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"o.o' O ,y%'~'''j? %.' , ^-'\<>' \'-^-\<>^ V'^^'V \"wt>'' ^ *%•'?$>'' IC 9040 Bureau of Mines Information Circular/1985 Environmental Issues Related to Mineral Development in the Stillwater Complex, MT By Michael T. Nigbor, Stephen R. Iverson, and Paul C. Hyndman UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 75! Mines 75th a^ (AJ^UMtJjs. | W^ ^ Information Circular 9040 Environmental Issues Related to Mineral Development in the Stillwater Complex, MT By Michael T. Nigbor, Stephen R. Iverson, and Paul C. Hyndman UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Donald Paul Hodel, Secretary BUREAU OF MINES Robert C. Horton, Director UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT °F degree Fahrenheit ft foot ft 3 cubic foot ft^/yr square foot per year g/h gram per hour gpm/ft 2 gallon per minute min ml* urn mph MW NTU per square foot h hour in inch in/yr inch per year kW kilowatt lb pound minute milliliter micrometer mile per hour megawatt nephelometric turbidity unit lb/acre pound per acre ug/m 3 microgram per cubic meter pet percent ppm part per million tpd ton (short) per day tpy ton (short) per year wt pet weight percent yd 3 cubic yard yr year Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Nigbor, Michael T Environmental issues related to mineral development in the Still- water Complex, MT. (Information circular ; 9040) Bibliography: p. 32-33. Supt. of Docs, no.: I 28.27: 9040. 1, Mineral industries— Environmental aspects— Montana. I. Iverson, Stephen R. II. Hyndman, Paul C. III. United States. Bureau of Mines. IV. Title. V. Title: Stillwater Complex, Montana. VI. Series: Infor- mation circular (United States. Bureau of Mines) ; 9040. TN295.U4 [TD195.M5] 622s [338.2'74] 85-600062 f\0< PREFACE This report provides information on the environmental issues associ- ated with mining strategic minerals in the Stillwater Complex, MT. It is not an environmental impact statement and is not meant to serve as one. Its purpose is informational; it is intended for use by planners in the minerals field. If any of the potential operations discussed in this report should become reality, separate, site-specific environmen- tal impact statements will be required. In general, the scenarios used to estimate production ranges were constructed with the goal of domestic mineral self-sufficiency in mind. Beyond this, political and policy issues associated with such mining operations were not considered. The reader is reminded that the mining operations described are based on hypothetical scenarios. At the time this report was prepared, only the 1,000- tpd platinum-group metal (PGM) operation had any firm plans associated with it. The authors are aware of no plans to produce Cr or Ni from deposits in the Stillwater Complex. Ill CONTENTS Page Abstract. 1 Introduction 2 General description of the Stillwater Complex 2 Regulatory environment 3 Operation descriptions 6 Chromium 6 PGM 7 Nickel-copper 9 Land issues 12 Tailings disposal plans 12 Chromite tailings 12 PGM tailings — Minneapolis Adit site 12 PGM tailings — Hertzler Ranch site. 13 Nickel-copper tailings 14 Combined tailings 14 Tailings pond reclamation 14 Chromite tailings 14 PGM tailings 15 Nickel-copper tailings 15 Ferrochrome smelter waste 15 Waste rock 17 Land use changes 17 Visual impacts 18 Summary of land issues 18 Water issues 21 Surface waters baseline quality 21 Mine drainage water quality 23 New source performance standards 24 Ferrochrome smelter waste water 24 Nickel-copper processing waste water 26 Diversion of streams 26 Summary of water issues 27 Air issues 27 Baseline air quality 27 Ferrochrome smelter gas emissions 28 Dust 30 Other air issues 30 Other issues 31 Noise 31 Power, transportation, and housing 31 Conclusions 31 References 32 ILLUSTRATIONS 1. General geology of study area, showing the Stillwater Complex 3 2. Looking west across the Stillwater River at the Mouat chromite and Ni-Cu areas 4 3 . Geologic map of the Mouat Mine area 5 4 . Plan map of Cr mine-mill-smelter facilities 6 5 . Plan map of PGM mine-mill facilities .• 7 ILLUSTRATIONS — Continued Page 6. Minneapolis Adit, main haulage for PGM operations..... 8 7. Plan map of tailings pond at Hertzler Ranch area for PGM operations, high production rate 9 8. Hertzler Ranch area. 10 9. Plan map of combined operations, a hypothetical worst case 10 10. Verdigras Creek 11 11. Upstream and centerline methods of constructing tailings dams 13 12. Waste rock terracing method 17 13. Visual effects of PGM mining operations at the low production rate 19 14. Visual effects of combined operations, a hypothetical worst case 19 15. Visual effects of Ni-Cu open pit from Beartooth Ranch 20 16. Visual effects of Ni-Cu open pit from Woodbine Falls 20 17. Water sample locations 21 18. Ferrochrome smelter water treatment system 26 19. Wind roses from the Stillwater River Valley.' 28 20. Ferrochrome smelter air control system 29 TABLES 1. Revegetation species used in reclamation 14 2. Water quality regulatory standards 22 3. Surface water samples exceeding regulatory standards 22 4. New source performance standards for Ni mining and milling 24 5. New source performance standards for Pt mining and milling 24 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES RELATED TO MINERAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE STILLWATER COMPLEX, MT By Michael T. Nigbor, Stephen R. Iverson, and Paul C. Hyndman ABSTRACT This Bureau of Mines publication identifies the significant environ- mental issues associated with the potential development of strategic and critical minerals in the Stillwater Complex, MT. The Stillwater Complex contains deposits of Cr, platinum-group metals (PGM), and Ni. Issues that must be addressed prior to minerals development include the effects mining, milling, and smelting will have on the land, water, and air, and methods of minimizing the environmental impacts. ^Mining engineer, Denver Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Denver, CO. ^Mining engineer, Western Field Operations Center, Bureau of Mines, Spokane, WA. INTRODUCTION Our Nation depends on foreign sources for a host of mineral products. One of the Bureau's main goals is to minimize such dependence, by conducting research that leads to technology for better uti- lizing domestic resources. The Bureau also maintains current statistics on import dependence, production, and recycling (J_) . 3 The strategic and critical minerals is- sue has been described in the literature. A recent publication, "World Index of Strategic Minerals: Production, Exploi- tation, and Risk" (2^, provides a very complete summary of the issue. A potential domestic source of some strategic minerals is the Stillwater Com- plex, in south-central Montana. It is a geologic structure that contains deposits of Cr, PGM, and Ni. The Nation's largest known resources of Cr and PGM are located here (3). Nickel deposits are smaller, but still significant. The PGM deposits are possibly economic to mine, and in fact are being evaluated by the Stillwa- ter Mining Co. for economic viability. The Cr and Ni deposits are not considered economic to mine at today's prices. Certain environmental issues could af- fect the development of domestic strate- gic and critical deposits such as those in the Stillwater Complex. Environmental regulations resulting from the National Environmental Policy Act, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and others set standards for the development of mineral deposits by requiring the consideration of environmental impacts and the limita- tion of certain types of waste discharges (4). This report attempts to identify the major environmental issues in the Stillwater Complex, to describe baseline conditions, and to suggest solutions to environmental problems related to poten- tial strategic mineral development. With this information and with adequate plan- ning, development can occur in a timely fashion without undue environmental impacts. In determining environmental issues, the strategy taken was to assume two sce- narios for each commodity, one low-end scenario and one high-end scenario. The low- and high-end scenarios were estab- lished by analysis of minimum economic size, most likely mining method, size of resource, current technological limita- tions, and current market consumption. The low- and high-end scenarios can be thought of as resulting in minimum and maximum potential environmental effects, respectively. In this way, the most likely production rates were bounded by the low- and high-end scenarios. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE STILLWATER COMPLEX The Stillwater Complex is a magraatic segregation geologic structure 1 to 5 miles wide and 28 miles long. It is located about 60 miles southwest of Bil- lings, MT (fig. 1). The complex occurs in the Beartooth Mountains of the Rocky Mountain physiographic province. The complex is oriented in a northwest- southeast direction. The complex is cut on the southeast third by the Stillwater River Valley, a broad, glaciated, northeast-trending valley (fig. 2). Elevation at the valley floor is about 5,000 ft above sea level. ■^Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references at the end of this report. Chrome Mountain, in the northwest third, is the highest point in the complex, about 10,000 ft above sea level. The West Fork Stillwater River cuts the complex about 5 miles northwest of the Stillwater River. The West Fork Stillwa- ter River runs in a narrow canyon, the floor of which is about 6,500 ft above sea level at the complex. The East Boul- der River cuts the complex 5 miles far- ther along in a similar steep canyon. The Boulder River Valley forms the ter- minus of the complex on the northwest. The Boulder River has an elevation of about 5,000 ft above sea level at the complex and runs essentially south-north. Northeast of the Stillwater Complex, the Boulder and Stillwater Rivers flow into © LEGEND Sedimentary rocks Stillwater Complex Metamorphic rocks Mines (inactive) ) Gish (Cr) Mouat (Cr) Mouat (Ni-Cu) Stillwater (PGM) Benbow (Cr) \ MON MONTANA Study a FIGURE 1. - General geology of study area, showing the Stillwater Complex. the Yellowstone River, which in turn flows to the Missouri River. Northeast of the complex, the topog- raphy changes from mountainous to more gentle terrain. Mesas and hogbacks sep- arated by broad valleys give way to rolling topography. South and west of the complex, the topography again becomes mountainous in the Beartooth Range, with some peaks exceeding 14,000 ft in elevation. Mining activity in the Stillwater Com- plex includes past mining of chromite (5- 6_) , current development of PGM, and ex- ploration for Ni and Cu. The Stillwater Complex is a layered magma intrusive, consisting of three ma- jor units: the Basal, Ultramafic, and Banded zones. Nickel, copper, chromium, and PGM occur in high concentrations in specific zones of the complex. In the Basal zone, Ni occurs as pentlandite in pyrrhotite and Cu occurs as chalcopyrite. Chromium occurs as chromite in the Ultra- mafic zone, and the PGM occur as several platinum-group sulfides in the Banded zone. The Ni-Cu sulfides are generally in discontinuous irregular layers. The chromite occurs in several lenses and layers, alphabetically designated, with two layers, the G and H zones, being the thickest and most continuous. The platinum-group sulfides occur in an al- most continuous zone 3 to 6 ft thick. The geology of the Stillwater Complex has been discussed in the literature (7- 8). Geologic maps of the Stillwater Com- plex area and the Mouat Mine area are shown as figures 1 and 3. REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT The regulatory environment (the envi- ronmental and mine development regula- tions and agencies) is complex; however, a brief description is presented here. