings had worn off. And they brought certain traits which were still rare in this new country, born in strife and inhab- ited by a people that had been compelled to use its best gifts in the struggle for existence and material welfare. These Germans were idealists to a man ; they were filled with a deep love for the beautiful in nature, in the arts and in liter- ature. They saw in music not only a pleasant amusement which permitted them to spend a few hours agreeably now and then, but the means of elevating the soul. They exerted a softening influence upon the American character, hardened in the incessant fight with nature and the ele- ments. They strengthened by their teachings and example the conviction that there was something higher in the life of man than the effort to amass riches, and they showed to those among whom they had settled that life had a beautiful side to it and that no harm could come to the soul by enjoying it. Above all, they proved that the correct policy in everything was moderation, and that all excesses were harmful, whether in the direction of self-denial or indulgence. They simply could not live without at least a taste of the beautiful, and wherever they settled they founded societies for the pursuance of higher objects, especially singing societies, which have spread and improved to such a degree that they form an important and valuable factor in the life of the nation at present. They laid the foundation for the development of athletics in this country through the numerous "Turner" so- cieties, the first of which had been founded by Karl Follen, and which now sprang up every- where. There were quite a number of poets and writers of more than average ability among the revolutionists, and the standard of the German- American press rose quickly. The desire for a higher life, so strong among these men, did not only influence the German part of tne population, 30 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IX THE IWITED STATES but also the native Americans wherever they came in contact with the immigrai Considering all circumstances, it did not take so very long t<> bring about a readjustment. The Germans lost much of the roughness which, after all. was only external, adopted American ways and customs and became a homogeneous part of the American people, while the Americans learned to overlook the traits that at first had repulsed them, and began to appreciate the many good and valuable qualities their new friends possessed. The mutual appreciation was hastened by political developments. Up to the arrival of the Fortyeighters the Germans had been Dem- almost to a man. The Democratic party had attracted them on account of its greater liberality towards foreigners and its freedom from nativistic tendencies. When the great Je for the abolition of slavery commenced, the German revolutionists threw themselves into it with the same ardor with which they had fought for liberty in the Fatherland. It was sufficient for them that the liberty of human be- ings was at -take, and their idealistic views of life left them no choice. The active part they took during the political campaigns which ended in the election of .Abraham Lincoln brought them nearer to their fellow-citizens of American birth, ■ illy as tli led in winning over the great body of German voters to the new Repub- lican party. The task was a difficult one and not quite free from dangers, for it must not be forgotten that the Germans were almost fanatics in their adherence to the Democratic party at that time, and that they felt deep resentmenl against their own countrymen who tried to bad them away from their political moorings although they were comparatively recent arrivals and cer- tainly did not possess the same knowledge of American institutions and the same experience as thos,- who had already lived many years in the United States. But the work was a plished and the Fortyeighters swung the German in Wisconsin, Illinois Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Missouri and other western states, a- well as in Pennsylvania for the Republican party and the Union. It must be mentioned here that th< named had been largely settled bj < ier mans, not by revolutionists alone, bin by many farmers who had come j n the wake of the refu : illy, was overwhelmingly German and the same was true of whole dis in Indiana, Illinois, < mio and [owa, while ties like St. Louis, Cincinnati and [ndianapo lis the German element formed a larg if the inhabit.: It i~. ol impossible to give anything like a complete list of the men who came to America in consequence of the German revo- lt'.- in and reached eminence in one field of hu- man activity or another. We must confine our- selves to the most prominent among them. At the head of the list stands, of course, Carl Schurz, the great orator, author and statesman. Mis career would have been a brilliant one, even if a native American had reached the same heights. How much more admiration do we owe to him when we consider that this man came to America without knowing the language and the customs of the country, and in spite of these drawbacks within a few years was counted among the ablest men of the nation! Schurz had hardly taken his citizen papers when he was made the candidate of his party for the lieutenant-gover- norship of Wisconsin, and took part in the coun- cils of the party as one wdiose advice was to be listened to and heeded. It was his influence more than that of any other single man that induced the Germans of the West to enlist in the cam- paign against slavery. After the election of Lin- coln he was appointed minister to Spain and ren- dered a great service to the country which is not as generally known as it deserves. His obser- vations in Europe prompted him to inform Pres- ident Lincoln that the only way to prevent suc- cessfully the recognition of the Confederacy by the western European powers, notably England and France, was the declaration of the American Government that it waged war for the abolition of slavery. It is well known that the Govern- ment for a long time hesitated to do this for many reasons, chiefly because the effect of such action upon the Democrats in the North and upon die border states was feared. Schurz's earnest appeal hastened the adoption of the only policy which could have prevented the strength- ening of the Confederacy to the danger point. Me served with distinction in the Civil War and as United States senator for Missouri, and was Secretarj of the Interior under Hayes. The most important work in which he engaged and to which he consecrated almost his whole life con I iii the relentless and unremitting fight against the s|„iils system and for the establishment of the merit system, generally known as Civil Ser- vice Reform. For many years the president of the National Civil Service Reform Association, he his full strength to this work. Me saw clearly that th<- poils system was a cancerous h which was slowly but surely destroying the very life blood of the nation, ami that with- out its abolishment the public morals would be hopelessly corrupted, not to mention the impos- sibility of ever securing a decent adtninist rat ion. HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 31 The work he has done in this direction is not yet fully appreciated, but some day the services of Carl Schurz for the country he loved so much will be recognized. As an orator he belongs in the front rank, and few, if any, Americans of his epoch have surpassed him. His literary activ- ity was abundant, and his essay on Abraham Lin- coln as well as his life of Henry Clay in the American Statesmen's Series have become class- ics. He was the finest type of the Fortyeighter, always ready to fight, and if needs be to die, for his convictions ; never hesitating to defend them, whatever the consequences might be for him ; the born idealist to whom wrong of any kind was abhorrent, and who lived in the firm belief that no good could come from any other mode of life than the steadfast pursuit of the highest ideals. Always ready to suffer defeat in the conviction that right must triumph ultimately, he never compromised on points which he considered of vital importance in order to gain a temporary success. He was so imbued with idealism of the very best kind that his influence alone would have been sufficient to prove the immense benefits America derived from the German revolution- ists, but there were many like him, though not quite so able and not of so farreaching import- ance. Oswald Ottendorfer was another of the men of this period who may justly be called great. Several reasons may be assigned for the fact that he did not attain the same prominence as Schurz. Although a Unionist in the critical epoch of the republic, he was a Democrat of firm convictions and could never bring himself to look upon the Republican party otherwise than as the propagator of theories dangerous to the continuance and life of the institutions forming the foundation of the Union. While he, like most Germans, did not hesitate to take a firm stand against his own party whenever it suc- cumbed to influences which, to his mind, were wrong and dangerous, he lived and died a firm adherer to the doctrines of the Democracy. Un- der the circumstances it was natural that political preferment was not for him, because the party of which he counted himself a member was out of power during the largest part of his life. In addition Oswald Ottendorfer had become the editor of a great newspaper, the New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, which position compelled him to devote a large part of his time and activity to his business. All this might not have prevented his acceptance of political honors if his health had not been such that he had to husband his strength very carefully. It is difficult to esti- mate what this man would have accomplished if he had been stronger in a physical sense and if conditions had been more fortunate. By no means must the inference be drawn from these remarks that Oswald Ottendorfer did not par- ticipate in public affairs ; on the contrary, he was for many years a power in his party as well as in the independent element that esteems the wel- fare of the country higher than that of the party, and even during his last years, when he was al- most constantly confined to his room, his ad- vice was eagerly sought by men standing high in the nation. And while he and Schurz differed radically in temperament, Ottendorfer was as much an idealist as the former. Every move- ment that promised to improve the conditions under which his fellow beings were living, or of the public morals, whether it emanated from his political friends or opponents, was certain of his earnest support. Like Schurz, he was a mighty power for good in the life of the nation. Hans Kudlich, the liberator of the Austrian peasants, arrived in the early fifties. As a young man he had been elected a member of the first Austrian parliament, and as such moved the abol- ishment of the mediaeval laws which compelled the servants to work for the owners of large es- tates without receiving pay, thus making them virtual serfs of the nobility. These laws had long been abolished in other parts of Germany but had remained in full force in Austria. While Hans Kudlich modestly declined to take the credit for this great reform and tried to arouse the impression that a mere accident made him take the step which any other member might just as well have taken, it is nevertheless a fact that he, himself the son of a peasant, and there- fore a daily witness of the wrongs perpetrated, was, from the beginning of his public career, filled with the desire to free the sufferers from injustice. Great changes like this one are indeed not brought about by single men; when the time is ripe for them it requires only action at the right moment to complete them, but they are often delayed because an opportunity is lost. The man who acts when he knows that the right mo- ment has arrived, and who thereby achieves the result wished for is justly entitled to all the credit attached to the deed. History has recorded the fact that Hans Kudlich freed the Austrian peasants from serfdom, and nothing, not even his own modesty, can take this away from him. And it was not only compassion with the suf- fering servants that caused Kudlich to act, but his deep love for freedom and for humanity. With all his enthusiasm for the cause of liberty he threw himself into the revolutionary movement, was condemned to death and fled to America', 32 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IX THE UNITED STATES where he established himself as a practising phy- sician lmt engaged with the vigor he haaenzer did the same for the Anzeiger des Western in the same city. Friedrich Hassaurek, a man of rare gifts, founded the Hochwachter; P. V. Deuster edited the See- bote in Milwaukee for many years. Before them Eduard Schaeffer had founded the Nationalzei- tung der Deutschen, Daniel C. L. Lehmus had edited with success Die alte und die neue Welt, and Heinrich Rodter had started the Volksblatt in Cincinnati. From this time on, and under the guidance of men of ability, the German press in America became an important factor in the life of the American nation. It confined it-elf no longer to entertaining its readers and giving them the news they wanted to hear, but it dis- CUSSed American political problems in an in- structive way and -trove to explain to the newly arrived immigrant American institutions and cus- toms. With few exceptions these newspapers were edited in a more independent spirit than the American papers. While tin > supported one of the two parties, they never went so far a- to defend every one of its acts. They were always ready to criticize when this seemed necessary, and the blind partisan-hip that know- no reason ing was quite foreign to them. They were thus able to educate by encouraging the reader to judge for himself, and they did this work thor- oughly. It ha- been continued to the present day by men of equal devotion to principle and, in many cases, of similar ability. THE CIVIL WAR AND THE YEARS FOLLOWING IT Tin- full story of what the Forty-eighters did for the United Stat.- ha- not been told because on,- chapter, and by no means the leasl important one. ha- to do with tin- Civil War. In recount- ing the part the German- took in this struggle there will be occa-ion to complete the Story. Bui mention the deed- of the adopted citi- zen- let us glance at the behavior of tin- descend ant- of those German- who came more than a century before the North and the South met on the battle field. We remember how promptly the Pennsylvania Germans had responded to the 'all to arm- when the Revolution broke out and how a company of German- from N . .1 k County was the lir-t troop to reach Washington after the battle of Lexington. The spiril of the fathers lived in the children, for when Abraham Lincoln needed protection in 1861 the first regimenl to reach Washington was composed of live com panic- from Reading. Ailentown, Pottsville and Lewiston, almost entirely composed of the de ScendantS of the German patriots of Revolutionary days. Of the eight thousand soldiers furnished by Berks County, Pa., during the Civil War. fully eighty per cent bore German name-. A- aboul nine-tenth- of the inhabitant- were of German descent, and many families had anglicized their name-, there i- no doubt that the descendants of the German immigrant- of former times fur- nished their full ratio of fighters for the Union. It was the same all through Pennsylvania, and in fact throughout the North. The American- of German birth responded in the same waj Thej and their sons formed whole regiment- and came to the front. From New York, New Jersej and Pennsylvania in the East, from Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Ohio, Iowa and Michigan they marched forth, ready to die in HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 33 order to save the country they had learned to love, from destruction. And the old Fortyeighters were in the lead everywhere. They became regimental commanders and generals, for most of them were versed in tactics and had fought before. The greatest of them all was the gallant Franz Sigel, who had led the revolutionary army in Baden and since then had taught school in the United States. At the outbreak of hostilities he was instrumental in saving Missouri to the Union cause. He and some others organized the German Turners of St. Louis into a regiment and offered their services to Frank Blair. Their example was quickly fol- lowed by others, and it is an historical fact that without the German troops thus quickly gotten ready the attempt of the secessionists to take pos- session of St. Louis would have been successful. Sigel then took the field and prevented the Con- federate general Price from invading Missouri. After having shown his ability in several small en- gagements he decided the battle at Pea Ridge, the first real success the Union side achieved. He was made a corps commander and was the only general who held his position against the on- slaught of the enemy in the second battle of Bull Run. When the Union army was compelled to retreat Sigel covered the movement and kept the pursuing enemy at bay. He was undoubtedly a general of exceptional ability but had little opportunity to show it. It cannot be left unsaid that the "German" was not much liked by many of the other commanders, and that he was repeatedly ordered to make attacks when the troops under his command were entirely insufficient. His fail- ure in such cases was successfully used to keep him from getting the commands he was entitled to. Personally Sigel was one of the most lovable of men, filled with a vast store of knowledge, an idealist of the first flower, and of a modest and retiring nature. All the Germans who reached the rank of gen- eral in the Civil War cannot be mentioned but to show how numerous they were the most im- portant shall be named. Besides Sigel the follow- ing were made major-generals : Carl Schurz, who fought at Chattanooga and Gettysburg and com- manded a corps at Chancellorsville; Joseph Peter Osterhaus, who took part in the campaigns of Vicksburg, Chattanooga, Atlanta and Savannah ; Julius Stahel, who distinguished himself at Shi- loh ; August Kautz, one of the most daring cavalry leaders on the Union side; Gottfried Weitzel, who commanded on the James River and led the first troops into Richmond, and Friedrich Salomo, who had charge of Arkansas. Of brigadier-generals, Adolph Englemann was killed at Shiloh ; August Willich saved Kentucky by his victory at Bowling Green; Ludwig Blenker saved the Union army from complete destruction after the first battle of Bull Run; Friedrich Hecker, Carl Eberhard Salomo, August Moor, Hugo Wangelin and Adolph von Steinwehr served with distinction; Alexander Schimmelpfennig was the first to enter Charleston, Heinrich Bohlen fell on the Rappa- hannock, and Max Weber was killed at Antietam at the very moment when he was ready to break through the enemy's center, an advantage that would have routed the Confederates but was lost through the death of the leader. Not Germans alone who lived in the United States at the outbreak of the war fought for the Union. Untold thousands came over the ocean to join the ranks. It is true that many of them were adventurers who did not care very much what cause they fought for, but even these ren- dered valuable help and became good and loyal American citizens after peace had been restored. Many others came because they felt a deep sym- pathy with the cause, as was natural, for the Ger- man people took a very decided stand for the North. The Union had no truer and stancher ■ friend than Germany, and this fact was so well known that the recognition of the Confederacy by France and England was delayed until it became impossible by the position of the Prussian Gov- ernment. Two reasons may be found for this, one of a practical nature, and the other a more idealistic one. There were already several millions of Germans living in the United States and the vast majority of them was in the northern states; many of them were Democrats in politics, but all were Unionists. The German people naturally took sides with that section in which almost all their friends and relations lived. But not less strong was the feeling that the North fought for humanity and for that liberty that is dear to every sentimental German heart. For though the statement may appear strange and almost ridiculous to Americans, it is nevertheless a fact that the vast majority of the German people, though monarchists at home and always ready to submit to the will of the Government, at heart loves liberty and is always ready to assist other peoples to gain freedom. More Germans have volunteered and died in the wars other nations have waged for freedom than in fights against oppression at home. This is one of the reasons why Germans so quickly learn to love American institutions. It may be mentioned here that there were a few Germans who took a prominent part in the Civil War on the other side. They were with- out exception Unionists at heart and opposed to" secession, but felt constrained to follow their 34 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IX THE UNITED STATES when tl leracy was established Among them was General Johann Andreas Wag ener, who defended Charleston againsl the Union army. Karl Gustav Memminger became secre- tary "' the treasury of the Confederate Govern- ment. We have seen thai over ninety-five thousand German immigrants had annually come to the United 5 between [850 and [860. In the following decade the average was nearly as high, reaching eighty-two thousand. Tims not much .in two millions of Germans came within twenrj years. Mosl of them were farmers, and they spread all over the West and the Xorth- The Gorman (.•lcnu-nt in the western . which we have repeatedly mentioned, he- came more numerous and much stronger. Many immigrants went farther west and when the great overland railroads had been completed they swarmed to the Pacific Coast. Oregon and Washington were largely peopled by Germans who, like their forerunners nearly two hundred before them, introduced horticulture in that region so well adapted to this purpose, and there- by laid the foundation for one of the greatest industries of the presenl day. I'm other elements arrived in ever larger num- bers. Germany began to emerge slowly from the condition^ under which it had suffered since the Napoleonic wars. Although the people them- selves were perhaps not fully aware of it, the trend towards national unity and greatness be- came apparent. It -till required a violent con- vulsion to bring it about, but it was in the air and the German people became more active, sell reliant and enterprising, and also more practical. The immigrants who were highly educated were no longer composed of those who had been per ■ I. who hail failed for some reason 01 or who were dissatisfied with their surroundings, hut among them were many who knew that America offered them better opportunity the use of the knowledge they had acquired, and who emigrated for this reason alone. In the United States progress had been rapid, and the sciences and arts were receiving the attention they deserved. Commerce between the two countries was increasing rapidly. The number of German merchants and hankers grew ami their enterprises became more and more im- portant. While German universities were at- tended by American students, German professors and teachers came to America. For the Amer- ican had also gone through an awakening and learned the less, ,11 that practical knowledge ac- quired in the course of every day work is not sufficient to solve the great problems of mod ern life He saw the need of the higher edu- cation based Upon the sum of the experience gathered by others. He began to build up gi- gantic industries and perceived that the rule o' thumb worked well enough where every man pic duced his own necessities or those of his imme- diate neighbors, hut that more was required for large enterprises. The money he needed for his railroads and other enterprises had been readily furnished by foreigners, and a large part of it by Germans, and the goods he wanted could easily lie bought. But now that he desired to make them at home he was compelled to look for men wdio had been specially educated for producing them. The American began to found schools and colleges that would in time produce what he wanted, but he could not wait for them. In looking around he found that Germany, above all other countries, was in position to supply what he needed, and he made quick use of it. Cut the arrival of large numbers of graduates of German universities and technical colleges really belongs in the next chapter, even though it be- gan about this time, as likewise the immigra- tion of trained minds of other professions in large numbers. FROM THE FRANCO-GERMAN WAR TO THE PRESENT DAY Immediately after the war with France, Ger man immigration rose to very larg< Over four hundred thousand Germans arrived in 1X71, 1872 and [873. It then fell off, hut increased to proportions heretofore unknown in [8£ ar and 1892 nearly two millions came Since then the German immigration has fallen off, and during the last few years has been tin- probable future of German immigration to America will he touched upon further on. I he immigration during tin- period following the Franco Prussian War and the creation of tin- German Empire differed in many respects from that of earlier tunes. The years between ind 1X70 had already foreshadowed the change, hut though the German had begun to almost insignificant. The reasons for this and acquire a larger fund of M ]f reliance and of jus- HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 35 tifiable confidence in his own worth, he did not yet call himself a German outside of the borders of the Fatherland. Germany was still a geo- graphical name only, and while numerous forces were making towards unity, the inhabitants of all the large and small principalities were first of all subjects of their rulers, and in a political sense no Germany or German people existed. The governments of other countries did not know German subjects, and German ambassadors or German passports which would protect the trav- eler in foreign countries did not exist. The German going abroad was a Prussian, Bavarian, Hessian, etc., and only as such could he claim protection or the rights accorded to foreigners outside of the jurisdiction of their home govern- ment. The creation of the empire changed all this, and for the first time the German citizen felt that he belonged to Germany and not to a small part of it, and that behind him stood the officials and the full strength of a mighty em- pire. And inasmuch as this new empire had been born out of a tremendous demonstration of strength and of unity of feeling and purpose, it immediately became a power, recognized and re- spected by all other nations, and at the same time endowed its own citizens, for the first time in centuries, with unlimited confidence in their own strength as well as in the present power and the future of their own country. The effect upon the German character was immediate and mani- fested itself at home in the increase of enter- prise, in commercial and industrial life, and abroad in greater readiness to demand the rec- ognition a citizen of a world power is entitled to. This showed in the German immigration during the last third of the Nineteenth Century which, not only on account of its numerical strength, but also for the reasons given, became more im- portant and aggressive, produced greater results and exerted a larger influence upon the develop- ment of the American people, than the German element in the United States had ever done be- fore. Another factor must not be overlooked. Prac- tically all the Germans that came to this country during this period had served in the army, and many had seen active service in one or several wars. Americans, who are naturally and rightly averse to a standing army and compulsory mili- tary service, frequently overlook the fact that this institution has large educational advantages. It teaches a man to measure his own powers and to use them correctly, to overcome defects in character and temperament, and also many vir- tues that are of great value in every walk of life. To use a short but very apt phrase : a very few years of service under strict discipline gives to a man the opportunity to find himself. The best proof that this is fully recognized by the German people is the fact that the number of young men who emigrate in order to evade military service is steadily growing less and has become almost insignificant, while formerly it was very large. In Germany more than in any other country, the profession of the soldier is surrounded with a dignity and gives a standing that produces pride and self-consciousness — qualities which may sometimes be developed excessively but are nev- ertheless of great value. In short, the time had gone by when the Ger- man immigrants arriving in America were flee- ing from one kind of persecution or another. They came with the firm conviction in their hearts that they not only received but also gave something. Their aims were no longer confined to the wish to find peace, protection and liberty, they wanted to reap the fruit of the gifts and the labor which they placed at the disposal of their new country. There were perhaps not so many idealists among them who were ready to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of mankind without the slightest hope of reward, but they were all filled with the healthy idealism which does not lose sight of the practical side of life. The great materialistic wave of thought which swept over the civilized world at the end of the last century had already begun to exercise its influence. Even in Germany, the home of the idealistic dreamer, materialism was advancing with steady steps. This is not the place to dis- cuss the relative values of the two theories of life, but it is necessary to mention which one was the dominating one at the different periods in order to explain the difference between the character of the immigration at various times. It may be said in addition that the trend towards the materialistic conception of life was greatly strengthened, if indeed not caused, by the ex- ample the United States furnished, for their unparalleled success in the direction of material progress caused many to overlook the fact that the American people possessed a large fund of idealism. In Germany, where for generations pure and almost transcendental idealism had been accepted as the highest aim, materialistic ten- dencies were naturally softened and could not change the character of the people completely. They rather produced a blending of the two the- ories which was followed by the happiest conse- quences until they became too dominant to leave the idealistic spirit undefiled. One of the first and most important consequences of the change consisted in the effort to make science of prac- 36 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IX THE UNITED STATES tical service. Germany, with her magnificent edu- nal system and her clear perception of the value of thorough knowledge, was the first country to erect commercial, industrial and tech- nical schools and colleges where the pupils were not only instructed in the ways of doing things, as in the so-called manual training schools, nor in abstract science, but where both methods were combined Soon Germany trained large num- • t' young men in every branch of human knowledge after scientific methods, and the grad- uate of a commercial it technical high school combined the practical with the theoretical knowl- edge to such a degree that very little practise was necessary to make hi- services far more val- uable than those of his competitors in other coun- tries. Germany began to supply a large part of the world with civil engineers, with chemists, ar- chitects, etc. German merchants were found in every important trading place on the globe, and even German clerks invaded other countries, es- pecially England, where attempts were made to prevent their employment, which, however, was unsuccessful as their worth was undisputed. This union of scientific methods and research with the experience gleaned from actual and practical work showed in a development of the industrial life such as the world had never before witnessed, for i; included the transformation of a whole people which had, a- a whole, not unjustly been accused of being addicted to impractical dream- ing, and of an inherent inability to produce re- sults, into a hard headed, practical and enter- prising people with a char perception of the usefulness and valu< of every deed and act. Of such mould were the German immigrants of latter days. They fitted better into the indus trial life of the nation than their forerunners. They could immediately a--.i-t in the development of the natural resources of the country then un- der way. Then- were many among them who, like their forebears, tilled the soil and conquered the wilderness, being the instruments that added after state to the nation ; all of them brought the peculiar virtues with them which have long recognized a- essentially German; all of them were furthermore imbued with that touch of idealism that has been so valuable an admix- ture to the American spirit, and many helped to build up the industries which quickly grew to dimensions beyond the dream- of the most fertile imagination In every field of human activity the brain and the brawn of the German became an important factor, in some it predominated and was the moving f( It is impossible to go into details but a few of the most important facts must be mentioned. No less an authority than Andrew Carnegie has stated that the American iron and steel industry could never have reached its present develop- ment without the a-sistance of the German en- gineer who can he found in every office prepar- ing plans and devising means fur the work to he performed. There is hardly an industrial en- terprise, a large railroad company or a munici- pality in the United States on whose staff of engineers are not Germans. As soon as the American manufacturer grasped the fact that chemistry was a valuable aid and could save him enormous amounts of labor and money, as well as insure the uniform quality of his product, he turned to the German chemist who is now found almost everywhere in the United States, not only in the manufactories of chemicals, but wherever his knowledge can he used to advantage. When the glass-making industry emerged from the primitive state during which only the cheap quali- ties were manufactured here, Germans were brought to America to do the work and to in- struct Americans. In the textile industries the manufacture of silks and woolens is still largely in the hands of Germans. It is a well known fact that the introduction of beer, which bids fair to become the national beverage and has done so much to promote moderation by reducing the con- sumption of strong liquor is entirely due to Ger- mans and that this enormous industry is still al- most entirely in their hands. It is hardly neces- sary to state that the manufacture of pianos in this country owes its development mainly to Ger- man immigrants and their descendants. One has only to follow the advertisements in order- to be convinced of the fact that this vast industry may even at this late day he called a German one, though of course most of the founders of the great firms engaged in it have died. The piano manufacturers played an especially important role in the development of the country because they, or at least many of them, were instrumental in bringing European artists to America and raising the taste for and the appreciation of high-class music to the present level. The claim is justi- fied that without their help the musical art in the United States would he far below the high standard it has reached To this we will refer again when we speak of the influence German immigration has exerted upon the musical life of the American people. In going over the li-ts of the lithographers producing work of highly artistic quality tew American names will be found, most of tin- establishments of this kind are still managed by Germans or their descendants. This list could he extended indclinit ely, hut these few examples will suffice to show what the Ger- HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 37 mans have done for America in this direction. It was the same in commercial and financial life. The German banking houses have grown in number and importance until at the present day no transaction of great magnitude can be com- pleted without their aid. Many of the insurance companies have been founded by and are still en- tirely managed by Germans. A German-American invented the first practical and to this day the best typesetting machine. In the import and ex- port trade of the United States more Germans are engaged than men of any other nationality, Americans not excepted. One of the great over- land railroad routes was planned and constructed by a German, Henry Villard, who later on was instrumental in securing a firm basis for the de- velopment of the electrical companies of the country. Leaving business and the more practical pur- suits alone, we find that the first exponent of political caricature, or cartooning, as the Amer- ican prefers to call it, was the German Thomas Nast, while another German, Joseph Keppler, de- veloped and improved upon the somewhat crude though always effective methods of his predeces- sor. These two men may be called the origina- tors of this art in the United States, and among those now active in this line there are many Ger- mans, the most eminent being, without doubt, Henry Mayer, who combines American wit with German artistic feeling and French grace. Of artists, the German immigration has given to America many shining lights. Emanuel Leutze should be known to every American, for one of his great paintings, "Washington Crossing the Delaware," has been reproduced innumerable times and is found in many American house- holds. He painted the mural paintings in the new wing of the capitol, erected in the fifties. One of these, "Westward the Star of Empire Takes its Way," is almost as well known as the one mentioned above. Albert Bierstadt became one of the greatest of all American landscape paint- ers, and some of his works, most of which were of colossal dimensions, found the fullest appre- ciation and admiration in Europe. His paintings of the scenery of the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada are unsurpassed. Henry Schrey- vogel, born in New York, but of German par- entage, is best known by his painting, "My Bunkie." Among the many sculptors of renown who came from Germany, Karl Bitter deserves the first place. During this period the American institutions of learning extended their field of usefulness con- stantly, and it was but natural that they came into closer contact with the German universities. Without debate the fact was conceded that Ger- many was still the home of the exact sciences and the best source to draw from whenever knowledge of and instruction in the way of ac- quiring it was needed. Thus a steady stream of German teachers began to flow to these shores until there was hardly a university or college without German professors on its staff. Their in- fluence is all the larger as it is exerted upon the American youth at a time when the mind is still plastic and ready to receive and retain impres- sions. Of the learned professions that of medi- cine has given to the United States most. Ger- man physicians of exceptional ability came to America from the beginning of the Nineteenth Century, but their numbers grew to great propor- tions after the Franco- Prussian War until they formed a large percentage of all the physicians in the United States. The great progress made in medical science is, to a large extent, due to their example and their efforts to elevate the profession to which they belonged. In the field of music the German has played a more important part than in any other. It may almost be said that the history of music in Amer- ica, from the moment when music ceased to be more than a pastime with which people were will- ing to while away a few hours agreeably, is a German history. As soon as the American be- came musical, that is as soon as he began to perceive that beautiful music is art of the high- est kind and elevates the soul, in making it re- spond to the most exquisite sensations and lifting it above all wordly things, the German composer and musician came to the front. It is well known that the Germans are a mu- sical people. They had already produced com- posers of note when they began to come to America. At that time it was hardly thought of in England that music was one of the fine arts. The English colonists brought little or no knowl- edge of music to America ; the Puritans discour- aged it even, and considered all music, except the ■ singing of psalms and hymns, sinful. Among the German immigrants there were, no doubt, many who would even now be called good musicians, but no record exists of them. They did their share in increasing the appreciation of good music but they did not accomplish much until the first decades of the Nineteenth Century had passed. From that time on we can trace the progress of music in America. The beginning was not easy. If one desires to know how much — or rather how little — the American people at that time under- stood of music one has only to read the criti- cisms that appeared in the newspapers when the first artists of note were brought over and gave 38 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IX THE UNITED STATES concerts. Some of the passages are so naive as to be almost touching. It seems that the critics — and the audience, too, of course— were much more interested in the rapidity with which a pian- ist moved his fingers or the power with which he worked the pedals than in the sounds he pro duced. We read of one artist who had charmed the whole world that his playing showed that he had devoted considerable time to the study of harmony. In short, these criticisms show an ig- norance of music that could hardly he found to- day in a border town. It hail to he overcome, ami it -peak- volumes for the great gifts the American people possesses that within half a cen- tury it had emerged from such deep ignorance and was fairly on the way that leads to the complete mastering of one of tlie highest and most beautiful arts. The part that the Germans played in this evolution cannot he described lure at length, hut the fact- thai can he given will he sufficient to make good the claim that in this field they did by far the largest part of the work. We find the first trace- of systematic efforts to bring serious music before the public in 1838 when Daniel Schlesinger, a German musician of great gifts, became the conductor of the Concor- dia of New York, a society devoted to the cul- ture "f vocal and instrumental music. Almost at the same lime, in 1839, another German named Schmidt organized a similar society in Boston. These firsl -park- kindled the sacred flames ami in 1842 the Xew York Philharmonic Society was formed, which si ill exists and to which not only the city of it- birth but the whole country owes a Kri-at debl of gratitude. Among its conductors were men like Theodore Eisfeld, who must also he remembered a- the founder of a quartet that rendered chamber music; Carl Bergmann, who "U wa- active in the Opera field ; Henry C. Timm, Adolph Neuendorf, Theodore Thomas, Anton Seidl and many other Germans. At the birth of tin- Philharmonic Society, twenty-two of it- fiftj four members were Germans ; in 1900, out of ninety four members eighty-nine were either hum in Germany or children of German immi- grants Not much later Eisfeld formed the New York rlarmonie Society, which was devoted main ly to the production of oratorio-. In 1N50 the celebrated Germania Orchestra came from Ger many and traveled all over the country with im- mense success, awaking everywhere the taste for good music Manj of its members remained in America when the orchestra wa- dissolved. The did not remain behind. In [850 I [an Ba latka formed tin- Musikverein in Milwaukee. Me \\a- one of thr pioneers of music in tin- western states and did much for tin- advancement of the art. After years of fruitful work in Milwaukee •Hided and took charge of the Chicago Sym- phony Society. In St, Louis tin- Polyhymnia was founded in [845 by Dr. Johann Georg Wessel- hoeft, and the Philharmonic Society by Edward Sobolewsky in 1859. The Cecilia Society of Cin- cinnati wa- -tatted about the same lime. The mightiest warrior of them all in the fight for the ;nition of s^ood music wa- Theodore Thomas, win 1 diil not know what defeat meant and wa- ever ready 10 begin again when disaster had overtaken him. After he left Xew York he took charge of the Chicago orchestra and to him more than to any other single man America i- indebted for the musical festival- now held from time to time in many cities. Mi- wa- thr creator of the L;reat Cincinnati Musical Festival and was indefatigahlc in his efforts to make Americans acquainted with the works of the modern com- posers. It may fairly he said that he forced the public to like and appreciate what he knew was good in his art, and the fact that such work- did not please his audience- at the start never made him swerve from his path. Many German singers and musicians of great renown came to the Uni- ted State- a- visitors and assisted in spreading artistic feeling. The movement was greatly helped by the Ger- man singing societies. They had existed on a small scale for some time, hut they became large and influential when the German immigration in- creased in the middle of the last century, and contained a much larger percentage of educated men and women. They were soon to he found in every place where Germans had settled. They combined into federation- which held singing fes- tival- at regular intervals in different cities. At such occasions Americans did not only hear good music hut also learned how serious work can he combined with innocent enjoyment. In this way these societies became important educational fac- tor-. Manx of them earned a national reputation, especially the German Liederkranz and the Arion of Xew York, tin- Germania and the Apollo Mu- sical Club of Chicago, the Orpheus of I'-uffalo and thr Inner M.mnerchor of Philadelphia. Sev- eral of them added to their usefulness by engaging a- conductors Germans of exceptional ability and assisting them in their efforts to gel a foothold iii wider field-. Among the nun who began their career in America a- conductors of German -inl- ine; societies ami afterward became leaders of large orchestras were Man- Balatka, Leopold Damrosch and frank van der Stucken. Others, like Carl Bergmann and Carl Anschutz, <1< part of their time to -in^in^ socii In the field of "pita thr Germans in America HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES 39 have always stood for progress and it is due to their efforts that the works of the modern mas- ters became known to the American people. In 1850 Max Maretzek produced Weber's "Frei- schutz," and in 1856 Beethoven's "Fidelio." Carl Bergmann gave the first performance of a Wag- ner opera when, on April 4, 1859, he produced "Tannhauser." On this occasion the Arion So- ciety of New York furnished the chorus. Carl Anschutz was the leader of the Strakosch and of the Ullmann opera companies, the latter giving for the first time in the United States opera in German with Carl Formes and Madame Fabbri. In 1877 Adolph Neuendorf produced "Lohengrin" and "Walkuere" and the Pappenheim Opera followed one year later with "Rienzi" and the "Flying Dutchman." But the man who put German opera on a firm footing in the United States was Dr. Leopold Damrosch. He had been the conductor of the Arion Society and had founded the Oratorio Society in 1873, and when, in 1884, Italian opera had failed again to satisfy the New Yorkers, he organized a German opera company, brought a number of the best German singers to this country and gave the first per- formances of Wagner's works in America that were worthy of the great master. Unfortunately, he died before his first season was over, but the work was continued by Anton Seidl, who for many years remained the greatest interpreter of German operatic and orchestral music in the Uni- ted States. Since the day when Leopold Dam- rosch first lifted his baton in the Metropolitan Opera House in New York the best works of the modern composers have been produced on the American operatic stage by the foremost singers of the world, and the times are past forever when the old Italian opera alone satisfied the American public. Without losing the faculty of appreciating what is beautiful in the music of the past, it has learned to understand and to love the best and highest in the music of the present and the future. And this is true not only of opera but of every other kind of music. From this short sketch it will be seen that we have not claimed too much when we said that the Germans taught the Americans to look upon music as more than a mere pastime to while away a few hours. They deserve the largest part of the credit if the United States has become a musical coun- try, if refined taste and good judgment as well as full comprehension of the art of music and its aims have spread to an extent nobody would have dreamed of half a century ago. Anybody who doubts this may easily convince himself of the truth. Any history of music in the United States, any newspaper and even the programs of musical events will show that to this day Germans and their descendants preponderate in the musical life of the nation. They are found in overwhelming numbers among the singers and the musicians, the leaders and the virtuosos, the musical agents and the impresarios, and even among the teachers and the musical critics. Without them the demand for good music, now so strong in the United States, could not be filled, and would, in fact, never have been created. There can be no dispute over this question if the facts are known, and it must not be forgotten that only of late music has become a calling in which others than a few great singers and virtuosos may reasonably expect to reap large material gain. Most of the men whom we have named and the great host that cannot be men- tioned here, worked incessantly and gave their full strength without receiving more than a meager reward. Many of them were, in fact, con- tinuously in sore straits, and it was the love for their art and the unbounded enthusiasm that is ready to bring every sacrifice for an ideal which kept them at their work. CONCLUSION In order to do full justice to the Germans who have settled in the United States it is necessary to consider the difficulties which they had to overcome before they could fairly start on the road to success. Most of them did not know the language of the country which they had chosen as the field of their activity. Practically none of them were acquainted with its political institutions beyond knowing that they gave to every citizen the right to participate in the government and to every inhabitant, whether a citizen or not, the fullest privilege to use his ability in any direction he might choose. Even the general views of the people in regard to the way of living and the social customs were foreign to them. All this they had to learn, and this could not be done without constant disappointments, for they did not always meet with kindness. On the contrary, they had to overcome hostility from many quarters which frequently made itself felt in attempts to ridicule their speech and customs, sometimes took the form of contemptuous treatment, and in not 4(1 HISTORY OF GERMAN IMMIGRATION IX THE UNITED STATES a few cases led to brutal attacks. Naturally sen- sitive td criticism and slights, whether intended or not, the Germans suffered greatly under this treatment, but to tlieir credit it musl be -aid that they did not hold the American people responsible but understood that the acts they had jusl cause to complain of were committed by a small and narrow-minded minority. Neither their apprecia- tion for the new conditions surrounding them nor their endeavors to prepare themselves for Amer- ican citizen-hip was lessened by the unpleasant ex- periences they had to undergo. With rare excep- tions they took the oath of allegiance as soon as the law permitted it and fulfilled their duties ■en- with exceptional regard for the wel- fare of the country a- they saw it. This was nat- ural, fur they did not gain American citizenship like the native American who receive- it without effort on hi- part. They, on the contrary, had j dearly for it. They had left home and Fatherland ami parted from relative- and friends in order to serve their new country and they con- sequently held in much higher esteem what was acquired under difficulties and sometime- hard -hip- than the man is apt to do who has but to stretch out his hand to grasp the ripe fruit. They to this day, proud of their suffrage, and in using it follow their conviction- and con- science more closely than the average American. Party ties sil lightly upon them and they do not follow blindly leader- who cannot convince them of the disinterestedness of their motive-. Their independence and their disinclination to submit to dictation "t- to subordinate their opinions to the will of others are some of the reasons why the German-Americans have nol exerted more influ ence upon political organizations. That compara- tively Germans have reached high political | illy explained by the fact that for mosl of them the English language remain-, after all, a foreign tongue, and that the German is hazard' hi- a venture as the embarking in the game of American politics may justly he called. The influence of the German upon the course "i' politics has, however, been very great, and in the main beneficial. The verj thai die so-called German vote always re mained an uncertain quantity ami in man) ami cities held the balance of power ha- cau-ed the professional politicians in almost every important campaign to he mi. re careful than they would have been if they hail known that the German American voters would follow the parts- r< • if principles and consequences. The Germans in the United State, have fre quently been criticized because they associate among themselves and do not mingle freely with Americans. In considering this statement we must t'ir-t of all strongly emphasize the fact that the American citizen- of German birth or descent never act in concert when American questions are to be decided, that is questions which involve the interests of the American people as a whole. It i- almost impossible to unite the German vote on purely political questions. It will sometimes be casl almost solidly for one side or the other but this i- only the case when questions are to be de- cided that, on account of their ethical or moral importance, appeal strongly to the German mind, or when effort- are made to deprive a part of the population of the right to live in the way it has been accu-tomed to because a few fanatics de-ire to compel everybody else to accept their teach- ings. When Germans come together to discuss political questions they do so because many of them desire to hear arguments in their mother tongue, not being able to master them completely if delivered in English. They not only have the right to do this, but it i- to the interest of the whole country when mean- are found to instruct every citizen, no matter where he has been born, until he understands fully all questions in the de- cision of which he must participate. It is quite true that in social life the German- American population keeps very much to it-elf. The reasons for this are obvious. The German immigrant has no relatives or friends among the native element, lie has left behind him the asso- ciations formed during his youth, which, for the man who remains in the country of his birth, of themselves create a constantly widening .and changing circle of acquaintances. Tin- German in America must seek new friends and has to begin life all o\o,q66 C. 261,536 2,122,502 9. Slavs B. 1,136/212 10. Semites B. 572,764 11. Hungarians and Finns B. 286.315 12. Germans mixed with other, not Germanic races B. With Celt- 473o6i Wi:h Latin races 93,276 With Slavs 38,380 With Hungarians 14,825 616,042 13. All others B. 286,617 From these figures the following conclusions may he drawn : 1. The German element form- at present the largest part of the population of the United States. 2. The German element i- twice as large as the Anglo-Saxon and more numerous than the Anglo-Saxon ami the American together. 3. The Anglo Saxon and the American ele- ment together form thirty-seven per cent of the entire population; the Teutonic element (Ger- man-. Scandinavian- and Hutch) forty-three per cent. 4. The entire part of the population that may be designated a- of Germanic origin together with the American element comprises fifty-three and one half million- or eighty per cent of the white inhabitants of the country. And these conclusion- had to the other-: 1. The claim that the American people i- pre- eminently an English or Anglo Saxon people is without foundation in fact. 2. An immigration of at least forty millions of nun Germanic p< necessary in order to overcome the preponderance of the Germanic elemenl in the United S SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS DR. HANS KUDLICH. 