■ U. ji ■ « M<'M' H ■ H ■ ■ ~v V-'>^-A V s to V a\ ** , * "% r .-V -, . \ 1 8 k r> AV '**& ~& A 6 « v K* * 0^ o ~° ^ ^ y : so^ jf ^'\/ V -4 -r, ^ y A*' ^ ** .A' A Dweller on Two Planets OR The Dividing of the Way •fc. \ Pi (SIGNATURE OF PHYLOS, IN ATLAN CHARACTERS.) ■^ '&* * K PHYLOS, THE THIBETAN. (Otherwise named, in fulness, Yol Gorro, author of this book. .1 1 .11 A DWELLER ON TWO PLANETS OR THE DIVIDING OF THE WAY BY PHYLOS THE THIBETAN This is before the coming of a new Heaven and a new Earth, in the which shall reign the Prince of Peace forever and forever, as the Old shall be passed away, for lo f on earth there is nothing great but man; in man there is nothing great but mind. "Never utter these words: 'I do not know this, therefore it is false.* One must study to know; know to understand; understand to judge." — Apothegm of Narada. " There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your phi- losophy." — Hamlet. BAUMGARDT PUBLISHING COMPANY Los Angeles, California 1905 /^ COPYRIGHTED 1894 BY FREDERICK S. OLIVER COPYRIGHTED 1899 BY FREDERICK S. OLIVER V ' \ fi COPYRIGHTED 1905 BY MARY ELIZABETH MANLEY-OLIVER Albert Adsit Olemona Aug. 24, 1938 (Not available for exchange) This book is dedicated to progressive thinkers everywhere, but especially to the "Invisible Helper" who has made possible its presentation to the world. INDEX BOOK I CHAPTER I, Page . 25 Atlantis, Queen of the Sea and of the world. Zailm 's pilgrimage to the top of Pitach Rhok to worship his Deity. He finds gold. The volcanic eruption — he is almost overtaken by lava flow, but escapes. CHAPTER II. 41 Caiphul, capital of Atlantis, and its people, its form of Government; polities and marvelous mechanical features Excerpts from labor laws. Electrodie transit system. CHAPTER III 57 Zailm determines his course of studies as he believes Incal has directed. CHAPTER IV. 60 Physical science as understood by the Poseidii, and the prime principles upon which it was based. il Incal Malixetha: i. e. God is immanent in Nature' ' was first — to this they appended — ' ' Axte Incal, Axtuce Mun ' ' — translated "To know God is to know all worlds what- ever". They held that but One Substance existed, and but One Energy, the one being Incal externalized, and the other His Life in action in His Body. Applying this principle to their scientific work they accomplished through it aerial navigation without gas or sails, — cir- cumnavigating the globe in a day — conveyance of sound with reflection of the sender — heat and power conduction to whatever distance without material connection, — transmuted metals — obtained, by electrical action, water from the atmosphere. These, and many others, were in common use. (Some of these things approach re-dis- covery, but the reader must remember that the book here indexed was finished in 1886, when the modern world knew them not. It knew not the Cathode Ray till 1896). V 67 Zailm 's life in Caiphul. The Rai of the Maxin Lawt. Acquaintance with the prophet. Visit to the Emperor's Palace— an interview with the Emperor. CHAPTER VI 83 No good thing can ever perish. Synopsis of the Origin of the Poseidii. 11 INDEX CHAPTER VII 87 Religion of the Poseidii. "Close not the Ends of My Cross." (Illustration.) CHAPTER VIII 92 A Grave Prophecy of Zailm 's future. CHAPTER IX 96 Curing Crime. Zailm called to criminal court as witness. Treatment of the criminals. CHAPTER X 101 Zailm offered the position of Secretary of Records — bringing him in close contact with the Rai, and all of the Princes, which he accepts. He is requested to go on an errand of courtesy to the country of the Suernii — a nation much more advanced in mystic knowledge than the Poseidii. CHAPTER XI Ill Recital of Princess Lolix regarding an exhibition of Magic power. CHAPTER XII .121 The unexpected happens. Prince Menax reveals his affection for Zailm and asks him to be his son. CHAPTER XIII 128 The language of the Soul. CHAPTER XIV 129 The adoption of Zailm. Description of the Incalithlon, or Great Temple, — The Incalix Mainin. The Rai of the Maxin. Establishment of the Maxin or Unfed Fire of Incal and the Book of the Law. Rai Gwauxln and In- calix Mainin "Sons of the Solitude." CHAPTER XV 138 Zailm 's mother deserts him and returns to the mountain. Brain fever. The vase of malleable glass for Ernon, Rai of Suern, with Poseid inscription. CHAPTER XVI 146 The aerial voyage to Suern. Parting two miles above terra firma. The storm. Sowing seeds at sunset — three- hundred and fifty miles horizon. Waiting the cessation