!TiiiiOv»^'*^'» "^ -» ""i*^ .. cS Q. M X CO a O Z J O CO i Q. - I THE ADVENTURES Christopher Hawkins, COXTAININ(i Details of his Captivity, a first and second time on the Higli Seas, in the Revolu- tionary War, by the British, and his consequent sufferings, and escape from the Jersey Prison Ship, then lying in the harhour of New York, by swimming. Xo//jp'/'st P nntcd f rom the original Manuscript. WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY CHARLES I. BUSHNELL. NEW YORK : 1>UIVATKLY PKINTKD 1864. <7 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by CHARLES I. BUSHNELL, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New Yorls. '' I' l; I STO 1' II K i; II AUK I .\ S. {TItc ,V'<;( ui ///, All 1 1,1,1-:) TO M Y F R I E N I) Christopher Hawkins, Esq., O F X E W P R T. N. Y. WORTHY SON OF A PATRIOT SIRE THIS VOLUMt: II E S F E C T F U L L Y I) E D I C A T E D THE EDri'OR. / *'*-'*-Jt *^=9»H.. LIST I L L U S T R A T I () N S 1. View of the Prison-sliip Jersey to face title page. 2. Portrait of Cliristoplier Hawkins. •• dedication. I>. Sections of the Jersey •• "' References to the I'hites. 4. Portrait of Capt. Alan Gardner.. to face page ^3. 5. View of the Waterman House... •' " 144. ti. Portrait of Ebenezer Fox " " 218. 7. Portrait of Thomas Dring " " 226. 8. Viewofthe '^TomboftheMartvrs " " 278. INTRODUCTION, HRISTOPIIER HAWKINS, tlie author of the following narrative, was the son of Ilesabiah Hawkins, and was born in Nortli Providence, R. L, on the 8tli day of Jnne, 1704. On arriving at sufficient age, he became engaged in the duties of a farm, in which occupation he continued until he had readied 'ih.gt\/\/elfthy^^Yofhis8-^c- ,. when he was bound to Aaron Mason, of I'rovi- IV INTRODrCTIOX. deuce, as an apprentice to leani the tanner's trade. In this employment he remained fur about twelve months, when he ran away and enlisted as a priva- teer. His adventures subsequently, and to the time of his return from his second captivity with the enemy, are the subject of his narrative, and it is, therefore, unnecessary to repeat them here. After his return home the second time, he worked for a while with Obadiah Olney, of Smithfield, R. I., and subsequently with William "Whipple, of Fair- field, Herkimer Co., N. Y. When about twenty years of age, Mr. Hawkins was married to Dorcas, daughter of Thomas Whipple, of Smithfield, a farmer by occupation. About the year 1786, Haw- kins emigrated from Rhode Island to Norway, in Herkimer Co., thence moved to Fairfield, and in the fall of the year 1791 moved into Newport in the same county, thereby becoming the first per- manent settler of the town. He employed himself chiefly as a farmer, although he occasionally did some work as a carpenter, having while in Provi- INTRODUCTION. V dence Leen engaged for a short time in a ship-yard, where he acquired some knowledge of the trade. In his early life, Mr. Hawkins had but limited opportunities for education, but this deficiency he subsequently tilled, in a great degree, after he liad attained his majority, lie was a man of energy, of strong common sense, and nf excellent judgment. In consequence of these qualities, as well as for his practical business turn, he was frequently appointed by the local and state authorities to lay out wards, partition fences, and settle contested claims. He was at one time a Commissioner of Roads, and was the first Supervisor of Newport, having been chosen sucli in ISOT at the first meeting of tlie town after its erection. He held the oftice for fourteen years, M'hen, after a short interregnum, he was again elected to the same situation, and served for six years longer. It may be interesting to the reader to learn some- thing of the i)ersonal appearance and character of our liei'o, and wo will therefore gi-atity the desire. He was al)out five feet ten inches in stature, and VI INTRODUCTION. I'atlier sliti), with high forehead, rather large mouth, and when young, his hair was black. He had a fair complexion, with blue eyes, and heavy eye- brows, and his expression was that of firmness and determination. Though rather sarcastic in his man- ner, yet he was kind-hearted and charitable, quick to discern merit, and liberal to the poor and dis- tressed. Industrious himself, he loved to see others 60. He detested pride and presumption, and gave no encouragement to meanness or extravagance. In his religious feelings, he was inclined to Method- ism ; in his political views, he was a Federalist, and continued so to his death. He was an affectionate husband and a kind parent, a citizen of the purest and most lofty patriotism, a gentlemaii of scrupulous honor and of unblemished integrity. Mr. Hawkins had by his wife seven children, of whom there were six daughters, who all survived him but one. The son, who bears his father's name, is still living. Mr. Hawkins died in New- port, Herkimer County, N. Y., on the 25th day of INTRODUCTION. ^ Fel.nuiry, 1837, in the seventy-third year of his age, and was interred in a bnrial ground at that phxee. For several years previous to his death, he was afflicted with asthma, and was consequently unable to labor. The disease of which he died, however, was dropsical consumption, and his death, though expected, was sudden. He was sitting in his chair : •^ his attendants left him for a few moments, and when they returned, his spirit had fled. He had died apparently without a struggle. It is proper to state that the narrative is now given to the public for the first time, having been placed l>y the family of Mr. Hawkins in our hands for publication. The work, though somewhat faulty iu orthography and the use of capitals, is neverthe- less a meritorious one. It is truthful and candid, and upon the whole, a well written production. It is, moreover, full of incident and adventure, very uiinutc in its details, and of intense interest. It will we think, be considered as a valuable coutri- hution to the Ucvolutionary history of our country. Vlll _ INTEODUCTION. To enhance its value, and add to its interest, the Editor has appended some explanatory and illus- trative notes, which he hopes will be found worthy of attention. With these few prefatory remarks, we will now introduce to the reader, the hero himself, and leave him to tell his own storv. PREFACE TIE sufterings of iiiy youth is still fresh in my nieniory, and ev'ry incident or event set fortli in the following work I liave no doubt is correct, and indeed so far as I was personally concerned I know it is so. No literary ambition has prompted its publication, I am an unlettered man, and cannot possibly have a desire to be ranked among the literati of my own or any other country. The literary critics of course will not notice my work, for in it, there can be no food wherewith to feast their refined and delicate appetites. To refined and classical writing I ofter no claim. It is my desire to leave behind me a faitliful and unvarnished narrative of my early sufferings, in which I was not alone. My intention in publishing this narative is con- X PREFACK. lined to tlie attention of luy cliil.ireii. grandcliilLlreii. and their desceudauts, witli the hope that tliey will duly appreciate uot only my own suiferings, bnt those of my contemporaries in the arduous struggle of my country for independence, in which, success crowned the efforts of those who embai-ked in the American cause. To my descendants and those of my fellows I dedicate this limited narative, at the same time in the hope that their generosity will pardon anything which can be construed as arrogant in this production. I am well aware that a correct and minute history of the American revolution has been published. In the meantime I cannot conceive that such an work shall supercede personal narative which has connection to that event. My principal design is to amuse and inform my friends and descendants with the sufferings of my youth. If any one shall be so incredulous as to disbelieve this narative, I hope that some of my early cotemporaries are still alive, and if they are, I refer to them the truth or falshood of this narative, and feel confident that they will sustain me in ev'ry particular, claiming importance. Newpokt, N. York, April M, \flSi. t^-fPi REFERENCES TO THE PLATES. Figure 1. Exterior View of the Ship. 1. The Flag Staff, whicli was seldom used, and only for signals. 2. A Canvas Awning or Tent, used by the guards in warm weather. . 3. The Quarter Deck, with its barricade about ten feet high, with a door and loop holes on each side. 4. The Ship's Officers' Cabin, under the quarter deck. 5. Accommodation Ladder, on the starboard side, for the use of the ship's ofBcers. 6. The Steerage, occupied by the sailors belonging to the ship. 7. The Cook Room, for the ship's crew and guards. 8. The Sutler's Eoora, where articles were sold to the prisoners, and delivered to them through on opening in the bulk head. 9. The Upper Deck and Spar Deck, where the prisoners were occa- sionally allowed to walk. 10. The Gangway Ladder, on the larboard side, for the prisoners. 11. The Derrick, on the starboard side, for taking in water, etc., etc. 12. The Galley, or Great Copper, under the forecastle, where the pro- visions were cooked for the prisoners. 13. The Gun Room, occupied by those prisoners who were oflBcers. 14-15. Hatchways leading below, where the prisoners were confined. 16. Foot of the gang plank. 17-18. Between decks, where the prisoners were confined by night. 19. The Bowsprit. 20. Chain Cables, by which the ship was moored. Fic. 2. THE GUN DECK, iritk its Apartments. Fig. a. THE MIDDLE DECK. {The arramrement of the Lower Deck was similar; biit untliout Bunks.) FlGFRE 2. The Gun DecTc, with its Apartments. 1. Cabin. 2. Steerage. 3. Cook Room. 4. Sutler's Room. 5. 6. Gangways. 7. The Booms. 8. The Galley. 9, 10. The Cook's Quarters. 11. The Gangway Ladder. 12. The OfiBcers' Ladder. 13. Working Party. 14. The Barricado. 000. Store Rooms. Figure 3. The Ufper Deck^ hetween Decks. 1. The Hatchway Ladder, leading to the lower deck, railed round on three sides. 2. The Steward's Eoom, from which the prisoners received their daily allowances, through an opening in the partition. 3. The Gun Room, occupied by those prisoners who were officers. 4. Door of the Gun Room. 6, 6, 7, 8. The arrangement of the prisoners' chests and boxes, which were ranged along, about ten feet from the sides of the ship, leaving a vacant space, where the messes assembled. 9, 10. The middle of the deck, where many of the prisoners' ham- mocks were hung at night, but always taken down in the morn- ing to afford room for walking. 11. Bunks, on the lai'board side of the deck, for the reception of the sick. NAHHATJ \'E. 1" X the nioiitli of May 1777 I left Mr. Aaron Mason (.) of Providence, K. I., to whom I was an indented appren^ tice, went to New Bedford, Ms. and entei'cd on l)oard a privateer Sclioouer, mounting twelve small carriage guns, by the name of the Eagle, Mowi-y Potter, (•.) Master. This vessel was bound on a cruise in quest of the british vessels, or rather such as we conld make j.rizes of. This was the first lime I had l)een engaged in any sea service, and Ijeing only in the thirteenth year of my age, of course I knew nothing 12 XAKlIAirVK. of II seiit'ni'iiii;' life. l't»r at'tt'i- tlie vessel liiul suiltMl from tlic ^\'j:\\\ of IuihI, sIk^ scciikmI to nie as steering ill the >:iiiir directioii :i> wlicii slic left the TTarLoiir, :iii(l llu' illiisldii \\ as not dispelled eNcii ^\llell the sun rose aboxc the horiz(Hi in a clear dav, for some days. Xothin^' occurred Moi'thy of any notice after leaving }>oi't, exce])t occa-sioually taking fisli on the Xewfoniidland coast, until we came in siglit of the English coast, and nothing tlien of any importance t(t us but disa])])ointme]it, for Loth officers and crew had been promising themselves as many Britisli prizes as could be manuecl from our crew, as tliey jireteuded to cruise in the track hetween Xcw York and England. After renuiijiing on the English coast a short time, we tacked about for America without speaking a single sail on our out- ward cruise. After we had been several days on our return, we espied one uiorniiig a "sail." We made for her and hailed. The vessel proved to be it schooner unarmed. She answered our hail by >tating that she was a french vessel from the West Indies, and bound to Halifax. After being hailed and threat'ned from our ('apt. >he short'ned sail, and was board(Nl by our first Lieut. (John Paine). NAKRATIVE. 13 After boarding and exaniiniug her ]iai>ers tlie Lieut, returned and coiitirnied tlie answer before men- tioned, and stated his conviction that she was a trench vessel and laden with flour. John Ward our boatswain and a large nuijority of our crew, were much dissatisfied with this report. Ward was h)ud in his denunciations of the concbict of the C'apt. and First Lieutenant towards this vessel. Ward and all the best informed of our crew had luj hesitation in pronouncing her a British vessel, witli false papers prepared for the occasion, and also that the pretended freneh vessel's crew were dressed in disguise, the crew liad the trench turban on their heads. (!)ur dissatisfied crew were now for making the port of ' New Bedford (.') from whence we had sailed. On the second or third day after speaking the pretended trench vessel, early in the morning we espied a sail on our weather beam — the officers concluded to make sail for her: many of the ci-ew yet in surly mood about the other vessel exclaimed, '' if slie prove lawful prize our officers will not take her."' After giving chase sonu' time we gained but slowly upon her. She was a fast sailor — the officers concluded to give 14 NAUR ATI Vi:. our scliooiier more canvass, and get to windward of our cliase as our vessel sailed best before the wind. This done Ave came so close late in tlic day to discover that our chase was a large Brig, cop2)er bottomed, and In-itish built, but nothing appeared to shew tliat she was armed. It was by this time near sun-setting. We then run up onr colours, and gave her a bow gun, witliout effect. Another gun or two was ordered, and directed to her sails or other rigging-— these were given bnt disregarded. This had brot. us to early twilight. Our second Lieut, observed that this cleaned our way. the Brig had evry sail set and the second Lieut, advised to trim our scliooner in the best manner and cease tiring — all things were executed agreeably to his suggestion. The 2. Lieut, took the helm and seemed in command— ordered the boatswain after trimming the sails and the greater part of the crew to be seated aft and attend to the sini^in2; of some of tlie crew, (Capt. of Marines). We now neared the Brig very fast. Weather hazy, but a handsome breeze. We had before it became entirely dark got so near the brig that the 2d Lieut, asked permission to liaul our wind and give her a broadside — this NAKRAI'IVK. 15 W!is gi-antcd by the Cii])t. witli ix proviso, tliat lie (the Capt.) as the schooner hift would hail the Briii". this he did a first and second time — the first with- out an answer — to the second hail the answer was, that said ]>rig was from Liverpool and bound to JS^ew York. This answer put our crew in eestacies. But our Capt. soon dispelled these joyful and agreeable sensations. The Capt. of the Brigg inter- rogated our Capt. Potter as follows, " For God's sake what do you want of me ?" " Back your nuxin top sail and shorten your other sails, lower your boat and come on board me," was the answer of Potter — this was disregarded. The Brig kept her course with all sails set. The second Lieut, again asked permission to give her a broadside — we were within short shot of her — this our cowai-dly Capt. did not please to give, but evaded the ques- tion by ordering the guns loaded, matches Avell lighted &c. The second J^ieut. yet at the helm. At this time my situation did not appear so plea- sant to me. The idea of broadsides, blood, death S:('. rather disturbed my mind, for the time l>cing. Tliis had been created by f>ur cowardly Capt. who had been saving, that said l^riu' had u'tins on l)oard. 16 NARRATIVK. and would l>lo\v our little Scliooner to atom? in short time, [n the meantime onr two vessels kept near each other, and the brig not appearing to regard us. It was now resolved to give the brig a broadside which was immediately done, this saluta- tion brought the commander of the brig to take some notice of us — again he interrogated, " AV^hat in God's name do you want or wish of us?'' Our Capt. answered, " shorten your sail and come under our lee, and hoist out your boat and come on board nie" — to me this seemed quite paradoxcal — the idea that a vessel four times larger than ours could come under our lee. This resulted from youth and inex})erience in seaujanship. The Commander of the brig now commenced a sort of seeming sympa- thetic appeal to our Capt. Potter by stating to him, (Potter,) that he (the Comr. of the brig) wished for permission to lie by us until morning, for said he, my boat is lashed fast under my booms, and I can- not get her out — In the morning if you will lie by me to-night I will come on l)oard you. Our Ca})t. Potter responded, Aye! Aye! This answer pro- duced a general murmur through far the greater portion of our crew. The boatswain was a bold, XAKRA l'I\ i:. 17 Ikii'iIv and rxcoUfnr seaiuaii. jiiiiipcd alxnit and swui-o like a iiiadmaii. Wai'd | l.oat.swain | cxchnmcd ill tlic pivxMiee and liearino- of ('a])t. Porter, that the I. rig would get away from us betore inuniing, aiul indeed so did the reuiaiiider <>i' tlie crew, the iirf^t Lieut, and sonic few excepted. AVliat wcndd you do inquired Capt. Potter. T]ie 2d Lieut, with otliers answered, '' Why ! board tlie brig and tai{. hud nuide with her wdien she was fully in our })Ovver. We made tor the sail as much as wind and weather would admit, and as we ncarcd her w^c set more sail, and partly 22 N \Er?ATIVK. obtained the windward of her — she now discovered lis, and in turn made sail for ns. We had our close reefed top sails set. We now plainly discovered that " the sail " was a ship — -by this time our spirits had become damped, and our course immediately shifted from a cliase to a run away. We aimed to get before the wind as our vessel sailed best in that situation, l)ut our exertions were fruitless — she came up with us in a very short time and it was our ill fate to learn that she was an English sloop of war — the Sphynx of twenty guns.(i) In half an hour she spoke us, and by her sailing seemed to disregard Avind or weather. When our answer had been given and our character known we were ordered under her lee. The crew then exclaimed " we are taken." (..) With respect to myself I reflected. If I can get a better ship for my money I am glad of it. these conclusions were induced from the superior apitearance and sailing of the captor when com- ])ared to the captive, and from youth and inex- perience. As soon as we were ordered nnder the lee of the captor, confusion ensued among our crew, each selecting his own effects. We had taken in none of our spread canvass — a small black cloud NARR.VnVK. 23 was rising np and a sqnall succeeding struck our vessel and laid the vessel on her beams end, and remained in that situation a sufficient time to allow our surgeon to go out upon the side of the vessel supporting himself by holding upon the main chains turning his feet towards the keel. In the meantime great exertions were made on board the captor to send their boats to our vessel to save us from perish- ing, apprehending from the situation of our vessel that she would immediately sink, but contrary to expectation our vessel " righted," and the boats ot the Sphynx were soon along side to convey us on board her, I was the first to board (^ne of their boats which proved to be the Capt's Barge. She was soon loaded with part of our crew and their baggage. I placed myself on the stern of tlie boat, arriving under the quarter railing of the Sphynx. Many ropes were thrown to us from on board. I fastened the end of one around my breast, and called to those on deck to "haul away" — some one cried out on the quarter deck, "Put it round your damned neck you daumcd yankee, and we'll soon haul you up," but an otiieer on board said " haul him up" — the barge was then under the lee- 24 NARRATIVE, quarter. I was soon on the quarter deck. Tlie buttons on my clotlies soon attracted tlie attention of tlie britisli seamen, being pewter, and the motto on them not suiting their taste quite so well — the motto being Liberty and property — a knife was called for to sever them from my clothes — an officer on board ordered them to let me alone, but I kept them for the crew to look at and make their rongli and loyal observations about. The swells were yet running very high and considerable time taken np in removing the prisoners from onr scliooner to the ship — which was finally effected without disaster. As soon as the prisoners were taken from the cap- tured vessel a boat was sent to her with orders to the crew to set her on fire if she would burn, if not to scuttle and sink her — the latter alternative was adopted without taking a single article from her, either furniture, rigging, tackle or provisions. This done our crew were all put into the cable-tier. The Capt. (Potter) and two boys excepted, and of the two Ijoys 1 was one. We were allowed to run about deck and between decks among the com- mon sailors, who fed us with as much food as we wanted. The evening after our capture, the Capt. (n) NARRATIVE. 25 of the Spliyux ordered us (the two boys) into his Cabin bj his waiter. As soon as we entered the Cabin he sent for the boatswain's mate, wIkj soon shewed himself. The Ca}>t. then ordered liim to tie US (the two boys) each to a cabin gun carriage, and as far asunder as possible for tlic purpose of keep- ing us from the hearing of each otlier. The boat- swain's mate was not so delicate as to conceal from our view his whipping instrument, which by sailors was called a cat — by others a cat with nine tails (i) — the appearance of whicli did not please us miicli. lie first devoted his attention to the other boy whose name was Paul Howe or Paul Wright. The cat was laid on the gun in sight of Paul, he soon commenced tieing him (Paul) to the gun, the sight of the cat and the process of tieing moved Paul's feelings so much that he bawled out with teiTour — he made a noise as loud as a mad bull. The boat- swain's mate as soon as he had fast'ned Paul, left him and came to me and began his operation of tieing me to the other gun. He soon began to con- sole me however by observing that he hoped I would not make such a damn'd crying as that fellow does — he further said I guess you will not 26 NARRATIVE. get it very luii'tl. I answered, '' If 1 do it will be damn'd hard," for I liad begun to be learned in sailors' phrases. He (the mate) replied. I see you will not bawl before yon are hurt. Having tied me, I was left in that situation and he returned to Paul. By this time I learned that we hud been thus put in " durance vile " for the purpose of put- ting us under examination in relation to our vessel, her cruise, captures &e. Paul's examination was soon commenced, but I could not hear much of either questions or answers, as the Capt. questioned him in an under tone of voice, the bawling of Paul prevented me from hearing much if any of their dialogue. He was soon again left and their atten- tion was directed to me a second time, which was for examination. Before commencing the Capt. remarked to me in the following words, Now I want the exact truth from you concerning your cruise. I answered, I shall tell you the truth as far as I know it. He rejoined, " It is what I want of you." The Capt. put a long series of questions to me on the subject, and I answered them severally as he propounded them — before getting through he ordered me to be released from my uncomfortable. X.MIRATIVK, '•Jii situation at tiie gun wliicli was done and tin; ex- amination resumed and continued to a close. As soon as I was untied however he offered me Porter or wine which I declined — a seat was offered mo and also declined. My answers and the details annexed seemed to give satisfaction, sometimes pro- voking a smile and even a laugh from the Capt. and those around him — some of my answers how- ever were not so pleasant. That portion which rehited to falling in with the brig seemed the most pleasant to them, particularly the conduct of our Capt. Potter in suffering the brig to run away from us after we had captured her. Our captor kept on • her course for New York and in three or four days after our capture we made the highlands of l^ever Sink (ft) as they were called. While steering for the port of New York off Sandy Hook as I was running aV)out deck I saw a large number of vessels aft coming into port, or apparently so, and among them a large Brig several miles from our ship (say 4 or 5). I mentioned to some of the common sailors that that brig (pointing her out to them) is the one that escaped from us in the night before you captured us. This assertion caused a lauAV;KAiiVj:. 35 always keep in the best of humour towards each other. He did not always obey my commands so readily as I desired and was too much a defaulter to keep me in peace with his ill beliavior. Some- times it promoted a broil between ns which would end in a trial of muscular activity and generally I came off conqueror, although he possessed as mucli and perhaps more strength tlum myself. Boxing- was not allowed on boai'd the frigate yet the boys would sometimes phiy the pugilist, and no notice would be taken of it by the othcers. On one occasion my Stephen did not clean the kuivcs and forks in a proper manner for whicli 1 called him to an account in a manner that so much displeased him he called me a " damn'd YaukiH;"" and at the same instant stabbed me with a table fork which he held in his hand — by tliis stab he wounded me in the breast — the blood soon made its appearance running down my clothes freely. This took place in the cooks room near the Coppers — in presence of many of the sailoi's who were much exasperated with Stephen for his barbarity and immediately removed us both to the quarter deck — he to be punished for the assault and myself to enter com- ''>*5 XAUkATlVi:. plaint against him. lie was inimediatelj sentenced to receive two dozen laslies tVoni tlie boatswain's mate for tliis outrage, and tied to a gun. lie now began to beg my forgiveness. I interposed in his behalf with great anxiety, but to no purpose except saving one of the dozen. The dozen that he received was most horribly inflicted — the blood ran down to his lieels. The boatswain's mate who administered Jiis punishment was a hard hearted wretch and appeared destitute of liuman feelings. — his name James Richardson. Tlie witnessing of this punislunent and the shrieks of the sufferer made me sick at the stomach. The other boat- sw^ain's mate was John Henly, a humane man and beloved. Richardson was a Scotchman. After this Stephen and myself had very little dispute while I remained on board the frigate, which was fpiite a year after this event. Tliis frigate (i«) Avhile I was on board her cruised on the coast of the United States, for some time on the coast of Virginia, where she captured a mmiber of red cedar pilot boats laden with tobacco which was valuable and generally outward bound— the boys on board always sharing equal with the common NAKIIAIIVK. 37 sailors — the prize monej(v.o) was soon expended, lor tlie sailors' creed then was, ''AVliat 1 had I got, what I spent I saved, and what I kept I lost." The vessels which were captnred during the time I M'as on hoard the frigate were small — the crews taken out and the craft sunk or burnt — all the young men and boys Avould be retained in the service of the frigate and against their desire or choice. The frigate seldom lay at a wharf or came to anchor except at some distance from land. I was not on shore save once during the whole of my stay on board the frigate, which was fifteen months. This was on a small Island in Naragausett bay, hetween Connecticut and Rhode Island — the company con- sisted of thirteen boys and others in the shi])'s yawl for the purpose of gathering twigs from the hirches to make scrub brooujs. Mr. Richards directed those who had charge of the boat to " keep a damn'd sharp look out for Kit." I must here be permitted to mention an incident although not im- mediately concerning my narative — late in the fall of 1777 while at sea we spoke a brig, then directly from the port of New York — our Capt. inquired "what news from New York" — he received for 38 XARKATIVK. answer that it was reported in N. Y. when the brig sailed that Bnrgo^'ne had capitulated with his whole army. I was on the quarter deck and heard this, which pleased uie exceedingly, and in my transports of joy run fore and aft on the gun deck crying the news. A midshipman observing me, said, away with yon, you dannrd yankee, with your damn'd lies — there is not yankees enough by G — d on the whole continent to take him, for he had with him ten thousand of the best troops of Lord Howe's army. I know it is a damn'd lie, but the next day we fell in Avith a shijj and hailed her — she also proved to be from New-York — had sailed since the brig we had spoken the (hiy before. Oar Capt. inquired " what news," he was answered, " un- pleasant news. Burgoyne has cai)itulated with his whole army." Back your topsails and I will send my boat on board of you. The boat was sent on board. When it was returning I got to the quarter deck where my duty often led me and was not noticed. As soon as the boat returned the news of Burgoyne's capitulation was confirmed. (21) I went immediately to the main deck, with joy beaming in ray countenance, exclaiminGf; what do vou think NAUKATIVE. 39 now of your great Burgoyne'^ Dauiii you be ofl' you damu'd saucy bo-g-r cried a number of voices at the same time. What, said I, looking at them earnestly — this short question ])ut them in silence for I had seen many of them take a dozen for useing these words, "damn'd saucy bo-g-r," when all other profanity would be winked at. The Maidstone was lying at anchor one evening at New^port in Course Harboui',* in the course of the night orders were given to get under weigli foi- what purpose tlie officers only knew — w^e stood out, and in the morn- ing at dayliglit we saw a ship off Point Judith point (22) — standing out — we made sail for lier and soon came near her— slie proved to be the ship Columbus (23) privateer and American — then out of Providence. The crew of the Columbus did not seem to like our ap[)earance much for they soon run her a shore at Point Judith, got out one carriage gun, a 4 or 6 pounder, and drew it up a hill a short distance from the Columbus, and halted— in the meantime the Maidstone approached as near the Columbus as prudence would permit for fear of grounding, dropt her hedge anclior and came to a * Coaptpr'f- Harbnr. 40 NAKRATIVK. stand. The crew of the Coluinljiis had taken mus- kets and ammunition from her after runnino; her on shore. This we soon learned by their opening a lire upon us with musketiy and the carriage gun before mentioned — a shot from the cannon linll'd us once under our cpiarter at the edge of the copper and w^hich sprung a leak into tlie bread room which afterwards moulded our bread and we were obliged to eat, and tlie british sailors often damned the yankees for their insolence. I noticed that some of our ofHcers were a little cautious of the balls from the cannon on shore — the balls whistled over our heads and some of our cpiarter deck gentry dodged or bowed a little. But we brought some of our guns to bear upon those on shore which after some time dispersed them. Our yawl was manned and com- bustibles put on board to assist in burning the Columbus — the crew of the 3'awl boarded and set fire to her, but some of them paid severely for their temerity — five of them were dreadfully wounded after they had gained the yawl to return after set- ting the Columbus on fire, by the crew of the Columbus, who ran down the liill and fired upon them.(jj) When the yawl returned to the frigate XARKATIVK. 41 the live woiiiided men lay in the bottom of the boat, aj^parently dead — wallowing in their gore. Capt. Gardner saw them and shed tears — not one of them however died of their wounds. Tiie inhu- man wretch Eichardson and boatswain's mate before spoken of, was among the wounded. It was sometime before lie recovered from his wound when Americans were near enough for him to notice them, such was his malignity he would grate or gnash his teeth from rage, but the poor devil could not help himself This same Eichardson had good reason to remember the yankees as he was pleased to call them, although from his own misconduct and inhumanity. I will relate one case. In one of our cruises a short time before burning the Columbus, an American vessel was taken, on board of which among other sailors was one by the name of Barney Clark, a small but very athletic man and young he was retained as a seaman on board the frio-ate against his will. After Clark had been on board about three weeks, orders were given to about ship- when such an order was given all hands were called and at the time before mentioned Clark was below shifting his linen— he was however soon on deck ■i'2 NAKRATIVi;. through the fore liatch. Richardson being boat- swain's mate stood near the hatchway, and as Clark was passing him gave him (Clark) a blow with his rattan — this insult Clark had the boldness to resent and whieli ended in a boxing match between Clark and Richardson, and resulted in Clark's favour most triumphantly, for Richardson was horribly whipt, and so badly off was he that he was confined to his hammock for some weeks, and for some days after the combat was completely blind. For this fight Richardson was cashiered by a Court Martial. I witnessed the battle — I felt very uneasy wlien it was about commencing from the fear that Clark w^ould be vanquished, from the circumstance that Richardson was much the heaviest and apparently the strongest man, but he was compelled to yield to the hardy American. In the contest Clark rec'd but very little injury, having escaped with a mere scratch in the face. Richai-dson was bruised to black and blue from the lower part of his breast to the top of his head. I saw him the next day after the affair in his hammock, and a more horrid spec- tacle I never beheld in the carcase of one man. The sight of a vankee troubled his vision ever after, NAKKAIJVK. iru as long as I knew him. The pilot on l)t>ard the Maidstone was an American, lie was a Yirfjiniau and I think born in that state. ]lis name was Pliili})s if my meniorj^ be correct — lie had a small family on the western shore of the Chesapeake bay, not a great distance from the Capes Charles & Henry, Avhich he visited once or twice in the night while yet I was on board the frigate. He went on shore in a boat belonging to the frigate which awaited the termination of his visit to his family — ■ lie messed in the same Cabin with us, was a jovial money getting sort of man and beloved by the wdiole crew. Mr. Richards took him into our mess, to accommodate him, and with my assent or per- mission. He was very atfable and so far as I can judge from what I then knew of him was a man of good information and judgment. He was Avell acquainted with the coast from Xew York to New Orleans, and was very successful in directing the frigate to points or places to take prizes. The com- merce of his countrymen was much annoyed by his skill, for he caused many prizes to be taken on the coast. Although then a boy under fourteen years of age I could not avoid noticing his unpatriotic 44 NARKATIVE. conduct towards his country and fellow citizens, and when alone with him in a good natured manner took the liberty to remind him of it. He would always turn the conversation to some other subject, not wishing to make any remarks on his national feelings. He had a large amount of money on board all in gold. He gave his money into my custody when he came to mess with us at the instance of Mr, Richards — after some time he set the ship's carpenter to make him a box to pack his gold in. The box was made and delivered to him, which done he called on me to assist him in packing it into his box which I readily obeyed — when we liad finished he gave me a guinea which I willingly took. On one occasion in reply to some observa- tions I made to him in relation to his avocations, he said that he meant to keep in the business he was then in until he should fill his box with gold, if tlie war continued long enough, and then return to his family and country and remain there if his country- men would permit him, if not, he should remove his famih" to some country where he could live in peace. All this was on our first cruise, but he was with us two more cruises Mdiilc I was on board. NAUllATIVK. 45 The last cruise I went in the Maidstone our success was so great in taking prizes that it came to the turn of Mr Ilicliards, my master, to be put on board a prize we had taken as prize master and to take the prize into the port of New- York for adjudi- cation — the prize was a french Schooner — Mr Rich- ards had several times in our light conversation asked me whether or not I would run away from him if I had a good opportunity — I had invariably answered him that I would. He would then observe that 1 was very much out of the way in such a con- clusion and would make me great promises as an inducement to stay with him on board, not forget- ting to mention that he could or would retake me 99 times in a 100 escapes by me, if I could elfect so many. When we were about to leave the frigate to go on board the french prize schooner he inquired of me about leaving him if an opportunity ottered. I answered evasively lest he would be careful to prevent me. The crew which was put on board the prize Schooner was a very indilferent one and composed mostly of invalids, witli one exception, and he was soon after taken sick. The frigate which was bound in took the })rize in tow l)ut things did 46 NAKRATIVK. not go well in tliis Avay, sometimes the toAV line wonkl slake— -=and then bring up— at last the tow line parted and sent the prize adrift. The Capt. of the frigate hailed and told Mr Kichards he must take care of himself without the aid of the frigate. We were left in this situation by the frigate with our flimsy crew — the weather was rough when the frigate parted from us. A sail was in sight at the time we M'ent on board the prize which gave us chase. Wlien the frigate j^arted from us she in turn gave chase to said vessel but without success. The officers of the frigate concluded it to be a sloop which we had chased several times before without coming up with her. They supposed the sloop to be commanded by Capt. John Hopkins, (2'.) and that there was no use in giving further chase. The frigate then left her chase — this chase I did not see much of but was informed of it by others. After several days we arrived with our prize in tlie port of New York. Here I was permitted to go ashore almost as often as I pleased. The crcAV or the greater portion of it remained on board until the prize was libelled and condemned. During all this time I made no attempts to leave the british service NAKRATIVK, 47 concluding tliat my motions were strictly watched by the officer Eichards and perhaps others. The Maidstone ai-rived at ISTew-roi-k on or about the time that the prize got into port. As soon as the prize had passed a final adjudication the crew were ordered on board the frigate whither they imme- diately went— having been on board the frigate a few days she yet lying in the east river nearly opposite Governors Island, («) and again about sail- ing on a cruise, Mr. Richards ordered me one day about one o'clock P. M. to take such of his wearing apparel as required washing, carry it on shore to a wash woman in the city whom he named and directed me to, and have the clothes w^ashed with orders to return to the frigate at 5 o'clock P. M. I determined to avail myself of this opportunity to effect my escape. A servant to the boatswain by the name of William Eock, an english boy born in London accompanied me on a similar errand for his master — after arriving in the city, we left the clothes as we had been directed. When we had disposed of our charge we Avalked about the city some time — I soon intimated to Eock my intention of escape. He then said he would escape with mc. 48 NARRATIVE. I undertook to dissnade him from attempting it, and as a reason that lie was an englishman and had no family connections in America — thus being situated if he should not succeed he would be severely pun- ished. That my case was very different from his — tluit I had parents and a large circle of family connections who were interested in my fate, and all of them engaged in support of the cause of Ameri- can independence — that I considered the attempt on my part hazardous in the extreme, but I con- sidered it my duty however perilous the effort might be, to undertake the enterprize, and more especially as I was compelled on board the frigate to perform service against my country. This reason- ing had no impression upon the mind of Rock. He would go with me. I then told him he must act under my directions wholly. This he promised me faithfully to observe. This William Eock was several years my senior in age — was industrious and rigidly honest. His information with respect to the colonies was limited to a degree bordering upon incredulity. When walking with me in the city of New York, and after I had mentioned to him my determination to escape, he enquired where I XARRATIVK. 49 was going, for he liad understood I was an Ameri- can and liad parents living there. How can yon get there, and wlien yon do get tliere the wild beasts will tear yon in pieces. From these obser- vations I was convinced of his total ignorance of the colonies, their inhabitants, inteligence, manners, customs &c. and put the following question to him, " Where do yon think you now are ?" He answei-ed, " Why, we are in a british port." I replied, " Ko, we are in an American port. It is true the british now controul it by force— you will find in America the arts and sciences diffused throughout the civil- ized portion of her inhabitants." He was fully aware that the wild beasts and savages were the terronr of all the American people, for he said " Hawkins, if we should have the luck to get tliere (meaning America) would not the wild beasts and savages devour us immediately." (.7) At this I laughed heartily in his presence and observed to him that no more danger would attend us in my intended rout to Rhode Island than in the place wliore M-e were then walking from tlie wild beasts and savages— that the greater portion of New^ Eng- land was wholly exempted from the incursions of 50 NARRATIVE. wild beasts and savages, and certainly in a great degree at least I entertained no apprehensions from tliem especially in my colony of R. Island. These assnranccs quieted his feelings. He immediately and very earnestly observed, " then I will go with you if it be to the end of the Avorld, if thin he the easey It was at this time that I much desired a new suit of fine broad cloth clothes that had been made for me after we had arrived in New York at the expence of Mr Richards and the pilot before mentioned. These had been purchased for me by them for my good conduct in getting the prize into port, for after the able seamen before mentioned had become sick no one on board could go aloft to do anything but myself — or at least it was so pre- tended. For my attention in this case, and other services these clothes were given me. I could not bring them away with me when I left the frigate without detection of my intention. I left some- money on board in the cnstody of Richards. It was prize money aftd amounted to at least fifteen guineas. Richards kept this from me to keep me from leaving. The guinea that tlie pilot had given me Richards knew nothinij about — so tliat when I ^.AKKATlVi:. 51 ^ol iutu the L-ity i had this ;j;Liiijea and a .ritish man of war — said thev could get forty doHari* a head for us whicli NARRATIVE. 0« snin would pay one half tlie price for a iiiie horse tVrc. These men had eight or ten horses with them destined for the New York market. After I had spoken in an nnder tone to Saw^yer & Iloek, that we should get a good ride by going back and that on onr arrival at New- York we shonld he instantly released through the interest we conld make with our late officers and these men would be obligetl to bring us back at their own expence &c which was heard by our examinants as I intended it to be, I walked up to the best horse I could select and said, " I will take this horse." " Stop," said one of the examinants, who seemed to be the leader of the party, "I do not know what to make of you. That fellow," (pointing to Rock) "I could swear is an english l)oy, but you tw^o (meaning myself and Sawyer) seem to know men at Sag-Harbour — one of you say that Capt. Havens is your uncle — I know him, and I must let you go on." We then went on full of glee and laughed heartily at our success, and arrived at the house of Capt. Havens in Sag Harbour without any further molestation from the tories or british. Capt. Havens received us with cordiality and even politeness welcomed us 58 XAKKATIVE. t(j ]iU Louse, entertained us with the best victuals and drink his house could alt'ord — he invited us to tarry with him until an opportunity offered for us to cross the sound in safety to the Connecticut shore. He advised us to keep very still and out of sight as much as possible or convenient. He promised t(^ arrange matters so that we could cross the sound which he said would be in a day or two — all which he performed in the time he mentioned. Sawyer proposed visiting his sister that evening who resided about two miles from the house of C^ipt. Havens — Hock and myself proposed going Avith him but we were reminded by Capt. Havens that our move- ments nmst be conducted with the utmost caution or we should not only get into difficulty ourselves, but himself also. He said, boys there are british officers walking our streets in disguise — you would not mistrust them. You may go in the evening in a still manner to the house of John Saw^yer's sister. We went according to his directions, and spent the nio-ht with his sister and her husband, took break- fast with them the next morning, and in the foi-e- noon of the same day returned to the house of Capt. Havens where we remained through the day in one >'AKRATIVE. 