44 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS CARL SCHURZ was born March 2, 1829, in the village of Liblar, near Cologne; in 1840 he entered the Catholic Gymnasium of Cologne, and in 1846 proceeded to the University of Bonn with the intention of studying philosophy and his- tory. Like many other ardent and generous- minded young students, he fell under the influ- ence of Professor Johann Gottfried Kinkel. Kinkel was a poet, an orator, an idealist, a man fitted by nature to arouse the enthusiasm of youth, and ready, when occasion called, to at- test his faith by his works. He threw himself unreservedly into the revolutionary movement of 1848, and served as a private among the in- surgents in the spring of 1849. Schurz, follow- ing the example of his friend and teacher, served as adjutant of General Tiedemann, and, when the latter surrendered the fortress of Rastadt with forty-five hundred revolutionary troops on July 21, 1849, he made an almost miraculous escape from it through the sewer connecting with the Rhine, and fled to Switzerland. In the following summer he returned to Berlin, under an as- sumed name, for the purpose of liberating Kin- kel, who had been taken prisoner, tried for treason, and sentenced to imprisonment for life. With the aid of wealthy sympathizers, this daring and romantic project was carried to a successful conclusion in November, 1850, and created a sen- sation throughout Europe. Friedrich Spielhagen, the popular novelist, born in the same year as Schurz, and his fellow-student and friend at Bonn, has embalmed this adventure as a stirring episode in his book "Die von Hohenstein," in which Schurz figures as Wolfgang von Hohen- stein, and Kinkel as Dr. Miinser. In fact, a more remarkable instance of self-sacrifice and heroism for friendship's sake has seldom been recorded, and it demonstrated the singular no- bility of Schurz's character. Schurz and Kinkel escaped on a Mecklenburg vessel to Leith in Scotland. Of the latter we may here take leave, merely mentioning that, after a five years' resi- dence in this country, he held a professorship at a girls' school in London, where he also es- tablished a German newspaper, Hermann, in 1866 accepted a call to the Polytechnikum in Zurich, and died there on November 15, 1882. Schurz spent about two years in London and Paris, sup- porting himself by giving music lessons and by acting as correspondent of German newspapers. In July, 1852, he married Margaret Meyer, the daughter of a well-known Hamburg merchant. The match was a romantic one, the acquaintance being traceable to the fame of Schurz's exploit in liberating Kinkel, and was the beginning of a long and happy union, broken only by the death of the wife in March, 1876. In September, 1852, Schurz crossed the ocean and took up his abode in Philadelphia, where he remained for three years, removing then to Watertown, Wis. He attached himself at once to the newly formed Re- publican party, and in the following year, 1856, made German speeches which contributed so materially to carrying Wisconsin for Fremont by a majority of more than thirteen thousand votes, that in 1857, although he had but just be- come a citizen, he was nominated Republican can- didate for lieutenant-governor, and came within one hundred and seven votes of an election. Two years later he was offered the same nomination and declined it. His first English speech, made in 1858, during the senatorial contest in Illinois between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Doug- las, attracted general attention, and was widely circulated under the title of "The Irrepressible Conflict." In the following year he began the practise of the law in Milwaukee. On a lecturing tour through New England he made a decided impression by attacking the ideas and policy of Douglas, and by opposing a proposed Constitu- tional amendment directed against naturalized cit- izens. The latter subject he again brought before the National Republican Convention of May, i860, which he attended as chairman of the Wis- consin delegation, and which, upon his motion, in- corporated in the fourteenth paragraph of the party platform a declaration unequivocally pledg- ing the Republican party against all legislation by which the existing political rights of immigrants could be impaired or abridged. Moreover, he supported George William Curtis in his success- ful appeal for the insertion in the platform of the sentiments of the Declaration of Independ- 45 46 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS ence, which had been denied to Mr. Giddings. Al idily cast the vote of his whole del- :i f« >r William 11. Seward, Schurz was ap - pointed a member of the committee to notifj Lincoln of his nomination; a member of the National Republican Committee, consisting of one representative from each state; and also a mem- ber of the Executive Committee, which then con- sisted of only -even members. During the ensu- ing canvass he made many brilliant speeches in German and in English, which were an important factor in bringing about the election of Lincoln, who. after his inauguration, recognized the valu- able services of Schurz by appointing him United State- minister to Spain. Schurz presented his credentials to Queen Isabella on July 16, 1861, but in December resigned his post, and, after a brief vi>it to his native land, returned to his adopted country in January, 1862, to take ser- vice in the Union Army. He was commissioned brigadier-general in April, and on June seventeenth took command of a division in the corps of General Franz Sigel, participating in the second battle of Bull Run (AugUSl twenty-ninth and thirtieth). He was appointed major-general on March 14, 1863, and on May second commanded a division neral Oliver O. Howard's Eleventh Army Corps, at the battle of Chancellorsville. With the same corps he participated in the battles of Get- ty-burg and Chattanooga, and served under Sherman in the Georgia campaigns. The sur- render of General Johnston to General Sherman on April jo, [865, terminated the war; and Schurz, having obtained leave of absence, pro- ! at once to Washington and resigned his commis ion a- general. Hi- resignation was hied May fifth, and was the first one received by the War Department, with the sob- exception of Gen- eral Sigel's, which was tiled May fourth. In the summer of [865 Schurz was commissioned by Presidenl Johnson to make a tour of the South em State- ami prepare a report on their condi tion and the state of public sentiment, He made ful ami conscientious study of the subject, and embodied the result of hi- investigations in a candid and judicial minded report, in which be recommended that bet',, re readmitting the 1 to full political rights a Congressional committee be sent there :•■ make a thorough sur- ■ und and suggest appropriate ! lation. In the winter <,f [865 66 Schurz was Washington correspondent <>f the New York Tribune: in 1866 be went to Detroil and became he Detroit Post; in 1867 be removed :,, St. Louis to become editor and. with Emil Pre tortus, joint proprietor of the Westliche Post. At tht- time he made a journey to Europe, and u,is received in Germany with distinguished con- sideration; in an interview with Bismarck the latter requested him to give a history of his Kinkel exploit, and. after listening to the account with great interest, remarked that he thought in Schurz's place lie would have acted in the same Way. Having been appointed temporary chair- man of the Republican Convention of May, 1868, which nominated General Grant, Schurz was in- strumental in inserting in the platform a reso- lution recommending a general amnesty. Liven during the war, and while in active service in the field, Schurz had not intermitted his activity as a political orator, but had occasionally taken leave of absence when it seemed necessary to rouse public sentiment to support the Adminis- tration, and in 1864 had made some notable speeches in the second Lincoln canvass. A- a matter of course he was one of the most ef- fective speakers in the campaign of 1808, which resulted in the first election of Grant. On Janu- ary 19, 1869, the Legislature of Mis-ouri elected him senator, and he took his seat at the special session beginning March fourth, being the tir-t German-born citizen who had ever been a mem- ber of the upper house of Congress. The career of Carl Schurz in the Senate would have been sufficiently remarkable if regarded merely as a demonstration of his great gifts as a parliamen tary orator and of his readiness as a debater, i le was not only the most effective speaker in the Republican patty, but the greatest orator who has appeared in Congress in our generation. Unlike many of his most distinguished colleague-, he never resorted to inflated or bombastic rhetoric, and never stooped to any of the well-worn arti- fices with which demagogues from time imme- morial have been wont to tickle the ears of the mob. As was truly s.aid of him. he always -poke a- a rational man to rational men; he wa- al- ways sure of his subject and always full of it, and the natural consequence wa- that he always had something to say that was worthy of serious •011 even from those who mighl differ from him in opinion. Hi- iiiiumi.i1 natural gifts for oratory he had sedulously cultivated by a diligent stud) of the best models, with the remarkable that although be had arrived at man' tate before acquiring a practical acquaintance with our language, his English style very rarely, and even then only very slightly, betrayed his foreign birth and education: and in acquiring -o perfect .1 command of a foreign idiom he had never in any d Feited his mastery of his native tongue To his other qualities he added a quick vvi' and a biting sarca-m. which could cut very without ever Overstepping the bounds of GUSTAV H. SCHWAB. 47 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 49 parliamentary decorum, and which made him for- midable both in attack and in defense. In fine, we might say, speaking on Bacon's hint, that he was at once a full man, a ready man, and an exact man. But he has a better claim than that to the respect of the American people. It is Bacon, again, who tells us that "talk is but a tinkling cymbal where there is no love," and Schurz's greatness as an orator lies in this, that he not only spoke as a rational man to rational men, but as a man of heart and of conscience, who judges other men by himself, and feels that his best hold is in appealing to the better nature of his hearers. What he said of Sumner in his unsurpassed eulogy of the Massachusetts sena- tor, that "he stands as the most pronounced idealist among the public men of America," might with equal truth be said of himself. The course of events has taken his part in nearly all the controversies which put him at odds with his party in the Senate. He was in advance of public sentiment, not so much by reason of any su- perior foresight or political sagacity, as because of his fidelity to his ideals, and his conviction that, in the long run, truth was bound to prevail. He was the original Independent in politics, and the whole political faith of the Independent can be educed from his utterances. He was a warm advocate of civil service reform, of tariff reform, of currency reform, at a time when the friends of any kind of reform were few and far be- tween, and had nothing to expect from either party but obloquy and sneers. Perhaps the great- est practical service he rendered at this time was in his unwavering advocacy of correct principles on the currency question. He was almost the only public man who never made any concession on this point to ignorant public clamor, and his mastery of the subject was equal to the honesty and courage with which he stood for the right. The two speeches against inflation and in favor of a return to specie payments which he made in the Senate on January 14 and February 24, 1874, were models of sound doctrine. Of the second of them Professor Bonamy Price of Oxford, certainly a sober-minded and competent critic, said that it was the ablest speech ever made on banking in any parliament, that its range and solidity were wonderful, and that it offered a body of detailed doctrine which almost through- out will bear the test of the closest examination. Any adequate account of Schurz's course in the Senate will confirm the judgment of William M. Evarts that Schurz had presented, under adverse circumstances, an instance of an elevated Amer- ican statesman, and the opinion of James Rus- sell Lowell, who thought his loss to the Senate a national misfortune. The complimentary dinner at which the sentiments just quoted found ex- pression was given to Schurz on April 27, 1875, to mark the regret which honest men of all par- ties felt at his retirement from the Senate, at his being (in the words of one of them) "exiled from one party by his independence and principles, and repelled by the other apparently because it is too ignorant to recognize his value in public life." It was certainly an unusual tribute to be tendered to a man whose public life was apparently closed, and it found an appropriate echo on the following day in a banquet and serenade given by Germans, and a few weeks later in another banquet given to him in Berlin by Americans and attended by many Germans of distinction. But a more sig- nal vindication awaited him on hi* return from Europe. Although he had broken with and de- fied the Republican party by taking sides against it in the Louisiana question, in the matter of the Ku-Klux laws, in advocating a general am- nesty; although he had opposed the Administra- tion in the San Domingo discussion, in the de- bates on the sale of arms to France, and on abuses in the New York Custom House : al- though he had originated the Liberal Republican movement in Missouri in 1870, and had thereby given the first impetus to the current of inde- pendence in politics which has since swept the country ; although he had presided over the Lib- eral convention of May, 1872, which nominated Horace Greeley for the Presidency and had ad- vocated (with much reluctance, it is true) the election of Greeley; although he had done all these things, and many others that equally demon- strated how little amenable he was to the ordi- nary canons of party discipline, and how much he placed the cause above the party — in spite of all this, no sooner had he returned home, than he was appealed to by the Ohio Republican Com- mittee to stump that state in favor of Hayes and honest money, as against Allen and inflation. Within a week he was in harness, and resumed, with all his wonted boldness and brilliancy, the good fight against financial folly, quackery, and knavishness which he had fought in the Senate, and which he was to fight over again for many years to come. It was to his valiant efforts more than to those of any other one man that the victory then achieved was due. In the presiden- tial election in the following year, he once more cast in his lot with the Republican party, believ- ing, as did many other Independents, that sound currency and civil service reform were, on the whole, safer with Hayes and his following than with the Democratic supporters of Tilden. There was an impression abroad that he had received 50 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS positive pledges from Hayes that civil service re- form would be carried out in good faith. At all events he threw himself into the canvass with his customary energy, and his appointment by Hayes to the secretaryship of the interior was only a just recognition of the importance of his services, and at the same time a partial redemp- tion of tlic pledge, it" a pledge there was, in re- gard to civil service reform, of which it was on all sides admitted that Schurz was a sincere and ardent advocate. So well was this understood by the enemies of the reform that, while his nomi- nation was pending, they spread a report that hi- confirmation would be opposed by some Re- publicans from a "di passionate belief" that he did not possess business experience and admin- istrative ability enough for the proper discharge of the multifarious duties of the office. The du- ties of the office were, indeed, multifarious, but Schurz was soon to convince the country thai an idealist can be a very practical man in any busi- ness which i- compatible with honesty, industry, intelligence, and courage. He was confirmed on March eleventh, and before a week had ex- pired he assured the clerks that no removals would be made except for cause, unless the force had to be reduced, in which case the least com- petent would be removed; that no promotions would be made except for merit, and that, a- there were no vacancies, no recommendations to office would be entertained. This was not empty declamation, for Schurz did nol even bring a new private secretary with him. On April -i x th he promulgated an order providing for the investi gation and practical determination of questions connected with appointments, removals, and pro- ns by means of a board of inquiry com- posed of three- clerks of the highest cla s; and his subsequent actions demonstrated that there was no sham about this measure, but that it was meant in sober earnest. The reform of th< however, was but .a small part of the work. The new Secretary, in violation of all precedent, made up his mind, to master personally the busi of his office, which included the management of the Indian service, with an armj of offi< quarter of a million of Indians, and their land . ations ; the Pension < >ffice, the Patenl Office, the census, the public land-, the geoli ami geographical surveys, the transactions with 'he land grant railroads, and numerous other matters lit- worked from nine till six, and some times late at night, and made the most of his time by devoting to business the bouts which most of his predecessors had tO politics ami wire-pulling. As a natural consequence, be un earthed numerous abuses which previous taries had known nothing about, and probably did not want to know about. He found the ser- vice in a deplorable condition, particularly the Indian Bureau. The Secretary of the Interior, and even the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, were kept in ignorance of what was going on, and contractors and Indian agents were allowed full swing. As fast as Schurz could fasten the responsibility for wrongdoing or negligent even mere carelessness, he made changes and removals right and left, regardless, as he had ever been, of the enemies he made Mis efforts to check the timber thieves brought him into con- flict with powerful corporations, and with his old Republican antagonists in the Senate: while his intelligent and well-considered Indian policy was attacked not only by a noisy company of traders, who had a vested interest in corruption, but by army officers on the one hand, and by well meaning, sentimental philanthropists on the other. All of these foes be faced undismayed, and did not allow clamor or vituperation to swerve him from what he considered the straight path of duty, lie put an end to the swindling of Indians by agents who were appointed to protect them, and in four years gave the wards of the nation a better start towards civilization than they had ever had before. During his term of office the agricultural products raised by them were doubled. In his first annual report he outlined an Indian policy, the chief points of which were: the main tetiance of good faith with the tribes: the dis couragement of hunting; the concentration of tribes dependent on hunting within reservations; their conversion to agriculture and stock-raising ; the establishment of schools and of agency farms: together with many other similar measures which FUggested themselves to a humane, conscientious, and highly educated official, who had taken pains to master the subject, and was no respecter of persons or of unreasoning prejudices. In other departments, he displayed the same capacity for practical business. During four years he recov ered and paid into the Treasury almost as much money for timber depredations as had been col lected in twenty two years before, and he was the first to demonstrate the ability of the Pacific railway companies to establish a sinking fund for the payment of their indebtedness to the Gov ernment. Without going more into detail, it will be seen that in his official career as a Cabinet minister Schurz was as great a contrast to the ordinary politican as he was during his term in the Senate. Instead of laboring for bis own aggrandizement, and striving to build up a party of personal adherents, on whose cooperation he eoiih 1 count through thick and thin: instead of TACOB HENRY SCHIFF. 51 HENRY P. '."I 1'-' 1! M H'l' 52 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 53 currying favor with men of influence by con- niving at abuses which helped the party; instead of using his official power to reward his friends and intimidate his enemies ; instead of resorting to any such devices which are but too familiar in our politics, he was a veritable tribune of the people, always ready to use his great abilities to promote the public welfare, and for the further- ance of good government. Apart from the spe- cific services which he rendered as legislator, as administrator of a public trust, as a popular ora- tor, in procuring the enactment of salutary laws, in preventing the passage of bad ones, in purify- ing the civil service and purging it of scandals, in promoting public economy and justice, in com- bating financial heresies and educating public sentiment — apart from all this, which would suf- fice to give him a strong claim on the national gratitude, he has a still stronger claim to ad- miration and respect, in that, in a time of great corruption and demoralization, he was found faithful among the faithless; faithful, that is, to a high ideal of public duty and private morality. His life will ever be a shining example to the rising generation, the hope of mankind, showing them that it is still possible for a man to achieve great honors and high station without bartering away his soul for a mess of pottage. It is his unblemished character more than his brilliant talents that will secure him a place in American history. Returning to private life, when his term of office had expired, and making his home in New York, Schurz became one of the editors of the Evening Post, when that journal changed own- ership in July, 1881, and retained the position un- til December 9, 1883. In 1884 he took a promi- nent part in the Independent movement, which was called into being as a revolt against ten- dencies in the Republican party that represented the antipodes of everything he stood for. He had himself contributed materially by example and by precept to creating the public feeling which made such a movement possible, and he contributed no less to its culmination in the elec- tion of Grover Cleveland, with whom he had, in- deed, much in common. The leisure afforded him by his release from public duties he employed to good purpose in writing his "Life of Henry Clay," which appeared in 1887, and at once secured him a high rank as a man of letters. It was widely recognized as the best life of Clay, and the best work of the series in which it was pub- lished. Its value consists not only in the correct- ness of its style and in its readableness, but large- ly in its quality as a contribution to political his- tory by one whose own political experience gave him a peculiar insight into the period he de- scribed. This work, together with his contribu- tions to periodicals, notably his Atlantic Monthly article on Abraham Lincoln, will insure him a secure place among American authors. Repeat- edly chosen president of the National Civil Ser- vice Reform Association, his speeches and activi- ties in that behalf were notable. He was also connected with various large business enterprises, in which his capacity no less than his integrity gained him the esteem of his associates; but he was too honest and unmercenary, in a money- getting age, to enrich himself. His quiet re- fusal to accept the large sum which admiring German-Americans offered him was characteris- tic of the man. In the elections of 1888 and 1892 he again effectively supported Cleveland, although in the latter year his health did not permit him to take as active a part as he had been accus- tomed to do. His latest literary effort was de- voted to his autobiography, now in course of publication. Mr. Bryce has expressed surprise at the want of influence upon American politics of the great German infusion, and it is certain that no one of the refugees of '48 attained any- thing like the distinction of Carl Schurz, or had either so conspicuous or so happy a share in re- paying his debt to his adopted country. As a whole, it may be said of the Germans as of the Irish, that, deceived by the name of "Democracy," they cast their weight — at least during the years of moral agitation — against the anti-slavery party. In this particular Schurz shines by contrast, since he at once saw things as they were, and divined the essential unity between the Slave Power and the despots of the Old World. He differed again from many of his countrymen in making a com- plete surrender to his new nationality, desiring and aiming to be only a high-minded American citizen. Unlike his noble compatriot , Friedrich Kapp, he was not tempted by the conquest of German unity to return to his Fatherland. In the end, he came to think in English rather than in German, though both languages were constantly on his lips. In the multifariousness of his talent and his experiences in public and in private life, it was not to be expected that he should be equally surpassing. His military career was certainly less brilliant, though not less creditable, than his civilian. As a journalist, too, he was less suc- cessful than as an orator, and in fact, the world has seldom seen these two functions combined (in the first order) in the same person. The speaker's rhetoric is opposed to the directness and terseness demanded of the daily writer for the press, and as a speaker, it is to be observed that Schurz was accustomed to elaborate his weightier deliverances by a careful preparation 54 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS in his closet. The journalist has nci time for thi-, and pays the penalty in an ephemeral fame. It would be unjust t" close this imperfecl appreci- ation without a word as to Carl Schurz's private character, which was both pure and amiable in a singular degree. He was very companionable, very warm and kindhearted, most affectionate in his family relations; passionately fond of music; absolutely simple and unaffected in his manner, and happy to escape from the observation of the world and the exactions of society to be at home with his hooks and engaged in literary pursuits. Like Lowell and like Curtis, he learned that the —ion of these virtues, superadded to abun- dant examples of public spirit, patriotism, and self-abnegation, was no security .against the most vulgar and odious aspersions on the part of his political adversaries. Yet the fullest appreciation came, too. Hi- seventieth birthday was celebrated not only in private by hi- friends but publicly by the Chamber of Commerce. Caricature w. busy with his line head and tall figure that few public characters were more recognizable on the street: hut art will yet he worthily employed in a reverential monument to hi- memory. He died in New York City on May 14, 1906. DR. HANS KUDLICH.— Had it not been for the downfall of the German and Austrian revolu- tionary movement in 1848, this country would in all probabilities, have gained the subject of this sketch for one of her most distinguished countrymen who. during that eventful period, came to this country with a host of fellow subj The life of Dr. Kudlich ha- been set forth many times a- an example to those who desire to re main true to their ideals, no matter how alone they might -land in their own convictions; and again it prove- that notwithstanding the difficul ties encountered upon the thoroughfare- to a use ful career, that enviable height can only he Mir- mourned by those who possess the -telling quali- f the docti »r. II'- « as horn in Lobenstein, Austria, October 25, [823, and received a thorough education in the Gymnasium College of Troppau, Austria. He attended this institution for -i\ . in which time he mastered the Latin and Creek language-. After his graduation from the Gymnasium, he went to Vienna, where he to, ,k a course in law, and which he continued up to [848, when the revolution broke forth. His patriotism asserted itself immediately, and he I hi- services for the uplifting of hi- fellow countrymen and the cause he was in sympathy with. During an encounter with the Imperial troop- J,, March of 'he above year, and which terminated victoriously for the revolutionists, he wa- wounded, hut after being nursed hack to life again, he wa- elected to the Congress which wa- called by the Emperor, under pressure from the party he represented. A constitution was framed by that Congress for the realm, and the provision that wa- most importanl and enduring lathered by young Kudlich. The abolition of tithes paid by the pea-ant- to the land owner-, and of the rohat, was championed by him. The peasants had been required to work without pay three days per week upon the land- of the lord-. Most of tin good work accomplished by the Con- gress wa- -wept away when the counterrevolution occurred, hut the restoration of tithe- and the robat was not undertaken by the Emperor and to this day the Austrian peasants are exempt from those taxes. This great public service rendered by Dr. Kudlich ha- made his name dear to mil- lions of Austrian peasants. It was during the memorable siege of the Emperor's troop- under Prince Windischgratz that Dr. Kudlich effected a miraculous escape and endeavored to organize an army among the peasantry with which to raise the siege, hut after many futile efforts his plans miscarried. He then joined General Siegel's rev- olutionary army in the southern part of Germany, and when it met with disaster he tied into the interior of Switzerland. Hi- extradition was sought by Austria, hut Switzerland merely re- quested him to withdraw from the country. From Switzerland Dr. Kudlich went to Paris, and in [853 came to the United State-, settling in Green- point and later in Williamsburg. One year later he removed to Hoboken, X.J., where he has since resided, enjoying a large and lucrative practise of hi- profession. His home i- located at No. 506 Hudson Street, where he is -urrounded by .all that culture and taste can desire. It was during hi- exile in Switzerland that Dr. Kudlich first pur- sued the study of medicine and his course was concluded in the University of Zurich, graduating therefrom in [853 with the highest honor-. After taking up his resilience in Hoboken, it wa- nol long before his skill as a practitioner was ob- served and the practise lie established grew rap idly; up to the time of his retirement from ac tivitj hi- was undoubtedly the largest in the city. During the year of [853 he married Mi-- Louise daughter of William Vogt, a distinguished professor in the University of Bern, in Switzer- land. Dr. Kudlich became associated with the anti slavery movement shortly after his arrival in this country, ami was one of the most anient supporters. ID was a trustee of the Lank of Savings of Hoboken for many years, and was one of the founder- of the Hoboken Academy. For many years he was the president of the German JOSEPH SELIGMAN. 55 ISAAC N. SELIGMAN. 56 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 57 Club. He is also a member of the Society of German Physicians of New York and also the Hudson Medical District Society of Physicians. Nine children were born to Dr. and Mrs. Kud- lich, of whom seven are living. Their son, Will- iam T., is one of Hoboken's leading physicians; Paul F., who is temporarily in music, and Her- man C, who was a former city magistrate by Mayor Strong in 1895 and who resides in New York; Hans V., who resides in Dedham, Mass., and is engaged in business there. While abroad with his family in 1872 he visited Austria and received many expressions, both public and pri- vate, of the great affection entertained for him by his countrymen in appreciation of his valued services rendered during the revolution of 1848. Notwithstanding his advanced years, he takes a keen interest in matters pertaining to the better- ment of German conditions in America, and his advice upon the social and economic questions is regarded as authoritative. GUSTAV H. SCHWAB is the grandson of the well known German poet, Gustav Schwab. His father, the son of the German poet, took up a mercantile career and after spending six years in the office of H. H. Meier & Co. in Bremen, took passage for New York in 1844, where he first established the firm of Wichelhausen, Recknagel & Schwab, and in 1858 entered the firm of Oel- richs & Co. On his mother's side Gustav H. Schwab is a descendant of the early German set- tlers in this country. One of his ancestors, Con- rad Weiser, entered the country in 1710 with a large number of German emigrants from the Palatinate. Conrad Weiser was then a young man and became thoroughly acquainted with the Indians, learning their language and living with them for a number of years. He was instru- mental in negotiating many treaties between the colonies of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina and the Indians. His daughter married the Rev. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, one of the patriarchs of the Luther- an Church, whose daughter married Dr. John Christopher Kunze, a professor in Columbia Uni- versity and pastor of one of the German churches in Xew York. The daughter of Dr. Kunze mar- ried Caspar Meier, the founder of the firm of Caspar Meier & Co., in 1798, which firm after- wards assumed the style of Oelrichs & Co. as, after the death of Caspar Meier, the laws of the state of New York did not permit the use of the name of Caspar Meier. A daughter of Cas- par Meier married Lawrence Henry von Post, of an old Bremen family, who became a member of the firm of Caspar Meier & Co. early in the last century, and Gustav Schwab, the father of Gustav H. Schwab, married the daughter of Law- rence Henry von Post. Gustav H. Schwab was born on May 30, 1851, on the banks of the Hud- son at the foot of One Hundred and Nineteenth Street, where his great-grandfather had built a house in 1807, now obliterated by the Riverside Drive. He received his early education at the hands of a private tutor, and in his fourteenth year was sent to the Gymnasium at Stuttgart, Germany, where he remained four years under the care of his uncle, Professor Christoph Schwab, another son of the poet. Having chosen a mer- cantile profession, Gustav H. Schwab in his eighteenth year was sent to Bremen, where he entered the office of H. H. Meier & Co., founded by the brother of Caspar Meier in 1805, and spent four years as a clerk in this business, after having spent a year in the office of the North German Lloyd in Bremen. He then went to Liverpool, where he remained for half a year for the purpose of becoming acquainted with English business methods, and in the fall of 1873 returned to his native city, New York, where he entered the office of his father's firm, Oelrichs & Co., and took charge of the agency of the North German Lloyd, which was in the hands of the firm of Oelrichs & Co. On July 1, 1876, he became a member of the firm of Oelrichs & Co., and has continued active in the management of the firm's affairs, especially devoting his attention to the steamship business until the present day. Early in his career Gustav H. Schwab devoted much of his time and leisure to public affairs and in 1890 was instrumental in forming the so-called "Peo- ple's Municipal League" that nominated Mr. Frank M. Scott for mayor. Although unsuc- cessful, the movement demonstrated a wide-spread public sentiment in favor of the separation of municipal affairs from national and state poli- tics, and in 1894 Gustav H. Schwab took an active interest in the formation of the Committee of Seventy, the chair-man of which was Mr. Jo- seph Larocque, which nominated and finally elected Mr. William L. Strong as mayor of the city of New York as a protest against the mis- government of the city by Tammany Hall. In later movements Gustav H. Schwab took a prom- inent part in the campaigns of the reform party of the city of New York, in the formation of the Citizens' Union, and in the election of Mr. Seth Low as mayor. Gustav H. Schwab has also been active in his Assembly District, the Twenty-seventh A?sembly District of New York, and in the election of local candidates in that dis- trict. In questions of national concern Gustav H. Schwab took a prominent part in the sound money 58 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS movement undertaken by the Chamber of Com- merce of the state of New York, and in the ef- ;ecure a revision of the tariff laws and the introduction of reciprocal track- arrange- ments reign countries. On the death of father in 1888, who was a member of the Committee on Foreign Commerce anil the Rev< nue Law- of the Chamber of Commerce of the of New York. Gustav II. Schwab was elected a member of this committee in his place, and a few years thereafter was made chairman of this important committee. He has taken and still take- an active interest in the deliberations of the Chamber of Commerce of the state of New York. Gustav II. Schwab also took the place of hi- father on the Board of Directors of the Mer- chants National Bank, of which hi-- father was a director, and v. I. and i- now, a di- rector of the United States Trust Company. He i- also a member of the Hoard of Directors of the Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company. Gustav II. Schwab i> chairman of the Canal Committee of the New Y't-t known one of the most prominent and popular Hebrews of the city, he gave large sums for benevolent purposes without asking whom they would benefit as long as they were worthy of support. He be- queathed one hundred thousand dollars for phil- anthropic purposes to such societies and institu- tions as his executors would select, and provided that no distinction should be made on accounl of religion or race. 1 1 i - wishes were carefullj carried out, but this large amount was but a trifle compared to the sums he gave away during his lifetime, lie died suddenly at New Orleans on Sunday, April 25, t88o, while visiting his daughter. ISAAC N. SELIGMAN, banker, was born on Island, NY., on July io, 1856, as the -on of Joseph Seligman, the founder of the well known hanking firm of .1. & W. Seligman & 1 Me received his first education in Europe, hut returned in 1866 and entered Columbia Gram- mar School at the age of ten, graduating with honor- in 1876, the Centennial year, from Colum- bia C"!l ge. While in college, he was president of his class and took a lively interest in -.port-, being a member of the famous eight -oared crew which won the race on Saratoga Lake in 1S74, de- feating Harvard. Vale and nine other crews. Dur- ing the year- 1N77 and 1S78 he was connected with the New Orleans branch of the firm of J. & W. Seligman & Co., and in [879 was admitted to partnership in the New York house. This firm was prominently identified with establishing the en d the United Stati G rnmenl both at home and abroad, with placing the bonds issued by the American Governmenl under President Grant, and wnh the resumption of specie payment- under lent Hayes and Secretary of the Treasury Sherman. Mr. Seligman i- now. since the death of hi- unci.-, Jesse Seligman, the head of the will known banking linn. In [883 he married Mi-- Guta Loeb, daughter of Mr. Solomon Loeb of the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb X Co He ha- always maintained hi- connection with Colum- bia College, ha- been presidenl of tin- Columbia 1 lub for several years ami one of the prom ineni members of tin- \lumni Association Presi dent Seth Low appointed him a- one of the com mittee to raise fund- for the new site of Colum bia University. Il<- i- identified with almosl ever) charitable organization in New York City. He has taken greal interest in every movement de signed to improve the city admini tration, and it may he truly -aid that every cause worthy of be ing supported by good ami patriotic citizens, whether of a political or administrative charac ter, or in the interest of humanity at large, has found a liberal contributor and earnest CO worker in Mr. Seligman. Hi- position in the front rank of public-spirited citizens of this republic is universally recognized and undi puted. His activity and the confidence he enjoy- j- shown by the numerous positions of trust and honor he oc- cupies Mr. Seligman i- a trustee of the Munich hire Reinsurance Co., Rossia hire Reinsurance Co., United State- Savings Bank, United Hebrew Charities, Manhattan State Hospital (appointed by Governor Morton ami reappointed by Gover- nor Higgins), of the .Yew York Oratorio Society, Soldiers' and Sailor:-" Home Protective Associa- tion, Legal Aid Society, American Institution of Social Service, McKinley Memorial Association, Fairmount College in Wichita. New York Sym- phony Society and of the Solomon and Betty Loeb Convalescent Home: trustee and treasurer of the St. John'- Guild, the Hudson-Fulton Celebration Committee, Carl Schurz Memorial Committee; trea urer and director of the City and Suburban lb pine- Company; trustee and chairman of the Finance Committee of the City Club; treasurer of the Citizens' Union since the Low campaign; treasurer of the Carl Schurz Columbia University Memorial Fund: chairman of the Finance Com- mittee and trustee of the National Child Labor Committee, treasurer and chairman of the An- drew II. Green Memorial Committee, vice presi- denl of the Economic Association, treasurer ami member of the Executive Committee of the Cele bration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniver- sary of the Jewish Settlement in Yew York City, chairman and trustee of the Endowment of the Chair at Columbia University of Social Ethics, director of the Academy of Design, General Grant Tomb Committee, Finance Committee of the Canal Association of Greater Yew York, and a member of the Committee on National Conference of Charities and Correction, of the Committee of the Columbia University Memorial Hall, of the Advisory Board of the Republican National Com mittee, tin- Yew York Historical Society. Cham- ber of Commerce and of its Executive Commit tee "ii Taxation, the Executive Committee of the Civic Federation, of the Committee of Nine on Police Investigation, Citizens' Union Committee of Fifty, Executive Committee of the Greal Na tional Association for Advancement of Science. Art ami Education, chairman of the Special loin mittee on Commerce and Education appointed by the New York Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the University Club, Lotus Club. Art- Club. Mill Day Club. City Club. Lawyers Club. Yi u York Athletic ('lub. Union League ami the Merchants' Ass< >ciati< »n JAMES SPEYER. 63 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 65 HON. CHARLES ADOLPH SCHIEREN.— The choice of Brooklyn as the place in which to make their home in America, by the par- ents of ex-Mayor Charles A. Schieren, when they came to this country in 1856, gave to the city one of its foremost citizens. He was born at Neuss, Rhenish-Prussia, February 28, 1842. His education was begun in the schools of his native town and continued in the public schools of his adopted city. He was for sev- eral years engaged in the cigar manufacturing business with his father and in 1864 accepted a position in the leather belting house of Philip F. Pasquay of New York. Upon the death of Mr. Pasquay in the following year, he was made manager of the concern, where he remained for three years. Having saved a moderate capital from his earnings, he then embarked in business for himself, and from that small beginning has grown one of the largest and best equipped es- tablishments of its kind in the world. The growth of the business was rapid and constant from the start, and its continued prosperity has been directly due to the keen business foresight and executive ability of Mr. Schieren, who, during the forty years of its existence, has given it his close personal attention. He has also made a number of inventions which aided sub- stantially in the upbuilding of this great in- dustry. Among his inventions may be mentioned the "Electric Belt" (which was coated to pro- tect the leather), the "American Joint Leather Link Belt," and the "Perforated Belt." As de- mands increased and conditions changed, the output of his factories has been changed and amplified, until the matter of supplying the market with just what is needed has been re- duced to an exact art, and his brand has been made famous by the constant reliability of the goods produced. It was found necessary many years ago to establish branch houses in the lead- ing cities of the country, and now such houses are maintained in Boston, Philadelphia, Pitts- burg, Chicago and Denver, also in Hamburg, Ger- many, while a large lace leather tannery has been operated in Brooklyn since about 1880. But probably the most noteworthy extension of facili- ties was the establishment of the Dixie Tan- neries in Bristol, Tenn., in 1893. This plant and its adjunct, the Holston Extract Company, cov- ers thirty-one acres, and has a capacity of over one hundred thousand hides a year. Here, as in all the other departments of this vast business, are employed all the best methods and processes known to the leather and belt making arts. Some of these methods are the latest results of sci- entific experiments, and some are the time-hon- ored methods which have stood the test of gen- erations. A notable instance of this is the re- tention of the old process of vat tanning with rock oak bark, which requires four months to produce a perfectly tanned hide. Mr. Schieren is still the active head of the company which bears his name. He is also president of the Ger- mania Savings Bank of Brooklyn, a trustee of the Brooklyn Trust Company, a director of the Nassau National Bank, a trustee of the Ger- mania Life Insurance Company, and a trustee of the Aachen & Munich Fire Insurance Company. He has been prominently connected with the Leather Association of New York since its or- ganization, and one of the founders and members of the National Association of Manufacturers — is a member of its Executive Committee, an was formerly its treasurer. He is a recognized authority on the subject of leather and "belting, and his remarks in interview or in public speak- ing are highly valued. He wrote "The Uses and Abuses of Belting," "Transmission of Pow- er by Belt," "History of Leather and Belting," "From Tannery to Dynamo," which he presen/ed before the National Electric Light Association in 1888, and the Technical Society of New York, and which were subsequently published in the trade journals. While the foregoing would seem sufficient to fully occupy him, Mr. Schieren has always found time to take an active inter- est in public affairs. He was a member of the famous "Wide Awakes," in i860, who did such splendid work toward securing the election of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency, and since that time has been an ardent advocate of the principles of the Republican party. He took a leading part in the reorganization of the party in Brooklyn upon the election district association plan, which finally led to the overthrow of Dem- ocratic sway in the city. In 1893 he was nomi- nated by his party for the office of mayor of Brooklyn and was elected by an overwhelming majority of thirty-three thousand votes. The campaign was conducted along the line of anti- machine rule, and was one of the first of its kind in the country to result in success. Mr. Schieren has a national reputation as a reformer in politics, but his work has been toward secur- ing purity in politics, rather than in support of so-called "Reform" movements which usually ac- complish a little more than to thwart the people as a whole in their real choice of public officials. His term as mayor was signalized by the straight- forward business methods employed, and the large number of important public improvements which were planned and executed. During his term of office Wallabout Market was remodeled 66 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS from an unsightly, inconvenient mass of wooden buildings, to a substantial, picturesque, and valu- able market, having twice its former capacity. Through his influence and energetic advocacy the bill was passed by the Legislature in 1895 au- thorizing the construction of the Williamsburg Bridge, the initial plans were made and the work ■ 1. By the addition of five new parks, Mr. Schieren's administration more than doubled the area of the parks of the city of Brooklyn. The largest "t' these, Forest Park, comprises live hun- dred and thirty-six acres, is noted for its ele- vation, natural beauty, and fine view of both the ocean and Long Island Sound. Dyker Meadow Park, containing one hundred and fifty acre-, i- also of great importance, as it em- braces several thousand feet of ocean front. Final plans were adopted and riparian rights secured for the Shore Driveway, which, when completed, will he one of the finest in the world. He also was "tie of the founders of the Brooklyn Mu- seum and laid the corner-stone during his admin- istration a- mayor for this magnificent building on the Park Slope. It i- an instance worthy of note, that during his occupancy of the mayor- alty he devoted his entire time to the duties of >ffice. Hi- declined a renomination, retiring from 1 .nice with the city in splendid financial con- dition. Since then he ha-- received unsought ap- pointment t<> several positions of honor and re- sponsibility. The late and greatly lamented Pres McKinley, of whom he was a close personal friend, appointed him a member of the Cuban Relief Committee, of which he was treasurer. He hairman of the New York State Commerce Commission, appointed by Governor Black, which urged tin- enlargement of the Erie Canal, ami was largely instrumental in passing the Barge Canal referendum by a tremendous majority of nearly two hundred and forty-live thousand votes ; also a member of tin- Greater New York Char- ter Revision Commission, appointed by Gover nor Roosevelt. He is now president of the : lyn Academy of Music, for the building of which a million dollars has been raised. For many year-, and during his term as mayor, Mr. Schieren advocated the consolidation of New York and Brooklyn, and his influence aided greatly in finally securing it enactment. Mr. Schieren is a member of the Church of the Re- deemer, English Lutheran, and is probably the niipst prominent lay member of that denomina- tion in th>- United States 11'- is not only a lil> eral supporter of his own church, hut has given financial aid in the building of new churches and ctension "t religious work all over the coun llis beneficence in this direction has even crossed the ocean, the new chancel stained-glass windows in the Lutheran Cathedral in Neuss, Ger- many, in which he was baptized, heing of his do- nation. He also presented to the cathedral in Speyer-on-the-Rhine the colossal bronze statue of Martin Luther, the base of which was given by other German-Americans. He aided in the erection of the Luther statue in Washington and was a member of the committee which erected the Beecher and Stranahan -tatues in Brooklyn. He is a trustee of the Young Men's Christian As- sociation, the Young Women's Christian Associ- ation, and was for several years a trustee of the Sunday School Union, the Union for Christian Work and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. He has been for many years a member of the Union League Club of Manhat- tan and the Hamilton Club of Brooklyn. Mr. Schieren was married in 1865 to Miss Louise Bramm, a daughter of George \V. Bramm of Brooklyn, and has four children: Charles A. Schieren, Jr.. Miss Ida May Schieren, George Ar- thur Schieren and Harrie Victor Schieren. Charles A. Schieren is a representative of the large portion of the population of the United States which has been furnished by the German Empire, and he is one of which his native and his adopted country may well be proud. Brilliantly successful in all his undertakings, public spirited, clean charactered, and ever read} to support by his means and influence any enterprise which has for its purpose the betterment and welfare ni the community of which he has been an honored member for half a century, he is a splendid speci- men of the highest type of American citizenship. WILLIAM WICKE, presi.lent of the William Wicke Ribbon Company, was born at Neue- rnuhle, near Hessen Cassel, Germany, on June \. [84O. Me attended the puhlic Schools a' -el until 1855, at which time he emigrated to America, arriving in New York on August second of that year. His object in coming to this coun- try at such an carh age was to assist his brother, < Wicke. who had established a good busi- ness in manufacturing cigar boxes. After mas- tering that trade and when he was twenty one years old, a copartnership was formed June 4. 1 Sot. under the firm name of George Wicke and Brother, which was continued until 1S7J: on ac- count of illness, George retired from business. William continuing under the firm name < , director of the Mutual Alliance Trust Company and several other minor Organizations. In 1875 Mr. Mohr married Mi-- Clothilde Klein; the union ha- been I il with two children, one deceased and a daughter now married. Mr. Mohr has never been active in political life, nor has he ever desired or -ought public office. He is a gentleman of high culture and resides in a handsome apartment at Xo. 450 West End Avenue, New York City. ERNST THALMANN, banker, was born in the Rhenish Palatinate. Germany, on June 19, [851, ami received hi- education at Mannheim. He came to America when seventeen years of age and engaged in the banking business, where his ability and wide knowledge of men and affairs soon se- cured for him a prominent position. As head of the well known banking house, Ladenburg, Thal- mann & Co., Mr. Thalmann has been identified with many of the most important financial trans- actions both here and abroad. He is chairman of the Board of Director- of the North American Exploration Co., Limited; vice-president and di- rector of the Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad and the United State- & llayti Telegraph & Cable Co.; trustee in the United States for the Frank- fort Transport, Glass & Accident Insurance Co., and the Munich Reinsurance Co.; trustee of the Aachen & Munich Fire Insurance Co.. the Ba- varian Mortgage & Exchange Bank of Munich, New York Trusl Co.; director of the Alliance Realtj ( a 1 . Centurj Realty Co., De La Vergne Machine Co., Lawyers' Mortgage Co., Mercantile National Bank, Mortgage bond Co., Omaha Water Co., United Railroad- Co. of San Francisco, Seaboard Air Line Railway. Realty Finance Co., Richmond Trust & Safe Deposit Co., United Rail- wax- Investment Co. of San Francisco, and the Van Norden Trust Co. Mr. Thalmann was mar- ried in December, [88l, to Mi-- Michaeli- and has two children. Edward b. and Raul Thalmann. LOUIS WINDMULLER, merchant, financier and author, wa- born in Westphalia, Germany, and received his education at Mun-ter in a gym- nasium founded by Charlemagne, He came to the United State- in [853 and ever since has been a residenl of New York City. Mr. Windmuller achieved business success and associated himself with financial institution-. He took part in founding the Title C.uarantee & 'Trust Co.. the German-American In- u ranee Co.. the Cierman Al- liance Insurance Co., the Maiden bane Savings bank, the Maiden Lane Safe Deposil Co., the South Manhattan Realty Co. and the Bond & Mortgage Guarantee Co. Mosl of these institu- tions he continue- to serve as director; he is president of the Maiden ban- Saving- bank. Mr. Windmulb-r ha- taken a deep interest in public affair-, especially in the advocacy of a sound currency, a purely revenue tariff and civil service reform, lb- ha- written many magazine and newspaper article- on these subjects and SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 85 stands high as an authority on financial and economical questions. Amongst other magazine articles which have commanded attention are "History of Encyclopedias" and "Pleasures of City Pedestrians" in the Review of Reviews; "The Art of Drinking" and "A Plea for Parks" in the Forum; "Food That Fails to Feed" and "Disposal of the Dead" in the North American Review. He has written articles for the Out- look, Harper's Weekly and numerous daily pa- pers. Practically every movement for public im- provements of one kind or another has found i 1 1 him an enthusiastic and indefatigable supporter. Of the many associations with which he is identi- fied the following may be named : the Cham- ber of Commerce, in which lie was chairman of the Committee on Internal Trade and Improve- ments, the Executive Committee for the im- provement of the state canals, as member of which he worked successfully for the amendment of the Constitution, which made that improve- ment possible; the Business Men's Relief Com- mittee and the Board of Trade, in which he is a managing director. He is also interested in a number of charitable institutions, being treas- urer and director of the Legal Aid Society, which furnishes gratuitous advice to the ignorant needy without regard to nationality. Of his ser- vices in behalf of charity his efforts for the ben- efit of the German Hospital Fair in 1888 de- serve especial mention. In connection with this affair Mr. Windmuller arranged a collection of paintings and a souvenir containing autobio- graphical contributions from the best American and German authors. He is known as an art connoisseur and collector of paintings and books. He was also treasurer of a fund for the erection of a monument to Goethe and vice-president of the Heine Monument Society. Mr. Windmuller is connected with many clubs, among them the Merchants, German, Lotos, Underwriters, New York Athletic and Arion, the Metropolitan Mu- seum of Art, the Germanistic and the New York Historical Society, of which he is a life mem- ber. Few of the German merchants in New York City have been so closely identified with the life of the nation during the last fifty years, in all of its manifestations, in politics as well as in the development of the arts, literature and char- itable undertakings of every kind. LUDWIG NISSEN, merchant, was born at Husum, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, on De- cember 2, 1855. He is descended, on his father's side, from the great Danish statesman, George Nicolaus von Nissen, and on his mother's side from the old noble family of von Dawartzky. Mr. Nissen was educated in the common schools of his native town and afterwards became a clerk in the Imperial Court. Recognizing that the op- portunities for advancement were very limited and could not satisfy his ambition, he emigrated to the United States and arrived here in 1872 with two dollars and a half in his possession. But the determination to succeed was in him, he accepted the first position that was offered to him, and worked for four months in a barber- shop as porter and bootblack. He then worked as dishwasher in a hotel on Dey Street, where his ability was recognized by the proprietor, who made him first a waiter, then bookkeeper and finally cashier. Mr. Nissen then sought and found a clerkship in a factory but the firm failed and he lost his position. He had saved some money and decided to go into business for him- self, but the next five years brought him nothing but a varied though withal valuable experience. He tried the butcher business for a while with- out succeeding, started a restaurant and sold it again, invested the proceeds, five thousand dol- lars, in the wholesale wine business and lost it all within nine months, being in debt for one thousand dollars in addition. This did not dis- courage him. He made the acquaintance of a diamond cutter, who carried on a small shop, but, like himself, had more debts than assets. Mr. Nissen went into partnership with him, under the firm name of Schilling & Nissen, and quick- ly mastered the details of the business. He was so successful in selling the goods his partner manufactured that the firm soon prospered. Its name was later changed to Ludwig Nissen & Co., and the firm drifted from diamond setting to diamond importing. Five years after the partnership had been formed Mr. Nissen bought out his partner and formed a new partner- ship, the firm name remaining the same. The house is now one of the best known and most prominent in its line, in spite of the fact that it is comparatively young. Mr. Nissen's energy has by no means been confined to his business. He has taken an active interest in public affairs, his intelligent treatment of public questions and his strong character making a deep impression upon all who have come in contact with him. He has been identified with almost every movement in- augurated for the general welfare, and the bet- terment of conditions in municipal affairs as well as the government of the state and nation. Many honors have been offered to him, some of which he was compelled to decline, bearing tes- timony to his high standing in the community and the appreciation of his character and services by his fellow citizens. He has been president of 86 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS the New York Jewelers' Association, the Manu- facturers' Association of New York and the Brooklyn League. He i- vice-president of the Oriental Bank, a trustee of the Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn and of Adelphi College, a di- rector of the Board of Trade and Transportation, First National Bank of Jamaica and Guardian Trusl Co., and member of the Chamber of Coni- merce of New York. In 189.' he was chairman of the committee representing the jewelry trade which went to Albany to obtain a larger appro- priation for the World'- Fair exhibit of the Em- pire State, the other members being C. L. Tif- fany and Joseph Fahys. He served as member and treasurer of the Brooklyn Commission to the Tennessee Centennial Exposition at Nash- ville in 1897, and was appointed a member of the Jury of Award- in the Department of Commerce and Manufactures. In 1808 Governor Black ap- :d him one of the commissioners of the state of Xew York to the Paris Exposition of lOOO, and he was later elected treasurer, lie is also one of the incorporators and trustee- of the Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission by the i the Legislature of New York. Mis polit ical activity has been pronounced. He served on the Brooklyn Citizen-' Committee of Fifty, or- ganized for the establishment of non-partisanship in municipal affairs, in 1897, and was nominated for the office of president of the Council of Greater New York, but declined. In 1898 he took an active part in the formation of the Brook- lyn League, designed to protect the interests of Brooklyn under the new charter. On his return from Europe in 1000 he was mel by his friends on a special chartered tug and given a reception at tb<' Brooklyn Club, being Strongly urged to accept a nomination for Congress, but declined. In the same year and in ii he took a lively part in the event- which led to the fusion of the elements opposed to Tammany, and was of- fered the nomination as controller: his name waj also presented to the conference committee as » suitable choice for mayor, but he refused to ac- cept either office He also refused an appoint- ment offered to him by Mayor Wuster of Brook- lyn in 1896, to become a membei of his cabinet but accepted the position of member of the Civil Service Commission When, in [903, Mayor Low offered to make him chairman of the Brooklyn Change of Grade Commission, he like- declined. < >n the other hand his growth in purely business matter- has been constant, for, when, 1 a result of the revelations made during the life insurance companies investigations a few years ago, the Equitable Life Assurance ty concluded to do some house cleaning and undergo a thorough reorganization, he was elected one of its new directors. The public functions at which Mr. Nissen has presided, or in which he took an important part, are innu- merable. In addition he has never ceased tc work for the advancement of his own trade ; in iSod, he delivered a lecture on "Gems and Jew- els" before the Manufacturers' Association of Kings and Queens Counties, which was published in the Jewelers' Circular and widely copied in France, Germany and England as well as in this country. No better illustration of the oppor- tunities this country extends to a man of high character, ambition and intelligence can be fur- nished than the remarkable career of Ludwig Nissen, who landed in Xew York less than forty years ago practically penniless, and who is now not only a citizen of high standing and repute in consequence of his material success, but who has left his impress upon many of the most important events in the history of his new country, and whose counsel and assistance are eagerly sought by the best element among native Americans. HENRY HEIDE, manufacturer, was born at ( Ibermarsberg in Westphalia, Germany, on Oc- tober 24, 1846, and received his education in the elementary school of his birthplace. He came to America in 1866 and established himself as manufacturer of confectionery and almond paste. Starting on a small scale, his plant is now one of the largest in its line in the United States, and his goods are known and sold all over this coun- try, Canada, Europe and Australia. A man of striking personal appearance and of genial dis- position, Mr. Heide is one of the most widely known and generally esteemed Germans of Xew York City. Mis business, grown to large pro- portion-, i- a monument to his enterprise, indus- try and intelligence. He is a member of the Church of the Holy Sacrament, German Licder- kranz, Arion, the Catholic and Chemist clubs. Mr. Heide married on January 28, 1873, Miss Mary Jaeger and has eighl children. \D\M WEBER, architect, builder and manu- facturer, was born at Bechtheim, near Worms on the Rhine, in the Grand Duchy of Hessen- Darmstadt, in [825, He received his education in the schools of his native city and was appren ticed at an early age to his father, who was an architect and builder. When he reached his ma- jority, the qualities which were to make him one of the prominent figures in the city of Xew York and, in fact, in the United State-, manifested themselves. Il<- fell that the opportunities he longed for would be denied t<> him in the nar- ERNST THALMANN. 