F 786 .1682 Copy 1 DEPARTMENT OF STATE m PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Boundary Commission UNITED STATES AND MEXICO MONUMENTATION OF THE RAILROAD BRIDGES BROWNSVILLE and MATAMOROS TEXAS TAMAULIPAS LAREDO AND NUEVO LAREDO TEXAS TAMAULIPAS ( Published by American Section.) DEPARTMENT OF STATE PROCEEDINGS OF THE International Boundary Commission UNITED STATES AND MEXICO MONUMENTATION RAILROAD BRIDGES BROWNSVILLE and MATAMOROS TEXAS TAMAULIPAS LAREDO AND NUEVO LAREDO TEXAS TAMAULIPAS ( Published by American Section.) ftf ?^ NOV 15 \9n i BROWNSVILLE-MATAMOROS BRIDGE El Paso, Texas, October 8, 1910. The Honorable, The Secretary of State: Sir: I have the honor to enclose herewith Joint Journal of August 1st, with accompanying engineers' report, relating to the erection of an international monument on the new railroad bridge across the Rio Grande between Brownsville, Texas, and Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Upon the appro\al of this journal by the two Governments the Commission will immediately proceed with the erection of the monu- ment. I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully. Your obedient servant, Anson Mills, Coiniiiissioiicr. ( lOIXT JOURNAL.) El Paso. Tkxas. .lu^iist 1. 1910. The Joint Commission mot at the of- fice of the .American Commissioner at 10 o'clock .A. M. Tile .Mexican Cnnnnissioiier stated that lie had received inst,ructions from his Government to reqnest that the .\merican Commissioner join liim in the placing of an international monument on the recently completed l)ridge across the Rio Grande between Brownsville, Texas, and Matamoros, Tamaulipas, in- accord- ance witli .\rticle IV of the Treatv of 18S4. The American Commissioner having stated that he was ready to proceed in the matter, it was agreed that the Con- sulting Engineers be requested to fur- nish a sketch of the river at the bridge site, with the bridge and its piers shown thereon, as well as the location selected by them for the placing of the monu- ment, and accompanied by a joint report giving sucli information as they deem es- sential. Upon the receipt of this report, W'ith sketch, and approval of the Commis- sioners, it will be attached to this jour- nal and forwarded to the two Govern- ments for consideration. Upon the ap- proval by the two Governments the Con- sulting Engineers, when advised of such approval by their respective Commis- sioner, shall proceed to set up the monu- ment in a secure manner at the point .selected and render a joint rejiort to the Commissioners upon the completion of the work. A copy of this journal to be furnished the Consulting Engineers. The Commission then adjourned. Anson Mills, Wilbur Kkblinckr. E. B. Pug A, M. N. Vi-LARDi:. El Paso, Texas, Agosto 1 de 1910. La Comision Mixta se reunio a las 10 A. M. en la oficina del Coniisionado .\mcricano. b'l Coniisionado de Mexico expuso ([uv ha recibido de su Gobierno instruc- ciones para pedir al Coniisionado Ame- ricano que se le una con el fin de orde- nar, de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en el Articulo IV del Tratado de 1884, la ereccion de un monumento internacional en el puente recientcmente construido sobre el Rio Bravo entre Matamoros, Tamaulipas, y Brownsville, Texas. Llabiendo manifestado el Coniisionado Americano que estaba dispuesto a pro- ceder conforme a este deseo, se con- vino entre anibos Comisionados en dar instrucciones a los Ingenieros Consul- tores para que presenten un croquis de la parte del rio en que se halJa el puente citado, niostrando el puente, sus pilares y el sitio que elijan para colocar el monumento, todo acompafiado por un informe en comiin que contenga los datos que crean esenciales. Una vez que se reciban por los Comi- sionados tales informe y pianos, si mere- cen sn aprobacion se les declarara parte de esta Acta y se les transmitira a los dos Gobiernos para su consideracion, y si estos los aprueban, los Comisionados comunicaran tal aprobacion a sus respec- tivos Ligenieros Consultores, para que unidos procedan a construir el monu- mento de una nianera segura en el punto elegido y a rendir a los Comisionados un informe en coniun sobre la obra, una vez que quede concluida. Se proporcionara una copia de la pre- sente Acta a los Ingenieros Consultores. La Comision paso a ocuparse de otros asuntos. F. B. PUGA, M. N. Velardk. Anson Mills, Wilbur Kiiilingkr. (ENGINEERS' REPORT.) El Paso, Texas, October 6, 1910. The Honorable Commissioners, Iiifeniatioiial Boundary Comiiiissioii. El Paso, Texas. Gentlemen : In accordance with the request contained in your Joint Journal of .'\ugust 1st. 1910, we took up the mat- El Paso, Texas, Octobre 6 de 1910. A LOS HONORAULES CoMISIONADOS cii la Comision Internacional de Liinitcs. I'-l Pa.so, Texas. Senores : De acuerdo con lo dispuesto por uste- des en su .Acta de .Agosto 1° de 1910, 1105 hemos ocuiiado de cstudiar la lo- ter of a location for a boundary nronu- calizacion de un monumcnto limitrofe nient on the railroad bridge across the en el pnente del ferrocarril que curza Rio Grande between Brownsville, Texas, el Rio Bravo del Norte entre Matanio- and Matamoros, Tamaulipas. ros, Taniaulipas y Brownsville, Texas. The United States consulting En- E' Ingeniero Consnltor de los Estados gineer obtained, after considerable de- Unidos, aunqne con bastante dilacion, lav. from the railroad officials a blue obtuyo de los Directores del Ferrocarril, print showing the layout of the bridge. "'^ ^^''°^''^^''^ ^"^' muestra la posicion We attach to this report a blue print ^^JJexamos a este informe nn diseno sketch of the bridge and we respect- ^j^j ^eferido pnente. v respetnosamente fully recommend that the monument be recomendamos que el monumento de que placed on the draw-span over the central ^^ ^^ata sea erigido en la trabe gira- pier. This pier is in the center of the t^ria sobre el machcMi central. Este river. machon ocupa el centre del rio. Respectfully submitted, Reiteramos a ustedes nuestra respe- W. W. FoLLKTT, tuosa consideracion. Co)istt iron nii>mimciit on the iK'w railroad britlge wliich crosses the Rio Clrande lietween Laredo, Texas, and Nuevo Laredo, Taniaulipas, for the l)nrpose of niarkin dcstrOYcb'bv a cvclon'e- Jh^briaqe obuTmentl on August 12 1906. laced on the bridges 1 Article 32 of the. Trcotv ■ not affect the boundarY MPILCD rnOM S ro»" 7«%' Z^v'.nS'' WENT EBEGTED ENT ERECTeoON "r !roa o Bridge Jl Engineer .^^ Approved '>'. Paso, TexAg SE PTE MBEB 4. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS lllliii 017 056 554 P