0* ..-..*o, ^*\..-' '^ft c.^ * Gams • v«» ji*" ♦ rfCvBB A." ^« c^ • ' 4 o v^' ■i^^' . **'% Ho^ • • % >*'_....* 0° .'J^'/°o % -^^0^ : Svn, *o, ^'TVi* .A '.* .*'\ .^-^^^ \t «••# '^ -^^0^ ^- ^af fiBl^^\ '-n^-n^ .V'^^^Pk'. V^*-*-^ « • o^ O :• ■^*. .*- .**Si^% * .« y. ^■^^4^ V*^' V '..o' ^<^ -•' -^ ► . « • v • ^ .L^', % 0^ ''V^ 'b.o' -^ vs^ .s^^^. ♦ aV '^ V';^ ^ -^^^ JAIL HOUSE IN PHILADELPHIA. Goods and General Outftls. 'US tind Boy> Shu, :bb<»r Goods, Trunl- annels and Mn-lui- JOHN WANAMAKER, GRAND DEPOT, PHILADELPHIA. - Whole Block on Market Street from New Public Buildings .» I'hirteenih Street, with entrance on Chestnut Street, Covering 2'4 Acres on Ground Floor. <^.^''<",* ^''- INDEX. Pape Suits and Costumes for Ladles 2t Suits fmd llobtumcs for Misses aud Cliil- drcii 27 Coats aud v. raps for Ladies -7 Coats and Wraps for Masses and Cliildrcn -8 Inf.-.nts' Wear .iJ Shawls 1 20 Skirls »1 -^ Dressing Sacques Uiidcrwonr ._39 Shoes for Ladies and Cliildreu ^.85 Clothing fcr Men end 15oya i._86 Koots and Shoes for Men and lioya ..83 Shirts i _fi> Gentlemen's FurniBhing Goods .dS Silks 5 Satins 6 Velvets 6 Dress Goods— Colored 7 Drefs Goods— Blaek 8 Cloakings •« 9 Cloths and Cussimcrcs «2 White Goods .. 14 Embroideries 16 lluchings 15 IHbboiis 17 Linings 10 Crapes 8 Flnnnels 9 Calicrcsand Chintzes 7 Cheviots 8 Linens 72 Muslins 74 Can'nn Flannels - 74 Tickings 74 Archery CI Brushes 41 Bags -O Blankets 75 Bibles 51 Books f)3 Curtains 77 Clocks 07 Cutlery f>0 Combs 43 Card and Citar Cases 49 China and GUsswaro 71 Druggets.- — 7T Dolls and Toys - 04 Fans... 43 Gla-sswaro 71 Games —57 Hand Mirrors 44 Ilouf^e Furnishing Goods ,72 Jewelry 07 Japanese Gr>r>d3 M Leather Goods 87 Hosiery 21 Gloves -gl,87 Millinery „_.3l Feathers and Flowers i 34 Hats , 7» Furs Corsets Collars iTja-licj'j. Cuffs Ties ?r ! »3 M 1» W .18 Handkerchiefs 20 Veils. 8 Belts 49 Braids 19 Buttons 13 Fringes and Passementeries 10 Crewel Work bZ Tidies, etc 58 Trimmings 11 Yarn-". Cords, etc 5S Zcpliyrs and Zephyr Goods iS Matting „' 77 Notions and Fancy Goods ^ 11 Oil Cloths : 77 Paper Patterns .:.— 6S Piano and Tabic Cover.i • Ti Puzzles 60 Paper 49 Perfumery 4S Pocket Books 40 Quilts— 75 Rugs and Mats 77 Rubber Goods 89 Sdvcrware r9 Sleigh Robes 88 Satchels a7 Soaps '. 46 Stationery 47 Toys 64 Trunks... 87 Toilet Waters. ^ Umbrellov,, 45 Upholstery arnl Furulturo Covcrines 76 7 ^/77^ THE Mail Departn^ent for San^ples & Supplies AT THE GRAND DEPOT. Its object is to enable persons living outside of Philadelphia to obtain goods cheaply, promptly, and satisfactorily ; the same, in every respect, as if personally purchased at the counter. The plan of business is thorough and systematic, the slightest request receiving the same precise and immediate attention as the largest order. Its management is not left to lads or uninterested clerks, who send customers anything approaching their orders, but to ladies and gentle- men who are trained, and who make a study of this particular branch of the business. The selections of goods are made with the utmost care, those for ladies being minutely inspected by ladies thoroughly acquainted with every detail of their important positions. Exchanging goods or refunding money is a leading feature of our business, which obliges no one to keep articles not entirely satisfactory. We do not allow letters to be put aside in any way, but the work of attending to them is begun instantly upon receipt of the mail, and not permitted to rest until it is finished. Telegraphic ■ ommunication runs direct to the department, that there may not be the slightest delay when especial haste is required. Our inflexible system of one price to all, makes persons who order by mail sure of the same prices that are charged our city customers. Should the price of any article decline between the time the samples are sent and the order received, we give the customer the benefit of it. Should goods ordered be sold, we try to get them at other stores, and, if we cannot find them, send samples of our nearest for another selection. In ordering goods, unless they are to be sent by express, C. O. D., please remit by post-office order or registei'ed letter, and, when con- venient, make two selections, to secure a second choice should the first be sold before the order reaches us. If the distance is great, or consider- able time elapses between the date the samples are received and the order sent, it may often save delay of correspondence to say whether, in case the exact articles have been sold, we shall vise our own judgment in sending others, if we have something near those desired. Otherwise we will understand that nothing is to be sent if we are out of, and cannot get, the precise goods named. ta^tal gegulation^ That apply to merchandise by mail. (Please state in every order whether you wish the goods sent by mail or express.) Unsealed packages of merchandise (excepting such as glass and liquids) weighing less than four pounds, and containing no writing of any kind, may be sent by mail at a cost to the purchaser of but one cent per ounce, and may be registered for ten cents additional. As mail packages, though rarely lost, are at a purchaser's risk, valuable parcels should be sent by express. Customers desiring to return goods by mail will please wrap their packages securely, but not seal or sew them, and after directing them to us, mark on the outside of the wrapper who they are from. This will prevent mistakes should we happen to receive arti- cles of the same kind from more than one person at the same time. Do not in any case send a letter, bill, or any other writing except that above stated, either inside or outside of the package, but write a let- ter and send it separately in an envelope, stating your wishes regarding the goods. Packages sent in this way cost but one cent per ounce, but if these directions are not complied with, we have to pay letter postage (six cents per ounce) .pon receiving the package, and, to remunerate ourselves, deduct it from the value of the goods sent us. As it is so easily done at any post-office, and costs but ten cents besides the regular postage, we urge customers to register all letters containing money. If we cannot fill an order the day it is received, we immediately notify the customer ; hence, if you do not hear from us within a reasonable time, please write again, as your first letter may have been miscarried. lain Bactd For those who naturally hesitate about entrusting their orders to others. The Grand Depot has constantly about a million of dollars invested in Goods to be sold to the people of the United States. ' To make such an extensive business profitable its customers must be permanent. People will not buy a second time if the first purchase is not satis- factory ; hence it is plain to any one who considers what an enormous amount we have at stake, that our own safety lies \Xi always pleasiiig our customers. We manufacture a great many of our goods, and send our buyers to Europe to select in person such as are imported ; this, coupled with our large sales, and consequent large purchases, secures for us every possible advantage, and the rapid growth of the Grand Depot shows that we share our advantages with our customers, and that they appre- ciate it. bpcciallt) important. The unusual liberty, fir which our house is celebrated, of returning goods, exchanging, or refunding money, that we so cheerfully grant, and consider absolutely indispensable as a matter of justice to our customers, especially those who order by mail, is one of the most con- vincing proofs of our confidence in our ability to excel in executing orders, and the sincerity of our desire to do it ; for if we send goods that do not suit, we directly injure ourselves, as we might sell them in the store while they are on the way to or from the customer, and may have no call for just such articles afterwards, and if they are cut into dress patterns or are other cut goods we have to suffer the disadvantage of their being in pieces, so we must send what we understand is desired ; and it would surprise many to know, with all the freedom we allow, how few goods are returned, owing to our " marvellous precision " (as one of our customers wrote us) in executing orders, and the excellent values we give for the prices charged. If we obliged customers to keep every- thing, whether it suited or not, we might be less particular. ampler. In piece goods, such as silks, dress goods, and others similar, prices cannot, of course, convey a definite idea, as we have all styles and all prices, and frequently much lower than we name here ; hence, when information is desired regarding them, we send samples with widths and prices marked. To enable us to meet your wishes with precision, please state as nearly as possible 1. Kind of goods desired (whether Silks, Dress Goods, Cloths, etc). 2. Color. 3. Style (whether plain, plaid, figured, etc.). 4. Price or Quality (whether good, medium, or ordinary). 5. Whether for old or middle-aged ladies, young ladies or children. In ordering samples of Lace?, give the name of the kind desired, state about what width is wanted, and whether leal or imitation. .Any idea regarding price may also assist us. In ordering samples of Hamburgs, state about the width desired, and whether you wish edgings only, or insertings only, or both (and whether to match). In ordering samples of Ribbons, state whether you wish _g70s ^nii'n or sa/t'n and ^os grain, or tivo ioncd ; also name colors, and widths, as our stock is so large that, without this information, we might send a great quantity of samples, but none among them to suit you. No charge is made for samples, or for postage on samples. Jiilkd, ^^clVet^, and §atin;^. This department possesses every attainable advantage, and the large purchases which our iminense sales make necessary, combined with thorough experience in its management, enable us to offer very extraordinary inducements at all times. BLACK SILKS. Black Glace and Taffeta silks, from $i.oo down. Black Glace and Taffeta silks, from |;i.oo to 2.00. Heavy Black Gros Grain silks, 75, 90c., ^i. 00, 1.25, 1.50 and upwards. We make a specialty of an unusually desirable Black Silk at one dollar per yard, and a.ssure our customers that it can be depended upon as a really reliable quality at a moderate price. Black Cashmere Silks, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, to 5.00. Bonnet^ Celebrated Kid Finish Silks, $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, to 6.50. CLOAKING SILKS. In Armure, 27 in, wide, from ^54.25 down. Also the 60 in. Gros Grain and Sicillien, adapted for the fur-lined circulars. Besides these, every desirable make is represented in our stock. In purchasing, we aim not only to select such as look well, but also such as wear wcW. Black Turk's Satin and Gro de Lyon, satin-faced silks, in full assortment, from $4.50 down. Black Pekin Satin and Moire Stripes, from $3.50 down. Black Polka Dot Silks, in satin face or gros grain, from $2.50 down. COLORED SILKS. Good colored silks, in all desirable shades, at 75, 90c, to $1.00. Excellent colored silks at |!i.oo, 1.50 to 2.50, including thor- oughly reliable makes. High grade colored silks, from 52.50 to 3.50. ' Evening shades, embracing an elegant assortment of the rarest tints, from ^i.oo to the best manufactured. Changeable silks, the latest novelty, from $2.00 down. Byadere silks, in all the changeable effects ; an entirely new- article for trimming, from 5i2.oo down. MILLINERY SILKS. Adapted for trimming Hats and Bonnets. Our counters are always supplied with Marcellines, Florences, and the very latest novelties. In writing for samples of them, please describe as nearly as you can what is desired or the purpose for which required, and we will take great care to suit. SILKS FOR CHILDREN'S WEAR. . We give especial attention to the selections of silks for this pur- pose, and send combinations of shades and styles upon request, specifying what is preferred. Foulard Silks in all the latest styles, from 75c. to $1.25. DAMASSE AND BROCADES. In colors and black, both silk and velvet. Our assortment of these goods is excellent. The prices range from $1.25 to the best manufactured. In writing for samples of them in colors, please specify the colors desired, or send a sample of the goods you wish to match or combine ; otherwise we might send many samples, but none to suit you. HIGH CLASS NOVELTIES IN ALL SILK. We have so large a variety of these goods that space in the catalogue will not permit more than a slight description. Among the newest Paris designs and colorings are Satin de Lyon, in colors and black. Pckin Rayes, in black and colors, from $4.50 down. Mosaique and Persian effects, from $5.00 down. Broderie stripes, in all shades. Pompadour stripes, every grade. The handsomest designs ever imported for ladies' vestings and over- dresses are now found in the iridescent effects, of which we offer tho largest assortment to be found in the city. In ordering, please mention what color is needed for blending. VELVETS. ■ We have an elegant stock of these goods in both colors and black, ranging from $1.50 down, and at $1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00, to all-silk cloaking velvets, at $10.00, and 12.00, and less. In writing for samples, please name the color desired, and state about the price you wish to pay to assist us in accurately complying with your wishes. SATINS. At 75c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 and 3.50. In writing for samples, please observe same directions regarding color and price as given for velvets ; and in ordering either silks, velvets or satins, do not fail to state whether you wish them cut bias or straight. A description of this department is simply impossible. Its numer- ous counters cover more space than the entire stock of many prominent stores. Fabrics from the cheapest home manufacture to the rarest and rich- est imported novelties are displayed in the greatest profusion. In no department is the Grand Depot's advantage of immense sales a greater benefit than in this one, where the styles are constantly chang- ing, and those not entirely fresh to be always cleared out. Our buyers are constantly in the market, and the samples in our Mail Department are replenished daily from the latest arrivals, so that our out-of-town customers see the new things as fast as they appear. We name a few of the goods, but can only do this department jus- tice by sending samples. Please write for them, observing as nearly as possible the directions given on page 4. The prices given here are for qualities that are generally on hand. We nearly always have other grades, and many at lower rates, but do not mention them lest, when ordered, we should happen to be out of them, and so cause disappointment. Plain Colored Suitings (including half-wool fabrics as low as I2jc., and generally lower), 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 31, 37 J, 40, 45, 50c., and upwards. The latter prices include many all- wool materials. Mixed Fancy Suitings, including plaids, etc., I2jc., (frequently as low as 6 or 7c.,) 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 31, 27h 4°, 45, 50c., and upwards. Colored Cashmeres (all desirable shades) from 31c. and lower to ^1.50 for extra fine and wide goods. White Cashmeres from 60c. to $1.25. Merinos in all colors, from $1.00 down to 50c., and lowest prices in the market. Beiges, Camels' Hair, Ladies' Cloths, etc., in all popular shades and qualities. Handsome Novelties (including many rich effects in silk and wool mixtures) at 31c. (and often lower), 37 J, 40, 50, 62.7, 75, 90c., ;gi.oo, and up. Elegant Suitings, including the finest Parisian novelties, at $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, and up. Every new and desirable fabric is shown on our counters as soon as it appears in the market, and is represented among the samples in our Mail Department. Calicoes and Cambrics from 6]c. (and frequently as low as 4c.) to 8 and loc. Percales and Chintzes, in Dress and Shirting styles, from I2^c., and lower, to 35 and 40c. for fine imported goods. Pliiid Ginghams from loc. and down to the best in fhe market. Doi/usiic Shirting' C\\ev\o\.s, lo and i2Jc. Imported Cheviots, 25 and 30c., and generally at both lower and higher prices. In ordering samples of Calicoes, Chintzes, etc., please state whether any particular style is desired, — as large or small figure, dark or light, etc. glack and IJourning ^ood^. In this important department we show one of the best selected stocks in this country, embracing all desirable fabrics, among which are All-wool Cashmeres, purchased direct from the most reliable manufac- turers, and offered by us at 45, 50, 60, 75, 90c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, and up. All-wool French Merino at 50, 60, 75, 90c., $1.00, and up. " Tamise Cloth, from 50, 60, 75c. and %.\.oo upwards. " " Empress Poplins, from yjX to 75c., and up. Drap D'Ete, from $2.50 down. Silk-warp Henrietta Cloth, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, and up. Australian Crape Cloth, from 37ic. to $1.00. English Cashmeres, from 40 and 50c., down. Alpacas and Mohairs, from \2\ to 25, 31, yj\, 50, 60, 75c., and up. Camels' Hair, $1.75 to $2.00. Matelasse, 50c. to $2.00. .Second Mourning Goods of all descriptions. Besides these we have constantly fresh arrivals of new goods, embracing all desirable styles of Figured Black goods. A comparison of samples with prices and widths (which on our samples represent actual measurement only) will make the advantages of ihis department easily apparent. BLACK CRAPES. Courtauld's English Crapes, cut either straight or bias. Trimming Crepes, 4-4, from 51.00 to $5.00. Veiling Crepes, 6-4, from $2.00 to $g.oo. CRAPE VEILS. Desirable Crepe Veils, at ;?6.oo, 7.00, and $8.00, and from these prices cither up or down. fiadied' (Sloakinqd. CHILDREN'S SACKINGS, Etc. We call especial attention to our very attractive stock, of Ladies* Cloakings for the present season. Our samples are cut large enough to show the patterns distinctly, and allow thorough examination of the qualities. The prices will be found exceedingly low for reliable goods. Ladies* Sackings in plain colors, 54 inches wide, 80, Sy^c, $1 00, I.I2J, 1.20, 1.35, 1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. Ladies' Plaid Cloakings, 54 inches wide, at $1.10, 1.38, 1.50, I 75, etc. Camels' Hair Cloakings, 54 inches wide, at $2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00 and 3.50. Matelasse Cloakings, 54 inches wide, at $2.00, 2.35, 3.00, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00, and 6.50. If you intend buying cloaking this season, you should not fail to send for samples of these goods, stating about what price per yard you wish to pay. You will certainly be pleased with the excellent value we exhibit. Black Beavers, 54 inches wide, $1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.50, 4.50, 5.00, representing exceedingly desirable quali- ties. Black Waterproofs, 54 inches wide, 60, 75, 95c., $1.00, 1.25. 