59 <»t' Jiis private rooms. He spent a o-reat part ol" the clay with us and appeared hiii'ldy entertained with the relation of sea adventures and escapes. In the early part of tiie same evening Koek and mvself took leave of (^\pt. Havens, and his nephew .lolm Sawyer, who was intending to go to tlie house of his father the ensuing day, who had been a fellow- prisoner with me, and went on hoard a small vessel hound to Sayhrook point — set sail and arrived at Sayhrook ])oint about one o'clock the ensuing morn- ing. We immediately letf the vessel and repaired to a taveiMi near hy aiul went to hed. U(.ck got up from his hed ahout day light, and went out. I kept in my hed until the sun had ri.'^en. When I arose I inquired of the landlord what had become of Rock. He did not know where he was. He had gone out. In a few minutes 1 looked intrisoiiers, especially to the unfortuiuite men who had been in this floating hell for two or three weeks. Our crew were full of vigour and entertained the crew of the frigate with u number of our patriotic songs. Although entertained the loyalists were by no means pleased. The singing was excellent and its volumne was extensive — and ^^et extremely harsh to the taste of the captors. The guard frequently threatened to Are upon us if the singing was not dispensed with, l)ut their threats availed them not. The}'' only brought forth higher notes and vociferous defiance from the crew. The poetry of which the songs were many of them coni])Osed, was of the most cutting sarcasm upon the british and their unhal- lowed cause. I recollect the last words of each stanza in one song were, " For Amci'ica and all her sons forever will shine.'" In these words it seemed to me that all the prisoners united their voices to the highest key, for the harmon}^ produced by the union of two hundred voices must have grated upon the ears of our humane captor^ in a manner less acce[)table than tlie tliundcr of hea\ en. For at the interval of time between the singing of everv sonir 64 NARKATIVE, tlie seiitiiieLs would tlireateii to fire upon us and the officers of tlie frigate would also admonish with angry words. "■ Fire and be daniii'd '' would be tJie response from perhaps an hundred voices at the same instant. The singing would again be renewed and louder if possible. In this manner the first night was spent. The cowardly tyrants dared not fire upon us, notwithstanding their repeated threats — They were as often set at defiance sometimes in the following words — " We dare you to fire upon us. It will be only half work for numy of the prisoners are now half dead from extreme sufterings." The hilarity of our crew begun to abate the second day, their sympathies being called into action from the dying situation of some of their unfortunate fellow prisoners. It was discovered that two of them had fallen down apparently dead. They were handed up the hatchway and taken care of by the british. The Surgeon resuscitated them after some time as I was informed. Two only of the prisoners were allowed to visit the upper deck at the same time. The oflicers of the frigate being pi'olnddy afraid of us which arose from our turbulence. Many of the prisoners while they were thus confined on l)oard XARRATIVE. 65 tlie frigate, became so exliansted that tliey wmild fall and lean against each other. In this situation self preservation destroyed hnnianity. The leanini;' or exhausted party wonld receive the |)oints of sail needles into any part of his body that could be reached by the standing one. These operations would provoke the cries of " murder." I will here mention that the two boys who belonged to the crew of the brig were not put into the Cable Tier— of this however I am not certain. They were called by the name of Smith. I hope that these young men are now alive, and if they are and should ever see this narative, I am sure they will confirm the details of the capture of the brig, and subsequent sufferings of her crew when prisoners. They were from Plainfield, in the state of Connecticut, as they informed me. They were cooks on board the brig, were brothers, and well behaved. We were kept on board the frigate three or four days in the direful situation before mentioned when we arrived in the port of New York and were put on board the Jersev prison ship. (4.) I shall now describe the prison ship, and the discipline enforced by the british upon the unfortunate prisoners— their treatment and suf- <;G xarrativk. t'eriiig's. The ship liad mounted 74 guns in the britisli navy, Itnt was old and ont of ooniniission and kept in tlie port of Xew York for tlie purpose of confining- captured seamen — had been dismantled of lier sails and rigging and moored in the East river, hnt a short distance from the Long Island shore. When our crew Avere put on board her, the number of prisoners amounted to about 800. We were all put between decks ev'ry night befoi'e dark, the number being great our situation was here extremely unpleasant. Our i-ations were not suf- ficient to satisfv the calls of hunger, (j.;) Although the british had an hospital ship(43) near us for the accommodation of the sick yet we had a great deal of sickness on l)oard the Jersey, and many died on board her. (u) Tlie sickness seemed to l)e epidemic and which we called the bloody flux or dyssenterrv. After the prisoners had been driven below at dusk of the evening and the boat had ceased conveying the sick to the hospital ship, many of the prisoners would become sick the fore part of the evening and before morning their sufferings would be ended by death — such was the malignancy of the disease. My situatiiMi amongst others after being stowed NAHKATIVK. away tor the lu^ht was uii the lai'ltoanl side •)f tlie ship witli uiir heads near the wall or side, and the two boys b;'fore mentioned l)y tlie side of me. Thns situated, but one gangway to tlie u}>])er deck was open, from which my place of rest was about 20 feet, and only two prisoners were allowed to visit the u]3per deck at the same time in the night let the calls of nature be never so violent, and there was no place between decks provided us to satisty those calls. Tliis iiuluced an almost constant running over me by the sick, who would besmear myself and others with their bloody and loathesome filth — The situation of the prisoners was truly appalling. The place of interment for the dead })ris()ners was not far off and completely within our view from the Jersey (45) — Report said that one dead body was dis- turbed to bury another, the mortality was so great. The cruel and unjustifiable treatment of the prison- ers by the british soon produced the most demoral- izing effects upon them. Boxing was tolerated without stint. Pilfering food was another evil ■which prevailed in some degree among the prison- ers. During the short period T was on l)oard one of the most liorrid scenes I ever witnessed occun-ed 68 NAKRATIVE. from iiMlulgiiii;' this vice. A pi'isuiier had pilfered food from a mess, who ('((mplained of him to the chief bi'itish officer on hoard. This otlicer decided that the delinquent should he punished by all the members of the mess wlio had suffered by his pillage. The accused was tied across a water butt on the upper deck — his posteriors were laid liare, and a wooden instrument six feet long, one end expanded and shaped much in the fonn of an oar and used by the ship's cook to stir the burgoo (^e) when cooking it. The mess-mates who had suffered by his pilfering, and six in number were arranged around him and directed to inflict six strokes each with the instrument aforesaid upon that portion of the defaulter's body which had been laid bare. The officer who directed this punishment being yet present. Next, one of the mess took the instrument in hand — (it was very heavy, and as much so as one man could conveniently wield) — and inflicted six strokes with the ponderous weaj)on, apparently with all his might — the suflerer groaning at ev'ry stroke — blood appeared before the first six had been admin- istered — a second man took the instrument and with no less mercy than the first inflicted six more NARRATIVK. 69 strokes — tlie bloud ;iii v<>ars and a 73 NAKKATIVi:, li:ilf ur eighteen months." He luid been so spa- ringlj' fed that he was nearly a skeleton, and all but in a state of nudity. He had been so long on board this prison ship and so severely treated that I am convinced that when he conversed with me, he had lost the correct knowledge of the period of time he had been in captivity. This was only one case from perhaps an hundred of others sinjilar. This man appeared in tolerable health as to body, his emaci- ation excepted. The prison ship was strongly secured, and in addition, was strictly and rigidly guarded. The discipline of the prisoners by the british was in many respects of the most shocking and appalling character. The roll of the prisoners, as I was informed, was called ev'ry three months, unless a large acquisition of prisoners should render it proi)er more often. The next day after our crew were put on board the roll was called, and the police regulations of the ship with respect to the conduct of the captives were read. I heard this. From these it appeared that ii\\'\ captive who should be detected undertaking to eftect his escape from this "floating hell.'" either by swimming, taking the sliij)s boat, or any other wav, should NARRATIVE. 1 6 suffer instant death, and should not even be taken on Ijoard alive. Notwithstanding all this, attempts were made after 1 had escaped, as I v;as afterwards informed from undoubted authority. The details of my own escape and that of William Waterman, who started with me from the ship, I shall give after I have mentioned the attempt of six others, and the tragical death of five of them in the undertaking. It appeared that about a week after myself and Waterman had left the " floating hell," and many of the captives concluding that we had reached the shore in safety, the six captives before alluded to were prompted to undertake the perilous enterprize. They had all got clear from the ship by nearly the same means and method that myself and Waterman had adopted and used — And after obtaining tlie watery element one of the party became alarmed after gaining the stern of the ship and the party about leaving it (he being the last to leave the stern,) exclaimed, " Oh ! lord have mercy I shall be drowned." He was overheard by the officers who were on the night watch on the quarter deck. The ship's boat was immediately launched, and four of them were soon found swimmino; in the harbour, 7-A NARRATIVE. and slii)t l)y tlie guard, (i-*) Tlie tiftli was found near the .ship and eaug-lit, with his hands upon tlie hoat when an officer struck one of tliem with such severity tliat the bone was hiid hare. The captive persevered with his hold upon the hoat — The unre- lenting british useing their bayonets with all dex- terity upon his body which they pierced in a num- ber of places. Notwithstanding all this bloody opposition, he gained the boat wdien one of the guard begged for his life, but this interference was untimely for the bayonets had been so freely used that lie was dcspei-ateh' wounded, and wherewith died the next day. The sixth captive saved himself by gaining the anchor which hung at the bow, and suspended from the cathead of the ship. Tie clung to the flukes of the anchor, which was under the surface of the water, wntli ln*s nose barely above the surface. In this situation he eluded the vigilant search of the pursuers for they were twice, within two feet of his hiding place, and did not discover him. After the pursueing party had given up pur- suit and search, and hoisted their boat out of watei-, saying thcA' had killed all the damned rebel run- aways, and became still, the survivor crawled upon NARRATIVE. and stood upon the flukes of tlie aiiclior in an ereet l>osture until day liglit dawned, and the prisoners had begun to get upon the u])per deck, wlien he ascended the stem of the anclior, half chilled to death and naked, (the stem of course being of iron, and twelve feet long) to the stock of the anchor, and from thence over the bow of the ship to the fore- castle, and from thence sprang to the gangway with all his might and descended below, Avithout being stopped or arrested by the guard who were stationed very near the hatchw^ay. I will here mention the names of several of my fellow prisoners who after- wards stated to me the occurences which took place on board the Jersey after I escaped from it and here related, and who survived their captivity, and M'ith whom I was well acquainted, and in whose veracity full reliance can l)e placed, viz, Benjamin Whipple, (ii) who after the revolutionary war, re- moved to Albany in the state of New York, and was an officer in the house of Assembly of that state for some years. He formerly residcnl in Cum- berland, in the state of Khode Island. Benjamin Dexter, (.") also of Cum1>erland aforesaid, and Jahez Hawkins, (..i) a distant family connection of mine. To XARUATIVE. Jinmc'diately iifter being put on lioard the Jersey, 1 began to meditate an escape from my captivity. Tliis was an enterprize of great |)eri] and extreme difticnlty and could not be effected without swim- ming a great distance with any prospect of success. I will mention the impediments — near us lay a guardshij? for the apparent' purpose of quelling any mutiny which might arise among the prisoners and to destroy, capture or drive away any vessel which should undertake our release. The hospital ship which I was informed had a guard on board her was also near us. On shore was a line of sentinels from the burying ground already mentioned and extend- ing east on the banks of the cove towards Hurl- Gate, a mile and an half as near as we could calcu- late on board the Jersey— at the same time estima- ting the distance of the several curves which indented the shore. Others, more acquainted with distances on water, estimated the distance from the ship be- yond the line of sentries, at two and an half or three miles. To get clear from the ship was a considera- tion of much moment. To leave the upper deck with any kind of safety was impossible. The gun- 2>orl9 of the lower deck on which was no guai'd, was NAUKAIIVI'. ( i liaiTod strongly M'itli iron, and holted to the sides of the ship. It was late in the season and the water cold, being late in the month of Septeinhcr or the beginning of Oct. (1781.) Notwithstanding all these difficulties I determined to undertake the hazardous cnterprize. I communicated my intention to AVil- liam Waterman, ah'eady mentioned, and invited him to accompany me. lie was one of our crew, and did not hesitate to comply. I knew him to be a good swimmer. We tried others out of which to obtain one to go with us — we could not succeed. We were reminded that our lives Avould be in four fold jeopardy by the undertaking, and were strongly dissuaded from attempting it. The police regula- tions of the ship was mentioned which we had heard read — the great distance to swim — the certainty of being taken by tlie tories after we might get on shore — the treachery we might encounter were all urged in the most sympathetic colours by those with M'hom we connnunicated. But all to no pur- pose — our resolution had been taken. The second day of our captivity on board the Jersey, and after we had determined on escape by swimming, we (Waterman ^ myself) took the advantage of the 78 NARRATIVE. peals of tluiiidci' in u shower or storm (e..) that came over ns in the afternoon to break one of the gun ])orts on the lower deck which was strongly barred with iron and bolts as before mentioned — having previously obtained from the cooks' room an old axe, and crow bar from the npper deck for the pur- pose, in a private manner, and concealed them till an opportunity should offer for use. The thunder storm was oj)portiine for our design, for when a peal of thunder roared we woi-ked with all our might with the axe, 6z crow bar, against the bars and bolts — when the peal of thunder subsided, we ceased, without our blows being heard by the british until another peal commenced — we then went to work again, and so on until our work was comi^leted to our liking. The bars and bolts, after we liad knocked them loose, were replaced so as not to draw the attention of our british gentry if they should happen to visit the lower deck before our departure. We also hung some old apparel over and around the shattered gun port to conceal any marks. Being thus and otherwise prepared for our escape, the ship was visited by our Capt. Whipj)le the next day after we had broken the gun port— to NAUiiATIVi;. 79 ]iiiii we C'(:)iiiiiiuiiic-ated our intention und contem- plated means of escape. lie strongly remonstrated against the design — We told liini we should start the ensuing evening. Capt. Whipple incpiired, " How do you think of escaping." I answ^ered, by swimming to that point, (at the same time pointing to a place then in our view on Long Island, in a north easterly direction from the prison ship.) We must do this to avoid the sentinels which are stationed on shore in the night. What, said Capt. Whipple, do you think of sM'imming to that point. Yes, we must to avoid the sentinels, I answered. Well, said Capt. Whipple, Hawkins, give it up. It is only throwing your lives away, for there is not a man on earth that can swim from this prison ship to that poiut as cold as the water is now. Why, how far do you think it is to that point ? Why, I answered, Waterman and myself have estimated the distance at a mile and an half. Yes, said Capt. Whipple, it is all of two and an half miles — you can- not measure across water as well as I can — so you had better give it up for I have encouragement of getting home next w.eek, and if I (h», I will make it my whole business to get you all exchanged innne- so NAIiUA'lIVK. (liately. Although Waterman was several years my senior in age, the convei'sation was carried on between Capt. Whipple and myself, for the reason that Capt. Whipple M'as more acquainted with me than with Waterman, but Waterman was present — before our interview ended, Capt. Whipple said to me, Hawkins, if you do start as you say, you sliall,, and as there is one chance in a hundred for you to get home, should you get to Providence, you must go and see my mother (she resided there) and inform her what my recent fate lias been. This I promised him I would do, and faithfully performed it, Capt. Whipple was an excellent seaman, and much the gentleman, and had a very large circle of family connections in Rhode Island of the first respectability. He was patriotic to the cause of America to enthusiasm, and vigilant and perse- vering. Notwithstanding all this he had been un- fortunate in his sea adventures for from the com- mencement of the revolutionary struggle to the period of which I am now mentioning, he had been captured by the british on the high seas the fifth time, and at each time he was commander of the captured vessel. Capt. Whipple's advice had great xarrativp:. 81 \veii;'lit uii our luiiuls, but did not shake our purpose. AVe ]iad not been on board the " Old Jersey" more ihan one hour before we began to plot our escape. We had been only three days on board when we (Waterman and myself) left it forever. AVe had been on board long enough to discover the awful scenes which took place daily in this "floating hell." Our preparations for leaving were completed by procuring a piece of rope from an old cable that was stretched under the forecastle of the ship and called " service " and wound around the cable to preserve it. We had each of us packed our wearing apparel in a knapsack for each, and made on board the Old Jersey. I gave some of my apparel to the two Smiths (boys before mentioned) — I stowed in my knapsack a thick woollen sailor jacket, well lined, a pair of thick pantaloons, one vest, two shirts, two pair of stockings, one pair of shoes, a pair of heavy silver shoe buckles, a pair of knee buckles, two silk handkerchiefs, four silver dollars, not forgetting a Junk bottle of rum which we had purchased on board at a dear rate. These were all stowed in my knapsack. Waterman had stowed his ap])arel and (^)ther articles in his knapsack. My 82 NARRATIVE. kiiai)sack was very heavy. It was fast'ned to my back with two very strong garters passing over my shoulders and nnder each arm, and fast'ned witli a string at my breast, bringing my riglit and left garter in contact at or near the centre. Thus eqnipt we were ready to commit ourselves to the w^ateiy clement, and to our graves as many of our hardy fellow prisoners predicted. The evening was as good an one as we could desire at that season of tlie year — the weather was mild and hazy, and the night extremely dark. It was arranged between Water- man and myself, after leaving the ship to be governed in our course by the lights on board the ships and the responses of the sentinels on shore, and after arriving on shore to repair near a dwell- ing house which we could see from the old Jersey in the day time and spend the balance of the night in a barn, but a few rods from said dwelling. Waterman was the first to leave the ship through the broken open gun port and suspended to the i-ope before mentioned by his hands and at the end behind liim by several of our fellow prisoners wliora we were leaving behind us, and with Avhom we atiectionately parted with reciprocal good wishes. NARRATIVE. 80 He succeeded in gaining the water and in leaving the ship without discovery from the british. It had been agreed, if detection was about to take phace that lie shouhl be taken back again into tlie shi]). I had agreed to follow him in one minute in the same manner, I left and followed him in half that time, and succeeded in leaving the ship without giving the least alarm to those who had held us in cap- tivity — I kept along close to the side of the ship until I gained the stern and then left the ship. This w^as all done very slow, sinking my body as deep in the water as possible without stopping my course, until I was at such a distance from her that my motions in the water would not create attention from the enemy on board. After gaining a suitalde distance from the ship I hailed Waterman three times. He did not answer me. It was my great desire to fall in with him, but I have never seen him since he left the old Jersey to this day. Neverthe- less he succeeded in getting on shore and to his home and friends (33) — his fate and success I have since learned from James Waterman one of his brothers. In the meantime I kept on my course, without thinking that any accident would befal him 8-4 NARRATIVE. ;is I knew liiiii to be an excellent swimmer, and no faint liearted or timid fellow. I conld take my conrse very well from tlie light reflected from the stern lanthrons of the prison, guard and hospital ships, and also from the responses of the sentinels on shore, in the words " all's well." Tliese respon- ses wei'e repeated ev'ry half hour on board the guard ship, and the sentinels aforesaid. These repetitions served me to keep the time I was employed in reaching the shore — no olrject occu- pied my mind during this time so much as my friend Waterman, if I may except my own success in getting to land in safety. I flattered myself that I should find him on shore or at the barn we had agreed to occupy after we might gain it. After I had been swimming nearly or quite two hours, my knapsack had broken loose from my back, which had resulted from the wearing off the garters under my arms in consequence of the friction from them by swimming. This occurrence did not please me much. I endeavoured to retain my knapsack and contents by putting it under one arm, and thus meant to reacli the shore, with the use of only one tlien in swimmino-, but soon found that this situa- NAKKAIIVE. 85 tiou impeded my progress, and led me from iny true course. I then pulled the skirt of my vest out (^f my knaj)sack, the other portion of the vest yet remaining within, took the skirt in my teeth and again proceeded to swim having thrown my knap- sack over my shoulder — This reminded me of the manners of Keynard in conveying liis stolen goose to his hiding phice for a repast from his booty. I continued in this situation but a short time observ- ing that I was again out of my true course — and my load cramped my neck, and I had now become chilled from the coolness of the water, having been in it more than two hours, and could not satisfy myself how far I had yet to swim to lind land, beyond the chain of sentinels. Meantime I could see, or thought I could see something ahead more dark than it was around me, but how tar was doubt- ful. My bundle was burdensome, and hindered my progress for I again put them under one arm and swam a short time with them — By this time I had become much chilled and benumbed from cold, but could swim tolerably well — in this situation I was much at loss in my mind how to act and what to do with my knapsack. I hesitated whether or not to 86 NARRATIVE. retain it loiiejer in my possession or part M'itli it for- ever — I soon determined on the latter and sent it adrift. In this balancing state of mind and subse- qnent decision I was cool and self collected as per- haps at any period of my life. After I had parted with my knapsack and contents, I set myself on my true course still guided by the light from the ships. Immediately the land sentinels sang again " all's well." Thinks I, that is a lie, for I hai^e lost my apparel and bottle of rum. I was much relieved by this last cry of " all's well" for the last sentinel who responded was not far from my right and I had passed hiiTa at some distance and was now beyond all the guards stationed on shore — I then made for the land. I soon found I was close in with the shore : I attempted on this discovery to touch bot- tom, but could not, the shore being very bold. I swam within twelve feet of the shore before I could touch bottom, and in so doing, found I could not stand I was so chilled — had "lost my land legs" to use a seaman's phrase, bnt I moved around in shoal water until I found I could stand, then slept on shore — I had not sent my clothes adrift more than twenty live minutes or so before striking the shore. NARRATIVK. 87 I was coin])k'toly naked ox('ei)t a small hat on my liead which I liad brought with me from the ohl Jersey. What a situation this, witliout covering to hide my naked body — in an enemy's country, with- out food or means to obtain any — and among tories more unrelenting than the devil — more perils to encounter and nothing to aid me but the interpo- sition of heaven. Yet I had gained an important portion of my enterprise. I had got on land after swimming in the water two hours and an half, and a distance of perhaps two and an half miles. The distance however I can by no means determine with any degree of accnracy, it may be more or less. The house which we had destined as our point of meeting, or arriving, when on board shij), and before alluded to, was forty or fifty rods from my place of landing. I discovered it and took my course for it — had gone but a short distance before I came in con- tact with a rock. I tumbled over it which nearly prostrated me. This sudden and unexpected imped- iment aroused me to anger, and I gave loose to some profane language, for which I relented on the spot. My overthrow broke the skin on sevei-al ])art.s of my body — 1 rubbed the most injured bruises with OS NARRATIVE. my liands. The i)assion of anger, united with the slioek my fall produced, seemed to quicken the cir- culation of my Llood, and I seemed to feel much Avarmer than ])efore. I got near the house and passed by it to the barn — opened one of its doors — found a place near tlie stanchions large enough to lie down in near a large body of hay — got into it — pulled some hay from that mentioned — covered myself with it and soon went to sleep. It was between two and three o'clock in the morning when I arrived at the barn, and after being in it a short tiuie, called for my friend "Waterman in great hopes of finding that he was in it, or within my hearing, for here it was that we had agreed to stay the remaining part of the evening and all the succeed- ing day. But }nucli to my disappointment he answered not. I then concluded if he had been so fortunate as to reach the shore that he had made his way to a house near hurl-gate (-j) on the Long Island shore, whither he had been directed by a young man he had conversed with but a short time before we left the ship and who was a prisoner on lK)ard. Waterman communicated this to me before we started but not in sufficient detail for me to NAUKATIVK. 89 ijudertake to tuTive to the place, lie luid not time to inform or give me particulars in relation to this route before leaving the ship — but calculated to do so after our getting ashore. I slept in the barn until late in the morning not calculating to leave it until the following evening. About nine o'clock in the forenoon of the day as I lay in my hiding place and in the hay, a black girl came into the barn, muttering because she found the door open, which I had left in that situation when 1 came into the barn. Her object seemed to be eggs. After rumaging about some time she left the barn, and shut the door in question. The day had been spent and night coming on. After all was still around the house and barn I left the latter. Hunger had by this time created a craving for food. 1 undertook without success to milk some of the cows which wx>re in the farm yard into my hat. They were so afraid of my naked situation that 1 was not suffered to get near them. If 1 attempted it, they would run and snuff like deers. I then left the farm yard as soon as I could, fearing that the noise of the cattle would excite the attention of the inmates of the house. 1 travelled an easterly course. The night was very 90 NARRATIVE. dark, and rain began to fall very soon in large drops, which when striking my naked back would make me cringe. I proceeded across fields and meadows without seeking for a road — after some time went tlirough a gate, which passing, I thought my course was too much north or bearing to the west. On my left it seemed to be woods — on my right it appeared to be a champaigne. I was now in a road but left it, and on my right went into the fields and was pursuing my course east as I then supposed. In this ramble I found a melon yard and took two melons and went on — I could not open them, having no instrument that would effect it — continued walking, and it yet rained. When com- ing near a ditch, on hearing the chains on a fettered horse, became alarmed, fearing I was near an enemy, but on a closer examination, and approacli- ing near, conceived a sentry box wlien the old white horse began to walk from me as fast as he could, v*'liich dispelled my fears, and I proceeded. 1 had understood that this jDart of Long Island was then infested witli Hessian guards, but it seems none were here. After going some distance I came to a fence ]»artly stone and })artly wood — here I NARRATIVK. -■ - 91 Itroke my watei- melons and eat some of tliem but they were unsavoury. The season for them had gone by, and they had been bitten by the frost. I threw the remaining part of them away. I yet kept on my course again as I supposed, and gained a road and soon came to a gate. On examination I found it to be the same gate that I had passed and before mentioned. This shewed me that my wan- derings had been of no avail towards my desired progress. Although bewildered, I took a course directly contrary to my formerly supposed direct course — wandered some hours, through lields, mea- dows and shrubs, sometimes going through thickets of briers which tore my naked skin. I went through a corn-field and found some corn which I plucked, and hunger induced me to eat. Tiie rain fell during the greater part of the whole night, and sometimes in torrents. The atmosphere was quite chilly, and I was obliged to walk fast to keep from perishing. Towards daylight, I found a barn, which I entered and on the floor found a car or waggon laden with salt hay. This barn was an object very desirable for I had been weai'v for several hours, and at one time was induced to lie down near tlie side of a 92 NARRATIVK. fence under some slirubs — after breaking a number of small twigs from the surronnding slirnbs and placing them in the tops of those I had selected to cover me from the fallins: rain — havini>; done this I gathered a quantity of fallen leaves and put them on the boughs of the shrubs and among the twigs to keep the pelting rain from my body — having put a quantity of these leaves around the roots of the shrubs, all wet I lay down on them to rest. I had not lain long in this situation before I discovered that my calculations to avoid the falling rain were far from being realized, and that I must again put myself in motion or inevitably perish. And some time before entering the barn, the night being very dark, without intending it, visited a grave yard, and the first intinuxtion T had of beiuc: in a con2;re2^ation of the dead, was my coming in contact with the head and foot stones which had been set there in memory of the departed. It was not untill I had been prostrated several times by these monuments, that I found mj^self thus situated. The skin on my legs and other pai-ts of my body had been broken and severely bruised. These ol)sti'ucti(»us to my progress induced a strict exaniinatiou. If '' the NARKAVIVE. 03 darkness visible" rendered the siglit of iny eyes useless, I thonglit the touch of my hands might test my location, (or.) I found the stones had characters on them, denoting inscriptions. This discovery created no fears from the dead — I had more to fear from the living. The barn last before mentioned and in which I entered, was partially filled with salt hay. I crawled into that part which seemed to have been tilled — prepared a place to rest and stretched myself in it, and being wet the salt hay soon made a very lively impression on my fresh wounds, which I received from the briars and the monuments in the graveyard. The duration of the pain thus produced, was, however, short. I am inclined to think that the saline properties of the hay heal'd my scratches sooner than they otherwise would have been. It was nearly day light when sleep stole upon me. I slept soundly until after sun rising the following morning notwithstanding the rain poured down in torrents nearly the whole of the night — the sun appeared *-o have risen clear, and ev'ry appearance indicated a fine pleasant day. Soon after the sun had rose, a num came into the barn, and began to speak in the low dutch language. 94 NARRATIVE. but his talk appeared to be all to himself. His object in visiting the barn appeared to be for nnlading the hay from the ear, for he soon began to pitch it off. Before he had finished, a neighbor visited him for the purpose of obtaining assistance to make a cofRn, for, said the neighbor " that fellow must be buried to day" — "not to day," said I to myself, "for I am not yet dead." The conversation between tlie two men was can-ied on in the english language — in the course of which I learned that a young man had died the evening before very sud- denly. The deceased appeared to be well the early part of the evening — eat his supper without inti- mating illness of any kind, and before nine o'clock the same evening died. These men both left the barn at the same time. I remained in the barn some time after this but left it early in the forenoon, but not from the side fronting the house and went into an orchard in quest of fruit, now Ijeing exces- sively hungry — found two or three half rotten pears — They were quite savoury, I having fasted ever since I had left the old Jersey, the corn and melons excepted. Api)les I could not find. I then travelled south easterh^, nearly in a direction witii NAHRATIVK. 95 the road. The weather fair and warm — saw a tiekl of potatoes directly ahead, and calculated to carry some of them away with me, hoping I conld find fire soon and then would roast and eat them. But I was soon frustrated in this, for on gaining the patch of potatoes, a young woman started up who had come to the place for the apparent })urpose of gathering them in a small basket — She immediately saw me. I was of course naked, my head excepted. She was, or appeared to be, excessively affrighted, and ran towards a house, screeching & screaming at ev'ry step, leaving her basket behind. Her fears were gratuitous for I had not offered any violence to her person, not even gentle gallantry. I ran with more speed than herself in an opposite direction for a glade of woods by the side of wdiich ran a rivulet or small bay — the water was still. I had before discovered this on my right — I entered this wood some distance fearing I might be pursued by the tories. I had some fears that they would pursue me with dogs, and armed myself with an heavy club for defence from these canine loyalists — I had further determined if jnirsuit should l)e made that I would throw mvself into a cove then in view — If I 96 NAKRATIVE. should do this before being ovei-tahen I felt well assured that I could keep away froui the tor}' crew in that vicinity. I was not molested however by this discovery. In sight of this potatoe patch were several dwellings and a small meeting house, and perhaps six or seven miles from N. York city. I kept to the left of this cove and it seemed to run in a north easterly direction, into the sound. I soon found a bay on my right, and a road on my left — the latter I dared not to travel. Hunger now preyed upon me excessively^, and my body weak — I searched for something to eat, but in vain — except some ears of corn which I plucked from a field that day — It was poor food but sustained me — that day and the following night, I had made no progress in my journey. Early in the evening I crept into another barn, and lay in a stuble upon unrotted flax. This was a poor bed for a naked hungry boy, but I tarried until morning and slept consideral)ly. I arose from my bed of flax after the rising of the sun. I determined to proceed on my course, happen what would. The course I had left the evening before I resumed in the morning keeping in the tields between the bay and road. I could see the farmers NARRATIVE. 97 at their labour in the fields. 1 then eonelnded to still keep on my course and go to some of these people then in sight. I was by this time almost worn out with hunger. I slowly approached two tall young men who were gathering garden sauce. They soon discovered me and appeared astonished at my appearance, and began to draw away from me, but I spoke to them in the following words, " dont be afraid of me, I am a human being." They then made a halt, and inquired of me, " are you scared " — " no," said I, but I thought I never saw two men more operated upon by fear than they. I soon moved to a low place in the ground to avoid discovery by the people on my left who were upon a rising ground, near the road. The two young men advanced slowly towards me, and inquired, " ho w~ came yon here naked." I seated myself on the ground and told them the truth respecting my situation and history — in short, they said, " we wish you were at home." This expression encouraged my feelings that they were friends. One of them asked, what do y(m want of us. T answered, I am hungry, and want some old clothes — If you can help me I pray you would. Well, said he, keep close 98 NARRATIVE. down from the sight of these folks up here, and I will go and see my mamma and hear what she will say about your request. I kept still on the ground. They had a knife with them which I took in hand and opeued a water melon from the dry vines. The brother, as I supposed he was, soon returned from the house whither he had been to see his mamma — He brought me two large pieces of bread buttered and a pair of decent pantaloons, which I imme- diately put on, saying in the meantime you must go by the barn, which was directly forward of me, and my mother will give you a shii't. I eat my food which he had bro't me in haste. It was delicious to my taste — nothing ever tasted better to me. He cautioned me that when I started for the barn, I must keep out of sight (meaning that I had better not be seen hy those near me and whom I had seen) of those people. For said he, if those people see you they will take you back again to the Pro- vost. I stepped nimbly to the barn in the manner I had been directed, where I found an old lady with a shirt on her arm on the south side of the barn — the house stood north of it. She inquired whether or not I liad a fatiier and motht'r ah've — I told liei' I NARRATIVE. 99 had a motlier alive when 1 left home and that my lather wrs in the American army. AVell, said !?lie, I wish you was at home with your mother now. She tlien lianded me two large pieces of bread well bnttered which she had been holding in her hand. I had told her son that went to the house how long I had fasted and I presume he had communicated it to his mother when at the house for she cautioned me against taking too much food at that time, and I eat but one of my pieces of bread and butter which she gave me at the barn, and stopped. That is right, said she — still holding the shirt across her arm. She then told me I must go into the barn, take my pantaloons oft' and throw them out to her and she would take them with the shirt and liang them on a fence then in sight (pointing to it) and I will go a little back to a place where I cannot see you, and then you must come out and get them, and put them on — And if you are taken up you must swear you took them from the fence where they were hung out to dry. That will be no lie. I a2:reed to it. I was then about moving around the barn in sight of the house. The old lady caught hold of me. at the same tinu- oxclaiminu' "for (rod's llHI NAKKATIVR. sake don't let that black woman of mine see you " (the wench was washing in the stoop) "for she is as l)ig a devil as any of the king's folks, and she will hring me out. And then we should all be put in the Provost, and die there, for my hnsband was put in there more than two years ago, and rotted and died there not more than three weeks since." Her grief was by this time so excited that she shed tears profusely — in which I joined. After she had sighed and sobbed for some time and partially dried her tears, she observed, this will all do you no good at last. I had told her where I wished to go — " you must go to Oyster bay lirst and they can tell you, but you cannot get there, for if you go dowai this road to the ferry across this cove, there they are all king's folks, and they will certainly take you up. And if you go three and an half miles back to the tide mills, Three hundred Hessians (.^'i) are stationed there on parol — but they will take j^ou up for all. Now if you were over this cove in that great road you can see over on the other side, that would lead you directly on the way to Oyster bay." I had by this time become uneasy and wished to be under wav. For 1 thouirlit mvself well clad for a warm XAliUATlVK. 101 day, but the, old Lady a^i:;jiin took me by the arm, and stopped me, asking the hist part of a thousand questions to which I was Ijonnd to give answers. At length I began to move toward tlie cove. Wh^rc are you going, inquired the old lady. 1 am going- down to the cove and to swim across it, gain the road yon mentioned, and go on. She earnestly entreated me not to undertake to swim across the cove — no man had ever dared undertake to swim across it. You cannot do it. Oh, said I, I can swim across it — no, no — they call it a mile across. I mentioned the manner which I should adopt to get across the cove. She then said if I would go across, that I could do better than to swim. She then informed me where I could find a canoe and an oar — the latter was hidden near the former, on the l)ank of the cove in a thick bunch of bushes — these you must steal and set yourself across and fasten the canoe on the other side, and let the owner find it. I found the canoe and oar, and crossed the cove without accident, and left them as directed. This lady arul her two sons were dutch. And I was informed by them that their residence was nine miles from I'rooklvn ferrv. I had now been from 102 NAUliATIVK. tlic old Jersey iiiore than 60 hours, and no further from her than before stated, and thou<>;ht I had suf- fered enough for an wliole year. It was now some- thing late in tlie afternoon— after I had crossed the cove, the weather warm, 1 travelled forward keep- ing the road except a suspicious character appeared in sight. If this occurred I would be fixing the fence on the road side, putting up the rails &c. until they passed. This impeded my progress. I came near the village of Jamaica, (") when the sun was about an hour above the horizon. Here was trouble again — to pass the sentinels at Jamaica safely and without suspicion would be difiicult. Here I was in great peril. The sentinels were so near each other across the Island as to communicate one with the other, as I was informed. On arriving in view of the village I could plainly see the senti- nels — two were stationed on either side of the road. In this situation, went into a field near the road side, and concealed myself in a bunch of bushes on the side of a fence. What device to pursue M'itli success was a matter of much moment. AYhile thus devising ways and means to pass the sentinels, a black or coloured man appeared with a small drove NARRATIVK. 