Glass. Book- PRESENTED Wt' i (oompiimentA of vvaltez uo>. ^ut/dam, (^ectetaty C^enetaL, GENERAL REGISTER OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS 1899-1902 CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY NEW YORK 1902 s^ (^V, p. Authop, >> GENERAL SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS, Office of the; Sfcrktary-Ge;nfral. The Committee having in charge the preparation of this General Register present it for your consideration knowing that it is not perfect, for it is impossible for such a publication to be without errors, yet so many corrections and such careful inquiries have been made that the members of the Society may well be proud of the result. The matter relating to State Societies has been prepared by their officers ; the Committee have made every effort to properly compile these contributions. Assistance and co-operation have been most generously extended to the Committee by all concerned, and recognition is due the Registrar- General for the large amount of extra work entailed upon his office. The increase in member- ship of the Society has been very rapid, having now reached a total of three thousand. Walter L. Suydam, Secretary-General, Francis F. Spies, Deputy Secretary-General, Samuel V. Hoffman, Registrar, New York Society. Committee. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Arms from Flag of Gkxhral Sociktv Froniispiire Great Seal of General Society Fad ii,(i^ page 26 Insignia OF THE Society " " 2S Diploma of the Society " " 30 Book Plate of New York Society " " 34 Tablet at Fort Oswego •• " s8 Punch Bowl of New York vSociety •' " 134 Tablet at Fort Ticonderoga " " 172 Portrait of General Bouquet " " iSS Flag of Pennsylvania Society " " 192 Tablet to General Forbes " " 212 Portrait of Charles F. T. Beale " " 316 Portrait of Admiral Roe, U.S.N " " 324 Portrait of Captain Wilhelm, U.S.A " " 326 Portrait OF General Batchelder, IT.S.A. " " 328 Seal of New Jersey Society " " 330 Seal of New Hampshire Society " " 346 Seal of California Society " " 456 Seal of Delaware Society " " 508 Seal of Washington Society " " 524 Seal of Maine Society " " 528 Portrait of Admiral Boscawen " "544 CONTENTS. PA(iE. Cawpornia Society 455 Colorado Society 468 Connecticut Society 290 Constitution of the Generai, Society 17 Delaware Society 509 District oe Coi^umbia Society 314 Generai, Officers and Dei^egates 7 Georgia Society 489 Ii,i,inois Society 366 Index of Ancestors, Services and Descendants. . 545 Iowa Society 481 Kentucky Society 450 Maine Society 527 Maryland Society 220 Massachusetts Society 239 Members recently reported 537 Michigan Society ' 495 Minnesota Society 425 Missouri Society 393 Nebraska Society 420 New Hampshire Society 345 New Jersey Society 329 New York Society 34 Ohio Society 410 Pennsylvania Society 18S Rhode Island Society 516 Vermont Society 356 Virginia Society 341 Washington Society 524 Wisconsin Society 501 (To avoid repetition the services of ancestors appear only iu the index.) The General Society of Colonial Wars was or- ganized on May 9 and 10, 1893, in the Governor's Room, City Hall, New York, by delegates from five States and the District of Columbia. A Con- stitution was adopted on May 10, 1893, subject to the approval of a majority of the delegates present at an adjourned meeting of the General Assembly, and the General Officers were then elected. An adjourned meeting of the General Assembly was held at the Hotel New Netherland, New York City, on December 19, 1893, and the Constitution as amended unanimously adopted. The final session of the First General Assembly was held in Con- gress Hall, Philadelphia, May 7 and 8, 1896. The Second General Assembly was held at the Hotel Rennert, Baltimore, Md., May 9 and 10, 1899. Meetings of the General Council were held in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, on May 8, 1894; in New York City, on November 12, 1894; in the City Hall, Baltimore, May 13 and 14, 1895; in New York City, December 19, 1895; in Congress Hall, Philadelphia, May 7, 1896; in New York, Novem- ber 19, 1896; in New Haven, May 13, 1897, in Boston, December 21, 1897; in New York, May 6, 1898; in Philadelphia, November 16, 1898; in Balti- more, May 9, 1899; in New York, November 28, 1899; in Philadelphia, November 26, 1900, and in New York, May 3, 1901. OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS. 1 899- 1902. Governor- General. Frederic J. de Peyster. Deputy Governors-General. New York, Rowland Pell, 25 Broad Street, New York City. Pennsylvania, Richard McCall CadwalladER, 133 South I2th Street, Philadelphia. Maryland, General Joseph Lancaster Brent, Baltimore. Massachusetts, Arthur J. C. Sowdon, Boston. Connecticut, Proe. Theodore Salisbury Wool- SEY, New Haven. District of Columbia, Charles F. T. BealE, Washington. New Jersey, General Edward Burd Grubb, Edgewater Park. Virginia, Hon. Richard Thomas Walker Duke, Jr., Charlottesville. New Hampshire, Hon. Henry Oakes Kent, Lan- caster. Vermont, Colonel Edward A. Chittenden, St. Albans. Illinois, JosiAH Lewis Lombard, 2001 Prairie Avenue, Chicago. Missouri, Clark H. Sampson, St. Louis. Ohio, Ephraim Morgan Wood, Dayton. Nebraska, Hon. Julius Sterling Morton, Ne- braska City. Minnesota, Henry P. Upham, St. Paul. Kentucky, DaniEIv L. Gooch, Covington. California, SpEncer Roane Thorp, Los Angeles. Colorado, Arthur Smith Dvvight, 27 William Street, New York City. Iowa, F. M. HuBBELi., Des Moines. Georgia, John Avery Gore Carson, Savannah. Michigan, Truman Handy Newberry, Detroit. Wisconsin, Col. Philip Reade, U.S.A., St. Paul. Delaware, Henry A. Dupont, Wilmington. Rhode Island, Hon. Elisha Dyer, Providence. Washington, J. Kennedy Stout, Spokane. Maine, John M. Glidden, New Castle. Secretary-General. Walter LispEnard Suydam, 45 William Street, New York City. Deputy Secretary-General. Francis Ferdinand Spies, 64 East 55th Street, New York City. Treasurer- General. Edward Shippen, 532 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Deputy Treasurer-General. Seymour Morris, Chicago, 111. Registrar-General. George Norbury Mackenzie, 1808 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Historian-General. T. J. Oakley Rhinelander, 27 William Street, New York City. Chaplain-General. Rev. Charles Ellis Stevens, LL.D., D.C.L. 2217 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Stirgeon-General. V. MoTT Francis, M.D., Providence, R. I. Chancellor-General. Hon. Charles Upham Bell, Lawrence, Mass. DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES TO THE THIRD GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS. 1 899- 1 902. New York Society. Delegates. James Wm. Beekman, Woodbury G. Langdon, James M. Varnum, Edward de P. Livingston, Frederick E. Haight, Alternates. Lansdale Boardman, Henry C. Swords, Wm. Bleecker Seaman, Samuel P. Avery, Amory S. Carhart. Pennsylvania Society. Delegates. Edward Shippen, M.D., U.S.N., T. Chester Walbridge, Hon. Samuee W. Penny- packer, S. Davis Page, Edward S. Sayres. Alternates. Hon. J. Willis Marton, Edwin Swift Balch, Chas. Hare Hutchinson, W. Bleddyn Powell, Alfred Devereux. Maryland Society. Delegates McHenry Howard, John Appleton Wilson, Robert Burton, Thomas Marsh Smith, Julian Harry Lee. Alternates. John Livingston Minis, John Izard MiddlETon, Philemon Hallam Tuck, Nathan Winslow Williams, Bennet Bernard Browne, Delegates. Rt. Rkv. William Lawrence, Commander J. Giees Eaton, U.S.N., Gen. Francis H. Appleton, Walter Kendall Watkins, S. Arthur Bent. Massachusetts Society. Alternates. Francis Apthorp Foster, Nathaniel J. Rust, Frank Merriam, Albert A. Folsom, Joseph G. Minot. Connecticut Society. Delegates. Charles Edward Gross, Bela Peck Learned, Ralph William Cutler, Henry Cady Sturges, Morris Beach BeardslEy. Alternates. John Kimberly Beach, Henry Fairfield Osborn, Louis Richmond Cheney, Archibald Henderson Smith, George Dudley Seymour. District of Columbia Society. Delegates. General Absalom Baird, U.S.A., Admiral R. W. Meade, U.S.N., Charles F. T. Beale, A. Howard Clark, Joseph Cuyler Hardie. Nezv Jersey Society. Delegates. Frank Obadiah Briggs, William Morris Deen, John Eyerman, Philip Livingston, George Ellsworth Koues. Alternates. Charles A. Greene, Charles Burnham Squier, William Fellowes Morgan, Charles G. Rockwood, Jr., Aug. Cornwall Downing. New Hampshire Society. Delegates. John Calvin Thorne, Howard Freemont Hill, Elisha Rhodes Brown, George Oscar Ball, Joseph Foster, Charles Lathrop Parsons. Vermont Society. Delegates. Robert Jackson Kimball, Charles Allen Converse, William Seward Webb, William Paul Dillingham, Theodore Saeeord Peck. Illinois Society. Delegates. Alternates. Charles Ridgely, John Alden Spoor, VoLNEY William Foster, John N. Drummond, Jr., Fames MacVeagh, Asa G. Pettibone, George Butters, Charles Frederick Quincy, John Smith Sargent. Henry Sherman Boutell. Missouri Society. Delegates. Alternates. Rt, Rev. Daniel Sylvester Orlando Powers Bloss, TuTTLE, D.D., Stoughton Walker, Edwin Allis De Wole, Samuel. Deen Winter, Isaac Hotter, James Hillhouse Hewit, Edward Fisher Jackson, Hon. Milton Welsh. Charles Francis Cadle. Ohio Society. Delegates. Ephraim Morgan Wood, Herbert Jenney, Ralph Peters, Achilles Henry Pugh, Frederick Bellinger Shoe- maker. Alternates. Henry Cipperly Dimond, John Sanborn Conner, William Wallace Seely, Perin Langdon, Charles P. Taft. Delegates. John Prentis Lood, Wyman Leslie Learned, Edward Catlin Webster, Frank Tiernan Hamilton, Clement Chase. Nebraska Society. Alternates. Charles Franklin Ladd, Charles Albert Goss, Charles W. Hamilton, William Farnam Smith, William Irving Hawks. Minnesota Societv. Delegates. Henry Pratt Upham, James Franklin Wade, Brig. Gen., U.S.A., Charles Phelps Noyes. Alternates. Jacob Stone, Charles Henry Whipple, Maj., U.S.A., Jehiel Weston Chamberlin, M.D. Kentucky Society Delegates. William Lafon Halsey, Cary H. Bacon, Thomas P. Grant, M.D., Charles H. Todd, M.D. Alternates. Daniel L. Gooch, Matthew L. Akers, Paul Jones, Anderson C. Quisenberry, Hervey McDowell, M.D. 13 California Society. Delegates. Rev. William Augustus Brewer, George Timothy Klink, Frederick Hastings Rindge, Capt. Albert Henry Payson, Holdridge Ozro Collins. Alternates. Edwin Rodolph Dimond, Hon. George Eli Hall, Frederick Schander Moody, Henry Atherton Nichols, Commander Josiah Rumball Stanton, U.S.N. Delegates. Franklin Trumbull, William F. Slocum, Dr. Edmund J. A. Rogers, Franklin E. Brooks, John L. Stearns. Colorado Society. Alternates. Francis C. Young, Dr. Charles Denison, John W. Barrows, Henry M. Blackmer, Dr. Beverly Tucker. Iowa Society. Delegates. Hon. Samuel Francis Smith, Pres. Geo. Edwin MacLean, Ph.D., LL.D., Frederick Marion Hubbell, George Arthur Goodell, JuDSON Kieth Deming. Alternates. Rev. William Salter, D.D., John Ely Bready, M.D., John Stoney Ely, Esek Steeve Ballord, Silas Wright Gardiner. Georgia Society. Delegates. William Ridgely Leaken, Francis Fitch Jones, Wm. Washington Gordon, Jr., John William Grant, Clarence Sherman Hammatt. 14 Michigan Society. Delegates. Theodore; Horatio Eaton, WiLUAM Charles McMillan, George Harrison Barbour, KiRKE Lathrop. Alternates. Clarence Ashley Lightner, Richard Henry Fyee, John Henry Avery, William Kyle Anderson. Wisconsin Society. Delegates. John William Peterson Lombard, Howard Greene, Thomas Edward Camp, William James Starr, William Ward Wight. Alternates. Robert Camp, Henry Clay Payne, Wyman Kneeland Flint, William King Coffin, Ellis Baker Usher. Delaware Society. Delegates. Hon. John R. Nicholson, Hon. George Gray, William H. Swift, Dr. Thomas Robinson, Dr. John J. Black. Alternates. Harry A. Richardson, Hon. Edward G. Bradford, J. WiLKINS COOCH, Andrew G. Wilson, Preston Lea. Delegates. George C. Nightingale, Hunter C. White, R. Hammett Tilley, Hamilton B. Tompkins, Henry B. Rose. Rhode Island Society. Alternates. Horatio R. Storer, Marion McA. Smith, Lewis F. Burrough, Melville Bull, Wilfred H. Munro. 15 Washington Society. Delegates. Jay p. Graves, H. BuRNo Ferris, WiNEiELD S. Jamison, Frank H. Graves, Col. J. Kennedy Stout. Maine Society. Delegates. Alternates. Hon, John F. Hiel, Gen. Francis Fessenden, Fritz H. Jordan, Hon. Charles F. Libby, Col. John M. Glidden, Maj. Charles H. Boyd, Henry Deering, Dr. Frederic Gerrish, Proe. William A. Houghton. Edward D. Noyes. i6 PREAMBLE. CONSTITUTION. Whereas, It is desirable that there should be adequate cele- brations commemorative of the events of Colonial History happening from the settle- ment of Jamestown, Va., May 13, 1607, to the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775 : Therefore, The Society of Colonial Wars has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of those events, and of the men who, in military, naval and civil positions of high trust and responsibility, by their acts of counsel, assisted in the establishment, defense, and preservation of the American Colonies, and were in truth founders of this nation. With this end in view, it seeks to collect and preserve manuscripts, rolls, relics and records ; to provide suitable commemora- tions or memorials relating to the American Colonial period, and to inspire in its mem- bers the fraternal and patriotic spirit of their forefathers, and in the community, respect and reverence for those whose public services made our freedom and unity possible. 17 The Society shall be known by article i. the name and title of the General ^^'^''• Society of Colonial Wars. Any male person above the age article ii. of twenty-one years, of good Membership. moral character and reputation, shall be eligible to membership in the Society of Colonial Wars, who is lineally descended in the male or female line from an ancestor : (i) Who served as a military or naval officer, or as a soldier, sailor, or marine, or as a privateersman, under authority of the Colonies which afterward formed the United States, or in the forces of Great Britain which participated with those of the said Colonies in any wars in whicJi the said Col- onies were engaged, or in which they enrolled men, from the settlement of Jamestown, May 13, 1607, to the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775 ; or (2) Who held office in any of the Colonies between the dates above mentioned, either as {a) Director-General, Vice-Director-Gen- eral, or member of the Council, or legislative body in the Colony of New Netherlands ; (J)) Governor, Lieutenant or Deputy Gov- ernor, Lord Proprietor, member of the 18 King's or Governor's Council, or legislative body in the Colonies of New York, New- Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Delaware ; (c) Lord Proprietor, Governor, Deputy Governor, or member of the Council, or of the legislative body in Maryland and the Carolinas ; (rt^) Governor, Deputy Governor, Gover- nor's Assistant, or Commissioner to the United Colonies of New England, or mem- ber of the Council, body of Assistants, or legislative body in any of the New England Colonies. One collateral representative of an ancestor such as above specified shall be eligible for membership, provided there be no existing lineal descendant, and provided that such person be the oldest collateral representative in the male Hne of such ancestor, or has filed with the Secretary-General of the Society written renunciations from all other persons having nearer claims to representa- tion. No State Society shall adopt any rule of ehgibility for membership which shall admit any person not eligible for membership in the General Society. But any State Society may, except as to members transferred from another State Society, further restrict, at its discretion, the basis of eligibility for membership in its own society. 19 The General Society of article hi. Colonial Wars shall consist of General society. the societies now existing in the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Massa- chusetts, Connecticut, and District of Columbia, and such other State Societies as may from time to time be duly organized and authorized by the General Society. Whenever the word "State" occurs in this Constitution it shall be held to include within its meaning the Territories of the United States and the District of Columbia. The officers of the General article iv. Society of Colonial Wars shall be officers. — A Governor-General, a Deputy Governor- General from each State Society, a Secretary- General, a Deputy Secretary-General, a Treasurer-General, a Deputy Treasurer- General, a Registrar-General, a Historian- General, a Chaplain-General, a Chancellor- General, and a Surgeon-General. With the exception of the Deputy Governors-General the above officers shall be elected by a plurality vote of the delegates present at a General Assembly of the Society. Vacancies occurring by death or resignation may be filled by the General Council for the unex- pired term. Each Deputy Governor-General shall be elected by a plurality vote of the delegates present in the General Assembly from the State from which said Deputy Governor-General is chosen. The above officers shall serve until the next regular meeting of the General Assembly and until their successors are duly chosen. A General Assembly of the article v. General Society shall be held Meetings. every three years, at such time and place as the preceding Assembly shall appoint, or authorize to be appointed. Special General Assemblies may be held upon the order of the Governor-General, or upon the call of the Secretary-General or Deputy Secretary-General, issued at the request of the Governors or Acting Gov- ernors of three State Societies, or else at the written request of five Deputy Governors- General. General Assemblies shall be composed of the members of the General Council, and five delegates from each State Society, to be chosen by the State Councils respectively, or otherwise as may be prescribed by the respective State Societies ; and all vacancies arising from any cause in any State Delega- tion may be filled for the unexpired term by the State Council concerned. The term of service of the delegates shall be for three years and until their successors be elected. Delegates or General Officers representing seven State Societies shall constitute a quo- rum of the General Assembly for the trans- action of business ; the proceedings shall be in accordance with parliamentary law, and only the votes of those present shall be counted. The order of business shall be — First. The calling of the General Assem- bly to order by the Governor-General, or in his absence by the Secretary-General. Second. Prayer by the Chaplain-General. Third. Reading of Minutes of last General Assembly. Fourth. Report from Secretary-General. Fifth. Report from Treasurer-General. Sixth. Reports from Committees and Officers. Seventh. Unfinished Business. Eighth. New Business. Ninth. Reports from State Societies. Tenth. Election of Officers. Eleventh. Benediction by the Chaplain- General. The minutes of each Assembly shall be read before its final adjournment. Each State Society shall article vi. annually transmit to the Secre- ^'^^'^^ Societies. tary-General a circular letter statimr the number of its members, general matters of interest, and any suggestions which may be deemed of advantage to the Society. Each State Society shall, in the month of January in each year, pay to the Treasurer- General the sum of $25.00. The General Society shall article vh. have sole power of action in Powers of the ,1 „ X.' 1 T ^' , r General Society. the national, as distinct from the State affairs of the organization. It shall have jurisdiction to pass upon all questions of eligibility referred to it by the Registrar-General; but shall not otherwise interfere in the regulations or government of any State Society, unless by a plurality vote of the General Assembly, when the surrender of a State charter may be demanded, should an investigation show that such action is necessary for the welfare of the Societies at large. It shall have power to grant charters to States other than those in which the Society is already organized, provided that at least nine persons duly qualified to be members make such application. It shall issue the insignia and the diploma of membership. It shall publish the Year- Book with the co-operation of the several State Societies ; and the cost shall be defrayed by the latter in proportion to their member- ship. The General Council which shall be com- 23 posed of all. the General Officers shall exercise the powers of the General Society (except those of demanding State charters, and of amending the Constitution) between meetings of the General Assembly, to which latter body it shall regularly report all its transactions. The Governor-General, or in article vni. his absence, a duly selected Governor-general. temporary presiding officer, shall preside at all General Assemblies and meetings of the General Council of the Society. The Secretary-General shall article ix. be keeper of the Great Seal of secretary-General. the Society, and of the General Society flag, and of the diploma. He shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society and keep a record thereof. He shall have charge of the printing and publications of the Society. He shall give due notice of the time and place of the holding of all meetings of the General Assembly, and of the General Council ; and shall keep full record of their proceedings. The Deputy Secretary- deputy General shall perform the Secretary-General. duties of the Secretary-General in case of the death, absence from the country, or inability of the Secretary-General to act, and generally 24 assist the Secretary-General in the per- formance of his duties. The Treasurer-General shall article x. collect and keep the funds and treasurer-general. securities of the Society, and deposit and invest them subject to the direction of the General Council. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums as may be ordered by the General Council. He shall keep a full account of his receipts and payments, and at each General Assembly, or when required by the General Council, shall render an account of the same. He shall be custodian of the die of the insignia, and may issue the insignia and rosettes. For the faithful performance of his duty, he may be required to give such security as the General Council may deem proper. The Deputy Treasurer-Gen- deputy eral shall perform the duties of treasurer-general. the Treasurer-General in case of the death, absence from the country, or inability of the Treasurer-General to act, and generally assist the Treasurer-General in the perform- ance of his duties. It shall be the duty of each article xi. State Society to file with the Registrar-general. Registrar-General a duplicate of the appli- cation of each member. The Registrar- 25 General shall receive and file all duplicate applications upon which membership has been granted, with a list of all diplomas signed by him, and all documents which the Society may acquire. It shall also be his duty to submit to the General Council any application for membership which, in his opinion, does not fulfill the requirements of Article II. of this Constitution. The Historian-General shall article xii. keep a detailed record of all historian-General. historical and commemorative celebrations of the General Society, and shall edit and prepare for publication such historical ad- dresses, papers and other documents as the Society may decide to publish. The Chaplain-General shall article xiii. be an ordained minister of a chaplain-General. Christian Church, and it shall be his duty to officiate when called upon by the proper officers. The Chancellor-General article xiv. shall be a lawyer duly admit- chancellor-General. ted to the bar, and it shall be his duty to give legal opinions on matters affecting the Society when called upon by the proper officers. The Surgeon-General shall article xv. be a practising physician. Surgeon-General, 26 The Great Seal of the Gen- article xvi. eral Society shall be : Within ^reat seal. a beaded Annulet, a title scroll, " 1607, Gen^ eral Society of Colonial Wars, 1775"; and in base the motto : " Fortiter Pro Patria," surrounding- diaper charged with nine mul- lets. Over all a shield, surmounted of the crown, bearinpf American Colonial seals quarterly of nine : I. Virginia : Argent, a cross gules between four escutcheons each regally crowned proper, the first and fourth escutcheons France and England quarterly ; second escutcheon, Scotland; third, Ireland: II. New York : Argent, a beaver bendways proper, on a bordure tenny, a belt of wam- pum of the first: III. Massachusetts: Azure, on a mount between two pine trees vert, an Indian affronte or, belted with leaves of the second, holding in his dexter hand an arrow paleways, point downwards, and in his sinister hand a bow paleways, of the third ; upon a scroll proper, issuing from his mouth, the legend, "Come over and help us." IV. New Hampshire : Quarterly, first and fourth grand quarter of France and England ; second, Scotland ; third, Ireland ; over all an escutcheon of pretence ; azure billetee or, a lion rampant of the second, for Nassau. V. Connecticut : Argent, a dexter hand issuing out of clouds in dexter chief, holding a double scroll proper, fesseways, bearing the legend, ** Sustinet qui transtulit " ; in base fifteen 27 grape-vines, six, five, four, leaved and fructed proper. VI. Maryland: Quarterly first and fourth paly of six or and sable, a bend coun- terchanged, for Calvert ; second and third, per fesse and per pale argent and gules, a cross bottony counterchanged for Crossland (seal of Lord Baltimore). VII. Rhode Island: Azure, an anchor in pale or. VIII. New Jersey : Quarterly, first, England impaling Scotland ; second, France ; third, Ireland ; fourth, per pale and per chevron ; first, gules two lions passant guardant in pale or, for Brunswick ; second, or, semee of hearts, a lion rampant azure, for Lunenburgh ; third, gules, a horse courant argent, for Westpha- lia ; over all an inescutcheon gules, charged with the crown of Charlemagne. IX. Penn- sylvania : Argent, on a fesse sable, three plates ; (Arms of Penn.) The insignia of the Society article xvil shall consist of a badge, pend- insignia. ant by a gold crown and ring, from a watered silk ribbon one inch and a half wide of red, bordered with white and edored with red. The badge shall be surrounded by a laurel wreath in gold and shall consist of : Obverse ; A white enameled star of nine points bordered with red enamel, having be- tween each starpoint a shield displaying an emblem of one of the nine original colonies ; and, within a blue enameled garter bearing 28 the motto " Fortiter Pro Patria," an Indian's head in gold relievo, Reverse : The star above described, but with gold edge, each shield between the points displaying a mullet, and in the center, within an annulet of blue bearing the title, "Society of Colonial Wars, 1607-1775," the figure of a colonial soldier in gold relievo. The reverse of the crown of each insignia shall bear an engraved number, correspond- incr to that of the reg^istered number of the member to whom such insigfnia has been issued. The insignia shall be worn by the mem- bers on all occasions when they assemble as such, for any stated purpose or celebration, and may be worn on any occasion of cere- mony. It shall be worn conspicuously on the left breast ; but members who are or have been Gentlemen of the Council of a State Society, may place a rosette of regula- tion pattern upon the silk ribbon from which it is pendant. Members who are or have been General Officers, or Officers of a State Society, may wear the insignia with three jewels in the crown, and suspended from a regulation ribbon around the neck. Mem- bers who are or have been Governors, Dep- uty Governors or Lieutenant-Governors of State Societies, or officers of the General Society may, in addition to the insignia so suspended, wear a ribbon of the Society's 29 colors, three and one-half inches in width, extending from the right shoulder to the left hip. The insignia shall be worn only as above prescribed. The undress insignia shall be a rosette or button of the size now in use, of red watered silk with white thread edging, like the in- signia ribbon. On ordinary occasions members may wear this rosette in the upper buttonhole of the left lapel of the coat, provided it be not used at the same time with any other insignia of the Society. The diploma of this Society article xviii. shall bear the following words : diploma. General Society of Colonial Wars. To All Whom it May Concern. Greeting : Know ye, this is to certify that on the day of , in the year of our Lord.... , and in the year of this Society the Gentleman, was duly elected an Hereditary Member of the Societyof Colonial Wars in the State of byright of his de- scent from In witness whereof : We have here- unto signed our names and affixed the Great Seal of the General So- ciety. Officers of the General Society. Governor-General. Secretary- General. Registrar-General. And countersigned by the Governor, Secretarj' and Registrar of the State Society. 30 Bordering the top and left side of the di- ploma is an ornamental scrollwork containing within the initial letter " G." of " General Society," a representation of Captain Myles Standish and a band of colonial soldiery ; the initial surmounted by the imperial crown of the British empire, and having below it the motto of the Society. Ranged along the scroll are shields bearing the arms of the original nine colonies as emblazoned in the Great Seal of the Society \ and around these are emblems of colonial warfare, with the flags of Sweden and New Netherland, and the rose, thistle, shamrock, and cornflower — badges respectively of England, Scotland, Ireland and Germany. At the center at top is a cluster of Indian weapons and the head of a Sachem charged upon the fleur-de-lis of France. The flag of this Society shall article xix. consist of the red cross of Saint ^^'^°- George on a white field, bearing in the center the escutcheon of the General Society surmounted by the crown and surrounded by nine stars. It shall be competent for the article xx. General Council to appoint state State Secretaries in States where no State Societies exist, with a view to represent the interest of this Society, and, if authorized to 31 do so, to prepare for the organization of new- State Societies. Such State Secretaries shall be subject to the direction and regulation of the General Council. Their appointment shall be for a limited time, not to exceed one year, but may be renewed. They may be removed for cause, and their office shall ter- minate upon the organization of, and grant of a charter to, a Society in their State. They shall communicate with and receive communication from the Society through the Secretary-General. The General Council shall article xxi elect to membership only char- Members of ter members of new State Soci- ^^""' ^°"""^- eties ; whose membership shall be ipso facto transferred to their own State Society with the grant of its charter. No State Society shall elect to membership persons resident within the territory of another State Society, except upon written consent given in advance by the Council of the latter Society. But members changing residence from one State to another, or coming within the jurisdiction of a new State Society, may at their option retain membership in the State Society in which they were originally admitted. A member of any State Society may be admitted to membership by action of the Council of another State Society, within the bounds of which he is resident, upon satis- 32 factory proof of his membership in good standing- in the Society from which he comes, and subject to the rules and regula- tions of the Society he enters. An initiation fee shall not be twice required. No alteration of or amend- article xxii. ment to this Constitution shall alterations bi 1 1 . AND Amendments. e made, unless proposed m writing by the Council of a State Society, or by the General Council. The Secretary- General shall send a printed copy of the pro- posed amendment to each State Society, naming the time when and place where it will be voted upon. At least ninety days notice shall be given to each State Society. Whenever any amendment is under consid- eration in the General Assembly it shall be open to any modification or change germane to the proposed amendment. No such change or modification shall be made, nor shall any amendment to this Constitution be adopted, unless the same shall receive the votes of two-thirds of the members of the General Assembly present when the vote is taken. 33 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New York was instituted August i8, 1892, and in- corporated October 18, 1892. The First General Court was held at Delmonico's December 19, 1892, Frederic J. de Peyster being elected first Governor and Rowland Pell first Secretary of the Society. In May, 1893, the New York Society with the Societies in the States of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Massa- chusetts, Connecticut and the District of Columbia organized the General Society, these States having been previously chartered by the Society in the State of New York. The Second General Court and dinner was held at the Hotel Waldorf, Decem- ber 19, 1893. The Third General Court was held at the Hotel Waldorf, December 19, 1894, and the Annual Dinner held there February ii, 1895. The Fourth General Court was held at the same place, December 19, 1895. And the Fifth General Court was held there December 19, 1896, and the Fifth Annual Dinner was held at Delmonico's January 28, 1897. The Sixth General Court held at Del- monico's new building on December 20, 1897, and the Sixth Annual Dinner held there January 21, 1898. The Seventh General Court was held at Delmonico's on December 19, 1898; also the Seventh Annual Dinner on January 16, 1899. The Eighth General Court was held at Delmonico's on December 19, 1899; also the Eighth Annual Dinner on January 30, 1900. The Ninth General Court was held at Delmonico's on December 19, 1900; also the Ninth Annual Dinner on January 21, 1901. 34 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Elected at the Tenth General Court, December 19th, 1901. Governor. Frederic J. de Peyster. Deputy-Governor . James Wm. Beekman. Lieutenant-Governors. T. J. Oakley Rhinelander, Walter L. Suydam, William G. Davies. Secretary. Francis F. Spies, 45 William St., New York. Deputy- Secretary. Arthur S. Walcott. Treasurer. Clarence Storm. 45 William Street, New York. Registrar. Samuel V. Hoefman. Chancellor. Hon. James M. Varnum. V ice-Chancellor. Charles F. Darlington. Surgeons. Louis L. Seaman, M.D., Clarkson C. Schuyler, M.D. Historian. Sydney H. Carney, Jr., M.D. 35 Chaplain. The Very Rev. Eugene A. Hoeeman. Genealogist. Phieip S. de Luze. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term expiring 1902. Term expiring 1903. Waeter Chandler, Henry S. Ceark, Bayard F. Foueke, L. Bayard Smith, Andrew A. Bibby, Edward de P. Livingston. Term expiring 1904. Wm. Beeecker Seaman, Samuel P. Avery, Eugene Van Rensselaer. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Membership. Guy Van Amringe, Francis Hillhouse, Luis J. Phelps, Pearsall B. Jackson, LansdalE Boardman, Henry E. PierrEpont, Jr., William H. Folsom. Committee on Historical Documents. Edward F. de Lancey, Hamilton B. Tompkins, Cortlandt Irving, Charles A. Schermerhorn, George R. Schieffelin. Committee on Installation and Stewards of the Society. William E. Harriman, Sydney H. Carney, Jr., M.D., F. AsHTON DE Peyster, Gouverneur M. Carnochan, Philip Rhinelander, Woodbury G. Langdon. Local Secretaries. James W. Cox, Robert W. Day, Albany, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. George May Elwood, Rochester, N. Y. 36 NEW YORK. LIST OF MEMBERS. Statb Society No. General Society No. 228 Abbot, Francis EivLingwood, Cambridge, Mass. 228 4th from Capt. John Abbot. 659 Abbott, George Birch, Brooklyn. 1369 7th from George Abbot. 6th from Lieut. John Pickering. 405 Adams, Henry Herschel, New York. 4^5 6th from Lieut. Henry Adams. 8th from Capt. John Carter. 8th from Lieut. James Converse. 6th from Richard Thayer. 1049 Adams, Joseph Weaver, South Bethlehem, Pa. 2906 4th from Ensign John Adams. 363 AiTKEN, WiEEiAM Beneord, New York. 363 7th from Lieut. Wilhelmus Beekman. 6th from Col. Gerardus Beekman. y66 Albro, Rev. Addis, Orchard Lake, Mich. 1667 6th from Maj. John Albro. 7th from Stukeley Westcott. 6th from Gov. Benedict Arnold. 5th from Maj. John Bliss. 5th from Deputy-Gov. James Barker. 1120 Aldridge, Frederick Thurston, Brooklyn. 3087 7th from Dr. John Hull. 7th from Sergt. Abraham Doolittle. 7th from Samuel Hall. 6th from Capt. William Lewis. 6th from Capt. Joseph Morse. 532 Allen, Frederick Hobbes, New York. 1004 4th from Sergt. Joseph Allen. 4th from Capt. Samuel Hunt. 37 NEIV YORK. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 418 Allen, Frederick Percivae, Rochester. 660 5th from John Ahen. 8th from Capt. Matthew FuUer. 8th from John Rowland. 7th from Joseph Lothrop, 7th from Capt. John Stanley. 6th from John Stanley. 960 Ames, Louis Annin, New York. 1746 loth from John Tilley. 9th from John Rowland. 8th from Capt. George Denison. 8th from Capt. John Gorham. 8th from Capt. Thomas Prentice. 8th from Capt. Thomas Stanton. 8th from Nathaniel Dickinson. 7th from Capt. Jacob Melyn. 964 Anthony, James Louis, New York. 2638 6th from Capt. William Anthony. 9th from William Baulstone. 9th from President John Coggeshall, ist. 8th from John Coggeshall, 2d. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 8th from Hon. John Talcott. 8th from Maj. Aaron Cooke. 8th from Ron. Philip Sherman. 8th from Samuel Eddy. 8th from Robert Paddock. 8th from William Wodell. 7th from William Pitkin, ist. 7th from William Chase, 3rd. 6th from Maj. John Chester. 6th from Joseph Chamberlain. 6th from Pierre Shumway. 5th from Col. Ebenezer Learned. 5th from Joseph Rockwood. 38 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 4th from Capt. Samuel Davis. 4tli from Lieut. Elisha Rich. 760 Arnold, Benjamin Walworth, Albany. 161 1 9th from Elder William Brewster. 8th from Gov. Roger Williams. 8th from Capt. James Avery. 7th from Lieut. James Avery. 7th from Hon. Richard Treat. 6th from Rev. James Noyes. 450 Arnold, Conv/ay Hillyer. Jr., Lieut., U.S.A. 788 6th from Col. Richard Callaway. 138 AsTOR, John Jacob, New York. 138 7th from Col. Olofif Stevense Van Cortlandt. 3rd from Gen. John Armstrong. 828 Atherton, Fisher Cordenio, Bufifalo. 2047 7th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 827 Atwood, Edward Stanley, New York. 2046 9th from Stephen Hopkins. 8th from Gov. Thomas Roberts. 8th from Gen. James Cudworth. 7th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 7th from Hon. Nicholas Snow. 278 Avery, Frank Montgomery, Brooklyn. 278 8th from Capt. James Avery. 7th from Lieut. James Avery, Jr. 6th from Capt. James Avery, 3rd. 5th from Lieut.-Col. Ebenezer Avery. 4th from Lieut. Ebenezer Avery, Jr. 8th from Capt. George Denison. 7th from Capt. Daniel Wetherell. 930 Avery, Saaiuel Putnam, New York. 2505 7th from Dr. William Avery. 8th from Richard Warren. 8th from William Collier. 39 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Samuel Lathrop. 5th from John Park. 3rd from Capt. Benjamin Park. 974 AvjeRY, Samuel Putnam, Jr., New York. 2700 4th from Capt. Benjamin Park. 870 Avery, Trueman Gardner, Buffalo. 2255 6th from Capt. James Avery. 7th from Lieut. William Clarke. 982 Azov, Anastasio Carlos Mariano, New York. 2708 8th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 7th from Capt. Filyp Pieterse Van Schuyler. 7th from Maj. Plendrick Cuyler. 7th from Johannes Pieterszen Van Brugh. 7th from Col. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 6th from Jacobus Van Cortlandt. 7th from Johannis de Peyster. 6th from Col. Abraham de Peyster. 6th from Capt. Peter Van Brugh. 6th from Robert Livingston. 5th from Philip Livingston. 257 Backus, J. Bayard, New York. .^57 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Gov. John Haynes. 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 6th from Capt. Samuel Talcott. 5th from Maj. John Chester. 4th from Col. John Chester. 548 Bacon, Gorham, M.D., New York. 1092 4th from Lieut. William Henshaw. 695 Bailey. Theodorus, M.D., New York. 1463 4th from Col. John Bailey. 8th from Col. OlofT Stevense Van Cortlandt. 8th from Hon. Frederick Phillipse. 7th from Col. Abraham de Peyster. 40 NEW YORK. Statb Society No. Generai, Society No. 7th from Col. Robert Livingston. 7th from Col. Gerardus Beekmah, 106 Baker, Frank Leslie, New York. 106 8th from Lieut. Phinehas Upham. 670 Baker, George Comstock, Albany. 1380 7th from John Baker. 1 141 Baldwin, Rev. Berry Oakley, New York. 3128 7th from Capt. John Berry. 188 Baldwin, Joseph Clark, New York, 188 6th from Capt. John Beard. 233 Bangs, Anson CuylEr, New York. 233 6th from Capt. Jan Jansen Bleecker. 5th from Capt. John Bleecker, 916 Bangs, Fletcher Harper, New York. 2475 6th from Capt. Jonathan Bangs. 679 Banks, Hon. A. Bleecker, Albany. 1389 4th from Col. Josiah Ogden. 302 Banks, David, New York. 302 4th from Col. Josiah Ogden. 107 Banks, David, Jr., Major and A.D.C., N.G.N.Y., 107 New York. 8th from Thomas Root. 8th from John Plum. 7th from Richard Man. 7th from John Ogden. 5th from Col. Josiah Ogden. 298 Banta, Theodore Melvin, Brooklyn. 298 7th from Capt. Isaac Whitehead. 7th from Corp. Simon de Ruine. 7th from Corp. Pierre Cresson. 6th from David Demarest. 5th from Lieut. Daniel Sayre. 41 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 1 109 Barclay, David, Newburgh. 3043 7th from Capt. Elbert Elbertse Stoothoff. 6tli from Col. Thomas Willett. 4th from Col. Thomas De Kay. 3rd from Capt. Thomas De Kay. 321 Barclay J. Searle, New York. 321 4th from Capt. John Searle. 1086 Barlow, Peter Townsend, New York. 2968 4th from Lieut. Edmund Barlow. 9th from Lieut. Robert Feake. 8th from Capt. John Underbill. 8th from Henry Townsend. 7th from Stephen Paine. 6th from Capt. Joseph Wadsworth. 420 Barnes, Alfred Cutler, Col. 23d Reg., N.G.N.Y., 662 Brooklyn. 9th from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 8th from Gov. John Webster. 7th from Lieut. Robert Webster. 7th from Capt. John King. 6th from Benjamin Burr. 6th from Japhet Chapin. 6th from Capt. Thomas Colten. 5th from Capt. Joseph Loomis. 886 Barnes, Alfred Victor, Brooklyn. 2271 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 1015 Barnes, Frank Loring, New York. 2800 6th from Richard Barnes. 8th from Maj. Simon Willard. 7th from Nathaniel Howard. 7th from John Rediat. 6th from Jonathan Hyde. 42 NEW YORK. Statb Society No. General Society No. 1125 Barnes, Wintiirop Howard, New York. 3092 6th from Richard Barnes. 8th from Maj. Simon Willard. 7th from Nathaniel Howard. 7th from John Rediat. 6th from Jonathan Hyde. 860 Barnwell, Morgan Gibbes, Tuxedo Park. 2245 5th from Col. John Barnwell. 4th from Col. Nathaniel Barnwell. 7th from Col. Robert Livingston. 6th from Col. Philip Livingston. 6th from Hon. Matthew Clarkson. 6th from Gov. Robert Gibbes. 1093 Barron, Thomas, ist Lieut., 7th Reg., N.G.N.Y., 3006 New York. 7th from Ellis Barron. 856 Barrows, Ira, New York, 2241 8th from Richard Beers. 963 Bartiiolf, John Henry, Major, U.S.A. (retired), 2637 Plattsburgh. 7th from Capt. Jan Strycker. 604 Bartlett, Franklin, Col. 22d Reg., N.G.N.Y., ,1244 New York. 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 454 Bartlett, George Frederic Hunter, M.D., 792 Bufifalo. 7th from Robert Bartlett. 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 8th from Elder William Brewster. 8th from John Alden. 282 Bartlett, John Russell, Captain, U.S.N. 282 (retired). 7th from John Russell. 43 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 605 Bartlutt, WilIvARD, Justice of Supreme Court 1245 of New York. 7th from Alaj. Simon Willard. 947 Bascom, Gjjorge; Jonathan, New York. 2575 7th from Gov. John Webster. 1072 Bascom 15, Wi^stern Radford, New York. 1770 8th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 7th from Col. Olofif Stevense Van Cortlandt. 6th from Stephanus Van Cortlandt. 7th from Matthias Nicoll. 6th from William Nicoll. 4th from John Watts. 200 Bassett, Charles Frankun, Brooklyn. 200 8th from William Bassett. 6th from Col. William Bassett. 9th from Lieut. Thomas Dymoke. 8th from Ensign Shubael Dymoke. 7th from Richard Bourne. 7th from James SkifT. 1020 Bates, James HaeE, Brooklyn. 2805 7th from Judge Simon Lynde. 7th from Thomas Clark. 7th from John Tower. 6th from Sir Charles Hobby. 6th from Capt. James Gooch. 6th from Joseph Pratt. 5th from Nathaniel Ballard. 3rd from Ensign Zachariah Robbins, Sr. 1067 Bates, William Graves, Col. 71st Regt., 2947 N.G.N. Y., New York. 7th from Capt. Robert Chapman. 44 NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai< Society No. 8 Bayne, Howard Randolph, New York. 8 5th from Capt. John Strother. 3rd from John Ashby. 515 Beach, Bennett Sheldon, M.D., Surgeon, 22nd 977 Regt., N.G.N.Y., New York. 6th from Capt. John Minor. 5th from Col. Joseph Minor. 663 Beatty, Alfred Chester, Denver, CoL 1373 8th from Maj. Richard Smith. 8th from John Ogden. 7th from Capt. Thomas Bull. 7th from Capt. William Lawrence. 384 Beatty, Robert Chetwood, New York. 384 8th from Maj. Richard Smith. 8th from John Ogden. 7th from Capt. Thomas Bull. 7th from Capt. William Lawrence. 383 Beatty, William Gedney, New York. 383 8th from Maj. Richard Smith. 8th from John Ogden. 7th from Capt. Thomas Bull. 7th from Capt. William Lawrence. 369 Beckurts, Charles Lewis, Captain, U.S.A. 369 5th from Capt. John Paxton. 108 Beekman, James William, New York. 108 6th from Hon. William Beekman 5th from Col. Gerardus Beekman. 8th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 8th from Col. Olofif Stevense Van Cortlandt. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 6th from Col. Peter Schuyler. 7th from Alexander Lindsay Glen. 45 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General Society Inc. 6th from Capt. John Sanders Glen. 5th from Col. Jacob Glen. 7th from Maj. Abraham Staats. 6th from Capt. Johannes Wendell. 6th from Lieut. Robert Sanders. 4th from Capt. John Sanders. 5th from Capt. Johannes de Honneur. 4th from Capt. Abraham Keteltas. 4th from Capt. William Steele. 606 Belknap, Waldron Phoenix, New York. 1246 5th from Samuel Belknap. 4th from Capt. Samuel Belknap. 8th from Lieut. William Avery. 8th from Job Lane. 8th from Deacon William Parke. 8th from Harman Rutgers. 6th from Lieut. Hendrick Rutgers. 7tli from Capt. Johannes de Peyster, 7th from Lieut. Gershom Flagg. 7th from Capt. William Hallett. 6th from Lieut. Isaac Stearns. 5th from Col. John Williams. 4th from Lieut. Hendrick Remsen. 1 142 Belknap, William Cook, Newburgh. 3129 4th from Samuel Belknap. 787 Bell, Jared Weed, New York. 1872 7th from Lieut. Francis Bell. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Bell. 9th from Deacon Paul Peck. 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Richard Warren. Sth from Nathaniel Foote. 8th from Andrew Ward. 8th from Ensign Thomas Norton. 46 NBW YORK. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Hurlburt. 6th from Sergt. John Hurlburt, 7th from Hugh Calkins. 7th from Sergt. Richard Church. 7th from Jasper Crane. 7th from Josiah Churchill. 4th from Sergt. Nathaniel Churchill, Jr. 3rd from Amos Churchill. 7th from Sergt. John Deming. 7th from Sergt. William Cornwall. 7th from Sergt. Robert Lockwood. 7th from John Hands. 7th from William Seward. 7th from John Holly. 7th from Benjamin Wright. 6th from John Wilcox. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 6th from William Wodell. 5th from Sergt. Benjamin Weed. 4th from Ebenezer Dowd (Doude). 4th from Capt. Ebenezer Cowles. 1013 Bellows, Rev. Johnson McClure, New York. 2798 4th from Col. Benjamin Bellows. 4th from Capt. Salmon Whitney. 540 Benedict, James Augustus, New York. 1084 6th from Lieut. Silas Sears. 833 Benedict, Lemuel Coleman, Brooklyn. 2052 7th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 356 Benedict, Robert Dewey, Brooklyn. 356 6th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 3rd from Capt. Stephen Dewey. 1059 Benedict, Walter St. John, Brooklyn. 2932 7th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 47 NEIV YORK. State Society No. Generai< Society No. 636 Benedict, William de LiEsseline, Brooklyn. 1295 7th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 952 Benjamin, George Powell, New York. 2580 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Turner. 7th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from George Steele. 6th from James Steele. 7th from Gov. John Webster. 6th from Lieut. Robert Webster. 808 Benson, Frank Sherman, Brooklyn. 1893 8th from Moses Cleveland. 7th from Sergt. Samuel Cleveland. 4th from Dumnier Sewall. 80 Betts, Frederic Henry, New York. 80 3rd from Samuel Comstock Betts. 8th from Gov. George Wyllys. 7th from Hon. Samuel Wyllys. 8th from Gov. John Haynes. 8th from Hon. Abraham Chittenden. 7th from Gov. W^illiam Leete. 7th from Hon. George Bartlett. 7th from Hon. Edward Rosseter. 4th from Hon. Josiah Rosseter. 6th from Capt. John Taylor. 6th from Hon. Nathaniel Stone. 5th from Hon. Samuel Sherman. 5th from Capt. Andrew Ward. 4th from Col. Andrew Ward. 314 Betts, Louis Frederic Holbrook, New York. 314 4th from Samuel Comstock Betts. loth from Gov. John Haynes. loth from Hon. Abraham Chittenden, loth from Hon. Edward Rosseter. 8th from Hon. Josiah Rosseter. 48 NEW YORK. Stats Socisty No. Genehal Socibty No. 9th from Gov. George Wyllys. 8th from Hon. Samuel Wyllys. 7th from Hon. Samuel Sherman. 7th from Capt. John Taylor. 6th from Col. Andrew Ward. 315 Betts, Samuel Rossiter, New York. 315 4th from Samuel Comstock Betts. 8th from Hon. Edward Rosseter. 6th from Hon. Josiah Rosseter. 900 Betts, Wyllys Rossiter, New York. 241 1 8th from Gov. John Haynes. 68 BiBBY, Andrew Aldridge, New York. 68 4th from Charles Ward Apthorpe. 944 Bible, Howard Wiswall, New York. 2535 6th from Capt. Noah Wiswall. 442 BiCKLEY, Lawrence Wharton, New York. 710 7th from Gov. Thomas Lloyd. 1 105 Billings, Charles Miller, New York. 3039 5th from Capt. Ephraim Wetherbee. 824 Billings, David Lane, New York. 2043 9th from Maj. Simon Willard. 7th from John Howe. 6th from John Wetherbee. 5th from Capt. Ephraim Wetherbee. 6th from Samuel Lamson. 5th from Capt. James Johnson, 773 Bingham, Theodore Alfred, Colonel, U.S.A. 1674 4th from Lieut. Jonathan Johnson. 390 Binney, William Greene, Burlington, N. J. 390 7th from Capt. Thomas Cromwell. 7th from George Vickere. 49 NEW YORK. Stak Society No. Genbbai, Socibty No. 167 Bishop, Cortlandt Field, New York. 167 7th from John Bishop. 6th from Col. Abraham de Peyster. 607 BissEivL, Eugene, Brooklyn. 1247 6th from Maj. John Mason. 6th from Col. Samuel Partridge, 6th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 1137 BissELL, John, New York. 3124 8th from Capt. John Bissell. 35 BeEEcker, Anthony James, Captain, 71st Regt., 35 N.G.N.Y., New York. 7th from Capt. Jan Jansen Bleecker. 7th from Cadet Johannes de Peyster. 6th from Capt. Johannes de Peyster, 7th from Antoine L'Espenard. 6th from Capt. Anthony Lispenard. 7th from Lieut. Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick, 7th from Capt. Thomas Hicks. 6th from Matthew Clarkson, 861 Bliven, Wieeiam Warren, Yonkers. 2246 6th from Edward Bliven. 4th from Maj. Edward Bliven, 8th from Gov. Benedict Arnold. 7th from Deputy-Gov. James Barker. 725 Beoodgood, Delavan, Medical Director, U.S.N., 1576 Brooklyn. 7th from Capt. Frans Jansen Bloetgoet, 122 Blunt, Stanhope English, Major, Ordnance 122 Dept., U.S.A. 7th from Col. Shadrach Walton. 7th from Dr. John Cutler. 7th from Sampson Sheafe, 6th from Sampson Sheafe, Jr, 6th from Maj, Charles Frost, 50 NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai. Society No. 704 BoARDMAN, Lansdale, New York. 1472 8th from Sergt. David Provoost. 7th from Capt. Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh. 7th from Hon. Wilhelmus Beekman. 7th from Frederick Phillipse. 4th from Col. Philip Van Home. 809 BoivMER, Thomas Henry, New York. 1894 4th from Lieut. William Leonhard. 691 BosTwicK, Henry Anthon, Asst. I.S.A.P., 7th 1459 Regt., N.G.N.Y., New York. 4th from Ensign Reuben Bostwick. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gov. William Leete. 8th from Ensign Robert Walker. 8th from Rev. John Woodbridge. 7th from Capt. John Seaman. 7th from Ensign John Hitchcock, 7th from Col. Job Almy. 7th from John Ruggles. 810 Boucher, Charles, New York. 1895 9th from Benjamin Butterfield. 9th from William Ballard. 9th from Richard Scott. 8th from John Scott. 7th from Lieut. Johannes Van Eps. 6th from Jellis Van Vorst. 6th from Philip Bosie. 5th from Dirck Van Vorst. 624 BouTELLE, Frank Warren, Slingerlands. 1283 6th from John Boutell. 8th from Lieut. Griffin Craft. 6th from Capt. Joseph Hills. 4th from Nathaniel Seaver. 4th from Ebenezer Boutwell, SI NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. y6 BowEN, Clarence Winthrop, New York. y6 7th from Lieut. Henry Bowen. 9th from Lieut. Griflin Craft. 9th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 8th from Capt. Isaac Johnson. 8th from Lieut. Tristram Coffin, 8th from Capt, Joseph Weld. 7th from Capt. John Weld. 7th from Deputy-Gov. Thomas Danforth. 7th from Capt. George Macy. 7th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Gookin. 7th from Capt. John Winchester. 7th from Capt. John Chester. 7th from Commissary Gen. William Douglas. 7th from Onesiphorus Marsh. 6th from John Marsh. 6th from Lieut. Ambrose Dawes. 6th from Capt. Solomon Phipps. 6th from Capt. Timothy Stevens. 6th from Capt. William Heath. 5th from Judge John Eliot. 5th from Capt. Samuel Aspinwall. 502 Bowers, Henry, Brooklyn. 964 7th from Lieut. Ephraim Morton. 6th from Charles Stockbridge. 6th from Cornet Robert Stetson. 244 Bowers, John Myer, New York. 244 5th from Hon. Samuel Johnson. 514 Bradeey, Frederick Lines, New York. 976 7th from Capt. John Stanley 240 Brainerd, Cephas, New York. 240 5th from Capt. James Brainerd. 6th from Ensign Jared Spencer. 52 NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 774 BrEnton, Cranston, Jamaica. 1675 7th from Gov. William Brenton. . 8th from Gov. Roger Williams, 7th from John Cranston. 6th from Gov. Samuel Cranston. 529 Brewster, Henry Colvin, Rochester. 990 7th from Capt. George Denison. 1017 Brewster, Samuee Dwight, New York. 2802 8th from Elder William Brewster. 7th from Love Brewster. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 8th from William Collier. 7th from Lieut. John Lyman. 7th from Christopher Wadsworth. 5th from Capt. Joseph Wadsworth. 435 Bright, Louis Victor, New York. 701 4th from Jacob Brecht (Bright). 372 Britton, Charles Price, New York. 372 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from John Porter. 7th from George Adams. 6th from Daniel Adams. 1040 Britton, Edward Earl, Lieut.-Col. and A.A.G., 2865 2d Brigade, N.G.N.Y., Brooklyn. 8th from Capt. John Whipple. 8th from Ellis Barron. 8th from William Ward. 7th from Capt. James Pendleton. 7th from Maj. Bryan Pendleton. 7th from Ensign John Coolidge. 7th from John Bigelow. 7th from Daniel Warren. S3 NEfV YORK. STA« SociKTv No. Generai, Societv No. 7th from Samuel Stone. 7th from James Leonard. 6th from Nathaniel Fiske. 6th from John Sprague. 6th from Capt. Edward Goddard. 6th from Sergt. John Perham. 967 BriTTon, Henry Berry, New York. 2641 loth from Gov. Thomas Welles. 539 Brookfield, Henry Morgan, New York. 1083 8th from Capt. James Avery. 7th from Capt. John Morgan. 653 Brookeield, James Hanford, New York. 1363 8th from Capt. George Denison. 888 Brown, Charles Hoebrook, BuflFalo. 2344 5th from Capt. Deliverance Brown. 456 Brown, George Le Roy, Captain, U.S.A. 863 8th from Capt. George Denison. 8th from Maj. John Mason. 6th from Capt. Samuel Walker. 671 Brown, Goodwin, Yonkers. 1381 8th from John Bronson. 942 Brown, Henry Morris, Bufralo. 2533 9th from Capt. Michael Pierce. 9th from Capt. John Holbrooke. 7th from Capt. Andrew Edmonds. 689 Brown, John Barker, New York. 1457 9th from Capt. John Putnam. 9th from William Bassett. 9th from Richard Warren. 9th from Humphrey Turner. 8th from Maj. William Hathorne. 8th from Capt. Peregrin White. 54 NEM^ YORK. State Society No. Generai. Society No. 8th from Sergt. John Porter, 7th from Capt. Israel Porter. 7th from Lieut. Francis Peabody. 5th from Col. Nathaniel Thwing. 4th from Col. Israel Hutchinson. 503 Brown, Paul Richard, Major, U.S A. 965 5th from Capt. Johannes de Bruynne. 6th from Maj. Paul Richard. 6th from Johannes Pietersen Van Brugh. 5th from Lieut. Stephen Richard. 255 Brugler, Rev. Charles Edward, Port Chester. 255 6th from Capt. David Lacey. 731 Bryan, Foster Abel Kimball, New York. 1582 5th from Capt. Asa Foster. 276 Bryant, Percy, M.D. 276 loth from William Collier. 9th from Gen. Constant Southworth. 9th from Anthony Annable. 8th from Anthony Thatcher. 8th from Robert Paddock. 8th from John Doane. 8th from Thomas Clarke. 8th from Henry Ewell. 8th from John Howland. 7th from Lieut. Jabez Howland. 7th from Capt. Paul Sears, 254 Bryson, Andrew, New York. ^.54 6th from Capt. Samuel Walker. 672 BuELL, Frederick Follett, Troy. 13^2 4th from Capt. Jonathan Buell. 8th from Gov. William Leete. 8th from Maj. William Chittenden. 5th from Capt. Nathaniel Baldwin. 5.S NEIV YORK. Statb Socisty No. General Society No. 4th from Lieut.-Col. Ebenezer Norton. 864 Bunker, Wii^uam, New York. 2249 8th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 946 Burke, James Stranahan, Brooklyn. 2574 9th from John .Tilly. 8th from Capt. Daniel Clarke. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Barber. 8th from Gov. John Rowland. 8th from Stephen Hopkins. 8th from Hon. John Dunham. 7th from Commissary-General Thomas Huckins. 7th from Deacon William Crocker. 7th from Gov. Jeremiah Clarke. 7th from Nicholas Snow. 6th from Lieut. Jabez Snow. 6th from Gov. Caleb Carr. 839 Burt, Stephen Smith, M.D., New York. 2058 7th from Henry Burt. 5th from Joseph Burt. 805 BuRTis, Peter Phh^lips, Buffalo. 1890 8th from Jan Manje. 718 BusHNELL, Clarence Munson, Buffalo. i486 8th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 1 145 Bussing, John Schermerhorn, New York. 3132 7th from Capt. Dirck Teunise Van Vechten. 135 Butler, Henry Percival, New York. 135 7th from Capt. Samuel Green. 786 Byington, Cassius Perkins, M.D., Cairo. 1871 6th from Capt. Johannes Dyckman. 831 Byington, Charles Sperry, Albany. 2050 7th from Robert Hinsdale. 7th from Joseph Loomis. 6th from Barnabas Hinsdale. 56 NEW YORK. State Society No. GenERAt Society No. 767 Calef, Amos Howard, New York. 1668 4th from Capt. Jeduthan Baldwin. 705 Cammann, Edward Crary, New York. 1473 6th from Col. John Conrad Weiser. 181 Cammann, George Philip, New York. 181 6th from Col. John Conrad Weiser. 469 Cammann, Henry Lorielard, New York. 876 6th from Col. John Conrad Weiser. 814 Camp, Charles Lewis Nichols, New Haven, 1899 Conn. 8th from John Brown. 7th from Capt. Thomas Willett. 7th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from Gov. John Webster. 6th from Lieut. Robert Webster. 4th from Capt. Eldad Lewis. 778 Campbell, Benjamin Howell, Elizabeth, N. J. 1679 7th from Samuel Richardson. 7th from Francis Collins. 7th from William Jenkins. 488 Campbell, William Auchinbreck, New York. 941 4th from Lieut. Samuel Campbell. 9th from Hon. Philip Sherman. 8th from Col. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 8th from Capt. Edward Richmond. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 7th from Plon. Matthias Nicoll. 5th from Col. Jedediah Elderkin. 4th from John Paige. 1047 CanField, James Hulme, LL.D., New York. 2882 6th from Sergt. Thomas Canfield. 497 Capell, William Benton, New York. 959 5th from John Capell. 57 NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 1 1 12 Carhart, Alfred Bangs, Brooklyn. 3046 9th from Maj. William Phillips. 41 Carhart, Amory Sibley, Tuxedo. 41 6th from Thomas Carhart. 8th from Maj. William Phillips. 835 Carhart, William Edward, Brooklyn. 2054 8th from Maj. William Phillips. 549 Carleton, Horace Morrison, Brooklyn. 1093 5th from George Carleton. 533 Carney, Sydney Howard, M.D., New York. 1005 3rd from Mark Carney. 3rd from Hon. Seth Bullard. 396 Carney, Sydney Howard, Jr., M.D., New York. 396 4th from Mark Carney. 9th from Capt. Richard Brackett. * 8th from Lieut. William French. 8th from Simon Crosby, 2nd. 8th from George Abbott, Sr. 8th from Maj. Jeremiah Swaine. 4th from Seth Bullard. 87 Carnochan, Gouverneur Morris, Major and 87 I.S.A.P., 1st Brigade, N.G.N.Y., Riverdale. 7th from Hon. William Beekman. 7th from Col. James Graham. 7th from Maj. Abraham Staats. 6th from Hon. Lewis Morris. 5th from Capt. Henry Putnam. 5th from Lieut. Jacob Walton. 72 Carpenter, James Oliver, Brooklyn. 72 7th from William Carpenter, 3rd. 1 115 Carter, Walter Steuben, New York. 3049 2nd from Thaddeus Carter. 9th from John Plumb. 58 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General, Society No. 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Turner. 8th from Edmund Tapp. 8th from Richard Sperry. 8th from Elder William Brewster. 7th from Gov. Thomas Prence. 7th from Capt. John Stanley. 7th from Rev. Nicholas Street. 7th from William Gibbard. 7th from William Merriam. 7th from Edmund Freeman. 6th from Maj. John Freeman. 6th from Gov. Thomas Roberts. 6th from Richard Knov^les. 4th from Joseph Gaylord. 3rd from William Taylor. 1000 Gary, John Watson, New York. 2745 7th from Thomas Root. 129 Chandlkr, Walter, Elizabeth, N. J. 129 7th from Maj. Job Chandler. 6th from Col. William Chandler, 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 7th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Denison. 8th from Sir Robert Crane. 7th from Jasper Crane. 8th from WilHam Swaine. 7th from Capt. Samuel Swaine. 7th from John Ogden. 6th from Col. Josiah Ogden. 7th from Col. Richard Lee. 6th from Richard Lee, 2nd. 3rd from Maj. John Rogers, 403 Chapin, Henry Dwight, M.D., New York. 403 6th from Japhet Chapin. 7th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 59 NEIV YORK. Statu Socibty No. General Society No. 170 Chapman, Thomas Browne;lIv, Hartford, Conn. 170 7th from Capt. Robert Chapman. loth from Hon. Richard Treat. 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 9th from Hon. John Alden. 6th from Col. Sylvester Richmond. 6th from Col. Benjamin Church. 555 Chaunce;y, Elihu, New York. 1099 3rd from Col. Elihu Chauncey. 8th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Gookin. 7th from Gov. John Haynes. 7th from Col. Edmund Quincy. 7th from Capt. John Hull. 6th from Lieut.-Gen. John Walley. 5th from Samuel Sewall. 169 Chi;nowe;th, Alexander Crawford, New York. 169 6th from William Cromwell. 4th from Col. William Crawford. 758 Chew, BeverIvY, New York. 1609 5 th from James Alexander. 938 Childs, Edwards Herrick, New York. 2529 5th from Lieut. Nathaniel Burt. 264 Childs, James Edmunds, New York. 264 4th from Capt. Penuel Child. 6th from Col. Samuel Partridge. 6th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 6th from Lieut. Gershom Flagg. 6th from Lieut. Henry Green. 6th from Lieut. Edward Morris. 5th from Lieut. Ephraim Guile 654 Childs, William Ward, Brooklyn 1364 6th from Col. Robert Carter. 60 NEW YORK. SiATE Society No. General Society No. 1 135 Choate, Edward Austin, New York. 3122 8th from John Burnham. 756 Chrystie;, Thomas Ludlow, New York, 1607 4th from Capt. James Nicholson. 155 Church, Richard, Belvidere. 155 6th from Capt. PhiHp Pieterse Van Schuyler. 5th from Col. Johannes de Peyster. 95 Clark, Henry Schieffelin, Lieut.-Col, N.G.N.Y., 95 New York. 9th from Ivieut.-Gov. Richard Ingoldsby. 8th from Sir John Pell. 8th from Capt. Nicholas Stilwell. 7th from Col. Stephanus Van Cortlandt. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 6th from Capt. Arent Schuyler. 109 Clark, William Newton, New York. 109 7th from Capt. Nicholas Stilwell. 7th from Capt. William Lawrence. 832 Clarke, Charles Lorenzo, New York. 2051 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 7th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 7th from Ralph Sprague. 5th from Jeremiah Moulton. 4th from Col. James Frye. 1046 Clarke, Charles McClellan, Buffalo. 2881 8th from Hugh Clarke. 423 Clarke, Edward Smith, Rochester. 689 5th from Capt. Janna Meigs. 457 Clarke, Isaac Sherman, Rochester. 864 7th from Andrew Ward. 160 Clarkson, Banyer, New York. 160 6th from Matthew Clarkson. 61 NBIV YORK. SiATB SociBTY No. General Society No. 92 Clarkson, CivEKMOiVT LIVINGSTON, New York. 92 6th from Matthew Clarkson. 91 Clarkson, David Augustus, New York. 91 6th from Matthew Clarkson. 485 CivArkson, John Van Boskerck, New York. 938 6th from Matthew Clarkson. 821 Ceay, Thomas Savage, New York. 1906 6th from Capt. Matthew Dill. 1146 Cleveland, Charles Dexter, New York. 3133 8th from Moses Cleveland. 887 Cleveland, James Wray, ist Lieut., 7th Regt., 2272 N.G.N.Y., New York. 7th from Moses Cleveland. 1078 Cochrane, Adam William Spies, New York. 2057 6th from Lieut. Pieter Meese Hoogeboom. 635 CoE, Henry Clark, M.D., New York. 1294 7th from Hon. John Alden. 1154 Coerr, Frederic Dan Huntington, New York. 3153 7th from Hon. Lewis Morris. 192 Coghill, How^RD, Morristown, N. J. 192 9th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 9th from Gov. John Howland. 7th from Jabez Howland. 8th from Capt. John Gorham. 8th from Lieut. Francis Bell. 194 Cogswell, Cullen Van Rensselaer, New York. 194 8th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer, 6th from Col. Johannes Van Rensselaer. 1102 Coleman, Charles Philip, New York. 3036 7th from Maj.-Gen. John Hammond. 62 NBW YORK. STATt Society No. GeNBRAi. Society No. 446 Coles, Henry Remsen Rutgers, Englewood, N. J. 784 8th from Capt. John Underhill. 740 CoLEAx, Albert Eben, New York. 1591 8th from Capt, James Avery. 431 Collins, Clarence Lyman, New York. 697 8th from John ColHns. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell. 8th from Gov. WilHam Leete. 8th from Gov. WiUiam Bradford 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 7th from Lieut. John Lyman. 7th from Col. Samuel Partridge. 551 Collins, Edwin Pinckney, New York. 1095 8th from Deacon Edward Collins, 5th from Lieut. Jonathan Beebe. 23 Collins, Holdridge Ozro, Los Angeles, Cal. 23 9th from John Plumb. 9th from Stephen Hart. 8th from John Bronson. 7th from Sergt. David Provoost. 7th from Louis Du Bois. 6th from Roeloff Swartwout. loio Collins, William George, New York. 2774 6th from Deacon Edward ColHns. 8th from Gov. William Pynchon. 7th from Matthew Allyn. 6th from Col. John Allyn. 7th from Gov. William Bradford. 6th from Maj. William Bradford. 6th from Gov. John Webster, 6th from Maj. William Whiting. 638 CoNANT, Ernest Lee, New York. 1297 8th from Gov. Roger Conant. 63 NEIV YORK. State Society No. ' Generai, Society No. 1023 Conger, Arthur Latham, Lieut., U.S.A. 2808 8th from John Bronson. 1 133 CoNOVER, John Thompson, New York. 3100 loth from Edmund Tapp. loth from Alexander Bryan. 9th from Maj. Moses Mansfield. 9th from Sergt. Thomas Tibbals, ist. 9th from Ensign John Stream. 9th from Gov. Robert Treat. 8th from Capt. Joseph Treat. 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith, Sr. 7th from Capt. Nathaniel Baldwin. 6th from Lieut. Miles Merwin. I Constant, S. Victor, New York. i 8th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 7th from Lieut. Tristram Coffin. 7th from Maj. Charles Frost. 7th from John Tuttle. 7th from Nicholas Noyes. 6th from Capt. Cutting Noyes. 6th from Lieut. James Smith. 93 Constantine, Richard Buele, New York. 93 8th from Gov. Roger Williams. 563 Converse, Edmund Cogswele, New York. 1124 6th from Maj. James Convers. 1069 Cook, Edmund Howeee, M.D., Flushing. 2949 8th from Maj. John Howell. 991 Cook, Ferdinand Huntting, New York. 2717 8th from Maj. John Howell. 998 Cook, Henry Francis, Sag Harbor. 2743 8th from Maj. John Howell. 64 NEIV YORK. State Socisty No. General Society No. 1 107 Cooper, WiIvLIam Edward, New York. 3041 6th from Gov. Robert Treat. 992 Copp, William Maltby. 2718 8th from Deputy-Gov. James Bishop. mo CoRBUsiER, William Henry, Major, U.S.A. 3044 9th from Joris Jansen Rapelje. 8th from Simon De Ruine. 8th from Resolved Waldron. 8th from Abraham Isaacsen Ver Planck. 8th from Capt. Ryck Leydecker. 8th from Teunis Gysbertse Bogaert. 8th from Jan Strycker. 8th from Jan Pieterszen Slot. 7th from Pieter Janszen Slot. 8th from David Demarest. 7th from Samuel Demarest. 7th from Jan Demarest. 7th from Jan Nagel. 7th from Francois De Puy. 5th from Joris Remsen. 889 CoRWiN, Hamilton Stewart, New York. 2345 6th from Lieut. John Corwin. 4th from Joshua Corwin. 8th from Lieut. Charles Glover. 8th from Hon. William Wells. 6th from John Vail(e), 2nd. 522 Cox, James William, Albany. 984 4th from Jacob Bump. 884 Crafts, John Willard, Bufifalo. 2269 8th from Lieut. Griffin Crafts. 6th from Lieut. Samuel Crafts. 5th from Capt. Joseph Crafts, loth from William Sumner. 7th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 65 NBIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 1 1 19 Critchlow, Ge^orge Read, M.D., Buffalo. 3086 8th from Lieut. Thomas Minor. 7th from Capt. John Miner. 242 Crosby, Edward Nicoll, New York. 242 8th from Brant Arentse Van SHchtenhorst. 7th from Hon. WilHam Beekman. 7th from Capt. PhiHp Pieterse Van Schuyler, 7th from Hon. Matthias Nicoll. 7th from Cadet Johannes de Peyster. 6th from Capt. Johannes de Peyster. 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. 6th from Matthew Clarkson. 241 Crosby, Livingston, New York. 241 8th from Brant Arentse Van SHchtenhorst. 7th from Hon. William Beekman. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. • 7th from Hon. Matthias Nicoll. 7th from Maj. Hendrick Cuyler. 7th from Cadet Johannes de Peyster. 6th from Capt. Johannes de Peyster. 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. 6th from Matthew Clarkson. 822 Crouse, Daniel Nellis, Utica. 2041 7th from Capt. Nathaniel Merriman. 676 Culver, Charles Mortimer, M.D., Albany. 1386 7th from Edward Culver. 9th from John Hall. 6th from Lieut. Richard Lord. 5th from Col. Stephen Lee. 893 Culver, Henry Brundage, New York. 2349 7th from Edward Culver. 8th from Capt. Andrew Cannon. 1022 CuRTiss, Harlow Clarke, Buffalo. 2807 6th from Ensign Joseph Curtiss. 66 NBIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Anthony Thompson. 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 6th from Capt. Samuel Welles. 7th from Lieut. John Hollister. 7th from Adolph Meyer. 7th from Resolved Waldron. 6th from Lieut. John Hubhell. 6th from Ephraim Stiles. 4th from Capt. John Lent. 783 Gushing, Harry Cooki:, Jr., New York. 838 7th from Col. Benjamin Church. 761 Cutler, James Goold, Rochester. 1612 6th from Benoni Van Corlear. 651 Cutler, Joseph Warren, Rochester. 1310 6th from Benoni Van Corlear. 892 Dana, Charles Loomis, M.D., New York. 2348 5th from Abraham Howe. 73 Dana, Ricliard Starr, New York. 73 6th from Josiah Keith. 1065 Danie.ll, John Francis, New York. 2945 4th from John Hopkins. 1066 Daniell, William Sohier, New York. 2946 4th from John Hopkins. 613 Darling, Charles William, Utica. 1253 7th from Gov. John Haynes. 686 Darlington, Charles Francis, New York. 1454 7th from Deputy. -Gov. James Bishop. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Wright. 7th from John Griffen. 6th from Jacob Griffen. 67 NEIV YORK. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 7th from John Wilde. 6th from Richard Wilde. 5th from Thomas Wilde. 687 DarIvIngton, Rev. Jame;s Henry, Brooklyn. 1455 7th from Deputy-Gov. James Bishop. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Wright. 7th from John Grififen. 6th from Jacob Griffen. 7th from John Wilde. 6th from Richard Wilde. 5th from Thomas Wilde. 1085 Darlington, Thomas, M.D., New York. 2967 7th from Deputy-Gov. James Bishop. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Wright. 7th from John Griffen. 6th from Jacob Griffen. 7th from John Wilde. 6th from Richard Wilde. 5th from Thomas Wilde. 299 Davenport, Timothy, Yonkers. 299 6th from Maj. Nathan Gold. 661 Davenport, William Bates, Brooklyn. 1371 7th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 409 Davies, JuLiEN TowNSEND, New York. 409 loth from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. loth from Tristram Coffin. 9th from Lieut. Tristram Coffin. 9th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Gookin. 9th from Maj. Abraham Staats. 9th from Capt. John LTnderhill. 187 Davies, William Gilbert, New York. 187 9th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 9th from Tristram Coffin. 68 NBW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Lieut. Tristram Coffin. 9th from John Brown. 8th from Capt. Thomas Willett. 8th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Gookin. 8th from Maj. Abraham Staats. 8th from Capt. Johannes Pietersen Van Brugh. 7th from Capt. Joseph Little. 7th from Nathaniel Foote. 6th from Lieut. Robert Foote. 7th from John Plympton, 7th from Edward Patterson. 7th from Onesiphorus Marsh. 7th from Lieut.-Col. Edmund Quincy. 6th from Hon. Edmund Quincy. 7th from Capt. Johannes Wendell. 7th from Capt. John Hull. 7th from Henry Sewall. 6th from Samuel Sewall. 6th from Lieut.-Gen. John Walley. 6th from Lieut. Ambrose Dawes. 6th from Nathaniel Sutliffe. 4th from William Homes. 1 091 Davis, Chandler, New York. 3004 6th from Samuel Davis. 5th from Capt. Simon Davis. 6th from Col. John Chandler, 2nd. 5th from Col. John Chandler, 3rd. 4th from Col. John Chandler, 4th. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Bancroft. 512 Davis, Fellowes, New York. 974 4th from Col. Aaron Davis. 3rd from Capt. Aaron Davis, Jr. 9th from Gov. John Winthrop. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 69 NEW YORK. Statb Society No. General Society No. 9th from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 8th from Capt. Joseph Weld. 7th from Capt. John Weld. 7th from Lieut. Griffin Craft. 6th from Lieut. Samuel Craft. 7th from Capt. Samuel Ruggles. 6th from Capt. Samuel Ruggles. 6th from Hon. Samuel Donnell. 6th from Col. Winthrop Hilton. 6th from Capt. Stephen Williams. 559 Davison, Charles Mason, Saratoga. T103 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. John Mason. 677 Davison, John Mason, Rochester. 1387 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. John Mason. 813 Day, Robert Webster, Buffalo. 1898 9th from Gov. William Pynchon. 9th from Maj .-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 8th from Gov. John Webster. 8th from Gov. Robert Treat. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. -Gen. Daniel Gookin. 378 Deen, Wieeiam Morris, Short Hills, N. J. 378 7th from Gov. Edmund Jennings. 6th from Maj. William Harris. 5th from Lieut.-Col. Thomas Turpin. 1 149 De Kay, Eckeord Craven, New York 3136 5th from Col. Thomas De Kay. 357 DE KovEN, Henry Louis Reginald, New York. 357 6th from Gov. Joseph Dudley. 163 Delafield, Joseph Livingston, New York. 163 7th from Col. Robert Livingston. 70 NEIV YORK. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 164 DelafieIvD, Matukin Livingston, Jr., New York. 163 7th from Col. Robert Livingston. 94 de; LancEy, Edward Feoyd, New York. 94 3rd from Gov. James de Lancey. 1077 DE LuzE, Philip Schuyler, New Rochelle. 2956 8th from John Ogden. 6th from Col. Josiah Ogden. 7th from Col. Robert Livingston. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 6th from Col. Johannes Schuyler. 4th from Maj.-Gen. Philip Schuyler. 579 Denis, George Jules, Los Angeles, Cal. 1140 6th from William Hall. 834 Dennis, Holmes Van Mater, Jr., New York. 2053 7th from Thomas Dennis. 696 Dennis, Rodney Strong, New York. 1464 6th from Thomas Dennis. 4th from Rev. John Dennis. 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Lieut. William French. 7th from Capt. John Stearns. 7th from Elder John Strong. 7th from Joseph Fowler. 7th from Ensign Samuel Manning. 7th from Ensign James Kidder. 7th from Ensign Samuel Hunt, ist. 6th from Ensign Samuel Hunt, 2nd. 6th from Capt. William Goodhue. 5th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 1032 Dennis, Warren Egerton, New York. 2842 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 975 DepEw, Hon. Chauncey Mitchell, U.S. Senator, 2701 New York. 8th from Matthew Mitchell. NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. I02S DE PiiYSTEK, Frederic AsHTON, New York. 2815 6th from Col. Abraham de Peyster. 7th from Col. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 7th from Robert Livingston. 6th from Gov. Lewis Morris. 36 DE Peyster, Frederic J., New York. 36 6th from Cadet Johannes de Peyster. 5th from Col. Abraham de Peyster. 393 DE Rose, Edward, New York. 393 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. 641 DE RussY, Rene Amedee, Adj., 12th Regt., 1300 N.G.N.Y., New York. 8th from Gov. John Winthrop. 716 Devereux, Walter, Buflfalo. 1484 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. 5th from Col. Philip Livingston. 595 Dewey, Charles Ayrault, M.D., Rochester. 1183 3rd from Capt. Stephen Dewey. 4th from Gen. Seth Pomeroy. 584 Dewey, Edward Wiekins, New York. 1172 8th from Maj. John Mason. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 7th from Rev. James Fitch. 7th from Stephen Paine. 4th from Lieut. -Col. Brinton Paine. 746 Dewey, George Augustus, Brooklyn. 1597 8th from Maj. John Mason. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 7th from Rev. James Fitch. 7th from Stephen Paine. 72 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 713 Deyo, Pi;tkr, New Paltz. 1481 7th from Louis Du Bois. 745 DiMOCK, William De Wolf, Wilmington, Del. 1596 8th from Lieut. Thomas Dimock. 643 DoANE, Rt. Rev. William Croswell, Bishop 1302 of Albany. 7th from John Done. 1150 Dodge, William Earl, New York. 3150 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 664 DoMiNicK, George Francis, Jr., New York. 1374 9th from Lieut. Thomas Cooper. 665 DoMiNicK, Lamont, New York. 1375 9th from Lieut. Thomas Cooper. 1061 Doughty, Francis Edward, M.D., New York. 2934 9th from Maj. William Whiting. 9th from Andrew Ward. 9th from Francis Cooke. 8th from Hon. Philip Sherman. 8th from Lieut. John Thompson. 8th from Capt. Thomas White. 8th from Hon. Edward Rosseter. 8th from Thomas Fairchild. 8th from Thomas Hawley. 8th from John Moss. 8th from Richard Warren. 7th from Sergt. John Booth 901 Douglas, Charles Henry, Albany. 2410 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Col. David Goodrich. 7th from Commissary John Root. 4th from Maj. Oliver Root. 5th from Sergt. Aaron Ashley. 4th from Capt. Stephen Mead. 73 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 943 Douglas, Duncan, Albany. 2534 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. . ■ 7th from Col, David Goodrich. 7th from Commissary John Root. 4th from Maj. Oliver Root. 5th from Sergt. Aaron Ashley. 4th from Capt. Stephen Mead. 927 Douglas, William Harris, New York. 2486 6th from Commissary Gen. William Douglas. 275 Douw, Charles Gibbons, Poughkeepsie. 275 6th from Lieut. Volckert Jansen Douw. 5th from Capt. Jonas Douw. 4th from Capt. Petrus Douw. 3rd from Capt. Volckert Pieter Douw. 7th from Col. Olofif Stevense Van Cortlandt. 7th from Col. Benjamin Church. 6th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 6th from Capt. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 4th from Col. Kilian Van Rensselaer. 5th from Gov. Matthew Griswold. 5th from Maj. Myndert Schuyler. 5th from Col. Samuel Coit. 4th from Capt. Johannes de Peyster. 797 DowNE, Hlnry Watson, New York, 1882 6th from Samuel Appleton. 2y DowNES, Anson Treat, New York. 27 3rd from Capt. Ebenezer Downs. 6th from Maj. Robert Treat. 458 Downs, Emery Newell, Brooklyn. 865 4th from Capt. Moses Brackett. 176 Draper, Charles Albert, Ossining. 176 6th from James Draper, 2nd. 5th from Capt. James Draper, 3rd. 74 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 5 Draper, T. Waln-Morgan, Chicago, 111. 5 5th from James Draper, 2nd. 4th from Capt. James Draper, 3rd. 9th from Nicholas Newlin. 8th from Anthony Morris. 7th from John Barnard, 2nd. 6th from John Barnard, 3rd. 6th from Samuel Carpenter. 5th from William Fishbourne. 5th from Joshua Child. 268 DuANE, WiivLiAM North, New York. 268 8th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 7th from Gov. Rip Van Dam. 6th from Col. Jabez Huntington. 1014 Du Bois, John Van Wyck, New York. 2799 6th from Pierre Du Bois. 232 Du Bois, WiLUAM Maison, White Plains. 232 7th from Louis Du Bois. 8th from Harmon Mynderse Vander Bogaert. 7th from Capt. Daniel Brodhead. 614 DuCHARMit, Charles Albert, Detroit, Mich. 1254 9th from Capt. John Johnson. 7th from Capt. Isaac Johnson. 7th from Lieut. William Bartholomew. 230 Dudley, Edgar S\\'artwout, Major and Judge 230 Advocate, U.S.A. 6th from Francis Dudley. 7th from Roelfif Swartwout. 934 Dudley, Frank Alonzo, Niagara Falls. 2509 8th from Gov. John Webster. 7th from Lieut. Robert Webster. 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from Capt. Henry Crane. 6th from Capt. John Crane. 75 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 724 DuFFiELD, Rkv. Howard, D.D., New York. 1575 4th from William Duffield. 8th from Nathaniel Dickinson. 7th from Gov. William Smith. 7th from Lieut. Daniel Sayre. 7th from Jacob Meleyn. 351 Duke, Richard Thomas Walker, Jr., Charlottes- 351 ville, Va. 7th from Col. Henry Duke. 8th from Col. John Washington. 4th from Adj. Thomas Walker. 4th from Col. Henry Peyton. 688 DuNNELL, Rev. Wiluam Nichols, S.T.D., 1456 Chaplain, 22nd Regt., N.G.N.Y., New York. 3rd from Henry Dwinel. 983 DuRAND, Harvey, New York. 2709 5th from Dr. John Durand. 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from Capt. Isaac Johnson. 7th from Alexander Bryan. 7th from Capt. Peregrine White. 6th from Capt. Johannes Dyckman. 6th from Thomas Wetmore. 1060 DuVal, Clive Livingston, Brooklyn. 2933 8th from Robert Livingston. 7th from Philip Livingston. 6th from Capt. Robert Livingston. 9th from Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh. 8th from Pieter Van Brugh. 9th from Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 8th from Gov. Rip Van Dam. loth from Rutger Jacobsen Van Schoenderwerdt. 9th from Lieut. Robert Feake. 76 NEW YORK. Stats Society No. GENERAt Society No. 9th from Harmanus Rutgers, ist. 9th from Hendrick Cuyler. 256 DwiGHT, Arthur Smith, New York. 256 7th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 5th from Col. Timothy Dwight. 7th from Col. Benjamin Church. 6th from Rev. Timothy Edwards. 627 Dyckman, Myron Horton, Oscawana. 1286 5th from Capt. Johannes Dyckman. 945 Eager, Joseph Porter, New York. 2536 6th from William Eager. 5th from Abraham Eager. 4th from Capt. Bezaleel Eager. 9th from Lieut. Thomas Tracey. 7th from Deacon William Ward. 6th from Lieut. Samuel Huntington. 750 Eames, Francis L., Brooklyn. 1601 6th from Thomas Eames. 8th from Hon. John Alden. 693 Eames, Stewart Woodeord, New York. 1461 9th from Hon. John Alden. 123 EarlE, Ferdinand Pinney, New York. 123 5th from Edward Earle, Jr. 8th from John Porter. 7th from Gen. Johannes de la Montagne. 7th from Capt. John Bissell. 7th from Sergt. Thomas Spencer. 7th from George Phelps. 6th from Enoch Vreeland. 5th from Capt. William Morris. 5th from James King. 734 Easton, Irving Boyd, Albany. 1585 5th from Capt. Jonathan Ogden. 77 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 955 Edwards, CharlKS Je;rome, Brooklyn. 2583 8th from Deputy-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 8th from John ColHns. 8th from John Wakeman. 7th from Capt. Robert Chapman. 7th from Hon. John Talcott. 6th from Lieut. -Col. John Talcott. 131 Edwards, Pierre;pont, Elizabeth, N. J. 131 5th from Rev. Timothy Edwards. 7th from Capt. Thomas Willett. 285 Eluot, Daniel Giraud, Chicago, 111, 285 5th from Henry Elliott. 3rd from Asa Elliot. 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 6th from Capt. Samuel Welles. 7th from Lieut. John Hollister. 7th from Ensign William Goodrich. 1090 Eliot, Walter Graeme, New York. 3003 6th from William Eliot. 489 Elwood, George May, Rochester. 942 8th from Lieut. William Allis. 8th from Christopher Wadsworth. 7th from Capt. Samuel Wadsworth. 8th from James Lindall. 7th from Sergt. Benjamin Wait. 6th from Lieut. William Bushnell. 312 Ely, Smith, New York. 312 3rd from Capt. Wilham Ely. 915 Ely, William Caryl, Niagara Falls. 2474 4th from Ensign Daniel Gilbert. 1050 Emerson, George Douglas, Buffalo. 2907 7th from Sergt. Josiah Dewey. 78 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 432 Emery, Brainkrd Prescott, White Plains. 698 7th from Jonathan Emery. 5th from Col. Stephen Emery. 6th from Lieut. William Brainerd. 5th from Lieut. Josiah Brainerd. 6th from Jonathan Prescott. 421 Emery, Rev. Rufus, Newburyport, Mass. 663 6th from Jonathan Emery. 4th from Col. Stephen Emery. 7th from Col. John Appleton. 7th from Richard Dummer. 6th from Ensign Jacob Tappan. 168 Endicott, Robert, New York. 168 8th from Gov. John Endicott. 173 Erving, William Van Rensselaer, Rye. 173 5th from Col. John Erving. 9th from Col. Olofif Stevense Van Cortlandt. 8th from Col. Stephanus Van Cortlandt. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 9th from Gov. John Winthrop. 8th from Gen. Nicholas Bayard. 7th from Col. Robert Livingston. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 6th from Hon. Henry Sherburne. 5th from Gov. William Shirley. 776 Everett, Torrey, Council Blufifs, la. 1677 8th from Sir John Leverett. 1053 Fahys, George Ernest, New York. 2910 9th from Capt. Thomas Topping. 1144 Falls, DeWitt Clinton, Adjutant, 7th Regt., 3131 N.G.N.Y., New York. 5th from Alexander Falls. 79 NEW YORK. StATS Society No. Generai, Society No. 820 Farnam, Charles Henry, New York. 1905 3rd from Eliab Farnam. 8th from Gov. John Howland. 7th from Capt. John Thaxter. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 925 Farnham, Paulding, Great Neck. 2484 9th from Hon. John Alden. no Farrar, George Dow, New York. no 7th from Jacob Farrar. 303 Ferris, Morris Patterson, Yonkers. 303 8th from Nicasius de Sille. 444 Field, Hugh Wentworth Greene, Chicago, 111. 782 6th from Lieut.-Gov. John Wentworth. 445 Field, Thomas Goldsmith, New York. 783 5th from Capt. Zachariah Field. 1087 i^iELD, William Bradhurst Osgood, New York. 2969 7th from Capt. John Underbill. 398 Fisher, Harris Baldwin, Major and Ordnance 398 Officer, 1st Brigade, N.G.N.Y., New York. 7th from Capt. Daniel Fisher, ist. 399 Fisher, Nathaniel Campbell, New York. 399 7th from Capt. Daniel Fisher, ist. 1021 FiSKE, Hon. Edward W., Mt. Vernon. 2806 4th from Capt. Zebulon Butler. 358 Fitzgerald, Louis, Brig.-Gen., N.G.N.Y., New 358 York. 7th from Col. Peter Schuyler. 585 FoLLETT, Edgar Austin, Brooklyn. 1173 8th from Ensign Samuel Wright. 424 FoLSOM, William Henry, Quartermaster, 7th 690 Regt., N.G.N.Y., New York. 6th from Ensign Peter Folsom. 80 N£iV YORK. SiATE SoCKtY No. Genebai, Society No. 645 FooTE), George; Bunton, Poughkeepsie. 1304 4th from Maj. Isaac Foote. 644 Foote;, GiIvBe;rt FivAGIvE;r, Poughkeepsie. 1303 4th from Maj. Isaac Foote. 400 Foote;, Horace; Alle;n, New York. 400 8th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 7th from Richard Thayer. 6th from Sergt. Samuel Field. 5th from Capt. Zechariah Field. 6th from Philip Mattoon. 6th from Joshua Bigelow. 3rd from Sergt. Ebenezer Cheney. 436 FooTE, Morris Cooper, Major, U.S.A. 702 6th from Lieut. Robert Foote. 4th from Maj. Isaac Foote. 460 Foote, Hon. Wai^IvAce Turner, Jr., Port Henry. 867 6th from Q. M. Nathaniel Foote, 2nd. 434 FoRBuSH, WiivLiAM CuRTis, Major, U-S.A. 700 6th from Thomas Forbush. 29 Ford, George Hare, New Haven, Conn. 29 9th from Nathan Gold. 9th from Alexander Knowles. 8th from Gov. Robert Treat. 7th from Sergt. Thomas Tibbals. 7th from Capt. John Beard. 7th from Lieut. Benjamin Fenn. 266 Foster, HowelIv, New York. 266 8th from Capt. Martin Cregier. 8th from Edward Howell. 6th from Lieut. Hezekiah Howell. 8th from Thomas Coleman. 7th from Maj. Richard Smith. 6th from Hugh McClellan. 81 NEW YORK. Stat« Society No. Gsnerai, Socibtv No. 5th from Capt. Henry Bicker. 4th from Benjamin Pettengill. 413 FouLKE, Bayard Fish, New York. 655 7th from Hon. Wilhelmus Beekman. 6th from Col. Gerardus Beekman. 7th from Corp. Abraham de la Noy. 6th from Capt. Johannes de Peyster. 5th from Capt. Abraham Keteltas. 5th from Hon. William Smith. 660 FouLKE, William, New York. 1370 7th from Hon. Wilhelmus Beekman. 6th from Col. Gerardus Beekman. 7th from Isaac Bedlow. 6th from Capt. Johannes de Peyster. 5th from Capt. Abraham Keteltas. 5th from Lieut. Hendrick Rutgers. 25 Fowler, William Miles, Milford, Conn. 25 6th from Capt. John Beard. 1024 Fry, Alfred Brooks, Lieut. Commander, Naval 953 Militia, N. Y. 6th from Deputy-Gov. Thomas Fry. 819 Fryer, Robert Livingston, Buffalo. 1904 9th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 8th from Maj. Plendrick Cuyler. 8th from Capt. Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh. 7th from Capt. Peter Van Brugh. 8th from Capt. Laurens Vander Spiegel. 8th from Lieut. Govert Loockermans. 8th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 7th from Col. Peter Schuyler. 7th from Gov. Rip Van Dam. 7th from Dr. Hans Kierstede. 7th from Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 82 NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 6th from Col. Jacobus Van Cortlandt. 7th from Cadet Johannes de Peyster. 6th from Col. Abraham de Peyster. 7th from Col. Robert Livingston. 6th from Lieut. Robert Livingston, Jr. 6th from Col. Philip Livingston. 5th from Capt. Robert Livingston. 4th from Col. Peter R. Livingston. 6th from Lieut. Johannes Van Eps. 6th from Ensign Walter Thong. 1035 Fuller, Linus Elisha, New York. 2870 7th from Dr. Samuel Fuller. 6th from Rev. Samuel Fuller. 3rd from Isaac Fuller. 9th from Francis Cooke. 9th from John Jenney. 8th from Thomas Pope. 8th from Richard Beers. 8th from Thomas Hayward. 8th from Experience Mitchell. 7th from Jacob Mitchell. 7th from Moses Simmons. 7th from John Dunham. 7th from Samuel Eddy. 7th from James Cutler. 7th from David Stone. 7th from John Howard. 7th from Hon. John Alden. 6th from Joseph Alden. 6th from John Whitmarsh. 6th from John Shaw. 971 FuRNALD, Francis Perkins, New York. 2654 8th from Sergt. Thomas Burnliam. 85 Gallatin, Frederic, New York. 85 3rd from Capt. James Nicholson. 83 NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 6i Gallatin, Rolaz Horace, New York. 6i 8th from Col. Job Almy. 7th from James Townsend. 4th from Capt. James Nicholson. 880 Gamblb;, Rdv. Joseph, Plattsburgh. 2265 7th from Lieut. Thomas Hurlbut. 53 Gardiner, David, New York. 53 8th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 6th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 54 Gardiner, Robert Alexander, New York. 54 8th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 6th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 984 Gibson, Charles Langdon, M.D., New York. 2710 6th from John Gibson, Jr. 4th from Abraham Gibson. 3rd from Lieut. Abraham Gibson. 6th from Capt. Thomas Wheeler. 6th from Lieut. Simon Davis. 673 Gilbert, Benjamin Davis, Clayville. 1383 5th from Deacon Henry Gilbert. 3rd from Ensign Daniel Gilbert. 6th from Capt. Thomas Howe. 1063 Gilbert, Charles Pierrepont Henry, New York. 2936 9th from John Gilbert. 7th from Eleazer Gilbert. 9th from Gov. John Webster. 8th from Capt. William Allis. 7th from Capt. John Allis. 7th from Samuel Belden. 7th from Ensign Daniel Warner. 5th from Capt. Joseph Warner. 84 NEW YORK. Statu Society No. General Society No. 406 GiLFiLLAN, William Whitehe;ad, M.D., New 406 York. 8th from Hon. Samuel Sherman. 7th from Deputy-Gov. James Bishop. 7th from Lieut. Joseph Judson. 4th from Paymaster Hezekiah Hutchins. 615 GiLivETT, RuFus Woodward, Detroit, Mich. 1255 3rd from Lieut. Shubael Griswold. 762 GoADBY, Arthur, New York. 1613 7th from Lieut. Jonas Wood. 516 Goodwin, James Junius, New York. 978 6th from Sergt. Miles Morgan. 4th from Joseph Morgan. 3rd from Capt. Joseph Morgan. 7th from Capt. Samuel Eells. 6th from Col. Samuel Eells. 5th from Capt, Caleb Williamson. 5th from Lieut. Lemuel Roberts. 4th from Capt. Lemuel Roberts. 818 Gould, Charles Albert, Port Chester. 1903 7th from Capt. John Gould. 757 Gould, Seabury Sxmith, Seneca Falls. 1608 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 51 Grant, De Forest, New York. 5^ 7th from Isaac de Forest. 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from Gov. Robert Treat, 7th from Capt. Samuel Swaine. 7th from Jasper Crane. 6th from Jasper Crane, Jr. 340 Grant, Frederic Dent, Brigadier-General, U.S.A. 340 4th from Capt. Noah Grant. 85 NEW YORK. Syatb Society No. Gsnbrai, Society No. 40 Grant, Madison, New York. 40 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from Gov. Robert Treat. 7th from Isaac de Forest. 7th from Capt. Samuel Swaine. 7th from Jasper Crane. 6th from Jasper Crane, Jr. 926 Gratwick, Frederic Coeman, New York. 2485 9th from Gov. Roger Williams. 838 Gratwick, Wiluam Henry, Jr., Buflfalo. 2057 9th from Gov. Roger Williams. 675 Greene, Douglas Norvae, Syracuse. 1385 8th from Gilbert Opdyke. 8th from John Tripp. « 8th from President John Coggeshall. 7th from Joshua Coggeshall. 7th from Ensign Hugh Mosher. 259 Greene, George Sears, Jr., New York. 259 6th from Deputy-Gov. John Greene. 7th from President John Coggeshall. 7th from John Wickes. 6th from Capt. John Godfrey. 172 Greene, Richard Henry, New York. 172 8th from Cornells Barentsen Sleght. 7th from Capt. John Gorham. 7th from Lieut. David Wilton. 7th from Thomas Hulbert. 6th from Capt. Samuel Marshall. 5th from Lieut. Job Winslow. 708 Gregory, Clieeord D., Albany. 1476 7th from Thomas Gregory. 86 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 697 Gridley, Horace; Warrkn, New York. 1465 7th from Thomas Gridley. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 902 Griffkn, Charles Field, New York. 2428 6th from John Griffen. 7th from Corp. Daniel Tourneur. 587 Grieein, Francis Buteer, New York. 1175 3rd from Capt. Zebulon Butler. 876 GriEEin, Henry Arthur, M.D., New York. 2261 8th from Capt. John Carter. 8th from Lieut. James Convers. 7th from Maj. James Convers. 7th from Lieut. John Richardson. 616 GriEEith, William Herrick, Albany. 1256 nth from Hon. Stephen Hopkins. 9th from Gov. Robert Treat. 9th from Gen. Constant Southworth. 8th from Capt. George Denison. 7th from Capt. John Sanders Glen. 4th from Daniel Knowlton. 269 Grinnell, George Bird, Audubon Park. 269 9th from Gov. John Haynes. 6th from Gov. William Pitkin. 270 Grinnell, William Milne, Audubon Park. 270 5th from Sergt. George Grinnell. loth from Gov. William Bradford. 9th from Gov. George Wyllys. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 9th from Gov. John Webster. 9th from Gov. John Haynes. 6th from Gov. William Pitkin. gth from Capt. John Gorham, 8th from Col. John Gorham. 87 NEW YORK. State Society No. Genekal Society No. 9th from Col. John Otis. 8th from Hon. John Alden. 8th from Capt. Caleb Stanley. 7th from Maj. Abraham Staats. 7th from Capt. John Osgood. 6th from Capt, Johannes Wendell, Sr. Sth from Capt. Johannes Wendell, Jr. 6th from Col. James Frye. 5th from Capt. James Stevens. 5th from Dirck Vander Heyden. 5th from Jacob Lansing. 710 Guilford, Nathan, Yonkers. 1478 5th from Paul Guilford. 3rd from John Guilford. 7th from Hon. Philip Sherman. 7th from Ellis Barron. • 6th from Josiah Whitcomb. 6th from Nathaniel Fiske. 6th from John Hastings. 6th from Daniel Warren. 5th from Josiah Hobbs. 4th from Stephen Farnsworth. 7 GuNN, George Miles, Milford, Conn. 7 7th from Gov. Robert Treat. 498 Hadden, Croweel, Jr., Brooklyn. 960 8th from Lieut. John Pike. 8th from Maj. Richard Cutter. 7th from Lieut. Edward Winship. 20 Haight, Abner Sherman, Brooklyn. 20 7th from Hon. Philip Sherman. 771 Haight, Charles Sherman, New York. 1672 Sth from Lieut. John L^man. NEW YORK. SlATB Society No. General Society No. 6 Haight, Frederick Everest, Brooklyn. 6 9th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 8th from Ensign Samuel Munson, 9th from John Hall. 8th from Hon. Philip Sherman, 8th from Capt. John Taylor. 8th from Lieut. John Lyman. 352 Hall, Benjamin Elihu, New York. 352 9th from Gov. William Leete, 9th from Gov, Thomas Dudley. 8th from Rev. John Woodbridge, 8th from Ensign Robert Walker. 7th from John Ruggles, 841 Hall, Dudley, New York. 2060 8th from Capt. Richard Walker. 7th from Capt. Samuel Walker. 6th from Samuel Walker, 7th from William Read. 6th from Capt. Joseph Syle. 1076 Hall, George Purdy, New York. 2955 6th from Lieut. Joris Rapelje. 541 Hall, Lewis, Jamestown. 1085 6th from John Bigelow. 5th from Joshua Bigelow. 3rd from Sergt. Ebenezer Cheney. 17 Halsey, Henry Augustus Brooklyn, 17 8th from Thomas Halsey. 8th from Capt. Samuel Swaine. 8th from John Ogden. 8th from Gov. Robert Treat. 7th from Maj. John Treat. 7th from Jasper Crane. NEW YORK. Syatjs Society No. General Society No. 588 Halsted, David Crank, New York. 11 76 9th from Gov. Thomas Mayhew. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from John Ogden. 6th from Col. Josiah Ogden. 8th from WilHam Swaine. 7th from Capt. Samuel Swaine, 7th from Jasper Crane. 6th from Jasper Crane, Jr. 589 Hai^sted, Edward Bayard, New York. 11 77 9th from Gov. Thomas Mayhew. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from William Swaine. 7th from Capt. Samuel Swaine. 8th from John Ogden. 6th from Col. Josiah Ogden. « 7th from Jasper Crane. 6th from Jasper Crane, Jr. *i5i Hamerslky, J. Hooker, New York. 4th from William Hamersley. 8th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. 5th from Judge Thomas Gordon. 4th from Joseph Reade. 177 Hamieton, Rev. Alexander, Norwalk, Conn. 177 6th from Col. Johannes Schuyler. 608 Harral, George, New York. 1248 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Richard Osborn. 7th from Andrew Ward. 7th from Lieut. John Hollister. 7th from Richard Butler. 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. •Deceased. 90 NEW YORK. Etatk Society No. General Society No. 6th from Capt. Samuel Welles. 6th from Thomas Fairchild. 5th from Lieut. Agur Tomlinson. *I27 Harriman, WiIvLiam Edward, New York. 9th from Lieut.-Gov. Richard Ingoldsby. 8th from Kiliaen Van Rensselaer. 7th from Col. Jeremiah Van Rensselaer. 8th from OlofT Stevense Van Cortlandt. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 6th from Capt. Arent Schuyler. 847 Hart, Hsnry Gilbert, Utica. 2192 7th from Stephen Hart. 6th from Capt. Thomas Hart. 5th from Lieut. Hawkins Hart. 8th from Maj.-Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 7th from Hon. Samuel Lothrop. 7th from Anthony Hawkins. 6th from Lieut. Joseph Kellogg. 360 Hartley, George Derwent, New York. 360 8th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 552 Hasell, Lewis Cruger, New York. 1096 7th from Maj. Hendrick Cuyler. 5th from Henry Cruger. 1126 Haskell, Frank Walsh, Niagara Falls. 3093 7th from Mark Haskell, loth from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 9th from Hon. Matthew Allyn. 9th from William Westwood. 9th from George Steele. 8th from James Steele. 7th from Capt. James Steele. 9th from Maj. Aaron Cooke. 8th from Capt. Aaron Cooke. 8th from Lieut. John Giddings. •Deceased. 91 NEIV YORK. StATS Society No. General Society No. 8th from Capt. Benjamin Newberry. 8th from Edward Chapman. 6th from Capt. Samuel Chapman. 7th from Maj. Samuel Eells. 7th from Lieut, Return Strong. 628 Haskell, Frederick Augustus, Brooklyn. 1287 3rd from Joseph Lovejoy. 685 Haskins, Charles Waldo, New York. 1439 4th from John Haskins. 9th from Gov. John Howland. 8th from Capt. John Wayte. 8th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 684 Hastings, Hugh, Albany. 1438 5th from Henry Lancaster Jewell. 21 Hatch, Arthur Melvin, Brooklyn. 21 7th from Capt. James Beebe, 7th from Samuel Boardman. 6th from Capt. David Sherman. 6th from Ensign Thomas Taylor. 4th from Rev. Nathanael Taylor. 790 Hatfield, William Henry, Poughkeepsie. 1875 6th from Richard Hartshorn. 986 Hawes, Emory, New York. 2712 8th from Edmund Hawes. 7th from Capt. John Hawes. loth from John Tilley. 9th from John Howland. 8th from Capt. John Gorham. 8th from Capt. Martin Cregier. 199 Hawes, Gilbert Ray, New York. 199 5th from Daniel Hawes. 4th from Daniel Hawes, Jr. 3rd from Joseph Hawes. 92 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 126 HawkES, McDougalIv, New York. 126 4th from Maj.-Gen. Alexander McDougall. 976 Hayde;n, Henry Whiting, New York. 2702 7th from Sergt. Nehemiah Hayden, 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Whiting. 5th from Col. William Whiting. 7th from Richard Thayer. looi Hayden, James Raynor, M.D., New York. 2746 7th from Sergt. Nehemiah Hayden. 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Whiting. 5th from Col. William Whiting. 7th from Richard Thayer. 1064 Hegeman, John Rogers, Jr., Captain and A.D.C., 2944 1st Brigade, N.G.N.Y., New York. 6th from Lieut. James Chapman. 263 Heilner, George Corson, New York. 263 9th from Elder William Brewster. 5th from Capt. John Morgan. 5th from Capt. Samuel Fish. 3rd from Capt. Zebulon Butler. 853 Hendrick, Caevin Wheeler, New York. 2198 5th from Lieut. William Winston. 148 Herman, John Armstrong, Harrisburg, Pa. 148 4th from Gen. John Armstrong. 542 Herrick, ChareES William, Jamestown. 1806 8th from Gov. William Leete. 844 Hicks, Benjamin Doughty, Old Westbury. 2063 6th from Capt. Thomas Hicks. 5th from Col. Isaac Hicks. 6th from Maj. Daniel Whitehead. 6th from Capt. John Seaman. 93 NEIV YORK. Statb Society No. General Society No. 845 Hicks, Frederick Cocks, Old Westbury 2064 7th from Capt. Thomas Hicks. 7th from Capt. John Seaman. 811 HiGGiNS, Frederick Aeden, Ticonderoga. 1896 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 948 HiLE, Charles Borland, New York. 2576 4th from Nathaniel Hill. 735 Hill, Robert Carmer, New York. 1586 8th from Capt. Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick. 8th from Alexander Lindsay Glen. 7th from Maj. Daniel Whitehead. 7th from Capt. Thomas Hicks. 7th from Japhet Chapin. 7th from Cadet Johannes de Peyster. 6th from Capt. Johannes de Peyster, , 7th from Capt. Jan Jansen Bleecker. 6th from Capt. Johannes Bleecker. 6th from Matthew Clarkson. 4th from Capt. John Bassett. 572 Hill, William Squier, New York. 1133 7th from Capt. John Whipple. 5th from Ensign Jeremiah Whipple. 7th from John Tower. 6th from Lieut. Preserved Abel. 5th f^rom Capt. Simon Slocum. 4th from Ensign John Hall. 4th from Ebenezer Walker. 593 HiLLHOusE, Charles Betts, New York. 1181 8th from Col. Olofif Stevense Van Cortlandt. 50 HiLLHOUSE, Francis, New Haven, Conn. 50 8th from Col. Olofif Stevense Van Cortlandt. 8th from Capt. Roger Clapp. 7th from Maj. John Mason. 94 NEW YORK. SiATE Society No. General Society No. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 7th from Capt. Jan Jansen Bleecker, 550 HiivLS, WiivUAM EiwivERY, New York. 1094 7th from Capt. William Hills, Jr. 42 Hoadle;y, James Henry, New York. 42 3rd from Elihu Tudor, M.D. 2nd from Col. Andrew Hillyer. 480 Hodges, Alfred Brooklyn. 933 6th from Capt. Henry Hodges. 5th from Maj. Joseph Hodges. 4th from Capt. Isaac Hodges. 8th from Sergt. David Provoost. 6th from Col. David Provoost. 5th from Capt. David Provoost. 8th from John Gallop. 7th from Capt. John Gallop. 121 HoFE, John Van Rensselaer, Major, Medical 121 Dept, U.S.A. 6th from Capt. John Sanders Glen. 4th from Kiliaen Van Rensselaer. 1089 HoFEMAN, The Very Rev. Eugene Augustus, 3002 New York. 5th from Corp. Martinus Hoffman. 4th from Capt. Nicholas Hofifman. 3rd from Col. Martinus Hofifman. 898 Hoefman, Samuel Verplanck, Morristown, 2362 N.J. 6th from Corp. Martinus Hofifman. 5th from Capt. Nicholas Hofifman. 4th from Col. Martinus Hoffman. 8th from Maj. Abraham Staats. 8th from Olofif Stevense Van Cortlandt. 7th from Stephanus Van Cortlandt. 95 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Sergt. David Provoost. 6th from WilHam Provoost. 7th from Capt. PhiHp Pieterse Van Schuyler. 7th from Capt. Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick. 7th from Capt. Dirck Teunise Van Veghten. 7th from Lieut. WilHam Beekman. 6th from Hon. Gerardus Beekman. 7th from Michael Jansen Vreeland. 7th from Ensign Gulian Ver Planck. 5th from Ensign Philip Ver Planck. 6th from Ensign Isaac Gouverneur. 6th from Anthony Crispell. 5th from Maj. Coenradt Elmendorph. 4th from Petrus Edmundus Elmendorf. 4th from Capt. Thomas Storm. 1 143 Holland, Alexander, Brooklyn. 3130 4th from Ivory Holland. 556 Holland, John ButtereiEld, Major, Staff of iioo General Commanding N.G.N.Y., Brooklyn. 3rd from Ivory Holland. 7th from Jan Peeck. 5th from Ensign Benjamin Butterfield. 904 Holland, Joseph, New York. 2463 3rd from Ivory Holland. 7th from Jan Peeck. 5th from Ensign Benjamin Butterfield. 858 Holmes, Edwin Thomas, New York. 2243 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 7th from Nathaniel Richardson. 144 HoRNOR, William Macpherson, Philadelphia, Pa. 144 4th from Capt. John Macpherson. 3rd from Lieut. William Macpherson. 9th from Capt. William Ball, Jr. 9th from Lieut.-Col. Henry Fleete. 96 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Richard Townshend. 8th from Joran Kyn. 7th from Col. George Mason. 6th from Col. George Mason, Jr. /th from Lieut. Richard Stockton, 7th from Col. Gerard Fowke. 899 HoRTON, W1LI.IAM Edward, New York. 668 8th from Robert Allyn. 8th from Samuel Eddy, /th from Joseph Clarke. 7th from Peter Spicer. 248 HosMER, Edward Sturges, New York. 248 9th from Gov. William Pynchon. 9th from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Capt. Elizur Holyoke. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Capt. Samuel Talcott. 6th from Col. John Burr, 2nd. 825 HoTCHKiN, Walter Bryant, Major, 22nd Regt., 2044 N.G.N.Y., New York. 7th from Lieut.-Col. John All}-n. 133 Howard, Wileiam Coeman, Brooklyn. 133 6th from Samuel Lincoln. 4th from Col. Moses Titcomb. 1043 HowEEE, Edwin Albro, New York. 2878 6th from Edward Howell. 5th from Isaac Howell. 7th from William Wells. 5th from Thomas Reeve. 78 HowELE, Henry Wilson, Jr., New York. 78 5th from Jacob Howell. 6th from Randall Vernon. 97 NBkV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 329 Hovve;li., William, Corning. 329 4th from Lieut. Hezekiah Howell. 779 HoYT, Albert Ellis, Albany. 1680 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 6th from Gov. Roger W^olcott. 561 HoYT, William Edwin, Rochester. 1105 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Hon. John Alden. 8th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 8th from Gov. Thomas Wiggin. 694 HuBBELL, Charles Bulkley, New York. 1462 6th from Rev. Gershom Bulkley. 359 HuBBELL, Henry Wilson, Major, U.S.A. 359 5th from Sergt. Richard Hubbell, 2nd. 9th from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Capt. Samuel Welles. 6th from Lieut. Agur Tomlinson. 6th from Maj. John Bostwick. 182 HuLBKRT, Henry Carlton, Brooklyn. 182 6th from Thomas Hulbert. 8th from Gov. Edward Winslow. 7th from Gov. Josiah Winslow. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Dymoke. 7th from Ensign Shubael Dymoke. 7th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from William Bassett. 5th from Col. William Bassett. 6th from James Skiff. 6th from Richard Bourne. 769 Hull, George Huntington, Tuxedo. 1670 6th from Dr. John Hull. 98 NBiV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 617 HuMASON, Virgil Pkttibonk, Yonkers. 1257 8th from Capt. John Bissell. 305 Humphreys, Rev. Frank Landon, Morristown, 305 N. J. 6th from Lieut. Samuel Humphreys. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gov. William Leete. 744 HuNGERFORD, Charles Stuart, New York. 1595 5th from David Hungerford. 815 Huntington, Charees Richards, New York. 1900 4th from Lieut.-Col. Jabez Huntington, loth from Elder William Brewster. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 8th from Hon. John Alden. 7th from Joshua Henshaw. 6th from Capt. Christopher Christophers. 5th from Sergt. John Booth. 5th from Capt. John Moore. 5th from Capt. John Prentis. 981 HuNTTiNG, Teunis Dimon, Brooklyn. 2707 8th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 7th from Sergt. Zechariah Hicks. 4th from Maj. John Murdock. 851 HuRD, Harold, Roswell, New Mexico. 2196 5th from Nathaniel Burt. 287 Hurd, Rukard, St. Paul, Minn. 287 7th from John Hurd. 5th from Capt. Nathan Hurd. 4th from Capt. Nathan Hurd, Jr. iioi Hurlbutt, John Henry, Stamford, Conn. 8th from Thomas Hurlbutt. LcfC. 99 NEW YORK. State Society No. Geneeai, Society No. 524 HusE, Robert SeIvDEn, Highland Falls. 985 9th from John Clark. 9th from Rev. Chad Brown. 8th from Capt. Robert Chapman. 8th from Lieut. William Pratt. 5th from Capt. Samuel Selden. 882 Hutchinson, Cary Talcott, New York. 2267 6th from Lieut.-Col. William Randolph. 71 Hyatt, Frank Stanley, Upper Montclair, N. J. 71 6th from Thomas Hyatt. 913 Hyde, Clarence Melville, New York. 2472 5th from Lieut.-Col. Simon Lothrop. 447 Hyde, Edwin Francis, New York. 785 5th from Lieut.-Col. Simon Lothrop. 411 Hyde, Frederick Erastus, M.D., New York. 653 5th from Lieut.-Col. Simon Lothrop. 800 Hyde, James Clarence, New York. 1885 7th from Jonathan Hyde. 7th from Capt. Isaac Williams. 656 Hyde, Raymond Newton, New York. 1366 7th from Jonathan Hyde. 7th from Capt. Isaac Williams. 354 Innis, Hasbrouck, Poughkeepsie. 354 7th from Lieut. Wessels Ten Broeck. 7th from Capt. Andries De Witt. 7th from Capt. Tjerck De Witt. 4th from Capt. Petrus De Witt. 6th from Col. Henry Pawling. 5th from Lieut, Louis Bevier, 2nd. 5th from Jacob Hasbrouck. 1 108 Irving, Cortlandt, New York. 3042 4th from Hon. Henry White. NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 866 Irwin, John Vosburgh, New York. 2251 6th from Capt. Joshua Lyman. 104 IsHAM, Charles, New York. 104 4th from Capt. John Isham. 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith. 8th from Nathaniel Dickinson. 7th from Sergt. John Dickinson. 8th from Nathaniel Foote, ist. 6th from Q. M. Nathaniel Foote. 8th from Jacob Burhans. 8th from Thomas Bliss. 8th from Deacon Samuel Chapin. 6th from Joseph Chamberlain. 441 Ives, Francis Joseph, Major and Surgeon, U.S.A. 709 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith. 7th from Lieut. Philip Smith. 8th from Stephen Terry. 7th from Lieut. Joseph Kellogg. 7th from Sergt. Richard Goodman. 7th from Lieut. Robert Foote. 6th from Capt. Joseph Foote. 4th from Capt. Abraham Foote. 799 Ives, Ralph Olmsted, New York. 1884 5th from Gen. Michael Jackson. 801 Jackson, James H., M.D., Dansville. 1886 5th from Lieut. John Jackson. 161 Jackson, Oswald, New York. 161 9th from Gov, Edward Digges. 8th from Col. William Digges. 8th from Lieut. Matthew Griswold. 8th from Gov. Thomas Lloyd. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Lee. 7th from Hon. Edward Shippen. 7th from Deputy-Gov. Henry Darnall. NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Henry Darnall. 7th from Col. Samuel Chew. 4th from Hon. Benjamin Chew. 6th from Capt. John Gyles. 5th from Capt. Charles Willing. 1004 Jackson, Pdarsall Bradhurst, New York. 2756 9th from Edward Jackson. 8th from Sebas Jackson. 5th from Gen. Michael Jackson, loth from Deputy-Gov. John Greene. 8th from Sir. John Pell. 8th from Capt. Nicholas Stilwell. 759 Janvrin, Joseph Edward, M.D., New York. 1610 7th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 7th from Gov. Thomas Wiggin. I 7th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 7th from Hon. John Alden. 5th from Samuel Colcord. 4th from Maj. Ezekiel Gilman. 531 Jenkins, Edmund Fellows, New York. 1003 3rd from Capt. John Fellows. 907 Jenks, Albert Francis, Justice of Supreme Court, 2466 New York. 4th from Capt. Samuel Jenks. 395 Jennings, Albert Gould, Brooklyn. 395 7th from Maj. Nathan Gold. 6th from Deputy-Gov. Nathan Gold, Jr. 7th from Lieut.-Col. John Talcott. 6th from Col. John Burr. 5th from Maj. Peter Burr. 513 Jennings, Oliver Gould, New York. 975 6th from Col. John Burr. NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 380 Johnson, Je;re;miah Augustus, New York. 380 4th from Capt. James Gibson. 692 Johnson, John Quincy Adams, Yonkers. 1460 6th from Col. John Quincy. 453 Johnson, Rt. Rev. Joseph Horsfall, Los Angeles, 791 Cal. 4th from Capt. Abner Johnson. 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Capt. Nathaniel Merriman. 404 Johnson, Stephen Albert, Boonville. 404 4th from Capt. Abner Johnson. 8th from Maj.-Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 8th from Rev. Samuel Stone. 8th from John Bronson. 7th from John Hall. 7th from Lieut. Francis Bell. 7th from Capt. Nathaniel Merriman. 5th from Capt. John Merriman. 4th from Lieut. Caleb Merriman. 7th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 6th from Ensign Samuel Munson. 630 Johnstone, Francis Upton, New Brighton. 1289 6th from John Johnstone, M.D. 7th from Maj. Hendrick Cuyler. 7th from Lieut. Wilhelmus Beekman. 6th from Col. Gerardus Beekman. 6th from Col. Peter Bard. 5th from Lieut. Jacob Walton, 5th from Henry Cruger. 881 Johnstone, John, New Brighton. 2266 6th from John Johnstone, M.D. 7th from Maj. Hendrick Cuyler. 6th from Col. Peter Bard. 6th from Col. Gerardus Beekman. 103 NMW YORK. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 5th from Lieut. Jacob Walton. 5th from Henry Cruger. 1 138 Jones, Charles Hi^RBERT, Cold Spring. 3125 6th from Maj. Thomas Jones. 7th from Hon. Robert Livingston. 1042 Jones, Charles Landon, New York. 2867 6th from Capt. Josiah Jones. 9th from Gov. John Webster. 8th from Maj. Aaron Cooke. 7th from Capt. Aaron Cooke, 2nd. 8th from Hon. Matthew Allyn. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict, 8th from Edward Griswold. 8th from Wihiam Westwood. 8th from John Porter, Jr. 8th from Thomas Loomis. • 8th from George Steele. 7th from Commissary James Steele. 6th from Capt. James Steele. 7th from Q. M. Matthew Bridge. 7th from Lieut. Return Strong. 7th from Capt. Benjamin Newberry. 7th from William Pitkin. 7th from John Vail. 7th from Ensign John Stream. 7th from John Marsh. 6th from Capt. John Marsh. 7th from Edward Chapman. 5th from Capt. Samuel Chapman. 7th from Ens, Samuel Jennison. 6th from Lieut. Samuel Royce. 6th from James Landon. 5th from Ensign David Landon, 6th from Capt. Benjamin Garfield. 4th from Capt, Abner Baldwin. 104 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 546 Jones, Oliver Livingston, Cold Spring. 1090 6th from Col. Robert Living-ston. Ill Jones, Shipley, New Brighton. iii 7th from Gov. Benedict Arnold. 826 JuDD, Orrin Reynolds, Brooklyn. 2045 7th from Anthony Hawkins. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 647 JuDSON, William Pierson, Oswego. 1306 7th from Lieut. Joseph Judson. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 8th from Matthew Mitchell. 8th from Hon. Edward Rosseter. 6th from Hon. Josiah Rosseter. 7th from Rev. Abraham Pierson. 7th from Hon. Samuel Sherman. 7th from Andrew Ward. 977 JuNKiN, William Dandridge Alexander, Lieut., 2703 U.S.M.C. 8th from Col. John West. 737 Keech, Frank Browne, Major, N.G.N.Y., New 1588 York. 6th from Capt. James Keech. 849 Keegan, Dermot Warburton, New York. 2194 6th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 5th from Capt. Joseph Parsons. 6th from Capt. John Wayte. 657 Keith, Boudinot, Hollis. 1367 5th from Ensign Elie Boudinot. 8th from Lieut. Daniel Litschoe. 7th from Col. William Peartree. 105 ' NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 754 Kellogg, David Sherwood, M.D., New York. 1605 9th from John Tilly. 8th from Gov. John Howland. 7th from Capt. John Gorham. 959 Kellogg, Frederic Rogers, New York. 2605 9th from Gov. John Howland. 410 Kelly, James Henry, Rochester. 410 9th from Hon. Edward Rosseter. 8th from Stukeley Westcott. 7th from Sergt. Samuel Bennett. 7th from Edward Elmer. 4th from Sergt. Reuben Hewit. 1030 KemblE, Francis Tillou, New York. 2840 4th from Peter Kemble. 796 Kennedy, Elijah Robinson, Brooklyn. 1881 7th from Maj. John Mason. 885 Kimball, Harold Chandler, Rochester. 2270 5th from Capt. Daniel Bradley. 547 Kingman, William Livermore, Yonkers. 1091 8th from Lieut. Samuel Nash. 8th from Francis Cooke. 7th from Thomas Pope. 7th from Ensign Jacob Mitchell. 6th from John Livermore 4th from Capt. John Loring. 97 Kip, William V. B., New York. 97 8th from Hendrick Kype. 1055 Kirkland, Howard McKesson, New York. 2912 7th from Capt. Joseph Fuller. 823 Kissam, Henry Snyder, New York. 2042 9th from Thomas Root. 9th from Thomas Fairchild. 106 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Capt. Richard Belts. 8th from Sergt. Edward Hinman. 8th from Matthew Mitchell. 7th from Maj. Daniel Whitehead. 7th from Hon. Samuel Sherman. 6th from John Beers. 5th from John Wilhelm Schneider. 96 KiTCHF.N, John Cornelius Duryea, New York. 96 7th from Abraham Joris Brinckerhofif. 6th from Joris Rapelje. 917 KoBBE, Philip Ferdinand, New York. 2476 7th from Alexander Knowles. 5th from Lieut. Richard Lord. 5th from Lieut. Joseph Rogers. 658 Koop, Eugene, London, England. 1368 4th from Gen. Michael Jackson. 495 Koop, Godfrey Phelps, New York. 948 4th from Gen. Michael Jackson. 367 KouES, George Ellsworth, Elizabeth, N. J. 367 9th from Gov. John Winthrop. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gen. Johannes de la Montagne. 803 KuNKEL, Robert Sharp, Brooklyn. 1888 5th from Lieut. Robert McConnell. 4th from Capt. James Sharp. 668 Ladd, William Whitehead, Jr., Lieut.-Col., 1378 N.G.N.Y., New York. 8th from Hon. Samuel Sherman. 7th from Deputy-Gov. James Bishop. 7th from Lieut. Joseph Judson. 4th from Paymaster Hezekiah Thompson. 107 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 999 Lahens, Louis Emile, New York. 2744 loth from Hon. William Thomas. 9th from Capt. Nathaniel Thomas. 9th from William Almy. 8th from Col. Job Almy. 8th from Capt. John Seaman. 8th from Sir John Pell. 8th from Capt. Nicholas Stillwell. 8th from Capt. Simon Ray. 8th from Capt. James Sands. 1 106 Lamborn, WiIvLiam Joseph, Albany. 3040 8th from George Maris. 949 Lancaster, Edwin Robinson, New York. 2577 4th from Sergt. Alexander Legrand. 1080 Landon, Francis Griswold, Captain, 7th Regt., 2959 N.G.N.Y., Staatsburgh. 7th from Sir John Leverett. 993 Landon, Henry Hutton, New York. 2719 7th from Sir John Leverett. 865 Lane, Francis Titus Luquer, New York. 2250 7th from Jan L'Escuyer. 741 Lane, Smith Edward, New York, 1592 3rd from Solomon Lane, Jr. 2nd from Nathaniel Lane. 775 Langdon, Andrew, Buffalo. 1676 7th from Maj. Samuel Appleton. 875 Langdon, Wileiam Chauncey, Buffalo. 2260 8th from Maj. Samuel Appleton. 812 Langdon, Woodbury Gersdorf, New York. 1897 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 618 LaThrop, Kirke, Detroit, Mich. 1258 5th from Lieut. Shubael Griswold. 108 NEW YORK. State; Society No. General Society No. 84 Lawrence, Abraham Riker, Justice of Supreme 84 Court, New York. 5th from Maj. Thomas Lawrence. 4th from Capt. John Lawrence. 2nd from Maj. Jonathan Lawrence. 6th from Hon. Matthias Nicoll. 5th from Col. WilHam Smith. 3rd from Gen. Nathaniel WoodhuU. 840 Lawrence, Robert Cutting, New York. 2059 7th from Capt. William Lawrence. 8th from Nicasius de Sille. 7th from Jan L'Escuyer. 7th from Maj. Richard Smith. 7th from Corp. Coenradt Ten Eyck. 6th from Capt. Thomas Hicks. 736 Lawton, George Perkins, Saratoga Springs. 1587 7th from George Lawton. 6th from Isaac Lawton. 9th from Hon. John Alden. 8th from President John Coggeshall. 7th from Deputy-Gov. John Coggeshall, 2nd. 7th from Joshua Coggeshall. 8th from President and Gov. Nicholas Easton. 7th from Gov. John Easton. 7th from Joseph Jenckes, 2nd. 6th from Gov. Joseph Jenckes, 3rd. 8th from Thomas Hazard. 7th from Robert Hazard. 8th from William Ballard. 8th from William Baulstone. 8th from Samuel Eddy. 8th from William Pabodie. 8th from Robert Paddock. 8th from Obadiah Holmes. 7th from John Brown. 109 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Capt. Edward Richmond. 7th from John Rogers. 7th from Edward Smith. 7th from Edward Thurston. 7th from WilHam Wodell. 6th from Edward Gray. 6th from Benjamin Hall. 5th from William Anthony. 1028 Le Baron, Frederick Neeson, New York. 2818 9th from Capt. Myles Standish. 1130 Leeferts, Frederic Raymond, New York. 3097 9th from Wolfert Gerritse Van Cowenhoven. 1084 Lefeerts, Frederic Raymond, Jr., New York. 2966 loth from Thomas Hazard. 9th from Capt. George Denison. 9th from Capt. James Avery. 9th from Capt. John Gallup. 9th from Thomas Stanton. 7th from Gov. Lewis Morris. II 40 Lefferts, William Henry, New York. 3127 9th from Wolfert Gerretse Van Cowenhoven. 973 Leland, Charles H., New York. 2699 5th from Ensign Henry Leland. 1 8th from Capt. George Barber. 8th from Capt. John Cutler. 8th from Maj. Simon Willard. 6th from Lieut. Francis Peabody. 5th from John Barber. 5th from Henry Lokar, 3rd. 751 Leonard, Daniel, Albany. 1602 8th from Gov. William Bradford. NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 427 Leonard, Edgar Cottrell, Albany. 693 loth from John Clark. 9th from Lieut. William Pratt. 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Bradford. 619 Leonard, Gardner Cottrell, Albany. 1259 loth from John Clark. 9th from Lieut. William Pratt. 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Bradford. 674 Le Roy, Frederick G., Tarrytown. 1384 6th from Lieut. Hendrick Rutgers. 972 Lewis, John Locke, Corning. 2655 4th from Capt. Eldad Lewis. 142 Lewis, Wii^uam Fisher, Philadelphia, Pa. 142 5th from Evan Lewis. 335 Litchfield, Edward Hubbard Brooklyn. 335 7th from Lawrence Litchfield. 1 136 Litchfield, Electus Darwin, New York. 3123 8th from Lawrence Litchfield. 1103 Little, Frederick Scrymser, Brooklyn. 3037 5th from Moses Little. 996 Little, Thomas, New York. 2741 5th from Lieut.-Col. John Little. 44 Livingston, Edward de Peyster, New York. 44 6th from Robert R. Livingston. 600 Livingston, Gilbert Robert, Carmel. 1188 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. iioo Livingston, John Henry, Claremont. 455 7th from Robert Livingston. 4th from Hon. Robert R. Livingston. HI NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai. Society No. 8th from Col. Peter Schuyler. 7th from Capt. Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh. 7th from Capt. William Lawrence. 6th from Col. Henry Beekman, ist. 32 Livingston, Philip, New York. 32 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. 5th from Col. Philip Livingston. 4th from Capt. Robert Livingston. 8th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 8th from Capt. Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick. 7th from Maj. Hendrick Cuyler. 7th from Maj. Abraham Staats. 7th from Maj. Dirck Wessels Ten Broeck. 7th from Capt. Jan Jansen Bleecker. 7th from Col. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 6th from Col. Stevanus Van Cortlandt. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 6th from Col. Johannes Schuyler. 6th from Col. Peter Schuyler. 5th from Capt. Johannes Schuyler, Jr. 5th from Capt. Pieter Schuyler, Jr. 7th from Capt. Johannes Pieters Van Brugh. 6th from Capt, Peter Van Brugh. 6th from Gov, Rip Van Dam. 5th from Ensign Walter Thong, 5th from Capt. William Ricketts. 280 LocKWOOD, James Betts, White Plains. 280 6th from Jonathan Lockwood, 723 Logan, Walter Seth, New York. 1574 9th from Rev. Thomas Hooker. 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Hon. Samuel Sherman. 7th from Lieut. John Hollister. 6th from Capt. Stephen Hollister. 4th from Capt, Gideon Hollister. NEW YORK. Statb Society No. Genbrai, Society No. 440 Lord, Frank Howard, New York. 708 8th from Capt. Richard Lord. 9th from Gov. William Pynchon. 8th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 7th from Capt. Joseph Parsons. 7th from Rev. Gershom Bulkeley, 1054 Lord, Joseph Edwin Pottkr, New York. 291 1 8th from Andrew Ward. 7th from Lieut.-Col. John Talcott. 6th from Deputy-Gov. Nathan Gold. 166 Lord, Nathan Holcombe;, New York. 166 6th from William Lord. 5th from Benjamin Lord. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracey. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Leffingivell. 6th from Ensign Thomas Lefifingwell. 859 Lorton, Heth, New York. 2244 3rd from Lieut. William Heth. 7th from Maj. John Stith. 728 LovELL, Frank Haleett, New York. 1579 7th from Gov. John Rowland. 7th from Capt. Matthew Fuller. 6th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 6th from Capt. John Gorham. 6th from Capt. Christopher Hussey. 729 LovELE, Frank Haeeett, Jr., New York. 1580 8th from Gov. John Howland. 8th from Gov. Roger Williams. 8th from Capt. John Whipple. 8th from Thomas Olney, Sr. 7th from Thomas Olney, Jr. 7th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 113 NEH^ YORK. State Society No. General SociBTr No. 7th from Capt. John Gorham. 7th from John Angell. 7th from Nathaniel Bacon. 807 Lovv^ William Oilman, Jr., Brooklyn. 1892 6th from Capt. David Low. 9th from Tristram Cofiin. 9th from Capt. Nicholas vSimpkins. 9th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 8th from Maj. William Hathorne. 8th from Capt. William Gerrish. 7th from Lieut.-Col. William Pepperrell. 7th from Capt. Thomas Choate. 7th from Rev. John Wise. 253 LuQUER, Lea McIlvainl, New York. 253 7th from Jan Lequie (L'Escuyer). 9th from Maj. -Gen. Daniel Gookin. • Sth from Nicasius de Sille. 8th from Hon. Edward Shippen. 7th from Lieut.-Col. Edmund Quincy. 4th from Lieut. William Paine. 449 LuQUER, Thatcher Taylor Payne, New York. 787 9th from Maj. -Gen. Daniel Gookin. Sth from Nicasius de Sille. 8th from Hon. Edv/ard Shippen. 7th from Col. Edmund Quincy. 7th from Jan L'Escuyer. 4th from Lieut. William Paine. 217 Mackenzie, George Norbury Baltimore, Md. 217 9th from Robert Parke. 8th from Deacon William Parke. 5th from Col. Joseph Williams. 739 Macy, Coggeshall, New York. 1590 Sth from Capt. John Gorham. 114 NEW YORK. State Society No. Genebai, Society No. 733 Macy, George Henry, New York. 1584 8th from Capt. John Gorham. 470 Macy, Sylvanus Jenkins, Rochester. 877 7th from Capt. John Gorham. 530 Macy, Syevanus Jenkins, Jr., Avon. 991 8th from Capt. John Gorham. 361 Mann, Elias Peum, Troy. 361 6th from Richard Man. 7th from Thomas Root. 7th from Ensign John Sutton. 362 Mann, Francis N., Jr., Troy. 362 6th from Richard Man. 7th from Thomas Root. 7th from Ensign John Sutton. 717 Mann, Matthew Derbyshire, M.D., Buffalo. 1485 6th from Richard Man. 7th from Rev. Samuel Stone. 7th from John Porter. 7th from Richard Butler. 6th from Sergt. James Heaton, 6th from Ensign John Sutton. 1041 Maxwell, Robert Alexander, New York. 2866 8th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 7th from Q. M. Matthew Bridge. 7th from Ens. Samuel Jennison. 6th from Capt. Benjamin Garfield. 6th from Lieut. Samuel Royce. 6th from Capt. Josiah Jones. 419 Mayo, Edward Carrington, Richmond, Va. 661 5th from Col. William Mayo. 56 McAllister, Heyward Hall, New York. 56 8th from Capt. Richard Lord. 6th from Dr. John Cutler. 115 NBIV YORK. Stats Society No. General Society No. 5th from Capt. Matthew Dill. 5th from Capt. Thomas Heyward. 648 McClure, Archibald Jermain, Albany. 1307 7th from Lieut.-Col. Henry Pierson. 768 McDonald, John, New York. 1669 5th from Lieut.-Col, Henry Pierson, 1056 McKesson, Irving, New York, 2913 7th from Capt. Joseph Fuller. 573 McKinstry, Charles Hedges, Captain, U.S.A. 1134 9th from Gov. William Pynchon. 9th from Hon. John Alden. 9th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Col. Robert Livingston. 7th from Gov. Rip Van Dam. 715 McMillan, William Charles, Detroit, Mich. 1483 7th from Lieut. Joseph Kellogg. 1016 McNamee, Charles, Biltmore, N. C. 2801 4th from Capt. Jeremiah Hogeboom. 700 Mead, Spencer Percival, New York. 1468 4th from Lieut. Caleb Mead. 4th from Corp. Sylvanus Mead. 8th from Capt. John Seaman. 6th from Lieut. David Waterbury. 273 Melville, Henry, New York. 273 8th from Capt. Thomas Brooks. 8th from John Prescott, 7th from Capt. Jonas Prescott. 6th from Capt. Jonas Prescott, 2nd. 7th from Capt. Timothy Wheeler. 6th from Capt. James Minott. 6th from John Melvin. 5th from Col. James Barrett. 116 NEW YORK. Staii; Society No. General Society No. 4th from Lieut.-Col. Josiah Whitney. 4th from Sergt. Joseph Houston. 4th from Adam Dickey. 932 Merrill, Frederick James Hamilton, Albany, 2597 8th from WilHam Phelps. 479 Merritt, Douglas, Rhinebeck. 932 8th from Hugh Calkin. 8th from Gilbert Opdyke. 8th from Anthony Thompson. 7th from Deputy-Gov. James Bishop. 7th from Comm. William Douglas. 7th from Elder John Strong. 7th from Samuel Gorton. 7th from William Hough. 7th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 6th from Capt. Joseph Parsons, 6th from Lieut. Thomas Stebbins. 4th from Lieut. David Sutherland. 702 Metcalp', Bryce, New York. 1470 loth from Matthew Allyn. 9th from Gov. Theophilus Eaton. 9th from Capt. George Barber. 8th from Capt. John Taylor. 6th from Capt. Daniel Noble. 4th from Sergt. Selah Benton. 980 Miles, Alfred Graham, New York. 2706 8th from Capt. John Putnam. 46 Miller, Charles Benjamin, New York. 46 8th from Com.-Gen. Thomas Huckins. 8th from John Chipman. 7th from Lieut. George Macy. 7th from Richard Williams. 6th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 117 NEW YORK. Statb SoaKTT No. Gbneral Society No. 4 MiLivER, Edward Clarence;, New York. 4 8th from Com.-Gen. Thomas Huckins. 8th from John Chipman, 7th from Lieut. George Macy. 7th from Richard WilHams. 159 Miller, John Bleecker, New York. 159 8th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 7th from Gov. Rip Van Dam. 7th from Maj. Abraham Staats. 6th from Capt. Jochem Starts. 499 Miner, Edward Griffith, Jr., Rochester. 961 8th from Capt. Thomas Miner. 7th from Hon. John Alden. 243 Minor, John Crannell, M.D., New York. 243 6th from Capt. John Minor. 3rd from Seth Minor. 45 Mitchell, William A., M.D., Brooklyn. 45 8th from Matthew Mitchell. 7th from Capt. John Sherman. 5th from Col. James Minot. 1003 MoLLER, Charles George, Jr., New York. 2755 loth from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 9th from Sergt. David Provoost. 9th from Joris Jansen de Rapelje. 9th from Capt. Richard Betts. 8th from Corp. Coenradt Ten Eyck. 8th from Gerrit Bicker. 8th from John Starr. 7th from Capt. Frans Jansen Bloetgoet. 7th from Resolved Waldron. 5th from William Waldron. 5th from Howard Furman, 118 NEW YORK. SlAia Society No. General Society No. 1068 MoNTANYE, James de la, New York. 2948 8th from Gen. Johannes de la Montagne. 7th from Col. Jacob Rutsen. 7th from Capt. James Sands. 6th from Capt. John Sands. 6th from Capt. William Nottingham. 5th from Thomas Nottingham. 590 Montgomery, Hardman Phielips Alan, New 1178 York. 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. 637 Montgomery, Henry Eglinton, New York. 1296 4th from Chief Justice Benjamin Chew. 1097 Montgomery, Henry Eglinton, 2nd. New York. 3010 7th from Robert Livingston. 877 Montgomery, James Eglinton, New York. 2262 6th from Col. Samuel Chew. 307. Montgomery, James Lynch, Spokane, Wash. 307 8th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 7th from Col. Peter Schuyler. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler, 7th from Hon. William Beekman. 1092 MoRAN, Charles, New York. 3005 loth from Gov. Thomas Dudley, loth from Col. Henry Corbin. loth from Thomas Hay ward, loth from Richard Warren, loth from John Clark, loth from Acting Gov. Robert Brooke. 9th from Maj. Thomas Brooke. 8th from Col. Thomas Brooke. 9th from Maj. -Gen. Daniel Denison. 9th from. Col. John Addison. 9th from Sergt. Richard Church. 119 State Society No. 9th from 9th from 9th from 9th from 8th from 7th from 9th from 8th from 6th from 9th from 8th from 9th from 8th from 8th from 8th from 8th from 8th from 8th from 7th from 7th from 6th from 5th from 6th from NEW YORK. Samuel Packard. George Abbot. John Wilhs. Col. Richard Lee. Col. Richard Lee, 2nd. Hon. Philip Lee. Samuel Hinckley. Gov. Thomas Hinckley. Capt. Thomas Hinckley. Gov. Thomas Welles. Hon. Thomas Welles. Lieut. William Pratt. Ensign John Pratt. Hon. Anthony Morris. John Ames. Lieut. Joseph Judson. Henry Cobb. Jacob Nash. Lieut. Reinold Marvin. Joseph Selden. Capt. Samuel Selden. Col. Samuel Selden. Capt. Richard Ely. General Society No. ion Morgan, Charles, New York. 7th from Maj. John Pell. 874 Morgan, George Dayton, New York. 7th from James Morgan, Sr. 9th from Capt. John Bissell. 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from Capt. Morris Tillotson, 6th from Capt. Joseph Phelps. 5th from Col. John Peters. 1 1 17 Morgan, George Edgar, New York. 6th from Capt. John Morgan. 2775 2259 3051 NEW YORK. State Society No. GenEkal Society No. 113 Morgan, Tames Henry, Brooklyn. 113 7th from James Morgan. 6th from Capt. John Morgan. 7th from Capt. James Avery. 625 Morgan, James Lancaster, New York. 1284 loth from Gov. John Howland. 8th from Capt. John Underhill. 857 Morgan, John Hill, New York. 2242 8th from Capt. John Underhill. 1 104 Morgan, Leslie Allen, New York. 3038 8th from William Phelps. 906 Morgan, Louis Segur, Syracuse. 2465 6th from Sergt. Miles Morgan. 279 Morgan, Robert Webb, New York. 279 7th from Capt. James Avery. 229 Morgan, William H., New York. 229 6th from Capt. John Morgan. 5th from Capt. Theophilus Morgan. 114 Morris, Lewis, M.D., U.S.N. 114 6th from Gov. Lewis Morris. 698 Morrison, Charles King, New York. 1466 9th from John Johnson. 471 Morrison, George Austin, Jr., New York. 878 9th from John Johnson. 332 Morse, Waldo Grant, Yonkers. 33^ 6th from Capt. Joseph Morse, 683 Morton, Levi Parsons, formerly Vice-President 1437 of the United States, Rhinecliff. 7th from Stephen Hopkins, NEW YORK. Staie Society No. Genbral Society No. 8i6 MoTT, John Thomas, Oswego. 1901 9th from Capt. James Avery. 9th from Hugh Calkin, 9th from Capt. Thomas Minor. 8th from Ephraim Minor. 8th from WilHam Douglas. 8th from Sergt. John Frink. 8th from Com. Gen. William Douglas. 8th from William Hough. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracey. 6th from Ensign Thomas Waterman. 6th from Thomas Rattoone. 5th from Capt. William Ely. 872 MoTT, Luther Wright, Oswego. 2257 loth from Capt. James Avery, loth from Hugh Calkin. • loth from Capt. Thomas Minor. 9th from Ephraim Minor. 9th from Com. William Douglas. 9th from William Douglas, 2nd. 9th from Sergt. John Frink. 9th from William Hough. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Tracey. 8th from Ensign Hananiah Parker. 5th from Lieut. Josiah Parker. 7th from Capt. John Carter. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Burnham. 7th from Ensign Thomas Waterman. 7th from Cornet John Dodge. 7th from William Locke. 7th from Thomas Rattoone. 6th from Capt. William Ely. 6th from Richard Cutter. 1048 MuNN, Henry Norcross, New York. 2883 6th from Benjamin Mun. 122 NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai. Society No. 603 MuRPHEY, Elijah Warriner, Albany. 1243 8th from William Phelps. 7th from John Stebbins. 7th from Capt. Thomas Gilbert. 6th from Benjamin Knowlton. 4th from Benjamin Knowlton, Jr. 5th from Lieut. Samuel Kendall. 3 Murray, Charles Henry, New York. 3 8th from Capt. William AlHs. 8th from Thomas Wells. 8th from Samuel Belden. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Lefifingwell. 8th from Elder William Brewster. 7th from Capt. George Denison. 7th from Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 7th from Lieut. John Hitchcock. 7th from Rev. Samuel Stone. 7th from Dr. Thomas Starr. 7th from William Scott. 7th from Samuel Ball. 5th from Jedediah Strong, Jr. 6th from Sergt. John Dickinson. 848 Myer, Albert James, Lake View. 2193 8th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Merriman. 8th from John Hall. 8th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 7th from Ensign Samuel Munson. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuylei-. 7th from Ensign Thomas Curtis. 7th from Lieut. Reinold Marvin. 7th from Hon. William Beekman. 6th from Col. Henry Beekman. 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. 5th from Maj. Gilbert Livingston. 123 NEiV YORK. StATfi Society No. Genbrai, Socimy No. 62 Myer, Isaac, New York. 62 7th from Corp. Simon de Ruine. 6th from Sergt. Edward Riggs. T029 Myers, Theodore Benjamin, New York. 2308 6th from Rev. John Harriman. 701 MyndersE, WiehElmus, Brooklyn. 1469 8th from Maj.-Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 557 Newberry, Truman Handy, Detroit, Mich. iioi 4th from Capt. Caleb Phelps. 574 Newman, Clarence Egberts, Albany. 1135 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 8th from Com. James Steele. 7th from Capt. James Steele. 6th from Gov. Rip Van Dam. * 5th from Capt. Joshua Lyman. 582 Newton, Henry AleEn, Plattsburgh. 1170 3rd from Maj. Israel Newton. 1094 Nichols, Acosta, New York. 3007 6th from John Nichols. 1095 Nichols, George Livingston, New York. 3008 6th from John Nichols. 490 Nichols, Maury, ist Lieutenant, 7th Infantry, 943 U.S.A. 5th from James Maury. 508 NiLES, Robert Lossing, New York. 97° loth from Gov. Thomas Welles. 339 Noble, Henry Harmon, Essex. 339 5th from Ensign David Noble. 8th from Matthew Mitchell. 8th from Stephen Terry. 7th from Hon. Samuel Sherman. 124 NEW YORK. State Society No. Gkneeai, Society No. 6th from Hon. John Sherman. 4th from Capt. Archibald McNeil. 4th from Lieut. Paul Welch. 381 Norton, Edward Loudon, New York. 381 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 9th from Gov. John Rowland. 8th from Capt. Matthew Fuller. 7th from Lieut. Samuel Fuller. 8th from Capt. John Gorham. 7th from Lieut.-Col. John Gorham. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Barber. 7th from John Porter. 7th from William Thrall. 6th from John Hosford. 6th from Capt. Timothy Phelps. 4th from Capt. Ichabod Phelps. 5th from Capt. Benoni Trumbull. 5th from Capt. Morris Tillotson. 682 Norton, Porter, Buffalo. 1436 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 8th from Hon. John Talcott. 523 Norton, Thomas Herbert, U. S. Consul, Harpout, 917 Turkey. 7th from Maj. John Mason. 134 Norwood, Lewis Morris, New York. 134 6th from Gov. Lewis Morris. 210 NoYES, James Atkins, Cambridge, Mass. 210 7th from Lieut. Edward Winship. 7th from Lieut. John Lyman. 5th from Capt. John Loring. 789 Nye, Charles Freeman, Champlain. 1874 8th from Richard Warren. 8th from John Prescott. 7th from Col. Samuel Partridge. I2S NEW YORK. Statb Society No. Generai. Society No. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Prescott. 7th from Rev. Gershom Bulkley. 7th from Robert Bartlett. 6th from Edmund Freeman. 288 Oakley, E. Bknedict, New York. 288 6th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 5th from Lieut. Daniel Benedict. 115 Oakley, Henry Cruger, New York. 115 5th from Maj. Hendrick Cuyler. 4th from Maj. John Cruger. 3rd from Henry Cruger, Sr. 49 O'CoNOR, John Christopher, New York. 49 6th from Capt. John Miles. 338 Ogden, Ludlow, New York. 338 7th from John Ogden. 355 Olin, Stephen Henry, Col. and A.A.G., Staff of 355 General Commanding N.G.N.Y., New York. 7th from Col. Peter Schuyler. 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. 6th from Col. Henry Beekman. 22 Olney, George Washington, New York. 22 7th from Thomas Olney, Sr. 6th from Thomas Olney, Jr. 7th from Capt. John Whipple, 4th from Corp. Ezekiel Olds. 632 Olyphant, John Kensett, New York. 1291 3rd from Dr. David Olyphant. 631 Olyphant, Robert, Brevet Brig.-Gen., N.G.N.Y., 1290 New York. 3rd from Dr. David Olyphant. 569 Oothout, John Webster, Rochester. 1130 8th from Col. Olofi" Stevense Van Cortlandt. 8th from Kiliaen Van Rensselaer. 126 NEIV YORK. Statb Society No. Generai, Society No. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 7th from Capt. Matthias Nicoll. 6th from Hon. William Nicoll. 6th from Col. Richard Floyd. 6th from Capt. Henry Holland. 5th from Edward Holland. 591 Ormsbek, Hermann W., Brooklyn. 1179 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Gookin. 7th from Capt. John Chester. 5th from Hon. John Eliot. 203 Orniv, Henry Merriee, New York. 203 9th from Matthew Allyn. 8th from Capt. Benjamin Newberry. 8th from Capt. Roger Clapp. 7th from Capt. Preserved Clapp. 6th from Capt. Roger Clapp. 7th from Lieut. John Pickering. 1 139 Orvis, ChareES EusTis, New York. 3126 7th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 951 Owen, Wieeiam Henry, Jr., Nev/ York. 2579 8th from Maj. Dirck Wessels Ten Broeck. 937 Packer, Flavius, M.D., Fishkill Landing. 2528 9th from John Bronson. 1073 Paddock, Wieeiam Henry, Albany. 2952 4th from David Hitchcock. 310 Paige, Edward Winseow, New York. 310 3rd from John Paige. 8th from Hon. Philip Sherman. 7th from Col. Olofif Stevense Van Cortlandt, 7th from Capt. Edward Richmond. 6th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 6th from Hon. Matthias Nicoll. 127 NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 1008 Paine, Cyrus Fay, Rochester. 2760 6th from Thomas Paine. 8th from Elder William Brewster, 8th from Stephen Hopkins. 7th from Gov. Thomas Prence. 7th from Hon. Nicholas Snow. 7th from George Watson. 7th from John Shaw. 7th from Edward Griswold. 7th from William Phelps. 6th from Timothy Phelps. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Sparrow. 1062 Palmer, Ernest, M.D., Brooklyn. 2935 6th from Gershom Palmer. 7th from Gen. Thomas Stanton. 7th from Daniel Comstock. 7th from Capt. George Denison, * 6th from Capt. John Denison. 5th from Lieut. Ebenezer Billings. 994 Pai^mer, Lowell Mason, New York. 2720 6th from Samuel Palmer, loth from John Tilley. 9th from Gov. John Howland. 8th from Gov. Thomas Mayhew. 8th from Capt. John Gorham. 8th from Sergt. William Cornwell. 8th from Sergt. Thomas Spencer. 8th from Nicholas Desborough. 8th from Henry Burt. 8th from Samuel Skelton. 8th from Edward Elmer. 7th from Lieut. John Whipple. 7th from Capt. Nathaniel White. 7th from William Hawkins. 7th from Obadiah Holmes. 7th from William Harris. 128 NlilV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Richard Tew. 7th from William Hartwell, 6th from Samuel Hartwell. 6th from Sergt. Edward Smith. 6th from John Brown. 6th from John Angell. 6th from John Johnson. 6th from Jacob Farrar. 6th from Sergt. John Heald. 5th from Lieut. John Heald. 5th from John Melvin. 4th from David Melvin. 817 PAI.MER, Walter Warner, M.D., New York. 1902 9th from Capt. George Denison. 950 Parker, Frederick Sheldon, Brooklyn. 2578 6th from Edward Parker. 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Bradford. 8th from Q. M. Henry Woodward. 8th from John Bronson. 8th from Henry Burt. 8th from Deacon Edward Collins. 8th from Maj. William Whiting. 7th from Rev. John Whiting. 5th from Lieut. -Col. William Whiting. 7th from Capt. John Taylor. 7th from Capt. Thomas Newton. 6th from Capt. James Newton. 7th from Capt. James Sands. 7th from Sergt. Richard Hubbell. 7th from Sergt. John Plympton. 7th from Joshua Raymond, ist. 7th from William Lyon. 7th from John Polly (Poole). 7th from Ensign Samuel Wright. 6th from Capt. Benjamin Wright. 129 NEW YORK. Statk Society No. General Society No. 6th from Capt. Nathaniel Merriman. 6th from Nathaniel Sutlifife. 6th from Lieut. Israel Wyatt. 6th from Eleazer Stent. 6th from Ensign Thomas Harrison, 5th from Lieut. Thomas Harrison. 4th from Capt. Thomas Harrison. 3rd from Elihu Harrison. 5th from Ebenezer Lyon. 5th from Ensign Thomas Curtis. 5th from Capt. Jacob Griswold. 5th from Capt. Nathaniel Woodruff. 4th from Jacob Woodruff. 4th from Thomas Button. 4th from Caleb Whiting. 234 Parsons, Ai^bert Ross, New York. 234 8th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. • 7th from Capt. Joseph Parsons. 5th from Aaron Parsons. 846 Parsons, Hosmer Buckingham, Brooklyn. 2065 5th from Lieut. Dennis Bement. 655 Parsons, Wiluam Decatur, New York. 1365 7th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 6th from Capt. Joseph Parsons. 9th from Deputy-Gov. Ambrose Gibbon. 8th from Capt. Christopher Hussey. 7th from Capt. Nathaniel Fryer. 7th from Corp. Coenradt Ten Eyck. 7th from Lieut. John Moulton. 7th from Lieut. Anthony Checkley. 7th from Francis Jenness. 6th from Capt. Tobias Langdon. 6th from Samuel Robie. 6th from Humphrey Perkins. 6th from John Hinckes. 130 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 785 Partkidge, Edward Lasi^li., M.D., New York. 1870 5th from Col. Samuel Partridge. 3rd from L/ieut. Samuel Partridge. 9th from Matthew Marvin. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gov. John Webster. 8th from Capt. Plugh Mason. 8th from Lieut. David Wilton. 8th from Sergt. John Tidd. Sth from Capt. William Trask. 7th from William Trask. Sth from Lieut. Thomas Tracey. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Fuller. 7th from Thomas Fuller. 6th from Jonathan Fuller. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Lefifingwell. 7th from Ensign Thomas LefiEingwell. 6th from Ensign Thomas Leffingvvell. 8th from Nathaniel Foote. Sth from Richard Bushnell, Sr. Sth from Ellis Barron. Sth from Ensign Thomas Bartlett. 7th from Gov. Simon Brad street. 7th from Capt. Samuel Marshall. 7th from O. M. George Colton. 7th from Maj. Aaron Cook. 6th from Capt. Aaron Cook. 5th from Capt. Moses Cook. 7th from Sergt. Thomas Hale. 7th from Sergt. John Clark. 7th from Lieut. William Clark. 6th from Capt. William Clark. 6th from John Clark. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Putnam. 7th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 6th from Capt. Joseph Parsons. 7th from Elder John Strong. 131 NBW YORK. State Society No. General^ Society No. 7th from John Marsh. 7th from John Gager, 7th from William Gocldard. 7th from John Crow. 7th from John Bigelow. 7th from Daniel Warren, Sr. 6th from Lieut. John Livermore. 6th from Capt. Josiah Convers. 6th from Capt. Joseph Hawley. 6th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 5th from Capt. Henry Dwight. 4th from Capt. Seth Dwight. 6th from. Lieut. Simon Huntington. 5th from Lieut. Samuel Huntington. 6th from Joseph Loomis. 6th from Capt. Samuel Barnard. 5th from Lieut. John Lyman. 4th from Corp. Converse Spring. 969 Partridgd, Frank Harvey, New York 2652 4th from Eli Partridge. 8th from Capt. Edward Goodenow. 8th from Sergt. Richard Church. 8th from Lieut. William Clarke. 8th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 7th from Capt. John Parsons. 8th from Ensign William Buss. 8th from Lieut. Henry Woodis. 8th from Capt. Samuel Adams. 8th from Thomas Plympton. 7th from Sergt. John Barker. 7th from Nathaniel Billings. 7th from Samuel Hartwell. 7th from Isaac Graves. 7th from Stephen Hosmer. 7th from Joseph Hayward. 6th from William Harvey. 132 NEW YORK. Sta'ie Society No. General Society No. 5th from Samuel Harvey. 4th from Ebenezer Harvey. 6th from Daniel Warner. 5th from John Cragin. 5th from Jonathan Janes. 936 Patterson, Andrew Stuart, New York. 2527 7th from Henry Botsford. 7th from William Tuttle 6th from Capt. Ailing- Ball. 334 Patterson, John Henry, Colonel, U.S.A. 334 5th by representation from Capt. John Bull. 538 Patteson, Herbert Logan, Short Hills, N. J. 1082 7th from Maj. V/illiam Harris. 5th from Lieut.-Col. Thomas Turpin. 566 Patteson, Thomas Adkins, Jr., Forest, Cal. 1127 7th from Maj. William Harris. 5th from Lieut.-Col. Thomas Turpin. 1044 Paulson, Leonard, Jr., New York. 2879 7th from Thomas Lyon. 313 Peck, John Hudson, Troy. 3^3 3rd from John Peck. 792 Peet, Frederic Tomlinson, Auburn. 1S77 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Richard Osborne. 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 6th from Thomas Fairchild. 5th from Lieut. Agur Tomlinson. 407 Pell, Frederick Aycrigg, New York. 407 6th from Samuel Pell. 3rd from Capt. John Pell. 5th from Johannes de Peyster. 15 Peel, Howland, New York. 15 Collateral from Surgeon Thomas Pell. 133 NMIV YORK. Statu Society No. Genbrai, Society No. 7th from Sir John Pell. 7th from Col. Thomas Willett. 7th from Capt. William Lawrence. 7th from Zoeth Rowland. 7th from Col. Richard Townley. •■^33 Pell, John H., New York. 6th from Samuel Pell. 3rd from Capt. John Pell. 568 Perkins, Rev. Joshua Nkwton, New York. 1129 6th from Capt. Nathaniel Thomas, 2nd. 883 Perkins, Seymour, New York. 2268 8th from Gov. John Webster. 416 PereEy, Harry Otis, Major and Surgeon, U. S.A. 658 4th from John Fowler. 793 Pheeps, Luis James, New York. 1878 9th from William Hayden. 8th from Lieut. Daniel Hayden. 9th from Edward Griswold. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Putnam. 6th. from Capt. Jonathan Walcott. 6th from Robert Ware, Jr. 633 Pierce, Charles Henry, New York. 1292 6th from Col. Timothy Pierce. 482 Pierce, George Williams, Albany. 935 7th from Capt. Thomas Pierce, 2nd. 5th from Col. Timothy Pierce. 7th from Com. Gen. Thomas Huckins. 7th from Tristram Coffin. 6th from Lieut. William Hasey. 6th from Capt. Isaac Williams. 639 PiERREPONT, Henry Evelyn, Brooklyn. 1298 7th from Col. Robert Livingston. ''Deceased. NEPy YORK. State Socijjty iNo. General bocieiY iNo. 1009 Platt, Hon. Thomas Coi^LiJiR, U. S. Senator, 2773 New York. 6th from Maj. Jasper Griffin. 873 PivUM, Frederick Augustus, Troy. 2258 6th from John Plumb. 979 PivUMB, James Ives, IsHp. 2705 loth from Capt. Nathaniel Turner. 666 Plympton, Gilbert MotiEr, New York. i37<^ 5th from Thomas Plympton. 8th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 8th from Col. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 7th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 7th from Capt. PhiHp Pieterse Van Schuyler. 6th from Col. Peter Schuyler. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 7th from Lieut. Govert Loockermans. 7th from Sergt. David Provoost, 6th from Gov. Rip Van Dam. 6th from Capt. Johannes Pietersen Van Brugh. 6th from Capt. Samuel Ruggles. 6th from Rev. John Woodbridge. 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. 5th from Col. Philip Livingston. 5th from Lieut. Robert Livingston. 4th from Capt. Robert Livingston. 3rd from Col. Peter R. Livingston. 6th from Hon. Wilhelmus Beekman. 5th from Coi. Gerardus Beekman. 6th from Evert Duyckinck. 5th from Gerardus Duyckinck. 5th from Ensign Walter Tong. 461 PomEroy, George EetweEd, Toledo, O. 868 4th from Gen. Seth Pomeroy. 1 128 PoMEROY, Robert Watson, Buffalo. 3^95 4th from Thompson Maxwell. 135 NEW YORK. .State Society No. General Society No. II Pond, Charles Hobby, Pelham Manor. ii 4th from Capt. Charles Pond. 8th from Deputy-Gov. Benjamin Fenn. 8th from Gov. Theophilus Eaton. 7th from Capt. Samuel Newton. 7th from Deputy-Gov. William Jones. 7th from Capt. John Miles. 7th from Sir Charles Hobby. 5th from Capt. Hercules Mooney. 537 Pond, Edwin Watson, Walton. 1009 6th from Lieut. Samuel Pond. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Gov. John Webster. 7th from Ensign William Goodrich. 7th from John Bigelow. 6th from Capt. Joseph Foote. 14 Pond, Winthrop, New Rochelle. 14 4th from Capt. Charles Pond. 8th from Gov. Theophilus Eaton. 7th from Deputy-Gov. William Jones. 7th from Capt. John Miles. 7th from Sir Charles Hobby. 6th from Col. Roger Newton. 850 PooLE, Eugene Hieehouse, New York. 2195 7th from Capt. Thomas Lawrence 1 123 Porter, Peter A., Niagara Falls. 3090 5th from Nathaniel Porter. 1124 Porter, Peter Augustus, Jr., Niagara Falls. 3091 6th from Nathaniel Porter. 562 PoucHER, John Wilson, M.D., Poughkeepsie. 1106 9th from Malthese Blanshan. 8th from Sergt. Cornelius Barentsen Sleght. 8th from Louis Du Bois. 7th from Lieut. Solomon Du Bois. 136 NBiy YORK. Statu Socibty No. GENeRAi, Society No. 8th from Lieut. Hendrick Jochense Schoonmaker. 7th from Capt. Jochem Schoonmaker. 7th from Coenraet Ham, ist. 487 PraIvL, Rev. William, Albany. 931 6th from Capt. Peter Prail. 8th from Capt. Nicholas Stilwell. 1132 Pratt, Dallas Bache, New York. 3099 7th from Gen. Constant Southworth. 1074 Pressly, Josepli Wesley, Rochester. 2953 7th from John Pressey. 567 Price, Alfred Bryant, New York. 11 28 5th from Henry Greene. 251 Price, Henry ReesE, M.D., Brooklyn. 251 8th from Maj. John Mason. 6th from Capt. John Fitch. 4th from Samuel Webb. 377 Prime, Ralph Earl, Yonkers. ^yj 8th from Capt. Ralph Earl. 8th from Edward Howell. 7th from Maj. John Howell. 7th from Lieut. Samuel Wheelwright. 6th from Col. John Wheelwright. 6th from Lieut.-Col. Henry Pierson. 871 Proctor, Frederick Towne, Utica. 2256 6th from Capt. Thomas Colton. 583 Proctor, Thomas Redfield, Utica. 1171 4th from Capt. Peleg Redfiekl. 908 Provoost, John Moffat, BufTaio, 2467 5lh from Capt. David Provoost. 175 Pruyn, John Van Schaick I,ansinc, Albany. 175 5th from Samuel Pruyn. 8th from Brant vVrentse Van Slichtenhorst. 4th from David Groesbeck. 137 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 1 155 Raborg, H. Mason, New York. 3154 7th from George Calvert. 6th from Gov. Leonard Calvert. 8th from Col. George Mason. 7th from Col. George Mason, 2nd. 6th from Col. George Mason, 3rd. 6th from Gov. Robert Brooke. 5th from Hon. Baker Brooke. 7th from Col. Gerard Fowke. 8th from Capt. Adam Thorowgood. 748 Raborg, Thomas Mason Thomson. 7th from George Calvert. 6th from Gov. Leonard Calvert. 8th from Col. George Mason. 7th from Col. George Mason, 2nd. 6th from Col. George Mason, 3rd. 6th from Gov. Robert Brooke. 5th from Hon. Baker Brooke. 7th from Col. Gerard Fowke. 8th from Capt. Adam Thorowgood. 1 1 18 Ransom, Warren Aaron, New York. 3052 5th from Gov. Gurdon Saltonstall. 966 Rathbone;, Richard Fanning Loper, Brooklyn. 2640 7th from Capt. George Denison. 592 Rawlings, Carroi.1. Crary, Hoboken, N. J. 1180 4th from Lieut. Charles Smith. 791 Ray, Franklin Trowbridge, New York. 1876 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Whiting. 6th from Lieut. James Trowbridge. 138 NEW YORK. Statb Society No. Generai, SociET/ So. 304 RiiAD, Harmon PumpelIvY, Albany. 304 5th from Col. John Read. 3rd from Sergt. John Pumpelly. 1007 Read, John Meredith, Albany. 2759 5th from Col. John Read. 19 Reed, Henry Bideack, M.D., Brooklyn. 19 8th from Capt. Daniel Brodhead. 7th from Hon. John Alden. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Alden. 4th from Capt. Prince Alden. 116 Reed, James Monroe, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa. 116 8th from Capt. Daniel Brodhead. 1002 Reed, Latham Gallup, New York. 2754 4th from Gen. James Reed. 496 Remick, Rev. Ninian Beall, Geneva. 824 3rd from Capt. Joseph Remick. 985 Remington, Robert Reading, New York. 2711 5th from John Reading. 408 Remsen, Phoenix, Babylon. 408 3rd from Ensign Henry Remsen. 1075 Reynolds, George Nelson, Lancaster, Pa. 2954 8th from Nathaniel Reynolds. 9th from William Collier. 8th from Elder William Brewster. 7th from Maj. Thomas Leonard. 7th from Gov. William Bradford. 6th from Maj. William Bradford. 5th from Corp. Samuel Andrews. 5th from Col. Joshua Wingate. 527 Reynolds, James, Poughkeepsie. 988 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Lieut. William Clark. 8th from Jonathan Gilbert. 139 NEW YORK. State Socibty No. Generai, Society No. 8th from John Greene. 7th from James Greene. 7th from Stephen Richardson. 6th from Lieut. Joseph Drake. 4th from Joseph Deming. 954. RivYNOLDS, John Jay, New York. 2582 8th from Sergt. Robert Lockwood. 58 Rhinelander, Phiup, New York. 58 5th from Maj. John Cruger. 4th from Henry Cruger. 28 RhineIvAnder, T. J. Oakley, New York. 28 6th from Maj. Hendrick Cuyler. 4th from Henry Cruger. 197 Rhoades, Lyman, New York. 197 6th from Henry Rhoades. 5th from Ensign Samuel Rhoades. 3rd from Samuel Rhoades. 7th from Lieut. William Clark. 7th from Robert Bartlett. 6th from Lieut. John Fuller, 6th from Robert Coates. 6th from John Stebbins. 5th from Ensign Ebenezer Sheldon. 1 15 1 Rich, Gains Barrett, Bufifalo. 4th from Edward Salisbury. 995 Rich, William Taber, Brooklyn, N. Y. 2721 loth from Elder William Brewster, loth from Stephen Hopkins. 9th from Gyles Hopkins. 9th from Gov. Thomas Prence. 9th from Edmund Tapp. 9th from Hon. Nicholas Snow. 9th from Thomas Clark, 9th from Hon. Richard Treat. 140 NEW YORK. S-ATS Society No. General SociETv: No. 8th from Gov. Robert Treat. 8tli from Capt. Thomas Cromwell. 8th from Capt. Edward Bangs. 8th from Richard Higgins. 8th from John Knowles. 8th from Thomas Lombard. 8th from Gov. Thomas Roberts. 8th from A'laj. John Freeman. 8th from Hon. Barnabas Lothrop. 8th from Capt. Samuel Mayo. 7th from Capt. Paul Sears. 7th from Lieut. Andrew Newcomb. 931 Richards, Charlks Spii:lman, New York. 2506 7th from Nathaniel Richards. loth from Capt. Richard Brackett. 9th from Col. Philip Eliot. 9th from Capt. William French. 8th from Corp. John French. 7th from Lieut. William French. 9th from Sergt. Thomas Foster. 9th from Ensign Francis Chickering. 9th from William Adrianse Bennett. 9th from Simon Crosby. 9th from Ensign James Kidder. 6th from Lieut. Ephraim Kidder. 9th from John Bent. 6th from John Bent. 9th from Wolfert Gerritse Van Cowcnhovcn. 9th from Degorie Priest. 9th from William Patten. 9th from John Newgate. 9th from John Hill, 9th from William Denison. 9th from Joseph Peck. 9th from Samuel Eddy. 8th from Capt. Jan Strycker. 141 NBW YORK. SiATE Society No. General Society Kg. 7th from Capt. Pieter Janse Strycker. 6th from Capt. Peter Pieterse Strycker. 8th from Capt. Joseph Weld. 8th from Sergt. John Pleald. 7th from Lieut. John Ileald. 7th from Lieut. Israel Heald. 5th from Aaron Pratt. 8th from Phineas Pratt. 8th from Joseph Pratt. 7th from Janthniel Peck. 6th from John Pratt. 8th from Lieut. John Wilson. 8th from Corp. Philip Squier. 8th from Sergt. Jonathan Bliss. 8th from Joris Jansen de Rapelje. 8th from Ralph Houghton. 7th from Joseph Houghton. » 8th from Edward Farmer. 8th from Edward Jackson. 8th from Daniel Fisher. 8th from Thomas Patten. 8th from James Frost. 8th from John Aldis. 8th from Daniel Smith. 7th from Capt. Leonard Lewis. 7th from Capt. John Seaman. 7th from Capt. Baltus Van Kleeck. 6th from Lawrence Van Kleeck. 7th from Capt. Noah Wiswall. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Wiswall. 5th from Noah Wiswall. 7th from Capt. Joseph Fuller. 6th from Lieut. Jeremiah Fuller. 7th from Capt. Pieter Praa. 7th from Q. M. Marten Adrianse. 7th from Ensign John Butterworth. 6th from Lieut. Noah Butterworirh. 142 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Capt. Roeloff Martense Schenck. /th from Lieut. John Barrett. 5th from John Barrett. 7th from Tennis Gysbertse Bogaert. 7th from John Stratton. /th from Jacob Bennett. 7th from Thomas Pollard. 6th from John Pollard. 6th from Capt. Jan Miserole. 6th from Lieut. Peter Montfort. 6th from Caleb Carman. 5th from Sergt. Amariah Crane. 953 Richards, Edward Osgood, New York. 2581 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 350 Richards, Fre;de;rick Barnard, Ticonderoga. 350 9th from Capt. Matthew Fuller, 9th from Lieut. Ralph Sprague. 7th from Edward Culver. 7th from Balthasar De Wolf. 6th from Lieut. Richard Lord. 6th from Ensign Thomas Lee. 911 Richards, Je:re;miah, New York. 2470 6th from Nathaniel Richards. 9th from Capt. Richard Brackett. 8th from Col. Philip Eliot. 8th from Capt. William French. 7th from Corp. John French. 6th from Lieut. William French. 8th from Sergt. Thomas Foster. 8th from Ensign Francis Chickering. 8th from Simon Crosby. 8th from Capt. Joseph Weld. 8th from Ensign James Kidder. 5th from Lieut. Ephraim Kidder. 8th from John Bent. 143 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 5th from John Bent. 8th from Degorie Priest. 8th from Wilham Patten. 8th from John Newgate. 8th from John Hill. 8th from WilHam Denison. 8th from Joseph Peck. 6th from Janthniel Peck. Sth from Samuel Eddy. 7th from Lieut. John Wilson. 7th from Sergt. John Heald. 6th from Lieut. John Heala. 6th from Israel Heald. 7th from Corp. Philip Squier. 7th from Sergt. Jonathan Bliss. 7th from Ralph Houghton. 6th from Joseph Houghton. , 7th from Joseph Pratt. 7th from Phinehas Pratt. 5th from John Pratt. 4th from Aaron Pratt. 7th from John Aldis. 7th from Daniel Smith. 7th from James Frost. 7th from Thomas Patten. 7th from Edward Farmer. 7th from Daniel Fisher. 7th from Edward Jackson. 6th from Capt. Noah Wis wall. 5th from Lieut. Thomas Wiswall. 4th from Noah Wiswall. 6th from Capt. Joseph Fuller. 5th from Lieut. Jeremiah Fuller. 6th from Lieut. John Barrett. 4th from John Barrett. 6th from Ensign John Butterworfh. 5th from Lieut. Noah Butterwortli. 144 NBH" YORK. STAIE SOCIBTY No. r-- . o XT General Socistf No. 6th from Thomas Pollard. 5th from John Pollard. 6th from John Stratton. 4th from Sergt. Amariah Crane. 494 RiKKR, Henry Ingersoi.l, New York. 947 7th from Maj. Thomas Lawrence. 86 RiKCR, John Jackson, New York. 86 7th from Maj. Thomas Lawrence. 117 RiKER, John Lawrence, New York. 117 6th from Maj. Thomas Lawrence. 415 RiPEEY, ChaeeES Stedman, Lieutenant, U.S.N. 657 9th from Gov. John Webster. 9th from Lieut. Thomas Tracey, 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 13 RoBBiNS, Howard v'^umner, New York. 13 7th from Samuel Robbins. 6th from Lieut. Jonathan Robbins. 9th from Gregory Stone. 9th from Lieut. Nathaniel Putnam. 7th from Thomas Putnam. 8th from John Stone. 8th from Edward Holyoke. 8th from Thomas Batherick. 7th from Capt. Robert Taft. 7th from Richard Cutter. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Walcott. 5th from Ensign Stephen Ames. 905 Robbins, Rowland Ames, New York. 2464 8th from Henry Wolcott, ist. 7th from Henry Wolcott, 2nd. 7th from Col. Samuel Appleton. 7th from Maj. William Whiting. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Hurlburt. 5th from Ebenezer Goodspeed. 145 NEW YORK. State Society No. Genebai^ Society No. 711 Roberts, Cyrus Swan, Colonel, U.S.A. 1479 4th from Lieut. Lemuel Roberts. 8th from Elder William Brewster. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 7th from Capt. George Denison. 7th from Capt. James Avery. 6th from Robert Swan. 7th from Richard Swan. 732 Robe:rts, James Arthur, Buffalo. 1583 7th from Gov. Thomas Roberts. 8th from Robert Lord. 909 Roberts, Joseph Banks, Buffalo. 2468 8th from Gov. Thomas Roberts. 9th from John Alden. 9th from Capt. Myles Standish, 9th from Robert Lord. 189 Robertson, Henry Montague, New York. 189 8th from Peter Montague. 103 1 Robinson, Beverly RANDOLrn, New York. 2841 8th from Col. John Carter. 987 Robinson, ChareES Paemer, New Y^ork. 2713 7th from Matthew Fuller. 854 Robinson, Eugene Nugent, New Y^ork. 2239 4th from Lieut. Richard Nugent. 730 Robinson, Frederick Minor, New York. 1581 6th from Capt. John Minor. 1039 Robinson, Herman Foster, New Y'ork. 2864 7th from Col. Robert Carter. 1129 Roddy, Hugh Vincent, Jr., Merrick. 3096 7th from Gysbert Opdyck. 8th from Richard Smith. 146 NEW YORK. State Society No. Geneeai, Society No. 989 Roe, CiiakIvES Francis, Major-Gen., N.G.N.Y., 2715 New York. 7tli from Thomas Barnes, ist. 558 Rogers, Archibald, Hyde Park, 1102 5th from Col. Peter Bard. 678 Rogers, Charees ButeEr, Utica. 1388 8th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 890 Rogers, Hubert Edward. 2346 7th from Sergt. William Ticknor. 510 Rogers, Wieliam Evans, New York. 972 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 7th from Gov. William Leete. 609 RoELiNS, Edward Adolppius, Brooklyn. 1249 9th from Deputy-Gov. Ambrose Gibbon. 7th from Maj. Richard Walderne. 6th from Capt. John Leighton. 6th from Ensign Moses Chase. 5th from Col. Paul Gerrish. 5th from Capt. Benjamin Wentworth. 719 Root, Arthur Guernsey, M.D., Albany. 1487 8th from Thomas Root. 517 Root, Hon. Elihu, New York. 979 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 997 Rowland, George, New York. 2742 5th from Gov. Thomas Fitch. 634 Rowland, Thomas Fitch, Jr., Brooklyn. 1293 5th from Gov. Thomas Fitch. 763 Roy, Edward Francis, West Troy. 1664 8th from Ensign Jared Spencer. 433 Russell, AverlEy Claude Holmes, Surgeon, 699 U.S.N. 6th from Col. Henry Pawling. 6th from Capt. Daniel Brodhead. 147 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 207 RussEivL, William Hamilton, New York. 207 7th from Capt. Johannes de Peyster. 6th from Col, Stephanus Van Cortiandt. 4th from Maj.-Gen. WiUiam Alexander. 4th from Hon. John Watts. 1038 Ryer, Glorgu Stillman, New York. 2863 9th from Thomas Hunt. 7th from Josiah Hunt. 9th from Edward Jessup. 9th from William Betts. 8th from John Briggs. 8th from George Tippett. 7th from Michael Bastiaensen Van Kortright. 6th from Reyer Michielson. 6th from Nicholas Brouwer. 1037 Ryer, James Briggs, New York. 2862 8th from Edward Jessup. 8th from William Betts. 7th from John Briggs. 7th from George Tippett. 7th from Thomas Hunt. 5th from Josiah Hunt. 6th from Alichiel Bastiaensen Van Kortright. 5th from Reyer Michielson. 5th from Nicholas Brouwer. 795 Salter, Jasper Colton, New York. 1880 6th from Lieut.-Col. William Pepperrell. 6th from Maj. Charles Frost. 5th from Hon. John Frost. 863 Salter, William Tibbits, New York. 2248 7th from Hon. John Frost. 5th from Maj. Charles Frost. 6th from O. M. George Colton. 6th from Thomas Bliss. 148 NBW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 5th from Samuel Bliss. 5th from Lieut. -Col. William Pepperrell. 277 SALTONSTAI.L, Andrew Hutchins Mickli^;, 2yy Berkeley Springs, W. Va. 9th from Sir Richard Saltonstall. 8tli from Sergt.-Maj. Richard Saltonstall. 7th from Col. Nathaniel Saltonstall. 6th from Gov. Gurdon Saltonstall. 5th from Brig.-Gen. Gurdon Saltonstall. 9th from Gov. John Winthiop, ist. 8th from Gov. John Winthrop, 2nd. 7th from Maj.-Gen. Wait Still Winthrop. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley-. 7th from Gov. Joseph Dudley. 198 Sands, Benjamin Aymar, New York. 198 7th from Capt. James Sands. 6th from Capt. John Sands. 6th from Lieut.-Col. Henry Filkin. 153 Sanger, William Cary, Sangerfield. 153 7th from Capt. Richard Betts. 7th from Capt. George Barber. 