of the storm. Friends at home appear in the mirror of the Nairn. The Suernii a strange and angry people, re- belling against the rule of the Sons of the Solitude, who strove to lift them up. Death of Rai Ernon. His body,- by command of Rai Gwauxln, taken back to Caiphul to pass through the Unfed Fire. INDEX in CHAPTER XVII 164 Impressive funeral of Rai Ernon, attended by the Sons of the Solitude. CHAPTER XVIII 166 , Rai Gwauxln tenders Zailm Suzerainty over the land of Suern. He hesitates, as he is yet an undergraduate at the Xioquithlon; but as the Emperor promises him that the Governor whom as Envoy-in-Speeial of the Rai of Poseid, he (Zailm) had appointed over Suernis should execute the duties of the position until himself should be legally capable of doing so, he accepts the almost imperial honor, and is dismissed to the completion of the pleasure trip interrupted by the death of Rai Ernon. They visit the Umaurean (present American) colonies of Poseid, which are described. The Grand Canon of the Colorado is not merely the gradual product of time and water and weather, but of sudden formation through volcanic action. "The hand of Pluto was the major worker;" 12,000 years ago he saw a sea cover that region, which "fled away into the Gulf of California." Visit to the building on the summit of the greater of the Three Tetons, in Idaho, rediscovered by Pro- fessor Hayden while on the same expedition which made known to the modern world the famous Yellow- stone region — Professor Hayden once a Poseida, at- tached to the government body of scientists stationed there. Visit to the copper mines, in the present Lake Superior region. Present of a knife of tempered copper. Incalia, west of the chain now known as the Rocky Mountains. Toward home, East, then South. Forsaking the realms of air for the depths of the sea at the rate of a mile a minute. (Illustration.) Reproved by his father over the naim for recklessness. CHAPTER XIX. 177 Home again. The problem of teaching the Suernii. These people, having lost their seeming magic power, require tuition in the arts of life. Zailm and his vice- regents accomplish this. The later records of this peo- ple to be found in the history of the Judaic race. Death of Lolix's father; her indifference at hearing of it. Slumbering of conscience. CHAPTER XX 183 Duplicity. Graduation at the Xioquithlon. Festivities in honor of the graduates. Sadness of the Emperor at his nephew's wrong-doing. CHAPTER XXI. . . : 186 The mistake of a life. The' demand of karma. Atone- ment is not undoing. Christ atoned — we must undo. Reincarnation is expiation. IV INDEX CHAPTER XXII 191 Zailm asks Anzimee to be his wife. She confides her joy to Lolix, who drops fainting to the floor, but does not betray the secret of Zailm and herself. In an interview she resigns him to his new love, but the shock unsettles her mind, and in the evening she appears before the assembly in the Great Temple, where the announcement of the coming marriage is being made, and a most! ex- citing scene occurs, closing with the dramatic deatk of Lolix, through the magic art of the High Priest. CHAPTER XXIII. 199 A witness before the criminal. Remorse of Zailm. Speeding away on his vailx, for three months he wan- ders in agony of soul, that takes him for a time out of the body. Finding Lolix, he weeps over her and their child. Then a glorious radiance breaks over the scene, and One) whom he has seen before is beside them and gives them rest. (Illustration.) At last he goes home, to learn that his father has died of grief at his supposed cleath. The shock of his unexpected return nearly causes the death of Anzimee. Confession to Anzimee and for- giveness. Departure for the mines of Southern Umaur. The electric generation of water. Loss of the vibrator of the naim, thus destroying communication with home. Finding of the cavern house and getting fastened therein. Hunger and thirst. Astral visit of Mainin, the High Priest. He promises to send help, but comes again taunting Zailm, blaspheming Deity. A glorious visitor appears, who blasts Mainin into outer darkness. To Zailm He gave il Peace and Sleep.' ' (Death.) CHAPTER XXIV 220 Awaking in the astral he returned to camp. Succeed- ing in making his men understand that they must return to Caiphul, he returned thither by exertion of will- power, to be greeted by the Emperor, who alone could see him, thus: "What! Zailm! Dead! Dead!" En- trance to and ' ' life ' ' in Devachan. References to earlier earth lives. Completion of Devachan and