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NEW FACTS AKD STATISTICS KELATING TO THE TYPES OF MACHINEKY IN USE, THE METHODS IN VOGUE, COST AND CLASS OF LABOR EMPLOYED, AND THE CHARACTER AND AVAILABILITY OF THE ORES UTILIZED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF BESSEMER STEEL IN EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES; TOGETHER WITH OPINIONS* AND EXCERPTS FROM VARIOUS ACCEPTED AUTHORITIES. COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY THONIAS W. KITTCH // J^y PUBLISHED BY MORRISON RENSHAW, 515 PINE ST. f( Oof 24 1882 1 , ST. LOUIS, MO.: 1882. 'h^ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1882, By THOMAS W. FITCH, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. TIMES PRINTiNG HOUSE. VC.VOU I S.ATO. CONTKNTS. CHAPTEK I. ORES. Page. The quantity, quality, and cost of the Iron Ores of the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden, Spain, and Italy, and the Manufacture of Spiegeleisen 1 to 24 CHAPTER II. METHODS. American Steel Works— Carnegie Bro's & Co., Limited, Pitts- burg— North Chicago Rolling Mill Co., Chicago— Cost of Labor in the United States and England 25 to 36 CHAPTER III. METHODS. Foreign Steel Works — Wilson, Cammell & Co., Dronfield, England— The Barrow Hematite Iron and Steel Works, England— West Cumberland Iron and Steel Company, England— The Rhymney Steel Works, England 37 to 54 CHAPTER IV. METHODS. Foreign Works continued— The Eston Steel Works, England— The Steel Company of Scotland, Limited— J. Cockerill et Cie Steel \Yorks, Belgium ^^ to 73 iv CONTESTS. CHAPTER V. rnz 3a5i:-3isseicek pkocils*. Baae lonings — I ? — Basie Pig — Afrerblcw — Waste — ^Basc :^ .r- . — . — : ■ ' . ~ — Cost — ^Prc^ress of the Xew Proces — ^Ik l - >c«^ 74 to 96 CHAPTER VI. TTTF HAESISJijX 5X1:1:1. COltPAXT. A des^ipdc-a oi the Wor^ of die Harrison Sceel Company, Ae STew Baae-Be=semer Plant desigced aec(Hrding to die moa inqROT&j 7 " •■'' :f ~ : iem SteePWorts" conjunction, 97 to 1^ coxcEcsioy. 7 1 T 123 to 125 P R E K .^ C K The papers presented to the public in this Tolume were prepared at the request uf the Miners* and Manofacturers* Association oi St. Louis, during the past summer, and it was not supposed by me that anything further than the usual newspaper publication would ensue: many members of the Association, however, having expressed the opinion that the matter herein presented might prove of practical value to those engaged in rhig great industry : and although it is not improbable that in the haste with which the labor was done, some errors may have found place, in the main. 1 believe, the statements to be correct and reliable, and have consented to the issue of this book. Hoping that the work may be of benefit to its readers, I am. trulv vours. cf'ijG^ St. Loris, XIo., September i9, l^i. CHAPTER I. ORES. THE QUANTITY, QUALITY AND COST OF THE IRON ORES OF THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, GERIVIANY, FRANCE, BELGIUM, SWEDEN, SPAIN AND ITALY, AND MANU- FACTURE OF SPIEGELEISEN. In the following paper will be found a brief review of the iron ore resources of the United States, Great Britain, Ger- many, France, Belgium, Sweden, Spain and Italy, as ob- tained from reliable sources of information. The Iron Ores of the United States. Of the 8,000,000 tons of ore now annually raised in the United States, a portion belongs to the clay or carboniferous measures, while the remainder takes the form of either hematities or oxides. The richest ores are those of the Lake Superior and Lake Champlain districts. In Pennsylvania, Missouri, New Jersey, Alabama and Tennessee there are likewise large and valuable deposits of ore. For the pur- poses of the steel manufacturer the ores mostly in request up to this time have been those of Lake Superior. The open- ings from which the ore is obtained in this region are from 200 to 300 feet long, from 100 to 200 feet wide and about (2) 600 feet in working depth. The ore formerly cost from $2.50 to $4 per ton at the mines, and contains from 60 to 6Q per cent of metal ; it now costs from $3 to $5 at the mines for hematite and $6 for best specular. Sonje of the mines in the Lake Superior region have already been exhausted, but new mines have been discovered. Considerable deposits of a similar character exist at Menominee, lying to the south of the mines just referred to, and are now being worked extensively. In the Lake Cham- plain district the iron ore is found in pockets, much in the same manner as in the region of Lake Superior. At Port Henry the ore is obtained partly by open and partly by close mining, the former about 250 feet square by 250 in depth, and the latter a continuation of the mineral deposit to the dip. From the present floor of the quariy or open portion a bore hole of 140 feet passed through pure ore without reaching the rock. The roof of the mined portion of the excavation is supported by five colossal pillars of pure ores estimated to weigh 70,000 to 80,000 tons. The selling price varies from $5 to $7 ; the yield is from 60 to 62 per cent, but it contains too much phosphorus to be useful for Bessemer steel by acid process. , ■ About eighty-five miles in a westerly direction from Phila- delphia is the deposit of ore known as the Cornwall banks . Its percentage of metal is much below that of the two districts already referred to, being only 50 to 55 per cent. Ii is per- haps the most cheaply worked mass of ore in the world. It lies in the form of a ridge nearly three-quarters of a mile long, having a width of 500 feet, and a height m some places of 350 feet above the surrounding plain, wnd a depth below it of 50 to 180 feet. The ore is so soft in texture that a man for a day's work can blast and load 10 tons into the wagons, which ascend the hill by a spiral locomotive railway cut m the ore all the way. (3) The produce of Cornwall banks is contaminated "with sul- phur — possibly the most sulphureous ore of its kind in the world. This deleterious ingredient is in a great measure removed in the blast furnaces by the copious use of lime, and the ore being free from phosphorus, the resulting pig iron is in favor at the Bessemer steel works. The producing powers of this remarkable accumulation of ore are very large, probably — if fully exercised — amounting to some thousands of tons per day. ^ At a distance of about eighty miles in a south by west direction from the city of St. Louis lies the Iron Mountain, and in its vicinity are the deposits of Pilot Knob and Shep- herd Mountain. The mineral of the specular variety is very hard and dense. / The first mentioned, and by far the most important of the three deposits, is an irregularly-shaped deposit in many places of clean solid ore of various thick- nesses up to seventy or eighty feet. The ore sells at St. Louis at about $8 per ton, and it yields about 67 per cent of iron. In former times it was delivered at $6 per ton. The second quality of ore, containing from 50 to 60 per cent of iron, and which is too high in phosphorus for the acid process is sold for about one-half the price asked for the first quality ore. The mineral at Pilot Knob occurs as a bed or seam about thirty feet in thickness. It is very hard, and in consequence more expensive to work than that obtained at the Iron Mountain. It is also less rich in metal, being only 56 or 57 j)er cent, and sells at St. Louis at about $7 per ton. The second quality of this ore brings only about one-half the price of the first, and these second ores are suitable for the Basic process, although unfit for the acid process. About 100 miles in a south-westerly direction from the City of St. Louis in the Counties of Dent, Crawford, and Phelps, which section is known as the "Southwest Ore Dis- (4) trict," there has been developed a large number of ore banks extending over a considerable area. The Simmons Mountain and the Cherry Valley bank have yielded nearly 550,000 tons of ore, and large amounts are still in sight yet undeveloped. In Iron County there is evidence of large deposits of ore which have been verified liy shaft prospect- ing. The character of the ore in these counties is blue, specular, and red hematite, usually found mixed in the same mine, the specular appearing in large boulders. The aver- age of numerous analyses, made by Prof. Wuth of Pitts- burg, demonstrates these ores to l)e low in silicious matter, and varying as to phosphorus from 0.04 to 0.12, and that they are almost absolutely free from sulphur. The specular contains about 66 per cent of metallic iron and the red hem- atite about 55 per cent of metallic iron. > The ores of New Jersey belong chiefly to that class kno^\T[i as magnetite, but the deposits are thinner than those of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Missouri, and are more costly to get. • The ore lies in veins varying in width from a foot or two to forty feet, but in the larger masses foreign matters are interspersed. The cost, under circumstances differing so widely varies much. From $3.75 to $4.75, including 5 jDer cent for rent, is said to represent the cost price of the ore at the pit's mouth. The percentage of iron is about 55, but the content of phosphorus unfits the New Jersey ore gener- ally for the Bessemer acid process. In various localities among the elevated regions of the Apa- lachian chain, and in the adjacent low lands, as well as else- where, are found deposits of the hydrated oxide of iron or brown iron ore. This ore contains so much foreign matter that it requires washing. Delivered at the blastfurnaces its cost is about $3 per ton. It contains more phosphorus than the magnetic ores of New Jersey. (5) In Virginia brown ore, yielding 50 per cent of iron, is mined for 50 cents per ton, and delivered at the blast furnaces for about $1.50 per ton. Large deposits of this kind of ore are also found in the States of Alabama and Georo-ia, yieldino; from 45 to 50 per cent of iron, and costing about $1.25 per ton delivered at the iron works, which, of course, are near to the mines. Hitherto the presence of phosphorus has pre- vented this ore from being employed for Bessemer steel ma- king ; l)ut the complete elimination of phosphorus being now an accomplished fact, this stone can be adopted for such a purpose. The Red Mountain, of Alabama, is a fossil ore deposit, extending over seventy miles. The vein has a working width of about ten feet, and the ore is of good quality to probably 100 or 150 feet, when it becomes too calcareous as a rule. Many millions of tons are already proved in this ridge, which is in the midst of coal fields, and beino^ rapidly developed by the fur- naces at Birmingham. Its average richness in iron is about 52 per cent. Its cost at mines is about $1.25 ; cost to furna- ces owning mines (i. e., mining expenses), 85 cents. Large de^Dosits of red fossiliferous ore are found in the Apalachian chain, sometimes exceeding thirty feet in thick- ness. This ore yields in the furnace about 40 per cent of iron, and it is extracted for about 50 cents per ton. In the nortJi of Tennessee the same description of ore is found in considerable quantities, but the cost of working it is so nuich greater that it costs about $2.50 per ton at the works. North- wards this bed of fossiliferous ore gradually diminishes in thickness. The iron obtained from the fossiliferous bed is of fair quality. Among other deposits of ore in the United States remark- able both for quantity and quality may be classed that in the Cranberry vein in North Carolina. It has been worked at its eastern extremity on a small scale for some years, and (6) has recently been traced for miles in a westerly direction through the Smoky Momitains. Taking all the iron ore raised in Great Britain, Mr. 1. L, Bell has estimated its average per centage of iron to be a trifle under 35 per cent ; whereas the produce of the mines of the United States, similarl}^ considered, Avill be about 5(3 per cent, which means that for each ton of iron made there is 20 cwt. 'less ore to be dealt with by the American ironmas- ter. Less than 12 1-2 per cent of the total quantity raised in Great Britain is lit for the Bessemer acid process ; whereas in the United States almost one third of the produce of its mines is sufficiently free from phosphorus to furnish iron fit for Bessemer purposes by the acid process. There is quite a large amount of iron ore at Iron Ridge, Wis., distant about 160 miles by rail from Chicago, owned by the North Chicago Rolhng Mill Company, and will be used by them for making basic pig metal in their blastfurnaces at South Chicago. It is a cheap ore, easily mined, and by analysis contains — iron, 51 percent; phosphorus, l.S-l per cent ; silicon, 5 per cent. The production of iron ore in the Lake Superior district in 1881 in gross tons was 2,336,335 ; in State of New Jersey in 1881, 737,052; in Lake Champlain district, New York, 1881, 637,r)00; in Cornwall ore bank, Pennsylvania, 1881, 249,050 ; total i)roduction of iron ore in census year 1880, net tons, 7,974,705 ; imports of iron ore in 1881, 782,887. In view of the large amount of iron ore contained in the United States, it appears surprising that we should have im- ported nearly 800,000 tons last year, but that was caused by the scarcity of ores mined, suitable for the manufacture of Bessemer pig for the acid process, for which there was a large demand, and consequently high prices were charged for the domestic ores. (7) It would seem, however, by the followmg figures, that the foreign ores cost nearly as much at the furnace as the high priced ores of the Northern States, and that the real remedy lies in a more extensive use of the cheap ores of the South- ern States for the production of steel at less cost. The minimum prices free on board ship are about : com- mon! ore, 48 and 51 per cwt., at Parmau, say $1.50 ; com- mon ore, 48 and 51 per cwt., at Carthagena, say $1.75; rich pure ore, 55 and 58 per cwt., at Bilboa, say $2.00 ; rich pure ore, 65 per cwt., at Marbella, say $3.00 ; rich pure ore, 65 per cwt., at Elba, say $3.00 ; rich pure ore, 52 per cwt., at Oran, say $2.20. To these prices must be added freight, insurance, and landing charges. Steamer freights for the year 1881, on ore per ton, averaged about $3.00 ; the duty is 20 per cent ad valorum, so that Bilboa ore would cost on dock in this country about $5.40 ; and the Marbella and Elban ore, which is quite as good as Lake Superior ore, would cost $6.60 at dock. Adding the landing charges and inland freight would make the cost of these imported ores about $8.40 at Pittsburg for Bilboa, and $9.60 for Marbella. The Manufacture of Spiegeleisen in America. Up to the present time the greater part of the spiegeleisen used in the Bessemer Steel Works of America has been imported from Europe. In 1870, the manufacture of spiegeleisen was undertaken by the New Jersey Zinc Company, at Newark, N. J., which has three furnaces, each 20 x 7 feet, with a combined annual capacity of 5,000 gross tons. In 1872, they produced 4,072 tons ; in 1873, 3,930 tons : in 1874, 4,070 tons. The spie- geleisen made by this company is said to be equal to the best that is imported, and is, therefore, readily sold. (8) The following are two analyses of it : Iron 83.250 83.23 Manganese 11.596 11.67 Phosphorus 196 .19 Silicon 367 .99 Carbon 4.632 4.02 Total 100.031 100.10 Pig iron that is rich in manganese, and almost free from phosphorus, silicon, and sulphm-, is required for use as siDiegeleisen. In 1875, the Bethlehem Iron Company and the Cambria Iron Company commenced to make spiegeleisen from Span- ish ores. In the same year the Woodstock Iron Company undertook the manufacture of spiegeleisen from the rich ores of Ala- bama. It is expected that before long America will be quite independent of European supplies of this material. Three States made spiegeleisen in 1881 — New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, and Ohio ; the total production for the year was 21,086 net tons, of which 16,276 net tons were made in Pennsylvania by Carnegie Bros. & Co., Limited, and by the Cambria Iron Company. The manganese of Arkansas is mainly developed in Inde- pendence County. It is here not in veins but in mass deposits, much like limonite in occurrence, but more solid and regular. These ores will yield about 40 to 50 per cent manganese, and are in large quantities, and new discoveries are being made monthly. It is probable that no deposits as large as these have yet been discovered in America of this class of ore. Much of it is low in phosphorus and suitable for Spiegel, but being low in iron would require admixture of iron ore in the furnace. The Iron Ores of Great Britain. The Bessemer process heretofore has been dependent on ores of exceptional purity, and since steel has so largely taken the place of iron, the supply of such ores had l)eeome a question of paramount importance in relation to the future of this industry. In the manufacture of steel by the Bessemer system acid process much aboye one-tenth of a unit per cent of phos- phorus renders pig iron unfit for use. Ores, therefore, that contain, as the great bulk of English ores do, a much larger percentage of phosphorus have not hitherto been utilized, because practically all this deleterious matter finds its way into the ore. Of the total quantity of iron ore raised in Great Britain, I. L. Bell has calculated that less than 12 1-2 per cent is fit for the Bessemer steel manufacture by the acid process, but by the basic process the clay and calcareous ores of the United Kingdom are now used in the manufacture of Bes- semer steel. About 1eing often requisite for that purpose. As typical "mixing stone" for the Bessemer manufacture, the ores of Gronrot and Korberg, which contain fi'om 6 to 10 per cent of protoxide of manganese, may be mentioned, as also those from Penning, containing 12 to 14 per cent. The still richer ores of Swatl)urg, Schiss}i:tan , which hold as much as 13 to 20 per cent of the latter valuable substance, are unfortunately accompanied by so much sulphur that they are better suited for making spiegel iron than Bessemer pig. The contents of the iron of the Swedish ores varies between 30 and 70 per cent, but it most frequently lies between 45 and 50. The best Swedish ores are well known to contain very little phosphorus ; those of Dannemora, about .003 per cent ; those of Persburg, .005 per cent. It is, however, generally found in practice to vary between .005 and .05 per cent. The greater numl^er of silicious specular ores are very free from phosphorus, and some of the magnetic ores have also an exceedingly small proportion of sulphur, although most of the magnetic ores are so interspersed with metallic sulphides (pyrites) that they must be subjected to a very careful calcining before going to the furnace. The temperature of the kilns may be kept so high that the most refractory ores come to sintering, and many ores pre- viously rejected on account of their high contents of sulphur have thus been made serviceable. Some exceptional Swedish ores are not infrequently mixed with bitumen, some with graphite, but oftener with titanium, which, when abundant, increases, as is well known, the consumption of charcoal necessary for their reduction to a very costly extent. The greatest drawback to the development of the metal- lurgical industry of Sweden is the scarcity and poor quality of its fossil fuel. Coal is found only in the most southern part of the country — in Skane and in Southern Holhuid — and as it is not only a long distance from the principal deposits (22) of iron ore, but contains much ash, and is unsuitable for coking, it is of very little use for metallurgical purposes. In no other part of Sweden is there any likelihood of finding coal, for the rocks which form the mass of the country be- long to the Laurentian or primitive formation and to the Silurian period, while the more recent deposits have been formed during the latest geological period. Although in Skane or Scania there are none of the magnetite and specu- lar ores on which the iron industry of Sweden is based, it is considered not impossible that the argillaceous ores may be found, and in this case a trade may spring up in the manu- facture of the commoner kinds of iron ; but for the purpose of steel m-mufacture, Sweden