103 of cattle wliieli he had taken tVuin some of the adjoining tields. Being tlnis situated I resolved to turn driver and assist the coloured man in getting his drove through the village. It was now near sun setting, and I set myself to driving with a stick in my hand. It may not he amiss to state that these sentinels were british — I passed them without their noticing that I feared or paid any attention to them. This device had the desired elf'ect — I passed without being hailed or stopped by them. This was Avliat was called the lower lines of the British. I was now in better spirits. Soon after I had passed the sentinels I left the drove of cattle in quick pace — the coloured man kept his eyes on me but said nothing. I conceived him to be a stupid fellow. I Avent on to what was called the last house. It w^as so called from its situation, there being no other for the space of seven miles east. It was occuj^ied as a tavern, was large, and if I mistake not had been painted white. On arriving near this house I dare not enter it — left the road and entered into the orchard — seated myself and there remained until late in the evening intending to take up quarters in the barn when I could get to it without bcin-i' 104 NARRATIVE. observed by the inmates of the house, those uround it or tlie bam. But there came up a shower of rain which my apparel could uot resist. I laid myself under a fence for some time, and until all was quiet al)OUt tlie premises. This hap'ned as I supposed about nine o'clock in the evening. I then left my situation under the fence, crossed the road, went to the barn but could not enter, it being locked at ev'ry door, I tlien took a manger in a long o]>eii shed which was attached to the barn. This shed answered the purpose of a fence on the south side «,»f the road the extent of its length. I search'd the niano;er the full leno;th of the shed for materials of which to make me a bed, but in vain. I laid my- self in the manger intending to remain in it until morning. In this I was frustrated. A carriage soon came to the house from the east, before which was a span of horses. Those persons who accompanied it determined to put up for the night. The horses were soon led to the barn for stabling. They were taken through the shed near that portion of it where I had taken quarters. One of the two men who led the horses had a lanthron lighted up which he set in the mana'cr verv near nic, while the othci' was NAKKAIIVK. l05 employed unlocking the stable door. The foiiuer .soon discovered me from the light of his lantliron. He exclaimed to his companion, " here lies some ])erson in the manger." "Who the devil is it?" inquires the companion. "I dont know" (answered the former) " for he is asleep." This snoring and sleep was aftected on my part to deceive them. It was then concluded to awaken me from my slum- bers, saying wake liim up and let's see who he is. One of them took hold and shook me and inquired, Who are you? a friend. What do you do here? I raised myself partially up, and in a reclining posture, affecting to be in a state of intoxication from an immoderate use of ardent spirits. At the same time muttering in a sort of under tone, I came in here to-get-out-of-the-rain. Where did you come from, or where are you going. I am going-to- Jamaica. And then fell back into the manger apparently to them very drunk. One of the exam- inants observed, It is a boy as drunk as the devil for he cant set up. Then (answers the other) lets put up the horses and we'll take him into the house and find who he is, for he may be here to steal another horse, for we have had them stolen betbi'e Km; xarkativf:. M'e got luclvs to our doors. On hearing this I tliought 1 might get into more trouble by the ordeal of a further examination than to go imme- diately on througli the desert plain (^s) be it never so rainy. When my discoverers were about to leave for the purpose of putting the horses into the stable, one or both observed that I could not get away being so much intoxicated. But as soon as they had got into the stable with their light and horses, I nimbly left the shed the same way that I came into it — from the orchard — which was through a vacant place in the wall of the shed, where one of the boards was off from some cause or other, and near where I lay. I ran fast for some distance parallel with the fence, on the road as near as I could judge — it was cloudy and the night very dark but the rain had ceased. After I had ran some distance I came to a stop, and listened for any one who might be in pursuit, but I heard nothing indicating it. And concluding if pursuit were made that it would be toward Jamaica village whither I had told them I was going, and which I had passed — I immediately took the road and pro- ceeded on east — nothino; occui-rini;- to distui-]) mv XAKKATIVi:. lot journey except u liii,-lit wliich iq)])eare(l on my lel't wlien I was about half way across the phiin. — Three times I undertook to approach it without success. The tliird time my auger had been pro- voked to such a degree that I indulged in some profane language. I had no fears, aiul even in that period of my early life, I was no believer in ghosts nor hobgol)lins. I had been informed when travi'l- ling this road al)out three years before in com])any with Sawyer and llock that tiiese plains were haunted and that men had been seen upon it with- out heads and also with their throats cut — whetlicr or not the latter had heads on their shoulders we were not informed. This information was given us by the honest superstitious inhabitants living on the road, and who entertained us in our transit from Xew York to Sag-Harbour. This light tliat I have mentioned appeared to be not more than a quarter of a mile from the road, but nuist have been niudi further and change of ground proljably conlributed to my loosing siglit of it in each elfort I nnide to get toit. (r.«) After 1 gave up my light 1 took t(~» the road again and went on. 1 was soon over the desert, and at a sliort distance (lisco\ered a l);un on lOS NARKATTVE. my left wliicli I went into (juickly as the atmos- phere indicated rain very soon. Three fourths of tlie roof of this l)arn a])peared to he off — hut I got under tliat portion of the roof wliieh appeared to he on, found some straw under it and made myself a bed into which I crawled. I had no sooner done this tlian the rain fell in torrents. What a hapi^y escape this, thought I. But my situation was dry. By this time it was at least as late as two o'clock in the morning. In crossing the plain my shirt had not been wet through by the rain — I got warm in a short time and went to sleep. My slumbers con- tinued until the sun had risen the following morn- ing. The sky was clear and the sun shone with his usual splendor after a heavy rain. After some time I arose from my place of rest, left the barn and went on in the road an easterly direction. I had not progressed more than a mile before I discovered a two horse waggon with a team of horses before it laden with salt hay, and moving tow^ards me on the same road, and accompanied with armed soldiers. I soon gave them the road not being pleased Avitli the costume of the soldiery. Their coats l)eing red was to me a sure indication that thr-y were the mer- XARIiATIVE. lull cenaries of Eoyal George. I luid selected a spot where I reiDuined stationarv, and in a short time discovered anotlier waggon Avitli tlie same kind of freiglif, and attended in the same manner as the iirst. I remained in this place nntil twenty two waggons had passed on by me and all accompanied as the two first. (o«) I kept still for some time and not discovering any more of these or any other things so unpleasant to me resumed my course. I soon came to a spot(«i) where one road bore to the right and the other to the left' — not knowing which to take I halted. I had travelled here belbrc but could not remember which of these roads I had taken. I remained standing near this place a short time when a boy coming up I ventured to inquire which road would lead me to Oyster Bay. This was the place that the old Dutch lady who had given me my shirt had told me the day before I must go to. Tlie boy directed me to take the left hand road — I took it to my cost as I soon learned. The old dutch lady had directed me to call at a gen- tleman's house which I should pass on my way to Oyster Bay which she described. She conlidently told me that the gentleman who occupied it would 110 NARRATIVE. assist me if 1 would call and disclosL- to liiiii my situation. After travelliiiiji; some time on tliis left hand road 1 descried tlie house the old lady had described to me. I called at the dooi" — a lady appeared. I incpiired for the gentleman to whom I had been directed — the lady answered that her husband was not at home, and was not expected for several days, at the same time the lady required of me my business with her husband. I told her of my escape from the prison shij), and my destitute situation, and that a friend had told me I could get relief by calling and making knowii my situation. The lady sternly answered that I could have no relief from that house, and expressed astonishment that I should presume to call there for the purpose of obtaining it. She said if her husband were at home he would do nothing for me, but would be l)ound to take me up and send me back to the prison ship. She told me that they lived under the government of the King, with other expressions indicating tor)'ism. I left the house in no com- fortable mood, conceiving I had been irreverently treated by my lady. This was a large white luuise about four miles from the snudl village of Oyster NAK'RAUV 111 Bay.fr,.) 1 soon caiiu' in sin'lit of the villas' Unt not Avithont aj)})relicnsions for my safety. I stojtped and hesitated wJiether or not to go into it, hnt aftei* reflecting some time I decided to go into it, which I did deliberately. The sun was now abont an hour and an half high in the afternoon. Before entering the village I regretted that I had neglected the right hand road. If I had taken it I was confident that it would have led me directly to Sag Harbour, the place of my intended destination on the Island. I had concluded to pass directly through the village as the road below it seemed to bear to the right. The weather was now more cool than it had been, and my wearing apparel was illy calculated to resist the cold. I walked leisurely along until I had got into the centre of the village when a rag muflin of a scoundrel whom I w^as afterwards informed w-as a mercenary tory came out of a sort of rendezvous llow long since yon rowed a- boal. I anftwei'ed, tliat I could not tell exactly for I did not remend^er liow inaiiv days it was since I liad left Newport, and I had not rowed a boat since. It was fifteen days or more since I had rowed a boat. The loyal refugee serjeant then exclaimed with another im- ])ortant air, as follows, I believe you lie for I have heard of your boasting of going through this place in the day time to find ?^ place to plunder at night, and we will hang you to morrow. I then became angry and not a little saucy. For I said I think there must be some law even among refugees under the english government, and you need not threaten me with your gallows, for I do not fear it. Well (said the high minded refugee to his gang of armed men) we will take him to the guard house, and see how he will look on the gallows tomorrow. By this time many of the villagers had come in apparently to look at me and witness my examination. After my examination had closed and I had been ordered to the guard house, a genteel looking young gentle- man whom I had observed for some time, having entered the room about the time I had entered it. lie had not said a Avord yet but seemed attentive to 1 14 NAKRATIVr:. wliat 1 liiul said — ste})pe aiHl is sauvy, tbr he called u. refuo;ee8 at the vilhi-e ^vl'e,i lie was lirst taken. The fleas soun eo.nmence.1 ii:ivii.u; nie trouble as I thoui^ht I,j thunsamls nni- Hiiii^ over my skin, rank and tile. This flea attaek ^^avc me a great deal of trouble. I moved about and rose partly up to eateh the.u in the dark-my sentinel ^^'ho was in the room with me would break out in true refugee style, "lie still G—d damn you," with other prolane and snmtty language too indecent to mention. I remonstrated against his uni.rov..ked cruelty, observing that " I was only flghting the fleas"— for God's sake dont murder me for" this. The sentinel had already pricked me in several places so severely that I plainly felt the fresh blood nm. I told him I would not try to escape, and more than all there was no possible clumce to escape. I mentioned to the sentinel that there was I'o honor in such cruelty to a prisoner. I will give you honour G-d danm you if you stir again, was I'is reply. I was obliged to bear the attacks of the fleas without moving a limb, until this rascal was releived. This next sentinel appeared to be humane and a gentleman. I had a long conversation with him as I could not sleei) i" conse(|uence of the stabs 12U NzVKRATIVK. I received from tlie first, sentinel, and the eontinned attacks of the fleas. I complained to the second sentinel of the treatment I had received from the first, which he condemned in the strongest terms, and said tliat " some men were born brutes." I fell to sleep the latter part of the night, the attacks of the fleas notwithstanding. Soon after the appear- ance of daj-light I was sent ofi* to the quarters of their refugee Col. a mile from the guard room, and escorted by a refugee corporal and file of men. Our course was not in a road but over the fields of grass on which was an heavy frost. On being ushered into the presence of the grave colonel a paper was presented to him by the intrepid corporal who commanded my escort, from the ofiicer of the guard respecting me, which I was not allowed to read nor hear read. The Col. was a tall man of fine a})pearance by the name of I>rown or Smitli (I am not certain which of these names he bore.) The Col. and a gentleman present M'honi I undei'stood was master of a wood vessel then about to sail for New-York, put nie under another examination. To them I repeated all 1 had said the evening before to the then refugee exaniinants and to my benevo- XARRATIVK. 121 It'iit Doctur. After my exaniiiuitiun was closed, the Col. and master of the vessel went into an adjoining room to take their breakfast. They soon com- nienccd a conversation about me wliich I over- heard. The Col. thonght my story about leaving the prison ship probable. Oh, yes, (answered tlie master) your meu^s conjecture about his being a whale boat robber is wrong, for he tells ev'ry thing right about the prison sliiji. Well, (says the Col.) you can take liim back with you. Oh, yes (says the master.) The door leading from the room I was in to the room in which they were breakfasting was open, and I heard ev'ry word of their conversation, without any apparent idea from them that I heard their dialogue. Before sitting down to his breakfast the Col. came into the room in which I was under guard, and spoke to one of my guard, (calling him by his given name) — the man answered, yes, sir. The Col. then said to him, you can take charge of this boy — yes, answered the man. The CoL then ordered the remaining portion of my escort back to the guard house, and they immediately withdrew. The Col. before returning into his breakfast room diret'ted a servant to give me some Z'/vy;^;/('/.s'/, which 122 NARKATTVK. was instantly set before me. I eat it in a short time, and seated myself before the lire, took my shoes off to dry tliem, and my feet which had become very wet by crossing tlie frosty fields. 1 was now guarded by a single sentinel, and he a molatto, very tall, and appeared nimble and very athletic. One of the servants about the house was a black woman. Between this black Avoman and the molatto sentinel there appeared to be an inti- mate acquaintance, as they were very sociable with each other. The female servant went al)out the house in quick time, sometimes in the kitchen and sometimes in the room with the Col. and his com- panion waiting on their breakfast table and also out of the back cloor into the yard and in the pantry whither my molatto guard had gone to provide himself with food which he began to eat. lie had set his musket near to the entrance of the pantry door. When in the pantry lie would frequently put his liead through the door to look for me. When his black paramour visited the pantry he would talk in gentle words to her. I had learned in a con- versation held l)etween the Col. and master of the wood vessel that she was to c^et under sail that NAi;.uAri\ !■;. 12.S inoruinii,- iimnediatelv at'tci- luH'akfast, and it was iu tliis vessel tliat I was to he conveyed Lack to Ncm- York. I had detenniiied to effect my esca})e if possihle and to make a violent and hazar(h)ns attempt. The sentinel had not yet finished his repast in the pantry. The wench was out of siuht, ill which room of the house, or whether ]^('d near lier and asked if I could get st)niet]iing to eat iVoni the house, and if she would furnish nii' with food I would pay her well for it. and that bread and milk would please me as well as any food she could give me. She auswered me in the athrnnitive. I went in. Conversation soon commeiiceil hetweeu us. It was commenced oji her part fii'st, and Ijv an inter- rogation, How far jjre you travelling. T]\e answer I gave lu'r was, "to Sag Harbour, ou a visit to see uiy friends, and then to return to New Vork."* This M'as a })art of the story with which Sawvei*. Tlock and myself had so well succeeded in useing when we had travelled tVom New York city to Sag Har- bour down the island by land tl'vee years before. I had not unule a lu-w story, uot intending to use anything fabulous on uiy jour^iey. Ihit on this occasion I thought pro})t'r to i'cvd my hostess with something phiusilde. Tt had the desii'cd etiect. For she soon replied by the ol)servation "" i sup]»ose you are uut a rebel." This short sentence gave me her cue. I aiisweretl. oh. uo. I am going back as soon as J can get ready, and my business through. 1^6 NAKKATIVK. to tiglit the i-ebelsi. " Well," (said my hostess) " do you think they (the rebels) will hold out much longer." "It seems to me they cant, for their cause is so bad, and I have heard they were almost sub- dued." "Oh, yes." "Well I thought they would from the first beginning of it." I finished eating my dish of bread and milk, which my hostess observing, brought me some l)read and butter. I partook of it freely. I obtained this last dish from my lady in consequence of my supposed loyalty to the King. My loyalty pleased madam in the extreme. Having finished my repast, I ottered to pay for it, l)ut my hostess woukl not take a single copper from me. I was " so devoted to King George" and " a fine lad." I bade her good morning and resumed my journey. After leaving this benevolent mansion I could not avoid indulging some rude reflections about my loyal hostess. One was whether or not her loyalty had been so enthusiastic and outrageous as to pros- trate more than one Liberty pole in the cause. Her calculations concerning the American cause were hardly true prophesy for in a few days from this time lord Cornwallis surrendered liis entire army to uiir arms at "^ (irkti>\vii. ('■-) I tra\eik'd tVom ten till NAKKATIVK. 127 about one o'clock in the afternoon. I met Ca})t. Daniel Havens on horseback — lie had no otlier person in company, and had several line horses Avith him going west — with whom I had become accpiainted three years before at his own house in the village of Sag Harbour. I knew him and addressed him by name. lie did not know nie, but soon recollected having formerly been ac- quainted with nie after I had mentioned having been at his house in com])any with his nephew John Sawyer, and liock. I I'elated to him in a concise manner my late adventures, perils, suffer- ings &c. lie then observed that he was going- west, and that I must go to his house and make it my home until his return which would be the day after to morrow evening. And that he would procure a safe passage for me across Long Island sound to the main — that I must make myself known to his family, wduj would ])rovide well for me &c that I must keep myself still in tlie house in order to secure my safety and that of himself and family. For (said he) there is peo})le there who are con- stantly on the watch that yon would not mistrust, who A\ould do us mischief, and as it is ]»asl noon 128 NAKKATIVE. vuii cannot get there to day. It is twenty miles to my liuuse, and you Avill want isometliing to eat befbi'e you unive to it. I answered, I am not liiingi-y — a short time since I ate a hearty breakfast. lie re})lied, so much the Letter, for you ought to travel sc^ven nnles befoi'e you stop — you can stop at the end of tliat distance in safety. At that distance is a tavern (ill) ke])t by a Mr. Snow — the name you "will see on the sign. Thei'e you \]\\\^t find the land- lord and sjn'ak to him iir.st if you see those about whom you may conclude are travellei's, and tell him you want dinner. Inform him also wdiere you luive come from, and that I ha\e sent you to liis liouse. Here is a qnarter (»f a dtdlar to ])ay for your dinnei' if he sludl ask any ])ay of you for it, but 1 think he will not. I refused his nioiuy saying to him that I had got money. Well rejoiiu'd he, take it and keep your money — you juay Avant it before you get honu'. T took the money, aiul went on travelling last until I arrived at tin; tavern where ('apt. Havens had directed me to call, ft was now vi\v\\ in the afternoon — And as I passed the bar- room I saw two g(Mitlemen whose appeai'ance did not pU-a^e me much. 1 >te]iped by the dooi" <>f tlic NAKKAl'lVK. 1-1*' barronia tu llic kiicheii and inquired ot' the iiimatt's for the hindlord. They iiifonned lue that hi' was in the Itaek yard after wood. 1 tiezed tliis o])i)oi'tiiiiity to iiitrodiKH' myself to liini. I found Inm ah>iie, and in a h>w tone of voice did so in a fcnv words, at the same time mentioned to him that J had been commeiKkMl to liim by (Japt. Havens. He then tohl me to walk into the sitting room, sayinii:; dinner wotdd be ready in a few minutes. 1 then men- tioned my suspicions about the two gentlemen T had seen when |»assing to the kitchen. IFe made me easy al)ont tliem. Jiefoi-e entei'ing the i-(^om how- ever, the hindloi'd told me that if any suspicious persons should \isit his house before T left it that he woidd give me a wink and 1 could follow him, (the landlord.) He then said I will go in with you. On going into the room where the two gen- tlemen were sitting, the landlord addressed them in the following language, here is a boy who says he is a I'un a way from the old Jersey, ami wants dinmM* if you will consent for him to eat with you. Oh, yes, was soon the answer. The one "was an elderly gentleman, the other young and son in law to the former. The landlord soon left the room to atten\[i>vv of the Island, which \\a> [>a»ahh' for ])eoph^ ou foot and two inih's nuarcr Sai;' llai'- hour tliau the carriage roaut she soon commenced hei' examinations — tliis M'as di-ead- ful to me — meantime she infoi-med me that the male portion of her family iuid gone from home and were six miles off, and would not l)e at home tV)r several days to come. They had gone from iiome to peiform some kind of labour. She informed me that herself and that black boy (])ointing to one then present) were the only meudjers of the family then at home. The old lady again commenced asking me more questions and among them, " AVhere did you come from V " I have ran away from the old Jersey pi-ison ship." She then said, •' if you have ran away from tlie prison ship you IS'2 XAKKAIIVK. may stay/' I then went into the liouse and seated myself. She put nie many questions. I answere*! all she pnt me as well as I eoukl. .She (ordered the hhick boy to pre])are snpper which he did all l»nt preparing tlie tea wliieh was done hy herself. It was an excellent repast. I soon assunuMl drowsi- ness. And after some time the hlack l)oy was directed to li^ht a second candh' and 1 was con- diicted to an excellent bed. I was soon in sleep, and remained in bed the next morninu' nntil T heard the old lady and her black servant about the house. I arose from my bed and went down from tlie chamber. She was preparing breakfast. It was soon ready and I was invited to take breakfast with her which I did. The breakfiist was also excellent. I was about to I'esnme my travel, when the old lady took a handkerchief of her own and tied up full of cakes and cheese and said to me, you must take this with you when you go. I declined, saying I had got money and would soon be at Capt. Havens. "Well you will go over the sound in the night and you will be hungry before you get over, and you must take it." I took her handker- chief and contents, bid her good bye, with my NAKRAIIVE. 133 tliuiilvs fur lier kindiu'Sb aucl ^■euel■oi^ity. 1 went (Hi iij good spirit;^. In my nioniinii' travel I drew a contrast between my hostesses the day and eveniiii;- before. The one was h)yal to entluisiasni, and prayed f(»r the success of the British arms and the subjugation of the ])eople io their unhallowed j!ud)ition, and the confiscation of the property of all those jiatriots who had drawn the s\vord in defence of their rights; the other patriotie to the cause of civil liberty, and no sacrifices too great for the pur- pose of secui-ing freedom and independence. In the short space of eight liours both had ti'eated me \vith the most generous and unalloyecl hosjutidity. The former for the reason that, through fear her agency might send me bach into Xew York again into a loathsome and dreadful captivity, 1 had avowed myself to be in favour of the o})]iressive measures of the british crown towards my bleeding and suffering counti-ynieii. The latter because I had escaped from caj^tivity and from the power of these oppressors. I also concluded from an obser\'atiun which the latter made to me, after 1 had declined her liandkfM-chief and content> that she was well acquainted with the mode of ti'ade or traffic lie- 134 NARRATIVE. tweeii the people of Long Island and tliu&e on the main, and that she probably had been personally engaged in it. The observation I allnde to I will repeat. It was in tlie following words, "you will cross the sound in the night, and mhII be hungry before you get over.'' My reader will here under- stand that I have before mentioned that the whole of the territory on Long Island was under the con- troul of tlie l)ritish authority for nearly the whole period of the revolutionary contest. The two bel- ligerents carried on a smuggling trade with each other during the contest. The gold currency of the brirish was tempting to the patriotic merchants and farmers of Xew England, and the line fancy goods of the british invited the cupidity of many patriotic families in the aforesaid states — notwithstanding the loyalty of the british the ]»roducts from the farms of freemen were not unsavoury to their tastes. Hence the trade. The government authority used constant means to destroy this ti-aliic, (e-) The New England or continenlal governments employed small armed vessels which by the smugglers and others were sarcastically called " Shavino- Mills.'' The \i«i'ilance ot" the Shaviiio- Mills constrained the XARKATIVK. loo simiggjers to cross the f^oiuul t<. or from tlic ni.-iiii in the night. Hence tlie ohl lady's words addressed to me tliat i would cross the sound at uight. The smuggling agents were many of them females. This I learned by crossiug the sound three times in these smuggling packets. A majority of the pas- sengers Mere females on these occasions. It was four miles from the house where I had slept to the village of Sag Harbour. 1 soon travelled to it and called at the house of Capt. Havens. I mentioned to his family that I had seen him tlie day previ(nis and delivered to them the uu'ssage he had sent by me. There were no nudes al>out the House. I felt lonely. The family did not know me aiid I had been unck-r the necessity of calling their attention to the visit I had nuide three years before in com- pany with Sawyer and lioek. This circumstance made them recollect me but 1 did uot feel at home. I went into the street rather mute and convei'sed with no ])erson. While standing in the street, sometimes walking slowly about, I saw a small sldop lying at the dock. 1 concluded that she was a •• Sliaviug Mill" or a smuggler but dare m)t ap].roacli liei- for llio fcnr of being qiiestioncd hv 136 NAKKATIVK. some one on board or near her. Thus beino; in tlie street a female came in siglit- — she walked near me and I felt confident that I had been acquainted with her. I was well satisfied that she was the sister of my old companion John Sawyer, and at whose house Sawyer, Kock and myself had slept when I had visited this place three years before. I ad- dressed her by her name. She appeared surprised and inquired how I was accpiainted with hei*. I then mentioned having slept at lier house as before mentioned, with her brother whom 1 inquired after. 1 was then recollected by her. On my calling her tittention to the circumstance of having slept in her house wnth her Ijrother, the sympathies of her heart were called into action and her tender emotions very visible. She soon beckoned me to follow her which 1 readily did. We walked into an ally or lane between some bnildings, and from the observa- tion of any persons who might notice us in the street. Here she soon informed me the cause of her sympathies. They were excited by mentioning the name of her brother and inquiries for and concern- ing him. After she had partially sup})ressed her (Muotions. :^iie infnj'iiied me that he iiad died a tra- .nai:kati\k. vs: g'ic.il (It'atli aliout tliri^c' weeks hetore at sea. She related to lue the eireimi stances of lier l)rotliei'S tleatli. He liad l)eeii eiiiploved at or near liis lionie e\er since lie liad escaped from tlio ]\raidstone frigate, and returned home "svitli me, nntil the then present summer wlien he had sailed in an American privateer from the port of New Lo]idon (oh) — that about tliree weeks before, he had been ])ut on board of a ])rize the privateer had taken, as one of tlu^ })rize ci'ew. to navigMte tlie ])riz(> into some Ameri- can ])ort. That after the piM/e had (h>nl)led Mon- tank point (o') bound in. the captured crew of tlie prize had mutinied against the captors, subdued and kille;AKKAri\"K. 139 The inasler made me welcome, aiitl invited me l<> eat and driidv: M-ith him, and to take a bertli for the night in his cabin. The female friend tai'ried at the house where 1 had taken quarters until evenino;, Capt. Havens being her uncle. Evening- came on and we were called for — went on board, and the vessel set sail. I went into the cabin, took a berth, and went to sleep. All hands and the greater portion of the passengers ke})t the deck, a majority of the passengers being feinales. I slept sound until morning. On going upon deck, I found the vessel lying at a dock, no sail in sight, and no person on deck. I could not identify the place where the sloop lay. One of the hands soon came on board, and I inquired of him whether or not the place we had arrived at was Stonington. He smilingly answered, no, it is not Stonington. Have you not seen this place before. I answered, not to my knowledge. At this answer he laughed hear- tily, and said, you are just where you were when yon started last night — you look wild. I felt fool- ish, and asked, what does this mean. Oh, not much — we had a head wind nnd put l)ack last night — (lout be uneasy, for we shall start again l-iU X A It k A 11 VI. to iiiu'ht. and \\t- wilJ earrv yuu over sate and fref fnjHi expem-e. Vuu can r^tay on board to day or go to ('apt. Havens, but you must be ready at sunset. Before this ei.mversation 1 liad stepped on sliore, and as soon as I bad done this the surrounding- country and scenery appeared natural to nie, and 1 fully realized that 1 was again at Sag Harbour. My mistake had occuri-ed in consequence of my calculations that when I should awake from my sleep I should find Stonington or some other place on the main, and in addition to this, the bow of the sloop had been shifted on coming back to the dock, directly around from what it was when she had left it the evening before. Those who have had their heads turned by shifting the heads of vessels, being themselves on board, can readily account for this occurence. The person al)Ove mentioned kept around the sloop some time regulating the rigging. The rijxffinff indicated that some confusion had resulted on board the evening before, after I had " turned in." I observed this, and mentioned to the man — that the head wind the vessel had met with the evening before was a " shaving mill." He lauffhed. and said, liow do von know — you was NAKRATIVK. 141 sound asleep, and we were daimiM still. Oh, 1 cvei-oly afterward^ for sevei'al davs. as it made 144 XAKKATIVK. me very lame. As before mentioned I halted two miles from Providence. It was near a dwelling house and a barn near it. (") I determined to go into and sleep in the barn through the night — went into the yard, and discovered a man near me. 1 asked leave of him to sleep in the barn. Why not sleep in the house, was the question. 1 answered to avoid interrogatories, at the same instant informing him from whence I had come, and liow far I had travelled that day, and was weary. He then said, If that be the case you shall not sleep in the barn — you can as well sleep in the house as not, and you shall be as welcome as a lord if you have not a far- thing in the world. I told him I had money plenty which had been given me. He then said, dont talk about that, but come with me to my own house — you shall be well used. I told liim, I did not doubt that. This benevolent, warm hearted gentleman was a stranger to me before this but 1 now learned from him that his name was John Water num. (i.) After we had conversed some time and it seemed settled that I was to sleep in the house, and before walking into it, I mentioned to him that if he wished to inquire any thing ot' me with respect to n.ak'i;a ^l^'K. 145 iny cruise I wit^lied liini lu put lue into a private rooui. and witli as iiiauv (3tliers as he pleased. I would then relate all I knew with respect to it. But that he must be well aware that I had related my story over many times and that a repetition of it had become burdensome to me. I had before this told him the out lines of my stoiy. And he then observed, if you sailed with Capt. Christopher Whipple in the Brig, I know your cruise has been short. He knew both Ca})t. Whipple and the Brig. We now went into the house and took supper. He then took me into another room where I related to him the substance of what had taken place in my cruise. He then said, I know you are tired and wish rest. He shewed me a bed and retired. In the morning after taking a good breakfast Mr. Water- man accompanied me into the city. He shewed me the residence of Mrs. Whipple, the mother of Capt. Whipple, M'hom I had left in New York, and went with me to her house. I was under pai'ticular obli- gation to Mr. Waterman for his politeness in this instance for he saved me much interrogation. After leaving Mrs. Whipple, we parted, and he offered me money which I declined takino- from him. 1 146 NAKKATIVK. Avent iiiiinediatelv over tlie great bridge (td) which connects the city — tiii'ned on my left to the north, conversing with some boys whom I knew with respect to my cruise. A gentleman by the name of Olney Winsor, (to) then a merchant in Providence and since cashier of one of her banks, who over- he? rd my conversation with the boys, inquired for William Waterman before mentioned, M-liom he said was a brother or cousin of his wife. I told him the enterprize he had been engaged in with me, and the manner I had left him. He, (Windsor,) then said, he is miquestionably drowned. I then went to Smithfield, to the house of Obadiah Olney Esq. whose service I had left about three weeks before, and again entered his service, where I remained for some time. Thus closes my sea adventures. I have written these for the perusal of my children, grand children and their decendants(77), not with any ambition to literary fame — in which view I wMsh the reader to appreciate the work. NOTES. (i) Aakon Mason was the son of Aaron Mason by his wife Ruth, whose maiden name was Sanford, and was born in Swansey, Mass., on the 28th day of February, 1728-9. The father of Aaron, being a tanner and currier by trade, the son was brought up to the same occui)ation, and after his removal to Providence, R. I., he carried on the business at that phice for many years. During the Revohitionary war, Mr. Mason was a member of the Town Committee, and exerted some influence in that body. In the year 1781 he was one of the Proprietors of Whipple Hall in Providence. As a citizen he enjoyed the respect of the community for his strict integrity, and for the Christian purity of his life. He died in Provi- dence, on the 28th day of ISTovember, 1812, in the 88d year of his age. He was twice married, and had by his two wives, nine children, seven of whom survived him. (2) Capt. Mowry Potter was the son of Ichabod Potter,' of Cranston, R. I., a tailor by occupation. His mother's 14:8 NOTES. maiden name was Mowry. She was the daughter of a farmer of that name in Smithfield. She died in Vermont. Mowry, the subject of our sketcli, was a native of Cranston. In the year 1776, he was master of a small sloop, and in June of that year, was on his way from Surinam to Providence when his vessel was captured by a British tender. Tlie hands escaped in their boat. Oapt. Potter died at sea, at tlie close of the Revolution, by being struck with the boom of a brig, while on his way to the West Indies. At the time of bis death he was about fifty years of age. lie had several cliildren, who all survived him, and the youngest of them, a son, is still living. (3) In the early part of the Revolution, many privateers were fitted out at Boston and Providence to prey upon British commerce, and New Bedford, being the only port this side of the Chesapeake, that was not under control of the enemy, soon became a receptacle for the prize vessels taken by the Americans, and the town derived great benefit therefrom. This circumstance at length attracted the attention of Sir Henry Clinton, the British general, who, in the early part of September, 1778, despatched an expedition against it of about 4,000 men, under the command of General Grey. This force attacked the town, burnt about seventy vessels, between thirty and forty buildings, and destroyed public and private property to the value of $422,680. NOTF,9. 149 (4) The Spiiynx was a Britisli sloop of war, registered as a sixth rate, carrying 20 guns, anil was built at Portsmouth, Eng., in the year 1775. Her length of gun deck was 108 feet; keel 89 ft. 7% in. ; breadth 30 feet, 1 in. ; depth of hold 9 feet 8 in. ; tons, 430. She was one of the fleet that was fitted out for the reduction of Charleston, South Carolina. She was commanded by Capt. Anthony Hunt, embarked from Cork, Feby. 12th, 1770, with troops under Cornwallis, and arrived in America in the month of May. In June following she bore a part in the attack made by Sir Peter Parker upon Sullivan's island, where the British met with so signal a defeat. On this occasion, the Sphynx got aground, and lost her bowsprit by running foul of the Acteon, one of her companions, while the Acteon herself became entangled in the mud, and was set on fire by her crew to save her from capture by the Americans. On the 30th November, 1777, the Sphynx captured the Eagle privateer belonging to Dartmouth, and on the first of Decem- ber following, took the privateer Rover belonging to Salem. In 1778, she was commanded by Capt. Richard Graeme and was on duty off the coast of Rhode Island. In the latter part of the year 1779, being then under command of Capt. Robert Sutton, she was cai)tured after an engagement of an hour and a half, by the French frigate L'Ambuscade, in sight of Sir Hyde Parker's fleet at Barbadoes, and carried as a prize into the port of Martinique. She was afterwards retaken by Admiral Byron, and in 1782 was on home duty, her captain at that time being Thomas Totty, who became notorious for his 150 NOTES, adultery with Ann, wife of Walter Nisbett, by reason of which her husband obtained a divorce. In 1788, the Sphynx was not in commission. In 1793, she was commanded by Capt. Richard Lucas, and in the year following, being then still under his orders, she engaged and captured the French 18 gun brig Trompeuse, off Cape Clear, on the coast of Ireland. In the year 1795, the Sphynx was commanded by Capt. C. J. M. Mansfield ; in December of the same year, by Capt. George Brisac; in March, 1796, by Capt. J. W. Spranger; in February, 1797, by Capt. Andrew Todd; in March of the same year, by Capt. T. II. Coffin ; and in September following, by Thomas Alexander. In x\pril, 1799, she was commanded by Capt. W. Smith ; and in June following, by Capt. -James Oughton. In the year 1800, she was at Portsmouth, and in 1804, she was not in commission. She was broken up in the year 1811. (s) " New Yoek, December 22. — On Monday [Dec : 15] arrived his Majesty's Sloop of War the Sphynx, Anthony Hunt Es(^ ; commander ; she sailed from the Delaware the Beginning of November, as Convoy to the Harriot Packet, bound liorae to England, with Dispatches from J.iord and General Howe, with Col. Cuyler, on board, and left her the 11th ult. 300 Leagues to the Eastward in Lat. 43, all well. " The 30th of November, Capt. Hunt took the Eagle Priva- teer, belonging to Dartmouth, N. E. of 3 Carriage Guns, and 12 Swivels ; and on the 1st Instant, he came up with, and also took the Rover Privateer, belonging to Salem ; Neither of NOTES. 151 them had taken auy British Vessels, tho' they were h)ng from Port, and had but 09 Men on board both Vessels ; one a Schooner the other a Sloop; the former Capt. Hunt ordered to be burnt, and the latter sunk, but the Crews were brought in with the Sphynx. " The Eagle on her Cruize brought too a Brig from Liverpool for tins Port, and orde-ed her to strike to the Congress ; but by Means of some Threats used by the Liverpool Man, who had on'y one lu^.y Gun on boai'd, the Rebel Crew were afraid to board the Brig, and it being in the Night, she got cleor." Game's New YorTc Gazette and Weekly Mercury, Monday, December 22, 1 777. (o) Capt. Anthony Hunt, who was the first commander of the Sphynx, and who continued in command of her until the year 177S, was made lieutenant, Ai)ril 2, 1757, and was com- missioned as captain, January 10, 1771. lie commanded the Sphynx at the siege of Charleston in ihe year 1776, and in 1782 was first captain of tlie Diligente, of 70 guns, at which time Sir Thomas Pye, Admi al of the White, had his flag on board her. Capt. Hunt died in England on the third day of December, 1795. At tlie time of his death, he was second cai^tain of Greenwich Hospital. Another officer of this name, perhaps a son of the former, was made captain in 179:3, and was ai)pointed to the Aniphi- trite of 24 guns, and commanded her when she was lost. In 1794, he was one of Nelson's officers at the siege of Bastia. In 152 NOTES. 1V96, he commanded the Concorde of 36 guns, and while in her, being attached to the squadron of Sir J. B. Warren, assisted in the capture of the French frigate " LaVirginie," on the 20th April, and the prize having been added to the English navy under the same name, Capt. Hunt was appointed to com- mand her. The Virginie was a new vessel, mounting 40 guns, and was for years the fastest ship in the British service, and on account of her beauty, was used as a model for a long time. In 1798, Capt. Hunt sailed in the Virginie to the East Indies, with Earl Mornington, Governor General of India, as a passen- ger. Capt. Hunt died at Calcutta, in Bengal, Aug. 10, 1798. The following epitaph was inscribed on a very handsome tomb erected to his memory in the burial ground at Calcutta, where his remains were interred : — " Underneath lie the remains of Capt. Anthony Hunt, Late Commander of His Britannic Majesty's ship La Virginie, and Post Captain in the Royal Navy, who departed this life at Calcutta in Bengal, on the 10th day of August, 1798, after a short illness, in the twenty eighth year of his age; and who, at this early age, had acquired great honours in his profession, and the esteem and regard of all who had the honour of his acquaintance. By his death, the Navy has lost one of its brightest ornaments, and Society one of its most valuable members, for he lived greatly beloved and respected, and died universally regretted." (i) The "Cat-o'-nine-tails," or, as it is more briefly called, tlie "Cat," was a whip, having sometimes five, but usually NOTES. 