reincarnation on earth. BOOK II APPENDIX , 242 Seven Shasta Scenes. CHAPTER I 249 In another personality — that of Walter Pierson, an American citizen. Orphaned in infancy — roving life on the sea. Is a soldier in the war of Secession. Next is a gold miner in California. Quong: companionship with INDEX the Tehin on trips among the mountains. Philosophiz- ing. Meeting with the grizzly bear and witnessing his docility at Quong's command. CHAPTER II 259 The Lothinian Brotherhood. Reclamation of one on the wrong path. The mystic note. Offer to sell his mine; reason, want to go "home." The mountain lion and the deer. Visit to the Sach in Mount Shasta. Descrip- tion of the/ lodge-room. CHAPTER III 275 Pentecostal address of Mendocus, Master. Invocation ceremonies. A visitor from Pertoz — Mol Lang — "has come to induct one of their number, Quong, into the 'land of the departed/ and another, Walter Pierson, or 'Phylos,' to take home with himself.' ' CHAPTER IV 295 Visit to one enjoying life's rewards in the astral life; "As a man soweth so shall he reap." Visit to a Deva- chanic home. Temporary return to earth. Difference between Devachanie concepts and the objects conceived of. Who was the daughter? CHAPTER V , 315 Mol Lang's home in Hcsper. "It is good to be at home again." Meeting with Phyris, his Alter Ego. CHAPTER VI 321 Sohma 's teachings. The better methods. The key to all wisdom. Phyris' thought creations. In the library. Books transported from earth to Hesper — (Venus.) Magic glasses. Magical growing of fruits through the power of the symbol. CHAPTER VII 337 Phyris' magical painting which was a prophecy. Mol Lang's teachings. Why it is more wrong to take ani- mal life than vegetable life. "Thou eanst not compen- sate the animal for its lost opportunities, but a plant thou mayest." Farewell of Mol Lang. Other inhabitants of Hesper. A heritor of many lives. Faith replaced by knowledge. Of such is the kingdom of heaven. Phyris tells him of previous lives, but says that he will forget them "until he comes again." She teaches of the Crisis of Transfiguration. She takes him back to the Sagum in Mt. Shasta. Parting for a little time. CHAPTER VIII 352 Awaking in the Sagum. Taking up earth-life again. 1 ' Do unto others as thou wouldst be done by. ' ' Sale of the mine. Travel. Meeting with Lizzie, the reclaimed one. Home to Washington. Marriage. VI INDEX CHAPTER IX , . '. 360 A little retrospection — Meeting with the chela in Hin- dostan — a message from Mendocus. Stirring of Hes- perian memories. Remembrance of a visit to the Sun memories. Remembrance of a visit to the Sun with with Sohma. The Navaz currents. Discontent with life. Death of little daughters. Starting on a sea voyage with Elizabeth. Storm and wreck and — Death. Home again to Pertoz. Home, now; Earth, with its ills, left behind forever, and Karma satisfied. CHAPTER X 376 After the years, returned. Phyris as tutor and guide. Creation of a body ; for use in Hesperus. Teaching by the Voice of the Spirit. "Go into the Holy Place." (Illustration.) CHAPTER XI .~. . . 383 "To be or not to be! That is the question.' ' The critical ordeal — temptation met and conquered. BOOK III CHAPTER I 394 "Ye shall reap as ye have sown." Perception. CHAPTER II. 395 Victory and Praise. Life ended. Being just begun. CHAPTER III 396 Retrospection: Phyris and Phylos scan their Atlantean lives — Lolix and Elizabeth. CHAPTER IV 398 The decline of Atlantis during several thousand years. Decadence of Science. Aerial navigation and many scientific instruments forgotten. National depravity and ruin. Blood sacrifice in religion. Beginning of human sacrifice. Disappearance of the Maxin Book and the Unfed Light. Earthquake and deluge and sinking of Atlantis. Retrospective look at the time of Zailm in the continent of Lemuria, ages before Atlantis. Cap- tives offered up to the gods. A sacrifice for love. (Illus- tration.) CHAPTER V. ...... , 409 Karmic retrospection: "Man's inhumanity to man." CHAPTER VI ; 410 Why Atlantis perished. - . - CHAPTER VII. ,.....