'^^'> ... ^^ ■> -V, •i,^.^'.' V 4 o '^bv^ E. MOREWOOD & CO., THE SWANSEA TIN PLATE CO. Llanelly, Wales. Swansea, Wales. THE MOREWOOD COMPANY, Gas City, Indiana Bronze Medal Paris, 1867, Bronze Medal Philadelphia, 1876. Silver Medal Paris, 1878. ■^THE^* Morewood Tin Plate Manufacturing Co., ELIZABETHPORT, N. J. MAKERS OF THE FOIVLOWING BRANDS : Tin and Terneplates, Tinplates, B. V. Pefitre, Jumbo, Park, Llamon, Grange, Vivian, Y. & B. ' ^.. [3 CROWN.] Terneplates, M. & J., Gloster, P. T. L. A II plates made of best Sieviens-Martin Steel. b JOHN M. GRAFF. WM. M. SEYMOUR. JuHN H. FORSHEW GRAFF & COnPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF ^Warm Air Furnaces, Brick=Set and Portable Ranges AND OPPICE AND SALESROOM; 208 \srater St., New York,^ FOUNDRY, ELIZABETHPORT, N. d. Telephone Call, 1031 cortlandt. G. L. Dickson, Pres. Silas Leach, Treas. E. H. Benners, Gen'l Manager, The Benners Lubricating Co., I\Ianufacturers of Lubricating Compounds and flOTOMflTIC GREASE COPS, Elizalietli, N. J. CITY OF ELIZABETH OFFICIAL Fire Alarm and Street Directory, ^1893^ m Map of City, and a Brief History of THE Fireman's Relief Association and the Elizabeth Fire Department. PUBLISHED FOR THE FIREMAN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION. Price, 25 Cents. for sale at all fire stations and by members of the association. The Benefits accruing: therefrom to increase the Fund. -. -^, ,toe«w?H brown, Chief Engiaeer. HAMILTOI^ & SANDERSON Compilei-s and Publishers. JOURNAL PRINTING HOUOE, ELIZABETH, H. J. 1 JAAES CANTWELb Carpenter m and "^^s^ Builder. Office, 251 & 253 CoiiPl Street, Elizabeth, N. J. . . . ESTIMATES FURNISHED. . . . . . . ORDERS EXECUTED, . . • . ' . . . . JOBBING DONE Steam and Band Sawing and Turning. JOHN HOWSON & SON, -* Stair ^ Builders,*^ ESTIMATES FURNISHED. Newels, Rails and Balusters, MOS. 920 t^ 922 EflSTQRflMb STREET, ELIZABETH. N. J. 2 /T*' INDEX TO CONTENTS. Title Page, . - - - Arrival and Departure of Mails, Postal Information, Instructions to Key Holdei-s, List of Fire Alarm Boxes, - Sketch of Relief Association, *' Protection Engine Co " Rolla No. 1, " 3, " 3, " 4, " 5, ' • Red Jacket " Hibernia " Jeffei-son " Lafayette Hook and Ladder Co. " Jackson " ** " Street Directory, Index to Advertisements, No. PAGE. 1 5 7 9 11-29 31 39 43 49 53 57 63 67 71 77 93 c F. C. BREWSTER DEALER IN FINEST GRADES OF GOAL AND WOOD office: 85 Broad Street, Care J. E. Marsh. yard: Murray St. & penn. R. R. B|^££__^v£^'^'""" ELIZABETH FIREMAW REUEF^.7..1.ASSOCIATIOS. Builders* Hardware and Mechanics' Tools atl n DAQQMAII'C 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOmAll 0. KHzabcth Post Office. General Deiiveiy oi)eii fi'oin 7.00 tu t^.'ia 7.00 |). in. Registry Department open from 7.30 a.^nl^to G.oO p. ni. Money Order Department open from 7.30 a. m. to 6.30 p. m. Sundays— General Delivery, 8.00 to 9.00 a. m. Collection from Street Boxes. 1.00 p. m. MAILS CLOSE. For New York, the Northeast and Northwest, 7.30, 8.10, 10.20 a. m.; 1.00, 2.20, 5.15, 7.00 p. m. For Newark, 7.40, 10.20 a. m. ; 2.20, 5.15, 7.00 p. m. The 10.20 a. m., 2.20 and 7.00 p. m. connects with Morris and Essex R. R. For Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, via Lehigh Valley R. R. direct, 7.10 a. m. For Pittsburg and the West direct, Pennsylvania R. R., 8.40 a. m. ; 6.45 p. m. For Chicago and Central New York, via Albany and Buffalo direct, 6.20 p. m. For Baltimore, Washington, Southern Seaboard and Gulf States direct, 8.40 a. m. ; 12.30, 5.50, 6.45 p. m. For Philadelphia and South Jersey, 8.40 a. m. ; 12.30, 4.40, 6.45 p. m. For Rahway, 8.40 a. m. ; 12.30, 2.20, 4.40, 7.00 p. m. For Trenton and New Brunswick, 8.40 a. m. ; 12.30, 2.20, 4.40, 6.45 p. m. For Somerville and Easton, C. R. R. of N. J., 7.10 a. m. ; 4.00, 7. 00 p. m. For Plainfield, 7.10 a. m. ; 1.15, 4.00, 7.00 p. m. For Roselle, 7.10, 10.00 a. m. ; 4.30, 7.00 p. m. For Long Branch via C. R. R. and N. J. Southern R. R., 8.10, 10.20 a. m. ; 4.00, 7.00 p.m. For Lyons Farms, 7.10 a. m. ; 2.20 p. m. For Union, 10.00 a. m. Sundays all mails close 4.00 p. m. MAILS ARRIVE. From New York, the Northeast and Northwest, 6.30, 7.40, 9.05, 11.55 a. m. ; 12.55, 1.45, 4.45, 5.15, 7.10 p. m. From Newark, 6.30, 9.05, 11.57 a. m. ; 1.45, 4.33, 7.10 p. m. LI CUIUIAII on The Newark Cash Grocers, 133 Broad St., cor. ■ LLnlVIAn en the door of tlie nearest box, pull the hook down once only; as far as possible, and then let go. In no instance pull the hook a second time. You are requested, after pulling- the hook, to remain at the box to direct the firemen and prevent persons from tampering with the box, and to receive your key when released. On opening the door of the alarm box, should you hear the bell within, do not pull the hook, as the bell striking indicates that an alarm is being given from some other box. Key holders changing their residence or place of business will please return the key to the Superintendent of Fire Alarm, Chief Engineer, or any police officer. By no means leave it with the new tenants. Complaints concerning the boxes, wires or poles, should in all cases be reported to the Superin- tendent of Fire Alarm, or the Chief of Fire Department. Never let the key go out of your possession unless to some responsible person, for the purpose of sending an alarm of fire, or when called for by the proper authorit3^ msT-RueTio/MS to -depa-rtme/^t. The first alarm will be the number of the box sounded four (4) times. The second alarm will be three (3) strokes of the bell, a pause of four (4) seconds between each stroke. Special call for extra engine will be four (4) strokes, fol- lowed by the number of engine required. Special call for extra hook and ladder truck will be five (5) strokes, followed by the number of truck required. Special call for extra hose cart will be six (6) strokes, fol- lowed by the number of hose cart required. The return signal will be two (2) strokes, and shall be given after all alarms of fire, when fire is out or under control. Second alarm, special calls and return signal shall be given only by the Chief Engineer or Assistant in command. John T. Brady, Signed, Joseph Bromtn, Chief Engineer. Francis Engel, William Loyd, Ass't Chief. Thomas H. Smith. Julius Pester, Ass't Chief. Fire Committee. C. M. Root, Supt. Fire Alarm. Frank Williams, Ass't Supt. Fire Alarm. I I rUM n M L Pn The Newark Cash Grocers, 133 Broad St., cor. L. LLfllHiill CL UU.,E. Grand, Retail Groceries, Wholesale Prices. PAUL T. NORTON, AT RETAIL. Cor. Third St. and Broadway. Branch Office: No. 81 BROAD STREET. HOWARD V. BUTLER. ABRAM S. HOWELL. HOWARD V. BUTLER & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Sash, Blinds, Doors isj^"^ Mouldings IN PINE AND HARD WOOD, Scroll Sa>ving and Turning. OPP. C. R. R. rRElGHT OmCE. ELIZABETH, N. J. 10 I^ist of Fire ^larm Boxes, • WHERE LOCATED, and PLACES WHERE and PERSONS WITH WHOM KEYS MAY BE FOUND. ALL POLICE OFFICERS CARRY 1 on the NEWARK cash grocers, 133 Broad St., L. LLlllimll (i [)[)., cor. E. Grand. RetaU Groceries at Wholesale Prices. 17 GO TO. GRIESENBECK'S, The POPULAR -D-RLIG STQ-RE, AND HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS . CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. , loss EI.IZHBETH KiZENUE, EUIZHBETH, N. J. TELEPHONE 125 A. L. F. HERSH & BRO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Commission Merchants in Butter, Clieese and Eggs. ii6y and ii6g EAST yERSEY STREET, ELIZABETH, N. J. Store House — Price's Alley. Track connection with C. R. R. New York Bazaar, LADIES', GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHING . . GOODS ^ No. 129 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. J. H. D. SAUNDERS, Metropolitan Store, BROAD & EAST JERSEY STS., ELIZABETH, N. J. 18 WATER COOLERS AND GARDEN HOSE AT I n DAQOMAU'C 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOIVIAn 0. STATION NUMBER AND LOCATION. Engine. H.&L. ALARM. 32. 1,2. 1. 1st. DE HART PIv. AND W. JERSEY ST. 6. Keys at Wm. Edelstein, 276 West Jersey St, 2d. D. W. Odiorne, 242 West Jersey St. 34. 1,2. 1. 1st. WEST JERSEY AND CHERRY STS. Keys at R. S. Green, 76 Cherry St. 6. 2d. J. R. Crane, 97 West Jersey St. 1. 35. 1,2. 1st. WEST GRAND AND CHILTON STS. 6. Keys at A. B. Carlton, 223 West Grand St. 2d. Geo. W. Irving, 153 West Grand St. 36. 1,2. 1. 1st. ORCHARD AND CHERRY STS. 6. Keys at Smith's Hat Factory. 2d. P. G. Stoothoff, 65 Sayre St. CDCn'l^ oil DCDT P on OOI-XJ2«5BIK BIOVCLBJ rntU IV U. uILDlIiI Ck uU., ;^0C Broad St., Elizabeth, N. J. 19 Tk Jamiesoii Fire-Resisting Paint Co. riRHESISTlipiiiiillllLSOMINI. Absolute Protection Against Fire. FACTORY : ELIZABETHPORT, N. J. OFFICE: 54 WARREN ST., N. Y. OLIVER & DRAKE, 132 BROAD STREET, ELIZABETH, N. J., DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, etc. Perfumery and Fan- cy Toilet Articles in great variety. Physicians'' Presci'iptions Accurately Compounded. TELEPHONE No. 1. Visit the Elizabeth Bee Hive,®^«— n FHILO, Dry Goods, Notions. Hosiery, Cloves. Corsets, FOR YOUR LADIES' and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, -owest Prl( Best Goods ! 149 (S 151 FIRST ST., ELIZABETH, N. J. ^°^^^* p^'^^^- JOSEPH BENEDICT, Flour, Feed, Grain, Hay and Straw, 254 Sc 256 MORRIS fWENUB, ELIZABETH, N. J. 20 HOUSE BURNISHING GOODS KT 138, 140 Broad Street. L B. PASSMAN'S. STATION NUMBER AND LOCATION. Engine. H.&L. ALARM. 41. STILES ST. AND MORRIS AVE. Keys at E. P. Edwards, 512 Morris Ave. W. E. Harrop, 454 Morris Ave. 1,2. 6. 1. 1st. 2d. 42. MORRIS AV. AND WEvSTFIELD AV. Keys at Joseph Ziegler's Saloon, 285 Morris Ave. James A. Little's Blacksmith Shop. 1,2. 6. 1. 1st. 3d. 43. N. BROAD ST. AND PARKER LANE. Keys at Mrs. R. W. Townley, 626 North Broad St. A. Howe, North Broad and Mary Sts. 1,2. 6. 1. 1st. 2d. 46. N. BROAD ST. and FAIRMOUNT AV. Keys at J. W. Townley, 626 North Broad St. G. P. Putnam, 541 North Bro.id St. 2,6. 1. 1. 1st. 2d. I IT^UMnW I Pf\ THE NEWARK CASH GROCERS, 133 Broad St L. LLlllUnll (X b\J., cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. 21 "'Ti8Mone!|intliyPiirse"to(leaUt The Largest 8Q Zt 90 PTKst St DRY GOODS HOUSE IN Union County. Telephone Call 125 B McMANUS BROS., LEADING Furniture ^ Carpet House, 105, 107 AND 109 FIRST STREET, ELIZABETHPORT. N. J. S. T. MORROW, Jeweler » and » Music "Dealer. PIANOS AND ORGANS, 134 FIRST STREET. EUGENE CONORD S SONS, — -^— >^ Variety Wood Turners. •-<— *^— — MANUFACTURERS OF HANDLES AND MALLETS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. m TO 740 LIVINGSTON AND 126 MILLER STREETS, ELIZABETH, N. J. 33 Builder's Hardware and Mechanics' Tools at I Q DAQCMAII'Q 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. r MOO III All Oi STATION NUMBER AND LOCATION. Engine. 1. ALARM. 51. 2,6. 1st. JEFFERSON AVE. AND LOUISA ST. 1 2d Keys at E. H. Carpenter, 1135 Fairmount Ave. M. Kronheim, 70Q Jefferson Ave. 52. 2, 6. 1. 1st. MADISON AVE. AND MARY ST. Keys at W. H. Farrington, 1099 Mary St. John McCandless, 485 Madison Ave. 1. 