640 Satterlee, Edward Rathbone, New York. 1299 4th from Lieut. Benedict Satterlee. 3rd from Capt. Christopher Yates. 239 Satterlee, Francis Le Roy, M.D., New York. 239 3rd from Lieut. Benedict Satterlee, 8th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 7th from Maj. Hendrick Cuyler. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 7th from Harman Rutgers. 7th from Capt. Johannes Pletersen Van Brugh. 6th from Capt. Peter Van Brugh. 6th from Gov. Rip Van Dam. 6th from Capt. James Avery. 149 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 6di from Col. Robert Livingston. 5th from Col. Philip Livingston. 4th from Maj. Hachaliah Brown. 553 SatterIvEE, Herbert Livingston, New York. 1097 4th from Lieut. Benedict Satterlee. 1134 ScHENCK, Charles Lott, Brooklyn. 3101 8th from Capt. Nicholas Stillweli. nil ScHENCK, Wieeard ParkER, Brooklyn. 3045 8th from Capt. Nicholas Stilwell. 8th from Abraham de la Noye. 7th from Joost (Rutgersz) Van Brmit. 1127 ScHERMERHORN, ARTHUR FREDERICK, New York. 3094 7th from Symon Schermerhorn. 8th from Lieut. Wilhelmus Beekman. 8th from Arnout Cornelise Viele. ► 7th from Capt. Andrew Cannon. 4th from David Grim. 162 Schermerhorn, Charles Augustus, New York. 162 6th from Symon Schermerhorn, 3rd from David Grim. 438 Schermerhorn, Edward Gilbert, New York. 706 7th from Symon Schermerhorn. 8th from Lieut. Wilhelmus Beekman. 8th from Arnout Cornelise Viele. 7th from Capt. Andrew Cannon. 4th from David Grim. 103 ScHiEFFELiN, Eugene, New York. 103 7th from Capt. Nathaniel Thomas. 7th from Lieut. Robert Feake. 6th from Capt. William Lawrence. 6th from Capt. Nicholas Stilwell. 6th from Col. Richard Townley. 6th from Capt. James Sands. 6th from vSir John Pell. ISO NBIV YORK. State Society No. Generaj, Societv No. 60 Schi£;, Gkorgu Richard, New ^'ork. 60 7th from Lieut. Robert Feake. 7th from Maj. Sir John Pell. 5th from Joseph Pell. 6th from Col. Richard Townley. 6th from Capt. William Lawrence. 5th from Ensign Joseph Lawrence. 4th from David Frothingham. loi ScHiEFFUUN, ScHUYLElR^ Major and LS.A.P., ist loi Brigade, N.G.N.Y., New York. 9th from Lieut.-Gov. Richard Ingoldsby. 8th from Col. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 7th from Col. Stephanus Van Cortlandt. 8th from Brant Arentse Van Slichienhorst. 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Thomas. 8th from Lieut. Robert Feake. 7th from Col. Richard Townley. 7th from Capt. James Sands. 7th from Sir John Pell. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 6th from Capt. Arent Schuyler. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 6th from Lieut. -Col. Killian Van Rensselaer. 6th from Capt. Nicholas Stilwell. 102 ScHiKFFELiN, WiLLiAM Jay, New York. 102 8th from Capt. William Lawrence. 437 ScHROEDUR, James Langdon, New York. 705 9th from John Brown. 8th from Col. Thomas Willett. 8th from Capt. Richard Brackett. 8th from Lieut. Edward Winship. 7th from Capt. William Lewis. 6th from Capt. John Stanley. 5th from Capt. Joseph Hooker. iSi . NBW YORK. State Society No. Genekal Societit No. 348 Schuyler, Clarkson Crosby, M.D., Plattsburgh. 348 6th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 5th from Col. Peter Schuyler, 7th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 611 Schuyler, Montgomlry, New York. 125 1 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 1006 ScoFiELD, George Starr, Rosebank, Staten Island. 2758 4th from Reuben Scofield. loth from Thomas Gregson. 9th from Gen. Johannes de la Montague. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 9th from Sergt. David Provoost. 9th from Rev. John Woodbridge. 8th from Gov. William Leete. 8th from Dr. Hans Kierstede. 8th from Lieut. Wilhelmus Beekman. • 7th from Col. Gerardus Beekman. 6th from Capt. Gerardus Beekman. 8th from Gov. William Brenton. 8th from Capt. Samuel Green. 8tli from Capt. Joseph Sill. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Cooper. 8th from Rev. John Eliot. 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Turner. 7th from John Holly. 7th from Dr. Thomas Starr. 6th from Capt. Josiah Starr. 4th from Maj. Daniel Starr. 6th from Adj. Christopher Codwise. 6th from Lieut. David Waterbury. 755 ScoTT, John Frederick, New York. 1606 8th from Lieut. Robert Feake. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 8th from John Townsend. 4th from Capt. Jonathan Haight. 152 NBW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 752 Scott, Wiluam Sherman, Capt. and A.D.C., ist 1603 Brigade, N.G.N.Y., New York. Sth from Lieut. Robert Feake. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 4th from Capt. Jonathan Haight. 344 ScuDDER, Re;v. H]e;nry Townsi<;nd Brooklyn. 344 6th from Maj. Moses Mansfield. 749 Seabury, Frederick Chandler Brooklyn. 1600 6th from Dr. Samuel Seabury. Sth from Hon. John Alden. Sth from John Rogers. Sth from William Collier. 7th from William Pabodie. 82 Seaman, Louis Livingston, M.D., New York. 82 6th from Capt. John Seaman. 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. Sth from Brant Arentse Van SHchtenhorst. 7th from Capt. Philip Van Schuylei. 7th from Maj. Hendrick Cuyler. 7th from Cadet Johannes de Peyster. 6th from Col. Abraham de Peyster. 6th from Capt. Peter Van Brugh. 477 Seaman, Wileiam BlEECker, Elizabeth, N. J. 93a 7th from Capt. John Seaman. Sth from Sergt. David Provoost. 6th from Col. David Provoost. 5th from Capt. David Provoost. 7th from Gov. Jacob Leisler. 6th from Capt. Jan Jansen Bleecker. 6th from Antoine L'Espenard. 5th from Capt. Anthony Lispenard. 105 1 Sears, Alfred Daw, BufTalo. 2908 6th from Lieut. Silas Sears. 153 NEW YORK. SiATE Society No. ' General Societv No. 417 SiiARS, CuNTON Brooks, Major, U.S.A. 659 /th from Capt. Paul Sears, loth from Elder William'Brewster. 9th from Gov. Thomas Prence. 9th from Capt. Edward Bangs. 8th from Maj. John Freeman. 8th from Capt. Jonathan Sparrow. 59 Sears, Walter Jesse, Lieutenant, U.S.N. 59 8th from Capt. Paul Sears. 7th from Lieut. Silas Sears. 8th from Richard Sares. 9th from John Mayo. 8th from Samuel Ma3^o. 9th from George Willard. 7th from William Locke. 7th from William Merrick. 961 Seaverns, Francis, Brooklyn. 2635 7th from Capt. Isaac Johnson. 1 131 Sedgwick, Robert, Newport, R. L 7th from Maj. -Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 544 Seton, Monsignore Robert, Jersey City, N. J. 1088 7th from Capt. James Sands. 518 Seymour, Henry, New York. 980 7th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from Capt. Thomas Bull. 7th from Gov, John Webster. 6th from Maj. Robert Webster. 1088 Sheldon, Charles Lawrence, New York. 2970 4th from Capt. Daniel Sheldon. 286 Shelton, George Gregory, M.D., New York. 286 7th from Hon. Roger Ludlow. 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 6th from Capt. Samuel Welles. 154 NBIV YORK. Statc Society No. General Society No. 5th from Capt. John Savage. 4th from John Gray, Jr. 284 She;i.ton, William Atwood, New York. 284 7th from Hon. Roger Ludlow. 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 6th from Capt. Samuel Welles. 5th from Capt. John Savage. 4th from John Gray, Jr. 896 Shlpard, Ralph Kissam, Brooklyn. 2352 7th from Isaac Shepard, Sr. loth from Stephen Hopkins. 9th from Capt. William French. 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Col. John Youngs. 6th from Col. Timothy Pierce. 333 She;paku, Robert Fitch, New York. 333 7th from Gov. William Bradford. 6th from Maj. William Bradford. 6th from Rev. James Fitch, 5th from Maj. James Fitch. 806 Sherman, William Watts, New York. 1891 7th from Capt. Martin Cregier. 1082 Shlrrill, Charles Hitchcock, Capt. and A.D.C., 2964 N.G.N.Y., New York. 5th from Recompence Sherrill. 9th from Lieut. Samuel Smith. 9th from Nathaniel Foote, ist. 7th from O. M. Nathaniel Foote. 9th from Nathaniel Dickinson. 8th from Sergt. John Dickinson. 9th from Thomas Bliss. 9th from Samuel Chapin. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Cooper. 8th from Ensign Jared Spencer. 8th from Sergt. Jan Hermans Schut. 'NEW YORK. State Socibty No. Generai, Society No. 7th from Maj. Dirck Wessellse ten Broeck. 7th from Capt. Matthys Jansen van Keuren. 7th from Martinus Hofifman. 7th from John Day. 7th from Joseph Chamberlain. 7th from Lieut. William Bogardus, 6th from Lieut. Evert Bogardus. 6th from Capt. Andries de Witt. 6th from Capt. William Nottingham. 6th from Maj. Johannes Wynkooj). 5th from Capt. Evert Wynkoop. 4th from Lieut Dirck Wynkoop. 4th from John Quackenbos. 430 Short, Edward Lyman, New York. 696 7th from John Plumb. 6th from Col. Samuel Partridge, 6th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 6th from Lieut. John Lyman. 570 Shuart, Wiluam Herbert, Springfield, Mass. 1131 8th from Capt. Thomas Brooks. 7th from Maj. Peter Bulkeley. 7th from Capt. Timothy Wheeler. 6th from Ensign Humphrey Barrett. 6th from Capt. James Minot. 452 SiBEEY, Frederick Trowbridge, Detroit, Mich. 790 4th from Abraham Whipple. 326 SiLE, Rev. Frederic Schroeder, D.D., Cohoes. 326 6th from Capt. Joseph Sill. 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith. 8th from John Clark. 7th from Lieut. William Pratt. 6th from O. M. Nathaniel Foote. 6th from Lieut. Richard Lord. 156 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 349 Sill, John Targek, New York. 349 6th from Capt. Joseph Sill. 8th from Col. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 7th from Capt. Nicholas Stilwell. 7th from Gov. Francis Willoug-hby. 6th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 330 SkidmorE, William Lemuel, New York. 330 4th from Lieut. Thomas Skidmore. 706 Slade, George Theron, Scranton. Pa. 1474 8th from Capt. Nathaniel White. 1 147 Sloane, William, New York. 3134 6th from Capt. John Berry. 536 Slocum, Herbert Jermain, Captain, U.S.A. 1008 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 7th from Maj.-Gen. John Hammond. 462 Slocum, Joseph Jermain, New York. 869 7th from Capt. Myles Standish. 6th from Maj. John Howell. 5th from Lieut.-Col. Henry Pierson. 869 Smith, Charles Stewart, New York. 2254 6tli from Hon. Richard Smith. 939 Smith, Clarence Ednor, New York. 253c 8th from Lieut. Thomas Lef^ingwcil. 862 Smith, George William, Ogdensburgli. 2247 4th from Capt. John Hungerford. 903 Smith, Henry ErskinE, New York. 243c 8th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from Antoine Lispenard. 5th from Capt. Anthony Lispenard. 5th from Col. Leonard Lispenard. 6th from Capt. Anthony Rutgers. 5th from Lieut. Joseph Mather. 157 NEW YORK. Stati: Society No. General Society No. 1071 Smith, Henry LylE, M.D., Hudson. 2951 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 920 Smith, Howard Caswell, New York. 2479 7th from Lieut. Samuel Smith. 291 Sjmith, Llwis Bayard, New York. 291 8th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from Antoine Lispenard. 6th from Capt. Anthony Lispenard. 5th from Col. Leonard Lispenard. 6th from Capt. Anthony Rutgers. 5th from Lieut. Joseph Mather. 391 Smith, Philip Henry WaddLLL, Pittsburg, Pa. 391 6th from Lieut. -Col. Henry Filkin, 6th from Capt. Leonard Lewis. 620 Smith, Philip Sherwood, Buffalo. 1260 4th from Maj. John Murdock. 472 Smith, Thomas Edward Vermilye, Nev^^ York. 879 6th from Lieut. Thomas Lefifingwcll. 1 1 52 Smith, Thomas Guilford, Buffalo. 3 151 6th from Jedediah Allen. 571 Spaulding, Rev. George Burley, D.D., LL.D., 1132 Syracuse. 9th from Elder William Brewster. 8th from Thomas Stanton. 8th from Lieut. William Clark. 7th from Capt. Thomas Pierce. 5th from Col. Timothy Pierce. 6th from Henry Bodwell. 3rd from Capt. Hezekiah Hutchins. yyo Spalding, George Brown, Jr., Syracuse. 1671 9th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 9th from Lieut. William Clark. 8th from Maj. Dirck Wessels Ten Broeck. 8th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 158 NEW YORK. Statu Society No, General Society No. 7th from Col. Pieter Schuyler. 8th from Capt. Jan Jansen Bleecker. 8th from Maj. Hendrick Cuyler. 8th from Capt. Thomas Pierce. 6th from Col. Timothy Pierce. 8th from Richard Arnold. 8th from Thomas Mann. 7th from Henry Bodwell. 6th from Lieut. Robert Livingston. 4th from Capt. Hezekiah Hutchins. 260 Spalding, Rt. Rev. John Franklin, Denver, Col. 260 5th from John Spalding. 3rd from Lieut. John Spalding. 183 Spencer, Lorillard, New York. 183 5th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 364 Spies, Francis Ferdinand, New York 364 6th from Peter Spies, loth from Lieut. Robert Feake. 9th from Capt. John Underbill. 9th from Gov. George Wyllys. 9th from Gov. Jeremiah Clarke. 8th from Gov. Walter Clarke. 9th from President John Coggeshall. 8th from Hon. Joshua Coggeshall. 9th from President John Sanford. 9th from Hon. William Wodell. 8th from Corp. Daniel Tourneur. 8th from Hon. Joost van Oblinus. 8th from Michael Bastiaensen van Kortright. 8th from Capt. Richard Harding. 7th from Israel Honeywell. 6th from David Foster. 6th from Deputy-Gov. John Gardner. 5th from Maj. Thomas Rodman. 159 NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai. Society No. 968 Spies, Henrv' Huee, New York. 2643 5th from Peter Spies. 8th from Gov. Jeremiah Clarke, /th from Gov. Walter Clarke. 8th from President John Sanfofd. 5th from Deputy-Gov. John Gardner. 4th from Maj. Thomas Rodman. 128 Spofford, Paul Nelson, New York. 128 5th from Capt. John Spofford. 4th from Col. Daniel Spofford. 3rd from Lieut. Moody Spofford. 4th from Capt. Abner Spofford. 3rd from Lieut. Abel Spofford. 9th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 8th from Capt. Thomas Bradbury. 8th from Rev. George Phillips. 6th from Lieut. John Dresser. 6th from Capt. Joseph Boynton. 6th from Lieut. John Dresser. 6th from John Hopkinson. 6th from Stephen Mighill. 5th from Capt. Jeremiah Chaplin. 412 Sprague, John Titcomb, M.D., Staplelon. 654 8th from Lieut. Ralph Sprague. 7th from Capt. John Sprague, ist. 6th from Jonathan Sprague. 699 Stafford, William Frederick, New York. 1467 9th from John Johnson. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 8th from Gov. George Wyllys. 8th from Stukeley Westcott. 8th from Gov. William Pynchon. 7th from Col. John Pynchon. 6th from Col. John Pynchon. 8th from President John Coggeshall. 160 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. /th from Hon. Joshua Cogg-eshall, 7th from Sergt. Thomas Spencer. 7th from Thomas Gridley. 7th from Sergt. Samuel Bennett. 7th from John Clark. 7th from Samuel Boardman. 6th from Thomas Abbey. 5th from Capt. Joseph Hawley. 309 Standish, Myles, New York. 309 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 798 Stanley, Samuel Goodman, Brooklyn. 1883 7th from Capt. John Stanley, 4th from Capt. Joseph Wadsworth. 484 Stanton, Henry, New York. 937 7th from Thomas Stanton. 6th from Col. Pieter Schuyler. 622 Stevens, Clarence Winthrop, Albany. 1262 6th from Cyprian Stevens. 5th from Capt. Joseph Stevens. 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 6th from Col. John Lane. 623 Stevens, Frederic Bliss, Albany. 1282 6th from Cyprian Stevens. 5th from Capt. Joseph Stevens. 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 6th from Col. John Lane. 703 Stevens, John Bright, New York. 1471 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from Gov. Robert Treat. 8th from Gov. Robert Treat. 161 NBPV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Ensign Alexander Bryan. 7th from Ensign John Stream. 137 Stevenson, William Paxton, Roselle, N. J. 137 4th from Col. Robert McPherson. 646 Stlwart, Henry Pierce, White Plains. 1305 3rd from Joseph Lovejoy. 891 Stewart, William Dingwall, New York. 2347 7th from Capt. Timothy Brooks. 221 Stockbridge, Henry, Baltimore, Md. 221 8th from Thomas Root. 7th from Capt. Zachariah Field. 7th from Lieut. Philip Smith. 7th from Ensign Daniel Warner. 7th from Samuel Belden. 4th from Israel Hubbard. 720 Stoddard, Enoch Vine, M.D., Rochester. 1488 6th from Gov. Gurdon Saltonstall. 1045 Stoddard, Francis Russell, Buffalo. 2880 7th from Gov. William Bradford. 371 Stokes, Anson Phelps, New York. 371 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gov. John Haynes. 8th from Gov. George Wyllys. 1 122 Storer, EbenezER, Brooklyn. 3089 5th from Lieut. Joseph Storer. 933 Storm, Clarence, New York. 2508 3rd from Capt. Thomas Storm. 9th from Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 8th from Capt. Johannes Pietersen Van Brugh. 8th from Capt. Jan Strycker. 8th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 7th from Capt. Hendrick Van Rensselaer. 7th from Maj. Hendrick Cuyler. 162 NEW YORK. SlATE Society No. General Society No. 7th from Maj. Dirck Wessellse ten Broeck. 7th from Capt. Jonas Douw. 6th from Ensign Petrus Douw. 7th from Rev. Israel Chauncey. 5th from Rev. John Graham. 4th from Rev. Chauncey Graham. 190 Story, Henry Grafton, Brooklyn. 190 9th from Gov. Thomas Prence. 9th from Edmund Freeman. 8th from Maj. John Freeman. 8th from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 8th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 7th from Ensign Samuel Munson. 7th from Capt. Thomas Baker. 7th from Maj. Samuel Appleton. 6th from Maj. Isaac Appleton. 191 Story, Joseph Grafton, Brooklyn. 191 8th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 7th from Ensign Samuel Munson. 7th from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 7th from Maj. Samuel Appleton. 6th from Maj. Isaac Appleton. 6th from Capt. Thomas Baker. 201 Stringer, George Alfred, Buffalo. 201 8th from Hon. John Alden, 5th from Rev. Timothy Edwards. 4th from Capt. John Ellsworth. 483 Strong, Donaed Watkins, Colton, Cal. 936 5th from Capt. Joseph Crafts. 152 Strong, Joseph Montgomery, New York. 152 7th from Thomas Strong. 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. 5th from Col. Philip Livingston. 163 -NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 564 Strong, Theron George, New York. 1125 loth from Capt. Nathaniel Turner. 7th from Capt. Nathaniel White. 7th from Capt. Caleb Stanley. 7th from Nicholas Olmstead. 6th from Capt. Roger Pitkin. 6th from Capt. Thomas Yale. 621 Stryker, Thomas Hubbard, Rome, 1261 7th from Capt. Jan Strycker. 601 SucKivEY, Robert Bowne, Rhinecliff. 1189 8th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 8th from Maj. Richard Smith. 8th from Capt. William Lawrence. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler, 7th from Capt. James Sands. 6th from Capt, John Sands, * 7th from Lieut. Wilhelmus Beekman. 6th from Col. Henry Beekman. 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. 174 SuYDAM, Walter Lispenard, New York. 174 5th from Lieut. Rick Van Suydam. 9th from Capt. Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick, 8th from Lieut, Govert Loockermans, 8th from Lieut. Robert Feake. 8th from Capt. Jacob Van Couwenhoven. 8th from Thomas Skidmore. 7th from Col. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 6th from Col. Jacobus Van Cortlandt. 7th from Maj. Thomas Lawrence. 7th from Capt. John Underbill. 7th from Arnout Cornelise Viele, 7th from Admiral Andrew Drauyer. 7th from Gov. John Barclay. 7th from Ensign Johannes Hardenbrook. 7th from Lieut. Wilhelmus Beekman. 164 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Ens. Johannes Beekman. 6th from Symon Jacobse Schermerhorn. 6th from Israel Honeywell. 6th from Capt. Andrew Cannon. 6th from Antoine L'Espenard. 5th from Capt. Anthony Lispenard. 4th from Hon. Henry White. 895 Swan, Edward Henry, Jr., New York. 2351 8th from Richard Swan. 1081 Swan, George Francis, M.D., New York. 2963 9th from Thomas Stanton. 8th from Capt. Thomas Prentice. 8th from John Burnham. 8th from Capt. George Denison. 9 Swartwout, SatterlEE, New York. 9 6th from Roeloff Swartwout. 3rd from Abraham Swartwout. 4th from Lieut. Benedict Satterlee. 928 Swift, Eugene L'Hommedieu, Major, U.S.A. 1857 7th from Richard Bourne. 1026 Swords, Edward Jenner, New York. 2816 3rd from Lieut. Thomas Swords. 57 Swords, Henry Cotheal, New York. 57 3rd from Lieut. Thomas Swords. 743 Symonds, Charles Stanley, Utica. 1594 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. John Mason. 4th from Capt. Azel Fitch. 443 Taemage, Robert Swartwout, New York. 781 8th from Lieut. Thomas Tallmadge. loth from Hendrick Kype. 9th from Maj. William Phillips. 9th from Ensign Joris Jansen de Rapelje. i6s NBW YORK. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 1 1 56 Tarleton, Robert Melvin, New York. 3155 6th from Hon. Philip Lightfoot. 804 Taylor, John Mykrs, Albany. 1889 7th from John Baker. 429 Taylor, Washington Irving, Brooklyn. 695 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gov. Thomas Wiggin. 7th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 486 Tefft, Frank Griswold, New York. 939 3rd from Lieut. Daniel Griswold, 2nd. 1019 Tenney, Charles Henry, New York. 2804 7th from Ensign Thomas Tenney. 1012 Tenney, Daniel GlEason, New York. 2776 8th from Ensign Thomas Tenney. ♦ 7th from Ensign John Tenney. 7th from Capt. Joseph Boynton. 336 Terry, George Davis, Brooklyn. 336 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 7th from Gov. John Haynes. 1036 Terry, John Taylor, Irvington. 2861 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 1052 Thayer, Frank Andros, New York. 2909 8th from Richard Thayer. :i;^y Thebaud, Paul Gibert, New York. 337 7th from Symon Schermerhorn. 218 Thom, De Courcy William, Baltimore, Md. 218 5th from Judge Solomon Wright. 219 Thomas, Douglas Hamilton, Baltimore, Md. 219 8th from Deputy-Gov. Isaac Allerton. 7th from Lieut. -Col. Isaac Allerton. 8th from Robert Brooke. 166 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Maj. Thomas Brooke. 6th from Deputy-Gov. Thomas Brooke. 7th from Col. John Addison. 7th from Col. William Randolph. 7th from Hon. William Travers. 6th from Capt. Samuel Travers. 6th from Lieut.-Col. William Fitz Hugh. 6th from John Hanson. 4th from Lieut. Thomas Marshall. 764 Thomas, Frank Warner, Troy. 1665 loth from Gov. George Wyllys. 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 6th from Capt. Ebenezer Hitchcock. 5th from Ensign Nathaniel Bayley. 941 Thomas, Howard Van Syckel, Buffalo. 2532 8th from Maj. William Phillips. 2y2 Thomas, Rev. Lawrence Buckley, Elmira. 272 6th from Lieut. Philip Thomas. 4th from Philip Thomas. 7th from Capt. Richard Snowden. 8th from Col. John Chew. 7th from Col. Samuel Chew. 7th from Lieut. Robert Feake. 6th from Capt. William Lawrence. 5th from Ensign Joseph Lawrence. 912 Thomfson, Arthur Graham, New York. 2471 4th from Rev. John Graham. 43 Thompson, Frederick Diodati, New York. 43 8th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 4th from Col. Abraham Gardiner. 7th from Gov. Roger Ludlow. 5th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 4th from Gov. Matthew Griswold. 167 NBW YORK. Statb Society No. General Society No. 463 ThOxMpson, Hobart Warren, Troy. 870 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 9th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 8th from William Phelps, 8th from Anthony Thompson. 7th from Gov. Gurdon Saltonstall. 318 Thompson, Wiluam Prall, New York. 318 7th from Gov. Roger Ludlow. 867 TfiOMPSON, George Mortimer, New York. 2252 9th from Gov. Thomas Mayhew. 868 Thompson, Giraud Foster, New York. 2253 9th from Gov. Thomas Mayhew. 520 Thorne, Joee Wolfe, New York. 982 6th from Capt. Jacobus Van Schoonhoven. 802 Thorne, Robert, New York. 1887 6th from Capt. Johannes Benson. 19s Throckmorton, ChareES Wicklifee, New York. 195 9th from Col. William Ball. 9th from Capt. Adam Thorowgood. 8th from Col. William Bernard. 8th from Capt. Daniel McCarty. 7th from Col. George Reade. 6th from Col. George Mason. 970 Thurston, Nathaniel Blunt, Lieut.-Col. and 2653 LS.A.P. and CO., N.G.N.Y., New York. 8th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 990 Tilden, John Newell, M.D., Peekskill. 2716 3rd from Abiel Drake. 626 TildEn, John Packwood, New York, 1285 4th from Capt. Dudley Wright. 186 Tillinghast, William Henry, New York. i8t 3rd from Hon, Thomas Tillinghast. NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 492 ToMLiNSON, John Canfield, New York. 945 8th from Thomas Gregson. 7th from Col. Job Almy. 379 Tompkins, Hamii^ton Bullock, New York. 379 7th from Hon. John Alden. 7th from Edward Thurston. 7th from Thomas Brownell. 6th from William Paybodie. 31 TowNSEND, James Hill, Ossining. 31 5th from Richard Townsend. 8th from Samuel Gorton. 7th from Capt. John Underbill. 6th from Capt. George Woolsey. 6th from John Wickes. 132 TowNSEND, RuFus Martin, Troy. 132 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 753 Treadwell, George Curtis, Albany. 1604 7th from Capt. John Minor. 914 Treat, Erastus Buck, New York. 2473 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Treat. 8th from Hon. William Pynchon. 8th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 8th from William Douglas. 7th from Lieut. John Hollister. 7th from John Talcott. 6th from Capt. Samuel Talcott. 7th from Capt. Elizur Holyoke. 7th from Rev. Gershom Bulkley. 5th from Ephraim Goodrich. 10 TrEnchard, Edward, New York. 10 4th from Hon. George Trenchard. 9th from Deputy-Gov. Ambrose Gibbon. 9th from Hon. William Thomas. 169 ' NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 91h from Wolferet Genetstein Van Cowenhoven. 8th from Capt. Cornelius Luyster. 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Thomas, ist. 7th from Hon. James Sands, ist. 6th from Capt. John Sands, ist. 7th from Capt. Tobias Langdon, ist. 5th from Capt. Richard Langdon. 6th from Capt. Thomas Hicks. 4th from Richard Ayscough. 63 Trevor, Henry Graff, New York. 63 7th from Harmanus Rutgers. 7th from Antoine Lispenard. 6th from Capt. Anthony Lispenard. 5th from Col. Leonard Lispenard. 281 Trott, James Parkhurst, Niagara Falls. 281 6tli from Joshua Bigelow. 4th from Capt. Jonathan Whitney. 65 Trowbridge^ Charles Hotchkiss, Milford, Conn. 65 6th from Lieut. Thomas Trowbridge. 366 Trowbridge, Samuel Breck Parkman, New York. 366 7tli from Lieut. James Trowbridge. 929 Truax, Charles Henry, Justice of the Supreme 2504 Court, New York. 4th from Isaac Jacobse Truax. 376 Tucker, Gilman PIenry, New York. 376 7th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 6th from Lieut. Samuel Dudley. 5th from Stephen Dudley. 4th from Lieut. James Dudley. 6th from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 6th from Capt. John Gilman. 5th from Moses Gilman. 4th from Caleb Gilman. 6th from John Folsom. 170 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 5th from Ensign Peter Folsom. 5th from John Folsom. 6th from William Lane. 6th from William Hersey. 6th from Jonathan Smith. 5th from Richard Martyn. 5th from Nathaniel Ladd. 5th from Charles Glidden. 3rd from John Glidden. 24 Tufts, Walter Brownell, New York. 24 7th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 6th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 836 Turner, Theodore Campbele, Cooperstown. 2055 4th from Gen. Seth Pomeroy. 455 TuTTLE, Frank Day, Brooklyn. 862 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Turner. 6th from Lieut. Job Win slow. 322 Underhiee, Edgar, New York. 322 7th from Capt. John Underhill. 4th from Capt. John Underhill. 8th from Maj. Richard Smith. 8th from Lieut. Robert Feake. 7th from Resolved Waldron. 6th from Ensign Joseph Lawrence. 6th from Johannes Vermilye. 5th from Jacob Dyckman. 669 Underhiee, Francis T., Los Alamos, Cal. 1379 8th from Capt. John Underhill. 465 Underhill, Frederic Edgar, New York. 872 8th from Capt. John Underhill. 9th from Edward Jessup. 8th from Isaac Vermilye. 8th from Col. Sir Richard Townley. 8th from Capt. William Lawrence. 171 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Resolved Waldron. 7th from Josiah Hunt. 7th from Israel Honeywell. 487 Vail, Henry Hobart, New York. 940 3rd from Lieut. Thomas Vail. *66 Valentine, Abraham Bates, New York. 6th from Col. Benjamin Valentine. 8th from Thomas Cornell. 382 Valentine, Samuel Hempstead, New York. 382 6th from Col. Benjamin Valentine. 8th from Capt. James Avery. yyy Van Amringe, Guy, New York. 1678 6th from Lieut. Richard Stockton. 184 Van Cortlandt, Robert Bunch, New York. 184 7th from Col. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 765 Vander Veer, Edgar Albert, M.D., Albany. 1666 9th from Deputy-Gov. Isaac Allerton. 9th from Robert Bartlett. 7th from Capt. Roeloff Martense Schenck. 610 Van Rensselaer, Augustus Cortlandt, New 1250 York. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 8th from Col. Oloiif Stevense Van Cortlandt. 7th from Hon. Nicholas Bayard. 7th from Edward Foster. 74 Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt Schuyler, New 74 York. 8th from Capt. Hendrick Van Rensselaer. 7th from Killian Van Rensselaer. 6th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 4th from Col. Johannis Van Rensselaer. 8th from Col. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 7th from Col. Stephanus Van Cortlandt. •Deceased. 172 (I) -~p :'^ £S -^^'--J-^' y """^ "^ ^'' ■ ' ^ >"/ /••>:,' V; <4 -'-(^ liJ T" ■ -, -J » ,• f ) / ■) si) ,| ^^.^'-^ m ^^^ I^ iLi -_^ -r: -J "^ k^ '£ ^ >{M S o h-^ a> ■^ >=* CO ^ :i >- P Ul fc ^ -^ ■> ^^ ~^ > f I? s 4 * . J -— -^ 'B.^I^B, ■*""•* ■ ii L iiiig --1 J-^ t I —. ...-,u..J.JiJ ^^ — -~3 rr? ff^ -'^^ =^ J^ g >= 3 a H ^J _> % ^ ^t > T ^ &* -> O ;;^ - CD V ---^ ^ iii A S ^ -^ i^ ^^ H fe S^ ^ > ^ Xt^ 'T ^^ ^ ^^^^ ' ;=\ sv -f^ lis £-_> •* V. >=J •~:3nBiB^K>ii 7^ T^ S^ S) _ ___ ^ -^ * - I i-iJ =^ i~^ r'r' i -^ '-X^.-' >-^ £^ ^ Tl! T^ r-1 G) iil -li /\ J-- p ^ "1 ijj iT, >f| ffi -•PO » . -^ ..,_. , ■* ™»-«>wt 1 V, , ,,,,,,, f J. iiiiHII|i> ^^" " •<& tL r-t y^^ -=^~:=^ ;£f ^^ „^ j , I IC hi 7 "d V A v> ^ NEW YORK. :TATE Society No. General Society No. 178 Van Rensselaer, Eugene, New York. 178 6th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 5th from Lieut.-Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 5th from Ivieut.-Col. Kiliaen Van Rensselaer. 185 Van Vechten, Abraham Van Wyck, New York. 185 5th from Dirck Teunise Van Vechten. 3rd from Lieut. Tennis Van Vechten. 6th from Michiel Janssen Vreeland. 48 Varnum, James M., New York. 48 7th from George "V^arnum. 6th from Samuel Varnum. 5th from Col. Joseph Varnum. 4th from Maj. Samuel Varnum. 612 Varnum, Robert Taylor, New York. 1252 7th from George Varnum. 6th from Samuel Varnum. 5th from Col. Joseph Varnum. 4th from Samuel Varnum. 1005 Vermilye, Frederic Montgomery, Ottawa, Can. 2757 8th from Isaac Vermilye. 99 Ver Planck, William Gordon, New York. 99 7th from Geleyn Ver Planck. 5th from Philip Ver Planck. 8th from Col. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 7th from Col. Stephanus Van Cortlandt. 7th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 7th from Hon. Wilhelmus Beekman. 6th from Col. Gerardus Beekman. 7th from Lieut. John Hopkins. 707 ViELE, Sheldon Thompson, Buffalo. 1475 7th from Harmon Mynderse Van de Bogaert. 4th from Col. Jabez Thompson. 4th from Maj. John Knickerbocker. 173 2950 NEW YORK. State Society No. GENERAL Society No. 1033 Wade, Alfred Byers, New York. 2843 8th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 1070 Wade, Herbert Treadwele, New York. 7th from Col. Thomas Wade. 8th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 491 Wagstaee, Cornelius Du Bois, Babylon. 944 4th from Robert Ogden, 2nd. 88 Wainwright, William Pratt, New York. 88 7th from Col. Peter Schuyler. 4th from Robert R, Livingston. 311 Wakeman, Jesup, New York. 311 7th from John Wakeman. 5th from Capt. Joseph Wakeman. 8th from Andrew Ward. ' 8th from Jehu Burr, ist. 7th from Jehu Burr, 2nd. 5th from Col. John Burr. 7th from Deputy-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 7th from Hon. John Talcott. 6th from Lieut.-Col. John Talcott. 7th from Richard Blackleach. 6th from Lieut. Cornelius Hull, ist. 5th from Capt. Daniel Bradley. 5th from Capt. Gershom Bulkley. 5th from Capt. Theophilus Hull. 3rd from Lieut. John Hull. 143 Walbridge, Thomas Chester, Germantown, Pa. 143 8th from Gov. William Pynchon. 8th from Gov. John Haynes. 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Plon. John Talcott. 7th from Capt. Elizur Holyoke. 6th from Capt. John Chester. 174 NEIV YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 5th from Alaj. John Chester. 4th from Col. John Chester. 794 Walcott, Arthur Stuart, New York. 1879 6th from Capt. Jonathan Walcott. Cjth from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Lieut. John HolHster. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Putnam. 7th from Serg-t. Abraham DooHttle. 7th from Rev. Gregory Dexter. 879 Walcott, Frederic Coelin, New York Mills. 2264 7th from Capt. Jonathan Walcott. 965 Waedo, Rhinelander, Lieutenant, U.S.A. 2639 6th from John Waldo. 5th from Lieut. Edward Waldo. 9th from John Clark. 8th from Lieut. William Pratt. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. WiUiam Bradford. 7th from Col. Samuel Partridge. 7th from Capt. Samuel Adams. 7th from Gov. Thomas Smith. 7th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 7th from Lieut. William Backus. 7th from Launcelot Granger. 7th from John Ripley. 7th from Thomas Ayer. 7th from John Bursley. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Dimock. 6th from Ensign Shubael Dimock, 6th from Joseph Kingsbury. 5th from Capt. Joseph Kingsbury. 5th from Capt. Abraham Burbank. 316 Walker, Gustavus Adolphus, Richmond, Va. 316 4th from Capt. Samuel Meredith. 175 - NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 1 1 14 Walker, I. Henry, New York. 3048 9th from Capt. John Gorham. 1083 Walker, William Macy, New York. 2965 8th from Capt. John Gorham. 843 Walsh, James William, New York. 2062 7th from Hon. Matthias Nicoll. 6th from Gov. WilHam Smith. 6th from Maj. Thomas Lawrence. 5th from Capt. John Lawrence. 4th from Gen. Nathaniel Woodhull. 554 Walsh, Samuel Armstrong, New York. 1098 7th from Gov. Roger Ludlow. 294 Ward, Aaron, Lieutenant, U.S.N. 294 loth from Lord De La Warr. 8th from Gov. Edward Winslow. 7th from Gov. Josiah Winslow. 206 Ward, Sylvester L'Hommedieu, White Plains. 206 6th from Andrew Ward. 919 Warren, Charles Elliot, New York. 2478 8th from Richard Warren. 6th from Daniel Warren. 9th from Capt. Nathaniel Turner. 8th from Capt. John Sherman. 6th from Col. James Minott. 924 Warren, Walter Phelps, Troy. 2483 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. John Mason. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 8tli from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 8th from John Steele. 8th from Andrew Warner. 7th from Maj. James Fitch. 7th from Rev. James Fitch. 176 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Capt. John Miles. 7th from WilHam Phelps. 6th from Capt. Timothy Phelps. 4th from Capt. Caleb Phelps. 709 Warren, William Young, Buffalo. 1477 4th from Col. Jabez Thompson. 388 Washburn, John Henry, New York. 388 7th from John Washburn. 8th from Gov. William Pynchon. 8th from Francis Cooke. 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 6th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 4th from Ensign William Skinner. 386 Washburn, William Ives, New York. 386 7th from John Washburn. 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Turner. 5th from Col. John Stoddard. 5th from Capt. Joseph Ives. 4th from Capt. Ezekiel Williams. 3rd from Col. Asa Bray. 957 Watkins, De Lancey Walton, Schenectady. 2585 8th from Col. Oloff Stevense Van Cortlandt. 156 Watmough, James H., Philadelphia, Pa. 156 3rd from Capt. Edward Watmough. 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 649 Watson, Charles Pixley, Plattsburg. 1308 9th from Gov. Benedict Arnold. 8th from Gov. Walter Clarke. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 8th from Capt. Samuel Marshall. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 7th from Deputy-Gov. Nathan Gold. 7th from Lieut.-Col. John Talcott. 177 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Societv Xo. 6th from Deputy-Gov. William Robinson. 6th from Rev. John Whiting. 1 148 Watson, Preston, Brooklyn. 3135 6th from Capt. John Berry. 374 Watson, WiIvLiam Henry, M.D., Utica. 374 9th from Francis Cooke, 9th from Lieut. William Baulstone. 9th from Richard Warren. 9th from Henry Bull. 9th from John Brown, ist. 8th from Ensign John Brown, 2nd. 7th from Capt. John Brown, 3rd. 8th from Capt. Edward Richmond. 8th from Gov. Jeremiah Clarke. 7th from Gov. Walter Clarke. • 8th from Capt. Ralph Searle. 8th from Maj. John Mason. 8th from Stukeley Westcott. 8th from William Chase, 2nd. 7th from William Chase, 3rd. 7th from Hon. Philip Sherman. 7th from Capt. James Cole, 2nd. 7th from Lieut. Samuel Stafford. 7th from Thomas Brownell. 7th from John Tripp. 7th from Richard Borden. 7th from William Wodell. 7th from Deputy-Gov. John Coggeshall. 6th from President John Coggeshall. 6th from Robert Hazard. 5th from Deputy-Gov. William Robinson. 6th from Capt. William Anthony. 204 Webb, Alexander Stewart, Jr., New York. 204 7th from Sergt. John Nott. 178 NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai. Society No. 1057 Webb, Hathaway, New York. 2930 6th from Christopher Webb. 1058 Webb, William Edward, New York, 2931 6th from Christopher Webb. 368 Webster, Frank Daniel, Captain, U.S.A. 368 4th from Benjamin Sweat, Jr. 680 Weed, George Standish, Plattsburg. 1390 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 1 116 Weeks, William Raymond, New York. 3050 7th from Henry Wolcott. 6th from Matthew Griswolcl, ist. 958 Weir, Levi CandeE, New York. 2604 5th from Deputy-Gov. Nathan Gold. 690 Weld, De Witt Clinton, Brooklyn. 1458 9th from Capt, Joseph Weld. 505 Weld, De Witt Clinton, Jr., Ossining. 967 loth from Capt. Joseph Weld. 130 Welles, Benjamin, New York, 130 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 519 Welles, Charles Edwin, New York, 981 8th from Gov, Thomas Welles. 842 Welles, Lemuel Aiken, New York. 2061 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 1 113 Welling, Richard Ward Greene, New York. 3047 7th from Deputy-Gov. John Greene, 375 Wells, Charles Nassau, Peekskill. 375 7th from Sergt, John Kilbourne, 90 Wells, Thomas Lawrence, New York, 90 9th from Rutger Jacobsen Van Schoenderwoerdt, 7th from Maj, Thomas Lawrence, 6th from Capt, John Lawrence. 179 NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 4th from Capt. Thomas Lawrence. 6th from Hendrick Rutgers. 373 Whekler, Edward Jonathan, Albany. 373 7th from Jonathan Hatch. 506 Wheeler, Everett PeppErreel, New York. 968 5th from Sir William Pepperrell. 353 Whistler, Garland Nelson, Major, U.S.A. 353 7th from Capt. Frans Jansen Bloetgoet. 1034 White, Edward Lupton, Brooklyn. 2869 6th from Joseph White. 4th from Nicholas White. 6th from Lieut. John Caswell. 5th from Thomas Fanning. 4th from Capt. James Fanning. 1121 Whitin, Frederick Henry, New York. 3088 6th from Jonathan Whiting, loth from Samuel Skelton. 9th from Abraham Howe. 8th from John Thurston. 8th from Samuel Chapin. 7th from Josiah Chapin. 6th from Seth Chapin. 4th from Gershom Chapin. 8th from Samuel Fletcher. 7th from Samuel Fletcher. 7th from Ebenezer Wood. 75 Whiteiiouse, J. Norman dE RapeljE, New York. 75 6th from Lieut. Joris Rapelje. 4th from Col. Jeromus Remsen. 921 Whitney, Charles Wadsworth, New York. 2480 7th from Capt. Joseph Wadsworth. 180 NEW YORK. State Society No. Generai, Societv No. 297 Whitney, Drake, Niagara Falls. 297 4th from Capt. Jonathan Whitney. 3rd from Jonathan Whitney. 8th from Maj. John Mason, 8th from Ellis Barron. 7th from John Bigelow. 6th from Joshua Bigelow. 7th from Daniel Warren. 6th from Capt. Jacobus Van Schoonhoven. 6th from Lieut. Joseph Drake. 6th from Nathaniel Fiske. 545 Whitney, Warham, Rochester. 1089 7th from John Whitney. 4th from Joshua Whitney. 6th from Ephraim Pond. 560 Whitney, William Minott, Albany. 1104 2nd from Eieut.-Col. Josiah Whitney. 300 Whiton, Louis Claude, New York. 300 5th from Thomas Whiton. 534 Whittemore, James Madison, Colonel, U.S.A. 1006 4th from Col. John Gorham. 265 Wilcox, Reynold Webb, M.D., New York. 265 9th from Gov. Theophilus Eaton. Sth from Deputy-Gov. William Jones. 8th from Capt. Zechariah Field. 7th from Richard Webb. 6th from Lieut. Janna Meigs. 726 Wildey, William Henry, Brooklyn. 1577 7th from Corp. John Wilde. 5th from Richard Wilde. 4th from Corp. Thomas Wilde. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Wright. 6th from John Griffen. 5th from Jacob Griflfen. 181 - NEW YORK. State Society No. General Society No. 1018 WiLi^RD, Edward Augustus, New York. 2803 8th from George Willard. 6tli from Dr. Jacob Willard. 8th from Richard Warren. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 7th from Gov. Roger Williams. 7th from Lieut. John Fiske. 7th from Robert Bartlett. 7th from Edward Gray. 1027 WiLivARD, Edward Augustus, Jr., New York. 2817 7th from Dr. Jacob Willard. 988 W1L1.ARD, Jamks Le: Baron, Brooklyn. 2714 8th from George Willard. 6th from Dr. Jacob Willard. 8th from Richard Warren. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 7th from Gov. Roger Williams. 7th from Lieut. John Fiske. 7th from Robert Bartlett. 7th from Edward Gray. 910 WiLLETs, Howard, White Plains. 2469 8th from Capt. John Underbill. 956 Williams, Charles Howard, Buffalo. 2584 8th from Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. 8th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf. 308 Williams, Ephraim, Captain, U.S.A. 308 5th from Capt. Isaac Williams. 3rd from. Dr. Thomas Williams. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 7th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 182 NEW YORK. State Society No. Genepal Society No. 476 Williams, Glorgl Burbank, Rochester. 929 6th from Capt. Isaac Wilhams. 4th from Dr. Thomas Wilhams. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 1 153 Williams, John Oliver, New York. 3152 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 602 Williams, Norman Alton, Utica. 1242 9th from President John Coggeshall. 9th from Hon. Richard Treat. 9th from Hon. John Briggs. 9th from Stephen Hart. 9th from Gov. Nicholas Easton. 8th from Hon. Peter Easton. 8th from Lieut. John Hollister. 8th from Acting Gov. Jeremiah Clarke. 8th from Ensign William Goodrich. 8th from Dr. Thomas Starr. 8th from John Moss. 8th from Maj. John Albro. 7th from Capt. Thomas Wheeler. 7th from Sergt. Abraham Doolittle. 7th from Capt. James Parker. 6th from Ensign Hugh Mosher. 474 Williams, Roblrt Day, Albany. 927 6th from Q. M. Nathaniel Foote. 475 Williams, Samuel Burbank, Rochester. 928 5th from Capt. Isaac Williams. 3rd from Dr. Thomas Williams. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 7th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 179 Williamson, George De Witt, Dobbs Ferry. 179 7th from Capt. Thomas Hicks. 183 NEW YORK. Statb Society No. ' Gensrai, Society ^o. 576 Wilson, Charles Robert, Buffalo. 1137 7th from Lieut. Job Winslow. 328 WiNTHROP, GrenvillE Bayard, Ncw York. 328 8th from Gov. John Winthrop. 7th from Gov. John Winthrop, Jr. 6th from Maj.-Gen. Wait Still Winthrop. 23s WiTHiNGToN, James Harvey. 235 6th from Capt. John Withington. 327 WoDELE, Silas, New York. 327 4th from Ashael Hall. 837 Wood, Alfred Trenci-tard, New York. 2056 8th from Capt. William Tyng. 7th from Capt. Thomas Brattle. 6th from Lieut. John Walley. 6th from John Eyre. 1096 Wood, Arnold, New York. 3009 7th from Capt. John Underhill. 978 Wood, John Henry, New York. 2704 6th from Lieut. Jonas Wood. 120 Wood, Marshall William, Major and Surgeon, 120 U.S.A. 8th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 7th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf. 6th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf. 7th from Capt. William Gerrish. 7th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Gookin. 397 Wood, Thomas Newton, Major, U.S.M.C. 5th from Col. Richard Callaway. 781 Woodford, Stewart Lyndon, Brooklyn. 1790 5th from Capt. Joseph Woodford, Jr. 507 Woodruff, Charles Hornblower, New York. 969 5th from Capt. Nathaniel Woodruff. 4th from Ensign Jacob Woodruff. 184 NEW YORK. iTATE Society No. General Society No. 9th from Gov. William Pynchon. 8th from William Westwood. 8th from Matthew Allyn. 7th from Lieut.-Col. John Allyn. 8th from Maj. Aaron Cook. 7th from Capt. Aaron Cook. 8th from William Phelps. 7th from Capt. Timothy Phelps. 7th from Capt. John Taylor. 7th from Samuel Wright, 2nd. 5th from Capt. Jacob Griswold. 784 WooDWORTH, Andrews Joslyn, Syracuse. 1869 7th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 923 WooDWORTH, Chauncey Ceark, Rochester. 2482 7th from Lieut. William Clark. 296 WooDWORTH, Newell Bertram, Syracuse. 296 8th from Capt. Edward Johnson. 8th from Capt. Richard Brackett. 6th from Joseph Richardson. 4th from Abel Richardson. 829 Wyckofe, Peter, Brooklyn. 2048 7th from Capt. Nicholas Stilwell. 1098 Yates, Blinn, Buffalo. 301 1 7th from Joseph Yates. 1079 Young, Henry Baldwin, New York. 2958 3rd from Samuel Fletcher. 306 Young, William Hopkins, New York. 306 6th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 4th from Capt. Edmund Dwight. 6th from Samuel Lothrop. 5th from Col. Simon Lothrop. i8s NEW YORK. In nDemoriam, 125 Charles Elliot Lord, died Nov. 26, 1893. 2 Nathan Gillette Pond, died July 29, 1894. 55 Francis C. Harriman, died Aug. 3, 1894. 67 Thomas Ludlow Ogden, died Oct. 2, 1894. 52 Augustus White Merwin, died Dec. 13, 1894. 82 Stancliff Bazen DownES, died April 21, 1895. 292 John Gilbert Marshall, died July 19, 1895. 511 Ebenezer Kellogg Wright, died Aug. 4, 1895. 154 John Schuyler, died Aug. 19, 1895. 343 William Gayer Dominick, died Aug. 31, 1895. 331 General Ely S. Parker, died Aug. 31, 1895. 81 James Francis Ruggles, died Sept. 22, 1895. 140 James Mifflin, died Nov. 24, 1895. 16 Richard Henry Walker, died Dec. 27, 1895. 481 Rev. Francis Brown Wheeler, died Dec. 28, 1895. 394 Washington Ervin Adams, died Jan. 2, 1896. 301 William Augustine Post, died Jan. 21, 1896. 136 James Betts Metcalf, died Feby. i, 1896. 193 William Henry Morris, died Feby. 11, 1896. 158 Robert Lenox Belknap, died Mch. 13, 1896. 509 Samuel Borrowe, died May 3, 1896. 345 Charles Wells Marsh, died June 19,1896. 493 Richard Riker, died Aug. 2, 1896. 629 Frederick Curtis Johnson, died Dec. 24, 1896. 727 Jerome B. Deyo, died Dec. 30, 1896. 521 John Stiles Stokes, died July 13, 1897. 202 Charles Wyllys Cass, died Aug. 11, 1897. 401 Lieut. Alfred Baury Jackson, U. S. A., died Nov. 19, 1897. 681 Charles Whiting Plyer, died Dec. 2, 1897. 12 Nathan Adolphus Baldwin, died May 20, 1898. 662 Samuel Beach Ladd, died May 30, 1898. 271 Capt. Alexander Wetherill, U. S. A., killed in action, Cuba, July 2. 1898. 245 Cephas Brainerd, Jr., died July, 1898. 231 Charles Samuel Ward, M. D., died July 31, 1898. 186 NEW YORK. 258 William Cruger Pell, died Nov. 4, 1898. 830 William Wilberforce Byington, died Nov. 16, 1898. 586 Edward Nelson GreEne, died Nov. 21, 1898. 267 GkDuvERNEUR Mather Smith, died Dec. 3, 18 450 112 782 594 464 714 894 289 105 89 855 528 575 772 124 918 346 940 414 325 389 962 320 196 151 73^ 42 108 Harlan Page Halsey, died Dec. 16, 1898. Thomas Egleston, died Jan. 15, 1899. Philip Van Horne Lansdale, Lieut., U. S. N., killed in action at Samoa, Apr. i, 1899. Arnold Ancell Lewis, died Apr. 7, 1899. Rev. Samuel Mitchell Akerly, died Apr. 9, 1899. Cyrus Kingsbury Remington, died June 5, 1899. Robert Stanton Williams, died Aug. 6, 1899. Edward Ray Thompson, died Aug. 14, 1899. Gilbert Howell, died Sept. 12, 1899. Adelbert Gillette Richmond, died Nov. 13, 1899. Frederick George Swan, died Nov. 30, 1899. Rev. Maunsell Van Rensselaer, died Feb. 17, 1900. John Tillotson Wainwright, died Feb. 22, 1900. George Huntington Adams, died Apr. 8, 1900. John Nicholas Brown, died May i, 1900. Harold Brown, died May 11, 1900. Henry Sheaf Hoyt, died May 23, 1900. Frederic Reuben Howes, died May 24, 1900. Joseph Todhunter Thompson, died July 7, 1900. Edward Sherman Fitch, died Sept. 9, 1900. John Sabine Smith, died Nov. 6, 1900. William Platt Ketcham, died Jan. 13, 1901. Frederick Clarkson, died Feb. 5, 1901. Edward Hale Kendall, died March 10, 1901. Leonard Chenery, Lieut.-Com., U. S. N., died March 11, 1901. William Moore Stilwell, died April 11, 1901. Rev. Brady Electus Backus, died Aug. 2, 1901. James Hooker Hamersley, died Sept. 16, 1901. Charles Alexander Macy, 2nd, died Aug., 19, 1901. James Henry Hoadley, died Aug. 28, 1901. I Dr. George Francis Swan, died Nov. 5, 1901. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania was the first one chartered after New York, the date of organization being January 23, 1893. The Sixth Annual Dinner was held at Philadel- phia on January 27, 1898, at the Hotel Bellevue. The Seventh Annual Dinner was held April 29, 1899, at the Hotel Bellevue. The Eighth Annual Dinner was held January 20, 1900, at the Hotel Bellevue. The Ninth Annual Dinner was held December 22, 1900, at the old Logan Mansion, at Stenton, Germantown, the residence for many years of James IvOgan, Secretary to William Penn. In commemoration of the historical edifice, which by the courtesy of the Colonial Dames was tendered to the Society, the dinner was served as near as possible in colonial style. Christ Church, Philadelphia, on account of its unique historical associations in connection with the colonial period, has been officially selected as the Chapel of this Society. The Fifth Annual Ser- vice was held there on Sunday, November 27, 1898, when a memorial tablet to Brigadier General Forbes, whose remains lie interred in the chancel of the Church, was unveiled by the Society, with suitable military ceremonies. The sermon was de- livered by Rt. Rev. Courtlandt Whitehead, S. T. D., Bishop of Pittsburg. On November 29th follow- ing, a reception was tendered to Bishop Whitehead at the Hotel Stratford. The sermon of Bishop Whitehead, with a sketch of the tablet, has been published by the Society. HENRY BOUQUET 1719-1765 Brigadier-General in America and Colonel of the Royal American Regiment in the French and Indian War. From the portrait presented by the Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the City of Philadelphia and hung in Independence Hall. The sum of $50.00 in gold coin, has been appro- priated annually for a prize to the students in the University of Pennsylvania, for the best essay on colonial subject, the prize to be known as the " Prize of the Society of Colonial Wars." The Annual Church Service was held November 26, 1899, at Christ Church. The sermon was preached by Rev. Floyd W. Tomkins, rector of Holy Trinity Church. During the year 1899 the Society had painted a portrait of Col. Bouquet, born 1719, died 1765. a noted soldier, whose services in the colonial period were most valuable. The portrait has been pre- sented to and accepted by the City of Philadelphia and now hangs on the south wall of the Banquet Room in the second story of Independence Plall. An interesting memoir of Col. Bouquet has been prepared by His Excellency, the Governor of the Society, Dr. Edward Shippen, U. S. N., and has been printed, with the fac-simile of the portrait as a frontispiece. The Annual Church Service was held November 25, 1900, at Christ Church. The sermon was preached by the Rt. Rev. Henry Y. Satterlee, Bishop of Washington. The headquarters of the Society is in old Con- gress Hall, the building in which the first Senate and House of Representatives of the United States held their sessions from 1790 to 1800. Eligibility for election to membership in this So- ciety requires the ancestor of the applicant must have been a commissioned military or naval officer, or governor, deputy governor, or member of the king's or governor's council, or commissioner to the United Colonies of New England previous to 1 775 J or a member of the legislative body of any of the Colonies which afterward formed the United States of America. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN- SYLVANIA, 1901. Governor. Edward Shippe;n, M.D., U.S.N. Deputy-Governor. Andrkw Che:vi;s Dulles.* Lieutenant-Governor. Richard M. Cadwalader. Secretary. Edward S. Sayres, 217 South 3rd Street. Treasurer. William MacPherson Hornor. Registrar. T. Hewson Bradford, M.D. Historian. Major Richard S. Collum, U.S.M.C. Chaplain. Rev. C. Ellis Stevens, LL.D., D.C.L. ♦Deceased. 190 PENNSYLVANIA. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term ending 1902. Richard A. ClEKmann, M.D., George Cuthbert Gili^espie. Term ending 1903. John T. Lewis Jr., Frederick Prime, T, Chester Waebridge. Term ending 1904. James Large, John Thompson Spencer, Charees Williams. Committee on Historieal Documents. Francis Olcott Aeeen, Coe. J. GranvieeE Leach, Rev. Horace F. Hayden, Capt. Henry Hobart Bellas, U.S.A. Membership Committee, T. Chester Walbridge, Oliver Hough, Gregory B. Keen, Major Richard S. Collum, U.S.M.C. Edward S. Sayres. Committee on Monuments and Memorials. Edward Shippen, M.D., U.S.N. Wm. MacPherson Hornor, Oliver Hough, Frederick Prime, Francis Olcott Allen. 191 PENNSYLVANIA. LIST OF MEMBERS. STAtB Society No. General Society No. 73 Allen, Francis Oixott, Philadelphia. 471 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from William Vassall. 7th from Capt. Richard Leach. 7th from Maj. William Whiting. 6th from Capt. John Pease. 4th from Maj. Ephraim Terry. 166 Ashton, Thomas Gkorge, M.D., Philadelphia. 1950 7th from Matthias Keen. 141 Ashton, William Easterly, M.D., Philadelphia. 1634 7th from Matthias Keen. 13 Balch, Edwin Swift, Philadelphia. 413 7th from Edward Shippen. 4th from Col. Joseph Shippen. 6th from Col. Ninian Beall. 5th from Col. George Beall. 8th from Robert Brooke. 6th from Maj. Thomas Brooke. 12 Balch, Thomas Willing, Philadelphia. 412 7th from Edward Shippen. 4th from Col. Joseph Shippen. 6th from Col. Ninian Beall. 5th from Col. George Beall. 8th from Robert Brooke. 6th from Maj. Thomas Brooke. Ill Baldy, John Montgomery, M.D., Philadelphia. 131 5 5th from Lieut. John Forster. 192 Jflafl of tbe Socicu: of Colonial TWlarB in tbc (lommonwcaltb of pcniisvlvania PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. General Society No. 95 Bellas, Henry Hobart, Captain U.S.A. (Retired), 802 Philadelphia. 5th from Col. William Moore. 4th from Michael Hillegas. 6th from John Moore. 93 Benson, Alexander, Philadelphia. 800 6th from Capt. James Benson. II Benson, Edwin North, Philadelphia. 411 Sth from Capt. James Benson. 6th from Peter Larssen Cock, Sr. 6th from Peter Gunnerson Rambo. 3rd from Lieut. Roger North. 150 BettlE, Samuel, Haverford. 1643 Sth from Daniel Wills. 14 BiDDLE, Thomas, M.D., Philadelphia. 414 6th from William Biddle. 98 Biddle, William Foster, Philadelphia. 804 6th from William Biddle. 10 Bradford, Thomas Hewson, M.D., Philadelphia. 141 4th from Capt. William Bradford. 7th from Robert Turner, 2d. 6th from William Budd. 168 BricE, Nicholas, Philadelphia. 2162 7th from Edward Lloj'd. 79 Brice, Philip Howard, Philadelphia. 674 8th from Edward Lloyd. 7th from Col. Philemon Lloyd. Sth from Augustin Herrman. Sth from Capt. James Neale. 33 Brinton, John Hill, M.D., Philadelphia. 430 4th from Col. James Burd. 193 PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. General Society No. 156 BrinTon, Ward, M.D., Philadelphia. 1946 8th from Edward Shippen. 7th from James Saiidelandes. 5th from Col. James Burd. 8th from Andrew Ward. 6th from Jasper Yates. 5th from Col. William Moore. 84 Brooke, George, Jr., Birdsboro 679 4th from Maj. Robert Farmer. 201 Brown, Louis, Pittsburg. 2649 5th from Capt. Joseph Chandler. 7th from Lieut. George Macey. 7th from Commissary William Douglass. 7th from Maj. Samuel Clapp. 186 BuEHLER, William George, Admiral U.S.N, (re- 2598 tired), Philadelphia. 3rd from Ensign Henry Buehler. 132 Burnett, Charles Henry, M.D., Philadelphia. 1336 7th from Lieut. Richard Stockton. 7th from Daniel Leeds. 180 Cabeen, Francis von Albadi, Philadelphia. 2238 3rd from Lieut. Alexander Anderson. 90 Cadwalader, Charles Evert, M.D., Philadelphia. 685 4th from Dr. Thomas Cadwalader. 97 Cadwalader, Richard McCall, Philadelphia. 803 3d from Dr. Thomas Cadwalader. 85 Chauncey, CharlEvS, Philadelphia. 680 3rd from Col. Elihu Chauncey. 204 Childs, vStarling Winston, Pittsburg. 2783 6th from Capt. John McDowell. 50 ClEEmann, Richard Alsop, M.D., Philadelphia. 447 8th from James Mason. 8th from Walter Aston. 194 PMNNSVLVANIA. Statb Society No. Gbnerai. Society No. 135 CoATEs, Edward Hornor, Philadelphia. 1339 8th from Richard Preston. 7th from William Jenkins. 6th from Mahlon Stacey. 213 Colke;t, Charles Howard, Philadelphia. 2850 6th from Capt. Peter Cofifin. 7th from Edward Starbuck. 4th from Capt. Tristram Coffin. 164 Collins, Henry Hill, Jr., Philadelphia. 1954 8th from Thomas Lloyd. 8th from Anthony Morris, Sr. 7th from Anthony Morris, Jr. 8th from William Earle. 8th from Lieut. Richard Stockton. 7th from Joshua Wright. 35 CoLLUM, Richard S., Major, U.S.M.C, Philadelphia. 432 4th from Capt. Moses Chapline. 222 Converse, Charles Allen, Philadelphia. 3015 5th from Capt. Stephen Prentis. 76 CooKE, James Welch, Philadelphia. 474 5th from Deputy-Gov. Nicholas Cooke. 177 Cox. John Lyman, Philadelphia. 2171 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 198 Cragin, Charles Isaiah, Philadelphia. 2625 7th from Ensign James Converse. 8th from Edward Converse. 7th from Richard Kettell. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Danforth. 8th from Nicholas Danforth. 7th from John Leavitt. 34 CrothErs, Stevenson, Philadelphia. 43^ 6th from Maj. Daniel Whitehead. 195 - PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. Generai. Society No. i6o Da Costa, Charles Frederick, Philadelphia. 1950 5th from Col. James Burd. 113 Darrach, Henry, Philadelphia. 1317 4th from Capt. William Bradford. 100 De BennevielE, James Seguin, Philadelphia. 806 8th from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 205 De La Roche, Charles Percy, Philadelphia. 2714 7th from Col. Richard Cocke. 16 DevEREUx, AlErEd, Philadelphia. 416 6th from Clement Plumsted. 5th from William Plumsted. 52 DiLEARD, Henry Kuhe Philadelphia. 449 3rd from Michael Hillegas. 158 DoRAN, Joseph Ingersole, Philadelphia. 1948 8th from Gov. Sir George Yeardly. 221 Dorland, William Alexander Newman, M.D., 3014 6th from Lambert Janse Dorlandt. 94 EsTE, Charles, Philadelphia. 801 6th from Gov. William Smith. 139 Forbes, William Innes, Philadelphia. 1632 6th from Lieut.-Col. Francis Thornton. 197 Forney, James, Colonel, U.S.M.C, Philadelphia. 2145 In right of Emanuel Carpenter. 185 Forrest, Herbert Molton, Philadelphia. 2454 8th from Capt. William Curtiss. 169 Frazer, Persifor, D.Sc.Un. de France, Philadelphia 2163 5th from John Taylor. 193 Fryer, Greville Edward, Philadelphia. 2537 5th from Thomas Newton. 188 Galloney, Frank Hutchinson, Devon, Pa. 2457 7th from Joseph Kirkbride, Sr. PENNSYLVANIA. Statp Society No. General Society No. 214 Gest, John Marshall, Philadelphia. 2897 5th from Capt. Thomas Cooch. 5th from Gayen Miller. 8 Gillespie, George Cuthbert, Philadelphia. 146 7th from Lieut. Richard Stockton. 7th from Samuel Cole. 6th from Samuel Cole, 2d. 53 Gilpin, George, Philadelphia. 450 5th from John Grubb. 172 Glidden, John Murray, Glidden Farm, Lincoln 2166 Co., Maine. 7th from Hon. John Gilman. 7th from Rev. Robert Jordan. 223 Godwin, Joseph Brown, 3029 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 171 Goodrich, William, Philadelphia. 2165 7th from Ensign William Goodrich. 6th from Ensign William Goodrich, 2d. 7th from Gershon Bulkeley, D.D., M.D. 75 GrEENough, Eben W., Philadelphia. 473 7th from Lieut. Thomas Burnham. 80 Griscom, Clement Acton, Haverford. 675 8th from Richard Preston, Sr. 7th from Lieut.-Gov. Thomas Lloyd. 6th from Samuel Preston. 6th from Samuel Carpenter. 134 Griscom, Clement Acton, Jr., New- York City. 1338 8th from Lieut.-Gov. Thomas Lloyd. 130 Griscom, Lloyd Carpenter, New-York City. 1334 8th from Lieut.-Gov. Thomas Lloyd. 102 Griscom, Rodman Ellison, Haverford. 808 8th from Lieut.-Gov. Thomas Lloyd. 197 ' PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. Generai. Society No. 152 Groesbi^ck, Robert Benoist, Philadelphia. 1645 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 54 Grubb, Edward Burd, Edgewater Park, N. J. 451 5th from John Grubb. 4th from Col. James Burd. 175 Hale, Arthur, Philadelphia. 2170 7th from Ensign Robert Hale. 6th from Rev. John Hale. 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 20 Haee, Peter Penn-Gaskele, Major, U.S.A. (re- 418 tired), Philadelphia. 6th from William Penn. 6th from Gov. Robert Barclay. 191 Hammond, Wieliam Bueheer, Harrisburg. 2514 4th from Charles Hammond. 155 Haseltine, Frank, Philadelphia. 1945 7th from Hon. John Gilman. 99 Hart, Byerly, Philadelphia. 805 4th from Lieut. James Hart. 190 Harvey, Richard Wistak, Philadelphia. 2513 7th from Nicholas Newlin. 21 Hayden, Reverend Horace Edvvin, Wiikesbarre. 419 7th from William Hayden. 6th from Lieut. Daniel Hayden. 4th from Lieut. Daniel Hayden. 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith. 7th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 6th from Capt. Joseph Parsons. 6th from John Moore, Jr. 6th from Lieut. Return Strong. 17 Herman, John Armstrong, Harrisburg. 148 4th from Col. John Armstrong. 198 PENNSYLVANIA. BtAtt Society No. Generai. SociExy No. 142 HoLLiNGSVvoRTH, W. WiiARTON, M.D., Philadelphia. 1635 6th from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Carpenter. 18 HoPKiNSON, Edward, Philadelphia. 149 4th from Thomas Hopkinson. 117 HoRNOR, Caleb Wright, M.D., Philadelphia. 1321 6th from Lieut. Richard Stockton. 6 Hornor, William MacPherson, Bryn Mawr. 144 7th from Lieut. Richard Stockton. 4th from Capt. John MacPherson. 3rd from Lieut. William MacPherson. 69 Hough, Oliver, Philadelphia. 467 6th from Richard Hough. 7th from Capt. Thomas Holme. 7th from Thomas Janney. 200 Houston, Samuel Frederic, Chestnut Hill, Pa. 2648 4th from John Wright, Jr. 5th from John Wright. 6th from Matthew Clarkson. 55 Houston, Wm. Churchill, Jr., Philadelphia. 452 7th from Patroon Cornells Melyn. 6th from Gov. William Smith. 187 Howe, George Allaire, Pittsburg, Pa. 2456 6th from Maj. Simon Willard. 167 Howe, Herbert Marshall, M.D., Philadelphia. 2101 5th from Capt. Sampson Howe. 8th from Lieut. William French. 7th from Col. John Gushing. 7th from Lieut. Nicholas Peck. 7th from Lieut. Francis Peabody. 7th from Lieut. John Wilson. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Loring. 83 Hunter, Richard Stockton, Philadelphia. 678 6th from Richard Stockton. 199 - PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. General Society No. 19 Hutchinson, Charlks Hare, Philadelphia. 417 6th from Edward Shippen. 162 Ingham, William Henry, Philadelphia. 1952 4th from Jonathan Ingham. 7th from Edward Howell. 6th from Eichard Johnson. 154 Johnson, Edward Hine, Philadelphia. 1944 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Merriman. 22 Jones, Charles Henry, Philadelphia. 420 7th from Capt. Elbert Elbertson Stoothoff. 8th from Ensign Thomas Cornell. 6th from Col. Thomas Willett. 5th from William Willett. 4th from John Rodman. 3rd from William Rodman. 38 Jones, Richmond Legh, Reading. 435 6th from Col. Thomas Willett. 5th from William Willett. 4th from John Rodman. 3rd from William Rodman. 165 Keen, Gregory Bernard, Philadelphia. 1955 5th from Matthias Keen, 122 Kennard, Joseph Spencer, Jr., Florence, Italy. 1326 8th from Francis Collins. 7th from Hon. John Hugg. 57 Klapp, William Henry, M.D., Philadelphia. 454 6th from Clement Plumsted. Sth from William Plumsted. 173 Lamberton, James McCormick, Concord, N. H. 2167 4th from Ensign Henry Buehler. 3rd from Ensign William Harkness. 200 PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. Generai, Society No. yy Landreth, Burnet, Jr., Bristol. 475 8th from Lieut. Ralph Hunt. 8tli from Lieut. Zerobabel Phillips. 6th from Maj.-Gen. John Bradstreet. 136 Landreth, Symington Phieips, Bristol. 1340 6th from Maj.-Gen. John Bradstreet. 25 Lardner, James Laurence, Philadelphia. 423 3rd from Lieut. Lynford Lardner. 23 Large, James, Philadelphia. 421 7th from Capt. Richard Snowden. 7th from Lieut. Philip Thomas. 6th from Richard Hartshome. 6th from Nicholas Wain. 199 Lawrence, Wieeiam Watson, Allegheny, Pa. 2626 4th from John Conrad Bucher. 59 Leach, Josiah Granvieee, Philadelphia. 459 8th from Lieut. Thomas Dimmock. 8th from John Washbourne. 8th from Lieut. Edward Winship. 8th from Ralph Wheelock. 8th from John Houghton. 7th from Ensign Samuel Manning. 6th from Lieut. John Richardson. 6th from Maj. John Keyes. 70 Lee, Edmund Jenings, M.D., Philadelphia. 468 4th from Gov. Thomas Lee. 8th from Gov. Roger Williams. 7th from Gov. Richard Bennett. 7th from Gov. Caleb Carr. 6th from Gov. Philip Ludwell. 5th from Gov. Edmund Jenings. 24 Lee, Edward Clinton, Philadelphia. 422 loth from Lieut. William Baulstone. loth from John Brown. PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. General Society No. 9th from John Brown, 2d. 8th from John Brown, 3d. loth from John Coggeshall, ist, 9th from John Coggeshall, 2d. 9th from John Mason. 8th from John Alden. 8th from Samuel Stafford. 8th from John Washburne, Sr. 7th from John DilHngham. 6th from Seth Pope. 6th from Ephraim Hunt, 2d. 60 Lennig, Charlks Frederick, Andahisia. 457 8th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 6th from Gov. Gurdon Saltonstall. 106 Leroy, Reverend Jacob, Philadelphia. 912 8th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 74 Levis, SamuEE White, Philadelphia. 472 5th from Samuel Levis. 4th from Samuel Levis, 2d. 3rd from Samuel Levis, 3d. 5th from Lieut. Richard Stockton. 4th from Christopher Wetherill. 39 Lewis, David, Philadelphia. 436 8th from Nicholas Newlin. 40 Lewis, John Thompson, Jr., Philadelphia. 437 5th from Evan Lewis. 5 Lewis, Wieeiam Fisher, Philadelphia. 142 8th from James Harrison. 7th from Samuel Carpenter. 7th from Samuel Richardson. 176 Liggett, Sidney B., Pittsburg. 2169 5th from Lieut. Robert McConnell. 4th from Lieut. James Lindsay. 4th from Capt. James Sharp. PENNSYLVANIA. S'l'ATE Society No. General Society No. 137 IvISLe;, Robert Patton, V^y Inspector, U.S.N., 1630 Philadelphia. 6th from George Brent. no LoNGACRE, James Barton, Philadelphia. 13 14 loth from Lieut. Samuel Smith. 9th from Stephen Goodyear. 9th from Andrew Ward. 9th from John Wakeman. 7th from Capt. Joseph Wakeman. 8th from Lieut. Jehu Burr. 61 Marston, John, Overbrook. 458 3rd from Lieut. John Marston. 91 Martin, Jonathan Wieeis, Philadelphia. 686 6th from William Biles, Sr. 6th from Joseph Kirkbride, Sr. 5th from Mahlon Kirkbride. 7th from Mahlon Stacy. 6th from John Sotcher. 8th from Gov. Thomas Roberts. 28 Mason, George Champlin, Jr., Philadelphia. 426 4th from Lieut.-Col. Christopher Champlin. 206 McElroy, Clayton, Philadelphia. 2785 8th from Henry Wolcott. 7th from Capt. Simon Wolcott. 7th from Quarter Master George Colton. 209 McIevain, Wieeiam, Reading, Pa. 2788 5th from John Morton. 144 McKnight, ChareES, Pittsburg. 1637 4th from Lieut. John Baird. 212 McMiCHAEE, Charles BarnslEy, Philadelphia. 2837 5th from Lieut. William Rogers. 219 Mercur, James Watts, Wallingford, Pa. 3012 7th from Capt. Thomas Holme. 203 PMNNSYLVANIA. State Society No. ' General Society No. T20 Mercur, Rodney Augustus, Towanda. 1324 7th from Capt. Thomas Holme. 161 Merwin, Wai^ter Lee, Pittsburg. 195 1 5th from Lieut. Miles Mervvin. 8th from Nathaniel Foote. 7th from Lieut. Robert Foote. 5th from Lieut. Jonathan Russell. 202 MiDDEETON, Merle, 2727 6th from Phineas Pemberton. 178 Montgomery, Archibald Roger, Bryn Mawr. 2236 6th from Robert Burnett. 7 Montgomery, Thomas Harrison, West Chester, 145 5th from Philip Key. 6th from Walter Smith. 6th from Robert Burnett. • 5th from Matthias Keen. 5th from. Daniel Dulany, the elder. 4th from Col. Thomas White. 108 Morrell, Edward de Veaux, Torresdaie. 914 4th from Capt. Charles Willing. 125 Morris, Frederick Wistar, Jr., Villa Nova. 1329 7th from Anthony Morris. 27 Morris, Henry, M.D., Philadelphia. 425 7th from Lieut.-Gov. Thomas Lloyd. 103 Morton, Thomas George, M.D., Philadelphia. 809 8th from Lieut. Robert Feake. 7th from Capt. John Underbill. 6th from Mahlon Stacy. 6th from William Budd. 87 MuNSON, Cyrus La Rue, Williamsport. 682 9th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 8th from Ensign Samuel Munson. 204 PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. Generai, Society Mo. 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Deputy-Gov. Matthew Gilbert. 174 Newell, Wiluam Harmar, Pottstown. 2r68 3rd from Col. Joseph Shippen. 41 NoRRis, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Phila- 438 delphia. 6th from Edward Middleton. 5th from Gov. Arthur Middleton. 4th from Henry Middleton. 42 Norris, George Washington, Philadelphia. 439 5th from Isaac Norris. 129 Page, Oliver Ormsby, Pittsburgh. 1333 4th from Commissary John Ormsby. 43 Page, Samuel Davis, Philadelphia. 440 7th from John Page. 6th from Col. Matthew Page. 5th from Mann Page, ist. 7th from Gov. Caleb Carr. 7th from Edmund Freeman. 7th from Thomas Greene, Sr. 7th from Deputy-Gov. John Greene. 7th from Edward Shippen. 8th from Dr. John Greene. 6th from William Byrd, ist. 5th from William Byrd, 2d. 4th from Col. William Byrd, 3d. 6th from Gov. Robert Carter. 5th from Capt. Charles Willing. 4th from Gov. William Nelson. 8th from William Almy. 7th from John Carter (Va.) 8th from Gov. Roger Williams. 205 . PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. General Society No. 112 Patterson, Eusha Gilbe;rt, Tiiusville. 1316 4th from Lieut. John Patterson. 29 Paul, John Rodman, Philadelphia. 150 5th from John Rodman. 92 Paul, Lawrence; Taylor, Villa Nova. 687 5th from John Rodman. 126 Pearce, Thomas David, Philadelphia. 1330 4th from Capt. Richard McWilliam. 143 Pearson, George, Pittsburg. 1636 6th from John Blunston. 44 Pennypacker, Hon. Samuel Whitaker, Phila- 441 delphia. 7th from Samuel Richardson. 4th from Capt. Patrick Anderson. 210 Peters, Richard, Jr., Philadelphia. 2830 4th from William Peters. 207 Phillips, George Brinton, Philadelphia. 2786 4th from Joseph Brinton. 146 Pinkerton, Samuel Stanhope Smith, Pittsburg, 1639 5th from Lieut. John Culbertson. 179 Pleasants, Henry, Wayne. 2237 8th from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 225 Porter, Augustus Drum, 5th from Capt. William Porter. 114 Porter, John BiddlE, Major U.S.V. 1318 6th from William Biddle. 63 Powell, Washington Bleddyn, Philadelphia. 466 6th from William Biles. 6th from Lieut. Richard Stockton. 6th from Christopher Wetherill. 215 Price, Eli Kirk, Philadelphia. 2897 6th from Henry Lewis. 206 PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. General Society No. 62 Prime, Frederick, Philadelphia. 459 7th from John Sands. 6th from Edward Shippen. 4th from Capt. Charles Willing. 45 Rogers, James Slocum, Philadelphia. 442 loth from Gov. John Webster. 9th from Deputy-Gov. John Greene. 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 9th from Edmund Hobart. 8th from Maj. John Mason. 8th from Attorney-General Wm. Pitkin, ist. 8th from George Maris, /th from Chief Justice William Pitkin, 2d. 7th from Capt. Daniel White. 6th from Capt. Joseph Marsh. 145 Russell, Alexander Wilson, Pay Director, 1638 U.S.N., Philadelphia. 4th from Capt. Robert McPherson. 65 Savage, William Lyttleton, Philadelphia. 462 4th from Col. Elihu Chauncey. 116 Sayres, Edward Stalker, Philadelphia. 1320 6th from Capt. Daniel Sayre. 184 Scott, Alexander Harvey, Philadelphia. 2453 6th from Capt. John Scott. 182 Scott, John Morin, Philadelphia. 2451 6th from Capt. John Scott. 220 Scott, John Reed, Pittsburg. 3012 6th from Capt. James Agnew. 183 Scott, Lewis Allaire, Jr., Philadelphia. 2452 6th from Capt. John Scott. 207 ' PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. General Society No. 2 ShippEn, Edward, M.D., Medical Director, 147 U.S.N, (retired), Philadelphia. 6th from Edward Shippen. 4th from Paymaster Edward Shippen. 46 Shippen, Edward, Philadelphia. 443 2nd from Col. Joseph Shippen. 170 Smith, Clement Grubb, Philadelphia. 2164 5th from Col. James Burd. 181 Smith, Wieuam Pouetney, Philadelphia, 2331 7th from Capt. John Gilman. 124 Smith, Wieeiam Rudoeph, Philadelphia. 1328 5th from Col. William Moore. 133 Sneeeing, Reverend Samuee, Fort Washington. 1337 5th from Capt. Jonathan Snelling. 31 Spencer, John Thompson, Philadelphia. 428 7th from Augnstin Herrman. 7th from Capt. Robert Vaughan. 8th from Robert Brooke. 8th from Col. William Burgess. 8th from Henry Sewall. 7th from Maj. Nicholas Sewall. 7th from Richard Smith. 7th from Maj. James Ringgold. 6th from Col. John Thompson. 71 Starr, Isaac, Jr., Philadelphia. 469 8th from Gov. Edward Tyng. 138 Starr, Louis, M.D., Philadelphia. 163 1 6th from Samuel Levis. 4 Stevens, Rev. ChareES Eeeis, LL.D., D.C.L., 140 Philadelphia. 5th from Capt. Nathaniel Stevens. 8th from Maj. John Mason. 208 PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Gov. John Webster. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 8th from Maj. Simon Willard. 5th from Capt. Joseph Marsh. 194 Taylor, Carter Berkeley, Philadelphia. 2566 6th from Gov. Alexander Spottswood. 7th from John Carter. 6th from Gov. Robert Carter. 5th from Landon Carter. 5th from Bernard Moore. 196 Taylor, John Bonsall, Philadelphia. 2568 6th from Gov. Alexander Spottswood. 7th from John Carter. 6th from Gov. Robert Carter. Sth from Landon Carter. 5th from Bernard Moore. 195 Taylor, Robert Randolpli, 2567 6th from Gov. Alexander Spottswood. 7th from John Carter. 6th from Gov. Robert Carter. 5th from Landon Carter. 5th from Bernard Moore. 217 Troth, William Penn, Jr., Philadelphia. 2899 Sth from Richard Preston. 7th from Thomas Paschall. 6th from Thomas Paschall, Jr. 8th from James Berry. 7th from William Jenkins. 7th from Hugh Sherwood. 7th from William Berry. 107 Tyler, Harry Blake, Philadelphia. 913 9th from John Brown. 8th from John Ogden. 8th from Capt. Thomas Willett. 7th from Barnabas Lothrop. 209 PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. ' r^„ „ o »t Generai, Societv No. 7th from Lieut. Francis Peabody. 6th from Rev. Timothy Edwards. 6th from Lieut. John Sharp. 5th from Samson Howe. 105 TvhZR, SiDNi^Y Frederick, Philadelphia. 911 9th from John Brown. 8tli from John Ogden. 8th from Capt. Thomas Willett. 7th from Barnabas Lothrop. 7th from Lieut. Francis Peabody. 6th from Rev. Timothy Edwards. 6th from Lieut. John Sharp. 5th from Samson Howe. 224 Van SyckeIv, Nehemiah Dunham, 3030 8th from Maj. Wilham Phillips. 208 Wainvvright, Francis King, Philadelphia. 2787 5th from Capt. Richard McWilliam. 9 Waebridge, Thomas Chester, Philadelphia. 143 8th from Gov. John Playnes. 8th from Gov. William Pynchon. 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Hon. John Talcott. 7th from Capt. Elizur Holyoke. 6th from Capt. John Chester. 5th from Maj. John Chester. 4th from Col. John Chester. 216 Warren, Henry Mather, Devon, Pa. 2898 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 67 Watmough, John G., Philadelphia. 464 3rd from Capt. Edward Watmough. I Wayne, William, Paoli, Pa. 139 4th from Capt. Isaac Wayne. PENNSYLVANIA. Statb Society No. General Society No. 32 Waynu, Wilijam, Jr., Paoli, Pa. 429 5th from Capt. Isaac Wayne. 104 Webb, Francis Parsons, New-York. 810 7th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 163 Wetherill, Albert Laurence, Philadelphia. 1953 7th from Ensign Nathaniel Laurence. 115 Wetherile, Charles, Philadelphia. 1319 7th from Christopher Wetherill. 9th from Maj. William Whiting. 8th from George Minot. 5th from Col. William Laurence. 5th from Capt. Jacob Morgan. 131 Wetherill, John Price, South Bethlehem. 1335 7th from Christopher Wetherill. 140 Wharton, Bromley, Philadelphia. 1633 4th from Ensign Andrew Boggs. 127 Whitehead, Rt. Rev. Cortlandt, Bishop of Pitts- 1331 burg. 7th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 6th from Capt. Philip Pieterse Van Schuyler. 6th from Oloff Stevenson Van Cortlandt. 5th from Stephanus Van Cortlandt. 5th from Capt. Elisha Parker. 118 Wilbur, Rollin Henry, South Bethlehem. 1322 5th from Capt. Abiel Abbot. 66 Williams, Charles, Haverford. 463 6th from Dr. Thomas Wynne. 121 Williams, Francis Howard, Philadelphia. 1325 7th from Mahlon Stacy. 218 Williams, Joseph John Gurney, M.D., 2900 8th from Dr. Thomas Wynne. 159 Williams, Josiah Randall, Haverford. 1949 6th from Dr. Thomas Wynne. 211 PENNSYLVANIA. Stat« Society No. ' General Society No. 192 Williams, Samuel, Haverford, Pa. 2515 6th from Dr. Thomas Wynne. 148 Willing, Glorge, Philadelphia. 1641 4th from Capt. Charles Willing. 157 WiSTER, Alexander Wilson, Philadelphia. 1947 7th from Dr. Thomas Wynne. 119 Wister, Rodman, Philadelphia. 1323 8th from Jeremiah Clarke. 7th from Gov. Walter Clarke. 8th from Thomas Cornell. 7th from Dr. Thomas Wynne. 7th from Richard Borden. 7th from Elbert Elbertson Stoothoff. 6th from William Biles, Sr. 5th from William Biles, Jr. 4th from Thomas Langhorne Biles. 6th from Thomas Langhorne. 6th from Dr. Edward Jones. 6th from Robert Owen. 6th from Joseph Kirkbride, Sr. 5th from Joseph Kirkbride, Jr. 6th from Col. Thomas Willett. 5th from Hugh Evans. 5th from James Logan. 4th from Owen Jones. 4th from William Logan. 123 Wood, Joseph, Pittsburg. 1329 7th from Daniel Wills. 203 Wright, Jacob Ridgway, Wilkesbarre, Pa. 2782 7th from Lieut. Richard Stockton. Tablet erected in the Chancel of Christ Church, Philadelphia to the memory of Brigadier-General John Forbes by the SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS in the Common\vealth of Pennsylvania PENNSYLVANIA. Hn nDcmoriam. 36 George M. Coates, died Nov. 12, 1894. 72 William John Potts, died Nov. 18, 1895. 3 James Mifflin, died Nov. 24, 1895. 109 Edwin Adams Damon, died Nov. 17, 1896. Elected a member of this Society February 9, 1895. Edwin Adams Damon was born in Phila- delphia Nov. 12, 1866, the son of Albert Foster Damon and Carlota Mathues. He entered the class of '91 College Department, University of Pennsylvania in 1887, and left at the end of the Sophomore year, after which he was for a short time a student in the Medical Department. He belonged to the Delta Upsilon Fraternity. Being a gentleman of leisure, he devoted much time to social and club affairs, being a member of the Art Club of Philadelphia; the Radnor Hunt, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Pennsyl- vania Society of the Sons of the Revolution, the Society of the War of 1812. He married Ida Estelle, daughter of WiUiam Musser Capp, M.D. 51 Frederick DeverEux, died Jan. 20, 1898. Born May 4, 1834; he was elected a member of the Society May 6, 1893, in right of Clement Plumstead. 47 John Hill Brinton, Jr. Born in Philadelphia, Dec. 13, 1870, died in Pittsburg, March 15, 1898. Son of John Hill Brinton, M.D. (a m.ember of the Society of Col- onial Wars), and Sarah Ward. Elected a mem- ber of this Society May 6, 1893. Entered the class of '90, College Department, University of Pennsylvania, in 1886, and on completing his course he received the degree of A.B. He was Vice-President of his class in Freshman year, and President in Senior year; and belonged to the Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity. He was a mem- 213 PENNSYLVANIA. ber of the Markham Club of Philadelphia; the Pennsylvania Society Sons of the Revolution. 48 Thomas F. Bayard, elected June 30, 1893, died Sept. 28, 1898. (Vide Delaware Society.) 26 William Mifflin, died May 13, 1899. Elected a member of the Society February 28, 1893. Mr. MifHin was born the 22nd of Janu- ary, 1820, and was a lineal descendant of John Mifflin, who came to this country some time prior to 1679. Mr. Mifflin was elected to mem- bership February 8, 1893, and, like his son, the late Lieutenant-Governor James Mifflin, was deeply interested in the Society's welfare. He was a well-known member of the Society of the Cincinnati, of the Philadelphia Club, and a gen- tleman in every way, who upheld the dignity of the historic family. 189 Captain Alexander W. Norris, died Jan. 15, 1899. Elected a member of the Society March 28, 1898. Capt. Alexander Wilson Norris was born in Latona, Clinton County, Pa., June 6, 1872, and died in Harrisburg, January 15, 1899. He was the son of John C. Norris, M.D., Surgeon of the 8ist Regt. Penna. Vols, in the Civil War, and Susan Stine, his wife. Both of his parents dying when he was quite a child, he was adopted by his uncle. Col. A. Wilson Norris, some time Auditor-General of Pennsylvania. Capt. Norris entered the College Department of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania with the class of '91, where he joined the Philomathean Society and the Zeta Psi Fraternity, leaving at the end of the Sophomore year. He then studied law and in 1893 was admitted to the bar of Dauphin County, very soon taking rank among the foremost law- yers of Harrisburg, where he lived and practiced, and giving promise of a brilliant legal career, being several times selected, though quite young, to assist the district attorney. He was an elo- quent speaker, and, taking great interest in poli- tics, was always in demand on the stump durinp- campaigns; he was twice elected Vice-President of the State League of Republicans Clubs. Capt. Norris began his military career June 14. 1890, enlisting in Co. B, 5th Regt., N. G. P., and 214 PENNSYLVANIA. was shortly after transferred to Co. D, 8th Regt. (City Grays of Harrisburg). When the City Grays Cadet Corps was organized in 1893 he was placed in command. He was appointed Ser- geant-Major of the 8th Regt. July 17, 1893, and Sergeant-Major of the 3rd Brigade, N. G. P., July 13, 1895; was honorably discharged June 14, 1896, and the next day enlisted in the Gov- ernor's Troop. On July 7, 1896, he was ap- pointed Captain and Aide-de-Camp on the stafif of Brigadier-General J. P. S. Gobin, commanding 3rd Brigade, N. G. P. He held this position at the outbreak of the Spanish War, and as the brigade staffs were not taken into the U. S. service, he resigned it to accept the Adjutancy of the 8th Regt., Penna. Vols., in May, 1898. When his friend and former commander. Gen. Gobin, was made a Brigadier-General of U. S. Vols, and placed in command of the 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 2nd Army Corps, he had Mr. Norris detailed as his Assistant Adjutant-General, and in a few months he was given a commission as Captain and Asst. Adjutant-General U. S. Vols. In January, 1899, he left Camp McKenzie, Augusta, Ga., on a furlough, and proceeded to Harrisburg to see Gen. Gobin inducted into office as Lieutenant-Governor of Pennsylvania. The day after his arrival he was attacked by an illness brought on by the hardships of camp life, and died in a few hours. He was buried at Reedsville, Miifiin County, the funeral escort consisting of officers from Camp McKenzie and Co. H, nth Regt., N. G. P., his own old organ- izations being away in the U. S. service. Capt. Norris belonged to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Dauphin County (Pa.) His- torical Society, the Markham Club of Philadel- phia, the Plarrisburg Club, the Pennsylvania Society Sons of the Revolution, the Military Order of the Loyal Legion and the Society of the War of 1812. 78 Henry LEvis, died Aug. 4, 1899. Elected a member of the Society November 24, 1893. Henry Levis was born in Philadelphia, October 26, 1844, and died in Switzerland, August 4, 1899. He was a member of the Philadelphia and Rittenhouse Clubs, the Union League, the Germantown Cricket Club, and a citizen of the 215 PENNSYLVANIA. State in Schuylkill. By profession he was a civil engineer and in that capacity was connected with the Pennsylvania Railroad for some years. 153 Wynne Reeves Sewell, died Dec. 9, 1899. Elected a member of the Society April 30, 1896, in right of Hon. Henry Sewell. Born at Allegheny, September 27, 1854. Graduated at Lafayette College, 1876. Admitted to the Bar, 1879. 82 Malcolm Macdonald, died Jan. 10, 1900. Elected a member of the Society February 24, 1894. Malcolm Macdonald was born at New London, Conn., October 9, 1839. Graduated from Princeton College, with high honors, in 1861. Afterward studied law and was a member of the Bar of New Jersey. He was a man of literary tastes and an author, having written " Gastemozin," a drama. Mr. Macdonald was elected a member of this Society February 24, 1894, in right of Capt. Geo. Dennison, 1618-94. He was a charter member of the New Jersey Society of Colonial Wars and its first Deputy- Governor; one of the original members of Sons of the Revolution in New Jersey; also of the Genealogical and Historical Societies of Penn- sylvania and the Society of the War of 1812. He died January 10, 1900, at his summer home, Lake Placid, N. Y. 64 Franklin Platt, Elected a member of this Society May 6, 1893. Franklin Platt died suddenly, July 24, 1900, at Cape May, N. J., of heart disease. Mr. Platt was born in Philadelphia, November 19, 1844, and from boyhood had been particularly inter- ested in the study of geology and kindred sub- jects. Early in life he served the U. S. Govern- ment Geodetic Survey and Asst. State Geologist on second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania; he was one time President of the Rochester & Pittsburg Coal and Iron Company. He was a member of the Philadelphia, Rittenhouse and University Clubs of Philadelphia; of the Ameri- can Philosophical Society, 1874; Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; the American Association for the Advancement of Science; 216 PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Society Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and was one of the Board of Directors of the Genealogical Society of Penn- sylvania. 211 John Clarke Sims, died January 6, 1901. Elected a member of this Society February 19, 1900. John Clarke Sims was born in Philadel- phia, September 12, 1845; was the son of John Clarke Sims and Emeline Marion Clark. En- tered the Class of '65 College Department of the University of Pennsylvania during Sopho- more year, and received the degree of B.A. at the end of course, and that of A.M. three years later; was a member of the Philomathean Society of U. of P. and of Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity, lie was a trustee of the University of Pennsylvania from 1885 until his death. He was a lawyer and for many years Secretary of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Was a member of the Philadel- phia and University Clubs of Philadelphia, and the Germantown Cricket Club; of the Pennsyl- vania Society Sons of the Revolution, the New Jersey Society of the Cincinnati, Historical So- ciety of Pennsylvania, Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. 89 Rev. William Wallace Silvester, S.T.D., died Jan. 22, 1901. Elected a member of this Society May 18, 1894, in right of Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. Born in Danvers, Mass., October 18. 1833; de- scended on both his father's and mother's sides from old New England stock, his ancestors com- ing over with Gov. Winthrop in 1630. He fitted for college at the Academy in West Randolph, Vt. He spent several years in England, where he pursued his studies. Returning to this country he studied for holy orders at the Phila- delphia Divinity School and the Cambridge Theological School, of which he was the first graduate in 1868. He was ordained to the Deaconate by Bishop Eastlake in Emmanuel Church, Boston, April 16, 1868, receiving almost immediately a call to Trinity Church, Norwalk, Conn. On April 13, 1869, he was advanced to 217 PENNSYLVANIA. the priesthood by Bishop Williams in Trinity Church, of which he remained Rector for nearly six years, thence he was called to St. Mary's Church, Dorchester, Mass., June, 1874. Dr. Sil- vester resigned the parish at Dorchester, Febru- ary, 1878, to become Professor of Belles Lettres in Griswold College, and came in charge of the Cathedral, Davenport, la. January, 1881, he became associated with Rev. Dr. Montgomery Schuyler, in Christ Church, St. Louis, from which parish he was called to the Geo. W. Smith Memorial Church of the Advent in April, 1887. T,7 William Henry EglE, M. D., died Feb. 19, 1901. Elected a member of the Society February 7, 1893, in the right of Lieutenant John George Miller, 1715-1762, Lieutenant in Col. James Buras' Regt., Provincial Forces, 1760. Dr. Egle was born in Harrisburg, 1830. He early learned the art of printing and in 1853 was editor of two papers in Harrisburg. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1859, and in 1862 was appointed Surgeon in the 96th P. V. In 1887 Governor Beaver appointed him State Librarian, which position he capably filled until January, 1899. For thirty years_ he was a sur- geon in the National Guard, retiring a year since as Surgeon-in-Chief of the 3rd Brigade. He was the author of a History of Pennsylvania printed in 1876-1883, also " Some Pennsylvania Women During the War of the Revolution." Dr. Egle was a member of the Society of the Cincinnati, Vice-President of the Pennsylvania Society Sons of the Revolution, the Historical Society, and many others, and a founder of the Pennsylvania German Society. His most distinguished and valued literary work was that relating to the services of the Pennsylvania line in the Revolu- tion. 15 Andrew Cheves Dulles, Deputy Governor, died Feb. 22, 1901. Elected a member of the Society February 18, 1893, in right of Geo. Maris, 1632-1705. Membei Pennsylvania Provincial Council, 1695. Mr. Dulles was born July 31, 1832; graduated from Yale College and studied law under the PENNSYLVANIA. late Peter McCall, Esq. For a time he practiced law, and later entered the fire underwriting busi- ness in which he was engaged until his death. He was a member of the Philadelphia and Country Clubs. Mr. Dulles always took the greatest in- terest in the deliberations of the council and his clear judgment has certainly assisted in plac- ing the Society on such a firm foundation. For many years he was Lieutenant-Governor and at the last meeting was elected Deputy-Governor, at which meeting he presided. 147 Dalton Dorr, died Feb. 26, 1901. Elected a member of the Society April 30, 1896, in right of John Browne, Commissioner of United Colonies 1644-1656. Mr. Dorr was born in Philadelphia, April 18, 1846. His father was the Reverend Benjamin Dorr, D.D., for over thirty years Rector of Christ Church. Since 1879 Mr. Dorr had been Secretary of the Penn- sylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, also Curator of the Museum in Memorial Hall. He was well versed in archaeological subjects. 219 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MARYLAND. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Maryland was incorporated at Baltimore, February 28, 1893, and organized on "Colonist Day," March 25th, the two hundred and fifty-ninth anniversary of the landing of the first Maryland Colonists under Leonard Calvert. The first public meeting was held at the Maryland Historical Society's rooms, on St. Cecilia's Day, November 22, 1893, the 260th an- niversary of the sailing of the Ark and the Dove from Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, bearing Gov- ernor Calvert and his colony to Maryland's shores. The Society holds its Social Courts on November 22d annually, and yearly celebrates the following anniversaries: February 11, George Washing- ton's birthday, O. S.; March 25, The First Land- ing on Maryland Soil; June 20, The Granting of the Charter of Maryland. At the Fourth Social Court of the Society held at the Hotel Rennert on Nov. 22, 1897, the Society was presented with a superb silver punch bowl weighing 240 oz., eigh- teen inches in diameter and thirteen inches high, and of pure colonial design. The Society also has had presented to it a stand of four colors, each six feet by six feet six inches, consisting of the National flag, the flag of the Gen- eral Society of Colonial Wars, the banner of the Lords' Baltimore, or, as better known, perhaps, the Maryland Flag, and the flag of Great Britain or the Jack flag as adopted by James VII. of Scotland, when he became also James I. of England and united the crowns of Scotland and England. In addition to this the Society also possesses repro- ductions of the colors carried by the troops of the first ten counties in Maryland in 1694. Eligibility for election to membership in the Society conforms to the requirements of the Constitution of the General Society. 220 MARYLAND. OFFICERS, GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL AND STANDING COMMITTEE ELECTED AT THE NINTH GENERAL COURT, HELD AT THE ARUNDALL CLUB, "COLONIST DAY," MARCH 25TH, 1901. Governor. McHenry Howard. Deputy-Governor. Richard Curzon Hoffman. Lieutenant-Governor. Jamss Gulian Wilson. Secretary. Gforge Norbury Mackenzie. Deputy-Secretary. Robert Burton. Treasurer. John Appleton Wilson. Historian. Bennet Bernard Browne, M.D. Registrar. Thomas Marsh Smith. Chancellor. Hon. Henry Stockbridge. Surgeon. Walter Brewster Platt, M.D. Chaplain. Rev. Elias Henry Johnson, D.D. MARYLAND. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. To serve until 1902. John Izard Middleton, Julian Harry Les, Thomas John Chsw. To serve until 1903. D0UG1.AS Hamilton Thomas, James Hough Cottman, WiLUAM Henry DeCourcy Wright Thom. To serve until 1904. Edward Austin Jenkins, William Harrison Gill, John Livingston Minis. Committee on Membership. Wilson Miles Gary, Chair- Henry Stockbridge, Deputy- man, Chairman, Howard Sill, Christopher Johnston, Thomas Marsh Smith, Clayton Colman Hall, Robert Burton, Secretary. Committee on Historical Documents. Clayton Colman Hall, John Shurman Tapscott, Chairman, Andrew Cross Trii'pe, Charles Bernard Tiernan, James TeacklE Dennis. Committee on Installation. Horatio Gates Armstrong, Walter de Curzon Poultney, Chairman, James Wilson Patterson, Austin Lowe Jenkins, Culbreth Hopewell Warner. Standard Bearers. NATIONAL. George Norbury Mackenzie. COLONIAL WARS. Spalding Lowe Jenkins. MARYLAND. Douglas Hamilton Thomas, Jr. KING'S COLORS. Malcolm Van Vechten Tyson. MARYLAND. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. 27 Armstrong, Horatio Gates. 492 8th from Brant Arentse Van SHchtenhorst. 7th from Col. Peter Schuyler. 6th from Robert Livingston. 6th from Col. Henry Beekman. Sth from Col. Henry Beekman, 2d, 4th from Col. John Armstrong. no Arthurs, Edward P'erguson. 2522 5th from Ensign James Ferguson. 43 Balch, Francis Dupont. 508 7th from Col. Ninian Beall. 24 Barton, Randolph. 4^9 6th from Lieut. Thomas Marshall. 117 BowiE, Washington, Jr. 3034 Sth from Richard Hall. 14 Brent, General Joseph Lancaster. 479 7th from Henry Sewell. 7th from Col. Jesse Wharton. 7th from Capt. James Neale. 7th from Hon. John Pile. 6th from Capt. George Brent. 13 Browne, Bennet Bernard. 47^ 9th from John Utie. Sth from Maj.-Gen. Richard Bennet. 7th from Robert Brooke. 7th from Capt. James Neale. 6th from Lieut.-Col. Henry Lowe. 5th from Col. Thomas Smythe. 223 MARYLAND. Stak Societv No. - Generai. Society No. 42 Burton, Robe;rt. 1-07 7th from John Curtis. 6th from Clement Plumstead. 5th from William Plumstead. 5th from John Curtis. 105 Cary, Wilson Miles. 2230 9th from Hon. John Rolfe. 9th from Christopher Branch. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Rolfe. 8th from Hon. Henry Soane. 8th from Thomas Taylor. 7th from Hon. Col. Miles Cary. 7th from Col. William Wilson. 7th from Maj. Peter Field. 7th from Capt. Henry Isham. 7th from Col. Robert Boiling. 7th from Hon. Col. John Armistead, 7th from Hon. Col. John Page. 7th from Hon. Ralph Wormeley. 6th from Col. Miles Cary. 6th from Col. William Randolph. 6th from Col. Isham Randolph. 6th from Capt. Thomas Jefferson. 6th from Maj. Thomas Carr. 6th from Capt. James Overton. 6th from Maj. John Boiling. 6th from Hon. Col. Matthew Page. 6th from Hon. Ralph Wormeley. 6th from Archibald Blair. 6th from Richard Kennon. 5th from Col. Wilson Cary. 5th from Col. Thomas Randolph. 5th from Col. Richard Randolph. 5th from Col. Peter Jefferson. 5th from Hon. Mann Page. 5th from Hon. John Blair. 224 MARYLAND. StATB SoasTT No. Gbnsrai, Society No. 4th from Col. Wilson Miles Gary. 4th from Col. Archibald Cary. 4th from Col. William Randolph, 2d. 4th from Dabney Carr. 4th from Samuel Smith. 3rd from Col. Thos. Mann Randolph. 3rd from John Smith. 7 Chew, Samuui. Claggstt, M.D. 223 8th from Col. Jolm Chew. 7th from Col. Samuel Chew. loi Che;w, Thomas John. " 2014 8th from Col. John Chew. 7th from Col. Samuel Chew. 62 Coleman, William Wheeler. 923 7th from Maj.-Gen. John Hammond. 78 CoTTMAN, James Hough. 1347 7th from Peter Alricks. 6th from Hon. Francis West. 5th from Ensign Andrew Boggs. 50 Daves, John Collins. 796 7th from Edward Foster. 5th from William Eaton. 29 Dennis, James Teackle. 494 loth from Capt. Edmund Scarbrugh. 9th from Col. Edmund Scarbrugh. 8th from Col. Nathaniel Littleton. 8th from Randall Revell. 7th from Col. Southey Littleton. 5th from John Dennis. 74 Fisher, Charles David. 1239 7th from Peter Alricks. 6th from Hon. Francis West. 5th from Andrew Boggs. 225 MARYLAND. State Society No. General Society No. 32 Gill, William Harrison. 497 7th from Col. William Ball, Sr. 6th from Capt. William Ball, Jr. 6th from Benjamin Harrison. 6th from John Armistead. 5th from Col. William Churchill. 5th from Col. Nathaniel Harrison. 113 Oilman, Daniel Coit. 2686 8th from Hon. John Oilman. 8 Gpjswold, Benjamin Howell. 224 7th from Francis Collins. 7th from Thomas Paschall. 7th from Randall Vernon. 6th from Thomas Paschall, Jr. 6th from Jacob Howell. 4th from Lieut. Ebenezer Griswold. 39 Hall, Clayton Colman. 504 7th from John Cutt. 7th from Maj.-Oen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from Edward Jackson. 7th from Lieut. William Stickney. 7th from William Ward. 6th from John Ward. ' 5th from Richard Ward. 6th from Ensign William Colman. 6th from Samuel Penhallow. 6th from Dr. Thomas Pemberton. 6th from James Trowbridge. 5th from Col. Joshua Wingate. 4th from Samuel Blodget. 63 *Hall, Thomas William. 924 7th from John Cutt. 7th from Maj.-Oen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from William Ward. ^Deceased. 226 MARYLAND. State Society No. General Socibty No. 6th from Samuel Penhallovv. 6th from Dr, Thomas Pemberton. 6th from Ensign William Colman. 104 Hayden, William Mozart. 2128 7th from William Hayden. 108 Hill, Malcolm Westcott. 2462 9th from Lieut. Thomas Hynson. 38 Hoffman, Richard Curzon. 503 6th from Col. Nicholas Greenberry. 6th from Maj.-Gen. John Hammond. 23 Howard, McHenry. 488 8th from Capt. Luke Gardner. 8th from Lieut.-Col. John Jarboe. 8th from Maj. John Weire. 7th from Col. John Addison. 7th from Maj. William Boarman. 7th from Col. Henry Corbin, 7th from Henry Morgan. 7th from Capt. James Neale. 7th from Capt. Thomas Tasker. 5th from Philip Key. 5th from Pres. Edward Lloyd. 5th from Col. George Plater. 5th from Col. John Rousby. 4th from Col. John Tayloe. 3rd from Chief Justice Benjamin Chew. 67 Jenkins, Austin Lowe. 1122 8th from Lieut.-Gen. Giles Brent. 8th from Thomas Gerrard. 8th from Maj. John Wheeler. 7th from Sir Edmund Plowden. 7th from Capt. Robert Slye. 7th from Col. Hans Hanson. 227 MARYLAND. Stats Society No. G«NekAL SociMr No. 41 Jenkins, Edward Austin. eo6 7th from Lieut-Gen. Giles Brent. 7th from Thomas Gerrard. 7th from Maj. John Wheeler. 6th from Sir Edmund Plowden. 6th from Capt. Robert Slye. 5th from Gerard Slye. 65 Jenkins, Francis de Saees. 1037 7th from Lieut.-Gen. Giles Brent. 7th from Thomas Gerrard. 7th from Maj. John Wheeler. 6th from Sir Edmund Plowden. 6th from Capt. Robert Slye. 5th from Gerard Slye. 68 Jenkins, Spalding Lowe. 1123 8th from Lieut.-Gen. Giles Brent. 8th from Thomas Gerrard. 8th from Maj. John Wheeler. 7th from Sir Edmund Plowden. 7th from Capt. Robert Slye. 7th from Col. Hans Hanson. 102 Jenkins, Thomas Courtney. 2126 9th from Richard Gardner, Sr. 8th from Capt. Luke Gardiner. 7th from Richard Gardiner. 7th from Col. Henry Sewall. 6th from Maj. Nicholas Sewall. 5th from PhiHp Key. 114 Johnson, Rev. Euas Henry, D.D. 2905 4th from Isaac Gale. 107 Johnston, Christopher. 2395 7th from Maj. John Stith. 6th from Maj. William Buckner. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 228 MARYLAND. Stam Society No. GENERAt Socutt No. 6th from Col. Walter Smith. 8th from Acting Gov. Robert Brooke. 8th from Col. William Burgess. 52 Keech, Edward Parkin, M.D. 798 6th from Hon. John Dorsey. 46 Keyser, Robert Brent. 703 9th from Henry Sewall. 9th from Capt. James Neale. 8th from Col. Jesse Wharton. 8th from Capt. George Brent. 8th from Hon. John Pile. 98 Lee, Hielyard Cameron. 201 i 8th from Arthur Fenner 66 Lee, Julian Henry, 1081 8th from Arthur Fenner. I Mackenzie, George Norbury, 2d. 217 9th from Hon. Edward Howell. 9th from Hon, Richard Treat. 9th from Robert Williams. 8th from Maj. John Howell. 8th from Hon, John Deming. 8th from Capt. Stephen Williams. 8th from Gov. Robert Brooke. 8th from Capt. James Neale. ' 7th from Hon. Francis Hutchins. 7th from Capt. John Hance. 7th from Hon. James Mackall. 5th from Col. Joseph Williams. 81 Mackenzie, George Norbury, 3d. 1344 loth from Hon. Richard Treat. 9th from Maj. John Howell. 9th from Gov. Robert Brooke. 9th from Capt. Stephen Williams. 8th from Hon. James Mackall. 6th from Col. Joseph Williams. 229 MARYLAND. State Society No. General Society No. 89 Manning, William Thurston. 1614 7th from Ensign Samuel Manning. 17 Mkkkkr, Richards Carson. 482 7th from Richard Hartshorne. 115 Merritt, William Alfred, Passed Assistant Pay- 2978 master, U.S.N. 8th from Hon. Edward Lloyd. 93 MiDDLETON, Harvey. 1794 7th from James Harrison. 7th from William Cooper. 6th from Phineas Pemberton. 6th from Jedediah Allen. 6th from John Adams. 6th from John Woolsten. 72 MiDDLETON, John Izard. 1166 7th from Hon. Edward Middleton. 6th from Hon. Arthur Middleton. 5th from Hon. Henry Middleton. 9th from Col. William Swann. 8th from Col. Thomas Swann. 8th from Gov. Nathaniel Johnson. 8th from Landgrave Axtell. 8th from Sir John Yeamans. 8th from Hon. Alexander Lillington. 8th from John Porter. 8th from Hon. James Sandelands, 7th from Hon. Ralph Izard. 7th from Jasper Yeates. 7th from Hon. Jonathan Amory. 7th from John Porter. 7th from Gov. Broughton. 7th from Col. John Gibbes. 7th from Francis Turgis. 7th from Gov. James Moore. 7th from John Ashe. 230 MARYLAND. Stats Society No. General Society No. 6th from Walter Izard, Sr. 6th from John Baptista Ashe. 6th from Col. Maurice Moore. 6th from John Williams. 5th from Gen. John Ashe. 5th from Walter Izard, Jr. 26 Minis, John Livingston. 491 9th from Col. Jacob Kollock. 8th from Capt. John Avery. 8th from Johannes Van Brugh. 7th from Hercules Shepheard. 7th from Robert Livingston. 6th from John Swift. 6th from Col. Philip Livingston. 5th from Robert Livingston. 95 MoALE, William Armistead. 1822 4th from John Moale. 45 Neee, Peter. 665 6th from Col. Thomas Smythe, 1st. 5th from Thomas Smythe, 2d. 4th from Thomas Smythe, 3d. 18 Paca, John Philemon. 483 loth from Col. John Chew. 9th from Col. Samuel Chew. 9th from Capt. James Neale. 9th from Edward Lloyd. 8th from Col. Philemon Lloyd. 5th from William Paca. 116 Page, Louis Rodman. 2979 5th from Thomas Wright. y6 Patterson, James Wilson. 1241 5th from Lieut. Thomas McKim. 99 Pennington, William Clapham. 2012 7th from Hon. Edward Lloyd. 231 , MARYLAND. Stats Society No. Generai, Socisty No. 64 Perin, Nelson. 1)25 5th from Jesse Perin. 69 Platt, Walter Brewster, M.D. 1164 4th from Dr. Elihu Tudor. 44 PouLTNEY, Walter de Curzon. 925 6th from Col. Nicholas Greenberry. 37 Ramsay, Henry Ashton. 502 8th from Thomas Gerrard. 7th from Col. Gerard Fowke, 7th from Capt.-Lieut. Luke Gardiner. 5th from Philip Key. 34 Reed, John Ludovicus. 499 6th from William Reed. 4th from Samuel Blodget. 25 Reynolds, Edward. 490 5th from Thomas Reynolds. 85 RoYCE, Rev. Alered Lee, D.D., Chaplain U.S.N. 1546 7th from Capt. Nathaniel Turner, 7th from Robert Royce. 7th from William Gibbard. 8th from Robert Kitchell. 6th from Capt. Thomas Yale. 8th from William Peck. 96 Sill, Howard. 1808 8th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from Capt. Matthias Nicoll. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 7th from Deputy-Gov. Francis Willoughby. 6th from Capt. Joseph Sill. 4th fropi Lieut. John Sill. 20 Smith, Edwin Harvie. 485 5th from Lieut. Thomas Marshall. 232 MARYLAND. Statb Socibty No. General Society No. i6 Smith, Thomas Marsh. 481 8th from Capt. James Neale. 8th from Robert Brooke. 7th from Francis Hutchins. 7th from William Biles. 7th from Thomas Janney, 6th from Richard Hartshorne. 88 Stanley, James Gordon. 1549 5th from Maj. John Stanley. 35 Stickney, George Henry. 500 5th from Col. Joshua Wingate. 4th from Samuel Blodget. 5 Stockbridge, Honorable Henry. 221 9th from Joseph Dickinson. 8th from Lieut. William Allis. 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith. 8th from John Bronson. 7th from Samuel Belden. 6th from Charles Stockbridge. Ill Strong, Frederick Steele. 2521 9th from Elder John Strong. 9th from Capt. Isaac Johnson. 8th from Col. William Bassett. 8th from Col. John Gorham. 8th from Lieut. Edward Morris, Jr. 7th from Lieut. Joris Rapalje. yy Strong, Richard Polk. 1348 8th from Elder John Strong. 7th from Col. William Bassett. 7th from Col. John Gorham. 7th from Lieut. Edward Morris, Jr. 6th from Lieut. Joris Rapalje. 75 Tapscott, John Shurman. 1240 5th from Capt. Charles Ellis. 233 MARYLAND. Statb Society No. General Society No. 2 Thom, WiLUAM Henry DeCourcy Wright. 218 4th from Judge Solomon Wright. 6th from Col. Henry Coursey. 5th from Henry Coursey. 5th from Solomon Clayton. 5th from Col. William Mayo. 4th from John Mayo. 7th from Theodorick Bland. 6th from Richard Bland. 5th from Col. Richard Bland. 8th from Gov. Richard Bennett. 7th from Lieut.-Col. William Randolph. 4th from Col. Peter Poythress. 7th from Capt. Henry Isham. 3 Thomas, Douglas Hamilton. 219 8th from Capt. Thomas Willoughby. 8th from Dep.-Gov. Isaac Allerton. 8th from Acting Gov. Robert Brooke. 7th from Col. Isaac Allerton. 7th from Maj. Thomas Brooke. 7th from Thomas Dent. 7th from Maj. William Gooch. 7th from Lieut.-Col. William Randolph. 7th from Col. William Travers. 6th from Col. Thomas Brooke. 6th from Capt. Samuel Travers. 6th from William Colston. 6th from Col. William Fitzhugh. 6th from Mordecai Cooke. 5th from Alexander Contee. 5th from Capt. Samuel Hanson. 4th from John Hanson. 4th from Lieut. Thomas Marshall. 3rd from Philip Thomas. M.D. 73 Thomas, Douglas Hamilton, Jr. 1168 9th from Acting Gov. Robert Brooke. 234 MARYLAND. State Society No. General Society No. 9th from Deputy-Gov. Isaac Allerton. 8th from Col. William Randolph. 7th from Col. William Fitzhugh. 5th from Lieut. Thomas Marshall. 5th from John Hanson. 51 Thomsen, Alonzo Lilly. 797 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 80 Thomsen, Herman Ivah. 1346 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 79 Thomsen, John Jacob. 1345 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 6 TiERNAN, Charles Bernard. 222 9th from John Rolfe. 9th from John Bernard. 8th from Gerrit Van Sweringen. 8th from Thomas Rolfe. 5th from John Boiling, 2d. 28 Trippe, Andrew Cross. 493 5th from Lieut. -Col. Henry Trippe. 100 Tuck, Philemon Hallam. 2013 8th from Col. John Chew. 7th from Hon. Samuel Chew. 12 Tyson, Anthony Morris. 477 7th from Anthony Morris, 2d. 6th from Richard Hartshorne. 112 Tyson, Malcolm Van Vechten. 2662 9th from Gov. Robert Brooke. 19 Tyson, Matthew Smith. 484 7th from Anthony Morris, 2nd. 5th from Richard Hartshorne. 235 - MARYLAND. State Society No. Genebal Society No. ii8 Veazey, Duncan, 3102 9th from Sergt. David Provoost. 7th from Col. David Provoost. 5th from Col. John Ward. 4th from William Ward. 31 Warner, Culbreth Hopeweli,. 496 7th from Maj. Cornelius Van Brunt. 6th from Capt. Richard Hopewell. 70 Whitridge, William, M.D. 1165 7th from Hon. John Cushing, 6th from Hon. John Cushing. 5th from Hon, John Cushing. II Williams, John Savage. 227 4th from Col. Joseph Williams. 22 Williams, Mason Locke Weems. 487 9th from Col. John Chew. 8th from Col. Samuel Chew. 91 Williams, Nathan Winslow. 1722 7th from Lieut. Job. Winslow. 71 Williams, William Smith Gittings, 1166 5th from Col. Joseph Williams, 36 Wilson, James Gulian. 501 7th from James Saunders. 5th from Darby Lux, 4th from Lieut. Thomas McKim, 15 Wilson, John Appleton. 480 6th from Capt. John Gilman. 7th from Samuel Livermore. 7th from Samuel Appleton, 7th from Capt. John Gardner. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from Anthony Stoddard. 236 MARYLAND. Stat* Society No. Genekai, Society No. 103 Wilson, William Bowly. 2127 7th from James Saunders. 5th from Darby Lux. 4th from Lieut. Thomas McKim. 92 Wilson, Marshall Gulian. 1747 8th from James Saunders. 6th from Darby Lux. 5th from Lieut. Thomas McKim. 237 MARYLAND. flu nDemoriam, Howard Mullikin was born in Trappe, Talbot County, Maryland, September 28th, 1863, but moved to Baltimore with his parents during his early youth. He was the son of James Thomas and Louisa Noona Mullikin and the grandson of Dr. Samuel Troth and Elizabeth Hardcastle Kemp. Through the Kemps he came of Quaker stock, nine generations including the progenitor of the family being of '' ye simple faith." He was of Scotch-Irish descent through Patrick Mullikin, who came to America in 1650. He began while quite young to take great in- terest in family history, and commencing with his own he gradually extended his work and finally became acquainted with the genealogy of many of the prominent families of Talbot County and also of other parts of the State. Much of his spare time was given to genealogical research and this work gave him great pleasure. He was a faithful, untiring and intelligent worker, and always ready to impart his knowledge and the results of his labor to those working in the same field of investigation. He became a member of the Maryland His- torical Society in 1891, and served for many years on the Committee of Genealogy and Heraldry. In 1894 he was elected a member of the Society of Colonial Wars, and in 1895 was elected on the Committee on Membership and was a mem- ber of that committee at the time of his death, which occurred on the i6th of September, 1900, at Milford, Delaware, where he had lived for the two years preceding his death. 238 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. The Society of Colonial Wars in the Common- wealth of Massachusetts was organized April 5, and incorporated under the laws of the Common- wealth April 29 ,1893. The Society has held monthly Courts during eight months in each year, at which addresses or papers upon topics in line with the purposes of the Society have been presented. June 17, 1898, a field-day was passed at Salem and Marblehead. October i an excursion was made to Squantum, and as the funeral services of Honorable Thomas F. Bayard were being held on that day, appropriate notice was taken of the event. December 21 the Sixth Annual Dinner was held at the Hotel Brunswick, Boston. February 22, 1899, impressive services commem- orative of Washington were held in Saint Paul's Church, Boston. December 21 the Seventh An- nual Dinner was held at Pierce Hall, Boston. Washington's Birthday was appropriately cele- brated in 1900. June 27 the Society again visited Marblehead and dined at the Corinthian Yacht Club House. December 21 the Eighth Annual Dinner was held at Copley Hall, Boston. The death of Honorable Roger Wolcott, ex-Governor of the Commonwealth and Chancellor-General of the Society, which occurred but a few hours before the dinner, and too late for its postponement, cast a sadness over the gathering and his life was largely made the theme of the speakers. 239 MASSACHUSETTS. The Society has been officially represented at the General Society and Council meetings; at the an- niversaries of many patriotic societies; at the dedi- cation of the new building of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and at the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, in Boston. By invitation of the Governor of the Common- wealth it was represented by a committee at the formation of the Volunteer Aid Association for work during the Spanish War. 240 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, 1900, 1901. Governor. Arthur J. C. Sovvdon. Deputy-Governor. HosEA Morrill Knowlton. Lieutenant-Governor. Charles Sumner Hamlin. Secretary. Edward Webster McGlenen. Deputy-Secretary. Charles Sumner Parsons. Treasurer. Abijah Thompson. Registrar. Francis Aptiiorp Foster. Historian. Robert Thaxter Swan. Genealogist. Walter Kendall Watkins. Chancellor. Charles Upham Bell. Surgeon. Charles Montraville Green, M.D. Chaplain. Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, D.D. 241 MASSACHUSETTS. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Albert Alonzo Folsom, Frank Merriam, Nathaniul Johnson Rust, Joseph Grafton Minot, S. Arthur Bent, Rev. Charles Lewis Hut- Henry Morton Lovering, chins, D.D. Charles Wallingeord Parker, Edwin Sanford Crandon. Committee on Membership. Walter Kendall Watkins, Francis Apthorp Foster, JosiAH Little Hale, M.D., Francis Henry Appleton. Joseph Grafton Minot. Committee on Publication. Walter Kendall Watkins, Francis Apthorp Foster, Robert Thaxter Swan, Edward Webster McGlEnen, Edwin Sanford Crandon. Committee on Historical Papers and Essays. Walter Kendall Watkins, Moses Greely Parker, M.D., Rev. Henry Fitch Jenks, Allan Rogers, Charles Wellington Stone. Committee on Marking Plistorical Sites. S. Arthur Bent, George Kubn Clarke, Henry Morton Lovering, James Goldthwait Freeman, Dawes Eliot Furness. Committee on Field Days and Entertainments. John Anthony Remick, Arth;ur Cecil Thomson, Charles Sumner Parsons, Edward T. Barker, Henry Augustus Willis. Committee on the Annual Dinner. Joseph Grafton Minot, Walter Kendall Watkins, Desmond Fitz Gerald, Andrew Robeson, Harry J. McGlenen. 242 MA SSA CHUSB TTS. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. 93 Abbot, Edwin Hale, Cambridge. General Society No. 886 4th from Capt. John Abbot. 3 Abbot, Francis Elungwood, Ph.D., Cambridge, 228 7th from George Abbot. 4th from Capt. John Abbot. 3rd from Capt. Abiel Abbot. Sth from Gov. Roger Conant. 6th from Lot Conant. 7th from Capt. John Dodge. 276 Adams, Charles Elisha, Lowell. 1850 9th from Sergt. John Tidd. Sth from Walter Haynes. Sth from Peter Noyes. Sth from Edmund Rice. 7th from John How(e), Sr. 6th from Samuel Howe. 71 Adams, Edward Milton, Holyoke: 828 6th from Ensign Edward Adams loth from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 9th from Capt. James Avery. 9th from William Cheseborougli. 9th from John Howland. 6th from William Collier. 178 Alexander, EbenEzer, Boston. 1443 5th from Capt. Ebenezer Alexander. 296 Allen, Francis Richmond, Boston. 2068 6th from Samuel Allen. Sth from Isaac Allerton. 7th from Capt. John Gallop. 5th from Col. Sylvester Richmond. 243 MASSACHUSETTS. SiATE Society No. General Societv No. 4th from Col. Ezra Richmond. 4th from Capt. WilHam Deane. 297 Allen, Rev. Frederick Baylies, Boston. 2069 6th from Samuel Allen. 8th from John Alden. 8th from John Rogers. 5th from Col. Sylvester Richmond. 4th from Nichols Baylies. 4th from Col. George Godfrey. 30 Allen, Theodore Lathrop, Pittsfield. 528 loth from Matthew Allyn. 8th from Thomas Ford. 7th from Capt. Roger Clap(p), Sr. 6th from Capt. Preserved Clap(p). 5th from Capt. Roger Clap(p), Jr. 4th from Maj. Jonathan Clap(p). 355 Amee, Albert Francis, Cambridge. 2209 8th from Edmund Rice. 7th from Corp. Henry Rice. 7th from John Coolidge. 6th from Ensign John Coolidge. 7th from Cornet Jonathan Gilbert. 6th from Thomas Gilbert. 424 Ames, Adelbert, Lowell. 2893 7th from Capt. Anthony Fames. 233 Ames, Joseph Blanchard, Brookline. 1717 6th from John Ames. 8th from Francis Cook(e). 8th from Edward Dotey. 7th from Gov. Robert Treat. 5th from John Parke. 257 Amory, Francis Inman, Boston. 1804 5th from Jonathan Amory. 244 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 218 Amsden, Frankijn Dana, Boston. 1702 7th from Isaac Amsden. loth from Tristram Coffin, loth from Lieut. Edmund Greenleaf. 9th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf, vSr. 8th from Capt, Stephen Greenleaf, Jr. 9th from Capt. William Gerrish. 219 Amsden, Henry Franklin, Boston. 1703 6th from Isaac Amsden. 9th from Tristram Coffin. 9th from Lieut. Edmund Greenleaf. 8th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf, Sr, 7th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf, Jr. 8th from Capt. William Gerrish. 281 Andrew, Henry Hersey, Union, W. Va. 1910 8th from Capt. John Jacob. 7th from Rev. John Hig-ginson. 6th from Lieut.-Col. John Higginson. 7th from Maj. Thomas Savage. 7th from Capt. John Thaxter. 6th from Maj. Samuel Thaxter. 163 Andrus, Edwin Proctor, Captain, U.S.A. 1235 9th from Stephen Hopkins. 251 AppIvETon, Francis Henry, Peabody. 1798 7th from Samuel Appleton. 6th from Maj. Samuel Appleton, 5th from Maj. Isaac Appleton. nth from Nicholas Simkins. 9tli from Gov, Samuel Symonds. 9th from Capt. John Whittingham. 21 Appeeton, Nathan, Boston, 519 5th from Maj, Samuel Appleton. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 7th from Lieut. Tristram Coffin. 24s MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Nathaniel Coffin. 8th from Lieut, Edmund Greenleaf. 7th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf, Sr. 65 Ayer, James Bourne, M.D., Boston. 822 /th from Sergt. John Ayer(s). 6th from Cornet Peter Ayer. /th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 171 Bacon, Horace Sargent, Lowell. 1354 9th from Anthony Emery. 8th from John Alden. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 7th from Capt. Samuel Brocklebaiik 6th from Daniel Smith. 5th from Jeremiah Hill. 436 Ballou, Hosea Starr, Brookline. 3001 6th from John Ballou. 9 Barker, Edward Tobey, Cambridge. 212 6th from John Alden. 4th from Capt. John Loring. 143 Bates, Theodore Cornelius, Worcester. 1214 8th from Edmund Hobart. 7th from John Beal. 6th from Lieut. Jeremiah Beal. 5th from Lazarus Beal. 4th from Capt. Ebenezer Beal. 3rd from Ensign Ebenezer Beal. 7th from Joseph Andrews. 6th from Capt. Thomas Andrews. 7th from Thomas Clap(p). 6th from Samuel Clap(p). 6th from Lieut. Simon Davis. 6th from Lieut. James Lewis. 5th from Ensign Thomas Wheeler. 5th from Cornet Samuel Fletcher. 3rd from Capt. Daniel Fletcher. 246 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 380 Battis, Edward Clarence, LL.B., Salem. 2616 6th from Zacharie Herrick. 432 Baxter, Jesse Bunton, East Milton. 2997 4th from Sergt. David Holden. 63 Beel, ChareES Upham, Lawrence. 820 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8tli from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 8th from Stephen Goodyear. 8th from Maj. Thomas Savage. 8th from Edward Tyng. 7th from Maj. -Gen. Daniel Gookin. 7th from John Johnson. 6th from Capt. Isaac Johnson. 7th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 6th from Phineas Upham. 6th from Nathaniel Peaslee. 5th from Lieut. Henry Bowen. 5th from Col. Joshua Wingate. 309 Bennett, Josiaei Chase, Lynn. 2120 5th from Thomas Chase. 310 Bennett, Larkin Everett, Lynn. 2121 9th from John Moulton. 9th from Robert Page. 9th from William Sanborn. 6th from Thomas Chase. 29 Bent, Samuel Arthur, BrookHne, 5^7 6th from John Bent. 8th from Capt. Thomas Brooke (Brooks). 8th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 7th from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 6th from Maj. Samuel Appleton. 6th from Capt. James Minot(t). 247 ' MASSACHUSETTS. State Societv No. General, Society Xo. 2^2 BiCKFOKD, ScoTT FiTz, Brooklinc. 1846 3rd from Jonathan Bickford. 5th from Matthias Haines. 4th from John Stone. 238 BiGtxow, Henry Nei.son, Clinton. 1805 6th from Samuel Bigelow. Sth from Capt. Joseph Bigelow, Sr. 4th from Capt. Joseph Bigelow. Jr. 7th from Nicholas Danforth. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Danforth. 6th from Samuel Worcester. 32 Bigelow, Melvilee Madison, Ph.D., LL.D., Cam- 530 bridge. 7th from John Bigelow. 6th from Joshua Bigelow. ■^yy Deackmar, Wilmon Whiledin, Boston. 2603 6th from James Blackmar. Sth from Thomas Angell. Sth from Thomas Arnold. 7th from Richard Arnold. Sth from Capt. John Whipple. 366 Bliss, Elias James, BrookHne. 2549 3rd from Ensign Elias Bliss. 333 Blood, John Balck, Newburyport. 2227 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 13 Bodge, George Madison, B.D., Leominster. 511 4th from John Bodge. 6th from Lieut, Richard Hunnewell. 4th from Zerubbabel Hunnewell. 5th from Sergt. Thomas Chute. 5th from John Harmon. 5th from William Mayberry. 175 Bowman, Austin Lord, New York City. 1440 9th from Gov. Thomas Prince. 248 MASSACHUSETTS. Statb Society No. General Society No. 189 Brackett,, Frederic Huntington, Boston. 155 1 7th from Capt. Richard Brackett. 188 Brackett, Sidney Lawrence, Watertown. 1453 7th from Capt. Richard Brackett. 4th from Corp. Asa Lawrence. 288 Briggs, Edward Corneeius, M.D., Boston. 2018 7th from Capt. John Osgood. 206 Brooks, John Henry, Milton. 1690 7th from Capt. George Denison, Sr. 302 Brooks, Lyman Loring, Newton Centre. 2074 7th from John Brooks. 4th from Capt. Timothy Brooks, nth from Nathaniel Sparhawk. 9th from Thomas Bourne. 9th from William Collier. 9th from Lieut. Griffin Craft. 260 Brooks, Walter Curtis, Newton Centre. 1823 8th from John Alden. 279 Brown, Daniel Austin, Boston. 1908 6th from Joseph Browne. 9th from Nicholas Danforth. 9th from Capt. Richard Walker. 8th from Capt. Samuel Walker. 7th from Ensign Samuel Walker. 8th from Lieut. Griffin Craft. 44 Brown, David Henry, Medford. 54^ 5th from Thomas Brown. 4th from Joseph Brown. 3rd from Sergt. Samuel Brown. 7th from Capt. John Gilman. 7th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 5th from Capt. Daniel Ladd. 255 Brown, Francis Henry, M.D., Boston. 1802 7th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 249 - MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 182 Brown, George: Edward, Boston. 1447 9th from Sergt. John Tidd. 8th from Ensign Thomas Bartlett. 8th from John Coolidge. 7th from WilHam Sabin. 6th from Edmund Groce. 6th from George Woodward. 228 Brown, Otis Sumnicr, North Cambridge. 171 2 8th from Capt. Thomas Brooke (Brooks). 8th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 7th from Sergt. John Porter. 7th from Capt. John Whipple. 6th from Col. John Lane. 6th from Capt. James Minot(t). 379 Brownell, W11.MOT Atherton, Boston. 2615 7th from Thomas Brownell. 124 Bryant, Henry, Hartford, Conn. 1078 4th from Capt.-Lieut. David Mason. 123 Bryant, James Sturgis, Hartford, Conn. 1077 4th from Capt.-Lieut. David Mason. 352 BuRNHAM, Aebert Winseow, Lowell. 2443 8th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from Edward Jackson. 7th from Nicholas Noyes. 7th from Lieut. James Trowbridge. 7th from George Woodward. 6th from Ebenezer Stone. 168 BuRNHAM, John AppeETon, Manchester. 1265 5th from Maj. Isaac Appleton. 210 BuRREEE, Herbert Leslie, M.D., Boston. 1694 6th from Cornet Peter Ayer. 102 Burton, George Smith, Boston. 952 6th from Isek Burton. 3rd from Jonathan Burton. 250 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 268 Butler, John Lawton, Somerville. 1842 9th from Gov. Henry Bull. 7th from Sir Charles Hobby. 169 Cabot, Louis, Brookline. 1352 7th from John Winslow. 116 Carney, George James, Lowell. 1070 3rd from Ensign Seth Bullard. Ill Carpenter, Frederick Banker, Boston. 1015 7th from Capt. Thomas Brattle. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Poole. 7th from Maj. Jeremiah Swain. 6th from Thomas Bancroft. 330 Cheney, John Eugene, Boston. 2224 6th from Daniel Cheney, Sr. 4th from. Daniel Cheney, Jr. 62 Churchill, Nathaniel Wiley, Boston. 819 7th from Capt. John Gilman. 6th from Nicholas Gilman. 5th from Col. Daniel Gilman. 6th from Isaac Allerton. 294 Clark, Augustus Taylor, Newton Centre. 2066 7th from Jean Paul Jaquett. 6th from Peter Alricks. 289 Clarke, George Kuhn, Needham. 2019 7th from Ensign Nathaniel Clarke 9th from John Blanford. 7th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf, Sr. 7th from Capt. Samuel Sherburne. 7th from Capt. John Sprague. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Sanborn. 172 CoE, Henry Francis, Boston. I355 7th from John Alden. 6th from William Pabodie. 251 MA SSA CH USE TTS. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 49 Coffin, Rufus, Boston. 547 9th from John Alden. 9th from Capt. Myles Standish. 9th from Ensign John Whitman. 220 Colt, Samuel Pomeroy, Bristol, R. I. 1704 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 269 CoNANT, Samuel Morris, Central Falls, R. I. 1S43 6th from John Conant. 382 CooLiDGE, David Hill, Jr., Boston. 2618 8th from John Coolidge. 249 CowLES, Edmund Brainerd, Brookline. 1796 7th from Maj. Moses Mansfield, 112 Cox, Edwin Birchard, Brookline. 1016 7th from Capt. Jonathan Poole. 6th from Thomas Bancroft. 6th from James Draper. 400 Cox, George Rowland, Cambridge. 2734 7th from Zoeth Howland. 95 Cox, William Emerson, Boston. 888 7th from Capt. Jonathan Poole. 6th from Thomas Bancroft. 6th from James Draper. 135 Crafts, John Chancellor, Boston. 11 16 4th from Lieut. Moses Craft. 277 Crandon, John Howland, Chelsea. 1851 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Bradford. 9th from Stephen Hopkins. 7th from John Howland. 6th from Lieut. Joseph Howland. 7th from Capt. Thomas Southworth. 252 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 266 Crandon, Edwin Sanford, Chelsea. 1829 loth from Gov. William Bradford. 9th from Maj. William Bradford. 8th from John Rowland. 7th from Lieut. Joseph Rowland. 8th from Capt. Thomas South worth. 7th from Lieut. Isaac Buck. 7th from Lieut. John Chubbuck. 7th from Cornet Robert Stetson. 390 Critcher, Edward Payson, Boston. 2666 6th from Daniel Hawes. 253 CuRTiss, Frederic Raines, Boston. 1800 7th from Ensign Thomas Curtiss, 9th from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 7th from Lieut. Samuel Fuller. 181 Cutter, John Ci^arence, M.D., late Surgeon in 1446 the Imperial Japanese Service, Colonial De- partment, 1878-87 ; Worcester. 6th from Ephraim Cutter. 149 Cutter, William Richard, Woburn. 1220 7th from Gershom Cutter. 7th from John Adams. 5th from Capt. Thomas Adams. 147 Daly, Martin Ordway, Boston. 1218 9th from Capt. Edward Johnson, Sr. 7th from Capt, Edward Johnson, Jr. 7th from James Bird. 7th from Maj. Aaron Cook(e). 7th from Hopestill Rumphreys. 7th from Thomas Tolman. 356 Damon, Charles Edward, Boston. 2539 5th from Capt. Thomas Damon. 253 Massachusetts: State Society No. General Society No. 264 Danforth, Allen, Plymouth. 1827 8th from Nicholas Danforth. 8th from Henry Cobb. 7th from Serg^. James Cobb. 8th from Capt. John Gorham. 8th from Nathaniel Morton. 8th from Robert Seaver, 393 Dary, George Allen, Boston. 2669 4th from Maj. Richard Godfrey. 239 Davis, Simon, Boston. 1730 7th from Lieut. Simon Davis. 413 Densmore, Edward Dana, Somerville. 2780 8th from Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. 374 Dexter, Charles Warren, Boston. 2600 6th from John Wyman. 363 Dickson, Brenton Halliburton, Jr., Weston. 2546 8th from Maj. William Bradford. 20 Dorman, William Barnes, Everett. 518 8th from Richard Warren. 7th from Sergt. Richard Church. 7th from Rev. Capt. William Perkins. 6th from Ensign John Fowler. 6th from Capt. John Gould. 6th from Ensign William Longfellow. 201 Dorr, Joseph, Cambridge. 1625 8th from John Howland. 7th from Capt. John Gorham. 6th from Lieut.-Col. John Gorham. 99 Draper, Eben Sumner, Hopedale. 949 5th from James Draper. 7 Draper, Walter Holbrook, Boston. 216 4th from John Draper. 254 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. Genekal Society No. 5 Draper, Wii^liam Franklin, Hopedale. 214 5th from James Draper. 325 DuANE, Rev. Charles William, Cambridge. 2219 4th from Col. Benjamin Franklin. 434 Duncan, James. Lewis, Chelsea. 2999 7th from Capt. Michael Peirse. 271 Eaton, Joseph Giles, Captain, U.S.N. 1845 5th from Corp. Jonas Eaton. 8th from Capt. William French. 7th from Ensign James Kidder. 7th from George Varnum. 6th from Capt. George Brown. 6th from Capt. James Frye. 261 Eaton, William Stoker, Jr., Boston. 1824 6th from Col. Edmund Quincy. 420 Eells, Rev. Samuel, Boston. 2889 6th from Maj. Samuel Eells. 336 Eldredge, Zoeth Skinner, San Francisco, Cal. 2343 9th from Stephen Hopkins. 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 8th from Gov. Thomas Prince. 7th from Maj. John Freeman. 6th from Capt. Johannes Sanderse Glen. 5th from Rev. John Norton. 265 Endicott, Eugene Francis, Chelsea. 1828 5th from Gilbert Endicott. loth from Lieut. Nathan Fiske. 9th from Nicholas Danforth. 8th from John Ball. 8th from Samuel Fisher. 8th from Thomas Hastings. 317 EsTABRooK, Fred Watson, Nashua, N. H. 22 11 6th from Capt. Joseph Estabrook. 255 .MASSACHUSETTS. Statb Society No. General Society No. 383 Ferris, Alexander Marsh, Newton. 2619 6th from John Tarbell. 344 Ferris, Wieliam Marsh, Newton. 23S6 5th from John Fowler. 100 FitzGerald, Desmond, Brookline. g5o 7th from Gov. Roger Wilhams. 214 Flagc, Augustus. Boston. 1698 7th from Maj.-Gen. Hnmphre}' Atherton. 237 Flagg, Charees Partridge, Boston. 1721 7th from David Commee. 236 Flagg, Henry Daggert, Boston. 1720 7th from David Commee. 170 Fletcher, Walter Varnum, Dorchester. 1353 5th from Gershom Cutter. 18 FoLSOM, Albert Alonzo, Brookhne. 516 7th from John Foulsham. 6th from Lieut. Peter Foulsham. 7th from Roger Shaw. 5th from Edv/ard Shaw. 6th from Capt. John Gilman. 5th from Capt. Jonathan Thing. 151 Foster, Alfred D wight, Boston. 1222 5th from Brigadier Joseph Dwight. 53 Foster, Francis Apthorp, Cambridge. 772 7th from Edward Foster. 8th from Richard Williams. 5th from Capt. Elijah Macomber, 167 Freeman, James Goldthwait, Boston. 1264 7th from Edmund Freeman. 6th from Maj. John Freeman. 3rd from Barnabas Freeman. 8th from William Collier. 7th from Sergt. John Plympton. 256 MASSACHUSETTS. STATt Society No. Generai, Society No. 6th from Lieut. Joseph Plympton. 7th from Gov. Thomas Prince. 7th from Lieut. Constant Southworth. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Sparrow. 4th from Adjutant Joseph Goldthwait. 226 French, Walter Henry, Washington, D. C. 1710 7th from Capt. WiUiam French. 192 FuRNEss, Davv'ES Eliot, Boston. 1554 3rd from Capt. John Furness. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from Lieut. Edmund Greenleaf. 7th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf, Sr. 6th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf, Jr. 7th from Capt. Roger Clap(p), Sr. 411 Gaither, Charles Perry, Brookline. 2778 6th from Gen. William Burgess. 205 Galloure, Charles William, Boston. 1629 7th from John Gallop. 6th from Capt. John Gallop. 319 Galloupe, Isaac Francis, M.D., Lynn. 2213 6th from Capt. John Gallop. 3rd from William Gallop. 6th from Samuel Foster. 5th from Thomas Kenney. 4th from Thomas Tewkesbury. 386 Gilbert, Shepard Devereux, Salem. 2644 5th from John Gilbert. 150 Gordon, Edwin Averill, Newton Centre. 1221 6th from Alexander Gordon. 5th from Thomas Gordon. 9th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from Lieut. Tristram Coffin. 9th from Lieut. Edmund Greenleaf. 9th from Capt. Richard Walker. 257 -MASSACHUSETTS. Statu Society No. General Society No. 347 Gould, George Lambert, Maiden. 2389 6th from Capt. John Gould. 9th from Samuel Bass. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 9th from Samuel Appleton. 8th from Maj. John Appleton. 8th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 52 GouED, Levi Swanton, Melrose. 550 6th from John Gould. 6th from Sergt. Francis Whitmore. 5th from John Whitmore. 89 Green, Charles MontravillE, M.D., Boston. 846 6th from Lieut. Henry Green. 8th from John How(e), Jr. 8th from Edward How(e). Sth from Lieut. Hugh Drury. * /th from Lieut. John Drury. 6th from Capt. Thomas Drury. 8th from Edmund Rice. 7th from Corp. Henry Rice. 8th from Gregory Stone. 7th from John Stone. 7th from Lieut. William Hasey. 7th from John Wetherbee. 7th from John Bent. 6th from Corp. John Bent. 4 Green, Samuel SwETT, Worcester. 209 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 6th from Jonathan Sprague. 4th from Brig.-Gen. Timothy Ruggles. 245 Guild, Curtis, Jr., Boston. 1762 6th from Samuel Guild. 86 Hale, Henry Appleton, Salem. 843 6th from Maj. Samuel Appleton. 258 MASSACHUSETTS. Statb Society No. Generai, Society No. 137 Hale, Josiah Little, M.D., Brookline. 11 18 6th from Capt. Thomas Hale. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 7th from Rev. Robert Jordan. 6th from Capt. John Gilman. 5th from Col. John Storer. 4th from Capt. Moses Little. 291 Hall, Bordman, Boston. 2021 4th from Lieut. Benjamin Hall. 327 Hall, Frank Gardner, Boston. 2221 5th from Maj. Richard Godfrey. 19 Hall, George Franklin, Boston. 517 5th from Capt. John Hall. 9th from John Bridge. 9th from Nicholas Danforth. 8th from Capt. Francis Norton. 8th from Lieut. Francis Peabody. 7th from Capt. John Peabody. 326 Hall, George Robinson, Boston. 2220 5th from Maj. Richard Godfrey. 362 Hall, Harrison Coburn, Weston. 2545 7th from Edward Hall. 8th from Capt. Richard Brackett. 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith. 8th from Capt. John Grout. 8th from Lieut. John Hayward. 8th from Capt. John Sherman. 372 Hamlin, Charles Sumner, Boston. 2558 6th from Eleazer Hamlin. 429 Hammond, WinThrop, Woburn. 2994 7th from Capt. Roger Clap(p), Sr. 332 Harmon, Ralph Gilbert, Medford. 2220 6th from John Harmon. 259 - MASSACHUSETTS. Stats Society No. General Society No. 305 Harrington, Charles, M.D., Boston. 21 16 8th from John Coolidge. 7th from Ensign John CooHdge. 8th from Corp. John Livermore. 7th from Ensign Thomas Bartlett. 7th from Capt. Wilham Bond. 6th from Lieut.-Col. Jonas Bond. 292 Harris, Charles, Cambridge. 2022 6th from Capt. Samuel Mosely. 252 Haskins, Leander Miller, Rockport. 1799 6th from Ensign Abel Platts. 4th from Moses Platts. 6th from Daniel Thurston. 84 Hastings, Henry, Boston. 841 9th from Sir Richard Saltonstall. 8th from Sergt.-Maj. Richard Saltonstall. 7th from Col. Nathaniel Saltonstall. 8th from Nicholas Danforth. 8th from John Bridge. 7th from Quartermaster Matthew Bridge. 278 Hayden, Charles, Boston. 1907 8th from Maj. Simon Willard. 274 HealEy, David Alden, Holyoke. 1848 6th from Nathaniel Healey. 5th from Capt. Joshua Healey. 8th from John Alden. 7th from John Whitmarsh. 427 Hewins, James, Medfield. 2992 8th from Lieut. Henry Adams. 133 Hill, Lew Cass, Boston. 1114 7th from John Hill. 9th from George Munning. 8th from Sergt. Robert Badcock. 7th from Capt. Joseph Morse. 260 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Sawin. 6th from Benjamin Whitney. 275 Hinckley, Sylvester Baxter, Boston. 1849 7th from Henry Cobb. 223 Hodges, George, D.D., Cambridge. 1707 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 315 HoLBROOK, Levi, New York City. 2185 5th from John Holbrook. 6th from Jonathan Wood. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Burnham. 138 HoEDEN, Joshua Bennett, Boston. 11 19 7th from Ensign Richard Kettell. 7th from Lieut. Ralph Sprague. 6th from Thomas Richardson. 6th from John Call. 5th from Capt. John Call. 4th from Samuel Call. 155 HoEDEN, William, Leominster. 1226 5th from Justinian Holden. 238 HoLLiNGSWORTH, Zachary Taylor, Cohasset. 1729 7th from Lieut. Timothy Tileston. 194 HosMER, Jerome Carter, Boston. 1618 5th from Stephen Hosmer. 8th from Gov. Roger Conant. 6th from John Conant. 6th from John How(e), Jr. 6th from Capt. Isaac Learned. 5th from Sergt. David Pratt. 5th from Samuel Carter. 4th from Col. John Carter. 5th from Jacob Pepper. 4th from Capt. Benjamin Pepper. 4th from Jonathan Maynard. 261 , MASSACHUSETTS. Stats Society No. General Socibtv No. 183 Houghton, Clument Sti^vkns, Boston. 1448 7th from John Houghton, Jr. 39 Houghton, Henry Oscar, Cambridge. 537 7th from John Houghton, Sr. 6th from John Houghton, Jr. 4th from Ensign Jacob Houghton. 3rd from Abraham Houghton. 8th from Richard Bowen. 7th from Ensign John Lakin. 404 Howard, Harry Morton, Brookline. 2738 7th from Lieut. John Howard. 148 Howe, Edward Willard, Boston. 1219 8th from Thomas Ford. 8th from George Hubbard. 8th from Sergt. John Perkins. ► 8th from Edmund Rice. 7th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from Lieut. WilHam Avery. 97 H0W1.AND, Charles Warren, Charlestown. 890 7th from Arthur Howland. 7th from Gov. Thomas Prince. 6th from Lieut. Robert Barker. 15 Howland, Daniel Webster, Boston. 513 7th from Arthur Howland. 7th from Gov. Thomas Prince. 6th from Lieut. Robert Barker. 204 Hull, James Wells, Pittsfield. 1628 8th from Rev. Joseph Hulk 8th from John Howland. 8th from John Johnson. 7th from Capt. George Denison, Sr. 7th from William Dyer. 7th from Capt. John Gallop. 262 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. Cexeral Society No. 234 Hunt, Henry VVarrkn, Neponset. 1718 9th from George Minot. 5th from Cornet George Minot. 4th from Lieut. John Minot. 8th from Edward Foster. 58 HuRD, Charles Russell, Boston. 815 5th from Lieut. Nathaniel Burt. 141 Hutchins, Rev. Charles Lewis, Concord. 1143 3rd from Lieut. Gordon Hutchins. 280 Jackson, Arthur Eugene, Brighton. 1909 8th from Edward Jackson. 22y Jackson, William, Boston. 374 8th from Edward Jackson. 88 Jen KB, Rev. Henry Fitch, Canton. 845 3rd from Capt. Samuel Jenks. 98 Johnson, Emery Walter, Boston. 891 loth from John Johnson. 9th from Capt. Isaac Johnson. 9th from Maj. Simon Willard. 8th from Capt. George Barber. 8th from Capt. Samuel Bullard. 8th from Ensign Edward Flint. 179 Johnson, Enoch Stafford, Lynn. 1444 6th from Lieut. Samuel Johnson. 7th from George Fowle. 6th from Lieut. James Fowle. 5th from Capt. James Fowle. 6th from Joseph Richardson. 5th from Ensign Joseph Newell (Newhall). 232 Johnson, George Perry, Cambridge. 1716 6th from Henry Poore. 26.^ MASSACHUSETTS. STATii Society No. General Society No. 229 Johnson, John Frencpi, Amesbury. 1713 9th from Capt. Edward Johnson, Sr. 6th from Capt. Henry Dow. 246 Jones, Gkorge William, Salem. 176.3 9th from Capt. WilHam Tyng. 8th from Capt. Thomas Brattle. 74 JuDSON, William VoorheES, ist Lieutenant, U.vS.A. 831 8th from Lieut. Joseph Judson. loth from Matthew Mitchell. 8th from Hendrick Kype. 7th from John Minor. 262 Joy, William Francis, Swampscott. 1825 9th from John Gallop. 414 Keegan, Vincent Elijah, Boston. 2781 6th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 159 Keith, Solomon Lorin, Bridgewater. 123 1 8th from John Alden. 403 Ketchum, Rev. Charles John, Boston. 2737 7th from Thomas V/hitmore (Wetmorej. 360 Kimball, Frank Reed, Salem. 2543 7th from Cornet Benjamin Kimball. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 425 King, Edward, New Castle, Pa. 2990 7th from Gen. James Cudworth. 304 King, PIenry Parsons, Boston. 211 5 9th from Capt. Myles Standish. 144 Knowlton, Hosea Morrill, New Bedford. 1215 7th from Lieut. Job Winslow. 25 Lamson, Daniel Sanderson, Weston. 523 4th from Samuel Lamson. 361 Lamson, William George, Boston. 2544 9th from Capt. John Pickering. 264 MASSACHUSETTS. Statk Society No. General Society No. 286 Lawrence, Rt. Rev. Wieuam, D.D., Bishop of 2016 Massachusetts, Cambridge. 4th from Capt. Amos Lawrence. 230 Lawrie, Andrew Westcott, Boston, 1714 9th from John Johnson. 8th from Capt. Isaac Johnson. 8th from Capt. Matthew Fuller. 8th from Gov. Thomas Prince. 5tli from Capt. John Loring. 56 Learned, Francis Mason, Boston. 799 7th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 154 Leeds, Charles, M.D., Chelsea. 1225 6th from Joseph Leeds. 7th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from Maj. Aaron Cook(e). 6th from Ensign Edward Adams. 6th from Richard Thayer. 299 Leeds, Francis, Brookline. 2071 6th from Joseph Leeds. 108 Leland, Lester, Boston. 1012 4th from Solomon Hancock. 307 Leonard, George Henry, Boston. 2118 3rd from Capt. Philip Leonard. 8th from Henry Andrew. 8th from Francis Cook(e). 8th from John Gilbert. 7th from Thomas Gilbert. 8th from John Tilley. 409 LiTTEEFiELD, George Emery, Somcrville. 2749 5th from Capt. Samuel Jordan, 132 LiTTEEFiELD, Marcellus, Woburn. 1 1 13 5th from Col, John Wheelwright, 26s MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 331 Locke, Charles Augustus, Newton. 2225 9th from John Tilley. 8th from John Howland, 8th from Isaac Allerton. 7th from Capt. John Gorham. 7th from Anthony Thacher. 6th from Col. John Thacher. 321 Lord, Charles Edward, Newton. 2215 8th from Gov. Roger Conant. 131 Lovering, Henry Morton, Taunton. 11 12 9th from Thomas Bourne. 8th from Henry Andrew. 8th from Thomas Clark. 8th from Stephen Kinsley. 8th from Thomas Clap(p). 7th from Samuel Clap(p). 396 LuNT, William Wallace, Hingham. 2672 8th from Joseph Richardson. 190 Macdonough, Rodney, Boston. 1552 8th from Phineas Pratt. 8th from Henry Reddocke. 8th from Henry Townsend. 8th from John Stow. 7th from Thomas Stow. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Stow. 90 McGlEnen, Edward Webster, Boston. 847 7tli from John Cushing, Sr. loi McGlEnen, Harry Jarrett, Boston. 951 7th from John Cushing, Sr. 117 McIntire, Charles John, Cambridge. 1071 4th from Ebenezer McIntire. 7th from Nathaniel Sparhawk. 7th from John Talcott. 6th from Lieut.-Col. John Talcott. 266 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Ensign James Kidder. 5th from John Read. 394 MandelIv, Samuel Pierce, Boston. 2670 3rd from Col. Paul Mandall. 114 Marsh, Henry Daniel, Springfield. 1068 7th from John Marsh. 5th from Capt. John Marsh. 4th from Capt. Hezekiah Marsh. 9th from Matthew Allyn. 9th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 9th from Capt. Thomas Bull. 417 Marsh, Oliver Allyn, New York. 2886 5th from Capt. John Marsh. 40 Martin, William Pierce, Medford. 538 5th from Col. Joseph Frye. 306 Meekins, Edward Munro, North Adams. 21 17 8th from Thomas Meekins, Sr. 7th from Thomas Meekins, Jr. 96 Merriam, Frank, Nahant. 889 7th from Lieut. Henry Adams. 7th from Capt. Thomas Brooke (Brooks). 7th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 7th from Edward Larkin. 7th from Job Lane. 6th from Col. John Lane. 213 Merritt, Walter Howard, Lynn. 1697 6th from Thomas Flint. 113 MiNOT, Joseph Grafton, Boston. 1067 9th from George Minot. 7th from John Minot. 5th from Cornet George Minot. 4th from Lieut. John Minot. 8th from Edward Foster. 267 MASSACHUSETTS. SlAT2 S0CI8TY No. General Society No. 397 Morrill, Samuel, Boston. 2673 7th from Rev. Robert Jordan. 312 AloRSS, Charles Anthony, Boston. 2123 5th from Joshua Morse. 387 MosELEY, Frank, Brookline. 2645 9th from Capt. Roger Clap(p), Sr. 8th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from Consider Atherton. 8th from William Royall. 7th from John Bent. 7th from Lieut. Richard Hall. 105 MosELEY, John Graham, Boston. 958 8th from William Collier. 8th from Sergt. Thomas Howlett. 8th from John Porter. • 8th from Lieut. Thomas Stebbins. 8th from Richard Treat. 8th from Andrew Ward. 7th from Thomas Fairchild. 7th from Lieut. John Hollister. 7th from Isaac Nichols. 7th from Gov. Thomas Prince. 6th from Capt. John Beard. 6th from Lieut. Israel Curtiss. 6th from Capt. Samuel Welles. 6th from Lieut. John Tracy. 5th from Capt. Titus Hinman. 4th from Rev. John Graham. 406 Motley, Thomas Lawrence, Groton. 2740 6th from Col. Samuel Checkley. 348 MuDGE, Alfred, Boston. 2407 8th from Q. M. Robert Kinsman. 371 MuDCE, Frank Herbert, Boston 2557 8th from Q. M. Robert Kinsman. 268 MASSACHUSETTS. Statu Society No. General Society No. 107 MuMFORD, James Gregory, Boston. loii 7th from Thomas Mumford. 5th from Capt. Thomas Mumford. 9th from PhUip Sherman. 8th from William Cheseborough. 8th from Gov. John Winthrop. 7th from Maj.-Gen. Wait-Still Winthrop. 364 MuRDOCK, Harold, Boston. 2547 5th from Capt. Samuel Murdock. 7th from Capt. George Macey. 7th from Capt. Michael Peirse. 6th from Jonathan Gennings. 263 Nash, Nathaniel Gushing, Cambridge. 1826 6th from John Gushing, Sr. 130 Newhall, James Silver, Lynn. mi 5th from Joseph Newell (Newhall), 8th from Go^^ John Endicott. 8th from Rev. Samuel Skelton. 8th from Tristram Cofiin. 7th from Lieut. Tristram Coffin. 7th from Lieut. Nathaniel Felton. 7th from Lieut. Edmund Greenleaf. 7th from Lieut. John Pickering. 7th from Capt. John Putnam. 6th from Lieut. Nathaniel Putnam. 5th from Capt. Benjamin Putnam. 4th from Lieut. Stephen Putnam. 6th from Thomas Bancroft. 6th from Corp. Joseph Herrick. 6th from Moses Little. 6th from John Tarbell. 388 Nichols, George Leslie, Somerville. 2646 8th from Capt. Thomas Andrews. 8th from Lieut. Jeremiah Beal. 5th from Capt. Ebenezer Beal. MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Lieut. Henry Adams. 7th from Maj. Samuel Clap(p). 7th from Capt. Joseph Morse. 408 NiCKERSON, Philip Tillinghast, Boston. 2748 7th from Edmund Freeman. 399 NiCKERSON, Stephen Westcott, Boston. 2733 7th from Edmund Freeman. 202 NiCKERSON, Rev. Thomas White, Jr., Pittsfield. 1626 7th from Edmund Freeman. 145 NoRCROss, GrenvillE Rowland, Boston. 1216 7th from Capt. Josiah Chapin. 10 NoYES, James Atkins, Cambridge. 210 7th from Lieut. Edward Winship. 7th from Lieut. John Wyman. 5th from Capt. John Loring. 401 Osgood, Edward Louis, Boston. 2735 4th from Col. Israel Putnam. 94 Palmer, Charles Dana, Lowell. 887 8th from Edward Jackson. 4th from Lieut. Ephraim Jackson. 298 Parker, Charles Lincoln, Maiden. 2070 7th from Lieut. Hananiah Parker. 5th from John Parker. 4th from Peter Parker. 8th from Edmund Rice. 5th from Capt. Henry Fames. 5th from Corp. Noah Eaton. 282 Parker, Charles Wallingeord, Boston. 1911 6th from Lieut. Hananiah Parker. 4th from John Parker. 7th from Nicholas Brown. 7th from Capt. John Tuttle. 270 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 5th from Capt. John Vinton, 4th from Corp. Noah Eaton. 231 Parker, Charles Wentworth, Boston. 171 5 6th from Capt. James Parker. 5th from Sergt. James Parker. 6th from Maj. Jeremiah Swain. 5th from Sergt. Abraham Beaman. 4th from Corp. Noth Beaman. 225 Parker, Charles Wentworth, Jr., Brooklinc. 1709 7th from Capt. James Parker. 6th from Sergt. James Parker. 7th from Maj. Jeremiah Swain. 6th from Sergt. Abraham Beaman. 5th from Corp. Noah Beaman. 314 Parker, Edward Ludlow, ArHngton. 2125 6th from Lieut. Hananiah Parker. 9th from WilHam CoUier. 9th from Francis Cook(e). 8th from Jacob Cook(e). 9th from Stephen Hopkins. 9th from John Jenney. 9th from Nathaniel Morton. 9th from George Soule. 9th from Richard Warren. 7th from Joseph Warren. 8th from Francis Billington. 8th from Edward Dotey. 8th from Edward Gray. 8th from Thomas Pope. 7th from Nicholas Brown. 7th from Robert Finney. 7th from Capt. Joseph Sylvester. 6th from Maj. Jeremiah Swain. 271 MASSACHUSETTS. State Socikty No. Generai, Society No. 287 Parker, Frederic Wesley, Somerville. 2017 9th from Edmund Freeman, 9th from Stephen Hopkins. 8th from Francis Cook(e). 8th from Lieut. John Ellis. 8th from Lieut. William Merrick. 7th from Lieut. John Thompson. 324 Parker, Herman, Boston. 2218 7th from Lieut. Hananiah Parker. 7th from John Parker. 8th from Nicholas Brown, 8th from Capt. John Tuttle. 6th from Capt. John Vinton. 5th from Corp. Noah Eaton. 311 Parker, John Nelson, Billerica. 2122 7th from Abraham Parker. 7th from John Bigelow. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Danforth, 6th from Samuel Hunt, Jr. 6th from Ensign James Kidder. 341 Parker, Moses Greeley, M.D., Lowell, 2383 5th from Sergt. John Parker. 7th from Tristram Cofiiin, 6th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf, Sr. 6th from Lieut. Nathaniel Putnam. 4th from Capt. Daniel Brewer. 4th from Benjamin Greely. 115 Parsons, Charles Sumner, Boston. 1069 9th from Charles Gott. 8th from Lieut. Charles Gott. 8th from Capt. John Littlefield. 412 Pear, Charles Meriam, Cambridgeport. 2779 7th from James Barrett. 272 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 64 PEARSON, Joseph Hiram Starr, East Boston. 821 6th from Isaac Marston. 6th from John Moulton. 5th from Thomas Nichols. 426 Pe;ase;, Edward Allen, M.D., Boston. 2991 7th from John Allen. 224 Penhallow, Charles Sherburne, Boston. 1708 5th from Samuel Penhallow. 4th from Capt. John Penhallow. 7th from Maj. Charles Frost. 7th from Lieut.-Col. William Pepperrell. 6th from President John Cutt. 5th from Lieut. -Gov. John Wentworth. 391 Perkins, William Henry, Gloucester. 2667 8th from Sergt. John Perkins. 346 Phelps, John Samuel, M.D., Boston. 2388 6th from Lieut. James Richardson. 342 Pierce, Dean, Brookline. 2384 8th from Maj. Simon Willard. 119 Pierce, George Francis, Dorchester. 1073 3rd from Capt. Samuel Pierce. 7th from Maj. -Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 6th from Consider Atherton. 7th from Capt. Roger Clap(p), Sr. 6th from Maj. Samuel Clap(p). 6th from Capt. Charles Wentworth. 197 Pierce, Jacob Willard, Boston. 1621 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Maj. -Gen. Daniel Gookin. 8th from Maj. Simon Willard. 7th from Capt. Johannes Wendel. 6th from Maj. Charles Frost. 6th from John Plaisted. 273 MASSACHUSETTS. Stats Socibty No. . Genbral Socibty No. 431 P1L1.SBURY, Albert Smith, West Somerville. 2996 7th from John Alden. 128 Pond, Virgil Clarence, D.M.D., Boston. 1109 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Bradford. 365 Pool, Wellington, Wenham. 2548 4th from John Poole. 430 Pratt, Abner Kingman, Newton. 2995 6th from Henry Kingman. 369 Pratt, Herman Washington, Chelsea. 2552 4th from Capt. Thomas Pratt. 122 Putnam, George Franklin, Boston. 1076 3rd from Lieut. Stephen Putnam. 79 Putnam, George Jacob, Boston. 836 6th from Lieut. Nathaniel Putnam. 6th from Capt. John Putnam. 5th from Capt. Benjamin Putnam. 4th from Lieut. Stephen Putnam. 8th from Gov. John Endicott. 8th from Lieut. Francis Peabody. 254 QuiNCY, JosiAH, Boston. 1801 6th from Edmund Quincy. 24 Reade, Philip, Major, U.S.A. 522 7th from Ensign William Reade. 6th from William Reade. 8th from Francis Cook(e). 8th from Sergt. Thomas Hale. 6th from Capt. Thomas Hale. 5th from Lieut. Ezekiel Hale. 370 Reed, Rev. James, Boston. 2556 7th from John Alden. 7th from Capt. Myles Standish. 274 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 410 Reed, James Herbert, Chelsea. 2yyy 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 45 Remick, John Anthony, Boston. 543 3rd from Q. M. Joseph Remick. 7th from Henry Sewall, 7th from Nicholas Noyes. 6th from Capt. Cutting Noyes. 5th from Lieut. Cutting Noyes. 3rd from Joseph Noyes. 43 Remick, Timothy, Boston. 541 3rd from O. M. Joseph Remick. 7th from Henry Sewall. 7th from Nicholas Noyes. 6th from Capt. Cutting Noyes. 5th from Lieut. Cutting Noyes. 3rd from Joseph Noyes. 343 Rice, George Staples, Newton. 2385 7th from Edmund Rice. 328 Rice, Henry Brigham, Boston. 2222 7th from Edmund Rice. 7th from Corp. Henry Rice. 6th from Edward Rice. 7th from Lieut. John Cutter. 6th from Cornet Matthew Cushing. 5th from Ensign William Munroe. 313 Rice, Lewis Frederick, Brookline. 2124 7th from Edmund Rice. 6th from Joseph Rice. 6th from Samuel Rice. 8th from Capt. Thomas Prentice. 7th from Capt. John Jacob. 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 28 Rich, James Rogers, Paris, France. 526 7th from Maj. -Gen. Daniel Denison. 27s MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. - General Society No. 31 Rich, Thomas Philips, Paris, France. 529 7th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Denison. 355 Richardson, Francis Allen, Cambridge. 2538 7th from Nathaniel Richardson. 303 RicHARDSojsr, George Eliot, Wellesley. 2075 6th from Nathaniel Richardson. 7th from John Alden. 7th from Capt. John Carter. 7th from Samuel Manning. 7th from Christopher Wadsworth. 7th from Lieut. John Wyman. 308 Robeson, Andrew, Brookline. 2119 6th from Andrew Robeson. 8th from Tristram Coffin. f 7th from Gov. Walter Clarke. 7th from Arthur Fenner. 6th from Richard Arnold. 5th from Gov. William Greene. 248 Robinson, Francis Walter, Boston. 1765 loth from William Parke. 9th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton, 9th from James Bates. 8th from Maj. Thomas Brown. 8th from Capt. Hopestill Foster. 7th from Daniel Stone. 120 Rogers, Allan, Gloucester. 1074 8th from Nicholas Jacob. 8th from John Jenney. 8th from Thomas Richards. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 6th from Maj. John Bradford. 276 MASSACHUSETTS. Statb Society No. General Society No. 350 Rogers, Edward Little;, Boston. 2409 8th from John Alden. 7th from William Pabodie. 6th from Lieut. Wilham Fobes. 402 RowE, Arthur Everett, Gloucester. 2736 7th from Sergt. James Lane. 215 RowE, Charles Edward, Chelsea. 1699 loth from Peter Palfrey. 85 Rust, Nathaniel Johnson, Boston. 842 6th from Q. M. Nathaniel Rust. 7th from Richard Cutts. 6th from Q. M. Robert Kinsman. 6th from Maj. William Vaughan. 6th from Maj. Richard Walderne ( Waldron). 5th from Col. Richard Waldron. 125 Sampson, Walter Scott, Boston. 1079 7th from Gov. William Bradford. 6th from Maj. William Bradford. 392 Saunders, Charles Gurley, Lawrence. 2668 7th from Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. 186 Seamans, Frank Manning, Brookline. 145 1 7th from Samuel How(e). 5th from Lieut. John Butler. 244 Sears, Henry Darrah, Lynn. 1761 7th from Capt. Paul Sears. 6th from Capt. Samuel Sears. 9th from Edmund Freeman. 8th from Maj. John Freeman. 9th from Gov. Thomas Prince. 9th from Lieut. Constant Southworth. 185 Seaver, James Edward, Taunton. 1450 7th from Robert Seaver. 7th from Henry Andrew. 7th from Isaac Chittenden. 277 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from John Gallop. 6th from Capt. John Gallop. 7th from William Harvey. 193 Shattuck, Edward Horace, Lowell. 1555 7th from Sergt. John Shattuck. 318 Shaw, Henry Southworth, Boston. 2212 8th from Isaac AUerton. 8th from William Collier. 8th from Edmund Freeman. 8th from Stephen Hopkins. 8th from John Winslow. 7th from Lieut. Constant Southworth. 422 Sheldon, Ned Lewis, Norwood. 2891 8th from Gen. James Cudworth. 375 Short, Rev, Charles Lancaster, Worcester. 2601 6th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 368 ShurtlEEE, Howard Livingstone, Boston. 2551 7th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 199 Simons, William C, Springfield 1623 5th from Capt. John Bissell. 203 Smith, George Henry, Boston. 1627 3rd from Francis Smith. 5th from Thomas Blashfield. 212 Smitpi, Harvey Gushing, Gloucester. 1696 6th from Rev. John Hale. 329 SouLE, Horace Homer, Jr., Newton. 2223 8th from Capt. Roger Clap(p), Sr. 8th from Nicholas Jacob. 7th from Capt. John Thaxter. 7th from John Alden. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Alden. 5th from Col. John Alden. 7th from John Gushing, Sr. 278 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 6th from John Gushing, Jr. 5th from John Gushing, 3d. 6th from Lieut. Nathaniel Holmes. 6th from Gapt. John Tuttle. 4th from Gapt. Thomas Wallingford. 323 Souther, GharlES Henry, Boston. 2217 6th from Peter Weare. 33 Sowdon, Arthur John Glark, Boston. 531 7th from Gapt. John Gapen. 3rd from Lieut. Hopestill Gapen. 7th from Sergt. Richard Gollicott. 7th from Gapt. Roger Glap(p), Sr. 6th from Hopestill Glap(p). 6th from Lieut. Richard Hall. 5th from Nathaniel Hodgdon. 4th from Gol. Arthur Noble. 68 Sprague, Frank William, Boston. 825 8th from John Howland. 7th from Ensign John Howland. 8th from Richard Warren. 7th from Gapt. John Gorham. 6th from Lieut.-Gol. John Gorham. 7th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 351 Sprague, Phineas Warren, Maiden. 2442 8th from Lieut. Ralph Sprague. 7th from Gapt. John Sprague. 6th from Ensign Phineas Sprague. 9th from Gapt. Joseph Hills. 9th from John Upliam. 8th from Simon Grosby. 55 Standish, Myles, M.D., Boston. 309 7th from Gapt. Myles Standish. 208 Stearns, Albert Henry, Dorchester. 1692 5th from Lieut. John Stearns. 7th from Gapt. Edward Johnson, Sr. 279 MASSACHUSETTS. Statb SociBTY No. Genbbal Society No. 6th from Ensign Samuel Walker. 5th from Capt. Moses Maynard. 259 Stearns, Fredkrick Maynard, Boston. 1816 5th from Lieut. John Stearns. 273 Stetson, Henry Crosby, Bangor, Me. 1847 7th from Cornet Robert Stetson. 428 Stevens, Solon Whithed, Lowell. 2993 6th from Maj. Simon Willard. 290 Stone, Charles Augustus, Newton. 2020 9th from John Alden. 284 Stone, Charles Wellington, Boston. 1913 8th from Gregory Stone. 7th from Capt. Samuel Stone. 6th from Samuel Stone. • 6th from Simon Stone, 2d. 5th from Simon Stone, 3d. 8th from John Blanford. 407 Stone, Rev. Morton, Taunton. 2747 8th from Corp. Pierre Cresson. 7th from William Warner. 6th from John Warner. 247 Stone, William Eben, Cambridge. 1764 6th from Gregory Stone. 5th from John Stone. 7th from Lieut. Andrew Alger. 7th from Maj. -Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from Lieut. Henry Adams. 6th from Ensign Henry Adams. 373 Storer, John Humphreys, Waltham. . 2599 6th from Lieut. Joseph Storer. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 9th from Capt. Ambrose Gibbons. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 280 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Lieut. Andrew Eliot. 8th from Capt. Josiah Richardson, Sr. 338 Stores, Henry Randolph, Brookline. 2380 5th from Maj. Henry Champion. 158 Storrs, Leonard Kip, D.D., Brookline. 1230 4th from Maj. Henry Champion. 435 Stratton, Charles Edward, Boston. 3000 6th from Josiah Hobbs. 418 Strong, Thomas Morris, Boston. 2887 7th from Thomas Strong. 376 Sutton, Eben, Boston. 2602 4th from Richard Sutton. 398 Swain, Julius Curtis, Boston. 2674 7th from Maj. Jeremiah Swain. 8th from Rev. Robert Jordan. 353 Swain, Julius Marshall, Boston. 2444 6th from Maj. Jeremiah Swain. 59 Swan, Robert Thaxter, Dorchester. 816 7th from Capt. John Thaxter. 6th from Col. Samuel Thaxter. 4th from Maj. Samuel Thaxter. 6th from Capt. John Jacob, 4th from Lieut. Francis Barker. 3rd from Ensign Benjamin Cushing. 339 Swan, William Locke, Chelsea. 2381 6th from Gershom Swan. 256 Sweet, Henry Nettleton, Boston. 1803 8th from Lieut. Thomas Lefilingwell. 196 Swift, Henry Walton, Boston. 1620 9th from Francis Cook(e). 8th from John Cook(e). 9th from Richard Warren. 281 MASSACHUSETTS. Stats Society No. General Society No. 8th from John Alden. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from Edmund Freeman. 322 Tapley, Henry Fuller, Lynn. 2216 7th from Ensign John Fuller. 7th from Lieut. Nathaniel Putnam. 320 Tenney, Samuel Parcher, Chelsea. 2214 6th from Thomas Tenney, Sr. 4th from Thomas Tenney, Jr. 6th from William Duty. 395 Thayer, Charles Irving, Boston. 2671 4th from Lieut. Jonathan Thayer. 127 Thayer, Nathaniel, Boston. 1108 8th from Edward Rossiter. ♦ 8th from Sir Richard Saltonstall. 7th from Sergt.-Maj. Richard Saltonstall. 6th from Col. Nathaniel Saltonstall. 7th from Nicholas Bayard. 7th from Robert Livingston. 423 Thomas, Houston Addison, Hamilton. 2892 5th from Lieut. Nathaniel Abbott. 6 Thompson, Abijah, Winchester. 211 3rd from Abijah Thompson. 8th from Edward Converse. 7th from Lieut. James Converse. 6th from Maj. James Converse. 5th from Samuel Converse. 8th from Robert Long. 187 Thompson, Eben Francis, Worcester. 1452 8th from Gov. Roger Conant, 6th from Lot Conant. 7th from Sergt. Francis Whitmore. 282 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 293 Thomson, Arthur Cecil, Brookline. 2023 8th from Anthony Thompson. 6th from Capt. Samuel Thompson. 8th from WilHam Hopkins. 8th from Maj. John Mason. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Stebbins. 7th from Dep.-Gov. James Bishop. 270 Thorndike, Augustus Larkin, Brewster. 1844 6th from Capt. Paul Thorndike. 250 Thorndike, Townsend William, Boston. 1797 6th from Capt. Paul Thorndike. 345 Thornton, James Brown, M.D., Boston. 2387 6th from Ensign Timothy Thornton. 7th from Maj. -Gen. Daniel Gookin. 75 Tilton, Warren Codman, Washington, D. C. 832 6th from Lieut. Abraham Tilton. 5th from Lieut. Daniel Tilton. 8th from Col. Nicholas Greenbury. 8th from Col. Henry Ridgely. 7th from Gen. William Burgess. 241 ToBEY, Edward Silas, Brookline. 1732 7th from John Alden. 217 Tolman, William Sawyer, Charlestown. 1701 6th from Nathaniel Richardson. 419 ToRREY, Benjamin Barstow, Hanover. 2888 6th from Capt. William Torrey. 389 Trask, Charles Hooper, Concord. 2647 4th from Benjamin Crafts. 378 Tyler, Edward Royall, Boston. 2614 4th from Royall Tyler. 8th from Francis Cook(e). 7th from William Royall. 7th from Pilgrim Simpkins. 283 ~MA SSA CH USE TTS. Statb Society No. General Society No. 6th from John Willis. 4th from Lieut. James Alger, 405 Underwood, Edward, Livingston, Canton. 2739 8th from Tristram Coffin. 7th from Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. 76 Upham, Charles Clifton, New York City. 833 6th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 8th from Richard Warren. 7th from Maj. John Davis. 211 Upham, Charles Clieton, Brookline, 1695 7th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 222 Upham, Henry Macy, Boston. 1706 7th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 357 Upton, James Cowdin Madison, Boston. 2540 2d from Capt. Thomas Cowdin. 421 Wade, Henry Francis, Cambridge. 2890 6th from Col. Thomas Wade, 51 Wadsworth, Dexter Emerson, Ouincy. 549 7th from Capt. Samuel Wadsworth. 118 Ware, Horace Everett, Boston. 1072 6th from Robert Ware, Sr. 5th from Robert Ware, Jr. 4th from Jonathan Ware, Sr. 3rd from Jonathan Ware, Jr. 9th from Thomas Ford. 8th from Maj .-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 140 Ware, Moses Everett, Boston, 1121 6th from Robert Ware, Sr. 5th from Robert Ware, Jr, 4th from Jonathan Ware, Sr, 3rd from Jonathan Ware, Jr, 6th from Lieut. Richard Ellis. 6th from Samuel Fisher. 284 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. GfiNERAt Society No. 48 Warner, Frank Edwards, Boston. 546 5th from Lieut. Nathaniel Burt. I Watkins, Walter Kendall, Maiden. 208 9th from Isaac Allerton. 8th from Capt. Thomas Marshall. 8th from John Fuller. 7th from Ensign John Fuller. 6th from Edward Fuller. 7th from Andrew Mansfield. 160 Wead, Leslie Clark, Brookline. 1232 8th from Anthony Hawkins. 8th from John Steele. 8th from Stephen Hart. 7th from Capt. Thomas Hart. 7th from Thomas Judd. 7th from John Lawrence. 243 Wesson, James Leonard, Boston. 1734 9th from William Bassett. 8th from Richard Bourne. 8th from Edmund Freeman. 7th from Lieut. Thaddeus Clarke. 4th from Stephen Nye. 358 West, Charles Alfred, Somerville. 2541 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. II Wetherbee, Wintiirop, Boston. 509 6th from John Wetherbee. 7th from John Lovejoy. 3rd from John How(e), Jr. 162 Wheelwright, Edmund March, Boston. 1234 6th from Col. John Wheelwright, 295 WhiTcomb, Lawrence, BrookUne. 2067 loth from Edmund Hobart. 9th from John Beal. 8th from John Lawrence. 285 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. " General Society No. 7th from Peleg Lawrence. 7th from Enoch Lawrence. 8th from Gen. James Cudworth. 334 White, CharIvES Goddard, Milton. 2228 7th from Capt. Penegrine White. 129 Whiting, William Sawin, Brookline. mo 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 433 Whitwell, Frederick Silsbee, Boston. 2998 8th from Gov. Roger Conant. 139 WiLBOuR, Joshua, Bristol, R. 1. 1120 8th from Richard Borden. 8th from Thomas Cook. 7th from John Cook. 8th from Capt. Ralph Earle. 7th from John Briggs. 6th from William Briggs. 191 WiLLARD, Joseph, Boston. i553 6th from Maj. Simon Willard. 316 Willard, Martin Stevenson, Wilmington, N. C. 2186 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 301 WiLLCUTT, Levi Lincoln, Brookline. 2073 7th from Joseph Andrews. 6th from Capt. Thomas Andrews. 7th from John Beal. 6th from Lieut. Jeremiah Beal. 5th from Lazarus Beal. 6th from Sergt. Samuel Stodder. 16 WiLLEY, William Lithgow, S.D., Boston. 514 6th from John Willey. 8th from Capt. John Sherman. 7th from Q. M. Matthew Bridge. 5th from Col. Arthur Noble. 3rd from Capt. William Lithgow. 286 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 157 Williams, Borland, Boston. 1229 4th from Ensign George Williams. 195 Williams, John Davis, Boston. 1619 6th from Capt. Stephen Williams. 415 Williams, Robert Breck, Marlboro. 2884 4th from Col. Abraham Williams. 153 Williams, Samuel King, Boston. 1224 3rd from Ensign George Williams. 177 Willis, Henry Augustus, Eitchburg. 1442 3rd from Sergt. Joseph Willis. 3rd from John Merriam. 381 Wilson, Charles Hiram, Brookline. 2617 6th from Sergt. Samuel Wilson. 9th from John Jenney. 9th from Capt. Richard Walker. 8th from Capt. Samuel Walker. 7th from Ensign Samuel Walker. 8th from Capt. Edward Johnson, Sr. 78 Wilson, Fred Allan, Nahant. 835 7th from Sergt. Joseph Wilson. 9th from Capt. Nathaniel Fryer. 9th from Maj. Richard Walderne (Waldron). 9th from Capt. William Gerrish. 8th from Capt. John Gerrish. 8th from Lieut.-Col. William Pepperrell, 300 WiNSHip, William Henry, Maiden. 2072 4th from Samuel Winship. 8th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 7th from Simon Crosby. 7th from Ensign James Kidder. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Newhall. 6th from William Hoppin. 4th from Lieut. Samuel Burditt. 4th from Corp. John Pollard. 287 MASSACHUSETTS. State Society No. General Society No. 416 WiNSLow, George Scott, Boston. 2885 5th from Col. Edward Winslow. 31 Wood, Alva Sylvanus, Woburn. 539 5th from Josiah Wood. 6th from Capt. Richard Walker. 5th from Capt. Samuel Walker. 4th from Ensign Samuel Walker. 5th from Samuel Converse. 5th from Capt. Edward Johnson, Sr. 142 Young, Harry, Brookline. 1163 8th from John Batchelor. 8th from William Butter (s). 7th from Ralph Dix. 7th from Lieut. John Spa(u)lding. 5th from Wells Chase. 5th from Lieut. Benjamin Foster. 288 MASSACHUSETTS. 1In nDemoriam, 92 Charles Jarvis Pick^ord, died June 7, 1895. 27 Henry Oscar Houghton, died Aug. 25, 1895. 26 William Leverett Chase, died Oct. 7, ^ 1895. 126 Franklin Leonard Pope, died Oct. 13, 1895. 22 Gardner Asaph Churchill, died Aug. 21, 1896. 47 John Hoffman Collamore, died Nov. 3, 1896. 207 Henry Lillie Pierce, died Dec. 17, 1896. 54 William Klapp Williams, died June 4, 1897. 161 Herbert Wiswall, died Nov. 21, 1897. 267 John Francis NoursE, died April 24, 1898. 