1.60. Blue, Brown and Gray Waterproofs, 54 inches wide, 65. 75. 90c., and $1.00. White Sackings, Infants' and other Cloakings, 54 inches wide. $1.25, 1.75, and 2.75. Corduroy, all colors, #1.00, 1.25. Velveteens, all colors, 50, 60, 75, 85c., $1.00, 1.25. Italian Cloths, 27 inches, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60c. Italian Cloths, 54 inches, 65, 75, 85c., $1.00, i.io, 1.25, 1.35, 1.50, 1.75- "; glanneb. White Domett, ^ wide, 10 to 34c. j/s " 36, 39. 48. 4-4 " 35. 44. 50c. Best makes All-wool White Flannels, 3,^ wide, 33, 37^0. " " " }i wide, 37^, 40, 45. 55, 62.3, Soc. 4-4 " 44, 48, 54. 63. 73, 94c. Silk Warps, ^ " 75c. 4-4 " 85c. White Shaker. 15, 28, 31, 37^, to 85c. " Twilled, 29 inches. 31, 45, 58. 62I, 68, yoc. Real Welsh, 89c., $i.cx3, i.i2\. 1.25, 1.372C. White Swansdown, JS1.25. * Grey Shakers', 36 inches, 62 o, 70c. " Twilled, ^, 60, 65, 75c. Scarlet Twilled, ^{, 24, 25, 28, to 60c. " Shakers', 60, 65, 70, 75, 80c. Plaid Wrapper Flannels, :^{ wide, 37.}, 50c. Blue Twilled " 3/ " 28 to 60c. Grey and Brown " -'4 " 28, 31, 37J, 40c. Opera " 37 j, 50c., all shades. Medicated " 35. 37 L to 60c. Fine Twilled " ^^ , 45c., all shades. Embroidered Flannels, white, yard wide, 98c., plain scollop, and up to $3.00 for about ^s of a yard deep. Scarlet Embroidered, yard wide, 95c., to $2.00, same styles. White Flannels, embroidered in light shades, yard wide, 98c., to I1.45. 6-4 Barred Blue and Black, for infants' cloaking, $1.25. Grey Cotton and Wool Flannels, 16 to 25c. 6-4 Shirtings, plaid and stripe, 75c. to $1.00. Black Lining Flannels, 22 to 37'c. " Mixed " 28, 30, 35c. Beach Cloth, }{ wide, 45c. Jining^. Silesia, French, .... 25c. " English, . . . 20c. " American, .... 12J to 25c. Drillings, .... 10, I2.jc. Cambrics, .... 6, yc. Paper Muslins, ... 8c. Crinc)line, . . . • 6, 8, 10, i2Ac. W'igan, .... IOC. Paris Facing, .... loc. Hair Cloth, .... 25, 37J, 40, 50c. Silk-finished Muilin, . . . I2^,c. Buckram, .... 20c. .Silk Finished Crinoline, . . . I2^c. Brinqee^, Rai^Acmcntcrici!), Braids, etc. In ordering samples of Fringes, please specify color distinctly. It is best to send a sample of the goods to be matched. When ornaments, etc., are sent as samples, they are sold the same as other goods, and credited or the money refunded when returned. Knotted Fringes, 25, 35, 59, 67, 78c., $1.00 to 1.75. Clienille " 75, 95c., to I3.00. . Grass and Braid Fringes, ] 78, 85c., $1 00, to 3 00. V black, Bead and Silk Fringes, ) 62, 75c., $1.00 to 5 00. All Bead " |;i. 00 to 12.00. Colored Fringes, plain, 50c. With and without heading, knotted, 50, 62, 65, 75c. Plain silk, with braid and chenille, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50. Chenille and Grass Fringe, ^i 35. Colored mixed silk fringes that we have not in stock will be made to order to match samples that may be sent us. Worsted Chenille Fringes, all shades, 1 5c. Passementeries and Gimps, beaded and plain. Silk (plain) 15, 22, 50c., 10^1.50; (beaded) 15, 22, 31, 38, 55, 61, 75c., $1.00 to 5.00. Moss Trimmings, 35, 50, 65, 75c., |i,oo to 3.00. Ornaments for cloaks and dresses, all sizes. Passementerie, 12, 15, 25, 37, 50c., to $6 00. Braids, all colors, j4 inch to 5 inches, 5, 7, 10, to 50c. Mixed Braids, % inch, i inch, i}4 inches, 5, 7, 13, 15, to 35c. Black Hercules ] , . r • i , ^1 • , and Titan IJraids, } '^ °^ ^'^ '"^^ ^° three inches. 2 to 30c. Silk Cords, all colors, 3 to 15c. Wrapper Girdles, 75c. to $1.50 each. Small and large silk Tassels, 35 to 75c. per doz., 3 to 15c., each. Gold and Silver Braid and Cord, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 19c, " " Tassels, 10 to 25c. Girdles and Tassels for cloaks made to order to match goods, $1.50 to 3.00 each. HotionA and Bancu fioodd. Besides the articles named, our stock includes everything pertain- ing to a department of this kind, and new things are constantly being added. Our Customers can depend upon finding all the novelties that are desirable. Spool Cottons, Sample's, 50c. dozen. " " All other reliable makes, 5c. a spool; 55c, a dozen. Subject to fluctuation of market. Braids, Skirt, 5c. piece. " Silk, 7c. yard, up. Needles, 5c. a paper. Pins, American, loc, English, 14 to 44c. Shields, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 33, to 75c. Nets (bang), 13c., back, mohair, 4c. " silk, 7 and 13c. Basting Cotton, 6c. dozen. French Cotton, 4c. spool, 500 yards. Feather-edge Braid, 6c. piece, 62c. dozen. Triple-pointed Braid, cotton and linen. Elastic silk, 31, 38c. ; colored, 19c. ; black, 24c. cotton, 6, 7, 8, 9c. Hairpins, invisible, visible, };\\t and silver. Hair Crimpers, 2, 3, 4, 5c. Crochet Needles, i to loc. Sewing Silk, Waste Silk, 22c. oz. Sewing Silk, ounce spools, 75c., }^ oz. 20c., 100 yds. 12c. 50 yds., 6c., in make of Brainard & Armstrong Pure Chinese Sewing Silk (made expressly for and sold with recommendation of the House). Oil Silk, 99c., $1.14, 1.20 a yard. " Caps, 20 to 45c. Knitting Cotton (Dexter's), 8c, ball, 56c. pound. " " (German), 14c. lap, ^i-oS " Sewing Machine Needles, 3c., Wilcox & Gibbs, 4c., all makes. Darning Cottons, lie. lap, 2c. skein. Tapes, I to 13c. Hooks and Eyes, loc. a box, 2c. card. Dress Cords, 12 yards for 6c. Whalebones, 5 inches to 36 inches long, 8c. piece, 20c. dozen. Thimbles, 2 to loc. Button Rings, 12c. box, 100 in box. Tape Measures, 3 to 42c. Window Ties, 12 to 24c. Barber's & Coates' Linen Thread. Embroidery Braid, different qualities and length. Cotton, 20c. doz, ; 2C. skein. Carpet Bindings, 39c. piece. Petersham Bindings (furniture), 12 yds. 29c., 18 yds. 37c., (pieces). Matting Bindings, 25c. piece. Mattress Bindings, 39c. Bed Lace, 17c. Darning Wools, 3c. spool. Cotton Wadding, 4c. sheet. Wool . " 24c. " Cotton Batting, 20 and 22c. pound. French Wadding, 15c. sheet. Bonnet wire, 4c. piece. Ribbon " 2c. " Hat Pins, i to 5c. Nursery Pins, black and white. Emeries, 10 to 23c. Mourning Pins, 4 to 20c. box, Glass and Solid head, loc. Cotton Cases, soc. Needle " 48c. Button Hooks, 11, 13, 16, 21c. Glove Buttoners, 4, 5, 10, to 4.3c. Machine Oil, 7, 14c. Wax, 3c. Carpet Thread, 4c. skein. Tidy Pins, i8c. box. Di'ess Elevators, 20c. Gutta Percha Hair Pins, 12c. box. Sewing Machine Bobbins, 6c. box. Watch Guards, 5 to 38c. Ladies' Suspenders, 28 to 45c. Stocking Supporters, 11 to 17, 34c. Safety Bands, 34c. Knee Protectors, 25c. Fancy Garters, 56 to 90c. Spiral " 20c. Floss Thread, 3c. Patent Thread, 3c. skein, 8 and 9c. spool. Bobbins, ic. Sail Needles, 2c. IptittonA. From the nature of this stock, and the fact that we are daily receiv- ing new styles, and closing out old ones, we suggest that, unless some staple kind of button is desired, customers may often save disappointment by describing the style they wish, or telling us to select such as are suitable for their goods, — naming about the price they wish to pay, — instead of requesting samples or descriptions of what we have, as they are frequently sold before we can receive the order, even though the customer lives near the city. As we allow privilege of return if not satisfactory, other styles may be procured if our first selec- tions fail to please. Should it be necessary for you to see samples, j)!ease send a piece of the goods you wish it to go with, or specify definitely what style is desired, as, buttons being actual goods, we cannot send samples of them as freely as of dress goods, etc. White Pearl, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 20, 25, 32, 37, 40, 50, 75, 80c., $1.00, per dozen. Smoked, 11, 28, 34, 40, 45, 50,65c., $1.05. Jet, 7, 8, 13, 16, 17, 18, 26, 2)^. Fancy, 20, 23, 24, 65, d"] , 94c. to $2.50. Bone, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 34c. Black Bone, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20c. Black Silk, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 to 12c. Bombazine, 5 to loc. Crochet, 21, 24, 27, 28, 30, 33, 35, 40, 48. 50, 56, 67, 74, 81, 84, 9IC., $1.00, 1. 12, 1.60, to 2.40. Black Velvet, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20c. IS Satin, 9, 10, II, 12, 15c. • Porcelain, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14c. per card, 6 dozen in card. Steel, 4, 5, 8, 12, 65c. per dozen. Glass, 14, 19, 21, 23, 28, 34c. Brass, 10, 15c. Shoe Buttons, 9c. per gjoss. hite 6ood6. Besides the styles now in stock, we arc constantly receiving new ones, and the samples sent through our Mail Department always repre- sent the latest openings. Heavy Soft Finished Nainsook, 15 to 60c. Sheer Soft Finished Nainsook, 25c. upward. French Nainsook, both sheer and heavy, from 31c. upward. Plaid and Stripe Nainsook, from 10 to 50c. Soft Finished English Cambric, from 20 to 45c. Soft Finished Domestic Cambric, from 9 to 31c. Linen Cambric, sheer, from 75c. to $3.00. Linen Cambric, heavy, from 22c. to $1.25. India Twill, all qualities and prices. French Percale, 25, 35, 38c. French Organdie, 2 yards wide, from 30c. to $1.00. Plain Swiss, from 10 to 65c. Figured Swiss, all qualities and prices. Stripe Swiss, all qualities and prices. India Mull, double width, from 40c. to $1.62. Linon de Dacca, from 21c. upward. Victoria Lawn, from loc. ui:)ward. Masalia, all prices. Tarlatans, white and colored, 9c. to 65c. French Batiste, 37, 45c. Tucked Skirtings, all qualities, styles and prices. All Over Tucking, from 50c. to ^1.60. Pique, corded, I2yic. upward. Pique, figured and striped, from 12c. upward. Pique, fleecy lined, all prices. Honeycomb, for Children's Cloaks, 20, 35c. Plaid Nainsooks, from i2lc. upward. We always have a very extensive assortment of these goods, at prices that comparison will show to be lower than ordinary. Owing to the difficulty in correctly judging goods of this kind, by persons not thoroughly experienced, customers cannot fail to appreciate the advantage of purchasing from a reliable house. 14 In ordering samples, please mention the name of the lace desired, state whether real or imitation, and abci' the width required. An idea regarding price would also assist us in selecting just what you wish. Real Duchesse, i inch, )^i.50to 2.00; lyi inch, $2.00 to 2.50; 2 inch, $2.50 to 3.50 ; 3 inch, $2.75 to 7.00. Real Point, I4.50 to 10.00, 1%. inch to 3 inches. Real Point Applique, I inch, 75c.; i>^ inch, 95c. to $1.50 ; 2 inches, $1.00 to 2.00; 3 inches, $2.50 to 4.25. Real Maltese, i inch, 50 to 75c.; i;^ inch, 75c. to ^1.50; 2 inches, $1.50 to $3.00 ; 3 and 4 inches, $3.00 to 4.00. Real Mechlin, i inch, 50c.; 1J2 inch, 75c.; 2 inches, $1.00; 3 inches, $1.50. Real Valenciennes, i inch, 45 to 75c. ; i>^ inch, 75c. to $1.00; 2 inches, $1.00 to 2.00; 3 inches, $2.00 to 3.00 ; 4 inches, $3.00 to 4.00. Thread, % inch, 15 to 20c. ; Yz inch, 20 to 30c. ; i inch, 20 to 40c.; I ^ inch, 40 to 75c. ; 2 inches, 75c. to $1.50 ; 3 inches, g 1. 50 to 2.50 ; 4 inches, $3.00 to 4.00. Black Guipure, yi inch, 15 to 25c. ; i inch, 20 to 30c. ; lyi inch, 30 to 60c.; 2 inches, 50c. to. $1.00; 7.% inches, 75c. to ^2.00; 3 inches, $1.50 to 3.00. Black French Laces, i inch, 10 to 20c. ; 1% inch, 10 to 25c. ; 1% inch, 15 to 25c.; 2 inches, 15 to 45c.; 3 inches, 25 to 50c. ; 4 inches, 30 to 60c. ; 5 inches, 35 to 75c. Real Thread (Black), i inch, 50 to 90c.; lyi, inch, 75c. to $1.25; 2 inches, $1.50 to 2.50 ; 2I2 inches, $2.50 to $3.00 ; 3 inches, $2.50 to 4.00 ; 4 inches, $3.00 to 4.00. Yak (Black), 8 to 40c. Beaded Laces (Black), i inch, 10 to 20c. ; lyi inch, 15 to 25c. • 2 inches, 20 to 30c. ; 2>^ inches, 25 to 40c. ; 3 inches, 25 to 50c. ; 4 inches, 40 to 65c. Black Breton, i inch, 10 to 15c. ; i^i inch 15 to 25c. ; 2 inches. 20 to 35c. ; 2)4. inches, 22 to 40c. ; 3 inches, 30 to 50c. ; 4 inches, 35 to 60c. ; 5 inches, 40 to 75c. White Breton, about same prices. Scarf Laces, both Black and White, 5 to 9 inches, 25 to 75c. Real Russia Point, i inch, 40c. ; i;4 inch, 60 to 75c. ; 2 inches. 95c. to |;i.25 ; 3 inches, $1.25 to 1.75. Point Brabant, 20 to 55c. Tuscan, 11 to 55c. Spanish, 22 to 75c. 'I'oichon, 5c. up to $1.60. ^eck guching. Double Pleated Tarlatans, loc. Breton Edge, Imitation, 18, 30, to 50c. " Lace, Real, 42, 6qc., to $1.00, Crepe Lisse, single, 32c. Crepe Lisse, Double, Black, and White, 25, 36, 50c. " Shell Pattern, 4SC. 3-rciw Goffered Crepe Lisse, 25c. Paris Ruching, 45c. Different styles Crepe Lisse, 20 to 68c. Valenciennes Edge Ruchings, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 35, 45, 50c. Goffered Footing, Lace Edge, 12c. Linen, with Lace Edge, 15c. Plain Goffered Footing, 8c. We manufacture these goods ourselves, and show many nice styles unseen el ewhcre. Imitation Duchesse Lace, 1 inch, 10c. ; [\ inches, 15 to 20c.; 2 inches, 20 to 35c. ; 2 J inches, 30 to 45c. ; 3 inches, 40 to 50c. Imitation Maltese Lace, }4 inch, 5 and 6c. ; i inch, 7 to loc. ; 1)4 inches, 10 to 15c. ; 2 inches, 11 to 20c. ; 2}4 inches, 18 to 25c. ; 3 inches, 25 to 35c. Imitation Mechlin Lace, i inch, 12 to 15c.; 1% inches, 15 to 20c. ; 2 inches, 18 to 25c. ; 3 inches, 25 to 35c. Imitation Valenciennes Lace, loc. to $7.00 piece (2 to 70c. yd.). " Thread " i inch, 10 to 15c. ; 1)4 inches, 15 to 20c. ; 2 inches, 20 to 30c. ; 3 inches, 25 to 40c. Imitation Russian Lace, i inch, 5 to 8c. ; i)4 inches, 8 to 12c. ; 2 inches, 12 to 20c. ; 3 inches, 20 to 45c. Imitation Irish Point Lace, 10 to 35c. New Laces that appear are immediately included in our stock. HmbroidcricA. This is one of our most popular departments, and we can assure our lady customers that they cannot find in this country a more attractive stock of Embroideries. The variety is almost endless, and the selections of tasteful patterns the subject of universal admiration. In ordering samples, please state whether white or colored are required; name about the width wantM, and say whether edging only or inserlings only, or both are desired, and whether to match. It is desirable to order as soon as practicable after receiving samples, as it will often save the disappointment occurring from rapid sale of the goods. Russian Embroideries, . 28, 45, 60, 65, 70, 80 to 85c. French Nainsook Embroideries in all widths and prices, from IOC. to $3.30. Hamburg Edgings, Inscrtings, and Flouncings, in all widths and prices, from 2c. to ^3.00. Swiss Ji^dgings and Insertings, from . . i ic. to $3.50 Flannel Embroideries, white, embroidered in cotton, 15 to 45c. " " " " " colors, 22 to 50c. " " in silk, . . 30c. to ^51.25. Magic Ruffling, all widths, all qualities. Irish Lace, , , . . . 1 5 to 43c. doz Cash's Coventry, . . . 55c. to $1.50 per piece Combination Trimmings, Ruffling, Tucking and Puffing, 10 to 14c. AVe manufacture these ourselves, so keep a supply constantly on hand. Ev.crlasting and Cotton Trimmings, . . 1 1 to 62c. piece It is admitted that we have the largest stock in the city. We always have every popular shade and width in the market ; and as we keep reliable qualities only, our customers cannot fail to be pleased with the values we give for the very low jDrices. Best quality, all silk, 10 yard pieces. Black, same prices. Colored Gros Grain, Satin and Gros Grain — Quality L, jBlack Satin and Gros Grain Quality T, Black Pekin Stripe Ribbons — the latest novelty, i Satin and Gros Grain, Quality R., Black and Colors, Inch. Ko. Pee. lU Price Price. 1/ 72 2 $ 65 $ 7 H 3 75 8 ^ 4 95 10 I 5 I 25 13 i;< 7 I 45 15 l;Y 9 I 75 iS V( 12 2 25 -3 -~H 16 2 75 28 I 5 I 75 iS l)< 7 00 20 ^H 9 2 50 25 ^X 12 3 GO 31 ^X 16 4 75 48 3}i T> 6 CO 62 ;4 4 95 10 I 5 I 40 15 l>< 7 I 75 20 iX 9 o -5 ~S ^X 12 n 75 30 " / -;4 16 3 = 5 35 I ' 20 3 75 40 I 5 I 40 15 iK 7 I 75 iS I A 9 2 -5 ^ -J =;+ 12 n 75 30 •:/ -/4 16 3 50 37 Colors, 5 I -5 13 7 I 75 18 9 I 95 20 12 2 25 -5 16 3 00 31 17 Windsor Ties, ..... Polka Dot Ties, . . ... Plaid Scarfs, ..... Plain and Figured Silk Tics, with fringed ends, Embroidered Tics, ..... Fancy Ties, ...... Plain Ties, lace ends, ..... " gay •• . " " tinseled ends, .... " " embroidered ends. Grenadine Handkerchiefs, with different colored borders, Plain Silk and Plain Crepe Bows, Canton Crepe Bows, . . . ;j^i.oo. Small Bows, ...... 25c. 35c. 35. 50. 63, 75c, up 50c. 75c., $1.25 $1.00 $1.50. $i.7S $1.75 $i.oo- 25c- 25c. 1.25, 1.37. 1.50 9. 50c. Fancy Bows, Black Berthas, -' Ladies' Fancy Vests, . . . . Canton Scarfs, .... Canton Handkerchiefs, . . . , Black Crepe de Chene Handkerchiefs, fringed, Duchess Lace Sets, . . . , Tatting « «« Princess " " . Children's Duchesse Lace Collars, " Princess " " . " Russian Lace Sets, " Breton " Collars, " Russian " " " Valenciennes Lace Collars, " Torchon " ' " Breton Net Collars, trimmed in Lace, Point Lace Jabots, .... Breton " " Duchesse " " Cluny " " Black Lace Neckerchiefs, Fichus, White, Handkerchiefs, Valenciennes, " Torchon, . Breton Handkerchief^ . Duchesse " Point Applique " Crepe Lissc Fichu, 50, 65, 75, 85c., $1.00, 2.00, 2.5o> ^".3.00, 3.75, 4.00, 4.75, 5.00 to lO.OO' $5.00, 6.00 $1.62, 2.00, 2.5a $3.00 $1.85 to 3.25 $13.00 to 25.00 $475 • $375- $2.49 to 6.00 $1.75 to 3.10 85c. 48c. to $i.5o- 49c. to $I.OO 25 to 80c. 20 to 75c. 68c. to $1.40 $1.00 to 5.20 45c. to $2.00- 72c. to $2.50- 45c. to $1.00 62c. to $7.00- 51.00 to 5.oo> 25c., 60c. to $3.00 $3.00 to 6.00- $1.10 to 3^75 . ^icsbo to 25'.oO' $10.00- $5.00 to 7 00 $1.65 to 2.00 18 WHITE AND BLACK TIES. Embroidered Ties, . Lace Trimmed Ties, Pleated Ties trimmed with lace, Plain Muslin Ties, Hemstitched Ties, . Crepe Lisse Ties, Breton Lace Ties, . Spanish Lace Ties, Spanish Scarfs, Princess Lace Ties, Duchesse " " . Point " " Breton " Handkerchiefs, Valenciennes Lace " Cluny Lace, " Torchon Lace, " Duchesse " " Point " " . . Nets— Plain Brussels, solid spots, ring spots, Bareges, Parisinas, Grenadines, Hernanis, bo 24 to 48c. 19 to 75c. 45 to 62c. II to i6c. 19c. to $1.00 21 to 65c. 50c. to $4.75 50c. to $1.87 . $1.74 to 5.50 $1.35 to 12.00 . $3-49 'o 25.00 $5.00 to 20.00 . 48c. to $10.00 38c. to $10.75 40 to 65c. 85c. to $3.10 $10.50 to 15.00 $10.00 to 18.00 chenille spots and guipure. :h single and double width. iadied' Bollard and ©uff6. Ladies' Piccadilly, ... . 4 for Cuffs to match, . . . . . . 2 for Piccadilly Collars, . . . . . .10 and Cape " . . . i . IOC, 2 for 25, Turn-down " ..... New style fancy edge Chokers, Hemstitched Collars and Capes, Herringbone " .... Fancy edge Cuffs, .... Plain " ,. ... Hemstitched " ..... Children's Ruffles, . . . , , 10, 12, 15, 20, 23, 25, Children's Bibs, . . .12, 18, 20, 25, 30, 35 to Children's Sailor Collars, . . 