2, 6. 1. 3d. 53. 1st. SPRING ST. AND MAGNOLIA AVE. Keys at George Reilly's Saloon, 1053 Magnolia Ave. A. Weirich, Spring St. and Magnolia Ave. 1. 2d. 54. WASHINGTON AVE. AND PEARL ST. 1, 2, 1. 1st. Keys at Louis Miller's Saloon, Washington Ave. and Pearl St. Louis Seitz's Saloon, R.ice and Pearl St. 3. 2d. FRED'KG. GILBERT & CO., COLUMBIA BICYCLES. 206 Broad St., Elizabeth, N. J. Cough Syrup and Sarsaparilla. GEORGE A. FORD, so First Street, Cor. Franklin, ELIZABETHPORT, N.J. WEST & FLETCHER, DKAI^KRS IN FORNITORE, CARPETS, OILCLOTH, Mattresses, Matting, Window Shades, &c., 79 BROAD ST., ELIZABETH. N. J. THOAAS NOONAN, CARPENTER ^ BUILDER. Cor. Broadway and Park Place. Shop~Nos. 252 and 254 Broadway, ELIZABETH, N. J. Estimates furnished. Jobbing attended to. G. W. NIEMEYER, BELL HANGING. SCISSORS, RAZORS, SKATES s — GROUND AND REPAIRED. — * Bicycles Repaired, Lawn Mowers Sharpened. All kinds of Sewing Machines, Trunks, Umbrellas, &c., repaired. Saws filed. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. 25S North Broad St., S55 Cross Street, Elizabeth, N. J. 24 CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE AT I n DAQOIUIAM'C 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOmAN O. STATION NUMBER AND LOCATION. Engine. H.&h. ALARM. 61. SECOND ST. AND INSLEE PLACE. 4, 5. 2. 1st. Keys at Fisher's Saloon, Second St. and McKenzie Place. John L. Fay's Saloon. Trumbull St. 3. 2d. 62. 4, 5. 2. 1st. FIRST AND WALL STS. 3. 2d. Keys at John Kenely's Saloon, 182 First St. Horse Car Stables, Bond St. 63. FIRST AND MARSHALL STS. 4, 5. 2. 1st. Keys at James Donahue's Saloon, First and Mar- shall Sts. C. Schmidt's Saloon, First St. and Eliz- abeth Ave. 3. 2d, 71. 1, 3. 2. 1st. UNION SQUARE. 4. 2d. Keys at John Fagan's Saloon, 809 Elizabeth Ave. Peter Filer's Saloon, 817 Elizabeth Ave. L. LEHMRN & CO.; THE NEWARK CASH GROCERS, 133 Broad St. cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. 25 p. J. TRAUT, CHOICE PROVISIONS, GAME and ERUIT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. 134 First Street, Elizabeth, N. J. GEORGE HEALD, COR. RAHWAY AVENUE AND PEARL STREET. THOMAS B. BUDD, Carpenter and Builder, Jobbing and Repairing promptly done. OFFICE, 286 MORRIS AVE. SHOP, 251 UNION STREET, KUZABETH, N. J. JKOOB F=. RieOEBR, FilN(V gl^GilD AND QAiie gAi^ei^V. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. No. 84 FIRST STREET. PARTIES SUPPLIED. B&RNflRD COHEN, All kinds Watches,JeNvelry,Etc., 839 ELIZABETH AVENUE. 26 i lAmPs ADD KeKO$€ne good$ at i n da COM A II 'C 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOlYIAN 0. STATION NUMBER AND LOCATION. Engine. H.&L. ALARM. 72. 3, 6. 1. 1st. EAST JERSEY AND DIVISION STS. Keys at Henry Smith's Saloon, 708 East Jersey St. Frank Poda, 812 East Jersey St. Chas. Dohmeyer, 713 East Jersey St. 4. 2d. 121. 4,5. 2. 1st. FIRST ST. AND BROADWAY. 3. 2d. Keys at J. T. Brady. 122. 4, 5. 2. 1st. SECOND AND EAST JERSEY STS. 3. 2d. Keys at W. Itgen. 123. 4,5. 2. 1st. THIRD AND PINE STREETS. 3. 2d. FRED'K C. GILBERT & 00.,'=°'-"'"^'^ b.cycues 206 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. J. 27 CHARLES ROMMEL, DEALER IN Floiir, Feed, Grain, Baled Hay, StrauJ, Etc., 252 MORRIS AVE., ELIZABETH, N. J. CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY. JOHN R, SKILLAATl Cappiajie Maker, • painter and fpimniep. Repairing and Jobbing Neatly and Promptly Executed. Prices low. None but first-class work done. PEARL STREET, COR. RAHWAY AVENUE, ELIZABETH, M. J, GHAS. B. LOyNSBERRY, DEALER IN Plumbing and Gas Fitting, Tin and Sheet Iron Work. Special Attention given to Heating- and Ventilating. 278 MORRIS AVENUE, ELIZABETH, N. J, SPENCER L. riSriER, GARPENTER AND BUILDER. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Shop — Cor. Grand Street and Madison Avenue, ELIZABETH, N. J. ALL ORBERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. J. A. Oakley, Jr., Architect and Superintendent, 251 MORRIS AVENUE, ELIZABETfl, N. J. 38 ReFRIGGRSCORS. I<^e CRGSm FRGeZGR^ AT 138, 140 Broad Street- L. B. PASSMAN'S. STATION NUMIJER AND LOCATION. Enoine. H.&L. ALARM. 124. SOUTH FRONT STREET. Borne, Scrymser, Bowker Fertilizer Co. 4,5. 3. 2. 1st. 2d. 126. NOT YET LOCATED. 126. NOT YET I.OCATED. 127. NOT YET I.OCATED. I irUMnW L Pn the NEWARK CASH GROCERS, 133 Broad St. L. LLni''iilil a UU., cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. 29 O'DONNEU & BOURDON, (^eal ^§Me and |n§upanee, 154 FIRST STREE' ELIZABETH, N. J. JOSEPH ® BROWN, DEALER IN Wines, Ales, Liquors ^.^^ Segars, HOT AND COLD LUNCHES SERVED AT ALL HOURS. POOL AND BILLIARD PARLORS CONNECTED. 80 READY MIXED PAINTS AND OILS AT I Q DACQMAII'C 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. T AOOIVIAIl 0. HISTORY OF THK ELIZABETH FIREMEN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION. The Elizabeth Firemen's Relief Association, as at present constituted, is composed of twenty-eight members, three from the Exempt Firemen's Association, three from each of the six Engine Companies, three from each of the two Hook and Ladder Companies and one from the Board of Engineers and Foremen, constituting the Fire Department of the City of Elizabeth as at present organized. The following is a com- plete roll of the members ; From Exempt Association, Wm. Eckerson, Wm. McCormack and Cornelius Reagan ; Engineers and Foremen, Cornelius Kane ; Engine Company No. 1, Geo. Rabig, Frank Cogswell and Edward J. Byrnes ; Engine Com- pany No. 2, N. H. Astfalk, William Styler and C. C. Denton ; Engine Company No. 3, Fred. Miller, Alexander Peal and Carl Marz ; Engine 4, Fred. HufTnagel, George Huif and Wm. J. McNair ; Engine No. 5, John Coonan, Michael J. Liddy and Daniel Fallon ; Engine Company No. 6, Michael Kleinhans, Julius Bauman and Joseph Brown ; Hook and Ladder Com- pany No. 1, Fred. Kurtz, Jr., Wickliffe B. Sayre and Albert F. Denman ; Hook and Ladder Company No. 2, John J. Gardner, Edward F. Whelan and John Holmes. The officers of the Association are as follows : President, John J. Gardner ; Vice-President, Joseph Brown ; Treasurer, Michael J. Liddy ; Secretary, William Eckerson ; Collector, Edward J. Byrnes ; Attorney, James C. Connolly. Finance Committee, W. McCormack, George Rabig and Edward F. Whelan. The Association holds its meetings at Firemen's Hall, East Scott Place on the second Thursday of each month, except the FRED'K C. GILBERT & CO.,%i^B^oa^d'^.,EnlLSh^S'-/s. 31 N. KEIMIG, ARPENTER and JuILDER 419 East Jersey Street, ELIZABETH, N. J. ■#1. TV^OSHBKISI^ Banking, Passage, Exchange and Foreign Express Steanistiip, Railroail Tickets M Insurance. Drafts to England, Ireland and Scotland. Banking and Real Estate. 220 Second St., Elizalietliport, N. J, Hamburg, 23 Mattentwiete. 32 ^ REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS at I n PAQQMAU'Q 38, 140 Broad Street, annual meeting which is held on the third Monday in May of each year. The object of the Association is to provide and maintain a Fund for the relief of sick and disabled Firemen, their Widows and Orphans. This fund is acquired by money collected by the Secretary of State from Fire Insurance Companies doing business in this State, and divided equally each year between all the Firemen's Relief Associations in the State by the collection of 2 per cent, on the premiums of each Fire Insurance Agent doing business in this city for foreign Insurance Companies, the interest on the money invested by the Association on bond and mortgage, and by donations. The laws for the distribution of this fund are very strict, and are promulgated and presented to the State Legislature for passage by a specially designed committee from the State Firemen's Relief Association, with headquarters at Trenton, N. J. A Board of Trustees composed of one member from each company and from the Exempt Firemen's Association receive and act upon all applications for relief. The following are trustees at present : From Exempt Association, James O'Neill, Engine Company 1 ; James McGrath, Engine Company 2 ; Eugene Link, Engine Companj^ 3 ; Fred Geisler, Engine 4 ; John Seibert, Engine 5 ; Engine 6, James P. Clark ; Hook & Ladder Company 1, Alexander McCernan ; Hook & Ladder Company 2, Thomas B. Hurley. James McGrath, President ; Thomas B. Hurley, Secretary. Trustees have power to grant one relief to any applicant during one year ; if additional relief is applied for it must be referred to the Relief Association, and upon their approval a second relief may be granted, but not otherwise, also all applications granted must be approved by the President of the Relief Association before payment — and 1 TrUimnM I on the NEWARK cash grocers, 133 Broad St., L. LLlll'lnil a UU., cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. 33 ESTIMATES GIVEN. CONTRACTS TAKEN, To Jo C/^PTWELL, Carpenter and Builder RESIDENCE AND SHOP : /No. 429 Spring Street, ELIZABETH, N. J. JOBBING IN ALIv ITS BRANCHES PROMPTivY ATTENDED TO Carriage, Wagon and Sleigh Manufacturer. SOI.E AGENT FOR holder's Patent I3ox Protector for Carriage Hubs, 39 & 41 WESTFIELD AVENUE, JOHN KER0N Zl S0N, Boarding and Liu?py Stables, 279,281 & 283 MORRIS AVENUE, NEAR UNION DEPOT. L'elephone Call 63. COKCHES TQ 1-BT. OrEN All Night. 34 WATER COOLERS AND GARDEN HOSE AT I Q nAOO|UIAII'C 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOlVIAN 0. all payments for relief are made by the Treasurer of the Relief Association. The present Association was organized April 17, 188C, in compliance with a State law approved March 35, 1885, with tlie following- officers: President, L. G. Neu ; Vice-President, John Coonan ; Secretary, William Eckerson ; Treasurer, John A. Cotay ; Collector, G. F. Denniston ; Attorney, John T. Dunn ; Finance Committee, W. W. Russell, D. V. Sneller, and John Coonan. The Finance Committee were empowered to settle with the officers of the Old Board of Representatives and Trustees and immediately proceeded to business, and after very arduous labors succeeded in placing" everything- on a sound business basis, which has continued up to the present time ; and our Association has been complimented by the officers of the State Association as having- the best invested fund of any Association in the State. Great credit is due to the labors of W. W. Russell as member of Finance Committee and President of the Association, to John Coonan as member of Finance Committee, to William McCormack as member of Finance Committee since February 10, 1887, to John T. Dunn and James C. Connolly for legal services and advice, and to all other members of the Association who have always acted in concert for the best interests of the Association. Ex-Collector Daniel Fallon, 1893-93, has the honor of collecting- more money on premiums than any collector up to date and deserves g-reat credit for the energy he displayed in the performance of his duties. The retaining of William Eckerson as Secretary since the formation of the Association speaks well for the