E 202 .3 N12 Copy 1 Nebraska Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Constitution. Membership. 1896. 1 896. Nebraska Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Constitution, By-Laws, Officers, Membership. Mil KLOPP & BARTLETT CO., OMAHA, NEB. 1896. / FEB 9 1H16 NEBKASK \ SOCIETY <>l THE sons OF THE \mi:ki< w im:\ OLl tk»v « ORGANIZED APRIL 26, 1890 CONSTITUTION. I \,n, tided and Adopt* d Febrwu ARTICLE I. NAME. 'I'll.' name of this Sooietj ahall be the Nebraska Society of the Sons of t be American Rovolul ion. ARTICLE II. objects. The objects of this Society ahall be 1 1 > perpetuate the memory of the men who. i>y their services or sacrifices during the war of the American ition, achieved the Independence of the American people; t<> unite and promote fellowship among their descendants; to inspire them and the community al large with a more profound reverence for the principles of the government founded by our forefathers; to encourage arch in relation to the* 'Amenean Revolution; to acquire and preserve the records of the Individual Bejruices of the patriots of the nt- ami n Lehrate the anniversaries "f tli<' prominent events Of the war: to foster true pat riot ism: to maintain Etend the institutions of American freedom; and to carry out the purpo seed In the Preamble to the Constitution of our Country and 1 1 1 . - Injuncl Ions of Washington in his farewell address to the Ameri- can peop ARTICLE lit. MEMBERSHIP. Any man >liall Ik- eligible to membership in this Society, who, ■ nty-on. and a citizen of good ■ in the community, is the lineal decendanl of an anc< who was at all times unfailing In his Loyalty to and rendered actual of American Independence, either as an ol . marine, militiaman or minute man. in the armed forces of the Continental ( any one of the several Coloni 'ii of Independence; or as a mem- 4 NEBRASKA SOCIETY OP THE ber of a Committee of Safety or Correspondence: or as a member of any Continental, Provincial, or Colonial Congress or Legislature; or as a civil officer, either of one of the Colonies or States or of the National Government; or as a recognized patriot who performed actual service by overt acts of resistance to the authority of Great Britain. ARTICLE IV.- OFFICERS, The officers of the Society shall be a President, a Senior Vice-Presi- dent, a Junior Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Registrar, a Historian and a Board of Managers consisting of the above mentioned officers and six other members, who shall be elected upon ballot by a majority of the members present at the annual meeting of the Society, and who shall hold office for one year, and until their successors shall be elected. Nominations for office shall be by informal ballot. ARTICLE V.— MEETINGS. The annual meeting of the Society for the election of officers and the transaction of business shall be held in the City of Omaha on the twenty-second day of February in each year, except when that date falls on Sunday, in which case the meeting shall be held on the following day. Special meetings may be called by the President or Board of Mana- gers at any time and place for the purpose of celebrating historical events of the Revolution, and for other patriotic purposes, and for the transac- tion of necessai'y business. ARTICLE VI.— AMENDMENTS. This Constitution may be amended or repealed, provided written resolutions to that effect are first presented to, and approved by, a ma- jority of the Board of Managers present at any meeting of said Board; and provided, said amendments are subsequently approved by two- thirds of the members present at any meeting of the Society; and provided further, that whenever this Constitution is to be amended, re- pealed or in any way changed, notice thereof, specifying said changes in full, shall be sent to each member of the Society at least thirty days before such action is to bo taken. SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. BY I. A WS. As Ann tided and Adopt* r be paid before the applicant can be voted upon. If the application be rejected, the fee shall be returned to the applicant. The annual dues shall be Two Dollars, payable in advance Annual on the twenty-second day <>f February in each year. The admission fee payment of dues until the nexl annual meeting following the date of a candidate's admission. 