,0o «5 "^^ \ -^ -^ ^ulien ^,6uni'^^ ^llinoii ,ii?",^"r^, N^ .^ r^'r'r "(^ t^ Tef'^^M^mf^^^^^mmmmmm^^:^wm\?.:i^:£mmim^mm^ COMTADMDMG-^Mta?^«i^r ,£>-■ ElMlffll OF PROMINENTand REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS OF THE COUNTY TOGETHER WITH- POFfTRA/TS -AND BIOGBAPHIES-OF-ALL • THE ^ CHICAGO: A* '^ BIOGRAPHICAL PUBLISHING CO, W ^^. 1890. X!SfWA8HW^J>^ A a" pF(Ep/^?E. '^^p JHE greatest of English historians, Macaulay, and one of the most brilliant writers oi the present century, has said : "The history of a country is best told in a record of the lives of its people." In conformity with this idea the Portrait and Biographical Album of this county has been prepared. Instead of going to musty records, and talking therefrom dry statistical matter that can be appreciated by but few, our corps of writers have gone to the people, the men and women who have, by their enterprise and industry, brought the county to a rank second to none among those comprising this great and noble State, and from their lips have the story of their life struggles. No more interesting or instructive matter could be presented to an intelli- gent public. In this volume will be found a record of many whose lives are worthy the imitation of coming generations. It tells how some, commencing life in poverty, by ndustry and economy have accumulated wealth. It tells how others, with limited advantages for securing an education, have become learned men and women, with an influence extending throughout the length and breadth of the land. It tells of men who have risen from the lower walks of life to eminence as statesmen, and whose names have become famous. It tells of those in every walk in life who have striven to succeed, and records how that success has usually crowned their efforts. It tells also of many, very innny, who, not seeking the applause of the world, have pursued "the even tenor of their way,'" content to have it said of them as Christ said of the woman performing a deed of mercy — "they have done v/hat tliey could." It tells how that many in the pride and strength of young manhood left the plow and the anvil, the lawyer's office and the counting-room, left every trade and profession, and at their country's call went forth valiantly "to do or die," and how through their efforts the Union was restored and peace once more reigned in the land. In the life of every man and of every woman is a lesson that should not be lost upon those who follow after. Coming generations will appreciate this volume and preserve it as a sacred treasure, from the fact tliat it contains so much that would never find its way into public records, and which would otherwise be inaccessible. Great care has been taken in the compilation of the work and every opportunity possible given to those represented to insure correctness in what has been written, and the publishers flatter them- selves that they give to their readers a work with few errors of consequence. In addition to the biograph- ical sketches, portraits of a number of representative citizens are given. The faces of some, and biographical sketches of many, will be missed in this volume. For this the |)ublishers are not to blame. Not having a proper conception of the work, some refused to give the iuformalion necessary to compile a sketch, while others were indifferent. Occasionally some member of the family would oppose the enterprise, and on account of such opposition the support of the interested one would be withheld. In a few instances men could never be found, though repeated calls were made at their residence or place of business. „ X' I , onr. Biograimiical Publishing Co. Chicago, November, 1890. HfRWrs ., .*y/r^^$^, :.^'9^''PiA>,.y ^* /(W>^ ^^: ■ t -h + -^ + + s^;^' -^ ^^? ^Il^,'^ ^^' FIRST PRESIDENT. ^M^ ■^-^i.^^ '-i^'j^t^t^i^t^ LLM2^!^;f the mind of its author exist, that alone would be sufficient to stamp his name with immortality. In 1779 Mr. Jefferson was elected successor to Patrick Henry, e.s Governor of Virginia. At one time the British officer, Tarleton, sent a secret expedition to Moniicello, to capture the Governor. Scarcely five minutes elapsed after the hurried escape of Mr. Jef- ferson and his family, ere his mansion was in posses- sion of the British troops. His wife's health, never very good, was much injured by this excitement, and in the summer of 1782 she died. Mr. Jefferson was elected to Congress in 1783. Two yeirs later he was appointed Minister Plenipo- tentiary to France. Returning to the United States in September, 1789, he became Secretary of State in Washington's cabinet. This position he resigned Jan. J, 1794- In 1797, he was chosen Vice Presi- dent, and four years later was elected President over Mr. Adams, with Aaron Burr as Vice President. In 1804 he was re-elected with wonderful unanimity, and George Clinton, Vice President. The early part of Mr. Jefferson's second adminstra- tion was disturbed by an event wiiich threatened the tranquility and peace of the Union; this was the con- spiracy of Aaron Burr. Defeated in the late election to the Vice Presidency, and led on by an unprincipled ambition, this extraordinary man formed the plan of a military expedition into the Spanish territories on our southwestern frontier, for the purpose of forming there a new republic. This has been generally supposed was a mere pretext ; and although it has not been generally known what his real plans were, there is no doubt that they were of a far more dangerous character. In 1809, at the expiration of the second term for which Mr. Jefferson had been elected, he determined to retire from ix)litical life. For a period of nearly forty years, he had been continually before the pub- .ic, and all that time had been employed in offices of the greatest trust and responsibility. Having thus de- voted the best part of his life to the service of his country, he now felt desirous of that rest which his declining years required, and upon the organization of the new administration, in March, 1809, he bid fare- well forever to public life, and retired to Monticelio. Mr. Jefferson was profuse in his hospitality. Whole families came in their coaches with their horses, — fathers and mothers, boys and girls, babies and nurses,— and remained three and even six months. Life at Monticelio, for years, resembled that at a _ fashionable watering-place. The fourth of July, 1826, being the fiftieth anniver- sary of the Declaration of American Independence, great preparations were made in every part of the Union for its celebration, as the nation's jubilee, and the citizens of Washington, to add to the solemnity of the occasion, invited Mr. Jefferson, as the framer.' and one of the few surviving signers of the Declara- tion, to participate in their festivities. But an ill- ness, which had been of several weeks duration, and had been continually increasing, compelled him to decline the invitation. On the second of July, the disease under which he was laboring left him, but in such a reduced state that his medical attendants, entertained nc hope of his recovery. From this time he was perfectly sensible that his last hour was at hand. On the nex*. dny, which was Monday, he asked of those around him, the day of the month, and on being told it was the third of July, he expressed the earnest wish tha he might be permitted to breathe the air of the fiftietl- anniversary. His prayer was heard — that day, whose dawn was hailed with such rapture through our land, burst upon his eyes, and then they were closed for- ever. And what a noble consummation of a noble life! To die on that day, — the birthday of a nation,- - the day v/hich his own name and his own act had rendered glorious; to die amidst the rejoicings and festivities of a whole nation, who looked up to him, as the author, under God, of their greatest blessings, was all that was wanting to fill up the record his life. Almost at the same hour of his death, the kin- dred spirit of the venerable Adams, as if to bear him company, left the scene of his earthly honors. Hand in hand they had stood forth, the champions of freedom ; hand in hand, during the dark and desper- ate struggle of the Revolution, they had cheered and animated their desponding countrymen; for half a century they had labored together for the good of the country; and now hand in hand they depart. In their lives they had been united in the same great cause of liberty, and in their deaths they were not divided. In person Mr. Jefferson was tall and thin, rather above six feet in height, but well formed; his eyes were light, his hair originally red, in after life became white and silvery ; his complexion was fair, his fore- head broad, and his whole countenance intelligent and thoughtful. He possessed great fortitude of mind as well as personal courage; and his command of tem- per was such that his oldest and most intimate friends never recollected to have seen him in a passion. His manners, though dignified, were simple and un- affected, and his hospitality was so unbounded that all found at his house a ready welcome. In conver- sation he was fluent, eloquent and enthusiastic; ard his language was remarkably pure and correct. He was a finished classical scholar, and in his writings is discernable the care with which he formed his style upon the best models of antiquity. ■^ ^ -^^ it<.-i'CH^-( ^/-\ FOURTH FRKSIDENT. PEQES n]:aDISOI].«^i ■\MES MADISON, "Father of the Constitution," and fourth ^■' Piesident of the United States, { w IS born March i6, 1757, and < thed at his home in Virginia, - lane 28, 1836. The name of Jamcb Madison is inseparably con- nected with most of the important events in that heroic period of our country during which the founda- tions of this great republic were laid He was the last of the founders of the Constitution of the United States to l)e called to his eternal reward. The Madison family were among the early emigrants to the New World, landing upon the shores of the Chesa- peake but 15 years after the settle- ment of Jamestown. The father of James Madison was an opulent planter, residing upon a very fine es- tate called "Montpelier," Orange Co., Va. The mansion was situated in' the midst of scenery highly pictur- esque and romantic, on the west side of South-west Mountain, at the foot of Blue Ridge. It was but 25 miles from the home of Jefferson at Monticello. The closest personal and l)olitical attachment existed between these illustrious men, from their early youth until death. The early education of Mr. Madison was conducted mostly at home under a private tutor. At the age of 18 he was sent to Princeton College, in New Jersey. Here he applied himself to study with the most im- prudent zeal; allowing himself, for months, but three hours' sleep out of the 24. His health thus became so seriously impaired that he never recovered any vigor of constitution. He graduated in 177 i, with a feeble body, with a character of utmost purity, and with a mind highly disciplined and richly stored with learning which embellished and gave proficiency to his subsr quent career. Returning to Virginia, he commenced the study of law and a course of extensive and systematic reading. This educational course, the spirit of the times in which he lived, and the society with which he asso- ciated, all combined to inspire him with a strong love of liberty, and to train him for his life-woik of a statesman. Being naturally of a religious turn of mind, and his frail health leading hin^ to think that his life was not to be long, he directed especial atten- tion to theological studies. Endowed with a mind singularly free from passion and prejudice, and with almost unequalled powers of reasoning, lie weighed all the arguments for and against revealed religion, until his faith became so established as never to be shaken. In the spring of 1776, when 26 years of age, he was elected a member of the Virginia Convention, to frame the constitution of the State. The next year (1777), he was a candidate for the General Assembly. He refused to treat the whisky-loving voters, and consequently lost his election ; but those who had witnessed the talent, energy and public spirit of the modest young man, enlisted themselves in his behalf, and he was appointed to the Executive Council. Both Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson were Governors of Virginia while Mr. Madison remained member of the Council ; and their appreciation of his 32 /AMES MADISON. intellectual, social and moral worth, contributed not a little to his subsequent eminence. In the year 1780, he was elected a member of the Continental Congress. Here he met the most illustrious men in our land, and he was immediately assigned to one of the most conspicuous positions among them. For three years Mr. Madison continued in Con- gress, one of its most active and influential members. In the year 1784, his term having expired, he was elected a member of the Virginia Legislature. No man felt more deeply than Mr. Madison the utter inefficiency of the old confederacy, with no na- tional government, with no power to form treaties which would be binding, or to enforce law. There was not any State more prominent than Virginia in the declaration, that an efficient national government must be formed. In January, 1786, Mr. Madison carried a resolution through the General Assembly of Virginia, inviting the other States to appoint commis- sioners to meet in convention at Annapolis to discuss this subject. Five States only were represented. The convention, however, issued another call, drawn up by Mr. Madison, urging all the States to send their delegates to Philadelphia, in May, 1787, to draft a Constitution for the United States, to take the place of that Confederate League. The delegates met at the time appointed. Every State but Rhode Island was represented. George Washington was chosen president of the convention ; and the present Consti- tution of the United States was then and there formed, '{"here was, perhaps, no mind and no pen more ac- tive in framing this immortal document than the mind and the pen of James Madison. The Constitution, adopted by a vote 81 to 79, was to be presented, to the several States for accei)tance. But grave solicitude was felt. Should it be rejected we should be left but a conglomeration of independent States, with but little power at home and little respect abroad. Mr. Madison was selected by the conven- tion to draw up an address to the people of the United States, expounding the principles of the Constitution, and urging its adoption. There was great opposition to it at first, but it at length triumphed over all, and went into effect in 1789. Mr. Madison was elected to the House of Repre- sentatives in the first Congress, and soon became the avowed leader of the Republican party. While in New York attending Congress, he met Mrs. Todd, a young widow of remarkable jMwer of fascination, wliom he married. She was in person and character queenly, and probably no lady has thus far occupied so prominent a position in the very peculiar society which has constituted our republican court as Mrs. Mndison. Mr. Madison served as Secretarj'of State under Jefferson, and at the close of his administration was chosen President. At this time the encroach- ments of England had brought us to the verge of war. , British orders in council destioyed our commerce, and our flag was exposed to constant insult. Mr. Madison was a man of peace. Scholarly in his taste, retiring in his disposition, war had no charms for him. But the meekest spirit can be roused. It makes one's blood boil, even now, to think of an American ship brought to, upon the ocean, by the guns of an English cruiser. A young lieutenant steps on bdard and orders the crew to be paraded before him. With great nonchal- ance he selects any number whom he may please to designate as British subjects ; orders them down the ship's side into his boat; and places them on thegun- ' deck of his man-of-war, to fight, by compulsion, the battles of England. This right of search and im- pressment, no efforts of our Government could induce the British cabinet to relinquish. On the i8th of June, 1812, President Madison gava his approval to an act of Congress declaring war against Great Britain. Notwithstanding the bitter hostility of the Federal party to the war, the country in general approved; and jVIr. Madison, on the 4th of March, 1813, was re-elected by a large majority, and entered upon his second term of office, 'i'his is not the place to describe the various adventures of this war on the land and on the water. Our infan . navy then laid the foundations of its renown in grap- pling wilh the most fornudable power which ever swept the seas. The contest commenced in earnest by the appearance of a British fleet, early in Februaiy, 1813, in Chesapeake Bay, declaring nearly the whole coast of the United States under blockade. The Emperor of Russia offered his services as me ditator. America accepted; England refused. A Brit- ish force of five thousand men landed on the banks of the Patuxet River, near its entrance into Chesa- peake Bay, and marched rapidly, by way of Bladens- burg, upon Washington. The straggling little city of Washington was thrown into consternation. The cannon of the brief conflict at Bladensburg echoed through the streets of the metropolis. The whole population fled from the city. The President, leaving Mrs. Madison in the White House, with her carriage drawn up at the doer to await his speedy return, hurried to meet the officers in a council of war. He met our troops utterly routed, and he could not go back without danger of beirg captured. But few hours elapsed ere the Prcsidenti;il Mansion, the Capitol, and all the public buildings in Washington were in flames. The war closed after two years of fighting, and on Feb. 13, 18 15, the treaty of peace was signed at Ghent. On the 4th of March, 18 17, his second term of office expired, and he resigned the Presidential cliair to his friend, James Monroe. He retired to his beau- tiful home at Montpelier, and there passed the re- mainder of his days. On June 28, 1836, then at the age of 85 years, he fell asleep in death. Mrs. Madi- son died July 12, 1849. r- ^^^^.^-'^To-T^-^' -'?-c^i^ FIFTH PRESIDENT. >m^ ^^pri]Esn]oi]ROE AMES MONROE, the fifth jPresidentof The United States, , -lb born in Westmoreland Co., \ a, April 28, 1758. His early life was passed at the place of nativity. His ancestors had for man) years resided in the prov- ince 1 1 which he was born. When, at 17 jears of age, in the process of completing his education at \Villiam and Mary College, the Co- lonial Congress assembled at Phila- delphia to deliberate upon the un- just and manifold oppressions of Great Britian, declared the separa- tion of the Colonies, and promul- gated the Declaration of Indepen- dence. Had he been born ten years before it is highly probable that he would have been one of the signers of that celebrated instrument. At this time he left school and enlisted among the patriots. He joined the army when everything looked hope- less and gloomy. The number of deserters increased from day to day. The invading armies came pouring in ; and tiie tories not only favored the cause of the mother country, but disheartened the new recruits, who were sufficiently terrified at the prospect of con- tending with an enemy whom they had been taught to deem invincible. To such brave spirits as James Monroe, who went right onward, undismayed through difficulty and danger, the United States owe their [lolitical emancipation. The young cadet joined the ranks, and espoused the cause of his injured country, with a firm determination to live or die with her strife for liberty. Firmly yet sadly .he shared in the mel- ancholy retreat from Harleam Heiglits and White Plains, and accompanied the dispirited army as it fled before its foes through New Jersey. In four months after the Declaration of Independence, the patriots had been beaten in seven battles. At the battle of Trenton he led the vanguard, and, in the act of charg- ing upon the enemy he received a wound in the left shoulder. As a reward for his bravery, Mr. Monroe was ])ro- moted a captain of infantry; and, having recovered from his wound, he rejoined the army. He, however, receded from the line of promotion, by becoming an officer in the staff of Lord Steding. During the cam- paigns of 1777 and 1778, in the actions of Brandy wine, Germantown and Monmouth, he continued aid-de-camp; but becoming desirous to regain his position in the army, he exerted himself to collect a regiment for the Virginia line. This scheme failed owing to the exhausted condition of the State. Upon this failure he entered the office of Mr. Jeff"erson, at that period Governor, and pursued, with considerable ardor, the study of common law. He did not, however, entirely lay aside the knapsack for the green bag; but on the invasions of the enemy, served as a volun teer, during the two years of his legal pursuits. In 17S2, he was elected from King George county, a member of the Leglislature of Virginia, and by that body he was elevated to a seat in the E.xecutive Council. He was thus honored with the confidence of his fellow citizens at 23 years of age ; and having at this early period displayed some of that ability and aptitude for legislation, which were afterwards employed with unremitting energy for the public good, 36 JAMES MONROE. he was in the succeeding year chosen a member of the Congress of the United States. Deeplyas Mr. Monroeft;lt the imperfections of the old Confederacy, he was opposed to the new Constitution, ihinking, with many others of 'he Republican parly, '.hat it gave too much power to the Central Government, and not enough to the individual States. Still he re- tained the esteem of his friends who were its warm supporters, and who, notwithstanding his opposition secured its adoption. In 1789, he became a member of the United States Senate; which office he held for four years. Every month the line of distinction be- tween the two great parties which divided the nation, the Federal and the Republican, was growing more distinct. The two prominent ideas which now sep- arated them were, that the Republican party was in sympathy with France, and also in favor of such a strict construction of the Constitution as to give the Central Government as little power, and the State Governments as much power, as the Constitution would warrant. The Federalists symi)athized with England, and were in favor of a liberal construction of the Con- stitution, which would give as much power to the Central Government as that document could possibly authorize. The leading Federalists and Republicans were alike noble men, consecrating all their energies to the good of the nation. Two more honest men or more pure patriots than John Adams the Federalist, and James Monroe the Republican, never breathed. In building up this majestic nation, which is destined to eclipse all Grecian and Assyrian greatness, the com- bination of their antagonism was needed to create the light equilibrium. And yet each in his day was de- nounced as almost a demon. Washington was then President. England had es- poused the cause of the Bourbons against the princi- ples of the French Revolution. All Europe was drawn into the conflict. We were feeble and far away. Washington issued a proclamation of neutrality l)e- tween these contending powers. France had helped us in the struggle for our liberries. All the despotisms of Europe were now combined to prevent the French from escaping from a tyranny a thousand-fold worse than that which we had endured Col. Monroe, more magnanimous than prudent, was anxious that, at whatever hazard, we should help our old allies in their extremity. It was the impulse of a generous and noble nature. He violently opposed the Pres- ident's proclamation as ungrateful and wanting in magnanimity. Washington, who could appreciate such a character, developed his calm, serene, almost divine greatness, by appointing that very James Monroe, who was de- nouncing the policy of the Government, as the minister of that Government to the Republic of France. Mr. Monroe was welcomed by the National Convention in France with the most enthusiastic demonstrations. Shortly after his return to this country, Mr. Mon- roe was elected Governor of Virginia, and held the office for three yeais. He was again sent to Prance to co-operate with Chancellor Livingston in obtaining the vast territory then known as the Province of Louisiana, which France had but shortly before ob- tained from Spain. Tneir united efforts were suc- cessful. For the comparatively small sum of fifteen millions of dollars, the entire territorj' of Orleans and district of Louisiana were added to the United States. This was probably the largest transfer of real estate which was ever made in all the history of the world. From France Mr. Monroe went to England to ob- tain from that country some recognition of our rights as neutrals, and to remonstrate against those odious impressments of our seamen. But Eng- land was unrelenting. He again returned to Eng- land on the same mission, but could receive no redress. He returned to his home and was again chosen Governor of Virginia. This he soon resigned to accept the position of Secretary of State under Madison. Wliile in this office war with England was declared, the Secretary of War resigned, and during these trying times, the duties of the War Department were also put upon him. He was truly the armor- bearer of President Madison, and the most efficient business man in his cabinet. Upon the return oi peace he resigned the Department of War, but con- tinued in tlie office of Secretary of State until the ex- piration of Mr. Madison's adminstrarion. At the elec tion held the previous autumn Mr. Monroe himself had been chosen President with but little opposition, and upon March 4, 1817, was inaugurated. Four years later he was elected for a second term. Among the important measures of liis Presidency were the cession of Florida to the United States; the Missouri Compromise, and the " Monroe doctrine.'- This fainous doctrine, since known as the " Monroe doctrine," was enunciated by him in 1823. At that time the United States had recognized the independ- ence of tlie South American states, and did not vish to have European powers longer attempting to sub- due portions of the American Continent. The doctrine is as follows: "That we should consider any attempt on the part of European powers to extend their sys- tem to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety," and "that we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing or controlling American governments or provinces in any other light than as a manifestation h\ European powers of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States." This doctrine immediately affected the course of foreign governments, and has become the approved sentiment of the United States. At the end of his second term Mr Monroe retired to his home in Virginia, where he lived until 1830, when he went to New York to live with his son-in- law. In that city he died, on the .^th of July,^ 1831 J, 5, At CUrt^ S/X TH PRESIDEN 7 . * # -^s-s-s-sis^s:; ^.^//:\\rv^a. 305I] QUII]6Y ^D^EQS. Stg«^tg-<»^g-*Sig-«S;&#S;g ^(\..N/;/^^ ^^ OHN QUINCY ADAMS, the ^ \ h President of the United \> es, was born in the rural lie of his honored father. I 1 n Adams, in Quincy, Mass., the nth cf July, 1767. His lother, a woman of exalted woith watched over his childhood durn g the almost constant ab- se ce of his father. When but eii.,ht )ears of age, he stood with lother on an eminence, listen- 1 ^ to the booming of the great bat- tle o 1 B inker's Hill, and gazing on upon the smoke and flames billow- mg p from the conflagration of Chailestown. When but eleven years old he took a tearful adieu of his mother, ' to sail with his father for Europe, through a fleet ot hostile British cruisers. The liright, animated boy spent a year and a half in Paiis, where his father was associated with Franklin and Lee as minister plenipotentiary. His intelligence attracted the notice of these distinguished men, and he received from them flattering marks of attention. Mr. John Adams had scarcely returned to this cou.-.try, in 1779, ere he was again sent abroad Again iol.n Quincy accompanied his father. At Paris he applied jiimself with great diligence, for si.x months, to :.tudy; then accom pained his father to Holland, v/here he entered, first a school in .Amsterdam, then the University at Leyden. About a year from this time, in 1781, when the manly boy was but fourteen yea-s of age, he was selected by Mr. Dana, our min- ister to the Russian court, as his private secretary'. In this school of incessant labor and of enobling culture he spent fourteen montiis, and then returned to Holland through Sweden, Denmark, Hamburg and Bremen. This long journey he took alone, in the winter, when in his sixteenth year, .\gain he resumed his studies, under a private tutor, at Hague. Thence, in the spring of 1782, he accompanied his father tc Paris, traveling leisurely, and forming acquaintance with the most distinguished men on the Continent- examining architectural remains, galleries of paintings and all renowned works of art. At Paris he again became associated with the most illustrious men of all lands in the contemplations of the loftiest temporal themes which can engross the human mind. Afte" a short visit to England he returned to Paris, ana consecrated all liis energies to study until May, 1785, when he returned to Anierit:a. To a brilliant young man of eighteen, v. lio had seen much of the world, and who was familiar wiili tlie eliijuelte of courts, a residence with his father in London, under such cir- cumstances, must have been extremely attractive but with judgment very rare in one of his age, he pre- ferred to return to America to complete his education in an .Vmerican college. He wished then to study law, that With an honorable profession, he might be able to obtain an independent support. Upon leaving Harvard College, at theageof twentj-. he studied law for three years. In June, 1794, be- ing then but twenty-seven years of age, he was ap- pointed by Washington, resident minister at the Netherlands. Sailing from Boston in July, he reached London in October, where he was immediately admit- ted to the deliberations of Messrs. Jay and Pinckney, assisting them in negotiating a commercial treaty with Gieat Britian. After thus spending a fortnight ir. London, he proceeded to the Hague. In July, 1797, he left the Hague to go to Portugal as minister plenipotentiary. On his way to Portugal, upon arriving in London, he met with despatches directing him to the court of Beiiin, but requesting him to remain in London until he should receive his instructions. While waiting he was married to a?. American lady to whom he had been previously en- gaged, — Miss Louisa Catherine Johnson, daughte- of Mr. Joshua Johnson, American consul in London; a lady endownd with that beauty and those accom- plishment which eminently fitted her to move in tii* elevated sphere for which she was destined. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. He reached Berlin with his wife in November, 1797 ; where he remained until July, 1799, when, having ful- filled all the purposes of his mission, he solicited his recall. Soon after his return, in 1802, he was chosen to the Senate of Massachusetts, from Boston, and then was elected Senator of the United States for six years, from the 4th of March, 1804. His reputation, his ability and his experience, placed him immediately among the most prominent and influential memliers of that body. Especially did he sustain the Govern- ment in its measures of resistance to the encroach- ments of England, destroying our commerce and in- sulting our flag. There was no man in America more familiar with the arrogance of the British court upon these points, and no one more resolved to present a firm resistance. In 1809, Madison succeeded Jefferson in the Pres- idential chair, and he immediately nominated John Qnincy Adams minister to St. PetersDurg. Resign- ing his professorship in Harvard College, he embarked at Boston, in August, 1809. While in Russia, Mr. Adams was an intense stu- dent. He devoted his attention to the language and history of Russia; to the Chinese trade; to the European system of weights, measures, and coins ; to the climate and astronomical observations; while he Kept up a familiar acquaintance with the Greek and Latin classics. In all the universities of Europe, a more accomplished scholar could scarcely be found. All through life the Bible constituted an importart part of his studies. It was his rule to read five chapters every day. On the 4th of March, 1817, Mr. Monroe taok the Presidential chair, and immediately ap[)ointed Mr. Adams Secretary of State. Taking leave of his num- erous friends in public and private life in Europe, he sailed in June, 1819, for the United States. On the 1 8th of August, he again crossed the threshold of his home in Quincy. During the eight years of Mr. Mon- roe's administration, Mr. Adams continued Secretary of State. Some time before the close of Mr. Monroe's second term of office, new candidates began to be presented for the Presidency. The friends of Mr. Adams brought forward his name. It was an exciting campaign. Party spirit was never more bitter. Two himdred and sixty electoral votes were cast. Andrew Jackson re- ceived ninety-nine; John Quincy Adams, eighty-four; William H. Crawford, forty-one; Henry Clay, thirty- seven. As there was no choice by the people, the question went to the House of Representatives. Mr. Clay gave the vote of Kentucky to Mr. Adams, and he was elected. The friends of all the disappointed candidates now combined in a venomous and persistent assault iqion Mr. Adams. There is nothing more disgraceful in th<; past history of our country than the abuse which was poured in one uninterrupted stream, upon this high-minded, upriglit, patriotic man. There never was an administration more pure in principles, more con- scientiously devoted to the best interests of the coun- try, than tliat of John Quinty Adams; and never, per- haps, was there an administration more unscrupu. lously and outrageously assailed. Mr. Adams was, to a very remarkable degree, ab- stemious and temperate in his habits; always rising early, and taking much exercise. \\ hen at his home in Quincy, he has been known to walk, before breakfast, seven miles to Boston. In Washington, it was said that he was the first man up in the city, lighting his own fire and applying himself to work in his library often long before dawn. On the 4th of March, 1829, Mr. Adams retired from the Presidency, and was succeeded by Andrew I Jackson. John C. Calhoun was elected Vice .Presi- dent. The slavery question now began to assume [xirientous magnitude. Mr. Adams returned to Qui.icy and to his studies, which he pursued with un- abated zeal. But he was not long permitted to re- main in retirement. In November, 1830, he was elected representative to Congress. For seventeen years, until his death, he occupieu the post as repre- sentative, towering above all his peers, ever ready to do brave battle' for freedom, and winning the title of " the old man eloquent." Upon taking his seat in the House, he announced that he should hold him- self bound to no party. Probably there never was a member more devoted to his duties. He was usually the first in his place in the morning, and the last to leave his seat in the evening. Not a measure could be brought forward and escape his scrutiny. '1 he battle which Mr. Adams fought, almost singly, against the proslavery party in the Government, was sublime in Its moral dating and heroism. For persisting in presenting petitions for ihe abolition of slavery, he was threatened with indictment by the grand jury, with expulsion from the House, with assassination • but no threats could intimidate him, and his final triumph was complete. It has been said of President Adams, that when his body was bent and his hair silvered by the lapse of fourscore years, yielding to the simple faith of a little child, he was accustomed to repeat every night, before he slept, tlie pra)er which his mother taught him in his infant years. On the 2ist of February, 1S4S, he rose on the floor of Congress, with a jiaper in his hand, to address the speaker. Suddenly he fell, again stricken by ])araly- sis, and was caught in the arms of those around him. For a time he was senseless, as he was conveyed to the sofa in the rotunda. With reviving conscious- ness, he opened his eyes, looked calmly around and said " This is ihe end of earth ;"tlien after a moment's ])ause he addjd, ^' I et/ri eoiitent" These were the last words of the grand "Old Man F.loquent." '^A SE VENTH PRESIDENT. ^SM '^%^ A.\DI?F,\Vr rjAcacso I NDREW JACKSON, the b(.\enth President of the United States, was born in U'axhaw settlement, N. C, March 15, 1767, a few days after his father's death. His parents were poor emigrants from Ireland, and took up their abode in Waxhaw set- tlement, where they lived in deepest poverty. Andrew, or Andy, as he was universally called, grew up a very rough, rude, turbulent boy. His features were coarse, his form un- gainly; and there was but very little in his character, made visible, which was at- tuutive. When only thirteen years old he joined the volun- teers of Carolina against the British invasion. In 17S1, he and his brother Robert were captured and imprisoned for a time at Camden. A British officer ordered him to brush his mud-spattered boots. " I am a prisoner of war, not your servant," was the reply of the dauntless boy. The brute drew his sword, and aimed a desperate dIow at the head of the helpless young prisoner. Andrew raised his hand, and thus received two fear- ful gashes, — one on the hand and the other upon the head. The officer then turned to his brother Robert with the same demand. He also refused, and re- ceived a blow from the keen-edged sabre, which quite disabled him, and which probably soon after caused his death. They suffered muchother ill-treatment, and were finally stricken with the small-pox. Their mother was successfi'l ■" 'I'.itainini; their exchange, and took her sick boys home. After a long illnosc .Andrew recovered, and the death of his mother soon left hinr entirely friendless. Andrew supported himself in various ways, s i:h as working at the saddler's trade, teaching school and clerking in a general store, until 1784, when he entered a law office at Salisbury, N. C. He, however, gave more attention to the wild amusements of the times than to his studies. In 1788, he was appointed solicitor for the western district of North Carolina, of which Tennessee was then a part. This involved many long and tedious journeys amid dangers of every kind, but Andrew Jackson never knew fear, and the Indians had no desire to repeat a skirmish witti the Sharp Knife. In 1791, Mr. Jackson was married to a woman who supposed herself divorced from her former husband. Great was the surprise of both parties, two years later, to find that the conditions of the divorce had just been definitely settled by the first husband. I'he marriage ceremony was performed a second time, but the occur- rence was often used by his enemies to bring Mr. Jackson into disfavor. During these years he worked hard at his profes- sion, and frequently had one or more duels on hand, one of which, when he killed Dickenson, was espec- ially disgraceful. In Januar)', 1796, the Territory of Tennessee then containing nearly eighty thousand inhabitants, the people met in convention at Knoxville to frame a con- stitution. Five were sent from each of the eleven counties. Andrew Jackson was one of the delegates. The new State was entitled to but one memler in. the National House of Representatives. Andreiv Jack-! son was chosen that member. Mounting his horse he rode to Philedelphia, where Congress then l.eld its A NDRE IV J A CKSON. s'iSib.is, — a distance of about eight hundred miles. Jackson was an earnest advocate of the Demo- cratic party. Jefferson was his idol. He admired Bonaparte, loved France and hated England. As Mr. Jackson took his seat, Gjn. Washington, whose second term of office was then expiring, delivered his last speech to Congress. A committee drew up a complimentary address in reply. Andrew Jackson did not approve of the address, and was one of the twelve who voted against it. He was not willing to say that Gen. Washington's adminstration had been " wise, firm and patriotic." Mr. Jackson was elected to the United States Senate in 1797, but soon resigned and returned home. Soon after he was chosen Judge of the Supreme Court of his State, which position he held fjr six years. When the war of 181 2 witli Great Britian com- menced, Madison occupied the Presidential chair. Aaron Burr sent word to the President that there was an unknown man in the West, Andrew Jackson, who would do credit to a commission if one were con- ferred ujwn him. Just at that time Gen. Jackson offered his services and those of twenty-five hundred volunteers. His offer was accej)ted, and the troo[)s were assembled at Nashville. As the British were hourly expected to make an at- tack r.pon New Orleans, where Gen Wilkinson was in command, he was ordered to descend the river with fifteen hundred troops to aid Wilkinson. The expedition reached Natchez; and after a delay of sev- eral weeks there, without accomplishing anything, the men were ordered back to their homes. But the energy Gen. Jackson had displayed, and his entire devotion to the comrfort of his soldiers, won him golden opinions; and he became the most popular man in the State. It was in this expedition that his toughness gave him the nickname of " Old Hickory." Soon after this, while attempting to horsewhip Col. Thomas H. Benton, for a remark that gentleman made about his taking a part as second in a duel, in which a younger brother of Benton's was engaged, he received two severe pistol wounds. While he was lingering upon a bed of suffering news came that the Indians, who had combined under Tecumseh from Florida to the Lakes, to exterminate the white set- tlers, were committing the most awful ravages. De- cisive action became necessary. Gen. Jackson, with his fractured bone just beginning to heal, his- arm in a sling, and unable to mount his horse without assis- tance, gave his amazing energies to the raising of an army to rendezvous at Fayettesville, Alabama. The Creek Indians had established a strong fort on one of the bends of the Tallapoosa River, near the cen- ter of Alabama, about fifty miles below Fort Strother. With an army of two thousand men. Gen. Jackson traversed the pathless wilderness in a march of eleven days. He reached their fort, called Tohopeka or Horse-shoe, on the 27th of March. 1814. The bend ol the river enclosed nearly one hundred acres of tangled forest and wild ravine. Across the narrow neck the Indians had constructed a formidable breast- work of logs and brush. Here nine hundred warriors, with an ample suply of arms were assembled. The fort was storiried. The fight was utterly des- perate. Not an Indian would accept of quarter. When bleeding and dying, they would fight those who en- deavored to spare their lives. From ten in the morn- ing until dark, the battle raged. The carnage was awful and revolting. Some threw themselves into the river; but the unerring bullet struck their heads as they swam. Nearly everyone of the nine hundred war- rios were killed A few probably, in the night, swam the river and escaped. This ended the war. The jxjwer of the Creeks was broken forever. This bold plunge into the wilderness, with its terriffic slaughter, so appalled the savages, that the haggard remnants of the bands came to the camp, begging for peace. This closing of the Creek war enabled us to con- centrate all our militia upon the British, who were the allies of the Indians No man of less resolute will than Gen. Jackson could have conducted this Indian campaign to so successful an issue Immediately he was appointed major-general. Late in August, with an army of two thousand men, on a rushing march, Gen. Jackson came to Mobile. A British fleet came from Pensacola, landed a force uix)n the beach, anchored near the little fort, and from both ship and shore commenced a furious assault The battle was long and doubtful. At length one of the ships was blown up and the rest retired. Garrisoning Mobile, where he had taken his little army, he moved his troops to New Orleans, And the battle of New Orleans which soon ensued, was in reality a very arduous campaign. This won for Gen. Jackson an imperishable name. Here his troops, which numbered about four thousand men, won a signal victory over the British army of about nine thousand. His loss was but thirteen, while the loss of the British was two thousand six iiundred. The name of Gen. Jackson soon began to be men- tioned in connection with the Presidency, but, in 1824, he was defeated by Mr. Adams. He was, however, successful in the election of 1828, and was re-elected for a second term in 1832. In 1829, just before he assumed the reins of the government, he met with the most terrible affliction of his life in the death of his wife, whom he had loved with a devotion which has perhaps never been surpassed. From the shock of her death he never recovered. His administration was one of the most memorable in the annals of our country; applauded by one party, condemned by the other. No man had more bitter enemies or warmer friends. At the expiration of his two terms of office he retired to the Hermitage, where he died lune 8, 1845. The last years of Mr. Jack- I son's life were that of a devoted Christian man. 97 2^Z^c^ EIGHTH PRESIDENT. ARTIN VAN BUREN, the eighth President of the United States, was born at Kinderhook, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1782. He died at the same place, July 24, 1862. His body rests in the cemetery ^l^^v" at Kinderhook. Above it is i/^/pK, '^ plain granite shaft fifteen feet W high, bearing a simple inscription |M about half way up on one face. ™ The lot is unfenced, unbordered or unbounded by shrub or flower. .There is but little in the life of Martin Van Buren of romantic interest. He fought no battles, engaged in no wild adventures. Though his life was stormy in political and intellectual conflicts, and he gained many signal victories, his days passed uneventful in those incidents which give zest to biography. His an- cestors, as his name indicates, were of Dutch origin, and were among the earliest emigrants from Holland to the banks of the Hudson. His father was a farmer, residing in the old town of Kinderhook. His mother, also of Dutch lineage, was a woman of superior intel- ligence and exemplary piety. .fe was decidedly a precocious boy, developing un- usual activity, vigor and strength of mind. At the age of fourteen, he had finished his academic studies in his native village, and commenced the study of law. As he had not a collegiate education, seven years of study in a law-ofiice were required of him "jefore he could be adiviitted to the bar. Inspired with J. lofty ambition, and conscious of his powers, he par- sued his studies witli indefatigable industry, .\fter spending si.K yeni>i in an office in '^li native village. he went to the city of New York, and prosecuted his studies for the seventh year. In 1803, Mr. Van Buren, then twenty-one years of age, commenced the practice of law in his native vil- lage. The great conflict between the Federal and Republican party was then at its height. Mr. Van Buren was from the beginning a politician. He had, perhaps, imbibed that spirit while listening to the many discussions which had been carried on in his father's hotel. He was in cordial sympathy with Jefferson, and earnestly and eloquently espoused the cause of State Rights ; though at that time the Fed- eral party held the supremacy both in his town and State. His success and increasing ruputation led him after six years of practice, to remove to Hudson, th. county seat of his county. Here he spent seven years constantly gaining strength by contending in tht- courts with some of the ablest men who have adorned the bar of his State. Just before leaving Kinderhook for Hudson, Mi. Van Buren married a lady alike distinguished for beauty and accomplishments. After twelve short years she sank into the grave, the victim of consump- tion, leaving her husband and four sons to weep over her loss. For twenty-five years, Mr. Van Buren was an earnest, successful, assiduous lawyer. The record of those years is barren in items of public interest. In iSi 2, when thirty years of age, he was chosen to the State Senate, and eave his strenuous support to Mr. Madison's adminstration. In 1815, he was ap- pointed Attorney-General, and the ne.xt year moved to Albany, the capital of the State. 'iVhile he was acknowledged as one of the nK>!;t p ominent leaders of the Democratic party, he had MARTIN VAN BUREN. the moral courage to avow that true democracy did not require that " universal suffrage " which admits the vile, the degraded, the ignorant, to the -right of governing the State. In true consistency with his democratic principles, he contended that, while the path leading to the privilege of voting should be open to every man without distinction, no one should he invested with that sacred prerogative, unless he were in some degree qualified for it by intelligence, virtue and some property interests in the welfare of the State. In 182 I he was elected a member of the United States Seriate; and in the same year, he took a seat in the convention to revise the constitution of his native State. His course in this convention secured the approval of men of all parties. No one could doubt the singleness of his endeavors to promote the interests of all classes in the community. In the Senate of the United States, he rose at once to a conspicuous position as an active and useful legislator. In 1827, John Quincy Adams being then in the Presidential chair, Mr. Van Buren was re-elected to ihe Senate. He had been from the beginning a de- rermined opposer of the Administration, adopting the •'State Rights" view in opposition to what was deemed the Federal proclivities of Mr. Adams. Soon after this, in 1828, he was chosen Governorof the State of New York, and accordingly resigned his seat in the Senate. Probably no one in the United States contributed so much towards ejecting John Q. Adams from the Presidential chair, and placing in it Andrew Jackson, as did Martin Van Buren. Whether entitled to the reputation or not, he certainly was re- garded throughout the United States as one of the most skillful, sagacious and cunning of politicians. It was supposed that no one knew so well as he how to touch the secret spiings of action; how to pull all the wires to put his machinery in motion ; and how to organize a political army which would, secredy and £te."Uhily accomplish the most gigantic results. By these powers it is said that he outv/itted Mr. Adams, Mr. Clay, Mr. Webster, and secured results which few thought then could be accomplished. When Andrew Jackson was elected President he apjx/inted Mr. Van Buren Secretary of Stale. This position he resigned in 1831, and was immediately appointed Minister to England, where he went the same autumn. The Senate, however, when it met, ref sed to ratify the nomination, and he returned home, apparently untroubled ; was nominated Vice President in the place of Calhoun, at the re-election of President Jackson ; and with smiles for all and frowns for none, he took his place at the head of that Senate which had refused to confirm his nomination as ambassador. His rejection by the Senate roused all the zeal of President Jackson in behalf of his repudiated favor ite ; and this, probably more than any other cause, secured his elevation to the chair of the Cliief Execu tive. On the 20th of May, 1836, Mr. Van Buren re- ceived the Democratic nomination to succeed Gen. Jackson as President of the United States. He was elected by a handsome majority, to the delight of the retiring President. " Leaving New York out of the canvass," says Mr. Parton, "the election of Mr. Van Buren to the Presidency was as much the act of Gen. Jackson as though the Constitution had conferred upon him the power to appoint a successor." His administration was filled with exciting events The insurrection in Canada, which threatened to in volve this country in war with England, the agitation of the slavery question, and finally the great commer- cial panic which spread over the country, all were trials to his wisdom. The financial distress was at- tributed to the management of the Democratic party, and brought the President into such disf^ivor that he failed of re-election. With the exception of being nominated for the Presidency by the "Free Soil" Democrats, in 1848, Mr. Van Buren lived quietly upon his estate until liis death. He had ever been a prudent man, of frugal habits, and living within his income, had now fortunately a competence for his declining years. His unblemished character, his commanding abilities, his unquestioned patriotism, and the distinguished positions which he had occupied in the government of our country, se- cured to him not only the homage of his party, but the respect ot the whole community. It was on the 4th of March, 1841, that Mr. Van Buren retired from the presidency. From his fine estate at Lindenwald^ he still exerted a powerful influence upon thejjolitics of the country. From this time until his death, on the 24th of July, 1862, at the age of eighty years, he resided at Lindenwald, a gentleman of leisure, of culture and of wealth; enjoying in a healthy old age, probably far more happiness than he had before experienced amid the stormy scenes of his active life. ^-^ /^/fe^^^7 NINTH PRESIDENT. W£6iM4M aim m4ERli®E, ILLIAM HENRY HARRI- ^'■■■^ f4lliG)«(?w£ TV> SON, the ninth President of A'tk, ^\S\ir #) the United States, was born at Berkeley, Va., Feb. 9, 1773. His father, Benjamin Harri- son, was in comparatively op- ulent circumstances, and was one of the most distinguished men of his day. He was an intimate friend of George Washington, was early elected a member of the Continental Congress, and was conspicuous among the patriots of Virginia in resisting the encroachments of the British crown. In the celebrated Congress of 1775, Benjamin Har- rison and John Hancock were both candidates for the office of speaker. Mr Harrison was subsequently chosen Governor of Virginia, and was twice re-elected. His son, William Henry, of course enjoyed the advantages which wealth and intellectual and cultivated society could give. Hav- i;ig received a thorough comuion-school education, he entered Hampden Sidney College, where he graduated with honor soon after the death of his fathet. He ciien repaired to Philadelphia to study medicine under the instructions of Dr. Rush and the guardianship of iobert Morris, both of whom were, with his father, >igners of the Declaration of Independence. iJpon the outbreak of the Indian troubles, and not- withstandlr.g the '•emonstrances of his friends, he aDandoi^ed his medical studies and entered the army, in childhood dent Washington. He was then but 19 years old. From that time he passed gradually upward in rank until he became aid to General Wayne, after whose death he resigned his commission. He was then ap- pointed Secretary of the North-western Territory. This Territory .vas then entitled to but one member in Congress and Capt. Harrison was chosen to fill that position. In the spring of 1800 the North-western Territory was divided by Congress into two portions. The eastern portion, comprising the region now embraced in the State of Ohio, was called " The Territory north-west of the Ohio." The western portion, which included what is now called Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, was called the "Indiana Territory." Wil . liam Henry Harrison, then 27 years of age, was ap pointed by John Adams, Governor of the Indiana Territory, and immediately after, also Governor of Upper Louisiana. He was thus ruler over almost as extensive a realm as any sovereign upon the globe. He was Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and was in- vested with powers nearly dictatorial over the now rapidly increasing white population. The ability and fidelity with which he discharged these responsible duties may be inferred from the fact that he was four times appointed to tliis office — first by John Adams, twice by Thomas Jefferson and afterwards by Presi- dent Madison. When he began his adminstration there were but three white settlements in that almost boundless region, now crowded with cities and resounding with all the tumult of wealth and 'traffic. One of these settlements was on the Ohio, nearly opposite Louisville; one at Vincennes, on the Wabash, and the third a French settlement. The vast wilderness over which Gov. Harrisoi. -laviiig obtained a commission of Ensign from Presi- I reigned was filled with many tribes of Indians. Abou' 52 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. the year 1806, two extraordinary men, twin brothers, of the Shawnese tribe, rose among them. One of ihese was called Tecumseh, or "The Crouching Panther;" the other, OlUwacheca, or "The Prophet." Tecumseh was not only an Indian warrior, but a man of great sagacity, far-reaching foresight and indomit- able perseverance in any enterprise in which he might engage. He was inspired with the highest enthusiasm, and had long regarded with dread and with hatred the encroachment of the whites upon the hunting- grounds of his fathers. His brother, the Prophet, was anorator, who could sway the feelings of the untutored Indian as the gale tossed the tree-tops beneath which tliey dwelt. But the Prophet was not merely an orator : he was, i 1 the superstitious minds of the Indians, invested with the superhuman dignity of a medicine-man or a magician. With an enthusiasm unsurpassed by Peter the Hermit rousing Europe to the crusades, he went frum tribe to tribe, assuming that he was specially sent by the Great Spirit. Gov. Harrison made many attempts to conciliate the Indians, but at last the war came, and at Tippe- canoe the Indians were routed with great slaughter. October 28, 18 12, his army began its inarch. When near the Prophet's town three Indians of rank made their appearance and inquired why Gov. Harrison was approaching them in so hostile an attitude. After a short conference, arrangements were made for a meet- ing the next day, to agree upon terms of peace. But Gov. Harrison was too well acquainted with the Indian character to be deceived by such protes- tations. .Selecting a favorable spot for his night's en- campment, he took every precaution against surprise. His troops were jxisted in a hollow square, and slept upon their arms. Tiie troops threw themselves upon the ground for rest; but every man had his accourtrements on, his loaded musket by his side, and his bayonet fixed. The wakeful Governor, between three and four o'clock in the morning, had risen, and was sitting in conversa- tion with his aids by the embers of a waning fire. It was a chill, cloudy morning with a drizzling rain. In the darkness, the Indians had crept as near as possi- ble, and just then, with a savage yell, rushed, with all the desperation which superstition and passion most liighly inflamed could give, upon the left flank of the little army. The savages had been amply provided with guns and ammunition by the English. Their war-whoop was accompained by a shower of bullets. The camp-fires were instantly extinguished, as tlie light aided the Indians in their aim. With hide- Dus yells, the Indian bands rushed on, not doubtir.g a speedy and an entire victory. But Gen. Harrison's troops stood as immovable as the rocks around them until day dawned : they then made a simultaneous charge with the bayonet, and swept every thing be- fore them, and completely routing th^ foe. Gov. Harrison now had all his energies tasked to the utmost. The British descending from the Can - adas, were of themselves a very formidable force ; but with their savage allies, rushing like wolves from the forest, searching out every remote