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 directs all Federal agen- cies to provide environmental impact statements (EIS's) to the U.S. Council on Environmental Quality before proceeding with any major action that significantly affects the environment. NEPA' s require- ments are supplemented by the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) . MEPA's more stringent requirements would super- sede those of NEPA. MEPA and NEPA re- quirements extend to both State and Fed- eral lands within Montana. In the Stillwater Complex, mining oper- ations can potentially be on U.S. Forest Service (USFS) land and private lands. Montana Department of State Lands (DSL) administers the 1971 Montana Metal Mine Reclamation Act (formerly the Hard Rock Mining Act) , which applies to all lands within Montana. DSL has sole regulatory authority on patented mining claims with- in Federal lands. DSL requires that a reclamation plan be submitted and ap- proved as part of an application for an operating permit. A bond would also be posted to ensure that adequate funds are reserved for future land reclamation (9) . DSL would regulate mining activity on both Federal and private lands. USFS regulates mining activity under a number of laws, including the 1872 Mining Law and amendments, the Organic Admini- stration Act of 1897, the Mining and FIGURE 2. - Looking west across the Stillwater River at the Mouat chromite and Ni-Cu areas. Mineral Policy Act of 1970, the National Materials and Minerals Policy, Research, and Development Act of 1980, and a number of Executive (Presidential) Orders. USFS manages surface resources on unpatented mining claims and issues permits for op- erations primarily limited to facilities and uses of forest lands. A proposed PGM operation at the Min- neapolis Adit would be an example of a combined Federal-State jurisdiction. Most of the proposed mine is in a na- tional forest, while the associated sur- face facilities are on private land. Before the company can commercially de- velop its mineral properties, it requires an operating permit from DSL, an approval of its plan of operations from USFS, and air and water quality permits from the Montana Department of Health and Environ- mental Sciences (MDH&ES) . An EIS must be prepared in accordance with MEPA and NEPA requirements to be used as a guide for approval of permits and operation plans. A draft EIS on the project ( 10 ) was filed jointly by DSL and USFS in 1985. An EIS must contain data on base- line conditions, the proposed operation, alternatives to the proposed operation, and its environmental impacts. Most of this information would be provided in the application(s) for a raining permit filed by the developer with DSL, USFS, Scale, ft Q Quaternary alluvium LEGEND t ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i Archean hornfels regionally *■ ' ■ > r ^' metamorphosed [;■;;; Pji;'.;^ Paleozoic sedimentary rocks * Mines ® Mouat (Cr) © Mouat (Ni-Cu) Aqmg Archean quartz monzonite i * ■ »] Archean banded zone IV*. .1 (platinum group within this zone) © Stillwater (PGM) y/AJS/A Archean ultramafic zone * — » — » Thrust fault V/iii/A (chromite bands within this zone) I i ' ■ ! ' A t>J 1 1 1 1 Archean basal zone (Ni-Cu sulfides) FIGURE 3. - Geologic map of the Mouat Mine area. or both. The result is that the devel- oper bears the expense of generating the data for the EIS that is required before an agency can grant a mining permit. Beyond the requirements for a mining permit and an EIS, each operation in the Stillwater Complex would also need per- mits to discharge waste into the air and water. These requirements are estab- lished in the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act and are administered by the En- vironmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the State if it has approved programs. EPA has promulgated regulations limit- ing the types and amounts of various pollutants allowed from mining, mill- ing, and smelting operations. In par- ticular, regulations called new source performance standards (NSPS) for mining, milling, and smelting have recently been issued (11). These regulations would have an impact on any potential mineral operations in the Stillwater Complex. The Montana Department of Natural Re- sources and Conservation (DNR&C) admini- sters air and water pollution regulations under State law. In accordance with an agreement between the EPA and DNR&C, DNR&C administers EPA's air and water programs within the State of Montana, thereby streamlining the permit process. The agreement basically states that Mon- tana's program has been reviewed by the EPA and approved as being at least as rigorous as the national program. Other requirements before a mineral operation can go into production in- clude permits required by the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and various local author- ities. Most of these permits are related to the health and well-being of workers and not directly to environmental issues. The Montana Hardrock Mining Impact Board requires that a company supply prepay- ment for estimated socioeconomic impacts due to planned mining operations. OPERATION DESCRIPTIONS Two scenarios were selected for Cr op- erations: the low-end scenario was based on a production rate of 1,000 tpd ore and the high-end scenario used 2,500 tpd ore. Operations outside this range were con- sidered unlikely, based on engineering considerations, the nature of demand for Cr , and the extent of the resources. Two scenarios were selected for PGM op- erations , based on recent development in the area and demand for PGM. The low- end scenario used a production rate of 1,000 tpd, and the high-end scenario used 4,000 tpd. Only one scenario was used for Ni-Cu operations. The production rate selected was 27,500 tpd ore, with 24,800 tpd waste. This size is speculative, as very few solid engineering data were available. The following three sections provide basic information on potential Cr , PGM, and Ni-Cu mining and milling operations in the Stillwater Complex. CHROMIUM Two scenarios were examined for a mine- mill-furnace, chromite-to-f errochrome fa- cility. The low-end scenario included a 1,400-tpd mine, 1,000-tpd mill, and 750- tpd furnace to produce 230 tpd of high- carbon f errochrome. The high-end scenar- io included a 3,500-tpd mine, 2,500-tpd mill, and 1,800-tpd furnace to produce 545 tpd of high-carbon ferrochrome. Op- erational lives for the two scenarios would be 35 and 14 yr , respectively. For both scenarios, the mine will operate 5 days per week and the mill will operate 7 days per week. Total speculative re- sources in the G and H zones are 13 mil- lion tons of chromite averaging 21 pet Cr 2 3 . Figure 4 shows the potential lo- cation of the facilities. The mine would consist of a 12,000- ft main haulage adit, a 1,600-ft under- ground shaft, and underground facilities to service the workers and equipment during shrinkage stope mining of the two chromite ore zones. The 4,000-ft Monte Alto Adit would be rehabilitated and extended about 7,800 ft to intersect the G and H zones at an elevation of 5,470 ft. A rapid-tunneling machine could be used to drive the 10- by 10-ft adit. The 12-ft-diam service shaft collar would be located about 700 ft west of the face of the H zone on the No. 5 of the old Mouat Mine. The lowest of the shaft, the 5470, would be 200 ft north of the main haulage level level about adit and about 9,800 ft from the Monte Alto LEGEND 1 Monte Alto Adit 2 Coarse ore stockpile and crusher 3 Fine ore stockpile 4 Mill and enqueuing building 5 Dry and shop 6 Bnquetted mill concentrate stockpile 7 Smelter leed stockpiles, coal char, limestone, and quartz 8 Ferrochrome smelter area 9 Sag storage a TO Sludge storage area 1 1 Ferrochrome stockpile 12 Office buildings 13 Tailings storage area M Site of old tailings area. 1943 15 Site of old tailings area. 1953-61 FIGURE 4. - Plan map of Cr mine-mill-smelter facilities. portal. The shaft would have nine sta- tions above the main haulage about 180 ft apart. Ore would be mined using the shrink- age stope methods utilized previously at the Mouat Mine (_5_ ) . The s topes would be about 200 ft long and 170 ft high along dip. They would be separated horizon- tally by 20-ft-wide pillars. Raises would be bored from the level above. Ore haulage would be by battery motors on the intermediate levels and by trolley or diesel motor on the main haulage level. The ore would be moved to the main haul- age level by ore passes and then by motor to the coarse ore stockpile at the mill. About 10 pet of the ore would remain in the mine as ground support pillars. Mine-run ore would be crushed to minus 3/8 in and ground to minus 35 mesh (minus 0.02 in) in a rod mill. Regrinding would be done in a ball mill. The undersize material would be fed to the spirals in the gravity separation circuit. Mill heads are expected to assay about 21 pet Cr203, the concentrate about 40 pet Cr203, and the tails about 5 pet 0^03, for a recovery rate of 88 pet Cr203. About 46 pet of the feed material would report to the concentrates. The grinding and gravity concentrating processes for chromite would use no chem- icals ( 6_) . The quality of the water is expected to be approximately the same as that of the surface water in the vicin- ity. Tailings would be piped about 1.5 miles north of the mine site to a tail- ings dam at the St rat ton Ranch area (fig. 4). The concentrates would be agglomerated to a plus 8-mesh (1/8-in) size and fed to a sealed, submerged electric arc fur- nace to produce high-carbon ferrochrome. This ferrochrome would be acceptable for use in the production of austenitic stainless steel (12). At the present time, no steel smelter in the United States is known to use this process; how- ever, at least one smelter in Japan does have such a process. PGM The two sizes selected for PGM opera- tions were 1,000 tpd and 4,000 tpd ore. In general, operations of these sizes would fill a portion of the domestic need for PGM under normal and severe crisis scenarios, respectively. Other consid- erations, such as size of reserves and the physical characteristics of the ore, also entered into the size selection process. For the 1,000-tpd case, mining would be by shrinkage s toping. Rubber-tired vehicles would be used to haul ore and waste from the mine. Waste rock would be stored in a dump at the mine por- tal. Waste rock production would be ex- pected to be about 150 tpd. Mine life is estimated conservatively at 20 yr. Figure 5 shows the location of proposed facilities. The Minneapolis Adit (fig. 6) will be the main entrance to the mine and serve as the main haulageway. The mine waste rock dump would be located near the por- tal. The mill, shop, and other surface facilities would be located nearby, as shown in figure 5. PGM milling would be by the froth flo- tation method using a low-pH process. Ore would be crushed, ground, and floated using a potassium amyl xanthate collector and a polyglycol ether frothing agent. Carboxy methyl cellulose and CuSO^ would FIGURE 5. - Plan map of PGM mine-mill facilities. FIGURE 6. - Minneapolis Adit, main haulage for PGM operations. be added as conditioners. Additional in- formation on the milling process can be found in other Bureau publications ( n-u) . Tailings would be disposed of in a lined tailings pond at the same site (fig. 5). Approximately 87 pet of the processed mill feed would be tailings. A tailings dam would