- 412 The Transfiguration. NOTE BY THE AUTHOR 414 THE MIGHTY CAP STONE 414 GLOSSARY. Note: — Readers of "A Dweller on Two Planets' ' will please remember that in the Atlantean or Poseid language the word-terminations con- veyed grammatical number and gender. Thus the singular was indicated by the equivalent for "a," the plural by "i, fi feminine by "u," while the absence of this terminal indicated masculinity. Aphaisism — equivalent for mesmerism, but not hypnotism. Astika — a prince. Bazix — the name of one of the weeks of the year. Devaehan — the life after death. Ene — terminal signifying study or student. Espeid — Eden, Edenic. Incal — the sun; also the Supreme God. Incaliz, or Incalix — High Priest. Inclut — first, or Sunday (also Incalon). Inithlon — college devoted to religious learning. Ithlon — any building, like a house. Incalithion — the great Temple. Lemurinus, Lemuria or Lemorus — a continent of which Australia is the largest remnant to-day. Karma — consequences growing out of oue's actions in former lives. Maxin — the Unfed Light. Mo — to tfiee. Murus — Boreas. Nairn — combined telephone and telephote. Navaz — the night; also Goddess of the Night; also secret forces of Nature. Navazzimin — the country of departed souls. Ni— to. Navamaxa — cremation furnaces for dead bodies. Nosses — the moon. Nossinithlon — insane asylum; [lit. a home for moon-struck persons.] Nossura — mocking bird. Pitach — a mountain peak. Eai — Emperor or monarch, as Rai Gwauxln, pronounced Wallun. Raina — a land governed; as the Raina of Gwauxln — Poseid. Rainu [also Astiku] — a princess. Su — he is gone. Sattamun — desert, or wasted land. Suernota — the Asian Continent. Surada — to sing, or I sing. Teka, or Teki — Poseid gold coin, value about $2.67. viii GLOSSARY Vailx — an aerial ship. Ven — a linear unit of about a mile. Xanatithlon — conservatory for flowers. Xio, or Xioq — science. Xiorain — the self-government board of Xioqua. Xioqene — science student. Ystranavu — the star of evening; also, when used astronomically, Phyristunar. Zo— personal pronoun, possessive my or mine. Rai — Emperor or monarch, as Rai Gwauxln, pronounced Wallun. AMANUENSIS' PREFACE. By permission of the Author, whose letter addressed to me, follows as his preface herein, and to meet the natural inquiry and satisfy, so far as any personal statement from me will, any honest inquiring mind, I humbly appear in order briefly to give the major facts concerning the writing of thia - — even to me — very remarkable book. I am an only child of Dr. and Mrs. Oliver, who for many years have resided in the State of California. I was born in Washington, D. C, in 1866, and brought to the State by my parents two years later. Prior to commencing the writing of this book, in 1884, my education had been comparatively limited, and extended to a very slight knowl- edge of the subjects herein treated. My father, a well-known physician, died a few years ago, my mother surviving him. Both were daily witnesses of most of the circumstances and facts surrounding the writing of this book. But further than to state this, I do not think my- self called upon to introduce my family into the work, nor, in fact, myself, except in so far as it is meet for me to stand forth and do my personal part as the amanuensis. I feel that I am mentally and spiritually but a figure beside the Author of the great, deep-searching, far-reaching and transcendent questions presented in the following pages; and I read and study them with as much interest and profit, I imagine, as will any reader. At the same time I feel with no sense of the natural pride of an Author of such a book, that it is a work of unselfish love, and will help to the better- ment of an upward-struggling world, searching ever for more light, and feed the hungry for knowledge of the great mystery of life and of the ever evolving soul, through Him who said — "I AM THE WAY; FOLLOW ME." x AMANUENSIS PREFACE. In these days of doubt, materialism, and even rank atheism, it requires all the courage I possess to assert, in clear unequiv- ocal terms, that the following book, "A DWELLER ON TWO PLANETS," is absolute revelation; that I do not believe my- self its Author, but that one of those mysterious persons, if my readers choose to so consider him, an adept of the arcane and occult in the universe, better understood from reading this book, is the Author. Such is the fact. The book was revealed to me, a boy, and a boy, too, whose parents were mistakenly lenient to such a degree that he was allowed to do as he chose in most things. Not lacking in inclination to study, but very lacking in will-power, continuity and energy, I gained little in educational triumphs, and was pointedly criticised by my teacher as ' ' lackadaisical, even lazy. ' ' Hence, when a little past seventeen years of age, "Phylos, the Esoter- ist," took me actively in charge, designing to make me his instrument to the world, that profound adept showed what seems to me a rare faith, for I w'as without any solid