EADY,rA TTTRILLIKG ITEM — Farce, .? males, 1 female. '.e -I SEEING COSTING — Farce, S males. e;;.']i. I A Al; - T-AG -Oo^ ?— For-r, : ,.■,„■<.,, Ifcmnlc. AMES' SERIES OF ;andard and minor drama, NO. 140. HOW HE POPPED THE aUESTION. I o s ft WITH CAST OR CHARAOTRRS, KXTRANCFS, ANT) EXITS, RELATIVE POSITIONS OP THE PERFORMERS ON THE STAGE, DESCRIPTION OP COS- TUilES, AND THE WHOLE OP THE STAGE BUSINESS, CAREFULLY MARKED PROM THE MOST APPROVED ACT- ING COPY. PRICE 15 CENTS. CLYDE, OHIO: A. D. AMES, PUBLISHER.^ OT I? (WTALOGUE riu:i: 1(> AXV OlSTE. AMES' SERIES OF ACTING PLAYS. PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS EACH-CATALOGUES FREE. NO. 12 30 2 75 80 39 78 15 65 31 21 43 123 73 20 12o 100 89 8 08 113 86 14 22 84 49 72 19 42 60 27 13 117 50 24 m 116 52 17 103 76 74 35 26 47 95 77 11 99 82 9 3 101 106 46 91 v. r. A Capital Match, farce, 1 act, by J. M. Morton 3 2 A Day Well Spoit, farce, 1 act, by John Oxenford 7 5 A Desperate Game, comic drama, 1 act, by Morton 3 2 Adrift, temperance drama, 3 acts, by O. W. Babcock, M. D 6 4 Alarmingly Suspicious, comedietta, 1 act, J. P. Simpson 4 3 A Life's Keveuge, drama, 3 acts, by W. E. Suter 7 5 An Awful Criminal, furce. 1 act, by J. Palgrave Simpson 3 3 An Unhappy Pair, ethiopian farce, 1 act, by G. W. H. Griffin 1 1 An Unwelcome Keturn, com. inti'd, 1 act, by George A. Munson 3 1 A Pet of the Public, farce, 1 act, by Edward Sterling 4 2 A Romantic Attachment, comedietta, 1 act, by Arthur Wood 3 3 Arrah DeBaugh, drama, 5 acts, by P. C. Kiiinamau 7 5 A 'J'hrilling Item, farce, 1 act, by Newton Chisnel 3 1 At Last, temperance drama, 3 acts, by G. C. Vautrot 7 1 A Ticket of Leave, farce, 1 act. by Watts Phillips 3 2 Auld Robin Gray, enio. drama, 5 acts, Malcolm Stuart Taylor, 25 cents 13 3 Aurora Floyd, d'rama, 2 acts, by W. E. Suter 7 3 Beautv of Lyons, dom. drama, 3 acts, by W. T. Moncrieff 11 2 Bctti i^IIalf, comedietta, 1 act, by T. J. Williams 5 2 Black Statue, ethiopean farce, 1 act, by ('. White 3 2 Bill Detrick, melodrama, 3 acts, by A. Newton Field 6 4 Black vs. White, farce, 1 act, by George S. Vautrot 4 2 Brigands of Calabria, rom. drama, 1 act, W. E. Suter 6 1 Captain Smith, farce, 1 act, by E. Berrie 8 3 Cheek will Win, farce, 1 act, by W. E. Suter 3 Der two Surprises, Dutch farce, 1 act, by M. A. D. Clifton 1 1 Deuce is in Him, farce. 1 act, by R. J. Raymond 5 1 Did 1 Dream it ? farce, 1 act, by J. P. Wooler 4 ^ Domestic Felicity, farce, 1 act, by llattie L. Lambla 1 1 Driven to the Wall, play, 4 acts, by A. D. Ames 10 3 Fetter Lane to Gravesend, ethiopean farce 2 Give me my Wife, farce, 1 act, by W. E. Suter 3 3 Hal Hazard, military drama, 4 acts, by Fred. G. Andrews 8 3 How She Has Her Own Way, sketch m 1 act, by Ida M. Buxton 1 3 Handy Andy, ethiopean farce, 1 act 2 Hans, the Dutch J. P., Dutch farce, 1 act, by F. L. Cutler 3 1 Hash, farce, 1 act. by W. Henri Wilkins 4 2 Henry Granden, drama, 3 acts, by Frank L. Bingham 11 8 Hints on Elocution and how to Ijecome an Actor How Sister P. got Ciiild Baptized, ethiopean farce, 1 act 2 1 How He Did It, comic dra)na, 1 act, by John Parry 3 2 How to Tame Your Mother-in-law, farce, 1 act, by H. J. Byron 4 2 How Stout You're Ge ting, farce, 1 act, by J. M. Morton 5 2 Hunter of the Alps, drama, 1 act, by Wm. Dimond 9 4 Hi t!ie Wrong Box, ethiopian farce, 1 act, by M. A. D. Clifton 3 ]n the Wrmg Clothes, farce, 1 act 5 3 Joe's Visit, Ethiopian farce, 1 act. by A. Leavitt and H. Eagan 2 1 John Smith, farce, 1 act, by W. Hancock 5 3 Jumbo Jum, farce, 1 act 4 3 Killing Time, farce, 1 act -z 1 1 Lady x\udloy"s Secret, drama, 2 acts, by W. E. Suter ,... 6 4 Lady of Lyons, drama, 5 acts, by Bulwer IJ 5 Lost, temjjerance drama, 3 acts, by F. L. Cutler • 6 2 Lodgings for Two, comic sketch, I act, by F. L. Cutler 3 Man and Wife, drama, 5 acts, by 11. A. Webber 12 7 Michael Erie, diam;i, 2 acts, by Egerton Wiiks 8 3 Miller of Derwent Water, drama, a acts, by E. Fitzball 5 2 Mischievous Nigtrer, Ethiopian farce, 1 act, by C. White 4 2 Mistletoe Bough.'melodrama, 2 acts, by C. Somerset 7 3 g^f" Catalogue continued on next page of cover. _£fS k HOW HE POPPED THE QUESTION. AN ORIGINAL SKETCH, m ONE SCE]^E, BY IDA M, BUXTOK, — AUTHOR OF — Eovo She Has Her Own Way; The Census Taker; A Seioing Circle of the Period; Matrimonial Bliss; Tit for Tat; Our Awful Aunt; Why they Joined the Hebeccas; etc. Entered according to act of Congress m the year ISS4, by A. D. AMES, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington* IflA' •% CLYDE, OHIO, %- A. D. AMES, PUBLISHER, HOW HE POPPED THE QUESTION. CHARACTERS REPRESENTED. Keziah Ann, Nathan Appleby, TIME — THE P BE SENT, SCENE— A KITCHEN OB PLAIN BOOM. TIME IN BEPBESENT ATI ON— TWENTY MINUTES, TMP92-008775 How He Popped the Question. SCENE. — Eitehen in a farm house. Keziah Ann seated at the taht - mending a frock, Keziah. [lodking at the cloek) Dear me, I should ttiink 'twat 'bout time IN'athan Appleby come along ef he's ever goin' to; ] never see sech a feller in my life, he dassent say boo to a rag-baby; now he's a good kind-heai'ted man an' I kinder like him, but ef h< had a leeclle more spunk he'd get on better in the world; a kind heart and good habits is worth a great deal, I kaow, but they nev- er win make very much of a mark unless there is a little gumption to back 'em up ; now Nathan's smart in his way, he kin drive a bargain fust rate, but he ain't wor