practically occupies the posi- tion of a country destitute of fossil fuel ; and hence, except- ing in so far as native charcoal is employed, it depends for its supplies of fuel on England. This dependence is likely to become greater from year to year, for the forests of Swe- den will not support any great addition to the demands now made upon them. Already in the neighborhood of the iron mines the supply of charcoal is beginning to fail, causing iron and steel makers to go further afield, and thus enhancing the cost of the fuel and augmenting the cost of production. With all these drawbacks, it is scarcely prol:>able that the steel manufacture of Sweden will roach a much greater develop- ment than it has already attained, while both in steel and in iron the metallurgy of Sweden must in the future even more than in the past be distinguished for relative superiority in the markets of the world. Spain. Spain contriliutes very materially to the manufacture of steel in other countries. England, France, Germany, and Belgium depend more upon Spain than upon any other coun- try for their supplies of iron ore suitable for the Bessemer { -o ) acid process. These ores are chiefly hydrous red, brown, and yellow hematites and spathic carbonates, occurring in the cretaceous formation, and traversing it in the form of great lodes or veins, from 100 to 300 feet wide, w^hich, although frequently more or less coincident with the strike of the stratification of the beds of limestone, shales or sand- stones which form the "country," do not always follow the dip or underlay of the beds in depth, and, at places, they diveroe and break throuo'h the sedimentarv strata. The upper portion of these deposits, for a few feet, to even a hundred or more feet downwards from the surface, consists of hydrated oxide of iron, of a red, brown, or yellow color, free, or very nearly free, from sulphur or phosphorus. At greater depths, however, they invariably change into white or grey spathic carbonate of iron (sometimes containing specks of pyrites), which is the original mineral from which, by atmospheric agencies, the oxidized iron, which fo»'ms the more superficial portion of the deposits, has ])een formed. Since the spathic iron ore is infinitely harder and more expen- sive to work, besides not containing more than from 40 to 45 j^er cent of metallic iron, the workings hitherto have, in all the mines, been confined to the extraction of the richer oxi- dized surface ores, which contain from 50 to GO per cent iron, and require little or no blasting. Eventually, however, as the mines get deejjer, the spathose ore must liecome the staple of exportation, but they must undergo calcination to reach 60 per cent of metallic iron. Attention has also l^een directed to working the rich magnetic iron ores which are found abundantly in the south of Si)ain ; amongst others, the extensive outcrop of iron ore at Marbella, about midway between Gibraltar and Malaga. This is a compact magnetic oxide of iron, containing an average of about GO per cent of metallic iron. It was not until 1870 that the mines of Bilboa and Mar- (24) bella began to be worked to any extent ; and yet the output of iron ores from these two districts has now reached many millions of tons. In 1881, 3,239 vessels laden with 2,500,532 tons of ore sailed from the river of Bilboa for foreign ports, and the largest single cargo was 1,690 tons. The export for the first quarter of 1882, exceeded that of the corresponding- period in the previous year by 53,000 tons. The quantity of red ore exported exceeds that of other kinds, and unless other deposits are discovered, the present rate of output will cause an exhaustion in about ten years. The brown ore which is in sufficient quantity to last for a long time to come, must, therefore, be considered as the main source of future supply. Italy. The most important of the iron districts of Italy is Tus- cany, which comprises also the Island of Elba, from which large shipments of ore are made to other countries engaged in the manufacture of steel by the Bessemer acid process. The analyses of these ores show : Sesquioxide of iron Oxide of manganese Aluuiina Li lue Magnesia Silica Copper Sulphur Phospliorus Insoluble rock Water and loss Percentage of metallic iron Calamita. ottoms. The vessel bottoms are set in dry and rammed from the nose of the vessel. The tuyeres are \(\ in number, with 13 holes of 3-8 of an inch diameter. The ingots are top-cast and sand- covered ; they are slowly and carefully poured, but no funnel is used, and they measure 12 1-2 inches at the bottom and 11 inches at the top, and rarely exceed 1,700 pounds in weight. " Stickers " are punched out of the moulds by means of a hydraulic press. The output for 4 vessels is about 9,000 tons per month, running 10 1-2 tons per week. Statistics of one month shows 46 turns, 195 tons per turn — 8,970 tons per month, and this output does not keep the rail mill going to full capacity. The Bessemer plant operates smoothly (38) and a good mixture of iron is kept on hand. It is stated that 65,000 tons of ingots have been made without a bad heat. The ])-. oducts follow in one direction from the pig bank to the rail yard, over a space of 600 by 200 feet, and with a minimum of handling and diversion. The first line of heating furnaces stands 60 feet from the line of the Bes- semer pits. From the furnaces the ingots pass in a direct line through the blooming, roughing and finishing trains (at the same heat), to a central hot straightening plate. There are hot and cold beds, and finishing tools on either side. Eight small heating furnaces with two doors each are used. The furnaces are all single and coal fired ; they are charged from a bogie l)y hand, and are drawn by means of a hand winch. The ingot is wheeled an average of 80 feet to the train. The bloom runs out of the reversing blooming train upon a car, which carries it by means of a power chain straight ahead 80 feet to the table of the 3-high roughing train (4 fixed power rollers). The reversing fin- ishing train stands in line with the roughing, just like ordi- nary stands of roughing and finishing rolls, but the two trains are quite independent, and are driven, of course, by independent engines. The bottom finishing roll stands in line with* the middle roughing roll. Power carriages are on the front side of these trains, by which the piece is trans- ferred laterally from the last roughing to the first finishing pass. The blooming train is an old clutch reversing train rebuilt for the purpose. The speed of the rolls is moderate, but this allows the piece to enter without chattering under a large reduction; a'ld as the piece is short, and the feeding is rapid, the seven passes are made in fair time. The car- riage, running from the blooming to the roughing tables, is driven on a slightly inclined railway, by an endless chain, (39) movable by means of a clutch attached to the engine which drives the roughing feed rolls. The l)oy who runs the feed engine of the blooming train works this clutch to bring the empty carriage Imck ; the roughing feed boy brings the bloom up when he wants it. In normal practice the piece does not stop, and is not touched with bar or tongs from the last pass of the blooming to the back table of the roughing. The roughing train is driven direct by a horizontal con- densing engine making 52 revolutions. The front fixed table consists of 4 18-inch rollers 3 feet apart, driven exactly like the blooming feed roller's, by a re- versing engine. The floor plate around these rollers is a wrought iron armor plate which is nearly on a level with the tops of the rollers. The piece falls out of the upper passes upon this heavy structure instead of being let down by a moving table. The rear table must be a lifting tal)le. It is a flat wrought iron plate 24 feet long by 7 feet 1 inch wide, resting on a frame of 2 2-inch channel bars, and otherwise stiffened. The table is hinged in the rear on a link, so that it can move forward and back ; its inner end is raised by a hydraulic piston, acting through an underneath rock-shaft which also carries a counter weight. The inner end of the table is connected to the housings by short links in such a way, that as the table rises it is moved 16 inches towards the rolls with increasing rapidity, thus throwing the piece into the grooves. There are short rollers fixed in and projecting just above the top of the table, and space to suit the increasing length of the piece. The workmen stand on the table and the lifting handle is attached to it. The piece drops out of the last top roughing pass upon the seat, and is pushed back up an incline, oft' the end of which it falls in front of the first finishing pass. The tal)le is 16 feet long, and consists of 4 rollers in a frame, which is moved by a hydraulic cylinder like the pusher of the Fritz (4U ) blooming train. The table has to be low to run under the " spools " which carry the piece to the finishing train. The finishinix train is a stand of 2 hioh reversing 24-inch rolls, 4 feet 9 inches long. The remarks on the constructive features of the roughing train apply e(]ually to this train. The train is coupled direct to the engine which runs at 100 revolutions maximum ; and a carrying roller on either side is driven by a belt from the roll necks. The tables consist of a railway on either side, upon which are 8 traveling rollers or spools 8 feet apart, which roll back and forth (> feet between stops, as the rail comes upon them. The tracks consist of dt)uble headed rails lying on their sides ; the inclination is that of equilibrium ; the rollers throw the piece well out and a slight pressure will start it in. The spools on the front side are 5 1-2 feet long ; on the l)ack side they are but 4 feet, so as not to receive the finished rail ; this drops on the driven floor rollers which carry it to the saw. The ingots are charged and drawn at what we should call a high heat, but not too high for good steel, having plenty of manganese. There are 7 grooves in the blooming rolls, though the first is not used. The screws are not worked. The piece goes twice through the second groove, being quarter turned on the back side, and once through each of the 5 other grooves, being (juarter turned on the front side. It finishes .7 by 8 inches. The first reduction is 2 inches and the others aver- age ] inch. The men are one tougsman on each side, who turn the piece without the aid of hooks, and a boy who runs both the table engine and the clutch, to 1)i'ing the l)loom carriage ])ack. The back tougsman easily keeps the piece going, until it gets upon the bloom carriage. The roughing table boy then works the bloom carriage clutch where the carriage stops. (41) the bloom rolls off upon the roughing table and straight through the train without stopping. An inspector l)ehind the train watches and sometimes turns over the l^loonis ; badly cracked blooms he pulls off the carriage ; these are cold chipped, reheated and swung on to the carriage to go to the roughing train. "When blooms come slightly cracked from the lilooming train, they are sometimes stopped and hot chipped by hand. The rough- ing rolls take a 7 by 8-inch piece, and there are (5 passes of which the last begins to form the stem. There are two passes on the flat of the flange. The piece is quarter turned once on the back side and twice on the front side. There is a number of spare grooves arranged to rough evei'v pattern of rail made, so that these rolls are not changed until they are too much worn for use. The 26-inch rolls at i)2 revolu- tions (after much experimenting), throw the piece just far enough out on the rear table so that the inward movement of the ta])le throws it again into the rolls. Of course the jjiece sometimes misses entering, and has to be adjnsted by bar and tongs. The men at the roughing train are, one l)ar- man and one tongsman in front, one barman and one tongs- man behind, and the table l)oy. There are no hooks ; the turning is skillfully done by the front tongsman, while the piece is falling ; the turning in the rear at the last pass is aided by the barman, who does little else except work the table lever. After the piece has passed the last time from front to rear of the roughers, the transfer tal)le is moved in front of them : it receives the piece and drops it on the spools in front of the first finishing pass. There are 5 finishing passes all on edge, the piece being turned over in front and rear after each pass. This is because the grooves are all in the bottom roll. Double collars allowing the grooves to be alter- nately in the top and bottom roll, so as to keep down the fin, would of course prevent the necessity of turning over the piece. (42) There are a tongsman and hooker in front, and a tongsman and hooker behind. The piece ahnost feeds itself ; and is not lifted ; turning brings it right to enter the next groove. Rails of 56 to 70 pounds receive 18 passes from an ingot aveiaging 11 3-4 inches in thickness. The persons employed at the three trains are : MEN. BOT8. Blooming 2 1 Inspecting 1 Rougliing 4 1 Finishing 4 Foreman .... 1 Total 12 2 This is superior to our ])est practice which requires at least 4 persons at the blooming train, 10 at the rail train, and never less than 1() men to handle and reheat the' blooms between the blooming and rail trains ; also a foreman and spell hands, say 36 men. The output has l)een : Flange rail, 58 pounds per yard, rolled in 3 lengths of 21 feet each , output averaged 2,064 tons per Aveek of 11 turns, or 345 bars 63 feet long (1,035 rails), weighing 187 1330-2240 tons per turn; bull head rails, 70 pounds per yard, rolled in two 24 feet lengths 2,761 tons per week of 11 turns, or 251 tons per turn. The waste and ends are stated to be 6^ per cent on the ingot. The number of second quality rails is said to be under 1 per cent. The analysis of l)orings from three rail ends, taken out of the pile at random, are as follows : No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Carbon 0.35 0.34 0.34 Phosphorous 0.059 0.053 0.044 Manganese 1.01 1.02 0.97 It is stated that Wilson, Cammell & Co. contracted for all (he labor to make a ton of rails, from the pig iron piled in the yard to the rails loaded on the cars, at about $2.00, ( 43 ) The saw is 70 feet from the rolls. The rail is carried to it on large driven rollers, which project just above the floor. The same piece is carried to the straightening plate by simi- lar rollers. The sets of rollers are driven independently by reversing clutches, actuated hy a small engine. Great stead- iness of running is promoted : first, hy placing the saw in the middle of an arbor, having pulleys on each end ; second, by sliding the saw frame in and out in horizontal guides, liaving great mass and heavy bearing ; third, by traversing the saw frame from a high speed shaft by means of a worm. If a single saw will cut a bar into 5 pieces (3 rails and 2 ends) at the rate of 2,000 tons a week, the necessity of 2 saws to cut a bar into 3 pieces, in order to keep out of the way of the train, in our mills is not obvious ; more than this, there seems to be a positive advantage in the single saw for double or treble lengths. The last of three rails will inequitably be sawn colder than the first, and if its hot length is determined by the distance apart of the two fixed saws, its cold length will be greater than that of the first. The length to l^e cut off is regulated by a mechanical stop, operated at will, by a workman. The rails are not lifted from the time they leave the saws until they reach the ship- ping cars ; the finishing machines stand successivel}^ lower ; in fact, the whole plant stands on a long slope, so that stock is brought to the cupola charging floors and product is removed, l)y means of not very steep sidings, from the main line of the Midland Railwav. There are 4 double straio;ht- ening presses, 4 drills, and 2 facing machines. There are 8 straiirhteners workino- davs, and 3 workino; nights ; thev set 10 shillings (|2.44) per day ; also, the same number of help- ers, who get 4s. 6d. ($1.10) per day. The 4 drills bore and slot 700 rails per turn. The rail train engine is considered a good type, as far as durabilitv and smooth workinu: is concerned. It is wasteful (44) of steam, as all non-compound reversing engines must be, because they can not get expansion by a short cut off. The frame of each engine consists of 2 deep (3^ feet), straight, hollow pieces, extending nearly as far as below the center line, and connected at the cylinder by a hollow and deep ring (the whole cast together), against which the cylinder is bolted. The frames of the two engines are clamped by heavy lugs and rings as strongly as if cast together. The rear end of the cylinder slides as it expands and contracts on a bed plate. The journal boxes part nearly at a right angle with the center line, so as to properly take the thrust. A matter of interest connected with this plant is the recent report of the directors of Charles Cammell & Co., Limited, Sheffield. That in order to save the heavy cost, $300,000 to $350,000 a year of railway carriage of materials inward, and of finished manufactures outward, they have resolved to acquire the rail mills of Wilson, Cammell & Co., of Dronfield, and the works of the Derwent Iron Company at Workington. They will remove their own rail mills and those of the Dronlield firm to Workington, having arrived at the conclusion that in order to make the rail business profital)le, three conditions must be fulfilled : 1. The rail mills must be combined with blast furnaces. 