manner in which he has performed his duties. The election of John J. Gardner for the third consecutive term as President shows that the members have full confidence in his abilities as a pre- siding officer. GOUUTVtBlK BIOVCL.ES, 200 Broad St., Elizabeth, N. J. FRED'K G. GILBERT & CO., 35 The Staten Chemical Co., [Limited,] MANOFACTORERS OF SULPHURIC ACID. HEmnn Kwrni Briek • Maqofaetupep, FOOT OF BAYWAY. Residence — 1034 Elizabeth Avenue. Telephone 172A, C. G. LAMBERT. M. A. LAMBERT. O. L^HTV^BERT St OO.'S BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRY, MACHINE AND -'^>^- IRON WORKS 439, 441 and 443 E. Jersey St., 438, 440 and 443 Livingston St., ELIZABETH, N. J. Engine Building f»^n-^?t^A CHOICE LINE OF^^5*^:- WINE5, LIQhed itself for gallantry at the great fire at the Cordage Works, where two of its members were killed and another had his leg broken by a falling wall. Before the present house was burned a large weather vane, some three feet high, the image of Red Jacket himself drawing his bow, surmounted the building. As the flames roared and crackled about the effigy of the great chief, a strong draft was created and the old fellow spun around, and presented a weird sight, seeming to be fighting the fiery elements as gallantly as were his namesakes on the ground beneath. A Button steamer replaced the hand engine about 18G9, and horses were purchased in 1884. The company's next groat fire was the rope-walk again. It had just received a new Amoskeag steamer from the city to replace the old FRED'K C. GILBERT & GQ~'^°}^i!i.f.'t^SlSXSt^^ 55 Telephone Call, No. 72. HENRY KEENAN, Bo/IRDINQ ist LlYERT 5TflBLE5, 15 WEST JERSEV ST., ELIZABETH, N. J. Carriages always at Railway Station. Open day and night. TIjc finest turn-onts in the city. 56 READY MIXED PAINTS AND OILS AT I n PAQQMAN'Q 138, 140 Broad Street. Button. The engine left the engine house March 18, at 1.20 p. m. and returned March 19, at 11 a. m., having been in ser- vice about 32 hours. Tlie fire resulted in the complete destruc- tion of the factory. The company's rooms are furnislied with a pool table, around which, in the evenings, collect the boys to play and the old-timers to spin their yarns 01 the days gone-by. There are many pictures on the walls, but none more valued than that of the brave old chief, who gave the company its name. A stuffed owl has also blinked at a long line of fire laddies. The company has three horses and three wagons. The animals are well trained, and have been hitched in six seconds. The company was first in the city to run a horse to a hose cart, wliich it purchased in 1885. Tiie company's present quarters are in a very desirable location for its members, as there are over 20 who live within two hundred feet of the bell. There has been property bought for a new engine house to be built this year on Elizabeth avenue, near Second street, which will greatly embarrass the company. The present officers are : Foreman, Josepii Dury ; First Assistant, Wm. J. McNair ; Second Assistant, John W. VanPelt ; Secretary, John Seibert ; Treasurer, Joseph Dury ; Representatives, F. Huffnagle, Geo. Huff and Wm. J. McNair; Engineer, Harris Fine; Stoker, Alfred Gibson. LI okmin P On THE NEWARK CASH GROCERS, 133 Broad St., • LCllllldll OC uUiy cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. 57 MEW S TO/NB gA-RD. WHIPPLE & SON, DEAI^ERS IN BLUESTONE. Mantels, Hearth Stones, Coping, Lintels and Sills. FLAGGING AND CURBING A SPECIALTY, LAID AT REDUCED PRICES. Yard, East Grand St., near Reid St., ELIZABETH, N. J. RESIDENCE, 14 EI.M STREET, ^LOF^f\INE^ The City of Happy Homes. Some day you will regret not having bought a lot there. A few more for sale, $150 and upwards, on Monthly Payments. S. D. DRAKE, 251 & 253 MORRIS AVENUE. The Leading; Housefurnlsliers of Eli/abetli. 5 and 10-CT. GOODS A SPECIALTY. STORES ' 1193, 1 195 & 1 197 EAST GRAND STREET ins 63 FIRST STREET. 58 WATER COOLERS AND GARDEN HOSE AT I n DACCIUIAII'O 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOmAll O. Hibernia Engine Co., No. 5. House.' 131 Wall Street. BUTTON ENGINE. ONE HOSE CART. Hibernia Engine Co., No. 5, was organized on March 17, 1866, with Fehx McTamminy as its foreman, and hke other companies its first machine was a hand engine. The popu- larity of the company was well proven the same year in a contest for a handsome silver trumpet, at the memorable fair held in St. Patrick's parish, in which they won the prize. That the company is still the possessor of the confidence of the people is amply shown in numerous contests in which they carry off prizes, such as sets of harness, bedroom suits, gold and silver ferreled whips, watches, badges, gold headed canes, several suits and pairs of rubber boots. In 1868 the city fur- nished them with a steamer, with which many deeds of gal- lantry and some of sorrow are associated, notably among which is the death of John King, which occurred at a fire at the Cross Roads in 1869. Of its fire record the public point with pride to the rope-walk, Singer Works, Standard Oil Works and B. & O. bridge fires, and in justice to the above named companies it is but right to add that the fire services were handsomely rewarded with checks, and from the Singer Manufacturing Co. with a $500 horse. Chiefs Andrew O'Neill, Edward Leonard, William J. Mahoney and Joseph O'Neill, were from Hibernia. In 1887 the company purchased at their own expense a team of horses the efficiency of which is ex- celled by no team of fire horses in the State. Personal and individual instances of pride to which the company point with satisfaction is the position of its members in municipal affairs. CDEn'l^ n Pll DCDT P on Columbia bicycles, rnCU IV U. UlLDCnl OC UU., 206 Broad St., ELIZABETH N.J. 59 LEO EDELSTEIN 30 FIRST STREET, - ELIZABETH, N. J. ^PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Wholesale Commission Merchant, DEALER IN Berries, Peaches, Apples, Potatoes, and all Country Produce, 1139 EAST JERSEY STREET, 1 5 BROE STREET You will always find the best of WINES, LIQUORS AMD SEGARS. WEYMAN HOUSE 123 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. J. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Wiries. Liquors, Beers arid Segars. JACOB REUTER, . . . Proprietor. GO REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS at I p DAQQIUIAM'C 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOIVIAIl 0. From their membeiship for Councilmen have been chosen Richard Fevre, John J. Walsh, WiUiam Byrnes, James J. Manning, Lawrence O'Donnell, John J. ColHns and John T. Brady; the latter is at present Chairman of the Fire Commit- tee of the City Council, and James J. Manning has served as City Clei'k for the past four years. To the State Legislature from their ranks have been chosen Hon. P. L. Hughes and John J. Carroll. And of their social qualities pride is taken in several engrossed sets of resolutions from local and other companies, notable among them being one from Harmony Engine Co. No. 4, of Trenton, N. J. This company also presented the Hibernia boys with their handsome brass fire bell, which did duty for the ])eople of Trenton for half a century; and a set of resolu- tions presented by the citizens of Lorraine in recognition of the company's generosity in presenting them with a fire alarm Feb. 23, 1893. Prominent m the company is their "mascot" Frank, he has not missed a fire in ten years, and the company is willing to wager a trumpet that he is the best trained dog that runs with any fire machine in the United States. The present officers are : Foreman, Cornelius Kane ; First Assistant, Frank Ray ; Second Assistant, Charles Furhman ; Recording Secretary, Thomas F. Mahoney ; Finan- cial Secretary, Michael J. Dohney ; Treasurer, Joseph O'Neill ; Steward, Matthew Darcy ; Engineer, John C. Manning ; Stokers, John Hurley and George Lloyd ; Representatives, John Coonan, Michael J. Liddy, Daniel Fallon ; Driver, Henry Guemple. T irUUnW T. r>r\ the NEWARK cash grocers, 133 Broad St L. LLnl''lHll a UU., cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. Gl HENRI J. SCHMIDT, PI1.G., DRUG ^ STORE, No. 7 Broad Street, ELIZABETH, N. J. Please observe initials and number ol street. /Neil MeLEOB, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Saddlery, Harness, Turf and Stable ^O O O D S.i^ Always on hand the largest and finest line of Harness and Horse Equipments to be found in the county. Fire Deparfraent Harness a Specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. HOS. 204 & 206 BROAD STREET, ELIZABETH, N. J. Those in need of goods in my line will do well to give me a call. CATALOGUES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. 63 HOUSB BURNISHING CSOOOS KT I Q DAOOMAII'C 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOlYIAn O. Jefferson Engine Co., No. 6. House, 1089 Magnolia Anenue. AMOSKEAG ENGINE. ONE HOSE CART. This is the baby of the department, and a Hvely infant it is, too. It has not produced as many alderman and city officers as the other companies, because as the boys say, "We don't \iy/e in the right ward, but in fire matters we 'get there just tlie same.'" And they do. This obstreperous child was born at Keighry Head in October, 1868, and John Brosnahan was its father. Its godfathers at its baptism were Daniel Devan, foreman; Thomas Payton, first assistant; Patrick Burns, sec- ond assistant; John Kelly, secretary, and John Dolber, treas- urer. There were also present at the ceremony such well- known citizens of the ward as John Carey, Lawrence Bau- man and Michael Mulligan. The first machine was No. 4's old hand engine, which was kept at Hall & Carlton's coal j^ard. This they had for a j^ear and then took No. 3's old engine, which was stored in the present house. The present Amos, keag steamer was obtained in 1871. The horses were bought in 1883, and are now the oldest fire team in the city, and the boys claim, the fastest and best trained. On the walls of the parlor is a handsomely engrossed set of resolutions from the Passaic Steamer Guards, also an elaborate floral piece of im- mortelles from the same source. A silk flag from Red Jacket to Jefferson attests the friendship between the two companies; as do two silver trumpets bearing date Oct. 8, 1875, from Hibernia, No. 6, of New Brunswsck, attest Jefferson's popu- larity. There is also a trumpet won by Patrick Lynch in a FRED'K G. GILBERT & GO., 206 Broad St.,EUzabeth,N.J. 63 J. 6r 5. 