farm-house, burn- ing, plundering, scalping, torturing, the wide frontier was plunged into a state of consternation which even the most vivid imagination can but faintly conceive. The war-whoop was resounding everywhere in the forest. The horizon was illuminated with the conflagra- tion of the cabins of the settlers. Gen Hull had made the ignominious surrender of his forces at Detroit. Under these despairing circumstances. Gov. Harrison was appointed by President Madison commander-in- chief of the Nortii-western army, with orders to retake Detroit, and to protect the frontiers. It would be difficult to place a man in a situation demanding more energy, sagacity and courage; but General Harrison was found equal to the position, and nobly and triumphantly did he meet all the re- sponsibilities. He won the love of his soldiers by always sharing with them their fatigue. His whole baggage, while pursuing the foe up the Thames, was carried in a valise; and his bedding consisted of a single blanket lashed over his saddle. Thirty-five British officers, his prisoners of war, supped with him after the battle. The only fare he could give them was beef roasted before the fire, without bread or salt. In 1 81 6, Gen. Harrison was chosen a member of the National House of Representatives, to represent the District of Ohio. In Congress he proved an active member; and whenever he spoke, it was with force of reason and power of eloquence, wjiich arrested the attention of all the members. In 1819, Harrison was elected to the Senate of Ohio; and in 1824, as one of the presidential electors of that State, he gave his vote for Henry Clay. Tlie same year he was chosen to the United States Senate. In 1836, the friends of Gen. Harrison brought him forward as a candidate for the Presidency against Van Buren, but he was defeated. At the close of Mr. Van Buren's term, he was re -nominated by his party, and Mr. Harrison was unanimously nominated by the Whigs, with John Tyler forthe Vice Presidency. The contest was very animated. Gen, Jackson gave all his influence to prevent Harrison's election ; but his triumph was signal. The cabinet which he formed, with Daniel Webster at its head as Secretary of State, was one of the most brilliant with which any President had ever been surrounded. Never were the prospects of an admin- istration more flattering, or the hopes of the country more sanguine. In the midst of these bright and joyous prospects, Gen. Harrison was seized by a pleurisv-fever and after a few days of violent sick- ness, died on the 4th of April; just one month after his inauguration as President of the United States. J(HvrL Mjm^'. TENTH PRESIDENT. ^sJOHNTYlBHa OHN TYLER, the tenth 1 lesidentof the United States. Hl was born in Charles-city Co , Va., March 29, 1790. He w IS the favored child of af- fluence and high social po- sition. At the early age of twelve, John entered William and JMary College and grad- uated with much honor when but seventeen years old. After graduating, he devoted him- self with great assiduity to the study of law, partly with his father and partly with Edmund Randolph, one of the most distin- guished lawyers of Virginia. At nineteen years of age, ne commenced the practice of law. His success was rapid and aston- ishing. It is said that three months had not elapsed ere there was scarcely a case on the dock- i et of the court in which he was r.ct retained. AVhen but twenty-one years of age, he was almost unanimously elected to a seat in the State Legislature. He connected himself with the Demo- cratic party, and warmly advocated the measures of Jefferson and Madison. For five successive years he was elected to the Legislature, receiving nearly the unanimous vote or his county. When but twenty-six years of age, he was elected a member of Congress. Here he acted earnestly and ably with the Democratic party, opposing a national bank, internal improvements by the General <"Tovsrn- ment, a protective tariff, and advocating a strict con- struction of the Constitution, and the most' careful vigilance over State rights. His labors in Congress were so arduous that before the close of his second term he found it necessary to resign and retire to his estate in Charles-city Co., to recruit his health. He, however, soon after consented to take his seat in the State Legislature, where his influence was powerful in promoting public works of great utility. With a reputation thus canstantly increasing, he was chosen by a very large majority of votes. Governor of his native State. His administration was signally a suc- cessful one. His popularity secured his re-election. John Randolph, a brilliant, erratic, half-crazed man, then represented Virginia in the Senate of the United States. A portion of the Democratic party was displeased with Mr. Randolph's wayward course, and brought forward John Tyler as his opponent, considering him the only man in Virginia of suflficient popularity to succeed against the renowned orator of Roanoke. Mr. Tvler was the victor. In accordance with his professions, upon taking his seat in tlie Senate, he joined the ranks of the opposi- tion. He opposed the tariff; he spoke against and voted against the bank as unconstitutional; he stren- uously opposed all restrictions upon slavery, resist- ing all projects of internal improvements by tlie Gen- eral Government, and avowed his sympathy with Mr. Calhoun's view of nullification ; he declared that Gen. Jackson, by his opposition to the nullifiers, had abandoned the principles of the Democratic party. Such was Mr. Tyler's record in Congress, — a record in perfect accordance with the principles which he had always avowed. Returning to Virginia, he resumed the practice of bis profession. There was a cplit in the Democratic JOHN TYLER. party. His friends still regarded him as a true Jef- tcisonian, gave him a dinner, and showered compli- ments upon hizn. He had now attained the age of forty-six. His career had been very brilliant. In con- seqLience of his devotion to public business, his pri- vate affairs had fallen into some disorder; and it was not without satisfaction that he resumed the practice of law, and devoted himself to tlie culture of his plan- tation. Soon after this he removed to Williamsburg, for the better education of his children ; and he again look his seat in the Legislature of Virginia. By the Southern Whigs, he was sent to the national convention at Harrisburg to nominate a President in '839. The majority of votes were given to Gen. Har- rison, a genuine Whig, much to the disappointment of the South, who wished for Henry Clay. To concili- ate the Southern Whigs and to secure their vote, the convention then nominated John Tyler for Vice Pres- ident. It was well known that he was not in sympa- thy with the Whig party in the No:th: but the Vice President has but very little power in the Govern- ment, his main and almost only duty being to pre- side over the meetings of the Senate. Thus it hap- pened that a Whig President, and, in reality, a Democratic Vice President were chosen. In 1841, Mr. Tyler was inaugurated Vice Presi- dent of the United States. In one short month from that time. President Harrison died, and Mr. Tyler thus -cund himself, to his own surprise and that of the whole Nation, an occupant of the Presidential chair. This was a new test of the stability of our institutions, as it was the first time in the history of our country that such an event had occured. Mr. Tyler was at home in Williamsburg when he received the unexpected tidings of the death of President Harri- son. He hastened to Washington, and on the 6th of April was inaugurated to the high and responsible office. He was placed in a position of exceeding delicacy and difficulty. All his long life he had been opposed to the main principles of the party which had brought him into power. He had ever been a con- sistent, honc:t man, with an unblemished record. Gen. Harrison had selected a Whig cabinet. Should he retain them, and thus surround himself with coun- sellors whose views were antagonistic to his own.? or, on the other hand, should he turn against the party which had elected him and select a cabinet in har- mony with himself, and which would oppose all those views which the Whigs deemed essential to the pub- lic welfare? This was his fearful dilemma. He in- vited the cabinet which President Harrison had selected to retain their seats. He reccommended a day of fasting and prayer, that God would guide and bless us. The Whigs carried through Congress S bill for the incorporation of a fiscal bank of the United States. The President, after ten days' delay, returned it with his veto. He tsuggjested, however, that he >vould approve of a bill drawn up upon such a plan as he proposed. Such a bill was accordingly prepared, and privately submitted to him. He gave it his approval. It was passed without alteration, and he sent it back with his veto. Here commenced the open rupture. Ic is said that Mr. Tyler was provoked to this meas- ure by a pubhshed letter from the Hon. John M. Botts, a distinguished Virginia Whig, who severely touched the pride of the President. The opposition now exultingly received the Presi- dent into their arms. The party which elected him denounced him bitterly. AH the members of his cabinet, excepting Mr. Webster, resigned. The Whigs of Congress, both the Senate and the House, held a meeting and issued an address to the people of the United States, proclaiming that all political alliance between the Whigs and President Tyler were at an end. Still the President attempted to conciliate. He appointed a new cabmet of distinguished Whigs and Conservatives, carefully leaving out all strong party men. Mr. Webster soon found it necessary to resign, forced out by the pressure of his Whig friends. Thus the four years of Mr. Tyler's unfortunate administra- tion passed sadly away. No one was satisfied. The land was filled with murmurs and vituperation. Whigs and Democrats alike assailed him. More and more, however, he brought himself into sympathy with his old friends, the Democrats, until at the close of his term, he gave his whole influence to the support of Mr. Polk, the Democratie candidate for his successor. On the 4th of March, 1845, he retired from the harassments of office, to the regret of neither party, and probably to his own unspeakable lelief. His first wife. Miss Letitia Christian, died in Washington, in 1842; and in June, 1844, President Tyler was again married, at New York, to Miss Julia Gardiner, a young lady of many personal and intellectual accomplishments. The remainder of his days Mr. Tyler passed mainly in retirement at his beautiful home, — Sherwood For- est, Charles-city Co., Va. A polished gentleman in his manners, richly furnished with information from books and experience in the world, and possessing brilliant powers of conversation, his family circle was the scene of unnsual attractions. With sufficient means for the exercise of a generous hospitality, he might have enjoyed a serene old age with the few friends who gathered around him, were it not for the storms of civil war which his own principles and policy had helped to introduce. When the great Rebellion rose, which the State, rights and nullifying doctrines of Mr. John C. Ca\- houn had inaugurated, President Tyler renounced his allegiance to the United States, and joined the Confed- erates. He was chosen a member of their Congress ; and while engaged in active measures to destroy, bv force of arms, the Government over which he had once presided, he was taken sick and soon died. ELEVENTH PRESIDENT. JAMES a?, FDlIi '^^miP-.'i^y^ AMES K. POLK, the eleventh lesident of the United States, was born in Mecklenburg Co., N. C, Nov. 2, 1795. His par- ents were Samuel and Jane (Knox) Polk, the former a son of Col. Thomas Polk, who located at the above place, as one of the first pioneers, in 1735. In the- year i3o6, with his wife and children, aiid soon after fol- lowed by most of the members of the Polk famly, Samuel Polk emi- grated some two or three hundred miles farther west, to the rich valley of the Duck River. Here in the midst of the wilderness, in a region which was subsequently called Mau- ry Co., they reared their log huts, and established their homes. In tlie hard toil of a new farm in the wil- derness, James K. Polk spent the early years of his childliood and youth. His father, adding the pur- suit of a surveyor to thatof a farmer, gradually increased in wealth until he became one of the leading men of the region. His mother was a superior woman, of strong common sense and earnest piety. Very early in life, James developed a taste for reading and expressed the strongest desire to obtain a liberal education. His mother's training had made iiim methodical in his habits, had taught him punct- uality and industry, and had inspired him with lofty l)rinciples of morality. His health was frail ; and his father, fearing that he miglit not be able to endure a sedentary life, got a situation for him behind the counter, hoping to fit him for commercial pursuits. This was to James 'a bitter disappointment. He had no taste for these duties, and his daily tasks were irksome in the extreme. He remained in this uncongenial occupation but a few weeks, when at liis earnest solicitation his father removed him, and made arrangements for him to prosecute his studies. Soon after he sent him to Murfreesboro Academy. With ardor which could scarcely be surpassed, he pressed forward in his studies, and in less than two and a half years, in the autumn of 1815, entered the sophomore class in the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill. Here he was one of the most exemplary of scholars, punctual in every exercise, never allowing himself to be absent from a recitation or a religious service. He graduated in 1818, with the highest honors, be» ing deemed the best scholar of his class, both in mathematics and the classics. He was then twenty- three years of age. Mr. Polk's health was at this time much impaired by the assiduity with which he had prosecuted his studies. After a short season of relaxation he went to Nashville, and entered the office of Felix Grundy, to study law. Here Mr. Polk renewed his acquaintance with Andrew Jackson, who resided on his plantation, the Hermitage, but a few miles from Nashville. They had probably been slightly acquainted before. Mr. Polk's father was a Jeffersonian Republican, and James K. Polk ever adliered to the same politi- cal faith. He was a popular public speaker, and was constantly called'upon to address the meetings of his party friends. His skill as a speaker was such that he was popularly called the Najxileon of the stump. He was a man of unblemished morals, genia) ard /AMES K. POLK. tourterus in his bearing, and with that sympathetic nature in the joys and griefs of others which ever gave him troops of friends. In 1823, Mr. Polk was elected to the Legislature of Tennessee. Here he gave his strong influence towards the election of his friend, Mr. Jackson, to tiie Presidency of the United States. In January, 1824, Mr. Polk married Miss Sarah Childress, of Rutherford Co., Tenn. His bride was altogether worthy of him, — a lady of beauty and cul- ture. In the fall of 1825, Mr. Polk was chosen a meml>cr of Congress. The satisfaction which he gave to his constituents may be inferred from the fact, that for fourteen successive years, until 1839, he was con- tinued' in that office. He then voluntarily withdrew, only ihat he might accept the Gubernatorial chair of I'^nnessee. In Congress he was a laborious merober, a frequent and a popular speaker. He was always in his seat, always courteous; and whenever he spoke it was always to the point, and without any ambitious rhetorical display. During five sessions of Congress, Mr. Polk was Speaker of the House Strong passions were roused, and stormy scenes were witnessed ; but Mr. Polk per- formed his arduous duties to a very general satisfac- tion, and a unanimous vote of thanks to him was passed by the House as he withdrew on tlie 4th of March, 1839. In accordance with Southern usage, Mr. Polk, as a candidate for Governor, canvassed the State. He was elected by a large majority, and on the 14th of Octo- ber, 1839,100k tlie oath of office at Nashville. In 1841, his term of office expired, and he was again the can- didate of the Democratic party, but was defeated. On the 4th of March, 1845, Mr. Polk was inaugur- ated President of the United States. The verdict of the country in favor of the annexation of Texas, exerted its influence upon Congress ; and the last act of the administration of President Tyler was to affix his sig- nature to a joint resolution of Congress, passed on the 3d of March, approving of the annexation of Texas to the American Union. As Mexico still claimed Texas as one of her provinces, the Mexican minister, Almonte, immediately demanded his passports and left the country, declaring the act of the annexation to be an act hostile to Mexico. In his first message. President Polk urged that Texas should immediately, by act of Congress, be re- ceived into the Union on the same footing with the other States. In the meantime, Gen. Taylor was sent with an army into Texas to hold the country. He was sent first to Nueces, which the Mexicans said was the western boundary of Texas. Then he was sent nearly two hundred miles further west, to the Rio Grande, where he erected batteries which commanded the Mexican city of Matamoras, which was situated on the western banks. The anticipated collision soon took place, and wa: was declared against Mexico by President Polk. The war was pushed forward by Mr. Polk's administration with great vigor. Gen. Taylor, whose army was first called one of "observation,"' then of "occupation,' then of " invasion," was sent forward to Monterey. The feeble Mexicans, in every encounter, were hopelessly and awfully slaughtered. The day of judgement alone can reveal the misery which this war caused. It v/as by the ingenuity of Mr. Polk's administration that the war was brought on. 'To the victors belong the spoils." Mexico was prostrate before us. Her capital was in our hands We now consented to peace upon the condition that Mexico should surrender to us, in addition to Texas, all of New Mexico, and all of Upper and Lower Cal- ifornia. This new demand embraced, exclusive of Texas, eight hundred thousand square miles. This was an extent of territory equal to nine States of the size of New York. Thus slavery was securing eighteen majestic States to be added to the Union. There were some Americans who thought it all right : there were others who thought it all wrong. In the prosecution of this war, we expended twenty thousand lives and more than a hundred million of dollars. Of this money fifteen millions were paid to Mexico. On the 3d of March, 1849, Mr. Polk retired from office, having served one term. Tlie next day was Sunday. On the 5th, Gen. Taylor was inaugurated as his successor. Mr. Polk rode to the Capitol in the same carriage with Gen. Taylor; and the same even- ing, with Mrs. Polk, he commenced his return to Tennessee. He was then but fifty-four years of age. He had ever been strictly temperate in all his habits, and his health was good. With an ample fortune, a choice library, a cultivated mind, and domestic tics of the dearest nature, it seemed as though long years of trantiuility and happiness were before him. Hut the cholera — that fearful scourge — was then sweei)ing up the Valley of the Mississippi. This he contracted, and died on the 15th of June, 1S49, in the fifiv'-fourth year of his age, greatly mourned by his couiiuymen. ♦' TWELFTH PRESIDENT. \CHARY TAYLOR, twelfth Prtsident of the United States, was born on the 24th of Nov., ^\ 1784, in Orange Co., Va. His I her, Colonel Taylor, was \ ii^inian of note, and a dis- iish^d patriot and soldier of thi. Revolution. When Zachary was an infant, his father with his wife and two children, emigrated to Kentucky, where he settled in the pathless wilderness, a few miles from Louisville. In this front- ier home, away from civilization and all its refinements, young Zachary could enjoy but few social and educational advan- tages. When six years of age he attended a common school, and was then regarded as a bright, active boy, rather remarkable for bluntness and decision of char- acter He was strong, feailess and self-reliant, and manifested a strong desire to enter the army to fight die Lidians who were ravaging the frontiers. There is little to be recorded of the uneventful years of his childhood on his father's large but lonely plantation. In 1808, his father succeeded in obtaining for him the commission of lieutenant in the United States army ; and he joined the troops which were stationed at New Orleans under Gen. Wilkinson. Soon after this he married Miss MaTgaret Smith, a young lady 'rom one of the first families of Maryland. Immediately after the declaration of war with Eng- land, in 1812, Capt. Taylor (for he had then been jiromoted to that rank) was put in command of Fort Harrison, on the Wabash, about fifty miles above Vincennes. This fort had been built in the wilder- ness by Gen. Harrison, on his march to Tippecanoe. It was one of the first points of attack by the Indians, ;cd by Tecumseh. Its garrison consisted of a broken company of infantry numbering fifty men, many of whom were sick. Early in the autumn of 181 2, the Indians, stealthily, and in large numbers, moved upon the fort. Their approach was first indicated by the murder of two soldiers just outside of the stockade. Capt. Taylor made every possible preparation to meet the antici- pated assault. On the 4th of September, a band of forty painted and plumed savages came to the fort, waving a white flag, and informed Capt. Taylor that in the morning their chief would come to have a talk with him. It was evident that their object was merely to ascertain the state of things at the fort, and Capt. Taylor, well versed in the wiles of the savages, kept them at a distance. The sun went down ; the savages disappeared, tiie garrison slept upon their arms. One hour before midnight the war whoop burst from a thousand lips in the forest around, followed by the discharge of musketry, and the rush of the foe. Every man, sick and well, sprang to his post.' Every man knew that defeat was not merely death, but in the case of cap- ture, death by the most agonizing and prolonged tor- ture. No pen can describe, no immagination can conceive the scenes which ensued. The savages suc- ceeded in setting fire to one of the block-houses- Until six o'clock in the morning, this awful conflict continued. The savages then, baffled at every point, and gnashing their teeth with rage, retired. Capt. Taylor, for this gallant defence, was promoted to the rank of major by brevet. Until the close of the war, MajorTaylor was placed in such situations that he saw but little more of active service. He was sent far away into the depths of the wilderness, to Fort Crawford, on Fox River, which empties into Green Bay. Here there was but little to be done but to wear away the tedious hours as one best could. There were no books, no society, no in- 64 ZACHARY TAYLOR tellectual stimulus. Thus with him the uneventful years rolled on Gradually he rose to the rank of colonel. In the Black Hawk war, which resulted in the capture of that renowned chieftain, Col Taylor took a subordinate but a brave and efficient part. For twenty-four years Col. Taylor was engaged in the defence of the frontiers, in scenes so remote, and in employments so obscure, that his name was unknown beyond the limits of his own immediate acquaintance. In the year 1836, he was sent to Florida to compel the Seminole Indians to vacate that region and re- tire beyond the Mississippi, as their chiefs by treaty, iiac" promised they should do. The services rendered heie secured for Col. Taylor the high appreciation of ihe Government; and as a reward, he was elevated tc he rank of brigadier-general by brevet ; and soon after, in May, 183S, was appointed to the chief com- mand of the United States troops in Florida. After two years of such wearisome employment ;-.midst the everglades of the peninsula. Gen. Taylor obtained, at his own request, a change of command, Lnd was stationed over the Department of the South- west. This field embraced Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Establishing his headquarters at Fort Jessup, in Louisiana, he removed his family to a plantation which he purchased, near Baton Rogue. Here he remained for five years, buried, as it were, from the world, but faithfully discharging every duty imposed upon him. In 1846, Gen. Taylor was sent to guard the land between the Nueces and Rio Grande, the latter river being the boundary of Texas, which was then claimed by the United States. Soon the war with Mexico was brought on, and at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Gen. Taylor won brilliant victories over the Mexicans. The rank of major-general by brevet was then conferred upon Gen. Taylor, and his name WciS received with enthusiasm almost everywhere in the Nation. Then came the battles of Monterey and Buena Vista in which he won signal victories over forces much larger than he commanded. His careless habits of dress and his unaffected simplicity, secured for (ten. Taylor among his troops, Iht sobriquet of "Old Rough and Ready.' The tidings of the brilliant victory of Buena Vista .■pread the wildest enthusiasm over the country. The name of Gen. Taylor was on every one's lips. The Whig party decided to take advantage of this wonder- ful popularity in bringing forward the unpolished, un- lettered, honest soldier as their candidate for the Presidency. Gen. Taylor was astonished at the an- nouncement, and for a time would not listen to it; de- claring that he was not at all qualified for such an office. So little interest had he taken in pohtics that, for forty years, he had not cast a vote. It was not without chagrin that several distinguished statesmen who had been long years in the public service found •l.iir claims set aside in behalf of one wliose name had never been heard of, save in connection with Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey and Buena Vista. It is said that Daniel Webster, in his haste re- marked, " It is a nomination not fit to be made." Gen. Taylor was not an eloquent speaker nor a fine writer His friends took possession of him, and pre- pared such few communications as it was needful should be presented to the public. The popularity of the successful warrior swept the land. He was tri- umphantly elected over two opposing candidates, — Gen. Cass and Ex-President Martin Van Buren. Though he selected an excellent cabinet, the good old man found himself in a very uncongenial position, and was, at times, sorely perplexed and harassed. His mental sufferings were very severe, and probably tended to hasten his death. The pro-slavery party was pushing its claims with tireless energy , expedi- tions were fitting out to capture Cuba ; California was pleading for admission to the Union, while slavery stood at the door to bar her out. Gen. Taylor found the political conflicts in Washington to be far more trying to the nerves than battles with Mexicans or Indians. In the midst of all these troubles. Gen. Taylor, after he had occupied the Presidential chair but little over a year, took cold, and after a brief sickness of but little over five days, died on the Qlh of July, 1850. His last words were, " I am not afraid to die. I am ready. I have endeavored to do my duty." He died universally respected and beloved. An honest, un- pretending man, he had been steadily growing in the affections of the people ; and the Nation bitterly la- mented his death. Gen. Scott, who was thoroughly acquainted with Gen. Taylor, gave the following graphic and truthful description of his character: — " With a good store of common sense, Gen. Taylor's mind had not been en- larged and refreshed by reading, or much converse with the world. Rigidity of ideas was the conse- quence. The frontiers and small military posts had been his home. Hence he was quite ignorant for his rank, and quite bigoted in his ignorance. His sim- plicity was child-like, and with innumerable preju- dices, amusing and incorrigible, well suited to the tender age. Thvis, if a man, however respectable, chanced to wear a coat of an, unusual color, or his hat a little on one side of his head; or an officer to leave a corner of his handkerchief dangling from an out- side pocket, — in any such case, this critic held the offender to be a coxcomb (perhaps something worse), whom he would not, to use his oft repeated jihrase, ' touch with a pair of tongs.' "Any allusion to literature beyond good old Dil- worth's spelUng-book, on the part of one wearing a sword, was evidence, with the same judge, of utter unfitness for heavy marchings and combats. Inshor*- few men have ever had a more comfortable. la'Doi- saving contempt for learning of every kind." t^^-^oC' ^tC-^^^-PTx.xru) THIRTEENTH PRESIDENT. ^,:^-t'i*^ I ^ffllLLflRn FILLMnHE.^ I fe:Stg«a-&#SS f>^:S*s;g'~3:s-*sig*S;&«s;s-'««siof4' LLARD FILLMORE, thiv- eiitli PresideiUof the United -^tates, was born at SumuiL-r ilill, Cayuga Co., N. Y ., on 'he 7th of January, 1800. His t It her was a farmer, and ow- ti) misfortune, in humble cir- cumstances. Of his mother, the diughter of Dr. Abiathar Millard, of Pittsfield, Mass., it has been said that she possessed an intellect of very high order, united with much personal loveliness, sweetness of dis- position, graceful manners and ex- qui-,ite sensibilities. She died in 1831 ; having lived to see her son a young man of distinguished prom- ise, though she was not permitted to witness the high dignity which he finally attained. Li consequence of the secluded home and limited means of his father, Millard enjoyed but slender ad- vantages for education in his early years. The com- mon schools, whith he occasionally attended were very imperfect institutions; and books were scarce :;nd expensive. There was nothing then in his char- acter to indicate the brilliant career upon which he was about to enter. He was a plain fanner's boy ; intelligent, good-looking, kind-hearted. The sacred influences of home had taught him to revere the Bible, and had laid the foundations of an upright character. When fourteen years of age, his father sent him some hundred miles from home, to the then wilds of Livingston County, to learn the trade of a clothier. Neav the mill there was a small villiage, where some enterprising man had commenced the collection of a village librarj'. This proved an inestimable blessing, to }oung Fillmore. His evenings were spent in read- ing Soon every leisure moment was occupied with books. His thirst for knowledge became insatiate and the selections which he made were continually more elevating and instructive. He read history, biography, oratory, and thus gradually there was en- kindled in his heart a desire to be something more than a mere worker with his hands; and he was be- coming, almost unknown to himself, a well-informed, educated man. The young clothier had now attained the age of nineteen years, and was of fine personal appearance and cf gentlemanly demeanor. It so happened tha', there was a gentleman in the neighborhood of ample pecuniary means and of benevolence, — Judge Walter Wood,— who was struck nith the prepossessing ap- pearance of 5'oung Fillmore. He made his acquaint- ance, and was so much impressed with his ability and attainments that he advised him to abandon his trade and devote himself to the study of the law. The young man replied, that he had no means of his own, r.o friends to help him and that his previous educa- tion had been very imperfect. But Judge Wood had so much confidence in him that he kindly offered to take him into his own office, and to loan him such money as he needed. Most gratefully the generous offer was accepted. There is in many minds a strange delusion abou*; a collegiate education. A young man is supposed to be liberally educated if he has graduated at some col- lege. But many a boy loiters through university halls ^nd then enters a law office, who is by no means as MILLARD FILLMORE. well prepared to prosecute his legal studies as was Millard Fillmore when he graduated at the clothing- mill at the end of four years of manual labor, during which every leisure moment had been devoted to in- tense mental culture. In 1823, when twenty-three years of age, he v/as admitted to the Court of Common Pleas. He then went to the village of Aurora, and commenced the practice of law. In this secluded, peaceful region, his practice of course was limited, and there was no opportunity for a sudden rise in fortune or in fame. Here, in the year 1826, he married a lady of great moral worth, and one capable of adorning any station she might be called to fill, — Miss Abigail Powers. His elevation of character, his untiring industry, his legal acquirements, and his skill as an advocate, ■gradually attracted attention ; and he was invited to enter into partnership under highly advantageous circumstances, with an elder member of the bar in Buffalo. Just before removing to Buffalo, in 1829, he took his seat in the House of Assembly, of the •State of New York, as a representative from Erie County. Though he had never taken a very active part in politics, his vote and his sympathies were with the Whig party. The State was then Democratic, and he found himself in a helpless minority in the Legislature , still the testimony comes from all parties, that his courtesy, ability and integrity, won, to a very unusual degree the respect of his associates. In the autumn of 1832, he was elected to a seat in the United States Congress. He entered that troubled arena in some of the most tunmltuous hours of our national history. The great conflict respecting the national bank and the removal of the deposits, was then raging. His term of two years closed ; and he returned to his profession, which he pursued with increasing rep- utation and success. After a lapse of two years he again became a candidate for Congress ; was re- elected, and took his seat in 1837. His past expe- rience as a representative gave hmi stiength and confidence. The fi;-st term of service in Congress to any man can be but little more than an introduction. He was now prepared for active duty. All his ener- gies were brought to bear upon the public good. Every measure received his impress. Mr. Fillmore was now a man of wide repute, and his popularity filled the State, and in the year 1847, he was elected Comptroller of the State. Mr. Fillmore had attained the age of forty-seven years. His labors at the bar, in the Legislature, in Congress and as Comptroller, had given him very con- siderable fame. The Whigs were casting about to find suitable candidates for President and Vice-Presi- dent at the approaching election. Far away, on the waters of the Rio Grande, there was a rough old soldier, who had fought one or two successful battles with the Mexicans, which had caused his name to be proclaimed in tiumpet-tones all over the land. But it was necessary to associate with him on the same ticket some man of reputation as a statesman. Under the influence of these considerations, the namesofZachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore became the rallying-cry of the Whigs, as their candidates for President and Vice-Peesident. The Whig ticket was signally triumphant. On the 4th of March, 1849, Gen. Taylor was inaugurated President, and Millard Filhiiore Vice-President, of the United States. On the 9th of July, 1850, President Taylor, but about one year and four months after his inaugura- tion, was suddenly taken sick and died. By the Con- stitution, Vice-President Fillmore thus became Presi- dent. He apijointed a very able cabinet, of which the illustrious Daniel Webster was Secretary of State. JVIr. Fillniore had very serious difficulties to contend with, since the opposition had a majority in both Houses. He did everything in his power to conciliate the South; but the pro-slavery party in the South felt the inadequacy of all measuresof transient conciliation. The population of the free States was so rapidly in- creasing over that of the slave States that it was in- evitable that the power of the Government should soon pass into the hands of the free States. The famous compromise measures were adopted under Mr. Fillmcre's adminstration, and the Japan Expedition was sent out. On the 4th of March, 1853, Mr. Fill- more, having served one term, retired. In 1856, Mr. Fillmore was nominated for the Pres- idency by the " Know Nothing " party, but was beaten by Mr. Buchanan. After that Mr. Fillmore lived in retirement. During the terrible conflict of civil war, he was mostly silent. It was generally supposed that his sympathies were rather with those who were en- deavoring to overthrow our institutions. President Fillmore kept aloof from the conflict, without any cordial words of cheer to the one party or the other. He was thus forgotten by both. He lived to a ripe old age, and died in Buffalo. N. Y., March 8, 1874. ■~. ■% c^^/^ FOURTEENTH PRESIDENT t^S^i!^ ^'- FRANKLIN PIERCE J^ %- -~r>cy^ 'IFTEENTH PRESIDENT ' :'i'..^^.^^ < ^^'^f.r^< : , JI&Mri',S IBUSMAB^^\L^L M ; i' ; i'^'-;,~j"<^'<;^i' . W^Cic>Cr'^CZa\'-ifvie>\^\^'^\^^l • 'r '. I AMES BUCHANAN, the fif- teenth President of the United YI|J States, was born in a small ^\% frontier town, at the foot of the eastern ridge of the AUegha- nies, in Franklin Co., Penn.,on the 23d of April, 1791. The place where the humble cabin of his father stood was called Stony ^ Batter. It was a wild and ro- mantic spot in a gorge of the moun- tains, with towering summits rising grandly all around. His father was a native of the north of Ireland ; a poor man, who had emigrated in I 1783, with little property save his own strong arms. Five years afterwards he married Elizabeth Spear, the daughter of a respectable farmer, and, with his young bride, plunged into the wilder- ness, staked his claim, reared his log-hut, opened a clearing with his axe, and settled down there to per- form his obscure part in the drama of life. In this se- cluded home, where James was born, he remained for eight years, enjoying but few social or intellectual advantages. When James was eight years of age, his father removed to the village of Mercersburg, where his son was placed at school, and commenced a course of study in English, Latin and Greek. His progress was rapid, and at the age of fourteen, he entered Dickinson College, at Carlisle. Here he de- veloped remarkable talent, and took his stand among the first scholars in the institution. His application to study was intense, and yet his native powers e ,- abled him to master the most abstruse subjects with facility. In the year iSog, he graduated with the highest honors of his class. He was then eighteen years of age; tall and graceful, vigorous in health, fond of athletic sport, an unerring shot, and enlivened with an exuberant flow of animal spirits. He immediately commenced the study of law in the city of Lancaster, and was admitted to the bar in 1S12, when be was but twenty-one years of age. Very rapidly he rose in his profession, and at once took undisputed stand with the ablest lawyers of the State. When but twenty-six years of age, unaided by counsel, he suc- cessfully defended before the State Senate oi:e of the judges of the State, who was tried upon articles of impeachment. At the age of thirty it was generally admitted that he stood at the head of the bar; and there was no lawyer in the State who had a more lu- crative practice. In 1820, he reluctantly consented to run as a candidate for Congress. He was elected, and foi ten years he remained a member of the Lower House. During the vacations of Congress, he occasionally tried some important case. In 1831, he retired altogether from the toils of his profession, having ac- quired an ample fortune. Gen. Jackson, upon his elevation to the Presidenc/, appointed Mr. Buchanan minister to Russia. The duties of his mission he performed with ability, which gave satisfaction to all parties. Upon his return, in r833, he was elected to a seat in the United States Senate. He there met, as his associates, Webster, Clay, Wright and Calhoun. He advocated the meas- ures proposed by President Jackson, of m .I'ng repn- 76 J^MES BUCHANAN. sai.i against France, to enforce the payment of our claims against that country; and defended the course of the President in his unprecedented and wholesale removal from office of those who were not the sup- porters of his administration. Upon this question he was brought into direct collision with Henry Clay. He also, with voice and vote, advocated expunging from tlie journal of the Senate the vote of censure against Gen. Jackson for removing the deposits. Earnestly he opposed the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and urged the prohibition of the circulation of anti-slavery documents by the United States mails. As to petitions on the subject of slavery, he advo- cated that they should be respectfully received; and that the reply should be returned, that Congress had no power to legislate upon the subject. " Congress," said he, " might as well undertake to interfere with slavery under a foreign government as in any of the States where it now e.xists." Upon Mr. Polk's accession to the Presidency, Mr. Buchanan became Secretary of State, and as such, took his share of the responsibility in the conduct of the Mexican War. Mr. Polk assumed that crossing the Nueces by the American troops into the disputed territory was not wrong, but for the Mexicans to cross the Rio Grande into that territory was a declaration of war. No candid man can read with pleasure the account of the course our Government pursued in that movement. Mr. Buchanan identified himself thoroughly with the party devoted to the perpetuation and extension of slavery, and brought all the energies of his mind to bear against the Wilmot Proviso. He gave his cordial approval to the compromise measures of 1050, which included the fugitive-slave law. Mr. Pierce, ujion his election to the Presidency, honored Mr. Buchanan with the mission to England. In the year 1856, a national Democratic conven- tion nominated Mr. Buchanan for the Presidency. The political conflict was one of the most severe in which our country has ever engaged. All the friends of slavery were on one side; all the advocates of its re- striction and final abolition, on the other. Mr. Fre- mont, the candidate of the enemies of slavery, re- ceived 114 electoral votes. Mr. Buchanan received 174, and was elected. The [wpular vote stood 1,340,618, for Fremont, 1,224,750 for Buchanan. On March 4th, 1857, Mr. Buchanan was inaugurated. Mr. Buchanan was far advanced in life. Only four ■'ears were wanting to fill up his threescore years and ten. His own friends, those with whom he had been allied in political principles and action for years, were ss-iking the destruction of the Government, that they might rear upon the ruins of our free institutions a nation whose corner-stone should be human slavery. In this emergency, Mr. Buchanan was hopelessly be- wildered He could not, with his long-avowed prin- I ciples, consistently oppose the State-rights party in their assumptions. As President of the United States, bound by his oath faithfully to administer the laws. he could not, without perjury of the grossest kind, unite with those endeavoring to overthrow the repub- lic. He therefore did nothing. The opponents of Mr. Buchanan's administration nominal ed Abraham Lincoln as their standard bearer in the next Presidential canvass. The pro-slavery party declared, that if he were elected, and the con- trol of the Government were thus taken from their hands, they would secede from the Union, taking with them, as they retired, the National Capitol at Washington, and the lion's share of the territory of the United States. Mr. Buchanan's sympathy with the pro-slavery party was such, that he had been willing to offerthem far more than they had ventured to claim. All the South had professed to ask of the North was non- intervention upon the subject of slavery. Mr. Bu- chanan had been ready to offer them the active co- operation of the Government to defend and extend the institution. As the storm increased in violence, the slaveholders claiming the right to secede, and Mr. Buchanan avow- ing that Congress had no power to prevent it, one of the most pitiable exhibitions of governmental im- becility was exhibited the world has ever seen. He declared that Congress had no power to enforce its laws in any State which had withdrawn, or which was attempting to withdraw from the Union. This was not the doctrine of Andrew Jackson, when, with his hand upon his sword-hilt, he exclaimed, " The Union must and shall be preserved!" South Carolina seceded in December, i860; nearly three months before the inauguration of President Lincoln. Mr. Buchanan looked on in listless despair. The rebel flag was raised in Charleston r Fort S'umpter was besieged ; our forts, navy-yards and arsenals were seized; our depots of military stores were plun- dered ; and our custom-houses and post-oflices were appropriated by the rebels. The energy of the rebels, and the imbecility of our Executive, were alike marvelous. The Nation looked on in agony, waiting for the slow weeks to glide away, and close the administration, so terrible in its weak- ness At length the long-looked-for hour of deliver- ance came, when Abraham Lincoln was to receive the scepter. The administration of President Buchanan was certainly the most calamitous our country has ex- perienced. His best friends cannot recall it with pleasure. And still more deplorable it is for his fame, that in that dreadful conflict whi<:h rolled its hitlows of flame and blood over our whole land, no word came from his lips to indicate his wish that our country's banner should triumph over the flag of the rebellion. He died at his Wheatland retreat, June i, 1868. /^- ^ e^^^^^T^ SIXTEENTH P ii ESI DENT. &^ I ^s^. ^'^s/'^mi a^ < ABRAHAM ! > m>^p^ |» ;iaj<2iCM^H^O^U5^^ ? BRAHAM LINCOLN, the \ sixteenth President of the '^Lnited States, was born in y Hardin Co., Ky., Feb. 12, 5)| 1 i8og. About the yean 7 80, a man by the name of Abraham Lincohi left Virginia with his nnly and moved into the tlieu wildsof Kentucky. Only two years alter tliis emigration, still a young man, while working one day in a field, was stealthily approached hy an Indian and shot dead. His widow was left in extreme poverty with five little children, three boys and two girlb Thomas, the youngest of the 1)0) s, was four years of age at his father's death. This Thomas was the father of Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States whose name must henceforth fo'-ever be enrolled with tiie most prominent in the annals of our world. Of course no record has been kept of the life of one so lowly as Thomas Lincoln. He was among the poorest of the poor. His home was a wretched log-cabin; his food the coarsest and the meanest. Education he had none; he could never either read or write. As soon as he was able to do anything for himself, he was compelled to leave the cabin of his starving mother, and push out into the world, a friend- .ess, wandering boy, seeking work. He hired him- self out, and thus spent the whole of his youth as a laborer in the fields of others. When twenty-eight years of age he buili a log- cabin of his own, and married Nancy Hanks, the daughter of another family of poor Kentucky emi- grants, who had also come from Virginia. Their second child was Abraham Lincoln, the subject of this sketch. The mother of Abraham was a noble woman, gentle, loving, pensive, created to adorn a palace, doomed to toil and pine, and die in a hovel. "All that I am, or hope to be," exclaims the grate- ful son " I owe to my angel-motiier. " When he was eight years of age, his father sold his '^^J;&d^^:2^.:j^i^.:i. :vf cabin and small farm, and moved to Indiana Where two years later his mother died. Abraham soon became the scribe of the uneducated community around liini. He could not have had u better school than this to teach him to put thoughts into words. He also became an eager reader. The books he could obtain were few ; but these he read and re-read until they were almost committed to memory. As the years rolled on, the lot of this lowly family was the usual lot of humanity. Thi'rre were joys and griefs, weddings and funerals. Abraham's sister Sarah, to whom he was tenderly attached, was mar- ried when a child of but fourteen years of age, and soon died. The family was gradually scattered. Mr. Thomas Lincoln sold out his squatter's claim in 1830, and emigrated to Macon Co., 111. Abraham Lincoln was then twenty-one years of age. With vigorous hands he aided his father in rearing another log-cabin. Abraham worked diligently at this until he saw the family comfortably settled, and their small lot of enclosed prairie planted with corn, when he announced to his father his intention to leave home, and to go out into the world and seek his for- tune. Little did he or his friends imagine how bril- liant that fortune was to be. He saw the value of education and was intensely earnest to improve his mind to the utmost of his power. He saw the ruin which ardent spirits were causing, and became strictly temperate; refusing to allow a drop of intoxi- cating liquor to pass his lips. And he had read in God's word, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ;" and a profane expression he was never heard to utter. Religion he revered. His morals were pure, and he was uncontaminated by a single vice. Young Abraham worked for a time as a hired laborer among the farmers. Then he went to Springfield, where he was employed in building a large flat-boat. In this he took a herd of swine, floated them dowr. the Sangamon to the Illinois, and thence by the Mis- sissippi to New Orleans. Whatever Abraham Lin- coln undertook, he performed so faithfully as to give great satisfacticn to his employers. In this advc;i- ABRAHAM LINCOLN. tare liis employers were so well pleased, that upon I liis return tiiey placed a store and mill under his care. In 1832, at the outbreak oi the Black Hawk war, he enlisted and was chosen captain of a company. He returned to Sangamon County, and although only 23 years of age, was a candidate for tlie Legislature, but was defej.ted. He soon after received from Andrew Jackson the appointment of Postmaster of New Saleni, His only post-office was his hat. All the letters he received he carried there ready to deliver to those he chanced to meet. He studied surveying, and soon made this his business. In 1834 he again became a candidate for the Legislature, and was elected Mr. Stuart, of Springfield, advised him to study law. He walked from New Salem to Springfield, borrowed of Mr. Stuart a load of books, carried them back and began his legal studies. When the Legislature as- sembled he trudged on foot with his pack on his back one hundred miles to Vandalia, then the capital. In 1836 he was re-elected to the Legislature. Here it was he first met Stephen A. Douglas. In 1839 he re- moved to Springfield and began the practice of law. His success with the jury was so great tliat he was soon engaged in almost every noted case in the circuit. In 1854 ihe great discussion began between Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Douglas, on the slavery question. In the organization of the Republican party in Illinois, in 1856, he took an active part, and at once became one of the leaders in that party. Mr. Lincoln's speeches in opposition to Senator Douglas in the con- test in 1858 for a seat in the Senate, form a most notable part of his history. The issue was on the slavery question, and he took the broad ground of ;he Declaration of Independence, that all men are created equal. Mr. Lincoln was defeated in this con- test, but won a far higher prize. The great Republican Convention met at Chicago on the i6th ot June, i860. The delegates and strangers who crowded the city amounted to twenty- five thousand. An immense building called "The Wigwam," was reared to accommodate the Conven- tion. There were eleven candidates for whom votes were thrown. William H. Seward, a man whose fame as a statesman had long filled the land, was llie most urominent. It was generally supposed he would be the nominee. Abraham Lincoln, ho\Vever, received the nomination on the third ballot. Little did he then dream of the weary )'ears of toil and care, and the bloody death, to which that nomination doomed him : and as little did he dream that he was to render services to his country, which would fi.K upon him the eyes of the whole civilized world, and which would give him a place in the affections of his countrymen, second cnly, if second, to that of \\'ashington. Election day came and Mr. Lincoln received 180 electoral votes out of 203 cast, and was, therefore, constitutionally elected President of the United States. The tirade of abuse that was poured upon this good and merciful man, especially by the slaveholders, was greater than upon any other man ever elected to this higli position. In February, 186 1, Mr. Lincoln started for Washington, stopping in all tiie large cities on his way making speeches. The whole journey was frought with much danger. Many of the Southern States had already seceded, and several attempts at assassination were afterwards brought to light. A gang in Balti- more had arranged, upon his arrival to" get up a row," and in the confusion to make sure of his death with revolvers and hand-grenades. A detective unravelled the plot. A secret and special train was provided to take him from Harrisburg, through Baltimore, at an unexpected hour of the night. The train started at half-past ten ; and to prevent any possible communi- cation on the part ol tlie Secessionists with their Con- federate gang in Baltimore, as soon as the train had started the telegraph-wires were cut. Mr. Lincoln reached Washington in safety and was inaugurated, although great anxiety was felt by all loyal people In the selection of his cabinet Mr. Lincoln gave to Mr Seward the Department of State, and to other prominent opponents before the convention he gave important positions. During no other administration have the duties devolving upon the President been so manifold, and the responsibihties so great, as those which fell to the lot of President Lincoln. Knowing this, and feeling his own weakness and inability to meet, and in his own strength to cope with, the difficulties, he learned early to seek Divine wisdom and guidance in determining his plans, and Divine comfort in all his trials, bo'^h [)ersonal and national. Contrary to his own estimate of himself, Mr. Lincoln was one of the most courageous of men. He went directly into the rebel capital just as the retreating foe was leaving, with no guard but a few sailors. From the time he had left S|)ringfield, in 1861, however, plans had been made for his assassination, and he at last fell a victim to one of them. April 14, 1865, he, with Gen. Grant, was urgently invited to attend Fords' Theater. It was announced that they would be present. Gen. Grant, however, left the city. President Lincoln, feel- ing, witli his characteristic kindliness of heart, that it would be a disappointment if he should fail them, very reluctantly consented to go. While listening to the play an actor by the name of John Wilkes Booth entered the box where the President and family were seated, and fired a bullet into his brains. He died tlie next morning at seven o'clock. Never before, in the history of the world was a natioii plunged into such deep grief by the death of its ruler. Strong men met in the streets and wept in speechless anguisli. It is not too much to say that a nation was in tears. His was a life which will fitly become a model. His name as the savior of his country will live with that of Washington's, ils father; his ct>'.-.ntry- men being unable to decide whiih is the greater. ^^^:^^:2^5Z>^ S£ / 'EN TEEN TH PR ESI DBA T. NDREW JOHNSON, seven- teenth President of the United States. The early life of Vndrew Johnson contains but , ^_^ the record of poverty, destitu- 2j4y tion and friendlessness. He _ [/ was born December 29, 1808, I n\ Rileigh, N. C. His parents, ' belon_,ing to the class oi" the "poor whites " of the South, f.'ere in such circumstances, that they could not confer even the slight- est advantages of education upon their child. When Ar.drew was five I years of age, his father accidentally iost nis life while herorically endeavoring to save a friend from drowning. Until ten years of age, Andrew was a rr.gged boy about the streets, supported by the labor of his mother, who obtained her living with her own hands. i-ie then, having never attended a school one day, and being unable either to read or write, was ap- prenticed to a tailor in his native town. A gentleman was !;-. the habit of going to the tailor's shop occasion- ally, and reading to the boys at work there. He often read from tlie speeches of distinguished British states- men. Andrew, who was endowed with a mind of more than ordinary native ability, became much interested m these speeches ; his ambition was roused, and he was inspired with a strong desire to learn to read. He accordingly applied himself to the alphabet, and with tlie assistance of some of his fellow-workmen, learned liis letters. He then called upon the gentle- man to borrow the book of speeches. The owner, pleased with his zeal, not only gave him the boot but assisted him in learning to combine the letters into words. Under such difficulties he pressed o- ward laboriously, spending usually ten or twelve houri at work in the shop, and then robbing himself of rest and recreatio;- to devote such time =vs he could to reading. He went to Tennessee in 1826, and located at Greenville, where he married a young lady who p^js sessed some education. Under her instructions lie learned to write and cipher. He became prominent in the village debating society, and a favorite with the students of Greenville College. In 1828, he or- ganized a working man's party, which elected him alderman, and in 1830 elected him mayor, which position he held three years. He now began to take a lively interest in political affairs ; identifying himself with the working-classes, to which he belonged. In 1835, he was elected a member of the House of Representatives of Tennes- see. He was then just twenty-seven years of age. He became a very active member of the legislature gave his adhesion to the Democratic party, and in 1S40 "stumped the State," advocating Martin T'ati Buren's claims to the Presidency, in opposition to thos, of Gen. Harrison. In this campaign he acquired much readiness as a speaker, and extended and increased his reputation. In 1841, he was elected State Senator; in 1843, he was elected a member of Congress, and by successive elections, held that important post for ten years. In 1853, he was elected Governor of Tennessee, and was re-elected in 1855. In all these res])onsible posi- tions, he discharged his duties with distinguished abi'.