153 uine knotted cords. With this instrument the soldiers and sailors were punished. This punishment was often of the most cruel kind. When inHicted by an expert, the thongs of the instrument would tear the skin in strips from the flesh, causing the blood to flow in streams from the unhappy sufferer. The earliest instance of this mode of punishment which we have been able to discover, was in the case of George Daw- son, a private in the 85th regiment, who, in the year 1763, received 300 lashes with a " cat-o'-nine- tails " at the halberts. The cat was used very freely during the Revolution, not only in the English navy, but in the American. It has been abolished by the latter for some years, but was in use among the former as recently as 1862. In that year there were 31,602 lashes administered in the navy and 5,999 in the army. In some vessels, well known and much avoided by the sailors, the lash was at that time in constant use. The names of these vessels were the Odin, the Neptune, the Mars, and the Bachante. The cat is, however, getting into disuse, as a general thing, in the English service since the Act restricting corporal punishment to a maximum of fifty lashes. Its effect, in most cases, was to ruin a good man and render a bad one incorrigible. An amusing anecdote relating to this mode of punishment, is well worth recording here. A captain of a British frigate, though of unquestioned bravery, had a natural antipathy to a cat, and could never hear the disnuiJ noise uf tliat animal 1 54: NOTFS. without evincing much uneasiness. On one occasion, while at sea, one of his sailors, who had been ordered a flogging, saved his back from chastisement by presenting to his com- mander the following petition, — " By your honor's command, A culprit I stand ; An example to all the ship's crew ; I'm pinion'd and stript, And condemn'd to be whipt, And if I am flogg'd, 'tis my due. A c«f, I am told, In abhorrence you hold — Your lionor's aversion is mine. If a cat with one tail. Makes your stout heart to fail. Pray save me from one that has nine.''' (b) The Highlamh of Natesinh^ are located in the county of Monmouth, New Jersey, extend along Sandy Hook bay for nearly five miles, and are much noted. The range is from three to four hundred feet in height, comes boldly down to near the water's edge, and is covered with a forest, in wliich deer and other game find a covert. Near the southern termination of the Highlands is Beacon Hill, on which the " Highland Light Houses" so called, are to be seen. They were erected during the administration of John Quincy Adams, and are the first beacons seen by vessels entering the port of New York. Latterly they have been 155 fitted up with new uiid improved lii^hts of French construc- tion, whicli are seen by the mariner at a distance of 25 miles. About a mile north of Beacon Hill is a locality known as Gravelly Point, where deep water is found near the shore. This is the spot where the British army embarked after tlie battle of Monmouth, and where the unfortunate Capt. Josliua Iluddy, of the American army, was barbarously murdered by a party of Loyalists under command of ('apt. Itichard Lippeu- cot, in the month of April, 1782. The proximity of this part of the county to New York, rendered it in the revolution peculiarly lial)le to the incursions of the British troops. Many of the inhabitants, although secretly favorable to the American cause, in order to secure their property from marauding parties of refugees from vessels generally lying off Sandy Hook, were compelled to feign alle- giance to the Crowai. (a) During the revolutionary war, the city of New York being under the control of the enemy from Sei)tcmber, I77'i, to Noveml)er, 1783, her harl)or was consequently the great ren- dezvous of the British fleet. The enemy's ships rode in triumpli in the bay, brought their jirizes hither, aud passed all seasons of the year here in safety. During the war of 1812, however, not so much as a cock boat belonging to that nation ventured to show its prow near Sandy Hook, a distance of no less than 27 miles from the city, althoui'li nuniliers of their armed cruisers were sailini:- u)miu 156 NOTES. the coast. The erection of the fortifications around New York inspired such a terror to the invincihle navy of England, that upon merely hearing of the erection of these works, those gallant tars, even witli their first rate line of hattle ships, did not dare approach within sight of the outermost of them. (lo) The Asia was a British ship of the line, registered as a third rate, carrying 64 guns, and was huilt at Portsmouth, Eng., in the year 17(14:. Her dimensions were as follows: Length of gun deck, 158 feet ; keel, 129 feet 6).< inches ; breadth, 44 feet 6 inches; depth in hold, 18 feet 10 inches; tons 1,364. In 1774, she was at Portsmouth, and was com- manded by Capt. Richard King. She was soon after placed under the orders of Capt. George Vandeput, and was on the American station at the very commencement of the Revolu- tionary struggle, having been sent out by Admiral Graves pur- suant to the suggestion of Lieut. Governor Golden, who thought the presence of a num of war in New York harbor would be the means of preserving order among the people, who were then much disaffected towards the mother country. The Asia arrived in the month of May, 1775, but instead of meeting the expectations of the authorities, her appearance here, overawing the jjopulace, had the contrary effect of ren- dering the excitement only the more intense. To such a degree did it arise that it became necessary to remove the troops from the barracks to her for safety, and while the embarkation was going on, several of the soldiers deserted from the service. NOTES, 157 liaving been inducecl to this course by oifers of large rewards, accompanied by liberal promises of protection. On the 13th day of July following, one of her boats was seized and set on fire, and another which had been ordered by the authorities to be built to replace the former, was secretly cut in pieces before it was fairly completed, thereby rendering the substitu- tion of another necessary, which was, however, secured against any future attempt at destruction. On the 23d day of August, the sons of Liberty, under Cai)t. Isaac Sears, removed all the guns from the battery under Fort George, in s])ite of a severe fire from the Asia, then lying off the city. This can- nonade caused a return from the shore, in conseciuence of whicli she had one of her men killed. The conduct of the Asia upon this occasion rendered her still more obnoxious, and to such a height did this feeling arise, that a boat which took a supply of milk to lier was burnt on its retui-n to the shore, while a country sloop wliich carried her some pro- visions met with the same fate. In consequence of threats having Ijeen made to burn the city, the public records were placed in tlie Ducliess of Gordon, anotlier vessel that had arrived, and wlien threats were made of boarding and cap- turing that ship, tlic records were moved to the Asia, and slie continued to be their custodian initil her departure from tlie city. While the Asia lay in our harbor, she \\as the common receiving ship of all the tories of ctmsecpience, and among those who sought her protection were William Tryon, (Gover- nor of Xew York, and Kev. Myles ('o()j)er. President of Kings, 158 NOTES. HOW Columbia College, both of whom had become distasteful to the people by the unpopularity of their sentiments and acts. In the montli of January, 1776, her commander declared his intention to cannonade and burn New-York, but was defied by General Lee, and wisely forebore to carry his threat into execution. While the Asia lay in the East river, about this time, slie had on one occasion, under the cover of her guns, a British sloop, laden Avith provisions. The American troops were tlien suftering much from want of proper clothing and the necessaries of life, and Captain Nathan Hale, whose subsequent fate is well known, formed the bold design of cap- turing this sloop and bringing her and her cargo into the harbor of New York. lie soon found some kindred spirits, and at dead of night, the time agreed upon, the little band of adventurers rowed silently, in a small boat, to a point near the sloop, dro])ped their oars, and there waited for the moon to go down. As soon as it was dark, and all was still save the voice of the watchman upon the deck of the Asia, they pulled away for the sloop, sprang aboard, hoisted sail, and brought lier into port witli her crew in the hold, and without the loss of a man. This exjiloit, so happily conceived, and so success- fully executed, was long and loudly applauded, and the daring leader distributed the goods of his prize, to feed the hungry and clotlie the naked troops. The Asia was one of the vessels which under command of Sir Peter Parker, were ordered to bear a part in the battle of Brooklyn, but owing to the tide, were unable to render much service. After the defeat of the NftTES. 159 Continental forces, she mid two other vessels went up the North river, but were rouglily handled by the American bat- tery at Powle's Hook. A ship, so noted and detested, natu- rally attracted the attention of Capt. Silas Talbot, who made an attempt on her destruction by means of a fire ship. From near Fort Washington, he proceeded cautiously along, at two o'clock on tlie morning of the 16th of September, and soon brought up alongside of the enemy with his craft in a blaze, but lingering too long he was badly burned, although he effected his escai)e to the Jersey shore in safety. Tlie Asia managed to extricate herself from the impending peril, and returned to the city at daylight the next morning, but, in the language of the papers of the day, ''she came down, much faster than she iceni up, she and her consorts having nar- rowly escaped destruction hy four of our fire ships that ran in among them,:'' While the Asia was stationed off New York, she also very narrowly escaped being blown up by means of an ingenious American contrivance. Several bar- rels of gunpowder were put on board a small vessel which is said to have purposely thrown herself in the way of one of the Asia's tenders. In one of the barrels was an alarum or piece of clock work, which being wound up previous to its being put into the barrel, was arranged to go oft' at a distant period, and by means of a musket lock attaciied to it, would tire the gunpowder which surrounded it. Tiiis barrel, on being taken into the magazine of the Asia, would have set fire to the whole store, and thereby blown u|) the vessel. This 160 NOTES. scheme, although ingeniously conceived, was frustrated how- ever by the sagacity and prudence of Captain Vandeput, and the terrors of one of the American prisoners who was on hoard the ship at the time, and in the secret. In the montli of January, 1777, being then still under Vandeput's orders, the Asia sailed from Newport for England, with General Clinton on board. A frigate accompanied her on the voyage. On her arrival home, she was immediately put into dock for re- fitment and repair, and when she came from the dock, A'ande- put again took command of her, and sailed in her to the East Indies, where she had been ordered on duty. In May, 1781, she was in St. Augustin's Bay, Madagascar, homeward bound from tlie coast of Africa, where she had been serving. In tlie year following, she was again in active service, sailing from Portsmouth under the orders of Capt. Richard Eodney Bligb, and was one of the fleet under Admii-al Lord Howe, whicli sailed for the relief of Gibraltar and had a partial action with the combined French and Spanish fleets off Cape Spartel, on the coast of Barbary, on the 20tb day of October of that year. In the following month she was cruising under Bligli ott:" the Irish coast, was afterwards at St. Helens, and in tlie year 1786 was undergoing repairs at Chatham. In March, 179.3. Capt. John Brown was appointed to command her, and he was suc- ceeded in October, 1794, by Capt. John McDougall. The Asia was at the Assault of Fort Bourbon, afterwards Fort George, by Vice Admiral Sir John Jervis on tlie 2(ith Marcli, 1794, on which occasion she was ordered to cover tlie landing of the NOTES. 1<)1 troops, but in consequence of the incapacity of her i>ih)t, she was unable to reach lier station or bear the part assigned her in tlie operations of the day. In June, 1795, she was the flag ship of Rear Admiral Thomas Pringle; in May, 1796, Capt. Robt. Murray was appointed to command her; in 1798 she was still under his orders, as she was also in 1800. In the latter year she was at Halifax, and was the flag ship of Vice Admiral Vandeput, her former commander. lu the year 1801 she was under the command of Capt. John Dawson. In the latter part of 1803 she was not in commission, and being soon after condemned as unfit for further service, she was accordingly broken up in the course of the succeeding year. Mr. Hawkins is in error in regard to the Asia being the vessel in which he was confined as a prisoner. (rEORCiE Vandeput, the commander of the Asia while she was on the American station, was the son of Sir George Vandeput, who in 1747 was engaged in the memorable contest with Lord Trentham, afterwards Earl Gower, for the repre- sentation of Westminster — a contest by which his large for- tune was considerably impaired. Sir George, who was the son of Peter Vandeput, and grandson of Sir Peter Vandeput, was made one of the five searchers of the port of London, by patent dated April 20, 1777. His first wife was Francis, daughter of Baron Augustus Schutz, of Shotover House, near Oxford; she died at Chelmsford, May 21, 1771. His 162 NOTES. second wife was a Miss Philadelphia Grey, to whom he was married August 19, 1772. Sir George died June 17, 1784. His son, the subject of this sketch, served as a midshipman on board the Neptune, at the siege of Quebec under Saunders, and was appointed a lieutenant Sept. 24, 1759. After the peace, he was sent to Senegal as commander of a guard-vessel stationed there, and on his return he was made commander April 17, 1704. On the 20th day of June 1765, he was raised to the rank of captain and appointed to the Surprize of 24 guns. In the year 1767, he moved to the Carysfort, of 28 guns, a new frigate just launched. He was afterwards on duty for tliree years in the Mediterranean sea, and in 1770 was apppointed to the Solebay, of 28 guns, cruising for the same period of time on the home station. He subsequently commanded the Thames of 32 guns, and in 1774 was appointed to the Asia of 64 guns, and ordered to North America. He remained here about three years, returning in the beginning of the year 1777, and on his arrival home his vessel was ordered into dock for refitment and necessary repair. He continued in command, however, and when she came from the dock, he sailed in her to the East Indies, where he remained some years. In the beginning of 1781, he returned to England, with a fleet of East India ships under his convoy, and after being a short time unemployed, he was at the beginning of the ensuing year appointed to the Atlas of 98 guns, then newly launched. As soon as his ship was ready for sea, he was ordered to join the Channel fleet, wliioh, in the month of Sep- NOTES. !<;;] teinber, proceeded to the relief of (iibraltar. In tlie skirmish which took place with the combined fleets of France and Spain, on the 20th of October, and at wliich Capt. Vandeput was, of course, present, the Atlas had two men killed, and three wounded. On the return of the fleet, he quitted tiiis command, and peace following soon after, he was appointed to the William and Mary yacht. At the commencement of the ensuing summer, he moved to the Princess Augusta, a vessel of the same description, and shortly afterwards jjroceeded in her to the Elbe, for the purpose of conveying thithei-, Priiice Edward, the fourth son of King George the third. C;ii)t. Van- deput held the last mentioned command till he was advanced to the rank of a flag oflicer, which took ])lace on tlie 1st Februar}', 1V93, in consequence of which he became Rear Admiral of the Blue. Soon after this he hoisted his flag on board the Saturn of 74 guns. On the 12th April, l7!»-t, he was made Rear Admiral of the Red, and on the 4th July fol- lowing, was advanced to the rank of Vice Admiral of the Hlue. In May, l79o, he was in the Jupiter of 50 guns, and was appointed to command a squadron or division in the armament which the irruption of the French into Holland rendered it indispensably necessary to keep stationed in the North Sea. On the 1st June he was advanced to Vice Admi- ral of the White, and in the interim moved his flag into the Leopard, a ship of the same force with the Jupiter. He was subsequently at Plymouth, in the absence of Sir Rlcliard King, and, in 1796, was on the coast of I'ortugal. In 1797, he moved 1 B 1 NOTES. to the Resolution, of 74 guns, and proceeded in her to Halifax, Nova Scotia, having been invested with the North American command, which he filled with diligence and credit. In 1799, he was advanced to the rank of Admiral of the Blue, and sub- sequently moved his flag to the Asia, of 64 guns. He con- tinued on the Halifax station till his death, which occurred at Halifax in the month of March, 1800. He was succeeded in office by Vice Admiral Sir William Parker, bt. Admiral Vandeput was a plain, unatfected, manly character, and was well acquainted with his profession. He was also a judicious critic in the ai'ts, and a great admirer of pictures, particularly those on nautical subjects. In private life, he was esteemed for good sense, intelligence, and moral worth. The family of Vandeput was descended from an ancient stock in the Netherlands, and was founded in England by Henry Vandeput, of the city of Antwerp, who fled from his native country to escape the persecution of the dnke of Alva. (ii) Capt. Potter, notwithstanding the glaring exhibition he had given of his cowardice and of his unfitness to com- mand, seems nevertheless to have retained the confidence of his employers, as we find by the following extract: "Pkovidence, June 29. — On Thursday [26th] Captain Mowry Potter, in a sloop, arrived here from Gaudaloupe, after a passage of 25 days." Pennsylvania Packet, July IG, 1782. NOTES. 165 (i-i) The Maidstone belonged to the British navy, was regis- tered as a sixtli rate, carried 28 guns, and was built in the year 1758. In 1759, she was under conunand of Capt. Dudley Digges, carried 200 men, and was one of the fleet under Sir Edward Ilawke, jjarticipating in the action oti:' Belle-isle, November 20th of that year, when the French under M. Con- flans sustained such a signal defeat, having four capital ships destroyed, one taken, and the remainder so disabled, that the naval power of France was for some years effectually crushed. We next hear of the Maidstone, in I7fi4, when she was com- manded by Charles Antrolius, and when she lay in tlie harbor of Newport for several months. Here she gave great dissatis- faction to the people by lier arbitrary course of impressing seamen from vessels entering the harbor, as well as in taking them from the boats and small craft in the bay. On one occa- sion she boarded the brig Africa, which was entering the port, and pressed her entire crew into the British luival ser- vice. The atrocity of this act roused at once the public indig- nation, and a mob of 500 men and boys, exasperated by the affair, seized one of the boats of the Maidstone from the wiiarf where it lay, pulled it on shore, and after dragging it through the streets to the common in front of the C\)urt House, consigned it to the flames, amid the shouts of an immense crowd which the occasion had brought together. This movement was so secretly concocted and so suddenly carried into effect, that the public authorities had no ojipor- tunity to interfere. In 1771, the Maidstone was on the Ports- 166 NOTES. inouth station as she was also in 1774. In the year 1775, she was under the command of Oapt. Alan Gardner, and con- tinued under his orders for three years. On the 15th day of December, 1777, she arrived in New York from England with a large convoy, liaving on her passage hither taken no less than four American vessels. On the 9th March, 1778, she was spoken witli by another British vessel in lat. 38, long. 62, and had then taken 5 prizes and burnt them. On tlie 21st April following, she took the sloop Greenwich, of 12 guns and 50 men^ having the day previous taken and burnt another, and on the 24th of the same month she captured the brig Ranger, a valuable prize, owned by Cajjt. Tracey of New London. On the 3d November following, while cruising off the Chesapeake, eastward of Oai)e Henry, she discovered the French frigate Lyon of 40 guns (12, 0, and 4 pounders), Capt. James Mitchell, and made chase for her, and about S}.^ o'clock the next morning, succeeded in getting along side. An action commenced, which was maintained with great spirit on both sides for upwards of an liour, when the Maidstone, having received much injury to her sails and rigging, was reluctantly compelled to heave to and repair damages. At noon the same day, she again brought her opponent to action, and at 10 o'clock P. M., compelled lier to surrender. Tlie Maidstone, of a crew of 190, had 4 killed and Capt. Gardner and 8 of his men wounded. The Lion had a crew of 216 men, of wliich there were 8 killed and 18 wounded. She was a valuable prize, being crowded with merchandize, having about 1500 NOTES. 167 hhds. of tubiieco on board. In this engagement both ships were very considerably damaged in their masts, sails and rigging, and when the Lyon struck, she had several feet of water in her hold. The Maidstone was cruising on the American station for nearly all the period of the Eevolutiou, and made many cap- tures of American vessels, causing many a ])rave man a long and painful confinement on board the British prison ships. In 1782, she was under the orders of Capt. "William Parker. In the year 1786, she was at Woolwich, and in 1788, she was commanded Ity Henry Newcome. She was under the orders of Capt. Matthews in 1798, and she appears to have been broken up in the course of the following year. Her place was supplied by another vessel bearing the same name, but carrying 32 guns. (n) This word is probably used in the sense of "hand money;" something like the "king's shilling,'' which was given to the new recruit ui)on his enlisting in the army, and which was supposed to bind the bargain. It is derived, probably, from the active verb "cope," to cover, to spread, etc.; one definition of which, but now obsolete, is "to reward, to pay," as in Shakspeare — " In lieu whereof. Three thousand ducats due unto the Jew, We freely cope your courteous pains withal." Merchant of Venice, Act IV., Scene I. 108 NOTES. (14) At the time spoken of, there were no less than four hidies in Providence by the name of Crawford, all of whom were, or had been, married. The one referred to by our author as the person with whom the boy Jacob Good had resided, was most probably the widow of .Joseph Crawford. This gentleman was born in the year 1712, and died January 1, 1776, at the age of 64 years, 7 months, and 20 days. He was the owner of a large landed estate in Providence. His widow, whose maiden name was Susannah Bernon, was born in 1715, and resided in Providence to her death, which occurred on tlie 18th day of February, 1802, at the age of about 87. She had an independent fortune, and the buy Good was most likely a servant in her emjiloyment. (15) Alan Gardner was born in Uttoxeter, in Staffordshire, England, April 12tli, 1742. His father, William Gardner, was an Irishman by birth, and was bred to the profession of arms, and rose to the rank of Lieut. Colonel in the 11th Regiment of Dragoons. He came from Coleraine, and settled in England, wliere he married two wives, by the second of whom he had no less than twelve children. Alan, the subject of this sketch, after receiving all the benefits that could be derived from a provincial education, was destined for a naval life. He com- menced his career as a midshipman on the 1st day of May, 1755, on board the Medway of 60 guns, Capt. Peter Denis, and belonged to that ship when she took the Duke d'Aquitane. He was afterwards in tlie Dorsetshire, of 70 guns, under the NOTKS. 1 09 same coiniiiandcr, uiid was in that vessel when slie took tlie Frencli 04- gnn-sliii) Raisonnable. lie was also in the Dorset- shire in tlie general engagement off Belle-isle, between the English and French fleets, commanded by Sir Edward Hawke and Marshal de Conflans, on the 20th November, 1759. lie was made lieutenant, March 7, 1760, and while acting in that rank on board the Bellona, Capt. Robert Faulkner, was present at the capture of the French ship Le Courageux, of 74 guns, after a desperate struggle, on the 14th Aug., 1701. He was made commander, iNIarch 12th, 1702 ; was promoted to the rank of captain, May 19, 1760, and shortly afterwards ap- pointed to the Preston, of 50 guns, the flag-sliip of Rear- Admiral Parry, who was sent out as Commander-in-Chief of the Jamaica and Windward Island station. This was a period of peace, in which few opportunities offered for distinction, and we have therefore nothing to record of Capt. Gardner during the time he continued in the Preston, which was about two years. Towards the end of the summer of 1768, he moved into the frigate Levant, of 28 guns, and continued on the Jamaica station till 1771, when he returned to England. He remained unemployed until 1775, when he was appointed to the frigate Maidstone, of 28 guns, and sent out, probably at his own request, to his former station, the island of Jamaica. The American Revolution having broken out, Capt. Gardner was ordered, in the Maidstone, to cruise off the coast of America. On the 3d day of November, 1778, he captured, off Cape Henry, the French ship Lyon, of 40 guns, and 216 men. 1 70 NOTES. after an obstinate engagement. On this occasion he had 4 men killed and 8 beside himself wounded of a crew of 190. On the 22d of December following, he arrived at Antigua with his prize, and shortly afterwards was promoted to the Sultan, of 74 guns, as successor of Capt. "Wheelock, who had died a short time before. In the action off Grenada of Byron with D'Estaing, July 6, 1779, he was present and fought his ship with great bravery, having 16 of his men killed and 39 wounded- Capt. Gardner soon after this was ordered with his vessel to Jamaica, and in the following year he returned to England with a convoy. After remaining a short time out of commis- sion, he was, towards the end of the year 1781, appointed to the Dnke, of 98 guns, one of the ships ordered to reinforce Sir Geo. Rodney's fleet in the West Indies. He arrived at his station, and by his gallantry contributed very materially to the victory won on the 12th of April, 1782, over the Count de Grasse. In this engagement Capt. Gardner's ship was next to the Formidable, the flag-ship of Lord Rodney, and Avas the first to break the French line, thereby deciding the fortune of the day. During one period of the action, the Duke, the Formidable and the Namnr, had to sustain the fire of eleven of the enemy's ships, and their loss of men was proportionately great. On board the Duke, there were 13 men killed and 60 wounded, and among the latter were one of the Lieutenants, the Master and the Boatswain. Having returned to England, Capt. Gardner was on the 8th Sep.t., 1785, appointed Com- mander-in-Chief on the Jamaica station. He hoisted his NOTES. 1 71 board pennant on i)u:inl tlie Etiropa, of 50 i^uns, .l.-nr^^ Vas- hon, Captain, and oontinued at Jamaica tor tliree years, when he returned to England, and in 1790 was api)ointed to tlie Courageux, of 74 guns. On the 19th of January of that year, he was made a Lord of the Admiralty, and in the same year was chosen one of the representatives in Parliament from tlie borough of Plymouth. On the 1st February, 1793, he was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral of the lihie, and the war with France having now broken out, he was sent to the "West Indies, whence he returned in September followinu: with a large fleet of merchantmen under his convoy, and the fol- lowing year he was made Rear Admiral of the White. In the engagement by Lord Howe with the French fleet, on the 1st June,ll794, a day which has since been, and ever will be memorable in the annals of Great Britain, Admiral (iardiier commanded the Queen, of 90 gnns, and how effectually he contributed to the glory of that day, is stated in the des- patches of the Comraander-in-Ohief. Here he lost his caji- tain, the brave John Hutt, also three of his lieutenants, a mid- shipman, and had 36 men killed and 67 wounded. For his services on this occasion, he was apjjoinfed Major-CJeneral of Marines, and raised to the rank of Vice Admiral of the Blue, and his name was included in all the votes of thanks and con- gratulations from public bodies on the siiarers of that hard- fought action. In common with his colleagues, he was pre- sented by the king in person with a gold chain and medal, and honored with the title of a baronet of fireat Britain. On 172 NOTKS. the 1st June, 1795, the anniversary of tlie glorious victory, he was appointed Vice Admiral of the White, and on the 23d of the same month was second in command in the engagement of Lord Bridport with the French fleet off Port L'Orient. At the general election in 1796, Admiral Gardner was returned member of parliament from the city of Westminster, and having moved his flag to the Royal Sovereign, of 110 guns, he soon after commanded a squadron in the Channel. On the 14th February, 1799, he was made Admiral of the Blue, and in the following year appointed commander-in-chief of the Irish coast. On the 23d December, 1800, he was created a peer of Ireland, by the title of Baron Lord Gardner, of Uttoxeter, and a short time before his death he had command of the fleet in the Channel. Lord Gardner died at Bath, in England, on the 30th day of December, 1808, in the 67th year of his age, and was succeeded in his titles by his eldest son, Hon. Alan Hyde Gardner, since also an admiral in the British navy. (ib) James Vashon was the youngest son of Rev. J. V. Vashon, Rector of Eye, etc., and was born about the year 1742. He entered the navy as a midshipman under Sir George Corn- wall, in 1756, and in 1777 was lieutenant in the Maidstone, under Oapt. Alan Gardner. He became Commander, August 5, 1779, and in 1780, was in the sloop Alert, and in the latter part of that year captured and carried into Jamaica, two schooners, besides the American letter of marque Race Horse, from Beverly. He was made Captain, April 12, 1782, and in NOTES, 173 the following year commanded the Sybil, of 28 guns, at Jamaica, lie was subsequently appointed to the Europa, of 50 guns, the flag-ship of Alan Gardner, on the same station, in which ship the gallant Capt. Duff, who fell at Trafalgar, was his first-Uentenant. During the Spanish and Russian arma- ments, Captain Vashon commanded the Ardent, of 64 guns, and at the commencement of the war with the French Republic, the St. Albans, of the same force. In that vessel he proceeded to Gibraltar with the fleet, under Lord Ilood, and returned thence with a convoy, after which he escorted the trade to the West Indies. In tlie summer of 1795, lie moved into tlie Pompee, of 80 guns, stationed in the channel. On the 16th June, 1797, he returned to Spithead, in consequence of a most dangerous conspiracy among his crew, which was, how- ever, discovered before it was ready for execution. A court martial was immediately assembled to try six of the principal mutineers; when the charges having been proved in the clearest manner against four of them, they were sentenced to suffer death. On the 28th two of these unhapi)y men were executed on board the Pompee, and the other two received the Royal pardon. In the spring of the year 1799, Captain Vashon moved into the Neptune, of 98 guns, and was sent to reinforce the fleet in the Mediterranean, under Earl St. Vin- cent, on which station he remained, however, but a few months. Early in 1801 he took connnand of the Dreadnought, a new 98 gun ship, and after cruising for some time in the channel, proceeded off Cadiz, and to Minorca, where he con- 1 74 N( )TEB. tinned until the summer of the following year. Toward the latter part of 1803, he was in the Princess Royal, of 98 guns, stationed at the mouth of the Southampton river, to guard that place, and the west end of the isle of Wight, in case of an invasion. He was promoted to Rear Admiral of the "White, April 23, 1804, and in 1805 was raised to Rear Admiral of the Red, and about the same time, appointed to command the naval force on the coast of Scotland, under the general orders of Lord Keith. He proceeded to Leitli, where he hoisted his flag, and remained there till the latter part of the year 1808, when he was relieved by Sir Edmund Nagle. Previous to his relinquishment of the above command, the only one, we believe, enjoyed by him as a flag-oflicer, the Masters and Brethren of Trinity House, at Leith, unanimously conferred on him the freedom of their corporation, and presented him with an elegant silver snuff-box, with the following inscription engraved upon the lid : — " Presented to James Vashon, Esq., Vice Admiral of the Blue, by the Trinity House of Leith, November, 1808." Li the year 180G, he was made one of the Commissioners of Naval Enquiry ; A[)ril 28th, 1808, promoted Vice Admiral of the Blue; and June 4, 1814, raised to Admiral of the White. Admiral Vashon died at Ludlow, in Shrop- shire, England, Oct. 20, 1827, at the age of eighty-five years. His funeral was attended by Earl Powis, Lord Clive, Hon. R. H. Clive, Rear Admiral Balland, Col. Bromley, and others. An excellent portrait of deceased, engraved in mezzotinto by John Young, from a painting by George Watson, is extant. NOTKS. 175 Admiral Vaslion left one son, Rev. James Volant Vashon, A. M., Rector of Sharpe, in Worcestershire. (n) Abigail Hawkins, the wife of Ilezabiah Hawkins, and the mother of our hero, was a native of Rhode Island, and was born in the town of Smithfield, in the year 1745. Her maiden name was Abigail Patt. Her father was for many years a resident of Smithfield, but finally moved to Newport, Herkimer Co., N. Y., and died there. After the war Mrs. Hawkins moved with her husband to Newport, N. Y. They belonged to no church, but were nevertheless very worthy people, and were much esteemed for their integrity. Mrs. Hawkins died in Newport, N. Y., about the year 1805. She had 13 children, all of whom lived to be men and women. (it-) We think Mr. Hawkins is in error in regard to the name of this officer, as we do not find it among any list of English naval officers which we have examined. We find T. Sal. Richards appointed lieut. Nov. 12, 1777. Richard Leggett " " '' 30,1778. Richard Raggett " " Dec. 15, " and Richard Retalick " " Sept. G, 1779, but we find no Richard Richards. (la) The frigates of tlie Revolutionary time were usually vessels varying from 600 to 1000 tons, and rarely carried on their main deck batteries, guns of a metal heavier than 18 176 NOTES. pounders. There was usually no spar deck, but the forecastle and quarter deck were connected by gangways, with gratings to cover a part, or even all of the intermediate space. The armaments above were light sixes, nines or twelves, according to tlie respective rates, but were commonly of trifling amount. The Maidstone carried 28 nine-pounder guns. (20) Prize money was usually divided into eight equal parts, and was distributed in the following proportions : captains to have three-eighths, unless under direction of a flag-officer, who in that case was to have one of the said three-eighths; captains of marines and land forces, sea lieutenants, etc., one-eighth ; lieutenants of marines, gunners, admirals' secretaries, etc., one- eighth ; midshipmen, captain's clerk, etc., one-eighth ; ordi- nary and able seamen, marines, etc., two-eighths. (21) Burgoyne's surrender on the 17th of October, 1777, was an event at once startling and incredible to the British public. It was the severest blow which their army in America had yet sustained, and coming as it did, at the most critical moment in the fortunes of the colonies, it had tlie important ett'ect of determining France to ally her arms and influence witli the cause of American liberty. Those who have had an opportunity of reading the British newspapers, magazines and letters of that day, will easily recognize in the incredulity of the crew of the frigate Maidstone, as related by our author, a fair example of the sanguine expectations and not;:s. 177 confidence which \vituring nearly 100 1 78 NOTKS. cannon, besides a large quantity of other stores. This was tlie first expedition of the infant American navy, and was very successful, the vessels all returning with tlieir booty in safety. On the return of the Columbus, she was one of the vessels that made an unsuccessful attack on the British ship Glasgow, Capt. Tyrhingham Howe, off Block Island. Tlie Columbus was afterwards placed under the command of Capt. Hoysteed Hacker, and was under his orders at the time spoken of by our author. She is believed to have had a gun-deck battery of eighteen long nine pounders. She was a clumsy, crank ship, and did not prove herself a very good sailer. Capt. Hoysteed Hacker was a native of Rhode Island. In 1702, he sailed with Capt. Joseph Crawford of Providence, in the privateer Revenge, which vessel was captured on its cruise by a French frigate. In the year 1770, lie commanded a packet, and in the month of April took as a passenger from Newport to Providence, the late President of the Rhode Island Historical Society, John Howland, Esq., then a boy of 13, and on liis way to Benjamin Gladding of Providence, to whom he had been apprenticed to learn die business of liair dressing. At the time when Congress was organizing a navy, attention was called to Capt. Hacker. He was appointed by that body a lieut., Dec. 22, 1775, and on the 10th Oct., 1776, was commissioned as captain. In command of the sloop Providence, of 12 guns, he captured a number of valuable prizes. In November, 1770, he took a shi]i from England NOTKS. 179 bound to Quebec, with 12,000 suits of rlotliing, 4,000 stands of arms, besides a qnantity of powder and otlier warlike stores. In 1778, he commanded tiie Cokimbus, and in endea- voring to get to sea, was chased on sliore at Point Juditii, on the 2yth March, by tlie frigate Maidstone, and the next day his vessel was burnt by the enemy. In the spring of 1779, ]je captured tlie British sloop Diligent, otf Sandy Hook, after a sharp action. In July of the same year, he was engaged iu the Penobscot expedition, where liis vessel, tlie Providence, was lost. In 1781, lie commanded tlie private armed ship Buccanier. and sailed from L'Orient in France, Nov. 3, arriving at Boston in December following. After the war, Capt. Hacker took up Ins residence in tlie city of New York, where he kept a boarding house for a few years, and until the death of his wife in 1794. He was for a long time and' until his death, a pilot for vessels sailing through Ilellgate. lie was one of the original members of the New York State Society of the Cincinnati, having been admitted at it¥i organization. He died in the month of July, 1814, His wife died Feb. 4, 1794, and was buried in Trinity church yai-d in this city. A tomb- stone was erected to her memory, and it is still to be seen in that cemetery. The stone, which is a plain one, bears the fol- lowing inscription ; ^' I/i Memory of Mary Hacher, Wife of Capt. Eoysteed Eacler, who departed this Life^ 9th FeVry, 1794, aged 4:^ Years:' (24) Newport, April 2.—" Last Friday night [March 28] the 180 NOTES, Eebel frigate Columbus, of upwards of 20 guns, attempting to pass the Narraganset passage, she was early discovered and warmly saluted by his Majesty's ship Somerset; whose guns apprising the Commodore that a vessel was attempting to get out, he immediately dispatclied the Maidstone and Diamond frigates to intereejjt her at the passage. They were soon judiciously disposed for that purpose, which the rebels dis- covering, thoy thought it most i)rudent to run her ashore upon the Main. Tlie wind suddenly falling, prevented the frigates from destroying lier till towards evening, when it was etfected by the Lieutenant of the Maidstone, who boarded her under a very severe fire from the shore. An armed galley which was sent from hence, was particularly useful in covering the boats." Pennsylvania Ledger, Saturday, April 25, 1778. Providence, April 4. — " On Friday night, last week, [March 28J Capt. Hacker, in tiie ship Columbus, attempting to pass the enemy's shipping in the Bay, to proceed to a neighboring fort, whither her guns and stores were to have been transported by land. A brig, bound for the West Indies tluit had sailed the same evening, was perceived by the enemy's upper sliip, which tired signal guns, when two frigates immediately got under way, and intercepted the Columbus ofl" Point Judith. Capt. Hacker finding it impracti- cable to pass them was reduced to tlie necessity of running tlie sliip on shore near the point, where her sails and the greatest part of her rigging were saved. Next day the NOTES. ISl frigates and a giiHt'.v drew near, and liegan a brisk tire from their cannon and nuis(jnetry ; it was retnrned from the shore with such etfect, that a boat, full of men, which the enemy had sent to fire the ship, was beat otf, and it is thought with some loss, as several of the hands were seen to fall. Towards evening the galley, under cover of the frigates, run in and set fire to the hull, which was burnt. We sustained no loss (»t men, though the firing continued several hours. The brig above mentioned got safe to sea." Gaine's New York Mercury, Monday, May Is, 177n. (25) Capt. John Burroughs Hopkins was a native of Rhode Island, and was born on the 14tli day of September, 1742. He was the son of Commodore Ezek Hopkins, the commander- in-chief of the American navy, and was a nephew of Stephen Hopkins, who was at one time Governor of Rhode Island, and subsequently one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Capt. Hopkins was one of the prominent leaders in the destruction of the British schooner Gaspee, in Narragansett Bay, on the night of the Oth June, 1772. In tlie year 1776, he commanded the ship Cabot, and was in the expedition against New Providence. In an action with the British ship Glasgow, that took place on this cruise, he was severely wounded. In the month of October following, he was appointed to tiie frigate Warren, of 32 gun^, one of the two vessels ordered by Congress in 1775, to be built at Providence. He continued in 182 NOTES, command of her until the Penobscot expedition in 1779, when Dudley Saltonstall was appointed. Gapt. Hopkins was made Captain of the Cabot by resolution of Congress, Dec. 22, 1775, and Captain of the Warren by resolution of Oct. 10, 1776. He died at his residence in North Providence, R. L, on the 5th day of December, 1796, at the age of 54 years, 3 months, and 21 days; and his remains were interred in the Hopkins' Burial Ground, at that place. His widow died about the year 1820. (ie) Goverxor's Island was called by the Indians, Pag- ganck, and by the Dutch, Nooten Eylandt, or Nut Island, on account of the quantity of nuts found there. It became after- wards a perquisite attached to the office of Governor of the province of New York, from which circumstance it derives its present name. It is situated in the harbor of New York, 3,200 feet South of the Battery, and covers about 70 acres of ground. It belongs to the United States government, and is used as a military station. On the N. W. point of the island is Castle William, a round tower, 60 feet in height, and 60 feet in cir- cumference, with 3 tiers of guns ; on the summit of the island is Fort Columbus, in the form of a star, mounting 105 heavy cannon ; and on tlie S. W. part is a battery commanding the entrance through Buttermilk channel. The above fortifications, when fully garrisoned, would requii-e 800 men. There are e.xtensive barracks, with houses for the officers, occupied by a small garrison. NOTES. 183 (27) It is really surprising what extreme ignorance is dis- played by Englishmen in regard to the history and geography of this country. Even among the higher classes, where one would, from their rank and pretension, naturally expect some intelligence shown, we find, on the contrary, the most glaring exhibitions of a truly pitiable lack of the most ordinary points of information. Even at this day, in this enlightened age, we see numerous instances of this, of not only occasional, but we may truly say, of almost every-day occurrence. One of Britain's own distinguished sons, well and favorably known for his high sense of justice as well as for his high attainments, in alluding to this subject, expresses himself with as much candor as lamentation, in the following emphatic words : " There is a newspaper published in Loudon, read by every- body, but I have marveled, at the ignorance which it has betrayed of the geographical features of this territory. In one article recently, there was a river of 580 miles of internal navigation, to which the largest river in this country is a mere rivulet, and it was made to turn up hill any number of miles into another river, and these two rivers cemented, were made to fall into a third river, into which neither really pours a drop of water. Now, there is a real danger in the ignorance of what, for want of a better term, I may call the ruling classes of this country — there is a real danger from their total ignorance of everything relating to America^ and you may get into difficulties from this igno- 184 NOTES. raiice, wliicli may cost iiinch narioiial dishonor to est'upe tVoin. If T were a rich man, I would endoic a profesiplk was in the year 1778 one of the owners of the sloop Two Pollies, whicli in October was sent witli a cargo of goods to the Mississippi river for disposal to the settlers there, and which was boarded, while there, by some Spanish soldiers, who, under force of arms, took pos- session of the vessel, and stole a part of her cargo. Capt. Whipple subsequently ai)plied for compensation for the loss lie had incurred. In the year 1775, the Council of Safety, of Rhode Island, ordered two vessels to be chartered, manned and equipped, to protect the trade of the colony, and appointed Christopher Whipple to command the smaller one, but he declining, Capt. John Grimes was appointed in his place. In the year 1776, Capt. Whipple conmianded the pri- vateer brig Putnam, and about October captured a ship bound from Nova Scotia to Jamaica, laden with fish, boards, spars, etc. In January, 1777, he was on his way from Turks Island to Newport, in a vessel richly laden. He was pursued by two British cruisers, and in endeavoring to escape from them, he was compelled to run his vessel on Point Judith shore, when 190 NOTES, the enemy seized his sliip, set it on fire, and departed. Capt. Whipple having in the meanwhile obtained assistance, the fire was extinguished, and a part of the cargo saved. He after- wards applied to the General Assembly of Rhode Island for relief for the losses he had sustained on this occasior. (as) Tlie harbor of Newport, for several years previous to actual hostilities, was occupied by his Majesty's ships. They were stationed there to enforce the revenue laws, and to sus- tain the authority of the king. After the destruction of the sloop Liberty in the harbor, in 1769, and when tlie hostility of the colonies to the acts of the British ministry became more fully developed, the number of these vessels was increased, until, at length, a whole squadron of men-of-war were stationed in the bay. In the spring of 1776, however, the enterprise of American saitjj*"!? Biade the hai'bor so hot a berth for the British, that they were obliged to abandon it in haste, and during the following season, a large number of privateers were fitted out from this port and Providence, which captured from fifty to one hundred valuable prizes. Early in Decem- ber, a British fleet and army took possession of the harbor, and though threatened by D'Estaing's French fleet in 1778, maintained their hold upon the place until the autumn of 1779, when Sir Henry Clinton recalled them to New York, in anticipation of an attack upon that city by the allied military and naval forces of America and France. On the 10th day of July, 1780, the large and powerful fleet, under the Chevalier NOTES. 