5. TMOnPSON, (ESTABLISHED 1842.) LUM-BE-R, eOAL, AND Masons' Materials. (1100 ELIZABETH AVE., YARDS- I 208 MADISON AVE. THE CLAUSS BOTTLING COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF Mineral Waters, 1028 ELIZABETH AVENUE, ELIZABETH, N. J. 64 REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS at I Q DACCMAII'O 138, 1 4-0 Broad Street. L, D, rAOOlYlAri 0. church fair popularity contest some eighteen years ago. Although the company' is too young to have made itself an old- time history like some of the more ancient ones, it has made a name for itself in its battles with the fire fiend, in which no boys have been more gallant or efficient than Jefl'erson's brave lads. On the ball field its prowess is proved by many victories over formidable opponents. The nine was organized in 1880 and existed until 1886. Among its crack players were Chief McCabe, Jeremiah Bradley, Marvey Tenbrook, George Abbe, Patrick Turlan, John Brady, M. Corcoran and L. Donohue. Its matches with the Athletic Club nine for the city cham- pionship will long be remembered as the hardest fought and best played in the nistory of the game in Elizabeth. Jefl!er- son has furnished four Chief Engineers of the department — Michael Mulligan, Hugh Brosnahan, Thomas F. McCabe and Joseph Brown, the present Chief. Five assistants have been Jefferson men : P. J. Burns, Hugh Brosnalian, James Brad- ley, Thomas F. McCabe and Thomas Seary. The present oflS- cers are : Foreman, C. Schafer ; First Assistant, Geo. B. Bau- mann ; Second Assistant, John H. Farawell ; Financial Secre- tary, Fred. Severs ; Recording Secretary, John J. Kleinhans ; Treasurer, Edward Kelley ; Engineer, Michael Kleinhans. LLEHMM5C0, THE NEWARK CASH GROCERS, 13:3 Broad St., , cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. 65 ■1 .•••XMK«*«*< I wn, LIMITED, ELIZABETH, N. J. Works for Copper and Silver Smelting and Refining ON STATEN ISLAND SOUND, Half way between Elizabethport and Tremley. ]VI. W. RYAN, Contractor and Builder, HOUSE AND SHOP, 350 MARSHALL STREET, Elizabeth, N. J. Jobbing of all kinds attended to with dispatch. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 66 ^ WATER COOLERS AND GARDEN HOSE AT I Q DAQCMAU'C 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOmAn U. Lafayette Hook & Ladder, No. i. House, 38 South Broad Street. GLEASON & BAILEY TRUCK. TWO HORSES. Lafayette Truck disputes with Engine No. 1 the honor of being the first regular fire organization in Elizabeth. It was formed on May 1, 1837, through the efforts of Col. James W. Woodrutf, who was elected its first foreman. Protection Engine Co., No. 1, was formed the same year, and it will be prudent to let the old-timers fight out among themselves the question of actual priority. Anyhow, at this time its appar- atus consisted of a two-wheeled frame, similar to a painter's ladder outfit, on which the ladders were placed, from which hung the buckets, axes and hooks. There were no ropes, and the boys caught on where and as best they could. With the reorganization of the department in 1852, Col. J. W. Wood- ruff was made Chief Engineer. Some years previous to this, however, they got Jonathan Harrison, of Elizabeth, to build them a " modern '' (forgive the word) truck. It was a heavy. FRED'K G. GILBERT1& CO., COI-\J2VlBIK BICVCLES, 206 Broad St., Elizabeth, N. J. 67 ESTIMATES GIVEN. CONTRACTS TAKEN. JOHN SKILLIN, . Carpenter arpd Builder, RESIDENCE: SHOP: 212 m STREET. 1205 E. BROIID STREET, * ELIZABETH. N. J. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. Bf\UER'S#GfVF&, 200 Broad Street, Cor. West Grand St., EIvIZABETH, N. J. Ballantine's Pale, Extra aud Export on draught. Imported Wines, Ales, Lagerbeer and Cigars. CALIFORNIA WINES. LUNCH COUNTER. HENRY G. BAUER, Proprietor. GEORGE THOMPSON, Truck and Wagon Maker, 43 WASHINGTON AYE. Jobbing of All Kinds Promptly Kxkcutkd. 68 « HOUSE BURNISHING GOODS HTI Q DAQOMAII'Q 138, 140 ISroad Street. L. D. rAOOIVIAIl 0. unwieldy affair, and carried enormous sixty-foot ladders, which took all the muscle of the big lot of big- fellows of the company to raise. In 1856 this gave way to a new truck. built by Pine & Hartshorne, of Harlem, the money for which was advanced by J. L. D. Lyon. Gardiner Marsh made a model of this truck. In 1870, another truck was purchased. In the company's parlor there is a model of this truck in every detail, made by Cliarles B. Keimig, an old member. The early trucks were housed next to the Court House. Among the organizers of the company were Archibald S. Woodruff, Francis Sayre, Charles H. Ross, Col. J. D. Edwards and Walter Sayre. The list of foremen includes some of the most noted names of the city's history, among them : Henry M. Baker, John O. Magie, E. P. Edwards, Dr. L. W. Oakley, G. B. Whittlesy, President R. G. Rolston, of the Farmer's Loan and Trust Company, of New York, Aime Dumazeaud, Ezekiel Wade, Henry Kiggins, James Rollo, Rev. J. G. Kettle, William Chetwood, John T. Gilchrist, Jonathan B. Drake and William M. Oliver. Strange to relate, Thomas Forsj^th and John Keron, afterward Sheriff and candidate for Sheriff, were the first torch boys, in 1858. A complete set of the hat "fronts" of J. L. D. Lyon the surviving veteran of Lafayette, adorns the parlor. The inscriptions show his long life of fire service, as follows : Joined Eagle Fire Engine Co., No. 13, of New York, July 10, 1839; assistant foreman. May 13, 1846 ; joined Lafayette H. & L. No. 1, of Elizabeth, Nov. 1, 1853 ; assistant foreman, May 1, 1858; assistant engineer of department. May 1, 1858, for two years ; chief engineer. May 1, 1860, for two years. Later on Lafayette furnished the de- partment with a chief in Sheriff N. K. Thompson. In 1863 the company invited the famous GrafuUa band to give a concert in Library Hall, and at the close of the per" irTjynM Y. Pfl THE NEWARK CASH GROCERS, 133 Broad St., . LLnlnnil CL UU., cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. THE^ NEW JERSEY JOCKEY CLUB. ' RACES In April and October OF EACH YEAR 70 Bnilders' Hardware and Mechanics' Tools at I D PAQQMAM'Q [38, 140 Broad Street. fonnance it was annoimced that half the proceeds would be given to the Orphan Asylum, which thus received by Lafay- ette's generosity some $300. Among the trophies in possession of the company is the old fire bell, which used to ring the alarms from the North End school house. It has the inscrip- tion, "A gift of Capt. David Lyon, 1789. Made by David Ross, at Elizabethtown." There is also a bible from the ladies of Trinity Church, and a pitcher, won by Lafayette's tug-of- war team from the Turn Verein, at the Veteran Zouaves' fair. The veterans of the company still retain an active interest in its affairs. The present officers are : President, Chas. B. Keimig; Foreman, Robert Davis; First Assistant, Ernest F. Thorn; Secretary, Frederick Bright; Recording Secretary, Gus Fleet; Financial Secretary, John H. Keimig; Treasurer. Chas. Kurtz. FRED'K C. GILBERT & GO., 206 Broad street, Elizabeth, N.J. 71 THE 6R]188ELL1 CHEMICAL COMPANY CLEVELAND, O. NEW YORK. ST. LOUIS, MO. CINCINNATI, O. Manufacturers of Chemically Pure Distilled 1.260 Sp. Gr. -*-» C3i l_ X ^ ^ FR I rvj *«i- Also Glycerin for Nitro-Glycerin and other purposes. Mixed :7Scici for JHitro=Glyccrin. Sulphuric Acid, Sulphate Ammonia, Muriatic Acid, Aqua Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Blue Vitriol, Sal Soda, Sulphate of Soda. New York Office. 71 Wal l St. LOUIS QUI EN, a E., Architect and General Contractor, 251 ELIZABETH AWENUE. J. W. HILDEER.A.NT. J. E. VOORIIEES. J. W. HILDEBRANT &, CO., 8 and lO West Jersey Street, WMOb&Sf\L& GROG&RS, Commission Merchants IN BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, LARD, ETC., AND DEALERS IN GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, HAY, ETC., Referenx-e— First National Bank. K LIZ ABET H, N J. JAMES C. OGDEN, WHOLE.SALE AND RETAIL FURNITURE DEKLER And General Furnishing Undertaker, 17 BROAD ST., Elizabeth, N. J. Undertaking Warerooms, II59 Elizabeth Ave. Orders will receive Prompt Attention at all hours. .72 t CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE AT I n DAOOMAU'O 138,140 Broad Street. L D. rAoolYlAN 0. Jackson Hook & Ladder Co., No. 2. House, 10 Franklin Street. GLEASON & BAILEY TRUCK. TWO HORSES. Jackson is the successor to the old Empire Hook and Ladder Co. The latter was disbanded June 10th, 1808, by order of Common Council. Michael Doyle organized the present effi- cient company between June 17th and 24th of the same j^ear. The first officers were: Foreman, Bernard Duignan; First Assistant, Michael Fury; Second Assistant, Patrick Tevlin; Secretarj', John Kernan; Treasurer, Michael Doyle. After the reorganization, there sprang up quite an animated feeling between the new Jackson Co. and the old Empire boys, but as time wore on, this feeling lessened, and it was considered quite an honor at the Port to be enrolled as one of Jackson's members. An Irish fox was presented to the boys by an ad- mirer named Speiss. It became veiy tame and was allowed the freedom of the house. One night, however, as Reynard was sleeping, an alarm came in, and as the apparatus (?) left the house, the rear wheel ended his earthly career. The fox ^vas stufl'ed and now always occupies a conspicuous place on the truck when on parade. A squirrel captured by Wm. 0"Neil from the mast of a burning vessel near the coal dock has also been stuffed and retained as a memento of the occa- sion. The prominence attained in the early days of this com- pany has been maintained throughout the twenty-five years of its existence. Bernard Duignan, Oliver Conlon, and Francis O'Brian are among the chiefs elected from this company; Jno. J. Holmes and Jno. H, Conway, assistants. Many of its former and present members have attained honors in the political field, with credit to themselves as well as to the com- Ll CUMAkl on "^"^ Newark Cash Grocers, 133 Broad St., cor. . LLnlVIAll QL UU., E.Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. 73 *~F^Whitehead's Pharmacy-^^^ Where may be found a complete assortment of DROGS, MEDICINES -CHEMICflLS, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, ETC. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded, and orders answered with care and dispatch. 213 BROAD STREET, - - - ELIZABETH, N. J. ■i- J. J. VKxes, f STAIR BUILDER, Cor. Cherry and Pearl Streets. Stair Building in all branches in Hardwood a specialty. The Ganiewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company, MANUFACTURERS AND CONTRACTORS OF FIRE ALARM and POLICE SIGNAL TELEGRAPHS. Over 500 plants in actual operation in principal cities and towns of the United States and Canada. EXPRESS OFFICES, li BARCLAY STREET, NEW YORK. CHARLES F. MOELLER, ^amage and \^agon (^okep, 32 1 E/^5T JEiSEY 5To, ELIZABETH, N. J. 74 LAmp$ AHD KSHO^ene good$ at i q DACCMAII'C 138. 