S 534 .P4 R4 Copy 1 UTLlNfi^OF AGRICULTURE OUTLINE Qfyt Oftementarp Jkfjoolsi of Pmnsiptoama PREPARED BY The Department of Public Instruction 1912. HARRISBURG: O. E. AUGHINBAUGH. PBINTEK TO THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 1912. OUTLINE OF AGRICULTURE FOR Cfje OSlemmtarp ^cfjoote of Pennsptoama PREPARED BY The Department of Public Instruction 1912. HARR1SBURG: C. E. AUGHINBAUGH. PRINTER TO THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA 1912. DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. Superintendent of Public Instruction. NATHAN C. SCHAEFFER. Deputy Superintendents. A. I). GLENN and REED B. TE1TRICK. High school Inspectors. C. D. Koch, Thomas S. March, W. M. Denison. James G. Pentz. Expei t Assistants. L. H. Dennis, Agricultural Education, Millard B. King, Industrial Education. Miss Rose M. Fetterolf, Drawing. Other Officers of the Department. R. M. McNeal, Financial Clerk, U. G. Fry, Statistical Clerk. H. H. Flelsher, Recording Clerk. J. 0. Knauss, Messenger. Stenographers and Typewriters. Miss Mary Y. McReynolds. Miss Edith L. Breitinger, Miss Ethel K. Baldwin. Mrs Laura A. Yon. Bureau of Professional Education. John Loman, Examiner. A. Davis Jackson, Examiner and School Visitor. 0. C. Johnson, Examiner and School Visitor. Miss Emma S. Longacre. Stenographer. 0. Pf ELEMENTARY AGRICULTURE. Seventh and Eighth Grades. "At the head of all sciences and arts, at the head of civilization and progress, stands — u < > 1 militarism, the science that kills, not com- merce, the art that accumulates wealth — bul agriculture, the mother of all industry, and the maintainer of human life" — Garfield. ••The service science lias rendered in recenl years in many lines has convinced thinking men that a man must know something about soils and fertilizers if he is to get the best crops the, soil is capable of growing: that he must know something about breeding and select- ing plants if lie is to have the plants best suited to his soil; that he must know something about the diseases ami insects that prey upon his plants if he is to make an effective fight against them; that he must know something of the composition of feeds on the principles of nutrition, if he is to secure the best results in the production of beef, pork, dairy products, or animal power, for his feeds; that he must know something of the laws of heredity before, he can improve his herds to the best advantage; that he must know something about the proper care of the human body and the disease that prevents efficient work; that he must have the stimulant of high ideals.'' — W. TJ. Dodson. The public schools can do much to create in the coming generation the desire to know more about the. fundamental principles underlying agricultural practices. Willi the desire created, the attitude of the people a receptive one, the information can be readily imparted, and much is already ai hand. Moreover, it is through the public schools that the masses of the people, can be reached. The purpose of the following outline in agriculture is to give help to the teacher. It is not to be expected that every school in the State will do all the work that is here outlined, while there are many schools that will carry out more exercises than are here sjiven. The conditions are so different in the various parts of the State that a course in agriculture must be more or less flexible. In sections of the State where tobacco is grown, more emphasis should be placed upon this subject than in sections where it is not grown. The same applies to dairying. In the mining and other industrial sections much more attention should be given to vegetable gardening, and to the sanitation of the home, and the improvement of the school and home grounds. Right here is a wonderful opportunity for Ihe schools in these districts. The course as outlined provides for two years' work, and it is ar- ranged so far as possible according to the sequence of seasons. It is designed for the seventh and eighth grades. In the rural schools (1) these two grades should be combined in one class, saving the time of the teacher, and giving more inspiration by making the class a little larger. The class in Agriculture should recite three limes a week, Mon- days, Wednesdays ami Fridays being the best arrangement. Some of these periods should lie taken up with the exercises and experi- ments, while at other times a portion of the noon hour should lie utilized for this very pleasant work. A -ddd