be constructed using the centerline method (15) . Several changes are needed in order to achieve 4,000-tpd capacity in PGM mining and milling operations. In-mine crushing and belt haulage would be used instead of rubber-tired haulage to transport ore out of the mine. A decline from the West Fork area to the ore zone would be added to gain access to additional reserves. Waste rock would continue to be hauled by rubber-tired vehicles to the dump site near the portal, but the amount would increase to about 600 tpd. The tailings area at the Minneapolis Adit is not large enough to store 20 yr of production at 4,000 tpd. Utilization of cut-and-fill s toping would reduce the amount of material in the tailings pond by returning about 50 pet of the material to the stopes as backfill, but even then, the tailings area at the Minneapolis Adit is barely large enough to accommodate 20 yr of production. Therefore, the tailings area would be moved to a secondary site known as Hertz- ler Ranch (figs. 7-8), which is large enough to store this amount of tailings. This site was selected based on an in- depth study of alternative tailings pond sites in the area (10). The mill would remain located near the Minneapolis Adit. It would use the same flotation process described above. The tailings would be separated into two size fractions. The coarse (150-mesh) materi- al would be slurried and pumped back into the mine as backfill material. The fine fraction would be slurried and pumped to the Hertzler Ranch tailings pond. FIGURE rate. Contour interval, 200 ft 7. - Plan map of tailings pond gt Hertzler Ranch area for PGM operations, high production The tailings slurried to the pond would contain an inadequate amount of coarse material for dam construction, so borrow material from the area would be used. Suitable material for dam construction can be removed from the pond site before mining commences. The impermeable geo- logic conditions at the Hertzler Ranch site make pond lining unnecessary (10). Concentrated ore from both the 1,000- tpd and 4,000-tpd operations would be shipped elsewhere for refining. Truck haulage would be concentrate. used to transport the NICKEL-COPPER An open pit is the mining method most likely to be used to extract Ni-Cu ore from the Basal zone of the Stillwater Complex. A proposed plan is to develop a section of this zone located within a large rotated block (faulted section of the complex) . This block also contains 10 FIGURE 8. - Hertzler Ranch area. Ni-Cuand PGM pond 'Nye *°\ Ni-Cu pit i Beartooth t Ranch ^Woodbine Campground <^^ ~/~ V_-^4]9f-l— l«J^J=-*= //h a^ i — i — * Columbus //?10r " 24 miles / /A ond Iffy LEGEND Paved road Gravel road €ws *-^-t- Railroad s Slurry pipeline — < Mine adits © West Fork PGM (hypothetical) PGM mill © Level 5 Cr (existing) -«,4 ® Minneapolis (existing) @ Monte Alto (partially completec *® Photo locations A Figures 1 3 and 1 4 8 Figure 15 C Figure 16 1 i j Scale, mi FIGURE 9. - Plan map of combined operations, a hypothetical worst case. the chromite zones at the old Mouat Cr operation. Figure 9 is a surface plan view showing the potential open pit, dump, and processing facilities, as well as PGM and Cr operations included in a worst case scenario. The Ni-Cu mine life is expected to be 18 yr. The ore zone would be mined by standard open pit techniques using shovels and mine trucks. A rate of 27,500 tpd ore and 24,800 tpd waste is proposed. A pri mary crusher would be located at the east side of the pit. Crushed ore would be conveyed downhill at no more than a -16 11 slope. The conveyor would be enclosed and strong enough to withstand the depo- sition of overlying mine waste. At the base of the dump, a transfer station would direct ore toward the milling fa- cilities near river level. To the north a service road would be extended from the Mouat Mine road. Verdigras Creek (fig. 10) would be diverted above the pit and redirected north about 3,000 ft to Mountain View Lake. An equipment mainte- nance facility and mine truck parking would be located just north of the pit. Conveyed ore would be stockpiled adja- cent to the processing facilities. The mill feed rate would be 20,500 tpd, 7 days per week. Initial processing would involve grinding the feed to minus 250 mesh using semiautogenous mills and ball mills. Bulk sulfide flotation would be used to recover Ni and Cu. The rougher concentrate would be cleaned twice to remove Fe and insolubles. A total of 19,500 tpd of rougher tails averaging 0.075 pet Ni and 0.045 pet Cu would be disposed of in a tailings pond facility, and 940 tpd of cleaner concentrates would be sent to the leaching circuit. The proposed leach process would be similar to the two-stage Cl-0 2 leach cur- rently being tested by the Bureau (16). In a batch process , cleaner concentrate would be mixed with reclaimed water and recycled solutions. This pulp would be autoclaved, and CI and compressed air would be added. After 5 h, 94 to 99 pet of the Ni and Cu would be ionized in so- lution. The high-grade Ni-Cu solution would be recovered using wash water. A waste product amounting to 866 tpd, FIGURE 10. - Verdigras Creek. 12 containing Fe and gangue minerals , would be disposed of in the tailings pond. Copper would be electrowon, and nickel would be precipitated; 40 tons of Ni and 34 tons of Cu would be recovered daily at 78- and 67-pct recoveries, respectively. LAND ISSUES The land issues category contains the most significant environmental issues found in the study. Mining, milling, and refining typically involve significant land use changes. Solid wastes, including waste rock from mining, tailings from milling, and sludge from Cr smelting, would create a dispo- sal problem that would have its primary effects on the land. Choice of disposal sites would be a significant problem in the Stillwater Complex. Much of the area is too mountainous, at too high an eleva- tion, or situated on unstable geologic features, and would not make good dispo- sal sites. The chemical composition of the tail- ings to be generated is not cause for un- due concern. However, the sludge from ferrochrome production might require spe- cial handling and storage methods to en- sure that any potentially hazardous com- pounds are properly contained. In the following sections, these land issues are discussed: tailings dispo- sal, smelter waste, waste rock, land use changes, visual impact, and reclamation plans. TAILINGS DISPOSAL PLANS The tailings dams for all disposal plans would be instrumented and moni- tored. Instrumentation would include piezometers to monitor the phreatic sur- face within the dams. Frequent inspec- tion and periodic surveys of the dam face would be conducted to detect any dam movement. Monitor wells, installed down- drainage from the dams, would be sampled periodically to check for seepage. Chromite Tailings For both scenarios, the chromite tail- ings pond would be located at the Strat- ton Ranch site (fig. 4). The pond would have an average height of 50 ft and a maximum height of 75 ft, and would occupy approximately 40 acres at the end of the mine life. The tailings dam would be constructed of tailings using the upstream method. A cross section of a typical upstream dam is shown in figure 11. This type of con- struction is the least expensive and should result in a stable dam since there are relatively few fines in these tail- ings . Seepage through or under the dam would be collected by a toe drain and re- turned to the pond. The chemical compo- sition of chromite tailings is relatively inert, making pond lining unnecessary. In the event of combined Cr, PGM, and Ni-Cu operations, the large Hertzler Ranch site (fig. 9) would be used, and the Stratton Ranch would not be needed. The amount of tailings generated by Cr operations would be negligible compared with the amounts generated by PGM and Ni- Cu operations. PGM Tailings — Minneapolis Adit Site Two different areas have been chosen for PGM tailings disposal, depending on the scenario. For the low-end scenario, the Minneapolis Adit site would be used (figs. 5-6). This pond would have an average height of 80 ft and a maximum height of 100 ft, and would occupy an es- timated 75 acres. For the high-end sce- nario, the Hertzler Ranch site would be used (fig. 8). This pond would have an average depth of 40 ft and a maximum height of 75-ft, and would occupy an es- timated 380 acres. In the low-end scenario case, the tail- ings dam would be constructed using the centerline method of construction (fig. 11). This type of dam would be more ex- pensive than an upstream-constructed dam, but would be structurally stronger. This dam would be relatively high and would be located near a county highway, so struc- tural integrity would be important. This dam would be constructed with a blanket or toe drain to keep the phreatic surface 13 £ Pond >& \\\ \\\ /// \\\ Fine tailing (slimes J^ * * « * wm7 ' ^~ mv&zmr ^ Original ground surface Coarse tailing (sands) Starter dam UPSTREAM SPIGOTING METHOD Cyclone Water and slimes released to pond, Sands distributed and compacted on downstream slope Slimes Initial dike (compacted in layers) CENTERLINE METHOD FIGURE 11. - Upstream and centerline methods of constructing tailings dams. in the dam at acceptable levels. Any seepage would be returned to the pond. The bottom surface of the pond and the upstream face of the dam would be lined to minimize seepage under the pond and possible contamination of ground water. Monitor wells installed down- drainage from the pond would be sampled periodically to check for seepage. PGM Tailings — Hertzler Ranch Site In the high-end scenario for PGM opera- tions, the tailings area would be located at the Hertzler Ranch. Since cut-and- fill stoping is the mining method in this scenario, borrow material would be used to construct the tailings dam. This ma- terial would be scraped from the pond area at the beginning of operations. The pond location was chosen to minimize dam size and height. The tailings dam would be constructed using standard earth dam techniques (15) . The impermeable shale that underlies the Hertzler Ranch site makes a liner un- necessary. Instead, a toe drain and sump would collect any seepage and return it to the pond. A perennial stream running in Robinson Draw must be diverted around the tail- ings area. This diversion, shown in fig- ure 7, would reduce the amount of runoff water the pond and dam will be required to handle. A pond liner should be unnecessary, but the sand and gravel overlying the pond would be scraped off to minimize leakage under the dam. Geologic data indicate that an average of 15 ft of alluvium needs to be removed to expose the shale. Monitor wells, piezometers, and surveys would ensure that the pond and dam are performing properly. 