34 Edwin Shepard Barrett, died Dec. 21, 1898. 354 Matthew Allyn Mayhew, died Jan. i, 1899. 221 Leonard Thompson, died Jan. 21, 1899. 166 Charles Frederick Smith, died April 18, 1899. 69 Rev. Isaac Smithson Hartley, D. D., died July 3, 1899- 359 Oliver Heber Durrell, died Jan. 31, 1900. 198 John Davis Williams French, died May 2, 1900. 173 Allan McCleEry Parker Chase, died May 22, 1900. 209 Howard Bigelow Daniels, died June 15, 1900. 152 Rev. James Henry Wiggin, died Nov. 3, 1900. 184 Capt. Montgomery Davis Parker, U.S. A., died Dec. 17, 1900. 165 Roger Wolcott, died Dec. 21, 1900. 42 Edwin Dexter Wadsworth, died Feb. 21, igoi. 289 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Connecticut was chartered April 26, 1893, and in- corporated under the State laws May 21, 1893. The elegibility rules are those of the General So- ciety, with the following restrictions : Legislative service unaccompanied with military record does not constitute a valid claim; the direct ancestor in the male line must have resided in the American Colonies before 1750; collaterals are not admitted. The first General Court was held at New Haven December 14, 1893, at which time most of the of- ficers and a council were chosen. An adjourned General Court was held at New Haven May 26, 1894, the 257th anniversary of the attack by Cap- tain John Mason and his forces on the Pequot Fort in Mistick. At this time the rest of the officers were elected, and the Constitution and By-Laws were adopted by a unanimous vote. The second General Court was held at New Haven, December 12, 1894. The third General Court was held at Hartford, May I, 1895. The fourth General Court was held at Hartford, May 6, 1896. The fifth General Court was held at New Haven, May 5, 1897. The sixth General Court was held at New Haven, May 4, 1898. The seventh General Court was held at New Haven, May 3, 1899. 290 CONNECTICUT. The eighth General Court was held at New Haven, May 2, 1900. The General Court is held on the first Wednes- day in May, in commemoration of the first General Court of the Colony of Connecticut, held at Hart- ford on the first day of May, 1637 (O. S.)> at which time the Sovereignty of the Colony was first as- serted by the formal Declaration of War against the Nation of the Pequots. OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT. Governor. Frederick John Kingsbury. Deputy-Governor. Theodore Salisbury Wooesey. Lieutenant-Governor. Charees Edward Gross. Secretary. George Dudley Seymour. Treasurer. Charles Hotchkiss Trowbridge. Registrar. Frank ButlEr Gay. Historian. Rev. Williston Walker. Chaplain. The Rt. Rev. Chauncey Bunce Brewster. 292 GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Dr. Timothy HuGGiNS Bishop, Hon. Morris Beach Beards- Stewart Woodford Smith, ley, George Dudley Seymour, James Junius Goodwin, Major Bela Peck Learned, Frederick Farnsworth,M.D. Ralph William Cutler, Charles Frederick Brooker. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Membership. Edward Villette Raynolds, Robert Peel Wakeman, John Kimberly Beach, Lucius Franklin Robinson, Herbert Knox Smith. Committee on Historical Documents. J. Deming Perkins, Francis Wayland, Thomas Day Seymour, Arthur Leefingwell Ship- William DeLoss Love, man. 293 ^ CONNECTICUT. LIST OF MEMBERS. Statb Sociiixy No. Generai, Society No. 144 Abbott, Edgar Wade, Noroton. 1997 7th from George Abbott. loi Almy, Leonard Baelou, M.D., Norwich. 956 8th from Christopher Almy. 9th from Ensign Thomas Cornell. 148 Andrews, James Sherlock, Rochester, N. Y. 2001 7th from Lieut. William Andrews. 8th from Rev. Samuel Stone. 8th from Maj.-Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Andrew Ward. 7th from Lieut. John Hollister. 125 Andrews, Rev. William Given, D.D., Guilford. 1978 8th from Lieut. William Andrews. 178 Arms, Frank Thornton. 31 ii 9th from Maj. John Mason. 15 Baird, George William, Major U.S.A., Chicago, 556 111. 7th from Capt. John Beard. 160 Baldwin, Wilson Leslie, Stamford. 2179 7th from Capt. John Miles. 149 Barbour, Lucius Albert, Hartford. 2002 7th from Thomas Barber. 8th from Lieut. William Spencer. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Cooper. 8th from Maj. Brian Pendleton. 7th from Capt. Luke Hitchcock, Jr. 7th from Lieut. John Hitchcock. 7th from Japhet Chapin. 7th from William Phelps. 294 CONNECTICUT. State Socikty No. General Society No. 123 Beach, John KimberIvY, New Haven. 1976 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 157 Beardseey, Hon. Morris Beach, Bridgeport. 2176 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 171 BiRDSEYE, Isaac Washington, Bridgeport. 2435 loth from Gov. Thomas Welles. 8th from Lieut. John Hubbell. 7th from Sergt. Richard Hubbell. 95 Bishop, General Henry Alfred, Bridgeport. 906 7th from Capt. Benjamin Hitchcock. yy Bishop, Timothy Huggins, M.D., New Haven. 618 9th from Gov. Theophilus Eaton. 172 Bishop, Professor William Henry, New Haven. 2436 9th from Dep.-Gov. James Bishop, loth from Capt. Thomas Munson. 9th from Maj. Moses Mansfield. 23 BissELL, Evelyn Lyman, M.D., New Haven. 564 7th from Capt. John Bissell. 6th from Lieut. Isaac Bissell. 28 Bradley, Cyrus Sherwood, Southport. 569 9th from Dep.-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 9th from Hon. Andrew Ward. 8th from Hon. John Talcott. 8th from Lieut. Cornelius Hull. 6th from Capt. Gershom Bulkley. 7th from Capt. John Wakeman. 7th from Lieut.-Col. John Talcott. 7th from Capt. Daniel Bradley. 7th from Theophilus Hull. 88 Brainard, Hon. Leverett, Hartford. 776 5th from Q. M. Nathaniel Foote, 2d. 176 Brewer, Arthur Henry, Norwich. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Lefifingwell. 295 . CONNBCTICUT. Statu Society No. Generai, Society No. 173 Brewster, Rt. Rev. Chauncey Bunce, Hartford. 8th from Capt. Thomas Bull. 72 Brewster, Hon. Lyman Denison, Danbury. 613 8th from William Brewster. 8th from Joseph Kellogg. 6th from Capt. Martin Kellogg. 117 Bronson, Julius Hobart, Waterbury. 1970 7th from John Bronsoa 106 Brooker, Charles Frederick, Ansonia. i960 8th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from Lieut. John Hollister. 6th from Capt. Richard Seymour. 30 Brown, Charles Edwin, Bridgeport. 571 9th from John Brown. 107 BuEL, John Laidlaw, M.D., Litchfield. 1961 7th from Gov. William Leete. 7th from William Chittenden. 37 BuLKELEY, Hon. Morgan Gardner, Hartford. 578 7th from Rev. Gershom Bulkeley, M.D. 130 Bull, Charles Stedman, M.D., New York. 1983 7th from Capt. Thomas Bull. 96 Bunce, Jonathan Brace, Hartford. 907 7th from Thomas Bunce. 9th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 8th from Gov. Robert Treat. 8th from Gov. John Webster. 7th from Maj. John Mason. 140 Capen, Walter Nelson, Noroton. 1993 6th from Capt. John Capen. 8th from Sergt. Richard Collicott. 8th from Capt. Roger Clap. 7th from Capt. Samuel Clap. 7th from John Alden. 296 CONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Samuel Bass. 7th from Capt. John Withington. 7th from Col. Joseph Bridger. 7th from Lieut. Richard Hall. 7th from Tristram CofBn. 6th from Hon. Peter Coffin. 6th from Hopestill Humphreys. 179 Gary, Mei^bert Brinkerhoff, Ridgefield. 31 12 8th from John Cary. 75 CaTlin, Abijah, Hartford. 616 7th from Capt. Joseph Wadsworth. 69 Chapin, Charles Frederic, Waterbury. 610 7th from Japhet Chapin. 5th from Elisha Chapin. 114 Cheney, Coeonee Louis Richmond, Hartford. 1967 loth from Elder William Brewster. 67 Chew, James Lawrence. 608 6th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 5th from Capt. John Prentiss. 5th from Gov. Jonathan Law. 150 Clark, Charles Hopkins, Hartford. 2003 7th from Lieut. William Clark. 53 CoiT, Hon. Robert, New London. 594 9th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 58 Collins, Atwood, Hartford. 599 9th from Gov. William Leete. 116 Cone, James Brewster, Hartford. 1969 3rd from Sylvanus Cone. 45 CooLEY, Francis Rexeord, Hartford. 586 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith. 8th from Maj. Aaron Cook. 297 ■CONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. 24 Cropper, John M., Washington, D. C. 565 9th from Gov. John Webster. 9th from Capt. Nathaniel Turner. 9th from Hon. Richard Treat. 8th from Lieut. Robert Webster. 161 Curtis, John Calvin, Bridgeport. 2180 6th from Joseph Curtis. 180 Curtis, Lewis Beers, Bridgeport. 31 13 loth from Gov. John Steele, loth from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Capt. William Curtis. 7th from Maj. Nathan Gold. 31 Cutler, Ralph William, Hartford. 572 7th from James Cutler, loth from Gov. William Pynchon. loth from Gov. George Wyllys. 9th from Maj. William Whiting. 7th from Daniel Clark. 7th from Ensign John Holman. 60 Daggett, William Gibbons, M.D., New Haven. 601 9th from Thomas Mayliew. 44 Davis, Gustavus PierrEpont, M.D., Hartford. 585 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Elder John Strong. 6th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 142 Day, George Herbert, Hartford. 1995 4th from Gen. Israel Putnam. 2y Downes, William Elijah, New Haven. 568 7th from Gov. Robert Treat. 7 DuRAND, William Cecil, Milford. 47 6th from Gov. Robert Treat. CONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. 109 Eaton, George Francis, New Haven. 1962 loth from John Clark, loth from Gov. John Webster. 9th from Thomas Stanton. 9th from Lieut. William Pratt, 9th from Ensign John Beebe. 7th from Joseph Selden. 6th from Samuel Selden. 5th from Ezra Selden. 6th from Amos Hurd. 120 Elton, John Prince, Waterbury. 1970 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Merriman. 131 Farnam, William Whitman, New Haven. 1984 7th from Capt. John Thaxter. 87 Farnsworth, Frederick, M.D., New London. 775 5th from Capt. Jonas Prescott. 3 Ford, George Hare, Commissary General, New 29 Haven. 9th from Nathan Gold. 9th from Alexander Knowles. 8th from Gov. Robert Treat. 7th from Sergt. Thomas Tibbals. 7th from Capt. John Beard. 7th from Lieut. Benjamin Fenn. 93 Fowler, Franklin Hamilton, Milford. 26 6th from Lieut. William Fowler. 6th from Sir Charles Hobby, 54 Franklin, William Buel, Major-General, U.S.A., 595 (retired), Hartford. 8th from Gov. William Leete. 5th from Samuel Rhodes, 74 Gay, Frank Butler, Hartford. 615 9th from William Thrall. 299 CONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. 32 GoocH, Prof. Frank Austin, New Haven. 573 7th from James Gooch. 7th from Sir Charles Hobby. 48 Goodwin, Rev. Francis, Hartford. 588 7th from Capt. Samuel Eells. 6th from Col. Samuel Eells. 6th from Sergt. Miles Morgan. 5th from Capt. Caleb Williamson. 5th from Lieut. Lemuel Roberts. 4th from Capt. Lemuel Roberts. 4th from Joseph Morgan. 3rd from Capt. Joseph Morgan. 34 Goodwin, James Junius, New York. 575 7th from Capt. Samuel Eells. 6th from Col. Samuel Eells. » ^ 6th from Sergt. Miles Morgan. 4th from Joseph Morgan. 3rd from Capt. Joseph Morgan. 5th from Capt. Caleb Williamson. 5th from Lieut. Lemuel Roberts, 4th from Capt. Lemuel Roberts. Ill Gould, David Henry, Southport. 19^4 6th from Capt. John Gould. 100 Greene, Colonel Jacob Lyman, Hartford. 955 4th from Lieut. Thomas Greene. 4th from Col. Joseph Frye. 99 Gross, Charles Edward, Hartford. 954 8th from William Westwood. 7th from Maj. William Whiting. 7th from Gov. John Webster. 7th from Gov. Thomas Prince. 7th from Thomas Bunce. 7th from Henry Wolcott. 300 CONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Maj. Samuel Appleton. 7th from Capt. Aaron Cooke, 2nd. 7th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from William Wadsworth. 6th from Capt. Joseph Wadsworth, 3rd from John Barnard. 46 HamerslEy, Hon. Wii.liam, Hartford. 587 4th from William Hamersley. 6th from Col. Abraham de Peyster. 129 Hammond, Andrew Goodrich, Captain 8th Cav., 1982 U.S.A. 7th from Capt. Nicholas Olmstead. 6th from Capt. Roger Pitkin. 126 Harral, Edward Wright, Bridgeport. 1979 6th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 170 Harrison, Alexander, Paris, France. 2394 7th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 21 Harrison, Hon. Lynde, New Haven. 562 6th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 40 Hart, Rev. Prof. Samuel, Middletown. 581 6th from Capt. Thomas Hart. 7th from Stephen Hart. 8th from John Clark. 8th from Maj. -Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 8th from Francis Willoughby. 8th from Simon Lynde. 7th from Anthony Hawkins. 7th from Lieut. William Pratt. 7th from Gov. John Leverett. II Heaton, John Edward, New Haven. 552 loth from Maj. Simon Willard. loth from Hon. Richard Treat, loth from John Johnson. 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 301 fONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. 9th from Hon. Andrew Ward. 9th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 9th from Isaac Johnson. 8th from Dep.-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 7th from Lieut. Samuel Stearns. 7th from Lieut. Edward Morris. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Putnam. 7th from Thomas Browne. 7th from Ensign John Divoll. 6th from Maj. Jonathan Hubbard. 41 Hooker^ Edward Williams, Hartford. 582 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Capt. Thomas Willet. 6th from Cornet Jonathan Gilbert. 5th from Lieut.-Col. Simon Lothrop. 138 Holcombe, John Marshall, Hartford. 1991 7th from Capt. Joseph Wadsworth. 132 HoTCHKiss, Henry Lucius, New Haven. 1985 7th from Maj. Thomas Savage. 155 HoYT, Edward Corse, Stamford. 2008 6th from Sergt. Samuel Hoyt. 8th from Lieut. Francis Bell. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Bell. 8th from Rev. Abraham Pierson. 8th from John Holly. 136 Huntington, Frederick Jabez, Norwich. 1989 4th from Jabez Huntington. 3rd from Col. Jedediah Huntington. 8th from Gov. John Haynes. 8th from Gov. George Wyllys. 6th from Maj. Moses Mansfield. 4th from Col. Samuel Coit. 4th from Gov. Jonathan Trumbull. 302 CONNECTICUT. Stats Society No. General Society No. 177 HuRLBUTT, John Henry, Stamford. 9th from Thomas Hurlburt. 151 Hyde, William Waldo, Hartford. 2004 9th from Elder William Brewster. 159 Ingalls, Phineas Henry, M.D., Hartford. 2178 6th from Ralph Sprague. 137 Ingersoll, Charles xA.nthony, New Haven. 1990 8th from Gov. John Webster. 29 Ingersoll, Colin Macrae, Jr., Jamaica Plain, 570 Boston. 6th from Rev. Jonathan Ingersoll. 9th from Dep.-Gov. John Greene. 9th from Gov. Nicholas Easton. 9th from Gov. John Webster. 8th from Capt. William Pratt. 8th from John Coggeshall. 181 Ingraham, William Shurtleff. 31 14 loth from Gov. Henry Bull. 9th from Gov. Benedict Arnold. 9th from Rev. John Whiting. 9th from Capt. Isaac Johnson. 9th from John Moore. 9th from Alexander Bryan. 98 Isham, Charles, New York, N. Y. 104 4th from John Isham. 6th from Nathaniel Foote, 2nd. 84 Jarvis, Rev. Samuel Fermor, Brooklyn. 625 6th from Anthony Hawkins. 5th from Capt. Thomas Hart. 146 Jennings, Arthur Osborne, Southport. 1999 7th from Maj. Nathan Gold. 303 CONNECTICUT. Stats Society No. Gskerai. Society No. 113 Ke;i,i,ogg, John Prescott, Waterbury. 1966 7th from Lieut. Joseph Kellogg. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Poole. 91 Kimball, Arthur Reed, Waterbury. 779 7th from Japhet Chapin. 52 Kingsbury, Hon. Frederick John, LL.D., Water- 593 bury. 7th from Capt. Joseph Kingsbury, 1st. 6th from Joseph Kingsbury, 2nd. 6th from Rev. Mark Leavenworth. 61 Learned, Major Bela Peck, Norwich. 602 7th from Isaac Learned, loth from Elder William Brewster. 8th from Henry Peck. 8th from Capt. George Denison. • 8th from Lieut. Thomas Lefifingwell. 6th from Capt. Roger Billings. 68 Learned, Walter, New London. 609 7th from Isaac Learned. 13 Leete, Charles Sidney, New Haven. 554 8th from Gov. William Leete. 8th from Maj. John Howell. 8th from Andrew Ward. 8th from William Chittenden. no LocKwooD, Luke Vincent, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1963 6th from Lieut. Jonathan Lockwood. 115 Love, Rev. William De Loss, Hartford. 1968 9th from John Prescott. 8th from Lieut. William Clark. 7th from Josiah Whitcomb. 5th from Capt. Samuel Gurley. 4th from William Whitcomb. 304 CONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. 103 ]\Iaxwell, Francis Taylor, Rockville. 1958 4th from Capt. Hugh Maxwell. 163 Merwin, Orange, Bridgeport. 2182 7th from Lieut. William Fowler, Jr. 70 Merriman, William Buckingham, Waterbury. 611 6th from Sergt. Samuel Field. 5th from Rev. Mark Leavenworth. 162 Mitchell, Charles Foote, Waterbury. 2181 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 121 Munger, Charles Eugene, M.D., Waterbury. 1974 8th from Capt. William Seward. 17 Newton, Henry GlEason, New Haven. 558 6th from Capt. Samuel Newton. 166 OsBORN, Prof. Henry Fairfield, New York City. 2328 loth from Capt. Richard Osborn. loth from Capt. Thomas Fitch. 8th from Maj. Nathan Gold. 9th from Andrew Ward. 9th from Maj. John Burr. 7th from Col. Andrew Burr. 36 Parkhurst, Capt. Charles Dyer, U.S.A., com- 577 manding Battery No. 4, Artillery Corps. 9th from Capt. John Greene. 9th from Gov. Henry Bull. 8th from Capt. Arthur Fenner. 8th from Gov. Roger Williams. 8th from Capt. Edward Richmond. 8th from Col. Henry Tew. 39 ParmelE, George Luther, M.D., D.M.D., Hartford. 580 3rd from Samuel Parmele. 94 Perkins, Hon. J. Deming, Litchfield. 905 7th from Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell. 3rd from Maj. Henry Champion. 305 CONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. 147 Perkins, Nathaniel Shaw, New London. 2000 7th from Gov. William Leete. [39 Perry, Hon. John Hoyt, Southport. 1992 7th from Hon. Andrew Ward. 65 Pierce, Bradford DeWitt, Bridgeport. 606 loth from Capt. Michael Pierce. 50 Plumb, Henry Blackman, Peely, Pa. 591 8th from Dr. Thomas Starr. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Hitrlbut. 7th from Sergt. Richard Church. 7th from Capt. George Denison. 7th from Thomas Stanton. 6th from Capt. John Stanton. 7th from Capt. James Avery. 6th from Lieut. James Avery, Jr. ♦ 6th from Nathaniel Cheeseboro. 6th from Lieut. Return Strong. 8 Pond, Nicholas MisplEE, Milford. 171 4th from Charles Pond. 7th from Capt. John Miles. 7th from Col. Sir Charles Hobby. 7th from Gov. Theophilus Eaton. 5th from Capt. Hercules Mooney. 128 Porter, George Loring, M.D., Bridgeport. 1981 8th from Sergt. John Porter. 135 Prentis, Edward, New London. 1988 5th from Jonathan Prentis. 4th from Capt. John Prentis. 9th from Elder William Brewster. 8th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 5th from Christopher Christophers. 5th from Capt. George Richards. 79 Raynolds, Edward VilETTE, New Haven. 620 7th from Capt. Nathaniel Raynolds. 306 CONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. 59 Roberts, Henry, Hartford. 600 7th from Thomas Taylor, ist. 6th from Thomas Taylor, 2nd. 6th from Hon. William Pitkin. 12 Robertson, Hon. Abram Heaton, New Haven. 553 8th from Dep.-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 64 Robinson, Lucius Franklin, Hartford. 605 8th from Capt. George Denison. 182 Rockwell, Charles Lee. 3115 7th from Lieut.-Gov. Nathan Gold, Jr. 167 Russell, Talcott Huntington, New Haven. 2329 7th from Lieut.-Col. John Talcott. 25 Saneord, Col. George Bliss, U.S.A. (retired), 556 Litchfield. 7th from Lieut. John Lyman. 6th from Capt. John Miles. 6th from Lieut. Benjamin Fenn. 5th from Capt. Samuel Newton. 73 Sanford, Prof. Samuel Simons, Bridgeport. 614 9th from Lieut. Joseph Judson. 105 Seeley, William Elmer, Bridgeport. 1959 7th from Capt. Nathaniel Seeley. 124 Seymour, George Dudley, New Haven. 1977 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 38 Seymour, Hon, Morris Woodruff, Bridgeport. 579 7th from Capt. Joseph Wadsworth. 174 Seymour, Prof. Thomas Day, New Haven, loth from Gov. John Haynes. 57 Shipman, Arthur Leffingwell, Hartford. 598 9th from Capt. George Denison. 56 Shipman, Hon. Nathaniel, Hartford. 597 8th from Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell. 307 GONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. 90 Skinner, William Converse, Hartford. 778 7th from Abraham Skinner. 5th from William Skinner. 8th from Nathaniel Howard. 8th from John Alden. 7th from Capt. Joseph Hills. 7th from Maj. William Hathorn. 7th from Sergt. John Porter. 6th from Joseph Porter. 5th from Samuel Porter. 141 Smith, Archibald Henderson, Stamford. 1994 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith, Sr. 9th from Hon. Richard Treat. 20 Smith, Bradish Johnson, Milford. 561 9th from Gov. Robert Treat. 19 Smith, Edwin Porter, New York City. 560 9th from Gov. Robert Treat. 118 Smith, Herbert Knox, Hartford. 1971 loth from Capt. Richard Walker. 143 Smith, Stewart Woodruee, Stamford. 1996 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith, Sr. 9th from Hon. Richard Treat. 49 Stearns, Henry Putnam, M.D., Hartford. 590 4th from Capt. John Stearns. 8th from Edward Holyoke. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Putnam. 6th from Lieut. Nathaniel Putnam. 4th from Edward Putnam, 3rd. 6th from John Bigelow. 22 Stoddard, Hon. William Buddington, Milford. 563 9th from William Gibbard. 122 Sturges, Henry Cady, Fairfield. 1975 7th from Hon. Andrew Ward. 308 CONNECTICUT. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 42 Taintor, George; Edwin, Hartford. 583 5th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 4th from Capt. David Ellsworth. 154 Taylor, John Metcalf, Hartford. 2007 6th from Dep.-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 153 Thompson, Harry Grant, New Haven. 2006 9th from Rev. Samuel Stone. 9th from Dep.-Gov. Ambrose Gibbons. 9th from Maj.-Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 8th from John Bigelow. 8th from Henry Sherburn. 7th from Capt. Samuel Sherburn. 5th from Chaplain John Graham, Sr. 4th from Chaplain John Graham, Jr. 10 TiBBALs, Fre;derick Lemuel, Milford. 551 8th from Sergt. Thomas Tibballs. 168 TiNGLEY, Witter Kinney, M.D., Norwich. 2330 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 5 ToMLiNSON, Charles Abraham, Milford. 30 8th from Gov. Robert Treat. 6th from Capt. John Beard. 4 Trowbridge, Charles Hotchkiss, Milford. 65 8th from Gov. William Leete. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Trowbridge. 165 Trowbridge, Edwin Dwight, Noroton. 22,2J 9th from Lieut. Thomas Trowbridge. 127 Trowbridge, Ezekiel Hayes, New Haven. 1980 6th from Lieut. Thomas Trowbridge. 92 Trumbull, Jonathan, Norwich. 780 4th from Gov. Jonathan Trumbull. 97 Turner, Luther Guiteau, Torrington. 908 9th from Thomas Stanton. 9th from Elder William Brewster. 309 CONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 8th from Maj. John Mason. 8th from Capt. George Denison. 8th from Capt. James Avery. 7th from James Trowbridge. 7th from Luke Perkins. 87 Tyler, Col. Augustus Cllvlland, New London. 774 8th from Capt. Thomas Willet. 5th from Timothy Edwards. 6z Walker, Rev. Prof. Williston, Hartford. 604 9th from Capt. Richard Walker. 8th from Maj. Nathan Gold. 112 Wakeman, Robert Peel, Southport. 1965 7th from John Wakeman. 5th from Capt. Joseph Wakeman. • 8th from Sergt. Robert Lockwood. 8th from Ensign WilHam Ward. 7th from Hon. Andrew Ward. 7th from Dep.-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 6th from Richard Blackleach, Jr. 6th from Col. John Burr. 6th from Capt. Moses Dimon. 158 Ward, Brownlee Robertson, M.D., U.S.N., 2177 Boston. 8th from Hon. Andrew Ward, loth from Maj.-Gen. Robert Sedgwick, loth from Gov. John Haynes. loth from Gov. George Wyllys. 9th from Samuel Wyllys. 9th from Gov. John Leverett. 9th from Thomas Gregson. 9th from Dep.-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 6th from Lieut.-Col. John Hubbard. 5th from Col. Leverett Hubbard. 310 CONNECTICUT. State Society No. General Society No. i8 Warren, Hkrcert CivEveland, New Haven. 559 8th from Gov. Robert Treat. 145 Wayland, Francis, LL.D., New Haven. 1998 5th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 82 Webster, William Reuben, Bridgeport. 623 9th from Gov. John Webster. 31 Wessells, Henry Walton, Colonel A.D.C., 576 Litchfield. 9th from Elder John Strong. 8th from Hon. Andrew Ward. 175 Welles, Roger, Jr., Lieutenant, U.S.N. 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 83 WliEELER, Hon. Ralph, New London. 624 8th from Capt. George Denison. 89 Whitney, Eli, New Haven. yy'J 8th from John Brown. 7th from Capt. Thomas Willet. 78 Whitney, Stephen, New Haven. 619 7th from Capt. John Lawrence. 6th from Maj. Thomas Lawrence. 152 Williams, David Willard, Glastonbury. 2005 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 183 Williams, Harvey Ladew, Stamford. 31 16 9th from Capt. John Seaman. 156 Williams, Winslow Tracy, Yantic. 2009 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 81 Woodward, Joseph GurlEy, Hartford. 622 8th from Lieut. Thomas Leftingwxll. 311 COiJNECTICUT. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 80 WooivSEY, Prof. Theodore Salisbury, LL.B., 621 New Haven. 6th from Capt. George Woolsey. 9th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Gookin. 8th from Capt. Thomas Willett. 8th from John Brown. 7th from Maj. Abraham Staats. 7th from John Hull. 7th from Capt. Johannes Wendell. 7th from Lieut.-Gen. John Walley. 7th from Gov. William Smith. 7th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 5th from Col. Timothy Dwight. WooLSEY John Munro, Englewood, N. J. 8th from George Woolsey. 169 2393 312 CONNECTICUT. IFn fIDemoriani. Nathan Gillette Pond, died July 28, 1894. Proe. Daniel C. Eaton, died June 29, 1895. Rev. Edward Alfred Smith, died October 26, 1895. James Mason Hoppin, Jr., died Jan. 23, 1897. Frederick Plumb Miles, died Feb. 19, 1897. Dr. Jonathan Strong Curtis, died March 31, 1897- William Allyn Hungerford, died April 16, 1897. Dr. William Freeman French, died Jan. 27, 1898. Nathan Adolphus Baldwin, died May 19, 1898. Dr. Charles Samuel Ward, died July ?i, 1898. Thomas Rutherford Trowbridge, died Oct. 25, 1898. Rt. Rev. John Williams, died Feb. 7, 1899. Edward Simeon Hayden, died Feb. 14, 1899. Clarence Catlin Hungerford, died May 3. 1899. Rodney Dennis, died June 2, 1899. John Calvin Day, died June 24, 1899. Rev. George Leon Walker, D.D., died March 14, 1900. Elisha Turner, died Sept. 14, 1900. Charles Dudley Warner, LL.D., L.H.D., died Oct. 20, 1900. Edward Elbridge Salisbury, LL.D., died Feb. S, 1901. 313 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the District of Columbia was organized May 20, 1893, with a membership of thirteen. Incorporated November 17, 1893. The first General Court was held December 19, 1893, the membership list being then increased to twenty-five. The second General Court and dinner took place at the Shoreham Hotel to commemorate the 219th anniversary of the Great Swamp fight, December 19, 1894. The third General Court was held at the Shore- ham Hotel December 19, 1895. The membership increased to sixty, with one resignation and one death. At a meeting held Sept. 25, 1896, a seal for the Society was adopted. The " Collateral Clause " was stricken out of Article II of the Constitution, to take effect Nov. 21, 1896. The fourth General Court was held December 19, 1896, at the Shoreham Hotel. The fifth General Court was held December 20, 1897. The Register for the Society was printed No- vember 9, 1897. The sixth General Court was held December 19, 1898. The seventh General Court was held December 19, 1899. The eighth General Court was held December 19, 1900. ;i4 OFFICERS, GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL AND STANDING COMMITTEES. Elected at the Eighth General Court, held December 19, 1900. Governor. Fkedekic WoIvTEks Huidekoper. Deputy-Goz'ernor. James Milton Flint, U. S. N. Lieiitenant-G overnor. William Baker Thompson. Secretary. Harry Weston Van Dyke. Deputy-Secretary. Thomas Blagden. Treasurer. John William Henry. Registrar. Albert Charles PealE, M. D. Historian. Gilbert Thompson. Ghaplain. Rev. Caleb Rochford Stetson. Chancellor. Henry A.- Seymour. Surgeon. Geokoe Washington NealE Custis, M. D. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. gentlb:men of .the council. (Term expires December 19, 1901.) George; Rochi^ord Stetson. Walter Wyman, U. S. M. H. S. Henry Peter Renouf Hoet. (Term expires December 19, 1902.) Charles Frederick .Tiffany Beale. John Dew hurst Patten. Robert Strettle Jones Fisher. (Term expires December 19, 1903) James Cushing Merrill, U. S. A. Thomas HydE. William Van Zandt Cox. STANDING COMMITTEES. Comifiittee on Meinbership: Albert Charles PealE, M. D. Chairman. Zebina Moses, Fkederick Denison Owen, William Park Metcalf, James Malcolm Henry. Committee on Historical Documents: Gilbert Thompson, Chairman. William Carvel Hall, Robert At water Smith, Allen Richards Boyd, Marcus Benjamin. Committee on Installation: Charles Edward Cooke, Chairman. William Salsbury Knox, Arthur Keith, Alfred Byrne Horner, Harry Weston Van Dyke. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. 62, Anderson, James Thomas, Lieutenant, U.S.A., 143 1 Colorado Springs, Colo. 9th from Gregory Stone. 8th from Sergt. Thomas Pierce. 8th from John Bent. 7th from Capt. Thomas Brown. 7th from Samuel Stone. 4th from Silas Bent. 92 Appleby, George Franklin, Washington. 2499 7th from Maj.-Gen. Richard Bennett. 7th from Capt. Henry Isham. 6th from Col. William Randolph. 6th from Theodoric Bland. 4th from Col. Richard Bland. 4th from Col. William Harwood. 104 AvERiLL, Henry Ketchum, Washington. 987 8th from Deputy-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 7th from Capt. Jan Strycker. 6th from Isaac Alorgan. 5th from Capt. Stephen Noble. 4th from Capt. Samuel Moore. 3rd from Capt. Zephaniah Piatt. 46 Baird, Absolom, Brevet Maj-Gen. (retired), U.S.A. 672 3rd from Lieut. John Baird. 51 Baird, William, Captain, U.S.A. (retired), Boston. S83 4th from Lieut. John Baird. 93 Barber, LeDroict LangdEn, Washington. 2613 8th from Maj. Samuel Appleton. 105 Barnard, Judge Job, Washington. 7th from Tristram Coffin. 315 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State Society No. General Society No. 31 Batche;lde;r, George: Aiken. 644 5th from Ebenezer Batchelder. 7th from Lieut. John Gilman. 4th from Joshua Boynton. 8 Batcheeder, Joseph Frederick. 237 5th from Ebenezer Batchelder. 7th from Lieut. John Gilman. 4th from Joshua Boynton. 32 Beale, Charles Frederick Tifeany, Washington. 645 7th from Francis Wainwright. 6th from Hendrickse Gerritse Van Wie, 5th from Lieut. Casparus Conyn. 80 Beel, George, Colonel and Brevet Brigadier-Gen- 1839 eral (retired), U.S.A. 3rd from Ensign William Duffield. 83 Bell, William Duefield, M.D., New York City. 1867 4th from Ensign William Duffield. 76 Benjamin, Marcus, Editor, U. S. National 1775 Museum. 8th from Maj. William Bradford. 8th from Col. Samuel Partridge. 8th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 7th from Lieut. John Lyman. 5th from Lieut. Matthew Mitchell. 5th from Maj. Ephraim Terry. 65 Blagden, Thomas, Washington. 9th from John Porter. 9th from William Gaylor. 9th from Thomas Stanley. 9th from Edward Stebbens, 8th from Hon. Edmund Tapp. 8th from John Porter. 8th from Richard Treat. 7th from Richard Law. 316 ^-^. Born June 15, 1857. Died Sept. i, 1901. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Maj. Robert Treat. 7th from John Alden. 7th from Hon. Nicholas Camp. 7th from Hon. George Hull. 6th from Lieut. Cornelius Hull. 6th from William Peabodie. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Selleck. 6th from Maj. Nathan Gold. 4th from Judge Ebenezer Silliman. 3rd from Col. Gold Selleck Silliman. 43 Boyd, AivLe;n Richards, Washington. 669 8th from Capt. John Glover. 7th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley, 7th from Lieut. Roger Clapp. 7th from Maj.-Gen. Humfrey Atherton. 6th from Samuel Clapp. 71 Brown, Dudlky Parrish, Oklahoma. 1558 6th from Joseph Herrick. ''Sth from Henry Herrick. 4th from Henry Herrick. 3rd from William Bartlett. 24 Clark, Alonzo Howard, Editor, Smithsonian In- 637 stitute. 8th from Edmund Freeman. 8th from John Howland. 8th from Gov. John Haynes. 8th from Gov. Thomas Prince. 7th from Maj. John Freeman. 7th from Thomas Clarke. 74 Clark, Samue;l Wyllis, Washington. i6S3 7th from Maj. Robert Treat. 9 CooKE, Charles Edward, Topographer, U. S. Geo- 238 logical Survey, Washington. 4th from Gideon Brownson. 317 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State Society No. General Society No. loi CoNNEivi., Rob£;rt, Washington. 2S36 6th from Norton Claypoole. 36 CovvLES, Calvin Duvall, Captain, 23rd Infantry, 649 U.S.A., Fort Clark, Tex. 8th from John Astwood. 8th from John Cowles. 7th from Sergt. William Judd. 7th from Maj. Moses Mansfield. 5th from Lieut. John Baker. 4th from Capt. Josiah Cowles. 75 Cox, William Van Zandt, Chief Clerk, National 1771 Museum. 7th from Richard Borden. 7th from Thomas Stanton. 7th from Robert Stanton. 7th from Capt. John Gallup. 7th from Capt. George Denison. 6th from Benadam Gallup. 106 Craiger, Sherman Montrose. 5th from Capt. Joseph Richardson. 88 CusTis, George Washington Neale, M.D., Wash- 2326 ington. 7th from Randall Revell. 6th from Col. William Custis. 87 CusTis, J. B. Gregg, M.D., Washington. 2325 8th from Randall Revell. 7th from Col. William Custis. 2 Davenport, Richard Graham, Commander, U.S.N. yy 6th from Capt. George Brent. 50 Dennison, Ira Warren, M.D., Washington. 882 8th from Capt. James Avery. 8th from William Chesebrough. 8th from William Parke. 7th from Capt. George Denison. 318 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Miner. 7th from Capt. John Gallup. 100 Dyer, Leonard Huntress, Washington. 2814 5th from Christopher Huntress. 38 Fisher, Robert Strettell Jones, Washington. 651 6tli from Edward Shippen. 5th from Robert Strettell. 3rd from Col. David Jameson. 79 Feint, James Milton, Medical Director, U.S.N., 1793 (retired), Washington. 7th from William French. 7th from Richard Swan. 7th from John Whitney. 6th from Samuel Ayer. 6th from John Kittredge. 4th from Abraham Stickney. 60 Gale, Thomas Monroe, Washington. 1228 6th from Capt. Matthew Fuller. 94 Hall, Warren Vail, Raleigh, N. C. 2687 9th from Col. John Jackson. yT, Hall, William Carvel, Civil Engineer, U. S. 1687 Geological Survey. 9th from Joran Kyn. 8th from Capt. James Sanderlaine. 8th from Col, Henry Ridgely. 7th from John Brewer. 7th from Jasper Yeates. 7th from John Godfrey. 6th from Lieut. Rogers Matthews. 6th from William Cattell. 5th from George McCall. 5th from John Hall. 4th from Col. John Hall. 319 DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. State Society No. ^ General Society No. 37 Hardie, Francis Hunter, Captain, 3rd Cavalrv, 650 U.S.A. 7th from Maj. Dirck Wessels Ten Broeck. 7th from Maj. Hendrick Cuyler. 7th from CoL Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 6th from Capt. Hendrick Van Rensselaer. 26 Hardie, Joseph Cuyler, Washington. 639 8th from Maj. Alexander Lindsay Glen. 8th from Col. Olofif Stevensen Van Cortlandt. 7th from Capt. Johannis Pieterszen Van Brugh. 7th from Maj. Dirck Wessels Ten Broeck. 7th from Maj. Hendrick Cuyler. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 61 Hatcher, Robert Stockweee, Secretary of the 1429 Universal Postal Congress. 7th from Richard Lee. 44 Henry, James Malcolm, Washington. . 670 6th from Patrick Forrest. 30 Henry, John William, Washington. 643 6th from Patrick Forrest. 4th from David Crawford. 81 Holt, Henry Peter Renouf, Washington. 1840 9th from Elder William Brewster. 8th from Capt. George Denison. 8th from Thomas Stanton. 84 HoRD. Rev. Arnold Harris, Philadelphia, Pa. 1868 8th from Thomas Angell. 8th from Richard Tew. 8th from Stukeley Westcott. 8th from Thomas Harris, ist. 7th from Richard Arnold. 4th from Francis Triplett. 320 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State Society No. General Society No. 99 Horner, Alfred Byrne, Chief Clerk, office of 2813 Supt., State War and Navy Dept. Bldg., Washington. 7th from Capt. Adam Thorowgood. 7th from WilHam Burdett. 6th from Col. Gerard Fowke. 4th from Col. William Blackwell. 3rd from Capt. William Edmonds. 52 Howard, Leland Ossian, Washington. 1002 7th from Daniel Weld. 7th from Lieut. John Pickering. 6th from Capt. John Gardner. 47 HuiDEKOPER, Frederic Wolters, Washington. 673 6th from Edward Shippen. 4th from Evan Evans. 4th from Edward Shippen. 3rd from Joseph Shippen. 102 Hyde, Thomas, Washington. 2868 7th from Col. Ninian Beall. 7th from Lieut. Philip Thomas. 90 Johnson, Joseph Taber, M.D., Washington. 2497 7th from John Alden. 23 Keith, Arthur, Geologist, U. S. Geological Survey. 636 7th from Thomas Richardson. 62 Kemp, Henry GrEEnway, Washington. 1430 9th from Robert Beverly. 96 KiRKMAN, George Wycherly, Lieutenant, U.S.A. 2689 9th from Maj. and Deputy-Gov. John Coggeshall. 85 KiRKMAN, Van Leer, Nashville, Tenn. 2102 4th from Capt. Isaac Wayne. 28 Knox, William Salsbury, Washington. 641 9th from Anthony Emery. 9th from Capt. Ambrose Gibbons. 321 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from James Emery. 7th from Capt. Samuel Sherburne. 78 Larned, Daniel Read, Major (retired), U.S.A. 1792 5th from Isaac Learned, Jr. 97 Little, William Agnew, Washington. 2767 5th from Lieut.-Col. John Little. 21 Long, Oscar Fitzalan, Captain, U.S.A. 634 6th from John Pieterse Mabie. 6th from Simon Volkertse Veeder. 67 Mann, Charles Addison. 1435 6th from Richard Man. 29 Maynard, George Colton, Assistant Curator, U. S. 642 National Museum. 7th from Robert Booth. 6th from George Colton. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Chandler. 6th from Lieut. John Maudesley. 5th from Lieut. Thomas Colton. 5th from Consider Moseley. 33 Merrill, James Gushing, Major and Surgeon, 646 U.S.A., Washington. 7th from Gen. Sir John Leverett. 55 Metcale, William Park, Washington. 1145 8th from Maj.-Gen. John Humphrey. 8th from Capt. Edward Johnson 8th from Maj. John Mason. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Capt. James Avery. 7th from Capt. Isaac Williams. 12 MosELEY, Edward Augustus, Washington. 249 4th from Rev. Samuel Moseley. 6th from Lieut. Thaddeus Clark. 5th from John Weeks. 5th from Lieut.-Col. Edward Tyng. 322 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State Societv No. General Society No. 4th from Col. Jonathan Buck, 4th from Lieut. John Brown. 82 MosES, Zebina, Washington. 1866 8th from WilHam Thrall. 7th from John Moses. 7th from Judge Samuel Lathrop. 7th from Lieut. William Pratt. 7th from Sergt. Samuel Wilcoxson. 6th from Lieut. WilHam Backus. 4th from Lieut. Joseph Bingham. 3rd from Phineas Scott. 70 Owen, Frederick Denison, Washington. 1557 7th from Capt. George Denison. yy Patten, John Dewhurst, Washington. 1791 9th from Richard Treat. 8th from Lieut. John Hollister. 8th from John Talcott. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from William Pitkin. 7th from Lieut.-Col. John Talcott. 7th from Capt. Samuel Welles, 6th from Judge William Pitkin, 6th from Gov, Joseph Talcott. 6th from William Patten. 13 Peaee, Albert Charles, Washington. 250 7th from Edward Shippen. 7th from Henry Ridgley. 6th from John Brewer. 5th from George Stewart. 4th from Col. James Burd. 4th from Capt. James Patterson. 103 RiGGS, Elisha Francis, Washington. 2918 7th from Col. Nicholas Greenbury. 7th from Col. Henry Ridgely. 323 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State Society No. ' General Society No. 5 Roe, Fay]?tte Washington, Captain, U.S.A., Lieut.- 157 Col., U.S.V., Staff, (Dept. of Law). 4th from Nathaniel Roe. 3 Roe, Francis Asbury, Rear Admiral (retired), 118 U.S.N., Washington. 3rd from Nathaniel Roe. 6 Roe, George. 205 4th from Nathaniel Roe. 54 Sanger, Joseph Prentice, Major and Inspector- 1/44 General, U.S.A. 4th from Richard Sanger. 6th from Sergt. George Barbour. 6th from Capt. Thomas Prentice. 6th from Capt. John Morgan. 4th from Ensign Benjamin Butler. 16 Saxton, Henry Dearborn, War Department. 629 6th from John Catlin. 5th from Joseph Catlin. 4th from John Catlin. 3rd from Seth Catlin. 91 Seymour, Henry A., Washington. 2498 8th from Maj. Samuel Appleton. 17 Smith, Frank Birge, Washington. 630 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 8th from Maj. -Gen. Daniel Gookin. 8th from Maj. Simon Willard. 8th from John Howland. 7th from Capt. Thomas Fitch. 6th from Capt, Samuel Gunn. 34 Smith, Robert Ae water, Washington, 647 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Turner, 8th from Matthew Mitchell. 7th from Capt. Nathaniel White. 7th from Sergt. Thomas Canfield. 324 c^C^^^r^ llorn October 4, 1S23. Died December 28, 1901. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Capt. Thomas Fitch. 7th from Stephen Goodyear. 59 Stetson, Rev. Caeeb Rochford, Washington. 1556 loth from Gov. William Pynchon. 9th from Gen. John Humphrey. 8th from John Alden. 8th from Capt. John Gallop. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Rev. James Noyes. 7th from Capt. James Avery. 66 Stetson, George Rochford, Washington. 1434 7th from Samuel Bass, ist. 7th from John Alden. 7th from Isaac Chittenden. 6th from Richard Thayer. 6th from Alexander Marsh. 6th from Anthony Collamore. 68 Tayeor, John Yeatman, Medical Director, U.S.N. 1550 5th from Philip Taylor. 7th from Valentine Hollingsworth. 7tli from George Maris. 15 Thompson, Gilbert, Geographer, U. S. Geological 628 Survey. 8th from Samuel Nash, 8th from Myles Standish. 8th from John Alden. 7th from Gov. William Bradford. 4th from Josiah Keith. 95 Thompson, William Baker, Washington. 2688 7th from Anthony Thompson. 6th from Lieut. -Gov. James Bishop. 6th from Ensign Timothy Baker. 325 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. SiAie Society No. General Society No. 5th from Capt. Samuel Thompson. 5th from Lieut.-Col. Valentine Wheeler. 4th from Lieut. Jeremiah Wheeler. 98 TiLTON, Palmer, Lieutenant, U.S.A. (retired). 818 8th from Col. Henry Ridgely. 8th from Col. Nicholas Greenbury. 7th from Gen. William Burgess. 6th from Lieut. Abraham Tilton. 5th from Lieut. Daniel Tilton. 58 Van Dyke, Harry Weston, Washington. 1207 8th from Capt. John Bissell. 7th from Capt. Daniel Clark. 7th from John Washburn, Sr. 7th from Nathaniel Morton. 6th from John Howland. 6th from Lieut. Silas Sears. 35 Vaughan, George Tuley, Past Assistant Surgeon, 648 U.S.M.H.S. 5th from Col. James Nevil. 72 Watkins, John Elereth, Curator, Mechanical and 1559 Technology, Superintendent U. S. National Museum, Washington. 7th from John Woodson. 48 Webb, John Sidney, Washington. 880 7th from Capt. Thomas White. 6th from Sergt. John Nott. 6th from Henry Poor. 45 Webster, Joseph Rawson, Lincoln, Neb. 671 8th from John Webster. 41 Wells, Benjamin Warner, Jr., Lieutenant, U.S.N. 667 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 326 ^^^i^>y^ ,^ K) -IJaaM/ Born June 9, 1867. Died of Wounds, P. I., June 12, 1901. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. State Society No. General Society No. 89 Wheeler, Joseph, Brigadier-General, U.S.A. 2396 (retired). 8th from Sergt. Edward Riggs. 64 WiEHEivM, William Herman, Lieutenant, U.S.A. 1342 4th from George Weaver. 20 Wyman, Walter, Surgeon-General, U.S.M.H.S., 633 Washington. 6th from Richard Cutter. 4th from Sergt. Nehemiah Wyman. 2,27 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Hn fH^emoriam. 14 Rev. James Owen Dorsey, died Feb. 4, 1895. 49 Charles Addison Mann, died March 13, 1896. 40 WiEEiAM HoLCOMB Webster, died March 23, 1896. 59 Charles Henry Baker, died May 6, 1896. 25 George Brown Goode, died Sept. 6, 1896. 22 Admiral R. W. Meade, died May 4, 1897. 53 Gardiner G. Hubbard, died Dec. 11, 1897. 18 James Bowen Johnson, died Jan. 10, 1899. James Bowen Johnson, Treasurer of Howard University, Washington, D. C. Born at Royal Oak, Michigan, Oct. 14, 1830; died in Washington City. 1 1 Lieutenant Theodorus Bailey Myers Mason, died Oct. 16, 1899. Theodorus Bailey Myers Mason, Lieutenant U. S. N. (Retired). Born in New York City, May 8, 1848; died in Washington City. 17 General Richard Napoleon Batchelder, died Jan. 4, 1901. Richard Napoleon Batchelder, Brigadier General U. S. A. (Retired). Born in Laconia, N. H., July 27, 1832; died in Washington City. 328 Born July 27, 1832. Died Jan. 4, 1901. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Jersey was organized May i, 1894; chartered by the General Society of Colonial Wars May 8, 1894. First meeting of the Society to receive the charter and to elect officers, May 10, 1894. In- corporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey, July 26, 1894. Meeting on this day at the house of His Excellency, General Edward Burd Grubb, Edgewater Park, on the Delaware River opposite the spot where Washington and Lafayette first met. The Second General Court was held at Newark, May 10, 1895. Re-incorporated under the Act of February 26, 1895. "^^^ Third General Court was held at the "Beechwood" Summit, May II, 1896. The Fourth General Court at the Som- erset Inn, Bernardsville, May 10, 1897. The Fifth General Court at the Club House of the Morris County Golf Club, Morristown, May 10, 1898. The First Semi-Annual Court at the Elizabeth Town and Country Club, December 3, 1898. The Sixth General Court at The Princeton Inn, Princeton, May 19, 1899. The Second Semi-Annual Court at the Elizabeth Town and Country Club, December 2, 1899. The Seventh General Court at the Eliza- beth Town and Country Club, May 10, 1900. The Third Semi-Annual Court at the University Club, New York, November 23, 1900. The Eighth Gen- eral Court at the Princeton Inn, Princeton, May 20, 1901. 329 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. Governor. Emory McCi^intock. Deputy-Governor. WiLUAM Morris De;e;n. Lieutenant-Governor. Frank Obadiah Briggs. Secretary. John Eye;rman. Easton, Pa. Treasurer. » Charles Arthur Greene. 71 West St., New York. Registrar. George Christian Kobbe. Historian. The Rev. Ashbee Green VermieyE, D.D. Chaplain. The Rev. Prof. Charees Woodruee Shields, D.D., LL.D. Chancellor. George Cummins Thomas. Surgeon. WiEEiAM Gray Schauefler, M.D. 330 '//^i W^ ■Ok^ " -^■* NEW JERSEY. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term expiring 1902. CharIvES Burnham Squier, Bradford Darrach, Franklin Murphy. Term expiring 1903. TowNSEND Burnett Baldwin, Gen. Edward Burd Grubb, Prof. Charles Greene Rockwood, Jr., Ph.D. Term expiring 1904. Thomas William Milnor, Alden Freeman, John Farr, Committee on Membership. George Christian Kobbe, Charles Arthur Greene, William Morris Deen, Walter Chandler, John Eyerman, C. Ross Grubb, John Farr. Committee on Historical Documents. Rev. Ashbel Green Ver- Rev. Prof. Charles W. milye, D.D., Shields, D.D., LL.D., Gen. Edward Burd Grubb, Major Townsend Burnett Gen. William Scudder Stry- Baldwin, ker, Alden Freeman, John Eyerman. 331 ■NEW JERSEY. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. 21 Adams, Washington Irving Lincoln, Montclair. 859 8th from Maj. William Philips. 33 Baldwin, Major Townsend Burnet, Edgewater 1743 Park. 7th from Capt. Richard Beers. 39 Barrell, Harry Ferdinand, Newark. 1819 9th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 8th from William Teller. 8th from Filipp Pieterse Van Schuyler, 7th from Capt. Arent Schuyler. 7th from John Nott. 7th from Isaac Kingsland. 6th from John Barrell. 6th from Philip Arent Schuyler. 5th from Capt. John Wisner. 5tli from Christopher Codwise. 4th from Capt. Viner Leaycraft. 37 Beers, William Francis, Galveston, Tex. 1817 5th from John Beers. 23 Briggs, Frank Obadiah, Trenton. 861 8th from Capt. Thomas Bradbury. 5th from Col. Stephen Emery. 57 BuRNHAM, Frederick Gordon, Morristown. 2761 6th from Lieut. Thomas Burnham. 4 Chandler, Walter, Elizabeth. 129 6th from Col. William Chandler. 8th from Jasper Crane. 8th from John Ogden. 8th from Col. Richard Lee. 332 NEW JERSEY. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 7th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Dennison. 49 CoGGESHALL, MoRTON ChEESEman, Summit. 2375 7th from John Coggeshall. 6 CoGHiEL, Howard, Morristown. 192 8th from Capt. John Gorham. 26 Cooke, Humphreys Karl, Morristown. 1523 6th from Lieut. Samuel Humphreys. 14 Darrach, Bradford, Elizabeth. 852 7th from Edward Howell. 6th from Maj. John Pell. 6th from Capt. Erancis Rombouts. 5th from Lieut. Hezekiah Howell. 4th from Capt. William Bradford. II Debn, William Morris, Short Hills. 37^ 9th from Gov. William Brenton. 8th from John Card. 8th from Joseph Clarke. 8th from Hon. John Jefferson. 7th from Gov. Edmund Jennings. 6th from Maj. William Harris. 5th from Lieut. -Col. Thomas Turpin. 5th from Col. Clement Read. 63 Dix, William Frederick, East Orange. 2923 4th from Nathaniel Joy. 44 Downing, Augustus Cornwall, Morristown. 1856 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Thomas. 7th from Capt. James Sands. 8 Edwards, PierrEpont, Elizabeth. 131 5th from Rev. Timothy Edwards. 43 Evans, Dudley, Englewood. 1855 3rd from Lieut. John Evans. 333 NEW JERSEY. State Society No. " General Society No. 30 Eyerman, John, F.Z.S., Easton, Pa. 1527 7th from Abraham Sewitz. 5tli from Col. Peter Kachlein. 5th from Michael Butz. 48 Farnham, Elijah Thompson, Elizabeth. 2090 6th from Henry Farnham. 9th from Thomas Gregson. 8th from Lieut. Abram Dickerman. 8th from Dep.-Gov. John Alden, 8th from Anthony Thompson, 8th from Matthew Mitchell. 8th from John Cooper. 7th from Dep.-Gov. James Bishop. 7th from Nathaniel White. 7th from Richard Baldwin. 7th from George Macey. * 7th from William Pabodie. 6th from Capt. Samuel Thompson. 6th from John Ailing, Jr. 56 Farr, John, Short Hills. 2726 4th from Lieut. Joseph Rush. 52 Foote, Robert Dumont, Morristown. 2518 9th from Gov. William Pynchon. 58 Freeman, Aeden, East Orange. 2762 9th from John Alden. 9th from Hon. John Willis. 9th from Hon. John Dunham. 9th from Moses Simmons. 9th from Thomas Hayward. 8th from Thomas Harvey. 8th from John Shaw. 8th from William Vassall. 7th from James Adams. 7th from Capt. Miles Morgan. 334 NBfV JBRSBY. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from John Pease. 7th from Thomas Harvey, Jr. 6th from Thomas Abbey. 6th from Capt. John Pease, Jr. 6th from Capt. Samuel Terry. 5th from Lieut. Thomas Abbey. 4th from Thomas Abbey. 6i Giles, Frank Warren, Jr., Newark. 2921 8th from Capt. James Avery. 7th from Capt. James Avery, Jr. 60 Giles, Howard Everett, Newark. 2920 8th from Capt. James Avery. 7th from Capt. James Avery, Jr. 34 Greene, Charles Arthur, Summit. i744 9th from Richard Warren. 9th from Francis Cooke. 8th from John Coggeshall. 7th from Joseph Clarke. 7th from Philip Sherman. 7th from Joshua Coggeshall. 7th from John Brown. 27 Grubb, Charles Ross, Burlington. 1524 4th from Col. James Burd. 2 Grubb, General Edward Burd, Edgewater Park. 451 5th from John Grubb. 4th from Col. James Burd. 25 Halsey, Charles Day Thompson, Newark. 1522 8th from Jasper Crane. 45 Halsey, William Armstrong, Newark. • 2087 8th from Thomas Halsey. 64 Howe, George Rowland, East Orange. 7th from Col. Thomas Plow. 335 NEW JERSEY. Stats Society No. ' Gbneial Socikty No. 19 Humphreys^ Frederick H., M.D., Morristown. 857 7th from Lieut. Samuel Humphreys. 28 Kite, Louis Stan wood, Beverly. 1525 7th from Hon. William Warner. 16 KoBBE, George Christian, Short Hills. 854 5th from Lieut. Richard Lord. 5th from Lieut. Joseph Rogers. 5 KouES, George Ellsworth, Elizabeth. 367 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 9th from Gov. John Winthrop. 8th from Vice-Director Gen. Johannes de La Montagne. 7th from Capt. John Gilman. 6th from Lieut.-Col. Winthrop Hilton. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Thing. 62 Lewis, Charlton T., Morristown. 2922 7th from Thomas Miner (Minor). 65 LiBBEY, Prof. William, Princeton. 7th from Ezekiel Blcomfield. 38 LovELL, Leander Newton, Plainfield. 1818 loth from Richard Warren. 7th from John Howland. 46 McClintock, Emory, Morristown. 2088 8th from Capt. Joseph Wakeman. 55 Marsh, John Edward, Rah way. 2573 6th from Henry Norris. 17 Milnor, Thomas William, Burlington. 855 7th from Dep.-Gov. Thomas Lloyd. 15 Morgan, William Fellowes, Short Hills. 853 6th from Capt. John Morgan. 336 NEW JERSEY. STATK SoCIBTr No. GENERAL SoCIEtT No. 53 Murphy, Frankun, Newark. 2519 9th from Rev. Abraham Pierson. 9th from William Swaine. 8th from Capt. Samuel Swaine. 8th from Henry Lyon. 8th from Jasper Crane. 68 Olmstead, Edward, Elizabeth. 3^17 5th from Rev. Jonathan Ingersoll. 67 Raymond, Prof. George Lansing, Princeton. 3068 7th from Capt. William Raymond. 51 Revere, Augustus Lefebvre, Morristown. 2517 3rd from Paul Revere. 66 Richards, George Herbert, M.D., Orange. 8th from Richard Treat. 8th from Edmund Tapp. 7th from Robert Treat. 7th from Jasper Crane. 6th from Azariah Crane. 31 Rockwood, Prof. Charles Greene, Jr., Princeton. 1538 7th from Lieut. Henry Adams. 7th from Isaac Vermilye. 6th from John Vermilye, 6th from Rev. Samuel Moody. 4th from Rev. Daniel Emerson. 4th from Lieut. Elisha Rockwood. 69 Rose, Frederick Preston, Passaic. 8th from Capt. Edward Johnson. 50 Schauffler, William Gray, M.D., Lakewood. 2516 nth from Stephen Hopkins, loth from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 9th from Capt. Samuel Ruggles. 9th from Gov. John Webster. 9th from Rev. John Woodbridge. 337 NEIV JERSEY. Stats Society No. General Socibty No. 8th from Capt. John Capen. 8th from Thomas Welles. 8th from George Colton. 8th from Nathaniel Boulter. 8th from Robert Williams. 7th from Lieut. Daniel White. 7th from Capt. Nathaniel Raynolds. 7th from Capt. Caleb Stanley. 7th from Capt. Joseph Sylvester. 7th from William Pitkin. 7th from Thomas Welles. 7th from Maj. Nathan Gold. 6th from Chief Justice William Pitkin. 6th from Capt. Daniel White. 5th from Rev. Stephen Williams. 54 Shields, Rev. Prof. Charles Woodruff, D.D., 2520 LL.D., Princeton. 8th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 7th from John Woodruff. 20 Squier, Charles Burnham, Rahway. 858 4th from Stephen Crane. 4th from Capt. Ephraim Terrill. 59 Stockton, Bayard, Princeton. 2919 4th from Hon. Richard Stockton. 13 Thomas, George Cummins, Elizabeth. 851 7th from Capt. Jacob Leisler. 8th from David Provoost. 6th from Col. David Provoost. 5th from Capt. David Provoost. 35 Tyler, Colonel Mason Whiting, Plainfield. 1745 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Dep.-Gov. John Mason. 4th from Lieut.-Col. William Whiting. 338 NEW JERSEY. Statb SociBTif No. General Sociery No. 9 Vermilye;, Rkv. Ashbel Green, D.D., Englewood. 341 7th from Isaac Vermilye. 6th from Johannes Vermilye. 32 Vernon, William Bryan, Short Hills. 1529 6th from Gov. Richard Ward. 18 *Wylie, George Sandford, Morristown. 856 5th from Capt. John Miles. ♦Deceased. 339 NSW JERSEY. IFn fIDemoriam, 24 Robert S. Green, died May 7, 1895, 7 Malcolm Macdonald, died July 10, 190a I William John Potts, died Nov. 18, 1895. 12 Clifford Stanley Sims, died March 3, 1896. 3 General William Scudder Stryker, died Oct. 29, 1900. 340 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Virginia was organized June 28, 1894, at the Capi- tol, in the City of Richmond, and chartered by the General Council, November 12, 1894. The first General Court was held in the rooms of the Vir- ginia Historical Society, December 29, 1894. 341 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. Elected at a Court held on December 29, 1894. Governor. Joseph Bryan. Deputy-Governor. GusTAvus Adolphus Walker. Lieutenant-Governor. ViRGiNius Newton. Secretary. Thomas Boleing, Jr. Box 404, Richmond, Va. Treasurer. Thomas Bolling, Jr., pro tern. Registrar. Edward C. Mayo. Chancellor. James Lyons. 342 VIRGINIA. LIST OF MEMBERS. SiATS Society No. General Society No. i6 Blair, Andrew Beirne. 1723 7th from Col. Samuel Jordan. 9 BoELiNG, Thomas, Jr. 716 6th from Col. John Boiling. 10 Bryan, Joseph. 1035 4th from Jonathan Bryan. 3 Cabele, James Alston. 711 5th from Capt. William Cabell. 11 Carter, Thomas Nelson. 1036 6th from Col. John Carter. 12 Dandridge, Nathaniel Pendleton, M.D. 1205 5th from Maj.-Gen. Alexander Spotswood. 2 Duke, Richard Thomas Walker, Jr. 351 4th from Adj. Thomas Walker. 14 Fry, John Walker. 134^ 5th from Col. Joshua Fry. 4 Lyons, James. 712 8th from Col. William Claiborne. 7 Mayo, Edward Carrington. 661 5th from Col. William Mayo. 8 Newton, Virginius. 715 6th from Col. Henry Corbin. 343 VIRGINIA. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 15 PliNDIvETON, EdMOND. I343 4th in collateral from Judge Edmond Pendleton. 13 Smith, Francis Lee. 1238 8th from Augustine Warner, Sr. I WAI.KER, GUSTAVUS AdOLPHUS. 316 4th from Capt. Samuel Meredith. 6 WaIvKEr, John Garland. 714 6th from Col. William Fitzhugh, 5 Walker, William James. 713 6th from Col. William Fitzhugh. 344 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of New Hampshire was organized September 27, 1894, at Concord, incorporated under the laws of the State of New Hampshire, September 28, 1894, and chartered by the General Council, November 12, 1894. The first General Court was held December 11, 1894, in the library of the New Hampshire His- torical Society at Concord, and the officers and committees for the ensuing year elected. The second General Court was held September 12, 1895, in the State Senate chamber in Concord, and the officers and committees for the year fol- lowing were elected. Other business of importance was also transacted. The third General Court was held at the Eagle Hotel, Concord, June 17, 1896. The fourth General Court was held at the Rock- ingham Colonial Hall, Portsmouth, June 15, 1897, being the 152nd anniversary of the capture of Louisburg. The fifth General Court was held in Dover, on June 17, 1898, and many sites of the garrison houses and other historical points of old Cochecho were visited. The sixth General Court was held at Weirs, N. H., on June 20, 1899. Endicott Rock was visited and addresses by prominent guests were listened to with interest. The seventh General Court was held in Durham, on June 13, 1900, as a joint field day with the 345 NEIV HAMPSHIRE. National Society of Colonial Dames of America in the State of New Hampshire. Carriages took the members of both societies to all the points of in- terest connected with the Oyster River massacre, to the one garrison still standing and to the Gen- eral Sullivan homestead. 346 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Governor. Hon. Frank West Rollins. Deputy-Governor. John Calvin Thorne. Lieutenant-Goz'ernor. Hon. Albert Stillman Batchlllor. Secretary. Rev. Howard Freemont Hill. Treasurer. Dr. Granville Priest Conn. Registrar. Edson Cummings Eastman. Genealogist. Capt. Geo. Augustus Gordon, Chaplain. Rev. Lucius Waterman, D.D. Chancellor. Hon. Arthur Gilman Whittemore. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Charles H. Fish, Proe. Fred Y-/. T>,Iorse, Hon. Ci-ias. A. BusiEL, Y/illiam I~Ienry Folsom, Elisha R. Brown. Committee on Collection and Preservation of Records. Hon. Daniel C. Remich, Hon. Wm. C. Todd, Dr. G. p. Conn. Committee on Tablet to be Prepared and Erected on Site of Fort William and Mary. John Calvin Thorne, Charles Henry Fish, Hon. Frank W. Rollins, James Louis Harris. 347 NEW HAMPSHIRE. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 42 Ball, George Oscar, Claremont. 2153 8th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 14 Bangs, Charles McClary, Cambridge, Mass. 728 4th from Capt. John McClary. 7 Bangs, Frederick Lincoln, Cambridge, Mass. 721 4th from Capt. John McClary. 59 Batchellor, Hon. Albert Stillman. 2589 9th from Dep.-Gov. Isaac Allerton. 18 Beatty, Fi^\nklin Thomason, M.D., Boston, Mass. 2129 4th from Thomas Beatty. 7th from Gov. Jean Paul Jaquett. 6th from Capt. Andreas Bengsten. 52 Brown, Elisha Rhodes, Dover. 2274 8th from Rev. Chad Brown. 7th from Dep.-Gov. John Brown. 6th from Rev. James Brown. 5th from Dep.-Gov. Elisha Brown, loth from Col. Richard Waterman, loth from Christopher Peake. loth from William Almy. loth from Dr. John Greene. 9th from Dep.-Gov. John Greene. 7th from Peter Green. 9th from Gov. Roger Williams. 9th from Zachary Rhodes. 8th from John Rhodes. 7th from Maj. John Rhodes. 9th from Capt. Randall Holden. 348 NEW HAMPSHIRE. State Sochty No. Gensbai, Socikty No. 8th from Lieut. Charles Holden. 8th from William Harris. 7th from Lieut. Andrew Harris. 8th from Rev. Obadiah Holmes. 8th from Richard Tew. 49 BusiEL, Hon. Charles Albert^ Laconia. 2160 6th from Daniel Tilton. 66 Cheney, Hon. Person Colby, Manchester. 2659 7th from Thomas Burnham. 43 CoiT, James Milnor, Ph.D., Concord. 2154 6th from John Howland. 21 Conn, Granville Priest, M.D., Concord. 2132 5th from John Conn, 54 Deering, John Wentworth, Boston, Mass. 2277 7th from Lieut.-Col. William Pepperrell. 67 Durrell, Rev. Jesse Murton. 2750 5th from Capt. Benjamin Durrell. 2y Eastman, Edson Cummings, Concord. 2138 4th from Capt. Ebenezer Eastman. 22 Eastman, Hon. Samuel Coffin, Concord. 2133 4th from Capt. Ebenezer Eastman. 55 Edgerly, Edwin Lorraine, New York City, N. Y. 2276 4th from David Edgerly. 41 Evans, George Frederic, Portland, Me. 2152 8th from Nathaniel Morton. 9th from John Tower. loth from Edmund Hobart. 8th from Lieut. Jeremiah Beal. 7th from George Bramhall. 7th from Andrew Townsend. 7th from Elias Maverick. 349 •NBW HAMPSHIRE. Stats Socisty No. General Socwty No. 63 Fish, Charles Henry, Dover. 261 1 8th from Lieut. Timothy Tileston. 71 F01.SOM, WiivEiAM Henry, Exeter. 3035 7th from Lieut. John Gilman, 35 Foster, Joseph, Pay Director, U.S.N., Portsmouth. 2146 4th from Capt. Jeremiah Foster. 6th from John Spalding. 6th from Lieut. George Ingersoll. 6th from Q. M. Nathaniel Rust. 6th from O. M. Robert Kinsman. 4th from Lieut. Daniel Giddings. 36 Gilchrist, Harry Wilbur, Franklin. 2147 5th from James Dunlap. 23 Gordon, George Augustus, Capt., Somerville, 2134 Mass. 5th from Alexander Gordon. 4th from .Thomas Gordon. 7th from Capt. John Carter. 7th from George Giddinge. 6th from Richard Bartlett. 6th from Lieut. Gershom Flagg. 61 GrEEnlEaF, Charles Henry, Profile House. 2569 8th from Lieut. Thomas Burnham. 65 Hale, Thomas Wright, Harrington. 2650 7th from Ensign Robert Hale. 6th from Rev. John Hale. 4th from Maj. Samuel Hale. 8th from Hon. John Downing. 7th from Col. John Downing. 8th from Capt. Samuel Shackford. 7th from Capt. William Shackford. 8th from Ensign John Davis. 350 NmV HAMPSHIRE. Statb Society No. General Society No. 69 Harris, James Louis, Portsmouth. 2942 8th from Tristram Coffin. 33 Hill, Rev. Howard Fremont, A.M., Ph.D., D.D., 2144 Concord. 4th from Abraham Hill. 9th from Thomas Eames. 5th from Thomas Adams. 15 Hubbard, Adolphus Skinner, Colonel, San 811 Francisco, Cal. 8th from Edmund Hubbard. 6th from Caleb Hubbard. 4th from Peter Hubbard, Sr, 6 Kent, Henry Oakes, LL.D., Col., U.S.V., Lan- 720 caster. 3rd from Col. Jacob Kent. 9th from Rev. Samuel Stone. 9th from Richard Butler. 8th from Thomas Root. 7th from Richard Mann. 6th from Lieut. Francis Peabody. 68 MiNOT, James, Concord. 2753 8th from George Minot. 6th from Capt. James Minot.. 53 Morse, Fred Winslow, Durham. 2275 7th from Capt. John Jacob. 7th from Daniel Cushing. 29 Parsons, Prof. Charles Lathrop, Durham. 2140 7th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 6th from Capt. Joseph Parsons. 5th from Capt. Ebenezer Parsons. 4th from Lieut. Benjamin Parsons. 9th from Elder William Brewster. 9th from Dep.-Gov. John Alden. 3SI ^NEW HAMPSHIRE. Stats Society No. GenShal Socuty No. 70 PiNKHAM, Joseph, Newmarket. 3031 loth from Gov. Thomas Dudley. loth from Gov. John Winthrop. 8th from Ralph Hall. 6th from Capt. John Smith. 4th from Gen. James Hill. 56 Pitman, Charles Frank, Laconia. 2278 4th from Andrew Woodbury. 40 Plant, Morton Freeman, New York City. 215 1 6th from John Plant. 9th from Thomas Gregson. 7th from John Frisbee. 62 Remick, Hon. Daniel Clark. 2570 5th from Lieut. David Remick. 58 Rollins, Hon. Frank West, Concord. 2280 5th from Capt. Ebenezer Eastman. 24 Sawyer, William Davis, Quartermaster-General, 2135 N.H.N.G., Dover. 7th from Thomas Sawyer. 4th from Sergt. Caleb Sawyer. 8th from Maj. Simon Willard. 8th from John Prescott. 7th from Hon. Peter Coffin. 5th from Capt. Tristram Coffin. 51 Sawyer, Charles Francis, Captain, Dover. 2273 6th from Caleb Sawyer. 8th from Lieut. Edward Winship. 8th from Sergt. Thomas Pierce. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from Edward Starbuck. 7th from Henry Willard. 352 NEW HAMPSHIRE. State Society No. General Society No. 47 ScALKSj John, Dover. 2158 7th from Capt. John Woodman. 7th from Judge Henry Green. 6th from Capt. Jacob Green. 6th from Ensign William Longfellow. 6th from Capt. Henry True. 5th from Col. Mark Hunking. 26 Stearns, Ezra ScoIvIvAy, A. M., Rindge. 2137 8th from Lieut. John Wyman. 5th from Capt. Abraham Knowlton. 5th from John Fitch. 4 Tappan, Re;v. Charles Langdon, Concord. 718 6th from Capt. Tristram Heard. 20 Thorne, John Calvin, Concord. 2131 3rd from Q. M. John Thorne. 48 TiEToN, George Henry, Laconia. 2159 6th from Daniel Tilton. 44 Todd, Hon. William Cleaves, Atkinson. 2155 7th from Gov. John Endicott. 6th from Maj. William Hawthorne. 57 Waterman, Rev. Lucius, D.D., Claremont. 2279 8th from Dep.-Gov. Samuel Gorton. 7th from Dep.-Gov. James Greene. 7th from Dep.-Gov. Thomas Harris. 7th from John Wilkinson. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 6th from Gov. Joseph Jenckes. 60 Wellman, James Albert, Manchester. 2610 loth from Gov. William Bradford. 64 Whittemore, Hon. Arthur Gilman, Dover. 2612 5th from Rev. Aaron Whittemore. 50 Williams, Jared Irving, A.B., Capt., Lancaster. 2161 5th from Chaplain Williams, D.D. 353 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1In flDemoriam. 39 Henry Bradley Plant was born in Branford, Conn., October 27, 1819. He died in New York the 23rd of June, 1899. His ancestors were among the early settlers of his native State, coming from England. In 1843 he married Miss Ellen Elizabeth Black- stone by whom he had two sons. 1. George, born January, 1845 ; died June, 1846. 2. Morton Freeman, born August i8th, 1852. Mrs. Plant died in 1861, and in 1873 Mr. Plant married Margaret Josephine Loughman. Mr. Plant's early education was limited to that obtained in the common schools, and by private instruction. 1837 he entered the service of the New Haven Steamboat Company, and in 1854 was appointed Superintendent of the Southern Division of the Adams Express Company, which position he held until 1861, when that Division was re-organized as the Southern Express Company. Mr. Plant became President of the latter Company, and so continued until his death. In 1879 he purchased the Atlantic & Gulf Rail- road of Georgia. This road, after re-organization was the parent Company of the Railroad and Steamship lines since known as the Plant System, the prominence and importance of which are a fitting monument to his business enterprise and sagacity. Mr. Plant did more than any other one man to develop the latent resources of Florida. 354 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 2,1 Hon. John Sheldon Treat, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., on Aug. 14, 1837. He was educated mainly at Philip's Exeter Academy, and in 1858 established marble and stone works at Mobile, Ala. When the Civil War broke out, Mr. Treat enlisted in Company B, Second Battalion, Alabama Light Infantry. He was in service throughout the war and was promoted to Second Lieutenant. Shortly after the close of hostilities Mr. Treat returned to Portsmouth and became prominent in the democratic politics of that city, being elected to the State Senate in 1880 and Mayor in 1882. He married Sarah Millard Odiorne in Sept., 1871, and died March 8, 1898, at Portsmouth. 355 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF VERMONT. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Vermont was chartered Nov. 12, 1894, and in- corporated under the State laws Nov. 20, 1894. The first General Court was held at Montpelier, Nov. 20, 1894. In Colonial times Vermont was claimed by both New York and New Hampshire. The early grants overlapped and were made by the Royal Governors of New Hampshire and New York without regard to conflicting claims. The result was a petty war- fare between rival claimants, the New Hampshire grantees or their assigns generally being resident on their grants. The settlers hesitated not to assert their rights, even by flogging the emissaries sent to dispossess them or to survey lands claimed under New York grants. "The application of the Beach Seal," as such a flogging was termed, was not ad- ministered more often than necessity required. The controversies resulted in a declaration of com- plete independence. Vermont as such, therefore, cannot claim to have been a colony with legal rights and boundaries, and had no Great Seal in Colonial times. For these reasons it has seemed proper that the Great Seal of the Society should have a combination of those of New York and New Hampshire, including the date of the first white set- tlement at Dummerston, 1724, and the end of the Colonial period, 1775, also the " Beach Seal " of the " Green Mountain Boys " represented by the beach withes which bind the ribbon at the base. 356 VERMONT. The Great Seal of the Vermont Society of Col- onial Wars is a ribbon of the order united at the base by beach withes, bearing a title scroll, "1724. Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Vermont, 1775/' surrounding a diaper carrying a shield bear- ing the Colonial Seals of New York and New Hampshire joined surmounted of the crown. 357 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF VERMONT. Governor. Robert Noble. Deputy-Governor. James Clay Houghton. Lieutenant-Governor. Wylie Branteey Jones. Secretary. Eben Putnam. Burlington, Vt. Depu ty-Secre tary. Charles Strain Van Patten. Treasurer. Charles Spooner Forbes. Chaplain. William Shields Roberts, D.D. Historian. George Grenville Benedict. Registrar. Charles Edwin Allen. Chancellor. John Henry Booth. Surgeon. Leroy Monroe Bingham, M.D. 358 VERMONT. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Edward Ai^onzo Chitte;nden, Charl,e;s Dewey, Juuus Jacob Estey, William James Van Patten, Theodore Saeeord Peck, Urban Andrain Woodbury. Committee on Membership. Charles Edwin Allen, Albert Tuttle, Eben Putnam, Horace Edward Dyer. Committee on Historical Documents. George GrEnvillE Benedict, Charles Dewey, William James Van Patten, Elias Lyman, Austin Weld Fuller. Committee on Installation. Truman Chittenden George Worthington, Fletcher, Horace Stewart Haskell, Ira Hobart Evans, Carroll Smalley Page, Henry Wells. 359 VERMONT. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. 48 Allen, Charles Edwin, Burlington. 2562 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 7th from Lieut. Josiah Standish. 57 Allen, Heman W., Burlington. 7th from John Allen. 7 Benedict, George GrenvillE, Col. and A.D.C., 734 Burlington. 4th from Capt. Stephen Dewey. 27 Bingham, Leroy Monroe, Burlington. 2423 4th from Capt. Samuel Bingham. 35 Booth, John Henry, Vergennes. 2431 6th from Sergt. John Booth. 56 BoYNTON, Charles Smith, M.D., Burlington. 9th from Lieut. Nathaniel Putnam. I Chittenden, Edward Alonzo, Col. and A.D.C., 505 St. Albans. 7th from Maj. William Chittenden. 3rd from Col. Thomas Chittenden. 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 5th from Capt. Janna Meigs. 23 Converse, Charles Allen, Col. and A.D.C., 2419 Philadelphia, Pa. 6th from Edward Converse. 6th from John Prentis. 5th from Capt. Stephen Prentis. 4th from Lieut. Joseph Prentis. 4th from Samuel Allen. 360 VERMONT. StaTB Society No. General Society No. 17 Dewey, Hon. Charles, Montpelier. 2413 8th from Cornet Thomas Dewey. 8th from John Talcott. 7th from Capt. Samuel Talcott. 52 Dewey, George, Admiral, U.S.N., Washington, 2663 D. C. 8th from Cornet Thomas Dewey. II DiLEiNGHAM, WiLLiAM Paul, ex-Governor of 738 Vermont, Waterbury. 4th from John Dillingham. 15 Dyer, Horace Edward, Capt., V.N.G., Rutland. 742 9th from Dep. Matthew Gilbert. 8th from Capt. Robert Chapman. 8th from Gov. Roger Williams. 8th from Thomas Danforth. 8th from Dep. -Gov. John Greene. 20 EsTEY, Jacob Gray, Major, V.N.G., Brattleboro. 2416 8th from Robert Proctor. 7th from Thomas Chamberlin. 6th from Thomas Chamberlin, Jr. 19 EsTEY, Julius Jacob, Brig.-Gen., V.N.G., Brattle- 2415 boro, 7th from Robert Proctor. 6th from Thomas Chamberlin. 5th from Thomas Chamberlin, Jr. 34 Evans, Ira Hobart, Montpelier. 2430 9th from William Pynchon. 8th from John Talcott. 31 FiFiEED, Hon. Benjamin Frank, Montpelier. 2427 4th from Capt. Edward Fifield. 361 VERMONT. State Society No. ' General Society No. 6 FtETCHER, Truman Chittenden, Col. and A.D.C., 733 St. Johnsbury. 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 7th from Maj. William Chittenden. 3rd from Col. Thomas Chittenden. 5th from Capt. Janna Meigs. 12 Forbes, Charles Spooner, Col. and A.D.C., St. 739 Albans. 8th from John Alden. 7th from David Alden. 7th from Gov. Constant Southworth. 7th from James Cutler. 7th from Richard Sares. 6th from John Hull. 64 Francisco, Israel Holmes, Rutland. 4th from Samuel Judd. 14 Fuller, Austin Weld, Capt., U.S.V., St. Albans. 741 loth from Gov. Thomas Prince. 9th from Maj. John Freeman. 38 Gay, Frederick, Burlington. 2434 7th from Gen. James Cudworth. 50 Haskell, Horace Stewart, Derby Line. 2660 5th from Lieut. Adam Hinman. 45 Hathaway, Forrest Henry, Major, U.S.A. 1042 9th from Capt. Isaac Johnson. 29 Houghton, James Clay, Montpelier. 2425 7th from John Houghton. 4th from Ensign Jacob Houghton. 3rd from Abraham Houghton. 7th from John Osgood. 7th from Philip Walker. 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 362 VERMONT. State Society No. Generai, Society No. i8 Hubbard, John Erastus, Montpelier. 2414 8th from George Hubbard. 7th from Lieut. William Spencer. 4th from Nathan Blake. 10 HusE, Hon. Hiram Augustus, Montpelier. 737 8th from Lieut. Thomas Cooper. 37 Joclyn, Stephen Perry, Lieut. -Col., U.S.A. 2433 6th from Capt. Peter Joclyn. 47 Jones, WyliE Brantley, Burlington. 2561 9th from Col. Ebenezer Johnson. 9 Kimball, Robert Jackson, Col. and A.D.C., Ran- 736 dolph. 4th from Robert Bradish. 21 Lyman, Hon. Elias, Burlington. 2417 6th from John Lyman. 26 Miner, Charles Edmund, Burlington. 2422 8th from Lieut. Thomas Miner. 4 Morton, Frederick Nash, Hoboken, N. J. 731 6th from Col. Thomas Ellison. 5 Noble, Robert, Burlington. 732 5th from Capt. Eli Noble. 13 Norton, John Grant, St. Albans. 740 9th from John Norton. 8th from Gov. Theophilus Eaton. 7th from Gov. William Jones. 51 Page, Hon. Carroll Smalley, Hyde Park. 2661 8th from William Hyde. 7th from Jacob Perkins. 62 Peck, Hon. Hamilton Sullivan, Burlington. 8th from Joseph Peck. 6th from Jathniel Peck, 363 VERMONT. State Society No. Generai< Society No. 2 Peck, Theodore Safford, Maj.-Gen. and Adjutant, 729 and Inspector-General, V.N.G., Burlington. 5th from Lieut. Joseph Peck. 4th from Lieut. Jeremiah Peck. 6th from Elias Keyes. 53 Putnam, Eben, Burlington. 2927 8th from Capt. John Putnam. 54 Putnam, Ralph Wright, Putnamville. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Putnam. 55 Putnam, Warren Edward, M.D., Bennington. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Putnam. 33 Richardson, Albert Emore, Burlington. 2429 6th from Ezekiel Richardson. 39 Richardson, Frederick Albert, Burlington. 2446 7th from Ezekiel Richardson. 41 Roberts, Rev. William Shields, Burlington. 2450 Sth from Capt. William Brockway. 32 Robinson, Daniel Webster, Burlington. 2428 5th from William Hack. 16 Smith, Edward Curtis, Col. and A.D.C., V.N.G. 2412 6th from Hezekiah Brainerd. 49 Smith, George Gregory, St. Albans. 2563 7th from Hezekiah Brainerd. 22 Telford, Worthington Smith, Duluth, Minn. 2418 7th from Samuel Smith. 44 TuTTLE, Albert, Fair Haven. 2598 9th from Thomas Miner. 8th from John Miner. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 43 Van Patten, Charles Strain, Burlington. 2460 6th from John Douglass. 364 VERMONT. State Society No. General Society No. 42 Van Patten, Hon. Wiluam James, Burlington. 2459 5th from John Douglass. 59 Ward, Frederick W., Burlington. 7th from Col. Samuel Partridge. 58 Ward, Henry Landon, Burlington. 7th from Col. Samuel Partridge. 30 Watterman, Hon. Heman Allen, Johnson. 2426 5th from Ensign Thomas Waterman. 3 Webb, William Seward, Col. and I.R.P., V.N.G. 730 7th from Sergt. John Nott. 28 Wells, Edward, Burlington. 2424 6th from Lieut. Nathaniel White. 24 Wells, Frederick Howard, Burlington. 2420 6th from Lieut. Nathaniel White. 40 Wells, Frederick Richardson, Burlington. 2449 7th from Lieut. Nathaniel White. 25 Wells, Hon. Henry, Burlington. 2421 6th from Lieut. Nathaniel White. 60 Woodbury, Charles L., Burlington. 8th from John Woodbury. 61 Woodbury, Edward Philo, Burlington, 8th from John Woodbury. 8 Woodbury, Urban Andrain, ex-Governor of 735 Vermont, Burlington. 7th from John Woodbury. 5th from Peter Woodbury. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 6th from Samuel Tarbox. 5th from Adj. John Porter. 36 Worthington, George, Bennington Center. 2432 4th from Capt. Elijah Worthington. 365 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Illi- nois was chartered by the State of Illinois on Oct- ober 13, 1894, and by the General Society on Nov- ember 12, 1894. On December 7, 1894, a meeting was called by the incorporators, to be held at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, at which time a constitution and by-laws were adopted and officers chosen. .The first annual banquet was held at the Union League Club on the evening of December 19, 1894, the 219th anniversary of the Great Swamp Fight. Eligibility for election to membership in this So- ciety is the same as that of the General Society, except legislative service unaccompanied by mili- tary record is not recognized. The General Court is the only business meeting of the Society held during the year. 366 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WAKi^ IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Governor. Marvin Andrus Farr. Deputy-Governor. Edward Payson Baile;y. Lieuteiiant-G overnor. Charles Thomson Atkinson. Secretary. Roger Sherman. Room 10, 152 La Salle St. Treasurer. John Smith Sargent. 164 La Salle St. Registrar. Oliver Partridge Dickinson. Historian. Ebenezer Lane. Chancellor. Judge Frank Baker. Chaplain. Rev. Dr. Frank Wakeey Gunsaulus. Sitrgeon. Dr. James Nevins Hyde. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Albert Mattoon Graves, Charles Thomson Atkin- Frank Bassett Tobey, son, Deming Haven Preston, John Smith Sargent, Marvin Andrus Farr, Oliver Partridge Dickinson, Edward Payson Bailey, Ebenezer Lane, Roger Sherman. 367 ILLINOIS. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. lo Adams, Edward MiIvTon, Holyoke, Mass. 828 8th from John Griffin. 8th from Stephen Terry, 7th from John Thurston. 7th from Henry Rhoades. 7th from Maj. Abraham Preble. 7th from Lieut. David Waterbury. 42 Atkinson, Chari^es Thomson, Chicago. looi 8th from Lieut. Thomas Stebbins. 8th from Edward Howell. 7th from Capt. William Lewis. 7th from Maj. John Howell. • 5th from Sergt. Samuel Lewis. 6th from Capt. Samuel Thompson. 88 Baii^ky, Edward Payson, Chicago. 1655 5th from Joshua Bayley. 4th from Lieut.-Col. Jacob Bayley. 8th from William Phelps. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 7th from Lieut. Tristram Coffin. 8th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 8th from Lieut. William Stickney. 8th from Theodore Atkinson. 7th from John Hutchins. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Rudd. 7th from Samuel Ladd. 7th from John Hartshorn. 25 Baker, Frank, Judge, Court House, Chicago. 897 8th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 8th from Capt. Thomas Brooks. 368 ILLINOIS. State Socibty No. General- Society No. 8th from Ensign James Cutler. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Cutler. 7th from John Wheeler. 7th from Sergt. Thomas Wheeler. 64 BardwelIv^ Harry Jenkins, Chicago. 1059 9th from Thomas Lothrop. 9th from Capt. Christopher Stanley. 8th from Zachariah Field. 7th from John Field. 7th from Capt. Joseph Field. 7th from Capt. John Fitch. 127 Basse;tt_, Roger Marcus, Chicago. 2510 6th from Robert Bassett. 4th from Capt. Samuel Bassett. 4th from James Baldwin. 126 BoGERT, William Benezet, Chicago. 2379 6th from John Bogert. 9th from Gen. Johannes de la Montagne. 8th from Dr. Gysbert G. Van Imbroch. 7th from Benjamin Whitney. 6th from Lieut. William Sheffield. 6th from Adj. Michael Jackson. 133 BoNNEY, Charles Lydius, Chicago. 2656 7th from Dep.-Gov. James Bishop. 14 BouTELL, Henry Sherman, Chicago. 749 7th from John Boutell. 8th from Capt. John Whipple. 8th from Capt. Timothy Wheeler. 8th from John Prescott. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Prescott. 7th from Capt. John Sherman. 369 ILLINOIS. State Society No. - General Society No. 132 Brackett, William Starr, Peoria. 2624 5th from Lieut. Joshua Brackett. 8th from Gov. George Cleeve. 5th from Col. Joshua Wingate. 122 Brocklebank, John Charlls Fremont, Chicago. 2336 7th from Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. 76 Burt, Andrew Sheridan, Colonel, U.S.A. 1499 6th from Henry Burt. 46 Butters, George, Oak Park. 1041 8th from Thomas Savery. 8th from Henry Sampson. 8th from George Soule. 8th from Lieut. Samuel Nash. 8th from John Alden. 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. ,163 Camp, Edward Newton. 3148 9th from Maj. John Mason. 8th from Capt. William Carpenter. 6th from Capt. John Lovewell. 148 Candee, Henry Safford, Cairo. 11 56 6th from Capt. Samuel Candee. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Munson. 5th from Capt. Joseph Tuttle. 141 Carpenter, William MontellE, Evanston. 2793 7th from Capt. William Carpenter. 6th from Capt. John Carpenter. 5th from Capt. John Carpenter, Jr. 8th from Richard Treat. 8th from Lieut. William French. 7th from Sergt. Jacob French. 7th from Lieut. John Hollister. 4th from Capt. Timothy Hollister. 7th from Ensign William Goodrich. 370 ILLINOIS. State Society No. Generai. Society No. 7th from Capt. Richard Brackett. 7th from Ensign James Kidder, 6th from Simon Crosby. 6th from Capt. George Brown. 154 Cary, George; Peter, Chicago. 2871 7th from Thomas Root. 83 Castle, Alered Henry, Austin. 1605 7th from Maj. WilHam Hathorne. 6th from Lieut. John White. 6th from John Winchester. 5th from Capt. John Winchester. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Putnam. 4th from Maj .-Gen. Israel Putnam. 138 Chadwick, William Harris, Chicago. 2731 8th from Edward Tyng. 8th from Dep.-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 8th from Edward Colburn. 8th from Maj. Thomas Savage. 5th from Capt. Habijah Savage. 6th from Capt. Thomas Lake. 158 Con KEY, Walter BlakeslEy, Chicago. 2977 7th from Ensign Edward Adams. 134 Cook, Joshua Osgood, Chicago. 2657 7th from Wilham AlHs. 6th from John AlHs. 7th from Andrew Warner. 6th from Ensign Daniel Warner. 5th from Ensign Daniel Warner. 3rd from Daniel Warner. 6th from Sergt. John Emery. 6th from Matthew Gibbs. 6th from Samuel Belding. 4th from William Burbeck. 371 ILLINOIS. Statk Society No. Generai, Society No. II Cromwdi^l, Charles^ Chicago. 746 6th from WilHam Cromwell. 30 Dana, Charles Durkee, Chicago. 902 7th from Maj. William Hathorne. 6th from Lieut. John White. 6th from John Winchester. 5th from Capt. John Winchester. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Putnam. 4th from Maj. -Gen. Israel Putnam. 117 Dickinson, Frederick, Chicago. 2235 7th from Nathaniel Dickinson. 6th from Thomas Dickinson. 7th from Thomas Bunce. 6th from Thomas Meekins, Jr. 3rd from Sergt. Israel Calkins. 96 Dickinson, Oeiver Partridge, Chicago. 1736 3rd from Capt. Israel Dickinson. 8th from George Steele. 7th from Ensign John Steele. 5th from Lieut. John Steele. 7th from Thomas Park. 6th from Ensign Samuel Newell. 6th from Joseph Morgan. 6th from Sergt. Jacob Perkins. 6th from Richard Dart. 140 Drummond, John N., Jr., St. Louis, Mo. 2732 4th from Lieut.-Col. Benjamin Harrison. 143 English, William Eastin, Indianapolis, Ind. 2795 9th from Matthew Blanshan. 8th from Louis DuBois. 8th from Cornelius Barrentsen Sleght. 5th from Col. John Hite. 4th from Ensign Charles Smith. 372 ILLINOIS. Statb SociBTY No. General Society No. 82 Farr, Marvin Andrus, Chicago. 1649 6th from Stephen Farr. 8th from Survey-Gen. John Johnson. 8th from Capt. John Whipple. 7th from Capt. John Whipple. 8th from Hugh Calkin. 7th from John Guild. 7th from George Robinson, Jr. 7th from John Whitney. 7th from Matthias Farnsworth. 7th from Hugh Rowe. 7th from John Tower. 7th from Capt. John Gallop, Sr. 6th from Capt. John Gallop, Jr. 7th from Stephen Hart. 5th from Sergt. Thomas Hart. 4th from Lieut. James Hart. 7th from Sergt. William Hough. 6th from Samuel Hough. 7th from Anthony Hawkins. 7th from Capt. William Carpenter. 6th from Capt. John Everett. 6th from John Titus. 6th from John Shattuck. 6th from Simon Stone. 6th from Sergt. John Randall. 6th from Lieut. John Judd. 6th from Lieut. -Col. Reinold Marvin. 5th from Ensign James Beckwith. 3rd from Obadiah Andrus. 31 Fessenden, Charles Newton, Chicago. 903 8th from William Ward. 7th from John Ward. 7th from Lieut. Edward Woodman. 7th from Lieut. Edward Winship. 373 ILLINOIS. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from John Wyeth. 6th from Solomon Prentice. 68 Fisher, AIvBErt Judson, Chicago. , 1063 loth from Lawrence Waters. 9th from Capt. Walter Haines. 8th from John Reyner. 8th from John Houghton, Sr. 8th from Jacob Farrar. 7th from Capt. Miles Morgan. 45 Fisher, Francis Porter, Chicago. 1040 8th from William Westwood. 8th from William Phelps. 8th from Henry Wolcott. 8th from Maj. Aaron Cook. 7th from Capt. Aaron Cook. 7th from Job Lane. 7th from Lieut. William Avery. 7th from John Clark. 7th from Lieut. Matthew Griswold. 7th from Q. M. George Colton. 7th from Maj. William Whiting. 6th from Rev. John Whiting. 6th from William Pitkin. 6th from John Whitney. 6th from Lieut. George Macey. 6th from Capt. Thomas Colton. 5th from Nathaniel Pitkin. 5th from Lieut. Samuel Huntington. 4th from Capt. Samuel Huntington. 4th from Capt. Moses Porter. 84 FiSKE, Dr. George Foster, Chicago. 1651 9th from Gov. Thomas Roberts. 8th from Robert Hinsdale. 7th from Samuel Hinsdale. 374 ILLINOIS. Stats Society No. General Society No. 7th from Lieut. Joseph Kellogg. 5th from Sergt. Severance. 4th from Sergt. Martin Severance. 56 FuNT, Wyman Knee;land, Milwaukee, Wis. 105 1 7th from Thomas Flint. 6th from Lieut. John Flint. 7th from Edward Oakes. 7th from Edward Kneeland. 7th from Lieut. Philip Curtis. 7th from Sergt. Edward Hinman. 44 Flower, Jamks Monroe;, Chicago. 1039 7th from Capt. Ephraim Hunt, Jr. 135 Foster, Albert Volney, Cambridge, Mass. 2658 9th from Gov. Thomas Prence. 9th from Samuel Mayo. 9th from Edmund Freeman. 8th from Maj. John Freeman. 8th from Edward Bangs. 8th from Lieut. William Merrick. 113 Foster, Volney William, Evanston. 7th from Rev. John Wilson. 7th from Capt. William Torrey. 6th from Lieut. Josiah Torrey. 6th from Ensign Jonathan Bangs. 5th from Capt. Daniel Ormsbee. 5th from Maj. Edward Winslow. 147 FuRNESs, William Eliot, Chicago. 2833 3rd from Capt. John Furness. 7th from Capt. Roger Clapp. 7th from Lieut. Ambrose Dawes. 7th from Maj. -Gen. Daniel Gookin. 6th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf. 4th from Col. Nathaniel Thwing. 375 ILLINOIS. State Society No. ' Generai, Society No. i6i GiBBS, William Briggs, Chicago. 3028 6th from Capt. Samuel Marshall. 139 GiFfORD, Charles Edgar, Chicago. 2730 9th from Joshua Pratt. 8th from William Spooner. 8th from Philip Sherman. 8th from George Bonum. 8th from Francis Cooke. 8th from Isaac Allerton. "jy Gilbert, James Harris, Chicago. 1500 7th from Jonathan Gilbert. 5th from Lieut. Nathaniel Gilbert. 4th from Capt. Nathaniel Gilbert. 9th from John Wetmore. 8th from Capt. William Hills. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Stow. « 90 Gillette, Edwin Eraser, Chicago. 1657 loth from Edmund Freeman, loth from Gov. Thomas Prence. loth from Edward Bangs. loth from Richard Sparrow, loth from Francis Cooke. 9th from Richard Sears. y2 GoDDARD, Lester Orestes, Chicago. 1210 8th from Lieut. William Spencer. 6th from Lieut. Samuel Humphrey. 6th from Ensign Jacob Mitchell. 6th from Sergt. Nathaniel Pinney. 4th from Ensign Jonathan Pinney. 4th from Capt. Joseph Warner. 89 Graves, Albert Mattoon, Chicago. 1656 6th from Sergt. Isaac Graves. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 376 ILLINOIS. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 7th from Lieut. Andrew Newcomb. 6th from Sergt. Richard Goodman. 5th from Philip Mattoon. 13 Gross, Samuel Eberly, Chicago. 748 8th from Matthew Blanshan. 8th from Sergt. Cornelius Barentsen Sleght. 7th from Gerrit Fokar. 7th from Louis DuBois. 6th from Lieut. Solomon DuBois. 6th from Abraham DuBois. 80 GuNSAULus, Rev. Frank Wakeey, D.D., Chicago. 1647 8th from Edward Griswold. 8th from William Phelps. 7th from Capt. Timothy Phelps. 7th from John Hosford. 7th from Lieut. Return Strong. 5th from Stephen Hawley. 6 Hammond, Lyman Dresser, Chicago. 743 3rd from Lieut. Ebenezer Hammond. 7th from Maj .-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from Lieut. John Lyman. 5th from Hon. Ebenezer Stone. 5th from Lieut. John Dresser. 3rd from Capt. Richard Dresser. 28 Hardy, Cyrus Austin, Chicago. 900 8th from Robert Carter. 7th from Capt. John Carter. 7th from Lieut. James Converse. 6th from Maj. James Converse. 124 Harrison, Carter Henry, Chicago. 2377 4th from Capt. William Russell. ?>77 ILLINOIS. State Society No. General Society No. 152 Hawxhurst, Arthur, Chicago. 2857 5th from Samson Hawxhurst. 7th from Capt. John Seaman. 79 HiivL, John WhippIvE, Chicago. ' 1502 7th from Capt. John Whipple. 5th from Ensign Jeremiah Whipple. 7th from Ensign Eleazer Metcalf. 6th from Lieut. Preserved Abel. 5th from Capt. Simon Slocomb. 4th from Ensign John Hall. 125 HuIvBe:rt, Edmund Daniel, Chicago. 2378 8th from Lieut. Thomas Hurlbut. 8th from Dr. Thomas Starr. 8th from Capt. Joseph Weld. 8th from John Kirby. ^ 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith. 8th from Henry Wolcott. 112 Hyde, Dr. James Nevins, Chicago. 2028 6th from Lieut. -Col. Simon Lothrop. 6th from Col. William Whiting. 102 Ives, Marvin AelEn, Chicago. 1833 5th from Ensign Gideon Ives. 9th from Rev. Samuel Stone. 8th from Ensign Thomas Harris. 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Merriman. 7th from John Moss. 7th from Judge Samuel Lothrop. 123 James, Proe. Edmund Janes, Chicago. 2376 8th from Capt. Francis Drake. 18 Jordan, Scott, Chicago. 849 loth from Stephen Hopkins. 9th from Edward Bangs. 8th from John Doane, Jr. .378 ILLINOIS. State Society No. General Societv No. 8th from Thomas Paine, Jr. 5th from Lieut. John Moffet. 5th from Lieut. James McDowell. 159 JuNKiN, Francis Thomas Anderson, Chicago. 2481 8th from Col. John West. 63 KiTTRKDGE, Rev. Abbott Eliot, D.D., New York. 1058 8th from Richard Treat. 8th from William Collier. 8th from William Lumpkin. 8th from Rev. John Mayo. 7th from Capt. Samuel Mayo. 7th from Stephen Hopkins. 71 Lane, Ebenezer, Chicago. 1209 7th from Capt. Daniel Clarke. 6th from Capt. Theophilus Hull. 6th from Capt. Simon Wolcott. 5th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 4th from Gov. Matthew Griswold. 4th from Col. Zabdial Rogers. 150 Little, Francis Brown, Chicago. 2855 5th from Moses Little. 4th from Capt. Moses Little. 7th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 6th from Lieut. Tristram Coffin. 6th from Lieut. Jacob Tappan. 4th from Joshua Bayley. 151 Little, Josiah, Amboy. 2856 5th from Moses Little. 4th from Capt. Moses Little. 7th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 7th from Tristram Coffin. 6th from Lieut. Tristram Coffin. 6th from Lieut. Jacob .Tappan. 379 - ILLINOIS. State Society No. Genbrai, Socuty No. 15 Lombard, Josiah Lewis, Chicago. 750 8th from Nicholas Snow. 8th from Rev. John Mayo. 8th from WilHam Lumpkin. 7th from Gov. Thomas Roberts. 7th from Gov. Robert Treat. 6th from Lieut. James Lewis. 130 Lyman, George Ai^exander, Amboy. 2622 4th from Joshua Lyman. 106 Lyon, George Muehoelan, Chicago. i860 3rd from Lieut. WilHam Lyon. 99 Mac Veagh, Eames, Chicago. 1759 9th from Thomas Bunce. 9th from Lieut, Samuel Smith. 9th from John Bent, Sr. 8th from John Graves. 8th from Dr. Thomas Starr. 8th from John How. 39 Marsh, George Samuel, Chicago. 998 9th from Richard Carder. 9th from Rev. Samuel Skelton. 9th from Francis Lyford. 9th from Gov. Thomas Roberts. 8th from Henry Burt. 8th from Robert Bartlett. 157 Marsh, Henry Wheelwright, Chicago. 2976 6th from Moses Whitney. 51 Meacham, Dr. Franklin Adams, Salt Lake City, 1046 Utah, loth from William Collier. 9th from John Howland. 9th from Capt. James Avery. 380 ILLINOIS. State Society No. General Society No. 9th from Gov. Thomas Prence. 9th from Thomas Stanton. 9th from Lieut. Thomas Minor. 62 Messinger, William Dorrance, Chicago, 1055 8th from George Woodward. 7th from Samuel Rice. 7th from Samuel Stone. 7th from Francis Whitmore. 7th from Deacon Haynes. 6th from Thomas Blodgett. 107 Mill, Charles David, Kansas City, Mo. 1861 7th from Francis Wyman. 20 Miller, Charles Kingsbury, Chicago. 892 6th from Christopher Almy. I Morris, Seymour, Chicago. 823 7th from John Hoar. 7th from John Chadwick. 7th from Capt. Joseph Hills. 7th from Christopher Peake. 7th from John May. 7th from Thomas Barnes. 81 Moore, George Henry, Chicago. 1648 8th from Capt. Thomas Brooks. 7th from Capt. Timothy Wheeler. 7th from John Prescott. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Prescott. 6th from Ensign Humphrey Barrett. 6th from Capt. James Minott. 95 MooRE, William John, Chicago. 1735 5th from Alexander Wells. 115 MouLTON, Col. George Mayhew, Chicago. 2233 4th from Gen. Jonathan Moulton. 9th from Dep.-Gov. Ambrose Gibbons. 381 ILLINOIS. State Society No. ' Generai< Society No. 8th from Lieut. Edward Gove. 7th from Capt. Samuel Sherburne. 6th from Lieut.-Col. Samuel Prescott. 5th from Capt. Jonathan Tilton. 129 Orr, Arthur, Evanston. 2621 8th from John Doane. 8th from Edward Bangs. 8th from Thomas Paine. 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 7th from Rev. James Fitch. 6th from Maj. James Fitch. 48 OsBORN, Henry Austin, Chicago. 1043 7th from Dep.-Gov. James Bishop. 7th from Q. M. Nathaniel Foote. 6th from Samuel Keeler. 6th from Daniel Belden. • 6th from Lieut. Cornelius Hull. 5th from Capt. Theophilus Hull. 155 Otis, George; Asahel, Chicago. 2974 7th from John Otis. 78 Otis, Joseph Edward, Jr., Chicago. 1501 9th from William Thomas. 8th from Nathaniel Thomas. 8th from Lieut. Nehemiah Smith. 8th from Capt. James Avery, 7th from Lieut. Matthew Griswold. 7th from Capt. James Sands. 98 Otis, Phieo Adams, Chicago. 1738 9th from Richard Warren. 9th from John Alden. 8th from Capt. Thomas Miner. 8th from Gen. Constant Southworth. 7th from Dep.-Gov. Francis Willoughby. 7th from Capt. Nathaniel Thomas. 382 ILLINOIS. State Society No. General Society No. 156 Otis, Thomas Gould, Jr., Chicago. 2975 7th from John Otis. 12 Pe;i.i., Rodman Corse, Denver, Col. 747 7th from Maj. John Pell. 116 Pettibone:, Asa Guiteau, New York Mills, N. Y. 2234 5th from Lieut. Samuel Pettibone. 8th from Rev. John Woodbridge. 7th from Sergt. John Griffin. 7th from John Ruggles. 6th from Sergt. John Humphrey. 6th from Lieut. Samuel Humphrey. 17 Pierce, Frederick Clifton, Chicago. 848 7th from Ensign Edward Adams. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Fuller. 7th from Edward Rice. 6th from Lot Conant, Jr. 6th from Corp. John Green. 5th from Zachariah Hicks. 33 Preston, Deming Haven, Chicago. 992 8th from Philip Eliot. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Capt. William Lewis. 7th from Sergt. Richard Haven. 7th from Capt. Thomas Bull. 6th from Capt. William Dare. 137 Preston, Ernest Johnston, Chicago. 2729 6th from John Preston. 104 Quincy, Charles Frederick, Chicago. 1858 7th from Lieut.-Col. Edmund Quincy, 2 Reade, Philip, Major, U.S.A. 522 6th from Lieut. Josiah Richardson. 6th from Samuel Hunt, Jr. 383 ILLINOIS. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Sergt. Samuel Wilson. 6th from Lieut. James Hildreth. 5th from Ephraim Hildreth. 4th from Capt. Ezekiel Hale. 119 Requa, Charles Howard, Chicago. 2333 6th from Capt. Jochim Hendrick Schoonmaker. 5th from Andries Dewitt. 4th from Andries Dewitt. 5th from Capt. William Nottingham. 4th from Jacobus Bruyn: 70 RiDGELY, CharIvES, Springfield. 1065 8th from Richard Warren. 7th from Lieut. .Thomas Tracy. 6th from Lieut. Solomon Tracy. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell. » 6th from Ensign Thomas Leffingwell. 7th from John Clarke. 7th from Job Lane. 6th from Lieut. Thomas Thurston. 6th from Thomas Bliss. 6th from Judge Samuel Lothrop. 5th from Capt. Samuel Lothrop. 4th from Capt. Ebenezer Lothrop. 4th from Capt. Elisha Lothrop. 4th from Capt. Jonathan Rudd. 74 Rose, Hiram Holbrook, Chicago. 1212 6th from Col. William Fitzhugh. 5th from Col. John Henry. 4th from Capt. Samuel Jordan. 4th from Capt. Samuel Meredith. 91 Rose, Landon Cabell, Chicago. 1658 6th from Col. William Fitzhugh. 5th from Col. John Henry. 384 ILLINOIS. State Society No. General Society No. 4th from Capt. Samuel Meredith. 4th from Capt. Samuel Jordan. 149 RuGGLES, Charles Constant, Chicago. 2854 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 5 Sargknt, John Smith, Chicago. 827 7th from Lieut. Ralph Sprague. 6th from Capt. John Sprague. 7th from Ensign Samuel Manning. 6th from Christopher Wheaton. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Wade. 4th from Capt. Daniel Denny. 109 Sedgwick, Edwin Henry, Chicago. 1863 8th from Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 146 Sherman, Roger, Chicago. 2832 8th from Capt. John Sherman. 9th from Gov. Theophilus Eaton. 8th from Capt. James Avery. 8th from Lieut. William French. 7th from Lieut.-Col. John Talcott. 6th from Gov. Joseph Talcott. 92 Slosson, Frank, Kenosha, Wis. 1659 7th from Capt. James Avery. 93 Smith, Wyleys King, Chicago. 1660 8th from Maj. William Whiting. 8th from Maj. Nathan Gold. 7th from Capt. Thomas Bull. 7th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 7th from Col. Samuel Partridge. 4th from Capt. Daniel Sackett. 162 Snow, Edgar Morton, Chicago. 3067 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 385 ILLINOIS. State Socibty No. Generai, Society No. 49 Spooner, Frank Eugkne;, Chicago. 1044 6th from William Spooner. 6th from John Ruggles. 6th from Francis Dudley. 6th from Capt. Josiah Chapin. 5th from Capt. Seth Chapin. 6th from Daniel Wing. 86 Spoor, John Alden, Chicago. 1653 7th from John Alden. 7th from Moses Simmons. 144 Starkweather, Frank Henry, Evanston. 2796 9th from Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell. 8th from Ensign Thomas Leffingwell. 9th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 8th from Lieut. Solomon Tracy. ^ 8th from Robert Long. 7th from Deacon William Ward. 145 Starkweather, Ralph Edward, Chicago. 2797 7th from Deacon William Ward. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Thurston. 6th from Lieut. Samuel Huntington. 6th from William Eager. 5th from Abraham Eager. 4th from Capt. Bezaleel Eager. 160 Sturtevant, Henry Dexter, Chicago. 3027 7th from Samuel Sturtevant. 131 Talbot, Joel Francis, Chicago. 2623 6th from Peter Talbot. 9th from William Robinson. 9th from Capt. Thomas White. 8th from Capt. Joseph White. 8th from William Savel. 8th from Samuel Hayden. 8th from Deacon Joseph Penniman. 386 ILLINOIS. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Gov. Roger Conant. 8th from Robert Long. 8th from Deacon Joseph Allen. 7th from Deacon Samuel Allen. 8th from Moses Simmons. 8th from John Alden. 8th from William Blake. 7th from Sergt. James Blake. 8th from Richard Williams. 8th from Philip Eliot. 8th from Lieut. Daniel Turel. 7th from Capt. Daniel Turel. 7th from Lieut. Joseph Whipple. 7th from Luke Perkins. 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 7th from Richard Withington. 7th from Sergt. William Pond. 6th from Thomas Holbrook. 52 Chatfield-TayIvOr, Hobart Chatfield, Lake 1047 Forest. 7th from Capt. Titus Hinman. 6th from Capt. Andrew Hinman, Sr. 7th from Col. Joseph Buckminster. 6th from Lieut. John Bannister. 5th from Lieut. John Chatfield. 4th from Asa Taylor, Sr. 7 Teall, Edward McKinstry, Chicago. 744 3rd from Dr. Oliver Teall. 8th from Gov. William Pynchon. 7th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 7th from Deacon Francis Chickering. 6th from Rev. Gershom Bulkley. 5th from Sergt. Ebenezer Skinner. 118 Tenney, Horace Kent, Chicago. 2332 7th from Ensign Thomas Tenney. 387 ILLINOIS. State Society No. General Society No. 136 Thompson, Norman Frederick, Rockford. 2728 6th from Capt. Samuel Thompson. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Stephen Hopkins. 7th from Dep.-Gov. James Bishop. 7th from Capt. Samuel Ruggles. 7th from Gen. Constant Southworth. 153 Throop, George Ends, Chicago. 252 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 8th from Capt. Joseph Hawley. 7th from Thomas Gridley. 6th from Dep.-Gov. James Bishop. 37 ToBEY, Frank Bassett, Chicago. 996 5th from Thomas Tobey, Sr. 7th from Capt. William Hedge. 7th from William Bassett. 3rd from Elisha Bassett. 6th from Capt. Thomas Howes, Jr. 6th from Maj. John Freeman. 4 Tucker, Wieliam Ruggees, Chicago. 830 9th from William Cheney. 9th from Thomas Richards. 9th from John Shaw. . 7th from Benjamin Shaw. 8th from John Hutchins. 7th from Lieut. Samuel Bradford. 36 Turner, Coe. Henry Lathrop, Chicago. 995 7th from Jonathan Gilbert. 29 Upham, Frederick William, Chicago. 901 7th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 26 Wait, Horatio Loom is, Chicago. 898 3rd from Capt. Joseph Wait. 7th from Ensign John Lakin, 7th from John Whitcomb. 388 ILLINOIS. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Lawrence Waters. 7th from John Whitney. 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 121 Waite, Horace; Garfield, Chicago. 2335 4th from Capt. Richard Waite. 34 WashburnEj Hempstead, Chicago. 993 7th from John Washburn. 9th from Francis Cooke. 69 Weees, Samuee Rogers, Chicago. 1064 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 114 Wentworth, Moses Jones, Chicago. 2232 7th from Elder William Wentworth. 4th from Col. John Wentworth. 8th from Richard Treat. 6th from Maj. Charles Frost. 5th from Lieut. John Cogswell. 4th from Col. Otis Baker. 120 Wentworth, William Graeton, Chicago. 2334 6th from Elder William Wentworth. 108 Wheelock, William Barker, Indianapolis, Ind. 1862 8th from Capt. Joseph Hills. 7th from Capt. John Waite. 6th from Increase Winn. 5th from Joseph Capron. 4th from John Starkey. 4th from William Barker. 128 Whiting, Jasper, Chicago. 2511 5th from Capt. John Loring. 87 Whitney, Dr. Eugene Wolcott, Salt Lake City, 1654 Utah. 6th from Moses Whitney. 8th from Henry Wolcott. 7th from Maj. Samuel Appleton, .^89 ILLINOIS. State Society No. - General Society No. 9 Winston, Frederick Hampden, Chicago. 829 4th from John Mohr Mcintosh. 43 Wright, Harry Linn, Pullman. 1038 8th from John Bronson. 8th from Maj.-Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 8th from Maj. Aaron Cooke. 8th from George Steele. 7th from James Steele. 6th from Sergt. Richard Goodman. 22 Wyman, Walter Channing, Chicago. 894 7th from Lieut. John Wyman. 7th from Francis Wyman. 6th from John Wyman, Jr. 4th from Ezekiel Wyman. 8th from Zachariah Herrick. , 8th from Sergt. Richard Collicott. 8th from Sergt. Richard Kettell. 7th from Samuel Kettell. 8th from Samuel Hayward. 8th from Thomas Crosswell. 8th from Edward Eddendon. 8th from Sergt. John Tidd. 8th from Isaac Mixer. 8th from Lawrence Waters. 8th from Edward Larkin. 7th from Nathaniel Frothingham. 7th from Sergt. Thomas Rand. 7th from Joseph Frost. 7th from Lieut. Richard Hall. 7th from Ensign John Call. 7th from Capt. William Raymond. 7th from Thomas Boyleston. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Putnam. 7th from John Bigelow. 390 ILLINOIS. StKtt Society No. General Society No. 7th from John Gibson. 4th from Lieut. Abraham Gibson. 7th from Jonathan Knight. 7th from Samuel Davis. 7th from John Newell. 7th from William Johnson. 6th from Isaac Johnson. 6th from Lieut. John Stearns. 6th from Israel Read. 4th from Joseph Lewis. .301 ILLINOIS. Iln flDernoriam. George Francis Bissell, died June 25, 1895. Chandler Pease Chapman, died May 12, 1897. Horace Frederick Waite died Apr. 30, 1898. Heman Rogers Powers, died Jan. 16, 1901. George Whiteeieed Newcomb, died Apr. 3, 1901. 392 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MISSOURI. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Missouri was organized at St. Louis with twenty- four charter members, on November 22, 1894. The Society adopted as the date for the General Court, October 10, which date commemorates the possession of Fort Chartres and the battles of Point Pleasant; for, by the Treaty of Paris, concluded February 10, 1763, the question which had been in doubt for a century, whether French or English civilization should rule this continent, was settled for all time. By this treaty Canada and that por- tion of Louisiana between the Alleghenies and the Mississippi came into possession of Great Britain. Captain Stirling, with a company of the Forty- second Highlanders, came down the Ohio in boats from Fort Pitt, arriving early in October, 1765. On the tenth day of that month he relieved the French commander of Fort Chartres, St. Ange, who for some months had been under orders to give up the fort whenever a force of British came to relieve him. These were the first English troops who ever set foot in the Illinois country. Fort Chartres, built by the French in 1720, was, in its time, the strongest fortress in America. Its ruins are on the left bank of the Mississippi River, in Randolph County, Illinois, fifty miles south of St. Louis, and sixteen miles northwest of Kaskas- kia. October 10, 1774, occurred the battle of Point Pleasant, at the junction of the Kanawha with the Ohio River. Both these events were important colonial foot- steps in the direction of the West. 393 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Elected at a Court held November 24, 1900. Governor. Horatio Nklson Spence:r, M.D.. LL.D. Deputy-Governor. Hon. Frederick Newton Judson. Lieutenant- Governor. James Hamilton McCord. Secretary. Hobart Brinsmade, 709 Washington Ave., St. Louis. Deputy-Secretary. Harry Leach Block. Treasurer. Henry Purkitt Wyman. Registrar. Henry CadeE. Historian. James Thomas Sands. Chaplain. Rev. William Short, D.D. 394 MISSOURI. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Horatio Nelson Spencer, Richard Aylett Barret, M.D., LL.D., Thomas James, Alfred Lee Shapleigh, Charles McIntosh Cuth- HoN. Selden Palmer Spencer, bert, George Amos Newcomb, Hon. Frederick Newton James Hamilton McCord, Judson, John Barber White, Wallace Delafield, Hobart Brinsmade, Franklin Lee Ridgely, Henry CadlE, Henry Purkitt Wyman. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Historical Documents. Isaac Motter, Frederick Cossette Adams, David Dickey Sabin, James William Atwill, William Albert Stickney. Committee on Membership. Hobart Brinsmade, Hugh Campbell Ward, George Amos Newcomb, Lauren Chase Eastman, Hon. Selden Palmer Spencer. 395 MISSOURI. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. 98 Adams, Frederick Cossette, Kansas City. 2826 9th from Thomas Ford. 9th from Thomas Newberry. 8th from Aaron Cooke. 8th from Capt. Daniel Clark. 8th from William Phelps. 8th from Deacon John Moore. 8th from John Bissell, Sr. 8th from Edward Griswold. 8th from Henry Wolcott, Sr. 8th from Lieut. William Spencer. 8th from William Gaylord, Sr. 7th from Joshua Holcomb. 7th from George Adams. 7th from John Case. 7th from Moses Cook. 6th from Daniel Adams. 69 Anderson, John Wheelwright, Belvidere, 111. 1865 4th from Robert Clark. 64 AtwiIvL, James William, St. Joseph. 1769 5th from Ebenezer Burrill. 112 Baker, George Arnold, St. Louis. 3rd from Lieut. John Baker. 17 Barret, Richard Aylett, St. Louis. 766 9th from Nicholas Martian. 8th from Col. Augustine Warner, Sr. 8th from Col. George Reade. 8th from Thomas Barret. 7th from Charles Barret. 7th from Col. Augustine Warner, Jr. 7th from William Barret. 396 MISSOURI. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Mordecai Cooke. 6th from Henry Corbin. 6th from WilHam Presley. 6th from Col. John Lewis. 6th from Col. Nicholas Merriwether. 6th from Col. Leroy Grififin. 5th from William Aylett. 5th from Peter Presley. 5th from Robert Lewis. 4th from Lieut. William Daingerfield. 3rd from William Winston. 109 BklIv, Nicholas Montgomery, St. Louis. 4th from William Bell, Sr. no BivACKWELL, Sidney Smith, St. Louis. 3rd from Jacob Blackwell. 63 Block, Harry Leach, St. Louis. 1768 5th from Dr. Thomas Walker. 61 Bloss, Orlando Powers, Kansas City. 1535 9th from Edmund Rice. 8th from Edmund Bloss. 8th from Thomas Rice. 8th from James Cutler. 8th from John Moore. 7th from Roger Conant. 7th from John Wilder. 7th from Josiah White. 6th from Exercise Conant. 6th from Jonathan Crane. 6th from John Winter. 39 Brinsmade, Hobart, St. Louis. 1266 4th from Rev. James Bebee. 56 Brown, Willis, Erie, Pa. i349 4th from Corp. John Brown. 397 MISSOURI. State Society No. General Society No. I Cadi^e;, He;nry, Bethany, Mo. 385 8th from Christopher Hussey. 8th from Roger Shaw. 7th from Lieut. John Sanborn. 7th from Thomas Marston. 5th from Ensign James Johnson. 5th from John Johnson. 66 Cadle, Charles Francis, Muscatine, Iowa. 1806 7th from Peter Bulkeley. 7th from Lieut. Henry Adams. 7th from Sergt. Richard Haven. 7th from Lieut. Francis Peabody. 6th from Nathaniel Fisk. 4th from David How, Jr. 1 14 Carter, Charles Jared, Kansas City. 4th from Nathaniel Carter. 38 Clarke, William Bingham, Kansas City. 1162 6th from George Clark. 113 Crandall, Orestes Augustus, Sedalia. 6th from John Crandall. 7th from Robert Lockwood. 70 Crutcher, Edwin Ruthven, Kansas City. 2091 5th from Col. WiUiam Mayo. loi Cuthbert, Charles McIntosh, St. Louis. 2925 5th from Capt. John Mohr Mcintosh. 91 Deane, Gardiner Andrus Armstrong, Little 2634 Rock, Ark. 8th from Richard Williams. 108 Deas, Harry Beverley, St. Louis. 5th from Gov. Robert Johnson. 100 Delaeield, Wallace, St. Louis. 2828 4th from Gen. Joseph Spencer. 398 MISSOURI. State Society No. General Society No. 68 DeWolf, Edwin Alus, St. Louis. 1864 7th from Balthazar DeWolf. 4th from Simon DeWolf. 8th from Thomas Bourne. 8th from Hugh Calkin. 7th from Lieut. William x-Xllis. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy, 7th from Thomas Meekins, Sr. 6th from Samuel Belden, Jr. 6th from Japhet Chapin. 6th from Thomas Waterman. 103 Drouillard, James Pierre, Lieutenant, U.S.A. 2980 7th from Lieut. John Culbertson. 6th from Col. Benjamin Chambers. 5th from Capt. Isaac Wayne. 7 Eastman, Lauren Chase, Clinton, Iowa. 756 6th from Peter Tilton. 16 Edmunds, Hon. Henry Littleton, St. Louis. 765 9th from Gov. John West. 8th from Col. William Claiborne. 7th from Col. William Browne. 2 Fleet, Proe. Alexander Frederick, A.M., LL.D., 402 Culver, Ind. 7th from Robert Brooke. 7th from Capt. James Neale. 6th from Lieut.-Col. Henry Fleet. 6th from Francis Hutchins. 15 FooTE, John Crocker, Belvidere, 111. 764 8th from Nathaniel Foote, ist. 8th from Deacon William Crocker. 8th from John Plowland. 6th from Quarter Master Nathaniel Foote, 2d. 5th from Capt. Nathaniel Foote, 3rd. 4th from Daniel Foote. 399 MISSOURI. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 4 Gardiner, Curtiss Crane, St. Louis. 753 7th from Lieut. Lion Gardiner. 7th from Capt. George Denison. 7th from Thomas Stanton. 7th from John Rowland. 9 Green, John, M.D., St. Louis. 758 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 4th from Brig.-Gen. Timothy Ruggles. 82 Green, Edward, St. Joseph., 2437 5th from Col. John Stoddard. 19 Gregg, Norris Bradeord, St. Louis. 768 4th from Maj. Samuel Gregg. 18 Gregg, William Henry, St. Louis. 767 3rd from Maj. Samuel Gregg. 20 Gregg, William Henry, Jr., St. Louis, 769 4th from Maj. Samuel Gregg. 57 Hayes, John, Red Oak, Iowa. 1350 4th from Josiah Fassett. 3rd from Capt. John Fassett. 102 Hewitt, James Hillhouse, St. Louis. 2926 8th from Maj. John Mason. 89 Hill, Rev. John Boynton, Kansas City. 2632 8th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 8th from Capt. Timothy Wheeler. 8th from Capt. Thomas Brooks. 7th from Capt. Richard Beers. 6th from Shadrach Hapgood. 4th from Capt. Ebenezer Cutler. 94 Jackson, Prof. George Edwards, St. Louis. 2822 7th from Edward Jackson. 7th from Simon Stone. 7th from Nicholas Ide. 400 MISSOURI. State Society No. Geneeai, Society No. 7th from Capt. Joseph Weld. 7th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from John Newgate. 7th from John Whipple, Sr. 7th from Philip Walker. 6th from Lieut. James Trowbridge. 6th from Simon Stone, Jr. 6th from Capt. Samuel Walker. 6th from Lieut. Edward Morris. 6th from John Weld. 6th from Sebas Jackson. 5th from Capt. Joseph Fuller. 5th from Hon. Ebenezer Stone. 5th from Joshua Child. 5th from John Mirick. 4th from Lieut. Robert Murdock. 4th from Col. Aaron Davis. 3rd from Lieut. -Col. Ephraim Jackson. 95 Jackson, Edward Fisher, St. Louis. 2823 8th from Edward Jackson. 8th from Capt. Joseph Weld. 8th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 6th from Capt. Joseph Fuller. 5th from Col. Aaron Davis. 4th from Lieut.-Col. Ephraim Jackson. 47 James, Thomas, Kansas City. 1274 6th from James Claypoole. 59 JuDSON, Hon. Frederick Newton, St. Louis. 1533 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 44 Leighton, Hon. George Eliot, St. Louis. 1271 8th from Deputy-Gov. Ambrose Gibbons. 6th from Robert Elliot. 6th from Lieut.-Col. William Pepperrell. 6th from Maj. Charles Frost. 401 MISSOURI. Stats Society No. General Societ* No. 5th from Capt. John Leighton. 5th from Capt. John Hill. 78 McCoKD, Francis, New York. 2371 5th from Capt. John Paxton. 79 McCoRD, George Lawrence, Pueblo, Col. 2372 5th from Capt. John Paxton. 76 McCord, James Hamilton, St. Joseph. 236^ 5th from Capt. John ^^axton. 80 McCoRD, Robert Hamden, St. Joseph. 2373 5th from Capt. John Paxton. 77 McCoRD, Samuel Steele, St. Joseph. 2370 5th from Capt. John Paxton. 75 McCoRD, William Hallack, Omaha, Neb. 2368 5th from Capt. John Paxton. 87 McCuLLOCH, Richard, Geneva, Switzerland. 2630 6th from Gen. Andrew Lewis. 88 McCuLLOCH, Robert, Chicago, 111. 2631 5th from Gen. Andrew Lewis. Ill Marshall, William St. John Elliot, St. Joseph. 8th from Govert Loockermans. 7th from Petrus Stuyvesant. 7th from Lieut. Wilhelmus Beekman. 6th from Col. Robert Livingston. 6th from Col. Henry Beekman. 6th from Col. Gerardus Beekman. 34 Meriwether, Hunter McKeand, Kansas City. 1158 6th from Nicholas Meriwether. 5th from Francis Thornton. 104 Meysenburg, Robert Carr, Chicago, 111 2981 8th from Walter Chiles, Sr. 7th from Walter Chiles, Jr. 402 MISSOURI. State Society No. General Society No. 90 MoTTER, Isaac, St. Joseph. 2633 4th from William Duffield. 58 MouLTON, John Henry, Alton 111. 135 1 8th from William Eastow. 7th from Thomas Marston. 7th from Christopher Hussey. 7th from Robert Page. 7th from Lieut. John Sanborn. 6th from Ephraim Marston. 23 Newcomb, George Amos, St. Louis. 1147 7th from Capt. Richard Brackett. 4th from Isaac Newcomb. II Obear, Frank, St. Louis. 760 7th from Capt. Peregrine White. 106 Parsons, Lewis Baldwin, Flora, 111. 2794 6th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 6th from Ensign Benjamin Cooley. 6th from Henry Burt. 6th from John Hoar. 6th from Quarter Master George Colton. 6th from Capt. Luke Hitchcock. 6th from Deacon Samuel Chapin. 5th from Capt. Joseph Parsons. 5th from Capt. Josiah Jones. 5th from Deacon John Hitchcock. 5th from Deacon Jonathan Burt. 5th from James Warriner. 4th from Henry Baldwin. 4th from Capt. Leonard Hoar. 4th from Deacon Henry Burt. 3rd from Aaron Parsons. 115 Parsons, Charles, St. Louis. 6th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 6th from Ensign Benjamin Cooley. 403 MISSOURI. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Henry Burt. 6th from John Hoar. 6th from Quarter Master George Colton. 6th from Capt. Luke Hitchcock. 6th from Deacon Samuel Chapin. 5th from Capt. Joseph Parsons. 5th from Capt. Josiah Jones. 5th from Deacon John Hitchcock. 5th from Deacon Jonathan Burt. 5th from James Warriner. 4th from Henry Baldwin. 4th from Capt. Leonard Hoar. 4th from Deacon Henry Burt. 3rd from Aaron Parsons. 107 Partridge;, Arthur Samuel, St. Louis. 4th from Eli Partridge. yz Pearce, Hon. Charles Edward, St. Louis. 2093 7th from Lieut. Nicholas Stillwell. 86 Pratt, Charles Alexander, Little Rock, Ark. 2525 6th from John Rogers. 50 Randall, John Frederic, St. Louis. 1277 8th from Elder William Brewster. 7th from Capt. George Denison. 7th from Capt. James Avery. 7th from Capt. Thomas Miner. 7th from Capt. John Gallop. 7th from Thomas Stanton. 97 RiDGELY, Franklin Lee, St. Louis. 2825 5th from Dr. James Benson. 4th from Stephen Hopkins. 92 RiGGS, Manered Moses, St. Joseph. 2820 6th from Thomas Riggs. 31 Rogers, Alfred Harrison, Joplin. 11 55 4th from Timothy Green. 404 MISSOURI. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 51 Sabin, David Dickey, Belvidere, 111. 1278 7th from William Sabin. 6th trom Benjamin Sabin. 43 Sabin, Sidney Avery, Belvidere, ill. 1270 8th from Capt. George Denison. 8th from Capt. James Avery. 7th from Lieut. James Avery, Jr. 30 Sampson, Ceark Hamilton, St. Louis. 1154 7th from Capt. Myles Standish. 7th from John Alden. 7th from Lieut. Samuel Nash. 6th from Abraham Sampson. 3 Sands, James Thomas, St. Louis. 752 8th from John Talcott. 8th from Sergt. Samuel Wright. 7th from Ensign Thomas Cornell. 6th from Capt. James Sands. 45 Shapleigh, Alfred Lee, St. Louis. 127? 9th from Deputy-Gov. Ambrose Gibbons. 8th from Henry Sherburne. 8th from Jeremy Houchin. 8th from Anthony Stanyan. 7th from Lieut. John Pickering. 7th from Col. Samuel Wheelwright. 7th from Lieut. Roger Plaisted. 6th from Lieut. John Shapleigh. 6th from Col. John Wheelwright. 6th from John Plaisted. 6th from Capt. Tobias Langdon. 5th from Maj. Nicholas Shapleigh. 5th from Elisha Plaisted. 4th from Nicholas Shapleigh. 74 Short, Rev. William, D.D., St. Louis. 2323 8th from Sergt. Edward Riggs. 8th from Lieut. William French. 405 MISSOURI. State Society No. ' Generai, Society No. 7th from Roger Ludlow. 6th from Capt. Ebenezer Johnson. 13 Spencer, Hon. ;SElden Palmer, St. Louis. 762 7th from Ensign Jared Spencer. 7th from William Dudley. 7th from Reinold Marvin. 7th from Capt. Joseph Peck. 6th from Capt. William Pratt. 4th from Col. Samuel Selden. 14 Spencer, Horatio Neeson, M.D., LL.D., St. Louis. 763 8th from Rev. John Wilson. 7th from John Clark. 7th from Sergt. Richard Church. 6th from Dr. John Wilson. 6th from Lieut. Alex. Marsh. 6th from Ensign Jared Spencer. 6th from Lieut. William Pratt. 5th from Capt. William Pratt. 5th from Joseph Selden. 4th from Isaac Spencer. 3rd from Capt. William Erockway. 96 Stickney, William Albert, St. Louis. 2824 4th from Abraham Stickney. 49 TuTTLE, Rt. Rev. Daniel Sylvester, S..T.D., 1276 Bishop of Missouri, St. Louis. 4th from Daniel Tuttle. 40 VooRHEES, Williaai Perrine, Kansas City. 1267 7th from Lieut. Wilhelmus Beekman. 7th from Capt. Jan Strycker. 6th from Jan Strycker, Jr. 6th from Col. Gerardus Beekman, M.D. 6th from Maj. Cornelius Van Brunt. 6th from Jacobus Gerritsen Strycker. iio6 MISSOURI. State Society No. General Society No. 8i Walker, Stoughton, St. Joseph. 2374 9th from Capt. Richard Walker. 8th from Capt. William Wadsworth. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Stoughton. 6th from Capt. Thomas Stoughton. 6th from Capt. Ebenezer Eastman. 4th from Phineas Walker. 41 Ward, Hugh Campbell, Kansas City. 1268 5th from Seth Ward. 105 Webster, George Barry, St. Louis. 2982 4th from Capt. Ebenezer Webster. 35 Welsh, Hon. Milton, Kansas City. 1159 7th from Col. Nicholas Greenbury. 6y Welsh, Rev. Luther Winfield, Kansas City. 1807 7th from Col. Nicholas Greenbury. 7th from Col. John Hammond. 7th from Com.-Gen. Gerrit Van Sweringen. 7th from Hon. John Dorsey. 4th from Hon, Henry Grififeth. 2y White, John Barber, Kansas City. 1150 7th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 7th from John Prescott, Sr. 7th from Ralph Houghton. 6th from Lawrence Waters. 6th from Capt. Andrew Gardner. 6th from Capt. Thomas Wilder. 5th from Col. James Wilder. 5th from Josiah Whitcomb. 5th from Capt. Jabez Fairbanks. 4th from Col. Jonathan White. 4th from Sergt. Josiah White, Jr. 4th from Trumpeter Simon Butler. 407 MISSOURI. State Socibty No. - General Socibty No. 85 Whipple, Durand, Little Rock, Ark. 2503 9th from Vice- Admiral John Low. 9th from Maj. Aaron Cook. 8th from Capt. Samuel Smith, Sr. 8th from Thomas Boreman. 7th from Capt. Aaron Cook, 2d. 116 Wilder, Edward Bliss. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 37 Winter, Francis Anderson, M.D., Capt. U.S.A., 1161 Manila, P. L 6th from John Alden. 73 Winter, Samuel Drew, St. Louis. 2184 7th from John Alden. 6th from John Alden. 5 Wyman, Henry Purkitt, St. Louis. 754 7th from Richard Cutter. 4th from Lieut. Nehemiah Wyman 408 MISSOURI. 1In flDcmoriam. 93 William King Duckworth, died June 5 1900. 99 Robert Elisha Carr, died Sept. 8, 1900. 29 Rt. Rev. Charles Reuben HalE, D.D., died Dec. 25, 1900. 409 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF OHIO. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Ohio leceived its charter from the General Society at a meeting of the General Council, held at Balti- more, Md., on May 13, 1895. It was incorporated in the State of Ohio, May 29, 1895, and was or- ganized in the city of Cincinnati, June i, 1895. The first Social Court of the Society was held in Cincinnati, December 19, 1895, the 220th anni- versary of the Great Swamp Fight. The second Social Court was held in Cincinnati, December 10, 1896, the 143d anniversary of Washington's first expedition to the head waters of the Ohio River. The Society has been informally entertained by its first Governor, the Hon. Samuel Furman Hunt, at Glendale, Ohio, on October 12, 1895, and by Governor Asa Smith Bushnell, of Ohio, and Dr. Henry Cipperly Dimond, at Springfield, Ohio, on March 25, 1897. Annual General Courts and banquets have been held in Cincinnati on November 24th in commemo- ration of the capture of Fort Duquesne, at the head of the Ohio River, on November 24, 1758. Eligibility for membership by descent from private soldiers who served subsequent to 1700 is not recognized by this Society. Otherwise the con- ditions of eligibility are those prescribed in the con- stitution of the General Society. 410 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF OHIO. Elected at the Sixth General Court, held November 23, 1900. Governor. AcHiLLKS Henry Pugh. Deputy-Governor. NathanieIv Henchman Davis. Lfieutenant-Governor. John Sanborn Conner. Treasurer. John Ward BailEy. 18 E. Seventh St., Cincinnati. Secretary. Herbert Jenney. 2904 Vernon Place, Cincinnati. Deputy-Secretary. Charles Theodore Greve. Registrar. Robert Raeston Jones. Historian. John Uri Li.oyd. Chaplain. Rev. Samuee Newele Watson. 411 OHIO. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. George Eltweed Pomeroy, Hiram Harper Peck, Henry Cipperey Dimond, Howard Syden ham Winslow, Henry MeevieeE Curtis, Albert Matthews, Phineas Sanborn Conner, Isaac Carey Alden, Roderick Douglass Barney, Alfred Gaither. Committee on Membership. Herbert Jenney, Charles Phelps Taft, Perin Langdon, Charles Davies Jones, Charles James Stedman. Committee on Collection of Historical Documents and Records. Henry Cipperly Dimond, Roderick Douglass Barney, • John Uri Lloyd. 412 OHIO. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. Genekai. Society No. 37 AldEn, Isaac Carey, Akron. 1774 8th from John Alden. 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 24 Bailey, John Ward, Cincinnati. 1491 8th from Stukeley Westcott. 39 Barney, Roderick Douglass, Wyoming. 2030 7th from Gov. George Wyllys. 56 BateleE, John Gordon, Piqua. 2497 7th from Gov. Roger WilHams. 45 Bullock, James Wilson, Cincinnati. 2036 6th from Capt. John White, Jr. 32 BusHNELL, Hon. Asa Smith, Springfield. 1543 6th from Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell. 7 Clement, John Ben ham, Cincinnati. 920 Sth from Maj. Richard Colegate. 49 CoLBURN, William James, Toledo. 2040 6th from Col. Samuel Thaxter. 47 Conner, John Sanborn, Cincinnati. 2038 7th from Lieut. John Sanborn. 48 Conner, Phineas Sanborn, M.D., LL.D., Cin- 2039 cinnati. 7th from Lieut. John Sanborn. 33 Curtis, Henry Melville, D.D., Cincinnati. 1544 7th from Dep.-Gov. James Bishop. 51 Davis, Nathaniel Henchman, Cincinnati. 2201 7th from Capt. Daniel Henchman. 8th from Nicholas Danforth. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Danforth. 413 OHIO. State Society No. General Society No. 26 DiMOND_, Henry CippErly, M.D., Springfield. 1493 5th from Capt. John Dimon. 20 Doane;, William Howard, Mus. D., Cincinnati. 1402 8th from John Doane. 6th from John Doane, Jr. 5th from Lieut.-Col. Ehsha Doane. 9th from Stephen Hopkins. 9th from Elder William Brewster. 8th from Nicholas Snow. 22 Edwards, Charle;s Lincoln, Ph.D., .Trinity Col- 1404 lege, Hartford, Conn, loth from John Clark. 8th from Gov. George Wyllys. 8th from Lieut. William Pratt. 8th from Gov. John Haynes. . 7th from Ensign John Pratt. 6th from Lieut. Richard Stockton. 8 Felton, Samuel Morsl, Chicago, 111. 921 7th from Lieut. Nathaniel Felton. 9th from Edward Smith. 8th from Rev. Samuel Skelton. 8th from John Wickes. 8th from Samuel Gorton. 8th from Dep.-Gov. James Barker. 8th from Capt. Thomas Bradbury. 8th from Thomas Angell. 8th from John Green. 8th from William Almy. 8th from William Arnold. 8th from Richard Waterman. 8th from Stephen Arnold. 8th from Richard Carder. 8th from Thomas Greene, Sr. 8th from Gov. Roger Williams. 414 OHIO. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from John Townsend. 7th from Maj. John Greene. 7th from Caleb Moody. 7th from Capt. John Whipple. 7th from Sergt. Edward Smith. 7th from Capi. Randall Holden. 7th from Zachariah Rhodes. 7th from Resolved Waterman. 7th from Israel Arnold. 7th from Capt. Benjamin Gorton. 7th from John Low. 7th from Thomas Greene. 6th from Col. Joseph Whipple. 6th from Maj. Anthony Low. 6th from Moses Lippitt. 6th from Lieut. Charles Holden. 6th from John Rhodes. 6th from John Wickes. 6th from Samuel Gorton. 6th from Charles Holden. 5th from Moses Lippitt. 5th from Col. Stephen Low. 4th from Christopher Lippitt. 4th from Lieut. -Col. John Low. 41 Fitch, Winchester, Unionville. 2032 8th from Mai. John Mason. 59 F01.GER, Walter A., Akron. 2765 9th from Thomas Mayhew. 54 Gaither, Aiv.i^RED, M.D., Cincinnati. 2495 7th from Col. William Burgess. 61 Gari^ield, Harry Augustus, Cleveland. 2929 9th from Capt. Benjamin Garfield. 415 OHIO. Stats Socikty No. General Society No. 50 GoSHORN, Edward Clarence^ Cincinnati. 2200 7th from John Monsall. 6th from Richard Cutter. 23 Greve, Charles Theodore, Cincinnati. 1405 6th from Jonathan Emery. 3 Hayes, Birchard Austin^ Toledo. 910 5th from William Thompson, 5 Hunt, Samuel Furman, LL.D., L.H.D., Cincinnati. 918 6th from Lieut. Ralph Hunt. 6th from Judge Richard Betts. 8th from Judge James Browne. 7th from Rev. Obadiah Holmes. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Holmes. 7th from Hon. Richard Borden. 21 Hurd, Ethan Osborn, Captain, U.S.A., Plainville. 1403 6th from John Hurd. 4th from Capt. Nathan Hurd, Sr. 3rd from Capt. Nathan Hurd, Jr. 46 Jenney, Herbert, Cincinnati. 2037 7th from John Jenney. 7th from John Alden. 7th from Gov. William Bradford. 52 Jones, Charles Davies, Cincinnati. 2202 6th from Lieut. Samuel Fosdick. 60 Jones, Robert Ralston, Cincinnati. 2819 8th from Gov. John Haynes. 6 Langdon, Perin, Cincinnati. 919 7th from Rev. Thomas Hooker. 7th from Francis Brown. 6th from Capt. William Torrey. 6th from Rev. John Wilson. 4th from Ensign Jesse Perin. 416 OHIO. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 43 Laws, Harry Langdon, Cincinnati. 2034 8th from Rev. Thomas Hooker. 7th from Capt. William Torrey. 7th from Rev. John Wilson. 34 LivOYD, John Uri, Ph.M., Ph.D., Cincinnati. 1545 9th from Robert Coe. 8th from Edward Griswold. 8th from Gov. William Leete. 8th from Gov. John Webster. 5th from Surgeon Benjamin Doolittle. 4th from Col. Samuel Ashley. 30 Marvin, Richard Pratt, Akron. 1497 7th from Lieut. William Pratt. 35 Matthews, Albert, Hillsboro. 1572 7th from Capt. Christopher Hussey. 5th from Capt. John McDowell. 5th from Lieut. John Moffett. 4th from Capt. Joseph McDowell. 4th from Capt. James Allen. 4th from Col. George Moffett. 19 Matthews, Caleb Bently, Cincinnati. 1401 6th from Francis Brown. 36 MerrELL, George, Cincinnati. 1773 6th from Henry Poore. 42 Newton, Charles Humphreys, Marietta. 2033 6th from Shubael Sterns. 10 Norton, Thomas Herbert, Ph.D., Sc.D., Harput, 917 Syria. 4th from Lieut. -Col. Ebenezer Norton. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gov. William Leete. 6th from Lieut. Samuel Humphrey. 417 OHIO. General Society No. Staxs Society No. 5th from Capt. Nathaniel Baldwin. 4th from Capt. Daniel Horsford. 58 Orton, Edward, Columbus. 2764 7th from Thomas Orton. 57 Peck, Hiram Harper, Cincinnati. 2763 7th from Lieut. Joseph Peck. 14 Perin, Frank Langdon, Cincinnati. 1020 4th from Ensign Jesse Perin. 17 Peters, Ralph, Cincinnati. 1399 4th from William Peters. 9 PoMEROY, George Eltweed, Toledo. 868 4th from Maj. Seth Pomeroy. 12 PuGH, AcHiLEES Henry, Cincinnati. 1018 5th from Capt. Christopher Clark. 4 Rawson, Edward Stephen, Cincinnati. 916 8th from Secretary Edward Rawson. loth from Elder William Brewster. 9th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 9th from John Alden. 9th from Capt. John Glover. 5th from Capt. Jeremiah Richards, Jr. 31 Seely, William Wallace, A.M., M.D., Cincinnati. 1498 8th from Roger Conant. 6th from John Conant. 15 Shoemaker, Frederick Bellinger, Toledo. 1021 4th from Capt. Henry Herter. I Shoemaker, Michael Myers, Cincinnati. 49^ 5th from Capt. Hanyoost Herkimer. 5th from Maj. Richard Colegate. 4th from Capt. Henry Herter. 418 OHIO. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 2 Shoe;makEr, Robert Henry^ Cincinnati. 909 5th from Capt. Hanyoost Herkimer. 5th from Maj. Richard Colegate. 4th from Capt. Henry Herter. 25 Stedman, Charles James, Cincinnati. 1492 7th from Maj .-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 38 Taet^ Charles Phelps, Cincinnati. . 2029 7th from Edward Rawson. 52 Watson, Rev. Samuel Newell, D.D., Chillicothe. 1273 5th from Michael Kearney. — 6th from Elisha Lawrence. 7th from Robert Burnett. 44 Wayne, James Starke, Cincinnati. 2035 6th from Col. Thomas Smythe. 2^ WiNSLOw, Chauncey Rose, San Francisco, Cal, 1494 6th from Col. John Jackson, 18 Winslow, Howard Sydenham, Cincinnati. 1400 6th from Col. John Jackson. 29 Wood, Charles Morgan, Dayton. 1496 8th from Capt. Miles Morgan. 6th from Capt. Christopher Clark. 28 Wood, Ephraim Morgan, Dayton. 1495 7th from Capt. Miles Morgan. 5th from Capt. Christopher Clark. 40 Yergason, Henry Christopher, Cincinnati. 2031 9th from Elder William Brewster. 419 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Ne- braska was organized at Omaha, April 27, 1895, and was chartered bv the General Society May 14, 1895. The gentlemen present at the first meeting pro- ceeded under the Statutes of Nebraska to organize as an incorporated society; a constitution was adopted and officers elected. A Special Court of this Society was held at the Commercial Club, Omaha, on the 220th anniversary of the Great Swamp Fight, December 19, 1895, at which Chan- cellor Goss read a most instructive monograph on that historical event. 420 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. Elected at a Court held December 19, 1900. Governor. Charles Albert Goss. Deputy-Governor. Edwin Catlin Webster. Lieutenant-Governor. Wm. Farnam Smith. Secretary. Basil Marion Webster. Omaha. Registrar. Clement Chase. Treasurer. Wm. Irving Hawks. Omaha. Chancellor. James Mills Woolworth. Chaplain. Rev. George W. Crafts. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Myron Leslie Learned, Charles W. Hamilton, Wm. Farnam Smith, John Prentiss Lord, Wm. Irving Hawks, Wm. Henry Alexander. Committee on Membership. Clement Chase, Edwin Catlin Webster. 421 NEBRASKA. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. 2 Alexander, William Henry, Omaha. 1022 8th from William Douglas. 9 Bemis, George Pickering, Omaha. 1029 8th from John Bridge. 8th from Nicholas Danforth. 6th from Michael Flagg. 3 Chase, Clement, Omaha. 1023 5th from Moses Chase. 9th from John Rowland. 8th from Gov. William Benton. 8th from Capt. John Gorum. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Capt. George Denison. 21 Crafts, George Wallen, Beatrice. 2358 8th from Lieut. Grififin Craft. 7 Goss, Charles Albert, Omaha. 1027 9th from George Abbot. 6 Hamilton, Charles William, Omaha. 1026 7th from Nathan Hamilton. 6th from Ezra Hamilton. 5 Hamilton, Frank Tiernan, Omaha. 1025 7th from Nathan Hamilton. 6th from Ezra Hamilton. 19 Hanna, Charles Augustus, Lincoln. 1396 9th from George Maris. 422 NEBRASKA. Statb Society No. General Society No. 2T, Hawks, William Irving, Omaha. 2360 6th from Eliezur Hawks. 5th from Nathaniel Hawks. 6th from Robert Bardwell. 6th from Samuel Smith, 14 Hlywood, Henry Brady, Omaha. 1034 8th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 10 Humphrey, Charles Frederick, Major, U.S.A. 1030 8th from Michael Humphrey. 20 Ladd, Charles Franklin, Lincoln. 1397 8th from Capt. James Avery. 8 Learned, Myron Leslie, Omaha. 1028 7th from Isaac Learned, Jr. 8th from John Bigelow. 11 Lord, John Prentiss, Omaha. 1031 7th from Daniel Warner. 5th from Daniel Warner. 15 Morton, Julius Sterling, Nebraska City. 1392 7th from Lieut. Joseph Kellogg. 7th from Lieut. Samuel Smith. 6th from Lieut. Philip Smith. 18 Smith, William Farnam, Omaha. 1395 9th from Tristram Cofifin. 8th from Lieut. Tristram Coffin, Jr. I Thompson, John Taliaferro, Lieutenant, U.S.A. 817 7th from James Thompson. 6th from James Thompson. 5th from Sergt. James Thompson. 423 NEBRASKA. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from Caleb Simonds. 7th from James Taylor, 2d. 5th from Dr. Thomas Hindes. 24 WeIbster, Basil Marion, Omaha. 2361 8th from Gov. John Webster. 17 Webster, Edwin Catlin, Hastings. 1394 8th from Gov. John Webster. 22 Woolworth, ChareES Peck, Castleton, N. Y. 2359 8th from Quartermaster George Colton. 7th from Capt. Thomas Colton. 13 Woolworth, James Mills, Omaha. 1033 7th from Quartermaster George Colton. 6th from Capt. Thomas Colton. 424 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. .The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Minnesota was organized at St. Paul, October i, 1895, and chartered by the General Society, Decem- ber 19, 1895. The first General Court was held at St. Paul, January 15, 1896. Incorporated under the State Laws of Minnesota, February 14, 1896. 425 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. Governor. James Franklin Wade, Brig.-Gen., U.S.A. Deputy-Governor. Jacob Stone. Lieutenant-Governor. jEHiEL Weston Chamberun, M.D. Secretary. WiivLiAM Gardner White. Treasurer. Walter Fredericks Myers. Registrar. Henry Burleigh Wenzell. Historian. Edward Blake Young. Genealogist. Fremont Nathan Jaynes. Chancellor. George Brooks Young. Chaplain. *Rt. Rev. Henry Benjamin Whipple, D.D., LL.D. Surgeon. Jeremiah Clark Stewart, M.D. ♦Deceased. ^^6 MINNESOTA. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term expiring 1901. EVEIRETT HOSKINS BaII^EY, FrANK HuTCHISON PEAVEY, Kenne;th Clark. Term expiring 1902. John Townsend, William Petit Trowbridge^ Stephen Jewett. Term expiring 1903. Thaddeus Crane Field, Ell Torrance, George Henry Daggett. COMMITTEES. Membership Committee. Charles Phelps Noyes, Chairman. Edward Blake Young, Secre- Eben Freme Wells, tary, George Chase Christian, Emerson William Peet. Committee on Historical Documents. John Quincy Adams, Chairman. Henry Lyman Little, Secre- George Myron Phillips, tary, Oliver Warren Shaw, Henry Rogers Wells. 427 . MlNNdSOTA. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Socibty No. General Society No. 21 Abbott, Eve;rton Judson, M.D., St, Paul. 141 5 6th from Lieut. Joseph Judson. 7th from Capt. Thomas Minor. 6th from Capt. John Minor. 4th from Capt. Matthew Minor. 6th from Lieut. Israel Curtiss. 5th from Col. William Preston. 22 Adams, John Quincy, St. Paul. 1416 6th from Ensign Edward Adams. 8th from Capt. Edward Johnson. 8th from Matthew Mitchell. 7th from Samuel Sherman. 8th from Capt. Thomas Bull. 7th from Capt. John Stanley. 42 Adams, John Walker, St. Paul. 1616 loth from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 9th from Rev. John Woodbridge. 9th from Capt. Samuel Ruggles. 9th from Henry Wolcott. 7th from Capt. Thomas Colton. 6th from Edward Walker. 83 Almy, William EllEry, Capt., 5th U. S. Cavalry, 2304 Major, U.S.V. 7th from Capt. Christopher Almy. 8th from Ensign Thomas Cornell. 8th from Peter Tallman. 8th from William Ford, Sr. 8th from John Wakeman. 8th from Obadiah Bruen. 428 MINNESOTA. State Society No. General Society No. iio Anderson, Arthur Converse;, St. Paul. 7th from Maj. James Converse. 9th from John Alden. 9th from Gov. John Webster. 9th from Elder William Brewster. 9th from Gov. Thomas Mayhew. 7th from Maj. John Mason. 99 Bailey, Everett Hoskins, St. Paul. 2319 4th from Benjamin Bailey. 8th from William Ward. 8th from Capt. Richard Brackett. 7th from Abraham Howe. 7th from John Howe. 7th from John Pressey. 7th from Ensign James Kidder. 7th from Simon Crosby, Jr. 6th from Simon Crosby, 3rd. 6th from Capt. George Brown. 7th from Sergt. Philip Stanwood. 6th from Samuel Stanwood. 5th from Lieut. Ebenezer Stanwood. 4th from Sergt. David Stanwood. 33 Bartholomew, James Hull Sherman, Guerne- 1427 ville, Cal. 8th from Capt. John Johnson. 8th from Lieut. John Drury. 7th from Thomas Stanton. 7th from Capt. Thomas Prentice. 6th from Lieut. William Bartholomew. 6th from Capt. Joseph Kingsbury. 86 Bates, William Oscar, Indianapolis, Ind. 2307 7th from John Warner, Sr. 6th from Sergt. John Hawks. 4th from Capt. Samuel Reynolds. 429 MINNESOTA. State Society No. General Society No. 129 BSLL, Edwin, Lieutenant, U.S.A. 2894 4th from William Duffield. 131 Bembnt, Robert Bunker Coi^eman. 2896 7th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 9th from Andrew Ward. 8th from Capt. Miles Morgan. 8th from John Rowland. 7th from Nathaniel Bacon. 7th from Capt. John Gorham. 74 BissELiv, William Putnam, Evanston, 111. 2107 8th from John Bissell. 8th from Elder John White. 8th from Capt. William Traske. 8th from Lieut. William Avery. 7th from Capt. Peter Bulkley. • 7th from John Tower. 43 Bowen, Edgar Campbell, Captain, U.S.A., St. 1617 Paul. 8th from Richard Bowen. 8th from Gov. Roger Williams. 8th from Thomas Olney, Sr. 8th from John Field. 8th from Capt. John Whipple. 8th from Ensign John Smith. 50 Brooke, John Rutter, Maj.-Gen., U.S.A. 1776 5th from Thomas Rutter. 4th from Thomas Rutter, Jr. 4th from John Potts. 133 Bryant, Frederick Stewart, St. Paul. 2904 9th from Gov. Roger Conant. 9th from Thomas Halsey. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Danforth. 430 MINNESOTA. State Socikty No. Generai, Society No. 7th from Capt. Daniel Sayre. 7th from Major Jeremiah Swaine. 6th from Capt. John Stearns. 102 Butters, Wii^liam, MinneapoHs. . 2363 7th from WilHam Butter. 8th from Maj. Richard Waldron. 8th from Capt. Richard Cutts. 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Fryer. 7th from Capt. John Gerrish. 6th from Col. Timothy Gerrish. 120 Catun, Frederick Miles, St. Paul. 2791 5th from John Catlin. 46 Chamberein, Clarence Abner, Eau Claire, Wis. 1726 6th from Joseph Chamberlin. 5th from Nathaniel Chamberlin. 4th from Richard Chamberlin. 4th from John McAllister. 4th from Archibald McAllister. yy Chamberlin, George Harris, Walla Walla, 2110 Wash. 5th from Richard Chamberlin. 28 Chamberlin, Jehil Weston, St. Paul. 1422 7th from Joseph Chamberlin. 6th from Nathaniel Chamberlin. 5th from Richard Chamberlin. loth from Richard Warren. 8th from Nathaniel Morton. 8th from Lieut. Ralph Sprague. 98 Chesebrough, George Latimer, Duluth. 2320 7th from William Chesebrough. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell. 8th from Capt. George Denison. 431 MINNESOTA. State Society No. - Generai, Society No. 7th from Lieut. Matthew Griswold. 4th from Gov. Matthew Griswold. 5th from Maj.-Gen. Roger Wolcott. 16 Chittenden, Edwin Sedgwick, St. Paul. 1410 7th from Maj. William Chittenden. 9th from Stephen Hopkins. 8th from Sergt. .Thomas Barnes. 7th from Edward Dotey. 7th from Capt. John Taylor. 6th from Col. John Talcott. 38 Christian, George Chase, Minneapolis. 1569 8th from Lieut. Edward Morris. 69 Ceark, Homer Pierce, St. Paul. 2077 9th from Elder William Brewster. 9th from Gen. Constant Southworth. 8th from Capt. Daniel Henchman. 8th from Gov. Thomas Prence. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Sparrow. 7th from Maj. John Freeman. 73 Ceark, Kenneth, St. Paul. 2106 8th from Brant Arentse Van Slichtenhorst. 8th from Col. OlofiF Stevensen Van Cortlandt. 7th from Capt. Filyp Pieterse Van Schuyler. 7th from Capt. Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 7th from Capt. Daniel Brodhead. 7th from Corp. Coenraet Ten Eycke. 6th from Col. Peter Schuyler. 6th from Capt. Johannes Lansing. 6th from Franz Winne. 6th from Capt. Andries De Witt. 5th from Corp. Gerrit Nieukerk, Jr. 432 M1NNH.S0TA. State Society No. General Society No. 67 Coffin, William King, Eau Claire, Wis. 1852 7th from Tristram Coffin. 7th from Lieut. Edmund Greenleaf. 6th from Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. 8th from Judge Abraham Preble. 6th from Capt. Abraham Preble. 7th from Lieut. Jonathan Lockwood. 72 Collins, Loren Warren, St. Cloud. 2105 3rd from Benjamin Collins. 7th from Lieut. John Sanborn. 7th from Gov. Thomas Roberts. 6th from Abraham Drake, Jr. 5th from Anthony Libby. 3rd from Joseph Libby. 68 Cook, Stephen Champlin, St. Paul. 2076 7th from Capt. Jeffrey Champlin. 9th from Stukely Westcott. 8th from Gov. Benedict Arnold. 7th from Edmund Freeman. 8th from Capt. Samuel Wilbor. 6th from Lieut. George Hazard. 61 CoRSER, Elwood Spencer, Minneapolis. 1787 4th from John Corser. 36 Gushing, Luther Stearns, St. Paul. 1567 8th from Stephen Hopkins. 8th from John Winslow. 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 8th from John Alden. 6th from Capt. John Jacob. 6th from Maj.-Gen. John Walley. y6 Cutler, Edward Hutchins, St. Paul. 2109 6th from Lieut. Thomas Cutler, loth from Francis Cooke. 433 , MINNESOTA. State Society No. General Societt No. 9th from George Soule. 9th from Hon. John Willis. 9th from Capt. Richard Brackett. 6th from Capt. Thomas Hale, Jr. 6 Daggett, George Henry, Minneapolis. 986 5th from Lieut. Elihu Daggett. 9th from Gov. Thomas Mayhew. 8th from John Woodcock. 9th from Lieut. Edmund Greenleaf. 7th from Daniel Merrill. 7th from Samuel Guild. 71 Dobbin, Edward Savage, Fairbault. 2104 6th from Lieut. Nathaniel Bacon. 126 Ebereein, Charles Wood, St. Paul. 2847 8th from John Coolidge. 8th from Richard Kenner. 7th from Rodham Kenner. 4th from Rodham Kenner. 9th from Col. William Claiborne. 9th from William Ball. 8th from Capt. David Fox. 8th from Col. Thomas Brereton. 7th from Josiah Wood. 5th from Capt. William Davenport. 5th from Col. George Plater. 13 Edwards, Edward Junius, Minneapolis. 1407 9th from John Brown. 8th from Lieut. William Pratt. 9th from John Clark. 8th from Gov. John Haynes. 7th from Hon. Samuel Wyllys. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Adams. 434 MINNESOTA. State Society No. general Society IMo. 52 Farrington, Robert Irving, St. Paul. 1778 7th from Samuel Fisher. 6th from Ensign Eleazer Metcalf. 6th from Samuel Colburn. 97 Field, John Ireland Howe, St. Paul. 2318 8th from Anthony Snow. Ill Field, Thaddeus Crane, St. Paul. 2607 7th from Lieut. Robert Feakes. 7th from Edward Griswold. 6th from Lieut. Francis Griswold. 5th from Lieut. Jonathan Crane. 5th from Capt. Samuel Couch. 4th from Capt. John .Titus. 79 Fletcher, Paris, St. Paul. 21 14 9th from John Howland. 8th from Capt. George Denison. 8th from Capt. John Gorham. 8th from Capt. Thomas Miner. 8th from Capt. James Avery. 7th from Capt. Joseph Saxton. 40 Frazer, Sheldon Lord, Duluth. 1418 9th from John Clark. 8th from Lieut. William Pratt. 7th from Lieut. Reinold Marvin. 6th from Joseph Selden. 4th from Col. Samuel Selden. 7th from Andrew Warner. 54 Gheen, Edward Hickman, Commander, U.S.N. 1780 7th from Daniel Williamson. 7th from Joshua Hoopes. 6th from Daniel Hoopes. 6th from Benjamin Mendenhall. 4th from Joseph James. 435 . MINNESOTA. State Society No. General Society No. 137 GHwEERT, Arthur Eaton. 3105 5th from Rev. Jonathan Ingersoll. 24 Gilbert, Frederick Lee, Duluth. 1418 8th from Capt. Richard Olmstead. 6th from Capt. Daniel Olmstead. 5th from Rev. Jonathan Ingersoll. 75 *Gilbert, Maheon Norris, St. Paul. 2108 7th from Major Simon Willard. 121 Greene, Charles Lyman, M.D., St. Paul. 2849 4th from Lieut. Thomas Greene. 9th from Richard Swan. 8th from Daniel Thurston. 7th from Peleg Lav^rence. 7th from Samuel Scripture. 4th from Col. Joseph Frye. 26 GrEEnleaf, Franklin Lewis, Minneapolis. 1420 7th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 6th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf. 7th from Tristram Coffin. 7th from Lieut. Edward Woodman. 7th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 6th from Capt. x\ndrew Gardner. 139 Gregg, Jesse Ashton. 3107 6th from Thomas Hazen, Sr. 104 Hadley, Emerson, St. Paul. 2440 8th from John Alden. 53 Hawks, Joseph Matthew, St. Paul. 1779 8th from William Carpenter. 6th from Lieut. Job Winslow. 7th from Kenelm Winslow. *Deceased. 436 MINNESOTA. State Society No. General Society No. 63 *He;rse;y_, Dudley Hall, St. Paul. 1789 4th from Samuel Poole, 3rd. 57 Hersly, Roscoe Freeman. 1783 4th from Samuel Poole, 3rd. 138 Hinckley, Nathaniel Bent, St. Paul. 3106 6th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 85 Howard, Charles Edward Nason, Lieut., U.S.V. 2306 9th from Lieut. Wilhelmus Beekman. 9th from Capt. Filyp Pieterse Van Schuyler. 8th from Robert Livingston. 7th from Ensign Jacob Mitchell. 132 Hunter, Edward, Lieut.-Col., U.S.A. 2903 4th from Capt. Adam Hunter. I Hurd, Rukard, St. Paul. 287 7th from John Hurd. 5th from Capt. Nathan Hurd, Sr. 4th from Capt. Nathan Hurd, Jr. 8th from Matthew Mitchell. 7th from Sergt. Edward Hinman. 4th from Capt. John Osborn. 106 Jaynes, Fremont Nathan, St. Paul. 1024 7th from Gov. William Bradford. 6th from Maj. William Bradford. 5th from Lieut. Joseph Bradford. 7th from Maj. John Mason. 7th from Elder William Jeanes. 6th from Abel Janes. 10 Jewett, Stephen, Faribault. 1138 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Lieut. William Pratt. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 8th from Richard Warren. ^Deceased. 437 MINNESOTA. State Society No. - General Society No. 7th from Maj. John Mason. 6th from Rev. James Fitch. 114 Jewett, William Parker, St. Paul. 2691 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 7th from Capt. Josiah Standish. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Maj. William Bradford, 7th from Lieut. Thomas Adams. 5th from Capt. Joseph Adams. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 6th from Dr. Solomon Tracy. 5th from Solomon Tracy. 7th from Rev. James Fitch. 6th from Maj. James Fitch. 5th from Lieut. -Col. Jabez Fitch. 60 Johnson, Charles Williamson, St. Paul. 1786 8th from Nicholas Danforth. 8th from John Bridge. 7th from Matthew Bridge. 7th from Corp. John Livermore. 4th from John Little. 4th from Samuel Livermore. 140 JuDSON, Henry Sheldon. 3108 7th from Lieut. Joseph Judson. 88 Knapp, Henry Eno, Menomonie, Wis. 2309 6th from Capt. John Knapp. 8th from Deacon Samuel Chapin. 8th from Corp. John Moss. 5th from Rev. Benjamin Doolittle. 5th from Capt. Zachariah Field. 4th from Capt. Seth Field. 32 Lewis, George Winthrop, St. Paul. 1426 9th from Gov. John Haynes. 9th from Gov. George Wyllys. 438 MINNESOTA. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj.-Gen. John Leverett. 8th from Dep.-Gov. Roger Ludlow. 4th from Capt. Eldad Lewis. 23 LiGHTNER, WlIvUAM HuRLEY, St. Paul. I417 7th from Louis DuBois. 6th from Abraham DuBois. loi Little, Henry Lyman, Minneapolis. 2322 8th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 8th from Capt. John Carter. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from Capt. Joseph Hills. 7th from Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. 7th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf. 51 McLean, John, M.D., St. Paul. 1777 6th from James Claypoole. 25 Mayo, Charles Edwin, St. Paul. 1419 8th from Comm. Constant Southworth. 7th from Gov. Thomas Prence. 7th from John Alden. 7th from Thomas Clarke. 6th from Capt. John Freeman. 6th from Lieut. Jonathan Sparrow. 34 Mitchell, Rev. Edward Craig, St. Paul. 1565 8th from Capt. William Lawrence. 7th from William Biles. 7th from Samuel Jennings. 6th from Thomas Stevenson, 3rd. 44 MoNFoRT, Delos Abram, St. Paul. 1724 7th from Ensign William Goodrich. 45 MoNFORT, Frederick Delos, St. Paul. 1725 9th from Gov. Thomas Mayhew. 9th from Corp. John Daggett. 439 MINNESOTA. Stats Society No. ' General Society No. 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Bradford. 8th from Rev. John Lothrop. 4th from Col. Solomon Wills. 27 Moore, Albert Randeel, St. Paul. 1421 7th from Capt. Samuel Moore. loth from Capt. Jan Str3^cker. 8th from Joris Jansen de Rapelje. 8th from Capt. Richard Betts. 8th from Capt. Daniel Whitehead. 7th from Lieut. Joseph Sackett. 82 Myers, Walter Fredericks, St. Paul. 2303 7th from Ensign Alexander Bryan. 5th from Rev. John Harriman. 4th from Capt. Henry Herter. ■ 5 NoYEs, Charles Phelps, St. Paul. 347 4th from Capt. Thomas Noyes. 5th from Rev. James Noyes. 4th from John Rogers, Jr. 5th from Gov. Peleg Sanford. 5th from Capt. John Rogers. 6th from Gov. William Coddington. 6th from Thomas Stanton. 6th from Lieut. John Sanford. 6th from Dep.-Gov. James Barker. 6th from Lieut. Matthew Griswold. 6th from Thomas Hawley. 6th from Dep.-Gov. Francis Willoughby. 6th from Judge Simon Lynde. 30 Noyes, Daniel Rogers, St. Paul. 1424 6th from Gov. William Coddington. 96 Peavey, Frank Hutchison, Minneapolis. 2317 6th from Lieut. Anthony Nutter. 440 MINNESOTA. Statb Society No. General Socibty No. 66 Peet, Emerson William, St. Paul. 1838 5th from Gov. Peleg Sanford. 5th from Rev. James Noyes. 6th from Capt. George Denison. 7th from William Hutchinson. 6th from Thomas Stanton. 6th from Gov. William Coddington. 64 Phelps, Edmund Joseph, Minneapolis. 1836 7th from William Phelps. 70 Phillips, George Myron, Northfield. 2103 8th from Maj.-Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 8th from Rev. Samuel Stone. 8th from John Bronson. 7th from William Bushnell, Sr. 6th from Lieut. William Bushnell. 6th from Capt. Samuel Sedgwick. 4th from Capt. John Ensign. 81 Pierce, James Oscar, Minneapolis. 2302 8th from Edward Rossiter. 7th from Edward Thurston. 7th from Thomas Brownell. 20 Pike, Francis Wallace, New York City, N. Y. 1146 6th from Robert Pike. 8th from Thomas Willett. 8th from John Howland. 7th from Capt. Joshua Scottow. 7th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 5th from Moses Pearson. 31 PiLLSBURY, Charles Alfred, Minneapolis. 1425 4th from Capt. Caleb Pillsbury. 115 Pond, George Enoch, Major and Q. M., U.S.A. 2692 7th from Lieut. Daniel Pond. 6th from Ephraim Pond. 441 MINNESOTA. State Society No. ' General Society No. 8th from William Heath. 6th from Capt. William Heath. 8th from Capt. Joseph Weld. 7th from John Weld. 134 Powell, Lyman Theodore;, West Superior, Wis. 2924 9th from Capt. William Traske.- 9th from Sergt. John Perkins. 8th from Stephen Hart. 7th from Capt. John Stanley. 7th from Capt. Thomas Hart. 7th from Rev. Samuel Skelton. 17 Quay, Andrew Gregg Curtin, Captain, U.S.A. 141 1 4th from Capt. Patrick Anderson. 49 Rhodes, Rev. Dudley Ward, D.D., Cincinnati, 1017 Ohio. • 8th from John Alden. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Richard Treat. 7th from Gov. William Leete. 7th from Rev. John Woodbridge. 4th from Gen. Artemas Ward. 94 Richardson, William Eddy, Duluth. 2315 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Richard Treat. 8th from Nathaniel Richardson. 8th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 7th from Rev. John Woodbridge, Sr. 7th from Gov. William Leete. 59 Robinson, Lewis Arms. St. Paul. 1785 4th from Capt. Samuel Robinson, Jr. 7th from Edward Larkin. 6th from Benjamin Wellington. 6th from Samuel Manning. 442 MINNESOTA. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Moses Newton. 4th from Capt. Stephen Fay. 105 Russell, Stlvens Graham, St. Paul. 2441 3rd from Lieut. Peletiah Russell. 9th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 8th from Sergt. .Thomas Hale. 7th from Capt. Thomas Hale. 6th from Corp. Abel Merrill. 6th from Ensign Moses Chase. 112 Rust, Alony Joslph, Eau Claire, Wis. 2664 8th from Lieut. William Clark. 6th from John Doud. 103 Seabury, Channing, St. Paul. 2364 7th from John Alden. 127 Shaw, Oliver Warren, Austin. 2848 7th from Roger Shaw. 80 Skinner, James Henry, St. Paul. 2301 4th from Col. Benjamin Simonds. 78 Smith, Charles Eastwick, M.D., St. Paul. 21 11 6th from Capt. John Hall. 58 Smith, Edward Barnum, St. Paul. 1784 3rd from Capt. Abner Granger. 119 Squires, George Clarke, St. Paul. 27^90 8th from John Steele. 8th from Capt. William Hedge. 8th from Josiah Winslow. 8th from Richard Sears. 6th from Capt. Samuel Sears. 7th from Lieut. John Thacher. 89 Stanton, Benjamin Irving. 2310 5th from Benjamin Stanton, Sr. 443 MINNESOTA. State Society No. ' General Society No. 122 Start, Charles Monroe, Chief Justice Supreme 2829 Court of Minnesota. 4th from Capt. Moses Tucker. 124 Stevens, John Walter, St. Paul. 2845 8th from Isaac Allerton. 7th from Capt. Samuel Foster, Sr, 7th from Sergt. John Stevens. 6th from William Roby. 6th from Ensign Thomas Chandler. 5th from Lieut. Thomas Chandler, Jr. 56 Stewart, Jeremiah Clark, M.D., Minneapolis. 1782 8th from Pres. John Coggeshall. 8th from Gov. Nicholas Easton. 7th from Sergt. Peter Easton. 7th from Capt. Jeremiah Clarke. 6th from Weston Clarke. 6th from Thomas Mann. 35 Stone, Jacob, Minneapolis. 1566 7th from Capt. Thomas Bradbury. 7th from Lieut. Matthew Griswold. 7th from Deacon Samuel Chapin. 7th from Capt. Francis Norton. 6th from Ensign Thomas Lee. 6th from Capt. John Gyles. 90 Taylor, Oscar Livingstone, St. Paul. 23 11 8th from Jonathan Gilbert, Sr, 65 TiMBERLAKE, William Sharp, St. Paul. 1837 7th from Lieut. William Teller. 6th from Francis Rombout. 5th from Lieut. Roger Brett. 5th from Paulus Vandervoort. 4th from Judge Abraham Schenck. 444 MINNESOTA. State Society No. General Society No. ii8 Torrance;, Zhh, Minneapolis. 2789 /th from Thomas Roberts. 5th from Thomas Bloomfield, Jr. 4th from Joseph Bloomfield. 4th from John Martin, 3rd. 108 TowNE, Richard Penfield, Duluth. 8th from Samuel Eddy. 14 Townsend, John, St. Paul. 1408 8th from John Underhill. 113 Tracy, Joseph Powell, Lieut., U.S.A. 2690 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 48 Trowbridge, William Petit, Chicago, 111. 1728 7th from Lieut. James Trowbridge. 7th from Capt. William Trask. 8th from James Morgan. 7th from Lieut. John Morgan. 5th from Capt. Daniel Morgan. 4th from Capt. William Belcher. 41 Tucker, W^illiam Francis, Chief Paymaster, 161 5 U.S.A. 6th from Ephraim Guile. 15 Upham, Henry Pratt, St. Paul. 1409 8th from John Upham. 7th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 6th from Edward Walker, Sr. 9th from Gov. John Webster. 9th from William Vassall. 8th from Robert Bartlett. 7th from Sergt. Samuel Wright. 7th from Shadrach Hapgood. 7th from Deacon Samuel Stone. 6th from John Bigelow. 4th from Capt. John Stebbins. 445 MINNESOTA. State Society Na General Society No. 107 Wade, Be;njamin Franki^in, Ludington, Mich. 2553 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 84 Wade;, Jame;s Franklin, Brigadier-General, U.S.A. 2305 5th from Maj. Nathaniel Wade. 7th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 6th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 6th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 6th from Capt. Joseph Sill. 6th from Lieut. Richard Lord. 92 Wade, John Parsons, Lieut, U.S.A. 2313 9th from Anthony Fisher, Sr. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Adams. 8th from Robert Bond. 8th from Walter Dean. 7th from Lieut. Joseph Kellogg. 128 Wagnkr, Arthur Lockwood, Lieut. -Col., Adj.- 2902 Gen., U.S.A. 4th from Capt. Peter Wagner, Jr. 5th from George Doxtader. 5th from Lieut. Johan Jost. 4th from Capt. George Henry Bell. 91 Washburn, Wiluam Drew, Minneapolis. 2312 7th from John Washburn, Sr. 8th from Francis Cooke. 8th from Richard Warren. 7th from Sergt. Richard Church. 6th from Ensign John Whitman. 3rd from Benjamin King. 47 Wells, Eben Freme, Minneapolis. 1727 8th from Gov. John Haynes. 8th from Gov. William Pynchon. 7th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 446 MINNESOTA. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Rev. James Noyes. 4th from Gen. Jabez Huntington. 4th from Col. John Chester. 130 W£;lls^ Henry Rogers, Preston. 2895 7th from Ensign Jared Spencer. 93 Wenzel, Henry Bureeigh, St. Paul. 2314 9th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 8th from Richard Treat. 7th from Lieut. John Hollister. 6th from Lieut. Timothy Baker. 4th from Col. Otis Baker. 5th from Capt. Thomas Baker. 4 WhippeE, Charles Henry, Major and Paymaster, 319 U.S.A. 7th from Capt. John Whipple. 5th from Jeremiah Whipple. 7th from John Pell. 7th from Andrew Ward. 7th from George Barstow. 4th from John Hall. 19 *WhipplE, Rt. Rev. Henry Benjamin, Faribault. 1413 6th from Capt. John Whipple. 4th from Ensign Jeremiah Whipple. 6th from George Barstow. 6th from Capt. Simon Slocomb. 3rd from Ensign John Hall. 6th from William Sabin. 29 White, Wieliam Chester, Duluth. 1423 6th from Elder John White. 8th from Maj. Aaron Cooke. 8th from Rev. Samuel Stone. 8th from Lieut. Samuel Smith. *Deceased. 447 MINNESOTA. State Society No. ' General Society No. 7th from Elder William Goodwin. 6th from Obadiah Bruen. 39 White, WilIvIam Gardner, St. Paul. 1570 8th from Elder John White. 7th from Nathaniel White. 6th from Deacon Nathaniel White. 5th from Deacon Joseph White. 4th from Deacon Josiah White. 5th from Capt. Samuel Smith. 95 Whitney, Frank Irving, St. Paul. 2316 8th from John Alden. 8th from Samuel Bass. 8th from William Carpenter. 12 Whitney, Harry Edward, Faribault. 1406 6th from Moses Whitney. 8th from Kenelm Winslow, Sr. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Lieut. Edward Winship. 7th from Increase Clapp. 7th from Maj. Jonathan Wade. 123 WiCKWiRE, Arthur Maneey, St. Paul. 6th from John Wickwire. 9th from Richard Treat. 8th from Capt. Isaac Johnson. 8th from Rev. John Lothrop. 7th from Dep.-Gov. James Bishop. 7th from Capt. Nathaniel White. 109 Winton, William Crayton, Duluth. 2555 8th from Abraham Doolittle. 116 Woodward Francis W. 2693 8th from Col. Oloff Stevenson Van Cortlandt. 7th from Col. Jeremias Van Rensselaer. 7th from Capt. Matthias Nicoll. 448 MINNESOTA. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Col. Richard Floyd, Jr. 6th from Capt. Henry Holland. 5th from Edward Holland. 125 Young, Edward Blake, St. Paul. 2846 8th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 8th from Ralph Sprague. 8th from Capt. Hugh Mason. . 7th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from Capt. Roger Clap. 7th from Elder James Blake. 117 Young, George Brooks, St. Paul. 2752 7th from Capt. Thomas Brooks. 7th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 6th from Samuel Lincoln. 6th from Capt. John Jacob. 6th from Samuel AUyne. 6th from Benjamin Buckland. 449 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF KENTUCKY. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Kentucky was chartered by the General Society on the 19th of December, 1895. On the 23d of Dec- ember the members met at the residence of Dr. Thomas Page Grant, Louisville, and formed an or- ganization, adopted a constitution, and elected part of the officers, and after a social session, adjourned, to hold a General Court on the 8th of January, 1896. The time for holding the annual General Courts was fixed for the 13th of May — the anniversary of the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia. On the 8th of January a General Court was held, and the remainder of the officers were elected, and the Court adjourned to meet at the call of the Gov- ernor. 450 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF KENTUCKY. Governor. George: Twyman Wood. Deputy-Governor. Dr. C. H. Todd. Lieut e nant-G overnor. Paul Caine. Secretary. Leonard Bacon. 14 Kenyon Building, Louisville. Treasurer. Cary Harrison Bacon. Historian. Benjamin Labree. Registrar. C. J. C. Grant. Surgeon. Dr. Harvey McDowell. Chaplain. Rev. Peyton Harrison Hogue. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. George Twyman Wood, Cary Harrison Bacon, Dr. C. H. Todd, Benjamin Labree, Paul Caine, Dr. Harvey McDowell, Leonard Bacon, Rev. Peyton Harrison Hogue. 451 KENTUCKY. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. 14 AkerSj Matthew Love, Louisville. 1530 5th from Abraham Miller. 8 Bacon, Gary Harrison, Louisville. 1195 6th from Joshua Fry. 6th from Dr. Thomas Walker. Bacon, Leonard, Louisville. 6th from Joshua Fry. 6th from Dr. Thomas Walker. 18 Caine, Paul, Louisville. 1831 loth from Peter Montag^ue. 13 Gere, GhareEs Henry, Lincoln, Neb. 2094 6th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 12 Gooch, Daniel Linn, Govington. 1313 9th from Gov. Nicholas Greenbury. 9th from Gapt. John Dorsey. 9th from Robert Ridgely. 8th from Gol. Henry Ridgely. 8th from Gol. Henry Ridgely. 8th from Maj. Edward Dorsey. 8th from Gov. Nicholas Greenbury. 8th from Maj .-Gen. John Hammond. 7th from Maj. Gharles Hammond. 5th from Hon. Henry Griffith. 7 Grant, Gharles Julian Glarke, Louisville. 1194 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. I Grant, Thomas Page, M.D., Louisville. 607 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 452 KENTUCKY. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 4 Halsey, William Lafon, Louisville. 1191 7th from Thomas Halsey. 21 Halsey, Edmund Tyron, Louisville. 2357 7th from Thomas Halsey. 3 Jones, David May, Harrodsburg. 1190 5th from Capt. Samuel Meredith. II Jones, Paul, Cincinnati, O. 1342 5th from Capt. Samuel Meredith. 17 Kneeland, Frank Gilbert, St. Louis, Mich. 1772 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 5 La Bree, Benjamin, Louisville. 1192 4th from James Humphries. 22 McDowell, Edward Campbell, Jr., Covington, 2461 5th from Samuel McDowell, Sr. 16 McDowell, Hervey, M.D., Cynthiana. 1532 4th from Samuel McDowell, Sr. 20 MoFFETT, Darius Lauden, Williamsburg. 2284 7th from Gov. William Nelson. 10 OuisENBERRY, Anderson Chenault, Washington, 1312 "^D. C. 4th from Matthew Mullins. 15 RoDGERS, Howard Steele, Covington. 1531 6th from Capt. James Allen. 9 Todd, Charles Henry, M.D., Owensboro. 1196 3rd from Capt. Evan Shelby. 2nd from Lieut. Isaac Shelby. 19 Tracy, Robert Sylvester, Sturgis, Mich. 2010 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 7th from Gov. William Leete. 7th from Lieut. William Chittenden. 453 KENTUCKY. Ifn fiDemoriam, ^ 2 Captain Alexander Macomb Wetherill, U. S. A., killed at Santiago de Cuba, July 2, 1898. 454 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. This Society was instituted in the United States Government Building at the City of Los Angeles on November 30, 1895, by nineteen gentlemen, and a charter was granted by the General Society on December 19, 1895. Eligibility for membership is the same as pre- scribe'd by Article II of the Constitution of the General Society, except that collaterals are not ad- mitted. 1 1 1 <- The first General Court and dinner were held at Los Angeles on March 7> 1896, at which time a permanent Code of By-Laws was adopted. The General Court is held on December 21, " Forefathers' Day." The Great Seal of this Society is emblematic ot the history of California. The quartered arms of Castile and Leon indicate her original condition as a Colony of Spain. The grizzly bear is one of the prominent features of the Arms of the State, and the golden field marks the beginmng of the era oi her fame and prosperity. The date 1542 was the year of the first explora- tion of her coasts by Cabrillo, and I775 is the latest year fixed by the General Constitution for ancestral services constituting eligibility. It is described as follows, viz. : Within a beaded annulet, a title scroll, " Society of Colonial Wars in the State of California, 1542- 1775 " surrounding a group of Colonial weapons; over 'all a shield Quarterly, I and IV; Gules a tower 455 CALIFORNIA. triple-towered, or. (Castile) : II and III; Argent, a lion rampant gules, crowned or. (Leon). Upon a chief of the last a grizzly bear, passant, proper, (California). The flag is Argent, a cross of Saint George Gules; an escutcheon or, bordered sable, charged with a grizzly bear, passant, proper, under the motto " Eureka." 456 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Elected at the Sixth General Court, December 24, 1900. Governor. HoIvDridge; Ozro Coi^lins. Deputy-Governor. Hon. Erskine Mayo Ross. Lieutenant-Governor . Spencer Roane Thorpe. Secretary and Treasurer. Harrison Babcock Alexander. Room 419, Henne Block, Los Angeles. Registrar. Edward Thomas Harden. 2331 Thompson Street, Los Angeles. Historian. Bradner Wells Lee. Chancellor. George Jules Denis. Surgeon. John Randolph Haynes, M.D. Chaplain. Rev. Alexander Moss Merwin. 457 CALIFORNIA. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term expiring 1901. Hon. Cameron Erskine Thom, Capt. Josiah Ai^onzo Osgood, Hon. George Eei Haee. Term expiring 1902. Frank Putnam Flint, Isaac Hieeard Poek, Cameron DeHart Thom. Term expiring 1903. Hon. Eeisha Wieeiams McKinstry, Frederick Hastings Rindge, Wieeard Atherton Nichoes. Committee on Membership. George Juees Denis, Edward Thomas Harden, Frank Putnam Flint, Bradner Wells Lee, Spencer Roane Thorpe. Committee on Historical Documents. Bradner Wells Lee, Chair- Philip King Brown, M.D., man ex-ofUcio, Walter Augustus HawlEy, William Hammond Wright. Committee on Entertainment. Captain Josiah Alonzo Os- Hervey Darneal, good, John Randolph Haynes, George Jules Denis, M.D., Motley Hewes Feint. 458 CALIFORNIA. SAN FRANCISCO CHAPTER. The San Francisco Chapter of the Society of Colonial Wars in California was organized Febru- ary 3, 1898, under the provisions of Article XV. of the State Society By-Laws. " Members of the California State Society residing within a radius of fifty miles of San Francisco shall be eligible for membership in this Chapter." OFFICERS. President. Hon. George Eli Hall. Vice-President. Capt. Albert Henry Payson. Secretary-Treasurer. George Timothy Klink, Committee on Membership. Frederick Schander Moody, George Timothy Klink, Edwin Rodolph Dimond. Committee on Bntertaimnent. William Marcy Klink, William Northrope CowlES, 459 CALIFORNIA. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. 41 Alexander, Harrison Babcock, Los Angeles. 2206 8th from Capt. George Barber. 7th from Ensign Jonathan Morse. 52 Ballance, John Green, Major 13th Infantry, 2973 U.S.A. 4th from Capt. Robert Green. 7 Brewer, William Augustus, San Mateo. 1200 9th from Maj. William Chittenden. 8th from Sergt. Thomas Hale. 8th from William Bradley. 8th from John Brockett. 8th from Capt. Thomas Munson. • 7th from Ensign Samuel Munson. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 7th from Josiah Winslow. 7th from Elder John Strong. 7th from Isaac Morrill. 7th from Sergt. Abraham Doolittle. 7th from John Hall. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Leffingvvell. 6th from Ensign Thomas Leffingwell, Jr. 6th from Thomas Hall. 6th from John Tracy. 6th from Capt. Richard Bushnell. 5th from Benajah Bushnell. 4th from Isaac Tracy. 50 Brown, Frank Lampson, San Francisco. 2281 8th from WilHam Phelps. 44 Brown, Philip King, San Francisco. 2209 8th from William Blake. 460 CALIFORNIA. State Society No. General Society No. 1 Collins, Holdridge Ozro, Los Angeles. 23 9th from Hugh Calkin. 8th from Mathese Blanchan. 7th from Cornelius Barentsen Slecht. 7th from Capt. Albert Heymanse Roosa. 6th from Capt. Stephen Upson, Jr. 6th from Capt. Thomas Teunisse Quick. 53 CoRwiN, David RiTTENHOusii Porter, Los Angeles. • 3054 3rd from Joshua Corwin. 49 CowLES, William NorthropE, San Francisco. 2810 9th from John Cowles. 33 Darneal, Hervey, Alameda. 2082 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Sergt. Richard Hubbell. 6th from Lieut. Richard Hubbell. 4th from Capt. John Ashby. 2 Denis, George Jules, Los Angeles. 1140 6th from William Hall. 30 DiMOND, Edwin Rodolph, San Francisco. 2079 6th from Capt. Moses Dimon. 4 Fenner, Charles Putnam, Manila, Luzon. 1185 8th from Gov. Roger Williams. 8th from Thomas Buckingham. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Putnam. 6th from Capt. Arthur Fenner. 4th from Brig.-Gen. Rufus Putnam. 3rd from Capt. Arthur Fenner. 22 Flint, Frank Putnam, Los Angeles. 1682 6th from Thomas Flint. 21 Flint, Motley Hewes, Los Angeles. 1681 6th from Thomas Flint. 461 CALIFORNIA. State Society No. "' General Society No. 32 Hall, Charles Lander, St. Michael, Alaska. 2081 4th from Timothy Hall. 31 Hall, George Eli, San Francisco. 2080 4th from Timothy Hall. 48 Hall, Maurice Arthur, San Francisco. 2809 4th from Timothy Hall. 8 Harden, Edward Thomas, Los Angeles. 1197 5th from Col. John Palmer. 4th from Benjamin Baker. 40 Hawley, Walter Augustus, Santa Barbara. 2205 8th from Joseph Hawley. 19 Haynes, John Randolph, Los Angeles. 1362 6th from Ephraim Fellows. 25 Klink, George Timothy, San Francisco. 1685 8th from Maj.-Gen. Robert Sedgwick. 26 Klink, William Marcy, San Francisco. 1686 8th from Gov. John Webster. 54 Lathrop, Charles Gardner, San Francisco. 3121 6th from Samuel Lothrop. 10 Lee, Bradner Wells, Los Angeles. 1198 9th from Ensign Hugh Welles. 8th from Capt. Thomas Welles. 7th from Lieut. Noah Welles. 20 McKiNSTRY, Elisha Williams, San Francisco. 1398 8th from John Alden. 8th from Gov. William Pynchon. 7th from Gov. William Bradford. 7th from Lieut. William Pratt. 7th from Matthew Allyn. 7th from Maj. William Whiting. 6th from Lieut. William Backus. 6th from Lieut.-Col. John Allyn. 462 CALIFORNIA. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Rev. John Whiting. 6th from Maj. WiUiam Bradford. 5th from Col. Wilham Whiting. 14 Me;rwin, AIvExander Moss, Pasadena. 1203 7th from Gov. Robert Treat. 36 Moody, Fre;de;rick Schander, Burhngame. 2085 9th from Joris Jansen de Rapalje. 5 Nichols, Henry Atherton, Cambridge, Mass. 1186 loth from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. loth from Gov. .Thomas Dudley. 9th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Denison. 8th from Capt. John Gilman. 7th from Nicholas Gilman. 6th from Col. Daniel Gilman. 8th from Lieut. John Pickering. 6 Nichols, Willard Atherton, Redlands. 1187 9th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Denison. 7th from Capt. John Gilman. 6th from Nicholas Gilman. 5th from Col. Daniel Gilman. 7th from Lieut. John Pickering. II Osgood, Josiah Alonzo, Los Angeles. 1199 6th from Capt, John Osgood, Jr. 23 Payson, Albert Henry, San Mateo. 1683 7th from Philip Eliot. 42 Polk, Isaac Hilliard, Los Angeles. 2207 3rd from Col. Thomas Polk. 15 Prescott, Frank Clarke, Captain 43rd Regt., 1358 U.S.V., Phillipine Islands. 9th from Capt. Peregrine White. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 463 CALIFORNIA. Statb Society No. ' General Society No. 35 RiNDGE, Frede;rick Hastings, Santa Monica. 2084 8th from Q. M. Robert Kinsman. 17 Ross, Erskine Mayo, Los Angeles. 1360 4th from John Mayo. 37 Stanton, Josiah Rumball, Pay Inspector, U.S.N. 2086 7th from Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. 47 Thom, Cameron De Hart, Los Angeles. 2572 5th from Maj. Jacob Arndt. 4th from John Mayo. 18 Thom, Cameron Erskine, Los Angeles. 1361 3rd from John Mayo. 46 Thom, Catesby Charles, Los Angeles. 2571 5th from Maj. Jacob Arndt. 4th from John Mayo. 13 Thorpe, Spencer Roane, Los Angeles. 1201 4th from Patrick Henry. 51 White, Henry KirkE, Los Angeles. 2915 8th from John Alden. 8th from Hugh Wells. 8th from John White. 7th from Lieut. Daniel White. 6th from Capt. Daniel White. 5th from Capt. Daniel White. 4th from Capt. Salmon White. 28 Wright, William Hammond, Lick Observatory. 1767 8th from Col. John Carter. 464 CALIFORNIA. 1ln riDemoriani. * 2g Rev. Ai.ired Lee Brewer, D.D., bom Norwich, Connecticnt, June 4tli, 18.31 ; died San Mateo, California, Feb. i6tb, 1899. Dr. Brewer was graduated by Trinity College, at Hartford. Connecticut, in 185,3, and in 1854 he was ordained a priest by Bishop Williams. He was for one year assistant in the Church of the Epiphany in New York, under the rectorship of Rev. Lot Jones, and for the two years succeeding lie assisted the Rev. Joseph Brewster, Rector of Christ Church, New Haven. His first rectorship was that of Grace Church, Yantic, Connecticut, in 1859, whence he was called in i860 to the charge of the Mariners' Church at Detroit, Michigan, and he became associated in his labors with Rev. William E. Armitage, afterwards Bishop of Wis- consin, and Rev. Benjamin H. Paddock, after- wards Bishop of Massachusetts, who were rectors of adjoining parishes. At Detroit in 1862 lie was married lo Frances Cliittenden Hale, daughter of Hon. William Hale, who had served his State as Attorney Oeneral, and in the Congress of the United States. In 1864 Dr. Brewer came to California and made his home in San Mateo, and at this place in 1865 he laid the foundation of St. Matthew's School, which has steadily grown in reputation and the number of students; and it is to-day the best known private educational institution upon the Pacific Coast. For twenty-five years Dr. Brewer was rector of the Church at San Mateo, and during this period iiis earnest labors resulted in the founding of the I'.ish.op Armitage Orphanage for Boys, and iht Maria Kip Orphanage for Girls. 465 CALIFORNIA. In 1891 his Alma Mater conferred upon him the degree of Doctor in Divinity in recognition of his eminent services in his profession. Trnljr his was a finished Hfe, and cahnly and peacefully he surrendered it, surrounded by those who were the dearest to him, and in the home of his love, which echoed with the music of the noble Pacific, so far removed from the scenes of his childhood. 38 Charles Lee Collins, Captain Twenty-third Reginaent Infantry, United States Army; born, Newport, Kentucky, July 24, 1859; died, Cebu, Philippine Islands, Sept. 7, 1899. Son of Col. Henry E. Collins, who served throughout the War of the Rebellion, in the Cavalry Arm of the Union Army, Captain Collins was appointed a Cadet to the Military Academy at West Point in 1878 by President Hayes. He was graduated in 1882 and commissioned a second Lieutenant of Infantry, and he remained in active service up to the time of his death. In 1893 he was detailed as Inspector of Small Arms' Practice upon the Staff of Gen. McCook. Upon the completion of this tour of service he was made Adjutant of the Eleventh Infantry, and early in 1898 he was ordered to Caracas, Vene- zuela, as Military Attache of the United States Legation. Upon the request of the Government of Venezuela Captain Collins submitted sugges- tions for the improvement of the army of that country, and his services were so acceptable, that the President of Venezuela conferred upon him the decoration of the famous " Order of the Liber- ator " (Busto de Bolivar). Captain Collins, in right of his father, was a companion of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and by representation of a collateral line he was admitted to the Pennsylvania Society of the War of 1812. Upon the incorporation of the California Society Sons of the Revolution, he was elected its first Secretary, which office he held until he was ordered to Denver. In July, 1899, he sailed from San Francisco in command of recruits for the forces in the Philippine Islands, contracting a severe ill- 466 CALIFORNIA. ness upon the voyage, from which he succumbed within a few days after his arrival at Cebu. His childless widow, Emma Byrd Beach Collins, lived only long enough to reach San Francisco, where she died the following month. 3 William Anthony Elderkin, Colonel United States Army; born, Potsdam, New York, May IS, 1839; died, Middletown, New York, Jan. I, 1900. Graduating from the Military Academy at West Point, in May, 1861, Colonel Elderkin was com- missioned Second Lieutenant of the Second Artil- lery, and immediately ordered to join his com- mand. He participated in the Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, and his service was active and con- tinuous in the field until he was detailed as Assist- ant Professor of Mathematics and Instructor of Artillery Tactics at West Point. In 1864 he was promoted from the Line to be Captain and Com- missary of Subsistence, in which Arm of the Ser- vice he remained until his death, with the rank of Colonel. He was one of the incorporators of the Society Sons of the Revolution in the State of California, and its first Vice-President, and he was one of the Charter members and the first Lieutenant- Governor of this Society. He was a companion of the Loyal Legion and a member of the Military Science Institution. Colonel Elderkin assisted in the compilation of Boynton's History of West Point and many other well-known works upon military subjects, and he was a frequent contributor to the current liter- ature of the time. He was a man of acute intellect and gifted with an unusual ability for brilliant repartee and the conduct of the social amenities. The history of his forty years of faithful and continuous services in the army has placed his name high on the roll of those who have deserved well from their country. 467 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF COLORADO. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Colorado was instituted in Denver, April lo, 1896, and chartered by the General Society May 7, 1896. The First Court of the Society was held at the State Capitol, Denver, May 22, 1896. The First Business Court of the Society was held at the Society's room in the Boston Building, Den- ver, November 16, 1896. The First General Court and annual dinner of the Society was held at the Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, on the evening of December 19, 1896. The Second General Court was held at Colorado Springs, December 18, 1897. General Courts in December, 1898, 1899 and 1900 were held at the University Club, in Denver. In August, 1896, the Society rented a room in the Boston Building and established a public library of American History and Genealogy. The Society is largely indebted to friends in other State So- cieties for contributions of books and pamphlets which formed the nucleus of the library at the be- ginning. Many books have been contributed or loaned by Denver people and in recent years the funds of the Society have permitted considerable purchases. The library now consists of several hundred books and pamphlets, largely genealogical, and is highly valued by persons interested in gene- alogy and colonial history. It is open to the pub- lic durine: the l:»usiness hours of each dav. 468 OFFICERS, GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF COLORADO. Elected at the Fifth General Court, held at Denver, December 22, 1900. Governor. Franklin Trumbull. Deputy-Governor. AsAHEL Sutton. Lieutenant-Governor. Francis Crissey Young. Secretary. Chauncey Edward Dewey. 604 Boston Building, Denver. Deputy-Secretary. Henry Le Breton Wills. Treasurer. John Wright Barrows. Registrar. Edward Darwin Upham. Historian. John Lloyd Stearns. Chancellor. Otis Stafford Johnson. Chaplain. Rev. David Law Fleming. Surgeon. Dr. Beverly Tucker. 469 ' COLORADO. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term expiring 1901. James Thomas Anderson, Dr. Charles Denison. Term expiring 1902. Franklin Eli Brooks, Austin Goddard Gorham. Term expiring 1903. Dr. Edmund James Armstrong Rogers, Henry Myron Blackmer. Committee on Historical Documents and Library. Clifton Sharp Thompson, Edward Shaw Irish, John Wright Barrows. Stczvards. Charles Alfred Johnson, Joel Frederick VailE, Walter Clarence Frost. 470 COLORADO. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. 43 Anderson, James Thomas, Lieutenant U.S.A. 1431 4th from Silas Bent. 56 Bacon, Alfred Terry, Denver. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 5 Barrows, John Wright, Denver. 1503 8th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey x\therton. 8th from Robert Seaver. 7th from Nathaniel Seaver. 7th from John Clark. 7th from Robert Williams. 7th from Deacon William Parke. 7th from Lieut. John Spalding. 7th from Lieut. James Trowbridge. 6th from Lieut. Abel Wright. 5th from Peter Cross. 30 BartlETT, Sidney Roland, M.D., Colorado 1740 Springs. 6th from Col. John Lane. 9 Baxter, Joseph Nickerson, Denver. 1507 7th from Capt. John Gorham. 54 Benham, Daniel Webster, Colonel U.S.A. (re- 2988 tired), Cleveland, O. 3rd from Shadrack Benham. 40 Blackmer, Henry Myron, Colorado Springs. 2024 8th from Capt. Nicholas Peck. 8th from Aaron Stark. 8th from George Robinson. 7th from Thomas Willmarth. 471 COLORADO. State Society No. ' General Societv No. 23 Booth, Chari^eis Austin, Major U.S.A. 1564 6th from Sergt. John Booth. 47 Brooks, Franki^in Eu, Colorado Spring-s. 2189 3rd from Lieut. Edward Brooks. 8th from John Bigelow. 4th from Lieut. Ephraim Heyward. 49 Brown, JamivS Hivnry, Denver. 2 191 8th from Nicholas Desborough. /th from Capt. Henry Crane, Sr. 6th from Capt. Henry Crane, Jr. 59 Caldwell, Samuel LeNord, M.D., Colorado 3084 Springs. 4th from Aaron Caldwell. 8th from Edward Oakes. 4th from Richard Sutton. 4th from Daniel Farnham. 60 Chapman, Joseph Warren, Pueblo. 3i37 6th from Moses Chase. 55 Corliss, Augustus Whittemore, Colonel U.S.A. 521 (retired), Denver. 3rd from Joshua Corliss. 2y Curtis, Rodney, Denver. 1662 8th from Maj. Simon Willard. 21 Denison, Charles, M.D., Denver. 1562 /th from Capt. George Denison. 7th from John Denison. 7th from Capt. John Gallup. 7th from Robert Swan. 7th from John Avery. 7th from Thomas Stanton. 6th from Capt. John Stanton. 6th from Isaac Wheeler. 472 COLORADO. State Society No. General Society No. 36 Denison, John Henry, Denver. 1811 7th from Capt. George Denison. 8th from John Galkip. 8th from Richard Swan. 8th from Capt. James Avery. 7th from Thomas Wheeler. 6th from Benadam Galhip. 6th from Capt. John Stanton. 6th from Nathaniel Cheseborongh. 26 Dewey, Chauncey Edward, Denver. 1593 loth from Henry Wolcott. loth from Matthew Allyn. 9th from Cornet Thomas Dewey. 9th from Capt. Benjamin Newberry. 9th from George Phelps. 9th from Sergt. Job Drake. 8th from Cornet Thomas Dewey, Jr. 8th from Capt. John Whipple. 8th from Lieut. John Moseley. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 35 Downs, Edgar Roeein, Durango, Colorado. 1810 8th from Joseph Wright. 7th from Matthew Bridge. 7th from John Hubbard. 7th from Sergt. Thomas Peirce. 7th from Capt. Edward Johnson. 7th from John Bigelow. 7th from Thomas Duston. 6th from Samuel Peirce. 6th from Maj. William Johnson. 6th from Joshua Bigelow. I D WIGHT, Arthur Smith, New York. 256 7th from Col. Benjamin Church. 6th from Rev. Timothy Edwards. 473 COLORADO. State Society No. ' Generai, Society No. 42 Fleming, David Law, D.D., Leadville. 2099 4th from James Barry. 52 Frost, Walter Clarence, Colorado Springs. 2986 9th from Capt. John Prescott, Sr. 8th from Thomas Sawyer. 8th from Capt. Hugh Mason. 8th from Richard Swan. 7th from Capt. Nathaniel Wilder. 7th from Capt. Andrew Gardner. 7th from Capt. Thomas Wilder. 7th from Capt. George Fairbanks. 6th from Samuel Carter. 6th from Col. James Wilder. 5th from Capt. Ephraim Wetherbee. 4th from Capt. Samuel Allison. 10 GoRHAM, Austin Goddard, Denver. 1508 6th from Capt. John Gorham. 5th from Col. John Gorham. 4th from Col. Shubael Gorham. 8th from John Tilley. 7th from John Rowland. 6th from Anthony Thatcher. 6th from Gov. Thomas Hinckley. 5th from Col. John Thatcher. 32 Hart, Charles Nelson, M.D., Denver. 1742 8th from Deacon Stephen Hart. 6th from Capt. John Hart, 2nd. 8th from Capt. Nicholas Olmstead. 8th from Hon. Phillip Sherman. 8th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 7th from Thomas Gridley. 7th from Gov. John Webster. 474 COLORADO. State Society No. Generai. Society No. 7th from Hon. Richard Treat. 7th from Arthur Smith. 7th from Samuel Lothrop. 6th from Lieut. Nathaniel Porter. 6th from Lieut. Robert Webster. 6th from John Norton, Sr. 6th from Thomas North, Sr. 50 Irish, Edward Shaw, Denver. 2723 7th from John Irish, ist. 9th from Richard Warren. 8th from Sergt. Richard Church. 58 Jerome, John Lathrop, Denver. 8th from Samuel Lathrop. 55 JewETT, WaeTER Kennon, Colorado Springs. 2987 9th from John Clark. 9th from Thomas Welles. 8th from Thomas Welles, Jr. 8th from Rev. Abraham Pierson. 8th from John Cooper. 8th from Joseph Judson. 7th from James Judson. 7th from Maj. William Bradford. 7th from William Backus. 6th from Thomas Huntington. 53 Jewett, William Kennon, Colorado Springs. 2987 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 48 Johnson, Charles Alfred, Denver. 2190 7th from Lieut. James Johnson. 46 Johnson, Otis Stafford, Colorado Springs. 2188 7th from Lieut. Samuel Johnson. 13 Kelly, Edward Lowell, Asheville, N. C. 1511 4th from Jonathan Kelly. 9th from Stephen Hopkins. 47.'? COLORADO. State SociETy No. General Society No. 9th from Francis Cooke. 8th from Jacob Cooke. 8th from Edward Dotey. 7th from Capt. Samuel Foot. 33 Kelly, Luther Sage, Captain 40th U.S.V., Manila. 1830 3rd from Jonathan Kelly. II Lawrence, Benjamin Bowden, Denver. 1509 5th from Col. Philip Livingston. 41 Morse, Wieeard Samuel, Aguas Calientes, Mexico. 2025 9th from Richard Thayer. 8th from Richard Sares. 8th from George Willard. 8th from George Abbot. 8th from Lieut. Francis Peabody. ' 7th from Capt. Paul Sears. 7th from Lieut. Richard Ellis. 7th from John Guild. 7th from Capt. Joseph Hills. 7th from John Woodcock. 6th from Samuel Guild. 5th from Capt. John Waite. 5th from Nathaniel Guild. 4th from Ebenezer Cheney. 57 Packard, Durand Clarence, Denver. 3024 4th from Eleazer Packard. 6 Peirce, George Webster, Denver. 1504 6th from Joseph Peirce. 4th from Capt. William Peirce. 3rd from Capt. Gad Peirce. 31 Rogers, Edmund James Armstrong, jNLD., Denver. 1741 3rd from Maj. James Rogers. 476 COLORADO. State Society Xo. Generai, Society No. 24 Sample, Captain Nathaniel Welcher, Phila- 1814 delphia, Pa. 4th from Capt. William Steele. 34 Slocum, Wielia>[ Frederick, D.D., LL.D., 1809 Colorado Springs. 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 3 Spalding, Rt. Rev. John Franklin, Bishop of 260 Colorado, Denver. 5th from John Spalding. 51 Stearns, John Lloyd, Denver. 2724 /th from Col. Richard Lee. 39 Sutton, Asahel, Colorado Springs. 1834 7th from Lieut. Robert Feake. 6th from Capt. John Underhill. 12 Thompson, Clifton Sharp, Denver. 15 10 7th from John Thomson. 9th from John Whitman. 8th from Robert Waterman. 8th from Edmund Tillson. 8th from Francis Cooke. 8th from Christopher Wadsworth. 8 Trumbull, Franklin, Denver. 1506 7th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 6th from Col. William Randolph. 5th from Isham Randolph. 44 Tucker, Beverly, M.D., Colorado Springs. • 2100 4th from Gen. Hugh Mercer. 18 TuTTLE, Joseph Farrand, Jr., Denver. 1542 8th from Capt. Thomas Munson. 477 COLORADO. State Society No. , Generai< Society No. 14 Upham, Edward Darwin, Denver. 15 12 8th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 8th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 6th from Moses Whitney. 16 Vaile, Joel Frederick, Denver. 1540 9th from WilHam Brewster. 8th from Jonathan Brewster. 8th from Capt. George Watson. 8th from Francis Eaton. 8th from Dr. Samuel Fuller. 8th from Humphrey Turner. 8th from John Shaw. 8th from Rev. John Wilson. 8th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 8th from Stephen Hopkins, 7th from Rev. Samuel Fuller. , 7th from Capt. William Bond. 7th from Andrew Ring. 7th from Samuel Eaton. 7th from Lieut. James Trowbridge. 7th from Edward Rawson. 6th from Rev. Grindal Rawson. 6th from Lieut.-Col. Jonas Bond. 6th from Hon. Ebenezer Stone. 19 Wheaton, Frank, Major-General U.S.A. (re- 1560 tired). 8th from Rev. John Wilson. 8th from Sergt. Edward Smith. 7th from Capt. John Whipple. 7th from Thomas Olney. 7th from Edward Rawson. 7th from Richard Borden. 7th from Capt. John Gardner. 7th from Stephen Arnold. 478 COLORADO. State Society No. General Society No. 7th from William Carpenter. 7th from William Harris. 6th from Sergt. Benjamin Smith. 6th from Rev. Grindal Rawson. 6th from Thomas Borden. 6th from Capt. Arthur Fenner. 6th from Lieut. John Burrill. 5th from Capt. Simon Smith. 5th from Maj. Thomas Fenner. 5th from Capt. James Olney. 5th from Ebenezer Burrill. 5th from Joseph Mansfield. 4th from Lieut. Stephen Rawson. 38 Wills, Henry Le Brlton, Colorado Springs. 1813 8th from Tristam Coffin. 8th from Sergt. John Perkins. 8th from Lieut. John Tuttle. 8th from Lieut. Edmund Greenleaf. 7th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Burnham, Jr. 22 WoLCOTT, Hon. Edward Oliver, Denver. 1563 5th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 29 Wood, Franc Ogilvy, Colorado Springs. 1739 6th from Capt. Joseph Wadsworth. 37 Young, Francis Crissey, Denver. 1812 7th from Gov. Thomas Mayhew. 6th from Thomas Tupper, Jr. 4th from Capt. Nathaniel Swift. 479 COLORADO. 7 William Garrett Fisher, died in New York, April 6, 1897. 28 Thomas Henry Edsall, died at Colorado Springs, Oct. 26, 1897. 25 Henry Wise Hobson, died at New York. August 15, 1898. 45 Howard Bicelow Daniels, died at Pittsfield, Mass., June 15, 1900. 480 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF IOWA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Iowa was organized under charter granted by the General Society, May 7, 1896, and incorporated under the laws of the State of Iowa, November 26, 1897. The first Court of the Society was held in Dubuque, Iowa, May 30, 1896. The General Court of the Society is held annually on " Louisburg Day," June 17th. 481 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF IOWA. Governor. Gkorge Arthur Goodell. Deputy-Governor. George Edwin MacLean, M.A., B.D., Ph.D., LL.D. Lieutenant-Governor. WiELARD Horatio Torbert. Secretary. • John Ely Bready, M.D. Dubuque. Treasurer. Isaac Stover Bigelow, M.D. Dubuque. Registrar. Lester Ceark Bissele. Historian. Frederick Cooper Hubbele. Chaplain. Rev. Samuee Roosevelt Johnson Hoyt, D.D. 482 IOWA. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Le;ste;r Clark Bissell^ Hon. Samuel Francis Smith, Horace Gates Torbert, Stephen Alfred Swisher, JuDSON Keith Deming, Hon. Joseph Henry Merrill, Norman Riley Cornell, M.D. George Herbert Richardson, William Henry Wheeler. Committee on Membership. JuDSON Keith Deming, Horace Gates Torbert, Isaac Stover Bigelow, M.D., Lester Clark Bissell, Willard Horatio Torbert. Committee on Collection of Historical Documents and Records. George Edwin MacLean, Henry Warren Lathrop, Ph.D., LL.D., EsEK Steere Ballord, Rev. William Salter, D.D. James Ralph Nutting. 483 IOWA. LIST OF MEMBERS. Stats Society No. Gsnekai, Society No. I Bai,u)rd, Esek Stsere, Davenport. 757 5th from Nathaniel Ballord. 3rd from Zaccheus Ballord. 8th from Isaac Allerton. 7th from Thomas Clark. 7th from Simon Lynde. 7th from John Tower. 6th from John Oilman. 6th from James Gooch. 6th from Sir Charles Hobby. 5th from John Valentine. 27 Bai^i^ord, Webb RyssE;, Davenport. 2722 6th from Nathaniel Ballord. 6th from Sir Charles Hobby. 6th from Rear Admiral Thomas Graves. 6th from Gov. William Bradford. 6th from Isaac Allerton. 6th from Hon. John Gilmore. 9 BiGELOw, Isaac Stover, M.D., Dubuque. 15 13 9th from John Bigelow. II BissELL, Lester Ceark, Dubuque. 15 15 6th from Daniel Bissell. 8 Brady, Wileiam Perry, Cedar Rapids. 1281 3rd from John Brady. 28 BrEady, John Ely, M.D., Dubuque. 2694 8th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 30 CoRNELE, Norman RieEy, M.D., Knoxville. 2834 7th from Joseph Chamberlain. IOWA. State Society No. General Society No. 33 Currier, Amos Noyes, LL.D., Iowa City. 2928 6th from John Barnard. 2 Deming, Judson Keith, Dubuque. 612 8th from Hon. John Deming. 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 9th from Ma j. -Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 9th from Maj. Simon Willard. 9th from Lieut. John Drury. 8th from Lieut. Joseph Judson. 5 Eastman, Lauren Chase, Clinton. 756 6th from Peter Tilton. 32 Ely, John Stoney, Cedar Rapids. 2914 8th from Gov. John Webster. 15 Gardiner, Silas Wright, Clinton. 1519 8th from Lion Gardiner. 7 GooDELL, George Arthur, Cedar Rapids. 1280 5th from Josiah Starr. 13 HoYT, Rev. Samuel Roosevelt Johnson, D.D. 1517 6th from Capt. Samuel Hoyt. 8th from Lieut. Francis Bell. 8th from Rev. Abraham Pierson. 8th from Samuel Hoyt. 7th from Capt. Jonathan Bell. 7th from Jeremiah Jagger. 23 HuBBELL, Frederick Cooper, Des Moines. 2339 8th from Lieut. John Hubbell. 20 Hubbell, Frederick Marion, Des Moines. 2199 7th from Lieut. John Hubbell. 48s . IOWA. State Society No. General Society No. 34 Lathrop, Henry Warren, Iowa City. 3070 8th from John Lathrop. 35 MacLean, George Edwin, B.D., Ph.D., LL.D., 3071 Iowa City. 8th from John Lathrop. 25 Mason, James Blaine, Davenport. 2609 5th from Capt. John Galbraith. 31 Merill, Hon. Joseph Henry, Ottumwa. 2835 from Capt. Edmond Greenleaf. 4 Mielard, Frank Ashley, Burlington. 1269 8th from Ephraim Peck. 7th from Joseph Peck. 22 Nutting, Grant Hosford, Davenport. 2338 9th from John Nutting. 21 Nutting, James Ralph, Davenport. 2337 8th from John Nutting. 6 Pool, Marvin Bemis, CHnton. 1150 5th from Capt. Edmond Bemis. 18 Richardson, George Herbert, Belmond. 2112 6th from Capt. Jonathan Wells. 17 Salter, Rev. William, D.D., Burlington. 2187 6th from Charles Frost. 3 Smith, Hon. Samuel Francis, Davenport. 1282 7th from Dep.-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 7th from Benjamin Kimball. 7th from Capt. William White. lOlVA. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Capt. John Gilman. 5th from Capt. John White. 26 Swisher, Stephen Aefred, Iowa City. 1536 5th from Thomas Rose. 10 ToRBERT, Horace Gates, Dubuque. 15 14 loth from William Coddington. 29 Torbert, Willard Horatio, Dubuque. 2751 4th from Ensign John Ransom. 24 Wheeeer, Benjamin Dudley. 2365 7th from Capt. Philip Wheeler. 19 WheeeER, William Henry, Des Moines. 21 13 6th from Capt. Philip Wheeler. 487 10 IV A. 1ln flDemorlam. * 14 Rt. Rev. William Stevens Perry, D.D.^ LL.D. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Georgia was chartered by the General Society No- vember 1 8, 1896, and was organized at Savannah December 29th, 1896, with a membership of eigh- teen, at which time the Officers and Gentlemen of the Council were chosen. The General Court is held on the 12th of Feb- ruary, commemorating the landing of General James Edward Oglethorpe and a chartered com- pany of English colonists on the site of Savannah, founding the Province of Georgia, February ist, 1733 (O. S.). 489 OFFICERS, GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL AND STANDING COMMITTEES. Governor. John Ave;ry Gere Carson. Deputy -Governor. John William Grant. Lieutenant-Governor. Clarence Sherman Ham matt. Secretary. John Harris Kinzie. Treasurer. Francis Fitch Jones, Registrar. Edward Ansley Richmond. Historian. William Ridgely Leaken. Chaplain. Rev. Charles Hall Strong. Chancellor. William Washington Gordon, Jr. Surgeon. Thomas Pinckney Waring, M.D. 490 GEORGIA. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. William Danie;l Grant, William Naramore; Parsons, Hugh Vernon Washington, William Hayes Pope, Robert Caldwell Neely, Richard Harrison Earle, Anthony Stoddard Byers, John Addison Whitner, James Wellborn Camak. Committee on Collection of Historical Documents and Records. Rev. Charles Hall Strong, Chairman, Hugh Vernon Washington, Thomas Pinckney Waring, M.D. Committee on Installation. William Washington Gordon, Jr., Chairman. Francis Fitch Jones, John William Grant, Thomas Pinckney Waring, Jefferson Randolph Ander- M.D., son. 491 GEORGIA. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. Generai. Society No. 24 Abbott, Samuel Kendrick, Atlanta. 2725 8th from Capt. Samuel Thompson. 6 Anderson, Jefeerson Randolph, Savannah. 1663 6th from Thomas Jefferson. 13 Byers, Anthony Stoddard, Atlanta. 1753 6th from Maj. Samuel Earle. 27 Camak, James Wellborn, Athens. 3025 8th from Capt. Samuel Marshall. 1 Carson, John Avery Gere, Savannah. 1428 9th from Thomas Hynson. 14 Earle, Richard Harrison, Marietta. 1754 5th from Maj. Samuel Earle. 2 Gordon, William Washington, Jr., Savannah. 1537 8th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 8 Grant, John William, Atlanta. 1748 7th from William Young. 9 Grant, William Daniel, Atlanta. 1749 6th from William Young. 23 Hammatt, Clarence Sherman, Jacksonville, Fla. 2399 7th from Roger Sherman. 3 Jones, Francis Fitch, Savannah. 1538 9th from Maj. -Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 18 KiNZiE, John Harris, Savannah. 1758 loth from Henry Wolcott. 9th from Capt. Simon Wolcott. 8th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 492 GEORGIA. State Society No. Genekai< Society No. 7th from Dr. Alexander Wolcott. loth from Sergt. Job Drake. 9th from Lieut. Job Drake. 9th from Capt. Daniel Clark. 9th from Capt. Volckert Janszen Douw. 4 Leaken, Wieliam RidgeIvY^ Savannah. 1539 9th from Col. William Burgess. 16 McAllister, John Meriwether, Atlanta. 1756 8th from George Reade. 19 Neely, Robert Caldwell, Waynesboro. 2355 8th from Capt. Jan. Strycker. 22 Parsons, William NaramorE, Hawkinsville. 2398 9th from Cornet Joseph Parsons. 20 Pope, William Hayes, Santa Fe, N. M. 2356 8th from Col. Nathaniel Pope. 25 Richmond, Edward AnslEy, Savannah. 2838 9th from Capt. Edward Richmond. 26 Richmond, Frank Coe, Savannah. 2839 9th from Capt. Edward Richmond. 28 Strong, Rev. Charles Hall, Savannah. 3026 loth from Elder John Strong. 5 Waring, Thomas Pinckney, M.D., Savannah. 1547 9th from Gov. James Moore. 7th from Sir Patrick Houston. 7 Washington, Hugh Vernon, Macon. 874 3rd from Samuel Hammond. 10 Whitner, Charles Frank, Atlanta. 1750 8th from George Reade. 11 Whitner, John Addison, Atlanta. 1751 9th from George Reade. 493 GEORGIA. 1In nDemoriain. 15 Hugh Hagan, M.D., died March 24, 1898. 12 General Henry Rootes Jackson, died May 22,, 1898. 17 Colonel John Thomas Glenn, died March 24, 1899. 494 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Michigan was organized in Detroit, April i, 1897, and chartered by the General Council, May 13, 1897. A Court was held November 18, 1897, and officers elected. 495 OFFICERS OF THE "SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN. Elected at a Court held in Detroit, May 7, 1900. Governor. Theodore Horatio Eaton. Deputy-Governor. Sidney Trowbridge MileEr. Secretary. Charles Albert DuCharme. 1022 Jefferson Ave., Detroit. Treasurer. John Newbury Bagley. Registrar and Historian. Henry Whippee Skinner. Chaplain. Rev, Rueus Wheelwright Clark. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Truman Handy Newberry, Rufus Woodward Gillette, Sidney Trowbridge Miller, Benjamin Hand Scranton, Edwin Wells Gibson, . Stephen Herrick Knight, Samuel Townsend Douglas, M.D., Alanson ShelEy Brooks. Membership Committee. Stephen Herrick Knight, M.D., Chairman. Benj. Hand Scranton, Edwin Wells Gibson, Alanson ShelEy Brooks, Samuel Townsend Douglas, 496 MICHIGAN. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. 33 Anderson, William Kyle, Detroit. 2983 4th from Col. George Taylor. 17 Avery, John Herbert, Detroit. 2392 4th from Capt. Jonathan Eddy. 11 Bagley, John Newbury, Detroit. 1832 loth from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 9th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 9th from Gov. George Wyllys. 9th from Richard Saltonstall. 8th from Maj. John Pynchon. 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Saltonstall. 24 Barbour, George Harrison, Detroit. 2680 6th from Thomas Barber. 35 Brooks, Alanson ShelEy, Detroit. 2985 8th from Hugh Drury. 15 Clark, Rev. Rufus Wheelwright, Detroit. 2390 5th from Nathaniel Clark. 20 Colburn, Burnham Standish, Detroit. 2490 8th from Myles Standish, 30 Douglas, Samuel Townsend, Detroit. 2873 7th from William Douglas. 5 DuCharme, Charles Albert, Detroit. 1253 9th from Capt. John Johnson. 8th from Capt. Isaac Johnson. 7th from Lieut. William Bartholomew. 12 Eaton, Theodore Horatio, Detroit. 1854 8th from Gov. Thomas Mayhew. 8th from Jan Stryker. 497 MICHIGAN. State Society No. - General Society No. 7th from Samuel Edsall. 7th from Maj. John Talcott. 7th from Robert Burnett. 6th from Hon. John Read. 5th from Col. John Read. 5th from Hon. John Eatton. 4th from John Herpin, Jr. 31 Fyfe, Richard Henry, Detroit. 2874 3rd from Lieut. Return Strong. 16 Gibson, Edwin Wells, Detroit. 2391 4th from Lieut. Abraham Gibson. 6 Gillette, Rufus Woodward, Detroit, 1254 3rd from Lieut. Shubael Griswold. 3rd from Israel Woodward. 19 Goldsmith, Oliver, Detroit. 2489 5 th from Richard Hutton. 36 Hopkins, George Hiram. 3073 4th from Consider Hopkins. 32 Jenks, Edward Watrous, M.D., Detroit. 2875 8th from Joseph Jenks, 2nd. 23 Jerome, Thomas Spencer, Isle of Capri, Italy. 2493 8th from Thomas Halsey, Jr. 18 Knight, Stephen Herrick, M.D., Detroit. 2488 8th from Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. 8th from Lieut. Tristram Coffin, Jr. 9th from Tristram Coffin. 9th from Capt. Edmond Greenley. 7th from Benjamin Sweet. 8th from Lieut. Edward Woodman. State MICHIGAN. SOCIBTY No. General Society No. 7 Lathrop, Kirke, Detroit. 5th from Shuabel Griswold. 5th from Israel Woodward. 1257 29 Lightni;r, Clarence Ashley, Detroit. 7th from Louis DuBois. 2685 10 McMillan, William Charles, Detroit. 9th from Lieut. Joseph Kellogg. 1483 I Meday, Henry Hawes, Detroit. 69 -t 6th from Daniel Hawes. 8 Miller, Sidney Trowbridge, Detroit. 1310 4th from Capt. Abraham Whipple. 25 Newberry, John Stoughton, Detroit. 2681 5th from Capt. Caleb Phelps. 4 Newberry, Truman Handy, Detroit. iioi 4th from Capt. Caleb Phelps. 37 Pitts, Thomas. 3074 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 38 Remick, James Albert. 3075 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 26 Rogers, James Smith, Jr., Detroit. 2682 7th from John Rogers. 22 Savidge, George Patten, Spring Lake. 2492 7th from Joseph Jenks. 21 Savidge, William, Spring Lake. 2491 7th from Joseph Jenks. 9 ScRANTON, Benjamin Hand, Detroit. 1363 5th from Capt. Ichabod Scranton. 499 ^MICHIGAN. State Society No. General Society No. 2 Sibley, Frederick Trowbridge, Detroit. 790 4th from Capt. Abraham Whipple. 13 Skinner, Henry Whipple, Detroit. 1873 7th from Dep.-Gov. Samuel Symonds. 7th from Capt. John Putnam. 6th from Col. Samuel Appleton. 6th from Capt. Thomas Baker. 5th from Maj. Isaac Appleton, 34 SivOCUM, Elliott Truax, Detroit. 2984 6th from Joseph Slocum. 2y Smith, Dudley Wetmore, Detroit. 6th from Thomas Root. 14 Woodruee, Edward Lowrey, Milwaukee, Wis. 191 3 9th from Gov. Thomas Mayhew. • 8th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from John Woodruff. 8th from John Jenney. 7th from Thomas Pope. 6th from Ephraim Hunt. 500 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Wisconsin was organized at Kenosha, Wisconsin, on April 26, 1897, chartered by the General Society May 13, 1897, and incorporated under the Laws of the State of Wisconsin on August 5, 1897. SOI OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF WISCONSIN. Elected at the General Court on December 21, 1901. Governor. Coiv. William Wolcott Strong. Deputy-Governor. John William Plterson Lombard. Lieutenant-Governor. William Jamls Starr. Secretary. Howard Greene. Treasurer. Alonzo Gilbert Sexton. Registrar. Capt. William Chester Swain. Genealogist. Edward Joy Paul. Historian. Ellis Baker Usher. Chancellor. William Ward Wight. Surgeon. Dr. Nelson A. Pennoyer. Chaplain. Rev. Horatio Gates. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Harold Green Underwood^ Charles Gager Stark, Robert Camp. 502 WISCONSIN. LIST OF MEMBERS. StaXS Society No. General Society No. 30 BiGELOw, Frank Gordon. 2400 6th from John Bigelow. 31 B1GE1.OW, William. 2401 6th from John Bigelow. 43 Brockway, William Stevens. 2858 8th from Lieut. Roger Clapp. 8th from Lieut. John Lyman. 8th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 14 Brown, Charles Curtis, Kenosha.- 1920 8th from WilHam Phelps. 25 Camp, Robert, Milwaukee. 2281 8th from Maj. Nathan Gould. 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Bradford. 8th from Capt. Eleazar Wheelock. 2y Camp, Thomas Edward, Milwaukee. 2283 9th from Lieut. Thomas Benedict. 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from John Bigelow. 26 Carpenter, Richard, LaFayette, Ind. 2282 7th from Maj. John Greene. 24 Clark, Orlando Elmer, Appleton. 2175 9th from John Clark. 6th from Maj. John Clark. 7th from Lieut. John Drury. II Coffin, William King, Eau Claire. 1852 7th from Tristram Coffin. 503 WISCONSIN. State Society No. ' General Society No. 45 Farr, WiIvIvIAm Mattock. 2860 4th from Jonathan Farr. 8th from Lieut. James Trowbridge. 13 Fitch, Grant, Milwaukee. 1919 7th from Capt. Thomas Fitch. 22 FiviNT, Francis Gardiner, Bellows Falls, Vt. 2173 6th from Lieut. John Flint. 19 Flint, John Wyman, Bellows Falls, Vt. ^^ogy 6th from Lieut. John Flint. 6 FuNT, Wyman Kneeland, Milwaukee. 1051 6th from Lieut. John Flint. 7th from Thomas Flint. 9th from Capt. Matthew Fuller. 8th from Capt. John Clark. 7th from Lieut. Philip Curtis. 7th from Sergt. Edward Hinman. 50 Gates, Horatio. 3069 7th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 37 Gray, Nathaniee A. 2487 5th from John Gray. 29 Greene, Howard. 2367 9th from John Howland. 8th from Capt. John Gorham. 7th from Col. John Gorham. 34 Hopkins, Bedford Brown. 2404 6th from John Bigelow. 5th from Joshua Bigelow. 49 Johnson, Francis Jewett, 2941 6th from Capt. John Johnson. 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 6th from Daniel Wicom. 5th from John Boynton. 504 WISCONSIN. State Society No. General Society No. 33 Jones, Charles Louis. 2403 8th from Lieut. Joseph Judson. 12 Lombard, John William Peterson, Milwaukee. 1918 7th from Gov. Robert Treat. 35 McGeoch, Arthur Nye. 2405 loth from Richard Treat. 28 Paul, Edward Joy. 2366 loth from John Gallop. 9th from Sergt. John Perkins. 8th from Q. M. John Perkins. 6th from Isaac Perkins. 8th from Capt. Thomas Andrews. 8th from Abraham Cruttenden. 8th from William Ford. 8th from Robert Stetson. 7th from Sergt. George Bartlett. 7th from John Hathaway. 6th from Isaac Hathaway. 6th from Capt. Thomas Choate. 7th from Thomas Low. 5th from David Joy. 5th from Nathaniel Hibbard. 32 Payne, Henry Clay. 2402 7th from Moses Paine. 6th from Stephen Paine. 15 Pennoyer, Nelson Alonzo, M.D., Kenosha. 1921 7th from Lieut. Preserved Abell. 48 Ralph, Percy Perry. 2940 6th from Rev. Nathan Short. 50s , WISCONSIN. State Society No. General Society No. 3 Rejade, Philip, Lieut.-Col., U.S.A. 522 7th from Capt. William Reade. 9th from Sergt. John Perkins. 8th from Maj. Simon Willard. 8th from Francis Cooke. 5th from Maj. Ephraim Hildreth. 5th from Lieut. Timothy Spaulding. 38 Rogers, Ben Russell. 2500 8th from Capt. .Thomas Howes. 40 Sexton, Alonzo Gilbert. 2502 4th from Capt. Jonathan Kellogg. 41 Sexton, Arthur Taylor. 2608 7th from Capt. George Denison. 39 Sexton, Paul Denison. 2501 7th from Capt. George Denison. 20 Simmons, Samuel Sweet, Kenosha. 2098 7th from William Phelps. 2 Slosson, Frank, Kenosha. 1659 7th from Capt. James Avery. 42 Smith, Benjamin Wilson. 2792 3rd from Col. Benjamin Wilson. 47 Smith, William Stark. 2877 7th from Aaron Stark, 23 Stark, Charles Gager, Milwaukee. 2174 5th from Aaron Stark, 6th from Samuel Lathrop. 21 Starr, William James, Eau Claire, 2172 7th from Dr, Thomas Starr. 46 Strong, William James Henry. 2876 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 8th from Anthony Hawkins. ^ 506 WISCONSIN. State Society No. General Society No. I Strong, William Wolcott, Kenosha. 896 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Maj. William Bradford. 7th from Hon. Daniel Clark. 5th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. 5th from Ephraim Terry. 4th from John Strong. 9 Swain, William Chester, Milwaukee. 1916 6th from Maj. Jeremiah Swaine. 7th from John Howland. 7th from Maj. Peter Bulkeley. 6th from Capt. James Minott. 6th from Rev. John Hale. 6th from Humphrey Barrett. 44 Underwood, Harold Green. 2859 7th from Lieut. Philip Smith. 18 Underwood, Herbet Wight, Milwaukee. 2096 7th from Capt. John Guild. 5 Upham, William Henry. 1050 6th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 8 Usher, Ellis Baker, La Crosse. 191 5 9th from John Tilley. 9th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from John Howland. 5th from Capt. John Lane. 36 Wetherill, Richard Benbridge. 2406 5th from Capt. Jacob Morgan. 7 Wight, William Ward. 1049 9th from Capt. Matthew Allyn. 8th from Capt. Benjamin Newberry. 7th from Capt. John Moseley. 507 WISCONSIN. •fln riDemoriam ^ 4 Chandler Pease Chapman, died May 12, 1897. He was born February 13, 1844, and was a Charter Member of the Society, and he was ninth in descent from Governor William Bradford, and eighth in descent from Maj. William Bradford. ID James KnEELand, born February 12, 1816, died September 6, 1899, and was a Charter Member of the Society, and was ninth in descent from William Thomas, eighth in descent from Capt. Matthew Fuller, and seventh in descent from Maj. John Appleton. 508 .,^g0»ia^ses!QxAg^ SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Delaware was incorporated by an Act of the Gen- eral Assembly, passed March i8, 1897. Authority for organization from the General Society was granted May 13, 1897. The first Meeting of the Society was held on May 29, 1897, upon which date organization was effected, a Constitution and set of By-Laws adopted and Officers, Gentlemen of the Council and Com- mittees were duly elected for the ensuing year. The General Court of the Society is held on March 29th, in each year, being the anniversary of the Swedish purchase from the Indians by Peter Minuit, and of the first permanent settlement of Delaware. 509 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE. Elected at the Fourth General Court, held in Wilmington, March 29, 1900. Governor. Hon. John Reed Nicholson. Deputy-Governor. John Henry Rodney. Lieutenant-Governor. Hon. Ignatius Cooper Grubb. Secretary. WiEEARD Hale Porter. 300 Equitable Building, Wilmington. Deputy-Secretary. Christopher Longstreth Ward. Treasurer. William Henry Swift. 504 Equitable Building, Wilmington. Chancellor. Hon. George Gray. Historian. Hon. Edward Green Bradford. Registrar. Major John Rumsey Brinckle. Surgeon. Hiram Rodney Burton, M.D. Chaplain. Rev. Joseph Brown Turner. 510 DELAWARE. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Preston Lea, Henry Ridgely, Jr., Joseph Swift, Harry A. Richardson, Victor DuPont, Jr., Col. William A. LaMotte;, Dr. Thomas Robinson, Joseph Wilkins Cooch, Francis Nixon Buck. Committee on Membership. Hon. Ignatius Cooper Grubb, Francis N. Buck, Col. William A. LaMotte, Victor DuPont, Jr., William H. Swift, Henry Ridgely, Jr., Dr. Thomas Robinson. S" DELAWARE. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. 40 Bird, John BIvYmyer, Wilmington. 4th from Zachariah Van Luvanigh. 28 Black, John Janvier, M.D., New Castle. 2523 5th from Capt. Thomas Cooch. 8 Bradford, Hon. Edward GreEn, Wilmington. 1928 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 15 Brinckle, Major John Rumsey, U.S.A., Wil- 1935 mington. 4th from Lieut. -Col. John Brinckle. 5 Buck, Francis Nixon, Wilmington. 1925 4th from Ensign Charles Bush. 23 Burton, Hiram Rodney, M.D., Lewes. 1943 5th from William Rodney. 20 Bush, George Washington, Jr., Wilmington. 1940 4th from Ensign Charles Bush. 27 Bush, Joshua Daneorth, Wilmington. 2342 4th from Ensign Charles Bush. 39 Canby, Edward Tatnael, Wilmington. 3066 5th from Thomas Canby. 33 CoMEGYS, Major Edward Tiffin, U.S.A. 2937 7th from William Winsmore. 29 CoMEGYS, Major William Henry, U.S.A. 2524 7th from William Winsmore. 7 CoocH, Joseph Wilkins, Cooch's Bridge. 1927 5th from Capt. Thomas Cooch. 512 DELAWARE. State Society No. General Society No. 32 Craven, Thoaias Jenkins, Salem, N. J. 2853 4th from Dr. David Stewart. 22 DuPont, Alexis Irenee, Wilmington. 1942 4th from Dr. Charles Ridgely. 36 DuPont, ChareES Irenee, Wilmington. 2989 4th from Ensign Zachariah Van Luvanigh. 30 DuPoNT, CoE. Henry Aegeron, U.S.A., Mont- 2665 chanin. 7th from William Van Vreedenberg. 9 DuPont, Victor, Jr., Wilmington. 1929 4th from Ensign Zachariah Van Luvanigh. 35 Foster, Antoine Lentilhon, Montchanin. 2939 6th from Capt. Jan Jansen Bleecker. 4 Frame, Thomas Ceayton, Jr., Dover. 1924 6th from Capt. John Clayton. 38 Garland, Spotswood, Wilmington. 3065 6th from William Fitzhugh. 12 Gray, Andrew Caedwell, Wilmington. 1932 5th from Maj. Andrew Caldwell. II Gray, Hon. George, Wilmington. 1931 4th from Maj. Andrew Caldwell. I Grubb, Hon. Ignatius Cooper, Wilmington. 1835 5th from John Grubb. 3rd from Capt. Emanuel Grubb, Jr. 6th from Hon. William Clayton. 6th from John Buckley. 3rd from Capt. John Allmond. 16 La Motte, William Alexander, Wilmington. 1936 6th from James Claypoole. 6th from Joshua Hobart. 21 Lea, Preston, Wilmington. 1941 7th from William Jenkins. 513 DELAWARE. Statb Society No. Generai, Society No. 26 Morris, Walter, Dover. 2341 3rd from Dr. Charles Ridgely. 34 MuNSON, Francis Merton, LL.D., New Castle. 2938 7th from Thomas Munson. 37 MuNSON, Francis Merton, Jr., M.D., New Castle. 3064 8th from Thomas Munson. 13 Nicholson, Hon. John Reed, Dover. 1933 8th from Col. Moore Fauntleroy. 5th from Col. William Dangerfield. 4th from Merriwether Smith. 4th from Chancellor William Killen. 18 Porter, Willard Hall, Wilmington. 1938 3rd from Chancellor William Killen. 25 Richardson, Harry Alden, Dover. 2340 8th from Maj.-Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 3 Ridgely, Henry, Jr., Dover. 1923 3rd from Dr. Charles Ridgely. 10 Robinson, Thomas, M.D., Georgetown. 1930 4th from Lieut. Peter Robinson. 2 Rodney, John Henry, New Castle. 1922 5th from William Rodney. 17 SwiET, Joseph, Wilmington. 1937 3rd from Col. Joseph Shippen. 14 SwiET, William Henry, Wilmington. 1934 3rd from Col. Joseph Shippen. 31 Turner, Rev. Joseph Brown, Dover. 2852 8th from William Bassett. 19 Ward, Christopher Longstreth, Wilmington. 1939 5th from Ensign Charles Bush. 6 Wilson, Andrew Gray, Wilmington. 1926 4th from Maj. Andrew Caldwell. 514 DELAWARE. 1ln nDcmoriam* 24 Hon. Thomas Francis Bayard, LL.D., D.C.L., died Sept. 28, 1898. Thomas Francis Bayard, the first Governor of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Dela- ware, was the second son of the Hon. James A. Bayard, the younger, and Anne (Francis) Bayard. He was born at Wilmington, Delaware, October 29, 1828, and died at Dedham, Mass. He was ad- mitted to the Bar in 1851, and in 1853 was ap- pointed Attorney of the United States for tht District of Delaware. Chosen United States Senator from Delaware in 1869, he continuously thereafter served in that capacity until 1885, when he was appointed Secretary of State by President Cleveland. At the end of Mr. Cleveland's first term Mr. Bayard returned to private life, resuming the practice of the law. In 1893 he was appointed by President Cleveland Ambassador to Great Britain, and represented this country at the Court of St. James until the expiration of Mr. Cleve- land's second term. He was the first person ac- credited by our Government to a foreign court as ambassador. He was a member of the Hayes- Tilden Electoral Commission. In the Democratic National Conventions of 1872, 1876, 1880 and 1884 he received votes for the presidential nomination; standing in the strength of his support next to Gen. Hancock in 1880 and to Mr. Cleveland in 1884. He was an honorary member of many literary societies throughout the country and a recipient of honors from many institutions of learning. In 1877 Harvard, and in 1883 Yale, conferred on him the degree of LL.D. While Ambassador to England he received honorary degrees from Oxford and Cambridge Universities, D.C.L. from the former and LL.D. from the latter. It was owing to his zealous efforts that the return of the " Log of the Mayflower " to this country was secured. Senator, Secretary of State and Ambassador, his life was full of merited honors. All of him that is mortal now rests in the shadow of the venerable pile in which he and his family were wont to worship, the Old Swedes Church, Wilmington. SIS SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation, was or- ganized July 5, 1897, in the Senate Chamber, State House, Newport, and chartered by the General So- ciety, December 21, 1897. A meeting was held in the building of the Historical Society, Newport, on August I2th, and temporary officers elected. The first Annual Court was held in the Newport His- torical Society rooms, December 30, 1897, and of- ficers elected for the ensuing year. 516 OFFICERS AND GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVI- DENCE PLANTATIONS. Elected December, 1899. Governor. Hunter Carson White;. Deputy-Governor . Horatio Robinson Stoker. Lieut enan t- Governor. Lewis Fairbrother Burrough. Secretary. Henry Brayton Rose. Treasurer. George Corlis Nightingale. Registrar. R. Hammett TillEy. Historian. John Austin Stevens. Chancellor. Hamilton Bullock Tompkins. Chaplain. Roswell Randall Hoes. Surgeon. George H. Ken yon. S17 RHODE ISLAND. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Term expires December, 1900. Reginald Norman, John Page Sanborn, Samuel Pomeroy Colt. Term expires December, 1901. Elisha Dyer, William Watts Sherman, Melville Bull. Term expires December, 1902. Valentine Mott Francis, Wilfred Harold Munro, Henry Rodman Barker. 5r8 RHODE ISLAND. LIST OF MEMBERS. Statb Society No. Generai, Society No. 37 Austin, Amory, Newport. 31 lo 6th from Jonathan Amory. 7th from William Ellery. 8th from John Turner, 2d. 8th from Tristram Coffin. 29 Barker, Henry Rodman, Providence. 2696 6th from James Barker. 30 BoGERT, Theodore Peacock, Providence. 2697 9th from Dr. Johannes De La Montagne. 27 Brayton, Charles Ray, Providence. 2447 7th from Lieut. Francis Brayton. 14 Bull, Melville, Newport. 2289 7th from Gov. Henry Bull. 19 Burrough, Lewis Fairbrother, Providence. 2294 8th from Lieut. Henry Adams. I Colt, Samuel Pomeroy, Bristol. 1704 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 10 Dyer, Elisha, Providence. 2285 7th from William Dyer. 36 Fairbrother, Arthur Lewis, Pawtucket. 3109 9th from Rev. Thomas Hooker. 11 Francis, Valentine Mott, M.D., Newport. 2286 5th from John Cutler. 39 Granger, William Smith, Providence. 3020 6th from Gershom Bulkeley. 7th from John Prescott. 7th from Thomas Starr. 519 RHODE ISLAND. State Society No. ' General Society No. 7th from William Aspinwall. 6th from Medad Pomeroy. 7th from Capt. Joseph Weld. 6th from Lancelot Granger. 6th from Capt. Jonathan Prescott. 6th from Capt. Richard Seymour. 25 Hazard, Rowland, Peacedale. 2300 4th from William Robinson. 6th from Robert Plazard. 31 Hazard, Rowland Gibson, Peacedale. 2698 5th from William Robinson. 23 HoLS, RoswELL Randall, Chaplain U.S.N. 2298 7th from Maj. Brian Pendleton. 35 Kenyon, George Henry, M.D., Providence. 3018 8th from Gilbert Opdyke. 9 MuNRO, Wilfred Harold, Providence. 465 6th from Lieut. Preserved Abell. 26 MuRDOCK, Joseph Ballard, Lieutenant-Com- 2448 mander, U.S.N. 5th from Capt. Samuel Murdock. 8th from Randall Holden. 6th from Jonathan Gennings. 7th from Capt. George Macey. 7th from Capt. Michael Pierce. 9th from Richard Warren. 42 Newhall, Charles Cary, Providence. 8th from Lawrence Wilkinson. 17 Nightingale, George Corlis, Providence. 2292 7th from Capt. John Gorham. 7th from Maj. John Greene, Jr. 7th from Capt. Randall Holden. 520 RHODE ISLAND. State Society No. GfiNBRAi, Society No. 24 *NoRMAN, Hugh Kingsley, Newport. 2299 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 21 Norman, Reginald, Newport. 2296 8th from Gov. William Bradford. 3 Olney, George Washington, New York City. 22 7th from Thomas Olney, Sr. 5 Pele, Rowland, New York City, 15 8th from Gov. Walter Clarke. 7th from Robert Hazard. 7th from Maj. John Pell. 6th from William Robinson. 32 Rose, Henry Brayton, Providence. 8th from Capt. Matthew Fuller. 34 RUvSSELL, Emory Poole, Providence. 3017 4th from Samuel Poole, 3d. 20 Sanborn, John Page, Newport. 2295 4th from Daniel Sanborn. 6 Sherman, William Watts, Newport. 1891 7th from Capt. Martin Cregier. 7 *Smith, Gouverneur Mather, M.D. 267 5th from Col. Leonard Lispenard. 15 Smith, Howard, Newport. 2290 7th from Edward Smith. 22 Smith, Marion McAllister, New York City. 2297 8th from Edward Smith. 33 Snow, Louis Franklin, Providence. 30^6 6th from Uzall Wardell. ^Deceased. 521 ^ RHODE ISLAND. State Society No. General Society No. 12 Stevens, John Austin, New York City. 2287 5th from Lieut. Erasmus Stevens. 6th from Benjamin Church. 3rd from John Ledyard. 8th from WilHam Collier. 6th from Thomas Hawley. 8th from Richard Warren. 7th from Lieut. Constant Southworth. 9th from William Carpenter. 6th from Col. Gyles Dyer. 7th from Richard Church. 5th from Nathaniel Stanley. 38 Stiness, Edward Clinton Bessom, Providence. 3019 9th from Pres. John Coggeshall. 13 Storer, Horatio Robinson, M.D., Newport. 2288 5th from Joseph Storer. 4th from Lieut. -Col. John Storer. 40 StudlEy, John Edward, Providence. 3021 8th from Capt. Ralph Earle. 16 TiEEEY, RiSBROuGH Hammett, Newport. 2291 7th from Gov. John Easton. 8th from President Nicholas Easton 7th from Peter Easton. 8th from President John Coggeshall. 7th from Deputy-Gov. John Coggeshall. 8th from President Roger Williams. 7th from Capt. Ralph Earle. 8th from Edward Smith. 8th from Edward Freeman. 7th from Obadiah Holmes. 6th from Capt. Matthias Nicoll. 5th from William Nicoll. 6th from Giles Slocum. 5th from William Turner. 522 RHODE ISLAND. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from George Allen. 7th from Thomas Lavvton. 7th from John Sayles. 8 Tompkins, Hamilton Bullock, New York Cit). 379 7th from John Alden. 28 ToPHAM, Theophilus, Newport. 2695 5th from Lieut.-Col. Henry Tew. 41 Wheaton, John Robert, Warren. 8th from Capt. William Turner. 18 White, Hunter Carson, Providence. 2293 8th from Lieut. Thomas Harris, Sr. 7th from Thomas Harris, Jr. 7th from William Wilbur. 7th from William Hawkins, Jr. 8th from Thomas Arnold. 7th from Valentine Whitman. 7th from Stephen Arnold. 8th from Edward Smith. 8th from Capt. Edward Richmond. 8th from Sergt. Christopher Helme. 7th from Henry Head. 7th from Richard Tew. 7th from John Lapham, Sr. 7th from James Matthewson. 8th from Edward Inman. 7th from John Inman. 7th from Robert Hazard. 5th from Samuel Perry. 4th from Simeon Perry. 7th from Eleazer Arnold. 7th from Joseph Hull. 6th from Stephen Hazard. 4 Wilbur, Joshua, U. S. Consul to Dublin, Ireland. 1120 7th from Lieut. Edward Richmond. 523 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN . THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Washington was chartered by the General Society November i6, 1898, as the twenty-fifth State So- ciety. It was organized in Spokane with a mem- bership of twelve, including five members of the California Society residing in Spokane, and one of the New Hampshire Society, living at Port Gamble. The eligibility rules are those of the General So- ciety, but collaterals are not admitted. The Gen- eral Court is held on December 19, the anniversary of the Great Swamp Fight. The seal bears the arms of Spain impaled with those of George Washington, the State being the only one named after an American. The dates are those of the discovery by Juan de Fuca in 1592, and that of the Columbia River in 1792, while Washing- ton was President. 524 ^■AJUiiAWJiiJ^"' OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. Elected at the Fourth General Court, held December loth, 1901. Governor. A. Gkorge Avery. Deputy-Go vern r. George S. Brooke. Lieutenant-G overnor. Hiram Burns Ferris. Secretary and Treasurer. Millard T. Hartson, Spokane, Wash. Registrar. Frank T. Post. Historian. WiNEiELD Scott Jamison. Chancellor. Frank Hyde Graves. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Col. J. Kennedy Stout, J. P. Graves, George S. Brooke, Henry L. Wilson. Committee on Membership. George T. Doolittle, M.D., Wineield Scott Jamison, George S. Brooke, Hiram Burns Ferris, 525 WASHINGTON. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. 5 Avery, Asahel George;, Spokane. 2210 8th from Capt. James Avery. ID Brooke, George Smith, Spokane. 2589 9th from Acting Gov. Robert Brooke. 3 DooEiTTEE, George Tieton, M.D., Spokane. 2204 4th from Capt. Thaddeus Clark. 8 Ferris, Hiram Burns, Spokane. 2587 7th from William Holton. 9 Graves, Frank Hyde, Spokane. 2588 6th from Capt. Joseph Kingsbury. II Graves, Jay P., Spokane. 2768 6th from Capt. Joseph Kingsbury. 4 Hartson, Willard Tracy, Spokane. 2208 8th from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. 6 Jameson, Winfield Scott, Port Gamble. 2143 4th from Martin Jameson. 6th from Maj. William Vaughan. 6th from Rev. John Wise. 2 Post, Frank Truman, Spokane. 2083 6th from Lieut. Abraham Post. I Stout, John Kennedy, Spokane. 1766 9th from Walter Palmer. 8th from Capt. Thomas Miner. 7th from Ensign Clement Miner. 7 Wilson, Henry Lane, Santiago, Chile, S. A. 2886 4th from Col. William McKee. 526 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MAINE. In accordance with authority granted by the Gen- eral Society, November 17, 1898, the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Maine was organized in Portland, December 7, 1898. At that time a constitution and by-laws were adopted and officers were elected. The General Court of the Society is held on the anniversary of the capture of Louisburg, June 17, 1745, at such place and hour as the Council may designate. Eligibility to membership is substantially the same as that in the constitution of the General So- ciety. 527 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF MAINE. Governor. Gen. Francis FessendEn. Deputy-Governor. Fritz Hermann Jordan. 1 Lieutenant-G overnor. Maj. Charles Harrod Boyd. Secretary. Maj. Henry S. Burrage. Portland, Me. Treasurer. Edward Deering Noyes. , Portland, Me. Registrar. Hon. Charles Freeman Libby. Historian. Proe. William Addison Houghton. Genealogist. Henry Deering. Surgeon. Dr. William Jordan Maybury. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL. Maj. Charles Harrod Boyd, George Frederic Evans, Col. John Murray Glidden, Hon. Edward Anson Butler, Dr. Frederic Henry Gerrish. 528 MAINE. LIST OF MEMBERS. State Society No. General Society No. 12 Boyd, CharlKS Harrod, Portland. 2596 7th from Gov. Robert Treat. 4th from Gen. Elias Dayton. 6th from Capt. Samuel Brcckiebank. 7th from Tristram Coffin. 6th from Tristram Coffin, Jr. 5th from Nathaniel Coffin. 4th from Lieut. -Col. Joseph Coffin. II BuRRAGE, Henry Sweetser, Portland. 2595 7th from Maj. Simon Willard. 7th from Capt. Jabez Fairbanks. 7th from Capt. Joseph Hills. 6th from Capt. John Wayte (Waite). 7th from John Prescott. 7th from Ralph Houghton. 22 Butler, Edward Anson, Rockland. 2677 6th from Lieut. John Butler. 26 Carney, Franklin LaFayette, Sheepscot. 2771 2nd from Mark Carney. 5th from Capt. Thomas Wheeler. 23 Carter, John William Dodge, Portland. 2678' 4th from Ephraim Carter. 5th from Capt. Ebenezer Eastman. 5th from Philip Eastman. 4tli from Moses Eastman. 4th from David Kimball. 36 Corey, Edward Ward, Portland. 3 141 loth from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 529 MAINE. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Dep.-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 7th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Gookin. 7th from Isaac Ilsley. 6th from Capt. Isaac Ilsley. 20 Corey, ErEn, Portland. 2675 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 8th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 8th from Dep.-Gov. Stephen Goodyear. 7th from Maj.-Gen. Daniel Gookin. • 7th from Isaac Ilsley. 6th from Capt. Isaac Ilsley. 5 Deering, Henry, Portland. 2590 9th from Dep.-Gov. Ambrose Gibbons. 8th from Richard Swan. 8th from Sergt. John Perkins. 8th from Henry Sherburne. 7th from Joseph Parker. 7th from Lieut. Robert Swan. 7th from Tristram Coffin. 7th from Lieut. Edmund Greenleaf. 7th from Capt. Thomas Bradbury. 7th from Surgeon Renald Fernald. 6th from Joseph Parker. 6th from Robert Swan. 6th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf. 6th from Sergt. John Emery. 6th from Sergt. Caleb Moody. 6th from Capt. William Eernald. 5th from Isaac Ilsley. 5th from Joseph Parker. 4th from Capt. Isaac Ilsley. 4th from Capt. Peter Parker. 4th from Capt. James Milk. S30 MAINE. State Society No. General Society No. 35 Fairbanks, Henry Nathanie;l, Bangor. 3140 8th from Dep.-Gov. Isaac Allerton. 7th from Capt. Thomas Southworth. 6th from John Chipman. 7th from John Howland. 4th from Jacob Chipman. 13 Fkssenden, Francis, Portland. 2597 9th from Ambrose Gibbon. 8th from John Perkins. 8th from Richard Swan. 8th from Henry Sherburne. 7th from Tristram Cofhn. 7th from Renald Fernald. 7th from Edmund Greenleaf. 7th from Robert Swan. 7th from Thomas Bradbury. 7th from Joseph Parker. 6th from Stephen Greenleaf. 6th from Robert Swan. 6th from Caleb Moody. 6th from John Emery. 6th from Joseph Parker. 6th from William Fernald. 5th from Isaac Ilsley. 5th from Joseph Parker. 4th from James Milk. 4th from Peter Parker. 27 Fox, James Carter, Portland. 2772 4th from Jabez Fox. 9th from George Cleeves. 7th from Lieut. Thaddeus Clark. 6th from Lieut.-Col. Edward Tyng. 16 Fry, Charles, Bar Harbor. 2628 9th from Gov. John Haynes, 531 MAINE. Statb Society No. General Society No. 8th from Gov. John Leverett. 5th from Col. Simon Lothrop. 28 Ge;rrish, Frederic Henry, Portland, 2812 5th from Capt. William Gerrish. 4th from Capt. John Gerrish. 3rd from Col. Timothy Gerrish. 5th from Maj. Richard Waldron. 5th from Capt. Edmund Greenleaf. 4th from Robert Eliot. 5th from Tristram Coffin. 4th from Tristram Coffin, Jr. 3rd from Moses Little. 3rd from Capt. Thomas Pickering. 24 Glidden, John Monteichet, Newcastle. 2679 9th from Charles Glidden. 7th from Lieut. Charles Glidden. loth from Capt. John Mason, loth from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Capt. John Gilman. 8th from Rev. Robert Jordan. I Glidden, John Murray, Newcastle. 2166 8th from Charles Glidden. 6th from Lieut. Charles Glidden. 7th from Capt. John Gilman. 7th from Rev. Robert Jordan. 8 GeiddEn, Joseph Warren, Portland. 2593 9th from Charles Glidden. 7th from Lieut. Charles Glidden. loth from Capt. John Mason, loth from Gov. William Bradford. 8th from Capt. John Gilman. 8th from Rev. Robert Jordan. 532 MAINE. State Society No. General Society No. 37 Hale;, Frederick, Portland. 3143 6th from Col. John Golfe. 29 Hawes, Andrew, Portland. 2901 4th from Benjamin Titcomb. 32 HiEE, John Fremont, Augusta. 3032 6th from Capt. John Hill. 9th from Gov. Thomas Wiggin. 9th from Ambrose Gibbons. 8th from Henry Sherburne. 8th from Robert Tufton Mason. 8th from Corp. Francis Wainwright. 8th from John Glover. 7th from Lieut. -Col. William Pepperrell. 7th from Maj. Charles Frost. 7th from Edward Rawson. 7th from Maj. Joseph Hammond. 7th from Robert Eliot. 7th from Capt. Simon Wainwright. 7th from Capt. Richard Brackett. 6th from Capt. Lewis Bane. 6th from Capt. John Leighton. 6th from Jotham Odiorne. 6th from Simon Crosby. 6th from Lieut. William Fernald. 6th from William Rawson. 6th from Henry Sampson. 5th from Col. John Tufton Mason. 5th from Capt. Jonathan Bane. 5th from Jotham Odiorne, Jr. 21 Houghton, William Addison, Brunswick. 2676 7th from Maj. Thomas Browne. 8th from Capt. Hopestill Foster. 8th from Capt. Thomas Marshall. 7th from Capt. Jabez Fairbank. 533 MAINE. State Society No. General Society No. 8th from Capt. Thomas Wilder. 5th from Capt. Jeremiah Wesson. 5th from Capt. Samuel Baker, 7th from Lieut. Samuel Brigham. 4th from Capt. Samuel Sawin. 9th from Deacon Samuel Bass. 9th from John Prescott. 9th from John Coolidge. 8th from Deacon Edmund Rice. 7th from Justice John Houghton. 5th from Phineas Heywood. 5th from Cyrus Houghton. 31 Ingraham, William Moulton, Portland. 2972 8th from Robert Page. 5th from Ephraim Carter. 7th from Nathaniel Batchelder. 33 Jones, Edmund Clarence, Portland. 3033 8th from Gov. Nicholas Easton. 7th from Gov. Caleb Carr. 7th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from Thomas Macy. 8th from Dep.-Gov. John Coggeshall, 2nd. 7th from Benjamin Sweetsir. 18 Jones, Philip Ingraham, Portland. 2651 8th from Gov. Nicholas Easton. 7th from Gov. Caleb Carr. 7th from Tristram Coffin. 8th from Thomas Macy. 8th from Dep.-Gov. John Coggeshall, 2nd. 7th from Benjamin Sweetsir. 10 Jordan, Fritz Hermann, Portland. 2594 6th from Rev. Robert Jordan. 7th from Samuel Appleton. 534 MAINE. State Society No. General Society No. 6th from Maj. Samuel Appleton. 5th from Maj. Isaac Appleton. 7th from Lieut. Francis Peabody. 6th from Capt. John Peabody. 7th from Thomas Pope. 6th from Capt. Seth Pope. 7 LiBBY, Chari^es Freeman, Portland. 2592 7th from Henry Libby. 5th from Capt. Samuel Jordan, 6th from John Libby. 6th from Rev. John Wise. 15 Maybury, William Jordan, Saco. 2627 4th from Capt. Richard Maybury. 30 MouLTON, Augustus Freeman, Portland. 2971 8th from Robert Page. 7th from Nathaniel Batchelder. 5th from Ephraim Carter. 6 NoYES, Edward Deering, Portland. 2591 loth from Dep.-Gov. Ambrose Gibbon. 9th from Richard Swan. 9th from Sergt. John Perkiris. 9th from Henry Sherburne. 8th from Joseph Parker. 8th from Lieut. Robert Swan. 8th from Surgeon Renald Fernald. 8th from Lieut. Edmimd Greenleaf. 8th from Tristram Cofiin. 8th from Capt. Thomas Bradbury. 8th from Nicholas Noyes. 8th from Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. 7th from Joseph Parker. 7th from Robert Swan. 7th from Capt. William Fernald. 7th from Capt. Stephen Greenleaf. 535 MAINE. State Society No. Generai, Society No. 7th from Sergt. John Emery. 7th from Sergt. Caleb Moody. 7th from Capt. Josiah Jones. 7th from Capt. Cutting Noyes. 6th from Isaac Ilsley. 6th from Joseph Parker. 6th from Sergt. Thomas Chute. 6th from Capt. Moses Pearson. 5th from Capt. Isaac Ilsley. 5th from Capt. Peter Parker. 5th from Capt. James Milk. 17 Noyes, Wadsworth, Portland. 2629 6th from Moses Pearson. 38 Shead, Edward Wadsworth, Eastport. 3139 8th from John Johnson. 8th from John Alden. 34 Talbot, Archie Lee, Lewiston. 3072 8th from John Morton. 8th from John Tilly. 8th from Francis Cooke. 7th from John Howland. 7th from Samuel Pratt. 6th from William Robbins. 6th from Isaac Howland. 5th from Roger Talbot. 5th from Roger Bayley. 4th from Sergt. Ambrose Talbot. 4th from Capt. John Miller. 25 Vaile, Frederick Sturdivant, Portland. 2770 9th from Myles Standish. 9th from John Alden. 9th from Richard Warren. 8th from Andrew Ring. 9th from George Soule. 536 MEMBERS Reported Sinck October iith, 1901. NEW YORK. State Society No. 1 1 59 Barbour, William De Lamater, New York. 7th from Francis Bloodgood. 1 1 63 BoYNTON, Charlies Edward, New York. 7th from Nathaniel Richardson. 1 165 Carter, Colin Smith, New York. 4th from Thaddeus Carter. 1 161 DE Peyster, Col. Johnston Livingston, .Tivoli. 6th from Col. Abraham de Peyster. 1 166 Houghton, George Clarke, D.D., New York. 7th from Lieut. Samuel Smith. 1 160 Hunt, Ridgely, Lieut. Com. U. S. N. 7th from Col. Robert Livingston. 1 164 Miner, Karl Roswell, New York. 8th from Capt. Thomas Miner. 1 158 Murphey, Chauncey Hulburt, Albany. 8th from Vice-Ad. Thomas Gilbert. 1 157 PosTLEY, Sterling, New York. 9th from Gov. Thomas Welles. 1 1 52 Smith, Thomas Guilford, Buffalo. 6th from Walter Newberry. 1 162 Swan, Robert Otis, New York. 8th from Richard Swan. 537 MEMBERS REPORTED SINCE OCTOBER n, 1901. PENNSYLVANIA. State Society No. 232 Felton, Edgar Conway. 8th from Gov. Roger Williams. 229 Haughton, John Paul. 9th from Gov. William Bradford. 227 HuiDEKOPER, Wallis. 7th from Edward Shippen. 231 Lloyd, Malcolm, Jr. 8th from Thomas Lloyd. 230 Montgomery, James Henry. 6th from Philip Key. 226 Morgan, Fisher CorliES. 8th from Gov. Walter Clarke. 228 Wirgman, William Wayne. 6th from Capt. Isaac Wayne. MASSACHUSETTS. 464 Barnard, Charles Nathan, Somerville. 6th from John Barnard. 438 Capelle, William Curtis, Boston. 4th from John Capell. 448 Chase, George Bigelow, Dedham. 5th from Sergt. Aquila Chase. 447 Chase, Stephen, Dedham. 6th from Sergt. Aquila Chase. 462 Clarke, Charles Edes Fletcher, Andover. 8th from Capt. John Waite. 440 Farwell, John Whittemore, Melrose. 4th from Sergt. John Calef. 538 MEMBERS REPORTED SINCE OCTOBER n, 1901. State Society No. 461 HoBBS, FrankIvIN Warren, Brookline. 6th from Capt. William Goodhue. 463 Inches, George Brimmer, North Grafton, 4th from Col. John Chester. 443 Jenney, Bernard, South Boston. 6th from John Jenney. 465 Lyman, George Hinckley, Boston. 5th from Lieut. Jonathan Lyman. 454 Martin, Charees Henry, South Weymouth. 5th from Capt. Nathaniel Bayley. 444 Merrile, Frederic Augustus, D. M. D., Boston. 8th from Capt. Thomas Bradbury. 451 Pear, Albert Marston, Cambridge. 7th from James Barrett. 446 Phelps, George Nelson, Brookline. 6th from Capt. Timothy Phelps. 452 Read, Charles French, Brookline. 8th from Esdras Read. 449 Rice, Arthur Noble, Boston. 6th from Col. Arthur Noble. 445 Simmons, William Stearns, Boston. 9th from John Alden. 455 Sleeper, Henry Davis, Boston. 5th from Capt. John Loring. 456 Sleeper, Stephen Westcott, Boston. 5th from Capt. John Loring. 458 TiLLiNGHAST, CharlES Mellen, Boston. 4th from Ens. James Mellen. 437 Tobey, Rev. Rufus Babcock, Quincy. 5th from Col. Sylvester Richmond. 539 MEMBERS REPVRTED SINCE OCTOBER n, 1901. State Society No. 442 Upham, Robert Hay, D. M. D., Boston. 7th from Lieut. Phineas Upham. 459 Waterman, Frank Sturtevant, Boston. 4th from Lieut. John Waterman. 460 Waterman, George Huse, Boston. 4th from Lieut. John Waterman. 457 WheeeEr, Bertrand Thorp, Dorchester. 4th from Samuel Thorp. 453 Wheeler, John Frederic, Newton. 7th from Maj. Gen. Humphrey Atherton. 450 White, Wieeiam Roland, Chester. 7th from John White. 439 WoLCOTT, RoGER^ Boston. 5th from Gov. Roger Wolcott. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 109 Beckwith, Paul, Washington. 7th from Nicholas Hervey. no Hopkins, Alfred Francis, Washington. 9th from Capt. Edward Johnson. Ill Hopkins, Neville Monroe, Washington. 9th from Capt. Edward Johnson. 107 Kendall, Henry Myron, Maj. U. S. A., retired, Washington. 7th from Gov. Thomas Prence. 108 TuppER, James Brainard Taylor, Washington. 6th from Capt. Thomas Tupper, Sr. VERMONT. 63 Hills, Joseph Lawrence, Burlington. 5th from Corp. Eben' Drew. 540 MEMBERS REPORTED SINCE OCTOBER n, 1901. ILLINOIS. State Societv No. 168 Case^ John Edward, Chicago. 5th from Capt. James Case. 166 Chambi;rlain, Prof. Paul MelIvEn, Chicago. 9th from Gov. Thomas Dudley. 165 Pease, Arthur Burr, Chicago. 7th from Joseph Warriner. 164 Snow, Isaac Burrows, Chicago. 8th from Gov. Thomas Prence. 167 Woodward, Theron Royal, Chicago. 7th from John Woodward. OHIO. 62 Raineorth, Selden Irwin, Cincinnati. 6th from Col. Isaac Wyman. COLORADO. 62 Farnsworth, Charles. 8th from Capt. George Denison. 64 Sanger, John Foster. 8th from Capt. Myles Standish. 65 Stewart, Philip Battell. 6th from Matthew Sherwood. 61 Thayer, Rueus Calvin. 7th from Col. Philip Wheeler. 63 Tucker, John Speed. 5th from Gen. Hugh Mercer. 541 MEMBERS REPORTED SINCE OCTOBER it, 1901. IOWA. State Society No. 36 BuRBANK, Eugene Damon, Des Moines. 9th from Gov. William Leete. MICHIGAN. 40 CoLToN, Allen Lysander, Ann Arbor. 8th from George Colton. 36 Hopkins, George Hiram, Detroit. 4th from Consider Hopkins. 39 Nelson, Edwin Horatio, Detroit. 8th from John Alden. 37 Pitts, Thomas, Detroit. 8th from William Bradford. 38 Remick, James Albert, Detroit. 8th from William Bradford. WISCONSIN. 50 Gates, Rev. Horatio. 7th from Capt. Timothy Dwight. 52 Kennan, Thomas Lathrop. 9th from Elder William Brewster. 51 RuGGLES, Charles Herman. 5th from Lieut.-Gov. Cadwallader Colden. 53 Stebbins, Albert Kellogg. 7th from Lieut. Thomas Stebbins. 542 MEMBERS REPORTED SINCE OCTOBER ii, 1901. DELAWARE. State Society No. 42 Booth, Henry Driver. 7th from John Curtis. 41 Murray, George Henry. 7th from Matthew Gilbert. RHODE ISLAND. 44 Dennis, Arthur Wellington, Providence, loth from Gov. Roger Williams. 43 Rhodes, William Conrad, Providence. 8th from Capt. Arthur Fenner. MAINE. 36 Corey, Edward Ward, Portland. 9th from Gov. Simon Bradstreet. 35 Fairbanks, Henry Nathaniel, Bangor. 7th from John Howland. 37 Hale, Frederic, Portland. 6th from Col. John Goflfe. 39 Haskell, Charles Oliver, Portland. 8th from Capt. Nathaniel Reynolds. 38 Shead, Edward Wads worth, Eastport. 8th from Capt. John Johnson. 40 Turner, Philip Foster, Portland. 4th from John Reed. 543 MEMBERS REJ'ORTED SINCE OCTOBER ii, igoi. NEW YORK. Continued from page 537. State Society No. 1169 BuEiviv, W1LI.IAM C0LI.INS, Syracuse. 4th from Capt. Jonathan Buell. 1 171 DoMiNiCK, Henry Bi,anchard_, New York. 8th from Lieut. Thomas Cooper. 1168 Frye, Jed, New York. 4th from Capt. Henry Ingalls. 1 170 Hamilton, Henry Nicoel, Yonkers. 6th from Col. Johannes Schuyler. 1 1 72 Ken yon, Rev. Ralph Wood, Brooklyn. 9th from Dep-Gov. Isaac Allerton. 1167 Wadsworth, Paul, Albany. 7th from Capt. Samuel Wadsworth. MISSOURI. 118. HoLLisTER, Horace E. Thoaipkins. — from John Hollister. 119. Robinson, Hamline Elijah. — from Isaac Learned, Jr. 544 INDEX OF ANCESTORS, WITH SERVICES AND DESCENDANTS. (ancestors in small caps. the numbers indicate the PAGES referred TO.) A. &= H. A. Co., Abbreviation for Metnber Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston. Abbey, Thomas, 1656-1728, En- field, Conn. Capt. Appleton's Co. Great Swamp Fight. Freeman, Alden, 335. Stafford, William, 161. Abbey, Lieut. Thomas, 1686- 1759, Enfield, Conn. Lient., 1712-13. Freeman, Alden, 335. Abbey, Capt. Thomas, 1731-1811. In French and Indian Wars, i758-'6i. Corp., 1758. Lieut. 1761. Freeman, Alden, 335. Abbot, Capt. Abiel, i 741 -1809, Wilton, N. H. Capt., 1769. Abbot, Francis E., 243. Wilbur, Rollin H., 211. Abbot, George, 161 5- 168 i. In gar- rison at Andover, Mass., Major Thos. Savage, King Philip's War. Abbot, Edgar W., 294. Abbot, Francis E., 243. Abbott, George B., 27- Carney, Sydney H., Jr., 58. Goss, Charles A., 422. Moran, Charles, 120. Morse, Willard S. 476. Abbot, Capt. John, 1704- 1793, Andover. 2d Foot Co., 4th Regt, Militia, Essex Co., Mass., Col. Richard Salton- stall, French and Indian War, 1754. Abbot, Edwin H., 243. Abbot, Francis E., Z7, 242. Abbott, Lieut. Nathaniel, 1696- 1770, Concord, N. H. Ens., Capt. John Chandler's 2d Co. Sixth N. Hamp. Regt. Col. Joseph Blanchard, 1744. Lieut. Rnmford Military Co., 1746. 2d Lieut, of Capt. Richard Rogers' Co. of Rangers, 1756- J57. Thomas, Houston A., 282. Abel, Lieut. Preserved, 1668- 1724, Rehoboth, Mass. In King Philip's War. Sergt., 1689. Ens., 1690. Lieut, tmder Capt. Samuel Gallup, Phip's Expedition against Canada, 1690. Hill, John W., 378. Hill, Wm. S., 94. Munro, Wilfred H., 520. Pennoyer, Nelson A., 505. Adams, Daniel, 1652-1713. Under Major Willard. King PhiHp's War. Adams, Frederick C, 396. Britton, Charles P., 53. Adams, Ens. Edward, 1630-1716, Medfield, Mass. Ens., 1681, 1702. Deputy, 1689, '92, 1702, Col. of Mass. Bay. Adams, Edward M., 243. Adams, John Quincy, 428. Conkey, Walter B., 371. Leeds, Charles, 265. Pierce, Frederick C, 383. Adams, George, 1696, Water- town, Mass. In Capt. Joseph Sill's Co., King Philip's War. Adams, Frederick C, 396. Britton, Charles P., 53. Adams, Ens. Henry, 1657-1733, Medfield, Mass. Representa- tive, 1706-'! I, '17, '19, '2I-'24, '28. Ensign. Stone, William E., 280. 545 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Adams, Lieut. Henry, 1604-76. Lieut., Medfield, Mass., Militia, Deputy, 1659, et seq. A. & H. A. Co., 1652. King Philip's War. Adams Henry H., 27 Burrough, Lewis F., 519. Cadle, Charles F., 398. Hewins, James, 259. Merriam, Frank, 267. Middleton. Harvey, 229. Nichols, George L., 269. Rockwood, Charles G., Jr., 227- Stone, William E., 280. Adams, James, 1651. In Marshfield Military Co., 1643. Freeman, Alden, 334. Adams, John, 1621-1706, Cam- bridge, Mass. Under Capt. Thomas Prentice, King Phil- ip's War. Cutter, William R., 153. Adams, John, 1703, Burhng- ton Co., N. J. Representa- tive, 1697. Middleton, H., 230. Adams, Ens. John, 1807. Ens. " Associated Cos. of Bucks Co." in Pa. Provincial Forces. Adams, Jos. W., 2)7- Adams, Capt. Joseph, 1638-1752, Canterbury, Conn. Lieut, of Train Band, 1715. Capt., 1725. Deputy, 1715 et seq. Jewett, William P., 438. Adams, Capt. Samuel, 1617-1689, Chelmsford, Mass. Capt. of Foot, 1682 et seq. William and Mary, French and Indian Wars. In Capt. Holbrook's Co., King Philip's War. Partridge. Frank H., 132. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Adams, Samuel, 1652, . Chelmsford, Mass., and Can- terbury, Conn. Deputy from Canterbury, 1711 et seq. Adams, Lieut. Thomas, 1612- 1688, Braintree and Concord, Mass. Chief Sergt., Concord Train Band, 1660. Ensign, 1678. Lieut., 1682. In King Philip's War, Capt. Samuel Adam's Co. Commissioner, i66i-'74. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. IDeputy, 1673. Edwards, Edward J., 434. Hill, Howard F., 351. Jewett, William P., 438. Wade, John P.. 446. Adams, Sergt. Thomas, 1723-1790. Under Capt. Stephen Whip- ple, Col. Plaisted's Regt., Mass. Troops, Crown Point, 1756. Sergt., Capt. Whipple's Co., Col. Berie's Regt., Fort Edward, 1756. Cutter, William R., 253. Addison, Col. John, 1678-1706. Capt., 1692. Col., 1695. Coun- cil, 1691-1705, Prov. of Md. Howard, McHenry, 228. Moran, Charles, 119. Thomas, Douglas H., 167. Addison, Col. Thomas, 1729. Prov. Council of Md., 1710-26. Adrianse, Q. M. Martin, 1668- 1754- Q. M. under Col. Rich- ard Stilwell, King's Co. Mi- litia, 1715. Richards, Charles S., 142. Agnew, Capt. James, i 711- 1770. Capt. Penn. Militia, 1756. Scott, John Reed, 207. Agur, or Acer, vide Eager. Albro, Major John, 1617-1712. Corp. in Colonial Militia, 1661-66. Lieut.. 1675-80. Capt., 1680, and Major. Albro, Addis, 2>7- Williams, Norman A., 183. Alcock, George, 1640, Rox- bury, Mass. Deputy, 1634-37. Alden, David, , Duxbury, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, 1690. Forbes, Charles S., 362. Alden, John, 1599-1687. In Capt. Myles Standish's Duxbury Co., 1643. Gov.'s Asst., 1632- 40, '50. '86. Deputy, 1641-42, '44, '49. Member Council of War, '46, et seq., Plymouth Col. Alden, Isaac C, 413. Allen, Frederick B., 244. Anderson, Arthur C., 429. 546 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Bacon, Horace S., 246. Barker, Edwin T., 246. Bartlett, F. H., 43. Blagden, Ihos., 317. Brooks, Walter C., 249. Butters, George, 370. Capen, Walter N., 296. Chapman, Thomas B., 60. Coe, Henry C, 62. Coe, Henry F., 251. Coffin, Rufus, 252. dishing, Luther S., 433. Fames, Francis L., 77. Fames, Stewart W., 77. Farnham, Elijah T., 334. Farnham, Paulding, 80. Forbes, Chas. S., 362. Freeman, Alden, 334. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Grinnell, William M., 88. Hadley, Emerson, 436. Healey, David A., 260. Hoyt. William E., 98. Huntington, Charles R., 99. Jenney, Herbert, 416. Janvrin, Joseph E., 102. Johnson, Joseph T., 321. Keith, Solomon L., 264. Lawton, George P., 109. Lee, Edward C, 202. Mayo, Charles E., 439. McKinstrv, Charles H., 116. McKinstry, Elisha W., 462. Miner. Edward G., 118. Nelson, Edwin H., 542. Otis, Philo A. 382. Parsons, Chas. L., 351. Pillsbury, Albert S., 274. Rawson, Edward S., 418. Reed, Henry B., 139. Reed, James, 274. Rhodes, Dudley W., 442. Richardson, George E., 276. Rogers, Edward L., 277. Roberts, Joseph B., 146. Sampson, Clark D., 405. Seabury, Channing, 443. Seabury, Frederick C, 153. Shead. Edward W., 536. Simmons, William S., 539. Skinner, Wm. C, 308. Soule, Horace H., Jr., 278. Spoor, John A., 386. Stetson, Caleb R., 325. Stetson, George R., 325. Stone, Charles A., 280. Stringer, George A., 163. Swift, Jrlenrv W., 282. Thompson, Gilbert, 325. Tobey, Edward S., 283. Tompkins, Hamilton B., 169, 523- Talbot. Joel F., 387. Vaill, Fred'k S., 536. White, Henry K., 464. Whitney, Frank L, 448. Winter, Francis A., 408. Winter, Samuel D., 408. Alden, Col. John, 1680-1739, Duxbury, Mass. Representa- tive, 1712-13, '21-22, '28, '31-39. Col., 1732. Soule, Horace H., Jr., 278. Alden, Capt. Jonathan, 1627- 1698. Ens., Lieut, and Capt. Duxbury Co., Mass. In King Phihp's War. Reed, Henry B., 139. Soule, Horace H., Jr., 278. Alden, Joseph, 1624- 1697, Dux- bury, Mass. In Capt. Myles Standish's Co., 1643. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Alden, Capt. Prince, 1718-1804. Q. M. of Horse, 3d Regt, Col. of Conn., 1758. Lieut, 1760. Capt. later. Reed, Henry B., 139. Alois, John, 1700, Dedham, Mass. In King Philip's War. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Alexander, Capt. Archibald, 1708, . Capt. of Rangers, Augusta Co., Va., 1756. " Sandy Creek Expedition." Alexander, Capt. Ebenezer, 1684- 1768, Northfield, Mass. Ens. and Lieut., Father Rasle's War. Lieut, and Capt., Louis- burg Expedition. Under Gen. Shirley against Canada, 1746. Alexander, Ebenezer, 243. Alexander, James, 1693-1756. King's Council, N. Y., 1721, — Council N. J., 1722. Secre- tary of Prov. N. Y. Survey- 547 INDEX OF AN6EST0RS AND DESCENDANTS. or-Gen. of East and West New Jersey. Chew, Beverly, 60. Alexander, Major-Gen. Wil- liam, 1 726- 1 783. Styled Lord Stirling. Commissary, 1755. Priv. Sec, A. D. C, Gen. Shirley, 1756. Capt. Co. of Grenadiers, N. Y., 1760. King's Council, N. J., 1761. Russell, Wm. H., 148. Alger, Lieut. Andrew, ■. 1675, Scarborough, Me. _ Lieut, Capt. Joshua Scottow's Com- pany, York Regiment, and killed by Indians at Scarbor- ough, 1675. Stone, William E., 280. Alger, Lieut. James, i 729-1810, Bridgewater, Mass. Lieut, of Capt. Jonathan Howard's 4th Brideewater Co., Col. Josiah Edson's Regt., 1771. Tyler, Edward R., 284. Alld, Lieut. David. In French and Indian War, 1759. Allen, Benjamin, , Salis- bury, Mass. In King Philip's War. Allen, Bozoon, 1652. Lieut., 1648. Representative, 1643- 1652. Commanded garrison at Hingham. Capt., 165 1. A. & H. A. Co., 1650. Allen, George, Deputy. Tilley, R. Hammett, 523. Allen, Capt. James, 1716-1810. Capt. of Militia, Augusta Co., Va., 1756. In Battle of Point Pleasant. Matthews, Albert. 417. Rodgers, Howard S., 453. Allen, Jedediah, 1646-1712, Shrewsbury, N. J. Assembly, 1686- I 703. Middleton, Harvey, 230. Smith, Thomas G., 158. Allen, John, 1640-1675, North- ampton, Mass. Killed in King Philip's War at the Bloody Brook Fight, Deerfield, 1675. Pease, Edward A. 273. Allen, Heman W., 360. Allen, John, 1684-1761. Under Capt. Joseph Kellogg, Father Rasle's War, 1720-24. Allen, Frederick Percival, 38. Allen, Joseph, 1660- 1727, Brain- tree, Mass. Cornet of Troop of Horse. Deputy, 1715. Talbot, Joel F., 387. Allen, Sergt. Joseph, 1701-1785. At Northfield, Mass., i755-'56. Allen, Frederick H., 37. Allen, Samuel, 1632-1703, Bridge- water, Mass. Deputy, 1693. In King Philip's War. Allen, Francis R., 243. Allen, Frederick B., 244. Talbot, Joel F., 387. Allen, Samuel, 1702-1746. Killed by Indians at The Bars, Deer- field, Mass. Converse, Charles A., 360. Allerton, Dep.-Gov. Isaac, 1583- 1659. Dep.-Gov., Plymouth Col., l62I-'24. Allen Francis R., 243. Ballord, Esek S., 484. Ballord. Webb R., 484- Batchellor, Albert S., 348. Fairbanks, Henry N., 531. Giflford, Charles E., 37^- Kenyon, Ralph W., 544- Locke, Charles A., 266. Shaw, Henry S., 278. Stevens, John W., 444. Thomas, D. H., 166, 234. Thomas, Douglas H., Jr., 235. Vander Veer, Edgar A., 172. Watkins, Walter K., 285. Allerton, Lieut.-Col. Isaac, 1630- 1702. Major under Col. John Washington, Va. Forces, against the Indians, 1675. Lieut.-Col., 1680. House of Burp-esses, 1676. Council, 1683. Churchill, Nathaniel W., 250. Thomas, D. H., 166, 234. Alling, Sergt. John, Jr., 1647- 1717. Assistant, Colony of Conn., 1704- 1716, and Member of Council, Committee of bafety, 1704. Farnham, Elijah T., 334. 548 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Allis, John, i 642-1 691. In King Philip's War. Cook, Joshua O., 371. Gilbert, Charles P. H., 84. Allis, Capt. William, 1678, Braintree and Hadley, Mass. Lieut., Hamoshire Co. Troop, 1672. Capt. at the Falls Fight, 1676. Cook, Joshua O., 371. De Wolf, Edwin A., 399. Elwood, George M., 78. Gilbert, Charles P. H., 84. Murray. Charles H., 123. Stockbridge, Henry, 233. Allison, Capt. Samuel, 1722- Co., 1744, French and Indian War. Frost, Walter C, 474. Allmond, Capt. John, 1761. 1792. In Capt. John Mitchell's Capt., i747-'48, of the Two Colonial Regts., New Castle Co., Delaware. Grubb, Ignatius C, 513. Allyn, Lieut.-Col. John, 1696, Hartford, Conn. Cornet First Troop of Horse in Conn., 1637, under Major John Mason. Capt., Hartford Mi- litia, 1673. Lieut.-Col., 1689. Sec. of the Colony thirty-four years. Assistant, 1662- 1696. Commissioner, United Colo- nies, 1674-1681. Member Gov- ernor Andros' Council, 1687. Collins, William G.. 63. Hotchkin, Walter B., 97. McKinstry, Elisha W., 462. Woodruff, Charles H., 186. Allyn, Matthew, 1604 - 1671, Windsor. Deputy, Mass., 1636. Deputy, Conn., i648-'S7. As- sistant, i658-'67. Commission- er for United Colonies, 1660- '64. Allen, Theodore L., 244. Collins, William G., 63. Dewey, Chauncey E., 473. Haskell, Frank W., 91. Jones, Charles H., 104. Marsh, Henry D., 267. Metcalf, Bryce, 117. McKinstry, Elisha W., 462. Orne, Henry M., 127. Wight, Wm. Ward, 507. Woodrufif, Charles H., 185. Allyn, Robert, 1608- 1683, New London, Conn. Sec. General Court of Conn., 1657. Horton, William E., 97. Allyn, Samuel, 1644- 1726, Barn- stable, Mass. In King Philip's War. Deputy. i682-'84. Young, George B., 449. Allyn, Thomas, 1680, Barn- stable, Mass. Military Co., 1643, under Lieut. Thomas Dimmock. Almy, Christopher, 1632- 1713. Deputy from Portsmouth, R. I., and Assistant to Gov. An- dros, 1690. Elected Gov. of R. I., but refused to serve, 1693. Messenger to England from R. I. Capt., 1692. Almy, Leonard B., 294. Almy, William E., 428. Miller, Charles K., 381. Almy, Col. Job, 1601-1684. Dep- uty from Warwick, Colonial Assembly of R. I., i670-'72. Indian Commissioner, 1673. Bostwick, Henry A., 51. Gallatin, Rolaz Horace, 84. Lahens, Louis E., 108. Tomlinson, Jno. C, 169. Almy, William, 1601-1676. As- sembly. R. I., i656-'57-'63. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Lahens, Louis E., 108. Page, S. Davis, 205. Alricks, Peter, 1630- 169-, New Castle, Del. Commandant of the Amsterdam Colony on the South (Del. ware) River, 1660. Schout, 1673. Commander-in- Chief of town and fort at New Castle, 1683. Penn. Prov. As- sembly, i684-'89, '96-'97. Clark, Augustus T., 251. Cottman, James H., 225. Fisher, Charles D., 225. Alvord, Thomas, 1653- 1688, North- ampton, Mass. In Capt. Wil- liam Turner's Co., Fall's Fight, 1676. 549 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Ames, John, 1647-1726, Bridge- water, Mass. In King Philip's War, defence of Bridgewater. Ames, Joseph B., 244. Moran, Charles, 120. Ames, Ensign Stephen, 1710- 1801. Mollis, N. H. French and Indian Wars, 1757. Robbins, Howard S., 145. Amory. Jonathan, 1640 - 1699, Charleston, S. C. Speaker of Assembly. Amory. Francis I., 243. Austin, Amory, 519. Middleton, John I., 230. Amsden, Isaac, 1657 , Cam- bridge, Mass. In King Phil- ip's War, Capts. Henchman's, Davenport's and Sill's Cos., i675-'76.^ Amsden, Franklin D., 245. Amsden, Henry F., 245. Anderson, Alexander, 1758 , Lieut., N. J. Cabeen, Francis von Albadi, 194. Anderson, Capt. Patrick, 1719- 1793- Capt., 1755. Prov. of Penn., French and Indian War. Ptnnypacker, Samuel W., 206. Quay, Andrew G. C, 442. Anderson, Robert, 1754, Mansfield, Conn. Under Capt. John Wainwright, 1721, and under Col. Joseph Heath, 1722. Andrews, Henry, 1652, Taun- ton, Plymouth Col. Dep., i639-'42-'47. Leonard, George H., 265. Lovering, Henry M., 266. Seaver, James E., 277. Andrews, Joseph, 1S97-1679, Hingham, Mass., Dep., 1636- '38. Bates, Theodore C, 246. Willcutt, Levi L., 286. Andrews Corp. Samuel, 1694- 1756. Corp. in Capt. James Andrews' Taunton, Mass., Co., Col. Thatcher's Regt., ex- pedition to Crown Point. Reynolds, George N., 139. Andrews, Capt. Thomas, 1632- 1690, Hingham, Mass. Capt. of Militia. In Expedition to Canada, 1690. Bates, Theodore C, 246. Nichols. George L., 269. Paul, Edward J., 505. Willcutt, Levi L., 286. Andrews, Lieut. William, 1664, New Haven Artillery Co. 1648. Andrews, James S., 294. Andrews, W. G., 294. Andrus, Obadiah, 1741-1811, Far- mington. Conn. In ist Regt., N. Y. Troops, 1762. French Wars. Angell, John, 1646-1720. In King Philip's War. Deputy, 1686. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 114. Palmer, Lo\ .11 M., 129. Angell, Thomas, i6i8--i694. Provi- dence, R. I. Deputy, R. I., i652-'S3. Blackmar, Wilmon W., 248. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Hord, Arnold H., 320. Annable, Anthony, 1599- 1674, Plymouth, Scituate and Barn- stable, Mass. Member Mili- tary Co. under Lieut. Thomas Dimmock, 1643. Deputy. Bryant, Percy, 55. Anthony, Capt. William, 1675- 1759- Gov.'s Asst., R. I., 1717- '22-'30. Deputy, i709-'i6-'i7. Capt., I7i6-'i7. Anthony, James L., 38. Lawton, George P., no. Watson, William H., 178. Appleton, Major Isaac, 1664- 1747, Ipswich, Mass. Lieut. Port Royal Expedition, 1707, Major Essex Co. Regt. Appleton, Francis H., 245. Burnham, John A., 250. Jordan, Fritz H., 535. Story, Henry G., 163. Story, Joseph G., 163. Skinner, H. W., 500. Appleton, Lieut. Isaac, 1731- 1806, New Ipswich, N. H. 2d Lieut, of Militia, 1771. Appleton, Capt. John, 1622-1699, SSo INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Ipswich, Mass. Lieut., 1653. Capt., 1658. In Nova Scotia Expedition. Emery, Rufus, 79. Gould, George L., 258. Appleton, Samuel, 1586-1670, Ips- wich, Mass. Deputy, 1637. Appleton, Francis H., 245. Gould, George L.. 258. Jordan, Fritz H., 534. Appleton, Maj. Samuel, 1624- 1696, Ipswich, Mass. Deputy, 1668, et seq. Lieut., 1668. Capt, 1675. Maj. and Com- nander-in-Chief of Mass. Troops, 1675, at Springfield, Hatfield and Great Swamp fight. Sergt.-Maj. South Es- sex Regt., 1682. Assistant, 1681, et seq. Appleton, Francis H., 245. Appleton, Nathan, 245. Barber, Le Droict L., 315. Bent, Samuel A., 247. Downe, Henry W., 74. Gross, Chas. Edw., 300. Hale, Henry, 258. Jordan, Fritz H., 535. Langdon, Andrew, 108. Langdon, W. Chauncey, 108. Robbins, Rowland A., 145. Seymour, Henry A., 324. Skinner, Henry W., 500. Story, Henry G., 163. Story, Joseph G., 163. Whitney, Eugene W., 389. Wilson, J. Appleton, 236. ApthorpEj Charles Ward, 1737- I7Q7, N. Y. King's Council, 1763-75- Bibby. Andrew A., 49. Armistead, Col. John, 16^5-1698, Gloucester Co., Va. Justice before 1675. High Sheriff, 1675. Burgess, 1685. Lieut.- Col. of Horse, 1680. Col. and County Lieut., 1685. Council, 1688-98. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Gill, William H., 226. Armstrong, Col. John, 1718-1795. Provincial Forces, Braddock's Campaign. Commanded Ex- pedition against Indians at Kittanning, 1756. Served at Forts Loudon and Pitt, 1764; Susquehanna expedition 1763; and commanded the Highland- ers and Penn. troops, expe- dition against Fort Duquesne. Armstrong, H. Gates, 223. Astor, John Jacob, 39. Herman, John A., 93, 198. Arndt, Maj. Jacob, 1725-1805. Capt. Penn. Pro v. forces, 1754; in command at Gnadenhutten, 175s ; in command at Fort Norris, 1756 ; at Fort Augusta, 1757. Major of First B'attal- ion, 1758, Penn. Regt., Wil- liam Denny, Col. Deputy, 1774; Prov. Convention at Philadelphia, 1774. Thom, Cameron De H., 464. Thom, Catesby C, 464. Arnold, Gov. Benedict, 1615-1678. Gov. of R. I., 1657, et seq. Council of War, 1676; Com- missioner, i654-'63; Assistant, 1655, et seq. ; President of the Four Towns, 1657. et seq. Albro, Addis, 7,7. Bliven, William W., 50. Cook. Stenhen C, 433. Ingraham, William S., 303. Jones, Shipley, 105. Watson, Charles P., 177. Arnold, Eleazer, 1651-1722, Provi- dence, R. I. Deputy R. I., 1686, et seq. White, Hunter C, 523. Arnold, Israel, 1649-1716, War- wick, R. I. Deputy R. I., 1683, '90-91. '99, 1702, '03, '05- '06. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Arnold, Richard. 1642- 17 id. Providence, R. I. Gov.'s Asst., 1676, et seq. Member of Sir Edmund Andros' Coun- cil, 1686. Speaker, i707-'o8. Blackmar, Wilmon W., 248. Hord, Arnold H., 320. Robeson, Andrew, 276. Spalding, George B., Jr., 159. Arnold, Capt. Seth, , Dux- bury, Mass. Deputy, Ply- mouth Col., 1689. Deputy, 551 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Mass. Bay, 1700. Capt. Dux- bury Military Co., 1692. Arnold, Stephen, 1622 - 1699, Providence, R. I. Deputy, 1664-65, '67, '70-'72, '74-'77, '84- '85, '90 Gov.'s Asst., 1672, '77- '80, '90-'9i, '96, '98. Felton, S. M., 414. Wheaton, Frank, 478. White, Hunter C., 523. Arnold, Thomas, ist, 1599-1674, Providence, R. I. Deputy, R. I., i666-'67, '70-72. Blackmar, Wilmon W., 248. White, Hunter C, 523. Arnold, Thomas, 2d, 1675-1727, Providence, R. I. Deputy, R. I., i7ii-'23. Arnold, William, 1587 -1676, Providence, R. I. Deputy, R. I., 1661. Commissioner, 1661. Felton, S-muel M., 414. Ashby, Capt. John, 1735-1805. In the Va. line at Fort Lou- don; Braddock's expedition; and at Battle of Point Pleas- ant on the Ohio. Bayne, Howard R., 45. Darneal, Harvey, 461. Ashe, John Baptista, 1700-1734. Council, 1731. Speaker of Assembly, N. C, 1725. Middleton, John I., 231. Ashe, of S. C., John, . Assembly, 1702. Middleton, John I., 230. Ashe, John, 1721-1781. Speaker of Assembly, N. C, i762-'65. Assembly, 1774. Middhton, John I., 231. Ashley, Sergt. Aaron, 1703-1780, Westfield and Sheffield, Mass. In Capt. John Ashley's Co., 1725, at Westfield. Father Rasle's War. In Capt. Wil- liam Lyman's Co., King George's War, i747-'8. Sergt. in Capt. Elislia Noble's Co., So. Hampshire Regt., 1755, expedition to Crown Point ; and under Capt. John Burk, Col. Joseph Dwight, at Fort William Henry, 1756; also in Capt. John Fellows' Co. In Capt. Jonathan Bull's Co., Col. Wm. Williams' Regt., 1758, and in Capt. John Ban- croft's Co., Brig. Gen. Tim- othy Ruggles, 1759. Douglas, Charles H., 73. Douglas, Duncan, 74. AsHTON, James, Providence, R. I. Deputy, R. I., 1652, '58, '59, '63- AspiNWALL, Capt. Samuel, 1662- 1727, Brookline, Mass. In Port Royal Expedition, 1690. Bowen. Clarence W., 52. AsPiNWALL, William, . Deputy, R. I. A. & H. A. Co., 1643. Granger, William S., 520. Aston, Walter, 1607-1656. House of Burgesses, Va., i629-'32- '42. Cleemann, Richard A., 194. AsTwooD, John, 1609-1654, Mil- ford, Conn. Representative, i643-'44. Gov.'s Asst., 1653. Commissioner to the United Colonies, 1653. Cowles, Calvin D., 318. Atherton, Consider, 1690, Dorchester, Mass. In King Philip's War, under Major Willard, and in Phips' expe- dition. Moseley, Frank, 268. Pierce, George F., 273. Atherton. Maj.-Gen. Humphrey, 1610-1661, Dorchester, Mass. Deputy, 1638, et seq. Speaker, 1653. Governor's Assistant, i654-'6i. Lieut., 1645. Capt, 1646, and of the A. & H. A. Co., 1650-58. Commanded ex- pedition against the Narragan- setts, 1656. Major-Gen., 1661. Atherton, Fisher, 39. Barrows, John W., 471. Boyd, Allen R., 317. Bready, John E., 484. Brockway, William S., 503. Bunce Jonathan B., 296. Burnham, Albert W., 250. Day, Robert W., 70. Deming, Judson K., 485. Flagg, Augustus, 256. 552 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hall, Clayton Coleman, 226. Hall, Thomas William, 226. Hammond, Lyman D., 377. Howe, Edward W., 262. Jackson, Edward F., 401. Jackson, George E., 401- Jones, Francis F., 492. Leeds, Charles, 265. Marsh, Henry D., 267. Moseley, Frank, 268. Pierce George F., 273. Richardson, Harry A., 514. Robinson, Francis W., 276. Sill, Howard, 232. Smith, Henry E., I57- Smith, L. Bayard, 158. Stedman, Charles J., 419 Stone, William E., 280. Thurston, Nathaniel B., 168. Turner, Luther G., 310. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Ware Horace E., 284. Wheeler, John F., 540. Young, Edward B., 449. Atkinson, Theodore, 1612-1701, Boston, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Bailey, Edward P., 368. Atlee, Capt. Samuel John, 1739- 1786. Lieut, in Col. Clap- ham's Augusta Regt. In the Forbes Campaign, 1758; after- wards made Capt. AvERY, LlEUT.-CoL. Ebenezer, 1704- 1 780. Ensign, I St Groton Co., 1741. Capt., 1749. Lieut.- CoL, 1770, 8th Regt., Conn., Militia. Deputy. In war with Spain, and in war with France. Avery, Frank M., 39. Avery, Lieut. Ebenezer, Jr., 1737- 1781, Groton, Conn. Ensign 1st Groton Co., 1769, in garri- son at New London. Lieut., 8th Conn. Regt. Avery, Frank M., 39. Avery, Humphrey, 1699 - 1788, Groton, Mass. Representa- tive, 1732, et scq. Avery, Capt. James, 1620-1694, New London, Conn. Ens., Lieut, and Capt. In King Philip's War. Deputy, 1656- '80. Adams Edward M., 243. Arnold, Benjamin W., 39. Avery, Asabel G., 526. Avery. Frank M., 39. Avery. Trueman G., 40. Brookfield, Henry M., 54. Colfax, Alfred E., 63. Denison, John H., 473. Dennison, Ira W., 318. Fletcher, Paris, 435. Giles, Frank W., Jr., 335. Giles, Howard E., 335. Ladd, Charles F., 423. Lefferts, Fredk. R., Jr., no. Meacham, Franklin A., 380. Metcalf, Wm. P., 322. Morgan, James H., 121. Morgan, Robert W., 121. Mott, John T., 122. Mott, Luther W., 122. Otis, Joseph E.. 382. Plumb, Henry B., 306. Randall, John F., 404. Roberts. Cyrus S., 146. Sabin, Sidney A., 405. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 149. Sherman, Roger, 385. Slosson, Frank, 385, 506. Stetson, Caleb R.. 325- Turner, Luther G., 310. Valentine. Samuel H., 172. Avery, Lieut. James, Jr., 1646- 1732. Lieut, in the Conn. Col- onial Forces during the fron- tier wars. Arnold, Benjamin W., 39. Avery, Frank M., 39. Giles, Frank W., Jr., 335. Giles, Howard E., 335- Plumb, Henry B., 306. Sabin, Sidney A., 405. Slosson, Frank, 385. Avery, Capt. James 3d, i673-i7S4- Deputy, I7i5-'i8, '24, '26,_ '31, '35. Ensign, 1716. Lieut., 1721. Capt. of 1st Groton Co., 1728. Justice, New London Co., i726-'35. Appointed guar- dian of the Pequot Indians. Served on the frontier and in garrison. Avery, Frank M., 39. Avery, Capt. John, Delaware. Lieut, of the military forces 553 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. and Resident of the Court at the Whorekill, 1765. Capt. of fct company at the Wnorekill, 1676. Minis, John L., 231. Avery, Capt. John, 1654-1715. Ens., 1692, Capt. James Av- ery's Co., 1693. Capt., 1697. Denison, Charles, 472. Avery, Lieut. William, 1622-1687, Dedham. Lieut. Dedham Co., 167^. Deputy from Spring- field, 1669, Colony of Mass. Bay. A. & H. A. Co. Avery Samuel P., 39. Belknap, Waldron P., 46. Bissell, William P., 430. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Howe, Edward W., 262. AxTELL, Daniel, 1681. Mem- ber of Council and Landgrave of Carolina. Middleton, John L, 230. Ayer, Cornet Peter, 1633- 1699. Cornet Haverhill Co. and Deputy, 1680, et seq., Col. of Mass. Bay. Ayer, James B., 246. Burrell, Herbert L., 250. Ayer, Capt. Samuel, 1654-1708, Haverhill, Mass. In King Philip's War, in Capt. Benja- min Swett's Co. Killed in the attack upon Haverhill. Flint, James M., 319. Ayer, Thomas , Haverhill, Mass. In garrison, 1690. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Ayer(s), Sergt. John, 1675, Brookfield, Mass. Capt. Thos. Wheeler's Co. Killed at Brookfield. Ayer, James B., 246. Aylett, William, 1697-1760. Bur- gess, King William Co., Va., i723-'26. Barret, Richard A., 397. Aylett, Col. William, 1781. King William's Co., Va. Col. in the Virginia Army. Mem- ber of House of Burgesses of Va. Ayscough, Surgeon Richard, 1723- 1780. Surgeon with rank of Major in British Army, stationed at N. Y., French and Indian War. Trenchard, Edward, 170. Babcock, Col. Henry, 1736- 1800. Served in the R. I. Regt., French and Indian Wars, i755-'59- Capt. under Sir Wil- liam Johnson at Fort George. Major, i756-'58. Col. at ti- conderoga. Backus, LiEut. William, 1640- 1721, Norwich, Conn. Sergt. of Militia. Ens. i68o-'89. Lieut., 1693. Deputy, 1680- '89. Jewett, Walter K., 475. McKinstry, Elisha VV., 462. Moses, Zebina, 323. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Bacon, Benjamin, 1688- 1727. Served in Capt. John Lane's Co., 170:^-1713, and in the Bil- lerica Troop, Queen Anne's War, relief of Dunstable, Mass., 1706. Bacon, John, 1683, Dedham, Mass. In King Philip's War, in garrison at Wrentham, 1676. Bacon, Michael, 1707, Bed- ford, Mass. In garrison at Billerica, King Philip's War, 1675- Bacon, Nathaniel, 1614-1673, Barnstable, Mass. Deputy, 1652-1665. Governor's Assist- ant, 1657- 1 673. Member of Council of War, 1658, 1667. Bement, Robert B. C, 430. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 114. Bacon, Lieut. Nathaniel, 1674- 1759. Lieut., Westfield Co., Middletown, Conn., 1728. Dep- uty, 1734- Dobbin, Edward S., 434. Badcock, Sergt. Robert., 1694, Mihon, Mass., Sergt., i675-'76. King Philip's War. Hill, Lew C, 260. Badger, Sergt. John, 1643- 1691, Newbury, Mass. In Capt. John March's Co., Essex North Regt., in expedition to 554 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Canada, 1690. Sergt. in Col- onial forces. Bagg, Ens. John, 1740. Sergt. of military Co., Spring- field, Mass. Ens., 1738. Bailey, Benjamin, 1713 - 1790, Lancaster, Mass. Served under Capt. Jonathan Whit- ney, 1748. Bailey, Everett H., 429. Bailey, Coe. John, 1732 - 1806. Lieut.-Col., expedition to Lake George, Maj.-Gen. Johnson commanding; at Crown Point, 1755- Col. commanding Pro- vincial Regt. at Ticonderoga. Lieut.-Col., 2d Regt., Dutchess Co., 1775. Chairman, Commit- tee of Safety. Bailey. Theodorus, 40. Baird, Lieut. John, 1760. Ens., Gen. Forbes' Regt., ex- pedition against Fort Du- quesne, 1758. Lieut, 1759, Provincial Forces of Penn. Baird, Absalom. 315. Baird, Wm., 315. McKnight, Charles, 203. Baker, Benjamin, 1717-1785. Sol- dier from Ga., campaign against St. Augustine, Fla.^ 1740. Harden, Edward T., 462. Baker, Capt. John, 1700- 1745. Capt. 8th Mass. Regt., Louis- burg expedition, 1745. Baker, Lieut. John, 1703-1760, Woodbury, Conn. Ens., 1741. Lieut., 1743. Baker, George A., 396. Cowles, Calvin D., 318. Baker, John, . In King Philip's War, under Capt. Moseley, Mount Hope, 1675. Baker. George C, 41. Taylor, John M., 166. Baker, Joseph, . Member of Assembly, 1700, et seq., Prov. of Penn. Baker, Col. Otis, 1727-1801, Dover, N. H. Deputy, 1768- 1775. Lieut.-Col. of the 2d New Hampshire Regt, 1772. Wentworth, Moses J., 389. Wenzell, Henry B., 447. Baker, Capt. Samuel, . Member Governor's Council. Houghton, William A., 534. Baker, Ens. Thomas, 1618-1700, Milford, Conn., and itast- hampton, L. L Ens., East- hampton, L. L, 1654. Assist- ant, 1658- 1663. Baker, Capt. Thomas, 1631-1718. Deputy from 1663. Capt. of Topsfield and Andover Troop of Horse, 1713. Story, Henry G., 163. Story, Joseph G., 163. Skinner, Henry W., 500. Wenzell, Henry B., 447. Baker, Capt. Thomas, 1682-1753. Prisoner at Deerfield, Mass., 1704. In 1713 escorted John Stoddard and Rev. John Wil- liams to negotiate return of prisoners from Canada, 1719. Commanded expedition against Indians in Northern N. Hamp. Deputy from Brookfield. Baker, Ens. Timothy, 1647- 1729, Northampton, Mass. In Capt. William Turner's Co., Falls Fight, 1676. Ens. of Foot under Capt. Cook, 1685. Thompson, Wm. B., 325. Wenzell, Henry B., 447. Balch, Rev. Thomas, 1711-1777, South Dedham, Mass. Was Chaplain in Louisburg Expe- dition, 1744. Baldwin, Capt. Abner, i 726-1 781. Ens., 1757. Lieut., 1762. Capt, 1767. Col. Forces of Conn., French and Indian Wars. Jones, Charles L., 104. Baldwin, Henry, 1664-1739, Wo- burn, Mass. In King Philip's War. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons, Lewis B., 403. Baldwin, James. Services not filed. Bassett, Roger M., 369. Baldwin, Capt. Jeduthan, 1731- 1788. Capt. in Col. Josiah Brown's Regt., 1755; also 555 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. served under Brig. Timothy Ruggles. Calef, Amos H., 57. Baldwin, Sergt. John, 1635-1681. Sergt., Milford, Conn., Mi- litia, 1658. Baldwin, Capt. Nathaniel, 1693- 1760. Deputy, 1 759- 1760. Lieut, of East Co., Goshen, Conn., 1 75 1. Capt. 1752. Buell, Frederick F., 55. Conover, John T., 64. Norton, Thomas H., 418. Baldwin, Ens. Richard, 1622- 1665, Milford, Conn. Ens., 1654. Deputy, i662-'64. Farnham, Elijah T., 334. Ball, Capt. Alling, 1700. Capt. in the New Haven Col- onial militia, 1643. Patterson, Andrew S., 133. Ball, Capt. Alling, Jr., 1656- 1710. Capt. of New Haven Colonial militia at East Ha- ven. Member of Committee on taking up East Haven land. Ball, John, 1675, Lancaster, Mass. Killed by Indians at the Siege of Lancaster, 1675. Endicott, Eugene F., 255. Ball, Samuel, 1648-1689, North- ampton, Mass. In Capt. Wil- Ham Turner's Co., Falls Fight, 1676. Murray, Charles H., 123. Ball, Lieut. Thomas, 1722. Lieut. Talbot Co. militia, 1696, Province of Maryland. Ball, Col. William, Sr., 1615- 1680. Empowered by the Vir- ginia Assembly to impress men and horses against the In- dians, 1675. Eberlein, Charles W., 434. Gill, William H., 226. Throckmorton, Charles W., 168. Ball, Capt. William, Jr., 1641- 1094. of Lancaster Co., Va., militia. Gill, William H., 226. Horner, Wm. M., 96. Ballard, Nathaniel, 1722, Lvnn, Mass. In King Philip's War. Ballord, Ezek S., 484. Ballord, Webb R., 484. Bates, James H., 44. Ballard, William, 1603- 1689. In King Philip's War in garrison at Chelmsford. A. & H. A. Co., 1636. Boucher, Charles, 51. L^^wton, George P., 109. Ballard, Zaccheus, 1731-1807. Capt. Eames' Co., French and Indian Wars. 1754-1763. Ballord, Ezek S., 484. Ballentine, Col. John, 1653-1734, Boston, Mass. In Major Sav- age's Co., 1636. In Capt. Henchman's Co., 1681. Capt., 1705. Major, 1708. Lieut- Col., 1710. Col., 1712. Dep- uty, 1726. A. & H. A. Co., 1682. Ens., 1694. Lieut., 1697. Capt, i703-'io. Ballentine, Lieut.-Col. John, 1675-1736, Boston, Mass., A. & H. A. Co., 1694. 2nd Sergt., 1700. Ens., 1706. Lieut., 1708. Commander of an expedition to Port Royal, 1710. Ballou, John, 1650-1714, Provi- dence, R. I. Wounded in In- dian wars. Ballou, Hosea S., 246. Bancroft, Capt. Thomas, 1649- 1718, Reading, Mass. In gar- rison at Groton, King Philip's War. Lieut, 1693. Capt., 1696. In 1696 engaged in ef- fort to relieve Hilton's garri- son. Carpenter, Frederick B., 251. Cox, Edwin B., 252. Cox, Wm. Emerson, 252. Davis, Chandler, 69. Newhall, James S., 269. Bane, Capt. Jonathan, 1693 . Succeeded Capt. Bradbury in the command of the Block House at Saco, 1750. Capt., 1743- Hill, John F., 533. Bane, Capt. Lewis, 1671-1721, York, Me. Appointed with Maj. Joseph Hammond to erect Fort Mary at Winter 556 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Harbor, Saco, 1708. Repre- sentative, 1704, et seq. Hill, John F., 533. Bangs, Capt. Edward, 1592-1678, Plymouth and Eastham, Mass. Capt. of the Guard against the Indians. Member Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Deputy, 1652. Foster, Albert V., 375. Gillette, Edwin F., 376. Jordan, Scott, 378. Orr, Arthur, 382. Rich, William T., 141. Sears, Clinton B., 154. Bangs, Jonathan, 1640-1728, of Eastham, Mass., was Con- stable, 1672; Selectman, 1674- 1676, and later ; was Ensign at Eastman, 1680- 1689. Bangs, Fletcher H., 41. Foster, William V., 375. BannisteRj Lieut. John^ 1670- 1730. Was a Lieut, at Marl- boro, Mass. Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart C, 387. Barber (Barbour), Capt. George, i6i=;-i683, Dedham and Med- field, Mass. Capt. A. & H. A. Co. Sergt. in Medfield Foot, 1646. Chief Military Officer of Medfield after 1649. De- fended it in King Philip's War. Fought against Indians at Seekonk and Rehoboth, 1676. Alexander, Harrison B., 460. Johnson, Emery W., 263. Leland, Charles H., no. Metcalf, Bryce, 117. Sanger, W. Cary, 149. Sanger, Joseph P., 324. Barber, George, 1724- 1769, Med- way, Mass. In King George's War, 1745 ; and in the French and Indian War, 1758. Barber, John, 1693-1754, Medway, Mass. Representative from Medfield, 1734, '27', and from Medway, i747-'48. Barber, John, 1708-1755, Sud- bury, Mass. Killed in skir- mish near Schenectady, N. Y., Expedition to Niagara, 1755. Leland, Charles H., no. Barber, Lieut. Thomas, 1614- 1662. Soldier under Capt. John Mason, Pequot Fort, Mystic, 1637. Barbour, George H., 497. Barbour, Lucius A., 294. Burke, James S., 56. Norton, Edward L., 125. Barbour, Hugh, 1715-1800. In Capt. George Berry's Co., i747-'48. Barbour, John, 1687 . Under Major Samuel Moody at Fort Casco, 1716. Barclay, Dep. Gov. John, 1 73 1, East Jersey. Deputy Governor of East Jersey. Suydam, Walter L., 164. Barclay, Gov. Robert, 1648- 1690. Gov. of East Jersey, 1682- 1690. Hall, P. Penn-Gaskell, 198. Bard, Col. Peter, 1679- 1734. Col. of Regt. of Foot, 1722. Mem- ber Council, N. J., 1720. Johnstone, Francis U., 103. Johnstone, John, 103. Rogers, Archibald, 147. Bardwell, Lieut. Ebenezer, Jr., 1679 , Hatfield, Mass. Member of Ephraim Williams' Co., 1747. Ens., Capt. John Ball's Co. at Fort William Henry, 1756. 2d Lieut., Capt. John Burke's Co., 1759. Lieut., Capt. Moses Porter's Co., Crown Point Expedition. Bardwell, Lieut. Perez, Hatfield, Mass. Member of Capt. Wil- liam Shepard's Co., 1761. Member of Capt. Selah Ber- nard's Co., 1760, and Corp., 1760. Bardwell, Sergt. Robert, 1726, Hatfield, Mass. Member of Lieut. Phineas Upham's Co. in King Philip's War. Sergt. in Command of the Hadley and Hatfield garri- sons, Falls Fight. Hawks, William I., 423. Barker, Capt. Francis, Dux- bury, Mass. Representative, 1686, '94, 1701. Lieut., Dux- 557 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. bury Military Company, 1686; subsequently Capt. Barker, Lieut. Francis, 1714- 1795. Lieut., Troop of Horse, Capt. Benjamin Beal, Jr., 3d Suffolk Co. Regt., Col. Benja- min Lincoln, 1753. Swan, Robert T., 281. Barker, Dep.-Gov. James, 1623- 1702, Newport, R. I. Dep.- Gov. R. L, 1678. Assistant and Deputy, 1663- 1686. Corp., 1644. Ens.. 1648. Albro, Addis, 2>7- Barker, Henry R., 519. Bliven, William W., 50. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Noyes, Charles P., 440. Barker Sergt. John, 1735. Sergt. in King Philip's War. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Barker, Lieut. Robert, 1692, Duxbury, Mass. Lieut., Dux- bury Co., 1675. Barker, Lieut. Robert, 1651-1729, Duxbury, Mass. Lieut., First Co., Plymouth Regt., Major William Bradford, Narragan- sett Campaign, King Philip's War. Howland, Charles W., 263. Howland, Daniel W., 263. Barker, Wieliam, 1705-1762. Pri- vate in Capt. List's Co., Major John Minot, 1757. Wheelock, William B., 389. Barlow, Lieut. Edmund, 1732- 1818, Suffield, Mass. In Crown Point Expedition, 1756. Served at Fort William Henry, 1756, as Corp. in Capt. Jonathi.n Ball's Co. Lieut, later. Barlow, Peter T., 42. Barnard, John 2d, 1631 — ; — , Watertown, Mass. Soldier, King Philip's War, in Capt. Davenport's Co., Swamp Fight ; later Lieut, under Ed- ward Tyng. Barnard, Charles W., 538. Currier, Amos N., 485. Draper, T. W. M., 75. Barnard, John 3d, 1656-1732, Watertown, Mass. Soldier, King Philip's War. Draper, T. W. M., 75. Barnard, John, 1732-1813, Clerk, 2d Co., Lieut.-Col. Nathan Payson; Capt. 3d Conn. Regt. Crown Point Expedition, 1756. Gross, Charles E., 301. Barnard, Joseph, 1641-1695, Deer- field, Mass. In garrison at Deerfield, King William's War, 1695. Deputy, i6g2-'g3. Barnard, Capt. Samuel, 1654- 1728. In Father Rasle's War. Partridge, Edward L., 132. Barnard, Samuel, 1673 - 1748, Amesbury, Mass. Under Capt. Thomas Harvey, "Snow Shoe Men" of 1708. Barnard, Corp. Thomas, 1641- 1715, Salisbury, Mass., and Nantucket. In Capt. William Turner's Co., King Philip's War, i675-'76. Barnes. John, 1671, Ply- mouth, Mass. In Lieut. Wil- liam Holmes' Co., Pequot War, 1637. Barnes, Rich.a.rd, 1630-1708, Marl- boro, Mass. In King Philip's War, 1675, Marlboro garrison. Barnes. Frank L., 42. Barnes, Howard W., 43. Barnes, Sergt, Thomas, 1689, Farmington, Conn. In Pequot War, 1637. Sergt., 1651. Chittenden, Edward S., 432. Morris, Seymour, 381. Roe, Charles F., 147. Barnwell, Col. John, 1671-1724, Beaufort, S. C, commanded first expedition against the Tuscaroras, 1712. Col. in Ye- massee War, 1715. Agent in England for the Colony. Barnwell, Morgan G., 43. Barnwell, Col. Nathaniel, 1705- 1775. Aide to Gen. ogel- thorpe in Florida Expedition, 1740. Member of the As- sembly. Barnwell. Morgan G., 43. Barrell, Ens. John, 1618-1658. 558 INDEX OP ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. A. H. A. Co., 1643. 4th Sergt., 1651. 1st Sergt., 1656. Ens., 1656. Sergt. in Boston Mili- tia, i65i-'53. Barrell, Henry F., 332. Barret, Charles, 1565- 1634. Pro- prietor of New Albion, New Jersey, Staten Island and Long Island, 1634. Barret, Richard A., 396. Barret, Ens. Humphrey, 1630- 1716, Concord, Mass. Ens. Co. of Foot, 1688- 1 690. Deputy, 169 1. Moore, George H., 381. Shuart, William H., 156. Swain, William C, 507. Barret, Thomas, 1600 - 1665. Sergt. in the Loudon County, Va., Guards. Barret, Richard A., 396. Barret, William, 1623 - 1700. Member House of Burgesses from James City County, Va., i644-'46-'49. Barret, Richard A., 396. Barrett, James, 1644- 1694, Mai- den, Mass. In Capt. Edward Hutchinson's Co., Mount Hope Campaign, 1675 ; under Lieut. William Hasey, 1675 ; also one of Swift's " ply of horse," 1676, King Philip's War. Pear, Albert M., 539. Pear, Charles M., 272. Barrett, Col. James, 1710-1779, Concord. Col. Middlesex Mi- litia, 1774 - 1775. Member Provincial Congress, Mass. Bay, 1774-1775. Deputy, 1756- 1775- Melville, Henry, 116. Barrett, John, 1706, Chelms- ford, Mass. In King Philip's War, 1676, Capt. Thomas Prentice Co. Richards, Charles S., 143. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Barrett, John, 1709- 1772, Chelms- ford, Mass. Served in the French and Indian Wars, under Capt. Jabez Fairbanks. Richards, Charles S., 143. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Barrett, Capt.-Lieut. Joseph, 1679 - 1763, Concord, Mass. Capt.-Lieut. of the Concord Foot Company, 1732. Barrett, Capt. Nathan, 1735- 1791, Concord, Mass. Ens., 1766. Capt., 1773. Barron, Ellis, 1600- 1676, Water- town, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Barron, Thomas, 43. Britton, Edward E., 53. Guilford, Nathan, 88. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Whitney, Drake, 181. Barron, Samuel, 1679 - 1771, Chelmsford, Mass. Under Capt. Lane, Expedition for re- lief of Groton, Dunstable and Dracut, 1706. Barry, Ens. James, 1734-1788. Ens. of Phila. Regt., under Col. Jacob Duche, 1756. Fleming, David L., 474. Barstow, George, 1614 - 1654. Cambridge, Mass., A. & H. A. Co. Whipple, Charles H.. 447. Whipple, Henry B., 447. Bartholemew, Lieut. Joseph, 1721-1781, Wallingford, Conn. Ens. of 2d Co., 1764. Lieut., 1767. Bartholemew, William, 1602- 1680, Ipswich, Mass. Deputy, 1635, et seq. Bartholomew, Cornet Henry, 1601-1692, Salem, Mass. Dep- uty, i64S-'84. Cornet of the Troop of Horse commanded by Col. George Curwin, 1665. Bartholomew, Lieut. William, 1640- 1697, Ipswich and Rox- bury, Mass. In King Philip's War. Ens. of the New Rox- bury (Woodstock, Conn.) Co., 1689. Lieut., 1691. Bartholomew, James H., 429. Ducharme, Charles A., 75, 497. Bartlett, Lieut. Benjamin, 1691, Duxbury, Mass. Lieut, of Militia. Deputy, 1685. Bartlett, Lieut. George, 1669, Guilford. Conn. Sergt 559 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. under Lieut. Seely against Dutch, 1654. Lieut., Guilford Train Band, 1665. Deputy to New Haven General Court, i663-'64. Deputy, Conn., 1665. Betts, Fred'k H., 48. Paul, Edward J., 505. Bartlett, Richard, 1648- 1724, Newbury, Mass. Deputy to General Court, i679-'8i-'84-'86. Gordon, George A., 350. Bartlett, Robert, 1603-1676, Ply- mouth, Mass. Served in Capt. Myles Standish's Co., 1632. Bartlett, G. F. H., 43. Marsh, George S., 380. Nye, Charles F., 126. Rhoades, Lyman, 140. Vander Veer, Edgar A., 172. Willard, Edward A., 182. Willard, James Le B., 182. Bartlett, Rorert, 1676, Northampton, Mass. Soldier under Capt. Turner ; killed by the Indians in the assault upon Northampton, Mass. Upham, Henry P., 445. Bartlett, Ens. Thomas, i594- 1654. Watertown Militia, Pe- quot War. Brown, George E., 250. Harrington, Charles, 260. Partridge, Edward L., 131- Bartlett, William, 1741-1794. Naval Agent of the Port of Beverly, Mass. Brown, Dudley P., 317. Bass, Samuel, 1600-1694, Brain- tree, Mass. Deputy, 1641, et seq. Capen, Walter N., 297. Houghton, William A., 534. Stetson, George R., 325. Bass, Samuel, 1660-1751, Brain- tree, Mass. Capt. Johnson's Co., 1675, King Philip's War. Gould, George L., 258. Bassett, Elisha, 1714-1794. Capt. at Sandwich, Mass. Held commission under the Royal Governors. Tobey, Frank B., 388. Bassett, Capt. John, 1731 , N. Y. First Officer Sloop Weesel, 1756. Prize Master Brigantine Notre Dame de Doulcurs, 1757. Hill, Robert C, 94. Bassett, Robert, 1670, of Stamford, Conn., and Hemp- stead, L. L He was a Drum Major. Bassett, Roger M., 369. Bassett, Capt. Samuel, 1692- 1764, of Derby, Conn. Ens., 1722. Lieut., 1732. Capt, 1735- Selectman from Derby, 1724 to 1742. Deputy, 1733 to 1764. Bassett, Roger M., 369. Whitney, Frank L, 448. Bassett, William, 1677. Member of Capt. Myles Standish's Co., Duxbury, Mass., 1643. In Pequot War. Bassett, Charles Franklin, 44. Brown, John B., 54. Hulbert, Henry C, 98. Strong, Fred'k S., 233. Strong, Richard P., 233. Turner, Joseph B., 514. Wesson, James L., 285. Bassett, William, Jr., 1625-1670, Duxbury, Mass. Member of Military Co., Capt. Myles Standish, 1643. Bassett, William, 1656-1721. Chief Marshall, Plymouth Colony, 1689- 1692. Ens., 1687. Capt. at Sandwich, Mass. Representative. Bassett, Charles F., 44. Hulbert, Henry C, 98. Strong, Fred'k S., 233. Strong, R. P., 233. Tobey, Frank B., 388. Bassett, Sergt. William, 1653 , Lynn, Mass. Under Capt. Joseph Gardiner, King Philip's War. Batchelder, Ebenezer, 1710-1784. Deputy, 1774, Colony of New Hampshire. Batchelder, George A., 316. Batchelder, Joseph F., 316. Batchelder, John, 1676. Served in King Philip's War, 1675, under Lieut. William 560 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hersey, Three Co. Troop. Young, Harry, 288. Batchelder, Nathaniel, 1630- 1710. Member General Court of N. Hamp., i694-'9S. Ingraham, William G., 534. Moulton, Augustus F., 535. Batchelder, Stephen, 1676-1748, Hampton, N. H. In King William's War, 1694. Batcheller, David, 1673 - 1766, Wenham, Mass. In Capt. John Spring's Co., of Ux- bridge, Mass, 1757. In the French War. Britton, Edward E., 53. Bateman, John, Jr., 1706-1758. In Capt. Daniel Fletcher's Co., Expedition to Canada, 1758. Bateman, Sergt. Thomas, 1727. Sergt. Concord Militia 30 years. Bates, James, 1582-1655, Dorches- ter, Mass. Deputy, 1640. Robinson, Francis W., 276. Bates, John, 1642-1716, Chelms- ford, Mass. In Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Company, King Philip's War, i675-'76; also in Chelmsford garrison, 1691- '92. Bates, John, Sr., 1742, Stamford, Conn. Ens. of train band at Stamford, Conn., Oct., 1685. Deputy, i689-'90. Bates, Lieut. Samuel, 1682 , Stamford, Conn. Lieut, of 2d Co., or train band, 1730. Batherick, Thomas, 1640-1700. In King Philip's War, 1675- '76. Robbins, Howard S., 145. Batt, Christopher, 1601 - 1661, Salisbury and Boston, Mass. Appointed to drill the com- pany at Colchester, 1640. Deputy, i640-'4i, '43, '50, '60. Baulstone, Lieut. William, 1600- 1678, Rhode Island. Sergt., 1638. Lieut., Portsmouth Co., 1642. Assistant, 1641, et seq. Commissioner, i654-'55-'58. Anthony, James L., 38. Lawton, George P., 109. Lee, Edward C, 201. Watson, William H., 178. Bayard, Nicholas, 1644 - 1707. Member of the Council. Com- mander-in-Chief of the Mili- tia, N. Y. Erving, William V. R., 79. Thayer, Nathaniel, 282. Van Rensselaer, A. C, 172. Bayley, Lieut.-Col. Jacob, 1726- 1815, Newbury, Mass. ; Ham- stead, N. H., and Newbury, Vt. Lieut., Capt. Allcock's Co.; in Col. Peter Gilman's Regt., 1755. Capt. of 2d Co., Col. Nathaniel Meserve's Regt., 1758. Lieut. - Col., Gofife's Regt., Crown Point, 1760. Bailey, Edward P., 368. Bayley, Joshua, 1685 . Mem- ber Capt. Hugh March's 2d Foot Co., Newbury, Mass., 1710-1711. Bailey, Edward P., 368. Little, Francis B., 379. Bayley, Capt. Nathaniel, 1732- 1812, So. Weymouth, Mass. Ens. in Capt. Samuel Thaxter's Co., Crown Point Expedition, 1755. Cap., 1760. Representative, 1774. Martin, Charles H., 539. Thomas, Frank W., 167. Bayley, Robert, . In Capt. William Lithgow's Co., 1754; in Capt. Solomon Mitchell's Co., 1757; and in Capt. Sam- uel Cobb's Co., Preble's Regt., 17.S8. Talbot, Archie L., 536. Bayley, Thomas, 1652- 1675, Wey- mouth, Mass. In King Phil- ip's War under Capt. Lathrop. Slain at Bloody Brook, 1675. Baylies, Nicholas, 1719 - 1807, Uxbridge, Mass. Representa- tive, 1758. Allen, Frederick B., 244. Beach, Capt. Elnathan, , Wallingford, Conn. Ens., 1733. Lieut., 1740. Capt, 1741. Beach, Lieut. Josiah, 1694 . S6i INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Ens., Conn. Troops, 1738. Lieut. 1741. Beach, Nathaniel, 1662-1747. Deputy, Conn., 1727. Beal, Capt. Ebenezer, 1701-1762, Hingham, Mass. Capt. of a Company sailing from Boston, 1745, for the Siege of Louis- burg. Volunteered with others to attempt the storming of the Island Batterv. Capt. of Hingham Co., Col. Benja- min Lincoln's Third Suffolk Regt., which marched to the relief of Fort William Henry, 1757- Bates, Theodore C, 246. Nichols, George L., 269. Beal, Ens. Ebenezer, 1728-1778, Hingham, Mass. Ens. of Capt. Thomas Jones' Fourth Co. of Hingham Militia, Col. Josiah Quincy's Regt., 1762. Bates, Theodore C, 246. Beale, Lieut. Jeremiah, 1631- 1716, Hingham, Mass. Ens. of Foot Co., under Capt. Joshua Hubbard, 1681. Lieut, 1683. Representative, i6gi-g2. Bates, Theo. C, 246. Evans, George F., 349. Nichols, George L., 269. Willcutt, Levi L.. 286. Beale, John, 1588-1688, Hingham, Mass. Deputy, 1649- 1659. Bates, Theo. C, 246. Whitcomb, Lawrence, 285. Willcutt, Levi L., 286. Beale, Lazarus, 1661-1723, Hing- ham, Mass. Representative, 1719-1720. Bates, Theo. C, 246. Willcutt Levi L., 286. Beall, Col. George, 1695-1780. Provincial Forces of Mary- land. Balch, Edwin S., 192. Balch, Thomas W., 192. Beall, Colonel Ninian, 1650- 1717. Commander-in-Chief, Provincial Forces in Md. Served against the Susque- hannocks, 1688- 1689. Balch, Edwin S., 192. Balch, Francis Du Pont, 223. Balch, Thomas W., 192. Hyde, Thomas, 321. Beaman, Sergt. Abraham, 1692- 1738, Marlboro, Mass. Sergt. in Capt. Bridgman's Co., 1725. Parker, Charles W., 271. Parker, Charles W., Jr., 271. Beaman, Corp. Noah, 1730- 1800, Marlboro, Mass. Corp. in Capt. Williams' Co., French and Indian War, 1757. Parker, Charles W., 271. Parker, Charles W., Jr., 271. Beaman. John, Jr., 1678-1763, Lancaster, Mass. In garrison at Lancaster, 1704 and 1722. Beamsley, William, 1658, Boston, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1656. Bean (Bane), Capt. Joseph, 1676 , York, Me. Taken pris- oner by Indians, 1692. In- terpreter at Fort Casco. Lieut, in Indian War, 1722. Capt., 1724. In command of expedition against Norridge- wock, Aug., 1724. Father Rasle's War. Beard, Capt. John, — 1690. Under Major Robert Treat Great Swamp Fight, in com- mand New Haven Co. Baird, George W., 294. Baldwin, Jos. Clark, 41. Ford, George H., 81, 299. Fowler, Wm. Miles, 82. Moseley, John G., 268. Tomlinson, Charles A., 309. Beard, Lieut. Samuel, 1670 , Milford, Conn. Ens., Milford Train Band. 1715. Lieut., 1723. Beardsley, Capt. Nehemiah, 1731 - 1810, New Fairfield, Conn. Lieut, of Militia, 1767. Capt., 1770. Deputy, 1768, et seq. Bearse, Austin, 1618-169-. Mem- ber of Barnstable Military Co., Plymouth Colony, 1643. Beatty, Thomas, 1700-1768. Jus- tice of Prince George Co., Md., 1739-1748. Justice of 562 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Frederick Co., 1748- 1760. Jus- tice of Quorum, 1749-1760. Burgfess, Frederick Co., 1757- 1758. Beatty, Franklin T., 348. Becket, John, 1626-1683, Salem, Mass. In King Philip's War. 1676. Beckwith, Ens. James, 1671 , Lyme, Conn. Ens., Lyme Train Band, 1727. Farr, Marvin A., 373. Bedlow, Capt. Isaac, 1673. N. Y. City Militia, Member of Gov. Lovelace's Council, Comptroller of the Port, Al- derman of New York. Foulke, William. 82. Bedlow, Capt. William, 1722- 1798. Commanded eight-gun privateer, 1759. Capt. and Commissioner, erection Fort Constitution, i775-'76. Beebe, Capt. James, 1641-1728. Lieut., 1696. Capt., 1710, Queen Anne's War, Colonial Forces of Conn. Hatch, Arthur M., 92. Beebe, Rev. James, Chaplain 3d Regt., Conn. Troops, 1760. Brinsmade, Hobart, 397. Beebe, Ens. John, 1708. Ens. King Philip's War. Eaton, George F., 299. Beebe, Lieut. Jonathan, 1709- 1760. 1st Lieut., 7th Co., 2d Conn. Regt., 1759. French and Indian War at Crown Point, Lake George and Ticonderoga. Collins, Edward P., 63. Beekman, Col. Gerardus, M. D., 1653-1723. Capt. of Militia, Flatbush, 1681. Major, 1689. Lieut.-Col, King's Co. Militia, 1698. Gov. Leisler's Council, 1690-1691. Council, 1705-1723. Pres. and Dep.-Gov., 1709- 1710. Aitken, William Benford, 37. Bailey, Theodoras, 41. Beekman, James William, 45. Foulke, Bayard F., 82. Foulke, William, 82. Hoffman, Samuel V., 96. Johnstone, Francis, 103. Johnstone, John, 103. Marshall, Wm. St. J. E., 402. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Scofield, George S., 152. Ver Planck, William G., 173. Voorhees, William P., 406. Beekman, Capt. Gerardus, 1693- 1746. Lieut, and Capt., N. Y. Prov. Forces, 1728, i738-'46. Scofield, George S., 152. Beekman, Col. Henry, ist, 1649- 1716, Kingston, N. Y. Cadet on the South River, 1662. Capt. Ulster Co. Troop, 1685. Expedition to Albany. Legis- lative Assembly, 1691-1716. Col. of Militia, Prov. N. Y. Armstrong, Horatio G., 223. Livingston, John H., 112. Marshall, Wm. St. J. E., 402. Myer, Albert J., 123. Olin, Stephen H., 126. Suckley, Robert B., 164. Beekman, Col. Henry, 2d, 1688- 1776, Rhinebeck and New York City. Member of As- sembly, 1724- 1759. Judge, Ulster Co. Col. of Militia, Prov. N. Y. Armstrong, Horatio G., 223. Beekman, Ens. Johannes, 1656- 1761. Ens. of Foot, North- ward, N. Y., first invasion of Canada. Suydam, Walter L., 165. Beekman, Lieut. Wilhelmus, 1623-1707. Lieut., Burgher Corps, New Amsterdam, 1652- 1658, and New Orange, 1673- 1674. Vice-Director on the South River, 1658 - 1664. Schout at Esopus, 1664. Aitken, William Benford, 37. Beekman, J. W., 45. Boardman, Lansdale, 51. Carnochan, G. M., 58. Crosby, Edward N., 66. Crosby, Livingston, 66. Foulke, Bayard F., 82. Foulke, William, 82. Hoffman, Samuel V., 96. Howard, Charles E. N., 437. Johnstone. Francis U., 103. 563 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Marshall, Wm. St. J. E., 402. Montgomery, J. Lynch, 119. Myer, Albert J., 123. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Schermerhorn, Arthur F., 150. Schermerhorn, Edward G., 150. Scofield, George S., 152. Suckley, Robert B., 164. Suydam, Walter L., 164. Ver Planck, William G., 173. Voorhees, William P., 406. Beers, John, 1652-1683. In King Philip's War, 1675. Beers, William F., 332. Kissam, Henry S., 107. Beers, Richard, 1612-1675. Capt., King Philip's War. Killed at Northfield. Baldwin, T. Burnett, 332. Barrows, Ira, 43. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Hill, John B., 400. Belcher, Corp. Moses, 1691, Braintree, Mass. Corp. in the Braintree Company, . Belcher, Capt. William, 1731- 1801, Preston, Conn. Ens., 3rd Train Band, 1763. Lieut, 1765. Capt., 1767. Trowbridge, William P., 445. Belden, Daniel, 1648-1731, Hat- field and Deerfield, Mass. In King Philip's War. On Com- mittee of Fortification with Col. Partridge. De Wolf, Edwin A., 399. Osborn, Henry A., 382. Belden, Samuel, 1657-1737, Hat- field, Mass. Capt. William Turner's Co., Falls Fight, 1676. Cook, Joshua O., 371. Gilbert, Charles P. H., 84. Murray, Charles H., 123. Stockbridge, Henry, 162, 22,2. Belden, Stephen, 1658- 1677. In Falls Fight, 1676. Killed at Hatfield 1677. Belknap, Samuel. 1707 - 1771. Capt. Edward Harrington's Co., Col. Josiah Brown's Regt., Crown Point, 17^5. Belknap, Waldron P., 46. Belknap, William C, 46. Belknap, Capt. Samuel, 1735- 1821. Capt., Mass. Colonial Forces. Belknap, Waldron P., 46. Bell, Lieut. Francis, 1690, Stamford Military Co., New Havjn Colony, 1655. Deputy, 1653. to the Union of the two Colonies. Commis'r, 1664. Governors Assistant. Bell, Jared W., 46. Coghill, Howard, 62. Hoyt, Edward C, 302. Hoyt, Samuel R. J., 485. Johnson, S. Albert, 103. Bell, Capt. George Henry, , Albany Co., N. Y. Ens., 1762. Capt., 1767, under Col. Johan Jost Herkimer. Commanded a Company at the battle of Oriskany. Wagner, Arthur L., 446. Bell, Capt. Jonathan, 1641-1698. Lieut., Stamford Militia, under Capt. Jonathan Sellick, King Philip's War. Capt., 1698. Bell, Jared W., 46. Hoyt, Edward C, 302. Hoyt, Samuel R. J., 485. Bell, William, Sr., . In the Company of Foot, Newtown, Buck's County, Penn. Forces, 1756. Bell, Nicholas M., 397. Bellows, Lieut. Col. Benjamin, 1712-1777, Walpole, N. H. In French and Indian Wars, I7S4-'S5- Lieut., 1767. Major and Lieut.-Col., Seven Years' War. Bellows, Johnson McC, 47. Bement, Lieut. Dennis, 171 i- 1789. Lieut. 4th Co., 2d Regt., Conn. Troops, 1755. In 1760 served in Capt. David Parson's Co., ist Regt. Capt., Enfield, 1761. Parsons, Hosmer B., 130. Bemis, Capt. Edmund, 1720-1810. Capt. of Mass. Troops at Fort William Henry, 1756. Pool, Marvin B., 486. Bemis, Joseph, Jr., 1651-1684, Westminster, Mass. In Capt. 564 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. James Oliver's Co., King Phil- ip's War. Benedict, Lieut. Daniel, 1652- 1723. In Great Swamp Fight. Oakley, E. Benedict, 126. Benedict, Lieut. Thomas, 161 7- 1690. Lieut, in Capt. Byron Newton's Foot Company, Ja- maica, 1665. Member Col- onial Assembly at Hempstead, 1665. Deputy from Norwalk, General Court, 1670 - 1675, Conn. Bell, Jared W., 47. Benedict, Lemuel C, 47. Benedict, Robert D., 47. Benedict, Walter St. J., 47. Benedict, William de L., 48. Camp, Thomas E., 503. Davenport, William B., 68. Jones, Charles L., 104. Maxwell, Robert A., 115. Oakley, E. Benedict, 126. Scott, John F., 152. Scott, William S., 153. Warren, Walter P., 176. Bengsten, Andreas, 1640-1706. Penn. Assembly, i683-'86-'98. Beatty, Franklin T., 348. Benham, Shadrach, 1736-1813. In Expedition to relieve Fort William Henry, 1757, Col. Benjamin Hall's Regt. from Conn. Col. Benham, Daniel W., 471. Bennet, George, 1675. Killed by Indians in Lancaster mas- sacre, 1675, King Philip's War. Bennet, Gov. Richard, 1606- 1676. Member House of Burgesses, 1629. King's Council, 1642- 1660. Governor, 1652-1655. Commissioner to England, 1657. Major-Gen., Va. Forces, 1662- 1672. Appleby, George F., 315. Browne, Bennet B., 223. Lee, Edmund J., 201. Thom, William H. de C. W., 234. Bennett, Jacob, 1665 , Gow- anus, N. Y. In Major Peter Schuyler's Co., detached out of the Counties of West- chester, Richmond, Kings, Queens, Suffolk and Ulster, 1692. Richards, Charles S., 143. Bennett, Sergt. Samuel, 161 i- 1684. Providence and East Greenwich, R. I., Gen. Sergt, 1652. Deputy, i668-'74-'78. Kelly, James H., 106. Stafford, William F., 161. Bennett, Samuel, 1665-1742, Lan- caster and Shrewsbury. Mass. In Queen Anne's War, 1704, under Ens. Peter Josslin. Commander of garrison, 171 1. Bennett, Lieut. Samuel, 1745, E. Greenwich and Cov- eritry, R. I. Deputy, 1690. Lieut., 1690. Bennett, William Adrianse, 1644. Gowanus, N. Y., In War with Indians, 1643, under Kieft's administration. Richards, Charles S., 141. Benson, Capt. James, 1709. Capt. of a Troop, 1689, Prov. of Md. Benson, Alexander, 193. Benson, Edwin N., 193. Ridgely, Franklin, 404. Benson, Capt. Johannes, 1655- 1715. Lieut., 1688, and sub- sequently Capt. Thorne, Robert, 168. Bent, John, Sr., 1603-1672, Sud- bury, Mass. In Major Simon Willard's Troop, Expedition against Ninigret, 1654. Anderson, James T., 315. Green, Charles M., 258. MacVeagh, Fames, 380. Moseley, Frank, 268. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 143. Bent, Corp. John, 1635-1717, Sud- bury, Mass. Corp. of Militia, 1686. Bent, S. Arthur, 247. Green. Charles M., 258. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Bent, John, 1703 , Sudbury, Mass. Trooper under com- mand of Capt. Josiah Brown, 1739. 565 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Bent, Silas, 1744- i8i8, Water- town, Mass. In Capt. Eph- raim Jackson's Co., in Canada, 1760. Anderson, James T., 315- 47i- Benton, Sergt. Selah, 1740- 1812. 7th Co., ist Regt., Conn. Infantry, French and Indian Wars, 1761-1763. Metcalf, Bryce, 117. Benton, Gov. William, 1674. Prest. Colony R. I., 1659- 1663. Gov., 1666- 1 668. Chase, Clement, 422. Berbeech, Thomas, 1674. Duxbury, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, 1643. Bernard, Gov. John. Gov. Som- ers Isles, Prov. Va., 1622. Tiernan, Charles B., 235. Bernard, Thomas, Burgess, War- wick Co., Va., 1642-1645. Bernard, Hon. William, 1668. Member Va. Council, i642-'43, i659-'6o. Throckmorton, Charles W., 168. Berry, Major George, 1706-1776. Capt., 1747; also Old French War, 1757. Major. Berry, George, Jr., 1728-1816. In Capt. George Berry's Co., i747-'49. In Capt Isaac Isley's Co., 1757- , , Berry, James, 1657. Member Md. Assembly, 1654. Troth, Wm. Penn, Jr., 209. Berry, Dep.-Gov. John, 1640-1713. Deputy and Acting Gov. of N. J., 1672. Baldwin, Berry O., 41. Sloane, William, 157. Watson, Preston, 178. Berry, William, 1635-1691. Mem. Md. Assembly, 1671-1674. Troth, Wm. Penn, Jr., 209. Bessey, Anthony, 1609-1657, Sandwich, Mass. Member Sandwich Co., 1643. Betts, Capt. Daniel, I759. Newtown, L. I. Capt. New- town Co., 1738. Betts, Capt. Richard, 1613-1713- N. Y. Prov. Assembly, Hemp- stead, 1665. High Sheriff of Yorkshire, L. I., 1678-1681. Capt., 1663. Hunt, Samuel F., 416. Kissam, Henry S., 107. Moller, Charles G., Jr., 118. Moore, Albert R., 440. Sanger, W. Gary, 149. Betts, Samuel Comstock, 1732- 1823. In 2d Co., 9th Regt. of Conn. Foot, 1767. Betts, Frederick H., 48. Betts, Louis F. H., 48. Betts, Samuel Rosseter, 49. Betts, William, 1632- 1675, Dor- chester, Mass., and Westches- ter, N. Y. Barnstable Co., 1643. Magistrate, 1662. Ryer, George S., 148. Ryer, James B., 148. Beverly, Robert, 1689. Clerk of the House of Burgesses, 1670. Gov. Berkeley appoint- ed him Commander-in-Chief. Kemp, Henry G., 321. Bevier, Ens. Louis, 1648-1720. Ens., Ulster Co. Militia, 1700. Bevier, Lieut. Louis, 2d, 1684- 1753- N. Y. Prov. Forces. Innis, Hasbrouck, 100. Bicker, Gerrit, 1629 . Com- mandant, Dutch Fort Cassi- mir on South River, 1654. Moller, Charles G., Jr., 118. Bicker, Capt. Henry, 1722 . Lieut, in Jersey Regt., 1755. Capt., 1756. Captured and imprisoned in Canada. On his return, Q. M. of Gen. Gage's Regt. until the close of war. Foster, Howell, 82. BiCKFORD, Jonathan, 1730-1818, Dover, N. H. In Capt. Mars- ton's Co. at Crown Point, French and Indian War, 1762. Bickford, Scott, F., 248. BiDDLE, William, 1630 - 1712. Mem. of the Council, General Assembly, Prov. of W. Jer- sey, 1682. President, 1706- 1707. Biddle, Thomas, 193. Biddle, William F., 193. Porter, Jno. Biddle, 206. S66 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. BiGELOW, John, 1617-1703, Water- town, Mass. In Pequot and King Philip's Wars. Bigelow, Isaac S., 484. Bigelow, Frank G., 503. Bigelow, Melville M., 248. Bigelow, William, 503. Britton, Edward E., 53. Brooks, Franklin E., 472. Camp, Thomas E., 503. Downs, Edgar R., 473. Hall, Lewis, 89. Hawks, William I., 423. Hopkins, Bedford B., 504. Learned, Myron L., 423. Parker, John N., 272. Partridge. Edward L., 132. Pond, E. Watson, 136. Stearns, Henry P., 308. Thompson, Harry G., 309. Upham, Henry P., 445. Whitney, Drake, 181. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Bigelow, Capt. Joseph, Sr., 1703- 1783, Shrewsbury, Mass. Capt., Shrewsbury Company. Bigelow, Henry N., 248. Bigelow, Capt. Joseph, Jr., 1726- 1801, Shrewsbury, Mass. Capt., 1759- Bigelow, Henry N., 248. Bigelow, Joshua, 1655-1745. In King Philip's War. In Capt. Davenport's Co. ; also in Capt. Sill's Co. Bigelow, Melville M., 248. Brown, Bedford B., 504. Downs, Edgar R., 473. Foote, Horace A., 81. Hall, Lewis, 89. Trott, James P., 170. Whitney, Drake, 181. Bigelow, Samuel, 1653 - 1732, Watertown, Mass. Represen- tative, 1 708- 1 7 10. Bigelow, Henry N., 248. Bigelow, Lieut. Timothy, 1702- 1747. Adjutant in Army at Cape Breton, 1745. 2d Lieut. in Canadian Expedition, 1746. Biles, Thomas, i^anghorne, . Capt., Associate Regt., Bucks Co., Penn., 1747- 1748. Wister, Rodman, 212. Biles, William, Sr., 17 10. Member first Council, Prov. of Penn., Philadelphia, 1683. Member of the Assembly from Bucks Co., 1686- 1710. Martin, Jonathan W., 203. Mitchell, Edward C, 439. Powell, Washington B., 206. Smith, Thomas M., 233. Wister, Rodman. 212. Biles, William, Jr., . Speaker, Penn. Proviacial Assembly, 1724. Wister, Rodman, 212. Bill, Philip, 1620- 1689, Groton, Conn. In King Philip's War in Connecticut Forces, 1675- '76. Narraeansett grantee. Billings, Ebenezer, 1660 , Dorcli2ster, Mass. King Philip's War, 1675. Billings, Lieut. Ebenezer, 1684- 1760. English Volunteer in Narragansett War, 1701. Ens 1721. Lieut., 1731. Palmer, Ernest, 128. Billings, Nathaniel, 1714 In Capt. Prentice's Troop. In Narragansett Campaign, Middlesex Troop. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Billings, Capt. Roger, 1708-1751. Lieut., 8th Conn. Regt., 1744. 2d Lieut, in Capt. Denison's Co., expedition against Canada, 1746. Capt. of Troop, 8th Regt, 1751. Deputy from Preston, 1747- '49-'52. Learned, Bela P., 304. Billings, William, . King Philip's War. Billington, Francis, 1606-1686, Plymouth. Volunteer in the Pequot War, 1637. Parker, Edward L., 271. Bingham, Lieut. Joseph, 1709- 1787. 1st Lieut. Troop, 5th Regt., Conn., 1764. In French War. Cornet and Q. M. Moses, Zebina, 323. Bingham, Capt. Samuel, 1688- 1760. Capt. of Militia, Wind- ham, Conn., 1741. 567 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Bingham, Leroy M., 360. BiRCHARD, Thomas, 1595-1684, Saybrook, Conn. Deputy, i650-'5i. Bird, Benjamin, 1686-1757, Dor- chester, Mass. Representa- tive, i730-'33-'37- Bird, James, 1647-1723, Dor- chester, Mass. Under Capt. Brattle, King Philip's War. Daly, Martin O., 253. Bird, Thomas, 1646-1710, Dor- chester. Mass. In King Phil- ip's War, at the garrison at Punkapogue, 1676. Bishop, Dep.-Gov. James, • 1691. Sec. of New Haven Colony, 1661-6$. Governor's Assistant, Conn. Colony, i668-'83. Dep.-Gov., 1683- '91. Bishop, William H., 295. Bonney, Charles L., 369. Copp, William M., 65. Curtis, Henry M.. 413. Darlington, Charles F., 6y. Darlington, James H., 68. Darlington, Thomas, 68. Farnham, Elijah T., 334. Gilfillan, William W., 85. Ladd, William W., Jr., 107. Merritt, Douglas, 117. Osborn, Henry A., 382. Thomson, Arthur C, 283. Thompson, Norman F., 388. Thompson, William B., 325. Throop, George E., 388. Wickwire, Arthur M., 448. Bishop, John. 1684. Member first New Jersey Assembly, 1668. Member Governor's Council, 1675. Bishop, Cortlandt F., 50. BissELL, Daniel, 1663-1738. Cor- net of Horse, Hartford, 1711. Bissell, Lester C, 484. BissELL, Lieut. Isaac, 1682-1744, Windsor, Conn. Queen Anne's War. Bissell, Evelyn L., 295. BissELE, Capt. John, 1591-1677, Windsor, Conn. Deputy, 1648, et seq. Under Capt. John Mason, 1657-1658. Soldier in King Philip's War. Adams, Fred'k C, 396. Bissell, Evelyn L-, 295. Bissell, John, 50. Bissell, William P., 430. Earl, Ferdinand P., 77. Morgan, George D., 120. BissELE, Capt. John, 1683-1781, Bolton, Conn. Lieut., 1722. Capt., 1728. Deputy, 1751. Humason, Virgil P., 99. Simons, William C, 278. VanDyke, Harry W., 326. BissELE, John, Jr., 1693. In King Philip's War. Q. M County Troop of Hartford, Conn., 1677; Cornet of Troop, 1681. BissELL, OziAS, 1729-1822. Served six years in French and Indian Wars. In Lake George engagement, 1755. Taken prisoner at Havana, 1762. Blackeeach, Richard, 1653-1731. Deputy for Stratford, Conn., i695-'96-'98-'99. Commissary at Albany, 1690. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Wakeman, Robert P., 310. Blackmar, James, 1709, Providence, R. I. Deputy, 1691. Blackmar, Wilmon W., 248. Beackwell, Jacob, 1717-1780. Capt. and Col., Newtown, New York Militia. French and Indian Wars. Blackwell, Sidney S., 397. Beackwell, Col. William, 1722. Col. Va. Forces in the French War, 1761. Horner, Alfred B., 321. Blake, Sergt. James, 1624-1700, Dorchester, Mass. Sergt. of the Military Company. Deputy. Talbot, Joel F., 387. Blake, Elder James, 1624- 1700, Dorchester, Mass. Sergt., Military Co. Deputy, 1677- '82-'83. Young, Edward B., 449. Blake, Nathan, 1712-1804. Sol- dier in Fort Keene, N. H., 1746. Hubbard, John E., 363. 568 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Blake;, William, 1595- 1663, of Dorchester, Mass. A. & H. A. Co. Brown, Philip K., 460. Blake, William, 1620-1703, of Dorchester, Mass. In King Philip's War tinder Capt. ' Samuel Mosely. Talbot, Joel F., 387- Blair, Archibald, 1660 - 1735. Williamsburg, James City Co., Va. Justice 1714 and earlier. Burgess, 1718 to 1723. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Blair, Hon. John, 1687-1771. York Co. and Williamsburg, Va., Justice, 1724 et ante. Naval officer Upper James River, 1728. Auditor General, 1728-1771. Burgess, i736-'40, &c. Member of Council, 1745 - 1771. Pres. Council, 1757-1771. Acting Gov. 1757- '58 and 1768. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Blanchard, Samuel, , An- dover, Mass. King Philip's War, under Capt. John Cut- ler, 1675. Bland, Col. Richard, 1710-1776. Commissioned Officer, Va. Forces, 1738. Burgess for Prince George Co., 1742- 1775. Member of Va. Conventions, 1774, 1775, 1776. Member Committee of Safety, 1775. Delegate to Philadelphia Con- gress. Applebv, George F., 315. Thorn, William H. DeC. W., 234. Bland, Richard, 1665-1720. Mem- ber Va. House of Burgesses, 1702. Thom, William H. DeC. W.. 234. Bland, Theodorick, 1629 - 1671. Burgess for Henrico Co., Va., and Speaker of the House, 1659-1660. Member of the Council of Virginia, i664-'6s. Appleby. George F., 315. Thom, William H. DeC. W.. 234. Blanford, John, 161 i- 1687, Sud- bury, Mass. In garrison at Sudbury, King Philip's W. :-, 1676. Clarke, George K., 251. Stone, Charles W., 280. Blanshan, Mathese, 1695. Served in the rescuing expe- dition after the massacre of Esopus. Member of Hurley Military Co., Capt. Paulding, 1670. Collins, Holdbridge O., 461. English, William E., 2>72. Gross, Samuel E., 377. Poucher, John W., 136. Blashfield, Thomas, i6=;o , Beverly, Mass. In Capt. Gar- diner's Co., Narragansett Swamp Fight. Smith, George H., 278. Bleecker, Capt. Jan Jansen, 1642- 1 732. Albany Militia, 1676. French and Indian War, 1689. Bangs, Anson C, 41. Bleecker, Anthony J., 50. Foster, Antoine L., 513. Hill, Robert C, 94. Hillhouse, Francis, 95. Livingston, Philip, 112. Seaman, William B., 153. Spalding, George B., Jr., 159. Bleecker. Capt. John, 1668-1738. Mohawk Expedition, 1686. Captured at Ottawa, prisoner until 1687. Capt., 1698, Col. Peter Schuyler's Regt. Bangs, Anson C, 41. Hill, Robert C, 94- Bliss, Ens. Elias, 1733-1805,-^ — , Conn. Ens. of the Sixth Company, Twelfth Colonial Regiment, . Bliss, Elias J., 248. Bliss, Major John, 1645- 1748. Deputy, i679-'83-'95. Capt., 1693. Major, i695-'96, R. I. Albro, Addis, 27- Bliss, Sergt. Jonathan, 1625- 1687. Sergt. of Militia at Re- hoboth, 1684. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Bliss, Samuel, 1624-1720. Vol- unteer in Narragansett War. 569 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Salter, William T., 149. Buss, Thomas, 1688, Say- brook and Norwich, Conn. In King Philip's War. Ridgely, Charles, 384. Buss, Thomas, . In Narra- gansett War, 1701. Isham, Charles, loi. Salter, William T., 148. Sherrill, Charles H., 155. BuvEN, Edward, . Impressed for Queen Anne's War. Bliven, William W., 50. BuvEN, Major Edward, 1722- 1784. Field Officer for Kings Co., Rhode Island, French and Indian War. Bliven, William W., 50. BwDGET, Samuel, 1724-1807. In French Wars. Louisburg, 1745. Crown Point and Lake George. Comm. at Fort Wil- Ham Henry, 1755. Hall, Clayton C, 226. Reed, John L., 232. Stickney, George H., 233. Blodget, Samuel, 1635-1725, Wo- burn, Mass. Deputy, 1693. Blodgett, Thomas, 1605 - 1642, Chelmsford, Mass. In West Middlesex Regt., and in gar- rison at Chelmsford. Blodgett, Thomas, 1661 , Woburn. Mass. West Mid- dlesex Regt., Mass. Bay Troops ; in garrison at Chelmsford. Messinger, William D., 381. Bloetgoet (Bloodgood), Capt. Frans Jansen, 1635 - 1676. Chief Military Officer of Flushing, Heemstede, Rust- dorp, and Meddleburgh. Privy Councillor to the Governor for the surrender of the Colony to the English, 1675. Barbour, William DeL., 537- Bloodgood, Delavan, 50. Moller, Charles G., Jr., u8. Whistler, Garland N., 180. Bloomfield, Ezekiel, 1653-1702. Deputy from Woodbridge, N. J., 1687. Libbey, William, 336. Bloomfield, Joseph, Wood- bridge, N. J. Member Capt. Parker's Co., Col. Farmer's Regt., N. J., Militia, 1715. Torrance, Ell, 445. Bloomfield, Thomas, Jr., 1648 , Woodbridge, N. J. Dep- uty, 1675. Torrance, Ell, 445. Bloss, Sergt. Edmund, 1587-1681. Sergt. of Mass. Troops, 1656- '64. Bloss, Orlando Powers, 397. Blunston, John, 1644 - 1723. Member Provincial Council, Penn., 1705. Pearson, George, 206. Boardman, Samuel, 1615-1673, Wethersfield. Governor's As- sistant, 1676, Colony of Conn. Hatch, Arthur M., 92. Stafford, William F., 161. BoARMAN, Major William, 1630- 1709. Member of the Lower House of Assembly of Mary- land from St. Mary's Co^ 1671-1674. Capt., 1661-1666. Major, 1676. Howard, McHenry, 227. BoDFisH, Robert, 165 1, Lynn and Sandwich, Mass. Mem- ber Lieut. Blackmer's Co., Sandwich, Mass., 1643. Bodge, John, , New Marble- head (Windham), Me. Under Capt. Hills, 1748-1749; also under Sergt. Chute, i747-'56- '57- Bodge, George M., 248. Bodwell, Henry, 1654 . Bloody Brook, in Capt. Lath- rop's Co., King Philip's War. Spalding, George B., 158. Spalding, George B., Jr., 159. Bogaert, Teunis Gybertse, 1652 , Wallabout, N. Y. Rep- resentative from Brooklyn to the Flatbush Convention in 1664. Member Council of War under Gov. Colve. Magistrate of Brooklyn, 1663, '67, '72- Corbusier, William H., 165, Richards, Charles S., 143. Bogardus, Lieut. Evert, 1660- 570 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1717. Lieut, of Foot Co. of Ulster and Dutchess Co., 1700. Sherrill, Charles H., 156. BoGARDus, Lieut. William, 1638 . Lieut, in Expedition against Canada. Sherrill, Charles H., 156. BoGERT, John, 1697-1775. In Foot Company under Capt. Joseph Robinson of N. Y., 1638. Bogert, William G., 369. BoGGS, Andrew, . Ens. in the French and Indian Wars, 1754- Cottman, James H., 225. Fisher, Charles D., 225. Wharton, Bromley, 211. BoLLiNG, Major John, 1676-1729. Henrico Co., Va. Justice from 1699. High Sheriff, i7o6-'o7. Burgess, 1714, &c. Major, 1714. Gary, Wilson M., 224. BoLLiNG, Col. John, 1700- 1757, of "Cobbs," Chesterfield Co., Va. House of Burgesses, and Col. of Henrico Co. Militia, 1743-1751. Boiling, Thomas, Jr., 343. Tiernan, Chas. B., 235. BoLLiNG, Col. Robert, 1646-1709. Prince George Co., Va. Jus- tice of Charles City Co. an- terior to 1698. High Sheriff, 1699. Surveyor, 1702. Col. and Co. Lieut., i705-'09. Gary, Wilson M., 224. Bolton, Thomas, 1712 . In Capt. George Berry's Co., i747-'48. Bond, Lieut.-Col. Jonas, 1674- 1727. Deputy, 1706, et seq. Lieut.-Col. under Sir William Phips, Expedition against Canada, 1690. Harrington, Charles, 260. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Bond, Jonas, 1691-1768, Water- town, Mass. Representative, i738-'44-'46-'5o. Harrington, Charles, 260. Bond, Robert, 1599- 1677. East- hampton, Conn., and Eliza- beth, N. J. Representative from Elizabeth, 1666. Mem- ber Gov. Cartright Council. Assistant. Wade, John P., 446. Bond, Capt. William, 1625-1695, Watertown, Mass. Deputy, 1689, '93, '95. Speaker, 1691,- '93,- '95- Capt. Watertown Co., King Philip's War. Harrington, Charles, 260. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Bonum, George, 1620- 1660. Ply- mouth Military Co'y, 1643. Gifford, Charles E., 376. Boosey, Lieut. James, 1649, Wethersfield, Conn. Deputy, i639-'49. Lieut., 1647. Booth, Sergt. John, 1653- 1728, Stratford, Conn. Under Capt. Seeley, King Philip's War. Deputy, 1696. Booth, John H., 360. Booth, Charles A., 472. Doughty, Francis E., 72,- Huntington, Charles R., 99. Booth, Robert, 1604- 1672, Saco, Me. Deputy, Exeter, Mass., Mass. Bay Colony, i659-'7o. Maynard, George C. 322. Borden, Richard, 1601 - 1671, Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Governor's Assistant, 1653- 1654. ' Treasurer, 1653-1655. Deputy, 1667- 1670. Cox, William V. Z.. 318. Hunt, Samuel F., 416. Watson, William H., 178. Wheaton, Frank, 478. Wilbour, Joshua, 286. Wister, Rodman, 212. Borden, Thomas, 1676, Providence, R. I. Assistant, 1675- 1676. Deputy, i666-'70- '72. Wheaton, Frank, 479. Boreman, Thomas, 1673, Ipswich, Mass. Representa- tive, 1636. Whipple, Durand, 408. Bosie, Philip, . Member 2d Foot Co., of Schenectady, 1715, under Capt. Harmen Van Slyck. .571 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Boucher, Charles, 51. BosTwiCK, Major John, 1667- 1747. Major, 1737. Deputy from New Milford, 1726-1745. Hubbell, Henry W., 98. BosTwiCK, Joseph, 1756. Lieut., New Milford, Conn., 1738. Capt., 1743. BosTwicK, Reuben, 1734 - 1813. Ens., nth Co., Conn., Regt. against the French. Bostwick, Henry A., 51. BoTSEORD, Henry, 1639-1686. Cor- poral, Expedition against the Dutch, 1654. Patterson, Andrew S., 133. Boudinot, EliE, 1674- 1 719. Ens., N. Y. Infantry, under Col. William Peartree, 1710. Keith, Boudinot, 105. Boulter, Nathaniei^ 1625- 1693, Hampton. N. H. In King Philip's War. Schauffler, William G., 338. Bourne, Meletiah, 1673 - 1742, Sandwich, Mass. Representa- tive, 1713. Bourne, Richard, 1682, Sand- wich, Mass. Deputy, 1639, et seq. Member of Council of War, 1675. Bassett, Charles F., 44. Hulbert. Henry C, 98. Swift, Eugene L'H., 165. Wesson, James L., 285. Bourne, Sheakjashub, 1644- 1719, Sandwich, Mass. Dep- uty, 1692. Bourne, Thomas, 1581 - 1664, Marshfield, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, i642-'45. Brooks, Lyman L., 249. DeWolf, Edwin A., 399. Lovering, Henry M., 266. BouTELiv, John, 1645-1719, Read- ing, Mass. In Capt. Gardi- ner's Co., King Philip's War. Boutell, Frank W., 51. Boutell, Henry Sherman, 369. BouTON, (Boughton), John, 1615- 1705, Norwalk, Conn. Dep- uty, 1669, et seq. BOUTWELL, EbENEZER, I7OO . Soldier in Capt. Jones' Co., Col. Buckminster's Regt. ; also in Capt. Belknap's Co., Col. P. Thatcher's Regt. Boutelle, Frank W., 51. BOWDITCH, WiLUAM, 1 663- 1 728, Salem, Mass. Representative, I7I2-'22. Bowen, Lieut. Henry, 1634-1724, Roxbury, Mass., and Wood- stock, Conn. In Great Swamp Fight. Bell, Charles M., 247. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Bowen, Henry, 1700- 1758. Wood- stock, Conn. Deputy, Conn., i749-'5i, '54- Bowen, Rev. Nicholas, 1755, Concord, Mass. Chaplain at Fort Edward, 1755. BowEN, Obadiah, 1633 , Swanzey, Mass. Deputy, 1681- 1682. BowEN, Richard, 1600-1675, Reho- both, Mass. Deputy, Ply- mouth General Court, 165 1. Bowen, Edgar C, 430. Houghton, Henry O., 262. Bowen, Silas, 1722-1790, Wood- stock, Conn. Deputy, 1723. Bowles, John, 1680, Rox- bury, Mass. Ens., Mass. Mi- litia. 1653. A. & H. A. Co., 1645. Bowles, John, 2d, 1653-1691, Roxbury, Mass. Dep., Mass., 1689- 1690. Speaker, 1690. Bowles, John, 3d, 1685-1737, Rox- bury, Mass. Dep., Mass., 1729- 1736. Bowne, James, 1636- 1695. Mem- ber Assembly of Patentees and Deputies, Shrewsbury, 1667; Portland Point, 1669. Member Assembly, New Jer- sey, 1670, et seq. Hunt, Samuel F., 416. Bowne, William, 1631-1706, Bos- ton. Long Island, 1646. Member Assembly, N. J., 1669. BoYDEN, Capt. Jonathan, 1652- 1732, Medfield, Mass. Repre- sentative, 1715. Capt. at Med- field, 1712. BoYLESTON, Thomas, 1645-1695, 572 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Brookline, Mass. Under Capt. Thos. Prentice, King Philip's War, i67S-'76. Wyman, Walter C, 390. BoYNTON, John, 1647-1719. In Capt. Joseph Gardiner's Co., from Ipswich, Mass. ; Narra- gansett campaign. Johnson, Francis J., 504. BoYNToiT. Capt. Joseph, 1645-1730. Prov. Forces of Mass. Bay. Deputy, 1697-1714, from Row- ley. Spofford, Paul N., 160. Tenney, Daniel G., 166. Boynton, Joshua, . In French and Indian Wars. Expedition to Canada. Batchelder, George A., 316. Batchelder, Joseph F., 316. Brackett, Capt. Anthony, 1640- 1703, Casco, Me. Captured by the Indians, 1676 and 1689. Commander of Fort Loyal and Town Militia, 1682. Repre- sentative Falmouth General Assembly. Brackett, Lieut. Joshua^ 1671- 1749, Portland, Me., and Greenland, N. H. In Indian Wars, 1693 and 1696. In Capt. Woodman's Co. at the garri- son at Oyster River, N. H., for four weeks in 1696. Brackett, William S., 370. Brackett, Sergt. Moses, 1717- 1793. Served in Capt. Peter Thayer's Co., Relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Downes, Emery N., 74. Brackett, Capt. Richard, 1611- 1691. Commander, Militia of Braintree, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1636. Deputy, 1655- 1680. Bailey, Everett H., 429. Brackett, Frederick H., 249. Brackett, Sidney L., 249. Camp, Robert, 503. Camp, Thomas E., 503. Carney, Sidney H., Jr., 58. Carpenter, William M., 370. Chase, Clement, 422. Collins, William G., 63. Crandon, Edward S., 253. Richards, Jeremiah, 143. Schroeder, J. Langdon, 151. Stone, Jacob, 444. Woodworth, Newell B., 185. Bradbury, Capt. Thomas, 1610- 1695. Ens., Salisbury, Mass. Capt., 1660. Deputy, 1651- 1657- Briggs, Frank O., 332. Deering, Henry, 530. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Merrill, Frederic A., 539, Noyes, Edward D., 535. Spofford, Paul N., 160. Bradford, Major John, 1652- 1736, Kingston, Mass. Deputy, Ply- mouth Colony, i689-'90. Dep- uty, Mass., 1692. Rogers, Allan, 276. Bradeord, Lieut. Joseph, 1675- 1747, Lebanon, Conn. Deputy, 1707, et seq. Jaynes, Fremont N., 437. Br.\deord, Lieut. Samuel, 1668- 1714, Duxbury, Mass. Lieut, Colonial Forces. Tucker, William R., 388. Bradford, Gov. William, 1589- 1651. Gov. of Plymouth Col- ony. Allen, Francis O., 192. Backus, J. Bayard, 40. Bacon. Alfred T., 471. Ballord, Webb R., 484- Bradford, Edward G., 512. Bradford, Thomas, 193. Brewster, Samuel D., 53. Collins, Clarence L., 63. Colt, Samuel P., 252, 519. Crandon, John H., 252. Cutler, Edward H., 434. Curtis. Lewis B., 298. Darrach, Henry, 196. Davis, Gustavus, 298. Davison, Charles M., 70. Davison, John M., 70. Day, Robert W., 70. Dennis, Rodney S., 71. Dennis, Warren E., 71. Dewey, Edward W., 72. Dewey, George A., 72. Grinnell, William M., 87. Glidden, John M., 532. 573 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Glidden, Joseph W., 532. Graves, Albert M., 376. Hale, Arthur, 198. Hall, Harrison C., 259. Haughton, John P., 538. Hayden, Henry W., 93. Hayden, James R., 93. Higgins, Frederick A., 94. Hill, John F., 533. Jaynes, Fremont N., 437. Jenney, Herbert, 416. Jewett, Stephen, 437. Jewett, William K., 475. Jewett, William P., 438. Leonard, Daniel, no. Leonard, Edward C, in. Leonard, Gardner C, in. Lewis, George W., 439. McKinstry, Charles H., 116. McKinstry, Elisha W., 462. Metcalfe, William P., 322. Montford, Fred'k D., 440. Newcomb, George A., 403. Newman, Clarence E., 124. Norman, Hugh, 521. Norman, Reginald, 521. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Pitts, Thomas, 499. Pitts, Thomas, 542. Pond, Virgil C., 274. Ray, Franklin T., 138. Remick, James A., 542. Remick, James A., 499. Reynolds, George N., 139. Richards, Charles S., 141. Ripley, Charles S., 145. Roberts. Cyrus S., 146. Rogers, Allan, 276. Sampson, Walter Scott, 277. Shepard, Ralph K., 155. Shepard, Robert F., 155. Slocum, William F., 477. Stetson, Caleb R., 325. Stevens, Clarence W., 161. Stevens, Frederick B., 161. Stoddard, Enoch V., 162. Strong, William W., 507. Symonds, Charles S., 165. Terry, George D., 166. Terry, John T., 166. Thompson, Gilbert, 325. Tingley, Witter K., 309. Tuttle, Albert, 364. Tyler, Mason W., 338. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Warren, Walter P., 176. Watson, Charles P., 177. Wellman, James A., 353. Wilder, Edward B., 408. Willard, Edward A., 182. Willard, James LeB., 182. Bradford, Major Wiluam, 1654- 1704. Dep.-Gov., Plymouth Colony, i682-'86-'89-'92. As- sistant, 1668- '82. Commanded Plymouth Forces, Great Swamp Fight. Commissioner of the United Colonies. Benjamin, Marcus, 316. Brewster, Samuel D., 53. Collins, Clarence L., 63. Crandon, Edwin S., 253. Crandon, John H., 252. Collins, William G., 63. Camp, Robert, 503. Dewey, Edward W., 72. Dewey, George A., 72. Dickson, Brenton H., 254. Gould, Seabury S., 85. Graves, Albert M., 377. Jaynes, Fremont N., 437. Jewett, Walter K., 475. Jewett, William P., 438. Leonard, Edgar C, in. Leonard, Gardner C, in. McKinstry, Elisha W., 463. Montford, Fred'k D., 440. Newman Clarence C, 124. " Orr, Arthur, 382. Pond, Virgil C, 274. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Ray, Franklin T., 138. Rogers, Allen, 276. Reynolds, George N., 139. Roberts, Cyrus S., 146. Sampson, Walter S., 277. Shepard, Robert F., 155. Strong, William W., 507. Terry, George D., 166. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Warren, Walter P., 176: Watson, Charles P., 177. Willard, Edward A., 182. Willard, James LeB., 182. Bradford, Capt. Wiluam, 1721- 1791. Member of Philadel- phia Associators for Defence. Lieut., 1747, 4th Co. Capt., 1756. 574 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Bradford, T. Hewson, 193. Darrach, Bradford, 333. Darrach, Henry, 196. Bradish, Robert, 1712. Scout in the French and In- dian Wars. Kimball, Robert J., 363. Bradley, Capt. Daniel, 1704-1765, Fairfield, Conn. Ens., 1743. Lieut., Expedition to Cape Breton, 1745. Capt., 1747. Bradley, Cyrus S., 295. Kimball, Harold C, 106. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Bradley, William, 1691. Deputy from New Haven to the General Court of Connec- ticut, 167s, i678-'8o, 1683. Brewer, William A., 460. Bradstreet, Major-Gen. John, 1711-1774. Lieut.-Col., Siege of Louisburg, 1745. Governor of St. Johns, Newfoundland, 1746. Capt., 6oth Foot, Royal Americans, 1757. Lieut.-Col., York Regt., 1757. Col., 1758. Deputy Q. M.-Gen., 1760. Col. British Army, 1762. Maj.- Gen., 1772. Landreth, Symington P., 201. Landreth, Burnett, Jr., 201. Bradstreet, John, 1718 , Box- ford, Mass. In Capt. Joseph Frye's Co. at Scarborough, Me., 1748. Bradstreet, Gov. Simon, 1603- 1697. First Sec. of Mass. Bay Colony. Assistant Commis- sioner of the United Colonies, 1643. Dep.-Gov., 1672- 1679. Gov., 1 676- 1 686. Bagley, John N., 497. Ball, George O., 348. Bell, Charles U., 247. Clarke, Charles L., 61. Corey, Edward W., 529, 543. Corey, Eren, 530. Gould, George L., 258. Hoyt, William E., 98. Janvrin, Joseph E., 102. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Taylor, Washington I., 166. Tufts, Walter B., 171. Wade, James F., 446. Whiting, William S., 286. Williams, Capt. Ephraim, 182. Williams, George B., 183. Williams, Samuel B., 183. Woodbury, Urban A., 365. Brady, Capt. John, I733-i778. Capt. of the 2d Battalion, Pa., Regt., commanded by Gov. John Penn, 1763- 1764. Brady, William P., 484. Brainerd, Hezekiah, 1680-1727. Deputy and Speaker. Assist- ant, 1723- 1727, Colony of Conn. Smith, Edward Curtis, 364. Smith, George G., 364. Brainerd, Capt. James, 1669-1742. Capt., Train Band, Haddam, Conn. Brainerd, Cephas, 52. Br^mnerd, Lieut. Josiah, 171 i- I7Q2. Lieut., 14th Co., 6th Conn. Regt., 1752. Emery, Brainerd P., 79. Brainerd, Lieut. William, 1673, . Lieut. Haddam Train Band, 1722. Emery, Brainerd P., 79. Bramhall, George, 1689, Ply- mouth, Mass., and Casco, Me. Killed Falmouth, Me. Evans, George F., 349. Branch, Christopher, 1595-1682. Henrico County, Va. Justice anterior to 1639 and for many years as late as 1657. Burgess, i639-'4i. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Brastov/, Thomas, 1740-1799. In Col. Miller's Regt., i758-'59- Expedition to Lake George. Brattle, Capt. Thomas^ 1624- 1683. Boston, Mass. Cornet, Suffolk Troop, 1670. Lieut, 1675. Capt., 1676. King Phil- ip's War. Deputy, i67i-'72- '78-'8i. Carpenter, Frederick B., 251. Jones, George W., 264. Wood, Alfred T., 184. Bray, Lieut. Asa, 1741-1815. In Capt. Lee's Co., Col. Lyman's Regt., Crown Point, 1758. 575 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Drummer in Capt. Joel Clark's Co., Col. Nathan Whiting's Regt, 1758. Sergt. in Capt. Eldad Lewis' Co., same Regt, 1762. Ens., 1 768- 1 772, and Lieut., 4th Co., 15th Regt. Washburn, William L, 177. Brayton, Lieut. Francis, 1612- 1692. Lieut, of the First Troop of Horse, Colony of R. L Brayton, Charles R., 519. Brecht, Jacob, 1729- 1802. Inde- pendent Troop of Horse, Philadelphia, 1756. Bright, Louis V., 53. Brent, Capt. George, 1641-1704, Stafford Co., Va. Capt. of a Troop, 1670. Ranger-Gen. of the Northern Neck. Brent, Joseph L., 223. Davenport, Richard G., 318. Keyser, Robert B., 219. Lisle, Robert P., 203. Brent, Lieut.-Gen. Giles, . Treas. Prov. of Md. Com- mander of Kent Island. Dep.- Gov. and Lieut.-Gen., 1643- 1644. Lord of Fort Kent Manor. Jenkins, Austin L., 227. Jenkins, Edward A., 228. Jenkins, Francis de S., 228. Jenkins, Spaulding L., 228. Brenton, Gov. William, 1674. Dep.-Gov. of R. I. and Providence Plantations, 1663- 1666. Gov., 1666- 1669. Mem- ber of Troop of Horse, 1667. Brenton, Cranston H., 53. Chase, Clement, 422. Deen, William M., 2)2i3- Scofield, George S., 152. Brereton, Col. Thomas, 1688, Northumberland Va. Burgess, 1680. Military Officer of the County, 1680. Eberlein, Charles W., 434. Brett, Lieut. Roger, 1721, Fishkill, N. Y. Lieut, in Ex- pedition against Canada, 1714. Timberlake, William S., 444. Brewer, Capt. Daniel, 1704 . Framingham, Mass. Capt. at the Concord Alarm, 1756. In the Crown Point Expedition, French and Indian War, same year. Parker, Moses G., 272. Brewer, Deliverance, Phil- ipsborough. Westchester Mi- litia. Capt. Del. Concklin, 1758. Co. of Provincials, Capt. _ Wm. Gilchrist. Col. Corsa's Regiment, Niagara Expedition, 1759. Brewer, John 1690. Mem- ber of the House of Bur- gesses, Prov. of Md., 1661. Hall, William C, 319. Peale, Albert C, 323. Brewster, Jonathan, 1659, Duxbury, Mass. Representa- tive, i639-'4i-'42-'44. Member of Capt. Myles Standish's Duxbury Co. Military Com- missioner, Pequot War. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Brewster, Love, 1650. Mem- ber Duxbury, Mass., Co., 1643. Brewster, Samuel D., 53. Brewster, Elder William, 1566- 1644. Member and Chaplain of the first Military Co. or- ganized at Plymouth under Capt. Myles Standish, and served against the Indians. Anderson. Arthur C, 429. Arnold, Benjamin W., 39. Bartlett. G. F. H., 43. Brewster, Lyman D., 296. Brewster, Samuel D., 53. Carter, Walter S., 59. Cheney, Louis R., 297. Clark, Llomer P., 432. Doane, William H., 414. Heilner, George C, 93. Holt, Henry P. R., 320. Huntington, Charles R., 99. Hyde, William W., 303. Kennan, Thomas L., 542. Learned, Bela P., 304. Murray, Charles H., 123. Paine, Cyrus F., 128. Parsons, Charles L., 351. Prentis. Edward, 316. Randall, John F., 404. 