education, as generally so considered, was minus any special religious trend, and for my sole commendation, had willingness, love of the remarkable, and an uncolored mind. For a year my occult preceptor educated me by means of "mental talks," and to such a point was my mind occupied by the many new thoughts with which he inspired me, that I paid no heed to my environment, worked automatically, if at all, studied and read not, and scarcely heard those who addressed my exterior senses. Then it was that my father determined to stop my "approaching imbecility," as he called it; for I had avoided explanations, and had said nothing of the talks with my mystic preceptor, whom even I had never seen but a few times. To parental pressure I yielded, and told my — to me — divine secret. To my relief it was not scouted, but after a long narration to both parents, they ex- pressed a desire to hear the mysterious stranger also. This he would not grant, but permitted me to quote his words, talks and addresses, and at length I became so proficient that I could repeat what he said almost as fast as he spoke to me. AMANUENSIS PREFACE. xi A circle was formed at home, consisting at first of my parents, W. S. Mallory (now of Cleveland, Ohio), and myself, as hearers, and Phylos as teacher. Later Mrs. S. M. Pritchard and Mrs. Julia P. Churchill were present. This was in Yreka, Siskiyou Co., Cal., early in the eighties, where the MS. was commenced in A. D. 1883-4, but was finished in Santa Barbara County, California, A. D. 1886, where it has even since remained in the manuscript, at the command of the author. It will have added interest to many who love, or have be- come interested in CALIFORNIA, to know that within full view of Shasta, one of her loftiest mountain peaks, this book was begun and almost finished under the inspiration of that spirit of nature which speaks ever to those who, listening, understand. How the Author differs from us common mortals, and how, by his occult methods, he possesses the power to dictate— "reveal"— as he has done and still does, may be better known by perusal of his remarkable record, set forth in this book — his personal history. In 1883-4, A. D., in sight of the inspiring peak of Mount Shasta, the Author began to have me write what he told me, and, curiously enough, he dictated the initial chapter of "Book Second" first of all. Other chapters, both preceding and succeeding, were given at intervals of a few weeks, or even months, sometimes only a sheet or two, at others as high as eighty letter-size sheets being covered in a few hours. I would be awakened at night by my mentor and write by lamplight, or sometimes with no light, but in darkness. In 1886 the main work, as I remember it, was done. Then he had me revise it, under his supervision, and this work was as erratic as the other. In fact, the whole thing was as if he had the MS. already prepared when first he began dictation, and was indifferent as to what portions were written first, so only all were written. Had I been a medium in the sense usually understood by the believers in spiritualism, as I un- derstand it, the writing would have been automatic, and I would not have been forced to clothe his converse so largely xii amanuensis preface. in my own language, and in that case no revision would have been necessary. But I was always conscious of every sur- rounding, quite similar, in fact, to any stenographer — with this lack of equality to such an amanuensis— that I was not then a shorthand reporter. Realizing how useful in taking my preceptor's teachings the possession of this art on my part would be, I learned to write stenographically, although never an expert. Twice was the work revised, twice he had me go over this erratically written MS., which, as I have said, was mainly written backward. So strangely was it given that I had al- most no idea of what it was, or with what it dealt. On one occasion, when I had written over two hundred sheets, mostly backwards, i. e., the sentences rightly last coming first, so fast and mixed that I had no idea of its sense, he bade me burn it without even reading it. This I did, and to this day I have little idea of what those pages contained, or why he had me destroy them; nor will he tell me. The book was finished in A. D. 1886, though for the purpose of publication the MS. has been thoroughly edited by a literary expert, that any errors therein due to my own limitations and mistakes in transmis- sion as amanuensis, should be eliminated. In the year 1894 