14 Nickel-Copper Tailings Only two sites in the area are capable of holding the estimated 81 million yd 3 (128 million tons) of tailings produced over the 18-yr life of the mine. These sites are the Hertzler Ranch and Horseman Flats, which could hold 100 million yd 3 (155 million tons) and 159 million yd 3 (252 million tons) of tailings, respec- tively. The Hertzler Ranch site is about 6.5 miles north and down-drainage from the proposed Ni-Cu mill site (figures 7 and 8) . The Horseman Flats site is about 4 miles northwest of the mill site and about 850 ft higher in elevation, which would entail pumping the tailings uphill (fig. 9). At present, the Hertzler Ranch seems to be the most viable site since sufficient water is available from the Stillwater River for a mill at the pres- ent site. The major environmental prob- lems would apply to either tailings site. Combined Tailings In the event of combined Cr, PGM, and Ni-Cu operations, the Hertzler Ranch site would be used to contain tailings from all three operations. This pond would be an average of 75 ft high, be constructed in two terraces, have a maximum height of 125 ft, and cover an estimated 650 acres at the end of mining. Two tailings dams would be constructed using tailings from the Ni-Cu and Cr operations. The first dam would be con- structed to form the upper terrace at 5,000 ft elevation. The upper terrace would hold about 60 pet of the tailings. The lower terrace would crest at 4,900 ft elevation and contain the balance of the tailings. In order for all of the tailings gener- ated by combined operations to be con- tained on the site, all of the alluvium from the site must be removed and stock- piled. This is an estimated 425 million ft 3 of material, which would be used dur- ing reclamation at the end of mining. Both dams would be constructed using the centerline method described previous- ly. Instrumentation would be installed to ensure proper performance. The creek diversion mentioned earlier would be re- quired in this scenario, also. TAILINGS POND RECLAMATION Chromite Tailings The chromite tailings pond is expected to cover approximately 40 acres at the Stratton Ranch site at the conclusion of mining. The material should be relative- ly uniform and porous, and dry quickly. The tailings area would be contoured to more closely resemble natural surround- ings after it has dried. The tailings area from previous Mouat Cr mine operations has been successfully revegetated by The Anaconda Company (10) . That area has been seeded with a mixture of grasses and forbs, heavily fertilized, and irrigated periodically. Revegetation species were seeded at between 23 and 31 lb of live seed per acre. Species used are listed in table 1. TABLE 1. - Revegetation species used in reclamation (10) Common name Scientific name Approximate seed rate (pure live seed), lb/acre Sheep fescue or Idaho fescue 4-5 4-5 4-5 Festuoa ovina or Festuca idahoenis. 3-4 3-4 3-4 .5 .5 2-3 15 A similar program of revegetation would be expected to be successful on tailings generated by future Cr raining. To com- pletely revegetate this area would re- quire 2 to 3 yr. PGM Tailings For the low-end production rate of 1,000 tpd, the tailings pond would be lo- cated at the Minneapolis Adit site (fig. 5) and would occupy about 75 acres. Max- imum height would be about 100 ft. The PGM tailings would contain a greater pro- portion of fines than the chromite tail- ings and would not dry quickly. Once the tailings dam reaches its maxi- mum height, revegetation of the dam face could begin. The relatively steep slope of the dam face (approximately 30 pet) would probably make more involved reveg- etation efforts necessary. Techniques such as straw mulch crimping and netting would probably be used to help hold the seed until germination. Revegetation of the tailings pond sur- face would have to wait until it has dried sufficiently. Until then, chemi- cal dust suppressants could be applied to reduce fugitive dust. Mine waste rock could be spread over the surface of the area during the winter to increase its load-bearing capacity. Soil scraped from the site before the pond was constructed could then be spread over the surface of the pond. If soil is not used to cap the pond, revegetation would be much more difficult and expensive. Fertilizer, mulching, and irrigation rates would be increased. Biomass production would be lower, lengthening the time to full rec- lamation by as much as 2 yr. For the high-end production rate of 4,000 tpd, the Minneapolis Adit tailings pond location is not large enough, so the Hertzler Ranch site is assumed to be used. A detailed reclamation plan has already been established for this site ( 10) . A brief description of it follows. After operations cease, the tailings area would be recontoured into a gentle dome. This will encourage precipitation to drain off the tailings instead of percolating through them. Approximate- ly 2 ft of waste rock from the mining operation would be used to cap the area and increase its load-bearing capacity. Approximately 18 in of topsoil and sub- soil scraped from the site before the pond was constructed would be spread over the rock. Revegetation using the species listed in table 1 along with a few addi- tional trees and shrubs would complete the reclamation. After reclamation, the area should be similar to the current stony grassland ( 17 ) and is expected to be suitable for grazing, the current land use for that area. Nickel-Copper Tailings Reclamation would be the same as for the PGM tailings reclamation plan dis- cussed in the previous section, but on a larger scale. After operations cease, recontouring to a more natural shape would commence. Waste rock from the open pit would be used to cap the area. Top- soil stripped from the pond area before construction would be spread over the rock. Revegetation using species listed in table 1 and a few trees and shrubs would complete the reclamation. The area would appear similar to the present area but would be 100 to 150 ft higher. FERROCHROME SMELTER WASTE The ferrochrome smelter produces two types of solid waste that require dis- posal: sludge from venturi scrubbers and slag from the smelter. Of the two, sludge is the more difficult prob- lem because of the high organic con- tent. Smelter slag is essentially vit- rified silicates and should be fairly nonreactive. The ferrochrome smelter emits signif- icant amounts of gas containing partic- ulates. The particulates are removed from the gas by a venturi scrubber as a sludge. Sludge recovery from the venturi scrub- bers would amount to 30 tpd and 72 tpd (11,000 tpy and 26,000 tpy) for the low and high production rates, respectively. The sludge, after filtering to remove wa- ter, would be permanently stored on-site and would require a double-lined pit. This 40-ft-deep pit would be made by 16 excavating to 20 ft of depth and bounding the excavation by 20-ft-high walls. An area of 3,500 ft 2 /yr is needed for the low-end scenario and 8,500 ft 2 /yr for the high-end scenario. Up to 8 wt pet of the sludge would be organic material ( 18) . Monitor wells would be installed to warn of seepage. Alternate methods of handling the sludge would include recycling it back to the briquetting operation, disposing of it by including it with the mill tail- ings, or possibly using it in making blocks for permanent solid storage. These alternate methods require further study to identify their potential. Organic matter emitted can be par- tially captured using scrubbers for closed or sealed furnaces and baghouses for open furnaces. These control systems recover a solid waste sludge and dust; respectively. A sealed furnace and scrubber system, as previously mentioned, was chosen for the ferrochrome produc- tion segment of the chromite operation because a higher percentage of organic matter would be recovered. In a previ- ous study (18), five ferroalloy furnaces were tested for generation and emission of particulate and organic matter. Even though no high-carbon-f errochrome-produc- ing furnaces were tested, general results comparing open and closed (sealed) fur- naces are applicable. It is reported that scrubbers are much more efficient than baghouses in recovering organic matter. The major evidence is that the covered furnaces tested generated more organic matter per megawatt hour but emitted less into the atmosphere after the scrubber. Open furnaces tested gen- erated less per megawatt hour but emitted more into the atmosphere after the baghouse. Concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) emitted as exhaust gas into the atmos- phere from three ferroalloy plants ex- ceeded the discharge multimedia environ- mental goals (DMEG) of the EPA, whose recommended value is 0.02 p.g/m 3 ( 18) . DMEG's are used as reference points and are not regulatory policy. Sampling in- dicated none of the solid wastes would be classified as hazardous, although all but one operation exceeded DMEG-re commended values for land disposal of BaP. Treated water discharge from the two covered smelter furnace control systems contained no polynuclear aromatics. Biphenyl was found in the emission samples from the two covered furnaces, suggesting the com- pound may also be present in discharged solid wastes. In chlorination treatment systems there is a possibility of form- ing polychlorinated biphenyls from the biphenyls. The dewatered scrubber sludge accumu- lated from the waste water treatment sys- tem would contain various organic com- pounds. Until additional information is available regarding safe disposal, all smelter sludge would be retained as solid waste. Slags are vitrified silicates similar in content to scrubber sludge. Molten slag would be dumped into pits open at one end to permit removal after quench- ing and granulation (18) . The slag pit should be concrete-lined and sealed to prevent pollution of ground water. Ex- cess quenching water would be contained within the pit and used during the next slag dumping. The granulated slag can be stockpiled as waste or used as road base. Reclamation of smelter slag and scrub- ber sludge would occur during operations, and very little reclamation would be needed after operations cease. Reclama- tion of slag would be a fairly simple process. The dump size would be pre- planned and the pile shaped to have a more natural appearance. Dumping and reclamation would be similar to the oper- ations of the Ni-Cu mine waste dump dis- cussed in the next section. Smelter sludge from the venturi scrub- bers would be stored in double-lined pits. Several pits would be needed al- though the number would depend on opera- tion size. As each pit is filled it would be covered with an impermeable liner similar to the one used underneath the waste. Monitor wells would be in- stalled to warn of seepage. Topsoil would be placed over the liner. Hydro- mulching and tree planting would reduce erosion. 17 WASTE ROCK A method has been proposed for dumping Ni-Cu mine waste rock, that would lessen the visual impact. Waste would be trans- ported to the base of the dump area and placed in low lifts or terraces. Three main advantages of using this method would be the ability to adjust the dump slope to conform to the natural topogra- phy, the ability to revegetate the dump slope after each lift is completed, and the ability to create a more stable dump. Operations of this method would in- volve transporting waste by truck from the pit, downhill to the base of the pre- planned dump area. Each lift would be about 10 ft high or higher, depending on mine truck size and dumping method. Ini- tial dumping of each lift would be at the peripheral crest of the previous lift to form a 10-ft-high berm. For this plan to work properly, trucks must dump waste on a given lift while positioned on that lift (fig. 12). The trucks would then be partially hidden behind the initial berm, reducing vis- ual impact. A bulldozer would intermit- tently level the spoils piles to provide a drivable base for the following lift construction. A hydromulch sprayer would be used to establish vegetation. Small trees similar to species in the area would also be planted. In the conventional technique, waste rock would be dumped near the pit in a manner such that the face of the waste pile is constantly "active and cannot be vegetated. Each load would be dumped over the previous load, but the dumping elevation would be kept constant and the waste pile would be extended out horizon- tally. Some of the dump may be vegetated during operations after that area becomes inactive, but a large percentage of the dump would remain active until operations cease. Reclamation would be done both during and after operations cease. Erosion and sedimentation impacts would differ de- pending on which of the two dumping meth- ods is chosen. Conventional dumping techniques make vegetation efforts impos- sible until after operations cease. The multiple-lift approach allows vegetation during operations, reducing erosion and sedimentation of waters downslope. The pit could be recontoured by blast- ing to form a more continuous slope rath- er than leaving benches. A more natural talus slope appearance would result. Another approach is to leave the benches intact and lay topsoil on each level. Grasses and trees could be planted to minimize erosion as well as to improve the visual appearance. The stream diver- sion would be removed, allowing Verdigras Creek to flow into the pit, forming a small lake similar to Mountain View Lake. Water redirected into the pit would need a permanent channel. Some blasting and rock removal may be needed. LAND USE CHANGES Approximately 25,000 acres in and around the Stillwater Complex were ana- lyzed for major land use categories (17). About 50 pet of the area is undeveloped national forest, wilderness area, and private land. The land serves as wild- life habitats and as camping, hiking, fishing, and hunting areas. Agriculture uses about 42 pet of the area; livestock grazing is the most prevalent agricul- tural use. Residential, recreational, and mining activities make up the re- mainder of land uses of the area. Most Mine truck Bulldozer Hydromulcher FIGURE 12. - Waste rock terracing method. 