576 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Rawson, Edward S., 418. Reynolds, George N., 139. Rich, William T., 140. Roberts, Cyrus S., 146. Sears, Clinton B., 154. Spalding, George B., 158. Turner, Latham G., 319. Vaile, Joel T., 478. Yergason, Henry C, 419. Bridge, John, 1665, Cam- bridge, Mass. Deputy, 1637- '39-'4i- Bemis, George P., 422. Hall, George F., 259. Hastings, Henry, 260. Johnson, Charles W., 438. Bridge, Lieut. Matthew, 1650- 1738. Q. M. in Capt. Pren- tice's Troop. King Philip's War, and Phips' Expedition to Canada. Downs, Edgar R., 473. Hastings, Henry, 260. Jones, Charles L., 104. Johnson, Charles W., 438. Maxwell, Robert A., 115. Wiley, William L., 286. Bridger, Col. Joseph, 1630- 1688, Va. Councillor of State to Charles IL Gen. of the Brit- ish troops in America during Bacon's Rebellion. Capen, Walter N., 297. Briggs, John, 1609-1690. Deputy, 1664, et seq. Assistant, 1648. Rhode Island Commissioner, 1654, et seq. Ryer, George S., 148. Ryer, James B., 148. Wilbour, Joshua, 286. Williams, Norman A., 183. Briggs, Matthew, 1700, Cambridge and Lexington, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1643. Briggs, Thomas, 1720, Dart- mouth, Mass. In Capt. Peleg Sanford's Troop of Horse, 1667. Briggs, William, 1650 - 1716. Member of Capt. Hunford's Troop, 1664. Wilbour, Joshua, 286. Briggs, William, , Taunton, Mass. In Capt. Daniel Hench- man's Co., King Philip's War. Brigham, Lieut. Samuel, . Representative from Marlbor- ough in 1697, 1699 and 1705, and acted as Capt. Howe's Lieutenant in the Indian War. Lloughton, William A., 534. Bright, Sergt. Henry, 1602-1686, Watertown, Mass. Sergt. in Military Co., 1664. Brinckerhofp, Abraham Joris, 1632 . Magistrate, Flat- lands, 1673. Kitchen, John C. D., 107. Brinckle, Lieut.-Col. John, 1763. Lieut.-Col, 1756, Kent Co., Del., Regt. Brinckle, John, 512. Brintnall, Thomas, . In Lieut. William Hasey's Co., and Capt. John Whipple's Co., King Philip's War. BrinTon, Josiah, 1697 - 1751- Member Penna. Assembly, i729-'35 (except 1730). Phillips, George B., 206. Britton, EbEnezER, Taunton, Mass. Drummer, Capt. Philip King's Co., of Raynham, Mass., French War, 1757. Britton, Edward E., 53- Brocket, Surgeon John, 1610- 1679. Surgeon in King Phil- ip's War, i675-'76, with Conn. Troops. Commissioner, 1660. Deputy, General Court, 4 years. Brockett, John, 1607- 1689. Dep- uty to the General Court of Connecticut, 1671. 1678, 1680- '82, 1685. Brewer, William A., 460. Brocklebank, Capt. SamuEL, 1628- 1676, Rowley, Mass. Killed at Sudbury, King Phil- ip's War. Bacon, Horace S., 246. Boyd, Charles H., 529. Brocklebank, John C. F., 370. Coffin, William K., 433. Densmore, Edward D., 254. Knight, Stephen H., 498. Little, Henry L.. 439. 577 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Noyes, Edward D., 535. Saunders, Charles G., 277. Stanton, Josiah R., 464. Underwood, Edgar L., 284. Williams, Charles H., 182. Brockway, William, 1723-1798. Capt. of the 5th Co., Lyme, Conn. Roberts, William S., 364- Spencer, Horatio N., 406. Brodhead, Ens. Charles, 1724 Marbleton, N. Y. Ens. of Foot Co., under Capt. Thomas Carton, 1685. Brodhead, Capt. Daniel, 1667. Officer, service of Charles II., under Col. Sir Richard Nicolls, 1664. Com- mander of the Forces at Esopus, 1665. Clark, Kenneth, 432. DuBois, William M., 75. Reed, Henry B., 139. Reed, James M., Jr., 139. Russell, Averly, C. H., 147. ' Bronson, Lieut. Abraham, 1647- 1719, Lyme, Conn. Lieut, of the Train Band, 1689. Dep- uty. Bronson, Isaac, 1645-1719. Sergt., Waterbury, Conn., 1695. Dep- uty, 1697-1701. Bronson, John, 1600- 1680. In the Pequot War. Deputy from Farmington, 1651, Col- ony of Conn. Bronson, Julius H., 296. Brown, Goodwin, 54. Collins. Holdridge O., 63. Conger, Arthur L., 64. Johnson, Stephen A., 103. Packer, Flavins, 127. Phillips, George M., 441. Stockbridge, Henry, 233. Wright, Henry L., 390- Brooke, Hon. Baker, 1628 . Member of the Council and Surveyor General of the Prov- ince of Maryland. Raborg, H. Mason, 138. Raborg, T. M. T., 138. Brooke, Gov. Robert, 1602-1655. Commander-in-Chief of a new county in Maryland, and a Member of the Council. Com- mander of Charles Co., 1650. Appointed, 1652, by Crom- well's Commissioners, Presi- dent of the Council and Act- ing Governor. Balch, Edwin S., 192. Balch, Thomas W., 192. Brooke, George S., 526. Browne, Bennet B., 223. Fleet, Alexander F., 399. Johnston, Christopher, 229. Mackenzie, George N., 2d, 229. Mackenzie, George N., 3d, 229. Moran, Charles, 119. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Raborg, H. Mason, 138. Raborg, Thomas M. T., 138. Spencer, John T., 208. Smith, Ihomas M., 233. Thomas, Douglas H., Jr., 234. Thomas, Douglas H., 166, 234. Tyson, Malcolm V. W., 235. Brooke, Major Thomas, 1632- 1676. Major Maryland Forces, 1660. Served in Expedition against Indians, 1667. Mem- ber of Assembly for Calvert Co., 1663- 1676. Balch, Edwin S., 192. Balch, Thomas W., 192. Moran, Charles, 119. Thomas, Douglas H., 167, 234. Brooke, Dep.-Gov. Thomas, 1660- 1730. Member of Council, Prov. of Md., i69i-i707-'i5- '24. Pres. of same and Dep.- Gov., 1720. Moran, Charles, 119. Thomas, Douglas H., 167, 234. Brooks, Lieut. Edward, 1728- 1776. Served in Lieut. Elisha Hanley's Co., 1747-1748. Brooks, Franklin E., 472. Brooks, John, 1691, Woburn, Mass. In King Philip's War, i675-'76, serving under Major Simon Willard and Capt. Cut- ler. Brooks, L. Loring, 249. Brooks, Lieut. Joshua, 1688-1768, Lincoln, Mass. Lieut, in Com- pany which marched from Concord to Boston on the 578 INDEX OF ANCBSTORS AND DESCENDANTS. alarm of an expected attack by a French fleet, 1746. Brooks ( Brooke)^ Capt. Thomas, 1667, Concord, Mass. Deputy, 1642- 1662. Capt., 1643. Baker, Frank, 368. Bent, Samuel A., 247. Brown, Otis. S., 250. Hill. John B., 400. Melville, Henry, it6. Merriam, Frank, 267. Moore, George H., 381. Shuart, WiUiam H., 156. Young, George B., 449. Brooks, Capt. Timothy, 1726- 1786, Woburn, Mass. Q. M., Woburn Military Company, 1738. Lieut., 1744. Capt., 1 746- '86. Brooks, L. Loring, 249. Brooks, Capt. Timothy, . Master of Garrison House at Billerica, Mass. King Phil- ip's War. Capt., Bristol Co. Militia, 1690. Representative for Swanzey, 1689. Stevv^art, William D., 162. Broughton, Capt. George, 1691, Boston, Mass., and Kit- tery. Me. A. &. H. A. Co., 1667. Commanded Co. sent from Boston to protect Dover, 1675. Capt. of Co. at Kittery, Me.. 1682. Broughton, Hon. Thom.\s, ^7?>7- Speaker of the As- sembly. Lieut. - Gov., 1735. Member of Council. Middleton, John L, 230. Brouwer, Nicholas, 1672- 1745. In Capt. Bradshavi^'s Co. of Fusileers, Albany, 1691. Ryer, George S., 148. Ryer, James B., 148. Brow^n, Abijah, 1736-1818, Wal- tham, Mass. In Capt. Tim- othy Houghton's Co., Crown Point, 1756. At Fort William Henry, 1756. Brown, Rev. Chad, 1650. One of the 13 signers of the com- pact, Providence Plantations, R. I. Brown, EHsha R., 348. Huse, Robert S., 100. Brown, Capt. Deliverance, 1689- 1768. Ens., 1728. Lieut., 1738. Capt., 1739, Conn. Mi- litia. Brown, Charles H., 54. Brown, Dep.-Gov. Elisha, 1717- 1802, Providence, R. I. Dep.- Gov., R. I., i765-'67. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Brown, Sergt. Ephraim, 1650- 1693, Salisbury, Mass. In Military Co., raised in Salis- bury. 1688. Brown, Francis, 1685. Mem- ber of Assembly of Conn., 1665- 1669. Langdon, Perin, 416. Matthews, Caleb B., 417. Brown, Capt. George, 1668-1738, Billerica, Mass. Capt. of the Militia. Served against the Indians in King William's War, and in Queen Anne's War. Representative, 1716, et seq. Bailey, Everett H., 429. Carpenter, William M., 370. Eaton, Joseph G., 255. Brown, Major Hackaliah, 1784, Rye, N. Y. Westchester Co. Militia, 1752. Judge, 1755. Served under Lord Amherst, 1756. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 150. Brown, Henry, 1625- 1703. Dep- uty, General Court, Rhode Island, 1652, et seq. Brown, Rev. James, 1666-1732, Providence, R. I. Deputy, i709-'i5. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Brown, John, ist. 1584- 1662, Swanzey, Mass. Comm'r to the United Colonies, i644-'s6. Assistant, 1636, et seq. Mem- ber Council of War, 1642, et seq. Brown, Charles E., 296. Edwards, Edw. J., 434. Lee, Edward C, 201. Schroeder, J. Langdon, 151. Tyler, Sidney F., 210. 579 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Tyler, Harry B., 209. Watson, William H., 178. Whitney, Eli, Jr., 311. Woolsey, Theodore S., 312. Brown, Ens. John, 2d, 1601-1662, Rehoboth, Mass. Ens., 1654. Member Council of War, 1658. Lee, Edward C, 202. Watson, William H., 178. Brown, John, 1630-1706, Provi- dence, R. I. Governor's As- sistant, Rhode Island, 1665- 1666. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Camp, Charles L. N., 57. Davies, William G., 69. Greene, Charles A., 335. Lawton, George P., 109. Palmer, Lowell, M., 129. Brown, Capt. John, 3d, 1650- 1709, Rehoboth, Mass. Lieut, in Swanzey Co., 1673. Capt., 1675 - 1686. Commissioner, United Colonies. Lee, Edward C, 202. Watson, William H., 178. Brown, Corp. John, 1713-1776. Corp. under Capt. Hercules Mooney, N. H. Troops, Crown Point Expedition, 1757. Brown, Willis E., 397. Brown, Lieut. John, 1732-1817, Londonderry, N. H. Lieut., French and Indian Wars. Edwards, Edward J., 434. Moseley, Edw. A., 323. Brown, Joseph, 1689- 1759, Hamp- ton, N. H. In Queen Anne's War at Fort William and Mary, Newcastle, N. H., 1708. Brown, David H., 249. Brown, Nicholas, 1673, Lynn, Mass. Deputy, 1641. Parker, C. Wallingford, 270. Parker, Edward L., 271. Parker, Herman, 272. Brown, Sergt. Samuel, 1720- 1794, Rye, N. H. In Capt. Anthony Towle's Co. of Troopers in Major Thomas Tash's Battalion stationed at the Fort, No. 4, now Charles- town, N. H. Sergt. in Capt. John Goffe's Co., serving as scouts in the Merrimac Val- ley, N. H., i745-'46. Brown, David H., 249. Brown, Capt. Thomas, 1645-1709, Sudbury, Mass. Capt. of Horse, 1697. Representative, 1692, et seq. Anderson, James T., 315. Houghton, William A., 533. Robinson, Francis W., 276. Brown, Thomas, 1657-1744, Hampton, N. H. Served in King Philip's War. Brown, David H., 249. Heaton, John E., 302. Brown, Capt. William, Sud- bury, Mass. Surveyor of Arms for Sudbury, 1643. Capt., . Browne, Joseph, 164 1694, Ips- wich, Mass. In Capt. Daniel Henchman's Company, King Philip's War, 1676. Browne, Daniel A., 249. Browne, Thomas, 1607- 1687. Newbury, Mass. In Capt. Samuel Appleton's Co., King Philip's War. Browne, William, Sr., 1608- 1687. Deputy, Mass., i6s4-'59-'66. Assistant, 1680-1683. Browne, William, Jr., 1639- 1716. Capt., Mass. Troop of Horse, 1678. Council of Safetv 1689. Deputy, 1675- 1680. Assistant, 1683. Andros' Councillor, 1688. Assistant, 1693-1713. Browne, William. Member of the House of Burgesses to Virginia, 1673, et seq. Lieut, of Surrey Co., Va., 1687. Edmunds, Henry L., 399. Brownell, Thomas, 1665. Deputy, 1664. Commissioner, i655-'6i-'63. Brownell, Wilmot A., 250. Pierce, James O., 441. Tomokins, Hamilton B., 169. Watson, William H., 178. Brownson, Captain Gideon, 1739- 1796. Vermont. Served in the French and Indian Wars. Severely wounded and taken s8o INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. prisoner in the Expedition to Canada. Cooke, Charles E., 317. Bruen, Obadiah, Gloucester, Mass., and New London, Conn. Deputy from Glou- cester, 1644, et seq. Commis- sioner for New London, 1660- '64. Member of Committee to treat with the Indians, 1663. Deputy from New London, 1665. Almy, William E., 428. White, William C, 448. Bruyn, Jacobus 1707-1781, of Ulster Co., N. Y. Corp. of the Foot Company of Militia of the "Presenk of the High- land" under command of Capt. Thomas Ellison. ReQua, Charles H., 384, 781. Bryan, Alexander, 1602 - 1679. Governor's Assistant, Colony of Conn., i668-'79. Conover, John T., 64. Durand, Harvey, 76. Ingraham, William S., 303. Myers, Walter F., 440. Stevens, John B., 162. Bryan, Jonathan, 1708 - 1788. Member King's Council, 1754, Prov. of Georgia. Bryan, Joseph, 343. Buchanan, Dr. George, 1698-1750, Druid Hill. Commissioner of Baltimore Co., 1727, for life. Burgess, 1745-1749. BucHER, John Conrad, 1730- 1780. Ens., Penna. Militia, 1758. Lieut., 1760. Adjutant, 1764. Lawrence, William W., 201. Buck, Lieut. Isaac, 1695, Scituate, Mass. Lieut., Scit- uate Company, 1670, and com- manded the same against the Indians in their attack on the town in King Philip's War, 1676. Deputy, i663-'64, '65- '95- Crandon, Edwin S., 253. Buck, Cornet John, 1697, Scituate, Plymouth Colony. Cornet of the First Body of Plymouth Horse. Buck, Cot. Jonathan, 1719-1795, of Bucksport, Me. Lieut., 1745- Col., 1775. Moseley, Edward A., 323. Buckingham, Thomas, 1657. Deputy, 1657, New Haven Colony. Fenner, Chas. Putnam, 461. Buckland, Benjamin, 1676, Bridgewater, Plymouth Col- ony. Killed in the Ambus- cade at Rehoboth, 1676. Young, George B., 449. Buckley, John, 1646- 1732. Mem- ber Colonial Assembly of New Castle County, Delaware, 1697. Grubb, Hon. Ignatius C, 513. Buckminster, Col. Joseph, Sr., 1666-1747, Framingham, Mass. In Sir Charles Hobby's Expe- dition. Deputy, 1 709- 1 723. BucKMiNSTER, Col. Joseph, Jr., 1697-1780, Framingham, Mass. Deputy, i738-'39, '44, '5i-'S3, 55-'7o. Col., Framingham Mi- litia, 1739. Commanded in French and Indian Wars, 1744, '57- Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart C, 387. BucKNAM, JosES, 1641-1694, Mai- den, Mass. In Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Company, King Philip's War, 1676. BucKNAM, Capt. Samuel, 1674, , Maiden, Miss. Capt. of the Maiden Company. BucKNER, Maj. William, 1716. Burgess for York Co., Va., 1698- 1699, 1714. High Sheriff, 1695-1696. Collector of Customs for York River, 1699, 1702, 1 714. Major of York Co. Militia. Johns:on, Christopher, 228. Budd, William, i649-i72i-'22. Member General Assembly, New Jersey, 1685. Bradford, Thomas H., 193. Morton, Thomas G., 204. Buehler, Henry, 1740-1801. Ens., Penn. Militia, 1759. Buehler, William G., 194. Lamberton, James McC., 200. S8i INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. BuEL, Capt. Samuel, 1641-1720, Killingworth, Conn. Ens., 1708. Capt., 1718. BuEi-L, Capt. Jonathan, 1717- 1796. Capt. of West Com- pany, Goshen, Conn. Lieut., 1759. In Capt. King's Co., 1 761. Buell, Frederick F., 55. Buell, William C, 544. BuLKELEY, D. D., M. D., Rev. Gershom, 1636-1713. Surgeon and Chaplain, Conn., King Philip's War. Bulkeley, Morgan G., 296. Goodrich, William, 197. Hubbell, Charles B., 98. Lord, Frank H., 113. Nye. Charles F., 126. Teall, Edward McK., 387. Treat, Erastus B., 169. Bulkeley, Capt. Gershom, 1679- 1753- Q- M., Troop, Fairfield Co., Conn., 1718. Cornet of Horse, 1722. Capt., 1726. Bradley, C^^rus S., 295. Granger, William S., 519. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Bulkeley, Major Peter, 1643- 1688, Concord, Mass. Deputy, l673-'90. Speaker, 1676. Gov- ernor's Assistant, 1677-1685. Bissell, William P., 430. Cadle, Charles F., 398. Shuart, Wm. H., 156. Swain, William C., 507. Bulkley, Capt. Joseph, 1670- 1748. Littleton, Mass. Capt. of Lit- tleton Co. Bull, Gov. Henry, 1610-1694. Corp., 1638. Sergt., 1639. Assistant, 1674 - 1675. Gov., i685-'86-'90. Bull, Melville, 519. Butler, John L., 251. Ingraham, William S., 303. Parkhurst, Charles D., 305. Watson, William H., 178. Bull, Capt. John, 1730- 1824. Penn, Provincial Forces. Present at capture of Fort Duquesne. Patterson, John H., by repre- sentation, 133. Bull, Major Jonathan, 1649- 1702. Lieut, of Train Band, Hartford, 1689. Capt., 1690. Major, 1697. Deputy, 1697. Assistant, 1697. Bull, Capt. Thomas, 1606-1684. Lieut, in the Pequot Fight. Capt. of Hartford Co., defence of Saybrook, 1675. Adams, John Q., 428. Beatty, A. Chester, 45. Beatty, Robert C, 45. Beatty, W. Gedney, 45. Brewster, Chauncey B., 296. Bull, Charles S., 296. Marsh, Henry D., 267. Preston, Deming H., 383. Seymour, Henry, 154. Smith, Wyllys K., 385. Bullard, Capt. Samuel, 1667- 1727, Sherborn, Mass. Rep- resentative, 1708, et seq. Johnson, Emery W., 263. Bullard, Ens. Seth, 1736-1811, Walpole, Mass. Ens., Co. of Foot, under Capt. Ebenezer Clapp, Col. Pond, 1772. Carney, George J., 251. Carney, Sydney H., 58. Carney, Sydney H., Jr., 58. Bullard, William, 1594 - 1687, Dedham, Mass. Member of Capt. Lusher's Co., 1648. Bump, Jacob, 1738- 1829. In Capt. Maynard's Co., Col. William William's Regt., Mass. Militia, French and Indian Wars. Cox, Jas. W., 65. Bumstead, Thomas, 1677, Roxbury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1647. BuNCE, Thomas, 1683, Hart- ford, Conn. Soldier in the Pequot War, 1637. Bunce, Jonathan B., 296. Dickinson, Frederick, 372. Gross, Chas. Edw., 300. MacVeagh, Fames, 380. Bunnell, Capt. Israel, 1747-1813. Minute Man. Capt. of Mi- litia. Representative from Wallingford. Bunnell, Ens. Nathaniel, 1686- 1732. Ens., Militia, 1730. 582 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. BURBANK, CaPT. AbRAM, I7O3- 1772. Capt., South Co., 1754. Seven Years' War. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. BURBECK, WlIvLIAM, 1716-I78S, Boston, Mass. A civilian of- ficial in the ordnance depart- ment of the royal artillery, and was for many years sta- tioned at Old Castle William, now Fort Independence, in Boston Harbor. Cook, Joshua Osgood, 371. BuRD, Col. James, 1726-1793. Capt., 1754. Comm., Brad- dock's Expedition. Major, 3rd Battalion, Augusta Regt., 1756. Lieut.-Col., 2nd Bat- talion, 1757. Col., 1758-1760, Provincial Forces of Penn. Brinton, John H., 193. Brinton, Ward, 194. DaCosta, Charles F., 196. Grubb, Chas. R., 335. Grubb, E. Burd, 198, 335. Peale, Albert C, 323. Smith, Clement G., 208. BuRDETTE^ Joseph, 1716-1749, Mai- den, Mass. In Capt. Eben- ezer Marrow's Co., 1758. BuRDETT, William, 1643. Burgess from Northampton Co., Va. Horner, Alfred B., 321. BuRDiTT, Lieut. Samuel, 1735- 1809, Maiden, Mass. Ens., Capt. Ebenezer Morrow's Company, i755-'56; also pres- ent at the attack on Ticon- deroga, 1758. French and In- dian War. Lieut. Winthrop, William H., 287. BuRDiTT, Lieut Thomas, 1683- 1758, Maiden, Mass. Lieut, of the Maiden Military Com- pany, 1737. Burgess, John, 1701, Yar- mouth, Mass. Deputy, 1680. Burgess, Thomas, 1603 - 1685, Sandwich, Mass. Deputy, 1642-1668, Plymouth Colony. Member of Militia, 1643. Burgess, Col. William, 1622- 1686. Burgess for Anne Arundel Co., Md., 1659-1660, 1669-1682. Member of Coun- cil, 1682- 1686, and Dep.-Gov.. 1684-1686. Lieut., 1659; Capt., 1661 ; Major, 1675; Col, 1676; Militia of Anne Arundel Co. Commander-in-Chief, 1677, of Maryland Forces against East- ern Shore Indians. Gaither, Alfred, 415. Gaither, Charles P., 257. Johnston, Christopher, 229. Leaken, William R., 493. Spencer, John T., 208. Tilton, Palmer, 326. Tilton, Warren C, 283. BuRHANS, Jacob, . Under Ens. Dirck Schmitt, at Es- opus, 1660. Isham, Charles, lOi. Burnett, Robert, 1714- One of the Proprietors of the Province of New Jersey, and Councillor. Eaton, Theodore H., 498. Montgomery, Archibald R., 204. Montgomery, Thomas H., 204. Watson, Samuel N., 419. Burnham, John, 1618-1694. In Pequot War, 1637. Choate, Edward A., 61. Swan, George F., 165. Burnham, Thomas, , Ips- wich, Mass. Soldier in Pe- quot War. Burnham, Thomas, 1617-1688. Soldier in King Philip's War. Burnham, Lieut. Thomas, Jr., 1623- 1694. Ens. and Lieut., Ipswich, Mass., Co. Deputy, 1683-1685. Burnham, Fred'k G., 332. Cheney, Person C, 349. Furnald, Francis P., 83. Greenleaf, Charles H., 350. Greenough, Eben, 197. Holbrook, Levi, 261. Mott, Luther W.. 122. Wills, Henry LeB., 479. Burr, Col. Andrew, . Ser- vices not filed. Osborn, Hy. F., 305. Burr, Benjamin, — 1681. Sol- 583 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. dier in Pequot War, 1637, under Capt. Mason. Barnes, Alfred C, 42. Burr, Daniel, 1695. Comm. Fairfield Co., French and In- dian War. Burr, Jehu, ist, 1600-1672. Dep- uty from Fairfield, Commis- sioner for the United Col- onies, 1664. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Burr, Capt. Jehu, 2d, 1625- 1692. Member of Conn. Council of War, 1675- 1676. Deputy for Fairfield, 1660-1691. Lieut., Conn. Militia, 1673. Longacre, James B., 203. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Burr, Major John, (called Col.), 1673-1750, Fairfield Co., Conn. Capt., 1690. Commissary, 1693. Major, 1694. Hosmer, Edward S., 97- Jennings, Albert Gould, 102. Jennings, Oliver G., 102. Osborn, Henry F., 305. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Wakeman, Robert P., 310. Burr, Major Peter. 1667- 1724. Auditor, 1700- 1724. Deputy, 1 700- 1 702. Speaker, 1702. Assistant, 1703-1724. Judge Superior Court, 1711-1716. Chief Judge to 1724. Major, 4th Regt., 1694. Jennings, Albert Gould, 102. Burrage. Thomas, 1663 - 1718, Lynn, Mass. Fought in de- fense of Lynn against the In- dians. Burrill, Ebenezer, 1679 - 1761. Councillor or Assistant, 1731. et scq. Representative, Lynn, Mass. Atvirill, James W., 396. Wheaton, Frank, 479. Bukrill, Ebenezer, 1702 - 1778. Member Mass. Prov. Con- gress, 1774. Burrill, Lieut. John, 1631-1703. Lynn, Mass. In King Philip's War. Representative, 1692- 1697. Councillor, 172 r. Wheaton, Frank, 479. BuRSLEY, John, 1599-1660. Dep- uty from Weymouth to Gen- eral Court, 1638. In Lieut. Dimock's Barnstable Co. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Burt. Benjamin, 1680 - 1759. Northampton. Taken captive by the Indians at Deerfield Meadows, 1704, Queen Anne's War. Released in 1706 by an expedition under Ens. Shel- don. Burt, Henry, 1615-1662, Dor- chester and Springfield, Mass. Member of the first Military Co., Springfield. In 1657 Clerk of the Co. Burt, Andrew S., 370. Burt, Stephen S., 56. Marsh, George S., 380. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons, Lewis B., 403. Burt, Deacon Henry, 1663-1748, Springfield, Mass. Served against the Indians in 1698. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons, Lewis Baldwin, 403. Burt, Jonathan, 1715, Springfield, Mass. At the burning of Springfield by the Indians, Oct. 5, 1675, during King Philip's War ; was one of those who defended the town. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons. Lewis Baldwin, 403. Burt, Joseph, 1673-1759. In gar- rison at Northfield in Capt. Kellogg's Co., 1 723- 1 724. Al- so in the Crown Point Ex- pedition. Burt, Stephen S., 56. Burt, Lieut. Nathaniel, 171 i- 1755. Longmeadow. Capt. of a company in Col. Ephraim Williams" Regt. Killed in bat- tle at Lake George. Childs, Edwards H., 60. Hurd, Charles R., 263. Hurd, Harold, 99. Warner, Frank E., 285. Burton, Isaac, 1706, Tops- 584 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. field, Mass. Of Capt. Gardi- ner's Co., Salem, King Philip's War. Burton, George S., 250. Burton, Jonathan, 1741 - 181 1, Middleton, Mass., and Wilton, N. H. Private in Capt. Gid- ding's Co., Col. Bayley's Regt., Louisburg Expedition, 1759. Burton, George S., 250. BuRWELL, Capt. Israel, 1747- 1813. Capt., Wallingford Co. Burwell, Ens. Nathaniel, 1686- 1732. Ens., Wallingford Co., 1730. Bush, Ens. Charles, 1717-1755, New Castle, Del. Ens., 1747- 1748, Colonial Militia. Buck, Francis N., 512. Bush, George W., Jr., 512. Bush, Joshua D., 512. Ward, Christopher L., 514. Bushnell, Benajah, 1681-1762, Norwich, Conn. Deputy, Con- necticut, i720-'24, i729-'30, i734-'36. Capt., Train Band. Brewer, William A., 460. Bushnell, Richard, Sr., 1658. At Saybrook Fort under Lion Gardiner, Win- throp's garrison, Pequot War. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Bushnell, Capt. Richard, 1652- 1727, Norwich, Conn. Ens., 1693. Lieut., 1698. Capt., 1701. Deputy, 1691. Mem- ber of the Council, 1703. Commissioner in the Mason Controversy. Brewer, William A., 460. Bushnell, William, 2d, 1648- 1683. Lieut., Conn. Militia, 1679. Phillips, George M., 441. Bushnell, Sergt. William, Sr., 1684. Sergt., Indian Wars, 1660. Representative from Saybrook, 1670. Elwood, George M., 78. Phillips, George M., 441. Buss, Joseph, 1649- 1680, Concord, Mass. In King Philip's War under Capt. Nathaniel Daven- port and Capt. Edward Tyng. Buss, Lieut. William, 1613-1698, Concord, Mass. Ens., Capt. Simon Willard's Co., King Philip's War. Later, Lieut. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Butler, Ens. Benjamin, 1673- 1755. Ens. of 5th Co., 6th Regt., Conn. Troops, 1746, French War. Sanger, J. P., 324. Butler, John, 1680, Rox- bury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Butler, Col. John, 1747. Framingham, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. Ephraim Baker's Co., 1st Mass. Regt., Lieut.-Gen. William Pepperell. Col., Louisburg Expedition, 1745. Butler, Edward A., 529. Seamans, Frank M., 277. Butler, Capt. Peter, 1699, Boston, Mass., and Middle- town, Conn. Capt. of Militia. Butler, Richard, 1684. Rep- resentative, Colony of Conn., 1656- 1660. Harral, George, 90. Kent, Henry O., 351. Mann, Matthew D., 115. Butler, Simon, 1715-1795. Trum- peter, in the Company of Capt. Carter, Col. Wilder's Regt,, from Lancaster, Mass., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. White, John B., 407. Butler, Lieut. William, 1653- 1730, Ipswich, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. Francis Wainwright's Co., 1696. Butler, Capt. Zebulon, 1731- 1795. In the French and In- dian War in 1758, on the Can- adian frontier and at Fort Edward, Lake George, Ticon- deroga and Crown Point ; also in the Havana Expedition, 1762. Fiske, Edwin W., 80. Griffin, Francis Butler, 87. Heilner, George C, 93. BuTTEREIELD, EnS. BenJAMIN, 1703-1747. In Choate's Regt., 585- INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. I745> at Louisburg. Ens., 1745. Boucher, Charles, 51. Holland, John B., 96. Holland, Joseph, 96. Butters, Wh-liam, 1630 - 1692, Woburn, Mass. In King Phil- ip's War, 1676, under Capt. Joseph Sill. Butters, William, 431. Young, Harry, 288. Butterworth, Ens. John, 1651- 1730. Rehoboth, Mass. Ens., 1690. under Capts. Joseph Syl- vester and John Gorham. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Butterworth, Lieut. Noah, 1689- 1 736, Rehoboth, Mass. Lieut, in Rehoboth Co., 1720- 1725, Father Rasle's War. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. BuTToLPH, Lieut. John, 1640- 1693, Wethersfield, Conn., Deputy. BuTTOLPH, Sergt. Samuel, 1670- 1717, Simsbury, Conn. BuTTOLPH, Lieut. Samuel, 1710- 1755. Simsbury, Conn. BuTTRiCK, Samuel. 1654- 1726, Concord, Mass. In King Phil- ip's War, Capt. Joseph Sill's Co., 1675. In Great Swamp Fight under Maj. Samuel Ap- pleton, 1675. BuTz, Michael, 1730-1779. In Capt. Arndt's Co., Northamp- ton Co., Penn., 1763. Eyerman, John, 334. Byram, Nicholas, 1687, Bridgewater, Plymouth Col- ony. Soldier in King Philip's War. 1676. Byrd, William, 1650- 1704. Mem- ber of Council, Burgess, Re- ceiver-General of Va. Page, S. Davis, 205. Byrd, William, 2d, 1674- 1744. Member King's Council, Va., and President. Agent of the Dominion in England. Page, S. Davis, 205. Byrd^ Col. William, 3d, 1728- 1777. Col. of the 2d Virginia Regt., 1756. Member of the King's Council. Page, S. Davis, 205. Cabell, Capt. William, 1700- 1774. Capt. in Militia prior to 1744. Cabell, James A., 343. Cadwalader, Dr. Thomas, 1707- 1779. Member of the Coun- cil, Province of Penn., 1733- 1776. Chairman Board of War, 1759-1762. Member of Capt. Bathe's Independent Foot Co., 1756. Cadwalader, Charles E., 194. Cadwalader, Richard M., 194. Cady, Capt. David, 1703 , Kil- lingly, Conn. Capt. of the first Company or Train Band of Killingly, 1747. Cady, Capt. David, Jr., 1743- 1807, Killingly, Conn. Ens. of the I2th Company of the lith Conn. Regt., 1771. Capt. of the 4th Company, nth Regt., 1774. Capt. of the 9th Com- pany, 2ist Regt., 1775. Cady, Capt. Joseph, 1666- 1742, Groton, Mass., and Killingly, Conn. In garrison at Groton, Mass., i69i-'92. Lieut, of the Train Band, Killinglv Conn., 1708. Capt. of the Train Band of Killingly, 1721. Dep- uty from Killingly, i73i-'33- '34 and 1739. Cady, Sergt. Nicholas, , Watertown and Groton. Member of Capt. Mason's Watertown Co., 1653. Caldwell, Aaron, 1721-1765. In French and Indian War from Ipswich. Expedition to Crown Point and Fort William Henry. Caldwell, Samuel Le N., 472. Caldwell, Major Andrew, 1774. Major in Kent Co., Delaware Regt., French and Indian War. Gray, Andrew C, 513. Gray, George, 513. 586 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Wilson, Andrew G., 514- Calef, Sergt. John, 1741-1808, Hampstead, N. H. In Capt. Ladd's Co., Col. Hart's Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1758. Sergt. in Capt. Philip Johnson's Co., Col. Goffe's Regt., Invasion of Canada, 1760. Farwell, John W., 538. Calkin (Caulkins), Hugh, 1600- 1690, Gloucester and Lynn, Mass., New London and Nor- wich, Conn. Deputy from Gloucester, Mass. Bay Col- ony, 1650-1651. From New London and Norwich, 1652, et seq., Colony of Conn. Commissioner to enlist men for expeditions against the In- dians, 1653-1654. Bell, Jared W., 47. Collins, Holdridge O., 461. DeWolfe, Edwin A. 399. Farr, Marvin A., 373- Merritt, Douglas, 117. Mott, John T., 122. Mott, Luther W., 122. Calkins, Sergt. Israel, 1728-1790. Was Sergt. in Capt. Ephraim Preston's Company of Col. Lyman's Regiment in 1757. Taken prisoner at Fort Wil- liam Henry while in service. Dickinson, Frederick, 372. Call, John, 1635- 1682, Charles- town, Mass. Soldier in King Philip's War. Ens. Holden, Joshua B., 261. Call, Capt. John, 1672-1713, Charlestown, Mass. Ens., Capt. Holden, Joshua B., 261. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Call, Samuel, 1698-1747- At Louisburg. Holden, Joshua B., 261. Callaway, Capt. Richard, 1780. Va. Forces, French and Indian War, 1755-1764- Arnold, Conway H., Jr., 39. Wood, Thomas C, 184. Calvert, Sir George, 1580- 1632. Secretary of State of Eng- land, i6i9-'25. 1st Baron Bal- timore, to whom the Province of Maryland was granted, 1632. In 1622 he was one of the 18 Councillors of the New England Co. Raborg, H. Mason, 138. Raborg, T. M. T., 138. Calvert, Gov. Leonard, 1606- 1647. 1st Governor of Mary- land, 1633- 1647. Raborg, H. Mason, 138. Raborg, T. M. T., 138. Calvert, Dep. - Gov. William, 1644- 1682. Member of As- sembly from St. Mary's Co., i664-'69. Member of the Council, 1669. Dep.-Gov. of Md., 1670. Principal Secre- tary of the Prov., i673-"82. Raborg, H. Mason, 138. Raborg, T. M. T., 138. Camp, Capt. John, 1675-1747. Wethersfield, Conn. Capt., Train Band, 1726. Camp, Lieut. John, 1713 . Wethersfield, Conn. Ens., South Co., in Durham, 1749- ist Lieut., 4th Regt., Conn., in Expedition against Crown Point, 1755- Camp, Nicholas, 1706, Mil- ford, Mass. Deputy, 1670- '72. Blagden, Thomas W., 3i7- Campbell, Lieut. Samuel, 1738- 1824. Ens., 1768. At Fort George, 1772. In the old French War, 1772. Campbell, William A., 57- Canby, Thomas, . Member Assembly Pa., 1722, 1730, ^738. ^ Canby, Edward T., 512. Candee, Samuel, 1678 - i749- Lieut, at New Haven, Conn., 1731. Capt., 1737- Candee, Henry S., zy*^- Canfield, Sergt. Thomas, 1689. Sergt. at Stamford, Conn. Deputy. Canfield, James H., 57. Smith, R. A., 324- Cannon, Capt. Andrew, 587 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 171 1. Capt. of Militia, Rich- mond Co., N. Y., 1693. Culver, Henry B., 66. Schermerhorn, Arthur F., 150. Schermerhorn, Edward G., 150. Suydam, Walter L., 165. Capell, John, 1758. Expe- dition to Lake George, Capt, Read's Co., Col. Ruggles' Regt., 1758. Capell. William B., 57- Capelle, William C, 538. Capen, Lieut. Hopestill, 1730- 1807, Boston, Mass. Ens., 1763, Capt. Williams' Co., under Col. Joseph Jackson. Lieut., 1767, Capt. Leverett's Co. A. & H. A. Co., 1763. Sowdon, Arthur J. C, 279. Capen, Capt. John, 161 3- 1692. A. & H. A. Co., 1646. Dep- uty from Dorchester, Mass., i67i-'73-'78. Capt. of Mili- tia, 1683. Capen, Walter N., 296. Schauffler, William G., 338. Sowdon, Arthur J. C, 279. Capron, Capt. Joseph, 1691-1776, Attleborough, Mass. Capt., 2d Foot Co., 1757. Wheelock, William B., 389- Card, John, 1705, R. L and Prov. Plantations. Gover- nor's Assistant, 1665-1666. Deen, William M., 333. Carder, Richard, 1675, Bos- ton, Mass. Portsmouth and Warwick, R. L, i659-'6o-'63. Commissioner, i664-'66. Dep- uty, 1666. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Marsh, George S., 380. Carey, Capt. Jonathan, 1717- 1801. Capt., 9th Co., 7th Mass. Regt., Col. Shubael Gorham, 1744, Louisburg Ex- pedition. Carhart, Thomas, 1650-1695. Private Secretary to Gov. Dongan, 1683. Clerk Rich- mond Co., 1691. Carhart, Amory S., s8. Carleton, George, 1702- 1783. In Capt. Adams' Co., Col. Frye, 1756. Corp., 1757. Ens., Alarm List, Boxford, Mass. Carleton, Horace M., 58. Carman, Caleb, 1684-1746. In Capt. John Carpenter's Co., Jamaica, L. I., 1715. Richards, Charles S., 143. Carnes, Maj. Edward, 1730- 1782, Boston, Mass. Lieut., A. & H. A. Co. Major, Boston Militia. Carnes, Lieut.-Col. John, 1698- 1760, Boston, Mass. Lieut., A. & H. A. Co., 1745. Capt, 1748. Lieut. - Col., Boston Regt., 1760. Carney, Mark, 1740-1782. In French and Indian War, 1759- '60. Sentinel in Capt. Leiss- ner's Co., 1760. Carney, Franklin La F., 529. Carney, Sydney H., 58. Carney, Sydney H., Jr., 58. Carpenter, Emanuel, . Member of Penn. Colonial Assembly ; Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 1760- 1780. Forney James, 196. Carpenter, Capt. John, 1628- 1695, Jamaica, L. I. Capt., Jamaica Fusiliers, 1673, in the defence of Fort James, N. Y., against the fleet of the Prince of Orange. Carpenter, William M., 370. Carpenter, Capt. John, Jr., 1658- 1732, Jamaica, L. I. Capt. in the Jamaica Fusiliers in 1703 and 1715. Carpenter, William M., 370. Carpenter, Samuel, 1650-1714, Prov. of Penn. Treasurer, 1704. Member of the Gover- nor's Council, 1687-1713; also Assistant Governor. Draper, T. Wain- Morgan, 75. Griscom, Clement A., 197. Hollingsworth, William W., 199. Lewis, William F., 202. Carpenter, Capt. William, Sr., 1576-1660, Rehoboth, Mass., Weymouth, Mass. Deputy, 1641-1643. Capt., 1642. Camp, Edward N., 370. 588 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Carpenter, William M., 370. Farr, Marvin A., 373- Hawks, Joseph M., 436. Stevens, John A., 522. Carpenter, William, 1605- 1685, Providence, R. I. Deputy, 1664, et seq. Governor's As- sistant, 1665-1672. Carpenter, James O., 58- Wheaton, Frank, 479. Whitney, Frank I., 448. Carr, Gov. Caleb, 1624 - 1695. Commissioner from Newport to General Court, i654-'58-'59- '62. General Treasurer of the Colony, 1661 - '62. Deputy from Newport, i679-'86-'90- '91. Governor, 1695. Burke, James S., 56. Tones, Edmund C, 534- Jones, Philip I., 534- Lee, Edmund J., 201. Page, S. Davis, 205. Carr, Dabney. i743-i773, Louisa County, Va. Burgess, 1772- '73. Member of Virgmia s Committee of Correspondence, Gary, Wilson M., 225. Carr. Major Thomas, 1678-1737- King William and Caroline Co., Va. Justice of Kg. Wm., i7i4-'27. High Sheriff, 1722- '23. Justice of Caroline, 17^7- 1737. Capt., 1724. Major, ^730. Gary, Wilson M., 224. Carter, Ephraim, . In gar- rison commanded by Lieut. Jeremiah Stickney at Rum- ford, afterwards Pennacock, now Concord, N. H., 1746. Carter, John W. D., 529. Ingraham, William M., 534. Carter. Capt.-Lieut. Jabez, 1700- 1771, Woburn, Mass. Lieut, of the Woburn Mihtia, 1748; Capt.-Lieut., 1756. Carter, Capt. John, 1616-1692, Woburn, Mass. Ens., 1651. Lieut., 1664. Capt. in King Philip's War. Adams, Henry H., 37- Gordon, Geo. A., 350. Griffin, Henry A., 87. Hardy, Cyrus A., 377- Little. Henry L., 439- Mott, Luther W., 122. Richardson, George E., 276. Carter, Lieut. John, 1652-1727, Woburn, Mass. Capt. Na- thaniel Davenport's Co., Kmg Philip's War. Sergt., 1682. Lieut., 1700-1727. Carter, Col. John, 1713-1796, Lancaster, Mass. Relief of Fort William Henry, 1758. Hosmer, Jerome C, 261. Richardson, George E., 276. Carter, Col. John, — 1669. Member of Burgesses, 1643- 1658. Commanded Expedi- tion against Rappahannocks, 1654. Council, 1668. Carter Thomas N., 343- Page, S. Davis, 205. Robinson, Beverly R., 146. Wright, William H., 464. Carter, Landon, . Member Assembly, Va., 1752, 1764, 1768. Taylor, Carter B., 209. Taylor, John B., 209. Taylor, Robert R., 209. Carter, Nathaniel, • Scout in the command of Capt. Jonathan White, Mass. Col- onial Forces, 1748. Carter, Charles J., 398. Carter, Robert, 1663 - 1732. Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses, Va. Treasurer of the Colony, and pending Gov. Gooch's arrival. Acting Gov- ernor. Childs, William W., 60. Hardy, Cyrus A., 377- Page, S. Davis, 205. Robinson, Herman W., 146. Taylor, Carter B., 209. Taylor, John B., 209. Taylor, Robert R., 209. Carter, Samuel, 1678-1738, Lan- caster, Mass. Served in a garrison under Lieut. Na- thaniel Wilder, 1704. Frost, Walter C, 474- Hosmer, Jerome C, 261. 589 INDBX OF ANC-ESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Carter, Thaddeus, 1735 . In Capt. James Wadsworth's Co., Col. Nathan Whiting's 2d Regt., 1758. In Capt. Joel Clark's Co., 1760. In Capt. Joseph Hoyt's Co., 1761. Carter, Walter S., 58. Cary, Col. Archibald, i 721- 1787, Chesterfield Co., Va. Justice of Goochland, and Burgess, 1748-50. Justice and Burgess of Chesterfield, 1756 to 1776. Col. and Co. Lieut., 1760-1768, &c. Mem. Colonial Commit- tee of Correspondence, 1773- '74, &c. Member Virginia Conventions of i774-'75-'76. Cary, Wilson M., 225. Gary, John. In Garrison at Dunstable, King Philip's War. Cary, Melbert B., 297. Cary, Col. Miles, 1620- 1667, War- wick Co., Va. Major, 1654. Lieut.-Col., 1657. Col. and County Lieut., 16S9-67. Bur- gess, i659-'63. Member of Council, i663-'67. "Shott by ye Dutch" in defending fort at Old Point Comfort and died June loth, 1667. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Cary, Col. Miles, (of "Rich- neck"). 1655-1709. Warwick Co., Virginia. Burgess, 1692- '93, '98-99, i70i-'o5. Survey- or-General of Virginia, 1699 to 1709. Naval Officer of York River, 1698 to 1709. Capt. 1691. Lieut.-Col., 1701. Col. and County Lieut., 1704. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Cary, Col. Wilson, 1703- 1772, Warwick and Elizabeth City Counties, Va. Naval Officer of Lower James River, 1726. Major of Elizabeth City Co., 1740. Col. and Co. Lieut, of Elizabeth City Co., 1751, &c. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Cary, Col. Wilson-Miles, 1734- 181 7, Warwick and Elizabeth City Co., Va. Burgess, 1758- '59, &c. Lieut.-Col. of War- wick, 1758. Col. and Co. Lieut.. 1762. Naval Officer of Lower James, 1760 to 1776. Burgess (Elizabeth City), i764-'66-'68-'69-'70 to '75, '85, '95, &c. Cary, Wilson M., 225. Case,_ Sergt. Daniel, 1696-17^3, Simsbury, Conn. Services not filed. Case, John, 1704. Deputy, Conn., i670-'74-'75-'9i. Adams, Frederick C., 396. Caswell, Lieut. John, 1690-1773. Ens. and Lieut, in Expedition to Nova Scotia, 1745-1746. White, Edward L-, 180. Catlin, John, 1643-1704. Killed at Deerfield. Catlin, Fred'k M., 431. Saxton, Henry D., 324. Catlin, Capt. John, 1704-1758. Commandant at Fort Shirley, Mass., 1 747- 1748. Capt. in the Indian wars, i749-'56-'57. Commanded twelve forts ex- tending from Northfield to Pontoosuc in 1758. Saxton, Henry D., 324. Catlin, Joseph, 1704. Killed at Deerfield against the French and Indians under Hertel de Rouville, Feb. 29, 1704. Saxton, Henry D., 324. Catlin, Lieut. Seth, 1734-1798. Lieut, in the Indian wars, 1759 - 1760. Quartermaster, Gen. Timothy Ruggles' Regt. Lieut, in Capt. Shepard's Co., 1761-1762. Saxton, Henry D., 324. Cattell, William, 1682- 1752. Member of Council, South Carolina, 1724. Hall, Winiam C, 319. Chadwick, John, 1680, Charlestown and Maiden, Mass. In Capt. Nathaniel Davenport's Company in King Philip's War. Morris, Seymour, 381. Chadwick, Sergt. John, 1667- 590 INDEX OP ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1751.. Boxford, Mass., Sergt. in King William's War, 1691. Chamberlin, Joseph, 1655-1721, Sudbury, Mass. Soldier, Nar- ragansett War under Capt. Poole. Took part in "Great Swamp Fight." In garrison at Westfield, 1676. Anthony, James L., 38. Isham, Charles, loi. Chamberlin, George H., 43i- Chamberlin, Clarence A., 431. Chamberlin. Jehiel W., 43i- Sherrill. Charles H., 156. Chamberlin, Nathaniel, 1689- 1780. Soldier in Capt. Ben- jamin Dwight's Co. of Rangers in Father Rasle's War, 1725, from Hatfield. Taken prison- er by the Indians. In Crown Point Expedition, 1755, and in garrison at Northfield, 1758. Chamberlin, Clarence A., 43i- Chamberlin, Jehiel W., 431- Cornell. Norman R., 484. Chamberlin, Richard, 1714-1784. In Capt. Stevens' Co., North- field, Mass., 1747, and Capt. Bernard's Co., Col. William Williams' Regt., 1758. Chamberlin, George H., 431. Chamberlin, Jehiel W., 43i- Chamberlin, Thomas, 1700. In King Philip's War. Estey, Jacob G., 361. Estey, Julius J., 361. Chamberlin, Thomas, Jr., 1727. In King Philip's War. Estey, Jacob G., 361. Estey, Julius J.. 361. Chambers, Col. Benjamin, . Col, Penna. Prov. Forces, 1748. Drouillard, James P.. 399- Champion, Major Henry, 1723- 1797. Ens. of East Haddam South Co., 17.41- Lieut., 1750. Capt. I2th Co., 1758. and of 5th Co. of 2nd Regt., Conn. Forces, 1759, French and In- dian War. Major of 12th Colonial Militia, i775- Dep- uty, i76i-'65-'79. Perkins, J. Deming, 305. Storrs, Henry R., 281. Storrs. Leonard Kipp, 281. Champlin, Lieut.-Col. Chris- topher, 1731-1805. Major, 1755, at Crown Point. Com- missary, 1755- Lieut.-Col., 1756- Mason. G. Champlm, Jr., 203. Champlin, Capt. Jeffrey, 1652- 1715. Deputy, R. I., 1681, et seq. Capt. of Militia, 1690. Governor's Assistant, 1696- 1715- Cook, Stephen C, 433- Champlin, Jeffrey, 1704-1746. Second Lieut., 3d Co., ist Regt., Mass. Troops, under Gen. Pepperell at Cape Bre- ton. Champlin, Capt. Samuel, 2d Company, Westerly, R. I., 1767. Lieut., Crown Point Expedition, 1756. Capt., 1767. Champlin, William, 1654-1715- Capt. of Militia. Member of Assembly. In King Philip's War at Scarborough, 1676. Champney, Daniel, 1644- 1691, Cambridge, Mass. Under Capt. Thomas Brattle, King Philip's War, 1675. Also in Captain Thomas Prentice's Troop, 1676. Appointed by the General Court to redeem Indian Captives near Wachu- sett, 1677. Chandler, Major Job, Maryland Prov. Forces, 1651-1656. Re- ceiver-General of Prov. and Councillor, 1651 and 1656, Justice Provincial Court and Commissioner, 1651. Chandler, Walter, 59. Chandler, Col. John, 2d, 1665- 1743, Worcester, Mass. Lieut., 1702. Capt., 1708. Col., 1724. In 1722 went as Major in com- mand of Scouts from Worces- ter to fight Indians. Deputy, 171 1, et seq. Member of His Majesty's Council, i727-'32. A. & H. A. Co., 1725- Davis, Chandler, 69. Chandler, Col. John, 3d, 169.V 591 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1762, Worcester, Mass. Mem- laer of His Majesty's Council, i743-'62. Deputy from Wood- stock, Conn., i732-'35; from Worcester, 17 3^-' 39, '52-'53- One of the Commissioners to treat with the Five Nations, 1754. Judge, 1754. Chief Justice, i757-'62. Col. of Mi- litia. A. & H. A. Co., 1734. Capt., 1736. Davis, Chandler, 69. Chandler, Col. John, 4th, 1721- 1800. New London, Conn. One of His Majesty's Coun- cil, lySs-'Gy. Col. in command of Regt. which marched to the relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Col., 1759- Davis, Chandler, 69. Chandler, Capt. Joseph, 1683- i749-'50. Pomfret, Conn. Capt., Conn. Militia, 1729. Brown, Louis, 194. Chandler, Ens. Thomas, 1630 . Andover, Mass. Ens., Andover Co. Deputy, 1678- '79. Stevens, John W., 444. Chandler, Lieut. Thomas, 1654 , Roxbury and Andover, Mass. Lieut., 1683. Deputy, i678-'8i, '90. Maynard, George C, 322. Stevens, John W., 444. Chandler, Col. William, 1685, Maryland Provincial Forces. In command of the Charles Co. Company, 1681. Chandler, Walter, 59, 332. Chapin, Elisha, 1707- 1 756. Com- mander of Fort Mass., 1754. Massacred at Hoosack. Chapin, Charles F., 297. Chapin, Gershom, 1707-1788. In Capt. Phinehas Lovett's Co., Col. Abraham Williams' Regt., relief of Ft. William Henry, 1757. Whitin, Frederick H., 180. Chapin, Japhet, 1642- 1712. Of Capt. Turner's Co. in the Falls Fight, King Philip's War. Barbour, Lucius A., 294. Barnes, Alfred C, 42. Chapin, Charles F., 297. Chapin, Henry D., 59. De Wolf, Edwin A., 399. Hill, Robert C, 94. Kimball, Arthur R., 304. Chapin, Capt. Josiah, 1639-1726, Mendon, Mass. Sergt., 1685; Ens., 1687 ; Lieut., 1689 ; Capt., 1692. Deputy, 1689, ct seq. Norcross, Granville H., 270. Sherrill, Charles H., 155. Spooner, Frank E., 386. Whitin, Frederick H., 180. Chapin, Deacon Samuel, 1675, Springfield, Mass. Ap- pointed by the General Court of Mass. Bay Colony to gov- ern Springfield. At its burn- ing in King Philip's War, was a participant in repelling the attack from fortified houses. Isham, Charles, loi. Knapp, Henry E., 438. Parsons, Lewis B., 403. Parsons, Charles, 404. Stone, Jacob, 444. Whitin, Frederick H., 180. Chapin, Capt. Seth, 1668-1746. Capt. of Mass. Colonial Forces at Mendon, 1714, et seq. Representative. Spooner, Frank E., 386. Whitin, Frederick H., 180. Chaplin, Capt. Jeremiah, 1680- 1765. Capt. at Rowley, Mass. Spofford, Paul N., 160. Chapline, Capt. Moses, 1698- 1772. Maryland Militia, 1757, French and Indian War. Collum, Richard S., I95- Chapman, Edward, 1675. Killed in the Great Swamp Fight. Jones, Charles L., 104. Chapman, Lieut. James, 1708- 1784. 2d Lieut., 4th Co., 4th Conn. Regt., Invasion of Can- ada, 1759. 1st Lieut., 1760. I St Lieut, 8th Co., 2d Regt., 1 76 1 -'62. 1st Lieut., 3d Co., Capt. John Tyler, Israel Put- nam Major, 1764. 592 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hegeman, John R., Jr., 93. Chapman, Capt. Robert, 1616- 1685. Served in the Pequot War under Lieut. Lion Gar- diner, and in King Phihp's War. Capt., 1675. Deputy from Saybrook, and Assist- ant, I 654- I 684. Bates, WilHam G., 44. Chapman, Thomas B., 60. Dyer, Horace E., 361. Edwards, Charles J., 78. Huse, Robert S., 100. Chapman, Capt. Samuel^ 1695- 1758. Capt., ist Mihtary Co., 1735- Capt. of Co. under Roger Wolcott, 1737. Capt. in Ex- pedition against Cape Breton, 1758. Haskell, Frank W., 92. Chapman, Capt. Samuel, 1696- 1746. Capt. of Militia. Killed in French War. Jones, Charles L., 104. Chase, Aquila, 1652-1720, New- bury, Mass. Member New- bury Co., under Capt. Thomas Noyes, 1688. Chase, Ens. Moses, 1663 , Newbury, Mass. Capt. March's Co., Snowshoe Men, Essex North Regt., 1710. Chapman, Joseph W., 472. Chase, Clement, 422. Rollins, Edward A., 147. Russell, Stevens G., 443. Chase, Thomas, 1654 , New- bury, Mass. In Major Apple- ton's command. King Philip's War. Bennett, Josiah C, 247. Bennett, Larkin E., 247. Chase, Wells, 1710 . In Capt. Enoch Bailey's Co., Newbury, Mass., in service on the Eastern Frontier, 1754. Young. Harry, 288. Chase, William, 2d, 1622-1685, Yarmouth. Drummer in Pe- quot Wars and in Narragan- sett Expedition. Watson, William H., 178. Chase, William, 3d, 1645- 1737. In King Philip's War. Anthony, James L., 38. Watson, William H., 178. Chatfield, Lieut. John, 1697 , Oxford and Derby, Conn. Ens. in Parish of Ox- ford, Conn., 1743. Lieut, of 2d Company, Derby, 1750. Chatfield-Taylor, H. C, 387. Chauncey, Col. Elihu, 1710- 1790. Col. of Regiment, French and Indian War. Chief Justice, Colony of Conn. Chauncey, Charles, 194. Chauncey, Elihu, 60. Savage, William L., 207. Chauncey, Rev. Israel. 1644- 1703, Stratford, Conn. Mem- ber of the Council of War at the breaking out of King Philip's War, 1675. Surgeon under Major Robert Treat, 1675. Chaplain. Storm, Clarence, 163. Checkley, Lieut Anthony, 1636- 1708. Atty.-Gen. of Prov. of Mass., 1689-1703. Ens., 1675, of Foot Co. Sergt. of Artillery Co., 1677. Lieut., 1683. Parsons, William D., 130. Checkley, Col. Samuel, 1653- 1738. Capt. of A. & H. A. Co. Col., 1715. Representa- tive, 1702- 1717. Motley, Thomas L., 268. Chenery, Isaac, 1742- 1822. In Capt. Timothy Hamant's Co., i762-'63. Cheney, Daniel, Sr., 1670- 1755, Newbury, Mass. Served in a block house, Newbury, . Member of Capt. Hugh March's Essex North Regt., 1709. Cheney, John E., 251. Cheney, Daniel, 1737 , New- bury, Mass. Of Capt. Pike's Co., Col. Bagley's Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1755- Cheney, John E., 251. Cheney, Sergt. Ebenezer, 1741- 1828. In Amherst's Division, 1759, French and Indian War. 593 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Sergt. in Capt. Jones' Co., Crown Point Expedition, 1759- Foote, Horace A., 8i. Hall, Lewis, 89. Morse, William S., 476. Cheney, William, 1604 - 1667, Roxbury, Mass. A member of the Militia of Roxbury in 1647- Tucker, William R., 388. Cheseboro, Nathaniel, 1630- 1676. In King Philip's War. Denison, John H., 473. Plumb, Henry B., 306. Cheseborough, William, i594- 1667, Stonington, Conn. Dep- uty from Boston, Mass. Bay Colony, 1640. Deputy to the General Assembly of Conn., 1653, et seq. Adams, Edward M., 243. Chamberlin, Jehiel W., 431. Dennison, Ira W., 318. Mumford, James G., 269. Chesebrough, Elisha, 1637-1670. Stonington, Conn. Deputy, 1669. Chesley, James, 1707, Oyster River, Dover, N. H. Was killed by the Indians, 1707. Chester, Major John, 1635-1698, Wethersfield. Trooper, 1658. Lieut., 1672. Capt., 1677. Deputy, 1678- 1689, Colony of Conn. Walbridge, T. C, 174, 210. Chester, Capt. John, 1656- 1711, Wethersfield, Conn. Ens., 1689. Capt., 1698. Sergt.- Major for the County of Hartford, 1702. Member, Committee of War, 1706- 1708. Deputy, 1694-1701. Speaker, 1699. Governor's Assistant, 1701-1711. Anthony, James L., 38. Backus, J. Bayard, 40. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Ormsbee, Hermann W., 127. Walbridge, T. C, 174, 210. Chester, Col. John, 1703-1771, Wethersfield, Conn. Ens., 1724. Capt., 1725. Lieut.-Col., 6th Regt., 1739- Col., 1756. Member of Committee of War, 1745, and in 1754. Deputy- Governor's Assistant. Com- missioner to the Conference with the Six Nations at Al- bany, 1751. Backus, J. Bayard, 40. Walbridge, T. C, 174, 210. Wells, Eben F., 447. Chew, Benjamin, i 722-1810. Member of the Council, Prov- ince of Penn., 1755. Commis- sioner of Defence of Philadel- phia, 1761. Attorney-General, 1755- Speaker of the Assem- bly, 1756. Chief Justice Su- preme Court, 1774. Jackson, Oswald, 102. McHenry, Howard, 227. Montgomery, Henry E., II9- Chew, Col. John, 1590-1655. Member House of Burgesses of Virginia from Hog Island, i623-'24-'29, and from York Co., 1642- 1644. Chew, Samuel C, 225. Chew, Thomas J., 225. Paca, John P., 231. Thomas, Lawrence B., 167. Tuck, Philemon H., 235. Williams, Mason L. W., 236. Chew, Col. Samuel, 1634- 1677. Member House of Burgesses, 1659, and of the Governor's Council, 1669- 1677. Chancellor and Secretary of the Province. Colonel Provincial Forces of Maryland, 1675. Chew, Samuel C, 225. Chew, Thomas J., 225. Jackson, Oswald, 102. Montgomery, James E., 119. Paca, John P., 231. Thomas, Lawrence B., 167. Tuck, Philemon H., 235. Williams, Mason L. W., 236. Chickering, Deacon Francis, 1658, Dedham, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1649. Deputy, 1644-1653. Ensign. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 143. Teall, Edward McK., 387. 594 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Child, Joshua, 1658- 1730. In Capt. Holbrook's Co., 1716. Draper, T. Wain-Morgan, 75. Jackson, George E., 401. Child, Capt. Penuel, 1699-1760. Deputy from Killingly, Conn. Ens., 1737, at Thompson. Lieut, of the 2d Co. at Kil- hngly, 1744, and Capt. South Co. nth Regt, 1753. Childs, James E., 60. Childs, Richard, , Barnstable, Mass. In King Philip's War. Chiles, Walter, Sr., . Mem- ber of the Virginia House of Burgesses. Speaker, Member of the Council, 1652. Meysenburg, Robert C, 402. Chiles, Walter, Jr., . Mem- ber of the Virginia House of Burgesses for James City Co. Meysenburg, Robert C, 402. Chipman, Jacob, i74i- In Capt. John Winslow's Com- pany, which in 1740 went into the service from Duxbury, Mass. He died in the service at Jamaica, W. I., May 8, 1741. Fairbanks, Henry N., 531. Chipman, John, 1615-1708, Barn- stable, Mass. Deputy Ply- mouth Colony. i663-'66, '68-69. Fairbanks, Henry N., 531. Miller, Edward C. 118. Miller. Charles B., 117. Chittenden, Isaac, 1676, Scituate, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, 1658, et seq. Killed at Scituate, King Philip's War. Seaver, James E., 277. Stetson, G. R., 325. Chittenden, Lieut.-Col. Thomas, 1 730- 1 797. Major 14th Regt., 1 767- 1 770, and Lieut.-Col., 1770- 1773. Deputy, i765-'69- '72. Colony of Conn. Gov. of Vermont. Chittenden. Edw. A., 360. Fletcher, T. Chittenden, 362. Chittenden, Major William, 1593-1660. Colony of Conn. In 1643 elected principal mili- tary man. Magistrate of the ' Plantation, and Deputy until his death. Brewer, William A., 460. Buell, Frederick F., 55. Buel, Jno. L., 296. Chittenden, Edw. A., 360. Chittenden, Edwin S., 432. Fletcher, Truman C, 362. Leete, Charles S., 304. Stetson, George R., 325. Tracy, Robert S., 453. Choate, Capt. Thomas, 1693- 1774. Chebaco, Mass., Troops, Louisburg Expedition. Low, Wm. G., Jr., 114. Paul, Edward J., 505. Cpiristophers, Christopher, 1683- i728-'29. Capt. 2d Co., New London, 1715. Naval Officer, 1714. Deputy, 1721. Member of Council, 1718-1725. Gov- ernor's Assistant, 1723-1725. Commissary on Expedition to Port Royal, 1710, and Ex- pedition against Canada, 1711. Huntington, Charles R., 99. Prentis, Edward, 306. Chubbuck, Lieut. John, 1648- 1690, Hingham, Mass. Lieut, in Phips' Expedition. Crandon, Edwin S., 253. Church, Col. Benjamin, 1639- 1718. Commanded the party by whom King Philip was killed. Commander-in-Chief of Expedition against the Eastern Indians, 1689. Chapman, Thomas B., 60. Gushing, Harry C, Jr., 67. Douw, Charles G., 74. Dwight, Arthur S., 77, 473. Stevens, John A., 522. Church, Sergt. Richard, 1608- 1668, Plymouth. In Pequot War. Member Plymouth Mili- tary Co., 1643. Bell, Jared W., 47. Dorman, William B., 254. Irish, Edward S., 475. Moran, Charles, 119. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Plumb, Henry B., 306. Spencer, Horatio N., 406, Stevens, John A., 522. 595 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Washburn, William D., 446. Churchill, Amos, 1743 . In Capt. tldad Lewis's Co., 2d Regt., Col. Nathan Whiting, expedition to the northward, 1762. Bell, Jared W., 47- Churchill, Josiah, 1686. In Wethersfield Co., of Troop, Pequot War. Bell, Jared W., 47- Churchill, Sergt. Nathaniel, 1677-1717. Sergt. and Cor- poral in John Patterson's Co., I755> Crown Point expedition. Bell, Jared W., 47. Churchill, Col. William. Mern- ber of the Virginia Council, 1705-1725. Gill, William H., 226. Chute, Sergt. Thomas, 1690- 1771, New Marblehead, Me. Under Capt. Berry, 1747. Capt. Hills, 1748-1749. Com- manded Province Fort, 1749- 'S6-'59, French and Indian War. Bodge, George M., 248. Noyes, Edward D., 536. Claiborne, Col. William, 1587- 1676. Sec. of State, Va., 1625, et seq. Member of Council, 1625- 1660. In 1642 made Treasurer for life; 1653, Dep- uty-Governor. Commanded against Indians in 1629 and 1644. Eberlein, Charles W., 434. Edmunds, Henry, 399. Lyons, James, 343. Clapp, Hopestill, 1647-1719, Dor- chester, Mass. In garrison at Punkapogue, King Philip's War. Representative, i702-'o7. Sowdon, Arthur J. C, 279. Clapp, Increase, 1640 , Barn- stable, Mass. In King Philip's War. Whitney, Harry E., 448. Clapp, Major Jonathan, 1713- 1782, Easthampton, Mass. Major Mass. Militia. Allen, Theodore L., 244. Clapp, Capt. Preserved, 1623 -1720, Northampton, Mass. Deputy. Allen, Theodore L., 244. Orne, Henry M., 127. Clapp, Capt. Roger, 1609- 1692, Dorchester, Mass. Lieut., 1644. A. & H. A. Co., 1646. Lieut, 1655. Capt. at the Castle, 1665- 1686. Deputy, 1652. Allen, Theodore L., 244. Boyd, Allen R., 317. Brockway, William S., 503. Capen, Walter N., 296. Furness, Dawes E., 257. Furness, William E., 375. Hammond, Winthrop, 259. Hillhouse, Francis, 94. Moseley, Frank, 268. Orne, Henry M., 127. Pierce, George F., 273. Soule, Horace H., 278. Sowdon, Arthur J., 279. Young, Edward B., 449. Clapp, Capt. Roger, 1684-1767. Capt., Conn. Militia. Deputy. Allen, Theodore L., 244. Orne, Henry M., 127. Clapp, Capt. Samuel, 1634-1708, of the Dorchester, Mass., Militia. Deputy to 1689- 1699. Boyd, Allen R., 317. Capen, Walter N., 296. Clapp, Major Samuel, Scituate. Major of Mass. Militia, Queen Anne's War. Deputy, Ply- mouth Colony, 1680, et seq., and Mass., 1692-1715. Bates, Theodore C, 246. Brown, Louis, 194. Lovering, Henry M., 266. Nichols, George L., 270. Pierce, Geo. F., 273. Clapp, Thomas, 1597- 1684, Dor- chester, Weymouth, and Scitu- ate, Mass. Deputy General Court, 1646. Bates, Theodore C, 246. Lovering, Henry M., 266. Clark, Benjamin, 1644-1724, Medfield, Mass. Representa- tive, i693-'99. Clark, Capt. Christopher, 1727. Virginia Militia, Han- over Co., 1727. 596 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Pugh, Achilles H., 418. Wood, Charles M., 419. Wood, Ephraim M., 419. Clark, Daniel, 1622-1710. Lieut., 1st Troop under Capt. John Mason, 1657 - 1658. Capt, 1664- 1680. Sec. Colony of Conn., 1658 - 1663. Deputy, 1656- 1661. Magistrate, 1662- 1664. Adams, Fred'k C, 396. Burke, James S., 56. Cutler, Ralph Wm., 298. Kinzie, John H., 493. Lane, Ebenezer, 379. Strong, William W., 507. Van Dyke, Harry W., 326. Clark, Edward, 1679-1746, Med- way, Mass. Representative, i735-'36, '39- Clark, George, 1610-1690. Deputy, General Court of Conn., 1666. Clarke, William B., 398. Clark, John, 1608-1712. In Pe- quot War. Barrows, John W., 471. Clark, Orlando E., 504. Eaton, George F., 299. Edwards, Charles L., 414. Edwards, Edward J., 434. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Frazer, Sheldon L., 435. Hart, Samuel, 301. Huse, Robert S., 100. Jewett, Walter K., 475. Leonard, Edgar C, iii. Leonard, Gardner C, iii. Moran, Charles, 119. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Ridgely, Charles, 384. Sill, Frederick S., 156. Spencer, Horatio N., 406. Stafford, William F., 161. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Clark, Sergt. John, 1673. Sergt., 1642- '44. Col. New Haven, Saybrook Fort, 1647. Deputy, Co., New Haven. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Clark, Capt. John, Saybrook, Conn. Major, expedition against Canada. Clark, Orlando E.. 503. Flint, Wyman K., 504. Clark, Robert, 1710-1775. Repre- sentative N. Hamp., 1756-1757. Anderson, John W., 396. Clark, Lieut. Thaddeus, 1690, of Falmouth, Me. Killed there in the second Indian War. Doolittle, George T., 526. Fox, James C, 531. Moseley, Edward A., 322. Weston, James L., 285. Clark, Thomas, 1599-1697. Dep- uty, Plymouth Colony, 165 1- 1655. In Pequot War. . Ballord, Esek S., 484. Bates, James H., 44. Bryant, Percy, 55. Clark, A. Howard, 317. Lovering, Henry M., 266. Mayo, Charles E. 439. Rich, William T., 140. Clark, Lieut. William, 1609- 1690. King Philip's War. Avery, Trueman G., 40. Clark, Charles H., 297. Love, Wm. DeLoss, 304. Partridge Edward L., 131. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Reynolds, James, 139. Rhoades, Lyman, 140. Rust, Alony J., 443. Spalding, George B., 158. Spalding, George B., Jr., 158. Woodworth, Chauncey C, 185. Clark, Capt. William 1656-1725. Capt., ist Co., Lebanon, Conn., 1708 et seq. Deputy, 1705 et seq. Member of the Coun- cil, 1719, 1721. Partridge Edward L., 131. Clarke, Andrew, 1635-1706, Har- wich, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1675- Clarke, Hugh, 1613-1693, Rox- bury, Mass. Member of the Artillery Co., 1666. Clark, Charles McC, 61. Clarke, Capt. Jeremiah, 1652. Assistant, Pres., Regent, and Acting Gov. R. I. Colony, 1648. Treas., 1644-1647. Lieut., 1642. Capt., 1644. Burke, James S., 56. Spies, Francis F., 159. 597 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Spies, Henry H., i6o. Stewart. Jeremiah C, 444. Watson, William H., 178. Williams, Norman A., 183. Wister, Rodman, 212. Clarke, Doctor John, Sr., 1664, Newbury, Mass. Dep- uty, 1639. Clarke, Doctor John, Jr., 1690, Boston. Deputy, Massa- chusetts Bay, 1690. Clarke, Joseph, 1618-1690. Named as Governor's Assistant in the Rhode Island Charter of 1663. Assistant in 1648 et seq. Deen, William M., 333. Greene, Charles A., 335. Horton, Wm. E., 97- Clarke, Ens. Nathaniel, 1642- 1690, Newbury, Mass. Naval Officer of the ports of New- bury and Salisbury, 1684. Ens., Capt. Pierce's Co., at Rowley, 1685. Clarke, George K., 251. Clarke, Nathaniel, 1666-1690, Newbury, Mass. Mortally wounded in the Expedition to Canada, 1690. Clark, Rufus W., 497- Clarke Thomas, 1672-1759, Har- wich Mass. Deputy, 1713, et seq. Clark, Alonzo H., 317. Clarke, Gov. Walter, 1639-1714- Governor's Assistant, 1673 ; Gov. of Rhode Island, King Philip's War, 1676, et seq. Pell, Rowland, 521. Robeson, Andrew. 276. Spies. Francis, F., 159. Spies, Henry H., 160. Watson, Charles P., 177. Watson, William H., 178. Wister, Rodman, 212. Clarke, Weston, 1648-1728. Providence, R. I. Deputy, 1672 - '97. Atty.-Gen., 1676, '8o-'8i, '85-'86. Stewart, Jeremiah C, 444. Clarke, William, 1670- 1742, Bos- ton. Third Sergt. A. & H. A. Co., i703-'o6. Representative, i720-'22, '25. Councillor. 1730- '33- Clarkson, Matthew, 1666-1702. Commissioned in 1689 by William HI. Secretary of the Colony of New York. Barnwell, Morgan G., 43. Bleecker, Anthony J., 50. Clarkson, Banyer, 61. Clarkson, Clermont L., 62. Clarkson, David A., 62. Clarkson, Jno. Van B., 62. Crosby, Edward N., 66. Crosby, Livingston, 66. Hill, Robert C, 94. Houston, Samuel F., 199. Claypoole, James, 1634-1687. A member of the Council for Philadelphia Co., Province of Penn., 1687. Connell, Robert, 318. James, Thomas, 401. La Motte, William A., 513. McLean, John, 439. Clayton, Capt. John, 1700-1759. Capt., 1756, Delaware Regt., Colonial Militia. Frame, Thomas C, Jr., 513. Clayton, Solomon, 1739. Burgess for Queen Anne's Co., Md., 1715, 1732-1734, 1739. Thom, William H. DeC. W., 234. Clayton, Hon. William, ■ 1691. Member of Governor's Council, Penna., 1681. Presi- dent of Council and Acting Governor, 1684. Presiding Justice of Upland Court, Penna., 1681. Grubb, Hon. Ignatius C, 513. Cleeves, Dep.-Gov. George, 1576- 1670, Casco and Portsmouth, Me. Deputy - Gov., Maine, 1640-1643. Deputy, 1663-1664, Brackett, William S., 370. Fox, James C, 531. Clemence, Thomas, 1688, Providence, R. I. In defense of Providence, 14 Aug., 1676, Clements, John, 1653-1692, Hav- erhill, Mass. In Lieut. Benj. Sweet's Co., King Philip's War. Clement, Robert, 1590- 1658, Hav- 598 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. erhill, Mass. Deputy, 1647- 1653- Clement, Samuel, . Member of Assembly, N. J. Cleveland, Aaron, 1655-1716, Wo- burn, Mass. Of Capt. Cutler's Co., at Sudbury, Lancaster and Marlboro, King Philip's War. Cleveland, Josiah, 1667 - 1709, Woburn and Chelmsford, Mass., and Canterbury, Conn. In the Indian War, 1688-9; also in the garrison in the West Regiment of Middlesex, 1 69 1 -2. Cleveland, Capt. Josiah, 1713- 1793, Canterbury, Conn. Capt. of the 9th Company or Train Band of the nth Connecticut Regiment, 1759. Cleveland, Moses, 1624-1701-2, Woburn, Mass. Member of Militia, 1676. In garrison at Chelmsford, Mass., 1675. In King Philip's War. Benson, Frank S., 48. Cleveland, Charles D., 62. Cleveland, James W., 62. Cleveland, Sergt. Samuel, 1657- 1736. Sergt., in King Philip's War, 1675. Benson, Frank S., 48. Clough, Corp. Samuel, 1736 . In Capt. Ladd's Co., Major Tash's N. H. Battalion, at Fort Edward, 1757. Corp. Col. John Hart's Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1758. CoATES, Rorert, 1627 , Lynn, Mass. Under Capt. Turner at Hadley, Mass. ; in garrison there, 1676, ct scq. Rhodes, Lyman, 140. Cobb, Henry, , Barnstable, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, 1645- 165 1. Danforth, Allen, 254. Hinckley, Sylvester B., 261. Moran, Charles, 120. Cobb, Sergt. James, 1634- 1695, Barnstable, Plymouth Colony. Sergt. of Militia. Danforth, Allen, 254. Coburn(Colburn), Corp. Edward, 1618— 1696, Chelmsford, Mass. In the Chelmsford Military Company, , Corporal, -. Commanded Colburn's Garri- son on the Merrimac River, King Philip's War, 1676. Cock, Peter Larssen, Sr., 1611- 1688. Member of the Council, Province of Penn., 1668. Benson, Edwin North, 193. Cocke, Richard, 1600- 1665. Mem- ber Va. House Burgesses, 1632, 1644 and 1654. De La Roche, Charles P., 196. Coddington, Governor William, 1601-1678. Assistant, Mass. Bay Colony. 1630- 1637. Treas- urer, 1634-1636. Deputy, 1636- 1637. Gov. Portsmouth and Newport, R. I., 1640 - 1647. Gov. of the Colony, 1674- 1678. Noyes, Charles P., 440. Noyes, Daniel R.. 440. Peet, Emerson, W., 441. Torbert, Horace G., 487. CoDWisE, Adjutant Christopher, 1689-1767. Adjutant. Kings Co. Militia, 1722. Field Officer, 1728. Barren, Harry F., 332. Scofield, George S., 152. CoE, Robert, 1596- 1672. Deputy from Jamaica, L. I. Lloyd, John U., 417. Coffin, James, 1640- 1720. Member of the Mass. Court from Nan- tucket, 1700. Coffin, Lieut. -Col. Joseph, 1702- ^773, Newbury, Mass. Capt. of the Second Newbury Com- pany, and Lieut. -Col. in Col. Joseph Gerrish's Regiment, 1762. Boyd, Charles H., 529. Coffin, Nathaniel, 1669-1749, Newbury, Mass. Deputy, 1719- 1720. Member of Council, 1730. Appleton, Nathan, 246. Boyd, Charles H., 529. Coffin, Capt. Peter, 1631-1715, Newbury. Deputy, Mass., 1672, 1673 and 1679. Member 599 INDBX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Governor's Council, N. H., 1692-1714. President of Coun- cil, 1705. Councillor and Gov- ernor pro tern., 1708. Lieut., Mass. Militia, 1672. Capt., N. H. Militia, 1695 and 1672. Capen, Walter N., 297. Colket, Charles H., 195. Sawyer, William D., 352. Coffin^ Tristram, 1605-1681. Commissioner at Salisbury, Mass., 1655. Chief Magistrate for Nantucket under Gov. Lovelace, 1671. Amsden, Franklm D., 245. Amsden, Henry F., 245. Appleton, Nathan, 245. Austin, Amory, 519. Bacon, Horace S., 246. Bailey, Edward P., 368. Barnard, Job, 315. Boyd. Charles H., 529. Capen, Walter N., 297. Coffin, William K., 433, 503. Constant, S. Victor, 64. Davies, Tulien G, 68. Davies, William G, 69. Deering, Henry, 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Furness, Dawes E., 257. Gerrish, Frederic H., 532. Gordon, Edwin A., 257. Greenleaf, Franklin L., 436. Halsted, David C, 90. Halsted, E. Bayard, go. Harris, James L., 351. Jones, Edmund C, 534 Jones, Philip I., 534. Kimball, Frank R., 264. Knight, Stephen H., 498. Little, Henry L., 439. Little, Josiah, 379. Low, William G., Jr., 114. Newhall, James S., 269. Noyes, Edward D., 535. Parker, Moses G, 272. Pierce, George W., 134. Robeson, Andrew, 276. Sawyer, Charles Francis, 352. Smith, William F., 423. Storer, John H., 280. Swift, Henry M., 282. Usher, Ellis B., 507. Waterman, Lucius, 353. Wills, Henry Le B., 479. Wilson, John A., 236. Woodruff, Edward L., 500. Coffin, Lieut. Tristram, 1632- 1704. Lieut, at Newbury, 1683. Deputy, i695-i7oo-'o2. Colony of Mass. Bay. Appleton, Nathan, 245. Bailey, Edward P., 368. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Boyd, Charles H., 529. Constant, S. Victor, 64. Davies, Julien T., 68. Davies, William G, 68. Gerrish, Frederic H., 532. Gordon, Edwin A., 257. Knight, Stephen H., 498. Little, Francis B., 379. Little, Josiah, 379. Newhall, James S., 269. Smith, William F., 423. Coffin, Captain Tristram, 1691- 1761, Dover, N. H. Captain in N. H. Militia, 1732. Colket, Charles H., 195. Sawyer, William D., 352. Coggeshall, Pres. John, 1591- 1647, R. L Pres. Colony and Prov. Plantations, 1647. Gov- ernor's Assistant, 1640- 1644. Moderator, 1647. Deputy, Mass., 1634- 1637. Anthony, James L., 38. Coggeshall, Morton C, 333. Greene, Charles A., 335. Greene, Douglas N., 86. Greene, George Sears, Jr., 86. Ingersoll, Colin M., 303. Lavvton, George P., 109. Lee, Edward C., 202. Spies, Francis F., 159. Stafford, William F., 160. Stewart, Jeremiah C, 444. Stiness, Edward C. B., 522. Tilley, R. Hammett, 522. Torbert, Horace G, 487. Watson, William H., 178. Williams, Norman A., 183. Coggeshall, John, 2d, 1618-1708. Dep.-Gov., 1686- 1690. Gover- nor's Assistant, 1663, et seq. Major of the Island, 1683- 1685. General Recorder, 1676, et seq. General Treasurer, 600 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1664, et seq. Deputy, 1665, et seq. Anthony, James L., 38. Jones, Edmund C, 534- Jones, Philip I., 534- Lawton, George P., 109. Lee, Edward C, 202. Spies, Francis F., 159. Tilley, R. Hammett, 522. Watson, William H., 178. COGGESHALL, JoSHUA, 1623-1688. Governor's Assistant, Rhode Island, 1669-1676. Greene, Charles A., 335. Greene, Douglas N., 86. Lawton, George P., 109. Stafford, William P., 161. CoGGSWELL, John, ist, 1592 . Deputy, i634-'37- CoGGSwELL, John, 3rd, 1650-1724, Boston, Mass.. In King Philip's War, 1676. CoGSwEtiv, Lieut. John, 1665-1710, Ipswich, Mass. Lieut, in the Massachusetts Colonial forces. Wentworth, Moses J., 389. CoiT, CoL. Samuel, 1708- 1792. Capt., 1739. Major 8th Conn. Regt., 1746. Lieut.-Col., 1758, Lake George and Ticonderoga. Col. 8th Regt., 1768. Douw, Charles G., 74. Huntington, Frederick J., 302. Colburn, Edward, 1618-1700, of Dracut and Dunstable, Mass. Served in King William's War. Chadwick, William H., 371. Colburn, Samuel, 1654-1694. In Capt. Moseley's Co., 1675, Mass. In King Philip's War. Farrington, Robert I., 435. Colby, Samuel, Sr., 1638-1716, Amesbury, Mass. Under Capt. William Turner, Falls Fight. Deputy, 1689. Colby, Capt. Spencer, . Capt. of a Brigantine. Pilot to Louisburg Expedition, 1746. CoLCORD, Samuel, 1655-1731. In garrison at Oyster River, 1696. Janvrin, Joseph E., 102. Cole, Daniel, 1614-1694. Member of Yarmouth Militia, 1643. Cole (Cowles), Capt. Ebenezer, 1718-1800. Ensign and Lieut., Meriden, Conn., Militia, French and Indian War, afterwards Capt. Bell, Jared W., 47- Cole, Hugh, 1627 , Swansey, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, i673-'75. '80, '83-'86, "89. Cole, Capt. James, 2d. . En- sign, 1686. Deputy, x689-'90. Capt., Col. Benjamin Church's Co., against Eastow Indians, 1704. Watson, William H., 178. Cole, Samuel, ist. Member of Assembly, Prov. of N. J., 1683-1685. Gillespie, Geo. C, i97- Cole, Samuel, 2d. Member of Assembly, Prov. of N. J., 1721. Gillespie, George C, i97- CoLEBY, John, 1656-1719, Ames- bury, Mass. Under Capt. William Turner, Falls Fight. CoLEGATE, Major Richard, 1675- 172 1. Member Maryland House of Assembly, from Bahimore Co., 1709-1721. Clement, John B., 413. Shoemaker, Michael M., 418. Shoemaker, Robert H., 4i9- Coleman, Noah, 1676, Had- ley, Mass. In Capt. Turner's Co., Falls Fight, King Philip's War. Coleman, Thomas, 1600-1674. Appointed to procure men and necessaries for the ex- pedition against Ninigret, Narragansett War, 1654. Foster, Howell, 81. Coles, James, 2d, 1655 • Ens., 1686. Deputy, 1689-1690, 1704- Capt. in Col. Church's Co. Watson, William H., 178. CoLLAMORE, Capt. Anthony, 1693. Lieut, and Capt., Scitu- ate, Mass., Militia. Stetson, George R., 325- CoLLicoT, Sergt. Richard, 1603- 1686, Dorchester, Mass., and Falmouth, Me. A. & H. A. 601 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Co., 1637. Deputy, i663-'6g- '72. Sergt., Pequot War. Capen, Walter N., 296. Sowdon, Arthur J. C, 279. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Collier, William, 1670. Gov. ernor's Assistant, 1634-1665. Plymouth Colony. Commis- sioner to the United Colonies, 1643. Representative, Mem- ber Council of War, 1642, et seq. Adams, Edward M., 243. Avery, Samuel P., 39. Brewster, Samuel D., 53. Brooks, Lyman L., 249. Bryant, Percy, 55. Freeman, James G., 256. Kittredge, Abbot E., 379- Meacham, Franklin A., 380. Moseley, James G., 268. Parker, Edward L., 271. Reynolds, George N., 139. Seabury, Frederick C., 153. Shaw, Henry S., 278. ' Stevens, John A., 522. Collins, Benjamin, 1741-1778. In Capt. Johnson's Co. Lieut.- Col. Goffe's Regt., N. H. Militia, French Wars, 1760. Collins, Loren W., 433- Collins, Edward, 1603- 1689. Dep- uty, Mass., 1654-1670. Collins, Edward P., 63. Collins, William G., 63. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Collins, Francis, 1635 - 1721. Member Gov. Jenning's Coun- cil, 1683. Campbell, Benjamin H., 57. Griswold, Benjamin H., 226. Kennard, Joseph S., Jr., 200. Collins, John, 1616-1670. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Collins, Clarence L., 63. Edwards, Charles J., 78. CoLMAN, Ensign William, 1643 . A. & H. A. Co., 1676. Ensign, 1672. Hall, C. Colman, 226. Hall, Thomas W., 227. Colston, William, 1660 - 1701. Justice of the Provincial Court, Richmond Co., Vir- ginia, High Sheriff and Bur- gess. Thomas, Douglas H., 234. Colt, Capt. John, 1658- 1751, Lyme, Conn. Ens., 1709. Lieut., 1717. Capt., 1723. Deputy, 1712, '19, '22-'26, '28- CoLToN, Quartermaster George, 1699, Springfield, Mass. Q. M. Hampshire Co. Troop, 1663. In King Philip's War. Deputy. i669-'7i-'77. Fisher, Francis P., 374. McElroy, Clayton, 203. Maynard, George C, 322. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons, Lewis B., 403. Partridge, Edward L., 131- Salter, William T., 148. Schauffler, William G., 338. Woolworth, Charles P., 424. Woolworth, James M., 424. CoLTON, Capt. Thomas, 1651-1728, Springfield, Mass. Ens., 1679. Lieut. Capt., 1693. Adams, John W., 428. Barnes, Alfred C, 42. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Maynard, George C, 322. Proctor, Frederick T., 137. Woolworth, Charles P., 424. Woolworth, James M., 424. Combes, Major William, 1690. Major Talbot's Co. Troop of Horse, 1689, Prov. of Md. CoMMEE, David, 1676, Con- cord, Mass. Killed at the Sudbury Fight. Flagg, Charles P., 256. Flagg, Henry D., 256. CoMSTocK, Daniel, 1632-1683, New London, Conn. Volun- teer in Narragansett War, 1676. Palmer, Ernest, 128. Conant Exercise, 1637 - 1722. Deputy, Mass., 1682- 1684. Bloss, Orlando P., 397. Coinant, John, 1652- 1724, Bever- ly, Mass. In King Philip's War, Capt. Appleton's Co. Conant, Samuel M., 252. 602 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hosmer, Jerome C, 261. Seely, William W., 418. CoNANT, Lot, Jr., 1658-1745, Bev- erly, Mass. In Capt. Joseph Gardiner's Co., Great Swamp Fight. Abbot, Francis E., 243. Pierce, Frederick C, 383. Thompson, Eben F., 282. Con A NT. Gov. Roger, 1592- 1679, Beverly, Mass. Gov. Colony at Cape Ann, 1625-1626, and Salem, 1627-1629. Deputy, 1634- Abbot, Francis E., 243. Bloss, Orlando P., 397. Bryant, Fred'k S., 430. Conant, Ernest L., 63. Hosmer, Jerome C, 261. Lord, Charles E.. 266. Seely, William W., 418. Talbot, Joel F., 386. Thompson, Eben F.. 282. Whitwell, Frederick S., 286. Cone, Sylvester. In Fort Ed- ward Expedition, 1755, Capt. Phelps' Co., 4th Conn. Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1756, and Capt. Wells' Co., Fort William Henry. Cone, James B., 297. Conn, Sergt. John, Harvard, Mass. In Col. Ruggles' Regt., Ticonderoga, 1758. Also un- der Captain Willard, 1759. Sergt.. Crown Point. 1760. Conn, Granville P., 349. Edwards, Charles L., 414. Constable, Surgeon John, . Surgeon in the British Army, French War, 1762. Subse- quently Surgeon, ist Regt., Prov. of N. Y. CoNTEE, Alexander, 1691 - 1740. Member Md. Provincial Legis- lature from Charles Co., 1724. Thomas, Douglas H., 234. Converse, Edward, 1590- 1663, Wo- burn. Deputy, 1660, Mass. Bay Colony. Converse, Charles A., 360. Cragin, Charles I., 195. Thompson, Abijah, 282. Converse, Lieut. James, 1620- 171 5, Charlestown and Wo- burn, Mass. Lieut., King Philip's War. Deputy, 1679. Adams, Henry H., 37. Cragin, Charles I., 195. Griffin, Henry A., 87. Hardy. Cyrus A., 377. Thompson, Abijah, 282. Converse, Major James, 1645- 1706, Woburn, Mass. Deputy, 1679-1692. Speaker, 1699, 1702- 1703. Commander at defence of Storer's Garrison, 1691- 1692. Major. Anderson, Arthur C, 429. Converse, Edmund C, 64. Griffin, Henry A., 87. Hardy, Cyrus A., 377. Thompson, Abijah, 282. Converse, Capt. Josiah, 1660 . Capt., 1707, and of the com- pany raised for intended ex- pedition to Canada. Partridge, Edward L., 132. Converse, Capt. Josiah, 1684 , Woburn, Leicester and Brook- field, Mass. Representative, 1715. Capt. of the Woburn Company. Converse, Lieut. Josiah, 1710- 1775. Woburn and Leicester, Mass., and Stafford, Conn.; Representative, 1733, from Leicester ; Lieut, of the Leices- ter Company. Converse, Samuel, 1653-1699, Wo- burn. In King Philip's War, and Phips' Expedition. Thompson, Abijah. 282. Wood, Alva S., 288. Conyn, Lieut. Casparus, 1693- 1769, Claverack. Lieut, in Capt. Van Rensselaer's Co. of Foot, 1735, N. Y. Provincial Forces, French and Indian Wars. Beale, Charles F. T., 316. CoocH, Capt. Thomas, 1788. Capt. Del. Colonial Militia, French and Indian War, 1756. Black, John J., 512. Cooch, Joseph W., 512. Gest, John M., 197. Cook, Major Aaron, 1610-1690, 603 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Westfield, Mass. Major of Hartford Troop, 1658. Dep- uty, 1668. Ensign, 1676. Capt. of a garrison in King Philip's War. Adams, Fred'k C, 396. Anthony, James L., 38. Cooley, Francis R., 297. Daly, M. Ordwaj', 253. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Haskell, Frank W., 91. Jones, Charles L.. 104. Leeds, Charles, 265. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Whipple, Durand, 408. White, William C, 447. Woodruff, Charles H., 185. Cook, Capt. Aaron, 2d, 1641-1716. Ens., 1693. Capt., 1678-1713, Hadley Militia. Deputy, 1689, et seq. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Gross, Charles E., 301. Haskell, Frank W., 91. Jones, Charles L., 104. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Whipple, Durand, 408. Woodruff, Charles H., 185. Wright, Harry L., 390. Cook, John, 1631-1691. Deputy, 1670, Rhode Island. Commis- sioner. Wilbour, Joshua. 286. Cook(e), Mordecai. Burgess, Vir- ginia Assembly for Gloucester Co., 1702. Barrett, Richard A., 397. Thomas, Douglas H., 234. Cook, Moses, 1645- 1676. Killed in King Philip's War, West- field, 1676. Cook, Capt. Moses, 1675-1758, Westfield. Capt., Snow Shoe Men, 1709. Expedition to Canada. Adams, Fred'k C, 396. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Cook Samuel, 1641-1702. Dragoon in Capt. Robert Sylls' Co., New Haven, 1675. Cook, Capt. Samuel, . Lieut., at Wallingford, Conn., 1741. Capt., 1742. Cook, Samuel, Jr., 1668- 1725. Deputy, General Court from New Haven, 1712-1715. Cook, Capt. Thaddeus, 1728- 1800. Ens. of 2d Co. of Preston, 8th Conn. Regt., 1755. Lieut, Troop of Horse, loth Regt., 1757. Capt., 2d Co., 1763. Deputy from Wallingford, 1775- Cook, Thomas, 1674, Ports- mouth, R. L Deputy to the Assembly. Wilbour, Joshua, 286. Cook, Lieut. West wood, 1670- 1744. Hadley, Mass. Under Capt. Henry Dwight in the Indian War, 1722- 1726. Cooke, Francis, 1583-1663. Mem- ber of Myles Standish's Co. and in expedition against the Indians. Member of the Ply- mouth Military Co., 1643. Ames, Joseph B., 244. Cutler, Edward H., 433- Doughty, Francis E., 73. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Gifford, Charles E., 376. Gillette, Edwin F., 376. Greene, Charles A., 335. Kelly, Edward L., 476. Kingman, William L., 106. Leonard, George H., 265. Parker, Edward L., 271. Parker, Frederick W., 272. Reade, Philip, 274. Reade, Philip, 506. Swift, Henry W., 281. Talbot, Archie L., 536. Thompson, Clifton S., 477- Tyler, Edwin R., 283. Washburn, John Henry, 177. Washburn, William D., 446. Washburne, Hempstead, 389. Watson, William H., 178. Cooke, Jacob, 1676. In Pe- quot-War, 1637, and a member of Capt. Myles Standish's Co. in 1643. Kelly, Edward L., 476. Parker, Edward L., 271. Cook(e), John, 1694, Dart- mouth, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, 1666, et seq. Swift, Henry W., 281. 604 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Cooke, Dep.-Gov. Nicholas, 1717- 1782. Dep.-Gov. of R. I., 1769. Dep.-Gov. with power of a Commissioner-in-Chief, 1775- Cooke, James W., 195. CooLEY, Ensign Benjamin, 1684, Springfield, Mass. Ens., Hampshire Regt., under Maj. John Pynchon. Parsons, Charles, 403. Parsons, Lewis B., 403. CooLiDGE, John, 1604-1691, Water- town, Mass. Deputy, 1658. Amee, Albert F., 244. Britton, Edward E., 53. Brown, George E., 250. Coolidge, David H., Jr., 252. Harrington, Charles, 260. Coolidge, Ensign John, 1630-1691, Watertown, Mass. Ensign, serving in King Philip's War, 1676. Amee, Albert F., 244. Eberlein, Charles W., 434. Harrington, Charles, 260. Houghton, William A., 534. Cooper, John, 1689. Deputy and Governor's Assistant, 1676. Member of Council of War. Farnham, Elijah T., 334. Jewett, Walter K., 475. Cooper, Lieut. Thomas, 1619- 1675. Commanded rescuing force at Brookfield, Mass., 1675. Killed at burning of Springfield. Barbour, Lucius A., 294. Dominick, George F., Jr., yj,. Dominick, Henry B., 544. Dominick, Lamont, 72)- Huse, Hiram A., 363. Scofield, George S., 152. Sherrill, Charles H., 155. Cooper, William, 1632-1710, West Jersey. Member Legislature, 1682, and Assembly, 1682, et seq. Member of the Council of Proprietors, 1688. Middleton, H., 230. Corbin, Col. Henry, 1629- 1675. Member, Council of Va., 1663- '67. Burgess from Lancaster, i658-'S9- Barrett, Richard A., 397. Howard, McHenry, 227. Moran, Charles, 119. Newton, Virginius, 343. Corliss, Joshua, 1733-1819, Hav- erhill, Mass. In Capt. Moore's Co., 1755, French and Indian War ; in 2d Foot Co. of Hav- erhill, 1757, and in the com- pany commanded by Sergt. Watts, relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Corliss, Augustus W., 472. Cornell, Thomas, 1595 - 1656, Westchester Co., N. Y. Ens., Portsmouth, R. I., Militia, 1642-1644. Served under Gov. Kieft against Indians. Almy, Leonard B., 294. Almy, William E., 428. Jones, Charles H., 200. Sands, James T., 405. Valentine, Abraham B., 172. Wister, Rodman, 212. Cornwell, William, 1678. In Pequot War, 1637. Bell, Jared W., 47. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. Corser, John, 1718-1791. In Capt. Tash's Co., Col. Blanchard's Regt, N. Hamp. Militia, Crown Point, 1756. Corser, Edward S., 433. Corson (Vroom), Capt. Cor- nelius, 1645-1693. Capt., Brookland Horse, 1680, of Richmond Co. Foot, 1689, under Gov. Leisler. CoRWiN, Lieut. John, 1663-1729. Lieut, of Foot, Capt. John Cooper, Suffolk Regt., 1715. Corwin, Hamilton S., 65. CoRwiN, Joshua, 1733-1812. In Co. commanded by Capt. Thomas Terry recruited from Suffolk County, N. Y., for service in the French and Indian War, 1758. Corwin, David R., 461. Corwin, Hamilton S., 65. Couch, Capt. Samuel, 1741, Fairfield, Conn. Lieut., 1709. 60s INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Capt., 1710. Deputy, i7io-'i2, '20, '33-'34- Field, Thaddeus C, 435- CouRSEY, Col. Henry, 1697. Member of the Council of Md., 1660-1670, 1676-1684. Secre- tary of Md., 1660- 1661. _ Col., commanding Foot of Cecil and Kent Counties, 1676, 1678, 1681. Chief Justice of the Provincial Court, 1684-1685. Commissioner, to negotiate treaty with Northern Indians at Albany, 1677 and 1682. Burgess for Talbot Co., Md., 1694-1695. Thorn, William H., DeC. W.. 234. CouRSEY, Henry, 1662-1707. Jus- tice for Talbot Co., Md.. 1685, 1689. Burgess for Talbot Co., 1 704- 1 707. Thom, William H. DeC. W., 234. CowDiN, Capt. Thomas, 1720- 1792, Fitchburg, Mass. Sergt., Louisburg Expedition, 1745. Bearer of dispatches prior to French and Indian War. In Nova Scotia Expedition, 1755. Ens., 1756, under Capt. James Putnam, drafted from the Hampshire and Worcester Co.'s Regt. for Crown Point and Lake Champlain. 2nd Lieut., 1756, Capt. Simon Sef- ferd's Co. Capt., 1761, in Col. Richard Saltonstall's Regt. Upton, James C. M., 284. CowEES^ John, 1675, Farm- ington. Conn. Deputy, 1653- 1654. Cowles, Calvin D., 318. Cowles, William N., 461. CowEEs, Capt. Josiah, 1716-1793. Ensign, 1756. Capt., 1761, Second Co., Southington, Conn. Cowles, Calvin D., 318. Craft, Lieut. Griffin, 1609- 1689, Roxbury. Deputy, i638-'63- '67. Sergt. of Militia, . Lieut., i653-'75-'76. Boutelle, Frank W., 51. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Brooks, Lyman L., 249. Brown, Daniel A., 249. Crafts, George W., 422. Crafts, John W., 65. Davis, Fellowes, 70. Craft, John, 1630-1685, Roxbury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1668. Craft, Lieut. Moses, 1703- 1768, Roxbury and Newton, Mass. At Louisburg, 1745, Capt. Williams' Co., Col. Choate's Regt. Lieut., Newton Co. Crafts, John C, 252. Craft, Lieut. Samuel, 1637- 1690. Lieut., Roxbury Militia. Crafts, John W., 65. Davis, Fellowes, 70. Crafts, Benjamin, 1706 - 1746, Chebaco, Mass. Enlisted in the Expedition against Louis- burg, 174s, serving throughout the Siege. After its capture he was placed in charge of the Commissary Department. Died of the plague in the spring of 1746. Trask, Charles H., 283. Crafts, Capt. Joseph, 1694-1754. Ens., 1733. Lieut., 1735. Capt., 1741, Pomfret, Conn., Militia. Crafts, John W., 65. Strong, Donald W., 163. Cragin, John, 1701 . In Capt. Samuel Davies' Acton, Mass., Co., 1757- Partridge, Frank H., 133. Crandall, JohNj 1676. Com- missioner, i658-'62-'63. Dep- uty, R. I., from Westerly, i670-'7i. Crandall, Orestes A., 398. Crane, Sergt. Amariah, 1731- 1823. Served in expedition against Crown Point, under Capt. Jeduthan Baldwin, 1755. Richards, Charles S., 143. Richards, George H., 337. Richards, Jeremiah, 145. Crane Capt. Henry, Sr., 1635- 171 1, Killingworth, Conn. Lieut., 1675. Capt., 1704. Gov- ernor's Assistant, 1665. Dep- uty. Brown, James H., 472. Dudley, Frank A., 75. 606 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Crane, Capt. Henry, Jr., 1677- 1741. Lieut, of Dunham Mili- tia, 1716. Capt., 1718. Brown, James H., 472- Crane, Jasper, 1590-1680. Dep- uty, 1653 -1658. Governors Assistant, 1662-1667. Deputy Provincial Assembly, East Jersey, 1667-1673- Bell, Jared W., 48- Chandler, Walter, 59, 332. Grant, DeForest, 85. Grant, Madison, 86. Halsey, Henry A., 89. Halsey, Charles D. T., 335- Halsted, David Crane, 90. Halsted, E. Bayard, 90. Richards, George H.. 337- Crane, Jasper, Jr., 1651 - 1712. East Jersey Provincial Forces, 1675-1676. Grant, DeForest, 85. Grant, Madison, 86. Halsted, David C, 90- Halsted, E. Bayard, 90. Crane, Capt. John, 171 1, Guilford, Conn. Deputy, 1703- 171 1. Capt.. 1708, and in ex- pedition against Canada, 171 1. Dudley, Frank A., 75- Crane, Lieut. Jonathan, 1658- 1734. Ens. and Lieut, of Mih- tia at Windham, Conn. Dep- uty, 1 701, ct scq. Bloss, Orlando P.. 397- Field, Thaddeus C, 435- Crane, Joseph, , North Salem N Y. In Capt. Nathaniel Richard's Co., expedition against Canada, 1746. Crane, Sir Robert, 1644. One of the Governors of New England Colony, Mass., Bay, 1630. Chandler, Walter, 59. Crane, Stephen, 1709-1780. Q M., 1758. Member Assembly of N. J., 1765, et seq. Speaker, 1770-1772. Pres., Provincial Convention, 1774. Squier, Charles B., 338. Cranston, Gov. John, 1626-1680. Major of Troop, 1677-78. Governor of R. L, 1678- ■°'- Brenton, Cranston, 53. Cranston, Gov. Samuel, 1659- 1727. Major, 1698. Governor of R. L, 1698-1727. Brenton, Cranston, 53. Crawford, David, 1740- 1800. Mem- ber of Provincial Convention held in Annapolis, I774- First Associate Judge of Prince George's Co. Henry, John W., 320. Crawford, Col. William, 1722- 1782. Colonial Forces, Vir- ginia. Ens., 1755- Served at Fort Duquesne under Wash- ington in the Pontiac's re- bellion, and in Lord Dun- more's Indian War. Killed by the Delaware Indians. Chenoweth, Alexander C, 60. Cregier, Martin, 1702. Capt- Lieut., New Amsterdam Burghers Corps, 165 1. Mem- ber of the Governor's Council and first Capt., 1659. Sent to protect the Dutch Colony on the Delaware, 1663. Commis- sioned Capt.-Lieut. in com- mand of all military forces of the Prov. of N. Y. under the English, and conducted the war against the Esopus In- dians. Foster, Howell, 81. Hawes, Emory, 92. Sherman, WiUiam W., I55, 521- Cresson, Corp. Pierre, 1681. In expedition against the In- dians at Esopus. 1663. Banta, Theodore Melvin, 41. Stone, Morton, 280. CrispEll, Anthony, . One of the Hurley soldiers at the ren- dezvous at Marbletown. Hoffman, Samuel V., 96. Crocker, Sergt. Joseph, 1654-1721, Barnstable, Mass. Sergt. of the Barnstable MiHtary Com- pany. Crocker, William, 1612 - 1692. Scituate and Barnstable, Mass. Deputy, Mass., i670-'7i-'74- Member of Lieut. Thomas 607 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Dimmock's Co. of Barnstable, Mass., 1643. Burke, James S., 56. Foote, John C, 399. Cromwell, Capt. Thomas, 1617- 1649. Commanded a privateer, 1646- 1649, under a commission from the Earl of Warwick. Binney. William G., 49. Rich, WilHam T., 141. Cromwell, William, 1627-1684. Council of Lord Baltimore, and in expedition against the Nanticoke Indians, 1678. Bell, Jared W., 47. Chenoweth, Alexander C, 60. Cromwell, Charles, 372. Crosby, Simon, 2d, 1637- 1725. In garrison, at Billerica, and scouting. King Philip's War. In Capt. Lane's Troop, 1706. Deputy, 1691, et seq. Bailey, Everett H., 429. Carney, Sydney H., Jr., 58. Carpenter, William M., 371. Hill, John F., 533. Sprague, Phineas W., 279. Winship, William H., 287. Crosby, Simon, 3rd, 1663 , Billerica, Mass. In Indian War under Capt. Lane, 1706. Bailey, Everett H., 429. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 143. Crosby, Lieut. Simon, 1680- 1771, Billerica, Mass. Lieut., serv- ing at Crown Point and Lake Champlain, French and Indian War, i758-'59- Cross, Peter, 1653- 1737. In King Philip's War. Barrows, John W., 471. Cross, Robert, , Ipswich, Mass. In Pequot War. Croswell, Thomas, 1633 - 1708, Charlestown, Mass. In the campaign under Lieut. Ed- ward Oakes in King Philip's War, 1676. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Crow (Crowell), John, 1673, Yarmouth, Mass. Deputy, i642-'43. Partridge, Edward L., 132. Crow, Samuel, 1676, Hadley, Mass. Killed in Falls Fight. Crowell, Capt. Edward, 1691, Boston. Commanded a squad of eighteen men at the Sud- bury Fight, King Philip's War, 1676. Crowshaw, Maj. Joseph, . House of Burgesses, Va. Major, York Co. Militia. Junkin, Francis T. A., 379. Cruger, Henry, 1707-1780. Mem ber N. Y. Provincial Assem- bly, 1745-1759. Member of King's Council, 1767-1772. Hasell, Lewis C, 91. Johnstone, Francis U., 104. Oakley, Henry C, 126. Rhinelander, Philip, 140. Rhinelander, T. J. O., 140. Cruger, John, 1642-1744. Alder- man, N. Y., i7i2-'33. Mayor, N. Y., 1739-1744. Oakley, Henry C, 126. Rhinelander, Philip, 140. Rhinelander, T. J. Oakley, 140. Cruttenden, Abraham, 1683. Governor's Assistant, Colony of New Haven, 1639, and Treas. of Conn., 1675- 1680. Betts, Fred'k H., 48. Betts, Louis F. H., 48. Paul, Edward J., 505. CuDWORTH, Gen. James, 1605-1692. Representative, i649-'56-'S9. Assistant, 1656-1658. Capt. of Militia. Commanded in early part of King Philip's War. Dep.-Gov., 1681. Atwood, Edward S., 39. Gay, Frederick W., 362. King, Edward, 264. Sheldon, Ned. N., 278. Whitcomb, Lawrence, 286. CuLBERTsoN, John, 1710-1767. Lieut. Penn. Provincial Mili- tia, 1748. Drouillard, James P., 399. Pinkerton, Samuel S. S., 206. CuLLiSH, Capt. John, . In Pequot War. Capt., 1639. Culver, Edward, 1600 - 1685. In King Philip's War. Culver, Charles M., 66. 608 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Culver, Henry B./66. Richards, Frederick B., 143. CuNNABELiv, John, 1649 -1724. Member of Capt. Turner's Co., in King Philip's War, in de- fence of Northampton, 1676. Currier, Richard, 1616 - 1687, Amesburjr, Mass. In King Pnilip's War. Curtis, Lieut. Israel, 1644- 1704. Lieut., Woodbury, Conn., Co,. 1690. Deputy, 1689, et seq. Commissioner. Abbott, Everton J., 428. Moseley, John G., 268. Curtis, John, ist, 1698. Mem- ber First Assembly, held by William Penn at Philadelphia, i683-'84-'86, and of the Coun- cil, 1688- 1697. Burton, Robert, 224. Curtis, John. 1613-1707. In King • Philip's War. Curtis, John, 2d, 1692-1753. Mem- ber of Assembly for the three lower counties of Delaware, 1749; and Speaker. Burton, Rubert, 224. Curtis, Joseph, 1650- 1727. Ens. in Capt. Whiting's Co., Conn. Militia, Phip's Expedition; King William's War, 1692- 1693. Governor's Assistant, 1698-1721. Member of Com- mittee of War, Fairfield Co., 1709. Queen Anne's War. Curtis, John C, 298. Curtiss, Harlow C, 66. Curtis, Lieut. Philip, 1675, Roxbury, Mass., Lieut., Capt. Henchman's Co. Slain at Hassanomossett (Grafton) in an expedition from Boston in 1675, for the rescue of cap- tives taken by the savages at Marlborough. Flint, Wyman K., 375, 504. Curtis, Ens. Thomas, 1648-1736, Stratford, Conn. Deputy from Wallingford, 1689. at Wallingford, 1704. Curtis, Frederick H., 253. Myer, Albert J., 123. Parker, Frederick S., 130. Ens Curtis, Capt. William, 1702. Capt., Train Band, Stratford, Conn., 1672. Capt. Forces of Fairfield, Conn., i673-'75. Member Comm. of Safety, 1673. Deputy, i667-'70, 1672- '86-'92. Curtis, Lewis B., 298. Forrest, Herbert M., 196. Curtiss, Ephraim, 1684-1776. Stratford, Conn. Deputy, I 728- I 736. Curtiss, Lieut. Israel, 1644-1732. Woodbury, Conn. Lieut., 1690. Deputy, 1689, et seq. Abbot, Everton J., 428. Curtiss, Ens. John, 1670-1754, Woodbury, Conn. Ens. of the Woodbury Train Band, 1714. Deputy, 1696. Curtiss, Lieut. Joseph, 1650- , Stratford, Conn. Dep- uty, 1686, . Assistant, 1 698- 1 720. Lieut. of the Stratford Company, 1692- 1693. Curtiss, Capt. Stiles, 1708 , Stratford, Conn. Ensign of the Stratford Company, 1746; Lieut, 1749; Capt., 1750. Deputy, 1753. Curwen, (Corwin) Capt. George, 1610-1685. 1st Troop of Horse, Salem, Mass., 1662. Deputy, 1660, et seq. Gushing, Ens. Benjamin, 1725- 1812, Hingham, Mass., Ens. in Capt. Beal's Co., Col. Lin- coln's Regt., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Swan, Robert T., 281. Gushing, Daniel, 1619-1700, Hingham, Mass. Deputy, 1680-1682-1695. Morse, Fred W., 351. Gushing, Cornet Matthew, 1660- 1715, Hingham, Mass. Cor- net of Troop, 1680. Rice, Henry B., 275. Cushman, Isaac, 1676-1727. Lieut, of Militia, Plympton, Mass. Cushman, Thomas, 1607-1683. 609 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Member of the Plymouth, Mass., Militia, 1643. CusHMAN, Thomas, 1608 , Plymouth, Mass. Member Plymouth Co., 1643. CusTis, Col. William, 1633- 1726. Capt. in Colonial service in Accomack County, Va., 1678- 1693. Col. in the same County, 1715-1726. Justice of the Peace and Court of Chan- cery. Curtis, J. B. Gregg, 318. Custis, George W. N., 318. Gushing, John, Sr., 1627-1708, Scituate, Mass. Deputy Ply- mouth Colony, 1674, et seq. Governor's Assistant, 1689- 1691. Deputy, Mass., 1692. Howe, Herbert M., 199. McGlenen, Edward W., 266. McGlenen, Harry J., 266. Nash, Nathaniel C, 269. Soule, Horace H., 278. Whitridge, Wm., 236. Gushing, Hon. John, 2d, 1660- 1738. Member of the Gov- ernor's Council of Mass., I 7 10- I 728. Soule, Horace H., Jr., 279. Whitridge, William, 236. Gushing, Hon. John, 3d, 1695- 1778. Representative from Scituate, Mass., 1721, et seq. Member of the Governor's Council, 1746-1763. Soule, Horace H., Jr., 279. Whitridge, William, 236. Cuthbert, Lieut. John, . Associate Regt. Chester Co., Col. William Moore, Prov. of Penn., 1747-1748. Cutler, Ebenezer, 1700- 1777. Capt. of the Lincoln Co., 3d Mass., Regt, under Col. Elisha Jones, 1757. Hill, John B., 400. Cutler, James, 1606- 1694. In King Philip's War. Member of Lexington Military Co. Baker, Frank, 369. Bloss, Orlando P., 397. Cutler, Ralph W., 298. Forbes, Charles S., 362. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Cutler, Dr. John, 1715, Hingham, Mass. Surgeon in Capt. Appleton's Co., Great Swamp Fight. Blunt, Stanhope E., 50. Francis, Valentine M., 519. McAllister, Heywood H., 115. Cutler, Capt. John, Capt. in King Philip's War. Leland, Charles H., no. Cutler, Lieut. Thomas, 1648- 1722. Lieut, of the Lexing- ton Militia under Capt. Reed. Baker, Frank, 369. Cutler, Edward H., 433. CuTT, John, 1681. Pres. Council of N. H., 1679-1681. Hall, Clayton C, 226. Hall, Thos. Wm., 226. Penhallow, Charles S., 273. Cutter, Ephraim, 165 i , Watertown, Mass. Under Maj. Appleton, King Philip's War. Cutter, John C, 253. Cutter Gershom, 1653-1738, Cambridge Mass. Under Capt. Davenport, King Phil- ip's War. Cutter, William R., 253. Fletcher, Walter V., 256. Cutter, Lieut. John, 1628-1698, Charlestown, Mass. Ens. Charlestown Militia, 1669. Lieut. 1678. Deputy, 1680- 1682. Rice, Henry B., 275. Cutter, Richard, 1621-1693. A. & H. A. Co., 1643. Leader and Officer of Militia at Cam- bridge, Mass. Goshorn, Edwin C, 416. Hadden, Crowell, Jr., 88. Mott, Luther W., 122. Robbins, Howard S., 145. Wyman, Henry P., 408. Wyman, Walter, 327. CuTTS, Richard, 1676, Ports- mouth, N. H. He rebuilt and commanded the Fort at New Castle, 1660. Deputy to the 610 INDEX OP ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. General Court of Massachu- setts Bay Colony. 1665, 1669, 1672. Butters, William, 431. Rust, Nathaniel J., 277. CuYLER, Major Hendrick, 1637- 1691. Major of all Foot Companies in the City and County of N. Y., French and Indian War, 1689. Azoy, Anastasio C. M., 40. DuVal, Clive L-, 77- Fryer, Robert L-, 82. Hardie, Francis H., 320. Hardie, Joseph C, 320. Hasell, Lewis C, 91. Johnstone, Francis U., 103. Johnstone, John, 103. Livingston, Philip, 112. Oakley, Henry C, 126. Rhinelander, T. J. O., 140. Satterlee, F. LeRoy, 149. Seaman, Louis L., 153. Spalding, George B., Jr., 159. Storm, Clarence, 162. Daggett, Lieut. Euhu, 1710-1769. Lieut., 1754, Capt. John Stearn Co., at taking of Fort Frontenac. Daggett, George H., 434. Daggett, John, 1662-1724, Attle- boro, Mass. Deputy, 1720. Daggett, Mayhew, 1686-1752, At- tleboro, Mass. Deputy, 1736- 1737, 1 741 -1 742, 1 744- 1 746. Dalton, Philemon, 1664-1723, Hampton, N. H. Served at Fort William and Mary, at Newcastle, 1708. Dalton, Samuel, 1629-1680, Hampton, N. H. Deputy Mass. Bay Col., i662-'66, '69- '71, '72-7^, '7^-79- Govern- or's Council, N. H., 1680. Dalton Timothy, 1697 , Hampton, N. H. In Capt. John Ladd's Co., 1757. Damon, Lieut. John, 1621-1708, Reading, Mass. Lieut. Read- ing Co., Middlesex Regt, prior to King Philip's War. Damon, Samuel, 1656-1724, Read- ing, Mass. War. Damon, Capt. 1796, East Capt. First In Narragansett Thomas, 1703- Sudbury, Mass. Foot Company, 1757, French and Indian War. In Reading Train Band, 1773. Damon, Charles E., 253. Dandridge, Capt. William, 1743. King's Council, Va., 1727. Capt. British Navy. Junkin, Francis T. A., 379. Danforth, Capt. Jonathan, 1628- 1712, Billerica, Mass. Lieut., 1675. Capt., 1683. Dwelling used as a garrison. King Philip's War. Deputy, 1685. Bigelow, Henry N., 248. Bryant, Frederick S., 430. Cragin, Charles I., 195. Davis, Nathaniel H., 413. Parker, John N., 272. Danforth, Ens. Jonathan, 1658- 1710, Billerica, Mass. In gar- rison at Billerica, Mass., King Philip's War. Danforth, Nicholas, 1585-1638. Cambridge, Mass. Represen- tative, 1636-1637. Bemis, Geo. P., 422. Bigelow, Henry N., 248. Brown, David A., 249. Cragin, Charles I., 195. Danforth, Allen, 254. Davis, Nathaniel H., 413. Endicott, Eugene F., 255. Hall, George F., 259. Hastings, Henry, 260. Johnson, Charles W., 438. Danforth, Dep.-Gov. Thomas, 1622-1699, Cambridge. Dep. Gov. Mass., 1676-1692. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Dyer, Horace E., 361. Dangerfield, William, 1723-1769, Burgess for Essex Co., Va., 1748, 1751 and 1 754- 1 758. Lieut. Va. Militia, 1754-1757. Barret, Richard A., 397. Nicholson, John R., 514. Daniels, Timothy, 1722 , Sherborn, Mass. Soldier on the Alarm List in Capt. 61Z INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Joseph Perry's Train Band, 1757- Dare, Capt. William, 1720, Bridgetown, N. J. Capt. of Militia, 1706. Preston, Deming H., 383. Darnall, Dep.-Gov. Henry. Col- onel of Horse. Dep.-Gov. ol Md. Jackson, Oswald, loi. Darnall, Henry, 1703 . At- torney-General, Prov. of Md., 1754- Jackson, Oswald, 102. Dart, Richard, 1635-1724. New London, Conn. In King Philip's War. Dickinson, Oliver P., 372. Davenport, Charles, 1652-1720, Dorchester, Mass. In King Philip's War. Davenport, Sergt. James, 1693- 1750, Dorchester, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1727. Sergt., 1732. Davenport, Capt. William, 1717- ^773^ Newburyport, Mass., Capt. expedition against Quebec, 1759. Eberlein, Charles W., 434. Davis, Col. Aaron, 1709-1777. Capt., 1774. Col., 1775. Prov. Congress, Mass., i774-'76. Davis, Fellowes, 69. Jackson, Edward F., 401. Jackson, Geo. E., 401. Davis, Capt. Aaron, Jr., 1735- 1773. Capt. of Troop, Rox- bury Militia. Davis, Fellowes, 69. Davis, Major John, 1634-1718, York, Me. First Provincial Council, i68o-'8i, and its Dep.-Pres., 1681. Dep.-Gov., 1686. Major, commanding the Privincial Militia. Upham, Charles C, 284. Davis, Ens. John, 1634-1694, Haverhill, Mass. Deputy, 1660. Served on several scouting parties, and was killed while defending his gar- rison at the Oyster River Massacre. Hale, Thomas W., 350. Davis, Joseph, 1650-1732. In Gar- rison at Marlboro, Mass., King Philip's War. Davis, Samuel, 1639-1720, Con- cord, Mass. Under Capt. Daniel Henchman, King Phil- ip's War; also under Major Simon Willard. Davis, Chandler, 69. Davis, Capt. Samuel, 1711-1784. Capt. of Militia, relief of Fort William Henry, French and Indian War, 1757. Anthony, James L., 39. Davis, Samuel, 1699, Gro- ton, Conn. Under Capt. Benj. Sweet, King Philip's War. Wyman, Walter C, 391. Davis, Lieut. Simon, 1637-1713, Concord, Mass. Under Capt. Wheeler, King Philip's War. In command at Brookfield. Lieut., 1689. Bates, Theodore C, 246. Davis, Simon, 254. Gibson, Charles L., 84. Davis, Capt. Simon, 1683-1763. Worcester, Mass., Capt. in Battle of Lake George, 1755. Davis, Chandler, 69. Dawes, Lieut. Ambrose, 1642- 1705. Lieut, King Philip's War. Wounded at Fort Pem- aquid, Maine, 1692. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Davies, William G., 69. Furness, William E., 375. Day, Lieut.-Col. Benjamin, 1710-1808, West Springfield, Mass. Capt. at Crown Point, 1755- Capt. under Major- Gen. Winslow, 1756. Capt., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Lieut.-Col., South Regt., 1771. Day, Benjamin, 1691 , Attle- borough, Mass. Legislature, i750-'53-'59- Day, John, 1730. Under 612 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Capt. Moseley, King Philip's War. Sherrill, Charles H., 156. Dayton, Capt. Elias, Ens., 1758, Lieut., 1759- Capt., 1762. Boyd, Charles H., 529- Dayton, Lieut.-Col. Isaac, 1720- 1800. Q. M., Troop, New- port, R. I. Major, 1770- Lieut.-Col., 1774- Dean, John, 1600-1660, Taunton, Mass. Under Capt. William Poole, at Taunton, 1643. Deane, Walter, 1615-1693, Taun- ton, Plymouth Colony. Dep- uty, 1640. Wade, John P., 446. Deane, Capt. William, i 702-1 773, Norton, Mass. Ens., 2d Co. of Foot, Capt. Leonard, I739- Capt.-Lieut., i734- Capt., 2d Co., 3rd Regt., Bristol Co. Militia, Col. Samuel White. Allen, Francis D., 244. De Bruyne (De Browne), Capt. JoHANNis, 1700- Com- manded N. Y. Militia, sent to Albany, 1690. Member of Leisler's Council, French War. Brown, Paul Richard, 55. De Forest, Isaac, 1616-1674, Harlem, N. Y. Burgher Corps, 1664. Grant, De Forest, 85. Grant, Madison, 86. Dehoneur, John, 1665-1717- Capt. Sth Co., N. Y. City Militia, Col. Peartree, Expedition to Canada, 1710-1711. Beekman, J. William, 46. De Kay, Col. Thomas, 1697-1758, Orange Co., N. Y. In French and Indian War. With CoT. Clinton, located places for erecting block houses. Ne- gotiated with Cashigton In- dians. Barclay, David, 42. De Kay, Eckford C, 70. De Kay, Capt. Thomas, 1732- 1800. Capt. Orange Co. Mili- tia, i758-'62. Barclay, David, 42. De La Montagne, Gen. Johan- nes, 1596-1670. Commander at Manhattan Island, i640-'45. Sent to defense of Fort Good Hope, 1641. Supreme Coun- cillor under Gov. Kieft, 1638- '46. Member of Stuyvesant's Council, i647-'56. Vice-Di- rector Fort Orange, i656-'64. Member Convention of 1653. Commissioner of Fortifica- tion, 1654. Bogert, Theodore P., 5i9- Bogert, William B., 369- De La Montagne, James, 119. Earle, Ferdinand P., 77- Koues, Geo. E., 107, 336. Scofield, George S., 152. De Lancey, Etienne (Stephen), 1663-1741, N. Y. Colonial As- sembly, 1702, et seq. Bascome, Western R., 44- De Lancey, Gov. James, 1703- 1760. Chief Justice and Gov. Prov. N. Y. De Lancey, Edward Floyd, 71- Delano, Lieut. Jonathan, 1647- 1720. Dartmouth, Mass. Under Capt. Church, in King Philip's War, 1676. Lieut., 1689. Representative, 1689. De la Noye (de Lanoy, de Lan- noy), Abrv\ham, 1642-1707. Corp. Burgher Corps, New Amsterdam, 1653. Foulke, Bayard F., 82. Schenck, Willard P., 150. De la Noye, Philip, 1602-1681. Duxbury, Mass. In Capt. Myles Standish's Co., 1643. In Co., raised by Lieut. William Holmes, Pequot War, 1637. De la Warr, Lord Thomas West, 1618. First Gov. and Capt.-Gen. Va., 1610. Ward, Aaron, 176. Demarest, David, 1620-1693. Del- egate from Staten Island, As- sembly of New Netherlands, 1664, 2d war with the Eng- lish, and surrender of Provi- dence. 613 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Banta, Theodore M., 41. Corbusier, William H., 65. Demarest, Jan., 1645-1719. Com- mittee of Safety. Member of Council, 1689. Corbusier, William H., 65. Demarest, Samuel, 1656-1728. Member Military Co., New Harlem, 1672,- 7S- Corbusier. William H., 65. De Meyer, Major Nicholas, 1690. Capt., 1679. Major, 1685, in command of the Mili- tia of the City and Co. of New York, Proclamation of the Duke of York as Tames II. Deming, Sergt. John, 1615-1705, Wethersfield. Representa- tive, Conn., i649-'6i. Bell, Jared W., 47. Deming, Judson K., 485. Mackenzie, G. Norbury, 229. Deming, Lieut. Jonathan, 1730- 1799, Wethersfield, Conn. Ens. 9th Co., 6th Regt., 1772, Lieut., 1774. Deming, Joseph, 171X-1774. Lieut, nth Co., 6th Regt., Conn. Militia, 1753. Reynolds, James, 140. Denison, Maj.-Gen. Daniel, 1612-1682. Mass. Colonial Forces. Capt., Pequot War, and Maj.-Gen., 1652-1680. Deputy, 1635-1652. Colonial Secretary, 1653. Commis- sioner for the United Col- onies, 1654-1662. Chandler, Walter, 59, 2i22)- Moran, Charles, 119. Nichols, Henry A., 463. Nichols, Willard A., 463. Rich, James R., 275. Rich, Thomas P., 276. Denison, Capt. George, 1620- 1694. Capt. New London Co. Forces, King Philip's War, under Major Mann and Major Talcott. Second in com- mand to Major Treat, Great Swamp Fight. Served on the frontier. Chosen, with Major Mason, to assist the Pe- quot Chiefs to govern their tribes. Assistant and Deputy from Stonington, Conn. Ames, Louis A., 38. Avery, Frank M., 39. Brewster, Henry C, 53. Brookfield, James H., 54. Brooks, John H., 249. Brown, George Leroy. 54. Chase, Clement, 422. Chesebrough, George L., 431. Cox, William V. Z., 318. Denison, Charles, 472. Denison, John H., 473. Dennison, Ira W., 318. Farnsworth, Charles, 541. Fletcher, Paris, 435. Gardiner, Curtis, 400. Griffith, William H., 87. Holt, Henry P. R., 320. Hull, James W., 262. Learned, Bela P., 304. Lefiferts, Frederic R., Jr., no. Murray, Charles H., 123. Owen, Frederick D., 323. Palmer, Ernest, 128. Palmer, Walter W., 129. Peet, Emerson W., 441. Plumb, Henry B., 304. Randall, John F., 404. Rathbone, Richard F. L., 138. Roberts, Cyrus S., 146. Robinson, Lucius F., 307. Sabin, Sidney A., 405. Sexton, Arthur T., 506. Sexton, Paul D., 506. Shipman, Arthur L., 307. Swan, George F., Jr., 165. Turner, Luther G., 310. Wheeler, Ralph, 311. Denison, George, Jr., 1652-1711, Westerly, R. I. In King Philip's War. Deputy, 1707. Denison, Capt. George, Jr., 1698- ^7d>7, Stonington, Conn. Capt. New London Train Band, 1707. Council, i7io-'i3. Denison, John, 1646-1698, Ston- ington, Conn. In King Phil- ip's War, Narragansett and other campaigns. Denison, Charles, 472. 614 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Palmer, Ernest, 128. Denison. Capt. Joseph, Jr., 1707- 1795. Stonington. Conn. Ens., 1740. Lieut., 1749. Capt., 1750. Deputy, 1738, ct seq. Denison, Capt. Robert, 1673-1737, New London, Conn. Capt. of the North Parish. Denison, Col. Robert, 1697-1766, New London, Conn. Capt. in Gen. Roger Wolcott's Bri- gade at Louisburg. Later Major and Colonel. Served in the French Wars. Denison, William, 1586-1653. Deputy, 1634. Member Rox- bury Militia, 1636. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Dennis, John, 1704-1766. Assem- bly, Md., 1755. Dennis, James T., 225. Dennis, Rev. John, 1708-1773. Chaplain, Queen Anne's War. Dennis, Rodney, 71. Dennis, Thomas, 1686, Ips- wich, Mass. In King Philip's War. Dennis, Holmes V. M., Jr., 71. Dennis, Rodney S., 71. Denny, Capt. Daniel, 1694-1760, Leicester, Mass. Represen- tative, 1745-1747. Sargent, John S., 385- Dent, Thomas, 1676. Jus- tice for St. Mary's Colony, Md., 1661-1669. High Sheriff, 1664. Burgess, i669-'74-'76. Thomas, Douglas H., 234. De Peyster, Col. Abraham, 1657- 1728. Cadet of Burgher Corps, 1673. Colonel of Mili- tia, Albany, 1689. Captain, New York Forces, 1689. Colonel, 1695. Alderman, 1685. Mayor, i69i-'95. Chief Justice and Member of the Royal Council, 1698. Acting Governor, 1700. Treasurer, Provinces of New York and New Jersey, i7o6-'2i. Azoy, Anastasio C. M., 40. Bailey, Theodorus, 40. Bishop, Cortlandt F., 50. De Peyster, Frederic J., 74. De Peyster, F. Ashton, 72. De Peyster, Johnston L., 537. Fryer, Robert L., 83. Hamersley, William, 301. Seaman, Louis L., 153. De Peyster, Johannis, 1620-1685. Cadet, Burgher Corps at New Amsterdam, 1653. Bur- gomaster and Commissioner. Azoy, Anastasio C. M., 40. Bleecker, Anthony J., 50. Crosby, Edward N., 66. Crosby, Livingston, 66. De Peyster, Frederic J., 74. Fryer, Robert L., 83. Hill, Robert C., 94- Seaman, Louis L., 153. De Peyster, Capt. Johannes, 1666-1719. Ens., 1689. Capt, 2d Battalion Foot, New- York. 1695. Afterwards Col. Belknap, Waldron P., 46. Bleecker, Anthony James, 50. Church, Richard, 61. Crosby, Edward N., 66. Crosby, Livingston, 66. Foulke, Bayard F., 82. Foulke. William, 82. Hill, Robert C, 94. Pell, Frederick A.. 133. Russell, William Hamilton, 148. De Peyster, Capt. Johannes, 1694-1789, Albany, N. Y. Lieut, of Foot, 1717. Capt. of Horse, 1744. Paymaster, N. Y. Forces, 1775. Commis- sioner of Indian Affairs, 1734, '38, '39, '46. Inspector for the carrying on the ist expedi- tion against Crown Point. Douw, Charles G.. 74. De Puy (Du Puy, or Dupue), Francois. In Capt. Ryck Ley- decker's Co. Corbusier, William H., 65. De Rapelje, Joris Jansen, 1665. Representative from Waal-boght, 1641. One of the Twelve Men. Magistrate, 1655- . Corbusier, William H., 65. 615 INDEX OF AJ^CBSTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Moller, Charles G., Jr., ii8. Moody, Frederick S., 463. Moore, Albert R., 440. Richards, Charles S., 142. Talmage, Robert S., 165. Derby, John, 1705-1762, Concord, Mass. In the Northern Ex- pedition Army, French and Indian War, 1756. De Ruine, Corp. Simon, 1615-1678, New Amsterdam. Served at Esopus, 1663. Banta, Theodore M., 41. Corbusier, William H., 65. Myer, Isaac, 124. Desborough, Nicholas, 1612-1683. In Capt. Mason's Co. from Hartford, Pequot War. Brown, James H., 472. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. De Sille,, Nicasius, 1600-1694. Council. 1653-1660. Schout Fiscal, New Netherlands, I 658- I 660. Ferris, Morris P., 80. Lawrence, Robert C, 109. Luquer, Lea McI., 114. Luquer, Thatcher T. P., 114. Dewey, Sergt. Josiah, 1640-1732. Sergt. at Wethersfield, King Philip's War. Emerson, George D., 78. Dewey, Capt. Stephen, 1719- 1796. In Col. William Wil- liams' Regt., Mass. Troops, 1758. Benedict, Geo. Grenville, 360. Benedict, Robert Dewey, 47. Dewey, Charles A., 72. Dewey, Cornet Thomas, 1648. Cornet of Windsor, Conn., Troop. Dewey, Charles, 361. Dewey, Chauncey E., 473. Dewey, George, 361 Dewey, Cornet Thomas, Jr., 1639-1690. Cornet, 1685. Rep- resentative, i677-'79. Select- man, 1677. Dewey, Chauncey E., 473. Dewitt, Andries, 1657-1710, Kingston, N. Y. Member of Capt. Hendrickus Beekman's Company of Troopers, Kingston, 1686. Capt. Kings- ton Co., Associated Exempts. Clark, Kenneth, 432. Innis, Hasbrouck, 100. ReQua, Charles H., 384. Sherrill, Charles H., 156. Dewitt, Q. M. Andries, 1697- 1764, of Ulster Co., N. Y. Q. M. in the Independent Troop of Militia for the Co. of Ulster, 1740, Jacob Rutsen, Jr., Capt. ReQua, Charles H., 384. De Witt, Lieut. Johannes, 1701- , Marbletown, N. Y. Lieut., Foote Co., 1738. De Witt, Capt. Petrus, 1722- 1790. Capt. of Militia, Rhinebcck Precinct; Fort Ticonderoga, 1758. Innis, Hasbrouck, 100. De Witt, Capt. Tjerck, 1683- 1762. Capt. of Foot Co. of Militia, Kingston, N. Y., 1738. Innis, Hasbrouck, 100. De Wolf, Balthasar, 1623-1696, Lyme Militia, Conn., 1668. De Wolf, Edwin A., 399. Richards, Frederick B., 143. De Wolf, Simon, 1718-1755. In Capt. Joshua Abel's Co., Conn. Militia, 1755. De Wolf, Edwin A., 399. Dexter, Rev. Gregory, 1610-1700, Providence, R. I. Commis- sioner, i65i-'S4. President of the Colony. i653-'54. Deputy, i654-'5S. Walcott, Arthur S., 175. Dexter, Major John, 1652-1706. Deputy, 1680, '84, '85, '86, '90, '94, '96, '97, '98, i70o-'o5. Town Council, i688-'89, i700-'oi. As- sistant, i690-'9i. Speaker, House of Delegates, i704-'05. Lieut., Regt. of Mainland, 1698. Capt., i698-'99. Major, 1699-1705. Dibble, Ebenezer, 1641-1675. Killed in the Great Swamp Fight, King Philip's War. 616 INDEX OF ANCBSTORb AND DESCENDANTS. DiCKERMAN, Lieut. Abraham, 1634-1711. Lieut., New Ha- ven Train Band, 1683, et seq. Deputy, i6S2-'g6. Farnham, Elijah T., 334- DiCKERMAN, CaPT. IsAAC, 1677- 1758. Capt. New Haven Train Band, 1722. Dickey, Adam, 1722 , Lon- donderry, N. H. In Capt Barr's Co. of Scouts, 1746. Melville, Henry, Ii7- Dickinson, Capt. Israel, 1735- 1777, Pittsfield, Mass. Capt. of Militia, I7;4- Dickinson, Oliver P., 372. Dickinson. Serct. John, 1650- 1675. Slain in Falls Fight, King Philip's War. Leader of Volunteers from Hatfield. Isham, Charles, loi. Murray, Charles H., 123. Sherrill, Charles H., I55- Dickinson, Joseph, 1652-1675, Northfield, Mass. In Capt. Beer's Co.; went from Had- ley, Mass., to Northfield, to rescue garrison. Stockbridge, Henry, 233. Dickinson, Nathaniel, 1615- 1676. In Hampshire Guard under Capt. John Pynchon, 1663, against the Indians. Ames, Louis A., 38. Dickinson. Frederick, 372. Duffield, Howard, 76- Isham, Charles, loi. Sherrill, Charles H., 155. Dickinson, Nehemiah, 1644-1723, Hadley, Mass. Under Capt. William Turner, Falls Fight, 1676. Dickinson, Nehemiah, 3rd, 1702- 1776, Hadley, Mass. Under Capt. Charles Stevens, in Fifth Indian War, I747- Dickinson, Sergt. Obadiah, 1641- 1698. Hatfield. In Hampshire Troop, 1663. Captured by the Indians, 1677. Dickinson, Thomas, 1634-1713, Hadley, Mass., and Wethers- field, Conn. In Hampshire Troop, under Capt. John Pynchon, in defense against the Indians, 1663. Dickinson, Frederick, 372. DiGGES, Gov. Edward, 1621-1675. Member of Council, 1644. Gov. of Va., 1 656- 1 668. Jackson, Oswald, loi. DiGGEs, CoL. William, 1698. Member, Maryland Council. Jackson, Oswald, loi. Dill, Capt. Matthew, i77S. York Co., Pa. Capt. in Col. Benjamin Chambers' Regt., 1743- Clay, Thomas S., 62. McAllister, Hey ward H., 116. Dillingham, Lieut. John, 1630- 1715. Lieut. Mass. Militia, 1674- Lee, Edward C. 202. Dillingham, John, 1759. Killed in Quebec Expedition Under Gen. Wolfe. Dillingham, William P., 361. Dimmock, Lieut. Thomas. See Dymoke. DiuoN, John, 1700-1764, Fairfield, Conn. Ens., 1733. Lieut., 1741. Capt., 1745- Dimond, Henry C, 414. Dimon, Capt. Moses, 1672-1748. Lieut., 1709. Capt., 171 1. Fairfield, Conn. Deputy, 1722. Dimond, Edwin R., 461. Wakeman, Robert P., 310- Dingley, John, 1608-1658, Marsh- field, Mass. Member, Marsh- field Co., under Capt. Thomas, 1643. DivoLL, Ens. John, 1676, Lancaster, Mass. Second under Major Simon Willard, King Philip's War. Ens. in Foot Co., at Lancaster. Heaton, John E., 302. DivoLL, William, 1672- i 731. In Peter Joslin's garrison, Lan- caster, 1704. Dix Ralph, 1688, Ipswich, Mass. Soldier, Indian Wars, 1642. 617 INDEX OF ANGESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Younpf, Harry, 288. DOANE, LlEUT.-COL. ElISHA, 1699- 1759- Capt. Louisburg Expe- dition, 1745. Lieut. -Col. Can- adian Expedition, 1758. Doane, William H., 414. DoANE, John, 1591-1686. Govern- or's Assistant, 1632-' 33-' ^g. Member of Plymouth Mili- tary Co., 1643. Deputy, Ply- mouth, 1639-1642; Eastham, 1649, et seq. Bryant, Percy, 55. Doane, William C, 73. Doane, William H., 414. Orr, Arthur, 382. Doane, John, Jr., 1635-1708, East- ham. Deputy, Plymouth Col., 1685, et scq, Doane, Wm. H., 414. Jordan, Scott, 378. Doane, Capt. Joseph, 1668-1757, Eastham, Mass. Deputy, 1702, '27, '28. Capt., 1712. Dodge, Cornet John, 1631-1705. Cornet, Beverly and Wren- ham Troopers, 1683. Deputy, 1676, '78, '81, '83. Mott, Luther W., 122. Dodge, Capt. John, 1636-1728, Beverly, Mass. In troop, under Capt. John Whipple, 1676; also under Capt. Cur- win. Capt., 1690. Abbott, Francis E., 243. Dodge, William. Beverly, Mass. In King Philip's War, under Capt. Curwin. Doggett, Corp. John, 1673. Rehoboth, Mass. Deputy, 1648. Corp., 1651. Assistant for Martha's Vineyard. Montfort, Frederick D., 439. Doggett (Daggett), John, 1662- 1724. Attleboro, Mass. Dep- uty, 1720. Doggett, Capt. Mayhew, 1686- 1752, Attleboro, Mass. Dep- uty, i736-'37. 1 741 -'42, 1744- Dole Richard, 1622-1705, Nevk^- bury, Mass. Deputy, 1673. DoNEHOGAWA, Hereditary Chief Sachem of the "Five Na- tions." Chief Sachem oi Senecas and Iroquois In- dians, from unknown an- tiquity; in all Indian Wars. DoNNELL, Hon. Samuel, 1646- 1718. of Georgiana, Me. Member of Council, Mass. Bay Colony. Davis, Fellowes, 70. DOOLITTLE, SeRGT. ABRAHAM, 162O- 1690, Wallingford, Conn. Member of Vigilance Com- mittee, King Philip's War. Deputy, New Haven and Wallingford. Sergt. Aldridge, Frederick T., 37. Brewer, William A., 460. Knapp, Henry E., 438. Lloyd, John U., 417. Walcott, Arthur S., 175. Williams, Norman A., 183. Winton, William C, 448. Doolittle, Dr. Benjamin, 1695- 1749, Northfield, Mass. Sur- geon garrison of Forts Dum- mer and Ashulots. Dorlandt, Lambert Janse, 1639- 1720. Colonial Assembly, N. Y., 1691. Dorland, William A. N., 196. DoRMAN, Timothy, 1730-1764, BoxforJ, Mass. In First Troop of Boxford, under Capt. Francis Perley, Lieut. - Col. John Osgood's Regt, 1757, French and Indian War. Dorr, Ebenezer, 1688- 1760. Capt., Roxbury, Mass., i733-'34. Dorsey, Major Edward, 1705. Major of Militia, Anne Arundel Co., Md., 1694. Gooch, D. Linn, 452. Dorsey, Capt. John, 1663-1715. Member of Lower House of Assembly, Md., 1692. Mem- ber of Upper House, 1701. Governor's Council, Prov. of Md., 1711. Gooch, D. Linn, 452. Keech, Edwin P., 229. Welsh, Luther W., 407. DoTEY, Edward, 1599-1655. In first encounter, 8 Dec. (O. S.), 618 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1620. Member of Capt. Myles Standish's first Military Co., 1621, at Plymouth. Also 1643. Ames, Joseph B., 244. Chittenden, Edwin S., 432. Kelly, Edward L., 476. Parker, Edward L., 271. DouD, John, 1650-1712, E. Guil- ford and Middletown, Conn. In Falls Fight, 1676. Rust, Alony J., 443. Douglas, Capt. Richard, 1682- I735> New London, Conn. Lieut., 1726. Capt., 1727. Douglas, William, 1610-1682, New London, Conn. Com. of the Army, Prov. of Conn., King Philip's War. Deputy, 1672-1675. Alexander, Wm. H., 422. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Brown, Louis, 194. Douglas, William H., 74. Douglas, Samuel T., 497. Merritt, Douglas, 117. Mott, John T., 122. Mott, Luther W., 122. Treat, Erastus B., 169. Douglas, William, Jr., 1645-1725. Soldier in Narragansett War, 1675- Mott, John T., 122. Mott, Luther W., 122. Douglas, Lieut. William, 1708- 1787, New London, Conn. Lieut., 1748. Douglass, John, . In Lieut. Sharpe's Co., at Al- bany, 1689; also on duty, guarding the frontiers at Al- bany, i697-'98. Van Patten, Charles S., 364. Van Patten, William J., 365. Douw, Capt. Jonas, 1736. Lieut. Albany Militia, 1700. Capt, 1715. Douw, Charles G., 74. Storm, Clarence, 163. Douw, Capt. Petrus, 1692- 1775. Rensselaerwyck. Ens., 1717. Capt., 1733. Colonial Assem- bly, i747-'5o, i754-'58. Douw, Charles G., 74. Storm, Clarence, 163. Douw, Lieut. Volckert Janszen, 1681. Lieut, of a Foot Co., at Rensselaerwyck, 1669. Indian Commissioner and Magistrate at Fort Orange, 1654. Douw, Charles G., 74. Kinzie, John H., 493. Douw, Capt. Volckert Pieter, 1720-1801, Albany, N. Y. Capt., 1755. Indian Commis- sioner, 1774. Colonial As- sembly, i759-'68. Douw, Charles G., 74. Dow, Capt. Henry, 1634-1707, Hampton, N. H. Ens., Hamp- ton Military Co., 1689. Capt., 1692. Johnson, John F., 264. DowD, Ebenezer, 1 709- 1 789, Kil- lingsworth. Conn. Capt. Timothy Herlihy's Co., 1760. French and Indian War. Bell, Jared W., 47. DowNES, Capt. Ebenezer, 1707- 1790. At Fort William Henry, 1755. Downes, Anson T., 74. Downing, Emanuel, 1585-1658. Assistant, 1639-1649, Mass. Downing, John, 1659-1744, New- ington, N. H. Member Dover Co., 1696. Deputy, I7i5-'i6. Royal Councillor, i740-'44. Hale, Thomas W., 350. Downing, John. Under Capt. Turner, King Philip's War. Downing, Col. John, 1684-1766, Portsmouth, N. H. Council- lor of N. H. One of the Com- mittee on the Cape Breton Expedition. Col., 1755. Hale, Thomas W., 350. Doxtader, George, Queensbury, N. Y. One of the Palatine Volunteers against Canada, 1711. Wagner, Arthur L-, 446. Drake, Abiel, 1734-1824. In Eli- phalet Leonard's 1st Co., of 619 INDBX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Easton, Mass., 1757. In Capt. Jonathan Eddy's Ticondero- ga and Crown Point Expedi- tion, 1759. Tilden, John N., 168. Drake, Abraham, Jr., 1654-1714, Hampton, N. H. In King Philip's War, and in King William's War. Collins, Loren W., 433. Drake, Capt. Francis, 1687, New Piscataway, N. J. Capt. of Military Forces, i675-'78. James, Edmund J., 378. Drake, Sergt. Job, 1630-1689, Windsor, Conn. Sergt., in Militia. Dewey, Chauncey E., 473. Kinzie, John H., 493. Drake, Lieut. Job, 1652-1711, Windsor, Conn. Lieut, of Train Band, 1701. Kinzie, John H., 493. Drake, Joseph, 1662-1731. Lieut. of Militia, Prov. of N. Y., Eastchester, 1700. Reynolds, James, 140. Whitney, Drake, 181. Drake, Thomas, Dedham and Weymouth, Mass. In King Philip's War. Draper, Capt. James, 2d, 1691- 1768. Dedham, Mass. Capt. Dedham Train Band. Draper, Charles A., 74. Draper, T. Wain-Morgan, 75. Draper, Capt. James, 3d, 1654- 1698, Dedham, Mass. In King Philip's War. Cox, Edwin B., 252. Cox, Wm. Emerson, 252. Draper, Charles A., 74. Draper, Eben S., 254. Draper, T. Wain-Morgan, 75. Draper, William F., 255. Draper,, John, 1725-1805, Dover, Mass. In ist Co. of Militia, Dedham, Capt. Richards against the Indians, 1754. Draper, Walter H., 254. Drauyer, Andrew. Command- ant of Fort Nassau, 1673. Commander and Schout. "Schout by Nacht." Admiral in the Dutch service. Com- manded Dutch Squadron at New Amsterdam. Suydam, Walter L., 164. Dresser, Lieut. John, 1639-1724, Rowley, Mass. Prov. Forces, Foot Co., i69i-'98. Sergt., 1686. Lieutenant of Massa- chusetts Bay Colony. Repre- sentative 1691, et scq. Cap- tain, 1705. Hammond, Lyman D., 377. Spoflford, Paul N., 160. Dresser, Capt. Richard, 1714- 1797. Capt., Charlton, Mass., Co., Col. John Chandler Jr.'s, Regt., relief of Fort William Henry, 1758. Hammond, Lyman D., 377. Drew, Corp. Eben, 1709-1756, Kingston, Mass. In Crown Point Expedition, 1755-56. Hills, Joseph L., 540. Drury, Lieut. Hugh, 1689, Bos- ton, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1659, and 2d Sergt., 1664. Lieut, in Capt. Henchman's Co. of Foot, 1675. Brooks, Alanson S., 497. Green, Charles M., 258. Drury, Lieut. John, 1646-1678, Boston. In Capt. Moseley's Co. Ens. and Lieut, in Capt. Davenport's Co., Great Swamp Fight. Bartholomew, James H., 429. Clark, Orlando E., 503. Deming, Judson K., 485. Green, Charles M., 258. Drury, Capt. Thomas, 1668-1723, Sudbury, Mass. Deputy, Mass, 1701. Capt. Green, Charles M., 258. Dubois, Abraham, 1657-1731, Hurley, N. Y. In 2d Cana- dian Expedition. Gross, San.uel E., 377. Lightner, William H., 439. Dubois, Louis, 1626-1695. Led expedition against the In- dians, 1663. In the Col. 620 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Forces against Indians, 1670. Collins, H. O., 63. Deyo, Peter, y^. DuBois, J. Van Wyck, 75. DuBois, Wm. M., 75. English, William E., 372. Gross, Samuel Eberly, 377. Lightner, Clarence A., 499. Lightner, William H., 439. Poucher, John W., 136. DuBois, Pierre, 1674-1738. Fish- kill, N. Y. In Capt. Barend Z. Van Kleeck's Co., Dutch- ess Co. Troops, 1715. DuBois, John V. W., 75. DuBois, Lieut. Solomon, 1670- 1750, Hurley, N. Y. Lieut. Ulster Co. Militia. Gross, Samuel E., 377. Poucher, John W., 136. Dudley, Francis, 1640 . In King Philip's War. Dudley, Edgar S.. 75. Spooner, Frank E., 386. Dudley, Lieut. James, 1690-1746. Lieut, in Col. Samuel Moore's N. H. Regt., Louisburg, 1744. Also under Capt. Nicholas Gilman against Indians, 1710. Tucker, Gilman H., 170. Dudley, Gov. Joseph, 1647-1720. Chief Justice Supreme Court, Prov. of New England and N. Y. Pres. of the Colonies of Mass. and N. H., i6Sb. Member of Andros' Council. Gov. of Mass., 1702-1715. In King Philip's War. De Koven, H. L. R., 70. Saltonstall, A. H. M., 149. Dudley, Lieut. Joseph, 1674 , Saybrook, Conn. Ens. and Lieut, at Saybrook, i724-'28. Deputy, 1721. Dudley, Samuel, 1610-1682, Salis- bury, Mass. Deputy, 1641- 1645. Associate Judge at Salisbury, N. H. Lieut. there under Capt. John Un- derbill, i63i-'32. Chaplain, King Philip's War, under Winslow. Tucker, Gilman H., 170. Dudley, Stephen, 1734. Sol- dier in Indian Wars, 1695. Tucker, Gilman H., 170. Dudley, Gov. Thomas, 1576-1653. Second Gov. of Mass. Bay Colony, 1634, et seq. Dcp. Gov. 1630, et seq., ad int. Gov.'s Assistant, 1635-1636. Commissioner, 1643, et seq., for, and twice Pres. of United Colonies. Major-General, A. & H. A. Co. Adams, Edw. M., 243. Adams, John W., 428. Bagley, John N., 497. Ball, George O., 348. Barnes, Alfred V., 42. Bell, Charles U., 247. Bostwick, Henry A.. 51. Chamberlain, Paul, M., 541. Chandler, Walter, 59, 233. Chauncey, Elihu, 48. Clarke, Charles L., 61. Corey, Eben, 530. Corey, Edward W., 529. Davis, Fellowes, 69. Dodge, William E., 73. Erving, Wm. Van. R., 79. Goodwin, Joseph B., 197. Gould, George L., 258. Green, John, 400. Green, Samuel S., 258. Grinnell, Wm. Milne, 87. Hale, Arthur, 198. Hale, Josiah L., 259. Hall, Benjamin E., 89. Haskell, Frank W., 91. Holmes, Edwin T., 96. Hoyt, William E., 98. Humphreys, Frank L., 99. Janvrin, Joseph E., 102. Johnston, Christopher, 228. Koues, G. Ellsworth, 107. Langdon, Woodbury G., 108. Moran, Charles, 119. Nichols, Henry A., 463. Nichols, Willard A., 463. Norton, Ewd. L., 125. Norton, Thos. H., 417. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Pierce, Jacob W., 273. Pinkham, Joseph, 352. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. 621 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Prescott, Frank C, 463. Rhodes, Dudley W., 442. Richardson, William E., 442. Rogers, Wm. Evans, 147. Ruggles, Charles C, 385. Saltonstall, A. H. M., 149. Schauffler, William G., 337. Scofield, George S., 152. Snow, Edgar M., 385. Stevens, Clarence W., 161. Stevens, Frederic B., 161. Stokes, Anson P., 162. Storer, John H., 280. Taylor, Washington I., 166. Thompson, Norman F., 388. Tucker, Gilman H., 170. Tufts, Walter B., 171. Upham, Edwin D., 478. Wade, Benjamin F., 446. Wade, James F., 446. Wade, John P., 446. Whiting, Wm. Sawin, 286. Whitney, Harry E., 448. Williams, Ephraim, 182. Williams, George B., 183. Williams, John O., 183. Williams, Samuel B., 183. West, Charles A., 285. Woodbury, Urban A., 365. Dudley. William, 1639-1700. Deputy, Conn., i682-'8s, '87, '92-'9S- Spencer, Selden, P., 406. DuFFiELD, William, 1727-1799, Franklin Co., Penn. Ens., Capt. Isaiah Saddler's Asso- ciated Co., York Co., 1756. Under Col. Boquet, 1763-1764. Headed a force at Fort Lou- don, 1765. Bell, Edwin, 430. Bell, George, 316. Bell, Wm. D., 316. Duffield, Howard, 76. Hotter, Isaac, 403. Duke, Col. Henry, 1713. Council, Va., 1702. House of Burgesses, 1696. Duke, Richard T. W., Jr., 76. DuLANY, Daniel, 1686-1753. Council, Prov. of Md. Montgomery, Thomas H., 204. Dumbleton, John, Jr., 1658-1675. Killed, King Philip's War, Westfield, Mass. Dummer, Richard, 1598-1678. As- sistant, i635-'36. Col. Mass. Emery, Rufus, 79. Dunham, Hon. John, 1588-1669. Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Deputy, i639-'64. Burke, Jam^s S., 56. Freeman, Alden, 334. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Dunlap, James. In Capt. Mc- Nutt's Co., French and In- dian War. Gilchrist, Harry W., 350. Dunster, Henry, 1610-1659. Cambridge, Mass., A. & H. A. Co., 1640. Dunster, Jonathan, 1653-1726, Cambridge, Mass. In King Philip's War. DuNTON, Samuel, 1647 , Read- ing, Mass. In King Philip's War, under Capt. Thomas Wheeler, 1675-6. DuRAND, Dr. John, 1667-1727, Derby, Conn. Surgeon in expedition to Canada, 1709. Durand, Harvey, 76. Durrell, Capt. Benjamin, 1710- 1784, Arundel (Kennebunk- port). Me. In Capt. Jona- than Bean's Co., Saco, 1750. Capt., Upper Co., 1775. Durrell, Jesse M., 349. DusTON, Thomas. In Capt. Benj. Swett's Co., King Philip's War. Downs, Edgar R., 473. DuTTON, Thomas, 1709- 1802. In David Wooster's Co., Major Eleazer Goodrich, Conn., Regt, Louisburg Expedition, 1745, Andrew Burr, Col. Parker, Frederick S., 130. Duty, William, Rowley, Mass. In Capt. Poole's Co., King Philip's War. Tenney, Samuel, 282. DuYCKiNCK, Evert, 1702. In garrison at Fort Hope, Conn., 1640. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. 622 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. DUYCKINCK, CapT. GeRARDUS, 1660-1710. Capt. of Foot, North Ward, New York, 1689. Member of Leisler's Council. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135- DwiGHT, Ensign Edmund, 1717- 1755. Ens., capture of Louis- burg. Young, William H., 185. DwiGHT, Capt. Henry, 1676-1732. Scout, Hatfield, Mass., in Capt. Hawley's Co. Partridge, Edward L., 132. DwiGHT, Brig.-Gen. Joseph, 1703- 1765, Brookfield, Mass. Col. 1744. At Louisburg under Lieut.-Gen. Pepperrell, 1745. Member of Council, Mass Bay Colony, 1731-1732, et seq. Commanded a Brigade of Militia, Ticonderoga Ex- pedition, 1756. Foster, Alfred D., 256. DwiGHT, Capt. Seth, 1707-1774. Under Capt. Kellogg above Northfield, 1729. Under Capt. Bridgeman, 1747, Col. John Stoddard. Capt., 1747. Partridge, Edward L., 132. DwiGHT, Capt. Timothy, 1639- 1718, Dedham, Mass. Cornet of Horse and Capt. of Foot. In ten Indian Expeditions. Deputy. Benjamin, Marcus, 316. Bissell, Eugene, 50. Chapin, Henry D., 59. Childs, James E., 60. Dwight, Arthur S., 77- Gates, Horatio, 504, 542. Partridge, Edward L,., 132. Short, Charles L., 278. Short, Edward L., 156. Smith, Wylly K., 385. Woolsey, Theodore S., 312. Young, William H., 185. DwiGHT, Col. Timothy, 1694- 1771. Capt. "Father Rasle War," 1724. Built and com- manded Fort Dummer. Col., Chief Justice of Hampshire Co., and Deputy. Dwight, Arthur S., 77- Woolsey, Theodore S., 312. DwiNEL, Henry, 1732 . In French and Indian War, 1755- '61. Dunnell, William N., 76. Dyckman, Jacob, 1692 . In Capt. Gerard Stuyvesant's Co., N. Y. Troops, 1738. Underbill, Edgar, 171. Dyckman, Capt. Johannes, 1682- 1730. Capt. Independent Co., Livingston Manor, 1715. Byington, Cassius P., 56. Durand, Harvey, 76. Dyckman, Myron H., 77. Dyer, Col. Giles, 1713, Bos- ton, Mass. In Capt. John Wing's Co., 1684. Capt., 1708. Later Colonel. A. & H. A. Co., 1680. Pres. House of Deputies, 1693. Stevens, John A., 522. Dyer, Thomas, 1612-1676, Wey- mouth, Mass. Deputy. Dyer, William, 1667, Provi- dence, R. I. Sec. Providence Plantations, 1639; Col. of R.I., i640-'42. Gen'l Recorder, i647-'48. Commissioner at Newport to act against the Dutch, 1648. Commissioner to the Assembly from Provi- dence, 1655; from Warwick, 1661; from Newport, 1662. Dyer, Elisha, 519. Hull, James W., 262. Dymoke (Dimmock), Ens. Shu- BAEL, 1644-1732. Ens. and Deputy, Plymouth Court. Bassett, Charles Franklin, 44. Hulbert, Henry C, 98. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Dymoke (Dimmock), Lieut. Thomas, 1658. Lieut., Barnstable Co. In service against the Indians, i643-'44. Deputy. Bassett, Charles Franklin, 44. Dimock, William DeW., 73. Hulbert, Henry C, 98. Leach, J. Granville, 201. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. 623 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Eager, Abraham, 1670-1734, Marl- borough, Mass. In Howe's garrison, Marlboro, 1711. Eager, Joseph P., 77. Starkweather, Ralph E., 386. Eager, Capt. Bezaleel, 1713-1787. Capt., Westboro, Mass., Co., Alarum List, 1757. Seven Years' War. Assembly, 1760- '61. Eager, Joseph P., 77. Starkweather, Ralph E., 386. Eager, William (Acer, Agur), 1690. Cambridge and Marlborough, Mass. In Capt. Thomas Prentiss' Co., "Mid- dlesex" troopers, Mt. Hope Campaign, and under Lieut. Oakes, i675-'76. Eager, Joseph P., 77. Starkweather, Ralph E., 386. Eames, Capt. Anthony. Hingham, Mass. Deputy, i637-'38. Capt. Hingham Co., i644-'45. Eames, Adelbert, 244. Eames, Capt. Henry, 1698-1771, Framingham, Mass. Capt., I757> French and Indian War. Parker, Charles L., 270. Eames, John, 1642-1733. Water- town and Framingham, Mass. In King Philip's War, Mid- dlesex Troop, under Capt. Thomas Prentice. Eames, Thomas, 1618-1680, Fram- ingham, Mass. In Pequot War. In King Philip's War. Eames, Francis L., 77- Hill, Howard F., 351. Eames, Timothy, 1732-1797, Framingham, Mass. In French and Indian War, 1754- '63. Earl (Earle), Capt. Ralph, 1600- 1678. Capt. Troop, Colony of R. I., 1671. Prime, Ralph E., 137. Studley, John E., 522. Tilley, R. Hammett, 522. Wilbour, Joshua, 286. Earle, Edward, 1668-1714. Dep- uty, 1695. Commissioner of Revenue, French and Indian War, i702-'i3, Prov. N. J. Earle, Ferdinand P., 77. Earle, Major Samuel, 1692-1770. Burgess, Frederick Co., Va., 1746. High Sheriff, 1752. Major, Lord Fairfax Regt., 1748. Byers, Anthony S., 492. Earle, Richard H., 492. Earle, William, 1640-1715. Member General Assembly, R. I., i704-'o6. Collins, Henry H., Jr., 195. Eastman, Capt. Ebenezer, 1689- 1748. In expedition against Port Royal. Commanded a company of infantry under Admiral Walker. Command- ed a company at Louisburg, 1745. Ilis house was a gar- rison, 1746. Carter, John W. D., 529. Eastman, Edson C, 349. Eastman, Samuel C, 349. Rollins, Frank W., 352. Walker, Stoughton, 407. Eastman, Capt. Joseph. Crown Point Expedition, 1755. Eastman, Moses. Sergt., Capt. Jacob Eastman's Co., Col. Blanchard's Regt., Expedi- tion against Crown Point, 1755- Carter, John W. D., 529. Eastman, Philip, 1644 . In Capt. Benj. Lovett's Co., King Philip's War. Carter, John W. D., 529. Easton, Gov. John, 1624- 1705. Gov. R. I., 1690, et seq. Dep.- Gov., i674-'76. Att.-Gen.. 1681, et seq. Att.-Gen. of Portsmouth and Newport, i653-'54- Deputy, 1665, et seq. Commissioner, 1654, et seq. Lawton, George P., 109. Tilley, R. Hammett, 522. Easton, Gov. Nicholas, 1593-1675. Pres. of R. I., 1650. Dep.- Gov., 1666. Gov., i672-'73- '74. Governor's Assist., 1640. Deputy, i665-'66. 624 INDSX OP ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. IngersoU, Colin M., 303. Jones, Edmund C, 534. Lawton, George P., 109. Stewart, Jeremiah C., 444. Tilley, R. Hammett, 522. Williams, Norman A., 183. Easton, Peter, 1622-1694. Dep- uty, i666-'7i-'77. Commis- sioner, i66o-'6i. Assistant, 1667. General Treasurer, i672-'77. Attorney-General, i674-'76. Stewart, Jeremiah C, 444. Tilley. R. Hammett, 522. Williams, Norman A., 183. Eastow, William, 1665. Rep- resentative, Mass., i644-'48- '49. Moulton, John H., 403. Eaton, Francis, 1633. Mem- ber of first Military Co., Ply- mouth. Viele, Joel F., 478. Eaton, Corp. Jonas, 1680-1720, Framingham, Mass. Corp., Co. Troopers, Capt. Isaac Clark, 1715. Eaton, Joseph G., 255. Eaton, Joshua, 1653-1717, Read- ing Mass. Deputy from Reading. Eaton, Corp. Noah, i 708-1 791, Framingham, Mass. In Capt. Josiah Brown's Troop. In service at Post No. 4, Charles- town, N. H., King George's War, 1746. Corp., Capt. Jere- miah Belknap's Co., French and Indian War, 1757. Parker, Charles L., 270. Parker, C. Wallingford, 271. Parker, Herman, 272. Eaton, Samuel, 1619 . Mem- ber Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Viele, Joel F., 478. Eaton, Gov. Theophilus, 1590- 1657. Gov., New Haven Col- ony. I 639- I 657. Bishop, Timothy H., 295. Metcalf, Bryce, 117. Norton, John G., 363. Pond, Charles H., 136. Pond, Nicholas M., 306. Pond, Winthrop, 136. Sherman, Roger, 385. Wilcox. Reynold W., 181. Eaton, Col. William. Granville Co. Militia. Member Coloni- al Assembly, 1746, et scq. Daves, Jno. C., 225. Eatton, Hon. John, 1689-1750, Monmouth Co., N. J. Rep- resentative, i727-'50. Trustee from Province, 1740, West Indian Expedition. Paymas- ter, Expedition to Canada, 1746. Eaton, Theodore H., 498. Edenden, Edmund, , Scituate and Boston. Deputy from Scituate, i64i-'43. Member Scituate Co., 1643. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Eddy, Capt. Jonathan. Col. Winslow's Regt., Nova Scotia, 1755. Lieut, under Capt. Bailey, Fort William Henry and Crown Point. Enlisted a Troop, Expedition to Canada, 1758, under Col. Doty, stationed at Fort Cum- berland. Col. Joseph Fry's Regt., 1759. Representative from Sharon, Mass. Avery, John H., 497. Eddy, Samuel, 1601-1688. Mem- ber of Plymouth Co., 1643. Anthony, James L., 38. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Horton, William E., 97. Lawton, George P., 109. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Towne, Richard P., 445. Edgerly, David, i 741 -1785. Brent- wood, N. H. French and In- dian War. Member Capt. Alexander Todd's Co., 1758, and Capt. Tilton's, 1760. Edgerley, Edwin L., 349. Edgerton, Lieut. John, 1690 , Norwich, Conn. Ens. Train Band, 1724. Lieut., 1725. Edmans, David, 1712 , Char- lestown, Mass. Sentinel, Thomas Jenner's Co., 1748. 625 INDEX OF 4NCEST0RS AND DESCENDANTS. Edmonds, Capt. Andrew, 1639- 1695. In King Philip's War. Brown. Henry M., 54. Edmonds, Capt. William, 1734- 1818. Capt. of Co. for Fau- quier C'ty, Va., in French and Indian War, 1761. Homer, Alfred B., 321. Edsall, Samuel, 1630-1706. Eso- pus War, 1663. Member Gov. Carteret's Council, Prov. East Jersey, 1668, et seq. Indian Interpreter, New Castle, on Delaware, i675-'76. Councillor under Leisler, Prov. N. Y., i689-'9i. Eaton, Theodore H., 498. Edson, Samuel, 1612-1692, Bridgewater, Plymouth Col- ony. Member Council of War, 1666-76. Deputy, 1676. In King Philip's War. Edwards, David, 1712 , Char- lestown, Mass. Sentinel, Capt. Thomas Jenner's Co., 1748. Edwards, Richard, Hartford, Conn. Deputy, i669-'73. Edwards, Rev. Timothy, 1669- 1758. Chaplain, Colonial Forces, Conn., Expedition to Canada, 1711. Dwight, Arthur b., 77, 473. Edwards, Pierrepont, 78, 333. Stringer, Geo. A., 163. Tyler, Augustus C., 310. Tyler, Harry B., 210. Tyler, Sidney F., 210. Eells, Major Samuel, 1639- 1709, Milford, Conn. Sergt, 1669. Lieut, 1676. Commanded Garrison at Dartmouth, Mass., King Philip's War. Deputy, Milford, 1678, et seq. Capt., 1683. Commissioner, 1683 - '87. Representative, Hingham, Mass., i705-'o6. Major. Goodwin, Francis, 300. Goodwin, James J., 85, 300. Eells, Samuel, 255. Haskell, Frank W., 92. Eells, Col. Samuel, 1666- 1753, Milford, Conn. Capt, 1699. Major, New Haven Co., 1709. Col. 2d Regt., 1739. Deputy i704-'o6. Speaker, i7o6-'o8. Assistant, i709-'39. Goodwin, Francis, 300. Goodwin, James J., 85, 300. Egleston, James, 1620-1679. In Pequot War, 1637. Egleston, Joseph, 1700- 1774. Marched under Major John Ashley to relief Fort William Henry, 1757. Egleston, Seth, 1731-1772. Marched to relief Fort Wil- liam Henry. Elderkin, Col. Jedediah, 1701- 1794. Ens., 1st Co., 5th Regt., Conn. Militia, 1754. Major, 1759. Lieut. -Col., 1774. Dep- uty from Windham, 1765. Campbell, Wm. A., 57. Eliot, Lieut. Andrew, 1627- 1704, Beverly, 'Mass. Deputy. In expedition against Canada. Storer, John H., 281. Eliot, Rev. John, 1603-1690. Commissioner with Majors Gookin and Willard to visit Indians with messages of peace. Scofield, George S., 152. Eliot, Hon. John, 1667-1715. Member Committee of War, Hartford, 1708. Deputy, 1696- '97-1701. Speaker, 1702. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Ormsbee, Herman, 127. Eliot, Col. Philip, 1602- 1657, Roxbury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Colonel, Mass. Militia. Deputy, i654-'57. Commissioner for Roxbury. Payson, Albert H., 463. Preston, Deming, 383. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 143. Talbot, Joel F., 386. Eliot, William, 1655-1721, Bever- ly, Mass. Under Capt. Tur- ner, King Philip's War. Eliot, Walter G., 78. 626 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Elkins, Gershom, 1641-1718, Hampton, N. H. Represen- tative, General Assembly, 1703- Elkins, Jonathan, Sr., 1669-1746, Hampton, N. H. In Capt. James Davis' Co., and Lieut. Joseph Swett's Co., Queen Anne's War, 1707. Elkins, Jonathan, Jr., 1704 , Hampton, N. H. In Capt. Joseph Eastman's Co., Col. Joseph Blanchard's Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1755- Ellery, William, 1643-1696, Glou- cester, Mass. Deputy, 1689. Austin, Amory, 519. Elliot, Asa, 1727-1768. Against French and Indians. Elliot, Daniel G., 78. Elliot, Henry. In King Philip's War. Elliot, Daniel G., 78. Elliot, Robert, 1640-1720, New Castle, N. H. Member Gov. Cranfield's Council, i682-'86, and Gov. Allen's, 1692, et seq. Member from Scarbor- ough, of last Assembly of Maine, 1685. Gerrish, Frederic H, 532. Hill, John F., 533- Leighton, George Eliot, 401. Ellis, Capt. Charles, 1719-1759, Albemarle Co., Va. In ser- vice on Frontier, i755-'56. Ellis, Lieut. John, 1677, Sandwich, Plymouth Colony. In Colony Militia, King Philip's War, . Parker, Frederic W., 272. Ellis, John, 1646-1716, Medfield and Medway, Mass. In King Philip's War at Garrison at Mendon, 1675; and Wren- tham, i67S-'76. Ellis, Lieut. Richard, , Ded- ham, Mass. Deputy, 1692. Morse, Samuel W., 476. Ware, Moses, E., 284. Ellison, Col. Thomas, 1701-1779. French and Indian War. Marched his regiment from Ulster Co. to relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Morton, Frederick N., 363. Ellsworth, Capt. David, 1709- 1782. Siege of Louisburg, 1745- Taintor, George E., 309. Ellsworth, Capt. John, 1697- 1784. Colonial Forces, Conn. Ens., French and Indian War, 1756. Stringer, George A., 163. Elmendorf, Maj. CoEnradt, 1669- 1738. Ulster Co. Militia. Commissioned Capt., by Earl of Bellomont, 1700. Major, 1738. Hoflfman, Samuel V., 96. Elmendorf, Petrus Edmundus, 1715-1794- Member Foot Co., Kingston, N. Y., 1738. Hofifman, Samuel V., 96. Elmer, Edward, 1610-1676, Cam- bridge Mass. Killed by In- dians, King Philip's War. Kelly, James H., 106. Palmer, Lowell M.; 128. Ely, Nathaniel, 1585- 1676. Dep- uty, Conn., 1657. Ely, Richard, 2nd. , Lyme, Conn. Deputy, 1719, et seq. Ely, Capt. Richard, 3d, i6g7-i777. Ens., 1723. Lieut., 1728. Capt., 1733. Colony of Conn. Moran, Charles, 120. Ely, Capt. William. Ens., 3d Co., Lyme, Conn., 1738. Lieut., 1740. Capt., 1745. Louisburg Expedition. Ely, Smith, 78. Mott, John T., 122. Mott, Luther W., 122. Emerson, Rev. Daniel, 1716-1801. Chaplain, Col. Joseph Blanch- ard's Regt., Crown Point, 1755. In Col. John Hart's Portsmouth Regt., Expedi- tion to Louisburg, 1758. Rockwood, Charles G., Jr., 337. Emery, Anthony. Kittery, Me., and Portsmouth, N. H. Dep- 627 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. uty, Mass. General Court, 1672. Bacon, Horace S., 246. Emery, Anthony, 1713-1781. Surgeon, Louisburg Expedi- tion, 1745, and in Col. Blanch- ard's N. H. Regt., Crown Point, 1755. Knox, William S., 321. Emery, James, 1630 , Kittcry, Me. Deputy, Mass., 1693- '95. Knox, William S., 322. Emery, Sergt. John, 1629-1693, Newbury, Mass. Under Ma- jor Samuel Appleton, in Great Swamp Fight. Cook, Joshua O., 371. Deering, Henry, 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Noyes, Edward D., 536. Emery, Jonathan, 1652-1723. Served under Major Samuel Appleton in Great Swamp Fight. Emery, Brainerd P., 79. Emery, Rufus, 79. Greve, Charles T., 416. Emery, Corp. Obed, 17 18- 1803, Biddeford, Me. Corp. in Alarm List of Capt. Thomas Bradbury's Biddeford Co., 1758. Emery, Col. Stephen, 1710-1795. Ens., 1746. Capt., 1757. Col. of Regt., Mass. Militia, 1767. Col., 2d Regt., Newbury and Rowley, 1771. Brigg, Frank O., 332. Emery, Brainerd P., 79. Emery, Rufus, 79. Endicott, Gilbert, 1658-1716, Stoughton, Mass. In Capt. Samuel Mosely's Co., at Sud- bury, and in Capt. John Jacob's Co., at Medfield, 1676, King Philip's War. In In- dian troubles at Wells, 1677- '92. Endicott, Eugene F., 255. Endicott, Gov. John, 1588-1665, Salem. Gov., Mass Bay Col- ony, 1629. General of forces against Indians, 1636. Dep.- Gov., 1641. Gov., 1644. Sergt.-Major, 1645. Pres. United Colonies, 1658. Endicott, Robert, 79. Newhall, James S., 269. Putnam, George J., 274. Todd, William C, 353- Endicott, Ens. Zerubbabel, 1635- 1684, Salem, Mass. Ens. 01 Salem Foot Company. Ensign, Capt. John, , Hart- ford and Canaan, Conn. Capt. Canaan Train Band, 1772. Deputy, 1772-73. Phillips, George M., 441. Epes, Capt. Daniel, 1624-1693, Ipswich, Mass. Capt. of 2nd Foot Co. at Ipswich, 1683. Deputy. i682,-'86, '89-'90. Epes, Daniel, 1710-1773, Danvers, Mass. Representative, 1754- '57, '66-'67. Erving, Col. John, 1693-1786. Assistant, Mass. Bay Colony. Col., Boston Regt. Erving, William Van R., 79. Erving, Col. John, Jr., 1727-1816. Col. Boston Regt. Erving, William Van R., 79. Estabrook, Capt. Joseph, 1669- 1733, Lexington, Mass. Capt., i723-'25. Representative, 1723- 1725- Estabrook, Fred W., 255. Evans, Col. Evan, 1732- 1794. Member Penn. Co. Associa- tion, and Committee of Ob- servation for Chester Co., 1774. Huidekoper, F. Wolters, 321. Evans, Hugh, 1682-1772. Mem- ber Penn. Provincial Assem- bly, i722-'46-'54. Wister, Rodman, 212. Evans, Lieut. John, 1738- 1834. Dunmore's War, Va. Cam- paign, 1774. Evans, Dudley, 333. EvERDEN, Anthony, , Provi- dence, R. I. Deputy, 1667- '68, '7i-'73- Everett, Capt. John, 1636- 17 14, 628 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Dedham, Mass. Commanded a Co. sent to assist New Hampshire Colony against the Indians stationed at Ex- eter and Portsmouth, N. H., 1695. Ordered to Maine, 1696. Farr, Marvin, A., 373. EwELL, Henry, Scituate, Mass, 1681. In Pequot War. Bryant, Percy, 55. Eyre, Hon. John, 1654-1700. A. & H. A. Co. Council of Safety, 1689. Representative from Boston, 1693. '96-'98-'99. Wood, Alfred T., 184. Fairbanks, George, 1683, Sherborn, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Frost, Walter C, 474. Fairbanks, Capt. Jabez, 1670- 1758. In Lancaster Garrison, 1704. Commander of Garri- son, 171 1 ; in Acadian Expe- ditions, i707-'io, and Love- well's (Father Rasle's) War, 1722-26. Lieut., 1723. Com- manded a company, 1724. Deputy, 1714, et seq. Houghton. William A., 533. White, John B., 407. Fairchild, Thomas, 1670, Stratford, Conn. Representa- tive, i659-'6o. In 1654, ap- pointed by the General Court to press men to fill the quota for Narragansett Expedition. Doughty, Francis E., 73. Harral, George, 91. Kissam, Henry S., 106. Moseley, John G., 268. Fales, Capt. Eliphalet, 1717- 1781, Dedham, Mass. Capt. in Expedition against Crown Point, i755-'56. Fallowele, Gabriel, 1584- 1667. In Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Falls, Alexander. In Foot Co. of Militia of the Precinct of Highland under Capt. Thos. Ellison, against Iroquois, 1738. Falls, De Witt C, 79. Fanning, Edmond, 1683, Stonington, Conn. In King Philip's War. Fanning, Capt. James, 1695-1779. Capt., Expedition against Can- ada, 1746. White, Edward L., 180. Fanning, Thomas, 1655 - 1704. Served in Narragansett War, 1675- White, Edward L., 180. Farmer, Edward, 1640- 1727. Sol- dier against Weymesit In- dians. House used as garri- son, Billerica, i675-'76. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Farmer, Major Robert, 1720-1779. Capt., 1740, 19th Regt. of Foot, Prov. of East Jersey. Major, 34th Foot, Cumberland Regt. Brooke, George, Jr., 194. Farnam, Corp. Eliab, 1731 , Windham, Conn. Corp. in Capt. Samuel Dimock's Co., Expedition to Crown Point, 1755- Farnam, Charles H., 80. Farnham, Lieut.-Col. Daniel, 1719-1776. In French and In- dian War from Essex County. Was Lieut.-Col. in Col. Jona- than Bagley's Regt., 1769. Caldwell, Samuel L. N., 472. Farnham, Henry, 1700, Boston, Mass., and Killings- worth, Conn. Deputy, Conn., 1670. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Farnham, Elijah T., 334. Farnsworth, Lieut. David, 171 i , of Charlestown and Hol- lis, N. H. Taken prisoner by French and Indians, 1757, and carried to Canada. Farnsworth, Matthias, 1612- 1689, Groton and Lynn, Mass. Served in 1675 with Major Willard. Farr, Marvin A., 272>- Farnsworth, Samuel, 1669-1727, 629 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Groton and Lunenburg, Mass. In Groton Garrison, 1691. Farnsworth, Stephen, 1715-1771, Charlestown, N. H. Captured by Indians, 1746, and taken to Montreal. One of Capt. Stev- ens' Co.. for the defence of "No. 4," 1750. Guilford, Nathan, 88. Fare, Lieut. Jonathan, 1751- 1800, Hardwick. Rehef of Fort William Henry. Farr, William M., 504. Farr, Stephen, Concord, Mass. In King Philip's War, Capt. Davenport's Co. Farr, Marvin A., Z72>- Farrar, Jacob, 1642-1675. Killed in Monaco's raid upon Lan- caster, King Philip's War. Farrar, George D., 80. Fisher, Albert J., 374- Palmer, Lowell M., 129. Farrington, Nathaniel, 1656 , Dedham, Mass. In Capt. John Jacob's Co., Hing- ham. Farwell. Ens. Joseph, 1642-1722, Chelmsford, Mass. Ens. in Military Co., Chelmsford, i667-'95. Fassett Capt. John, 1720-1794. ist Military Co., Bennington, Vt., 1764. Hayes, John, 400. Fassett, Josiah, 1674 . Under Col. John Lane, relief of Dunstable. 1706. Hayes, John, 400. Faunce, John, 1654. Ply- mouth, Mass. Member Ply- mouth Co., 1643. Fauntleroy, Col. Moore, 1616- 166=;. Col. of Va. Militia, 1656. Burgess Upper Nor- folk, Va., 1644-1647: for Lan- caster, 1653; for Old Rappa- hannock, 1656, 1658, 1659. Nicholson, John R., 514. Faxon, Thomas. 1601-1680, Ded- ham and Braintree, Mass. Deputy from Braintree, 1669. Fay, John, 1648- 1690, Marlbor- ough, Mass. In Marlborough garrison. King Philip's War. Fay, Capt. Stephen, 1715-1781, Hardwick, Mass and Ben- nington. Vt. Capt. of Militia at Bennington. Robinson, Lewis A., 443. Fayerweather, Cornet Benja- min, 1670-1725. Cornet Fair- field Co. Troop. Feake, Lieut. Robert, 1610-1663. Lieut., Capt. Patrick's Co., Colonial Forces, 1632- 1636. General Court, Col. of Mass. Bay, i635-'36. Barlow, Peter T., 42. DuVal, Clive L., 76. Field, Thaddeus C, 435. Morton, Thomas G., 204. Schieffelin, Eugene, 150. Schieffelin, George R., 151. Schieflfelin, Schuyler, 151. Scott, John F., 152. Scott, William S., 153. Spies, Francis F., 159. Sutton, Asahel, 477. Suydam, Walter L., 164. Thomas, Lawrence B., 167. Underbill, Edgar, 171. Fellows, Ephraim, 1639 . Under Capt. Nicholas Page, Mass. Forces, Great Swamp Fight. Haynes, John R., 462. Fellows, Capt. John, 1733-1808. Capt, Berkshire Militia, 1760. French and Indian War. Jenkins, Edm. F., 102. Felton, Lieut. Nathaniel, 1615- 1705, Salem, Mass. Ens. and Lieut, in Foot Co. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Newhall, James S., 269. Fenn, Dep. Gov. Benjamin, 1672, Milford, Conn. Gover- nor's Assistant, i654-'65-'72. Col. of Militia. Ford, George H., 81, 299. Pond, Charles H., 136. Sanford, George B., 307. Fenner, Capt. Arthur, 1622- 1703, Providence, R. I. Commis- sioner for United Colonies, 1653, et seq. Assistant, 1657- 630 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. '90. Deputy, 1664- 1 700. Com- mander Providence Forces, King Philip's War. Fenner, Charles P., 461. Lee, Hillyard C, 229. Lee, Julian H., 229. Parkhurst, Charles D., 305 Robeson, Andrew, 276. Wheaton, Frank, 479. Fenner, Capt. Arthur, 1740-1827. Ens., Col. Henry Babcock's R. L Regt., French and Indian War, 1759. Capture of Que- bec. Fenner, Charles P., 461. Rhodes, William C, 543. Fenner, Major Thomas, 1652- 1718. Soldier, King Philip's War. Deputy, 1683, et seq. Major of the Main, I7i2-'l3. Wheaton, Frank, 479. Ferguson, Ensign James, cir. 1 725- 1 77 1, Franklin Co., Pa., Ensign of Capt. Joseph Arm- strong's Co., Rangers, on Frontiers of Cumberland Co. in 1755, et seq., French and Indian Wars. Arthurs, Edward F., 223. Fernald, Capt. John, 1698-1754, Kittery, Me. Capt. of the " Abigail,' Siege of Louis- burg. Fernald, Dr. Renald, 1656. Surgeon in John Mason's Colony in N. H. Court Com- missioner at Portsmouth. Capt. of a military Co. at Portsmouth. Deering, Henry, 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Hill, John F., 533- Noyes, Edward D., 535. Fernald, William, 1646- 1728, Kittery. Lieut, in Capt. Fran- cis Hook's Co. in the Lower Town of Kittery, Me., 1686. Capt., 1686. Deering, Henry, 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Noyes, Edward D., 535. Field, Benjamin, 1732, Flushing, L. I. Member Capt. Jonathan Wright's Co., 1715. Field, Capt. John, 1645- 1698, Bridgewater, Mass. Soldier under Capt. Turner in the Falls Fight. Bardwell, Harry J., 369. Field, John, Providence, R. I, Deputy, 1676. Bowen, Edgar C, 430. Field, John, 1671 , Bridge- water, Mass. Representative, I7i6-'i7. Field, Capt. Joseph, 1658-1736, Hatfield and Deerfield, Mass. Capt. in Indian Wars. Bardwell, Harry J., 369. Field, Major Peter, 1647-1707, Henrico and New Kent Co., Va. Justice of Henrico, 1678. High Sheriff, 1682. Capt. and Burgess, i692-'93. Major, i705-'o7, et ante. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Field, Sergt. Samuel, 1651-1697. In Falls Fight, King Philip's War; killed by Indians. Foote, Horace A., 81. Merriman, Wm. B., 305. Field, Samuel, 1696-1788, Flush- ing, L. I. In Capt. Jonathan Wright's Co., 1715. Field, Capt. Seth, 17 12- 1792, Northfield, Mass. Under Capt. Kellogg, 1733. Capt. in Col. Israel William's Regt., 1759. French and Indian War. Knapp, Henry E., 438. Field, Zachariah, 1600 - 1666, Hartford, Conn., and Hatfield, Mass. Soldier from Hart- ford in the Pequot War. Bardwell, Harry J., 369. Stockbridge, Henry, 162. Field, Capt. Zecliariah, 1685- 1746, Northfield, Mass. Sergt., Capt. Kellogg's Co., Father Rasle's War, 1725. Capt., 1743- Field, Thos. G., 80. Foote, Horace A., 81. Knapp, Henry E., 438. Wilcox, Reynold W., 181. 631 INDEX OP ANXBSTORS AND DESCENDANTS. FiFiELD, Edward, 1678 . Capt. of Militia at Portsmouth, N. H., 1740. Fifield, B. Frank, 361. FiLKiN. LiEuT.-CoL. Henry, 1 7 13. Lieut.-Col., Kings Co. Militia, 171 1. Sands, B. Aymar, 149. Smith, Philip H. W., 158. FiLLEBRowN, Thomas, 1736, Watertown, Mass. In King Philip's War, from Medford, 1676. Finney, Robert, 1600-1688, Ply- mouth. Deputy, 1657, et seq. Parker, Edward L., 271. Fish, Capt. Samuel. In King Philip's War. Heilner, George C, 93. FiSHBOURNE, William. Member of Governor's Council, 1723- '31, Penn. Mayor of Phila- delphia. Draper, T. Wain-Morgan, 75. FiSHER, Anthony, 1590 - 1670, Dedham, Mass. Deputy, 1649. A. & H. A. Co., 1644- Wade, John P., 446. Fisher, Capt. Daniel, 1620-1683, Dedham, Mass. Sergt., 1658. Ens., 1660. Capt., 1673. Fisher, Daniel, 1707. Taun- ton Militia, Indian Wars. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Fisher, Capt. Daniel, 1649- 1713. Capt, Dedham, Mass., Co., 1676. Fisher, Harris B., 80. Fisher, Nathaniel C, 80. Fisher, Edward, 1677, Ports- mouth, R. I. Commissioner, 1660. Deputy, i67i-'72. Fisher, Capt. Jeremiah, 1701 , Needham, Mass. Capt., Needham Co. of Militia. Fisher, Capt. John, 1656-1736, Needham, Mass. In Capt. William Turner's Co., King Philip's War. Capt., Need- ham Horse, at the overthrow of Gov. Andros. Fisher, Sergt. Joshua, 1620-1672, Dedham, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1640. Sergt., Dedham Co., 1648. Deputy, 1653. Fisher, Samuel, 1704. Dep- uty from Wrentham, Mass., 1 689- '92. Endicott, Eugene F., 255. Farrington, Robert I., 435. Ware, Moses E., 284. FiSKE, Lieut. David, 1624-1711, Lexington, Mass. Lieut, for many years. Deputy, 1689. Fiske, Lieut. Henry, 1706-1790, Watertown and Sturbridge, Mass. Lieut, of Colonial Forces. Fiske, Lieut. John, 1623- 1682, Chelmsford, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Co., 1675. Wounded, Turner's Falls Fight, 1676. Lieut, in Capt. Samuel Huntington's Co., 1676. In Pawtucket Falls Fight. Willard, Edward A., 182. Willard, J. Le Baron. 182. Fiske, Lieut. Nathan, 16^2-gA,, Watertown, Mass. Lieut., Watertown Co., 1694. Endicott, Eugene F., 255. Fiske, Nathan, 1672-1741, Wat- ertown, Mass. Deputy, 1727- '29, '22. Fiske, Nathaniel, 1653- 1735. In Caot. John Cutler's Co., King Philip's War. Britton, Edward E., 53. Cadle, Charles F., 398. Guilford, Nathan, 88. Whitney, Drake, 181. Fiske, William, 1613-1654, Salem, Mass. Deputy, 1646, '49-50, '52. Fiske, Lieut. William. 1642- 1728, Wenham, Mass. Ens., 1683. Lieut, 1686. Deputy, 1701, '04-'o6, 'og-'ii, 'i3-'i6. Fitch, Capt. Abner, 1703-1798, of Lebanon. Capt, 1753. Fitch, Capt. Azel, 1728- 1760. First Lieut, nth Co., I757- 632 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Capt., gth Co., 1759. Capt., 8th Co., 1 761. Conn. Militia. Symonds, Charles S., 165. Fitch, Lieut.-Col. Jabez, 1702- 1784, Canterbury, Conn. Capt., 1740. Lieut.-Col., nth Regt., Conn. Militia, 1771. Deputy, 1734, et seq. Jewett, William P., 438. Fitch, Rev. James, 1622-1702, Booking, Eng., and Norwich, Conr. Chaplain of the Conn. Forces, King Philip's War, under Major Treat, 1675, and Major John Talcott, 1676. Dewey, Edward W., 72. Dewey, George A., 72. Jewett, Stephen, 438. Jewett, William P., 438. Orr, Arthur, 382. Shepard, R. Fitch, 155. Warren, Walter P., 176. Fitch, Major James, 1649-1727, Norwich, Conn. Governor's Assistant, 1681-1706. Sent to New York, to confer with Capt. Jacob Leisler. Capt. of Militia, 1680. French and Indian Wars, 1702. Sergt.- Major of New London, 1696. Commanded all the Troops in that County. Jewett, William P., 438. Orr, Arthur, 382. Shepard, R. Fitch, 155. Warren, Walter P., 176. Fitch, Capt. Jeremiah, 1670-1736, Canterbury, Conn. Capt., 1704. Deputy, i725-'34- Fitch, Capt. John, 1667-1743. of Windham, Conn., Militia. Deputy. Price, Henry R., 137. FiTCH, Capt. John, Jr., 1705-1750, Windham, Conn. Capt. of Militia. Lieut., 1730. Dep- uty, Windham and Canter- bury. Bardwell, Harry J., 369. Fitch, John, 1707- 1795. In In- dian Wars, 1744, built and de- fended a block house in Lu- nenburg. 1748, the Indians carried John Fitch, his wife and five children into cap- tivity. Exchanged as a pris- oner of war. Stearns, Ezra S., 353. Fitch, Lieut. Samuel, 1727- 181 i, Norwalk, Conn, ist Lieut., Capt. William Vyhiting's Co. of Foot, Expedition against Canada, 1746. Deputy from Norwalk, i744-'68. Commit- tee of War, Crown Point, 1757- FiTCH, Capt. Thomas, 2d, 1630- 1690. Ens., 1665. Commis- sioner, 1669. Capt., 1673, King Philip's War. Fitch, Grant, 504. Osborn, Henry F., 305. Smith, Frank B., 324. Smith, Robert A., 325. Fitch , Gov. Thomas, 1696- 1774. Dep. Gov., i750-'54. Gov., i754-'66. Colony of Conn. Rowland, George, 147. Rowland, Thomas F., Jr., 147. FiTTS, Abraham, 1692, Ips- wich, Mass. In Major Samuel Appleton's Co., King Philip's War. FiTz Hugh, Col. William, 1651- 1701, "Bedford," Stafford Co., Va., Lieut.-Col., Westmore- land Co., Va., 1683. House of Burgesses, 1678- 1687. Col., Stafford Co. Forces, 1690. Garland, Spotswood, 513. Rose, Hiram H., 384. Rose, Landon C, 384. Tho.nas, Douglas H., 167, 234. Thomas, Douglas H., Jr., 235. Walker, John Garland, 343. Walker, William J., 343. Fitzwater, Thomas, 1699. Assembly, Prov. of Penn., i688-'90. Flag(g), Lieut. Gershom, 1641- 1690, Woburn, Mass. ist Lieut., French and Indian War. Killed near Lee, N. H. Belknap, Waldron P., 46. Childs, James E., 60. Gordon, Geo. A., 350. Flagg, Michael, 1650-1711. Sol- 633 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. dier in the Mass. Provincial Forces. Bemis, Geo. Pickering, 422. Flagg, Thomas, 1616-1698, Wat- ertown, Mass. In Train Band until 1681. FivEETE, LlEUT.-CoL. HenRY, 160O- 1670. Member Md. Assembly, 1637- '38. Captured by the Anacosta Indians, 1623. Ran- somed, 1627. Captain-Gen- eral, to make treaty of peace with the Susquehannas, 1644. Burgess, Lancaster Co., Va., 1652. Fleet, Alexander F., 399. Horner, William M., 96. Fletcher, Capt. Daniel, 1718- 1776. Lieut., Capt. David Melvin's Co., Northfield, 1747. Capt., Acton, 1755, and alarm Hst, 1757. Capt. under Col. Ebenezer Nichols, Canadian Expedition, 1758; and in Col. Frye's Regt. at Nova Scotia in 1760. Bates, Edward C, 246. Fletcher, Samuel, 1632 - 1697. Trooper under Capt. Wheeler at Groton garrison, King Philip's War. Whitin, Frederick H., 180. Fletcher, Cornet Samuel, 1657- 1744, Concord, Mass. Cor- net, Concord Co. Bates, Theodore C, 246. Fletcher, Samuel, 1661 - 1706. Trooper under Capt. Wheeler at Groton garrison. King Philip's War. Whitin, Frederick H., 180. Fletcher, Samuel, 1745-1815. In Prov. Army, French and In- dian War, 1762. Young, Henry B., 185. Flint, Ens. Edward, Salem, Mass. Ens., Salem Co., 1689. Johnson, Emery W., 263. Flint, Lieut. John, 1687. Lieut. in Capt. Thomas Henchman's Troop, from Sudbury, Marlboro, Concord, Mass. Deputy. Flint, Francis G., 504. Flint, John W., 504. Flint, Wyman K., 375, 504. Flint, Thomas, 1603- 1653, Con- cord, Mass. Magistrate, Con- cord, Mass. Flint, Wyman K., 375, 504. Flint, Thomas, 1645-1721, Salem. King Philip's War. In Capt. Gardiner's Co. against Nar- ragansetts, 1675. Flint, Frank P., 461. Flint, Motley H., 461. Merritt, Walter H., 267. Floyd, Capt. John, 1638-1701, Maiden, Mass. Capt. of a Troop, 1690. Later in com- mand of men at Portsmouth. Floyd, Lieut. John, 1724, Maiden, Mass. Lieut, in Mai- den Military Co. Floyd, Col. Richard, 1665-1728. Lieut., 1700. Col., Suffolk Co. Militia, Canadian Expe- dition, 1709. Oothout, John W., 127. FoBES, Edward, 1732, Bridge- water, Mass. Representa- tive, i702-'03, 'o8-'o9, 'ii-'i2, '15, '22. FoBES, John, — water, Mass. bury Military Co., Capt. Myles Standish, 1643. FoBEs, Lieut. William, 1649- 1712, Little Compton, R. I. Com- missary in Church's Expedition. Deputy, 1 70 1, '05. '07. Rogers, Edward L., 277. FoKAR, Gerrit. In Capt. Paw- ling's Foot Co. of Hurley Sol- diers at Marbleton, N. Y., Esopus, Indian Wars. Gross, Samuel E., 377. Folsom, John, 1615-1681. Mem- ber of Militia at Hingham, Mass., i644-'57. Folsom, Albert A., 256. Tucker, Gilman H., 170. Folsom, John, 1641-1718. Soldier in Indian Wars, 1696. Tucker, Gilman H., 171. FouLSHAM, vide Folsom. - 1661, Bridge- Member Dux- Third 1649, 634 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1649- Ens., 1690, FouLSHAM, Lieut. Peter, 1717, Exeter, N. H. 1692. Lieut, 1 710. Folsom, Albert A., 256. Folsom, William H., 80. Tucker, Gilman H., 171. Foot, Capt. Samuel, Amesbury, Mass. Captain of Militia. His house called "Capt. Foot's Fort." Kelly, Edward L., 476. FooTE, Capt. Abraham, 1725- 1823. Ens., 1757. Lieut., 1758. Capt., 2d Conn. Regt, 1760. Expedition against Montreal. Ives, Francis J., loi. FooTE, Daniel, 1717-1801. Dep- uty, 1762, et seq. Justice for Hartford Co., Conn., i763-'74. Foote, John C, 399. FooTE, Major Isaac, 1717-175S. Branford, Conn. Lieut., 1750. Major, 1755. Council of War, I75S- Foote, George B., 81. Foote, Gilbert F., 81. Foote, Morris C, 81. Foote, Capt. Joseph, 1666-1751. Lieut., Branford, Conn., 1713. Capt., 1715. Deputy, I7i4-'i5. Ives, Francis J., loi. Pond, Edward W., 136. FooTE, Nathaniel, ist, 1593-1644. Deputy, Conn., i64i-'44. Foote, John C, 399. Isham, Charles, loi. Sherrill, Charles H., 155. Foote, Q. M. Nathaniel, 2d 1647- 1703. Q- M., Capt. William Turner's Co., Falls Fight, King Philip's War. Bell, Jared W., 46. Brainerd, Leverett, 295. Davies, William G., 69. Foote, John C, 399- Foote, Wallace T., Jr., 81. Isham, Charles, loi, 303. Merwin, Walter L., 204. Osborn, Henry A., 382. Partridge, Edward L., 131- Sherrill, Charles H., 155. Sill, Frederick S., 156. Williams, Robert D., 183. Foote, Capt. Nathaniel, 3d, 1682-1774. Ens., Branford, Conn., 1709. Colchester, 1721. Lieut., 1732. Capt.. i736-'43. Deputy, 1725. Foote, John C, 399. Foote, Lieut. Robert, 1629- 1681. Lieut. Branford, Conn., Mili- tia, 1677. Davies, Wm. G., 69. Foote, Morris C., 81. Ives, Francis J., loi. Merwin, Walter L., 204. FoRBUSH, Thomas, 1667 - 1738, Westboro, Mass. In Indian Wars. Forbush, William C. 81. Ford, Joseph, 1642-1718. Soldier in King Philip's War. Ford, Thomas, 1676, Wind- sor, Conn. Deputy, 1638, et seq. Adams, Fred'k C, 396. Allen, Theodore L., 244. Howe, Edward W., 262. Ware, Horace E., 284. Ford, William, 1633-1721, Marsh- field, Mass. In King Philip's War. Almy, William E., 428. Paul, Edward J., 505. Forrest, Patrick, 1675. Md. House of Burgesses, 1 649- '50. Henry, J. Malcolm, 320. Henry, John W., 320. Forster, Lieut. John, 1784. Lieut, in Col. Clapham s Regt., Penn. Baldy, John M., 192. FosDicK, Sergt. John, 1626-1716, Maiden, Mass. Under Capt. John Cutter, King Philip's War, 1676. Sergt. FosDicK, Lieut. Samuel, 1655- 1702. Corp. in 1675-1676. Lieut., 1690. Deputy, 1694- 1700. Jones, Charles D., 416. Foster (Forster), Capt. Asa, 1710-1787. Capt. of Foot in Mass. Regt. raised for a Gen- eral Invasion of Canada. Bryan, Foster A. K., 55. 635 INDEX OF AN€ESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Foster, Lieut. Benjamin, 1715 , Ipswich, Mass. ist Lieut. under Capt. John Wright, " Eastern Expedi- tion," French and Indian War, 1754- Young, Harry, 288. Foster, David, 1704-1779. In 6th Regt., N. H., 1746, Col. Benj. Rolfe. Spies, Francis F., 159. Foster, Edward, 1644, Scit- uate, Plymouth Colony. As- sistant, 1637, Pequot War. Deputy, i639-'4i. Daves, John C., 225. Foster, F. Apthorp, 256. Hunt, Henry W., 263. Minot, Joseph G., 257. Van Rensselaer, A. C., 172. Foster, Edward, 1738- 1828, Hard- wick, Mass. Private, Capt Silvanus Walker's Co., Expe- dition to Crown Point. Foster, Capt. Hopestill, 1621- 1676, Dorchester, Mass. Ens., 1646. Capt. Deputy, 1652. Houghton, William A., 533. Robinson, Francis W., 276. Foster, Capt. Jeremiah, 1691- 1769, Chebacco (Ipswich), Capt. of the 6th Co., 5th Mass. Regt., Louisburg Expedition. Foster, Joseph, 350. Foster, John, 1609 , North- ampton, Mass. In King Phil- ip's War, under Capt. William Turner, 1676. Foster, Capt. Samuel, 1619 , Chelmsford, Mass. Lieut., 1665. Capt., i667-'8o. Dep- uty, i679-'8o. Stevens, John W., 444. Foster, Samuel, 1652 , Salem, Mass. In Major Appleton's Troop, King Philip's War, 1676. Galloupe, Isaac F., 257. Foster, Sergt. Thomas, 1684. Sergt., against Weymesit In- dians. House used as gar- rison, Billerica, 1675. In Capt. Wheeler's Co., King Philip's War, Groton garri- son, 1676. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 143. FowKE, CoL. Gerard, 1669. Burgess from Westmoreland Co., Va., 1663. Horner, Alfred B., 321. Horner, William M., 97. Raborg, H. Mason, 1-38. Raborg, Thomas M. T., 138. Ramsay, Henry A., 232. FowLE, George, 1610-1682, Rox- bury, Mass. Surveyor of Arms for Concord, 1639. Johnson, Enoch S., 263. FowLE, Lieut. James, 1641-1692, Woburn, Mass. Lieut, of the Woburn Co. Johnson, Enoch S., 263. FowLE, Capt. James, 1667- 1714, Woburn, Mass. Capt. of the Woburn Co. Johnson, Enoch S., 263. Fowler, Capt. Abraham, 1652- 1719, Guilford, Conn. Ens., Train Band, 1690. Lieut, 1698. Capt., 1703. Deputv. 1697, et seq. Fowler, Ens. John, 1685-1748, Ipswich, Mass. Ens. in Capt James Abercrombie's Co., ist Regt., Col. Sir Charles Hobby, Expedition to Port Royal, 1710. Dorman, William B., 254. Fowler, John, 1676, Milford, Conn. Deputy to New Haven Court, 1664; to Conn. Court, i665-'69, '75. Fowler, John, i 715- 1803. Ips- wich, Mass. One of Capt. Richard Manning's Troopers, Col. Daniel Appleton, relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Ferris, William M., 256. Perley, Henry O., 134. Fowler, Joseph, 1629- 1676, Ips- wich, Mass. Soldier in Capt William Turner's Co., King Philip's War. Killed in the Falls Fight. Dennis, Rodney S., 71. 636 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Fowler, Lieut. William, 1682. King Philip's War. Deputy, Conn., i673-'8o. Fowler, Franklin H., 299. Merwin, Orange, 305. Fowler, Sergt. William, -, Milford, Conn. Sergt., Mil- ford Co., 1647. Deputy, 1645. Asst., 1643- '44, '46. Fox, Capt. David, 1647 , Lan- caster Co., Va. Chief Mili- tary Officer, Lancaster Co., 1680. Burgess, i677-'8o, '92- '93- Eberlein, Charles W., 434. Fox, Jabez, 1 705- 1756. Gover- nor's Council, i752-'55. Rep- resentative, Mass., i745-'47, '5o-'S2. Fox, James C, 531. Fox, Joseph, . Member of the Assembly, 1746. Speaker, i765-'68. Franklin, Col. Benjamin, 1706- 1790, Philadelphia. Assembly, Speaker, 1764. Expedition against Indians, beyond Beth- lehem, 1755. Col., Philadel- phia Regt., French and Indian War, 1755. Duane, Charles W., 255. Frary, Lieut.-Comm. Theophi- lus, , Boston, Mass. Lieut, in King Philip's War. Freeborn, Gov. Gideon, 1691-1767, R. I. Deputy, i733-'42. Gov., 1745, '47, '50. Freeborn, Gideon, 1720, R. I. Deputy. Freeman, Barnabas, 1737-1781, Sandwich, Mass. Representa- tive, I 772- I 774. Freeman, James G., 256. Freeman, Edmund, 1589 - 1682, Sandwich, Mass. Assistant, 1640- 1645. Member of Coun- cil of War, 1642. Deputy, 1646. Clark, A. Howard, 317. Cook, Stephen C, 433. Foster, Albert V., 375. Freeman, James G., 256. Gillette, Edwin F., 376. Nickerson, Philip T., 270. Nickerson, Stephen W., 270. Nickerson, Thomas W., Jr., 270. Nye, Charles F., 126. Page, S. Davis, 205. Parker, Frederic W., 272. Sears, Henry D., 277. Shaw, Henry S., 278. Story, Henry G., 163. Swift, Henry W., 282. Tilley, R. Hammett, 522. Wesson, James L., 285. Freeman, Major John, 1627- 1719. Ens., Waltham, Mass., 1654. Major, Expedition against Indians at Saconet, 1677. Member Council of War, 1667- 1676. Capt., against Indians at Taunton, 1675. Major, Barnstable Troops, 1685. Deputy, Eastham. Clark, Alonzo H., 317. Clark, Homer P., 432. Eldredge, Zoeth S., 255. Foster, Albert V., 375. Freeman, James G., 256. Fuller, Austin W., 362. Mayo, Charles E., 439. Richards, Charles S., 141. Sears, Clinton B., 154. Sears, Henry D., 277. Sherman, Roger. 385. Story, Henry G., 163. Tobey, Frank B., 388. French, Sergt. Jacob, 1640-1713, Billerica, Mass. Sergt. of Militia. His house garri- soned, 1676. Carpenter, William M., 370. French, Corp. John, 1706, Ipswich, Mass. Corp. in CapL Thomas Wheeler's Co., King Philip's War. French, Corp. John, 1635-1712, Billerica, Mass. Wounded at Quaboag, 1675. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 143. French, Capt. William, 1604- 1681, Cambridge and Billerica, Mass. Lieut., 1647. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Junior Sergt., 1643. First Sergt., 1646. Ens., 1650. Representative, 1660- '63. Capt. of Art. Co., 1681. 637 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Carney, Sydney H., Jr., q8. Carpenter, William M., 370. Dennis, Rodney, 71. Eatjn, Joseph G., 255. Flint, James M., 319. French, Walter H., 257. Howe, Herbert, 199. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 143. Shepard, Ralph K., 155. Short, William, 405. French, Lieut. William, 1687- 1745. Sergt. in Jonathan But- terfield's Co., 1722. Lieut., Dunstable attack. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 143. Frink, George, . In French and Indian Wars, 1761. Frink, Sergt. John, 1718. Sergt., King Philip's War. Mott, John T., 122. Mott, Luther W., 122. Frisbee, John, 1650- 1694. Dep- uty from Branford, Conn., 1690- 1692. Ducharme, Charles A., 389. Plant, Morton F., 352. Frost, Sergt.-Major Charles, 1632- 1697, Kittery, Me. Pro- vincial Council, N. H., 1681. Sergt.-Major, Prov. of Me., 1689. Blunt, Stanhope E., 50. Constant, S. Victor, 64. Hill, John F., 533- Leighton, Geo. E., 401. Penhallow, Charles S., 273. Pierce, Jacob W., 273. Salter, Jasper C, 148. Salter, William, 486. Salter, William T., 148. Wentworth, Moses J., 389. Frost, James, 1640- i 711. Soldier against Weymesit Indians, Billerica garrison, 1675. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Frost, Hon. John, 1681-1732. Member of Council, Prov. of N. Hamp., 1724, et seq. Salter, Jasper C, 148. Saher, William T., 148. Frost, Joseph, 1640-1694, Charles- tow^n, Mass. In Capt. John Cutler's Co., Mt. Hope Cam- paign. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Frothingham, David, 1727-1766. In military service in Mass., 1746. Schieffelin, George R., 151. Frothingham, Nathaniel, 1640- 1688, Charlestown, Mass. Under Capt. Syll, 1675; Capt. Cutler, 1676. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Frothingham, Corp. Thomas, ^7^3-'i776, Charlestown, Mass. Corp. in Capt. Thomas Jenne's Co., 1748. Fry, Col. Joshua, i7i;4. Col., Va. Regt., 1754, French and Indian War. Bacon, Cary H., 452. Bacon, Leonard, 452. Fry, John W., 343. Fry, Dep.-Gov. Thomas, 1666- 1748, Newport, R. I. General Assembly, 1690. Major of the Main, and Speaker, 1714. Dep.-Gov., i727-'28. Fry, Alfred B., 82. Frye, Capt. James, 1653-1725, Andover, Mass. King Wil- liam's War, 1702. Eaton, Joseph G., 255. Frye, Capt. James, _ 1711-1776, Andover, Mass. Lieut., Louis- burg, 1745. Capt., Crown Point., 1756. Clarke, Chas. L., 61. Grinnell, William M., 88. Frye, Col. Joseph, 171 i- 1794, Fryeburg, Me. Deputy, Mass., i750-'54. Ens., 5th Co., Hale's Regt., Louisburg, 1745. Col., and taken prisoner, at Fort William Henry, 1757. Es- caped to Fort Edward. Greene, Charles L., 436. Greene, Jacob L., 300. Martin, William P., 267. Fryer, Capt. Nathaniel, 16 — 1705, Boston, Mass., and Portsmouth, N. H. Deputy, Mass., 1666. Commissioner 638 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. to treat with the Indians, Casco, Me., 1678. Royal Councillor, Prov. of N. Hanip.. 1683. Dep. - Gov., 1692-1702. Lieut., 1678. Capt., 1689. Commandant, i692-'97, at New Castle (Fort William and Mary). Butters, William, 431. Parson. William D., 130. Wilson, Fred A., 287. Fuller, Edward, 1654 ■ -, Lynn, Mass. Soldier under Major Richard Walderne, King Phil- ip's War. Watkins, Walter K., 285. Fuller, Isaac, 1738- 1804. In Capt. Simeon Cary's Co., Col. Doty's Regt., at Fort Edward, 1756. In Capt. Lemuel Dun- bar's Co., at Nova Scotia, 1759-60. In battle of Lake George and Ticonderoga. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Fuller, Jacob, 1655-1751, Wo- burn and Salem, Mass. In Salem Troop. Fuller, Lieut. Jeremiah, 1658- 1743. Soldier in King Phil- ip's War. Lieut., Newton, Mass., Co. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Fuller, John, 1666, Lynn, Mass. Deputy, 1655- 1664. Watkins, Walter K.. 285. Fuller, Lieut. John, 1631-1695, Lynn, Mass. Ens., 1661-1674, Essex Regt., Major Daniel Denison; also at Lynn, 1677. Corp., 1675, Capt. Moseley, mustering at Dedham ; served at Woodcock's Garrison, same year. Lieut., 1691. Deputy, i674-'78. Rhoades, Lyman, 140. Tapley, Henry F., 282. Watkins, Walter K., 285. tuLLER, Jonathan, 1673 - 1731. Phips' Expedition, 1692-93. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Fuller, Capt. Joseph, 1652- 1740. In Capt. William Turner's Co., Falls Fight. Capt., New- ton Foot Co. Jackson, Edward F., 401. Jackson, George E., 400. Kirkland, Howard McK., 106. McKesson, Irving, 116. Richards. Jeremiah, 144. Richards, Charles S., 142. Fuller, Capt. Matthew, 1610- 1678. Sergt. under Myles Standish, 1643. Lieut, at Barnstable, 1652. Lieut., Capt. Standish's Expedition against Manhattoes Colony, 1654. Chairman, Council of War. Lieut, of the Forces against the Saconet Indians, 1671. Surg.-Gen., 1673. Capt., King Philip's War. Allen, Fred'k P., 38- Flint, Wyman K., 504. Gale, Thomas M., 319. Lawrie. Andrew, 265. Lovell, Frank H., 113. Norton, Edward L., 125. Richards, Frederick B., 143. Robinson, Charles P., 146. Rose, Henry B., 521. Fuller, Samuel, 1580-1633. Gov- ernor's Assistant, 1632, Fuller, Linus E., 83. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Fuller. Rev. Samuel, 1623-1695. Private, Plymouth Co., 1643. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Fuller, Lieut. Samuel, 1675, Barnstable, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. Michael Pierce's Co., King Philip's War. Killed at Rehoboth Ambuscade. Curtiss, Frederic H., 253. Norton, Edward L., 125. Fuller, Lieut. Thomas, 1618- 1698, Woburn and Wenham, Mass. Sergt., 1656. Lieut., 1685. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Pierce, Frederick C, 383. Fuller, Thomas, 1644- 1698. Iri Capt. Nicholas Manning's Co., King Philip's War. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Fuller, Lieut. Thomas, 166-?- 639 INDEX OF ANjCBSTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1734, Dedham, Mass. Ens., Dedham Co., . Lieut, 1689. FuRNEss, Capt. John, 1733-1810, Boston. Capt. in General Timothy Ruggles' 2d Wor- cester Regt., Crown Point Ex- pedition, 1759. Furness, Dawes E., 257. Furness, William E., 375- Gager, John, 1703. Under Lion Gardiner, at Saybrook Fort, Pequot War. Partridge, Edward L., 132. Galbraith, Capt. John, 1690- 1751. Capt. in Provincial Ser- vice in Pennsylvania in 1747- '48. Mason, James B., 486. Gale, Capt. Isaac, 1708- 1793, Sutton, Mass. Lieut., Capt. Solomon Holman's Co., re- lief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Capt., 1763. Johnson, Elias H., 228. Strong, Theron G., 168. Gale, John, , Framingham, Mass. In garrison at Biller- ica, 1675. Trooper under Capt. Joseph Sill, 1676, King Philip's War. Gallop, John, 1650, Boston. In a fight with the Pequot In- dians ofif Block Island, 1636, called the first naval engage- ment in New England waters. Allen, Francis R., 243. Denison, John H., 473. Farr, Marvin A., 373. Galloupe, Charles W., 257. Hodges, Alfred, 95. Joy, William F., 264. Paul, Edward J., 505. Seaver, James E., 278. Gallop, Capt. John, 1616-1675, New London, Conn. Capt. of the 1st Co.. Conn. Forces, Major Robert Treat, Great Swamp Fight. Cox, William V. Z., 318. Denison, Charles, 472. Dennison, Ira W., 319. Farr, Marvin A., 373. Galloupe, Charles W., 257. Galloupe, Isaac F., 257. Hodges, Alfred, 95. Hull, James W., 252. Lefferts, Frederic R., Jr., no. Randall, John F., 404. Seaver, James E., 278. Stetson, Caleb R., 325. Gallop, William, 1722-1803, Topsfield, Mass. In Col. Daniel Appleton's Regt., 1759, and subsequently enlisted in Capt. Israel Herrick's Co. Galloupe, Isaac F., 257. Gallup, Benadam, 1655-1727, Stonington, Conn. With vol- unteers to Vineyard Harbor, 1689, captured a private sloop. Cox, William V. Z., 318. Denison, John H., 473. Gardiner, Col. Abraham, 1702- 1782, Suffolk Co., N. Y. Prov. Militia, 1772. Thompson, F. Diodati, 167. Gardiner, Ens. George, 1677, Newport, R. I. Deputy of Rhode Island, 1662. Ens., 1644, Sergt., 1642. Hord, Arnold H., 243. Gardiner, Lieut. Lion, 1599-1663. Engineer at Boston. Com- mander of Saybrook Fort, Pequot War. Bunker, William, 56. Coghill, Howard, 62. Coit, Robert, 297. Gardiner, Curtis C, 400. Gardiner, David, 84. Gardiner, Robert A., 84. Gardiner, Silas W., 485- Huntting, Teimis D, 99. Lennig, Charles F., 202. Leroy, Jacob, 202. McKinstry, Charles H., 116. Moller, Charles G., Jr., 118. Prentis, Edward, 306. Shields, Charles W., 338. Thompson, F. Diodati, 167. Thompson, Hobart W., 168. Teall, Edward McK., 387. Treat, Erastus B., 169. 640 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Gardiner, Capt. -Lieut. Luke, 1674. Burgess from St. Mary's Co., Md., 1659, et seq. Lieut., Foot Co.. 1660. Capt.- Lieut., 1661. Howard, McHenry, 227. - Jenkins, Thos. C, 228. Ramsay, Henry A., 232. Gardiner, Richard, 1687. Bur- gess, St. Mary's Co., Md., i685-'87. Jenkins, Thos. C, 228. Gardiner, Capt. Andrew, 1641- 1690. Deputy, Mass., 1689. Capt., Expedition to Canada, 1690. Frost, Walter C, 474- Greenleaf, Franklin L., 436- White, John B., 407. Gardner, Capt. John, 1624-1706. Captain of Militia, 1680. Wheaton, Frank, 478. Wilson, John A., 236. Gardner, Capt. John, 1681-1721. In defence of Haverhill, 1708. Howard, Leland O., 321. Gardner, Dep.-Gov. John, New- port, R. I. Ens., Newport Co., 1720. Lieut., 1722. Capt., 1726. Major, 1730. Lieut.- Col., 1732. Col., ist Regt., Newport, i734-'43. General Treasurer of the Colony, 1743. Asst., 1748. Dep.-Gov., 1754- '63. Committee of War, 1757. Spies, Francis F., 159. Spies, Henry H., 160. Gardner, Richard, Sr. Member of Assembly of Freemen, Md., i637-'4i. Jenkins, Thos. C, 228. Gardner, Thomas, 1592-1674, Sa- lem, Mass. Deputy, 1637. Gardner, Lieut. Thomas, 1645- 1695, Salem, Mass. Lieut, of the Second Co. of Foot, of Salem. Garfield, Capt. Benjamin, 1643- 1717, Watertown, Mass. Capt. of Militia, in command of 2nd Military Precinct of Water- town. Representative, 1689- 1717. Garfield, Harry A., 415. Jones, Charles L., 104. Maxwell, Robert A., 115. Gates, Simon, Cambridge, Lan- caster and Marlborough, Mass. In King Philip's War. Gaylor, William, 1585- 1673, Windsor, Conn. Deputy, Mass. Bay, 1635, et seq.; Conn., 1639, et seq. Adams, Fred'k C, 396. Blagden, Thomas, 316. Gaylord, Joseph, 1722-1791. In Capt. Josiah Lee's Co., French and Indian War, 1758. Ci.rter, Walter S., 59. Gennings, Jonathan, 1654-1733, Windham, Conn. In King Philip's War, 1675-6. Murdock, Harold, 269. Gerard, Thomas, 1600-1673. As- sembly from St. Marie's Hun- dred, 1641, and Council. Com- missioner of Proprietary, and Lord of St. Clement's Manor, Prov. of Md. Jenkins, Austin L., 227. Jenkins, Edward A., 228. Jenkins, Francis de S., 228. Jenkins, Spaulding L., 228. Ramsay, Henry A., 232. Gerrish, Capt. John, 1646-1714, Newbury, Mass., and Dover, N. H. Capt., 1672. Capt. of Horse, 1680, and King Wil- liam's War, 1690. High Sher- iff, 1683. Member Special As- sembly, 1684. Deputy, 1684, et seq. Royal Councillor. Butters, William, 431. Gerrish, Frederic H., 532. Wilson, Fred A., 287. Gerrish, Col. Paul, 1674-1743, Dover, N. H. Capt., 1717. Major, 1729, Indian Wars. Representative, i726-'40. Rollins, Edward A., 147. Gerrish, Col. Timothy, 1684-1756, Dover, N. H. Capt., 1719. Deputy, 1709, et seq. Col., York Co. Militia, 1725. Roy- al Councillor, Prov. of Mass., i730-'35- 641 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Butters, William, 431. Gerrish, Frederic H., 532. Gerrish, Capt. Wiluam, 1617- 1687, Newbury and Boston, Mass. Capt., Military Co. of Newbury. Capt. in King Philip's War. Commanded garrison at Newbury. Dep- uty, 1650, et seq. Amsden, Franklin D., 245. Amsden, Henry F., 245. Gerrish, Frederic H., 532. Low, Wm. G., Jr., 114. Wilson, Fred A., 287. Wood, Marshall W., 184. Gerritsen v. Strijcker. Gerry, Eldridge, . Represen- tative from Marblehead, Mass., 1772-3. GiBBARD, William, 1663. Dep.-Sec. and Gov.'s Assist., New Haven Col., 1661. Carter, Walter S., 59- Royce, Alfred L., 232. Stoddard, William B., 308. GiBBES, John, 171 1. Member of Assembly, 1706. Middleton, John I., 230. GiBBES, Gov. Robert, 1644-1715. Governor of Carolina, 1709- '12. Chief Justice, i709-'i3. Barnwell, Morgan G., 43. Gibbon (s), Dep.-Gov. Ambrose, 1600-1656. Dep.-Gov. of N. H., 1630. Capt., Portsmouth Alarm, 1643. Deering, Henry, 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Hill, John F., 533. Knox, William S., 321. Leighton, Geo. E., 401. Moulton, George M., 381. Noyes, Edward D., 535. Parsons, William D., 130. Rollins, Edward A., 147. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 405. Storer, John H., 280. Thompson, Harry G., 309. Trenchard, Edward, 169. GiBBS, Mathew, 1697. Sud- bury, Mass. Under Capt. Nathaniel Davenport and Capt. Edward Tyng, in King Philip's War. Cook, Joshua O., 371. GiBBS, Ens. Zebulon, , New Haven. Ensign, 1758. Gibson, Abraham, 1641-1679. Sentinel in Capt. TsTathan Bridgman's Co., 1725. Gibson, Charles L., 84. Gibson, Lieut. Abraham, 1735- 1813, Stow, Mass. Lieut, under Capt. Abijah Hall, I7S9; also in Col. Willard's Regt, Crown Point Expedition, 1760. Gibson, Charles L., 84. Gibson, Edwin W., 498. Wyman, Walter C, 391. Gibson, Capt. James, 1700-1752. Expedition to Cape Breton, 1745. With five men he towed the fire-ship against the enemy's fleet and the West gate. Johnson, Jeremiah A., 103. Gibson, John, 1641-1679. In Capt. Thomas Prentice's Troopers, 1675, Mt. Hope Expedition. In Lieut. Edward Oakes's Troopers, 1675; also in Capt. Daniel Henchman's Co. of Foot, 1676. Gibson, Charles L., 84. Wyman, Walter C, 391. Giddinge, George, 1608-1676, Ips- wich, Mass. Deputy, Mass., 1641. Gordon, Geo. A., 350. GiDDiNGS, Lieut. Daniel, 1704- 1771, of Chebacco (Ipswich). Lieut., Capt. Jeremiah Fos- ter's Co., 5th Mass. Regt., Louisburg Expedition. Rep- resentative, Mass., 1758. Foster, Joseph, 350. GiDDiNGS, Lieut. John, 1632-1690. In Narragansett campaign. Haskell, Frank W., 91. Gilbert, Daniel, 1729-1824. En- sign, Capt. John Dodge's Co., Expedition to Cape Breton, 1744. Crown Point Expedi- tion, under Col. Thatcher; 642 INDEX OP ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. also in Capt. Nathaniel Woolcot's Co., 1757. Ely, William C, 78. Gilbert, Benjamin D., 84. Gilbert, Eleazur, 1701. In King Philip's War. .Gilbert, Charles P. H., 84. Gilbert, Deacon Henry, 1661- '-. Built Gilbert's Fort at Brook-field, 1688. Gilbert, Benjamin D., 84. Gilbert, John 1654, Dor- chester and Taunton, Mass. In Military Co., Yarmouth, Lieut. Wm. Palmer, 1643. Gilbert, Charles P. H., 84. Gilbert, Shepard D., 257. Gilbert, John, 1657, Ply- mouth Colony. Deputy, 1639. Leonard, George H., 265. Gilbert, John, 1657-1723, Ipswich, Mass. In King Philip's War. Gilbert, Jonathan, 1618-1682. Messenger in Indian wars, to Sequasson, Chickwallop, Ma- nasanes and other chiefs. Amee, Albert F., 244. Gilbert, James H., 376. Hooker, Edward W., 302. Reynolds, James, 139. Tavlor. Oscar L-, 444. Turner, Henry L., 388. Gilbert, Dep.-Gov. Matthew. Dep.-Gov., New Haven Col., i66i-'63. Dyer, Horace E., 361. Munson, C. La Rue, 205. Murray, George H., 543. Gilbert, Capt. Nathaniel, 1683- 1765, Taunton, Mass. Capt. in Col. Timothy Ruggles' Regt. Expedition to Crown Point, 1755. Gilbert, Lieut. Nathaniel, 1689- 1756, Middletown, Conn. Under Capt. Moses Dem- ming, expedition to Canada, 1709. Lieut, at " Newfield," 1736. Gilbert, James H., 376. Gilbert, Capt. Nathaniel, 1723- 1787, Middletown, Conn., and Herkimer Co.. N. Y. Lieut. Eleventh Co., Sixth Conn. Regt., 1760. Capt., 1765. Gilbert, James H., 376. Gilbert, Ens. Thomas, 1643-1725, Dorchester and Taunton, Mass. Ens., Westward Foot Co. of Taunton, 1704. Sergt. First Co., 1700. Gilbert, Thomas, 1676, Taun- ton, Plymouth Colony. Dep- uty, 1652. Leonard, George H., 265. Gilbert, Vice-Admiral Thomas, 1645- 1 709. Commanded 2d Squadron, Canadian Expedi- tion, Sir William Phips; and in Swan captured French ship Saint Jacob, in the St. Law- rence, 1692. Murphey, Chauncey H., 537. Murphey, Elijah W., 123. Gilbert, Thomas, 1655-1719, Bos- ton, Pilot of the ship Swift- sure, in the expedition against Quebec, 1711. Amee, Albert F., 244. GiLLAM, Capt. Benjamin, 1634- , Boston. Lieut. Second Boston Co., Suffolk Regt., Major Thomas Clarke, prior to King Philip's War, 1675. In King Philip's War, Narra- gansett Campaign, 1675, and succeeded Major Savage as Capt. of his Co., 1675. Gillett, Samuel, 1643-1676, Hat- field, Mass. Killed by the In- dians, " Falls Fight," King Philip's War. Gillett, Samuel, Jr., 1672-1769, Hatfield, Mass. Soldier at Battle of Deerfield Meadow, 1703- Gilman, Caleb, 1678- 1766. In- dian Wars, 1710, under Capt. Nicholas Gilman. Tucker, Gilman H.. 170. Gilman, Col. Daniel, 1702-1780, Exeter, N. H. Col. 4th Regt., New Hampshire Militia, 1758- '67. Churchill, Nathaniel W., 251. 643 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Nichols, Henry A., 463. Nichols, Willard A., 463. Oilman, Major Ezekiel, 1706- 1746. Major under Col. Moore, at Louisburg, 1745. Janvrin, Joseph E., 102. Oilman, Capt. John, 1624-1708, Exeter, N. H. Lieut., 1669. Member Council Prov. N. Hamp., 1680. Assembly, 1693- 1697. Speaker, 1695. Ballord, Esek S., 484- Batchelder, Oeorge A., 316. Batchelder, Joseph F., 316. Brown, David H., 249. Churchill, N. Wiley, 251. Folsom, Albert A., 256. Folsom, William H., 350. Oilman, Daniel C, 226. Glidden, John M., 197. Olidden, John M., 532. Glidden, Joseph W., 532. Olidden, J. Murray, 532. Hale, Josiah L., 259. Haseltine, Frank, 198. Koues, Oeorge E., 336- Nichols, Henry A., 463. Nichols, Willard A., 463. Smith, Samuel F., 487. Smith, Wm. P., 208. Tucker, Oilman H., 170. Wilson, John A., 236. Oilman, Moses, 1630-1702. Sol- dier in King Philip's War. Tucker, Oilman H., 170. Oilman, Nicholas, 1672-1749. Deputy, N. Hamp., 1709. Churchill, Nathaniel, 251. Nichols, Henry A., 463. Nichols, Willard A., 463. Olen, Alexander Lindsay (San- der Leendertse) , 1610-1685. In service of the Dutch West India Co., Fort Nassau, on the South River, 1633. Beekman, J. William, 45. Hardie, Joseph C, 320. Hill, Robt. C, 04. Glen, Col. Jacob, 1691-1762. Capt. at Schenectady. Member N. Y. Col. Assembly, 1726-1751. Beekman, J. William, 46. Glen, Capt. Johannes SandErse, 1648- 1 73 1. Capt. ist Foot Co., Schenectady, 1700. Ma- jor in command, 1690, at the massacre, French and In- dian Wars, 1689. Expedition to Canada, 1711. Beekman, J. William, 46. Eldredge, Zoeth S., 255. Griffith, W. H., 87. Hoff, J. Van Rensselaer, 95. Olidden, Charles, 1630-1705. Portsmouth, N. H. In garri- son at Exeter, King Philip's War. Olidden, John M., 532. Glidden, J. Murray, 532. Olidden, Joseph W., 532. Tucker, Oilman H., 171. Glidden, Lieut. Charles. In Col. Samuel Moore's N.' H. Regt., at Louisburg, 1745. In 7th N. H. Regt., expedition against Canada. 1760. Olidden, John M., 532. Olidden, J. Murray, 532. Glidden, Joseph W., 532. Glidden, John, 1720- 1796. In Crown Point Expedition, 1758, Col. John Hart's Regt. Tucker, Oilman H., 171. Glover, Lieut. Charles, 1610- 1670, Southold, L. I. In com- mand there, 1652-1653; troubles with Dutch and In- dians. Corwin, Hamilton S., 65. Glover, Hon. John, 1600-1652. Representative, Dorchester, Mass., 1636-1652. Assistant, 1651-1652. Capt., A. & H. A. Co. Boyd, Allen R., 317. Hill, John F., 533- Rawson, Edward S., 418. OoDDARD, Capt. Edward, 1675- 1754, Framingham, Mass. Capt. of Troop. Deputy, i724-'3i; Member of Council, Britton, Edward E., 54. Ooddard, William, 1620-1691. In Capt. John Cutler's Co., King Philip's War. 644 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Partridge, Edward L., 132. Godfrey, Col. George, 1721-1793, Taunton, Mass. Capt. of Troop against the Indians, 1672, afterwards merged in the Bristol Co. Regt, Col. Samuel White. Major, about 1771. Col., 1774. Allen, Frederick B., 244. Godfrey. John, 1622- 1702. Com- mander of an armed ship against the French at Block Island in 1690. Greene, George S., Jr., 86. Godfrey, John, , South Caro- lina. Sent by Gov. Yeamans to repulse the Florida In- dians, 1670-80. Prov. Council, S. C, i67i-'84. Hall, William C, 319. Godfrey, Major Richard, 171 i- , Taunton, Mass. Capt. of Taunton Co., Crown Point, 1755. Major in Col. Doty's Regt., 1758. Dary, George A., 254. Hall, Frank S.. 259. Hall, George R., 259. GoFFE, Edward, 1658, Cam- bridge, Mass. Deputy, 1646- 1650. GoFFE, Col. John. Commanded a Regt., raised in 1760, to serve in expedition against Canada, and was at Crown Point. Capt., 1746. Major, 1756. Hale, Frederick, 533, 543. Gold, Lieut.-Gov. Nathan, 1663- 1723. Chief Justice Supreme Court, 1712. Lieut.-Gov., Conn., i7o8-'23. Jennings, Albert G., 102. Rockwell, Charles L., 307. Goldthwait, Adj. Joseph, 1706- 1780. Adj., ist Mass. Regt., 1744. Expedition to Louis- burg under Pepperrell. Freeman, James G., 257. Gooch, Capt. James, 1738, Boston, Mass. Capt. of a sloop in defense of Wells, Me., French and Indian War, 1692. Baies, James H., 44. GoocH, James. Soldier in French and Indian War, 1692. Ballord, Esek S., 484. Gooch, Frank A., 300. Gooch, Major William, 1655. Member House of Burgesses for York Co., 1654, and Coun- cil of Virginia, 1655. Thomas, Douglas H., 234. Goode, John, 1630-1709. In Va. Forces, Gen. Bacon's Cam- paign against the Iroquois, i675-'76. Goodenow, Capt. Edmund, 161 i- 1676, Sudbury, Mass. Capt, King Philip's War. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Goodenow, John, 1634-1721, Sud- bury, Mass. In King Philip's War. Goodhue, Deacon William, J613- 1699, Ipswich, Mass. Repre- sentative, Mass., 1666, et seq. Goodhue, Capt. William, 1645- 1712, Ipswich, Mass. Capt. in Col. Appleton's Regt. Representative, 1691 - 1711. One of the Committee to consider the surrender of the Charter to Governor Andros. Dennis, Rodney S., 71. Hobbs, Franklin W., 539. Goodman, Sei^gt. Richard, 1609- 1676, Hadley, Mass. Inspec- tor of arms, 1664. Sergt., Hadley Militia, 1663. Killed at Hockanum, King Philip's War. Ives, Francis J., loi. Graves, Albert M., ^77. Wright, Harry L., 390. Goodrich, Col. David, 1667-1755. Lieut., Capt. Matthew Allyn, Expedition against Indians, 1704. Capt., Hampshire Co., March, 1712. Adj. and Q. M., Wood Creek Expedition, 1709. Capt., Father Rasle's War, i723-'24. Col. and member of Council, i724-'29. 645 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Douglas, Charles H., y-^. Douglas, Duncan, 74. Goodrich, Capt. Ephraim, 1663- 1739. Ensign, 1698. Lieut., 1710. Lieut., South Co., 1713. Capt., 1716. Deputy, 1702. Treat, Erastus B., 169. Goodrich, Ens. William, 1676, Wethersfield, Conn. Ens. under Capt. Samuel Welles. Deputy, i66o-'66. Carpenter, William M., 370. Elliot, Daniel G., 78. Goodrich, Wm., 197. Montfort, Delos A., 439. Pond, Edward W., 136. Williams, Norman A., 183. Goodrich, William, 1661-1737. Ens., Prov. Forces, Conn., 1701. Goodrich, Wm., 197. Goodridge, Capt. Philip, 1714- 1797. Capt., French and In- dian War, 1755. Goodspeed, Ebenezer, 1655 , Barnstable, Mass. In Nar- ragansett Wars under Capt. Thomas Homes. Robbins, Rowland A., 145. Goodspeed, John, 1645 , Barn- stable, Mass. Soldier, King Philip's War. Goodspeed, Roger. Barnstable, Mass. In Barnstable Co. Goodwin, William, 1598- 1673, Cambridge, Mass., and Hart- ford, Conn. Deputy from Cambridge, 1634. White, William C, 448. Goodyear, Dep.-Gov. Stephen, 1658. Dep.-Gov., New Haven Col., i655-'58. Com- missioner for United Colon- ies, 1643. Bell, Charles U., 247. Bradley, Cyrus S., 295. Chadwick, William H., 371. Corey, Eben, 530. Corey, Edward W., 530. Edwards, Charles J., 78. Heaton, John E., 302. Longacre, James B., 203. Robertson, Abram H., 307. Smith, Robert A., 325. Taylor, John M., 309. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Wakeman, Robert P., 310. Ward, Brownlee R., 311. Gookin, Maj.-Gen. Daniel, 1612-1687, Cambridge, Mass. Capt., 1648. Deputy, 1649- 1651. Speaker, 1651. Assist- ant, 1652-1686. Maj.-Gen. of the Colony, 1681. Bell, Charles U., 247. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Chauncey, Elihu, 60. Corey, Eben, 530. Corey, Edward W., 530. Davies, Julien T., 68. Davies, William G., 69. Day, Robert W., 70. Furness, William E., 375. Luquer, Lea McL, 114. Luquer, Thatcher T. P., 114. Ormsbee, Herman W., 127. Pierce, Jacob W., 273. Smith, Frank B., 324. Thornton, James B., 283. Wood, Marshall W., 184. Woolsey, Theodore S., 312. GooKiN, Capt. Samuel, 1652- 1730, Cambridge, Mass. Capt., Cambridge Military Co., 1692. Lieut, in the Regt. under Col. William Tailer against Port Royal, 1710. Gordon, Alexander, 1635- 1697. In Capt. Timothy Hall's Co., King William's War. In gar- rison at Exeter, N. H., 1696. Gordon, Edwin A., 257. Gordon, George A., 350. Gordon, Thomas, 1652-1722. Member of Council, Prov. East Jersey. Dep.-Sec, 1692. Att.-Gen., 1692. Receiver- Gen, and Treas., i7io-'i9, one of the Lords Proprietors. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 90. Gordon, Thomas, 1678-1762, Ex- eter, N. H. In Capt. John Gilman's Co., 1710, Queen Anne's War. Gordon, Geo. A., 350. 646 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Gordon, Edwin A., 257. GoRHAM, Jabez, 1656-1745, Yar- mouth, Mass. In King Philip's War. GoRHAM (GoRUM), CaPT. JoHN, 1621-1676, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, 1653. Lieut., 1673. Capt., 2d Barnstable Co., un- der Major William Bradford, Great Swamp Fight. Ames, Louis A., 38. Baxter, Joseph N., 471. Bcment, Robert B. C., 430. Chase, Clement, 422. Coghill, Howard, 62, 333. Danforth, Allen, 254. Dorr, Joseph, 254. Fletcher, Paris, 435. Gorham, Austin G., 474. Greene, Howard, 504. Greene, Richard H., 85. Grinnell, William M., 87. Hawes, Emory, 92. Kellogg, David S., 106. Locke, Charles A., 266. Lovell, Frank H., 113. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 114. Macy, Coggeshall, 114. Macy, Geo. H., 115. Macy, Sylvanus, J., 115. Macy, Sylvanus J., Jr., 115. Nightingale, George C, 520. Norton, Edward L., 125. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. Sprague, Frank W., 279. Walker, J. Henry, 176. Walker, William M., 176. Gorham, Lieut.-Col. John, 1652- 1716. In Great Swamp Fight, King Philip's War; Canadian Expedition, 1690, and second in command under Col. Church, 1703. Dorr, Joseph, 254. Norton, Edward L., 125. Sprague, Frank W., 279. Strong, Frederick S., 233. Strong, R. P., 233. Gorham, Col. John, 1688-1746. Yarmouth, Me. Lieut.-Col. and Capt. of the 2d Co., 7th Mass. Regt., Col. Shubael Gorham, 1744. Louisburg Expedition, 1745- Gorham, Austin G., 474. Greene, Howard, 504. Grinnell, William M., 87. Whittemore, James M., 181. Gorham, Col. Shubael, 1686-1746, Col. 7th Mass. Regt., and Capt. of the ist Co. in Louis- burg Expedition. Gorham, Austin G.. 474. Gorton, Capt. Benjamin, 1699. Capt., R. I. Militia. Deputy, 1686. Felton, S. M., 415. Gorton, Samuel, 1592-1677. As- sistant, 1649. Commissioner to the Narragansett Indians. Deputy, R. I., 1632-66. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Merritt, Douglas, 117. Townsend, James H., 169. Waterman, Lucius, 353. Gorton, Samuel. 1723. Dep. uty, R. I. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Gott, Charles, 1667, Salem and Wenham, Mass. Dep- uty, 1635. Parsons, Charles S., 272. Gott, Lieut. Charles, Jr.. 1639- 1708. Co. of Foot, Wenham, Mass., 1683. Parsons, Charles S., 272. Gould. John, 1610-1690, Charles- town, Mass. Trooper in Capt. Wheeler's, also in Capt. Hutchinson's Co., King Philip's War. Gould, Levi S. 258. Gould, Capt. John, 1635-1710, Topsfield, Mass. In Lieut. William Hasey's Three County Troop, King Philip's War. Ensign, 1679. Lieut, 1684. Capt., 1693. Dorman, William B., 254. Gould, Charles A., 85. Gould, David H., 300. Gould, George L., 258. Gould, Major Nathan, 1694. Assistant, i657-'62-'94. Ma- jor, 1666. Member of Com- mittee of Defence against 647 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Dutch, 1662. Representative to the first Colonial Congress in N. Y., 1690. Major of Dragoons, 1675. Bladgen, Thomas, 317. Camp, Robert, 503. Curtis, Lewis B., 298. Davenport, Timothy, 68. Ford, George H., 81, 299. Jennings, Albert G., 102. Jennings, Arthur O., 303. Lord, Joseph E. P.. 113. Osborn, Henry F., 305. Schauffler, William G., 338. Smith, Wyllys K., 385. Walker, Williston. 310. Watson, Charles P., 177. Weir, Levi C, 179. GouLDiNG, Capt. Palmer, 1695- 1770, Sudbury and Worcester, Mass. Capt. 6th Co., 4th Mass. Regt.. Louisburg, 1745. Gove, Ebenezer, 1671 , Hamp- ton, N. H. In King Wil- liam's War. In garrison at Fort William and Mary, 1708. Gove, Lieut. Edward, 1635-1691, Hampton, N. H. Represen- tative. i68o-'82. Lieut., Hampton Military Co., 1690. Moulton, George M., 382. GouvERNEUR, Ens. Isaac, 1728, New York. Ens. of Foot, N. Y. City, i700-'o2. Hoffman, Samuel V., 96. Graham, Col. Augustine, 1672- 1719. Officer, Major of Mil- itia, Westchester Co., 1700. Capt. of Militia, north side of Staten Island. Commander of all Staten Island Militia, 1705. Col., Richmond Co., 1715- Graham, Rev. Chauncey, 1727- 1784. Chaplain, N. Y. Proy. Forces, Expedition to Can- ada, 1760. Storm, Clarence, 163. Graham, Col. James, 1660-1701. Att.-Gen., N. Y., 1685-1687, and 1691-1701. Member and Speaker, Prov. Assembly, N. Y. First Recorder of N. Y., 1 683- 1 700. Carnochan, G. M., 58. Graham, Rev. John, Sr., 1694- 1774, Southbury, Conn. Chap- lain, Crown Point Expedi- tion, Col. Phineas Lyman, 1755- Moseley, John G., 268. Storm, Clarence, 163. Thompson, Arthur G., 167. Thompson, Harry G., 309. Graham, Rev. John, Jr., 1722- 1796, West Suffield, Conn. Chaplain, ist Conn. Regt., General Phineas Lyman, 1762. Capture of Havana. Thompson, Harry G., 309. Granger, Q. M. S. Abner, 1735- 1816. Q. M. S., ist Conn. Troops, 1758. Smith, Edward B., 443. Granger, Launcelot, 1633-1689, Suffield, Conn. In King Philip's War. Granger, William S., 520. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Granniss, Capt. John, , New Haven, Conn. Lieut., 1718. Capt., 1733. Grant, Capt. Noah, 1718-1756, of Grant's Hill, Conn. Lieut., Capt. Rodger's Scouts at Lake George, November, 1755. Capt., 7th Co., 2d Conn. Regt., 1756. Grant, Frederick D., 85. Graves, Benjamin, 1645 , Con- cord, Mass. Soldier in Capt. Wheeler's Co., Great Swamp Fight. Graves, Isaac, 1620-1677, Hatfield, Mass. Killed by Indians, at- tack on Hatfield. Graves, Albert M., 376. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Graves, John, 1677, Wethers- field, Conn., and Hatfield, Mass. Killed by Indians, at- tack on Hatfield, 1677. MacVeagh, Eames, 380. Graves, Rear-Admiral Thomas, 1605- 1653. Rear-Admiral in 648 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. British Navy. Killed in ac- tion with the Dutch. Ballord, Webb R., 484- Gray, Edward, 1681. Soldier in King Philip's War. Dep- uty for Plymouth, 1676-1679. Lawton, George P., no. Parker, Edward L., 271. Willard, Edward A., 182. Willard James L. B., 182. Gray, John, 1729-1813. In Capt. Robert Lothridge's Co., Col. Israel Williams' Regt., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Gray, Nathaniel A., 504. Shelton, George G., 155. Shelton, William A., 155. Greeley, Benjamin, 1700-1785, Haverhill, Mass. Soldier in the Haverhill Alarm List, 1757- Parker, Moses G., 272. Green, Judge Henry, 1620-1700, Hampton, N. H. Commis- sioner, 1689. Councillor, i692-'97. Scales, John, 353. Green (Greene;, Lieut. Henry, 1638-1717, Maiden, Mass. Deputy, 1689, et seq. In King Philip's War. Childs, James E., 60. Green, Charles M., 258. Price, Alfred B., 137. Green, Capt. Jacob, 1654- 1726, Hampton, N. H. Capt., 1699- 1720; under Major Winthrop Hilton in guarding the fron- tiers. Scales, John, 353. Green, Corp. John, 1650-1709, Maiden, Mass. Corp., in King Philip's War, under Lieut. William Hasey, 1675- '76; under Major Willard and Capt. Oakes, 1676. Corp. of the Maiden Military Co., 1678. Representative, 1692- '94,-'96. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Pierce, Frederick C., 383. Green, Capt. John, 1632- 1707, Maiden, Mass. Deputy, 1692- '94-'96. Capt., at Maiden. Green, Capt. Robert, 1695-1748. Member of the Va. House of Burgesses, 1736, and Capt. of Orange County, Va., Militia. Ballance, John G., 460. Green, Capt. Samuel, 1615-1701, Cambridge, Mass. Ens. in King Philip's War. Officer of Colonial Forces, 1660-1701. Butler, Henry P., 56. Scofield, George S., 152. Green, Timothy, 1735-1812. Capt. in 2d Battalion, Penn. Regt., Col. Bouquet, relief of Fort Pitt, i763-'64. Rogers, Alfred H., 404. Green, William, , Woburn, Mass. In King Philip's War. Green, Gov. William, 1696-1758, R. I. Gov. of R. I., I743-'S8. Robeson, Andrew, 276. Greenbury, Col. Nicholas, 1697. Member of the council, 1692. President, 1694. Act- ing Gov., Prov. of Md., 1693. Comm.-Gen. of the Prov., 1692. Chancellor and Keeper of the Great Seal, i692-'94. Field Officer, Anne Arundel Co., 1694. Gooch, D. Linn, 452. Hoffman, Richard C, 227. Poultney, W. DeC, 232. Riggs, Elisha F., 323. Tilton, Warren C, 283. Tilton, Palmer, 326. Welsh Luther W., 407. Welsh, Milton, 407. Greene, James, 1626- 1698. Com- missioner, 1660-1663, R. I. Governor's Assistant, 1660- '6i-'70-'7i. Reynolds, James, 140. Waterman, Lucius, 353. Greene, John, 1597-1658. Com- missioner, R. I., i654-'57. Deputy, 1654. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Davis, S. Page, 205. Greene, Dep.-Gov. John, 1620- 1708. Commissioner to the 649 INDEX OF AKCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. General Court, i652-'63. Atty.-Gen., i6s7-'6o. Assist- ant, i66o-'90. Colonial Agent to England, 1670. Member of Gov. Andros' Council, 1686. Deputy, i664-'8o. "Major for the Main," 1696. Dep.-Gov., 1690-1700. Capt., 1676. Ma- jor, 1683. Col. of R. I. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Carpenter, Richard, 503. Dyer, Horace E., 361. Felton, S. M., 415. Green, George S., Jr., 86. Ingersoll, Colon M., 303. Jackson, Pearsall B., 102. Nightingale, George C, 520. Page, S. Davis, 205. Parkhurst, Charles D., 305. Reynolds, James, 140. Rogers, James S., 207. Welling, Richard W. G., 179. Greene, Peter, Warwick. R. I. Deputy, R. I., 1738, et seq. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Greene, Thomas, Sr., 1628-1717. Assistant, Colony of R. I. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Page, S. Davis, 205. Greene, Thomas, 1630-1682, Mai- den, Mass. Trumpeter, Mai- den Co. Greene, Thomas, 1662 , Rhode Island. Deputy, 1698. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Greene, Lieut. Thomas, i743- , Rowley, Mass., and Waterford, Me. Lieut, in French and Indian Wars. Greene, Charles L., 436. Greene, Jacob L., 300. Greenleaf, Lieut. Edmund, 1600- 1671. Newbury, Mass. Ens., 1639. Lieut., 1642. Capt., 1645. Amsden, Franklin D., 245. Amsden, Henry F., 245. Appleton, Nathan, 246. Bailey, Edward P., 368. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Coffin, William K., 433. Constant, S. Victor, 64. Daggett, George H., 434. Davies, Julien T., 68. Davies, William G., 68. Deering, Henry. 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Furness, Dawes E., 257. Gerrish, Frederick H., 532. Gordon, Edwin A., 257. Greenleaf, Franklin L., 436. Knight, Stephen H., 498. Little, Francis B., 379. Little, Henry L., 439. Little, Josiah, 379. Low, Wm. G., Jr., 114. Merill, Joseph H., 486. Mills, Henry LeB., 479. Newhall, James S., 269. Nichols, Henry A., 463. Nichols, Wm. A., 463. Noyes, Edward D., 535. Russell, Stevens G., 443. Spofford, Paul N., 160. Wenzell, Henry B., 447. Wood, Marshall W., 184. Greenleaf, Capt. Stephen, 1630- 1690. Drowned during Ex- pedition against Port Royal, 1690. Ens.. 1670. Lieut., 1685. Amsden, Franklin D., 245. Amsden, Henry F., 245. Appleton. Nathan, 246. Clarke, George K., 251. Deering, Henry, 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Furness, Dawes E., 257. Furness, William E., 375. Greenleaf, Franklin L., 436. Little, Henry L., 439. Noyes, Edward D., 535. Parker, Moses G., 272. Williams, Charles H., 182. Wills, Henry LeB., 479. Wood, Marshall W., 184. Greenleaf, Capt. Stephen, Jr., 1652- 1 743, Newbury, Mass. Commanded against French and Indians, Wells, Me., 1690. Amsden, Franklin D., 245. Amsden, Henry F., 245. Furness, Dawes E., 257. Wood, Marshall W., 184. Greenleaf, Tristram, 1667-1740, Newbury, Mass. Member 650 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Capt. Hugh March's Com- pany of Snow-shoe Men, Es- sex North Regiment, 1711. Greenwood, Capt. Thomas, 1696- 1774, Newtown, Mass. Capt. of Militia. Deputy, 1743- 1756. Gregg, Capt. James, 1678-1735. Commanded company raised in Londonderry, 1719, during War with the Eastern In- dians, Prov. of N. Hamp. As- sembly, 1736. Gregg, James, 1725-1819. Under Capt. James Goffe and Capt. John Gregg, Indian War and Canadian Expedition, 1746. Gregg, Capt. John, 1702-1789. Commanded Scouts from Londonderry, N. H., on Frontiers, 1746. Gregg, Major Samuel, 1738-1808. Sergt. in Capt. Rodgers' Co. of Rangers, French and In- dian War, 1758. In Cape Breton Expedition and at storming of the French works at Gabarus Bay. Greg'T. Norris B., 400. Giegg, William H., 400. Gregg, William H., Jr., 400. Gregory, Thomas, 1637- 1688. In Conn. Forces, King Philip's War. Gregory, Clifford D., 86. Gregson, Thomas, 1647, New Haven, Conn. Assistant; Treasurer; Commissioner for the United Colonies, i643-'46. Commissioner to Parliament, 1646. Lost in the Phantom Ship. Farnham, Elijah T., 334. Plant, Morton F., 352. Scofield, George S., 152. Tomlinson, John C, 169. Ward, Brownlee R., 310. Greve, Major John, 1620-1708, Rhode Island. Commission- er, i652-'63. Deputy, 1664- '77. Capt. in King Philip's War. Major, 1696. Dep.- Gov., 1690-1700. Gridley, Richard, 1630- 1674. Capt., Mass. Militia. Gridley, Thomas, 1596-1655, Windsor, Conn. In the Pe- quot War. Gridley, Horace W., 87. Hart, Charles N., 474. Stafford, William F., 161. Throop, George E., 388. Griffen, Jacob, . In Capt. Jonathan Wright's Co., of Flushing, 1715. Darlington, Charles F., 67. Darlington, James H., 68. Darlington, Thomas, 68. Wildey. William H., 181. Griffen, John, 1742. In Capt. Jonathan Wright's Co., Flushing, L. I., 1715. Darlington, Charles F., 67. Darlington, James H., 68. Darlington, Thomas, 68. Griffen, Charles F., 87. Wildey, William H., 181. Griffin, Major Jasper, 1648-1718. Lieut., 1693. Major of Mil- itia, Southold, L. I. Piatt, Thomas C, 135. Griffin, John, — — 1681, Wind- sor, Conn. Deputy, 1670. Temporary Commander, at Simsbury, 1673. Sergt., 1675. Adams, Edward M., 368. Pettibone, Asa G., 383. Griffin, Leroy, 1646 . Justice of Rappahannock, 1680, and Col. of Militia. Barret, Richard A., 397. Griffith, Henry, 1720-1794. Member of Assembly, Prov. Md. Gooch, Daniel L., 452. Welsh, Luther W., 407. Grim, David, 1738-1826. Of the privateers King of Prussia and General Wolfe, 1757-1758. Schermerhorn, Arthur F., 150. Schermerhorn, Charles A., 150. Schermerhorn, Edward G., 150. Grinnell, Daniel, 1636-1703, Rehoboth, Mass. Trooper in King Philip's War. 651 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Grinnell, Sergt. George, 1700- . Sergt., 1750. Grinnell, William M., 87. Griswold, Lieut. Daniel, 2d, 1729-1817. First Lieut, in Capt. Harris' Co., Col. David Wooster's Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1756, and in 1761. Tefft, Frank G., 166. GRisvi^oLD, Lieut. Ebenezer, 1702- 1779. Second Lieut., ist Co., 3d Conn. Regt., 1755, Crown Point E.xpedition. Griswold, Benj. H., 226. Griswold, Edward, 1638-1691. Built "Old Fort" Springfield. Deputy, Windsor and Killing- worth, Conn. Adams, Fred'k C, 396. Caine, Cyrus F., 128. Field, Thaddeus C, 435. Gunsaulus, Frank W., 2)77- Jones, Charles L., 104. Lloyd, John U., 417. Phelps, Luis J., 134. Griswold, Lieut. Francis, 1635- 1671, Norwich, Conn. Lieut., Train Band, i66s-'66. Dep- uty, i664-'68-'7i. Field, Thaddeus C, 435. Griswold, Capt. Jacob, 1690-1772. Ens., 1729. Lieut, 1729. Capt., 1733, 13th Conn. Regt. Deputy, 1742. Captured by the Indians, Father Rasle's War, 1722. Woodruff, Charles H., 185. Parker, Frederick S., 130. Griswold, Lieut. Matthew, 1620- 1698, Lyme and Windsor, Conn. Lieut., Deputy, 1654- '67-'68-'85. Cheseborough, George L., 432. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Jackson, Oswald, loi. Noyes, Charles P., 440. Otis, Joseph E., 382. Stone, Jacob, 444. Weeks, William R., 179. Griswold, Matthew, Jr., 1653- 1715, Lyme, Conn. In King Philip's War. Griswold, Gov. Matthew, 1714- 1799, Lyme, Conn. Capt, '39. Major, 3d Conn. Regt., 1766. Representative, 1751. Mem- ber of Council, 1759-1765. Chief Justice, 1766-1769. Dep.-Gov., 1771-1784. Cheseborough, George L-, 432. Douw, Charles G., 74. Lane, Ebenezer, 379. Thompson, F. Diodati, 167. Griswold, Shubael, 1724- 1807. Ens., 1758, loth Co., 1st Conn. Regt., for the invasion of Canada. 2d Lieut., 1759; ist Lieut., 4th Co., 1760. Gillett, Rufus W., 85, 498. Lathrop, Kirk, 108, 499. Groce, Edmund, 1669-1728, Hing- ham, Mass. In Capt. Thomas Andrew's Co., Major Thomas Savage's (Suffolk) Regt., Expedition to Canada, 1690. Brown, George E., 250. Groesbeck, David, 1692-1763. Member Capt. Rooseboom's Co., Albany, 1715. Pruyn, John Van S. L., 137. Groton, Samuel, . Deputy, R. I., i6S2-'66. Commissioner to the Narragansett Indians. Grout, Capt. John, 1619-1697, Sudbury, Mass. Ens., com- manding the Sudbury Forces, defending the town, 1676. Capt, Sudbury Militia. Hall, Harrison C., 259. Grover, James, 1648 , Graves- end, L. I. Deputy to treat with the Admirals and Com- manders of the Fleet belong- ing to the States General and the Prince of Orange, 1673. General Assembly, 1670. Lieut., 1683. Court of Ses- sions at Shrewsbury, 1676. Groves, Philip, 1675, Strat- ford, Conn. Deputy, 1642, et seq. Governor's Assistant, i654-'55-'56. Grubb, Capt. Emanuel, Jr., 1682- 1767. Capt, Upper Regt of New Castle Co., Delaware. 652 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Grubb, Ignatius C, 513. Grubb, John, 1648-1708. Member of Council, Prov. of Del., and of Assembly, Prov. of N. J., i6g2-'g8. Gilpin, George, 197. Grubb, E. Burd, 198, 335. Grubb, Ignatius C., 513. Guild, John, 1682, Dedham, Mass. Under Major Apple- ton, King Philip's War. Farr, Marvin A., 373- Guild, Curtis, Jr., 258. Morse, William S., 476. Underwood, Herbert, 507. Guild, Ens. Nathaniel, 1678- 1774. Ens., Capt. Eben Woodward's Co., 1736. Guild, Chester, 187. Morse, Willard S., 476. Guild, Samuel, 1647-1730, Ded- ham, Mass. In Capt. Samuel Moseley's Co., King Philip's War. Daggett, George H., 434. Morse. Willard S., 476. Guile, Ephraim, 1662 . In Haverhill Co., No. Essex Regt. Lieut, under Col. Sal- tonstall, i709-'io. Childs, James E., 60. Tucker, William F., 445. Guilford, John, 1720-1815. In Seven Years' War; relief Ft. William Henry, 1757; under Col. Joseph Williams, 1758. " Expedition to the North- ward." Guilford, Nathan, 88. Guilford, Paul, 1653-1690, Hing- ham, Mass. In King Philip's War. Guilford, Nathan, 88. GuNN, Capt. Samuel, 1670-1749. Capt., Milford, Conn. Smith, Frank B., 324. GuRLEY, Samuel, 1717 . loth Co., 5th Conn. Regt., 1766. Representative, i766-'67. Love, Wm. DeL., 304. Gyles, Capt. John, 1678-1755. Lieut., French and Indian War, i700-'o6. Capt., 1706- '37- Jackson, Oswald, 102. Stone, Jacob, /|/|/| Hack, William, 1663 . In Phips' Expedition, 1690. Robinson, Daniel W., 364. Hadlock, James. Under Capt. Holbrook, King Philip's War. Hagar, William, Jr., 1659-1731, Watertown, Mass. Under Capt. Nathaniel Davenport, King Philip's War. Haight, Capt. Jonathan, 1740- 1780. Capt., 40th N. Y. Regt., 1760. Havana Campaign ; promoted Major, 1762. Scott, John F., 152. Scott, William S.. 153. Haines, Matthias. 1677- 1745, Greenland, N. H. Represen- tative, 17,32. Bickford, Scott F., 248. Haines, Capt. Walter, 1583-1655, Watertown and Sudbury, Mass. Built Haines Garrison House at Sudbury, attacked in King Philip's War. A. & H. A. Co., 1639. Deputy, i64i-'5i. Fisher, Albert J., 374. Hale, Lieut. Ezekiel, 1725- 1789, Newbury and Dracut, Mass. In Col. Ephraim Williams' Regt., Expedition to Albany, ]755-'56. Lieut, in 6th Co. Foot, 1 76 1. Reade, Philip, 274, 384. Hale, Rev. John, 1636- 1700, Bev- erly, Mass. Chaplain on Six Friends, Phips' Expedition, 1690. Hale, Arthur, 198. Hale, Thos. W., 350. Smith, Harvey C, 278. Swain, William C, 507. Hale, Capt. Joseph, 1671-1761, Boxford, Mass. Ens., 1714. Lieut., 1720. Capt., 1728. Deputy, 1714, et seq. Hale, Ens. Robert, 1659, Charlestown, Mass. Ens., Train Band, 1658. Hale, Arthur, 198. 653 INDEX OF ANGBSTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hale, Thomas W., 350. Hale, Samuel, 1610-1693. In Pequot War. Deputy, Conn., i656-'59- Hale, Lieut. Samuel, 1645-1711, Glastonbury, Conn. Lieut., Train Band, 1698. Deputy, i695-'97, 1701-02, '04- '06. Hale, Maj. Samuel, i 718- 1807, Newbury, Mass. Capt. in Col. Samuel Moore's Regt., Siege of Louisburg. Major, 1745. Hale, Thomas W., 350. Hale, Sergt. Thomas, 1606-1682, Newbury, Mass. Sergt. of Militia from i6s2-S7- Brewer, William A., 460. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Reade, Philip, 274. Russell, Stevens G., 443. Hale, Capt. Thomas, 1633-1688, Newbury, Mass. In Capt. Nathaniel Davenport's Co., King Philip's War. Russell, Stevens G., 443. Hale, Capt. Thomas, 1659- 1730, Newbury, Mass. Phips' Ex- pedition, 1690. Capt., Expe- dition to the Eastward, 1697. In service, i698-'99, i703-'o5. Hale, Josiah L., 259. Reade, Philip, 274. Haley, Andrew, 1665 . Under Col. John Wheelwright, 1722. Hall, Capt. Asahel, 1717-1795. Ens., 2d Co., Wallingford, Conn., 1757. Capt.. 1764, French and Indian War. Wodell, Silas, 184. Hall, Benjamin, 1650 - 1730. Governor's Assistant, R. I., i70i-'o2. Deputy, 1699. Lawton, George P., no. Hall, Lieut. Benjamin, 1712- 1795, Methuen, Mass. In Capt. Daniel Bodwell's Co., Crown Point Expedition, 1755. Lieut, Essex Militia, 1762. Hale, Bordman, 259. Hall, Edward, 1670, Dux- bury, Mass. In the Narra- gansett Expedition, 1654. Hall, Harrison C, 259. Hall, John, 1606- 1676. In the Pequot War. Culver, Charles M., 66. Johnson, Stephen A., 103. Hall, John, 1611-1696, Barn- stable. Mass. Member Mili- tary Co., 1643. Hall, John, 1640-1693, Taunton, Mass. Representative, 1689, '91. Hall, Capt. John, 1658-1737, Cranberry Hall. Member of the Council, Upper House of Md., i709-'37- Lower House from Baltimore Co., 1699, et seq. High Sheriff, 1692. President of the Council. One of five Captains of the County, 1694. Smith, Charles E., 443. Hall, Wm. C, 319. Hall, John, 1660-1720. In King Philip's War. Hall, Dudley, 89. Hall, Capt. John, 1690-1746, Medford, Mass. Capt. of Mi- litia. Hall, George P., 259. Hall, John, 1701-1774, Baltimore Co., Md. Col. of County Militia, 1757. Hall, William C, 319. Hall, Ens. John, 1735 - 1812, Wrentham, Mass. In Capt. Samuel Day's Co., Col. Mil- ler's Regt., 1757. Ens., Capt. Samuel Cowell's Co., 3d Suf- folk Regt., Col. Nathaniel Hatch, 1 77 1. Brewer, William A., 460. Haight, Fred'k E., 89. Hill, John W., 378. Hill, William S., 94. Myer, Albert J., 123. Whipple, Charles H., 447. Whipple, Henry B., 447. Hall, Rev. Joseph, 1594- 1665, Barnstable. Deputy from Hingham, i638-'39. Hall, Capt. Kinsley, 1652- 1726, Exeter, N. H. Lieut., Exeter Company, 1684. Capt., 1695. Representative, i694-'95. 654 INDEX OP ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hall, Lieut. Ralph, 1619-1701, Exeter, N. H. Lieut., Dover Co., 1656. Deputy, 1680. Pinkham, Joseph, 352. Hall, Richard, Burgess for Cal- vert Co., Md., 1666-70, 1674- '85; Bowie, Washington, Jr., 223. Hall, Lieut. Richard, 1691. Lieut, in John Capen's Co. of Foot, Dorchester, Mass., 1683. Capen, Walter N., 297. Moseley, John G., 268. Sowdon, Arthur J. C, 279. Wyman, Walter C., 390. Hall, Samuel, 1646 . Under Capt. Seeley, Narragansett Fort Fight. Aldridge, Fred'k T., 27. Hall, Thomas. 1649-1731, Wall- ingford. Conn. Deputy, 1697- 1700, '03. Brewer, William A., 460. Hall, Timothy, 1732-1784. Under Capt. Wolcott, Mass. Troops, relief of Fort William Henry, 1757- Hall, Charles L., 462. Hall, George E., 462. Hall, Maurice A., 462. Hall, William, 1616-1714, Salem, N. J. Representative, As- sembly of West Jersey, 1697- 1701. Royal Councillor, Prov- ince, i7o8-'i3. Denis, George J., 71, 461. Hallett, Andrew, Sr., 1608-1684. In Lieut. Wm. Palmer's Co. at Yarmouth, Mass., 1643. Hallett, William, 1616 - 1706, Flushing, L. L Deputy, 1664. Magistrate, i662-'64. Hallett, Capt. William, 1647- 1729. Capt. of Foot Co., Newtown, L. L Belknap, Waldron P., 46. Halsey, Thomas, 1592-1681. In Indian Wars. Deputy from Southampton, Colony of Conn., 1664. Bryant, Fred'k S., 430. Halsey, Edward T., 453. Halsey, Henry A., 89. Halsey, William A., 335. Halsey, Wm. Lafon, 453. Jerome, Thomas S., 498. Ham, Coenraedt, 1638-1690. In Capt. Dirck Schmidt's Co., 1660. Poucher, John W., 137. Hamersley, William, 1687- 1752 In H. M. S. Valeur, Ameri- can station, 171^-16. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 90. Hamersley, William, 301. Hamilton, Ezra, 1733-1810. Pri- vate in Capt. Jabez Upham's Co., 1759. Hamilton, Charles W., 422. Hamilton, Frank T., 422. Hamilton, Ens. Nathan, Brook- field. In Capt. Dalrymple's Petersham Co., 1756, and in Capt. E. Bemis' Spencer Co., 1757 ; Sergt. in Capt. Upham's Co., 1750. Private in Capt. Paige's Hardwick Co., Crown Point Expedition, 1769, and in Capt. McFarland's Co., 1 76 1 -'63. Hamilton, Charles W., 422. Hamilton, Frank T., 422. Hamlin, Eleazer, 1650 , Barnstable, Plymouth Colony. In Capt. Joseph Gorham's Co., King Philip's War, 1675. Hamlin, Charles S., 259. Hamlin, Capt. Giles, 1622-1689, Middletown, Conn. Commis- sioner for the United Col- onies, 1666. Asst., 1667, '84- 89. Deputy, 1667, et seq. Member Committee on Mili- tary Affairs, 1673. Hammond, Charles, 1768. Member, Governor's Council, Md., 1763. Gooch, D. Linn, 452. Hammond, William B., 198. Hammond, Lieut. Ebenezer, 1714 , Charlestown, Mass. Sergeai.t, under Captain Joshua Meriam, Col. John Chandler's Regt., French and Indian War, relief of Fort William Henry. Lieut., ist Regt, Worcester Co., 1763, Capt. Paul Wheelock's Co. 655 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hammond, Lyman D., 377. Hammond, Col. John, 1637- 1707. Colonel, Forces of Anne Ar- undel Co., Md., 1699. House of Burgesses. 1692, Major- Gen, of Western Shore. Mem- ber of Council, and Judge, High Court of Admiralty. Coleman, Charles P., 62. Coleman, Wm. W., 225. Gooch, Daniel L., 452. Hoffman, Richard C, 227. Slocum, Herbert J., 157. Welsh, Luther W., 407. Hammond, Maj. Joseph. Mem- ber of the Council, Mass. Hill, John R, 533- Hammond, Samuijl, 1757-1842. Under Gen. Andrew Lewis, Dumnore's Expedition, Battle of Point Pleasant, 1774. Washington, H. Vernon, 493. Hance, Capt. John, 1709, Calvert Co., Md. Capt., 1697. MacKenzie, George N., 229. Hancock, Solomon, 1757, Cambridge, Mass. Gunner under Richard Gridley, 1757. Leland, Lester, 265. Hands, John, 1663. In Pe- quot and later Indian Wars. Bell, Jared W., 47- Hanson, Col. Hans, 1646-1703. Delegate from Kent Co. and Cecil Co. to the Lower House, Md., i694-'97. Jenkins, Austin L., 227. Jenkins, S. L., 228. Hanson, John, 1715-1783. House of Delegates, Md., 17 57-' 79- Represented Frederick Co. in Provincial Convention, 1774. Thomas, Douglas H., 167, 234. Thomas, Douglas H., Jr., 235. Hanson, Samuel, 1665 - 1740. Maryland Legislature, 1716- '28. Thomas, Douglas H., 234. Hapgood, Shadrach, 1644-1675. In Capt. Edward Hutchin- son's Co., Expedition to Brookfield, Mass., to treat with Nipmuck Indians. Hill, John B., 400. Upham, Henry P., 445. Hardenbrook, Ens. Johannes, 1 714, Ens., Regt. of Mi- litia, N. Y., Abraham de Peyster, Col, Commissioned by Earl of Bellomont, 1700. Suydam, Walter L., 164, Harding, Capt. Robert, Boston, Mass. A. & H. A, Co., 1637. Sergt., 1634. Ens. under Capt. John Underbill, 1637. Capt., 1641. Asst., R. I., 1641, Spies, Francis F., 159. Harkness, William, 1739-1822. Ens., Penn. Militia, 1759. Lamberton, James McC, 200. Harlow, Samuel, 1652 . Sergt., Commander James Warren's Plymouth South Co., 1699. Harmon, John, Scarborough, Me. King Philip's War. Bodge, George M,, 248, Harnon, Ralph G., 259, Harriman, Rev. John, 1647-1705. N. J. Assembly, 1693. Speak- er, 1694, ^t s^Q- Myers, Theodore B., 124, Myers, Walter F., 440. Harrington, John, 1651 - 1741. Under Capt. Beers, King Phil- ip's War. Harris, Lieut. Andrew, 1635- 1686, Providence, R. I. Dep- uty, R. I. General Assembly, 1669, '70-76. Brown, EHsha B., 349. Harris, Ens. Gabriel, 1684, New London, Conn. Ens., Train Band, 1665. Harris, Gideon, i 714- 1782, Dep- uty, R. I., i756-'68. Harris, Lieut. Joseph, 1673 , New London, Conn. Ens., North Co., 1708. Lieut., 1721. Member of Governor's Coun- cil, 1719. Harris, Thomas, Sr., 1686. Commissioner for Province, 1652, et seq. Lieut, 1654. Deputy for Providence, 1664, et seq. Governor's Asst, 1666. 656 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hord, Arnold H., 320. Waterman, Lucius, 353. White, Hunter C, 523. Harris, Thomas, 2d, 1711. Deputy, R. I., 1671, et seq. White, Hunter C, 523. Harris, Thomas, 3d, 1665-1741. Deputy, R. I., 1718. Harris, Ens. Thomas. Ens., Conn. Colonial Forces. Ives, Marvin A., 378. Harris, William, 1610 - 1681. Commissioner to Court of Commissioners, 1660- '62. Dep- uty, R. I., i665-'66, '72-73. Governor's Asst., '66-'70, '73- '76. General Solicitor, 1671. Brown, Elisha R., 349. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. Wheaton, Frank, 479. Harris, Major William, 1678. Major of the Charles 1656. Member Burgess, Va., City and Henrico Co. Regt., 1652, et seq. Deen, William M., 70, 333. Patteson, Herbert L., 133. Patteson, Thomas A., Jr., 133. Harrison, Benj.\min, 1698. Council of Va. Burgess, 1680- '82. Gill, W. Harrison, 226. Harrison, Lieut.-Col. Benja- min, Rockingham Co., Va. A Member of the Augusta Court Martial, 1769. Com- manded a Company at Battle of Point Pleasant in Lord Dunmore's War, 1774. Drummond, John N., Jr., 372. Harrison, Elihu, 1739 - 1806. Fort Edward, 1758, nth Co., 3rd Regt., Capt. Timothy Mather, Col. Eleazer Fitch. Parker, Frederick S., 130. Harrison, James, 1626-1687, Bucks Co., Pa. Member of the First Council called by William Penn, i682-'83. Lewis, William F., 202. Middleton, Harvey, 230. Harrison, Col. Nathaniel, 1677- 1727. Council of Va., 1713. Bur-ess, 1706. County Lieut. of Surrey and Prince Georges, 1715- Gill. William H.. 226. Harrison, Ens. Thomas. 1704. Sergt.. Branford Mi- litia, King Philip's War. Ens., 1677. Deputy, 1677. Parker, Frederick S., 130. Harrison, Lieut. Thomas, 1656- 1725. Ensign at Branford, 1697, King William's War. Lieut., 1709, Queen Anne's War. Expedition to Canada. Parker, Frederick S., 130. Harrison, Capt. Thomas, 1694- 1758. Capt. North Co., Bran- ford, 1 73 1. In 1st Conn. Regt., French and Spanish War, 1 739- '40, Colonial Militia, An- drew Burr, Col. Deputy, i735-'55- Parker, Frederick S., 130. Hart, Lieut. Hawkins, 1677- 1735. Lieut., Wallingford Co., i720-'30. Hart, Henry G., 91. Hart, Lieut. James, 1717-1766. Lieut., Wars of the Austrian Succession, 1 741 -1748. Farr, Marvin A., 372. Hart, Byerly, 198. Hart, Capt. John, 2d, 1655-1714, New Haven, Conn. Capt., 1707, defence of the frontier. Served in Hampshire, 1707- '08. Hart, Charles N., 474. Hart, John, 1684-1753, Farming- ton, Conn. Deputy, 1717. Hart, Stephen, 1606-1683. Cam- bridge and Farmington, Conn. Under Mason, Pequot War. Deputy, 1647, et seq. Collins, H. O., 63. Farr, Marvin A., 373. Hart, Charles N., 474. Hart, Henry G., 91. Hart, Samuel, 301. Powell, Lyman T., 442. Wead, Leslie C, 285. Williams, Norman A., 183. Hart, Capt. Thomas, 1644-1726, Farmington, Conn. Ens., 1678. Lieut., 1693. Capt., 657 INDEX OF /INCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1695. Deputy, 1690 - 171 1. Speaker, 1700- '06. Farr, Marvin A., 373. Hart, Henry G., 91. Hart, Samuel, 301. Jarvis, Samuel F., 303. Powell, Lyman T., 442. Wead, Leslie C, 285. Hart, Sergt. Thomas, 1666-1727, Farmington, Conn. Sergt. Hartshorn, John, 1650 , Reading and Rowley, Mass. In King Philip's War. Bailey. Edward P., 368. Hartshorne, Richard, 1641-1722. Deputy in Gov. Lawrie's Council, 1684. Member As- sembly from Middletown, 1685. Speaker; i687-'98. Gov. Basse's Council, 1698, et seq. Hatfield. William H., 92. Large, James, 201. Meeker, Richard C, 230. Smith, Thos. M., 233. Tyson, Anthony M., 235. Tyson, Matthew S., 235. Hartwell, Samuel, 1645-1725. In King Philip's War, 1675- '76, under Capt. Nicholas Manning. Palmer, Lowell M., 129. Partridge. Frank H., 132. Hartwell, Q. M. William, 1600- 1689. Corp., Quartermaster, Middlesex Co. Troops, Capt. Thomas Wheeler, 1673. Sol- dier in King Philip's War, i675-'76. Palmer. Lowell M., 129. Harvey, Ebenezer, 1728-1810. In Capt. John Burk's Co. of Rangers. In Northfield gar- rison, French and Indian War, under Sergt. Josiah Foster. Partridge, Frank H., 133. Harvey, Sergt. Samuel, 1674- 1764. Sergt. in Lieut. Tim- othy Child's Co., 1725. Partridge, Frank H., 133. Harvey, Sergt. Thomas, 1643- 1726, Taunton, Mass. Sergt. in Capt. James Cudworth's Co. against the Dutch, 1673. In Queen Anne's War, 1704. Freeman, Alden, 335. Harvey, Thomas, 1617 - 1651. Member Taunton Military Co., 1643. Freeman, Alden, 334. Harvey, William, 1645 , Ply- mouth Col. Deputy, i666-'67. In Capt. Moseley's Co. at Mt. Hope, 1675. Imprisoned as a soldier in King William's War, 1697. In ist Military Co. of Taunton, Mass. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Seaver, James E., 278. Harwood, Col. William, 1715- 1781. Burgess from War- wick Co., Va., i7S2-'53, '55. '58, '64-'65, '69, '72, '74. Appleby, George F., 315. Hasbrouck, Jacob, 1688 - 1761, In Capt. Johannis Ten Broeck's Troop, Ulster Co., 1738. Innis, Hasbrouck, 100. Hasey, Lieut. William, 1619- 1689. Commanded Co. in King Philip's War, 1675. Green, Charles M., 258. Pierce, George W., 134. Haskell, Mark, 1658- 1691. Under Maj. Walderne, 1676, King Philip's War. Haskell, Frank W., 91. Hasket, Stephen, . Under Capt. Curwin, Capt. Prentice's Command, King Philip's War, i675-'76. Haskins, Capt. John, 1729-1814. Of Col. John Erving's Boston Regt, Colonial Troops. Haskins, Chas. W., 92. Hastings, John, 1653-1718, of Watertown, Mass. Capt. Na- thaniel Davenport's Co., King Philip's War. Hastings, Thomas, 1605 - 1685, Watertown, Mass. Deputy, 1673. Endicott, Eugene F., 255. Lastings, Dr. Thomas, 1652- 1712, Hatfield, Mass. Under Capt. Richard Beers, King Philip's War, and Major Sam- uel Appleton. 658 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Guilford, Nathan, 88. Hatch, Jonathan, 1625-1710. Under Capt. Myles Standi sh, 1645. against the Narragan- setts. Wheeler, Edward J., 180. H.\THAWAY, Abraham, 1652-1725, Taunton, Mass. Under Capt. Daniel Henchman in King Philip's War. Hathaway, Lieut.-Col. Eben- EZER, 1 689- 1 768, Taunton and Freetown, Mass. Lieut.-Col., Second Regt., Bristol Co. Militia, 1749. Hathaway, Ephraim, 1661-1716. In King William's War, 1690. Paul, Edward J., 505. Hathaway, John, 1629 - 1704, Taunton, Mass. In King William's War, i6qo. In King Philip's War. Paul, Edward J., 505. Hathorne, Major William, 1607- 1681, Salem, Mass. Speaker, House of Deputies, 1644. Governor's Asst., 1662 - '79. Commissioner, United Col- onies, 1643. Capt., Major, 1656. Brown, John B., 54. Castle, Alfred H., 371. Dana. Chas D., 372. Low, Wm. G., Jr., 114. Skinner, Wm. C, 308. Todd, Wm. C, 353- Haven, John, 1656-1705, Fram- ingham, Mass. Representa- tive, i702-'03. In King Phil- ip's War, 1676. Haven, Sergt. Richard, 1620- 1700, Lynn, Mass. Under Capt. Samuel Brocklebank in King Philip's War. Was a Sergeant in the service. Cadle, Charles F., 398. Preston, Deming H., 383. Ha WES, Daniel, 1652- 1739, Ded- ham, Mass. In Great Swamp Fight, under Major Samuel Appleton. Critcher, Edward P., 253. Hawes, Gilbert R., 92. Meday, Henry Hawes, 499. Hawes, Daniel, Jr., 1684-1763. Officer, Mass. Colonial Forces, French and Indian War, 1757- '59- Hawes, Gilbert R., 92. Hawes, Edmund, 1693, Yar- mouth, Mass. Deputy, 1645- '61. Selectman, 1665 - '88. Town Treasurer, 1667. Coun- cil of War, 1675. Hawes, Emory, 92. Hawes, Ens. John, 1701, Yarmouth, Mass. Ens., 1682. Representative, i696-'98. In Major Willard's Co., King Philip's War, 1675. Hawes, Emory, 92. Hawes, Lieut. Joseph, 1728-1818. Lieut., Mass. Militia, French and Indian War, i755-'59. Hawes, Gilbert R., 92. Hawkhurst, Christopher, , Warwick, R. I. Deputy, 1655. Hawkhurst, William, 1715-1790, Oyster Bay, Long Island. In Capt. Cornelius Van Home's Co., L. I. Militia, 1737. Hawkins, Anthony, 1674, Farmington, Conn. Dep. Gov.'s Assistant, i668-'70. Farr, Marvin A., 373. Halt, Henry G., 91. Hart, Samuel, 301. Jarvis, Samuel F., 303. Judd, Orrin R., 105. Strong, William J. H., 506. Wead, Leslie C, 289. Hawkins, Capt. Thomas, 1648, Boston. Deputy, 1639. Capt., A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Hawkins, William, 1609- 1699. Soldier in King Philip's War. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. White, Hunter C, 523. Hawks, Elizeur, 1647-1727, Had- ley, Mass. In Capt. William Turner's Co., Falls Fight, King Philip's War. Hawks, William I., 423. Hawks, Sergt. John, 1643-1721, Deerfield, Mass. In Falls Fight, Hatfield, 1676. Under Capt. Thos. Watts, 1697, in pursuit of Indians at Hatfield. 659 INDEX OF AN-CESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Bates, William O., 429. Hawkes, Nathaniel, 1699 . Father Rasle's War, under Capt. Joseph Kellogg. Hawkes, William I., 423. HawIvEy, Joseph, 1603- 1690. Dep- uty, Conn., i665-'87. Hawley, Walter A., 462. Hawley, Capt. Joseph, 1654-1711. Capt. of Snow-shoe Men from Northampton, Mass., i/oS-'og. Partridge, Edward L., 132. Hawley, Capt. Joseph, 1675- 1752. Conn. Colonial Militia. Stafford, William F., 161. Throop, George E., 388. Hawley, Samuel, 1647 - 1734. Deputy, Conn., 1690- 1 711. Throop, George E., 388. Hawley, Stephen, 1695 - 1790, Newtown, Conn. Capt. John Lover's Co., 1748. Gunsaulus, Frank W., 377. Hawley. Thomas, 1651 - 1676. Capt. Crowell's Dragoons, Sudbury Fight, 1676. Doughty, Francis E., 72- Noyes, Charles P., 440. Stevens, John A., 522. Hawxhurst, Samson, 1670- 1732, Oyster Bay, L. I. Under Capt. Samuel Dickinson in the Company at Oyster Bay in Queens Co., L. I., in 1715. Hawxhurst, Arthur, 378. Hayden, Lieut. Daniel, 1640- 1712. Windsor, Conn., Co., 1692, and Troop, 1698. Dep- uty, i695-'98. Hayden, Horace E., 198. Hayden, Lieut. Daniel, 1703- 1790. Cornet of Troop, ist Conn. Regt., 1753. Lieut., 1759- Hayden, Horace E., 198. Phelps, Luis J., 134. Hayden, Nehemiah, 1647- 1718. In Capt. Thomas Prentice's Co., Mt. Hope Campaign, 1675, King Philip's War. Hayden, Henry W., 93. Hayden, James R., 93. Hayden, Samuel, 1676, Braintree, Mass. In King Philip's War. Talbot, Joel F., 386. Hayden, William, 1600 - 1669, Windsor, Conn. Deputy, 1667. In Pequot War. In Major Mason's Troop, i6s7-'58. Hayden, Horace E., 198. Hayden, William M., 227. Phelps, Luis J., 134. Hayes, Daniel, 1686- 1756, Wind- sor, Conn. In Queen Anne's War. Hayes, Jonathan, . Mem- ber of Assembly, i689-'97. Prov. of Penn. Haynes, Gov. John, 1594- 1654, Hartford, Conn. Gov., Mass. Bay Colony, 1635. Gov. of Conn. Colony. Pres., First General Court, 1637. Gov. alternate years until death. Commissioner of United Col- onies, 1650. Col. of Regiment raised against the Indians, 1636. Backus, J. Bayard, 40. Betts, Frederick H., 48. Betts, Louis F. H., 48. Betts, Wyllys R., 49. Chauncey, Elihu, 60. Clark, A. Howard, 317. Darling, Chas. Wm., 67. Edwards, Charles L., 414. Edwards, Edward J., 434. Fi-y, Charles, 531. Grinnell, George B., 87. Grinnell, William M., 87. Huntington, Frederick J., 302. Jones, Robert R., 416. Lewis, George W., 438. Seymour, Thomas D., 307. Stokes, Anson P., 162. Terry, George D., 166. Walbridge, Thomas C, 174, 210. Ward, Brownlee R., 310. Wells, Eben F., 446. Haynes, John, 1621-1692. Com- mander of garrison house at Sudbury, Mass. In Phips' Expedition, 1690. Represen- tative, 1668. Messinger, William D., 381. Haynes, Walter, 1583-1665, Sud- 660 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. bury, Mass. Deputy, 1641, '44, '46. '48, '51. Adams, Charles E., 243. Hayward, Lieut. John, 1700, Bridgewater, Mass. Ensign, Bridgewater Company, 1664- '89. Lieut, 1689. Command- ed twenty men against In- dians, King Philip's War, 1676. Representative, 1681- •82. Hall, Harrison C, 259. Hayward, Joseph, 1643-1714, Con- cord, Mass. In Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Co., King Philip's War. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Hayward, Nathaniel, , Bridgewater, Plymouth Col. In King Philip's War. Hayward, Samuel, 1680, Maiden, Mass. Under Capt. Edward Oakes and Capt. John Cutler, 1676. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Hayward, Thomas, 1681, Duxbury, Mass. Of Capt. Myles Standish's Co. Freeman, Alden, 334. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Moran, Charles, 119. Hazard, Lieut. -Col. George, 1743, Kingston, R. I. Gover- nor's AssL, i702-'03. Deputy, i7oi-'o2, 'o6-'o9, 'i2-'i3. Lieut.- Col, i7i9-'20. Cook, Stephen C, 433. Hazard, Robert, 1635-1710. Mili- tary Commissioner for Ports- mouth, R. I., in command of Boat Patrol. Recruiting Mas- ter, Ordinance Officer, King Philip's War. Deputy, 1664- '65. Hazard, Rowland, 520. Lawton, George P., 109. Pell, Howland, 521. Watson, William H., 178. White, Hunter C, 523. Hazard, Stephen, 1727. Assistant, R. I., 1708, '18, '19, '21, '22. White, Hunter C, 523. Hazard, Thomas, 1610-1680, Mid- dleburg. Governor's Council, 1654. Magistrate, i6s2-'55. Lawton, George P., 109. Lefferts, Frederic R., Jr., no. Hazen, Thomas, 1657-1735, Box- ford, Mass. In Major Samuel Appleton's Co., Narragansett Campaign, i67S-'76. Great Swamp Fight. Gregg, Jesse A., 436. Hazleton, Lieut. Thomas, 1707 , Chester, N. H. Lieut. of Capt. James Todd's Co., Expedition to Crown Point, 1755- Head, Henry, 1716. Dep- uty, General Assembly, R. I., i683-'o6, '09. White, Hunter C, 523. Heald, Israel, 1660-1738. With Mass. Troops, Expedition to Canada, 1690. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Heald, Sergt, John, 1689. Under Major Williard, King Philip's War, 1675. Sergt., Concord Co., raised for French and Indian Wars. Palmer, Lowell M., 129. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Heald, Lieut. John, 1666-1721. Lieut, of Concord, Mass., Military Co., raised for In- dian Wars. Palmer, Lowell M., 129. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Healy, Capt. Joshua, 1702-1762, Dudley, Mass. Capt. of a Co., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Healey, David A., 260. Healy, Nathaniel, 1659-1734, Watertown, Mass. In King Philip's War, Capt. Joseph Sill's Co. Under Capt. Na- thaniel Davenport, Great Swamp Fight ; later under Capt. Hugh Mason. Healey, David A., 260. Heard, Capt. Tristram, 1667- 1735. Lieut., N. Hamp. Mi- 661 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. litia, 1725. Capt. in command of "Heard's Garrison," at Dover. Tappan, Charles L., 353. Heath, Isaac, 1585-1661. Dep- uty, Mass., 1636- 1638. Heath, William, 1652, Rox- bury, Mass. Deputy from Roxbury, i634-'37, '39-' 42, from Dover, 1645. Pond, George E., 442. Heath, Capt. William, 1663- 1738. Capt. of Foot Co., 1703. Representative, 1721. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Pond, George E., 442. Heatly, Capt. William, 1720- 1789. South Carolina Pro- vincial Militia. Heaton, Sergt. James, 1633-1712. Sergt. and Ens., New Haven Militia. Representative, 1696- '97- Mann, Matthew D., 115. Hedge, Sergt. Elisha, 1642 , Yarmouth, Mass. Sergt., Yar- mouth Co., 1671. Hedge, Capt. William, , Yar- mouth, Sandwich, Mass., and Lyme, Conn. Ens., 1653. Capt, Yarmouth Co., 1659. Squires, George C, 443. Tobey, Frank B., 388. Heerman, Col. Augustin, 1605- 1686. One of the "Nine Men," 1647, et seq. Ambassador to Rhode Island. 1652 ; Ambas- sador to Virginia, and to Maryland, 1659. Commis- sioner to treat with Indians, 1678. Brice, Philip H., 193. Spencer, John T., 208. Helme, Christopher, . Sergt., 1647. White, Hunter C, 523. Hemenway, Joshua, 1668-1754, Framingham, Mass. Deputy, I7i2-'i7. Henchman, Capt. Daniel, 1685. Capt. A. & H. A. Co. Capt. of a Co. of Foot from Boston, King Philip's War. Clark, Homer P., 432. Davis, N. Henchman, 413. Henry, John, , Hanover Co., Va. Col. of Militia. Rose, Hiram H., 384. Rose, Landon C, 384. Henry. Patrick, 1736-1799. Bur- gess, Va., i76s-'83. Thorpe, Spencer R., 464. Henry, Samuel, 1734- 1790, Had- ley, Mass. In Capt. Moscs Porter's Co., 1756. Henshaw, Joshua, 1643- 1701, Dorchester, Mass. King Phil- ip's War under Capt. Thomas Brattle. Huntington, Charles R., 99. Henshaw, Lieut. William, 1735- 1820. At Fort Edward and Crown Point. Bacon, Gorham, 40. Herkimer, Capt. Hanyoost, . French and Indian Wars. In command of Fort Herkimer, 1758. Shoemaker, Michael M., 418. Shoemaker, Robert H., 419. Herkimer, Lieut. Johan Jost, , Albany, N. Y. Lieut, under Col. Philip Schuyler, stationed above the "Falls of the Maquas River," 1733. Herpin, Col. John, Jr., . Col., Conn. Troops, Expe- dition to Canada. Eaton, Theo. H., 498. Herrick, Henry, 1688 - 1755. French and Indian War, 1745. Brown, Dudley P., 317. Herrick, Henry, 1716-1780, Bev- erly, Mass. Representative. Brown, Dudley P., 317. Herrick, Corp. Joseph, 1645-1717, Salem Village, Mass. King Philip's War. Great Swamp Fight. Corp., 1692. Newhall, James S., 269. Herrick, Capt. Joseph, 1666-1726, Beverly, Mass. Capt, earlier French War, Troop of Mount- ed Rangers. Brown, Dudley P., 317. Herrick, Zacharie, 1636- 1695, Beverly, Mass. In King Phil- 662 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ip's War under Capt. Jona- than Poole, 1675. Battis, Edmund C, 247. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Herrman, vide Heerman. Hersey, William, 1600 - 1657, Hingham, Mass. In Militia. i644-'45. Tucker, Oilman H., 171. Herter, Capt. Henry, 1730-1822. French and Indian Wars, 1757- Myer, Walter R, 440. Shoemaker, Frederick B., 418. Shoemaker, Michael M., 418. Shoemaker, Robert H., 419. Hervey, Nicholas, 1645, Md. Assembly, i637-'44. In In- dian Wars against the Ma- quantequats, 1639. Beckwith, Paul, 540. Heth, Lieut. William, 1750-1807. Lieut., Capt. Morgan's Co., Dunmore's War, 1774. Lorton, Heth, 113. Hewit, Sergt. Reuben, 1738- 1808. 2d Sergt., 5th Co., 4th Conn. Regt. Invasion of Canada, 1760. Kelly, James H., 106. Heyward, Lieut. Ephraim. In Father Rasle's War, 1724. Lieut, under Lord Abercrom- bie, i7S6-'57- Brooks, Franklin E., 472. Heyward, Capt. Thomas, 1700- 1738. Capt., Provincial ser- vice ; commanded at Fort Johnson. McAllister, Heyvvrard H., 116. Heywood, Phineas, 1707-1776, Shrewsbury, Mass. Repre- sentative, i752-'S4, '71-72. Houghton, William A., 534. Hibbard, Corp. Nathaniel, 1680- 1725. Corp. in Expedition against Canada, 1712. Paul, Edward J., 505. HicKox, Sergt. Samuel, i695,Waterbury, Conn. Sergt., i686-'95. HicKox, Capt. Samuel, 1695- 1765, Waterbury, Conn. Capt. of the MiHtia. HiCKox, Capt. William, 1673 , Waterbury, Conn. Capt. of Militia, 1727. Deputy, 1728. Hicks, Col. Isaac, 1678-1749. In service at Schenectady, N. Y., and on the Frontier, i746-'47. Assembly, i7i6-'38. Hicks, Benjamin D., 93. Hicks, John. Deputy, Hemp- stead, L. L, 1665. Hicks, Capt. Thomas, 1640-1741. Under Capt. John Hicks, Fort Neck, 1653. Capt. of Militia at Hempstead. Bleecker, Anthony J., 50. Hicks, Benjamin D., 93. Hicks, Frederick C, 94. Hill, Robert C, 94. Lawrence, Robert C, 109. Trenchard, Edward, 170. Williamson, Geo. DeW., 183. Hicks, Zachariah, 1628 -1702, Chelmsford and Dracut, Mass. In Capt. Joseph Sill's Co., 1676. Huntting, Teunis D., 99. Pierce, Frederick C, 383. Higgins, Richard, . Mem- ber Plymouth Military Co. Council of War, 1653. Dep- uty, 1647. Rich, William T., 141. Higginson, Rev. John, 1616-1708, Salem, Mass. Indian Expe- dition, 1636, and Expedition from Salem against Block Island and Pequot Indians. Chaplain, Fort Saybrook, 1680. Andrew, Henry H., 245. Higginson, Lieut. - Col. John, 1646- 1 719, Salem, Mass. En- sign, First Co., Lieut. Joseph Gardner. Deputy, 1689. Coun- cil, i7io-'i8. Andrew, Henry H., 245. HiGLEY, Brewster, 1682 - 1760, Simsbury, Conn. Ens., North Co., 1726. HiGLEY, Capt. John, 1649-1714, Simsbury, Conn. Deputy, 1689. Commissioner, Lieut., 1690. Capt., 1698. HiLDRETH, Sergt. Ephraim, 1680- 1740, Dracut, Mass. Sergt., 663 INDEX OF AN.CESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1725, in Capt. Eleazer Tyng's Co. Reade, Philip, 384, 506. HiLDRETH, Lieut. James, 1631- 1695, Chelmsford, Mass. Lieut, in the Military Co. of Chelms- ford. i683-'9S. Reade, Philip, 384. HiLDRETH, Sergt. Richard, 1605- 1688, Woburn and Chelms- ford, Mass. Sergt. in the Military Co. prior to 1663. Served until 1664, Hill, Abraham, 1734-1812. In French and Indian War. Hill, Howard F., 351. Hill, Isaac, 1641-1720, Maiden, Mass. Member of the Three County Troop, i677-'89. Rep- resentative, 1698. Hill, James, 18x1, Newmar- ket, N. H. Under Maj. Bel- lows, on Conn. River, 1754. In Capt. Edmund Morse's Co., at Crown Point, 1755. Pinkham, Joseph, 352. Hill, Jeremiah, 1724-1779, Pep- perrellborough, Me. Repre- sentative to Mass., from Pep- perrellborough, i766-'69-'7i. Bacon, Horace S., 246. Hill, John, 1664, Dorchester, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1647. Hill, Lew C, 260. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards. Jeremiah, 144. Hill, Capt. John, 1666-1713. Ens. in King William's War, 1689. Lieut., 1692. Capt., 1693. Commanded Fort Mary at Winter Harbor to 1700. Hill, John F., 533. Leighton, George E., 402. Hill, Nathaniel, 1709-1788. In Capt. Hay's Co., N. Y., 1758. In Capt. John Bayard's Co., Ulster Co., 1738. Hill, Charles B., 94. Hill, Capt. Ralph, 1695, Bil- lerica, Mass. Sergt., in com- mand of his house used as a Garrison House, 1675, King Philip's War. Ens. of the Billerica Co., 1683; Capt.- Deputy, i692-'94. HiLLEGAS, Michael, 1729-1804. Member of Assembly, Prov. of Penn., i765-'75. Bellas, Henry H., 193. Dillard, Henry K., 196. HiLLiARD, Timothy, 1646-1723, Hampton, N. H. King Wil- liam's War, i689-'98. Hills, Benjamin, 1684- 1762, Chester, N. H. Deputy, 1745. Hills, Capt. Joseph, 1602- 1688, Maiden, Mass., Militia. Dep- uty from Charlestown and Speaker of the House, 1647; from Maiden, i650-'56; from Newbury, 1667. Boutelle, Frank W., 51. Burrage, Henry S., 529. Little, Henry L., 439. Morris, Seymour, 381. Morse, Samuel W., 476. Skinner, William C., 308. Sprague, Phineas W., 279. Wheelock, William B., 389. Hills, Capt. William, 1639-1693. Capt. of Militia at East Hart- ford, Conn., 1653. Wounded at Hockanum, 1675. Gilbert, James H., 376. Hills, Wm. E., 95. Hillyer, Col. Andrew, 1743-1828. Sergt., under Lord Amherst in 1760, and expedition against Havana, 1762. Hoadley. James H., 95. Hilton, Col. Winthrop, 1671- 1710. Lieut., 1689. Capt., 1703. Lieut. -Col., expedition to Nova Scotia, 1705. Mem- ber of the Council. Davis, Fellowes, 70. Koues, George E., 336. HiNCKES, John, . Councillor, 1683. Assistant, 1686. Mem- ber Sir Edward Andros' Council, 1687. President of Council, 1692. Parsons, William D., 130. Hinckley, Capt. John, i 701 -1765. In French and Indian Wars, 1757. 664 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Moran, Charles, 120. Hinckley, Samuel, , 1662. In Lieut. Thomas Dymoke's Co., Barnstable, Mass., 1643. Moran, Charles, 120. Hinckley, Gov. Thomas, 1618- 1706. Deputy, Plymouth, 1646. Assistant, i658-'8o. Commissioner of Plymouth Colony, i675-'76. In Great Swamp Fight. Dep.-Gov., 1680. Governor, 1681. As- sistant, Prov. of Mass. Bay. Atvi'ood, Edward S., 39. Bement, Robt. B. C, 430. Boyd, Allen R., 317. Brown, David H., 249. Gorham, Austin G., 474. Hinckley, Nathaniel, 437. Hoyt, Albert E., 98. Lovell, Frank H., 113. Lovell, Frank H. Jr., 113. Miller, Charles B., 117. Miller, Edward C, 118. Moran, Charles, 120. Pike, Francis W., 441. Sprague, Frank Wm., 279. Wayland, Francis, 311. Young, Edward B., 449. HiNDES, Dr. Thomas, 1734-1828. Surgeon's Mate, R. N., 1755; N. Y., 1757, with English Fleet, French and Indian Wars. Louisburg, 1758. Quebec, 1759. Belle Isle. Thompson, John, 424. HiNMAN, Lieut. Adam, . Lieut., 1755. Wounded near Lake George. Haskell, Horace S., 362. Hinman, Andrew, 1690 , Woodbury, Conn. Capt., South Co., 1733. Chatfield-Taylor, H. C, 387- Hinman, Benjamin, 1662-1713, Woodbury, Conn. Deputy, 1711. Hinman, Sergt. Edward, 1681, Stratford, Conn. With Capt. John Underbill, under Stuyvesant, against the In- dians. Flint, Wyman K., 375, 504. Hurd, Rukard, 437. Kissam, Henry S., 107. Hinman, Noah, 1696-1766, Wood- bury and Southbury, Conn. Deputy from Woodbury, 173 1. Hinman, Titus, 1656-1736, Woodbury, Conn. Lieut., 1710. Capt., 1714. Chatfield-Taylor, H. C, 387. Moseley, John G., 268. Hinsdale, Barnabas, 1639-1675. In Capt. Lothrop's Co., King Philip's War. Killed at Bloody Brook, So. Deerfield. Byington, Charles S., 56. Hinsdale, Robert, 1617-1675. In Capt. Lothrop's Co. at Bloody Brook, and was slain. Byington, Charles S., 56. Fiske, George F., 374. Hinsdale, Samuel, 1642-1675, Deerfield, Mass. Killed at Bloody Brook. Fiske, George F., 374. - Hitchcock, Capt. Benjamin, 1715 . French and Indian Wars, 1740. Bishop, Henry A., 295. Hitchcock, David, 1734-1805. In Capt. Gilbert Drake's Co., Westchester. In Capt. Jona- than Fowler's Co., 1758. Served on Frontier and Crown Point Expedition. Paddock, William H., 127. Hitchcock, Ebenezer, 1689-1776. Capt., South Hampshire Regt., raised for the relief of the Provincial Troops, 1756. Thomas, Frank W., 167. Hitchcock, Lieut. John, 1642- 1712. Capt. Wm. Turner's Co., Kng Philip's War. Barbour, Lucius A., 294. Bostwick, Henry A., 51. Murray, Charles H., 123. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons, Lewis B., 403. Hitchcock, Capt. Luke, Sr., 1659, Wethersfield, Conn., 1644; soldier and Captain in early Colonial wars. Hitchcock, Capt. Luke, 1655- 66s INDEX OF ANQESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1727, Springfield, Mass. Un- der Capt. Turner in the "Falls Fight." Barbour, Lucius A., 294. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons, Lewis B., 403. HiTCHiNGS, Daniel, , Lynn, Mass. In Lynn Co., in King Philip's War. HiTE, Col. John, 1710-1792, Fred- erick County, Va. In 1744 was captain in charge of a precinct. Major and Council of War, 1756. Col. in French and Indian War. English, William E., 372. HoADLEY, Capt. William, 1630- 1709. Capt., 1st Co., Train Band, Branford, Conn. Dep- uty. Hoar, John, 1704, Scituate and Concord, Mass. Member Scituate Co., 1643. King Philip's War. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons, Lewis B., 403. Hoar, Capt. Leonard, 16S2-1771, Brimfield, Mass. Capt., at Brimfield. Morris, Seymour, 381. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons, Lewis B. 403. HoBART, Edmund, 1570-1646, Hingham, Mass. Deputy, i639-'40-'42. Bates, Theodore C, 246. Evans, George F., 349. Rogers, James S., 207. Whitcomb, Lawrence, 285. HoBART, Capt. Joshua, 1614-1682, Hingham, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1641. Ens., Hingham Co., 1648; Lieut., 1651; Capt., 1653. Deputy, 1643, '45-47, '50, '53- 54, '56, '58-63, '65, '67-'74, '79- '81. La Motte, William A., 513. HoBBS, JosiAH, 1649-1741, Lexing- ton, Mass. In Capt. Joseph Sill's Co., King Philip's War. Guilford, Nathan, 88. Stratton, Charles E., 281. HoBBS, Morris, 1652-1740, Hamp- ton, N. H. In King Philip's War, under Capt. Samuel Appleton. Also in King Wil- liam's War, i689-'98. HoBBS, Morris, Jr., 1680-1739, Hampton, N. H. In Queen Anne's War, i702-'i3, in Lieut. Joseph Swett's Com- pany. Hobby, Sir Charles, 1665-1715, Boston, Mass. Col, Mass. Regt., under Gen. Nicholson, Port Royal Expedition, 1710. A. & H. A. Co. Ballord, Esek S., 484. Ballord, Webb R., 484. Bates, James H., 44. Butler, John L., 251. Fowler, Franklin H., 299. Gooch, Frank A., 300. Pond, Charles Hobby, 136. Pond, Nicholas M., 306. Pond, Winthrop. 136. HoDGDON, Nathaniel, 1681-1757. A. & H. A. Co., 1727. ist Sergt., 1728. Sowdon, Arthur J. C, 279. Hodges, Sergt. Andrew, 1730-1777, Norton, Mass. Sergt. in Capt. Joseph Hall's Co., un- der Sir William Pepperrell, French and Indian War, 1757. Hodges, Elijah, 2d Lieut., Capt. Nathan Hodges' Co., Crown Point Expedition, i7S9-'6o. Mass. Forces. Hodges, Capt. Henry, 1652-1717. Representative, i704-'i3-'i5- 'i6-'i7. Capt., 2nd Military Co. Selectman. Member, Town Council. Hodges, Alfred, 95. Hodges, Capt. Isaac, 1728-1807. In 1st Norton Co., Mass., 1757- Capt., 1776. Hodges, Alfred, 95. Hodges, Major Joseph, 1687-1745. Louisburg Expedition, 1745, Col. Richmond's Regt. Hodges, Alfred, 95. Hoffman, Corp. Martinus, 1625- . At Esopus, 1658, Indian 666 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Attack. Corp., Foot Co., Kingston, N. Y., 1686. Hoffman, Eugene A., 95. Hoffman, Samuel V., 95. Sherrill, Charles H., 156. Hoffman, Col. Martinus, 1707- 1772. Col. of Militia in Dutchess Co., 1756-58. Ad- jutant of Regt., in Dutchess Co., 1739. Hoffman, Eugene A., 95. Hoffman, Samuel V., 95. Hoffman, Capt. Nicholas, i68o- 1750. Ulster Co. Militia, Col. Jacob Rutsen, Shawangunk Co., 1715. Kingstowne Co., 1717. Erected stone house, used as a Fort, at Kingston, N. Y. Hoffman, Eugene A., 95. Hoffman, Samuel V., 95. HoGAN, William, , Albany, N. Y. In Capt. Johannes Mingael's Co., 1715. HoLBROOK, Thomas, 1646-1677, Braintree, Mass. Soldier in Capt. Johnson's Co., King Philip's War. HoLEROOKE, Capt. John, 1617-1699. In command of Co., King Philip's War. Capt. of Co., against Indians, 1676. Brown, Henry M., 54. Holbrooke, John, 1673-1740, Sher- born, Mass. Representative, I7I4-'22. Holbrook, Levi, 261. Holbrooke, Thomas, 1624-1697, Braintree, Mass. In Capt. Johnson's Co. Talbot, Joel F., 387. Holcomb, Joshua, 1640-1690. Deputy, Simsbury, Conn., i670-'90. Adams, Frederick C, 396. Holcomb, Lieut. Nathaniel, 1648 . Deputy, Conn., i703-'o6. Lieut., Simsbury, 1716. HoLDEN, Lieut. Charles, 1666- 1717. R. I. Deputy, i7io-'i6. Lieut. Brown, Elisha R., 349. Felton, Samuel M., 415. 667 Holden, Sergt. David, 1738-1803, Townsend, Mass. In Capt. Leonard Whiting's Co. from Middlesex Co. Expedition against Canada, and Sergt., 1760. Baxter, Jesse B., 247. Holden, Justinian, 1644-1700, Cambridge, Mass. In King Philip's War, under Capt. Henchman at Hadley, and Capt. Brattle, at Mount Hope, and under Capt. Sill. Holden, Wm., 261. Holden, Capt. Randall, 1612- 1692. Marshall and Corp. at Portsmouth, R. I., 1638. Asst., 1647, et seq. Capt., 1664. Deputy, i666-'86. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Murdock, Joseph B., 520. Nightingale, George C, 520. Holgrave, John, 1580-1670, Salem, Mass. Deputy, i634-'35. Holland, Edward, 1702-1756. Member of Council, i748-'56. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, i734-'42. Oothout, John W., 127. Woodward, Francis W., 449. Holland, Capt. Henry, 1665-1722. Lieut., 1699. Capt., 1704. Commander of Garrison at Albany, i723-'32. High Sher- iff, i7o6-'20. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, i7o6-'32. Oothout, John W., 127. Woodward, Francis W., 449. Holland, Ivory, 1740-1820. Cen- tinel, 1757, under Capt. Zede- kiah Stone. Scouting, ist Battalion, Col. Ruggles' Regt., 1759- Holland, Alexander, 96. Holland John B., 96. Holland, Joseph, 96. Hollingsworth, Valentine, 1635- 1710. Penn. Assembly, 1682. Taylor, John Y., 325. Hollister, Capt. Gideon, 1725- 1812, Woodbury, Conn. Un- der Capt. Ebenezer Downes, INDEX OF AMCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Expedition to Fort William Henry, 1757. Ens., 1762. Lieut., 1768. Capt., 1771. Logan, Walter S., 112. HoLLisTER, Lieut. John, 1612- 1665, Wethersfield, Conn. Deputy, Mass., 1644. Conn., i645-'s6. Lieut., Hartford Co. Militia, King Philip's War. Andrews, James S., 294. Brooker, Charles F., 296. Carpenter, William M., 370- Curtiss, Harlow C, 67. Elliot, Daniel G., 78. Harral, George, 90. HolHster, H. E., 544- Logan, Walter S., 112. Moseley, John G., 268. Patten John D., 323. Treat, Erastus B., 169. Walcott, Arthur S., i75- Wenzel, Henry B., 447. Williams, Norman A., 183. HoLLiSTER, Lieut. John, Jr., 1642- 171 1, Hartford, Conn. Lieut., 1676. HoLUSTER, Capt. Stephen, 1658- 1709, Wethersfield, Conn. Lieut., under Capt. Wm. Whiting, Phips' Expedition, 1692. Expedition to the fron- tier, 1696. Expedition to Canada. Logan, Walter S., 112. HoLLiSTER, Capt. Timothy, 1763, Glastonbury, Conn. Ens., 2nd Co., 1742. Capt., I2th Co., 6th Regt., 1750- 1760. Killed in Wyoming, 1763. Carpenter, William M., 370. Holly, Elisha, 1659 , Stam- ford, Conn. Deputy, 1700- '01 -'04. Holly, John, 1618-1681, Stam- ford, Conn. Representative, i654-'55-'63- Asst., i654-'ss. Deputy, New Haven, 1663. Commissioner from Stam- ford, i667-'70. Deputy, Col- ony of Conn., 1670. Bell, Jared W., 47. Hoyt, Edward C, 302. Scofield, George S., 152. HoLMAN, Ens. John. First Mili- tary Co., Dorchester, Mass. Cutler, Ralph W., 298. Holme, Capt. Thomas, 1624-1695. Council, Prov. of Penn., 1683. Hough, Oliver, 199. Mercur, James W., 203. Mercur, Rodney A., 204. Holmes, Jonathan, 1637-1713. General Assembly, N. J., 1670- '72. Capt, Monmouth Troop, 1673. Deputy, R. L, 1689-1701. Speaker, Member of Gov- ernor's Council, General Treasurer, 1704. Hunt, Samuel F., 416. Holmes, Lieut. John, ■. Deputy, 1682, i704-'05. Gen. Treas., 1690, et seq. Lieut., 1696. Holmes, Joshua, 1678-1729, Ston- ington, Conn. Ens., 1729. Holmes, Lieut. Nathaniel, 1664- 1710, Boston. A. & H. A. Co., 1693. First Sergt., 1695. Lieut. Soule, Horace H., Jr., 279. Holmes, Obadiah, 1607-1682. Member Special Governor's Council, King Philip's War. Representative, R. I., at New- port and Portsmouth, 1656. Brown, Elisha R., 349. Hunt, Samuel F., 416. Lawton, George P., log. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. Tilley, R. Hammeth, 522. Holt, Capt. Joshua, 1703 , Windham, Conn. Lieut., Third Co. of Windham, 1749. Capt., Sixth Co., Fifth Conn. Regt., 1751. HoLTON, William, Northampton, Mass. Deputy, i664-'67, '69- '71- Ferris, Hiram B., 526. Holyoke, Edward, 1660. Deputy from Lynn, Mass., 1639, '43, '47, 49, '50. Stearns, Henry P., 308. HoLYOKE, Capt. Elizur, 1618-1676, 668 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ifcl Springfield, Mass. Ens., 1653. Lieut., 1657. Capt., 1663. Deputy, 1656. 2d in command at Springfield and Hadley, King Philip's War. Hosmer, Edward S., 97. Walbridge, T. C, 174, 210. HoLWAY, Joseph, , Sand- wich, Mass. In Lieut. Black- mer's Co., 1643. Homes, William, 1716-1785. A. & H. A. Co., 1747. Lieut., 1761. Capt., 1765. Repre- sentative. Councillor. Davies, William G., 69. Honeywell, Israel, 1687-1762. Soldier in Westchester Co., N. Y., Troops, 1715. Spies, Francis F., 159. Suydam, Walter L., 165. Underhill, Frederic E., 172. Hoogeboom, Col. Jeremiah, 1712- 1784. Capt., 1st Battalion, Albany Regt., Col. Wm. Johnson, French and Indian Wars, 1748. Lieut. -Col. and Col. McNamee, Charles, 116. Hoogeboom, Capt. Pieter Meese, ^- , 1758. Lieut., in Capt. Samuel Ten Broeck's Co., Col. Peter Schuyler, 1717. Captain. Cochrane, Adam W. S., 62. Hooker, Capt. Joseph, 1705- 1764, Farmington, Conn. Lieut., 1746. Capt., 1750. Deputy. i748-'49. Schroeder, James L., 151. Hooker, Rev. Thomas, 1585-1647. Leader of Expedition which founded the Colony of Conn., 1635- Fairbrother, Arthur L., SI9- Langdon, Perin, 416. Laws, Harry L., 4^7- Logan, Walter S., 112. HooPES, Daniel, 1670 , Ches- ter Co., Pa. Assembly, 1708- '09. Gheen, Edward H., 435. HoopEs, Joshua, 1723, Buck's Co., Pa. Member Assembly, 1686, et seq. Gheen, Edward H., 435. Hopewell, Capt. Richard, 1744. Lower House of As- sembly, Md., St. Mary's Co., i732-'34- Warner, C. Hopewell, 2^,6. Hopkins, Capt. Consider, . Capt, North Co. of Train Band of New Hartford, Conn., 1767. Hopkins, George H., 498, 542. Hopkins, Giles, 1690. Vol- unteer against Pequots, 1637. Rich, William T., 140. Hopkins, Lieut. John, 1665-1732. Sergt., Conn. Colonial Troops, 1714. Ens., 1715. Lieut., 1716. Ver Planck, William G., i73- Hopkins, John, 1735-1823. In Capt. George Brewerton's Co., N. Y., 1758. Daniell, John F., 67. Daniell, William S., 67. Hopkins, Lieut. Mark, 1739-1776. Ens. and Lieut, under Gov. Francis Bernard of Mass. Hopkins, Stephen, 1644. Member under Arms, Capt. Myles Standish, 1621. Mem- ber of Governor's Council, i633-'36. Council of War for Plymouth, 1642. Volunteer in Pequot War. Andrus, Edwin P., 245. Atwood, Edward S., 39- Burke, James S., 56. Chittenden, Edwin S., 432. Crandon, John H., 252. Gushing, Luther S., 433- Doane, William H., 414. Eldredge, Zoeth S., 255. Griffith, William H., 87. Jordan, Scott, Z77- Kelly, Edward L., 475- Kittredge, Abbott E., 378- Morton, Levi P., 121. Paine, Cyrus F., 128. Parker, Edward L., 271. Parker, Frederic W., 272. 669 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Rich, William T., 140. Shaw, Henry S., 278. Shepard, Ralph K., 155. Thompson, Norman F., 388. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Hopkins, Gov. Stephen, 1707- 1785. Deputy, R. I., 1732, et seq. Gov., iJSS-'SJ, 'C)i-'62, '63-'65, '67-'68. Ridgely, Franklin L., 404. Hopkins, Capt. Timothy, 1691- 1748. Capt. of Colonial Troops. Hopkins, William, , Stratford, Conn. Gov.'s Asst., i64i-'42. Thomson, Arthur C, 283. HoPKiNsoN, John, 1647-1704, Rowley, Mass. King Philip's War, Capt. Brocklebank's Co. Spofiford, Paul N., 160. HoPKiNSON, Thomas, 1709-1751. Council, Prov. of Penn., 1747. Hopkinson, Edward, 199. HoppiN, William, , Char- lestown, Mass. In Capt. Thomas Jenner's Co., of Charlestown, 1748. Winship, William H., 287. HoRSFORD, Capt. Daniel, 1723- 1788, So. Canaan, Conn. Lieut., Conn. Colonial Forces, 1761, and Capt., 1768. Norton, Thomas H., 418. Horton, Capt. Jonathan, 1647- 1707. Capt. of Foot Co., Southold, L. I., 1700. HosFORD, John, 1683. First Troop, Conn. Colony, 1658. Windsor Troop, King Philip's War. Gunsaulus, Frank W., 2>77- Norton, Edward L., 125. Hoskins, William, , Taunton, Plymouth Colony. In King Philip's War, 167s- '6. Wounded at the Narra- gansett Swamp Fight. Hoskins, William, 1695, Scituate, Mass. Member Ply- mouth Co. Hosmer, Stephen, 1642-1714, Con- cord, Mass. In Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Co., King Philip's War. Hosmer, Jerome C, 261. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Houchin, Jeremy, 1670, Hingham, Mass. Deputy, 1651, et seq.; for Salisbury, i663-'65-'67. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 405. Hough, Capt. John, 1655-1715, New London, Conn. Ens., Train Band, 1700. Lieut., 1703. Capt., 1708. Deputy, 1700, et seq. Hough, Richard, 1705. Prov. Council, Prov. Penn., 1692- 1700. Hough, Oliver, 199. Hough, Samuel, 1653-1702, Conn. In King Philip's War. Farr, Marvin A., 373. Hough, William, 1683. En- gineer at New London. In King Philip's War. Farr, Marvin A., 373. Merritt, Douglas, 117. Mott, John T., 122. Mott, Luther W., 122. Houghton, Abraham, 1725-1815, Bolton. In Capt. Jonathan Whiting's Co., Col. Samuel Willard's Regt., 1748. Houghton, Henry O., 262. Houghton, James C, 362. Houghton, Cyrus, . In expedition to Crown Point and Ticonderoga, 1759. Houghton, William A., 534. Houghton, Henry, . In garrison commanded by Jo- siah Whitcomb at Lancaster, Queen Anne's War, 1704. In command of a garrison at Lancaster. Houghton, Ens. Jacob, 1696 , Lancaster, Mass. Soldier, Foot Co., under Thomas Wilder. Houghton, Henry O., 262. Houghton, James C, 362. Houghton, John, Sr., 1631-1684, 670 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Lancaster, Mass. In garri- son at the time of the second attack bv the Indians, 1675- Fisher, Albert J., 374. Houghton, Henry O., 262. Houghton, James C, 362. Houghton, John, 1650-1737, Lan- caster, Mass. In garrison of Lawrence Waters, King PhiHp's War, and Capt. Thos. Wilder, 1704. Had a garrison house, 171 1. Representative, 1693-1724. Houghton, Clement S., 262. Houghton, Henry O., 262. Houghton, William A., 534. Leach, J. Granville, 201. Houghton, Lieut. Jonathan, Sr., 1703-1740. In Capt. Lovell's Co., 1724, Indian Wars. Lieut., War with Spain, 1739- '44- Houghton, Lieut. Jonathan, Jr., 1737-1829. Lieut., 1st Co., of Foot, Caleb Wilder Col., from Bolton, 1771. In Capt. Jeduthan Baldwin's Co., Col. Josiah Brown's Regt*., 1755. Houghton, Joseph, 1657-1737. In Capt. Wilder's garrison, Lan- caster, Mass., 1704. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Houghton, Ralph, 1623-1693, Lancaster, Mass. Deputy, i673-'89. Burrage, Henry S., 529. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 1^. White, John B., 407. Houston, Sergt. Joseph, Bedford, N. H. Capt. John Oilman's Co., Col. Nathaniel Messer- vey's Regt., Crown Point Ex- pedition, 1756. Melville, Henry, 117. Houston, Sir Patrick, 1698-1762. Lieut., Light Infantry Co. of Savannah, Ga., 1774. Mem- ber Council of Safety. Waring, Thomas P., 493. HovEY, Thomas, 1648-1739, Had- — 1644, Deputy, Ens. of ley, Mass. Lieut., King Philip's War. How, Daniel, 1658-1718, Marl- boro, Mass. In garrison at Marlborough, King Philip's War. How, David, Jr., 1674-1759. In Capt. Samuel Willard's Co., French and Indian Wars, 1725- How, David, 1700- — — , Sudbury, Mass. Served as Ranger, French and Indian Wars. How, David, 1717-1802. In Capt. Josiah Brown's Troop, French and Indian Wars, 1739- Cadle, Charles F., 398. How(e), Edward, — WatertoAvn, Mass. 1635-1639- Green, Charles M., 258. How, Isaac, . First Train Band, at Stam- ford, Conn., 1722; Ensign in 1732. How(e), John, 1640-1686. Marl- boro, Mass. In garrison at Sudbury, King PhiHp's War. Bailey, Everett H., 429. Billings, David L., 49. Green, Charles M., 258. Hosmer, Jerome C, 261. MacVeagh, Fames, 380. Wetherbee, Winthrop, 285. How(e), John, Sr., 1687, Marlboro, Mass. Command- ed a Garrison House at Marl- borough, King Philip's War, i67S-'76. Adams, Charles E., 243. Howard, Archelus, 1737 , Danvers, Mass. In Capt. Israel Herrick's Co., 1757; also in Capt. Andrew Fuller's Co., Col. Bagley's Regt., 1758, French and Indian War. Howard, John, 1700. Mem- ber, Capt. Myles Standish's Duxbury Co., 1643. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Howard, Lieut. John, 1625-1700, Ens., Bridgewater Military 671 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Co., 1664; Lieut., 1689. Dep- uty, i678-'83. Howard, Harry M., 262. Howard^ Nathaniel, 1709. Mount Hope Campaign, un- der Capt. Tiiomas Prentice, King Philip's War. Barnes, Frank L., 42. Barnes, Howard W., 43. Skinner, William C, 308. Howard, Samuel, 1646-1697, Mai- den, Mass. Under Capt. Thomas Prentice and Lieut. Edward Oakes, Mount Hope, King Philip's War. Adams, Charles E., 243. Howe, Abraham, 1695, Marl- boro and Sudbury, Mass. In garrison there. King Philip's War. Bailey, Everett H., 429. Dana, Chas. L., 67. Whitin, Fred'k H., 180. Howe, Josiah, Sr., 1711, Marlboro, Mass. In King Philip's War. Howe, Sampson, 1682- 1736. Capt. of Militia, Killingly, Conn., 1730. Deputy, Conn., 1726, et seq. Howe, Herbert M., 199. Tyler, Harry B., 210. Tyler, Sidney F., 210. Howe, Samuel, 1642-1712,, Sud- bury, Mass. In Capt. Dan- forth's Co., King Philip's War. Seamans, Frank M., 277. Howe, Capt. Thomas, 1656- 1733. Commanded Garrison, Marl- borough, Queen Anne's War. Relief of Lancaster, 1704. Representative, Mass., 1700. Gilbert, Benjamin D., 84. Howe, George R., 335. Howell, Edward, 1585- 1656, Lynn, Mass., and Southamp- ton, L. I. Gov.'s Assist., i647-'53. Conn. Colony. Atkinson, Charles T., 368. Darrach, Bradford, 333. Foster, Howell, 81. Howell, Edwin A., 97. Ingham, Wm. H., 200. 672 Mackenzie, George N., 229. Prime, Ralph Earl, 137. Howell, Lieut. Hezekiah, 1677- 1744. Military Forces of Conn., from Southampton, L. I. Darrach, Bradford, 333. Foster, Howell, 81. Howell, William, 98. Howell, Isaac, . Mem- ber, Southold Military Co., Suffolk Regt., 171S. Col. Henry Smith. Howell, Edwin A., 97. Howell, Jacob, 1687-1768. Dele- gate, Prov. Assembly Penn., 1752. Griswold, Benjamin H., 226. Howell, Henry W., Jr., 97. Howell, Major John, 1625-1695, Southampton, L. I. Deputy, 1662- 1664. Governor's Assist- ant, 1664. Command against the Dutch, i673-'74. Major of Troop, 1684. Atkinson, Charles T., 368. Cook, Edmund H., 64. Cook, Ferdinand H., 64. Cook, Henry F., 64. Leete, Charles S., 304. Mackenzie, Geo. N., 229. Mackenzie, George N., 3d, 229. Prime, Ralph Earl, 137. Howes, Jeremiah, 1637-1706, Dennis, Mass. Councillor of War, 1676. Howes, Thomas, Sr., 1676, Yarmouth, Mass. Member of Capt. Wm. Palmer's Co., 1643. Rogers, Ben. R., 506. Tobey, Frank B., 388. Howland, Arthur, 1587-1675, Marshfield, Mass. In Lieut. Nathaniel Thomas' Co., 1642. Howland, Charles W., 262. Howland, Daniel W., 262. Howland, Isaac, . In King Philip's War. Deputy. Talbot, Archie L., 536. Howland, Lieut. Jabez, 1628 . Lieut., Capt. Benjamin Church, in King Philip's War. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Bryant, Percy, 55. Coghill, Howard, 62. Rowland, John, 1592-1673. First Encounter, Great Meadow Creek, 1620. Governor's Asst., i633-'35- In command of Kennebec Trading Post, 1634. Deputy, 1641, et seq. Adams, Edward M., 243. Allen, Fred'k P., 38. Ames, Louis A., 38. Bement, Robt. B. C, 430- Bryant, Percy, 55. Burke, James S., 56. Chase, Clement, 422. Clark, A. Howard, :ii7- Coghill, Howard, 62. Coit, James M., 349. Crandon, Edwin S., 253. Crandon, John H., 252. Dorr, Joseph, 254. Fairbanks, Henry N., 531, 543- Farnam, Chas. H., 80. Fletcher, Paris, 435. Foote, John C, 399. Gardiner, Curtiss C., 400. Gorham, Austin G., 474. Greene, Howard, 504. Haskins, Charles W., 92. Hawes, Emory, 92. Hull, James W., 262. Kellogg, David S., 106. Kellogg, Frederic R., ic6. Locke, Charles A., 266. Lovell, Frank H., 113. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 113. Lovell, Leander N., 336. Meacham, Franklin A., 380. Morgan, James L., 121. Norton, Edward L., 126. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. Pike, Francis W., 441. Smith, Frank B., 324. Sprague, Frank Wm., 279. Swain, William C, 507. Talbot, Archie L., 536. Usher, Ellis B., 507. Van Dyke, Harry W., 326. Rowland, Ens. John, Jr., 1627- . Ens., Barnstable Co., 1675, King Philip's War. Sprague, Frank W., 279. Rowland, Lieut. Joseph, 1704, Plymouth. Lieut., Ply- mouth Co., 1679. Crandon, Edwin S., 253. Crandon, John R., 252. Rowland, Zoeth, 1632-1676. Killed in King Philip's War, at Pocasset, R. L Cox, George H., 252. Pell, Rowland, 134. HowLETT. Sergt. Thomas, 1599- 1678, Ipswich, Mass. Dep- uty, 1635. Ens. of Ipswich Co., under Capt. Daniel Den- nison. Third Regt., Col. John Endicott, 1636. Moseley, John G., 268. RoYT, Sergt. John, 1610-1696, Salisbury, Mass. Sergt., Salisbury Co., 1658. HoYT, John, Jr., 1638-1696, Ames- bury, Mass. Member Ames- bury Co., 1680. Killed by In- dians at Andover, 1696. RoYT, Joshua, 1641-1690, Stam- ford, Conn. Deputy, 1681- 1686. HoYT, Moses, 1716-1764, New- bury, Mass. Louisburg Ex- pediton, 1745. HoYT, Sergt. Samuel, 1647-1720. In the Indian troubles about Stamford, i675-'76. Hoyt, Edward C., 302. Hoyt, Samuel R., 485. Hoyt, Capt. Samuel, 1679-1760, Stamford, Conn. Capt., 2nd Co., 1721. Deputy, i727-'35- Hoyt, Samuel R., 485. Hoyt, Sergt. Walker, , Norwalk, Conn. Sergt., Train Band, 1659. Deputy, 1667. Hubbard, Caleb, 1630-1711, Brain- tree, Mass. Deputy, 1694. Hubbard, Adolphus S., 351. Hubbard, Edmund, 1570-1646, Hingham, Mass. Deputy, i639-'42. Hubbard, Adolphus S., 351. Hubbard, George, 1683. Dep- uty, Conn., 1637, et seq. Howe, Edward W., 262. 673 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hubbard, John E., 3^3- Hubbard, Israel, . Pro- vincial Congress of Mass., at Salem, 1774. Stockbridge, Henry, 162. Hubbard, Col. John, 1691-1775. 2nd Conn. Militia, Crown Point Expedition, I755- Major, 1752. Major and Comm., 1755. Lieut. -Col., i757-'7i- Downs, Edgar R., 473. Ward, B. Robertson, 310. Hubbard, Maj. Jonathan, . Adj.-Col. Willard's 4th Mass. Regt., Louisburg Ex- pedition, 1745. Succeeded Maj. Seth Pomeroy. Heaton, John E., 302. Hubbard, Capt. Joseph, 1688-1768, Concord, Mass. Capt, 1746. Hubbard, Col. LevErETt, M. D., 1 728- 1 794. Surgeon's mate, Louisburg Expedition, 1745. Surgeon, Crown Point Ex- pedition, 1755. Lieut.-Col., 2d Conn. Militia, i77i-'73. Col., i773-'75- Ward, B. Robertson, 310. Hubbard, Peter, Sr., 1709-1756, Braintree, Mass. Under Capt. Nathaniel Blake, French and Indian War. Hubbard, Adolphus S., 351. Hubbard, William, 1594-1670, Ipswich, Mass. Deputy, Mass. Bay Colony, 1660. Hubbell, Capt. Eleazur, 1700- 1770. Of Conn. Troop. Hubbell, Lieut. ElEazur, 1739- 1810. Of the Conn. Troops. Hubbell, Lieut. John, 1652-1690, Stratford, Conn. Lieut., 1690. Birdseye, Isaac W., 295. Hubbell, Frederick C, 485. Hubbell, Frederick M., 485. Hubbell, Lieut. John, 1734-1810. Lieut., in the 2d Troop, 4th Conn. Regt., i769-'75. Curtiss, Harlow C, 67. Darneal, Harvey, 461. Hubbell. Sergt. Richard, 1627- 1699. Sergt. of Militia, Fair- field, Conn., i677-'99. Dep- uty, 1678. Birdseye, Isaac W., 295. Darneal, Harvey, 461. Parker, Fred'k S., 129. Hubbell, Capt. Richard, 1684- 1758, Fairfield, Conn. Ens., Fairfield Militia, 1709; Lieut., 1714; later Captain. Deputy, I7i3-'i7- HucKiNS, Comm.-Gen., Thomas, 1617-1679, Barnstable. Mass. Ens., 1639. Comm.-Gen. on Gov. Bradford's Staflf, King Philip's War, 1675. Burke, James S., 56. Miller, Charles B., 117. Miller, Edward C, 118. Pierce, George W., 134. Hudson, Daniel, 1697, Lan- caster, Mass. In Capt. Joseph Sill's Co., King Phil- ip's War. In garrison, 1691- HuGG, John, 1730. Gov- ernor's Council, N. J., 1718- '28. Kennard, Joseph S., Jr., 200. Hughes, Capt. John, . In Associated Regt. of Foot, Philadelphia. 1747. Commis- sioner to treat with the In- dians, 1758. Member of As- sembly, i755r'63-'65. HuLBERT, Thomas, 1610-1675. Clerk of Train Band, 1640. Served in Pequot War. Lieut, at Saybrook Fort. Bell, Jared W., 47. Gamble, Joseph, 84. Greene, Richard H., 86. Hulbert, Edmund D., 378. Hulbert, Henry C, 98. Hurlbutt, John H., 99, 303. Plumb, Henry B., 306. Robbins, Rowland A., 145. Hull, Lieut. Cornelius, 1626- 1695, Fairfield, Conn. Lieut., King Philip's War. Messen- ger of the Council of War, 1675. Lieut., Major Treat's Life Guard, 1675. Deputy, 1676. 674 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Blagden, Thomas, 317. Bradley, Cyrus S., 295. Osborn, Henry A., 382. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Hull, George, 1659. Assist- ant, 1654. Deputy previous to 1654. Member, General Court of Conn., 1637. Blagden, Thomas, 317. Hull, John, 1624-1683. Master of the Mint. Treas., Colony of Mass. Bay, 1676, and As- sistant. Chauncey, Elihu, 60. Davies, William G., 69. Forbes, Charles S., 362. Woolsey, Theodore S., 312. Hull, Dr. John, 1640-1711. Sur- geon in King Philip's War. Aldridge, Fred'k T., 37. Hull, George H., 98. Hull, John, 1654-1733, James- town, R. I. Deputy, 1703, 'o6-'o7, '09. Hull, Lieut. John, 1732-1791, Fairfield, Conn. Ens., 1770. Lieut., 1771. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Hull, Rev. Joseph, 1594-1665, Barnstable, Plymouth Col- ony. Deputy, Mass., from Hingham, 1638; to Plymouth Col., 1639. Hull, James W., 262. White, Hunter C, 523. Hull, Capt. Theophilus, 1710. Ens., 1705. Lieut, 1709. Capt., 1709, of the West Military Co., Fairfield, Conn. Member Committee of War, 1709. Bradley, Cyrus S., 295. Lane, Ebenezer, 379. Osborn, Henry A., 382. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Humphrey, John, 1595-1661, Lynn, Mass. Dep.-Gov., 1630. A. & H. a. Co., 1641. First Maj.-Gen. of the Col- ony. Metcalf, William P., 322. Stetson, Caleb R., 325. Hljmphrey, John, 1650-1697, Simsbury, Conn. Militia, 1693. Pettibone, Asa G., 383. Humphrey, Michael, 1695. In Windsor Dragoons, 1667. Deputy from Simsbury, Conn., 1670. In service at Windsor, i675-'76. Humphrey, Charles F., 423. Humphreys, Hopestill, 1649- 1731, Dorchester, Mass. Un- der Capt. Isaac Johnson, King Philip's War. In Great Swamp Fight, 1675. Capen, Walter N., 297. Daly, Martin O., 253. Humphreys, James, 1731-1825. Served in the Independent Co. of Foot, Philadelphia, 1756. La Bree, Benjamin, 453. Humphreys, Lieut. Samuel, 1656-1736, Simsbury, Conn. Deputy, i702-'25. Lieut., 1710, in command of a com- pany sent to fight the Indians in Hampshire Co., Mass. Cooke, Humphreys K., 333. Goddard, Lester O., 376. Humphreys, F. H., 336. Humphreys, Frank L., 99. Norton, Thomas H., 417. Pettibone, Asa G., 383. HuNGERFORD, David, 1709-1758. In Capt. Eldad Lewis' Co., 2d Conn. Regt., I755-'S8, French and Indian Wars. Hungerford, Charles S., 99. HUNGERFORD, CaPT. JohN, I718- 1787. Capt. under Maj.-Gen. Phineas Lyman, ist Conn. Regt., Crown Point Expedi- tion, 1759. Smith, George W., 157. Hunking, Col. Mark, 1670- 1729, Portsmouth, N. H. Dele- gate, 1693-1710. Councillor, i7io-'29. Col., 1716. Scales, John, 353. Hunnewell, Lieut. Richard, 1703, Scarborough, Me. Lieut., under Capt. Joshua 675 INDEX OF AAICESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Scottow, Black Point Garri- son, King Philip's War. Bodge, George M., 248. HUNNEWELL, ZERUBBABEL, I716- , Scarborough, Me. Un- der Capt. George Berry, 1747, and Daniel Hills, 1748-1749, French and Indian War. Bodge, George M., 248. Hunt, Capt., Ephraim, 2d, 1650- 1713. Phip's Expedition, 1690; Groton's Expedition, 1706. Assistant, i703-'i3. Flower, James M., 375. Lee, Edward C., 202. Woodruff, Edward L., 500. Hunt, Josiah, Sr., 1743. In Westchester Co. Militia Co., 1715- Ryer, George S., 148. Ryer, James B., 148. Underhill, Frederic E., 172. Hunt, Capt. Peter, 1692. In King Philip's War. Lieut., 1654. Capt., 1682. Deputy, 15 years. Hunt, Lieut. Ralph, 1640-1677. Lieut, of L. I. Militia, 1665. Hunt, Samuel F., 416. Landreth, Burnet, Jr., 201. Hunt, Ens. Samuel, Sr., 1633- , Ipswich, Mass. In the Falls Fight. In Capt. Wil- liam Turner's Co., King Phil- ip's War; also under Major Samuel Appleton, at Great Swamp Fight. Dennis, Rodney S-, 71. Reade, Philip, 383. Hunt, Ens. Samuel, Jr., 1657- 1742, Tewksbury, Mass. In Capt. John Lane's Co. of Militia, Major Jonathan Tyng's Regt., 1702, relief of Lancaster, Mass. His house at Wameset, Lowell, Mass., was used as a garrison. King Philip's War, 1689-1697, and Queen Anne's War, 1700-1712. Dennis, Rodney S., 71. Parker, John N., 272. Hunt, Capt. Samuel, 1703-1770, Northfield, Mass. Lieut., i743-'48. Capt., i748-'56. French and Indian War. Allen, Frederick H., 37. Hunt, Ens. Samuel, . King Philip's War. Hunt, Thomas, 1693. Vol- unteer Expedition to Albany, 1690, Capt. Jacob Milbornes' Co. Pell, Howland, 133. Ryer, James B., 148. Ryer, George S., 148. Hunt, William, 1605-1676. In Capt. William Turner's Troop of Dorchester and Boston, 1676. Hunter, Capt. Adam, 1781, Topsham and Brunswick, Me. Capt., 1754- Hunter, Edward, 437. Huntington, Col. Hezekiah, 1696-1773, Norwich, Conn. Ens., ist Co., 1728. Lieut., 1738. Lieut.-Col., 3rd Regt., 1739. Col., 1745- Deputy, i734-'42. Member of the Council, i740-'43, '48-'73- Huntington, Col. Jabez, 1691- 1752. Deputy, i726-'36. Lieut., Windham Troop, 1728. Col., Conn. Militia, 1752. Duane, William N., 75. Wells, Eben F., 447. Huntington, Capt. Jabez, 1719- 1786. Deputy for Norwich, i750-'53. Lieut., ist Co., 1745. Capt. of Troop, 3d Regt., 1754. Speaker, 1760. Huntington, Charles R., 99. Huntington, Frederick J., 302. Huntington, Jedediah, 1745-1818. Ens., 1st Norwich Co., 1769. Lieut., 1771, Capt., 1774. Col., 20th Conn. Regt, 1774. Huntington, Frederick J., 302. Huntington, Capt. Joshua, 1698- 1745, Norwich, Conn. Ens., 1738. Lieut., 1740. Capt., 1745. Deputy, 1739-44- Huntington, Lieut. Samuel, 1665-1717. Lieut., 1st Co., Lebanon Militia, i709-'i7. Queen Anne's War. Expedi- 676 INDBX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. tion to Canada. Deputy, 1708. Eager, Joseph P., 77. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Partridge, Edward L., 132. Starkweather, Ralph E., 386. Huntington, Capt. Samuel, 1691- 1785, Norwich and Lebanon, Conn. Lieut, of the Train Band of Lebanon, 1730. Capt., .1747- Fisher, Francis P., 374. Huntington, Simon, 1659-1736. House used as Arsenal, Nor- wich. Indian Wars. Partridge, Edward L., 132. Huntington, Thomas, 1664-1732. Deputy from Windham, 1700- '04; from Marshfield, I7i4-'i6. Councillor, i724-'25. Jewett, William K., 475. Huntress, Christopher, 1728- . Volunteer from New Hampshire. Expedition against Louisburg, 1745. Dyer, Leonard H., 319. Hurd, Amos, 1726-1759. Soldier, French and Indian War, 1759. Eaton, George F., 299. HuRD, John, 1613-1681, Windsor, Conn. Deputy, 1657-1658. Hurd, Ethan O., 416. Hurd, Rukard, 99, 437. Hurd, Capt. Nathan, Sr., 1694- 1779, Stamford, Conn. In Capt. Ebenezer Downs' Co., Woodbury, relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Hurd, Ethan O., 416. Hurd, Ruckard, 99, 437. Hurd, Capt. Nathan, Jr., 1727- . Q. M. of Troop, 13th Conn. Regt., 1766. Cornet, 1768. Lieut., 1769. Capt, 1771. Hurd, Ethan O., 416. Hurd, Rukard, 99, 437. Hurlburt, Sergt. John, 1642-1690. Wethersfield Militia, Indian Wars. Bell, Jared W., 47. Hurlbut, Lieut. John, 1701-1775, Middletown, Conn. Lieut., against Louisburg, 1745, un- der Col. William Burr. Hurlbut, Lieut. Thomas, 1671, Wethersfield, Conn. Un- der Lion Gardiner in the Pe- quot War. Clerk of Train Band, 1640. Deputy, 1644. Lieut, at the Saybrook Fort. Hurst, James, 1657, Ply- mouth, Mass. Member Ply- mouth Military Co. Hussey, Christopher, 1595-1686. A Member of Council, N. Hamp., 1680. Representa- tive, Mass., i658-'6o. Cadle, Henry, 398. Lovell, Frank H., 113. Matthews, Albert, 417. Moulton, John H., 403. Parsons, William D., 130. Hutchins, Francis, Member, Md. House of As- sembly, 1694. Fleet, Alexander F., 399. Mackenzie, George N., 229. Smith, T. M., 233. Hutchins, Gordon, 1733-1815, Ex- eter, N. H. At Louisburg, 1745- Hutchins, Chas. L., 263. Hutchins, Hezekiah, 1727-1796. In Capt. Thomas Cheney's Co., 8th Mass. Regt., Louis- burg, 1745. Lieut., Major Stephen Miller's Co., Col. Jonathan Bayley's Mass. Regt., Fort William Henry. Capt., Engineer at Fort Fred- erick. Gimilan, William W., 84. Spalding, George B., 158. Spalding, George B., Jr., 159. Hutchins, John, 1604-1685, New- bury and Haverhill, Mass. In King Philip's War in 1675. Bailey, Edward P., 368. Tucker, William R., 388. Hutchins, Nicholas, 1693. In Capt. Joseph Gardner's Co., from Lynn. In Swamp Fight. Hutcpiinson, Col. Israel, 1727- 677 INDEX OF ANGESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1811. Lieut., in Capt. Fuller's Co., 1758, with Gen. Wolfe, Plains of Abraham. Brown, John B., 55. Hutchinson, William, 1586-1642, Boston. Deputy, 1635-1639. Peet, Emerson W., 441. HuTTON, Richard, , Es- sex Co., Mass. Under Capt. Gardiner, 1675. Goldsmith. Oliver, 498. Hyatt, Thomas, 1641-1695. Served in King Philip's War. Hyatt, Frank S., 100. Hyde, Jonathan, 1626-1711. In Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Co., scouting near Sudbury and Marlboro, King Philip's War. Barnes, Frank L., 42. Barnes, Howard W., 43. Hyde, James C, 100. Hyde, Raymond N., 100. Hyde, Capt. William, 1702-1738. Capt. of the Train Band at Norwich, Conn., 1727. Page, Carroll S., 363. Hynson, Thomas, . Com- missioner for Kent Island, Md., 1654. General Assem- bly, 1654. Burgess from Kent Co., 1659. Carson, John A. G., 492. Hill, Malcolm W., 227. Ide, Nicholas, 1620-1690. In King Philip's War, under Ma- jor William Bradford. Jackson, George E., 400. Ilsley, Isaac, 1652-1702, New- bury, Mass. In King Philip's War, in Major Appleton's Company. Corey, Eben, 530. Corey, Edward W., 530. Deering, Henry, 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Noyes, Edward D., 536. Ilsley, Capt. Isaac, 1698- i 781, Newbury, Mass., and Fal- mouth, Me. Capt. in the In- dian wars. An officer, Louis- burg Expedition. Corey, Eben, 530. Corey, Edward W., 530. Deering, Henry, 530. Noyes, Edward D., 536. Ingalls, Capt. Henry, 1719-1803. Capt., i755-'s6, Crown Point Expedition. Frye, Jed., 544. Ingalls, Lieut. Samuel, 1714, Ipswich, Mass. Under Ma- jors Willard and Appleton, King Philip's War. Lieut, in Capt. Thomas Wade's Troop, Mass. Forces, 1691. Repre- sentative, 1690. Ingersoll, Lieut. George, 1618- 1694, Salem, Mass., and of Casco, Me. Lieut, and Mili- tary Officer of Falmouth, 1668. Lieut., York Regt, King Philip's War, i675-'76. Rep- resentative, Prov. of Me., i683-'85. Foster, Joseph, 350. Ingersoll, Rev. Jonathan, 1713- 1778. Chaplain in Seven Years' War, Campaign of 1758. Gilbert, Arthur E., 436. Gilbert, Frederick L., 436. Ingersoll, Colin M., Jr., 303. Olmstead, Edward, 337. Ingersoll, Samuel, 1651-1734, Casco and Gloucester. In King Philip's War, i67S-'76. Ingham, Jonathan, 1710-1799. Prov. Assembly, Penn., 1753. Ingham. Wm. H., 200. Ingoldesby, Col. Richard, 1719. Major and Command- er-in-Chief of the Forces, N. Y., 1691. Lieut-Gov., 1709. Col., British Army, 1711. Clark, Henry S., 61. Harriman, William E., 91. Schiefifelin, Schuyler, 151. Inman, Edward, 1706. Dep- uty, R. I., i666-'67-'68-'72-'74- '76-'78. White, Hunter C, 523. Inman, John, 1648-1712. Deputy, R. I., 1676. White, Hunter C, 523- Irish, John, 1st ,1677. Under 678 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Lieut. William, Holmes in Pequot and Peqiiin Wars, 1637. Irish, Edward S., 475. ISHAM, Capt. Henry, 1628-1676. Capt. of Militia Henrico Co., Va. High Sheriff, i66g-'70. Appleby, George F., 315. Gary, Wilson M.. 224. Thorn, Wm. H. deC. H., 234. IsHAM, Gapt. John, 1742-1828. In Gapt. Edward Barnard's Go., Gonn. Troops, French War, 1755. Sergt., i758-'62. in "The Havana Expedition"; subsequently Gapt. Isham, Charles, loi, 303. Ives, Gideon, 1680- 1767, Walling- ford, Conn. Ens., East Train Co. Deputy, 1720, et scq. Ives, Marvin A., 378. Ives, Capt. Joseph, 1673-1751. Gapt., Gonn. Militia, 1718. Washburn, Wm. I., 177. Izard, Hon. Ralph, of S. C, 1710. Council of Carolina, 1700. Middleton, John I., 230. Izard, Walter, Sr., 1752. S. G. Assembly, 17——. Middleton, John I., 231. Izard, Walter, Jr., 1713-1752. Assembly of S. C. Middleton, John I., 231. Jackson, Edward, 1602-1681. Deputy from Cambridge, Mass., 1647, et seq. Burnham, Albert W., 250. Hall, Clayton C., 226. Jackson, Arthur E., 263. Jackson, Edward F., 401. Jackson, George E., 400, Jackson, Pearsall B., 102. Jackson, William, 263. Palmer, Charles D., 270. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Jackson, Ephraim, 1729-1777, Newton, Mass. Lieut., French and Indian War, 1755- 1756. Capt. in expedition to Canada, 1760. Gapt. at Ti- N. H., -1735- Mem- oonderoga, 1760. Palmer, Ghas. D., 270. Jackson, Edward F., 401. Jackson, George E., 401. Jackson, John, 1635-1722, Ports- mouth, N. H. In King Wil- liam's War, 1696. In Garri- son at Oyster River, 1696. Jackson, Col. John, - Long Island Militia. ber of Assembly. Hall, Warren V., 319. Winslow, Ghauncey R., 419. Winslow, Howard G., 419. Jackson, Lieut. John, 1645- 1709, Cambridge, Mass. Under Appleton, King Philip's War. Jackson, Jas. H., loi. Jackson, Gen. Michael, 1734- 1801. Lieut, at Ticonderoga and Fort Edward under Gen- eral Amherst. Also at Cape Breton and Louisburg. Bogert, William B., 369. Ives, Ralph O., loi. Jackson, Pearsall B., 102. Koop, Eugene, 107. Koop, Godfrey P., 107. Jackson, Sebas, 1642- 1690, New- ton, Mass. In Gapt. Poole's Co., King Philip's War. Jackson, Edward F., 401. Jackson, George E., 401. Jackson, Pearsall B., 102. Jackson, Lieut. Timothy, 1726- 1774, Newton, Mass. Lieut., Colonial Forces, French and Indian War. Jacob, Capt. John, Hingham, Mass. Hobart's Co.. 1675 I 630- I 693, In Capt. In Capt. Johnson's Co., defence of Medfield, 1676. Andrew, Henry H., 245. Gushing, Luther S., 433. Morse, Fred W., 351. Rice, L. Frederick, 275. Swan, Robert T., 281. Yoimg, George B., 449. Jacob, Nicholas, 1657, Hing- ham, Mass. Deputy, 1648- 1649. 679 INDEX OF AMCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Rogers, Allan, 276. Soule, Horace H., Jr.. 278. Jacquett, Gov. Jean Paul, 1600- 1685. Gov. at Nevir Amstel on the South River under Stuyvesant, 1655-1657. Jus- tice, 1676-1678. Beatty, Franklin T., 348. Clark, Augustus T., 251. Jagger, Jeremiah, 1658, Stam- ford, Conn. In Pequot War, 1637- Hoyt, Samuel R. J., 485- James, Abel, • Member of Assembly, Prov. of Penn., i770-'72. James, Joseph, 1709 • Mem- ber of Assembly, Province of Penn., Chester Co., I753- Gheen, Edward A., 435. Jameson. Lieut.-Col. David, 1715- 1800. Capt., Col. James Burd's Augusta Regt, 1757. Capt, 2d Regt.. Penn. Foot, 1757. Major, 1759. Brigade Major and Lieut.-Col., 1760. Served at Forts Littleton, Halifax, Augusta, Aughwick, and at Battle of Loyal Hanna, 1756-1759- Fisher, Robert S. J., 3i9- Jameson, Martin, 1705-1760. In Capt. John Gray's Co., of Falmouth, Me., 1725. Jameson, Winfield S., 526. Janes, Abel, 1644-1690, Lebanon, Conn. In Capt. William Turner's Co., Fall's Fight. Jaynes, Fremont N., 437. Janes, Jonathan, 1696-1776. In Capt. Joseph Kellogg's Co., 1723-24, Father Rasle's War. In Capt. Timothy Dwight's Co., at Northfield Block House, 1724, and at Fort Dummer, 1725. Partridge, Frank H., i33- Janney, Thomas, 1695. Member of the Council of Penn., 1684-1686. Hough, Oliver, 199. Smith, Thomas M., 233. Jarboe, Lieut.-Col. John, 1619- 1674. Member of the Lower House of Assembly of Mary- land, St. Mary's Co., 1671- 1674. Lieut., 1658. Lieut.- Col., 1660. McHenry, Howard, 227. Jeanes, William, 1610-1690, New Haven, Conn., and North- ampton, Mass. Member Gen- eral Court, New Haven, 1648. Deputy, Northampton, 1657. Jaynes, Fremont N., 437. Jefferson, Hon. John, . Member of the Council, Sir George Yeardly, Gov. Do- minion of Va. Deen, William M., 333. Jefferson, Col. Peter, 1708- 1757, Goochland and Albermarle Co., Va. High Sheriff, 1737- '39. Lieut.-Col., 1745. Col. and County Lieut., 1754. Burgess, i754-'5, &c. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Jefferson, Thomas, 1748-1782. Member House of Burgesses, 1769. Anderson, J. Randolph, 492. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Jenckes, Joseph, 2d, 1632-1717. Governor's Assistant of R. I., 1650, et seq. Jenks, Edward W., 498. Lawton, George P., 109. Savidge, George P., 499. Savidge, William, 499. Jenckes, Gov. Joseph, 1650-1740. Dep.-Gov. of R. I., i7i5-'27. Governor, i727-'32. Major of the Main, 1707-11. Lawton, George P., 109. Waterman, Lucius, 353. Jenkins, John, 1628 . In the Narragansett Campaign, 1645. Jenkins, William, 1648-1712. Member of Assembly, 1690- 1695. Member of Council, Prov. of Penn., 1691-1692. Campbell, Benj. H., 57. Coates, Edward H., 195. . Lea, Preston, 513. Troth, William P., Jr., 209. Jenks, Capt. Samuel, 1732-1801, 680 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Lynn. Capt., Col. Salton- stall's Regt.. Gen. Ruggles' Brigade, 1758-1760. Jenks, Albert F., 102. Jenks, Henry F., 263. Jenner, Thomas, 1630-1686, Char- lestovvn, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1673. Jenness, Fr.\ncis, 1634-1716. In King Philip's War, 1675-1676. Parsons, William D., 130. Jenney, John, 1664, Ply- mouth, Mass. Governor's Assistant, 1638-1640. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Jenney, Bernard, 539. Jenney, Herbert, 416. Parker, Edward L., 271. Rogers, Allan, 276. Wilson, Charles H., 287. Woodruff, Edward L., 500. Jennings, Edmund, 1659-1727. Att.-Gen., Dominion of Va., 1684. Member House of Burgesses, 1692. Member King's Council, 1684-1699. Secretary of the Dominion and Pres. of the Council; Acting Gov., i7o6-'io. Deen, Wm. M., 70, 333. Lee, Edmund J., 201. Jennings, Jonathan, . In King Philip's War. Murdock, Joseph B., 520. Jennings, Gov. Samuel, 1708, Burlington, N. J. Dep.-Gov. of West Jersey, i68o-'82. Gov., i683-'84. Assembly, 1685. Member of Council of Proprietors, 1687. Receiver- Gen, of Pa., 1690. Member Governor's Council, West Jersey, 1702. Speaker, N. J. Assembly, 1707. Mitchell, Edward C, 439. Jennison, Ens. Samuel, 1700, Watertown, Mass. in Militia. Jones, Charles L., 104. Maxwell, Robert A., 115. Jessup, Edward, 1667. senger to New England Com- missioners, 1653. Defense 1645- Ens. M( New Amsterdam, 1655. Ryer, George S., 148. Ryer, James B., 148. Jewell, Henry Lancaster, 1732- 1762. In Capt. Trueworthy Ladd's Co., Col. Meserve's N. H. Regt., 1758, French and Indian Wars. Hastings, Hugh, 92. Jewett, Capt. Joseph, 1656- 1694. In King Philip's War under Capt. Samuel Brocklebank. Jewett, Capt. Nathan, 1763, Rowley, Mass., Lyme, Conn. Ens. of 3d Co., Train Band, 1740. Capt., 1757. Deputy. Joclyn, Capt. Peter, 1665-1759, Lancaster, Mass. French and Indian War. Joclyn, Stephen P., 363. Johnson, Capt. Abner, 1702-1751, Wallingford Militia, 1749. Johnson, Joseph H., 103. Johnson. S. Albert, 103. Johnson, Lieut.-Col. Ebenezer, 1645-1726, Derby, Conn. Capt., French and English War. Commissioner, 1690- 1698. Commissioner over Paugasuck Indians, 1703. Sergt.-Major, Militia, Conn., i704-'09. Lieut.-Col., Conn. Forces against Port Royal, 1710. Deputy, 1685, et seq. Jones, Wylie B., 363. Johnson, Capt. Ebenezer, , Stratford, Conn. Com- manded sixty English and forty Indians, defence of Al- bany, 1690. Short, William, 406. Johnson, Capt. Edward, 1599- 1672, Woburn, Mass. Dep- uty, 1643, et seq. Speaker, 1655. Capt., 1644. Ens. in Capt. George Cooke's Co., 1638. Lieut., 1643. A" & H. A. Co., 1638. Adams, John Q., 428. Daly, M. Ordway, 253. Downs, Edgar R., 473. Hopkins, Alfred F., 540. Hopkins, Neville M., 540. 681 INDEX OF ANQBSTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Johnson, John F., 264. Metcalf. William P., 322. Rose, Frederick P., 337. Stearns, Albert H., 279. Wilson, Charles H., 287. Wood, Alva S., 288. Woodworth, Newell B., 185. Johnson, Capt. Edward, Jr., 1650- 1725, Woburn, Mass. Ens. of the Military Co., 1693-1695. Lieut., i696-'99. Capt., 1700- '24. Daly, M. Ordway, 253. Johnson, Sergt. Humphrey, 1603- 1676, Hingham, Mass. Sergt. In King Philip's War, 1675. Johnson, Capt. Isaac, 1615-1675. Capt., A. & H. A. Co.. 1667, and of the Roxbury Militia, 1653. Killed in Narragansett Fort Fight. Bell, Charles U., 247. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Ducharme, Charles A., 75, 497. Durand, Harvey, 76. Hathaway, Forrest H., 362. Heaton, John E., 302. Ingraham, William S., 303. Johnson, Emery W., 263. Lawrie, Andrew W., 265. Seaverns, Francis, 154. Strong, Frederick S., 233. Wickwire, Arthur M., 448. Johnson, Isaac, 1649-1711, Char- lestown, Mass. In King Phil- ip's War in 1676. Wyman, Walter C, 391. Johnson, Lieut. James, . A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Lieut., 1658. Capt. of Militia, 1656. Johnson, Charles A., 475. Johnson, Ens. James, 1677-1752. Ens. of N. H. Troops in Queen Anne's War, 1705. Cadle, Henry, 398. Johnson, Capt. James, 1677-1758. In Capt. Stevens' Co., 1737. Lieut., 1748. Capt., 1758. Killed at Ticonderoga. Billings, David L., 49. Johnson, Capt. John, 1600-1659, Roxbury, Mass. Was "Sur- veyor of all ye Armyes." Deputy to the first General Court. Bartholomew, Jas. H. S., 429. Bell, Charles U., 247. Ducharme, Charles A., 75, 497. Farr, Marvin A., 2)7Z- Heaton, John Edw., 301. Hull, James W., 262. Johnson, Emery W., 263. Johnson, Francis J., 504. Lawrie, Andrew W., 265. Morrison, Charles K., 121. Morrison, George A., 121. Palmer, Lowell M., 129. Shead, Edward W., 536, 543. Stafford, William F., 160. Johnson, John, 1604-1750. In Capt. Weeks' Co., Queen Anne's War, 1712. In Capt. John Goffe's Co., N. H. troops in King George's War, 1746. Cadle, Henry, 398. Johnson, Lieut. John. Sr., 1708, Haverhill, Mass. Killed by the Indians in the Massa- cre, 1708. Johnson, Lieut. Jonathan, 1736- 1815. In the French and In- dian Wars, 1758-1761. Bingham, Theodore A., 49. Johnson, Gov. Nathaniel, . Gov. of Carolina, 1703. Member of Council of Caro- lina, 1705. Middleton, John I., 230. Johnson, Richard, 1649-1719. Member General Assembly, N. J., 1685. Ingham, Wm. H., 200. Johnson, Robert, 1682-1735. Gov. of So. Carolina under the Lords Proprietors, I7i7-'i9; appointed Royal Gov. of So. Carolina, I73i-'3S- Deas, Harry B., 398. Johnson, Hon. Samuel, 1710-1785. Chief Magistrate of West Jersey, and Delegate to the First Provincial Congress, of Trenton, 1775. Bowers, John M., 52. Johnson, Lieut. Samuel, 1640- 682 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1723, Lynn, Mass. In King Philip's War, Capt. Daniel Henchman's Co. Cornet, 1692. Capt., 1695. Represen- tative, 1703-1708. Johnson, Enoch S., 263. Johnson, Otis S., 475. Johnson, Lieut. Timothy, 1679- 1768. 7th Co., Col. James Stevens' 4th Mass. Regt., Ex- pedition against Louisburg, 1745. Representative. 1737- 1745- Johnson, Major William, 1629- 1704, Woburn, Mass. Deputy, 1674, ct scq. Governor's As- sistant, 1683-1686. Member of Council, 1684-1686. Downs, Edgar R., 473. Johnson, William, 1677, Charlestown, Mass. Under Capt. Nathaniel Davenport, King Philip's War, 1675. Weyman, Walter C, 39i- Johnstone, Andrew, 1694-1762, Perth Amboy, N. J. Speaker of Provincial Assembly. Member Governor's Council. Johnstone, Dr. John, 1661-1732. Member of King's Council for Prov. of N. J., 1686-1690, for N. Y., 1716-1723. Repre- sented Middlesex Co. in the General Assembly. Speaker. Johnstone, Francis U., 103. Johnstone, John, 103. Jones, Capt. Ebenezer, 1699- 1758, Woburn, Mass. Capt., Com- pany of Foot, French and In- dian War. Killed at Fort William Henry, 1758. Jones, Edward, M. D., 1645- 1737. Member Penn. Provincial As- sembly, 1710. Wister, Rodman, 212. Jones, Col. Elisha, 1710-1775, Weston, Mass. Col. in Mi- litia. Representative, 1754. Jones, Sergt. John, 1739-1817. Old French War. Col. Wooster's Regt, 1758-1761. Col. Nathan Whiting's Regt, 1761. Afterwards Lieut. Jones, Capt. Josiah, 1640-1714. Capt. of Militia, commanded the 3d Military Precinct of Watertown. Jones, Charles L., 104. Maxwell, Robert A., 115. Noyes, Edward D., 536. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons, Lewis B., 403. Jones, Matthew, . King Philip's War. Jones, Nathaniel, Watertown and Worcester, Mass. Dep- uty, 1727. Jones, Owen, 1711-1793. Treas. of the Prov. of Penn., 1769- Wister, Rodman, 212. Jones, Philip, . Col- onial Forces of Virginia, in Iroquois Campaign, i675-'76. Jones, Maj. Thomas, 1665-1713, Oyster Bay, L. I. Capt Queen's Co., N. Y., 1702. Major, 1707. Jones, Charles H., 104. Jones, Thomas, 1729-1802, Med- way, Mass. In the Expedi- tion to Crown Point, 1755; also in 1756, French and In- dian War. Jones, Dep.-Gov. William, 1624- 1706. Assistant, 1662-1664. Dep.-Gov., 1664-1665, New Haven Colony. Assistant, 1665-1691. Dep.-Gov., 1691- 1698, Colony of Conn. Norton, John Grant, 363. Pond, Charles Hobby, 136. Pond, Winthrop, 136. Wilcox. Reynold W., 181. Jordan, John, . Mem- ber of Plymouth Co., 1643. Jordan, Rev. Robert, i?I2-i679, Falmouth, Me. Member of the Council of George Cleves, Deputy Pres. Prov. of Lygon- ia, 1648. Appointed by the Commissioners of Charles II. as one of the four to gov- ern the Prov. of Me., 1665. Had one of the garrisons at Spurwick (Falmouth). His 683 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. House destroyed by Indians, 1675. Chaplain of the garri- sons at Spurwick and Scar- borough. Glidden, John M., 532. Glidden, J. Murray, 197, 532. Glidden, Joseph W., 532. Hale, Josiah L., 259. Jordan, Fritz H., 534. Morrill, Samuel, 268. Swain, Julius €., 281. Jordan, Capt. Samuel, 1684- 1732, Saco, Me. Capt. of the Saco Co., French and Indian Wars. Libby, Charles F., 535- Littlefield, George E., 265. Jordan, Samuel, . Of " Seven Islands," Bucking- ham Co., Va. Capt., I753- Presiding Justice and County Lieut., 1761. One of the Commissioners to examine the Militia accounts, 1758. Blair, Andrew B., 343. Rose, Hiram H., 384- Rose, Langdon C, 385. Jordan, Capt. Tristram, 1731-1821, Saco, Me. Capt. of the First Co., First Regt. of York Co. Militia, Sir William Pepper- rell. Col., 1755- Joy, David, 1724- 1809. In French and Indian War. Paul, Edward J., 505- Joy, Nathaniel, 1733-1762, Hing- ham, Mass. In Capt. Ed- ward Ward's Co., 1758. At Frontenac. In Col. Lincoln's Regt., 1759. At Halifax, 1760. Killed in French and Indian War. Dix, William F., 333- JuDD, Lieut. John, • Ens. and Lieut., Farmington, Conn. Deputy. Farr, Marvin A., ^72>- JuDD, Lieut. Samuel, ■ Recruiting officer for the Col- ony of Conn. Francisco, Israel H., 362. JuDD, Thomas, 1688, Farm- ington, Conn. Deputy, 1667. Wead, Leslie C, 285. JuDD, Thomas, Jr., 1638-1703. Deputy, 1689, from Farming- ton, and later from Water- bury, Conn. JuDD, Sergt. William, 1633-1690. Sergt. at Farmington, Conn. Cowles, Calvin D., 318. JuDSON, Capt. James, . Lieut, of Dragoons, 1690, Stratford, Conn., 1697, King Philip's War. Capt., 1698. Deputy, 1689-1706. Jewett, Walter K., 475. JuDSON, John, 1647-1709, Leban- on, Conn. Deputy, 1706. Judson, Lieut. Joseph, 1619-1690. Ens., Stratford, Conn. Com- mittee to defend the coast, Stratford to Rye, against the Dutch, under Admiral De Renter. Lieut., 1672. In King Philip's War. Lieut., Woodbury Train Band, 1684. Deputy, i684-'86. Abbott, E. Judson, 428. Deming, Judson K., 485. Gimilan, Wm. Whitehead, 85. Jewett, Walter K., 475. Jones, Charles L., 505. Judson, Henry S., 438. Judson, William P., 105. Judson, Wm. V., 264. Ladd, William W., 107. Moran, Charles, 120. Sanford, Samuel S., 307. Kachlein, Col. Peter, 1722- 1789. Commissioner of Penn., 1759. Col. of Militia, 1762. Com- mander of the Wyoming Ex- pedition, 1 77 1. Deputy to Provincial Convention, 1774. Member of Colonial As- sembly, 1775. Eyerman, John, 334. Kearney, Michael, Treas., ProT. of East N. J., 1 723- 1725. Held Commission in H. M. Navy. Clerk General As- sembly, Prov. of N. J. Watson, Samuel N., 419. Kearny, Philip, 1704 - 1775. Member of Legislature, N. J., i746-'47. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Keech, Capt. James. Ens., Col- ony of Md., defence against the Indians, i6g2-g2- Civil Officer, 1698. Keech, Frank B., 105. Keeler, Lieut. Samuel, Norwalk, Conn. In King Philip's War. Representative, 1701. Lieut., Expedition to Port Royal, 1710. Osborn, Henry A., 382. Keen, Matthias, 1667-1714. Pro- vincial Assembly, Penn., 1713. Ashton, Thomas G., 192. Ashton, William E., 192. Keene, George B., 200. Montgomery, Thomas H., 204. Keith, Joseph, 1730, Bridge- water, Mass. Representa- tive,. 1726. Keith, Josiah, 1704- 1754, Easton, Mass. Soldier, French and Indian Wars. Dana, Richard S., 67. Thompson, Gilbert, 325. Kellogg, Daniel, 1689, Nor- walk, Conn. Deputy, 1670, '79-'8o, '83. Kellogg, Capt. Jonathan, 1721- 1745. Capt. in 1st Mass. Regt. in Louisburg Expedi- tion. Sexton, Alonzo A., 506. Kellogg, Lieut. Joseph, 1627- 1707. Lieut, at Hadley, 1662. Sergt. in Capt. William Tur- ner's Co., Falls Fight, 1676. Brewster, Lyman D., 296. Fiske, George F., 375. Ives, Francis J., loi. Kellogg, John P., 304. McMillan, William, 116, 499. Morton, J. Sterling, 423. Sexton, Alonzo G., 506. Wade, John P., 446. Kellogg, Capt. Martin. Several times captured bv Indians, and commissioned Capt. Brewster, Lyman D., 296. Kelly, Jonathan, 1681 , Newbury, Mass. In Capt. Hugh March's Co., 1710-'! i. Kelly, Jonathan, 1736 . In 2nd Co. of Foot, Ames- bury, Mass., relief of Fort William Henry. Kelly, Edward L., 475. Kelly, Luther S., 475. Kemble, Peter, 1704- 1789, Mor- ristown, N. J. Governor's Council, N. J., i745-'75. Kemble, Francis T., 106. Kempton, Ephraim, 1645, Scituate, Mass. Member Scit- uate Co., 1643. Kempton, Ephraim, Jr., 1655, Scituate, Mass. Mem- ber Scituate Co., 1643. Kendall, Lieut. Samuel, 1682- 1764. Lieut., Mass. Militia, 1732. Murphey, Elijah W., 123. Kenner, Richard. 1691, Nor- thumberland Co.. Va. Bur- gess, i688-'9i. Eberlein, Charles W., 434- Kenner, Rodham, 1671 - Northumberland Co., Burgess, i695-'97. Eberlein, Charles W., 434 Kenner, Rodham, 1740 - Northumberland Co., Burgess, i774-'76. Eberlein, Charles W., 434. Kenney, Thomas, 1656 , Salem, Mass. In Capt. Gar- diner's Co., 1675, at Great Swamp Fight, King Philip's War. Galloupe, Isaac F., 257. Kennon, Richard, 1650 - 1696, Henrico County, Va. Justice from 1678. Burgess, i68s-'86. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Kent, Col. Jacob, i 726-1812, Plais- tow, N. H., and Newbury, Vt. 1st Lieut., Capt. John Hazen's Co., Col. John Goffe's Regt., Invasion of Canada, 1760. Capt., Newbury, 1764. Col., Provincial Militia. Kent, Henry O., 351- Kerley, Capt. Henry, 1632-1713, Marlborough, Mass. Ens., Marlborough Train Band. Lieut., Lancaster Co., Middle- sex Regt., under Maj. Daniel Goodkin, prior to King Phil- 1706, Va. 1777. Va. 68s INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ip's War. In garrison at Marlborough, King Philip's War. Ketcham, Lieut. John, 1697, Huntington, L. I., Mi- litia. KIeteltas, Capt. Abraham, 1673- 1744. Capt. of Militia in N. Y. City, 1 71 7. Beekman, James W., 46. Foulke, Bayard F., 82. Foulke, William, 82. Kettell, Ens. Richard, 1615- 1680, Charlestown, Mass. Sergt. of Foot Co. of Charles- town. Ens., 1678. Cragin, Charles I., 195. Holden, Joshua B., 261. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Kettell, Sergt. Samuel, 1642- 1694, Charlestown, Mass. Ens. under Capt. Hammond. Drummer. Sergt., 1688. Wyman, Walter C., 390. Key, Philip, 1696- 1764. Member Assembly from St. Mary's Co., Md., 1729, et seq.; also from Charles Co. Council, 1763- Howard, McHenry, 227. Jenkins, Thos. C, 228. Montgomery, James H., 538. Montgomery, Thomas H., 20J. Ramsay, Henry A., 232. Keyes, Abner, Dunstable, Mass. In expedition for relief Fort William Henry, 1758. Keyes, Elias, 1719, London- derry, N. H. Member Gilbert Abbott's Co., Annapolis, Nova Scotia. 1710-1711. Peck, Theodore S., 364. Keyes, Henry, 1699-1757, Shrews- bury, Mass. In French and Indian War, 1757. Keyes, Major John, 1674-1768. Major in the Mass. Militia. Leach, J. Granville, 201. Kidder, Lieut. Ephraim, 1710- 1756. Lieut, in Capt. Flint's Co., Col. Ichabod Plaister, Crown Point Expedition. Fort William Henry, 1756. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 143. Kidder, Ens. James, 1626- 1676, Billerica, Mass. Ens., Lieut. Danforth's Co., Middlesex Regt., 1675. His dwelling used as a Garrison House, King Philip's War. Bailey, Everett H.. 429. Carpenter, William M., 371. Dennis, Rodney, 71. Eaton, Joseph G., 255. Mclntire, Charles J., 267. Parker, John N., 272. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 143. Winship, William H., 287. Kierstede, Dr. Hans. Surgeon, Colonial Forces, Fort Orange, 1645. Fryer, Robert L., 82. Scofield, George S., 152. KiLBOURNE, Cornet Jedediah, 1699 - 1759. Rowley, Mass. Cornet of Capt. John Pear- son's Troop, 1757. Kilbourne, Sergt. John, 1624- 1703. Sergt., Wethersfield, Conn., 1657-1675. Wells, Charles N., 179. KiLHAM, Thomas, 1653 . Under Maj. Samuel Apple- ton, King Philip's War. KiLLEN, William, 1722 - 1803. Member Colonial Assembly of Del. from Kent Co., 1774. Nicholson, John R., 514. Porter, Willard H., 514. Kimball, David. In Capt. John Chandler's Co., 1754. Kimball, Cornet Benjamin, 1637-1695, Bradford, Mass. Cornet of the Foot Company of Andover, Topsfield and Bradford Men, 1683. Kimball, Frank R., 264. Smith, Samuel F., 486. Kimball, Henry. One of sol- diers furnished by Haverhill, Mass. KxMBERLY, Thomas, 1673, Stratford, Conn. Marshall of New Haven Colony, 1653- '61. Deputy, 1639. 686 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. King, Benjamin, 1720 - 1803, Raynham, Mass. Committee of Safety, 1774. Provincial Congress at Salem, i774-'75. Washburn, William D., 446. King, James, 1675-1722. In Capt. Samuel Barnard's Co. at Deerfield, 1722-1723. Earle, Ferdinand P., 77. King, Capt. John, 1629-1703. Lieut., 1692, Northampton, Mass., under Capt. Preserved Clapp, Indian attack on Qua- bogue. Capt. Deputy. Barnes, Alfred C, 42. King, Richard, i 718- 1775, Scar- borough, Me. Comm. of the Troops destined for Annap- olis Royal, 1745-48. King, Thomas, Scituate, Mass. Member Scituate Co., 1643. Kingman, Henry, 1592 - 1666, Weymouth, Mass. Deputy, 1638, '52. Pratt, Abner K., 274. Kingsbury, Joseph, 1657-1741. In Capt. Simon Wainwright's Co., 1708. Kingsbury, Frederick J., 304. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Kingsbury, Capt. Joseph, 2d, 1682-1757, Norwich. Deputy, 1731, et seq. Ensign, 1719. Lieut., 1727. Capt., 1748. Bartholomew, Jas. H., 429. Graves, Frank H., 526. Graves, Jay P., 526. Kingsbury, Frederick J., 304. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Kingsland, Capt. Isaac. Gov- ernor's Council, N. J., 1684- '96. Capt. Militia. Barrell, Harry F., 332. Kinsley. Stephen, 1673, Mil- ton, Mass. Deputy, 1666. Lovering, Henry M., 266. Kinsman, Q. M. Robert, 1629- 1712, Ipswich, Mass. In Capt. Nicholas Manning's Co., King Philip's War. Q. M., 1684, 1691. Representative, 1692. Foster, Joseph, 350. Mudge, Alfred, 268. Mudge, Frank H., 268. Rindge, Frederick H., 464. Rust, Nathaniel J., 277. Kirby, John, 1677, Middle- town, Hartford and Wethers- field, Conn. Plymouth, Mass., Military Company, 1643. Hulbert, Edmund D., 378. KiRKBRiDE, Joseph, Sr., 1662-1718. Member Penn. Prov. As- sembly, 1698, et seq. Galloney, Frank H., 196. Martin, Jonathan W., 203. Wister, Rodham, 212. Kirkbride, Joseph, Jr.. 1690- 1748. Member Penn. Provincial As- sembly, 1721, et seq. Wister, Rodman, 212. Kirkbride, Maheon, 1703-1776. Member Pa. Assembly, 1740- '55- Martin, Jonathan W., 203. Kitchell, Robert, 1604 - 1672, New Haven, Conn. Deputy, 1656. '6i-'63. , Royce, Alfred L., 232. Kitchell, Ens. Samuel, 1633- 1690, Guilford, Conn. Ens., 1665. At Newark, N. J., 1673. Kittredge, John, 1676, Bil- lerica, Mass. Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Co., fight at Brook- field, 1675. Scouting service, 1676. Flint, James M., 319. Knapp, Isaac, Newbury, Mass. In Expedition to Can- ada under Sir William Phips, 1690. Knapp, Capt. John, 1664-1749, Stamford, Conn. Ens., Train Band, 1707. Lieut., 1710. Capt., 1716. Knapp, Henry E., 438. Knapp, Nathaniel, 1713-1776, Newbury, Mass. In 2nd Louisburg Expedition, 1758- '59- Knapp, Lieut. Samuel, 1695- 1751, Danbury, Conn. Lieut, of Militia and Deputy, 1716. Knapp, Samuel, 1717-1745, New- bury, Mass. Soldier. Killed at Louisburg, 1745. Kneeland, Edward, 1640 . 687 INDEX OP ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Private, Capt. Whipple's* Co., King Philip's War. Flint, Wyman K., 375. Knickerbacker, Maj. John, 1723- 1802, Schaghticoke, N. Y. Lord Howe's staff. Battle of Ticonderoga, 1758. Also in Indian troubles. Viele, Sheldon P., 173. Knight, Jonathan, 1683. Woburn, Mass. In Salem Troop, 1678. Wyman, Walter C, 301. Knowles, Alexander, 1663. Governor's Assistant, 1654 and 1658. Commissioner, 1656 and 1660. Ford, George H., 81, 298. Kobbe, Philip F., 107. Knowles, John, 1675. In King Philip's War. Killed by Indians at Taunton, Mass., 1675- Rich, William T., 141. Knowles, John, 1686 , Hamp- ton, N. H. In Capt. Samuel Chesley's Co., Queen Anne's War, 1708. Knowles, Richard, 1622 . Member Plymouth Co., 1643. In command of bark for transporting military stores, 1653. Dutch War. Carter, Walter S., 59. Knowlton, Capt. Abraham, 1678- , Ipswich, Mass. In French and Indian Wars. Stearns, Ezra S., 353. Knowlton, Benjamin, 1643- 1690. In Springfield Garrison, King Philip's War. Murphey, Elijah W., 123. Knowlton, Benjamin, 2nd, 1720- 1744- In 6th Co., Capt. Isaac Colton, 9th Regt., Col. Joseph Dwight, at Louisburg. Murphey, Elijah W., 123. Knowlton, Sergt. Daniel, 1738- 1825. In Capt. Slapp's Co., 1757, at Fort Edward. In Capt. Fay's Co., 3d Regt., Conn. Troops, 1758. Sergt. in Capt. Durkie's Co., ist Conn. Regt., Col. Lyman, 1 761. Griflfith, Wm. H., 87. KoLLOCK, Col. Jacob, . Lieut, of Capt. Shamore's Co., against Canada, 1746. Col., Sussex Regt., French and Indian War, 1756. Speak- er of Assembly, three lower Counties of Delaware. Minis, John L., 231. Kyn, Joran, 1620-1690. In the Life Guard of Gov. John Prinz, on the Delaware. Hall, William C, 319. Hornor, Wm. M., 97. Kype, Hendrick, 1576 . One of Nine Men. Judson, William V., 264. Kip, William V. B., 106. Talmage, Robert S., 165. Lacey, Capt. David, i 715- 1757, Stratford, Conn, ist Lieut., Fairfield Co.. 1755. Capt., 7th Co., Col. Nathan Whit- ing's 4th Regt., 1750. Killed in the Crown Point Expedi- tion. Brugler, Charles E., 55. Ladd, Capt. Daniel, 1686 , Exeter, N. H. Scout in Capt. Nicholas Gilman's Co., 1710. Commanded Co. in pursuit of Indians near Lake Winnepe- saukee, 1724. Capt. of a Co. which he organized for scout duty to protect Canterbury and Rumford (Concord), 1746. Brown, David H., 249. Ladd, Nathaniel, 1651-1691. In Narragansett Campaign, 1690. Tucker, Gilman H., 171. Ladd, Samuel, 1649-1698, Haver- hill, Mass. In Capt. John Whipple's Co., King Philip's War. Bailey, Edward P., 368. Lake, Capt. Thomas, 1615-1676. Commander, A. & H. A. Co., 1664 and 1674. Killed by In- dians at Kennebec, 1676. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Chadwick, William H., 371. Lakin, Ens. John, 1697, Groton, Mass. Ens., 1692. Commander of Garrison at Groton. Sergt., King Phil- ip's War. Houghton, Henry O., 262. Waite, Horatio L., 388. Lamson, Sergt. Joseph, 1658-1752. In King Philip's War, in Capt. Turner's Co., in Garri- son at Chelmsford, 1675. Sergt.. Lieut. -Col. Balantine's Co., Port Royal Expedition, 1710. Lamson, Samuel, 1638-1691, Reading, Mass. In Capt. Davenport's Co., King Phil- ip's War. Billings. David L., 49. Lamson, Daniel S., 264. Landon, Ens. David, 1718-1804. In Crown Point and Ticon- deroga Campaign, 1759. Jones, Charles L., 104. Landon, James, 1685-1738. Mem- ber, Southold Military Co., Benj. Youngs, Capt., 1715. Jones, Charles L., 104. Lane, Daniel, . Under Capt. John Lane, 2d Crown Point Expedition, and at Siege of Quebec, 1759. Lane, Sergt. James, 1688, North Yarmouth Me. Sergt. of Military Co., at Westuck- qua, . Killed by Indians at Falmouth, 1688. Rowe, Arthur E., 277. Lane, Job, 1620-1697, Billerica, Mass. In King Philip's War. Deputy, 1676, et seq. Belknap, Waldron P., 46. Merriam, Frank, 267. Ridgely, Charles, 384. Lane, Col. John, 1661-1715, Bil- lerica, Mass. Lieut., 1693, King William's War. Capt, 1699. Maj., West Regt. of Horse and Foot, 1711, Queen Anne's War. Deputy, 1702. Col. of Mass. Militia. Bartlett, Sidney R., 471. Brown, Otis S., 250. Merriam, Frank, 267. Stevens, Clarence W., 161. Stevens, Frederic B., 161. Usher, Ellis B., 507. Lane, Corp. Nathaniel, 1740 1800. 4th Co. of Militia, Up- per Battalion, Westchester Co., Prov. of N. Y.. 1760. Lane, Smith E., 108. Lane, Solomon, Jr., 1710 . In 4th Co. of Militia, Upper Battalion, Westchester Co., Prov. of N. Y. Lane, Smith E., 108. Lane, William, 1659-1749. In Capt. Samuel Chesley's Co., Queen Anne's War. Tucker, Gilman H., 171. Langdon, Capt. Richard, 1694- 1765. Capt., N. Y. Colonial Troops, Expedition to Can- ada, 1745. Trenchard, Edward, 170. Langdon, Capt. Tobias, 1660-1725, Portsmouth, N. H. Ens., 1689. Lieut., 1692. Capt., 1696. King William's and Queen Anne's Wars. Parsons, William D., 130. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 405. Trenchard, Edward, 170. Langhorne, Thomas, 1687. Member Penn. Provincial As- sembly, 1687. Wister, Rodman, 212. Langstaff, Capt. John, 1647- 1707. Deputy to Council held at Perth Amboy, Prov. of N. J., 1688. Capt. of Militia, 1707. Lansing, Jacob, 1695 • In Capt. Henry Van Renssel- aer's Albany Troops, 1715. Grinnell, William M., 88. Lansing, Capt. Johannes, 1728, Albany, N. Y. Capt. of Foot Co., 1690. Clark, Kenneth, 432. Lansing, Lieut. Johannes, , Albany, N. Y. Lieut., Albany Co. Militia, 1717. 689 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Lansing, Lieut. Philip, 1729 , Albany, N. Y. Lieut, in Capt. Philip Schuyler's Co., 1755. Lapham, John, 1635-1710. Dep- uty, R. I., 1673. White, Hunter C, 523. Lardner, Lieut. Lynford, 1715- 1774. Receiver-General, and Member of the Council, Prov. of Penn. Lieut., Philadel- phia Troop, French and In- dian War. Lardner, James L., 201. Larkin, Edward, 1652, Char- lestown, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1645. Merriam, Frank, 267. Robinson,. Lewis A., 442. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Latham, William, , Marshfield, Mass. Member of Marshfield Co., 1643. Lathrop v. Lothrop. Latimer, Capt. Robert, 1664-1728, New London, Conn. Ens., West Co., 1704. Lieut, 1708. Capt., 1715. Deputy, 1705. Laurence, Ens. Nathaniel, 1639- 1724. Ens. Mass. Militia, 1673. Wetherill, Albert L., 211. Laurence, Col. William, 1697- 1764. Col., Mass. Militia. Deputy, 1744, et seq. Wetherill, Charles, 211. Law, Gov. Jonathan, , Stamford, Conn. Judge Su- preme Court, 1715-1725, Chief Justice, 1725-1741. Gov., 1742- 1750. Chew, James L., 297. Law, Richard, , Stam- ford, Conn. Deputy, General Court, 1641-1664. Governor's Assistant, 1647. Lawrence, Capt. Amos, 1715- 1785, Groton, Mass. Sergt., Capt. William Lawrence's Co., at the Alarm, 1746. Lieut; in Scouting Party, from Athol to Brookfield, 1755- Capt., 1760. Lawrence, William, 265. Lawrence, Corp. Asa, 1737- 1804, Groton, Mass. Corp., Capt. Jonathan Rolfe's Co., 1761. Brackett, Sidney L., 249. Lawrence, Capt. Daniel, 1681- 1777, Plainfield, Conn. Capt. of 1st Co., 1736. Deputy, 1722-1741. Lawrence, Elisha, 1724. Member General Assembly, Prov. N. J., 1721. Watson, Samuel N., 419. Lawrence, Enoch, 1648-1744, Watertown, Mass. In King Philip's War. In Groton Garrison, 1691-1692. Wound- ed, 1694, King William's War. Whitcomb, Lawrence, 286. Lawrence, John, 1609-1669, Gro- ton, Mass. In King Wil- liam's War. Wead, Leslie C, 285. Whitcomb, Lawrence, 285. Lawrence, Capt. John, 1729. Capt., Newtown, L. I. Troop, 1689-1691. High Sheriff, 1698. Lawrence, Abraham R., 109. Walsh, James W., 176. Wells, Thomas L., 179. Whitney, Stephen, 311. Lawrence, Major, Jonathan, 1737-1812. Capt., 1772. Ma- jor, 1775, Provincial Forces of N. Y. Delegate to Pro- vincial Congress, 1775. Lawrence, Abraham R., 109. Lawrence, Ens. Joseph, 1666- 1759, Flushing, L. I. Ens., Queens Co. Militia, 1684. Schiefifelin, George R., 151. Thomas, Lawrence B., 167. Underhill, Edgar, 171. Lawrence, Peleg, 1646-1692, Gro- ton, Mass. In garrison, King Philip's War. Greene, Charles L., 436. Whitcomb, Lawrence, 286. Lawrence, Major Thomas, , Neyvtown, L. I. Major, Queens Co. Forces, 1689. Lawrence, Abraham R., 109. Riker, Henry I., 145. • Riker, John J., 145. 690 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Riker, John L., 145. Suydam, Walter L., 164. Walsh, James W., 176. Wells, Thomas L., 179. Whitney, Stephen, 311. Lawrence, Capt. Thomas, 1733- 1817. Commanded ship Tar- tar. 1758. Poole, Eugene H., 136. Wells, Thomas L., 179. Lawrence, Capt. William, 1623- 1680. Queens Co. Militia, 1665-1680. Commanded Flush- ing Co. at surrender of N. Y. to the Dutch, 1673. Beatty, A. Chester, 45. Beatty, Robert C, 45. Beatty, W. Gedney, 45. Clark, William N., 61. Lawrence, Robert C, 109. Livingston. John H., 112. Mitchell, Edward C, 439. Pell, Howland, 134. Schieffelin, Eugene, 150. Schieffelin, George R., 151. Schieffelin, William J., 151. Suckley, Robert B., 164. Thomas, Lawrence B., 167. Underhill, Frederic E., 171. Lawrence, William, , Middletown, N. J. Deputy to General Court, 1672. Lawton, George, . Gov- ernor's Assistant, R. I., 1680- 1690. Member, Council of War, 1671. Deputy, 1660, et seq. Member Court of Trials, 1648. Lawton, George P., log. Lawton, Isaac, 1650-1731. Gov- ernor's Assistant, R. I., 1690- 1691. Deputy, 1696, et seq. Lawton, George P., 109. Lawton, Thomas, 1681, Portsmouth, R. I. Commis- sioner, i656-'58, '61. Deputy, 1666. Tilley, R. Hammett, 523. Lay, John, Jr., 1633- 1696, Lyme, Conn. In King Philip's War, wounded in Great Swamp Fight. Lay, Robert, 1618-1689, Saybrook, Conn. Deputy, l666-'78. Leach, Capt. Richard, 1639-1687, Salem, Mass. Allen, Francis O., 192. Learned, Benoni, 1657- 1738, Sher- born, Mass. In King Philip's War, 1676. Deputy, 1701. Learned, Col. Ebenezer, 1772. Ens., 1717, Father Rasle's War. Capt., 1726. Maj., 1744. Col., 1747. Old French War. Anthony, James L., 38. Learned, Isaac, Jr., 1655-1737, Framingham, Mass. In Capt. Davenport's Co. Wounded in fight with Narragansetts. In Capt. Sill's Co., King Philip's War. Hosmer, Jerome C, 261. Larned, Daniel R., 322. Learned, Bela P., 304. Learned, Myron L., 423. Learned, Walter, 304. Robinson, H. E. T., 544. Leavenworth, Rev. Mark, . Chaplain, Col. Nathan Whiting's 2d Conn. Regt., Expedition against Canada, 1760; Montreal, 1761, Kingsbury, Frederick J., 304. Merriman, William B., 305. Leavitt, John, 1608-1691, Hing- ham, Mass. Deputy, i658-'64. Cragin, Charles I., 195. Leaycraft, Capt. Viner, 1784. Capt. of Privateers King George, 1758; Elizabeth and Mary, 1759. War Commis- sioner, 1758. Barrell, Harry F., 332. Lee, John, , Westfield, Mass. In Capt. William Tur- ner's Co., King Philip's War. Lee, Hon. Philip, 1681-1744. Member, Council of Mary- land, 1728. Moran, Charles, 120. Lee, Col. Richard, . Colonial Secretary of Va., under Sir William Berkeley, Pres., Council of State, 1641. 691 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Chandler, Walter, 59, 332. Hatcher, Robert S., 320. Moran, Charles, 120. Stearns, John L., 477. L,EE, Richard, 2nd, 1646-1714. Magistrate, King's Council, Va. Naval Officer, 1692-1704. Chandler, Walter, 59. Moran, Charles, 120. Lee, Capt. Richard Henry, 1732- 1794. Capt., Westmoreland Co., Va. Cavalry, i7S5-'65- Burgess, i757-'64. Lee, Robert, . Plymouth Military Company, 1643. Lee, Col. Stephen, 1698- 1783. Crown Point Expedition. Col. of Militia. Deputy, Col- ony of Conn. Culver, Charles M., 66. Lee, Ens. Thomas, 1641-1705, Lyme, Conn. Ensign, 1701. Deputy, 1676. Jackson, Oswald, loi. Richards, Frederick B., 143. Stone, Jacob, 444. Lee, Gov. Thomas, 1690-1750. Of King's Council, 1742. Commissioner to treat with Six Nations, 1744. Pres., Council, and Acting Gov., 1749. Lee, Edmund J., 201. Leeds, Daniel, 1655-1710. Mem- ber Governor's Council, N. Jv 1703- Burnett, Charles H., 194. Leeds, Joseph, 1637-1715, Dor- chester, Mass. Under Capt William Turner, Falls Fight, 1676. Leeds, Charles, 263. Leeds, Francis, 265. Leete, Gov. William, 1613-1683. Governor's Assistant, New Haven Colony, 1653-1658. Dep.-Gov., 1658-1661. Com- missioner for the United Col- onies, 1655-1679. Gov., 1661- 1665. Gov.'s Asst., Conn. Colony, 1665-1669. Dep.- Gov., 1669- 1676. Gov., 1676- 1683. Betts, Frederick H., 48. Betts, Louis F. H., 49. Bostwick, Henry A., 51. Buel, John L., 296. Buell, Frederick F., 55. Burbank, Eugene D., 542. Collins, Atwood, 297. Collins, Clarence L., 63. Franklin, William B., 299. Hall, Benjamin E., 89. Herrick, Chas. Wm., 93. Humphreys, Frank L-, 99. Leete, Charles S., 304. Lloyd, John U., 417. Murray, Charles H., 123. Norton, Thomas H., 417. Perkins, Nathaniel S., 306. Rhodes, Dudley W., 442. Richardson, William E., 442. Rogers, Wm. E., 147. Scofield, George S., 152. Tracy, Robert S., 453- Trowbridge, Charles H., 309. Leffingwell, Lieut. Thomas, 1622-1710, Norwich, Conn. Rendered important aid to Uncas when besieged by hos- tile Indians. Lieut, 1672. In King Philip's War, and Capt. Denison's Co. Deputy, 1661-1710. Brewer, Arthur H., 295. Brewer, William A., 460. Bushnell, Asa S., 413. Chesebrough, George L., 431. Collins, Clarence L., 53- Learned. Bela P., 304. Lord, Nathan H., 113. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Perkins, J. Deming, 305. Ridgely, Charles, 384. Shipman, Nathaniel, 307. Smith, Clarence E., 157. Smith, Thomas E. V., 158. Starkweather, Frank H., 386. Sweet, Henry N., 281. Woodward, Joseph G., 311. Leffingwell, Ens. Thomas, Jr., 1649-1724. Ens., Norwich, Conn., Militia. Deputy, 1716. Brewer, William A., 460. Lord, Nathan H., 113. Partridge, Edward L., 131. 692 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Ridgely, Charles, 384. Starkweather, Frank H., 386. Leffingwell, Lieut. Ihomas, 1674-1733, Norwich, Conn. Ens., 1st Co., 1708. lyieut., 1714. Deputy, 1716. Mem- ber Council of War, I7i3-'i4. Partridge, Edward L., 131. LEGR.A.ND, SeRGT. ALEXANDER, . Sergt. of Volunteers attached to ist Regt., Va., under Major Andrew Lewis, French and Indian War. Lancaster, Edwin R., 108. Leighton, Capt. John, 1661-1724. Ens. and Capt., Queen Anne's War, 1704. Representative, Mass., 1704-1714. Leighton, George E., 402. Rollins, Edward A., 147. Leisler v. Leysseler, Lieut. Gov. Jacob, 1691. Soldier from Frankfort to New Neth- erland, 1660. Capt. of the Fort and Military Command- ant. Lieut. -Gov., 1689. Gov. Prov. of N. Y., 1689-1691. Seaman, Wm. Bleecker, 153. Thomas, Geo. C, 338. Leland, Ens. Henry, 1680-1732. Ens., Middlesex Militia, 1726, Lovewell's Expedition, Fath- er Rasle's War. Leland, Charles H., no. Leland, Joshua, 1705-1772, Sher- bourne, Mass. Alarm List, Capt. Joseph Perry, French War. Lent, Capt. John, 1725-1768, N. C. Capt., in Braddock's Ex- pedition against Fort Du- quesne, 1755. French and Indian War. Served under Wolfe at the fall of Quebec, 1759- Curtiss, Harlow C, 67. Leonard, J.\mes, , Taun- ton, Mass. Representative, 1701, '08, '21. Leonard, James, 1621-1691, Taun- ton, Mass. Defended his gar- rison house, King Philip's War, 1675. Britton, Edward E., 54. Leonard, James, Jr., 1677 , Taunton, Mass. Representa- tive, 1726, '33, '35. Leonard, John, 1676, Spring- field, Mass. Killed, King Philip's War. Leonard, Capt. Philip, 1785, Middleboro, Mass. Capt., 3rd Co., 1st Regt., i77i-'72. Leonard, Geo. H., 265. Leonard, Maj. Thomas, 1641- 1713, Taunton, Mass. Ens., 1665. Capt., 1690; afterwards Maj. in command of Bristol Co., Mass., Troops. Deputy, i68o-'90. Reynolds, George N., 139. Leonhard, Lieut. William, 1734- 1805. 2nd Lieut., Capt. Hecht's Co., Fort George, N. Y., 1772. Bolmer, Thomas H., 51. Lequie (L'Escuiyer), Jan, 1713. In Ensign Dirck Schmitt's Co. at Esopus, In- dian War, 1660. Lane, Francis T. L., 108. Lawrence, Robert C, 109. Luquer, Lea McI., 114. Luquer, Thatcher T. P., 114. L'ESPENARD (LiSPENARD) An- TOiNE, 1643-1696. Bearer ot military despatches from Gov. Dongan of N. Y., to Marquis de Neuville, Gov. of Canada, 1687. Returning alone in winter, he warned the English of French Expedi- tion known as Snow-shoe Expedition, which resulted in its defeat. Bleecker, Anthony J., 50. Seaman, Wm. B., 153. Smith, Henry E., I57- Smith, L. Bayard, 158. Suydam, W. Lispenard, 165. Trevor, Henry G., 170. Leverett, Gov. John, 1616-1679. Capt., Parliamentary Army, 1644-1645. Agent of Bay Col- ony to the English Court. Maj.-Gen., Mass. Forces, 693 INDEX OF AN-CBSTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1663-1673. Dep.-Gov. Gov., 1673-1679. Everett, Torrey, 79. Fry, Charles, 532. Hart, Samuel 300. Laiidon, Francis G., 108. Landon, Henry H., 108. Lewis, George W., 439. Merrill, James C., 322. Ward, Brownlee R., 310. Levis, Samuel, 1649- 1734. Mem- ber Governor's Council, 1692, Penn. Levis, Samuel W., 202. Starr, Louis, 208. Levis, Samuel, Sr., 1680-1758. Member of Assembly, Prov- ince of Penn., 1739-1747. Levis, Samuel W., 202. Levis, Samuel, Jr., 171 i -1794. Member of Assembly, Prov- ince of Penn., 1739-1747. Levis, Samuel W., 202. Lewis, Brig.-Gen. Andrew, 1720- '81. In Va. Indian Wars. 1754- 'y6, with Washington at sur- render of Fort Necessity; at Braddock's defeat; Sandy Creek Expedition, 1756; Brig.-Gen., 1774; Command- er-in-Chief at Point Pleasant. McCulloch, Richard, 402. McCulloch, Robert, 402. Lewis, Capt. Eldad, i 711- 1784, Farmington, Conn. Capt., South Co., 1753, in Old French War. Camp, Chas. L. N., 57. Lewis, George W., 439. Lewis, John L-, iii. Lewis, Evan, 1677-1735. Member of Prov. Assembly of Penn., 1706. Lewis, John T., Jr., 202. Lewis, William F., iii. Lewis, Henry, 1671-1731. Penn. Assembly, i700-'o8-'o9, '15, '18. Price, Eli K., 206. Lewis, Lieut. James, 1637-1713. Lieut., Barnstable Co., Mass., 1678. Bates, Theodore C, 246. Lombard, Josiah L., 380. Lewis, Capt. James, . Stratford, Conn. Ens., 1709. Lieut, 1714. Capt., 2d Co., 1714. Deputy. Lewis, Sergt. John, 1655-1717, New London, Conn. In King Philip's War. Sergt. Train Band. Lewis, John, 1669-1725. Member of the Virginia Council. Barret, Richard A., 397. Lewis, Joseph, 1762. Wo- burn, Mass. In Expedition to Crown Point, 1757. Wyman, Walter C, 391. Lewis, Capt. Leonard, . Capt. of Foot Co., N. Y., 1700. Richards, Charles S., 142. Smith, Philip H. W., 158. Lewis, Robert, 1704-1765. Mem- ber, Va. House of Burgesses, 1744. Lewis, Sergt. Samuel, 1648-1732, Farmington, Conn. Sergt., Farmington Military Co., 1676. Atkinson, Charles T., 368. Lewis, Capt. William, 1690, Farmington, Conn. Capt., 1674. Deputy, 1 689- 1690. Aldridge, Fred'k T., 37. Atkinson, Charles T., 368. Schroeder, J. Langdon, 151. Lewis, William, 1683, Hart- ford, Conn. Hadley and Northampton, Mass. Troop- er under John Pynchon. Dep- uty from Hadley, l662-'63, from Northampton, 1664. Leydecker, Capt. Ryck, Capt., Military Co., Boswyck, 1663. Delegate from Bos- wyck to the Landt's Vergad- ering at New .A.msterdam, 1663. Register, i626-'74. Schepen, 1661, '62, '6^, '65. Corbusier, William H., 65. LiBBY, Abraham, 1688-1767, Ep- som, N. H. At Fort William and Mary. New Castle, N. H., 1708. 694 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. LiBBY, Anthony, 1649-1718, Scar- borough, Me. Under Capt. Scottow, 1677. In garrison at Black Point, 1676. Collins, Loren, W., 433. LiBBY, Henry, . In the Expedition against Louis- burg, 1745. Libby, Charles F., 535. LiBBY, John. 1602-1682, Scarbor- ough, Me. Defended Black Point against Indians, 1676. Libby, Charles F., 535. LiBBY, John, . Capt. of Company in Col. Jedidiah Preble's Regt., in Ticonder- oga Expedition, 1758. Libby, Joseph, 1715-1778, New Durham, N. H. In Capt. Thomas Bell's Co., in defense of Fort Edward, 1757. Collins, Loren W., 433. LiGHTFooT, Hon. Philip, 1689- 1748, Yorktown, Va. Mem- ber, Royal Council, i733-'47- Tarleton, Robert M., 166. LiLLiNGTON, Hon. Alexander, . Member, Council of N. C. and ex officio Gov- ernor, 1698. Middleton, John I., 230. Lincoln, Col. Benjamin, 1699- 1771, Hingham, Mass. Col. of Third Sufifolk Regt., Member of King's Council. Lincoln, Samuel, 1650-1720, Hingham, Mass. In Capt. Johnson's Co. Cavalryman in Great Narragansett Fight. Howard, William C, 97. Young, George B., 449. LiNDALL, James, 1652. In Capt. Myles Standish's Co., at Plymouth. Elwood, George M., 78. LiNNELL, Robert, 1663, Barn- stable, Mass. In Barnstable Co., 1643. Lindsay, Lieut. James, 1730-1804. Provincial Forces, Penn., i757-'58. Liggett, Sidney B., 202. LiPPETT, Christopher, 1712-1764, Cranston, R. I. Deputy. Felton, Samuel M., 415. LiPPETT, Moses, 1703, War- wick, R. I. Deputy. Felton, Samuel M., 415. LiPPiTT, Moses, 1745. Dep- uty, R. I. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Lispenard, Capt. Anthony, 1683- 1758, New Rochelle, N. Y. N. Y. Colonial Forces. Spanish Expedition, 1740- 1742. Bleecker, Anthony J., 50. Seaman, Wm. B., 153. Smith, Henry E., 157. Smith, L. Bayard, 158. Suydam, W. Lispenard, 165. Trevor, Henry G., 170. Lispenard, Col. Leonard, 1715- 1790. Capt., French and In- dian War, 1759. Member N. Y. Colonial Assembly, 1759- 1768. Member First Colonial Congress, 1765. Smith, Gouverneur M., 521. Smith, Henry E., 157. Smith, L. Bayard, 158. Trevor, Henry G., 170. Litchfield, Lawrence, 1614-1657, Barnstable and Scituate, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1640, and of Lieut. Thomas Dym- oke's Co., in active service with the Indians, i643-'44. Litchfield, Edward H., iii. Litchfield, Electus D., iii. Lithgow, Capt. William, 1715- 1798, Popham, Me. Capt., Swan Island. In command of Fort Richmond, Western and Halifax, French and Indian Wars, 1755. Willey, W. Lithgow, 28C1. Litschoe, Lieut. Daniel, Burgher Corps, New Amster- dam. Blue Flag Co., 1653- 1654. Lieut., 1656. Keith, Boudinot, 105. Little, Lieut.-Col. John, 1675- 1750. Monmouth Co., N. J., Regt., 1746. 69s INDEX OF ANGESTOR:, AND DESCENDANTS. Little, Thomas, iii. Little, William A., 322. Little, John, 1745-1822, Schenec- tady, N. Y. Under Capt. John Duncan, in Grenadier Co., Albany Co. Militia, 1767. Johnson, Charles W., 438. Little, Capt. Joseph, 1653-1740. In King Philip's War, 1676. Davies, William G., 69. Little, Moses, 1657- 1691, New- bury, Mass. In King Philip's War. Gerrish, Frederic H., 532. Little, Frederick S., ill. Newhall, James S., 269. Little, Capt. Moses, 1724-1798, Newbury, Mass. Capt., Mi- litia, i763-'75- Hale, Josiah L., 259. Little, Francis B., 379. Little, Josiah, 379. Little, Thomas, 1671, Ply- mouth and Marshfield, Mass. In Plymouth Co., 1643. Littlefield, Francis, 1619-1712, Wells, Me. Deputy, General Court of Mass. Bay, from York, Me., 1660; from Wells, i665-'76. Littlefield, Lieut. John, 1696, Wells, Me. Lieut, and Capt., French and Indian Wars, 1668. Parsons, Charles S., 272. Littlefield, Lieut. Josiah, 1712, Wells, Me. Lieut, Wells Co. Captured by In- dians, Queen Anne's War, 1708. Shot by Indians, 1712. Littleton, Nathaniel, 1654. Councillor of State to Gov. Berkeley, Va., 1642. Dennis, James T., 225. Littleton, Col. Southey, 1645- 1734- Served against In- dians, and under Gov. Berk- eley, Bacon's Rebellion. Dennis, James T., 225. Lrv'ERMORE, Corp. John, 1606-1684, New Haven, Conn. Corp. in the New Haven Co., 1647. Johnson, Charles W., 438. LivERMORE, Lieut. John, 1638- 1718, Watertown, Mass. Sol- dier, King Philip's War. Kingman, William L., 106. Partridge, Edward L., 132. LivERMORE, Samuel, 1701-1773, Waltham, Mass. Represen- tative, i745-'63, except 1748. Johnson, Charles W., 438. Wilson, John A., 236. Livingston, Major Gilbert, 1689- 1746. Major of Foot, 1737. Myer, Albert J., 123. Livingston, Col. Peter R., . Militia, N. Y., 1763. Assembly, 1761, et seq. Fryer, Robert L., 83. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Livingston, Col. Philip, 1686- 1749. 2d Lord of the Manor. At capture of Port Royal, 1710. Col. of Provincial Forces. Member of Council, 1725-1749. Secretary for In- dian affairs, Prov. of N. Y., 1 721 -'49. Azoy, Anastasio C. M., 40. Barnwell, Morgan G., 43. Devereux, Walter, 72. DuVal, Clive L., 76. Fryer, Robert L., 83. Lawrence, Benjamin B., 476. Livingston, Philip, 112. Minis, J. Livingston, 231. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 150 Strong, Joseph M., Jr., 163. Livingston, Col. Robert, 1654- 1728. 1st Lord of the Manor of Livingston. Member of Council, Prov. of N. Y., 1698- 1701. Member of Assembly, 1709-1711. Armstrong, Horatio G., 223. Azoy, Anastasio C. M., 40. Bailey, Theodorus, 41. Barnwell, Morgan G., 43. Crosby, Edward N., 66. Crosby, Livingston, 66. Delafield, Jos. Livingston, 70. Delafield, M. L., Jr., 71. de Luze, Philip S., 71. de Peyster, F. Ashton, 72. 