7^ ^. /^/ TT 590 \ .W77 icopv 1 mw^ OF THE PRESENT FASHIONS, h\ WITH THE SQUARE RULES VARIATIONS TO FIT THE HUMAN SHAPE. BY JAMES G. WILSON, TEACHER OF THE ART <>F CUTTING. January, 1827. 0/>ti/^^»- U\<^P-- a^.sx- - ^ ''^-^' Southern District or New-York, ss. T g Be it remembered, that on the 11th day of January, A. D. ' ' 1827, in the 51st year oi' the mdependence of the United States of America, James G. VVilson, of the said district, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprie- tor, in the words following, to wit: "Report of the Present Fashions, with the Square Rules and Variations to fii the Human Shape. By James G. VVilson, Teacher of the Art --f Cutting. ' In conformity to the Act of Congress of the United i»taite^ entitled "An Act for the encouragement of Leammg, by securing ihe cPER SIDE SLEEVE. (See diagram marked H.) From 1 to 2, one 16th — from 1 to 3^ one fourth — from 3 to 4, one 32d — from 4 to 6, one half — from 6 to 5, one third — from 9 to 13, one third and one 12th — from 10 to 11, one eighth — from 10 to 1*2, one e^«Ji and one 24th — from 5 sweeps the top of the sleeve and gives the point in front for the under part of the sleeve ; the upper dotted line is raised to give more fullness over the shoulder, as the sleeves are cut very large and full. Under sleeve. From 2 to 8, one eighth— from 6 to 7, one 24th — from 7 and 8 gives one half of the scye. RULE II. In cutting the back of a coat for a round shouldered man who measures 5 inches in at the neck, proceed as follows: (See diagram G.) From 1 to 3, one third and one 64th — from 3 to 5, one third and one 64th — from 4 to 5, one eighth and one 64th. Cut the side seam a little straighter than is laid down in Rule first. If a man be very round on the shoul- ders so that he will measure 6 or 8 inches in at the neck, and his shoulders set well forward, then you cut the back rounding from figure one down the back a little below the scye-gorge. If his neck is very short and his shoulders set very much forward, then from 5 to 4, one eighth and one 24th — this will shor- ten the shoulder seam, and reduce the width of the shoulders. FORE PART. (See diagram F.) The distance being 5 inches as in Rule second, then from 3 to 4, one 12th and one 64th — from 5 to 6, one third and one 32d — from 2 to 18, one sixth and one 32d — from 21 to 10 add one 32d. If the distance be 6 or 8 inches as above, then from 2 to 18, one sixth and one 24th, and drop the scye in the same proportion. In hollowing out the neck, jou will take out a little more than is laid down in the first Rule. If he measure 3 1-2 inches at the back, then add from 12 to 13, one 32d more than prescribed by Rule first. If a man is as large round the waist as round the breast, and measures 1 inch in at the back, then from 20 to 12, one eighth ; this will bring the point of the side seam — from 1 to 21, one 3d, lacking one 32d ; taking the distance in from 20 to 12, one sixth, would give the proper spring ; from 12 to 16, one eighth ; in other respects proceed according to Rule first. RULE III. (Figure G.) If a man is very straight, his neck of an ordinary length, and his shoulders are set well back, then from 1 to 3, one third, lacking one 64th — from 3 to 5, one third, lacking one 64th. When you cut the back, hollow it a little between the shoulders. FORE PART. (See Figure F.) From 2 to 3, one third, lacking one 24th — from 3 to 4, one 12th, lacking one 64th — 10 from 3 to 5, one 32d — from 5 to 6, one third, lack- ing one 32d — from 2 to 18, one sixth, lacking, one 32d — from 10 to 11, one sixth and one 32d — from 9 to 19, one eighth and one 24th — from 1 to 21, one third and one 32d — from 1 to 10, one third and one eighth, lacking one 32d. Sweep the side seam with the length of the waist. In cutting the sleeve, take it off a little more than usual from the shoulder seam to the centre of the under part. In other respects pro- ceed according to the directions laid down in Rule first. VEST— ('See Diagram P.) Measure from the neck joint behind where the shoulders and neck are connected, across the shoul- ders down in front for the length, then round the breast and waist. If the measure round the breast be 32 inches, then 16 inches will be the breast mea- sure. This is divided in the same manner as the coat measure. Commence as follows : Draw your line on the front edge of the cloth, from 1 to 2 one twelfth from 2 to 3 one fourth from 2 to 4 one half — from 4 to 5 one eighth ; then draw the line from 5 to 3, from 3 to 6 one fourth, from 3 to 7 one eighth, from 3 to 12 one fourth, from 7 to 8 one half, from 11 to 9 one third, from 2 to 10 one third, from 10 to 11 one 24th; then lay on your measure at 7, taking off one eighth ; then