18 people live in four communities: Nye, Dean, Fishtail, and Absarokee. Approxi- mately 50 vacation homes are located in the area, as well as 2 commercial guest ranches and 2 campgrounds. Mining and exploration activities make up about 1 pet of the land use in the study area. Mining of Cr, PGM, and Ni would repre- sent a significant change in land use for the region. Tailings areas would be lo- cated on grazing land and remove it from service for a period of time ranging from 15 to 30 yr. After the mines are closed, the tailings areas can be revegetated to be used again for grazing. The undevel- oped land at the Ni-Cu open pit would be permanently altered. Reclamation after mining would minimize impact. Other land that would be used for mine, mill, and smelter building sites would be changed from agricultural and residential use to industrial use. Since infrastructure such as roads , transmission lines, and rail would be upgraded, it is likely that other small businesses and industries would choose to locate in the area. Many of these busi- nesses would probably supply goods and services to the growing mining community. In total, Cr operations would require about 90 acres for the low-end scenario and 125 acres for the high-end scenario. PGM operations would require 160 acres for the low-end scenario and 400 acres for the high-end scenario. Nickel-copper operations would require 900 acres. The total land used for all mining opera- tions, if all were conducted simulta- neously, would be 1,425 acres, or about 6 pet of the land in the study area. VISUAL IMPACTS The major visual impact would result from the Ni-Cu pit and dump, which cover a total of about 350 acres. The other significant visual impact would be from the ferrochrome smelter and its tall stack. The remaining facilities would create limited and local visual impacts. The Ni-Cu pit and dump would be visi- ble for several miles in the Stillwater Valley. It would be the only facility visible from the Beartooth Ranch, Wood- bine Falls (0.5 mile east of Woodbine Campground) , and the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness. The ferrochrome plant and the Ni-Cu pit and dump would be visible for at least 6 miles downstream. Other features such as the tailings dams and mill facilities would only be visible from the road for short distances (figs. 13-16). The chromite tailings would cover an area of about 40 acres. The PGM tailings would cover 75 acres for the low-end case and 380 acres for the high-end case. The Ni-Cu tailings dam would cover about 350 acres. The tailings dams would be up to 125 ft high. The Ni-Cu tailings area would be visible from parts of the road leading to the Benbow Mine. Solid waste from the ferrochrome smelt- er would eventually occupy an area of about 20 acres. A 30-day supply of feed material for the smelter would be stored on 1 acre of land near the smelter. Some of the material, such as the coal char, may be covered or stored in large bins for protection from the weather. Other items that will visually impact the area are as follows: (1) a pipeline for Ni-Cu tailings, which would be visi- ble from the road between the Ni-Cu mill and the Hertzler Ranch tailings site, (2) a railroad spur, and (3) power lines, which would be visible between the city of Columbus and the ferrochrome smelter, a distance of about 35 miles. To a large extent , visual impacts can- not be avoided, owing to limited siting options and high visibility throughout the valley. Use of blend-in colors for buildings and use of the multiple-lift waste rock disposal method described ear- lier should reduce negative impact. SUMMARY OF LAND ISSUES The most significant land issues iden- tified in this study are — 1. Disposal of tailings, including sound dam design and reclamation. 2. Disposal of ferrochrome smelter waste. 3. Changing land use patterns from agriculture and recreation to mining and mineral processing. Adequate technology exists to permit sound tailings pond construction and 19 (D => (D E a U u -o o Q. O O Q_ o (/) u O 0) E a U Q. O E o u o I/) u D - > LU Qi ID O 20 Dumps FIGURE 15. - Visual effects of Ni-Cu open pit from Beartooth Ranch. Camera location is shown on figure 9 (£>)• ■*,:* \ Pit FIGURE 16. - Visual effects of Ni-Cu open pit from Woodbine Falls. Camera location is shown on figure 9 (C). 21 reclamation. Additional research is needed to more accurately describe the nature of ferrochrome smelter solid waste, before sound disposal plans for permanent storage of this waste can be drawn up. The noted change in land use patterns is largely unavoidable during the term of active mining. After mining, land use would return to earlier patterns of agriculture and recreation. WATER ISSUES Water quality is very important to res- idents and visitors and is quite likely the most important environmental issue in this area. The generally high baseline water quality is a source of pride to residents. Fishing is a major recre- ational activity. In general, water is- sues associated with the proposed mines can be dealt with effectively. In this section, baseline water qual- ity, control of mine drainage water and tailings pond water, and water treatment for the Cr smelter are discussed. SURFACE WATERS BASELINE QUALITY Sample analyses from three separate studies are combined in this section to show the overall surface water quality of the Stillwater Complex. Anaconda con- tracted Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc., to complete a baseline environmental study as part of Anaconda's operating permit application for its proposed Stillwater project (18). Hydrologic monitoring en- tailed monthly, biweekly, and irregularly timed measurements of streamflow for a 1-yr period (June 1980 to June 1981). Five stations were established on the Stillwater River and seven stations on its tributaries. These samples points are shown on figure 17 as numbers 18 and 20-30. The Stillwater PGM Resources Co. con- tracted Beak Consultants, Ltd., to pre- pare a baseline environmental study of the East Boulder River and Dry Fork areas ( 19) . Thirty surface water sample loca- tions were used in Beak's report, but of these only eight were used in the Bu- reau's analysis. These samples are shown on figure 17 as numbers 4 through 11. Sampling was conducted over a 1-yr period beginning April 1981 and ending April 1982. Each station was monitored up to 17 times in that year, which was similar to the sampling done by Anaconda. The Bureau sampled surface waters dur- ing the month of June 1984 specifically for this report. An attempt was made to fill in gaps from previous studies in or- der to gain a picture of the water qual- ity of the entire Stillwater Complex; the one-time sampling was used to gain addi- tional data points. The 14 Bureau sam- ples are shown in figure 17 as numbers 1-3, 12-17, 19, and 31-34. Although the two industry surface water studies involved analyzing samples for many parameters, the Bureau analysis con- cerns only parameters that have been given regulatory standards, (table 2). The Bureau analyses are limited to only LEGEND X Mines @ Gish (Cr) @ Mouat (Cr) (S) Mouat (Ni-Cr) @ Stillwater (PGM) @ Benbow (Cr) G- Water sample FIGURE 17. - Water sample locations. 22 part of this list, as identified in table 2. The industry surface water studies included all parameters listed. TABLE 2. - Water quality regulatory standards (20) Parameter Standard, ppm Ag 1 0.05 As .05 Ba 1 1.00 Cd .01 CI 1 250 Cr .05 Cu 1.00 F 1 2.4 Fe , ..... .3 Hs .002 Mn .05 Pb .05 Se .01 Zn 5.00 Sulfate 1 250 10 Total dissolved solids 1 ... 500 2 100 5 ^ot analyzed by Bureau. 2 Number of bacteria per 100 mL. Surface water samples that exceeded the regulatory standards are given in table 3. The data given in this table repre- sent the maximum values obtained during the 1-yr period. Parameters that ex- ceeded the standards were Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Pb, fecal bacteria, and turbidity. Cadmium standards at eight sample sites exceeded in the Stillwater River Valley. Seven of these assayed 0.02 ppm Cd. Sam- ple 25 had the highest value at 0.03 ppm, indicating a higher background for Cd in the West Fork drainage. Sample 12, lo- cated farther up the West Fork, did not show Cd values exceeding regulatory standards. It is believed that high Cd values in the surface water are the re- sult of natural background and are not due to any point source discharge (19). Surface water samples taken during peak flow periods (May and June) show highest metal concentrations. This may be due to higher concentrations of suspended sol- ids; only Bureau samples were filtered to remove the solids. Manganese, chromium, lead, and fecal values exceeded regula- tory standards during peak flows in sev- eral of Anaconda's samples. Sample 32 (a Bureau sample) , which assayed 0.082 ppm Cr (greater than regulatory standards), TABLE 3. - Surface water samples exceeding regulatory standards Sample 1 Element , ppm Fecal coliform 2 Turbidity, 3 Cd Cr Fe Mn Pb NTU 5 a a a 0.02 .02 .02 a .02 .03 .02 .02 a .02 a a a a a a a 0.14 a a a a a a .082 a a a 0.57 1.3 a 16 .31 1.1 a 1.6 .57 a a 0.06 .06 a .09 a a .28 a a a a a a NA a a a a a 0.09 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 920 a a a a 6 a 7 14.0 18 a 20 a 21 a 23 a 24 a 25 a 27 a 28 a 29 a 30 a NA a Did not exceed standard. NA Not analyzed, Sample locations are shown on figure 17. 