2. These combined Avorks must be situated on close prox- imity to the sea; and, 3. The blast furnaces must be situated where hematite is found, with ready and cheap access thereto. These conditions will all be embodied at Workington. To carry out the change, $1,750,000 additional capital is pro- posed to be raised by shares and debentures. One railway company alone will lose carriage payments worth $600,000 a year. The proposal has more than a local significance, inasmuch as English manufactui"ers on the coast are in a strong posi- (45) tion for reaching the United Stiites market, promptly and cheaply . The Barrow Hematite Iron and Steel Works. These works have sixteen blastfurnaces, fourteen of which are built in a row, while the remaining two are half a mile dis- tant. The weekly production of pig iron averages about 6,000 tons, but as it is always calculated that three or four furna- ces are out for alteration or repairs, this does not represent the full productive resources of the works. The furnaces were originally (in 1859) 45 feet high, but they were recon- structed to their present height of 62 feet between 1870 and 1872. The average consumption of fuel is one ton of coke per ton of pig iron produced. The red hematite resmelted, is chiefly o])tiiined from the Company's own mines in bhe neighborhood, at Park and at Stank. The former mine, which has been worked for over a quarter of a century, has proved to be the finest deposit in the district. The latter is the deepest of all tJie Furness Mines. The Furness ores average about 56 per cent of metalic iron, and it is valued for its metallic richness, as well as for its freedom from phos- phorus and sulphur, of which ingredients it contains only frac- tional quantities. In smelting the Furness hematite ore, about 7 cwt^. of limestone is used to the ton of iron made. The blast is heated to a temperature ranging between 900 degrees to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The furnaces are e*ich filled with six tuyeres. The boshes of the larger furnaces are 21 feet, and of the smaller ones 17 1-2 feet. The blast is heated partly by Cowpcr's and partly by Gjer's stoves. There are three beam and sixteen grasshopper l)last engines. The three beam engines are compound, with l)low- ing cylinders, two of 100 inches, and one of 110 inches in diameter, and a stroke of 9 feet. With the exception of the buildina* that contains the latter engines all the eng-ine houses are built iDarallcl to, and at the hack of, the furnaces. The hoists are inclined planes, worked by special engines. For the fourteen furnaces there are sixteen inclines, each with a separate pair of engines, the cylinders of which are sixteen inches in diameter and the stroke 2 1-2 feet. The furnaces are fitted with the bell and hopper apparatus, in order to utilize the waste gasses, which are sufficient to heat all the boilers and hot-air stoves without any other fuel. The Steel works are parallel to, and about 200 yards dis- sant from the Iron Avorks, on the pig-bed side. The Fur- ness Railway runs between the two departments, and the rest of the intervening space is occupied by sidings, filling sheds, and a wrought iron bridge spans the whole of the railway and connects the different departments-. The Iron works are situated on the shores of the Walney Channel, into which the slag is tipped. The quantity of the latter is so enormous, that a considerable area of land is annually rechiimed, so much so, that several of the furnaces and many of the lines of railway are built on reclaimed land. In the space between the iron and steel works a block of coke ovens has been built on the Coppee system, now so much adopted on the continent. The group consists of thirty ovens, 30 feet long by 18 inches wide. The steel works are con- tained in three parallel erections, connected together, from 85 to 105 feet in width, and 735 to 875 feet long. Over 3,000 tons of steel, by the Bessemer process, are made per week. There were formerly 18 converters, but as this part of the works has undergone reconstruction, the number has been reduced to eleven. The accessory machinery embraces two coirsino; mills, three rail mills and one merchant mill. Rails constitute the chief branch of manufacture, but considerable quantities of tyres, fish-plates, axles and forgings are also made. The converters are placed in the North end of the buildings. The l)lowino- enirines are a short distance off, in a (47) separate building. The horizontal engines have 4(S-inch diam- eter blowing cylinders, 36-incli diameter steam cylinders and 5 feet stroke. Side by side with these is the usual arrange- ment of pumps for working the hydraulic cranes. An ad- joining house contains a pair of vertical condensing blowing engines with 54-inches diameter l)lowing cylinders, 40-inch diameter steam cylinders and 5 feet stroke. The pressure of the l)last in the converters is from 21 to 25 pounds per square inch, and the average time of blowing is 20 minutes. Formerly the pig-iron was remelted ; now, the molten iron is brought direct from the furnaces in ladles on a specially arranged wagon, and though the molten metal has to travel nearly two miles to get round by a junction, no difficulty is experienced from any appreciable lowering of its tempera- ture. The locomotive brings four charges at once, two in each ladle, and l)y means of raised sidings enters Nos. 1 and 2 sheds on a level with the converter's toi)s. The charge is conveyed into the converters by means of cast iron runners. Occasionally a small (luantity of Swedish pig-iron is added to the charge. After the l)low is concluded, the usual amount of Spiegeleisen is poured in. There are 4 cupolas for melt- ing the Spiegeleisen. Th(> converters vary somewhat in size but are mostly 16 feet in height, fS 1-2 feet inside diameter, and have a nominal capacity of 10 tons. Each pair is placed in respect to one another at such an angle that if necessary both can pour their contents into the same ladle. The ram to which the ladle ib" attached is in the centre of the })its. It revolves on its own axis and rises by hydraulic pressure. When the ladle is tilled, the ram is raised and turned around, and the steel runs from the bottom of the ladle, either into separate ingot moulds, or by preference, into a hollow stan- dard which resembles on a large scale, the runner of a cast- ing. Hydrostatic j^ressure causes the molten metal to tlow through horizontal channels made of perforated and specially (48 ) arranged firebricks, and to rise through the bottorji into four, six or eight moulds arranged in two rows. By this means, with one opening of the valve of the ladle most, if not all, of the ingots from that particular blow are cast. In the Bessemer department, hydraulic power is solely used for working the cranes, turning the converters, etc. This power is derived from three steam engines, each having 18 1-4 inch diameter cylinders 3 feet stroke, driving five hydraulic rams varying from 3 to 5 inches in diameter. The steel ingots are taken from the Bessemer department to the Siemen's reheating furnaces. The latter are sup- plied with gas from 72 producers. The method of charging the producers is mechanical. About two tons of coal slack per day is required for each generator. From the main gas tubes branch tubes lead to the 46 fur- naces employed in reheathig the ingots and blooms. The coofoiiiCT mills are desio;ned to be automatic and to require a minimum of manual labor. The mills are connected to a pair of beam engines and are driven by a train of wheels arranged for reversing, but detached from each other. The reversmg gear consists of a hydraulic cylinder, coupled to a lever and an ordinary clutch. The rolls in one mill are 30 mches and m the other 36 inches in diameter. The blooms on leaving the cogging mills, pass by self acting rollers to a hammer to be cut mto two or three pieces as required. The mill department contanis three rail mills, a merchant mill, and a tire mill, and 2 of the rail mills are three high and driven by condensing beam engines with cylinders 42 inches diameter, and 6 feet stroke. The rail mills are speeded 1 to 2 1-4, making (51 revolutions per minute. The rail mill trains are 26 inches diameter rolls, consisting of three rough- ing rolls, with 7 grooves. These grooves are not all used at the same time, five or six grooves in each set of rolls being generally found suflicient. Rail up to 100 feet in length (4i» ) and of very difficult sections are rolled in these mills. Attached to the roughing rolls in each mill is a hydraulic lift for the purpose of raising the bloom, after passing through the grooves in the bottom rolls to those in the top rolls. The third rail mill is a very poAverful reversing mill consisting of a single set of rolls, driven by a pair of hori- zontal engines, which make 100 revolutions per minute, the cylinder being 42 inches diameter, with 4 feet stroke. Self acting gear carry the rails to the saw in each department, and from the saw to the ' straightening presses, punching presses, drilling and planing machines in the usual manner. In and about the works there are many lines of railways and numerous buildings. The engines in the various parts of the works, which aggregate 0,000 horse-power, require 150 Td oilers. . ^ IVest Cumber/and Iron and Steel Company. The Works of the West Cumberland Iron and Steel Com- pany are situated on the coast of Cumberland, close to the town of Workington. They consist of 6 blast furnaces, 70 feet high, which are served by 4 sets of firebrick, and 1 set of cast iron stoves. There are two pairs of blowing engines, and a single com- pound beam engine. The larger pairs are condensing beam engines, having 44-inch diameter steam, and 96-inch diameter blowing cylinders with 8 feet stroke, running about 20 strokes per minute. The other engines are of the vertical Cleve- land type, with steam above the blast cylinders. Most of the iron is taken in a molten state direct to the steel works, a large tunnel having been driven parallel and close up to the furnace, so that the iron can be tapped at once into the ladles or run down the pig-bed, if necessary. At these works Mr. Snelus applied the system in use there, for conveying the molten pig iron from the blast furnace to ( 50 ) the converters. In devising this plan he started with the conviction that it was desirable : 1st. To construct a ladle and carriage that could be moved about with safety and celerity without being an undue weight ; that the ladle should be placed in the most secure position upon its carriage ; that it should be easily tipped for pouring out the metal, lifted out with facility when it required to be changed ; and that the man in charge of the ladle should be in a good position for turning it over, not only to see well what he was doing,, but to be out of danger from splashes of metal. 2d. That all turntables and lifts should be avoided. 3d. That in order to produce the utmost economy the ladle should be brought as near as possible to the l)last furnace so as not to cool the metal or have more scraj) than necessary, and that the metal should be poured directly from the ladle into the converters, to avoid the cost and waste of runner making. The carriage and ladle, lined ready for use, weighs under 10 tons. The converters are arraniied according^ to the usual English plan, facing each other, and a staging has been thrown .-over the pit between the two converters. The dis- tance between the blast furnace and converter is about 1050 feet, and on a comparatively direct line from one point to the other. In order to bring the ladle as close as possible to the furnaces, a cutting was made through the pig-beds in front of the tap holes, and in order that the pig-beds might not be curtailed, the cutting is made sufficiently deep to be covered for casting purposes. In practice the iron is tapped from the furnace into the ladle, about 3 tons, 10 cwt. from each furnace. This is done to ensure as far as possible a uniform charge. Five minutes often suffices to tap both furnaces and to get the charge of metal, and in less than 5 minutes it can be weighed, taken to the converters, and poured into the vessel. The arrangements are such as to produce the minimum (51) amount of scrap and scull, and the yield, in consequence, is increased . One ladle lasts from one to two hundred casts before the scull needs to be taken out, and even then, it is only the loose coatino^ and not the lirick linino; of the ladle, that wants renewing. The practical results obtained in a fortnight's time are stated by Mr. Snelus to have been : — Total metal used 1033 Tons. Ingots made 887 Tons. Ladle Scull Iron 14 .-.^^q Tons. Iron Scrap, cleansing of ladle 1 -2^>40 "l^ns. Steel Scraps of all kinds 14 ^^^s^g- Tons. Yield of Ingots 85 8-10 per cent. Waste 14 2-10 per cent. Iron Scull Scrap, say 1 1-2 per cent. Steel Scrap of all kinds 1 1-2 per cent. Leaving absolute waste, about 11 percent. A careful system of analyzing the iron from each furnace daily, and mixing it, so that the silicon is kept very regular, is followed, and the steel is consequently very uniform in quality. The steel works consist of two Bessemer pits with a pair of 7 1-2 ton vessels in each, blown by a pair of hori- zontal engines. The steam cylinders are 40 inches diameter, and the blowing cylinders 54 inches diameter, stroke 5 feet. An independent condenser has been added to the engines. The pressure of the blast is 25 pounds to the square inch. The hydraulic power is obtained from a dou])le-acting pump with 8 inch ram and 8 feet stroke. It runs only G or 7 strokes per minute to perform all the work. There is no fly-wheel. The power is regulated by an accumulator, the ram being 30 inches in diameter and having a stroke of 24 feet. The working pressure is about 500 pounds per s(iuare ( 52 ) inch. The product from the converters amounting to nearly 80,000 tons of ingots in the year, is worked up into rails, billets and forgings. The ingots are all made heavy enough for 4 or 6 rails, and are taken hot to the rail mill. After a slight soaking in Siemen's heating furnaces, they are cogged in a cogging mill with 34 inch rolls, driven by a pair of reversina: enirines. Two men do all the work at the rolls, as the ingot is moved in and out by machinery. From the co2:ging rolls, after being sawn in two, the bloom is taken to the reheating furnaces, and is then rolled off into a double rail by a pair of reversing engines. These are compound and condensing. They have a 3 feet 3 inch stroke and run at a high rate of speed, often up to 90 strokes per minute, during the last passes of the rail. These engines were orig- inally used in Her Majesty's frigate the Liverpool. When this vessel was being broken up the company bought the engines, and they were compounded by adding high pressure cylinders. At the same time the bed plate, connecting rods, etc., were lengthened so as to get a better driving angle. In addition to the rail mill referred to, there are also a 23-inch pull-over mill, for light sections and a couple of 24-inch plate mills driven by a pair of engines, but reversed by clutch arrangements. The plate mills have made 400 tons of iron plates per week, but are now exclusively engaged on steel plates. At the iron and steel works there are 48 steam boilers, 24 of these being of the double flued Lancashire type w^th steel flues, five being entirely of steel. The latter have been in use some time and have given entire satisfaction. Good water is obtained from a pumping establishment about a mile up the river Derwent, where a couple of horizontal pumping engines are located, each capable of pumping about 2,000 gallons per minute into the reservoir, 120 feet above the river. Altogether the works use about 3,000 gallons of ( 53 ; water per minute for boilers, condensers and tuyeres, but half of this is conveyed into an extensive series of cooling channels, about 1 1-8 mile long, and is used over again. There are 52 engines on the works, that work up to about 7,000 indicated horse power. The iron ore employed at West Cumberland is obtained from the Cleator Moor mines ; the coal and coke from the companies' collieries about three miles from the works ; and the limestone flux from the quarries belonging to the firm at Brigham, about eight miles up the Derwent. The Rhymney Steel Works. The Rhymney Steel Works are among the latest, as the Barrow were among the earliest works of the kind erected in the United Kingdom. The plant having been erected for the purpose of converting old iron works and adapting them to the manufacture of steel, the arrangement was somewhat controlled by the situation of the blast furnaces, it was intended to use for the process, and also by the extent of ground available. It was erected for the purpose of making steel by the direct process — that is, by taking the molten iron direct from the blast furnaces and submitting it to the process of conversion on the Bessemer system, instead of running it into pigs and then remelting them in an air fur- nace or cupola, the favorite method, until very recently. More uniform results being obtained by mixing the produce of two or more blast furnaces, this plan is followed here with the means of taking a further supply of iron, when required, from the cupolas (two in number) which are situ- ated alongside the subway leading from the furnaces to the steel works ; they are used for remelting the iron made and run into pigs on Sunday, and at such other times as the steel works may not be in operation, care being taken to use such iron in the cupolas as will correct any irregularity in the iron (54) taken from the blast furnaces, and thus secure the desired regularity in quality. The iron is run from the furnace into a ladle standing on a railway in the subway, and is drawn l)y a small locomotive engine up a gradient of 1 in 50. The carriage and ladle now stand on the floor of the converter house, and as they are still below the level of the converters, the ladle full of metal is lifted from the carriage by a twelve ton hydraulic crane and poured direct into the converter, which is then turned up and the blow commences ; this lasts from 15 to 20 min- utes, with a blast pressure of 25 pounds upon the square inch. After the ])\o\v the same crane conveys the si)iegelei- sen direct from the cupola to the converter. An empty casting ladle suspended on the other side of the crane is now swung round to receive the steel and transfers it to the center casting crane, which is then turned towards the pit, leaving the charging crane and converters clear from obser- vation and at liberty for the next blow, which can commence at once while the casting is l)eing proceeded with. Within the radius of No. 2 ingot crane is placed a monkey for knocking out any ingot which may stick fast in the moulding ; the tup of this monkey is raised by a chain led from a hydraulic crane near the spiegel cupolas, which crane also lifts the spiegeleisen and coke. The "stickers" are thus dealt with without delay, preventing the unsightly accumulation of '•stickers," which must take place where appliances for knocking them out are not easily available. The converters, 7 tons capacity each, are side by side, the "American Plan." The usual practice in Great Britain has them vi^ a vis, thus subjecting workmen, when repairing, to the annoyance of sparks from the other vessel. The Company, in their report for the year ending March, 1882, show a jn-olit of £20,000, but the directors have not recommended any dividend for the second half of the year. CHAPTER IV. METHODS. FOREIGN WORKS CONTINUED THE ESTON STEEL WORKS, ENGLAND THE STEEL COMPANY OF SCOTLAND, LI3IITED T. COCKERILL ET CIE STEEL WORKS, BELGIUM. The Eston Steel Works. In 1877 Messrs. Bolckow, Vaughuii & Co. opened at Eston, in Cleveland, one of the most complete and adniiniblv ar- ranged steel makiiio- estal)lishnients in the world. Tlie site of these works extending over 100 acres of land, adjoins the Darlington Section of the Northeastern TIailway, and abuts upon the private jetty of the tirni, whence the ores are de- livered and the finished article shipped without any cost for freightage or other dues. The ore is carried along an over- head railway and is emptied into huge bunkers immediately behind the furnaces. The bunker.s are divided for the se[)- arate storage of limestone,' ironstone and coke, and are built of strong timber, with equally strong iron supports. They are fitted underneath with valves, Avhich enables the raw material to be emptied into the barrows, without any mamial labor other than that of simply opening and shutting the valves, which are placed underneath the floor of the bunkers at the height of about 5 1-2 feet fi'om the ground. After being filled these l)arrows are wheeled to the hoists, which are worked by water l)alances with a break wheel at the top. ( o6 ) The water is pumped by ordinary pumping engines into a tank placed at the top of the hoists. Three harrows are car- ried up at a time, the load l)eing about 1,700 pounds. The water actuating the hoist is obtained from the Eston mines belonging to the tirm and it runs in an open stream down to the steel works, distant 2 1-2 miles. There are nineteen blast furnaces immediately surrounding the steel works, and hot air stoves each having 2,000 square feet of heating surface and giving a temperature of 1,100 degrees to the blast are attached to the furnaces. A 20-ton machine is provided for the purpose of weighing the iron as it comes from the blast furnaces, and the laboratory is placed close by the'machine, so that the molten metal can be taken from the ladles and sampled and analyzed without loss of time. It is not the custom to take samples of each cast, as it is believed that the iron will be kept regular otherwise. The converting house is divided into two departments, the basic and the hematite, each containing four converters in a row, the basic converters being nominally ten tons capacity each, and the hematite five tons. The acid converters are to be changed to basic, and this firm will have 8 converters working on the basic process. The vessels are placed at greater distances apart than is common in our American Steel plants, Avith the advantages of greater accessibility and the greater room on the platform for charging and other neces- sary operations. There is one ladle crane to each pair of converters, not top-supported, as in our home works, but balanced by a counter weight. It has the three motions of lifting, moving also around a circle, and carrying the ladle out or in, frohi or toward the centre, all controllable by hydraulic machinery. Its lift is so high that the ladle can be lifted above the ingot molds when these are standing on the ground level, thus enabling the deep pit to be dispensed with, and greatly facilitating the placing of the ingot molds. (57) The pig metal used in these