- ANDREW JOHNSON. ity, and proved himself the warm friend of the work- ing classes. In 1857, ivlr. Johnson was elected United States Senator. Years before, in 1845, he had warmly advocated the annexation of Texas, stating however, as his reason, that he thought this annexation would prob- ably prove " to be the gateway out of which the sable sons of Africa are to pass from bondage to freedom, and become merged in a population congenial to themselves." In 1850, he also supported the com- promise measures, the two essential features of which were, that the white people of the Territories should be permitted to decide for themselves whether they would enslave the colored people or not, and that the free States of the North should return to the South persons who attempted to escape from slavery. Mr. Johnson was neverashamedof his lowly origin: on the contrary, he often took pride in avowing that he owed his distinction to his own exertions. " Sir," said he on the floor of the Senate, " I do not forget that I am a mechanic ; neither do I forget that Adam was a tailor and sewed fig-leaves, and that our Sav- ior was the son of a carpenter." In the Charleston-Baltimore convention of i8uo, ne pras the choice of the Tennessee Democrats for the Presidency. In 1861, when the purpose of the South- 2rn Democracy became apparent, he took a decided stand in favor of the Union, and held that " slavery must be held subordinate to the Union at whatever £Ost." He returned to Tennessee, and repeatedly imperiled his own life to protect the Unionists of Tennesee. Tennessee having seceded from the Union, President Lincoln, on March 4th, 1862, ap- pointed him Military Governor of the State, and he established the most stringent military rule. His numerous proclamations attracted wide attention. In 1864, he was elected Vice-President of the United States, and upon the death of Mr. Lincoln, April 15, 1865, became President. In a speech two days later he said, " The American people must be taught, if they do not already feel, that treason is a crime and must be punished ; that the Government will not always bear with its enemies ; that it is strong not only to protect, but to punish. * * The people must understand that it (treason) is the blackest of crimes, and will surely be punished." Yet his whole administration, the history of which is so well known, was in utter iiKonsistency with, and the most violent opposition to, the principles laid down in that speech. In his loose policy of reconstruction and general amnesty, he was opposed by Congress ; and he char- acterized Congress as a new rebellion, and lawlessly defied it, in everything possible, to the utmost. In the beginning of 1868, on account of "high crimes and misdemeanors," the principal of which was the removal of Secretary Stanton, in violation of the Ten- ure of Office Act, articles of impeachment were pre- ferred against him, and the trial began March 23. It was very tedious, continuing for nearly three months. A test article of the impeachment was at length submitted to the court for its action. It was certain that as the court voted upon that article so would it vote upon all. Thirty-four voices pronounced the President guilty. As a two-thirds vote was neces- sary to his condemnation, he was pronounced ac- quitted, notwithstanding the great majority against him. The change of one vote from the not guilty side would have sustained the impeachment. The President, for the remainder of his term, was but little regarded. He continued, though im potently, his conflict with Congress. His own party did not think it expedient to renominate him for the Presi- dency. The Nation rallied, with enthusiasm unpar- alleled since the days of Washington, around the name of Gen. Grant. Andrew Johnson was forgotten. The bullet of the assassin introduced him to the President's chair. Notwithstanding this, never was there presented to a man a better opportunity to im- mortalize his name, and to win the gratitude of a nation. He failed utterly. He retired to his home in Greenville, Tenn., taking no very active part in politics until 1875. On Jan. 26, after an exciting struggle, he was chosen by the Legislature of Ten- nessee, United States Senator in the forty-fourth Con- gress, and took his seat in that body, at the special session convened by President Grant, on the 5th of March. On the 27th of July, 1875, the ex-President made a visit to his daughter's home, near Carter Station, Tenn. When he started on his journey, he was apparently in his usual vigorous health, but on reach- ing the residence of his child the following day, was stricken with paralysis, rendering him unconscious. He rallied occasionally, but finally passed away at 2 A.M., July 31, aged sixty-seven years. His fun- eral was attended at Geenville, on the 3d of August, with every demonstration of respect <^l_.A^<.yC^ EIGHTEENTH FRESIDENT. LYSSES S. GRANT, the eighteenth President of the •'United States, was born on the 29th of April, 1822, of Christian parents, in a humble ' home, at Point Pleasant, on the banks of the Ohio. Shortly after his father moved to George- town, Brown Co., O. In this re- mote frontier hamlet, Ulysses received a common-school edu- cation. At the age of seven- teen, in the year 1839, he entered ^ the Military Academy at West I Point. Here he was regarded as a joiid, sensible young man of fair abilities, and of sturdy, honest character. He took respectable rank as a scholar. In June, 1843, he graduated, about the middle iu his class, and was sent as lieutenant of in- fantry to one of the distant military posts in the Mis- souri Territory. Two years he past in these dreary solitudes, watching the vagabond and exasperating ndians. The war with Mexico came. Lieut. Grant was ;ent with his regiment to Corpus Christi. His first lattle was at Palo Alto. There was no chance here .or the exhibition of either skill or heroism, nor at Resacade la Palma, his second battle. At the battle of Monterey, his third engagement, it is said that ■ne performed a signal service of daring and skillful horsemanship. His brigade had exhausted its am- munition. A messenger must be sent for more, along a route exposed to the bullets of the foe. Lieut. Grant, adopting an expedient learned of the Indians, grasped the mane of his horse, and hanging upon one side of the anin^l, ran the gauntlet in entire safety. From Monterey he was sent, with the fourth infantry, 10 aid Gen. Scott, at the siege of Vera Cruz. In preparation for the march to the city of Mexico, he was appointed quartermaster of his regiment. At the battle of Molino del Rey, he was promoted to a first lieutenancy, and was brevetted captain at Cha- pultepec. At the close of the Mexican War, Capt. Grant re- turned with his regiment to New York, and was again sent to one of the military posts on the frontier. The discovery of gold in California causing an immense tide of emigration to flow to the Pacific shores, Capt. Grant was sent with a battalion to Fort Dalks, in Oregon, for the protection of the interests of the im- migrants. Life was wearisome in those wilds. Capt. Grant resigned his commission and returned to the States; and having married, entered upon the cultiva- tion of a small farm near St. Louis, Mo. He had but little skill as a farmer. Finding his toil not re- munerative, he turned to mercantile life, entering into the leather business, with a younger brother, at Ga- lena, 111. This was in the year i860. As the tidings of the rebels firing on Fort Sumpter reached the ears of Capt. Grant in his counting-room, he said, — "Uncle Sam has educated me for the army; though I have served him through one war, I do not feel that I have yet repaid the debt. I am still ready to discharge my obligations. I shall therefore buckle or. my sword and see Uncle Sam through this war too." He went into the streets, raised a company of vol- unteers, and led them as their captain to Springfield, the capital of the State, where their services were offered to Gov. Yates. The Governor, impressed by the zeal and straightforward executive ability of Capt. Grant, gave him a desk in his office, to assist in the volunteer organization that was being formed in the State in behalf of the Government. On the isth of ULYSSES S. GRANT. 1 11 tie, t86i, Capt. Grant received a commission as Colonel of the Twenty-first Regiment of Illinois Vol- unteers. His merits as a West Point graduate, who had served for 15 years in the regular army, were such that he was soon promoted to the rank of Brigadier- General and was placed in command at Cairo. The rebels raised their banner at Paducah, near the mouth of the Tennessee River. Scarcely had its folds ap- peared in the breeze ere Gen. Grant was there. The rebels fled. Their banner fell, and the star and stripes were unfurled in its stead. He entered the service with great determination and immediately began active duty. This was the be- ginning, and until the surrenderor Lee at Richmond he was ever pushing the enemy with great vigor and effectiveness. At Belmont, a few days later, he sur- prised and routed the rebels, then at Fort Henry won another victory. Then came the brilliant fight at Fort Donelson. The nation was electrified by the victory, and the brave leader of the boys in blue was immediately made a Major-General, and the military iistrict of Tennessee was assigned to him. Like all great captains, Gen. Grant knew well how to secure the results of victory. He immediately tsushed on to the enemies' lines. Then came the terrible battles of Pittsburg Landing, Corinth, and the siege of Vicksburg, where Gen. Pemberton made an unconditional surrender of the city with over thirty thousand men and one-hundred and seventy-two can- non. The fall of Vicksburg was by far the most severe blow which the rebels had thus far encountered, and opened up the Mississippi from Cairo to the Gulf. Gen. Grant was next ordered to co-operate with Gen. Banks in a movement upon Texas, and pro- ceeded to New Orleans, where he was thrown from his horse, and received severe injuries, from which he was laid up for months. He then rushed to the aid of Gens. Rosecrans and Thomas at Chattanooga, and by a wonderful series of strategic and technical meas- ures put the Union Army in fighting condition. Then followed the bloody battles at Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, in which the rebels were routed with great loss. This won for him un- bounded praise in the North. On the 4th of Febru- ary, 1864, Congress revived the grade of lieutenant- general, and the rank was conferred on Gen. Grant. He repaired to Washington to receive his credentials and enter upon thf duties of his new office. Gen. Grant decided as soon as he took charge of the army to concentrate the widely-dispersed National troops for an attack upon Richmond, the nominal capital of the Rebellion, and endeavor there to de- stroy the rebel armies which would be promptly as- sembled from all quarters for its defence. The whole continent seemed to tremble under the tramp of these majestic armies, rushing to the decisive battle field. Steamers were crowded with troops. Railway trains were burdened with closely packed thousands. His plans were comprehensive and involved a series of campaigns, which were executed with remarkable en- ergy and ability, and were consummated at the sur- render of Lee, April 9, 1865. The war was ended. The Union was saved. The almost unanimous voice of the Nation declared Gen. Grant to be the most prominent instrument in its sal- vation. The eminent services he had thus rendered the country brought him conspicuously forward as the Republican candidate for the Presidential chair. At the Republican Convention held at Chicago. May 21, 1868, he was unanimously nominated for the Presidency, and at the autumn election received a majority of the popular vote, and 214 out of 294 electoral votes. The National Convention of the Republican parly which met at Philadelphia on the 5th of June, 1S72, placed Gen. Grant in nomination for a second term by a unanimous vote. The selection was emphati- cally indorsed by the people five months later, 292 electoral votes being cast for him. Soon after the close of his second term, Gen. Grant started upon his famous trip around the world. He visited almost every country of the civilized world, and was everywhere received with such ovations and demonstrations of respect and honor, private as well as public and official, as were never before bestowed upon any citizen of the United States. He was the most prominent candidate before the Republican National Convention in 1880 for a re- nomination for President. He went to New York and embarked in the brokerage business under the firm nameof Grant & Ward. The latter proved a villain, wrecked Grant's fortune, and for larceny was sent to the penitentiary. The General was attacked with cancer in the throat, but suffered in his stoic-like manner, never complaining. He was re-instated as General of the Army and retired by Congress. The cancer soon finished its deadly work, and July 2j, 1885, the nation went in mourning over the death of the illustrious General. ^^"^-^J^^-^^ NINETEENTH TRESIDENT. hutheht:ord b, hayes. w/ J^-i-Cteif'- ^".^HV^'-k UTHERFORD B. HAYES, nineteenth President of f the United States, was born in Delaware, O., Oct. 4, 1822, al- most three months after the death of his father, Rutherford Hayes. His ancestry on both ^1 the paternal and maternal sides, was of the most honorable char- acter. It can be traced, it is said, as far back as 1280, when Hayes and Rutherford were two Scottish chief- tains, fighting side by side with Baliol, William Wallace and Robert Jruce. Both families belonged to the nobility, owned extensive estates, ' and had a large following. Misfor- tune OMt:r«king the family, George Hayes left Scot- land in 16S0, and settled in Windsor, Conn. His son George wai. born in Windsor, and remained there during his life. Daniel Hayes, son of the latter, mar- ried Sarah L.;e, and lived from the time of his mar- riage until h!s death in Simsbury, Conn. Ezekiel, son of Daniel, was born in 1724, and was a manufac- turer of scytheij at Bradford, Conn. Rutherford Hayes, son of Ezekiel and grandfather of President Hayes, was born inNewHavon, in August, 1756. He was a farmer, blacksmith and tavern-keeper. He emigrated to Vermont at an utiknown date, settling in Brattleboro, where he established a hotel. Here his son Ruth- erford Hayes the father of President Hayes, was born. He was married, in September, 1813, to Sophia Birchard, of Wilmington, Vt., whose ancestors emi- grated thither from Connecticut, they having been' among the wealthiest and best famlies of Norwich. Her ancestry on the male side are traced back to 1635, to John Birchard, one of the principal founders of Norwich. Both of her grandfathers were soldiers in the Revolutionary AVar. The father of President Hayes was an industrious frugal and opened-hearted man. He was of a nie chanical turn, and could mend a plow, knit a stock- ing, or do almost anything else that he choose to undertake. He was a member of the Church, active in all the benevolent enterprises of the town, and con- ducted his business on Christian principles. After the close of the war of 181 2, for reasons inexplicable to his neighbors, he resolved to emigrate to Ohio. The journey from Vermont to Ohio in that day when there were no canals, steamers, nor railways, was a very serious affair. A tour of inspection was first made, occupying four months. Mr. Hayes deter mined to move to Delaware, where the family arrived in 1817. He died July 22, 1822, a vicrim of nialaiiai fever, less than three months before the birth of the son, of whom we now write. Mrs. Hayes, in her sore be- reavement, found the support she so much needed in her brother Sardis, who had been a member of the household from the day of its departure from Ver^ mont, and in an orphan girl whom she had adopted some rime before as an act of charity. Mrs. Hayes at this period was very weak, and the RUTHJiJiFORD B. HAYESi- subject of this sketch was so feeble at birth that he was not expected to live beyond a month or two at most. As the months went by' he grew weaker and weaker, so that the neighbors were in the habit of in- quiring from time to time " if Mrs. Hayes' baby died last night." On one occasion a neighbor, who was on familiar terms with the family, after alluuing to the boy's big head, and the mother's , .r of nim, said in a bantering way, " Th I; to him. You have got him along so .,' ; ;:>lii't wonder if he would really come to somctliiUL; yet." " You need not laugh," said Mrs. Hayes. "You ivait and see. You can't tell but I shall make him President of the United States yet." The boy lived, in spite of the universal predictions of his speedy death; and when, in 1825, his older brother was drowned, he became, if possible, still dearer to his mother. The boy was seven years old before he w>;nt to school. His education, however, was not neglected. He probably learned as much from his mother and fister as he would have done at school. His sports were almost wholly within doors, his playmates being his sister and her associates. These circumstances tended, no doubt, to foster that gentleness of dispo- sition, and that delicate consideration for the feelings of others, which are marked traits of his character. His uncle Sardis Birchard took the deepest interest in his education; and as the boy's health had im- proved, and he was making good progress in his studies, he proposed to send him to college. His pre- paration commenced with a tutor at home; bit he was afterwards sent for one year to a professor in the Wesleyan University, in Middletovvn, Conn. He en- tered Kenyon College in 1838,31 the age of sixteen, and was graduated at the head of his class in 1842. Immediately after his graduation he began the study of law in the office of Thomas Sparrow, Esq., in Columbus. Finding his opportunities for study in Columbus somewhat limited, he determined to enter the Law School at Cambridge, Mass., where he re- mained two years. In 1845, after graduatmg at the Law School, he was admitted to the bar at Marietta, Ohio, and shortly afterward went into practice as an attorney-at-law with Ralph P. Buckland, of Fremont. Here he re- mained three years, acquiring but a limited practice, and apparently unambitious of distinction in his pro- fession. In 1849 he rno'ved to Cincinnati, where his ambi- tion found a new stimulus. For several years, how- ever, his progress was slow. Two events, occurring at this period, had a powerful influence upon his subse- quent life. One of these was his marrage with Miss Lucy Ware Webb, daughter of Dr. James Webb, of Chilicothe; the other was his introduction to the Cin- cinnati Literary Club, a body embracing among its n;embers such men as'^^hief Justice Salmon P. Chase, Gen. John Pope, Gov. Edward F. Noyes, and many others hardly less distinguished in after life. The marriage was a fortunate one in every respect, as everybody knows. Not one of all the wives of our Presidents was more universally admired, reverenced and beloved than was Mrs. Hayes, and no one did more than she to reflect honor upon American woman- hood. The Literary Club brought Mr. Hayes into constant association with young men of high char- acter and noble aims, and lured him to display the qualities so long hidden by his bashfulness and modesty. In 1856 he was iiominated to the office of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas; but he declined to ac- cept the nomination. Two years later, the office ol city solicitor becoming vacant, the City CounciL elected him for the unexpired term. In 1 861, when the Rebellion broke out, he was at the zenith of his professional !if.. His rank at the bar was among the the first. But the news of the attack on Fort Sumpter found him eager to take mo arms for the defense of his country. His military record was bright and illustrious. In October, 1861, he was made Lieutenant-Colonel, and in August, 1862, promoted Colonel of the 79th Ohio regiment, but he refused to leave his old comrades and go among strangers. Subsequently, however, he was made Colonel of his old regiment. At the battle of South Mountain he received a wound, and while faint and bleeding displayed courage and fortitude that won admiration from all. Col. Hayes was detached from his regiment, after his recovery, to act as Brigadier-General, and placed in command of the celebrated Kanawha division, and for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, he was proinoted Brigadier-General. He was also brevetted Major-General, "for gallant and distinguished services during the campaigns of 1864, in West Virginia." In the course of his arduous services, four horses were shot from under him, and he was wounded four times In 1864, Gen. Hayes was elected to Congress, from the Second Ohio District, which had long been Dein- ocratic. He was not present during the campaign, and after his election was importuned to resign his commission in the army ; but he finally declared, " I shall never come to Washington until I can come by the way of Richmond." He was re-elected in 1866. In 1867, Gen Hayes was elected Governor of Ohio, over Hon. Allen G. Thumian, a popular Democrat. In 1869 was re-elected over George H. Pendleton. Ho was elected Governor for the third term in 1875. In 1876 he was the standard bearer of the Repub- lican Party in the Presidential contest, and after a hard long contest was chosen President, and was in augurated Monday, March 5, 1875. He served his full term, not, however, with satisfaction to his party, but his admii;'«tration was an average or-.' L^ TiVENTIETH PRESIDENT. #- -* ^ - -»* $'^-o X <^^^T^:^\:\-J N.IAMIN HARRISON, the '" ' '^^enty-third President, is the descendant of one of the btorical families of this country. The head of the family was a Major General Harrison, one of Oliver Ci cm well's trusted follow- and fij^hters. In the zenith of Croni- « oil's power it became the duty of this Hariison to iwrticipate in the trial of Chailes I, and afterward to sign the deaili wai rant of the king. He subse- quently paid for this with his life, being hung Oct. 13, 16G0. His descendants came to America, and the next of tiie family that appears in history is Benja- r.;in ILirrison, of Virginia, great-grand- father of the subject of this sketch, and whom he was named. Benjamin Harrison was a member of tlic Continental Congress during the years 1 7 74-5-6, and was one of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence. He was three times elected Governor of Virginia. Geu Wiiliani Ileniv Il.Trrison, the son of the distinguished patriot of the Revolution, after a suc- cessful career as a soldier during the War of 1812, and with -a clean record as Governor of the North- western Territory, was elected President of the United States in 1840. His career was cut short by death within one month after his inauguration. President Harrison was born at North Bend, Hamilton Co., Ohio, Aug. 20, 1833. His life up to the time of his graduation by the MiamiUniversity, at Oxford, Ohio, was the uneventful one of a coun- try lad of a family of small means. His father was able to give him a, good education, and nothing more. He became engaged while at college to t'tn daughter of Dr. Scott, Principal of a female schoo at Oxford. After graduating he determined to en- ter upon the study of the law. He went to Cin oinnati and then read law for two years. At the expiration of that time young Harrison received tb"! only inheritance of his life; his aunt dying left him a lot valued at $800. He regarded this legacy as s fortune, and decided to get married at once, tak3 this money and go to some Eastern town anci be- gin the practice of law. He sold Lis lot, and with the money in his pocket, he started out witii his young wife to fight for a place hi the world, lie 10!- BEW.iAMJM ilAERISON. decided to go to Indianapolis, which was even at that time a town of promise. He Diet with dight encouragement at first, making scarcely anything the first j-ear. He worked diligently, applying him- self closely to his calling, built up an extensive practice and took a leading rank in the legal pro- iessif)n. He is the father of two children. In 18GG Mr. Harrison was nominated for the position of Supreme Court Reporter, and t!ien be- gan liis experience as a stump speakej He can- vassed the State thoroughly, and was elected by a handsome majority. In 1862 he raised the 17th Indiana Infantrj', and was chosen its Colonel. His regiment was composed of the rawest of material, out Col. Harrison employed all his time at first mastering military tactics and drilling his men, when he therefore came to move toward the East witl: Sherman his regiment was one of the f»est ^•rilled and organized in the army. At Resaca he especially distinguished himself, and for his bravery vX Peachtree Creek he was made a Brigadier Gen- eral, Gen. Hooker speaking of him in the most complimentar}' terms. During the absence of Gen. Harrison in the field lie Supreme Court declared the office of the Su- preme Court Reporter vacant, and another person was elected to the position. From the time of leav- i!g Indiana with his regiment until the fall of 1864 he had taken no leave of absence, but having been nominated that year for the same office, he got a thirty-day leave of absence, and during that time made a brilliant canvass of the State, and was elected for another terra. He then started to rejoin Sher- TEan, but on the way was stricken down with scarlet sever, and after a most trying siege made his way to the front in time to participate in the closing icidcnts of the war. In 1868 Gen. Harrison declined z re-election as jeporter, and resumed the practice of law. In 1876 £6 was a candidate for Governor. Although de- feated, the brilliant campaign he made won for him 3 National reputation, and he was much sought, es- pecial.y in the East, to make speeches. In 1880, as usual, he took an active part in the campaign, and was elected to the United States Senate. Here he served six j^ears, and T/as known as one of the ibiest men, best lawyer-- ..ud strongest debateis in that body. With the expiration of his Senatorial term he returned to the practice of his profession, becoming the head of one of the strongest firms in the State. The political campaign of 1888 was one of the most memorable in the history of our country. The convention which assembled in Chicago in June and named Mr. Harrison as the chief standard bearer of the Republican party, was great in every partic- ular, and on this account, and the attitude it as- sumed upon the vital questions of the day, chief among which was the tariff, awoke a deep interest in the campaign throughout the Nation. Shortly after the nomination delegations began to visit Mr. Harrison at Indianapolis, his home. This move- ment became popular, and from all sections of the country societies, clubs and delegations journe3'ed thither to pay their respects to the distinguished statesman. The popularity of these was greatly increased on account of the remarkable speeches made by Mr. Harrison. He spoke daily all through the summer and autumn to these visiting delega- tions, and so varied, masterly and eloquent were his speeches that they at once placed him in the foremost rank of American orators and statesmen. On account of his eloquence as a speaker and his power as a debater, he was called upon at an un- coBsmonljf early age to take part in the discussion of the great questions that then began to agitate the country. He was an uncompromising anti slavery man, and was matched against some of tie most eminent Democratic speakers of his State. No man who felt the touch of his blade derired to be pitted with him again. With all his eloq-ence as an orator he never spoke for oratorical effect, but his words alwaj-s went like bullets to the mark He is purely American in his ideas and is a spier did type of the American statesman. Gifted witli quick perception, a logical mind and a ready tongue, he is one of the most distinguished impromptu speakers in the Nation. Many of these speeches sparkled with the rarest of eloquence and contained arguments of greatest weight. Manj' of his terse statements have already become aphorisms. Origi- nal in thought, precise in logic, terse in statement, 3-et withal faultless in eloquence, he is recognized as the sound statesman and bril'lau: orator O' tiii. day ^^y M ^'^^yi ^#^^ ^ ..-. f>-'r-'.M ^/yi^OcC-^^cy^ ^y^^^rpn-^- GO VERNOIiS OF JLLWOJS. HADRACH BOND, the first Ciovemor of Illinois after its organization as a State, serving from 1818 to 1822, was born in Frederick County, Maryland, in the year 1773, and was raised a farmer on his father's plantation, receiving only a plain English education. He emigrated to this State in 1794, when it was a part of the "Northwest Territory," contmuing in the vocation in which he had been brought up in his native State, in the " New Design," near Eagle Creek, in what is now Monroe County. He served several terms as a member of the General Assembly of Indiana Territory, after it was organized as such, and in 1S12-14 he was a Delegate to the Twelfth and Thirteenth Congresses, taking his seat Dec. 3, 1812, and serving until Oct. 3, i8r4. These were the times, the reader will recollect, when this Gov- ernment had its last struggle with Great Britain. The year 181 2 is also noted in the history of this State as that in which the first Territorial Legislature was held. It convened at Kaskaskia, Nov. 25, and adjourned Dec. 26, following. While serving as Delegate to Congress, Mr. Bond was instrumental in procuring the right of pre-emp- t on on the public domain. On the expiration of his lerm at Washington he was appointed Receiver of Public Moneys at Kaskaskia, then the capital of tlie Territory. In company with John G. Comyges, Thomas H. Harris, Charles Slade, Michael Jones, Warren Brown, Edward Humphries and Charles W Hunter, he became a proprietor of the site of the initial city of Cairo, which they hoped, from its favor- able location at the junction of the two greai rivers near the center of the Great West, would rapidly develop into a metropolis. To aid the enter- prise, they obtained a special charter from the Legis- lature, incorporating both the City and the Bank of Cairo. In 1818 Mr. Bond was elected the first Governor of the State of Illinois, being inaugurated Oct. 6 that year, which was several weeks before Illinois was actually admitted. The facts are these: In January, 181 8, the Territorial Legislature sent a peti- tion to Congress for the admission of Illinois as a State, Nathaniel Pope being then Delegate. The petition was granted, fixing the northern line of the State on the latitude of the southern extremity of Lake Michigan; but the bill was afterward so amend- ed as to extend this line to its present latitude. In July a convention was called at Kaskaskia to draft a constitution, which, however, was not submitted to the people. By its provisions, supreme judges, pros ecuting attorneys, county and circuit judges, record- ers and justices of the peace were all to be appointed by the Governor or elected by the Legislature. This constitution was accepted by Congress Dec. 30. Ar that time Illinois comprised but eleven counties, namely, Randolph, Madison, Gallatin, Johnson, Pope, Jackson, Crawford, Bond, Union, Washington and Franklin, the northern portion of the State be- ing mainly in Madison County. Thus it appears that Mr. Bond was honored by the naming of a SHADRACH BOND. county before he was elected Governor. The present county of Bond is of small limitations, about 60 to 80 miles south of Springfield. For Lieutenant Governor the people chose Pierre Menard, a prominent and worthy Frenchman, after whom a county in this State is named. In this election there were no opposition candidates, as the popularity of these men had made their promotion to the chief offices of the S.ate, even before the constitution was drafted, a foregone con- tlusion. The principal points that excited the people in reference to political issues at this period were local or "internal improvements," as they were called. State banks, location of the capital, slavery and the personal characteristics of the proposed candidates. Mr. Bond represented the " Convention party," for introducing slavery into the State, supported by Elias Ke It Kane, his Secretary of State, and John Mc- Lean, while Nathaniel Pope and John P. Cook led the anti-slavery element. The people, however, did not become very much excited over this issue until 1820, when the famous Missouri Compromise was adopted by Congress, limiting slavery to the south of the parallel of 36° 30' except in Missouri. While this measure settled the great slavery controversy, so far as the average public sentiment was tempor- arily concerned, until 1854, when it was repealed under the leadership of Stephen A. Douglas, the issue as considered locally in this State was not decided until 1824, after a most furious campaign. (See sketch of Gov. Coles.) The ticket of 1818 was a compromise one, Bond representing (moderately) the pro-slavery sentiment and Menard the anti-slavery. An awkward element in the State government under Gov. Bond's administration, was the imperfec- tion of the State constitution. The Convention wished to have Elijah C. Berry for the first Auditor of Public Accounts, but, as it was believed that the new Governor would not appoint him to the office, the Convention declared in a schedule that " an auditor of public accounts, an attorney general and such other officers of the State as may be necessary, may be appointed by the General Assembly." The Constitution, as it stood, vested a very large appoint- ing power in the Governor ; but for the purpose of getting one man into office, a total change was made, and the power vested in the Legislature. Of this provision the Legislature took advantage, and de- clared that State's attorneys, canal commissioners, bank directors, etc., were all " officers of the State " and must therefore be appointed by itself independ- ently of the Governor. During Gov. Bond's administration a general law was passed for the incorporation of academies and towns, and one authorizing lotteries. The session of 1822 authorized the Governor to appoint commis- sioners, to act in conjunction with like commissioners appointed by the State of Indiana, to report on the practicability and expediency of improving the navi- gation of the Wabash River; also inland navigation generally. Many improvements were recommended, some of which have been feebly worked at even till the present day, those along the Wabash being of no value. Also, during Gov. Bond's term of office, the capital of the State was removed from Kaskaskia to Vandalia. In 1820 a law was passed by Congress authorizing this State to open a canal through the public lands. The State appointed commissioners to explore the route and prepare the necessary sur- veys and estimates, preparatory to its execution; but, being unable out of its own resources to defray the expenses of the undertaking, it was abandoned until some time after Congress made the grant of land for the purpose of its construction. On the whole. Gov. Bond's administration was fairly good, not being open to severe criticism from any party. In 1824, two years after the expiration of his term of office, he was brought out as a candi- date for Congress ago^st the formidable John P. Cook, but received only 4,374 votes to 7,460 for the latter. Gov. Bond was no orator, but had made many fast friends by a judicious bestowment of his gubernatorial patronage, and these worked zealously for him in the campaign. In 1827 ex-Gov. Bond was appointed by the Leg- islature, with Wm. P. McKee and Dr. Gershom Jayne, as Commissioners to locate a site for a peni- tentiary on the Mississippi at or near Alton. Mr. Bond was of a benevolent and convivial dis- position, a man of shrewd observation and clear ap- preciation of events. His person was erect, stand- ing six feet in height, and after middle life became portly, weighing 200 pounds. His features were strongly masculine, complexion dark, hair jet and eyes hazel ; was a favorite with the ladies. He died April I f, 1S30, in peace and contentment. Idn^^-UAD C^ ]<2aiiM3a^'.S:^f^^^'^^%'^SJ^s^^JEis^sy& 'HOMAS CARLIN, the sixth Governor of the State of IlHnois, serving from 1838 to 1842, was also a Ken- tuckian, being born near Frankfort, that State, July 18, 1789, of Irish paternit)'. The opportunities for an education being very meager in his native place, he, on approaching years of jad^ment and maturity, applied himself to those branches of learn- ing that seemed most important, and thus became a self-made man ; and his taste for reading and study remained with him through life. In 1803 his father removed 10 Missouri, then a part of " New Spain," where he died in 1810. In i8t2 young Carlin came to Illinois and partici- pated in all the "ranging" service incident to the war of that period, proving himself a soldier of un- daunted bravery. In 1814 he married Rebecca Huitt, and lived for four years on the bank of the Mississippi River, opposite the mouth of the Mis- sc.;ri, where he followed farming, and then removed to Greene County. He located the town site of Car- rt*'tor., in that county, and in 1825 made a liberal donation of land for county building purposes. He was the first Sheriff of that county after its separate organization, and afterward was twice elected, as a Jackson Democrat, to the Illinois Senate. In the Black Hawk War he commanded a spy battalion, a post of considerable danger. In 1834 he was ap- pointed by President Jackson to the position of Receiver of Public Moneys, and to fulfill the office more conveniently he removed to the city of Quincy. While, in r838, the unwieldy internal improvement system of the State was in full operation, with all its expensive machinery, amidst bank suspensions throughout the United States, a great stringency in the money market everywhere, and Illinois bonds forced to sale at a heavy discount, and the " hardest times " existing that the people of the Prairie State ever saw, the general election of State officers was approaching. Discreet men who had cherished the hope of a speedy subsidence of the public infatua- tion, met with disappointment. A Governor and Legislature were to be elected, and these were now looked forward to for a repeal of the ruinous State policy. But the grand scheme had not yet lost its dazzling influence upon the minds of the people. Time and experience had not yet fully demonstrated its utter absurdity. Hence the question of arresting its career of profligate expenditures did not become a leading one with the dominant party during the campaign, and most of the old members of tlie Leg- islature were returned at this election. Under these circumstances the Democrats, in State Convention assembled, nominated Mr. Carlin for the office of Governor, and S. H. Anderson for Lieuten- ant Governor, while the Whigs nominated Cyrus Ed- wards, brother of Ninian Edwards, formerly Governor, and W. H. Davidson. Edwards came out strongly for a continuance of the State policy, while Car'ir remained non-committal. This was the first time that the two main political parties in this State were unembarrassed by any third party in the field. The result of the election was : Carlin, 35,573; Ander- son, 30,335 ; Edwards, 29,629 ; and Davidson, 28,- Upon the meeting of the subsequent Legislature (1839), the retiring Governor CDuncan) in his mes- Il •36 THOMAS CARLIN. sage spoke in emphatic terms of the impolicy of the internal improvement system, presaging the evils threatened, and uiged that body to do their utmost to correct the great error ; yet, on the contrary, the Legislature not only decided to continue the policy but also added to its burden by voting more appro- priations and ordering more improvements. Although the money market was still stringent, a further loan of $4,000,000 was ordered for the Illinois & Mich- igan Canal alone. Cn'cago at that time began to loom up and promise to be an important city, even the great emporium of the West, as it has since in- deed came to be. Ex-Gov. Reynolds, an incompe- tent financier, was commissioned to effect the loan, and accordingly hastened to the East on this respons- ible errand, and negotiated the loans, at considera- ble sacrifice to the State. Besides this embarrassment to Carlin's administration, the Legislature also de- clared that he had no authority to appoint a Secretary of State until a vacancy existed, and A. P. Field, a Whig, who had already held the post by appointment through three administrations, was determined to keep the place a while longer, in spite of Gov. Car- lin's preferences. The course of the Legislature in this regard, however, was finally sustained by the Supreme Court, in a quo warranto case brought up before it by John A. McClernand, whom the Gov- ernor had nominated for the office. Thereupon that dignified body was denounced as a "Whig Court!" endeavoring to establish the principle of life-tenure of office. A new law was adopted re-organizing the Judici- ary, and under it five additional Supreme Judges were elected by the Legislature, namely, Thomas Ford (afterward Governor), Sidney Breese, Walter B. Scales, Samuel H. Treat and Stephen A. Douglas — all Democrats. It was during Cov. Carlin's administration that the noisy campaign of " Tippecanoe and Tyler too " oc- curred, resulting in a Whig victory. This, however, did net affect Illinois politics very seriously. Another prominent event in the West during Gov. Carlin's term of office was the excitement caused by the Mormons and their removal from Independence, Mo., to Nauvoo, 111., in 1840. At the same time they began to figure somewhat in State politics. On 1 account of their believing — as they thought, accord- ing to the New Testament — thnt they should have | "all things common," and that consequently "all the earth " and all that is upon it were the" Lord's " and therefore the property of his " saints," they were suspected, and correctly, too, of committing many of the deeds of larceny, robbery, etc., that were so rife throughout this country in those days. Hence a feeling of violence grew up between the Mormons and "anti-Mormons." In the State of Missouri the Mormons always supported the Dem- ocracy until they were driven out by the Democratic government, when they turned their support to the Whigs. They were becoming numerous, and in the Legislatureofi84o-i, therefore, it became a matter of great interest with both parties to conciliate these people. Through the agency of one John C. Ben- nett, a scamp, the Mormons succeeded in rushing through the Legislature (both parties not daring to oppose) a charter for the city of Nauvoo which vir- tually erected a hierarchy co-ordinate with the Fed- eral Government itself. In the fall of 1841 the Governor of Missouri made a demand upon Gov. Carlin for the body of Joe Smith, the Mormon leader, as a fugitive from justice. Gov. Carlin issued the writ, but for some reason it was returned unserved. It was again issued in 1842, and Smith was arrested, but was either rescued by his followers or discharged by the municipal court on a writ of habeas corpus. In December, 1841, the Democratic Convention nominated Adam W. Snyder, of Belleville, for Gov- ernor. As he had been, as a member of the Legisla- ture, rather friendly to the Mormons, the latter naturally turned their support to the Democratic party. The next spring the Whigs nominated E.x- Gov. Duncan for the same office. In the meantime the Mormons began to grow more odious to the masses of the people, and the comparative prospects of the respective parties for success became very problematical. Mr. Snyder died in May, and Thomas Ford, a Supreme Judge, was substituted as a candidate, and was elected. At the close of his gubernatorial term, Mr. Carlin removed back to his old home at Carrollton, where he spent the remainder of his life, as before his ele- vation to office, in agricultural pursuits. In t8.;.g he served out the unexpired term of J. D. Fry in the Illinois House of Representatives, and died Feb. 4, 1852, at his residence at Carrollton, leaving a wife and seven children. (I o, iiA-t*t,,^<^ GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. -%' ^3=H=^ JHOMAS FORD, Governor from 1842 to 1846, and au- thor of a very interesting history of Illinois, was born at Uniontown, Pa., in the year r 800. His mother, after the death of her first hus- band (Mr. Forquer), married Rob- ert Ford, who was killed in 1802, by the Indians in the mountains of Pennsylvania. She was conse- quently left in indigent circum- stances, with a large family, mostly girls. With a view to better her condition, she, in 1804, removed to Missouri, where it had been cus- tomary by the Spanish Govern- ment to give land to actual settlers; but upon her arrival at St. Louis she found the country ceded to the United States, and the liberal policy toward set- tlers changed by the new ownership. After some sickness to herself and family, she finally removed to Illinois, and settled some three miles south of Water- loo, but the following year moved nearer the Missis- sippi bluff:,. Here young Ford received his first schooling, under the instructions of a Mr. Humphrey, for which he had to walk three miles. His mother, though lacking a thorough education, was a woman of superior mental endowments, joined to energy and determination of character. She inculcated in her children those high-toned principles which dis- tinguished her sons in public life. She exercised a rigid economy to provide her children an education; but George Forquer, her oldest son (six years older than Thomas Ford), at an early age had to quit school to aid by his labor in the support of the family. He afterward became an eminent man in Illinois affairs, and but for his early death would probably have been elected to the United States Senate. Young Ford, with somewhat better opportunities, received a better education, though limited to the curriculum of the common school of those pioneer times. His mind gave early promise of superior en- dowments, with an inclination for mathematics. His proficiency attracted the attention of Hon. Daniel P. Cook, who became his efficient patron and friend. The latter gentleman was an eminent Illinois states- man who, as a Member of Congress, obtained a grant of 300,000 acres of land to aid in completing the Illinois & Michigan Canal, and after whom the county of Cook was named. Through the advice of THOMAS FOHD, \\\\i genileinan, Mr. Ford turned his attention to the study of law; but Forquer, then merchandising, re- garding; his educatioa defective, sent hini to Transyl- vania University, where, however, he remained but one term, owing to Forquer's failure in business. On liis return he alternated his law reading with teach- ing school for support. In 1829 Gov. Edwards appointed hira Prosecuting Attorney, and in 1831 he was re-appointed by Gov. Reynolds, and after that he was four times elected a Judge by the Legislature, without opposition, twice a Circuit Judge, once a Judge of Chicago, and as As- sociate Judge of the Supreme Court, when, in 1841, the latter tribunal was re-organized by the addition of five Judges, all Democrats. Ford was assigned to the Ninth Judicial Circuit, and while in this capacity he was holding Court in Ogle County he received a notice of his nomination by the Democratic Conven- tion for the office of Governor. He immediately re- signed his place and entered upon the canvass. In August, 1842, he was elected, and on the 8th of De- cember following he was inaugurated. All the offices which he had held were unsolicited by him. He received them upon the true Jefiferson- ian principle, — Never to ask ,ind never to refuse office. Both as a lawyer and as a Judge he stood deservedly high, but his cast of intellect fitted him rather for a writer upon law than a practicing advo- cate in the courts. In the latter capacity he was void of the moving power of eloquence, so necessary to success with juries. As a Judge his opinions were "ound, lucid and able expositions of the law. In ,)ractice, he was a stranger to the tact, skill and in- sinuating address of the politician, but he saw through ;he arts of demagogues as well as any man. He was plain in his demeanor, so much so, indeed, that at one time after the expiration of his term of office, during a session of the Legislature, he was taken by a stranger to be a seeker for the position of door- keeper, and was waited upon at his hotel near mid- night by a knot of small office-seekers with the view of effecting a "combination ! " Mr. Ford had not the " brass " of the ordinary politician, nor that impetuosity which characterizes a political leader. He cared little for money, and hardly enough for a decent support. In person he was of small stature, slender, of dark complexion, with black hair, sharp features, deep-set eyes, a pointed, aquiline nose having a decided twist to one side, and a small mouth. The three most important events in Gov. Ford's administration were the establishment of the high financial credit of the State, the " Mormon War "and •he Mexican War. In the first of these the Governor proved himself •■.o be en-;inentlv wise. On coming into office he found >he State liadly paralyzed by the ruinous effects of the notocious "iateriial improvement" schemes of the preceding decade, with scarcely anything to show by way of "improvement." The enterprise that seemed to be getting ahead more than all the rest was the Illinois & Michigan Canal. As this promised to be the most important thoroughfare, feasible to the people, it was well under headway in its construction. Therefore the State policy wai almost concentrated upon it, in order to rush it on tc completion. The bonded indebtedness of the State was growing so large as to frighten the people, and they were about ready to entertain a proposition for repudiation. But the Governor had the foresight to recommend such measures as would maintain the public credit, for which every citizen to-day feels thankful. But perhaps the Governor is remembered more for his connection with the Mormon troubles than for anything else; for it was during his term of office that the " Latter-Day Saints " became so strong at Nauvoo, built their temple there, increased their num- bers throughout the country, committed misdemean- ors, taught dangerous doctrines, suffered the loss of then-leader, Jo Smith, by a violent death, were driven out of Nauvoo to the far West, etc. Having been a Judge for so many years previously, Mr. Ford of course was no.i-committal concerning Mormon affairs, and was therefore claimed by both parties and also accused by each of sympathizing too greatly with the other side. Mormonism claiming to be a system of religion, the Governor no doubt was " between two fires," and felt compelled to touch the matter rather " gingerly," and doubtless felt greatly relieved when that pestilential people left the State. Such compli- cated matters, especially when religion is mixed up with them, expose every person participating in them to criticism from all parties. The Mexican War was begun in the spring of 1845, and was continued into the gubernatorial term of Mr. Ford's successor. The Governor's connection with this war, however, was not conspicuous, as it was only administrative, commissioning officers, etc. Ford's " History of Illinois " is a very readable and entertaining work, of 450 small octavo pages, and is destined to increase in value with the lapse of time. It exhibits a natural flow of compact and forcible thought, never failing to convey the nicest sense. In tracing with his trenchant pen the devious operations of the professional politician, in which he is inimit- able, his account is open, perhaps, to the objection that all his contemporaries are treated as mere place- seekers, while many of them have since been judged by the people to be worthy statesmen. His writings seem slightly open to the criticism that they exhibit a little splenetic partiality against those of his con- temporaries who were prominent during his term of office as Governor. The death of Gov. Ford took place at Peoria, III., Nov. 2, 1850. GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. ^ *$ g*- $#* i^i -^$4<§.-^«^^j i Augustus €. French, f ^^ ^^i. ^,^ i,S»$ $K»$ $^^ ^^$ $-«- -1^- ic->y $•*•- $^^ ic'9<-5' $#5 '$*-^ i^^ $4< ^.v^^ \z^ ^UGUSTUS C. FRENCH, Governor of Illinois from 1846 to 1852, was born in the town of Hill, in the State of New Hampshire, h^^ Aug. 2, 1808. He was a j-fC^ descendant in the fourth generation of Nathaniel French, who emigrated from England in 16S7 and settled in Saybury, Mass. In early life young French lost his father, but continued to receive in- struction from an exemplary and Christian mother until he was 19 years old, when she also died, confiding to his care and trust four younger broth- ers and one sister. He discharged his trust with parental devotion. His education in early life was such mainly as a common school afforded. For a brief period he attended Dartmouth College, but from pecuniary causes and the care of his brothers and sister, he did not graduate. He subsequently read law, and was admitted to the Bar in 1831, and shortly afterward removed to Illinois, settling first at Albion, Edwards County, where he established him- self in the practice of law. The following year he removed to Paris, Edgar County. Here he attained eminence in his profession, and entered public life liy representing that county in the Legislature. A strong attachment sprang up between him and Ste- phen A. Douglas. In 1839, Mr. French was appointed Receiver of the United States Land Office at Palestine, Craw- toid County, at wliich place he was a resident when elevated to the gubernatorial chair. In 1844 he was a Presidential Elector, and as such he voted for James K. Polk. The Democratic State Convention of 1846, meet- ing at Springfield Feb. 10, nominated Mr. French for Governor. Other Democratic candidates were Lyman Trumbull, John Calhoun (subsequently of Lecompton Constitution notoriety), Walter B. Scates, Richard M. Young and A. W. Cavarly, — an array of very able and prominent names. Trumbull was per- haps defeated in the Convention by the rumor that he was opposed to the Illinois and Michigan Canal, as he had been a year previously. For Lieutenant Governor J. B. Wells was chosen, while other candi- dates were Lewis Ross, Wm. McMurtry, Newton Cloud, J. B. Hamilton and W. W. Thompson. The resolutions declared strongly against the resuscita- tion of the old State Banks. The Whigs, who were in a hopeless minority, held their convention June 8, at Peoria, and selected Thomas M. Kilpatrick, of Scott County, for Governor, and Gen. Nathaniel G. Wilcox, of Schuyler, for Lieutenant Governor. In the campaign the latter exposed Mr. French's record and connection with the passage of the in- ternal improvement system, urging it against his election ; but in the meantime the war with Mexico broke out, regarding which the Whig record was un- popular in this State. The war was the absorbing and dominating question of the period, sweeping every other political issue in its course. The elec- tion in August gave Mr. French 58,700 votes, and Kilpatrick only 36,775. Richard Eells, Abolitionist candidate for the same office, received 5,152 vot»s AUGUSTUS C. FRENCH. By the new Constitution of 1848, a new election for State officers was ordered in November of that year, before Gov. French's term was half out, and he was re-elected for the term of four years. He was there- fore the incumbent for six consecutive years, the only Governor of this State who has ever served in tliat capacity so long at one time. As there was no organized opposition to his election, he received 67,- 453 votes, to 5,639 for Pierre Menard (son of the first Lieutenant Governor), 4,748 for Charles V. Dyer, 3,834 for W. L. D. Morrison, and 1,361 for James L. D. Morrison. But Wm. McMurtry, of Knox County, was elected Lieutenant Governor, in place of Joseph B. Wells, who was before elected and did not run again. Governor French was inaugurated into office dur- ing the progress of the Mexican War, which closed during the summer of 1847, although the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was not made until Feb. 2, 1848. The policy of Gov. French's party was com- mitted to that war, but in connection with that affair he was, of course, only an administrative officer. During his term of office, Feb. 19, 1847, the Legisla- ture, by special permission of Congress, declared that all Government lands sold to settlers should be im- mediately subject to State taxation; before this they were exempt for five years after sale. By this ar- rangement the revenue was materially increased. .\bout the same time, the distribution of Government land warrants among the Mexican soldiers as bounty threw upon the market a great quantity of good lands, and this enhanced the settlement of the State. The same Legislature authorized, with the recom- mendation of the Governor, the sale of the Northern Cross Railroad (from Springfield to Meredosia, the first in the State and now a section of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific) It sold for $100,000 in bonds, although it had cost the State not less than a million. The salt wells and canal lands in the Saline reserve in Gallatin County, granted by the general Govern- ment to the State, were also authorized by the Governor to be sold, to apply on the State debt. In 1850, for the first time since 1839, the accruing State revenue, exclusive of specific appropriations, was sufficient to meet the current demands upon the treasury. The aggregate taxable property of the State at this time was over $100,000,000, and the population 851,470. In 1849 the Legiaiature aciopted the township or- ganization law, which, however, proved defectivs, and was properly amended in 1851. At its session in the latter year, the General Assembly also passed a law to exempt homesteads from sale on e.xecutions This beneficent measure had been repeatedly urged upon that body by Gov. French. In 1850 some business men in St. Louis conv- menced to build a dike opposite the lower part of their city on the Illinois side, to keep the Mississippi in its channel near St. Louis, instead of breaking away from them as it sometimes threatened to do. This they undertook without permission from the Legislature or Executive authority of this State ; and as many of the inhabitants thera complained that the scheme would inundate and ruin much valuable land, there was a slight conflict of jurisdictions, re- sulting in favor of the St. Louis project; and since then a good site has existed there for a city (East St. Louis), and now a score of railroads center there. It was in September, 1850, that Congress granted to this State nearly 3,000,000 acres of land in aid of the completion of the Illinois Central Railroad, which constituted the most important epoch in the railroad — we might say internal improvement — his- tory of the State. The road was rushed on to com- pletion, which accelerated the settlement of the in- terior of the State by a good class of industrious citi- zens, and by the charter a good income to the State Treasury is paid in from the earnings of tlie road. In 185 I the Legislature passed a law authorizing free stock banks, v/hich was the source of much leg- islative discussion for a number of years. But we have not space further to particularize concerning legislation. Gov. French's administra- tion was not marked by any feature to be criticised, while the country was settling up as never before. In stature, Gov. French was of medium height, squarely built, light complexioned, with ruddy face and pleasant countenance. In manners he was plain and agreeable. By nature he was somewhat diffident, but he was often very outspoken in his con- victions of duty. In public speech he was not an orator, but was chaste, earnest and persuasive. In business he was accurate and methodical, and in his administration he kept up the credit of the State. He died in 1865, at his home in Lebanon, St. Glair Co., T'.l. (^;?f^^//^^^x?