NO PLAYS EXCHANGED. PRICE,] [15 CENTS, THE ACTING DRAMA. No. 119. fSc='' -^o> TITTLEBAT A FATHER. NEW YORK! HAPPY HOURS COMPANY, No. 5 BEEKMAN STREET. 2 p- Arnold's Dutch Recitations and Readings. Price, 15 Cents. The Amateur's Guide to Home Theatricals. Trice, 25 Cents. Arnold's Dialogues, Plays and Speeches. Price, 30 Cents. How we Managed our Private Theatricals ; or, A Guide to the Amateur Stage. Price, 25 Cents. Parlor Tableaux; or, Animated Pictures. Price, 25 Cents. Shadow Pantomimes; or, Harlequin in The Shade. Price, 25 Cents. RECITERS, GUIDE BOOKS, ETC. Actor's Art, The, Price 15 cts. Amateur's Guide, The, Price 25 cts. Arnold's Dialogues, Plays and Speeches, Price . 30 cts. Arnold's Dutch Recitations and Readings, Price 15 cts. Art of Public Speaking, The, Price 25 cts. Darkey Plays, six parts, Price, per part 30 cts. Drawing Room Magic, Price 30 cts. Elocution Without a Master, Price — 15 cts. Evening Entertainments, Price 15 cts. Hand-Book of Elocution and Oratory, Price 30 cts. Holiday Guest, The, Price 10 cts. How to Join a Circus, Price 25 cts. How we Managed Our Private Theatricals, Price 25 cts. Little Plays for Little People, Price 30 cts. McBride's Comic Speeches and Recitations, Price 30 cts. McBride's Humorous Dialogues, Price 30 cts. McBride's Temperance Dialogues, Price 30 cts. Minstrel Gags and End Men's Hand-Book, Price 30 cts. Parlor Amusements for the Young Folks, Price 30 cts. Parlor Tableaux, Price 25 cts. Plays for Young People, Price 30 cts. Punch and Judy, Price 25 cts. Shadow Pantomimes, Price 25 cts. Shakespeare Proverbs, Pritfe 25 cts. Speechiana, Price . . 30 cts. Stump Speaker, The, Price 15 cts. Either of the above will be sent by mail, on receipt of price, by HAPPY HOURS COMPANY, i No. 5 Beekman Street, New Yori.^: TITTLEBAT A FATHER ! A MONOLOGUE, 3n COn^ %ti. ^^ CORBECTLY PRINTED FROM THE PROMPTER S COPY, WITH THE CAST OF CHABACXEBS, COSTUMES, SCENE AND PBOPEUTY PLOTS, RELA- TIVE POSITIONS OF THE DRAMATIS PEIISON.E, SIDES OP ENTRANCE AND EXIT, DISPOSITIONS U or CHAEACTEES, ETC., ETa NEW YORK : Copyright secured 1879, by ^o^jimJ^ HAPPY HOURS COMPANY, No. 6 BEEKMAN STREET, ['nv A TITTLEBAT A FATHEEl -: o ;■ DRAMATIS PBRSONJS. Zachariah Tittlebat. COSTUMES. -MODERN. PEOPERTIES. Parlor furniture. THPS6~C0751i EXPLANATION OF THE STAGE DIRECTIONS. sefoncTemranc? nVhr's^t"' ^"^ ''f'' ^- ^P'r ^"'^'^"" ^^^'' ^"^ left. S.E.R left TT F p ^^"^"^^^ ^ett. t .E.R., fourth entrance right. F.E L.. fourth entrance L F lYft fla^' Tc\TYr^' '■'^^'- T^;.^ ^; "P^^"- ^"^•■^"" l-f'- R F ngtt flat TITTLEBAT A FATHER! Scene.— ^ Parlor, Plain furnitxire. Enter Zachaeiah Tittlebat, in dressing-gown and cap. Zachariah. Congratulate me ! My name is Zach Titttlebat ; and ibis happy morning, at half-past two— rather cloudy—the afore- said Tittlebat has been declared a father ; a father of the most bouncing kind— I mean the insect, which means the baby, is of the most bouncing kind ! That's it ! At half-past two, remember ! Heaven has granted my prayer, and made this Tittlebat a father ; I have come to announce it to you. Sh— sh ! I am the father of a race of Tittlebats! My first-born is in the next room, asleep in a cradle all covered with lace and muslin. I insisted that it would be a boy, every member of the family said "it would prob- ably be a girl." A tremendous boy ! A bouncing Tittlebat ! I think I can say witliout vanity, a boy who does me credit. My wife, who is an angel of goodness, but not very, vei-y pretty, gives out that the child looks like her. She has got this idea into her head, and, to tell you the truth, I think it an entire mistake ; but, I never contradict her in anything. If you could see my sou and heir but for one moment, his figure, his fiuely-cut 4 TITTLEBAT A FATHER ! profile, his graceful moveraeuts, his uoble brow, the proud turn of his uose, his bine, blue eyes, you would say at once, "He is the image of his father." (Puts his thumbs in vest arm-holes and struts.) His godfather and godmother are already chosen, and suggestions for his name are pouring in by the dozen. In short, everybody is intriguing, imploring, working, for the honor of giving him his name. Why, there wouldn't be more noise at a disputed election ; and not content with baptizing him, my friends pretend to the gift of prophecy, and are foretelling his whole future career. The women say he will lead a military life, and rank as colonel from the very first. His godfather, with simpler ideas, dreams of a notary's life for him. An uncle, a manufacturer, wants him to be brought up in his business ; while my cousin, the lawyer, clamors for the legal profession. "Nothing like a farmer's life, ' says the grandfather, who is an agriculturist. "Be- lieve me," says the doctor, "the medical profession is the best for him." Good heavens! I'm sure I don't know what his calling will be twenty years hence ; don't worry me about it any more— all I hope is, that he will have money. His future is a secondary consideration in my mind. I would rather wait until he begins to cut his teeth before thinking of what he is fitted for. Besides— r t/ries heard outside)— hixWoa, what's that? What are those fearful cries? It's my heir waking up— he always wakes up like this. He will continue to cry for a whole hour, without an instant's cessation. Now I find this delightful, for it shows be has his father's lungs. The moment he sees me, his face lights up— but 1 don't tell his mother so, for she insists that he cries whenever I go near him. (Cries repeated.) There he goes again! Yes, you little tyrant, here I am! He thinks no one can compare with his father. (To the audience.) I tell you this in the strictest confidence. AVell, it's very natural, a fiist-boru. Oh, he is the exact image of me, which delights me immensely. What father is not pleased to see his own features reproduced in his son ? And the boy is doing well— the bouncing infant is doing well. Yes, the bouncing Tittlebat is doing well ! And so is the mother— of which the father is proud, that both mother and child are doing well. And then-bnt I am so full of happiness, that I forget how I must be tiring you with my own private TITTLEBAT A FATHER! 5 affairs. Time seems so short, when we are talking of those we love ; and besides, I can't help it. One is not a father every day. Near this fresh and pure little creature, I feel bright and gay. I think I'll go and see if he has not grown while I've been here talking to yon. Yes, I know I have been rattling on absurdly, but my heart is full- so please forgive me, and allow me to invite you all to the christening. 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