the manuscript as finished in 1886 was typewritten in duplicate by Mrs. M. E. Moore of Louisville, Kentucky, and she has had possession of one of said copies ever since up to midsummer, 1899. The Moore copy has never been changed by even a letter since it was written, evidence whereof has been judiciously preserved. Said manuscript was copyrighted by me in 1894, and owing to an addition to the title, again in this, the year 1899. During all this time I have not been permitted, nor able, to have it published. In the interval many of the things spoken of in the shape of scientific and mechanical rediscoveries, spoken of in the book, have been brought to pass. The high attainments of the Atlanteans. lost for thousands of years, following as the result of the engulfment of their great conti- AMANUENSIS PREFACE. xiii nent, have been and are rapidly being brought to light and utility; bearing out the prediction of the Author. Witness the discovery recently of the Roentgen or "X-ray," not even dreamed of in 1886, yet in the book you will find a long treatise concerning "Cathodicity," and the amazing powers of the "Night Side of Nature," of such practical use to and so well understood by the people of that wonderful age. Also note wireless telegraphy; it, too, is herein, scattered all through and referred to in this book, precluding the possi- bility of interpolation. Again, regarding there being but "One Energy" and but "One Substance," now beginning to find able champions and general scientific acceptance, in place of passing it by as a chimera for the elementary hypothesis so long held by chemists. This also is an integral part of this book; though it is not more than two years since an article appeared in Harper's Magazine seriously advancing this belief of fin-de-siecle science as a novelty. These are but major ex- amples of what was set forth in "A DWELLER ON TWO PLANETS" in 1886, together with many more predictions of the immediate oncoming of what the Author terms rediscovery of the secrets buried with Atlantis ; and it is promised that we, as Atlanteans returning, are going beyond her fallen great- ness, and that by slow, synthetic steps, we are coming up to surpass even those wonderful attainments, as the ever expand- ing and growing mind and soul of man climbs ever higher in the rounds of his evolution. To all earnest, though perhaps skeptical inquirers, I may say say that the evidence as to this book being finished in 1886, and before the latter-day discoveries became known, abund- antly exists and can be clearly established, to clear away any cobwebs that might otherwise find lodgment in their minds and prevent them from accepting the book for what its Author claims— the truth. Upon the ability of the perusers to so accept this book as history and not fiction, much depends, in lighting up the Path for their souls. I am rather in expectation of another work, xiv AMANUENSIS PREFACE. but whether I will have it, or some other amanuensis will get it, I do not know. If it come as promised, it will be one for the inner eyes of those who profit by this work, and seek yet more of the counsel which will place their feet firmly on the "Narrow Way of Attainment. ' ' In writing as such, amanuensis, I am always conscious of the presence calling himself Phylos, whenever he chooses to come to me, and sometimes I see as well as hear and speak with him, though vision is rare. Clairvoyance and clairaudience would account for this. I hear — and speak or write — what is said as I am directed. Often, after being shown the mental picture, I am left largely to express it in my own language. At such times I am as fully conscious of my surroundings as at any other time, though I feel lifted as into a Master's pres- ence, and gladly do for him the work of an amanuensis. If the good counsel and loving eare I have personally received from my wise friend had been faithfully and persistently remem- bered and followed, instead of so largely slighted or forgot- ten, as often to almost fade from my memory during his absence, I should undoubtedly have been a better example than I feel that I am of the grand lessons he sets forth in this book. I have never represented myself to any person, nor to the public as possessing mediumistie or any other quality, nor have I ever used the same at any person's request, for love or money. Whatever my talents or qualities in these things may be, they have only been used as a sacred gift. With such influences as have surrounded me in this work, I can