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOlYIAN O. pany and community. Edward F. Wlialcn, a popular and enterprising- young- man who was recently selected by Post- master Sheridan as letter carrier, hails from this company. The fireman's poet and song writer, Tommy Lane, whose songs were the edification of every fireman, are still sung with great " iclat " by members of the department. This gentleman was a member of the Jacksons, and his name has gone upon the Exempts' roll with honorable mention. In February, 1893, after 30 years of service, the old hay wagon truck was re- placed by a new Gleason & Bailey's latest improved patent. Since Foreman Conway's introduction into office he has con- ducted monthly drills, which have enabled the members to obtain a degree of proficiency equal to any paid department. Only six out of the thirty-one who organized the company are now residents of this city, and only twelve are living. Twenty- five years' active service as a volunteer fire department is Jackson's record, and undoubtedly, in one-fith of that time to come, the volunteer days will be over. We will then deplore tlie days now long past, when we **ran with the machme," and took our foreman's orders through a big brass-plated trumpet. The present officers are: Foreman, Jno. H. Conway; First Assistant, Wm. Cox; Second Assistant, Patrick Garvin; Financial Secretary, Jno. J. Higgins; Recording Secretary, Edward F. Whalen; Treasurer, Thos. B. Hurley; Janitor, Wm. McGee; Board of Representatives, John J. Holmes and Jno. Gardner. FRED'K G. GILBERT & GO., 75 COLUMBIA BICYCLES. 206 Broad Street Elizabeth, N. J« T. F. H H. B. Uni MASONS' MATERIALS, Drain Pipe, Blue Stone, Etc. — ^^^>-YARD AND OFFICE-S — i^— Rear 1068 Elizahetl\ Ave,, ELIZABETH, N. J. ^leelpieian, (©oeksmith anb ^ellhancjcp, 119 BROAD STREET, ELIZABETH, N. d. Electric Gas Lighting, Call Bells and Burglar Alarms. Guns, Trunks and Wringers Repaired. Lawn Mowers, Saws and Cutler3^ Sharpened. JAMES A. LITTLE, CA-R-RIAGE t^ WAGOAI •^— jBU I LB E'R,^=r Cor. Morris and Westfield Avenues. 76 HGERiGGRACOR?, ICG (^Rexm FReeZGR? AT I n DACQMAU'C 138. 140 Broad Sireet. L. D. rAOOIVIAII 0. STREET DIRECTORY. Adams Avenue— From 460 Meadow Street, northeast to Hum- boldt Avenue. Alina Street — From Spring- Street, north of Fanny Street, nortliwest to Newark Avenue. Amboy Avenue— From CHl'ton Street, east of Burhng-ton Ave- nue, southwest to City Line. Amity Street — From GOO First Avenue, southwest to Ehza- beth River. Anna Street— From First Street, northwest to 441 Wahiut Street. Atlantic Street — From 400 First Avenue, southwest to Ehzabeth River. Augusta Street— From First Street, south of Fairmount Avenue, northwest to Jackson Avenue. Baltic Street— From 360 First Avenue, southwest to Ehza- beth River. Bay^vay- From South Front Street, northwest to Westfield Avenue. Belleview Street— From 701 Rahway Avenue, northwest to Westfield Avenue. Bond Street— From 217 First Street, northwest to 421 Meadow Street. Bridge Street— From 109G Ehzabeth Avenue, south to 101 Pearl Street. Brighton Street— From South Front Street, northwest to Clarkson Avenue. Broad Street— From 1 Rahway Avenue, north to Raih'oad. Broadway— Fiom 137 Front Street, northwest to Seventli Street. Brunswick Avenue — From Ehzabeth River, east of Clarkson Avenue, southwest to city hue. Burlington Avenue— From JElizabeth River, east of Princeton Avenue, southwest to Bay way. Butler Street — From Elizabetli'^A venue, soutbwest to Ehza- beth River. I 1 rUMflM I» on the NEWARK cash GROCERS, 133 Broad St. L. LLniuilll a UU., cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices, 77 LEHR & ERLE, ^73 THIRD ST., 227 SOUTH ST., LIZKeETH. N. J Carpenters and BuMers, Jobbing promptly executed at reasonable rates. CHflRLES J. JENSEN, II Furnishing Undertaker|| Parlor, Dining and Bedroom F-LJFRr^JlTLJFRE: WAREROOMS, No. 601 Elizaljetlitaiie, Cor. Sixth Street. TELEPHONE CALL, 167 A. 78 READY MIXED PAINTS AND OILS AT I n DAOOMAII'O 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOlYIAN 0. Cameron Place— From 145 Pearl street, west. Caspian Street— From 340 First Avenue, southwest to Third Avenue. Catherine Street— From 1065 Elizabeth Avenue, northwest to 1046 Mary Street. Centre Street — From 840 Elizabeth Avenue, southwest to Elizabeth River. Central Railroad Avenue — From Jefferson Avenue, north along- Central Railroad. Chancellor Street — From Bayway, between Jersey Avenue and Linden Avenue, west to City Line. Chelsea Street— From South Front Street, between Brighton Street and Richmond Street, northwest to ClarksonA venue. Cherry Street — From Pennsylvania Railroad and Pearl Street, north to Morris Avenue and City Line. Chestnut Street— From 301 Madison Avenue, northwest to 301 BroJid Street. Chilton Avenue— From 201 Rah way A venue, north to City Line. Christine Street— From 640 First Avenue, southwest to 641 Fourth Avenue. Clark Place — From 265 First Street, northwest to Trumbull Street. Clarkson Avenue — From Grove Street, south and west to City Line. Clifton Street— From South Front Street, northwest to - Clarkson Avenue. Clinton Place— From 736 Newark Avenue, west to 737 Broad Street. Clover Street— From 501 Rahway Avenue, north to 501 West Grand Street. Court Street— From 171 Front Street, northwest to Trumbull Street. Crane Street— From 226 Union Street, northwest to 231 Cherry Street. Cross Street— From 30 Port Street, west to 23 Smith Street. Cross Avenue— From 1341 North Avenue, north to Lower Road to Newark. DeHart Place— From 301 West Grand Street, south to Penn- sylvania Railroad. rnhUIV L uILDlKI a uU., 206 Broad St, Elizabeth, N.J. ' 79 THE PHOTO STUDIO. E. n. ESTABROOKE, p)hotogpQphi§t ELIZABETH, N. J fi. J. 5AUGI^, -.^a^sciEniiric oriicinn.:^^^ 130 BROAD STREET. ELIZABETH, N. J. R P. BEEBE, ^<^_/Nurseryman and Florist_^^ s^^CHOICE CUT FLOWERS ^-^ Soods, Roots, Bulbs, Bedding Plants, Fortilizoi'S, Treo Giiai'ds, House De(^oi'a1ion, INIetal Designs, Funeral Desii2;ns. Landsc-ape dlardenini;'. ORNAMENTAL FOLIAGE AND FLOWERING PLANTS. Store and Greenhouses, ioi2==ioi6 East Grand St., ELIZABETH, N. J. 80 House PURNISHINO GOODS KT I H nACOIIlll>0 138, 1 40 Broad Street. L D. rASoMAN S Delaware Street— From 320 First Avenue, southwest to Third Avenue. Division Street— From 709 New Point Road, northeast to Humboldt Avenue. Doyle Street— From Third Avenue, southwest to EUzabeth River. East Broad Street— From Jefferson Avenue, west to Broad Street Edgar Place— From Chilton Street to DeHart Place, south of East Grand Street. Edgar Road— From Washington Avenue, near Bay way, south to City Line. East Jersey Street— From 101 Front Street, northwest to 201 Broad Street. Elizabeth Street— From 120 Spring Street, northwest to 131 Catherine Street. Elizabeth Avenue— From 1 Front Street, northwest to Broad Street. Elm Street— From 440 Morris Avenue, southwest to Chilton Avenue. Ely Place— From opposite 133 Pearl Street, south to Eugenia Place. Emma Street— From 481 Spring Street, northwest to 481 Catherine Street. Erie Street— From 300 First Avenue, southwest to 301 Fourth Avenue. Essex and Middlesex Turnpike— From Edgar Road, south- west to City Line. Eugenia Place— From 133 Washington Avenue. Fairmount Avenue— From 601 Division Street, northwest to 601 Broad Street. Fanny Street— From 901 Meadow Street, northwest to 901 Newark Avenue. Fay Avenue— From 982 DeHart Place, southwest to City Lme. '' Fifth AvENUE-From Atlantic Street, northwest to Palmer Street. Fifth Street— From 501 First Avenue, northeast to 501 Trumbull Street. I I FHM H N S nn V^% Newark Cash Grocers, 133 Broad St., cor. L. LLnmhll a UU.,E. Grand. Retail Groceries, Wholesale Prices. 81 Moses W. Mulford, DEAIvER IN L-UTVTBBR Wood, Lime, Lath, Cement and Plaster, 55 WEST GRAND ST., Telephone 60. ELIZABETH, N. J. ELIZABETH ICE COMPANY, DEAI^ERS IN Hygiene and ® _ - . _ ^ All Orders Ursino Lake promptly Attended to. Office, No. 9 West Grand Street, and Order Office, iio^ First Street. Telephone 108 A. M. W. REEVE, Pres. R. S. WILLIAMS, SUPT 82 Builder's Hardware and Mechanics' Tools at I D DACCMAII*C 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. T AGO III All 0. First Street— From 101 Elizabetli Avenue, northwest to Trumbull Street. First Avenue — From 300 Elizabeth Avenue, north to Union Square. Flora Street — From Division Street, northwest to 461 Meadow Street. Florida Street— From 240 Elizabeth Avenue, southeast to Elizabeth River. Fourth Street — From 401 First Avenue, northeast to 401 Trumbull Street. Fourth Avenue— From Elizabeth River, northwest to Spring Street. Franklin Street— From 51 Front Street, northwest to Divi- sion Street. Front Street— From 1 Elizabeth Avenue, northeast to Port Avenue. Fulton Street— From 80 Front Street, northeast to 80 Seventh Street. Garden Street— From Elizabeth River, north to New York Avenue. Geneva Street— From 220 Elizabeth Avenue, southwest to Elizabeth River. Grier Avenue— From 800 South Street, south to City Line. Grove Street— From Pearl Street, west to 7 Westfield Avenue. Hadden Place— From 47 Jefferson Street, west Hampton Place— From 112 Madison Avenue, northwest. Harrison Street— From Crane Street, north to 60 Westfield Avenue. Hatfield Street— From South Street, south to Clarkson Avenue. Henry Street — From 901 Magnolia Avenue, northeast to Julia Street. High Street— From 800 First Avenue, northeast to Elizabeth River. Humboldt Avenue— From York Street, north to City Line. iNSLEE Place— From 301 First Street, northwest to Trumbull Street. Irvinqton Avenue— From 400 Morris Avenue, northeast to City Line. FRED'K C. GILBERT & 00.,^°'-""^"^ bicycles. 206 Broad St., Elizabeth, N. J. o Ho noo\ m.i urn 43? ELili^iETlnl /R iLlZdPETH. N. J. JAS. H. FAULKS, ' Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, COFFER, TIN ^!!5 SHEET IRON WORK, No. 225 Broad Street, .M— ELIZABETH . L. DAVIS. W. H. JAYNE. L. DAVIS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Paints, Oils, Hardware, Rope, Blocks, Oars, Roofing, Sheathing, Wall Paper, 80 & 82 THIRD ST., ELIZABETH, N. J. A COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. 84 CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE AT I D DAQQMAU'Q 138. 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOmAn 0, ISHAM Place— From 333 First Street, northwest to 250 Trum- bull Street. Jackson Avenue — From 1041 Fairmount Avenue, northeast to Humboldt Avenue. Jaques Street— From 901 Elizabeth Avenue, northeast to 901 East Grand Street. Jefferson Avenue — From 1159 Elizabeth Avenue, northeast to City Line. Jersey Avenue— From West Jereey Street and Grove Street, west to City Line. John Street — From 630 First Avenue, southwest to Elizabeth River. Julia Street — From 551 Spring Street, northwest to 551 Jefferson Avenue. Lafayette Street— From 150 Spring Street, northwest to 149 Madison Avenue. Laura Street— From 525 Division Street, northwest to Jack- son Avenue. Liberty Street — From 720 Pearl Street, south to 717 South Street. Lincoln Avenue— From Cherry Street, southwest to City Line. Linden Street — From East Broad Street, northwest to Anna Street. Linden Avenue— From Grove Street, southwest to City Line. Little Smith Street— From 120 Elizabeth Avenue, southwest to Lumber Street. Livingston Street — From 121 Front Street, north west to East Grand Street. Louisa Street— From 701 Spring Street, northwest to P.R.R. Lower Road to Newark — From junction Virginia and North Broad Street, north to City Line. Lumber Street— From 60 South First Street, northwest to Little Smith Street. Lyon Place — From 115 Rah way Avenue, north. Madison Avenue— From 1101 East Jersey Street, northeast to City Line. Magie Street — From Orchard Street and Westfield Avenue, northwest to City Line. I TTTlJlUinM I Pfl THE NEWARK CASH GROCERS, 133 Broad St., L. LLilMiiil a UU., cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. 