converters (both basic and hematite) is all tapped directly from the blastfurnaces, and is brought in ladles to the steel works, hoisted by a hydrau- lic lift to the railway track on the platform behind the con- verters, and it is then run on this track to the vessel which is ready for it, and tapped through a short runner directly into the vessel, into which the basic additions and a few crop ends or other pieces of scrap have already been placed. The blow lasts about twenty minutes ; the converter is then turned back toward the platform, and a sample taken out and tested by hammering out, cooling, and breaking, to determine whether the purification has been complete. When this is done, either with or without a few seconds of extra blowing, the steel is poured into the crane ladle where it is mixed with the spiegel which has been tapped into two small ladles from one of four cujjolas standing together on the platform . The production does not seem very large in comparison with that of our best works, (only 2,500 tons per week for four converters) but no attempt is made to run each con- verter to its utmost capacity the whole time, as in America. Two of the four converters are always idle, but in readiness to be used as soon as the other two are stopjDed for rei^airs. The working force of men is only large enough to keep two converters at work, and the men at twelve hours per day mstead of eight, as in some of the American works. Throughout the works care is taken to avoid working be- low the floor line. This arrangement represents a consider- able economy with the customary Bessemer process of casting the mgots in pits, seeing that the expense and loss of time incurred in lifting the ingots out of the pits is avoided. Here the technical and commercial success of the basic process is unquestionable. The mechanical difficulties have been successfully surmounted. The works have been in sue- ( '^« ) cessful operation on this process for nearly two years and the basic converting department gives less anxiety and trouble than any other department in the works, and proves that the process is inevery sense past the experimental stage. After coming from the converters the ingots of steel are heated in Siemen's regenerative furnaces, of which tjiere are a large numl)cr, covering about 2 acres, indicating that the work will not be delayed from want of sufficient heating capacity. There are 2 large 2-high blooming mills for blooming the ingots from 15 inches square down to 7 inches square. The ingots are handled by hydraulic power, and are rolled with- out any other manual aid than that supplied by the engine- man \Yho works the cranes and I'ams. These blooming mills have 40-inch diameter rolls, driven by very large double reversing engines, which are geared down 3 to 1. Each engine has a set of rolls on each side to prevent any stop- page by breakage or any other reason ])y which one set of rolls may become incapacitated. The ingots, after blooming, are generally not sheared into rail lengths, but are at once taken to the 2-higli reversing rail mill, which rolls o or more lengths of rail at once, which are then sawed to lengths by the hot saws. The rail mill is furnished with 26-inch rolls driven by large reversing compound engines. In reference to the quality of the steel made at Eston, a table of 51 consecutive blows or heats, shows that the variation in carbon by color tests of this whole lot was only between .30 and .40, and in phosphorus only between .04 and .08. A ball of 1,120 pounds, falling 15 feet on the finished rail, bearings 3 feet 10 inches apart, produces deflections, varying only from 1 7-8 to 3 1-8 inches in a constant length of 24 feet. If this regularity of product obtains through 51 con- secutive heats, there can be no doubt it can ]>e duplicated whenever desired, as the phosphorus in the finished product is ( 59 ) entirely within control of the operator. This elimination of phosphorus to the last traces depends upon the afterblow and the amount of ir(>n which is wasted in order to make sure of such elimination. When steel rail is wanted to con- tain not nnn-e than .10 P., the afterblow is not carried to such an extent as when boiler plate is w\anted, with below .05 P., and in rail steel, therefore, a variation in P. of from .02 to .08 or .10 is quite allowable. Upon this fact the practical and uniform elimination of phosphorus down to below .05 depends the future of the manufacture of the finer steels in the United States. Especially crucible steels, and to Bessemer and oi)en hearth steels for lioiler plates, rivets, stay*l)olts, and line steels for stamping, tin plates, etc. In crucible steel manufacture at })resent the raw material imported is Swedish wrought iron bars, which are exceedingly costh^ Their chemical peculiarity, upon wiiich their whole market value depends, is lovj phosphorus and low silicon. A basi(^ Bessemer works in the United States making steel for boik-r plates, or such like pur})ose, containing kxowx QUANTITIES of pliosphorus P. .01, P. .02, P. .08, etc., and all necessarily very low in silicon, the sciiap of these works thus graded, is the very best material in the world for crucible steel, and the best material for the open hearth pro- cess to manufacture into spring and other high-carbon, low- phosphorus, and low-siUcon steels. So in regai-d to open hearth steel l)oilcr plates and other very soft steels. The materials now used are the best extra low phosphorus Bes- semer pigs largely imported from England and Sweden for the puqiose. Republic or Spanish ores, Chateaugay or other Champlain blooms, or pig iron dei)hos])horized by some expensive process, such as Kru})p's or BclTs washing pro- cess or bv ordinary puddling. However obtained, these raw ( <50 ) materials are all expensive. If the open hearth process for the manufacture of soft steel is to live and prosper in com- petition with the basic Bessemer process, its raw materials must be cheapened, and no way is so likely to cheapen it as the introduction of the basic process, and with the basic steel scrap. As an illustration of profits at Eston, the last annual report of Bolckow, Vaughan & Co. may be quoted from. The report says : "Your directors have pleasure in submitting herewith the "company's balance sheet and auditor's report for the year "ending December 31, 1()ts for four weeks endmo; May 10th, '79 ; one third phite, two thirds rails. The cost of pig was excessive, the company having some thousands of tons on hand at this price. The same pig at the then current price, $12.45, woukl make a difference in the cost of ingots of $1.53. $12.45 was the price of the pig used. Description. Pig Iron Steel and Iron Scrap Scull Spiegel Ferro Mang Ores, various Sand and Loam Ganister Coal and Dross Ing. Molds and Bot's Stoves Sundries Steel and Iron Cas ings Brick, Fire (lav, &c Wrought Iron, Steel & WW Use of Machines Wages Steel Melting Pattern and Carpenter Fitting and Erecting . , . . . Smithy Foundry Bricklayers Yard Labor Interest, &c Weight. Rate. 2901.1778 717.1925 101.1904 39.201 () 42.2198 1085.1.554 2709 672 14.396 13.908' 12.81 22.77 5(;.95 4 G2< Amount. Less: TONS. Scull 100 B'd Ingots, 7 LBS. 1G24 at 012.81... $290.29 1568 at 13.90.. 107.10 Steel ingots made, tons 3642 — lbs. 1435 . . . 41774.20 9983.96 1304.71 908.61 2448.20 4371. 143.12 280.14 2786.87 1696. 56 348.99 110.52 338.76 314.52 52.25 86.50 Wt per ton. Cost per ton. 1784 441 63 24 26 667 5070.94 55.29 187.17 127.89 121.68 485.36 799.46 2710.82 1665 76507.65 1397.39 75110.26 11.44 2.74 .36 .245 .675 1.21 .04 .08 .775- .475 .08 .02 .10 .08 .02 .03 1.38 .49 .75 .98 .36 .62 ((37) The following statement shows the work per ton of ingots : STEEL WORKS OF SCOTLAND, MAY, 1879. Each open hearth furnace, 1st hand IQis Each open hearth furnace, 2d hand 066 Each open hearth furnace, 3d hand 00'' Each open hearth furnace. Pitman 066 One producer man to each block (1 block per furnace) and 4 ash- men to 10 blocks, each 07' A. — Yard contract for discharging cars of all material used, in- cluding coal, and removing slag, scrap, etc., but not Ingots nor producer ashes lOi^ B. — Contract for weighing and wheeling all material to furnaces. .09^^ C— Ladle contract 07i» D. —Pit cleaning contract (not removing slag and scrap), (see A.). 030^ Slag breaker, per slag 20* Two locomotive crane men, per turn, each per day 1 . 22 Two locomotive crane helpers, per turn, each per da}^ 772 The slag is cast in one great cake and removed bodily. Cost of 41 pounds flange rails May, l . • . 1 G.40 feet. Diameter of top 11 .48 feet. Total height 60 feet. Inclination of boshes G7 1-2 degrees. Capacity 7,942 cubic feet. Blast engines of the special vertical type of Seraing, so well known, and of which 123 are in operation in various places on the continent, furnish the necessary blast, at a pressure of 6 llis. The blowing cylinders of the engine have a diameter of 10 feet and a stroke of ight brown 45 or carbon, or more. Dark brown 0.30 of carbon, or more. Bluish black 0.15 of carbon, or more. As soon as the metal in the converter has reached the de- sired degree of hardness, which can be regulated at will by pro- longing or shortening the blow, it is run into the moulds in (78) the usual way, and the ingots are taken to the forge as soon as crystaUzation has taken phice, and l^efore they have had time to cool. Three very light hydraulic cranes to each pit lift out the ingots rapidly, and without difficulty. The i)it itself is very wide, 33 feet in diameter, and is shallow, only 3 feet deep, and as the moulds are placed side by side, plenty of space is left for circulation in the center. The superiority of the Seraing rail mill has been so highly appreciated by continental iron and steel manufacturers, that within two years of its being i)ut into operation, the company received orders for five others of the same type. CHAPTER V. THE BASIC-BESSEMER PROCESS. BASIC LININGS LIME ADDITIONS BASIC PIG AFTER-BLOW WASTE BASIC STEEL OUTPUT QUALITY COST PROGRESS OF THE NEW PROCESS ITS COMMERCIAL SUCCESS. Serious difBculties have confronted those anxious to arri :e at the truth as to the practical operation of the Basic Pro- cess, chiefly with reference to ; The method of making Basic bricks ; The repairing of Basic l)ottoms ; The means of })roducing"iron that would blow both hot and pure ; The whole matter of waste ; The treatment and uses of Basic steel generally, and the extra cost in worlvs not adapted to the Basic process. Efforts have been made by persons, with interests antago- nistic to phosphoric ore development, to prejudice the minds and bias the judgment of the iron and steel world, hy the exposition of special criticisms l)y accepted authority, as the results of impartial and disinterested investigation. The showing of Tunner, for instance, that the process Avould not be likely to pay at Kladno, in Austria, was claimed to prove that it would pay nowhere. Tunner' s report was entitled to ( ^-> ^ consideration as that of an lUKjuestioned authority, and jet he ])a8es his showing purely upon loctd drawbacks. Again, certain cliemists have attempted to demonstrate that if cer- tain elements behave as they may be expected to, phospho- rus could not be eliminated, unless certain different reactions were made to occur, by introducing other elements, at an expense which would render the process in most localities impracticable, etc. Probably the most damaging criticism the Basic Process has met, emanated from Mr. I. Lowthian Bell, a few years ago, at the Dusseldorf meeting of the Iron and Steel Insti- tute, when he made the statement that Prof. Tunner, in the report of the Austrian Commis^sion, "Made out very clearly that the additional cost of the Basic treatment was something like 20 shillings per ton." From this started the idea that phosphoric pig must be at least $5.00 per ton cheaper than ordinary Bessemer pig, to allow the manufacturer to get out whole, without profit. The explanation of this statement by Prof. Tunner has gradually become better understood. As one example, in a note to his remarks at the Dusseldorf meeting, Mr. Bell says : "My attention has been called to the fact, that Prof. Tunner' s calculations were made in paper currency, and not in silver. His 9 1-2 florins per ton would, therefore, be equal to about 1(3 shillings and not 20 shillings per ton." Likewise, it appears that Prof. Tunner' s estimate was founded upon 18 per cent of waste by the Basic process and 12 per cent by the acid process. The money difference was actually but 20 cents (silver) per ton of steel. Although with different irons the "waste" varies, the average in the Basic process is really only 4 per cent instead of 6 per cent greater. We find at Creusot, and at Brown, Bayley and Dixon's that the Basic waste is but 11 per cent ; at Angleur it is under 13, and at llhurort it is 15 to 15 1-2 ])er cent. (76) Again, it will be found that Prof. Tanner charged in 64 cents per ton of steel for excess of Spiegel demanded in the Basic over the acid process. This is contradicted in the practice at Bolckow, Vaughan & Go's, where half the ordi- nary quantity of Spiegel is saved, a cheap, siliconized pig being substituted. Once more, lime additions are counted in by Prof. Tunner at a cost of 56 cents per ton of steel. That a fifth of a ton of cupola burned iron cost much less than this price in most iron regions is plain, and also that is worth something as slag in the blast furnace. The estimate of cupola expenses is $1.60 to $.'5.20 per ton of steel and charged against the Basic process only, because white iron "might not run hot enough from the blast furnace." This is answered at Creusot and at Bolckow, Yaughan & Go's., white iron being run at both — and at the latter works certainly — hot enough for practi- cal purposes. Finally, the figures of Prof. Tunner included the extra cost of securing a comparatively small basic product from an old fashioned plant, without any adaptation to the new re- quirements of basic repairs ; and there, extra costs included 96 cents for l)lowing, stoves, labor, interest and general ex- penses. Seventy cents is the amount at which the extra cost of refractories and repairs is put, and is low enough. It should therefore appear plain, that in a properly ADAPTED WORKS Specially designed for the purpose, the Basic Process, in place of costing $5.00 per ton more, is in reality cheaper in practice than the acid process. The cost of lime additions and ore excess of lining materials would approxi- mate a dollar, but a saving might be made in the cost of both waste and recarbonizer, and some return might be ex- pected from slag as a blast furnace material, and added to this saving would be that of cheaper pig and the profit on a better quality of soft steel. (77) It was quite generally predicted, when the results of tho early basic experiments in England were hard, brittle and irregular steels, on account of consideralile reabsorption of l^hosphorus from the slag and incomplete dephosphorizatioi), that the basic process might l>e applied to rails and coarse work, but that what was really required in quantity was a pure, soft ingot iron adapted to lioiler ])lates, ships, bridges, and to the manifold structural purposes ; and it was asserted that the rule, that "pure products could spring alone from pure materials," was not likely, just yet, to l)e disproven. And when, a year later, Hoorde and Witkowitz had brought forth, l)y the basic process, and from pig so phosphoric that it had been abandoned for puddling, a steel which had in it more iron and less impurity than any Cumberland or Swedish Bessemer, it was then atiknowledged that the new process might possibly become of limited value, as, although it did not seem ca[)tible of producing the hard steel wanted in quantity, its soft products necessarily possessed a small range of usefulness. But putting aside this style of criticism, Prof, Tunner, Prof. Ackerman, Mr. Pourcel and others have scientifically explained the true difficulties in making hard steel by the basic process, and this is the obstacle : To burn out the phosphorus, l)lowing must be continued until qyqyy other hardening element has been eliminated. An addition of Spiegel enough to theoretically restore the necessary amount of carbon, on the contrary, restores too much phosphorus. The carbon in the spiegel combines with the oxygen of the oxide of iron in the bath, making carbonic oxide, and this reduces the phosphorus in the slag, restoring it to the steel. It was not that the steel could not be hardened, but that it possessed the brittle hardness characteristic of phosphoric steel. In connection with the Terre-noire steel casting manufac- ( 7S ) ture, the remedy has been discovered, and has been demon- strated by Mr. Pourcel, It was to take u[) the oxide in the bath by silicon — by adding a pig high in silicon and low in carbon — so that carbon subsequently added, by means of Spiegel, would go into the steel instead of making carbonic oxide to reduce phosphorus ; this is the practice at Bolckow, Vaughan & Co.'s, at Witkowitz and at Montlucon, with the further economy of a saving of spiegel. At Montlucon, steel with i of 1 per cent carbon is regularly produced. The requirements of tire and axle steels, which are of moderately hard grades, are stated under Hoerde product, and are fully met by basic steel at these works. It has been suggested that the basic process would be of limited value in places where I or 2 per cent of manganese could not cheaply be put into the pig. The offices of man- ganese are : First, to prevent a high percentage of sulphur in the pig. It happens that some of the phosphoric ores, most used in France and Germany, are also very sulphurous ; such is not the case with many of the highly phosphoric ores of the United States. But it has been abundantly proven that plenty of lime and hot blast will remedy the difficulty. The users of the very sulphurous Luxembourg ores, Metz & Brothers, for example, formerly put silicon 0.30 to 0.50 into their white pig ; now they put in but 0.12 to 0.15 sili- con, and they also keep the silicon under 1 per cent. The large furnace of Bolckow, Vaughan & Co., which formerly produced a pig with high silicon and about 1-3 per cent of sulphur, now keep silicon down to 1.00 to 1.20 per cent, and sulphur to 0.20 or under with only 0.40 manganese in the pig. There is 35 per cent of lime in the slag of the blast fur- naces. Mr. Whit well, of Middlesboro, stated at the Dusseldorf meeting, that he had made some 4,000 tons of pig, averag- ing (10 analyses) sulphur 0.099, silicon 0.14, P. 2.951 and manganese 0.317, out of 1-4 Cleveland ores, 1-2 forge cin- (79) der to give the P., and 1-4 Spanish ore to give the manga- nese. Manganese also helps to remove the sulphur in the con- verter. But sulphur in higher proportions than it is likely to occur in the United States seems to do little harm. Mr. Edward Riley states that some of the very l)est rails have sulphur 0.10 to 0.18, and that the only objection to sulphur 0.27 was red shortness. Manganese is useful to give heat early in the Bessemer operation ; before the burning of the phosphorous, when, as it should be, silicon is low. The large charges are sufficiently hot with al)out 1 per cent silicon and only 0.40 manganese. Manganese is probabh^ not indispensable, although 1-2 of 1 per cent in the pig is useful. This amount can be put into pig at little or no extra cost in many parts of the United States. In any works a little cheap spiegel (no matter how phosphoric) can be run into the vessel along with the pig. It has been assumed by some experts that metal for the basic process must be so low in silicon that it can not be got hot enough directly from the blast furnace, and that the extra cost of cupola melting must be incurred. At Hoerde this was the case, but at Creusot there are no cupolas ; and although there is a little cemplaint of cool metal, the Creusot general i-esults are as good as those elsewhere. Bolckow, Vaughan & Co. use hot blast furnace metal direct, and with some delay in transportation, but the 10-ton charges are hot enough. Mr. Snelus said, at the Desseldorf meeting, that at West Cumberland blastfurnace metal would live longer than cupola metal in a ladle, and