text book should be in the hands of each pupil in the class, while the teacher should have several agricultural books on his desk. (See list of books al the end of outline.) There should be several farm papers and magazines in the school for the use. of the teacher ami pupils. Some of the publishers of agricultural papers are glad to have one of the pupils in the school act as agent in securing sub- scriptions and will give the school a free copy. Work this up and you will be doing your community a service. Do not confine yourself to the text book. It is necessary for good work, yet there must be actual observations and operations to supple- ment if. It is not always best to follow the order of subjects as given in the texts. Perhaps this outline will help you in this respect. Aim to get something definite accomplished each year. This sub- ject gives an excellent opportunity to bring school and home closer together. By means of your study of corn and the corn club, in- crease the yield per acre iii your locality. In your study of apples, use one or two new varieties that are suiied to the region. (let something definite done each year- towards the improvement of the school house and yard. (let as many pupils as you can to do al least one thing each year to make their homes more attractive. •lust think what this will accomplish in a very few years if carried out consistently by every teacher. Now do your part. You will never regret it, for il will pay you good returns. Make the corn club a success from the start. Other clubs can be stalled later, but focus all your energy on the corn club for the boys and a sewing club for the gilds. Other schools are doing it. Do not let your school fall behind. Read over the outline, make a list of the bulletins mentioned in the references, and send for them all at the. beginning of the year. Be sure to secure the set of "economic seeds." Save all of the work done by the class and have a school exhibit at the time of the corn show or at some other suitable time. Be sure to get pupils into the habit of making careful records of all observations and experiments made. The Expert Assistant of Agricultural Education of the Department of Public Instruction at Harrisburg, Pa., will be glad to help you in any way possible. Keep in touch with the School of Agriculture of the Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa., and make use of every good agricul- turist lhat comes vour wav. bv having- him give a lalk to vour school. OUTLINE FOR 1912-1913. THE XATI Ki; BAC< '< ». Study of plant, value and use, soil, clin planting, transplanting, cultivation, flower bud, suckers, harvesting, curing, sorting, grading. Suggestive Exercises: 1. Take class into tobacco field and see growing crop. Note soil, culture, etc. tain what fertilizer was used. Compare this field with one belonging to another farmer, noting the above points. References. ■ i ultural texts — See appended list. The culture of tobacco — Farmers' Bulletin No. S2. Tobacco soils Farmers' Bulletin No I ini Iples and practical methods of i o — Fanners' Bulletin No. POTATOES. Soil, propagation, selection of seed, culture, standard varieties for local community, fertilizers, fungou and insect enemies with methods of conti ol. :ices. The Potato — Fra Potato — Fan '. I4!i, 244, Agriculture, Washington, D. C. SOILS Origin, kinds, size of particles, glacial, humus, moisture and air of the soil, purpose and effect of cultivation, moisture retaining capacities of the various soils, effect of humus and lime, soil capillarity, drainage, irrigation, tillage im- plements, use of roller, surface soil, sub -oil. Suggestive Exercises: 1. Collect samples of various soils and place in jars or bottles. Make a study of them. 2. Carefully break the bottom out of four bottles. Invert them and tie cloth over the mouth of each. Fill them with sand, loam, clay, and leaf mould re- ively. Under ea< h place a glass. Into the top of each pour equal amounts of water (about halt a glass). Notice which soil loses the most water and the most rapidly. References. Agricultural texts— See appended list. Management of soil to conserve moisture — Farmers' Bulletin No. 226. Soils, S. W. Fletcher— See appended list. Soils, Burkett, — See appended list. The management of heavy clay soils — Faimers' Bulletin No. 202. The. improvement of sandy soil:; --Farmers' Bulletin No. 204. PLANT F(J( )D. How plants feed, source of plant food, air, moi elements, farm manures, care and handling 'of manure, commercial fertilizers, how to pur- chase, bow to mix. when and how to add fertilizers to the soil, use of lime, legumes as source of nitrogen. Suggestive Exercises: 1. Secure samples of fertilizers to show to (he class. 