>^2^^S^^2>c^-^i_p GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. RL A. MATTESON, Governor t^«t 1853-6, was born Aug. 8, 1808, in Jefferson County, New York, to which place his father had re- moved from Vermont three years before. His father was a farmer in fair circumstances, but a com- mon Enghsh education was all that his only son received. Young Joel first tempted fortune as a small tradesman in Prescott, Canada, before he was of age. He returned from that place to his home, entered an academy, taught school, visited the prin- cipal Eastern cities, improved a farm his father had given him, made a tour in tlie South, worked there ia building railroads, experienced a storm on the Gulf of Mexico, visited the gold diggings of Northern Georgia, and returned via Nashville to St. Louis and through Illinois to his father's home, when he mar- ried. In 1833, having sold his farm, he removed, with his wife and one child, to Illinois, and entered a claim on Government land near the head of Au Sajjle River, in what is now Kendall County. At that time there were not more than two neighbors within a range of ten miles of his place, and only ilrree or four houses between him and Chicago. He opened a large farm. His family was boarded 12 miles away while he erected a house on his claim, sleeping, during this time, under a rude pole shed. Here his life was once placed in imminent peril by a huge prairie rattlesnake sharing his bed. In 1835 he bought largely at the Government land sales. During the speculative real-estate mania which broke out in Chicago in 1836 and spread over the State, he sold his lands under the inflation of that period and removed to Joliet. In 183S he became a heavy contractor on the Illinois & Michigan Canal. Upon the completion of his job in 1841, when hard times prevailed, business at a stand, contracts paid in State scrip; when all the public works except the canal were abandoned, the State offered for sale 700 tons of railroad iron, which was purchased by Mr. Mat- teson at a bargain. This he accepted, shipped and sold at Detroit, realizing a very handsome profit, enough to pay off all his canal debts and leave him a surplus of several thousand dollars. His enterprise next prompted him to start a woolen mill at Joliet, in which he prospered, and which, after successive enlargements, became an enormous establishment. In 1842 he was first elected a State Senator, but, by a bungling apportionment, John Pearson, a Senator holding over, was found to be in the same districi, and decided to be entitled to represent it. Mat- teson's seat was declared vacant. Pearson, however with a nobleness difficult to appreciate in this day of 148 JOEL A. MATTESON. greed for office, unwilling to represent his district under the circumstances, immediately resigned his unexpired term of two years. A bill was passed in a few hours ordering a new election, and in ten days' time Mr. Malteson was returned re-elected and took his seat as Senator. From his well-known capacity as a business man, he was made Chairman of the Committee on Finarice, a position he held during this half and two full succeeding Senatorial terms, discharging its important duties with ability and faith- fulness. Besides his extensive woolen-mill interest, when work w'as resumed on the canal under the new loan of $1,600,000 he again became a heavy con- tractor, and also subsequently operated largely in building railroads. Thus he showed himself a most energetic and thorough business man. He was nominated for Governor by the Demo- cratic StSite Convention which met at Springfield April 20, 1852. Other candidates before the Con- vention were D. L. Gregg and F. C. Sherman, of Cook ; John Dement, of Lee ; Thomas L. Harris, of Menard; Lewis W. Ross, of Fulton ; and D. P. Bush, of Pike. Gustavus Koerner, of St. Clair, was nom- inated for Lieutenant Governor. For the same offices the Whigs nominated Edwin B. Webb and Dexter A. Knowlton, Mr. Matteson received 80,645 votes at the election, while Mr. Webb received 64,408. Mat- teson's forte was not on the stump; he had not cul- tivated the art of oily flattery, or the faculty of being all things to all men. His intellectual qualities took rather the direction of efficient executive ability. His turn consisted not so much in the adroit manage- ment of party, or the powerful advocacy of great gov- ernmental principles, as in those more solid and enduring operations which cause the physical devel- opment and advancement of a State, — of commerce and business enterprise, into which he labored with success to lead the people. As a politician he was just and liberal in his views, and both in official and private life he then stood untainted and free from blemish. As a man, in active benevolence, social I'irtues and all the amiable qualities of neighbor or citizen, he had few superiors. His messages present a perspicuous array of facts as to the condition of the State, and are often couched in forcible and elegant diction. The greatest excitement during his term of office was the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, by Con- gress, under the leadership of Stephen A. Douglas in 1854, when the bill was passed organizing the Terri- tory of Kansas and Nebraska. A large portion of the Whig party of the North, through their bitter op- position to tfie Democratic party, naturally drifted into the doctrine of anti-slavery, and thus led to what was temporarily called the " Anti- Nebraska " party, while the followers of Douglas were known as " Ne- braska or Douglas Democrats." It was during this embryo stage of the Republican party that Abraham Lincoln was brought forward as the "Anti-Nebraska" candidate for the United States Senatorship, while Gen. James Shields, the incumbent, was re-nom- inated by the Democrats. But after a fewb.allotings in the Legislature (1855), these men were dropped, and Lyman Trumbull, an Anti-Nebraska Democrat, was brought up by the former, and Mr. Matteson, then Governor, by the latter. On the nth ballot Mr. Trumbull obtained one majority, and was ac- cordingly declared elected. Before Gov. Matteson 's term expired, the Republicans were fully organized as a national party, and in 1856 put into the field a full national and State ticket, carrying the State, but not the nation. The Legislature of 1855 passed two very import- ant measures, — the present free-school system and a submission of the Maine liquor law to a vote of the people. The latter was defeated by a small majority of the popular vote. During the four years of Gov. ALatteson's admin- istration the taxable wealth of the State was about trebled, from $137,818,079 to $349,951,272; the pub- lic debt was reduced from $r7,398,985 to $12,843,- 144; taxation was at the same time reduced, and the State resumed paying interest on its debt in New York as fast as it fell due ; railroads were increased in their mileage from something le£.s than 400 to about 3,000 ; and the population of Chicago was nearly doubled, and its commerce more than quad- rupled. Before closing this account, we regret that we have to say that Mr. Matteson, in all other respects an upright man and a good Governor, was implicated in a false re-issue of redeemed canal scrio, amount- ing to $224,r82.66. By a suit in the Sangamon Cir- cuit Court the State recovered the principal and all the interest excepting $27,500. He died in the winter of 1872-3, at Chicago. U^i-^^-^- GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. 'y^f^'s-n^^^ ,'i^tm'^^^Si^^ f illia«| f[.. ipi^_^'#. l'^tgt,t^'^^^t^ts??^<^t';V . LIAM H. BISSELL, Gov- ernor 1857-60, was born April 25, 181 1, in the State of New York, near Painted Post, Yates County. His parents were obscure, honest, God-fearing people, v^ ulio re ired their children under the daily ri>^ examjile of industry and frugality, accord- ing to the custom of that class of Eastern bOLiety Mr Bissell received a respecta- ile but not thorough academical education. By assiduous application he acquired a knowledge of medicine, and in his early manhood came West and located in Mon- roe County, this State, where he engaged in the practice of that profession. But he was not enam- ored of his calling; he was swayed by a broader ambition, to such an extent that the mysteries of the healing art and its arduous duties failed to yield him further any charms. In a few years he discovered his choice of a profession to be a mistake, and when he approached the age of 30 he sought to begin anew. Dr. Bissell, no doubt unexpectedly to him- self, discovered a singular facility and charm of speech, the exercise of which acquired for him a ready local notoriety. It soon came to be under- stood that he desired to abandon his profession and take up that of the law. Daring terms of Court he would spend his time at the county seat among the members of the Bar, who extended to him a ready welcome. It was not strange, therefore, that he should drift into public life. In rS4o he was elected as a Dem- ocrat to the Legislature from Monroe County, and was an efficient member of that body. On his re- turn home he qualified himself for admission to the Bar and speedily rose to the front rank as an advo- cate. His powers of oratory were captivating. With a pure diction, charming and inimitable gestures, clearness of statement, and a remarkable vein of sly humor, his efforts before a jury told with irresistible effect. He was chosen by the Legislature Prosecut- ing Attorney for the Circuit in which he lived, and in that position he fully discharged his duty to the State, gained the esteem of the Bar, and seldom failed to convict the offender of the law. In stature he was somewhat tall and slender, and with a straight, military bearing, he presented a dis- tinguished appearance. His complexion was dark, his head well poised, though not large, his address pleasant and manner winning. He was exemplary in his habits, a devoted husband and kind parent. He was twice married, the first time to Miss James, '52 WILLIAM H BfSSELL. of Monroe County, by whom he had two children, both daughters. She died soon after the year 1840, and Mr. B. married for his second wife a daughter of Elias K. Kane, previously a United States Senator from this State. She survived him but a short time, and died without issue. When the war with Mexico was declared in 1 846, Mr. Bissell enlisted and was elected Colonel of his regiment, over Hon. Don Morrison, by an almost unanimous vote, — 807 to 6. Considering the limited opportunities he had had, he evinced a high order of military talent. On the bloody field of Buena Vista he acquitted himself with intrepid and distinguished ability, contributing with his regiment, the Second Illinois, in no small degree toward saving the waver- ing fortunes of our arms during that long and fiercely contested battle. After his return home, at the close of the war, he was elected to Congress, his opponents being the Hons. P. B. Fouke and Joseph Gillespie. He served two terms in Congress, He was an ardent politician. During the great contest of 1850 he voted in favor of the adjustment measures; but in 1S54 he opposed the repeal of the Missouri Compromise act and therefore the Kansas-Nebraska bill of Douglas, and thus became identified with the nascent Republican party. During his first Congressional term, while the Southern members were following their old practice of intimidating the North by bullying language, and claiming most of the credit for victories in the Mexican War, and Jefferson Davis claiming for the Mississippi troops all the credit for success at Buena Vista, Mr. Bissell bravely defended the Northern troops; whereupon Davis challenged Bissell to a duel, which was accepted. This matter was brought up against Bissell when he was candidate for Governor and during his term of office, as the Constitution of this State forbade any duelist from holding a State office. In 1 85 6, when the Republican party first put forth a candidate, John C. Fremont, for President of the United States, the same party nominated Mr. Bissell for Governor of Illinois, and John Wood, of Quincy, for Lieutenant Governor, while the Democrats nomi- nated Hon. W. A. Richardson, of Adams County, for Governor, and Col. R. J. Hamilton, of Cook County, for Lieutenant Governor. The result of the election was a plurality of 4,729 votes over Richard- son. The American, or Know-Nothing, party had a ticket in the field. The Legislature was nearly bal- anced, but was politically opposed to the Governor. His message to the Legislature was short and rather ordinary, and was criticised for expressing the sup- posed obligations of the people to the incorporators of the Illinois Central Railroad Company and for re- opening the slavery question by allusions to the Kansas troubles. Late in the session an apportion- ment bill, based upon the State census of 1855, was passed, amid much partisan strife. The Governor at first signed the bill and then vetoed it. A furious debate followed, and the question whether the Gov- ernor had the authority to recall a signature was referred to the Courts, that of last resort deciding in favor of the Governor. Two years afterward another outrageous attempt was made for a re-apportionment and to gerrymander the State, but the Legislature failed to pass the bill over the veto of the Governor. It was during Gov. Bissell's administration that the notorious canal scrip fraud was brought to light, implicating ex-Gov. Matteson and other prominent State officials. The principal and interest, aggregat- ing $255,500, was all recovered by the State except- ing $27,500. (See sketch of Gov. Matteson.) In 1859 an attempt was discovered to fraudu- lently refund the Macalister and Stebbins bonds and thus rob the State Treasury of nearly a quarter of a million dollars. The State Government was impli- cated in this affair, and to this day remains unex- plained or unatoned for. For the above, and other matters previously mentioned. Gov. Bissell has been severely criticised, and he has also been most shame- fully libelled and slandered. On account of exposure in the army, the remote cause of a nervous form of disease gained entrance into his system and eventually developed paraplegia, affecting his lower extremities, which, while it left his body in comparative health, deprived him of loco- motion except by the aid of crutches. While he was generally hopeful of ultimate recovery, this myste- rious disease pursued him, without once relaxing its stealthy hold, to the close of his life, March 18, i860, over nine months before the expiration of his gubernatorial term, at the early age of 48 years. He died in the faith of the Roman Catholic Church. 0/ I which he hari been a member since 1854. ^^^^^/a^u^p-x^ ^ GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. -^-#- )HN WOOD, Govenio.- 1 860-1 , and \ \ f^** the first settler of Quincy, III, was born in the town of Sempro- £" 1BS.W "i- ""'^ (now Moravia), Cayuga Co., %^ 1^ ^J: N. Y., Dec. 20, 1798. He was the second child and only son of Dr. Daniel Wood. His mother, nee Catherine Crause, was of German parentage, and died while he was an infant. Dr. Wood was a learned and skillful physician, of classical attain- ments and proficient in several modern lai.guages, who, after serving throughout the Revolu- lionary War as a Surgeon, settled on the land granted hiui by the Government, and resided there a re- spected and leading influence in his section until his death, at the ripe age of 92 years. The subject of this sketch, impelled by the spirit of Western adventure then pervading everywhere, left his home, Nov. 2, 1818, and passed the succeed- mg winter in Cincinnati, Ohio. The following sum- mer he pushed on to Illinois, landing at Shawneetown, and spent the fall and following winter in Calhoun County. In 1820, in company with Willard Keyes, lie settled in Pike County, about 30 miles southeast of Quincy, where for the next two years he pursued farming. In 182 1 he visited "the Bluffs" (as the present site of Quincy was called, then uninhabited) and, pleased with its prospects, soon after purchased a quarter-section of land near by, and in the follow- ing fall (1822) erected near the river a small cabin, 18 X 20 feet, the first building in Quincy, of whtcli he then became the first and for some months the only occupant. About this time he visited his old friends in Pik';; County, chief of whom was William Ross, the lead- ing man in building up the village of Atlas, of that county, which was thought then to be the possible commencement of city. One day they and others were traveling together over the country between the two points named, making observations on the com- parative merits of the respective localities. On ap- proaching the Mississippi near Mr. Wood's place, the latter told his companions to follow him and he would show them where he was going to build a city. They went about a mile off the main trail, to a high point, from which the view in every direction was most magnificent, as it had been for ages and as yei untouched by the hand of man. Before them swept by the majestic Father of Waters, yet unburdened by navigation. After Mr. Wood had expatiated at length on the advantages of the situation, Mr. Ross replied, "But it's too near Atlas ever to amount to anything!" Atlas is still a cultivated farm, and Quincy is .t city of over 30,000 population. In 1824 Mr. Wood gave a 7iewspaper notice, as the law then prescribed, of his intention to apply to the General Assembly for the formation of a new county. This was done the following winter, resuh- ing in the establishment of the present Adams County. During the next summer Quincy was se- lected as the county seat, it and the vicinity then containing but four adult male residents and half 15" JOHN WOOD. that number of females. Since that period Mr. Wood resided at the place of his early adoption un- til his death, and far more than any other man was he identified with every measure of its progress and history, and almost continuously kept in public posi- tions. He was one of the early town Trustees, and after the place became a city he was often a member of the City Council, many times elected Mayor, in the face of a constant large opposition political majority. In 1850 he was elected to the State Senate. In 1S56, on the organization of the Republican party, he was chosen Lieutenant Governor of the State, on the ticket with Wm. H. Bissell for Governor, and on the death of the latter, March 18, i860, he succeeded to the Chief Executive chair, which he occupied until Gov. Yates was inaugurated nearly ten months after- ward. Nothing very marked characterized the adminis- tration of Gov. Wood. The great anti-slavery cam- paign of i860, resulting in the election of the honest Illinoisan, Abraham Lincoln, to the Presidency of the United States, occurred during the short period while Mr. Wood was Governor, and tne excitement and issues of that struggle dominated over every other consideration, — indeed, supplanted them in a great measure. The people of Illinois, during all that time, were passing the comparatively petty strifes under Bissell's administration to the overwhelming issue of preserving the whole nation from destruction. In 1861 ex-Gov. Wood was one of the five Dele- gates from Illinois to the " Peace Convention " at Washington, and in April of the same year, on the breaking out of the Rebellion, he was appointed Quartermaster-General of the State, which position he held throughout the war. In 1864 he took com- mand as Colonel of the i37tli 111. Vol. Inf, with whom he served until the period of enlistment ex- pired. Politically, Gov. Wood was always actively identi- fied with tlie Whig and Republican parties. Few men have in personal experience comprehended so many surprising and advancing local changes as vested in the more than half century recollections of Gov. Wood. Sixty-four years ago a solitary settler on the "Bluffs," with no family, and no neighbor within a score of miles, the world of civilization away behind him, and the strolling red-man almost his only visitant, he Uved to see growing around him, and under his auspices and aid, overspreading the wild hills and scraggy forest a teaming city, second only in size in the State, and surpassed nowhere in beauty, prosperity and promise; whose people recog- nize as with a single voice the proverbial honor and liberality that attach to the name and lengthened life of their pioneer settler, "the old Governor." Gov. Wood was twice married, — first in January, 1826, to Ann M. Streeter, daughter of Joshua Streeter, formerly of Salem, Washington Co., N. Y. They had eight children. Mrs. W. died Oct. 8, 1863, and in June, 1865, Gov. Wood married Mrs. Mary A., widow of Rev. Joseph T. Holmes. Gov. Wood died June 4, 1880, at his residence in Quincy. Four of his eight children are now living, namely: Ann E., wife of Gen. John Tillson; Daniel C, who married Mary J. Abernethy; John, Jr., who married Josephine Skinner, and Joshua S., who married Annie Bradley. The last mentioned now resides at Atchison, Kansas, and all the rest are still at Quincy. GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. IICHARD YATES, the "War Governor," 1 86 1-4, was born |||w Jan. 18, 1818, on the banks of the Ohio River, at Warsaw, Gallatin Co., Ky. His father ^ moved in 1831 to Illinois, and^ after stopping for a time in Springfield, settled at Island Grove, Sangamon County. Here, after attending school, Richard joined the family. Subsequently he entered linois College at Jacksonville, where, in 1837, he graduated with first honors. He chose for his pro- fession the law, the Hon. J. J. Har- din being his instructor. After ad- mission to the Bar he soon rose to distinction as an advocate. Gifted with a fluent and ready oratory, he soon appeared in the political hustings, and, being a passionate admirer of the great Whig leader of the West. Henry Clay, he joined his political fortunes to he party of his idol. In 1840 he engaged with great <-.rdor in the exciting " hard cider " campaign for ciarrison. Two years later he was elected to the Legislature from Morgan County, a Democratic stronghold. He served three or four terms in the Legislature, and such was the fascination of his ora- ■■•^ry that by 1S50 his large Congressional District, extending from Morgan and Sangamon Counties iorth to include LaSalle, unanimously tendered him tne Whig nomination for Congress. His Democratic opponent was Maj. Thomas L. Harris, a very pop- ular man who had won distinction at the battle of Cerro Gordo, in the Mexican War, and who had ocaten Hon. Stephen T. Logan for the same position. two years before, by a large majority. Yates wa.' elected. Two years later he was re-elected, over John Calhoun. It was during Yates sepond term in Congress that the great question of the repeal of the Missouri Com- promise was agitated, and the bars laid down for re- opening the dreaded anti-slavery question. He took strong grounds against the repeal, and thus became identified with the rising Republican party. Conse- quently he fell into the minority in his district, which was pro-slavery. Even then, in a third contest, he fell behind Major Harris only 200 votes, after the district had two years before given Pierce 2,000 majority for President. The Republican State Convention of i860 met at Decatur May 9, and nominated for the office of Gov- ernor Mr. Yates, in preference to Hon. Norman B. Judd, of Chicago, and Leonard Swett, of Blooming- ton, two of the ablest men of the State, who were also candidates before the Convention. Francis A. Hoffman, of DuPage County, was nominated for Lieutenant Governor. This was the year when Mr. Lincoln was a candidate for President, a period re- membered as characterized by the great whirlpool which precipitated the bloody War of the Rebellion. The Douglas Democrats nominated J. C. Allen of Crawford County, for Governor, and Lewis W. Ross, of Fulton County, for Lieutenant Governor. The Breckenridge Democrats and the Bell-Everett party had also full tickets in the field. After a most fear- ful campaign, the result of the election gave Mr. Yates 172,196 votes, and Mr. Allen 159,253. Mr. Yates received over a thousand more votes than did Mr. Lincoln himself. Gov. Yates occupied the chair of State during the RICHARD YATES. most critical period of our country's history. In the fate of the nation was involved that of each State. The life struggle of the former derived its sustenance from the loyalty of the latter; and Gov. Yates seemed to realize the situation, and proved himself both loyal and wise in upholding the Government. He had a deep hold upon the affections of the people, won by his moving eloquence and genial manners. Erect and symmetrical in person, of pre- possessing appearance, with a winning address and a magnetic power, few men possessed more of the ele- ments of popularity. His oratory was scholarly and captivating, his hearers hardly knowing why they were transported. He was social and convivial. In the latter respect he was ultimately carried too far. The very creditable military efforts of this State during the War of the Rebellion, in putting into the field the enormous number of about 200,000 soldiers, were ever jiromptly and ably seconded by his excel- lency ; and tlie was ambitious to deserve the title of "the soldier's friend." Immediately after the battleof Shiloh he repaired to the field of carnage to look after the wounded, and his appeals for aid were promptly responded to by the people. His procla- mations calling for volunteers were impassionate appeals, urging upon the people the duties and re- quirements of patriotism; and his special message in 1S63 to the Democratic Legislature of this State pleading fur niaterial aid for the sick and wounded soldiers of Illinois regiments, breathes a deep fervor of noble sentiment and feeling rarely equaled in beauty or felicity of expression. Generally his mes- sages on political and civil affairs were able and com- prehensive. During his administration, however, there were no civil events of an engrossing character, although two years of his time were replete with partisan quarrels of great bitterness. Military ar- rests. Knights of the Golden Circle, riot in Fulton County, attempted suppression of the Chicago Times and the usurping State Constitutional Convention of 1S62, were the chief local topics that were exciting during tlie Governor's term. This Convention assem- bled Jan. 7, and at once took the high position that ■\e law calling it was no longer binding, and that it ad supreme power; that it represented a virtual assemblage of the whole people of the State, and was sovereign in the exercise of all power necessary to effect a peaceable revolution of the State Government and to the re-establishment of one for the "happiness, prosperity and freedom of the citizens," limited only by the Federal Constitution. Notwithstanding the law calling the Convention required its members to take an oath to support the Constitution of the State as well as that of the general Government, they utterly refused to take such oath. They also as- sumed legislative powers and passed several import- ant "laws!" Interfering with the (then) present executive duties. Gov. Yates was provoked to tell them plainly that " he did not acknowledge the right of the Convention to instruct hiin in the performance of his duty." In 1863 the Governor astonished the Democrats by " proroguing " their Legislature. This body, after a recess, met June 2, that year, and soon began to waste time upon various partisan resolutions ; and, while the two houses were disagreeing upon the question of adjourning «W die, the Governor, having the authority in such cases, surprised them all by adjourning them " to the Saturday next preceding the first Monday in January, 1865 !" This led to great excitement and confusion, and to a reference of the Governor's act to the Supreme Court, who decided in his favor. Then it was the Court's turn to receive abuse for weeks and months afterward. During the autumn of 1864 a conspiracy was de- tected at Chicago which had for its object the liber- ation of the prisoners of war at Camp Douglas, the burning of the city and the inauguration of rebellion in the North. Gen. Sweet, who had charge of the camp at the time, first had his suspicions of danger aroused by a number of enigmatically worded letters which passed through the Camp postoffice. K de- tective afterward discovered that the rebel Gen. Marmaduke was in the city, under an assumed name, and he, with other rebel officers— Grenfell, Morgan, Cantrell, Buckner Morris, and Charles Walsh — was arrested, most of whom were convicted by a court-martial at Cincinnati and sentenced to imprisonment, — Grenfell to be hung. The sentence of the latter was afterward commuted to imprison- ment for life, and all the others, after nine months' imprisonment, were pardoned. In March, 1873, Gov. Yates was appointed a Gov- ernment Director of the Union Pacific Railroad, in which, office he continued until his decease, at St. Louis, Mo., on the 27th of November following. GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. 163 ll^ICHARD J. OGLESBY, Gov- ernor 1865-8, and re-elected in 1872 and 1884, was born July 25, 1824, in Oldham Co., Ky., — the State which might be considered the " mother of Illinois Governors." Bereft of his parents at the tender age of eight years, his early education was neglected. When 12 years of age, and after he had worked a year and a half at the carpenter's trade, he removed with an uncle, Willis Oglesby, into whose care he had been committed, to Decatur, this State, where he continued his ap- prenticeship as a mechanic, working six montlis for Hon. E. O. Smith. In 1844 he commenced studying law at Spring- field, with Judge Silas Robbins, and read with him one year. He was admitted to the Bar in 1845, and commenced the practice of his chosen profession at Sullivan, the county seat of Moultrie County. The next year the war with Mexico was com- menced, and in June, 1846, Mr. Oglesby volunteered, was elected First Lieutenant of Co. C, Fourth Illinois Regiment of Volunteers, and participated in the bat- tles of Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo. On his return he sought to perfect his law studies by attending a course of lectures at Louisville, but on the breaking out of the California "gold fever " in 1849, he crossed the plains and mountains to the new Eldorado, driving a six-mule team, with a com- pany of eight men, Henry Prather being the leader. In 1852 he returned home to Macon County, and was placed that year by the Whig party on the ticket of Presidential Electors. In 1856 he visited Europe, Asia and Africa, being absent 20 months. On his return home he resumed the practice of law, as a member of the firm of Gallagher, Wait & Oglesby. In 1858 he was the Republican nominee for the Lower House of Congress, but was defeated by the Hon. James C. Robinson, Democrat. In i860 he was elected to the Illinois State Senate ; and on the evening the returns of this election were coming in, Mr. Oglesby had a fisticuff encounter with " Cerro Gordo Williams," in which he came out victorious, and which was regarded as " the first fight of the Rebellion." The following spring, when the war had commenced in earnest, his ardent nature quickly responded to the demands of patriotism and he enlisted. The extra session of the Legislature elected him Colonel of the Eighth Illinois Infantry, the second one in the State raised to suppress the great Rebellion. He was shortly entrusted with important com- mands. For a time he was stationed at Bird's Point and Cairo ; in April he was promoted Brigadier Gen- eral ; at Fort Donelson his brigade was in the van, being stationed on the right of General Grant's army and the first brigade to be attacked. He lost 500 men before re-inforcements arrived. Many of these men were from Macon County. He was engaged in the battle of Corinth, and, in a brave charge at this place, was shot in the left lung with an ounce ball, and was carried from the field in expectation of inj- [64 RICHARD J. OGLESBV.. mediate death. That rebel ball he carries to this day. On his partial recovery he was promoted as Major General, for gillantry, his commissioa to rank from November, 1862. In the spring of 1863 he was assigned to the command of the 16th Army Corps, but, owing to inability fro a the effects of his wound, he relinquished this command in July, that year. Gen. Grant, however, refused to accept his resignation, and he was detailed, in December follow- ing, to court-martial and try tlie Surgeon General of the Army at Washington, where he remauied until May, 1864, whjn he returned home. The Republican, or Uiion, State Convention of 1864 was held at Springfield, May 25, when Mr. Oglesby was nominated for the office of Governor, while other candidates before the Convention were Allen C. Fuller, of Boone, Jesse K. Dubois, of Sanga- mon, and 'John M. Palmer, of .Macoupin. Wm. Bross, of Chicago, was nominated for Lieutenant Governor. On the Democratic State ticket were James C. Robinson, of ("lark, for Governor, and S. Corning Judd, of Fulton, for Lieutenant Governor. Tlie general election gave Gen. Oglesby a majority of about 31,000 votes. The Republicans had also a majority in both the Legislature and in the repre- sentation in Congress. Gov. Oglesby was duly inaugurated Jan. 17, 1865. The day before tlie first time set for his installation death visited his li > ne at Decatur, and took from it his only son, an intelligent and sprightly lad of six years, a great f ivorite of the bereaved parents. This caused the inauguration to be postponed a week. The political events of the Legislative session of 1865 were the election of ex-Gov. Yates to the United States Senate, and the ratification of the 13th amend. nent to the Constitution of the United States, abolishing slavery. This session also signalized itself by repealing the notorious " black laws," pari of which, although a dead letter, had held their place upon the statute books since 1819. Also, laws re- quiring the registration of voters, and establishing a State Board of Equalization, were passed by this Leg- islature. But the same body evinced that it was cor- ruptly influenced by a mercenary lobby, as it adopted some bad legislation, over the Governor's veto, nota- bly an amendment to a charter for a Chicago horse railway, granted in 1859 for 25 years, and now sought to be extended 99 years. As this measure was promptly passed ov;r his veto by both branches of the Legislature, he deemed it useless further to attempt to check their headlong career. At this session no law of a general useful character or public interest was perfected, unless we count such the turning over of the canal to Chicago to be deepened. The session of 1867 was still more productive of private and special acts. Many omnibus bills were proposed, and some passed. Tlie contests over the .^cation of the Industrial College, the Capital, the Southern Penitentiary, and the canal enlargement and Illinois River improvement, dominated every thing else. During the year 1872, it became evident tliat it the Republicans could re-elect Mr. Oglesby to the office of Governor, ihey could also elect him to the United States Senate, which they desired to do. Accordingly they re-nominated him for the E.xecu- tive chair, and placed upon the ticket with him for Lieutenant Governor, John L. Beveridge, of Cook County. On the other side the Democrats put into the field Gustavus Koerner for Governor and John C. Black for Lieutenant Governor. The election gave the Republican ticket majorities ranging from 35,334 to 56,174,— the Democratic defection being caused mainly by their having an old-time Whig and Abolitionist, Horace Greeley, on the national ticket for President. According to the general understand- ing had beforehand, as soon as the Legislature met it elected Gov. Oglesby to the United States Senate, whereupon Mr. Beveridge became Governor. Sena- tor Oglesby 's term expired March 4, 1879, having served his party faithfully and exhibited an order of statesmanship beyond criticism. During the campaign of 1S84 Mr. Oglesby was nominated for a "third term" as Executive of the State of Illinois, against Carter H. Harrison, Mayor of Chicago, nominated by the Democrats. Both- gentlemen "stumped " the State, and while the peo- ple elected a Legislature which was a tie on a joint ballot, as between the two parties, they gave the jovial " Dick" Oglesby a majority of 15,018 for Gov- ernor, and he was inaugurated Jan. 30, 1S85. The Legislature did not fully organize until this date, on account of its equal division between the two main parties and the consequent desperate tactics of each party to checkmate the latter in the organization of the House. Gov. Oglesby is a fine-appearing, affable man, with regular, well defined features and rotund face. In stature he is a little above medium height, of a large frame and somewhat fleshy. His physical appear- ance is .striking and prepossessing, while his straight- out, not to say bluff, manner and speech are well calculated favorably to impress the average masses. .'Vrdent in feeling and strongly committed to the pol- icies of his party, he intensifies Republicanism among Republicans, while at the same time his jovial and liberal manner prevents those of the opposite party from hating him. He is quite an effective stump orator. With vehe- ment, passionate and scornful tone and gestures, tremendous physical power, which in speaking he exercises to the utmost; with frequent descents to the grotesque; and with abundant homely compari- sons or frontier figures, expressed in the broadest vernacular and enforced with stentorian emphasis, he delights a promiscuous audience beyond measure. JtfnJ\(P& (jL-My^Cc^ GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. .^^^^^^^^^ JOBl^ M. Fal .'^t^'^'^t ;-)tt&j^..'^t^i'~?a'T)'^'^ J.OHN Mc AULEY PALMER, Gov- ernor 1869-72, was born on Eagle Creek, Scott Co., Ky., Sept. 13, 1817. During his in- fancy, his father, who had been a soldier in the war of 1812, re- moved to Christian Co., Ky., where lands were cheap. Here the future Governor of the great Prairie State spent his childhood and received such meager school- ing as the new and sparsely set- tled country afforded. To this he added materially by diligent reading, for v/hich he evinced an eaily aptitude. His father, an ardent Jackson man, was also noted for his anti-slavery sentiments, which he thoroughly impressed upon his children. In 1831 he emigrated to Illinois, settling in Madison County. Here the labor of improving a farm was pursued for abuut two years, when the death of Mr. Palmer's I loiher broke up the family. About this time Alton College was opened, on the "manual labor " system, and in the spring of 1834 young Palmer, with his elder brother, Elihu, entered this school and remained 18 months. Next, for over three years, he tried variously coopering, peddling and school-teaching. During the summer of 1838 he formed the ac- quaintance of Stephen A. Douglas, then making his first canvass for Congress. Young, eloquent and in political accord with Mr. Palmer, he won his confi- dence, fired his ambition and fixed his purpose. The following winter, while teaching near Canton, he be- gan to devote his spare time to a desultory reading of law, and in the spring entered a law office at Car- linville, making his home with his elder brother, Elihu. (The latter was a learned clergyman, of con- siderable orginality of thought and doctrine.) On the next meeting of the Supreme Court he was ad- mitted to the Bar, Douglas being one of his examiners. He was not immediately successful in his profession, and would have located elsewhere than Carlinville had he the requisite means. Thus his early poverty was a blessing in disguise, for to it he now attributes the success of his life. From 1839 on, while he diligently pursued his profession, he participated more or less in local politics. In 1843 he became Probate Judge. In 1847 he was elected to the State Constitutional Con- vention, where he took a leading part. In 1852 ht. was elected to the State Senate, and at the special session of February, 1854, true to the anti-slaverj sentiments bred in him, he took a firm stand in op- position to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. and when the Nebraska question became a partj issue he refused to receive a re-nomination for th( Senatorship at the hands of the Democracy, issuin;, a circular to that effect. A few weeks afterward JOHN MC AULEY PALMER. ho-vever, hesitating to break with his party, he par- liiipated in a Congressional Convention which nomi- 'I'. L. Harris against Richard Yates, and which .inqiinlifiedly approved the principles of the Kansas- Nebraska act. But later in the campaign he made the plunge, ran for the Senate as an Anti-Nebraska Democrat, and was elected. The following winter he put in nomination for the .United States Senate Mr. Trumbull, and was one of the five steadfast men who voted for him until all the Whigs came to their support and elected their man. In 1856 he was Chairman of the Republican State Convention at Bloomington. He ran for Congress in 1859, but was defeated. In i860 he was Republican Presidential Elector for the State at large. In 1861 he was appointed one of the five Delegates (all Re- publicans) sent by Illinois to the peace congress at Washington. When the civil conflict broke out, he offered his services to his country, and was elected Colonel of the 14th 111. Vol. Inf , and participated in the engagements at Island No. 10; at Farmington, where he skillfully extricated his command from a dangerous position ; at Stoue River, where his division for several hours, Dec. 31, 1862, held the advance and stood like a rock, and for his gallantry there he was made Major General; at Chickamauga, where his and VanCleve's divisions for two hours maintained their position when they were cut off by overpowering numbers. Under Gen. Sherman^ he was assigned to the i4lh Army Corps and participated in the Atlanta campaign. At Peach-Tree Creek his prudence did much to avert disaster. In February, 1865, Gen. Palmer was as- signed to the military administration of Kentucky, which was a delicate post. That State was about half rel)el and half Union, and those of the latter clement were daily fretted by the loss of their slaves. He, who liad been bred to the rules of common law, trembled at the contemplation of his extraordinary power ovjr the persons and property of his fellow men, with which he was vested in his capacity as military Governor; and he exhibited great caution in the execution of the duties of his post. Gen. Palm.-r was nominated for Governor of Illi- nois by the Republican State Convention which met at Pe>rii M.iy 6, 1868, and his nomination would l)robably have been ma'le by acclamation had he not '5crsir,ten;ly declared thai he could not accept a can- didature for the office. The result of the ensuing election gave Mr. Palmer a majority of 44,707 over John R. Eden, the Democratic nominee. On the meeting of the Legislature in January, 1869, the first thing to arrest public attention was that portion of the Governor's message which took broad State's rights ground. This and some minor points, which were more in keeping with the Demo- cratic sentiment, constituted the entering wedge f jr the criticisms and reproofs he afterward received from the Republican party, and ultimately resulted in his entire aleniation from the latter element. The Legislature just referred to was noted for the intro- duction of numerous bills in the interest of private parties, which were embarrassing to the Governor. Among the public acts passed was that which limited railroad charges for passenger travel to a maximum of three cents per mile ; and it was passed over the Governor's veto. Also, they passed, over his veto, the "tax-grabbing law" to pay r^.ilroed subscriptions, the Chicago Lake Front bill, etc. The t\&\v State Constitution of 1870, far superior to the old, was a peaceful " revolution" which took place during Gov. Palmer's term of office. The suffering caused by the great Chicago Fire of October, 1871, was greatly alleviated by the prompt responses of his excellency. Since the expiration of Gov. Palmers 's term, he has been somewhat prominent in Illinois politics, and has been talked of by many, especially in the Dem- ocratic party, as the best man in the State for a United States Senator. His business during life has been that of the law. Few excel him in an accurate appreciation of the depth and scope of its principles- The great number of his able veto messages abun- dantly testify not only this but also a rare capacity to point them out. He is a logical and cogent reasoner and an interesting, forcible and convincing speaker, tliough not fluent or ornate. Without brilliancy, his dealings are rather with facts and ideas than with appeals to passions and prejudices. He is a patriot and a statesman of very high order. Physically he is above the medium height, of robust frame, ruddy complexion and sanguine-nervous temperament. He has a large cranial development, is vivacious, social in disposition, easy of approach, unostentatious in his liabits of life, democratic in his habits and manners and is a true American in his fundamental principle' of statesmanship. ^--ig- -i^-- Jlr^t^X^/^^^^i^^^'^^'^^ Go VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. .^^s^a M i^^^ 1:1 111 f el(f| %. Ii€¥f l?i(lgf . fea'^jt^'^';, being date OHN LOWRiE BEVER- IDGE, Governor 1873-6, was born in the town of Green- wich, Washington Co., N. Y., July 6, 1824. His parents were George and Ann Bever- idge. His father's parents, An- drew and Isabel Bcveridge, be- fore their marriage emigrated from Scotland just before the Revolutionary War, -settling in Washington County. His father was tlie eldest of eight brothers, the )Oungest of whom was 60 years of age when the first one of the num- ber died. His mother's parents, James and Agnes Hoy, emigrated from Scodand at the close of the , Revolutionary War, settling also in |Q Washington Co., N. Y., with their ffiist-born, whose " native land "was the wild ocean. His parents and grandparents lived beyond the time ; allotted to man, their average age over 80 years. They belonged to the " Asso- Cluirch," a seceding Presbyterian body of America from the old Scotch school ; and so rigid was the training of young Beveridge that he never heard a sermon from any other minister except that of his own denomination until he was in his 19th year. Later in life he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which relation he still holds. Mr. Beveridge received a good common-school ed- ucation, but his parents, who could obtain a livelihood only by rigid economy and industry, could not send him away to college. He was raised upon a farm, and was in his i8th year when the family removed to De Kalb County, this State, when that section was very sparsely settled. Chicago had less than 7,000 inhabitants. In this wild West he continued as a farm laborer, teaching school during the winter months to supply the means of an education. In the fall of 1842 he attended one term at the academy at Granville, Putnam Co., 111., and subsequently several terms at the Rock River Seminary at Mount Morris, Ogle Co., 111., completing the academic course. At this time, the fall of 1845, his parents and brothers were anxious to have him go to college, even though he had not money sufficient; but, njt willing to bur- den the family, he packed his trunk and with only $40 in money started South to seek his fortune. II JOHN L. BEVERIDGE. Poor, alone, without friends and influence, he thus entered upon the battle of life. First, he taught school in Wilson, Overton and Jackson Cos., Tenn., in which experience he under- wont considerable mental drill, both in book studies and in the ways of the world. He read law and was admitted to the Bar, in the South, bat did not learn to love the institution of slavery, although he ad- mired many features of Southern character. In De- cember, 1847, he returned North, and Jan. 20, 1848, he married Miss Helen M. Judson, in the old Clark- Street M. E. church in Chicago, her father at that time being Pastor of the society there. In the spring of 1848 he returned with his wife to Tennessee, where his two children. Alia May and Philo Judson, were born. In the fall of 1849, through the mismanagement of an associate, he lost what little he had accumu- lated and was left in debt. He soon managed to earn means to pay his debts, returned to De Kalb Co., 111., and entered upon the practice of his pro- fession at Sycamore, the county seat. On arrival from the South he had but one-quarter of a dollar in money, and scanty clothing and bedding for himself and family. He borrowed a little money, practiced law, worked in public offices, kept books for some of the business men of the town, and some railroad en- gineering, till the spring of 1854, when he removed to Evanston, 12 miles north of Chicago, a place then but recently laid out, under the supervision of the Northwestern University, a Methodist institution. Of the latter his father-in-law was then financial agent and business manager. Here Mr. Beveridge prospered, and the next year (1855) opened a law office in Chicago, where he found the battle some- what hard; but he persevered with encouragement and increasing success. Aug. 12, 1 86 1, his law partner. Gen. John F. Farnsworth, secured authority to raise a regiment of cavalry, and authorized Mr. Beveridge to raise a company for it. He succeeded in a few days in rais- ing the company, of course enlisting himself along with it. The regiment rendezvoused at St. Charles, 111., w.is mustered in Sept. 1 8, and on its organiza- tion Mr. B. was elected Second Major. It was at- tached, Oct. II, to the Eighth Cavalry and to the Army of the Potomac. He served with the regiment until November, 1S63, participating in some 40 bat- tles and skirmishes : was at Fair Oaks, the seven days fight around Richmond, Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville and Gettysburg. He commanded the regiment the greater part of the summerof iS63,and it was while lying in camp this year that he originated the policy of encouraging recruits as well as the fighting capac- ity of the soldiery, by the wholesale furlough system. It worked so well that many other officers adopted it. In the fall of this year he recruited another com- pany, against heavy odds, in January, 1864, was commissioned Colonel of the 17th 111. Cav., and skirmished around in Missouri, concluding with the reception of the surrender of Gen. Kirby Smith's army in Arkansas. In 1865 he commanded various sub-districts in the Southwest. He was mustered out Feb. 6, 1866, safe from the casualties of war and a stouter man than when he first enlisted. His men idolized him. He then returned to Chicago, to practice law, with no library and no clientage, and no political experi- ence except to help others into office. In the fall of 1866 he was elected Sheriff of Cook County, serving one term; next, until November, 1870, he practiced law and closed up the unfinished business of his office. He was then elected State Senator; in No- vember, 187 1, he was elected Congressman at large; in November, 1872, he was elected Lieutenant Gov- ernor on the ticket with Gov. Oglesby ; the latter be- ing elected to the U. S. Senate, Mr. Beveridge became Governor, Jan. zt, 1873. Thus, inside of a few weeks, he was Congressman at large. Lieutenant Governor and Governor. The principal events oc- curring during Gov. Beveridge 's administration were: The completion of the revision of the statutes, begun in 1869; the partial success of the "farmers' move- ment;" "Haines' Legislature " and Illinois' exhibit at the Centennial. Since the close of his gubernatorial term ex-Gov. Beveridge has been a member of the firm of Bever- idge & Dewey, bankers and dealers in commercial paper at 7 1 Dearborn Street (McCormick Block), Chicago, and since November, 1881, he has also been .\ssistant United States Treasurer: office in the Government Building. His residence is still at Ev- anston. He has a brother and two sisters yet residing in De Kalb County — James H. Beveridge, Mrs. Jennet Henry and Mrs. Isabel French. <,J GO VERNORS OF ILLINOIS. Shelby 31. Vtllom. =«=4- HELBY M. CULLOM, Gover- i,nr 1877-83,15 the sixth child of the late Richard N. Cullom, and was bora Nuv. 22, 1829, in Wayne Co., Ky., where his fa- ,. iher then resided, and whence both the Illinois and Tennessee branches of the family originated. In the following year the family emi- grated to the vicinity of Washington, Tazewell Co., III., when that section was very sparsely settled. They lo- cated on Deer Creek, in a grove at the time occupied by a party of In- dians, attracted there by the superior hunting and fishing afforded in that vicinity. The following winter was known as the " hard winter," the snow being very deep and lasting and the weather severely cold; and tlie family had to subsist mainly on boiled corn or hominy, and some wild game, for several weeks. In the course of time Mr. R. N. Cullom became a prom- inent citizen and was several times elected to the Legislature, both before and after the removal of the capital from Vandalia to Springfi-^ld. He died about '873- Until about 19 years of age young Cullom grew up to agricultural pursuits, attending school as he had opportunity during the winter. Witiiin this time, nowever, he spent several montlis teaching- =rhoul and in the following summer he " broke prairie "with an ox team for the neighbors. With the money ob- tained by these various ventures, he undertook a course of study at tlie Rock River Seminary, a Methodist institution at Mt. Morris, Ogle County; but the sudden change to the in-door life of a stu- dent told severely upon his health, and he was taken home, being considered in a hopeless condition. While at Mt, Morris he heard Hon. E. B. Washburne make his first speech. On recovering health, Mr. Cullom concluded to study law, under the instruction of Abraham Lincoln, at Springfield, who had by this time attained some notoriety as an able lawyer; but the latter, being ab- sent from his office most of the time, advised Mr. Cullom to enter the office of Stuart & Edwards. After about a year of study there, however, his health failed again, and he was obliged to return once more to out-door life. Accordingly he bought hogs for packing, for A. G. Tyng, in Peoria, and while he re- gained his health he gained in purse, netting $400 in a few weeks. Having been admitted to the Bar, he went to Springfield, where he was soon elected City Attorney, on the .\nti-Nebraska ticket. In 1856 he ran on the Fillmore ticket as a Presi- dential Elector, and, although failing to be elected as such, he was at the same time elected a. Representa- tive in the Legislature from Sangamon County, by a local coalition of the American and Republican par- ties. On the organization of the House, he received the vote of the Fillmore men for Speaker. Practici!!;"; £76 SHELB Y M. CULLOM. law until i860, he was again elected to the Legisla- ture, as a Republican, while the county went Demo- cratic on the Presidential ticket. In January follow- ing he was elected Speaker, probably the youngest man who had ever presided over an Illinois Legis- lature. After the session of 186 1, he was a candidate for the State Constitutional Convention called for that year, but was defeated, and thus escaped the disgrace of being connected with that abortive parly scheme to revolutionize the State Government. In 1862 he was a candidate for the State Senate, but was defeated. The same year, however, he was ap- pointed by President Lincoln on a Government Commission, in company with Gov. Boutwell of Massachusetts and Cnarles A. Dana, since of the New York Sun, to investigate the affairs of the Quartermaster's and Commissary Departments at Cairo. He devoted several months to this duty. In 1864 he enteied upon a larger political field, being nominated as the Republican candidate for Congress from tlie Eighth (Springfield) District, in opposition to the incumbent, JohnT. Stuart, who had been elected in 1862 by about 1,500 majority over Leonard Swett, then of Bloomington, now of Chicago. The result was the election of Mr. CuUom in Novem- ber following by a majority of 1,785. In 1866 he was re-elected to Congress, over Dr. E. S. Fowler, liy the magnificent majority of 4,103! In 1868 he was again a candidate, defeating the Hon. B. S. Edwards, another of his old preceptors, by 2,884 votes. During his first term in Congress he served on the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Expenditures in the Treasury Department; in his second term, on the Committees on Foreign Affairs and on Territories ; and in his third term he succeeded Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, to the Chairmanship of the latter. He intro- duced a bill in the House, to aid in the execution of law in Utah, which caused more consternation among the Mormons tiian any measure had previously, but which, though it passed the House, failed to pass the Senate. The Republican Convention which met May 25, 1876, nominated Mr. Cullom for Governor, while the other contestant was Gov. Beveridge. For Lieuten- ant-Governor they nominated Andrew Shuman, editor of the Chicago Journal. For the same offices the Democrats, combining with the Anti-Monopolists, placed in nomination Lewis Steward, a wealthy farmer and manufacturer, and \.. A. Glenn. The result of the election was rather close, Mr. Cullom obtaining only 6,Soo majority. He was inaugurated Jan. 8, 1877. Great depression prevailed in financial circles at this time, as a consequence of the heavy failures of 1 87 3 and afterward, the effect of which had seemed to gather force from that time to the end of Gov. CuUom's first administration. This unspeculative period was not calculated to call forth any new issues, but the Governors energies were at one time put to task to quell a spirit of insubordination that had been begun in Pittsburg, Pa., among the laboring classes, and transferred to Illinois at Chicago, East St. Louis and Braidwood, at which places laboring men for a short time refused to work or allow others to work. These disturbances were soon quelled and the wheels of industry again set in motion. In May, 1880, Gov. Cullom was re-nominated by the Republicans, against Lyman Trumbull, by the Democrats; and although the former party was some- what handicapped in the campaign by a zealous faction opposed to Grant for President and to Grant men for office generally, Mr. Cullom was re-elected by about 314,565, to 277,532 for the Democratic State ticket. The Greenback vote at the same time was about 27,000. Both Houses of the Legislature again became Republican, and no representative of the Greenback or Socialist parties were elected. Gov. Cullom was inaugurated Jan. 10, 1S81. In his mes- sage he announced that the last dollar of the State debt had been provided for. March 4, 1883, the term of David Davis as United States Senator from Illinois expired, and Gov. Cul- lom was chosen to succeed him. This promoted Lieutenant-Governor John M. Hamilton to the Gov- ernorship. Senator CuUom's term in the United States Senate will expire March 4, 1889. Ai a practitioner of law Mr. C. has been a member of the firm of Cullom, Scholes & Mather, at Spring- field ; and he has also been President of the State National Bank. He has been married twice, — the first time Dec. 12, 1855, to Miss Hannah Fisher, by whom he had two daughters; and the second time May 5, 1863, to Julia Fisher. Mrs. C is a member of the Method- ist Episcopal Church, with which religious body Mr. C. is also in sympathy. ^^(yUJcAylcF^^ GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS. ^}^^^ ^ ^/ /- \^^^^ |iol\i^ J^/^.afii\ilfeoi]\- * -<«^ ^--^--.