proceed down to the length of the vest in front : from 3 to 13 gives the length of the back, adding half an inch. Sweep at 2 from the lower point in front, and this IJ will give you tJie length of the side seam at 17 and the distance it is necessary to slope it oveithe hips. If a man is large and corpulent, bring out the point at the bottom to the front line ; bring up the neck to 10, and in that proportion for other variations. BACK OF A VEST — (See Diagram L.) From 1 to 2 one eighth — from 1 to 3 one third — from 3 to 4 one eighth. SHORT NECKED VEST — (See Figure U.) From 2 to 10, one fourth ; at 2 from 3 to 10 sweeps the neck. TROWS r.RS. Measure as follows: From the hip bone to the crease of the thigh, from thence to the ankle bone; allow 3 inches at the top above the hip bone and 2 at the bottom ; this gives the length. Then mea- sure round the waist, the thigh, and knee ; the knee measure will give the wie tlu.ni a^'fer the pattern on the Rule-sheet. (See Diagram A I.) 12 FROCK COAT AND SURTOUTS. For a Frock coat, measure round the breast and waist under the coat — measure for a surtout over the coat: cut the back and body the same as dress coats except the neck, which should be cut rather shorter; the neck of a double breasted surtout coat to be swept the same as a military coat, adding one inch and a half to its length. (See Fig. O.) To get the proper hang of a frock or surtout coat, proceed as follows : (See Fig. M.) From the front edge of the coat to figure 1 go in one 12th from 5 to 6 one third and one eighth; then draw your line on the front edge of the cloth, where you take out your skirt ; take the length of the skirt ; then lay on your fore part above the skirt, so that the point at figure I and 2 on the body, and figure 1 on the skirt, are in a per- fect line ; then touch at figure 8 on the body as far as it is cut straight from 2 to 3 ; then draw the line from 1, 2, and 4 on the skirt, as it is repre- sented by the diagram A H : from I to 2, one half the distance across the top of the skirt: from 4 to 3, one eighth, lacking one 32d ; by making this raise from 3 to 4, the skirt will hang in an elegant drapery over the hips. To get the spring, you will let the point at 4 on the body, and the point at 3 on the skirt touch, and the pf)int at 2 on the body touch the line between 1 and 2 on the skirt: then draw your line from 6 to 4, and so down the length of the skirt: from 7 sweeps the bottom of tlie skirt. Jn cutting the skirt, lay y( ur moaspre on as in cutting a dress coat, (Fig F,) from 12 to 16, one eighth : then lay 13 on your square parallel with the line drawn from 1 to 7, 'See Figure JVl,) and if it brings the point in front above the square, or below it, then you will take off fr<»m or add to the skirt in front as much as it raises above or falls below the square ; this will give the proper spring in front. MILITARY COAT— (See Diagram N.) The back is cut like that of a dress coat, except the lower part, which is cut as represented on tne figure. THE FORE PART — (Figure O.) From 1 to 2 one 32d ; this sweeps the neck at the smnall circle : from 3 to 4 down tlie shoulder seam one third, sweeps the point in front at 5. GREAT COkT— (Figure X.) THE BACK. From 1 to 2 one sixth ; from 1 to 3 one third ; from 3 to 4 one 24th ; from 4 to 6 one third ; from 6 to 5 one eighth ; from 4 to 9 one sixth ; from 6 to 7 one 32d ; from 6 to 8 one third; from 9 to 8 gives the spring of the coat. If a man is large round the waist, or very small, you will bring in the dotted line from 7 to 8, or carry it out, as the case may require. THE FORE PART — (See Figure W.) Draw a line on the front edge of the cloth, and the top line as represented Irom 2 to 4. From 1 to 2 B 14 oije half; from 2 to 3 one third ; from 3 to 4 one 24th ; from 4 to 5 one eighth ; from 5 to G one third, lack- ing one 32d ; from 6 to 7 one 12th ; from 6 to 16 one third; from 5 to 10 orie sixth; from 10 to 1} one 32d ; from 12 to 13 one sixth; from 12 to 14 one eighth; from 1 to 15 one fourth; from 6 to 8 one third and one 24th ; from 8 to 9 one 24th. If a man is slim round the waist, bring in the dotted line at 16, and if large, carry it out farther. TO CUT THE CAPE — ( Stc Diagram Y.) Lay in the back of the coat from the edge of the cloth one 12th from 3 to 4 ; one r2th from 5 to 4 ; one eighth at 4 sweeps the bottom of capes : at 5 neck of coat ; at 6 neck of cape. This rule is sure to fit in ail cases. LADIES' HABITS AND PELISSES. In measuring a lady you will commence at the back of the neck, at the joint where the neck and shoulder are connected ; then down the back the length of the waist; from thence to the floor; then, from the place of beginning, measure across the shoulders to the centre of the breast ; from thence to the bottom of the breast ; from thence to the length of the body of the habit below the breast ; then down to the floor ; then round the waist and breast. The waist measure is divided the same as that of the coat, and the garment laid out by it instead of the breast measure. 