191 de Ternaj', and an artny under Count de Rochambeau, arrived at Newport, and remained there until near tlie close of the war. (37) The Amphitrite (so named from Amphitrite, the god- dess of the sea, wlio was the daughter of Oceauus and wife of Neptune,) was a coppered line-of-battle ship, belonging to the British navy, registered as a sixth-rate, carrying 24 guns, and was built in the year 1778. In the month of October, 1779, she was under the command of Capt. James Montague, and was cruising oft" the coast of Spain. In 1780, she was under the orders of Capt. Robert Biggs, and was one of the squadron that sailed for America, under Rear- Admiral Thomas Graves, on the 17th day of May of that year. In the year following, she sailed from Sandy Hook in Admiral Graves' fleet for the Chesapeake. In October, 1782, in company with another vessel, she took two brigs with lum- ber, a ship witli silks from Bilboa, and a privateer schooner, as well as retook two brigs from Virginia, laden with tobacco. She returned to England at the restoration of peace, and was wrecked in the Mediterranean sea, in the year 1793, by striking upon a sunken rock. Tier crew were saved. At the time of her loss, she was under the command of Capt. Anthony Hunt. Capt. Robeet Biggs, who commanded this vessel at the time spoken of by our author, was made Lieutenant, August 1 92 NOTES. 7th, 1761; niised to Commander, Jiinuary 10, 1771; and obtained post rank, March 18, 1778. In 1771, he commanded the Grace, an armed cutter, and in 1774, tlie sloop Favorite, of 16 guns. He was afterwards in command of the Lively, of 20 guns, and remained in her till she was taken by the French in 1778. In 1780, he was appointed Captain of the Amphi- trite, of 24 guns, and ordered to America. lie was a Eear- Admiral of the White in 1795, and a Vice-Adrairal in 1799. He died at Catisfield, Hants, on the 11th day of July, 1803. At the time of his death, he was senior Vice- Admiral of the White squadron. (ae) Tlie Medea (so named from Medea, the daughter of ^etes, King of Colchis, and wife of Jason,) was a coppered line-of-battle sliip belonging to the British navy. She was registered as a sixth rate, carried 28 guns, and was built in the year 1778. She came to America in 1781, arriving at New York in the month of July, and shortly after- wards sailed from Sandy Hook for tlie Chesapeake, in the fleet of Thomas Graves, Rear Admiral of the Red, at which time she was commanded by Capt. Henry Duncan. In the montli of August, being in company with the frigate Amphi- trite, she took tlie American frigate Belisarius, of 20 guns, and soon after captured the Brig Mariamne, of 16 guns. In the month of December following, she made a prize of the privateer Black Princess, of 24 twelve-pounders and 170 men, commanded by tlie noted McCarty. She afterwards NOTES. 1 93 sailed for England, bearing despatches tliitlier from Rear Admiral Graves. In 1782 she was under the orders of Capt. Erasmus Gower, and was sent to ludia, where she was used as a store-ship to the army of Gen. Sir Eyre Coote, in his expe- dition to Pondicherry. On the 29th September she sailed for Bengal, and had as a i)assenger Gen. Coote, who was seeking a change of air for the recovery of his health, then much impaired. On tlie 16th January, 1783, she captured the French ship Chaser, of 20 six-pounders; and subsequently, by a bold attack, made a i)ri7:e of the Vryheid, a Dutch East India ship, pierced for 64 guns, but mounting at the time only 32. Previous to taking the Vryheid, the Medea had, on the 3d February, very narrowly escaped capture herself, the cover of night, together with a thick haze which ])revailed at the time, being all that saved her from two French frigates off Pondicherr}', that got Avitiiin hail of her before she discovered them. In the month of July, tlie Medea was dismantled and converted into a flag-of-truce, and ordered to convey a i>art of the council of Fort St. George up to Cnddalore, to treat with De Bussy, the French general, as to terms of pacification^ Capt. Gower being commissioned by Sir Edward Iluglics to act in the same cajjacity in regard to the naval department, between himself and Mons. de Sutfrein. In December, the Medea left India, and on her voyage home, she encountered, otf the Western Islands, a dreadful gale, in which she lost her main and mizzen masts, and was otherwise so materially damaged, as to be in the most perilous condition. Her masts 194 NOTES. went overboard, wherebj' 36 of her crew employed aloft were instantly precipitated into the sea, but were, with one excep- tion, eventually rescued. After being refitted as well as cir- cumstances would admit, and when the gale had somewhat moderated, she again proceeded on her course to England, and arrived at Spithead without further accident, on the 7th day of January, 1784. In the year 1786 tiie Medea was under- going repairs at Portsmouth, and in 1788 was not in commis- sion. She appears to have been broken up or otherwise dis- posed of previous to the year 1798. Oapt. Henry Dtjncax, who commanded the Medea at the time spoken of by our author, was made Lieut., September 21, 1759, promoted Commander, May 26, 1768, and raised to the rank of Captain, Feb. 7, 1776. In August, 1777, he was the first Capt. of the Eagle, of 64 guns, the flag-ship of Lord Howe, and co-operated with Sir William Howe in his operations on the Delaware. In August, 1778, he was on duty in this vessel off the coast of Rhode Island in presence of the French fleet. In 1781 he commanded the frigate Medea, of 28 guns, and. while cruising off the Delaware in the month of August, he fell in with and captured the Belisarius, a frigate of 20 guns and 147 Tnen, Capt. James Munro; and soon after made a prize of the Brig Mariamne, of 16 guns, Capt. Christopher Whipple. In June, 1782, he was second Captain of Admiral Lord Howe's flag-ship Victory, and was cruising in the N"orth Sea; and in October following, was at the relief of Gibraltar. NOTES. 195 At the age ot 6(5, after a lite of hard service, it fell to his lot to achieve a victory, which excited the gratitude of his country, and gained him the honors of the Britisli peerage, by patent, Oct. 30, 1797. Capt. Duncan died at Cornliill, Durham County, England, on the 4th day of August, 1804, while on his way from London to Edinburgh, at the age of about 73 years. (33) Among the American vessels taken by the J5ritisli ;it this tune, and noticed in the papers of the day, appear the following : " The Belisakius, of 2-1 guns, Capt. Munro, from Salem, (•aptured by his Majesty's frigates, the Amphitrite, Medea, and \'irgiiiia privateer belonging to Messrs. Shedden & Goodrich. " The Brig Makiamne, Capt. Whipple, of 16 guns, by his Majesty's frigate, the Medea." Gaim's N. Y. Gazette, Mon : Aug. 20, 1781. Rivington's Gazette, Wed : Aug. 22, 1781. The Brig Maeiamke, on her arrival at the port of New- York, was sold at public auction ; and for the gratification of the reader, we here present a copy of the advertisement of sale, taken from one of the papers of the day : " Public Auction, by McAdam, Watson & Co. This day at 1 o'clock at the Coffee House, Will be Sold, The vdluahle privateer prize Brig Mariamne, with all her tackle and apparel as she now lies at Hallet's Wharf, mounts 12 carriage guns, well found in every necessary store, a prime sailor, a new vessel, and well calculated for a privateer or merchantman. Inventory to be seen on board, or at their office." Rivington's Gazette, IVed : Aug. 22, 1781. 196 NOTKS. (40) The " Belisaeius " was a new and beautiful American privateer ship, frigate built, and of the newest construction. She was of about 500 tons burden, and mounted 20 nine- pounder guns. On her tignrehead was a representation of the famous Roman general from whom she took her name, and the decorations about her stern, quarter-galleries, etc., were emblematic of that great and virtuous character. She was very roomy, and her accommodations were excellent, having a spacious ward-room and steerage, with state-rooms adjoin- ing. She was commanded by Capt. James Munro, and was fitted out, and bound on a five months' cruise against the enemies of the United States. She sailed from the port of Boston, on the 13th May, 1781, on her first cruise, and was captured about the middle of August following, by tlie British frigates Amphitrite, Capt. Robert Biggs, and Medea, Capt. Henry Duncan, who were sailing in company with the priva- teer ship Virginia, Capt. Hazard, belonging to Messrs. Shed- den & Goodrich, of New York. Previous to her capture, the Belisarius had taken as prizes, a schooner, a brig laden with rum, sugar and coffee ; and also another schooner, laden with salt. Being a very fine vessel, a swift sailer, and in every respect well fitted for her purpose, she was, soon after her capture, converted to the King's service, and placed under the charge of Capt. Richard Graves, a relative of Thomas Graves, Rear-Admiral of the Red, then in command of the fleet. We find the following call for seamen to man the Belisarius, when about to sail under NOTES. 197 Royal colors, publih^hed in the government papers of the day: "All Gentlemen Volunteers, WUETUER ABLE OK ORDINARY, "T^THO are willing to serve their King and Country, and enrich themselves with the Treasure of their Enemies, on Board His MAJESTY'S Ship BELISAKIUS, one of the most elegant and perfectly well appointed Frigates of her size in the universe, carrying 24 Six and Nine Pounders, commanded by Richard Graves, Esquire, are desired to repair on Board the said ship, at the King's Yakd ; where every able Seaman will receive a Bounty of Three Pounds; and every ordinary Seaman or able bodied Landsman, Forty Shillings, be entered Into present Pay, and receive the most generous Encourage- ment. The Ship is fitting out with all expedition. God save the King." Rivington, Aug. 29, to Sept. 12, 1781. The Belisarius, after being turned against her former friends, cruised along tlie coast for tlie remainder of the war, doing great damage to the Americans by capturing their ves- sels, and subjecting their crews to imprisonment. In January, 1782, she took the Venus, with a valuable cargo; and in May following, captured the sloop Chance, of 12 guns and GO men, from Providence, Capt. Daniel Aborn ; also, the brig Sampson, from New London, of 16 guns and 120 men, Capt. D. Brooks; and likewise the sloop Swordfish, from Warren, Conn., com- manded by Cai)t. Charles Collins, and laden Avith lumber. In June of the same yeai", she ran a large privateer brig of 18 tons ashore near New London, and in the same month captured 198 NOTKS, the Pilgrim, a privateer from Xew England, mounting 18 gnns, Capt. H. Crary, Laving 100 men on board. In Feb., 1783, -while returning from a cruise to St. Augustine, she fell in with two privateers, one of which was the Tartar, carrying 20 nine-pounder guns, and the other the Alexander, of 22 nine-p(.)unders. An engagement took place, in which, although the Belisarius became much injured in her bowsprit and fore- mast, yet she beat her two opponents, causing the Alexander to flee for safety, and bringing the Tartar safely into the port of New York. In this action the Belisarius had three of her men killed and four wounded. The Belisarius remained under the command of Capt. Graves until the restoration of peace, Avheii she was sold in the country, as were also others of the British privateer ships. Capt. James Munro, who was the first commander of the frigate Belisarius, was, we believe, a native of Rhode Island. On the 7th .June, 177<), he arrived in Providence from a cruise, in which lie had retaken two sIoojjs from Edenton, X. C, laden with lumber. These vessels had been taken by the Acteon frigate, and were then on their way to Antigua, to be adjudicated. Ca[)t. Munro sent his prizes to Ilispaniola. In 1778 he commanded the private ship of war Blaze Castle, of 24 guns, and while on a cruise in May of that year, was captured by the British frigate Unicorn, and he and his crew taken to Halifax, Xova Scotia, where they were confined in the Jail of that place. In the montli of September following, Cai't. ]\[nnr() NOTES. 199 was exchanged, and retnnied lionie. We next hear of him in May, 1770, when lie arrived in Providence from South Caro- lina, having while on a cruise been taken by Capt. Chambers, of the privateer brig Gayton, from Jamaica, and carried to New Providence, but treated with humanity, and subsequently released. In 1779 he commanded tlie brig Saratoga, of Provi- dence, and on the 25th August of that year, in company witli the ship Argo, Capt. Silas Talbot, captured the Britisli priva- teer cutter Dublin, Capt. Phoenix Fagan, of 14 guns, and on the next day took tlie brigautine Chance, bound from London to New York, with a valuable cargo of provisions and stores for the British army in America. While on this cruise, Capt. Munro retook a privateer scliooner, of eight guns, formerly tlie Harlequin, of Salem, and a schooner from Connecticut, loaded with lumber. Tliese prizes were all brought safely to poi-t. (.)n tlie 28th of tlie same month, he was captured by the Britisli, and placed on board one of the prison-ships at New York. His stay there, was, however, but short, for on the Gth October following, he made his escape, in company with a number of others, •uul arrived safe again at Providence, on the lOtli of tlie same month. In 1780 he commanded tlie ship Gen. Washington, owned by John Brown, of Providence, and sailed in her from that port on the 18th May, on a cruise, from wliich he returned on the 27th July. This vessel was shortly after commanded by Capt. Silas Talbot, and wliile under him was taken by Admiral Arbuthnot's fleet, and named the Gen. Monk, and in 1782 was retaken by the Jlyder Ally, Capt. 200 NOTES. Barney, of Baltimore, when her old name was restored to her. In the year 1781, Capt. Munro commanded tlie Belisarius, a new frigate just launched at Salem, and sailed in her from Boston on the 13th May, on a cruise, an account of which will be found in our sketch of that vessel. In August following, he was captured by the enemy, and taken to 'Sew York, where he was confined with his crew on board the prison-ship Jersey. Of his subsequent history, we have, unfortunately, no account, nor are we able to give the time of his death. Capt. Silas Talbot, who knew him well, and who was with him in action, says " 7is was a irave man^ and as honest as he teas 'brave.'''' Capt. Richard Graves, who commanded the Belisarius while she was in the British service, was the son of a clergy- man, and the youngest of four brothers, all born in Derby County, England, who went to sea at an early age, and after long service, became post captains in the English navy. The subject of our sketch was made Lieutenant, Dec. 24, 1775, and was promoted to the rank of Captain, Aug. 29, 1781. During the Revolution, while on his way to New York, with des- patches, in the Swift, a leaky brig of 16 four-pounders and 35 men, with four feet water in her hold, and her pumps choked, he engaged a vessel, of 18 six-pounders and 120 men, wliich he beat otf, although twice aboard of each other during the action. When beaten back, in an attempt to carry the Swift by boarding, his opponents left thirty of their pistols on the deck of the British vessel. The Swift was too much water- NOTES. 2Ul logged to make pursuit, even liad lier force been such as to have warranted Capt. Graves in so doing, and the Bhinde frigate, Capt. Berkeley, whicli fell in with her on the follow- ing day, was obliged to keep her company until she arrived at the entrance of New York harbor, when she sunk. In this action, Capt. Graves received a severe wound. In August, 1781, he was appointed to the Belisarius, a new frigate, just captured, and his services while in her will be found in our sketch of that vessel. On the termination of the war, the ser- vices of Capt. Graves being no longer required, he, with many other gallant officers, was obliged to retire from active duty, since which time he was not atloat. On the 18th June, 1804, he was raised to the rank of a Rear-Admiral ; and much against his own will, and much to the shame and disgrace of the British government, was placed upon the superannuated list. Our officer married Louisa Carolina, daughter and sole heiress of Sir John Colleton, bart , and had by this lady one son and three daughters. His son, Samuel Colleton Graves, Esq., who was lieutenant-colonel of the West Norfolk regiment of local militia, and a member of the society of the Middle Temple, was the author of several political pamphlets, published under the signature of "Ulysses." Of his daugliters, the eldest became the wife of T. Radcliffe, Esq. The second was the lady of Baron Vandersmissen, who was a lieutenant-colonel of ^'artillerie an chevaV in the service of the king of the Netherlands, and also a chevalier of the Legion of Honor and of the order of Wilhelm. The third daughter was united in 202 >OTES. Dec, 1819, to her i-elative, Lieutenant-Colouel >SIr James K. Colleton, bart. Capt. Graves was still living in 1824, and resided at that time in Brussels. His wife died on the 25th day of December, in the year 1822. (41) The " Jersey.'' The first vessel by this name whicii we read of in English history, was one which, in 166(3, was commanded by Francis Digby, second son of George, the second earl of Bristol, and which, on the 15tli Sept. of that year, drove ashore and burnt four French vessels on their own coast, one of the vessels being a frigate, mounting thirty guns. In the year 1688 this ship was still in service, being then commanded by Capt. Beverley, and doing duty in the Channel fleet. On the 26th December, 1701, a frigate, carrying 48 guns and 226 men, and called the Jersey, a successor to the vessel just named, sailed from Spithead for America, having as a passenger to New York, Edward Hyde, by courtesy styled Lord Cornbury, who had just been commissioned by the king as governor of that colony, and was then on his way to assume the duties of the oflice. On the 3d May, 1702, the frigate arrived at her destination, and while the governor was yet on ship board, several merchants and others who were then in exile, delivered to him the original addresses by which Col. Nicholas Bayard and Capt. John Hutchins had been convicted of high treason, and for which they had been condemned to suffer death. While the Jersey frigate lay in the poi-t of New York, the small pox raged fearfully in the city, aud many per- NOTES. 2(>3 sons died of the disease. To siicli an extent did tlie epidemic prevail, that in ten weeks' time no less than 500 persons, of eacli sex and of all ages, became victims to the fell destroyer. Among-these deaths were some men of note, and among these was Capt. Robert Stapleton, of the Jersey, a man who was as popnlar in his deportment as his cliaracter was above reproacli. This lamented officer died on the 25th September, 1702, and Eobert Rogers, the 1st lieut., sncceeded him as Commander of the frigate, then the gnard-ship of tlie colony. Unlike his predecessor, Rogers was nnpleasing. Tenacious of his opinions, he hated contradiction. He was, moreover, negligent in his duties, and perhaps even indolent anxl incompetent. Several vessels, laden with provisions on account of the crown, lay at this time in Pennsylvania and Carolina, and Rogers was ordered to convoy them to Jamaica, their place of destination. Instead of proceeding at once to the duty, he delayed his departure from time to time, excusing himself at one time that the ship w.is unrigged; at another, that he wanted powder; and when that was supplied, that he needed something else; and again, when, through his negligence, some of his crew had deserted and fled to Long Island and Rhode Island, he com- plained that he had not a comi)lement of men to make his ves- sel serviceable. Finally, winter coming on, and cold weather setting in, he was compelled to move at last into Kipp's Bay, where he was laid up the whole season by reason of the ice in the East river. At length he went to Philadelphia, but he refused to obey the governor's orders to stoj) at Carolina, 2(.U NOTES. whereby great loss was incurred by the crown; and havhig, before his departure, arbitrarily impressed seamen from mer- chant vessels into his service, his course in that matter ruined the entire summer trade of the colony. Thougli clearly amenable to law, the governor having no adequate power over his majesty's ships, was unable to arrest his course, or jranish him as he deserved ; and Rogers did, therefore, pretty much as he pleased. In November, 1704, John Nanfan, late Lieiit.- Governor of the colony, having incurred some obligations, which he found himself unable to meet, and dreading arrest and imprisonment, fled with the few clothes on his back, leav- ing all his other effects behind, and sought refuge on the Jersey, and in a miserable and impoverished condition, was taken by her to England, whither the frigate, much to the joy of the people, immediately sailed, bearing despatches from T>ord Cornbury to the Lords of Trade in London. We next hear of this vessel in 1708, at which time she was under the orders of Captain (afterwards Admiral) Edward Vernon, and was one of three sail of the line which under the command of Capt. John Edwards, sailed in that year to the West Indies, to reinforce the squadron under Sir Charles Wager, then admiral on that station. The Jersey arrived there on the 24th July, but on account of the approach of the hurricane season, she does not appear to have been ordered to sea till January, 1709. The reinforcement of which she formed a part, had been sent out in consequence of intelligence that a powerful squadron, under that enterprising and successful French officer, Du Guai NOTES. 205 Trouiii, was likely to attack the British coininerce aud posses- sions ia that quarter ; but the alarm which this intelligence excited having now subsided, Sir Charles dispatched several vessels of his fleet to cruise against the enemy, and among them was the Jersey ; and her captain, while on this service, distinguished himself greatly, not only for his activity and enterprise, but for his vigilance and success. The first month he was at sea, he captured a Spanish sloop laden with tobacco ; retook from the French a Guinea ship, with 400 negroes on board ; captured a strong 400-ton merchant ship, of 20 guns, laden principally with cocoa and wool ; and took, off the northern coast of Cuba, a small vessel of 100 tons, laden witii sugar and indigo. In May, 1711, "while on a cruise to the windward of Jamaica, he fell in with and captured a French ship of 30 guns, and a crew of 120 men, and on the 20th Feb. of the following year, ran another of 20 guns on shore, where she went to pieces. The Jersey, however, while on this sta- tion, was chiefly employed as one of the squadron of Commo- dore Littleton, in ascertaining the force, and watching the movements of the enemy in the port of Carthagena, and was thus engaged until the peace of Utrecht, when she returned to England. Of her subsequent history, we have unfortunately no account. We have been, perhaps, rather prolix in our account of this frigate, but considering that she was the first of her name that sailed in our waters, that she lay even in our harbor, aud is therefore connected with our liistory, she has an interest which we conceive will procure for us the leniency 206 NOTES. at least, if not the absolute pardon, of our readers. This frigate was succeeded by another of tiie same name which we read of in 1727, as carrying 50 guns and 677 men, and the latter vessel was tlie immediate predecessor of tlie -Jersey, so well known as a prison-ship. Having thus given some acconnt of what we may be permitted to call the ancestry of the sub- ject of our memoir, we will now direct our attention to the vessel, which at this time comes more immediately and par- ticularly in our line of duty. The Jersey of our Revolution- ary history, so noted, so detested, and in the zenith of her career of shame by many a brave man so feared, was origin- ally a British line-of-battle ship, and probably no ship in the English service, or in the service of any other country, was the cause of more distress than she, or was the scene of more brutality and squalid wretchedness. Slie was built in the year 1736, on the bottom of the 50-gun frigate, and was the successor on the New-York station of the 48-gun frigate before mentioned. She was registered as a fourth-rate, carried 60 guns, and bore for her figurehead the image oi a lion. Her first sexwice appears to have been about the year 1738, when she was one of the fleet under Sir John Norris, stationed in the Channel. In the year following she was under the com- mand of Capt. Edmund Williams, and was on duty in the Mediterranean sea, being one of the fleet stationed there under Rear-Admirals Nicholas Haddock and Sir Chaloner Ogle, to protect the commerce of Great Britain from tlie aggressions of the Spaniards, and tlie year after slie returned to England. NOTES. 207 Intelligence having been received about this time that a strong squadron of Spanish ships of war were at Ferrol, waiting for orders to i)roceed to the West Indies, Sir John Norris sailed shortly after with a powerful fleet, of whicli the Jersey was one, to dispute their voyage, but after various fruitless efforts, he was at length compelled, by contrary winds, to lie inactive at Torbay the greater part of the summer. Finally, having received advice that the French and Spanish squadrons had sailed in company, the design against Ferrol was thereupon abandoned. In this expedition the Jersey occupied the centre division in line of battle, whicli division was under the com- mand of Sir John Norris himself. We next hear of the Jersey in January, 1741, at which time she was on duty in the West Indies, having been one of tlie ships sent out there from St. Helen's, on the 2Cth October, 1740, under Sir Chaloner Ogle, to reinforce the fleet of Edward Vernon, the commander on that station. At this time she was under the orders of Capt. Peter Lawrence, and had a crew of 4(l0 men. In the unsuc- cessful expedition against Carthagena, by Admiral Vernon, whicli took place in the month of March, 1741, the Jersey was one of the fleet cooperating with the army under Gen. Went- worth, and in tlie attack upon that place on the 9th of the month, she was in the van division in line of battle. On this occasion she was the flag-ship of Sir Chaloner Ogle, and was under the immediate orders of the commander-in-chief. In the month of March, 1743, Capt. Ilarry Norris was api)ointed to command her, and in Jan. and Feb., 1744, she formed one 208 NOTKS. of the fleet of Sir John Norris, his father, having joined him in the Downs. After this, Capt. Xorris was promoted to the Prince Frederick of 74 guns, and Charles Hardy, subsequently Governor of New York, was made Captain of the Jersey in his place. On the 9th June, 1744, this officer was appointed Governor of tlie island of New Foundland, with the port of Placentia, and all its dependencies, a position which he filled, however, only to the termination of the year. On his return home, some of the ships of his convoy having been captured by the enemy, his conduct became the subject of a court- martial, which was held on the 2d February, 1745, and which terminated in his honorable acquittal. Capt. Hardy continued in command of the Jersey, and during that year we find him on duty in the Mediterranean sea, in the fleet stationed there under William Rowley, Vice-Admiral of the "Wliite. While thus employed, he distinguished himself by the following very gallant) exploit: On the 26th July, while on a cruise oflf Gib- raltar, when near the Strait's mouth, he fell in with the ^t-Esprit, a French ship, mounting 74 guns. An engagement at once ensued, which continued from half-past six to nine in the evening, when the ^'^.Esprit, being much disabled, having lost her foremast and bowsprit, and 20 of her crew killed, bore away for Cadiz to refit, and is said to have sunk the next day. The Jersey, being also much crippled, was unable to pursue her opponent, and accordingly proceeded to Lisbon, to repair damages. In the years 1746 and 1747, Capt. Hardy served in the Mediterranean, under Henry Medley, Rear-Admiral of the NOTES. 209 White, but whetlier he continued in command of the Jersey to tl.e termination of tlie war, is somewhat uncertain. In the year 175fi, upoii a rupture witli France, we find the Jersey again fitting for sea, she having tlien a crew of 420 men. In the year 1757 slie was placed under the orders of Capt. John Barker, and in tlie month of May slie was one of the squadron that was sent out from England to the Mediterranean, under the command of Henry Osborne, Admiral of the Blue, with instructions to cruise between Cape de Gatt and the Spanish port of Carthagena, to prevent the French fleet, then at Toulon, from proceeding to Xorth America, to the relief of Louisburgh, against which the English had sent an expedition. She was, therefore, present on the 28th February, 1758, at the capture of the Foudroyant, of 80 guns; the Orphee, of 64; tlie Oriflamme, of 50; and the Pleiade frigate, of 24 guns, com- posing the squadron of M. du Quesne, at the time he attempted so unsuccessfully to reinforce M. de la Clue, who had slipped out of the port of Toulon, and was then with his fleet blocked up by Admiral Osborne, in the harbor of Carthagena. In 1759 the Jersey comjwsed one of the fleet under Admiral Bos- cawen, which was engaged in watching the movements of M. de la Clue, who had returned to Toulon, and was then seekmg an opportunity to proceed to Brest to join the grand fleet, commanded by M. Conflans, at that port. To prevent the junction of these fleets, and to endeavor to discomfit that of M. de la Clue, were the principal objects of Boscawen's expedition. He accordingly cruised ofl' Toulon for some time, 210 J^fOTES. and in order to force the French adnnral to an engagement, he used every stratagem and offered every provocation that his ingenuity could devise. Finding, however, that no artifice could move De la Clue from his purpose, Boscawen deter- mined to put his patience to a stronger test and a more decisive trial. He accordingly gave orders for the CuUoden, of 74 guns, Capt. Smith Callis ; the Conqueror, of 74 guns, Capt. Rohert Ilarland ; and the Jersey, of 60 guns, Capt. John Barker, to proceed to the entrance of the harhor, and either cut out or destroy two of the enemy's frigates, then juoored there under cover of the batteries. The execution of this hazardous and daring attempt was entrusted to Capt. Callis, who had, on a previous occasion, guccessfully conducted a similar enterprise with singular intrepidity. On the present occasion, he behaved with equal skill and gallantry ; but the strength of the enemy's position rendered all his efforts wholly ineffectual. "When the English ships approached those of the enemy at the mouth of the harbor, the former were imme- diateh' assailed by a heavy fire, not only from the ships and fortifications, but from several masked batteries on both sides of the entrance. The English supported this unequal contest for upwards of three hours with great obstinacy, when Capt. Callis, seeing no probability of success, and finding his own ship almost entirely disabled, was at length compelled to desist, and having made the signal for recall, his ships were towed off by the boats of the fleet. In this arduous service, the Cul- loden had 16 men killed and 26 wounded; the Conqueror NOTE8. 2 1 1 2 killed and 4 wounded; and the Jersey 8 killed and 15 wounded. These ships being all very much cut up in sails and rigging, the Admiral thought it prudent to repair to Gib- raltar to have them refitted. Of Boscaweu's subsequent engagement with the French fleet on the 18th August, 1759, resulting in tlie complete defeat of the latter, and the glorious victory of the former, as the Jersey was not one of the vessels engaged, it is needless to enlarge, further than to say that the result of the action eftectually dispelled tlie magnificent schemes for the invasion of England, with which tlie French minister had for some time before amused the military ardor and romantic spirit of his countrymen. On the promotion of Smith Callis to the rank of* a tiag-oftlcer, Capt. Barker suc- ceeded him in the Culloden, and at the close of 1759 or the fore part of 1760, Andrew Wilkinson succeeded Barker in the command of the Jersey. Under Capt. Wilkinson, the Jersey sailed from England on the 28th May, 1760, and formed one of the fleet in the Mediterranean, under Vice- Admiral Sir Charles Saunders, until near the termination of the war. when she again returned to England. In the year 1766. William Dickson was commissioned to the Jersey as Captain to Sir Richard Spry, who was appointed Commodore and Com- mander-in-Chief of the small sciuadron in the Mediterranean. Sir Richard hoisted his broad pennant on board, and continued in her until the year 1768, when she returned home. John Orde^ afterwards Sir John Orde, bt., and Vice-Admiral of the White, served on this cruise as a junior oflicer, under Capt. 212 NOTES. Dickson, with wlioin he commenced his naval career in 1766. In the latter part of the year 1768, Ave find the Jersey stationed at Plymouth, where she was probably undergoing repairs. On the 3d day of June, 1769, Hon. John Byron, grandfather of the poet, was appointed Governor of New Foundland, and two days after, he hoisted his flag on l)oard the Jersey, then still under the command of Capt. Dickson, and sailed in her to that colony. Soon afterwards she again returned to England, when she was laid up, and we hear noth- ing more of her for some time. Having become old and much impaired, the Jersey, at the commencement of the American revolution, was deprived of her armament and converted into a hospital ship. She was placed under the conmiand of Wil- liam A. Halstead, and sailed on the 6th May, 1776, from Spit- head, for Boston, iu company with numerous transports con- veying Hessian troops, the whole fleet being under the com- mand of Commodore William Hotham, who had his broad pennant hoisted on board the Preston, a 50 gun ship. This fleet arrived in America shortly before the battle of Brooklyn. After the Jersey reached the port of New York she seems to have been used for a while as a store ship, and subsequently as a hospital ship agaiu, in which latter character she figures froni about the year 1777 to the winter of 1779-80, during Avhich period slie was anchored in the East river, oif the Fly market, and not far from a private pier known then as Tol- niie's wharf, so called from Normand Tolmie, the lessee, who was, at that day, a prominent resident of the city. During NOTKS. 213 tlie winter of 1779-SO slie was oonverted into a prison-sliip ; ;ni(l after beinj; a wliile thus employed, she was at lengtli moved to tlie WullaI)out, where slie was moored witli eliain cables, and where she remained in the capacity of a prison- ship to the termination of tlie war. Her appearance at tliis time was anything but inviting. She had been dismantled of her sails, and stripped of all her rigging, and her only spars were the bowsprit, a derrick for taking in supplies, and a flag- staff at the stern. Her lion figure-head had been taken away to repair another ship, and lier rudder was unhung, ller port holes had all been closed, and strongly fastened, and two tiers of small holes were cut through her sides. These holes were about 20 inches square, and about ten feet apart, and each one was guarded by two strong bars of iron crossing each other at right angles, thus leaving four contracted spaces which admit- ted light by day, and served as breathing holes by night. Stripped of every ornament, nothing remained of her but an old, unsightly, rotten hulk ; and her dark and filtliy exterior perfectly corresponded with the scenes of misery, despair and death that reigned witliin. On the decease of Halstead in May, 1778, David Laird was a])i)ointed to till his place as com- mander of the Jersey; and Laird, on his return to Euro])e in the early part of 1781. was succeeded by John Sporne; but whether the latter officer continued in her during the remaining time slie was used as a prison-shii), we have been unable to ascertain. On the (Ith day of April, 1783, all the prisoners on board the |)risoii-ships in New York were released, ;md t1ie 214: NOTES. Jersey was then broken up and abandoned where she lay. The dread of contagion deterred any one from visiting her, although she remained there for years exposed to public view. Finally, as if ashamed of her late so horrid career, and unwill- ing any longer to be seen by a world whose humanity she had outraged, slie drifted into deep water, where worms destroyed her bottom, and slie at last sunk to rise no more. Oft" the western shore of Long Island, deeply imbedded in the mud flats of the Wallabout, she lies, her planks covered with the names of her martyred victims, and the only vestige of her now to be seen is a beam preserved for curiosity at the Naval Lyceum, in Brooklyn. Such is the last of the Jersey, that ancient ship, once so famed, so execrated, so feared ; and now there is none so poor to do her reverence. But she has gone. She has cast her last anchor. She ha?, fought her la«t battle. William Antrony Halstead, the first commander of the Jersey, while she lay in the harbor of New York, was made lieutenant on the 20th May, 1756, and was raised to the rank of commander on the 25th .June, 1773. lie died at New York while in command of his vessel, on the I7t]i day of May, 1778, and was succeeded by David Laird. David Laird was made lieutenant on the 2d day of July, 1762. He was raised to the rank of commander on the 18th day of May, 1778, and appointed by Lord Howe to the com- mand of the Jersey, to succeed William A. Halstead, then NOTKS. 215 just deceased. He continued in her until the early part of the year 17*^1, when lie returned to England. A short time after the peace of 1783 he arrived at New York in com- mand of a merchant ship, and moored his vessel at a wharf at or near Peck slip. A number of persons, who had been prisoners on the Jersey at the time he commanded her, and had suffered by his cruelty, assembled on the wliarf to receive him, but he deemed it i)rudent to remain on ship-board durino- the short time his vessel was here. He was made captain on the 1st December, 1787, and was still living in the year 1804. JoHX Sporne.— Of this officer we know nothing further than that he succeeded Laird in command of the Jersey, and that he still commanded her in P^bruary, 1781, he being at that time a lieutenant. The dat« of his commission we do not know. He seems, after the peace, to have died, or left the service, as his name does not appear on any list of British naval officers which we have examined. (42) TJie following extracts from the narratives of other prisoners will show, not only the character and quantity of the food furnished them, but also give some idea of the privations and sufferings endured by those who were confined on board this loathsome hulk : John \ ax Dyk, w1,o was a prisoner in May, 1780, says : "We were put on board the prison- ship Jersey, anchored off Fly market. This ship had been a hospital ship. When J came on board, her stench was so great, and my breathing 216 NOTES. this putrid air, I tliought it would soon kill me, but nfter my being on board some days I got used to it, and as tiiough all was a common smell. * * * q,^ board the Jersey prison-ship it was short allowance ; so short, a person would think it was not possible for a man to live on. They starved the American prisoners to make them enlist in their service. I will now relate a fact: Every man in the mess of six took his daily turn to get the mess's pro- visions. One day I went to the galley and drew a piece of salt boiled pork. I went to our mess to divide it. I held the pork in my left hand, with a jack knife in my right, to mark it in six parts — the second time came out right. I cut each one his share, and each one of us eat our day's allowance in one moutliful of this salt pork, and nothing else. One day, called pea day, I took the drawer of our doctor's (Hodges of Philadelphia) chest, and went to the galley, which was the cooking place, (like a poor Pil Garlick), Avith my drawer for a soup dish. I held it under a large brass cock ; the cook turned it. I received the a'lowance of my mess, and behold! brown water and fifteen floating peas — no peas on the bottom of my drawer — and this for six men's allowance for 24 hours. The peas were all on the bottom of the kettle ; those left would be taken to New York, and, I suppose, sold. One day in the week, called pudding day, three pounds of damaged flour ; in it would be* green lumps, such as their men would not eat, and one pound of very bad raisiijs — one third raisin sticks. We would pick out the sticks, mash the lumps of flour, put NOTES. 217 all, with some water, in our drawer, mix our pudding, and put it in a bag, with a talley tied to it with the number of our mess. This was a day's allowance. We, for some short time, drew half a pint of rum for each man. One Captain Lard, who commanded the ship Jersey, came on board. As soon as he was on the main deck of the ship, lie cried out for the boat- swain. The boatswain arrived, and, in a very quick motion, took ott" his hat. There being on deck two half hogshead tubs where our allowance of rum was mixed into grog. Cap- tain Lard said, 'Have the prisoners had their rum to-day?' 'Xo, sir,' answered the boatswain. Captain Lard replied, 'Damn your soul, you rascal, heave it overboard.' The boat- swain, with hell), upset the tubs of grog on the main deck. The grog rum ran out of the scuppers of the ship into the river. I saw no more grog on board. I stood at the time within twelve feet of the tubs of grog— saw the grog run through tlie scuppers of the ship. * * * Every fViir dav a number of British officers and sergeants would come on board ship, form in two ranks on the quarter-deck, facing inward— the prisoners in the after part of the quarter-deck. As the boatswain would call a name, the word would be, 'pass 'as the ])risoners passed between the ranks, officers and sergeants staring them in the face. This was done to catch deserters, and if they caught none, the sergeants would come on the main deck, and cry out, ' Five guineas' bounty to any man that will ei!ter his majesty's service.' Shortly after this party left the shij), a Hessian party would come on board, and 218 NOTES. the prisoners had to go through the same routine of duty again." Ebenezkr Fox, (whose portrait we present to the reader,) was a prisoner during the spring and summer of 1781. He says : " The first thing we found it necessary to do, after our cap- tivity, was to form ourselves into small parties called ' meases^ consisting of six men each, as, previous to doing this, we could obtain no food. All the prisoners were obliged to fast on the first day of their arrival ; and seldom on the second could they procure any food in season for cooking it. Xo matter how hungry they were, no deviation fi-om the rules of the ship was permitted. All the prisoners fared alike; officers and sailors received the same treatment on board of this old hulk. Our keepers were no respecters of persons. We were all ' Eebels.' The quantity and quality of our fare was the same for all. The only distinction known among us was made by the prisoners themselves, which was shown in allowing those who had been officers previous to their cai)ture to con- gregate in the extreme after-part of the ship, and to keep it exclusively to themselves as their places of abode. The vari- ous messes of the prisoners were numbered; and nine in the morning was the hour when the steward would deliver n-om the window in his room, at the after-part of the ship, the allowance granted to each mess. Each mess chose one of tlieir company to be prepared to answer to their number when it was called by the stewai-d, and to receive the allowance as it x#lx K I? K X i:z K U F (» X. NOTES. 219 was handed from the window. Whatever was tlirust out nmst be taken; no change conld be made in its quantity or qnality. Each mess received daily what was equivalent in weight or measure, but not in quality, to the rations of four men at full allowance: that is, each prisoner received two-tliii-ds as much as was allowed to a seaman in the British navy. Our bill of fare was as follows : On Sunday, one ]>oun(l of biscuit, one pound of pork, and a half of a pint of peas. Monday, one pound of biscuit, one pint of oatmeal, and two ounces of but- ter. Tuesday, one pound of biscuit, and two pounds of salt beef. AVednesday, one and a half pounds of flour, and two ounces of suet. Thursday was a repetition of Sunday's fare, Friday of Monday's, and Saturdaj' of Tuesday's. If this food had been of a good quality and properly cooked, as we had no labor to pei-form, it would have kept us comfortable, at lea-^t from suffering. But this was not the case. All our food ap- peared to be damaged. The bread was mouldy and filled with worms. It required considerable rapping upon the deck be- fore the worms could be dislodged from their lurking places in a biscuit. As for the pork, we were cheated out of it more than half of the time ; and when it was obtained, one would have judged from its motley hues, exhibiting the consistence and appearance of variegated fancy soap, that it was the flesh of the porpoise, or sea-hog, and had been an inhabitant of the ocean rather than of the sty. But, whatever doubts might arise respecting the genera or species of the beast, the flavor of the flesh was so unsavory that it would have been rejected 220 NOTES. as unfit for the stuffing even of Bologna sausages. The peas were genei-ally damaged, and, from the imperfect manner in wliieh they were cooked, were abont as indigestible as grape- shot. The butter the reader will not suppose was the real ' Goshen;' and, had it not been for its adhesive properties to retain together the particles of the biscuit that had been so riddled by the worms as to lose all their attraction of cohesion, we should have considered it no desirable addition to our viands. The flour and the oatmeal were often sour, and when the suet Avas mixed with it we should have considered it a blessing to have been destitute of the sense of smelling before we admitted it into our mouths; it might be nosed half the length of the ship. And last, though not the least item among our staples in the eating line — our beef. The first view of it would excite an idea of veneration for its antiquity, and not a little curiosity to ascertain to what kind of an animal it ori- ginally belonged. Its color was of dark mahogany, and its solidity would have set the keen edge of a broad-axe at defiance to cut across the grain, though like oakum it could be pulled into pieces, one way in strings, like rope-yarn. A streak of fat on it would have been a phenomenon, that would have brought all the prisoners together to see and admire. It was so completely saturated with salt, that after having been boiled in water taken from the sea, it was found to be consid- erably freshened by the process. It was no uncommon thing to find it extremely tender; but then this peculiarity was not owing to its being a prime cut from a premium ox, but rather NOTKS. 