87 HI KM \\ A. MIT/. ss EDWARD LAUTERDACH. 89 LEOPOLD STERN. 90 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS, 91 row circle of a small German town, and he de- cided to emigrate to America. In 1847 he sailed from Liverpool in the fnll-rigged ship Columbus, then making her maiden voyage, and landed at the Battery wharf with a small supply of money, but full of ambition and determination. He found employment with a local architect and builder, and the thorough training he had re- ceived, together with exceptional intelligence, quickly made him a valuable assistant. Hardly two years had elapsed when Mr. Weber decided to strike out for himself, fully convinced that he would succeed. In this he was not mistaken, for the knowledge and rectitude of the young builder were immediately appreciated. The con- tracts he received were large and numerous, and he built all the sugar refinery houses that were erected and operated by the Havemeyer family in New York, Brooklyn and Jersey City. In 1854 he erected for Mrs. Anna Uhl the first building the Nezv Yorker Staats-Zeitung occupied, at No. 224 William Street, and three years later he built the second home for the Staats-Zeitung at No. 17 Chatham Street, the site of which is now occupied by the Manhattan terminal of the Brooklyn Bridge. In the meantime Mr. Weber had become interested in the manufacture of firebrick and erected the first large firebrick fac- tory in the United States, in partnership with Mr. Balthasar B. Kreischer, the firm name being Kreischer & Weber. This concern was dissolved in 1857, and the succeeding firm of Maurer & Weber constructed the largest firebrick factory in the country at that time in New York City, on East Fifteenth and Sixteenth Streets, be- tween Avenues B and C. It covered an entire block and the plant included one of the largest chimneys in the city. It stands erect to-day and is familiarly known as the Weber landmark, a point of guidance to many thousands of navi- gators of the East River, who took their reck- onings from it to steer clear of the dangerous rocks that lined the shores of its turbulent tides. But his ever active mind was not satisfied with what he had accomplished, and always looked out for new fields to conquer. In 1858 his in- timate knowledge of fireclays and their refrac- toriness brought forth the idea of constructing a clay retort to supersede the iron type of re- torts then almost universally used in gas works. Innumerable objections were raised when he first promulgated his theory, but he overcame them all and succeeded beyond his greatest expecta- tions. Within a few years Mr. Weber's retorts were adopted by practically all the gas works in America and Europe, and the returns from their sales made the man who had arrived almost pen- niless a little more than ten years before, a wealthy man. ' Many other inventions followed; Mr. Weber patented a number of forms of design in bench work and furnace construction, among them the Weber half-depth and full-depth recu- perative systems. He personally installed the bench work in the generating houses of the New York Gas Company, the Manhattan Gas Co., the Metropolitan Gas Light Co., the Mutual Gas Light Co., the Municipal Gas Co. and the Knick- erbocker Gas Co. In fact, wherever gas works construction was under way, Mr. Weber's name was almost sure to be connected with it, and to enumerate the places of his activity would re- quire the naming of almost every city of im- portance in the United States. His fame ex- tended far over the boundaries of the country, Cuba, South America, Mexico, and even far-away China and Japan used his inventions. In addi- tion, he invented an advanced lime process for the elimination of carbonic acid from gas, and it may be said without fear of contradiction that Mr. Weber revolutionized the methods of man- ufacturing gas. In 1890 he partly retired from active business, for in that year the corporation of Adam Weber's Sons was formed which car- ried on the business of the great factories con- structed by the founder in the town of Weber, Middlesex County, N.J., known everywhere as a model establishment and surrounded by hamlets, also laid out and owned by Mr. Weber, which shelter hundreds of workmen. The oldest son, Oscar B. Weber, who, unfortunately, died sud- denly in September, 1004, became president, and the second son, Albert J., vice-president of the corporation. Adam Weber was preeminently a man of resourcefulness, hard work and success. Practical knowledge, acquired by observation and study, was most happily associated in him with the ardent desire to overcome obstacles and solve problems that makes the inventor. To few men has come success so widely appreciated and so free from envy as to him, for the question never arose whether it was deserved. A lover and connoisseur of good music, widely traveled and well read, w'th a refined taste for art, his influence worked ever for the best. One of the pioneers among the Germans of New York City, not one of the thousands who left the fatherland to seek success in the new country, has brought greater honor upon his native and his adopted country. He was a member of the American Gas Light Association and the Pacific Coast Gas As- sociation ; the American Engineers' Club, German Liederkranz, Arion, Lotos and Manhattan clubs ; a founder of the German Society, member of the former Palette Club; a director of the Ger- 92 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS mania. German Exchange, Union Square and Corn Exchange Bank, the Trust Company of America, the Independent [ce Co. and one of the largest shareholders of the Consolidated Gas Co. He was also a noted Mason and Past Grand Master of Trinitv Lodge No. u, with which Mr. Weber contributed wore legion, He tury. The benevolent and charitable societies to which Mr. Weber contributed were legion. He took an active interest in public affairs, and dur- ing hi- long connection with the Board of Edu- cation it was his persistence and zeal that se- cured the introduction of the teaching of German in the public schools of New York. For hi- work in this connection he received a letter of thanks from Emperor William 1. and a decoration of high order. He was captain of the Engineer Corps of the militia from [852 to i860, and served in the Fifth Infantry during the War of the Rebellion. His home was Idled with art treasures and he was happiesl when he could assemble his numberless friends within its hos- pitable walls where they had the opportunity to listen to the greatesl and besl singers and musi cians. A stanch Democrat, he could on occasion forsake his party when it traveled road- which he considered dangerous. Mr. Weber died Do cember _'_', 1906. He was married on April u. 1858, to Miss- Catherine Elizabeth Kreischer, daughter of the late Balthasar 1'.. Kreischer of Kreischerville, S.I . who. together with four chil- dren, Lina A., Mathilde E., Charles C. and Al- bert J., and a grandchild. Frances L., survive him. The large attendance at the funeral and the innumerable letter- and despatches of condolence from all part- of the world formed a testimonial of tl; teem felt for him wherever he wa- known. lie certainly was a man of men, grand in more than one respect, and in him dwelt strength and resourcefulness, beautifully tem- pered by that charity which assists without inflict ing regret, and to hi- home ami it- treasures he wa- a guardian animated solely by the spirit that move- those whose loving carr i- the great lighl of their live-. CAPTAIN J B. GREENHUT— What energy, intelligence and perseverance maj accomplish i- illustrated in the life of Captain J B Greenhut, now one of tin- leading merchant- in the Uni ted St.it' - Born in the town of Bischof Teinitz in Bohemia on February 28, 1843, his parents brought him to America in [852 and settled in Chicago Young Greenhut had to go out into the world early, like -o many of those who in later years have rerched prominence, He learned the trade of a tin and coppersmith thorough!} and wa- employed in quite a number of im- portant establishments, the last one being the shops of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad in Mobile, Ala. The genius slumbering in the hoy mani- fested itself early; he wa- not satisfied with doing the work laid out for him, hut made sev- eral valuable inventions, among them a new Style of roof for railroad car- which is -till in use. Extensive travels and a sojourn of two years in the South had hrought him face to face with the great question of the day, tin- es il- of slavery. Already on the road to success, though not yet out of hi- teens, the idealism he- had hrought with him did not let him pursue the course that might have hrought material suc- cess quickly. When Abraham Lincoln, after the fall of Fort Sumter, issued hi- first call for vol- unteer-. \oung Greenhut concluded at once that it was his duty to tight for humanity and the preservation of the Union. On April 17. 1861, he enlisted as a private in Company A. Twelfth Illinois Volunteers, his being the second name on the enlistment rolls in the big city of Chicago. And he did not propose to play at being a sol- dier. As soon as his term of three months was ended, he enlisted anew for three years and was made drill sergeant of his company. He served under General Grant and was severely wounded in the arm at the storming of Fort Donelson. This compelled him to take his honorable dis- charge, hut not for long, for his wound had hard- ly been healed when he went to the front again. this time as captain of Company EC, Eight) sec ond Illinois Volunteers. Hi- regiment was com- manded by that old German revolutionist, Col onel Frederick Hecker, and assigned to the division of General Carl Schurz, then in Vir- ginia. Mere the youthful captain saw some severe lighting. lie was in all the hattles of the Army of the Potomac in iS(>j and ISO,?, in- cluding Fredericksburg, the unfortunate affair at Chancellorsville, where the German troops saved tin Federal Army, and Gettysburg. Soon after hi- regiment was transferred to the West to relieve General Rosecrans and Colonel Hecker wa- given the conunmand of a brigade in Schurz's division, whereupon he selected the young and brave captain a- hi- chef of staff. As such he kept close to the enemy. After the mid- night battle at the Wauhatchee, near Chattanoo- ga, he engaged in all the lights in that neigh borhood, the taking of Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain, the "Battle Above the (loud-."' a- it ha- been called, and in the cam- paign to relieve General Ihirn-idc at Knoxville, I rim. In [864, when the war neared it- end 1 Hecker had some disagreement with hi- JUSTIN FREDERICK WILLIAM MOHR. 93 Hi GO WESENDONCK 94 AUGUST GOERTZ. 95 ADOLPH ROTHBARTH. 96 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 97 superiors and resigned. The faithful chief of his staff considered it his duty to follow his commander. Mr. Greenhut returned to his first love and occupied himself with the invention of a number of mechanical devices. Many of them were valuable and successful, especially an auto- matic twine-binder for reaping machines, which was adopted by the McCormick Reaper Co., and is still in use. But this field was too small for the enterprising and restless young man ; he did his duty as a citizen and took part in the efforts to improve the administration of the city of Chicago. An appointment to the important of- fice of deputy county clerk for Cook County was the well merited reward. However, the fer- tile mind turned to larger fields. In 1869 he en- gaged in the distilling business and conducted it with unprecedented success until 1895. Assisted by his practical experience, he saw at once where savings and improvements could be introduced, and erected the largest distillery in the world at Peoria, 111. The Distilling and Cattle Feed- ing Co., organized in 1887 with a capital of thir- ty-five millions of dollars, was the child of his brain. This company, comprising practically all the large distilleries in the country, had been planned by Mr. Greenhut with the greatest care and foresight, and became the forerunner of many similar consolidations, none of which, how- ever, proved more successful. Still there was an immense amount of work connected with his management, and while its founder was in the flower of manhood and in the fullest possession of his strength and faculties, he looked around for a more peaceful occupation. This he found in the East, where, in 1896, he bought an inter- est in the Siegel-Cooper Company, which had undertaken to build the, largest department store in Xew York. He acquired the control of this business in 1901 and became its president, while his son, B. J. Greenhut, was made secretary and treasurer. In 1906 he bought the site and store formerly occupied by B. Altman & Co., a new and modern building, and opened this in the fall of 1907 as a department store conducted on the lines which had brought success to Mr. Alt- man. The lad who started out to carve his own fortunes with no assistance than his strength of purpose, the gifts his Creator had bestowed upon him and the teachings of devoted parents, became a master of men and took part in the shaping of the destiny of his country in peace and war. A life full of hard work and honest endeavor but also rich in the fruits that fall to those who justly succeed, is that of Captain J. B. Greenhut. Mr. Greenhut was married in 1866 to Miss Clara Wolfner at Chicago, and their union was blessed with four children, of whom one daughter, Fannie, and two sons, B. J. and N. W., are living. He retains his residence at Peoria, where he spends much of his time, for his large interests in and around the city in which he laid the foundation for his fortune re- quire his constant supervision. MARC EIDLITZ. — The American has unlim- ited admiration for the self-made man — the man who achieves success by his own effort through strength of character and indomitable power of will. But in judging men who have come to the front the American is apt to overlook the fact that the foreigner who arrives at these shores without a knowledge of the language and the customs of the people, who has no friends or relatives to guide him and who must, there- fore, blaze his own path in a wilderness, has a much heavier task to accomplish than any na- tive. If such a man not only succeeds but be- comes a leader in his chosen field, all honor is due him. A man of this kind was Marc Eidlitz, one of America's foremost builders. He was born in Prague, the capital of Bohemia, on January 31, 1826. • After attending the common schools it became necessary for him to earn his own living and he secured employment in a mer- cantile establishment. In 1847 his father died and the young man immediately departed for Amer- ica to find the larger sphere for which he felt himself fitted. His courage and purpose was shown by his decision to acquire all the details in connection with the best work and he began by apprenticing himself to a mason builder for a term of four years. The full weight of this step can only be appreciated when it is kept in mind that young Eidlitz had already reached his majority and had never done manual labor. Such was his zeal and so energetically did he apply himself to his self-appointed task, supplementing his daily toil by work during the evening hours, that before the expiration of his term of ap- prenticeship, he was given a position as foreman in charge of a building. A few years later, in 1854, he started in business for himself with a capital of ten dollars. But he was by this time well known and his integrity and reliability brought him many new friends. In 1857, when barely thirty-one years old, he was selected to build the Broadway Tabernacle, for a long time one of the largest churches in New York. The stonework for this building was brought from the quarries and actually cut at the site. Shortly afterwards he erected the Lord & Taylor Build- ing on Grand Street, for a generation one of the landmarks of the city; Steinway Half on Four- 98 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS teenth Street, which for many years was the principal concert hall of this city. His reputa- tion was now firmly established and the city he had made his home soon became filled with the fruits of his labor. Among the more important buildings he built are: The German Hospital, yterian Hospital, St. Vincent's Hospital, St. Francis Hospital, Baldwin Pavilion of the Wo- men's Hospital, Home of the Si-ters of Bon Se- cours, German Dispensary and Library, Isabella Heimath, Metropolitan Opera House, Eden Mu- irt of Astor Library, Seamen's Bank for Savings, Gallatin Bank, Temple Emanuel, Ger- man Club, .Manhattan Storage and Warehouse, stores for Arnold, Constable & Co., Lord & Tay- lor. Le Boutillier Brothers, residences of J. Pier- ponf Morgan, Adrian Iselin, Jr., Ogden Goelet, Robert L. Stuart, Charles Moran, Peter Doelger and many others. But the enormous respon- sibilities and the concentration required by his business did not fully absorb the energies of Marc Eidlitz. He became a pathfinder in yet another direction, for he was instrumental in forming the National Association of Builders, an organization intended to give stability to the Building Trades in uniting those engaged in them and by adjusting disputes by arbitration. Mr. Eidlitz was. up to the time of his death, the president of the Building Trades Club of New York City, and a director as well as chairman of the General Committee of the National Asso- In 1873 be w; i s elected a director of the Germania Bank, and in 1888 he became its pres- ident, holding this position until his death. His manifold and arduous duties did nol prevent him from taking active interest in many enterprises of a charitable or philanthropic character. He contributed to every worthy object that was laid before him and showed especial interest in edu- cational matters, never forgetting the hardships of lii- early youth, and for 1 1 n - reason ever ready isi young men who were similarly situated. When he passed away, on April 15. 1892, this man. who. through hi- own efforts, had devel oped from a friendless hoy into a successful man with a national reputation, left innumerable friend- ami admirer-. His name i- perpetuated by the work he ha- done and which i- being con tinued by hi- -on.. Otto Marc an. I Robert James, who were hi- a--.1ci.1te-. GEi >RGE I I IK I- I. brewer, was born at Hof n.ar Offenburg, in Baden, on April <,, 1835, and received his education in the public schools of hi- birthplace \t the age of teen lie wa- apprt -in iced to his father, a thriv ing cooper at Hofweier. Here he worked for several year- until he had mastered his trade, but during all that time tried to induce his father to allow him to learn the brewing business which seemed even to so young a man more promising. Finally his wish prevailed and he wa- placed as an apprentice into a brewery at Offenburg. He quickly acquired a thorough knowledge of his new trade and, after the custom of those time-, started out to perfect himself by working in other breweries. The first stop wa- made at Heidelberg, and after that young Ehret worked for some time at Mannheim. Convinced by the reports of a cousin that he would find a larger field and greater opportunities in America, he de- cided to emigrate to the United States and ar- rived in Xew York on November jo. 1857. He found no difficulty in securing employment, and worked at first for the firm of Romell & Co., and later on in the Anton Hiipfel brewery. Within the short space of three years he had risen to the responsible position of foreman and brewmaster. But even this rapid advancement did not satisfy a man of the ambition, knowledge and force of character like Mr. Ehret. 11 is aim was to become independent and in 1866 he started his own brewery in the neighborhood of Hell- gate, from which it was given the name Hell- gate Brewery. Mr. Ehret had himself selected the spot which was at that time far uptown and removed from the built-up portion of the city, and there were many who looked upon the location as unwise, but he knew what he was .loin;.;-, for he had found there what proved to be of the greatest value, namely water of the quality needed for his purposes. The growth of the new firm was astonishing and it soon dis- tanced all competitors, in spite of some serious setbacks, as for instance a disastrous fire in 1S70. 'I'he enormous establishment produce- now close to eight hundred thousand barrel- yearly, em- ploys over live hundred men and uses over two hundred drays, thirty of which are electric trucks. It i- equipped with the best and most modern machinery, for Mr. Ehret is one of those men who seem to be able to look clearly into the future and is ready to adopt every improve- ment a- so,, n as it- value i- proven. When the brewing industry, which bad long been carried on on rather primitive lines, was revolutionized by the introduction of modern business methods, Mr. I lire! wa- one of the first to reorganize his es- tablishment. Personally, Mr. Eh re I i- quiet and unassuming and hi- greal modest) prevents him from taking the position in public life which his achievement- and his immense popularity enti- tle him to. He prefers to distribute the large -11111- he devote- to charitv and other underta- HENRY IDEN. 99 FRAN i. 111!) WILLIAM KEUFFEL. 101 I II l ODORE i I.I'M ENS HEITEMEYER l«i2 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 103 kings for the general welfare, in a quiet way, and is averse to notoriety in every respect. A great lover of music and a musician himself since his childhood days, he finds recreation in listening to the very best the art has produced, and his highly refined taste is well known to music lov- ers. In 1866 Mr. Ehret married Miss Anna Hasslocher, who died in 1899 and left him nine children, of whom the two sons, George, Jr., and Louis, take an active part in the manage- ment of his brewery. ALBERT FRANK.— The career of Mr. Albert Frank is remarkable in more ways than one, though it may be summed up in the statement that it was the natural career of a truly remark- able man. He was born in Breslau, the capital of the Prussian province of Silesia, in 1831, but received his education at Berlin, whither his par- ents had removed soon after his birth. When hardly more than a boy, Albert Frank left his home to enter the employ of Baron Felleisen, the head of the banking-house of Felleisen & Co., bankers to the Russian Crown at St. Petersburg. In his capacity as secretary to Baron Felleisen, he came in contact with many prominent people, traveled extensively and had the opportunity to use a pronounced gift of acquiring foreign lan- guages. While still a young man, he had a good knowledge of Latin, Greek and Hebrew, and spoke eight modern languages fluently. His love for art had been kindled in his home, where he had been surrounded by everything that culture and refinement could procure. In his new field this trait of his character grew stronger and ex- panded and when he, several years later, joined his uncle in the publishing business at Paris, the art treasures of the French capital found in him an appreciative and critical admirer. But among all the arts music appealed to him most, and an unerring taste combined with deep feeling for the beautiful made him a master in judging and of enjoying whatever was brought forth. Towards the end of the sixties Albert Frank came to New York and established himself as a banker and gold broker. But he soon abandoned this field to enter a new one, or, more correctly, to cre- ate an entirely new business. His thorough knowledge of the banking and of the publishing business led him to perceive that financial ad- vertising was done without system, and he set about to introduce reforms beneficial to the ad- vertiser as well as to the press. His firm, oper- ating under various names as the partners changed but best known by the last and still ex- isting one of Albert Frank & Co., was much more than an advertising agencv. It acted as adviser and general publicity agent for the advertisers and kept in close touch and almost familiar re- lations with all the great newspapers. This is best proven by the fact that the press of the whole country, separately and through its vari- ous organizations, at the news of his death has- tened to assure the surviving relatives of the high esteem in which Mr. Frank had been held, and the deep -regret felt at his departure. He did more than any one man to raise the stand- ard of the advertising agent ; an advertisement given out by Albert Frank & Co. was not only taken everywhere without question but was in the nature of a certificate of respectability for the newspaper printing it. No wonder that the firm was immensely successful, and that its reputation became world-wide. Albert Frank was thus a self-made man in the highest sense of the word. He succeeded not only through his own efforts and by the intelligent use of the education he had received in school and in early life, but also by creating something entirely new and hitherto not thought of. He perceived that there existed a necessity for a new way of handling financial advertisements, and he conceived the methods that could bring about a change. He put them into practise and the success was the fruit of his genius. He therefore stands before us, as far as his business activity is concerned, as one of the best and noblest representatives of the multitudes who have come from Germany to help make this country greater and better. But aside from this he was a most remarkable man. His appearance was striking, almost commanding, but softened by an air of refinement and a warmth that re- vealed the man of the world in the very best sense of the word ; the man who would be at home anywhere and would be recognized as ex- ceptional wherever he went. The friendly glow of his eye did not belie the heart, for Albert Frank was full of charity and always ready to help. He did not belong to many clubs, but to a large number of charitable organizations. His tastes were rather domestic ; the company of his daughters who had lost their mother early, a good book or a discussion of an interesting sub- ject with a few friends of similar erudition gave him happiness. He was an extensive reader and hardly a book appeared in any of the im- portant modern languages that he did not at least examine. His knowledge of the literature of the civilized countries was marvelous but sur- passed by his familiarity with musical works of every description. He knew the scores of whole operas by heart and was a regular attendant at every musical event of importance. He left three daughters, all happily married, and his business 104 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS i- being continued by his son-in-law, Mr. James Rascovar. It U not surprising that after his sudden death, on August 19. 1901, regrel was universal and the family was overwhelmed with signs of esteem and affection to such an extent that they felt as if the loss had not been their own alone but of the whole people. Few nun who never held official position have been hon- ored by their contemporaries as Allien Frank was. LEONARD A. GIEGERICH, jurist, was born in Bavaria on March 20, 1855. He came to New York City with his parents when he was one year ,.ld and received his education in the village school of Woodstock, Conn., and in the public and parochial schools of New York City. He studied law and engaged in the practise of his profession, after being admitted to the Bar in 1S77. From his early youth he had taken a lively interest in public affairs and politics, making many friend- who admired his straightforward way, his unimpeachable honesty and his genial disposition. He was elected member of assembly in 1886 and made such a splendid record that it was warmly approved by the Reform Club. He tc.k a leading part in the struggle for personal liberty, which won for him the good will of all German-Americans. He refused all free railroad 3 and insisted Upon paying his fare to and from the capitol at Albany. President Cleveland appointed him as collector of internal revenues in July, 1887, in which capacity he served until March, 1890, when he was appointed by Gover- nor Hill a- a justice of the City Court for the term expiring December 31. 1890. Before retiring from the Bench, he had bi ted County - up that position after less than one year's service in consequence of hi- appoint ment a- judge of the Court of Common Plea by Governor Hill. I te was ele< ted to a full term in iS«j_> on the nomination of all parties. This court was merged in the Supreme Court in Jan nary, 1896 Ever since which time he has served as a justice of the latter court, he having been reelected in too6 on the nomination of all parties including the lawyers' nomination. II.- was a to the constitutional convention of New Vork State of 1894. Justice Giegerich has the confidence ami respeel of the Bar, His high character led to his appointmenl by the Appellate Division, at the requesl of counsel for both sid< - upon a large num ber of contested ballots in the memorable election of 1905, when William R Hearst was a candidate for mayor against Colonel Georg< B McClellan, Although the title of th.- office of mayor and eighl thousand ballots cast for William Travers Jerome for district attorney hinged upon his decision, his rulings were regarded as eminently fair by all concerned and were therefore never appealed from. Judge Giegerich enjoys a large and well deserved popularity among the German- Americans of Xew York, who look upon him as one of the best representatives of their race, in character, achievements and ability. He is a member of the Arion, German Press Club, Fi- delia Gesang Verein, Catholic Club, Catholic Benevolent Legion, Knights of Columbus, St. Francis Xavier Sodality, Xew York Historical Society, Manhattan College Alumni Society, Tam- many Society, honorary member of the New York State Bar Association and has received the honorary degree of LL.D. from Manhattan College. He was married on September 6, 1887, to Miss Louise M. I '.oil, and has two sons, Leon- ard A., Jr., and Arthur X. HUGO REIS1XGER, merchant, was born at Wiesbaden in Germany on January 29, 1856, as the youngest of six children. His father was a man of superior attainments, doctor of philoso- phy, and had taken an active part in the Hungarian revolution of 1848, acting for some time as sec- retary to Ludwig Kossuth. He bad settled at Wiesbaden and become proprietor and editor of the Mittel-Rheinische Zeitung, the oldest daily pa- per of that city. Young Reisinger received his education at the gymnasium of his birthplace and engaged in mercantile business after leaving school at the age of sixteen. Ten years later, having received a thorough business education and being established in business for some time, he went to America as representative <>\ the fa- mous Siemens Glass Works at Dresden. Arriving here in January, 1884, he traveled all over the Uni- ted States and Canada several times in order to introduce the goods, and met with such signal suc- cess that iii [886 he established his present general importing and exporting business, which devel- oped into one of the largest in the United States Since (886 Mr. Reisinger has lived in Xew York City, spending four months of every year in Europe in the interest of his business and for recreation He is a man of many accomplish- ments and widely known as an art connoisseur and collector. While fully appreciating the beauty and worth of the old masters and recognizing the fact that true art cannot be bounded by geo- graphical or national lines, Mr. Reisinger has de- voted himself to introduce German art into this country and to secure for it the position it de- With this purpose in view, he has writ- ten a number of newspaper and magazine articles HENRY SIEGEL. 105 MARC KIM. I IX. 106 HERMANN JOHANNES BOLDT. 107 HENRY A. C. ANDERSON'. K)8 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 109 and carried on an agitation that promises to bear fruit in the near future. He owns the largest and most complete collection of modern German paintings in the United States, as well as the best and most valuable in an artistic sense, and he is arranging for an exhibition of German art in America which is intended to arouse an interest in the work of German artists heretofore sadly lacking. Mr. Reisinger has founded a yearly prize in Berlin for German art, known as the Hugo Reisinger prize, and is acknowledged to be an expert judge of paintings. He is very fond of outdoor sports, a golf player of no mean ability, a noted whip, frequently tooling his splendidly appointed four-in-hand through the park, and a fine rider. Mounted on his favorite horse and accompanied by his two sons, who are as accom- plished horsemen as the father, the little caval- cade attracts much attention by its dashing ap- pearance and soldierly bearing. Mr. Reisinger is a member of St. James Lutheran Church, the Deutsche Verein, Garden City Golf Club, Subur- ban Riding and Driving Club, National Arts Club, Metropolitan Museum and an officer in various corporations. He was appointed honorary com- missioner to Europe by President Francis of the World's Fair at St. Louis in 1904, and was dec- orated by the German Emperor in recognition of his services with the Royal Order of the Prus- sian Crown. On February 10, 1890, Mr. Reisin- ger was married to Miss Edmee Busch of St. Louis and has two sons, the oldest one, a lad of sixteen, being of a serious and studious bend of mind, is now preparing to enter Harvard Univer- sity for the study of law. WILLIAM DEMUTH, merchant, was born at Rimbach, Odenwald, Germany, November 1, 1835. He received his early education in Darmstadt and as a poor boy of sixteen years came to America and settled in New York City, where he has re- sided ever since. His extraordinary ambition and his intelligence showed itself in his youth, and he soon established what is now and has been for years past, the largest manufactory of pipes and smokers' articles. His progressive and inventive talent remodeled the entire industry, and his in- ventions are to-day universally adopted by all the manufacturers of pipes. Aside from his devotion to his business, he also found time to cultivate his artistic taste which he happily applied in a commercial sense. This he showed repeatedly in his highly rewarded effort in exhibiting the finest specimen of the art of pipe manufacturing at all important exhibitions, such as Philadelphia, Paris and Chicago, showing in each one something new and individual. Everv one will remember the unique display in the Paris Exposition, amongst which was a highly artistic group of meerschaum pipes, successfully portraying all the presidents from Washington down. Mr. Demuth received for his exhibit the well-deserved gold medal, a triumph of the ambition and energy of the New World against the accumulated knowledge and experience of the Old. Politically, Mr. Demuth has always affiliated with the Republican party. He has never desired nor held any public office. He is a member of the most important benevolent and educational societies, as well as hospitals too numerous to summarize. He is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Civil Service Re- form Association and life member of the Amer- ican Museum of Natural History, which, through his liberal contribution, is enabled to exhibit to the public a most unique collection of antiquities of pipes found in the Old Country. Mr. Demuth, in October, 1861, married Harriet Laurent, the living children being Louis, Edgar and Aimee. Mr. Demuth is a man of unusual intelligence, is full of public spirit, charitable, genial and as pop- ular amongst his friends as he is strong, practical and true in his commercial relations. HERMAN A. METZ, merchant and manufac- turer, was born in New York City on October 19, 1867. His career is one of the most remark- able among German-Americans and their de- scendants. Compelled to go to work while still attending school, at the age of thirty-two he was the head and sole proprietor of a large business concern which he had entered as office boy when fourteen years old. Mr. Metz received his edu- cation in the public and in private schools in New York, and in 1881 entered the employ of Schulze, Berg & Koechl, manufacturers of drugs and chemicals, as office boy. Full of ambition, the boy perceived immediately that his education was not sufficient to allow him to rise as quickly as he desired, and he devoted his evenings to the study of chemistry at Cooper Union. Having finished his course, he entered the laboratory of the firm, was traveling salesman and Boston agent for two years, and became vice-president and treasurer of Victor Koechl & Co., incorpo- rated, in 1894. Five years later he purchased the interest of Victor Koechl and became the presi- dent of the concern. Since then the business has not only continually increased, but Mr. Metz has become interested in many other enterprises of importance. His vitality and ability to dispose of work is truly stupendous, and in spite of the large extent and great variety of his business interests he has found time to devote himself to public affairs to a degree in itself remarkable. 110 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND TIIKIk 1 >l .m 1 A I ).\.\TS Mr. Metz has been a delegate to a number of Democratic state conventions, and to the na- tional convention at Indianapolis in 1896, mem- ;' the Brooklyn Hoard of Education for sev- eral years, and of the county, general, executive and state committees of the Democratic party. In November, 1005, he was elected controller of the city of New York and has as such redoubled his activity in every direction. He i- a member of the Reform, Chemists', Crescenl Athletic, Ger- mania, Riding ami Driving, National Civic and Brooklyn Democratic clubs, of the German Lied- erkranz, Arion, German Hospital societies of New York and Brooklyn, Brooklyn Institute of Art- and Science-. American Museum of Nat- ural History, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Chamher of Commerce. Board of Trade and Transportation, Manufacturer-' Association and the Society of Chemical Industry of London. Mr. Metz -erved on the committees on import and appraisement ami for the revision of the customs administration of the Merchant-" Association, i- captain in the Thirteenth Regiment, N.Y.S.N.G., and a Mason of Commonwealth Lodge 400, Jeru- salem Chapter No. 8, Adelphic Council No 7. Palestine Commandcry Xo. 18. Mecca Temple of the Mystic Shrine, and Thirty-second Degree Ma -on New York Consistory. JOHN' EICHLER, brewer, was born at Roth- enburg in Bavaria on October 20, [829, and edu in the schools of his native city. After leaving school, he entered the brewery of Wolff • at Rothenburg, where he served hi- ap prenticeship. He then found employment in the Wertheim Brewery at Baden and later in the Hasenhaide Brewery at Berlin. Having studied the business thoroughly ami mastered ever} de tail of hi- profession, Mr. Eichler, who at that time already wa- considered an expert in his held, decided to look for wider opportunities than the fatherland, with it- many barriers for men who desired to rise by their own effort-, af forded. He sailed for America anil arrived at Xew York- in [853, at th.- age of twenty four, rinding employment almost immediately a- brew master in the Franz Ruppert, or Turtle Bay Brewery. Tor an enterprising spirit like Mr. Eichler this wa-. of course, but a period of tr.-m- he saved hi- money, studied the new con ditions surrounding him and worked industriously until the opportunity he had Teen waiting for ! itself In [86i hi- ambition wa- realized and he went into business on hi- own account with Mr. Solman a- partner. Within a few h'- bought out hi- partner and purchased the Kolb Brewery which wa- located on the pres ent site of the -plant of the John Eichler Brew- ing Co., at Third Avenue and One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Street. The brewery Mr. Eichler acquired wa- -mall and lacked all improvement-, the business hem- carried on in a desultory way, and it required all the indomitable energy of the new proprietor to develop it. Hi- financial re- source- were limited, hut with restless energy he went to work and turned hi- splendid facul- ties to account. From the start he had resolved to use hi- full strength and not to rest until he- had succeeded This he accomplished. His ster- ling integrity, his thorough knowledge of his profession and his ability were speedily recog- nized, and willing hands came forward to furnish the mean- that were necessary. It wa- a long and uphill tight, for Mr. Eichler was never sat- I with what he accomplished until his ideal was reached. He kept on improving and enlar- ging the plant, and every new invention was sure to be tried and if it stood the test to he adopted in hi- brewery. But the deserved reward finally came and the day arrived when the John Eichler Brewing Company's plant was conceded to be one of the best equipped in the United State-, and it- owner could proudly look upon his achieve- ment- with the satisfying knowledge that he had done what he set out to do. When Mr. Eichler's health began to fail in 1888, he consented to the organization of a stock company with himself as president, Jacob Siegel, a- vice-president and treasurer, Louis J. Heintz as secretary and John C. Heintz as trustee for the stockholders. When. in [890, the grippe made it- tir-t appearance in Xew York, Mr. Eichler was one of it- first vic- tims, and while he recovered from the attack, he never regained hi- health completely. His originally robust constitution, which had with- stood the tremendous activity during many years of ince -ant labor, was severely shaken, and death claimed him on August 4, 1802, while he was on a \i-it at Gollheim, in the Rhenish Palatinate. His brother in law, Mr Jacob Siegel, went to Ger- many and brought back the remain-, which were interred in the family burial plot in Woodlawn tery. Mr. Eichler was married in 1857 to Mi-- Mar> Siege] of Gollheim, who proved a valuable helpmate and adviser in building up one of the lari^e-t business enterprises in Xew York City, and remained constantly at hi- bedside dur- ing his illness. He wa- a member of a large number of social and benevolent organizations, among them the United State- Brewers' Vssocia lion, Brewers' Board of Trade of New York and ity, Brewers' Exchange, New York Produce Exchange, German Society, German Liederkranz, \rion, Beethoven Mannerchor, Eichenkranz, MAX AMS. Ill JOHN MARTIN OTTO, 112 MATTHTAS HOHNER. 113 HANS HOHNER. 114 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 115 Freimaurer Sangerbund, Schnorer Club, Morris- ania Sangerbund, Harmonic Singing Society, New York Independent Schuetzen Corps, Morrisania Schuetzen Corps, Rheinpfiilzer Mannerchor, Five O'Clock Club of Morrisania, and a Mason of Wieland Lodge and Ivy Chapter. John Eichler's life and achievements form a lasting monument to the qualities of the man, and an illustration of what unfailing industry, sterling integrity and firmness of purpose may accomplish. LOUIS J. HEINTZ (deceased), whose name, character and services are still frequently recalled throughout the Bronx (New York City), which he championed and whose favorite son he was, shows plainly how deep and lasting the impress was he made. He was only thirty when he died ; he was rich and might have taken life at ease; but he was enterprising, aggressive and public-spirited and threw himself, instead, into the work of up- building and developing the community in Which his lot was cast. From one of the numerous obituaries published at the time of his death, March 12, 1893, we take the following account of his life : He was born in Manhattan, at Fifty- fourth Street, near Tenth Avenue. His father died when he was a boy and after his school days were over he entered the brewery of his uncle and thoroughly mastered the business. He was secretary and treasurer of the John Eichler Brewing Company and married the daughter of the brewer, Ebling. He was president of the Brewers' Board of Trade of New York and vicinity and was identified with other important interests. It was, however, in his public career that he cut the most distinguished figure. His admirers still hold that, as a man of the people, he would have risen, had he lived, to high po- litical station. Until he came to the front mis- government had been very much the lot of the "Annexed District." He it was who succeeded, after much opposition at Albany, in getting through an act providing a separate board of im- provements for the district. Under this statute the district obtained the power to have its own department of street improvement. Toward the expense incidental to the passage of this bill he contributed out of his own pocket liberally. This action in behalf of the taxpayers of the Twen- ty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards was appre- ciated. He was selected as the proper man him- self to put the law in motion and was nominated, accordingly, as the first street commissioner, was endorsed by the Taxpayers' Association, the coun- ty Democracy and the Republicans, and trium- phantly elected. His administration — of which it was said that, in the discharge of his duty, he did more even than the public could reasonably ex- pect — was interrupted by his sudden taking off. His death was due primarily to a cold contracted during a trip to Washington for the Cleveland inaugural ceremonies. He was taken down while in the capital, and was brought home for treat- ment. An operation for appendicitis performed upon him was unsuccessful and he failed to re- cover from the effects of it. He was a member of many organizations. He founded the famous Schnorer Club and was its president five terms. He belonged to the Produce Exchange, the Cen- tral Turn Verein, the Lexington Democratic Club, the Harmonic Singing Society, the Morrisania Liedertafel, the Arion, the German Press Club and many more. He is buried in Woodlawn. Re- membering his devotion to their interests, the people of the Bronx still mourn his loss. Some day, perhaps, they will give him a public memo- rial — for certainly he well deserves it. ADOLPH G. HUPFEL, brewer, was born in Orange County, N.Y., receiving his educa- tion in the public and private schools, coming to New York City in 1854. By political affiliation he is a Democrat, but has never held or sought a political office. The Hupfel Brewery, of which he is the head, is numbered among the pioneer brewing industries which have made Bronx Borough noted. The buildings occupied by this establishment have stood so long on St. Ann's Avenue and One Hundred and Sixty-first Street, that they have become known as landmarks in the Bronx. Among the organizations of which Mr. Hupfel is an active member, may be mentioned the New York Produce Exchange, Brewers' Board of Trade, of which he is the ex-presi- dent ; Associated Brewers ; ex-trustee and ex-treas- urer State Brewers and Maltsters ; ex-director of the Union Railway, North Side Board of Trade, New York Botanical Society, Wieland Lodge No. 714, F. & A.M., Freundschaft Lodge No. 4, Improved Order of the Knights of Pythias, Mel- rose Turn Verein, Arion Liedertafel, Central Turn Verein, German Hospital, Deutsche Gesell- schaft, Terrace Bowling Club, Manhattan Club, Democratic and Schnorer clubs. On May 13, 1873, he married Miss Magdalen Kuntz, to whom four children have been born, viz. : Catherine G., Adolph G., Jr., Antoinette G. and Otto G, all of whom are living. JOHN CHRISTIAN GLASER HUPFEL, brewer, was born in New York City on December 12, 1842, as the son of German parents. Educa- ted in Public School No. 49 in East Thirty-sev- enth Street, he engaged in the brewing business, which he has carried on with success. Having studied his trade both here and in Germany, Mr. Hupfel was able to introduce new methods when- ever they stood the test he knew how to apply and L 16 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS id bring his plant up to the highest grade of effi- ciency. He has been closely identified with every movement designed to improve the conditions under which the brewing business is carried on, and with every effort to lift it upon a higher level. Public-spirited and charitable, he is a regular contributor to a large number of associations de- voted to the public welfare. Fond of healthy sports and social diversions, Mr. rlupfel is de- servedly popular and has a large circle of friend-. He is a member of the Arion and Jung-Arion Societies, the German Liederkranz and its Bach- elor Circle, Fessler Lodge No. 576 F. & A.M., Beethoven Maennerchor, Tammany Hall, Ter- race Bowling Club, New York Athletic Club, Red Bank Yacht Club. Rumson Polo Club, Automobile Club of America, founder of the Original Brew- ers' and Coopers' K.U.V., Metropolitan Museum of Art. Isabella Heimath, Wartburg Orphan-' Farm School, German Society, German Hospital, Charity Organization, New York Zoological So- ciety, American Forestry Association, Presbyte- rian Hospital. St. Mark's Hospital. New York Skin and Cancer Hospital, St. John's Guild, New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Society for Im- proving the Condition of the Poor. On May 10, 1868, he married Miss Anna Lebkuchner and had five children: Anna G., Anton C. G., prac- tical brewer; Adolph G. mechanical engineer, and Christian G.. lawyer, who are associated in busi- ness with their father: and Frederick G., who died in infancy. DAVID MAYER, presidenl of the David May- er Brewing Co., was born at Bodenheim on the Rhein on January 8, 1827. He received his edu- cation at the gymnasium of Main/, where he grad uated and upon the study of medicine at the University of Giesen. At the outbreak of the revolution of 1848 1849 in the Palatinate and Grand Duchy of Baden, Mr. Mayer, who was imbued with the love for freedom, joined the Student-' and Turner-' Legion and fought under ral Mieroslawski. The revolutionists were routed at Kirchheimbolanden, where they met a superior f< regulars of the Prussian army, while they were insufficiently organized and armed After the battle Mr. Mayer went to Ba den and foughl under General Franz Sigle in sev- eral engagements, retreating with the revolution- ary army to Switzerland, where his regiment was disbanded. He then, like so many of his com patriots, fled to America, the land of liberty and lom, and worked for a time a- laborer on the Erie Railroad, then being constructed. ' n accustomed to manual labor, he was forced to seek other ways of supporting himself and bought a -mall stock of merchandise, traveling through the country as a peddler. This venture did not appeal to him and after a few weeks he returned to New York, where he found employment in a high school as teacher of languages, which posi- tion he filled with success and distinction until the Hungarian patriot, Louis Kossuth, arrived in America. Mr. Mayer joined the agitation started to secure recognition of the independence of Hungary, which, however, proved a failure. He thereupon decided to secure a thorough knowl- edge of the country where he had decided to re- main and went South. Here he established him- self in commercial business and met with decided success. In i860 he married Miss Bernhardt of Xew York, who has been his faithful companion and loving helpmate in adversity as well as in happiness. Seven children, four sons, one of whom died while on duty on the Peninsula and three daughters, were born of the union. When the Civil War broke out, Mr. Mayer threw in his lot with "the Confederacy, and served as com- missioned officer of the Albany Guard-. Fourth Regiment of Georgia. A severe illness com- pelled him to resign his commission and he took his family to Xew York, leaving behind him all he had amassed in many years of hard work and devotion to his business. At his arrival in Yew York he wa- practically without mean-, but his spirit was not broken, his ability unimpaired and his sterling integrity known to a large circle of friends. He started again in business on his own account but later on became a partner in the Clif- ton Brewery on Staten Island which his brother had established. When this establishment was destroyed by tire in [879, Mr. Mayer reestablished the business in the upper part of the city and since that time has been at the head of the David Mayer Brewing Co. in the borough of the Bronx. Mr. Mayer is in the fullest and best -ense of the word a s,lf made man, having achieved success by hard work, indomitable energy and upright, correct business method-. Of dignified bearing, lie i- a German of the old school which is rapidly disappearing, but ha- done so much for this country by faithful devotion to ideals and un- swerving honesty. He i- of benevolenl disposi- tion, ready to assist those who are in need of and deserve help, and very charitable in an unos- tentatious way, preferring to give quietly instead of proclaiming to the world the good he does. Mr. Mayer i- a member of many educational, philan- thropic, literary and charitable societies and one of the few surviving members of the Association 1 if ( ierman Patrii >t- of [848 49. ADAM WEBER. 117 1.1'IAVIi, NISSEN. US Fl.ORIAN KRUG. 119 EMANUEL BARUCH. 