.H3.X mx E 650 .H22 Copy 1 IN MEMORIZE TRIBUTE TO THESOtDIER DBAO. BY , V .^ Mahhy . Mali^. \A//\sHiMGrorv a.c. 190^ >raAr 30, noj. ,H^^ IN MEMORIAM. [A Ti-itnite to the Soldier Dead.] One by one the fleetitig years roll by. -\nd oiioe again the Spring flowers bloom And shed their (rrateful fragrance on the air. Onco more th« sound of muffled drum nd bugle's softened note heard throxigh all the land • mid the silent habitations Ot the Nation's honored dead. I Surviving comrades of the long ago, ! With feeble step and tear-dimmed eyes. Again assemble round the grassy mounda Wherein repoae the war-worn forma , Of heroes long departed. ' From them the bugle call of reveUle Brings no response as in the days of yore. ris stirring notes of "Boots and saddles Ul on listless ears, deadened with slumber. The terried ranks of Infantry, artUlery. and cavalry Move not in answer to the trumpet call, 1 Disturb them not, but let them slumber on. ' With one accord on this Memorial Day ', The busy wheels of Industry stand still To pay their silent tribute to the soldier dead. .\i-ound the sacred mounds which mark their resting place ■ ,. ^ ,\ grateful people stand with uncovered head J'o do them honor. As fte^ and green the memory to-day -' -'-ir brave deeds and willing sacrifice :\e JI«y-day graea which grows Iieir final camping ground. Brave soldiers of the Union: fop, ftmght for God and Home and Native Land, .\nd won a yictoiT complete. The Nation's Starry Flag which waves above you Knunciates to all the world The triumph of the cause Kor which you shed your blood. No missing star from that proud Enslsn Proclaims the failure of your mission. The very men who fought against yoa, With valor like your own. Within whose veins the same red blood Of Freedom proudly flows, Kejoice to-day to see that Flag With every star restored. And pay their loyal tribute to the Union Which you fought to save. And we, who now enjoy the fruit of your endeftvor, Do know full well the awful cost Of blood and tears and treasure To keep that Flag unstained. So long aa in the firmament aboTS The stars reflected in that Flag shall shine, ^o long your memory shall endure; A reunited country, cemented by your blood. Reveres your valiant and patriotic service. Soldiers of the Union Who fell In Freedom's cause: Your comrades of the march and field and bivoaaej Once more salute you. Each passing year their ranks are thinned, A»d comrade after comrade leaves their tida To once again touch elbows With the bunkleB gone before, And sleep their last long sleep Beneath the blanket which in time shall cover all. Until the bugle call shall sound the reveille On Resurrection mom. "Attention, company," And listen to the message which we bring to you From all your fellow-countrymen: From North to South, and East to W«»t, Throughoait the borders of this favored land The people all are one. Are one in paying homage to your memory; Are one in reverence for the dear old flag You rescued from dishonor; Are one iu reeolution to sustain The Institutions of our fair, free land. And to forever giiard it against every foe; Are one in friendship for the oppressed And sorrow-burdened ones of even' land; Are one in opiposition to opijression everywhere; Are one in our determination to preserve The heritage bequeathed us by our Fathers, No matter what the oost; Are one and inseparable, now and forever. Then sleep thou on, brave comrades, And take your well-earned rest, \\Tiile generation after generation Of your grateful countrymen Place laurels on your brow, HARRY O. HALL, Washington, D. Ol, May 30, 1909. fro 7)1.: Ui^_^^o^\ ■MeA.oSd. ' 7 v^^J^^ou^^^7a^^9 .ot^ jjl^R^RY OF CONGRESS 013 764 611 QA .H3.X LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 764 6110 # Hollinger pH8.5 Mill Run F3-1955