2 Number of bacteria per 100 mL. 3 Analyzed by Beak Consultants, Ltd. 23 was also taken during peak flow. At this location, an intermittent stream was flowing through a mine waste dump at the Benbow chromite mine. This sample was filtered to remove suspended solids. High Cr values may be due to chromite dumps and abandoned tailings ponds where fresh water is able to filter through. High Mn and turbidity values from sam- ples 5 through 7 (19) may also be a re- sult of peak flow. Generally high values from Cd and Fe throughout the year indi- cate natural background and not a point source. Fecal coliform exceeded regula- tory standards in sample 28. The high coliform counts reflect the presence of cattle in the area. Water quality of the Stillwater River is characterized as good to excellent, while its tributaries are characterized as poor to good. Surface water quality of the East Boulder River is rated generally high at upper eleva- tions but deteriorates somewhat with downstream distance (19). In utilizing all sample data, an anal- ysis of the surface water quality of the entire Stillwater Complex can be at- tained. The quality of water from major rivers draining north through the complex is good to excellent. High metal values from tributaries in the complex indicate local sources. Downstream at lower ele- vations where cattle grazing is promi- nent, degradation of water quality is evident. The tributaries within and to the south of the complex can be classi- fied as poor to good. MINE DRAINAGE WATER QUALITY Mine drainage from several adits in the Stillwater Complex was sampled and ana- lyzed for water quality. Samples were taken by the Bureau from the Benbow Mine, the Mouat Mine, the Verdigras Creek Adit, and the Gish Mine. Samples were taken by Camp Dresser and McKee ( 17 ) from the Min- neapolis Adit, the Mouat Mine, and the Verdigras Creek Adit. Samples taken by the Bureau were taken in accordance with EPA-recommended meth- ods (20) . Samples were filtered at 0.45 (j.m and acidified with HNO3. Samples were analyzed for 16 cations, as listed in table 2. Of the samples taken by the Bureau, only one from the Mouat Mine ex- ceeded water quality criteria for any constituent. A Cr level of 0.082 ppm was measured in this sample. The EPA cri- terion for Cr is 0.05 ppm. EPA water quality criteria are stated in terms of total Cr (both hexavalent and trivalent). In its hexavalent state, Cr has been shown to be toxic and is suspected of being carcinogenic ( 21 ) . Hexavalent Cr is known to cause nasal irritation, and a positive correlation between cancer and exposure to hexavalent Cr has been noted. Trivalent Cr, the other common valence state, has been shown to be much less toxic and is not suspected of being carcinogenic. Samples taken by Camp Dresser and McKee indicated that a few constituents regu- larly exceeded EPA criteria. Minneapolis Adit samples had no constituent analyses that averaged above EPA criteria. Mouat Mine sample averages exceeded EPA crite- ria for Fe, Mn, and Se. Verdigras Creek Adit sample averages exceeded EPA crite- ria for sulfate, Fe, and Mn (19). The Verdigras Creek Adit is located in the Basal zone of the complex (fig. 1). This area contains sulfides, and the water is- suing from this adit reflects the compo- sition of the rock in the area. In general, mine drainage samples ex- hibited water quality higher than might be expected. Exceptions to this were rare. Sulfides in the PGM zone are a relatively low proportion of the ore, and water running through the Minneapolis Adit has little opportunity to acquire significant metal content. The unreac- tive nature of chromite in the Benbow, Mouat, and Gish Mines contributes to the low metals content of water issuing from these adits. The Verdigras Creek Adit is located in the more chemically reactive Basal zone, and the water issuing from this adit is of lower quality. In all samples, the pH was near neu- tral. This is due to the lack of pyrite in the rocks of the Stillwater Complex. The neutral pH contributed to the low metal concentrations found in mine drain- age water since solubility of most .metals is very low at neutral pH. 24 NEW SOURCE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (11) Waste water discharges from mining, milling, and smelting activities in the Stillwater Complex would be regulated by the Clean Water Act, New operations would be considered "new sources." Regu- lations concerning effluent limitations were issued December 3, 1982. New source performance standards are the most strin- gent, because new mines and mills would "have the opportunity to install the best and most efficient waste water treatment technologies." The ore mining category has been di- vided into subcategories covering various ores and processes. There are existing subcategories for Ni mining and ferro- chrome production. A new subcategory for Pt mining was created recently; however, no subcategory for Cr mining currently exists. Both the Ni and Pt ore subcate- gories have been reserved, meaning that final determinations of effluent limi- tations will be set by the permitting authority (Montana Department of State Lands) on a case-by-case basis. New source performance standards for Ni and Pt mining have been issued in final form and are outlined in tables 4 and 5. Mines and mills processing more than 5,000 tons of Ni ores in 1 yr have efflu- ent limitations listed in table 4. Mines and mills processing Pt ores (other than placer deposits) have effluent limita- tions listed in table 5. New source performance standards for froth flotation mills require a zero dis- charge. Both the Pt and Ni operations discussed in this report would use froth flotation and would be subject to this requirement. Chromium operations use a TABLE 4. - New source performance standards for Ni mining and milling, parts per million (11) TABLE 5. - New source performance standards for Pt mining and milling, parts per million (11) Parameter 24-h max 30 -day av Total sue >pended 30 1.0 .1 .3 1.0 1.0 20 As .5 Cd .05 Cu .15 Pb .5 .5 Parameter Cd .T. Cu Hg Pb Zn 24-h max 30-day av 0.10 0.05 .03 .15 .002 .001 .6 .3 1.5 .75 gravity process and might not be subject to it. Zero discharge means that all process water must be contained within the mill- tailings pond circuit. The mill must not discharge waste water anywhere except to a contained tailings pond where excess water would evaporate. Seepage through the tailings dam or under the pond must be prevented or recovered. There are two exceptions to this re- quirement. If contaminants that inter- fere with milling tend to build up in the closed circuit, then a "bleed" stream may be allowed, subject to the limitations given in tables 4 and 5. If a 10-yr, 24-h storm occurs, a temporary discharge of tailings pond water may be allowed, subject to limitations given in tables 4 and 5. It is expected that Cr, Ni , and PGM operations would be required to adhere to the zero discharge requirement and that they would be capable of meeting it. FERROCHROME SMELTER WASTE WATER Scrubbers used to clean furnace off- gasses are a potential source of water pollution (22) , because scrubber dis- charge water generally contains a high concentration of suspended solids and or- ganic matter (sludge) ( 18) . A sealed furnace has been suggested for this oper- ation partly because it requires less water than an open furnace. Off gas vol- umes would be much less; thus, smaller scrubbers and a smaller water treatment system would be needed. Metals and or- ganics in the discharge water may leach or percolate from the sludge (23) . All water from the scrubbers would be recy- cled, and the dewatered sludge would be stored in lined disposal ponds. 25 The dusts and sludges generated from furnaces are primarily particles less than a micrometer in size, consisting of oxides of Cr, Ca, Mg, and other elements, in widely varying proportions depending on the product being made. The sludges from covered furnaces may also contain, in quantities of up to 8 pet, vari- ous types of organic compounds. Polycy- clic organic matter (POM) content may be as high as 65 pet of the organics (5 pet of the sludge). Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNA) , including the known carcinogens, benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), indeo(l ,2,3-cd)pyrene, and others, may occur in significant concentrations. Another constituent of sludges may be phenol, which is probably derived from electrode binding materials in covered furnaces (18). A leachate test of emission control dusts of a ferrochrome furnace, conducted by the ferroalloy industry, showed that Cr exceeded by 10 times the EPA water quality criteria for classification as hazardous (20) . Neither the slag nor scrubber sludge, also tested, exceeded EPA criteria, indicating their stability. Although this test was made by the Ferro- alloy Association Environmental Commit- tee, they feel it is not representative of actual dust characteristics. Signifi- cant doubt exists as to actual character- istics of smelter dust. High concentrations of PNA are likely in the scrubber water and sludge, and previous work indicates that up to 90 pet of this type of material can be adsorbed on suspended particles. Therefore, it is likely that the sludges in the lagoons and landfills from covered furnaces con- tain high concentrations of PNA, possibly exceeding the minimum limits for acute toxicity for effluent solid wastes (23). The aqueous solubility of PNA's is unaf- fected by solution pH, so no chemical pH control can be taken. Chemical treatment, clarif ier-f loccu- lators, sand filters, and recirculation would be required to meet the water ef- fluent standards for electric ferroalloy furnaces when scrubbers are used (22) . Waste water purification normally con- sists of solids removal by settling in unlined ponds or filtration before any chemical treatment of the water; thus, the solids and the potential organics contained within receive essentially no treatment. Scrubber sludge is normally disposed of in settling ponds. When a pond is filled, a new one is constructed or the old one is dredged for reuse. The Ferroalloy Association estimates 85 pet or more of all sludge wastes nationwide are disposed of in landfills or lagoons, and less than 15 pet are recycled, re- claimed, or sold. Industry sources state that sludges are essentially self-sealing within a pond, so no linear or imperme- able soil condition is necessary (18) . However, sludge from the potential smelt- er would be dewatered and stored in a double-lined disposal site. A general waste water treatment system for ferroalloy production is shown in figure 18. The process needed for Cr production may not contain all of the stages shown, but figure 18 gives an ap- propriate general scheme of what might be expected in waste water control. The diagram is explained by Williams (15): The pH is raised to about 11, and sufficient chlorine is added to maintain a free residual, followed by sedimentation. This step oxi- dizes phenol and cyanide (to cya- nite) and phosphates and manganese are precipitated. In the second step, additional chlorine is added and the pH is lowered to 7.0 by a suitable acid. With a reaction time of 60 minutes, the cyanate is oxidized to CO2 and N2« In the third step, the pH is lowered to 2.5 and sulfur dioxide is added. After a reaction time of about 30 minutes, the hexavalent Cr is re- duced to the trivalent state. The fourth step consists of raising the pH to 8.2, adding a polyelectro- lyte and allowing sedimentation. At this point, the trivalent chro- mium is removed and final clar- ification is accomplished. With a sufficiently low overflow rate and addition of flocculants in suffi- cient quantities, a concentration of 25 mg/L (milligrams per liter) suspended solids can be attained and metals can be reduced to low 26 Sludge disposal or metal recovery 0.5-gpm/ft rise rate at pH 8.2 FIGURE 18. - Ferrochrome smelter water treatment system. (From Williams (\6). levels. Sand filtration of the fi- nal clarifier effluent, with back- wash returned to the clarifier, can reduce suspended solids concen- trations to 15 mg/L or less. After filtration, the water may be recy- cled back to the scrubbers. Water needed for the smelting process can be acquired from a