1. The pay men 1 a1 one time <>f fifty dollars by or for a mem- Life Mem- ber in good standing shall constitute a life member, exempt from the payment of annual dues thereafter. ilutionary soldiers who are regularly accepted by "Sons"Ad- the Board of Management, will be admitted t<> full membership without i",,.,'.' icnt of the admission fee, and shall be exempt from the payment of 6. Ifatam time any of the essential statements given in a mem- I P&D6rs tier's application papers are found to he untrue, then shall the said men i I Ion be declared null and void. 7. A certificate of membership issued by the National Society shall Oeitifi- i ' catos. ]»■ furnished to each newly admitted member. member in good Btanding in this Society changes his Demits, the jurisdiction of another - ety, be shall be en- titled, If be so elects, to a certificate of honorable demission, in order • he may b rred to the other said Society; provided that no .. n unless all dues and fees are paid, and said membership in this Society Bhall nol case until membership in the other tablished. A member in (rood Btanding of another State Society shall. Affiliation pi f thereof or upon the presentation of letters de- therefrom, be eligible to membership by affiliation in this So- hall \x- no fee for affiliation. NEBRASKA SOCIETY OF THE Non-pay- ment of Dues. P.O. Address. Notice to Members. President. Secretary. 10. Any member failing to pay his annual dues for two con- secutive years shall forfeit his membership upon vote to that effect by the Board of Managers. A member so dropped may be re-instated by the Board of Managers upon payment of all arrears and all annual dues since the date of his loss of membership, provided there are no charges unbecoming a gentleman recorded against him remaining undetermined or determined finally against him. 11. If for any reason a member demits, resigns, or is dropped from the rolls of this Society, the number of his insignia shall be can- celled, and his name shall no longer appear in the year book of the So- ciety as a member. 12. It shall be the duty of every member to inform the Secre- tary, by written communication, of his place of residence, and of any change thereof, and of his post office address. Service of any notice under the Constitution, or under these By- Laws upon any member of the Society, addressed to him at the last recorded place of residence or post office address, and forwarded by mail, shall be deemed sufficient service of such notice. 13. The President, or in his absence a Vice-President, or in his absence a Chairman, pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society and Board of Managers, and shall have a casting vote. He shall exercise the usual functions of a pi'esiding officer, and shall enforce a strict observance of the Constitution, By-Laws, regulations and rules of the Society and Board of Managers. 14. The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society, and shall have charge of the. seal, certificate of incorpora- tion, By-Laws and records of meetings of the Society. He, together with the presiding officer, shall certify all acts of the Society. He shall un- der the direction of the President or Vice-President, give due notice of the time and place of ail meetings of the Society, and attend the same. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the proceedings and orders of the Society. He shall collect all moneys due the Society, giving proper receipts for the same, and shall promptly pay them over to the Treas- urer, taking his receipt therefor. He shall keep a letter book of copies of all official letters; a ledger to contain the accounts of the Society with its members; a cash book, and a receipt book, in which to take the Treas- urer's receipts. He shall give notice to the several officers and mem- bers of all votes, orders, resolves and proceedings of the Society, affect- ing them or appertaining to their respective duties, and he shall for- ward to the officers of the National Society such reports and informa- tion as may be required by them. He shall keep a correct list of the names and addresses of all members in good standing. He shall report to the Society at the annual meeting. In like manner he shall act as Secretary of the Board of Managers, reporting to them whenever called upon. SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 7 Be ab all give Buch bond as the Board of Managers ma; require, and on the election <>f Ms successor be shall turn over to bim, within ten days, all books, papers and property of the Society in his possession. l-"'. The Treasurer Bhall receive from the Secretary the funds Trea wei :iml securities <>f the Society. They Bhall be deposited in Borne bank or Bavings institute in this State to the credit of the Nebraska Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, and Bhall be drawn thence for the purposes of the Society only, by checks Bigned by the President and countersigned by the Secretary and Treasurer. Be shall keep a true ai unt of bis receipts and disbursements, and at each animal uniting Bhall render the Bame to the Society. Be shall reporl when required to the Board of Managers and shall give such bond as they may require. Hi- books Bhall a1 all times !>'■ open to the inspection of the Presi- dent, Board of Managers and Auditing Committee. lti. The Registrar shall receive all applications for membership Registrar. ami proofs of eligibility, and Bhall assisl in perfecting and complet- ing the same. When the applications are satisfactory to bim be shall note bis approval thereon and refer them to the Board <>f Managers for tinal action, [f the applicant is accepted, the Registrar Bhall forward inn- cops to Registrar General of the National Society, and file the original with the accompanying proofs in bis own office. Be shall keep copies of suoh Bimilar document.-- as the owners thereof may nol be will- ing to leave permanently in the keeping of the Society. Be shall bave the custody of all the historical, geographical and genealogical papers, hooks, manuscripts, and relics of which the Society may 1 nine pos- sessed, and shall keep an official record of same. He shall issue certifi- b of membership and insignia to members entitled thereto. Be shall keep a register of the names and dates of admission, transfer, resigna- tion ami (hath of members, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to bim by the Bocietj or Board of Manag 17. 'The Bistprian shall keep a record of all the historical and com- Bistorian. memorative celebrations of the Society, and prepare and edit the same for publication under direction of the Hoard of Managers. Be shall submit at .ach annual meeting a li>t of the members who may have died during the yar. a< mpanied by biographical memoir-, anil once a year at Buch time a- may be determined upon he -hall deliver a historical addn 1- The Board of Managers -hall recom ml plans for promoting the Board of objects of the Society and shall authorize the disbursement and ezpen- ' aua * e diture of unappropriated money in the treasury for the payment of cur- rent expenses of the Society. In general they -hall watch over the interests of the Society, suggesting from time to time such meas- ures as they deem conducive to its prosperity, and -hall report to the .i the annual meeting. The] Bhall appoint a Delegate at Large, and such other Delegates a- the Society may !'