120 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 121 WILLIAM PETER, the founder and presi- dent of the William Peter Brewing Company, was born at Achern, Baden, Germany, March 16, 1832. The schools of his native town furnished his early education and he graduated from same at an early age. His studies were concluded at the Moravian Brother's Institute of Koenigsfeld, Baden, after having taken a two years' course. At the age of sixteen young Peter entered upon the field of brewing, which, at that time was in its infancy compared to the great industry of to-day. Apprenticing himself under a brother-in-law, he learned the trade thoroughly and continued in this capacity for two and one-half years. So indus- triously had he applied himself during his ap- prenticeship, his qualifications were such that as- sured him the foundation he had endeavored to attain. He came to this country in 1850 with his parents and settled in New York City. The trade he had chosen offered better opportunities here and he found little difficulty in procuring employment. For four years' he worked in vari- ous breweries. In 1854 he made his first trip to Cincinnati, Ohio, and was employed there in the same capacity until 1857, when he returned to the East. At the age of twenty-eight he estab- lished a business of his own in the western sec- tion of the city and conducted it in a small way with an output of but two and three-quarter bar- rels per day. In 1862 he purchased property at Union Hill, N.J., and during the same year he erected a small plant that had a daily capacity of twelve barrels. After a copartnership of one year, he sold his entire interest to his partner and during the year of 1864 he accepted a posi- tion as foreman of the Fausel Brewing Com- pany of Union Hill, where he remained until the spring of 1865. He again engaged in busi- ness for himself during that year, erecting a brewery having a daily capacity of seventy bar- rels. From 1866 to 1868 the firm was known as Peter and Brock and later as Peter and Hexamer, but it was not until 1870 that Mr. Peter became sole proprietor, and the first real progress that was made, and which has terminated so success- fully, commenced that year. The facilities and capacity of the plant were greatly enlarged and whenever anything new appeared in the line of brewing that meant advancement, Mr. Peter imme- diately installed same. Like all large enterprises, its growth was gradual and each year marked a step forward. To-day this imposing plant, with its modern fire-proof buildings, machinery and meth- ods, stands as a monument to the memory of its founder. The annual output is over one hundred and twenty-five thousand barrels and a yearly ca- pacity of five hundred thousand. Eia^htv hands are employed throughout the various departments. The firm's main office, which is located on Hudson Avenue, was erected in 1900 and is a credit to Union Hill. Classical in architecture, built of marble and brick and containing appointments of richness and convenience. Directly opposite is the residence of Mr. Peter, one of the handsomest in Union Hill, and where he has resided for twenty- two years. Mr. Peter incorporated his brewing interests on May 1, 1890, and the concern became known as The William Peter Brewing Company ; the stock is held by Mr. Peter's own immediate family. The officers of the company are : Will- iam Peter, president ; William Peter, Jr., vice- president ; Emil Peter, secretary ; William Braun- stein, treasurer ; August Peter, assistant secretary and treasurer, and Charles Peter, manager. All of Mr. Peter's sons have received a careful commercial training and the efficient way in which they trans- act their official and other duties is characteristic of the father. In 1859 Mr. Peter was united in marriage to Miss Magdaline Jaeger of Bavaria, Germany ; six children were born to this union. Mrs. Peter died in 1868. Later Mr. Peter again married, this time a Mrs. Caroline Ohlenschlager (nee Apply) of Zurich, Switzerland, who died in 1900. Two children were born to this mar- riage. In 1902 Mr. Peter married Miss Sophia Vogel of Carlsruhe, Baden. Mr. Peter is a great lover of art and music. He goes abroad once a year and always finds the time to portray the beautiful scenery in Switzerland and Germany in oil. His home contains many creditable works of his own. JACOB RUPPERT, brewer, was born in New York City on March 4, 1842, as the son of Ger- man parents, and received his education in the public and private schools of his birthplace. At an early age he engaged in the restaurant busi- ness and later on started a brewery, being one of the pioneers of this industry in the United States. While the conditions favored the growth of his enterprise, it was his business ability, his fore- sight and thorough knowledge which made his brewery one of the largest in this section of the country. It has been enlarged from time to time and equipped with the most modern appli- ances, for Mr. Ruppert was always ready to in- troduce new methods as soon as their value had been proven. From small beginnings his inter- ests have grown to very large proportions, and he is now interested in a number of other enter- prises. A Democrat in politics, Mr. Ruppert has served as presidential elector for the state of New York on the Democratic ticket, but has re- fused all other offers of public office. He is a 122 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS member of the Arion and the German Lieder- kranz and of a large number of hospital and other benevolent societies. In 1864 Mr. Ruppert married Miss Anna Gillig. Six children were born to him, of whom four, Jacob, Jr., Anna Schalk, George and Amanda Scllick, are living. HEIXRICH COXRIED, impresario, was born al Bielitz, Austria, on September 13, 1855. He was educated by private tutors and graduated from Schottenfeld College in 1869. Following the wish of bis father, he learned the trade of a weaver, but having a natural and profound fond- ness for the stage, he decided to follow that pro- fession and made his debut at the Imperial Court Theatre at Vienna on February 23, 1873. His advancement was rapid and he bad already at- tained high rank in his new calling when he ac- cepted in 1878 a call from the United States and became stage manager at the Germania Theater in New V<>rk City. As stage manager and as actor his success was pronounced, and in the following year he made a triumphant tour of the German theaters in the United States as a star. !■'< t some time he was connected with the Thalia Theater in New York, where he acquired well rved fame by magnificent productions of modern plays and comic operas. He then formed a connection with the New York Casino and later organized the Conried Opera Company which gave performances all over the United - with great artistic and financial success. In iSg_> Mr. Conried became proprietor and manager of the Irving Place Theater in New- York which be devoted exclusively to German drama. This institution be raised to greal dis- tinction nol only through the engagement of some of the foremost German actors, but also through tli!- greal care which he bestowed Upon tin- production of modern and classical plays. The Irving Place was soon known as a model theater and its fame spread tar beyond the German- speaking population. There Mr. Conried intro duced to the American public such am I Sonnenthal, Mitterwurzer, Barnaj Schratt, Gallmeyer, Knoack, Agnes Sorma and many oth- ers and produced the wurks of modern authors bk<- Hauptmann, Ibsen, Voss, Sudermann and Fulda, together with many classical plays. For more than a decade Mr. Conried devoted a lar.uc part of hi t" the elevation of the Vmer ican sta^e, being firmly convinced that the uni- versity, the church and the stage form the three great universities and lias given performances at Yale, Harvard and other institutions of learn ing. bearing all the exp< nses \ memorable event was the production of Goethe's "Iphigenie" al Harvard University, the entire receipts being de- by Mr. Conried to the fund for the es- tablishment of the new German Museum at Cam- bridge. In 1904 Mr. Conried took charge of the Metropolitan Opera House, and the artistic as well as the financial success of this institution under his leadership is too well known to re- quire extended recapitulation. In 1008, at the close of an unusually successful season, he de- sired to retire from this position because he needed rest and desired to devote himself entirely to the new National Theater where cpects to realize his plans as to what the perfect stage should be. He is an indefati- gable worker. During his short career he has staged over one thousand plays and crossed the ocean nearly one hundred times in the interests of his enterprises. In spite of his arduous labors he has found time to deliver lec- tures on the drama at Yale, Harvard and Colum- bia universities and the University of Pennsyl- vania. He has received the degree of M.A. from Pennsylvania, Harvard and Columbia and nu- merous decorations from European monarchs, and has been made a Knight of the Order of the Iron Crown by the Emperor of Austria-Hun- gary, Knight of the Order of the Royal Crown by the Emperor of Germany. The King of Italy conferred upon him the rank of Cavaliere, raising him to the nobility. Mr. Conried was married in 1884 to Augusta, daughter of F. M. Spcrlin, and has one son, Richard Conried. C. F. ACKER MAW, retired, and residing at No. 86 Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn, was born at u, Anhalt, Germany, April 5, 1835. He attended the Gymnasium school of his native city until he reached the age of fifteen years, at which time he went to Bremen, where he obtained a position with an export and importing house, with whom he remained for a period of four years. On September [6, [854, when at the age of nineteen, he landed in America, locating at Brooklyn, N.Y., and after holding various mer- cantile positions in New York he, on January 1, [859, established the importing and export firm of Meissner, Ackermann & Company, which grew in time to be the most extensive in the petroleum Orl trade in the country. In [86] Mr. Ack- ermann soon after the discovery of petroleum his firm made their first shipment, which Lirew from year to year to very large proportions and shipped this commodity to all parts of the world. In [890 Mr. Ackermann retired from active busi life, having behind him an unblemished reputation throughout the commercial world. He enjoys an extensive acquaintance both in this CAPTAIN J. B. GREEN HUT. 123 JAI OB U Kil' MAN \. 124 BENEDICT PRIETH. 125 JOHN B. OELK1 RS. 126 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 127 country and Europe. He is a member of the Germania Club of Brooklyn, and was reared in the Lutheran Church. Mr. Ackermann was one of the founders and is a charter member of the German-American Insurance Company of New York and has been a director of it ever since it was organized. He was joined in wedlock on February 7, i860, with Miss Henrietta Marie Wilckens, daughter of Dr. J. Frederick Wilckens, at one time a prominent physician of Xew York City. They have seven living children. RUDOLPH J. SCHAEFER, brewer and mer- chant, was born in New York City on February 21, 1863. He received his education in the pub- lic and in private schools of his birthplace, and passed through a business college. After leaving school, he became interested in the F. & M. Schae- fer Brewing Company, of which his father had been one of the founders, and soon took an active part in the management. He is now vice-president of this concern and president of the Schaefer (Real- ty) Company, and also a director in several other industrial corporations. Mr. Schaefer has taken a very active part in all movements inaugurated for the welfare of the industry in which he is en- gaged and is president of the Lager Beer Brew- ers' Board of Trade of New York and Vicinity, vice-president of the Associated Brewers of New York and Vicinity and treasurer of the New York State and the United States Brewers' Asso- ciations. He is a member of the American Brew- ing Institute and has devoted much time and study to the modern development of the brewing industry, introducing new methods into his es- tablishment as soon as they had stood the test of careful investigation. Of an active and lively dis- position, Mr. Schaefer is fond of all manly sports, such as riding, driving, skating, billiards, yacht- ing, rowing and swimming, and is a member of the New York Athletic Club, the National Asso- ciation of Amateur Billiard Players, trustee of the Larchmont Yacht Club and member of several other yacht clubs. He served as vice-president of the German Liederkranz and is a member of the Lambs Club. In addition, he is interested in a number of charitable organizations and others working for the public good ; a trustee of the German Hospital and Dispensary, chairman of the Brewers' Auxiliary of the Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association, life member of the So- ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, member of the German Society, the Isabella Hei- math, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and many other societies. He is a Lutheran and a Demo- crat in local, but generally a Republican in na- tional affairs. Mr. Schaefer was married on Oc- tober 15, 1890, to Miss Frederica V. Beck and has three children, F. M. Emile, Edmee Eloise, and Rudolph J., Jr. HUGO SOHMER, manufacturer, was born at Dunningen, near Rottweil, in the Black Forest in Wuerttemberg, in 1846. His father was a physi- cian and left nothing undone to give the boy a good education. At an early age Mr. Sohmer developed an unusual talent and love for music and while still a child attended every concert in the old city of Rottweil and in Stuttgart, the capital of Wuerttemberg, thus preparing himself, without knowing it, for the career he was to fol- low in later years. When he was sixteen years old, the boy decided to emigrate to America. The Wanderlust, which drives so many Germans into foreign countries, had taken hold of him and he heard so many wonderful stories about America that he was determined to see the land with whose riches his imagination was filled. He arrived in 1863 and found work in the piano factory of Schuetze & Ludolff. The ardent desire for knowl- edge which the father had planted in the boy's heart, and the ambition to rise gave him the strength to overcome all obstacles. He used his evenings to increase his knowledge of music through private lessons, at times suffering severe privations because his earnings were small and he was alone in the world, his father having died. In 1868 Mr. Sohmer had earned enough money to go to Europe, where he visited all the important piano factories in order to increase his knowledge of the business he had decided to embrace. At Vienna he made the acquaintance of Mr. Josef Kuder, a practical piano maker, and associated himself with him and several other experts in the same line under the firm name of Sohmer & Co. The new factory was started in 1872 at the cor- ner of Third Avenue and Fourteenth Street with limited means and could produce but two or three pianos a week during the first year. But the fact that nothing but the very best material was used, and not a single instrument was allowed to leave the workshop that was not mechanically and ar- tistically perfect quickly established the reputation of the new firm. After three years it became nec- essary to enlarge the factory considerably, and in 1886 a new factory was built at Astoria, which is equipped with all modern improvements and known as a model establishment. The Sohmer piano has found its way in many thousands of homes, is used by the best and greatest artists, and agencies of the firm have been established in almost every city in the United States. Mr. Soh- mer's success has been pronounced, and is re- markable not only because it started from the 128 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS smallest beginnings imaginable, but also for the reason that it has not changed him in the least. Widely known, he i> as modest and unassuming a> at the beginning areer, full of devo tii in to his duty and to his family, a member of many social organization?, but fund of home life, a large contributor to a multitude of chari- ties, and a lover of good music who not only sel dom : good concert or opera, but is always ready to assist gifted pupils and artists lacking the means fur a musical education. OTTO WISSNER, manufacturer, was born near Giessen in Hessen, Germany, on March 2, [853, and received his education in the Real-Gym- nasium at Giessen, evincing special interest for languages and becoming proficient in Latin, Greek, English and French. At the age of sixteen. Mr. Wissner came to the United States and found em- ployment in various piano factories, learning the business thoroughly and from the bottom up. In 1878 lie started hi- own factory in Brooklyn and while he had to begin on a -mall scale, so much was taken in the selection of the material and the construction of the instruments, that the Wissner piano quick'y secured recognition among - and the public at lar.Lte. The factory and the salesrooms had to lie enlarged and agencies were established in all the important cities of the United States. Mr. Wissner frequently traveled through the country and became widely known as a man of sterling integrity and unusual ability and as a manufacturer whose knowledge of his busi and enterprise had rapidly brought him into the front rank of American industrial and artistic life. Artists like the late Anton Seidl. Htnil 1'aur, Lillian Nordica, Julie Rives King, Jan ECubelik and many others used his pianos and became his friends. Mr. Wissner took a lively interest in musical affairs, and was always ready to assist ferman organizations devoted to the mission • if awakening and strengthening the love and :tp preciation for good music in America. In [900 he was appointed by the I Inited Singers of Brook lyn a member of a committee of three t<> transmit German Emperor the thanks of the singers fur the silver trophy Emperor William had given as a prize f"r the singing festival held at Brook- lyn, and tu present copies of the songs which had been rendered at the competition fur it. The dele gation was graciously received by Emperor Will iani and treated with much di tihetion. Mr Wi- ner i- an Independent in politics and lives in Brooklyn, hut spends much of his time at his ful summer home, The Westerly, in Nas- sau County. He is a member of 'In- German Lutheran Church, tin- German Liederkranz, Brooklyn Arion, Saengerbund, Royal Arcanum, and a Mason, also a director of the Mechanics I'.ank and trustee <>f the Cermania Savings Bank. In [88] Mr. Wissner was married to Miss Katie Leckerling and has six children, four daughters and two -I, us, who now manage his factory. EDWARD LAUTERBACH, whose brilliant career as a lawyer and politician has made his one of the most familiar names in New York, was horn in New York City on August 12, 1844. His education was begun in the public schools and continued in the College of the City of New York, from which institution he was graduated with honors in 1864. lie worked hard in school and college, as one to whom study was a privi- lege rather than a drudgery, and as soon as he received hi- degree entered upon a course of law in the offices of Townsend, Dyett & Morri- son. After his admission to the Bar he became a member of this firm, which was then reor- ganized under the name of Morrison, Lauter- bach & Spingarn. The death of Mr. Spingarn terminated the partnership and Mr. Lauterbach formed his present connection with the firm of Hoadly, Lauterbach & Johnson. Individually, the linn is an mm ually strong one, and is well known throughout the country. Mr. Lauterbach has made an exhaustive study of the statutes relating to corporate bodies, and has a high Standing at the Bar as a specialist in this depart- ment of practise-. He has successfully conducted a large number of important litigations involv- ing intricate points of law, and has a wide repu- taiion for being able to settle large cases outside the courts In addition to bis other practise, Mr. Lauterbach is a prominent figure in railroad cir- cles as an organizer. He was instrumental in bringing about the consolidation of the Union and Brooklyn elevated mads, and the creation of the Consolidated Telegraph and Electrical subway, ami was concerned in the reorganiza- tion of many railroads. He was counsel for and a director of a number of street surface rail- roads, among others the Third Avenue system. Mr. Lauterbach has always been a Republican and has taken as active a part in state and local polities ,,s the absorbing nature of his profession would permit. For some years lie was chairman of the Republican County Committee of N'ew York and was associated with Chauncey M. He pew, Thomas C. Piatt, Frank S. Witherbee and Frank Hiscock in the advisory committee of the Republican State Committee. In the Republican National Convention, held at St. Louis in 1S06, he was a delegate at large from New York, was the member from N'ew York of the com- LOUIS WIXDMULLER. 129 ROHKKT VOM CLEFF. 130 HERMANN HEINRICH HORNFECK. 131 SAMUEL WEIL, 132 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 133 mittee on resolutions, and was one of the sub- committee of nine appointed to draft the plat- form, the financial plank of which presented the greatest issue that had been before the Amer- ican people for many years. Mr. Lauterbach was one of the three delegates at large from the city of New York to the Constitutional Con- vention, which met in June, 1894. He was made chairman of the committee on public charities, an appointment which was considered highly ap- propriate, as he has been very prominent in all philanthropic and benevolent work, and is con- nected officially with many charitable organiza- tions. The cause of education has a sympathetic and practical friend in Mr. Lauterbach, who has done much in various ways for its advancement. Mr. Lauterbach is married and has four children. The oldest, a son, was educated for his father's profession and was admitted to the Bar at the age of twenty-one. The other three are daugh- ters. Mrs. Lauterbach has for years been a conspicuous figure in New York society, not only in its brilliancy and pleasure-seeking, but also in its beneficent activities. She became interested in the Consumers' League, and did much to se- cure legislation for the benefit of women em- ployed in factories. She has been interested in the movement for woman suffrage, the Prizon Guild and many other enterprises for the im- provement of social, industrial and educational conditions. ABRAM JESSE DITTENHOEFER, jurist, was born at Charleston, S.C., on the seventeenth day of March, 1836. He is the son of Isaac and Babetta Dittenhoefer. His father, a native of Germany, emigrated to the United States in 1836, arriving in the city of Baltimore. He then moved to Charleston, S.C., and subsequently to the city of New York, where he became a successful merchant and a man of great local influence ; his mother was also a native of Germany. His par- ents were married in Baltimore. He acquired his early education in the public schools of the city of New York and later attended Columbia College Grammar School, then situated in Mur- ray Street, and in 1852 he entered Columbia Col- lege, which was then situated in College Place; and Charles King was its president. During his college course he was especially distinguished for his proficiency in Latin and Greek ; the fa- mous Dr. Charles Anthon, the professor of Latin, called him "Ultima Thule." After grad- uation and in 1857 he entered the law office of Benedict & Boardman. At that time John E. Parsons, the celebrated lawyer, was managing- clerk in the same office. At the age of twenty- one he was admitted to the Bar. His active connection with the Republican party, then form- ing, began about the same time. Though his friends and relatives urged him to join the Dem- ocratic party, which was then in supreme control in the city of New York, his strong convictions that slavery was a crime and should be rooted out influenced him not to follow their advice. At that time New York City was virtually a pro- slavery city, and during the draft riots at the breaking out of the Civil War, he was notified by the rioters to leave the city, which he declined to do. In 1858 he was nominated by the Repub- lican party for justice of the Marine (now City) Court, but the party being in a hopeless minor- ity, his election was impossible. In 1864 he was elected one of the presidential electors for the state of New York, and as such he had the great honor to cast his vote in the Electoral College for Abraham Lincoln, with whom he became in- timate and who, during his term, offered Mr. Dittenhoefer the appointment of United States judge for the district of South Carolina, his native state. He declined the appointment as he was unwilling to abandon the large practise he had secured in the city of New York. In 1862 Governor Fenton appointed him to fill the va- cancy caused by the death of Judge Florence McCarthy and he gave his entire salary during the whole term to Judge McCarthy's widow, who was in want. This act of kindness and gener- osity has been characteristic of his life. At the expiration of the term he declined a renomina- tion, to enable him to devote himself to his large and lucrative practise. In 1876 he was a dele- gate to the National Republican Convention in Cincinnati, which nominated General Hayes for president, and for eight weeks stumped without compensation in the states of Ohio and Indiana. For twelve consecutive years he was chair- man of the German Republican Central Commit- tee of New York and has always effectively served his party as an influential factor in its councils and as an effective campaigner. Judge Dittenhoefer stands in the front rank of the New York Bar and as a lawyer has secured a distin- guished reputation. While his services have been required in every branch of the legal profession, he has been conspicuous in litigations relating to the law of the stage, being recognized as an au- thority on that branch of the law. He procured the incorporation of the Actors Fund of Amer- ica, the great theatrical charity, and has served as its counsel without compensation. It was largely through his efforts that the law giving the license fees collected from theaters to the Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delin- 134 SIVCKSSM'L GER MAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS quents was repealed This stamped the theater a> the nursery of criminals and its repeal was gnized as a great advance. In recognition of tlu- e services he was presented with a testimonial and, together with ex-President Cleveland, Dr. Houghton and other distinguished men, was elected an honorary member. He also secured, at the instance of the American Dramatists' Club, the amendment of the copyright law making it a crime to steal the production of one's brain, as it always was a crime to steal tangible property, lie has al-ci l>een distinguished in many commer- cial and corporation cases and lias been frequent- ly retained in important criminal cases. Early in the seventies he was appointed by the Board of Aldermen of the city of New York as one of unsel to represent them when they were in- dicted for granting permits to encumber the streets with newspaper stands in violation of the charter and he succeeded in quashing the indict ment. He made a telling point when he a-ked the court to mark the newsboy, whose stand was the subject of controversy, as Exhibil A. lie was counsel for the old excise commissioners, Dr. Merkle and Richard Morrison, when they were indicted for an infraction of the law. and succeeded in obtaining their acquittal. When their si',-,- — ,, r s. Commissioners Meakin, Fitzpat- rick and Koch, were subsequently indicted, he was their leading counsel and after three years of litigation the indictments were dismissed on a motion made by Judge Dittenhoefer. In 1896 as one of the counsel for Elverton A. Chapman of the well known hanking firm of Moore & Schley and a number of newspaper correspond ents who wire prosecuted in Washington for re- fusing to answer questions of tin' United States Senate Committee investigating the Mi^ar tariff scandal, Judge Dittenhoefer was conspicuous and successful, gaining a notable victorj of «real value for the liberty of the press. He was counsel for the defendants in what are known as ■ Ik Fraud Cases, instituted by the United States. These were vigorously pro ted and attracted great attention all over the world. Me succeeded in freeing his client. He ■■unsel for the Metropolitan ( )pcra Com pany in the attempt on the part of the willow of the famous master, Richard Wagner, to -1 an injunction 1. 1 restrain tin pei t'l it man< 1 "Parsifal." One of the arguments made b) Mrs. Wagner's counsel was that Richard Wagner left the wish on his death-bed that "Parsifal" should not he performed anywhere else than at Beyreuth, and that said wish In mid he piously ted In reply Judge I >i t teiiho, f , r asked: "Suppose Shakespeare had left the dying wish that 'Hamlet' should not be produced anywhere else than at Stratford-on-the-Avon, would it he right to deprive the world of the pleasure and in- struction tu he derived from listening to that tin- equaled work on the stage?" He was counsel for the captain and directors who were indicted in connection with the burning of the General Slo- cunt, on which over nine hundred lives were lost. IK is now one of the counsel of the Lincoln National Hank, of which General James, a mem ber of President Garfield's Cabinet, is president, ami of many other corporations. An amusing incident in Judge Dittenhoefer's career occurred a few years after he was admitted to the bar. A German by the name of David retained him to defend him. He had been charged with pur- chasing a quantity of clothing on false representa- tions. When the case came on for trial it was the sixteenth on the day calendar. Every case ahead of his having answered ready on the first call. Judge Dittenhoefer left the court with in- structions to be sent for should, by any chance, his case he reached. In less than an hour, the calendar having broken down, his presence was demanded. When he arrived the jury had already been empaneled. Being quite near-sighted he could imt find his client and requested his young man to look for him, who quickly reported that he was sitting on his own jury. After much dif- ficulty the judge, who felt inclined to punish him for contempt of court, allowed him to go. The judge then asked him how on earth he got on the jury. He answered: "Didn't I have to go? The clerk called my name." His name was in the wheel with a hundred others ami by a strange coincidence when his case was called by the trial judge his own name was turned out among the twelve to act as juryman. Judge Dittenhoefer then asked him how he could have the cheek to sit on his own jury. His answer was: "Veil, who knows more about dis case den I do?" The judge said that he was not a rascal but merely a fool who did not know any better. Judge Dit- tenhoefer married in the city of New York i» 1S5N a Miss Rnglehart of Cleveland. Ohio, and has five children. One of them, his sun, Irving Meade Dittenhoefer, is his partner, and a mem her of the firm of Dittenhoefer, Gerber & James. cil \kl I S \. ST VDLEB was born at Ger mersheim in tin- Bavarian Palatinate on July 15. [848 He came to America in 1S51 with his par ents and received his education in St. Nicholas's Parochial School, the public schools and in He I. a Salle Institute Vfter graduating, Mr. Stadler engaged in the brewing industry and subsequently in the grain trade and eventually established GEORGE EHRET. 135 AUGUST MIETZ. 136 GEORGE C. DRESSEL. 137 HERMAN CHRISTIAN HENRY HEROLD. 138 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 139 himself as a maltster. The development of the brewing industry and the change to modern methods which almost revolutionized that trade during the latter part of the last century was foreseen early by Mr. Stadler and made use of in every possible way. He clearly perceived the ways and means with the help of which he could get to and keep at the front, and was soon recog- nized as one of the ablest men in his line. Of a genial disposition, warm-hearted and ever ready to help those in need, it is but natural that he has a host of friends and that his popularity is not confined to his business associates. A Democrat, and from his early youth interested in public af- fairs, political honors were offered to him re- peatedly. He served as inspector of schools, as state senator from 1888 to 1892, as delegate to the Constitutional Convention and as a member of the State Democratic Executive Committee, and only his determination to devote his time to his business affairs prevented his election to higher offices. He had by this time interested himself in various enterprises and is now presi- dent of the American Malting Company and of the Sebastian Wagon Company, vice-president and treasurer of the Sicilian Asphalt Company, vice-president of the Nineteenth Ward Bank and a director of the Germania Bank, member of the Produce Exchange of New York and of the Boards of Trade of Chicago and Buffalo. Fond of good and congenial societies, he is a member of many clubs, among them the Manhattan, Dem- ocratic, Army and Navy and New York Ath- letic; the Geographical Society, German Society, German Liederkranz, Arion and many other pub- lic and charitable organizations. He is major commanding the Old Guard. Mr. Stadler was married twice : in 1866 to Miss Josephine Contes, who died in 1885, and on June 21, 1888, to Miss Pauline Roesicke of Brooklyn, and has five daughters. A. B. HEINE, merchant. — Almost prophetic were the words of the distinguished lyric poet and namesake, Heine : "When you speak of the best of men, you must include him." A. B. Heine is indeed one of the best merchants of the age, combining at once the highest qualities of the old conservative school with the most advanced, far- reaching, most courageous methods known to that division of commerce of which he became a master mind. Liberated in his early life ancl business career from all the limitations which are so often the real impediment to genuine suc- cess, he soon made a mark quite equal to the foremost men in the business which to-day ranks second to none in magnitude, in volume, in wealth and progress. As an organizer of men and affairs it was only natural that his work should be crowned by that magnificent world in- dustry bearing his name. No merchant has proven more versatility, more originality in thought and action, no importer has made a clearer record, has been a truer friend of right and justice and a better advocate of correct business ethics and established sounder princi- ples, both in that branch of the Government ex- ecuting the customs laws, than has A. B. Heine. His voice was always heard in the forum when the Treasurer of the United States listened to the just complaints of the importing merchant; while his triumphs, his victories over dark and doubtful ways and means never inflated his mind in con- nection with the normal discharge of his duties to the trade and the individual. It is always rec- ognized that as a leader in all movements for the betterment of commerce, A. B. Heine takes no back seat; he is nothing if not first, foremost, true and strong. As a perfect harmonious mani- festation of these virtues stands that monument, "that city on the hills" of which both hemi- spheres speak in loud terms of praise and won- der; the largest industrial combination in em- broideries and kindred products. CHARLES PFIZER, manufacturer, was born at Ludwigsburg in Wuerttemberg, Germany, on March 22, 1824. He received a very thorough education in the schools of his native town, which furnished him with an excellent foundation so that he was able, in later years, to build upon it a rich fund of knowledge, although he never at- tended a college or other high institution of learn- ing. After leaving school, Mr. Pfizer served an apprenticeship in a drug and paint house at Mann- heim for several years. Having learned the business completely, he secured a position as con fidential clerk with a large exporting firm at Rotterdam, Holland, where he had occasion to extend his knowledge and to develop the quali- ties that were the reasons for his success in later years. In 1849 a business depression set in, partly in consequence of the political upheavals in Germany, and as all Europe suffered from these conditions, Mr. Pfizer decided to emigrate to America. Here, in a wider field, where his ability was not confined by narrow limits and tra- dition, he established himself in Williamsburg, then part of Brooklyn, as a manufacturer of chemicals, with an office on Beekman Street, in partnership with his brother-in-law, Charles F. Erhart. The firm rapidly acquired a reputation for the quality of their goods, for fair dealing and strict integrity, and the business grew from 14ii SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS year to year. Mr. Pfizer* s knowledge of his trade was so complete, his education having given him the opportunity to master every detail, and lie was so eager to take advantage of every new discovery in his line that his firm soon hecame known as one of the most important and largest in its line, the factory in Brooklyn occupying -ome thirty-four city lots. In 1870 the business moved to Xo. 81 Maiden Lane where it is still carried < >n with a branch office in Chicago. Mr. Erhart died in 1891 and Mr. Pfizer retired from active business in 1900, when the concern was in- corporated and is now in the hands of his two sons, Charles, Jr., and Emile Pfizer, and his nephew. William H. Erhart. Mr. Pfizer was a Republican in politic- but never held public office though taking a warm interest in public affairs, and being widely known as a man of correct and sober judgment, reliable and worthy of es- teem and admiration. His long life has been a splendid illustration of the possibilities offered by this country to the German who brings ambition, intelligence and firm purpose to these shores, as well as of the great value of German emigration to the United States. Mr. Pfizer was married in 1859 to Miss Anna llauseh and has five children. three sons and two daughters, viz.: Charles, Gus- tave, Emile, Helen and Alice, all of whom are living. Mr. Pfizer's death occurred October 19, 1005. He was a member of the Germania Club of I'.rooklyn, of the Brooklyn Riding and Driving Club and of the Downtown Association of New York City. MICHAEL C. GROSS, lawyer, was born in New York City on February 18, 1838, as the son of German parents. He was educated in priva'' in New York and studied law. being admitted to the Bar he practised his profession in New York city and became rapidly known. Soon after reaching his majority he d a member of the Board of Council men from the Fifth Senatorial District and re- ted, serving in this capacity from [86] until [864 II'- had taken an active pari in politics as a Democral and displaying unusual ability as an orator, a- well as lawyer, it was natural that he u I to fill ;i judicial office. Elected in November, 1865, In- served as Justice of tin' Marine Court— the present City Court— from 1865 until January 1. 1S70 Since then ' oted himself to tin- practise of his ion. Although horn in America, Justice has always kepi in close touch with Ger- Vmericans, and with everything worthy of admiration and emulation produced by the conn try which gave birth to his parents Every n nunt tending to increase the knowledge of and appreciation for the achievements on the part of the German race in the realms of the arts, the sciences and literature has found in him a willing and enthusiastic supporter. He married in June, 1 866, and is a member of the German Liederkranz, German Society, German Hospital Association and German Club. JOHN" LOUIS SCHAEFER, merchant and banker, was born in .Yew York City on August 4, 1867, the son of German parents, and educated in the public schools and the evening high schools of his birthplace. On leaving school, he entered the employ of a mercantile house and rose so rapidly that he was vice-president and director of the world-famed firm, the Wm. R. Grace Company, commission merchants and South American bankers, before he was forty. He is also a director of the Hamilton Bank Note Co., of the Xew York & Pacific Steamship Co., the Cuban American Fertilizer Co., the Nitrate Agencies Co. and of the Advisory Board of the Corn Ex- change Bank. Mr. Schaefer has taken a warm interest in the affairs of the Lutheran Church, with which he has been connected all his life, and is a trustee of St. Lucas Evangelical Luth- eran Church and the Wartburg Orphan Asylum. He was one of the organizers and founders of the Luther League movement in the United States Under the will of the late William R. Grace, the founder of the firm that bears his name, Mr Schaefer is trustee and treasurer of the Grace Institute for Girls. A Democrat in politics, he has never taken an active part in partisan strife, and is a member of the New York Athletic Club, Mariners Club and the Maritime Exchange. Mr. Schaefer was married in 1896 to Miss Susan Karsch and has four children. Bernhard J.. Louis, Jr., Kathryn C. and Susan Grace. AUGUST MIETZ, one of Xew York's fore- most manufacturers of marine and other types of engines, was born in the picturesque town of Wilsnack, Province of Brandenburg, Prussia, De- cember 1. iS.^.j, and like many of those who ap- pear in this volume, obtained Ins early and only schooling in the native town. Apprenticing him- self in iK.jo to a machinist, he learned that trade thoroughly; the foundation of the successful career ahead of him being laid by the close ap- plication which characterizes the German race. His aptitude fitted him for the vocation he had chosen at an early age, being only nineteen when ughl employment in Berlin. After six years of diligent work, three as a mechanic and later three years as foreman, which strengthened the LEONARD A. GIEGRICH. 141 CARL II s - 1/ 142 RICHARD A. FINN. 143 LOUIS \V\ HRAKA. 144 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 145 confidence in himself and prepared him for his immigration to the United States in 1859. He came here determined to succeed, remaining one year in New York, prior to his settling in the southern part of this country. He was not long in finding what he came for, a permanency in a city which afforded better opportunities. When the Civil War began, he moved back to New York City (1861), found employment as a machinist, then later as a contractor with the Aetna Sewing Machine Company and in 1874 opened an iron foundry and machine shop at No. 87 to 91 Eliza- beth Street, which was for years a necessity in that section of the city. Notwithstanding the suc- cess he attained, his ambition had not been achieved. He saw the importance of enlarging his interests, and not long thereafter purchased the adjoining property with the intention of erect- ing a modern plant for manufacturing purposes. His plans were carried out, and when his new building (at that time) at No. 128 to 132 Mott Street and connecting with the original foundry in Elizabeth Street was completed, his efforts were rewarded by great success on a much larger scale. In 1894 an opportunity presented itself to Air. Mietz and, realizing the possibilities it prom- ised, acted upon the suggestion that has since placed him at the head of engine manufacturers. In the above year Mr. C. W. Weiss, a native of Germany, and Mr. Mietz took out various joint patents on engines and they made an agreement together whereby Mr. Mietz, with the capital and equipped plant, took up the manufacture and sale of engines, giving them the name of the Mietz & Weiss engines. Mr. Weiss has charge of this department, with the result that Mr. Mietz to- day has become a factor as a manufacturer of engines which are patented in the United States and principal foreign countries, and exported to all parts of the world; over thirty thousand horse- power in operation. A new adjoining building was found necessary, and same was erected, making it one of the largest of its kind in the city. Having a frontage of one hundred and fifty feet on Mott Street, it runs through to Elizabeth, connecting the foundry. Mr. Mietz has spared no expense in the installation of modern ma- chinery for manufacturing purposes and to-day his name has become widely known through the stationary and marine, gas, oil and alcohol engines for which he finds an unlimited market. Gov- ernment bids have been awarded with the results as specified. Awards of the highest character, presented by the superior juries of the Paris, Pan- American, Charleston and the Louisiana Purchase exhibitions, are treasured by Mr. Mietz as tes- timonials of his workmanship. In his private life Mr. Mietz is a lover of the home circle. He be- longs to but few organizations, being a member of the Arion and Eichenkranz, a patron of the German Hospital and subscriber to various chari- ties, and has devoted a great portion of his spare time to study and the advancement of his indus- try. He has been president of the American Carbonate Company, manufacturing liquid car- bonate acid gas, the plant being erected at Nine- teenth Street, between First Avenue and Avenue A, for the past twenty-two years, and owns over three-quarters of the capital stock. This company, having a frontage of two hundred feet on Nine- teenth Street and running through to Eighteenth Street, is to-day the largest of its kind in this country, covering twelve city lots. He was the founder of this enterprise, but the active man- agement of the company he has entrusted to Mr. Emil Rueff, his son-in-law. Mr. Mietz is a wor- shiper at the German Lutheran Church. On June s, 1861, he married Miss Maria Lenz. Five children were born to them, two boys and three girls. One daughter, Mrs. Emil Rueff, survives. Mr. Mietz's personality is such that one never leaves him without a deep impression of his ster- ling qualities. His life has been one of honest endeavor and the enterprise that stands as a mon- ument to his genius represents what a man can accomplish with a strength of purpose. CHARLES C. CLAUSEN, brewer, was born in New York City on January 7, 1844, as the son of German parents. He received his educa- tion in the schools of his birthplace and entered the business founded by his father after gradu- ating. When the great change from old-fash- ioned to new and modern methods became nec- essary in the brewing industry, Mr. Clausen was one of the first to see the importance of the movement and devoted his whole energy to bring it about in the establishment in which he was in- terested. The immediate success following this upheaval, as it may justly be called, was a splen- did testimonial to his ability and foresightedness. Although born in America,, Mr. Clausen has taken a deep and active interest in the life and af- fairs of the German-American population, assist- ing in every movement inaugurated by them and worthy of success. His help and advice have been as readily given as eagerly sought. As an exam- ple of the American citizen of German descent who retains the love and admiration for all that is great and good in the history and the character of the German race, and is anxious to increase the influence of German immigration upon the slowly-forming character of the American people, Mr. Clausen stands in the front rank. In poli- 14f. SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS tics a Democrat, he is a member of the Arion ty, the German Liederkranz and the Lu- theran Church. He was married on June 13. 1872, t" Miss Henriette !•'. Knoche and has three children. WILLIAM SOHMER.— Of the old German towns whose sons have won marked recognition and distinction in this country, the historic Wuert- tenburg is important as the ancestral environ ment of William Sohmer. May _>6, 1852, wh- in sed the day of his birth, following which not than five years elapsed before his parents embarked with him to New York. With a public school education supplemented by a thorough busi- college course, as a foundation, Mr. Sohmer, at an early age. entered the insurance field, which at that time was in the early stage of it- devel- opment. After remaining a few years in the ser- vice of a prominent lire insurance company, Mr. Sohmer resigned the position of manager to es- tablish himself independently in the Metropolitan Bank Building at No-. 1 and 3 Third Avenue, where his offices have been located ever since. His unbounded enthusiasm and energy, coupled with the telling advantages of business sagacity and concentration of purpose, produced the natural re- sult of instantaneous recognition and today the name of William Sohmer is synonymous with the modern systematization and expansion of the insurance business in this city. The characteristic enterprise and compelling personality of Mr. Sohmer attracted unconscious attention on all sides and it was with a ei s< of confident gFati •1 thai his friends hailed his association with political and governmental institution-. In 1889 the representation of the Tenth Districl was con tided to him and so conscientious was hi- fulfil- ment of the trusl that increasing majorities con- ns up' m him. Mr. Sohmer ippeared before the public as candidate for sheriff on the Democratic ticket and although it was an adversi election for the entire ticket, no little significance lies in the fad thai he led all his as ndidates by eighl thousand votes. In [89s he was elected register, again running far alxad of his ticket and at the expiration of his term was prominently mentioned as the Demo cratic mayoralty candidate for the ensuing ele< lion While the choice of the convention did not devolve upon him, he was nominated and trium- phant! >untj 1 lerk by a majority of over seventy thousand votes. Mr Sohmer's clean cut career serves to exemplify the aphorism that it is but consistent honest) and steadfast. of purpose that can ?tand the test of time. Highly honored in the rolls of Democracy and Tammany Hall, the office of Sachem has been dignified with his incumbencj and as chairman of the Executive Committee and Committee on Or- ganization and as a member of the Democratic State Committee, he served his party faithfully and with distinction. Mr. Sohmer is at present serving the state in the Senate and because of his varied and unlimited experience, and his pecu- liar adaptability to the functions of a legislator, is a forceful and interesting figure in that body. The artless simplicity and inherent frankness that go tn make up Mr. Sohmer's individuality assert his respect in the social world. He is a member of the Xew York Athletic Club, the Catholic Club, the Arion, Liederkranz, Eichenkranz, Xew Yorker Turn Verein, Beethoven Maennerchor, the Ger- man-American Schuetzen Club and the National Democratic Club. He has a brother in this city who i-, in the piano business. To those publicists who are watching for the finest result of assimi- lated citizenship in this country, William Sohmer has, by force of his own magnetic personality, ex- ercised an attention that ranks him high among the successful German-Americans whose standing has so contributed to the moulding of a true American nationality. THEODORE CLEMEXS HEITEMEYER was born at Paderborn in Westphalia on Sep- tember 26, [844, and received his education in the High School and the Gymnasium at Mini- ster, Westphalia. After various positions in the leather business he entered the firm of R. Xea maim & Co. and established with his present partner the manufacturing concern of tine fancy leathers in Newark, X.J. In [888 the firm, find- ing better inducements as regards location and commerce, erected their present large works 111 Hoboken. Mr. Heitemeyer has been the man aging partner at the works from the start and still gives the greatest pari of his time to their supervision. The goods produced by the linn are known far and wide, and its success is not -ur- prising if it is borne in mind that thorough knowledge of the business in all its branches. strict integrity, enterprise and an unusual or ganizing and executive ability are combined in the person of on,- of its members. Mr. lleite meyer is one of those men who appear to he sur- charged with energy, hardly ever resting and observing with a keen eye whatever is important or of value. This valuable gifl of recognizing the importance of every detail, or, 011 the other hand, ever) defect almost before it manifests itself, together with the ability to decide quick ly what must be done. is one of his mOSl marked characteristics. Mr Heitemeyer has y r the stockholders who were threatened with foreclosure, and the able manner in which lie managed the litigation and reorganization of the company brought him much renown. In 1895 ' K ' accepted an appoint- ment as tax commissioner by Mayor Strong, and served in this capacity for three years, his great experience as a lawyer proving of much value to the department. Since then he has been en gaged in many complex tax and other litigations. A Democrat in politics, he has been identified with almost every movement for the betterment of existing condition-;, followed the late Oswald dorfer as president of the German-Amer- ican Reform Union and was a member of the I Money National Democratic Convent inn in [896, and of the National Democracy and the Democracy. Mr. Sutro is known as a pow- erful and convincing orator and has also writ- ten many poems and a number of essays and pamphlets on questions of taxation, corporation law, medical jurisprudence, mining, sociology, politic-, a- well as general literature. In 1904 some of hi- occasional letter- and poems ad- dressed to his wife were gathered by her in a volume under the title of "Milestones on Life's Pathway," and which, though privately printed, attracted wide attention. He is also a musician and a connoisseur of art and in [905 a critical and historical work from his pen, entitled "Thir- teen Chapters of American History, Represented by the Kdward Moran Serie- of Thirteen His- torical Marine Paintings," elicited most favora- omment. Mr. Sutro i- connected with nu- merous clubs and scientific, literary, civic and other organizations, in most of which he has held important positions. 11<- has been president of the Societj of Medical Jurisprudence, i- a mem- ber of the City and Siat.- Bar Associations and tin- American Bar A :iation, of which latter he is chairman of the Committee on Taxation: the International Law Association, the National Tax ciation, the American Political Science \- sociation, Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity, Columbia University Alumni, the Phillip- Exeter ^.cade my Alumni, Harvard, Reform, German, Lieder- kranz, Patria and Drawing Room clubs; a foun der of the Signet Club of Harvard University, member of the Folk Lore Society, Genealogical and Biographical Society, West End Association; wa- vice-president of the United Real Estate Owners' Associations; is pre idem of the United German Societies; president of the German- American Alliance of New York State: dil of the German Language Society, Association of German Authors in America. German Social Scientific Society and a member of the German- American School Association; was vice-president of the Hundred Year Club; president of the Legal and Medical Aid Society; president of the Association for Public Duty; member of the Metropolitan Museum ni Art, Society for the ntion of Cruelty to Animals, Oratorio Soci- ety, Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor and the National Health League. Mr. Sutro has been especially active in all matters of interest and benefit to the German-American population of this country, and has served on many occasions a- their representative. On Oc- tober I, 1884, Mr. Sutro was married to Mis- Florence Edith Clinton, a descendant of the well known Clinton family of colonial times. Mrs. Sutro was a most beautiful woman of singular gifts and accomplishments in all the higher fields of human activity, and her home was a center of attraction to distinguished men and women in all walks of life. She died, much too early, when scarce forty-one, on April 27, 1006. CARL LKXTZ, lawyer, was born at Bam- berg in Bavaria on July 1, 1845. After attend- ing the schools at Jena and Wiesbaden in Ger- many ami receiving a good education, he came to America when little more than a boy. and on his sixteenth birthday enlisted for the Civil War. From July 1. 1861, until mustered out in Decem- ber, 1864, he saw almost continual service, was commissioned first lieutenant in May, [864, and severely wounded at the battle of Cedar Creek on October 19, 1864, losing his righl arm. After having received his honorable discharge, Mr. Lentz continued his studies at the Columbian Uni- versity at Washington, D.C., passing through the law school of this institution and graduating in 1873. He settled in Newark, N.J., and engaged in the general practise of his profession with greal and lasting success. A Republican in poli- ties, lie took an active part in public affairs and served a- chairman of the Republican County Committee of K-sex County from [892 to 1906. He wa- also president of the State Board of Tax- ation of New Jersey. Mr. Lentz has always taken a lively interest in movements either inaugurated by citizens of German birth or descent, or likely to increase their welfare and influence. Himself a Herman by birth, he has never hesitated to ex- ert himself in the interest of his countrymen when his assistance could be of benefit. He has been for some time the president of the North- rn Saengerbund, an association composed of the German singing societies in all the states ADOLPH G. HUPFEL. 155 HENRY EGGERS. 