12c., 2 for 25, 15, 20, 25, Children's round embroidered Collars, Children's linen Sailor trimmed in feather edge. La-dies' Piccadilly Collar and Chemisette, Children's round and Sailor Collars and Chemisette, Ladies' turnover Cuffs, ..... Three different styles Children's Cuffs , . 14, 15, 19, Ladies" Lace Collars and Chen\iset4;e (just out), 90c., $1.00, 1.25, 1,50, II and 22 to 15, 16, 20, 22 30 to 75 to 25c. 25c. I2C. 15c. 5c. I2C. 28c. i6c. 24c. 24c 25c. 30c. 70c. 50c. 90c. 65c. 68c. 20c. 8c. 20c. 2.00 19 Handkcrchicfo. Our buyer makes personal selection of these goods in the I;ish and French manufactories. As we will have all grades in the market, from the smallest children's to the largest and finest French hand spun, it will be necessary only in ordering to state about what price you wish to pay. You will l)c surprised at the excellent qualities we will send you for it. We warrant all our Linen Handkerchiefs to be pure and of the best qualities. Boys' Linen Handkerchiefs, unhemmed, printed, 75c. and $1.00 per dozen. Boys' Hemmed and Printed, $1.00 per dozen. French Linen School Handkerchiefs, $1.00 per dozeni Ladies' Printed and Hemmed Handkerchiefs, $1.00, 1.20 and 1.50 f>er dozen. Ladies' White Hemmed Handkerchiefs, $1.00, 1.20, 1.50, 1.80 to finest. Ladies' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, \2)4, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 35, 40, 50c. each. Ladies' Hemstitched, Printed Borders, 18, 20, 25. 31, 35c. to finest. Ladies' Embroidered Scollops, 20c. each. Ladies' Scolloped and Embroidered in fancy colors, 22, 25, 31, 35, 40, 45, 50, 62, 75, Sec, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.CX), 3.00 each. Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs, 40, 50, 62c. each. Ladies' Mourning Handkerchiefs to Deepest Mourning, Scolloped and Embroidered, 31, 35, 40, 50,62, 75, 80c., $1.00 each, to finest French Cambric. Fancy Mourning, 20, 25, 31, 35, 40, 50, 62, 75c., Si.oo each. Deep Mourning, 25, 31, 40, 45, 50, 62, 75, 80c., $1.00 each. Mourning Hemstitched, 25, 31, 40, 45, 50, 62, 75, 80c., $1.00 each. Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs, 25, 31, 45, 50, 65, 75, 80c., $1.10, 1.25 each. Plaid Silk Handkerchiefs for ladies' neckwear, the latest styles and very fashionable, 45, 65c., $1.10, 1.25, to finest. Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, 65, 75, 80, gi. 00, i.io, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.CX3, 2.25, 2.50 each. Gentlemen's Silk Mufflers, cashmere effects, $1.75 and 2.00 each. Twilled Silk Mufflers, $1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.25, 2,50, 3.00, 4.00 each, in all the fashionable colors. Gentlemen's Corah Pocket Handkerchiefs, 40, 45, 50, 62, 75c., ?i.oo each. Gentlemen's China Silk Hemmed Handkerchief, 75, 80c. , j^i.oo, 1.25 each. Gentlemen's Hemstitched, from 80c. to $2.00 each. We have all sizes, including the largest made. 20 GENTLEMEN'S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. Special prices which, notwithstanding the great advance in Ireland, will be adhered to during the season. Gentlemen's Hemmed Linen Handkerchiefs, lo, 12%, 15, 18, 20, 25, 28, 31, 35, 40, 50c. each. Gentlemen's Hemstitched, 25, 31, 35, 40, 50, 62, 75c. Hemstitched and Colored Bordered, 31, 35, 40, 50, 62c. each. Polka Dots in all grades. Hemmed and Colored Borders, I2^c. up. Gentlemen's French-woven Borders, 12^, 15, 20c. each. Gentlemen's Initial Handkerchiefs, 40, 50, 62c. each. gloved. In this prominent department we invite the closest inspection of our celebrated "Alexandre" and " Jugla" kid gloves. The "Jugla" is believed to be the best and most thoroughly reliable kid glove now imported. We also import two brands of medium priced gloves, the " Treport" and " Lupin," which are fully warranted, and can be depended upon. Our stock is so large that we can nearly always supply any size or shade ; but should we happen to be out of one ordered, we will take pleasure in procuring it elsewhere. KID GLOVES Jugla, 2 button, 3 " 4 " " 6 " Alexandre, 2 button, 3 4 " 6 " Treport, 2 button, 3 " " 4 " 6 " Lupin, 2 button, 3 " 4 " " 6 " Undressed Kid, 2 button, " 3 " " 4 " " 6 " " " 10 " $1.65 1.90 2.25 2.75 1.65 1.90 2.25 2.75 1.05 1.35 1.50 1-75 80c 1. 00 1.25 1.50 35, 92c. 45c.. $1.17. 1.35. 1-50 1.35, 1.65, 1.75 90c., $1.60 $1.50 21 LISLE THREAD 2 Button Silk Glove, J 4 " " 6 " " 8 " " lo " " '• Gauntlet, , Lace Top, . Plain Elastic, . English Lisle , 3 button, " " 4 Berlin Glove n " " " 3 << « 4 i< •< 6 . 50, 75c., jii 00, 1.50 Embroidered Fronts, . ' . . . 50, 75c. •Cotton Hose with Silk Fronts, all colors, . . $2.00 Lisle Thread, unbleached, . . 50, 62^, 75c., $1.00, 1.25. 1.50 " " plain colors, .... 60c. to $1.50 " fancy, .... g1.ooto3.75 Silk Hose, ...... j5i. 85 to 12.00 CHILDREN'S HOSE. Full Regular Made, all sizes, fancy, . . . 37^ and 50c. " • " "5 iri- lo'ig Hose, .... 30c. advancing 5c. on each larger size. 4 in. short Hose, Full Regular, Colored, . . . 30c. A\ " " " '< ... 30c. 5 " " " "... 30c. 5^ " - " " ... 30c. 6 " " " "... 3cc. 4 in. short white Hose, super, ..... i8c. 42 in. " " " . . . . . 20c. 5 in. " " " . . . . ■ . 22c. 5j in. " " " . . . . . 25c. S in. """.... 28c. Children's Cotton Socks, 32 super: 4 in. 25c. ; 4^ in. 28c. ; 5 in. 30c. ; 5.} in. 33c. ; 6 in. 35c. ; 6;V in. 38c. ; 7 in. 40c. Children's Cotton Socks, 38 super : 4 in. 30c. ; 4J in. 34c. ; 5 in. 372C. ; 52 in. 41c. ; 6 in. 45c. ; 6\ in. 50c. Children's 3-4 Hose, 30 super : 4 in. 25c. ; 4J in. 28c. ; 5 in. 31c. ; Children's 3-4 Hose, 32 super : 4 in. 33c. ; 4^ in. 35c. ; 5 in. 37ic. Children's 3-4 Hose. 38 super : 4 in. 40c. ; 4^ in. 43c. ; 5 in. 46c. ; Children's Merino 1-2 Hose, 32 super: 4 in. 35c. ; 4^ in. 38c. ; 5 in. 40c. ; Children's Merino 1-2 Hose, 36 super: 4 in. 40c. ; 40- in. 43c. ; 5 in. 45c. ; Children's Merino 3-4 Hose, 32 super : 4 in. 40c. ; 4^ in. 45c. ; 5 in. 50c. ; Children's Merino 3-4 Hose, 36 super : 4 in. 45c. ; 4} in. 50c. ; 5 in. 55c. ; Colored Socks for Children, 25, 370, 50c. — all sizes. " " " Lisle Thread, . . $1.00- GENTLEMEN'S HOSE. Gents' unbleached Half-hose, . 122, 17, 20, 25, 40, 50c. to $1.00 " colored " . . ' . 25, 37^, 50, 75c. to $1 oo- " Shaker wool " ... 20, 25, 37^c. " merino " . . . . 20, 25, 37J, 50c. Also many fancy styles constantly coming in. 5.1 in. 34c. ; 6 in. 37c. 5J in. 40c. ; 6 in .43c Sl in. 50c. ; 6 in. 50c. Si in. 45C. ; 6 in. 48c. 5} in. 48c. ; 6 in. 50c. 52 in. 55c. 5i in, 60c. Scidicd' Suitd. In this department we have always on hand, and are daily exhibit- ing, new things in all popular styles, from our own reliable work to rich imported costumes. As we aim, in filling orders, to send only what is new, our present descriptions can give an idea only of a few of the styles that our general stock represents. Wc are seldom able to send samples of ready-made goods, but will be pleased to give estimates for garments to be made to order from any samples that may be selected and sent us. In ordering ready-made- suits, give the measure according to accompanying form for self- measurement, and state your wishes as nearly as possible regarding color, style, material, price, trimmings, etc., and we will use great care in, making the selection, but give, according to our regular custom,. 24 privilege of return or exchange if we fail" to please. We consider this plan a much more satisfactory one than that of sending several garments on approbation, as we are frequently requested to do. In having suits made to order, for which purpose we have superior facilities, please send a sample of the goods of which the garment is to be made, giving measure carefully (taken according to accompanying Form), and, as in ready-made goods, describe as accurately as possible regarding style, trimmings, etc., unless left to our designer. To avoid misunderstanding, it is always best to first write for estimates on garments to be made to order. We will then furnish to order costumes in all qualities and at all prices, regulating always our estimate of cost by the grade of inaterial desired, number of yards to be used in making the suit, its style, and the quality and quantity of trimming required for decoration. We exhibit — Desirable Woolen Suits, in popular materials, good, serviceable styles, for from $5.00 to 20.00. Cheap Alpaca Suits, two pieces, $10.00 to 20.00. Black Alpaca and Mohair Suits, for business purposes, not injured by exposure to sun or rain, self trimmed, or finished with silk, from $20.00 to 40.00. Handsome Mohair and Brilliantine costumes, silk finish, fash- ionably made and trimmed, from $30.00 to 50.00. Black Cashmere Walking Suits, all wool, prettily trimmed, skirt and basque, from $14.00 up. Handsome Cashmere costuines, plainly or elaborately trimmed with silk, or silk and fringe, from $20.00 to 40.00 ; with lace finish, $50.00. In black materials, for mourning purposes, we manufacture, at shortest possible notice, — Suits of Henrietta Cloth, crape trimmed, from $35.00 to 50.00. Princess Dresses, self trimmed, or decorated with lusterless silk or crape, from $35.00 to 75.00. Crepe Cloth Suits, neatly made and handsomely trimmed, from $40.00 to 60.00. Cheap costumes also, for mourning, from $15.00 to 25.00. A desirable line of Black Silk Suits, self trimmed, from $30.00 to 50.00. Higher priced Silks, more elaborately decorated, $60.00 to ico.oo. The handsomer grades, decorated with plaitings of silk, velvet, satin, or embossed fabrics, from $100.00 to 250.00. A full line of Colored Silks, plain or in stripes, from $25.00 to 50.00. Richer costumes, trimmed with velvet, lace, or fringe, from $60.00 to 100.00. Velveteen skating or walking costumes, from $30.00 to 60.00. Fancy French and English fabrics, combined with silks and velvets, from $35.00 to 75.00. 23 Brocaded fabrics, combined with rich silks and costly velvets, the costumes ranging in price from $100.00 to 250.00. Costumes and Suits made on shortest notice, after imported models from Worth, Pingat, Grant, and Magenta, and Hentynah, WRAPPERS. In Wrappers, cheaper grades, reps, and plain fabrics, from <;2.5o to 25.00. New styles, trimmed in quilted satm, with pockets, cuffs, collar, and revers. from $15.00 to 30.CX5. Handsomer Wrappers, cashmere and silk, lace trimmed, $35.00 to 50.00. Japanese Wrappers, foulard silk, fancifully finished, from $25.00 to 40.00. Chintz Wrappers, lined waists, 90c., $1.37^, 1.75, 2.00 to 2.50. Wc will also make to order a complete line of evening and reception dresses, in silks and fancy fabrics, from $25.00 to 100.00. Also, Masquerade Costumes and Fancy Dresses, for Christmas parties, home festivals, and other entertainments during the winter season. FORM FOR SELF-MEASUREMENT. Carefully take the dimensions named, and write them in the spaces indicated. Front. — I to 3. Neck to waist, 3 to 4. Line of Bust measure to be taken all around,. 7 to 8. Inside Sleeve measure, 26 9 to lo. Shoulder to elbow, loto II. Elbow to end of cuff, 12 to 13. Line of Neck measure to be taken all around, Back. — 141015. Neck to waist, . 16 to 17. Across back, from seam to seam, . 18 to 19. Under arm to waist, 241025. Length of shoulder, Line 20, 15, 19. Waist measure, to be taken all around. Skirt measure, from belt to top of shoe, for front measure. From belt, as long as desired, for back. To insure greater accuracy (as ladies do not always measure in the same manner even though from the same directions), we suggest that a waist that has been worn and fits be sent. This enables us to make a perfect fit in every case. An elegant assortment of Silk and Damasse Coats. Desirable Coats in Beaver and Matelasse at $7.00 and ^8.00. Many good styles much lower, and from these ranging upward in the new cloths to finest manufactured. Large stock of Dolmans, from $8.00 to 100.00. English Walking Jackets, new style, from $6.00 to 40.00. A full stock of LHsters, both impoited and domestic, $7.00 to 25.00. We give special attention to selections and fit, and cheerfully exchange or refund money for any that do not suit. In ordering, give bust ineasure and length of sleeve. iA^e^' and Children'^^ Suitd. Children's Cloth Suits in Blue and three shades of Brown, trimmed with silk piping to match. 2 and 3 years, $3.50 ; 4 years, $3.75 ; 5 years, 1:4.00; 6 years, $4.25; 8 years, $4.50; 10 years, $5.00. These are not common, rough-looking goods, but nice, styUsh and durable, and neatly trimmed. Children's Cloth Suits in Blue, Garnet, Native Brown, and Seal Brown, "trimmed with novelty cloth in all suitable combinations. 8 years, $6.00 ; 10 years, $7.00: 12 years, ^8.00; 14 years, $9.00; 16 years, $10.00. Children's Cloth Dress in Blue, Brown, and Garnet, piped with brocaded silk, producing a very pretty effect. 3 years, $5.50 ; 4 years, $6.00; 5 years, $650; 6 years, $7-S'^\ 8 years, $8.00; 10 years, $9.00. These are very desirable. Cloth Suit in Blue, Garnet, and Brown, with gold tinsel trimming and satin bows, on back. Skirt box pleated, very tasty. 8 years, $9.00 ; 10 years, $9.50; 12 years, $10.00; 14 years; $11.00; 16 years, $12.00 j Children's Cloth Dress, Brown and Blue, trimmed with ^laid novelty- cloth, very stylish. 6 years, $4.50; 8 years, $5.50; 10 years, ;?6.25; 12 years, $7.00 ; 14 years, $7.50; 16 years, $8.00. Cloth Suits in Garnet, Blue and Brown ; Polonnaise with new style postilion back, and fancy drapings, kilt skirt, entire suit trimmed with Novelty Cloth, very elegant. 8 years, $11.00; 10 years, $12.00: 12 years, $14.00; 14 years, $16.50; 16 years, $18.00. Children's Buttercup Suits (made specially for our own trade) in Blue, Brown and Garnet, Corduroy underskirt. Camels' Hair overskirt, and jacket trimmed with Corduroy. 8 years, $7.00 ; 10 years, $7.50 ; 12 years, $8.00; 14 years, $8.75 ; 16 years, $9.50. Children's Princess Cashmere Suits in Brown, Blue, Garnet and Plum, trimmed with satin, including bows, in suitable shades. 4 years, $7.00; 6 years, $7.50; 8 years, $8.00; 10 years, $8.75 ; 12 years, $9.50; 14 years, $10.00. Cashmere Suits for small children, knife-pleated skirt, in Garnet, Blue and Brown, with silk velvet down front, around skirt, cuffs and col- lar. A very pretty suit. 2 years, $5.75 ; 4 years, $6.50 ; 5 years, $7.00 ; 6 years, $7.25 ; 8 years, $7.50. Cashmere Suit in Princess, Blue, Garnet and Brown, trimmed with novelty cloth, box-pleated trimming on skirt with sash. 6 years, $8.50; 8 years, $9.00 ; 10 years, $9.75 ; 12 years, $10.00. Children's Cashmere Dress, in Blue, Plum, Garnet and Brown, knife pleating 6 inches wide around bottom, front of skirt trimmed with box pleating and velvet, and bound with satin. Velvet on cuffs and down front of waist to correspond with skirt. New style back. 8 years, $9.00; 10 years, $9.75 ; 12 years, $10.50 ; 14 years, $10.75 '• ^^ years, $1 1.50. We make especial mention of some very stylish suits in Garnet Cashmere very tastefully trimmed with Pekin stripe in garnet and gold. 10 years, $15.00 ; 12 years, $16.50; 14 years, $18.00; 16 years, $20.00. Children's silk costumes, very elegantly trimmed with satin and lace in combination of Navy Blue and Gold, Garnet and Gold, and Garnet and Light Blue, producing the very richest effects. Purchasers cannot fail to be delighted, and the prices are astonishingly low. 2 years, $13.00; 3 years, $14.00; 4 years, $15.00; 6 years, $17.00. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. Grey Camels' Hair, stitched edges, handsome buttons. 4 years, $4.50; 6 years, ,94.75 ; 8 years, $5.00; 10 years, $5.50; 12 years, $5.75; 14 years, $6.00; 16 years, $6.50. Fine light shade Camels' Hair nicely trimmed with silk velvet. 4 years, $10.50; 6 years, $1 1. 00; 8 years, $11.75; 10 years, $12.75; 12 years, $13.50; 14 years, $14.00; 16 years, $15.00. Light shade Camels' Hair, with satin trimmings and bows, very hand- some. 4 years, $7.50; 6 years, $8.00; 8 years, $8,75 ; 10 years, $9.50 ; 12 years, $1000 ; 14 years, $10.50. 23 Chinchilla Coats in Blue, Brown and Black, neatly made. 4 years, 1^3.50 ; 6 years, $4.00 ; 8 years, $4.50 ; 10 years, $4.75 ; 12 years, $5.00 ; 14 years, $5.25 ; 16 years, $5.50. Children's Fancy Coats in light and dark Brown mixed goods, finely trimmed in satin. 4 years, $9.50 ; 6 years, $10.00 ; 8 years, ,•?! i.oo ; 10 years, $12.00; 12 years, $13.00; 14 years, $14.00; 16 years, $15.00. Same material trimmed in brown plush with dark brown stripe Pekin, knife pleating, and plush heading at collar, bottom and cuffs, very rich-looking and durable. 3 and 4 years, $9.00; 6 years, $10.00. Besides these, we have and will constantly supply all other new styles. We show a large assortment of India Shawls in Cashmere Valley, Umritzer, Delhi, Decker, and other reliable grades in all qualities, rang- ing from $40.00 to 700.00. Striped India Shawls in great variety from $5.00 to 50.00. Paisley Shawls, black center, square, $8.00 to 25.00. " " " " long, $12.00 to 40.00. " " red " square, $8.00 to 25.00. " " " " long, $12.00 to 40.00. Velvet Beaver Reversible Shawls, $6.00 to 15.00. Single Scotch Shawls, long, $10.00. Very low. " " " square, $5.00 to 5.50. Himalaya " $10.00. American Blanket Shawls, the best $5.00 Blanket long shawl in the -market, also at $6.50 to 7.00. Single Shawls, best American makes, $2.50, 3.00, 3.50. Black Thibet Shawls, long, $5.50 to 25.00. " " " square, $2.25 to 8.00. Chir Stock of Mourning Shawls is the best we have ever offered. They are our own importation, and enable us to give perfect satisfaction in filling orders. All kinds of Fancy Wraps for evening wear from 75c., $1.00, to 12.00 and 15.00. Chenille Breakfast Shawls, $1.25. Chenille full size Shawls, $2.75 and 3.00. We shall keep up a good stock of the most reliable makes. The Bay State Long Shawl, full size, only $5.00. Large variety Zephyr Wraps in Shawls, $3.50 to 7.00. Novelties in Camels' Hair Carriage Wraps, $6 00 to 9.00. It is impossible to give complete prices or descriptions for this extensive department but we shall be pleased to give information regarding any kinds of shawls that may be desired, and in all cases the qualities may be depended upon. Full line of Gentlemen's Heavy Traveling Shawls, $2.75 to 10.00. 29 adie^' Sndcr^^v'ear. This department has become so popular that it has recently been necessary to enlarge it to more than double its former proportions. Gowns. — Plain, 8 tucks, Cambric Ruffle, . . $ .Sj *' Three Insertings, Bands and Tucks, . .99 " Hamburg Edge and Tucks, . . .1.25 " " " " " better and heavier, 1.67 " " " " bias tucking, . . i 67 * " Three Insertings and Tucks, extra quality, 1.99 " Five " " " still better, . .2.50 " Torchon and Hamburg Trimming, 'i'^ry nice, 4-5c>- CHEMISE. Chemise. — Plain Corded Bands, " " " " better, " " " " still better, " Three Inserting Bands in Yoke, " Sacque Chemise with Edge and Tucks, " Five Inserting Bands, " Three " " finer quality, " Sacque Chemise, Inserting and Edge, . " Three Insertings and Edge, " " " '< " better, " " Torchon Insertings and Edge, " Three Inserting and Band and Edge, . " Wide Hamburg and Edge, " Three Inserting •< " " Puffins " " " 5 .42 •5S •75 •55 •69 .80. •99 1.25 1.50- 1.67 1.67 1.99 1.99. 