that while blast furnace metal would blow hot enough with 1.25 silicon, cupola metal needed 2.25 to 2.50 silicon. The very important consideration of decreased output, in a plant where basic lining can not be as well kept up as acid (80; linings, is, of course, a serious one, and a large outlay would 1)6 necessary to make necessary changes in an existing plant, working on the acid process, to be adapted to the new conditions of the basic process. Basic Linings. — Dolomite should have from 16 to 20 per cent of manganese in order to preserve bricks, etc., from damage by the atmosphere. It should have 4 to 6 per cent of silicon and 3 to 5 per cent of allumina and oxide of iron, to promote coherence ; much more silicon than this would impair the basicity of the slag. Basic bricks are molded without much pressm'e, from raw dolomite ground to pass a 10 to 15 mesh sieve and wet with water ; they are dried in about 48 hours, at a temperature of 120o Fahrenheit, and are then burned about a week, includ- ing heating and cooling. They are set in vessel lining with a mortar of pulverized dolomite brick and 5 per cent of coal tar. Open hearth bottom bricks are laid raw in the open hearth furnace and burned in place at Creusot. Burning Bricks. — In basic brick-making, two important economies have been developed : First — burning the basic bricks in a thin stratum on the top of a kiln nearly full of acid bricks, there being a separating layer of maganese or bauxite bricks l)etween the two to prevent fluxing. A thick pile of basic bricks in a kiln is so thrown together as to pro- duce many wasters, on account of the excessive shrinkage. A thill layer of basic bricks burned by themselves would require an excessive amount of fuel. Second — The regen- erative gas kiln gives a larger economy of fuel ; the cooling- bricks heat the incoming air for the burnino; bricks. This kiln also produces better bricks by means of gradual heat- ing and cooling, and of a uniformly intense temperature while burning. Rammed Linings and Bottoms. — Dolomite should be thoroughly calcined, at as high a temperature as the kiln or (81) furnace will stand, in order (first), that no carbonic acid may be left, and second, that less moisture may be absorbed ; these respectively disintegrate the linings ; third, to increase the mechanical hardness and duration of the lining ; and fourth, to promote economy by absorbing less tar than soft burned dolomite requires. Dolomite may be hard-burned in a basic-lined cupola, with 1,800 pounds of coke per ton of calcined stone. This is a convenient and economical method. Dolomite should l)e ground and used while fresh burned, so that it will have little time to absorb moisture. Rammed linino; and bottom stuff should be mixed m a mortar mill with from 10 to 13 per cent of coal tar which has been boiled to expel its ammonia and water. This mix- ture "will stick pretty well to the burned skin of a lining or bottom. The volatile parts of the tar soon burn aAvay, leaving the particles of dolomite bound with a neutral and perfectly refractory coke-cement. Bottoms of the above dolomite and tar mixture should be burned at a low red heat long enough to coke the tar, and while burning, they should be held on all sides in an iron mould, which will prevent their swelling, and will give hard surfaces. Bottoms for tuyeres should be moulded around hollow iron dummy tuyeres, for the same reason. Ordinary acid tuyeres last in dolomite bottoms nearly as well as in acid bottoms ; but dolomite tuyeres, made of ■calcined stone and 5 per cent of tar, formed in a split mould, and burned with the bottom, give better results. Pin bottoms, made of perfectly calcined dolomite, with 10 to 13 per cent tar, and properly burned, as above described, endure about as well as ordinary tuyere bottoms. Ball Stuff. — A mixture of calcined dolomite with 20 per cent of tar, thrown as ball stuff, or plastered as mortar into joints, such as the joint around a bottom, or around a newly ( 82 ) set tuyere, becomes semi-fluid, and runs at once, if the lining is hot, into the smallest crack, where the tar quickly cokes, leaving the doTomite well cemented. Metal may run into the vessel within a few minutes after the joint is thus stopped. Slagging of vessel noses is prevented by making the noses small to compress and increasing the temperature of the gases, and by lining the noses with the best ordinary lire- brick, separated from the dolomite lining by some neutral material. The practice seems to be growing in the direction of rammed, rather than brick linings. Neither rammed nor brick linings stand, so far, above 80 to 100 heats, without needing such extensive repairs around the bottom sides, that the vessel must be cooled down. About one hundred pounds of dolomite bricks and rammed stuff are required in the average practice, per ton of steel. The variations in the composition of pig used in the Basic process are considerable, as shown by the following table : a a a a > 9 ® itkowitz average. > 11 1 8 S 1 > 'B ^ ^5 olckow, Vaugiiu average. Best Mixture. ^ ^ O ^ tf K -^ cq Si... 1.40 0.06 0.70 1.00 0.80 30 1.40 1.00 0.50 to 0.75 P... 3.00 0.96 2.30 1.60 2.00 1.75 2.00 1.75 2.00 to 3.00 S.... 0.30 0.05 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.20 under 0.15 Mn. 2.25 0.36 1.50 2.00 1.10 1.00 0.70 0.40 0.50 to 1.00 As first rate steel is made from all the above mixtures, the process is elastic, and adaptable to various regions. Phos- phorus should be over one per cent m order to maintain the temperature of the bath. Higher phosphorus undoubtedly (83) causes greater waste, but its combustion more completely cleanses the bath from other impurities. Silicon must not be much over one per cent, so that it will "not impair the basicity of the slag. Manganese is useful up to one per cent, or a little over. There are very few kinds of iron which cannot be successfully used, though, on the other hand, there are some which give specially good results. The only partial exception to be made is in the case of pig iron, which con- tains materially over three-tenths per cent of sulphur, or over 2 1-4 per cent of silicon. But even pig of this compo- sition can be readily treated if subjected to a preliminary desulphurizing or desiliconizing process. The dephosphori- zers' ideal pig has a composition falling roughly between the following: limit : Silicon. Per cent. Phosphorus. Per cent. Sulphur. Per cent. Manganese. Per cent. • .5 to 1.7 .8 to 3. under .3 Not over 2 1-2 The chief source of the phosphoric pig, next to the phos- phoric ore, is puddling cinder. Enough Bassic-Bessemer slag has been used in tlie blast furnace to make its economy as an ore probable. It appears to be practicable to make pig low in both silicon and sulphur, from almost any ores, l)y means of using plenty of lime in the blast furnace. German Basic Pig. — The Germans have done most in the study of the basic process, and the requirements of the metal used for it. The chemical composition aimed at is 2 to 3 per cent of phosphorus, 2 to 2 1-2 per cent of mangan- ese, 2.5 to 3.5 per cent of carbon, less than one per cent of silicon, and less than 0.1 per cent of sulphur. Herr Hll- genstock insists that the manufacture of such pig is the simplest and most favorable known to the ironmasters, and (84) that there is a great difference between producing such metal and making Bessemer pig with guaranteed percent- age of silicon. All that is necessary is, to run the furnace hot. It has been urged that the phosphoric acid in the ores is difficult to reduce. While it is true that small quantities of phosphoric acid — 0.2 per cent at Ilsede and 0.32 to 0.45 per cent elsewhere — are found in the cinder, and that 0.44 per 'cent of phosphorus has been detected in flue dust, it is nevertheless true that phosphoric acid is readily reduced at high temperatures, and that it goes into the pig. In a general way, it is safe to say that the quantity of phosphorus in the iron can be closely ascertained from the percentage of phosphoric acid in the ore. The cubical con- tents of furnace for the production of one ton of iron per 24 hours is only 88 to 106 cubic feet for the Basic pig, against 141 cubic feet for ordinary Bessemer, so that 100 tons per day can be run out of a much smaller furnace ; and Herr Hilgenstock questions whether any increase in the size of the furnace beyond the limit of 8,800 to 10,600 cubic feet of cubi-, cal contents leads to a corresponding reduction in the quan- tity of coke used. As compared with the manufacture of Bessemer pig, the production of Basic pig requires 880 lbs. of coke less per ton of iron made. These statements are very important as bearing upon the relative cost of Basic and Bessemer .steel, and they show that the success of the former does not entirely depend upon a difference in the price of jDure and phosphoric ores. Basic Additions. — Lime from an}^ carbonate, suitable for blast furnaces, seems to answer. From 15 to 22 per cent on the pig — average about 18 per cent — is added. Pourins: off the slao; and makino; a third of the basic addi- tion, just before the drop of the flame, may save lime and bottoms, but it will cause delay. Lime must be preheated, especially if the charges are (85) cool, as they are generally likely to be. Heating the lime- stone to a bright yellow, in a cupola, with 10 to 15 per cent of coke, and then running it by gravity into the vessel^ saves previous burning, and is an economical and expeditious method. Heating lime in the vessel, is, of course, incom- patible with a large out put. Blowing in lime seriously retards the blast and cools the charge. The time of the basic blow varies, as does that of the acid blow, according to tuyere area, blast, pressure, or other causes. Together with the stopping for tests and the after- blow (from 2 to 5 minutes), it is the longer by a few min- utes. But it need not be the longer in improved practice, because tests are, already largely, and are likely to be together, dispensed with when mixtures are uniform ; and a greater blowing power and quicker blowing are generally recommended by experts, and are readily provided. Tuyeres, with 5-8 to 3-4 holes, appear to last quite as well as our 3-8 hole tuyeres ; and with a given pressure of dis- charge, they reduce the strain on the engine considerably. The enormous friction of this volume of air passing through long, small holes is simply waste. The same area of larger holes does not, indeed, distribute the blast so much, but it gives a stronger blast, and so produces the desired mechan- ical effect as completely. Before the metal (which may be either employed direct from the blast furnace without intervening remelting, or, if for any reason this is not convenient, may have been remclted in a cupola) is run into the converter, from 15 to 18 per cent of its weight of common well burnt lime is thrown into the vessel. The metal is then introduced and the charo;e is blown in the ordinary way to the point at which it is stopped, that is, till the disappearance of the carbon as indicated by the drop of the flame. The dephosphorizing process requires. ( 8*^^ ) however, to be continued for a further 100 to 300 seconds, this period of so-called afterblow, which would be prejudi- cial both to quality and yield in the ordinary process. The termination of the operation is shown by a peculiar change in the flame, and checked by a sample of the metal being rapidly taken from the tuinied down converter, and flattened under the hammer, quenched and broken, so as to indicate by its fracture whether the purification is complete. A prac- tical eye can immediately tell whether or not this is the case. If the metal requires further purification, this is effected by a few seconds further blowing. The operation is thus, as will be seen, but little different from the ordinary Bessemer process. The differences that have been indicated, viz. : The lime lining, the lime addition, and the afterl^low are, however, suflficient not only to enable the whole of the jDhosphorus, which would be otherwise untouched, to be completel}^ removed, but the silicon, of which inconvenient and ever dangerous quantities are occasionally left in the regular Bessemer process, is also entirely eliminated, while at least 60 per cent of any sulphur also untouched in the ordinary process, which may have l)een present in the pig, is also expelled. It is found, too, that the once dreaded phosphorus is of most substantial assistance in securing, by its combus- tion, the intense heat necessary for obtaining a successful blow and hot metal. If it is desired to j^roduce ingot iron, or a metal differing only from puddled iron by its homoge- neity and solidity, the usual recarburizing addition of spiegel is omitted or replaced l)y one-half per cent of rich ferro manganese, which represents a considerable economy in the manufacture of harder steel. The phosphorus is oxidized by the blast, forming phosphoric acid, which, finding itself in presence of two strong bases, oxide of iron and lime, unites with the latter of them to form phosphates of lime, which passes mto the slag. ( «7 ) Waste due to the after-blow, is no greater, at Creusot, than the waste in the ordinary process. The waste at other works is from 2 to 4 per cent greater ; it averages about 15 per cent, not including the iron which slops out of too small vessels. The cost of waste would usually be less with phos- phoric irons at current relative prices. A waste of 16 per cent on a $16.25 iron would cost the same as a waste of 13 per cent on a $20.00 iron. Spiegel is now used in less quantity in the basic than in the acid process, thus not only economizing material, but leading to the production of a purer steel, as follows : A highl}^ siliconized pig is substituted for half the usual amount of spiegel. The silicon takes up the oxide in the bath, so that the carbon in the spiegel afterwards added, w^ill not be oxidized into carljonic oxide, which would reduce the phosphorus in the slag. And all the maganese in the spiegel goes into steel. The release of phosphorus from the slag is largely pre- vented at Bolckow, Vaughan & Co.'s, by using ferro-silicon before spiegel. It was known that the cause of the release was the reducing action of the carbonic oxide on the phos- phoric acid in the slag, and that this carbonic oxide was produced by the action of the carbon, in the spiegel upon the oxide of iron dissolved in the bath. Some means were wanted to reduce this oxide of iron without producing car- bonic oxide. After some trials the system so important in making the Terrenoire solid steel castings was adopted. Eight per cent of a pig containing 2 per cent of silicon is added after blowing. This puts in the bath 0.12 to 0.15 silicon, all of which is used in absorbing all the oxygen in the oxide of iron. Then 3 1-2 per cent to 20 per cent manganese spiegel is added, which gives about 0.40 manganese in the bath, all or nearly all of which remains in the steel. (88) Another important result of this treatment is that more carbon can be put in the steel ; all the carbon added will remain, because the oxygen in the bath, which would other- wise take it up, has been removed by silicon. At these works, steel is regularly made vdih C. 0.50, Hard steel hardened by carbon, and not also made brittle by jjhosphorus, may be produced by the basic process, in the manner above stated. After the oxygen in the bath is taken up by the silicon, any added carbon will go into the metal, and will not get made into carbonic oxide to reduce phosphorus. Slag is generally poured off before the addition of spiegel,, to still further jDrevent the restoration of its phosphorus to the bath. This operation causes but slight delay ; probably no more than slowly pouring it into and over the side of the ladle. As the slag is very voluminous, including 16 to 20 per cent of lime, as well as the ordinary impurities, the plant should be arranged to catch it in the cars as it pours from the vessel and from the ladle, and to draw the cars to the dump by a direct and uninterrupted road. Breaking this slag up and shoveling it out would be quite impracticable. Sound casting is due to making the steel hot, and teeming it as cool as possible without sculling ; also, to slow pouring by means of a small, smooth stream. Large ladles must be emptied through a fore-hearth or funnel, and the plant must be so arranged that casting can be going on all the time. These precautions are particularly necessary for basic steel,, which is apt to be a little " rising." At Creusot, ])ricks have been abandoned, and the vessel is lined with a mixture of magnesian lime (35.8 per cent mag- nesia, 53 per cent lime), and from 10 to 11 per cent of tar. The bottom is rammed up around ordinary tuyeres . Strangely , these tuyeres are more rapidly attacked than the lime mix- ture around them, the greatest destruction aoino- on duriner the afterblow. The bottoms stand from 15 to 20 blows. (89) and the vessel lining 80 to 100. As for the grade of pig worked, Creusot started mth 0,9 phosphorus, and failed, increased to from 1.7 to 1.8 per cent, and did better; and has now reached from 2.50 to 3 per cent, which is believed insures good results. Silicon is kept low, about 1-3 per cent being maximum, ordinary amount. Carbon ranges 3 per cent, and manganese from 1.50 to 2 per cent. Sulphur must not be greater than 0.20 per cent. This is evidently the weak point, as it requires heavy quantities of lime, high temperatures, and considerable manganese in the charge of the blast furnace to produce pig so low in sulphur from ordinary ores. The charge of this pig at Creusot, where it is taken directly from the blast furnace, is 8 tons in a 10-ton acid converter, which has been j^reviously charged with 18 per cent of strongly pre-heated lime, and 1.5 per cent of fluorspar. About 10.5 to 12 minutes after the beginning of the blow, at the close of the decarbonizing period, the blast is stopped, and what fluid cinder there is then poured off. This cinder is high in silica (22 percent), in lime and magnesia (47 per cent), and in phosphoric acid (12 per cent). Then a second addition of 5 to 6 per cent of lime is made, and the afterblow begins. This lasts 4 or 5 minutes, and as much as possible of the cinder is poured off. This cinder runs 12 per cent of silica, 54 per cent of lime and mag- nesia, 11 per cent of oxide of iron and manganese, and 16 per cent of phosiDhoric acid. The charge of spiegeleisen with 18 per cent of manganese is 10 per cent of Aveight of pig. One-third is put into the steel when in the con- verter, and 2-3 when in the ladle. The average composition of basic and acid rail steel at Creusot is as follows : ^^^^^^ ^^^^ Carbon 0.430 0.400 Silicon trace 0.300 Manganese 0.760 0.660 Phosphorus 0.060 0.075 Sulphur 0.029 0.040 (90) The characteristic of basic steel is the absence of silicon. Phosphorus, it will be noted, is lower; while with sulphur, if great care be taken, a very good metal can be obtained. On the whole, experience at Creusot has shown that chemically, basic steel can l)e made of a more uniform and of a better quality than ordinary acid Bessemer steel. As for the phys- ical structure of the steel, blow holes were troublesome at Creusot in the beginning. It was found, however, that an increase in the percentage of phosphorus in the pig proved beneficial, and direct experiment, by running a blow hot and a similar charge cold, by the addition of scrap, showed that the inference that this was due to a hotter finish produced by higher i)hosphorus was correct. Highly pre-heating the basic additions was adopted with the same end in view. The quality of the steel made by the Basic Process has been thoroughly ascertained, as far as analyses will reveal it, and pretty well determined by physical tests, both hot and Cold. The soft and medium grades contain very much less phosphorus and silicon than any steels can have which are made by the acid process, either open hearth or Besse- mer ; and they may be made practically free from both these elements. In some steel, traces only, which could not be weighed, have been found by chemists. Some dead soft Witkowitz steel has P. 0.005 to 0.008 by Seraing analysis, and some Witkowitz plate steel blown