156 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 157 between Lake Erie and Chesapeake Bay. In this capacity Mr. Lentz has displayed great tact and diplomacy, and thereby maintained the harmony so necessary to the success of an association of this kind. He is a member of the German Lu- theran Church and was married on October n, 1876, to Miss Huldah E. Wildrick. One daugh- ter, Mrs. Wilhelmine Lentz Bailey, and one son, Carl Wildrick Lentz, are the fruits of this union. RICHARD A. FINN was born in Oelze in Thuringia, Germany, on February 21, 1856, and received his education in the public school of his birthplace until he came to America, when four- teen years of age. Here he attended public school for about one year in order to acquire a knowl- edge of the English language and then took a course in a business college. In 1873 Mr. Finn secured a position with the New Jersey Life In- surance Company which failed in 1877, when he was appointed a clerk in the controller's office. In 1881 the chief clerk and cashier of this office absconded, after having embezzled a large amount of money, and Mr. Finn was selected to replace him. Since then he has held these po- sitions under all the successive controllers of the city of Newark, ' whether Republicans or Demo- crats, and has in that time handled more than two hundred millions of dollars. Although com- ing in contact with all kinds of people in his daily work, Mr. Finn has remained true to the traditions he brought with him to this country and, while a patriotic American and a faithful official of an American city, has not lost his love for German customs, nor his pride in German achievement. All his children were educated in German schools of Newark and speak and write the language of the Fatherland perfectly. He seeks his social diversions mainly among his German compatriots, and is a member of the Aurora and Germania Singing Societies, the Newark Turn Verein, German Diogenes Lodge F. & A. M., and of many other social and benev- olent organizations. Mr. Finn is also secretary of two building and loan associations and treas- urer of Mt. Washington Lodge K. & L. of Honor. He takes a lively interest in all German affairs and is esteemed as a tower of strength in all movements affecting the German-Americans, as well as on account of the honor his career and character have conferred upon his country- men in their new home. AUGUST GOERTZ, merchant and manufac- turer, was born in Ohligswald near Solingen in Rhenish Prussia on September 23, 1846. He re- ceived his education in the schools of his native city and graduated from the high school when seventeen years old. Like practically the whole population of the district in which he grew up, his father was engaged in the business of manu- facturing cutlery and fine metal goods. As soon as the son had left school, he entered the father's factory and learned the business from the bot- tom up and as thoroughly as is the custom where whole families have followed the same calling for generations, and wholesome pride in the fame of the goods produced is fully developed. Young Goertz learned rapidly, but when he reached his majority, he followed the example of so many young men to whom the narrow confines of a small city and the conditions surrounding them became irksome and emigrated to America in 1867. He settled at Newark, N.J., and readily found employment, for his skill was indeed ex- traordinary. While he had every reason to be contented, his ambition to be independent never left him and in 1881 he decided to strike out for himself. With two intimate friends he formed the firm of August Goertz & Co., and began manufacturing fancy metal goods in a factory on New Jersey Railroad Avenue. The business prospered from the start and the small plant soon proved to be insufficient. In 1885 the firm erected a new factory on Morris Avenue, which since then has been repeatedly enlarged. There more than three hundred working men are kept busy all the year and improved machinery is constantly added to increase the output. As a business man and manufacturer Mr. Goertz is widely known and the enviable reputation he has acquired shows what integrity, persistence and sagacity can ac- complish when combined with a thorough knowl- edge of business. At the same time Mr. Goertz has taken a great interest in public affairs and devoted much time to the German-American school on Beacon Street. He is a Republican but has never taken an active part in politics. A great lover of music, it was natural that he joined, soon after his arrival in Newark, one of the Ger- man singing societies, the Phoenix, as whose president he served for twelve years. He is a member of the Arion, the Germania and the Harmonie, as well as of several other socie- ties. Whenever the Germans of Newark under- took a larger task than usual, Mr. Goertz was ready with aid and advice. During the great National Singing Festival of 1891 he acted as chairman of the reception and prize commit- tees, and at the more recent festival of 1906 he was unanimously elected president and succeeded in conducting this immense and difficult enter- prise with so much skill and tact that not a breath of dissatisfaction was raised. He is one 158 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND Tl I Elk DESCENDANTS of the many German- who came to tin- country with not much more than a noble character, a thorough knowledge of his business, and the firm determination to succeed, and who have achieved what they set out to do. Mr. Goertz is vice- president of the Wesl Side Trust Company, a member of the Chamber of Commerce and mem- ber of the Board of Directors of the German Hospital. He was married twice; on January 3, [872, to Miss Catherine Larouette, and on June 6, IOOI, to Mrs. Minnie Noll (nee Dietz). His first wife gave him three children, Frieda, Paula and Fred, and Walter and Herbert are the fruits of his second union. BENEDICT PRIETH, journalist, was born at Graun in the Austrian Tyrol on January 7, 1827. He received a very superior education at the uni- ties of [nnsbruck, Graz and Vienna, where he studied law and received the degree of LL.D. A man of great knowledge and high attainments, he preferred the career of a newspaper editor to the practise of law, and settled in Newark, N.J., in 1857, founding the Xew Jersey Freie Zeitung, whose editor he remained until his death in 1879. His influence soon extended over the whole state and even beyond it- boundaries, and his counsel was eagerly sought by men interested in public affair-. A Republican in politics and always ready to fight for the principles he advocated, never wavering in his devotion to the cause he had embraced after carefully examining its right- eousness, he never accepted public office, although he could easily have secured it. Mr. Prieth did not only as-ist his countrymen, the German- Americans of his state, in every way possible, but he was of great value to them as a repre- sentative, his exceptional attainments winning for him the esteem and admiration of the whole com- munity, thus increasing the influence of the ele- ment with which he was identified. He was un- doubtedly one of the best and mosl powerful journalists German immigration has given to the United States, and his devotion to his ideals was instrumental in improving the tone of public di- ii and of everything in which he took an interest He lived to see the paper to which he had devoted his life's work become a powerful institution. Married in i860 to Mi-s Theodora Sautermeister, he left five children, Benedict and Edwin Prieth, Mrs. Henry Thielen, Mrs. Charles V Feick and Mr- Lothar W. Faber. JOHN' B. OELKERS, manufacturer, was horn at Algermissen near Hildesheim, Province Han over in Germany, on December 17. [846, and re ceived his education in the parochial school of his birthplace and later in a private school where students of the Gymnasium Josephinum in Hil- desheim, who prepare themselves for a career as teacher-, give instruction. At an early age he learned the trade of dama-k weaving from his father and was later on apprenticed to the mer- cantile house of Ferdinand Meyer & Co. in Braunschweig, where he had to attend a com- mercial school twice a week. Having thus re- ceived a thorough education in every sense of the word, Mr. Oelkers decided to emigrate to America, where he arrived in 1864, not yet eighteen years of age. Not afraid of hard work, he turned to what he could find, and was em- ployed for some time in an iron foundry. In 1868 he formed a partnership with his friend. Christian Deppe, and established a factory for variety wood work and ivory articles. When celluloid was discovered and the use of this ma- terial became general, the firm, with clear per- ception of the possibilities, discontinued the mak- ing of ivory article- and used henceforth cel- luloid. Mr. Oelkers has been very successful in his business, using his knowledge to great ad- vantage and quickly establishing a reputation for honesty and reliability, but has found time to devote a considerable part of his energies to pub- lic affairs. A Democrat in politics, he served for many years as treasurer of the Democratic Com- mittee of Essex County, but resigned when Will- iam J. Bryan was nominated in 1896, and joined the Gold Democrats, attending the convention at Indianapolis that nominated Palmer and Buck- ner, as a delegate. He has been a member of the Board of Education of the city of Newark for seven years and in 1904 was appointed member of the Board of Fire Commissioners. Mr. Oel- kers belongs to many benevolent and social or- ganizations and is very active in German af- fairs, serving as first vice-president of the United Singers of Newark for seventeen years, and as a director of the Northeastern Saengerbund for twelve years. He is one of the most prominent figures in German Catholic circles and has de- voted much time and energy to their affairs, fill- ing the office of state president of the German Catholic Associations of New Jersey. For the last five year- he ha- been pre-iden! of the Ger- man Catholic Central Federation of the United State-, an association extending over all the of the Union and composed of close on to one hundred and twenty thousand members. Mr. Oelkers was married twice: to Miss Mary Uelene Schmitt, horn in Newark as the daughter of Ger- man parents, who gave him six children, of whom two boys and one daughter are alive, and after her death to Mi-- Elizabeth Mary Jackes, DAVID MAYER. 159 FREDERICK JOSEPH. L60 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 161 also born in America of German parents, whose seven children, five boys and two girls, are liv- ing. At his home in Newark, Mr. Oelkers is respected and looked up to by the people of all classes and nationalities, regardless of their de- scent or religious belief. Although a positive and consistent Catholic, he is thoroughly liberal in his views and actions where others are con- cerned, conceding to everybody the right of full freedom in his convictions and opinions. No bet- ter proof of his popularity and the esteem he enjoys can be cited than the fact that he was elected a member of the Board of Education three times in succession with steadily increas- ing majorities in a district where hardly ten per cent of the voters are Catholics. HENRY EGGERS, merchant, was born in the province of Hanover in Germany on December 31, 1850, and educated in the schools of his birth- place, supplementing his education by a course in the evening schools of New York City, where he graduated. At the age of seventeen, Mr. Eg- gers decided to seek his fortunes in America and landed in New York on August 13, 1868. He found employment as bookkeeper in the whole- sale grocery house conducted by John H. Brett- mann and remained there until 1872, when he ac- cepted a position as office manager with Mahnken & Morsehouse, likewise wholesale grocers, being promoted after a short time to the position of sales manager. After a few years he decided to make himself independent and on April 1, 1879, started in the wholesale grocery business under the firm name of Mohlman & Eggers, this being changed on May 1, 1884, to Henry Eggers & Co. The business grew rapidly to large proportions and has for many years amounted to several millions a year. This is due principally to Mr. Eggers's intimate knowledge of, and to his con- stant devotion to, the business. He declined all offers to become interested in banks or other en- terprises, believing that a director should really direct, and knowing full well that he could not spare the time to watch other affairs without neglecting his own interests. Mr. Eggers is a gentleman of the old school and believes in the strictest kind of honesty. His maxim, that six- teen ounces and not a particle less make a pound, governs all his transactions, and nothing can swerve him from the path of duty. He is just as firmly convinced that a man can only succeed if he does not allow other interests to interfere with his work. True to this belief, he does not spend much time in clubs or society, but devotes al- most every hour he can spare from his business to his family, where he is the beloved head of a charming and contented circle. His charity is as unostentatious as extended and while he is a member of and contributor to many hospital and other charitable associations, hardly a day passes without some person or some worthy cause re- ceiving substantial aid from him. Mr. Eggers is a member of Grace German Lutheran Church, the Arion Society, the Columbia Yacht Club and the Produce Exchange. He was married on Feb- ruary 12, 1885, to Miss Hermenia Schmidt and has six children, Hedwig, Henry who is associ- ated with his father in business, Hermine, Her- man, Helen and Elsie. HANS HOHNER, merchant and manufac- turer, was born at Trossingen in Wuerttemberg on April 25, 1870. His father, Matthias Hohner, born at Trossingen on December 12, 1833, was a clockmaker by trade, manufacturing his clocks during the winter and traveling during the spring and summer through Southern Germany and Austria in order to sell them. The hardships he encountered and the small profit he realized from this method of earning his living induced him to look out for something more promising. He was in the habit of carrying a few harmonicas or mouth-organs with his stock of clocks, and found that they were more easily disposed of. Slowly the conviction grew in him that he could do a much larger and more profitable business by devoting himself entirely to harmonicas if he could only procure them more cheaply by manu- facturing them on a larger scale. He put his idea into practise in 1857 when he ceased making clocks and started manufacturing harmonicas ex- clusively. His facilities were naturally limited but he found it very simple to produce the neces- sary tools, owing to his skill as a mechanic. Up to that time the making of harmonicas had been treated as a secret, but Mr. Hohner took a broader view of the matter and took into his employ everybody who wished to learn the trade. The sequel proved that he was right, for the business started in so humble a way has assumed gigantic proportions, and has changed the little village of Trossingen, where formerly only a few clockmakers carried on a small and unimportant industry, into a busy industrial center. From the very beginning Mr. Hohner followed two princi- ples strictly : Firstly, that all goods turned out by his factory must be perfect and first class in every respect, and secondly, that the process of manufacturing must be simplified to increase the rapidity of the output, and to reduce the cost. One of the first improvements he introduced con- sisted in cutting the metal plates from large sheets, instead of casting them singly as had been 162 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS the custom. He also had his name stamped upon every instrument thai left the factory, and the excellence joods is best proved by the fact that in 1866, less than ten years after he had started his factory, part of a shipment of har- monicas was rejected by an American buyer be- cause, probably in consequence of an oversight, the name of the manufacturer had not been stamped upon the instruments. The buyer de- clared that harmonica- without the name Hohner were unsalable. In 1880 a new large factory was erected at Trossingen, and the first steam plant in that village installed. Later on branch factories were built in several of the neighbor- ing villages and the establishment of Frederick Hotz in Knittlingen in Saxony, which is reputed to have been the first harmonica factory in the world, was purchased. All the branches were equipped with modern and labor-saving ma- chinery. In September. 1900, Mr. Matthias Hoh- ner retired from active business, after forty-three year- of unceasing work. He placed the estab- lishment in the hands of his five sons, Jacob, Matthias, Jr., Andreas, Hans and William, who have continued it on the same lines. A concep- tion of its growth may he formed from the fact that it was started in 1857 with one working man and turned out six hundred and fifty harmonicas in the first year, while in 1007 it employed two thousand and fifty hands and produced nearly -even million instrument--, besides one hundred and fifty thousand accordeons, the manufacture of which was begun in 1003 in a factory especially erected for tin- purpose. Matthias Hohner, the founder of the firm which now enjoys a world- wide reputation, died on December II, 1002, be- loved and mourned by all who knew him. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and a trustee of the National Association of Musi cal Instrument Maker-, mayor of his native city for -i\ years and member of the Board of Conn cil for thirty years. The nomination for sena- tor offered to him by tin- National Liberal Par- ty of Germany be had declined. In the i time branch offices had been erected in New York, London, Toronto, Warsaw and Vienna. The fourth -on of the founder. Han- Hohner, took charge of the New York office, the most important of all. for America had from the 'art taken a large part of the output. Hi- headquar- ters were at first at 354 Broadway, but were moved idwav after the building mentioned had Keen destroyed by fire. Mr. Hans Hohner was ted in the schools of his native city anil die High School of Commerce at Stuttgart, where he graduated with honors. Since 1890 he has, with short interruptions, been a re idenl of New York City and succeeded not only in con- tinually extending the business of the firm but also in making many warm friends. He was mar- ried in 1893 to Miss Caroline H. Birk, and is a member of the Arion Society. CHARLES CHRISTIAN WEHRUM was one of those Germans who have achieved success ill America entirely by their own efforts, and who base -urmounted obstacles which only excep- tional qualities can deal with. He was born at Pirmasens in the Rhenish Palatinate on October 1, 1841, and came to America in January, 1852, after having attended the schools of his native city for a few years. His parents settled in Third Street, near Avenue A. New York City, and the boy was sent to Public School No. 13 in Houston Street. When he was thirteen years old his mother died, and he went to East Cambridge for one year to learn the art of wood carving. Returning from school, he worked for four years at making gilt mouldings, and was for a while associated with his stepfather in the deco- rating business. At the outbreak of the Civil War, young Wehrum, hardly nineteen years old, enlisted at Fort Warren in the Twelfth Massa- chusetts Infantry, commanded by Colonel Flet- cher Webster, the only son of the great Daniel Webster, who had outlived the father. After the two months for which he originally enlisted had expired he reenlisted and took part in every campaign of his regiment until he was mustered out with the rank of captain in July, 1864. Dur- ing that time he saw a great deal of active ser- vice and participated in thirty-three battles. At Antietam he was severely wounded but rejoined his command as soon as he could leave the hos- pital, and was commissioned adjutant on account of his soldierly qualities and high order of in- telligence. He was again wounded at Gettysburg but took part in the campaigns under General ('■rant until mustered out. The value of his ser- vices is eloquently attested by the following sen- tence, added by his colonel to his discharge: "In character a brave and excellent officer, distin- guished for energetic attention to his duties in camp or field, always reliable, always at hi- post of duty." The young captain — for he was only twenty three years old — returned to New York and entered the employ of a firm dealing in lum- ber, some years later known as C. W. Allcott & Co. Here, too, he was "always reliable, al- way- at hi- post of duty," and rose from -tep to -tep, until eight years later he was admitted to partnership. Under his management the firm grew to be one of the largest in its line in the city, and Mr. Wehrum amassed a fortune large HEINRICH CONRIED. 163 a MF.R. U.4 ADOLPH C. HOTTEXROTH. 165 CHARLES VINCENT FORNES. K.6 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 167 enough to permit him to retire in 1889. This did not mean to him that he should live out his life in idleness but he had now the time and opportunity to devote himself to matters that had always appealed to him. He became a stu- dent of the Civil War and wrote a number of monographs dealing with different events and phases. Among them are a sketch treating the beginning of the war, an exhaustive study of the great battles, separate papers on the battles of Antietam, Gettysburg, Chancellorsville, the Wil- derness and Spottsylvania Court House, a treatise covering the actions of the Army of the Poto- mac after Gettysburg and a sketch of the end of the war, including personal reminiscences. Many of these papers were read before organiza- tions of veterans and other associations, and in a series of lectures in the Normal College of the City of New York Mr. Wehrum went over the same ground before large and enthusiastic audi- ences. While never active in politics and de- cidedly independent in the treatment of all public questions, Mr. Wehrum was appointed a com- missioner of education by Mayor Grant in 1891. In this capacity he made a brilliant record. He devoted practically his whole time to the dis- charge of his duties and displayed such syste- matic and practical activity that he was soon rec- ognized as one of the ablest members of the board. He fought with energy and insistence for the continuation of instruction in the German lan- guage in the public schools which was threat- ened by some of the authorities on the ground that the knowledge of more than one language is of the greatest benefit and an important educa- tional factor, and that in a city with so large a population speaking German it was a matter of course that this language should be selected. He took the initiative in the movement to secure pensions for teachers who were compelled to re- tire on account of advanced age, and to his ef- forts the success of this measure was due. When the bill finally passed the Legislature Governor Flower expressed his admiration to Commis- sioner Wehrum for the energy with which he had pu c hed it until it became a law. He was re- appointed by Mayor Strong but resigned before the expiration of his term in October, 1896, on account of ill health, to the great regret of all friends of the public schools. Mr. Wehrum was married on May 26, 1868, to Miss Elizabeth Schumacher of Buffalo, who died on November 2 5, 1905, and left him seven children, six sons and one daughter. He was a member of the Twelfth Regiment Massachusetts Association, Reno Post G.A.R., St. John's Guild, German Hos- pital Association, German Society, Presbyterian Hospital, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Amer- ican Museum of Natural History and the Loyal League, also a Mason of Eastern Star Lodge No. 227 and Empire Chapter No. 170. His death oc- curred March 11, 1908. EDWARD PAUL REICHHELM, manufac- turer, was born at Striegau in Silesia, Germany, on November 13, 1843, and came to America with his parents in 1848, when five years old. He re- ceived his education in a country school and later in Dr. Dulon's German-American Academy, one of the first German-American schools in this country and justly celebrated for its excellence. After graduation he studied mechanical engi- neering at Cooper Institute at night, while ap- prenticed to the firm of A. & F. Brown at the age of sixteen, to learn the trade of machinist. When the war broke out, young Reichhelm's en- thusiasm induced him to run away from home and to enlist in the Third Missouri Infantry on September 5, 1861. He rapidly gained promotion and was advanced from grade to grade, until he received a commission as lieutenant in the Fifty- first United States Colored Infantry, being ap- pointed regimental adjutant and mustered out on June 16, 1866, with the rank of captain. Mr. Reichhelm saw hard and severe service and took part in twenty-three battles, among them Pea Ridge and the taking of Vicksburg. He was wounded several times and repeatedly commended for bravery upon the battlefield, at Pea ridge, Arkansas Post, Chickasaw Bluffs and the assault upon Vicksburg on May 22, 1863. After re- turning from the war Mr. Reichhelm was em- ployed as a clerk until 1873, when he established himself in the business of manufacturing and sell- ing mechanics' tools. In 1876 the firm of E. P. Reichhelm & Co. was founded and began busi- ness at 65 Nassau Street, and in 1886 Mr. Reich- helm organized the American Gas Furnace Com- pany, of which he is president, and which is en- gaged in utilizing several of his inventions for the better use of gas in mechanical heating proc- esses. The plant of this concern is located at Elizabeth, N.J., and employs many skilled me- chanics. The system of heating invented by Mr. Reichhelm has been adopted by many of the sci- entific departments of the United States Gov- ernment, especially by the Bureau of Standards, the Mints and the Arsenals. It is also exten- sively used by scientific schools and colleges, among them Columbia University, Stevens Insti- tute, University of Minnesota, McGill University of Montreal, Cornell University and many oth- ers. It has found its way abroad and is in use in the British Mint, the British Arsenal, the Im- 5UO ESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS perial German Gun Factory at Spandau and in the plants of large private concerns like Siemens & Halske of Berlin. The company has dealings with practically all the large firms in this line in the United Si the Westinghouse Com pany, the General Electric Co., U.S. Steel Cor- on and many others. .Mr. Reichhelm has received many medals and awards in recognition of the value of thi- system of heating, among them the John Scott Legacy medal of the Frank- lin Institute of Philadelphia, several medals from the American Institute and a number of exposi tion prize- In [900 Mr. Reichhelm established the American-Swiss File & Tool Company at Elizabeth, N.J . for the purpose of making only the finest grade of files which, up to that time, had been exclusively supplied by Swiss file ma- kers who alone were able to turn out the finer grades. This new enterprise was based upon a wide experience of treating Steel under heat, ami a long serie- of experiments, la-ting over four Iving new methods in making files which r. suited in the production of the best files in the world. This was quickly recognized, and at the St. Louis Exposition in 1904 Mr. Reich helm received the first prize, a gold medal, for the file- he exhibited. Mr. Reichhelm i- a re ident of Hudson County, N.J.. i- an independent Republican and takes an active interest in all movements for good government ami the better- ment d existing conditions. IK- i- presidenl of the Park Commission of Bayonne, a member of the Masonic Fraternity, Loyal Legion, Cooper Union Alumni Association, G.A.R. Post Geo. II. Thomas N New Jersey, the Anon Society, Schubert (dee Club and Cosmo- ('lull of Jei 1 Mr Reichhelm attends the Firsl Reformed Church of Bayonnc. ()f hi- five chil- dren, three are alive: two -.m- who are associ- ated in business with the father, and one unuiar ried daughter. Mr. Reichhelm takes an occasional trip to Europe, hut like- 1110-t to spend his leisure time in reading and studying. Mi- favorite sub political economy, and In- finds great pleasure in evolving invention- and designing new method- that tend to improve the product vhich enjo) the reputation of be ing the best of their kind. LEOPOLD STERN, manufacturer and im- porter and senior member of the firm of Stern Brothers & Company, was horn at Monzii Germany. Thirty seven years ago Mr Stern to New York, where I ided con- tinuously ever since. He ha- always taken great • in public affair- In 1001 he was ap . ernor Roosevell a commis ioner to the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo. He has always been identified with the Republican party and in 1896 was a McKinley elector; he i- a trustee of Bellevue and allied hospitals; a director of Market and Fulton National Bank, the Great Eastern Casualty Company ; as well as a trustee and director in a number of other in- stitutions. Mr. Stern is a member of the Freund- schaft and Republican clubs; a member of the Chamber of Commerce, also a member and trus- tee of Temple Beth El. He married in 1883 and has two son-, Nathan J. and J. Ernest. Mr. Stern i- a man of unassuming manner-, of an agreeable personality and is charitable to a marked degree. JACOB WOLFGANG MACK, merchant, was born at Eurth in Bavaria on February 25, [845, and educated in the schools of his native city. He came to New York in 1863 and subsequently en- gaged in the machinery business with pronounced success. Mr. Mack has taken a lively interesl in public affairs and in almost every movement in- augurated to reform the administration of the city. His zeal in this direction has brought him a wide acquaintance, and his assistance has been as eagerly sought as readily given. He is of studious disposition, fond of literature and ex ceptionally well read, and an accomplished lin- guist, having studied and learned almost all im- portant language-, some of them during the time he could spare from his business. His accom plishments, and the attention he had paid t<> educational matters, led to his appointment as commissioner of education. He served two terms in this capacity and was one of those to whom the city of New Yofk i- indebted for the i duction of modern methods in its public schools and the extension of the whole educational sys tem. Mr. Mack is a member of the Harmonie, German Liederkranz, National Arts, City Re- form. Lawyers' and Century Country clubs, the Chamber of Commerce, Metropolitan Museum of \ri. Museum of Natural History, Geographical Society and many other social and scientific as sociations, a- well a- vice president of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. JOHN MARTIN OTTO.— Among those who have been iiist runieiit al in the progressiveness of Williamsburg, New York City, the subject of this sketch has been foremosl in his support, nol only in an industrial way, but ha- devoted !■ ■table time and energy to all matters per- taining to the development and welfare of that section of Greater New York in which he resides. Mr. Otto was born at Thalheim. W'uerttembcrg, Germany, November t8, [843, where he received OTTO WISSNER. 169 WILLIAM PI l l R. 170 JOHN CHRISTIAN GLASER HUPFEL. 171 CARL FREDERICK GO] 172 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 173 his early education, and only schooling, in the German public institutions, which have always been noted for their thoroughness. He entered upon his life's work at an early age, taking up the trade of cornice manufacturing, sheet iron working, etc. He was an apprentice in that line for three years and every spare moment was utilized for profiting himself in the vocation he had chosen. It was not until i860 that Mr. Otto decided to come to this country and establish a business for himself, but the undertaking was not accomplished until 1865, when he founded his present establishment, which is located at Xo. 46 Maujer Street, Brooklyn. It was not long be- fore his personality brought him many friends and his business interests grew rapidly. When the Civil War broke out he was one of the first to offer his services ; he enlisted and saw active service throughout the entire campaign. He was honorably discharged from service. It was im- mediately thereafter that he began devoting his entire time and attention to the establishing of his present business. In 1872 he received patents on "Otto's Iron Surface Coolers and Swimmers," which, in 1876, received the highest award at the World's Exhibition at Philadelphia, and are the only ones so honored. These coolers of which he is the sole manufacturer and patentee, have many advantages over all other surface coolers. Formerly it was an often repeated complaint that surface coolers always leaked and could only be kept tight by a great expenditure of time and money. By using these improved and patented surface coolers, all these difficulties are overcome. One great improvement consists in the arrange- ment of T-irons under the joints, between the several sheets of iron, which constitute the bot- tom of said pan, in such a manner that by such T-irons the bottom is strengthened and the edges of the sheets of iron are prevented from bulging up, thereby producing a flat and even bottom, which is a great desideratum in cooling pans. The rim of the pan is formed by bending the extreme edges of the outer sheets upward to the desired height, and said rim is strengthened by angle- irons, which are riveted to it, extending through- out its entire length and width. By means of these T-irons the joints between the several sheets are rendered tight and perfectly flat, the sheets being effectually prevented from bulging up, so that a cooling pan is obtained which is superior in strength and durability to cooling pans as heretofore constructed, and in which the operation of cooling can be carried on with ease and facility. The swimmers, as made by Mr. Otto, were in use for some years in many of the large breweries in New York, Brooklyn, Newark, Boston, Union Hill, Staten Island, etc These swimmers are made out of XXX X tin, are easy to handle and so formed that they need no special weights to keep them in proper posi- tion. They are no doubt the best, most dura- ble, practicable and cheapest swimmers that are manufactured. Their form also gives them the advantage above all others, that they balance themselves and do not sink. Throughout his long and successful career he has always been held in the highest esteem by his fellow citizens and through honest endeavor and hard work he has built up one of Brooklyn's largest enterprises. In politics he has always been a stanch Republican; his first vote was cast for Abraham Lincoln in 1864. Aside from exercising his franchise right, Mr. Otto has never aspired to hold any public office ; he has always contributed liberally to the Republican cause in the securing of good gov- ernment. Mr. Otto is identified with many fra- ternal and social orders ; most prominent among them are Mansfield Post of Brooklyn, Coper- nicus Lodge No. 545, Masonic Order, a member and trustee of Williamsburg Masonic Board of Relief ; a director of the German Savings Bank of Brooklyn, Arion Singing Society and of the German Lutheran Church. It was during the early part of his business life that he met Miss Agnes Roehr and on the eleventh of November, 1866, they were married. To this union have been born four children : three sons, Martin, Frederick, Carl L., living, and a son and one daughter now deceased. Mr. Otto has given his sons a very careful training for their life work, with a thor- ough education. He has been rewarded by seeing them develop into successful business men. Carl studied architecture at Columbia College and com- pleted his profession in the Paris Ecole des Beaux Arts, from which he graduated. Upon his return to this country he opened offices at 130 Fulton Street, New York City, and has since then been identified with many important architectural en- terprises. He has constructed several large churches in Brooklyn, the German Presbyterian, corner Bushwick Avenue and Ralph Street, Ger- man Baptist Church, corner Evergreen and Wood- bine Streets, and several others, and he gives every promise of becoming one of the best in his chosen profession. CHARLES ENGELHARD, merchant and manufacturer, was born at Hanau-on-the-Main, on March 8, 1867. His father was Julius Engel- hard, a diamond merchant at Hanau, who died in 1897. His mother, who is still living, was Su- sanne Holzmann, daughter of Philip Holzmann, the founder of the firm of Philip Holzmann & 174 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCEXDAXTS Co. at Frankfort, one of the largest building and engineering concerns in the world. Mr. Engel- hard received his first education at the Realschule of his native city, but was, on account of delicate health, entrusted to the care of the Reverend Seeger at Seckmauern in the Odenwald, where he was given private instruction. He completed lucation at the Bender Institute at Wein- heim in Baden and passed the examination secur- ing the right for one year's voluntary service in the Army. After graduation, Mr. Engelhard worked as apprentice in the banking-house of A. Mumm & Co. at Frankfort-on -the-Main for two and one-half years, when he went to London where he was employed as clerk for two years. He then returned to llanau. assisting his father in his business until in 1891 he came to America and established himself in New York as the representative of W. C. Heraeus, platinum works, at Hanau. This is one of the largest establish- ments of its kind and known all over the world. One of the members of the firm is the brother- in-law of Mr. Engelhard. His activity is by no means confined to this branch. Under the firm name of Charles Engelhard. Mr. Engelhard does e importing business on his own account, and i- the president of the American Platinum Works at Newark. X.J., a director of Raker & Co., Inc., and president of the Eianovia Chemical & Mfg. 1 E tlie same city; director and treasurer of the Glorieux Smelting & Refining Work- of [rvington, X.J., and director of the American Electric Furnace Co. of New York City. Mr. [hard i- a member of the German Club, Ger- man Liederkranz, German Society, Legal Aid Society, Chemists' Club, American Chemical So- 1 i.in Hospital Society, St. Marks' Hos pital Society, Yew York Diet Kitchen Association and many other benevol inizations, and belongs to the Dutch Reformed Church. Mi~ al grandfather was the last teacher of the Dutch Reformed School of the Huguenot set- tit at 1 lanati on the Main. On April iS, IOOO, Mr. Engelhard was married to Miss F.my Canthal, eldest daughter of Commercienrath Can- thai of 1 lanau. EMIL WELTE, importer and manufacturer, was bom at Voehrenbach in the Black Forest in Baden on \p r il 20, 1841 lb received his early education in the s ( -h,„)ls f his birthplace and learned the trade of making orchestrions in the ry of his father, attending at the same time the Gewerbeschule \ further musical instruc- tion followed by Hof Kappell, Meister Joseph Straus in Karlsruhe in harmonick of instrumen- tation. The father, Michael Welte, had educated by an uncle who was secretary to Bishop von Wesenberg but had been transferred to a small town on account of his liberal political views. Mr. Welte's uncle was a man ni superior attainments and instructed the nephew in nii:< ; c, physics, natural history, mathematics, etc. At that time the industry of making musical clocks striking chimes at every quarter of an hour was carried on extensively in the Black Forest and young Welte used his knowledge in improving the rather primitive product by enlarging the scale and inserting two or more stops for the pipes. In 1845 he received an order from one of the traders who visited the district once a year to buy clocks, for as complete a musical clock as he could make, lie worked on this in- strument for three years and succeeded in pro- ducing something entirely new, imitating all the different instruments of a complete orchestra, in- cluding the bass drum, snare drum and the tri- angle and playing Beethoven's symphonies as well as overtures, opera selections, marches and dan- ces. The instrument was exhibited in 1S49 under the protectorate of Prince Fuerstenbcrg ami met with enormous success, the press calling it an or- chestrion, which designation has remained. Mi- chael Welte continued to improve his invention and orders increased, but for a long time orches- trions were built only when ordered and practi- cally all the orders came from foreign countries. In 1865 it became necessary to send a representa- tive to the United States and the oldest son, Kmil Welte, was selected. He opened a store and showroom on Fifth Avenue and soon did a thriving business. When he found that the wooden cylinders could not withstand the change of climate, he invented the pneumatic action worked by paper rolls in 1S7S t.. 1883 for which cured patents and which have since then been successfully employed with other instru- ments \ complete orchestrion represents all the instruments of an orchestra from the d< note of the contra basso to the highest note of the piccolo. Six hundred labia pipes rep- tile full string quartette, the flute and piccolo, trombone, bass 1, trumpet, English horn, clario- nets and oboes represented by one hundred and seventy reed pipes, and by the combination with the labia pipes, the character and the individu- ality of the orchestral instruments are repre- sented in a most realistic manner. Resides these, all the other instruments perform in perfect pre- cision, and in harmony, piano and forte as re- quired. The orchestrion music rolls reproduce practically every piece of music played by an or- chestra. The sale id these instruments has in- creased immensely and many of the crowned JOHN EICHLER. 175 fAI OB RUPP1 RT. 176 HERMAN JOSEPH. 177 PH J SI HAEFEK. 178 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 179 heads of Europe and other continents, as well as men of the highest standing in every country of the globe have bought them. Mr. Emil Welte is a member of the German Liederkranz. In 1871 he married Miss Emma E. Foerstner of Norwich, Conn. His son, Carl M., is associated in business with the father and both associated with M. Welte and Soehne in Feiburg, Baden. GEORGE C. DRESSEL, manufacturer, was born in 1828 at Frankfurt-on-the-Main and re- ceived his education in the schools of his native city. When he reached his majority, Mr. Dressel decided to find a larger sphere of activity and emigrated to America, where he arrived in 1849. He had taken passage on a sailing vessel, the day of elegant and fast steamers not yet having ar- rived, and the trip was connected with consid- erable hardship. But the young man came full of hope and energy and with the firm resolve to succeed. He entered the employ of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, after working for some time as mechanic, and remained with them for eighteen years in the capacity of expert mechanic. In 1881 he resigned his posi- tion and entered into partnership with his young- est son, Frederick W. Dressel, under the firm name of George C. Dressel & Co. A small fac- tory was erected on the north side of One Hun- dred and Seventy-third Street which still stands and forms not only an interesting landmark but also shows how small the beginning of the pres- ent immense plant was. The firm started by man- ufacturing a practical lunch satchel for railroad men and mechanics. The manufacture of signal lamps was later begun and this venture met with such success that the manufacture of lunch boxes was discontinued and the entire time and energy devoted to making and improving all kinds of lamps used in railroading. The eldest son, Charles H. Dressel, became a member of the firm in 1892, and the original establishment proved too small. A tract of land on Park, then Vanderbilt, Av- enue was acquired in 1893 and the present fac- tory erected in the following year. The new plant was equipped with the best and most mod- ern machinery that could be secured and the firm began to further extend its field by the manu- facture of locomotive headlights. All the mem- bers of the firm being experts in mechanics and of an inventive turn of mind, they constantly made improvements and secured patents which proved of great value. Many of the articles man- ufactured by the concern have been accepted as standard by the largest railroads in the United States. On January 15, 1895, the firm was in- corporated under the laws of the state of New York under the name of the Dressel Railway Lamp Works, with George C. Dressel as presi- dent, Frederick W. Dressel as vice-president and Charles H. Dressel as secretary. When Mr. George C. Dressel died on July 3, 1899, after an illness extending over a number of years, Frederick W. Dressel was elected president and Charles H. Dressel vice-president, in which capacity they still serve. The products of the firm have been sold and are used all over the United States and Can- ada, and in recent years they have also been sold to Mexico, Cuba, South America, China and Japan. The continual growth of the demand for the goods made by the firm led to plans for an- other increase of the plant and the addition of new products, such as electrical goods, navy lan- terns, automobile lamps, etc. The large factory is run in a most systematical way, which makes it a model establishment. The basement is used as a storeroom for the material. On the first floor we find the machine shop, press room, packing and shipping departments and offices. The lighter grades of work, such as spinning, assembling and japanning, are done on the second floor, while the third floor is entirely used for the manufac- ture of locomotive headlights, with the exception of some space occupied by the buffing, plating and polishing departments. Each department is practically independent, being managed by a fore- man who is responsible to the firm direct, every item of expense being charged to the department requiring the outlay. In the same way salaries and running expenses are divided. In this way the management knows at all times how the sep- arate departments are conducted, while at the same time the different foremen are compelled to use their knowledge and ability in the inter- est of the business to the fullest extent. Sev- eral years ago the firm added its own foundry and tinning plant to the factory, enabling it to construct every part of their product except steel, glass and sheet metals. The magnitude of the operations may be understood from the fact that while every railroad lamp serves practically the same purpose, almost every railroad has some system that cannot or is not used by others. Thus the styles and colors of the lenses alone are very numerous and complicate what otherwise would be a comparatively simple operation. The main office is located in the factory building but it has been found necessary to establish another office in the business part of the city and branches in Chicago and Atlanta. FREDERICK JOSEPH, president of the New York Butchers' Dressed Meat Company, was born January 31, 1851, at Reichelsheim, Darmstadt, 180 SUCCESSFUL i il-.R MAX -AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS where he received his primary education in the local schools. Later. Mr. Joseph took a three years' course "t" study in the Boys' Seminary at Pfungstadt und Michelstadt. At the age of four- teen lie went to Frankfurt, where lie remained for one year, after which he returned t<> hi- na- tive place ami engaged in business pursuits with hi- father, a gentleman who was widely and favorably known in that section of Germany as one of the largest owner- and buyers of cattle, and with whom he remained until he was sev- enteen y< E age. It was under the careful business tuition of the elder Joreph (the father of the subject of this -ketch) that he obtained valuable knowledge of manj of the details which ractically fitted him in his subsequent career after coming to America which occurred in 1869. When he arrived he had hut limited capital. After remaining a few months in New York City he went West, locating at Chicago, 111., where he obtained a position a- bookkeeper and manager in a brewery of that city, and where he only remained for a period of one year (1870- 1N71 1. In the latter named year he went to At- tica. Ind.. where he remained intermittently until :--- During the greater portion of the time between [87] and [878, however, Mr. Joseph in travel throughout the Far West section of the United States, and along the great cattle ranges where he obtained practical details of the cattle and live stock business, adding it to his already great storehouse of knowledge. Dur- ing this period he marie Chicago hi- headqu; hut tran-acted the greater portion of hi- busi- 111 New York City. In the early part of [878 Mr. Joseph located permanently at Yew York City, residing in East Fifty first Street. On February twenty-fourth of that year, when at the of twenty-seven, he married Mi-- Fannie Schwarzchild, daughter of the late Joseph Schwarzchild, Esq., who was the founder of the great packing house of that name, ami of which - the head up to the time of hi- retirement ,11 t8£ thai time Mr. Joseph assumed the active duties of Mr. Schwarzchild, which con tinned until the winter of [907, at which time he resigned, he having filled the pcition of vice president of the company from the lime ol its incorporation up to the above year, ["hi close family and business relations from this source also enabled Mr Joseph to -till further in hi- knowledge of the dressed beef and pr< business, which, coupled with his own pi idea-, i- in a great measure responsible for the splendid -nee.-'- he ha- made of hi- commercial life. For twenty-nine years Mi. Joseph, repre ng hi- large interests in the Schwarzchild and Sulzberger Company, distinguished himself a- the practical man of the concern. His great business sagacity and foresight were splendid assets which enabled the house to extend its op- eration- and multiply its output. Hi- name then, a- to-day, -laud- a synonym of all that is authoritative in the packing industry of this country and Europe. On May 1. 1907, Mr. Joseph was elected president of the .Yew York Butchers' Dressed Meat Company. Since hi- election to the presidency of the company, it- output and -ale- have tripled. Judging from the past career of its president, coupled with his great executive ability, it i- safe to assert that within a period of a few years, tin- concern will he one of the most extensive of its kind in this country. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph have five children living, viz.: Moses Henry, Leo, Hugo, Adele, now Mr-. Leon- ard B. Shoenfeld of Yew York City, and Beat- rice. Mr-. Joseph's father, the late Joseph Schwarzchild. Esq., was active in the German Revolution of 1848 and wa- a warm friend of the late Carl Sclmrz. Mr. Joseph is not a club man hut is one of the splendid characters which a do r In une life moulds. He is fond of travel and for the past thirty years has made an an- nual tour of Europe. During his long associ- ation in the commercial world he has made many friends whose numbers are legion. His stand- ing for probity and integrity i- a fact where- ever he i- known. He ha- always been a man of large charities — giving without any ostentation. HERMANN WISCI I.MAY \\— A prominent member of that class of energetic men who are engaged in mercantile life in thi- city and who constitute such an important factor in Brooklyn's commercial importance, is Mr. Hermann Wisch- mann. Like many other- who have built up large business interests here. Mr. Wischmann is an adopted citizen of this country, having been born August [8, 1831, in the Kingdom of Han over, now a pan of Prussia. His father was a farmer, living near the Baltic sea coast, who gave his son the educational advantages which were afforded by the village school as conducted un- der the well known and thorough German sys tern. The lad lived quietly at home until he was teen years of age, never having traveled far or seen a city. Two brothers had preceded him to America and their letters awoke in him the desire to have the quiet farm life, to see some- thing of the world and to try hi- fortune- in the United State: He accordingly took passag America, arriving in Yew York, as so many oth- er- have dou,\ poor in pur-e, but rich in hope, ambition and energy. His stay in the cil SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 183 tended over three years, during which time he was employed as clerk in the grocery business. Then came an opportunity to invest in an under- taking which promised well, and he put his sav- ings in the New York Submarine Wrecking Company, an organization which was formed for the purpose of raising sunken vessels. The company did not succeed and recovered neither sunken vessels nor sunken capital, so Mr. Wisch- mann lost his all and was forced to begin again at the bottom of the ladder. Notwithstanding the ebb of his fortune, he took unto himself a wife, whose acquaintance he had made in South Brooklyn while duck hunting in the bay. Casting about for something to do, he remarked upon the crowds of people daily parsing over Fulton Ferry and reached the conclusion that a dining saloon on the Brooklyn side, near the ferry, would be remunerative. He, therefore, opened such an establishment at No. 25 Fulton Street, beginning in an humble way, but gradually en- larging his accommodations as he was able. At the end of six years he had accumulated some capital, and what was better, hand won the con fidence and esteem of all who knew him. An advantageous offer was made him, at this time, to go into the coffee trade as clerk in Waring's house, where he remained four years, giving such satisfaction that a share in the business as part- ner was offered him, of which offer he availed himself. The firm relations existed for ten years, when he decided to start in business for himself, having acquired the necessary experience and some capital. He bought and rebuilt the stand at No. 78 Fulton Street with Mr. Ho- horst as his partner, who only remained for only a year, however. By close attention to his busi- ness and good management, Mr. Wischmann was able to increase his operations year by year, add- ing to his place of business, putting in a steam engine and requisite machinery, until the small store of a few years since has become a large wholesale establishment dealing in coffees, teas and spices, employing a number of men and horses and turning out many thousands of dol- lars' worth of manufactured products annually. Early in his business life he adopted the motto "Pay as you go," which has proved as advan- tageous in his case as it universally does. No man achieves success in mercantile life by acci- dent or accumulates property without faithful, persistent labor. The winner, while many are losers, must combine industry, enterprise and in- telligence with business tact ; at the same time he must be known to men to be honest and re- liable in his dealings. These qualities distin- guish Mr. Wischmann and have brought him not only wealth but also the esteem of men for his integrity and manhood. His interest in the affairs of the city leads him to favor those measures that would tend to the public good and to oppose strongly all forms of dishonesty in municipal matters, though he takes no part in politics be- yond voting, and that the Republican ticket gen- erally. He is fond of reading and is well posted on the current events of the day. Affable in man- ner, his courtesy is genuine, springing from a kind heart that does much in charity towards re- lieving the misfortunes of others. His church connections are with the German Lutheran Church in Henry Street, Brooklyn, of which or- ganization he has been treasurer for many years. Always fond of society, he has been a member of several social organizations and a military company; he is also a member of Joppa Lodge of Free Masons, is vice-president of the Borough Bank of Brooklyn and a director of the Kings County Bank. His time is still mostly devoted to his large business interests, which he over- sees for himself, although receiving the assist- ance of a young partner in carrying out the de- tails. Mr. Wischmann is to be congratulated upon having won by his own exertions a suc- cessful career and a good name, both among busi- ness men and in society at large. JOHN GODFREY STEENKEN was born at Bremen, Germany, on February 14, 1839, and received his education in the schools of his native city, graduating from the high school in 1854 at the age of fifteen. Soon after leaving school he emigrated to America and found employment as errand boy with an exporting house. Here he stayed for two years but left as soon as he had become sufficiently familiar with American condi- tions to see his way for advancement. In 1858 he joined the firm of Battelle & Renwick, man- ufacturers of chemicals, at 163 Front Street, New York City, and rapidly worked his way up. The splendid education he had received, the ambition which filled the heart of the young man and his unswerving attention to duty brought him quickly to the front. He was admitted to partnership in 1887 and when, in 1902, the firm which had been founded in 1840 was incorporated, Mr. Steenken was elected a director and president of the com- pany. In the meantime he had become inter- ested in numerous other enterprises and is now president and director of the National Sulphur Co. of New York, a director of the New York Tanning Co. and the Argentine Quebrecks Co. ; president and director of the Croton Chemical Co. of New York; trustee of the Germania Sav- ings Bank of Brooklyn ; member of the Chamber 184 SUCCESSFUL GERM AX-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS of Commerce, New York, and the Down Town Association. He has been a resident of Brooklyn since 1866 and for twenty-five year- was urer of St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church ..11 Washington Avenue in that borough. On De- cember 13, 1866. Mr. Steenken was married to Miss A M. Bischoff of Charleston, S.C., who died in October, 1891, and left him seven children, viz.: five sons and two daughters: Albert Daniel, John Godfrey, Jr., Edgar Herman, George Will- iam, Elsie, Anna, Martha and Francis Lewi-. Edgar Herman is secretary of the Croton Chemical Co.; George William assistant secre- tary of Battelle & Renwick. His daughter, Elsie, i- married to Christian E. Grandeman of Brook- lyn and the youngest son, Francis Lewis, a stu- dent at Harvard College since 1905. John God- frey. Jr., died in 1805 in his twenty-fifth year. As one of the substantial business men of New York, whose rise has been as rapid as well deserved, and as a public spirited citizen, Mr. Steenken has brought honor and credit upon his Fatherland as well as the country he adopted when he came to America, and he may be classed among the best exponents of the valuable qualities which Ger- man immigration has contributed to the people that have grown up on the new continent. ROBERT VOM CLEFF, deceased, founder of the house of vom Cleff & Company, was born at Cronenberg, near Solingen, Germany, January 29, 1847. He came to America in 1867 and for ars was employed in the New York German Consulate. In 1873 he founded the busi- of which he has always been the head, it being incorporated under the present style in 1902, he becoming it- president. The business of the house has always been the manufacture and importation of general hardware, such as pliers, nipper-, surgical instruments, jeweler-' tools, pocket ry and kindred lines, drawn principally from Germany and France. Mr. vom Cleff was edu- at the public schools of Cronenberg, gradu- ating therefrom at the age of fourteen years He was an apprentice in the cutlery trade Up to the venteen year-. After arriving in the United Stat ttled at Hoboken, N.J., where be remained until 1869, at which time he re moved to Jersey City Heights. In [873 he en- I in business on hi- own account at X... [05 Duane Street, New Y'.rk City. In politics Mr. vom Cleff was a Republican. At one time be was I a mem!., r 1 rd of Education in v, but nil are. .unt of illl iiiahle cepl tlie office. He wa- «. He- of the found- ' -man American School of I 1 lie wa- a member of the German I. nth eran Church, the German Club of Hoboken, the Hardware Club, New Y<>rk City; the Arion Sing- ing Societies of both New York and Jersey City; he was for many years district deputy in the Ma- sonic fraternity and later a member of the Grand Lodge of Xew Jersey. An association that was dear to him was his connection with the German- American School of Jersey City, he having served as president of the board of trustees for many years. He was also a member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft, a noted German organization of Xew York City. On April 13, 1871, he married Mi-- Celine W. Oppitz, daughter of William Op- pitz of Jersey City, who was a native of Bo- hemia, but who came to America in 1848. Three children blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. vom Cleff, viz.: Celine, who married Dr. Louis H. A. Schneider of Xew York City; Robert and Clara B. The death of Mr. vom Cleff occurred on Friday, September 13, 1907, at Watkins, X.Y. He was buried from his home in Jersey City on the eighteenth of the same month, mourned by a large circle of friends and relative-. Mr. vom Cleff was a big-hearted, whole-souled gentleman, a generous and most considerate employer. He wa- a man of high character, capable, thoroughly honest and of unquestioned integrity. He is sur- vived by a widow, two daughters and a son. The affairs of the house he founded are still being carried on a- usual. ADOLPH LAXKERIXG, manufacturer, was born at Verden, Germany, on January 9. 