2. Bring some fertilizer sacks to the class and have pupils read the labels on them. Explain same. Agricultural texts — See appended list. Commercial fertilizer No. 44. f Farmers' Bulletins l". S. Barnyard Manure No. L92. - Dept of Agriculture Home mixing o! fertilizers No. 222-225. \ Washington, D. C. CROP ROTATION. Need of ratation, soil depletion, restoring fertility, advantages of rotation, systems of rotation, fungous diseases and inse< t pests in relation to rotation, use of legumes in rotation system. Suggestive Exercises: 1. Point out the rotation in the fields near the school house. 2. Have pupils note the rotation of at least two fields on the home farm and bring report of same to class.. Have them report the rotations in use at home with the reasons for sai < Reference. Agricultural texts — See appended list. CO-OPERATION. Principle of co-operation, what it means to the farmer. Farmers' Clubs, the Grange, the individuals duty to the community, to the school, to the church. Suggestive Exercises: 1. Have pupils arrange a public program consisting largely of Agricultural topics, this program to be given before the local farmers' club or grange, or in co-operation with them. lit IADS. Essentials of a good road, good foundation, rounded surface, ditches, good! drainage, use of split-log drag. Suggest ive Exercises: l.Have one of the older boys make a split-log drag. Get the older boys to agree to drag the road for a quarter mile on either side of the school house during the entire session. References. Fundamentals of agriculture — Halligan. Good roads for farmers — Bulletin 95. ) Earth Roads — Bulletin 136. '. Farmers' Bulletins Dept. The use of split log-drag on earth ( of Agriculture. Washing- roads Bulletin 321. 1 ton, D. C. CHESTNUT BLIGHT. History and distribution, economic importance, appearance, and effect on tree, method of infection, means of spreading, how controlled, The Chestnut Blight Commission in Penna. Suggestive exercise: 1. If there are chestnut trees in your locality, examine them for the chestnut bark disease. Let the school be the center of information in regard to the presence or spread of the disease in your locality. References. The control of the Chestnut Bark Disease — Farmers' Bulletin Xo. 467, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. For recent information, write to S. B. Detweiler of the Chestnut Blight Commission, 1112 Morris Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. APPLES. Chief varieties adapted to the locality, propagation by grafting and budding, top grafting, soil, drainage, exposure, distance to plant, pinning, cultivation, interplanting, intercropping cover crops, picking, boxing and barreling, storing marketing, fungous diseases, insect enemies, spraying. Suggestive Exercises: 1. With class visit an orchard. Point out correct and incorrect methods of pruning. Have members of class cut off a few limbs in correct manner. Look for scale insects and coddling moth cocoons. 2. Have members of class top graft, first on models in class and then on some tree near the school house. Finally get each pupil to top graft some good variety on at least one of the tiers at his home. 3. Send to some good nursery firm and buy enough seedlings so that each one in the class will have, at least six. Secure good cions from a tree of a good variety growing in the neighborhood, or, better yet, send to the nursery firm for cions of a variety that is adapted to the locality. Two or three varieties might be used instead of one. The purpose of this exercise is to teach the propagation of the apple and also to start some new trees in the locality. Have pupils root graft the trees carefully using the waxed string (This can be pur- chased also I. Then have each pupil take his tree home and plant it. being careful not to let the roots dry out. Keep a record of the number of these trees that grow. 4. Take class into an orchard where some farmer is spraying, or get the farmer to bring his spraying machine to the school house for a demonstration. References. Agricultural texts — See appended list. The Apple and How to Grow it. — Farmers' Bulletin No. 113, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, I). ('. The Apple in Pennsylvania — The Penna. State College Agricultural Experiment Station. OTHER TREE FRUITS. Same as for apples. SMALL FRUITS. Chief varieties only, method of propagation, soil preparation, culture, harvesting and marketing. TREES. Study common trees of the locality, leaves, hark, winter buds, seeds, wood structure, annular rings, windbreaks, care of farm woodlot, fungous growth on trees, proper methods of planting and pruning, value on school grounds and home grounds, use- Suggestive Exercises: 1. Take class out to the trees. Study them out of doors. Notice character, istic shape, method of branching, bark, leaves, and buds. The power of observa- tion will be improved if pupils draw the various parts noted. 2. Make collection of leaves and cross-sections of wood and bark. 3. Plant at least one tree on the school grounds every Arbor Day. In addition to this do something every year to mi. ike the school grounds more attractive. References. Agricultural texts — See appended list Primer of Forestry part I — Farmers' Bulletin No. 173, U. S. Dept of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Arbor Day Manual — Dept. of Public Instruction, Harrisburg, Pa. SCHOOL AND FARM HOME. Attractive buildings, inside and outside, look up school law in regard to floor space, air space, lighting, heating and ventilating, lawn, shrubbery. How his, trees, sanitary and inconspicuous out houses concealed by shrubs and trees, playgrounds, home a place of beauty, lawn shrubuery, flowers, no rubbish around, drainage, insect breeding places, sanitation. Suggestive Exei < ises: 1. Each year do something to make the school house and school yard more attractive. The pupils will gladly help. Be determined to make the place so attractive that the community will take especial pride in it. You can ac- complish wonders in the space of two or three years, a little each year. 2. Each Arbor Day plant a few trees and shrubs. Have an Arbor Day pro- gram. 3. Try to have eai h pupil do something at home on each Arbor Day that will make the home grounds more attractive. References. Agricultural texts — See appended list. Beautifying the Home Grounds — Farmers' Bulletin No. IS5, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Washington, D. C. Planning and Adorning the Homestead — Iowa State College Agricultural Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Arbor Day Manual — Dept. of Public Instruction, Harrisburg, Pa. BOYS' AND GIRLS' CLCBS.— CONTESTS. Corn club for boys, Potato flub, cooking and sewing club for girls. The underlying principle ba< k of these clubs is to have the boys and girls do all the work themselves. In all experiments or contests complete records of what has been done should be a part of the requirements. Suggestive Exercises 1. Hold fruit and vegetable show in the fall. Combine with this the work done by the girls. 2. Hold a corn show. This may be combined with the other show. :j. Do not give cash prizes. Local winners should compete in a county contest. Winners in county contest should compete in a state contest held at State College. 4. Have annual exhibit of cooking, canning and sewing done by the girls. Combine this with the corn show of the boys and make a neighborhood affair of it. Reference. Boys' and Girls. Agricultural Clubs — Farmers' Bulletin No. 385. U. S. Dept. of AgricultiM e OUTLINE FOR 1913-1914. BIRDS. A study of the common species of the locality, life history, habitat, food, why beneficial to the farmer, learn to know a few every year, by song, sight or flight. Suggestive Exercises: 1. For a noon or afternoon walk go to some nearby trees or grove and closely observe some birds. Make it a point to learn to know a few birds well, and then increase the number. 2. Keep a bird chart, showing birds of the locality, time of migration, of those who leave, and date first seen in spring. References. Nature Study — Hodge. Some common birds — Farmers' Bulletin No. ",4, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture THE HOUSE FLY AND MOSQUITOES. Study of fly itself, lite history, breeding places, as a carrier of disease, need of protection from them, how to get rid of them. Study of the mosquito, life history, bleeding places, carrier of disease, need of protection from them, how to get rid of them, Havana, Cuba and the Panama Canal Zone as examples of what can be done. Suggestive Exercises: 1. Study fly anil mosquito under hand lens if possible. 