^-^ -«. OHN MARSHALL HAMIL- TON, Governor 1883-5, was born May 28, 1847, in a log house upon a farm about two liles from Richwood, Union County, Ohio. His father was Samuel Hamilton, the eldest son of Rev. VVni. Hamilton, who, to- gether with his brotlier, the Rev. Samuel Hamilton, was among the early pioneer Methodist preachers in Ohio. The mother of the subject of this sketch was, before her marriage, fMrs. Nancy McMoiris, who was born and raised in Fauquier or Lou- j doun County, Va., and related to the two large families of Youngs and Marshalls, well known in that commonwealth; and from the latter family name was derived the middle name of Gov. Hamilton. ■In March, 1854, Mr. Hamilton's father sold out his little pioneer forest home in Union County, O., and, loading his few household effects and family (of six children) into two emigrant covered wagons, moved to Roberts Township. Marshall Co., 111., being 21 days on the route. Swamps, unbridged streams and innumerable hardships and privations met them on their way. Their new home had been previously selected by the father. Here, after many long years of toil, they succeeded in paying for the land and making a comfort 'l>le. home. John was, of course, brought up to hard manual labor, with no schooling except three or four months in the year at a common country school. However, he evinced a capacity and taste for a high order of self-education, by studying or reading what books he could borrow, as the family had but very few in the house. Much of his study he prosecuted by the light of a log fire in the old-fashioned chimney place. The financial panic of 1857 caused the family to come near losing their home, to pay debts ; but the father and two sons, William and John, "buckled to" and perse- vered in hard labor and economy until they redeemed their place from the mortgage. When the tremendous excitement of the political campaign of i860 reached the neighborhood of Rob- erts Township, young Hamilton, who had been brought up in the doctrine of anti-slavery, took a zeal- ous part in favor of Lincoln's election. Making special efforts to procure a little money to buy a uniform, he joined a company of Lincoln Wide-Awakes at Mag- nolia, a village not far away. Directly after the ensuing election it became evident that trouble would ensue with the South, and this Wide-Awake company, like many others throughout the country, kept up its organization and transformed itself into a military company. During the ensuing summer they met often for drill and became proficient ; but when they offered themselves for the war, young Hamilton was rejected on account of his youth, he being then but 14 years of age. During the winter of 1863-4 he attended an academy at Henry, Marshall County, [8o JOHN MARSHALL HAMILTON. and ill the following May he again enlisted, for the fourth time, when he was placed in the 141st 111. Vol. Inf., a regiment then being raised at Elgin, 111., for the 100-day service. He took with him 13 other lads from his neighborhood, for enlistment in the service. This regiment operated in Soulhwestern Kentucky, for about five months, under Gen. Paine. The following winter, 1864-5, ^''- Hamilton taught school, and during the two college years 1865-7, l^*^ went through three years of the curriculum of the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio. The third* year he graduated, the fourth in a class of 46, in the classical department. In due time he received the degree of M. A. For a few months he was the Principal of Marshall " College " at Henry, an acad- emy under the auspices of the M. E. Church. By this time he had commenced the study of law, and after earning some money as a temporary Professor of Latin at the Illinois Wesleyan University at Bloomington, he entered the law office of Weldon, Tipton & Benjamin, of that city. Each member of this firm has since been distinguished as a Judge. Admitted to the Bar in May, 1870, Mr. Hamilton was given an interest in the same firm, Tipton hav- ing been elected Judge. In October following he formed a partnership with J. H. Rowell, at that time Prosecuting Attorney. Their business was then small, but they increased it to very large proportions, practicing in all grades of courts, including even the U. S. Supreme Court, and this partnership continued unbroken until Feb. 6, 1883, when Mr. Hamilton was sworn in as Executive of Illinois. On the 4tli of March following Mr. Rowell took his seat in Con- gress. In July, 1871, Mr. Hamilton married Miss Helen M. Williams, the daugiiter of Prof. VVra. G, Williams, Professor of Greek in the Ohio Wesleyan University. Mr. and Mrs. H. have two daughters and one son. In 1876 Mr. Hamilton was nominated by the Re- publicans for the State Senate, over other and older competitors. He took an active put '• o;i the stump " in the campaign, for the success of his party, and was elected by a majority of 1,640 over his Democratic- Greenback opponent. In the Senate he served on the Committees on Judiciary, Revenue, State Insti- tutions, Appropriations, Education, and on Miscel- lany ; and during the contest for the election of a U. S. Senator, the Republicans endeavoring to re- elect John A. Logan, he voted for the war chiei 011 every ballot, even alone when all the other Republi- cans had gone over to the Hon. E. B. Lawrence and the Democrats and Independents elected Judge David Davis. At this session, also, was passed the first Board of Health and Medical Practice act, of which Mr. Hamilton was a champion, agair;' . . much opposition that the bill was several times "laid on the table." Also, this session authorized the location and establishment of a southern pen'- tentiary, which was fixed at Chester. In the session of 1879 Mr. Hamilton was elected President /r.? /i-wz. of the Senate, and was a zealous supporter of John A. Logan for the U. S. Senate, who was this time elected without any trouble. In May, 1880, Mr. Hamilton was nominated on the Republican ticket for Lieutenant Governor, his principal competitors before the Convention being Hon. Wm. A. James, ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives, Judge Robert Bell, of Wabash County, Hon. T. T. Fountain, of Perry County, and Hon. M. M. Saddler, of Marion County. He engaged actively in the campaign, and his ticket was elected by a majority of 41,200. As Lieutenant Governor, he presided almost continuously over the Senate in the 32d General Assembly and during the early days of the 33d, until he succeeded to the Governorship. When the Legislature of 1883 elected Gov. Cullom to the United States Senate, Lieut. Gov. Hamilton succeeded him, under the Constitution, taking the oath of office Feb. 6, 1883. He bravely met all the annoyances and embarrassments incidental upon taking up another's administration. The principal events with which Gov. Hamilton was connected as the Chief Executive of the State were, the mine dis- aster at Braidwood, the riots in St. Clair and Madison Counties in May, 1883, the appropriations for the State militia, the adoption of the Harper high-license liquor Lnv, the veto of a dangerous railroad bill, etc. The Governor was a Delegate at large to the National Republican Convention at Chicago in June, 1884, where his first choice for President was John A. Logan, and second choice Chester A. Arthur; but he afterward zealously worked for the election of Mr. Blaine, true to his party. Mr. Hamilton's term as Governor expired Jan. 30. r885, when the great favorite "Dick" Oglesby was inaugurated. f^t/ ^^^u^ JOSEPH w. fifp:r. :fej3a&aa ^ •^— S --^e -, > 3^-^^f^%'-lf'^"lf-%'-), It i.'i.^l'i.'-l^'i^X ^iv-v|^ ■'tttTtt fvvYtl-Y T-tl- ^^ , 0*C..@^^^1., PH WILSON P^IFER. This distinguished gentleman was elected Governor of Illinois November 6, 1888. He was popularly known during the campaign as "Private Joe." Ik- had served with great devotion to his country during the Re- bellion, in the Thirty-third Illinois Infantry. A native of Virginia, he was born in 1840. His parents, John and Mary ( Daniels) Fifer, were American born, though of fTerman de- •5cent. His father was a brick and stone mason, and an old Henry Clay Whig in politics. John and Mary Fifer had nine children, of whom Joseph was the sixth, and naturally with so large a family it was all the fatiier could do to keep the wolf from the door; to say nothing of giving his children any- tiiing like good educational advantages. Young Joseph attended school some in Vir- tjinia, but it was not a good school, and wiien his f.ather removed to the West, in 1857, Joseph had not advanced much further than the "First Reader." C)iir subject was sixteen then and suffered a great misfortune in the loss of his mother. After the death of Mrs. Fifer, wJiich occurred in Missouri, the family returned to Virginia, but remained only a short time, as during the same year Mr. Fifer came to Illinois. He settled in McLean County and started a brickyard. Here Joseph and his broth- ers were put to work. The elder Fifer soon bought a farm near Bloomington and began .life as an agriculturalist. Here Joe worked and attended the neighboring school. He alternated farm-work, brick-laying, and going to the district school for the succeeding few years. It was all work and no play for Joe, yet it by no means made a dull boy of him. All the time he was thinking of the great world outside, of which he had caught a glimpse when coming from Virginia, yet he did not know just how he was going to get out into it. He could not feel that the woods around the new farm and the log cabin, in whicli tlie family lived, were to hold him. The opportunity to get out into the world was soon offered to young Joe. He traveled a dozen miles barefoot, in company with his brother George, and enlisted in Company C, 33d Illinois Infantry; lie being then twenty years old. In a few day 184 JOSEPH W. FIFER. tlie regiment was sent to Camp Butler, and then over into Missouri, and saw some vigorous service tliere. After a second time iielping to chase Price out of Missouri, tlie 33d Regiment went down to Milliken's Bend, and for several weeks "Private -Joe " worked on Grant's famous diteli. The regi- ment then joined the forces operating against Port Oibson and Vieksburg. Joe was on guard duty in the front ditclies when the flag of surrender was run up on the 4th of July, and stuck the bayonet of his gun into the embankment and went into the city with the vanguard of Union soldiers. The next day, July 5, the 33d joined the force after Johnston, who had been threatening Grant's rear; and finally an assault was made on him at Jackson, Miss. In this charge '-Private Joe" fell, ter- ribly wounded. He was loading his gun when a minie-ball struck him and passed entirely tiirougli his body. He was regarded as mortally wounded. Ills brother, George, who had been made a Lieu- tenant, proved to be the means of saving his life. The Surgeon told him unless lie had ice his brother Joe could not live. It-was fifty miles to the nearest l)oint where ice could be obtained, and the roads were rough. A comrade, a McLean county man, who had been wounded, offered to make the trip. An ambulance was secured and the brother soldier started on thejournej\ lie returned with the ice, but the trip, owing to the roughness of tlie roads, was very hard on him. After a few months' care- ful nursing Mr. Fifer was able to come home. The 33d came home on a furlough, and when the boys were re.id\' to return to the tented field, young Fifer was ready to go with them; for he was determined to finish his term of three years. He was mustered out in Octolier, 1864, having been in the service three years and two montlis. "Private Joe" came out of the army a tall, tanned, and awkward young man of twent\'-four. About all he possessed was ambition to be some- body — and pluck. Though at an age wiien most men liave finished tlieir college course, the young soldier saw that if he was to be anybody he must have an education. Yet he had no means to ena- ble him to enter school as most 3'oung men do. He was determined to have an education, however, and that to him meant success. For the following- four years he struggled with his books. He entered Wesleyan University Jan. 1. 1865. He was not a brilliant student, being neither at the head nor tlie foot of iiis class. He was in great earnest, how- ever, studied hard and came fortli with a well- stored and disciplined mind. Immediately after being graduated he entered an office at Bloomington as a law student. He had already read law some, and as he continued to work hard, with the spur of poverty and promptings of ambition ever with him, he was ready to liang out his professional shingle in 1869. Being trust- worthy he soon gathered about him some influen- tial friends. In 1871 he was elected Corporation Counsel of Bloomington. In 1872 he was elected State's Attorney of McLean County. This office he held for eight years, when he took his seat in the State Senate. Here he served for four years. His ability to perform abundance of hard work made him a most valued iiiember of the Legisla- ture. Mr. Fifer was married in 1870 to Gertie, daugh- ter of AVilliam J. Lewis, of Bloomington. Mr. Fifer is six feet in height and is spare, weighing onl3' 150 pounds. He has a swarthy complexion, keen black eyes, quick movement, and possesses a frank and sympathetic nature, and naturally makes friends wherever he goes. During the late Guber- natorial campaign his visits throughout the State proved a great power in iiis behalf. His hapi)y faculty of winning the confidence and good wishes of those with whom he comes in personal contact is a source of great popularity, especially during a polit- ical battle. As a speaker he is fluent, Lis language is good, voice clear and agreeable, and manner forcible. His manifest earnestness in what he says as well as his tact as a public speaker, and his elo- quent and forceful Language, makes him a most valuable campaign orator and a powerful pleader at the bar. At the Kepublicau State Convention, held in May, 1 888, Mr. Fifer was chosen as its candi- date for Governor. He proved a popular nominee, and the name of " Private Joe " became familiar to ever^'one throughout the State. He waged a vigorous campaign, was elected by a good majority, and In due time assumed the duties of the Cliief Executive of Illinois. ,.#' K. '^x^-v i;i::'®5 mmm coroi y. HUIOB. A. r£^ INTRODUCTORY. 3.HE time has arrived when it becomes the duty of the people of this county to per- petuate the names of their pioneers, to furnish a record of their early settlement, and relate the story of their progress. The civilization of our day, the enlightenment of the age and the duty that men of the pres- ent time owe to their ancestors, to themselves and to their posterity, demand that a record of their lives and deeds should be made. In bio- graphical history is found a power to instruct man by precedent, to enliven the mental faculties, and to waft down the river of time a safe vessel in which the names and actions of the people who contributed to raise this country from its primitive state may be pieservi.'d. Surely and rapidly the great and aged men, who in their prime entered the wilderness and claimed the virgin soil as their heritage, are passing to their graves. The number re- maining who can relate the incidents of the first days jf settlement is becoming small indeed, so that an actual necessity exists for the collection and preser- vation of events without delay, before all the early settlers are cut down by the scythe of Time. To be forgotten has been the great dread of mankind from remotest ages. All will be forgotten soon enough, in spite of their liest works and the most earnest efforts of their friends to perserve the memory of their lives. The means employed to prevent oblivion and to perpetuate their memory has been in propor- tion to the amount of intelligence they possessed, pyramids of Egypt were built to perpetuate the Th- names and deeds of their great rulers. The exhu- mations made by the archeologists of Egypt from buried Memphis indicate a desire of those people to perpetuate the memory of their achievements. The erection of the great obelisks were for the same purpose. Coming down to a later period, we find the Greeks and Romans erecting mausoleums and monu- ments, and carving out statues to chronicle their great achievements and carry them down the ages. It is also evident that the Mound-builders, in piling up their great mounds of earth, had but this idea — to leave something to show that they had lived. All these works, though many of them costly in the ex- treme, give but a faint idea of the lives and charac- ters of those whose memory they were intended to perpetuate, and scarcely anything of the masses of the people that then lived. The great pyramids and some of the obelisks remain objects only of curiosity ; the mausoleums, monuments and statues are crum- bling into dust. It was left to modern ages to establish an intelli- gent, undecaying, immutable method of perpetuating a full history — immutable in that it is almost un- limited in extent and perpetual in its action ; and this is through the art of printing. To the present generation, however, we are in- debted for the introduction of the admirable system of local biography. By this system every man, though he has not achieved what the world calls greatness, has the means to perpetuate his life, his history, through the coming ages. The scythe of Time cuts down all ; nothing of the physical man is left. The monument which his chil- dren or friends may erect to his memory in the ceme- tery will crumble into dust and pass away; but his life, his achievements, the work he has accomplished, which otherwise would be forgotten, is perpetuated by a record of this kind. To preserve the lineaments of our companions we engrave their portraits, for the same reason we col- lect the attainable facts of tlieir history. Nor do we think it necessary, as we speak only trutli of them, to wait until they are dead, or until those who know them are gone: to do this we are asliamed only to publish to the world the history of those whose lives are unworthy of public record. ^^^10 ^©l ^ ,P^ KgftM PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 13 -tori ''i:'^ P' LL LEXANDER HULL, M. D. Comparatively few years ba\e elapsed since Indians and wild animals roamed at will through Fulton County, which had never been visited bj civilized man. Not a fur- io» had been turned and the .ippearance of the country was and unchanging. The si- lence of the primeval wood was A\ unbroken save by the war-whoop of the brave, or by the f ream of the wild bird, while far as eye could penetrate, the only indication of life would be perhaps a deer, stooping shyly to drink of the slow-moving stream, or the smoke ascending from the wigwams of the savages. Now all is changed. Churches seem to turn our thoughts heavenward, with their spires; sehooliiouses dot the country here and there, while elegant residences and finely cul- tivated farms demand constant admiration. Among those who a'-e inseparably indontified with the advance of this county is Dr. Hull, whose portrait appears on the opposite page. He came here in boyhood, and has since been a witness of the development of the county from its original wild- ness to a position among the first counties in tlie State. He dates his arrival here from December 10, 1838, and has taken no small part in the growth of the township where he has principally made his home. Especially has he been closely associated with the educational interests of the community and has served for sixteim years as a member of the School Board in the city of Lewistown. Under the new law by which there are to be six members he is now President of the Board. When he first located in Cuba, the present school system was not in vogue, and in 1854 he secured the services of Prof, and Mrs. William S. Hermance as teachers, both in the higher and primary branches. An un- occupied church building was utilized for a school- house and the reputation of the school became quite extended, many coming from quite a distance to enjoy its privileges. Thus an interest was awakened among the citizens of Cuba, and two years later a schoolhouse was built l)y them. It was a brick structure forty feet square, and one story liigli and was the Grst brick schoolhouse ever built in Fulton County. Later our subject and two others added a second story, which was after- ward donated to the residents of Cuba. Before giving a more extended mention of the history of Dr. Hull it might be well briefly to give that of his ancestry. His paternal grandfather, John Hull, was of English descent and removed PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. from Maryland to Virginia about 1798. Thence in 1807 he removed to Ohio and became one of the early settlers of Licking Countj'. At the begin- ning of this cenliuy Ohio was sparselj' settled, and there lieing no lailroads, the people rnade a busi- ness of teaming from Ohio to Baltimore, Md. John Hull pre-empted a tract of timber land in Licking County and there passed the remainder of life, dy- ing when about eighty-five years of age. His family comprised four sons and seven daughters. His son Philip, the father of our subject, was born in Harrison County, Md., in 1795, and was twelve years of age when he accompanied the family to Ohio. He served in the War of 1812 and was a pensioner in iiis old age. He dealt in horses, driv- ing them to Baltimore and Philadelpliia for sale. In the fall of 1838 Philip Hull, having resolved to seek a home in the West, bade farewell to his friends in Ohio and accompanied by his wife and children, journeyed overland to Fulton County. The winter of 1839 was passed in Lewistown, and the following spring he bought a tract of land near the present site of Smithfield. The land had been improved with a log cabin, while ten acres were broken and twenty-sis acres fenced. This farm, which is now owned by Jacob Zcigler, is one of the finest estates in Cass Township. After living in the log cabin a short time a frame house was was erected and in it the family were comfortably' domiciled. For several 3-ears deer were plentiful, also turkeys, etc., and it was only gradually that the wild music of nature ceased to be heard. The father of our subject, in the fall of 184.5, brought wheat to Chicago, two hundred miles dis- tant, in company wiili ;omeof his neighbors. Tliey took with them plentj' of provisions and horse feed, camping by the way and consuming three weeks in making the trip. The wheat sold at forty- seven cents per bushel, which was more than twice as n)uch as it would have sold for here. On their return they brought back supplies for the house- hold. In this way the years passed b^-, each sea- son witnessing important improvements in the county. The father, after a long and useful career of eighty-nine years, died in February-, 1884. The maiden name of the mother of our subject was barah McCrackeu, and her birth occurred in Brownsville, Fayette County, Pa., in 1801; she was faithful wife and a devoted mother and lived to a ripe old age, passing from earth in 1884, aged eighty-three years. The family of Philip and Sarah (McCraeken) Hull included two sons and two daughters, whose record is as follows : One sister is single and resides in Lewistown, where indeed, all the famil}^ make their home; the other sister married James H. Ran- dall, the father of Dr. R. A. and Pliilip Randall, ^ho are engaged in the drug business; tiie brother, Capt. W. W., made an overland trip to California during the pioneer days of that State and remained there for several years. Returning home a short time before the Civil War, he entered into mercan- tile pursuits, hut upon the breaking out of the con- flict between the North and South, he enlisted in Company H, Seventeenth Illinois Infantry. He was chosen Captain of his company and con- tinued as such until the close of the war, meriting the praise he received and the high esteem in which he was held as a brave patriot and courage- ous soldier. Since the war he has been regarded as one of the leaders of the Republican party and has filled numerous offices of trust and responsibility. In 1865 he was candidate for Sheriff of Fulton County on the Republican ticket, and although his j party was largely in the minority, he was beaten only two votes by the Democratic candidate for the < same office. The Captain was appointed Postmaster at Lewistown, serving here as in other positions with credit to himself, and it may be said of him, j that he was the only Republican Postmaster in Ful- ; ton County who retained his position through the entire Cleveland administration. The maternal grandfather of our subject was Alexander McCraeken, who was born in the North of Ireland, and came to America against his will as a soldier in the British Arm3'. During the war he was taken prisoner and not released until the close of the conflict, when he returned to the Emerald Isle. But so well please. 1 was he with America that after a j'ear's sojourn in his native land he returned to the United States and settled in Tennessee. There he was united in marriage with a Miss Eaton, and they reared a large family of children. lie was converted by Adam Clark and became a preacher PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. in the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1817 he removed from Tennessee to Ohio, settling in Mus- kingum County and purchasing a farm, where he he made liis liome. He was well educated and a fluent tallto Washington — a distance of one hundred miles — which tliey covered in less than three days' time. Immediately after his dis- charge Mr. Johnson came West, and in February following his arrival in this State enlisted in Com- pany I, Fifty-first Illinois Infantr}', and upon tlie organization of tlie company was elected Orderlj' Sergeant. The troops were first sent to Texas and stationed in Port Lavaca on Matagorda Bay, and later were at Nashville and New Orleans, doing post and camp duty until discharged in September, 1865. In Boston, in 1869, Mr. Johnson was married to Miss Mary Colville, a native of Canada who, after ten years of happy wedded life, died in LaGrauge, Ga., where she liad gone for her health. She left two children — Stella and Maggie — both of whom live in Canton. Mr. Johnson was again married in 1>S81, the lady of his choice being Miss Belle Conir stock, a native of Woonsoeket, Conn., and the ceremony being solemnized at Detroit. This lady breathed her last in 1884, and our subject was once more united in matrimon3-, this time at Canton, 111., in September, 1889, with Miss Kittle Flory, of Clear Springs, Md. Mrs. Johnson is a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and both she and her husband have numbers of warm personal friends, both in Canton and throughout the county. At the beginning of his business career in this State Mr. Johnson worked for Mr. Parlin in the capacity of a common hand, but in three years' time was promoted to his present position — that of foreman of the painting department. He has had a share in the municipal offices, having been City Clerk in 1880, and in 1890 he received the ap- pointment of Census Enumerator for this place. He is interested in the social orders, being a charter member of the Masonic Lodge in Canton, a Knight of Pythias and a United Workman. He has been an active political worker, and was for many years manager of the Canton Opera House. F. ROBBINS, manufacturer of and dealer in marble and granite, both imjiorted and domestic, is one of the most reliable husi- fj ness men of Canton. He carries a large line of goods, varying from the common grades to that which is fit for the sculptor's chisel, and is there, fore able to snp|)ly the needs of various classes, from those in humble financial circumstances to the capitalist. He is deserving- of the patronage of the people and secures a large proportion of the trade in his line of business. He comes of Eng- lish ancestry and his kinsmen in both maternal and paternal lines have for several generations held im- portant social and commercial positions in the United States. Our subject is a son of John and Edee S. (Cum- inings) Robbins, natives of New Hampshire and Maine respectively. They removed with tlieir fam- ily to St. Clair, Mich., in 1852, and there fur two ye.ars the father carried on a farming and nulling PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 195 business. At the expiration of that time he re- moved to Quincy, Ky., at which point he was en- jraged in tlie lumber business. But after a few years be quitted the Blue Grass State and journey- ing northwest located in Canton in the year 1856. He purchased a good farm in Buckheart Township, Init retired from agricultural life some years since. The mother passed away to her final resting place, May 18, 1880, and the father died in September, 1890. The latter had reached an advanced age, his natal day having been June 26, 1804. The paren- tal family included J. J., born March 23, 1837; Edee Elizabeth, born September 9, 1838, and now deceased and J. F., of whom we write. The subject of this biographical sketch was born in Newport, Me., August 22, 1843, and remained at home until he had reached his eighteenth year, at which age lie enlisted in Company A, Fifty-fifth Illinois Infantry. They were mustered in at Chi- cago, and then sent to St. Louis where they were in barracks awhile, and then went to Paducah, ICy., drilling and performing the various camp duties. They next went up the Tennessee River to Pitts- burg Landing, where they took part in the battle, and where Mr. Robbins was severely injured by some flying missile. After the fight he was placed in the field hospital, and from there sent to Hamburg, Tenn., where lie remained a week or so, after- wards going to Benton Barracks, St. Louis. He was finally discharged by order of the surgeon as unable to resume service. Mr. Robbins suffered greatly even after reaching home, and it was quite a while before he was able to attend to business of any kind. Our subject having in a measure regained his health, commenced to learn the marble cutting trade with Sanford ifc Barrows at Canton. Finish- ing his apprenticeship in a year's time, he was em- ployed by this firm for a long time, and traveled for them in different directions. Finally, in 1879, Mr. Robbins bought out the business, and has con- tinued to run it most successfully up to the present writing. He carries a large supply of marble, and is the oldest man in his line of business in the city. Mr. Robbins married Miss Jennie Watson, of Canton, on May 28, 1871. She was a nativeof Ohio and a daughter of Stanley and Celia (Woodhouse) Watson. Of this union have been born three chil- dren, viz: Walter, February 29, 1872; Leona, Au- gust 5, 1873, and Clifford, October 3, 1877. The subject of our sketch is a highly respected gen- tleman, and one who possesses a great amount of information. Being a constant reader and in- terested in ancient matters, he has collected a num- ber of prehistoric relics, and those of our Indians and Mound Builders. -i^^ J'^ S. STETSON. Of the citizens of Farming- j ton, few are so well and none more favor ably known than the subject of this sketch, ' who has resided in this city since the spring of 1856. During this long period he has made many warm friends, who hold him in the highest esteem for his integrity of charac- ter and genial disposition. After a prosperous career in the commercial world he now rests from active labor and is passing his last days in peace and quietude. He is pre-eminently a self- made man, meriting great praise for the noble manner in which he has at all times overcome ob- stacles placed in his way. He was eighty-five years of age on January 10, 1890, and is now unable to care for himself, but receives the best of care from his devoted wife. Before giving the principal facts in the life of Mr. Stetson, a few words with reference to his lin- eage will not be amiss. His father, Oliver Stetson, was a carpenter and joiner by trade, and with his parents, three brothers and two sisters emigrated from Connecticut in 1800 and located in Otsego County, N. Y. In the spring of 1804 he was united in marriage with Mary Stewart, the daughter of John Stewart, and they immediately commenced housekeeping. A few months later he took his wife and household goods to her father's house, while he went South to seek employment for the winter season. He proceeded as far as St. Francis- ville. Mo., and there died. In the home of his grandfather Stewart, the sub- ject of this sketch was born January 10, 1S05, and under the tender care of these loving relatives 196 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. passed his youth until he was able to care for him- self. His mother subsequently married Aldrich Balcom, by whom slie had seven children, all de- ceased. She passed away in 1852 at the age of six- ty-five years. Nothing of special interest occurred in the life of our subject ujitil the fall of 1 820, when he became interested in the subject of religion and related his experience to the First Baptist Church at Butternuts, Otsego County, N. Y., and was re- ceived into its fellowt,liip and baptized by Eider Adams, their pastor, January 7, 1821. Since that time he has lived a consistent Christian life. In 1840 he was elected a Deacon to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Deacon Lull. In his 3'outh our subject attended the district schools and was engaged in various kinds of work. In the spring of 1826 he and Mr. Chapin engaged as partners in the wheelwright trade under the firm name of Chapin & Stetson. They were thus employed in Nobleville for two years. Mr. Stet- son was united in marriage April 27, 1826, with Miss Eliza Robinson, and began their wedded life in a house rented of Mr. Chapin. In 1828, Mr. Stetson moved to what is now known as Stetson- ville, and buying a house and fifteen acres of land, built, the following year, a shop where he manu- factured wagons, sleighs and coffins. Finding his house too small for his family and help, in 1836 he purchased a more commodious residence and sixty- three acres of land. p:arly in the year 1838, Mr. Stetson sold his fifteen-acre tract, and fitting one room of his house for a store, purchased a small stock of dry-goods, etc., and commenced in the mercantile business, which he carried on in connection with farming and the manufacture of potash. He subsequently built a good store and dwelling house at a cost of §2,500 and later purchased two hundred and fourteen acres of adjoining land, and erected house and barn, and other buildings suitable for dairying. In the fall of 1854 he resolved to locate in the West, and upon his arrival in Farmingtoii, 111., was so well pleased with the land and the prospects that he purchased of A. D. Reed .1 store for $2,000 cash. Here he commenced mer- chandi-ing in partnership with his son, in the fall of lf^.),'> the firm being J. S. Stetson tensive livery business founded in Canton It, by Morrell Higbie, was born in 1856. He is the son of Norris and Elizabeth (Granger) Pitt, who reside in Peoria and have made that city their home during the past twenty-five years. The father is the proprietor of a merchant tailoring establishment, but does none of the actual work himself, having other inteiests which occupy his time, except that portion which he devotes to the oversight of the business. He deals quite exten- sively in Western lands, and has a prominent place among the Aldermen of the city. He has always been actively engaged in politics, and is generally known and esteemed throughout the community. He has five sons, two of whom are in Chicago and two in Peoria. Tiie subject of this biographical sketch passed his childhood and youth in Peoria, and there ob- 202 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. tained a good education in the High School. Upon first entering the business world he learned his father's trade, and was connected with him until 1879, when he opened a merchant tailoring estab- lishment in Canton. This he carried on success- fully until his marriage, wiiich occurred during the ensuing year. He then made his home in Peoria for a twelvemonth, but at the expiration of that time returned to Canton, where he i)ursued bis chosen business until 1885. At that time the fail- ing health of his father-in-law, Morrell Higbie, forced him to abandon hard work and Mr. Pitt was called upon to assume the management of his livery business. He is an eminently successful business man, and has gained wide popularity by his genial, happy disposition and strict integrity. Mr. Pitt was fortunate in his choice of a wife. Miss Frank Higbie being a young lady possessed of a good education, pleasing manners and the character and disposition calculated to make a happy home. The congenial couple are the par- ents of two children — Lucy and Bessie. Mr. Pitt is a member of the social order of tiie Knights of Pythias. — >'^t^Vt^5S:5<- C^OAH R. KNOWLES, who is engaged in ijj farming and stock-raising on section 15, ^ Pleasant Township, where he owns a good farm, is a veteran of the late war. He was born in Sussex County, Del., April 19, 1841, to William W. and Elizabeth (Phillips) Knowles, natives re- spectivel}' of Delaware and Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Knowles removed to Somerset County, Md. when their son, Noah, of whom we write, was ten or twelve years old, and there they lived a number of years. They subsequently re- moved to Dorchester County, that State and re- mained there till the fall of 1860, when thej' came to Illinois and took up their residence in Fulton County. In 1865 the parents removed to Nebraska, where they are living at the present time. Their wedded life has been blessed to them by the birth of seven children, of whom five survive, namely: Noah R.; George W"., a resident of Johnson County, Neb. ; Angeline, wife of John Turner of Nebraska; S. T. T. who makes his home in Missouri ; and Sena, wife of James Turner, of Nebraska. Our subject had but limited educational advanta- ges in the common schools of Maryland and Dela- ware, but he made the best of them. After coming to Fulton County he worked on a farm by the month for G. C. Cooper, receiving in payment for his labor 810 a month and his board, continuing thus employed for about three years. In March, 1864 he enlisted in Company H., Twenty-eighth Illinois Infantry, and bore an honorable part in the war. He was with his regiment at the siege of Spanish Fort, and he fought in many minor skir- mishes, besides doing much scouting and provost duty. He served principally in Tennessee, Missis- sippi, Louisiana and Alabama and gave proof of excellent soldierlj' qualities. While in the array bis eyesight was much injured owing to exposure and he suffered all the liardships and privations incidental to life on the battlefield. He was hon- orably discharged in March, 1866 in Texas, where he was doing guard dut\-, and he was mustered out at Springfield the following April. The value of his services during the time he was in the army have been recognized by the Government which grants him a pension of $16 a month. Since the war our subject has given his attention to farming, and in the spring of 1879 settled on his present farm on section 15, Pleasant Township. Here he has eighty acres of land which is fenced into convenient fields, is admirably tilled and is provided with all the necessary buildings and good farming machinery. Mr. Knowles enjoys the es- teem and confidence of his fellow-citizens, as his conduct in all the affairs of life has ever been hon- oralile and upright. In his political views he is a sound Republican. Socially, he is connected with the Grand Army, being a member of the Post at Ipava. Though he does not belong to any church he contributes liberally to the support of religious causes. The marriage of our subject to Miss Irena Cooper was celebrated in January, 1867, and has been productive of much happiness to both. To them have been born two children, Cora, wife of Elmer Porter, of this place, and one child who died in infancy. Mrs. Knowles is a daughter of Levin Cooper, whose biography appears elsewhere in this volume. 'ujyjifiMii. A team and di'iver had been procun^il li\ Mr. ('lia|)mnn. and was just ready to start, when Mr. McCall told Ihem to stop, as he would not live long enough for a physii;ian to reach him. Mountain Ciiy is only a mining town, and to obtain a physician it was neces>ary to st nd to Elko, on the Union Pacific Railroad, distant eighty-six miles fr' the bare mention that he was dead, leaving the im.agination to supply the cause and incidents of deatii, and these, as the deceased was known to have in his possession a considerable amount of money, naturally led to the conclusion that violence had been used, and that murder had been commit- ted. Later dispatches, however, relieved the minds of the friends of that mistake, and state that he died of congestive chills. His death was sudden and un- expected. On the 27th ult. he wrote to his family a letter which they received on the day of his death, and gave directions relative to some business mat- ters, and in it there is no indication of ill-health. He was taken sick on the moining of the 29th, and died the afternoon of the following day. We have no information at hand relative to the n.itivity or age of the deceased. He first became known to the writer of this sketch while in the City Council of Peoria, where he served some four or five years, commencing in 1855. He was then engaged in business with Capt. W. 8. Moss, now of California, and was considered one of our best and most respected business men. Soon after that time he removed to Canton, where he has since re- sided, and there, as here, his interest in business affairs vvas reached. .Several months ago his atten- tion was called to a mining operation in the new State of Nevada, and after due consideration, he concluded to embark in it. and it was while carry- ing out that determination that he met his death.. As soon as the fact of his death was announced, his son-in-law, Mr. George A. Black, started to meet tlie train on which the body was to be brought, and it was expected that the sai) cortege would arrive in Canton yesterilay, and that there the obsequies would he celebrated. We may receive intelligence from that place before this number of our paper goes to press. Few men have exhibited a greater show of pub- lic spirit than the deceased. He was always ready to assist, with his purse and his hands as well as his advice, any feasible project for public improve- ments, the friend of education, and a leader in many benevolent and generous enterprises. We might cite hundreds of cases where he has proven these assertions true, but it is unnecessary^ tr) do so, for his works in this regard were known to all his neighbors and acquaintances. He was one whom his adopted city can illy spare. Mr. McCall was a devoted member of the Ma- sonic fraternity, and until increasing years led him PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. to oftener seek the delights of the home circle, was a regular attendant of the order, and we have heard liiin express the belief that it was one of the host means yet devised to awaken the hearts of men to llic loo often neglected virtues of benevolence and charity. The suciety of wliicli he was a memlier very inniu'ily take charge of the remains, follow them in llieir l:isl journey, and deposit them in the place appointed for all living. The blow is a severe one upon the family so sud- denly bereaved, but they have the infinite consola tion that the deceased neglected no duty, shirked no responjiihilily. nor wronged any individual; that he goes home with a clear record and the prayers of the needy as his demit from the earthly lodge. Seldom are we called upon to chronicle the death of a man in all respects so commendable as James II. McC'.all. MASONIC NOTICE. Members of Peoria Lodge No. 15, are requested to meet at the Toledo. Peoria & Western depot, at 11:30 A. jr., this (Saturday) morning, for the pur- pose of attending the funeral of our late brother, J. 11. McCall, of Canton. J. F. IIazzard, W. ;M. From the Peoria Daily Transcript. September 8, 187:3: Funeral of James M. JMcCall. The funeral of James H. McCall which took place in Canton on Saturday, was the largest ever held in that city. The Masonic fraternity, of which the deceased was an honored member, did all iu their power to add by their riles to the solemnity of the occ'asion. Rev. II. B. Smith, pastor of the Univer- salist Church in this city, officiated as clergjMnan. The cemetery was crowded with those anxious to do honor to the memory of a man well known and respected in the country at large, and revered and loved in his own more immediate circle of friends and relatives. From the Elko, (Nev.) Indcpeiulpnt. September 13. 1>IEI> In Mountain City. Nev., August 30, 1873, J. II. McCall, a native of Canton. 1)1., aged sixty-two years. Deceased was President of the Peoria Nevada Smelting and Refining Company, operating in Bruno, and w.as temporarily sojourning in North- ern Nevada attending to the interests of the com- pany. As it will be at least some satisfaction to his bereaved familj' and his numerous friends to know that in his last mouients nothing was left un- done to' alleviate his sufferings, we will mention that Messrs. Chapman, Fisk and Hazeltine, and Mes- dames Fisk and Walsh, and others did all In their power to smooth his pathwaj' '-to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns,'' Being loth to leave him in the land of the stranger, far from family and friends, Col. A. B. Chapman at once started with the remains to Canton, III., Mr. McCall's former home. While a large circle of friends will miss his accustomed cheering pres- ence, let us console ourselves with the tiioughl that our loss is bis gain, and that he has only gone be- fore across mj-slic river. Resolutions of the Masons. To the Worshipful Master, Warden, and Breth- ren of Morning Star Lodge, No. 30, A. F. & A. M. Masons, Canton, 111. : We your committee appointed to draft resolu- tions upon the death of our worthy brother. James H. McCall, would respectfully submit tli" follow- ing: Whereas, It has pleased the Grand Master of the universe, in the dispensation of His providence, to remove from this world to the Grand Lodge above, and to rest from his labors here, our worthy and esteemed brother, James H. McC;ill: Resolved. That in the death of brother McCall, the fraternity has lost a faithful member; t!ie com- munity au enterprising and upright citizen; the wife a devoted husband, and the children an affec- tionate parent. Resolved. That while we place a record of our brother's decease among the archives of this lodge and humbly bow to the will of our divine Master, we would express our deep regret that we have been called upon to mourn the loss of our deceased brother, cut down in the usefulness of his life. Resolved. That we deeply sympathize with the family of our late brother in their sudden bereave- ment, and direct the Secretary to send them a copy of these resolutions, under the seal of the lodge. ResolvedfurlJier, That these resolutions be spread upon the rec(jrds of the lodge, and the Secretary certify a copy to Peoria Lodge, No. 15, of which brother McCall was a member. All of which is respectfully submitted. [Signed] James H. Stipp, J. C. Brinkerhoff, .S. Y. Thornton, E. H. Curtis, W. B. Gleason. f SAIAH PRICKETT. This county is the home l|| of a goodly number of men who began their ^ life-work without capital other than that ifforded by their native abilities, the education 212 PORTRAIT AND BIOCiRAPHICAL ALBUM. which was obtained in pioneer schools and the in- dustrious habits wliieh they were taught in boy- hood. Taking up the battle of life with a deter- mined spirit, they have succeeded in surrounding themselves with comfort, bestowing upon their offspring good advantages in the way of home care and educational privileges, and while accumulating property have won the thorough respect of their fellow-men. One of this number is Isaiah Prick- ett, a resident of Lewistown Township, where he owns two hundred and twenty acres of land, also having the title to eighteen hundred acres of swamp land in Waterford Township. Tradition states that three brothers by the name of Prickett emigrated from England to America during the early Colonial days, one locating in Virginia and the others farther south. From the former is descended our subject, whose grandfatlier was killed by Indians, having his career cut short before he had reached the prime of life. His stin, Nicholas, the father of our subject, grew to man- hood in his native State, and there married Cath- erine Knapp, an estimable woman of German ancestry who was born in Pennsylvania. After their marriage the young couple removed to Ohio, making their home in Clermont County for a time and then removing to Clarke County, where the wife breathed her last in 1847. The fatlier of our subject bought a mill site on Buck Creek at the landing known as Lagonda, now included in the city of Springfield and occupied by the Chamiiion Agricultural Implement Works. In company with his brother he built a mill which was one of the Brst put up in that count}'. About 1826 he visited Vermilion County, 111., with the in- tention of buying land and locating, but was taken sick and died at the home of his friend, Ack Mor- gan. Our subject w.as tlius left fatherless when ten years old, his birth having taken place in Clarke County, Ohio, March 7, 181 P. During his youth he attended the pioneer schools, the temple of learning in which he pursued his studies being built of logs, heated by a fireplace, and hav- ing the light admitted through greased paper which covered tlie opening cut from the logs. It was supplied with home-made furniture, the binches being of slabs with wooden pins for legs, and desks being unknown except one around the sides of the room where the advanced scholars stood to write, this being a board laid on wooden pins projecting from the walls. Young Prickett began his life's labors as a farm hand, receiving 86.25 per month when seventeen years old, and the following year driving a team from Lagonda at §13 per month. In 1836 he emi- grated to Indiana, making the removal with a team and took his place among the early settlers in Noble County, where there were more Indians than white men at the date of his arrival. He bought a tract of Government land and built a log house, but a few months later sold the place and entered another tract upon which he also built. Before moving into his new house, however, he sold the land and entered still another tract, where he cleared a considerable acreage. There he made his home until 1852 when, on account of the un- healtbfulness of the region, he started with his family for the Prairie vState. They left the home which he had rented on the 1st of September and eleven days later arrived in Lewistown, since which time they have made this county their home. Mr. Prickett lived on his brother's farm until February, 1854, then bought a tract where he now resides. A clearing of eight acres and a hewed log house constituted the improvements. The farm now contains one hundred and thirty acres, has been supplier! with well-built, commodious and conveniently-located frame buildings and the other improvements which might be expected of an ener- getic man. Eighty acres of section 10, of the same township, together with the swamp land before mentioned, have been purchased by our subject, who has shown himself a thorough farmer, a wor- thy citizen and a good neighbor. The home of our subject is presided over by an estimable woman who, prior to November 20, 1834, was known as Miss Eliza Laughridge. She is a daughter of Abraham and Susan (Nelson) Laughridge, natives of the Old Dominion, who are numbered among the pioneers of Ohio, to which State they removed in 1817. In Greene County, that State, Mrs. Prickett was born September 13, 1818. She received the education usual to the PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 213 sons and daughters of pioneers in a section where sclioois were early instituted, togetiier witli the training in useful domestic- knowledge which has q\ialifi(>d her to thoroughly discharge lier duties as liciusekeeper, wife and motiier. Of tlie children born to Mr. and Mrs. Prickelt four are now living — John is settled on his own home in Lewistown Township; Nicholas A. still remains under the parental roof; Susan C. is the wife of Orville -M. Macomber; Eliza J. is the wife of John Macomber. A son, Harrison, died in Lew- istown in 1867. He devoted four years of his life to the service of his country, being Captain of Company A, Fiftj'-fifth Illinois Infantry. Mr. Prickett was a Whig until 1856, when the Repub- lican party was organized and he, like most of his associates, took his stand in the ranks of the new organization, to whose principles he has stanchly ailhered from that day to this. |l/_ ON. WILLIAM N. CLINE, M. D. Success r jl in any profession can only be attained /4W^ through industry and study, and the gor)d (^ physician must necessarily be the hardest of workers and best of students. Fulton County is proud to number among her physicians the one with whoso name we will introduce this sketch. His career presents a remarkable example of what may be ac- complished by assiduous application and unremit- ting toil. A most conscientious man, whatever he undertakes is done thoroughly. In one respect he differs from the majoritj' of the human race, in that age mellows and softens his nature, instead Of the reverse, as is often the case. With every onward movement made in the science to which he has de- voted his life, he is familiar, and time has served only to enlarge his views and broaden his ideas. In Rockingliara County, Va., Dr. Clinewas born December 20, 1820, to Joseph and Isabella (Pence) Cline, both of whom were natives of the Old Do- minion. The father was of German, and the mother of Scotch-Irish descent. They were married in Virginia, where for many years afterward they con- tinued to reside, removing thence to Ohio, where the mother died. The f.athcr removed to Illinois in 1855, and died in 1868. To them were born seven children, four of whom are living at tliis writing, namely: Mrs. Albright, of Rockford, 111.; Joseph C, George W., ani William N. The father and mother were worthy people who gave to their children all the advantages possible, and reared them to worthy manhood and womanhood. Their honorable and upright lives were not the least of the heritage which they transmitted to their chil- dren. In the parental family, our suljject was the eld- est child, and until fifteen years of age, resided at the old homestead in Virginia. The father was a man of great prominence, having represented his district in the Legislature of Virginia for a long period of years, and being besides connected with public works of the State, and a magistrate of the County Court. 'William N. accompanied his father to Ohio, and in 1840, having determined upon a professional career, became a student in the Jeffer- son Medical College. Philadelphia; he had previ- ously received a thorough training in a private school in Virginia, as well as in the schools of Ohio. Thus, by thorough application and close study, he laid the foundation for his future success. In 1842 the Doctor came West, locating in what was then Centerville, but now Cuba, 111., and be- ginning the practice of medicine at once. His thorough training and previous experience in Ohio made it comparatively easy for him to win the con- fidence of the people, and his success was assured from the start. His practice increased rapidly each year, and his long experience now renders his opin- ions and decisions valuable. By means of his en- ergy, tact, and liberality, he is able to materially advance the interests of the community where he resides. Dr. Cline has been twice married, his first wife being Miss Lois, daughter of Martin and Susan Webster, the father a wealthy agriculturalist of Lewistown Township, this county. Mrs. Cline was born in the St.ate of New York, near Chautauqua, ; and received an excellent education, of which, prior ] to her marriage, she made use in teaching. Her I union with our subject took place May 30, 1844, I and tiiey had a family of five children, two of 214 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. whom are deceased. The three now living, are: Mrs. V. E. Kingsbury, of Des Moines, Iowa; Clara L., (Mrs. Merrill), who lives in Riallo, Cal., and Ross C, who is City Ticket Agent for the Wabash Rail- road at Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. C'line died in 1866. The second union of our subject was celebrated December 21, 1869, when Mrs. Jane S. Talcott, of East Hartford, Conn., became his bride. She was a native of Connecticut, where she received a good education, and was at one time a teacher in the seminary at Manchester. Siie is a most intellectual and cultivated lady, and wins friends wherever she goes. She comes of illustrious ancesti'y, being a member of one of the most highly respected fami- lies in Connecticut, and who were of aristocratic Puritan origin. Her parents, Solomon and Phebe Spencer, were natives of Connecticut, and are now deceased. In whatever communit}' Dr. C'line has resided, he has always held important ofliccs. and has taken a a prominent part in the management of public af- fairs. Politiically, he is a stanch Democrat, and a strong advocate of temperance. On tlie adoption of township organization he was for a number of years a member of the Board of Supervisors from Putman Township, later was for one terra School Commissioner of Fulton County. He represented the county in the State Legislature in 18.55-56, and ill l,s,")7 was elected President of the Mississippi & Wabash Railway (now that portion of the Toledo, Peoria & Western, between Peoria, 111., and Keo- kuk, Iowa) then in process of construction. At the commencement of the war, railroad build- ing ceased, and Dr. Cline accepted the Presidency of the Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Com- pany, Quincy, III., which position he held six years; he then resigned as President of that company to accept the same position with the Fulton County Coal Company at Cuba. In 1877 lie again resumed the practice of his profession, which he still con- tinues. He is now, and has been since its organ- ization. President of the Cuba Library Association, an institution of which he is verj- proud. He is now, and has for several years been President of the Cuba Improvement Association, and of the Cuba Building and Loan Association, the latter or- ganization being one of great benefit to the county. It will thus be seen that for forty years he has held positions of trust, responsibility and honor, con- ferred upon him by his fellow-citizens or associates in business. Gifted by nature with high endow- ments, he has cultivated these to the utmost, and his indefatigable labor has lirouglit to him the es- teem of his fellow-men. 'i^ UGH F. HILLPOT. There is always a vast amount of interest felt in the private life of those brave men who gave up home, familj' and friends to light for their country, and there undergo all tlie privations and hardships characteristic of a soldier's life. Such bravery is highl}' appreciated among all the civilized nations upon the earth and everybody feels an interest in hearing of the private life of a soldiei', and es- pecially of one who won such an enviable reputa- tion as did the subject of our sketch, and who was numbered among "the boys" delegated to guard tlie corpse of Abraham Lincoln when he was assassinated. Mr. Hillpot is the veteran dry-goods merchant of Fairview, having been engaged in business there ever since he came out of the army. His father, Jacob F. Hillpot, was a native of Bucks County, Pa., and followed the occupation of an agriculturist. He died at the age of fifty-five 3'ears. The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Julia Frank- cnfield, was also a native of Bucks County and was descended from an old Pennsylvania family. Her ancestors came in a very earlj' day fiom Holland. She died at the age of thirty-three years, after having become the mother of six children, viz: Reed, who is a blacksmith and residing in Fairview; Hugh F., our subject; Jonas who w.as in the War of 1812, was a farmer and met his death accidentally by falling off a haymow; George is a painter and lives in Fairview; Lovina who died at the age of eighteen, and an infant. After the death of our subject's mother, Mr. Hillpot married Mary Most who bore him six children, four of whom lived to the age of manhood and woman - Uood; Mary Ellen, now Mrs. Fratz and residing in PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 215 riiiladelpliia; Elizabeth wtio is married also resides in that citj', as does also Jacob and Grier. Our subject was born in Bucks Countj% Pa., September 12, 1833, where he passed his youthful days on a farm until reaching his twenty-first birthday. He then commenced to learn the trade of a blacksmith and worked faithfully at it for three years in New Jersey. His brother, who was living in Fairview, wrote for our subject to join him ant! accepting the invitation, he reached Fairview November 22, 1857. He then engaged in the blacksmith business in partnership with his brother and a Mr. Ayers, and continued thus until 1861 wiien the partnership was dissolved and the year following our subject enlisted in the army. He joined Company D, One Hundred and Third In- fantr}'. They drilled at Fairview and Peoria and from the latter city in the fall of 1862, went through Bloomington and Cairo to Bolivar, Tenn., wliere they at once commenced skirmishing. They were next sent to La Grange, Tenn., and from that [loint to Holly Springs, thence to Walerford and reached Jackson, in the same State, wliere tiiey wintered. Mr. Hilli)ot received a severe sunstroke while engaged in the siege of Vicksburg and was entirely unconscious for several weeks. His company was ordered to Corinth and luka, at which latter place Mr. Hillpot was again the victim of a sunstroke while building a fortification and was in the hospi- tal at Memi^his, Tenn., for some time but upon reaching St. Louis, Mo., was discharged from the regular service and assigned to the reserve corps — Company F. With his company he went to Wash- ington, D. C, and upon the evening when Presi- dent Lincoln was assassinated, they were called to assist the police in controlling the crowd. A few of the soldiers — our subject among the number — were selected to guard the body of our martyred President for three days and nights. At the close of the war he received his honorable discharge at Washington, July 18, 1865. February 28, 1866, Mr. Hillpot was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Van Liew, daughter of Cornelius and Mary (Suydam) Van Liew. Mrs. Hillpot came to Fairview wiih her two brothers who are prosperous farmers in this county. Of her union with our subject there have been liorn two children — John V. L. who is a graduate of the Galesburg Business College, has the entire charge of his father's store, and Elizabeth C, who is a charming young lady of eighteen years, makes her home with her parents. Tiie Republican parly numbers Blr. Hillpot as one of its stanch adherents, although previous to the war he was a Democrat. He is a ciiarter mem- ber of Blair Post, G. A. R., at Fairview. Owing to ill-health brought about by the sunstroke re- ceived during the war, Mr. Hillpot is unable to take charge of his business, but finds a competent substitute in his son. He is an exceedingly popular man in the community and has accumulated a goodij- amount of the " almighty dollar." /^ APT. JOHN S. SMITH. 