2.50 3.00 4.50. DRAWERS. Drawers. — Plain Hem and Tucks, . . . $ 40 " " ♦' " better, 45 Tucks and Cambric Ruffle and Tucks, 3S " " Hamburg Edge, 50 " " " " better. .60 " " " " still better, •75 " '« " " finer. .99. " " Torchon Edge, . . i •25 Inserting, and Bdgc, . . . . i •7S CORSETS. White and Colored, at 50, 68, 75c., and up. Thompson's Glove Fitting, 75c., $1.00, 1.35, 1.75, 1-95, 2.25, 3.0b, 4.00. Defiance^ Etalka, Cuirasse, spoon busk, side laced, ;pi.oo. Woven, 51.00, 1.25, 1.65, 2.00, 2.25. 80 Werley, $2.00. French hand made, ^1.45, 2.00, 2.50, 2.75, 3.85. P. D. spoon busk French Corset, $2.50. Jean d' Arc spoon busk with webbing, §3.75. Madame Foy, $1.00, 1.20. Madame Moody, $i.7S, 2.00, 2.25. Warner's Abdominal, 11.75. Misses', 50, 68c., and up. CORSET COVEES. High-neck Tucks and Edge, Inserting Low-neck Tucks Puffing, . with Edge, . Torchon Edge, Inserting and Edge, Torchon Edge, " finer. ■55: .85 .25. •55 •7 5- .85 .25 DRESsma SAcauEs. Dressing Saccjucs, with Ruffle and Edge, " " Tucking " , . . " " " " finer, Torchon Edge, " . . . . Wide Torchon Edge and Embroidery, Inserting and Edge, . . . . 1.99. 2.25. 2.75 3. GO. 5.00- 4-50' SKIRTS. Skirts. — Tucks, Cambric Ruffle and Tucks, " " " " better, " " " " still better. Edge, " Two Ruffles and Edge, ..... " " . " better, .... " Cambric Ruffle and Torchon Edge, " Two Ruffles " " " . . . " Tucks and deep Hamburg Ruffle and Edge, " " Inserting and Edge, ...... " Wide Hamburg Ruffle, ..... 14-75 to " Colored in Stripes, .... 75, 80c., |i.oo. Black Italian, Alpaca, ....... Satin — -Black, Brown, Blue, and Sca,riet, $2.75, 3.0D, ! -57 •75- •9> 145 1.50. 1-99' 2,2 ^ 3.00- 4. GO' 4.50- 8.GO- I. ID' 1.25. 2.75- 3-75 5. GO:' 31 LADIES' MERINO UNDERWEAR, White Merino (each garment), ... 50, 75c., $1.00 to 3.50 .Scarlet " • $i.-5, 1.50 Cartwright's Merino, $1.86 (size 26 ; I2;lc. increase on each larger size); Scarlet, ^3.75 to $4.75. Children's Merino, 25c. to j;2.oo " Scarlet, $1.25 to 4.00 Union Suits (Ladies'), ........ ^2.50 " " (Children's), ^i.oo for 18 inch. Advance loc. on a size. Infants' ^ear. Infants' Robes, $2.75, 3.00, 4.00, 4.75, 5.00, 5.50, 6.75, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 11.75, to 18.00. Infants' Slips, 50, 60, 75, 99c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, to 15.00. Infants' Long Skirts, 60, 70, 75c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.60, 2.00, 3.00, 3.25, 4>ciP, 4.25. Infants' Flannel Skirts, from $1.00 to 4.50. Infants' Socks, 13, 20, 25, 30, 45, 50c. Infants' Embroidered Shawls, $2.00, 2.25, 2.75, 3.85, 4.25, 5.85. Infants' Zej^hyr Shawls, ^1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 4.50. Infants' Zephyr Caps, 50, 75c., 51.00, 1.50, 2.00. Infants' Merino Cloaks, $2. 00, 3.50, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.50, 10.00. Infants' Merino Cloaks, Embroidered, $15.00, 20.00, 25.00, 28.00. Infants' First Short Dresses, 45, 50, 75c., 51.00, 1.15, 1.25, 1.75. 1.95, 2.25. 2.75, 3.00, 3.25. 3.75, 4.25, to 15.00. Infants' Short Skirts, 60c., 51.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, to 4.85 Infants* Bibs, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, 50, 75c., $1.00, 1.25. Infants' Lace Bibs, 45, 55, 75. 95c. Silk Circulars, fur lined, . . . $35, 50, 60, 75, 8o Seal Skin SacqUes, . $60, 70, 85, 100, 125, 135, 150, 160, 200 Silver Fox Sets, ...... 5100, 125 Blue Fox Sets, ...... 550, 75 Hudson Bay Sable, ..... 550, 70, 85 Mink Sable Sets, ..... 56,8,10,12,25 Chinchilla Sets, .... 59,15,20,25,40,50 Shetland Seal Sets, ..... 540, 45, 50 Alaska Seal Sets, ..... 516, 20, 25, 30 Black Marten Sets, ..... 512,16,20 Black Fox Sets, . . . . . . 5 10. 12 Black Cony Sets, . . . . . -55 I3caver Sets, . . . . . . . 5i2 32 Grebe Sets, Royal Ermine Sets, Alaska Mink Sets, Black Hare Sets, English Seal Sets, . $8, i6 $S, i6 $3.50 to 6 $5.6 CHILDREN S SETS- White Cony Sets, . 50, 75c. French Ermine Sets, . $1.25 to 3 English Seal Sets, . $3.50 to 4 Seal and Cony Sets, $3-50 Seal and Squirrel Sets $3 Squirrel Lock Sets, MEN'S SETS. $1.50 to 2 Beaver Collars, . $3, 3.50, 4 to 5 Beaver Gloves, . .'^3.50, 4, 4.50, 5 to 6 Otter Gloves, . . $5 to 7 Seal Skin Gloves, $8, 10 to 15 Genette Gloves, . . $2.50 Arctic Gloves, SLEIGH ROBES. ^8 Buffalo Robes, $5.50,7.50,9 Indian Painted, . . $10, II. 13.50 Lined Buffalo, $S, 10, 12, 15 Raccoon Robes, $15. i3, 20 Wolf Robes, . $15. 16.50, 18.50, 20, 25, 30 Bear Robes, . $40, 45, 50, 55 Grey Fox Robes, . $30. 35 Black Angora, 515 Black Llama, . $3° White Llama, $30 Russian Bear, . . $30 Fur Trimmings, per y ard. 40, 75c., $1.00, 3.50 rUR TRIMMINGS. Black and Grey Cony, per Swan's Down, per yard. Fox, per yard, Black Marten, per yard, Silver Cony, per yard. Specialty in relinin Furs. 'ard, ... 40, 50, 75c. 35. 50, 60c. 75c., $1, 1.25 $1.50 to 3 50, 75C-, $1 and lengthening Seal Sacques and repairing 38 Jillinery. We have a very large Millinery Department, in which we always display all the latest things in Ladies' Bonnets and Ladies' and Chil- dren's Hats, both trimmed and untrimmcd. Owing to the extensive variety, and constantly changing styles, we cannot give a description here that will be a correct guide for any length of time, but will be pleased to give full descriptions and prices of articles that may be desired during the season. OUR TRIMMED BONNET DEPARTMENT. Trimmed Bonnets and Hats, from . . . $5 to $20 These prices are for superior goods. We can furnish desirable styles as low as $3 50. French Imported Bonnets, .... $25 to $50 Ladies ordering Bonnets will please be particular to state material — felt, velvet, plush, straw, or any other fancy material — and give full instructions in regard to trimming. A Catalogue of our Frames mailed on application. Heathers and Blo^er^. Roses, . Buds, Silk Roses, Marguerite, Daisies, Heliotrope, Lily of the Valley, Pansies, Forget-me-not, Clusters, Fine Montures, Fine French Montures, 5 to 50c. each 5 to 25c. each 50c. to ;^i.25 for rose and bud 20, 25, 30c. with bud 31 to 60c. dozen 50c. dozen 30 to 50c. dozen 36 to 75c. 30 to 75c. 50c. up S 1. 50 to 3.00 $2.50 to 8.00 Grasses, Picots, etc., in great variety, also full assortment of Leaves. FANCY FEATHERS 10, 15, Fancy Wings, Fancy Breasts, . Fancy Feathers with Jet for mourning Colored Ostrich Plumes, single. Colored " " double, . Black " " single, Black " " double, White " " single. White " " double, Black " Tips, o, 25, 30, 50 to 75c. 75c. to gio.oo each 75c. to 5.00 S4.50 to 6.00 $2. 25 to 12.00 $2.25 to 7.00 ;f2.oo to 16.00 $3.50 to 5.00 53- 5"^ to 9.00 5c. to ;?i.50 bunch of 3 34 Black Ostrich Tips, .... 500. to ^(3. 50 each Black " doubk-, .... );,i. 00 to 2.75 each Colored " Tips, .... 50c. to $3.75 each A full line ot Miilinery Ornaments in fancy and Jet. Jet Beaded Bonnet Crowns, .... .$1.50105.00 Jet " Lace. ..... $2.50 to 4.00 yard P'ull lino of Bridal Wreaths and Orange Blossoms $--75 to 8.00 sett Millinery Trimming Silks, Satins, Velvets. Plushes, Satin Antique. Changeacle Silks, Uncut Velvets, Fancy Velours, and Plaid Velvets. Kadie^' and Ghildren'A Shoe^. T^ t)-53'» «S=^ We have the largest retail stock of Boots and Shoes in Philadelphia. LADIES' SHOES. Ladies' best French kid, Louis XV. heel, ha;iJ sowed, $8.50. Best French kid, French heel, $6.25, 6.50. " plain heel, $4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00. " " French heel, machine sewed, 54-00. 5 00. 6.00. Best pebble or straight grained S:otch soles, $4.50, 5.00, 6.00. Straight grained, hand sewed, $4.98. Pebble, button, hand sewed, $3.50, 3.75, 4.50. Pebble, button, machine sewed, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00,2.25, 2.50. Curacoa kid, buttoned, $2.00, 2.25, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50. Curacoa kid, buttoned, French heel, S3-50. S-OO, 6.00. Glove kid, buttoned, $1.13, 2.75, 3.00, 3.50, 4.50. Glove kid, buttoned, hand sewed, $5.00, 5.50. Lasting, foxed, $1.30, 2.00, 2.75, 300. 3.75, 4.00, 5.00. Congress, 75c., $1.25, 1.75, 2 50. hand sewed, $3.75, 4 00, 4.50. Kid Congress, $2.75, 4.00, 5.00. Lasting, front laced, 93c., $1.75, 2.50. Pebble front laced, 95c., $1 00, 1.25, 2.00, 2 50. Curacoa kid, front laced, $1.75, 2.00, 2.50. The postage on Ladies' and Misses' Shoes is about 20c. per pair. MISSES' SHOES.-Size 11 to 2. French kid, buttoned, French heels, 5:5.00, 5.50. plain, ^53. 50, 4.00, 4.25, 4.50, 5.00. Curacoa kid, hand sewed, $4.00, 4.50. " machine sewed, $1.75, 2.50. Pebble, buttoned, $1.75, 2 00, 2.50, 2.75. Best pebble, buttoned, $2.50, 3.25, 3.50, 3.75. Pebble or straight grain, Scotch sole, $3-75' 4-25- Heavy pebble grain, buttoned, $1.00, 1.18, 1.25. Front laced, 90c., $1 00. 3S CHILDRENS' SHOES.-Size 7 to 10 1-2.. Glove kid, buttoned, patent foxing, 90c. >i.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.13, 2.25, 2.75, 3.00. French kid, buttoned, $2.50, 2.99, 3.25, 3.50. Curacoa kid, buttoned, $1 50, 1.75, 2 oo, 2.25, 2.50, 3.00. Pebble, buttoned, 98c. $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.cx), 2.50. Pebble, buttoned, wedge heels. Si. 75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, Curacoa kid, wedge heels, )52.oo, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75. INFANTS' SHOES.— 1 to 5. Glove Kid, patent foxed, . . . 50c. Kid buttoned, . . .40, 50, 75c., $1.00 French Kid buttoned, . . Si.oo, 1.25 Pale Blue and Pink, . . . $1.25, 2.00 Soft sole, laced, . . . • 15. 19c. Soft sole, buttoned, ... 39, 84c. Pebble, . . . . . 50, 75c. The postage on Children's and Infants' Shoes is from about 8c. to 15c. per pair. INFANTS' SHOES.— 4 to 7. Pebble buttoned, double-sole, 75c., Ji.oo, 1.35, 1.99 Straight grain, double-sole, . . $1 75, 2.00 Curacoa Kid, double-sole, , . $1.50, 2.00, 2.25 French Kid, double sole, . ;?2.oo, 2.25, 2.50 Patent foxed, double-sole, . . . }?i-75 Pebble laced, double-sole, . . $i-75 86 How to Measure for Boots and Shoes. Ordinarily, shoemakers measure by the barleycorn measure. Then, very few persons understand what a size is, or know how to measure their feet. The simplest and most accurate way to measure is to place the stocking foot on a sheet of white paper, and draw a pencil-mark around the same; marking where the corns are, if any. Next, measure the inches around the different parts of the foot, as per lines on diagram below, with an ordinary inch measure. Length of foot standing. When orders are sent for shoes measured according to the above, please state the dimensions in the following manner : Length, . . . inches. For Joint, . . . inches. Instep, . . . inches. Heel, .... inches. Ankle, . • . inches. Top of shoe, . • . inches. State whether the foot is broad or narrow, and whether high, low, or medium heel is desired. ^runkd, patched, 8^^^^ Ecatherg^oodd,cte. Saratoga Eugenia Trunks, 30 in., ^i6.oo ; 32 in., $17.00 ; 34 in., |;i8.oo; 36 in., $19.00. Saratoga Leather Covered, Iron Bottom, 28 in., $7.00; 30 in., $7.50; 32 in., $8.00 ; 34 in., $8.50; 36 in., $9.00 and 9.50. Saratoga Leather Covered, Iron Bottom, 28 in., $5.00 ; 30 in., $5.50; 32 in., 16.50; 34 in., $7.50. Patent Covered Saratoga Trunks, 28 in., $4.50; 30 in, $5.00; 32 in., f5 50: 34 in., $6.00; 36 in., $6.50. 87 Packing Trunks, 24 in., 51.00 ; 28 in., $1.25 ; 32 in., $1.30. 1.75 ; 36 in., g2.oo ; 40 in., ^2.25. • Brown or Black Leather Satchels, 14 in., 58.00 to 9.00; 16 in., $8.50 to 9.50; 18 in., $S to 10.00; 20 in., $11.00; 22 in., 312.00; 24 in., $13.00 to 14.00. Brown or Black Leather Satchels, 14 in. ,$3.25; 16 in., $3.75 ; 18 in., $4.25; 20 in., $4.75 ; 22 in., $5.25 ; 24 in., $6.00 to 7.00. Split Leather Satchels, 14 in., $1.75 ; 16 in., $2.00 ; 18 in., $2.25 ; 20 in., $2.50 ; 22 in., $3.25 ; 24 in., $4.00. Black Satchels, 9 in. Light Leather, 9 in., $1.75. Grey Leather, 10 in., $3.00. Nickel plated, with lock. Black Leather, 12 in., $3.00. Nickel plated. Russia Leather, 12 in., $12.00. Seal Skin, 10 in., $10.00 ; 13 in., $14.00. Canvas Satchels, 90c. to $6.00, 9 in. to 11 in. Black Satchels, 14 in., $7.00. Brown Leather Satchels, 9 in., $2.75 ; 10 in., $3.00; 25c. dififer- ence in each size. London Club Satchels, 9 in., $3.00 ; 50c. difference in each size, in black, light, and brown leather. Red Leather, 12 in., $6.00 ; nickel plated. Blacking, i to 9c. a box (gents'). " 4c. and 8c.; Acme, 23c. (ladies'). Cork soles, all sizes, from 6c. to loc. (ladies'). Lamb's Wool Soles, all sizes, 33c. (ladies'). Cork soles, all sizes, 6c. to 15c. (gents'). Lamb's Wool Soles, all sizes, 29c. (gents'). Shoe Laces, i yd., 4c. a doz.; i}{ and lyi yds., flat or round, 6c. a dozen. Ladies' Silk Laces, 14c. a pair. Gents' Heavy Cord Laces, 12c. a do/en. " Flat Laces, 2 to 4c. a pair. " Silk Laces, i8c. a pair ; loc. a yard. Brass Heel Plates, 6c., — sizes i to 3. Nickel and Brass, another grade, loc. a pair. " 8c. Rubber Heel Plates, 40c. a pair (all sizes). Shoe Tassels, chenille, i8c. ; silk with button, 12c. ; plain silk, 6c. Shoe Buckles, cut steel, 12 to 40c a pair. " " pearl, spangled with steel, 20c. ". " lead, ic. " " jet, 10 and 20C. Shoe Buttoncrs, ic, to $1.25; silver plated, 75c. ; gold plated, $1.25 ; extra long, 25, 40, 48 and 74c. Shoe Button Fasteners, 3c. package of 24. Shoe Horns, black, 4c. " " nickel plated, 9, lo and 14c. 88 Shoe Horns brass, 14c. " " celluloid, 49c. Shoe Buttons, 3c. a dozen. Blacking Brushes, in paper boxes, with blacking, 20c. ; wooden boxes, 25c. ; larger wooden boxes, 50c. Set of Brushes (shoe and clothes), i^i.34. Shoe Brushes, 8c. to |;i.oo. " Dips, 8 to 35c. Celluloid Insoles, 25c. School Bags, light leather, 24 to 75c. " " black, " 35 to 74c. " " oil cloth, 24c. " carpet, 67 to 80c. Leather Garters, 10 to 15c. " Shawl Straps. 12, 15, 18, 25c. Ji.oo. Shoulder Straps, 48 to 75c. Leather Shawl Covers, $1.75 to 2.00. Children's Book Straps, loc. Leather Cufif and Collar Boxes, $1.47. Oil-cloth Traveling Satchel, 40c. to $1.00. Telescope Canvas-covered Valises, 12 to 22 inches, 12 in. jJ5i.oo, 25c. difference on increasing sizes. Rubber pood4^. Owing to the indications of a change in rates of raw material, these prices are subject to alteration without notice. Feather-weight Circulars (Ladies') with Hoodj, . $2.25' Waterproof " .... _ 2.50 Bon Ton " " " • • 3-oo Grand Depot " .... ^^^ Sea Grove " " " • • 3-98 Excelsior " << << _ ^^^ Grand Medal " " " • • 5-oo Triumph " << << _ ^00 Reversible " " " • • 5-00 Check Reversible " " " • • 6.00 Gossamer " " " • • 5-95 Perfection " „ << _ 5^5 Feather-weight Newports, with Cape, . . 2.75 Acme " " ... 3.25 Waterproof " " • • ■ 3- 5° Bon Ton " " ... 3.75 Grand Depot (pocket). "... 4-00 Grand Depot " " ... 4-45 Sea Grove " "... 4-9^ Excelsior " " • • • 5-45 Grand Medal " "... 6.00 39 Gossamer Newports, with Cape, Triumph " " Perfection " " Grand Depot (Ulster), wi Perfecti* n " Misses' Feather-weight, " Waterproof, " Sea Grove, Gents' (G. H.) Coat, " Switch Back, " Grand Depot (Pocket), " Grand Depot, " Sea Grove, " Excelsior, Hood and Sleeves, All Misses' are Circu- lars with Hoods. S6.95 6.00 7-45 6.00 9.00 2.00 2.2c 3-^4 275 3-50 4.50 4.70 5.00 6.00 7.00 7.50 7.70 8.45 9.00 2.50 " Triumph, " Corwin, " Gossamer, " Perfection, " " with Silk Collar Boys' (G. H.) Coat, " Feather-weight, ..... 2.90 Boys' Grand Depot Coat, ^4.00. " Sea Grove, $4.50. Ladies' Rubber Gloves, 95c. " Gauntlets, ^1.20. Men's Rubber Gloves, $1.15, 1.38. Rubber Mitts (men's), 85c. " Shields, covered, 6, 8, 10, 12, 19, 21c. " " pure rubber, 10,21,23c. " Sheeting, white, 3/, 60c. ; i yard, 80c. ; 1^, $1.00; 1)4, 1.20. " " black, i}{ wide, 60, 70c. " " enameled, 70c. " " pure, I yard wide, $1.60, 2.00. Gossamer Cloth, i yard wide. Sec, 51.25. Sponge Bags, 49 to 89c. Rubber Erasers, 5c. " Door Bands, loc. Gents' Pantaloon Straps, 9c. pair. Rubber Aprons, 70c., $1.00, 1.25. Bosom Pads, i, 2c. Hair Curlers, 4, 5, 6c. " Crimpers, 4c. Rubber Nipples, 3c., white andjalack. Nursing Tubes, 4c. Air-tight Covers, 30 to 55c. JEtu:i Syringe, 35c. Goodyear Union No. 5 Syringe, 44c. Seaside Syringe, 48c. 40 Goodyear Syringe, 49, 99c. Davidson No. 2 Syringe, $1.49. I " $1.74- Mattson " i " l^i-oo, 1.78. Goodyear " i rubber tubes Syringe, ;f 1.24, " 3 " " " $1.24. " 4 '• " " $1.74. Fountain Syringe, Nos. 1,2, 3, $1.74. Perfume Atomizer, 10, 20c. Goodyear Perfume Atomizer, 99c. Flower Atomizer, 94, 98c. , Mattson Nasal Douche, 75c. Hagerty's " " 95c. Soft Rubber Drinking Cups, i8c. Hard " " " 49. 74c. Rubber Air-Balls, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 14c. Rubber Air-Balls (painted), 15,25c. Rubber Rattles, 10, 12, 15c. Rubber Rings, 2, 3c. Rubber Dolls, 8, 12, 25, 35, 50, 65, 75. 90c., ^i.oo. Rubber Fancy Toys of all descriptions, 1 5 to 50c. Gossamer Hats, $1.25, 1.50. Gossamer Caps, 98c. Gossamer Caps with capes, $1.48. Rubber Piano-covers, #2.25. Rubber Piano-covers (cloth finish), $5.co, 6.00. Infants' Rubber Drawers, 34, 50c. Infants' Rubber Bibs, 12, 34c. Gossamer Leggins (Gents'), 99c., #1.24. Gossamer Leggins (Ladies'), 99c. Children's Leggins, 93c. Skirt Protectors, loc. Force Cups, 50, 75c., $1.00. Tubing, 6 to 12c. foot. Bathing Caps in 3 colors (black, white and buff), 40, 60, 70, 75c. Hat Covers, 70c. (gossamer). Cuff Protectors, 15, 20c. Gymnastic Exercising Tubes, 50c. to J51.90. Water Bottles, $1.00 to 2.75. (25c. difference in each size from I to 6.) Air Cushions, Nos. 3 to 7 ; price, 1:1.48 to 1.98. Square Cushions, ^3.50. Bed-pans, $3.50. Air-pillows, No. i to No. 5, $1.50 to 3.50. Ice Bags, $1.00, 1.50. Life-preservers, $1.75 to 3.98. Rubber Bath Tubs, $7.00 to 11.50. Foot Balls, 73c. to $1.98 (black, with key). Foot Balls, 50c. to $1.50 (fancy painted). Corn Plasters (arnica), i8c. package. Prussian Salve, 48c. box. * Porous Plasters, 8c. Cuspadors, 50c. Rubber Leggins, 50, 75c., $1.00, 1.50 (c^cnti* and boys'). Rubber Blankets, 95c. Rubber Poncho, $1.20. Horse Hoods, $2.25. Horse Cover, without hood, $3.50. Horse Cover, with hood, <;4.oo. Gossamer Horse Cover, $5.00. Dash Cover, #2.75. Gents' Rubber Caps, 45c., $1.00, 1.25. Gents' Rubber Coats, $1.50, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50. Gents' Reversible Coats, <^4.oo, 4.48, 4.50, 5.00. Boys' Rubbers, ;Si.35, 1.75. Men's Sack Coats, $1.00. Umbrellas, $2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50. Rubber Boots, $2.00, 2.50, 3.00. Hip Boots, $3.50. Our stock of winter goods will include a full line of Rubber Overshoes for Ladies, Children and Men. Prices will be given upon request. Baptismal Pants and Boots, $12.50. Rubber Mats, $2.25, 2.50 (plain). Fancy Mats, $1.50, 2.50. Ice Pitcher Mats, 60, 70c. Fancy Checker Board Mat, $1.25. HmbrGlla6. Silk Rain Umbrellas, $5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 7.50, 8.00, 9.50, 10.50. 