•• • ut it led to by the Constitution of the National Delegates. NEBRASKA SOCIETY OP THE Vacancies in Office. Election of Members. Suspension etc Meetings B. of M. Quorum. Special Meetings of Society. Auditing Com. Publica- tions. [ncome iiow Kx- pended. They shall have power to fill any vacancy occurring or existing in the Society or Board of Managers, and an officer so appointed shall act until the following annual election, or until his successor shall be chosen. 19. The Board of Managers shall judge of the eligibility of appli- cants for membership in the Society, and elect them if deemed worthy. Two negative votes shall reject any applicant. Each member of the Board shall be notified of all proposed elections to membership and may send his vote thereon in writing to the Secretary. They shall be competent to consent to and to accept the resignation or voluntary withdrawal from membership or transfer of any enrolled member of the Society. They shall have power to suspend or expel any member of the So- ciety for sufficient cause, by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board present at any regular or special meeting; provided, that at least two weeks' notice of such proposed action shall have been given to such member by notice mailed to him at his last known address. A member so suspended or expelled shall have the right of appeal to the Society from the action of the Board of Managers. 20. The Board of Managers shall meet as often as they desire, or at the call of the President, or upon the written request of any three members of the Board. Five members of the Board shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. They shall, through the Secretary, call special meetings of the So- ciety at any time upon the written request of fifteen members of the Society, and at such other times and places as they themselves may see fit, and they may arrange for commemorative celebrations and for the annual meeting of the Society. They shall, at least one month before the annual meeting of the Society appoint an Auditing Committee of three, who shall examine and audit the books and accounts of the Treasurer and Secretary, and report thereon at said annual meeting. 21. The Board of Managers shall supervise all publications issued in the name of the Society. They shall also perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Constitution or By-Laws, or required by any resolve or standing regulation of the Society. 22. The receipts each year from admission fees and annual dues shall be devoted by the Board of Managers to the following objects and no other, viz: 1.. Payment of the annual dues to the National Society. 2. Payment of current expenses. 3. Publication of such documents as may be deemed advisable. 4. Payment of such special expenses as may be authorized by the Board of Managers or Society. All receipts from life membership shall be set aside and invested under the direction of the Board of Managers as a permanent fund, of which only the income may be used for payment of ordinary expenses. >NS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 9 i!::. At all annual meetings of this Society, the Following order of Orderol . . i i . . . Business, business shall be observed, v iz: 1. < Opening exercises. 2. Calling roll of officers and members. 3. Reading minutes of last meeting. I Reports of officers: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Regis trar, Bistorian. Board of Managers. Other official reports. 5. I ;• i" irl - i if commit b 6. I Unfinished businet 7. Election and installation of Officers and Board of Managers, '.'.•u business. 9. Pinal adjournment. 24. The ayes and nays shall be called at any meeting of the Society ^ysand upon the demand of three members. At all meetings <>f tin- Society nine members shall constitute a quo- <,» nm, rum fur t he t ransacl ion <>f busine 25. No question Involving the party politics "f the daj within Politics tin- United States Bhall ever be discussed or considered in any meeting of the Society. •_!•'.. Ten in- more members <>f this Society, resident in any county Local in- locality in this state, as may !)