and rolled, had P. 0.017 by Creusot analysis. Phosphorus in basic steel ordi- narily runs from 0.04 to O.OG ; it sometimes reaches P. 0.14, but this amount can always be prevented by proper over- l)lowing and subsequent treatment, as already explained. There is no more uncertainty about removing phosphorus in the basic process than there is al:>out removing carbon in the acid process ; enough blowing will positively always do it. Silicon is always reduced to a trace or a few thousandths. Sulphur is reduced about 60 per cent. (1)1) It is this remarlvable purity and mildness which, together with its cheapness, is likely to give the basic steel an enor- mous use for boilers, ships, bridges, and all structures re- quiring toughness. It seems also to fulfill all requirements for rails, tires, axles, etc. The harder grades have not been largely produced, but it is well ascertained that they may be, without risk of brittleness from taking up phosphorus, as already explained. Those occupied in the manufacture of Bessemer steel know how difficult it was to obtain, with regularity, the extra soft steel employed for boilers in the French navy. Such metal appeared only to be made in the Martin furnace, and even then it was necessary to employ jjicked material in its manufacture. But by the new Bessemer dephosphorizing process, steels of an extraordinary degree of softness is obtained with the greatest facility, and at a i^rice less than that of ordinary rail steel. By treating a pig con- taining from 1.5 to 2 per cent of manganese, we obtain, after the decarbonization and dephosphorization is finished, a non-oxidized metal, which does not contain more than traces of carbon and manganese. If it be desired that the steel should be entirely free from any tendency to red shortness, we may add from 0.25 to 0.50 per cent of rich ferro manganese to remove any traces of oxygenization. The only precaution to be taken to obtain a soft steel is to choose pig (if direct working be employed) which con- tains sufficient manganese, Avith 2 per cent as a maximum, or to make a suitable mixture of pigs, if cupolas be employed. But this will be by no means the only outlet for dephosphorized metal, for up to the present time the high price of soft steel has been the great obstacle which has prevented many people from employing it in construction. But by the new process soft metal can be produced at a less price than ordinary (puddled) iron. There is, therefore, no longer any (92) reason, apart from routine, why steel should not be employed in all cases in place of iron, to which it is so much superior in strength. Its freedom from red shortness, is generally conspicuous, noticeably the hot tests and the plate rolling of Witkowitz steel cast after overblowing without any spiegel or other addition ; nor is the pig used i^articularly high or low in any element. The rather smooth rolling of basic steel at Creusot was attributed to the practicability of high heating in the absence of silicon. This quality especially adapts the steel to drop forgings and stamped sheet work, for which it is largely used. It is generally more "rising" than acid steel, but this difficulty may be mitigated by proper casting, as before indicated. The inquiry is largely and anxiously made : Will basic steel take the place of wrought iron for welded work, in the innu- merable country blacksmith shops where, in the aggregate, such a large quantity of material is used, and where the new material will, for a long time, be accejjted or condemned, as it stands or fails under old temperature and methods ? It is probable that no fusion product will ever weld as easily and soundly, by old methods, as a puddled product. Through the latter there is diffused a welded powder in the shape of slag, which j)rotects the surfaces from oxidization, and which melts and washes off oxide when it is formed. The fusion product, on the contrary, is almost perfectly free from slag and must be treated with an artificial slag, and man- ipulated with such a degree of skill that steel welding may be called a new art. Boiler plate clippings and ingot iron scrap are welded in the rolls and drawn into sound bars, angles, rivets, rods, etc., in various foreign works, and this material is hand welded, easily and perfectly, in the smith shops of the various steel works, and in other smith shops where the new art has been learned. ( 93 ) The matter of cost, which has been made so mysterious and inscrutable, is no longer difficult. We now have data as to every element, within such exact limits that any one may estimate the cost of basic steel in his own region, nearly as correctly as that of acid steel. Estimates may be safely based on the following quantities : Waste, 15 to IG per cent on the pig. Lime additions, charged red hot, 18 to 20 per cent on the pig. Lining material, 100 pounds per ton of steel. Extra labor, say 5 cents per ton of steel. Spiegel, 5 per cent of 12 to 15 per cent manganese. High silicon Bessemer pig, 5 per cent. The slag has a value, but need not be considered. The item of greatest importance is, of course, the com- parative cheapness of phosphoric pig. The greater value of the steel for special purposes must also be considered. These are the elements of cost, based on about an equal output of basic and acid steel ; and the basic output need be neither "considerably," nor for that matter, any less when the plant is specially designed for the basic process. It should appear that with $5.00 per ton lower pig, the economy in waste and spiegel and the value of the slag should compensate for the lime additions and extra linings, and that the saving on ingots should be the whole difference in the cost of pig. While there is no doubt that the economy of fuel and labor in the manufacture of steel as compared ^\ath that of iron, is more conspicuous in the case of rail making than in most other departments of manufacture, puddling has, comparatively speaking, stood still for the last ten years. Economy in steel making has made, and is making, rapid progress, and the developments and modifications introduced ( 1)4 ) during the last four 3'ears give assurance of even more rapid advance in the future. In Germany, the manufacture of dephosphorized steel is in operation in eight large firms, viz, : Messrs. De Wendel,. Ilerr Stumm, and the Union Works at Dortmund, each ^^^th two converters, and the works of Rothe, Ij'de, Bochum,. Horde, the Rhenish Steel Works and Herr Gienauth. During the current year they have largely increased their make. Four works make nothing but dephosphorized metal, and each of these is said to be full of orders, for their special soft steel. Besides these, new basic works are started by the Ilsede Works, the Maximilians Muette Works, the Rohr- back Works, and others. The Ilsede AVorks will be on a large scale, starting with four converters. The new basic plant of the Horde Works is of an entirely novel design, the ladle crane being a hydraulic crane on a locomotive car- riage, and arranged so as to be able to serve three or more vessels in a straight line. Basic extensions are also in pro- gress by the Pha3nix and Oberhausen Works. In France the Creusot works continue dephosphorizing steadily, both with the Bessemer and Siemens processes. Creusot was one of the first works to make a series of tests, and though success in the open-hearth was attained almost at the start, it to^k some time before anything like regular working could be reached in the Bessemer converter. Now, of course, tlie cause is fully understood, being chiefly the nature of the pig employed ; but at the time it was used as a very strong argument against the process, and the reports of the quality of the rails made caused much alarm. Four other large works, solely devoted to dephosphorizing are in operation, while a fifth, at St. Nazaire, though it has better facilities for olitaining Spanish ore than any other works in France, has been so arranged as to adopt the old or new process at will. The Joeuf Works has a plant, con- (95) sisting of four converters. The Longwy Works has three vessels, and the works of the Societe du Nord et de I'Est have two vessels. The output of dephosphorized steel in France now exceeds 3,000 tons per week. In England, Bolckow, Vaughan & Co. are m>aking 2,500 tons of Cleveland steel per week, and are preparing to double this output. These, with lesser works in other sec-* tions, have enlarged the actual output of dephosphorized steel in Europe, in little more than a year, from under 3,000 to nearly 9,000 tons a week. The total make is, therefore, at the rate of over 450,000 tons per year. In England, there are 6 converters building for the process, which will probably produce about 3,500 tons a week. On the Conti- nent, there are 25 converters in com'se of erection for the process, with a minimum capacity of 9,000 tons a week. The perfect success of the Basic process is therefore assured. There is now no doubt, of eliminating the phos- phorus doAvn to the merest trace, and of excluding most of the sulphur likewise. It is in successful operation already in Bel- gium, Germany, France and England. Little, if any, difficulty is found in dealing with French ores as they contain consider- able sulphur. So well is this appreciated there, that Schnei- der & Co. have a "plant" in course of erection to operate this process on an extensive scale. Ores with over 2 per cent of phosphorus have been found to be as tractable as ores hold- ing the merest trace ; the most impure and inexpensive iron ores thus Ijecome as serviceable as the costlier ores. Ample evidence of this may be offered. Rails made for the British railways have passed through the severest tests and been declared equal to any made from Cumberland or Spanish hematite ore. The product has been uniformly good, like- wise, on the continent, where thousands of tons of steel have been manufactured from highly phosphoric pig, and with the most satisfactory results. (96) The mechanical difficulties obstructing the rapid develop- ment of the new system have finally disappeared and its adoption is, in the opinion of many experts, simply a matter of availability of location, as the introduction of the basic process is cei'tainly an innovation in steel manufacture, sec- ond to none in its history. These inventions will in reality prove no less important to the world than those of Kelly and Bessemer. Changes in the whole field of American manufacture vdW be involved, and also changes in the loca- tion of works, in the relative value of Lake Superior to other ores, in cost of raw material for both the open hearth and crucible processes, in the present standing of the puddling furnace, and prominently in the labor question. The questions of commercial interest to which the intro- duction of the new process gives birth, therefore, inaugurate a revolution of which it is impossible to foretell the exact outcome. CHAPTER VI. THE HARRISON STEEL COMPANY. A DESCRIPTION OF THE WORKS OF THE HARRISON STEEL COM- PANY THE NEW BASIC-BESSEMER PLANT, DESIGNED ACCORDING TO THE IMOST IMPR0^T:D PLANS OP STEEL WORKS CONSTRUCTION. The site of these Steel works is located at the town of Harrison, in the Countj^ of Jackson, Illinois, on a plateau fifty feet above the waters of the Big Muddy Eiver. The surface area covers about 100 acres. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES. The railroad facilities are afforded by the St. Louis -Coal Railroad to Pinckneyville, which line is in connection with the Cairo Short Line to St. Louis and to Cairo ; also with the Illinois Central and its connections to Chicago and the Northwest and to New Orleans ; and with the Vincennes Division of the Wal)ash Line, making connections at Vin- cennes for Louisville to Cairo, Cincinnati and the East ; and again to Chester on the Mississippi River, fifty-two miles from Harrison, at which point connection is made to Iron Moun- tain, Pilot Knol), Shepherd Mountain, Russell Mountain, "and Southwest Ore District" by the Chester, Iron Moun- (98) tain and Western Railroad, now in course of construction ; and at the same place, by river, to all points on the ]\Iissis- sippi River between St. Paul and New Orleans, and to all points on the Ohio River ; and at Cairo, situated at the junc- tion of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, sixty-five miles from Harrison, connection is also made with tlie St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railway to the Southwest, connecting there also with the Texas Pacific Railway. At Paducah, on the Ohio River readied by a projected lino of the Danville, Olney and Ohio River Railway, distant about seventy-five miles from Harrison, connection is made with the Cliatta- nooga & St. Louis Railroad to the Southeast ; and with steamers and barges from the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers. The railroad and water facilities, so far as transportation to and from the works for finished product or materials is concerned, are deemed to be unexcelled hy any other plant in this country, when considered in connection with the prox- imity of the raw material and the nearness of the market for the finished product. THE WATER SUPPLY. Water is o])tained in abundance from a reservoir supplied by the Big Muddy River, 1,000 feet distant, conveyed to a well situated in the works, at which pumps are placed ; thence discharged into six tanks 25 by 15 by 6 feet each, from which supply pipes lead to all the various depart- ments of the works. The water is good, containing nothing of an injurious character to boilers or to the packing in the cranes, and is what is technically known as " soft water." FUEL. The works set upon and are surrounded by coal fields of large extent. The coal is a good coking or free coal, and of excellent quality for fuel and iron smelting. (99) Its character is shown by the following analysis, made by Messrs. Potter & Riggs, of the Washington University, St. Louis : Moisture 6.90 per cent. Volatile matter 31.33 per cent. Fixed carbon 56.02 per cent. Ash 5.75 per cent. 100.00 per cent. Sulphur separately determined 0.83 per cent. This coal, seventy-live feet below the surface, is the No. 8 of this series of veins nine to ten feet thick, and is the highest vein developed in the Mississippi Valley. Underlying this vein, at a depth of forty feet, is vein No. 7 from four to five feet thick, and by analysis made by same chemists, contains : Moisture - 3.95 per cent. Volatile matter 36.95 per cent. Fixed carbon 48.55 per cent. Ash o 10.55 per cent. 100.00 per cent. Sulphur separately determined 1.96 per cent. The color of the ash indicates the presence of very little iron, so that the sulphur is probably in the organic form, or in part as a sulphate of lime. The No. 7 and No. 8 veins are situated in Williamson County, seventeen miles distant from the site of the steel Avorks, and is the coal from which the coke is made. In Jackson County, underlying the site where the steel works are located and contiguous thereto, is vein No. 2, of from four to seven feet in thickness, known as the "Big Muddy Coal," which will be used for supplying the gas pro- ducers, and for general purposes. These extensive coal properties are owned by the Carbon- dale Coal and Coke Company, and a contract for a supply ( 100 ) of fuel for all the requirements of the Harrison Steel Com- pany has ])een made with that company for a term of twenty years, based upon a nominal profit above the cost of mining, thus insuring an unfailing supply of fuel at nearly minimum oost. The St. Louis Coal Railroad Company and the Carbon- dale Coal and Coke Company are owned by the same pai'- ties, under the same management and inseparably connected for the next twenty-three years by contracts, sanctioned and ratified by every stockholder of both companies, and whose signatures are thereto attached. ORE SUPPLIES. Iron ore is in abundant supply in INIissouri, Tennessee, Alabama, and Arkansas, and is within easy reach by the many excellent railway and river connections made with the St. Louis Coal Railroad, and its leased lines, a corporation with which the Harrison Steel Company has made a trans- portation contract for a term of twenty years at a certain price per ton per mile for carriage of raw materials and finished products. UNDER THE SITE. The nature of the soil and earth under the site at every point is as follows : First strata, G feet in depth, sandy loam. Second strata, 2 feet in depth, sandy clay. Third strata, 5 feet in depth, sandy clay, hard. Fourth strata, 4 feet in depth, tough clay. Fifth strata, 3 feet in depth, tough clay, dark. Sixth strata, 7 feet in depth, bhie clay, hard. Seventh strata, 14 feet in depth, brown clay. Eighth strata, hard pan. Total, 41 feet to the slate overlying the coal. FIRECLAY, LIMESTONE, ETC. During the excavations for the foundations of the build- ings, advantage has been taken of the excellent quality of (101) the clay for the manufacturing of building l)ricks at a cost not exceeding $4.00 per thousand. The fuel is cheap, and the clay can be burned to a hardness suitable for sewers and foundations about the works. Limestone is conveniently located, and can be lirought to the works at low cost. This is an element of importance, as it is extensively used in the lilast furnaces and in the basic processes. There is also an abundance of superior fire clay. Another important feature in connection with the value of the site is the proximity of many natural ravines of great depth and width, in which the slag and cinder and other refuse can l)e deposited at little cost, and surface land thus made suitable for building purposes, and thereby enhancing the value of the land. DEAINAGE. The drainage from the works is perfect, as the general level of the site is fifty feet above high water level in the river, thus ensuring the carrying off of surplus water and other matter, leaving the foundation pits, lowered tracks, etc., dry and firm. COKE OVENS. The coke ovens are situated GOO feet from the blast fur- naces, and the coke will be carried to the furnaces by rail- way up an inclined plane to stock houses at the rear of the blast furnaces, and thence elevated by steam hoist to the platform of the furnaces. General Arrangement of the Works. THE BLAST FURNACES. The six blast furnaces are placed in blocks of three, but stand in such position that each furnace can be shut down independently of the others, relighted, and yet in no way interfere with its neighbor furnace ; thus one blast furnace (102) can be used, or the full batteiy of six, as is most conveiiieut. Each furnace is provided with three stoves, and is capable of producing 1,200 to 1,500 tons of pig metal per week. The ore and lime is supplied to the furnaces in the same manner as the coke. Each set of three blast furnaces has three boiler houses adjoining each other. The two engine houses arc each 121 by 75 feet, and each contains ten verti- cal engines. Exceptional facilities have been provided for supplying the furnaces with material promptly and with ease, and for the removal of the cinder and refuse expeditiously, by plac- ing the blast furnaces 125 feet apart, thus allowing ample room for railway transportation. The cinder railway, and the railway for taking the metal to the converting house, are independent tracks, thus ensuring the utmost freedom of action. CONVERTING DEPARTMENT. The Bessemer converting department is situated 750 feet distant from the blast furnaces on an air line, but the metal is made to traverse 1,450 feet up an inclined plane by easy gradient to attain the elevation of twenty feet. There are six converters of ton tons capacity each, side by side. The main building is 400 by 170 feet. The spiegel cupola buildings or towers abut upon each end of the converting building, and arc eighty hy sixty feet, containing four cupo- las in each building, of the common form, for melting spie- geleisen. The molten metal is taken from the blast furnaces up an inclined plane in ladles on a car above and in line with the vessel in which the metal is to be converted, thereby effecting a large saving over the general practice in the United States ; 1st. By avoiding the necessity of maintaining casting beds at the blast furnaces by a constant suj)ply