gratefully and truly say that I have never been, tempted to do otherwise, if I could ; and have ever received exceedingly more good than I feel that my services have returned. Now the question arises, do I believe this Book? Unhesi- tatingly, Yes. There may be points that I can accept only on faith, like any other reader, feeling that a day will come when, if I shall be faithful, I will be instructed by the Spirit to which he testifies. There certainly will be criticisms from some as to the manner of the writing of this MS., and as to the truth of AMANUENSIS PREFACE. xv my statements regarding it, as there has so often been by those who prefer to believe that all such claims are but author's fictions. I have come to personally know the truth of some of the things mentioned in this book, in the course of the fifteen years that I have had in this connection. I have had many experiences, mentally confirmatory at least, either of the direct statements of the author, or tending to strengthen the absolute confidence which I feel in him I reverence so deeply. I have often, even as "Christian" in "Pilgrim's Progress," fallen. But the Path is there. Does the sun cease to shine because fogs obscure it? Then is it not for us to fol- low the Path, forgetting persons, and looking to the spirit, as we read Phylos' Book? F. S. OLIVER. LETTER FROM PHYLOS, AUTHOR OF THIS HISTORY. January, 1886. Today, my brother, the masses of humanity on this planet are awakened to the fact that their knowledge of life — the Great Mystery — is insufficient for the needs of the soul. Hence a school of advanced thought has arisen, whose members, ignorant of the mysterious truth, yet know their ignorance and ask for light. I make no pretenses when I say that I — Theochristian student and Occult Adept — am one of a class of men who do know, and can explain these mysteries. I, with other Christian Adepts,, influence the inspirational writers and speakers through an ability to exert the control of our trained, and therefore more powerful, minds over theirs, which are enormously less so. Hence, when the people ask for bread, our media give it to them. Who are these, our media? They are allmen or women, in churches or out, who bear witness of the Fatherhood of God, the Sonship of Man, and the Brother- hood of Jesus with all souls, irrespective of creeds or ecclesias- tical forms. Because these, our writers and speakers, have wrought for human good, so shall, and so does, good come to themselves, bread from the waters. It is proper that the xvi AMANUENSIS PREFACE. leaders of the mental van should receive generous remunera- tion. And they do. But at this point enters a different phase. Observing the cry for more light, more truth; observing also how great is the recompense, up springs the imitator, who has no light of inspiration, no conception of the real truth, none of the laws of the Eternal. What does he? 'Watch! With a pen whose shaft is imitation, and whose point is not of the gold of fact, but of the perishable metal of selfish greed, this person writes. He dips his pen into the ink of more or less thrilling sensationalism, muddy with the dirt of immorality and nastiness, and he draws a pen picture illuminated by the tallow-dip of lust and corruption. There is in his work no lofty aim to inspire his readers ; he deals with the lowest aspects of life, and, ignorant of the inexorable penalty for sin, has no expiation to demand of his characters. While a little allured by brilliant word-painting, the reader goes to the end, he is conscious ever that the cry of his soul for the bread of- infinity has been answered not even by a stone, but by a handful of mud! No good purpose is thus subserved; nothing taught of the real laws or philosophies of life ; it drags down, but never elevates. Whoso shall utter thus, upon them shall come retri- bution, and they shall be judges upon themselves, and execu- tioners also, out in the open sea of the soul, where their own spirit will have no mercy for the misdeeds of the soul. Other imitators there may be, who. fired with a genuine desire to do good, will mimic intuitional utterances, and. however poor the work, yet if the animus has been to do good, in the meas- ure of that resolve shall the Most High judge that whatever is for good is not for evil. But let them beware who, for money or profit, are tempted to give stones or mud ! And now, my brother, I have another subject to speak upon. Readers of my book, "Two Planets," may consider awhile over those passages concerning