1851, and received his education in the public schools of bis native city. After serving in various mu- nicipal and government office- lie entered the Prussian army at the age of eighteen. During the Franco-Prussian war he wa- assistant in the commissary department and later on placed in charge of a responsible position in the army mail service. At the end of his term of enlist- ment he was honorably discharged with especial mition of his services, and with a diploma which entitled him to the appointment as pay- master. He preferred, however, to return to civil life and secured employment as assistant controller with th< Rhenish Railway Company at tie and later on as private secretary and head bookkeeper with one of the largest banking institutions of that city. In 1S75 be decided to visit Chicago, where his married sisters lived, and after a stay of several months, made up his mind t<> remain in America, inviting his brothers, George and Fred, t.. join him. Later he en- ter, d the firm <>f Sandhagen & >'•.. tobacco deal- er-, as partner. Frequenl trips t" the East in the interest of bis business induced him to sever LOUIS F. HAFFEN. 185 I. HEINTZ. 1S() JOHN P. WINDOLPH. 187 BERNARD FERDINAND DRAKI NFELD. L88 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 189 his connection with the Chicago firm and he es- tablished himself with his brothers at Hoboken in the cigar manufacturing and jobbing business. Mr. Lankering has been extremely successful in his undertakings, owing to his wide experience, his hard work and sound business sense, and his sterling integrity. His many good qualities were promptly recognized and his popularity grew all the more rapid as he showed warm and intelli- gent interest in public affairs. A Democrat in politics, he was appointed police commissioner in 1900 and elected mayor of the city of Hoboken in 1902. The same traits that had brought him success in his business were instrumental in making his administration so satisfactory to the citizens of Hoboken that at the end of his term he was reelected with an increased majority. Mr. Lankering is very active in social affairs. He is a member of almost all the singing societies of Hudson County, the German Club of Hoboken and many other social organizations. He has re- peatedly served as president of the Hoboken Quartet Club and as master of Hudson Lodge, F. & A.M., now holding office in the Grand Lodge. The Alliance of German Societies of Hudson County made him their president since 1906. In this capacity he has rendered excellent ser- vice in defense of personal liberty and in the agi- tation against intolerance and fanaticism. The defeat of proposed legislation to establish local option and final prohibition of the sale of intox- icating beverages in the state of New Jersey is greatly due to his activity in organizing the Ger- man element throughout the state and in arousing general sentiment against such laws. In 1883 Mr. Lankering married Miss Louise Tistedt, the daughter of one of the earliest and best known settlers of Milwaukee. They have one son. BERNARD FERDINAND DRAKENFELD was born June 27, 1849, at Erlangen in Bavaria and received his education at the gymnasium and university of his native city. In 1869, when nine- teen years of age, he came to America and set- tled in Los Angeles, where he rose rapidly in the business with which he associated himself. Al- though his future on the Coast was assured, he ac- cepted the invitation of his brother, Mr. Edward Drakenfeld, who had in 1869 established himself with Mr. John Marsching, under the firm name of J. Marsching & Co., in the business of importing mineral colors and bronze powders in New York, to enter the house with the view of learning the business and purchasing his brother's interest, which plan was duly consummated in 1886. In 1893 he bought out the interest of Mr. J. Mar- sching. The business, now known as B. F. Dra- kenfeld & Co., has been located at 27 Park Place, New York, for over thirty years, and has branches in Chicago and East Liverpool, Ohio. It gives employment to over one hundred hands and is the largest and best equipped in its lines in the United States, in fact it is the largest mineral color house in the world. Mr. Drakenfeld is a member of the German Liederkranz, the Arion, the Technological Society, Museum of Natural History, Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Ger- man Lutheran Church, also a number of charita- ble and benevolent societies and is a Mason and an Elk. He married, on November 10, 1875, Miss Elizabeth E. Bettis of California and has two children, Bernard Ferdinand, Jr., who is associ- ated with him in business, and a daughter, the wife of Mr. E. O. Beyer of Neuss, Hesslein & Co., New York. HENRY ENDEMANN, importer, was born at Dortmund in Westphalia on February 10, 1865. He received his education in the public schools and the gymnasium at Dortmund and came to America in 1884, when nineteen years old. He succeeded in finding employment in Philadelphia at five dollars per week, but came to New York three years later and engaged as a clerk with the firm of F. W. Biining & Co., china and glass importers, becoming a partner after a few years. When Mr. Biining retired in 1894 the present firm of Endemann & Churchill was established. He has been very successful and while his start in this country was not made under very aus- picious circumstances, the severe training he re- ceived gave him the experience which, when com- bined with intelligence of a high order, unfailing energy and strict integrity, always brings ulti- mate success. His business standing naturally led to an extension of his activities and inter- ests, and he is a director of the Aetna National Bank and of the Consumers' Brewing Co. of Brooklyn at Woodside. An independent Demo- crat in politics, who, like so many Germans, will not hesitate to vote against his party when he conceives such action to be necessary for the good of the whole country. Mr. Endemann is also a member of the Arion, the German Liederkranz, the New York Athletic Club and the German So- ciety. He was married on November 29, 1892, to Miss Louise Lindenmeyr, daughter of the late John Lindenmeyr, the founder of the well known paper-house, Henry Lindenmeyr & Sons, and has one son, Henry William. HERMANN HEINRICH HORNFECK, man- ufacturer, was born at Gera in Thuringia on February 5, 1839. He attended the public school 190 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS of his native city and at the age of fourteen was apprenticed to a furrier. He learned the busine S thoroughly, as was the custom in those days, and when he decided to leave for wider fields he knew more about his trade than many a manufacturer of the present time knows after many years. vend years he traveled in Germany, work- ing at his trade here and there, and always in creasing his stock of knowledge. When he had reached his majority bis mind was made up that he would ^ek a field where natural ability, am- bition and intense desire to rise quickly were not hampered by narrow and antiquated restrictions, and where the man was judged alone by what he accomplished. He set sail for America and ar- rived here in i860. For a man of his stamp it was not difficult to secure employment, but this did not satisfy him. Slowly he fell his way and husbanded his resources mud he was able to es- tablish himself in business on his own account. The sequel proved that the confidence in his abil ity was well founded, for he prospered from the start and the rapid increase of hi- business made it imperative to enlarge the facilities steadily until tiled at his present place at 35 Wesl Thirty- first Street. A lover of nature, he moved his nee to Verona, in the Orange Mountains, in has lived ever since. A Republi- can of independent mind, he never engaged ac- tively in politics and did not care for public office although his standing in the community had be- come such that he could have secured it easily. ••.hen he had to send his eighl children to school, the inborn desire of the German to secure 1 education for his family induced him to pj the position of school trustee al his place of residence and he served in this capacity for ten years, winning the deserved approval of the resi dents of Verona for his devotion to duty and the intelligence which marked his official Mr. Horn feck was married on February 5, t866, to Miss Anna Kathrine Cimiotti, a native of Vi- enna, and has four sons and four daughters, one of whom is married to W. M LoftUS, 5Uperinten- rk O.N.T. thread works. Arriving in this country with empty hands, he has sue 1 beyond his own expectations and furnishes a splendid illustration of what the German may achieve in Free America if endowed with nal ural gifts and a noble character. Mr. Hornfeck i~ a member of th( Arion Society. FERDINAND SULZBERGER, president of the Schwarzchild and Sulzberger Company, was born in the Grand Duchy of Baden sixty-five year- go In [863, while a young man, Mr. Sulzberger came to America. locating in Nn the date above mentioned, the slaughtering of fifty cattle weekly was consid ered a large business and compared to the pres ent output of about fifteen thousand cattle per week, together with the handling of thousands of sheep, lambs and hogs, -hows the progress and growth of the company. Schwarzchild & Sulz- berger Company, more familiarly known as the "S. & S. Co.," may be truly classed as one of the pioneers in the handling of refrigerated dressed beef, and is now conceded to be one of the packing powers of the world, which is due in a great measure to the high standard of its goods and strict bu iness principles. During the early history the business was carried on as a firm, of which the partners were Mr. Joseph Schwarzchild and Mr. Ferdinand Sulzberger, the latter being president of the present corporation. It early demonstrated itself to the firm that in connection with the slaughtering of cattle, the succcs- of an abattoir business depended largely on the most advantageous handling and utiliz- ing of by-products which had been given little and careless attention by the old-time slaughter- ers, particularly the fats. The adoption of new ma- chinery and ideas backed by the energy and ex- perience of the firm resulted in placing on the market the famous "Harrison Brand" of oleo oil, which soon found favor on the domestic and European markets, and today i- conceded the leading brand, with a world famed demand and reputation. In [888, on account of increased European business, Mr. Sulzberger went abroad for the general promoting of their foreign inter- ests. In [892 the rapid increasi of domestic and export business having outgrown the ca pacify of the New York plant, the linn saw the advantages of an additional plant in the West and negotiated the purchase of a corporation, at that time known as the Phoenix Tacking Company, having a plant located at Kansas City, Mo., with a few distributing branches in the East, and a re- altor car line, known as the ('old Blast Transportation Company. Enlargements of the plant to several times its original capacity, with added modern machinery and facilities, inuncdi followed After purchasing the western ALBERT PRANK SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 193 interests, the New York plant gradually increased the output of Kosher killed cattle for the sup- ply of Greater New York, as an equivalent for volume transferred to Kansas City for export and general branch distribution. On May 10, 1893, there was filed with the secretary of state in Albany, N.Y., a charter of incorporation known as the Schwarzchild & Sulzberger Company, which is the corporation of to-day. Branch houses were rapidly established throughout the country and the export business was materially increased. The "S. & S. Co.'s" success and growth again demonstrated the further enlarge- ment of plant requirements, and in 1900 it was decided to build the famous Chicago plant, con- ceded to be the finest in the world, which, with that at Kansas City, gave the company the ad- vantage of being located on two of the leading cattle markets of the country, Kansas City and Chicago. With modern plants, an increased re- frigerator car line, and a complete equipment of live stock cars for transporting its cattle to New York, it put the company in an advantageous po- sition to compete for the general business of this country and Europe second to none. The present officers of the company are Ferdinand Sulzber- ger, president; M. J. Sulzberger, first vice-presi- dent and treasurer ; J. N. Sulzberger, second vice- president and secretary ; G. F. Sulzberger, third vice-president. GEORGE GILLIG was born at Zeuln, on the river Main, Oberfranken, Bavaria, on October 9, 1809. At the age of twenty he became a jour- neyman brewer and for seven years and until 1836 worked as such in different cities in Ger- many. In the fall of that year he entered the Bavarian Army and, serving three years, was hon- orably discharged. Shortly thereafter he came to America, located in New York City and in 1840 established himself in business in a brewery oc- cupying the present site of the Vanderbilt man- sion on Fifth Avenue, between Fifty nd Fifty- first Streets. Subsequently he built and operated a brewery at Thirtieth Street and Lexington Av- enue and later on, in 1843, one in Third Street between Avenues A and B. During the following year and in the last mentioned plant he enjoyed the distinction of being the first one to brew lager beer, as we know it to-day, in New York City, the product of all the brewers prior to that time being what was known as "small beer." Mr. Gillig was at this time also the owner of breweries at Staten Island and Williamsburg. He sold the former to a Mr. Bischoff and the latter to a Mr. Hamm. In 1853 he sold the Third Street brewery to Mr. Joseph Doelger and took possession of a newly erected one between Forty- fifth and Forty-sixth Streets, and First and Sec- ond Avenues. This he conducted until his death in 1862. His estate continued the business for some years and then leased it to the firm of Gillig & Oppermann, composed of Mr. Gillig's son, John George, and Frederick Oppermann, Jr. Mr. Gillig was married in 1841, and at his death left him surviving four children, one son and three daughters : John George, above mentioned, and who is widely known through his connec- tion with the business of his brother-in-law, Ja- cob Ruppert, the well-known brewer of New York City; Anna, the wife of said Ruppert; Cor- nelia K., widow of Dr. B. A. Mylius, and now residing in Berlin, Germany, and Amanda B., the wife of John A. Douglas. JOHN GEORGE GILLIG was born at New York City on January 8, 1852, the son of Ger- man parents who lived at that time in Third Street, between Avenues A and B. He received his early education in the public schools of New York and in Fordham College and was sent to Bamberg, Germany, to complete his course of study. After graduating, he entered the em- ploy of a produce merchant at Bamberg and re- mained with him for one year. At the age of eighteen Mr. Gillig returned to New York and accepted the position as assistant receiving teller with the Germania Bank, resigning it in order to take a position with his brother-in-law, Mr. Jacob Ruppert, the well known brewer. Here he stayed for one year, and in the latter part of 1872 joined the firm of Gillig & Oppermann, brew- ers. In 1877 he decided to sell his interest in the brewery and returned to Mr. Ruppert as fi- nancial and general manager, in which capacity he is still active. Mr. Gillig is widely and fav- orably known not only in the brewing industry but also far beyond its limits as an active and energetic man of business with a reputation for far-sightedness and strict integrity, endowed with qualities of head and heart which have se- cured him a large host of friends and admirers. A Democrat in politics, he has never sought nor held public office, but confined his activity in this direction to the prompt and conscientious dis- charge of his dutes as a citizen. He is a member of the Arion Society, the Terrace Bowling Club, which he helped to organize in 1870 and of which he is treasurer since 1877; the New York Pro- duce Exchange, Red Bank Yacht Club, and of a great number of other social, benevolent and charitable associations, as well as a Mason, be- ing a member of Trinity Lodge No. 12 F. & A. M. On January 28, 1874, Mr. Gillig was married 194 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS to Miss Catherine E. Oppermann and has four children: George J.. Anna M . Mrs. Jacob S and Mrs. John F. Betz, 3d, of Philadelphia. ADOLPH C HOTTENROTH, lawyer, was born -'ii M 9, in the city of New York as the son of German parents. Receiving his first education in the public schools of what was then known as the annexed district and now as the Bronx, he was graduated from the College of the City of New York with the class of '88 and from the Law School of the University of the City of New York with the class of '90. Simul- taneously with starting in the practise of his pro- n, Mr. Hottenroth took an exceptionally active interest in public affairs. It may indeed be said that hardly another private citizen has bat- tled with equal fervor and persistence for the welfare of the people and especially the section in which he grew up and now makes his home, Bronx. Elected a member of the constitu- tional convention in [894 by the citizens of New York, Putnam and Westchester Counties, he led the debate Oil the canal improvement, framed the minority report and secured the adoption of the constitutional amendment which received the larg est number of vote- of any, and made possible the improvement of the canals now under way. With equal determination and success he fought for the protection of Niagara against the threat- ening destruction. From 1898 to 1892 he served a- member of the City Council, having been ! by the people of the Bronx by a substan- tial majority. Since 1004 he ha- been president of the Taxpayers' Alliance of the Bronx, the rep tatives of over thirty property owner-' asso ciations having chosen him for this important • m. He has been indefatigable in working for needed improvements, a- increased rapid tran-it facilities for the Bronx, the live cent fare hill and many other important matters. I fe ins'ti luted and conducted to a successful conclusion against the mosl strenuous opposition the liti gation which compelled the Manhattan Elevated Railway Company to give continuous service to and through the Bronx for a five cenl fare. Hi- notable one, being achieved singly against a formidable arraj of the mosl able conn -el backed up with the immense wealth of that ration. The result of its enforcement was to usher in an era of growth and prosperity in the Bronx, the like of which was never witi in any other community. Mr. Hottenroth has an immense circle of friends and is a member ol many clubs, among them the Arion Society, the Bar ''. iciations of the State of New York and the Bronx, the Automobile Club of America and the Auto Club of the Bronx, the American Acad emy of Political and Social Science. Bedford Park Property Association, Beethoven Maennerchor, City College \lmi:m Association, Fordham Club, Jefferson Club, Lawyers' Site Purchasing Com- pany. Melrose Turn Yercin, National Geograph- ical Society, National Democratic Club, North End Democratic Club, New York University Alumni Association, Schnorer Club, Tallaj sa Club, Taxpayers' Alliance. Twenty-third Ward Property Owners' Association, Tammany Soci- ety, West Morrisania Club, Kingston Club and is a Mason of Strict Observance Lodge. Mr. Hottenroth is a director in a large number of cor porations, including the United States Award ami Assessment Company, Map and Abstract Company, Sandrock Realty Company and others, lie was married on April 28, 1900, to Mis- Ma- mie A. Schmidt and has four children, two sons and two daughters. HERMAN JOSEPH, jurist, was born in New York City September 10, 1858. He received his education in the public schools of the city, at- tending the old Allen Street School No, 42 and graduating at an early age. Later he finished his education at New York University, graduating from that institution in 1878. After leaving school he entered the law office of Abraham Hershfield and during this time he devoted himself so closely to the study of law and showed such aptitude for his chosen profession that he acquired not only a wide knowledge but also a deep insight unusual for one of his years. After being admitted to the Bar in [878 immediately opened offices of his own at No. _><),} Broadway and engaged in gen 1 practise. His success was assured from the start and his ability, as well as his profound learning, were recognized by an ever-widening circle. The growth of his clientele compelled him to engage larger offices at 287 Broadway and he began to take a deep interest in politics and educational affairs. When, in 1898, Judge McKeon re 1 his position as justice of the Municipal Court, Mayor Von Wyck appointed Mr. Joseph to till the vacancy. In November of the same year he was elected for the remaining two years of the term and reelected for the full term of ten years in 1900. On the Bench Judge Joseph has earned a reputation for the dignity with which he pre- in .1 courl that has not always had the for tune to be conducted by men of his ability. He has decided man) (|iiesii,, n ^ of far-reaching im portance and the rapidity and penetration with which he di-po es of cases, the never failing fair ■o both parties, the correct interpretation of the law ami the reputation he has acquired for JOHN GODFREY STEENKEN. 195 / *^ , H mm l - ENGELHARD. 1% FERDINAND SULZBERGER. 197 Al'dl.ril LANKERING. 198 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 199 the clearness and precision of his decisions are but the natural outcome of deep study combined with superior intelligence and sterling character. His success has been rapid but it may safely be said that it has surprised none of his friends who knew the qualities of the man, and that his friends by no means believe that he has arrived at the end of his career, fitted as he is for splendid work in a much larger sphere of action. His keen interest in educational affairs was shown at a remarkably early age. After finishing his common school education he edited a journal that dealt with evening school matters, and in this his ability asserted itself. He advocated many im- provements in the public school system and in 1873 (age fourteen years) he read an essay, pre- pared by himself, at Steinway Hall under the aus- pices of the late J. F. Wright, who was princi- pal of Christie Street School, advocating the in- struction of modern languages in the New York public schools. Judge Joseph is fond of litera- ture and arts and visits Europe every year to find the relaxation he needs after his strenuous work. He is a member of the Arion, Progress Club, Montefiore Home, Mt. Sinai Hospital, of the board of governors of the Democratic Club, Tammany Hall and the regular Democratic Gen- eral Committee, the Elks, Eagles, a Mason and belongs to a large number of other social and charitable organizations. In politics he is a Democrat. Judge Joseph was married in 1881 to Miss Sarah Kurzman and has one daughter, Rose. HERMAN L. TIMKEN (deceased), a former mayor of Hoboken, N.J., was born at Lilienthal, Hanover, Germany, April 2, 1830. His father served with distinction as a soldier in the English Army under Wellington, also in the German Ar- my under Bliicher and was roadmaster of his district. After a service himself of seven years in the Hanovarian Army, Mr. Timken was pro- moted to the rank of sergeant. After severing his connections with his regiment in 1857, he came to the United States, settling at New York City, where he secured a position working at his trade, that of a wood carver and turner. Later he aban- doned this class of work, engaging in the flour business on his own account. Two years after his arrival in this country, in 1859, he married Miss Betty Kotzenberg of Hoboken, N.J., and during the same year became a resident of that city. A short time thereafter Mr. Timken be- gan laying the foundation of what grew to be an extensive flour and feed business by establishing the firm of Krone and Timken in New York City. Two years later, after an honorable career, the firm was dissolved, Mr. Timken continuing with Mr. S. M. Rohdenburg, trading under the firm name of Timken & Rohdenburg. In 1870 Mr. Timken purchased the interest of his partner in the business and continued alone until 1876, at which time he began a copartnership with Mr. H. Jacobsen, conducting the business on a more ex- tensive scale both in New York City and Hobo- ken, N.J. Four years later — in 1880 — another dis- solution occurred, Mr. Timken succeeding to firm business in New York, and Mr. Jacobsen to that in Hoboken. In 1885 Mr. Timken removed his business to the latter city and in 1890 Mr. August Hanniball, a son-in-law, confidential clerk and adviser, became his partner; a year later he retired from active business, leaving his son, J. Henry Timken, and Mr. Hanniball to conduct the affairs under the firm name of Timken & Han- niball. Later Mr. Hanniball succeeded to the entire business which he now conducts and which, to-day, is the most extensive of its kind in Hudson County, N.J. Besides ably conducting these in- terests, Mr. Hanniball is the president of one of the largest wholesale bakery establishments in New York City. He is widely known as a gen- tleman of honorable reputation, as well as being possessed of large commercial acumen. During his lifetime, Mr. Timken was a man who took a deep interest in all public affairs connected with the city of his adoption. Not being a politician, as the term is largely understood in the present day, his motives were based upon a higher plane, always having uppermost in his mind everything that would in any way promote the interests of the people. He very properly became known far and wide as the "Reform Mayor" of Hoboken. His first publ'c office was that of councilman hav- ing been elected to that position from the Third Ward in 1869. He was reelected the following two years. After a temporary retirement on his part for several years, he removed to the Second Ward, and in 1880 was returned as a member of that district. In 1883 Mr. Timken was elected mayor of Hoboken, serving for three consecutive terms, each administration being able, dignified and honest. During his several administrations of the office he largely reduced the tax rate. He strongly favored the creation of the present paid fire department but was opposed in this effort. In 1891 he received the nomination for sheriff of Hudson County from the Jeffersonian Democracy but withdrew from the contest later. In the same year he was a member of the Board of Tax Com- missioners, it being the last political office he ever held. Mr. Timken was one of the organizers of Company D, first battalion of the old Second Regiment, in which he served as captain. He formerly served for some years as major of 2u<) SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS the Fifth Regiment, N.G.S.N.Y. He was vice- president and one of the organizers of the Sec- National Hank of Hoboken; was the first president of the American District Telegraph Company of that city. In matters relating to the improvement of the city, Mr. Timken erected the first French type of flat houses in Hoboken at the corner of Sixth and River Streets. Myers Hotel, the finest in Hoboken, was also built by him and belongs to his son, J. H. Timken He was a member and past master of Hudson Lodge, I & A. M., the German and Hoboken Quartet clubs, a director of the United States Shbetzen Park Association and a member of the New York Produce Exchange. On July 22, 1892, Mr. Tim- ken's death occurred. He is survived by his wife and five children, viz.: J. II. Timken. II. L. Tim- ken. Alfred Timken. Bertha Hannibal! and \Y. II. A. Timken. The death of Mr. Timken removed from Hoboken one of her most honored citizens, a loving father and husband and a man of un- tarnished reputation. No man can leave a higher "r better heritage to those who come after. CHARLES F. SCHIRMER was born at Min- den, Westphalia, Germany, on March 19, 1834, and received his education in the puhlic schools of hi- native city. His father intended to let him study engineering, and he had already begun pre- paring himself for this profession when family reveres interfered and the hoy of fifteen was compelled to abandon the career originally laid out for him and to learn a trade. He selected the upholstering trade and finished his apprenticeship when eighteen vars old. While the instruction given to him had been very thorough, for at that time an apprentice was not permitted to follow his trade unless he had proven that he had mas- tered it. young Schirmer traveled fur over a year through Europi and learn more. Thus equipped, he came to America in 1853, settling at 1S1 Third Avenue, when- he established an up- holstery business. His confidence that the knowl- edge of his trade he had acquired by hard work and intelligent devotion to his duties would hring him success in the wider field that America of fered was not misplaced. Here, where no re strictions and antiquated laws stood in the way, and where the faculties of the ahle .and ambitious upholsterer could freely unfold them selves, h'' experienced a rapid and well '\<- erved Mr. Schirmer i- a Democrat-, hut has never taken an active pari in politics nor held public office. He belongs to tin- Lutheran Church and has been a member of the \xion Club since [878. He was married in 1857 to Miss Elizabeth Hilsdorf -many and has one -on. Charles J., Jr.. who served in the Twenty econd Regiment and man- i.usiness which now hears the name of Charles F. Schirmer & Son. HENRY A. C. ANDERSON, physician, son of a Danish father and a German mother, was horn in Hamburg, Germany, on August 2, 1841. He received his elementary education in the schools of his native city, hut his parents having died, he was sent, when hardly twelve years of age, to American relatives in Xew York City, who had him attend the old Greenwich Street School. Having no opportunity to speak or hear German spoken, he almost forgot the little Ger- man he knew when he arrived here. In 1857 he came to Yorkville at that time a village, and found employment as office hoy with the Third Avenue Railroad Company. Some years later he entered the present P.ellevue University to study medicine, hut his patriotism caused him to etdist as private in Company C, One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Regiment, X.Y.S. Volunteers, in August, 1862. After serving in the ranks for three months, the surgeon of the regiment had him detailed as his secretary. After the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Regiment was or- dered to Folly Island^ just outside of Charles- ton Harbor, with part of the old Eleventh Army Corps, Anderson attracted the attention of the chief medical officer who induced him to accept the position of hospital steward of the depart- ment. While on leave to Xew York, his regi- menl was sent to Beaufort, S.C., and on his arrival there he was assigned to duty in the military hospital of that town. Young Anderson was perhaps 1 he first man who saw the Blue and die Gray shake hands. At the hospital were sev- eral wounded Confederate officers, prisoners of war. who had been sent there for treatment, and not one of them ever complained that he was treated less kindly than the Union patients. Among them was Colonel Montague of Charleston, who hobbled about on crutches, a trin- Southern gentle- man in the fullest sense. On a sunny afternoon a Union general, accompanied by a lady, called at the hospital and inquired if a Colonel Montague was a patient at the hospital and on receiving an affirmative reply, requested that the Colonel be called and he was asked to come to the office. He had hardly stepped in when the lady rushed at him and throwing her arms around his neck, with a kiss aid: "My darling brother." Then the two men, on,- m blue and the other in gray, shook hands— General Robert Anderson of fort Sum- ter fame and Colonel Montague of Charleston. Mrs Vnderson and Colonel Montague were sis- ter and brother Vfter the war Anderson re- EDWARD PAUL REICHHELM. 201 ANTON I WAl.ii. 2 now a member of the board of education where hi- ripe knowledge of conditions and extended experience have been of the gr< value for the public schools of his native city. Dr. Haupt is a Republican in politics, a member of the Arion Society, .Yew York Botanical Garden, Xew York Zoological Garden, American Museum of Natural History, American Geographical Soci- ety and Metropolitan Museum of Art and of the County, State, American and German Medical Societies. HERMAN CHRISTIAN- HENRY HEROLD, physician, was born in New York City March 4, [854. He removed to Newark. N.J., with his parents when a child, and afterward resided there. His father and mother both died before he wa- eleven years old and he was left the second in age of six surviving children to rely entirely on his own exertions after that time, as well as to assist his younger brother- and sisters. He attended the old Twelfth Ward German and English school, which was founded by his father in 1859, the public school of the same ward, and the Newark High School, earning his own living while in attendance on the latter. After leaving the high school in his senior year, he began his busine S life at the age of nineteen, in a gro- cery store. In two years he had saved enough to warrant him in entering Bellevue Hos- pital Medical College, New York, and he was graduated Erom that institution in the class of [878. He at once commenced the practise of his profession in Newark and there built up a large and lucrative business, also establishing his youngest brother in the same profession. He has for many years been a member of the board of health of the city, entering it in 1883; two year- later he became its president and has continued a- such till the present date. Hi- zeal and ef- ficiency while a member of this board are most commendable. While devoted to his profes- sion, Dr. Herold ha- always taken a greal inter- e-t in public affairs. In politic- he ha- been a pronounced Republican and very popular with hi- party. He wa- an alternate delegate at large from the -tate of New Jersey to the national Re- publican convention of iSJn^, which nominated General Harrison for President, and a district delegate from Newark to the national conventions Of 1892 and [904. He i- emeritu- surgeon 1" St. Michael'- Hospital and a member of the I County Medical Society. He was for fourteen years connected with the National Guard as snr- of the Fifth Regiment, from which position he was placed on the retired li-t when, on the CHARLES CHRISTIAN WEHRUM. 205 CHARLES A. STAPLER. 206 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 207 reorganization of the First Brigade, N. G.S.N. J., that regiment was disbanded. He is treasurer of the Order of Military Surgeons of New Jer- sey. He is also president of the Security Build- ing and Loan Association, and belongs to the Masonic fraternity, Knights of Pythias, Benev- olent Order of Elks, and numerous other organi- zations and societies. He was married November 6, 1882, to Louisa, daughter of Thomas Kurfess of Newark, N.J. His home is one of the most hospitable in the city, where he entertains a large circle of friends. SIGMUND LUSTGARTEN, physician and specialist on skin diseases, was born at Vienna, Austria, December 19, 1857, and he was edu- cated at the University of that place. He came to New York City in 1889, where he has since resided. Dr. Lustgarten held the chair as lec- turer on dermatology at the University of Vi- enna ; he fills the same position at Mount Sinai Hospital and at Montefiore Home, New York City. He is author of a number of scientific communications and is correspondent member of Foreign Medical Societies of Paris and Vienna. In politics he is independent, having never sought any public office. He married Beatrice Davis of Montreal in 1891. RUDOLF C. R. DENIG, physician, was born at Frankenthal in Germany on December 8, 1867, as the son of Hippolyte and Elisabeth M. (Dalle- mand) Denig and received his early education in the gymnasium at Neustadt in the Palatinate, graduating in 1886. He studied medicine at the universities of Heidelberg, Munich, Berlin and Wuerzburg, where he received the degree of doc- tor of medicine, and later continued his studies in Vienna, London and Paris. Soon after be- ginning his studies, he had made a specialty of ophthalmic surgery, became assistant and in- structor at the University Eye Clinic in Wuerz- burg and became rapidly known through his pro- ficiency and knowledge in this field of medical science. His rising fame as an ophthalmologist caused Dr. Herman Knapp, the founder of the New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, to induce him to come to America as his assistant. Dr. Denig arrived in New York City in 1896 and immediately took a place in the front rank of physicians engaged in work similar to his own. He is an acknowledged authority in his chosen field and a large private practise together with extensive work in hospitals and other institutions furnishes proof of the esteem in which he is held by his colleagues as well as the public. He is ophthalmic surgeon to the German Hospital and Dispensary and employs most of his time not taken up by his arduous duties to study and writing. Dr. Denig has written many essays and articles on ophthalmic subjects, is a regular col- laborator of the Zeitschrift fiir Augenheilkunde in Berlin, and is now publishing a book on eye surgery which will appear in 1909. He is a fel- low of the New York Academy of Medicine, a member of the New York State and County Med- ical Associations, the German Medical Society, the Heidelberg Ophthalmic Society and a number of other medical, social and charitable organiza- tions. Dr. Denig resides at 56 East Fifty-eighth Street, New York City, and is unmarried. LOUIS ANTON EWALD, physician and sur- geon, was born at Hammelburg in Bavaria on June 13, 1871, as the son of Frederick G. and Catherine Ewald. He was educated at the gym- nasium at Munnerstadt and after graduating, studied at the universities of Wurzburg, Berlin, Munich and Greifswald. In addition to the study of medicine, he devoted himself to geography and geology, securing a more than ordinary knowledge of these subjects. He completed his studies in 1896 and received the degree of doctor of medi- cine from the University of Wurzburg. In 1897 he came to the United States where his father had settled and established himself in the prac- tise of his profession in New York City. His rise was rapid and having made a specialty of gynaecology, he soon was recognized as an au- thority in this branch of medicine. He was ap- pointed gynaecologist to the German Hospital and Dispensary in 1901 and professor of medicine to Fordham University in 1907. He is a member of many medical societies and clubs, the Catholic Club, and the German Liederkranz. Dr. Ewald is one of the best and most favorably known of the younger German physicians in New York and his career has been as remarkable as brilliant. Practically all the time not required by his large practise he devotes to the study of his prof es ion and other scientific subjects in which he is inter- ested. CARL OTTO PETERS, merchant, was born at Brunswick, Germany, where he received his education in the schools of his native city. He engaged in mercantile business and came to Amer- ica when quite young in years as the representa- tive of several of the largest and most favorably known wine houses in Germany and France. For fifty years he carried on the business of im- porting wines with pronounced success and gained an enviable reputation for himself and the quality of his goods all over the country. Mr. Peters 208 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AM) TIIK1R DKSCKXDAXTS was a member of the German Club, German Lied- erkranz, Arion, Manhattan Club, Jockey and Lo- tos clubs and of a large Dumber of benevolent and charitable organizations, lie was married in August, 1861, to Miss Lizzie Liebrich and has two children, Mrs. Louise Offelmeyer and Conrad L. rs, who is associated with him in his busi- ness. RUDOLF HELWIG, importer, was born at Mannheim. Germany, on June 13, 1864. The foun- dation of his education was laid in the public schools of his native city. After passing through them he entered Leeds College in Yorkshire, Eng- land, where he studied commercial chemistry and dyeing, graduating in 1889. During the next four years he was employed in England by a large firm and gained the reputation of being an au- thority in his profession. In October, 1893, he came to America and established himself in the business of importing high grade wood pulp. The fact that he was an expert chemist and conse- quently a judge of what was needed in special lines of the paper trade, helped him greatly and before long he occupied a commanding position in the branch he had selected as the field of his activity. He now imports annually about twenty thousand tons of the highest grades of sulphite pulp used for fine writing and bond papers, and supplies manufacturers all over the country, it being well known that he handles only the best qualities. An independent in politics, Mr. Hel- wig has never taken an active part in . partisan strife but confined himself to doing his duty as a citizen according to hi- convictions. He was mar- ried on December 7, 1895, to Miss Anna M. Stad- ler and has two children. A member of the Arion and the German Liederkranz, he devotes more time to outdoor sports than to social amusements and belongs to the Wa-Wa Yanda Fishing Club of I ire Lland and to a number of country clubs where he can indulge his anient love for nature and all the pastimes a true sportsman cherishes. CH \R1.KS V< IN DER BRUCK, merchant. was born in 1862 at bans in Hesse \'a- n, <, 1 many, and received his education in the Real Gymnasium at Wiesbaden where he graduated. He gained his commercial experience in Cologne, Berlin and other commercial centers of Germany. In (887 he established himself in business in Ww York as importer of mineral waters, and SO successfully introduced the Rhens water — an al- kaline table water from Rhens OH the Rhine — that it is to-day one of the besl known and most popular mineral waters in the United State-. He is also the general agent for the Royal Prussian mineral springs of Ems and Schwalbach and for the mineral waters of the spa Wildungen of Wal- deck. During the Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion at St. Louis he acted as the business repre- sentative of the mineral springs owned by the Prussian Government. Mr. von der Bruck was married in 1895. He is a member of the Arion, German Liederkranz, Kiehetikranz. Beethoven, German Press Club, the German Writers' Asso- ciation and other social, literary and benevolent or- ganizations, and is also a Mason. While retaining all his affection for his native land, he has become a loyal and devoted American citizen. ALBERT E. KLEINERT, building contractor, was born on the Island Ruegen, Germany, on June 14, 1862. He was educated by private tu- tors under the supervision of his father, wdio him- self was a school teacher and a man of wide and unusual attainments. He planted in the boy's mind the desire for knowledge and higher culture. Mr. Kleinert, after passing an examination practically and theoretically as a master builder, came to America in 1882 and settled in Connecticut where he remained until 1884, when he removed to Brooklyn. Here he engaged in the building busi- ness and soon began to take large contracts, rap- idly establishing a reputation for good and relia- ble workmanship which, naturally, increased his trade until his operations were carried on on a large scale. From the beginning he has evinced a deep interest in public affairs and organized the Central & Smith Street Board of Trade and also joined and became active in the Prospect Heights Board of Trade, thus joining several movements whose object was the improvement of public ad- ministration and morals. In fact. Mr. Kleinert soon came to be looked upon as a man whose assistance was of great value and whose readi- ness to assisl fearlessly every effort for better- ment in the community led to his appointment by the borough president to the advisory committee of one hundred. He also received his appoint- ment by the mayor of New York Citj as a mem- ber of the HudaOn-Fulton Celebration Commis- sion. He is an Independent Democrat in politics and used all his efforts to bring his fellow Ger- man-American citizens to the foremost position they should hold in this community. His services as a member and officer of the United German Singers of Brooklyn were instrumental in the bringing about of numerous concerts being given in the public parks, devoting a larger part of his energies to this work and encouraging his associ- ates with work and deed whenever called upon. HON. CHARLES G. F. WAHLE. 209 AUCUS1 P. WAGNER. 21ii SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 211 As president of the Brooklyn Saengerbund Society for five consecutive years, he was instrumental in bringing the same to the foremost position of any kindred organization financially and socially. As a member of the German Hospital Association, he served one term on the board of trustees. On March 18, 1888, he married Miss Emma Lousinger and has five children. Mr. Kleinert is a member of the following organizations : Kings County Demo- cratic Club, Brooklyn Lodge of Elks, Indepen- dent Order of Odd Fellows, Free Masons and Mystic Shriners, Brooklyn Turn Verein, Municipal Art Society of New York, the Brooklyn League and Allied Board of Trade and Tax Payers' Association. PAUL LICHTENSTEIN, banker, was born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, and engaged in the bank- ing business after receiving a superior education. In 1868 he emigrated to America, settling in New York, where he has since been connected with some of the largest banking houses in the coun- try. He is a member of the board of trustees of the German Society of the city of New York, of the Deutsche Vere n, the Brooklyn Germania and the Crescent Athletic Club. In politics a Republican, he is independent in his actions, and supported Grover Cleveland for the presidency. Mr. Lichtenstein takes a warm interest in all matters relating to the arts and fine l'terature, and is known for lis judgment and refined taste. On August 28, 1872, he married Miss Clara Kapp, the daughter of the well known lawyer, historian and later on member of the German Reichstag, Friedrich Kapp. Of their three children, Julie Louise and Friedr'ch L. Lichtenstein died in in- fancy, while Alfred F. Lichtenstein survives. FREDERICK STRANGE KOLLE, M.D., sur- geon and author, born Hanover, Germany, No- vember 22, 1871. Graduated in medicine from Long Island College Hospital 1893. First came to Flatbush as a visiting interne in March, 1893, at Kings County Hospital, ending his term in 1894, when he took up service at the Kingston Avenue Contagious Disease Hospital during the epidemic of smallpox. The same year traveled through Mexico and on his return to Brooklyn settled into private practise early in 1895. One of the first X-ray investigators in the United States. Lecturer in electro-therapeutics and as?o- ciate editor Electrical Age, 1897-1902. Radio- grapher to M.E. Hospital, Brooklyn. Settled permanently in Flatbush in 1899. Inventor : ra- diometer, Kolle X-ray coil and switching devices, dentaskiascope, oesophameter, folding fluoroscope, X-ray printing process, Kolle focus tube, direct- reading X-ray meter and many instruments used in plastic surgery, etc. Author : "The Recent Roentgen Discovery, 1896"; "The X-Rays, Their Production and Application," 1896; Medico-Sur- gical Radiography," 1898; "Pen Lyrics," 1902; "Olaf," a scientific novel, 1903; "The Grown Ba- by Book," 1903; "Lisps and Lilts," 1905; "Fifty and One Tales of Modern Fairyland," 1906; "Ax- el and Valborg," 1907; "Subcutaneous Hydrocar- bon Protheses," 1908; also many papers on X- rays and kindred scientific subjects, child's verse and contributions to the daily press. Residence : The Japanese House, 131 Buckingham Road, Flat- bush. Office: 18-20 West Twenty-fifth Street, New York City. ADOLPH ROTHBARTH, merchant, was born at Frankfort-on-the-Main on May 20, i860, and received his education in the high school of his native city. After leaving school he entered the old house of Rothbarth & Co., which had been founded by his grandfather, Phillip Rothbarth, in 1835 and is now carried on by the third genera- tion of the same family. The firm was and is now one of the largest importers and exporters of hops and Mr. Rothbarth became an expert on this article. At the age of twenty-two he started for America with the intention of establishing a branch office of Rothbarth & Co. He was en- tirely alone and left to his own resources, with only such letters of recommendation as the son of an old established and well known house can command. With characteristic pluck he opened his office and set out to do business, relying on his thorough knowledge of the goods he intended to deal in, and determined to succeed. Like his grandfather and his father before him, he pros- pered and steadily increased his operations until he was in the front rank of his line of trade. His fairness, his reliability, his expert knowledge of hops which made his judgment the final arbiter of many a dispute, and his amiability gave him a standing in the community worthy of the name he bears. In every way he upheld the traditions of the family and of the firm to which he suc- ceeded. Mr. Rothbarth is a member of the Ger- man Liederkranz and finds his relaxation in bowl- ing, fishing and other sports of similar nature. He is connected with practically every charitable or- ganization in the city of any consequence and worthy of support and takes an active interest in many of them in an official capacity. CHARLES J. OBERMAYER was born in New York City on November 8, 1869, the son of German parents, and received his education in the public schools and the College of the City of 212 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS New York. He kit the college to become a book- keeper and later studied law while still acting as bookkeeper and cashier for the German-Amer- ican Real Estate Title Guarantee Company, of which he was later elected secretary and treas- urer, having served in this capacity . for over twelve year-. He is interested and affiliated with many other concerns through investments or offi- cial relations. He holds considerable real estate in Manhattan and Brooklyn and his property claims much of his attention, but the greatesl part of his time is probably given to his financial in- - in connection with the Greater New York- Savings Rank, of which he has been president since its organization and whose success and stand- ing are essentially due to his efforts. The bank was organized on March 27, 1897, and opened for business on May third of the same year. The institution is located at the corner of Fifth Av- enue and Twelfth Street in Brooklyn and is the only hank in the district. The necessity for such an institution to, and its great value for, the neighborhood have been attested by the prosperity it has enjoyed from the start. The career of Mr. Obermayer illustrates most forcibly the oppor- tunities which America affords to her citizens, recognizing their merits and rewarding their ef- fort- with success. While connected with many extensive and important business interests, his efforts toward advancing the municipal interests of Brooklyn are so incessant .and wisely directed and therefore so generally recognized that they cannot be considered as of secondary importance when viewing his career of signal usefulness. While the interest he has taken in practical poli- tics 1 1 much of his time, and while his stalwart Republicanism on national and state issues ha- been exceedingly valuable to his party, his services in that direction must neces- sarily he considered as less important than those of inucli greater value rendered to the community a- a whole through public spirit, progressivi and liberality, lb- i- yet a young man but has he impress of a forcible individuality upon busim ! and political life wherever his ac- tivity has been aroused. In [892 Mr. Ober mayer was married to Mi ss [da Bell Sabin, a daughter of William !•".. Sabin. lb- is identified with a number of fraternal and religious move ments, including the Royal Arcanum, all Masonic bodies, Chapters Commandery and I. < ). Hepta lb- was presidenl of tl 11 League of Ameri can Wheelmen in the United States, a membi the Crescenl Vthletic club. Automobile Club of America, Twelfth Assembly District Republican Club. Boston Bicycle « Hub, Good Road tion; trustee South Brooklyn Board of Trade, Brooklyn League, Prospect Heights Citizens As- sociation, the Twelfth Street Reformed Church; chairman of the advisory committee of the Brook- lyn Nursery and Infants' Hospital ; president Xar- ragansett burnishing Co.; director Home Title In- surance Co.; director Fifth Avenue Branch Me- chanics Bank; Bibliophile Society of Boston. He keeps well informed on the issues of the day, giv- ing loyal support to the principles in which he be- lieves. Wherever Mr. Obermayer is known, he is held in the highest regard on account of his ster- ling integrity and his fidelity to principle. JULIUS W. BRUNN, merchant, was born at Hamburg on May _•_>, 1833, and died at 430 Grand Avenue, Brooklyn, on December 30, 1907. He was educated in private schools in his native city. In 1854 he emigrated to America and entered the employ of a mercantile house. His energy and ambition led him to seek for wider fields and in 1857 he established himself in the importing business on his own account. He was successful from the start and on August 3, 1858, he formed the firm of Hagemeyer & Brunn, which rapidly became one of the most important houses in the line in which it was engaged, and is still doing business with undiminished prestige. Mr. Brunn was always a strong Republican and counted many eminent men, like President Grant and Henry Ward Beecher, among his intimate friends. He took a very active part in local affairs and devoted a large part of his energies to furthering public improvements in Brooklyn and to the amel- ioration of conditions, especially in the govern- ment and the administration of the city. He was a member of the German Club, the German Lieder- kranz of New York City, the Germania Club and the Lincoln Club of Brooklyn. He was also a di- rector of the German Savings Bank. Mr. Brunn was married in Europe on December 15, 1 S57, to Miss Charlotte Elizabeth Going. Five children, Constantin, Armin, Lincoln, Freda and Else, sur- vive him. Mrs. Brunn died at her summer home, Liskevcen Farm, South Woodstock, Conn., on July 31, 1004. HENRY W. B ^HRENBURG, a man of ,,f fairs, was bom at Hoboken, X.J. December 13. 1X71, where he attended the public schools. Mr. Bahrenburg is a son of the late John Henry Bah- renburg, a splendid type of the -elf made G 1 man, who died in [889 •'"id who. when a boy of twelve years of age, left his native town of Fis- cherhader, near Bremen, Germany, in 1838, and emigrated to America. In [869 he established what is now the well known wholesale produce and commissi, ,11 house <>f J. II. Bahrenburg, THEODORE SUTRO. EMIL WELTE. JACOB WOLFGANG MACK. PETER H. RAPPENHAGEN. 213 KI'I'tii.F C. R. DENIG. CARL OTTO PETERS. JOHN BORKEL. JOB N Gl ORGE GILLIG. 214 GEORGE GILLIG. 215 .^ \ ANTHONY J. VOI.K. 216 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 217 Brother & Company, located at Nos. 103 and 105 Murray Street, New York City. The concern is to-day one of the largest, as well as one of the most reliable of its kind in the country. On June 30, 1889, Mr. Bahrenburg died at his home in Hoboken, leaving a widow and three daugh- ters and three sons and mourned by a large circle of friends. During his lifetime he set a high standard for the German citizen ; he was genial toward all and correct in principle and practise, both in business and social life, with an instinct- ive love of what was right, and an equally de- termined antipathy to all that was mean and wrong. Henry W. Bahrenburg, the subject of this sketch, is well known in the financial and commercial world of New York City and Hobo- ken. He is a member of the old firm of J. H. Bahrenburg, Brother & Company of New York; is president of the Mountain Ice Company of New Jersey, president of the New York and New Jer- sey Produce Company ; he is also interested in sev- eral banking institutions of Hudson County, N.J. In politics he is a Republican. He has never sought nor desired to hold public office, his time being fully occupied with his extensive private business interests. On January 24, 1893, Mr. Bahrenburg married Miss Jessie A. Gahagan, daughter of the late James C. Gahagan, Esq., who was born at London, England, in 1845. He came to Amer- ica with his parents when he was a lad of six years of age, and has been an honored and es- teemed citizen of Hoboken since 1865. Two chil- dren have been born to the union : Charles Alfred and Frank Dudley, both of whom are living. Mr. Bahrenburg resides at Summit, N.J., where he has a beautiful home over which his wife faithfully discharges her duties as a charming ho tess. Mr. Bahrenburg is a man possessed of agreeable and pleasing manners, a feature he displays in com- mercial as well as in his social walks of life. Al- though a strict disciplinarian, by his kindly dis- . position, he commands the esteem of his em- ployees and his perseverance, integrity and abil- ity to organize and execute have secured him a high position in the business world. FRANK GASS.