of sand and lal)or for handiinir same and niakinir of moulds. ( 103) 2d. By avoiding the casting of pigs and the loss of heat occasioned hy their cooling ; the cost of labor in raising, breakino;, liftino; and loadino; of the piii's at the blast fur- naces, the unloading and reloading at converter department ; the raising to cupola charging door at least fifty feet above the floor line ; the maintenance of cupola ; the cost of fuel to effect the melting ; the maintenance of l)lo\vers supplying the blast; and the cost of steam and lal)or in running all the machinery named in this connection. This process is working with great success in England an^ on the Continent, and is in successful operation in Chicago. In line, and at the side of four of the six converters, two cupolas are placed, making eight cupolas for utilizing low cost southern pig when the same is for &*ale hi tlie market; and also for making addition to charge in the ladle wliju on its way from the blast furnaces to attain more uniform results. Should the charge from the l)hwst furnace be too high in silicon, a fourth moi'e or less of pig metal low in silicon can be tapped directly into the ladle from tl>e cupo- las, which are so situated that but little delay is caused when stoppage at the cupolas becomes necessary. The converters are placed in such a position that the vessel can be lowered on trucks by hydraulic hoists, located under the converters, and thence removed by railway to the lining department, there to be relined. In the meantime, a spare vessel is brought in from the lining department, is inserted in the place of the one removed, the bottom replaced and the sul)stitute vessel is ready for use, thus preventing any delay to the process of carrying molten metal direct from the blast furnace. A saving is also made in avoiding the Avaste of a large amount of refractory material usually thrown away in the present i)ractice of repairing the vessel while suspended in working position. (104) The lining department is 400 by 120 feet, situated in the rear of the converting house ninety feet distant, and is con- nected by lines of railway running from the hoists situated under the vessels in the converting department to the two turntables in the lining department. From these turntables a series of short railroad tracks radiate in such form as to accommodate ladles or converter bottoms, as the case may be. These ladles or bottoms are placed upon a truck made for this purpose, and are run exactly under a fireproof bonnet, which is supplied with gas from the gas producers. A feature of importance in the converting departmeut is the excellent means adopted for the removal of the slag with ease and expedition by means of the cranes and slag- cars ; for as a large amount of slag is formed in the basic process, especial facilities must be furnished for its prompt removal, and with as little cost as possible. The engine building for the converting department is 150 by 108 feet, and contains four engines and six pumps. There are three buildings, twenty-five feet apart, for boilers, ea«h 150 by 45 feet, located near this department. The metal is poured into moulds made suitable for the various products to which it is intended. Such as ingots for plates, shafting, merchant bar, tire, wire rods, hoops and cotton ties, castings, blooms and billets for industrial estab- lishments, in place of iron, and which can be furnished them at less cost. The ingots are loaded on railway trucks and conveyed to the Siemens heating furnaces in the appro- priate department and deposited while hot in the furnace. For making steel castings the metal is carried in ladles on railway trucks direct from the converting department to the iron foundry, distant 250 feet, and there handled in usual way by steam cranes, and poured into the moulds. There .are three departments that receive the ingots dn-ect from the converting department, ^iz. : The large merchant mill, the plate mill, and the blooming and billet mill. ( 105 ; LARGE :MERCHANT MILL. The large merchant mill, which can also be used as a rail mill, when necessar}', is situated in a building 240 feet wide at furnace end, and 330 feet wide at hot bed end, and which in the middle is 100 feet wide the total length being 500 feet. The furnace end of the building is 90 feet from the con- verting house. The type of machinery in this mill has been very successfully operated aV)road. The ingots are brought hot from the converting depart- ment and charged directly into the rear of the furnace by mechanical power, and are drawn from the front on the side next to the rolls. It is expedient that the ingots be jDlaced in the heating furnace while yet hot, and ample heating furnace capacity has been made to attain this object ; the molten metal is then allowed to "set" equally, all through, to the temperature desired for rolling. When this part of the process is properly performed, the amount of second quality product will be materially reduced, and all other things being e(|ual, it should not exceed one per cent of the finished })roduct. The ingot is taken from the heating furnace, bloomed, roughed and formed in a three high set of rolls, with hydraulic lifts and automatic "turning devil," Thence it is run on driven rollers to the reversing finishing rolls, situated at some distance behind the blooming rolls, and worked l^ackward and forward through the rolls on the floor level until it is reduced to the desired shape and size, such as angle, "tee's," square, round, flat, or concave, and to not less in weight than 1,000 pounds to the piece. This mill has a capacity of 400 tons per day, more or less, accord- ing to description of the order being worked. The rolls in this mill are driven by one direct engine and one double reversing enixine. ( 106 ) PLATE MILL DEPAETMENT. The Plate Mill buildinsi; is 150 feet distant from the con- verting house, and is 300 by 210 feet in dimensions. The ingots or slabs are brought directly from the con- verting department hot, and are charged into the rear of the furnaces by hydraulic cranes situated between the heating furnaces with mechanical devices attached, rendering this operation comparatively cool and easy, no manual strain being required. The ingots are taken from the heating furnaces to the rolls by an overhead track or "telegraph" on an incline six inches to every twenty feet, rendering the transfer an easy matter. The rolls for the plates are designed to reduce the stock si^eedily while in good heat. The mid- dle roll is hollow and a continual stream of water passing through prevents this roll from heating to such a degree as to cause excessive expansion and contraction, the middle roll being subject to double the amount of heat of either top or bottom roll. There are two plate mills in line with each other having two-high breaking down rolls, and three-high finishiniz; rolls. The roughing rolls are thirty inches in diameter by 108 inches in length, and the top and liottom finishing rolls are twenty-four inches diameter by eighty-four inches in length, the middle roll being twenty-six inches in diameter. The plates are handled by hj^draulic lifts throughout the whole process. Large floor room has been provided in this department as an essential for the cooling of plates so that they may be readily cooled for shearing, and the machinery for this ope- ration is of massive and modern design, of theWellman type. The bed plates under the rolls are of such length as to suit the finishing of i)lates as large as are used for boiler (107) beads, the largest at present being eiglitj^-four inches in diameter. Tank and boat building steel will also be made in this department. THE BLOOMING AND JJILLET MILL. The Blooming and Billet Mill is situated 530 feet distant from the converting house, and is in a building 145 by 165 feet. The ingots are brought hot from the converting department on railway trucks, and charged in the rear of the furnaces and removed from the front next to the rolls. A thirty-six inch reversing train is turned in grooves to form slalis from twelve inches wide to four inches thick and up- wards for plates ; also, blooms six inches square or more for merchant bars of all sizes. In the case of billets, for hoops, cotton tics, wire rods, and other small work, the six inch lilooms are cut at a pair of steam shears, so placed as to be fed b}^ driven rollers, and the cut blooms pass into a twenty inch three-high billet mill, placed close to the shears, and there reduced to any size greater than one and a half inches square, at the same heat from the ingot, and are handled by hydraulic lifts while being rolled. The reversing mill is driven by a reversing double engine, and the three-high mill by a single engine. THE WIRE ROD MILL. The ^Vive Rod Mill is situated 1 35 feet distant from the blooming and billet department, and is in a building 565 by 220 feet"^ The one and a half inches billets are brought on cars from the blooming department, and charged in rear of the Siemens furnaces, which are of ample capacity to receive and take care of the billets necessary to keep the rod mills full at all times. This department is supplied with two com- pound rod mills, and to each rod mill there are attached two ( 108 ) continuous roughing trains placed side by side, and driven hy one engine witli connecting clutch between, so that should any repairs or fitting be required to the continuous train while ill operation, the other train can be turned on and any stoppage for that cause prevented. After the billet has made eight passes, or rather reductions, in the continuous train, it is conveyed to a three-high finishing train -fitted with "repeaters," and there reduced by S(|uare and oval passes alternately to a No. 5 wire gauge rod in the usual way. The three-high train is driven by a separate engine. The reels on which the rods are coiled are located near the sunken track, and the rods, when taken off the reels, are thrown on the open cars, weighed on track scales, and are ready for shipment. THE HOOP, COTTON TIES AND SJVIALL MERCHANT BAR MILL. The Hoop, Cotton Ties and Small Merchant Bar Mills are situated 200 feet distant from the blooming and billet dei^artment, and in a building 650 by 110 feet. The billets are brought on railway trucks direct from blooming and bil- let department, and charged in rear of four Siemens fur- naces, and removed in front and taken to the rolls. A sunken track runs through the department, so that the pro- duct can be readily loaded on cars with the minimum of handling. It may l)e remarked in this connection that all the tracks on which the railway trucks carry material for charging into furnaces, are laid on the general level. In the Hoop Mill six passes are made in a continuous train, and the finishing passes are made in the usual way. The two Merchant Mills in this department are sixteen inches and fourteen inches diameter rolls, respectively, for merchant bars, with a specialty for shaftings less than three inches in diameter. ( 109 ) THE UNIVERSAL MILL. The Universal Mill is situated 780 feet distant from bloom- ing department and is in a building 280 by 150 feet. The steel is brought from the blooming department on railway trucks and charged into three Siemen's heating furnaces. There are here twin reversing engines with rolls and auto- matic tables fitted with feed rollers, and one hot straio-hten- ing table, for the manufacture of Universal bar. THE SHAPING SHOP. The Shaping Shop is situated thirty feet distant from the Universal Mill, and the size of the building is 280 l)y 110 feet and is for construction purposes and where large mer- chant bars can be sheared to any curve or angle and punched to suit drawings and specifications that may l)e furnished. THE FORGE DEPARTMENT. The Forge Department is situated thirty feet distant from the shaping shop, and the size of the building is 280 by 90 feet. Steel is fast taking the place of iron for forging. Its greater homogeneity, strength and consequent endurance is driving iron out of the market as surely as the steel rail has superseded the iron rail and steel wire has taken the place of iron wire. Piston rods, connecting rods, bars, links, shafts, cranks, axles, and general forgings will be ordered made from steel of a certain chemical analj^sis ; as in fact all industrial works m ordering steel for their products will specify the kind of steel they desire, which must contain fixed chemical proportions determined by analysis. In this way a product better suited for the resistance of specified strains can be furnished by the steel maker with better guarantee than can be done by the iron maker. ( no) THE FOUNDRY, BLACKSMITH SHOP AND MACHINE SHOP. The Foundry, Blacksmith Shop and Machine Shop are in three separate buildings, thirty feet apart, lying parallel to each other, the blacksmith shop being located between the two, and they are bounded by the converting department on the one side, by the large merchant mill on another side, by the plate mill on another side and by the shaping shop and forge on the remaing side. The Foundry is 215 by 120 feet. A ti'ack runs through the centre into the machine shop and the roll turning shop. There are two large cupolas situated at one side in the middle and one small cupola at one end. To the charging platform in the yard there are two inclined planes for the convenience of the workmen. There are four steam .cranes, annealing furnace, two large core ovens, core benches, etc., and appliances for mould- ing by loam, dry sand, green sand and chill moulds. In one corner of the foundry is a crucible furnace and a small cupola for melting the material for brass castings, which comprises the brass foundry department. In another corner is a furnace for melting babbitt metal and here the engine and mill brasses of the works will be "babbitted." Besides making all the iron castings, ingot moulds, etc. required by the works, it is designed that this department shall also include steel castings in its product, not only for the needs of the works but for the market, such as wheels and pinions, dies and hammer heads. The manner in which the metal is carried into the foundry from the Bessemer department has been referred to, the open-hearth steel is brought in a similar manner from the Siemens-Martin department. The manufacture of steel castings in Europe has been within recent years enormously developed through the cheaper sys- tems of manufacture by the Bessemer and Siemens-Martin (Ill) processes, and the conclusion is justified that they will very largely take the place of castings of pig iron. Bessemer steel castings are not yet quite so common as those of the open hearth metal. The greatest difficulty experienced in adojating Bessemer steel castings is, of course, the blow holes caused by the escape of gases which have not reached the upper surface of the casting previous to its cooling. To remedy this difficulty various processes have been proposed and adopted. At Terre-noire, patient research has perfected the manufacture of steel without blow holes by using a sili- cide of manganese and iron, which gives to the product remarkable qualities. The silicon prevents blow holes by decomposing the oxide of carbon in dissolution, which tends to escape during solidification. The manganese re- duces the oxide of iron, and prevents a further reduction of gases by the reaction of the oxide on the carbon. In the decomposition of oxide of car1)on by silicon, silica was produced, and afterwards a silicate of iron, which remained interposed mtliin the steel. The manganese allowed the formation of a silicate of iron and manganese, which is much more fusible, and passes into the slag. The principal obstacle to the production of soft cast steel consisted in its excess of carbon. This was overcome at Terre-noire by the industrial production of alloys of iron, silicon and manganese, containing a specially high percent- age of this latter substance. This alone allowed of a suffi- cient quality of silicon being added near the close of the operation, without at the same time introducing too much carbon. Such an alloy has been produced, containing 8.10 percent silicon, 14.50 of manganese, and 1.30 of carbon. Soft homogeneous steel, without blows of any degree of hardness can now be made at the mill of the manufacturers, varying in hardness from that suitaljle for projectiles to the softest qualities needed for any constructive purpose. This (112) steel is satisfactory as to its powers of resisting strains, its limits of rupture, and elongating properties, as well as in resistance to shocks. The greater regularity and uniformity obtained in cruci- ble steel castings, up to recently, apparently enabled them not only to hold their own as against the cheaper modes of manufacture, but even to find new applications almost daily. Steel -castings, however, have manifestly such a vast field yet to occupy, that the product of the crucible can only come into successful competition with those of the converter and the open hearth, where an exceptionally high quality of metal is demanded. The Blacksmith Shop is 215 b}^ 90 feet, and contains two heatinii- furnaces, one hiroe steam hammer and two smaller ones, and a number of l)lacksmith forges ; also, shears, benders, punchers, and other necessary tools. The Machine Shop is 215 x 90 feet and is two stories high, the second story being for the use of the pattern shop and drauohtino; room. It is furnished with a number of lathes of various sizes, planes, drilling machines, slotters, shaping machines, bolt cutters, pipe cutters, vise benches and other tools. A track runs through the centre of the shop and the tools and tracks are swept Iw four cranes. ROLL TURNING DEPARTIVIENT. The Eoll Turning Department is situated sixty feet distant from the shops just descrilied and a])uts on the building of the large merchant mill. Its size is 135 x 70 feet, and it is furnished with cranes, roll turning lathes for large and small work, and other appliances for the care and maintenance of the rolls of all the departments. The shops and roll turning- department are connected by railway tracks on the general level, for convenience in handling and removing materials in these departments. (113) THE BOILER SHOP. This is a building 150 x 90 feet and is 400 feet distant from the converting department, and it is about 250 feet from the plate mills. It is fitted with all the tools necessary for the manufacture of boilers, ladles, converters, etc., and is con- nected by a track with the general railway running through ^11 the departments. SIEMENS-MARTIN PLANT. There is also a Siemens-Martin Plant located in a build- ing, 105 by 105 feet, and 100 feet distant from the blooming and l^illet department, and 330 feet distant from the phite mill department. Here is utilized all the scrap metal made al)out the works and the rejected product of the various departments, hy melting the scrap and other metals in the open hearth furnaces in the manufacture of ingots for spring steel wire rods, spring steel, agricultural implement steel, steel castings, and for the other purposes for which open hearth steel is preferred . It contains two ten ton furnaces and modern appliances for handling the ladles and ingots. The metal for open hearth steel castings is carried in ladles on railway trucks to the foundry as before described. LABORATORY . There is a laboratory connected with the works, where chemical analyses and tests of the raw material used in man- ufacturing the steel, and of the finished products before leaving the works, are made and recorded. In the mechanical testing house, where the bending and tensile tests are applied, duplicates ^vith stamped numbers are made and records kept of each. The testing, shap- ing and bending machines are specially designed for that purpose. (114) GAS PRODUCERS. The 160 gas producers, located in the extreme southwest corner of the works, are constructed upon the most approved principles, and are in sufficient number to supply the entire works with the gas required. The roof is in two sections, and is 650 by 100 feet, supported by iron columns. The coal is supplied to the producers from cars on an elevated railway, with spouts of sufficient length to contain one car of