28 inch, ^^4.50 to 9.00. 26 " $3.50109.00. 24 " $2.45, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00. 22 '• $2.35 to 5.00. Alpaca Umbrellas, all sizes, $2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75. 3.00, 3.15. Gingham, 80, 90c., $1.00, 1. 15, 1.25, 1.75, 2.00. Parasols (silk), $4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00, 800, 10.00. Ban6. Feather Fans, 84c., $1.50, 2.00, 4.75, 5.00, 7.34, 8.40, 9.60. Lace " $16.00. Satin, " $1.00, 1. 21, 1.34, 1.72, 1. 81, 1.99, 2.00, 2.17, 2.29, 2.67, 3.99, 4.00, 4.99, 7.92. Painted Fans, $1.00, 1.34, 2.49, 2.99, 3.99, 5.91. 42 Colored Satin Fans, 50, 84c., $1.00, 1.89, 1.99, 2.00, 2.29, 2.34, 2.49. Feather Fans, 94, 99c., $1.75, 2.50, 2.75, 3.67, 6 40, 9.00, 15.00. Black " $2 29, 3.75, 6.40, 8.40, 15 00, 15 29. White " 59, 67c. Feather " 99c., $1.70, 2.91. Spangled Fans, 1:1.99, 2.99, 3-99. 4.28. White Silk " $^.36. Ivory " M-99- Striped Satin Fans, $1.41, 2.67, 2.81, 4.00, 4.99. White " " (painted). ^10.50. Black " " " 74c., $3.96. Pink " " " $1.99, 2.67, 4.00. Black " " " $3-99. Ebony Fans, $1.00, 3.00, 3.67, 4.00, 4.32, 4.56. Black Satin Fans, $2.00, 2.49, 2.67, 4.99. Colored Leather Fans, $1.24 1.67, 2.34, 2.51, 3.00, 4.00, 4.75, 6.34. Large Silk Fans, 39, 84, 99c., $1.05, 1.50, 1.52, 1.59, 1.67, 2.00, 3.00, 6.50. Fans with leaves, 71c., $2.50, 4.90. Black and White Feather Fans, 52c., 52.91. Children's " " 20, 30c. Sandal-wood Fans, $3.34. Colored Fans, with black sticks, $2.00. All-black Fans, $1.19, 1.34, 1.49, 1.67. Japanese Open Fans, 3c. Satin-finish Palm Leaf, 5c. Palm Leaf, 3c. Turkey Fans, old-fashioned Feather Fans, 99c. Japanese Fans, 44c. Brown Linen Fans, 14c. Japanese Fans, 12, 21, 29, 40, 50, 55c. Bone Sticks, 39, 43c. Bamboo Fans, 50c. Extension Fans, 30, 36, 44c. Fan Boxes, 30c., $3.34. Japanese Parasols, 5, 15, 20, 30c. gombA. Long (or redding combs), 5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 35, 45, 50, 65. 75, 88, 90, 9Sc., $1.00, 1. 10. Tortoise Shell Combs, $2.50, 4.00, 4.38, 5.00, 6.00. Ivory Combs, $2.00, 3.00, 3.50, 3.75. Celluloid Combs, 65, 70c. Pocket Combs, 10, 12, 15, 22, 23, 50c. Fine Combs, ivory, 18, 30, 35, 45, 50, 60c. 4.3 Fine Combs, rubber, 5, 10, 15, i8c. Ivory Sets (brush, comb, and glass), $21.00. Celluloid Sets (brush, comb, and glass), $4.65, 5.15, 6.40, 10.70, 11.75- Nail Sets, $1.35, i-75. 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 7.00, 10.00, 16.00, 18.00, 21.00. Toilet Cases, 53-50, 4.65, 5.00, 6.00. Russia Leather Toilet Cases, $10.70, 11.00. Celluloid Round Combs, 40c. Rubber Round Combs, 5 and loc. Hair Brushes, 12, 25, 36, 45, 50, 84, 75c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.45, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.75, 3.00, 3.25. Metallic, 45, 55, 65, 75, goc. Clothes Brushes, 30, 40, 50, 65c., $1.25, i.^o, 1.75, 2.00. Flesh Brushes, 50, 75, 85, 90c., $1.00, i.io, 1.15. " Gloves, $1.00, 1.75, 1.85. Velvet Brushes, 35, 45, 60c. Velvet Whisk, 35, 38c. Straw " 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30c. Nail Brushes, 12, 15, 20, 25, 35, 40, 45, 50, 70, 80, 90c., $1.00. Tooth Brushes, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 30, 38, 50c. " " children's, 8, 10, 12c. Nail Cleaners, 45c., bone. " " 45c., pearl. 60c., shell. Infants' Brushes, 15, 25, 35, 40, 50, 65, 75c. " Combs, 10, I 5c. Shaving Brushes, 15, 18, 30, 45, 50, 75c., 51.00. " Cups, 50, 75c. Hair Crushes, without handles, 52.50. " " " " and witli case, 53.75. Sponges (Turkey toilet), 85c, 51.35, 1.50. ( " bath), 24, 30, 40, 85c., 51.40. Carriage, 15, 25c. Chamois, 10, 15, 25, 35, 40, 50, 65, 75c., 51.00. Sand Hirror^. Leather-framed Mirrors, $1.50, 1.75, 2.50, 3.15, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00. Canvas-framed Mirrors, ;?i.20, 1.50, 1.75. Celluloid Hand Glasses, $2.50, 2.75, 3.25. Maple " ?i-5o, 2.10, 2.75. Scotch Wood, " 90c., 51.00, 1.25, 1.60, 2.70. Leather, " ^i-30. Florence Mirrors (French Glass), 51.10, 1.25, 1.50, 1.80, 1.90. Plain " 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90c. Magnifying Glasses, $1.95, 2.25, 3.00. Nickel Standing Glasses, $2.50, 2.83, 3.20. Leather " $3.50, 4.40. Toilet Glasses, $5.50, 8.75. Pocket Mirrors, 30, 65, 80c. erfumertj and ^oilet ^aterd. I oz., 60c. ; 8 oz., fi2.oo Colgate's 3"oilet Waters Heliotrope, ^j Rosadora, ) Lavender, | Multiflora, I Violet, Colgate Extracts, Wenck's, Rimmel's, Queen Mary, Rex Cologne, Hoyt's Cologne, Queen Mary Cologne, Lubin's Cologne, Coudray's Lavender, Colgate's Cologne, Lubin's Toilet Water, Colgate's Bay Rum, Queen Mary Bay Rum, Queen Mary Florida Water, Lavender and Violet, Queen Mary Tooth Powder, Williams's Shaving Soap, .... A'aseline Pure Camphorated Pomade, Vaseline Cold Cream, .... Coudray's Pomade, Spermaceti Shaving Cream, Burnett's Cocoaine, .... Foreaker's Hair Oil, .... Jean Vincent Bully's Vinaigre de Toilette, Bandoline : Colgate's, ...... Coudray's, ...... Hurlbut, ...... Spermaceti Tablet Soap, .... Queen Mary Tooth Wash, Coudray's Fleur de Riz Infant Powder, Hunter's Face Powder, .... Fetlow's, ...... Ricksecker's, ..... Riker's, ...... Blanc de Perli, .... powder. 75c- 35. 75c. 16 oz., $3.75 . , 66c. 57c. 30c. I2C. 19 and 89c. 50 and 75c. . $1.25 65c., $1.00, 1.75 50, 90c., $1.25 75c. 90c. 40, 72c. 31. 55C- 39c- 20c. 20c. i8c. 17, 49c. i8c. 95c. 35c. 75c. 15c. I2C. I2C. 65c. 30c. 34c. 24c. 25, 45c. 45c. 23c.. i8c.; liquid, 35c. 43 ROLI^C, ...... Lady Howard's Pearl of Beauty, . Hair Powder, ..... Floriline, ...... Delluc's Eau Angelique, Dr. Beale's Tooth Powder, Thurston's " ... Karleton's " .... Gaidar's Dentine, .... Colgate's Tooth Powder, .... Odontine, ..... Hair Wash, Laureoline de Robare, Prof. Morris's Encephalos, Cure for Headache, Oriental Tooth Paste : Taylor's, ....... Juresburg Brown, ...... Eye Pencils, ...... Puffs, ..... 12, 15, 25, 35, Puff Boxes, . . .25, 29, 30, 35, 50, 75c. Atomizers, ..... 18, 20, Madame Lewenberg's Pastiles (pink and white). Dr. Lyon's Tooth Tablets, . . . . . Court Plasters, ...... Celluloid Soap Boxes, . . . . . These articles should be ordered with other goods, to express. i8c. 45c. i8c. 70c. 75c. 75c. 23c. 25c. 23c. 1 8c. 25c. . $1.85 50c., $1.00 24c. 50c. 15c. 45. 50. 75c. , $2.50, -4.00 22, 35. 75c. 35c. 45c. 2, 5- 15c. $1.00 be sent by I SoaiDA. Cashmere Bouquet, 2IC Oatmeal, .... . 1 20 Olive Palm, .... 10 and 15c Honey, .... . IOC Transparent, large. 9c Transparent, small. . ■ . 7c Elder Flower, .... IOC Turtle Oil, .... I2C Glenn Sulphur Soap, ... 19c Lubin's, small, • 39c Low's Brown Windsor, 23c Maize Flower, . lie Infants' Soap, .... 15c Palm Soap, . . . . . 1 20 Pear's Shaving Soap, 35c Toilet Soap, .... 25, 35 and 50c Yankee Shaving Soap, . IOC Craigin's Toilet Soap, . 50 Graves's Palm .Soap, 80 46 Castile, Italian, Spanish, . Tar Soap, Benbow's Elder Flower, Superfine Glycerine, Little & Shairs' Sul, hur Soap, Cartwright's Superfine, Monmouth Elder Flower, Persian Palm and Oat Meal, Oat Meal, small size, Glycerine, 20C. 30c. IOC. 20c. 30c. 1 6c. 25c. 15c. 15c. IOC. IOC. ^having Qoapd. Erckelaus Infant Soap, .... i8c Violet " ... . 25c Lettuce " 17c Coudray's " ... . 35c Saronde Glycerine, 35c Lactune, .... . 60c Cuticura, ..... 22c Bath Soap, Colgate's, . IOC Perfume Bath Soap, Colgate's, 22c Tooth Soap, ..... . 14c Itationertj. Little by little we have added to this stock, until now six spacious counters are occupied. We always have a full stock of the highest qual- ities of writing papers, as well as the medium grades of stationery of every description. Reasonable prices rule this extensive and popular department. Albums — Autograph, loc. to $3.00; and Photograph, 25c. to $18.00. Arm Rests, 25 to 75c. Blank Books — all sizes and styles, or made to order at lowest rates. Blotters, Moore's, 40c. to$x.oo. Blotting Pads and Paper, 8c. up. Bonnet Board, 5c. a sheet. Book Slates, 25c. up. Bristol Board, full assortment. Book Clamps, 17 and 25c. Bill Files, 10 to 50c. Birthday Cards, all prices. Calendars, Russia and wood, $i.5o,to 10.00. Camel's Hair Pencils. Candlesticks, bronze, ?i.25 to 8.00. ^ Cards, mourning border. " visiting. " beveled edge, gilt. " square corner, gilt. " round. " birthday. " reward. " Easter. " wedding. Prices given for any desired style. Card racks. Cardboard. Composition Books, 5 to 50c. Check Cutters. Card Plates. Copper Plates. Copying Books. Court-plaster Cases, 21c. to $1.25. Crayons, chalk. " pastel, 10, I2C. Desk Pads. Desks, Writing, leather, $2.00 to 12.00. " " rosewood, $2.00 to 12.00. " " walnut, $1.00 to 6.00. Drawing Paper. " Books. Dreka's Dictionary Blotter. Dressing Cases, $1.50 to 30.00. Envelopes, all kinds. Erasers, Bloed's. " Faber's. Folders, Ivory. Glass Paper Weights. Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, $1.50 to 15.00. Gold Pens and Pencils. Gold Tooth Picks. Gold and Silver Paper. Gold-mounted Rubber Goods. Indelible Pencils, 23c. Ink, Antoine's. " Arnold's copying, fluid. " Carter's crimson. " Continental black, blue. " " violet. " Maynard Noyes. At lowest rates. •48 Inkstands, all prices. " fancy bronze. " pocket, rubber. " " Russia. " " cocoa, 17,30c. " " wood. " safety. " screw top. Ivory Paper Knives. " Pen Holders, from ic. up. " Pencils, from ic. up. " Paper Folders, 25c. to $6.00. PAPER. In all the following tints — with envelopes to match — in Commercial, Royal, and Octavo sizes. Cream wove. Green wo\-e. Dore wove. White, " Porcelain, " Greyling, Violet, " Steel, " Fog, Fawn, " Silver Grey, " Sea Foam, " Grey, " Rose, " Moss Green, " Tea Rose, " Azure, " Shell Rose, " Drab, " Pearl, " Marechel Neil " We call special attention to the " Wanamaker's Commercial Note," $2.00 per ream. •■ The "Wanamaker's Ladies' Note," $1.75 per ream. Foolscap, Legal Cap, Sermon, Letter, Packet, Note, Billets, Ouill Pens, Reward Cards, Rubber, Maple, Brass-edge and Flexible Rulers, Rubbers, Rubber Bands, Rubber Pencils, Rubber Pen-holders, Rubber Tips, Rubber Rulers, Sealing Wax, Scholars' Companions, Sketch Books, Slate Pencils, Book Slates, Faber's School Slates, Silicate Slates, Transparent Slates, Porcelain Slates, Drawing Slates, Shepard's Slates, Sponge Cups, Stationery Cases ; Esterbrook's, Gillott's, and Spencerian Steel Pens ; Tooth-picks in gold, quill and wood ; Wash Lists, Ivory Tablets, Tissue Paper, Tourist's Portefolios, Water-closet Paper, Writing Cases, Work-boxes. fiocket Bookd, pelt6, Paq^, Bard and ■ Siqar Ca^ed. Ink Erasers, 50, 60c. Tweezers, 5, 30c. Key Rings, 5c. Razor Strap, 50, 85c., $1.00, 1.20. Leather Writing Desks, $2.00 to 12.00. Rosewood " " $2.00 to 12.00. Walnut " " $1.00 to 6.00. Russia Leather Folios, $1.50 to-6.oo. Lead Pencil Sharpeners, 9c. ^ Lunch Boxes, 17c. Office Boxes, 6 to 25c. Water-color Paints, 5c. to $3.00 per box. Clark's Indelible Pencils, 23c. Magill's Paper Fasteners, 25 to 50c. a Ijox. Glass Pens, 23c. Photograph Frames, loc. to 5.00. • Pocket Inkstands, 17c. to j;2.oo. Portfolios, 25c. to $6.00. Propelling Pencils, gold-mounted, $1.25 to 6.00. Water-closet Paper, loc. per pack. Russia Leather Pocket-books, $2.00, 2.25, 2.50 to 6.00. Seal Leather, $1.00 to 5.00. Calfskin Pocket-book, 25c. to $5.25. Russia Leather Card Case and Book combined, ,<2.oo to 6.00, handsomely lined with different colored satins. Pearl Card Cases, $1.50 to 10.00. Ivory Card Cases, $3.00 to 12.00. Shell Card Cases, $5.00 to 12.00. Russia Leather Coin Purses, 25 to 75c. Velvet Pocket-books, $2.40 up to $4.00. Seal Skin Pocket-books, $1.00 to 5.00. Ivory Pocket-books, $1.00 to 8.00. Children's Pocket-books, loc. to ;?3.5o. Cigarette Cases, Russia Leather, $1.5010 6.00. Cigarette Cases, Calf Skin, $1.00 to 5.00. Cigarette Cases, Morocco, $1.00 to 3.00. Leather Bags, 95c. to $4.00. Velvet Bags, 50c. to $4.00. Beaded Bags, $4.00. Embroidered Velvet Bags, $3.00 to 6.00. Light Leather Bags, 66c. to $2.50. Silk Reticules, J^2.oo to 3.50. Leather Belts, 25c. to )?2.oo. Light Leather Belts, 35c. to ;?i.25. Velvet Belts, 45c. to $2.00. Beaded Belts, $4.00. Seaside Belts, 45c. to $1.00, in red, white, black and bhic. Seaside Bags, $1.35, in red, white, black and blue. We have also in this department a full and varied assortment of Pocket Inks, Calendars, Court-plaster Cases, Glove, Handkerchief and Jewel Boxes, Ladies' Companions, Leads for Pencils, Lead Pencils in American Dixon, Faber's, and Artists' makes, Letter Clips, Letter Scales, Mathematical Instruments, Memorandum Books, Mucilage, Music Folios, Odor Cases, Office Boxes, Camel's Hair Pencils, Pencil Cases, Paper Weights. Monograms and Card Plates engraved to order. Also, Initials stamped on paper. 80 The Oxford Sunday-school Teachers' Bible. NOS. PEARL 24mo. (Size, 4x5 jxi J inches. ) ■ 500. French Morocco, boards, .... $1-13 501, French Morocco, circuit, . . . .1.31 503. French Morocco, beveled, illuminated centers, . 1.62 504. French Morocco, beveled, illuminated centers and engraved clasp, ...... 1.80 507. Imitation Seal Skin, limp, . . . .1.44 508. Imitation Seal Skin, Divinity circuit, lined and band, silk sewed, ...... 1.80 510. Turkey Morocco, boards, .... 2.00 511. Turkey Morocco, limp, .... 2.00 512. Turkey Morocco, circuit, .... 2.70 515. Levant Morocco, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, silk sewed, flexible back, . . . . 4.14 PEARL Bvo. (Size, 4x6^x1:} inches.) 812. Turkey Morocco, circuit, . ... . 3.38 815. Levant Morocco, Divinity circuit, kid line i and band, silk sewed, flexible back, .... 4.50 816. Levant Morocco, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, best silk sewed, red under gold edges, . . . 5.40 RUBY i6mo (Size, 4}x6ixij inches.) (An entirely new edition.) 550. French Morocco, boards, . . . . 1.67 551. French Morocco, circuit, .... 2.00 557. Imitation Seal Skin, limp, .... 2.12 558. Imitation Seal Skin, Divinity circuit, lined and band, silk sewed, . . . . ■ • 2.70 550P.1. As No. 558, with Improved Index on edges, . . 4.50 559. Imitation Seal Skin, Divinity circuit, lined and band, silk sewed, red under gold edges, . . . 3.15 560. Turkey Morocco, boards, .... 2.25 561. Turkey Morocco, limp, ..... 2.25 562. Turkey Morocco, circuit, .... 3.06 565. Levant Morocco, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, silk sewed, flexible back, ... • 4-05 565P.L As No. 565, with Improved Index on edges, . 5.85 566. Levant Morocco, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, best silk sewed, red under gold edges, . . . 5.40 567. Seal Skin, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, best silk sewed, red under gold solid edges, . . . 7-~o RUBY i6mo. Thin edition. (Size, 4]x61xi inches.) *^* This edition is printed on a specially prepared India paper, forming the most compact andhandy " Teachers' Bible ever produced. 561X. Turkey Morocco, limp, .... $3-3^ 562X. Turkey Morocco, circuit, ... . 4.50 563X. Russia, circuit, red under gold edges, . . 5-4^ 566X. Levant Morocco, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, best silk sewed, red under gold solid edges, . . 6.53 NONPAREIL i6mo. (Size, 4x6|xi| inches.) 615. Levant Morocco, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, silk sewed, flexible back, . . . . 4.50 NONPAREIL 8vo. (Size, 4^x7x1 J inches.) (An entirely new edition.) 650. French Morocco, boards, .... 2.25 655, Persian Morocco, limp, ..... 2.48 658. Imitation Seal Skin, Divinity circuit, lined and band, silk sewed, . , . . . . 3.15 659. Imitation Seal Skin, Divinity circuit, lined and band, silk sewed, red under gold edges, . . 3.60 660. Turkey Morocco, boards, . . . . 3.15 661. Turkey Morocco, limp, . . . . 3.15 662. Turkey Morocco, circuit, .... 4.05 665. Levant Morocco, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, silk sewed, flexible back, . . . . 5.18 665P.L As No. 665, with improved Index on edges, . 6.98 666. Levant Morocco, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, best silk sewed, red under gold edges, . . . 6.30 667. Seal Skin, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, best silk sewed, red under gold, solid edges, . . . 8.33 MINION 8vo. (Size, 5x7^x1.1 inches.) 705. Persian Morocco, limp, . . . 3.43 708. Imitation Seal Skin, Divinity circuit, lined and band, silk sewed, ...... 4.05 708P.1. As No. 708, with improved Index nn edge'?, . 5 85 709. Imitation Seal Skin, Divinity circuit, lined and band, silk sewed, red under gold edges, . . . 4.50 710. Turkey Morocco, boards, .... 3.83 711. Turkey Morocco, limp, ..... 3.83 715. Levant Morocco, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, silk sewed, flexible back, ..... 5.85 715P.1. As No. 715, with improved Index on edges, . 7.65 716. Levant Morocco, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, best silk sewed, red under gold edges, . . . 8.10 718. Seal Skin, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, best silk sewed, red under gold, solid edges, . . . 9.90 MINION small 4to. (Size, /xgixil inches.) With Wide Margins for MSS. Notes ) 905. Persian Morocco, limp, .... 910. Turkey Morocco, boards, .... 911. Turkey Morocco, limp, . . 62 915- Levant Morocco, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, silk sewed, flexible back, ..... $10.80 915P.1. As No. 915, with improved Index on edges, . 12.60 916. Levant Morocco, Divinity circuit, kid lined and band, best silk sewed, red under gold, solid edges, . . i44o We supply all the popular magazines and standard publications. Books not in stock will be procured at the very lowest rates. Our assort- ment of holiday and other books for children is unusually large. gaper Jattern^. Complete stock of all the latest Demorest patterns. gephtir^, parn6 and Banctj Sork. Zephyrs, black and white, 9c. a lap. Zephyrs, colored, lie. a lap ; shaded, 13 and 15c. a lap. Germantown Wool, black and white, loc. an oz. Germantown Wool, colors, lie. an oz. Shetland Wool, black and white, loc. an oz. Shetland Wool, colors, 12c. an oz. Shetland Floss, black and white, 9c. an oz. Shetland Floss, colors, iic. an oz. Saxony Yarn, black and white, 14c. an oz. Saxony Yarn, colors, i6c. an oz. Fairy Zephyrs, black and white, 14c. an oz. Fairy Zephyrs, colors, i6c. an oz. Crewels, 5c. a skein (all colors). Embroidery Silk, 87c. an oz. (all colors). Card Board, perforated, 5c. a sheet (all colors). Silver Board, 10, 15, 35c, a sheet. Mottoes, 3, 10, 30, and 45c. Purse Twist, 10 and 42c. a spool. Macrame Thread, ^i.oo a lb. Honiton, 65c. a doz, Honiton Braid, 30c. a doz. Pearling, 20c. a doz. Thread (Petit Moulin), 6c. a ball. Crochet Needles, 4, 7, 10, 15, 18, 25, 37, 45c. Knitting Needles, 13, 15, 18, 25c. per pair. Canvas, Cotton Java, 25c. a yard. Canvas, Woolen Java, ^i.oo and 2.00 a yard. Canvas, Linen, 18 in., 50c. ; 23 in., 70c. ; 27 in., 90c. ; 36 in.