■■ approved by the Board of ( l '' , i' , " l '~ Managers, may form themselves into a Chapter to be called by such name as said members may assume A charter may be granted to such Chapter by the Board of Managers, of such Form as the Hoard may pro- vide, upon an application made in writing by ten "i- more members of the Society, statin- t he name to he assumed, tin- location and the names anil residences of it- proposed members. Sucb Chapter may enact such By-Laws and Regulations as will nol «-* »ij tl I*-t with t In • rules ami require- ments of t he National Society or of this Society, ami it may be required tu pay a per capita tax to this Society. No person may be admitted to Buch Chapter unless he he a member id standing of this Society. If any member of such Chapter should cease to be a member of the Nebraska Society his membership in the ( Shapter Bhall cease. Local Chapters shall he known as The Chapter of the Nebraska Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, No. . T,. The seal of the Society shall lie the same as the seal of the Seal National Society. S. A. R., except the lettering which shall be as fol- lows: Outer CircU National Society of the Son- of the American I >'. lion. < Organized April •':". 1889. Inner Circle} Nebraska Society S. A. R. Organized April 26, i- The insignia of this Society shall he the same as that of the insignia. Nat lonal Society. Tie-. By-Laws may in- altered, amended or repealed in the Imend- manner hereinbefore provided for changing the constitution of this fcy- PAST PRESIDENTS. M \s A. i REIGH I-'. I Wll.l.lAM \Y. COPELAND [892. I'i i 1:1: I.. PERINE 1893 AiKi.i.ns BOW i.n. ML. D 1894. REV. Ll Tin i; M. Ki iins Officers for 1 he year ending Feb. 'i'i, 1 s«»;. President, William EL Alexander, Omaha. Senior Vice-President, Lucius 1>. RICH \i:i>s. Fremont. Junior Vice-President, John R. Webster, Omaha. Secretary, Thomas R. McNair, " Neb. Nat'l Bank.) Treasurer, Paul W. Kdhns, " First Nat'l Bank.) trar, Lyman E. Ware, " P.O.Box375.) Bistorian, Philip a. Crapo, The seven above named officers, together with the Biz following, constitute the Board of Managers tor the year : Frank S. Bri >\\ nlee < imaha. William W. i i »pel vnd 'I'll. .mas A. ' KIT. II Rev. Luther m. Kuhns H.OlneyPaine \insworth. .1. kin ' . I 'entzer Lincoln. I \.. , • i 12 NEBRASKA SOCIETY OF THE MEMBERS. State 10. 22. 28. 38. 37. 40. 34. 12. 2. 6. 29. 4. 45. 27. 13. 41. 42. 33. 26. 25. 31. 39 21. 5. 7. 4G. 23. 24. 36. 3. 43. 32. 30. 35. IS. 47. 20. 17. 44. in. 14. No. Name. Residence. Alexander, William H. Omaha, Anderson, Lew " Barnard, John C. " Bartlett, Edmund M. " Battin, John W. " Belt, William B. T. " Brownlee, Frank S. " Chase, Clement " Chase, Champion S. " Copeland, William W. " Crapo, Philip A. Creigh, Thomas A. " Dame, Arthur K. Frertiont, Daniels, John H. omi^a, Doyle, Thomas G. i4 Funkhouser, Leonid as P. " FUNKHOUSER, MlLLARD F. " Goodale, Rev. Samuel, D. D. Columbus, Hamilton, Charles W. Harding, Nehemiah S. Heth, Stockton Huntington, Charles S. Jaynes, Fremont N. Kuhns, Rev. Luther M. Kuhns, Paul W. Lobingier, Charles S. McNair, Thomas R. Paine, H. Olney, Pentzer, John C. Perine, Peter L. Perrigo, Charles H. Richards, Lucius I). Trumbull, George I. Vaughan, Fred W. Ware, Lyman F. Webster, Edwin C Webster, John R. Webster, William A. Welch, Raymond M. Wilcox, Jeremiah C. Wiltse, Sr. Jerome Omaha, Nebraska City Omaha, Ainsworth, Lincoln, Omaha, Fremont, a Omaha, Fremont, Omaha, Hastings, Omaha, Lincoln, Omaha, l'\i,llA City, (41 Members March 29, 1896. Date of Admission. March 12, 1891. Feby. 11, 1895. Aug. 2, 1895. Feby. 8, 1896. Jany. 6, 1896. Feby. 19, 1896. Jany. 6, 1896. Feby. 22, 1892. April 26, 1890. April 26, 1890. Aug. 2, 1895. April 26, 1890. March 21, 1896. June 17, 1895. Feby. 22, 1892. March 21, 1896. March 21, 1896. Aug. 2, 1895. May 15, 1895. May 15, 1895. Aug. 2, 1895. Feby. 8, 1896. Feby. 11, 1895. April 26, 1890. Jany. 20, 1891. March 21, 1896. Feby. 11, 1895. Feby. 11, 1895. Jany. 6, 1896. April 26, 1890. March 21, 1896. Aug. 2, 1895. Aug. 2, 1895. Jany. 6, 1896. Feby. 