well, directly from the Stillwater River, or from the milling process. Because all waste water is to be recycled, makeup water would be mini- mal (i.e., makeup for evaporation). NICKEL-COPPER PROCESSING WASTE WATER Detailed data on the characteristics of waste water from the Ni-Cu process are not available. However, a general description of waste water disposal is possible. Water and reagents used in the bulk flotation stage of the process would gen- erally be recirculated. However, some water and reagents would report to the tailings pond with the tailings. Clari- fied water would be decanted from the tailings pond and reused. Excess water would evaporate. Waste water from the leach circuit would be neutralized with lime and sent to the tailings pond where it would ei- ther be recycled or evaporate. Sludge residue from the leaching circuit would be neutralized with lime, slurried, and sent to the tailings pond (18) . The zero discharge requirements should be attain- able in the planned Ni-Cu process. DIVERSION OF STREAMS Verdigras Creek runs though the middle of the Ni-Cu zone and would need to be diverted away from the open pit. The creek would be diverted about 3,000 ft west to Mountain View Lake (fig. 5), which would reduce water pollution by reducing the amount of water flowing through the Ni-Cu pit. 27 Water in Verdigras Creek is cur- rently of lower quality than water in other streams in the area because it flows through the Ni-Cu zone. The di- version is expected to increase water quality in Verdigras Creek by routing the creek through less reactive geologic formations. An unnamed creek shown in figure 7 would also need to be diverted for the high-end PGM scenario, the Ni-Cu scenar- io, and the combined operations scenario. Diversion reduces the possibility that heavy runoff from this creek would enter the tailings pond. The creek would be diverted to the east around the planned dam. SUMMARY OF WATER ISSUES Baseline studies show that water qual- ity in the Stillwater Complex ranges from poor to good. Table 3 shows that samples occasionally exceeded standards for Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Pb, fecal bacteria, and tur- bidity. Generally, the poorest samples were taken during the spring, when flows and suspended solids were high. Mine drainage water quality was better than expected; only one sample exceeded crite- ria for Cr. New source performance standards for Ni and Pt mining and milling call for zero discharge of process water, with a few exceptions. A performance standard has not been set for Cr mining and milling. The processes that would be used in the Stillwater Complex should be able to achieve these standards. The characteristics of Cr smelter waste water are unclear. Some evidence ex- ists suggesting that high concentrations of organic compounds may be present in sealed-furnace smelters. If so, waste water treatment would be needed, and an appropriate technique is suggested. Ad- ditional research is indicated. In summary, existing technology should allow any mining operation except ferro- chrome smelting to meet water quality regulations. Ferrochrome smelting waste water has unknown characteristics and may pose treatment problems. AIR ISSUES With the exception of the ferrochrome smelter, air quality issues seem to be less significant than land or water is- sues. In this section, information is presented on the baseline air quality and emissions from the ferrochrome smelter and other sources. BASELINE AIR QUALITY The climate of the Stillwater Complex is mountainous continental. Large varia- tions in elevation (from 5,000 to 10,000 ft) cause large variations in local cli- mate and precipitation. Mountain ridges and valleys redirect prevailing winds. During feasibility studies for potential PGM operations, weather and air quality sampling stations were established at several points in the Stillwater Complex (17) . These stations recorded tempera- ture, wind speed, wind direction, precip- itation, total suspended particulates, and other parameters. Data presented here are primarily from the Stillwater River Valley because it would be the lo- cation of the most activity. Average temperature in the Stillwater River Valley is 45° F. The date of the first frost is mid-September, while the last frost occurs in mid- June. Annual temperature range is about 50° F, winter to summer. Temperatures at higher eleva- tions are much lower, and freezing tem- peratures may occur at any time at eleva- tions over 7,500 ft. Timberline in the area is at about 9,700 ft. Precipitation in the valley ranges between 5 and 60 in/yr. One-third to one-half of the pre- cipitation occurs in April, May, and June. The smallest amount of precipita- tion occurs in the winter months of No- vember through March. Annual precipita- tion at the Minneapolis Adit is estimated to be about 20 in/yr, while annual pre- cipitation at the Hertzler Ranch site is estimated to be about 15 in/yr (17). 28 Persistent westerly winds blowing down the Stillwater River Valley and occa- sional southerly chinook winds tend to reduce snow accumulations in the valley. At higher elevations , an increasing pro- portion of precipitation occurs as snow. At elevations over 7,500 ft, over 75 pet of the precipitation occurs as snow (17) . A diurnal wind pattern typical of moun- tain valleys exists in the Stillwater River Valley. Daytime upslope winds and nighttime downslope winds are caused by heating from the sun. Prevailing wester- ly winds tend to reduce the upslope con- dition because they blow down the valley. Strong downslope winds are channeled by the valley and are common in the winter to early spring months. Wind speed and direction roses are shown in figure 19. Data on the inversion heights in the Stillwater River Valley have not been complied, but data are available for 30 pel 30 pel 12-4 p.m. 4-8 p.m 8-12 midnight DIURNAL WIND DIRECTION ROSES similar valleys, and estimates have been made based on these data. Very strong nighttime temperature in- versions are likely to occur, owing to intense cooling under clear nighttime skies. These inversions are expected to be most intense during the winter months. Inversion height is estimated to be about 500 ft above the valley floor (17). Per- sistent westerly winds, common in the valley, will reduce the frequency and in- tensity of these inversions. During the winter, winds under 5 mph occur less than 5 pet of the time. When strong temperature inversions ex- ist, mixing under the inversion is poor and pollutants can become trapped in the valley. Poor air quality can result. As mentioned above, this condition would be most likely to occur during the win- ter months on days when strong winds are absent. Measurements of total suspended partic- ulates in the Stillwater River Valley averaged between 14 and 20 yg/m 3 . The Federal standard is 260 ug/m 3 , and the Montana standard is 200 yg/m 3 . All re- corded measurements fell well below these standards (17) . However, both Federal and State clean air regulations use the principle of "no significant deteriora- tion" of air quality, meaning that per- mits granted by these authorities will require that emissions not "significant- ly" change total suspended particulates levels in the valley. Increments of de- terioration may be allowed at the discre- tion of the permit authority. ; 20 pel ,30 pet Wind speed class (mph) 2 7 11 18 25 WIND SPEED ROSE FIGURE 19. - Wind roses from the Stillwater River Valley. FERROCHROME SMELTER GAS EMISSIONS The submerged electric arc furnace (fig. 20) is sealed and produces an off- gas rich in CO. The offgas is scrubbed (particulates removed) by use of a high- energy venturi scrubber (wet process). Gaseous effluents include mainly CO, fol- lowed by volatilized metallics, sulfur oxides, cyanides, phenols, and oil, and are usually treated by combustion (22) . Normally, the CO-rich gas is flared, but here in order to decrease pollution and increase energy efficiency, it is pro- posed to be used as fuel to dry mill con- centrates. The effectiveness of flares 29 Electrodes / \ Bag house Water Water FIGURE 20. - Ferrochrome smelter air control system. . Option of ' flaring gas Co-rich gas for fuel to dryer scrubber control for the proposed or burning in general for destroying higher molecular weight organic matter is questionable, since test data show that organics survive even in gases from open furnaces, which burn vigorously. The general trend for submerged arc ferroalloy production facilities is to use an open-type furnace with a, baghouse to remove particulates from the gas stream. About 70 pet of all submerged arc ferroalloy furnaces in the United States in May 1980 were open furnaces with baghouses (22). However, a sealed furnace with venturi equipment was chosen chromite refining. CO gas can be recov- ered from this type of furnace, and smaller scale pollution control devices are utilized because smaller volumes of gas are produced by the furnace. All covered furnaces in the United States use scrubbers as control equipment rather than baghouses. Gas from sealed furnaces contains fumes, particulates, high con- centrations of CO, some CO2 and H 2 , and several types of organic matter. The high CO content of the offgas makes it potentially explosive and hazardous to breathe. A baghouse for collection of offgas particulates would be hazardous because of the high CO content and the toxic and volatile nature of the gas. A typical ferrochrome smelter air control system is shown in figure 20. The EPA reports that sealed furnaces have much lower gas emission rates than open furnaces (22) . The power require- ments for their control systems are usu- ally much lower than those for open furnaces. Open furnace control equipment must handle gas volumes typically 50 times greater than the volumes from sealed furnaces. Even 20 to 35 pet of the energy supplied to a closed furnace can be recovered by fueling processing equipment such as dryers, pellet fur- naces, and sintering machines with C0- rich gas from the furnace. Only about 2 pet of the power used in operating sealed furnaces is needed for pollution control. The control systems should be well sealed and the work areas ventilated. Mechanical seals are used around the electrodes on a sealed furnace, and the feed mix is added through sealed chutes (22). No gas or fume is allowed to es- cape from the furnace cover, and only a minimal secondary hood airflow is re- quired. There is no air leakage into the furnace, so combustion is prevented. Two advantages of the sealed furnace are reduced escape of gas and fumes from the furnace cover and a lower cover temperature. About 173 and 411 tpd of gases are at- tributable to smelting for the low- and high-end scenarios, respectively. Com- puter modeling would be required to esti- mate the impact such emissions would have on air quality, but some major character- istics can be identified. The relatively high volume of gases could significantly affect air quality in the Stillwater River Valley on occasions. The prevail- ing westerly winds may tend to clear the valley most of the time, but possible strong temperature inversions on calm winter mornings may trap pollutants in 30 the valley. On days when strong inver- sions are present, CO and particulates from the smelter combined with CO and particulates from automobiles and fire- places could lower air quality. Tapping fumes would be controlled by a hood and fan sending gaseous effluents to a baghouse or another scrubber. When the furnace is tapped, fumes occur as a re- sult of (1) burning the C plug out of the taphole, (2) oxidation of hot metal, and (3) vaporization of organics in the