2. Join the "fly-swatters" in the spring. References. Agricultural texts — See appended list. The House Fly — Farmers' Bulletin No. How Inserts affect Rural Health — Farmers' Bulletin No. 155 ,U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. BEES. The bee a social insect, division of work, food, cross pollination, swarming, honey, beeswax, care of bees. Suggestive Exercises: 1. Observe bees gathering honey and pollen. 2. Visit an apiary on a sunshiny day. References. How to keep Bees — Comstock. ABC and X Y Z of Bee Culture. Beekeeping — Farmers' Bulletin No. 59. U. S. Dept of Agriculture. Bees — Farmers' Bulletin No. 447, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. CORN. Same as for 1912-1913. Two or three new varieties submitted by the State College or by the Department of Agriculture at Washington. D. C. might be tried out the coming spring. WEEDS. How to kill them, recognition of at least ten of the most common weeds in the locality. Suggestive Exercises; 1. After studying weeds take a walk through the fields and point out at least, ten common weeds. Trace them up in botany manual. 2. Make a collection of weed and crop seeds in small bottles properly labelled. ". Secure a school set of Economic seeds. These may be obtained at a nominal expense by writing to the Reed Laboratory, United States Dept. of Agriculture. Washington. D. C. Refereni es. Agricultural texts — See appended list. Weeds and How to Kill Them — Farmers' Bulletin No. 2?. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. SWINE Lard type, bacon type, characteristics of breeds of each type, profit in hog raising, butchering, packing houses, by-products. Suggestive Exercises. 1. Make a list of the various breeds in the locality. 2. Compute the profit in raising a hog. ?,. Have members of class attend a hog butchering and write compositions describing what they saw. References. Agricultural texts — See appended list. Types and Breeds of Farm Animals — Plumb. DAIRYING. Chief breeds of dairy cows, characteristics, care of tic cow. composition of in ill., testing of milk cream, the separator, butter, value of cleanliness, bacteria, care of mill;, butter, cheese. ;estive Exercises: 1. Have pupils make a list of all cows in the locality and note ho« many of each breed. 2. Have each pupil figure out the cost of keeping cine of the rows at home. Also estimate the revenue derived from that same cow*, and see whether it pays to keep her. ?,. Have each pupil describe how the milk and butter are handled at home. Emphasize the necessity for cleanliness. 4. If possible, get a Babeock tester and have pupils test the milk of the cows in the community. "i ees. Agricultural texts — See appended list. The care of Milk and its Use in the Home — Farmers' Bulletin No. 413, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. The Babcock Test and How to Use it — The University of Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, Madison, Wis. CATTLE. Types ami breeds with ehii I characteristics of each, use of score card, names of various parts of the body, different cuts of meat, rare, feed, housing. Suggestive Exercises: ave pupils make a list of the various breeds in the neighborhood. 2. Have pupils figure out cost of keeping and feeding a steer, and the profit derived therefrom. References. Agricultural texts — See appended list. Types and Breeds of Farm Animals — Plumb. Essentials of Beef Production — Farmers' Bulletin No. 71, U. S. '■■■■• Agriculture. FEEDS AND FEE1 Purpose of feeding, classes of feeds, various feeds, natural feed food, balanced ration. Suggestive Exercises: 1. Bring some ensila and make a study of it. 2. Secure some samples of commercial feeds and explain anal;. References. Agricultural texts — See appended list. Is and Feeding — Henry. TUBERCULOSIS IN CATTLE. Nature and history of disease, its importance, symptoms the tuberculin test, suppression of the disease, sanitation. Suggestive Exercises: 1. Have pupils examine cattle at home for symptoms of the d often present where it is not known. Reference. Tuberculosis — Farmers' Bulletin No. 473, U. S. Dept of Agriculture. SHEEP. History, types and breeds with characteristics, care, feed, disease. Suggestive Exercises: 1. Have class make a list of the number and breeds of sheep in the lo< ality. Referen Agricultural texts — See appended list. Types and Breeds of Farm Animals — Plumb. HORSES. Types of horses, breeds, names of various parts of body, care, how to tell age. feed', important diseases and their remedies, care of harness. Suggestive