15 In cutting the back, (See Diagram A C) from I to 2 one eighth ; from 1 to 3 one half; from 3 to 4 one half lacking one 24th ; from 4 to 5 one eighth ; from 6 to 7 one eighth. FORE PART — (Figure A B.) From 1 to 2 one sixth and one 32d ; from 1 to 3 one half; from 3 to 4 one fourth lacking one 32d ; from 4 to 5 one eighth ; from 5 to 6 one eighth ; from 4 to 8 one fourth ; at 8 you place the seam of the sleeve ; at 5 sweeps the bottom of the scye ; from 2 to 7 one eighth ; from 1 to 9 the waist measure ; from 9 to 16 do. ; from 16 to 26 do. ; from 1 to 26 do. ; from 9 to 10 one 32d — this point sweeps the neck ; from 9 to 11 one fourth; from 11 to 12 one I2th; from 10 to 13 one fourth ; from 15 to 14 one 24th ; from 16 to 17 one third; from 17 to 18 one 24th; from 19 to 17 one 24th : from 17 to 20 one sixth. 23, 21. and 24, are swept from 12- by the length of the measure that is taken at the centre and bottom of the breast, and the length of the body by taking off the width of the back. The sleeve is represent- ed by figure AD: A F and A E, the skirts of a ri- ding habit : A G, the collar. This rule is for a lady measuring 8 inches more round the breast than the waist. If the measure round the breast be greater or less than the above, then you take out more or less between IS and 19, as the case may be. The breast measure is used to get the distance across the breast, which is at 14 — therefore from 15 to 14 it will vary according to the size of the breast. REPORT. DRESS COATS. Colours agreeable to taste. Velvet Collars, short and broad ; the fall-down to lay quite flat on the stand- up, and to come to the seam — the collar pattern marked E on the Sheet of Rules. The lapelles ve- ry long; the shape is represented on Sheet of Rules by A ; they are made very long, and to turn nearly to the bottom. Six buttons at front, and six holes in lapelles ; buttons, fine wove to match, except blue, which are plain gilt. The skirts Ions: and broad, and to hang full at bottom ; side edges in the pleats ; cross flaps rather broad, as represented by B. Sleeves cut full upwards, and small from elbow to wrist, and gathered on the shoulders, so as to raise without wad- ding. Depth of cuff", 2 J^-4 inches when made up ; a short opening is left above the cuff*; one button on the cuff*, and one on the sleeve ; the corner of the cuff* cut off* diagonally as represented by figure I. The breast is not cut very full ; stout canvass to be put to the forepart ; the side seams are cut much on the curve, so as to give a narrow appearance at the small of the waist, and to spring a little at the bottom of the waist; the lapelles are cut to correspond in length with that of the waist behind ; the hip buttons B3 18 are placed a distance of 1-4 of the breast measure apart — raw edges. WAISTCOATS. Made with step collars ; represented on Rule Sheet by J ; collar represented by K ; bound by narrow galloon to match ; seven buttons in front ; made ve- ry long, and come to a point in front, and slope over the hips. Covered buttons generally used of the same cloth. PANTALOONS. Cut to fit tight from the knee to the ancle, and full in the thigh, with 3 buttons at bottom; the fall-down is cut diagonally ; width at top — 2 inches from the seam, three and three fourth inches at bottom ; nar- row welt, as repiesented on Figure 2. TROUSERS. Cut to reach the ancle bone ; large in the thigh ; generally full; pleated in front ; cut as represented by Rule Sheet. FROCK COATS. Most fashionable colours, green and olive, or light blue ; made single breasted, as represented in figures 7 and 8 ; collar, black velvet, with small step of 1-2 inch ; the fall-down quite flat to the stand-up. Col- 19 lar pattern represented by C. Length of neck, 1-2 inch less than that of dress coats ; breast cut to fit close to the neck, and moderately easy at the fidl at the breast, with seven buttons in front. The sleeves and cuffs in all respects like those of dress coats; width of the back, and length of back-scye, and of the waist, are also same as dress coats ; skirts, two inches longer than dress coats, and very full, falhng in an elegant drapery over the hips. They have side fla|»s in the skirts behind, about 8 inches in length, and with a point at bottom, as shewn in figure 7; four buttons behind — two at top and two at bottom ; no cross flaps ; skirts lined with silk to match. DOUBLE BREASTED SURTOUT COATS. Colour, steel mixed, olive, and drab, of various shades, with cross flaps and pockets under ; cut as rep- resented on Fig. 6 and 10; collars shorter than the frock coats, but in all other respects similar to them ; collar represented by letter D ; lapelle for do. by let- ter P, and flap by Q. SINGLE BREASTED SURTOUTS. As represented by figure 5, without flaps, with 7 buttons in front, very short neck, collar very broad, and to go close to the neck. Collar pattern repre- sented by letter D — -made in other respects the same as dress coats. 