85 ^•protection House/' 1179 Elizabeth Ave., Elizabeth, N. J, GKO. R^BIG, Proprietor, Peter Breidt's " FINEST " on Draught Give him a call, at Firemen's Hall ; Always "at home " with a welcome for all. There is also safety in buying Safeties of well known, responsible dealers. We have quality and quantity. We offer you the best made bicycles in the country — the Colum- bia. We can give you any make you want, but we handle the goods which we prefer to recommend. What kind will you have ? Let us show you what we have in stock. Fred'k G. Gilbert \ Go., ELIZABETH, RAHWAY. 86 LAMPS AND KEROSENE GOODS AT I Q DACCMAU'C 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOIllAn O. Magnolia Avenue (Wall)— From the Sound, northwest to 401 North Broad Street. Maple Avenue— From 667 Grove Street, south to Bayway. Market Street — From 1101 Elizabeth j^ venue, north to East Jersey Street. Marshall Street- From 25 Front Street, northwest to 728 New Point Road. Marshton Street— From First Avenue, southwest to Eliza- beth River. Martin Street— From 91 Seventh Street, northwest to 45 Smith Street. Mary Street — From Jackson Avenue and Meadow Street, northwest to 433 North Broad Street. McKenzie Place — From 349 First Street, northwest to 349 Second Street. Meadow Street — From 1097 Magnolia Avenue, northeast to Neck Lane. Miller Street — From 717 Martin Street, northeast to Broad- way. Monroe Avenue — From junction Meadow and Anna Streets, north to City Line. MoRRELL Street — From 1085 Elizabeth Avenue, northeast to 1056 East Jersey Street. Morris Avenue — From 212 Broad Street, northwest to CityLine. Mulberry Street— From 53 Westfield Avenue, north. Murray Street — From 50 Broad Street, southwest to City Line. Myrtle Street — From South Front Street, north to Rah way Avenue, south of Bayway. Neck Lane — From Meadow and Fanny Streets, north to Lower Road to Newark. Newark Avenue — From 575 North Broad Street, northwest to City Line. New Point Road — From Trumbull Street, west to 801 Elizabeth Avenue. New York Avenue— From DeHart Place, south to 967 Bay- way. NiLES Street — From 540 First Avenue, southwest to Elizabeth River. FRED'K C. GILBERT & {iQ.,^°}^ifo?^\.E.mX%':l^ 87 HALL &, CARLTON, BEST Masons' LEHIGH Materials. AND Brick, RBD ASH Lime, Cement, COAL. Lath, Plaster, Office, 124 Broad St. Hair, Yard, 214 Jefferson Ave. Drain Pipe, Telephone 48 A and 48B. Chimney Tile. Lake Hopatcong Ice IS) to 00 -J < AND Lehigh Coal. CD 2 UJ z I F. F. GL.KSBV, «.3 Ul _l UJ H 213 Madison Ave., Eizabeth, N.J. m H National Fire and Marine INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Elizabeth, N. J. MOSES F. CORY, AGENT. 88 * ^ READY MIXED PAINTS AND OILS AT I n pACCM All'C 138, 140 Broad Street. North Broad Street— From Morris Avenue and Railroad, north to City Line. North Avenue — From Humboldt Avenue, northwest to City Line. Oak Street— From 1025 East Grand Street, northeast to Magnolia Avenue. Olive Street — From 501 Henry Street, northwest to 501 Meadow Street. Orchard Street — From 401 Morris Avenue, southwest to Westfield Avenue. Osborne Place— From 66 Jefferson Avenue, east. Palmer Street— From 560 First Avenue, southwest to Eliza- beth River. Parker Road — From 450 North Broad Street, west to Eliza- beth River. Park Street — From Morris Avenue, southwest to Elizabeth River. Park Place— From Park Street, northwest to City Line. Pearl Street — From Grove Street, near Elizabeth River, north to Rah way Avenue. Pennington Street— From DeHart Place, southwest to City Line. Pennsylvania Avenue — From Mary Street, northeast to City Line. Pennsylvania Railroad Avenue— From 43 West Jersey Street, northeast to City Line. Pine Street— From 233 Front Street, northwest to New Pomt Road. Port Street — From New Point Road, northeast to 633 East Jersey Street. Port Avenue — From Front Street, northwest to Trumbull St. Price Street — From 59 West Jersey Street, northeast to 58 Grand Street. Price's Alley— From 1197 East Grand Street, northwest to Central Railroad. Princeton Avenue — From Elizabeth River, southwest to City Line. Prince Street — From 400 North Broad Street, west to Irving- ton Avenue. L Lehman & Co., 89 the NEWARK CASH GROCERS, 133 Broad St., cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. flugust Mueller. Bernhard Oesterheld, 66 Fourth Street, 21 Amity Street, Jobbing in All Branches Promptly Attended to.. EiA£KL-D BROEKER. DEALER IN American and Imported Wines and Brandies, FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL USE, No. 505 ELIZABETH AVE., Near Fifth Street. Ohio, California, Missouri, Rhein and Mosel Wines, Irish and Scotch Whiskies, Gin, Jamaica Rum, Cognacs and Brandies. Imported Mineral Waters, Aix La Chapelle Kaiser Waters, Rhenser, Taunus and Victoria. Smoke Ewald Broeker's " Best " American Hand-made Cigars. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN R. SKILLMAN, Painter and Xrimmcr. REPAIRING AND JOBBING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED. pRices LOini. None But First-class Work Done. Pearl St., cor. Rah way ^vc, ei-iz:kb©th. n. j. 90 WATER COOLERS AND GARDEN HOSE AT I Q DACCMAII'C 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOmAll U. Prospect Street — From 1041 Elizabeth Avenue, northeast to 1026 East Jersey Street. Prospect Place— From 715 Jefferson Avenue, west to 715 Pennsylvania Avenue. Race Street— From 816 Pearl Street, southwest to 915 South Street. Rahway Avenue— -From 2 Broad Street, southwest to City Line. Rector Street— From 618 Pearl Street, southwest to 635 South Street. Redcliffe Street — From 420 First Avenue, northwest to Elizabeth River. Reid Street— From 301 South Street, northeast to Magnolia Avenue. Richmond Street— From South Front Street, northwest to Clarkson Avenue. Ripley Place— From 317 First Street, northwest to Clarkson Avenue. Rose Hill Place— From 296 South Street, southwest to 937 Bay way. Salem Avenue— From 576 North Broad Street, northwest to City Line. Sayre Street— From 360 Morris Avenue, west to 331 Chilton Street. South Broad Street — From 2 Rahway Avenue, south to City Line. Schiller Street— From 420 Port Ave., northeast to City Line. Scott Place (East and West)— From 1109 Elizabeth Avenue, northeast to 1100 East Jersey Street. Second Avenue— From 201 Butler Street, northeast to 910 Elizabeth Avenue. South First Street— Fi-om 101 Elizabeth Avenue, southwest to Elizabeth River. South Front Street— From 1 Elizabeth Avenue, southwest to Bayway. Second Street— From 201 Elizabeth Avenue, northeast to 201 Trumbull Street. Seventh Street— Erom 701 First Avenue, northeast to 701 Broadway. FRED'K C. GILBERT & CO., 91 COLUMBIA BICYCLES, 206 Broad St., Elizabeth N. J. ALAN N. LUKENS, Engineer and Machinist, 137 Elizabeth Ave. Light and Fine Machinery Built to Order. JOBBING AND REPAIRING. Brass, Iron or Steel Screws, Thumb Nuts, Special Parts, Etc. MAKER OF "Tubular Rail" >Virc Fencing." Correspondence SoIvICited. Send for Circui^ar. The Elizabeth^-^- D/qiLT JOURN/IL GOES INTO MORE HOMES GKOj p THAN ANY OTHER ojo^ ^ PAPER IN UNION COUNTY, IT HAS BECAUSE THE NEWS mh THE flbVERTISINQ. COMPARE IT ANY DAY WITH ANY OTHER ELIZABETH PAPER. Wants, For Sales and other little Advs. at One Cent a Word. Main Office, 74 Broad Street. Branch Office, Ford's Drug Store, First and Franklin Streets. REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS at I n nAQCIU|Ay'Q 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOmAll O. Sheridan Avenue — From Newark Avenue, west to City Line. Sherman Avenue— From Newark Avenue, west to City Line. Sixth Street— From 601 First Avenue, northeast to 601 Trumbull Street. Smith Street — From 851 Elizabeth Avenue, northeast to 871 East Jersey Street. South Street— From 900 Elizabeth Avenue, west to Rahway Avenue. South Park Street— From 153 Front Street, northwest to 153 Sixth Street. South Second Street— From 200 Elizabeth Avenue, south- west to Elizabeth River. South Seventh Street— From 700 First Avenue, southwest to Elizabeth River. Spencer Street— From 520 First Avenue, southwest to Eliza- beth River. Spring Street— From 401 South Street, northeast to Hum- boldt Avenue. Standish Street — From 901 Rahway Avenue, north to 900 Westfield Avenue. Stanton Avenue — From 1360 North Avenue, north to Virginia Street. Stiles Street — From 500 Morris Avenue, southwest to 501 Westfield Avenue. Summer Street— From Elizabeth River, west to Bayway, south of Garden Street. Third Street — From 300 Elizabeth Avenue, northeast to 300 Trumbull Street. Third Avenue — From 300 South Front Street, northwest to 300 Spring Street. Trenton Avenue — From Elizabeth River, southwest to City Line. Trinity Place— From 1201 Chestnut Street, northeast to 1200 Mary Street. Trumbull Street— From Newark Bay, northeast to Central Railroad. Union Avenue — From Morris Avenue, north to City Line. Union Street— From 35 Rahway Avenue, north to 36 West- field Avenue. LirUmmW T> PH the NEWARK cash grocers, 133 Broad St. . LLnMiill a UU., cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. OUR LEADING LAWYERS. JOHN T. DUNN & SON, Law Offices, No. 225 Broad Street. CROSS & NOE, Coiinsellors-at-Law, Collections, Real Estate and General Law Business, First National Bank Building. EDWARD S. ATWATER, Counsellor-at-Law, Supreme Court Commissioner^ Master i7i Chancery ^ POST OFFICE BUILDING, 78 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. J. ROBERT G. BELL, Attorney-at-Law, No. 109 Broad Street, ELIZABETH, N. J. 94 f— r yr\ HOUSE PURNISHING GOODS MT I Q DACCMAU'C 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOulYIAIl 0. Union Place — From 7G Union Sti-eet, east. Union Square — Elizabeth and Hig-h Streets. Van Buren Avenue— From 651 Meadow Street, northeast to Humboldt Avenue. Vine Street — From Chilton Avenue, southwest to City Line. Virginia Street — From Sherman Avenue, west to City Line. Wall Street (See Mag-nolia Avenue). Walnut Street — From 1171 Chestnut Street, northeast to Pennsylvania Railroad. Washington Avenue— From 29 South Broad Street, south to 901 Grove Street. Washington Street— From 30 Market Street, southeast to 33 Broad Street. Waverly Place— From 700 Newark Avenue, northwest to 701 North Broad Street. Westfield Avenue— From 300 North Broad Street, west to City Line. West Grand Street— From 100 Broad Street, southwest to City Line. West Jersey Street— From 100 Broad Street, southwest to Jersey Avenue and Grove Street. Westminster Avenue— From 400 North Broad Street, north to City Line. Whitehead Place — From Pennsylvania Railroad, northwest to 501 North Broad Street. Wilder STREET—From 850 North Broad Street, west to City Line. William STREET—From 170 Spring Street, northwest to 171 Madison Avenue. Williamson STREET—From 43 South Broad Street, south to Grove Street. Windsor Place — From Grove Street, southwest to 1001 Bay- way. Woodbridge Avenue — From Elizabeth River, southwest to City Line. York Street — From Staten Island Sound, northwest to Division Street. CDCn'l^ P PII PCDT 9 nn Columbia bicycles, rntU ^ U. UlLDtnl & UU., 206 Broad St, Elizabeth, N. J. 95 OUR LEADING LAWYERS. FREDERICK C. MARSH, Counsellor-at-Law, Elizabeth, N. J, P. H. GILHOOLY, Law Offices, 225 Broad Street. ROBERT E. CHETWOOD, Law Office, Real Estate. Money Loaned on Mortgage. No. 48 Broad Street. LOUIS A. GRAFF, Law Office, 864 Elizabeth Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Deutscher Advokat. Office open evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock. 96 «. Builders' Hardware and Mechanics' Tools at 138, 140 Broad Street. L B. PASSMAN'S. Index to Advertisers. Page. Adelberg, Oscar, Dentist 98 Ahrens, Wm., Fulton House 10(5 American Gas Furnace Co 46 Andrews, John T., Park Hotel.. 