C used as a lip liner when opening or seal- ing the taphole. Emissions when tapping are of short duration and are partially captured by the taphole emission control system. Fumes not captured are vented and dispersed through the building's roof monitors. Although the fumes could con- tain hazardous organic compounds, their concentrations are rapidly reduced by dilution with air. Most plants have sys- tems that capture the particulates in a baghouse. Most other fumes and dust oc- cur as metallic components similar to the alloy during transfer, cooling, grinding, and packing of the alloy. All water from the scrubbers would be recycled. DUST Several potential sources of dust exist, but detailed data to quantify amounts do not. A general description of these potential sources follows. During the lifetimes of the PGM, Ni-Cu, and chromite projects, periods will oc- cur when portions of the tailings ponds are dry and are potential sources of fu- gitive dust. Such areas cannot be reveg- etated until they are dry enough to sup- port mechanical equipment, but chemical dust suppressants could be used to effec- tively minimize the problem. Chemical composition of the tailings should not pose any health risks as they are not known to contain asbestiform minerals or other irritants. Chromium in the tail- ings would be in the less hazardous tri- valent state and would be present in low concentrations . The Ni-Cu open pit is another poten- tial source of dust. Haul roads in the mine, blasting, and crushing are poten- tial sources of dust. Most of these sources can be effectively controlled, however. Haul roads can be periodically watered, blasting can be designed to min- imize fines production, and dust from the crusher would be contained in a baghouse, as required by current regulations. It is impossible to quantify the amount of dust generated by the various operations, but existing technology is generally ef- fective in controlling emissions from these types of sources. OTHER AIR ISSUES The most significant air issue not al- ready addressed is the possibility of residential air pollution caused by auto- mobiles, wood-burning stoves, and fire- places. As previously mentioned, strong air temperature inversions are possible in the valley during the winter months. A large proportion of the expanded pop- ulation of the area would be expected to use stoves and fireplaces. Smoke and CO from stoves and fireplaces could be trapped in the valley by the inversion, resulting in poor air quality. Catalytic converters could be installed on pri- vate wood-burning stoves to alleviate the problem but would probably have to be required by local ordinance. The persistent prevailing westerly winds during the winter months will tend to reduce the occurrence of this condi- tion. Less than 5 pet of winter mornings would be susceptible to inversion-caused pollution. Mine ventilation air may contain sus- pended particulates. This air exhaust would contain respirable dust, nitrous fumes from blasting, and diesel vehicle exhaust. Amounts should be relatively low and are not expected to impact air quality. OTHER ISSUES 31 NOISE Potential sources of frequent noise would be haulage trucks and blasting in the Ni-Cu open pit, as well as main ventilation fans for the underground mines; some noise would also be associ- ated with the ferrochrome smelter. In- frequent noise would come from trains bringing in supplies and transporting products to market. POWER, TRANSPORTATION, AND HOUSING Twin transmission lines could be con- structed between Columbus and the ferro- chrome smelter, 45 MW for the low-end scenario and 110 MW for the high-end sce- nario. The present 50 kW transmission line is insufficient to meet the needs of any potential operation. This line would have to be upgraded in order to support the increase in population resulting from mining. The PGM and Ni-Cu mining would need substantially less power than the chromite mine-mill-smelter complex. The road between Columbus and the mine- mill sites would probably have to be up- graded to accommodate the increased traf- fic load resulting from mining. Heavy equipment would probably be brought in by rail, thus reducing the amount of road upgrading. A spur rail line from Columbus to the mill area would be necessary for the Cr mine-mill-smelter complex. Trains could better handle the large volume of flux, coal, and other material needed for pro- ducing ferrochrome, and could transport the ferrochrome to a main rail line. The spur line could also be used to bring in mine, mill, and smelter equipment. Most people employed by these potential operations would reside in Stillwater County, which had a population of 5,597 in 1980. Chromium operations would em- ploy 90 to 200 people, PGM operations would employ 170 to 520 people, and Ni-Cu operations would employ 150 to 300 peo- ple. Assuming an average of two depen- dents for each employee, the population increase would be 220 to 600 people for Cr operations, 510 to 1,560 people for PGM operations, and 450 to 900 people for Ni-Cu operations. The percentage popu- lation increases for Stillwater County would be 5 to 11 pet for Cr operations, 9 to 30 pet for PGM operations and 8 to 16 pet for Ni-Cu operations. Combined oper- ations would result in a 22- to 57-pct increase in the population of Stillwater County. The towns of Nye, Fishtail, Absaroka, and Columbus would experience growth due to these operations. Nye and Fishtail (both unincorporated) are nearest to the operations and are the smallest of the communities. Housing constructed in these communities would include single- family homes, trailers, and apartments. The school of Nye may have to be ex- panded. Police and fire protection in the upper part of the valley may have to be increased. Sufficient lead time would be required for local officials to plan for orderly growth if mining operations become real- ity. Once detailed mine plans have been formulated, local officials can prepare plans for roads, schools, fire protec- tion, and police services. Costs can be estimated and suitable taxes and bonds instituted. This process could take over 2 yr to complete. CONCLUSIONS In this report, the environmental is- sues of potential development of strate- gic and critical minerals in the Stillwa- ter Complex were discussed. Specific land, water, air, and other environmental issues were identified and analyzed as to how they would relate to mining of Cr, PGM, and Ni-Cu deposits located in the Stillwater Complex. 32 Chromium would be mined underground using shrinkage stoping methods. Mill- ing would be by gravity concentration. Smelting would be done on-site using a sealed furnace. Mill feedrate would range from 1,000 to 2,500 tpd ore. PGM would be mined underground using shrinkage stoping or cut-and-fill stoping methods. Milling would be by froth flo- tation using a low-pH method. Concen- trate would be refined elsewhere. Mill feedrate ranges from 1,000 to 4,000 tpd ore. Nickel-copper ore would be mined using open-pit methods. Milling would be by froth flotation and Cl-0 2 leach. Refin- ing would be by electrolysis and precipi- tation. Mill feedrate would be about 27,500 tpd ore. The most significant environmental isssues center around the ferrochrome plant. This plant would produce a sludge high in organic content. The plant would be highly visible and require significant amounts of electric power. The Ni-Cu open pit and dump would be visible during active mining. The tail- ings pond resulting from the operation would require an area of over 600 acres . PGM mining would also be highly visible during active mining. The area required for tailings disposal ranges from 75 to 300 acres depending on size and mining method. Technology for reclamation and minimi- zation of environmental effects seems to be well defined, with the exception of sludge disposal for the ferrochrome smelter. Zero net waste water discharge should be achievable for all operations. Reclamation technology for all solid waste (except ferrochrome smelter sludge) is available and sound. Visual impact and land use changes are unavoidable effects. REFERENCES 1. U.S. Bureau of Mines. Mineral Com- modity Summaries 1984, 185 pp. 2. Hargreaves , D. , and S. Fromsen. World Index of Strategic Minerals: Production, Exploitation, and Risk. Facts on File, Inc., New York, NY, 1983, 299 pp. 3. Jolly, J. H. Platinum-Group Met- als. Ch. in Mineral Facts and Prob- lems, 1980 Edition. BuMines B 671, 1981, pp. 683-706. 4. Golden, J., R. P. Ouellette, S. Sa- ari, and P. N. Cheremisinof f . Environ- mental Impact Data Book. 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Stillwater Project, Stillwater County. 1985, 259 pp.; available from MT Dep. State Lands, Helena, MT. 11. Federal Register. U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency. Ore Mining and Dressing Point Source Category Effluent Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards. V. 47, No. 233, Dec. 3, 1982, pp. 54597-54621. 12. Yamada, K. Stainless Steelmaking by the LD-AOD Process. Ch. in Iron and Steelmaker. Iron and Steel Soc. AIME, 1982, pp. 29-33. 33 13. Morrice, E. Pilot Mill Flotation of Anorthositic Platinum-Palladium Ore From the Stillwater Complex. BuMines RI 8763, 1983, 8 pp. 14. Baglin, E. G. , J. M. Gomes, and M. M. Wong. Recovery of Platinum-Group Metals From Stillwater Complex, Mont., Flotation Concentrates by Matte Smelt- ing and Leaching. BuMines RI 8717, 1982, 15 pp. 15. Williams, R. E. Waste Production and Disposal in Mining, Milling, and Met- allurgical Industries. Miller Freeman, San Francisco, CA, 1975, 489 pp. 16. Smyres, G. A. Chlorine-Oxygen Leaching of Complex Sulfide Concentrates. AIME preprint A7786, 1977, 9 pp. 17. The Anaconda Company. Operating Permit Application for a Platinum/Palla- dium Mine, Stillwater County, Montana. Unpublished report, 1981, 3 v., 600 pp.; available from MT Dep. State Lands, Reclam. Div. , Helena, MT. 18. Westbrook, W. Ferroalloy Fur- naces: Generation and Emission of Par- ticulate and Organic Matter. Paper in 39th Electric Furnace Conference Proceed- ings. Iron and Steel Soc. AIME, 1981, pp. 226-242. 19. Beak Consultants, Ltd. Surface Water Resources for the Stillwater PGM Resources Project. Unpublished report, Tech. Rep. 4, 1982, pp. 41-48; available from MT Dep. State Lands, Reclam. Div., Helena, MT. 20. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Quality Criteria for Water. 1976, 260 pp. 21. National Research Council. Medi- cal and Biological Effects of Environmen- tal Pollutants: Chromium. Natl. Acad. Sci., Washington, DC, 1974, 155 pp. 22. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Background Information for Stan- dards of Performance: Electric Submerged Arc Furnaces for Production of Ferroal- loys. Volume I: Proposed Standards. EPA-450/2-74-018a, 1974, 174 pp. 23. . Level 1 Environmental As- sessment of Electric Submerged-Arc Fur- naces Producing Ferroalloys. EPA-600/2- 82-083, 1981, 333 pp. ■frU.S. CPO: 1985-505-019/20,091 INT.-BU.OF MINES,PGH.,PA. 28080 33 jP<*. V"^ *v^v v : ^*>' V^y .. \>^*\/ v^>° .. ^' »-> ^ c^ .vatef. ^ ** .W/k'. *«« .<£*' .*■ ^ A^^ * 4 * V^v* %^ f, V° v*^v "V • V -Mfe w -III- %/ «& ^* «* %/ #|& w V G* *o '^? A^* *° ♦♦"*♦ » * k *^ ^ ^Qf ^ v n o 'bv* $> *o«o° -"'/^ G°Vi&L>>o ./^^A. > /^^°- J*\£&>-%. C°* V ^751^'^ ^ rt ^ o^<^0i-. ^ oV V ;7J^ ^ <- .^^IK- ^b^ :^&'^ ^o* •■ jp^h ^°* ^■^ v ^°- v-^-\/ v-^^*/ V^->" \-»V' v*^-/ %*=^' : ' X^^-3K\' V^\.-S^:X^';aK: ' V*';SC& \f ,'- S y o>° jp-n*. - r >' .0° % * ^' / V v b.. *'T7T' ' .A <, - '^. 7 - A G- ^ *.^T^ a A r- **d* • -^. - . , -i • ' A." " * o « o ' «,v ^ *.,•>• A,' •o V A^ . 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