221 owing to its long-l T. T II () M A s I) j; I X c. NOTKS. 227 quality. We never received any butter; but in its steail, they gave us a substance which they called sweet oil. This was so rancid, and even putrid, that the smell of it, accustomed as we were to everything foul and nauseous, was more than we conld endure. We, however, always received and gave it to tlie poor, half-starved Frenchmen who were on board, who took it gratefully, and swallowed it with a little salt and their wormy bread. Oil of a similar qaality was given to the prisoners on board the Good Hope, where I was confined in 17T0. There, however, it was of some use to us, as we burnt it in our lamps, being there indulged with the privilege of using lights until nine o'clock at night. But here, it was of no service, as we were allowed on board the Jersey, no light or fire, on any occasion whatever." * * * u 'f errible indeed was the condition of most of my fellow captives. Memory still brings before Tue tliose emaciated beings, mov- ing from the Galley, with their wn-etched pittance of meat; each creeping to the spot where his mess were assembled, to divide it with a group of haggard and sickly creatures, their garments hanging in tatters around their meagre limbs, and the hue of death upon their care-worn faces. By these, it was consumed with their scanty remnants of bread, which was often mouldy and tilled with worms. And even from this vile fare, they would rise up, in torments, from the cra- vings of unsatisfied hunger and thirst. No vegetables of any description were ever afforded us by oiu- inhuman keepers. Good heaven! what a Inxnrv tons would then have been even 228 NOTES. a few potatoes, if but the very leavings of the swine of our country.'" * * * u g^ ni^jch of the water as was not required on deck for immediate use, was conducted into butts placed in the lower hold of the hulk, through a leathern hose, passing through her side near the bends. To this watei-, we had recourse, when we could procure no other. When water in any degree fit for use, was brought on board, it is impos- sible to describe the struggle which ensued in consequence of our haste and exertions to procure a draught of it. The best which was ever afforded us, was very brackisli, but that from the ship's hold was nauseous in the highest degree. This must be evident, when the fact is stated, that the butts for receiving it had never been cleaned since they were placed in the hold. The quantity of foul sediment which they contained, was therefore very great, and was disturbed and mixed witli the water as often as a new supply was poured into them; thereby rendering their whole contents a substance of the most dis- gusting and poisonous nature. I have not tlie least doubt, that the use of this vile compound, caused the deaths of hundreds of the prisoners; when to ailay their tormenting tliirst, they were driven by desperation to drink this liquid poison, and to abide tlie consequences." * * * u j^^ quarter-deck covered about one-fourth part of the upper deck, from the stern ; and the forecastle extended from the stern, about one- eighth part of the length of the upper deck. Sentinels were stationed on the gangways on eijch side of the upper deck leading from the quarter-deck to the forecastle. These gang- NOTES. 22i) ways were about live feet wide, and liere the prisoners were allowed to pass and repass. The intermediate space from the bulk head of the quarter-deck to the forecastle, was filled witli long spars or booms, and called the Spar Deck. The temporary covering afforded by the spar deck, was of the greatest benefit to the prisoners, as it served to shield us from the rain and the scorching rays of the sun. It wa3 here, also, that our moveables were placed while we were engaged in cleaning the lower decks. The spar deck was also the only place where we were allowed to Avalk, and was, therefore, continually crowded through the day, by those of the prison- ers who W'Cre upon deck. Owing to the great number of the prisoners, and the small place afforded us by the spar deck, it was our custom to walk, in platoons, each facing the same way, and turning at the same time. The derrick, for taking in wood, water, etc., stood on the starboard side of the spar deck. On the larboard side of the ship was placed the accom- modation ladder, leading from the gangway to the water. At the head of this ladder, a sentinel was also stationed. The head of the accommodation ladder was near the door of the bari'icado, which extended across the front of the quarter- deck, and projected a few feet beyond the sides of the ship. The barricade was about ten feet high, and was pierced with loop-holes for musketry, in order that the prisoners might be fired on from behind it, if occasion should require. * * * The prisoners were confined on the two main decks below. My usual place of abode being in the Gun Room, on the centre 230 NOTKS. deck, I was never under the necessitj of descending to the lower dungeon, and during my confinement, I had no dispo- sition to visit it. It was iiiliabited by the most wretched in appearance of all our miserable company. From tlie disgust- ing and squalid appearance of the groupes which I saw ascend- ing the stairs which led to it, it must have been more dismal, if possible, than that part of the hulk where I resided. * * * As soon as the gratings had been fastened over the hatcliways for the night, we generally went to our sleeping- places. It was, of course, always desirable to obtain a station as near as possible to tlie side of tlie ship, and if practicable, in the immediate vicinity of one of the air-poits, as this not only afforded us a better air, but also rendered us less liable to be trt)dden upon by those who were moving about the decks, during the night. But silence was a stranger to our dark abode. There were continual noises during the night. The groans of tlie sick and the dying ; the curses poured out by the weary and exhausted upon our inhuman keepers ; the restlessness caused by the suff'ocating heat and the confined and poisoned air; mingled with the wild and incoherent ravings of delirium, were the sounds which, every night, were raised around us, in all directions. Such was our ordinaiy situation ; but at times, the consequences of our crowded con- dition were still more terrible, and proved fatal to many of our number, in a single niglit. * * * ^ custom had long been established, that certain labor which it was necessary should be perforn e.l daily, should be done by a company, NOTES. 231 usually called the ' Working Party.' This consisted of about twenty able-bodied men, chosen from among the prisoners, and was commanded, in daily rotation, by those of our number who had formerly been officers of vessels. The commander of the party for the day, bore the title of Boatswain. The members of the Working Party received, as a compensation for their services, a full allowance of provisions, and a half pint of rum each, per day, with the privilege of going on deck, early in the morning, to breathe the pure air. This privilege alone, was a sufficient compensation for all the duty which was required of them. Their routine of service was, io wash down that part of the upper deck and gangways where the prisoners were permitted to walk; to spread the awning, and to hoist on board the wood, water, and other supplies, from the boats in which the same were brought along side the ship. When the prisoners ascended the upper deck, in the morning, if the day was fair, each carried up his hammock and bedding, which were all placed upon the spar deck or booms. Tlie Working Party then took the sick and disabled who remained below, and placed tliem in the bunks prepared for them upon the centre deck ; tliey then, if any of the prisoners had died during the niglit, carried up the dead bodies, and laid them upon the booms. After wliicli, it was their duty to wash down tlie main decks below ; during which operation, the prisoners remained upon the upper deck, except such as chose to go below, and volunteer their services in the performance of this duty. Around the railing of the hatchway leading 232 XOTES. from the centre to the lower deck, were placed a number of large tubs for the occasional use of the prisoners during the niglit, and as general receptacles of filth. Although these were indispensably necessary to us, yet they were highly offensive. Nevertheless, on account of our crowded situation, many of the prisoners were obliged to sleep in their immediate vicinity. It was a part of tlie duty of the Working Party to carry these tubs on deck, at the time when the prisoners ascended in the morning, and to return them between decks in the afternoon. Our beds and clothing were kept on deck, until it was nearly the hour when we were to be ordered below for the night. During this interval, the chests, etc., on the lower decks being piled up, and the hammocks removed, the decks washed and cleared of all incumbrances except the poor wretches who lay in the bunks ; it was quite refreshing, after the suffocating heat and foul vapours of the night, to walk between decks. There was then some circulation of air through the ship ; and for a few hours, our existence was, in some degree, tolerable. About two hours before sunset, the order was generally issued for the prisoners to carry their hammocks, etc., below. After this had been done, we were allowed either to retire between decks, or to remain above until sunset, according to our own pleasure. Everything which we could do conducive to cleanliness having then been performed, if we ever felt anything like enjoyment in this wretched abode, it was during this brief interval, when we breathed the cool air of the approaching night, and felt the NOTES. 233 luxury of our evening pipe. But short indeed was tliis period of repose. The working party were soon ordered to carry the tubs below, and we prepared to descend to our gloomy and crowded dungeons. This was no sooner done, than the gratings were closed over the hatchways, the sentinels stationed, and we left to sicken and pine beneath our accumulated torments, with our guards above crying aloud, through the long night, ' alVs well: " Drlng^s Kecolleclions of the Jersey Prison-ship, jip. 43-92. The following imi)romptu lines are too appropriate to omit in this connection : " In yonder ship, 'tis strange to tell, Each night they cry out, ' All is well !' Though sick and sad doth there abound : Some with consumption, some with wound ; And other evils far too long. Thus to describe in transient song : Then, why do they bawl, with rufBan-note, And strain the lungs, and stretch the throat ; When all's not well, we clearly know — If well above, they're sick below .'^ Alexander Coffin, -Je., who was a prisoner in the year 1782, anil again in 1783, says : '• I was sent on board the Jersey prison-ship, where I found about 1,100 American prisoners; amongst them several of my own townsmen, and all the prisoners in the most deplorable situation. I soon found that every spark of humanity had tied the breasts of the British officers who had charge of that float- ing receptacle of human misery ; and that nothing but abuse 234 NOTES. and insult was to be expected ; fur the mildest lanf:fnage made use of to the prisoners was, ' Tou damii'd Yanl-ee ;'' and the most common, ' You damii'd reielliovs Yankee rancals.'' This language, at length, became so familiar to our ears, however insulting it was at first, that we took no more notice of it than we did of the whistling of the wind passing over our heads. Many of the jtrisoners, during the severity of winter, had scarcely clothes sufficient to cover their nakedness, and but very few enough to keep them warm. To remedy these in- conveniences we were obliged to keep below, and either get into our hammocks or keep in constant motion, without which precautions we must have perished. But to cap the climax of infamy, we were fed (if fed it might be called) with provi- sions not fit for any human being to make use of — putrid beef and pork, and worm-eaten bread, condemned on board their ships of war, was sent on board the Jersey to feed the prison- ers ; water sent from this city in a schooner called (emphati- cally called) the Relief I water which I affirm, without the fear of refutation, was worse than I ever had, or ever saw, on a three years' voyage to the East Indies; water, the scent of which would have discomposed the olfactory nerves of a Hot- tentot; while within a cable's length of the ship, on Long Island, there was running before our eyes, as though intended to tantalize us, as fine, pure and wholesome water as any man would wish to drink. The question will very naturally be asked. Why, if good water was so near at hand, it was not procured for us instead of bringing it, at considerable expense i»oTES.. 285 and trouble from the city? It is impossible for any one, but tliose wlio h.id the direction of the business, to answer tliat question satisfactorily : but the object in bringing the water from New-York was to me, and the rest of tlie prisoners, as self-evident as the plain and simple fact tliat two and two make four: because the effects that water had on the prisoners could not be concealed, and were a danniing proof why it was iilled in New-York. On the upper gun deck of the Jersey, hogs were kept in pens by those officers who had charge of her for their own use ; they were sometimes fed with bran ; the prisoners, whenever they could get an opportunity, undis- covered by the sentries, would, with their tin pots, scoop the bran from the trouglis and eat it, (after boiling, when there was fire in the galley, which was not always the case,) with seemingly as good an appetite as the hogs themselves. * * * There being so many prisoners on board the Jersey, and others daily arriving, two or three hundred of us were sent on board the John transport, which they had converted into a Prison-ship, and where the treatment we received was much worse than on board the Jersey. We were subjected to every insult, every injury, and every abuse that the fertile genius of the British officers could invent and infiict. For more than a month we were obliged to eat our scanty allow- ance, bad as it was, without cooking, as no fire was allowed us; and I verily believe that it was the means of hastening many out of existence. One circumstance I think deserves particular notice, as it was a most singular one: A young 236 NOTES. maa of the name of Bird, a native of Boston or its neighbour- hood, was one evening, with others, playing at cards to pass away tlic time. At about ten o'clock I retired with my cousin to our hammock ; we had but just got asleep when we were called by one of the card party, who requested us to turn out, for that Bird was dying: we did turn out, and went to where he lay, and found him in the agonies of death ; and in about fifteen or twenty minutes he was a corpse. It was mentioned to the sentry at the gangway that one of the pri- soners was dead, and the body was soon Jiurried on deck. The impression Bird's death made on our minds is still fresh in ray recollection : that he was poisoned we had no doubt, as his body had swelled very considerably, and two hours be- fore he was, to all appearance, as well as any of us. Many, shortly after, went off in the same manner, and amongst them my cousin, Oliver C. Coffin. I did but just escape the same fate : I was taken ill before I left tlie Prison-ship, and my legs began to swell ; but being exchanged, or rather being bought off, I made out to reach my father's house in a most deplorable situation. I was attended in my sickness by a noted tory physician, Dr. Tiipper, who declared to my motlier, that noth- ing could have saved niy life but having, as he expressed him- self, a constitution of iron ; for that he knew of nothing that could have affected me in the manner in which I was affected but poison of some kind or other. Is it possible then, after all these facts, for any person to form any other opinion than that there was a premeditated, organized system pursued to NOTKS. 237 destroy men whom they dare not meet t)i)enly and manl'iilly as enemies, in tliat base, inlniman and cowardly manner. It is an old adage, and a very true one, tliat the brave are gener- ous, and tlie coward savage and cruel ; and it was never more completely exemplified than in the conduct of the Britisli officers in this country during the revolution. Tiieir cruelties here, and in India, have become i)roverbial." Interment of the Martyrs, p. Vi-M), and 32-34. " No waters laded from the bubbling spriiig To these dire ships these little tyrants bring — Hy plank and ponderous beams completely wall'd In vain for water and in vain we call'd — No drop was granted to the midnight ])rayer, To rebels in these regions of despair! — The loathsome cask a deadly dose contains, Its poison circling through the languid veins ; ' Here, generous Briton, generous, as you say, ' To my parch'd tongue one cooling drop convey, ' Hell has no mischief like a thirsty throat, ' Nor one tormentor like your David Sprout.'' ****** On every side dire objects met the sight, And pallid forms, and murders of the night,— The dead were past their pain, the living groan. Nor dare to hope another morn their own. ****** Hunger and thirst, to work our woe, combine. And mouldy bread and flesh of rotten swine, The mangled carcase, and the batter'd brain, The doctor's poison, and the captain's cane, The soldier's musqnet, and the steward's debt. The evening shackle, and the noon-day threat. ****** Such food they sent to make complete our woes, It look'd like carrion torn from hungry crows ; 238 NOTKS. Sucli vermin vile on every joint were seen, So black, corrupted, mortified and lean. That once we try'd to move our flinty chief, And thus address'd him, holding up tlie beef; ' See, Captain, see ! what rotten bones we pick, ' What kills the healthy, cannot cure the sick : ' Not dogs on such by Christian men are fed — ' And see, good master, see, what lousy bread.' ' Your meat or bread (this man of death replied) ' 'Tis not my care to manage or provide — ' But this, base rebel dogs, I'd have you know, ' That better than you merit we bestow : ' Out of my sight !' — nor more he deign'd to say, But whisk'd about, and frowning, strode away." Freneau. (.,3) There wore at this time two Hospital-ships lying near the Jersey, one of which was the Scorpion, and the other the Stkomhoi.o. They were used for the reception of the sick from the prison-ship, and of the many nnfortunate heings wlio entered those vessels as patients, but very few ever left them alive. There was also another hulk lying at a short distance from the Jersey, named tlie Hunter, which Ca])t. Dring, to whom we have before referred, thinks was used as a store- ship and depot for the Medical department. The Scorpion was originally a sloop of war, and had mounted 14 gims. In 1750 she was at the reduction of (Quebec, under Saunders, and in 1VT2, was on duty in the Mediterranean. In the following year, she was under tlie orders of lion. G. K. Eli)hinston. In IT^ti, she was coinmunded by John Tolle- niache ; in the year following, she composed one of Lord NOTKS. 289 Howe's licet in America, and in 1770, kIic was one of the S(iiia(lron of Sir (Jeorge Collier, that anchored off New Haven, Conn., and burnt tlie towns of Fairfield, Norwalk and Green- Held. In 1780 she was used as a prison- sliip, and lay in the Nortli river. Among those who were confined in her at that time, amounting to about oUO, was the celebrated I'hilii) Frencau, who has left us a poetical account of his treatment and sufferings while a prisoner. On the 0th December of tljat year, she was ofiered for sale by the Naval Store- keeper at New York, but found no [jurchaser. She was soon after fitted up as a hosi)ital-ship, and moved to the Wallabout, where she was used in that capacity to the end of the war. The Stuomboi.o was originally a fire-ship. In the year 1751J, she was commanded l)y Richard Smith, and was at the siege of Quebec. In 1703 she was under the orders of W. Pattison, and was on duty in the Mediterranean. She came to America in 1770, in the fleet of Conuuodore William Ilotham, and in company with the Jersey hospital-ship, then so called. In 1777 she was commanded by James Reid, and in 1778 by Richard Apliii. In the latter year she was in the fleet of Lord Howe, ofi" the coast of Rhode Island, in presence of the French fleet. She was afterwards stationed in the North river, and used as a prison-ship. She was under the com- mand of Jeremiah Downer from Aug. 21st to Dec. loth, 1780, during which time she liad never less than 1.50 prisoners on board, and frequently over 200. 240 NOTES. Silas Talbot gives the following incident as occurring on board this vessel, while she was used as a prison-ship : "The prisoners confined on board the Stroiribolo prison- ship, anchored in the North river, having been irritated by their ill treatment to rise one night on the guard, the com- mander being on shore, several, in attempting to escape, were either killed or wounded. The captain got on board just as the fray was quelled, when a poor fellow lying on deck, bleeding, and almost exhausted by a mortal wound, called him by name, and begged of him, \for GocVs saJce, a little water, for he was dying P The captain applied a light to his face, and directly exclaimed — ' What ! is it you, d — n you ? — /'m glad you'' re shot ! — If I hnew the man that shot you, Pd give him a guinea! — Take that, you d — d rebel rascal P — and instantly dashed his foot in the face of the dying man! !" Historical Sketch of the Life of Silas Talbot, p. 127. On the 6th December, 1780, the Strombolo was advertised for sale, but no purchaser appeared. Soon after this, she was fitted up as a hospital-ship, and moved to the Wallabout, where she was used as such to the close of the war. The HuNTEK was originally a sloop of war, mounting ten guns, and had a pink-colored stern. In 1764 she was com- manded by John Henshaw, and in 1774 by .Jeremiah Morgan. On the 6th Dec, 1780, she was advertised for sale by the Naval Store-keeper, but no purchaser was found. She then lay in the North river. She was subsequently moved to the Wallabout, where she was in service as before mentioned. NOTES. 241 Tlie following is a copy of the advertisement of the sale of these hulks, to which we have referred : " Naval Store-keeper's Office, Dec. 4, 1780. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that on Wednesday, the 13th instant, will be offered for sale at this office at twelve o'clock, the Hulls of his Majesty's sloops the SCORPION and HUNTER, and of the STROMBOLO fire ship, now lying in the North River. WIL. FOWLER." Rivington's Royal Gazette, Wed., Dec. 6, 1780. There were, during the Revolution, otlier vessels at d liferent times used as prison-ships and hospital-ships, in addition to these, such as the Whitby, Frederick, Glasgow, Prince of Wales, Falmouth, Good Intent, Hope, Chatham, Kitty, John, Scheldt, Clyde, and others, but as they do not properly come under our notice at this time, we must pass them by, with this mere mention of their names. In order that the reader may form some idea of the treat- ment on board the hospital-ships, and the sufferings and deaths therein, we append the following extracts, to which we invite attention. The scenes occurring in one or two of these vessels, may be taken as a fair example of what took place in all : Philip Freneau (who was on board the Scorpion in 1780,) thus speaks of her : " Thou, Scorpion, fatal to thy crowded throng, Dire theme of horror and Plutonian song, Requir'st my lay— thy sultry decks I know. And all the torments that exist below ! The briny wave that Hudson's bosom fills 242 KOTES. • ' Drain'd through Iier bottom iu a thousand rills : Rotten and old, replete with sighs and groans, Scarce on the waters she sustain'd her bones ; Here, doom'd to toil, or founder in the tide, At the moist pumps incessantly we ply'd, Here, doom'd to starve, like famish'd dogs, we tore The scant allowance that our tyrants bore. ****** ; O may I ne'er review these dire abodes. These piles for slaughter, floating on the floods, — And you, that o'er the troubled ocean go. Strike not your standards to this venom' d foe : Better the greedy wave should swallow all, Better to meet the death-conducting ball. Better to sleep on ocean's oozy bed, At once destroy'd and number'd with the dead. Than thus to perish in the face of day, Where twice ten thousand deaths one death delay." John Van Dyk, (who was on board the Hunter in 1780,) says: *' From the Jersey Prison shi]), eighty of us were taken to the pink stern sloop of war Hunter, Capt. Thomas Henderson, commander ; we were taken there in a large ship's long boat, towed by a ten-oar barge, and one other barge with a guard of soldiers in the rear to guard the prisoners. On board tlie ship Hunter we drew one-third allowance, and every Monday we received a loaf of wet bread, weighing seven pounds for each man — this loaf was from Mr. John Pintard's father, of New York, the American Commissary — and this bread, with the two-thirds, allowance of provisions, we found sufficient to live on. After we were on board tiie Hunter for some time, Mr. David Sproat, the British commissary of prisoners, came on board ; all the prisoners were ordered aft — the roll was NOTES. 243 called, and as each man passed hitii, Mr. Sproat would ask, 'Are you a seainau ?' The answer w'as Landsman — Lands- man. There were ten landsmen to one answer of half seaman. AVhen the roll was tinished, Mr. Sfiroat said to our sea officers, ' Gentlemen, how do you make out at sea, for the most of you are landsmen?' Our officers answered, ' You hear often how we make out — w^hen we meet onr force, or rather more than our force, we give a good account of them.' Mr. Spi'oat asked, 'And are not your vessels better manned than these?' Our officers rejdied, 'Mr. Sproat, we are the best manned out of the port of Philadelphia.' Mr. Sproat shrugged his shoul- ders, saying, ' I cannot see how you do it.' " Catt. Thomas Drixg, whom we have before qnotetl. says: "The three IIos])ital ships. Scorpion, Strombolo, and Iluutei-) were used for the reception of the sick from the princi|)al hulk. The .Jersey, at length, became so crowded, and the mortality on board her increased so rapidly, tjiat sufficient room could not be found on board the Hospital ships, for their reception. T'nder these dreadful circumstances, it was deter- mined to pre])are a part of the upper deck of the -Jersey, for the reception of the sick from between decks. Bunks were therefore erected on the after part of the upper deck, on the larboard side, where tliose who felt the symptoms of approach- ing sickness, could lie down, in order to be femnd by the Nurses as soon as possible ; and be thereby also prevented from being trampled upon by the other prisoners; to which 24-4 NOTES. they were continually liable while lying on the deck. I have stated that the number of the Hospital ships was three. One of them, however, was used rather as a store-shi^) and depot for the medical department ; and as a station for the Doctor's Mates and boat's crews attending the whole. — This ship was, I think, the Hunter. I never was on board either of the Hospital ships; and could never learn many particulars in rela- tion to the treatment of the sufferers on board them ; for but few ever returned from their recesses, to the Jersey. I knew but three such instances during the whole period of my imprisonment. But I could form some idea of the interior of the Hospital ships, from viewing their outward appearance, which was disgusting in the highest degree. Knowing, as we did, from whence their wretched inmates had been taken, the sight of these vessels was terrible to us, and their appearance more shocking than that of our own miserable liulk. But whatever might be our sensations on viewing the Hospital ships, they were, undoubtedly, in many respects, preferable to the Jersey. They were not so crowded, and of course afforded more room for breathing. They were furnished with awn- ings, and provided with a wind- sail to each hatchway, for the purpose of conducting the fresh air between decks, where the sick were placed. And, more than all, the hatchways were left open during the night; as our kind keepers were under no apprehensions of danger from the feeble and helpless wretches who were there deposited. When communication between the ships was required, or anything wanted ; it was made NOTES. 245 known bj signals, which were promptly attended to by the boats from the Hunter. Our condition caused our keepers much labour; and furnished employment, which to some of them was far from being agreeable. There were on board the Jersey, among the prisoners, about half a dozen men, known by the appellation of 'Nurses.'' I never learnt by whom they were appointed, or whether they had any regular appointment at all. But one fact I well knew ; they were all thieves. They were, however, sometimes useful in assisting the sick to ascend from below, to the gangway on the upper deck, to be exaiiiined by the visiting Surgeon, who attended from the Hunter, every day, (when the weather was good.) M a sick man was pro- nounced by the Surgeon, to be a proper subject for one of the Hospital ships, he was forthwith put into the boat in wairing alongside; but not without the loss or detention of all his effects, if he had any ; as these were at once taken into posses- sion by the Nurses, as their own property. 1 will here relate an incident ; not on account of its extreme aggravation ; but because it occurred immediately under my own eye; which will shew in some degree, the kind of treatment which was given by these Nurses to the poor, weak and dying men who were left to their care; and wiio were about to be transported to a Hospital ship, and, in all probability, in a few hours, to the sand bank on the shore. I had found Mi-. Robert Carver, our Gunner while on board the C'liance, sick in one of the bunks where those retired who wished to be removed. He was without a bed or pillow ; and had put on all the wearing 246 NOTES. iipparel wbich he possessed, wishing to preserve it, and heing sensible of liis situation. I found him sitting upright in the hunk, witii his great coat on over tlie rest of his garments, and liis liat between his knees. The weather was excessively hot ; and in the place where he laj^, the heat was overpower- ing. I at once saw that he was delirious; a sure presage that his end was near. 1 took oil' his great coat, and having folded and placed it under his head for a pillow, 1 laid him down upon it, and went imirfediately to prepare him some tea. I was absent but a few minutes; and on returning, met one of the thievish N'urses, with Carver's great coat in his hand. On ordering him to return it, his only reply was, that it was a perquisite of the Nurses, and the only one they had : that the man was dying; and the garment could be of no further use to him. I however took possession of the coat; and on my liberation, returned it to the family of the owner. Mr. Carver soon after expired where he lay. We procured a blanket ; in which we wrapped his body, which was thus prepared for interment. Others of the crew of the Chance had died pre- vious to that time. Mr. Carver was a man of strong and robust constitution. Such men were subject to the most violent at- tacks of the fever; and were, also, its most certain victims. 1 attach no blame to our keepers, in regard to the thievish liabits of the Nurses, over whom they had no control. I have merely related this incident for the purpose of more clearly showing to what a state of wretchedness we were reduced." Driii(i;'.i R. collections of the Jersey Prison-ship, p. 70-75. NOTES, 24Y Andrew Sherbtjrxe, who was a prisoaer on board a hospital- ship, givos the following account of his experience : " Some tiiiie iu Jaauary, 1783, 1 was taken sick, and sent on board one of the hospital ships. This circumstance occasioned a distressing scene, both to myself and my uncle. My money was entirely gone; my uncle liad yet a few dollars; 1 tliink he gave me a dollar or two, and we parted, witli little expecta- tion of ever meeting again. The ship on which I entered was called the Frederick, and was very much crowded; so that two men were obliged to lie in one bunk. I was put into a bunk with a young man whose name was Wills; he belonged to Ipswich, in Massachusetts. The bunk sat fore and aft, directly under the ballast port, opposite the main hatchway. Wills was a very pleasant young man, of a serious turn, and was persuaded he should not live. At this time my mind was very fluctuating, and occasionally deranged. My bed-fellow was running down very fast; but I was not, at that time, aware of it. We were obliged, occasionally, to lay athwart each other, for want of room : and I found the poor fellow very obliging and acconnnodating. He appeared to have his reason until he was speechless, and finally died, stretched across me. The death of a man in that jjlace, and at that time, excited but little notice ; for a day did not pass without more or less deaths. I have seen seven dead men drawn out and piled together on the lower hatchway, who had died in one night on board the Frederick. There were perhaps ten or twelve nurses belonging to this ship, and I should say there 248 NOTKS. were about one hundred sick : the nurses lived in the steerage, and whatever property or clothing the deceased left, fell into their hands. If the deceased had only a good head of hair, it was taken oft* by the nurses and sold. The depravity of the human heart was probably as fully exhibited in those nurses, as in any other class of men. Some, if not all of them, were prisoners; and I believe they had some compensation from the British government for their services. They could indulge in playing cards, and drinking, while their fellows were thirsting for water, and some dying. There were more or less of them among the sick the greater part of the day ; but at night the hatches were shut down and locked, and there was not the least attention paid to the sick or dying, except what could be done by the convalescent, who were so frequently called upon, that in many cases they overdid themselves, relapsed and died. After Mr. "Wills, my bed-fellow, was dead ; I called to the nnrses to take him away, as he lay partly across me, and I could not relieve myself: but they gave me very hard words, and let the dead man lay upon me half an hour before they removed him ; and it was a great favor to me that they did not take away the blankets that was under us. I had now two blankets left me, a great coat, and a little straw within a sack, under me ; but even with these, I suffered extremely with the cold. I have frequently toiled the greatest part of the night, in rubbing my feet and legs to keep them from freezing; and while I was employed with one, it seemed as if the other must absolutely freeze. I must then draw up the NOTK8. 249 coklest uiid rub upon that ; iiiid tlms alternately work upon the one and tlie otlier, for hours togetlier : I was sometimes inclined to abandon them to their fate, but after a while I would feel excited to bestow a little more labour upon them. In consequence of those chills, I have been obliged to wear a laced stocking upon my left leg for nearly thirty years past. My bunk was directly against the ballast jjort ; and the port not being caulked, when there came a snow storm, the snow would blow througli the seams upon my bed. In one instance, in the morning, the snow was three or four inches deep upon my bed; but in those cases there was one advantage to me; when I could not otherwise procure water to quench my thirst. The provision allowed the sick, was a gill of wine, and twelve ounces of flour bread per day. The wine was of an ordinary quality, and the bread nuide of sour or musty flour, and- sometimes poorly baked. There was a small sheet-iron stove between decks, but the fuel was green, and not i)lenty ; and there were some peevish and surly fellows generally about it. I never got an opportunity to set by it; but I could generally get the favor of some one near it to lay a slice of bread upon it, to warm or toast a little, to put into my wine and w'ater. We sometimes failed in getting out- wine for several days together : we had the promise of its being made up to us, but this promise was seldom performed. With the money which my uncle gave me, I sent ashore by one of the nurses, and bought a tin pint cup, a spoon, a few oranges, and a pound or two of sugar ; but I question whether I got 250 NOTKS. the worth of mj^ inonej'. The cup, however, was of infinite service to me. Wc were always careful to procure our cups full of water before the hatches were shut down at night; but tliere was frequently a difficulty attending this: the water was brought on board in casks, by the working party, and when it was very cold, it would freeze in the casks, and it would be difficult to get it out. The nurses liad their hands full of employment generally by day, and often depended on the con- valescent to serve the sick witli water. At the close of the day, a man would sometimes have half a dozen calling upon him at the same time, begging to be supplied. I was fre- quently under the necessity of pleading liard to get my cup filled. I covild not eat my bread, but gave it to those who brought me water. I have given three days' allowance to have one tin cup of water brought to me. I was under the necessity of using tlie strictest economy witli my cup of water; restricting myself to drink such a number of swallows at a time, and make them very small : my thirst was so extreme, that I would sometimes overrun my number. I became so habituated to number my swallows, that for years afterwards I continued the habit, and even to this day I fre- quently involuntarily number my swallows. There was one circumstance which I must by no means forget. A company of the good citizens of Xew York, supplied all the sick with a pint of good Bohea Tea, (well sweetened with molasses,) a day, and this was constant. I believe this tea, under God's i^rovi- dence, saved my life, and the lives of hundreds of others. KOTE8. 251 There was no person of ray acquaintance on board this ship ; some of our crew had gone on board some other hospital ship before I left the Jersey. In the first of my sickness I was delirious a considerable part of the time. I am not able to say what my sickness might be denominated ; at any rate, it was severe. The physicians used to visit the ship once in several days: their stay was short, nor did tliey administer much medicine. Were I able to give a full description of our wretched and filthy condition, I should almost question whether it would be credited. * * * jt ^-as God's good pleasure to raise me up once more, so that I could just make out to walk, and I was again returned to the Jersey prison ship. * * * In a few days, there came orders to remove all the prisoners from the Jersey, on board of transports, in order to cleanse the ship. We were all removed, and directly there came on a heavy storm. The ship on which I went on board, was exceedingly crowded, so that there was not room for each man to lay down under deck, and the passing and repassing by day, had made the lower deck entirely wet. Our condition was absolutely distressing. After a few days we were all put on board the Jersey again. A large number had taken violent colds, myself among the rest. The hospital ships were soon crowded ; and even the Jersey herself shortly became about as much of a hospital ship as the others. In a day or two after my return to the Jersey, I was sent off again on board an hospital ship, (lier name I have forgotten,) and on descending the main hatchway, the first person I noticed was 252 NOTES. jjiy uncle Weymoutli. We were in some sense rejoiced in meeting each other once more. We could indeed sympathize with each other in some degree, but our situation seemed very precarious. My uncle was very low spirited, but he was favored with his reason ; and it pleased God to continue my reason while I remained on board this ship. lu the space of a week, my uncle began slowly to amend ; he had a most excel- lent head of hair, but it had become so tangled, that he despaired of clearing it, and gave it to a nurse for cutting it off. While on board this ship, I had some trying scenes to pass. A man who lay next me had been a nurse, but was taken sick, and had had his feet, and even his legs, frozen. I had several times seen them dressed : at length, while they were dressing Ins feet, I saw the toes and bottom of his feet cleave oif from the bone, and hang down by the heel. On board this ship, I found John and Abraham Hall, who were brothers. John was about twenty-three and had a wife, Abraham was about sixteen, they were both of our crew, and were very sick. They lay at some distance from me ; I could not go to see them, nor could they come to see me, they lay togetlier. One night Abraham made a great outcry against John, requesting him to get otf from him. Some of tlie men who were near, swore hard at John, for thus laying on his brother. John made no reply : when the morning came, John was found dead, and Abraham but just alive ; I believe he died the same day. Finally, there were but five out of thirteen of our crew who returned. The remainder KOTKS. 253 left their bones there. I believe that a much larger proportion of some other crews died than of ours. * * * While I was confined with my uncle, on board the second hospital sliip, we had intelligence of peace." Memoirs of Andrew Sheibumc, 1st ed., pp. 110-113. Med., pp. 11^-116. The following extract, with which we conclude this note, will give a good idea of the character and i)rofessional qualifi- cations of the physicians who attended the sick : " From Brooklyn heights a Hessian doctor came, Not great his skill, nor greater much his fame ; Fair Science never call'd the wretch her son, And Art disdain'd the stupid man to own. ****** He on his charge the healing work begun With antimonial mixtures, by the ton. Ten minutes was the time he deign'd to stay. The time of grace allotted once a day — He drench'd us well with bitter drauglits 'tis true, Nostrums from hell, and cortex from Peru — Some with his pills he sent to Pluto's reign. And some lie blister'd with his flies of Spain ; His Tartar doses walk'd their deadly round. Till the lean patient at the potion frown'd, And swore that hemlock, death, or what you will. Were nonsense to the drugs that stuff'd his bill — On those refusing, he bestow'd a kick, Or menac'd vengeance with his walking stick : — Here, uncontroul'd he exercis'd his trade. And grew experienc'd by the deaths he made.'' Freneau. (it) Although it is conceded that the mortality on board the Jersey was frightful in the extreme, yet it is impossible to 254 NOTES. arrive, with any degree of certainty, at or near the correct number of her victims. Some accounts have estimated it at about 11,500; but this, no doubt, is exaggerated, or perhaps intended for the sum total of those who perished on board all the prison-sliips and hospital-ships. Thomas Andros, (a prisoner in the fall of 1781,) in speaking of the sickness and deaths on board the Jersey, says : " When I first became an inmate of this abode of suffering, despair and death, there were about four hundred prisoners on board, but in a short time they amounted to twelve hundred. And in proportion to our numbers, the mortality increased. All the most deadly diseases were pressed into the service of the king of terrors, but his prime ministers were dysentery, small-pox, and yellow fever. There were two hospital ships near to the Old Jersey, but these were soon so crowded with the sick, that they could receive no more. The consequence was, that the diseased and the healthy were mingled together in the main ship. In a short time we had two hundred or more sick and dying, lodged in the fore part of the lower gun- deck, where all the prisoners were confined at night. Utter derangement was a common symptom of yellow fever, and to increase the horror of the darkness that shrouded us, (for we were allowed no light betwixt decks,) the voice of warning would be heard, ' Take heed to yourselves. There is a mad- man stalking through the ship, with a knife in his hand.' I sometimes found the man a corpse in the morning, by whose NOTES. 255 side I laid myself down at night. At another time he would become deranged, and attempt, in darkness, to rise and stumble over the bodies that everywliere covered the deck. In this case I had to hold him in his place by main strength. In spite of my efforts, he would sometimes rise, and then I had to close in with him, trip up his heels, and lay him again upon the deck. While so many were sick with raging fever, there was a loud cry for water, but none could be had except on the upper deck, and but one allowed to ascend at a time. The suffering then from the rage of thirst during the night was very great. Nov was it at all times safe to attempt to go up. Provoked by the continual cry for leave to ascend, when there was already one on deck, the sentry would push them back with his bayonet. By one of these thrusts, which was more spiteful and violent than common, I had a narrow escape of my life. In the morning the hatchways were thrown open and we were allowed to ascend, all at once, and remain on the upper deck during the day. But the first object that met our view in the morning, was a most appalling spectacle. A boat loaded with dead bodies, conveying them to the Long-Island shore, where they were very slightly covered with sand. * * * There were, probably, four hundred on board, who had never had the small-pox-some, perhaps, might have been saved by inoculation. But humanity was wanting, to try even this experiment.