^ Ii.oo ; 54 in., $1.65 a yard. Canvas, Panama, 18 in., 60c. 83 Canvas, Railroad, i8 in., 30c. Strainer Cloth, 27 in., 45c. ; 36 in., 60c. and $1.12 per yard. Linen Duck, 27 in., 40c. Stamped Stripes of Duck, ^1.50 to $2.00. Linen Duck, stamped, 25 and 55c. a yard. Felt, 2 yards wide, $1.50. j Mummy Cloth, 1%. yards wide, gi. 75. Cuffs, plain, loc. ; stamped, 25c. • Whisk-holders, 12 and 25c. Chenille, 6, 8, and i6c. a yard. I Chenille Cord, 10, 12, and 15c. a yard. " Tassels (small), 9c. apiece. " Cord and Tassels, jti.5oand 1.75 a set. Silk Cord, mixed colors, 15 and iSc. a yard. j " Tassels to match mi.xed cord, i8c. apiece. I " Cord and Tassels, mixed colors, $2.87 a set. Ice Wool, black and white, i8c. a ball. " colors, 22c. a ball. Angora Wool, black and white, 25c. a ball. " colors, 28c. a ball. Knitting Silk, 40, 45, 50, 55c. a ball. Embroidery Hoops, 10 and 22c., round. " 35 and 55c., square. Cherries and Leaves for trimming, 3c. apiece. Acorns, 4c. Steel Beads, 10, 15, 18, 25c. a bunch. Navy-blue Beads, 25, 28c. a bunch. Gilt Beads, 15, 28. 31c. a bunch. White Crystal Beads, 20, 22, 24 and 25c. a bunch. Silver and Gilt Beads, 6c. a string. Wax Beads, 6 and 8c. Perforated Cornucopias, 4c. " Watch Cases, 3c. " Card Baskets, 5c. " " Cases, 6c. " Scratch-my-Backs, 2 and 3c. " Jewel Basket, 4c. " Shaving Cases, 5c. , " Match Safes, 5c. Whisk-holders, 8c. " Mottoes, white, 3c. ; black, 4c. Traced Mottoes, white, 30c. ; black, 45c. Silver Card-board Baskets, 22c. " Board Match-cases, loc. Markers, 8c. Purse Trimmings, 25. 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 95c., ;?i. 12, 1.25, 1.75. 2.00. Wall Pockets, 50, 65, 75c., S1.25. 1.50. Hair Receivers, 37, 50, 70c. Lunch Baskets, 75, 95c., J^i.oo, 1.12, 1.25, 1.50, i 75, 2.50. Hair-pin Baskets, 15, 25, 28, 31, 37c. Fancy " 75c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.37, 1.87. Plain Work basket to carry in the hand, 45, 50, 65, 70, 80c., $1.00, 1. 12, 1.25. Plain Work-basket, 25, 28, 45, 50, 65, 75, 80c., $1.00. Office " 50, 62, 75c., round. " " 62, 75c., square. " " $1.00, three-cornered. Fine Office " $1.87, 2.25, 3.00, 3.50. Brush and Comb-basket, $1.50. Standing Work-basket, $3.00, 5 00. Lunch Bags with Strap, 60, 80, ^i.oo, 1.12, 1.37, 1.65. Children's Standing Work-basket, $1.25. Key Baskets, $1.25, 1.35. Glove " $1.50. Knitting Baskets, 25, 37, 87c. Plain " ;f 1. 00, for fruit or flowers. Cap " $1.00, 1.37. Applique figures from 5 to 50c. Velvet Embroideries, $6.00. Cloth " $1-37. Kid, stamped, $2.75. Kid, commenced, $3 50, 3.75, 4.50, 6.00. Sofa cushions, ^i.oo, i.io, 1.25, 1.37, 1.45, 1.75, 2.25, 2.50, 3.50, 5.00, 6.50. Firescreens, $5.00, 6.00, 8.00, 10.00, 12.00. Foot Rests, $1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.75, 3.00, 4.00. Chair Stripes, $3.50, commenced. Slipper Cases, $1.37, 2.00, 2.25. Pin Cushion Covers, 25, 35, 40, 55, 75, 95c., $1.15, 1.25, 1.50. Screens, banner, $1.75, 3-oo. Towel Rack, worsted, 75c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.75. " beaded, )$ 1. 00, 1.12, 1.25, i 31, 1.65. Rugs, embroidered, $3.00, 5.00, 8.00, 10.00. Oriental Rugs, 50, 75c., $1.00, 1.50. Fringes, made to order, to match all kinds of fancy work. Ladies' Knit Jackets, 50, 75c., $1.00, 1.12, 1.40, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.2 ^5. " Hoods, 75, 95c. " Leggins, $1.00, 1.12. Pulse Warmers, 25, 35, 40, 50, 75c. Sacques, white, blue and white, pink and white, and plain blue, 50, 75, 90c.,- $1.12, 1.25, 1.45, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25. Socks, 13, 15, 22, 30, 40, 55,75c- Shirts, infant's, 40, 45, 75c., $1.00. Zephyr Veils, 28, 55c. Nubias, 35, 62, 75c., $x.oo, 1.12, 1.25, 1.87. es Bands, 55c. • Caps, 65, 75c., $1.12, 1.50, 1.62, 1.75, 1.87, 2.00, 2 25. Woven Nubias, 37, 50, 65, 85c. Slippers, embroidered, 65, 75c., $1.25, 1.37, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4 40, 5.00, 6.00. TIDIES, Etc. Applique Tidy, 12 to 79c. Antique " 42c. to $5.00. Nottingham Tidy, 10 to 50c. Hand-knit " 17c. to $1.30, all sizes. Swiss Tidies, 9 to iSc. Lace Covers, 28 to 97c. Boxes, square, 69c. " long, 80c., box and cushion combined. Plain Guipure Tidies, 20c. to $1.00. Colored Brussels, 25 to 35c. White " 18 to 20c. Old Ladies' Caps, 50c. to 51.95. Antique Laces, for curtain trimmings. Fancy Tidies, etc. : Narrow Widths, 15 to 20c. Medium " 25 to 40c. Widest, 40 to 60c. Pillow Shams, applique, $7.00 per pair. Nottingham Pillow Shams, $1.20 to 2.64. Hand-knit Pillow Sliams, 5^2.64. JAPANESE GOODS, Etc. Knife and Fork Trays, >2.25. Brush Trays, $2.25 to 2.75. Finger Bowls, 55 to 85c. Bouciuct Holders, 38, 45c. Napkin Rings, 20c. Fancy Japanese Boxes, 45c. to $3.25. Handkerchief Japanese Boxes, $3.25. Glove " " ?3-25. Jewel " " $3.00. Writing Desks, $3.00. Tea Boxes, ;p4.oo. Candlesticks, 70c. Paper Boxes (Japanese), 67c. Match Safes, 25, 30, 55, 58c. Brackets, 45, 60, 70, 99c. Tooth-brush Racks, 45c. Japanese Fruit Plates, 25 and 39c. each. $3.00 and 4.68 a dozen. Fruit Stands, ^1.88, 2.75. Wall Pockets, 50, 75c. 86 Shrine Silk and Velvet Card Puff Boxes, 30 to 65c. Ash Receivers, 25c. Card " 80c. Velvet Cabinet Frames, 50, 55c., $5.00. Plain Velvet " 50c. with Grecian corners, 55c. 90c. and up. 95c. (velvet), IOC. Grecian corners, 32c. Puffing of Silk, velvet with convex glass, 65c. Double Card Frames, $2.25. Easel " " $1.25. Card Albums, 50, 87c., $3.00. Cabinet and Card Albums, $4.35 to 12.00. Cabinet Albums, $4.75 to 5.75. Japanese (flat) Trays, 79c. to ^5.00. Japanese Bread Trays, $1.39, 1.75- Inkstands, cut glass, loc, to $3.00. Fancy Inkstands, brass, $1.75 to 8.00. Bronze " 25, 70c. to $2.00. Nickel and Blue Inkstands, $1.50 to 2.50. Card Holders, bronze, 20, 50c. Pocket Inkstands, 15c. to $1.50, in leather and wood. Cut Glass Paper Weights, 60c. to $3.00 ; all styles, flat, pyra- mids, decorated, frosted, and balls. Cut Glass Pen Bars, 50, 80c. Nickel Horse-shoe Pen Bar, $1.00. Thermometers, tin, 18, 20, 25c. bronze, 45, 75c., $1.25. glass, 35c. to $1.25. Velvet Inkstands, $8.00. Needle Cases, $1.00, 1.25, 1,50. 6amc5 and Suzzle^. For the convenience of those who order by mail, we append the postage on each of these articles. This, with price, should accompany the order. GAMES. Price. Postage. City Traveler, ... • • • I 34 09c- Six Nations, ....-• 34 09 Hocus Pocus, . . . . • 34 ^9 Yankee Pedlar, 34 09 Visit to Camp, . . • • • 34 ^9 Chinese Puzzle, . • • . • 34 09 37 Golden Egg, . . . . Merry Goose, .... '76 — The Lion and Eagle, . Shakespeare's Characters and (2uotations, Ferrihide, or Game of Beasts, The Centennial Presidential Game, Oriental Color Game, Star Authors, .... Cribbage Authors, . . . . Musical Authors, Japanese Oracle, . . . . New Game of Drawn Match, Characters and Predictions, Trips of Japhet, Jenkins and Sam Slick, Authors, . . . . . Authors, Improved, Centennalia, or Patriotic Game, Guessing, .... Peculiarities and Comicalities of Letters, Locks and Keys — Wit and Wisdom, Familiar Quotations from Popular Avithors, Laughable Game of What You Buy, Mother Hubbard, . . . . New Conversation Cards, Bible Characters and Events, Poetical Pot Pie, Merry Game of Old Maid, What Will You Give, . Popular Characters from Dickens, American History, Words and Sentences, Avilude ; or, Game of Birds, What is It ; or. The Way to Make Money, Game of Fusby, Who Knows, . . . . Authors, One o'clock ; or. Old Father Time, finer, Monarchs and Thrones, Cinderella; or. Hunting the Slipper, Where's Johnnie, Little Red Riding Hood, Snip, Snap, Snorum, Nations, Cribbage Authors, . Spider and Fly, Popular Authors, Chiromagica, Price. Postage $ 34 $ 09 34 09 33 08 34 09 34 09 34 C9 34 07 29 09 29 09 34 09 29 07 . 24 02 34 04 25 04 17 04 ■ 35 08 33 07 25 04 24 04 17 05 1 1 05 • 17 04 17 03 •7 04 33 06 • 25 03 13 04 •7 04 33 04 • 30 06 17 03 • 34 06 33 05 17 04 33 04 25 06 17 04 • 33 05 38 06 17 03 17 03 • 17 04 17 04 • 25 06 25 06 • 25 05 25 05 1.50 44 38 Fox and Geese, Menagerie of Animals, Golden Star, Parcheesi, Snap, .... The House that Jack Built, . Gifts, Uses and Consequences, , American Jack Straws, American Jack Straws, Jack Straws — Ivory, Figaro, .... Sequences, Alphabets and Objects Bewitched Corona, Game of Banner and Crown, Novel Fortune Telling, Reveries of Jemima Spinster, Mixed Pickles, Box Florum, Hieroglyphics, Monopolist, John Gilpin, Life's Mishaps, Captive Princess, Ambuscade, Fantastic Gallery, Magic Mirror, Spelling Go Bang Parlor Base Ball, Dissected Outline Map of the United Match Game ; or. Who's Black Dragon, Nationalia, Robinson Crusoe, " '• Improved, Set and Take, Queen's Guard, Kakeba, Wolf and Sheep, Bamboozle, Checkered Game of Life, Robbers and Giants, Go Bang, Go Bang, ivory counters. Box, Checker Board and Backgammon Checkers, Backgammon and Tousel, Folding Checker Board, Dominoes, .... States Price. Postage ' $ 17 $ 07 ■ 83 34 67 12 . 88 28 17 05 • 17 03 17 04 • 17 02 34 02 1-34 04 30 04 • 2S 03 . 17 03 • so 06 33 04 . 26 04 20 03 • 34 05 21 c; 1.24 36 1.24 34 • 75 23 75 22 ■ 75 25 67 20 • 75 18 1. 00 21 . 84 23 55 20 33 05 • 33 05 17 06 • 75 19 17 04 • 17 06 75 22 • 17 05 75 22 . 67 16 17 06 • 75 28 1.75 25 1.25 26 1.35 24 2.00 38 75 28 10 08 39 09 S9 Prica, 45, 50, 62, 67, 78, 95 .5 1.06 Postage 5 15 2.50 02 31 10, 14 . S'l-oo. I-J7. 2.00, 3.00 3-67 67, I. 00 . $1.62, 1.84, 2.75 3.00 05 12 18 10 PUZZLES. Dominoes, Dice, each. Checkers, per Set, Chessmen, Chessmen, Chessmen, Puzzle Map of North America, . . % Dissected Map of Jerusalem and Vicinity, Menagerie School Let Loose, Blown Up Steamer; or, Fire Engine Puzzle, Yacht Puzzle, ..... Little Object Teacher, .... The Historoscope ; or, Panorama and History of America, ..... The Funny Picture Puzzle, ... The Child's Spelling Case, .... Dissected Pictures and Alphabets, Uncle Raphael's Picture Puzzle and Chromo, Nos. 2 and 4 each, ..... Dissected Map of the United States, Dissected Picture Puzzle, .... The Ark Puzzle, . . ... Tally Ho Puzzle, ..... Dissected Map of Palestine and the Holy Land, . Smashed Up Locomotive, .... The Model-ship Puzzle, .... Sliced Objects — Animals and Birds, Little Object Teacher, wood box, . Smashed Up Locomotive, wood box, . Spelling Loto, fancy box, Mother Goose Series of Picture Puzzles, Cut-up Pictures of Animals, Game of Turn and Turn, Four Blocks, making 100 Puzzles, ...... 50 18 Price, Postage 15 S 06 38 II 33 07 33 07 33 07 33 15 84 12 17 05 40 12 47 15 49 15 67 17 50 21 34 oS 34 10 42 10 50 10 75 22 }>}) '5 45 20 60 17 75 25 17 05 50 21 eo ^rchery. A complete line of all articles pertaining to this now popular sport throughout the United States. LANCEWOOD BOWS. Each. No. 5. Polished Lancewood, 3I4 feet, . . , | 16 No. 6. " " 3'2 " • • • -^ No. 7. Polished Lancewood, 4 feet, ... 26 No. 8. " " \yi " ■ ■ -32 No. 9. " " 5 " . . . 61 No. 10. " " 5/''2 " • • ^ °^ No. II. " " 6 " . . . I 21 Lancewood Bows, horn tipped, with Velvet Handles. Ear/i No. 12, Horn Tipped, with Velvet Handles, 3 J feet, S 5S No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. 4 " So 4J " I 00 I 21 I 61 6 " I So Fine Quality Lancewood Bows, Horn Tipped, Plush Handles. £ac/i. No. 1 7 J. Fine Lancewood Bows, Plush Handles, Stained . and Polished, Horn Tipped, Fine Strings, 3^ " feet $81 No. 18. Fine Lancewood Bows, Plush Handles, Stained and Polished, Horn Tipped, Fine Strings, 4 feet, ..... I 00 No. 19. Fine Lancewood Bows, Plush Handles, Stained and Polished, Horn Tipped, Fine Strings, 4J feet, I 21 No. 20. Fine Lancewood Bows, Plush Handles, Stained and Polished, Horn Tipped, Fine Strings, 5 feet, I 61 No. 21. Fine Lancewood Bows, Plush Handles, Stained and Polished, Horn Tipped, Fine Strings, 5} feet, . .... I So No. 22. Fine Lancewood Bows, Plush Handles, Stained and Polished, Horn Tipped, Fine Strings, 6 feet, . . ... . 2 00 61 EXTRA QUALITY SELF LANCEWOOIX BOWS. Made to Weight. French Polished, with Best Flemish Strings, Whipped, Suitable for Club use. Each . j;i 60 2 00 2 42 2 80 3 00 ■X 60 No. -3- 4 No. 24. 4^. No. 25. 5 No. 26 51 No. 27 , 1 No. 28. 6 4 feet, made to weight, 12 to 18 pounds, 15 to 22 " 20 to 35 22 to 36 24 U) 40 " 30 to 60 " LEMONWOOD BOWS. Made to Weight. French Polished, with Best Flemish Strings, W^hippcd. £iich. No. 29. Lemonwood, 5 feet, made to weight, 20 to 35 pounds, . . . . ?3 40 No. 290. Lemonwood, 5X feet, made to weight, 22 to 36 pounds, . . . . . 3 60 No. 30. Lemonwood, ^\ feet, made to weight, 24 lo 40 pounds, . . . . . 3 80 No, 31. Lemonwood, 6 feet, made to weight, 30 to 60 pounds, . . . . . 4 00 PRIZE BOWS. Extra Choice Snakewood, backed with Spanish Yew. Double Extra Strings. Each one in a Green Baize Bag. No. 53. Ladies', 5^ feet, 24 to 38 pounds. No. 54. Gents', 6 feet, 30 to 60 pounds, . . Each. 512 00 14 40 PRIZE CASES. Containing from two to six Prize Bows, and one or two dozen Prize Arrows, made to order. Price, $40 to $200 each. BOW STRINGS. Each . No. I. Made from Japanese Flax, for 4 feet to 6 feet Bows, 5 9 No. lYz. " " " " " 14 No. 2. Flemish Strings, for 4^ feet to 6 feet Bows, 21 No. 3. " whipped in center, for 40 feet to 6 f.;et Bows, ..... 29 No. 4. Double Extra Fine Flemish Strings (best white), 40 62 STRAW TARGETS, With Canvas Facings. 12 inches diameter, 15 21 24 27 36 42 Each. . $ 80 I 00 1 60 2 00 2 40 3 20 4 00 4 80 PORTABLE IRON TARGET STANDS. N 0. I. 4 feet h igh, . ' 2. ' 3- ' 4- 5- ' 6. 4^ " 5 5 J feet, 6 6.} extra, ARROWS. 2-16 inch, plain bhmt points, 3-18 4-20 5-21 6-24 7-21 824 9-28 10-21 II 24 12-28 13-25 14-28 15-25 16 28 17-25 18-28 19-22 20-25 21-28 Each. $1 60 1 80 2 00 2 20 2 40 2 80 " 3 feathers, sharp points, t( << (( polished, with sharp points for practice, i( 11 II (( << II polished and painted, « «' half nocked, polished and painted, n «• ■( three-quarter nocked, polished and painted, (I II (( 11 full nocked, polished and painted, II <• (I Old Deal, painted and gilt, ■ Doz. $ 32 5> 60 80 I 00 I 00 I 50 2 00 I 20 I 40 I 60 1 80 2 00 2 40 2 80 3 20 3 60 4 40 4 80 5 40 I 63 No. I No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9, No. I No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5, No. 6 No. I No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 Srcheru HauipmcntA. GLOVES. Lady's Glove, plain green, " blocked tips, " lace tips, " *' spring back, ; " very fine, laced tips Gent's Glove, brown, '* laced tips, Lady's or Gent's Glove, new patent screw tips, per set, ..... Lady's or Gent's Glove, improved knuckle tips, ARM GUARDS. Ladies' Arm Guards, green, " " stitched, " " silk lined and stitched, Gents' " brown, " " lined and stitched, " " best, lined and stitched, aUIVER BELTS. Ladies' Quiver Belts, green, " " " with slides, " " " stitched, with slides. Gents' " " brown, " " *' very fine, with slides. $ (.At, 51 60 80 I 00 I 20 rx3 80 I 20 I 00 Each. $\ GO I 20 I 40 80 I 00 I 20 Eac/i. ?i 40 I 60 2 GO I 80 1 40 Si^^hinq |Eackle. A complete assortment of everything in Pishing Tackle. golb and JotjA. Plain Patent-head Dolls, 26 to 87c. " " (with hair) Dolls, 39c. to $2.41. Patent-head Dolls, wax finish, 78c. to $1.99. Knit Dolls, 6j, 78, 90c. English Rag Dolls, 66, 88c., jjsi.io to 6.00. Wa.x Heads, with kid body, 85c. to ^1.49. French Dolls, $1.00, 2.00, 2.25, 3.99, 4 21. Infants' Patent-heads, 26, 39, 43, 55c. " Wax-heads, $1.25 to 4.76. 64 Dress Dolls, Si. 25 to 10.50. China Dolls, i to 57c. Battledore and Shuttlecock, $1.17 to 3.34. Grace Hoops, 55 to 80c. Parlor Croquet, 40c. to $2.50. MECHANICAL TOYS. Velocipede with Boy, $t,.io. Coach with Girl Pusher, $2.39. Engines, $1.50 to 5 00, Stables, all sizes, complete, $2.18, 2.84, 6.00. Furniture, comprising five pieces, $6.00. Dolls' Jewelry, 11, 17, 23, 30c. to $1.00. " Toilet Sets, 30, 41, 67, 78c. to $1.00. Hair-covered Horses, $1.10, 1.50 to 15.00. Woolly Lambs, ggc. to ^5.00. Arks, all sizes, 7, 12, 18, 33c. to $5.00. Wooden Chairs, 19, 44c. Jumping Girls, 80c. Dishes, i ic. a set to $6.00. Dolls' Chamber Sets, 78c. to S2.49. Scales, 23c. Tin Kitchens, 15c. to $2.50. " Toys, wagons and horses, full assortment. Buckets, 8c. Shovels, 6 to loc. Boats, 17, 25, 34, 40c. Tops, IOC Tin Circus, Jii.05. " Car Trains, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 60c., 53-oo- Wooden Car Trains, 84, 95c. Villages, 7, 12, 22, 49, 58c. Marbles, 2, 5, loc. a dozen. Sheep Fold, 57c. Wool Goats, $1.00 to 2.30. Brooms, 5 to loc. Dust Brushes, 3, 7, 9c. " Pans, 6, lie. Banks. 17 to 89c. Horns, 5 to 78c. Base Balls, 5 to 9gc. Irons, 5, 10, 15c. Tubs, 25c. Wooden Freight Train — " Great Western," with 84-inch of Track, 95c. New York Elevator Train, ^1.12. Guns, 15, 23, 34c. Zoetropes, 9c. to $2.00. 6S Drums, 20, 50c. to $5.00, * Britannia Tea Sets, 17, 23, 42, 52c. to 52.00. Wash Sets, Chair, Bucket, complete, 72:. Horse-reins, 12, 31, 44c. Indian Clubs, three pounds, $1 34 ; other prices according to weight. Boys' Tool Chests, 15, 65c. to $7.00. Whips, 12 to 78c. Canes, 7 to 23c. Jackstones, 5c. a set. Ilarmonicans, 6, 7, 9 to 75c. Rocking-horses, $2.67 to 4.00 and up. Swings, $1.99. "Shoo fly" Rocking-horses, 51.89 to $2.84. PICTURE CUBES, ETC. Crandall's Acrobats, ABC Blocks, ..... Picture ABC Blocks, . Hijl's ABC Blocks, Illustrated Cube Spelling Blocks, Hill's Illustrated Cube Spelling Blocks, . Embossed Cube Spelling Blocks, National Spelling Blocks, National Spelling Blocks, Hill's ABC SpelUng Blocks. Chromatic Cube Spelling Blocks, embossed, . Chromatic Cube Spelling Blocks, embossed. Picture ABC Blocks, wood box, . . . . i Aunt Louisa's Nursery Alphabet and Spelling Blocks, wood Ijox, i Mr. Punch's Alphabet Blocks, .... Kindergarten Building Blocks, embossed, Paper Soldiers and Parade Grounds, .... Pleasure and Profit, the Improved Bracket Saw Outfit, . Paper Soldiers, Hawkins' Zouaves, .... Indestructible Picture Tablet, ..... Kindergarten Building Blocks, wood box. Kindergarten Building Blocks, wood box (can be s:nt by express only), ....... I Walnut Building Blocks, No. 2, by cxpresj only, Walnut Building Blocks, No. 3, by express only, . . i Crandall's Chinese Building Blocks, .... Crandall's Plain Building lUocks, .... Crandall's John Gilpin, . . • . Children's Ten Pins, ...... Children's Ten Pins, by express only, . . . .;.7, .56, Fast Freight Line, Wood Engine and Car, 44 42 67 83 75 51 80 72 38 50 45 56 74 =4 '3 54 30 67 80 24 4^ 75 50 84 2o 5' 75 -^4 74 84 eo Great Western Frei.g^ht Depot, Engine and Car attached, . $ .95 Wooden Railway Station, with Engine and Car containing Mena- gerie (plain), . . . . . . .Si Wooden Railway Station, with Engine and Car containing Mena- gerie (painted), . . , . ... 1. 17 Balls in rubber, painted and covered, from . . . .04101.17 Elevated Railroad with Car,-, . . . . . 1.12 E.xcelsior Parlor Game Board containing Ring Toss, Arches, Baga- telle and Ten Pins, . . . . . . 6.00 Battledore and Shuttlecock, ..... 1.06 Table Croquet, ..... .42, .So, 1.27, 2.00 Floor Croquet, ....... .84, 1.67 gcWclr^ and ^lock^. Black Earrings, 10, 25, 34, 40, 50, 67, S4C., fi.oo, 1. 