— In public life and the busi- ness affairs of this city there is no more repre- sentative or progressive German-American than Frank Gass, register of the county of New York and one of the leading Democrats of the borough of the Bronx. Mr. Gass was elected to the high office he now holds in the fall of 1905, after a heated contest, receiving the largest vote of any candidate on the Democratic ticket. Since as- suming his present responsible position he has initiated many improvements that have won the approval of the lawyers and real estate men of this county. Register Gass has been prominent in Democratic politics for over twenty years. For many years he held the office of town assessor of the old town of Westchester. After annexa- tion he was elected as the first alderman from that section of the greater city. For four con- secutive terms he was a member of the board, each term being elected by increased majorities. Because of his personal popularity it was always considered a hopeless task for any one to run against Mr. Gass. Nearly twenty-five years ago Mr. Gass removed from Harlem to Unionport, where he has since resided. He immediately es- tablished himself in the real estate business and to-day is the recognized authority on real estate in his section. No one ever thinks of consum- mating a real estate transaction east of the Bronx River without first consulting Register Gass. Dur- ing his membership in the board of aldermen he was on all the important committees but concen- trated his efforts mainly on securing rapid transit and other public improvements for the Borough of the Bronx. No recent improvement in the Bronx has been secured without the active co-op- eration of Mr. Gass. Mr. Gass is noted for his modest and unassuming work as a practical phil- anthropist. He is a member of many social and charitable societies and his practical support is always sought when meritorious charitable proj- ects are undertaken. He was one of the founders of the Odd Fellows Home in Unionport, which is a model of its kind. For many years he was a trustee of that institution and was active in its management. He is still deeply interested in the work of the Home. He is a member of the Chip- pewa Democratic Club, treasurer of the Tam- many Hall General Committee of the annexed dis- trict, prominent in the Westchester Maennerchor and other German societies and he is also high up in the councils of the Masonic order. Register Gass was born in Bavaria June 9, 1852, and was educated in the primary and high schools of his native country. He came to this country in 1872 and settled in what was then known as the old town of Melrose. He became apprenticed to a painter and after learning his trade moved to Harlem and established himself in business. By thrift and perseverance he soon made his mark and in a remarkably short time accumulated a prosperous business. In 1880 he decided to retire from the painting trade and moved to his present home in Unionport whither many of his friends had preceded him. Although a young man he soon became prominent in the politics of the old town of Westchester which was shown by his election as assessor. He has for years been prom- 21S SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS inent in the- public eye and is noted for his pro- bity and high civic and moral ideas. He is mar- ried and with his wife is active and prominent in the social life of Unionport. I'i:i IK II. RAPPENHAGEN, one of Brook- lyn'- foremost citizens, was born April 27, 1831, at Hanover, Ottcndorf, Germany, and like many other successful men who began life in an hum- ble way, received his education in the local public schools of his native place. This period was brief, for he was only fourteen when he left his school to begin his fight for a future. Seeing nothing in the way of a business opening, he pro- employment upon a farm and for years he did the hardest kind of work. The de-ire for something more congenial whereby better oppor- tunities might be realized, prompted him to come to this country in [851. His first position, on arrival, was that of a porter in Stuart's sugar house, lie remained in that place for only two months, but the little experience he secured and from which he made great use, convinced him that the grocery trade was what he desired. The next position he took was with a grocery house in the lower part of New York City; in this new tiebl he worked hard to gather all the neces- sary details thai would warrant him in embarking in the business on his own account. One more change for the better, and in the latter place he remained for two years. At the end of that time he had saved some money, but bad gained more experience. After having resided in Xew York for fourteen years, he moved to Brooklyn in 1868 and settled at the corner of Park Avenue and Cumberland Street. It was there he realized his dream, for he conducted one of the finest gro- cery establishments in that part of Brooklyn which he establi hed with a cash capital of only eighty dollars. Each year his business grew, and in iSS_> he retired from active life, having achieved not only commercial success but the 1 of all who had come in contact with him. Politically, Mr. Rappenhagen ha- always been in- dependent, lb- never sought any public office. Nearly nineteen years of hi- life have been given to miliar In [86o lie joined the State Militia and from the rank of private he ro e to that of first lieutenant, in which capacity he served with great dignity for twelve years. It wa- not until 1K72 that In- reached the height that was more suited to hi- personality ; he was made a major of the Fifteenth Battalion of Brooklyn and held this command for six and one-half years. On May i-\ 1854, Mr. Happen hagen married Mi-- Anna Katrina. N'o children bortl to thr union. lb- i- a member of sev era! organizations, viz. : Trustee of the Home of Immigration, trustee of Orphan Asylum at Mt. Vernon, X.Y.; lir.-t vice-president of the Ger- mania Saving- Bank of Brooklyn, a member of the German Hospital and the German Saenger- bund. JULIUS STRAUSS, builder and real estate operator as well as a man of affairs, was born in Xew York City December 1, 1862. He obtained a thorough education in the public schools, after which he entered commercial fields at an early age. For the past twenty years he has been a resident of Brooklyn, where he is largely inter- ested in real estate and building operations. Mr. Strauss is considered one of the best authorities on real estate values in the Greater City of Xew York. He is the treasurer of the Edgar Im- provement Company, whose extensive offices are located at Xo. 12 Court Street, Brooklyn. The company figure among the most important real estate and building corporations in Xew York as developers and builders. Mr. Strauss is on the board of directors of Unity Church. Hebrew Or- phan Asylum. Long I -land Safe Deposit Co., Training School of Jewish Hospital and is vice- president of the Citizens Trust Co. He married Miss Tillie Michel December 1, 1807. Mr. and Mrs. Strauss are prominently identified with Brooklyn social life and have a large number of warm personal friends. EMIL V. WALDENBERGER, wholesale leather merchant, was born March 20, [845, at Assamstadt, Baden. He was carefully educated in the public schools and later wa- given private instruction in Latin and French preparatory to entering the I'.o\ -' Seminary at Freiberg. It was the intention of Mr. Waldenberger to study the- ology, but after some application to the profession he decided his inclinations ran toward a com- mercial career, which he later adopted. In 1866 he came to America, locating in Xew York City, where he has resided ever since. I he first four years of his life in Xew York were spent in the tea and grocery lines. He then obtained a position a- German correspondent for the Guardian Mu- tual Life Insurance Company, 2-1 Broadway, which be successfully tilled for four years. His next occupation was that of bookkeeper in the leather, upper and shoe finding house of Henry Arthin, Xo- 84 ami 86 Cold Street, with whom he remained live year-. In 1S7S Mr. Walden- berger engaged in that line of business on his own account, He achieved great success and on Sep- tember 1. 1907, retired from active commercial life. Mr. Waldenberger is a member of the Arioti FRANK H. CORDTS. 219 i i - G. M ii. i.i R. T)|) BERNARD KARSCH. 221 HENRY L. SCHMIDT. GEURCE H. STEIL. JONAS WEIL. HON. I v OB H tUSSLING. 222 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 223 Singing Society, the Houseowners' Association of the Twelfth and Nineteenth Wards. For eight years (1868 to 1876) he was a member of the Eleventh Regiment, National Guard, State of New York. On October 10, 1874, Mr. Waldenberger married Miss Magdalena Bang. Ten children were born to the union, six ci whom are living and four deceased. The living children are : Charles, Emmilie, Dora, Emil, George, Alfred. Tho^e who are deceased are Mary, Magdalena, Gretchen and Herman. Aside from the various social organizations he is affiliated with, he finds much time to spend with his family. His suc- cess in life has been acquired only through the hardest trials and hardships, and now at the age of sixty-two he can lay aside the cares of a busy life and feel that he has really succeeded. PHILIP HEXAMER, one of Hoboken's old- est and highest esteemed citizens, was born Octo- ber 2j, 1830, at Meisenheim, Germany, and most of his early youth was spent around his native town. He received his only education at Meisen- heim, and that period was very brief as he left school at the age of fourteen years. He did odd chores on his father's farm for several years and his early hardships were rather severe. He was about twenty-one years of age when he decided to come to America and face the world upon his own responsibilities and reached New York City in the latter part of 1855. After a brief residence in New York, he moved to Hoboken, N.J. He engaged in the bakery business and in a short time he established two stores. He continued in this line up to the early sixties, when he bought an interest in a riding academy originally es- tablished by the Stevens family. Mr. Hexamer joined forces with William Walter and under their able management the venture was crowned with success. Later on his labors were directed in a different channel. He engaged in the brewing business and for some time the firm was known as Peter & Hexamer. A few years, however, brought him back to his former business. He did not reestablish his riding academy until his return from Europe in 1873. This academy, the best in Hoboken at that time, occupied the pres- ent site of St. Mary's Catholic Church on Willow Avenue and Fourth Street. Up to the time of its discontinuance, it was the headquarters of the followers of equestrian sports. In politics Mr. Hexamer was an Independent. He never aspired to any public office. In the early sixties he was one of the enthusiastic organizers as well as one of the officers of a mounted volunteer military troop which rendered valuable service to the city of Hoboken during the early riots and other dis- turbances of those days. Mr. Hexamer was not a club man. His only affiliation was with the Masonic order, Hudson Lodge. He attended the German Lutheran Church. On January 18, 1857, he married Miss Anna Peter of Achery, Baden, Germany, and to this union were born two chil- dren, one of whom died in infancy. Mr. Hexa- mer died at his residence in Hoboken on June 1, 1902, and was mourned by a host of friends who remembered him as a loyal citizen, whose natural modesty, affability, and honorable business meth- ods left a lasting impression upon those who had the good fortune of his acquaintance. His son, Alexander Philip, was born in Hoboken on Octo ber 29, 1857, and has taken up the reins where his father left them and to-day is conducting the finest and best equipped riding academy in Hobo- ken. He possesses many of his father's admira- ble qualities, and is one of Hoboken's best citi- zens, taking an active interest in city affairs. He is a director of the Trust Company of New Jer- sey, People's Savings Deposit and Trust Company, Bergen Lafayette Trust Company, Colonial Life Insurance Company of America, Hudson County Gas Company and belongs to the German Club of Hoboken and the German Riding Club of Hoboken. SAMUEL STRASBOURGER, lawyer, was born in New York City on May 2^, 1867, and received his education in the public schools and the College of the City of New York. He studied law at the University of New York and received the degree of L.L.B. After being admitted to the bar, he engaged in the practise of his pro- fession in New York. Mr. Strasbourger has taken a warm interest in public affairs and served as tax commissioner under Mayors Low and Mc- Clellan. He was first vice-president of the New York Republican County Committee from 1904 to 1905, and a member of the Republican State Committee. Mr. Strasbourger is a member of the Republican Club, the Bar Associations of New York City and the state of New York ; trustee of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and the Sydenham Hospital, a thirty-second degree Mason and mem- ber of many other social and benevolent organiza- tions. In 1903 he married Miss May Blanche Gayner and has two children. ADOLPH W. ENGLER, merchant, was born at Braunschweig, Germany, on September 23, 1824, and received his education in the Real- Gymnasium of his native city. After his gradua- tion, Mr. Engler engaged in commercial pursuits and came to America at the age of twenty-six years, settling at Baltimore and connecting him- 224 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS self with the leaf tobacco trade On July i, 1863, iinded a branch house of the Baltimore firm of F. L. Brauns & Co., in New York City, under the name of Kremelberg & Co., which, under his management, soon became one of the leading ex porting houses of leaf tobacco. Mr. Engler 1- an independent Democrat in politics and was for twenty-eight years trustee and secretary of the English Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity, of which he is still a member. He also has the dis- tinction of being one of the oldest living members of the Deutsche Verein, Chamber of Commerce and .\\\v York Produce Exchange. Mr. Engler ha- been married twice: in November, [858, to Miss Julia E. Spilckei, who died in March. 1873, and in April, 1S75. to Miss Elizabeth F. Brauns. who died in November, 1906, both of Baltimore. Six children were horn to him: William S., Adolph, Jr.. Henry R.. Ferdinand B., Minna F., married to J. W. Lieh. Jr., ami Julia E. JOHN GEORGE GRILL, merchant, was horn at Hanau on the Main on September 24, 1865. He received a superior education at the Gymnasium of his native city and the Hoffmann Institute at Si Goarshausen. After graduation Mr. Grill ;hool and served as one year's volunteer in the Ninety-seventh Regiment of Infantry from 1884 to 1885. He then engaged in business in France and Spain but was sent by his Paris house to America in 1888 and was successful from the start. Full of energy and of genial disposition, ssing the gifl of making friends quickly and endowed with decided business ability. Mr. Grill seemed to be cut out for the profession he se- lected, that of writing insurance in all its branches. ined 11. 1\ Poggenburg & Co., one of the • and best known firms in this line, and was admitt rtnership after a few years. In addition, he is treasurer of the firm of 11. S L< clercq «!v Co., manufacturers of and dealers in pa Mr. Grill is widely known and a memb many clubs and societies, anion- them the New York Athletic Club, German Liederkran/. Arion. Melrose. Turn Verein, Masonic Club, German Hospital Association, German Society and Fritz im. 1 le i- a Mason of Kane Lodge No. 4:4 He was married on January jo, [89I, t,, Mis. Louise Poggenburg and has a family of seven children, three DO) and four uirB. Me is a worthy representative of the younger genera- tion of Germans who have come to America and displayed the same splendid qualities which made their forerunners such valuable citizens of the Union, though more practical and with a firmer w;rasp of the realities of life, and he bids fair to he a power in the community before many years have gone. In politics Mr. Grill is an in- dependent 1 )emocrat. JOHN P. WTNDOLPH was born in Prussia on June 30. 1S44, and educated in the public schools. After learning the trade of a gilder, he came to America at the age of sixteen years. In New York he soon found work at his trade and completed his education in the evening schools. In [861, when hardly seventeen years old, he enlisted in the Seventh New York Volunteers, Company D, and served until mustered out in 1863. During this lime he was continually at the front and took part in many engagements, notably in Virginia and in the "Seven Days' Battle" under Colonel George von Schack. After his term of enlist- ment had expired, he reenlisted in the Second New Jersey Cavalry and served until the end of the war in 1865. When mustered out. he returned to New York and worked at his trade on his own account. From 1869 until 1884 he was engaged in the hotel business, operating the Utah House at Twentj fifth Street and Eighth Avenue. He had always taken a lively interest in public af- fairs and politics and gained many friends by his genial disposition and his readiness to help others who needed assistance. His election to the As- sembly in 1884 was the natural outcome of his activity in this direction. He was reelected in [885 but declined a third nomination which was offered to him. In the meantime he had retired from the hotel business and devoted himself to extensive dealings in real estate, in which he has been verj successful. Following the urgenl wishes of his friends, he accepted tlie Republican nomi- nation for alderman for the Fifteenth Districl in [893 and was elected with a plurality of five hun- dred votes in a district which normally giv< Democratic candidate a majority of over twenty- five hundred. In the fall of iSoj he was elected vice-president <>i the Board "i Aldermen and served as such for three years. At the end of his term he was appointed aqueduct commission the city of New York and still holds this ctffice. He has been the Republican leader <>\ the Eleventh Vssembl] Districl for over ten years. Mr. Win- dolph is a member of many clubs and has been active in all of them. Among them are the Re publican Club. West Side Republican Club. Union Republican Club of the Bronx and the Ninth and Fifteenth Assembly I district clubs. He is a di- • of the Arion Society and was for four president of the Heinebund, at the present time serving as vice president. As a Mason, he is a member of Metropolitan Lodge, Washington Chapter and York Commandery, and the Veterans' associations he belongs to are Janus C Rice Post, JOHN REIFE. 225 WILLIAM P. RINI I. II"! I 226 CHARLES F. HOLM. 227 .Toll N REIS1 N U'l BER. 228 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 229 No. 29 G.A.R., and the Veterans' Organization of the Seventh New York Volunteers. Mr. Windolph is also a director of the West Side Bank. If the fact is taken into consideration that John P. Windolph came to America with nothing but the knowledge of a trade and such natural gifts as had been bestowed upon him, and that even his education had to be completed after his arrival and while he was already earning his bread by the work of his hands, the fact that he did achieve success not only as far as the possession of world- ly goods is concerned, but also by securing the es- teem and friendship of all who came in contact with him, and that substantial honors were given to him, easily proves that he belongs among the American citizens of German birth who deserve to be placed in the front rank. He married Miss Eva Appell of New York City and has six chil- dren : August, Arthur, Louisa, Emilie, Emma and Lydia. HERMANN HEGEXER, merchant, was born at Brussels, Belgium, as the son of German par- ents, and received his education in the Gymnasi- um of his birthplace. He engaged in mercantile business and came to New York in 1886, taking charge of the foreign correspondence of a large commission house. Having secured the necessary familiarity with the American market, Mr. Hege- ner decided to make himself independent, and went to Europe to secure agencies for high class goods suitable for export to America. He was successful in obtaining the agency of one of the largest and best known lace houses in Brussels and operated for a time in conjunction with a commission house. In 1896 he started under his own name and has since then carried on the busi- ness of importing real lace and other similar lines with marked success. He spends four or five months of every year in Europe and must be counted among the most noticeable and prominent of the younger generation of German merchants in New York. He was married in January, 1888, to Miss Rosa Hofmann of Leipzig. OTTO GERDAU, merchant, was born at Ham- burg, Germany, in the year 1852. After com- pleting his education at the Johanneum and ser- ving an apprenticeship with a large mercantile firm in his native city, he went, in i8~r, to Lon- don for the well known ivory firm of Heine Ad. Meyer of Hamburg. One year later, in 1872, he decided to come to America and, arriving in New York, he established himself as importer and com- mission merchant under the firm name of Otto Gerdau, which, in 1906, was changed to the Otto Gerdau Co. Mr. Gerdau does not believe in "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," but rather that youth and work should go together and his untiring application to his business is the cause that it is to-day one of the largest in its line. Mr. Gerdau is fond of yachting and a member of the German Verein. In 1894 he mar- ried Miss Clara Ehlermann of St. Louis. JOSEPH FREY, manufacturer, was born at Altdorf in Baden, Germany, on November 6, 1854. He came to America with his parents when a boy and received his education in the parochial and public schools of New York City. After leaving school, Mr. Frey engaged in commercial pursuits and finally established himself as a man- ufacturer of supplies for artificial flowers, in which line he has met with decided success. Be- ing gifted with great musical talent and an un- usually fine voice, he studied singing and became well known as a church singer. He is a member of Mater Dolorosa Parish in Pitt Street, New York City, and has given much of his time and energy to church matters, especially devoting him- self to the interests of German Catholics. Mr. Frey is president of the County Federation of German Catholics, member of the Katholische Saengerbund, of the Catholic Club, the executive boards of the New York State Federation of Catholic Societies and the German Roman-Catho- lic Central Federation of North America, St. Jo- seph's Benevolent Society, Fidelia Singing Soci- ety, Annunciation Council 71 C.B.L., and the German Liederkranz ; also a corporate member of the "Leo Haus" for the protection of German- Catholic emigrants. He is an independent Demo- crat in politics but has never held public office. On October 16, 1883, Mr. Frey married Miss Anna Ziegler of New York City. His oldest son, Dr. Joseph L. Frey, is a graduate of Georgetown University and a practising physician; the other children are Elizabeth, Leander A., Anna M. and Maximilian Herbert Frey. HUGO H. RITTERBUSCH, lawyer, was born in New York City on September 26, 1862, as the son of William Ritterbusch, born at Brunswick, Germany, and his wife, Elise, nee Kohler. who came from Hesse in Germany. Mr. Ritterbusch was educated in Public School No. 58 from which he graduated in 1877; he took the classical course in the College of the City of New York and grad- uated in 1882 with the degree of bachelor of arts. He studied law in Columbia University Law School, graduating in 1887 with the degree of bachelor of laws, and was admitted to the Bar of the state of New York in 1888 and to the United States Courts in 1899. From 1883 until 1888 he 23o SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS was instructor in mathematics at Stevens High School in Hoboken, X.J, and since that time he has been a practising lawyer in the city of New Y<>rk. He i- a Democrat in politics and a member of the genera] committee of Tammany Hall. Mr. rbusch has been a resident of New York City all his life, but passes a few months of every year at his country residence at Central Valley in < '• nty, N.Y., where he indulges in his favorite pastime of outdoor sports, especially fish- ing, for Ik- i- known as an expert fly Fisherman. He ha- taken an active interest in many of the movement- inaugurated for the public welfare, especially for the promotion of German art ami music, ami the preservation of German social ms, a- well as in public demonstrations for tlie general welfare. Mr. Ritterbusch never held public office, hut i- president of the Heinebund Singii - - . an ex president and member of the board of director- of the West Side Mutual Building, Loan and Savin-- Association; secre- tary and counsel for the Central Valley Land Im- provement Co.: member of the Arion Society and veral year- one of it- directors, a member of the Columbia University and College of the i Ww York Alumni Associations, a dele- gate to tli,- United Real Estate Owners' Associ ation, and counsel and director of a number of commercial enterprises. During the great Na- tional Singing Festival in 1894 he served on the hoard of director- and a- chairman of tin- press and printing committee. Mr. Ritterbusch mar- ried Mi-- Annie L. Maack. CARL 1-.MIL SI II Z. merchant and treasurer of the Arabol Manufacturing Company, horn in II. Switzerland, August 20, 1843, obtained lucation at the St. Gall Commercial School, the Academy of Science-. Geneva, Switzerland; the Scl 1 of 1 >r Clayton Palmer Barnet, near London, and the evening courses of the Ecole des Arts Paris. 1 1<- also attended the ! Military School for Artillery Officers at Thun. Switzerland, and was breveted lieutenant illerj in 1863. Vfter having occupied cleri cal positions in prominent business houses in St. Call and Paris, he came to \111erica in [866 In 1870 ' junior partner in the old well and mo ' nan linn, t I I lainhinann & Co., imp- . dry and woolen-, with a branch house at Lyon-, I-'ran. [ the most promi !i and Swiss manufacturers Dambmann ft Co. was the iir-t German import house which, in 1870, took up th' -ah- of ■ unt • f American manufacturer- against cash advances, Mr. taking in one million dollar-" worth of such ac- count- during the absence of the partner, C. 1 Y Dambmann, locked up in Lyons in consequence of the French War when the French manager and clerk- resigned in order to avoid the in-ults of their countrymen for serving a German employer. Mr. Dambmann was safe and unmolested as an American citizen and intimate friend of the Amer- ican Consul-general Osterhaus. To-day domestic goods are said to form the hulk of the business of the big German dry goods importer-. The firm of C. F. Dambmann & C<>. was dissolved in [897 for reasons which would form an interesting chapter of reading in a hook entitled "The Cur e of a Protective Tariff." Mr. Seitz then traveled for several years in this countrj and Europe. Still too young to remain inactive, in [882 he be came a member of the firm of Seitz ft Gould (suc- ors to one of the oldest firms in the china trade. Cary ft Co. I. a- importer- of tea- and ex- porter- of American produce, grain, rosin and petroleum. By the well known Standard < til tac- tic- playing false to almost every hou e distribut- ing their oil in foreign countries, a loss of forty thousand dollar- was sustained in two week-. Such lr--.ni- were too discouraging and finding besides the tea and produce commission business to., spec ulative, unsafe and unpromising, Mr. Seitx with- drew. In [889, with Messrs. Jungbluth and Weingaertner, experienced drug importers, the Arabol Manufacturing Co. wa- formed in order to exploil an invention for making artificial gum arabic, a promising enterprise in view of the Soudan being closed 011 account of the war with the Mahdi. However, dextrine knocked out the head of artificial and natural .mini arahic. Al though expectations in this direction were frus i. principally owing to Mr. Weingaertner's untiring study and energy about two hundred new article- were created ill the lim table glues and adhesives for pasting and sizing silks, cotton-. woolen-, paper, Straw, wall-, etc.. such articles finding a ready sale in Vmerica and many foreign countries Mr. Seitz is a Free Trader and in politic- an Independent, so called Mugwump, \t one time he wa- trustee of the German American School of the Nineteenth Ward and for several years vice-president of the German Hospital M< i- -till a member of the German Liederkranz and ,; 1 Minn Singing Societies, the Metropolitan Mu -.inn of \rt. Yew York Sw 1 - (luh. German Hos pital and Dispensary, Deutsche Gesellschaft, ["o rev Botanical ("luh. National Geographical Soci American Society for the Advancement of Science, Yew York Produce Exchange, Swiss Benevolent Society, Smith Infirmary and Citi 1 'ni. .11. ( >n < ) :t( ibi r 1 1. 1869, Mr. Seitz GUSTAV HAUSER. 231 CARL ORDEMANN. 2.^2 \ OTTO WESSELL. 233 AIM IHK I.. \\ I 5S1 I.I . 234 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 235 married Miss Anna Margaretha Clausen. Four children have been born, viz. : Carl Arthur, now doctor of chemistry; Oscar Roland, now vice- president of the German Liederkranz ; Walther Robert and Ida Carolina. CARL FREDERICK GOEPEL, merchant, was born at Oberlungwitz, Saxony, on February 24, 1845, where he obtained an education at the vil- lage school. In 1865 he came to America, locating in New York City, where he has continued to reside ever since. From 1865 to 1869, however, he served in the United States Regular Army and was stationed most of the time in Texas. Mr. Goepel is a Republican in politics; he has never held any political office, nor has he desired to. He is a prominent member of the Liederkranz German Society. In 1872 he married Miss Clara Heeser, who died in 1879. On August 24, 1879, he married Miss Heeser, sister of his first wife, of New York City. They have nine living chil- dren and one deceased. Mr. Goepel is a man who is popular both in commercial and social walks of life. Mr. Goepel died suddenly on December 5, 1907, and was mourned by a host of friends. JOHN RIEFE, president of the Consumers' Brewing Company of New York, Limited, was born at Gestemiinde, Germany, on September 9, 1846, where he obtained an education in the local schools. At the age of fifteen, he was employed as an apprentice by a merchant, with whom he remained for four years. He then went to Bremen, where he became connected with a dry- goods house, with which he remained for three years. In 1866, Mr. Riefe came to America and settled in New York City. When he arrived in this country, he was unable to speak the English language. He secured a clerkship with a grocery concern and, after several years of hard work and steady application, he saved enough money to embark in business on his own account. He opened a grocery store in Hoboken, N.J., which he conducted for nine years. He then returned to New York and became associated with the Clausen & Price Brewing Company as a collector for that concern. Being possessed of great am- bitions and endowed with a strong force of char- acter, Mr. Riefe was soon promoted to the posi- tion of secretary and treasurer of the company. His knowledge of the brewing process qualified him as an expert in 1890. With the co- operation of Mr. H. H. Hingslage, Mr. Diedrich Knabe, Mr. William P. Rinckhoff and Mr. Henry L. Meyer, Mr. Riefe organized the Consumers' Brewing Company of New York, Limited, and he was then afforded a better oppor- tunity to exercise his talents and develop his ex- ceptional qualities. He was elected vice-presi- dent of the new corporation and, after the death of Mr. Herman Hingslage, the president, in 1900, Mr. Riefe became the executive head of the company and still continues as such. Beginning with a comparatively small plant, the Consumers' Brewing Company of New York, Limited, is to-day one of the largest cooperative brewing concerns of its kind in the United States, and supplies an annual demand of more than 225,000 barrels of beer. Its vast interests are far-reaching and the magnitude of its product marks the company as one of the foremost con- cerns in the brewing industry. One hundred and twenty men are constantly employed by this en- terprising corporation. To the able administration of Mr. Riefe, the company owes much of its great success. Being a man of the old school, whose business principles are the same as those which he employs in his private life, viz., a kind disposition, being rigidly honorable and charitable to a degree, he is held in the highest esteem by all in every walk of life. Mr. Riefe is honorary president of the gigantic Plattdeutsche Volksfest Verein, hon- orary president of the Fritz Reuter Altenheim (Old People's Home), ex-president of Club Vege- sack, ex-president of Amt. Hagener Club, member of the Arion Society, member of the Herman Lodge, F. & A. M., and also member of the Luth- eran Church, as well as being associated with many other German societies. He was united in marriage with Miss Gretchen Horstmann, to whom five daughters and two sons have been born. MAX F. ABBE, president of the Abbe Engi- neering Co., was born at Berlin, Germany, where he received a fairly good education and was em- ployed most of his time in the coal business. In 1886 he came to the United States. In the fol- lowing years of hard struggle he occupied vari- ous positions, took up the study of machinery, especially machinery for grinding and pulverizing purposes. After making several inventions he es- tablished himself in business in 1897 and has made a success of it. Mr. Abbe's numerous inventions are patented all over the world. The machines manufactured by his concern are bought by mine owners, cement works, sugar refineries, chemical works, porcelain works and other different indus- tries and are also used in laboratories. The labo- atories of nearly all the universities and col- leges in the United States adopted machines made by his firm under patents secured by Mr. Abbe, who has thus protected more than thirty of his own inventions. The officers of the Abbe Engi- neering Co. are Max F. Abbe, Lina Abbe and 236 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AM) THEIR DESCENDANTS Paul O. Abbe. A Democrat in politics, Mr. Abbe i- a member of the Arion Society and the Amer- ican Institute of Mining Engineers. He was mar- ried on December .>. 1877, to Miss Lina Bu and lias one son, Paul 0. Abbe, who is engaged in business with his father. WILLIAM P. RINCKHOFF was born at Cuxhaven, Hamburg, Germany, on November 24. 1846, where he obtained an education in the local schools. In [860, at the age of fourteen year-, he came to the United States and settled in New York. He then obtained a position as clerk in a grocery store, at a salary of three dollars per month. He has been actively engaged in busi- ness ever since. In 1868, after several years of hard work and steady application, he had enough money to start a business of his own and opened a grocery store in Harlem. In 1868, he also joined the Fifth Regiment, of the National Guard of the state of New York and rose from a priv- • the rank of captain of Company H of said regiment, but upon his election as captain, for business reasons, he resigned from the National Guard. After continuing in the grocery business for some years, he sold his place in Harlem and ventured into the liquor business, opening a liquor store at Forty-sixth Street and Tenth Avenue and while there he did a prosperous business. [883-87-88-90, he represented the Seventeenth As- sembly District in the city of Xew York in the I of Aldermen, having been elected on the Democratic ticket. While a member of the Board of Aldermen, he was chairman of the Railroad Committee. He was vice chairman of the Democratic Club in hi- district for about twenty five year-, but retired from active politics in [906, ;■■ devote all of his time to business. In lie joined with John Riefe, H. II. Hings- 1 Diedrich Knabe and llcnr> L. Meyer in the organization of the Consumers' Brewing Company of Xew York, Ltd., one of the largest co-oper- ative brewing companies in the country, of which be was el retary, and in 1907 he was elected both secretary and treasurer of said company. In iX*/>, together with F. II. ECastens, I Lang, Louis Struever and Luer Immen, he organized the Artificial [ce Company, of which be was el< "lent. 'I'hi> company has One of the largest ice plants in the City of New York. In [902, together with F. II. Ka tens, I Lang and Julius Rinckhoff, he organized the American Distilled Water Company. In 1900, he wa one of the directors and organizers of The United National Bank Of Xew York City, which bank in was merged into the Hudson Trust Com pane, of which company he is a director and a member of the Executive Committee. Mr. Rinck- hoff resides at 457 West Forty-seventh Street New York City, and he has a beautiful summer In mie at Monsey, Rockland Co., X.Y. He is a member of the Arion Society, Herman Lodge 268, b. Florence (Catherine Budd of Sag Harbor, who, with their four children, occupy a handsome home at 1239 Franklin Avenue, Bronx, New York City. On the first of May, 1005, he was appointed a city magistrate of the city of New York for the First Division. He has served as president of the board <>f city magistrates and ich filled the position with great skill and dignity. As an orator, Mr Wahle has few equals anywhere in t! of New York. SAMUEL THEODOR HERMANN (CARL ENDEMANN, I'h.D, chemist, was born at Ful- da in I lessen, Germany, on April 4, [842, and re Ceived his early education in the College and I'ol\ technical Institute at Kassel, the capital city of Hessen. After graduating he studied at the University of Giessen in t86o and '6i and at Mar- burg from [86i to [864 Successfully passing through the examinations which entitled him to apply for the degree of doctor of philosoph ion as tutor at the Polj technic In stitute at Stuttgart, Wuerttemberg, where he sue ceeded in elaborating hi^ dissertation "Die sauren und neutralen Aether der schwefligen Saure," which brought him his degree as doctor of phil- osopln on April 4, 1806. He found his position at Stuttgart as uncongenial as had been the case with his predecessors, and resigned at the end of the winter term of 1866-67 in order to go to the United States. A few days after his arrival he succeeded in securing the position as private assistant to Professor Charles F. Chandler of the School of Mines. Columbia College, and a similar position with Professor Jay of Columbia College. Two years later he resigned these posi- tions and accepted the place of assistant chemist in the Health Department of the city of New York, where he remained until 1879, when he es- tablished the laboratory for analyses and investi- gations which is still in existence in the lower business portion of New York City. The inves- tigations carried on by Dr. Endemann during the long years of his practise in New York cover a very large field. In the analytical branch of his activity he has examined all kinds of food and drink. He demonstrated beyond a doubt that the self-purification of river waters by direct oxydation of sewage, notwithstanding a general belief therein, is practically non-existent. During the ten years of his service in the health depart- ment he furnished valuable assistance to the coroners of New York and neighboring cities in cas,s of suspected poisoning. Physiological ex- aminations and others relating to the effective- ness of disinfectants and antiseptics were made by him for the city of Xew York and the Federal Government, and he appeared frequently in the pursuance of such cases before legislative com- mittees at Albany and congressional committees at Washington. The largest part of his time was naturally spent in the field of applied chemistry, such as the manufacture of artificial stone, the tanning, bleaching and dyeing of leather, the in- vestigation of and experiments with asphalt, .yum resins, paper and paper stock, drugs, fats and oils, including the refining of them, the preserva- tion of food and in many other directions, the re- sults of which wire published in numerous es- says scattered through about twenty different periodicals. In connection with these investiga- tions upward of fifty patents were obtained which are almost all in the hands of Dr. Endemann's clients lb- also edited and published an Eng- lish edition of "Gerber on Milk," and edited sev- eral of the first volumes of the Journal of the American Chemical Society. To this orgatu/a tion the I" of his life were given, Dr. Endemann serving for many scats as director, member of the committee on papers and publica- tions and as editor. The first practical impulse for the formation of this society was given by WILLIAM SOHMER. 241 l'liil.il' I. SCHMIDT. 242 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 243 him, and with the assistance of Dr. J. Walz, a small number of chemists was interested, but the original plan of forming a small local soci- ety was soon superseded by Professor Charles F. Chandler's idea of forming a national organiza- tion. Calls sent out met with a response suffi- cient to make this possible, though during the first ten years of its existence the society was greatly hindered in its prosperity and efficiency by the opposition of many enemies who only gradually came to see its usefulness and value. Dr. Endemann has frequently appeared in the courts as expert, notably in cases referring to artificial dyes, the manufacture of paper pulp and paper, and the utilization of wastes. He is an original member of the Society of Chemical In- dustry and the American Chemical Society, a member of the German Technological Club of New York, the German Chemical Society of Ber- lin and the Verein Deutscher Chemiker. Dr. Endemann married, on November 27, 1869, Ma- ria Elisabeth, daughter of J. J. Miller, and had seven children, of whom six are living: Eleonora L. Grimes, Hermann K., Gertrude, Fred W., Clara and Elsa. JACOB LANGELOTH, merchant, was born at Mannheim, Germany, where he received his education at the Gymnasium, graduating there- from at the age of sixteen years. Before com- ing to the United States, Mr. Langeloth entered mercantile life at his native place in 1867. In 1873 he went to London, England, where he re- mained until 1881. He then located at Frank- furt-on-Main where he became assistant manager of the Metallgesellschaft. In 1887 he came to America, locating at New York City, where he has continued to reside ever since. After his arrival in New York he established the American Metal Company, limited, an extensive concern of which he is president. Mr. Langeloth is a director of the Corn Exchange Bank, a mem- ber of the German Club, the New York Yacht Club, the Midday Club, the Downtown Club and other organizations. He is intimately connected with copper, lead, spelter, etc., mining and smelt- ing industries in this country, as well as Mex- ico and Canada and among others is president of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. of British Columbia, and vice-presi- dent of the Balbach Smelting & Refining Co. of Newark, N.J. He is widely known as an emi- nently successful business man of exceptional ability. Cultured and refined in his taste, he is universally esteemed for his superior qualities and gifts. Although disinclined to take a lead- ing part in public functions, he must be counted as one of the leading German merchants of New York City, on account of his success as well as his character. LOUIS W. HRABA, manufacturer of fine leather goods, such as wallets, pocket-books, trav- eling bags, tourist outfits, mounted in gold and silver, etc., etc., with offices and salesrooms lo- cated at 29 East Nineteenth Street, New York City, was born at Vienna, Austria, in 1853. At the unusual age of sixteen he graduated from the Gymnasium, a thorough institution of that city. Shortly after his graduation he came to the Uni- ted States. In 1872 he located in Hoboken, N.J., where he at present resides and where he is held in the highest esteem socially, publicly and com- mercially. After arriving in this country, al- though only a boy, he possessed more than the usual grit for one of his years at that time ; he obtained a position with the leather goods firm of Messrs. Enninger & Co., with whom he remain- ed for a short time. After being identified with other houses in a similar line, in 1879 Mr. Hraba embarked in business on his own account and made it a special point to produce the finest leath- er goods on the American soil. He has been successful in his undertaking and has won the name and reputation in the American as well as Vienna, Paris, Berlin and London markets to stand alone without any near approach, as the maker of the finest and most artistic leather goods that human skill can produce. His busi- ness continued to grow rapidly and in order to keep apace with the times, Mr. Hraba removed to his present splendid and commodious quar- ters, No. 29 East Nineteenth Street. Mr. Hraba in 1876 married a Miss Bruetsch, an estimable lady of Hoboken. They reside at No. 623 Bloom- field Street in that city. One of the pleasing features Mr. Hraba possesses is that his success- ful business career has never destroyed his great simplicity. In his social and commercial walks in life he possesses none of those snobbish char- acteristics which so often spoil the successful man of business. AUGUSTUS G. MILLER, contractor and manufacturer, was born at Marktbreit, near Wuerzburg, in Bavaria, on July 14, 1869. He received his early education in the schools of Wuerzburg and attended St. Nicholas Parochial School in New York City for two years, having emigrated to America with his parents when still a boy. Mr. Miller engaged in business when quite young and became the pioneer of the Miller sys- tem of sectional shelving used now by many thousands of commercial and manufacturing con- 244 SUCCESS I-T'L i il.RMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS cerns in the city of New York and beyond its limit-. He lias always taken a very deep inter- esl in public affairs of all kind- and served for seventeen years in the militia. From 1*^89 to 1895 he was a member of the Eighth Regiment, then transferred to the Seventy-first, took his discharge and reenlisted in the Firsl Signal Corps, serving until 1905. During the Spanish- American War he did his duty with his regi- ment at Camp Townsend and was later on trans- ferred to the armory for recruiting service, lie is commodore of the U.S. Volunteer Life Sav- Corps, Districl No. 2, an organization which is indebted to Mr. Miller's indefatigable zeal in its behalf for a large part of its success. His principal work has been in connection with needed improvements in the Bronx where he lives. He is presidenl of the United East Bronx Improvement Associations, an alliance of all the important taxpayer-' associations east of the Bronx River. In this capacity he has figured conspicuously in connection with all improve- ments in the district known a- Chester. Care- fully studying conditions before forming an opinion, his judgment is universally admitted to he impartial and correct, and it may he said, without fear of contradiction, that he has been identified with every public improvement in his section as one of the prime movers. He fathered and accomplished the construction of the two 'runk sewers for Westchester ami Union- port at a cost of $2,500,000, the extension of the subway along Westchester Avenue, the extension of Tremonl Avenue east of the Bronx and many other public work- of great value. In addition, I the fight against the poor service given to his districl by the Union Railway Company and 1 them, with the a of the State Railroad Commission, to furnish larger and more frequent car-. Mr. Miller was married on mber jo. [898, to Miss Clara Lohbauer, daughter of the well known park proprietor of hester. lb- organized the Morris Yacht ('lub, i- a Mason of Harmony Lodge No [99 and belongs to a number of political organiza- tions. In local politics he i- a Democrat but a Republican in national affair-. ANTHONY J. VOLK, -0,1 of Jacob and Rosa Yolk, wa- born at Hoboken on November 21, I [e receh ed I iti( »n in the I [oboken Academy and later in the public schools of his native city. After graduating, he engaged in the undertaking business and soon established himself on his own account, He has been very successful and has taken a lively interest in public affairs. A Republican in politics, he was elected coroner for Hudson County in Novem- ber, [903, by a majority of nearly fifteen hundred \ote- in the ordinarily Democratic city of Hobo- ken, carrying hi- county by almost six thousand Mr. Volk remains true to the traditions of the country where his parents were born, and while a loyal American citizen, is ever ready to lend hi- aid to every movement in the interest of the German-American element. Of genial disposition and fond of social diversions, his friends are very numerous, and his popularity is proven by his success in business as well as poli- tics. He is a member of the German Evangelical Church at Sixth and Garden Streets, Hoboken, Hoboken Board of Trade, the Independent and City and Hoboken Schuetzen Corps, Lyra Sing- ing Society, Turn Verein, Gehxder Freundschafts Bund, secretary and treasurer of the Hudson Consumers Ice Co., the Undertakers' Association of his state and county. Hoboken Lodge 74, Elks, Royal Arcanum, EC & L. of H., EC of II.. D.O.H., a prominent Odd Fellow and a Mason of Hud- son Lodge 71, as well as a member of many other social organizations too numerous to men- tion. Mr. Volk was married in September, 1888, to Miss Annie M. Kaiser and has three children, Florence M. A.. Anthony J. Jr., and Anna M. M. Volk. GEORGH M. HEUMAN, lawyer, was born in New York City on September 21, 1876. He attended Public School Xo. 18 and took the re- cent-' examination in order to study law. While clerk in the law offices of E. 1'.. & W. .1. Amend lie took a course of one year at Columbia Uni- versity and continued his studies in the Xew York I. aw School, receiving the Academic Di- ploma from the University of the State of New York. He wa- admitted to the P.ar in 1000 and i- now in general practise ai 290 Broadway. Mr. Heuman 1- verj fond of music. Me began studying the piano at the age of seven and later devoted himself to the organ, this instrument appealing to him especially. Me studied for some time under S. Austen Pearce, formerly organist of St. Paul's Church in London. England, and was organist and choirmaster of St. Ann's and St. Matthew'- churches in Brooklyn. Me i- a mem- ber of the Catholic Church and finds hi- social recreation in the Arion Club. On November 16, 1904, he married Mi-- Veronica D. Burgart. BENNO LEWINSON, lawyer, wa- born at Buk, Germany, on September 27, 1854, and re- I hi- preparatory education in the Louisen- stadtische Gymnasium in Berlin. In [866 he came to America, entered tin' College of the City 245 JULIUS STRAUSS. 24'. SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 247 of New York and received the degree of M.S. after graduating with the class of '73 ; and in 1877 the degree of LL.B. from the law school of Columbia University. He has been a resident of New York City since his arrival in this coun- try and practised his profession since finishing his studies. He is a Democrat in politics, a trustee of the College of the City of New York, trustee of the New York Law Institute, one of the "Judaeans," president of the Columbia Club, a director of Temple Beth-El Club, a veteran in the German Liederkranz, a member of the Phi Beta Kappa and of many other organizations. He married on October 6, 1881, Miss Fanny Ber- liner and has four daughters. BENJAMIN L. BRANDNER, lawyer, was born in New York City on August 13, 1868, the son of German parents. He received his educa- tion in Public School No. 35 and studied law in Columbia University. Being admitted to the Bar, Mr. Brandner engaged in the general prac- tise of his profession and met with immediate success. He is widely and favorably known for his social qualities as well as on account of the position he has made for himself as a lawyer. Though born in America, he may justly be called a German-American in the best sense of the word, because he is a worthy representative of that element which appreciates fully all that is good and valuable in the German character, and is anxious to preserve these traits as long as possible in order to strengthen their influence upon the character of the American people. In politics Mr. Brandner is a Democrat, and he is a member of the Arion Society, Tammany Hall and the Anawanda Club. OTTO KEMPNER was born in Austria July 5, 1858, and came to America with his parents in 1867. He was educated in the public schools and the Cooper Institute. At first he taught school and in 1884 he was made principal of the Freie Deutsche Schule, a school which was founded in New York City by the German revo- lutionists of 1848. Mr. Kempner did not remain long at the profession of teacher and was ad- mitted to the Bar after a course of legal study at the New York University. When scarcely six- teen years old, Mr. Kempner manifested his in- terest in public questions by appearing as a speaker in the presidential campaign of 1876. Following the example of Carl Schurz, he advo- cated the election of the Democratic presidential candidate, Samuel J. Tilden. He took an active interest in politics since that memorable cam- paign. In 1892 Mr. Kempner was elected to the State Legislature from the Tenth District of New York City, which was then inhabited al- most exclusively by Germans. He sprang into prominence at one bound at the very opening of the legislative session by a vigorous attack on the prevailing boss system in the Democratic party of the state of New York. The occasion for his speech was the attempt of the bosses to dic- tate the election of Edward Murphy, Jr., to the United States Senate over the opposition of President-elect Grover Cleveland. That first ad- dress won for Mr. Kempner a wide reputation for independence and oratorical ability. During the remainder of the session Mr. Kempner main- tained a bitter fight against the debasing condi- tions existing in the Democratic party of New York. The forces of Tammany Hall were all arrayed against his reelection, and defeated him in 1893, but the following year he again entered the field for the Assembly and was successfully elected. He made a splendid record during his second term. Mr. Kempner soon became known as a leader among those German-Americans who stood for good government and were opposed to Tammany misrule. In 1893 he published his pamphlet on the "Life of Boss Croker," the notorious Tammany chieftain, which book con- tributed largely to Croker's overthrow. In 1894 the Committee of Seventy nominated Mr. Kemp- ner for sheriff of New York on the Fusion ticket, but he declined to accept the honor. In 1900 he was made commissioner of public works of Brooklyn by Borough President Swanstrom and made a successful administrator. Mr. Kempner married in 1883 and has three children. His two sons are graduates of Harvard College, the elder of whom, Clarence Kempner, is likewise a lawyer. FRANK H. CORDTS, president of the Frank Cordts Furniture Co., the largest retail establishment of its kind in Hoboken, N.J., was born at Schulau, Holstein, Germany, December 20, 1863. He obtained his education in the Biir- gerschule of his native city. His father being a seafaring man, young Cordts had an early long- ing for travel on the ocean blue. After a year of service in the employ of the Hamburg-American Line, he was honorably discharged at the New York office of the company. About twenty-seven years ago he landed in Hoboken. He immediate- ly procured employment in a grocery store where he attended strictly to his duties. Deciding to go in business for himself, he next started a bread route. Some six months later an oppor- tunity offered itself and Mr. Cordts became the proprietor of a small furniture store at old No. 248 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 76 Washington Street, and through constant at- tention, increased trade to such an extent that a few years later he erected the building at in ington Street, a store and four floors, which he occupied solely for the sale of furniture ami floor coverings. Prosperity continued and eleven years ago the magnificent emporium at the cor- ner of Second and Washington Streets was erect- ed, a large six story structure. It is to-day the most modern, as well as the largest house of its kind .m the Hoboken side of the Hudson River and stands as a monument of honest and straightforward dealings. On May 25, 1000, the Frank Cordts Furniture Co. was incorporated under the laws of the state of New Jersey with a paid-up capital of $100,000. Mr. Frank H. Cordts is president of the company and Mr. Adolph F. W. Matthiessen, born at Oldesloe, Holstein, Germany, April 13, 1869, is secretary of the concern. Trade of the Cordts Company is not confined to Xew Jersey alone; almost daily the wagons of the company travel the full length of Manhattan Island and Brooklyn. At the age of twenty-one Mr. Cordts married Miss Kate Schmitt ; four children, viz.: Adam, the oldest son, \vh<> died recently; Frank, Jr., Fva and Henry, blessed the union. Mr. Cordts has been a member of the German Evangelical Church of Sixth and Garden Streets for over twenty-five He was made a deacon some twenty years ago and is acting in that capacity to-day. Being a man fond of society he is a member of Hudson Lodge X". 71, F. & A.M.; Hoboken Lodge of Elks, No. 74: Royal Arcanum, No. 99; K. of P., Garfield Lodge, X". -7: Plattdeutscher Volksfesl in of Xew York, Board of Directors Fritz •• Altenheim Gesellschaf t ; New York Schuetzen Corps; Hoboken Independent Schuet- zen Corps and other organizations. IK- is very fond 1 . horseback riding being his special hobby. He has been a member of the Germania Killing Chih of Hoboken fur many years and at the pre erri time K president of the club. Be- ing congenial and affable in his manners and pos- sessing strict business principles, has made Mr. Cordts many friends as well as the foremost mer- chant of Hoboken. M.- is a self-made man in the truest sense of the word HERMANN KOCH was born in beautiful Thuringia, Germany, in l86l, as the son of the prosperous farmer, Friedrich Koch, and his wife, Sophie. He received his first education at the public '-chool of his home village, Obersdorf, and then attended a secondary school (Mittel- schule) at Sangerhausen. At the age of fi he entered a preparatory school and in [882 he graduated from the Royal Teachers' Seminary of the old city of Eisleben. After teaching school for a while Mr. Koch went out in search of a broader field for his activities — to the United Siahs — and settled in Xew York City in 1884. He chose the business career and by energetical study of the English language and by close at- tention to business he soon worked his way up; for a number of years he was manager of a wholesale importing house. In the meanwhile Hermann Koch had chosen Long Island City, in the l'.orough of Queens, Xew York City, as the place of his abode. Since 1905 Mr. Koch has been established in the real estate and insurance business, with offices at Xo. 507 Broadway, Long Island City. His close study of conditions of the realty market and his thorough knowledge of values in Queens have given Mr. Koch the repu- tation of one of the most successful appraisers of real estate in Queens, whose advice is eagerly sought by investors in that section of the Greater City; his strict honesty and unswerving integrity have secured for him the confidence of a rap- idly growing clientage. While Hermann Koch has shown profound interest in the promotion of the German language, German song and German social ideals in this land of his adoption, he has at all times impressed his German friends with the utmost necessity of accpiiring the English language and becoming good and useful Amer- ican citizens. Although Mr. Koch cherishes a warm spot in his heart for the "Vaterland," and although he expresses his affection for his old love on proper occasions, yet he is an ardent ad- mirer of the democratic institutions of this country and he hails his great "Landsmann" Carl Schurz, as a model American citizen. Hermann Koch was instrumental in organizing the United German Singing Societies of Long Island City in 1899; he was their president for five years and he has been one of the directors of the "Nord ( Istliche Sangerbund" ever since his home or- ganization became a member of this great and influential "Bund." As speaker of the Long Island City Turn Verein, he has been very active in the cause of that branch of athletics which is so dear to the German heart) his earnest endeav- or to interest young Americans in these scien- tific physical exercises has been successful. But Nermann Koch has not only been an important factor in German- American life in Queens, he has also been recognized as one of Queens Coun- ty's most public spirited citizens; always mani- festing a (hep interest in the advancement and welfare of the community, the progress of pub- lic improvement and the rapid development of that borough. As a member of local school ALBERT E. KLEINERT. 