696 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. De Rose, Edward, 72. Devereux, Walter, 72. DuVal, Clive L., 76. Erving, William V. R., 79- Fryer, Robert L., 83. Howard, Charles E., 437- Hunt, Ridgely, 537. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 90. Jones, Charles H., 104. Jones, O. Livingston, 105. Livingston, Gilbert R., m. Livingston, John H., iii. Livingston, Philip, 112. Marshall, Wm. St. J. E., 402. McKinstry, Chas. H., 116. Minis, John L., 231. Montgomery, H. P. A., 119. Montgomery, Henry E., 2d, I19. Myer, Albert J., 123. Olin, Stephen H., 126. Pierrepont, Henry E., 134. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 150. Seaman, Louis L-, 153. Strong, J. Montgomery, 163. Suckley, Robert B., 164. Thayer, Nathaniel, 282. Livingston, Lieut. Robert, Jr. ("the nephew"), 1647-1726. Expedition to Canada, 1709- 171 1. Member, 14th and 15th Assemblies, Indian Commis- sioner. Fryer, Robert L., 83. Minis, John L., 231. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Spalding, George B., Jr., 159. Livingston, Col. Robert, Jr., 1 708- 1 790. Capt., Militia, "Seven Years' War." Served on Frontier and Fort William Henry. 3d Lord of Manor. Member Provincial Assem- bly. DuVal, Clive L., 76. Fryer, Robert L., 83. Livingston, Philip, 112. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Livingston, Hon. Robert R., 1718- 1775. Capt., Independent Co. of Foot, N. Y. City Guards, 175s. 1760-1765. Assembly, i759-'74. Admiralty Judge, 1760. Judge Supreme Court, 1763-1775. Delegate to Stamp Act Congress, 1765. Livingston, Edward de P., m. Livingston, John H., iii. Wainwright, William P., 174. Lloyd, Edward, 1695. Burg- ess from Lower Norfolk Co., Va., 1644-1645. Commander of Anne Arundel Co., Md., 1650. Commissioner to make treaty with Susquehannock Indians, 1652. Member Gen- eral Assembly, 1654. Mem- ber of Council, 1658-1666. Brice, Nicholas, 193. Brice, Philip H.. 193. Merritt, William A., 230. Paca, John P., 231. Pennington, Wm. C, 231. Lloyd, Gov. Edw^ard, 1670-1718. Pres. of Council and ex- officio Gov. of Province, 1701, et seq. Member of the Lower House of Assembly of Md., from Talbot Co., 1697-1701. Major-General, 1707. Howard, McHenry, 227. Lloyd, Henry, 1685-1763, Boston. A. & H. A. Co., 1703- Lloyd, Col. Philemon, 1646-1685. Commissioner, Capt. of Horse on Chester and Wye River, 1667; served against Indians. Col. of Horse of Talbot, Kent and Cecil Cos., 1681. Member of Assembly, 1671. Speaker of House of Burgesses, 1678, et seq. Com- missioner to treaty. Five Na- tions. 1682. Brice, Philip H., 193. Paca. John P., 231. Lloyd, Dep.-Gov. Thomas, 1640- 1694. Member and President of Council, and Dep.-Gov. of Prov. of Penn. during Wil- liam Penn's absence. Chief Magistrate of Prov., 1684- 1693. First Master of Rolls, and Keeper of Great Seal. Bickley, Lawrence W., 49. Collins, Henry H., Jr., 195. 697 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Griscom, Clement A., 197. Griscom, Clement A., Jr., 197. Griscom, Lloyd C, 197. Griscom, Rodman E., 197. Jackson, Oswald, loi. Lloyd, Malcolm, Jr., 538. Milnor, Thomas W., 336. Morris, Henry, 204. Locke, Lieut. John, 1626-1696, Portsmouth and Hampton, N. H. Indian Wars. Killed by the Indians. Locke, William, 1628-1720. Sur- geon, Mass. Forces, Mount Hope Campaign. King Phil- ip's War. Mott, Luther W., 122. Sears, Walter J., 154. LocKwooD, Lieut. Jonathan, 1639-1688, Norwalk, Conn. Colonial Forces of Conn. Deputy. Coffin, William K., 433. Lockwood, James B., 112. Lockwood, Luke V., 304. Lockwood, Sergt. Robert, 1658. Sergt., Fairfield, Conn., Regt., Capt. Nathaniel Seeley. Bel), Jared W., 47. Crandall, Orestes A., 398. Reynolds, John J., 140. Wakeman, Robert P., 310. Logan, Sergt. Benjamin, . In Col. Bouquette's Expedition and Dunmore's Expedition, 1774. Logan, James, 1674-1751. Mem- ber Provincial Council, Penn., 1702-1747. Acting Gov., 1736- 1738. Wister, Rodman, 212. Logan, William, 1718-1776. Member Governor's Coun- cil, Penn., 1747-1776. Wister, Rodman, 212. Lokar, Henry, 3rd, 1684-1759. In Capt. Josiah Brown's Co., i747-'8. King George's War. Leland, Charles H., no. LoKER, John, , Sudbury, Mass. In garrison at Sud- bury, King Philip's War, 1676. Lombard, Thomas, 1610 . Member, Barnstable Militia, under Lieut. Thomas Dym- oke, 1643. Rich, William T., 141. Long, Robert, 1593-1664, Charles- town, Mass. A. & H. A. Co. Starkweather, Frank H., 386. Talbot, Joel F., 387. Thompson, Abijah, 282. Longfellow, Ens. William, 1651- 1690, Newbury, Mass. Ens., Phips' Expedition. ship- wrecked on coast of Anti- costa. Dorman, William B., 254. Scales, John, 353. , Loockermans, Lieut. Govert, . Member, Burgher Corps, 1653. Lieut, in N. Y. Militia, 1670. One of the Nine Men, 1 647- 1 649. Schepen, 1657-1660. Indian Interpre- ter, 1658. Indian Commis- sioner on Raritan River, 1663. Led attack on Indians at Cor- lears' Hook, 1643. Lieut., 1673- Marshall, Wm. St. J. E., 402. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Suydam, Walter L., 164. LoOMis, John 1622-1688, Windsor, Conn. Deputy General Court. Loomis, Joseph, 1616-1687. Mem- ber of Windsor Troop, King Philip's War. Byington, Charles S., 56. Loomis, Joseph, 1651-1699. Un- der Maj. William Whiting. Expedition from Windsor to Deerfield, 1694. Partridge, Edward L., 132. Loomis, Capt. Joseph, 1682-1748. Conn. Militia, 1723, et seq., Father Rasle's War. Barnes, Alfred C, 42. Loomis, Capt. Matthew, 1703- 1764. Bolton, Conn. Ens., 1752. 1st Lieut., Invasion of Canada, 1758. Capt., 1761. Loomis, Nathaniel, 1688, Windsor, Conn. Trooper under Maj. John Mason, ist Conn., Cavalry, 1658. Loomis, Ens. Samuel, 1698. 698 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Westfield, Mass. Ens. West- field Toot Co., 1674. LooMis, Thomas, 1689. Mem- ber, 1st Troop, 1658. Trooper, King Philip's War. Jones, Charles L., 104. Lord, Benjamin, 1667-1714. Rep- resentative frorri Saybrook, i709-'io. Lord, Nathan H., 113. Lord, Capt. Richard, 1611-1662. Capt., 1st Troop, Colony of Conn., 1657-1658. Lord, Frank H., 113. McAllister, Heyward H., 115. Lord, Lieut. Richard, 1647-1727. Ens., Lyme, Conn., Train Band, 1703. Lieut., 1708, of New London Co., Queen Anne's War. Culver, Charles M., 66. Kobbe, George C, 336. Kobbe, Philip, F., 107. Richards, Frederick B., 143. Sill, Frederick S., 156. Wade, James F., 446. Lord, Lieut. Richard, 1669-1712. Lieut., 1700. Commissioner, Mohegan Land Claim, 1705. Lord, Judge Richard, 1690- 1776, Lyme, Conn. Deputy, 1729; Judge of Quorum, 1740. Lord, Robert, 1683. Served twenty years in Indian Wars. Roberts, James A., 146. Roberts, Joseph B., 146. Lord, William, 1623-1678. Dep- uty. Lord, Nathan H., 113. LoRiNG, Capt. John, 17 15 , Plympton, Mass. Command- ed Co. in Col. Joseph Thatch- er's Regt., Crown Point Ex- pedition, i75S-'56- Barker, E. Tobey, 246. Kingman, Wm. L., 106. Lawrie, Andrew W., 265. Noyes, James A., 125, 270. Sleeper, Henry D., 539. Sleeper, Stephen W., 539. Whiting, Jasper, 389. LoRiNG, Joshua, 1688- — , Boston. A. & H. A. Co., 1722. LoRiNG, Lieut. Thomas, 1668-1717. Lieut., Mass. Militia. Howe, Herbert M., 199. LoRiNG, Thomas, 1661-1738, Hing- ham, Mass. Representative, I72I-'25. Lothrop, Barnabas, 1636-1715. Barnstable, Mass. Assistant, Plymouth Court, 1681, et seq. Councillor, 1692-1715. Rich, WiUiam T., 141. Tyler, Harry B., 209. Tyler, Sidney F., 210. Lothrop, Capt. Ebenezer, , Norwich, Conn. Ens., 1740. Lieut., 1742; Capt., 1745- Ridgely, Charles, 384. Lothrop, Capt. Elisha, . Ens. and Capt. of Sixth Co., Conn. Col. Troops, 1746. Deputy, 1766, et seq. Ridgely, Charles, 384. Lothrop, John, 1584-1653, Barn- stable, Mass. Member of Military Co. under Capt. Thomas Dimmock, 1643. Lathrop, Henry W., 486. MacLean, George E., 486. Montfort, Frederick D., 440. Wickwire, Arthur M., 448. Lothrop, Capt. Joseph, 1624-1702, Barnstable, Mass. Deputy, 1667. Member of Council of War, 1676; Military Co., 1643. Lieut, and Capt., Indian Wars. Allen, Frederick P., 38. Lothrop, Judge Samuel, 1620- 1700. Member Barnstable Co., 1643. In Maj. Willard's Expedition against Ninigret, 1654. Relief of Uncas, under Lieut. James Avery, 1657. Avery, Samuel P., 40. Hart, Charles N., 475. Hart, Henry G., 91. Ives, Marvin A., 378. Jerome, John L., 475. Lathrop, Henry W., 486. Moses, Zebina, 323. Ridgley, Charles, 384. 699 INDEX OF AN€ESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Stark, Charles G., 506. Young, William H., 185. LoTHROP, Capt. Samuel, At Port Royal, 1710. Ens. in 1721, Fourth Train Band, Conn., 1724. Capt., Second Train Band. Ridgely, Charles, 384. LOTHROP, LlEUT.-COL. SiMON, 1689- 1774. Commanded a Conn. Regt. at Louisburg, 1745. Fry, Charles, 532. Hooker. Edward W., 302. Hyde, Clarence M., 100. Hyde, Edwin F., 100. Hyde, Frederick E., 100. Hyde, James N., 378. Young, William H., 185. LoTHROP, Thomas, 1621-1707, Barnstable, Mass. Member Barnstable Co., 1643. Bardwell, Harry J., 369. LovEjOY, John, 1690, An- dover, Mass. In Capt. Joseph ^ Gardiner's Co., Narragansett Campaign. Later in Capt. Samuel Brocklebank's Co., at Marlboro, King Philip's War. Wetherbee, Winthrop, 285. LovEjoY, Joseph, . In Col. John Hart's Regt., Crown Point, 1758. Haskell, Frederick A., 92. Stewart, Henry P., 162. LovETT, Major Daniel, , Mendon, Mass. Lieut., 1730. Capt., 1735. Maj., 1743. LovETT, Capt. James, , Mendon. Mass. Sergt., 1689. Ens., 1693. Lieut., 1710. Capt. later. LovEWELL, Capt. John, 1691-1725, Dunstable, Mass. Killed at Pecquakett, 1725. Camp, Edward N., 369. Low, Major Anthony, 1753. R. I. Militia, 1726. Deputy, 1713, et seq. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Low, Capt. David, . Ens. in Mass. Militia, 1746. Capt., Essex Militia. Low, William G., Jr., 114. Low, Vice-Admiral John, . In command of Win- throp's fleet sailing for Salem, April, 1630. Commander o! ship Ambrose. Whipple, Durand, 408. Low, Lieut.-Col. John, 1731 , Warwick, R. I. Deputy, i773-'74-'75- Felton, Samuel M., 415. Low, Col. Stephen, 1788, R. I. Deputy, i746-'57-'6l. Lieut.- Col., 1752. Col., 1757. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Lowe, Lieut.-Col. Henry, 1717. Commanded the Mi- litia, St. Mary's Co., 1696. Judge Provincial Court, Md., 1697. Deputy, Comm.-Gen., i695-'97. Browne, Bennet B., 223. Lowe, Thomas, 1632-1712, Ips- wich, Mass. In King Philip's War. Paul, Edward J., 505. Lowell, Gideon, 1672-1751, New- bury, Mass. Under Capt. Thomas Noyes, Newbury Co., 1688. Ludlow, Dep.-Gov. Roger, 1590- 1665. Governor's Assistant, Mass. Bay Colony, 1630. Dep.-Gov., 1634. With Ma- son in Pequot War. Dep.- Gov., Conn., 1639. Com. -in- Chief of Conn. Forces in an- ticipated conflict with Man- hattoes and Dutch. Shelton, George G., 154. Shelton, Wiliam A., 155. Thompson, F. Diodati, 167. Thompson, William P., 168. Walsh, Samuel A., 176. Ludwell, Gov. Philip, . Member of King's Council, i676-'83. Member of the Provincial Assembly, 1676- 'J7. Deputed to raise men and horses, Indian War, 1676. Proprietory Gov., Prov. N. C, 1693-1697. Lee, Edmund J., 201. Ludwell, Col. Philip, 1672-1727, 700 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Burgess, Va., 1695. Member of King's Council, i7io-'i5. Lumpkin, William, . In the Yarmouth, Mass., Co., 1643. Kittredge, Abbott E., 379. LuNT, Henry, 1653 , New- bury, Mass. Sir William Phips' Expedition to Que- bec. Lux, Darby, 1695-1750. Member of General Assembly of Md., I 748- I 750. Wilson, James G., 236. Wilson, Marshall G., 237. Wilson, William B., 237. LuYSTER, Capt. Cornelius, 1662- 1721. Capt., Light Horse, King William's War. Mag- istrate, Newton. Trenchard, Edward, 170. Lyford, Francis, 1645-1723. In Capt. Kinsley Hall's Co. of Exeter, N. H., King Wil- liam's War. Marsh, George S., 380. Lyman, Lieut. John, 1623-1690. In command after death of Capt. William Turner. North- ampton soldiers, Falls Fight, 1676. Benjamin, Marcus, 316. Brewster, Samuel D., 53. Brockway, William S., 503. Collins, Clarence L., 63. Haight, Charles S., 88. Haight, Frederick E., 89. Hammond, Lyman D., 2)77- Lyman, Elias, 363. Noyes, James A., 125. Partridge, Edward L., 132. Sanford, George B., 307. Short, Edward L., 156. Lyman, Lieut. John, Jr., 1660- 1740, Northampton, Mass. In King Philip's War; Ens., Northampton Military Co., 1682. Lyman, Lieut. Jonathan, 1684- 1753- Capt. Joseph Hawley's Northampton Snow Shoe Men, i7o8-'o9. Ensign, No. Co. of First Society, 1726. Lieut, of same, 1729. Lyman, Geo. H., 539. Lyman, Capt. Joshua, i 704-1777. Fourth in command at Fort Dummer, under Capt. Kel- logg, 1 728- 1 740. Capt. in Col. Williams' Regt., 1757. In Father Rasle's War. Irwin, John V., loi. Lyman, George A., 380. Newman, Clarence E., 124. Lynde, Benjamin, Sr., 1666-1745. Governor's Assistant, Mass., i7i3-'36. Lynde, Benjamin, Jr., 1700-1781. Governor's Assistant, Mass., 1737- Lynde, Judge Nathaniel, 1659- 1729, Boston, Mass., and Say- brook, Conn., Deputy from Saybrook, i694-'98, i700-'o6; Commissioner, i690-'97; Judge of Quorum, 1698-1706. Lynde, Simon, 1624-1687. A. & H. A. Co., 1658. Clerk and Sergeant. In King Philip's War, 1675. Assistant, 1668- '79- Ballord, Esek S., 484. Bates, James H., 44. Hart, Samuel, 300. Noyes, Charles P., 440. Lynde, Thomas, 1594-1671, Char- lestown, Mass. Deputy, 1636- '2,7, '45-52. Lynde, Ens. Thomas, 1615-1693, Maiden, Mass. Sergt., Mai- den Co., 1658. Ens., 1675. Lyon, Ebenezer, 1692-1764. Ex- pedition to Nova Scotia, 1710. Parker, Frederick S., 130. Lyon, Henry, 1618-1703, Milford, Conn., and Newark, N. J. Deputy, i675-'86. Member of the Council, i683-'86. Murphy, Franklin, 337. Lyon, Thomas, 1673-1720. In Robert Hunter's Co., Fusil- eers, 171 1, Frontier service. Paulson, Leonard, Jr„ 133. Lyon, William, 1620-1692. A. & H. A. Co., 1645. In King Philip's War, 1675. 701 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Lyon, Lieut. William, 1729- 1809, Carlisle, Pa. In Provincial Military service, defence of frontier against French and Indians. Lieut, 1757. In Forbes' Expedition against Fort Duquesne, 1758. Magis- trate, 1764. Lyon, George M., 380. Mabie. Jan Pietersie, 1725. Albany, N. Y. Served on all the alarms and enrolled men under Colonial sanction. De- fended stone Garrison House against Indians, Schenectady, 1690. Long, Oscar F., 322. Mackall, Hon. James, 1670-1716. Assembly from Calvert Co., Md., I7i2-'i3. Mackenzie, George N., 2d, 229. Mackenzie, George N., 3d, 229. Macomber. Capt. Elijah, 1718- 1802, Taunton, Mass. Ens. 5th Co., 3d Regt., Mass. Militia, 1762. Capt. 5th Co., 1771. Foster, F. Apthorp, 256. Macpherson, Capt. John, 1726- 1792. Commanded privateer Britannia, of Philadelphia, French War. 1757 ; Spanish War, 1762. , Hornor, Wm. M., 96, 199. Macpherson, Lieut. William, 1756-1813. Ens., 1769. Lieut., 1773. Adjt. i6th Regt. Foot, British Army. Hornor, Wm. M., 96, 199. Macy, Lieut. George, 1630-1693, Taunton, Mass. In King Philip's War. Deputy, 1672- '78. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Brown, Louis, 194. Farnham, Elijah T., 334. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Miller, Chas. B., 117. Miller, Edward C, 118. Murdock, Harold, 269. Murdock, Joseph B., 520. I 723- 1804, In Capt. Co., Fort Expedition. In In- and in Macy, Thomas, . Dep- uty, 1654. Chief Magistrate, Nantucket, 1670-77. Jones, E. C, 534. Jones, Philip I., 534- Mallary, Abner, Woodbury, Conn. Ebenezer Down's William Henry 1757- Maltby, William, 1710. Cor- net in New Haven Troop. 1673- Man, Richard, 1652 . dian Wars in Conn., Narragansett Sortie. Banks, David, Jr., 41. Kent, Henry O., 351. Mann, Charles A., 322. Mann, Elias P., 115. Mann, Francis N., Jr., 115. Mann, Matthew D., 115. Mandall, Col. Paul, 1723- 1809, Hardwick, Mass. Capt. of Co., Worcester County Regt., 1756. At Fort William Henry, 1758. Capt. First Hardwick Co., Col. John Murray, 1761. Col., 1774- „ ^ Mandell, Samuel P., 267. Manje, Jan, 1600-1643. Wounded at Stamford, Conn., in Expe- dition against Indians, under Capt. Underbill, combined Dutch and English Forces, 1643. Burtis, Peter, 56. Manly, William, 1717, Eas- ton, Mass. In Capt. Turner's Co., 1675; in Capt. David Henchman's Co., 1675. Mann, Thomas, 1600-1694. Wounded in "Pierce's Fight," 1676. Spalding, George B., Jr., 159. Stewart, Jeremiah C, 444. Manning, Ens. Samuel, 1644- 1710. Representative, 1695. Ens. in the Militia, Colony of Mass. Dennis, Rodney, 71. Leach, J. Granville, 201. Manning, William T., 230. Richardson, George E., 276. 702 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Robinson, Lewis A., 442. Sargent, John S., 385- Mansfield, Andrew^ 1623-1683, Lynn, Mass. Deputy, 1680- Watkins, Walter E., 285. Mansfield. Joseph, 1694 . In Capt. Appleton's Co. In King Philip's War. storming of Narragansett Fort. Wheaton, Frank, 479. Mansfield, Maj. Moses, 1703, New Haven, Lieut., 1675. Capt., Major commanding. Served in Indian Wars. uty. Asst., 1691. Bishop. William H., 295. Cowles, Calvin D., 318. Cowles, Edmund B., 252. Huntington, Frederick J., Scudder, Henry T., 153. Maris, George, 1632-1705. ber Prov. Council, 1695, Penn. Hanna, Chas. A., 422. Lamborn. William J., 108 Rogers, James S., 207. Taylor, John Y., 325. Marsh, Lieut. Alexander 1698. In Indian Wars, uty, 1692. Spencer, Horatio N., 406. Stetson, George R., 325- Marsh, Col. Ebenezer, 1701-1773, Litchfield, Conn. Ens., 1738. Major, 1741. Lieut. -Col., 1754. Col. 13th Conn. Regt., 1757. Representative. Marsh, Capt. Hezekiah, 1791, Hartford, Conn, in the Train Band at ford, 1751. Lieut., 1756. Capt 1765. Marsh, Henry D., 267. Marsh, John, 1643-1727, ford. Conn. Under Savage, King Philip's Deputy. 1693. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Jones, Charles L., 104. Marsh, Henry D., 267. Marsh, John, 1679-1725. 1639- Conn. 1676. 1694. Dep- 302. Mem- , Prov. 1628- Dep- 1720- Ens. Hart- Hart- Major War. At Deerfield Meadow, 1704, Queen Anne's War. Marsh, Capt. John, 1668- 1744. Lieut., Hartford, Conn., 1717. Capt., Litchfield, 1722. Com- manded Expedition against In- dians, 1726. Father Rasle's War. Jones, Charles L., 104. Marsh, Henry D., 267. Marsh, Oliver A., 267. Parsons, Charles L., 270. Partridge, Edward L., 132. Marsh, Lieut. Jonathan, 1650- 1730, Hartford, Conn., and Hadley, Mass. Lieut., Had- Icy County, 1682-1715. Dep- uty, 1 70 1. Marsh, Capt. Joseph, J671-1753, Lebanon, Conn. Lieut, of Train Band, 1717. Capt., 1722. Deputy. 1712, 1731. Marsh, Capt. Joseph, i705-i755- Ens. Capt. Colonial Forces. Conn. Stevens, Charles E., 209. Marsh, Capt. Joseph, Lebanon, Conn. Ens., Lord Loudon's Expedition to Fort Edward, 1757. Lieut., 1761. Capt. 4th Co., I2th Conn. Regt., 1763, French and Indian War. Rogers, James S., 207. Marsh, Capt. Moses, 1718-1796. Commanding Hadley Co., Mass., Militia. Relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Marsh, Onesiphorous, 1633^1713. Haverhill, Mass., Garrison un- der Sergt. John Haseltine, 1690. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Davies, William G., 69. Marshall, Capt. Samuel, 1675, Windsor, Conn. Killed in the Swamp Fight, King Philip's War. Ens., 1675. Capt., 1675- Camak, James W., 492. Gibbs, William B., 376. Greene, Richard H., 86. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Watson, Charles P., 177. 703 INDEX OF ANCH^iTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Marshall, Capt. Thomas, 1613- 1689, Lynn, Mass. Capt. of Militia Co., 1664. Deputy, 1659, et scq. Houghton, William A., 533. Watkins, Walter K., 28s. Marshall, Lieut. Thomas, 1730- 1802. In French and Indian War, Va. Militia. House of Burgesses, i762-'65. Barton, Randolph, 223. Smith, Edwin H., 232. Thomas, D. H., 167. 234. Thomas, D. H., Jr.,' 235. Marshfield, Samuel, 1630-1692, Springfield, Mass. Deputy, i68o-'83-'84. Marston, Ephraim, 1655-1742. Representative, N. Hamp., 1697. Moulton, John H., 403. Marston, Isaac, Hampton, N. H. In King Philip's War. Pearson, Jos. H. S.. 273. Marston, Lieut. John, 1715-1786. Lieut, in Timothy Ruggles' Foot Co., 1740. At Louisburg. 1745- Marston, John, 203. Marston, Thomas, 1615-1690. Representative, Mass., 1677, and N. H., i68o-'84. Cadle, Henry, 398. Moulton, John H., 403. Marston, William, 1621-1704, Harnpton, N. H. In King Philip's War. Martian, Nicholas, i 591-1657. Member of the Va. House of Burgesses, i623-'3i-'33. Barret, Richard A., 396. Martin, John, 3d, New Jersey. In Capt. John Moore's Co., Col. Thomas Farmer's Regt., N. J. Militia, 1715. Martin, Col. Josiah, 1698-1778. Provincial Aide-de-Camp to Royal Gov., Prov. N. Y., 1757. Governor's Council. 1759-61. Martyn, Richard. 1694. Gov. Cutt's Council, 1680. N. H. Legislature and Speaker, 1692. Tucker, Gilman H., 171. Marvin, Matthew, 1600-168^. One of Winthrops outposts on the Conn., i636-'37. Dep- uty, 1653. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Marvin, Lieut. Reinolo, 1633- 1676, Lyme, Conn. Sergt. Saybrook Train Band, 1661. Subsequently Lieut. Deputy from Lyme, i670-'75. Farr, Marvin, 2)72>- Frazer, Sheldon, 435. Moran, Charles, 120. Myer, Albert J., 123. Spencer, Shelden P., 406. Mason, Capt. David, 1726- 1794, Boston, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1754. Lieut, under Capt. Tapley, of Salem. In French and Indian War. Commanded a battery at Fort William Henry. Gunner in Capt. Green's Co., 1758. Organized the first Train of Artillery in Boston, and was its Capt.- Lieut., 1763. Bryant, Henry, 250. Bryant, Jas. S., 250. Mason, Col. George, Sr. County Lieut. Stafford Co., Va., 1675. Represented his Co. in Bacon's Assembly, 1676. Espoused the popular side in the House of Burgesses. Indian Wars, 1675-1684. Hornor, William M., 97. Raborg, H. Mason, 138. Raborg, Thomas M. T., 138. Throckmorton, Charles W., 168. Mason, Col George, Jr., 1670- 171 1. Capt. of Rangers, 1699- 1700. County Lieut., Stafford Co., Va., and under Gen. Ni- cholson in Indian Wars. Hornor, William M., 97. Raborg, H. Mason, 138. Raborg, Thomas M. T., 138. Mason, Col. George, 3d, i6go- 1735- County Lieut. Stafford Co., Va., 1719. Member As- sembly, i7i8-'28. Burgess, i7i8-'26. Member of the Knights of the Golden Horse- shoe Expedition under Gov. Spotswood. 704 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Raborg, H. Mason, 138. Raborg, Thomas M. T., 138. Mason, Capt. Hugh, 1605-1678, Watertown, Mass. Lieut., 1645. Capt, i652-'78. Deputy, 1635, et seq. Council of War, 1676. Commander of Vol- unteers against Manhattoes, 1664. Commanded company in Sudbury Fight, King Philip's War. Ayer, James B., 246. Baker, Frank, 368. Bent, Samuel A., 247. Brown, Francis H., 249. Brown, Otis, 250. Frost, Walter C., 474. Greenleuf, Franklin L.^ 436. Hill, John B., 400. Learned, Francis, 265. Merriam, Frank, 267. Partridge, Edward L-. 131. Richardson, William E., 442. Wade, Alfred B., 174. Wade, Herbert T., 174. White, John B.. 407. Woodworth, A. J., 185. Young, Edward B., 449. Young, George B., 449. Mason, James, 1625-1667. Gover- nor's Council, Col. Va., 1652- '54- Cleeman, Richard A., 194. Mason, Maj. John, 1600-1672. Lieut, under Sir Thomas Fair- fax in the Netherlands. Com- manded in Pequot War, 1637. Asst., i642-'6o. Dep.-Gov., i66o-'70. Commissioner for United Colonies. i647-'6i. Commander-in-Chief of Col., organized first Troop, i6s7-'58. Anderson, Arthur C, 429. Arms, Frank T., 294. Bissell, Eugene, 50. Brown, George L., 54. Bunce, Jonathan B., 296. Camp, Edward N., 370. Davison, Chas. M., 70. Davison, John M., 70. Dewey, George A., 72. Fitch. Winchester, 415. Hart. George W., 72. Hillhouse, Francis, 94. Kennedy, Elijah R., 106. Glidden, John M., 532. Glidden, Joseph W., 532. Hewitt, James H., 400. Jaynes, Fremont N., 437. Jewett, Stephen, 437. Lee, Edward C, 202. Metcalf, William P., 322. Norton, Thomas H., 125. Price, Henry R., 137. Rogers, James S., 207. Stevens, Charles E., 208. Symonds, Charles S., 165. Turner, Luther G., 310. Tyler, Mason W., 338. Warren, Walter P., 176. Watson, William H., 178. Whitney, Drake, 181. Mason, Coi,. John Tufton. In Louisburg Expedition, 1745. Hill, John F., 533- Mason, Robert Tufton, . Chancellor, 1680, and Council- lor, 1685. Hill, John F., 533. Mather, Lieut. Joseph, 1686-1749, Lyme, Conn. Lieut, ist Co., 1738. Smith, H. Erskine, 157. Smith, L. Bayard, 158. Matthews, Rogers. Lieut. Md. Militia, defense against In- dians, 1694. Hall, William C, 319. Matthewson, James, 1682. Deputy, R. I., 1680. White, Hunter C, 523. Mattoon, Philip, 1696. Un- der Major Appleton. Narra- gansett Campaign. Also under Capt. Turner, Falls Fight. Foote, Horace A., 81. Graves, Albert M., ^77. Maudesley. z'tdc MOSEEEY. Maury, Rev. James, 1717-1769. Chaplain. 1756. in Militia of Louisa Co., Va., under Col. Washington, campaign against Fort Duquesne. Nichols, Maury, 124. Maverick, Sergt, Elias, 1604-1684, Rumney Marsh, Roxburv, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1654. Sergt., 1658. 705 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Evans, George R, 349. Maxwell, Capt. Hugh, . French and Indian Wars, i755-'64. Prisoner at Fort William Henry, 1756. Lieut. Co. of Foot, Col. Joseph In- gersoll's Regt., 1762. Maxwell, Francis T., 305. Maxwell, Thompson, 1742-1836. In Co. of Rangers under Capt. Lovell at battle of Fort Ann. Under Gen. Abercrombie at Ticonderoga, i7.s8-'59. At taking of Isle aux Nois and 'in battle near Chambly, 1760. At Bloody Run under Gen. John Stark, 1763. Pomeroy, Robert W., 135. May, John, 1590-1670, Roxbury, Mass. In Roxbury Military Co., 1647. Morris, Seymour, 381. Mayberry, Richard, 1735-1807. Under Sergt. Thomas Chute at New Marblehead, 1757. Maybury, William J., 535. Mayberry, William, 1710 , New Marblehead X Windham). Me. Under Sergt. Thos. Chute, 1747, Capt. Berry, 1747; Capt. Hills, i748-'49. French and Indian War. Bodge, George M., 248. Mayhew, Gov. Thomas, 1592- 1681. Deputy from Water- town, Mass, i636-'37. Gov., i647-'8i, and Commander of Martha's Vineyard, Prov. of N. Y., under commissions from Govs. Lovelace and Ni- chols. Anderson, Arthur C, 429. Daggett, George H., 434. Daggett, William G., 298. Eaton, Theodore H., 497. Folger, Walter A.. 415. Monfort, Fred'k D., 439. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. Thomson, George M., 168. Thomson, Girand F., 168. Woodruff, Edward L., 500. Young, Francis C, 479. Maynard, Jonathan, 1717-1782. Framingham, Mass. Sentinel in Capt. Brown's Co., 1747. Hosmer, Jerome C, 261. Maynard, Capt. Moses, 1697- 1782, Sudbury, Mass. Capt., 1st Foot Co., Alarm List, 1757- Stearns, Albert H., 280. Mayo, John, 1676. Barnsta- ble Co., Plymouth Col., Lieut. Thomas Dymoke, i643-'44. Kittredge, Abbott ,E., 379. Lombard, Josiah L., 380. Sears, Walter J., 154. Mayo, John, 1656-1726, Harwich. Mass. Representative, six years. Mayo, John, 1737-1792. Member Va. House of Burgesses from Chesterfield Co., 1769, et seq., and Henrico Co., 1772. Mem- ber of Convention, 1775. Rose, Erskine M., 464. Thom, Cameron D., 464. Thom, Cameron E., 464. Thom, C. Erskine, 464. Thom, Wm. H. DeC. W.. 234. Mayo, Samuel, 1625-1663. Mem- ber Barnstable Co., Plyn'^outh Col., Lieut. Thomas Dymoke, i643-'44. Foster, Albert V., 375. Kittredge, Albert E., 379. Rich, William T., 141. Sears, Walter J., 154. Mayo, Col. William, 1684-1744. Major, 1730. Col. 1740, Goochland Co. Troop, Prov. Forces, Va. Crutcher, Edwin R., 398. Mayo, Edward C, 115, 343. Thom. Wm. H. DeC. W., 234. McAllister. Archibald, Frances- town. N. H. In Capt. Alex- ander Todd's Co.. Col. John Goffe's Regt., Expedition to Canada. 1760. Chamberlain. Clarence A., 431. McAllister, John, Francestown, N. H. In Capt. Alexander Todd's Co., Col. John Hart's Regt., Crown Point Expedi- tion. 1758; also in Col. John Goffe's Regt., 1760. 706 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Chamberlin, Clarence A., 431. McCaIvL, George, 1724-1756. "In- dependent Co. of Foot" in Philadelphia in 1756. Hall, William C, 319- McCarty, Daniel, Burgess, West- moreland Co., Va., 1706. Speaker, House of Burgesses, 1715-1720. Throckmorton, Chas. W., 168. McClary, Capt. John, 1719-1801. Epsom, N. H. In Capt. Joseph Thomas' Co. of Scouts, re- lief of Epsom, 1747 ; under orders from Gov. Benning Wentworth. Capt. N. H. Prov. Militia. Bangs, Charles M., 348. Bangs, Frederick L., 348. McCoNNELL, Lieut. Robert, 1707- 1770. Lieut, in Prov. Forces, Penn., i757-'58. In Capt. Armstrong's Co. of Rangers, i755-'56. Kunkel, Robert S., 107. Liggett, Sidney B., 202. McDouGALL. Gen. Alexander, 1732-1786. Commanded the Tiger and Barrington, from N. Y., under letters of marque, French War. 1756. Hawkes, McDougall, 93. McDowell, Andrew, 1671 . Ulster Co., N. Y. In French and Indian Wars, under Capt. Thomas Ellison. McDowell, Lieut. James, 1716 . Lieut. Augusta Co., Va., French and Indian War, i754-'63- Jordan, Scott, 379. McDowell, Capt. John, 1742. Killed in battle with Indians at Timber Ridge Church. Childs, Sterling W., 194. Matthews, Albert, 417. McDowell, Capt. Joseph, 1715 . Capt of Militia, Fred- erick Co., Va. In Border and French and Indian Wars. Matthews, Albert, 417. McDowell, Capt. Samuel, Sr., 1735-1817. Private, Capt. Samuel Lewis' Co., Augusta Co., Va., Braddock's defeat. In Dunmore's War in Col. Charles Lewis' Regt., at Point Pleasant in command of his Co. Capt. Co. of Scouts against Shawnees. House of Burgesses, i765-'73. McDowell, Edward C. J., 453. McDowell, Henry, 453. McIntire, Ebenezer, 1770-1776. In Capt. Richard Dresser's Co., Col. Chandler's Regt., re- lief of Fort William Henry. McIntosh, Capt. John Mohr, 1700-1761, Mcintosh Co., Ga. Capt. Highland Light In- fantry, under Gen. Oglethorpe, against the Spaniards, 1740. Wounded and captured at Fort Moosa, Florida. Cuthbert, Charles M., 398. Winston, Fred. H., 390. McKean, Thomas, 1734-1817, Delaware. Assembly, i762-'79. Delegate to the Stamp Act Congress in N. Y., 1765. Speaker in the Assembly, 1772. McKee, Col. William. In Brad- dock's Expedition to Fort Duquesne. Capt. at battle of The Points and Point Pleas- ant in 1774. Wilson, Henry L., 526. McKiM, Lieut. Thomas, 1710- 1786. Lieut, of Militia. Upper Regt. from Brandywine Llun- dred, Del., 1756. Patterson, James W., 231. Wilson, James G., 236. Wilson, Marshal G., 237. Wilson, William B., 237. McLellan, Hugh, 17 10- 1787. De- fence of Narragansett, No. 7, French and Indian War, 1745. Foster, Howell, 81. McNeil, Capt. Archibald, Litch- field. Conn. Ens., Col. Ly- man's loth Conn. Regt., Lord Loudon's Expedition, Fort Edward, 1757. Capt., Col. Reed's Regt., 1758, and Capt. Col. Wooster's Regt., Crown 707 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Point, 1759. Against Canada, 1760. Col. Whiting's Regt., against Montreal, 1761, and against Havana, 1762. Noble, Henry H., 125. McPherson, Capt. Robert, 3d Battalion, Colonial Forces of Penn., 1758. Member Prov. Assembly. Russell, Alexander W., 207. Stevenson, Wm. P., 162. McWiLEiAMS, Capt. Richard, 1781. Capt. Co. of Foot, Del. Militia, 1757. Pearce, Thomas D., 206. Wainwright, Frances K., 210. Meade, Lieut. Caleb, 1716-1798, Greenvirich, Ct. In French and Indian War, 1757. Meade, Spencer P., 116. Mead, Israel, 1639-1714. Dor- chester, Mass. In garrison at Punkapogue, 1676, King Phil- ip's War. Mead, Stephen, 1728- 1806, Red- ding, Conn. In Capt. Peter Van Derbergh's Co., Dutchess Co., 1755. Capt., Michael Thodey's Co., 1755. Repre- sentative from Redding, 1768 and 1770. Douglas, Charles H., 73. Douglas, Duncan, 74. Mead, Corp. Sylvanus. 1728-1781. French and Indian Wars, 1759- Mead, Spencer P., 116. Meekins, Thomas, Sr., — - 1687, Braintree, Mass. Deputy, 1644. De Wolf, Edwin A., 399. Meekins, Edward M., 267. Meekins, Thomas, Jr., 1643-1675, Hadley, Mass. Scout attack on Hadley, King Philip's War. Dickinson, Frederick, 372. Meekins, Edward M., 267. Meigs, Capt. Janna, 1672-1739. Guilford, Conn. Capt., 1717. Deputy, 1716-1718. Chittenden, Edward A., 360. Clarke, Edward S., 61. Fletcher, Truman C, 362. Wilcox, Reynold W., 181. Mellen, Ens. James, 1732-1769, Framingham, Mass. Tillinghast, Charles M., 539. Melvin, Capt. David, 1690- 1745. In Pigwacket fight under Capt. Lovewell, 1725. Capt., 5th Co., 4th Mass. Regt., Col. Samuel Willard against Louis- burg, 1745. Palmer, Lowell M., 129. Melvin, John, 1650-1724, Charles- town, Mass. In Capt. Joseph Sill's Co., King Philip's War, 1675. Melville, Henry, 116. Palmer, Lowell M., 129. Melyn, Cornelis, 1602 . Presi- dent of Eight-Men, 1643, Prov. of New Netherland. Houston, Wm. C, Jr., 199. Melyn, Jacob, 1640-1706. In Foot Co. at Esopus, 1660, Capt. Dirck Schmitt. Capt. and Deputy, Elizabeth Town, 1673- '74, Dutch Restoration. Ames, Louis A., 38. Dufifield, Howard, 76. Mendenhall, Benjamin, Chester Co., Pa. Member of Assem- bly, 1714. Gheen, Edward H., 435. Mercer, Gen. Hugh, 1720-1777. In French and Indian War, 1755. and Braddock's Expedition to Fort Duquesne. Lieut. -Col. under ■ Gen. Forbes, at Pitts- burgh. Tucker, Beverly, 477. Tucker, John S., 541. Meredith, Capt. Samuel, 1732- 1808. Capt. in Col. William Byrd's Regt., Old French War. Jones, David M., 453. Jones, Paul, 453. Rose, Hiram H., 384. Rose, Landon C, 385. Walker, Gustavus A., 175, 344. Merriam, John, 1729-1798, Con- cord, Mass. Private, ist Foot Co. of Sudbury, 1757, Capt, Moses Maynard. Expedition against Canada, 1759, under Major-Gen. Amherst. 708 INDEX OF ANCBSTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Willis, Henry A., 287. Merriam, William. Trooper in Capt. Curwin's Troop, Nar- ragansett Campaign. Carter, Walter S., 59. Merrick, William, 1688. In Duxbury Co., Plymouth Col., Capt. Myles Standish, 1642- '44. Foster, Albert V., 375. Sears, Walter J., 154. Merrick, Lieut. William, 1602- 1689, Eastham, Plymouth Col. Lieut, Council of War, 1658. Parker, Frederick W., .272. Merrill, Corp. Abel, 1671-1759. Newbury, Mass. Corporal under Capt. Hugh March, 2d Foot Co., Newbury, 1710- '11. Russell, Stevens G., 443. Merrill, Daniel, 1642-1717, New- bury and Salisbury, Mass. In Newbury Co., under Capt. Thomas Noyes, 1688. In Lieut.-Col. Thomas Noyes' Co. of Snowshoe Men, 1706. Daggett, George H., 434. Merriman, Lieut. Caleb, 1707- 1770, Wallingford, Conn. Ensign, 1749. Lieut., 1756. Johnson, S. Albert, 103. Merriman, Capt. John, 1659- 1742, Wallingford, Conn. Lieut, 1704. Capt., 1712. Deputy, 1697-1715. Johnson, S. Albert, 103. Merriman, Capt. Nathaniel, 1613-1693. Sergt. of Militia, New Haven, 1665. Lieut, at Wallingford, 1672. Capt. of Troop, New Haven Co., 1675. In Pequot and King Philip's Wars. Crouse, Daniel N., 66. Elton, John P., 299. Ives, Marvin A., 378. Johnson, Edward H., 200. Johnson, Joseph H., 103. Johnson, S. Albert, 103. Myer, Albert J., 123. Parker, Frederick S., 130. Meriwether, Nicholas, 1647- 1744. Burgess for New Kent Co., Va., 1702-1714. Meriwether, Hunter M., 402. Merriwether, Nicholas, 1680- 1744. Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses for New Kent Co., i7io-'i6, and for Hanover Co., 1743. Barret, Richard A., 397. Merry, Cornelius, 1620 . Northampton, Mass. King Philip's War. Merwin, Lieut. Miles, 1721- 1786. Lieut.. loth Conn. Troop, 1764. Conover, John T., 64. Merwin, Walter L., 204. Metcalf, Ens. Eleazer, 1653- 1706, Wrentham, Mass. Ens., 1689. Farrington^ Robt. I., 435. Hill, John W., 378. Meyer, Adolph. 171 1. Corpo- ral of the Night Watch, Har- lem, i675-'76. Curtiss, Harlow C, 67. MiCHiELSEN, Reyer. 1653 , Member of the Night Watch, Harlem, 1676. Ryer, George S., 148. Ryer, James B., 148. MiDDLETON, Gov. Arthur, 1681- '^72>7- Commissioner to Va., 1 71 5. Member and Speaker of the Commons. President Convention of 1719. President of Council, and Gov., 1725- '30, Prov. S. C. Middleton. John Izard, 230. Norris, Charles C. P., 205. Middleton, Edward, — 1685. Member Grand Council, 1678- '84, Prov. of S. C. Middleton, John Izard, 230. Norris, Charles C. P., 205. Middleton, Hon. Henry, 1717- 1784. Member and President of the Council, Prov. of S. C. President of Congress, 1774. Middleton, John Izard. 230. Norris, Charles C. P., 205. Mifflin, John, 1714-1759. ' Com- missioner, defence of the Prov. of Penn., 1745. Prov. 709 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Council, 1752. Indian Con- ference of Easton, 1757. MiGHiLL, Stephen, 1651 , Rowley, Mass. In King Phil- ip's War. Spofford, Paul N., 160. MiGHiEiv, Deacon Stephen^ 1707- 1783. Clerk of Capt. Pear- son's Co. of Cavalry, 1757. Miles, Capt. John, 1644-1704. Ens. in command of New Haven soldiers in garrison- ing Westfield, Mass., 1675. Lieut, under Major Robert Treat, Great Swamp Fight. Capt. of New Haven Co. Wood Creek Expedition, 1693, King William's War. Baldwin, William L., 294. O'Connor, John C, 126. Pond, Charles H., 136. Pond, Nicholas M., 306. Pond, Winthrop, 136. Sanford, George B., 307. Warren, Walter P., 177. Wylie, George S., 339- Miles, Lieut. Richard, 1672- 1756. Lieut. Port Royal, 1710. Lieut. New Haven Train Band, 1712. Miles, Hon. Richard, New Ha- ven, Conn. Deputy, i648-'49. Clerk of Artillery, 1648. Millard, Robert. Under Capt. Turner, King Philip's War. Paul, Edward J., 505. Miller, Abraham, 1735-1815. Non-commissioned officer in the Penn. Militia, French and Indian War. Akers, Matthew L., 452. Milk, Capt. James, 1711-1772. Falmouth. Capt.. Indian Wars. Deering, Henry, 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Noyes, Edward D., 530. Miller, Gayen, . Pa. Assembly, 1714. Gest, John M., 197. Miller, Lieut. John George, 1715-1762. Lieut-Col. James Burd's Regt., Prov. Forces, 1760. Talbot, Archie L., 536. Miller, John, 1632-1711, Yar- mouth, Mass. Deputy Plym- outh Colony, i67i-'82. Coun- cil of War, 1676. Miller, Lieut. Robert, 17 15 , Lyme, Conn. Ens., 1755. Lieut., 1756. Miner, Ens. Clement, 1640-1700, New London, Conn. In King Philip's War. Ens., i6g2-'g$. Stout, John K., 526. Miner, Dr. Joseph, 1636-1712. New London and Stonington, Conn. Deputy, 1696- 1706. In King Philip's War. Miner, Capt. Manassah, 1647- 1728. Stonington, Conn. Ens., New London County Troops, 1693. Capt. in Expedition against Canada, 1709. Indian Adviser, 1694. Deputy, 1698- 1718. Miner (Minor), Thomas, 1608- 1690, Pequot, Conn. Sergt., 1649. Deputy, i650-'5i, et seq. Capt., King Philip's War. Chief Military Officer at Mys- tic, 1665. Abbott, Everton J., 428. Critchlow, George R., 66. Dennison, Ira W., 319. Fletcher, Paris, 435. Lewis, Carlton T., 336. Meacham, Franklin A., 380. Miner, Charles E., 363. Miner, Edward G., Jr., 118. Miner. Karl R., 537. Otis, Philo A., 382. Randall, John F., 404. Stout. John K., 526. Tuttle, Albert, 364. Minor, Ephraim, 1675-1762, Ston- ington, Conn. Lieut., Stoning- ton Train Band, 1707. Capt., 1715. Deputy, i722-'28; from Woodbury, i734-'35- Minor, Ephraim, .Ston- ington, Conn. In Narragan- sett War. Deputy, 1676. Mott, John T., 122. Mott, Luther W., 122. Minor, Capt. John, 1634-1719, Woodbury, Conn. Capt., 1684. 710 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Indian Commissioner and In- terpreter. Deputy for Strat- ford and Woodbnr3\ 1667- 1710. In French and Indian Wars, i707-'o8. Abbott, Everton J., 428. Beach, Bennett S., 45. Critchlow, George R., 66. Judson, William V., 264. Minor, John C, 118. Mott, John T., 122. Mott, Luther W., 122. Robinson, Frederick M., 146. Treadwell, George C, 169. Tuttle, Albert, 364. Minor, Col. Joseph, 1673-1774, Woodbury, Conn. Ens., 1712. Lieut., 1720. Capt., 1724. Col., 1745. Deputy. Beach, Bennett S., 45. Minor, Capt. Matthew, 1708- 1778, Woodbury, Conn. Ens., 1747. Lieut., 1754. Capt., 1757- Abbott, Everton J., 428. Minor, Seth, . In Capt. Eben- ezer Down's Co., Relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Minor, John C, 118. MiNOT, George, 1594-1671, Dor- chester, Mass. Deputy, 1635- '36. Hunt, Henry W., 263. Minot, James, 351. Minot, Joseph G., 267. Wetherill, Charles, 211. Minot, Cornet George, 1703-1744. Cornet, Dorchester Troop, 1741. Hunt, Henry W., 263. Minot, James, 351. Minot, Joseph G., 267. MiNOT, Col. James, 1694-1759, Concord, Mass. Col. French and Indian War, 1756. Mitchell, William A., 118. Minot, Capt. James, 1653-1735, Concord, Mass. Deputy, i700-'oi. Capt., 1684. Bent, Samuel A., 247. Brown, Otis S., 250. Melville, Henry, 116. Moore, George H., 381. Shuart, William H., 156. Swain, William C, 507. Warren, Charles E., 176. Minot, John, 1648-1690, Dorches- ter, Mass. In Capt. Edward Hutchinson's Co., Mount Hope Campaign, King Philip's War, 1675. Minot, Joseph G., 267. MiNOT, Lieut. John, 1730-1805. Lieut. South Independent Co., Dorchester, Mass. Capt. Withington, at Castle Wil- liam, 1768. Hunt, Henry W.. 263. Judson, William V., 264. Minot, Joseph G., 267. MiRiCK, John, . Under Capt. Sill in King Philip's War. Jackson, George E., 401. MisEROLE, Capt. Jan, 1685-1756, Brooklyn. In Capt. Daniel Aersius' Kings Co. Militia, 1715. Capt., 1728. Richards, Charles S., 143. Mitchell, Edward, 1715-1801, Bridgewater, Mass. Repre- sentative, i769-'70. Mitchell, Experience, 1609-1689, Duxbury, Mass. In Militia, 1643. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Mitchell, Ens. Jacob, 1649-1675, Bridgewater. Mass. Killed by Indians on his way to the gar- rison at Dartmouth, Mass. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Goddard, Lester O., 376. Howard, Charles E. N., 437. Kingman, William L., 106. Mitchell, Matthew, 1^90-1645. Deputy, 1637, which voted that "There shalbc an offen- sive warr against the Pe- quoitt." Asst., 1638. In Pe- quot War. Indian Fight, Conn. River, 1636. Adams, John Q., 428. Depew, Chauncey M., 71. Farnham, Elijah T., 334. Hurd, Rukard, 437. Judson, William P., 105. Judson, William V., 264. Kissam, Henry S., 107. Mitchell, William A., 118. 711 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Noble, Henry H., 124. Smith, Robert A., 324. Mitchell, Lieut. Matthew, 1709- 1792. Lieut. Capt. Downs' Co., Fort William Henry Alarm, 1757- Benjamin, Marcus, 316. Mixer, Isaac, 1655, Water- town, Mass. Clerk of the Train Band, 1654. Wyman, Walter C, 390. MoALE, John, 1695- 1740. Member Lower House of Assembly, Md., from Baltimore Co., 1735, et scq. Moale, William A., 231. Moffett, Col. George, i 735-1801. Capt. of Militia, Augusta Co., Va., before 1764, later Col. in French and Indian Wars. Matthews, Albert, 417. MoEFETT, Lieut. John, 1708-1744, Augusta Co., Va. Lieut, of Militia, 1742. Jordan, Scott, 379. ■ Matthews, Albert, 417. Monroe, William, 1669-1759, Lexington, Mass. Ens. of Militia. MoNSALL, John (or Mousall), 1596-1665, Charlestown, Mass. Deputy, 1635. A. & H. A. Co., 1641. Goshorn, Edwin C, 416. Montague. Peter. 1611-1659. Member House of Burgesses for Lancaster Co., Va., 1651- '59- Caine, Paul, 452. Robertson, Henry M., 189. MoNTFORT, Lieut. Peter. 1652- 1726, Flatlands, L. I. Lieut. of Foot Co., Kings Co.. Militia at Amersfort, 1700. Richards, Charles S., 143. Moody. Dr. Caleb, 1637-1698, Newbury, Mass. Deputy. i677-'78. Sergt. Newbury Co. Deering, Henry, S30. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Noyes. Edward D.. 536. Moody, Rev. Samuel. 1675-1747. Chaplain to the York, Me.. Garrison, i698-'99. Chaplain in Louisburg Expedition, 1745. Rockwood, Charles G., 337. MooNEY, Capt. Hercules, of Col. Messervey's Regt., Fort Wil- liam Henry. Pond, Charles H., 136. Pond, Nicholas, 306. MooRE, Bernard, . Virginia. Member House of Burgesses, Va., 1752. Taylor, Carter B., 209. Taylor. John B., 209. Taylor, Robert R., 209. MooRE, Sergt. Isaac, 1622-1706, Farmington, Conn. Sergt. Train Band, 1649. Deputy, 1 680- '82. MooRE, Gov. James, 1709. Commanded first Expedition against Spaniards in St. Aug- ustine, 1702. Middleton, John I., 230. Waring, Thomas P., 493. Moore, Rev. John. 1657, Southampton, L. I. Deputy and Commissioner, 1644. MooRE, John, 1677. Deputy to the General Court of Conn., 1653, et seq. Adams, Frederick C, 396. MooRE, John, Jr., 1645-1700, Windsor, Conn. Asst., 1696- '98, Col. of Conn. Bloss, Orlando P., 397. Hayden, Horace E.. 198. Ingraham, William S-, 303. MooRE, Hon. John, 1659-1732. Gov.'s Council, So. Car., 1684. Bellas, Henry H., 193. Hayden, Horace E., 198. MooRE, Ens. John, 1702, Sud- bury and Lancaster, Mass. Sergt., 1670. Ens., 1689. In garrison, 1676. et seq. Rep- resentative, i689-'90. MooRE, Capt. John, 1686-1713. Capt. of Militia, N. Y. City, 1738. Council, i745-'49. Huntington, Charles R., 99. MooRE, Jonathan, Newbury, Mass. In Lieut. -Col. Thomas Noyes' Co.. 1707. 712 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Moore, Jonathan, 1669-1741, Lan- caster, Mass. Maintained the Garrison House at Wataqua- dock, King Philip's, War, 1675-76. Moore, Col. Maurice, 1694- . Deputy Lord Proprietor of Province. Commander of N. C. Volunteers in Indian War in S. C. in 1718. Middleton, John L, 231. Moore, Capt. Samuel, 1662-1717. Capt. Militia, Newtown, L. L, 1689. Under Major Thomas Lawrence, after the burning of Schenectady. Moore, Albert R., 440. Moore, Capt. Samuel, 1705-1780. Lieut, of 1st Co., Salisbury^ Mass., 1752. Capt., 1756. Deputy, i7=;9-'6s. Averill, Henry K., Jr., 315. Moore, Col. William, 1699- 1780. Of Moore Hall. Col. ist As- sociated Regt., Chester Co., Militia, Prov. of Penn., French and Indian War, 1747- '48, '55. Bellas, Henry H., 193. Smith, Wiliam R., 208. Ward, Brinton, 194. Morgan, Capt. Daniel, 1712-1773, Preston, Conn. Ens., 1752. Lieut, and Capt., 1766. Dep- uty, 1764. Trowbridge, William P., 445. Morgan, Henry. . Sher- iff of Kent Co., Md., and Commander of Militia, 1648. Commissioner for Kent Island and Asst. to the Commander. i652-'54. Lower House of Legislature, 1659. Howard, McHenry, 227. Morgan, Isaac, 1652-1706. In the Falls Fight, 1676. under Capt. William Turner. Averill, Henry K., Jr., 315. Morgan, Capt. Jacob, i 716-1792. Capt., i759-'65. French and Indian Wars, Prov. Forces of Penn. Wetherill, Charles. 211. Wetherill, Richard B., 507. Morgan, James, Sr., 1607-1685, Groton, Conn. In Pequot War. Morgan, George D., 120. Morgan, James H., 121. Trowbridge, William P., 445. Morgan, Capt. John, 1645-1712, Groton, Conn. Lieut., 1692. Indian Commissioner and Deputy, 1690; from Preston, i693-'94. Brookfield, Henry M., 54. Heilner, George C, 93. Morgan, George E., 120. Morgan, James H., 121. Morgan, Wm. F., 337. Morgan, William H., 121. Sanger, Joseph P., 324. Talbot, Archie L., 536. Trowbridge, William P., 445. Morgan, Sergt. Joseph, , Brimfield, Mass. Sergt. in 2d campaign against Louisburg, i7S8-'59- Morgan, Joseph, 1702-1773. In Capt. Josiah Kellogg's Co., Suflield, i723-'24, and in Capt. Wright's Co., Brookfield, 1725. Dickinson, Oliver P., 372. Goodwin, Francis, 300. Goodwin, James J., 85, 300. Morgan, Capt. Joseph, 1736-1813. In Seven Years' War. Capt. Benjamin Day's Co., Crown Point, 1755. Sergt. in same in Canada, 1758. At Fort Wil- liam Henry, 1757. Capt. John Bancroft's Co., Invasion of Canada. Goodwin, Francis, 300. Goodwin, James J., 85, 300. Morgan, Capt. Miles, 1616-1699. Built a block house which he defended against the Indians, sacking of Springfield, Mass., 1675- Bement, Robert B. C, 430. Fisher, Albert J., 374. Freeman, Alden, 334. Goodwin, Francis, 300. Goodwin, James J., 8.S, 300. Morgan, Louis S., 121. Wood, Charles M., 419. Wood, Ephraim M., 419. 713 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Morgan, Capt. Theophilus, 1703- 1766. Commanded ist Co. of Killingworth, Conn., 1756, French and Indian War. Morgan, William H., 121. Morrill, Isaac, i 588-1661, Rox- bury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Brewer, William A., 460. Morris, Anthony, 2d. 1654-1721. Prov. Council of Penn., 1695- '97. Justice Supreme Court, 1694. Collins, Henry H., Jr., 195. Draper, T. W. M., 75. Moran, Charles, 120. Morris, Frederic W., 204. Tyson, Anthony M., 235. Tyson, Matthew S., 235. Morris, Anthony, Jr., 1682-1762. Prov. Assembly, Penn., 1722- '24. Collins, Henry H., Jr., 195. Morris, Capt. Charles. 1711-1781. Capt. at Minas and Grand Pre, i746-'47, under Noble. Sur- veyor-General of Nova Sco- tia. Councillor, i755-'74- Morris, Lieut. Edward, ist, 1630- 1689, Roxbury, Mass. Dep- uty, i677-'87. First Military Officer of Woodstock, Conn. Childs, James E., 60. Christian, George C, 432. Heaton, John E., 302. Jackson, George E., 401. Morris, Lieut. Edward^ 3d, 1688- 1769, Woodstock, Conn. French and Indian Wars. Strong, Frederick S., 2^2- Strong, R. P., 233. Morris, Hon. Lewis, 1671-1746. Chief Justice of New York, i720-'38. 1st Gov. Prov. of N. J., i738-'46. Carnochan, G. Morris, 58. Coerr, Frederic D. H., 62. de Peyster, F. Ashton, 72 Leflferts, Frederic R., Jr., no. Morris, Lewis, 121. Norwood, Lewis M., 125. Morris, Capt. William. N. Y. City Militia, 1701. Member of the Council, N. J., 1713. Earle, Ferdinand P., 77. Morse, Ens. Jonathan. 1643-1727. Ens. in Major Gookins' Regt. at Sherbourne, Mass., 1682. Alexander, Harrison B.. 460. Morse, Capt. Joseph, 1649-1718. Medfield Co., Mass., Militia. Defended the town aganist King Philip, 1675. Deputy, from Sherbourne. Aldridge, Fred'k T., 37. Hill, Lew C, 260. Morse, Waldo G., 121. Morse, Joshua, 1653-1692, New- bury, Mass. Soldier, acting as drummer in Capt. Thomas Noyes' Co.. 1689. Morse, Charles A., 268. Morse, Capt. Moody, 1719-1805, Sutton, Mass. Capt. 3d Co. from Sutton, ist Worcester Regt., John Chandler, Col., 1763. Morton, Lieut. Ephraim, 1623- 1693. Lieut, of Plymouth Col- ony Militia, 1664. Council of War, 1671. Bowers, Henry, 52. Morton, John, 1616 , Middle- boro, Plymouth Colony. Dep- uty from Bridgewater, 1672- '73- Morton, John, . Penn. Assembly, i756-'66, i769-'74. First Congress, 1774. Mcllvaine, William, 203. Morton, Nathaniel. 1613-1710. Secretary, Plymouth Col., i645-'8s. Council of War. Awashonk uprising. 1671. Chamberlin, Jehiel W., 431. Danforth, Allan, 254 Evans, George F., 349. Parker, Edward L., 271. Van Dyke, Harry W., 326. MosELEY, Consider, 1675-1755, Westfield, Mass. Garrison House, against Indians. Maynard, George C, 322. MoSELEY, SERGT. INCREASE, 1663- 1690, Dorchester, Mass. Sergt. in Capt. John Withington's Co., from Dorchester. Phips' 714 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Expedition against Canada, 1690. MosELEY, Increase, 1712-1795, Woodbury, Conn. Represen- tative, lysi-'yg. MosELEY, Capt. Increase, 1740- 181 1, Woodbury, Conn. Ens. 13th Regt. Conn. Militia, 1760. Lieut., i762-'64. Capt., 1774. MosELEY, Lieut. John, 1640-1690. Lieut. Westfield Co. of Eoot, King Philip's War. Dewey, Chauncey E., 473 Maynard, George C, 322. Wight, William W., 507- MosELEY (Maudesley), Lieut. John. 1640-1690. Lieut. West- field Co. of Foot, King Phil- ip's War. Maynard, George C, 322. Wight, Wm. Ward, 507. MosELEY, Josiah, 1748-1826. In Capt. James Noble's Co., Col. Easton's Regt., Expedition to Canada, 1775. MosELEY, Capt. Samuel, 1641- 1680, Mass. Commanded Ex- pedition against the Dutch pi- rates, 1675. Capt. of an Inde- pendent Co. of Volunteers, King Philip's War. Harris, Charles, 260. MosELEY, Rev. Samuel, 1708-1791. Chaplain to Gov. Belcher at Castle William, Boston Har- bor, 1730. Moseley, Edward A., 322. Moses, John, 1683, Windsor, Conn. In Major John Ma- son's Troop, in Indian Wars against King Philip and the Narragansetts. Moses, Zebina, 323. MosHER, Ens. Hugh, 1633-1713. Ens., 1676. On Court Martial for Trials of Indians engaged in Philip's designs. Greene, Douglas N., 86. Williams, Norman A, 183. Moss, John, 1604- 1707, New Ha- ven and Wallingford, Conn. Trooper under Major John Mason. Representative, 1667- '73- Doughty, Francis E-, 73. Ives, Marvin A., 378. Knapp, Henry E., 438. Williams, Norman A.. 183. MoTT, Nathaniel, 1675, Braintree. Mass. Killed in de- fense of Braintree, 1675. MouLTON, Jacob, 1688-1751. Hamp- ton, N. H. Under Capt. John Gilman, 1710. MouLTON, Col. Jeremiah, 1765. Sergt., Lieut, and Capt, French and Indian War. Col. 3d Regt., 1745, in Expedition which captured Louisburg. Led Expedition which cap- tured Norridgewock, 1724. Clarke, Charles L., 61. MouLTON, John, 1599-1650, Hamp- ton, N. H. Deputy Mass., 1639. Bennett, Larkin E- 247. MouLTON, Ens. John, 16^^8-1705, Hampton, N. H. In King Philip's War. Ens., 1690. Parsons, William D., 130. Pearson, Joseph H. S., 273. Moulton, Col. Jonathan, 1726- 1797, Hampton, N. H. Under Capt. John Ladd, 1757. Lieut. - Col. 3d Regt. of Militia, 1760; later Col. Moulton, George M., 382. Muleord, Thomas, . East- ham, Plymouth Col. In King Philip's War, i675-'76. MuLLiNS, Matthew, . In Va, Militia, against French and Indians. Quisenberry, A. C, 453. MuMFORD, Thomas, 1656-1726. Deputy from Kingston, R. I., 1 701. Mumford, James G., 269. Mumford, Capt. Thomas, 1706- 1764, Groton, Conn. Lieut. New London Co. Troop, 1728. Capt., 1736. Mumford, James G., 269. Munn, Benjamin, 1765, Springfield, Mass. Under 71S INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Major John Mason in the Pe- quot War. Munn, Henry N., 122. MuNNiNG, George, 1597-1658, Bos- ton, Mass. Granted 5 pounds for the loss of his eye in country's service on the voy- age to Block Island, 1636. Hill, Lew C., 260. MuNROE, Lieut. John, 1666-1753, Lexington, Mass. Lieut. At the Indian fight at Lamprey's River, 1690. MuNROE, Ens. William, 1669- 1759. Lexington. Ens. in Mil- itia. Rice, Henry B., 275. MuNsoN, Ens. Samuel, 1643-1741, Wallingford, Conn. Ens., King Philip's War. Brewer, William A., 460. Haight, Frederick E., 89. Johnson, Stephen A., 103. Munson, C. La Rue, 204. Myer, Albert J., 123. Story, Henry G, 163. Story, Joseph G., 163. Munson, Capt. Thomas. 1612- 1685. In the Pequot War un- der Mason as Sergt., 1642. Ens., i66i-'64. Lieut., 1664- '76. Under Capt. Treat in in King Philip's War. Capt., 1676, New Haven Co. Militia. Bishop, William H.. 295. Brewer, William A., 460. Bushnell, Clarence M., 56. Candee, Henry S., 370. Foote, Horace A., 81. Haight, Frederick E., 89. Hartley, George D., 91. Heaton, John E., 302. Johnson, Stephen A., 103. Munson, C. La Rue, 204. Munson, Francis M., 514. Munson, Francis M., Jr., 514. Myer, Albert J., 123. Rogers, Charles B., 147. Story, Henry G., 163. Story, Joseph G., 163. Tuttle, Joseph F., Jr., 477. MuRDOCK, Major John, 1706-1778. Lieut., 1747. Capt. loth Co.. 7th Conn. Regt., 1749. French and Indian War, 1758. Major, 1766. Huntting, Teunis D., 99. Smith, Philip S., 158. MuRDocK, Robert, 1694-1762. Dep- uty Mass., 1751. Lieut, of Newton Militia. Jackson, George E., 401. MuRDocK, Capt. Samuel, 1698- 1769. Capt. of Troop, 5th Regt. of Conn., 1741. Murdock, Harold, 269. Murdock, Joseph B., 520. Murray, Seth, 1736-1795. Col. Isaac Williams' Regt., Old French War. Mygatt, Jacob, 1633-1706. In Major John Mason's Troop, 1658. Nagel, Capt. Jan. In service of Dutch West India Co., 1664. Magistrate, 1673. Corporal of Co., at New Harlem, 1673 ^^id 1675- Corbusier, William H., 65. Nash, Jacob. In King Philip's War. Moran, Charles, 120. Nash, Lieut. Jacob, , Weymouth, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. Ephraim Hunt's Co., French and Indian War, 1689. Nash, L,izvt. Samuel, 1602 , Duxbury, Mass. Private Lieut. Holmes' Co., against Pequot Indians, 1637. Sheriff of Plymouth Colony, 1652. Chief Marshall of General Court, 1652. Deputy, 1653. Mem- ber of Council of War, 1658. Butters, George, 370. Kingman, William L., 106. Sampson, Clark H., 405. Thompson, Gilbert, 325. Nash, Lieut. Timothy, 1626-1699, Hadley, Mass., and New Ha- ven, Conn. Lieut. Hadley Military Co.. 1678. Deputy, 1690, '91, '95. Neale, Capt. James, 161 5-1684. Prov. Council, 1643, et seq. Member House of Burgesses, 1666. Commissioner of the 716 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Treasury, 1643. Capt., 1661, to raise troops against the Dutch. Brent, Joseph L., 223. Brice, PhiUp H., 193. Browne, Bennet B., 223. Fleet, Alexander F., 399. Howard, McHenry, 227 Keyser, Robert B., 229. Mackenzie, George N., 229. Paca, John P., 231. Smith, Thomas M., 22,2,. Nelson, Capt. John, 1654-1734. Headed the Bostonians at the attack on Gov. Andros, 1689. Captured in 1691, taken to Quebec. Nelson, Jonathan, 1698-1792, Rowley, Mass. In Expedition against Canada, 1758, and in Capt. Asa Foster's Co., 1759. Britton, Edward E., 53. Nelson, Capt. Philip, 1648 , Rowley, Mass. Captain in Sir William Phips' Expedition to Quebec. Nelson, Gov. William, 1711-1772. President of Council, Domin- ion of Va., and Gov. Moffett, Darius L., 453. Page, S. Davis, 205. Nelson, William, Plymouth, Mass. In Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Nevil, Col. James, 1728-1784. Capt. Albemarle Co., Va., Mil- itia, l757-'58, French and In- dian Wars. Major, Amherst Co. Troops, 1761. Lieut.-Col., 1764. Col., 1769. Vaughan, George T., 326. Newberry, Capt. Benjamin, 1634- 1689, Windsor, Conn. Dep. Gov.-Asst., 1685. Member Council of War. Capt. in King Philip's War. Dewey. Chauncey E., 473. Haskell, Frank W., 92. Jones, Charles L., 104. Orne, Henry M., 127. Wight, Wm. W., 507. Newberry, Thomas, 1636. Deputy Mass. Bay Colony^ i634-'35. Adams, Frederick C, 396. Newberry, Walter, 1646 , Newport, R. I. Member of Gov. Andros' Council, 1686. Smith, Thomas G., 537. Newcomb, Lieut. Andrew, 1640- 1708, Edgartown, Mass. Lieut., 1691 ; in command of the fortification there. Graves, Albert M., 337. Rich, William T., 141. Newcomb, Isaac, 1700-1761. Un- der Capt. Richard Thayer, Mass. Troops, 1747. Newcomb, George A., 403. Newell, John, 1634-1704, Rox- bury, Mass. In King Philip's War under Capt. Isaac John- son, i675-'6. Wyman, Walter C, 391. Newell (Newhall), Joseph, 1658-1706. In Major Thomas Savage's Co., Lieut. Benj. Gil- lam, Mount Hope Campaign. Johnson, Enoch S., 263. Newhall, James S., 269. Newell, Ens. Samuel, 1660-1753, Farmington, Conn. Ens. of the Farmington Train Band, 1707. Dickinson, Oliver P., 372. Newgate, John, 1580-1665. Dep- uty Mass., 1638. Jackson, George E., 401. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Newhall, Capt. Benjamin, 1698- 1763, Lynn, Mass. Represent- ative, i749-'50, '52-'62. Newhall, Lieut. Thomas, 1653- 1728. Maiden, Mass. Lieut, of the Maiden Military Co., 1700. Winship, William H., 287. Newhall, Ens. Thomas, 1630- 1687, Lynn, Mass. Ens., 1687. Newlin, Nicholas, 1699. Provincial Council of Penn., 1685. Draper, T. W. M., 75. Lewis, David, 202. Harvey, Richard W., 198. Newton, Maj. Israel, 1745. Capt., 1730. Major at Cape 717 INDEX OF dNCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Breton, 1745. Siege of Louis- burg. Newton, Henry A., 124. Newton, Capt. James, 1735. Capt. of 1st Co., Colchester, Conn., 1716. Deputy, iyiT,-i6. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Newton, Moses, 1646-1736, Sud- bury and Marlboroup-h, Mass. In garrison at Marlborough, King Philip's War. Robinson, Lewis A., 443. Newton, Richard, 1701, Marlborough, Mass. In King Philip's War. Newton, Col. Roger, 1685-1771. Col. 2d Conn. Regt., Expedi- tion to Canada, i709-'io. Pond, Winthrop, 136. Newton, Capt. Samuel, 1646- 1708. Ens., King Philip's War. Capt., 1698. Newton. Henry G., 305. Pond, Charles H., 136. Sanford, George B., 307. Newton, Thomas, 1721. Member N. H. Prov. Council, 1692. Freyer, Greville E., 196. Newton, Thomas. Deputy, Conn., 1645. Newton. Capt. Thomas. Capt., 1653. Under Gov. Stuyvesant at defense of New Amster- dam, 1655. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Nichols, Sergt. Francis, 1650, Stratford, Conn. Train- ing Sergt. for Stratford, 1639. Nichols, Isaac, 1695, Strat- ford, Conn. Deputy, i662-'65. Moseley, John G., 268. Nichols, John, Stratford, Conn. In King Philip's War under Capt., Turner. Nichols, Acosta, 124. Nichols, George L-, 124. Nichols, Capt. Joseph, 1685-1758. Stratford, Conn. Lieut., Strat- ford Co., 1726. Capt, 1738. Nichols, Thomas, 1737. Reading, Mass. Under Capt. Nathaniel Davenport, King Philip's War. Pearson, Joseph H. S., 273. Nicholson, Capt. James, 1737- 1804. Commanded a vessel from Md. at capture of Ha- vana, 1762. Chrystie, Thomas L., 61. Gallatin, Frederic, 83. Gallatin, Rolaz H., 84. Nicoll, Matthias, 1621-1687. Sec- retary Prov. of N. Y., i664-'8o. Member King's Council, 1667- '80. Speaker, Prov. Assembly, 1683. Judge, Court of Admi- ralty, 1686. Bascome, Western R., 44. Campbell, William A., 57. Crosby, Edward N., 66. Crosby, Livingston, 66. Lawrence, Abraham R., 109. Oothout, John W., 127. Paige, Edward W., 127. Sill, Howard, 232. Tilley, R. Hammett, 522. Walsh, James W., 176. Woodward, Francis W., 448. NicoLL, Hon. William, 1657-1723. Member of Council, N. Y., i69i-'98. Speaker of Colonial Assembly, i702-'i8. Atty.- Gen., i687-'90. Bascome, Western R, 44. Oothout. John W., 127. Tilley, R. Hammett, 522. Nieukerk, Corp. Gerrit, Jr., Ul- ster Co., N. Y. Corp. in Capt. John Rutsen's Troops, 1715. Clark, Kenneth, 432. Noble, Lieut.-Col. Arthur, 1747, Georgetown, Me. Lieut.- Col. 2d Mass. Regt., Siege of Louisburg, 1745. Killed at the battle of Minas, Nova Scotia. Rice, Arthur N., 539. Sowdon, Arthur J. C, 279. Willey, William L., 286. Noble. Capt. Daniel, 1721-1757. Capt. North Militia Co., New Fairfield, 1753. Capt. in Col. Ebenezer Marsh's 13th Conn. Regt., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Metcalf, Bryce, 117. Noble, Ens. David, 1695-1760. En- sign North Military Co.. New Milford, Conn., i743-'48. 718 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Noble, Henry H., 124. Noble, Capt. Eli, 1739-1827. Capt. French and Indian War. Ta- ken prisoner at Fort William Henry, but escaped from the Indians. Served in 1758. Noble, Robert, 363. Noble, Capt. Stephen, 1686-1755. Capt. of Militia at New Mil- ford, Conn. Twenty years' service against the Indians. Averill, Henry K., Jr., 315. NoRRis, Henry, 1706. Dep- uty, 1692. Marsh, John E., 2ii^. NoRRis, Isaac, 1671-1735. Member of Governor's Council, 1709, Prov. of Penn. Norris, George W., 205. North, Lieut. Roger, 1785. Lieut. Philadelphia Associa- tors, 1748. Benson, Edwin N., 193. North, Thomas, 1649-1712, Farmington. Conn. In Nar- ragansett Campaign, Hadley Garrison. Hart, Charles N, 475. Norton, Lieut.-Col. Ebenezer, 1715-1785. Lieut.. 1756. Capt., 1760. Lieut. -Col., 1774. Dep- uty, Conn., i76o-'79 Buell, Frederick F., 56. Norton, Thomas H., 417. Norton, Capt. Francis, 1667, Charlestown, Mass. Capt. Militia, 1646. Hall, George F., 259. Stone, Jacob, 444. Norton, John, 1606-1663. Deputy and Commissioner from Mass. Bay Col. to Charles II.. 1662. Norton, John G.. 363. Norton, John, 1657-1725. One of the Brookfield Garrison, 1675. Representative, i68o-'8i-'82. Hart, Charles N., 475. Norton, Rev. John, 1715-1778, Middletown, Conn. Chaplain to Forts Shirley and Pelham, Mass.. 1745. At Siege of Fort Massachusetts, 1746. At its surrender. Chaplain, 1755, to the forces destined for Crown Point ; again, 1756. Chaplain Third Conn. Regt.. 1760, French and Indian War. Eldredge, Zoeth S., 255. Norton, Ens. Thomas, 1648. Member Guilford Foot Co.. defense against Pequots. Bell, Jared W., 46. NoTT, Sergt. John. Commanded men from Wethersfield, Conn., Pequot War. Barrell, Harry F., 332. Webb, Alex. S., Jr., 178. Webb, J. Sidney, 326. Webb, Wm. S., 365. Nottingham, Sergt. Thomas. 1708 . In Ulster Co. Militia under Col. A. Grass- beck Chambers, 1738. Q. M. independent militia of horse. Capt. Jacob Rutsen, Jr., 1740. Sergt. in company of Stephen Nottingham, 1758." de la Montanye, James, 119. Nottingham, Capt. William, Marbletown, N. Y. In Ulster Co. Regt., commanded b^ Col. Jacob Rutsen. Capt. of Marbletown Co., I7i5-'i7, Ex- pedition against the Iroquois. de la Montanye, James, 119. Requa, Charles H., 384. Sherrill, Charles H., 156. NowELL, Increase, 1655, Charlestown, Mass. Asst., i630-"55. Secretary Col. of Mass. Bay, i636-'50. NoYES, Capt. Cutting, 1649-1734, Newbury, Mass. Lieut, and Capt. of Militia. Constant. S. Victor, 64. Noyes, Edward D., 536. Reniick. John A., 275. Remick, Timothy, 275. NoYEs, Lieut. Cutting, 1677 , Newbury, Mass. Lieut, of the Newbury Military Com- pany. Remick, John A., 275. Remick, Timothy, 275. NoYEs, Rev. James, 1640-1719. Chaplain in Capt. George Den- ison's Expedition that cap- tured Canonchet, Chief Sach- 719 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. em of Narragansett Indians, 1676. Arnold, Benjamin W., 39. Noyes, Chas. P., 440. Peet, Emerson W., 441. Stetson, Caleb R., 325. Wells, Eben F., 447. Noyes, Joseph, 1736-1826, New- bury, Mass. Soldier in the Second Louisburg Expedition, i758-'59- Remick, John A., 275. Remick, Timothy, 275. Noyes, Nicholas, 1614-1701. Dep- uty, 1660, et scq., Colony of Mass. Bay. Burnham, Albert W., 250. Constant, S. Victor, 64. Noyes, Edward D., 535. Remick, John A., 275. Remick, Timothy, 275. Noyes, Peter, 1591-1657, Sudbury, Mass. Deputy, i640-'4i, '50. Adams, Charles E., 243. Noyes, Capt. Thomas, 1640-1719. Stoningham, Conn. Capt. of Train Band. Deputy, 1713. Noyes, Capt. Thomas, 1679-1755, Stonington, Conn. Capt. of Militia. 1723. Deputy. 1713. Noyes, Chas. P., 440. Nugent, Lieut. Richard, . Lieut. 5th Regt. of Foot under Gen. Amherst at Louis- burg, i758-'59- Robinson, Eugene N., 146. Nutter, Anthony, 1630-1685. Deputy, Mass. King's Coun- cillor, 1682. Peavey, Frank H., 440. Nutting, John, 1676. Killed while defending his garrison house, Groton, Mass., King Philip's War. Nutting, Grant H., 486. Nutting, James R., 486. Nye, Stephen, 1729-1810, Sand- wich, Mass. Deputy, 1761- '66-'68-'74. Wesson, James L., 285. Oakes, Edward, Concord, Mass. Representative, i659-'8i-'83- '84-'86. Q. M. of Troop, 1656. Lieut, under Capt. Prentice, King Philip's War. Caldwell, Samuel L., 472. Flint, Wyman K., 375. Odiorne, Jotham, 1675-1748. Rep- resentative N. H., I7i5-'i7, '18, '21, '23, '24. Councillor N. H., i724-'48. Hill, John F., 533. Odiorne, Jotham, Jr. Assem- blyman, N. H., 1736. Hill, John F., 533. Odein, John, 1666-1738. Newport, R. I. Deputy, 1724. Ogden, David, 2d, 1710-1800. King's Council, N. J., 1751- 1769. Judge Superior Court, Chief Justice Supreme Court, N.J. Ogden, John, 1610-1681, Elizabeth Towne. Magistrate, 1656. Upper House, General Court, i66o-'6i. Conn. King's Coun- cil, N. J., 1665. Schout and Acting Gov. of English Col. in East Jersey, 1673, Dutch Occupation. Banks, David, Jr., 41. Beatty, A. Chester, 45. Beatty, Robert C, 45. Beatty, W. Gedney, 45. Chandler, Walter, 59, 2^2. de Luze, Philip S., 71. Halsey, Henry A., 89. Halsted, David C, 90. Halsted, Edward B., 90. Ogden, Ludlow, 126. Tyler, Harry B., 209. Tyler, Sydney F., 210. Ogden, Capt. Jonathan, . Westchester Militia, N. Y., French and Indian War. Wounded at Lake George, 1757- Easton, Irving B., yj. Ogden, Coe. Josiah, 1679-1763, Newark, N. J. Representa- tive, N. J., 1716 — '38. Major, Col. Johnson's Regt., 1718. Col. to raise troops for Span- ish War, 1740. Banks, A. Bleecker, 41. Banks, David, 41. Banks, David, Jr., 41. 720 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Chandler, Walter, 59. de Luze, Philip S., 71. Halsted, David C., 90. Halsted, Edward B., 90. Ogden, Robert, 2d, 1687- 1733. Q. M. and Commissary King's Troops under Gen. Abercrom- bie. Wagstaff, Cornelius D., 174. Olds, Corp. EzekiEL. In Capt. Jabez Upham's Co.. relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Olney, Geo. W., 126. Olmstead, Ens. Daniel, 1684— — , Ridgefield, Conn. Ens., 1732. General Assembly, i742-"43. Gilbert, Frederick L-, 436. Olmsted, Capt. Nicholas, 1684. Corp. 1st Troop Col. of Conn., Capt. Richard Lord, under Major John Mason, i657-'58. Deputy for Hart- ford, 1672. Lieut., Train Band, 1673. Capt. of Militia, 1675, defence of New London and Stonington. Hammond, Andrew G., 301. Hart, Charles N., 474. Strong, Theron G., 164. Olmsted, Capt. Richard, 1607 , Hartford, Conn. Sergt., 1635. Lieut., 1659. Deputy, 1665, et seq. Commissioner for Norwalk, 1668. Muster- master, 1673. Capt., 1680. Gilbert, Frederick L., 436. Olney, Epenetus, Sr., 1634-1694, Providence, R. L Deputy, 1666, '76, '84 and '86. Olney, Capt. James, 1670-1744, Providence, R. L Deputy, 1 721. Wheaton, Frank, 479. Olney, Thomas, Sr., 1600-1682. First Treasurer of R. L, 1638. Asst. Prest., 1649, et scq. Deputy, 1665, et seq. Brown, Edgar C, 430. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 113. Olney, Geo. W., 126, 521. Wheaton, Frank, 478. Olney, Thomas, Jr., 1632-1722. Asst. Prest., 1669, et scq. Deputy, 1672-1711. Commis- sioner before Lord Bellomont with Conn., Western bound- ary of R. I. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 113. Olney, Geo. W., 126. Olyphant, Dr. David, So. Caro- lina. Surgeon, Three Inde- pendent Companies of Regu- lars, 1747. Olyphant, John K., 126. Olyphant, Robert, 126. Opdyke, Gysbert. Commander at Fort Good Hope, succeeding Sergt. David Provoost. Greene, Douglas N., 86. Merritt, Douglas, 117. Roddy, Hugh, V., Jr., 146. Ordway, Hananiah, 1665-1758, Newbury, Mass. Maintained garrison house at Newbury, during Indian Wars. Ormsbee, Capt. Daniel, 1690 , Rehoboth, Mass. Capt. of Militia. Foster, William V., 375. Ormsby, Ens. John, 1720-1805. Ens. under Gen. Forbes, Ex- pedition against Fort Du- quesne, 1758. Page, Oliver O., 205. Orton, Thomas, i6i3-i'688, Farm- ington, Conn. Deputy Conn., 1684. Orton, Edward, 418. Orvis, Roger, 1657-1737. In King Philip's War, Capt. Nev/bury. Wounded at Hatfield. OsBORN, Capt. John, 1728-1814, Litchfield, Conn. Capt. Train Band, 1769. Hurd, Rukard, 437. OsBORN, Capt. Richard, 1606-1682. Under Lieut. Ludlow, Pequot War. Harral, George, 90. Peet, Frederick T., 133. OsBORN, Capt. Richard, 1612- 1686, Wind.sor, Conn. Pequot War, 1637. Osgood, Capt. Christopher, 1643- 1723, Andover, Mass. Capt. Andover Military Co., 1&90- 1704. Deputy, 1690 and 1709. 721 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Osgood, Corp. Hooker, 1668-1748. Corp. Andover Co., 1689. Osgood, John, 1595-1651, Andover, Mass. Deputy, 165 1. Houghton, James C, 362. Osgood, Capt. John, Jr., 1630-1693. Sergt. Andover, Mass., Mil- itia, i658-'6i. Lieut., 1666. Capt., 1683, King Philip's War. Representative, 1668. Briggs, Edward C, 249. Grinnell, William M., 88. Osgood, Josiah A., 463. Otis, Col. John, 1657-1727. Com- mander of Barnstable Militia. Judge of H. M. Council. Ser- vice against Indians. Grinnell, William M., 88. Otis, John, 1684. In King Philip's War, in Capts. Hench- man's and Moseley's Cos., 1675- Otis, George A., 382. Otis, Thomas G., Jr., 383. Overton, Capt. James, 1688-1749, St. Martin's Parish, Hanover Co., Va. Justice of Hanover Co. and Capt. of Militia. Owen, Robert, 1705. Penn. Prov. Assembly, i695-'97. Wister, Rodman, 212. Pabodie, or Peabody, William, 1620-1707, Duxbury, Mass. Little Compton, R. I. In Capt. Myles Standish's Co., 1643. Deputy, 1654, et scq. Blagden, Thomas, 317. Coe, Henry F., 251. Farnham, Elijah T., 334. Lawton, George P., 109. Rogers, Edward L., 277. Tompkins, Hamilton B., 169. Paca, William, 1740-1799. As- sembly, i77i-'73, Prov. Md. Paca, John P., 231. Packard, Eleazer, 1727 . Un- der Col. Thomas Clapp, Inva- sion of Canada; also under Col. Thomas, Expedition to Halifax, N. S., 1760. Packard, Durand C, 476. Packard, Samuel. In King Phil- ip's War. Moran, Charles, 120. Packard, Ens. Samuel 1698. Bridgewater, Mass. Ens. Bridgewater Military Co., 1689. Paddock, Robert, 1650. Mil- itary Co., Plymouth, 1643. Anthony, James L., 38. Bryant, Percy, 55. Lawton, George P., 109. Paebody, John, 1590-1667. In Duxbury Military Co., under Capt. Myles Standish, 1643. Page, Col. John, 1627-1692., York County and Bruton Parish, Va. Justice before 1655. Bur- gess, i655-'6. Member of Council, i68i-'92. Major, i676-'7. Col. and County Lieut., i68o-'5. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Page, S. Davis, 205. Page, Sergt. John, 1621-1711, Groton, Mass. Deputy, 1700. Garrison duty, 1691. Page, Lieut. Joseph, 1714-1799. Corp. in Capt. William Law- rence's Co., King George's War, 1746. Sergt. in Capt. James Prescott's Co., 1758. Lieut. Page, Mann, 1691-1731, Glouces- ter Co., Va. Member of Council. I7i3-'i4, 1731. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Page, S. Davis, 205. Page, Col. Matthew, 1659-1703. Her Majesty's Council, Va., i698-'9. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Page, S. Davis, 205. Page, Robert, 1604- 1679. Repre- sentative Mass., i657-'68. Bennett, Larkin E., 247. Ingraham, William M., 534. Moulton, Augustus F.. 535. Moulton, John H., 403. Paige, John, 1738-1812. French and Indian War, i7S8-'59: wounded on Plains of Abra- ham. 722 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Campbell, William A., 57. Paige, Edward W., 127. Paine, Brinton, 1741-1820. In Capt. Saml. Chapman's Co., Bolton, Conn., French and In- dian War. Dewey, Edward W., 72. Paine, Moses, 1643. Contrib- uted largely toward the ex- penses of the earlier Indian Wars (accepted in Wis.). Payne. Henry C, 505. Paine, Stephen, 1628-1691. Con- tributed largely to the early Indian Wars (accepted in Wis.). Payne, Henry C, 505. Paine, Stephen, 1654-1678, Reho- both, Mass. King Philip's War. Barlow, Peter T., 42. Dewey, Edw. W., 72. Dewey, Geo. A., 72. Paine, Thomas. Yarmouth Mili- tary Co., 1643, Lieut. William Palmer. Deputy, 1639. Chittenden, Edwin S., 340. Lombard, Josiah L., 295. Merrick, Frederick L., 296. Orr, Arthur, 382. Paine, Cyrus F., 128. Paine, Thomas, 1612-1706, East- ham, Mass. In King Phil- ip's War. Deputy. Jordan, Scott, 379. Paine, Lieut. William, 1695- 1746. Lieut., 1745, 7th Mass. Regt. at Louisburg, where he died, 1746. Luquer, Lea McL, 114. Luquer. T. T. Payne, 114. Palfrey, Peter, 1663, Salem, Mass. Deputy, 1635. Rowe, Charles E., 277. Palmer, Gershom, 1719- Vol. unteer in Narragansett War, 170X. Palmer, Ernest, 128. Palmer, Ichabod, Stonington, Conn. Ens., 1737. Lieut., 1739- Palmer, Capt. Ichabod, 1677 , Stonington, Conn. Ens. North Co., 1707. Lieut. 2d Co., 1715. Capt. 3d Co., 1720. Palmer, Col. John, 1740- Col. of Expedition from S. C. against Yemasse Indians in Florida, 1727. Aide-de-Camp to Gov. Oglethorpe against St. Augustine, and killed at Fort Moosa. Harden, Edward T., 462. Palmer, Joseph, 1650 , Hamp- ton, N. H. In Capt. John Gillman's Co. against Indians. In Capt. Samuel Chesley's Co. at Fort William Henry, New Castle, Queen Anne's War, 1708. Palmer, Nehemiah, 1637-1718, Stonington, Conn. Deputy, 1668, '76, '81, '85-'86, '89, '91. '99, 1702, '07. Palmer, Nehemiah, Stonington, Conn. Gov.'s Councillor, 1703. Deputy, 1668. Palmer, Samuel, 1659-1743- Windham, Conn. In Narra- gansett Campaign under Maj. William Bradford. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. Palmer, Walter, i 598-1662. Dep- uty, Plymouth, Mass., 1645. Stout, John K.. 526. Parish, Robert, Dunstable, Mass. (Nashua, N. H.). In Capt. Samuel Moseley's Independ- ent Co. of Vols., Major Sam- uel Appleton. Under Josiah W i n s 1 o w, Commander-in- Chief, King Philip's War. Member of the Garrison, Dun- stable, Mass., i676-'89. Mas- sacred, 1703. Parish, Dr. Thomas, 1615 , (Cambridge, Mass. Surgeon in Capt. George Cook's Co., Ex- pedition against Samuel Gor- ton, of Warwick, Conn., 1643. Park, Capt. Benjamin, I735-I775- In Crown Point Expedition, 1756. Defense Fort William Henry, 1757. Avery, Samuel P., 40. Avery, Samuel P., Jr., 40. 723 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Parke, John, 1665-1718, Newton, Mass. In Capt. Richard Beers' Co., King Philip's War. Ames, Joseph B., 244. Avery, Samuel P., 40. Parke, Robert, 1573- 1662. Colo- nial Assembly, 1642 and 1652. Selectman, New London, 1651. Mackenzie, George N., 114. Parke, Thomas, i7o6, Wetli- ersfield, Stonington, New Lon- don, and Preston, Conn. In King Philip's War.*, Dickinson, Oliver P., ««72. Parke, William, 1595-1685. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Represented Roxbury, Mass., in the Gen- eral Court, 1635-1667. Sur- veyor-General of Arms and Ammunition for the Colony, 1660. Barrows, John W., 471. Belknap, Waldron P., 46. Dennison, Ira W., 318. Mackenzie, George N., 114. Robinson, Francis W., 276. Parker, Abraham, 1612-1685, Chelmsford, Mass. In garri- son at Dunstable. 1676. King Philip's War. Parker, John N., 272. Parker, Edward, 1598- 1662. Un- der Capt. John Underbill, 1652-1654, Dutch and Indian Wars. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Parker, Capt. Elisha. 1660-1717. Capt. of Provincial Forces, N. J., 1707. Member of Gov.'s Council, I7ii-'i3. Whitehead, Cortlandt, 211. Parker, Lieut. Hananiah, 1638- 1724, Reading, Mass. Ens. in Capt. Swayne's Foot Co., 1680. Lieut., 1684. Deputy, i683-'84. Representative, 1695. Mott, Luther W., 122. Parker, Charles L.. 276. Parker, C. Wallingford, 270. Parker. Edward L., 271. Parker, Herman, 272. Parker, Capt. James, 16x7-1701. Lieut., 1673. Capt., 1678. Commanded garrison at Gro- ton, Mass. Parker, Charles W., 271. Parker, Charles W., Jr., 271. Williams, Norman A., 183. Parker, James, 1652-1694, Groton, Mass. In garrison at Groton. Committee of Safety. Parker, Sergt. James, 1686-1754, Reading, Mass. Sergt. in Capt. Joshua Moodey's Co., 1725- Parker, Charles W., 271. Parker, Charles W., Jr., 271. Parker, Sergt. John, 1640- 1698, Reading, Mass. In King Phil- ip's War in Capt. Poole's Co., 1675 ; under Capt. Henchman, i675-'6. Parker, Moses G., 272. Parker, John, 1703- 1783. Fram- ingham, Mass. Soldier on the Alarm List, Capt. Henry Eames' Co., 1757, French and Indian War. Parker, Charles L., 270. Parker, C. Wallingford, 270. Parker, Herman, 272. Parker, Capt. Joseph, 1681 , Andover, Mass. Capt. of a Snow-shoe Company to serve against the Indians. Repre- sentative. i730-'35, '39. Deering, Henry, 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Noyes, Edward D., 535. Parker, Joseph, 1614-1678, Ando- ver. Mass. A soldier in King Philip's War. Deering, Henry, 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Noyes, Edward D., 535. Parker, Joseph, 1642-1684. Chelmsford and Andover, Mass. A soldier in King Philip's War. Deering, Henry, 5^0. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Noyes, Edward D., 536. Parker, Lieut. Josiah, 1694-1756, Lexington, Mass. Lieut, of the Military Co., . Troop- er under Capt. John Cutting, 724 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Alarm on approach of the French fleet, 1746. Mott, Luther W., 122. Parker, Peter, 1738-1803, Fram- ingham, Mass. Private on Alarm List, Capt. Henry Fames' Co., 1757. Parker, Charles L., 270. Parker, Capt. Peter, 1714-1795, Andover, Mass. A captain during the French and Lndian Wars, 1745-1763. Deering, Henry, 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Noyes, Edward D., 536. Parmalee. John, Jr., 1620-1688. Guilford, Conn. Drummer in Train Band. Parmele. Samuel. In Col. Na- than Whiting's Regt., Seven Years" War. Parmele. George L., 305. Parrott, Francis, 1656, Row- ley, Mass. Deputy, 1640, 1642. Parsons, Aaron, 1712-1795. In the Battle of Lake George. Parsons, Albert R., 130. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons, Lewis B., 403. Parsons, Lieut. Benjamin, 1723- 1777. In Capt. William Wil- liam's Co., at Siege of Louis- burg, 1745. Garrisoned at Fort Massachusetts, i747-'48. Lieut, in French and Indian War. Parsons, Charles L., 351. Parsons, Capt. Ebenezer, 1675- 1744. Ens., Northampton, Mass., Co., 1723, and later Capt. Parsons, Charles L., 351. Parsons, Capt. John, 1649-1728. Capt., King William's War. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Parsons, Cornet Joseph, 1618- 1683, Springfield, Mass. Cor- net, Capt. John Pynchon's Hampshire Co. Troop, 1672- 1678. In the early French and Indian Wars. Hayden, Horace E., 198. Keegan, Dermot W., 105. Keegan, Vincent E., 264. Lord, Frank H., 113. Merritt, Douglas, 117. Parsons, Albert R., 130. Parsons, Charles, 403. Parsons, Charles L., 351. Parsons, Lewis B., 403. Parsons, William D., 130. Parsons, William N., 493. Partridge, Edw. L., 131. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Shurtleff, Howard L., 278. Washburn, John H., 177. Webb, Francis P., 211. Parsons, Capt. Joseph, 1647-1727. In King Philip's War. Dep- uty, 1693, et seq. Hayden, Horace E., 198. Keegan, Dermot W., 105. Lord, Frank H., 113. Merritt, Douglas, 117. Parsons, Albert R., 130. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons, Charles L., 351. Parsons, Lewis B., 40^. Parsons, Lewis B., 403. Parsons, William D., 130. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Partridge, Eli, 1729 . In Capt. Whiting's Co., Medway, Mass., 1745. In Capt. Thomas Wiswall's 3d Foot Co. of Mil- itia, Mendon, Mass., 1757. Partridge, Arthur S., 404. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Partridge, George, 1695. Dux- bury, Mass. Member Dux- bury Military Co., under Capt. Myles Standish. Partridge, Oliver, 1712-1792. Representative. Delegate to Congress at Albany, N. Y., 1754, to confer with Six Na- tions. Also delegate to first Colonial Congress, 1765. One of a committee. 1746-1747, to direct the re-building of Fort Massachusetts. Colonel Mass. Bay Forces, capture of Fort Ticonderoga, 1758. Partridge, Samuel. 1645- 1740. Quartermaster, Major John Pynchon's Troop, 16SS. Dep- uty, 1683, et scq. 72s INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Benjamin, Marcus, 316. Bissell, Eugene, 50 Childs, James E., 60. Collins, Clarence L., 63. Nye, Charles F., 125. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Short, Edward L., 156. Smith, Wyllys K., 385. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Ward, Frederick W., 365. Ward, Henry L., 365. Partridge, Lisut. Samuel, 1730- 1809. Lieut, of Foot, Capt. Salab Barnard, Prov. of Mass., reduction of Canada. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Paschale, Thomas, 1634-1718. Assembly, i685-'89. Prov. of Penn. Griswold, Benjamin H., 226. Troth, William P., Jr., 209. PaschalIv, Thomas, Jr., i743- Assembly, 1717, Prov. of Penn. Griswold, Benjamin H., 226. Troth, William P., Jr., 209. Paterson, Major John, 1707- 1762. Lieut., 1740. Capt., 1752. Served against Indians, and under Wolfe at taking of Quebec, 1756, as Captain. Maj. 1st Conn. Regt., 1756. In the Crown Point Expedition, 1758- '59, and under Sir Jeffrey Am- herst in Canada Expedition, 1761. Paymaster, Havana Ex- pedition, 1762. Paterson, Col. John, 1744-1808. Col. of Berkshire Co. Regt., 1774- Patten, Thomas, 1636-1690, Bil- lerica. Mass. In war against the Weymesit Indians, his house used as garrison, 1675. Richards, Charles S.. 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Patten, William, 1668. Member Cambridge Militia, i636-'42, Pequot War. Richards. Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Patten, William, 1671-1730, Bil- lerica and Cambridge, Mass. Representative, i729-'30. Patten, John D., 323. Patterson, Edward. Under Capt. Mason, Pequot War, 1637. Davies, William G., 69. Patterson, James, 1633-1701. House used for Garrison. King Philip's War. Patterson, James, Sr., 1685-1735. In Cresap's War. Patterson, Capt. James, 1715- 1771. In "Cresap's War," i730-'35. Capt., Associated Regt. of Lancaster Co., 1747- '48, on the Susquehanna. In the rangers, Braddock's Cam- paign, and in French and In- dian War, in Col. Armstrong's 1st Battalion, Penn. Regt., and in Col. Burd's Regt., i757-'58. In command of Fort Hunter, i763-'64. Capt. Prov. service of Penn. Peale, Albert C, 323. Patterson, Lieut. John. 171 i- 1806. Lieut. Church's Co., Col. Wooster's Regt., 1746. Patterson, Elisha G., 206. Paul, James. In Col. Bayley's Regt., Louisburg Expedition. Paul, Edward J., 505. Pawling, Col. Henry, 1692. Schout at Esopus. Capt. and Col. of Militia, i674-'88. Innis, Hasbrouck, 100. Russell, Avery C. H., 147. Paxton, Capt. John, 1715-1784. Virginia Indian Wars. Beckurts, Charles L., 45. McCord, Francis, 402. McCord, George L., 402. McCord, James H., 402. McCord, Robert H., 402. McCord, Samuel S., 402. McCord, William H., 402. Peabodie, William, 1620-1707, Plymouth, Mass. See Pa- bodie. In Capt. Myles Stan- dish's Duxbury Co., 1643. Deputy, 1654, ct seq. Blagden, Thomas. 317. Peabody, Lieut. Francis, 1614- 1697, Topsfield, Mass. Lieut., 1668. Brown, John B., 55. 726 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Cadle, Chas. F., 398. Hall, George F., 259. Howe, Herbert M., 199. Jordan, Fritz H., 535. Kent, Henry O.. 351. Leland, Charles H., no. Morse, W. Samuel, 476. Putnam, George J., 274. Tyler, Harry B., 210. Peabody, Capt. John, 1642-1720, Boxford, Mass. Deputy, 1689, et seq. Ens., 1682. Lieut., 1691. Capt., 1699. Hall, George F., 269. Jordan, Fritz H., 535. Peabody, William, 1646- 1700, Topsfield, Mass. Under Capt. Joseph Gardiner in the Narra- gansett Campaign, King Phil- ip's War, i675-'6. Peake, Christopher, 1666, Roxbury, Mass. Member of Roxbury Military Co., 1647. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Morris, Seymour, 381. Pearl, Capt. Timothy, 1723-1789, Willington, Conn. Lieut, of the Eighth Co., Fifth Conn. Regt., 1756. Capt., 1763. Deputy, 1764, '66-'67, '69. Pearson, Capt. Moses, 1697-1778, Falmouth and Pearsontown, Me. Capt, loth Co., ist Mass. Regt., Louisburg Expedition, 1745 ; agent for Sir William Pepperrell's Regt. and Treas- urer of the nine Regts. at Siege ; in charge of Louisburg fortifications, 1746; Deputy, i737-'40-'49- Noyes, Edward D., 536. Noyes, Wadsworth, 536. Pike, Francis W., 441. Peartree, Col. William, 1642- 1714. Mayor of New York, i703-'o6. Member King's Council, i7o8-'o9. Col. of N. Y. Infantry. Commanded a Naval Expedition, composed of four Vessels, directed against French privateers off Sandy Hook. Keith, Boudinot, 105. Pease, Capt. John, 1630-1689. A. & H. A. Co., 1661. Freeman of Salem, 1668. Capt., 1668. Freeman, Alden, 335. Pease, Capt. John, 1654-1734, Enfield, Conn. Capt. of Mil- itia. Allen, Francis O., 192. Freeman, Alden, 335. PeasleE, Nathaniel, 1682 , Haverhill, Mass. Deputy, 1737, et scq. Bell, Charles U., 247. Peck, Capt. Ephraim, 1692-1760. Ens. and Capt. of Militia, Newtonville, i734-'44. Dep- uty, 1750. Millard, Frank A., 286. ' Peck, Henry. Services not filed. Learned, Bela P., 304. Peck, Jathniel, 1660-1742, Reho- both, Mass. Served in the Indian Wars. Representa- tive, i72i-'3, i726-'3i. Peck, Hamilton S., 363. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Peck, Lieut. Jeremiah, 1687-1763. Ens., 1735. Lieut., 1737. Peck, Theodore S., 364. Peck. John, 1742-1819. In the French and Indian War, 1759- '63. Peck, John H., 133. Peck, Joseph, i 587-1664, Reho- both, Mass. Commissioner for Hingham, 1639. Deputy, i639-'42. In Rehoboth Co., 1643, raised for the Indian Wars. Peck, Hamilton S., 363. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards. Jeremiah, 144. Peck, Ens. Joseph, 1641-1718, Lyme, Conn. Ens., 1678. Deputy, 1676-1710. Millard, Frank A., 486. Spencer, vSelden P., 406. Peck, Lieut. Joseph, 1653 . Lieut., 1709. Peck, Hiram H., 418. Peck, Theodore S., 364. Peck, Lieut. Nicholas, 1630-1710. Ens., Mass. Militia, 1678. 727 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Member Council of War, 1678. Lieut., 1682. Blackmer, Henry M., 471. Howe, Herbert M., 199. Peck, Deacon Paul, 1608- 1695. Member Militia, Plymouth Colony, i643-'5. Bell, Jared W., 46. Peck, Samuel, 1638-1708, Reho- both, Mass. Deputy, 1689- '92. Peck, William, 1601-1694, New Haven, Conn. Deputy, 1640- '48. Peeck, Jan. Burgher Corps of New Amsterdam, 1653. Holland, John B., 96. Holland, Joseph, 96. Peet, Lieut. Thomas, 1698-1760, Stratford, Conn. Lieut, of Militia, 1745. Peirce, Samuel, 1656 . Under Capt. Appleton in King Phil- ip's War. Downs, Edgar R., 473. Pell, Major John, 1643-1702. Styled Sir John Pell in New Rochelle Records. Second Lord of Manor of Pelham, 1669. First Member Assem- bly, i69i-'95, for Westchester Co., Prov. of N. Y. Commit- tee for Defence of Fron- tier and Chairman of the Grand Committee. Capt. of Horse, 1684. Major, 1G92, French and Indian War. Clark, Henry S., 61. Darrach, Bradford, ;i22- Jackson, Pearsall B., 102. Lahens, Louis E., 108. Morgan, Charles, 120. Pell, Howland, 134. 521. Pell, Rodman C, 383. Schieffelin, Eugene, 150. Schieffelin, George R., 151. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 151. Whipple, Charles H., 447. Pell, Capt. John, 1728-1782. Capt. privateers Mary, 1756, and Revenge, 1758, French War. Pell, Frederick A., 133. Pell, John H.. 134. Pell, Ens. Joseph, 1721-1752. Pel- ham Manor. Ens. in Capt. Anthony Lispenard's Co., New Rochelle. Spanish Expedi- tion, I 740- I 742. Schieffelin, George R., 151. Pell, Samuel. In the Armed Pa- trol at Harlem during Indian alarms. Pell, Frederick A., 133. Pell, John H., 134. Pell, Surgeon Thomas, 1613- 1669, Fairfield, Conn. Sur- geon under Lieut. Lion Gard- iner at Fort Saybrook, under Capt. John Mason, against Pequots, 1637. Pell, Howland, 133. Pemberton, Isr.\el. Member of Assembly, Prov. of Pa., 1750. Pemberton, Phineas, . Coun- cil, Penn., 1685-1701, Bucks and Philadelphia Cos. Mem- ber of the Provincial Assem- bly, 1689, et seq. Speaker, 1698, 1700. Middleton, Harvey, 230. Pemberton, Dr. Thomas, 1652- 1693. Surgeon, Expedition to Canada, 1690. Hall, Clayton C, 226. Hall, Thos. Wm., 227. Pendleton, Maj. Brian, 1681. A. & H. A. Co., 1646. Judge, Member of Provincial Legis- latures of Mass. and N. H. Commissioned to receive the submission of Maine to Mass., 1652. Senior Member of Presi- dent Danforth's Council, 1680. Major and Deputy President of Maine. Barbour, Lucius A., 294. Britton, Edward E., 53. Hoes, Roswell R., 520. Pendleton, Judge Edmund, . House of Burgesses. Pendleton, Edmund, 344. Pendleton, Capt. James, 1709. Capt. in King Philip's War. Britton, Edward E., 53. Penh ALLOW, Capt. John, 1693- 1735, Portsmouth, N. H. Capt. 728 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. of the Militia at Arrowsick, 1720. Took an active part in the wars against the Eastern Indians. Penhallow, Charles S., 273. Penhallow, Samuel, 1665-1726. Dep., 1698. Speaker, 1699. Treas., 1699-1726. Asst, 1702. Sec, 1704. Chief Justice, 1717-1726. Commissary Gen., 1712, New Hampshire. Hall, Clayton C, 226. Hall, Thos. W., 227. Penhallow, Charles S., 2y:^. Penn, WiEEiAM, 1644-1718. Paten- tee and Founder of Pennsyl- vania and West Jersey. Hall, P. Penn-Gaskell, 198. Penniman, Joseph, 1639-1705, Braintree, Mass. In Suffolk Troop under Capt. Thomas Prentice, King Philip's War. Talbot, Joel F., 386. Pepper, Capt. Benjamin, 1719- 1807, Framingham, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. Caleb Leland's Troop, 1762; Capt., 1771. Hosmer, Jerome C, 261. Pepper, Jacob, i 661 -1739, Fram- ingham, Mass. In Capt. Isaac Clark's Troop, 1725. Hosmer, Jerome C, 261. Pepperrell, Lieut. -Col. William, 1654-1734, Kittery, Me. Capt.. 1714. Commandant of Fort at Kittery Point, 1714. Lieut. - Col., Prov. Militia. Justice, Court of Common Pleas, i7i5-'30- Deputy. Mass., 1696. Deering, John W., 349. Hill. John F.. 533. Leighton, Geo. E., 401. Low, Wm. G., Jr.. 114. Penhallow, Charles S., 2y2)- Salter, Jasper C, 148. Salter, William T., 149. Wilson, Fred A.. 287 Pepperrell, Sir William, Bart., 1696-1759. Lieut. -Gen. and Commander-in-Chief at the Siege of Louisburg, 1745. Wheeler, E. Pepperrell, 180. Perham, Sergt. John, 1667-1743, Groton, Mass. In garrison at Groton, Mass., i6gi-g2, under Lieut. Jonas Prescott, Sergt. in Lieut. Seth Wyman's Co., 1706. Britton, Edward E., 54. Perin, Jesse, 1726-1801, Mass. Ens. in Crown Point Expedi- tion, 1755, Capt. Tim )thy Walker's Co., Col. Bohuri's Regt. Langdon, Perin, 416. Perin, Frank L., 418. Perin, Nelson, 232. Perkins, Humphrey, 1661-1712. King Philip's War. Parsons, William D., 130. Perkins, Isaac, 1650-1726 , Ips- wich, Mass. Served at Brookfield, King Philip's War, 1676. Paul, Edward J., 505. Perkins, Sergt. Jacob, 1624-1701, Ipswich, Mass. Sergt., Ips- wich Co. Dickinson, Oliver P., 372. Page, C. S., 363. Perkins, Sergt. John, 1590-1654, Ipswich, Mass. Sergt. of the Allied English and the friend- ly Indians under Masconoma, at Agawam (Ipswich, Mass.), in the War with the Tarrat- ines, 1631. Deering, Henry, 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Howe, Edward W., 262. Noyes, Edward D., 535. Paul, Edward J., 505. Perkins, William H., 272,. Powell, Lyman T., 442. Reade, Philip, 506. Wells, Henry Le B., 479. Perkins, Q. M. John, 1614-1686. Saved Ipswich from destruc- tion in 1633, defeating a party of Indians. Paul, Edward J., 505. Perkins, Luke, 1640-1710, Charles- town, Mass. Under Lieut. Edward Oakes, King Philip's War. Talbot, Joel F., 387. Turner, Luther G., 310. Perkins, Capt. William, 1607- 1682, Topsfield, Mass. A. & 729 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. H. A. Co., 1638. Deputy, 1644. Capt. of Military Co., Wey- mouth. Dorman, William B., 254. PerIvEy, Lieut. Jacob, 1670-1751. Under Capt. John Lovewell against the Indians, No. Con- way, 1725, and Fryburg, 1728. Father Rasle's War. Perry, Arthur, 1652, Boston. Drummer, A. & H. A. Co., 1638-1651, and of Town Mili- tia. Perry, Samuel, 1695-1775. Dep- uty, R. I., 1739, '40, '41, '42, '46. White, Hunter C, 523. Perry, Simeon, 1726-1802. Dep- uty, R. I., 1675, '79, '82, '85, '86. White, Hunter C, 523. Peters, Capt. John, 1717-1811, Chatham, Conn. Ens., 1755. Lieut., 1758. Capt., 1762, in I2th Regt., Old French War. Morgan, George D., 120. Peters, Capt. William. 1698, Andover, Mass. Capt, King William's War. Killed by In- dians, 1698. Morgan, George D., 120. Peters, William, 1710-1780, Pennsylania. Court Registrar, 1745. Member Assembly, I753''55- Secretary Land Of- fice, 1760. Peters, Ralph, 418. Peters. Richard, 266. Pettibone, Lieut. Samuel, 1672- 1747, Simsbury, Conn. Ens., South Co., 1 721. Lieut., 1723. Scout under Capt. Richard Case, 1724. Pettibone, Asa G., 383. Pettingill. Benjamin, 1720-1795. Clerk, Col. Ephraim Leonard's Regt., Fort William Henry Expedition, 1757. Foster, Howell, 82. Peyton, Col. Henry, 1781. In the battle at Braddocker. County Lieut., 1755. Member of the House of Burgesses, Virginia, 1761. Duke, Richard T. W., Jr., 76. Phelps, Capt. Caleb, 1708-1781. Lieut., Windsor, Conn., Mili- tia, 1757. Capt., 1761, ist Co., 1st Regt., Conn. Troops. Newberry, John S-, 499. Newberry, Truman H., 124, 499. Warren, Walter P., 177. Phelps, George, 1605 . Mem- ber Hartford Co., ist Troop, 1658. Member Council of Ten. Dewey, Chauncey E., 473. Earle, Ferdinand P., 77. Phelps, Capt. Ichabod, 1708-1772, Hebron, Conn. Capt., 5th Co., 2d Regt., under Col. Whiting, and of 8th Co., ist Regt., un- der Col. Phineas Lyman. In Crown Point Expedition, 1756. Norton, Edward L.. 125. Phelps, Capt. Joseph, 1693-1761, Hebron, Conn. Scout under Lieut. William Crocker. 1712. Lieut., Hebron Militia, 1736. Capt. 1740. Q. M., Troop of Horse, 12th Conn. Regt., 1747. Deputy from Hebron, i735-'58. Justice of the Peace. Morgan, George D., 120. Phelps, Capt. Timothy, 1639- 1719, Windsor, Conn. Lieut, under Col. William Whiting, Queen Anne's War. Capt., 1696. Gunsaulus, Frank W., 277. Norton, Edward L.. 125. Paine, Cyrus F., 128. Phelps, Geo. N., 539. Warren, Walter P., 177. Woodrufif, Chas. H., 185. Phelps, William, 1599-1672. One of the Eight Commissioners appointed by the Bay Colony, March 3, 1636, to govern the people of Connecticut. Gov.'s Asst, i636-'42, '58-'62, and Member of Council, 1637. Pe- quot War. Adams, Frederick C, 396. Bailey, Edward P., 368. Barbour, Lucius A., 294. Brown, Charles C, 503. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Gunsaulus, Frank W., 377. 720 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Lampson, Frank B., 460. Merrill, Frederick J. H., 117. Morgan, Leslie A., 121. Murphey, Elijah W., 123. Paine, Cyrus F., 128. Phelps, Edmund J., 441. Simmons, Samuel S., 506. Thompson, Hobart W., 168. Warren, Walker P., 177. Woodruff, Charles H., 185. Philbrick, Joseph, 1663-1775, Hampton, N. H. Deputy, i745-'49-'52. Phillips, Rev. George, 1593-1644. Services not filed. Spofford, Paul N., 160. Phillips, Ens. Samuel, 1662-1720, Boston. A. & H. A. Co., 1693. First Sergt., 1699 ; subsequent- ly Ensign. Phillips, Major William. Com- mander, Yorkshire Forces, Maine, 1663. King's Commis- sioner and Justice for settling the affairs of New England. Major Commandant, Military Forces, Province of Maine, 1665. In the Indian troubles- in 1675, his house and mills at Saco were burned, and his garrison sustained a long and terrible siege. Adams, Washington I. L., 332. Carhart, Amory S., 58. Carhart, William E., 58. Carhart, Alfred B.. 58. Talmage, Robert S., 165. Thomas, Howard V. S., 167. Van Syckel, Nehemiah H., 210. Phillips, Lieut. Zerobabel, 1632- 1686. Lieut, of Long Island Militia. Landreth, Burnet, Jr.. 201 Phillipse, Frederick, 1627-1702. Member of Council, 1675, et seq. Secretary of Prov. of N. Y.. 1688. First Lord of Phil- lipse Manor. Bailey, Theodorus, 40. Boardman, Lansdale, 51. Phipps, Corporal Solomon, 1643 , Charlestown, Mass. In Mt. Hope Campaign under Capt. Thomas Prentice ; under Capt. Thomas Brattle, garri- son duty, and King Philip's War. Phipps, Capt. Solomon, 1645-1692, Charlestown, Mass. Capt., A. & H. A. Co. Capt., Charles- town Co. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Pickering, Lieut. John, 1637- 1694, Salem, Mass. Lieut., served under Capt. Samuel Moseley, King Philip's War, 1676. Ens. of the 2d Military Co., Essex Regt., Major Dan- iel Denison, 1674. Abbott, George B., 37. Howard, Leland J., 321. Newhall, James S., 269. Nichols, Henry A., 463. Nichols, William A., 463. Orne, Henry M., 127. Pickering, Capt. John, 1640-1721, Portsmouth, N. H. Capt. of the Portsmouth Company, . Member of the Assem- bly, 1697-1709. Speaker, 1697- '99, i704-'09. Lamson, William G., 264. Pickering, Lieut. John. Jr.. 1658- 1722. Deputy, Mass., for Ports- mouth. N. H., 1680. Member of Assembly, N. H., i684-'9i. Deputy, Portsmouth, Conven- tion to choose form of govern- ment, 1690. Lieut., 1690. Capt., 1692. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 405. Pickering, Capt. Thomas. Com- manded a militia company and was killed by the Indians at Casco, Me., where his com- pany was stationed. Gerrish, Frederic H., 532. Pickering, Capt. William, 1670 , Salem, Mass. Commis- sioned to protect the fisheries at Cape Sable, 1707. Pickett, John, 1648, , Stam- ford. Conn. Deputy from Stamford, i673-'75. Pickett, John, 1685 , New London, Conn. D'eputy, 1727. Pierce, Sergt. Benjamin, 1667- 1739. Woburn, Mass. In King 731 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Philip's War, 1675-6. Sergt. in Woburn Co. of Militia, i70i-'37- Pierce, Capt. Gad, Stow, Mass. Private in Capt. Abijah Hall's Co., 1759. In Col. William Brattle's Regt., 1760. Corp. in Capt. Moses Hart's Co. Capt. of Train Band. Pierce, George W., d76. Pierce, John, 1661, Water- town, Mass. Deputy, i638-'39. Pierce, Joseph, Watertown, Mass. Under Capts. Henchman, Parke, and Sill in King Phil- ip's War. Pierce, George W., 476. Pierce, Capt. Michael, 1676. Capt., Plymouth Colony, 1669. Killed in battle with the Nar- ragansett Indians, 1676. Brown, Henry M., 54. Brown, Walter M., 44. Duncan, James L., 255. Murdock, Harold, 269. Murdock, Joseph B., 520. Pierce, Bradford DeW., 306. Pierce, Samuel, 1636-1721, Wo- burn, Mass. In Capt. John Cutler's Co., King Philip's War, 1676. Downs, Edgar R., 473. Pierce, Sergt. Samuel, 1681-1774, Woburn. Mass. Sergt. in the Woburn Co. of Militia, 1717- '34- Pierce, Capt. Samuel, 1739-1815. Capt. Co. of Foot, Dorchester, under Col. Nathaniel Hatch, 1772. Pierce, Geo. F., 273. Pierce, Sergt. Thomas, 1608-1683, Woburn, Mass. Deputy, 1658. Sergt., i669-'82. Corp., 1683. Trooper in King Philip's War, under Capt. Thomas Prentice and Capt. Ihomas Brattle. Anderson, James T., 315. Downs, Edgar R., 473. Pierce, George W., 134. Sawyer, Charles F., 3';2. Spalding, George B., 158. Spalding, George B., Jr., 159. Pierce, Col. Timothy, 1673-1748, Plainfield, Conn. Ens., 1708. Lieut, 171 1. Capt. 1723. Col., nth Conn. Regt., 1739. Speak- er of the House, 1728. Gov.'s Asst., i728-'48. Pierce, Charles H., 134. Pierce, Geo. W., 134. Shepard, Ralph K., 155. Spalding, George B., 158. Spalding, George B., Jr., 159. Pierce, Capt. William, 1707 , Stow, Mass. In Capt. Jona- than Burns' Co., 1747. Capt., i754-'56, French and Indian War. Pierce, George W., 476. PiERPONT, Lieut. Joseph, 1704- 1752. Lieut, of the 5th New Haven Co., 1742. PiERPONT, Robert, 1694, Rox- bury, Mass. Deputy, 1689. PiERSON, Rev. Abraham, 1613- 1678, Chaplain Colony of New Haven, Expedition against the Dutch under Lieut. Robert Seeley. Hoyt, Edward C, 302. Hoyt, Samuel R. J., 485. Jewett, Walter K., 475. Judson. William P., 105. Murphy, Franklin, 337. PiERSON, LiEUT.-CoL. Henry, 1652- 1701. Lieut.-Col., Suffolk Co. Militia, 1698, Prov. of N. Y., and under Earle Bellomont, 1700. Speaker 4th Colonial Assembly. McClure, Archibald J., 116. McDonald, John, 116. Prime, Ralph E., 137. Slocum, Joseph J., 157. Pike, Capt. John, 1614-1698. Lieut., 1669. Capt., i673-'8i. English-Dutch Wars, 1664 and 1673. Member of Gov. Car- teret's Council, i670-'72. East Jersey. Hadden, Crowell, Jr., 88. Pike, Major Robert, 1616-1706. Lieut., Salisbury Troop, 1652. Capt., 1659. Major, Military Forces Norfolk and Pisca- taqua Cos., 1670. Commander- in-Chief of all Military Forces 732 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. North and East of Merrimac River, in War against French and Indians, 1690. Deputy, i648-'82. Gov.'s Asst., 1682. Committee of Safety, 1689. Commissioner to treat with Indians, 1690. Pike, Francis W., 441. Pile, Hon. John, 1665. St. Mary's Co., Md. Member of Provincial Council, 1648-1651. Brent, Joseph L-, 223. Keyser, Robert B., 229. PiLLSBURY, Capt. Caleb, 1717- 1778, Amesbury, Mass. Capt. 2d Regt., Essex Co. Militia, 1771. Pillsbury, Charles A., 441. PiNDER, John, 1630-1700. In King Philip's War. PiNNEY, Capt. Benjamin, 1715- 1777. Windsor, Conn., Troops, French and Indian Wars, I7.SS. Pinney, Ens. Jonathan, 1738- 1813, Windsor, Conn. Ens., Windsor Co. Goddard, Lester O., 376. Pinney, Sergt. Nathaniel. In Capt. Moses Diamond's Co., Expedition against Canada, 171 1, Queen Anne's War. Goddard, Lester O., 376. Pitkin, Nathaniel, 1670-1733. Ens. East Hartford Co., 1716. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Pitkin, Capt. Roger, 1662-1748. Capt. 3d Co., Hartford Militia, 1698. Ens., 1704. Hammond, Andrew G.. 301. Strong, Theron G., 164. Pitkin, William, ist, 1636-1694. Deputy, 1675-1690. Atty.-Gen., 1664. Treas., 1676. Asst., i690-'94. Commissioner for the United Colony of Conn., 1678. Anthony, James L., 38. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Patten, John D., 323. Roberts, Henry, 307. Rogers, James S., 207. Schauffler, William G., 338. Pitkin, Chief-Justice William, 2d, 1664-1723. Deputy, 1696. Asst.i 1697. Member Commit- tee of War, 1702, Vv'ar of the Spanish Succession. Chief- Justice Colony of Conn., 1713- '23. Patten, John D., 323. Rogers, James S., 207. SchaufHer, William G., 338. Pitkin, Gov. William. Col. ist Conn. Regt., 1737, and Gover- nor. Grinnell. George B.. 87. Grinnell, William M., 87. Jones, Charles L., 104. Plaisted, Elisha. Representa- tive, Mass., for Berwick, Me., 1714. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 405. Plaisted, John, 1659 , Ports- mouth, N. H. Speaker of the House, 1696-1727. Member of Council, i702-'o8. Pierce, Jacob W., 273. Shapleigh, Alfred L.. 405. Plaisted, Lieut. Roger, 1627-1675. Deputy, i663-'64, '73. Lieut., 1670, Capt. Charles Frost's Co. Killed by Indians. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 405. Plant, John. In King Philip's War. Plant, Morton F., 352. Plater, Col. George, 1695- 1755. Member Council, i732-'55. Collector for Poconioke Dist., 1728. Naval Officer for Pa- tuxent, 1755. Secretary of Maryland, 1755. Eberlein, Charles W., 434. Howard, McHenry, 227. Platt, Capt. Epenetus, 1640- 1693. Capt. of Suffolk Co. Foot, 1684. Sent in command of East End Men to demand surrender of Fort at N. Y., 1689. Averill, Henry K., Jr., 315. Platt, Capt. Joseph, 1672-1745. Capt., Norwalk, Conn., 1710. Port Roj'al Expedition. Platt, Capt. Zephaniah, 1735- 1807. Ens. in Capt. Joseph Lewis' Co., Huntington, L. I., 733 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1758. Capt. Co. of Foot, N. Battalion, Dutchess Co. Regt, Col. Martin Hofifman, 1760. Averill, Henry K., Jr., 315. Platts, Ens. Abel, 1690. Rowley, Mass. Ens. in the Rowley Co., Expedition against Canada, 1690. Haskins, Leander M., 260. Platts, Moses, 1707-1745. Rowley, Mass. Died at Siege of Louisburg, 1745. Haskins, Leander M., 260. Plowden, Sir Edmund, 1659. Gov., Capt.-Gen., and Earl Palatine of New Albion. Jenkins, Austin L., 227. Jenkins, Edward A., 228. Jenkins, F. de Sales, 228. Jenkins, Spaulding L., 228. Plumb, John, 1594-1648. In Capt. Mason's Co., Pequot War, 1637. Deputy from Wethersfield, i636-'42. Col. of Conn. Banks, David, Jr., 41. Carter, Walter S., 58. Collins, Holdridge O., 63. Plum, Frederick A., 135. Short, Edward L., 156. Plummer, Samuel, 1619-1702, Newbury, Mass. Deputy, 1676. Plumsted, Clement, 1680-1745, Philadelphia. Common Coun- cil. Penn. Assembly, i7i2-'20. Provincial Council, i727-'45. Burton, Robert, 224. Devereux, Alfred, 196. Klapp, William H., 200. Plumsted, William, 1708-1765. Assembly, I755-'S7- Council, 1 759- '64, Prov. of Penn. Burton, Robert, 224. Devereux, Alfred, 196. Klapp, William H., 200. Plympton, Sergt.John, 1620-1677, Deersfield, Mass. Sergt., 1674. Captured by the Indians and killed, 1677. Davies, William G., 6g. Freeman, James G., 256. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Plympton, Lieut. Joseph, 1677- 1739, Medfield, Mass. Repre- sentative, 1720. Lieut., 1723. Freeman, James G., 257. Plympton, Thomas, 1620-1676. Killed in Indian Fight at Boon's Plains, Sudbury, Mass., 1676. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. PoLHEMUS, Capt. Daniel. Cor- net, Kings Co., N. Y. Militia, 1690, Capt. of Troop of Horse. Polk, Col. Thomas, 1732-1793. General Assembly of N. C, i769-'7i. Polk, Isaac H., 463. Pollard, John, 1699-1772, Biller- ica, Mass. In 2d Expedition of Capt. John Lovewell, 1724- '25- Richards, Charles S., 143. Richards, Jeremiah, 145. Pollard, Corp. John, 1729-1814, Lancaster, Mass. Sentinel in Capt. Josiah Willard's Co., 1748. Corp. in Capt. Thomas Wilder's Co., Col. O. Wilder's Regt., relief of Fort William Henry and Lake George Expe- dition. French and Indian War. Winship, William H., 287. Pollard, William, 1698 , Lan- caster, Mass. In Capt. Israel Williams' Co., i754-'55- In Capt. Thomas Wilder's Co., of Leominster, Relief Fort Wil- liam Henry. Polly, George, 1683, Woburn, Mass. In King Philip's War under Capt. John Cutter. Polly, John, 1618-1689, Roxbury, Mass. In Capt. Daniel Henchman's Co., King Phil- ip's War. Parker, Frederick S.. 129. PoMEROY, Medad, 1638-1716. Rep- resentative, Mass., 1677. Granger, William S., 520. PoMEROY, Gen. Seth, 1706-1777. 4th Mass. Regt., Louisburg Expedition, 1745. Crown Point, 1755. Dewey, Chas. A., 72. Pomeroy, George E., I35. 4i8. 734 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Turner, Theodore C, 171. Pond, Charles, 1744- 1832. In Major David Baldwin's Co., Col. Nathan Whiting's 2d Conn. Regt., 1761. Pond, Charles H., 136. Pond. Nicholas M., 306. Pond, Winthrop, 136. Pond, Lieut. Daniel, 1698, Dedhani, Mass. Sergt. and Lieut, in Dedham Militia, 1672. Pond, George E., 441. Pond, Ephraim, 1656-1704, Ded- ham, Mass. In Capt. Samuel Wadsworth's Co., Sudbury Fight. Pond, George E., 441. Whitney, Warham, 181. Pond, Lieut. Samuel, 1648-1718. Ens., 1689. Lieut., 1695, Bradford, Conn., Militia. Pond, Edwin W., 136. Pond, Sergt. William, . 1690, Dorchester, Mass. Sergt. of the Military Co. Talbot, Joel F., 387. Poole, John, 1670-1727, Beverly, Mass. In Beverly Co., Capt. William Raymond, Expedition to Canada, 1690. Pool, Wellington, 274. Poole, Capt. Jonathan, 1634- 1678. Capt., Reading, Mass. Capt. under Major Appleton at Hadley, King Philip's War. Prest. of Council of War, i675-'76. Carpenter, Frederick B., 251. Cox, Edwin B., 252. Cox, Wm. E., 252. Kellogg, John P., 304. PooLE, Samuel, 3d, 1736-1780. In Old French War T758, at Cap- ture of Fort Frontenac. Hersey, Dudley H., 437. Hersey, Roscoe F., 437. Russell. Emory P., 521. PooRE, Henry, i6=;o-i74i, New- bury, Mass. Under Major Appleton, Narragansett Cam- paign, 1675. Johnson, George P., 263. Merrell, George, 417. Webb, J. Sidney, 326. Pope, Col. Nathaniel, 1660. Lieut.-Col. Westmoreland Co., Va., 1655. Pope, William H., /72>- Randoeph, Isham, 1687 - 1742. Member House of Burgesses and Adj. -Gen., Va. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Trumbull, Franklin, 477. Randolph, Col. Richard of "Curls," i 691 -1748. Henrico County, Va. Burgess of Goochland, 1728; of Henrico, i736-'42. Treas. of Va., 1738. Col., i742-'48. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Randolph, Col. Thomas of TucKAHOE, 1689-1730, Henri- co and Goochland Cos., Va. Major and Burgess, i720-'22. Presiding Justice, Col. and Co. Lieut, of Goochland, 1727. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Randolph, Col. Thomas Mann OF Tuckahoe, 1741-1793, Goochland Co., Va. Burgess, 1769 et scq. Col. and Co. Lieut. i770-'75. Committee of Safe- ty. 1775- Member of Va. Conventions, i774-'75-'76. Cary, Wilson M., 225. Randolph. Lieut.-Col. William, 1651-1711. Member House of Burgesses, i70o-'o5. Capt., Henrico Co. Forces, 1680. Lieut.-Col.. 1699. Att.-Gen. and Member Royal Council of Va. Appleby, George F., 315. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Hutchinson, Cary T., 100. Thomas. Douglas H., 167, 234. Thom. Wm. H. DeC. W., 234. Thomas. D. H., Jr., 235. Trumbull, Franklin, 477. Randolph, Col. William of Tuckahoe. 1713-1745. Gooch- land Co., Va. Burgess, 1742- '45. Col. and Co. Lieut., 1740- '45- Cary, Wilson M., 225. Ransom, Ens. Joshua. Ens., New Salem Co., 12th Regt., Conn., i757-'62, '72-7^- Torbert, Willard H., 487. Rapalje, Ens. Daniel^ 1650-1725, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ens. of Breuckelen Militia, 1673. Rapelje, Lieut. Joris, 1675-1741. Lieut. of His Majesty's Forces. Queens Co., N. Y. Hall, George P., 89. Kitchen, John C. D., 107. Strong, Frederick S., 233. Strong, R. P., 233. Whitehouse, J. N. de R., 180. Rapaljie, Joris Jansen de. Rep. from "Waal-bought" to the first popular meeting in New Netherland, 1641. One of the "Twelve Men." Rathbone, John, 1658-1723. Rox- bury, Mass., and Shoreham, R. I. Dep. from New Shore- ham, i683-'84. Rattoone, Thomas, 1664-1730, Perth Amboy. In Capt. Jon- athan Wright's Co., Flushing Militia defense of Prov. of N. Y., 1715. Mott, John T., 122. Mott, Luther W., 122. Rawlings, Thomas, Scituate, Mass. Member of Scituate Co., 1643. Rawson, Sec. Edward, 1615-1693. Sec, Mass. Bay Col., 1650- '81. Commissioner at Boston, 1658. Officer to enforce English Naval Laws, 1663. Hill, John F., 533- Rawson, Edward S., 418. Taft, Charles P., 419. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Wheaton, Frank, 478. Rawson, Rev. Grindal, 1659-1715. Chaplain of the Fleet, Port Royal Expedition, 1690. Vaile, Joel F., 478. 741 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Wheaton, Frank, 479. Rawson, Lieut. Stephen, 1722- 1773. Providence, R. I. Lieut. Militia, 1749. Assistant, 1760. Wheaton, Frank, 479. Rawson, William. Deputy from Braintree. Mass., i695-'96. Hill, John F., 533. Ray, Capt. Symon, 1635-1712. Commanded New Shoreham Co., R. L, defense of Block Island, 1705. Lahens, Louis E., 108. Raymond, Joshua., 1639-1676, Sa- lem, Mass., and New London, Conn. Commissary in King Philip's War. Cornet of Troopers. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Raymond, Capt. William, 1635- 1709. Beverly, Mass. Nar- ragansett Campaign, 1675 ; Canada Expedition, 1690. Capt. and Lieut, of Salem and Beverly Troop, 1683. Raymond, George L., 337. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Raynolds, Thomas. Delegate from Calvert Co., Md., Lower House of Assembly, i745-'57. Reynolds. Edward, 2t,2. Rea, or Ray, Daniel, Danvers, Mass. In King Philip's War. Read, Charles, . Member of Assembly, Prov. of Pa., 1703- '04. Read, Col. Clement, 1707-1763. In Command of Expedition. French and Indian War, 1758. Deen, Wm. M., S33- Read, Esdras, 1680, Boston. Deputy from Wenham, 1648- '51- Read, Charles F., 539. Read, Israel, 1642-1711. Reho- both, Mass. In Narragansett Campaign under Major Brad- ford. Wyman, Walter C, 391. Read, John, Sr., 1598-1685, Rehoboth, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Mclntire, Charles J., 267. Read, John, Jr., 1640-1676, Reho- both, Mass. Killed by the Indians at Pierce's Fight. Read, John, 1679-1749, Boston, Mass. Deputy, 1738. Mem- ber of Council, i74i-'42. Atty.- Gen., 1723, ct scq. Mclntire, Charles J., 266. Eaton, Theodore H., 498. Read_, Lieut. John, 1688-1756. Lieut, in the Delaware Colo- nial Forces, 1747, French War. Read, Harmon P., 139. Read, John M., Jr., 139. Read, Col. John, 1699-1786, Red- ding, Conn. Major, 1753. Lieut.-Col., 1757. Col., Seven Years War. Eaton, Theodore H., 498. Reade, George, 1600-1671. Sec. Col. of Va., 1637. Acting Gov., 1638. Member House of Bur- gesses, James City Co., 1649. York Co., 1656. Member Royal Council, i657-'7i. Barret, Richard A., 396. McAllister, John M., 493. Throckmorton, Charles W., 168. Whitner, Charles F., 493. Whitner, John A., 493. Reade, Joseph, 1694-1771. Member of Prov. Council of N. Y., i764-'7i. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 90. Reade, Ens. William, 1605-1663. Weymouth, Mass. Ens. Foot Co., 1640. Deputy, i635-'36- 38. Reade, Philip, 274. Reed, John L., 232. Reade, William, 1625-1690. Wo- burn, Mass. Mount Hope Campaign, 1675, under Capt. Prentice ; under Lieut. Oakes, 1676, King Philip's VVar. Hall, Dudley, 89. Reade, William, 1639-1706, Wey- mouth, Mass. In King Philip's War. Reade, Philip, 274, 506. Reading, John, 1686- 1767. Mem- ber of Council, i728-'67. Vice- President and Acting Gov. N. J., 1747 and 1757. Remington, Robert R., 139. 742 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. ReddockE, Henry, , Provi- dence, R. I. Deputy, 1654. Macdonough. Rodney, 266. Redfield, Capt. PelEg, 1723-1760. French and Indian War. 2d Lieut., loth Co., 2d Conn. Regt., 1756. 1st Lieut, 1758, capture of Ticonderoga. Capt., i759-'6o. Under Lord Amherst at Crown Point. Proctor. Thos. R., 137. Rediat, John, , Marl- borough, Mass. In garrison at Marlborough, under Lieut. John Ruddock, against the Hassanemesit Indians, 1675. Barnes, Frank L., 42. Barnes, Howard W., 43. Redman, John, Sr., . Representative, 1722. Redman, John, Jr., 1672-171S. In King William's War from Hampton, N. H., 1694. Reed, Capt. James, 1723-1807. In command of Co., under Col. Brown, 1755. In command of Co., under Gen. Abercrombie, at Ticonderoga, 1758, and Gen. Amherst, 1759. Reed, Latham G., 139. Reed, John. 1704-1771. Lieut, in French and Indian War, 1756. Reed, Corp. John, — . Corp. in Capt. William Burns' Co. in Spanish and Indian Wars of i745-'49: Turner, Philip F., 543. Reeve, Thomas, . Member Southold Co., Suffolk Regt., 1715, Col. Henry Smith. Howell, Edwin A., 97. Remick. Lieitt. David, 1732-1793. Haverhill, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. Gideon Parker's Co., Col. Abijah Williams' Regt., 1759. At Louisburg, Ticon- deroga and Quebec. Remick, Daniel C, 352. Remick, Joseph, 1731-1782, New- bury, Mass. Clerk in Lieut. - Col. John Kingsbury's Co,, Col. Jonathan Bagley's Regt. at Fort William Henry, 1756. Remick, John A., 275. Remick, Ninian B., 139. Remick, Timothy, 275. Remington, Lieut. John, 1617- 1667, Rowley, Mass. Pequot War. Remsen, Capt. Henry, 1736-1792. Ens. in Capt. David Abell's Foot Co., N. Y., 1760. Capt, 1772, Col. Leonard Lispenard's Regt. Belknap, Waldron P., 46. Remsen, Phoenix, 139. Remsen, Coe. Jeromus, 1735- 1790. Provincial Forces, New York. Whitehouse, J. N. deR., 180. Remsen, Maj. Joris, 1706-1741. Major, Orange Co. Militia, Col. Vincent Mathews, 1738. Corbusier, William H., 65. Rkveel, Randall, . Member of Assembly, Maryland, 1638. Member of Va. House of Bur- gesses, i657-'58. Curti.s, George W. N., 318. Curtis, J. B. Gregg, 318. Dennis, James T., 225. Revere, Paul, Crown Point Cam- paign. Lieut, of Artillery at Fort William Henry, 1756. Revere, Augustus L., 336. Reyner, John, Plymouth, Mass. Member Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Fisher, Albert ]., 374. Reynolds, Capt. Nathaniel, 1708. A. & H. A. Co., 1658. Lieut., 4th Co., Suffolk Regt., Major Thomas Clarke. Lieut, and Capt., King Philip's Wgr. Command of Chelms- ford Garrison, i675-'76. Haskell, Charles O., 543. Reynolds, George N., 139. Reynold, Edward V., 306. Reynolds, Philip, 1740-1775. In Capt. Dunbar's Co., Crown Point Expedition, 1762. Reynolds, George N., 139. Reynolds, Capt. Samuel, 1720- 1810, Waterbury. Conn. Capt. of Train Band in the Parish of Westborough, Waterbury, Conn., 1765. 743 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Bates, William O., 429. Rhoades, Henry, 1608-1675. I" King Philip's War. Adams, Edward M.. 368. Rhoades, Lyman, 140. Rhoades, Atty.-Gen. John, 1658- 1716, Rhode Island. Deputy. Clerk of Assembly. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Rhoades. Samuee, 1643 ■ Un- der Capt. Gardiner, King Phil- ip's War. Rhoades, Lyman, 140. Rhoades, Ens. Samuee. Ens., 1768, in the 3d Co., Capt. Gal- lison, of Marblehead, Mass., in Col. Jacob Fowle's Regt. of Foot. Rhoades, Lyman, 140. Rhoades, Samuel. Mayor of Philadelphia, 1774. Member of the Continental Congress, 1774- Franklin, William B., 299. Rhodes, Major John, 1691-1776, Warwick, R. L Deputy, R. L, 1742-1753. Major. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Rhodes, Samuel. In Capt. Eben- ezer Cox's Co. from Stough- tonham, Mass., in French and Indian War, 1760. In Samuel Miller's Regt. at Crown Point, 1756, and in Cant. Nathaniel Blake's Co. at Crown Point, 1756-1757. Rhodes, Zachariah, 1603-1665, Providence, R. I. Commis- sioner. i658-'63. Deputy. i663-'65. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Rice, Edmund, 1594-1663, Sud- bury, Mass. Deputy, 1640. Adams, Charles E., 243. Amee, Albert F., 244. BIoss, Orlando P., 397. Green, Charles M., 258. Houghton, William A., 534. Howe, Edward W., 262. Parker, Charles L-, 270! Rice, George S., 275. Rice, Henry B., 275. Rice, Lewis F., 275. Rice, Edward, 1619-1712, Marl- boro, Mass. Member of West Middlesex Regt., and quart- ered in his garrison house, 1691. Pierce, Frederick C, 383. Rice, Henry B., 275. Rice, Corp. Henry, 1616-17x1, Sudbury, Mass. Corp., 1686. Amee, Albert F., 244. Green, Charles M., 258. Rice, Henry B., 275. Rice, Joseph, 1637-1685, Marlboro, Mass. Owned a garrison house. King Philip's War, 1675-1676. Deputy, 1683. Rice, L. Frederick, 275. Rice, Samuel, 1634-1684. Member of the garrison at the house of Joseph Rice, in Marlborough, Mass., 1675. Messinger, Wm. D., 381. Pierce, Frederick C, 383. Rice, L. Frederick, 275. Rice, Thomas, 1595-1681, Sud- bury, Mass. Commanded a garrison at Marlborough, 1675. Bloss, Orlando P., 397. Rich, Lieut. Elisha, 1717 . In Capt. Ebenezer Learned's Co., Col. Ruggles Regt, Lake George, 1756. Anthony. James L., 39. Richard, Capt. Paul, 1607-1756. Capt., N. Y. City Militia, 1738. Mayor, 1735' 39- Dep- uty, i743-'56. Commissary of War, 1746. Member Colonial Assembly. Brown, Paul R., 55. Richard, Lieut. Stephen, 1670- 1730. In Capt. Isaac De Riemer's Co., Col. Abraham de Peyster's Regt., under Earl Bellomont, 1700. Brown, Paul R., 55. Richards, Capt. George, New London, Conn. Deputy. Ens., 1726. Lieut., 1736. Capt., 1739- Prentiss, Edward, 306. Richards, Capt. Jeremiah, Jr., I70S"I776, Roxbury, Mass. 744 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Col. Williams' Regt. in Can- ada, 1755. Rawson, Edward S., 418. Richards, Sergt. Moses, 1730- 1756. In Capt. Nathan Adams' Co., French War, 1754. Richards, Nathaniei*, 1648-1726, Dedham, Mass. In King Philip's War, i67S-'76. Richards, Charles S., 141. Richards, Jeremiah, 143. Richards, Thomas, 1650, Boston. A. & H. A. Co., 1648. Rogers, Allan, 276. Tucker, William R., 388. Richardson, Abel, 1736-1761. In French War, 1756-1760. Woodworth, Newell B., 185. Richardson, Amos, 1683, Stonington, Conn. Deputy General Court, 1676-1677. Richardson, Ezekiel, 1602-1647. Deputy, General Court, Mass., 1635- Richardson, Albert E., 364. Richardson, Frederick A., 364. Richardson, Lieut. James, 1641- 1677, Chelmsford, Mass. In command of Fort at West Chelmsford, 1676. In King Philip's War, 1675. Command- ed scouts in search of Mo- hawks. Lieut, in Capt. Ben- jamin Swett's Co. Killed at Scarborough. 1677. Phelps, John S., 273. Richardson, Capt. James, 1676- 1722, Woburn, Mass. Against Indians, Maine. Richardson, James, 1730-1808, Lancaster, Mass. In Capt. David Moore's Co., Lieut.- Col. Enoch Hallet. Richardson, Lieut. John, 1639- 1696, Woburn, Mass. In King Philip's War, and Phips' Ex- pedition. Lieut, in Militia. Griffin, Henry A., 87. Leach, J. Granville, 201. Richardson, Capt. John, 1737- 1819, Templeton, Mass. Corp. in Capt. Benjamin Hastings' Co., Col. Abijah Willard's Regt, Campaign of 1759. Richardson, Lieut. Jonathan, 1720-1 768, Dracut, Mass. Capt., Timothy Coburn's Co., 1762. Richardson, Joseph, 1643-1717. Under Major Samuel Apple- ton in Great Swamp Fight. Johnson, Enoch S., 263. Lunt, William W., 266. Woodworth, Newell B., 185. Richardson, Capt. Joseph, 1720- 1798. 3d Bat, Penn. Regt., under Lieut. -Gov. Wm. Den- ny, Col. -in-Chief, 1759. Crager, Sherman M., 318. Richardson, Capt. Josiah, Sr., 1635-1695, Chelmsford, Mass. Capt., West Regt., Middlesex Militia, during portion King William's War, i689-"97. In garrison at Chelmsford, 1691- '92. Storer, John H., 281. Richardson, Lieut. Josiah, 1665- 171 1, Chelmsford, Mass. West Middlesex Regt., in garrison, i69i-'92. King William's War. Reade, Philip, 383. Richardson, Capt. Josiah, Jr., 1691-1776, Dracut, Mass. Capt. of Dracut Military Co. Richardson, Nathaniel, 1651- 1714, of Capt. Prentiss' Co. Wounded in the Great Swamp Fight. Boynton, Charles E., 537- Holmes, Edwin T., 96. Richardson, Francis A., 276. Richardson, George E., 276. Richardson, William E., 442. Tolman, William S., 283. Richardson, Samuel, 1643-1719. Provincial Councillor, 1688- '95. Member of Assembly fourteen terms, Prov. of Penn. Campbell, Benjamin H., 57. Lewis, William F., 202. Pennypacker, Samuel W., 206. Richardson, Samuel, 1646-1712, Woburn, Mass. In King Philip's War, under Lieut. William Hasey, 1675 ; again, 1676. 745 INDEX OP ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Richardson, Stephen, 1683. Under Lieut. Edward Oakes, King Philip's War. Reynolds, James, 1^0. Richardson, Thomas, 1645-1720. Under Capt. Samuel Gallup. Expedition to Canada, 1690. Deputy, 1 703- 1 704. Holden, Joshua B., 261. Keith, Arthur. 321. Richardson, Capt. William, 1 699- 1 770. Woburn and Lsti- caster, Mass. Capt., Lancast- er Co. ; also in Capt. Ephraim Wilder's Co., 1748. Deputy, 1 741 and 1 761. Richmond, Capt. Edward, 1632- 1696. Lieut, in King Philip's War. Capt., 1690. Deputy, R. L Assembly. 1678, et scq. Campbell, William A., 57. Lawton, George P., iio. Paige, Edward W., 127. Parxhurst. Charles D., 305. Richmond, Edward A., 493. Richmond, Frank C, 493. Watson. William H., 178. White, Hunter C, 523. Wilbour, Joshua. 523. Richmond, Col. Ezra, 1721-1800, Dighton, Mass. Aide-de- Camp to his father, Col. Syl- vester Richmond, Louisburg Expedition, 1745. French and Indian Wars. Representative, 1752, ct scq. Allen, Francis R., 244. Richmond, John, 1594-1664. New- port, R. L Member of R. L Court of Commissioners, 1656. Richmond, Col. Sylvester, 1698- 1783, Dighton, Mass. Repre- sentative, 1741-47. Commis- sioned, 1744, Col. of the 6th Mass. Regt., Louisburg Expe- dition. Allen, Francis R., 243. Allen, Frederick B., 244. Chapman, Thomas B., 60. Tobey, Rufus B., 539. Ricketts, Capt. William, 1633- 1700. Elizabethtown, N. J. Capt., British Army in Expe- dition to subjugate Jamaica, W. L Commandant of the Island. Livingston, Philip, 112. Ridgely, Dr. Charles, 1737-1785. Member Colonial Assembly of Delaware, 1774, which selected delegates to Continental Con- gress, Carpenter's Hall, Phil- adelphia. DuPont, Alexis I., 513. Gooch, D. Linn, 452. Morris, Walter, 514. Ridgely, Henry, Jr., 514. RidgelYj Lieut. -Col. Henry, 1708. Member of Assembly, 1692. Member of Governor's Council, Major and Col. of Militia, Anne Arundel Co., Md. Commissioner, 1683. Lieut. -Col., i694-'99. Gooch. D. Linn., 452. Hall, William C, 319. Peale, Albert C, ;i2;i. Riggs. Elisha F., 323. Tilton, Palmer, 326. Tilton, Warren C, 283. Riggs, Sergt. Edward, 1619-1669, Roxbury, Mass. In Pequot War. Myer. Isaac, 124. Short, William. 405. Wheeler, Joseph, 327. Riggs, Thom.\s, 1632-1722. Glou- cester, Mass. Representative, 1700. Riggs. Manfred M., 404. Ring, Andrew, 1617-1692. Member of Plvmouth Military Co. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Vaill, Frederick S., 536. Ringgold. Major James, 1636- 1686. Lord of Eastern . Neck Manor, Md. Major and Com- mander of Militia, Kent Co., in Nanticoke Expedition. 1678. Spencer, John T., 208. Ripley. Lieut. Jeremiah. 1662- 1737, Windham, Conn. Ens. of Windham Co., 1720. Lieut., 1722. Deputy, i7i9-'20, '22-'25. Ripley, John. 1684. In Punk- apauge Co., 1676. King Phil- ip's War. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. 746 INDBX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Ripley, Joshua, 1658-1739, Wind- ham, Conn. Deputy, 1699 and 1722. Commissioner, 1693. RiSHWORTH, Edward, 1617-1691, York, Me. Deputy, Mass. Bay, 1653, ct scq. Councillor, 1646. RoBBiNS, Lieut. Jonathan, 1686- 1725. Served under Capt. Lovewell. Killed in battle with Indians at Fryeburg, Me, Robbins, Howard S., 145. RoBBiNS, Samuel, 1643-1708, Cam- bridge, Mass. In Capt. Thom- as Prentice's Co., King Phil- ip's War. Robbins, Howard S., 145. Robbins, Ens. Zechartah, Sr., 1720 . At Louisburg, 1745, Expedition to Canada, 1762. Bates, James H., 44. Robbins, William. In campaign against Nipmuck Indians. Talbot, Archie L., 536. Roberdeau, Daniel, 1727-1795, Philadelphia. Delegate to As- sembly, 1 756- 1 760. Col. 2d Battalion Penn. Associates, 1775. Brig.-Gen., 1776. Roberts, Lieut. Lemuel, 1700- 1772. Conn. Militia, 1743. Goodwin, Francis, 300. Goodwin, James J., 85, 300. Roberts, Cyrus S., 146. Roberts, Capt. Lemuel, 1742- 1789, Simsbury, Conn. 9th Co. Conn. Militia, 1774. Goodwin, Francis, 300. Goodwin, James J., 85, 300. Roberts, Gov. Thomas, 1674. Last Colonial Governor of New Hampshire, 1640. Atwood. Edward S., 39. Carter, Walter S., 59. Collins, Loren W., 433. Fiske, George F., 374. Lombard, Josiah L., 380. Marsh, George S., 380. Martin. Jonathan W., 203. Rich, William T.. 141. Roberts, James A., 146. Roberts, Joseph B., 146. Torrance, EH, 445. Robertson, William. Member of Council, Va. Robeson. Andrew, 1653-1719-. Member of Penn. Council, un- der Gov. Fletcher, 1693. Robeson, Andrew, 276. RoBiE. Samuel, 1659-1717. In King William's War. Parsons, William D., 130. Robinson, George, Jr., 1656-1724, Rehoboth. Mass. In King Philip's War under Major Bradford. Blackmer, Henry M., 471. Farr, Marvin A., ^y^- Robinson, Lieut. Peter. Sussex Co. Regt., 1756, Delaware, French War. Robinson, Thomas, 514. Robinson, Capt. Samuel, 1705- 1767. Served in French and Indian Wars, 1756, as Capt. in Col. Timothy Ruggles' Regt., Mass. Troops. At battle of Lake George. Robinson, Lewis A., 442. Robinson, Col. Tully, 1658-1723. Sheriff of Accomac Co., Va., i7o6-'io. County Lieut., 1715. Justice of Co., 1680. Member House of Burgesses. Robinson, Dep.-Gov. William, 1694-1751. Dep.-Gov. of R. I., i745-'48. French War. Judge of the Court of Equity. 1741- '42. Deputy, i724-'26, '34-'42. Hazard, Rowland, 520. Pell, Howland, 521. W^atson, Charles P., 178. Watson, William Henry, 178. Robinson, William, 1668, Dorchester, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1643. Talbot, Joel F., 386. Roby, Thomas. . In King Philip's War. Roby, Lieut. William, 1648 . A. & H. A. Co., 1685, i69i-'96. Lieut.. 1693. Stevens, John W., 444. Rocket (Rockwood), Benjamin, 1651 , Dorchester, Mass, Soldier, King Philip's War. Under Capt. Benjamin Swett at Black Point, 1677. 747 INDEX OF 4NCBST0RS AND DESCENDANTS. RocKETT, JosiAH, Medfield, Mass. In King Philip's War. Rockwell, Capt. Joseph, 1670- I733i Windsor and Middle- town, Conn. Deputy, I7i2-'ig. Lieut., Middletown Train Band, 1712. Capt., 1717. RocKwooD, Lieut. Elisha, 1716- 1788. Served against Indians, Lunenburg, 1748. Lieut, in Capt. Joseph Sheple's ist Gro- ton Co., 1762. Rockwood, Charles G., Jr., 336. RocKWOOD, Joseph, 1692-1774. In garrison at Oxford Fort, Queen Anne's War, 1704. Anthony, James L., 38. Rockwood, Josiah, 1644-1727, Medfield, Mass. In King Philip's War. In garrison at Springfield, 1676. Rodman, John, 1679-1756. Mem- ber of King's Council, 1738- '56. Member of Court to set- )tle the controversy between Mohegan Indians and Colony of Conn., 1749. Jones, Charles H., 200. Jones, Richmond L., 200. Paul, John Rodman, 206. Paul, Lawrence T., 206. Rodman, Major Thomas, 1726 , Newport, R. I. Surgeon with rank of Major, French and Indian War, 1759. Spies, Francis F., 159. Spies, Henry H., 160. Rodman, William, 1720-1794. Member Assembly, Prov. of Penn., i763-'75. Commissioner to negotiate with Indians at Fort Pitt, 1768. Jones, Charles H., 200. JoneSj Richmond L., 200. Rodney, William, 1652- 1708. Member Colonial Council from Kent Co., Delaware, i688-'89. Burton, Hiram, R., 512. Rodney, John H., 514. Roe, John, 1756. Killed in French and Indian Wars, near Lake Champlain, 1756. Roe, Nathaniel, Flushing, L. I. Under Capt. Jonathan Wright, 1715- Roe, Fayette W., 324. Roe, Francis A., 324. Roe, George, 324. Rogers, James. Deputy, Conn., i66i-'73. Commissioner for New London, i66o-'6i. Com- missioner to treat with In- dians. Rogers, James S., Jr., 499. Rogers, Major James, 1726-1790. Ens., Lieut., Capt. and Major of the Queen's Rangers in New Hampshire, 1756-1779. Rogers, Edmund J. A., 476. Rogers, John, 1661, Wey- mouth, Mass. Deputy, 1669. Rogers, John, Sr., 1611-1686, Bil- lerica, Mass. In King Philip's War. Rogers, John, Jr., 1641-1695, Bil- lerica, Mass. In King Philip's War. Rogers, John, 1692, Dux- bury, Mass. Member Capt. Myles Standish's Co., 1643. Deputy, 1657, Plymouth Col- ony. Allen, Frederick B., 244. Lawton, George P., no. Pratt, Charles A., 404. Rogers, James S., Jr.,^ 499. Seabury, Frederick C, 153. Rogers, Capt. John, 1641-1716, Newport, R. I. Capt., 1701. Asst., i705-'i2. Noyes, Chas. P., 440. Rogers, Ens. John, Jr., 1668-1727. Newport, R. I., Militia, 1714. Noyes, Chas. P., 440. Rogers, Maj. John, 1789. Member of Conventions of Md., i774-'76. Council of Safe- ty, 1775- Major Lower Bat- talion of Prince George's Co., Md. Chandler, Walter, 59. Rogers, Lieut. Joseph, 1678. Member of the Duxbury Co., under Capt. Myles Standish. Lieut, in Capt. Matthew Ful- ler's Co., 1647. 748 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Rogers, Lieut. Joseph, 1671-1754. Ens., Milford, 1723. Lieut., 1726, Colony of Conn. Kobbe, George C, 336. Kobbe, Philip F., 107. Rogers, Coe. Zabdial, 1737-1808, Norwich, Conn. Lieut., 3d Regt., 1762. Capt., 1765. Maj., 20th Regt., 1774. Lieut.-Col., 1777- Lane, Ebenezer, 379. Rogers, Lieut. William, 1736. New Jersey Militia, 1706. McMichael, Charles B., 203. Rolfe, John, 1585-1622. First Secretary and Recorder of Colony of Virginia. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Tiernan, Charles B., 235. RoLFE, Lieut. Thomas, of Varina, i6i6-'63-'73. Henrico and James City Co., Va. Lieut, commanding Fort Chickahom- iny, 1646. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Tiernan, Charles B., 235. RoMBOuTS, Capt. Francis, 1635- 1691. Member of Council, Province of N. Y., under Gov. Sloughter, 1691. Schepen, New Orange, 1674. Mayor, New York, 1679. Capt., 1684. Darrach, Bradford, 333. Timerlake, William S., 444. RoosA, Capt. Arie, 1650 . Capt., Foot Co. in Ulster and Dutchess Co. Regt., Lieut.- Col. Jacob Rutsen, 1700. RoosA, Capt. Albert Heymanse. Militia of Hurley and Marble- town, Ulster Co., N. Y., 1673. Collins, Holdridge O., 461. Root. Capt. Ebenezer, 1732-1758. Capt. French and Indian War. Died in camp at Fort Edward. Root, John, 1642-1687. Commis- sary at Westfield, Mass, King Philip's War. Douglas, Charles H., 7S- Douglas, Duncan, 74. Root, Oliver, 1741-1826. Under Capt. John Fellows, 1760. Douglas, Charles H., y^. Douglas, Duncan, 74. Root, Thomas, 1605-1695, Hart- ford. In Pequot War. Banks, David, Jr., 41. Cary, John W., 59. Cary, George P., 371. Kent, Henry O., 351. Kissam, Henry S., 106. Mann, Elias P., 115. Mann, Francis N., 115. Root, Arthur G., 147. Stockbridge, Henry, 162. Smith, Dudley W., 500. Rose, Thomas. Deputy. Gener- al Court, Conn., 1695. Swisher, Stephen A., 487. RossETER, Edward, 1630. Gov.'s Asst., Colony of Mass. Bay, i629-'30. Betts, Louis F. H., 48. Betts, Samuel R., 49. Judson, William P., 105. Kelly, James H, 106. Pierce, James O., 441. Thayer, Nathaniel, 282. RossETER, Josiah. Gov.'s Asst., Colonv of Conn., I70i-'ii. Betts, Louis F. H., 48. Betts, Samuel R., 49. Judson, William P., 105. RousBY, John, 1685. Mem- ber of Assembly, Md., 1681- '84. RousBY, John, 1744- Member House of Assembly, Md., I7i4-'2i. Member of Council, 1 721 -'44. Howard, McHenry, 227. RowE, Hugh, 1645 , Glouces- ter, Mass. In King Philip's War. Farr, Marvin A., 373. Royall, William, 1676, Dor- chester, Mass. Asst., Colony of Mass. Bay, i636-'48. Moseley, Frank, 268. Tyler, Edward R., 283. Royce, Robert. Deputy from New London, Conn., 1661. Royce, Alfred L., 232. Royce, or Roys, Lieut. Samuel, 1672-1757, Meriden, Conn. Ens., Wallingford, Conn., 1709. Deputy, 1710. Lieut., 1712. 749 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Jones, Charles L., 104. Maxwell, Robert A., 115. RuDD. Capt. Jonathan, 1728 . Ens., 1745. ' Lieut.. 1750. Capt, 1758. 2d Co.. 5th Regt.. Conn. Troops. Deputy, 1762 and 1764. Bailey, Edward P., 368. Ridgely, Charles, 384. RuGG, John, 1697, Lancaster, Mass. In Garrison at Lancas- ter, 1675, also 1676, King Phil- ip's War. RuGGLES, John, 1633-1713. Rox- bury, Mass. Under Capt. Nicholas Manning, 1676, Lieut. Oilman's Co., Major Savage. Trooper under Capt. Davis, 1675. Bostwick, Henry A., 51. Hall, Benjamin E., 89. Pettibone, Asa G., 383. Spooner, Frank E.. 386. RuGGLEs, Capt. Samuel, 1629- 1692. Lieut., 1676. Capt. Roxbury Militia. Actively en- gaged in overthrow of Andros. 1689. Davis, Fellowes, 79. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Schauffler, William G., S37- Thompson, Norman F., 388. RuGGLES, Capt. Samuel, 1658- 1715. Capt. of Roxbury. Mass., Militia. Deputy four years. Adams, John W., 428. RuGGLES, Brig. -Gen. Timothy, 1711-1795, Hardwick, Mass. Provincial Forces of Mass., Northern Frontiers. French and Indian War. i753-'63. Second in command, battle of Lake George. Delegate to Congress, N. Y., 1765. and its President. Green, John, 400. Green, Samuel S., 258. Rush. Lieut. Joseph, 1720 . Northern Liberties Pa. Co., Capt. William Parr, 1755. French and Indian War. Farr, John, 334. Russell, George, 1595-1695. Hing- ham and Scituate, Mass. Member Scituate Co., 1645. Russell, James, 1640-1709, Charlestown, Mass. Speaker, i654-'56, '58-'6o. Member A. & H. A. Co. Russell, John. Member Barn- stable Co., Plymouth Colony, under Lieut. Thomas Dymoke, in active service against In- dians, i643-'44. Bartlett, John R.. 43. Russell, Lieut. Jonathan, 1700- 1774. Ens., Provincial Forces, Conn., 1731. Lieut., 1737. Deputy, 1738, ef seq. Merwin, Walter L., 204. Russell, Lieut. Peletiah. Crown Point Expedition, 1757. Col. Nathaniel Meserve's N. H. Regt. Russell, Stephen G., 443. Russell, Hon. Richard, 1612- 1679. Member General Court, Mass. Speaker, 1648. Coun- cillor, i659-'74- Treasurer, i644-'79. Russell, Capt. William, 1735- 1793. Capt. Rangers under Gen. Braddock, 1755. Com- manded against French and Indians, 1757. On mission to Indians near Chattanooga, Tenn., 1765. In campaign against Shawnees, South Western Virginia, 1774. Com- manded company in battle of Great Kanawha or Point Pleasant. Commanded garri- son at Kanawha until it was disbanded by Gov. Dunmore, 1775- Harrison, Carter H., ;i77. Rust, Q. M. Nathaniel, 1639- 1713, Ipswich, Mass. Q. M., Expedition to Canada, 1690. Deputy, i690-'9i. Foster. Joseph, 350. Rust, Nathaniel j., 277. Rutgers, Capt. Anthony, N. Y. City Militia, i726-'46. Mem- ber N. Y. Colonial Assembly, i726-'37- 750 lA'DEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Smith, Henry E., 157. Smith, L. Bayard, 158. Rutgers, Harman, 1711. Burgher Corps. New Amster- dam, 1653. Belknap, Waldron P., 46. DuVal, Clive L., 77- Satterlee, Francis LeR.. 149. Trevor, Henry Graff, 170. Rutgers, Lieut. Henry (Hen- drick), 1711-1779. Ens. Capt. Cornelius Van Home's Co., N. Y. City Militia, 1737. 2d Lieut. Capt. Abraham Van Wyck's Co.. 1738. Belknap, Waldron P., 46. Foulke, William, 82. LeRoy, Frederick S., in. Wells, Thomas L.. 180. RuTSEN, Col. Jacob. Ens. Co. Foot, Kingston and New Paltz, i685-'87. Lieut.-Col. Regt. Militia, Ulster and Dutchess Counties, 1700. Col. Ulster Co. Militia, 1715 and '28. de la Montanye, James, 119. RuTTER, Hon. Thomas, ist. Mem- ber of Assembly, Province of Penn., County Philadelphia, 1713- Brooke, John R., 430. RuTTER, Thomas, Jr., 1734- Philadelphia, Pa. Member of Assembly, 1729- Brooke, John R., 430. Ryng, Col. Edward. Commanded Fort Loyal, i68o-'8i : appoint- ed Lieut.-Col. by Gov. Andros. Commanded Prov. of Laga- haduck, i688-'89. Gov. of An- napolis, Nova Scotia. Sabin, Benjamin, 1646-1725. Dep- uty, Conn., 1719-1723. Sabin, David D., 405. Sabin, Ens. Ebenezer, 1671-1739, Rehoboth, Mass., Woodstock and Pomfret, Conn. Ens. in Expedition against Canada, 1700. Deputy, 1719. Sabin, Major John, 1666-1742, Pomfret, Conn. Capt. of Mil- itia, 1714. Sabin, William, 1687. Reho- both, Mass. Deputy, 1657. Brown, George E., 250. Sabin, David D., 405. Whipple, Henry B., 447. Sackett, Daniel, 1693 , West- field, Mass. In Capt. Adyat Dewey's Troop, 1723, also un- der Hezekiah Noble and Capt. John Ashley to guard West- field. Sackett, Capt. Daniel, 1734- 1824. In Capt. Horten's Co., Col. Worthington's Regt., also under Capt. Benj. Day for re- inforcing army for Crown Point. Smith, Wyllys K., 385. Sackett, Lieut. Joseph, 1656 - 1719, Newtown, L. I. Lieut, in Capt. Samuel Moore's Co., Newtown, 1689. Moore, Albert R., 440. Salisbury, Lieut. Edward, 1733 - 1829, Gloucester, R. I. Lieut, in French and Indian War, 1755 - 1758. In battle of Plains of Abraham. Rich, G. Barrett, 140. Salisbury, Lieut. Sylvester, 1629 - 1680. Lieut. -Gov's. Co. of Foot and Commander of Fort Albany, 1670-1680. Saltonstall, Gov. Gurdon, 1666- 1724. Gov. Colony of Conn., 1708. Lennig, Charles F., 202. Ransom, Warren A., 138. Saltonstall. A. H. Mickle, 149. Stoddard, Enoch V., 162. Thompson, Hobart W.. 168. Saltonstall, Col. Gurdon, 1708- 1785, New London. Col. Third Regt. Conn. Militia, 1739- Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle. 149. Saltonstall, Col. Nathaniel, 1647-1707. Commanded troops sent to Boston to prevent usurpation of Gov. Andros. and to quiet the people at Casco Bay, 1680. Member of Council, and Asst., Mass. Bay Colony, i679-'86. 751 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Bagley, John N., 497. Hastings, Henry, 260. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 149. Thayer, Nathaniel, 282. SaltonstalIv, Sir Richard, 1586- 1660, Watertown, Mass. As- sistant, i628-'3i. Hastings, Henry, 260. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 149. Thayer, Nathaniel, 282. Saltonstall, Sergeant - Major Richard, 1610-1694, Salem, Mass. Deputy, i63S-'37- As- sistant, i637-'49, '64, '8o-'82. Sergeant-Major of Col. Endi- cott's Regt., 1641. Bagley, John N., 497- Hastings, Henry, 260. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 149. Thayer, Nathaniel, 282. Sampson, Abraham, 1686. Member of Duxbury Militia, 1643- Sampson, Clark H., 405. Sampson, Henry, 1684. In Lieut. William Holmes' Co. against Pequot Indians, 1637. Butters, George, 370. Hill, John F., 533- Sampson, Zabdiel, Duxbury, Mass. War, 1756. Sanborn, Daniel, Capt. Nathaniel Drake's Co., 1746, Prov. of N. Hamp. ; also Capt. Nathaniel Folsom's Co., Col. Joseph Blam's Regt., I755i Crown Point Expedi- tion. Sanborn, John P., 521. Sanborn, Lieut. John, 1620-1692. Ens., Hampton, N. H., 1677. Lieut., 1679. Officer in King William's War, 1689. Repre- sentative, 1685. Cadle, Henry, 398. Collins, Loren W., 433. Conner, John S., 413. Conner, Phineas S., 413. Moulton, John H., 403. Sanborn, Capt. John, 1649-1723, Hampton, N. H. In garrison Fort William and Mary, 1708. In French and Indian War. 1727 - 1776, In French 1728 - 1812. Lieut. Hampton Military Co., 1678. Capt. at New Castle, 1690. Sanborn, Capt. Jonathan, 1672- 1741, Kingston, N. H. Capt. Militia, i724-'26. Clarke, George K., 251. Sanborn, Nathaniel, 1666-1723, Hampton. N. H. In Capt. James Davis' Co., Queen Anne's War, 1702-1713. Sanborn, Stephen, 1671 - 1750, Hampton, N. H. Served 1695, '96, 1704, '08. At Fort Exeter and Ft. William and Mary. Served as scout under Capt. James Davis, 1712. Sanborn, Tristram, 1683 , Kingston, N. H. Ensign. Built and owned a garrison house. Representative, 1636- '37- Sanborn, William, 1622-1692, Hampton, Mass. Under Maj. Samuel Appleton, King Phil- ip's War, i675-'6. Bennett, Larkin E., 247. Sandelandes, James, 1636-1692. Provincial Councillor, Penn., 1681. Middleton, John I., 230. Ward, Brinton, 194. Sanders, Capt. John, 1714-1782. Under Sir William Johnson, Bart., 1757-1758, "in several marches on the frontier of Al- bany Co. against the enemy." Beekman, James Wm., 46. Sanders, Robert, Sr. Lieut. Train Band, Albany, 1687. Deputy to Indians, 1689. Com- missioned to procure Indian scouts, 1689. Beekman, James Wm., 46. Sanders,, Robert, Jr., 1705-1765. Mayor of Albany, 1750-1754. Beekinan, James Wm., 46. Sanderson, John, 1677 , Wa- tertown, Mass. Deputy, 171 1- '12. Sandeord, Major William, Sr., 1692, Bergen Co., N. J. Major, 1683. Att.-Gen., 1683. Member of Council, East Jer- 752 INDEX OP ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. sey, i682-'86. President of Court at Elizabeth, 1671. Sands, Capt. James, 1622-1695. Deputy, New Shoreham Co., R. I., 1665. Assistant War- den, 1676. Commanded the MiHtia Co. in King PhiHp's War. de la Montanye, James. 119. Downing, Augustus C, 333. Lahens, Louis E-, 108. Otis, Joseph E.. Jr., 382. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Sands, B. Aymar, 149. Sands. James T., 405. Schieffelin, Eugene, 150. Schieffehn. Schuyler, 151. Seton, Robert, 154. Suckley, Robert B., 164. Trenchard, Edward, 170. Sands, Capt. John, 1649-1712, New Shoreham Co., R. I., Troops. Deputy, i678-'8i. de la Montanye, James, 119. Prime, Frederick, 207. Sands, B. Aymar, 149. Suckley, Robert B., 164. Trenchard, Edward, 170. Sanford, Pres. John, 1653, Portsmouth, R. I. Cannoneer for Fort at Boston, i634-'36. Committee as to Ordnance, Boston, 1634. Surveyor of Ordnance and Ammunition at Boston, 1636. Disarmed, 1637. Constable, 1640, at R. I. Lieut., 1644. Governor's As- sistant, i647-'49. Pres. of Portsmouth and Newport, 1653. Noyes, Charles P., 440. Spies, Francis F., 159. Spies, Henry H., 160. Sanford, Gov. Peleg, 1639-1701. Maj., 1679. Lieut. -Col., 1687. Member of Andros' Council, 1687. Gov. R. L, i68o-'83. Noyes, Charles P., 440. Peet, Emerson W., 441. Sanger, Richard, 1704 . Dep- uty, Mass., 1775. Sanger, J. P., 324. Sares, Richard. See Sears. Sargen.t, John, 1639-1710, Charles- town, Mass. In King Philip's War under Lieut. Gillam and Major Savage. Satteri^ee. Lieut. Benedict, 1714- 1778. French and Indian War. Ens., 1758. Lieut., 1759. Satterlec, Edward R., 149. Satterlce, F. Le Roy, 149. Satterlce, Herbert L., 150. Swartwout, Satterlce, 165. Saunders, James, 1707. Mem- ber' Assembly, Md., 1692-1701. Member of the Council, 1701- '07. Wilson, James G., 236. Wilson, Marshall G., 237. Wilson, William B., 237. Savage, Lieut. Elisha, 1728- 1807, Middletown, Conn. Ens., Middletown Co., 1767; Lieut., 1775- Savage, Capt. Habijah, 1638- 1669, Boston, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1665. Capt. of Militia. Chadwick, William H., 371. Savage, Capt. John, 1652-1726, Middletown, Conn. Ens., Mid- dletown Co., 1700; Lieut., 1703; Capt., 1711. Savage, Capt. John, 1707-1792. Under Abercrombie ; also un- der Bradstreet at Ticonder- oga, 1758. Shelton, George G., 154. Shclton, William A., 155. Savage, Major Thomas, 1607- 1682, Boston, Mass. A. & H. A. Co. Lieut., 1641. Capt, 1651. Major commanding the Mass. Forces in Mount Hope Campaign, 1676. Deputy, 1654, ct scq. Speaker, 1659- "71. Assistant, i68o-'8i. Andrew, Henry H., 245. Bell, Charles U., 247. Chadwick, William H., 371. Hotchkiss, Henry L., 302. Savage, Capt. William, 1668- 1726, Middletown, Conn. Lieut. Middletown Co., 1717. Capt., 1719. Deputy, 1715- 1726. 753 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Savel, William, 1652-1676, Brain- tree, Mass. In King Philip's War, 1675, under Capt. Isaac Johnson. Talbot, Joel F., 386. Savery. Thomas, Scituate. In Capt. Michael Pierce's Co. ; killed by Indians in fight against Chief Canonchet, 1676. Butters, George, 370. Sawin, Capt. Samuel, Sergeant in 1771 under Capt. Nathan Whitney. Houghton, William A., 533. Sawin, Lieut. Thomas, 1657- 1728, Sherborn, Mass. Pri- vate, from Watertown, in King Philip's War, 1676-77. Representative, 1703. Hill, Lew C, 261. Saw^yer, Caleb. 1659-1755. In garrison at Lancaster, Mass., 1704. Sawyer, Charles F., 352. Sawyer, Sergt. Caleb, 1737-1815, Harvard, Mass. In Col. Wilder's Regt., Crown Point, 1755- Sergt. in Capt. Thos. Wilder's Co., 1757, and under Capt. Josiah Whitney. Sawyer, William D., 352. Sawyer, Capt. Ephraim, 1759, Lancaster, Mass. Capt. in King George's War, 1746. Sawyer, Francis, 1681 - 1756, Wells, Me. Representative, Mass. Bay Colony, i720-'2i. Sawyer, Joshua, 1655-1738, Lan- caster, Mass. Member Capt. Daniel Henchman's Co., King Philip's War. Sawyer, Nathaniel, 1670-1756. In garrison at Lancastei', 1704- '11. Sawyer, Phineas, i 709-1782. In Capt. Enh. Wilder's Co., 1748. Surbody's raid. Also under Capt. John Carter, alarm for Fort William Henry, second Crown Point Expedition, 1757. Sawyer, Samuel, 1698- 1787. Served in Lovewell's War, I722-'26. Sawyer, Thomas, 1616-1706. At Lancaster garrison, King Philip's War. Frost, Walter C, 474. Sawyer, William D., 352. Sawyer, Thomas, Jr., 1648-1736, Lancaster, Mass. Lancaster garrison, King Philip's War, i675-'76. Taken prisoner to Canada, 1705. Deputy, 1707. Sawyer. William. 1656-1718, Newbury, Mass. In Major Appleton's Regt., King Phil- ip's War. Representative, 1707, et seq. Saxton, Capt. Joseph. 1656-1715. Of Capt. Moseley's Co., 1675 ; also under Lieut. Nathaniel Reynolds, 1676. Capt. Militia. Fletcher, Paris, 435. SaylES. John, 1633-1681. Deputy, R. I., 1669, '70, '71. Tilley, R. Hammett. 523. Sa\'re, Capt. Daniel, 1666-1748. Lieut. Col. Schuyler's Co., N. Y. Militia. Expedition to Canada, 171 1; afterward Capt. Banta, Theodore M., 41. Bryant, Frederick S., 431. Duffield, Howard. 76. Sayres. Edward S., 207. Scarbrugh, Capt. Edmund, ist. Member, Va. House of Bur- gesses from Accomac Co., 1629, et seq. Dennis, James T., 225. Scarbrugh. Col. Edmund, 2d, 1671. Member Va. House of Burgesses, 1642-1671. In com- mand of Expedition against Assateague Indians, 1659. Dennis, James T., 225. Schenck, Jltdge Abraham. 1720- 1790, King's County, N. Y. Representative, i7S9-'68. Judge of Common Pleas, 1767. Timberlake. William S.. 444. Schenck, Roelof Martense. Capt. of Horse, Kings Co., N. Y., 1690. Richards, Charles S., 143. Vander Veer. Edgar A., 172. 754 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. SCHERMERHORN, SyMON JaCOBSE, 1658-1696, who, at the destruc- tion of Schenectady by the French and Indians, February 8, 1690, though wounded, rode to Albany to give the alarm. Schermerhorn, Arthur F.j 150. Schermerhorn, Chas. A., 150. Schermerhorn, Edw. G., 150. Suydam, Walter L., 165. Thebaud, Paul G., 166. Schneider, Johannes Wieheem, 1682-1768. Volunteer Co. of Palatines Expedition against Canada, 171 1, from Annsberg. Kissam, Henry S., 107. Schoonmaker, Lieut. Hendrick JoCHEMSEN, 1681. At Fort Orange and Esopus War. Member of Council of War. Severely wounded at Witt- nych, 1663. Poucher, John W., 137. Schoonmaker, Capt. Jochem, 1658-1730. Capt. Ulster Co. Militia, N. Y., against the In- dians, 1700. Poucher, John W., 137. ■ Re Qua, Charles Howard, 384. Schut, Sergt. Jan Hermanns, 1651. Sergt. at New Am- sterdam. Killed by Indians, 1651. Sherrill, Charles H., 155. Schuyler, Capt. Arent, 1662- 1730. N. Y. Forces, French and Indian Wars, 1603-1696. Barrell, Harry F., si~- Clark, Henry S., 61. Harriman, William E.. 91. Schiefifelin, Schuyler, 151. Schuyler, Col. Johannes, 1668- 1747. N. Y. Forces, French and Indian Wars, de Luze, Philip S.. 71. Hamilton, Alexander, 90. Hamilton, Henry N., 544. Livingston, Philip, 112. Schuyler. Capt. Johannes, Jr., 1697 . Commissary at Oswego, 1733, ct seq. Livingston, Philip, 112. Schuyler, Colonel Johannis, v. Van Schuyler. Schuyler, Major Myndert, 1672- 175s, Albany, N. Y. Capt., 1710. Major, 1714. Repre- sentative, i70i-'io, ■iS-'i6, '27, '28-'37. Indian Commission- er, 1706, '10, '12, '15, '39, '42, ''^2, '54- Douw, Charles G., 74. Schuyler, Capt. Nicholas, 1692- 1748. Expedition to Onon- dague, 171 1. Capt. of the Fort at Albany, 1747-1748. Schuyler, Capt. Peter, 1698- 1771. Capt. at Fort Seneca, 1721. Commissary at Oswe- go, 1741- Livingston, Philip, 112. Schuyler, Capt. Philip, 1628- 1683. Captain in N. Y. Provincial Forces, 1667. Capt. Fort at Schenectady, 1669. Schuyler, Lieut. Philip, 1666- 1724. Albany, 1704. Officer Fusileers, 1715. Schuyler, Col. Philip, 1733-1804. Capt. Colonial Service, 1755. Major, 1758. Col., 1767. French and Indian Wars. de Luze, Philip S., 71. Schuyler, Philip Arent, 1687 . Expedition against Can- ada, 1709. Barrell, Harry F., 332. Schuyler, Col. Pieter ("Queed- er"), 1657-1724. Lieut, of Horse, 1685. Commanded a Co. at Schenectady, N. Y., 1689. Commanded Fort at Albany, 1689. Delegate to Councils of Five Nations. Led expedition which ended in capture of Fort La Prairie. King's Council, 1662-1720, Pres., Acting Gov. of the Prov., 1709. Armstrong, Horatio G., 223. Beekman, J. William, 45. Clark, Kenneth, 432. Fitzgerald, Louis, 80. Fryer, Robert L., 82. Livingston, John H., 112. Livingston, Philip, 112. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Montgomery, J. Lvnch, 119. Olin, Stephen H., 126. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Schuyler, Clarkson C, 152. Spalding, George B., jr., 159. Stanton, Henry, 161. Wainwright, William P., 174. ScoFiELD, Reuben, Member of Militia, 1755-1760. Scofield, George S., 152. Scott, Ens. James, 1782. Chester Co., Penn., Militia, i747-'48. Scott, John, 1640- 1677. Wounded at Pawtucket, King Philip's War. Boucher, Charles, 51. Scott, Capt. John, 1725. Lieut., Fusileers, N. Y. Mil- itia, 1710. Commandant Fort Hudson, i7i7-'22. Scott, Alexander H., 207. Scott, John M., 207. Scott, Lewis A., 207. Scott, Richard, 1607-1680. Wounded at Pawtucket, King Philip's War. Boucher, Charles, 51. Scott, Phineas, 1745-1819, Ben- nington, Vt. In Capt. John Fassett's Co., 1764. Moses, Zebina, ^2^. Scott, William. In Capt. Wil- liam Turner's Co., Falls Fight. Murray, Charles H., 123. Scottow, Joshua, 1615-1698. Capt. A. & H. A. Co., 1645, and of a Co. in King Philip's War. Capt. of Garrison. Magistrate at Scarborough. Deputy. Pike, Francis W., 441. Scranton, Capt. Ichabod, 1717- 1760. Lieut., 1755, Louisburg and Ticonderoga. Died in Service. Scranton, Benjamin H., 499. Scripture, Samuel, , Concord, Mass. Under Capt. Joseph Sill, King Philip-s War, 1675. In Kmg Philip's War, i69i-'92. Greene, Charles L., 436. ScuDDER, Richard, 1671-1754, Hopewell, N. J. Lieut., 171 1, Expedition to Canada. Seabrooke, Thomas, 1675. Capt. Osborne's Co., N. Y. Prov. Troops. Killed by In- dians at Castle Hill, 1675. Seabury, Samuel, 1640-1681, Dux- bury, Mass. Deputy, 1676. Ens., 1678. Seabury, Frederick C, 153. Seaman, Capt. John, 1610-1695. In Indian Wars, i668-'76. Bostwick, Henry A., 51. Hawxhurst, Arthur, 378. Hicks, Benjamin D., 9^. Hicks, Frederick C, 94. Lahens, Louis E., 108. Mead, Spencer P., 116. Richards, Charles S., 142. Seaman, Louis L., 153. Seaman, William B., 153. Williams, Harvey L., 31 1. SearlE, Capt. John. Command- ed the privateer Jacob, Span- ish War, 1762. Barclay, James S., 42. Searle, Capt. Ralph, 1606-1678. Treas. Portsmouth, 1649. Dep- uty, 1658. Trooper, 1667. Capt. Watson, William H., 178. Sears, Lieut. David, 1710-1788. Lieut. French War, Oneida Station, 1758, in Bradstreet's Expedition. Sears, Capt. Paul, 1637-1707. Capt. Mass. Militia, Narragan- sett War. Bryant, Percy, 55. Morse, Samuel W., 476. Rich, William T., 141. Sears, Clinton B., 154. Sears, Henry D., 277. Sears, Walter J., 154. Sears, or Sares, Richard, 1590- 1676. Member Yarmouth Co., Lieut. William Palmer. Dep- uty, Plymouth Col., 1662. Forbes, Charles S., 362. Gillette, Edwin F.. 376. Morse, Samuel W., 476. Sears, Walter J., 154. Squires, George C, 443. 756 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Sears, Capt. Samuel, 1663-1741. Lieut., 1706. Capt. Sears, Henry D., 277. Squires. George C, 443. Sears, Lieut. Silas, 1637-1697. Ens., "Barnstable Co.," i68r. Lieut., 1682. Deputy, Plym- outh Col., 1685-1691. Benedict, Jas. A., 47. Sears. Alfred D.. 153. Sears, Walter J., 154. Van Dyke, Harry W., 326. Sears, Silas. 1661-1732. In Barn- stable Co. Representative, Plymouth, 1691. Seaver, Nathaniel, 1645-1676. Capt. Wadsworth's Co. Killed by Indians. Sudbury Fight. Barrows, John W.. 471. Seaver. Nathaniel, 1709-1777, Sudbury, Mass. Capt. Joseph Brown's Co., French and In- dian War, 1739. Trumpeter Capt. Josiah Brown's Co., i746-'47. Boutelle, Frank W., 51. Seaver, Robert, 1608- 1683. In King Philip's War. Barrows, John W., 471. Danforth, Allen, 254. Seaver, James E., 277. Sedgwick, M.\j.-Gen. Robert, 1613-1656, Charlestown, Mass. Capt., 1636. Capt. A. & H. A. Co. Commander of Castle, 1641. Council of War, 1643. Major-Gen. Mass. Forces, 1652. Expedition against Acadia, 1656 ; against Jamaica, where he died. Andrews. James S., 294. Barnes. Alfred C, 42. Hart, Henry G., 91. Hart, Samuel. 301. Johnson. S. Albert, 103. Klink, George T., 462. Murray. Charles H., 123. Mynderse, William. 124. Phillips. George M.. 441. Sedgwick. Edwin H., 385. Sedgwick, Robert. 154. Thompson. Harry G., 309. Ward, Brownlee R., 310. Wright, Harry L., 390. Sedgwick, Capt. Samuel, 1667- 1735, Hartford, Conn. Capt. Militia. Phillips, George M., 441. Seely, Ens. Eliphalet. 1701 , Canaan, Conn. Train Band, 1743- Seeley, Capt. Nathaniel, 4th Co. Conn. Regt.. 1675. Killed in Great Swamp Fight. Seely, Wm. E., 307. Selden, Ezra. Lieut. 3d Co. of Foot, Lyme, Conn., 1755. Rep- resentative, 1768. et seq. Eaton, George F., 299. Selden, Joseph. 1651-1724. In Capt. William Turner's Co., Falls Fight. 1676. Eaton, Geo. F.. 299. Frazer, Sheldon L., 435. Moran, Charles, 120. Spencer, Horatio N., 406. Selden, Samuel, 1695-1745. Lieut. Conn. Colonial Troops, 1738. Capt. 3d Co. Foot, Lyme, 1740. Representative, 1744. Eaton, Geo. F., 299. Huse, Robert S., 100. Moran, Charles, 120. Selden, Col. Samuel, i 723-1 776. Lieut. 5th Co., of Lyme, 1752. Major, 1774. Col. Battalion Foot, 1776. Deputy, Conn., i762-'66, '8, '9, '71, '2, '3. Frazer, Sheldon L., 435. Moran, Charles, 120. Spencer, Selden P., 406. Selleck, Jonathan, 1641-1712. Deputy from Stamford, Conn., 1670-1708. Assistant, 1695- 1701. Capt. Great Swamp Fight. Maj.. 1696. Blagden, Thomas, 317. SemplE, Abr.\ham, . Wounded, Great Swamp Fight, 1675. Severance. Joseph. 1682-1766, Montague, Mass. Meadows Fight, 1704. Soldier, 1713. Wounded by Indians. Corp. under Capt. Kellogg, 1743. Orderly, 1747. Fiske, George F.. 375. 757 IXDBX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Severance, Martin, 1718-1810. At Fort Dummer under Capt. Kellogg, i738-'39. Under Capt. Clessom, 1755. Under Capt. Catlin, 1756. In Capt. Robert Roger's Rangers, 1758. Fiske, George F., 375. Sewale, Henry, 1614-1700. New- bury, Mass. Deputy, 1661. Davies, Wm. G., $g. Remick, John A.,, 275. Remick, Timothy, 275. Sewale, Henry, 1665. Prin- cipal Secretary of Md., 1661- 1665. Deputy, 1661, ct seq. Governor's Council, 1661. Brent, Jos. L., 223. Jenkins, Thomas C., 228. Keyser, Robert B., 229. Spencer, John T., 208. Sewale, Dep.-Gov. Nicholas, 1640-17^7. Sec. Prov. Coun- cil, Md., 1686. Deputy-Gov., 1689. Major Militia. Jenkins, Thos. C, 228. Spencer, John T., 208. Sewale, Samuel, 1652-1730. As- sistant and Chief Justice, Col- ony of Mass. Bay. Chauncey, Elihu, 60. Davies, William G., 69. Seward, Capt. William, 1627- 1689. Sergt. Guilford, Conn., Militia. Lieut, and Capt. Bell, Jared W. 47. Munger, Charles E., 305. Sewell, Lieut. Dummer, 1737- 1832. Ens. at Louisburg, 1758. Lieut, under Gen. Amherst, reduction of Canada. Benson, Frank S., 48. Sewitz, Abraham. Member of Capt. George Wolf's Co., 1763. Eyerman, John, 334. Seymour, Capt. Richard, 1655, Hartford and Farming- ton, Conn. Capt. Seymour Fort (Kensington;. Brooker, Charles F., 296. Granger, William S., 520. Seymour, Lieut. Stephen, Water- bury. Conn. Ens. Train Band in Northbury Parish, Water- bury, 1764. Lieut., 1765. Shackeord, Capt. Samuel, 1666- 1724, Newington, N. H. Capt. Portsmouth, N. H., Military Co. Indian attack at "Straw- berry Bank" and ''Breakfast Hill." Hale, Thomas W., 350. Shackeord, Capt. William, 1702- 1773, Portsmouth, N. H. Capt. of Co. for Invasion of Canada, 1746. Capt. at Fort Dummer, 1750. Hale, Thomas W., 350. Shapleigh. Nicholas, 1720 . In Blue Troop, Sir William Pepperrell's Regt., 1757. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 405. Shapleigh, Major Nicholas, 1680 . Representative, Mass., for York Co., Me., 1733. Capt. and Major of Co. Troops, 1733. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 405. Sharp (e), Lieut. John, 1643- 1676. Capt. Wadsworth's Co. Killed at Sudbury Fight. Tyler, Henry B., 210. Tyler, Sidney F., 210. Sharpe, Capt. James, 1779. Capt., 1758, in 3d Battalion, Penn. Regt., under Col. Hugh Mercer. In Forbes campaign. Under Col. William Clapham, Kunkel, Robt. S., 107. Liggett, Sidney B., 202. Shattuck. Sergt. John, 1647- 1675, Watertown, Mass. Sergt. in Capt. Richard Beer's Co., King Philip's War, 167;. Re- lief of Northfield. Farr, Marvin A., 373. Shattuck, Edward H., 278. Shaw, Benjamin. 1641-1717, Hampton, N. H. In King William's War, leSg-'gS. Shaw, Benjamin. 1672 , Plymouth and Taunton, Mass. Under Maj. Thomas Leonard in Expedition to Canada, 1711. Tucker, William R., 388. 7S8 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Shaw, Caleb, 1671-1715, Hamp- ton, N. H. In King William's War, i689-'98. Shaw, Edward, 1688-1764, Hamp- ton, N. H. In Scouting Par- ty under Capt. James Davis, 1712. Folsom, Albert H., 256. Shaw, John, 1694. Plym- outh Military Co., 1643. In King Philip's War. Freeman, Alden, 334. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Paine, Cyrus F., 128. Tucker. William R., 388. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Shaw, Joseph, 1635-1720, Hamp- ton, N. H. Under Major Sav- age. Shaw, Nathaniel, 1724-1804, Raynham, Mass. In Capt. Philip King's Co. Militia, 1757- Shaw, Roger, 1661. Deputy from Hampton, N. H., Mass. Bay Colony, 1651-1653. Cadle, Henry, 398. Folsom, Albert A., 256. Shaw, Oliver W., 443. Sheafe, Jacob, 1616-1659, Boston. A. & H. A. Co., 1648. Sheafe, Sampson, 1650-1724. Asst. and Sec. Mass. Bay Col- ony, 1698. Commissary New England Forces, Expedition against Quebec, 171 1. Blunt, Stanhope E., 50. Sheafe, Sampson, Jr., 1681-1772, New Castle, N. H. Member Council, i740-'6i. Blunt, Stanhope E., 50. Shed, Corp. Daniel, Sr., 1708, Billerica, Mass. Biller- ica garrison. King Philip's War, 1675. Corp., 1679. Sheffield, Lieut. William, 1699- 1788, Mendon. Mass. Lieut. 3d Co. Foot Militia of Men- don, 1757. Bogert, William B., 369. Shelby, Capt. Evan, 1720-1794. Capt. of Co. Rangers, French and Indian War, 1754. Capt. in Provincial Forces. Led ad- vance against Fort Duquesne, under Gen. Forbes. In Battle of Loyal Henning. In battle at Kenawha, 1774, ranking of- ficer at its close. Todd, Charles H., 453. Shelby, Gov. Isaac, 1750-1826. Under his father, Capt. Evan Shelby, Army of Va., 1774, under Gen. Lewis, War against Shawnees and Dela- wares. First Gov. Kentucky. Todd, Charles H., 453- Sheldon, Capt. Daniel, 1726- 1773. Lieut., 1761. Capt., 1770, 2d Co., Town of Hart- ford. Sheldon, Charles L., 154. Sheldon, Ens. Ebenezer, 1678- 1755. Ensign, 1701. Rhoades, Lyman, 138. Shepard, Isaac, 1639-1676, Con- cord, Mass. Killed in King Philip's War. Shepard. Ralph K., 155. Shepard, Major John. 1690-1781, Canton, Mass. Capt, 1741. Commanded Regt., 1746, en- camped near Boston, Alarm of approaching French Fleet un- der D'Anville. Shepheard, Hercules. Member of Pennsylvania Assembly from Sussex, i683-'84. Minis, John L., 231. Sheppard, Sergt. John, 1652-1707, Hartford, Conn. In Indian War, Expeditions to Deer- field and Albany, 1692, Capt. John Bull. Sheppard, Sergt. John. In King Philip's War under Capt. Moseley. Wounded in Swamp Fight. Sherburne, Henry, 1680, Portsmouth, N. H. Deputy, Mass. Bay, 1660. Deerins?, Henry. 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Hill, John F., 533. Noyes, Edward D., 535. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 405. Sherburne, Henry. Member King's Council, 1759. 759 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Erviiig, William V. R., 79. Thompson, Harrj' G., 309. Sherburne, Capt. Samuei., 1638- 1691. Killed by Indians at Meregnoit, King William's War. Clarke, George K., 2qi. Knox, William S., 322. Moulton, George M., 382. Thompson, Harry G., 309. Sherman, Asaph, 1741 , Grafton, Mass. In Capt. Wil- liam Paige's Co., 1761. Sherman, Benjamin, 1662-1742. Deputy from Stratford, Conn., 1711. Sherman, Lieut. Daniel, 1669- 1741, New Haven, Conn. Lieut. Train Band, 1690. Capt., 1700. Q. M. New Ha- ven Co. Troops, 1715. Sherman, Capt. David, 1665- 1753. Stratford, Conn. Ens., 1703. Lieut., 1708.' Capt., 1709. Deputy, 1709. Hatch, Arthur M., 92. Sherman, Capt. John, 1614-1690, Watertown. Mass. Ens., 1654. Capt., 1680. Deputy, 1651. Boutelle, Henry S., 369. Hall, Harrison C, 259. Mitchell, Wm. A., 118. Sherman, Roger, 385. Warren, Charles E., 176. Willey, William L., 286. Sherman, Capt. John, 1650-1730, Woodbury, Conn. Capt., 1711. Train Band, 1711. As- sistant, i7ii-'23. Deputy, Speaker, I7ii-'i2. Noble, Henry H., 124. Sherman, Ens. Nathaniel, 1696 , Grafton, Mass. Sergt. Capt. James Whipple's Co., 1757. Ens. in Capt. Stephen Maynard's Co., 1759. Sherman, Philip, 1610-1689. First Sec. Providence Planta- tions, 1639. Court of Commis- sioners, 1656. Deputy, 1665- '67. Council, King Philip's War. Anthony, James L., 38. Campbell, Wm. A., 57. Doughty, Francis E., 73. Gififord, Charles E., 376. Greene, Chas. A., 335. Guilford, Nathan, 88. Haight, Abner S., 88. Haight, Frederick E., 89. Hart, Charles N., 474. Mumford, Jas. G., 269. Paige, Edward W., 127. Watson, William H., 178. Sherman, Roger, 1751-1789. Member Assembly during French W^ars. Member Con- tinental Congress, i774-'8o. Member Conn. Council of Safety, i774-'8o. Hammatt, Clarence S., 492. Sherman, Samuel, 1618-1684. Deputy Gen. Court of Conn., 1637, which declared war against Pequots. Asst., 1663- '68 ; on committee to defend coast against Dutch, 1665. Adams, John Q., 428. Betts, Louis F. H., 48. Gilfillan, Wm. W., 85. Judson, William P., 105. Kissam, Henry S.. 107. Ladd, William W., 107. Logan, Walter S., 112. Noble, Henry H., 124. Sherman, Lieut. Samuel, Jr., 1641-1718. Assistant to Gov- ernor, under Gov. John Win- throp. Lieut, and Ens., 1667. Sherrill, Recompense. 1760 , Easthampton, N. Y. Line No. 2, Matthias Burnett, Capt., 1715- Sherrill, Charles H., 155. Sherwood, Hugh, 1632-1710. Member Md. Assemblj^ 1692. Troth. William P., Jr., 209. Sherwood, Capt. Matthew, 1643- 1715. French and Indian VVars. Stewart, Philip B., 541. Shippen. Edward, 16^9-1712. A. & H. A. Co., 1669. Speaker of Assembly, 1695. Member Provincial Council Penn., 1696-1712. Dep.-Gov., 1703. Pres. Provincial Council, 1702- '04. 760 INDEX OF AXCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Balch, Edwin S., 192. Balch, Thomas W., 192. Brinton, Ward, 194. Fisher, Robert S. J., 3i9- Huidekoper, Fred. W., 321. Huidekoper, Wallis, 538. Hutchinson, Chas. H., 200. Jackson, Oswald, loi. Luquer, Lea McI., 114. Luquer, Thatcher T. P., 114. Page, Samuel D., 205. Prime, Frederick, 207. Shippen, Edward, 208. Shippen, Paymaster Edward, 1703-1781. British and Pro- vincial Forces, French and Indian War, under Gen. Forbes Stanwix. Mayor of Philadelphia. 1744. Huidekoper, Fred. W., 321. Peale, Albert C, 323. Shippen, Edward, 208. Shippen, Col. Joseph^ 1732-1810. Col. Penn. Troops, Provincial Army, French and Indian Wars. In Braddock's Expe- dition against Fort Duquesne. Capt., 1756. Brigadier-Major, 1758. Lieut. -Col., 1759. Balch, Edwin S., 192. Balch, Thomas W., 192. Huidekoper, Fred. W., 321. Newell, Wm. H., 205. Shippen, Edward, 208. Swift, Joseph, 514. Swift, William H., 514. Shirley, Gov. William, 1693- 1771. Commander-in-Chief of all Forces in British North America, 1755. Gov. Mass. Bay Colony, i74i-'45. Erving, William V. R., 79. Short, Rev. Nathan, 1688-1731. Chaplain at Fort William, Saco, Me., i7i6-'22. Ralph, Percy P., 505. Shrimpton, Jonathan, 1673 , Boston. A. & H. A. Co.. 1665. Shumway, Pierre, 1635 . In Narragansett and other Indian Wars, 1675. Anthony, James L., .38. Shute, Lieut. William, 1723- 1784. In Capt. Enoch Hunt's Co., N. J. Troops, French and Indian Wars, 1761. Sill, Lieut. John, 1710-1796, Lyme, Conn. Lieut., Train Band, 1758. Sill, Howard, 232. Sill (Syll), Capt. Joseph, 1636- 1696, Lyme, Conn. In King Philip's War, and Expedi- tions against Indians in Mass., Maine and New Hampshire. Hall, Dudley, 89. Scofield, George S., 152. Sill, Frederick S., 156. Sill, Howard, 232. Sill, John T., 157. Wade, James F., 446. Silliman, Ebenezer, 1707-1775, Fairfield, Conn. Speaker of the House seven years. Mem- ber of the Council twenty- eight years. Blagden, Thomas, 317. Silliman, Lieut.-Col. Gold Sel- lECk, 1732-1790, Fairfield, Conn. Capt. Militia. Major, 4th Regt. Lieut.-Col., 1774. Blagden, Thomas, 317. Simmons, Moses, 1689, Plym- outh, Mass. Member of Dux- bury Military Co., 1643. Freeman, Alden, 334. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Spoor, John A., 386. Talbot, Joel F., 387. Simonds, Capt. Benjamin. 1726- 1807, Williamstown. In gar- rison. Fort Massachusetts, un- der Sergt. John Hawks, siege by French and Indians. Lieut. West Hoosack Co., 1764, Col. William Williams, North Regt. Militia, Berkshire Co. Capt., 1771. Skinner, James H., 443. Simonds, Caleb, 1649-1712, Wo- burn, Mass. In King Philip's War, Capt. Nathaniel Daven- port's Co. Thompson, John T., 424. 