11^ universally esteemed in ^yed in the establish- ment he is a sympathizing friend, possessing their confidence in a remarkable degree. He is the old- est continuous plow manufacturer in the entire Northwest. Mr. Parlin was born in Acton, Mass., Januar}' 21, 1817, being the fouith of five children born to Wainer and Lydia (Davis) Parlin. His pnrents were natives of the same countj' as himself and the fathers of each were Revolutionary soldiers. A cousin of Grandfather Davis, one Capt. Davis, was the first officer killed at Concord. The Parlins are of Pingiish descent. AVarner Parlin was a farmer by occupation and of considerable prominence in the vicinity of his home. He passed his days in the old Bay State, dying about the year 1838 in the sixty-seventh year of his age. His wife also breathed lur last in her native State. Of their children he of whom we write and an elder brother arc all that survive. Our subject passed his boyhood on the farm, pursuing the advantages open to him in the com- mon schools. Having no taste for agriculture, he determined to learn the trade of a blacksmith and in his seventeenth j-ear entered upon an apprentice- ship. By the time he became of age he had mastered all departments of the business and was ready to begin work as a journeyman. He traveled throughout his own State and then drifted west to St. Louis, Mo., stopping for a lime and working at his trade. After settling his bills he started North on a steamboat, arriving at Copperas Creek Land- ing on the Illinois River on the Fourth of July, 1840. After paying his passage his finances were reduced to twenty-five cents which he expended in reaching Canton. He little dreamed of what awaited him in the village that he entered with a kit con- sisting of three hammers tied up in a leathern apron. Mr. Parlin at once applied for work and was em- ployed by R. C. Cultoii. His first work was done on Monday morning, July 6. Mr. Emry went to the shop to get a froe made for splitting lath to plaster on, wishing it to be about half the size of a cooper's froe. Mr. Culton had a job on hand and as Mr. Emry was in a hurry, asked his new journey- man if he could make the utensil. The prompt reply was, " I will try, sir." Selecting a suitable piece of iron and getting his fire in shape he drew and turned the eye, with the next heat shaped the froe nearlj- half way. and with the third finished it. Mr. Emry, who was himself a blacksmith, always declared that it was the quickest and most mechani- cal piece of work he had ever seen done. He then and there predicted a successful future for the young stiiinger. The implement then made by PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. our subject was piesenteri to him by a son of its original owner on July 4, 1890, wben friends galhererl to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of bis arrival in Canton. After working for Mr. Culton a year, young Parlin was taken into partnership by him. the connection continuing two years and being then riissolved by mutual consent. IMr. Parliu then started in business on his own account, his first shop being a verj' cheap one, scarcely more than a shed, but unler its humble roof he laid the founda- tion of the present magnificent Canton Plow Works. At first he devoted himself to general blacksmith- ing during the summer and to making a few plows in the winter, hammering the moldboard by hand out of wrought iron. He also made other tools needed by the farmers, proving himself quite a benefactor to the community in those early days. As his business increased he built a brick shop which is still standing and in use as a pare of his present works. In 1873 the large three-story brick building, 260x300 feet in dimensions, was erected, furnished witli an engine of 125-horse power and various kinds of machinery ailapted for the busi- ness. The establishment at [iresent furnishes employ- ment for three hundred and twenty-five to three hundred and fifty men. The Canton Clipper Plow has been sold in every part of the civilized world and has been shipped in quite a number to the British possessions, also to Mexico and South Amer- ica. Although this iini)lement is the most noted of the manufactures of the company', their cultiva- tors and harrows also bear a good reputation. Five traveling salesmen are kept on the road obtaining orders! In 1853 Mr. Parlin took W. J. Orendorff in as a partner and in 1867 the firm was merged into an incorporated company under the State laws. U|ion the reorganization William Parlin became President, W. J. Orendorflf Vice President and Treasurer, and AV. H. Parlin Secretary. At the home of the bride in Orion Township January 7, 1845, Mr. Parlin was united in marriage with Miss Caroline Orendorff, daughter of John Orendorflf, Esq., who came to this county in 1825, from Soutii Carolina. She is a sister of W. J. Orendorff of the Plow Company. During the many years in which she has been the honored companion of our subject she has been worthily carrying out her obligations as a wife and mother and fulfilling the duties she owes to society. She and her husband have had four children, two sons and two daughters. Artemus F., the first-born, has been removed from them by death. The only son now living is the Secretary and Manager of the company. Clara E.,the tliird child, is yet with her parents; Alice C, is the wife of Charles E. Ingcrsoll, a dealer in lumber in Canton. Mr. Parlin has filled several offices of trust, hav- ing been Supervisor of Canton Townshi[i. a mem- ber of the City Council one term, and of the School Board for a much more extended period. In politics he is a stanch Republican. He is proud of the fact that his first Presidential vote was cast for the Whig candidate, William Henry Harrison, and that he has lived to see a grandson of that official filling the same exalted station. He is a member of Morning Star Lodge, No. 734, A. F. & A. M., and was President of the Masonic Mutual Benefit Society for twelve years. His attractive residence with its beautiful grounds is pointed out to every visitor of the city 'as the home of]a man whom all delight to honor, joining in the wish ex- pressed on I he anniversary of his advent Into the county — that many more maj- bo allotted him be- fore his life's work is complete. ^I<^^ ^ IVILLIAM T. GENTLE. There is not a \r\J// more successful resident of Fairvicw ^^ Townshii) than is the subject of our sketch who is widely known as the successful owner of fine Shropshire sheep. His estate is peculiarly well adapted to stock-raising, and he has been in that business during the years intervening between boyhood and the present date. At this writing he has on hand about three hundred thoroughbreds and high grades. He received his start from George Allen, of Allerton. 111. Mr. Gentle was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, about four miles from Cincinnati. His jjarenls came to this State in 1855. settling in Farmington PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. Township. Thp father died in 1879, at tlie age of fifty-five; the inotlier is still living and makes her home with our subject, being now sixty- threes-ears of age. To them were born four children, viz: AVilliam T.; Jolm W., wiio resides in Iowa, mar- ried Miss Lou Terwilliger of London Mills, 111.; Hester A., who married L. C. Johnson, died .at her home iu Iowa, leaving three children; Tliomas E. makes his home in Prescott, Iowa. Our subject's parents and all the children with the exception of William T. moved to Creslon, Iowa in 1876 and there the father died in 1879. The the mother returned to live with our subject. The birth of Mr. Gciitle took place September 24, 1846, and he was only nine years of age when he came to Illinois. His education was received partly in tliis State and partly in Ohio, and he reached man's estate on his father's farm in Farmington Township. In 1869 Mr. Gentle married Miss America A. Smith, the sixtli child of Jonathan Smith, deceased, one of the wealthiest citizens who erer resided in Fairview Township. Her brother, Foster G. Smith, is represented in another part of this Album. Hep birth occurred in Fairview Township wliere the most of her birth was passed. She attended school at Yates City. Of their union have been born three children, viz: Lacie O., Min- nie A. and Mattie F. Misses Lacie and Minnie A. are students at the State Normal at Blooraington, thus fitting themselves to enjoy the wealth and comforts of their beautiful home in the highest possible manner, and to add sunshine to an already hnppy home. The subject of this sketch is the owner of one hundred and ninety acres of valuable land on sec- tion 26. He is a member <^f the Independent Or- der Odd of Fellows lodge at Fairview and has been tlirough the chairs in same, and is also a member of the Modern Woodmen lodge. l\Irs. Gentle and lier two eldest daughters are members of the Daughters of Rebecca lodge in Fairview Town- ship, and Mrs. Gentle is holding tlie Noble Grand Chair for the secon was conducted on the subscription plan. At the youthful age of twelve years he was compelled to leave school to earn his own living. His first em- ployment was teaming produce from Lewistown to the Liverpool and Peoria markets, and on the re- turn trip he loaded his wagon with merchandise, or with stone and sand which was used in building many of the early stores and other buildings of Lewistown. He was thus engaged till he was seventeen years old, and then, as an apprentice in the printing office of the Lewistown liepublican. lie entered upon that career that eventupHy led him to the editorial chair of the Fulton Democrat. which he has so ably filled for more than thirty years. He worked nine months in the Republican otHce. and then as the paper was discontinued, he went to Peoria as compositor. In 1854 the Daily Herald. the first daily paper ever published in Peoria, was established bj' George W. Ranney, editor and proprietor. Our subject secured a position to set type in that office when it was first opened, and the following eighteen months was engaged on that and other papers in that cit}- and at Tiskilwa and Macomb. In June. 1855 he was called to Lewis- town to assist his brother James in found i)ig the F'ulton Democrat. In 1856 he returned to Peoria and helped to found the Peoria Transcript, now the most prominent paper in Central Illinois. Re- turning to Lewistown, oui- subject became half- owner and .assistant editor of the Fulton Democrat in July, 1858, and the 11th of the following No- vember be bought his brother's interest in the paper, and from that time to the present has been sole editor and proprietor of the Democrat. Mr. Davidson has devoted his best energies to PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 249 his work of making a newspaper that should educate its constituency and be a potent factor in the up- biiililing of city and county. This he has accom- plished, and the journal which owes its strength and higli position to his genius is read far and wide, perhaps having a larger circulation than any similar provincial newspaper, and has iielped to mold public opinion on many of the important questions of the day. The Democrat is a sound family paper, well supplied with soli on the opposite page, is the owner of what ■^ is known as the Duck Island Farm, con- sisting of fifteen hundred and ninety acres of land on sections 33, 34 and 35, Banner Townsliip. Nine hundred acres are under cultivation, pro- ducing from forty to fifty bushels of wheat and from seventj' to one hundred bushels of corn per acre. Mr. Beebe is extensively engaged in rais- ing corn and hogs, although other products are not neglected. His residence on section 33, presents an appearance of comfort and homelikeness, and is accompanied by the numerous buildings needful to the prosecution of the work of the place. Our subject was born in Chemung County, N.Y., April 6, 1819, to Hezekiah and Sarah (Boyer) Beebe. He was reared on a farm, removing with his parents lo LaGrange County, Ind., in 1837, and remaining there until 1839. In December of that year he came to this county, employing him- self at work by the month for two years. He next learned the trade of a cooper, at which be worked about fifteen years. In 1849 Mr. Beebe bought a small farm in Banner Townsliip, near Utica, and in 1860 purchased the Island Farm from John N. Willard, of St. Louis, Mo. Here he has mads his home since that time, devoting himself assiduously to the pursuit of his chosen calling and reaping a satisfactory reward for liis perseverance, intelligence and prudence. Mr. Beebe has been twice married, the first union having been consummated in 1847. His bride was Miss Diana Sayles, an efficient and affectionate lady, with whom he lived happily until her death, January 8, 1862. She left five children, whose record is as follows: Henry Clay, born April 12, 1851, married Clara Rosecamp; Clara A., born January 28, 1853, died at the age of eigiiteen years; Marcus T., born February 1, 1856, married Polly Harris and lives in Missouri; Josephine, born March 28, 1858, married William Ringliouse in October, 1886, and now lives in Mason County; Orrin, born February 29, 1861, married Miss Min- nie Riley and lives in Bucklieart Township, this county. The second marriage of our subject was cele- brated November 24, 1870, the bride being Miss Emma Elem, who, while devoted to her family and their interests, finds time and opportunity for kindly intercourse with her many friends. This marriage has resulted in the birth of the following sons and daughter: John, born July 27, 1873; Amos, January 1, 1875; Hector, June 24, 1877; Frederick, July 28, 1879; Carrol, January 14, 1882; Sheldon, September 5, 1884; Mary Belle, December 22, 1887. When he became old enougli to vote, Mr. Beebe was an old-line Whig, and on the formation of the Republican party identified himself with it, but is now a member of the Greenback party. lie is not an active participant in political affairs, pre- ferring to give his attention to his personal pur- suits and the joys of domestic and social life. He is respected, as his merits deserve, by all who are acquainted with his character and attainments. ^^ W. HOBBS, now living in Mound Town- |ij ,— ; ship, McDonough County, was one of the ^!^4 early pioneers of this county, who was for many years closely identified with its industrial in- terests, as one of its most successful farmers and skillful mechanics, and is eminently worthy of a place among its representative men in this Bio- graphical Album. Mr. Hobbs was born in Maryland, not far from the city of Baltimore, in 1817. When he was a child his parents took him to the pioneer wilds of Jefferson Count}', Ohio, of which they were early settlers. In his youth he was apprenticed to a blacksmith by the name of James Simeral, and during the term of his apprenticeship received his board and clothes. At the expiration of that time he went to work with a noted mechanic, Joseph Fields, and toiled hard for the meagre sum of $2 a month, from which he had to clothe himself, and his board. He followed his trade for two years, and then made a trip to New Orleans on the river. He afterward worked in Washington, Pa., the year of the cholera, until all em])loyment was suspended on account of the dreaded disease. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. In 1834 he came North from New Orleans, whither he had been sojourniug, and worked in George- town, Ohio, until 1835, when be came to Illinois. He Landed at the mouth of the Spoon River, in company with two blacksmiths and two clothiers who had come from Philadelphia. Mr. Hobbs and Joseph McCoy, who carae with him, worked at the blacksmith's business that 3'ear in Monmouth. We may mention in this con- nection that our subject still has the old anvil with which he worked in that place over fift\--five years ago. It had been bought by his father-in- law from a person in the East, and when it was sold with the other effects of tlie old gentleman, Mr, Hobbs bought it at the rate of twenty cents a pound. It is of English manufacture and is of the best make. Our subject and his partner pursued their calling very profitably at Monmouth, and at the end of the first six months had $106 each. The former very judiciously invested his when he came to Harris Township from Monmouth in the spring of 1836, in a tract of eighty acres of land. He still worked at his calling, however, in the vil- lage of Marietta, where he lived, with the excep- tion of the time of his residence in Lewistown during the war, until about nine j'ears ago, when he sold out and removed to his present place of residence in McDonough County. He had three hundred acres of land in Fulton County, and a full section in McDonough Count3-, which he had" purchased when it was cheap. He engaged extensively in raising stock and carried on the business in part- nership with Mr. Wilson. At the breaking out of the war they had five hundred head of cattle, and as pasture was plentiful and cheap, they made money fast. This county is greatly indebted to our subject for what he did toward improving stock in the early da3-s by the introduction of horses, cattle and hogs of a high grade. He be- lieved in raising none but good stock, and when- ever he made a purchase always bought the best in t.lie market. When Mr. Hoblis came here he had an idea that if he should be able to get forty acres of land he would be well off, and when he obtained eighty acres he considered himself quite rich. With characteristic enterprise he decided that he would have an orchard, and he sent to an old Quaker friend to have him send him a lot of fruit trees such as he thought he would want. His friend sent him one hundred apple trees and a variety of pears, which he planted, and they afterward be- came famous for their fine fruit. From one of his trees our subject often sold as much as 850 worth of fruit each year, and his orchard was regarded as one of the finest in all the country around. Our subject was married April 20, 1837, to Miss Eliza Humphrey, and their wedded life of more than fifty years duration has been one of great felicitj'. Mrs. Hobbs is a most excellent woman, of many Christian virtues, and is a true member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. She is a daugh- ter of William Humphrey, of Ohio. His brother, John Humphrey, of Warren County, 111., was a Colonel in the Black Hawk War. Mr. and ISIrs. Hobbs are fine people, and are in eveiy way worthy of the high regard in which they are held by the people among whom tliey have settled. They have had six children, four sons and two daughters, of whom the following is recorded : George F. was a young married man of thirty-six j-ears when he died, his wife having died before him; John, who is married, owns and occupies a large tract of land which his father purchased in Cass County, Mo. ; Jane married James Wallace, a druggist at Lewis- town, and they have one daughter; Addison, who bought of his father the old home place of two hundred acres of land lying near Marietta, is mar- ried and has two sons and four daughters; Martha marriecT A. J. Franklin, a merchant of Los Angeles, CaL, and they have three children; William, at home, living on the farm near his father, is mar- ried and has three children. \TU-^ENRY L WEAVER is numbered among |[jV the enterprising stock farmers of Deerfield ^^^ Township. He sells but a portion of grain (^ but devotes the entire produce of his faa'ra to the stock v,'hich he raises and buys. His home is on the old homestead, which consists of eighty acres on section 3, all under good cultivation, well PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. improved and abundantly supplied with whatever is needful in order to successfully' prosecute the owner's occupation. Mr. Weaver is a representa- tive of afamilj' long known and highly honored in this county, where settlement was made by his grandparents in the spring of 1835. During the period of more than half a century that has elapsed since then, the record of the family and those who have married into it has been one of exceptional morality. Not only have they been free from habitual profanity, drunkenness and other vices, but they have also escaped arrest for any cause how- ever slight, and have lived in peace and harmony witii those about them. William Weaver, grandfather of our subject, was born in Lancaster County, Pa., in 1791. His wife, Mary Cornwell, was born in Washington County, May 14, 1797, and their marriage rites were cele- brated at Cannonsbury. In April, 1835, the couple located on section 2, Deerfield Township, this county, where the wife died April 19, 1855, and the husband April 11, 1879. In the family of this good couple was a son Joshua, whose birth took place in Green County, Pa., December 30, 1820. After reaching years of maturity he won for his wife Eliza A. Martin, who was born in Muhlenburg County, Ky., May 19, 1826, but at the time of her marriage was living in this county. The wedding look place in Deerfield Township October 21, lb51, and the union has resulted in tiie birth of three sons and one daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Weaver are now living in Ellisville. The gentleman whose name introduces this sketch is the third son born to the couple just men- tioned, and opened his eyes to the light of day March 6, 1859. He has spent his entire life in the township among whose citizens he has high rank, and to her public schools owes his educational train- ing. He remained an inmate of his parents' home until his marriage, when he established himself on the homestead, buying the land from his father. The lady whom he won for his helpmate and com- panion and with whom he was united in marriage December 20, 1882, bore the maiden name of Marmry E. Mitchell. She is a daughter of Mathew H. and Calphurnia (Wheeler) Mitchell, and like her husband, was born in Deerfield Township, her natal day having been May 24, 1863. Her father was born in Montgomery County, this State, and her mother in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver of this sketch are the par- ents of three bright boys — Harry Dale, born Au- gust 12, 1883; Joshua Clare, born April 13, 1885; Ross, born September 26, 1889. Mr. Weaver is a Republican and takes sufficient interest in politics to be at the polls every election day and cast a straight ballot. He has served in the capacity of Township Supervisor and School Director. He and his wife belong to Ellisville Lodge, No. 401, I. O. G. T., and are members of the Methotlist Episco- pal Church. Mr. Weaver is Recording Secretary of the congregation at the Sharon Church and Super- intendent of the Sunday-school, and takes a deep interest in church work. He and his wife are highly regarded bj' the members of the community, per- petuating as the3' are the excellent record of the Weaver family. <|l I^ILLIAM MELLOR, a well-known member \iJ// °^ ^^^ ''^' ' P'"^^''''''"g '^'S profession in Yer- ^P^ mont, was a brave officer in the late war in which he did noble service for his adopted country. He has long taken a prominent part in the civic and political life of county and town, and has filled with ability, many offices of trust and re- sponsibility. Royton, a place near Manchester, England, was where our subject was born May 23, 1830. His father, William Mellor,was a native of the same town and was a son of another William Mellor, who was also a native of that town and his father and great-grandfather were born in the village of Mellor, three miles from Royton. The greac-great- grandfather of our subject was a miller and man- aged a mill on the River Irk, and spent his entire life there. The great-grandfather of our subject seems to have inherited his father's trade and made his living by it in his native village of Mellor, of which he was a life-long resident. The grandfather of our subject was reared to agricultural pursuits. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. and after marriage removed to Rajtoii, eiifjaged in farming near there,and there made his borne until he was gathered to his fathers. The father of our subject was reared and edu- cated in Royton. He removed to Manchester in 1833 and engaged in the cotton brokerage business until his death in 1842. He married Susanna!) Kaye. Siie was horn near Royton and was a daughter of James J. Kaye, a native of the same place, as were his ancestors for many generations. He was a far- mer and spent his entire life in the town of his birth. Mrs. Mellor died in Manchester in 1851. She and her husband reared a family of six chil- dren as follows : Susannah, Betsey, Hannah, Travis, William anby opposing troubles, end them." ■ji^^RANCIS R. BROWN is one of those worthy ll^^K- citizens who have won a comfortable fortune [^ ^^ b}' the exercise of unflagging industry, wise economy and good judgment in the conduct of the business to which they have devoted themselves. His home in Lewistown Township is one of the most attractive of the farm residences within its bounds, and everywhere upon the estate one sees evidences of the qualities which have won for its owner his worldly success and good standing in the com- munity. Mr. Brown is of French stock, his grandfather, John Brown, having been a native of France, where he grew to manhood. Accompanied bj- two brothers he came to America, making his first location in Maryland, where he resided a number of 3-ears. At the time of the early settlement of Kentucky, he bought a tract consisting of one hundred and sixty acres of timber land between Flemingsburg and M.aysville and made that hi^ home during the re- mainder of his life. There was a cabin on the place and he erected a large hewed log house where he kept an inn. He was a slave-owner in Maryland and having taken his chattels with him to Kentucky, they cleared the land. He himself practiced his profession of a physician. His wife, a native of Wales, bore the maiden name of Lurania Rollins. She also died on the homestead, her remains being deposited beside those of her husband in Fitch's Churchyard, two and a half miles north of Flem- ingsburg. Among the eight children reared by the couple above mentioned was a son, Joshua, whose birth occurred ten miles below Baltimore, Md. He re- ceived a fine education in his native State but did not adopt professional life. He was a young man when his parents removed to Kentucky, where, in 1819, he was married to Rhoda Hughes. This lady was born in Virginia, being a daughter of John and Fannie Hughf s, who were numbered among the ear- liest settlers of Fleming County, Ky., their location being four and a half miles from Flemingsburg. Mr. Hughes bought a tract of timber land which he cleared and improved as fast as possible, making it his home until death. For many years after his arrival the Indians were much more numerous than the whites, and the settlers were obliged on numer- ous occasions to repair to the stockades to avoid death at the hands of the savages. AViid game of all kinds was, of course, abundant. The father of our subject built a cabin on his father's homestead, where he resided four years after his marriage, then bought a quarter section of timber land on the Horseshoe Bend in Mason County. He cleared quite a tract of land and was doing well financially when called upon to pay a security debt which ruined him, causing the loss of his farm. Going to Mt. Carmel he built a double hewed log house and shop, and engaging in the shoemaker's trade continued there four years. In Fleming County he met with the loss of his de- voted companion who died when her son, our subject, was eighteen months old. The bereaved husband and father after atimeremoved loClermont PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. County, Ohio, where he was married the second time, to Miss Catherine Nocsinger, and after some years to Fulton County, 111., thence to Jackson County, Iowa, where he entered into rest. Tlie gentleman of whom we write was born in Fleming County, Ky., July 7, 1821, and was five years old when his father removed to Ohio. In that State he remained until the fall of 1844, when he took up his residence in this State, coming thither by means of the Ohio, Mississippi and Illi- nois Rivers and disembarking at Liverpool Landing on the 12th of October, with $2.37^ cents in his pocket. He had visited this section the preceding spring and traded his horse, saddle, biidle and gun for a tract of Government land upon which a cabin stood. Here he took up his residence with his sister, who made him a comfortable home until he took a wife. It was necessary for him to find em- ployment and he was soon at work, splitting rails at twenty-five cents per hundred. At this he em- ploj-cd the hours of daylight, clearing his land at night; when there was no moon he would work by the light afforded by a burning brush heap. In 1846 Mr. Brown sold his claim for $100 and rented a farm in Putnam Township. At tiiat time tliere was no railroad communication in this vicin- ity and the river towns were the markets to which all produce was hauled, frequently over very hard roads. Wheat sold as low as twenty-five cents per bushel and other produce at proportionate rates, and yet, by dint of prudence and unflagging in- dustry, men prospered. Mr. Brown after operating as a renter twelve years, purchased one hundred and thirty-three acres of land included in his present farm which now consists of one hundred and seventj'-three acres. The capable and devoted companion to whose wisdom in the management of household affairs and good counsel, Mr. Brown owed much during his struggling years, was Nancy Laws, a native of Cul- peper County, Va., and daughter of Samuel and Polly (Rector) Laws. Their marriage rites were celebrated in the spring of 1845, and for a period of nearly half a centurj' they shared each other's joys and sorrows. Mrs. Brown was called hence June 17, 1890, at the age of sixty-eight years, seven months and seventeen days. She was the mother of five children, four of whom are now living, namely: Martin, who lives in Kansas; Rhoda A., wife of Lorenzo D. Boyer; George W., whose home is in Lewistown Township; Martha E., wife of Eugene Churchill, who resides ir. Buckheart Town- ship. fyt ORRISON DARLAND is one of the old- /// " \V est settlers in the county and ranks with 7' lii the leading farmers, although he is now * retired from active labor, the manage- ment of the estate being in the hands of his sons. He has been a very hard-working man and well de- serves the rest he is enjoj-ing and the competence he has secured. He owns a valuable tract of land in Young Hickory Township, comprising three hundred and twenty acres on sections 13 and 25, and another tract of forty acres on section 11. Our subject is the fourth child of Isaac and Jane (Morrison) Darland. His father was born in Kenluck}% grew to manhood there and then made his waj' to Ohio, locating in Preble County. There he married the good woman who shared his joj's and sorrows for many years. Like himself, she was a native of the Blue Grass State. After his marriage Mr. Darland cleared a farm, which was his home until the death of his wife, when he be- came an inmate of the households of his children. He spent two years in this county, but returned to Ohio prior to his liemise. Politically, he was an old-line Whig. The mem- bers of the parental family are: John, who died in Ohio; Benjamin, now living in Marble Rock, Iowa; Harrison, who died in Ohio; our subject; Van Lew, who died in Iowa; Nathan, a resident of Kansas; Isaac, who died in that State; Hannah and Catherine, who died in Ohio. Van Lew be- longed to an Iowa regiment in the Civil War and contracted a disease from which he died soon alter his return to his home. Our subject was born near Paris, Preble County, Ohio, November 8, 1812. His school privileges were limited, consisting of attendance in the win- ter in the old-fashioned log schoolhouse, where instruction was supplied under the subscription PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. sj-stem. He was early set to work on the farm, and being unusually large and strong for his years, had to put his slioulder to the wheel in quite heavy labor. Being obliged to chop, burn and clear timber, he early became an adept at using the ax. He remained with his father long after he was of age and was the last of the boys to lekve the lionie fireside. The idea finally grew upon him of visiting the broad prairies of Illinois, of which he had heard so much, and of selecting a location in which to make himself a home. He, therefore, in 1835, came on horseback through the Indiana and Illinois mud to this county, where he soon purchased land. Mr. Darland located near Fairview on a quar- ter section, and buying anollier horse, set to work tc> improve his estate. lie built a rude log house and other necessary buildings, and when the land was somewhat improved had an opportunity to sell it to advantage. He, therefore, disposed of it and bought an equal amount east of Fairview, this also being raw land. Here he used cattle in break- ing the sod and cultivating the soil. In those early days the market was Copperas Creek Land- ing, to and from which all produce and goods must be iiauled. The principal crops at that time were wheat and rye, whereas at present the fields are mostly covered with corn. Mr. Darland split iiun- dreds of rails with which to fence his farm, and otherwise exerted his powerful phj-sical forces, which were far above the average. About 1845 Mr. Darland sold his property in Fairview Township and bought one hundred and sixty acres of his present estate, already somewhat improved. He added to the permanent work which had been done. He now has a growing orchard of five acres of njiple and peach trees, which he set out on land grublied by himself at noons, when, as he s.ays, he was resting. Energy and perseverance secured the meed of success, and year by year the circumstances of our subject improved. In 1870 he bought an additional quarter section adjoining his first purchase in the township, paying S40 per acre. This he has also improved, making two farms with the necessary buildings. His forty-acre tract is timber land. He has always raised a good grade of cattle and hogs, and has also bred some verj' fine draft and driving horses. He is an ex- cellent judge of horse flesh, and his farm has been well supplied with equines. Aljout a decade since he retired from active life, and his sons are car- rying. on the work which he so well instituted. The first marriage of Mr. Darland took place in Fairview Township, June 2, 1838. His bride was Miss Ann Shreeves, who was born in Franklin County, December 19, 1809. Her father, Thomas Shreeves, is numbered among the early settlers of this county. The death of Mrs. Ann Darland oc- curred October 26, 1850. She left five children- Milton I., Mary J., Benjamin M., Marion Foster and Thomas S. Mary J. is now the wife of Asa White, of Young Hickory Township; Benjamin M. enlisted in Company B., One Hundred and Third Illinois Infantry, during the first year of the war, was taken sick, sent home on a furlough and died about a year after his enrollment. The other chil- dren died here. January 26, 1851, Mr. Darland was united in marriage with Mrs. Jane (Rest) Henry, the cere- mony taking place in Young Hickory Township. The bride was a daughter of .Jacob Rest, was born near Connellsville, Pa., February 24, 1820, and lived in her native place until nineteen years old. She had no school advantages and is self-educated, and has likewise acquired a good knowledge of the domestic arts. Her manners are those of a friendly, gracious woman, who meets with due respect from her acquaintances. In 1838 she accompanied her parents to this county, coming overland and being four weeks on the way. She remained at home until her marriage to Jacob Henry, July 2, 1841. The husband was born in Mew Jersey, came to tliis county with his uncle in the early days, and engaged in farming. He often hauled wheat to Chicago,when two weeks were consumed in the trip. After mar- riage Mr. and Mrs. Henry located on Spoon River, in Young Hickory Township, where the husband died in 1846. He owned a good farm, but the administrator took such advantage of the widow that she lost the little estate. She had two children, a son and a daughter. John enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Third Illinois Infantry, in 1862. At Chattanooga he was shot in the leg, ne- cessitating the amputation of that member. A ^^ ::> \v. \ J^^Hpp^R^ ,^ (€ze^ "^^-t^cn-t^uy PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 275 second amputation became necessary, and this caused his death. Tiie daughter, Hannah, married J. S. McFarland and lives in London Mills. The present Mrs. Darland is the mother of four children by her last union. The first-born, Jo- soph, a prominent farmer in Fairview Township, is represented elsewhere in this work; Eliza and Ellen are deceased; Morrison W., an enterprising jouth, is ill charge of the home farm. Mrs. Borland is a member of the Christian Church. Some facts regarding her ancestry may be found in the biog- ra|)hy of Mrs. Lewis Shofers, which is included in this Album. Mr. Darland has been Commissioner of High- ways, School Director and Trustee at various times. He has served on grand and petit juries. In politics he stanchly supports Democracy, never failing to cast his vole for the candidates who are pledged to uphold its principles. J-^ ACOB BROWN. The life cf this gentleman, whose portrait is represented on the oppo- site page, and who is one of the wealthiest farmers of the county, furnishes a good les- son to youths who must begin their careers as he did, with no means. A perusal of the following paragraphs will indicate by what means he has con- quered adverse circumstances, and gained his pre- sent proud position among his fellow-men. He is probably of Irish ancestry in the paternal line, as his grandfather Brown, who is known to have been a Revolutionary soldier, is believed to have been a native of the Emerald Isle. From his maternal an- cestors Mr. Brown derives a capacity for hard work, rigid economy, and persistence which almost in- variably characterize those of German lineage. Grandfather Brown is numbered among the earl^f settlers of Ohio, wliere he followed farming until his death. There his son. George, the father of our subject, was born and reared, following in the father's footsteps as a tiller of the soil. He held various local offices in the township in which he lived, was Democratic in politics, and quite radical in his views. At the time of his death, which oc- curred in Licking County, he was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He lived to the advanced age of four-score and ten years. His wife was Nancy Lamb, a native of Germany, who came to America with her parents when eighteen years old. She was living in Harrison County, Ohio, when married to Mr. Brown. She was a consistent mem- ber of the Methodist Church until ber death, which occurred when she was seventy-one years old. She bore him twelve children, and reared eleven to ma- turity, namely: Rachel, Jane, Jackson, William, Susan, Jacob, Mary Ann, Nancy, Joseph, Sarah and Washington. Tiie maternal grandfather of our subject was John Lamb, a German who emigrated to America when in middle life. Ho was almost penniless when he reached this country, but settled in Ohio, and industriously following a farmer's life, accumulated considerable property. He lived to a ripe old age, honored and respected as a worthy citizen, and con- sistent church member. He and his wife were buried at Moorefield, Harrison County, Ohio. The subject of this biographical notice, was born February 24, 1826, in Harrison County, Ohio, reared on a farm, and spent his boyhood in home duties, and attending school. The building in which he pursued his studies, was a rude log schoolhouse with a large open fireplace, puncheon seats, a log cut out for a window, and no desk, but a slab fast- ened to the wall, and extending around the room for a writing table. Mr. Brown began life on his own account when of age, his first employment be- ing farm work at $4 per month. After receiving those wages eight months, he was able to obtain $7 per month. In March, 1848, he came to this county via the rivers, landing at Havana with but $5 in his pocket. His capital was industry, and he soon found use for it with Nathan Strode, for whom he worked nine months at $13 per month. For three years after his arrival here Mr. Brown worked on farms by the day or month, saving $250 of his earnings, and becoming the possessor of a good horse besides. AVith the money he made the first payment on eighty acres of land on section 21, Isabel Township, getting seven years' time on the balance of the st^TOO, at which the place was valued. Long before this time had expired he was able to PORTRAIT AND BIOCUAl'HICAL ALBUM. pay off his indebtedness, and buy other property. He has purchased land from time to time until he now owns nearly twelve luindred acres, the greater part of which is under a higli state of cultivation. His first residence was an 18x20 foot, one story frame, in which he lived until 1865, when he built his present mansion, one of the finest in the county. It also is a frame, well designed and finely built, the cost having been Sl,010 in cash, besides the owner's own labor. Mr. Brown built his main barn in 1860, and at a later date erected two others and two granaries. He has farmed very extensively, and raised a great deal of stock, winning his great- est success in grain, wool, and hogs. Mr. Brown secured for his life companion. Miss Priscilla Cornell, between whom and himself mar- riage rites were celebrated August 23, 1853. Mrs. Brown was born in Meigs County, Ohio, October 26, 1834, and is a daughter of William and Mary (Wrstfall) Cornell. Both parents were born in Virginia, whence the mother went to Ohio with her parents in an early day. Mr. Cornell removed to Ihe Buckeye State upon attaining his majority, and was one of the early settlers and farmers in Meigs County. He was a member of the Methodist Church, and a Republican in politics. Mrs. Cor- nell was also a Methodist. She died at the early age of twenty-four years, leaving three cliildren — Priscilla, Lydia J., and Richard. The family of Mr. .and Mrs. Brown consists of ! ten children living, and one deceased: Thomas A. was born June 19, 1854; INIary E., June 17. 1856; N.ancy E., March 11, 1858; George N., December 10, 1860; William R., November 27, 1862; Robert E., December 24. 1864; Rosetta J., April 21, 1867; Harvey R. July 3, 1869; Calvin J., September 20, 1871; Harry M.. June 7. 1874; Frederick A., April 19, 1880. Harry died May 25, 1888, in his four- teenth year. The mother of this interesting family is a member of the Methodist Church, has many friends throughout the community, and in home and social life has been useful in her day and gen- eration. The father, honest in his dealings, intel- ligent, reliable and kindly, ma}- well be considered one of the most worthy citizens of the countj'. He has held various local offices in his township, is in- terested in divers good works, and ready to bear such a part as he can in the progress of the coun- try. Prior to the Rebellion, he was a Democrat, but since that time has been a Republican. 1^ W?ILLIAM ATEN was a pioneer of this county, and is one of the most highly es- ^ ^ teemed residents of Woodland Township, with whose agricultural growth he has been closely connected for more tiian forty years. In the mean- time he has developed a choice farm, pleasantly located on section 7, from the wilderness that he found when he came here, and has placed it under substantial improvement. Our subject was born in that section of West Virginia known as the Pan Handle. October 8, 1821. His father, William Aten, was a native of New Jerse3% while his grandfather, Aaron Aten, is sup|)Osed to have been a native of Delaware. Richard Aten. the great-grandfather of our sub- ject, was probably a native of Long Island. The first representative of the Aten family to come to America came from Belgium, and landed on these shores in 1741. The great-grandfather of our sub- ject ran a ferry on the Delaware River, and lived to be quite an old man. Aaron Aten served in the Revolutionary War six months, and took part in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown. He was once wounded in the leg. He farmed in Dela- ware until 1792, and then moved to AVestern Penn- sylvania, and settled at the point where Befiver, Washington and Allegheny Counties come together. He made the trip over the mountains with a team and wagon, and was one of the very first settlers in that part of the State. He erected a log cabin and cleared a farm, on which he spent the remnant of his life, dying at the age of eighty-two years. He was a very religious man, and was first a mem- ber of the Dutch Reformed Church and later of the Presbyterian. The father of our subject passed his early life on a farm in Pennsylvania, and after marriage moved across the line into West Virginia. He bought two hundred acres of land there, and cleared half of it. He was a man of persevering industr}', and by thrift PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. and economy became quite well-to-do. He was a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church. His death occurred on his homestead in West Virginia at the age of eighty-four years. Jane (Anderson) Aten, his wife, was, so far as known, a native of Virginia. She was a kind motherly woman, and a member of the Seceders' Church. She died at the age of tifty-two years. Seven of the eight children whom she bore grew to maturity: Aaron H., John C, Richard, Robert, William, Mary (Mrs. Mc- Clurg) and Nancy. AVilliam Anderson, the maternal grandfather of our subject, was a native of Ire- land, and when a young man cane to this country and settled in Pennsylvania, where he engaged in his occupation as a farmer. He was a member of the Seceders' Church. He died in Pennsylvania, just as he had attained the meridian of life. William Aten, of this sketch, was reared on his father's farm in Hancock County, Va., and at- tended the pioneer schools of the period, taught in log schoolhouses, with slab benches, open fire- places and greased paper windows. Wiien a j-oung man he served two years at the tailor's bench, and so injured his health that he made a trip South to recuperate. He spent two years in that region, and then returned Northward. At the age of twenty -one he began life for himself, and after that spent one year on the old home place, and then came Westward. He landed in this county in the month of March, 1844, and entered three forty- acre tracts, walking to Quincy, 111., a distance of ninety miles, to make the entry at the land-office. Two of these forty-acre tracts were in Vermont Townsiiip, and one in Astoria. He erected a hewed log house on his land in the former place, and cleared several acres of his homestead. Four years later he sold out, and bought the one hun- dred and sixty acres on section 7, in Woodland Township on which he now resides. A log cabin, a log l)arn, and a few acres cleared, constituted all the improvements, and all else that has been done to make it what it is to-day, one of the neatest and most attractive farms in the locality, is the work of his own hand. He lived in the old log cabin four years, and then replaced it by another more commo- dious, in which he dwelt until 1873, when he erected his present substantial, roomy brick resi- dence. He has been an imlefatigable worker, and has prospered abundantly. He has always kept a book account of his sales of produce, stock, etc., and in the forty years he has lived on this place has sold over $40,000 worth of produce. May 14, 1846, was the date of the marriage of our subject with Elizabeth Pittenger, who was born in Virginia in 1824. They have had ten children, namely: Melissa J., Sarah C, Elizabetii, Emma, John P., William N., Frank, Henry M., Ida M. and Mary E. Mr. Aten and his wife have been con- nected with the Presbyterian Church since 1841, and he has been an Elder since 1854. The sin- cerity of their Christian faith is exemplified in their daily lives, which are guided by the highest princi- ples of right. Politically, Mr. Aten was reared a Democrat, and was a follower of that party until 1860. He then changed to Republicanism on ac- count of his hatred of slavery, and remained with the Republican party until six years ago, when he identified himself with the Prohibitionists. He is a thoroughly upright, moral man, and is zeal- ous in all good works to promote the religious and social welfare of his township. Mr. Aten has a wide acquaintance on account of his manj^ years resi- dence in this county, and occupies a warm place in the hearts of the entire community, by whom he is affectionately known as "Uncle Billy." ORSEN BEARCE, the owner and occupant of a well-improved farm in Lewistown Township, is numbered among the intelli- gent, industrious and prosperous agriculturists of this productive county. His home farm com- prises one hundred and twenty acres upon which a tine brick house has been erected, together with a full line of frame barns, granaries, sheds, etc. Mr. Bearce owns another tract of improved land, con- sisting of eighty acres on section 10, and a fort3'- acre tract on section 4. Eli A. Bearce, the father of our subject, was born in Connecticut, his father, Josiah Bearce, being presumably a native of the same State. The latter spent his last years in New York of which his son 278 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. had become a resident. Eli Becarce remained in his native State until sixteen j-ears old, when heaccom- panie.I Dr. Beecher to New York, intending to stud}' medicine with that gentleman. On the death of llie Doctor, which occurred soon after, tlie young man abandoned his intention and turned his talents to account in teaching school during the winter and farming during the remainder of the j ear. He was married in the Empire State in 1816, and continued to reside thereuntil 1821, when he determined to emigrate to the West. He built a flatboat at Olean Point, loaded his goods, and with his wife and two children floated down the Alleghany and Ohio Rivers to Sliawneotown, III. A forty-acre tract of land in New York had been traded by Mr. Bearce for a quarter section now in- cluded in Fulton County. His means were verj' limited, however, and he did not think best to un- dertake life in the wilderness, therefore renting a tract near Shawneetown he remained there three years. In April, 1824, he made his way to Fulton County with a team, but even then did not locate on the land for which he had traded. He rented a farm near Lewistown which at that time contained one store, a log jail, log courthouse, its few inhabi- tants living in log houses. At the close of the season Mr. Bearce traded a yoke of oxen and a wagon, for one hundred acres of land two and one-half miles north of the village and in 1825 built a log house thereon to which he removed his family. Indians were still more num- erous than whites throughout this section, and for a number of years deer, wild turkeys and other game was abundant. There were no railroads for many years, the river towns being the nearest markets. The pioneer labors of Mr. Bearce were brought to a close by his death, February 18, 1857. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. The maiden name of the mother of our subject was Sarah Austin. She was a native of the Empire Stateand spent her last years with herchihlren. She reared seven children, the second of whom is the subject of this biographical notice. Hannah mar- ried Jacob Shaw ver and now lives in Lewistown ; Lu- cindais the wife of Jonathan Bordner,of Lewistown township; Maria, who is now deceased, was the wife of Moses Bordner, who died in Lee Township in 1889; Franklin is now living near Clarinda, Iowa; Mary is the wife of James Winterbottom, their home being in Kansas. Orsen Bearce was born in Monroe County, N. Y., April 1, 1819, and was therefore two years old when he became a resident of Illinois. He was reared on the farm in the development of which he early began to bear such a part as his strength would permit. His studies were carried on in the pioneer schools first taught in the log house with its homemade furniture, the only desk being a board around the side of the building, at which the largei' scholars did their writing. The facts noted in re- gard to his parents' home and surroundings are sufficient to indicate the manner of life under which he became persevering, industrious and vigorous. He remained with his parents until he was twenty- three years old, although he had previously begun the improvement of a portion of the farm which he now occupies. His first purchase was of eighty acres, to which he soon added forty acres, the whole being heavily timbered when bought by him. Its l)resent beautiful appearance and good value is a standing monument to the qualities which he has exhibited since boyhood. March 23, 1842, Mr. Bearce was united in mar- riage with Betsy Brown,a native of Licking County, Ohio, who passed away September 9, 1852, after a comparatively brief wedded life. She was the mother of five children whose record is as follows: Icy Ann married Jonas Evans and now lives in Ne- braska; Catherine, who is now dead, was the wife of John Hunter; Sarah L. married Aaron Orrindale, their home being near Bradford, Stark County; Frances married Henry Ryan and lives in Lewis- town Township; Leonard died in infancy. Mr. Bearce was again married, April 3, 1853, his com- panion on this occasion being Miss Jane Mc- Neil, a native of Lewistown and daughter of one of the hardy pioneers of this county. Her father was John McNeil, a native of HiIlsboro,N. H.,who removed with his parents to Indiana, where he was married when about twenty-one years old to Sarah, daughter of Jacob and Margaret (Smith) Y'oung- man, pioneers of the Hoosier State. Mr. McNeil after locating in this county followed his trade of a carpenter in Lewistown, finally opening a cabinet PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. shop which he operated some years, but eventually buying a farm north of town and turning his at- tention to agriculture. He died on his estate in Feb- ruary, 1867. He was originally a Whig and later a Republican in politics, and he and his wife belonged to the Methodist Episcopal Church. The parents of John McNeil were Daniel aud Martha (Parker) McNeil, the father being a farmer in his native New England many years. After spending some time in Indiana he finally became a pioneer of this county, locating near Astoria where he continued his agricultural labors for a long period. His death took place at the home of his son in Lewistown. His wife was born in London- derry, N. H., being a daughter of Alexander and Nancy (Dickey) Parker, the latter of whom was the daughter of William and Elizabeth Dieke3', who settled in Londonderry immediately after their emigration in 1725. Mrs. Daniel McNeil died on the farm near Astoria when full of years. Our subject and his present wife have ten chil- dren: Reuben now lives in Ltwistown Township, established in a home of his own; Eliza is the wife of Frank Lee, her home being in the same town- ship; Annie, John, Charlie, Jacob, Nellie, Frank, and two who died in infancy complete the family circle. Mr. Bearce was formerly a Whig but has been a Republican since the formation of the party. He is a member of Lewistown Lodge, No. 104, F. & A. M. He is a believer in the doctrine of univer- sal salvation. 