Exercises: 1. Have pupils determine the age of the horses at home. 2. Have one of the pupils bring a horse to the school so that the various parts of the body may be located. Point out the strong points and the weak points. Determine the age of the hoi References. Agricultural texts — See appended list. Types and Breeds of Farm Animals — Plumb. POULTRY Different types, housing, feed, incubators, brooders, cost of keeping flock, revenue from same. ises: L. Have pupils bring one each of the different breeds in the locality. Have slat led box ready for them. They can be studied and compared in this box. Show why one is a better meat breed than another, and why one is a general purpose breed. ve pupils figure up the cost of keeping the home flock, and the derived. Does every chicken in the Rock pay for its keep? References. Agricultural texts — See append..] list. Bulletin 107, Pa. State College. School of Agriculture. Poultry Raising on the Farm — Farmers' Bulletin No. 141, V. S Dept. of Agriculture. 10 FARM .MANAGEMENT. Planning farms, proper location of various buildings, arrangement of fields, rotation of crops, housing and care oi livestock, fences, influence of market, climate and soil, farm accounts, marketing, care of machinery, co-operation. Suggestive Exercises. 1. Have each pupil make a plan of the home farm. Keep it for your next school exhibit. 2. Have pupils relate instances showing how it has paid their fathers to co-operate with his neighbors. References. Agricultural texts — See appended list. FARM MACHINERY. Care of tools and machinery, mai nines for various crops, parts of the machines, oiling, shelter. Suggestive Exercises: 1. Secure catalogs of two or three good implement firms (free). them in class. References. Agricultural texts — See appended list. FARM BOOK-KEEPING. Value, simple methods for keeping records of expenditures and receipts, record of expense and income of a cow, poultry, etc. Suggestive Exercises: 1. Have each pupil keep a record of cost of keeping one cow at home and the receipts derived from same. This exercise is the most valuable if the d of two cows are kept, one being ol the best co«s in the herd and the other one of the pen 2. Estimate the cost of producing a crop fiom one of the fields, getting the facts from the owner of the field. Figure out the profit. Each pupil can take one ol the crops of his own home farm. References. Agricultural texts — See appended list. Correspondence Course, School of Agriculture, Pa., State College. CO-OPERATION. Same as 1912-1913. Same as 1912-1913. Same as 1912-1913. SCHOOL AND FARM HOME. BUYS' AND GIRLS' CLUBS. Same as 1912-1913. TEXTS SUITABLE FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Beginnings iu Agriculture — Mann — Macniillan Oo. Agriculture for Beginners — Burkett, Stevens & Hill — Ginn & Co. Productive Farming — K. C. Davis — Lippincotl Co. Agriculture for Young Folks— Wilson & Wilson — Webb Publishing Co. ' First Principles of Agriculture— Goff & Mayne — American Book Co. Au Introduction to Agriculture 1 pham — Appleton .V Co. Agriculture for Common Schools — Fisher & Cotton — (/litis. Scrib- ner's Sons. Elements of Agriculture— Hatch & Haslewood — Row, Peterson & Co. 11 REFERENCE BOOKS. Elerunts of Agriculture — Warren — Macmillan Co. Fundamentals of Agricultun — Halligan -D. C. Heath & Co. Principles of Agriculture — Bailey — Macmillan Co. Agriculture through the Laboratory and School Garden — Jacks & Daugherty — Orange Judd Co. Cereals in America — Hunt — Orange Judd Co. Vegetable Gardening — R. L. Wads- Orange Judd Co. Principles of Vegetable Gardening — Bailey — Macmillan Co. The Potato— Frazer — Orange Judd Co. Soils— S. W. Fletcher Doubleday, Page & Co. Soils— Burkett -Orange Judd Co. Nature Study — Hodge — Ginn & Co. How to Keep Bees — Comstoek — Doubleday, Page & Co. A, B, C and X, Y, Z of Bee Culture— A. I. Roo1 Pub. Co. Types and Breeds of Farm Animals — Plumb — Ginn & Co. Feeds and Feeding — Henry — W. A. Henry. ADDRESS OF PUBLISHERS. The. Macmillan Co., New York. N. Y. Ginn & Co., New York. J. P.. Lippincotl Co., Philadelphia. Pa. Webb Publishing Co., St. Paul. Minn. American Book Co., New York. D. Appleton & Co., New York. Chas. S'cribners' Sons. New York. Row. Peterson & Co., Chicago, 111. T>. C. neatli & Co.. New York. Orange Judd Co., New York. Doubleday, Page & Co., New York. A. I. Root Pub. Co., Medina. Ohio. W. A. Henrv, Madison. Wis. A, ( 12) LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 744 454 4 •