12, 1.67, 1.89, 2.34, 3,34, 4.67. Black Pins, 15, 25, 39, 47, 56, 64, 75c., $1.00, 1.12, 1.34, 1.55, I75- Black Necklaces, 33c., $1.00, 1.67, 2.00, 2.21, 2 6j, 3,00. Black Cross, 27, 56, 84c., $1.00, 1.34, 3. 99. Black Bracelets, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8c., j;i.oo, i 25, 1.51, 1.78, i 99, 2.34. Black Pins, with pendants, 12, 29, 34, 49, 67c., j^i.oo, ! 50, 2 00, Black Buttons (sleeve), 44, 56, 6j, 70, 84c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.51, 1.67, 1.88. Bonnet Ornaments, 13, 14, 19, 26, 28, 34, 50, 56,67, S4C., 51.00, I-34- E.xtension Bracelets, 75c. Fancy Pins for Hair (pair), 25, 44, 51, 67c. Roman Pearl Necklace, $1.34, 1.87, 2.84, 2.00. Vinaigrettes, $i.6j, 2.00, 3.34, 4.67. Dress Elevators, $1.00, 1.49, 1.67. Brass Buckles for Belts, 10, 25, 50c. Pearl Buckles for Belts, 10, 15. 47, 59, 67c. Cut Steel Buckles, 50, 75c., $1.00, i 20, 1.44, 2.34. Black Steel Buckles, 23, 31, 50, 56c., $1.00. Fancy Steel Buckles, 23, 31,40, 67c., $1.00, i 67. Coat Clasps, 25, 34, 50, 6y, 84c , $1.00, 1.36, 1.78, 200. Silver Hair Ornaments (pair^, 50, 6/, 84c., $1 go. Silver Pins, 23, 44, 67c., $1.00, 1.67, 2.21, 3.^4. Silver Earrings, 25, 35, 40, 50, 75, 84. 92c , .--i 00. Silver Necklaces, $! 00, 1.12, 1.34, 2.00, 300. Silver Lockets, 50, 75c. Silver Bracelets, 28, 34, 50c. Children's Coral Sets, |i.oo. Children's Coral Earrings, 50c. Coral Pins, 18, 25, 50c. Coral Necklaces, 50c. 67 Blue and Steel Earrings, 50, 84c., $1.17. Blue and Steel Crosses, 75, 84c. Steel Earrings, 44, 50, 67, 84c.. $1.34. Tortoise Shell Pins for hair, 45, 67, 84c., $1.34. Setts, $8.50. " " Earrings, $1.00, 4.00, 4.50, 4.68. Roman Pearl Earrings, 34c. Gilt and Silver Pins for hair, 67, 78c. Magnifying Glasses, 18,30,40,60,87c., $1.00. 105. 1.30, 1 51;, 1.65. Watch Keys, 5c. Eye Glass Hooks, 8, 10, 22, 99c., $1.67, 3.67, 4.64, 4.67. " " 50, 57, 62, 79c, $1.18, 1.67, 4.67, 6.00. Bracelets, $2.00, 2.67, -3.00, 4.00, 6.00, lo.oo, 11 00. Pins, 25, 50, 75, 84c., I1.35, 1.65, 2 00, 3.00, 3.34. Earrings, 50, 67, 84, 90c., I1.39, 1.65. Sets, $1.50, 2.00, 2.25,3.00, 4.50, 5.00, 10.00. Brilliants, $2.00, 2.34, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50, 3.67, 4.00, 4.25, 467,5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 6.67. Chains, $1,00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 4.67, 6.00. Lockets, 50, 75, 84, 90c., $1.05, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00. Tooth Picks, 40, 90c., $1.14, 1.7 1. Crosses, 50, 75, 99c., $1.44, 1.67. Satin Pins, 67c. " Sets, $1.34. Lockets, 67c. Necklaces, #2.34. Amber Beads, 53c. a string. " Pins, $1.48. Plated Rings, 44, 67, 87, 90c., $1.14, 1.50. Gold Rings, $1.89, 2.10, 2.80, 3.00, 3.34, 5.00, 5.34. 6.00, 6.34, 6.67, 7.00, 8.00, 8 lo, 8.34, 10.00, 12.06, 13.80, 13.99, H-oo. 14-33. 150^. 15.33. 16.00, 17.67, 17-78. 18.33, 18.67, •9-34. 2r.34, 21.68. Gold Thimbles, $4.94. Silver " 30, 55c. Combs (side), 28, 30, 40c. Combs, 10, 13, 14, 17, 23, 25, 28, 33, 39, 50, 51, 61, 64, 67, 69, 80, 92c., 1,1.17, '-54. 1.67,2.50,4.67,6.00,667,7.50. Daggers, $1.34, 1.67, 5.00. Silver Combs, $2.00, 3.34. Ivory " 55.50, 6.00. Coral, $2.14, 2 40. Gilt, $1 00, 2.00, 2.34. Opera Glasses, $1.09, 2 03, 2.70, 2.71, 2.74, 3.00, 3.76, 8.69, 10.20, 10.34, 11.40, 11.59, 12.60, 13.30, 13.50, 15.60. Silver Side Combs, 50, 84c., $1.00. Nickel Lockets, $1.75, 2.00, 2.22, 2.32, 3.00, 3.25, 3.60. Colored Glasses, 15, 25, 41, 54c., gi.67. 68 Monograms, $2.25, 2.50, 3.00, 4.00. Bronze Clocks (8 days), $48.00, 66.00, 100.00, 105.00. Clocks (walnut), (i day), 95c., $1.20, 1.25, 1.35, 2.25, 2.38, 3-25. 3-38 ; (8 days) 4 50, 4.75. 5.00. 5.25, 6.00, 6.25. 7.25. Nickel Clocks, $1.50, 1.70, 2.15, 2.25, 2.40, 3.50, 4.00. Alarm Clocks, Swinging Clocks, $13.50 (8 days). Bronze Clocks, $15.00. Ici^Aor^, pocket gutlerg and Jazor^. Scissors, 23, 27, 40, 45, 50, 60, 65, 75, 85, 90c., $1.00, 1. 10, up to 2.00, the latter with Ivory Handles. Button-Hole Scissors, 68 and 80c. Pocket Scissors, 50 and 75c. Ladies' Embroidery Scissors, 90c. to $1.00. Nail Scissors, 68, 75 and 80c. Set containing 2 pairs Scissors, Button Hook, Knife and Piercer, Jgi.30 and 1.67. Sets of Scissors, in cases, $2.90, 3.50, 3.65 and 5.00. Shears, 50, 90c. Scissors Sharpeners, 50c. Pocket Knives, 10, 25, 35, 45, 50, 65, 75,95c., $1.00, 1.15, 1.20, 1.25, 1.50,2.15, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.90. Razors, $1.00 to 2.75 and 3.00. gilvcr ^are and Jable J^utlery. Tea Sets, $25.00, 29.00, 30.00, 34.00. Ice Pitchers, $6.00, 8.00, 9.80, 1 1.50, 12.60. Swinging Pitchers, $15.00, 16.00, 18.00, 23.80. Waiters, $3.00, 3.50, 3.75, 9.00, 9.50, 11.65, '••90, 1425. Soup Tureens, $4.75, 8.50, 9.00, 12.50. Butter Dishes, $2.80, 4.25, 4.75, 5.00, 5.75, 6.00. - Dinner Casters, $3.00, 3.50, 4.12, 5.00, 6.00, 6.69, 7.35, 7.87. Breakfast " $3.00, 3.37, 3.50, 3.97, 5.00, 5.60, 6.85. Pickle " double, $4.50, 6.00, 8.50, 9.00, 11.50. " single, $1.05, 2.25, 2.50, 2.62, 3.15, 3.75, 4.50. Fruit Dishes, $4.00, 4.12, 5.45, 5.63, 5.95. 8.50, 9.00, 10.00, 14.00, 18.75. Cake Baskets, $3.50, 3.85, 4.12, 4.78, 5.00, 6.63, 7.00, 7.75, 8.87, 10.00. Card Receivers, $2.25. 2.75,3.00,3.15,4.25, 4.87, 6.00, 6.37, 7.32. Toilet Sets, $6.75, 7.00, 10.13, ii-5o. Vases (each), $i.6g, 1.75, 1.87, 2.00, 2.15, 2.45, 2.75, 2.95, 3.00, 375. 5-62. Vases, blue, pair, $9.00. Toilet Stands, 90c., $3.75. 4-5o- Jewel Caskets, $5.25, 6.00. 7.87, 9.00, 10.87. 69 Card Cases (solid sterling silver), Jg.go. • Thimbles, 30, 45, 65c., $1.00. Napkin Rings (solid), 88c., $1.45, 2.63, 2. 87, 3.15, 3.60, 3.75, 5.00, 6.00. Sugar Tongs, $4.00, 4.75. Butter Knives, $2.95, 3.00, 3.37, 3oO. ]\Iustard Spoons, $2.00. Salt " $1.38. Sugar " $30^. 3-I5- Table Spoons, §44 00, 46.00 per dozen. Tea " $13.00, 1390, 14.50. Fruit Knives, 87c., $1.00, 1.75, 1.87, 2.00, 2.25, 3.00, 4.25. Child Sets (containing knife, fork andspoon), $6.75, 7.50, 10.00. Individual Casters, $3.38, 3.50, 3.75, 3.85, 4 00, 4. 12, 4.37. Salt Cellars, $2.25 and 3.00 each. Individual Salt Cellars, 15, 19, 23, 25, 30c., $1.12 and 2.76 per dozen. Individual Peppers, $1.45 1.50. " Salts and Peppers, $1.00, 3.00. " Butter Plates, $7.25 per dozen. Knife Rests, 37, 45, 50, 67c., $1.00. Pie Knives, $2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 4.00. Cake " $2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75. Fish " and Forks, $2.70 each. Crumb Scrapers, $2.00, 2.50, 3.00. Berry Spoons, $1.75, 3.00, 3.25. Napkin Rings, 37, 45, 50, 55, 60, 75c., $1.25. " " on stands, ^1.05, 1.15, 1.25, 1.37, 1.40, 1.50,2.10. Puff Boxes, $2.50, 3.C0, 3.30, 3.50. Paper Weights, $2.00, 2.25 each. Children's Sets (knife, fork and spoon), $1.25, 1.40, 2.00. Children's Cups, 88, 95c., $1.05, 1.50, 1.55, 1.5S, 1.95, 2.00, 2.25. 2.75, 2.87, 3.00, 3.50. GOODS IN SILK LINED CASES. Child's Set, «;4.25, 4.50, 8.00. Berry Spoon, $4.60, 4.80. Cake Knife, $4.80, 6.00. Pcarl-handlcd Knives, 514.00, 14.50, 17.00 per dozen. Fish Knife and Fork, $8.63, 10.00. Individual Butters, $8.00. Nut Picks, plated, $3.00 per dozen. Nut Cracks, plated, from 50c. to $1.00 each. Silver Spoons, $16.00 per dozen. " Knives, inlaid ivory handles, $7.50, 8.00 per dozen. " " triple plate, $3.75, 4.00. " Tea-spoons, $2.25, 2.-5, 3.75, 3.87, 4.05, 4.20, 5.08, 5.10 per dozen- 70 Table-spoons, }p5.io, 6.00, 6.60, 6.65, 7.70, 8.10, 8.40, 10.00 per dozen. Dessert Spoons, $4.50, 4.80, 5.00, 7.00, 7.20, 7.50, 9.00 per doz. Ladles, soup, $1.00, 1.25, 2.00, 2.25, 2.63, 2.75, 3.33, 4.20, 4.S0, S-^. 5-8o. Sugar Spoons, 45, 60, 65, 88, 95c. each. Pickle Forks, 45, 65, 95c. each. Sugar Tongs, $1.25 each, plated $2.75. Bells, g5c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.40, 1.55, 2.25, 3.00, 3.50 each. Molasses Pitchers, 113.00, 3.50, 4.12, 4.50, 5.00, 5.25 each. Goblets, $1.25, 1.87, 2.00, 2.50, 2.87, 3.50, 4.00. Spoon Holders, $5.25, 5.95, 6.75. Mustard Cups, $2.45. Silver Candlesticks, per pair, $7.50, 8.00. " " " oxidized, ^^8.35. Brass Candle Dragons, per pair, ^•2.j6, 5.00, 7.74. Ice Buckets, $4.20, 4.75, 5.60. Tete a Tete, 3 pieces, $7.50, 1 1.50. " " 4 " $15.00. Individual Spoon-holders, $10.50. " Sugar, Cream, and Spoon-holder, $16.50. Gents' Companion, $12.00. Ladies* " $3-oo, 3.50, 5.25. Scissors Case, $2.50, 2.60, 3.00. Knives (silver-plated blade, ivory handle), $9.75, 10.50, 12.75, 13.75 per dozen. Knives (steel blade, ivory handle), $6.25, 6.75, 7.50, 8.50, 10.00, 12.00 per dozen. Ivoride Knives, $4.10, 4.90. Bone, $2. So, 3^89, 4.00. Knives and Forks, 50, 75, 85c., $1.25, 1.63, 3.25, 3.50, 3.90, 4.00 per dozen. Carving Knife and Fork (per set), $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.50, 4.00. Kitchen Knives, from 10 to 35c. each. French Cook Knives, 95c., $1.00, 1.05 each. Vegetable Knives, 50, 60c., $1.50 each. Steels, 50, 60, 75c., $1.00, 1. 10. Bread Knives, 15, 25, 45c., $1.63. Slicers, 75c. each. lina and Cla^i^^j^/'arc. This Department is one of the most extensive of its kind in America. Majolica, Japanese, French, English, Chinese, American and Italian wares are exhibited in immense variety from the ordinary to the most artistic. Direct Importations are made from Copeland, Minton, Wedgewood, and other celebrated makers, including the famous English Enameled Chinese Pattern, of which we furnish Dinner Sets of 147 pieces for $45.00, or purchasers can select such pieces as they desire. We also have the old romantic Willow Pattern, in sets or detached pieces. A full Dinner Set in this pattern for $21.75. Complete Dinner Sets of 121 pieces, in American China, $20.00. Parisian Porcelain Dinner Sets, 132 pieces, $13.75. These are examples only. We shall be pleased to quote prices and name pieces for any sets that may be desired. Glass engraved to order by our own artist. Initials, Monograms Crests, or other designs, promptly executed. We furnish a well-finished Goblet, with initial to order, at 90c. per dozen. We have every facility for decorating China, or repairing broken sets or pieces. A full supply of Old Blue Canton China, at very low prices. Especial attention is invited to our elegant stock of Vases, in which we have an almost endless variety, beginning at 20c. per pair, and advancing gradually to $300.00. Persons desiring Vases for Holiday Presents, or other purposes, cannot fail to be suited. Being unmailable, they should be shipped by express in all cases. Experienced packers only are employed in this department. 0U6e gurni^hing pood^ This Department includes a full assortment of Walnut and Ebony Cabinets, Brackets, Wall Pockets, Desks, Dressing Cases, Willow Fur- niture, Tin Ware, Japanned Ware, Wooden Ware, Feather Dusters, Brushes, Baskets, etc. The stock is so extensive that in a few weeks we shall issue a special catalogue for it, which will contain also a list of Picture Frames, Bird Cages, Baby Coaches, etc. It will be mailed free upon request. fiinen Bepartment. Our advantages in these goods cannot be excelled. We show one of the largest assortments in this country, imported direct, the selections being made personally in Europe by the manager of this stock. TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS. Samples of Table Linens, unless unreasonably large, can give but a poor idea of the goods, owing to the size of the figures, hence we ask customers to name about what price they wish to jjay, staling whether large or medium styles are desired, and allow us to make the selections. which we do with the utmost care ; and so confident are we that our goods will be found superior, that we cheerfully allow privilege of return, even though the goods are cut, if we do not give satisfaction. Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Towelings ; Pillow, Bolster and Sheeting Linens ; 4-4 Fine Linens for Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under- wear; Shirt and Shirtings; 4-4 Printed Linens for Gents' Shirtings, Ladies' and Children's Dresses and Wrappers, etc. TABLE LINEN. Loom Dice from 25c. per yard up to 50c. Loom Damask from 33c. per yard up to 90c. Bleached Damask from 37 Jc. to $2.50 per yard. Damask Sets (finest goods) ; Table Cloths (all sizes), with Napkins to match. 48 Napkins from 65c. to $1.00 per dozen. 5-8 " " $1.25 to I i.oo " 3-4 " " $1.75 to 15.00 7-8 " " I4. 50 and upwards. TOWELS. Huck Towels, from 80c. per dozen to $18.00 ; finest goods im- ported. Damask towels, from $1.20 per dozen to $21.00 ; finest imported. Huck, Damask, Diaper, Glass Cloth and Crash Towelings — a complete assortment. Pillow and Bolster Linens from 40 inches to 64 inches wide, and frohi 31c. to $2.00 per yard. Sheeting Linens from 2 yards to 4 yards wide, and from 55c. to ^375 per yard. We have all qualities and grades of these goods and guarantee prices. 4-4 Fine White Linens for Ladies' and Gents' wear, from 20 tr> 50c. per yard. 4-4 Heavy Shirting and Drawers Linens, from 28 to 60c. per yard. 4-4 Fine and Heavy Fronting Linens, from 40c. to $1.00 per yard. 4-4 Printed Shirtings and Wrapper Linen, extra fine qualities, 37c. per yard. 4-4 Union Printed Shirtings, 20 to 25c. per yard. Bird's Eye Linen, | inch, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 35c. per yard. " " i inch, 25, 45, 50, 65, 75, 80c. " Cotton Nursery Diaper, 20 inches, 75c. " " 22 " 85c. " " 24 " jgi.oo. " " 27 " 1. 10. 73 L'nen Nursery Diaper, i6 inches, 95c., ;?;t.35. Russia Diaper, Pillow Shams, braided, 90c. pair. Sheet " " 90c., $ I. CO to 1.40. 18 • $1.10, 1.20, 1.25, 1.35, 1. 50, 1.62, 1.65, 1.7O1 I-90. 2.00. 20 $1.65, 1.85, 2.00, 2.25. 22 $1.65, 1.90, 2.10. 2.25, 2.50. 24 ' $1.85,1.95,2.25. 27 ' 12.50. 2.75. iS 26c. 20 ' 23c. o-.' ' ' 3IC. 24 ' 34c. 27 ' -,-1 r- Hu6lin-\ Wicklm6 and Canton KlanneL>. Good Unbleached Muslin in all Desirable Makes. " " 36 inches wide, 6}, 8, 9, 10, i ic. " 40 " " 9, lO, I IC. " .^5 " " I2!c. " 4S " " 14c. " 53 " " 20c. " " 63 " " iS, 21, 22c. " 78 " " 23, 24, 33C. oo -:,, -I , jO. JJ-- Good 36 inch Bleached Muslin, from 6'jC. up. Good Bleached Muslin, 9-8 yard, or 42 inches wide, 120, 15, i6c. Good Bleached Muslin, 5-4 yard wide, or-45 inches wide, 12}, 14, i5, 17, iSc. Good Bleached Muslin, 6-4 yard wide, 19, 20, 22c. " " 0-4 " 18, 20, 24, 30c. 9-4 " 25, 27, 29, 32c. " 10-4 " 25, 27, 28, 31, 32A, 35c. 1 1-4 " 38, 40c. Bleached Drilling, I23c, Unbleached Drilling, 9, loc. Canton Flannel (bleached), 7, 8, 9, 10, \z\, 15, iS, 20, 22, 25c. (unbleached), 6,1-, 8, 10, 12^., 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23c. " (colored), f, 10, i2jC. ; 4-4, 25c. Tickings, \ or 31 and 32 inches wide (for pillow-cases and bol tcrs), 12I, 18, 22, 25, 28, 31C. Tickings, 4-4 or i yard wide, 18, 20, 25, 28, 31, 33, 35c. Furniture Checks in blue and white, both large and small plaids, 32 inches wide, i6c. ; 36 inches wide, 20c. Shirting Checks, 10, 12], 14, i6c. Shirting (^hickory stripes), loc. Blanket^ and Quilts. Grey, from $1.30 to 3.50 per pair. White, from $1.75 to iS.oo per pair. These being special lots, we request an early order. At the very low prices we are selling them rapidly. Special lot 11 -4 Blankets, $4.25. 1 1-4 Blankets, $4.50. Our 12-4 Blankets, Physicians' Favorite, selling at wholesale for $5.50; our price, $5.00. We especially mention our $5.00 per pair Blankets, elegant snowy white wool, handsome borders. CRIB AND CRADLE BLANKETS. All desirable grades. Initial embroidered in Crib" Blankets to order, 30c. extra per pair, DOWN COMFORTABLES. About October ist we will open a large assortment of pure Down Comfortables, covered with Turkey-red Chintz. We wisli your attention to these goods, as we can offer them at prices much lower than last season. One Down Comfortable is as warm as two pairs of pure Wool Blankets, and only one-third the weight. In fine Blankets we offer the justly celebrated MISSION MILLS BLANKETS. We have them in 10-4, 11-4, 12-4, 13-4, 15-4, from $6.50 to 35.00 per pair. For bridal presents we will have initials or names embroidered in silk or wool at cost of work. Price lists of stock on hand during the season sent when requested. iano, Eable and Stand Govern. Green, Crimson, Maroon, Wine, Burgundy, largest size Piano Covers, silk embroidered, at $3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00. Burgundy Fringed Piano Covers, $8.00. 4-4 Cloth, silk-embroidered. Stand Covers, in Gi-een, Crimson, Maroon, Wine, Drab and Brown, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.50, 3.00. Raw Silk Table Covers, in Turkish and Persian colorings to match new-style Furniture Coverings. 73 6-4 size, with border, $6.00; fringed, 8.00. • 7-4 " " $7.50 to 9.50. 8-4 " " 9.00 to 1 1.50. 8-10 " " I2.00 to 14.50. 8-12 " " 15.00 to 18.00. 4-4 Handsome wool-embroidered Stand Covers, in all the new- shades, at $2.00, 2.56. 5-4 Elegant silk-embroidered Covers, in Crimson, Green, Wine and Burgundy, at $1.98 and 2.25. 6-4 Elegant silk-embroidered Table, Organ and Melodeon Covers, Green, Crimson, Burgundy, Brown and Blue, at $1.37^, 1.62, 2.00, 2.50, 2.75, 3.50, 4.50, 5.50. 7-4 Elegant silk-embroidered Table, Organ and Melodeon Covers, in Green, Burgundy, Wine, Crimson, Maroon, at $1.8$, 2.25, 2.75, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 6.50, 7.00, 8.00. 6-8 Silk-embroidered Table or Melodeon Covers, Crimson, Green and B\irgundy, at ^3.50, 3.75, 4.00, 4.50. 6-9 Silk-embroidered Table or Melodeon Covers, at $3.25, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50. 8-4 Elegant silk-embroidered Table and Organ Covers, in Green, Crimson, Burgundy and Wine, at ^(3.50, 3.75, 400. 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 6.50, 7.00, 7.50, 8.00,9.00, 10.00, 12.00, 15.00. 8-10 Dining and Extension Table Covers, in Crimson, Green, Burgundy from $6.00 upwards. ppholdteru and Surniture GoVcrinq.\ JACaUARD LINENS. Heavy Twill, 35 and 45c. Damassc, 25c. Awning Stripes, all j^rices. Jute Fringes, 18, 20, 32, 35c. Wool Fringes, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65c., all colors. Raw Silk Fringes made to order, to match sample sent, at 90c., $1.00, 1. 10, 1.25, 1.40, 1.75, 2.00. Gimps, for Curtains, to match sample sent, 16, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60c., and 51 -oo. English Cretonnes, all colors. English and French Serges. French Crepe Cretonnes. Spun Silk and Wool Tapestries, 52.00, 2 25, 3.50, 4.00, 4.25, 4.50, 5.00, 6.75. Jute Tapestries, 65, 85c., $1.00, i.io, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00. Raw Silk Tapestries, ^1.50, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 4.85. 5.00, 6.66, 6.75. CURTAINS. Nottingham Lace Curtains, in ecru and white, at 90c., $1.00, 1. 10, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.90, 3.00, 3.50, 3.75, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 6.50, 7.00, 7.50, 8.00, and 9.00 per pair. Guipure Lace Curtains, $10.00, 12.00, 14.00, and 20.00 per pair. Antique Lace Curtains, $12.00, 14.00, 16.00, 18.00, and 20.00. Swiss Tambourd Lace Curtains, $6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.50, 13.00, 15.00, 17.00, 17.50, 18.00, 21.00, 21.50, 22.00, 23.50, 25.00, 26.00, 27.00, 27.50, 28.00, 30.00, 33.00, 40.00, 45.00, and 50.00. Brussels Lace Curtains, $35.00, 42.00, 50.00, 54.00, 60.00, and 70.00. Nottingham Curtain Lace, by the yard, 15 20, 22, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 55, 56, 60, 65, 70, 80, and 90c. Nottingham Vestibule Lace, I2_j4, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25, and 23c. per yard. Tambourd Vestibule Lace, 75c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.37K, 1.50, 1.60, 1.65, 1.75, and 2.00 per yard. Tambourd Vestibule Curtains, ^6.00, 6.50, and 7.50 per pair. Lace Shades, $2.50, 3.50, and 4.00 each. Curtain Lappets, 12^, 15, 16, and i8c. per yard. lug^, ^attingA, gil gloth^, ^rtiggctA, etc. Velvet Rugs, Velvet Rugs, Velvet Rugs, Brussels N, Brussels M, Brussels H, Brussels G, Felt Rugs, Tapestry Brussel Body Brussels Velvet Mats, Rubber Mats, Linen Mats, Hassocks, s Mats CRUMB CLOTH. 1 2x21 2jx3 2|x3 3 X3 3 x3f 3 X3f 3 Ml yards. . $2 75 K 3 25 F $s 00 to 6 I I 3 I 1 I 00 65 00 95 50 75 65 '5 24 E $ I 50 to 2 00 I 00 70 $3 50 $4 75 to 8 GO $6 00 to 9 25 $7 00 to 10 50 $S 00 $9 00 to 13 50 $11 00 to 16 50 ^[p at6. SHEEPSKIN MATS. Our own " A " Sheepskin, good size, best wool, at only $1.74 ; very $2 12 2 75 3 75 4 75 cheap. No. 3, 12x24, ....... " 4, 13-^^5 " 6, 16x27, ....... " 8, 18x30, ...... DOUBLE DOOR SHEEPSKIN. 16x50, ....... Sheared Center, with Angora Borders, 18x30, " 16x50, Handsome Oil Cloth, neat, .... Tapestry Mats, full size, .... Body Brussels, full size, ..... Velvet Brussels, full size, ..... Turkestan Brussels, full size, , . . . . i 50 Our Sheepskins are all manufactured to our order of the choicest selected /onj,'' wool. Special sizes to order. No. 2, 27x16, . . . . . $1-4 ^^icl I 58 " 3, 30x18, . . . . . . I 30 and I 98 " 4, 33x20, , . . . . I 58, I 60, and 2 51 " 5, 36x22, ...... 3 16 " 6, 39x22, ...... 3 74 ?S 00 6 00 9 00 45 65 I 20 I 24 China Cocao Mats, No. 2, 75c. ; No. 3, 92c. ; No. 4, $1 20 Cocoa Matting in all qualities, for Halls, Churches, Offices, Lecture Rooms, etc., at the lowest possible prices. Specialty. — Turkish or Smyrna Rugs and Mats, all sizes, foreign and domestic. Extra heavy domestic Smyrna Mats, large size, >i 50. Oil Cloths, extra quality, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, . " 8-4, " " " 10-4, " " " Sheet, 16-4, " No. I, " 4-4, 5-4. 6-4, . • 8-4. 10-4, " No. 2, " 4-4, 5-4. . 6-4, Sq. yd. Rin 'j:M 60c. $ 60 60 75 60 90 60 I 20 60 I SO 60 2 40 5-3 50 50 62/^ 50 75 5'^ I CO 5^ I 25 40 40 40 50 40 60 73 Oil Cloths, extra quality, 8-4, " " " 10-4, " No. 4, " 4-4, . Stair Cloths, 15 ir., 18 " Oil Cloth Rugs, Patt., i yard long;, i yard wide. " ii " I ', " I ' ' 1 " T 1 " ih "• I 1} il If I \ " 1 2 " 2 Linoleum, " 2 all Patt., same price, 2\ " 6 in border, , " 9 " " 12 " Matting, "A" quality. " No. I, 1-2 yard 3-4 4-4 5-4 6-4 24 3-4 4-4 5-4 6-4 wide, Sq. yd. Run' g yd. 40c. $ So 40 I 00 25 -D IlK 17 50, 60 "c , 80, 90 I 25 60 . 80 90 . I 25 90 • ^ 35 I 50 . 2 00 3 00 I 15 2 50 I 15 2 20 I 15 2 30 I 15 2 40 Retail Retail Sq. yd. Run g yd. 75c. il'VzC- 75 ^7 75 75 75 94 75 *^i 12X 50 -5 50 37;^ 50 50 50 62'^ 50 75 pat gepartment. This very popular Department is under the management of Mr R. S. Walton, a thoroughly practical hatter. Men's Dress Silk H its, .... " " tine, " " extra. Old Gents' Silk Mats, wider brim. Coachmen's Silk Hats, with band and cockade. Boys' Silk Hnts, . Ladies' Silk Riding Hats, )>3.5o, 4.00, 4.50 5.00 6.00 $4.50 to 6.00 5 CO 2 00 4.00 Men's Drab Beaver Hats, " Pearl Cassimere Hats, lilack Stiff Fur, round crown, " " " square crown, " Pearl " round crown, Young Gents' Stiff Derby and Oxford, •. $ 7 oo 4.00 S2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 2.50, 3.50 2.50, 3.50 $2 50, 3.00, 3 50 And all shapes, heights of crown, and widths of brim, in all seasonable colors, both dark and light, from . . $1.50 to 5.00 Men's Panama Summer Hats, . . . 2.00 to 5.00 Manilla " .... 3.00104.00 Brown French Panama, . . . 2.00 to 3.50 " Dunstalle, ...... 2.50103.50 " Mackinaw, ..... 1.75 to 4.50 " C.Mackinaw, . . ." . . 1.25 to 2.50 White Canton Straw Hats, . . . 1.00 to 2.00 " Brown Canton Straw Hats, . i.ooto2.oo All the new styles of Summer Hats as soon as issued. All the nobby styles of Straw Hats for Young Cients, with fancy bands. Men's Fur Seal Driving Caps, . . . S7.00 to 10.00 " Skating Caps, .... 6.ooto 10.00 " Double Band Caps, . . . 8.00 to 12.00 " Double Cape Caps, . . . 12.00 to 15.00 • French Fur Seal Caps, . . . 4.00 to 6.00 " " double roll, . . 3.0010 5.00 Winter Caps, heavy, .... i.ooto 2.50 Conductor Caps, ...... 1.50 to 2.00 Fatigue Caps, grey and blue, . . . i.ooto 2.00 Silk Pocket Traveling Caps, . . . . 75 to 1.50 Every variety of Pocket and Winter Caps on hand, at prices from ...... 50c. to 4.00 Men's Real Scotch Caps, ..... 1.25 Military, Society, Band, and all other kinds of Cloth Caps, both soft and stiff, made to order. Men's Wool Hats, stiff round crown, black and pearl colors, ...... Men's Wool Hats, soft, various styles, both 1 dark colors, .... Boys' Fine P'ur Derby Hats, Soft Hats, " " Telescope Hats, " Fine Wool Derby Hats, Soft Hats, " Lorgnette, .... " Straw Hats, all styles, " Polo Caps, " 1' ur Seal Skating Caps, " Fur French Seal Caps, gilt and 51.00 to 1.75 I.ooto 1.75 2.00 to 2.50 2.00 to 2.50 1.50 to 3.00 I.ooto 1.50 I.ooto 1.50 75 to 1.50 50 to 1.50 I.ooto 1.50 3.00 to 5.00 1.25 to 2.00 80 Boys' Astrachan Skating Caps, . . . $ .75101.215 Cassimere Caps, ..... cq " Winter Caps, ..... 50 to 1.25 Special attention is given to the Hats and Caps for Boys. Our aim is to combine neatness with durability, rejecting all from the stock that we think will not give satisfaction, selecting only the best makes. CHILDREN'S HATS. Child's Fine Fur Fancy Hats, . . . ^1.50102.50 " Wool " " . . . .75 to 1.50 Sailor Hats, .... i.ootoi.50 " Scotch Balmoral Caps, . . 1.25 to 2.00 " Real Scotch Marquis of Lome, . . 1.25 " Fancy Caps in velvet and cloth, . 1.25101.75 •' Cloth Hats, . . . . 1.50 " Jockey Caps, .... 1.25 to 2.25 No portion of the stock commands greater admiration than our assortment of Goods for Children's Wear. At all seasons the assortment is kept up, and the neat, tasty, desirable styles are offered at prices below those that inferior articles are usually sold for. This department will excel, both in quantity and variety, any to be found. Men's Soft Fur Hats, high and low crown, . . $1.75 " " . . 2.00 " " " " " " . . . 2.25 " ■ " fine Hats, high and low crown, . 2.50 At this price we have a large assortment that can be recommended. Men's Soft Felt Hats, extra, .... $2.75 " " " .... 3.00 " Soft Nutria Hats, extra, . . . .3.50 " " " " . . . . . 4.00 " " super, .... 4.50 " " " super extra, . . . 5.00 In black, blue, brown, nutria and pearl colors, the variety being too large for enumeration. In ordering, always state style, number, color, quality, size, etc. You cannot be too explicit in your description. DIRECTIONS FOR MEASUREMENT. With a tape-line take the number of inches around the head, in the position where hat is usually worn. If a stiff felt or silk hat has been used, give the exact number of inches of length and width inside. If any peculiarities exist (as, round head, or wider back and narrow front), they should be noted. Measure in inches reduced to sizes. 1934; inches, size 6% 22>< inches, size jyi 20X " " (>yi 23 " " 7X 81 2oj{ inches, size 6% 23^ inches, sizc,*7^ 21 " " 6ji 2334 " " 7 'A 2iy2 " " 6^ 24 " " 7^. 2\}( " ■' 67/i 24;^ " " 7% Hen'A and Movi^' Sootd and Shoed. Men's Calf Boots, $2.50, 3.00, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.74, 6.00, 7.00. Fine Laced Shoes, $2.50, 2.98, 3.24, 3.50, 3.98, 4.94,6.23. Calf Gaiters, $2.50, 2.99, 3.50, 3.98, 4.48, 4.98, 5.50, 5.98, 694. Buff Gaiters, $1.00, 1.24, 1.49, 1 94, 2.00, 2.50, 2.73. Calf Button Gaiters, $2.23. 3.50, 3.98, 4.98, 5.50, 5.98, 6.50, 6.94. " Working Shoes, 99c., $1.24, 1.74. " Patent Leather Pumps, ^2.75. " Heavy Working Boots, $1.74, 1.98, 2.25, 2.50, 2.73, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50. 3.75. BOYS'. Boys' Calf Congress Gaiters, $2.24, 2.50, 274, 2.94, 3.00, 3.24, 4.25. " Buff Congress Gaiters, 99c., $1.39, 1.72. " Buttoned " $1.58, 1.98, 2.50, 2.74, 3.24, 3.49, 4.23. " Calf Laced Shoes, 99c., $1.74, 2.50, 2.94, 3.24, 3.98. MEN'S AND BOYS' SLIPPERS. Youths' Slippers, 75, 89c., $1.25, 2.48. Boys' Carpet Slippers, 33, 44c. Leather " 75, 89, 95c., $1.15, 1.50, 1.75. " Slippers, $1.73, 2.48, 2.74. Men's Carpet Slippers, 38, 44, 75c., jpi.oo, 1.50. " Leather " 84, 98c., $1.25, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75. " Cloth " embroidered, 51.50, 2.48, 2.74, 3.74. Velvet " " $2.48, 2.98, 4.48. glothd and ga^^imere^ for ^en'^ and Botj^' Wear. Black Cloths, 54 inches wide, $1.00, i.io, I.i2i, 1.35, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.25, 3.75, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00. Black Doeskins, 54 inches, ;g2.5o, 3.00, 3.50, 3.75, 4.00. 4.50, 5.00. Black Doeskins, 27 inches, $1.00, 1.25, 1.35, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.40, 2.60, 2.75, 3.50. Blue Cloths, 54 inches, $i.oo, 1.123, 1-35. i-5o. 2.25, 3.00, 3.50, 5.00. Black Worsteds, 54 inches wide, $1.25, 2.25, 3.00, 3.50, 4.50, 5.00. Fancy Cassimeres, 54 inches, |;i.5o, 2.00, 2.25, 2.75, 3.25, 3.75, 4.00. Fancy Cassimeres, 27 inches, 370-, 50, 60,75, ^S^-> $i-oo, 1.25. Black Beavers, 54 inches, from ^1.50 to 3.00, and 5.00. Black Drap D'Ete, 46 inches, $1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.C0, 2.50. Kentucky Jeans and Cottonades, 27 inches, 18, 20, 22, 25c. Corduroys, |;i.oo to 1.25. Black Italian Cloth, 27 inches, 35 to 60c. " 54 " 65c. toli.75. In ordering samples of the above goods, please state whether you wish prices for made up garments or by the yard. We make clothing to order in our Custom Department, and rarely fail to give perfect satis- faction when the following rules for measurement are carefully observed : COAT MEASURE. Take these Measures OVER the Coat. Collar Seam A to waist B Waist B to length desired Middle of Back to Elbow F On to G for full length of sleeve Take these Measures UNDER the Coat and OVER the Vest. Around Breast at H Waist at I Pockets desired FOR OVERCOAT. Take Breast and Waist Measures OVER the Undercoat. Breast Waist Other Measures as above. VEST MEASURE. Measure OVER the Vest, Around breast at H Waist at I From Seam at back of Collar around the inside edge to K for height desired Then on to L for length desired Pockets desired . — 83 PANTS MEASURE. Draw well up in the Crotch. Outside Seam : from Waist at height desired to heel seam of Shoe (Let your measure include waistband.) Inside Seam : from Crotch N to heel seam of Shoe |)@°" Keep the legs straight. Around the Waist, under A'est Around the Seat P Around the Knee for width desired. Around the Foot M for width desired. Pockets desired Remarks as to Peculiarities. Brief description of person, so far as it will assist in making a good tit. Age Height ft in. Weight HOW TO MEASURE. Give height and weight of person. For Coat : — To get breast measure: Put inch measure close up under arms over Vest, at H, draw it comfortably tight, then around waist at I. To get Length of Coat: — When Chesterfield or Frock is wanted, begin first at collar seam on the back of neck, A. then to B, for waist, continuing to length desired. When Sack is wanted, omit second measure, giving only total length. To get Length of Sleeve :—V>tg\x\?X2L point as near as possible to the center of the back (see dots on diagram), then to the elbow, and continue on to the hand as F and G. [The customer's hand should be held about twelve inches from the breast, and the chest should not be expanded.] For Vest: — Around breast at H. Around waist at I. From seam at back of neck down the inside collar of Vest to K, for height desired, and then on to L, for total length, as shown by dotted line on diagram. 84 For Pauls : — Draw Pants up to proper place on person. Then begin from the waist as high as desired, inchidiitg waistband, and meas- ure down to heel seam of shoe for outside length. Then with your left hand from behind put tape close up in crotch and with right handyi^Z/^w doffed line, N, to heel seam for inside length.* Around waist at I. Around seat at P. Around knee. Around foot at M. Position erect with legs straight. * We mean by heel seam, the point where heel is joined to sole of shoe. MAKE NO ALLOWANCES. The measure furnished should be the e.xact size and length required in the garment when made. Every advantage that could be secured if the customer were on our premises, in the matter of acairaie fit, can be secured as well through you, if you 2iXQ particular \xv taking the measures as directed. gen'd and Boua' Eeadu-Made pothinq. As is well known throughout the United States, our Clothing House is the largest in America. We manufacture everything ourselves, and possess unequaled advantages. Our success shows that we give satisfaction. We name a few articles only, but have literally everyfhitig pertaining to Men's Clothing. Men's Mixed Cassimere Suits, $10.00. Stylish Fine Mixed Suits, from $12.00 to $15.00. Stylish Black Cloth Suits, with Double Breasted Frock Coat, $17.50. Fine Diagonal Suits, $22.50. Stylish Fall Overcoats, $7.50, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00. Garrick Overcoats, $15.00. Ulster Overcoats, Cassimere Lined, $10.00. Stylish Basket Weaving Overcoats, $15.00. Heavy Mohair Overcoats, $6.00. Heavy Diagonal Overcoats, $8.50 to 15.00. Fur Beaver Overcoats, $12.00. Gents' Cassimere Pants, from $3.50 to 5.00. 'Youths' Mixed Cassimere Suits^ $9.00. Youths' Diagonal Suits, $17.00. Youths' Ulster Overcoats, $8.00. Youths' Fur Beaver Overcoats, $6.50 to 12.00. Youths' Fine Diagonal Overcoats, $10.00 to $15.00. Youths' Cassimere Pants, from $2.00 to 4.00. CHILDREN'S SHORT PANT SUITS. [For Boys from three to eleven years old.) S. B. Blouse Suits, Two-thirds Wool, $3.50. S. B. Blouse Suits, All Wool Cassimere, $4.00. as D. B. Blouse Suits, All Wool Cassimere, $4.50. • S. B. and D. B. Blouse Suits, All Wool Cassimere, $5.00. S. B. and D. B. Blouse Suits, All Wool Cassimere, $6.00. D. B. Blouse Suits, All Wool Cassimere, $6.75. S. B. lUue Diagonal Blouse Suits, $6.75. Vest Suits, All Wool Cassimere, $6.00. Vest Suits, All Wool Cassimere, $6.50. Vest Suits, All Wool Cassimere, $7.00. Vest Suits, All Wool Cassimere, $7.50. Vest Suits, Blue Diagonal, $8.7$. Vest Suits, Blue Diagonal, ^59.50. Vest Suits, Blue Diagonal, $10.00. Odd Short Pants, 75c. to $3.00. Children's Kilt Suits, $2.50 up. BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS. Dark Mixed Two-thirds Wool, Long Pants, Coat and Vest, $5.00.. Fancy Cnssimerc, All Wool Coat, Long Pants and Vest, $6.50 7.25 8.00 8.50 9-75 Blue Diagonal, " " " 12.50 12.75 Black " " " " 12.25 fentlemen'd Surni^hinq ©oodd. Fancy Ties, 25c. to $1.00. " Scarfs, 30c. to $1.75. Gents' Scarf Pins, 50c. to $2.67. " Rings, 25c. to $1.50. Ivory Sleeve Buttons, 9 to 14c. Pearl " " 53c. to $1.67. Plated " " 50c. to $2.00. Collar Buttons, i to 44c. Watch Chains, loc. to $5.50. Gents' Linen Handkerchiefs, 1 1 to 62c. " Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, 25 to 37ic. Hemstitched " 25 to 70c. Black Silk and Satin Stocks, ^^i.oo to 1.25. Four-ply Linen Collars, $1.00, 1.50 per dozen. Five-ply " " $---S " " Fourply " Cuffs, $2.16, 3.00, 4.00 per dozen. Fancy Bows, 10 to 25c. Black " 10 to 50c. White " 10, 15, i8c. apiece. 86 White Strap Bows, 18, 20c, Black " " 35, 40c. White Ties, 3 to 25c. apiece. " Silk and Satin Ties, 75, Sy^c. $1.00. Gents' Merino Shirts (white and colored), 50, 65c. to $5.00. " " Drawers, 50c. to $5.00. Scarlet Merino Shirts, $1.50, 2.00 to 2.75. " " " Drawers, $1.50 to 2.75. " " Flannel Shirts, ^1.50 to 2.00. " " Drawers, |i. 50 to 2.00. Men's unlaundried Shirts, 75c., $1.00, 1.25. " laundried " |i.oo, 1.25, 1.50. Without Collars, and with Wristbands or Half Cuffs, two inches wide. Collars or Cuffs attached, 1 5 cents extra. The postage on shirts is about 12 cts. each. Youths' unlaundried Shirts, 70c., $1.00. laundried " 95c., $1.25. Boys' unlaundried ' 60, 85c. " laundried " 80c. $1.00. Men's Colored, laundried Shirts, 50, 75, $1.00. Boys' " " " 65, 85c. Blue Flannel Shirts (men's), f i.oo, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50. " (youths'), $1.00, 1.50. Cassimere Shirts, $1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.25. Men's Cotton Working Shirts, 50c. Men's Overalls, 50, 75, 90c. " Knit Jackets, $1.00 to 7.00. Chest Protectors, 40c. to $1.50. Men's Night Shirts, ^i.oo. " Suspenders, 17, 25, 30, 33, 35, 40, 45. 5°- 60, 67, 75, 85c., |i.oo, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75. Boys' Suspenders, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25c. Shoulder Braces, 50, 75, 90c., >{i.oo. GENTLEMEN'S GLOVES. Lupin Gloves, i and 2 buttons, $1.00, 1.25. Jugla " 1 button, $1.25. Dent " I " |2.oo; 2 buttons, 12.25. Dog Skin" i " 51.00, 1.50 ; 2 buttons, $1.38. 1.75. " " I " |i.oo. Driving " $1.00, 1.25. Indian-tan Buck Gloves, $1.50. Celebrated English Self-fastening Gloves, $1.50. " Reynier, 2-button Dog Skin, $1.00. 87 DIRECTIONS FOR MEASURING SHIRTS. Neck Measure : Close around the neck Collar Measure : Size worn. Yoke Measure : From A to B. Sleeve Measure : From A to ^toZ>on to wrist bone Breast Measure : Around the body under the arms E E Breast Measure : Across from G to ^ (from armpit to armpit) Waist Measure : Around the waist above hips Length : From A to F Wrist: Close around the wrist D Length of Bosovi : From collar button Buttons (on bosom) Flat stud (on bosom) Eyelets for screw studs (on bosom) Button or stud at neck Button or stud at wrist Button or stud back of neck Style of bosom No Welt or corded Open front or back With cuffs or wristbands DRAWERS. Waist Measure. Lcrnrth in seam.. We ask the most critical comparison of our facilities for supplying ^ood shirts at reasonable prices. To keep up the supply we employ six hundred experienced shirt-makers and four hundred and thirty sewing machines, using thirty thousand yards of muslin per week. We sell the Crown shirt at 75 cts. Laundried, $1.00. " " Concjueror " $1.00. " 1.25. " " University " 1.25. " 1.50. and believe that for the prices they are not equaled in the United States. 88 The following- cuts represent the different styles of Bosoms and Cuffs. In ordering, please give the number of the style you wish. No. 8. ^ Nc. 8. No. 6. CICjFiA I )"■» r ^^ * 4^ ^ • •» o :. ^r. ' • • • ^W ~;*^ ••^** °o %'••'• .<^ --. <-. > o v3 ^^.^^^ ^^o.^'^' ^^^ *%. %^^^\^^/ V "^ ,•*:* .« WtRT « ■'►^ BOOKBINOiNC ^., ^ ,