-Let our disease be what it would, we were abandoned to our fate. Now and then an American physician was brought in as a captive, but if he could obtain his parole. 256 NOTKS. he left the ship, nor could we much blame him for this. For his own death was next to certain, and his success in saving others by medicine in our situation was small. I remember only two American physicians who tarried on board a few days. No English Physician, or any one from the city, ever, to my knowledge, came near us. There were thirteen of the crew, to which I belonged, but in a short time, all but three or four were dead. The most healthy and vigorous were first seized with the fever, and died in a few hours. For them there seemed to be no mercy. My constitution was less mus- cular and plethoric, and I escaped the fever longer than any of the thirteen, except one, and the first onset was less violent. There is one palliating circumstance as to tiie inhumanity of the British, which ought to be mentioned. The prisoners were furnished with buckets and brushes to cleanse the ship, and with vinegar to sprinkle her inside. But. their indolence and despair were such, that they would not use them, or but rarely. And, indeed, at this time, encouragement to do so was small. For the whole ship, from her keel to the tafferel, was equally afi*ected, and contained pestilence sufficient to desolate a world ; disease and death were wrought into her very timbers. At the time I left, it is presumed a more filthy, contagious, and deadly abode for human beings, never existed among a Christianized people. It fell but little short of the Black Ilole at Calcutta. Death was more lingering, but almost equally certain. The lower hold and the orlop deck were such a terror, that no man would venture down NOTKS. 257 into them. - * * As to religion, I do not remember of beholding any trace of it in the ship. I saw no Bible-heard no prayer,-no religious conversation, -no clergyman visited us, though no set of afflicted and dying men more needed the light and consolations of religion." Old Jersey Captive, pages 12-19. Silas Talbot, (who was a prisoner in the fall of 1780,) iu speak- •n- of the Jersey, and the sickness and deaths therein, says : "All her ports were close shut and secured, which effectu- ally prevented any current of fresh air between decks, where the prisoners were all shut down from sun-set to sun-rise, and during these melancholy hours, all access to, or intercourse with, the upper deck was prohibited. She had a guard on board, which were forbidden, on pain of severe punishment, to relieve the wants of any distressed prisoner; and was anchored in a solitary nook, called the Wallabout. * * * There were confined, at this time, in this much-dreaded hulk, about eleven hundred prisoners. No berths were constructed for them to lie down in, nor a bench to sit upon. Many were almost without cloaths. The dysentery, fever, phrenzy, and despair, prevailed among them, and filled the place with filth, disgust and horror. The scantiness of the allowance, the bad quality of the provisions, the brutality of the guards, and the sick, pining for comforts they could not obtain, altogether furnished continually one of the greatest scenes of human dis- tress and misery ever beiield. It was now the middle of October, and the weather was cool and clear, with frosty 258 NOTES. nights, so that the number of deaths per day were reduced, while captain Talbot was on board, to an average of teii ; and this number was considered by the survivors but a small one, when compared with the terrible mortality that had prevailed in the ship for three months before. The human bones and skulls, yet bleaching on the shore of Long Island, and daily exposed, by the falling down of the high bank on which the prisoners were buried, is a shocking sight, and manifestly demonstrates that the Jersey prison-ship had been as destruc- tive as a field of battle." Hist. Sketch of the Life of Silas Talbot, pp. 107-110. The following extracts have a bearing upon this subject, and will be found interesting : TTTHEREAS HARRIOT ARBUTHNOT, Esquire, Vice Admiral of the Blue and Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Ships and Vessels employed and to Vje employed in North America, &c. &c. &c. has appointed me Commissary General for Naval Prisoners in North America, I do hereby direct all Captains, Commanders, Masters, and prize masters of vessels, who shall bring naval prisoners into this port, that they (immediately on their arrival) send them on board the prison ship appointed for their reception, and report the same at my ofiSce. DAVID SPROAT, Commissary-General of Naval Prisoners. N.B. Naval prisoners out on parole in the city or on Long-Island, are desired to send a note to the ofBce, informing me of the place of their residence, in order that I may have it in my power to acquaint them when their exchange shall take place. New-York, 20 October, 1779. Rivington, December i, 1779. NOTKS. 259 T DO hereby direct all Captains, Comman(ier.s, Afasters, and Prize Masters of ships and other vessels, who bring naval prisoners into this port, immediately after their arrival to send a list of their names to this office, No. 33, in Maiden Lane, where they will receive an order how to dispose of them. DAVID SPROAT, New- York, April 28, 1780. Commissary-General N. P. Rivington, Sat. ApiHl 29, 1780. TT7"HEREAS it is found by experience, that indiilgencies shewn to prisoners have often been abused by them, and favored making their escape.— I do therefore require all Captains, Commanders, Masters and Prize Masters belonging to the Royal Navy, and private vessels of war who shall bring naval prisoners into this port ; not to allow any of them to come on shore on any promise or pretence whatsoever, but immediately after their arrival to cause a report of them to be made at the Commissary's Office No. 33 Maiden Lane where they will be directed how to dispose of them— And if notwithstanding some may escape while in charge of the captors or afterwards from on board the prison ships— the person found harboring or concealing them, may depend upon being proceeded against according to the Commandant's procla- mation. DAVID SPROAT, New-York, 8th Dec. 1781. Commissary General for Naval Prisoners. Rivington, Sat. Dec. 8, 1781. " New-Haven, January 8. Last Wednesday a Flag of Truce vessel arrived at Milford, after a tedious passage of several days, having upwards of 200 American prisoners, whose rueful countenances too well discovered the ill treatment they received whilst they were prisoners in New York; twenty of these unfortunate people died on the passage, and twenty have died since they landed at Milford." New Hampshire Gazette, Jan. 21, 1777. 260 NOTES. " Providence, April 19. A gentleman from the Westward informs that the enemy at New York continued to treat the American prisoners with great barbarity. Their allowance to each man for 3 days is 1 lb. of beef, 3 worm eaten musty biscuits, and a quart of salt water : the meat they are obliged to eat raw, as they have not the smallest allowance of fuel. Owing to this more than savage cruelty, the prisoners die fast, and in the small space of three weeks (during the winter) no less than 700 brave men have perished. Nothing short of Retaliation will com- pel these British Barbarians to respect the law of nations." JVew Hampshire Gazette, April 2G, 1777. * * * •' A cartel vessel lately carried about one hundred and thirty American prisoners from the prison ships in New York to New London, in Connecticut. Such was the condition in which these poor creatures were put on board the cartel, that in that short run, sixteen died on board ; upwards of sixty, when they landed, were scarcely able to move, and the remainder greatly emaciated and enfeebled ; and many who continue alive, are never likely to recover their former health." * * * New Hamp. Gazette, Feb. 9, 1779. Extract from a letter written by a captain of an American privateer while on board a prison ship in New York ; * * * " It is very sickly here — one third of my crew is sick, and all the rest are likely to be so. There is not more than one in five that recovers. * * * There is now 200 out of 6, suffering the pains of this sickness, and it's daily increasing. * * * i am now in the lim- boes, in the midst of filth and vermin.'' Pennsylvania Packet, Aug. 30, 1781. " New London, August 2. Tuesday, a flag returned here from New York, which brought from the hospital ship 51 American prisoners, 2 of which died on the passage, and the others are in a sickly and emaciated condition." Pennsylvania Packet, Sept. 4, 1781. NOTES. 261 Extract of a letter dated on board tlio Jersey (vulgarly called Hell) Prison Ship, j^ew York, August 10, 1781 : "There is nothing but death or entering into the British service before me. Our ship's company is reduced to a small number (by death and entering into the British service) of 19. * * * I am not able to give you even the outlines of my exile ; hut thus much I will inform you that we bury 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 men in a day: we have 200 more sick and falling sick every day ; the sickness is the yellow fever, small pox, and in short, everything else that can be men- tioned. I had almost forgot to tell you that our morning's salutation is, ' Rebels ! turn out your dead !' " Pennsylvania Packet, Sept. 4, 1781. " Xew Loxdox, May .3. Sunday last a flag returned from New York which brought 20 Americans who had been a long time on board a prison ship. About one thousand of our countrymen remain in the prison ships at New York, great part of whom have been under close confinement for more tlian six months, and in the most deplorable condition ; many of them seeing no prospect of a releasement are entering into the British service to elude the contagion with which the ships are fraught.'' Pennsylvania Packet, May U, 1782. Extract of a letter dated on board the prison-ship Jersey, at New York, April 26, 1782 : " I am sorry to write you from this miserable place : I can assure you since I have been here we have had only twenty men exchanged, although we are in number upwards of 700, exclusive of the sick in the Hospital ships, who died like sheep ; therefore my intention is, if pos- sible, to enter on board some merchant or transport ship, as it is impossible for so many men to keep alive in one vessel." Pennsylvania Packet, May 21, 1782. 262 NOTES. " Providence, May 25. Sunday last a flag of truce returned here from New York, and brought a few prisoners. We learn that 1,100 Americans were on board the prison and hospital ship at New York, when the flag sailed from thence ; and that from 6 to 7 were generally buried every day." Pennsylvania Packet, June 18, 1782. Salem. December 5. A letter from .in officer, late of a privateer from this port, dated on board the Jersey prison ship, New- York, November 9tli, says : " The deplorable situation I am in cannot be expressed. The Cap- tains, lieutenants and sailing masters are gone to the provost, but they have only got out of the frying pan into the fire. I am left here with about 700 miserable objects, eaten up with lice, and daily taking fevers, which carry them oflf fast.'' Pennsylvania Packet, Jan. 2, 1783. By way of retaliation on the British for the atrocious cruelties intiicted upon American prisoners, the Americans, in 1782, fitted up a prison-ship themselves. It was called the '• Retaliation " prison-ship. It was used, however, but for a short time. The following is a notice of her, taken from the papers of the day : " New London, May 24. — Last Saturday, the Retaliation prison ship was safely moored in the River Thames, about a mile from the ferry, for tlie reception of such British prisoners as may fall in our hands ; since which about one hundred prisoners have been put on board." Pennsylvania Packet, June 11, 1782. The following paragraph is the source whence have sprung the reports of the vast numbers who perished in the prison-ships. NOTES. 263 Neither Mr. Sproat, the British Commissary, or his deputy, Mr. Robert Lenox, the latter of whom lived in our city for many years after the Revolution, and died here, ever contradicted these reports, although they certainly had it in their power by an official return of those taken, exchanged, and dead, to give the true number. No such return has ever appeared, and we may therefore safely infer that the reports were true, and tliat about 11,000 American prisoners perished in the British prison-ships and hospital-ships of the Revolution : " Fishkill, May 18, 1V83. To all Printers of public Newspapers, Tell it to the world, and let it be published in every Newspaper throughout America, Europe, Asia and Africa, to the everlasting dis- grace and infamy of the British King's commanders at New York : That during the late war, it is said, 11,644 American prisoners have suffered death by their inhuman, cruel, savage and barbarous usage on board the filthy and malignant British prison-ship, called the Jersey, Ij'ing at N. Y. Britons tremble, lest the vengeance of Heaven fall on your isle, for the blood of these unfortunate victims ! AN AMERICAN." " They died — the young — the loved, the brave. The death barge came for them, And where the seas yon crag rocks lave Their nightly requiem. They buried them all, and threw the sand Unhallow'dly o'er that patriot band. The black ship, like a demon sate, Upon the prowling deep ; From her, came fearful sounds of hate, Till pain still'd all in sleep — It was the sleep that victims take, Tied, tortur'd, dying, at the stake. 264 NOTES. Yet some, the deep has now updug, Their bones are in the sun ; And whether by sword, or deadly drug, They died — yes — one by one. Was it not strange to mortal eye, To see them all so strangely die ? Are they those ancient ones, who died For freedom, and for me ? They are — they point in martyr'd pride, To that spot upon the sea, From whence came once the dying yell. From out that wreck — that prison'd hell.'' Whitman. Tlie principal causes of the mortality oa board the "Jersey " prison-ship, were : 1st. Crowding and want of ventilation. — The prisoners were so crowded together, that the minimum amount of pure air necessary for the healthy functions of life, was never enjoyed, while, on account of the small port- holes and outlets, the cir- culation w^as very limited, and as the prisoners were kept confined, the surrounding atmosphere, saturated with the exhalations from their bodies and lungs, was too slowly replaced by that which was fresh and oxygenated. 2d. The icant of food. — The prisoners did not obtain the rations required to keep them in healtlj, and what was served out to them was very poor in quajity ; the meat being gene- rally tainted, and the flour and bi'ead mouldy and otherwise NOTES. 265 deleterious. The water also was generally bad, and the quantity often insufficient. The food was, therefore, debilita- ting instead of strengthening, and was calculated to produce scurvy, dysentery, and other diseases. 3d. Cleanliness. — Although buckets and brooms were al- lowed the prisoners, the physical and mental prostration caused by the confined air they were compelled to breathe, and the nnliealthy and insufficient food they had to eat, ren- dered them incapable of labor, and no regular measures were taken to enforce sanitary regulations. The reaction of these causes on each other increased the vigor of action of each. 4th. Miasma. — The ship was moored at the Wallabout, always and to this day an unhealthy location : in the Revolu- tion it Avas a low, marshy swamp, well calculated to generate those miasmatic poisons which produce typhus and other low forms of pestilential fevers. In addition to this, the ship itself was very old and very leaky, contaminated with decomposed animal and vegetable matter, and having always a large amount of bilge-water in her hold, which could never be entirely removed by the old-fashioned wooden pump, the only one known on shipboard at that day. Miasmatic exhalations were, therefore, the consequence ; all the elements for the generation of the fevers, to which so many of the prisoners fell victims, being present and greatly abundant. Finally, the physical strength of the jirisouers being greatly reduced, they were unable to meet the attack of disease ; when sick, were 266 NOTES. unattended, until beyond the power of medicine ; and when, at last, medical assistance was rendered, the physicians were inattentive, to say the least. (45) The following extracts will show the manner in which those who died on board the prison-ships and hospital-ships were interred : Capt. Dring, (who was present at oae of these burials,) gives the following account of the proceedings : " It has already been mentioned that one of the duties of the "Working Party was, on each morning, to place the sick in the bunks, and if any of the prisoners had died during the night, to carry the dead bodies to the upper deck, where they were laid upon the gratings. Any prisoner who could procure and chose to furnish a blanket, was allowed to sew it around the remains of his deceased companions. The signal being made, a boat was soon seen approaching from the Hunter; and if there were any dead on board the other ships, the boat received them, on her way to the Jersey. The corpse was laid upon a board, to which some ropes were attached as straps ; as it was often the case, that bodies were sent on shore for interment, before they had become sufficiently cold and stiff to be lowered into the boat by a single strap. Thus prepared, a tackle was attached to the board, and the remains of the sufferer were hoisted over the side of the ship into the boat, without further ceremony. . If several bodies were wait- ing for interment, but one of them was lowered into the boat NOTES. 207 at a time, for the sake of decency. The prisoners were always very anxious to be engaged in the duty of interment ; not so much from a feeling of humanity or from a wish of paying respect to the remains of the dead, (for to tliese feelings, they had almost become strangers,) as from the desire of once more placing their feet upon the land, if but for a few minutes. A suflScient number of the prisoners having received permission to assist in this duty, they entered the boat, accompanied by a guard of soldiers, and put oflFfrom the ship. I obtained leave to assist in the burial of the body of Mr. Carver ; whose death was mentioned in the preceding Chapter. As this was done in the ordinary mode, a relation of the circumstances attend- ing it, will afford a correct idea of the general method of inter- ment. After landing at a low wharf whicli had been built from the shore, we first went to a small hut, which stood near the wharf, and was used as a place of deposit for the hand- barrows and shovels provided for these occasions. Having placed the corpses on tlie hand-bairows, and received our hoes and shovels, we proceeded to the side of tiie l)ank near the Wallabout. Here a vacant space having been selected, we were directed to dig a trench in the sand, of a proper lengtli for the reception of the bodies. We continued our labour until our guards considered tliat a sufficient space had been excavated. The corpses were then laid into the trench, with- out ceremony; and we tlirevv the sand over them. The whole appeared to produce no luore effect upon our guards, than if we were burying the bodies of dead animals instead of men. 268 NOTKS. Tliey scarcely allowed us time to look about us; for no sooner had we heaped the earth above the trench, than the order was given, to march. But a single glance was sufficient to show us parts of many bodies which were exposed to view; although tliey had probably been placed there, with the same mockery of interment, but a few days before. Having thus performed, as well as we were permitted to do it, the last duty to the dead, and tlie guards having stationed themselves on each side of us, we began reluctantly to retrace our steps to the boat. We had enjoyed the pleasure of breathing, for a few moments, the air of our native soil ; and the thought of returning to the crowded prison-ship, was terrible in the extreme. As we passed by the water's side, we implored our guards to allow us to bathe, or even to wash ourselves for a few minutes ; but this vvas refused us. I was the only prisoner of our party who wore a pair of shoes ; and well recollect the circumstance, that I took them from my feet, for the pleasure of feeling the earth, or rather the sand as I went along. It was a high gratification to us to bury our feet in the saud, and to shove them tlirough it, as we passed on our way. We went by a small patch of turf, some pieces of which we tore up from the earth ; and obtained permission to carry them on board, for our comrades to smell them. Circumstances like these may appear trifling to the careless reader ; but let him be assured that they were far from being trifles to men situated as we hud been. The inflictions which we had endured ; the duty wliicli wc luid just performed ; the feeling that we must in a NOTKS. 2(>0 few minutes re-enter our place of sutfering, from which in all probability, we should never return alive, all tended to render everything connected with the firm land beneath, and tiie sweet air above us, objects of deep and thrilling interest. Having arrived at the hut, we there deposited our implements, and walked to the landing place, where we prevailed on our guards, who were Hessians, to allow us the gratification of remaining nearly half an hour, before we re-entered the boat. Near us stood a house, occupied by a Miller; and we had been told that a tide-mill which he attended, was in its imme- diate vicinity; as a landing place for which, the wharf where we stood, had been erected. It would have afibrded me a high degree of pleasure to have been permitted to enter this dwelling, the probable abode of harmony and peace. It was designated by the prisoners, by the appellation of the '' Old Dutchman's;" and its very walls were viewed by us, with feelings of veneration ; as we had been told that the amiable daughter of its owner had kept a regular account of the num- ber of bodies which had been brought on shore for interment from the Jersey and the hospital ships. This (;ould easily be done in the house, as its windows commanded a fair view of the landing place. We were not, however, gratified on this occasion, either by the sight of herself, or of any other inmate of the house. Sadly did we approacli and re-enter our foul and disgusting place of confinement. The pieces of turf wliich we carried on board, wei-e sought for by our fellow-prisoners, with the greatest avidity; every fragment being passed by 270 NOTES. them from hand to hand, and its smell inhaled, as if it had been a fragrant rose." Dring's Recollections of the Jersey prison- ship, pp. 76-82. Ebenezer Fox says : " When any of the prisoners died in the night, their bodies were brought to the upper deck in the morning, and placed upon the gratings. If the deceased had owned a blanket, any prisoner might sew it around the corpse, and then it was lowered with a rope, tied round the middle, down the side of the ship into a boat. Some of the prisoners were allowed to go on shore, under a guard, to perform the labor of inter- ment. Having arrived on shore, they found in a small hut some tools for digging, and a hand-barrow on which the body was conveyed to the place for burial. Here in a bank near the Wallabout, a hole was excavated in the sand, in which the body was put, and then slightly covered ; the guard not giving time sufficient to perform the melancholy service in a faithful manner. Many bodies would, in a few days after this mockery of a burial, be exposed nearly bare by the action of the elements." Rev. Adventures of Ebenezer Fox, 1st ed., p. 108. Med., pp. 111-112. " Each day, at least six carcases we bore And scratch'd tliera graves along the sandy shore, By feeble hands the shallow graves were made, No stone, memorial, o'er the corpses laid ; In barren sands, and far from home they lie, No friend to shed a4ear, when passing by ; O'er the mean tombs insulting Britons tread, Spurn at the sand, and curse the rebel dead." Fkeneau. NOTES. 271 Alexander Coffix, Jk., gives an instance of the premature man- ner in which these interments were sometimes made. He says : " A man of the name of Gavot, a native of Rhode Ishinti, died, as was supposed, and was sewed up in liis hammock, and in tlie evening carried upon deck to be taken with others wlio were dead, and those who might die during the night, on shore to be interred, (in their mode of interring.) During tlie night it rained pretty hard: in the morning, when they were loading the boat with the dead, one hammock was observed by one of the English seamen to move; he spoke to the officer and told him that he believed the man in that hammock (pointing to it) was not dead. In with him^ said the officer, if he is not dead he soon icill be : but the honest tar, more humane than his officer, swore he never would bury a man alive, and with his knife ripped open tlie hammock, when behold— the man was really alive. What was the cause of this man's reanimation, is a question for doctors to decide : it was at the time supposed, that the rain during the night had caused the reaction of the animal functions, which were sus- pended, but not totally annihilated. This same man, Gavot, went afterwards in the same flag with me to Rhode-Island. Capt. Shubael AVorth of Hudson was master of the flag, and will bear testimony to the same fact." Interment of the Martyrs, p. 35. Another authority says : "The haste and indignity with which they were committed to the earth were such, that many skeletons have been dis- 272 NOTES. covered in positions which clearly indicate and prove, that the graves, or holes, which were dug were too confined to receive them at full length, and that, either from want of time' or inclination to enlarge them, the bodies were crowded and pressed down into the earth witlioiit decency or humanity." Interment of the Martyrs, p. 5. Jeremiah Johnson, (who was born near the Wallabout, and died there on the 20th Oct., 1852, in the 87th year of his age,) in his Recol- lections of Brooklyn and New York, says : " I saw the sand-heacli, between a ravine in the hill and Mr. Rerasen^s dock, become filled with graves in the course of two months ; and before the first of May, 1T77, the ravine, alluded to, was itself occupied in the same way. * * * It was no uncommon thing to see five or six dead bodies brought on shore in a single morning ; when a small excava- tion would be dug at the foot of the hill, the bodies be cast in, and a man with a shovel would cover them, by shoveling sand down the hill upon them. Many were buried in a ravine of the hill ; some on the farm. The whole shore, from Rennie's Point to Mr. Remsen's door-yard, was a place of graves ; as were also the slope of the hill,* near the house ; the shore, from Mr. Remsen's barn along the mill-pond to Rappelye's farm ; and the sandy island, between the flood gates and the mill-dam ; while a few were buried on the shore on the east side of the AVallabout. Thus did Death reign here, from 1776, until the peace. The whole Wallabout was a sickly place * This part of the hill was dug away by Mr. Jackson, where he obtained the bones for the "dri/ bone procession.'" NOTES. 273 daring the war. The atmosphere seemed to be charged with foul air, from the prison ships, and with the effluvia of the dead bodies, washed out of their graves by the tides. We believe that more than half of the dead, buried on the outer side of the mill-pond, were waslied out by the waves at high tide, during north-easterly winds. The bones of the dead lay exposed along the beach, drying and bleaching in tlie sun, and whitening the shore ; till reached by the power of a succeed- ing storm, as the agitated waters receded, the bones receded with them into the deep — where they remain, unseen by man, awaiting the resurrection mom ! when, again joined to the spirits to which they belong, they will meet their persecuting murderers at the bar of the supreme Judge of ' the quick and the dead.' We have, ourselves, examined many of the shulls laying on the shore. From the teeth, they appeared to be the remains of men in the prime of life." Naval Magazine, Vol. /., pp. 4<)7-4G9. By the action of the tide the bones were washed from their shallow graves, and during tlie progress of excavations for the U. S. Navy Yard, were still furtlier disturbed. For years they lay whitening the Long Island shore, crying loudly for the respect which was their due. Attempts were made at ditferent times to give them a proper sepulture and a fitting monument, but though Congress was petitioned, and the sub- ject brought before other bodies, yet nothing effectual was accomplished until the year 1808, when the Tammany Society, comjjosed then of many revulutionury patriots, took the lead 274 NOTES. in the good work. Previous to this, however, Mr. Benjamin Aycrigg, having often noticed, with painful regret, the negli- gence shown to those relics of departed worth, made at length an agreement in 1805 witli a Mr. Amos Cheney, residing near the locality, who engaged to gather them together, at the rate of one cent per pound. Nearly twenty hogsheads were thereby collected, and in 1808, a vault for their reception was commenced in Jackson street, now Hudson Avenue, upon land which had been set aside for the purpose by the late John Jackson, Esq., and on the 13th day of April of that year, the corner-stone of a monument was laid with considerable cere- mony. The stone bore the following inscription : " In the name of The Spirits of the Departed Free. Sacred to the Memory of that portion of Ameeican Seamen, Soldiers, and Citizens, Who perished on board the Prison-ships of the British, At the Wallabout, during the Revolution. This Corner-stone of the Vault was erected by the Tammany Society ; Or Columbian Order, Nassau Island, Season of Blossoms, Year of Discovery the 316th, of the Institution the 19th, and of American Independence, the 32d." On the 26th day of May following, the burial took place. The procession moved from the Park in New York, and was one of the most solemn and imposing ever seen in the city. In the procession was a black horse, on which was mounted a NOTKS. 275 trumpeter, dressed in character, (black relieved with red) and wearing a hehiiet, ornamented with flowing red and black feathers. In his right hand he bore a trumpet, to which was suspended a black silk flag, edged with red and black, upon which appeared the following memorable words, in letters of gold : "MORTALS AVAUNT! 11,500 SPIRITS OF THE MARTYRED BRAVE. Approach the Tomb of Honor, of Glory, of Virtuous Patriotism !" A noted feature in the procession was the " Grand National Pedestal," so called, consisting of a square stage, erected on a large truck carriage, the margin of which represented an iron railing; below this dropped a deep festoon which covered the wheels ; on the stage was a pedestal eight feet long, six feet high, and four wide, and made to imitate black marble. On the four pannels of the pedestal were the following inscrip- tions : (front) " AMERICANS ! REMEMBER THE BRITISH." (right side) " YOUTH OF MY COUNTRY ! MARTYRDOM PREFER TO SLAVERY." (left side) " SIRES OF COLUMBIA ! TRANSMIT TO POSTERITY THE CRUELTIES PRAC- TISED ON BOARD THE BRITISH PRISON SHIPS." (rear) " TYRANTS DREAD THE GATHERING STORM.— WHILE FREEMEN, FREEMEN'S OBSEQUIES PERFORM." 276 NOTKS. An elegant bine silk American flag, eighteen feet by twelve, floated from a statt' at the top of the pedestal, and the staff was surmounted by a globe, upon which stood the American eagle, enveloped in a cloud of crape. Upon the pedestal was the " Genius of America," represented by Josiah Falconer, a member of the Tammany Society, and the son of a Revolu- tionary patriot. He wore a loose under-dress of light blue silk reaching to his knees ; over it was a long flowing white robe, relieved by a crimson scarf and crape. He had sandals on his feet, and on his head a magnificent cap, adorned with elegant feathers. On the stage and around the pedestal stood nine young men, each holding by a tassel the end of a cord con- nected with the flag. These young men represented, respec- tively, Patriotism, Honor, Virtue, Patience, Fortitude, Merit, Courage, Perseverance, and Science, and were called " The Attributes of the Genius of America." They were all dressed in character, with plumes of feathers in their hats, and they all wore white silk scarfs, relieved with black crape. Each " Attribute " also wore a scarlet badge, with a blue silk fringe, on which the name of his character was embroidered in gold, and each one bore in his hand a blue silk banner, emblematic of the institution to which he belonged. The whole structure was drawn by four horses, in charge of two grooms, who were appropriately dressed with ribbons and crape. The bones, which had been placed in thirteen coflans, made, it is said, by one John Mead, a cabinet maker, were under the NOTES. 2Y7 charge of the tribes of St. Tammany, each tribe having one of the coffins in its custody. One hundred and four Revolu- tionary patriots acted as pall-bearers, all wearing white scarfs, relieved with crape. Numerous banners, bearing appropriate devices, appeared in tlie procession. Though under the direc- tion of tlie Tammany Society, yet tlie procession was par- ticipated in by the State and city authorities, the military, and civic associations, with a full representation of all trades and professions, beside a vast number of citizens, among whom were many persons of distinction. After passing through various streets, it crossed over to Brooklyn, wliere, being again formed, it proceeded to the tomb. At the vault, an oration was delivered by Benjamin De Witt, a prayer by the Rev. Ralph Williston, and a fitting benediction closed the services of the day. The whole cere- mony was an exciting and heart-rending scene, and met tlie approving voice of the many tliousands there assembled. Notwithstanding this splendid, imposing pageant, and the feelings of deep sympathy wliich it seemed to create, no monument was erected; and in 1832, the very lot in which the relics of the Martyrs were interred, was assessed as private property, and actually put under the hammer, and — sold for taxes! A patriot of the Revolution, and a fellow-sufferer at the liands of the Britisli, came forward, and rescued tliat lot from sacrilege. That patriot — that sufferer — was Benjamin Romaine. He took the sacred relics under his watchful care, and with jealous eye and untiring vigilance, guarded and pro- 278 NOTES. tected them to the last moment of his life. Over the tomb he caused to be erected a wooden structure in the shape of a mausoleum, which he called " J^e Atite- Chamber to the Tom'b.'''' He surmounted it by an eagle, embellished it with appropriate ornaments, and covered it Avith inscriptions com- memorative and patriotic. Nor did he stop here. With the view to protect from desecration those sacred relics, he be- queathed the plot as a family vault to his heirs and their descendants forever, and directed that he, himself, should be buried tliere. Upon tlie death of that truly estimable man in the month of February, 1844, his remains were placed by the side of those whom he, while living, had cherished with such fond, faithful devotion. There they now lie. United in life, let them not be separated in death. Honor, all honor to Benjamin Komaine — the pure, noble-hearted, ever-to-be re- membered and lamented, Benjamin Romaine — the man who bad not only the heart to feel, but the will to execute. His name should be written in letters of gold. Had he lived in the days of Rome, and done an act like this, he Am«e(/' would have had a splendid monument, and a statue too, erected to his memory. Americans — you who have become wealthy by tlie pursuits of commerce, or by the profits of trade — you who, by your lucrative callings or professions, have been raised to affluence — you who dwell in splendid palaces — who are arrayed in purple and fine linen — who live sumptuously, and have your tables and coffers full, and to overfiowing — remember, in your abundance and prosperity, to whom you THE TOMB OP THE MARTYRS, As it originalli/ npjiefiret/. N0TE8. 279 owe these blessings. Think of the poor Martjrs of the Revohition, who, in the flower of their youth, in the prime of their lives, in the midst of their usefulness, became victims to British cruelty, and in the prison-ships and hospital-sliips of the Wallabout, miserably, horribly died, that you — you might be free, and rich, and happy ! Go to the spot where lie those noble men who were immolated on the altar of Freedom. Behold their place of interment — in a locality, used as a recep- tacle for filth and refuse, and where even the coarse, disgust- ing noise of swine is heard. Go there, and after viewing that repulsive spot, tell me, as I look you in the eye, will you give those bones a fitting sepulture — will you raise over them a proper monument? Arise, then, my wealthy countrymen — arise from your velvet seats, your chairs of ease — arise in the power of your wealth, and in the majesty of your power, and proclaim that those bones shall be no longer " unwept^ nnlionored and unsung.'''' Erect over them a worthy, a glorious, an enduring monument — one that shall tower to the clouds above — one that shall first catch the modest peep of the rising sun — one that parting day shall love, and be wont to linger, and dwell upon. Show to the world that our republic is not an ungrateful republic — that we are not like the Athenians of old, merely knowing what is right ; but that we, like the Lacedemonians, also practise it. Show to the world that we, too, can respect, and not only respect, but honor, — aye, adore, Virtue — Patriotism — Martyrdom. It is a shame upon us as an enlightened people — it is a damning stigma on us 280 NOTES. as Americans, that this tribute to Revolutionary devotion lias been so long, so unjustly, so disgracefully withheld. God grant that I may see the day when this blot upon our national character, and our own honor, shall be washed out forever. " Si sum creatm ccelestis stirps, cedo nota tantus genusy (46) Burgoo. This was what is here called " mush,'''' or in New England, " hasty -pudding ^ and was made of oat-meal and water. It was served out to the prisoners once a week. The oat-meal, of which it was composed, was scarcely ever sweet ; on the contrary, it was generally so musty and bitter, that none but persons in their condition, and suffering as they did, could eat it. (47) Thomas Andeos, in his narrative, gives a different account of this occurrence. Having been a prisoner on the Jersey at the very time it took place, and perhaps an eye witness to the whole proceed- ings, his version is, therefore, probably the most correct. He says : " A secret, prejudicial to a prisoner, revealed to the guard, was death. Captain Young of Boston, concealed himself in a large chest belonging to a sailor going to be exchanged, and was carried on board the cartel, and we considered his escape as certain; but the secret leaked out and he was brought back, and one Spicer of Providence being suspected as the traitor, the enraged prisoners were about to take his life. His head was drawn back, and the knife raised to cut his throat, but having obtained a hint of what was going on below, the guard at this instant, rushed down and rescued the man. Of NOTES. 281 his guilt at the time, there was to me, at least, no convincing evidence. It is a pleasure now to reflect that I had no hand in the outrage." Old Jersey Captive, p. 17. (48) The regular crew of the Jersey consisted of a Com- mander, two mates, a steward, a cook, and about twelve sailors. The crew of the ship had no communication what- ever with the prisoners. In addition to the regular officers and seamen, there were also on board about a dozen old invalid marines, but the actual guard was composed of soldiers detached from the different regiments quartered on Long Island. Capt. Dring speaks of them as follows : "The number usually on board, was about thirty. Each week, they were relieved by a fresh party. They were English, Hessians, and Refugees. We always preferred the Hessians, from whom we received better treatment than from the others. As to the English, we did not complain ; being aware that they merely obeyed their orders in regard to us; but the Refugees or Royalists, as they termed themselves, were viewed by us with scorn and hatred. I do not recol- lect however, that a guard of these miscreants was placed over us more than three times ; during which, their presence occasioned much tumult and confusion; for the prisoners could not endure the sight of these men, and occasionally assailed them with abusive language ; while they, in return, treated us with all the severity in their power. We dared not 282 ^•0TES. approach near them, for fear of their bayonets ; and of course, could not pass along the gangways where they were stationed ; but were obliged to crawl along upon the booms, in order to get fore and aft, or to go up or down the hatchways. They never answered any of our remarks respecting them ; but would merely point to their uniforms ; as if saying, — "We are clothed by our Sovereign, while you are naked. They were as much gratified at the idea of leaving us, as we were at see- ing them depart. Many provoking gestures were made by the prisoners, as they left the ship, and our curses followed them, as far as we could make ourselves heard. * * * -pijg qj^\j duty, to my knowledge, ever performed by the old Marines was to guard the water butt ; near which, one of them was stationed with a drawn cutlass. Tliey were ordered to allow no prisoner to carry away more than one pint of water afc once ; but we were allowed to drink at the butt, as much as we pleased ; for which purpose two or three copper ladles were chained to the cask. Having been long on board, and regular in the performance of this duty, they had become familiar with the faces of the prisoners ; and could thereby, in many instances, detect the frauds which we practiced upon them in order to obtain more fresh water for our cooking than was allowed us by the regulations of the ship. Over the water, the soldiers had no control. The daily con- sumption of water on board, was at least, equal to seven hundred gallons. I know not whence it was brought, but presume it was from Brooklyn. One large gondola or boat, NOTFS. •283 was kept in constant employment, to furnish the necessary supply.'' Dring's Recollections of the Jersey Prison-ship, pp. 88-91. The conduct of some of the guard towards the prisoners was not only harsh and unfeeling, but, sometimes, even brutal in the extreme. A few instances of this we will give. Thomas Piiilbeook, (who was for several montha a prisoner on board the Jersey,) says: '• As the morning dawned, there would be heard the loud, unfeeling and horrid cry, ' Rebels.^ bring n-p your dead.'' Staggering under the weight of some stark stiff" form, I would at length gain the upper deck, when I would be met by the salutation, ' What ! you alive yet ? Well, you are a tough one." William Burke, (a native of Newport, in the State of Delaware.) was a prisoner on the Jersey for about fourteen months. He says : " Among other cruelties which were committed, I have known many of the American prisoners put to death by the bayonet : in particular I well recollect, that it was the custom on board the ship for but one prisoner at a time to be admitted on deck at night, besides the guards or centinels. One night, while the prisoners were many of them assembled at the grate at the hatchway, for the purpose of obtaining fresh air, and waiting tlieir turn to go on deck, one of the centinels thrust his bayonet down among them, and in the morning twenty- five of them were found wounded, and stuck in the liead, and 284 KOf;-s. dead of the wounds they had thus received. I further recol- lect that this was the ease several mornings, when sometimes five, sometimes six, and sometimes eight or ten were found dead by the same means." Inteiinent of the Martyrs, p. 90. •' Two young men, brothers, belonging to a ritle corps, were unfortunately made prisoners, and sent together on board the Jersey. The elder took the fever, and in a few days became delirious. One night, (his end was fast approaching,) he became calm and sensible, and lamenting his hard fate, and the absence of his beloved mother, begged for a little water. His brother, with tears, entreated the guard to give him some, but in vain. The sick youth was soon in his last struggles. The other in this distress offered the guard a guinea, for an inch of candle, only that he might see him die ; and even this was refused. — Tlie language of the survivor expresses the irre- sistible sentiments of nature and humanity. — 'iVow,' says he, drying up his tears, ' if it please God I ever regain my liberty, I'll be a 7nost bitter enemy P — This awful appeal was not in vain. He regained his liberty — he rejoined the army — and ■when the war ended he returned home in safety and triumph, with eight large and one hundred and twenty-seven small notches on the stock of his rifle I I ! — A tremendous, but just revenge P' Historical Sketch of the Life uf Silas Talhvt. p. 108. (49) Benjamin Whipple was born in the year 1755, and was a tailor by trade. After the revolution, he moved from Rhode NOTES. 