22, 1893, March 28, 1896. Feby. 22, 1894. June 23, 1892. March 21, 1896. June 23, 1892. Feby. 22, 1892. I >F THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 13 ROLL OF MEMBERS. Showing (b. their place <>f birth, and anc.] names «>f Revolutionary ancestors. si.ii. No I. Aurelius Bowen b. Reading, Vt. anc. Henry Bo wen. •j. Champion Spalding ( base b. Cornish, N. n. anc. « 1 1 : i - < and < 'hampion Spalding. .:. Peter Lawrence Perine b. Era, N. Y. anc. Peter Perine. I. Thomas Alfred < beigh b Mercersburg, Pa. anc. John Creigh. ■".. Rev. Luther Melanchthon Kuhns b. Omaha, Nebr, anc. Philip (Kuntz) Kuhns and John Hay. 6. William Wallace Copeland b. Canton, Mass. anc. Isaac * opeland. 7. Paul William Kilns b. Omaha, Nebr. anc Philip (Kuntz) K uhns and John I laj 10. William Henry A lex INDER b. Lisbon, Conn. anc. James Alex- ander and Daniel I 'reston. \2. Clement* base b. Racine, Wis. anc. Moses Chase and Champ- ion Spalding. 13. Thomas d »p< >rtb Doyle b. ( 'arlisle, Pa. anc. .i< »<_pli young and John Pis 11. JEROME WlLTSE Sr. b. Clarina, N. Y. anc. Russell Green. 16. Jeremiah C. Wilcox b. Vernon, Ohio anc. Sadoce Wilcox. IT. William Azro Webster b. Detroit, Mich. anc. Moses Webster 18. Lyman Eugene Ware b. Baltimore, Md. — anc. Josiah Ware, Jr Josiab Wan Sr. and Elisha Ware. jo. John Robinson Webster b. Detroit, Mich. anc. Moses Webster. 21. ETremont Nathan Jaynes i>. Calais, Vt.- anc Solomon Janes and Henry Pisk. 22. I.iw Anderson b. Waterloo, Ind. anc. Jonithan Hildreth, Jr. 23. Thomas Righter McNair b. Weatherly, Pa.— anc. Thomas McNair. -. 24. I ( ^>n\« < m.nly Paine b. Platteville, Wis. anc. J^k Paine. 2~>. Nehemiab Storz Harding b. n» -Ha. Ohio anc. Benjamin harles William Hamilton b. Omaha, X . • J ■ i • . - am-. Nathan l lamilton and J< ssi I lamilton. 27. John Herschell Daniels b. New York, N. Y.— anc. William Merithew. 14 NEBRASKA SOCIETY OF THE 28. John Clark Barnard— b. Peru, Vt.— anc. Benjamin Barnard. 29. Philip Ashley Crapo— b. Burlington, la.— anc. Joshua Crapo and Peter Crapo. 30. George I. Trumbull— b. -Springfield, 111.— anc. Benjamin Trumbull. 31. Stockton Heth— b. Nebraska City, Nebr.— anc. Henry Heth. 32. Lucius Dunbar Richards— b. Charhiton, Vt.— anc. Dennis Lock- ling, Jonathan Lockling and Levi Lockling. 33. Rev. Samuel Goodale, D. D,— b. Egremont, Mass.— son of Chester Goodale. 34. Frank Struthers Brownlee— b. Monmouth, 111.— anc. James Stevenson. 35. Fred Washington Vaughan— b. Wyalusing, Pa.— anc. Richard Vaughan. 36. John Chenowith Pentzer — b. Greenfield, Mo.— anc. Woodson Hughes. 37. John Wilson Battin— b. Albany, N. Y.— anc. Philip Maus. 38. Edmund Morgan Bartlett— b. Bucksville, Ohio— anc. Gershom Randall. 39. Charles Smith Huntington— b. Baldwinsville, N. Y.— anc. Daniel Pickett. 40. William Bradley Tyler Belt— b. near Richmond, Va.— anc. Robert Tyler. 41. Leonidas Pyrrhus Funkhouser— b. St. Louis, Mo.— anc. Zach- ariah Cross. 42. Millard Fillmore Funkhouser— b. St. Louis, Mo.— anc. Zach- ariah Cross. 43. Charles Hurbert Perrigo— b. Gouverneur, N. J,— anc. Jacob r Wicke% 44. Raymond Marvin Welch — b. Racine, Wis. — anc. Nathaniel Root- 45. Arthur Kent Dame— b. Oxford, N. H.— anc. Theodore Dame, Richard Peabody, Timothy Barron, Jacob Kent and Noah Moulton. 46. Charles Sumner Lobingier— b. Lanark, 111. — anc. Christopher Lobingier. 47. Edwin Catlin Webster— b. Phelps, N. Y.— anc. James Webster. SONS OP THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 15 The Nebraska Society was organized April 36th, 1890. Ii> annual meeting, at which officers for the ensuing year are elected, la held Feb- ruary ~-<\, in oommemoration of the i>irth ol i ,. orge Washington. The Membership Feb In the Nebraska So- ciety is five dollars and the annual dues two dollars, the first amount to accompany the appli- cation for membership. An election to tin- Ne- braska Society gives a membership In the National Society of the Son- of tin American Revolution. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 710 158