coal, so that the dumping cars can be at once unloaded and returned to the mine, and the spout being in direct connection with the hopper of the producer, it is thus kept continually supplied with coal, which avoids the necessity of shoveling, and at the same time prevents in a great measure the formation of carbonic acid. This acid is a source of much loss, and is an annoyance to the melters, heaters, and gas men. BOILERS. The boilers suppl3dng the power to the machinery of the whole works are so placed as to obtain heat from the blast furnaces and the gas producers, this method being the cleanest as well as the most economical wavof makins: steam. Besides the boilers before referred to, located near the blast furnaces and near converting department, there is a boiler house located near the large merchant mill, which is 150x54 feet. THE STORE HOUSE. The Store House is situated in about the centre of the works in a building 130 x 65 feet, which abuts upon the plate mill building. It is divided into compartments suitable for holding the various stores received and distributing the sup- plies to the various departments of the works. THE RAILWAY SYSTEM. The railway system is very perfect, supplying all the wants of an extensive rolling mill pUint in the way of car- (115) riage without turn tables. It consists of a track about five miles in continuous length and is operated by small locomo- tives. All the departments of the whole plant are con- veniently connected by railway tracks of the ordinary gauge. Raw material is brought in on elevated track 30 feet above the floor level. All the movin"; of the material in process of manufacture is handled Ijy pony engines on the ground floor tracks, and all fini^shed product is shipped from each department by sunken tracks four feet below the floor level. In some of the buildings the platform of the cars constitutes a portion of the building, thus form- ing a movable floor and making the transfer of heavy mate- rial easy from one part of tlie premises to another. In other buildings the top or jjlatform of the cars is a little below the general level and the product is easily pushed or rolled on slides to the cars. CHARACTER OF BUILDINGS AND SEWERAGE. All of the buildings are of brick with cast iron pillars and iron roofs. Sewer flues and gas flues extend through the works and in such positions that they can be reached for cleaning and repairs with ease. THE WIRE MILL DEPARTMENT. The Wire Mill Department of the Company is situated in the city of St. Louis, near the Union Depot Junction of all ::vilways into the city. The works cover about four acres, :uid contain a rolling mill, four wire-drawing departments, one galvanizing department, four annealing departments, five wire-cleaning and drying departments, bale tie depart- ment, and wire rope department. The rolling mill contains two single puddling furnaces, six blooming fires, one two and one-half ton steam hammer. (IIG) seven heating furnaces, one two-high eighteen inch train of rolls, one rod train and four engines. The daily capacity of the rod mill is forty tons. The wire departments contain 450 wire-dra^\dng blocks and three engines ; daily capacity 100 tons of all kinds of wire . The galvaniziug department contains eight galvanizing pans, with appropriate furnaces and machinery ; daily capac- ity forty tons. The annealing de[)artments contain eight mutHor furnaces and twentj^-eight pot furnaces. The cleaning and drying departments are provided with numerous appliances for the proper cleansing and drying of the wire after it has been annealed. The l)ale tie departme-nt has a number of straightening machines, in which the wire is straightened and cut into suitable lengths for baling hay. The rope department contains six machines for making the strands and forming the rope. Hope of all sizes, from one-fourth of an inch diameter to three inches in diameter, and for the various pmposes for which wire rope is reqmred, is made in this department on machines of new and improved construction, so as to secure l^erfect uniformity of lay under severe tension, and without tension to the wires. The sales of the wire department of the Company now approximate $2,000,000 per annum. The quantity of steel now employed in the manufacture of wire has assumed large proportions within the past few years. So sudden, indeed, has been the increase that the steel works of the United States are not prepared at this date to furnish the wire rods required by the wire mills. The importations for 1881 were upwards of 100,000 tons, and in 1882 will exceed 150,000 tons. The most of this is used in the manufacture of fencing wire, and the adoption. (117 ) of barbed wire for fencing hy the farmers and the raih'oad companies is the cause of the enormous increase in the pro- duction of steel wire. It is only a few years since that wire rods were made from the product of the puddling furnaces, blooming fires and from piled wrought scrap iron, but by the" introduction into this country of the soft Bessemer steel wire rods from Europe, those processes have been nearly abandoned, and the attention of American steel makers is now prominently attracted to this new and growing industry. The importations are principally from Germany, and the soft steel now made especially for these rods by the basic process, is in high repute with United States wire drawers, for its toughness and ductility. It is very much softer than rail steel, containing but 0.10 to 0.15 per cent carbon, while rail steel holds 0.30 to 0.40 per cent of carbon, and the latter on this account is in disfavor with wire drawers for fencing wire purposes, by reason of its hardness and want of uniformity, which greatly enhances the cost of wire making through the frequent annealing and drawings it has to be subjected to in the process of reduction from the rod. Up to the last decade the use of steel wire was confined to the manufacture of needles, fish hooks, music strings, umbrella frames, and small tools. As the demand for such wire was increased by the growth of the railway and tele- graph systems, and by the development of our mines and collieries, greater attention has been paid in Europe to its economical manufacture, and to the production of a quality at once remarka])le for its strength and for its uniformity. Annealing, or cooling down slowly from a red heat, has the same effect on wire as on wrought iron, that is to say, the ductility and softness of both are increased, but their elas- ticity and breaking strength are diminished. Steel wire has, at least on an average, twice the ultimate strength of iron (118) wire, and a i^roportionately greater elasticity, comparing diameter with diameter. ' These quahtics allow steel wire rope to be made of little more than half the weight of iron wire rope, with the same ultimate breaking strength. The additional elasticity of steel Avire rope renders it much more supple, and less liable to injury through being bent over a drum. A steel rope easily straightens of itself after being 1)ent even to a small angle, which is not the case with iron wire rope. The dura- tion of all ropes is very greatly influenced by the many bendings to and fro to which they are subjected, and these influences are intensified by corrosion. Both the mechanical and the chemical sources of deterioration act in a less de<>:ree on a steel wire, as it is stronger and is at the same time less subject to corrosion, as the carbon it contains, however slight, impedes the action of rust. Steel wire ropes have come rapidly into use for mining purposes, especially in deep pits, where the light weight of rope is of such impor- tance both for safety and the economy of working. For railway inclines, lifts, and elevators, and ships rigging the same reasons have brought it into use, and it is also exten- sively used for hawsers, bridge cables, clothes lines, and sash cords. Furniture spi'ings made from high grade steel wire cause demand for a considerable amount of steel, and is required for making springs for mattresses and furniture. The wire is given the color of coppei* by immersion in a solution of blue vitriol, and it is then burnished by drawing it througli a hi)le in a die phite. Other large and growing demands for steel wire in very consideral^le quantities are : wire bale ties for l)aling h ly, binder wire for self-binding harvesting machines, check rower wire, l^right annealed and coppered wire for tinners, wii-3 for wire cloth, and wire for the manu- facture of wire woods s^enerallv. (119) CAPACITY OF THE WORKS. Name of Department. Tons per day of two turns Blast Furnaces 1.200 Converting Department 1,000 Siemens-Martin Department 50 Blooming and Billet Mill 300 Large Merchant Mill 400 Kod Mill 200 Plate Mill 100 Small Bar Mill 72 Universal Mill 60 Hoop Mill 60 Shaping Shop .* Forge Wire Mill Department 100 SUMMARY. A careful consideration of the foregoing* description of this new American Basic-Bessemer plant will show it to be possessed of many unusual advantages. The site of the works combines in a remarkable degree the essential conditions of success in steel making. For the cheap transportation of raw materials to the works and of the finished products to market the water and railway facili- ties leave little to be desired. Inexhaustilile fuel of first- class quality for gas making and for coking is found upon the spot. Limestone of the liest description can be j^ro- cured within a radius of fifty miles of the site, and fireclay is abundant ^vithin one hundred miles from Harrison. Good and sufficient water is found at the door of the works, and the ore supply is obtained from mines within a radius of two hundred miles, some of the principal deposits being as near as one hundred miles. Located in natures greatest food- produciuii' section — the Mississippi Valley — food is, and always Avill l)e, cheap, and added to the eligibility of the site is the advantau'c of a vast home market for the product of the works within a radius of 300 miles. ( 120 ) At present no steel castings are made west of Pittsburgh for the supply of the Mississippi Valley, and the ' United States manufactures no soft Bessemer steel suitable for industrial establishments, excepting the Albany and Rennse- laer Iron and Steel Co. at Troy, N. Y. This class of steel which by the present system of manufacture and supply is extremely costly in comparison with the cost of foreign material, will be a specialt}^ with the Harrison Steel Com- pany, and it is the intention of the company to branch out into the hitherto unessayed fields of manufacture in this country, and a ready market for all its production will be at once established, while the superior location of the plant will likewise entd^le it to compete successfully in all the other A'arious departments of steel manufacture. The Bessemer steel works of the United States have confined the product of their converters almost exchisively to the production of steel rails and rail carl)on steel, which have been made from pig metal too high in cost and with material exceedingly more costly than by Euro^jean practice, and the open-hearth steel works of this country also obtain their raw materials at so high a cost that the i)roduct of their furnaces is limited to certain specialties of high market value. It is a fact that the raw materials alone used by the Bessemer and open- hearth furnaces of this country cost as much as the finished product of similar furnaces in Europe. The cost of a ton of Bessemer steel rails in the United States varies according to the location of the mills in regard to raw materials and the adecjuacy of the ])last furnaces in connection with the works. Those most favorably situated and producing their own pig, make rails at al)out $40.00 per ton. Others not so Avell situated, and which buy their pig, range to $5.00 more per ton. There are other mills mak- ing their own pig, but which owing to their remoteness from some of the raw materials, can not manufacture steel rails at any less cost than those who buy pig. (121) At Bolckow, Vaughan & Co., in Europe, the cost of steel rails per ton is not quite $20.00, and the works would gladly make contracts for their total production of steel rails for the next ten years at $25,00 per ton on board of ship, and take all the chances of the future market. But as they are so well located, and own nearly all the raw materials they would require in that time, with a splendidly equipped works combining all the essential conditions for economical pro- duction, they would take little risk in the cost of manu- facture. This comparison amply demonstrates how much remains to be accomplished in the United States, how great the changes in methods of working must be, and how much the exterior costs, principally that of transportation, must be reduced before such a standard of results can be achieved. The North Chicago Rolling Mill Company has materially reduced the cost of production Ijy the adoption of improved methods of manufacture, but transportation still remains a heavy item of expense. Chicago is more advantageously situated for the procurement of Lake Superior ores than Cleveland, Pittsburg, and other eastern points, but the latter have bet- ter fuel facilities. All, therefore, labor under burdensome transportation costs, either on ores or other raw material, so that while the adoption of improved methods of manu- facture, or of the direct process of manufacture might secure to them some benefits in the way of lessening the cost of production, the disadvantages of location would still be retained. Favorable as is the situation of the Pittsburg Steel Works in certain respects, the carriage charges on raw material for the manufacture of one ton of pig iron approx- imate $10.00 per ton. Considering the high price of skilled labor in America, this renders high tariff protec- tion necessary to their very existence, as Europe in shipping to the United States can make available the whole leno-th of ( 122 ) the coast line, with the manifold canals, large lakes, and rivers to reach by water the point nearest for shipment to the individual purchaser by railway, if necessary, thus decreasing to the minimum, the heavy cost of railway transportation. To compete, therefore, with the advanced mills of Europe and their many natural advantages, the requirements are few in number, but they are vitally essential. They may be rapidly summed up as follows : The works should be located specially with reference to the proximity of the raw materials to be used and the cheapness with which the finished products can be carried to their destination. This secured, methods and processes must be adopted by which the raw material may be trans- formed into the product without the expensive process of first converting into another raw material. The works must be situated where the accessibility of the fuel, the ore, the limestone, the water and the fire clay supply is best com- bined with contiguity to the market to escape the excessive costs of the handling and freight charges and of other items of avoidable cost, wliich now raise the price of the raw ma- terial in America to that of the finished product in Europe. The Harrison Steel Company, it is thought, combines in its methods, processes and site, all the conditions requisite to success. CONCLUSION. THE STEEL ElVIPIRE. The aim of this book has been to place before the pubUc, in as concise and satisfactory a manner as practicable, some of the more important facts and statistics relative to the steel workshops of the world ; that a better understand- ing might be gained of the various methods in vogue, and a better knowledge obtained of the truth, as to certain mat- ters, which for reasons now immaterial to explain, have never before been given to the public ; and if this hastily prepared work aid, ever so little, in the advancement of steel interests, its purpose will have been attained. In no instance have facts been stated as facts which can not be sustained by recognized authorities. The future of the empire of steel remains substantially unrestricted, the possibilities of still further conquests from the realms of the other metals limitless. The monopolistic traditions of the iron makers disappear, one by one, in the blue-tiamed crucible of the steel scientist. It is accom^ plished that high grade steel may be produced with about one-fourth the fuel and one-third the labor required in the manufacture of rolled iron, and the effect of this remarkable progress of the Bessemer processes upon the metallic indus- tries of the world, has been startling in its consequences and overwhelming in the consequential depreciation of many ( 1-'^ ) millions of invested capital. For almost every purpose for which iron has been used in times gone by, steel, manufac- tured by these processes, is now preferred. It is applied to the making of armor plates, projectiles, ordnance, tires, axles, wire, stamped ware, forgings, castings, brake blocks, masts, spars and yards, sleepers, pens, cutlery, and bells; and for the construction of bridges, for railway purposes, for the building of ships, and for boiler construction holds unrivalled supremacy. The subject of the manufacture and manifold applications of steel seems practically inexhaustible, and the dominancy of steel where once it has attained a footing, is indisputable. Rich as the past has been in victory, genius and enterprise point to achievements of still greater magnitude. The versatility of its uses constitutes the chief value of this peculiar metal. The massive engine, towering in powerful grandeur, the greatest of man's conceptions ; the superb aerial pathways, vrith. their thousands of component parts, crossing broad rivers and above the high masts of ships, the needle of the housewife and soil blade of the husbandman ; the larger creations of commerce as well as the smallest, are produced in this magic crucible ; and there are not lacking those that predict the invasion of the dominion of copper, and even the displacement of silver in the manu- facture of articles of ornamentation. And difficult as it may appear to be to demonstrate the limits of the territory of steel usefulness, just as impossible, seemingly, is it, to set the limitation of its production. Recent discoveries have indefinitely increased the available resources. The eye of science, searching the recesses of the possible, has laid bare processes by which ores, hitherto unsuited to the manufac- turer, may be cleansed of their deleterious substances, and thus by one of the chemical trmmphs of the age, the cheap- est of iron ores will rank with those richer and comparatively ( 1-^5 ) limited ores, that, until this discovery was made, were deemed unlit for the steel furnace. Of raw material, there- fore, the supply will be more than plentiful. But the fear of the effects of over-production need not be excited ; for, as the uses of the product multiply, and the cost of manu- facturing lessens, so will the applications of the product to i the necessities of life become enlarged. Of many chanires in the progressive movement of steel it is impossible at this time to take cognizance. The irksome work of the puddler is being superseded by less arduous, and in the main b}" less skilled lal)or. An estimate by one of the greatest authori- ties is, that to convert fluid cast iron into steel requires but one-third the labor that is necessary to convert pig metal into wrought iron, and that the fuel consumed in the former, is but one- fourth of that consumed in the latter operation. Economy of fuel at once therefore appears as a most impor- tant corolhyy of the advance of steel ; }^t even this great economic feature of production dwarfs in comparison with the impetus gained through the reputation this incomparable i metal is securing for lasting streno-th and endurance. ' xO o. ^% ./' Z"^' x^^^. ^^ •/- '' V-- -^^■" ^. ^ .#■ <:>. * ■^, ■4:, K; ' ^^ . v-^ V *.■ ,0o. :-\ .0" ^.'?-' .^0/% *«-^\>^\-:..^ o \^ » o ^'^^ ,^^' ,0 o^ ^^ ''^K '. o^ H- \^ ^^. ->, .0- >A ^* '•%. SS" 'V- V >0 o. " O. AV '.,. .^^ ^0^ A^ c » ^ '- « '^' ;H..J,' 'o 0' ^^ A^* .0- <<- "^ W.,:# ^, . s \ A /• '^' \ , ' ^ -- , '■^^ , • -- . ' c- . ^ a'^ y / , ■* ■ \ '->. 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