285 Island to the city of Albany, and held for )iiany years the situation of door-keeper to the House of Assembly of the State of Xew York. He was elected to this office in 1802, and held it by successive elections for the period of eighteen years, and to the time of his death. His pi'edecessor in office was Poter Hansou, and his successor was Henry Bates. Mr. Whipple's house was ou the corner of Lodge-street and Maiden Lane, now the site of St. Peter's Church Rectory. The upper rooms were used for a Masonic Lodge, of which he was tlie keeper. He was in great favor with tlie craft. He died in Albany, on tlie 30th day of April, 1819, at the age of sixty-four years. (so) Bexjamix Dexter was the son of Andrew Dexter, of Smithfield, R. L, who was a cooper by trade. His mother's maiden name was Lydia Jencks. Her father was a resident of Smithfield, and was, by occupation, a farmer. Tlie subject of this notice was of the fifth generation of Rev. Gregory Dexter, a native of Northampton county. Eng., who was born in IfilO, and came to Rhode Island in 1644, in company witii Roger Williams, who was then on his return home from a visit to England. Benjamin Dexter was born in SmitlifielJ, in the year 1754, and was brought up to the trade of a black- smith. His wife's maiden name was Phebe Marsh, by whom he had one son and three daughters. Mr. Dexter was a man of industrious habits, and was much esteemed for his integrity of character. He died in the town of Foster, R. I., on the 2(3th day of March, 1837, at the age of about So years. 286 NOTKs. (sij Jabez Hawkins was probably the one whom we find alluded to as a private in Colonel Eobert Elliot's regiment, that regiment being one of three raised by Rhode Island for defence of the State, in December, 1776, at the time of the invasion of Newport by the British troops. These regiments were raised first for 15 months, ending March 16, 1778. They were then by an act of the General Assembly ordered to be re-enlisted for 12 months longer, ending March 16, 1779, and then for the third time re-enlisted, pursuant to the same authority, for 12 months more, ending March 16, 1780, making altogether three years and three months before they wei'e disbanded. "We find the name of Jabez Hawkins also among those recruits who enlisted for the campaign of 1782 from the town of North Providence, R. I. (52) " New-Yoek, October 15. We flnJ the following account of this storm published iu the papers of the day : x\bout 12 o'clock last Saturday, we had an exceed- ing hard Gust of Wind, attended with Thunder, and a heavy Shower of Rain mixed with large Hail. The Lightning struck a House on the New Dock, but it did little or no Damage. Two small Boats overset in the River, but no Lives were lost." Gaine, Monday, Oct. 15, 1781. (53) William Waterman was born in the year 1758. He took an active part in the revolutionary war, and showed NOTES.] 287 himself to be a brave soldier. He fought in the battle of White Plains, where he was wounded through the thigh. In the course of the war he was taken prisoner, and put on board the Jersey prison-ship off New York, from which he made his escape by swimming to Long Island. He subsequently rejoined the array, aud continued in active service to the end of the war, discharging his duties faithfully. He died in Royalton, Vermont, on the 10th day of March, 1845, at the age of 87 years. (54) Hell Gate or Hurl Gate, a celebrated strait in the East River, near the west end of Long Island Sound, opposite Harlem, and about eight miles N. E. of New-York city, for- merly remarkable for its whirlpools, which made a tremen- dous roaring at certain times of the tide. These whirlpools were occasioned by the narrowness and crookedness of the passage, and a bed of rocks which extended quite across it. In the year 1780, the British frigate Huzzar, of 28 guns, Capt. Charles Morice Pole, in attempting to pass through, struck the rocks, and was so much injured, that after sailing a short distance, she sunk in deep water, where her hull still remains. Attempts have been made to raise her, but without success, though by means of diving-bells and other sub-marine contri- vances, many articles have been brought up, but no specie has yet been discovered, though she was reported to have had an amount on board. In former times, this passage was very dangerous to navigation ; but of late years, the obstructions 88 NOTES. have been removed by blasting, so that there is now- 21 feet of water at low tide, and the largest vessels can therefore pass through without any fear of injury. Tliere is a tradition among tlie Indians that at an early period, their ancestors could step from rock to rock, and cross this arm of the sea on foot. (55) Newtown lies in Queen's County, L. I., about eight miles east of New-York. The number of inhabitants of the town, in 1810, was 2,312, of which 512 were slaves. In 1852 the population was Y,208. There are many private graves in this town, and a great number of tomb-stones. Many of the latter were wantonly destroyed during the revolutionary war by the British troops who were then stationed here. (56) The Hessians were soldiers hired by Great Britain of the petty princes of Germany. The first employment of these mercenary troops by the English Government, was in the year 1726. xit the commencement of the American revolu- tion, England stood in great need of troops, and at first con- templated the hiring of 20,000 men from Paissia, but it was finally decided to abandon this plan, and a treaty was subse- quently entered into with the Duke of Brunswick, the Land- grave of Hessen-Cassel, and the Count Ilanau, who conjointly agreed to furnish the men required. Of these the Landgrave of Hessen-Cassel furnished the greater part, and, from this cir- cumstance, all tlie German soldiers . received tlie common anpellation of Hessians. The compensation received by the KOTKS. 289 rulers of tlie several states, was generally at the rate of thirty crowns or about thirty-five dollars for each man contributed, and an additional sum of the same amount for each one killed, or for three wounded, beside the cost of outfit and two months' extra pay. A still further sura was given in gross to the several vendors, and the Landgrave of Hessen-Cassel found a favorable occasion in the urgent necessity for troops by the British government to obtain the liquidation of a previously discovered debt of £80,000 incurred by that government during the seven years' war. The Hessian troops were first opposed to the Americans in the battle of Long Island in 1776. They were afterwards in service at Trenton, Sara- toga, and other engagements during the war. A lady de- scendant of one of tlie Hessian officers who came to America, informs us that a part of the Hessian forces mutinied, and were unwilling to leave their country, knowing that they had been sold. The mutiny was at length quelled, but only by the arrest of the leaders, who were six of them shot to death in the market of Hessen-Cassel. A Mr. DeWitt, who was confined a prisoner in N"ew York, and made his escape in 1777, says he " saw six hundred Hessians confined on board tlie men of war, for laying down their arms, and that the foreigners only waited for a favorable opportunity to go off in a body." The Hessian troops were peculiarly desirous to desert the service, so as to remain in our country, and hid themselves in every family where they could possibly secure a friend to aid their escape. Those who were successful, generally became thriving 293 NOTKS. tradesmen and farmers, and many of them acquired wealth. " At the Bank of England," says a paragraph in the Lady's Magazine for December, 1786, "the sura of £471,000 was transferred by Mr. Van Otten, on account of the Landgrave of Hessen-Cassel, being so much due for Hessian soldiers lost in the American war at thirty pounds a man. According to thiscalculation, the number of Hessians lost in the said war was 15,700." (s?) Jamaica, a beautiful and flourishing town in Queen's County, L. L, about 13 miles from the city of New York. In the year 1810, the whole township contained 1,6G1 inhabitants. In 1852 the population was 4,247. (ss) Jamaica Plains is the name given to the western por- tion of the extensive plains known as ffempstead Plains, — a vast tract of level land lying between Jamaica and Hemp- stead, commencing about 16 miles from the west end of Long Island, and extending 12 miles east, with a breadth of five to six miles. Hempstead Plains have been considered from the earliest settlement of the country, a great natural curiosity. The attention of strangers was always called to them, and scarcely any traveler of note in former times, but mentioned them, and deemed them worthy of minute description. In its original state, this whole tract appeared to the eye as smooth and unbroken as the sea in a calm. A few scattered clumps upon the borders, being just visible above the surface, in the distance, had the appearance of small islands. In the sum- NOTES. 21>1 nicr, tbe rarefaction ul' the air over so large a surt'ace, exposed to the sun's hot rays, occasioned the piieuomena of '4o()iiiiiig/' as seen in the harbors near tlie sea, which elevating these tree-tops as a mass, and causing the surrounding soil, shrouded in a tliin, and almost transparent vapor, to look like watei", made the deception complete. These plains were used fur horse races as early as 16T0 ; in the Revolution were called '' Ascot Heath," and the " Xew Market Course " after the celebrated one in England, and they w^ere greatly noted not only in the Xorth American colonies, but even in Europe. The races were held twice a year, for a silver cuj), and were attended by the gentry of New York and New England. In former times, Hempstead Plains were considered almost bar- ren, but the hand of cultivation has of late years caused them to blossom aud bloom, so that they are now occupied by fields of grain, have been enclosed by one and another, whei'eby they have lost tiieir original appearance, and in a few years more, no vestige whatever of their former condition will remain. (fto) The phenomenon alluded to, was, doubtless, that known as the '''■ ignis /atuus,'''' or more popularly, the ".Tack O'Lan- thorn," or "Will o' the Wisp;" a changeable, fiickering and momentary light engendered in hot weather, in moist localities, from the exhalation of gases, highly combined with i)hospho- rus. Tt is frequently noticed in meadows and bogs, and is also observed in the vicinity of grave-yards, where the decay- 202 NOTES. ing animal matter furnishes an ample reservoir of the elements which give rise to the phenomenon. This association of place and circumstance recalls naturally to the superstitious and ignorant, unacquainted with the cause of the appearance, the idea of ghosts and "goblins dire," and has, perhaps, con- tributed considerably to continuance in the belief of spiritual visitations. In localities favoring its development, it presents to the detained traveler at night, the appearance of a light from a lanthorn blown about by the wind, and frequently acts as a lure to a bootless chase, often causing him to wander from liis way — " An ignis fatuus, that bewitches And leads men into pools and ditches." Hudibras, Part I., Canto 1. (bo) TJje whole of Long Island being under British control from 1776 to 1783, the farmers there were subjected to many severe regulations and exactions by the enemy. They were required to furnish from year to year, for the use of the army, not only the greater part of their hay, straw, grain, vegetables and other farm produce, but also the teams and draught animals necessary to convey them to the place of deposit, under the penalty of imprisonment and having tlieir whole crops confiscated. The owners of woodlands had not only to supply the fuel required, but were also compelled to cut and deliver it, and the pay being fixed by the king's commis- sioners, if the fiirmer objected and demanded more, he often lost the whole. The use of horses and oxen was also fre- NOTES. 2U3 queutlv required, yometimes under pay, l)iit often witl) no compensation whatever. Owing to the great aiid constant drain made by the array, the necessaries of life often became excessively scarce and proportionably high, but the rise was of little benefit to the farmer, whose supply had perhaps already been so reduced by pilfering and foraging parties of the enemy, as to be inadequate for the wants even of his own family. To these hardships were added the annoyance of const.ant surveillance; passes and permits being required for everything they did, and wherever they went ; while the utmost condescension was exacted by the British officers, even to the uncovering of the head in tlieir presence. If a farmer neglected to do this, he rendered himself lial>le to summary chastisement, although the haughty Britain would scarcely deign to notice him, much less return the civility. It is no wonder, then, that the expulsion of the British was heheld by the farmers with great exultation, and that they viewed with infinite satisfaction the abject mortificatiou with which their red-coated oppressors finally left the country they had attempted so very unsuccessfully to subdue. The following extracts will be read with interest in this connection : Forage-Office, New- York, Sept. 10, 1778. rnilE Farmers on New- York-Island, Long, ami Statenlsland, are hereby required immediately to thrash out their grain, as the STRAW is wanted for the use of his Majesty's troops, for which they will be paid at the usual rate, on producing certificates of the delivery from the deputy Commissaries at the different posts of Brooklyn and Flushing, on Long-Island; at Coles-Ferry on Staten-Island ; and at 294: NOTES. Kings-bridge, Marston's Wliarf, and Bear-Market, on New York Island; with the same allowance for transportation as tliey received last year. GEORCxE BRINLEY, Commissary of Forage. Rivington's Gazette, Wed., Jan. 13, 1779. J^ew-York, February 24. Mr. Benjamin James, Commissary in the forage department, has drawn a prize in the Biitish state lottery of Five Thousand Pounds. Rivingion, Wed., Feb. 24, 1770. Bj tlie Commandant of Xew-York — OERMISSION will be granted to the Farmers and Gardeners, of these islands (that have not wood on their lands proper for fencing) to cut railing for fences, on the lauds of persons not under the protection of Government, on Long Island, or Staten Island. Complaints have been made, that the wood cutters have broke down the fences, and done other damage on cultivated lands, such offenders will upon proof be severely punished, and forfeit their claims to any future Permits. The Permits granted to cut firewood for the use of the city are to expire the first day of March next. New Permits will be granted. Applications are to be made to the Police of New-York. I). JONES, New-York, February 5, 1770. Maj. Gen. Rivingt07i, Wed., March 3, 1770. rnHE FARMERS in general are requested to THRASH out their -^ GRAIN immediately, and the STRAW to be delivered at the fol- lowing places, where proper persons will attend, and give receipt at Marstou's Wharf, and the Bear Market, or York Island. NOTES. 295 Brooklyn, Flushing, and to Mr. John Cutler, Collector of Forage, on Ijong-Island. And at the Forage-Yard, on Stateu-Islaud. GEORGE BRINLEY, Forage-Office, October 1, 1779. Commissary of Forage. Rivington, Bee. 18, 1779. '• Saturday last departed this Life at Newtown on Long-Island, in the 45th year of his Age, Mr. John Sweeten, Deputy-Commissary of Forrage." Gaine, Mon., Aug. 21, 1780. By Major Gexeral JONES, Commandant of NEIV-YORK. PROCLAMATION, "OY a Proclamation of his E.^cellency Sir Henry Clinton, dated New- York, December 20, 1778, the farmers of Long- Island and Staten- Island, were ordered to thrash and bring to market, by stated periods, such proportions of wheat, rye. and Indian corn, in their possession, as they did not stand in need of for the support of their families, and the sowing their lands : Thej' were required also, to give an account to the Colonels of militia of their respective districts, what quantity of grain they possessed, and what it might be necessary to reserve for the above uses. The Commander in Chief has been pleased to order that Proclamation to remain in force, and be strictly observed, the rates excepted, which, as an encouragement for an ample supply of the markets are to be as follows : Shillings. Wheat, 26 curency per bushel. Wheat Flour, 80 per cwt. Rye, 10 per bushel. Rye Meal, 30 per cwt. Indian Corn, 10 per bushel. Indian meal, 28 per cwt. Buckwheat 7 per bushel. Buckwheat meal, .... 26 per cwt. It is therefore ordered, that from and after the first day of February next, no greater price for any of the above articles, shall be demanded. 296 NOTES. offered or received, on tlie penalty of the person offending, forfeiting (on being convicted on oath, before the Police of New York, or the Colonel of the militia of the district on Long-Island or Staten-Island, where the offence is committed) the grain, flour, corn, or meal, so offered, to be sold or purchased, or the value thereof, and to suffer imprisonment till the said forfeiture is paid ; the one half of the for- feiture to be paid to the informer, and the other half for the use of the poor of this city, or the township where the offence is committed. The Police of New- York, and the Colonels of militia on Long-Island, and Staten-Island, are hereby required, to take an account of what quantities of wheat, rye, Indian corn, grain, flour, or meal are in their respective districts, and in whose possession ; and report the same as soon as possible to the Commandant of New- York. New-York, January 22, 1779. D. JONES, Major- General. j8S" The above Proclamation is reprinted by order of Brigadier General BIRCH, Commandant of this City, that no person may plead ignorance of the Regulations therein contained. Rivington, September 30, 1780. By Lieutenant General JAMES ROBERTSON, Goveimor of New- York, fyc. "TTTHEREAS it appears necessary that two Thirds of the Fresh Hay produced on the islands of New- York, Staten-Island, and Long Island, be set apart for carrying on the King's service, all persons whatsoever possessed of Hay are required to bring the above propor- tions into the King's magazines most contiguous to them. The Hay produced on New York island to be delivei'ed at the maga- zine near Fort Knyphausen, at Marston's Wharf, and the city of New- York, the Hay of Staten-Island at the magazines there, and the produce of the Western part of Long Island at the magazines of Brooklyn Ferry, Flushing and Jamaica. As this quantity must be furnished without any deduction, all persons proprietors of the same will be considered accountable for the number of tons that grow on their grounds, and NOTES, 297 are onlereJ to cut it without dehiy, so that the requisitioa be fully coinpliefl with before the loth of August ensuing. The usual price will be paid for the Hay and Carting, and the magazines, as well as mode of transportation, for the Eastern part of Long Island, will be pointed out at a future day. Rivington, Wed., July 25, 1781. Proclamation. By his Excellency Lieut. General Robertson, GoveiTior of New- York, ^c. A S the reduction of Horses and IVaggons belonging to the Quarter Master General, will occasion a call on the country to supply the Magazines, and to assist in other exti'aordinary duty, a return has been made of those belonging to the inhabitants of Long-Island, that each district may perform its proportion of this service, and be regularly paid. On application for the requisite number from the Commissary General or his Deputy, to the several Captains of Militia, they are to furnish them in rotation, weekly from their companies. Certificates will then be given for the service and pay allowed at the rate of Fourteen Shil- lings per day for each Waggon, with two Horses and a Driver. And as this is the proper season to lay up Forage for the Arm}', the Farmers of King's and Queen's Counties, and of Huntington in Suffolk, are required to bring in half their fresh Hay to the nearest Magazine before the end of the ensuing month of August, for which they will receive Six Pounds per ton, and the usual cartage. Those who com- ply with this requisition to be protected in keeping the remaining half, and considered by their officers as having employed their teams for the time on public duty. Rivington, Sat., Aug. 3, 1782. (ei) Jericho, (which is located at the phice described) is a pleasant village near tlie centre of the town of Oyster Bay, upon tlie .Jericho turnpike road, in Queen's County, L. I., about 298 xoTES. 27 miles from the city of New York. Tlie ground on which the village was erected, was a part of the imrchase made by Eobert Williams in 1650, and was early settled upon by a number of substantial Quaker families, whose posterity still remains. This place was the residence of the celebrated Elias Hicks, who officiated for many years in the Friends' meeting- house located here. The Indian name of Jericho was Lusum. (ei) Oyster Bat, a town in Queen's County, Long Island. It derives its name from that of the beautiful bay on its northern limits, which has long been, and still is distinguished for its fine oysters and other marine productions. The first plantation of the town was commenced on the site of the present village of Oyster Bay in 1653, although it is probable that individuals had located in other parts of the town some years before, but without any permanent organization as a community. In the year 1810 it contained 4,548 inhabitants, of whom 134 were slaves. The population in 1852 was 6,900. (es) The surrender of Cornwallis and his array at Yorktown, Va., on the 19th October, 1781, to the allied American and French forces, was an event which created the wildest excite- ment among the American people. On no occasion during the war did they manifest so great a degree of joy and exulta- tion. To the Giver of all good, they united in rendering, with grateful hearts, tlianksgiving and praise for the decisive victory which, through His gracious mercy, they had been NOTKS. 291) enabled to gaia. Nor was this all. Tlie glorious news spread through the land with rapid pace, and was everywhere received with huzzas, bonfires and illumination. In I'hiladel- phia the glad tidings came by express at midnight, and the faithful watchman, as he patrolled his weary round, crying the hours as they passed, roused the inhabitants from their slumbers by the startling, but welcome and cheering intelli- gence that ''CormmlUs was talent So rapturous and intense were the emotions of joy which this brilliant success occasioned, that several citizens were deprived of their senses, and one aged patriot, then door-keeper of Congress, actually expired under the excitCTnent. When the news reached Britain, she was struck with dismay. The loss of a second entire army had extinguished all hope of conquest. Those of her ministers who had before been averse to the war, were now greatly emboldened in their opposition. The heavy burdens which her people had hitherto borne with patience, now pressed with intolerable weight, and Britain was at length compelled to acknowledge with bitter dis- appointment and galling mortification, the Independence of America. (64) Snow's Tavern was situated in the lower part of Main street, Sag Harbor, L. I., and was afterwards kept, and perhaps owned by Mr. Willia.n Duvall. After him, the premises were owned by Asa Partridge; have since been repeatedly burnt over; and now belong to the heirs of Thomas 3(10 NOTES. JJruwii, deceased, aud are at this time occupied Ijy a coal-yard, hay-press, etc. (fis) Rev. Joseph Snow, Jr., was the son of Josepli Snow, and was horn iu Providence, R. I., ahout the year 1713. He was hy occupation a house carpenter, and without education took to preaching. lie was for many years, and up to the time of his death, pastor of the Beneficent Congregational Church and Society in Providence. He died in that city on the 10th day of April, 1803, in the 89th year of his age, and the 58th of his ministry. The Rev. Stephen Gano, at that time pastor of the First Baptist Church in Providence, preached his funeral sermon. (ofi) Sag Harbor — a post town and port of entry in Sutfolk County, N. Y. It is situated on a bay of the same name, at the eastern extremity of Long Island; is about 110 miles east of tlie city of New York, and was incorporated in 1803. It has an excellent harbor, and is finely situated for trade and navigation. Before the Revolution, the town was thinly set- tled, but since the peace of 1783, the population and business have greatly increased, and a valuable whale fishery is now carried on from tliis place. Tlie population in 1852 was 3,000. Sag Harbor is noted for the brilliant exploit performed here by Major Meigs in the month of ^lay, 1777. (67_) During the time that Long Island was under tlie control of the Britisli, an active contraband trade existed between the NOTKS. 301 island and tlie 0[)p(isitt' Connecticut siioi-c, and inaraudini!,' ami kidnapping was constantly carried on between them. On tlie Connecticut side, the smuggling was done with great secrecy, and if the goods thus obtained, were discovered by lionest per- sons, they were advertised and tlie owners requested to come and take them. The Tories, being so closely watched, were not usually engaged in this trade, and it was reserved for pro- fessed friends of the patriot cause to thus gain gold by their country's misfortunes. Persons who Avere otherwise con- sidered fair and honorable, were engaged in it; but if they were discovered, they were at once subjected to opprobrium and insult. No occupation could be mentioned that was more odious, nor could anything more excite the public indig- nation against a man than to call liiui a Long Island trader. Though rigorously watched, tliough liouses were searched and men imprisoned, yet the trade flourished still ; the enormous profits inducing numy persons to encounter the perils and risks necessary to bring the goods across the Sound. Vessels, laden with contraband goods, were occasionally intercejited by the State cruisers, and the more serious history of these sad times was often enlivened by ludicrous anecdotes of tlie adventures and mishaps of these midnight traders. Thus a story is told of two men from the Great Neck shore of New London, who put otf one night in a whaleboat witli a large, fat ox on board. The animal got loose from its fastenings, and became so unmanageable, that the men, in danger of sinking, were glad to make for a country slooj) near by, and meekly 302 NOTES. surrender their ox to confiscation and themselves to imprison- ment. On the Long Island side, tlie harbors were infested with hands of the lowest and vilest refugees, whence many a plun- dering descent was made on the Connecticut coast, and rob- bery and extortion of every kind committed. The small sloops and boats in which these piratical excursions were made, had the familiar name of '■'■ Shaving-Milh.'''' They were the terror of the coast, often committing the most atrocious robberies. (es) Through the whole year 1777, New London was block- aded by the Bintish almost with the strictness of a siege. The Amazon frigate kept a continual watch at the mouth of the river Thames, capturing and destroying coasters and fish- ing vessels without mercy. Several British ships also wintered in Gardiner's Bay, and the Sound was the common haunt of the enemy. A host of privateers fitted out at New York and Long Island, moreover, infested the whole of the New England coast, so that the inhabitants were therefore at length driven in self-defence to build privateers and arm as cruisers whatever craft they had left or could seize in their turn from the enemy, and send them afloat to defend their property. Several rich prizes having been taken by them, the British became exasperated, and in the latter part of the year 1781, sent an expedition against the town, under the traitor Arnold, who, after assaulting Fort Griswold and mas- sacring its brave defenders in cold blood, entered New Lon- NOTES. 303 don, and fired the town, destroying public and private pro- perty of immense value. (ee) MoNTAiTK PoiNT Constitutes the extreme eastern end of Long Island, and is distant 140 miles east of New York. It is called in the Indian deed of conveyance to East Hampton, "Womponenit." The word "Mon" in the Mohegan vocabu- lary, is said to mean island, while the terminal " auke " means laud. Tlie terra was applied to a powerful tribe of Indians who once inhabited this point, and who were called, by the English, Montauks or Islanders, with the broad sound of a, equivalent to Matonwacs of the Dutch. The locality is covered with rolling hills, intermixed with boulders of rock, termina- ting in an abrupt bluff sixty feet high, on which stands a stone light-house, erected in 1795 by tlie U. S. Government, at an expense of $22,300, which shows a fixed light, elevated 160 feet above the ocean level ; and is visible 18 '^ nautical miles. There is, adjacent, a public house, which is much resoi-ted to in the sunnner season. It is supposed that the point for about five miles from its terminal bluff, was once surrounded by water. Of this tliere are decisive indications from the sea to the Sound, in a tract of sand, in the middle of which are found the imbedded bones of a whale. Montauk is the most cele- brated Indian locality on Long Island. Though within the knowledge of the whites, the Montauks have never been beyond 300 or 400 in number, yet tradition reports them to have been once " as numerous as the blades of grass." This 304 NOTKS. tribe was constantly at war with the Narragansetts of Block Island and the mainland, who inflicted great havoc among them, and compelled them to seek the protection of East Hampton. The chief Sachem of the Montauks was Wyan- danch, whose name appears in most of the Indian conveyances of land in Suifolk County. He died of an infectious disease about the year 1658. After his death, his widow or Sung- squa, together with her son Weoncombone, under advice of his guardians Lion Gardiner and his son David Gardiner, governed the tribe. There are near Fort Pond, remains of several Indian forts ; and the burial places of generations of Indians who lived on this point, are still to be seen. Remnants of the Montauk tribe, consisting of four or five families, still live there ; and of these, some have intermarried with negroes. They are unable to resist the temptation of fire-water, and are, therefore, rapidly disappearing. The point was conveyed to the town of East Hampton by Wyandanch and his success- ors, in consideration of the kindness of that town in protect- ing him from Ninigret or Janemo of Rhode Island, his merci- less enemy, who had not only slaughtered his chiefs, but carried his daughter into captivity, from which she was recovered by Lion Gardiner. A iew Indian traditions still lirger around the point. (70) Stonington — a seaport town, with an incorporated borough of the same name, in New London County, Conn. The borough, or principal village, is on a rocky point of hind NOTES. 805 winch projects half ;i mile into the east end of Long Island Sound, and is generally called Stonington Point. It is noted for a spirited and successful defense made here in the month of August, 1814, against a British squadron, which, under Sir Thomas Hardy, commenced a bombardment, but were com- pelled to retire with considerable loss. The town has a good harbor, which is protected by a breakwater constructed by the Government, at an expense of $50,000. The inhabitants are chiefly employed in the whaling and maritime trade. The town was settled in 1G58, and the population in 1852 was 5,431. (71) Satbeook — a town in Middlesex County, Conn., at the mouth of the Connecticut river, and 41 miles south of Hart- ford. This place is one of the oldest in the State, and derives its name from Lords Say and Brook, who purchased the land and caused the first settlement in 1635. Col. Fen wick, whose wife, the daughter of a British nobleman, was buried here, was one of its founders. This was the place for which Crom- well and his compatriots were embarked, when they were for- bidden by King Charles 1st to leave England. The building lots assigned to them T)y the colonists are still pointed out. Yale College was in operation here from 1707 to 1717. Say- brook is a tlourishing town, and has extensive manufactories of ivory combs, angers, etc. The inluibitants are many of them employed in the shad fisheries. The population of Say- brook in 1853 was 2,904. 306 NOTES. (72) Pop Robint. This was a common dish at that time in some parts of New England. It was also a favorite meal in New York, and is still used here to this day among some of the old Knickerbocker families. The name given to it here is " thickened mill'.'''' By the Dutch it is called '■'■ dilclce melh.'''' (73) The house where John Waterman lived, and where Mr. Hawkins lodged and was so hospitably entertained, is still standing. It is occupied by John Waterman, the grand- son of the first named. It retains its original appearance, with the exception of the door near the corner, which has since been added, and the two lower windows on the front end of the house, which have been enlarged to accommodate a shop now kept there. The barn spoken of by our author, has long since been removed. Its site is now occupied by a taeeting house. (74) Joiiisr Watekmaij was born about the year 1710, and was, we believe, a native of Ehode Island. He was bred a seaman, and became master of a vessel, but having a pre- ference for the mechanic arts, he soon left the pursuits of commerce, and built a paper-mill about two miles from Provi- dence, which was probably the first one erected in the colony of Rhode Island. In the year 1769, he purchased the press and types, which had been for many years owned and perhaps used by Samuel Kneeland, of Boston. With these he opened a printing house near his paper-mill, but he seems to have NOTKS. 307 done but little in the typographic lino. Tlie building used by him for printing purposes, was near his residence, and stood adjoining the barn spoken of by our author. Mr. Waterman's residence was situated in what is now known as Olueyville, about two miles from the centre of Providence, but now Avithin the limits of the city. He was a kind-hearted, chari- table and benevolent person, no better evidence of which need be given than the manner in which he sympathized with and entertained the hero of our narrative, then a poor wanderer, returning with wearied steps, from a wretched captivity with the enemy. AVe have strong reasons to infer, likewise, from the narrative, that he was a courteous gentleman, a warm friend to his country, and a true Christian. Mr. AVaterman died in the year 1V87, at the age of 77. (',;,) " TuE Great Bridge," so called, is erected over the stream of water which separates the eastern part of the city of Providence from the western. The bridge is built of wood, with heavy timber, and is covered with earth and paved with cobble stones. It is kept in order by appropriations made for the purpose. In former times, tlie funds for repairing it were raised by lotteries granted by the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island. (7a) Olxey Winsor was born in Jolinston, R. I., on the 24tli day of August, 1703. His father, Samuel AVinsor, was for many years pastor of the First Ha])tist Church in Providence, 308 NOTES. iind died in Jmiuary, 18U3, at the age of 80. His mother, Lydia Olney, was a daughter of John Ohiey, of North Provi- deuce, a tanner by occupation, and a grandson of the first Thomas Ohiey, of Providence, who succeeded Roger "Wil- liams as Pastor of the church established there. Olney Winsor, the subject of this notice, was a graduate of Brown University, and was for many years a member of the college corporation. He commenced business in Providence, thence moved to Alexandria, Va., but soon returned to Provi- dence, vvliere he resumed and continued business as a mer- chant until the year 1792, when he was elected Cashier of the Providence Bank, the first institution of the kind in Rhode Island. He continued to occupy this position until the year 1811, about which time lie moved to his small country place in North Providence, where he remained till his death. His first wife was Freelove "Waterman, daughter of Charles Waterman, of Johnston, by wh(mi he had five children, four of which died in infancy. A daughter survived her father until November 7, 1850. His second wife was llojje Thurber, daughter of Samuel Thurber, of Providence, a paper manufac- turer. This lady died, July 24, 1826, aged nearly 72 years. l>y her Olney "Winsor had one daughter, named Sarah J., who is still living. Mr. Winsor was a man of great integrity of character, of large general information, and of very genial feelings, and was much respected and esteemed. He had the air and manner of a gentleman of a school wliich has passed away. He died NOTES. 800 in JTorth Trovidence, March 15, lSf5T, at tlie a^rc of nearly 84 years, and was buried in his family lot in the " North Hurial Ground,'' in rrovidence, II. I. („) We have before stated that our author, when aboTit tAventy years of age, was married to Miss Dorcas Whipple. This lady was born in Smithfield. R. I., in the year 1TG7. She was a member of the Baptist church, and was much beloved for her many estimable traits of character. She died at New- port. N. Y., on the 7th day of January, 1821, in the 54tli year of her age. The names of their children were as follows : 1 Susannah, born 1785 at gmithfleld, R I. -lied Dec, 1856, at Vi^co. Ilamillon Co. IN . » . 2. Amy " 17S6. " " " Ju-U,182-2. 3. Catharine " 1T8S. Fairfield, N.Y. 4. Christoplier"Mch.8,mi. " " sti" living. 5 Nancy " 1793. " " died, 1845, at Newport, N.^ . e'. Experience » 1796. " " " 1842,inOh-o. T.Abigail " 1798. " " " lS43,at Newport, Js.^ . The name of "Hawkins" is evidently of English origin, and is of great antiquity, running back as far as the year 1358. Several of the name have risen to distinction, and among these is Sir John Hawkins, the celebrated naval conunander of the time of Queen Elizabeth, who, as rear-admiral, signalized himself against the invincible armada of Spain. Another Sir John Hawkins, an en.inent lawyer, editor of au edition of Walton's Angler, and author of a valuable history of ^Nlusic, lived in the time of George the third, and was an intimate 310 NOTES. friend and companion of the celebrated Dr. Johnson. We find also at this period the name of Christopher Hawkins, an author, and a member of Parliament, who was knighted by the King, June 21, 1791. In the Encyclopaedias of Heraldry are described several coats of arms which were granted to persons bearing the name of "■ Hawlcinsy ADDENDA. The following items having been accidentally omitted iu their proper places, they are accordingly inserted here, and the indulgent reader will please take them in where they belong : At page 51, third line from the bottom, after the word " discox^eri/,'''' take iu the following note : (a) Among the many traits which have ever distinguished the sailor from the landsman, none is more striking than his superstition. There is hardly anything occurs on sliipboard out of the ordinary way that he is not at once ready to ascribe to some supernatural agency. Deprived as he generally is of the advantages of early education, and denied subsequently the benefits of intelligent intercourse, it is not at all singular that he should do so, and that it is so difficult to wean him from his erratic notions after they have been once formed. His objections to going to sea on a Friday, and to sailing in a vessel on which a clei-gyman is a passenger, are well known instances of his superstitious feelings. The following instances of this superstition in the British 812 ADDENDA. Navy, occurring as early as the close of the l7th century, are taken from " Capt. Cowley's Voyage Eound the Globe," made in the years 1683, 4, 5 and 6 : " We had moreover this Day great Feasting on Board us, and the Commanders of the other two Ships returning on Board their Vessels, we gave them some Guns, which they returned again. But it is strangely observable, that whilst they were loading their Guns they heard a voice in the Sea, crying out, Come help, come help, a Man over Board, which made them forthwith bring their Ship to, thinking to take him up, but heard no more of him. Then they came on Board of us, to see if we had not lost a Man ; but we nor the other Ship had not a Man wanting, for upon strict examination we found that in all the three Ships we had our Complement of Men, which made them all to conjec- ture that it was the Spirit of some Man that had been drowned in that Latitude by accident." Hacke''s Collection of Original Voyages, Lon : 1699, pp. 40-41. " Then haling away S. W. we came abreast with Cape Horn the 14th Day of February, where we chusing of Valentines, and discoursing of the Intrigues of Women, there arose a prodigious Storm, which did continue till the last Day of the Month, driving us into the lat. of GO deg. and 30 min. South, which is further than ever any Ship hath sailed before South ; so that we concluded the discoursing of Women at Sea was very unlucky, and occasioned the Storm." Hacke's Collection of Original Voyages, ut supra citat, pp. 6-7. At page 157, 13th line from the top, after the word " /cilled," take in the following : Among the houses that suifered injury from the broadside of the Asia upon this occasion, was the celebrated one known as " Fraunces' Tavern,*' kept by Samuel Frauuces, who on account of his swarthy complexion^ was frequently called by the familiar sobriquet of ^'- Blach Sam.'''' Philip Freneau, the ADUKNDA. O 1 8 well known poet of that day, gives the following acconnt of tlie affair : " At this time arose a certain king Sears Who made it his study to banish our fears : He was, without doubt, a person of merit, Great knowledge, some wit, and abundance of spirit; Could talk like a lawyer, and that without fee, And threaten'd perdition to all that drank Tea. Ah ! don't you remember what a vigorous hand he i>ut To drag off the great guns, and plague captain Vundeput.* That nightf when the Hero (his patience worn out) Put fire to his cannons and folks to the rout. And drew up his ship with « spring on her cable, And gave us a second confusion of Babel, And (what was more solid than scurrilous language) Pour'd on us a tempest of round shot and langrage ; Scarce a broadside was ended 'till another began again — By Jove ! it was nothing but Fire away Flannagan !% At first we suppos'd it was only a sham, 'Till he drove a round ball thro' the roof of black Sam ; § The town by their flashes was fairly eulighten'd, The women miscarry'd, the beaus were all frighten'd ; For ray part, I hid in a cellar (as sages And Christians were wont in the primitive ages :) * * * * Yet I hardly could boast of a moment of rest, The dogs were a-howling, the town was distrest ! — But our terrors soon vanish'd, for suddenly Seaus Renew'd our lost courage and dry'd up our tears." At page 195, after tlie 15lli line from the top, take in as follows : The followuig extract gives some further particulars : " New-Youk, August 18. Thursday was brought in here by some of his Majesty's ships, the rebel brig Makiamne, Whipple, master, of 16 six pound- * Captain of the Asia man of war. X A cant phrase among privateers men t August, 17T5. § A noted tavern keeper in New Yoik. 314 ADDENDA. eis, aud 17 men ; four days out from Providence, Rhode Island, on a cruize, but liad taken nothing : She was captured last Monday morning. When the Mariamne left Khode Island, all the French fleet were in Newport harbour. — The rebels at Providence were equipping a number of small privateers, but had none out, except a small sliip of 20 guns, commanded by a pei'son named Olney." Rivington, Saturday, Aug. 18, 1781. At the end of page 195, add the following : The last cbaiJter of her tale of sorrow is told in the follow- ing notice : '■'■ JVew-York, \st December, 1781. "VpOTICE is hereby given to the officers and company of his Majesty's Ship Amphitrite, Robert Uiggs Esq. Commander, who were actually on board the 30th day of July, 1781, at the capture of the Schooner Neptune, in company with his Majesty's ships Medea and General Monk, aud privateer Triumph and Hiberuia ; and 6th of August, at the capture of the privateer ship Bellisarius in company with the Medea and Savage ; and I3th day of said month August, at the capture of the privateer brigantiue Mariamne, in company with the Medea, that they will be paid their respective shares of said captures on Wednesday the 5th inst. at the office of the Subscriber, and the shares not then demanded will be recalled every day (Sundays excepted) for three years to come, when the unclaimed shares will be paid into Greenwich Hospital, agreeable to Act of Parliament. SAMUEL KEMBLE, Rivingion, Sat. Dec. 1, 1781. Ageut.'' EXPLANATION OF SOMK OK THE NAl'TICAL WOKDS fSEI) IN Tills WUKK. I'.iiATsw.MN— An officer on board sliip who lias charge of tlio hoats, sails, rigging, colors, anchors, cables and cordage, flis duty is to summon the crew to their dut.v, to relieve the watch, assist in the necessary business of the ship, seize and ])uiiisli ofTeiiders. etc. He has a mate who has charge of the long boat for setting forth and weighing anchors, warping, towing and mooring. lU'LKHEAD — A partition built up in a ship to form separate apart- ments. Cable-tier — A place on the orlop deck when,' cables arc coiled away. Cat-heap — .\ piece of tiinlier projecting over a shi|i's liow. to whicli the anclior may be raised and secured. Companion-way — The staircase to the cabin. Fi.iKE — The broad part or arm of an anchor, wliicli lakes lioid of the ground. l''oi!E(! vsTf.E— A short deck at the fore part ol (he slr|>. ln'forr tlie mast. Hatchway — .\ scpiare or oldoim- opening in the deck of a ship, altbrd- ing a passage from one deck to another, or into the liold or lower a])artments. Hoi.n — The wliole Interior cavity of a ship, between tlie flooi- and the lower deck. Kedoi:- Anciidk The smallest !uic]inr used on lioard ship. .'U<; EXPLAXATIOX. r.AKitoAUO— The L'I'l hand si 'e of the shii). Tli ' riylit liuiid side is tlie starboard. [,KE — That sidj of a vessel which is opposite to the side against which tlie wind strikes. |,ri.-F — Bringing the head of a sliip near tlie wind. iMaix-s.vil — The sail of the main-mast, or [irincipal -^ad of a siiiif. Jlooii— To confine a s.bip by anchors, and cables or chains. QuAUTEK-DECK — Ths portion of the uppermost deck of a ship between the main an