the sin of the Princess Lolix and of Zailm, the legal nephew of the Emperor Gwauxln. They may say that the mention of this fact, though liable to occur as one of the varied experiences of life, is nevertheless out of place in a book whose aim is highly „moral. But I AMANUENSIS PREFACE. xTii ask those who know my work, is it? Is it inexcusable to speak of those grave but common crimes if the author can treat them as examples of broken law, and can place the working of such law so clearly before this unthinking world that men and women will be afraid to break it, fearful of the penalty, which can in no wise be evaded? I think it unjusti- fiable to keep silence under such circumstances. I have, so far from overdrawing the estimate of the penalty of crime, not given the entire expiatory picture. I know whereof I speak, for this, my brother, is my own life history, and words have no power to depict the utter misery which the exaction of the punishment has caused me! If but one soul shall be saved like misery, and similar or equal sin, or less or more error, then am I content. I have sought to explain the great mystery of life, illustrating it with part of my own life his- tory, extracts which cover years reaching into many thousands; and the greatest of all Books has been my text. I add not thereto nor take way, but explain.* Peace be with thee. PHYLOS. Addendum: — I feel myself vastly indebted to many bright writers and authors for numerous quotations of which I have availed myself, without making credit at the time; it is im- possible to render this award to every indivdual by name, hence I must do so concretely, just as the world finds itself forced to express its aggregate gratitude, not by words of laudation, but by shaping its life in conformity to the noble precepts in poetry and in prose, devised to humanity as the legacy of all the ages. As the world is helped, so has my work been; I hope I have returned help for help. Sincerely, PHYLOS. •Relations, XXII, 18-19: also I Tim. VI, 3-13. xviii AMANUENSIS PREFACE. A MARVELOUS PREDICTION. The preface is mine to say what may properly please me. It was so given me by the Author. A subject not specifically treated by Phylos in his book, but not forbidden me by him, I feel it almost due the public to give here, most especially as it was told me by him while I was summering in Reno, Nevada, in the year 1886. I at that time embodied it in a short story, which I dated, but more to the point, read to a young lady friend, Miss S. This fact she can testify as being fact, for it was partly written under her eyes, was criticised by herself, sister and mother, and, climax, was written upon paper bought for the purpose from her father's drug and book store. Phylos stated to me then that inside fifty years, considerably inside, he thought, mundane scientists would have discovered and applied electric forces to the astronomical telescope. Just how, lie did not state, although he did give ample enough de- tails so that one familiar with those subjects probably would have been able to seize upon and work out the idea to a suc- cessful issue. He said that electric currents unimpressed! with vibrations such as produce sound, heat and light, until re- sisted, would be superadded to the light vibrations constituting the image beheld through the telescope. This would be ac- complished through the media of well-known so-called chemi- cal elements, whose then unrecognized higher powers re- mained to be discovered. The result was described to me as awe-inspiring and mar- velous past earthly dreams. Thus, he stated, that upon suns and stellar bodies so distant that hundreds of them only (even in this A. D. 1899) seem as a faint speck through the most pow- erful modern telescopes, to this electrostellarscope would,' by proper amplification of the electro-luminous waves, be made so plain to earthly vision that objects not visible to the un- aided earthly sight would be easily perceptible on the most distant stellar body, however remote from the mundane be- holder. AMANUENSIS PREFACE. xix Further, Phylos says that he did not embody this subject in his book, because Atlantis did not know of it, despite her marvelous scientific attainments. Hence it will be no "re- discovery," but a distinct step in advance of anything that Earth has known — Solomon at last outreached, so far as his time-honored saying applies to our planet, at least. Respectfully, THE AMANUENSIS, FREDERICK S. OLIVER. Los Angeles. October 11. 1899. fo 1 1 "W £& ^ "•& l* % J %