104 Astfalk, N., Cafe 40 Atwater, E. S., Counsellor at Law 94 Ball & Wood Co., En^nes. 14 Bamberger, J. A., Gam Drinus Hall 48 Bauer, C. L., Fancy Goods 40 Bauer, Henry G. , Cafe 68 Bauer, H. J., Optician 80 Bauer, Joseph, Fancy Goods 106 Beebe, E. P., Nurseryman 80 Bell,1l. G., Attorney-at-Law. ... 94 Bender,W. J., Hotel 52 «& 116 Benner's Lubricating Co., The. . c Benedict, J., Flour and Feed. ... 20 Berry, C. J., First Avenue Hotel. 104 Brewster, F. C, Coal and Wood. 3 Broeker, Ewald, Wines, &c. 90 & 114 Brown, J., Wines, Ales, Liquors. 30 Budd, T{iomas B., Carpenter 26 Burke, E. F., Wines and Liquors. 50 Butler, Howard V. & Co 10 Cairns & Bro., Fire Equipments. 106 Callman's New York Bazar 18 Cantwell, James, Carpenter 2 Cantwell, T. J., Carpenter 34 Chetwood, R. E., Law Office. ... 96 Central New Jersey Herald 102 Clark, Sandf ord & Co 98 Clauss Bottling Co., The 64 Cohen, Bernard, Jewelry, &c 26 Connolly, J. C.,Counsellor-at-Law 116 Conord & Sons, Wood Turners. 22 Cross & Noe, Counsellors-at-Law 94 Daly, T. & G., House Movers. ... 112 Davis, L. & Co., Paints, Oils, &c. 84 Doe, Florist and Nurseryman 104 Drake, S. D. , Real Estate 58 Dugan, J. F., Dyeing, &c 38 Dunn, J. T. & Son, Law Offices. 94 Durning, M., Undertaker 16 Dury, J., Fourth Ward House.. . 108 Edelstein, Leo. Merchant Tailor. 60 Elizabeth Daily Journal .... 92 & 100 Page. Elizabeth Ice Company 82 Engel, John, Custom Tailor 46 Estabrooke, E. M., Photographist 80 Fallon, Daniel, Sample Rooms.. 112 Faulks, J. H., Plumbing, &c. . . . 84 Fay, J. Logan, Restaurant 112 Fink, Louis, Assembly Rooms. . . 100 Fisher, Spencer L. , Carpenter. . . 28 Fleming, P. G., Machinist. . .12 & 111 Fly nn. Wines, Liquors, Cigars . . 60 Ford, George A., Druggist 24 Gamewell, Fire Alarm Telegraph Co., The 74 Gidney, Dr. G., Veterinary Sur. 16 Gilbert, F.C., Bicycles, bottom of alternate reading matter pages and 86 Gilhooly, P. H., Law Offices 96 Gillespie, D. A., Pants Manuf'er. 16 Glasby , F.F. ,Lake Hopatcong Ice 88 Gleason & Bailey Manuf'g Co. . . f Graff, Louis A., Law Office 96 Graff & Co., Fiu-naces e Grasselli Chemical Co., The 72 Gray & Van Deventer, Dry Goods. 38 Griesenbeck, Druggist 18 GuttaPercha«S:RiibberMfgCo. d Hall, Photographer 100 Hall & Carlton, Coal 88 Hammell, J. L., Commission Mer. 60 Heald, George, Blacksmith 26 Hersh, L. F. & Bro., Grocers 18 Hersh, Dry Goods 22 Hey wood & Co. , Shirt Manuf 'ers. 12 Higgins, Patrick J., Mason, &c. . 115 Hildebrant, J. W. & Co., Grocers. 72 Howson, John & Son, Builders. . 2 Hydrauhc Consti-uction Co 113 Hygienic Chemical Co., The 46 Irwun, C. W., Coal and Wood. ... 42 Jamieson Fire Resisting Paint Co., The 20 Jensen, C. J., Undertaker 78 Keenan, H., Livery Stables 56 Keimig, N., Carpenter 32 Keron, J. & Son, Livery Stables. 34 L. Lehman & Co., THE NEWARK CASH GROCERS, 133 Broad St., cor. E. Grand, Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. 97 vJOS. W. NORTH & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Ladies' Jersey Riled Underwear, Mills, SIXTH AND FULTON SFS., JOS. w. NORTH, ELIZABETH. N. J. JOS. NORTH. OSCAR ADELBERG. Dentist. 124 "BROAD ST., Elizabeth, N.J. Sandford Clark 5c Co., DEALERS IN MfVSONS' © AAf\TERIf\bS, OFFICE AND YARD! CORKER EAST BROAD AND CHEST8UT STREETS, TELEPHONE, 81 B. ELIZABETH, N. J. T. r. A\cCOR/niCK, 0\4oney to Loan on Tiond and Mortgage, 68 BROAD STREET, State Bank Building ELIZABETH, N. J. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE AT 138,14-0 Broad Street. L B. PASSMAN'S. King, A. W., King's Hotel 104 Laggren, R. G., Awnings 42 liambert, C. & Co., Foundry 36 Laurie, Wm., Gem Theatre 56 Lehman, L. & Co., Cash Grocers, bottom of alternate reading matter pages Lehr & Erie, Carpenters 78 Line & Co., House Furnishings. . 58 Little, J. A., Carriages, Wagons. 76 Lounsberry, C. B., Plumber. 28 Lukens, Alan N., Machinist 92 Manning, J., Cafe 51 & 111 Marshall & Ball, Clothiers 109 Marsh, F. C, Counsellor-at-Law. 96 McCabe Brothers, Sample Room. 112 McCormack, W., Livery Stables. 54 McCormick, T. F 98 McLeod, Neil, Saddlery, Harness. 62 McManus Bros., Furniture 22 Miller, W. A., Carriages, Wagons. 34 Moeller, C. F., Carriages 74 Moore, W. H., Coal and Wood. . 84 Moore & Co., Ship Builders 104 Morewood Tin Plate Manuf 'g Co. b Morrow, S. T., Jeweler 22 Moshban, I., Banking Exchange. 32 Mueller & Oesterhekl, Builders. . 90 Mulford, M.W., Lumber and Coal 82 Munsell, Eugene & Co., Stoves. . 14 National Fire and Marine Ins. Co. 88 New Jersey Jockey Club, The. . . 70 New Jersey Metal RefiningWorks 66 Niemeyer, G. W., Lock Smith. . . 24 Noonan, Thomas, Carpenter 24 Norton, Paul T., Coal 10 North, J. W. & Co., Underwear. 98 Oakley, J. A., Jr., Architect 28 O'Donnell & Bourdon, Real Est. 30 Ogden, James, Undertaker 72 0'Lea,ry, Groceries 38 Oliver & Drake, Druggists 20 Passman, L. B., House Furnish- ing, top of alternate pages. Peter Breidt Brewing Co 8 Page, Philo, H., Dry Goods 20 Pitcairn, J. M., Beer Bottler 48 Pountney, C. E., Flour and Feed 108 Quien, Louis, Civil Engineer 72 Rabig, George,Protection House. 86 Rankin, J. R., Electrician, &c. . . 76 Rankin, Tar Roofing Manufac'r. a Reilly, G. T., Firemen's Retreat 115 Reuter, Jacob, Weyman House. 60 Rieder, Jacob F. , Baker 26 Rising Sun Brewing Company. . . 4 Rommell, C, Flour, Feed, &c. . . 28 Ryan, M. W., Contractor 66 Saunders, H. D., House Fum. , . 18 Say re, T. F. & H. C, Masons' Materials 76 Schmidt, H. J., Star Drug Store. 62 Schmidt, A. F., Undertaker 16 Schulze, Herman, Brick Mfr, ... 36 Singer Mfg. Co., The, Sewing Machines 6 Skillman, J. R., Carriages. ...28 & 90 Skillin, John, Carpenter 68 Smith, Arnett, G., Liquors e Staats, J. A., Sheridan House. . . 110 Staten Chemical Co. , The 36 Suburban Electric Company 44 Switzgaebelle, F., Liquors 48 Thompson, G., Wagon Maker. . . 68 Thompson, J. & S. S., Lumber and Coal 64 Traut, P. J. , Provisions 26 Tuite's Hotel 48 Turley, Patrick, Wine Room,... 115 Weber, F., Franklin House 106 Weiss, Aaron, Clothier 50 West & Fletcher, Furniture 24 Whelan, Joseph L., Plumbing.. . 114 Whipple & Son, Bluestone 58 Whitehead's Pharmacy 74 Wilson's Carpet Cleaning Works 50 Williams & Bassett, Dry Goods, 44 Woodruflf,W,H.,Wheatsheaf H'l, 102 Yates, J. J., Stair Builders 74 FRED'K G. GILBERT & GO., COLUMBIA BICYCLES, 2o6 Broad St., Elizabeth, N. J. Y he Jqurne Printing House, © 74 Broad St., Elizabeth, N. J. ® FRINTlNq "°^:"";.»..VT BLANK BOOKS. • ENSRAVINS. ( — ^LITHOGRAPHING-^ PAMPHLETS AND ADVERTISING PROGRAMMES A SPECIALTY. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. john g. hall Photo ® ^Rtist, 915 Elizabeth Ave., Elizabeth, N. J I^andscapes, Water Scenes, Country Views, Residences, Groups, Interiors, Ktc, Crayons, Frames. CITY ASSEMBLY ROOflS^ Spring St. and Elizabeth Avenue. LE^^^TS FINK, JR., - - Proprietor. Large Park for Picnics. Hall for Balls, Festivals, &c. Billiards, Pool and Bowling Alleys. Caterer for Dinners for large or small parties. 100 REFRIGERATORS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS at I n DACCMAIJ'Q 138, 14-0 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOlflAll 0. TO OUR PATRONS AND FRIENDS. The Firemen's Relief Association of the City of Elizabeth, in presenting their Official Fire Alarm and Street Directory for the first time to the citizens of our city, do so with the firm belief that it will supply the demand which has for some time existed for a guide of its kind. The station and location of the alarm boxes and the apparatus responding to the difierent alarms, will, when the alarm is sounded, be found a ready reference. The complete street directory, together with the postal information, will make a valuable hand-book for all to possess. The map of the city being copyrighted we were unable to furnish it. This book is not a his- tory of our Fire Department, yet every company in the city has had something to say about themselves on the preceding pages. A society such as ours is not only necsesary, but imperative, in a volunteer department; and those whose names and business appear in this book have our hearty and sincere thanks. We love the service, and our citizens, one and all, may be assured that our best efforts will be theirs whenever we hear the alarm rung in. Respectfully, Firemen's Rei^ief Association. I irUynM I on the NEWARK cash grocers, 133 Broad St. L. LLlll''lHll a L)U., cor. E. >and. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices* 101 THE Central New Jersey Herald. The Official Paper of the State, County and City. Delivered by Carrier at 40 Cts. a Month OFFICE, 207 BROAD ST. TEI-EPHONE, 27-. WHEATSHEAF PARK HO Rahway Avenue, Midway Between Elizabeth and Rahway. Beautiful Picnic Grounds for private parties. Base Ball Park, and genuine Rhode Island Clam Bakes during- the summer. LUNCHES and MEALS SERUED at ALL flOORS. A choice assortment of Wines, Ales Liquors and Segars always on hand and served at popular prices. DRIVE OUT AND GIVE US A CAIvL. W. H. WOODRUFF, Jr.. Prop',r 102 HOUSB PXJRNISHING GOODSKXI Q DACQMAII'O 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOlVlAn 0. DON'T ! DON'T allow stoves or heaters on your premises which are not securely set on stone, cemented brick, or metal, and be sure that all wood work near the stoves or pipes is carefully protected with metal. DON'T allow any loose-jointed peas brackets on your premises, which could be swung against wood work, or any gas brackets without wire screens, or globes, if hay, straw, light materials, or window curtains are near them. DONT allow electric lights or wires on your premises which are not prop- erly protected. DON'T allow steam pipes to be in contact with inflammable material. DON'T allow any kerosene oil lamps to be filled after dark. Filling lamps near a fire is dangerous. DON'T forget to keep the lamps filled, and wicks in good order. When the oil is low it generates gas which is liable to explode. DON'T allow benzine, gasoline, naphtha or explosives in your place. Your insurance policy prohibits it. DON'T allow ashes to be put in a wooden box or barrel in your building. Always have an iron ash can. DON'T allow any oily waste or rags to be thrown on the floor, but only in a metal can with cover, and have them taken out of the building every night ; they are self -igniting. DON'T allow any greasy or oily rags or papers to be mixed up with clean clippings' or a larger amount of clippings to remain in your place (even if clean and in bales) than is absolutely unavoidable. DON'T allow sawdust to be used on floors or in spittoons. It causes many flres ignited by cigar stumps or cigarettes. DON'T allow sawdust to be used for catching oil drippings from machines, or elevator gearing. Sand is safe. DON'T allow matches to be kept loose, or in paper boxes, but only in metal or earthen safes. Those lighting only on the box are safest. DON'T allow smoking on your premises, where any combustible goods or materials are used. DON'T fail to have your fire buckets filled, and test hose and fire appliances from time to time. DON'T allow your stairs or hallways to be blocked up, or used for storage ; or rubbish, hay, straw, etc., to accumulate, or remain on your premises. DON'T fail to have all elevators or hoistways provided with good trap-doors or hatches, and have these shut at night. DON'T forget to close your iron shutters at night. DON'T forget that neglect and carelessness are the cause of more fires than all other things, and enforce rules to guard against them. I irUUnXI I Pn the NEWARK cash grocers, 133 Broad St., L. LLlliXlnll a UU., cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. 103 Florist AND Nurseryman, 1ST Spring Street, cor. E. Grand. 7VYOO Res CO.. SHIP BUILDERS, EL-IZMBOTHRORT. N. J. KI/NG'S HOTEL, COR. SECOKD AND TRUMBULL STS., ELIZABETH, N. J. A. V/. KING, Proprietor. B075RDINO BV THE DT^V OR iA^EBKl. JOHN T. ANDREWS. Parl^ -:• flotel •:• I^esl5arar)t, OPPOSITE, SINGER'S. telepho»|Cai.l, ELIZABETHPORT, N. J- FIRST ^/IVENUE^ HOTEL, Cor. First five, and Palmer St., near Sixth St., ELIZABETH, N- J. GHflS. J. B&RRY, PROPRIETOR. Fine >Vincs, laager Beer and Cigars. EL-eCKNT POOL- TT^BL-eS. 104 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS KT 1 O nAOOMAU'O 138, 140 Broad Street L. D. rAOOlYIAN 0. CHIEF BROWN'S RUNNING CARD. Box. LOCATION. TIst' Alarm. laAlT Ens. Tr'k. 2 lEng. 7 Singer Factory (Private). - - - - 4-5 1-3-G 13 Third and Marshall Sts., - - - - 4-5 2 1 3 13 Fourth and East Jersey Sts., - - 4-5 2 1 3 14 Bond and Fourth Sts., 4-5 2 1 3 15 Sixth St. and Elizabeth Ave., - - 3-4 2 1 5 16 Fourth Ave. and Seventh St., - - 1-3 6 17 Ehzabeth Ave. and Jaques St., - - 1-3 6 18 City Market, - 1-3 2 21 Catherine and East Jersey Sts., 1-6 2 23 East Grand St. and Madison Ave. , - 2-6 1 24 Broad and East Broad Sts., - - - 1-2-6 3 25 Broad and East Jersey Sts. , - - - 1-2-6 3 26 Elizabeth Avenue and Broad St., - 1-2-3 6 27 South Broad and South Sts., - - - 1-3 1 2 31 Railway Ave. and South St. , - - - 1-3 2 32 DeHart Place and West Jersey St., 1-2 6 34 West Jersey and Cherry Sts., - - 1-2 6 35 West Grand and Chijton Sts., - - 1-2 6 36 Orchard and Cherry Sts., - - - - 2-6 41 Stiles St. and Morris Ave. , - - - 2-6 42 Morris Ave. and Westfield Ave. , 2-6 43 N. Broad St. and Parker Lane, - - 2-6 45 N. Broad St. and Fairmount Ave., 2-6 51 Jefferson Ave. and Louisa St., - - 2-6 52 Madison Ave. and Marj^ St., - - - 2-6 53 Spring- St. and Magnolia Ave., - - 3-6 2 54 Washington Ave. and Pearl St. , - 1-3 2 61 Second St. and Inslee Place, - - - 4-5 2 3 62 First and Wall Sts., --.--. 4-5 2 3 63 First and Marshall Sts., . . - - 4-5 2 3 71 Union Square, 1-3 2 4 72 East Jersey and Division Sts., - - 3-6 1 4 121 First St. and Broadway, . - - - 4-5 2 3 122 Second and East Jersey Sts., - - 4-5 2 3 123 Third and Pine Streets, - - - - 4-5 2 3 124 South Front St., - - - - - -. - 4-5 2 3 125 126 .... 1 L. LEHMM k CO.; THE NEWARK CASH GROCERS, 133 Broad St. cor. E. Grand. Retail Groceries at Wholesale Prices. 105 C. E. POUNTNEY, DEALER AND JOBBER IN COAL, WOOD, m^ FLOUR, "^m ^ "FEED, BALED HAY AND STRA^A^. 128, 130, 132 & 134 SECOND ST., COR. B'WAY, eLizT^eeTH. n. j. TERMS CASH. Tel. ephone Call, I09 A. JOSEPH DURY'S poutth Watd ]4oase, NO. 32 FIRST STREET, ELIZABETH, N. J. Choice Win?s, Liqiiors and Cigars. • FEIGENSPAN'S EXPORT LAGER, First-class Wagner & Sanford Pool Tables. PINE LUNCH A SPECIALTg. 106 WATER COOLERS AND GARDEN HOSE AT I n DACCMAII'Q 138, 140 Broad Street. L. D. rAOOIflAll Oi INDEX TO PORTRAITS. ^^OSEPH Brown, Chief 1893 ; Assistant Chief 1890 and 1892 ; Foreman of No. 6 Engine 1880 and j88i. ^—Nathaniel H. Astfalk, Chief 1891 ; Foreman No. 2 Engine 1890 and 1891 ; Assistant Foreman 1888 and 1889. President RoUa Association. C— Joseph O'Neil, Chief 1892 and 1893 ; Assistant Chief 1889. Foreman and Assistant Foreman No. 5 Engine. /)— George Rabig, Chief 1889 and 1890. Assistant Chief two years. Member of Financ Committee and Relief Association. ^—Assistant Engineers 1893. W11.1.1AM LIvOyd, Jui^ius Pester. /^—Foremen, James McGrath, No. i Engine ; Joseph McCandless, No. 2 Engine ; Augustus GERstung, No. 3 Engine ; Joseph Dury, No. 4 Engine. C— Foremen. Robert Davis, No. i Truck ; John Conway, No. 2 Truck ; C0RNEI.IUS Kean, No. 5 Engine ; Conrad SCHAEFER, No. 6 Engine. //—Officers OF Firemen's Rei^ief Association. John J. Gardner, President. Wili^iam Eckerson, Secretary, Member Board of Representatives 21 years. I—Fuiance Committee. Wili,iam McCormack, (Z>) George Rabig, Edward F. Whei^an. J— MiCHAEiv J. LiDDY, Treasurer ; Edward J. Byrnes, Col- lector. /vT— Chas. B. Keimig, of No. i Truck ; John C. Manning, No. 5 Engine ; Cornewus V. Reagan, No. 5 Engine. L — Thomas McCabe, Chief 1889 ; No. 6 Engine Co. CDCn'l^ on DCDT P on coi-UTwtBiK biovci-es. inLU ^ U. uILDlIiI & UU., 2O6 Broad St.,EUzabeth,N.J. 107 CAIRNS BROTHERS, MANUFACTURERS OF FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, STANDARD QUALITY. 143 Grand St., Ne>v York. Kredkrick Weber, Frar)l5lir) •$• {ioQse, 909 ELIZABETH AVENUE, ELIZABETH, N. J. U V M U e R'S e ST HOSe ! HOSe ! HOSE ! HOSO ! UNDERWEAR! UNDERWEAR! UNDERWEAR! For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Also a full line of best Blue Flannel Shirts for Firemen. "Never Rip" Pants 98c. pr. Overalls. Coats, Furnish- ings, etc. If you are not suited j'our money is cheerfully refunded. I FURNISH ALSO FIREMEN'S CAPS, BELTS, ETC. JOSEPH BfVUER. 1 135 ELiZ/IPETH AVE. •^iFULTON House i^ WILLIAM AHRENS, Proprietor, No. T5 Fourth Street, comer Fulton. — ••• 1=001- • R007i/T •••••• ALBS, WIN BS, LAGB-R BBBK AND CIGAHS 108 MARSHALL J BALL MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF 1 M FOR- HEN, @ @) ® # @: B0T5,5 CniLDREN WE BEAT THE WORLD IN STYLE AND PRICE. 1^ 807,809,811 &8I3 BROAD ST., NEWARK, M. cJ CAR FARE PAID TO ELIZABETH. 109 J. A. STAATS, PROPRIETOR. Qor. Br oad St. and Rahway A ve., ELIZABETH, N. d. 110 p. G. Fleming's Machine Works, ELIZABETH. N. J. Contracts taken for MACHINE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Special Machinery de- signed and built. Also manufacturer of Tlie flDDular Disc Friction Glutcti. This is the best ehitch for all purposes where it is ne- cessary to start and stop your machinery often. It works without any jar or jerk. Never wears out of true. Can be run to 1,000 revolutions and over per minute. It is the most powerful Clutch built. -HIS SITW^PI-e, DURKBLE KND CHEKPK- SIZES FROM 6 INCHES UP. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. JOHN MANNING, AND Billiard Parlors A CHOICE WNE OF Wines,U(iuorsiSegars ALWAYS ON HAND. 216 Second Street, Corner Bond, ELIZABETHPORT, N. J, 111 DANIEL FALLON, Sample, Liinch and Pool Rooers, ; 130 riRST STREET. Elizabeth, N. J. MCCABE BROS., . 58 First Street, Elizabeth, N. J. ^ SAMPLE @KOOM. HILL'S IMPERIAL BEER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT. THOMAS F. McCABE. TERENCE J. McCABE. ^ J. LOGKN F=KV, , Hotel and fjestaurant, OPPOSITE SINGER'S FACTORY, ELlZflBET-HPORT, N. J. ' T. 5t G. DKLV. (Successors to SAMUEL HUNTSMAN), Building, Raising and Moving DONE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. All orders Promptly attended to by addressing THOMAS F. DALY, 450 Marshall Street, GARRET M. DALY, 451 Franklin Street, ELIZ/IBETMFORT, N. J. 113 Hydraulic Construction Comp'y, 14s BROADWAY and 86 LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK. Driven, Ganged, Tube and Artesian Wells Systems for Towns, Manu= facturers and Railroads. Waf^ru^opks CoDstriicted BY FRANCHISE OR CONTRACT. Wm. d'H. Washington, Gen' I Manager. M. R. Rider, Superintendejit. Edward Phii^IvIps, Inspector, Write us and we will call and show you how you may save many ^ annually by owning your own water supply. References from All Parts of the World. 113 Wholesale and Retail WINES AND LIQUORS The trade and families sup- plied by 505 ELIZABETH AVyENUE. J. C. CONNOLLY, COUNSei-L-OR-MT-L.M:^, 225 Broad Street. JOSEPH b. WMBLflN, Sanitarii Plumbing i Heating, TIN, COPPER AND SHCeT IRON WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 254-256N. BROAD STREET, ELIZABETH, N.d. 114 n^m GEO. T. REILLY. 1051 Magnolia flueniie. Firemen's # Retreat ^— f— J-CHOICE GRADES OF-{— < - BEERS, Wines, Liquors AND Cigars. PATRICK J. MIGGINS. MASOH « AiTD * BUILDER, RESIDENCE-905 MAGNOLIA AVENUE. Contracts for Building of Every Description Solicited. Repairing at short notice. RKTRIOK TURL.EV, 1081 Magnolia Avenue, m m m wine room. ® ® © A/es, Wines, Liquors and Segars OF the choicest grades and brands. 115 ^ Q^ PQ On Railway River, Tremley Point, N.J. Bottler of Rising Sun Brewing Company LAGER BEER AND ALE. MARSHALL AND SEVENTH STS., ELIZABETH, N. J. Orders by mail or telephone promptly delivered. Telephone Call 167 B. 116 La Fka/nce Fire Engine Company, MANUFACTURERS OF La France Patent Rotary and Latest Style Piston STtAn FIRE ENQINE5 IN SIX SIZES. Qaickest and Safest Slearning Boiler in the World. Sole Manufacturers of Hayes' Patent Aerial Extension Ladder Truck and Fire Escape IN I=IlZe SIZES. Extension and Single Fire Ladders of Oregon Pine. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 117 d. d. DOOLEY. DEALER IN 0}}eap $ Gas}) •$• Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Fruit and Produce, FINE BUTTKR, CHEESE AND EGGS A SPECIALTY. Cor. Elizabeth Ave. and Smith St., ELIZKOETH. N, J. CHAS. KHEBS, DEALER IN HH >^ FR CD N/S/^ .^ F^ E: , Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumbing and Oas Fitting, 827 ELIZABETH AVE., ELIZABETH, N. J, All kinds of Work and Repairing Promptly Doner. Orders will be received at 847 Cross Street, FREDERICK KIMMLER, Successor to JOHN REUTER. DEALER IN 906 SECO/ND AVE.* Cor. Ehzabeth Ave., ELIZABETH, N. J. ■^1BEKTTV'S<^ Cheap Cash Grocery And Meat market, '867 Elizabeth Ave., Elizabeth, N.J, 118 5 14 4 . f -ov^^ < ''ijo ,0 ^"•^^. .-^^^ ^^0^ *^^- v./ .'^fA'. \,^^ /.^fe'-.-%> '- '7 .-1°^ ■/, 5, 'o , * * A A o "" -»