249 JOHN GEORGE GRILL. 250 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 251 board, District No. 42, for two years, Mr. Koch will be remembered for his undying efforts to secure proper recognition for the needs and wants of the public school system of Queens. The erection of a number of new school buildings in Long Island City is traced back to his initia- tive and energetical work. A Democrat in po- litical faith, his unswerving integrity was so highly appreciated by his fellow townspeople that he was nominated and elected alderman of the Sixty-seventh District in 1903 by a very large majority. His record in that office is a credit to himself and to his party; he was a true repre- sentative of all the people, he was progressive and always stood for the best interests of all his constituents, irrespective of party. With his extensive commercial pursuits and his deep in- terest in public affairs, he is strictly a home-man and devotes all of his spare time to the comfort and advancement of his family. His happy union with Emma Herrmann has been blessed with two sons. Heinrich, the oldest son, is about to take up the study of law at Cornell University; Alfred, thirteen years of age, is a pupil of one of the public schools of Long Island City. Mr. Koch is a member of Advance Lodge, F. & A. M. ; Enterprise Lodge, No. 228, K. of P. ; Long Island City Lodge, I.O.O.F. ; Sunswick Council, Royal Arcanum ; Queensborough Lodge, No. 878, B.P.O. Elks, also of a number of social and political organizations. GUSTAV HAUSER, manufacturer, was born in Vienna, Austria, on June 2, 1843, and edu- cated in the public schools of his native city. After leaving school, Mr. Hauser engaged in the hotel business and was assistant manager or manager of several of the largest hotels in Ger- many, among them Meisels Hotel in Vienna, Caspers Hotel in Bremen, Streits Hotel in Ham- burg and Gumprechts Wholesale Hungarian Wine House in Hanover. He came to America in 1870 and entered the cigar business, starting in 1872 the well known and still flourishing Phenix Cigar Factory at Hoboken. His activity and his genial disposition won him a host of friends and brought not only success to his en- terprise but also made him one of the most pop- ular Germans of Hoboken. He took an active interest in public affairs and was appointed cat- tle inspector under President Cleveland's admin- istration, which office he held from 1892 until 1896. Mayor Stanton appointed him fire com- missioner of the city of Hoboken, in which ca- pacity he served with distinction from 1892 to 1897. In 1901 he was a member of the com- mittee of fifteen appointed to receive the first vessel of the German Lloyd that reached Ho- boken after the great fire of 1900 had destroyed the docks. Mr. Hauser went aboard the steamer in the lower bay and was warmly welcomed and entertained by the captain, escorting the ship until she reached her dock. In recognition of the courtesies extended, the Committee of Fif- teen gave a reception in honor of the captain and the officers of the ship at Meyers Hotel, which was largely attended. He is a member of the Hoboken Board of Trade and the Lyra Sing- ing Society and a Mason of Hoboken Lodge No. 35. On November 30, 1871, Mr. Hauser was married to Miss Marie Segger of Konigslutter in Braunschweig, Germany. He had six children, four sons who are employed in his cigar factory and two daughters who are teachers in the Ho- boken public schools. Mr. Hauser is one of the most public-spirited citizens in Hoboken. He is always ready to give substantial assistance to every movement that has a tendency to promote public welfare. Once his word is pledged it re- mains inviolate. HENRY L. SCHMIDT, manufacturer, was born at Burg on the German island of Fehmarn in 1857. He received a thorough education in the schools of the city of Pinneburg in Holstein and entered the employ of a firm of manufac- turing druggists at Altoona in 1872 as office boy. His good qualities were fully appreciated and he rose rapidly until he filled an important position of trust. With this firm he remained until 1880 and in 1882 emigrated to America, settling in Hoboken, where he has resided ever since. Al- most immediately he secured a position with Charles Cooper & Co., manufacturers of chemi- cals at Newark, and the first firm in America to manufacture liquid carbonic acid gas for com- mercial purposes. Here he remained for ten years as confidential man. On April I, 1892, Mr. Schmidt associated himself with Carl Puck, a manufacturer of mineral water at 114 Hudson Street, Hoboken, and remained a member of the firm of Carl Puck & Co. until 1896, when he bought the interest of his partner and from then on carried on the business alone. Besides man- ufacturing mineral water, he deals in beer and ale drawing outfits and supplies and in liquid car- bonic acid gas. His trade grew so rapidly that the new factory which he had built at 114 Hud- son Street became too small and in 1899 he re- moved to the premises at 510 and 512 Fourth Street which he had purchased and fitted up as a modern bottling establishment, said to be the most spacious and best appointed factory of its kind in the state of New Jersey. He has taken a great 252 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS interest in all questions concerning his trade and : icted treasurer of the Hudson County Bot- tler-* Protective Association in 1892, which posi- tion he still hold-. In [898 he was elected treas- urer of the American Bottlers' Protective Asso ciation. He has held this office since then with- out interruption, being reelected at ever) national convention of the association, a convincing proof of the high regard in which he is held by the representatives of his trade. In addition he is a member of the executive committee of th< sociation, president of the Beer Pump Jobbers' Association of Greater New York and director of the American Bottler-' Publishing Co. In 1900 Mr. Schmidt was offered the nomination as water commissioner of the city of Hoboken and elected by a large majority. When his term ex- pired in 1905 he was renominated and again elected. He ha- been pre-ideiit of the board of water commissioners tor four consecutive term-. On October 31, 1885, he married Mi-- Johanna C. Pausl of Hoboken, who ha- given him live chil- dren, one -on and four daughter-. Mrs. Schmidt ha-, with her husband, attended every bottler-' convention for the past ten years. He occupies an enviable position as a business man and a pub- lic-spirited citizen on account of his integrity and hi- readiness to work for the public good, a- well a- in social circle-, where he is known a- a genial companion and a patriotic American who ha- not forgotten the love for the country of his birth: in short, a model German-American. He belongs to many societies, among them the Ho- Quartette Club and the I'm/ Renter Alien heim Association, to Advance Lodge 24 "t Ancient United Order of Workmen, B.P.O.E. :. Herman Lodge 268 New York, and Hudson Countj Court, 334-'. I.O.O.F. OTTO WESSELL, manufacturer, wa- born at Bramstedt, Holstein, Germany, in 1845- When he wa- two years old hi- parent- emigrated to America ami settled in Chicago. In [850 they returned to Germany with him and remained there for three years, when they again crossed the Atlantic and settled in New York City \- soon a- young Otto wa- obi enough, In- wa- ap- prenticed to Mr. Lander-, a cabinet-maker in Clark Street, but after a short while learned the piano trade ami became an employee in the tic tory of Steinway & Son-. Here hi- exceptional -kill a- an artisan, hi- quick perception and un faltering devotion to hi- duties soon attracted the attention of his employer- and he rose rapidly to a position of tm-t and importance. Bu1 Mr. Wessell wa- too ambition- to remain long an em- ployee and -0011 started with two friends the firm of Wessell, Nickel & Gross, manufacturers of piano action-. They began on a very modest scale, hut with the firm determination to produce only the highest grade of good- and thereby se- cure a reputation for -uperior work. This policy ha- been kept up to the present day and formed the foundation for the great and rapid success of tin- enterprise. Each member of the firm contrib- uted his part to the success. Mr. Wessell had entire and absolute charge of the business de- partment and the finances. Mr. Wessell often took delight, in later years, to tell his friends how in those early days he personally delivered the actions to their customers, and what a great day it was when they engaged their first porter and how later on a horse and wagon were bought and new machinery installed. In this connec- tion it tnusl be pointed out that the firm has nev- er hesitated to introduce the latest and most im- proved machinery whenever it appeared advis- able in order to improve or enlarge the produc- tion. A- the firm grew in importance, the time and attention of Mr. Wessell were more and more devoted to visits to customers in the leading cities of the country. The business of the firm continued to grow until its products were known everywhere. Convincing proof of the keen in- sight into the future possessed by the partners i- furnished by the fact that they foresaw the future popularity of the upright piano a- early as 1875, when the firm issued a circular to the trade of which they ever afterward were justly proud, and which contained the following line-: "We beg to inform our customers in the trade that we are now. and have been since 1^74- en- gaged in making grand repetition and upright piano actions. As was predicted, the demand for the uprighl piano has had a steady increase and it will lie the popular instrument in America, a- it is and has been in Europe for many years." There is no question that the firm gave a great impetus to the introduction of upright piano- hy making actions of the best quality and continually pushing them forward. Mr. Wessell wa- an in- defatigable worker and hi- ambition to be always in the bad did not allow him to take much rest, hut hi- effort- were crowned with since--, for he reached high rank in his field and the boy who had begun life with not much more than his 11. .n determination to arrive at the top. became a large manufacturer, esteemed by everybody with whom he came in contact and looked up to by thousands. Hi- friends included men in all con dit ion- of rank in the musical industries and in business, commercial and financial circle-, ami hi- strength of character a- well a- his pro- nounced individuality, attracted recognition and JOSEPH FREY. 253 HERMAN I.. TIMKEN. 254 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 255 compelled admiration. He died on May 25, 1899, at his residence in New York City and left a widow and two sons, Arthur, who is a practising lawyer of prominence, and Fernando, who, dur- ing the life of his father, received a thorough training in the factories of the firm and studied the science of making piano actions in every de- tail. He is now in charge of the plant and the business of the firm is still continuing on the upward grade. ARTHUR L. WESSELL, secretary of the house of Wessell, Nickel & Gross, was born at New York City January 7, 1875. He was care- fully educated at the public schools, Columbia Grammar School, Columbia College and the New York Law School. In 1899 he was admitted to the Bar, but has never followed the legal pro- fession for a livelihood, preferring to devote his entire attention to the business of the extensive corporation with which he is connected. Mr. Wessell is a Republican in politics, but has never taken an active part in matters appertaining thereto, other than exercising his right of fran- chise. He is a member of the New York Ath- letic Club, the West Side Republican Club, Ger- man Liederkranz and Columbia University Club. On September 25, 1905, he married Miss Edith Richards, to whom two children have been born, Benjamin and Edith. Mr. Wessell is a fine type of young America. He possesses a keen and ana- lytical mind and his work has proven of marked value to the company of which he is the secretary. FERNANDO A. WESSELL, treasurer of the Wessell, Nickel & Gross Company, is a native of New York City, having been born in this city January 5, 1877. His education was obtained at the public schools. After leaving school he im- mediately connected himself with the piano forte action house of Wessell, Nickel & Gross and rapidly rose to the position he now holds. He is a member of the crack Seventh Regiment, N.GS. N.Y., of the German Liederkranz and New York Athletic Club. Politically, he is a Republican, but has never held any public office. He mar- ried Miss Elsie Cavalli on September 17, 1899, to whom one child has been born, Fernando Ar- thur. Mr. Wessell has inherited that genius which has made the name so famous in the piano action industry and is devoted to his work for the development of the house with which he is so prominently connected, lie possesses a ster ling character and has made a strong impress on the trade. SAMUEL WEIL, manufacturer, was born at Emmendingen in Baden, Germany, on April 24, 1846. He was educated in the schools of his birthplace and came to America when only fifteen years old. Here he began in the way which has led so many able, ambitious and energetic men to success, making full use of the opportunities offered by American institutions. Systematically and persistently, though slowly at first, he forged ahead, until he was in the position to establish himself as a manufacturer of paste and sizing, building up a large and lucrative business and making for himself a reputation as an enterpris- ing business man of sterling integrity. With larger means at his command and a surprisingly large fund of energy, he branched out and be- came interested in financial enterprises and real estate operations. By this time his standing in the community had become such that his advice and help were eagerly sought by many and posi- tions of honor were offered to him which he will- ingly accepted, discharging his duties in a way calculated to still increase the esteem of his friends and fellow-citizens. He was president of the Temple Israel and is a director of the United Hebrew Charities, the Chatham National Bank, the Coal and Iron National Bank, the Mount Vernon Trust Co., the United Shoe Machinery Co. ; vice-president of the Hudson Realty Co., the Lexington Realty Co. and the Vinyah Park Realty Co. In a few decades the boy who landed in America with little more than the firm purpose to succeed and the strength that a good educa- tion, a splendid character and an iron determina- tion furnish, had become an influential citizen whose readiness to assist whenever called upon has brought him a host of friends and admirers. Mr. Weil was married on May 23, 1875, to Miss Ray Schulhofer and has three daughters and one son. JOHN MOSER of Brooklyn, N.Y., president of the Frank Brewing Company of Evergreen, L.I., is a member of the Brooklyn Arion Soci- ety, the Hanover and Hamilton clubs, a director of the Broadway Bank, the German Savings Bank and the Academy of Music (Brooklyn, N.Y.). AUGUST P. WAGENER.— There is not a member of the Bar who could more justly at> tribute his success to his own unaided efforts than can August P. Wagener of 51 Chambers Street, New York City. His career has been eventful, prosperous and remarkably successful. Through his energy, industry and zeal he has risen to the foremost ranks of the Bar of New York City. His fame has been heralded abroad through this and other countries by the extraordi- 256 SUCCESSFUL GERM AN- AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS nary attention that lias been paid in the New York dailies to some of his many remarkable The literal story of how Mr. Wagener made his waj would form not only the basis of a novel but the hook itself. It could not fail to stimulate any reader capable of conceiving ambi- tion, to courageous, persevering, determined ac- tion. August P. Wagener was horn in Germany April 7. [850, of German parentage and of a good family. An inheritance of $100,000 from randfather in Prussia, that he should have shared, was. misspent by another and at the age of eleven years he determined to take care of himself and left home. In [862 he came to New York, a; the aye of fifteen he enlisted in the old Twelfth Regiment Infantry, United States Regulars, where he served nine months, heing a stanch Republican and anxious to fight for the Union. After the war he managed the business of an importer of musical instruments, and event- ually, about the year [868, began the stud) of law and was admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of New York at the December term of the year 1870, since which time he has been in active practise in this city, a period Of over thirty-six years. In preparing himself and his studies, he became temporarily blind studying with night classes at Cooper Union Institute. His affliction retarded his course, but could not alter his purpose. His practise has covered all cases imaginable, criminal as well as civil. Mis experience as a lawyer bordered on the marvelous and the history of his thirty-sixjrears Of practise would fill volumes. Ill [887 he created a wide spread sensation by proving that men and women were illegally held in the insane asylums; he liberated about fort) alleged insane pet-sons. Most (if these were without money, aid all they could pay were their humble thanks; he returned fathers to their children, husbands to their wives and v their husbands and children, many sad scenes, tears, anguish and agonj did he wil and the expense of manj of tins,, cases he paid out of hi- own pocket. The whole press of New York came to his a and highly com- mended him for his charitable acts ami deeds. In persons gave him a public serenade and presented him with a lution, the stand of which was made by one of the released alleged insane men who had been ned "ii Ward's Island for seventeen years, and who, on being released, found his wife and siitne of his children dead and buried, hut still found several of them alive. This stand and set solutions is held in high esteem b) him. As a lav. lubs and 1< idges, he is considered "in- "f the very best, having hundreds of cases in which he created either new law or raised novel and unique questions; he is not only considered an expert in this line of busi- ness, hut has assisted many a widow to get her dues and also has pushed many associations out df existence that were not on a safe footing. During the year 1S7S he defended forty-three different men. at different times, in the Criminal Branch of the United States Circuit Court, New York, before juries, and succeeded in having forty men, charged with counterfeiting or pass- ing counterfeit money, acquitted of the other three: inie was pardoned, "lie served six months and one two years. A remarkable case tried by him was the case brought by the Countess Ma- rie de Pruschoff, the wife of a Russian Prince, to recover a painting by Murillo, known as "The Flagellation of Christ." valued at one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, which she had brought to this country from Paris, where she had been the sensation of her time. This pic- ture had been taken from a Spanish Convent when the French occupied Spain, and it had come into the hands of the Countess in Paris. This case created wide spread sensation. In the year [882 he brought a writ of habeas corpus on be- half of Savillar Downing to recover her child; Mrs. Downing claiming that she had, as she sup- posed, buried her child, hut years afterwards dis- covered and claimed a child known as Carlo Wilson as her own and disinterring the buried child, discovered that it was not her own but a different and older child. The entire press of the country had for many months reported this ease and were occupied by it. The cases against a number of usurers who charged two hundred to three hundred per cent on loans on furniture to poor people were another sensation, he win- ning over three hundred of these cases for the poor victims "t" Shylock money lenders on chattel mortgages, which were declared illegal by the COUrtS ami most of the usurers he drove out "t the business. Idle habeas corpus case of (.'aid Werner, whom he had broughl from Sing Sine ■ Prison to this city, and in which he ex- posed to the public the cruelty practised "ii pris^ Oners in the prison, viz.: the dark cell, hanging up of prisoners in handcuffs, flogging and de priving them of eating, etc. In the Congressional investigation of [888 in this city he exposed the contract system of bringing musicians to America under contract 1" play in street hands and t" he relumed I" Germany at the end of contract and the bringing over of criminals; as a result laws have been enacted prohibiting their being im- ported, lie also represented the New York City • hands, so imported, before the Board of SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 259 Aldermen investigation and succeeded in having ordinances passed prohibiting the playing of bands in the streets of New York. An- other sensation was created at the time that the Chicago anarchists, who were to be hung for the killing of the police at the Hay Market in Chicago, 111., when he produced the confession of a firebug then in State's Prison at Sing Sing, claiming that a person not arrested or con- victed had thrown the bomb ; that the men con- victed were innocent. The entire press of the United States backed up this sensation and were kept busy by it for weeks after that. In 1886 he was the Republican candidate for Congress in the Ninth Congressional District in New York, running against S. S. Cox (Sunset Cox), and al- though only four days in the field was only de- feated by a very small majority. As a soldier, in addition to being a private in the Twelfth Regiment Regulars, as aforesaid, he served in the old Fifth Regiment as a private, in the Fifty- fifth Regiment as a lieutenant, and in the Elev- enth Regiment, National Guards of the state of New York, as adjutant. The New York press has at different times given his cases unlimited space, the Herald giving the Downing case a page; on other cases the Sun bestowed a page and the Commercial Advertiser bestowed a page at the time of its special number in describing this career worthy to be copied ; the New York Journal long afterwards gave a whole front page to the Chicago anarchistic matter. JOHN BORKEL.— Of the many men that have settled on the hospitable shores of this great and free country, few have achieved success and distinction in the same amount of time in his line of business, as a metal worker, as Mr. John Bor- kel, whose place of business is located on the corner of Houston and Mulberry Streets in this city. After receiving his education in Germany he sailed for this country, way back in the '50s, arriving here laden with ambition and a determi- nation to succeed; to-day he can boast of being very comfortable, and can proudly point to a record of honesty, integrity and usefulness. Mr. Borkel was born February 14, 1844, in the beau- tiful city of Alzey, Germany, and was educated at the Gymnasium, from which he graduated in 1858. On his arrival here, during the same year, Mr. Borkel engaged as a metal worker in the large shipyards and right after the war, when ship-building ceased in New York, he turned his attention to making metal cornices. As such he became foreman for Messrs. Connelly & Wil- son at No. 46 Rose Street, this being one of the most prominent firms in that line in those days. In 1868 he succeeded the above firm, hav- ing worked his way up to the highest position on account of his ability, an achievement that any man might be proud of on account of the high standing of the firm. From the time he became the possessor of the firm's cornice works he great- ly improved the mode of manufacturing cornice and other ornamental work, and introduced prin- cipally copper for ornamentation of first-class res- idences, warehouses and churches. The copper and bronze work on the Vanderbilt buildings, Fif- ty-first Street and Fifth Avenue and Fifty- fourth Street and Fifth Avenue, the large mer- cantile buildings corner Waverly Place and Broadway, and Nineteenth Street and Fourth Avenue, also the Germania Bank Buildings are a few of the places in this large city that contain samples of his original designs in copper work. His good work became known and talked about all over the country, and to-day the John Bor- kel concern is one of the best known in the trade. And the concern that was started in a modest way in 1835, stands out alone for its good work and straightforward business methods. The Lor- illard estate and the Horace S. Ely estate, and many of the large trust companies are a few of the names he carries on his books and whose work he has done for the past thirty-nine years. In politics Mr. Borkel has always been a stanch Republican. He was president of the town com- mittee at Rutherford, N.J., for two years. He is a member of Neptune Lodge No. 317, F. & A.M. ; a member of the Arion and Beethoven Singing Societies ; a director of St. George Me- chanical School and of the Mechanics and Tradesmen's Association. He has served on many committees of various organizations. Mr. Borkel has two children, George and Elizabeth. He worships with his family at the Lutheran Church. JOHN STENECK, banker, was born at Ham- bergen in the province of Hanover, Germany, on May 24, 1846, and received his education in the town school of his birthplace. He went into busi- ness at an early age and came to America in 1866, settling at Hoboken. Here he established himself as banker and steamship agent as mem- ber of the firm of Meyer & Steneck, and met with decided success. His reputation as a finan- cier of more than ordinary ability, sterling integ- rity and foresightedness grew constantly, and many offers were made to him to take an inter- est in other financial institutions. He is now a director of the First National Bank and the Ho- boken Bank for Savings at Hoboken, N.J. An independent Democrat in politics, he has never 260 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS aspired to public office, although his standing in the community is such that he could easilj cure political preferment. Mr. Steneck is a member of the Lutheran Church, the German Club of Hoboken and a Mason. On August 22, 1876, he was married to Miss Emma Schmittmann and had six children, o£ whom four arc living. BERNARD KARSCH, the well known jeweler of Eighth Avenue, is a New Yorker by birth and was horn in William Street of German parents, October 26, 1843. He was educated in the pub- lic schools of this city and has always resided here. His father, John Karsch, was prominent in German circles for many years and conducted a dry goods business on Eighth Avenue, near Thirty-sixth Street. He was born in Rohrbach, Rhein Pfalz, Germany, February 3, 1816, and em- migrated to America in 1839, landing in Xew York City, where he began his career as a tailor, working hard and saving his earnings until he had accumulated enough capital to start in business for himself. He opened a tailoring es- tablishment on Eighth Avenue, which he con- ducted for >everal years, and then went into the dry goods business, becoming one of the success- ful men in that line of trade. Like the Astors and other early settlers he began to invest in real estate. His first purchase was a lot on Eighth Avenue, near Thirty-sixth Street, for which he paid, in 1849, seventeen hundred dollars, and built a house costing three thousand dollar-. The same property sold two years ago for forty-five thou- sand dollar^, which shows the increase of values in Xew York and the money that has been made in real estate by our early residents. Mr. Karsch a devout Lutheran and was one of the founders of St. Luke's Lutheran Church on Wesl second Street, being also a trustee up to the time of his death, which occurred in Janu- ary, 1890. lie was charitable and kind to all wlio needed assistance and gave liberally of his fortune to the Lutheran Church and orphan asy- lum. I [e v 1 'i the 1 >ld school of sui ful upright merchants who are rapidly passing away. In 1843 be married Miss Barbara Kirsch- mann of Schillerdorf, near Strassburg, Msace. The union was blessed with a family of six tin.- of which died in infancy, the remaining live are all well at present and residing in Xew York. Their names are: Bernard, Edward, John M., Henry and G All these sons became ful business men in Xew York City. The subject of this biographical sketch is a worthy son of a worthy sire. Early in life be entered as an apprentice the obi, well known jewelry house of Hall, Black & Company which was situ ated in those days at the corner of Broadway and Prince Street, where he remained for several years; be completed his apprenticeship watch-maker and later became a journeyman in a Maiden Lane jewelry establishment. In 1869, with the very modest capital of three hundred dollars, he started in the jewelry business on his own account at 635 Eighth Avenue, where he was successful ami where he remained for twenty-five years. Many years ago he bought the property at 641 Eighth Avenue, corner Forty-first Street, intending some day to remove his business there and make the place his future home, which he did in 1894. His establishment is one of the finest retail jewelry houses in Xew York City. Mr. Karsch retired from active business during the year 1007, his two sons becoming his successors. For many years Mr. Karsch has been held in high esteem by his business asso- ciates and has for a long time filled the respon- sible position of treasurer of the Jewelers* Alli- ance and is also a member of the executive board of the Jewelers' League. He is a trustee of the Franklin Savings Hank and is a member of the advisory board of the Corn Exchange Bank (Forty-second Street branch). He is a promi- nent member of the Liederkranz Society, is also a member of Copestone Lodge Xo. 641, F. & A.M. In 1867 he was united in marriage to Mis, Kathrine Albeit of Xew York. The union has been blessed with six children, three of whom are deceased; the living children are Frederick \V. and John H., who have succeeded him in busi- ness, and his only daughter, Susan, who is the wife of J. Louis Schaefer, vice-president and treasurer of the famous house of William R. Grace & Company. Mr. Karsch retires from ac- tive business cues in splendid health and spirits and carries with him the confidence and esteem of his old business associates as well as a large circle of personal friends, both in this country and Europe. I'll 1 1.11' J. SCHMIDT, who represents the Thirty third Districl of Xew York County in the Xew York State Assembly, i~ a s,,n of German parents who came to America in the early fifties. He was born in the city of Xew York in the year [870, where he received his education in the public schools, graduating at the age of fourteen years. He then sought and obtained employment with a mercantile concern, by which he was em- ployed for about three years. In the latter part of [887 he engaged in the general insurance bro- kerage business as a clerk, in which position he remained until August I. t802, when I iploj of William Sohmer in the same line JOHN STENECK. 261 1 - 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 - HEXAMER. 262 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 263 of business and with whom he remained until the end of April, 1899. At this time came the formation of the firm of William Sohmer, Jr., & Co., of which he was made a junior member. Mr. Schmidt has devoted a great deal of study to the social problems of the day and took a great deal of interest in local politics from the time that he reached his majority. Consequently he became popular in social and political circles and was nominated by the Democratic party and the In- dependence League jointly, in 1906, to represent his locality in the State Assembly. Mr. Schmidt was elected, receiving 7,013 votes, against 2,047 for his opponent. Speaker Wadsworth, early in the session of 1907, appointed Assemblyman Schmidt a member of the following committees: Insurance, fisheries and game. During his first term the young assemblyman introduced and se- cured the passage of some important changes in the charter of the city of New York which have worked a great benefit to the municipality. CHARLES FROEB, merchant, was born at Waechtersbach in Hessen-Nassau, Germany, on November 27, 1857, and received his education in the schools of his birthplace and of Frankfurt- on-the-Main, where he graduated in 1871. He came to America with his parents when still in his teens and settled first in New York City and later in Brooklyn. Here he supplemented the education he had received in his native country by attending the evening schools. He started in business at an early age as clerk in a wholesale liquor house in Murray Street, New York City, where he remained until 1883. By that time he had fully mastered the business and felt confident of his ability to attain success by his own efforts. He had already acquired a reputation by his thorough knowledge of his trade and his strict integrity, and when he decided to begin business on his own account, his success seemed assured. Indomitable energy and ambition enabled him to come to the front rapidly and his firm does at present, after twenty-five years of existence, a yearly business of over three-quarter million dol- lars. He took great care to educate his sons to follow in his footsteps and to become good busi- ness men and they now assist him in the manage- ment of the concern that has assumed such large dimensions. Mr. Froeb is well and favorably known as a man who has become thoroughly Americanized in the best sense of the word, but retains a deep-rooted love for the Fatherland, and appreciation for the many qualities which have made German immigration of such great value to this country. In every movement car- ried on by German organizations to preserve the German language, to foster the love for and knowledge of music, and to spread the interest in the physical and mental welfare of the peo- ple, he has taken an active and prominent part. A public-spirited citizen, who never hesitates to come to the front with advice and assistance when important questions are at issue, his popu- larity and influence are deservedly large. A Democrat in politics, Mr. Froeb has never ac- cepted public office, although important positions were repeatedly offered to him, but followed the call of his party when, in 1908, he was selected as one of the electors-at-large for the state of New York. He is one of those Germans whose success so forcibly illustrates the opportunities furnished by this country to the man whose char- acter and ability, coupled with firm determination and restless ambition, raise him to the highest point no matter how difficult the start may be. He is a member of the Brooklyn Arion, of which he was president for several terms ; the Brook- lyn Turn Verein and the Hanover Club ; a trus- tee and second vice-president of the German Sav- ings Bank of Brooklyn, a director of the Man- ufacturers' National Bank of Brooklyn and pres- ident of the Froeb Company of 66 Broad Street, New York City. In December, 1880, Mr. Froeb was married to Miss Alma Kirchuebel of Brook- lyn and had five sons, of whom Augustus C, Charles, Jr., Frank and Herman are alive. GEORGE H. STEIL, merchant, mayor of the city of Hoboken, was born at Hoboken, N.J., on March 29, 1861, as the son of German par- ents. He received his education in the public schools and under private tutors and graduated at the early age of fifteen, whereupon he imme- diately engaged in mercantile business. His force- ful character and unusual ability carried him rap- idly to the front, and simultaneously with the growth of his business interests his influence and popularity increased. Of a genial disposi- tion, of sterling integrity and strict but fair in his business dealings, and at the same time fond of social diversions, Mr. Steil was ere long one of the best and most favorably known citizens of Hoboken. As president of the Nehr Sanitary Bed Association, vice-president of the Hoboken and New Jersey Crematory and representative of the Consumers Park Brewing Co., his business activity was extensive and became constantly more profitable. It did not, however, suffice for the energy and vitality of a man like Mr. Steil, and with the patriotic desire to do his full duty as a citizen, he took an active part in the discus- sion of public affairs. His many excellent quali- fications were quickly recognized and in 1893 ne 2f>4 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS was elected a member of the Board of Educa- tion which was followed by his election to the City Council, where he served for ten yeai 51 ntative of the Fifth Ward, three years as a chairman of the hotly. In 1905 he was elected mayor of Hoboken on the Democratic ticket by a majority of over one thousand votes and reelect- ed on the citizen ticket in 1907, hi- majority be- ing almost twice as lar^e. Mr. Steil is president of th Public Library and of the Police Board and a member of the Hoboken Cemetery Board and Industrial School Board. He he- longs to many social, political and fraternal soci- among them Euclid Lodge 136, F. & A.M.. Hoboken Lodge of Elks Xo. 74, Royal Arcanum 99, Order of Eagles, Atlantic Boat Club, Ger- mania Riding Club, Friday Night Club, Re- Club, Robert Davis Association of Jersey City and Bruenning Howling Club, and is president of the Consumers' Park Bowling Club. Mr. Steil married Miss Margaret Sanderson Daniels of New Orleans in September, 1889, and has three children. HENRY FELDMAXX was born at Butzbach in the Grand Duchy of Hesse on February 12, [842. He received a first class education in the excellent public schools and private academy of his birthplace. He also learned the trade of a baker from his father, but as he was always an ambitious student, he had soon mastered the French and English languages thoroughly, also stenography, so that he was engaged by a lawyer's linn in Giessen to put down the court proceeding in stenography. In order to perfect himself in profession, he foil,, wed the custom of that time and wandered through Germany, France and Switzerland. He arrived in America January 14, 1868. lb-re Mr. Feldmann found employment with General Franz Siegel, who was New York manager of the Great Western Life Insurance •any, acting as his agent and private secre- tary. Before a year had passed, Mr. Feldmann had secured the agency of a fire insurance com- pany, and started in business tor himself. Since [878 he has been branch manager of the Royal insurance Company under the firm nam'- of Hen- ry Feldmann & Son, at [03 Second Vvenue, and lately added a new branch office at One Hundred ami Forty-ninth Street and Third Avenue, Bronx. He i- widely known in German circles partly through his activity in the insurance busim 110 1 through hi- participation in life, above all, however, in hi- endeavor to Spread and advance the German Ian-.- G 'man ideals and German education. Mr. Feldmann is a mem her of the Arion and Beethooven Singiti and of several bowling clubs; honorary president of the United Bowling Clubs of New York and honorary member of the Federation of Bowling Clubs of Germany and of the Bowling Clubs of Berlin. Bowling is bis hobby and he arranged the excursions of American Bowlers to the Ger- man Bowling Tournaments at Hanover in 1891 and at Solingen in 1904. It may be said, too, that he has taken an active interest in every movement inaugurated by the German-Americans of this city ami vicinity to further and uphold a good cause and i- treasurer of the German Peace Society of New York and holds the position of first vice- president of the United German Societies of Xew York. On Xovember 19, 1869, Mr. and Mrs. Feld- mann, who had known each other from infancy, were married and their happy family life was blessed with ten children; seven are alive, one son, who is associated in business with his father, and six daughters, of whom five are married. Al- though Mr. Feldmann has been so successful financially and socially, he is happiest when he can assemble his children and grandchildren around his table and preside at the family gathering, com- posed of twenty-two persons. JOHX REISEX WEBER was born in Brook- lyn on October 7, 185 1, as the son of German parents who had emigrated to America. When he was three years old his parents removed to Xew York City and sent the boy to Public School Xo. 17 in West Forty-seventh Street, where he received his education. After leaving school. Mr. Reisenweber engaged in the liquor and restaurant business and conducted it so successfully that the modest establishment on Eighth Avenue mar the Columbus Circle under his hands grew into one of the showplaces of the city. A shrewd business man and a genial host, lie made .^ood use of the opportunities arising from the growth of the city, increased his facilities, improved the establish- ment from year to year, and finally erected a magnificent building where a few decades ago a one-story structure had been sufficient for the accommodation of his guests. His case is one of those where the ascent to a position of import- ance in the community has been visible to all who followed his career. Strict and fair in his deal- ings, endowed with sound judgment and an un- usually large fund of common sense, charitable and always ready to help where assistance is needed, Mr. Reisenweber has retained the same amiable and unassuming traits which charactcr- him at tin- beginning of his career. His pop- ularity in the neighborhood where he has lived practically all his life is well known and he might have secured almost any public office in the gift CARL EMIL SEITZ. 265 HUGO II. Ki I li.Ki:i -Ml. 2(>(, SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 267 of the people if he had been so inclined. He steadfastly refused all offers of this kind, but has always taken much interest in public affairs and politics, serving as the Republican leader of his district for many years and using his power for the benefit of his constituents. In 1898 be be- came president of the Excelsior Brewing Com- pany and devoted much time and energy to the development of this enterprise, having found an able and trustworthy assistant and manager of the hotel in the person of his son-in-law, Mr. Fischer. Mr. Reisenweber is a member of the West Side Republican Club, the New York Ath- letic Club, the Arion and the German Liederkranz. He married on December 19, 1871, Miss Freder- ica Braun. Of his five children, Mrs. Emma R. Fischer- and Mrs. Elizabeth R. Saltzsieder are living, while John Reisenweber, Mrs. Barbara R. Fischer and Theresa Reisenweber are dead. RUDOLPH OSCAR KRAUSE, druggist, was born at Bromberg in Germany on February 8, i860, and educated in the Real gymnasium of his native city. He served as one year's volunteer in the Twenty-first Regiment of Infantry and learned the drug trade, studying the profession of a pharmacist with such success that he passed the state examination with high honors. The field for the practise of his profession in Ger- many being limited, because the Government pro- hibits the establishment of pharmacies beyond a fixed number, he came to America in 1881, set- tling in New York. His success was rapid, for besides mastering his profession to the fullest extent, he has the happy gift of making friends quickly. Mr. Krause takes a deep interest in lit- erature and the arts, is exceptionally well read and devotes a considerable part of his time to the study of educational questions. He is a mem- ber of the local school board of the Tenth Dis- trict and has made a splendid record in this ca- pacity. For three years he was president of the New York Consolidated Drug Company, and is a member of the German Apothecaries' Associ- ation, as well as a Mason of Solon Lodge. He married on July 14, 1881, Miss Olga Stuber and has six children. CARL BERGER, superintendent of buildings for the borough of Queens, New York City, also a skilled architect by profession, is a native of Germany, having been born there on September 27, 1869. Leaving the Fatherland while a young man, he came to America, locating at Jersey City, N.J., where he obtained his primary edu- cation in the public schools and graduating from the high school of that city with high honors. Later he took up a course of study at the Evening High School in New York City. After leaving school, Mr. Berger decided to make architecture his life profession; placing himself under capa- ble tutors and by diligent application he soon ranked among the foremost in his line. Having a thorough knowledge of everything pertaining thereto, the selection of him for the position he now fills was a wise one. Prior to his appoint- ment to the office of superintendent of buildings, Mr. Berger, from 1902 to 1906, was inspector of tenements and plan examiner in the Tenement House Department. He stood first in a list of over twelve hundred applicants admitted to ex- amination. In conducting the affairs connected with the administration of his office, civility and courteous treatment are factors which are a part of Mr. Berger's everyday life. Those who know and speak of him have nothing but good words to sound his praise. Mr. Berger is a consistent Democrat in politics and is a member of the Second Ward Democratic Organization. He is also a member of Mechanics' Lodge, F. & A.M. of Brooklyn. He has resided in the borough of Queens, New York City, since 1894. His reputa- tion as a public and private citizen is and has always been above reproach. He is largely a self-made man and one whom not only German- Americans are proud to acknowledge, but fellow men of the country of his adoption as well. WILLIAM SEBASTIAN STUHR, lawyer, was born at Brooklyn, N.Y., October 1, 1859, the second son of William Stuhr, who was for many years a member of the Board of Freeholders of Hudson County, N.J. His parents, removing to Hoboken the following year, he received his early education at the Hoboken Academy and subse- quently studied four years in Europe. On his re- turn he entered the University of New York and was graduated therefrom with the degree of LL.B. in 1879. He was admitted to the Bar of New Jersey as attorney November 7, 1880, and as counselor three years later. Mr. Stuhr was appointed Corporation Counsel of the city of Hoboken in 1883 and reappointed the following year. In May, 1888, he was appointed Assistant Counsel to the Board of Freeholders of Hudson County and upon completing the work in hand, resigned September first of that year, believing the further continuance of that office unneces- sary and a useless expense to the county. He then devoted himself to his law practise. His genial disposition, together with his ability and success, made him hosts of friends and he was not permitted to live long in retirement. In June, 1889, he was elected chairman of the Jeffersonian 268 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS Democracy of Hudson County and in the fall of that year was nominated by them for State Sen ator of the county; his nomination was also en- dorsed by the Republican party. After a bitter contest, the regular Democratic candidate, Ed- ward F. McDonald, was declared elected and took his seat at the organization <>f the Senate of New Jersey in January, 1890. Mr. Stuhr contested the seat, and being successful was awarded the same by vote of the Senate, and he held it during the remainder of the term. As a result of the testimony taken at the time more than fifty elec- tion officers were indicted by the Grand Jury, and of that number forty were tried and convict- ed. In 1891 the Democrats, gaining control of the Senate, unseated Senator Stuhr. Mr. Stuhr was married on February 18, 1886, to Marietta, daughter of Thomas Miller, Esq., president of the Xcw York Cement Company, and who resides at Flushing, L.I. His wife was also a near rela- tive of General Pettigrew, who was at one time governor of South Carolina. Mr. Stuhr is iden- tified with a number of social, fraternal and be- nevolent societies in Xew Jersey. ROBERT F. WAGXER, lawyer, was born in Germany on June 8, 1878, and came to America with his parents when nine years of age. He re- ceived his education in the public schools and earned enough money by selling newspapers to support himself until he entered the College of the City of Xew York, where he paid his way by tutoring until lie finished his course as the orator of the class of 1S0S He studied law at the Xew York Law School, graduating in 1900. Here again he wen renown as the best debater in the Since then Mr. Wagner has been engaged in the practise of law and has rapidly risen to the front, being entrusted with many large and important cases. A Democrat in politics, he has been elected three times to the Assembly with majorities. Mi- record as a legislator is 'illy fine and he was identified with many of the mosl important measures passed during his term. He was active ami instrumental in securing upport of hi- party for the investigation of the railroads in New York City, and the Public Utilities lull. His efforts to secure the passage of a bill fixing a five cent fare to Coney Island on all Street railroads have been unceasing and tback or defeal could discourage or induce him to discontinue his fight for tin- measure. Mr. ner is called the father of this bill and the v with which he has pushed it and relent lessly fought its fr.es has won f<>r him t ! teem of his associates as well a- of the people at lb- i- a member of the Algonquin and Democratic club-, German Licderkranz, Arion, the < trdcr of Elks and of many other social, char- itable ami benevolent associations. HERMAN RINGE was born at Metropolitan, N.Y. He received his rudimentary education in the public schools and was graduated from the Boys' High School, Brooklyn, with high honors. Mr. Ringe has practically resided in the Borough of Queens, Xew York City, his entire life, where he is popular and enjoys a wide acquaintance. Prior to his engaging in the public affairs of his borough, he was for many years a successful operator in the real estate and building world. Early in life he espoused the principles of the Democratic party, of which he has always been an ardent supporter, and in whose councils he stands high. He has held a number of prominent positions under the borough government of Queens, prominent among which are secretary of the borough, chief clerk in the highway de- partment, the latter position of which ho is at present the incumbent. He is chief of the Newtown Fire Department, a member of the Second Ward Democratic Association, of the Foresters, Royal Arcanum, l'.lks. Eagles and of F. & A.M., Kismet Temple. Mr. Ringe was uni- ted in marriage on March 5, [896, to Miss Carrie M. Keller: the children born to the union are Herman, Jr., and Lester C, both of whom are living. Mr. Ringe is a man of wide experience, possessing an unimpeachable reputation and has the confidence and esteem of the entire commu- nity in which he resides. CARL ORDEMANN, deceased, was born at Hanover, Germany, April 10. 1854, where he at- tended school, obtaining his rudimentary edu- cation. He completed his studies under the tutorship of his father, who was a well known educator of Hanover, as well as a principal in the local public -eh. 1. ,1-. After securing his edu- cation and serving his tinu irmy, young Ordemann decided to go out into the world to earn his livelihood. He went to Bremen where he obtained a clerkship, and at the age of twen t\ five years he came to America and settled at Xew York City, where- he resided up to the time of his death. His first position obtained in New York was in a grocery store. He saved money and rapidly acquired a good knowledge of the English language. Later, he opened a wholesale and retail liquor store on his own account in which he met with greal success. After COndud ine, stores in various sections of Xew York City, he retired from active business in 1800. Mr. < Irdemann was a member of the Lutheran HERMANN KOCH. 269 CARL ISOGKK. 2711 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICANS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS 271 Church, the Masonic Order, the Liederkranz, the Friday Bowling Club and the Liquor Deal- ers' Association. On March 14, 1875, he was united in marriage with Miss Frederica Metz- ner, daughter of Carl Metzner of Hanover, Ger- many. One child, a daughter, Dorothy, was born to the union. Mr. Ordemann was a man who was fond of travel, art, literature and athletics, pastimes in which his wife also heartily joined him. He, with his family, annually made tours of Europe. Mr. Ordemann was extremely fond of horse-back riding, a form of exercise in which both he and his wife took much pleasure. He was a man of great force of character, modest and retiring in disposition. He had friends whose numbers were legion, and to whom he al- ways remained true. His death occurred in 1906, he being survived by his widow and daugh- ter, who still reside in the beautiful home pre- pared by Mr. Ordemann at No. 169 West Eighty- fifth Street, New York City. JONAS WEIL.— Among the citizens of New York who devote a large part of their time and means to practical philanthropy, few are better known, and none stands higher, than Jonas Weil, senior member of the real estate firm of Weil & Mayer. His gifts are so large, numer- ous and well bestowed that he may be justly called one of the greatest benefactors of his time. Mr. Weil was born at Emmendingen in Baden, Germany, and came to America in 1861. His father, Ephraim Weil, who was highly respected in the community for his integrity, religious fer- vor and splendid character, had given the son a good education, and firmly planted in his mind the principles he believed in and practised with so much fidelity. Young Weil first engaged in packing and live stock business and subsequently in real estate operations. Applying to his busi- ness life the teachings he had received in his youth, he quickly won the esteem and confidence of all he came in contact with, and prospered steadily. And as soon as his means permitted it, he began to contribute large sums to charities of all kinds. With increasing prosperity his dona- tions grew in size and number, and to-day there is practically no deserving charity in this city and even beyond its confines whose list of donors does not contain the name of Jonas Weil. All he asks is that the object is worthy and in the interest of the needy and the thought never arises in him to make a difference between Jew or Christian. Every year he sends large sums to the mayor of his native town and to the president of the Jewish congregation at Emmendingen. He has received innumerable resolutions of thanks, executed with much skill, and was made an honorary citizen of Emmendingen. To per- petuate the memory of his father, he erected a temple in East Sixty-seventh Street, between Lex- ington and Third Avenues which bears his name and is one of the finest edifices of its kind in New York. With this place of worship a Hebrew free school is connected, seating about two hundred and fifty pupils, many of them poor, but all well taken care of. It has become the center around which the Jewish orthodox movements in the upper part of the city gravitate. Some time ago Mr. Weil contributed, together with his brother, Samuel Weil, and his brother-in-law, Ferdinand Sulzberger, a considerable part of the money required for the foundation of an orphan asylum in Baden. His highest ambition and fondest hopes have been realized in the founding of the Lebanon Hospital in New York City, for which he contributed an initial donation of ten thousand dollars in money, as well as land valued at fifteen thousand dollars, upon which the training school for nurses has been erected. This building is known as one of the finest of its kind, is equipped with the most modern improvements science has invented, and contains forty-five rooms, a large hall for lectures and other accommodations. In addition Mr. Weil devotes his undivided atten- tion and energy to soliciting outside aid for the welfare and maintenance of the institution which has become a life work with him and of which he is the president. He is also president of the Zichren Ephraim Temple. His home in East Seventy-fifth Street, near Madison Avenue, con- tains many treasures of the kind appealing to the highly cultured mind and is the center of an ideal family life. Mr. Weil's two sons, Benjamin J., and Lewis V., follow in the footsteps of the father, both being successful business men of exceptonal ability and deeply interested in char- itable work. GERHARD H. MENNEN (deceased) was born at Vegesack, near Bremen, on July 13, 1856, and received his early education in the Latin school and Gymnasium of Bremen. He left school when fifteen years of age and one year later (1872) came to the United States with his parents. His knowledge of the English language was limited, but he was not long in finding em- ployment. He held odd positions in New York City and Hoboken, N.J., during the first year in this country. When at the age of seventeen he obtained a position with a New York druggist. This was the beginning of his subsequent career. The evening hours were devoted to diligent study along the lines he had mapped out for himself, 272 SUCCESSFUL GERMAN-AMERICAN'S AND THEIR DESCENDANTS and his efforts were rewarded on February 3, 1875, when be received his diploma and was grad- uated from the College of Pharmacy. Mr. Men nen then entered the employ of a retail drug- gist at Newark, X.J.. and later was associated with Albert Brandt of the same city. In Feb- ruary, 1879, he established a retail pharmacy of his own at Newark. His genius now asserted itself. The business prospered and Mr. Mennen used his gifts and opportunities to the fullest extent. Devoting himself strictly to his business, he used every moment of leisure to experiments, and long before he became famous through the talcum powder business which assumed such gi- gantic proportions, he placed on the market in 1880 the celebrated •'Mennen Corn Killer" that quickly became popular on account of its effi- ciency and is today considered one of the best remedies for the purpose it was intended for. The enterprise to which he owes his fortune, however, is the manufacture of talcum powder which grew from a very small beginning in 1890 to the enormous industry of to-day. After many investigations and experiments, Mr. Mennen was convinced that the powder compounded from his own formula had reached a grade of perfection higher than any similar article on the market, and he introduced it to the trade, first in Newark, where it was manufactured, and gradually extend- ing the sale all over the civilized world. This was not accomplished at once, for Mr. Mennen was careful to convince himself first of the merits of his powder, in which he indeed firmly believed, hut which he decided to test thoroughly by watching the demand following the first sales. As soon as the facts had proven that the public not only appreciated the quality of the article hut that the powder answered the most rigid requirements, Mr. Mennen began to advertise on a large scale. He became one of the 1. 1 advertisers in the country, ami at the time oJ his death in i V *L^A <^ 4 ^ a *v A *W o WAR 78 * £ -Mk- ** A A^ ^ ~V 1. ' » "^