20 GREAT COATS. Cut as represented by W and X. Three capes, stand-up collar, 7 buttons in front, strap behind un- der the cape, with side flaps. RIDING DRESS. Coats. Colours, olive, brown, steel mixed, green, and olive; made as represented in figure 11. They button down the front to the waist ; 7 buttons in front of plain gilt or steel ; collar same as dress coat ; skirts 3 inches shorter than those of dress coats ; width of skirts at bottom, one third and one sixth of breast ; cross flaps, with pockets under. Width of back, length of neck, and of the back-scye, the same as dress coats. SHOOTING FROCKS. Made of drab Barragan. They have cross flaps at waist about 9 inches long and 3 1-2 inches in depth, large pockets under, and, at the breast, cross flaps 2 1-4 inches deep, cut diagonally, with pockets un- der — the collar represented by letter C. The skirts two inches longer than those of the Riding Coat ; edges to meet in front ; made very full in the skirts ; 8 buttons in front, usually of pearl, of about 1 1-2 inches diameter. Width of back, length of neck, waist, and back scye, the same as Dress Coat — rep- resented on figure 12. 21 SHOOTING BREECHES. They are made very full in the thigh, aud tight at the knee, with four buttons plain convex gilt ; leather strings. They are worn rather short at the knees, the gaiters coming high up ; they are of light drab, white or buff Manchester cord ; long gaiters — these are universally of tan-leather. YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S DRESS. Jackets — single breasted ; three rows of buttons, plain gilt ; round cuff, hollowed at bottom, to come to a point in front and behind ; buttons placed about one inch apart. Trowsers — quite plain about the waist, anel loose all the way down to the bottom. See figure 9. CHILDREN'S DRESS. Spanish dresses are much worn as a first dress ; they are made as follows : — the body is cut separate from the frock or skirt, to fit similar to a skeleton jacket, the sleeves cut shapely to the arm, full on the top, short back scye, narrow at top of back and bot- tom of waist, the waist is made moderately long, the width of the back, across the shoulders, half an inch more than one third of the breast ; the length of back scye and width at top and bottom of the back, one twelfth of the bigness of breast ; it is cut wide on the shoulders, the neck close up to the gorge, with a lit- tle stand-up collar cut hollowed at the sewing-on 23 part, to admit of the top collar standing" off from tlie neck; the collar is completely hid by the frill or shirt collar, wMch is made to fall on the shoulders ; 3 rows of silk net ball buttons. The jacket is cut longer than the length of Avaist to admit of the trousers but- toning round the jacket, about three inches lower than where the length of waist shapes to ; the trou- sers rather easy from the top of thiffh to the bottom, plain at top; they are closed up the fall-down seam, except the necessary opening at the crutch ; the seat seam is left open from the top about six inches down, to give sufficient ease to admit of the letting down of the trousers ; the frock or skirt part is made entirely separate from the jacket, and is merely a straight piece of cloth, cut round to the top, to give sufficient fulness on the hips and nouild the bottom of skirt ; it is made sufficiently wide to admit of its being fulled or gathered behind, within the space at the waist from side-seam to side-seam ; the edges of the skirt meet at front at the waist, and open a Uttle at the bot- tom ; the top of the skirt is seamed to the belt, which is about 1 1-2 inch wide, and to buckle at front. The colour is blue, of a light shade ; the top edge of the belt is sometimes stitched to the body of the jacket. within 2 inches of the front edge* SKELETON DRESSES. Jackets — made with three rows of buttons, small plain gilt balls; narrow stand-up collar to run round at front. Trousers to button on the jacket ; colour mostly worn, blue, of light shade. m LADIES' PELISSES. The fashionable make of Pelisses is as shown oil fi^iiire 4. The most fashionable colours are the Ma* roon and Green. They are made as follows: the waist very Ion«^ ; the front of the bo