761 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. SiMONDS (Symonds), James, 1658-1717, Woburn, Mass. In King Philip's War and Expe- dition to Quebec, 1690. SiMONDS, Ens. Joseph, 1652-1733. Woburn and Lexington, Mass. In garrison at Chelms- ford, King Philip's War, 1675- '76. In Capt. Joseph Sill's Co., 1676. Sergt. of Lexington Military Co., 167-. Ens., 1712. SiMPKiNS, Capt. Nicholas, 1656. 1st Capt. at the Castle, 1634. A. & H. A. Co., 1650. Appleton, Francis H., 245. Low, Wm. G., Jr., 114. SiMPKINS, PlEGRIM, 1624-I72O, Boston. In naval service. King Philip's War, 1676. Tyler, Edward R., 283. Sip, Capt. Jan Ariense, 1662- 1729. Lieut, and Capt., Ber- gen, N. J., Militia, 1703-'! I. Skeeton, Rev. Samuel, 1592-1634. Elected by the Co. in London as one of the Governor's Council in New England, 1628. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Marsh, George S., 380. Newhall, James S., 269. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. Powell, Lyman T., 442. Whitin, Frederick H., 180. Skidmore, Lieut. Thomas. 1693- 1761, Newtown, Conn. Ens., 1723. Lieut., 1734. Skidmore, William L., 157. Skidmore, Thomas, . Agent of Winthrop in plant- ing of Saybrook, 1635. One of Associates of Lancaster, Mass., 1643. One of Paten- tees of Huntington, L. L, 1666. Deputy from Hunting- ton, 1673. In service during King Philip's War. Suydam, Walter L., 165. SkiEF, James, 1688, Sand- wich, Mass. Deputy, 1645, et seq. Member Governor's Council. Bassett, Charles F., 44. Hulbert, Henry C, 98. Skinner, Abraham, 1649 . In Mount Hope Campaign, 1675, and Narragansett Fort Fight, 1676, King Philip's War. Skinner, Wm. C, 308. Skinner, Ens. Andrew. Anne Arundel Co. Forces, under Capt. Norwood, 1661,. Clerk of Assembly at Patuxent, 1657- Skinner, Sergt. Ebenezer, 1684 , Maiden, Mass., and Col- chester, Conn. Sergt. Col- chester Co. Militia. Teall, Edward McK, 387. Skinner, Lieut. John, 1675-1740. Ensign Conn. Troop, 1712. Lieut., 1715. Deputy, 1726- '27. Skinner, Ens. William, 1720- 1807. Siege of Louisburg, 1745. Ens., 15th Co., nth Conn. Regt., 1757. Skinner, Wm. C, 308. Washburn, John H., 177. Sleght, Sergt. Cornelius Bar- Entsen. Sergt. Military Co. which built Esopus Stockade. Member first Board Schepens, 1661. At Indian Attack on Wiltwyck, 1663. Collins, Holdridge O., 461. English. William E., 372. Greene, Richard H., 86. Gross, Samuel E., 377. Poucher, John W., 136. Slocum, Giles, 1647 . Deputy, R. I., 1685, '86, '88-'90, 1701. Asst., 1696. '98-1700, '03-'05, '08, '10, '12. Tilley, R. Hammett, 522. Slocum, Hon. Joseph, 1706 . Deputy from West Green- wich, R. I., 1741, '42, '44. Slocum, Elliott T., 500. Slocum, Capt. Simon, 1705 , Wrentham, Mass. Capt. un- der Col. Joseph Williams, i7S7-'58, and under Col. Frye, i759-'6o. Served in Nova Scotia. Hill, John W., 378. Hill, William S.. 94. Whipple, Henry B., 447. 762 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Su)CUMB, Simon, Sr., Boston, Mass. Commander Sloop Sea- Hoiver in service eastward, i723-'24-'25. Slot, Jan Pieterszen. Commis- sary, 1660. Sergt. in command of New Harlem, Esopus War. Corbusier, William H., 65. Slot, Pieter Janszen. Cadet, 3d Co., Harlem, 1663. Corbusier, William H., 65. Slye, Gerard, 1662- 1733. Com- mander at Fort Susquehan- nock. Jenkins, Edward A., 228. Jenkins, Francis de S., 228. Slye, Capt. Robert, 1615-1670. Commissioner, Prov. and Council of State, Md. Mem- ber Assembly, St. Mary's Co. Jenkins, Austin L-, 227. Jenkins, Edward A., 228. Jenkins, Francis de S., 228. Jenkins, Spalding L., 228. Smidt, Hendryck Barentsen, Schepen for Boswyck. Dep- uty, New Netherland, 1674. Smith, Arthur. In Pequot War at Mystic Fort, 1637. Hart, Charles N., 475. Smith, Sergt. Benjamin, 1631- 1713. Sergeant, 1654. Deputy for Warwick. Governor's As- sistant. Wheaton, Frank, 479. Smith, Ens. Benjamin, 1681- 1723, Newbury, Mass. Ens in Capt. Kent's Co., Col Wainwright's Regt. Expedi- tion against Port Royal, N. S. 1707, under Col. March. Smith, Benjamin, 1697 Hampton, N. H. Served at Sowhegan, Monson, and Stark garrisons, 1748. Smith, Lieut. Charles. Ens. un- der Washington at Great Meadows. Lieut, at Brad- dock's defeat, 1755. Rawlings, Carroll C., 138. Smith, Ens. Chileab, 1635-1731, Hadley, Mass. Ens. of Had- ley Military Co., 1692-1731. Smith, Daniel, 1692. Re- hoboth, Mass. Member Gov- ernor's Council, 1686. Dep- uty, i672-'78. Asst., 1679. Richards, Charles S., 142- Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Smith, Daniel, , Pepper- rellborough. Me. Representa- tive, Mass., from Pepperrell- borough, 1747, '49-'50- Bacon, Horace S., 246. Smith, Edward, 1675. Gov- ernor's Asst., R. L, 1654. Member of Council, 1658. Deputy, 1654. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Lawton, George P., no. Palmer, Lowell M., 129. Smith, Howard, 521. Smith, Marion McA.. 521. Tilley, R. Hammett, 522. White, Hunter C, 523. Smith, Sergt. Edward, 1693. Sergt., 1662. Deputy, R. L, 1665, et seq. Asst., 1671. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Wheaton, Frank, 478. Smith, Francis, . Taun- ton, Plymouth Colony. In King William's War, 1695. Smith, Francis, 1733-1812, Bever- ly, Mass. In Capt. Samuel Flint's Co., Col. Plaisted's Regt., battle at Fort Edward, 17=;=;. Smith, George H., 278. Smith, Henry. Commissioned, 1636, by Mass. Bay Colony to govern the first settlement of Conn. Smith, Col. Henry, 1679 , Brookhaven, L. I. Col. Suf- folk Co. Regt., 1707. Smith, Lieut. James, 1645-1690, Newbury, Mass. In Phips' Expedition, 1690. Constant, S. Victor, 64. Smith, Capt. John, 1669-1744. Oyster River, Dover, N. H. Capt. of Co. at Oyster River. Held his garrison against the French and Indians at the Oyster River Massacre, 1694. Pinkham, Joseph, 352. 7^^ INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Smith, John, . Dorches- ter and Sudbury, Mass. In King Philip's War under Ma- jor Willard, reUef of Brook- field, 1675 ; also under Major Richard Walderne, Capt. Samuel Wadsworth, Sudbury Fight, 1676; Capt. Turner, Falls Fight, 1676; Capt. John Cutter and Capt. Parker, 1676. Smith, Rev. John. Member of Lieut. Thomas Dimmock's Co., Barnstable, Mass., 1643. Smith, Q. M. Tohn, , Dorchester, Mass. Q. M. Suffolk Troop, 1652. Smith, Ens.. John, 1682, Providence, R. I. Ens., 1654. Deputy i666-'72. Bowen, Edgar C, 430. Smith, Hon. John, 1722-1794, Baltimore, Md. Justice of Cumberland Co., Pa., 1757 to 1764. Member of Assem- bly, Cumberland Co., Pa., i754-'5, i7S8-'9. Member of Committee of Correspondence. 1774. Member of Md. Con- vention of 1776. Cary, Wilson M., 225. Smith, Jonathan, 1659-1720. In the Indian Wars, 1696. Tucker, Gilman H., 171. Smith, Merriwether. 1730-1790. Member House of Burgesses from Essex Co., Va.. 1770, 1774, and of the Virginia Con- vention, i775-'76. Nicholson, John R., 514. Smith, Lieut. Moses, Sr. Lieut. 3d Co. of Lancaster Regt., i77i-'76. Smith, Nehemiah. Ensign at New London, Conn.. 1697. Governor's Councillor, 1703. Deputy. Otis, Joseph E., Jr., 382. Smith, Lieut. Philip, 1633-1684. Hadley, Mass. Lieut., Town Troop and Troop Hampshire Co., 1678. Deputy, i68o-'84. Ives, Francis J.. loi. Morton, J. Sterling, 423. Stockbridge, Henry, 162. Underwood, Harold G., 507. Smith, Lieut. Richard, 1625- 1685. Lieut. Md. Militia, 1650. Burgess, 1661-1665. Atty.- Gen., i655-'8o. Spencer, John T., 208. Smith, Maj. Richard (Bull Smith), 1692. Indian Wars in Conn. Treaty with Narragansetts for delivery of Philip of Pocanoket, 1675. Beatty, A. Chester, 45. Beatty, Robert C, 45. Beatty, W. Gedney, 45. Foster, Howell, 81. Lawrence, Robert C, 109. Roddy, Hugh V., Jr., 146. Suckley, Robert B., 164. Underbill, Edgar, 171. Smith, Richard, Sr. Served from Conn, in Narragansett War. Smith, Richard, Jr. Served from Conn, in Narragansett War. Smith, Lieut. Samuel, Sr., 1602- 1680. "Antient Serjeant" at Wethersfield, Conn., and Dep- uty, i640-'6i. Lieut, of Had- ley Troop, 1663-1678, and Deputy, Col. of Mass. Bay, i66i-'73. Commissioner to the Mohawks, 1667. Conover, John T., 64. Cooley, Francis R., 297. Hall, Harrison C, 259. Hawks, Wm. I., 423. Hayden, Horace E., 198. Houghton, George C, 537. Hulbert, Edmund D., 378. Isham, Charles, loi. Ives, Francis J., loi. Longacre, James B., 203. Mac Veagh, Eames, 380. Morton, J. Sterling, 423. Sherrill, Charles H., 155. Sill, Frederick S., 156. Smith, Archibald H., 308. Smith, Howard C, 157. Smith, Stewart W., 308. Stockbridge, Henry, 233. Telford, W. Smith, 364. Whipple, Durand, 408. White. William C, 447- 764 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Smith, Samuel, 1693-1784, Lan- caster and Cumberland Cos. Penn. High Sheriff ,1735-' 36. Member of Assembly, 1737- '38. Cary, Wilson M., 225. Smith, Capt. Samuel, 1699-1763. South Hadley, Mass. Capt. So. Hadley Co., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. White, William G., 448. Smith, Capt. Simon, Warwick, R. I. Deputy, Speaker of House, Attorney-General, Lieut, and Capt. Wheaton, Frank, 479. Smith, Capt. Thomas. 2d, 1673 , East Haven, Conn. En- sign., 1716. Lieut., 1718. Capt., 1723. Smith, Gov. Thomas, 1648 , South Carolina. Gov. S. Car- olina, 1690; also of N. and S. Carolina, 1693. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Smith, Col. Walter, 1711. Burgess for Calvert Co., Md., 1 696- 1 704, i7o8-"ii. Major, 1695, and later Col., Militia of Calvert Co. Johnston, Christopher, 229. Montgomery, Thomas H., 204. Smith, William, 1670. Wethersfield and Farmington, Conn. Clerk Train Band and Inspector of Arms, 1645. Dep- uty, i652-'53. Smith, Gov. William, 1655-1705. Gov. of Tangier. i675-"83. Member Colonial Council. N. Y., 1691-1704. Judge, Court of Admiralty, N. Y., N. J., and Conn., 1693-97. Com- mander of Suffolk Forces, 1693. Colonial Gov., 1701. Duffield, Howard, 76. Este, Charles, 196. Houston, Wm. C., Jr., 199. Lawrence, Abraham R., 109. Walsh. James W., 176. Woolsey, Theodore S., 312. Smith, Hon. William, 1697-1769. Atty.-Gen., i75i-'52. Member of Council, 1753-07. Deputy Prov. Council, 1754, and one of the Committee to draft the Bond of Alliance. Foulke, Bayard F., 82. Smythe, Col. Thomas, ist, 1650- 1719. Assembly, 1694-1707. Council, I7i5-'i9. Col. of Kent Co. Militia, 1699. Dep- uty Commissary-Gen., 1707- '18, Prov. of Md. Browne, Bennet B., 223. Neff, Peter, 231. Wayne, James S., 419. Smythe, Thomas, 2d, 1710-1741. Assembly, Province of Md., 1738. Neff, Peter. 231. Smythe, Thomas, 3d, 1730-1819. Provincial Convention, Prov. of Md., 1774. Neff, Peter, 231. Snelling, Capt. Jonathan, 1697- 1754. Commanded Frigate Cccsar at the Siege of Louis- burg. 1745. Snelling, Samuel, 208. Snow, Anthony. Deputy from Marshfield, Mass., 1656, et seq. From Plymouth, i679-'8o. Field, John L H., 435. Snow, Lieut. Jabez, 1642-1690. Lieut, in Capt. John Gorham's Co., Expedition to Canada, 1690. Burke, James S., 56. Snow, John, 1707 . Under Col. John Partridge, 1722, in 3d Co. of Falmouth, Capt. Samuel Ilsley, 1757. Snow, Mark, 1628-1695, Eastham, Mass. Member of Council of War, 1675. Member of Mil- itia, 1643. Snow, Nicholas, 1676. Plym- outh Militia, 1643. Deputy from Eastham, Mass.. 1648. Atwood, Edward S., 39. Burke, James S., 56. Doane. William H., 414. Lombard, Josiah L., 380. Paine, Cyrus F., 128. Rich, William T., 140. 76s INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Snow, William, 1624-1708, Dux- bury, Mass. Member Plym- outh Military Co. Snowden, Capt. Richard, 171 1. Capt. Prov. Forces of Md., i700-'03. Large, James, 201. Thomas, Lawrence B., 167. SoANE, Hon. Henry, 1620-1662. James City County, Va. Jus- tice and Burgess, i652-'62. Speaker of House of Burgess- es, i66i-'2. Cary, Wilson M., 224. SoTCHER, John, 1729. Pa. Assembly, 1712, i7i5-'22. Martin, Jonathan W., 203. SouLE, George, 1680, Dux- bury, Mass. In Lieut. Wil- liam Holmes' Co., Pequot War. Representative, 1645. Butters, George, 370. Cutler, Edward H., 434. Parker, Edward L., 271. Vaill, Frederick S., 536. SOUTHWORTH, Gen. CONSTANT. 1615-1679. In Pequot War. Ens., Duxbury Co., 1646. Lieut., 1653. Deputy. Treas. of Plymouth Colony. Mem- ber Council War, 1658. Com- missioner for United Colonies. 1668. Commissary-Gen., King Philip's War. Bryant, Percy, 55. Clark, Homer P., 432. Freeman, John G., 257. Forbes, Charles S., 362. Griffith, William H., 87. Mayo, Charles E., 439. Otis. Philo A., 382. Pratt, Dallas B., 137. Sears, Henry D., 277. Shaw, Henry S., 278. Stevens, John A., S22. Thompson, Norman F., 388. SoUTHWORTH, CaPT. ThOMAS, 1616-1669, Plymouth. Lieut., 1648. Commander, i6s9-'69. Deputy, i65i-'S3. Assistant, i6s2-'6g. Commissioner for the United Colonies, i659-'62. Gov. of Kennebec. Crandon, Edwin S., 252. Crandon, John N., 253. Fairbanks, Henry N., 531. Spalding, Lieut. John, 1704-1752, Chelmsford, Mass. In Capt. Robt. Richardson's Snowshoe Co., Father Rasle's War, 1724. Barrows, John W., 471. Spalding, John F., 159. Spalding, Lieut. Timothy, 1676- 1763, Chelmsford and West- ford, Mass. Sergt. under Capt. Timothy Underwood. Lieut., 1697. Reade, Philip, 506. Sparhawk, Nathaniel, 1598- 1647, Cambridge, Mass. Dep- uty, 1642-1647. Brooks, Lyman L., 249. Mclntire. Charles J., 266. Sparrow, Capt. Jonathan, 1630- 1695, Eastham, Mass. Lieut., Capt. John Gorham's Co., King Philip's War, Narragan- sett Swamp Fight. Deputy, at Plymouth, and at Boston after the union of the Colo- nies. Capt., French and In- dian War, 1690. Clark, Homer P., 432. Freeman, James G., 257. Mayo, Charles E., 439. Paine, Cyrus F., 128. Sears. Clinton B., 347. Sp.'^rrow, Richard, 1660. Plymouth Company, 1643. Gillette. Edwin F., 376. Spa(u)lding, John, 1633-1721, Chelmsford, Mass. In King Philip's War, under Capt. Nicholas Manning. Foster, Joseph, 350. Spalding, John F., 159, 477. Young, Harry, 288. Spa(u)lding, Oliver^ 1710-1757, Chelmsford, Mass. Under Capt. John Prescott, against Cuba, 1740. Spencer, Isaac. 1678-1751. Dep- uty, Conn., 1734. Spencer, Horatio N., 406. Spencer, Ens. Jared, 1614-1685, Haddam, Conn. Commis- sioned, 1656. In King Philip's War. Representative, 1674. 766 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Brainerd, Cephas, 52. Roy, Edw. F., 147. Sherrill, Charles H., 155. Spencer, Horatio N., 406. Spencer, Selden P., 406. Wells, Henry R., 447. Spencer, Coe. Joseph, 1714-1789. Maj., 2d Conn. Regt., Col. Whiting. Lieut-Colonel, French and Indian Wars, 1758. Delafield, Wallace. 398. Spencer, Sergt. Thomas, 1686. Under Major John Ma- son, Pequot War. Earle, Ferdinand P., 77. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. Stafford, William F., 161. Spencer, Lieut. Wileiam, 1640. Lieut. Newtown, 1636. Deputy, Mass., 1638; Conn., I 639- I 640. Adams, Frederick C, 396. Barbour, Lucius A., 294. Goddard, Lester O., 376. Hubbard, John E., 363. Sperry, Richard, ■ , New Haven, Conn. Proprietor, 1685. Member of the "Night Watch." Carter, Walter S., 59. Spicer, Peter, 1695, Conn. In King Philip's War. Horton, William E., 97. Spies, Peter, 1690-1734. Anns- berg, N. Y. One of the Pala- tine Vols, against Canada, 1711. Spies, Francis F., 159. Spies. Henry H., 160. Spofford, Lieut. Abel. Lieut, in South Division. 2d Regt., Co. of Essex, 1771. Lieut, in Capt. Eliphalet Spofford's Co. (2d Rowley), Col. Stephen Emery's Regt. Spofford, Paul N., 160. Spofford, Capt. Abner, 1705- 1777. Mass. Prov. Forces, 1743. Spofford, Paul N., 160. Spofford, Col. Daniel, 1721-1803, Rowley, Mass. Ensign, 1757. Capt., 1764. Major, 1774. Col. 7th Mass. Regt., 1775. Spofford, Paul N., 160. Spofford, Capt. John, 1678-1735. Rowley, Mass. Prov. Forces, 1721. Spofford, Paul N., 160. Spofford (Spafford), John, 1648- 1697, Rowley, Mass. In Capt. Prentice's Troop, Narragan- sett Campaign, King Philip's War, i675-'76. Spofford, Lieut. Moody, I744- 1828. Services not filed. Spofford, P .ul N., 160. Spooner, William, 1684. Plymouth Militia, 1643. Gifford, Charles E., 376. Spooner, Frank E., 386. Spotswood, Major-Gen. Alexan- der, 1676-1740. Major-Gen., 1740. Gov. of Va. twelve years. Dandridge, Nathaniel P., 343. Taylor, Carter B., 209. Taylor, John B., 209. Taylor, Robert R., 209. Sprague, Anthony, 1636-1719. Hingham, Mass. His house burned by Indians during an attack, 1676, King Philip's War. Sprague, Capt. Edward, 1663 , Maiden, Mass. Capt. Maiden Co., 1715. Sprague, Capt. John, 1627-1092. Maiden, Mass. Capt., 1685. Deputy, 1690. Clarke, George K., 251. Sargent, John S., 385- Sprague, John T., 160. Sprague, Phineas W., 279. Sprague, John, 1638-1690. Hing- ham and Mendon, Mass. Un- der Major Willard on scout- ing service, 1675, King Phil- ip's War. Britton, Edward E., 54. Sprague, John, 1719-1801, Hing- ham, Mass. In Capt. Samuel Thaxter's Hingham Co.. Crown Point Expedition, 1756- Sprague, Jonathan, 1656-1731, Maiden. In Capt. Moseley's Co., King Philip's War. 767 INDEX OF AjNCBSTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Green, Samuel S., 258. Sprague, John T., 160. Sprague, Ens. Phineas, 1666- 1736, Maiden, Mass. Ensign to the Maiden Military Com- pany, 1689. Representative, i690-'9i. Sprague, Phineas W., 279. Sprague, Lieut. Ralph, 1603- 1650. Sergt., 1634. A. & H. A. Co., 1627. Lieut, in same. Deputy, Mass. Bay Colony, 1635-1650. Chamberlin, Jehiel W., 431. Clarke, Charles L., 61. Holden, Joshua B., 261. Ingalls, Phineas H., 303. Richards, Frederick B., 143. Sargent, John S., 385. Sprague, John T., 160. Sprague, Phineas W., 279. Young, Edward B., 449. Spring, Corp. Converse, 1734 . Corp. Co. of Foot, under Capt. J. Brown, Col. Williams, re- duction of Canada. Partridge, Edward L-, 132. Spring, Lieut. John, 1630-1717, Newtown, Mass. Lieut. Prov. Militia. Deputy, i704-'o7. Springer, Ens. James, 1698 . Ensign in loth Co., Capt. Moses Pearson, ist Regt. Mass., Col. Pepperrell, Louis- burg Expedition. Page, Walter G., 198. Squier, Corp. Philip, 1692, Boston, Mass. In Capt. Wil- liam Turner's Co., King Phil- ip's War. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Staats, Major Abraham, M.D., 1694. Capt., 1669, and Major of Foot at Albany. Surgeon at Rensselaerwyck. Member of Council, Bever- wyck, and its President, 1644. Beekman, James William, 46. Carnochan, G. M., 58. Davies, Julien T., 68. Davies, William G., 69. Grinnell, William M., 88. Hoffman, Samuel V., 95. Livingston, Philip, 112. Miller, John B., 118. Woolsey, Theodore S., 312. Staats, Capt. Jochim, 1654-1712. New York Provincial Forces. Ensign, 1685. Capt., 1689. Commissioner of Indian Af- fairs, 1690. Canadian Expe- dition, 1688. Miller, John B., 118. Staats, Samuel, M.D., 1657-1715. Member of Gov. Leisler's Council, 1690, and later. Stacy, Mahlon. 1704. Mem- ber of Council, Prov. of N. J. Coates, Edward H., 195. Martin, Jonathan W., 203. Morton, Thomas G., 204. Williams, Francis H., 211. Stafford, Lieut. Samuel. 1636- 1718. Lieut. R. I. Militia, 1705. Deputy R. I., 1679, ct scq. Assistant, i674-'86. Lee, Edward C, 202. Watson, William H., 178. Standish, Alexander, , Duxbury, Mass. Member Capt. Myles Standish's Co., 1643. Standish, Capt. Josiah, 1634- 1690, Duxbury and Bridge- water, Mass. Ens. at Duxbury, 1654. Lieut, at Bridgewater, 1660. Capt. at Duxbury, 1682, Deputy from Duxbury, 1665, ct scq. Member of Council of War, 1658 and 1681. In King Philip's War. Allen, Charles E.. 360. Jewett, William P., 438. Standish, Capt. Myles, 1584- 1656. He received the first military commission given in this country. Assistant, 1624, ct scq. Member of Council of War, Plymouth Colony. In 1649 appointed General-in- Chief of all the companies in the Colony. Alden, Isaac C, 413. Allen, Charles E., 360. Bartlett, G. F. H., 43. 768 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Butters. George, 370. Coffin. Rufus, 252. Colburn. Burnham S., 497. Curtiss, Frederick H., 253. Gushing, Luther S., 433- Groesbeck, Robert B., 198. Hodges, George, 261. Jewett, William P., 438. King. Henry P., 264. Le Baron, Frederick N.. no. Reed, James. 274. Reed, James H., 275. Roberts. Joseph B., 146. Sampson, Clark H., 405. Sanger. Joseph F.. 541. Slocum, Herbert J., 157. Slocum. Joseph, 157. Standish, Myles, 161. Standish. Myles, 279. Thomas, Frank W., 167. Thompson. Gilbert, 325. Thomsen, Alonzo L., 235. Thomsen, Herman I.. 235. Thomsen. John J.. 235. Townsend, Rufus M., 169. Vaill, Frederick S., 536. Weed, George S., I79- Standish, Thomas. 1612-1692, Wethersfield. Conn. In the Pequot War, 1637. Stanley, Capt. Caleb, 1642-1718. Lieut., 1683. Capt., 1689, King William's War. Assis- tant, 1691-1700. Grinnell, William M., 88. Schauffler. William G., 338. Strong, Theron G., 164. Stanley, Capt. Christopher, 1603-1646. Boston, Mass. In- dian Wars. Bardwell, Harry J., 369. Stanley, Capt. John, 1624-1706. Sergt., 1669. Ens., 1674. Lieut, 167=;. Capt.. 1676, Hartford Co. Militia. In King Philip's War. Adams, John Q., 428. Allen, Frederick P., 38. Bradley. Frederick L., 52. Carter, Walter S.. 59. Powell, Lyman T., 442. Schroeder. J. Langdon, 151. Stanley, Samuel G., 161. Stanley, Maj. John, 1698. Member of Lower House of Assembly, Prov. of Md., 1689. Capt. of Troop. Talbot Co., 1689. Maj., 1692. Stanley, J. G., 233. Stanley, Lieut. John, 1647-1729. Sergt. in Waterbury Train Band, 1682. Lieut., 1689. Deputy. 1 707-': 6. Allen, Frederick P., 38. Stanley, Nathaniel (R. I-)- Services not filed. Stevens. John A.. 522. Stanley. Thomas. 1645, Hartford, Conn. Deputy Mass. Bay Colony, 1635. Blagden, Thomas, 316. Stanton, Ens. Benjamin, Sr., 1695- 1760, Dover. N. H. In garrison at Port Royal, N. S., i7io-'ii, in Major Paul Mas- carene's Co., New England Troops. At Siege of Louis- burg in Capt. Hale's Co., Col. Samuel Moon's Regt. Ens., 1746. Stanton, Benjamin I.. 443- Stanton, John. 1641-1713. In King Philip's War under Capt. Denison, capture of Canonchet. Denison, Charles, 472. Denison, John H.. 473. Plumb. Henry B., 306. Stanton, Robert, 1653-1724. New London. Conn. Interpreter, Pequot War. Cox, William V. Z., 318. Meacham, Franklin A., 381. Stanton. Thos.. 1616-1677. In- dian Interpreter to John Win- throp the younger, in Conn., before Pequot War. In Pe- quot War, and rendered valu- able services at Saybrook Fort. Indian Interpreter to the General Court of Conn, in all controversies between the whites and Indians. Ames, Louis A., 38. Bartholomew. Jas. H., 429. Cox, William V. Z., 318. 769 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Denison, Charles, 472. Eaton, George F., 298. Gardiner, Curtiss C, 400. Holt, Henry P. R., 320. Lefferts, Frederic R., Jr., no. Noyes, Charles P., 440. Palmer, Ernest, 128. Peet, Emerson W., 441. Plumb, Henry B., 306. Randall, John F., 404. Spalding, George B., 158. Stanton, Henry, 161. Swan, George F., 165. Turner, Luther G., 309- Stan WOOD, Sekgt. David, 1721- 1752, Brunsv/ick, Me. In Capt. John GetchelFs Co., 1751. In Expedition against Louisburg. Bailey, Everett H., 429. Stanwood, Lieut. Ebenezer, 1695- 1772, Gloucester, Mass. Un- der Sergt. Jonathan Kings- bury, 1717. Under Capt. John Giles at Fort George, i723-'24. Sergt. in Capt. Dunninge's Co., i747-'49. In Capt. John Getchell's Co., I753- Lieut.. 1767. Bailey, Everett H., 429. Stanwood, Sergt. Phiup, 1672, Gloucester, Mass. Sergt. Train Band, 1666. Bailey, Everett H., 429. Stanwood, Samuel, 1658-1726. Under Major Richard Wal- derne, 1675, and Capt. Jona- than Poole, 1676. Bailey, Everett H., 429. Stanyan. Anthony, Hampton, N. H. Deputy, Mass., i654-'8o. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 40S- Starbuck, Edward, 1604-1690, Do- ver, N. H., and Nantucket, Mass. Representative, Dover, i643-'46. Colket, Charles H., 195. Sawyer, Charles F., 352. Stark. Aaron, 1602-1685. In Pe- quot and King Philip's Wars. Elackmer, Henry N., 471. Smith, William S., 506. Stark. Charles G., 506. Starkey, John, 1712 . In Capt. Tyler's Co., Attlebor- ough, Mass., 1757. Wheelock, William B., 389. Starr, Maj. Daniel, 1724-1777, Danbury, Conn. In 2d Dan- bury Co., Capt. John Barnum, Andrew Burr, Col., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Scofield, George S., 152. Starr, John. Served under Capt. Samuel Wadsworth, i676-'7 ; in garrison at Mendam and Wrentham, King Philip's War. Moller, Charles G., Jr., 118. Starr, Capt. Josiah, 1693-1778, Danbury, Conn. Lieut., 1710. Capt., 1713. Capt. of a Co., Expedition to Cape Breton, i745-'46. Goodell, George A., 485. Scofield, George S., 152. Starr, Dr. Thomas, 1616-1658. Surgeon of Forces against Pe- quots. Granger, William S., 519. Hulbert, Edmund D., 378. MacVeagh, Fames, 380. Murray, Charles H., 123. Plumb, Henry B., 306. Scofield, George S., 152. Starr, William J., 506. Williams, Norman A., 183. Stearns, Lieut. Isaac, 1661-1739. In Capt. John Lane's Co., Bil- lerica, Mass., Queen Anne's War, i7o6-'o7. Lieut, under Jonathan Butterfield, Crown Point Expedition. Belknan, Waldron P., 46. Stearns, John. In King Philip's War, and Indian War of 1706. Stearns. Lieut. John. 1654-1728, Lieut, in Capt. John Lane's Co., 1704. Relief of Dun- stable, 1706. Bryant. Frederick S-. 431. Dennis, Rodney S., 71. Stearns, Albert H.. 279. Stearns, Frederick M., 280. Wyman, Walter C, 391. 770 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Stearns, Capt. John. Capt. in Indian Wars, 1748. Stearns, Henry P., 308. Stearns, Samuel, 1638-1683. In King Philip's War. Stearns, Lieut. Samuee, 1673 , Watertown, Mass. Dep- uty, I7i4-'3i- Heaton. John E., 302. Stearns, Samuel, Jr., i7I3-i793. Amherst, Mass., and Hollis, N. H. In Col. Blanchard's Regt., 1754, on the Connecti- cut River. Stearns, Shubael, 1655- 1734, Cambridge, Mass. King Phil- ip's War. Newton, Charles H., 417. Stebbings, Capt. John, 171 i- 1756. French War, 1746, un- der Gov. Shirley, Canada. In i755-'56, Capt. in Col. Timothy Ruggles' Mass. Regt. Upham, Henry P., 445. Stebbins, Edward, 1663, Hart- ford, Conn. Deputy, i639-'56. Blagden, Thomas, 316. Stebbins, John, 1626-1679. In Capt. Samuel Moseley's Co., King Philip's War. Murphey, Elijah W., 123. Rhoades, Lyman, 140. Stebbins, Lieut. Thomas, 1620- 1683. Lieut, in Capt. Turner's Co., Falls Fight, King Phil- ip's War. Atkinson, Charles T.. 368. Merritt, Douglas, 117. Moseley, John G., 268. Stebbins, Albert K., 542. Thomson, Arthur C., 283. Stedman, Q. M. John, 1601-1693, Cambridge, Mass. Ensign, i64i-'47. Cornet in Capt. Davis' Troop, Expedition against Ninigret. 1657. Q. M., 1676. Stedman. Lieut. John, 1675, Hartford. Conn. King Phil- ip's War. Steele, George, 1663, Hart- ford, Conn. Under Capt. Ma- son, Pequot War. Benjamin, George P., 48. Dickinson, Oliver P., 372. Haskell, Frank W., 91. Jones, Charles L., 104. Wright, Harry L., 390. Steele, James. Under Capt. Richard Lord, 1657. Comm., 1675-1676, King Philip's War. Benjamin, George P., 48. Haskell, Frank W., 91. Jones, Charles L., 104. Newman, Clarence E., 124. Wright. Harry L., 390. Steele, Capt. James, 1658-1712. Lieut., 1708. Capt., 1710, Hartford Co. Troops. Haskell, Frank W., 91. Jones, Charles L-, 104. Newman, Clarence E., 124. Steele, John, 1665. Deputy, Mass., 1634 - '35 ; Deputy, Conn., i636-'37. Declared War against Pequots. Squires, George C, 443. Warren, Walter P., 176. Wead, Leslie C, 285. Steele, Gov. John. Services not filed. Curtis, Lewis B., 298. Steele, Ensign John, • 1653, Farmington, Conn. Ensign, 165 1. Dickinson, Oliver P., 272. Steele, Lieut. John, i 687-1 751, Farmington and Woodbury, Conn. Ens., Farmington Train Band, 1734. Lieut., Woodbury Train Band, 1739. Dickinson, Oliver P., 372. Steele, Lieut. Samuel, 1626-1685. Farmington, Conn. Ens., Train Band, 1669. Lieut, 1674. Deputy, i667-'77. Steele, Capt. William. Capt., Associated Cos. of Lancaster Co., Penn., 1756. Beekman, James W., 46. Sample, Nathaniel W., 477. Stein, Ens. Abraham, 1724-1807. Ens., Penn. Militia, i763-'64. Stetson, Amos, 1703-1777, Brain- tree, Mass. In Capt. Edward Ward's Co., Col. Joseph Wil- 771 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Hams' Regt., 1758, French and Indian War. Stetson, Cornet Robert, 1613- 1703, Scituate, Plymouth Col- ony. Deputy, 1655. Council of War, 1661, '71, '81. Cornet, First Body of Plymouth Horse, 1659. Press Master, 1675- Bowers, Henry, 52. Crandon, Edwin S., 253. Paul, Edward J., 505- Stetson, Henry C, 280. Steut, ElEazer, 1678. In King Philip's War. Parker, Frederick S., 130- Stevens, Cyprian, 1640 . At- tacked by Indians in his gar- rison, 1675-76. Served at Groton, Mass., under Capt. Thomas Wheeler, i675-'76; at Lancaster under Ens. Peter Joselin, 1704. Stevens, Clarence W., 161. Stevens, Frederick B., 161. Stevens, Ens. Erasmus, Marble- head, Mass. Ens. Co. of Foot, Capt. Samuel Ward, 1683. Stevens, Lieut. Erasmus, 1686- 1750. A. & H. A. Co., 1720. Second Sergt., 1724. Lieut., 1739- Stevens, John A., 522. Stevens, Capt. James, 1686 . Commanded Co. at Louisburg. Grinnell, William M., 88. Stevens, Capt. Joseph, 1682-1769, Rutland, Mass. Ens., 1722. Capt., 1724, Father Rasle's War. Stevens, Clarence W., 161. Stevens, Frederick B., 161. Stevens, Sergt. John, 1606-1662, Andover, Mass. Sergt., An- dover Military Co., 1661. Stevens, John W., 444. Stevens, Lieut. John, 1639-1689, Andover, Mass. Lieut., King Philip's War ; killed at Casco Bay, 1689. Stevens, Lieut. Nathaniel, 1661-1709. Lieut. Conn. Troops. Stevens, Capt. Nathaniel, 1747. Capt. of 6th Co., 7th Conn. Regt., 1741. Stevens, Charles E., 208. Stevens, Capt. Timothy, 1641- 1708, Roxbury, Mass. Ens. Roxbury Co. of Militia, 1689. Representative, 1698 - 1700. Lieut., 1689. Capt., 1693. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Stevenson, Thomas, 3d., 1673- 1719, Bucks Co., Pa. Mem- ber Prov. Assembly, i7io-'i9. Mitchell, Edward C, 439. Stewart, Dr. David. 1707-1776. Capt. of Del. Militia, 1747. Craven, Thomas J., 513- Stewart, George, i733- Penn. Assembly for Lancaster Co., i730-'33- Peak, Albert C, 323. Stickney, Abraham, 1703- 1783, Tewksbury, Mass. Under Lieut. Peter Abbot, 1722, re- lief of Fort William Henry. Ens. in Col. Tyng's Regt., i757-'58. Flint, James M., 319. Stickney, William A., 406. Stickney, Lieut. William, 1592- 1665. Rowley, Mass., 1639. Lieut., 1661. Bailey, Edward P.. 368. Hall, Clayton C, 226. Stiles, Ephraim, 1645-1714, Strat- ford, Conn. Deputy, i686-'96. Court of Elections, 1695-1708. Committee of Safety, Fairfield Co. Curtiss, Harlow C, 67. Stiles, Lieut. Francis. Lieut, of South Co. at Woodbury, Conn., 1773. Stilwell, Lieut. Nicholas, — ;— 1671. Organized a Troop in Va., 1644. Captured King Opechancanagh, successor to Powhatan. Lieut, under Capt. Martin Kregier, second Eso- pus War, 1663. Clark, Henry S., 61. Clark, William N., 61. Jackson, Pearsall B., 102. Lahens, Louis E., 108. 772 INDBX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Pearce, Charles E., 404. Prall, Wm., 137. Schenck, Charles L., 150. Schenck, Willard P., 150. Schieffelin, Eugene, 150. Schieffelin. Schuyler, 151. Sill, John T., 157- Wyckoff, Peter, 185. Stith, Maj. John. Burgess for Charles City Co., Va., 1685, i692-'93. Capt., 1676; Major, 1680; Charles City Co. Mili- tia. Johnston, Christopher, 228. Lorton, Heth, 113. Stockbridgi;, Charles, 1634-1683. Soldier. King Philip's War. Bowers, Henry, 52. Stockbridge, Henry, 233. Stocking, Sergt. Samuel, 1683, Hartford and Middle- town, Conn. Deputy, 1665- '69, '74-'77, 'Bi. In King Phil- ip's War, 1675. Sergt. in 1677. Stockton, Lieut. Richard, 1606- 1707. First Lieut., 1665, Flushing, L. L, Troo£. Burnett, Chas. H., 194. Collins, Henry H., Jr., 195. Edwards, Chas. L., 414. Gillespie, Geo. C, 197. Horner, Caleb W., 199. Horner, Wm. M., 199. Hunter, Richard S., 199. Levis, Samuel W., 202. Powell, Washington B., 206. Van Amringe, Guy, 172. Wright, Jacob R., 212. Stockton, Richard, 1730-1781. Governor's Council, Prov. N. J., 1768. Horner, Caleb W., 97. Stockton, Bayard, 338. Stoddard, Anthony, 1687. Clerk, 1642, et scq., and 3d Sergt., 1650, A. & H. A. Co. Deputy, 1659, et scq. Wilson, John A., 236. Stoddard, Col. John, 1682- 1749, Northampton, Mass. Col., Mass. Militia. Green, Charles E., 400. Washburn, William L, 177. Stodder, Sergt. Samuel, 1640- 1731, Hingham, Mass. Sergt., King Philip's War. Willcutt, Levi L., 286. Stone, Daniel, 1668-1702, Fram- ingham, Mass. Served in Expedition to Canada, 1690. Robinson, Francis W., 276. Stone, David, 1704. Trooper from Middlesex, Mass. King Philip's War. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Stone, Ebenezer, 1662-1734, New- ton, Mass.. Deputy, 1708- 1717. Royal Councillor of the Prov., i730-'33. Burnham, Albert W., 250. Hammond, Lyman D., 377. Jackson, George E., 401. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Stone, Gregory, 1590-1672. Dep- uty, Mass. Bay Col., 1638. Anderson, James T., 315. Bent, S. Arthur, 178. Green, Charles M., 258. Robbins, Howard S., 145. Stone, Charles W., 280. Stone, William E., 280. Stone, John, 1618-1683, Cam- bridge, Mass. Deputy, 1682- '83. Green, Charles M., 258. Robbins, Howard S.. 145. Stone, William E., 280. Stone, Corp. John, 1663- 171 3, Lex- ington, Mass. Corporal, Lex- ington Military Co. Stone, John, 1728-1791, Newbury- port, Mass. In Capt. John Codman's Co.. 1748. Bickford, Scott F.. 248. Stone, Matthew, 1660-1743, Lan- caster and Sudbury, Mass. Under Capt. Daniel Hench- man, 1676. King Philip's War. Stone, Micah, 1699-1738, Fram- ingham, Mass. Representa- tive. i734-'35- Stone. Hon. Nathaniel, Repre- sentative, 1701. Belts, Frederick H., 48. Stone, Rev. Samuel, 1602-1663, Hartford, Conn. Chaplain, Pequot War, Capt. John Ma- son. 772 INDBX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Andrews, James S-, 294. Britton, Edward E., 54- Ives, Marvin A., 378. Johnson, S. Albert, 103. Kent, Henry O., 351. Mann, Matthew D., 114. Murray, Charles H., 123. Phillips, George M.. 441. Thompson, Harry G., 309. White, William C., 447. Stone, Capt. Samuel, 1635-1715, Lexington, Mass. Trooper un- der Major Willard against Ninigret, 1654. Capt. Lexing- ington Co. Stone, Samuel, 1656-1743, Con- cord, Mass. Under Capt. Prentice, King Philip's War. Wounded at Great Swamp Fight, 1675. In Capt. Thomas Brattle's Troop, Mt. Hope Expedition, 1676. Anderson, James T., 315. Messinger, William D., 381. Stone, Charles W., 280. Upham, Henry P., 445. Stone, Simon, 1585-1665, Water- town, Mass. Deputy. 1636- '56. Farr, Marvin A., 272- Jackson, George E., 400. Stone, Simon, 1631-1708, Water- town, Mass. Representative, i678-'90. Jackson, George E., 401. Stone, Charles W., 280. Stone, Simon, 1656-1741, Water- town, Mass. In garrison at Mendon, 1675. At Groton, i675-'76. Under Capt. Sill, King Philip's War. In King William's War at Exete.r, 1690. Brown, David H., 180. Stone, Charles W., 280. Stoothofe, Capt. Elbert Elbert- SON, 1620- 1688. Capt. of Mi- litia, Prov. of N. Y., Dutch Conquest, 1673. One of the Nine Men, i649-'50. Barclay, David, 42. Jones, Charles H., 200. Wister, Rodman, 212. Storer, Lieut. John, 1694 , Wells, Me. Lieut, and Capt., 3d Co., 1st Mass. Regt., 1744, and Siege of Louisburg. Rep- resentative, Mass., i748-'50-'54. Hale, Josiah L., 259. Storer, Horatio R., 522. Storer, Lieut. Joseph, 1648-1730. Maintained a garrison house in Wells, Me., against Indians. Ensign, 1680. Lieut.. 1691. Commissary, 1604. Hale, Josiah L., 188. Storer, Ebenezer, 162. Storer, Horatio R., 522. Storer, John H., 280. Storm, Capt. Thomas, 1748 . Capt. in Regt. of Col. John Van Rensselaer, 1770; also in Col. Jeremiah Hoogeboom's Regt., 1770. Hoffman, Samuel V., 96. Storm, Clarence, 162. Storrs, Major Joseph, 1711-1785. Crown Point Expedition, 1756. Deputy, i752-'56. Stoughton, Sergt.-Major Israel, • 1644, Dorchester, Mass. Ens. Capt. Mason, 1633. Dep- uty, i634-'35. Asst., i637-'44. Capt. and Com.-in-Chief of Mass. forces against the Pequots, 1637. Sergt.-Maj. in Col. Winthrop's Regt., 1641. Stoughton. Capt. Thomas. Ens., Windsor, 1689. Capt., 1698. Lieut., 1734. Deputy, 1699, i725-'29, '22,- Walker, Stoughton, 407. Stoughton, Lieut. Thomas. Ens. and Lieut., Windsor, 1640. Walker, Stoughton, 407. Stout, Richard, New Amster- dam, 1622. Assembly, N. J., 1771. Stow, John, 1595-1643, Roxbury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Representative, 1639. Macdonough, Rodney, 266. Stow, John, 1641-1688, Middle- town, Conn. Indian Wars ; wounded at Hatfield. 774 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Stow, Thomas, 1684, Brain- tree, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Gilbert, James H., 376. Macdonough, Rodney, 266. Stow, Lieut. Thomas, 1650-1730, Middletown, Conn. Ens. North Co., of Middletown, 1717. Lieut. Third Co., 1723. Macdonough, Rodney, 266. Straight, Corp. Thomas, 1619- 1681, Watertown, Mass. Corp., Watertown Co. Stratton, John. Under Major Appleton, Narragansett Cam- paign, i675-'76. Richards, Charles S., 143. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. Stream, Ensign John, 1621-1685. Ensign, 1665, Colonial Forces of Connecticut. Conover, John T., 64. Jones, Charles L., 104. Stevens, John B., 162. Street, Rev. Nicholas, 1602-1674. Member Taunton Militia, 1643, under Capt. William Poole. Carter, Walter S., 59. Strettele, Robert, 1693-1761. Pro- vincial Councillor of Penn., 1 74 1 -'60, and President of the Council. Fisher, Robert S., 319. Strong^ Jedediah, 1667-1709. Slain by Indians, Queen Anne's War. Murray, Charles H., 123. Strong, Elder John, 1605-1699, Deputy, 1641, ct scq.. Colony of Mass. Bay. Brewer, William A., 460. Davis, Gustavus P., 298. Dennis, Rodney S., 71. Merritt, Douglas, 117. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Strong, Charles H., 493. Strong, Frederick S., 233. Strong, Richard P., 233. Wessells. Henry W., 311. Strong, Ens. John, 1707-1793, Windsor, Conn. Drummer in Capt. Benj. Allyn's Co., Crovi^n Point Expedition, 1755. Ens. in Gen. Phineas Seymour's command, siege of Montreal. Strong, William W., 507. Strong, Lieut. Return, 1640- 1726, Windsor, Conn. Cornet of Troop, 1689. Deputy, i689-'90. Lieut., 1692. Fyfe, Richard H., 498. Gunsaulus, Frank W., ijj. Haskell, Frank W., 92. Hayden, Horace E-, 198. Jones, Charles L., 104. Plumb, Henry B., 306. Strong, Thomas, 1630-1689. Under Major John Mason, 1658. Strong, J. Montgomery, 163. Strong, Thomas M., 281. Strother, Capt. John, 1721-1795. Capt. in French and Indian War, i756-'57, from Culpeper Co., Va. Bayne, Howard R., 45. Strycker, Jacobus Gerritsen, 1617-1687. Delegate to Con- vention at New Orange to confer with Gov. Colve, 1674. Voorhees, Wm. P., 406. Strycker, Capt. Jan, 1615-1697. Member, Great Landtag, New Amsterdam, 1664. Member, Hempstead Convention, 1665. Schenen, 1673. Capt., Military Co. at Midwout, L. I. Deputy, Great Conference at New Or- ange, 1674. Averill, Henry K., 315. Bartholf, John H., 43. Corbusier, William H., 65. Eaton, Theodore H., 497. Moore, Albert R., 440. Neely, Robert C, 493. Richards, Charles S., 141. Storm, Clarence, 162. Stryker, Thos. H., 164. Voorhees, Wm. P., 406. Strycker, Jan, Jr., 1684-1770. Member of Capt. Van der Vere's Co., Kings Co., N. Y., Militia, 1715. Voorhees, Wm. P., 406. Strycker, Capt. Peter, 1697- 1784. Flatbush, L. I. In Capt. Van der Vere^s Co., King's Co. 775 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1715. Capt., 1758- Militia, 1760. Richards, Charles S., 142. Stryker, Pieter Janse, 1653-1741. Capt. Kings Co., N.Y., Militia, 1689. Richards, Charles S., 142. Sturgis, Edward, ■ 1678, Yar- mouth, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, 1664, '66-'67, '72. Stuyvesant, Petrus, 1602-1682. The last Dutch Director-Gen- eral of New Netherlands. Marshall, W. S. Elliot, 402. Sturtevant, SamueIv, 1622-1669, Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Sturtevant, Henry D., 386. Sumner. Samuee, 1659 , Dor- chester, Mass. Under Capt. Thomas Brattle, King Philip's War. Sumner, Wileiam, 1605-1669, Dorchester, Mass. Deputy, 1666, ct scg. Crafts, John W., 65. SuNDERLAiNE, Capt. James, Up- land, Penn. Capt. of Militia, 1675. Representative for Ches- ter Co., i688-'90. Hall, William C, 319- SUTHEREAND, LlEUT. DaVID, 1732- 1794. Lieut., Militia Regt., Dutchess Co., Prov. of N. Y. Merritt, Douglas, 117. SuTLiFFE, Nathaniel, 1676, Medfield.Mass. Killed, Bloody Brook Massacre in Turner's Falls campaign. King Philip's War. Davies, William G., 69. Parker, Frederick S., 130. Sutton, John, 1642-1691. Ens. in King Philip's War, Capt. Wil- liams' Co. Mann, Elias P., 113. Mann, Francis N., Jr., 113. Mann, Matthew D., 115. Sutton, Richard, 1736-1825, Ips- wich, Mass. In Capt. Thomas Peevor's Co., in the Regt. commanded by Col. Brattle, Expedition against Crown Point, 1755, and Quebec, 1760. 776 Caldwell, Samuel Le N., 472. Sutton, Eben, 281. SwAiNE, Major Jeremiah, 1643- I7I0, Reading, Mass. Wound- ed in Narragansett Fight. Lieut, and Capt. in King Philip's War. Major and Com. -in-Chief, Expedition against Kennebec and Eastern Indians, 1689. Representa- tive. Governor's Assistant. Bryant, Frederick S., 431. Carney, Sydney H., Jr., 58. Carpenter, Frederick B., 251. Parker, Charles W., 271. Parker, Charles W., Jr., 271. Parker, Edward L., 271. Swain, Julius C, 281. Swain, Julius M., 281. Swaine, William C, 507. Swaine, Sergt. John, 1698-1771. In Capt. Fay's Co., Col. Nichols' Regt., reduction of Canada, 1758. Swaine, Rev. Joseph, 1723-1792. Chaplain of Col. Plaisted's Regt., Expedition to Crown Point, 1757. Swaine, Capt. Samuel, 1610- 1682. Lieut. Conn. Colonial Forces, 1663. Newark sol- diers. Capt. Robert Treat, i667-'73. Capt. East Jersey Prov. Forces. Deputy, Conn., 1663. Deputy and "Third Man," Provincial Assembly of East Jersey, i673-'76. Chandler, Walter, 59. Grant, DeForest, 85. Grant, Madison, 85. Halsey, Henry A., 89. Halsted, David C, 90. Halsted, E. Bayard, 90. Murphy, Franklin, 327- Swaine, William, 1585-1664. Deputy, Mass. Bay Col., 1636. Commissioner to establish and govern the new Colony of Conn., 1636. Assistant, First Gen. Court, 1637. Deputy. New Haven Col., i653-'57. Chandler, Walter, 59. Halsted, David C, 90. Halsted, E. Bayard, 90. Murphv Franklin, 3:^7. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Swan, Gershom, 1654-1708, Cam- bridge, Mass. In King Philip's War, under Capt. Sill, 1675, and in garrison at Springfield, 1676. Swan, William L., 281. Swan, Richard, Ij'^B, Row- ley, Mass. In King Philip's War and Expedition to Can- ada. Deputy, i666-'77. Deering, Henry, 530. Denison, John H., 473. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Flint, James M., 319. Frost, Walter C, 474. Greene, Charles L., 436. Noyes, Edward D., 535. Roberts, Cyrus S., 146. Swan, Edward H., Jr., 165. Swan, Robert O., 537. Swan, Robert, 1628-1698. Hav- erhill, Mass. In Great Swamp Fight, Lieut. Benjamin Swett's Co. Deering, Henry, 530. Denison, Charles, 472. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Noyes, Edward D., 535. Robert, Cyrus S., 146. Swan, Lieut. Robert, Jr., 1657 . Representative from Haverhill, Mass., 1684. Deering, Henry, 530. Fessenden, Francis, 531. Noyes, Edward D., 535. SwANN, Thomas, 1616-1680. Burgess, James City Co., Va., i645-'49. Middleton, John I., 230. SwANN, OF Va., Coe. Wieliam, 1586-1638. Collector of Royal Customs in 1615, Jamestown, Va. Middleton, John I., 230. SwARTwouT, Lieut. Abraham. Ens., 2d N. Y. Regt., under Gen. Amherst, in campaign of i76o-'6i. Lieut., same regt., attack on Havana, 1762. Swartwout, Satterlee, 165. SWARTWOUT, ROEEOEE, 1634-1715. Schout of Esopus, Indian War of 1663, and member of Gov. Leisler's Council, War with France. Collins, H. O., 63. Dudley, Edgar S,. 75- Swartwout, Satterlee, 165. SwARTwouT, Thomas. Represen- tative from Amersfoort, at New Amsterdam, 1653. Sweat, Benjamin, Jr., Boscawen, N. H. In Capt. Jacob Bay- ley's Co., Col. Lovewell's Regt., 1759- Webster, Frank D., 179. SwEETSiR, Benjamin. Siege of Louisburg, 1745, in Capt. Moses Pearson's Co. Jones, Edmund C, 534. Jones, Philip I., 534. SwETT, Capt. Benjamin, 1626- 1677, Hampton, N. H. Ens. Newbury Co., 1651. Lieut, commanding militia in King Philip's War. Capt., 1677. Killed by Indians at Scarbor- ough. Knight, Stephen H., 498. SwETT, Stephen, 1620 . New- bury, Mass. Member Maj. Samuel Appleton's Co., King Philip's War. Swift, John, 1661-1735. Member of Assembly from Bucks Co., Pa., 1689, '92-'93, '95, '99-1701, 'o4-'o7, 'i3-'i6, '18. Member from Philadelphia, i720-'30. Minis, John L., 231. Swift, Capt. Nathaniel, 1707- 1790, Kent, Conn. Lieut., 1749. Capt. of the 2d Co. Young, Francis C, 479. Swift, Wiu.iam, 1644. In Lieut. John Blackmer's Co., Sandwich, Mass., 1643. Swift, Wieliam, Jr., 1705, Sandwich, Mass. Deputy from Sandwich, i673-'78. Swords, Lieut. Thomas. 55th Regt. of Foot, British Army, Fort George, Albany, and N. Y. City, last French War. Swords, Edward J., 165. Swords, Henry C, 165. 777 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Sylvester, Capt. Joseph, 1638- 1690, Scituate, Plymouth Col. Deputy, i689-'90. Capt. Scit- uate Military Co., 1689. Capt. Expedition of 1690. Parker, Edward L., 271. Schauffler, William G., 338. Symonds, Dep.-Gov. Samuel, 1595-1678, Ipswich, Mass. Deputy, i638-'43. Assistant. i643-'73- Dep.-Gov., i673-'78. Appleton, Francis H., 245. Averill, Henry K., 315. Bent, Samuel A., 247. Curtiss, Frederick H., 253. Davis, Fellowes, 70. De Benneville, James S., 196. Pleasant, Henry, 206. Skinner, Henry W., 500. Smith, Samuel F., 486. Story, Henry G., 163. Story, Joseph G., 163. Tucker, Gilman H., 170. Taber, Philip, 1605-1669, Yar- mouth, Plymouth Colony. Deputy, i639-'40; R. I., 1660- '63. Taft, Capt. Robert, 1674- 1750, Mendon, Mass. Capt., 1735, et seq. Representative. Robbins, Howard S., 145. Talbot, Ambrose. In company, Dorchester, Mass., and Sergt. in first company in No. Yar- mouth. Talbot, Archie L.. 536. Talbot, Peter. 1704, Dor- chester and Chelmsford, Mass. In King Philip's War. Talbot, Joel F.. 386. Talbot, Roger. Mate of Sloop George, four guns, Colonial naval service. Talbot, Archie L., 536. Talcott, John, 1600-1660, Weth- ersfield. Deputy, Mass., 1634- '36; Conn., i637-'53. Asst., i654-'6o. Treasurer, i652-'6o. Commissioner, i656-'58. Anthony, James L., 38. Bradley, Cyrus S., 295. Dewey, Charles, 361. Edwards, Charles J., 78. Evans, Ira H., 361. Mclntire, Chas. Jno., 266. Patten, John D., 323. Sands, James T., 405. Treat, Erastus B., 169. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Walbridge, T. C, 174. 210. Talcott, Major John, 1620-1688. Ens., 1660. Commander-in- Chief, Colony of Conn., 1673. Dutch Restoration ; King Philip's War, 1675. Gov.'s Asst. and Treasurer, i662-'76. Asst., i678-'87. Council, 1663, et seq. Commissioner for United Colonies, 1663, et seq. Bradley, Cyrus S., 295. Chittenden, Edwin S., 432. Eaton, Theo. H., 498. Edwards, Charles J., 78. Jennings, Albert G., 102. Lord, Joseph E. P.. 113. Mclntire, Chas. J., 266. Norton, Porter, 125. Patten, John D., 323. Sherman, Roger, 385. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Watson, Charles P., 177. Talcott, Capt. John, 1699-1772. Lieut, of Train Band at Bol- ton, Conn., 1728. Capt., 1737. Talcott, Gov. Joseph, 1669-1741, Hartford, Conn. Dep.-Gov., 1724. Deputy, i7o8-'io. Asst, i7ii-'23. Gov., 1725-41. Patten, J. D., 323. Sherman, Roger, 385. Talcott, Capt. Samuel, 1635- 1691. Hartford Troop, Deer- field, King William's War. Lieut., 1677. Capt., 1681. Deputy, i669-'84. Asst., 1685- '91. Backus, J. Bayard, 40. Dewey, Charles, 361. Hosmer, Edward S., 97. Treat, Erastus B.. 169. Tallmadge, Lieut. Thomas, 1690. Lieut., 1665. Deputy. Recorder, 1650. Talmadge, Robert S., 165. Tallman, Peter, 1708. Ports- mouth, R. I. Deputy, 1662- 778 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. '65 ; Deputy from Warwick, 1661 ; Commissioner, i66i-'62. Almy, William E., 428. Tapp, Edmund, 1653. Judge, 1639. Magistrate after the Union. Gov.'s Asst., 1644. Council of War, 1644. Blagden, Thomas, 316. Clarke, Walter S., 59- Conover, John T., 64. Rich, William T., 140. Richards, George H., 337- Tappan, Ens. Jacob, 1645-1717, Newbury, Mass. Ens., 1683. Lieut., 1 717. Emery, Rufus, 79. Little, Francis B., 379. Little, Josiah, 379. Tarbell, John, 1657 , Lynn- field, Mass. In King Philip's War under Major Willard. Ferris, Alexander M., 256. Newhall, James S., 269. Tareox, Samuel, . In Capt. Gardner's Co., 167S-76. Sergt., 1689. Woodbury, Urban A., 365. Tasker, Capt. Thomas, 1700. Lower House of Assembly, Md., 1697; of the Council, 1698-1700. Treasurer of the Western Shore. 1695. Howard, McHenry, 227. Tayloe, Col. John, _ 1779. Council of Virginia, 1756. Howard, McHenry, 227. Taylor, Asa, Sr., Narragansett, Mass. In Capt. Asa Whit- comb's Co. of Col. Bagley's Regt., 1757, reduction of Can- ada. In service, 1758 and '59. Chatfield-Taylor, H. C, 387. Taylor, Col. George, 171 i -1792. Col. of Regt. of Va. Colonial Troops under Gov. Dinwiddie, 175s. Orange Co. Committee of Safety of 1774. Member of Va. Convention of 1775. Mem- ber House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1748 to 1758. Anderson, William K., 497. Taylor, Lieut. -Col. James, 1732- 1814. Adjt. under Washing- ton, Braddock's Campaign. Lieut.-Col. of Caroline Co. prior to Revolution. Member House of Burgesses, Va. Thompson, John T., 424. Taylor, Capt. John, 1641-1704. Capt., Hampshire Troop. Killed by Indians after de- struction of Pascomuck, Queen Anne's War. Betts, Frederick H., 48. Betts, Louis F. H., 49. Chittenden, Edwin S., 432. Haight, Frederick E., 89. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Woodrufif. Chas. H., 185. Taylor, Lieut. John, 1667-1744. Lieut, in "Troop of Hamp- shire," French and Indian Wars. Metcalf, James B., 117. Taylor, John, M.D., 1695-1756. Prov. Assembly, Penn., 1730- '31- Frazer, Persifor, 196. Taylor, Rev. Nathaniel, 1722- 1800. Chaplain, Col. Nathan Whiting's Regt., Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 1759. Hatch, Arthur M., 92. Taylor, Philip, 1680-1732. As- sembly, Chester Co., Prov. of Penn., I7i5-'i6. Taylor, John Y., 325. Taylor, Thomas, 1600-1656, War- wick Co., Va. Justice of Court, i645-'56. Burgess, 1646. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Taylor, Ens. Thomas, 1643-1735, Danbury, Conn. Ens. Train Band, 1689-1706. Deputy, 1697. Platch, Arthur M., 92. Taylor, Thomas, ist, . In French and Indian Wars. Wounded at Deerfield. Roberts, Henry, 307. Taylor, Thomas, 2d . Captured by Indians on march from Deerfield to Fort Dum- mer, 1748. Roberts, Henry, 307. Taylor, William, 1722-1777. In Col. Elisha Williams' Regt, Expedition to Canada, 1746. 779 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. In Capt. Phineas Lyman's ist Conn. Regt., 1758. Carter, Walter S., 59- Teall, Surgeon Oliver. Surgeon in English army, French War. Teall, Edward McK., 387. Teller, Lieut. William, 1620- 1701, Albany, N. Y. Corporal at Fort Orange, 1639. Lieut., Foot Co., under Capt. Abra- ham Staats, 1669. Barrell, Harry F., 332. Timberlake, William S., 444- Temple, Abraham, . In Capt. Nathaniel Davenport's Co., 1675. Ten Broeck, Major Dirck Wes- SELS, 1638-1717. Major, 1688. Dispatched to Canada. Served under Gen. Winthrop, Cana- dian Expedition, 1690. May- or of Albany, i696-'98. Com- missioner Indian Affairs, 1691. Major, 1700. Hardie, Francis H., ?20. Hardie, Joseph C, 320. Livingston, Philip, 112. Owen, William H., Jr., 127. Sherrill, Charles H., 156, Spalding, George B., Jr., 158. Storm, Clarence, 163. Ten Broeck, Lieut. Wessels, 1636-1704. Ambassador to Canada under Gov. Dongan. Commissary, 1689. Lieut, of Foot Co., 1700. Innis, Hasbrouck, 100. Ten Eyck, Corp. Coenraet, 1651- 1687. Lance Corp. 3d Co., Burgher Corps, New Amster- dam. Clark, Kenneth, 432. Lawrence, Robert C. 109. Moller, Charles G., 118. Parsons, William D., 130. Tenney, Ens. John, 1640-1722, Rowley, Mass. In garrison at Blackpoint, Me., 1676. Under Capt. Scottow, i677-'78. Tenney, Daniel G., 166. Tenney, Ens. Thomas, 1614-1700, Bradford, Mass. Sergt. and Ens. of Rowley Foot Co., 1677. Tenney, Charles H., 166. Tenney, Daniel G., 166. Tenney, Horace K., 387. Tenney, Thomas, Sr., 1648-1730, Rowley, Mass. In Capt. Lath- rop's Co., at Hatfield, 1675. In Capt. Appleton's Co., and in Capt. Gardner's Co., King Philip's War. Tenney, Samuel P., 282. Tenney, Thomas, Jr., 1721-1762, Rowley, Mass. In the ist Foot Co., Capt. Northead, 1757. In Capt. Thomas Poor's Co., I7,S9, and the same year in Col. Appleton's Regt. Tenney, Samuel P., 282. Terrill, Capt. Ephraim, 1713- 1786. Capt. Troop, Elizabeth- town, N. J., 1760. Squier, Chas. B., 338. Terry, Major Ephraim, 1701- 1795, Enfield, Conn. Major Militia. Justice, Hartford Co.. 1737- Allen, Francis O., 192. Benjamin, Marcus, 316. Strong, William W., 507. Terry, Stephen, 1590- 1668. In Windsor Troop, 1658. Adams, Edward M., 368. Freeman, Alden, 335. Ives, Francis J., loi. Noble, Henry H., 124. Tew, Richard, 1673. Deputy, R. I., 1654, et seq. Asst., 1657. Brown, Elisha R., 349. Hord, Arnold H., 320. Palmer, Lowell M., 129. Parkhurst, Charles D., 305. Topham, Theophilus, 523. White, Hunter C, 523. Tewksbury, Thomas, , Manchester, Mass. Repre- sentative, 1692. Galloupe, Isaac F.. 2^7. Thatcher, Anthony, 1587-1667, Yarmouth, Mass. Representa- tive, 1643, et scq. Militia and Council of War, 1642. Bryant, Percy. 55. Gorham, Austin G., 474. Locke, Charles A., 266. 780 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Thatcher, Col. John, 1639-1713. Lieut. Barnstable Military Co. Capt. and Major. Plymouth Council of War. Gov.'s Asst. Plymouth Col., and Council- lor, Mass. Gorham, Austin G., 474. Locke, Charles A., 266. Squires, George C, 443. Thaxter, Capt. John. 1626-1687, Hingham, Mass. Ens., 1675. Lieut. 1664, under Capt. Hud- son. Capt. against the Dutch at N. Y. Capt. of Cavalry. Deputy, 1666. Andrew, Henry H., 245. Farnam, Charles H., 80. Farnam, William W., 299. Soule, Horace H., Jr., 278. Swan, Robert T., 281. Thaxter, Major Samuel, 1723- 1771, Hingham, Mass. Capt. in Col. Gridley's Regt., Crown Point Expedition. French and Indian Wars, 1755. Major, 1756. Fort William Henry. Andrew, Henry H., 245. Swan, Robert T., 281. Thaxter, Col. Samuel, 1665-1740, Hingham, Mass. Col., 1725. Deputy, 1697. et scq. Asst. Colburn, William J., 413. Swan, Robert T., 281. Thayer, Lieut. Jonathan, Brain- tree, Mass. Lieut, of the Braintree Co., 1773. Thayer, Charles L, 282. Thayer, Richard, 1630-1705, Braintree, Mass. In King Philip's War, under Capt. Isaac Johnson. Adams, Henry H., 37. Foote, Horace A., 81. Hayden, Henry W., 93. Hayden, James R., 93. Leeds, Charles, 265. Morse, Samuel W., 176. Stetson, G. R. 325. Thing, Capt. Jonathan, 1655- 1694. Ens. Exeter Co.. N. H. Militia, 1690. Capt., 1692. Folsom, Albert A., 256. Koues, George E., 336. Thomas, Capt. Nathaniel, 1610- 1674. Ens., Plymouth Colony, under Capt. Myles Standish, 1640. Lieut., 1643. Capt., 1644. Pequot War. Lahens, Louis E., 108. Otis, Joseph E-, 382. Otis, Philo A., 382. Perkins, Joshua N., 134. Schiefifelin, Eugene, 150. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 151. Trenchard, Edward, 170. Thomas, Capt. Nathaniel, 1643- 1718. Marshfield, Mass. Rep- resentative, 1672, et scq. Capt. King Philip's War. Gover- nor's Council. Downing, Augustus C, 333. Thomas, Lieut. Philip, 1600- 1675. High Commission gov- erning Md., i656-'59. Lieut. Prov. Forces, prior 1655. Hyde, Thomas, 321. Large, James, 201. Thomas, Lawrence B., 167. Thomas, Hon. Philip, 1694-1762. Governor's Council, Md., 1742- '62. Indian Commissioner at Lancaster, Pa., 1744. Thomas, Lawrence B., 167. Thomas, Dr. Philip, Delegate from Frederick Co., General Congress, Annapolis, Md., 1774. Thomas, Douglas H., 234. Thomas, William, 1673-1656. Governor's Asst., Plymouth Col., i642-'43. Council of War. Deputy. i640-'44. Lahens, Louis E., 108. Otis, Joseph E., Jr., 382. Trenchard, Edward, 169. Thompson. Abijah. 1739-1811. Mass. Col. Forces, French and Indian War. Lake George, 1758. Thompson, Abijah, 282. Thompson, Anthony, 1612-1647. Signer of "Compact" with Gov. Eaton and Rev. John Davenport, at New Haven, 1639. Soldier in Indian Trou- bles, 1642. Curtiss, Harlow C, 67. 7S1 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Farnham, Elijah T., 334. Merritt, Douglas, 117. Thomson, Arthur C. 283. Thompson, Henry H., 168. Thompson, William B., 325. Thompson, Capt. Jacob, 1662- 1726, Middleboro, Mass. Capt. Middleboro Co., 1711. Thompson. Paymaster Heze- KiAH, 17^5-1803. In Capt. Wait Hinman's Co., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Ladd, William W., 107. Thompson, Lieut. -Coe. Jabez, 1727-1776. First Lieut., 1755. 7th Co., 4th Regt., Crown Point Expedition. Capt.- Lieut., 1760. Maj. 2d Conn. Regt., 1774. Viele, Sheldon, 173. Thompson, James, 1649-1693, Wo- burn, Mass. In the Indian Wars, i67.S-'76. Sergt., 1691. Lieut., 1693. Thompson, Jno. T., 423. Thompson, Sergt. James, 1680- 1763. In Capt. Bragden's Co., 1723. Corp., 1723. Sergt., 1724. Thompson, J. T., 423. Thompson, James, 1716 . Wo- burn. In Col. Murry's Regt., under Col. Benj. Goldthwait. Lake George, 1756. In Capt. Samuel Bancroft's Co., Col. Eleazer Tyng's Regt., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Thompson, J. T., 423. Thompson, Lieut. John, 1616- 1696, Middleboro, Mass. Dep- uty Plymouth Col. from Barn- stable, i67i-'72; from Middle- boro, 1674, et seq. Sergt. Mil- itary Co., 1673. Lieut., 1675. Commanded garrison. King Philip's War, 1675 Doughty, Francis E., 72>- Parker, Frederick W., 272. Thompson, Clifton S., 477. Thompson, Coe. John, 1636-1736. Col. of Militia, Prov. of Md. Member of Legislature, 1694. Commissioner to treat with the Indians. Spencer, John T., 208. Thompson, Capt. Samuel, 1669- 1749, New Haven, Conn. Lieut, and Capt. of First Co. Deputy, 1716. Abbott, Samuel K., 492. Atkinson, Charles T., 368. Farnham, Elijah T., 334. Thompson, Norman F., 388. Thompson, William B., 326. Thomson, Arthur C, 283. Thompson, Lieut. Samuel, 1731- 1820, Woburn, Mass. Lieut., Capt. Jones' Co., Col. Nichols' Regt., Lake George, French and Indian War, 1758. Thompson, Willliam. In Mil- itia of Penn., French War, i659-'6o. Hayes, Birchard A., 416. Thomson, Gen. Stephens, 1713. Attorney-General of Virginia, i703-'i3. Thorndike, Capt. Paul, 1643 . Beverly, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. Dixie's Foot Co., 1677. Capt.. 16S9. Deputy, 1681. Thorndike, Augustus L., 283. Thorndike, Townsend W., 283. Thorne, Q. M. John. Kingston, N. H. In Capt. Marston's Co., Exeter, Col. John GofF, Crown Point Expedition, 1762. Thorne, John C, 353. Thornton, Lieut.-Col. Francis. 1711-1749. Lieut.-Col. Va. Militia, 1742. Forbes, Wm. I., 196. Meriwether, Hunter McK.. 402. Thornton, Ens. Timothy, 1646- 1726, Boston. Ens. Boston Co., 1689. Ens. A. & H. A. Co., 1691. Representative, i694-'95. Thornton, James B., 283. Thorowgood, Capt. Adam, 1603- 1639. Burgess, i629-'30,_ "'32. Council, 1637. Hornor, Alfred B., 321. Raborg, H. Mason, 138. Raborg, Thomas M. T., 138. Throckmorton, Charles W., 168. Thorp, Samuel, 1711-1745. Ded- ham, Mass. In Major Twing's Co., Col. John Choate's Regt., 782 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. 1745. Louisburg Expedition. Died at Cape Breton. Wheeler, Bertrand F., 540. Thrall, Willi.^m, 1606-1679, Windsor, Conn. Under Capt. John Mann, Pequot War, 16^7. Gay, Frank B., 299. Moses, Zebina, 22t,. Norton, Edward L., 125. Throckmorton, John, 1631-1687. One of the original proprie- tors Providence Plantation. Deputy, i664-'74- Thurston. Daniel, 1693, Newbury, Mass. Under Capt. Samuel Appleton, King Phil- ip's War. Greene, Charles L., 436. Haskins, Leander M., 260. Thurston, Edward, 1617-1707. Gov.'s Asst., 1675, et seq. Deputy, 1667, et seq. Com- missioner, 1663. Lawton, George P., no. Pierce, James O., 441. Tompkins, Hamilton B., 169. Thurston, John, 1635-1712. In King Philip's War. Adams, Edward M., 368. Whitin, Frederick H., 180. Thurston. Lieut. Thomas, . Sergt., 1675. Lieut., 1678. In King Philip's War. Representative, Mass., 1676. Ridgely, Charles, 384. Starkweather, Ralph E., 386. Thwing, Col. Nathaniel, 1703- 1768. Capt. in Col. Gridley's Regt, Lieut.-Col., lysO-'j. Col. under Maj.-Gen. Winslow, Crown Point, 1756. Lieut.- Col. under Col. Williams, 1759. Lieut.-Col. under Col. John Thomas. i7S9-'6o. Lieut.- Col. vmder Gen. Jaffrey Am- herst. 1759. Col., succeeding Col. John Thomas at Nova Scotia, 1760. Brown, John B., 55. Furness. William E., 375. Tibbals, Sergt. Thomas, 1615- 1703, Milford, Conn. In the Pequot War. Sergt., 1671. Conover, John T., 64. Ford, George H., 81, 299. Tibbals, Frederick L., 309. Ticknor, Sergt. William, Sergt. Gen. Cudworth's Guard, Kino- Philip's War. Rogers, Hubert, 147. TiDD, Sergt. John, 1643, Wo- burn, Mass. Sergt. in Militia. Adams, Charles E., 243. Brown, George E., 250. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Wyman, Walter C, 390. TiLESTON, Lieut. Timothy, 1637- 1697, Dorchester, Mass. Dep- uty, i689-'92. In Capt. Wads- worth's Co., under Maj.-Gen. Winslow, King Philip's War. Ens., 1689. Lieut., 1694. Fish, Charles H., 350. Hollingsworth, Zachary T., 261. TiLLINGHAST, PaRDON, 1622-I718. Providence, R. I. Deputy, 1672, '80, '94, '97, 1700. TiLLINGHAST, ThOMAS, I742-182I. Member R. I. General Assem- bly, I772-'7S- Tillinghast, William H., i68. TillEY, John, 1621. Under Myles Standish in first en- counter with the Indians at Great Meadow Creek, Dec. 8th, 1620, three days before the landing of the Pilgrims. Ames, Louis A., 38. Burke, James S., 56. Gorham, Austin G., 474. Hawes, Emory, 92. Kellogg, Daniel S., 106. Leonard, George H., 265. Locke. Charles A., 266. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. Talbot, Archie L., 536. Usher, Ellis B., 507. TiLLOTsoN, Capt. Morris, 1683- 1755, Hebron, Conn. Lieut. 1729. Capt.. 1736. Morgan, George D.. 120. Norton, Edward L., 125. TiLLSON, Edmund. 1699. In Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Thompson, Clifton S., 477. 783 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. TiLTON, Lieut. Abraham, 1690, Ipswich, Mass. Lieut., Phips' Expedition, 1690. Tilton, Palmer, 326. Tilton, Warren C, 283. Tilton, Lieut. Daniel, _ 1697- 1745, Ipswich, Mass. Lieut, at Louisburg, 1745. Lieut, of 2d Co., 5th Mass. Regt., 1744. In Indian Fight, 1722. Busiel, Charles A., 349. Tilton, George H., 353. Tilton, Palmer, 326. Tilton, Warren C, 283. Tilton, Capt. Jonathan, 1708- 1797. Hampton, N. H. Capt. in Col. Peter Oilman's Regt., 1755. Member of Legislature, i772-'74- Moulton, George M., 382. Tilton, Sergt. Joseph, 1677- — -, Hampton, N. H. Sergt. in Capt. John Oilman's Co., 1710. Tilton, Peter, 1696. Deputy, 167s, et seq. Assist., i68i-'86, Colony of Mass. Bay. Eastman, Lauren C, 399, 485. TiPPETT, George. 1675. Served under Gov. Lovelace at Flush- ing, L. I., 1667. Ryer, George S., 148. Ryer, James B., 148. TisdalE, John, 1675, Taun- ton, Plymouth Colony. Dep- uty, 1674. Killed by Indians, 1675- TiTCOMB, Benaiah, 1653 . In Capt. Thomas Noyes' Foot Co., 1696, Colony of Mass. Bay. TiTcoMB, Ens. Benjamin, . Ens. in Capt. Bagley's Co., 5th Mass. Regt. Siege of Louisburg, I744-'4S. Hawes, Andrew, 533. TiTcoMB, CoL. Moses, 1707-1755. Commanded Titcomb's Bat- tery, Siege of Louisburg. Commanded the right wing of Gen. Sir William John- son's army, defeat of Baron Dieskau. Killed at Lake George. Howard, William C, 97. TiTCOMB, William, 1676, Newbury, Mass. Deputy, i6ss- Titus, Content, 1643-1730. Capt. N. Y. Prov. Troops, 1694. Commissioner to the Court, and Deputy, Jamaica, L. I. Titus, John, 1627-1689. In King Philip's War, 1675. Farr, Marvin A., 2)7Z- Titus, Capt. John, 1684-1754, Huntington, L. I. Capt. 2d Huntington Co., 1722. Field, Thaddeus C, 435- Titus, Robert, 1609 , Reho- both, Mass. Deputy, Mass., i648-'50. ToBEY, Thomas, Sr., . Council of War for town of Sandwich, Mass, 1676. In King Philip's War. Tobey, Frank B., 388. ToLMAN, Thomas, 1633-1718, Dor- chester, Mass. In King Phil- ip's War, under Thomas Swift. Daly. Martin O., 253. ToMLiNsoN, Lieut. Agur, 1658- 1727. Ens., 1690, in Capt. Ebenezer Johnson's Co., Strat- ford, defence of Albany. Harral, George, 91. Hubbell, Henry W., 98. Peet, Frederick T., 133. ToNG (Thong), Walter. Ens. in N. Y. City Militia, 1710, 3d Co. Lieut., Queens Co. Mil- itia. Fryer, Robert L., 83. Livingston, Philip, 112. Plympton Gilbert M., 135. ToppAN, Lieut. Jacob, 1644 . Ens., 1690. Lieut., 1717. Topping, Capt. Thomas, 1688. Capt. Southampton, L. I., Militia, 1651. Asst., 1655, et seq. Fahys, George E., 79. ToRREY, Lieut. Josiah, 1645-1732. Mendon, Mass., Selectman, 1691, '92, '95, '96. Lieut, of Militia, 1696. Foster, William V., 375. ToRREY, Capt. William, 1608-1690. Hingham, Mass. Capt., 1645. 784 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Deputy, 1644, et scq. Clerk, House of Deputies, 1666. Foster, William V., 375. Langdon, Perin, 416. Laws, Harry L., 417. Torry, Benjamin B., 283. ToRREY, Corp. Wilson, 1732 , Mansfield, and Rehoboth, Mass. In Major Howe's Co., Col. Joseph Dwight's Regt., against Crown Point. Corp., 1756, under Col. Thomas Doty, Expedition to Canada, 1759- TouRNEUR, Corp. Daniel, 1626- 1673. Corp. Military Co., at Midwout, for defence against English, 1654. Against In- dians, 1660. Magistrate, 1660- '63. Patentee of Harlem. Griffen, Charles F., 87. Spies, Francis F., 159. Tower, John, 1609-1702. Of Tow- er's Garrison Plouse, King Philip's War. Ballord, Esek S., 484. Bates, James H., 44. Bissell, William P., 430. Evans, George F., 349. Farr, Marvin A., 373. TowNLEY, CoE. Richard, 162S- 1711. Capt. Elizabeth Town Train Band, 1686. Col. before 1690. Took part in defeat and arrest of Gov. Leisler, 1690. Member of Gov. Lord Neill Campbell's Council, East Jer- sey, 1686. Member of Gov. Fletcher's Council, N. Y., 1692. Pell, Howland, 134. Schieffelin, Eugene, 150. Schieffelin, George R., 151. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 151. Underbill. Frederic E., 171. TowNSEND, Andrew, 1677. Lynn, Mass. In Capt. Gard- ner's Co., King Philip's War. Evans, George F., 349. TowNSEND, Henry, 1695. As- sistant, 1650. Representative, 1653- Barlow, Peter T., 42. Macdonough, Rodney, 266. TowNSEND, James, 1665-1730. Dep. Surveyor Gen., Prov. of N. Y. Gallatin, R. Horace, 84. TowNSEND, John. Commissioner in R. I., i652-'54. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Scott, John F., 152. TowNSEND, Richard, 1739. In Capt. John Hicks' Co., Queens Co., N. Y. Militia, 1738. Townsend, James H., 169. TowNSHEND, Richard, 1596 . Council, i636-'45. Burgess for the plantations between Ar- cher's Hope and Martin's Hundred, Va.. 1629. Hornor, Wm. M., 97. Tracy, Isaac, 1706-1779. Nor- wich, Conn. Deputy^ i74i-'75. Brewer, William A., 460. Tracy, Lieut. John, 1633-1718. Norwich, Conn. Ens. Dux- bury Co., 1682 ; Lieut., 1689. Deputy from Duxbury, 1683- '84, '86. Moseley, John G., 268. Tracy, John, 1642-1702. Norwich, Conn. Deputy 1694, '97, '99, 1701. Brewer, William A., 460. Tracy, Dr. Solomon, 1651-1732, Canterbury, Conn. Ens. Can- terbury Co., 1700. Sergt., 1701. Lieut., 1702. Deputy, 1698, 1717. Jewett, William P., 438. Ridgely, Charles, 384. Starkweather, Frank H., 386. Tracy, Solomon, 1688-1751, Can- terbury, Conn. Deputy, 1726- 1750. Jewett, William P., 438. Tracy, Lieut. Thomas, 1610- 16S5, Norwich, Conn. Ens. ist Co. Militia, Conn., 1666. Lieut.. New London Co. Dragoons, 1672. Member of General Court. Commissary. King Philip's War. Commissioner, 1678, et seq. Brewer, Wm. A., 460. Brockway, William S.. 503. Dewev, Chauncey E., 473. De Wolf, Edwin A., 399. 78s INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Eager, Joseph P., 77. Farnam, Charles H., 80. Gere, Chas. H., 452. Grant, Charles J. C, 452. Grant, Thos. P., 452. Hartson, Millard T., 526. Huntington, Charles R., 99. Jewett, Stephen, 437. Jeweit, William P., 438. Kneeland, Frank G., 453. Lord, Nathan H., 113. Mott, John T., 122. Mott, Luther W., 122. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Rawson, Edw. S., 418. Ridgely, Charles, 384. Ripley, Charles S., 145. Starkweather, Frank H., 386. Tracy, Joseph P., 445. Tracy, Robert S., 453. Warren, Walter P., 176. Williams, Winslow T., 311. Trask, Capt. William, 1587-1666, Salem, Mass. Capt. 1632 et scq. Commanded Salem Co. in Expedition under Col. John Endicott, 3d Mass. Regt., against Pequot Indians, 1637. Representative, i63S-'37. '39. Bissell, William P., 430. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Powell, Lyman T., 442. Trowbridge, William P., 445. Trask. William, 1640-1691. In King Philip's War. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Travers, Capt. Samuel, 1660 . Richmond Co., Va. Capt. of Militia, i685-'93. Thomas, Douglas H., 167, 234. Travers, William, 1630 . Commissioner, 1673, to employ Indians in defense of Colony. House of Burgesses for Lan- caster Co., Va., 1677, and Speaker. Thomas, Douglas H., 167, 234. Treat, Lieut. James, 1634-1709. Wethersfield, Conn. Trooper, Indian War, 1658. Governor's Council. Treat, Major John, 1650 -. . Major commanding Essex Co., 786 N. J. Militia, 1731. Assem- bly, 1695-1710. Halsey, Henry A., 89. Treat, Capt. Joseph, 1662- i 721, Milford, Conn. Sergt. Ens. Lieut. Capt., 1708. Deputy, i707-'o8. Conover, John T., 64. Treat, Hon. Richard, 1584-1669. Deputy. i637-'44, for Weth- ersfield Co. Asst., 1657-65. Gov. John Winthrop's Coun- cil, i663-'65. Andrews, James S., 294. Arnold, Benjamin W., 39. Barnes, Alfred C, 42. Bell, Jared W., 46. Benjamin, George P., 48. Blagden, Thos., 316. Brooker, Charles F., 296. Camp, Chas. L. N., 57. Carpenter, William M. 370. Chapman, Thomas B., 60. Cropper, John M., 298. Curtiss, Harlow C, 67. Dudley, Frank A., 75. Durand, Harvey, 76. Elliot, Daniel G., 78. Grant, de Forest, 85. Grant, Madison, 86. Gross, Charles E., 301. Harral, George, 90. Hart, Charles N., 475. Heaton, John E., 301. Hosmer, Edward S., 97. Hubbell, Henry W., 98. Hulbert, Henry C, 98. Kittredge, Abbott E., 379. Logan. Walter S.. 112. Mackenzie, Geo. N., 2d, 229. Mackenzie, Geo. N., ?d, 229. McGeoch, Arthur N., 505. Morgan, George D., 120. Moseley, John G., 268. Patten, John D., 323. Peet, Frederick T., 133. Reynolds, James, 139. Rhodes, Dudley W., 442. Rich, William T., 140. Richards, George H., S37- Richardson, William E., 442. Seymour, Henry, 154. Smith, Archibald H., 308. Smith, Charles S., 157. Smith. Stewart W., 308. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Stevens, John B., i6i. Treat, Erastus B., 169. Walcott, Arthur S., I75- Wentworth, Moses J., 389. Wenzell, Henry B., 447. Wickwire. Arthur M., 448. WilHams, Norman A. 183. Treat, Gov. Robert, 1622-1710. Commanding at Great Swamp Fight. Major commanding Conn. Troops, Hadley and Springfield, Dep.-Gov., 1676- '86. Appointed Gov. 1686. In the encounter with the Indians at Bloody Brook, Sept. 18, 1675, his arrival on the scene of action with the Conn. Forces turned the tide. Ames, Joseph B., 244. Blagden, Thos., 317. Boyd, Charles H., 529. Bunce, Jonathan B., 296. Clark, Samuel W., 317. Conover. John T., 64. Cooper, William E., 65. Day, Robert W., 70. Downes, Anson T., 74. Downes, William E., 298. Durand, William C, 298. Ford, George H., 81, 299. Grant, De Forest, 85. Grant, Madison, 86. Griffith, WilHam H.. 87. Gunn, George M., 88. Halsey, Henry A., 89. Lombard, John W. P., 505. Lombard. Josiah L., 380. Merwin, Alexander M., 463. Rich, William T., 141. Richards, George H.. 337. Smith, Bradish J., 308. Smith, Edwin P., 308. Stevens, John B., 161. Tomlinson, Charles A., 309. Treat, Erastus B.. 169. Warren, Herbert C, 311. Treat, Lieut. Thomas, 1668-1712. Deputy, 1706 and 1712. Lieut., Wood Creek Expedition, 1709. Queen Anne's War. Treat, Erastus B., 169. Trenchard, Hon. George 3d, 1720 . King's Attorney, Salem and Cumberland Counties. Atty.-General, West New Jer- sey, 1767 -' 7 s. Surrogate Gen- eral, 1772. Trenchard Edward, 169. Trescott, John, 1651 , Dor- chester, Mass. In Capt. Sam- uel Wadsworth's Co., King Philip's War, 1676. Triplett, Francis, 1728- 1794. Fauquier Co.. Va. A Volun- teer from Prince William Co., French and Indian War, 1750. Hord, Arnold H., 320. Tripp, John, 1610-1678. Commis- sioner, 1655. Deputy, 1648, et seq. Asst., 1670, ct scq. Greene, Douglas N., 86. Watson, William H., 178. TrippE, Henry, 1632- 1697, Dor- chester Co., Md. Lower House of Assemblv, i67i-'8i. Trippe, Andrew C, 235. Trowbridge, Lieut. James, 1636- 1717, Newton, Mass. Deputy from Cambridge, i700-'o3. In King Philip's War. Lieut., 1675- Barrows, John W., 471. Burnham, Albert W., 250. Farr, William M., 504. Hall, Clayton C, 226. Jackson, George E.. 401. Ray, Franklin T., 138. Trowbridge, Samuel B. P., 170. Trowbridge, William P., 445. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Trowbridge, Lieut. Thomas, 1632- 1702. New Haven Troop, Capt. William Russell, King Philip's War. Trowbridge, Chas. H., 170, 309. Trowbridge, Edwin D., 309. Trowbridge, Ezekiel H., 309. Truax, Isaac Jacobse, . Under Lieut. John Darling, Poependael Massacre, 1748. Truax, Charles H., 170. True, Capt. Henry, 1645-1735, Salisbury, Mass. Capt., 1696- 1722. Representative, i689-'95. Scales, John, 353. Trumbull, Capt. Benoni, 1684- 1770. Ens., 1729. Lieut., 1736. 787 INDEX OF AJ^CESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Capt, 1740, North Co., of He- bron. Norton, Edward L., 125. TrumbuIvL, Gov. Jonathan, Dep.-Gov., i766-'69. Gov. of Conn., i770-'83. Huntington, Frederick J., 302. Trumbull, Jonathan, 309. Tucker, Lieut. Benjamin, 1646- 1713, Roxbury, Mass. Lieut. Roxbury Militia, 1710. Tucker, Capt. Moses, 1704- 1769, New Ipswich, N. H. Capt. French and Indian War. Start, Charles M., 444. Tucker, Robert, 1604- 1682, Mil- ton, Mass. Deputy, i669-'8o. Tudor, Eeihu, M.D., 1732-1826. In the Campaign against Can- ada, 1755. Under Wolfe in 1759. In Havana Expedition, 1762. Hoadley, James H., 95. Piatt, Walter B., 232. TuETs, Capt. Peter, 1648-1721, Medford, Mass. Representa- tive, i689-'92, '95, '97, '99-1700, '02. Lieut., 1690. Capt. of Horse, Indian Campaign, 1706. TuppER, Thomas, Sr., 1578-1676, Sandwich, Plymouth Col. Deputy, 1644, '47-'48, '50-'55> '57, '61, '72, '7^. Tupper, James B., 540. TupPER, Thomas, Jr., 1637-1706, %indwich, Mass. Capt. Barn- stable Co., 1690. Deputy, Plymouth Col., 1679. Deputy, Mass., 1692. Young, Francis C, 479. TuREL, Capt. Daniel, 1646-1699, Boston, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1674. Capt. Boston Mil- itia. Talbot, Joel F., 387. TuREL, Lieut. Daniel, 1693, Boston, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1660. 2d Scrgt., 1666. Lieut., 1676. Talbot, Joel F., 387. TuRGis, Francis, 1697. Mem- ber of Assembly, 1678. Middleton, John 1, 230. Turner, Humphrey, 1673, Scituate, Mass. Representa- tive, Plymouth Col., 1640, et seq. Private in Military Co. Brown, John B., 54. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Turner, John, 2d, . Ser- vices not filed. Austin, Amory, 519. Turner, Capt. Nathaniel, 1647, New Haven, Conn. Block Island Expedition, Gen. John Endicott, 1636, and Pe- quot War. Gov.'s Asst., 1639. First Magistrate of New Ha- ven, 1639. Capt., Salem, Mass., 1634. Benjamin, George P., 48. Carter, Walter S., 59- Cropper, John M., 298. Plumb, James I., 135. Royce, Alfred L., 232. Scofield, George S.. 152. Smith, Robert A., 324. Strong, Theron G., 164. Tuttle, Frank D., 171. Warren, Charles E., 176. Washburn, William I., 177. Turner, Robert, 2d. 1635 . Governor's Council, Penn., 1686, et seq. Bradford, Thomas H., 193. Turner, Capt. William, 1675. Capt. King Philip's War; killed in "Falls Fight," 1675. Wheaton, John R., 523. Turner, William. Deputy, R. I., 1757. Tilley, R. Hammett, 522. Turpin, Lieut.-Col. Thomas, 1790. Militia of Cumberland Co., Virginia, 1754. Decn, William M., 70, 233. Patteson, Herbert L., 133. Patteson, Thomas A., Jr., 133. Tuttle, Capt. Daniel, 1680-1748, Wallingford, Conn. Capt. of Southeast Co., 1738. Tuttle, Daniel S., 406. Tuttle, Lieut. John, 1596-1656, Ipswich, Mass. Representa- tive, 1644. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Constant, S. Victor, 64. Wills, Henry Le B., 479. TuTTLE, Capt. John, 1646-1720, Dover, N. H. Lieut.. 1689. Capt., 1692. Representative, i692-'93. Parker, C. Wallingford, 270. Parker, Herman, 272. Soule. Horace H., Jr., 279. TuTTi.E. Capt. Joseph, 1692-1761. Q. M. 2d Conn. Regt., 1742. Capt., East Haven Co., 1743. Candee, Henry S., 370. TuTTLE, WiLEIAM, 1609-1673. Served on the Night Watch at New Haven, 1646. Patterson, Andrew S., 133. TwiCHELL, Joseph, 1654-1710, Dor- chester, Mass. In Capt. Sam- uel Moseley's Co., Great Swamp Fight, 1675. Tyler. Q- M., Moses, 1642 , Boxford, Mass. Q. M. Essex Co. Militia, 1689. Tyler. Robert, . Assem- bly from Prince George's Co., Md., i704-'25. Tyler, Royall, 1724-1771. Boston. Council, i764-'7i. Tyler, Edward R., 283. Tyng. Edward, 1600-1681, Boston. Deputy, i66i-'62. Asst., 1668- '81. Bell, Charles U., 247. Tyng, Gov. Edward, 1649 • Commander of Fort Loyal. i68o-'8i. Council, Proy. of Me., 1686. Lieut.-Col. and Commander of the Prov. of Laganaduck, i68i-'89. Gov. of Nova Scotia, 1690. Chadwick, William H., 371. Fox, James C, 531. Moseley, Edward A., 322. Starr, Isaac. Jr., 208. Tyng, Capt. William, 1653. Deputy, i639-'43, '47. Capt. of Militia at Braintree, Mass. Treasurer of Colony, i640-'44. Commissioner New England Colonies, 1643. Jones, George W., 264. Wood, Alfred Trenchard, 184. Ufford, Samuel. Ens., Stratford, Conn., 1714. Lieut., 1720. Underbill, Capt. John, 1600- 1672. Officer. A. & H. A. Co. In Pequot War. Gov. of Ex- eter and Dover, N. H., 1641. Led the Dutch Troops against the Simaroy Indians, 1644. Barlow, Peter T., 42. Coles, Henry R. R., 63. Davies, Julien T., 68. Field, W. B. Osgood, 80. Morgan, James L. 121. Morgan, John H., 121. Morton, Thomas G., 204. Spies, Francis F., 159. Sutton, Ashabel, 477. Suydam, Walter L., 164. Townsend, James H., 169. Townsend, John, 445. Underhill, Edgar, 171. Underbill, Francis T., 171. Underhill, Frederick E., 171. Willets, Howard, 182. Wood, Arnold, 184. Underhill, Capt. John, 1718 . Capt. Westchester Co. Troops, i758-'6o, French and Indian War. Underhill, Edgar, 171. Upham, John, 1600-1681, Wey- mouth, Mass. Deputy, 1636- '39- Sprague, Phineas W., 279. Upham, Henry P., 445. Upham, Lieut. Phineas, 1635- 1676, Maiden, Mass. Lieut., 4th Co., Mass. Regt., under Capt. Isaac Johnson, Great Swarnp Fight. Baker, Frank Leslie, 41. Bell, Charles U., 247. Crafts, John W., 65. Haskins, Charles W., 92. Heywood, Henry B., 423. Orvis, Charles E., 127. Trumbull, Franklin, 477. Upham, Charles C, Mass., 284. Upham, Charles C, N. Y., 284. Upham, Edwin D., 478. Upham, Frederick W., 388. Upham, Henry M., 284. Upham, Henry P., 445. Upham. Robert H., 540. 789 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Upham, William H., 507. Wade, James F., 446. Winship, William H., 287. Upham, Phineas, 1659-1720, Mai- den, Mass. Deputy, 1701-02, '05, '16, '18. Bell, Charles U., 247. UpSHALL, NiCHOIvAS, — , Boston, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1637. Upson, Sergt. Stephen, 1653-1735, Waterbury, Conn. Deputy, i7io-'i2, '29. Sergt., 1715. Collins, Holdridge O., 461. Upson, Capt. Stephen, Jr., 1686- 1777, Waterbury, Conn. Dep- uty, 1743, et scq. Capt. of Mil- itia. Usher, Ens. Hezekiah, Sr.. 1676, Boston and Billerica, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. 2d Sergt., 1657. 1st Sergt., 1663. Ens., 1664. Utie, Capt. John, House of Bur- gesses, Va., i623-'29, for plan- tations between Archer's Hope and Martin's Hundred. Mem- ber for Hogg Island. Capt. of Militia, 1631. Member of King's Council, i632-'34. Browne, Bennet B., 223. Vail, John, ist. 1663-1737, South- old, L. I. In Southold Mili- tary Co. No. I, Benjamin Youngs, Capt., 1715. Jones, Charles L., 104. Vail, John, 2d, 1768, South- old, L. I. In Southold Mili- itary Co. No. i, Benjamin Youngs, Capt., 17 15. Corwin. Hamilton S., 65. Vail, Lieut. Thomas, 1734-1807. Sergt. Capt. Thomas Ferry's Co., Col. Oliver de Lancey's Regt. under Gen. Prideaux and Sir William Johnson, 1759- Lieut. Capt. Israel Hor- ton's Co., N. Y. Militia, Col. Nathaniel Woodhull, under Gen. Amherst, at capture of Fort Lewis, 1760. Vail, Henry H., 172. Valentine, Col. Benjamin, 1650- 1712. Dragoon in Colonial service. Valentine, Abraham B., 172. Valentine, Samuel H., 172. Valentine, John, 1724. Crown Advocate-General of the Provinces. Ballord, Esek S., 484. Van Brugh, Capt. Johannis Pie- TERSZEN. Corp. Blue Flag Co., Burgher Corps, i652-'53. New Amsterdam. Prest. of the Bench, 1662. Provincial En- voy to Amsterdam, 1664. Bur- gomaster, i673-'74. Capt. New Orange, i673-'74. Azoy, Anastasio C. M., 40 Boardman, Lansdale, 51. Brown, Paul R., 55. Davies, William G., 69. DuVal, Clive L., 76. Fryer, Robert L., 82. Hardie, Joseph C, 320. Livingston, John H., 112. Livingston, Philip, 112. Minis, John L., 231. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 149. Storm, Clarence, 162. Van Brugh, Capt. Peter, 1666- 1756. Capt., i7i5-'22, at Fort Orange. Azoy, Anastasio C. M., 40. DuVal, Clive L., 76. Fryer, Robert L.. 82. Livingston, Philip, 112. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 149. Seaman, Louis L., 153. Van Brunt, Major Cornelius, 1754- King's Co. Militia, 1700. General Assembly, Prov. N. Y., 1690-1711. Voorhees, William P., 406. Warner, Culbreth H., 236. Van Brunt, Col. Joost Rutgers, 1746. Ens. Foot, Kings Co. Militia. Lieut., 1700. Capt.. 1705. Lieut.-Col., 1715. Col., 1722. Schenck, Willard P., 150. Van Corlear, Benoni, 1704. Cornet, Capt. Killian Van 790 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Rensselaer's Troop, Col. Peter Schuylers' Regt., Albany, 1700. Cutler, James G., 67. Cutler, Joseph W., 67. Van Cortlandt, Col. Jacobus, 1658 . Col. of Militia, Prov. N. Y., 1702. Kings Co. Militia, I7i7-'i8. Expedition to Canada, 171 1. Azoy, Anastasio C. M., 40. Fryer, Robert L., 83. Suydam, Walter L., 164. Van Cortlandt, Col. Oloff Ste- VENSEN, 1600-1684, New Am- sterdam. Col. Burgher Corps, 1649 and i655-'64. Astor, John Jacob, 39. Azoy, Anastasio C. M., 40. Bailey, Theodorus, 40. Bascome, Western R., 44. Beekman, J. William, 45. Campbell, Wm. A., 57. de Peyster, F. Ashton, 72. Douw, Charles G., 74. Erving, William V. R., 79- Fryer, Robert L., 82. Hardie, Joseph C, 320. Harriman, William E., 91 • Hillhouse, Chas. B., 94. Hillhouse, Francis, 94. Hoffman, Samuel V., 95. Livingston, Philip, 112. Oothout, John W., 126. Paige, Edward W., 127. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 151. Sill, John T., 157. Storm, Clarence, 162. Suydam, Walter L., 164. Van Cortlandt, Robert B., 172. Van Rensselaer, A. C, 172. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 172. Ver Planck, William G., 173. Watkins, de Lancey W., 177. Whitehead, Cortlandt, 211. Woodward, Francis W., 448. Van Cortlandt, Col. Stephanus, 1643-1710. Kings Co. Regt., i67i-'93. Member King's Council, 1680- 1 700. Bascome, Western R., 44. Clark, Henry S., 61. Erving, William V. R., 79. Hoffman, Samuel V., 95. Livingston, Philip, 112. Russell, William H.. 148. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 151. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 172. Ver Planck, William G., 173. Whitehead, Cortlandt, 211. Van Cowenhoven, Jacob. One of the "Nine Men," i647-'58. Capt. of Burghery in Nether- land. Suydam, Walter L., 164. Van Cowenhoven, Wolfert Ger- rETse, 1630 . One of the Eight Men ; also one of the Twelve Men under Gov. Kieft, i643-'44. Lefferts, Frederic R., no. Lefferts, William H., no. Richards, Charles S., 141. Trenchard, Edward, 170. Van Dam, Gov. Rip, 1660-1749. N. Y. Provincial Assembly, 1699. Member of Council. Gov. of the Prov., 1731. Duane, William N., 75. DuVal, Clive L., 76. Fryer, Robert L., 82. Livingston, Philip, 112. McKinstry, Chas. H., 116. Miller, John B., 118. Newman, Clarence E.. 124. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 149. Van Der Bogaert, Harmen Myn- dertse, 1612-1647. Surgeon West India Co.'s ship Bn- draght, at New Amsterdam, i630-'33. Commissary at Fort Orange, 1645. Du Bois, William M., 75. Viele, Sheldon, 173. Van der Heyden, Dirck, . In Capt. Schuyler's Troop, Albany, 1715. Grinnell, William M., 88. Van der Spiegel, Cadet Laurens, Burgher Corps, 2d Platoon under Sergt. Isaac Van Kleeck, Cornells Steenwyck, Capt. Fryer, Robert L., 82. Vandervoort, Paulus, Queen's Co., N. Y. Under Capt. Na- thaniel Hazen, 1715. 791 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Timberlake, William S., 444. Van Dyke, Hendrick, 1655. Ens. under Gov. Kieft, against Indians of Westchester, 1639- '42. Under Capt. Underhill on Long Island, 1644. Mem- ber of Council, 1642, et seq. Schout Fiscal, i645-'52. Van Eps, Jan Baptist, 1673. French and Indian Wars. Taken captive Schenectady, 1690, carried to Canada ; es- caped after three years. Was afterward Interpreter and Ambassador of Five Nations. Van Eps, Lieut. Johannes, 1673- 1690, Schenectady, N. Y. Lieut, of Foot under Capt. Sander Glen. Boucher, Charles, 51. Fryer, Robert L., 83. Van Horne, Coe. Philip. Com- manding a Regt. of Militia, Prov. of N. J., 1771. Boardman, Lansdale, 51. Van Imbroch, Dr. Gysbert G. Surgeon in Esopus War. Member of Court at Wild- wyck. Bogert, William B., 369. Van Keuren, Capt. Matthys Jansen. Ens., 1670. Capt., 1685 ; later served against French on northern frontier. Sherrill, Charles H., 156. Van Kleeck, Capt. Baltus. Capt. of Foot Co., Ulster and Dutch- ess Troop, Lieut.-Col. Jacob Rutsen, 1693 and 1700, for at- tack on Canada. Richards, Charles S., 142. Van Keeeck, Lawrence, 1690- 1769, Poughkeepsie. In Capt. Barend Z. Van Kleeck's Dutchess Co. Company, 171 5. Richards, Charles S., 142. Van Kortright, Michiel Bas- taensen, 1630-1689. Member of Night Watch, 1676. Magis- trate, 1673. Ryer, George S., 148. Ryer, James B.. 148. Spies, Francis F., 159. Van Luvanigh, Ens. Zachariah, 1789. Ens., 1756, French and Indian War, Upper Regt., New Castle Co., Delaware. Bird, John B., 512. Du Pont, Charles I., 513. Du Pont, Victor, Jr., 513. Van Oblinus, Joost, 1706. Member ist Co. of Harlem. Night Watch, i67S-'6, for protection against Indians. Spies, Francis F., 159. Van Rensselaer, Capt. Hen- drick, 1 667- 1 740. Capt. 2d Co. Manor of Rensselaerwyck, 1717. Storm, Clarence, 162. Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt S., 172. Van Rensselaer, Capt. Henry Capt. Foot, 1735. N. Y. Pro- vincial Forces, French and In- dian Wars. Hardie, Francis H., 320. Van Rensselaer, Col. Jeremias, 1632-1674. The 2d Patroon. Member Colonial Assembly, and Speaker, 1664. Col. Mil- itia. Bascome, Western R., 44. Beekman, James William, 45. Campbell, Wm. A., 57. Clark, Henry S., 61. Cogswell, C. Van R., 62. de Luze, Philip S., 71. Douw, Charles G., 74. Erving, W. Van R., 79. Hardie, Francis H., 320. Hardie, Joseph Cuyler, 320. Harriman, William E., 91. Hillhouse. Francis, 94. Livingston, Philip, 112. Oothout, John W., 127. Paige, Edward W., 127. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 151. Sill, Howard, 232. Sill, John T., 157. Storm, Clarence, 162. Van Rensselaer, A. C, 172. Van Rensselaer, Eugene, 173. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 172. Woodward, Francis W., 44S. 792 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Van Rensselaer. Col. Johannes, 1^08-1783. N. Y. Provincial Forces. Cogswell, C. Van R., 62. Van Rensselaer, C. S., 172. Van Rensselaer, Killian, 1595- 1647. 1st Patroon, Manor of Rensselaerwyck, 1631. Harriman, William E., 91. Oothout, John W., 126. Van Rensselaer, Lieut.-Col. Kil- lian, 1663-1719. Second Lord and 4th Patroon of the Manor of Rensselaerwyck. Capt. Al- bany Co. Militia, defence of Schenectady, 1693. Member of Assembly. Member of Pro- vincial Council, N. Y., 1693- 1719. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 151. Van Rensselaer, Eugene, 173. Van Rensselaer, Lieut. Killian, 1717-1781. Provincial Forces of N. Y., 1743. Douw, Charles G., 74. Hoff, J. Van Rensselaer. 95. Van Schaick, Capt. Goosen Ger- RiTSE, 1676. Lieut., 1670, at Albany, Rensselaerwyck and Schenectady, 1672. Capt., 1673, Dutch reoccupation of New Netherland. Bleecker, Anthony J., 50. Hill, Robert C, 94. Livingston, Philip, 112. Hoffman, Samuel V., 96. Suydam, Walter L., 164. Van SCHOENDERWOERDT, HoN.RuT- GER Jacobsen, 1665. In- dian Commissioner. DuVal, Clive L. ,76. Wells, Thomas L., 179. Van Schoonhoven, Capt. Jaco- bus, 1690-1749. Colonial Forces N. Y. Albany Co., 1715. Thorne, Joel W., 168. Whitney, Drake, 181. Van Schuyler. Capt. Filyp Piet- Erse, 1628-1683. Capt. N. Y. Provincial Forces, 1667. Capt. of Foot at Schenectady, 1669. Azoy, Anastasio C. M., 40. Barrell, Harry F., 332. Bascome, Western R., 44. Beekman, James William, 45 Church, Richard, 61. Crosby, Edward N., 66. Crosby, Livingston, 66. Duane, William N., 75. DuVal, Clive L. ,76. Fryer, Robert L., 82. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 90. Harriman, William E., 91. Howard, Charles E. N., 437. Hoffman, Samuel V., 96. Livingston, Philip, 112. Miller, John B., 118. Montgomery, J. Lynch, 119. Myer, Albert J., 123. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Satterlee, trancis Le R., 149. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 151. Schuyler, Clarkson C., 152. Schuyler, Montgomery, 152. Seaman, Louis L., 153. Sill, John T.. 157. Spalding, George B., Jr., 158. Suckley, Robert B., 164. Ver Planck, William G., 173. Whitehead, Cortlandt, 211. Van Schuyler, Col. Johannes, 1633-1717, N. Y. Provincial Forces, Indian Wars. Van Slichtenhorst, Brant Arentse, 1610 . First Res- ident Director of Colony of Rensselaerwyck, i646-'48. Commander of Fort at Rens- selaerwyck. Azoy, Anastasio C. M., 40. Armstrong, Horatio G., 223. Barrell, Harry F., 232- Bascome, Western R., 44. Beekman, James William, 45. Crosby, Edward N., 66. Crosby, Livingston, 66. Fryer, Robert L., 82. Hamersley, J. Hooker, 90. Livingston, Philip, 112. Montgomery, J. Lynch, 119. Myer, Albert J., 123. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Pruyn, John Van S. L., 137. Satterlee, Francis Le R., 149. Schieffelin, Schuyler, 151. Schuyler, Clarkson C., 152. Seaman, Louis L., 153. 793 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Spalding, George B., Jr., 158. Suckley, Robert B., 164. Whitehead, Cortlandt, 211. Van Sweringen, Garrett, 1636- 1698. Councillor and Commis- sary-General from Amster- dam to New Amstel (New- castle, Del.), on the South River. Tiernan, Charles B., 235. Welsh, Luther W., 407- Van Suydam, Lieut. Rick, 1675- 1741, Flatbush. L. L In ser- vice against all enemies, pi- rates or rebels, on land or sea, 1715. Suydam, Walter L., 164. Van Vechten, Capt. Dirck Teunis, 1634-1702. Capt. 1686- '89. Bussing, John S., 56. Hoffman, Samuel V., 96. Van Vechten, A. Van W.. 173- Van Vechten, Lieut. Teunis, 1707-1785. First Lieut., 1748. Capt. Casparus Bronk's Co. First Battalion, Sir William Johnson's Regt., Albany Co., N. Y. Van Vechten, A. Van W., 173. Van Vorst, Col. Cornelius, 1728- 1768. Commander of a Bat- talion of Foot, Bergen Co. Militia. Van Vorst, Dirck, 1705 . Wounded and taken prisoner at Poependael Massacre. Old French War, 1744-48. Boucher, Charles. 51. Van Vorst, Jellis, 1670 . ist Foot Co. of Schenectady, 1715. Capt. Johannes Sanderse Glen. Boucher, Charles, 51. Van Vreedenberg, William, . Soldier in Dutch West India Co., i658-'6i. du Pont, Henry A., 513. Van Wie, Hendricksee Gerrit- SEE, • 1691. Soldier, Expe- dition to Canada, 1690. Wounded at La Prairie. Beale, Charles F. T.. 316. Varnum, George, 1594-1649, Ips- wich, Mass. In Indian wars in Mass. Eaton, Joseph G., 255. Varnum, James M., 173. Varnum, Robert T., 173. Varnum, Col. Joseph, 1672-1748. Mass. Troop, King Philip's War, on Staff of Gov. Francis Bernard. Varnum, James M., 173. Varnum, Robert T., 173. Varnum, Samuel, 1620-1680, Ipswich, Mass. In Capt. Nich- olas Manning's Co., King Philip's War. Varnum, James M., 173. Varnum, Robert T., 173. Varnum, Maj. Samuel, 1715- 1797. Mass. Troop, Indian Wars. Varnum, James M., 173. Varnum, Robert T., 173. Vassall, William, 1593-1655. Governor's Assistant Mass. Bay Colony, i629-'30. Council of War, Plymouth Colony, 1642. Allen, Francis O., 192. Freeman, Alden, 334. Upham, Henry P., 445. Vaughan, Lieut.-Gov. George, 1676-1725. Col. Provincial Forces during Queen Anne's War, 1707. Representative of Province to England. Lieut.- Gov. of the Prov. 1715. Vaughan, Capt. Robert, 1600- 1668. Viceroy of Kent, Md., 1647. Privy Councillor, 1648- '50. Member of Assembly, 1642. Spencer, John T., 208. Vaughan, Maj. William, 1640- 1719. Lieut, of Horse, 1672. Capt., .1680. A Royal Coun- cillor in Charter granted 1679, constituting New Hampshire a separate province. Council- lor, i690-'98. President of Council, i7o6-'i5. Command- ed Provincial Militia. 1690. Later Maj. Jameson, Winfield S., 526. Rust, Nathaniel J., 277. 794 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Veazey, Col. John. Colonel Provincial Military Force in Cecil Co., Md., i756-'58. Com- mander of Cecil Co., i7S5-'58. Veeder, Simon VolkErtsie, 1624- 1697. One of the defenders of Schenectady, 1690. Long, Oscar F., 322. Venable, Capt. Abraham, 1701- 1768. Member of the Virgin- ia House of Burgesses, 1748. Vermilye, Isaac, 1601-1676. Com- manded Harlaem Volunteers in Expedition to Esopus, 1663. Rockwood, Charles G., 337. Underhill, Frederic E., 171. Vermilye, Ashbel G., 339. Vermilye, Frederick M., 173. Vermieye, Johannes, 1632-1696. Member Gov. Leisler's Coun- cil, 1690. Rockvi^ood, Charles G., 337. Underhill, Edgar, 171. Vermilye, Ashbel G., 339. Vernon, Randal. 1640-1725. Mem- ber Provincial Assembly of Penn., 1687. Griswold, Benjamin H., 226. Howell, Henry W., Jr., 97. Ver Planck, Abraham Isaacsen, 1680. One of the "Twelve Men," 1641. Corbusier, William H., 65. Ver Planck, Ensign Geleyn, 1637-1684. Ensign, 1673. In garrison at the Fort, N. Y. Hoffman, Samuel V., 96. • Ver Planck, William G., 173. Ver Planck, Ensign Philip, 1695-1771. Ens. Col. Vetch's Regt., Mass. Colonial Forces, 1611. Commissioner to Six Nations, 1746. Commissioner for fortifications, 1755. Mem- ber N. Y. Provincial Assem- bly, i734-'68. Hoffman, Samuel V., 96. Ver Planck, William G.. 173. Vickere, George, — — 1679. In Capt. Johnson's Co., King Philip's War. Binney, William G., 49. ViELE, Arnout Cornelise. Raised arms of Duke of York at Onontague, 1684. Prisoner of the French, 1687. Secured the capture of le Chevalier d'Eau, 1689. Gave notice of Indian War, 1689. Warning of French and Indian raid, 1695. Ordered to watch In- dians at Onnondage. 1699. Military Interpreter. Schermerhorn, Arthur F., 150. Schermerhorn, Edward G., 150. Suydam, Walter L-. 164. Vinton, Capt. John, 1680-1760, Stoneham, Mass. Lieut. 1720. Capt. 1723. Representative, 1734- Parker, C. Wallingford, 271. Parker, Herman, 272. VoRE. Richard, Windsor, Conn. Member of Windsor Military Co. Vreeland, Ensign Enoch. Mem- ber General Assembly, East Jersey. Ens., 1681. Earle, Ferdinand P., 77. Vreeland, Michael Jansen, 1663. One of the "Nine Men." Hoffman, Samuel V., 96. Van Vechten, A, Van W., 173. Wade, Capt. Jon.athan, 1637- 1689, Ipswich, Mass. Capt. of Three County Troop, King Philip's War. Sargent, John, 385. Wade, Jonathan, 1684, Med- ford, Mass. Deputy, 1669- '81 -'82. Wade, James F., 446. Whitney, Harry E., 448. Wade, Major Nathaniel, 1648- 1707. Medford, Mass. Major in Militia. Deputy, i684-'92. Wade, James F., 446. Wade, Col. Thomas, 165 i- 1696, Ipswich, Mass. Cornet, Ips- wich Troop, 1683. Capt. 1689. Col. of Middle Essex Regt., 1696. Wade, Henry F., 284. Wade, Herbert T., 174. 795 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Wadsworth, Christopher, 1688, Duxbury. Deputy, Ply- mouth Col., 1639. In Capt. Myles Standish's Co., 1643. Brewster, Samuel D., 53. Elwood, George M., "^S. Richardson, George E., 276. Thompson, Clifton S., 477. Wadsworth, John, 1638-1700, Duxbury, Mass. Representa- tive, i690-'92, '94. Wadsworth, Capt. Joseph, 1649- 1731. Ens. and Lieut., King Philip's War. Afterward Capt. Barlow, Peter T., 42. Brewster, Samuel D., 53. Catlin, Abijah, 297. Gross, Chas. E., 300. Holcombe, John M., 302. Seymour, Morris W., 307. Stanley, Samuel G., 161. Whitney, Charles W., 180. Wood, Franc O., 479. Wadsworth, Capt. Samuel, 1631- 1676, Milton. Killed by In- dians at Sudbury, King Phil- ip's War. Elwood, Geo. M., 78. Wadsworth, Edwin D., 284. Wadsworth, Paul, 544. Wadsworth, William, 1677. Deputy from Hartford, 1656- '75- Gross, Chas. Edw., 301. Wadsworth, Capt. William, . Capt. 1st Co., Train Band of Farmington, Conn., 1715. Deputy, i7i8-'25. Walker, Stoughton, 407. Wagner, Capt. Peter, Jr., , Schenectady, N. Y. Capt. of 2d Battalion of N. Y. Militia, 1758. Wagner, Arthur L., 446. Wainwkig'it, Francis, 1692. In Pequot War, Bloody Brook, King Philip's War. Beale, Charles F. T., 316. Hill, John F., 533. Wainwright, Capt. Simon, 1708. In command of house of refuge, killed defending it, 1708. Hill, John F., 533. Wait, Sergt. Benjamin, 1647- 1704. Under Capt. Turner, Falls Fight, King Philip's War. Relief of Deerfield, and slain in the Meadow Fight. Elwood, George M., 78. Wait, Capt. Joseph, . In Capt. Eleazer Melvin's Co., 1754, Provincial Army. Corp. in John Burk's Co. of Rang- ers. Expedition to Crown Point, Lake George, Fort Ed- ward, Fort William Henry, and Ticonderoga. Capt. in Major Rogers' Corps of Rangers. Wait, Horatio L., 308. Waite, Sergt. Richard, 1680, Boston. In Pequot War, 1637. Marshal of Mass. Colony. 1653- Waite, Lieut. Richard, 171 i- 1790, Lyme, Conn. Ens., 1746. Lieut., 1749. Deputy. Waite, Horace G., 389. Waite, Capt. Samuel. 1680-1740, Maiden, Mass. Representa- tive, i735-'36. Capt. Wakeman, John, 1601-1661. Signer New Haven Compact. 1639. Deputy, 1641, et seq.. New Haven Col. Treasurer, i65S-'6o. Almy, William E., 428. Bradley, Cyrus S., 295. Longacre, James B., 203. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Wakeman, Robert P., 310. Wakeman, Capt. John, Lieut., Fairfield Militia, 1697. Capt., 1704. Deputy twenty-three sessions. Edwards, Charles J., 78. Wakeman, Capt. Joseph, 1670- 1726. Lieut., 1704. Capt.. 1708. Committee of War. 1709. Asst., i724-'25. Longacre, Jas. B., 203. McClintock, Emory, 336. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Wakeman, Robert P., 310. 796 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Walcott, Lieut. John, 1738. In Capt. Prentice's Co., King Philip's War. Trooper under Capt. Appleton. Walcott, Capt. Jonathan, 1699, Salem, Mass. In Pren- tice's 73 Troopers, King Phil- ip's War. Phelps, Luis J., 134. Robbins, Howard S., 145. Walcott, Arthur S., 175. Walcott, Frederic C, 175. Waldo, Lieut. Edward, 1684- 1767, Windham. Conn. Lieut., 1722 et seq.. Father Rasle's War. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Waldo, John, 1700, Wind- ham, Conn. Served at Qua- boag under Capt. Wheeler, King Philip's War. Waldo, Rhinelander, 175. Waldron (Walderne), Major Richard, 1689. Capt., 1652. Major, 1674. Comman- der-in-Chief against Penobscot and Kennebec Indians, King Philip's War. Commander Prov. Forces, N. H., i679-'89. Deputy, i654-'79. Speaker of House, General Court of Mass., i666-'79. Royal Coun- cillor and Dep.-Gov., 1680. Governor, dc facto, 1681. Council, 1682. Chief Justice, Superior Court, 1683. Mas- sacred by Indians at Cocheco. Butters, George, 431. Gerri^h, Frederic H., 532. Rollins, Edw. A., 147.' Rust, Nathaniel J., 277. Wilson. Fred. A., 287. Waldron, Col. Richard, 1650- 1730. Deputy, 1691. Council- lor, 1692. Colonel in Militia. Rust, Nathaniel J., 277. Waldron, Resolved, 1613-1690. Commissioner to Md. to vin- dicate the Dutch title on the Delaware. One of the Night Watch, 1675. Corbusier, William H., 65. Curtiss, Harlow C. 67. Moller, Charles G., Jr., 118. Underbill, Edgar, 171. Underbill, Frederic E., 172. Waldron, Sergt. William, 1705- 1769, Harlem, N. Y. Sergt. in Capt. Stuyvesant's Co. Moller, Charles G., Jr., 118. Walker, Ebenezer, 1716-1799, Re- hoboth, Mass. In Capt. Jon- athan Peck's Co., 1746. Hill, William S., 94. Walker, Edward, 1656-1735. In Capt. Samuel Moseley's Co., Narragansett Campaign. Adams, John W.. 428. Upham. Henry P., 445. Walker. Edward. 1694-1787, Wo- burn, Mass. Representative, i745-'54. Walker, George, 1731 . In Capt. Israel Davis' Co.. 1757. Walker, Sergt. John, 1665-1699, Woburn, Mass. Corp. Wo- burn Co. of Militia. 1694; Sergt, i697-'99. Walker, Philip, 16; both, Mass. Genera; 1669. Houghton, Jas. C, 362. Jackson, George E., 401 Walker, Phineas, Capt. Baldwin's Co., Col. Tim- othy Ruggles' Regt., Mass. Troops, 1759. Walker, Stoughton, 407. Walker, Capt. Richard, 1592- 1687, Reading and Lynn, Mass. Deputy, 1640. et scq. Lieut, defending Lynn, 1632. Ens., 1637. Pequot War. Capt.. 1656. Member of the A. & H. A. Co.. i622-'38. Brown, Daniel, 249. Gordon, Edwin A., 257. Hall. Dudley, 89. Smith. Herbert K., 308. Walker, Stoughton, 407. Walker, Williston. 310. Wilson, Charles H., 287. Wood, Alva S., 288. Walker, Ens. Robert, 1607-1687, Lynn. Mass. Ens. Militia, Capt. Nathaniel Turner. Bostwick. Henry A., 51. Hall, Benjamin E., 89. Reho- Court, In 797 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Walker, Capt. Samuel, 1615- 1684, Woburn, Mass. At Black Point with Capt. Scot- tow, 1677, King Philip's War. Brown, Daniel A., 249. Hall, Dudley, 89. Wilson, Charles H., 287. Wood, Alva S., 288. Walker, Ens. Samuel, 1642-1703, Woburn, Mass. Corp., Sergt., i684-'90, and Ens., 1690-92. Member Boston Convention, 1689. Deputy, 1694. Brown, Daniel A., 249. Hall, Dudley, 89. Stearns, Albert H., 280. Wilson, Charles H., 287. Wood, Alva S., 288. Walker, Capt. Samuel, 1655- 1712. Cornet, Lieut., and Capt. Under Major William Bradford, King Philip's War. Deputy, Plymouth, Mass., 1705. Brown, Geo. L., 54. Bryson, Andrew B., 55. Jackson, George E., 401. Walker, Dr. Thomas, 1715-1794. Adjutant of the Frontier Counties of Va., 1754. In Ohio Expedition against French. At Braddock's de- feat. Member House of Bur- gesses. Bacon, Cary H., 452. Bacon, Leonard, 452. Block, Harry L., 397. Duke, R. T. W., Jr., 76, 343. Walker, William, 1700 . In Capt. Joseph IngersoU's Co., Col. Jonathan Bagley's Regt., Fort William Henry, 1756. In Capt. Richard Cutts' ist Co., of Kittery, Me., 1759. Walkup, George, 1748, Read- ing. Mass. In Capt. Isaac Clark's Framingham Co., 1725. Walley, Lieut.-Col. John, 1643- 1712. A. & H. A. Co., Com- mander, 1679. Asst., Plym- outh Col.. i684-'9i. Council, Col. of Mass., 1691. Com- mander of the Land Forces against Quebec, 1690. Chauncey, Elihu, 60. Gushing, Luther S., 433. Davies, William G., 69. Whitney, Eli, 311. Wood, Alfred T., 184. Woolsey, Theodore S., 312. Wallingford, Capt. Thomas, 1697-1771, Portsmouth, N. H. Capt. of the Military Co. of Somersworth, N. H., 1746. Soule, Horace H., Jr., 279. Waln, Nicholas, 1721. As- sembly, Prov. of Penn., 1683- 1704. Large, James, 201. Walter, Rev. Nathaniel, 171 i- 1776. Chaplain, 6th Mass. Regt., Louisburg Expedition, 1744- Walton, Lieut. Jacob, 1703-1747. Lieut. Capt. Cornelius Van Home's Co., N. Y. Militia, 1737- Johnstone, Francis U., 103. Carnochan, Gouverneur M., 58. Walton, Col. Shadrach, 1658- 1741, New Castle, N. H. Ens., 1691. Col. at the cap- ture of Port Royal, 1710. Council, 1716. Blunt, Stanhope E., 50. Ward, Andrew, 1587-1658. One of the Commissioners appoint- ed by the Bay Colony, 1636, to govern the people of Conn. Asst, First General Court. Andrews, James S., 294. Bell, Jared W.. 46. Bement, Robert B. C, 430. Bradley, Cyrus S., 295. Brinton, Ward, 194. Clarke, Isaac S., 61. Doughty, Francis E., 72,- Harral, George, 90. Heaton, James E., 302. Judson, William P., 105. Lord, Joseph E. P., 113. Moseley, John G., 268. Osborn, Henry F., 305. Perry, John H., 306. Sturges, Henry C, 308. Wakeman, Jesup, 174. Wakeman, Robert P., 310. Ward, Brownlee R., 310. 798 INDEX OP ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Ward, Sylvester L'H., 176. Wessels, Henry W., 311. Whipple, Charles H., 447. Ward, Andrew, 1600-1665. Gov- erning Magistrate, Conn., l636-'37. Deputy, Colony of Conn., 1637, ct scq. Betts, Frederick H., 48. Longacre, James B., 203. Ward. Capt. Andrew, . Representative, i7io-"i7, '21. '25 and '26. Betts, Frederick H.. 48. Ward, Col. Andrew, . In command of Conn. Troops, Louisburg, i744-'45. Repre- sentative, i750-'59. Betts, Frederick H., 48. Betts, Louis F. H., 49. Ward, Gen. Artemas, 1727- 1800, Worcester, Mass. Major against Canada, 1758. Col., 1759- Commander of Army of New England, 1775. Rhoades. D. Ward, 442. Ward, Lieut. John, . Lieut, of Newark Soldiers, 1673, of Essex Co. Militia, 1683. Schepen. 1673. Judge, 1683. Ward, John, 1626- 1708. Deputy from Cambridge (Newtown), i689-'98. Fessenden, Chas. N., 2>72>- Ward, Col. John, 1673- 1749. Col. in Provincial Forces in Cecil County, Md., 1717. Md. House of Burgesses from Ce- cil Co., 1708, '09, '11. Hall, Clayton C, 226. Veazey, Duncan, 236. Ward, Gov. Richard, 1689-1763. Attorney-General R. L, 1712- '13. Deputy and Clerk o.f the Assembly, 1714. Recorder, i7i4-'30. Dep.-Gov., i740-'43. Hall, Clayton C, 226. Vernon, William V., 339. Ward, Seth, . Va. House of Burgesses, 1768. Ward, Hugh C, 407. Ward, William, 1597- 1687. Dep- uty from Sudbury, Col. of Mass. Bay. 16^4. Deputy, 1666. In garrison at Sudbury, King Philip's War. Bailey, Everett H., 429. Britton, Edward E., 53. Eager, Joseph P., 77. Fessenden, Charles N., ^y^i- Hall, Clayton C, 226. Hall, Thos. W., 226. Starkweather, Frank H., 386. Starkweather, Ralph E., 386. Wakeman, Robert P., 310. Ward, William, 1727-1776. Md. House of Burgesses from Ce- cil County, 1762-72. Deputy from Cecil County to Conven- tion of Provincial Deputies, 1774- Veazey, Duncan, 236. Wardell, Uzell, 1639-1732. In Capt. Poole's Co., King Phil- ip's War, 1676. Snow, Louis F., 521. Ware, Capt. John, 1646-1718, Wrentham, Mass. In Capt. Thos. Brattle's Co., King Philip's War, 1675. Com- manded at Indian Rock. Lieut. 1st Military Co., 1689-1704, Capt., 1715. Ware, Jonathan, Sr., 1686-1740, Wrentham, Mass. General Court, 1726-27. Ware, Horace E., 284. Ware, Moses E., 284. Ware, Jonathan, Jr., 1734-1774, Wrentham, Mass. In Capt. Samuel Day's Co., Col. Mil- ler's Regt., 1753, Expedition to Lake George. Ware, Horace E., 284. Ware, Moses E., 284. Ware, Robert, Sr., 1699, Ded- ham, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Ware, Horace E., 284. Ware, Moses E., 284. Ware, Robert, Jr., 1653-1724, Ded- ham, Mass. In King Philip's War, Wrentham Co., 1689. Deputy, 1703. Phelps, Luis J., 134. Ware, Horace E., 284. Ware, Moses E., 284. 799 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Warner, Andrew, 1684- Hart- ford, Conn., and Hadley, Mass. In troop, Major Ma- son, 1658. In Hampshire Troop, Capt. Pynchon, 1663. Cook, Joshua O., 371. Frazer, Sheldon L., 435- Warren, Walter P., 176. Warner, Augustine, Sr.. 1610- 1674. Burgess from York Co., Va., 1652 ; Gloucester Co., 1655. Council, i659-'74. Barret, Richard A., 396. Smith, Francis L-, 344. Warner, Augustine, Jr., 1642- 1681. Speaker of the Va. House of Burgesses, i675-'77. Barret, Richard, 396. Warner, Ens. Daniel, 1643-1692, Hadley. Ens. Foot Co., 1674. Cook, Joshua O., 371. Stockbridge, Henry, 162. Warner, Daniel, 1666-1754. Ens. in Foot Co. of Hampshire Co. Cook, Joshua O., 371. Lord, John P., 423. Warner, Daniel, 1734-1823. In Capt. Joseph Warner's Co., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757- Cook, Joshua O., 371. Gilbert, Charles P. H., 84. Lord, Jno. P., 423. Partridge, Frank H., 133. Warner, John, 1717, Phila- delphia. Penn. Assembly, I7i3-'i5- Bates, William O., 429. Stone, Morton, 280. Warner, Capt. Joseph, 1710 — — . Relief Fort William Henry, 1757- Gilbert, Charles P. H., 84. Goddard, Lester O., 376. Warner, Nathaniel, 1656-1714, Hadley, Mass. In King Phil- ip's War. Warner, William, 1627-1706. First Council Prov. of Penn., 1 681. Kite, Louis S.. 336. Stone, Morton, 280. Warren, Daniel, Sr., 1628-1715, Watertown, Mass. King Phil- ip's War. Britton, Edward E., 53. Guilford, Nathan, 88. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Warren, Charles E., 176. Whitney, Drake, 181. Warren, Capt. John, 1622-1703, Watertown, Mass. Capt., 1684. Warren, Joseph, 1657-1696, Plym- outh. General Court, i68i-'86. Parker, Edward L., 271. Warren, Richard, 1628. In first encounter Wellfleet Har- bor, 8th Dec. (O. S.), 1620, three days before the landing at Plymouth. Avery, Samuel P., 39. Bell, Jared W., 46. Brown, John B., 54. Chamberlin, Jehiel W., 431. Dorman, William B., 254. Doughty, Francis E., 73. Greene, Charles A., 335. Irish, Edward S., 475. Jewett, Stephen, 437. Lovell, Leander N., 336. Moran, Charles, 120. Murdock, James B., 520. Nye, Charles F., 125. Otis, Philo A., 382. Parker, Edward L., 271. Ridgely, Charles, 384. Sprague, Frank W., 279. Stevens, John A., 522. Swift, Henry W., 281. Upham, Charles C, 284. Vaill, Frederick S.. 536. Warren, Charles E., 176. Washburn, William D., 446. Watson, William H., 178. Willard, Edward A., 182. Willard, James Le B., 182. Warriner, James, 1641-1727. Sol- dier under Col. Pynchon, 1668. Built Gilbert Fort, Brookfield. Parsons, Charles, 404. Parsons, Lewis, 403. Warriner, Joseph, 1642-1689, Springfield and Hadley, Mass., and Enfield, Conn. Under 8co INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Capt. Turner in the Falls Fight. Pease, Arthur B.. 541. Washburn, Sergt. Samuel, 1651-1720. Sergt. Bridgewa- ter Co., Mass., King Philip's War. Washburne, John, Sr., i 585-1670, Duxbury, Mass. First Secre- tary, Mass. Bay Colony. Un- der Capt. Myles Standish, 1643. In Exnedition against Narragansetts, 1645. Leach, J. Granville, 201. Lee, Edward C, 202. Van Dyke, Harry W., 326. Washburn, John H., 177. Washburn, W. L, 177. Washburne, Hempstead, 389. Washburne, William D., 446. Washburne, John, Jr., 1621-1686. Duxbury, Mass. Pequot Alarm, 1645. Narragansett and King Philip's Wars, un- der Capt. Church. Washington, Col. John, 1629- 1678. Va. Forces Indian War, 1675. House of Burgesses, 1666, Westmoreland Co. Duke, Richard T. W., Jr., 76. Waterbury, Lieut. David, 1646- 1706. Ens., Fairfield Co. Dra- goons, 1690. Lieut. Stamford Militia, 1698. In King Phil- ip's War. Adams, Edward M., 368. Mead. Spencer P., 116. Scofield, George S., 152. Waterman, Lieut. John, 1719- 1790, Halifax, Mass. Lieut, in Capt. Josiah Sturtevant's Co., Col. Geo. Wattson's Regt., 1771- Waterman, Frank S., 540. Waterman, George H., 540. Waterman, Resolved, 1638-1670. Deputy, R. I. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Waterman, Richard, 1590-1673. Deputy, R. I., i655-'s6-'58. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Waterman, Robert, . In Plymouth Militia, 1643. Thompson, Clifton S-, 477. Waterman, Thomas, 1644-1708. Ens. Conn. Militia, 1708. De Wolf, Edwin A., 399. Mott, John T., 123. Mott, Luther W., 123. Waterman, Herman A., 365. Waters, Lawrence, 1602- 1687. In garrison at Lancaster, Mass., King Philip's War. Fisher, Albert J., 374. Waite, Horatio L., 389. White, John B., 407. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Watmough, Capt. Edward, Prov. Armies in Mass., Earl of Dumlaureg's Regt., i752-'55- Watmough, James H., 177. Watmough, John G., 210. Watson, Capt. George, 1603-1689. Plymouth Militia. Capt. of Bark Expedition under Capt. Myles Standish, against Dutch in New York, 1653. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Watson, George, . In Plymouth Co., 1643. Paine, Cyrus F., 128. Watts, John, 1668-1717, Arrow- sick, Me. Restored Arrow- sick, 1713. Built Garrison House. Envoy of Prov. to Indians at Norridgewock. Watts, John, 171 5-1 789. Assem- bly, Prov. of N. Y., 1753. On a committee to defend N. Y. against N. H. and Mass. Bascombe, Western R., 44. Russell, Wm. Hamilton, 148. Wayne, Capt. Isaac, 1699- 1774. Prov. Forces of Penn., Indian War, 1756. Drouillard, James P., 399. Kirkman, Van Leer, 321. Wayne, William, 210. Wayne, William, Jr., 211. Wirgman, William W., 538. Wayte (Waite), Capt. John. 1618-1693, Maiden, Mass. Lieut., 1658. Capt., i662-'84. Led detachment of soldiers to Marlborough, 1675. In King Philip's War under Major Soi INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Pynchon. Deputy, Speaker, House of Deputies, 1684. Burrage, Henry S., 529. Clarke, Charles E. F., 538. Haskins, Charles W., 92. Keegan, Dermot W., 105. Morse, Samuel W., 476. Wheelock, William B., 389. Weare, Peter, 1618-1692, York, Me. Deputy Mass. Bay, 1659. et seq. Associate, 1659. Killed at York Massacre. Souther, Charles H., 279. Weaver, George, 1770, Penn. In Capt. Solomon Jenning's Co., of Saucon Rangers, 1755- '56. Wilhelm, W. H., 327. Webb, Christopher, 1630-1694. King Philip's War. Punck- apauge, Mass., garrison, 1676. Deputy, 1689. Webb, Charles H., 179. Webb, William E., 179. Webb, Richard, 1611-1676. In Capt. Turner's Co., Great Falls Fight. Wilcox, Reynold W., 181. Webb, Samuel, 1720-1801. In Col. Israel Putnam's Regt., Siege of Fort George and Ft. Ed- ward, i756-'57- Price, Henry R., 137. Webster, Lieut. Benjamin, Sr., 1698 , Litchfield, Conn. Deputy. Webster, Capt. Ebenezer. Capt. in Roger's New Hampshire Rangers and Capt. under Sir Jeffrey Amherst. Invasion of Canada. Webster, George B., 407. Webster. Gov. John, 1590-1661. Deputy, 1637. Gov.'s Asst, i63Q-'55- Dep.-Gov., 1655. Gov., 1656. First Magistrate, i657-'59- Anderson, Arthur C, 429. Barnes, Alfred C, 42. Bascom, George J., 44. Benjamin, George P., 48. Bruce, Jonathan B., 296. Camp, Charles L. N., 57. Collins, William G., 62,. Cropper, John M.^ 298. Day, Robert W., 70. Dudley, Frank A., 75. Eaton, George F., 299. Ely, John S., 485- Gilbert, Charles P. H., 84. Grinnell, William M., 87. Gross, Chas. Edw., 300. Hart, Charles N., 474. Ingersoll, Charles A., 303. Ingersoll, Colin M., Jr., 303. Jones, Charles L., 104. Klink, William M., 462. Lloyd, John U., 417. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Perkins, Seymour, 134. Pond, Edw. Watson, 136. Ripley, Charles S., 145. Rogers, James S., 207. Schaufifler, William G., 2ii~. Seymour, Henry, 154. Stevens, Charles E., 209. Upham, Henry P., 445. Webster, Basil M., 424. Webster, Edwin C., 424. Webster, Joseph R., 326. Webster, Wm. R., 311. Webster, Lieut. Robert, 1677, Middletown, Conn. Lieut, 1654. King Philip's War, 1675. Barnes, Alfred C, 42. Benjamin, George P., 48. Camp, Chas. L. N., 57. Cropper, John M., 298. Dudley, Frank A., 75. , Hart. Charles N., 475. Seymour, Henry, 154. Weed, Sergt. Benjamin, 1681- 1748, Stamford, Conn., in Lovewell's Expedition, Father Rasle's War, i722-'26. Bell, Jared W., 47. Weeks, John, 1651-1690, Dorches- ter, Mass. Died Canada Ex- pedition. Moseley, Edw. A., 322. Weire, Major John, . Burgess from Old Rappahan- nock Co., Va., 1663. Howard, McHenry, 227. Weiser, Col. Conrad, 1696-1760. Col., 1755. Officer in the Pal- atine (N. Y.). Commanded a regiment of vols, from Bucks 802 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Co. Had command of the 2d Battalion, Penn. Regt., French and Indian War. Cammann, Edward C, 57. Cammann, George P., 57. Cammann, Henry L., 57- Welch, Lieut. Paul, 1696-1778, New Milford, Conn. Lieut., 1743. Deputy. Noble, Henry H., 125. Weld, Dr. Daniel, 1642-169C. Surgeon-General, Narragan- sett Expedition, 1675, under Gen. Winslow. Howard, Leiand O., 321. Weld, John, 1623-1691. In garri- son at Quaboug, King Philip's War. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Davis, Fellowes, 70. Jackson, George E., 401. Pond, George E., 441. Weld, Capt. Joseph, 1595-1646, Roxbury, Mass. Militia, 1636, John Winthrop, Col. Ens., A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Davis, Fellowes, 70. Granger, William S., 520. Hulbert, Edmund D., 378. Jackson, Edward F., 401. Jackson, George E., 401. Pond, George E., 442. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 141. Weld, DeWitt C, 179. Weld, DeWitt C, Jr., 179. Welles, Capt. Gideon, 1692-1740. Ens., 1725. Lieut., 1731. Capt., North Co., of Wethers- field, Conn., 1735. Welles, John, 1621-1659. Deputy, 1656. Asst., 1658. Welles, Capt. Robert, 1648-1714. Deputy, 1619-1714. Council, 1697. Capt., 1687-1701. Welles, Capt. Samuel, 1625-1675. Deputy, i637-'62. Command- ed a company. Great Swamp Fight. Curtiss, Harlow C, 67. Elliot, Daniel G., 78. Harral, George, 91. Hubbell, Henry W., 98. Moseley, John G., 268. Patten, John D., 323. Shelton, George G., 154. Shelton, William A., 155. Welles, Gov. Thomas, 1598-1660, Wethersfield, Conn. Magis- trate, i637-'6o. Second Treas., i639-'5i. Sec, i640-'48. Gov. pro tern., 1651. Dep.-Gov., 1654, et seq. Gov., i6s5-'58. Commissioner for the United Colonies, 1649. Anthony^ James L., 38. Backus, J. Bayard, 40. Beach, John K., 295. Beardsley, Morris B., 295. Birdseye, Isaac W., 295. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Britton, Charles P., 53. Britton, Henry B., 54. Chapman, Thomas B., 60. Cox, John L., 195. Curtiss, Harlow C, 67. Douglas, Charles H., y:^. Douglas, Duncan, 74. Darneal, Harvey, 461. Deming, Judson K., 485. Eldredge, Zoeth S., 255. Elliot, Daniel G., 78. Gridley, Horace W., 87. Harral, George, 90. Harrall, Edward W., 301. Hart, Charles N., 474. Heaton, John E., 301. Hooker, Edward W., 302. Hosmer, Edward S., 97. Hoyt, Albert E., 98. Hubbell, Henry W., 98. Jewett, William K., 475. Johnson, Francis J., 504. Johnson, Joseph H., 103. Tudd, Orrin R.. 105. Judson, Frederick N., 401. Ju4son, William P., 105. Lee, Bradner W., 462. Lennig, Charles F., 202. Mitchell, Charles F., 305. Moran, Charles, 120. Munson, C. LaRue, 202. Niles, Robert L., I2'i. Norton, Porter, 125. Ormsbee, Herman, 127. Patten, John D., 323. Peet, Frederick T., 133. 803 INDEX Of AfiCHSTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Pond, Edwin W., 136. Postley, Sterling, 537. Preston, Deming H., 383. Richards, Edward O., 143. Rogers, James S., 207. Schauffler, William G., 338. Seymour, George D., 307. Shelton, George G., 154. Shelton. William A.. 155. Smith, Frank B., 324. Smith, Henry L., 158. Stafford, William P., i5o. Stevens, Charles E., 209. Strong, William J. H., 506. Thompson, Hobart W., 168. Throop, George Enos, 388. Walbridge, T. C.. 174, 210. Warren, Henry M., 210. Washburn, John H., 177. Watson, Charles P., 177. Welles, Benjamiii, 179. Welles, Chas. E., 179. Welles, Lemuel A., 179. Welles, Roger, Jr.. 311. Wells, Benjamin W.. Jr.. 326. Wells, Eben F., 446. Wells, Samuel R., 399. Williams, David W., 311. Welles, Hon. Thomas, 1627-1668. Q. M., 1658. Deputy, 1662. Asst, 1668. Jewett, William K., 475. Moran, Charles, 120. Schauffler, William G., 338. Welles, William, 1605-1671, Southold, L. I. Gov. Nichol's Council, 1664. Deputy, at New Haven, i653-'57-'6i. Member of Hempstead Con- vention, 1665. Deputy-Sher- iff of New Yorkshire, i66s-'69. Howell, Edwin A., 97. Wellington, Benjamin, 1709, Watertown, Mass. In the Forces of Mass. Col. Expedi- tion against Narragansett Fort. Robinson, Lewis A., 442. Wellington, Joseph, 1643-1714, Watertown, Mass. In King Philip's War, 1676. Wellington, Corp. Roger, 1609- 1698. Watertown, Mass. Corp. in Watertown Co. Wells, Alexander, 1727-1813, Washington Co., Pa. Built and maintained a stockade fort on Cross Creek, Lord Dun- more's War. Moore, Wm. Jno., 381. Wells, Hugh, 1590-1645, Weth- ersfield, Conn. Ens. Militia. Lee, Bradner Wells. 462. White, Henry C, 464. Wells, Capt. Jonathan. 1659- 1738. King Philip's War, and later King William's War, and Queen Anne's War. Com- mander at Deerfield at the at- tack, 1703. Deputy. Richardson, George H., 286. Wells, Noah. 1666-1712, New London, Conn. Ens. Militia, 1703- Lee, Bradner Wells, 462. Wells, Thomas, 1620-1676. In Capt. William Turner's Co.. Falls Fight. Murray, Charles H., 123. Wendell, Capt. Johannes, Sr.. 1649-1692. Capt. of Infantry at Albany, 1684. Beekman, James W., 46. Davies, Wm. G., 69. Grinnell, William M., 88. Pierce, Jacob W.. 273. Woolsey, Theodore S., 312. Wendell, Capt. Johannes, Jr.. . In rrench and In- dian Wars. Grinnell, William M., 88. Wentworth, Capt. Benjamin. 1691-1726. Sergt.. 1717. Capt., 1726. Representative, ,Dover, N. H., 1724. Rollins, Edward A.. 147. Wentworth, Capt. Charles, 1686-1780, Canton, Mass. Lieut. 3d Co., 4th Regt., Mass. Militia. 1744. Capt., 1746. Pierce, George F., 273. Wentworth, Ezekiel, 1651-17JI. Deputy from Dover, N. H., 1711. Wentworth, Lieut.-Gov. John, 1671-1730. Council, 171 1. Lieut.-Gov. N. H., i7i7-'30. 804 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Field, H. Wentworth G., 80. Penhallow, Charles S., 273. Wentworth, Col. John, 1719- 1781. Dover and Somersworth, N. H. Capt., Major, Lieut.- Col., and Col. of the 2d N. H. Regt. in 1772. Representa- tive from Dover and Somers- worth. Wentworth, Moses J., 389. Wentworth, Elder William, 1616-1697, Dover, N. H. Saved Heard's garrison, 1689. Wentworth, Moses J., 389. Wentworth, William G., 389. Wessels, Dirck v. Ten Broeck. Wesson, Jeremiah, 1745. In 6th Mass. Regt., and died at Cape Breton, 1745. Houghton, William A., 534. West, Hon. Francis. Council of Penn., I7=;7. Cottman, James H., 225. Fisher, Chas. D., 225. West, Col. John, 1689. Presi- dent of the Council, and Cap- tain-General. Gov. Va., 1635- '37- Edmunds, Henry L.. 399. Junkin, Francis T. A., 379. Junkin, William D. A., 105. West, Thomas, v. Lord de la Warr. Westcott, Stukely, 1592-1676. Deputy, 1650. Gov.'s Asst., 1656—. Albro, Addis, 37. Bailey, John W., 413. Cook, Stephen C, 433. Hord, Arnold H., ^20. Kelly, James H., 106. Stafford, William F., 160. Watson, William H., 178. Westwood, William, 1607- 1669. Commissioner appointed by the General Court of Mass. to govern Conn., 163s. Deputy. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Gross, Chas. Edw., 300. Haskell, Frank W., 91. Tones, Charles L., 104. Woodruff, Chas. H., 185. Wetherbee, Capt. Ephraim, 1682-1745. Lieut., 1737. Capt., ;ih Co., 9th Mass. Regt., Col. Jos. Dwight, Expedition to Cape Breton, 1745. Billings, Charles M., 49. Billings, David L., 49. Frost, Walter C, 474. Wetherbee, John, 1650-1711, Marlborough, Mass. King Philip's War. Billings, David L., 49. Green, Charles M., 258. Wetherbee, Winthrop, 285. WetherEll, Capt. Daniel, 1630- 1719. Capt. and Commissary at New London, King Philip's War. Avery, Frank M., 39. Wetherill, Christopher, 171 1. Council of West Jer- sey, 1688-1707. Levis, Samuel W., 202. Powell, Washington B., 206. Wetherill, Charles, 211. Wetherill, John P., 211. Wetmore, John, 1648. Weth- ersfield. Conn. Deputy, 1647. Killed by Indians, 1648. Gilbert, James H., 376. Wetmore, Thomas, 1615-1681, Middletown, Conn. Commis- sioner, .i653-'54. Colony of Conn., to enlist men against the Indians. Deputy, 1654- '55- Durand, Harvey, y6. Wharton, Col. Jesse, 1675. President and Member Coun- cil of Md., i672-'76. Dep.- Gov., 1676. Brent, Joseph L-. 223. Keyser, Robert Brent, 229. WiiEATON, Christopher. In King Philip's War, under Capts. Isaac Johnson and John Jacob. Sargent, John S., 385. Wheeler, Isaac, 1646-1712, Stonington, Conn. In King Philip's War, 1676. Denison, Charles, 472. Wheeler, Lieut. Jeremiah, 1731- 181 1. 2d Lieut, in Capt. Val- entine Wheeler's Co., Col. Wm. Bullock's Regt., 1761. 805 INDEX or ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Thompson, William B., 326. Wheeler, Maj. John, 1638-1694. Major, Charles Co., Md., i68o-'89. Jenkins, Austin h-, 227. Jenkins, Edward A., 228. Jenkins, F. de S., 228. Jenkins, S. L., 228. Wheeler, John, Concord, Mass. In Gapt. Davenport's Co., Great Swamp Fight. Baker, Frank, 369. WheeeER, Lieut. Joseph. Lieut. Concord Militia, King Phil- ip's War, 1676. Wheeler, Capt. Philip, 1698- 1765, Rehoboth, Mass. King Philip's War. Thayer, Calvin T., 541. Wheeler, Benjamin D., 467. Wheeler, William H., 487. Wheeler, Capt. Thomas, ■ 1686. Capt. of Co. of Horse. 1669. In King Philip's War. Carney, Franklin L., 529. Denison, John H,, 473. Gibson, Charles L., 84. Williams, Norman A., 183. Wheeler, Sergt. Thomas, 1625- 1704, Concord, Mass.. Sergt. of Foot, 1662. Baker, Frank, 369. Wheeler, Ens. Thomas, 1660- 1734, Concord, Ens. of the Concord Co. Bates, Theodore C, 246. Wheeler, Capt. Timothy, 1604- 1687. Concord, Mass. Mili- tia. In King Philip's War. Deputy, 1663, et scq. Ensign 1646. Capt. 1662. Boutelle, Henry S.,^ 369. Hill, John B., 400. * Melville, Henry, ri6. Moore, George H., 381. Shuart, Wm., 156. Wheeler, Capt. Timothy, 1697- 1782. Member Concord, Mass., Militia. Wheeler, Lieut. -Col. Valen- tine, 1725-1791. Major in Col. Bower's Regt. of Militia, Bristol, Mass., 1762. Licut.- Col. under Col. William Bul- lock, 1767. Thompson, William B., 326. Wheeler, William, 1728-1804. In Capt. Robert Roger's Co., Col. Jonathan Bayley's N. H. Regt., 1755. Wheelock, Capt. ElEazar, 1654- 1731. Medfield, Mass. Com- manded a corps of cavalry. Camp, Robert, 503. Wheelock, Hon. Ralph, 1600- 1684. Representative, Mass. Leach, J. Granville, 201. Wheelwright, Col. John, 1664- 1745. Garrison House, Wells, Me. Under Major John Converse. Stationed at Fort Mary on the Saco. Deputy, Mass., 1692-1742. Member of Council, i7o8-'33. Indian Commissioner, I7i4-'4i. Littlefield, Marcellus, 265. Prime, Ralph E., 137. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 405. Wheelwright, Edmund M., 285. Wheelwright, John, 1760. Gov.'s Asst., i745-'54, Mass. Bay Col. Wheelwright, Lieut. Samuel, 1635-1700. Lieut., 1665, Mass. Bay Col. Militia. Gov.'s Asst., i695-'99. Prime, Ralph E., 137. Shapleigh, Alfred L., 405. Whipple, Capt. Abraham, 1733- 1819. Capt. of the Privateer Gamecock, 1760. Miller, Sydney T., 156, 409. Sibley, Frederick 'T., 500. Whipple, David, 1714-1766, Cum- berland, R. I. Representative, i756-'57- Whipple, Ens. Jeremiah, 1683- 1721. Ens., 6th Co., 2d Regt., Nova Scotia Expedition, 1707. Hill, John W., 378. Hill, William S., 94. Whipple, Charles H.. 447. Whipple, Henry B.. 447. Whipple, Capt. John, 1617-1685. In King Philip's War under Capt. Roger Williams; com- manded an expedition into the 806 INDEX OP ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Indian country. One of de- fenders of Providence when it was attacked by Indians. Deputy, 1666, et seq. Blackman, Wilmon W., 248. Bowen, Edgar C, 430. Britton, Edward E, S3. Brown, Otis S., 250. Dewey, Chauncey E., 473- Farr, Marvin A., 273- Felton, Samuel M., 41-^. Hill, John VV., 37^- Hill, William S., .94- Jackson, George E., 40!. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 113. Olney, George W., 126 Wheaton, Frank, 478. Whipple, Charles H.. 447. Whipple, Henry B., 447. Whipple, Capt. John, 1626-1683 Ipswich, Mass. Cornet, Capt John Appleton's Troop. 1668 Lieut., Capt. Nicholas Paige's Co.. Mount Hope Campaign King Philip's War. Capt. ot Troop, 1676. Deputy, 1674. Boutelle, Henry S., 309. Farr, Marvin A., 373. Palmer, Lowell M., 128. Whipple, John, 1669, Ipswich, Mass. Deputy, 1640, et scq. Whipple, Lieut. John, 1632- 1695. Ipswich, Mass. Lieut. of a Co. of Militia. Deputy four years. Talbot, Joel F.. 387. Whipple, Col. Joseph. 1662-1746. Providence, R. I. Deputy. 1698-1728. Gov.'s Asst., 1714. Col. of Land Forces, 1719- '20. Felton, Samuel M., 415. Whitcomb, John, 1683. In garrison at Lancaster, Mass., 1675- Waite, Horatio L., 388. Whitcomb, John, Dorchester, Scituate and Lancaster, Mass. Member of Military Co. of Scituate, 1643. Whitcomb, Josiah, 1638-1718, Lancaster, Mass. Deputy, 1 710. Commanded garrison there, 1711. Guilford, Nathan, 88. Love, Wm. De L., 304- White, John B., 407. Whitcomb, William, . Under Capt. John Prescott, of Concord, Mass. Spanish War, 1740. Love, Wm. De L., 304. White, Lieut. Daniel, 1639- 1713. Lieut. Hatfield, Mass., Co., 1692. Schauffler, William G., 338. White, Henry K., 464. White, Capt. Daniel, 1671-1726. Ens. 1711. Queen Anne's War. Capt. of Conn. Troop, 1716. Rogers, James S., 207. Schauffler, William G., 338. White, Henry K., 464. White, Capt. Daniel, 1698-1786. Capt. of Hatfield, Mass., Co., French and Indian War. White, Henry K., 464. White, Hon. Henry, 1732-1785. Gov. Tryon's Council, 1771, Prov. N. Y. Irving, Cortlandt, 100. Suydam, Walter L-, 165. White, Capt. Joel, 1705- 1789, Bolton, Conn. Representa- tive, i7S0-'74^ Lieut., 1746. Capt, 1755- White, John, i='-';-i683. Gen- eral Court of Mass., from Hadley, in 1664, '69. Bissell, William P., 430. White, Henry, 464. White, William G., 448. White, William C, 449. White, William R., 540. White, Lieut. John, 1642-1695, Roxbury and Brookline, Mass. Lieut. Militia. Castle, Alfred H., 371. Dana, Charles D., 372. White, Capt. John, 1664-1727, Haverhill, Mass. Ens., 1692. Lieut., 1697. Capt., 1715- Representative, i700-'o3-'o8- '16, '19. Commanded garrison house, 1694. Bullock, James W., 413. Smith, Samuel F., 487. 807 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. White, John, 1673 . Lancas- ter, Mass. In the Lancaster Military Co., Capt. Abijah Willard, Alarm at Boston, 1747- White, Capt. John, 1684-1725. Lancaster, Mass. Capt. in French and Indian Wars. White. Col. Jonathan, 1708- 1788, Lancaster, Mass. Capt., I755> French and Indian War, Worcester Regt., Col. Rug- gles. Major and Lieut. -Col., Battle Lake George. Col., 1756, Lake Champlain Cam- paign. White, John B., 407. White, Capt. Joseph, 1706, Weymouth and Mendon, Mass. In King Philip's War, 1675. ■ Talbot, Joel F., 386. White, Joseph, 1724. Nar- rangansett Campaign, 1675. Wounded in Swamp Fight, 1675- White, Edward L.. 180. Wpiite, Joseph, 1687-1770, Had- ley, Mass. In Col. Benj. Goldthwait's Regt., Lake George, 1756. White, William G., 448. White, Josiah, 1643-1714. Under Major Simon Willard, 1675, King Philip's War, and Sergt. in the Train Band, 1704. His house in Lancaster, Mass., used as a garrison house. Bloss, Orlando P., 397. White, Sergt. Josiah, Jr., 1682- 1772, Lancaster, Mass. Sergt. in command of garrison, 1704- '11. Deputy, 1728, et seq. White, John B., 407. White, Josiah, 1729-1809. So. Hadley, Mass. In Capt. Sam- uel Smith's Co., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. White, William G., 448. White, Capt. Nathaniel, 1624- 1711, Middletown, Conn. Deputy, 1661-1710. Lieut., 1679. Capt., 1690 and 1699. Farnham, Elijah T., 334. Slade, George T., 157. Smith, R. A., 324. Strong, Theron G., 164. Wells, Edward, 365. Wells, Frank R., 365. Wells, Frederick H., 365. Wells, Henry, 365. White, William G., 448. Wickwire, Arthur M., 448. White, Nathaniel, 1652-1742, Hadley, Mass. In Third In- dian War and at Deerfield Meadow, 1704. White, William G.. 448. White, Nicholas, 1732-1802. In Capt. James Andrew's Co., Col. Thatcher's Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1755; in Capt. Jonathan Eddy's Co., Col. Thomas Doty's Regt., 1758. White, Edward L., 180. White, Capt. Peregrine, 1620- 1704. Capt. of Mass. Troops. Plymouth Council of War, 1675. Brown, John B., 54. Durand, Harvey, 76. Obear, Frank, 403. Prescott, Frank C, 463. White, Charles G., 286. White, Resolved, 1614-1690, Plymouth, Mass. In Scituate Co., 1643. White, Corp. Salmon, 1731-1815. Corp. in Capt. William Ly- man's Company, from Whate- ly. Mass, French and Indian War, 1756. White, Henry K., 464. White, Capt. Thomas, 1599-1679. Weymouth, Mass. Militia. Deputy, i637-'7i. Doughty, Francis E., 73. Talbot, Joel F., 386. Webb, J. Sidney, 326. White, Thomas, Jr., 1740-1814, So. Hadley, Mass. In Capt. Samuel Smith's Co., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. White, Col. Thomas, 1704- 1779. Col. Forces of Md., i740-'50. Montgomery, Thomas H., 204. 808 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. White, Capt. William, i6io- 1690, Haverhill, Mass. Capt. of First Military Co. Smith, Samuel F., 486. Whitehead, Major Daniel, 1646- 1704. Assembly for Queen's Co., Prov. N. Y., 1691-1701. Capt. of Militia, supported Ingolsby vs. Leisler, 1691. Crothers, Stevenson, 195. Hicks. Benjamin D., 93. Hill, Robert C, 94- Kissam, Henry S., 107. Moore, Albert R., 440. Whitehead, Lieut. Isaac, 1691, Elizabeth, N. J. In Capt. Jacob Meleyn's Co., un- der the Dutch reoccupation. Banta, Theodore M., 41. Whiting, Caleb, 1729-1814, Boz- rah. Conn. Under Capt. Zeb- ulon Butler, 1762, Expedition to the Northward. Parker, Frederick S., 130. Whiting, Lieut. Charles, 1692- 1788. Lieut. Colonial Forces. Whiting, John, Jr., 1621-1692. In Capt. Hugh Mason's Co., King Philip's War, Sudbury Fight. Whiting, Rev. John, 1635-1686. Chaplain Hartford Forces, King Philip's War. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Ingraham, William S-, 303. McKinstry, Elisha W., 463. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Watson, Charles P., 178. Whiting, Jonathan, 1667-1728. In Capt. John Whittington's Co., Suffolk Regt., Maj. Thomas Savage, Expedition to Canada, 1690. Whitin, Frederick H., 180. Whiting, Oliver, 1665-1736, Bil- lerica, Mass. Representative, i7i9-'20, '28. Whiting, Capt. Samuel, 1720- 1803. Capt. in 2d Regt., 1755, '6i-'62; in ist Regt., i756-'57; 3d Regt., i759-'6o, Conn. Forces. Whiting, Major William, 1647. Asst. and second Colo- nial Treasurer, Conn.. 1641- '47. Major in Colonial Forces. Deputy, 1637. Allen, Francis O., 192. Collins, William G., 63. Cutler, Ralph Wm., 298. Doughty, Francis E., 73- Fisher, Francis P., 374. Gross, Chas. Edv^^, 300. Hayden, Henry W., 93. Hayden, James R., 93. McKinstry, Elisha W.. 462. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Ray. Franklin T.. 138. Robbins. Rowland A.. 145. Smith, Wyllys K., 385. Wetherill, Charles. 211. Whiting, Col. William, 1659- 1724. Deputy. i7io-'i5. Speaker, 1714. Capt., Major and Col., French and Indian Wars, 1693-1709. Command- ed Expeditions to Port Royal, 1710. Hayden, Henry W., 93. Hayden, James R., 93. Hyde, James N.. 378. Parker, Frederick S.. 129. Whiting, Lieut.-Col. William, 1704-1787. Made Capt. at the Siege of Louisburg, 1745, for gallant conduct ; Lake George, 1755- Tyler, Mason N., 338. Whitman, Ens. John, 1603-1692. Wevmouth, Mass. Ens. of Foot Co. Coffin, Rufus, 252. Thompson, Clifton S- 477- Washburn, William D., 446. Whitman, Valentine, . Services not filed. White, Hunter C, 523. Whitmarsh, John, 1708, Weymouth, Mass. In King Philip's War under Capts. Johnson and Jacob. Fuller, Linus E., 83. Healy, David A., 260. Whitmore, Francis, 1625-1685, Cambridge. Mass. In Major Simon Willard's Command, King Philip's War. Gould, Levi S., 258. 809 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Messinger, Wm. D., 381. Thompson, Eben F., 282. Whitmore, John, 1654-1739, Med- ford. Under Major Swayne against Saco Indians. Gould, Levi S., 258. Whitmore (Wetmore), Ens. Thomas, 1673-1752, Cam- bridge, Mass., and Killingly, Conn. Ens. 3d Co., or Train Band of Killingly, 1742. Dep- uty from Killingly, i720-*25 and 1729. Ketchum, Charles J., 264. Whitney, Benjamin, 1643-1723. In the Narragansett Cam- paign, King Philip's War, 1675- Hill, Lew C, 261. Bogert, William B., 369. Whitney, John, 1624-1692, Wa- tertown, Mass. In Capt. Hugh Mason's Co., King Phil- ip's War. In the Sudbury Fight. Farr, Marvin A., 373. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Flint, James M., 319. Waite, Horatio L., 389- Whitney, Warham, 181. Whitney, Capt. Jonathan, 1704- 1756, Milford, Mass. Mass. Colonial Forces, 1748. Trott, James P., 170. Whitney, Drake, 181. Whitney, Jonathan, I735-I792, Milford, Mass. In Capt. Phin- eas Lovet's Co., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. In Capt. Thomas Wiswall's Co., 1757- Whitney, Drake, 181. Whitney, Sergt. Joshua, 1714- 1786. Sergt. Capt. John New- hall's Co., Col. John Chand- ler's Regt., relief of Fort Wil- liam Henry, 1759. Whitney, Warham, 181. Whitney, Lieut.-Col. Josiah, 1731-1806. In Capt. Samuel Preston's Co., Col. John Whitcomb's Regt., Crown Point Expedition, 1755. In Capt. Israel Taylor's Co., Col. Oliver Wilder's Regt., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. Capt., Harvard, Mass, 1773. Lieut.-Col., Worcester Co. Militia, 1774. Melville, Henry, 117. Whitney, Wm. M., 181. Whitney, Moses, 1655-1710, Wa- tertown, Mass. Under Lieut. Hugh Mason. Taken prison- er, King Philip's War. Marsh, Henry W., 380. Upham, Edwin D., 478. Whitney, Eugene W., 389. Whitney, Harry E., 448. Whitney, Capt. Salmon, 1712- 1759. Lieut. Capt. Samuel Preston's Co., 1755, French and Indian Wars. Capt. in Col. Jonathan Bagley's Regt., 1758. Bellows, J. McClure, 47. Whiton, Thomas, 1719 . In Capt. Ezekiel Turner's Co., Hanover, 1750. In 2d Foot Co., Capt. Stephen Cushing, Hingham, 1755. French War. Whiton, Louis C., 181. Whittemore, Rev. Aaron, 171 i- 1767, Pembroke, N. H. Lieut, in command of garrison at Pembroke. Lieut, in Capt. Moses Foster's Co. ; scouting, 1748. Whittemore, Arthur G., 353. Whittingham, Capt. John. 1649, Ipswich, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Ens., 1644. Capt., 1645. Lieut, at Ips- wich, 1645. Appleton, Francis H., 245. WiCKES, John, 1609-1675. Dep- uty, i664-'73-'75. Gov.'s Asst., i650-'55. Killed by Indians in King Philip's War. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Greene, George S-, Jr., 86. Townsend, James Hill, i6g. WiCKES, John. 1677-1741. Deputy and Asst., R. I. Felton, Samuel M., 414. WtcKwiRE, John, 1712, New London, Conn. In Great Swamp Fight. 810 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Wickwire, Arthur F., 448. WicoM, Daniel, 1635-1700. In Mt. Hope Expedition, 1675. Johnson, Francis J., 504. WiGGiN, Gov. Thomas, 1667. Gov. Upper Plantations, N. H., under Lord Saye and Sele and Lord Brooke, i63i-'36. Deputy Mass. Bay Colony, 1645, Hampton, N. H. Gov.'s Asst., i654-'6o. Hill, John R, 533. Hoyt, Wm. E., 98. Janvrin, Joseph E., 102. Taylor, Washington L, 166. Wight, Benjamin, 1659-1739. In King Philip's War. WiLBOUR, Sergt. Samuel, Ports- mouth, R. I. Clerk of Train Band, 1638. Sergt, 1644. Wilbur, William, 1710. Dep- uty, R. I., 1678. White, Hunter C. 523. Wilcox. John, 1676. In Troop, Pequot War. Bell, Jared W., 47. Wilcox (Wilcoxson), Samuel, 1713, Simsbury, Conn. Deputy, i688-'89, '94,-1701, '10- '12. Moses, Zebina, 323. Wilde, Corp. John, 1618 . King Philip's War. Corp. under Capt. William Turner. Darlington, Charles F., 68. Darlington, James H., 68. Darlington, Thomas, 68. Wildey, William H., 181. Wilde, Richard, 1698 . In Capt. Jonathan Wright's Co., of Flushing, L. I. Darlington, Charles F., 68. Darlington, James H., 68. Darlington. Thomas, 68. Wildey, William H., 181. Wilde, Corp. Thomas. 1718-1776, White Plains. N. Y. Corp. in Capt. Isaac Corsa's Co. Darlington, Charles F., 68. Darlington, James H., 68. Darlington. Thomas, 68. Wildey, William H., 181. Wilder, Col. James, 1680-1739. King William's War. Ens., 171 7. Capt., 1722. Col., 1737. Deputy, Mass., 1731. Frost, Walter C, 474. White, John B., 407. Wilder, Lieut. John, , Lan- caster, Mass. Lieut, in Train Band, 1675. Bloss, Orlando P., 397. Wilder, Lieut. Nathaniel, 1630- 1704. Charlestown and Lan- caster, Mass. Lieut. at Charlestown, 1704. Killed by Indians. Frost, Walter C, 474. Wilder, Capt. Thomas, 1645- 1716. King William's War. Lieut., 1689. Capt. of garrison at Lancaster, Mass., 171 1. Frost, Walter C, 474. Houghton, William A., 534. White, John B., 407. Wilkin, John, 1699-1783. In French and Indian Wars in Company of Militia of the Walla-Kill, Capt. Bayard. Wilkinson, John, 1654-1708. Providence, R. I. King Phil- ip's War.. Deputy, i70o-'o6. Waterman, Lucius, 353. Wilkinson, Lawrence, 1692. Deputy, R. I., 1667. Newhall, Charles C, 520. WiLLARD, George, 1614 . In Scituate Co., Plymouth Col., i643-'44. Morse, Samuel W., 475. Sears, Walter J., 154. Willard, Edward A., 182. Willard, J. Le Baron, 182. Willard, Henry, . Com- manded garrison at Still Ri- ver, Lancaster, 1692. Willard, Dr. Jacob, 1646-1710. Surgeon Mass. Regt., under Gen. Josiah Winslow. Sur- geon in Major Samuel Apple- ton's Regt., Great Swamp Fight, 1675. Willard, Edward A., 182. Willard. Edward A., Jr., 182. Willard, J. Le Baron. 182. 811 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. WiLLARD, Col. Josiah. Sr., 1693- 1750, Lunenburg, Vt. Col. of Fort Dummer. Vt., under the Mass. Government, i740-'so. WlLLARD, CoL. JOSIAH, Jr., I716- 1786, Winchester, N. H. Of- ficer at Fort Dummer, 1740. Major, 1746. Lieut. -CoL, in command of Fort Dummer, 1750. Col. in the N. H. ser- vice, Fort Edward, N. 3-. 1755. Representative, 1768. WiLLARD, Major Josiah, 1736- 1801, Keene, N. H. Lieut, in Lieut.-Col. Josiah Willard, Jr.'s, Command, 1754. Capt. Major, 1770. Representative, i77o-'7i. Willard, Major Simon, 1605- 1676. Deputy, i636-"54. Gov.'s Asst., 1654-1676. Commander- in-Chief of the Expedition against Ninigret, 1655. Bat- tle of Brookfield. Command- ed the Middlesex, Mass., Regt. in King Philip's War. Barnes, Frank L., 42. Barnes, Howard W., 43. Bartlett, Franklin, 43. Bartlett, Willard, 44. Billings, David L., 49. Blood, John B., 248. Burrage, Henry S., 529. Chittenden, Edward A., 360. Curtis, Rodney, 472. Deming, Judson K., 485. Fletcher, Truman C, 362. Gilbert, Mahlon N., 436. Hayden, Charles, 260. Heaton, John E., 301. Houghton, Jas. C., 362. Howe, George A., 199. Johnson, Emery W., 263. Leland, Charles H., no. Pierce, Dean, 273. Pierce, Jacob W, 273. Reade, Philip, 506. Rice, L. Frederick, 275. Root, Elihu, 147. Sawyer, Charles F., 352. Sawyer, William D., 352. Smith, Frank B., 324. Stevens, Chas. E.. 209. Stevens, Clarence W., 161. Stevens, Frederic B., 161. Stevens, Solon W., 280. Talbot, Joel F., 387. Waite, Horatio L., 389. Watmough, James H., 177. Willard, Joseph, 286. Willard, Martin S., 286. WiLLETT, Col. Thomas, 1610-1674. Capt., Plymouth Col. Militia, 1648. Council of War, 1653. General Council, 1672. First English Mayor New York, 1665. Served on Expedition which captured New York from the Dutch, 1664. Camp, Chas. L. N., 57. Davies, William G., 69. Edwards, Pierrepont, 78. Hooker, Edward W., 302. Pike, Francis W., 441. Schroeder, J. Langdon, 151. Tyler, Augustus C, 310. Tyler, Harry B., 209. Tyler, Sidney F., 210. Whitney, Eli, Jr., 234. Woolsey, Theodore S., 234. WiLLETT, CoL. Thomas, 1645-1722. Commander, Queen's Co. Mil- itia, 1683-1689. Member of Governor's Council, i690-'98, Prov. of N. Y. Barclay, David, 42. Jones, Charles H., 200. Jones, Richmond L., 200. Pell, Howland, 134. Wister, Rodman, 212. WiLLETT, William, 1668-1723. As- sembly, Prov of N. Y., 1701- '33- Jones, Charles H., 200. Jones, Richmond L., 200. WiLLEYj Lieut. John, 1648-1688. In King Philip's War. Willey, W. Lithgow, 286. Williams, Col. Abraham, 1695- 1781, Marlborough, Mass. Col. of Middlesex Regt., 1757. Williams, Robert B., 287. Williams, Sergt. Charles. . Sergt., Haddam, Conn., Indian Wars. Williams, Col. Ephraim, 1691- 1754. Capt. at Newton, Mass. Afterwards Col. 812 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Williams, Capt. Ezekiel, 1729- 1818, Wethersfield, Conn. Capt. 1st Co., 6th Regt., 1761. Washburn, William I., 177. Williams, Ens. George, 1717-1803. Taunton, Mass., 3d Co. of Foot, Capt. Ebenezer Dean, Col. Ephraim Leonard, 1754. Williams, Borland, 287. Williams, Samuel K., 287. Williams, Isaac, 1638-1707. Commanded a Troop at Newton, Mass. Lieut, of Foot Co. In King Philip's War. Deputy, 1692-1705. Hyde, James C, 100. Hyde, Raymond N., 100. Metcalf, William P., 322. Pierce, George W., 134. Williams, Ephraim, 182. Williams, George B., 183. Williams, Samuel B., 183. Williams, Col. John, 1706-1774, Sharon, Conn. Capt., 1745. Lieut.-Col., 1767. Col. 14th Regt., 1770. Belknap, Waldron P., 46. Williams, John, . As- sembly of S. Carolina, 17 — . Williams, John, . Scitu- ate, Plymouth Col. Deputy, 1641, '43-'44. 47-'48. Middleton, John I., 231. Williams, Joseph, . In King Philip's War. Williams, Col. Joseph, 1708- 1798. Mass. Colonial Line, 1755, Mohawk War; also in Canadian Campaign, 1758- '60. Mackenzie, Geo. N., 114, 229. Mackenzie, George N., 3d, 229. Williams, John S., 236. Williams, Wm. S. G., 236. Williams, Richard, 1599 • Representative, i646-'48, '50. Miller, Charles B., 117. Miller, Edward C, 118. Williams, Richard, 1606-1693, Taunton, Mass. Deputy, 1646, et seq. Foster, F. Apthorp, 256. Dean, Gardiner A. A., 398. Talbot, Joel F., 387. Williams. Robert, 1608-1693, Roxbury, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Barrows, John W., 471. Mackenzie, George N., 229. Schauffler, William G., 338. Williams, Gov. Roger, 1599- 1683. Capt., Providence, R. I., King Philip's War. Gov., 1654. Asst., 1647, ct seq. Deputy, 1667. Arnold, Benjamin W., 39. Batelle, John G., 413. Bowen, Edgar R., 430. Brenton, Cranston, 53. Brown, Elisha R., 348. Constantine, Richard B., 64. Dennis, Arthur W., 543. Dyer, Horace E., 361. Felton, Edgar C, 538. Felton, Samuel M., 414. Fenner, Charles P., 461. Fitzgerald, D., 256. Gratwick, Frederic C, 86. Gratwick, Henry W., 86. Lee, Edmund J., 201. Lovell, Frank H., Jr., 113. Page, Samuel D., 205. Parkhurst, Charles D., 305. Tilley, R. Hammett, 522. Willard, Edward A., 182. Willard, J. Le Baron, 182. Williams, Capt. Stephen, 1640- 1720, Roxbury, Mass. Capt. of Troop serving at the East- ward, i704-'o5; on Frontier, i707-'i2. Guard to Col. Schuyler and the Maqua In- dians, 1710. Davis, Fellowes, 70. Mackenzie, George N., 3d, 229. Mackenzie, George N., 229. Williams, John D., 287. Williams, Rev. Stephen, D.D. Chaplain to Gen. Pepperrell, Louisburg, 1745. Sir Wil- liam Johnson, Lake Cham- plain, 1755, and Gen. John Winslow, Crown Point, 1756. Williams, Jared I., 353. Schauffler, William G., 338. Williams, Surgeon Thomas, 1718-1775. French and Indian Wars of 1744-1748. Surgeon in 813 INDEX OP ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. charge of forts on Connecti- cut River. Surgeon under Sir William Johnson, Crown Point Expedition, 1755. In Col. Ephraim Williams' Regt. Williams, Ephraim, 182. Williams, Geo. B., 183. Williams, Samuel B., 183. WauAMSON, Capt. Caleb, 1651- 1738. Corp. in Capt. John Gorham's Co., Phips' Ex- pedition. Captain, 8th Co.^ 1st Mass. Regt., Nova Scotia Expedition, 1707. Goodwin, Francis, 300. Goodwin, James J., 85, 300. Williamson, Daniel, 1728, Chester Co., Pa. Member of Assembly, i7o8-'o9, '20-'22, '27. Gheen, Edward H., 435. Willing, Capt. Charles, 1710- 1754. Commanded a com- pany, Associated Regt. of Philadelphia Foot, i747-'48. Col. Abraham Taylor. Jackson, Oswald, 102. Morrell, Edw. de V., 204. Page, S. Davis, 205. Prime, Frederick, 207. Willing, George, 212. Willis, Hon. John, 1692. In Capt. Myles Standish's Duxbury Co. Deputy from Bridgewater. Cutler, Edward H., 434. Freeman, Alden, 334. Moran, Charles, 120. Tyler, Edward R., 284. Willis, Sergt. Joseph, 1712 , Sudbury, Mass. Sergt. in 2d Foot Co., of Sudbury, Josiah Richardson, Capt., 1737. Willis, Henry A., 287. Willmarth, Ens. Thomas, 1665- 1690. Ens. Rehoboth. Mass., Militia. Council of War. Blackmer, Henry M., 471. Wilmer, Simon, , Kent Co., Md. Burgess, i697-'98. WiLLOUGHBY, DEP.-GoV. FrANCIS, 1613-1671. Gov.'s Asst., 1640. Member of Parlia- ment, 1658. Dep.-Gov. Mass. Bay Colony, 166S-71. 814 Hart, Samuel, 301. Noyes, Chas. P., 440. Otis, Philo A., 382. Sill, Howard G., 232. Sill, John T., 157. WiLLOUGHBY, Capt. Thomas, 1601-1658. House of Bur- gesses for Elizabeth City, Va., i629-'32. Of the Coun- cil, i644-'46-'so. Thomas, Douglas H., 234. Wills, Daniel, 1633- 1698, New Jersey. Prov. Councillor, i682-'8s. Bettle, Samuel, 193. Wood, Joseph, 212. Wills, Col. Solomon, 1731-1807, Tolland, Conn. Ens. 12th Co. 1st Regt.,, 1758. 2d Lieut. 7th Co., 1759; 1st Lieut. 4th Co., 1 761 ; 2d Co., 1762. Capt. South Co., 1770. Served in Cafnpaign in Cuba, 1762. At Crown Point and Fort William Henry. Deputy. Montfort, Frederick D., 440. Wilson, Col. Benjamin, 1747- 1827. Lieut., Dunmore Army, Expedition against Chilicothe Indians, 1774. Smith, Benjamin W., 506. Wilson, Rev. John, 1583-1667, Boston, Mass. Chaplain in Pequot War, under Capt. Is- rael Stoughton, i636-'37. Foster, William V., 375. Langdon, Perin, 416. Laws, Harry L., 416. Spencer, Horatio N., 406. Vaile, Joel F., 478. Wheaton, Frank, 478. Wilson, Sergt. John, 1687, Woburn, Mass. In King Philip's War. under Capt. Samuel Moseley, at Mount Hope, 1675 ; under Capt. Richard Beers, i675-'76; un- der Capt. Samuel Brockle- bank and Capt. John Cutler, 1676. Sergt. Spencer, Horatio N., 406. Wilson, John, 1650-1715. Lieut. Mass. Militia, 1692. Howe, Herbert M., 199. INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. WiivSON, Sergt. Joseph, 1655-1710, Kittery, Me. Keeper of gar- rison. Wilson, Fred A., 287. . Wilson, Sergt. Samuel, 1658- 1729, Woburn, Mass. Corp. Woburn Military Co., 1694. Sergt., 1695-1729. Reade, Philip, 384. Wilson, Charles H., 287. Wilson, Col. William, 1646- 1713, Hampton, Va. High Sheriff, i693-'94. Burgess, 1685, '91, -'92, i702-'o5. Naval Officer of James River, 1699, 171 1. Mayor, 1691. Col. and County Lieut., 1698. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Wilton, Lieut. David, 1678. In King Philip's War, Forces of Conn. Greene, Richard H., 86. Partridge, Edward L., 131. Winchester, John, 1643-1718. In garrison at Punckapauge, 1676. Castle, Alfred H., 371. Dana, Charles D., 372. Winchester, Capt. John, 1675- 1751, Muddy River (Rox- bury), Mass. Capt. of Mil- itia. Bowen, Clarence W., 52. Castle, Alfred H., 371. Dana, Charles D., 372. WiNDEBANK, Sir Francis. Sec- retary of State for Prov. of N. Y., 1626. Wing, Daniel. Member Sand- wich Military Co., Plymouth Colony, 1643. Spooner, Frank E., 386. Wing, Stephen, 1625-1710. Mem- ber of Plymouth Military Co., 1643- Wingate, Col. Joshua, 1679- 1769, Hampton, N. H. Capt. in Col. Hawkins' Regt., 1717. Major, 1730. Col., 1744. At Louisburg, 1745. Bell, Charles U., 247. Brackett, William S., 370. Hall, Clayton C, 226. Reynolds, George N., 139. Stickney, George H., 233. Winn (Twing or Wing), In- crease, 1641-1690. Under Capt. Thomas Brattle, King Philip's War. Wheelock, William B., 389. Winn, Ens. Joseph, 1725, Woburn, Mass. In King Philip's War, under Capt. Thomas Wheeler and Lieut. Henry Woodhouse, 1676-77 ; also in Lieut. William Hasey's Three County Troop. Ens', of Woburn Foot Co. Winne, Franz, Albany, N. Y. In Capt. Johannes Mingael's Co., 1713- Clark, Kenneth, 432. Winship, Lieut. Edw^ard, 1613- 1688, Cambridge, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1638. Ens., 1647. Lieut., x66o. Deputy, 1663, ct scq. Fessenden, Charles N., S73- Foster, William V., 375. Hadden, Crowell, Jr., 88. Leach, J. Granville, 201. Noyes, James A., 125, 270. Sawyer, Charles F., 352. Schroeder, J. Langdon, 151. Whitney, Harry E., 448. Winship, William H., 287. Winship, Isaac. In Capt. Benj. Reed's Co. of Lexington, Mass., 1759, and Capt. Wm. Reed's Co., 1755. Winship, Samuel, 1712-1780, Lexington, Mass. Gentleman Trooper in Governor's Horse Guards under Brig.-Gen. Isaac Royal, 1764. WiNSLOW, Gov. Edward, 1595- 1654. Gov. of Plymouth Col- ony. i633-'36-'44. Hulbert, Henry C, 98. Ward, Aaron, 176. WiNSLOW, Col. Edward, 1669- 1753, Boston. A. & H. A. Co., 1700. Sergt., 1702. Lieut., 171 1. Capt., i7i4-'29. 815 INDEX OF A^yCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Major of Boston Regt., 1729. Col., 1733. Winslow, George S., 288. WiNSLOW, Major Edward, 16S1- 1760. Major of Militia. Winslow, Lieut. Job, 1641-1720, Freetown, Mass. In Fight at Swansea, 1675. Deputy, 1692. Greene, Richard H., 86. Hawks, Joseph M., 436. Knowlton, H. M., 264. Tuttle, Frank D., 171. Williams, N. W., 236. Wilson, Chas. R., 184. WiNSLOW, John, 1597-1674, Plym- outh. Member of the Coun- cil of War, 1646. Deputy, i653-'55. Cabot, Louis, 251. Shaw, Henry S., 278. Winslow, John, , Plym- outh. Member of the Plym- outh Co., 1643. Winslow, Josiah, 1605-1674, Marshfield, Mass. Deputy. 1643, et scq. Brewer, William A., 460. Winslow, Gov. Josiah, 1629-1680. Commander-in-Chief, Colo- nial Forces, Great Swamp Fight. Gov. Plymouth Col- ony, i673-'8o. Hulbert, Henry C, 98. Squires, George C, 443. Ward, Aaron, 176. Winslow, Kenelm, 1599-1672. Marshfield, Mass. Member of the Marshfield Military Co., 1643. Hawks, Joseph M., 436. Whitney, Harry E., 448. WiNSMORE, William, 1686. Member from Kent Co. of William Penn's Assembly, Philadelphia, 1683. Comegys, Edward T., 512. Comegys, William H., 512. Winston, Lieut. William, 1707- 1799. Hanover, Va., Troops, French and Indian Wars, i735-'90. Barrett, Richard A., 397. Hendrick, Calvin W., 93. Winter, John, 1634-1690. In Capt. Henchman's Co., King Philip's War. Bloss, Orlando P., 397. Winthrop, Gov. John, 1587-1649. First Governor of Mass. Bay Colony, 1629. Asst., 1635 and 1641. Dep.-Gov., 1636 and 1644. Commissioner for United Colonies, 1643 and 1645. Col. Suffolk Regt., 1636. Davis, Fellowes, 69. De Russy, A. Rene, 72. Erving, William V. R., 79. Koues, George E., 107, ^36. Mumford, James G., 269. Pinkham, Joseph, 352. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 149. Winthrop, Grenville B., 184. Winthrop, Gov. John, 1606-1676. Gov. Conn., i657-'76. Lieut. - Col. Essex Regt., 1636. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 149. Winthrop, Grenville B., 184. Winthrop, Maj.-Gen. Wait Still, 1641-1717. Maj.-Gen., Chief Justice, Member Exec- utive Council, Mass. Bay Colony. Mumford. Jas. G., 269. Saltonstall, A. H. Mickle, 149. Winthrop, Grenville B., 184. Wise, Rev. John, 1652-1725, Ips- wich, Mass. Chaplain, Nar- ragansett Campaign, and in Phips' Expedition, 1690. Dep- uty, Mass., 1689. Jameson, Winfield S., 526. Libby, Chas. F., 535. Low, Wm. G., Jr., 114. WiSNER, Capt. John, 1722-1778. Capt. Orange Co., N. Y., Mil- itia, 1755. Fight with Indians in the Delaware, 1757. Sent to reinforce Fort William Henry. ■Barrell, Harry F., 332. WiswALL, Elder John, 1601-1687. In King Philip's War. WiswALL, Capt. Noah, ist, 1638- 1690, Newton, Mass. Marched to relief of Casco, now Port- 816 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. land, Me., 1690. Killed at Wheelwright's Pond. Bible, Howard W., 49. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. WiswALL, Noah, 1699-1786 New- ton, Mass. In Expedition to Cuba, 1740. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. WiswAivL, Lieut. Thomas, 1668- 1709. Lieut, in Militia Co., Newton, Mass., 1695-1700. King William's War. Richards, Charles S., 142. Richards, Jeremiah, 144. WiTHINGTON, CaPT. JoHN, 1649- 1690. Dorchester Co. Phips' Expedition, lost at sea. Capen, Walter N., 297. Withington, James H., 184. WiTHINGTON, Richard, 1618-1701. Dorchester, Mass. A. & H. A. Co., 1646. Witt, Capt. Oliver, 1720-1808, Leicester, Mass. Capt. in Col. John Chandler's Regt., relief of Fort William Henry, 1757. WoDEEL, William, 1693. Special Councillor, Col. of R. L, King Philip's War. Anthony, James L., 38. Bell, Jared W., 47. Lawton, George P., no. Spies, Francis F., 159. Watson, William H., 178. WoLCOTT, Dr. Alexander, 1712- 1795. Surgeon at the Siege of Louisburg. Kinzie, John H., 493. WoLCOTT, Gov. Henry, 1578-1655. Deputy, 1639. Magistrate to Asst. Gov., i643-'55. Adams, Frederick C, 396. Adams, John W., 428. Dewey, Chauncey E., 473. Fisher, Francis P., 374. Gross, Charles E., 300. Hulbert, Edmund D., 378. Kinzie, John H., 492. McElroy, Clayton, 203. Robbins, Rowland A., 145. Weeks, William R., 179. WoLCOTT, Henry, Jr., 1610-1680. Representative, i655-'56-'6i. Gov.'s Asst., 1662. Council of War, i675-'76. Robbins, Rowland A., 145. Whitney, Eugene W., 389. WoLCoTT, CoL. Oliver, 1726- 1797, Litchfield, Conn. Deputy, 1764- '67-'68-'70. Gov.'s Asst., 1771- '74. Maj., 13th Regt., 1771. Col., 17th Regt., 1774. WoLcoTT, Gov. Roger, 1679- 1767, Windsor, Conn. Deputy, 1709. Commissary, Expedition of 1711. Councillor, 1714. Dep.- Gov., 1741. Comma^nder of Conn. Forces, Expedition to Cape Breton, 1745; Maj. -Gen. Gov., 1750. Chesebrough, George L., 432. Chew, James L., 297. Davis, Gustavus P., 298. Dennis, Rodney S., 71. Douw, Charles G., 74. Gardiner, David, 84. Gardiner, Robert A., 84. Gordon, William W., Jr., 492. Harrison, Alexander, 301. Harrison, Lynde, 301. Hoyt, Albert E., 98. Kinzie, John H., 492. Lane, Ebenezer, 379. Spencer, Lorillard, 159. Strong, William W., 507. Taintor, George E., 309. Thompson, Frederick D., 167. Wolcott, Edward O., 479. Wolcott, Roger, 540. WoLCOTT, Simon, 1625- 1687. Trooper from Windsor under Major Mason, 1657. Capt. of Foot at Simsbury, Conn., and Dep., 1673. Kinzie, John H., 492. Lane, Ebenezer, 379. McElroy, Clavton, 203. Wood, Ebenezer, 1671 . In Capt. Philip Nelson's Co., ex- pedition to Canada under Sir William Phips, 1690. Whitin, Frederick H., 180. Wood, Lieut. Jonas, 1609-1689. Huntington, L. I. Justice, 1681. Goadby, Arthur, 85. 817 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Wood, John H., 184. Wood, Jonathan, 1651-1676, Sherborn, Mass. In King Philip's War. Killed during Indian attack on Medfield, 1676. Holbrook, Levi, 261. Wood, Josiah, 1629-1691, Charles- town, Mass. Under Capt. John Cutler, King Philip's War. Eberlein, Charles W., 434. Wood, Alva S., 288. WooDBRiDGE, Rev. John, 1613-1695. A. & H. A. Co., 1644. Gov.'s Asst., Mass. Bay Col., 1683- '84. Adams, John W., 428. Bostwick, Henry A., 50. Hall, Benjamin E., 89. Pettibone, Asa G.. 383. Plympton, Gilbert M., 135. Rhodes, Dudley W., 442. Richardson, William E., 442. Schauffler, William G., :^:i7. Scofield, George S., 152. Woodbury, Andrews, i 731 -1808, Manchester, Mass. In Col. Ichabod Plaisted's Co., 1756. Rep. 1774. Delegate to Spanish Convention, 1774. Delegate to Provincial Congress, 1774. Pitman, Charles F., 352. Woodbury, James, 1738-1823. In Col. Robert Rogers' Rangers at storming of Quebec, 1759. Woodbury, Urban A., 365. Woodbury, John. Constable at Salem, 1630. Dep., 1635, -'37- '38-'39. Selectman. Woodbury, Charles L., 365. Woodbury, Edvv^ard P., 365. Woodbury, Urban A., 365. Woodbury, Peter, 1705-1775, Mar- blehead, Mass. French and Indian War, 1755. Woodbury, Urban A., 365. Woodcock, John, 1701, Attle- boro, Mass. Commander of Woodcock's Garrison, King Philip's War. Daggett, George H., 434. Morse, Samuel W., 476. Woodford, Capt. Joseph, Jr., Northington (Avon), Conn. Capt. Militia, 1694-1740. In- dian Wars in Conn. River Valley. Woodford, Stewart L., 184. Woodhull, Gen. Nathaniel 1722-1776. Under Lord Aber- crombie, 1754, and Lord Am- herst, 1759. Present at capitu- lation of Montreal, 1760. Lawrence, Abraham R., 109. Walsh, James W., 176. WooDis, Lieut. Henry, 1700. Lieut. in Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Co., 1676. Against Indians near Brookfield. Partridge, Frank H., 132. Woodman, Lieut. Edward, 1612- . Lieut., 1637. In Pequot War. Deputy, 1636, et seq., Mass. Bay Col. Fessenden, Charles N., 373. Greenleaf, Franklin L., 436. Knight, Stephen H., 498. Woodman, Capt. John. Capt. Woodman's garrison, Dur- ham, N. H. Scales, John, 353. Woodman, Lieut. Joshua, 1720- 1800. Sergt. in Capt. Joseph Woodman's Co., 1757. Lieut., 1761. WooDRUEE, Ens. Jacob, 1717-1790. Ens., 1753, 3d Co. of Foot, 13th Conn. Regt. Deputy, 1759-68. Magistrate, i759-'90. Parker, Frederick S., 130. Woodruff, Chas. H., 184. Woodruff (Wordrof)i Ens. John. Ens. of Militia at Eliz- abethtown, N. J., 1675. Sher- iff, 1684. Shields, Charles W., 338. Woodruff, Edward L., 500. Woodruff, Capt. Nathaniel, 1687-1758. Ens., 1733. Lieut, 1736. Capt., 1738, 1st Co., Foot, Littlefield, Conn., Regt. Parker, Frederick S., 130. Woodruff, Chas. H., 184. Woods, Sergt. John, 1678. Sergt. of a Marlborough gar- rison house, 1675. Woodson, John. Accompanied Sir Harvey to Virginia, Surgeon 818 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Militia, 1623. Stationed at what is now James City Co. Watkins, J. E., 326. Woodward, George, 1621-1676, Watertown, Mass. In Capt. John Cutler's Co., and died in service. Brown, George E., 250. Burnham, Albert W., 250. Messinger, Wm. D., 381. Woodward, Q. M. Henry, 1683. Cornet Hampshire Troop, 1665, et seq. Q. M., 1663. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Woodward, Capt. Israel. Capt. of Conn. Troops, i744-'49. Gillette, Rufus W., 498. Lathrop, Kirk, 499. Woodward, John, 1688, Taun- ton, Mass. In First Squad- ron of Taunton, 1682. Woodward, Theron R., 541. WooLSEY, JoRis, "George," 1610- 1698. Cadet Burgher Corps. WooLSEY, Capt. George, 1650-1740. Capt. Queen's Co. Militia, 171S, Prov. of N. Y. Townsend, James H., 169. Woolsey, John M., 312. Woolsey, Theo. S., 312. WooLSTEN, John, 1698. Bur- lington, N. J. Member of Assembly, i683-'84-'97. Middleton, Harvey, 230. Worcester, Samuel, 1680, Bradford, Mass. Depntv, i679-'8i. Bigelow, Henry N., 248. Worden, Peter, 1609-1681. Mem- ber of Yarmouth, Mass. Co., under Lieut. William Palmer, 1643- WoRMELEY, Hon. Ralph, 1615- 1651, York Co., Va. Member of Council, 1640, '50, '51. Capt., 1640. Burgess for York Co., 1649. Cary, Wilson M., 224. WoRMELEY, Hon. Ralph, 1650- 1701. Middlesex Co., Va. Capt. and Burgess, 1674. Member of Council, 1675-1701. Secretary of State, 1693- i 701. Prest. of Council, 1692. Col- lector and Naval Officer of Rappahannock, i692-'98. Cary, Wilson M., 224. Worthington, Elijah, 1710-1764, Colchester, Conn. Represent- ative, i757-'62. Worthington, George, 365. Wright, Lieut. Abel, 1631-1725. In Indian Wars. Deputy, Mass. Bay Colony, 1695. Barrows, John W., 471. Wright, Capt. Benjamin, 1660- 1743, Northfield, Mass. Capt., 1685. Also Sergt. In Indian Wars. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Wright, Benjamin, 1677. Member Guilford Foot Co., defense against Pequots. Bell, Jared W., 47. Wright, Capt. Dudley. Capt. 12th Regt., Col. of Conn., 1763. Corp. in Samuel Wright's Co., 1757. Ens., 1752. Tilden, John P., 168. Wright, Capt. Edward, Sudbury, Mass. In King Philip's War. Wright, John, 1667-1749. Mem- ber Penn. Assembly, l729-'30, '33-'34, '37-'48. Speaker, 1745. Houston, Samuel F., 199. Wright, John, Jr., 1711-1759. Member Penn. Assembly, i749-'59- Houston, Samuel F., 199. Wright, Capt. Jonathan, 1743. Capt. of Regt. from Flushing, L. I., 1715. Darlington, Charles F., 67. Darlington, James H., 68. Darlington, Thomas, 68. Wildey, William H., 181. Wright, Joshua, 1641-1724. In Capt. Prentice's Troop, Nar- ragansett Campaign. In Great Swamp Fight. In Lieut. William Hasey's Three County Troop. Downs, Edgar R., 473. Wright, Joshua (Joseph), 1695. Member General As- sembly, N. J., i682-'83, '85. 819 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Collins, Henry H., Jr., 195. Wright, Richard, 1608-1691. In Plymouth Military Co., 1643. Wright, Sergt. Samuel, 1630- 1675. Sergt., King Philip's War. Killed at Northamp- ton. Follett, Edgar A., 80. Parker, Frederick S., 129. Sands, James T., 405. Woodruff, Chas. H., 185. Wright, Judge Solomon, 1717- 1792. Burgess for Queen Anne's Co., Md., i77i-'74. Member of Maryland Conven- tions, 1774, '75. Chairman Committee of Queen Anne's Co., i775-'76. Thom, W. H. DeC. W., 166, 234. Wright, Thomas, 1684. Member of Penn. Assembly, i682-'83. Page, Louis R., 231. Wyatt, Lieut. Israel, 1668 . Lieut. Colchester Militia, 1712. Deputy, 1723, '27. Parker, Frederick S., 130. Wyatt, Ens. John, 1668. Commanded a Co. from Hart- ford in pursuit of Indians, 1677. Wyeth, John, 1655-1706. In Capt. Gookin's Co., King Philip's War. Fessenden, Chas. N., 374. Wyllys, Gov. George, 1602-1645, Hartford, Conn. Trooper in Pequot War. Gov.'s Asst. 1639. Gov., i64i-'42. Bagley, John N., 497. Barney, Roderick D., 413. Betts, Frederick H., 48. Betts, Louis F. H., 49. Cutler, Ralph Wm., 298. Edwards, Charles L., 414. Grinnell, Wm. M., 87. Huntington, Frederick J., 302. Lewis, George W., 438. Spies, Francis F., 159. Stafford, Wm. F., 160. Stokes, Anson P., 162. Thomas, Frank W., 167. Ward, Brownlee R., 310. Wyllys, Samuel, 1632-1709. Asst, i6s4-'85. Commissioner United Colonies, 1661, et seq., Col. of Conn. Betts, Louis F. H., 48. Edwards, Edward J., 434. Ward, Brownlee R., 310. Wyman, Ezekiel, 1712-1784, Wo- burn, Mass. In Capt. Jona- than Willard's Co., i748-'49. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Wyman, Francis, 1617-1699. Un- der Capt. Thomas Prentice, Mount Hope Campaign, 1675- '76. Mill, Charles D., 381. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Wyman, Col. Isaac. At Fort Massachusetts and in French and Indian War, i747-'48 and 1760. Lieut., 1754. Capt, 1755. Commanded Fort Mas- sachusetts, 1756. Representa- tive, N. H., 1773. Rainsforth, Selden I., 541. Wyman, Lieut. John, 1621-1684, Charlestown and Woburn, Mass., 1640. Cornet in Capt. Thomas Prentiss' Troop, Mount Hope Campaign, 1675 ; Lieut Narragansett Fight. Noyes, James A., 270. Richardson, George E., 276. Stearns, Ezra S., 353- Wyman, Walter C., 390. Wyman, John, 1648-1675. Capt. Prentiss' Co. of seventy-three troopers, Middlefield, Mass. Dexter, Charles W., 254. Wyman, Walter C, 390. Wyman, Lieut. Nehemiah, 1722- 1775, Sergt., Capt. David Green's Co., Col. Eleazer Tyng, relief of Fort William Henry, 1757 ; also same Regt., 1759. Lieut., i763-'74- Wyman, Henry P., 408. Wyman, Walter, 327. Wyman, Capt. Seth, Sr., 1665- 1715, Woburn, Mass. Lieut. Woburn Militia, i70S-'i2. Capt., I7i2-'i5. Wynkoop, Lieut. Dirck, 1732- 1796. Lieut, under Capt 820 INDEX OF ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Richard Rea, ist Regt., Al- bany Co., 1761. Old French War. Sherrill, Charles H., 156. Wynkoop, Capt. Evert, 1709- 1757. Under Capt. Tjerck Van Keuren, 1738. Capt. French and Indian War. Sherrill, Charles H., 156. Wynkoop, Maj. Johannes, 1730. In command of Foot Co., Kingston, N. Y., i686-'87. Old French War. Sherrill, Charles H., 156. Wynne, Dr. Thomas, 1630-1692. First Provincial Assembly, Penn., i682-'83. Williams, Charles, 211. Williams, John J. G., 211. Williams, Josiah R., 211. Williams, William S., 212. Wister, Alexander W., 212. Wister, Rodman, 212. YaIvE, Capt. Thomas, Ens., 1692. Lieut. Capt. Indian Cam- paign, i690-'9i. Royce, Alexander L., 232. Strong, Theron G., 164. Yarnall, Francis, 1721. Member General Assembly, Penn., 171 1. Yates, Capt. Christopher, 1737- 1785. Wounded at Ticonder- oga, 1758. Satterlee, Edward R., 149. Yates, Hon. Jasper. Chief Bur- gess Chester Co., Pa., 1720. Member Provincial Council, Pa., 1705- Middleton, John I., 230. Yates, Joseph, 1730, Albany, N. Y. Member Independent Co., 1713- Yates, Blinn, 185. Yeamans, Sir John, 1675 . Member of Council. Lt.- Gen. Gov. of Carolina and Commissioner - Governor of Co. of Clarendon near "Cape Faire." Middleton, John I., 230. Yeardley, Sir George, 1577- 1627. Gov.'s Council, Va., 1625. Dep.-Gov., i6i6-'i7. Gover- nor, i6i8-'26. Doran, Joseph I., 196. Yeates, Jasper, 1720. Chief Burgess, Chester Co., Penn., 1703. Member Prov. Council. Brinton, Ward, 194. Hall, William C, 3i9- Middleton, John I., 230. Young, Wieliam, i 743-1776. Speaker House of Commons, Colony of Georgia, 1775. Grant, John W., 492. Grant, William D., 492. Youngs, Coe. John, 1623-1697, Southold, L. I. Capt., Mil- itia at Southold to aid in cap- ture New Amsterdam, 1664. In command when the Dutch landed at Southold, 1673. Member Gov.'s Council, 1686, '88, '9i-'92, '97. Col., 1693. Commissioner of United Col- onies, 1654. Shepard, Ralph K., 155. 821 PRINTED BY H. K. BREWER 4 CO., STATIONERS AND PRINTERS, 31 A 33 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Jiiyiiii nil Hill 011 710 339 ^