'jf^RANCIS M. WILLIAMS. Prominent |HH[g)> among the citizens of Fulton County wiio /ill have materiall}' contributed to its prosper- ity, is the subject of this sketch. He is one of its ablest and most brainy' farmers and stock-raisers, and has been a conspicuous figure in its civic life for many years. He is the proprietor of one of the largest and best equipi)ed farms in Harris Township, and here he and his family have one of the best appointed and most attractive homes in this part of the State. Our subject is the representative of an old pio- neer family of Illinois, and many incidents of his early life here are of interest and are incorporated in this biography. He was born in Adams County, Ohio, December 1, 1833. His parents, John and Nancy (Sraalley) Williams, were natives of tiie same place. The Williams family originated in Wales, and the Smalley family was of mingled Irish and Dutch extraction. His mother was the daughter of Isaac and Nancy Smallej', who came from the p]ast, crossing the Alleghanys with pack horses. David Smalley, the father of Isaac, who was the descendant of an old American family, served in the Revolutionary War. He was a per- sonal acquaintance of Gen. Washington, and it is said that in early life he had many a bout with him in wrestling, but it is not slated which was the best man. John Williams was the son of John and Mary Williams, who went from Maryland to Ohio in a very early day. John Williams, Sr., had two sons in the War of 1812. In 1836 John Williams, Jr., the father of our subject came to this State with his family, and lo- cated in Winnebago County, near where the city of Rockford now stands, there being then but one house on the present site. He had come from Ohio with three yoke of oxen aud a prairie schooner, and making good time, was but six weeks on the road. He squatted on a piece of land, and when he first settled there was surrounded by In- dians who came to his house to beg. All the fam- ily had to eat, except some wild meat, which was very scarce, was cornmeal made by pounding corn in an old iron kettle with a wooden pestle. Mr. Williams made a little addition to their fare by raising some buckwheat on the sod, which was ground in an old-fashioned coffee mill. After he had lived there three years, a man came along with a load of hogs which he was taking to Galena, and Mr. Williams bought one. This was the first ani- mal of the kind introduced into the county, anears old he was drafted into the army of Napoleon Bonaparte, who at that time invaded Hesse Darmstadt. He marched to Moscow. Russia, suffering much en route, as he be- came footsore and otherwise practically unfit for the journey. After three 3'ears of army life he became one of Napoleon's body-guard. In the fifth year he was wounded in the heel and his horse killed. He lay by the side of the dead animal twelve hours, when a loose horse passed and he managed to secure the animal. He had his foot in the stirrup ready to mount when a shell took off the horse's head. Mr. S(jhafer thought it wise to "lav low" until assistance arrived, when he was taken to the hospital. He partiallj^ recovered from his wound, and was then honorably discharged. He drew a pension of $78 a year. He was a per- sonal friend of Louis Napoleon, and never could bear to hear any one speak ill of him. In the town of Naunheim, where he made his home, Mr. Schafer held office and was in prosper- ous circumstances. As tlie time approached when his oldest son would be obliged to enter the army according to the German laws, he sold his property and in 1832 bade adieu to bis native land. He left Bremen on an English sailing-vessel, and thirty- six days later landed in Baltimore with his wife and four children. He went to Bedford County, Pa., bought an unbroken tract of land and. settled down in the woods. He built a log house, cleared his farm, and had it nicely improved when stricken with paralysis. He breathed his last in 1834, at the age of forty-four years. He was a member of the Lutheran Church. His wife, formerly Eliza- beth Conrad, was the daughter of a farmer in Hesse Darmstadt. She remained with her older daughter until 1849, then came to this State and died in Fairview Township in the fall of 1851. She was then sixty-six years old. The parental ■292 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. family consisted of Mrs. Margeret SchaEf, who died in Cooper County, Mo., in 1872: Jacob, who died in Fairview Townsliip, this county, in 1852; Elizabeth, wife of Dr. Smith, of Medway: and our subject. In Naunheim, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, the eyes of our subject opened to the light July 18, 1825. At the usual age he began attending school, continuing his studies until the family emigrated. "While on the way to America he narrowly es- caped drowning, being on deck when a huge wave liroke over the vessel, sweeping him away from his mother. He clutched at the ropes and so es caped a watery grave. He saw icebergs and whales and experienced an ocean storm of three days duration. After three weeks spent in Baltimore he became an inmate of the log house in the forests of Bedford County, Pa., where he remained until the death of the father broke up the family. When he was ten years old he went to live with a Lutheran preacher, the Rev. Mr. Yeager, with whom he made his home for some years. He worked liard on the farm and in the winter would spend a day in school and then remain out two days tf) tramp out grain with a horse, or do other work. AVhen fourteen years old he was apprenticed to his brother to learn the trade of a tailor, and at liie age of twenty was set free. Prior to this time young Schafer had but a few months' schooling, and he at once entered school. After close application for two months his health compelled iiira to leave school, and he secured a clerkship In Martinsburg, remaining there until 1848. He then started West with his brother, intending to go to Booneville, Mo. They came down the Ohio River to St. Louis, when the Mis- souri was found to be very low, and they came up to Coi)peras Creek Landing, 111. Our subject liked the appearance of the country, determined to remain, and the day after his landing hired out to John W. Shinn, merchant and druggist in Canton. He remained in the employ- of that gen- tleman a year, and then, in partnership with his brother, began farming in Fairview Township. The connection continued until the brother's death. For some time our subject continued to clerk, being employed by Maple & Piper, but the illness of his brother took him to the farm, where he afterward remained. Wild game was then plenti- ful, deer abounding in great numbers. In 1854 he rented a farm in Young Hickory Township, but two years later removed to McDonough County, buying eighty acres of raw land not far from Good Hope. His nearest neighbor on the west was five five miles awaj'. Ho improved the land with good buildings, making it his home until 1863, wiien he sold out and returned to this county. He then bought sixty acres of his present estate, which was partly improved, and upon which he continued the work which had [been begun. His labors included grubbing from the timber and the breakingof uncultivated portions. In 1878 he bought seventy acres, also partly improved, and now has both tracts in excellent condition. The estate is four miles from London Mills, ly- ing partly on section 23, and partly on section '22. In Young Hickory ^Township, September 1, 1853' marriage rites were solemnized between M. Schafer and Miss Susan Rest. This estimable lady was born near Connellsville, Pa., July 5, 1832, and in 1838 accompanied her parents to this county. The removal was made with two wagons drawn by horses, and consumed a considerable period of time. Mrs. Schafer was reared and educated here, attending the common schools, where her writing exercises were done with a quill pen and her text books were by authors now unknown to pupils. She learned to hackle flax, spin, weave and perform other household duties, which were then considered necessary parts of a girl's educa- tion. Mrs. Schafer is a lineal descendant of John and Barbara (Striker) Rest, natives of Germanj-, who, after coming to America, located in Fayette County, Pa. There their son Jacob was born February 15. 1795. When of a suitable age he learned the trade of a clock-maker, but later engaged in mill- ing. He remained in his native State until Octo- ber, 1838, when he came AVest with his farail3', settling in Fairview Township, this county. He remained in his native State until October, 1838, when he came West with his family, settling in Fairview Township, this county. After a few years he bought one hundred and sixty acres on PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 293 section 23, Young Hickory Township, reclaimed the land from its raw condition and placed it under good improvements. He prospered finan- ciall}', becoming quite well-to-do. He was quite a famous hunter and fisherman. He killed many deer, frequently bringing down two in a day. He was originally a member of the Whig party, but in later years was a Democrat. He was act- ive in religious work, being a Class-Leader and cliorister in the New Light Christian Church. He helped to build the first schoolhouse in the neigh- borhood and a house of worship. He died in 1872, at the age of seventy-seven years. The wife of Jacob Rest and mother of Mrs. Schafer was Mary Orban, who was born in Fay- ette County, Pa., and died in Ellisville in 1874, when nearly four-score years old. She had twelve children, of whom we note the following: John is now living in Fairview Township; Mrs. Barbara Hamilton died in Liverpool Township; Mrs. Jane Borland lives in Young Hickory Township; Henry makes his home in Iowa; Mrs. Elizabeth White died in Young Hickory Township; Mrs. Nancy Hendricks lives in Texas; Mrs. Mary Hendricks lives in the same State; Mrs. Caroline Irons lives in Young Hickory Township; the next on the family roll is the wife of our subject; Mrs. Julia A. Beer died in Deerfield Township; Jacob died in Young Hickory Township; Mrs. Rowena Palmer died in Iowa. Jacob served his country during the Civil War in the One Hundred and Third Illinois Infantry. The family of our subject and his good wife consists of three children — Mary E., Frank P. and Webster L.; Jacob B. died January 26, 1860. They also have as inmates of their household two orphan children of a sister of Mr. Schafer, the younger of whom was three years old when their father died. Other members of the family did not seem to concern themselves about the chil- dren, and our subject, who had known what it was to be left fatherless, sent his younger son for them. They now have a good home and are as lovingly cared for as were the children who are Mr. and Mrs. Schafer's by ties of blood. Their daughter was married to Anderson Matler, who died in the year 1889, and has one daughter — Phebe B. ; she follows the profession of school-teaching and is self-supporting. Frank Shafer married Lib Shoemaker and lives on a part of his father's farm; Webster, who has attended the college at Bushnell, is still a member of the home circle. In 1849 Mr. Schafer taught a rate bill school in Young Hickory Township, in 1853 taught again, and in 1864 held his third and last school. He has been School Director and Trustee for yeais, was Collector one year and has been Township Clerk ten years. He is a member of the Odd Fellow's lodge, at Ellisville, in which he has passed through the Chairs. His son Frank is also identified with it. Politically, he is a Democrat, and he has fre- quently served as a delegate to county conven- tions and as a member of the Central Committee. Mrs. Schafer belongs to the Christian Church. •^^^^^C S. PHELPS, a highly respected resident of Lewistown, is extensively iden- tified with the agricultural interests of this county. He is a fine representative of an honored pioneer family and is a native-born citizen of this State who has materially contributed to its wel- fare. Mr. Phelps was born at Oquawka, July 17,1836. His father, Capt. William Pheli)S, was born No- vember 1, 1809, in Cattaraugus County, N. Y., of which his father, Stephen Phelps, a native of New England, was an early settler. The grand- father of our subject continued in his pioneer home a few years and then again took up the westward march and came to Illinois, locating in the Sangomoo Country, as Sangamon County was then called. That was long before the Capital was lo- cated at Springfield, and settlements were few and far between in that wild region. Mr. Phelps' stay in tiiat region was only for a short time and he then came to Lewistown and was a pioneer mer- chant here, opening a store with a small stock of goods which he had brought from St. Louis. The Indians were numerous in this section of the country, and a great deal of his trading was done with them. He was a man of much enterprise,and PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. became quite prospered, anil as the town and country settled up, bis business was extended, and he carried it on successfully until his death about 1840, when a prominent and valued citizen was removed from tlie commiMiity. He was quite con- spicious in political and public affairs, being a Whig in party affiliations, and at an early day he served as one of the Board of County Com- missioners. The father of our subject was about ten years old when he came with his parents to Illinois. Some time before he attained his majority his father give him his time in the winter season, and he in- heriting a commercial spirit, engaged in trade with the Indians, and thus early l.ecame acquainted with their modes of living, customs and characters. Later when the Indians were removed from here he went with them to that portion of Dakota now in( luded in the St.ate of Iowa, and remained among them several years. By kind treatment he gained their confidence, learned their language, and be- came good friends with Keokuk, Black Hawk and other noted chiefs. In 1830, President Jackson presented Keokuk's wife with a handsome pres- ent, consisting of an elegant cabinet. She after- warils gave it to Mrs. Phelps, mother of our subject, who gave it to him and he treasures it as a valued memento. During those early timos, for awhile Sir. Phelps commanded a boat on the Mississippi River, and was at one time Captain of the steamer "Pavillion." He was one of the early explorers of the lead re- gions around Galena. lu 1846 he returned to Lewistown and bought quite large tracts of farm lands in the vicinity and engaged extensively in agricultural pursuits. He remained a resident here until 1885, then went to Hastings, Neb., and wiih I he exception of a few visits here, spent his last years there, his death occurring October 16, 1889. 'I'lie maiden name of his wife was Caroline Kelsey and she was also a native of Cattaraugus County, N. Y. Her father Simeon Kelsej-, is supposed to been have a native of the same State. He came to Illinois in an early daj- and was a prominent pioneer of Lewistown. He dealt in stock, and was quite prospered. He made several trips to the lead mines near Galena, for the purpose of inves- tigating their merits, and invested money in them. He made his home in Lewistown until death closed his mortal career. Much of the first ten years of the life of our sub- ject was passed among the Indians in Iowa, which was at that time principally inhabited by the aborigines, there being but few white settlers excepting along the streams. During his childhood his mother was sick, so he was reared by a squaw. He learned to talk in the Indian language and be- came expert with the bow and arrow, and often shot deer, antelope and other wild game that was then plentiful in that region. When he was ten 3'ears old his parents returned to Fulton Count}-, and he attended the city schools at Lewistown where he laiil the basis of a solid education. He subsequently pursued a two years' course of study at the Catholic College at St. Louis. After leav- ing that institution be went to Fannin County, Tex., for a visit, and was induced to utilize his learning by teaching a term of school, which was conducted on the subscription plan, there being no free schools there, and was taught in a log cabin. In the spring he went to New Orleans and thence c:ime by way of the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers as far as Havana, this State. He thei. established himself in business as a grain dealer at Point Isa- bella, and carried it on there with good financial success until 1869. In that year Mr. Phelps returned to this county .and has since given his attention to agriculture on this fertile soil. He is the proprietor of a valuable farm, finely located one and one-half miles from the city, and containing three hundred and twenty acres of land highly cultivated and capable of yielding large harvests. It is amply supplied with well-ordered buildings, with good modern machin- ery and every appliance for conducting farming operations after the best methods. In 1886, Mr. Phelps removed to Lewistown and has lived there ever since in one of the attractive residences in the citj'. To the lady who presides over his pleasant home, and renders it one of coziness and happiness, our subject was united in marriage in 1858. Mrs. Phelps' maiden name was Louisa Pickering, and she was born in Ohio. Her parents, Dillon and PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. Ann Pickering were natives of Ohio and Maryland respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps have two chil- dren, Mary L. and Frank. Mary L., married James T. Ewan, and lives in Lewistown Township; Frank, wlio lives on the home farm married Florence Smith, and tliey have four children, viz: Captain Charles, Merton. Bernard, and a babe as yet un- named. Mr. Phelps is a man of excellent business habits and stands well in finani.'ial circles. He lakes an intelligent interest in politics and is a faithful ad- herent to the Republican party. He was enroll- ing' ollieer during the war and was twice wounded while faithfully discharging his duties. He is at the present time Justice of the Peace, and is fill- ing that office with characteristic ability. He and his wife arc people of social importance and Mrs. Phelps is an esteemed member of the Presbyterian Church. Jl OHIs I who ! pres \t/OHN FOUTCH. It is impossible for those dio are reared amid the comforts of o\\v present civilization, to fully realize the striig- ^^J) gle through which the pioneers passed opening up the country which is now considered a vast garden spot, capable of supplying the wants of its numerous inhabitants and thousands of dwellers in other p'U-ts of the world. The picture presented by our imagination, vivid as it seems to us, bears but a faint resemblance to the reality, yet even this suffices to thrill our hearts with gratitude to all those who bore a part in work on the frontier. The subject of this sketch is one of the early settlers of the county and has just reason to be proud of his labors and the success he has achieved. His home is in Isabel Township, the estate comprising four hundred and fort}- acres of improved land and the residence being a beautiful brick structure as at- tractive and well built as any in the townf^hip. Our subject is a lineal descendant of Abram Foutch, a native of the New England States, who served from the beginning to the close of the Revo- lution and laid down his arms, covered with scars. He then settled in Virginia, resuming his former occupation of farming, but after a considerable time removed to Indiana to spend his last days with his son John, n'lar Connersville. He breathed his last at the advanced age of ninety-six years. The above-mentioned John Foutch was born and reared on a farm in Virginia and shortly after his marriage crossed the mountains on pack horses to Bourbon County, Ky. There he was one of the first settlers, taking up Government land upon which he built a small log cabin, making it his home about ten years. He next located in Western Ohio near the Indiana line, but after a short time changed his abode to the other side, in Franklin County, Ind. Here again he was one of the first settlers. Various wild animals roamed through the country, deer being plentiful and bears frequently seen. On leased land Mr. Foutch built a cabin from buckeye logs and in the course of time be- came the owner of a large farm, on wliich he pur- sued extensive operations. In the summer of 1823 he sold it and became a resident of Sangamon County, 111. The journey to the new home was made with an ox-team and consumed twenty-one days. The route lay through a wilderness with here and there a section that had been opened up to settlement, and the family slept in the wagon or under a tent at night. Mr. Foutch purchased Government land, erected a log cabin which was afterward supplanted by a commodious brick house, and carried on farm work until he had passed the age of four-score, when he closed his eyes in death. He had seived under Gen. Harrison in Indiana during the Indian War. He was a member of the Baptist Church, as was his wife, whose consistent Christian character made her highly respected. Mrs. Foutch, formerly Nancy Whirril, was born in Maryland and died in Sanga- mon County, when about three-score and ten 3'ears old. She was the mother of ten children. In the family of the couple just mentioned our subject is numbered. He was born in Bourbon County, Ky., October 25, 1806, and spent the greater part of his boyhood in Indiana, working on the farm as his strength would permit and attending the pioneer schools. The schoolhouses were con- structed of round logs and had rough slab benches with wooden pin legs for seats. The windows were 296 POIMRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. made by cutting out^alog on each hide of the build- ing and pasting greased paper over the liole. The writing doslcs vvere shibs resting on pins driven in tiie wall and extended around the sides of the rooms. The schools were supported by tuition psid by each pupil, and tlie teacher boarded round. Young Foutch was seventeen years old when he came vvith bis parents to this State driving a team j on the way. After reaching Sangamon County he spent four or five years in breaiving prairie with a j liuge plow drawn by three or four yoke of oxen. | As he was the oldest child at home the brunt of the I work fell upon him. During the first years of his residence here he frequently saw sixty and seventy head of deer in a herd. Wiien he iiad attained his majoritj' young Foutch began working for himself and took to himself a companion in life. His marriage was solemnized in Sangamon County and there he farmed until the spring of 1832, when he came to this county and settled on one hundred and sixty acres still occu- pied by him on section 22, Isabel Township. He had purchased this land with a soldier's warrant iiiid settled upon it with virtually nothing in the way of capital. He was one of the earliest settlers and says that the other |)ioneers were as poor as himself. Indians still roamed in considerable num- bers over this section of the State and various wild animals were plentiful. Mr. Foutch killed many a deer and wild turkey, and also brought down coons, h's great recreation being hunting, in wiiich he took delight. The original dwelling on the liomestcad was a little hewed log hut put up by Mr. Foutch, having a hole for a window but no glass, a board being used for a shutter. During the first few years our subject did teaming and any other work he could lind by which to earn an honest dollar, while en- deavoring to cultivate the land he iiad obtained and bring it to a condition that would supply his wants. The farm was all prairie and the large timber which now covers a portion of it has been grown since he took possession. Other important changes have taken place since the days when he was obliged to go to Springfield to get his grist ground, among them being the nearness of good mills, markets and neighbors. Mr. Foutch has been an unusually hardworking man and has carried on extensive agricultural operations, but of late years he has retired from the tolls of life. He has added to his original purchase from time to time until he has acquired his present large acreage. The first marriage of our subject was solemnized in the fall of 1826, his bride being Miss Johoda Ray. That wortiiy woman died in middle life after having borne four children, two of whom. James and Francis M., grew to maturity. Mr. Foutch was again married Ma3- 8, 1817, to Miss Letitia Ferris, who still lives to share in all his joys as she has previously done in his struggles. She is the mother of nine children, eight of whom grew to maturity and six are still living. The survivors are John, Thomas, Mrs. Louisa Lacost, Charles, Edward and Mrs. Anna Loarsh. Those who died in maturity were William ; Abraham L. ; and David, who died March 31, 1890, aged thirty-four years. Mrs. Foutch was born in Franklin County, tliis State, July 17, 1817, and is one of nine children comprising the family of David and Louisa (Little) Ferris. Her parents were born in Tennessee and are numbered among the early settlers of Franklin County, this State, where the father died at the age of fifty j'ears and the mother at the age of four- score. Both Mr. and Mrs. Foutch have been members of the New Light Church for many years and are regarded as efficient and consistent members. Mr. Foutch is a Republican and has held some of the minor offices in the township. JOSEPH KRISCHKE, proprietor of a meat market in Canton, is one of the prosperous I business men of the city, and is prominent ^^/) in its public life. He was born in Austria, January 20, 1828, in ti)e village of Gropolbusdorf. He was second in a family of three children of Ignatz and Regina Krisehke. In 1833, by the death of his father, Joseph was left an orphan. He lived among strangers eleven years, and from the age of six years until he was eleven years old he attended the village school. At that time he began PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALP.UM. 297 working out for a butcher, serving with liim an apprenticeship of three years. After that he trav- eled as a journeyman from 1846 until 1854, work- ing in various places. In the month of September, the latter year, he ambitiously resolved to try his fortunes iu a foreign country, and coming to the United States, lauded in New York City, and from there made his way to Chicago, where be spent two weeks. AVhen he landed in this countiy he was quite ignorant of the English language, but he linall}' acquired a substantial knowledge of it and uses it with fluencj'. From Chicago he went to LaSallc, where he spent two j'ears, and then we hear of him at Ft. Madison, Iowa, where nine months of his life were passed. In the month of October, 1857, he retraced his steps eastward as far as Canton, and here he entered the employ of Frank Moyer, the proprietor of a meat market. He was with him ten months, and acquired the knack of handling meat to the best advantage and a thorough knowedge of the trade in all its details. Thus well equipped, Mr. Krischke embarked in the butchering business on his own account, Octo- ber 15, 1858, in a shop on the west side of the square. He subsequently built his large brick store, and occupies the rear of it, and has here a neat and well fitted up establishment, and carries an exten- sive line of good meats of all kinds. He is well patronized by the citizens of Canton, and has built up a lucrative business. His building is two sto- ries in height, fronting south, and he rents all that part which he does not occupj'. It is in a good location, and his market is one of tlie princijial ones of the place. Mr. Krischke was married in July, 1858, to Miss Mary Johnson, of Canton. She is a native of Kentucky, born in Lewis County. Her father. Shepherd Johnson, was an early settler of Fulton County', coming here in 1854. Mr. and Mrs. Krischke have eight children living, three boys and five girls, whom the}' have named Frank, Charley, Edward, Alice, Ma}', Elizabeth, Stella and Maude. Our subject's business capacity, energy and sound sense have been duly recognized by his fel- low-citizens as valuable traits in a civic official, and they have often called him to offices of trust and responsibility. In 1887 he was elected Mayor of Canton, and wliile in that office he guarded the interests of the city with vigilance. He served as Alderman several terms, and is a member of the present City Council, representing the Third Ward. He belongs to Morning Star Lodge, No.734, A. F. & A. il., also to Canton Chapter, No. 68, R. A. M., and to Canton Council, No. 23. In politics, he is rather conservative as to National and State matters, giving his support, however, to the Democratic party, and he has often served as delegate to county con. ventions. He began life with limited means, but by industry, thrift and tact has acquired a hand- some property. His residence at No. 208, Lewis- town Street, is one of the pleasant homes of Can- ton. L^^HEODORE C. ENGLE is classed among the 'iM^^ intelligent, keen, and thoroughly wide- v^^^ awake farmers and stock raisers of this county who are contributing so much to its material prosperity. He is the son of one of the pioneers of this section, and is the proprietor of the fine old homestead that his father developed in Bernadotte Township. It is located on section 1, and is one of the model farms in this vicinity as it is kept up to the highest point in every respect, is supplied with neat and well-ordered buildings and every variety of the most approved mo:lorn machinery and is well stocked. The parents of our suliject, Jesse and Mary B., (Hellings) Engle, were natives of Philadelphia County, Pa. The father was liorn in 1803, and died in this county in 1868, and all that is mortal of him is now lying in Lewistown cemetery. The mother was born in the city of Philadelphia in 1 806, died in this county and is lying beside her husband. They were pioneers of Fulton County, coming here as early as 1838, and did their share of the work of its development. They were greatly re- spected for their sterling worth and many excellent qualities of head and heart. He of whom we write was born in the city of Philadelphia, September 26, 1835. He obtained the most of his schooling in the district schools of Bernadotte anfl Lewistown Township, and spent one 298 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. year at the Farmington Academy, where be pursued a good practical course of study. He was scarcely more than two 3'ears of age when his parents came to this county, and he remained with them until he married in February, 1856, and established a home of his own. He was at that time wedded to Miss Harriet F., daughter of Ira and Frances Hill. Of that marriage four daughters were born: Mary F., Alice K., Emma C. and Carrie. The first wife of our subject died February 12, 1861, and all that was mortal was deposited in Lewistown cemetery. The second marriage of our subject was with Temperance L., a daughter of Jacob and Mary Har- wich. Ten children resulted from that marriage, two girls and eight boj-s, of whom there are three boys and one girl now living, namely: Robert E., Henry P., Everett and Dollic. Our subject and his wife sustained great sorrow in the death of their remaining children who were named Frank N., Hsirry, Ada, Charley, Oliver P. and John L. The mother of these children died January 19, 1881. December 17, 1884, Mr. Engle was married to his present wife, Caudace Barrett, who presides well over his home and looks carefully after the com- forts of the inmates of the household. After his first marriage our subject resided a part of the time in Bernadotte Township, and a part of the time in Lewistown, and was engaged in various kinds of business, principally farming. After his second marriage he settled on the old homestead where he now resides. This is a beautiful and well- kept farm of two hundred and forty-four aercs,and the substantial improvements that he has made upon it add greatly to its attractiveness and value. He has erected a commodious and well-built two- story frame house, 26x16 feet in dimensions, with an L, 20x24 feet; also a roomy frame barn, 56x40 feet in dimensions, besides granaries, corn cribs and all other necessary improvements to make it a first-class farm. Mr. Engle has a steam thresher, a clover huller, feed mill, a self binding mower, a pulverizer and many other pieces of fine farming machinery. About one hundred yards from his house Mr. Engle has a steam bri.ik and tile factory and he also owns a sawmill and is conducting the manufacture of brick, tile and lumber with char- acteristic energy and with the success that had at- tended all his enterprises. He pays some attention to stock-raising and has eleven fine horses, for one of which, a three-fourths Percheron stallion, he once refused $400. As will be seen by the perusal of this sketch,our subject is one of the most active and enterprising business men and agriculturists in this part of the county and he has already accumulated a com- fortable competence. He is not connected with any church organization, but his life is one of upright- ness and morality, and is guided by high principles. In politics he is a Republican and has been since 1858. J'^OHN G. P( countj% anri I been an im| ' agricultural OHN G. PORTER was a pioneer of Ihi d for more than forty years has mportant factor in promoting its ral and industrial interests, and in advancing its upbuilding. He is a skillful farmer and is managing a large, finely improved farm, and at the same time is conducting a good busi- ness as a stonemason, bricklayer and plasterer. His interests are centered in Woodland Township, where he has made his home ever since he came to the count}'. Mr. Porter was born in County Tyrone, in the North of Ireland, August 12, 1812. His father, John G. Porter, was also a native of that part of Ireland. He was the boss mason for Bishop Porter, who occupied next to the highest bishopric in Ire- land for thirty-three years. The father of our sub- ject had charge of the men who took care of the parks and pleasure grounds, and in one park there were two thousand deer. Mr. Porter was a mem- ber of the Church of England and died true to the faith at the age of sixty-.'six years. Early in life he had married Mary Hanna, who was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, and was also a member of the Church of England. She lived to be fifty-five years old. Her father lived to the venerable age of ninety years. Our subject was one of eight children. He was given excellent educational advantages in his boy- hood as he attended school very steadily during PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. the week, and Sunday-school every Sunday. When he was fourteen years of age his uncle, .Tolm Hanna, a resident of Quebec, Canada, urged him to come to America and make his home with him. The bright, adventurous lad eagerly accepted his uncle's invitation, but on tiie first day of the voy- age he was so sea-sick that he heartily wished him- self back on terra firma and offered the captain of the vessel $250 to land him, at which the captain laughed. He was, however, kindly cared for by the lady passengers on board the ship, and his misery was brought to a close at the end of six weeks, when the vessel arrived in harbor at Quebec. Mr. Porter staid with his uncle in that city one year, and helped him in his store. His next venture was to go to New York City, where he bound him- self for a period of five years for his board and clothes to learn the four trades of bricklaying, stone- masonry, stonecutting and plastering. He served tliroughout the entire length of his apprenticeship and thoroughly mastered each calling. He worked at them in New York City, Harlem, Brooklyn, and many other places, and received verj- high wages. He sagaciously judged that in a newly -set- led country like the State of Illinois, a young man of cafibre and ability would find a fine opening for the exercise of his various callings, and in the spring of 1846 he emigrated to this county. He traveled the first four hundred miles of his jour- ney in a stage over the mountains, and while at a way station sipping a cup of tea his hand satchel and $200 were stolen. From Pittsburg he trav- eled by water to St. Louis, and thence up the Mis- sissipiii and Illinois Rivers to this part of the country. Our subject had previously traded some land in Genesee County, N. Y.. for land here, and on his arrival he bought more land, making in all four hundred and eighty acres. The two first years that he lived here were spent partly at his trades in St. Louis and partly in developing his laud here. Three hundred and thirty acres of his estate lay in Warren County, and one hundred and sixty acres in Woodland Township. He settled on the latter quarter, which was all heavily timbered, and he built a small frame house and a log stable. He cleared about forty acres of that place, and then disposed of it at an [advance on the original price, and bought one hundred and sixty acres on section 1 1, the same township. He^has worked at improv- ing his farm and at his various callings ever since, and has prospered well. He now has three hun- dred acres of land finely cultivated, supplied with ample buildings and every] convenience for carry- ing on agriculture. Mr. Porter was first married, in 1837, to Miss Eliza Guyari. She died childless in middle life. His second marriage, which was solemnized in 1842, was with Eliza A. Snodgrass, who was born in Har- rison County, Ind.. July 24. 1S24. Of this mar- riage ten children have been born, eight of whom grew to maturity: Sarah J. (Mrs. Shields), Julia (Mrs. Atkins), John W., William A., Emory D., Alexander (deceased), Catherine A. (Mrs. Martin), and Addison G. Mr. and Mrs. Porter have been members of the Christian Church for thirty-five years. In politics he has given an unswerving alle- giance to the l^emocratic part3-. He is an honest, intelligent man, has true Irish wit, and is a favor- ite with all. rniral:^li5 ^?p7I,'NDREW J. IIORTON, who represents / | i Woodland Township on the County Board j li of Supervisors, is a farmer b}' occupation. (^ He was an officer in the late war and won a military record that reflects honor on the soldiery of this, his adopted State. He was born in New Castle Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, October 28, 1835. His father, William Horton, was a na- tive of the same county and was born in 1811. He was a son of Thomas Horton, who was a Virginian by birth. Ezra Horton, the great-grandfather of our subject, was also a native of Virginia. The Hortons came originally from Ireland. Ezra Horton was a farmer and he emigrated from his old Virginia home to Ohio, in a very early day and settled on the present site of Mohawk village, he being one of the first settlers there. There his remaining years were passed and he died at a ripe old age. The grandfather of our subject accom- panied his parents to Ohio when a boy. He was PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBDM. there reared and became a very extensive farmer in Coshocton County, and owned considerable land there. His farm was well improved, had a fine large brick house and two large barns, and was well supplied with fruit trees of all kinds. Mr. Horton sold his place there and came to this county in the month of October, 1853, and purchased a farm of two hundred and twenty acres just south of Sum- mum, Woodland Township, where he resided until death rounded out his carrerin 18G1 , at upwards of eighty years old. Ho was a standi Democrat in politics. The father of our subject was reared on his father's farm in Coshocton County, and learned the trade of a carpenter. When a young man he came to Fulton County, arriving here October 22, 1853, making the trip with four teams an. I a wagon, having left his old home October 1. He had pur- ciiased the northwest quarter of section 20, Wood- land Township, before coming here, and he then settled on it. He also entered forty acres of Gov- ernment land across the road and bought forty acres joining it. He farmed extensively and was greatly prospered. He sold a part of his original purchase to our subject and his brother, and bought out the heirs to his father's estate near Summum, which he subsequently sold a few years later for 170 an acre. He then invested in lands in Hancock County, 111., and as land greatly' depreciated during the panic of 1873, he lost heavily. He afterwards bought property in Astoria and lived there five years. He then made his home with his son Jeffer- son until his death, which occurred very suddenly. He was a Democrat in his political views and was active in the public life of the township, holding various local offices. He married Sarah Dennis, a native of Knox County, Ohio, who is still living. She is the mother of thirteen children, nine of whom are living: Jane, Sabina, Polly, Louisa, Alwilda, Andrew J., Washington, Thomas J., and Abram. Four are deceased. Andrew J. Horton was reared in Coshocton Count}', Oliio, until he was eigiiteen years of age. He attended school some but as soon as large enough to work, lie lived out. The first summer that he worked for others his only payment was his board and clothes. The second summer be received ^S per month. After coming here he worked on his father's farm until the war broke out. He was then in the prime and vigor of early manhood, and on August 22, 1862, he enlisted in Company H, Eighty-fifth Illinois Infantry, and was mustered in as Third Sergeant. He fought bravely in the bat- tles of Perryville and Stone River and at the latter place was taken prisoner by Gen. Wheeler's men, and w,is held from December, 1862, until the latter part of March, 1863, when he was exchanged at St. Louis. He joined his regiment in time to take an active part in the battle of Chickamauga, and he was engaged in several lively skirmishes following that battle and then came the battles of Kenesaw, Peach Tree Creek, and the taking of Atlanta. Our subject did good service in several skirmishes that were fought with the enemy on the wa}- from At- lanta to Savannah. His courageous, self-reliant spirit, his devotion to his duty, and the ability with which he executed all orders won the approval of his superiors and gained hira deserved promotion to the position of First Lieutenant. He was mus- tered out June 15, 1865, having won honors as a soldier and an officer of which he and his may well be proud. During his service he was never in a hospital or in a wagon or on horseback, except for about three hours ride in a wagon. After his return from the seat of war, our subject purchased the eighty acres of land, on which he now resides, of his father. He has given his atten- tion exclusivelj' to farming ever since, and besides raising grain is rearing stock with good profit. He is practical and wide-awake in the man.agement of his agricultural affairs and the neat and finely im- proved appearance of his farm betokens thrift and good care on the part of tlie owner. June 25, 1857, Mr. Horton's marriage with Miss Polly Horn was duly celebrated. Mrs. Horton was born in Knox County, Ohio, May 14, 1837, and came to this county with her parents in the early days of its settlement. Five of the six children born to her and our subject are living: Thomas J., Julia, Mrs. Hare; Charles, deceased; Sallie, Will- iam and Dolly. Mrs. Horton is a very capable woman and during her husband's absence at the time of the war, she and her two oldest cliildren were left at home and she very ably managed af- ^m§ ^re^^ .^&i o^-LA-^y^-J ^,^, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. fairs and supported them comfortably. Slie is a member of the Christian Churtli and an earnest worker in tlie fold. Mr. Morton is one of our best citizens, antl is de- servedly popular with all who know him. His fel- low-citizens, appreciating the fact that a man of his calibre and understanding, would make a good civic oflicial. have elected him to represent AVood- land Township on the County Board of Supervisors and he is now serving his third term in that im- jiortant office. He has also held the position of Road Commissioner for twelve years and has done good service for his township in the minor offices, rolitically he is a sound Democrat and uses his in- lUience for the interest of the party. OZIAS G. STRONG, M. D. This honored member of the medical profession, whose reputation has been established in Canton for many years, is a native of the Bucke3'e State. His father, Ozias Strong, Sr., was a farmer and likewise a prominent attorney, serving as a magis- trate at Wilkesville fortj' years. There he breathed his last when in the eighty-fifth year of his age. His father, Horatio Strong, was of English and Irish descent, and a native of Massacthusetts, and his mother was of Scotch descent. His wife bore the maiden name of Annis Gregor}-, and was a native of Connecticut, of Scotch ancestrJ^ Our subject was born on the parental acres, in Meigs County, Ohio, August 12, 1818. He was reared on the farm, first attending the common schools and then entering Athens Academy, at Athens, Ohio. He began studying medicine with Dr. .1. II. Smith, of Meigs County, and after taking a course of lectures at Starling Medical College, Co- lumbus, began iiis practice in his native county. After three years residence there he removed to St. Louis, Mo., where he continued his professional labors for a short time, subsequently removing to Hannibal to engage in mercantile pursuits. He en- tered into partnership witti Messrs. Smith v| there are many avenues by which mental ^) ability leads to distinction, there is scarcely one of more benefit to humanity as a family, than tliat of caring for the immortal soul. A pastor's duty entails upon him a great deal of responsibility, for not only must he guide people safel}' through the shoals of this world, but prepare them for a safe passage into the unknown world. Among the men who have labored early and lale to accomplish this purpose, and to be of inestimable benefit to frail humanity, ranks the Rev. William Burgess. Our subject was ushered into life at Norwich, England, on May 26, 1843, being the son of Will- iam and i;iiz:ibeth (Taylor) Burgess. The father died when our subject was only nine years of age, and thus he is a self-made man in the true sense of that term. Being very desirous of entering the ministry, he was aided in the accomplishment of this ambition by a philanthropic gentleman of his native place. Dr. Burgess, after completing his education and being fully prepared to preach the Gospel as a Methodist minister,suddenly discovered when in his twentieth year, that he could not en- tirely agree with this denomination in their doc- trines, and so renounced for a time the idea of preaching. Our subject upon reaching his twenty-first year began a lecturing lour through the L'nited King- dom, preaching social reform and temperance, and also giving extensive lectures upon historical sub- jects. For a period of seventeen _vears he continued to lecture, in the meantime contributing to several journals in England, and in 1875, became the founder and editor of the Medical Enquirer, at Liverpool. The chief object was to resist the thought of neceisary vice, and he was unusually well qualified to discuss this great question in all its manifold aspects. When the end was accom- plished the publication ceased after a three year's run. It had a free distribution and was supported bj' several wealthy men. Its effect was to repeal the law which it antagonized, the late disclosures in the Fall Mall Gazelle being brought about by the agitation and by the efforts of the Medical En- quirer. A leading paper in speaking of the Rev. Burgess as a lecturer, says, "He has a pleasnutand attractive_appearance, is a bright, ready and livel3' speaker, has a clear ringing voice and commands the attention of his audience at the beginning. His delivery is good, his manner earnest, and he handles his subject as one perfectly' at home." The subject of our sketch moved with his family to America in September, 1880,locating at Toronto. His first act was to found the Canada Citizen, a social reform paper which is still running. After taking charge of said paper for about two years, he sold out his interest in same and accepted a call to the ministry. After being ordained pastor of the Congregational Church at Listowel, Ontario, he published a book called "Land, Labor and Liquor." Our subject remained in charge of that church un- til January 1888, and in 1890, he came to Canton, III,, and is pastor of the First Congregational Church in this city. He is editing a paper, The Church Bells. Rev. Mr. Burgess's mother died in Liverpool at an advanced age, the father having died many years before as above stated. They were the parents of five children, of whom our subject is the eldest. The others are, Edward, editor of a paper called Day- light, a radical sheet published in Norwich, Eng- land; Amelia, Lydia and Emma, the latter of whom is deceased. Mr. Burgess was married in Norwich in 1865, to Miss Frances A. Miles, a native of that town. To PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 305 them have been born;elght children, viz: William Eclwarrt, parliamentar}' correspondent of the Mon- treal Herald; Emma, Arthur, Frank, Roscoe, Qiieenie, Lillie and Wilfred. Our subject is a mem- ber of the Roj-al Temple of Temperance, and has a'flne medal which.was presented to him on his coming to the States from Canada. He is at work on a new book, he'title^of which will probably be, "The Wreck of Wealth." He is an indefatigable worker, "and a most brilliant orator. P_^ IRAM PRESTON. There is in the business W]i] world onl}' one kind of man who can success- i^^^ fully combat the many disadvantages and ^) trials and come boldly to the front, and that is the man of superior intelligence and force of character, and one who also is the happy pos- sessor of that energy that seems somehow to he the magic wand that transforms a poor beginning into a flattering ending. And to this class belongs Hiram Preston, a man who by strict integrity, shrewdness of judgment and good management has risen to the top round of the ladder of fortune. Mr. Preston was born in Franklin County, Me., January 23, 1817, being the son of Peter and Mary (Winslow) Preston, natives of Massachusetts. His parents were married in the State of Maine. The father was reared on a farm near Martha's Vine- yard, but when a young man went to Maine and purchased one hundred acres of land in Franklin County, where he devoted his whole time and at- tention to farming up to the time of his death, which occurred after he had reached his eighty- seventh year. He was a member of the Methodist Church, and in politics was first a Whig and after- ward a Democrat. The mother died in the same place when eighty-six years old and was also a faithful member of the Methodist Church. To their union were born eight children, all of whom reached maturity, viz., Sally, Ezekial, Mary Ann, Lucinda, Hiram, Jane, Percilla, and Hannah. Only three of this numlier are living at the present time. Mr. Preston attended school in his native county during the winter months and worked on the farm in the summer. The schoolhouses of those times were exceedingly rustic in appearance, but turned out many pupils who in after life prof- ited b}' the rudiments of knowledge planted there and became famous. When twenty years of age he commenced a business career for himself and at first worked out for others, receiving $10 each month for his services, and continued this means of livelihood until he C"me to this county. He owned one hundred acres of land, which was cov- ered with heavy timber, and in the fall of 1839 he sold this property in Maine, having cleared it, and came to the State of Illinois. He came to Chicago by water, rail and stage, and walked from that point to Brimfield, Peoria County. He settled near Brimfleld, where he bought one hundred and sixty acres of land. He at once built a frame house and commenced to clear up his property, which was in a very wild state. The following year he sold out and came to Fulton County, and bought forty acres of land in Buckheart Township that had a saw and grist mill on it. He lived there twelve years and made a great success both of the farm and of the mill, but after selling that place he came to Liver- pool Township and bought eighty acres of land on section 11, where he now lives. He built his pres- ent handsome frame house in 1864, and has both farmed and raised stock on an extensive scale. Lately he retired from labor and rents most of his land. The subject of our sketch married Miss Tryphena Hathaway in 1841. She was a native of Maine and lived to be sixty-five years old. A faithful mem- ber of the Methodist Church and a devout Chris- tian, her death was a ver}' peaceful one, she pass- ing away in her home here and being laid to rest in a private burial ground in this township. To our subject and his wife were born seven children, viz: Lydia, Edwin, Charles, Winslow, Frank and Ostin. Mr. Preston was again married in 1881 to Han- nah Hathaway, sister of his first wife, who was born on the 9th of May, 1828. Mrs. Preston is a mem- ber of the Baptist Church. Our subject is a prom- inent man in this community and has held many public offices of trust. For the past twenty six years he has been School Treasurer, and for a peiiod 306 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. of twenty-two years had charge of the poslofflce at Maple's Mill, an office which iie resigned in 1880, and besides ;this he was Town Clerk for sixteen years, facts that convey some idea of the high es- teem in which he is held and tell something of the popularity he has always enjoyed. In political be- lief he is a Democrat. lilLLIAM BREBNER has lived in the vi- cinity of Farmington for the past thirty- "^n? five years, and is one of the most active and stirring men to be met with in this vicinity, lie began life as a stonemason and has progressed from the jiosition of a wage-worker to that of a contractor and builder, the owner of a good prop- erty, and has finally turned his attention to farm- ing. Mr. Brebner is one of nine children born to John and Ann (Smith) Brebner, whose home was in Scotland. He is the only one of the family that has come to America. His living brothers and sis- ters bear the names of Ann, Alexander, Margaret, John, Adam, Elizabeth and Mary, one having died in early life. The mother died at the age of forty- six and the father lived to be seventy-seven years old. They were in comfortable circumstancES, the occupants of a good farm. Our subject was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, March 29, 1828, and although brought up on a farm, received excellent educational advantages. When sixteen years old he was apprenticed to a stonecutter and after serving three years began work as a journeyman in the country about thirty miles from Aberdeen. Having heard much regard- ing the gold fields of California, he made up his mind to go thither and seek his fortune. In the month of April, 1853, he sailed from Glasgow on the "Marchioness of Clydesdale," arriving in New York after a voyage of thirty-five days. He con- tinued his journey as far as Canada, where he had friends, and finding wages good there abandoned his intention of visiting California. Mr. Brebner worked at his trade in the Dominion until the 1st of April, 1854, when he came into the States and maile his wav to Peoria where not a rail- road had yet been built. Not being able to find work to suit him he went to the northern part of the State and worked at Dixon, Rockford and Ga- lena for various periods. In the spring of 1855, he returned to the central part of the State and lo- cating at Farmington became a contractor of ma- sonry. He was thus engaged until early in .the '70s wiien he turned his attention to agriculture. He owns ninet}' acres of land in Trivoli Township, Peoria Count}-, which he has successfully operated. Mr. Brebner was married in 1857, to Miss Caro- line Nelson who bore him three children — William, John and Frank. The first-born died in infanc}'. John married Tenny Cole, and has two children — Caroline and James F. ; their home is at Liberty Center, Iowa, and the husband is engaged in farm- ing. Frank resides in East Portland, Ore. Our sub- ject was married a second time, March 1, 1865, his bride being Miss Susan Potter. This union has been blest Ijy the birth of three children — Fannj' E., May and Walter S. Fann}' E. is now in a Chi- cago hospital, pursuing the work which will fit her for the duties of a professional nurse. She has al- ready demonstrated her sympathetic nature and aptitude for the care of the sick and suffering, by work done at the time of the Chats worth disaster. She was on board the ill-fated excursion train, and having escaped serious injury, spent some time in care of those who were less fortunate than herself. Her heroism and devotion to the injured ones was noted in the columns of the newspapers in flattering terms. The second child of the present Mrs. Breb- ner died young. AValter S. is now learning the car- penter's trade at Galesburg. Mrs. Susan Brebner is the youngest child born to William and Rachel (Wells) Potter. Her pa- ternal grandfather was an Englishman and both her parents were born in New Jersej'. They came to the Prairie State in 1837, and settled in this county six miles east of Canton where they purchased about ninety acres of land. Mrs. Potter died when her daughter Susan was an infant. Mr. Potter subse- quently married a lady from New York City, and in 1847, purchased a farm in Trivoli Township, Peoria Count}', three miles east of Farmington. He died there in May, 1877, at the age of eighty-one years. He had served in the War of 1812. The PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 307 brotbers and sisters of Mrs. Brebner are, Hamilton, whose home is in Canton ; Harriet, wife of Calvin Breed who died in Canton ; Alice, wife of Jacob Silvernail of the same town; Isaac, who died un- married ; Hannah, widow of Jacob WilUison, who lives in Toulon; Phebe A„ who was drowned in the Ohio River by falling overboard from a boat; Jenny, wife of Edward Emmons whose home is in Rookford. Mrs. Brebnor is a native of tiiis State. She attended the public schools, completing her education at Farmington. She keeps herself well in- formed regarding topics of general interest, faith- fully discharges the duties which lie before her,and wins many friends by her good qualities. Mr. Brebner cast his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln, having taken out his naturaliza- tion papers soon after he came to the State. He is a stanch member of the Republican party, under- stands well the political issues of the day and firmlj' believes that he is right in his judgment regarding Ihcm. For six years he did efficient service as a school officer, and on onj occasion was a candidate for Supervisor of Trivoli Township, but was beaten in tlie race by three votes. "I^ ANDOLPH HALL. In recalling the labors !lii*( which have made of this county a region ~% noted for its agricultural resources, we ^P feel a glow of admiration for all who bore a part in the scenes of the early days, and take great pleasure in noting prominent incidents in their lives. One of the earl3' settlers of Farmers Town- ship is the worthy gentleman above named, who has abundantly shown his industry and good judg- ment by the accumulation of an excellent estate, well supplied with the improvements which make life in the country enjoyable, and add to the value of property. He possesses the hospitable spirit and cordial manners which belong to all natives of the Blue Grass State, and which are also distinguishing characteristics of the pioneers in any sections of the country. Honorable in his dealings, well-in- formed regarding topics of general interest, and able to relate many an interesting event in connec- tion with the e.arly settlement of the township, his companionship is desirable and his reputation ex- cellent. The birtU of Mr. Hall look place in Washington County, Ky., September -1, 1823, and his residence in Illinois began when lie was a youth of (ifleen years. At that period in his life lie accompanied his parents, Joel and Mary (Clark) Hall, to Mc- Donough County, their home for a few years being in the vicinity of Macomb. In 1843 they removed to Pennington's Point. Three years later our sub- ject was united in marriage with Miss Alraeda L. Woods, a capable' and efficient woman who has nobly borne her part in building up the prosperity of the family and fitting, its younger members for usefulness and honor. The happy union has been blessed by the birth of five children. The eldest son, Platte, was stricken down within a few days of his majority, and the bright promise of his futui-e swallowed up by death. The older daughter, Mary Cornelia, is tlie wife of Josiah Hammer, of McDonough County : she has one daughter, Delia, who married Frank Harlan, and also has one child. As the mother of Mrs. Hall is yet living, baby Mabel is the fifth generation of females in the family now living. Three of these were born in McDonough Count}', Mrs. Hall in Erie County, Pa., and Mrs. Woods in the Empire State. A picture representing the five — Mrs. Cor- nelia Woods, Mrs. Ainieda Hall, Mrs. Mary Ham- mer, Mrs. Delia Harlan and little Mabel — is of great interest, not only to the family but to all visitors whom tiiey receive. The second son of our subject and his good wife is Millard DeWitt, who with his wife, son and daughter, resides in Table Grove. In McDonough County lives the youngest son, Leonard Grow, with his wife and one cii.ild. The second daughter and fourth child of Mr. and Mrs. Hall is Genevra, wife of Frank Ward, of Table Grove, their family including several chil- dren. Our subject bought the first improved farm of eighty acres in McDonough County. His house was built by himself, he hewing the logs and split- ting the shingles, which were of black walnut from his own land, forty acres of which was timber. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. The house was 16x22 feet in dimensions. A few years after it was constructed Mr. Hall covered it with boards, which were sawed by his brother-in- law in a portable mill on the place. To the origi- nal eighty acres he added until his estate amounted to two hundred acres, all of which had been re- claimed by himself from its primitive condition, except about thirty acres which was plowed when he purchased it. He resided upon the farm until 1882, when he left it to take possession of a com- fortable home in Table Grove. In the early days Mr. Hall hauled wheat to Beardstown, about twenty- five miles distant, and thought himself forlmiate when he could get fifty cents per bushel, nearly half of which was consumed by the expenses of re- maining over night. The first hogs driven to that place sold for $2 per hundred, which was considered a hio-h price, good dressed pork having previously been disposed of in Macomb for $1.25 per hun- dred. The early settlers generally owed all they raised to the neighboring storekecper.their sole trouble be- ing to turn the products of their farms over to their creditor, the 1st of January being the usual time of settlement. By a special arrangement they sometimes obtained a little money with which to pay taxes. All grain was cut with a cradle, and it was o-enerally tramped out with horses. Mrs. Hall vividly remembers seeing the wheat thrown in a pile, and horses driven around it until the thresh- ing was completed. The first chimneys were of sod built on the outside of the log houses, and all cooking was done at an open fire, except in rare instances. Mr. Hall is one of four sons and seven daughters born to his parents, all of whom are now living in this section of the State in convenient visiting dis- tance. He is the only Republican in his father's family, but his own sons and sons-in-law belong to the same party as himself. Salem Woods, the father of Mrs. Hall, emigrated from the Keystone Stale to jMcDonough County in 1831, prior to the Black Hawk War, in which father Hall took part. Mr. Woods was a harness- maker in Erie, Pa., and having traded for a piece of land somewhere in the West, started on foot to look up his new estate. He made his way over the mountains and through the wilderness to the vicin- ity in which he supposed his land to be, but was then at a loss to locate it. He heard a rooster crow, and going whence the sound came, found the home of Stewart Pennington, who helped him to locate the land, of which he had a plat and description. He then returned to the East and brought his wife and family-, the journey being made in a wagon. The boards from the roof of his wagon were used as a door to the first house he built on his farm. This home was of logs, notched and fastened to the sleepers with wooden pins, no nails being used in its construction. The floor was of split logs. Mr. Woods had the first cook stove in the county, it being shipped from the East to Chicago, whither it was brought in a wagon by the owner and Harvey Harris. An old fashioned chest with a lid, which was made to ship goods in, is still preserved in the family. Mrs. Hall is the onl}- daughter of her parents, but they have likewise four sons. One of these, Edward, was born in this State, and still lives on the farm on which he first saw the light. Mr. AVoods was an Abolitionist of the deepest dye, and he and. his children naturally became Republicans. They are of the Universalist faith. i^^HOMAS DEEMS, a native-born citizen of flf^^ this county, is now one of its foremost busi- V^^ ness men, he being one of the leading gro- cers of Lewistown, a member of the firm of Deems & Slack. He was born on a farm in Lewistown Township, July 21, 1841, and come of a respected pioneer familj' of this section of the Slate. John Deems, the father of our subject, was a native of Washington County, Pa., born on a farm five miles north of Brownsville, November 18, 1809. He was a son of Adam Deems, who is su|)- posed to have been a native of the same localit3'. The father of the Litter, Martin Deems, is thought to have been born in Germany, and was one of the earliest settlers of Washington County. He secured a title to quite a tract of land, the bounda- ries being defined by blazed trees. He made liis PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. home there until death closed his mortal career. He reared a family of si.x sons and two daughters. His son Adam grew to'man's estate on the old homestead in his native county atnid its primitive pioneer scenes. There were no railwajs there for many years aftor his birth. Many of the farmers were distillers and used to ship their liquor and produce on flatboats to New Orleans, and theie disposed of tlie boat and its contents and walked back to their homes, many weeks being consumed in the journey. All communication with the East was by teams. The grandfather of our subject al- ways lived in the place of his birth and engaged in farming there until his demise. The maiden name of his wife was Sarah RoUand, who was born in the same county^ as himself. Her parents, Henry and Mary RoUand, were pioneers of that section of the country, making their removal thither from Eastern Pennsylvania with pack-horses. The grand- mother of our subject survived her husband many years and died in Fulton County, at the age of sixty-three. John Deems was nineteen years old when he left his native county to join his brother Thomas in ]Muskingum County, Ohio, where he served an apprenticeship of three years to learn the trade of a blacksmith. After he had acquired a thorough knowledge of his calling he worked for his brother three years, and then formed a partnership with him which continued two years. At the expiration of that time he went to Sidney. Shelby County, and was one of the early settlers of that place and es- tablished himself there as a blacksmith on his own account. All the iron, which was procured at Pitts- burg, was brought to that place by the wa}' of the Ohio River and Cincinnati, and thence by canal to Pickaway, twelve miles distant. Mr. Deems wrought all the horse shoes and the nails that he used,and the charcoal that he burned in his furnace was also of his own manufacture. He continued in business there until the fall of 1840. In 1839 the father visited Fulton County on horseback and bought one hundred and sixty acres of timber land, three-fourths of a mile east of the village of Lewistown. After making his purchase he sold his horse and returned by stage to his home in Ohio. In the fall of 1840 he started. with his wife and three children, with two horses and a wagon for their future dwelling-place in the Prairie State. They spent the first winter in Lewis- town, and during that time he built a house on his land and at once began the improvement of the latter. For some years Liverpool, a point on the Illinois River, was the most flourishing town of the county, and was the market for all the grain raised. Mr. Deems improved the greater part of his land, bought eighty acres adjoining and re sided there until 1884, and then moved to town to his present home, where he now lives in honorable retirement. Mr. Deems was married in October, 1841, to Phcebe Brown. She was born in Virginia, in Au- gust, 1809, and was but an infant when her parents removed to the primeval wilds of Muskingum County, Ohio, where she was reared. She died January 1, 1887, at a venerable age. She was the mother of eight children, whose names are Amanda, Joseph, Eliza, Thomas, Lorena. Mary, George, and Cornelia. Joseph served in the late war in Company A, Fifty-fifth Illinois Infantry, three years and was twic^e severely wounded. He now lives in Lewistown. The gentleman whose life is recorded in these lines received the preliminaries of his education in the pioneer schools of this his native county. The first one that he attended was taught in a log scboolhouse, and the seats were rude benches made of slabs with wooden pins for legs. There were no desks, but holes were bored in the logs, wooden pins were inserted and boards laid on top of them, extending the length of each side of the house, which were used by the larger scholars on which to write. Our subject's education was further extended by the excellent course of study that he pursued in Fulton Seminary in 1860 and 1861, and in 1865 he was a student at Hedding College, at Abingdon. Mr. Deems took part in the great war that was waged between the North and the South in the opening years of his manhood, and is a fine repre- sentative of those noble citizen-soldiers who sacri- ficed much and risked their all in their devotion to their country. August 8, 1862, he threw aside all personal aims and ambitions and enlisted in PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBLM. Company H, One Hundrefl antl Thirfl Illinois In- fantry, was mustered into service at Peoria Octo- ber 2, and in November of that year went with the regiment to Tennessee, where he and his comrades were quartered for the winter. From there they were sent to Yicksburg. Miss., and guarded the rear of the Federal army,preventing Johnston from reinforcing the rebels during the memorable siege of that city. After the fall of Vicksburg our sub- ject's regiment went to Jackson, Miss., and en- gaged in battle witli Johnston's troops at that place; went thence to Black River, where the sol- diers rested until the fall, when they marched to Chattanooga to take part in the battle of Mission- ary Ridge,where Mr. Deems was transferred to Com- pany H, Twenty-third Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. He was sent to Benton Barracks, they being on detached duty, and remained until he was mustered out, June 26, I860. At the close of his service our subject came back to Lewistown and quietly resumed his studies at Iledding College, remaining in that institution during the fall and winter terms. In the spring of 1866 he engaged in the mercantile busi- ness in Lewistown, and was thus employed until 1869, when on account of ill-health he was obliged to relinquish it. The ensuing two years he re- mained on his father's farm and spent one year in Kansas. Returning to Lewistown, he became a clerk for Ross & Hinds, remaining with them one year, and then acting in the same capacity for Phelps & Proctor for a period of eight years. At the expiration of tiiat time he once more resumed business on his own account and has continued it with marked success. In 1886 he formed a part- nership with his present partner, J. S. Slack, under the firm name of Deems & Slack. They have here a commodious, finely-appointed store, and earrj' a full line of groceries, china, glass, woodenware, etc., and deal to some extent in fruits and produce, besides having a bakery in connection with their grocery. By strict attention to their business in all its details, by promptness and method, and by courteous treatment and fair dealings with their customers, the3' have built up a large trade and are well patronized by the best people of the cit}'. Mr. and Mrs. Deems have here a very charm- ing home, and of their hap])y wedded life have come two children — Jessie and Mar^'. Mrs. Deems' maiden name was Laura Benton, and her mar- riage with our subject was contracted in Septem- ber, 1880. She is a native of this county, born in Bernadotte Township, and is a daughter of Harsha J. and Marian (Lee) Benton, natives of Phila- delphia, Pa., and Springfield, 111., respectively, and pioneers of this section of the country. Mr. Deems thoroughly identifies himself with whatever will best promote the highest iiiterests of this, his native county, his liberality' helping for- ward many schemes for its improvement, and he is numbered among its most loyal citizens. His record as a soldier is kept in remembrance by his connection with Thomas Lay ton Post, No. 121, G. A. R.. He belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, being a member of Fulton Lodge, No. 51. In politics he is a decided Republican. i^=*HOMAS COOK h.is lived in Fultou County ;/^^, since 1858 and during that time lias ae- '^^y quired a solid reputation as a straightfor- ward, honorable man,and as a thrifty, hard working, capable farmer. Since 1874 he has been a factor in the agricultural life in this section of the country, and has managed his well-equipped farm on sections 20 and 22, with skill and profit since it came into his possession at that time. He is a native of Kilmena Parish, County Mayo, Ireland, where he was born in 1823. His parents were also natives of that place and he resided with them until 1849. In that 3'ear he married Bridget, daughter of Hubert and Nancy (Moran) Golden, wh(j was born in the same year and the same place as himself. Our subject soon left his young bride in their native village, that he might cross the waters and make a more comfortable home for her in Amer- ica. After landing on these shores he made his way to Pittsburg, Pa.,whence he went a short time afterwards to St. Louis, Mo., where he remained about five years engaged in stcamboating. When* he had been there two years and was comfortably ^^-^^^^ ^O^TLC^ ht; ;: t ^ ■ year. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 313 fixed his wifp joined him, anil in 1858,they came to this county and located in Lewistown, which was then a very small place. While there Mr. Cook engaged in various kinds of business and finally bouglit, in the year 1874, one hundred and four acres of land on sections 20 and 22, Bcrnadotte Township, vvhere he now resides. He has seventj-- live acres of his land under line cultivation, has a good house, iiarn and otiier necessary buildings that go to make up a good and well-improved fMrm. He has a self-binder, a mower, and all other modern machinery that is in use on a first-class farm. His farm is well-stocke;l with cattle, horses and hogs of standard grades. Mr. and Mrs. Cook have had six children born to Ihe-n of whom three died young and three are liv- ing — Thomas. Mary and Bridget. Mr. Cook has worked hard in the accumulation of his property and has received valuable aid from his wife who is a cheerful, capable and willing helpmate. He is of a peaceable, kind and obliging disposition and has never had a law suit in his life or was he ever on a jury. He has always attended strictly to his own aff.'urs, letting other people's business alone and al- ways gets along well with his neighbors. He be- grudges happiness to no one, is no man's enemy and has no enemies of his own, but on the contrary lias many friends. In politics he is a Democrat; in religion a Catholic. "^1= ^m- ,f/_^ ENRY CONE. To show the mettle of the If j\i man it is not necessary to enter the marts :4>^ of a crowded city, take a place among the {(£); dwellers on the tented field, or journey far from home and friends in order to make wonderful discoveries. Opportunities are not lacking even amid the peaceful surroundings of pastoral life, to teach high living, high thinking, and show ener- getic action for individual and public good. The subject of this biographical notice is one who has prospered by steadi' industry, and by ever keeping in view the great principle of doing to others as he would be done b}-. He has found abundant oppor- tunities during the course of his long life, to pro- mote the welfare of his fellow-men by assisting in their worthy undertsikings and by suggesting or in- stituting movements which tend to mental or moral culture. The gentleman of whom we write is the eldest of six brothers, whose father, Joseph Cone, was the founder of Farraington. naming it in honor of a Connecticut town in which he was reared. Their mother, Elizabeth Candee, was, like her husband, a native of Connecticut. The parental liistory is noted nt some length in the biographical sketch of Spencer Cone, a brother of our subject, which is included in this volume. A sketch of another brother, George W. Cone, a farmer near Farming- ington. will also be found in this volume. Besides these the fraternal band included Joseph, David C. and Charles. Joseph, a farmer, now lives at Ash- land, Neb.; his wife, formerly Mary Ann Miles, died in 1888. David married Harriet Cutler and had four children — Eddie, George, Joseph and Hattie; his homo was in Kansas at the time of his death, in 1885. Charles is a gold miner at Shasta, Cal. The subject of this notice opened his eyes to the light in Oxford, Conn., September 17, 1809. While he was still an infant his parents removed to Har- winton, where he was reared on a farm and where day after day he followed the old wooden mould- board plow on his father's large estate of three hundred acres. Among the stones of the Connecticut hillsides the barefooted lad learned the lessons of industry, perseverance and self- reliance, which fitted him for life upon the frontier to which he accom- panied the other members of the parental family in the spring of 1834. The previous year, in com- pany with his father and his brother Joseph, he had visited the Prairie State, prospecting, a site in Fullon County being determined upon. Our subject courted and married Miss Sophia D. Hoadley, the wedding ceremony taking place March 19, 1834, and the young couple coming Westward as soon as they could pack their house- hold effects for the journey. The Erie Canal, Lake Erie and the Ohio Canal were traversed to Ports- mouth, Ohio, where the party took boats for St. Louis and Peoria. There they hired teams to bring them to what was known as the IMeieliant .Settle- 314 POETRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. ment, which they reached in June. Mr. Cone says "A more fertile tract or one supporting a more luxuiiant vegetation, no man's eyes ever viewed." The father of our subject had paid 1300 apiece for three squatter's claims, upon which log cabins had been built, and in these rude edifices the various members of the family were housed upon reaching their destination. Our subject at once set about breaking, fencing, and otherwise preparing the land for crops, swinging a maul from morning until night, like many another Illinois rail-splitter. Many hardships were endured by the new settlers, but Mr. Cone says "I liked this country, for I w.is glad and contented." The first great sorrow of Mr. Cone's life was the death of his first-born, Elizabeth C, who died at the age of ten years. A still greater blow befell him in September 1846, when his companion crossed to the other shore. She left four children— Sophia, H. Jennie H., Nellie M. and Luther Hoadley. The eldest of these married William Field, of Boston, at one time a dry-goods merchant in Farmington and now a real-estate dealer in Los Angeles, Cal.; the S3cond daughter married Silas Hays, of Blooming- ton, III., and they also are now living in the Golden State; Nellie M. married Daniel James, of Burling- ton, Iowa, their home now being on a farm near Grinnell; Luther II. remains at Farmington, of which he is one of the most popular residents. Mr. Cone was married a second time, in Septem- ber, 1847, his bride being Miss Mary Eggleston, a native of Oneida County, N. Y. This union has been blessed by the birth of three children, of whom the first-born, a son, Henry, died when three years old. Merritt H., a farmer near Farmington, married Miss Mary Jack and has three children; Maggie E. married Morrison M. Alsbury, formerly of Springfield, their home now being in Boston, where both are acquiring fame in the musical world, the one as a violinist and the other as a vocal teacher. Mr. Cone has always been a farmer ancj hiis raised thousands of bushels of wheat, corn and other cereals, as well as hundreds of dollars worth of cattle, hogs and horses. Although now eighty- one years old, he is hale and hearty, in full posses- sion of all his f.iculties, and as interested in the work going on about him as when he was looking forward in early youth. He attributes his remark- able health and mental preservation to the fact that he has always been a temperate man and of regular habits. His description of early pioneer experien- ces is given with historical accuracy and a fascina- tion equal to that of a romance. His wealth is the product of industry and economy, as he has never engaged in speculations of any kind. He is known as one of the most responsible men and most prompt to meet his obligations, of the State. He and his son Luther own in common an estate of aliout three hundred acres adjoining Farmington on the northe.nst, which is well improved, with three residences, one the old Joseph Cone home, which is now occupiedby our subject. Besides his interest in this estate Mr. Cone owns four hundred and eighty acres in Thaj'er County. Neb. Mr. Cone took a very active part with his father in bringing the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad through to Farmington. They subscribed $3,000 in stock, which practically amounted to a donation, and a few years later subscribed liberall}' to the Elmwood branch of the same road. Our subject got out timber from his own woods, hewed it, and built nearly all the bridges between Farm- ington and Elmwood. All this work and donation proved a loss, as the road, although graded, was never completed. Mr. Cone has always done all he could toward supporting the religious and educa- tional institutions of this country. He has served as School Director and prides himself upon the fact that Farmington has an excellent High School. He is of a rather quiet, retiring nature, never craving office or putting himself forward in public affairs. Recognizing his impartiality, his fellow-citizens while he was living in Knox County were pleased to elect him Justice of the Peace, which position he held four years. The virgin vote of Mr. Cone was given to Gen. Jackson. He supported the Whig party and their leaders, William Henry Harrison and Henry Clay, for the latter of whom he twice deposited his bal- lot. When the Republican party was organized he identified himself with it, voting for Gen. Fremont and afterward helping to elect Lincoln in 1860-64. He has supported Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Blaine, PORTRAIT AND BIOCxRAPIIICAL ALBUM. 315 and Harrison with all the ardor of a firm Repub- lican. He has borne a large part of the expense connected with the building and support of the Congregational Ohurch in Farmington. Taking a retrospective view of his life he recalls mistakes, as who can not.' but rejoices in the fact that his aim has been the ' prize of the high calling" and that he has grown gray in the service of the Lord. That his declining 3'ears may be like the golden rays of the setting sun, bright with promise, and like the autumn filled with sheaves, is tlie wish of his man}' sincere friends, who will be pleased to notice his portrait on another page. ^^ AMLTEL FACKLER comes of sterling pio- ^^^ neer stock, his parents, Franklin and Caro- ^Ti/jV line (Deary) Fackler, having been early ^'^^^ settlers of this county and his father a pio- neer blacksmith of Astoria, the birthplace and present residence of our subject. The latter is now numbered among the enterprising, progressive, sub- stantial business men of his native county, and is no unimportant factor in advancing its material interests. He has a large, well-appointed hardware store in Astoria, and commands an extensive trade not only in the village but among the (;itizens of the outlying country. Mr. Fackler was born in this town, December 3, 1842. He is a son of tlie late well-known Franklin Fackler, who was born lu Augusta County, Va., December 3, 1807. His father, Samuel Fackler, was, it is thought, born in Pennsylvania. He was a tanner by trade, and carried on that business in Stanton, Augusta County, Va., where he spent his last years. The father of our subject went to live with an uncle in Loudoun County when he was a boy and he learned the trade of a blacksmith. He subse- quently returned to Augusta County, and there took unto himself a wife and followed his trade there until 1835. In the fall of that year, with his wife and one child, he started with a pair of horses and a wagon for the wilds of the Prairie State, taking cooking utensils along and cooking and camping by the way at noon and night. The little party finally arrived at its destination in Fulton County after thirty days' traveling. Mr. Fackler first located near the present site of Table Grove. The country around was very thinly inhabited, and where Vermont now stands, a thriving and flour- ishing village, there was but one house. Mr. Fack- ler built a log cabin, in which his family found shelter the ensuing winter, and in the spring of 1836 removed from there to the village of Wash- ington, which was the first name given to Astoria. There were at that time only two log houses and one store where now a busy and prosperous town is located. The father of our subject erected a black- smith shop in the village, which was the first one built there, and he actively engaged at his calling there until the new village was laid out half a mile distant and named Astoria. He then removed his business to the new village and was the first black- smith in that place. He bought property and built a substantial dwelling and sliop, and continued to carry on his trade, with the exception of two years when he was engaged in farming near Sumraum, until his death, which occurred December 15, 1887. The mother of our subject was born in Shenan- doah County, Va. Her father, John Deary, was a native of Pennsylvania. He was left an orphan at an early age, and after he. had attained manhood he went to Augusta County, Va., and there married. He was a shoemaker and followed his trade in Vir- ginia until 1835. In that year he became a pioneer of Fulton County, buying a tract of Government land near Table Grove. It consisted of wild prai- rie and there was a double log house on the place when he purchased it, in which he lived with his family five years. His wife dying, he then re- moved from there to Astoria and bought a home in which he lived retired until his death. The maiden name of his wife was Jane McMullen. She was born in Pennsylvania. The mother of our subject lived witii her parents until her marriage, and was early taught to spin and weave. In the first years of her married life she cooked by the fireplace and clad her children in homespun garments of her own manufacture. This venerable lady now makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Nelson. She has witnessed almost the entire development of this part PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. of Illinois from a wilderness to a well settled and wealthy county. The early part of her life was passed amid pioneer scenes and she did not see a railroad iiniil she was nearly fifty years of age. Mrs. Faekler reared the following six children to useful lives: James F., who resides in Astoria; J. Thomas, of Astoria; J. A. ; ^Irs. Nelson, of Astoria; Samuel, our subject; Lizzie, Mrs. Anderson, who lives in Henry County, Iowa; and Fauuie, Mrs. Jones, who resides in Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Facli- ler were greatly respected b}' the people among whom thej' lived for so manj' years. They were true Christians, and both joined the Methodist Episcopal Churcli in llieir 3'ounger days, though ihe mother had been reared to the Lutheran faith. Samuel Faekler, of whom we write, gleaned his eaily education in the pioneer schools of Astoria, and whan large enough commenced to help his fa- ther in the shop. At the age of nineteen he entered upon his mercantile career, engaging as a clerk in the general store of W. H. Scripps. He continued in that capacit3' twenty years and in 1883 resigned in order to engage in the hardware business. He has since devoted his entire attention to it, and has Muilt up one of the most extensive and profitable trades in this line in this part of the county. He has a liandsome. commodious, and convenient!}- ar- ranged store, and carries a full stock of hardware, stoves, tins, etc. The marriage of Mr. Faekler with Miss Belle Price, a native of Fayette County, Pa., and a daugh- ter of Benjamin Price, was solemnized in 1868. Five children were born of that union — George, Lillie, Nellie, Grace, and Bessie. In the month of April, 1884, the pleasant home of our subject was invaded by death and the loving wife and devoted mother was taken from the place in the household ih;it she had so nobly filled. She was a true, wo- manly woman, possessing a fine disposition and ollivr pleasant qualities that endeared her to many beyond the home circle. She joined the Methodist E[)iscopal Church before her marriage, and was al- ways a consistent member thereof. Mr. F.ackler is a sagacious, practical man of business, possessing the necessary foresight, finan- cial ability and tenacity of purpose, requisite to success in any walk, and his affairs are managed with scrupulous honesty and with a conscientious regard for the rights of others. His honorable course in business, his frank and courteous bearing, his warm-hearted nature that makes his friendship so desirable, have won him the confidence of the entire community and have given him a high place in the regard of all with whom he .associates, either in a business or social way. In him the Methodist Episcopal Church, which he joined before marriage, finds one of its most earnest and valued members, who is prominent in its affairs and who carries his religion into his every day life. In politics he is a Republican. He has taken an important part in the local Government, has served one year as a mem- ber of the Town Council, and is a member of the School Board. He is identified with Astoria Camp of M. W. A., and Astoria Lodge, A. O. U. W. ^f LBERTK. TATE, editor and proprietor of ^^1 the Astoria Argus, is a wide-awake young 11 It journalist and is successfully conducting ^ an excellent family iiewpapei-. He is also an enterprising man of business, dealing in real es- tate and representing five different insurance com- panies. Mr. Tate is a native of this State, born in Ma- comb, McDonough Count3% February 28, 1861. He is a son of the well known Richard Tate, who was born in what is now Carter County, Ky., July 5, 1831. His father, David Tate, was a native of the same county and a son of one of the pioneers of Kentucky, who early located in Green County, and there spent ids last years. The grandfather of our subject was reared and married in the county of his nativity, taking for his wife Miss Nancy Wilson. He learned the trade of a tanner and engaged in that in connection with farming during his residence in Green County. In 1845, he came from Kentucky to Illinois, bringing with him his wife and six children. He stopped a short time in Henderson County, and then located in McDonough County, buying a tract of land about two miles south of Macomb. That town was then but a hamlet and the surrounding country was PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 317 thinly inhabited. Mr. Tate lived on his farm in tliat vicinity several years, and then bought prop- erty in the village of Macomb, and resided there until 1871. In that year he sold his property lliere and moved to Arkansas. He lived a short time in Ilico, and there shortly after his arrival his wife died at the age. of sixty-eight years. Mr. Tate subsequently removed to Washington County, and still resides on the farm he then purchased, he be- ing now quite an old man. Richard Tate was fourteen years old when his parents came to Illinois. He was bred to a farmer's life on the old homestead, and continued to live with his father and motlier until he estab- lished a home of his own. He learned the trade of a tanner and brick moulder, and after he assumed tiie cares of married life he settled in Macomb and was occupied at his trades some years. He finally en- tered the employ of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company in the contractor's de- partment, and has remained with that company most of the time since. He married Emeline Hall, who w.as horn in Maxwell, Washington Count}', Ky., October 17, 1837, and is a daughter of Joel and Mary (Clark) Hall. Two children have blessed the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Tate, Eflie and our sub- ject. Tlieir daughter resides with them. Tiie gentleman of whom this sketch is written was reared in Macomb, and received excellent ed- ucational advantages in its public schools. When he was fourteen years old he commenced to work on a farm at $15 per month. He was thus em- ployed for a few months in the fall and then clerked in a fruit store a few weeks. August 10, 1875, he entered the office of the Macomb Eagle and for four years thereafter, served an appren- ticeship to learn the printer's trade. After that he went to Chicago and was eniplo3'ed in the ofHce of the Times four months and then worked on the Prairie Farmer a few months and subsequently was engaged in a job office on Dearborn Street. He re- mained in Chicago about a year and we next hear of him in a printing office in Warsaw, where he was employed six months. At the expiration of that time he returned to Macomb and studied dentistry awhile. He abandoned that, however, and lesuraed the printer's trade in the office of the daily Republi- can-Reqisler at Galesburg. From there he went to Bushnell and worked in the office of the Gleaner. On account of ill health he gave up office work for awhile and went to Iowa, whither he was sent by the Union Publishing Company, of Springfield, to assist in compiling county histories. A 3'ear later he entered the employ of the Illinois State Journal, and six months after that went back to Macomb as foreman in the office of the Macomb Eagle. He retained that position one year, and then bought the Astoria Argus, and has edited and published this paper ever since. His experience in Tarious printing offices and on various papers, was invaluable to him in his new work, and laid a solid foundation for his career as a journalist. His paper is well managed, and is published in a neat and attractive form, is bright and interesting and keeps apace with the times. For a young man of his energy and capacity for work, his labors as an editor are not sufficient to take up his time, so our subject has branched out in other directions, and, as before mentioned, is engaged in the insurance business, as agent for five different companies, and he also makes mone^' by his dealings in realty. Mr. Tate was wedded to Miss Bertha Farr, Sep- tember 25, 1884. Mrs. Tate is a native of Astoria Township, and a daughter of John and Nina Farr. The names of the children that have been born to our subject and his wife in their pleasant home are : Mildred F. and Albert Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Tate are people of high personal character, and are greatly esteemed by the entire community. They are members of the Christian Church. Mr. Tate belongs to Astoria Lodge No. 100, A. F. & A. M. and Astoria Camp, M. W. A. No. 381. Tp«)NOCH THOMPSON is one of those pro- IW] gressive wide-awake farmers, who find both /jl — ^ pleasure and profit in cultivating the soil, and by means of dignity and ability tend to raise the standard of their chosen occupation. Beside agricultural pursuits, he is also interested in stock- raising, and owns a valuable estate on section 26, 318 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. Pleasant Township. He is a native of Coshocton County, Ohio, bein^ born there on the 1 7th of May, 1836. His parents, Joshua and Emily (Williams) Thomp- son, were natives of New Jersey and Maryland re- spectively, the former being of Scotch descent. A kinsman on the maternal side figured prominently in the Revolutionary War, and his Grand fatiier Williams was one of the earliest settlers in Coshoc- ton County, building one of the first houses in that section of the State of Ohio. His father was twice married and had ten children, of whom the follow- ing are living at this date: Margery, wife of W. Richards of Iowa; Permelia, wife of John Potter, of Putnam County, Mo.; Elizabeth, now Mrs. Foster and living in Coshocton County, Ohio; George, who resides in Warsaw, Ohio; Lydia, wife of William Bourel of Richland County, III., and Enoch, whose sketch now claims attention. Mr. Thompson reached manhood's estate in his native place, and at an early age commenced to do work of various kinds. His education was some- what limited, and his knowledge has been gained chiefly by reading. In the winter of 1857, he moved to McDonough County, this State, and for more than a year engaged in farm work. He then went to Putnam Count}', Mo., then in a few months back to McDonough County, and later to Schuyler Count}', 111., but after six months in the latter place came to Fulton County, and has since continued to reside here. Our subject enlisted in the late war on the 19th of August in the year 1861, in Company H, Third Illinois Cavalry, and became part of the Western Array, first under Gen. Fremont, then Gen. Hal- leck, and later under Gen. Curtiss. He performed the duties of the ordinar}' cavalryman, and took part in many skirmishes. He served until Septem- ber 25, 1862, at which time he returned to his pres- ent place of residence. Mr. Thompson was married September 15, 1864, to Miss Mary E. Thompson, native of Woodland Township, and daughter of Anthony and Lucy (Shields) Thompson, natives of Coshocton County, Ohio and Harrison County, Ind. Her father moved to Fulton County some time in the '40s, having ridden the entire distance from his native State on horseback, and was one of the first settlers of Wood- land Township. Her grandparents came to Fulton County in the fall of 1830, settling in Woodland Township. To her parents were born nine chil- dren, of whom six are living, viz: Mar}' (wife of our subject); Benjamin F. ; Nancy, wife of John W. Hagan; Sarah C, wife of W. H. Smith; Minerva J. wife of Harvey Shelley; Martha, wife of Thornton A. Bourel. Her father was a member of the Baptist Church, and was a most successful agriculturist. To our subject and wife has been born one daughter, Julia C. He settled on^his present farm in 1865, continuing to reside here since that date. He has cleared the land and cultivated the soil un- til his farm is very valuable. Mr. Thompson is a very popular man and has held public offices from time to time. At present he is serving as Highway Commissioner. He is a member of the Democratic party and true in all respects to his party princi- ples. He is a member of the Grand Army Post at Summum,and is well known and much respected by all who have the pleasure of his acquaintance. Mrs. Thompson is a faithful member of the Baptist Church, and both she and her husband endeavor at all limes to advance the interests of the commun- ity- j^ ARON LINGENFELTER. All the loyal ' (^/ I Americans will agree that the old soldiers jl ii who sacrificed home comforts, endured ^ hardships, and braved dangers during the days of the Nation's peril, arc deserving of remem- brance. The historian cannot detail the lives spent on the tented field, but he can mention the chief events by which the gallant soldier secured victory, too often, alas, at the price of manly vigor and missing limbs. W^ere there no other reasons than his army life, we should be glad to present to our readers an outline of the history of Aaron Lingen- felt€r, a worthy farmer of Banner Township, liv- ing on section 19. Mr. Lingenfelter was born in Blair County, Pa., November 8, 1841, being a son of Jacob and Sarah (Claar) Lingenfelter. The parents removed to this county in the spring of 1848, locating on section PORTRA[T AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 319 18, Buckheart Township, where our subject grew to his twentieth year, spending his days in the man- ner usual to farmers' sons, and studying in the dis- trict school. On August 9, 1861, he responded to his country's call, and enlisted in Company A., Fifth-fifth Illinois Infantr}', Capt. Presson and Col. Stewart being his commanding officers. The regi- ment formed a part of the Seventh Division of the Army of the Tennessee until November, when the Fifteenth Army Corps was organized, and it was incorporated therein. It took part in thirty-two battles, and was under fire one hundred and twenty- five days. The first engagement in which our subject par- ticipated was Shiloh, where the battle was opened by the Fifty-fifth, Sunday morning, April 6, 1862, on the extreme right. The regimental loss in killed, wounded, and missing, was two hundred and seventy-eight men. The next contest was Russell House, in June, followed by the siege of Corinth, lasting twent}- days, after which a march was made to Memphis, and camp life enjoyed while the re- organization was taking place. We next find the Fifty-fifth moving down the Mississippi and taking part in the battle of Chickasaw Bayou, whence it was compelled to withdraw after a four-days en- gagement, during which Capt. Shleich was killed. Going up the Arkansas, Ft. Heinman was cap- tured after a contest of two days, January 10 and 11, 1863, and the regiment then took transports to Milliken's Bend, in front of Vicksburg. On April 27, the boys went to Haines Bluff to draw the at- tention of the confederate forces while Gen. Grant crossed at Grand Gulf, sixty -five miles below the city. On May 15 they followed at the same cross- ing, and fought in the battle of Champion Hill, then went on to take part in the siege of Jackson, Miss., returning to participate in the siege of Vicks- burg. After the fall of that city, the corps went to the relief of Gen. Thomas at Chattanooga, crossing the Tennessee on pontoons, and floating down stream at midnight. The battle was fought, then Burnside re-inforced at Knoxville, and Larkins- ville, Ala., visited, when the term for which Mr. Lingenfelter had enlisted expired. In April, 1864, Mr. Lingerfeltcr re-enlisted for three years or during the war. He received a fur- lough of thirty days, and visited his father and friends in the North, rejoining his comrades at Kenesaw Mountain, June 20. Up to this time he had escaped injury, and had been present at every roll-call, except when on furlough. At Kenesaw, June 27, he received two wounds, one in the leg and one in the side, but as they were only flesh wounds, he remained with his company. July 22, he had his left forefinger shot off while the company was retaking a battery, and the gallant captain, J. M. Augustin, lost his life. Mr. Lingenfelter subsequently took part in all the engagements on the march to the sea, begin- ning in November, 1864. At Statesboro, Ga., he was one of five men sent on a foraging expedition, and was captured by the confederates. When An- dersonville stared him in the face he made his es- cape to the Union lines, being shot at b}' the guard, the ball hitting a handkerchief in his pocket, and making twenty-two holes in it. After the capture of Savannah the regiment marched north through the Carolinas, and on March 21, 1865, Mr. Lingenfelter received the gun- shot wound that disabled him for life. He was shot through the right shoulder, by reason of which the right arm is now four inches shorter than the left. The wound prevented our subject from any further active participation in army service, and after remaining in different hospitals until July 22, he was discharged, when his time lacked but eighteen days of four years. Mr. Lingenfelter never drank a drop of liquor until after he was wounded. He draws a pension of $36 per month. Mr. Lingenfelter returned to this county July 29, and resumed the arts of peace, hampered in his efforts by his crippled condition, bu-t full of en- ergy, determination and grit. He has been able to live comfortabl}', to school his children well, to im- prove his place, and, belter than all else, has gained the confidence and esteem of those about him. He owns eighty acres of fine land, that in the quality and quantity per acre of its crops will compare favorably with any in the vicinity. Mr. Lingen- felter always votes the Republican ticket. He has been School Director three years, and discharges his duty in a satisfactory manner. The family worship in tlie Methodist EjHscopal Church. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. In charge of the household economy of the Lin- gcnfelter estate is a capable and loving woman, formerly known as Miss Charity Hedge. She bo- came the wife of our subject, March 17, 1870, and is the mother of three children: Lizzie C, born September 22. 1872; Ernest, November 24, 1874; and Minerva M., September 19, 1881. eONRAD MARKLEY. Among the early set- tlers of this county was the Markle}' family, and its present representative, the subject of tliis biograph}', is now one of its wealthy and most prosperous farmers. He was an important factor in the pioneer labors that laid the solid foundation of the present prosperity of this section of the country, and having accumulated a handsome prop- erty is enabled to spend his declining j^ears free from the hard work and cares of his early life, in one of the most comfortable homes of Deerflcld Township, of which he has been a prominent resi- dent many years. The paternal great-grandfather of our subject was born in Germany, while iiis maternal great- grandfatlier was a native of France. His grand- father on his father's side was born in Somerset County, Pa., and his grandfather on his mother's side was born in the Mohawk River Yalley, in New York. The parents of our subject, Jonathan and Elizabeth (Cline) Marklcy, were natives of Penn- sylvania. They migrated to this county in 1834, arriving at Canton on the 1st of October. They located on section 31, Fairview Township, and re- mained until the fall of 1841. They then removed to EUisviile, where the father died in 1842. After her husband's death the mother of our subject re- turned to the old homestead in Fairview Township and thence went to Kansas, where her death oc- curred in 1874. Conrad Markley was born October 10, 1817, in an humble pioneer home in Ashland County, Ohio. His education was conducted in a primitive log sehoolhouse of the early times. He was a stalwart youth of seventeen years when he accompanied his parents to their new home in this county. He re- mained with them until he married, March 31, 1842, Ruth, daughter of Benjamin and Amanda (Cone) Foster, becoming his wife on that date. Mrs. Markley is also a native of Oliio and was born in Madison County, July 15, 1823. Her marriage with our subject has been blessed by ten children, of whom the Brst two were twins and died very young. The others are as follows: Amanda, wife of John Walick, of Montgomery County, Kan., Louie, wife of George W. Lippy, also of Montgom- ery County, Kan. ; Lewis Cass, who married Laura Aldridge and lives in Sumner County, Kan.; Mar- garet A. is the wife of Josiah Cattron, of Hickory Township; John A., who is a batihelor residing on a farm in Kansas and does his own housework; Thomas F., who married Josephine Turner and lives in Hickory Township; Andrew Jackson, a bachelor living in Kansas; Josiah V., who lives with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Markley reared their children carefully, giving them good educational advantages, and he lias given them a good start in life. He gave each of his boys, at the age of twenty- two, eighty acres of land in Kansas, a good team, wagon and harness and $100, and did equally well by his daughters. One boy sold his eighty acres to his brother for :&3,000. The younger son, who re- sides at home, receives a good income from the rental of his eighty acres of land. Mr. Markley resided on his mother's farm for four years after he was married. When he first began his career as ai independent farmer he had nothing but his wife, to whose capable and devoted assist- ance he owed much of his after prosperity, and all his personal property was vested in a cow. He had besides about $600 securit}^ debt to pay. In the spring of 1848, having worked hard and accom- plisiied much, he came out even with the world and with a team, wagon and harness, the latter be- ing a contrivance made by himself, with chain tugs and an old strap for back band. The wagon was also a primitive affair, manufactured partly in Canton and partly by himself and his friends. With this outfit he started to build up a home, locating on section 2, Deerfield Township, where he now resides. He has met with more than ordinar}' success in the prosecution of his calling, and has now a finely' im- proved homestead of two hundred acres, eighty »«« -m^ 9^X/tc// PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. acres on section 2, and one hundred and twenty acres on section 31, Fair view Township. He is now taking tiie world easj-, malting occasional visits to his children in Kansas. He still has his farm under his management, though he does but little work himself, he and his good wife living in peace and contentment and enjoying the fruits of their united labors. Mr. Marklcj- is one of the old settlers here, and the only man now living in this township svho was here when he came, is Charles B. Edmonson, whose sketch will be found on another i)age of this work. He has so conducted himself both in public and in priv,ate life as to honor the citizenship of this place and has borne an important part in its civic life. He has held the office of Supervisor for many years, was Assessor for a number of years, and Road Com- missioner and School Director. He cast his first vote for Martin Van Buren, and has always stood stanchi}' by the Democratic party. l^ UDLEY M. SIIIPP is one of the shrewdest I ]j] and most intelligent agriculturists of Isa- (j^Jf^ bel Township, as is shown by the success which has crowned his efforts. His home is on section 27, and his real estate comprises over six hundred acres of the very best land. He oper- ates about five hundred acres, which furnishes him a field for very extensive operations in the crops best suited to the situation and the soil on which he works. Much of the land is in the Spoon River bottom and Mr. Shipp was the first to begin the construction of a levee to protect the land against overflow. The levee has now been extended by other farmers until it is five miles in length. Mr. Shijjp's portion of it cost him $1900. The enter- prise was begun by him in 1867, and he was the first man in this vicinity to raise crops on the bot- tom. The grandfather of our subject was John Shi|)p, l)robably born in Virginia, whence he removed to Kentucky in a very earl}' day, when panthers and bears were numerous there. He was verj- fond of hunting and in the pursuit of that pleasure had several narrow escapes from being killed by pan- thers. On one occasion he was resting on a log in the woods when he heard a crackling in the brush behind him and turned just in time to raise his trusty ritle and shoot a panther which was spring- ing upon him. He was a farmer and a distiller of peach brandy and apple jack. He lived to be more than fourscore years old, breathing his last in Hart County, Ky. Walker Shipp, the father of our subject, was born in Taylor County, Ky., reared on a farm there and continued to make the county his home until 1835. He then located in Hart County in a section where deer were plentiful, and the memory of our subject includes the sight of his father shooting those ani- mals. Mr. Shipp came to Central Illinois in tlie winter of 18P4, and lived with our subject from that time until his death, which took place when he was fifty-eight years old. He was a Democrat un- til the outbreak of the Civil War, after which he gave his allegiance to the Republican party. He was an earnest Christian, identified with the Bap- tist Church. The mother of our subject was known in her girlhood as Rebecca Mardis. Like her husband she was born in Taylor County, Ky., and was a con- sistent member of the Baptist Church. She passed away at the age of sixty-five years, in the Indian Territory, where she was living with a daughter. She was the mother of eight children, all of whom grew to maturitj' although three have now crossed the river of death. The subject of this notice is the first-born. The others are, Marion F., John R.; M.a- linda, Sally, James M., Mrs. Ellen Jackson and Mrs. Harriet Seay. Malinda, Sally and Harriet are deceased. The gentleman whose name introduces this life history was born in Taylor County,Ky., October 1 1 , 1832, and accompanied his parents to Hart County when he was two years old. He attended school in the primitive log cabin with its slab benches, greased paper windows and writing desks around the walls, where each scholar paid a quarterly fee for tuition and the teacher boarded round. His school attend- ance was mainly during the winter months and the summers were devoted to work on the farm in which he, as the oldest of the family, bore a |)romi- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. nent part. Young Shipp was but twenty years old when he married and began life for himself. He purchased over one hundred acres of land in La Rue County and began housekeeping in a hewed log dwelling. A year later he sold the property and moved on his father's place in Hart County where he farmed until 1855. In October of that year Mr. Shipp started for this county, making tiie trip with a team and wagon, hut when he reached Richland County, this State, the roads were so had that he remained there dur- ing the winter, coming o.i here in the spring. He settled near Pi-tersl)urg and began working iu a sawmill in which he subsequently bought an inter- est. The venture proved a poor investment and he finally sold out his interest and removed to Havana, remaining there a short time and then hiring out on a farm at $20 per month. The next year he raised a crop on shares and continued so to do about five years. In 1864, Mr. Shipp bought one hundred and sixty-four acres on section 24, Isabel Township, where twenty-five acres had been broken and a log cabin built. He replaced the rude dwelling by a somewhat better one made of hewed logs, which was his home twelve years. Four years after his first purchase he bought one hundred and sixty acres adjoining on the same section, and in 1872 purchased the land he now lives upon on section 27. Still later he added eighty acres, having prospered greatly in his undertakings as a tiller of the soil and in raising large numbers of animals. The fine frame dwelling now occupied by his family was put up by him in 1881. In construction, design and situation it ranks among the very best in the township. It stands on a high hill overlooking the valley, thus giving its occupants a beautiful view over hill and dale, valley and plain, where fields of yellow grain, orchards, groves and tasteful farm buildings present a charming picture to the eye. Mr. Shipp has been t^vice married. The first union was consummated December 15, 1850, the bride being Miss Mary E. Seay who was born in Kentucky in 1 834. She became the mother of three children upon whom were bestowed the names of Charles J., George W. and John W. The youngest of the group is the only one now living. The mother died March 21, 1883, strong in the faith of the Baptist Church of which she had long been a member. Mr. Shipp contracted a second matrimonial alli- ance October 31, 1883, when he was united to Sarah E. Landis, a native of this county, born in Bernadotte Township, October 9, 1852. The pres- ent Mrs. Shipp is a daughter of John and Phebe (Littlejohn) Landis, the former of whom was a na- tive of Pennsylvania and the latter of Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Landis were early settlers in this county and the husband died on their farm in Bernadotte Township,at the age of fifty-two years. Mrs. Landis is still living. She is a member of the Free Meth- odist Church. The second marriage of j our subject has been blest to himself and wife in the birth of three children — Dudley L., Bruce and Flossy D. Mr. Shipp brings to the consideration of all sub- jects presented to his mind, the shrewdness and cautious judgment that have characterized his agri- cultural career. He is a firm believer in the po- litical doctrines of the Republican party and there- fore casts his vote with that element. He has held the offices of Road Commissioner and School Trus- tee for fourteen years, and has also been the incum- bent of other minor offices. He belongs to Lewis- town Lodge, No. 51, I. O. O. F. He is identified with the Baptist, and Mrs. Shipp with the Metho- dist Church. Elsewhere in this volume will be noticed a litho- graphic portrait of Mr. Shipp. ^^ ;ILLIAM TEMPLE TOLER, M. D., de- ceased, was for many years one of the ^^ most promuient physicians of Fulton County, and at his death his profession was de- prived of one of its noblest representatives, and the citizenship of the community suffered a sad loss. He was a resident of Astoria during nearly the whole of his professional life, and had built up in this village one of its most beautiful and at- tractive homes. Dr. Toler was a native of Virginia, horn near PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 32.3 the city of Riclimonrl, November 27, 1827. For the history of liis parents, Thomas and Mary (Hun- ton) Toler, see biography of Dr. B. C. Toler, which may be found on another page of this volume. Our subject laid a solid foundation for his medical education under the tuition of his father, who trained him carefully in the English branches and ill the classics. He commenced to study for his profession under the instruction of Dr. O'Neal, of IJatli, 111., and subsequently entered the Louis- ville, Ky., Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1851. He began his career as a jjhysician at Otto, this county, whence he came three years later to Astoria. For nearly thirty years he activeh' pursued his high calling here, liaving a large practice, extending even beyond the limits of the county. He became noted for his rare skill in the treatment of difficult cases, and was considered the finest physician in this sec- tion (if the country, standing at the head of his profession. In the month of September, 1882, Dr. Toler's great, warm heart was stilled forever, and his weary brain and over-taxed body found rest in death. He was mourned by many far beyond his sorrowing home circle, as he was the beloved physician and cherished friend in many a house- hold where his presence had brought healing, or had soothed the last hours of the dying. He was rarely adapted to his profession by nature and temperament, possessing, as he did, refined, sym- pathetic feelings, a high sense of honor, a clear brain, steady nerve, and other essentials of the true physcian. His daily intercourse with others was marked by a genial, courteous temper and considerate kindness. Though he was a quiet and unassuming man, he was an influence for much good in the community where so much of his life was passed, as his every deed and act were guided by the highest principles of truth, integrity and morality. He was a Christian man in every sense of the term, and his place in the Christian Churcii of Astoria, where his name was the synonym of love and charily, can never be filled. He was one of its leading members, was foremost in its every good work, and for years was an Elder of the ciiurch. We cannot tliink that such a life can come to naught, but we reverently believe that he has now entered "upon broader fields of action and duly, where nobler struggles shall task the strength and more precious crowns award the victor, where the hopes and dreams of earth shall be turned to sight, and the broken circles of life be rounded to the perfect orb." Dr. Toler and Miss Sarah A. Morrow were mar- ried in the month of April, 1857. Mrs. Toler was born in North Carolina May 11, 1831. Her father, Arthur Morrow, was a native of either North Caro- lina or Virginia. He married Jane Campbell, who was born in the former State. They lived in North Carolina until about 1832, and then came to Illinois, making the removal thither with teams, cooking and camping by the way at night. They first settled in Greene Count^^ and subsequently took up their residence in Mason County, of which they were pioneers. In 1851 Mr. Morrow came to Fulton County with his familj-, and after living a number of years in VVaterford Township he came to Astoria and spent the remainder of his life here. His wife died in Mason County. They reared eight children, two sons and six daughters. Mrs. Toler was very young when her parents brought her to Illinois, and she remained with them until her marriage, receiving a careful train- ing in household duties that eminently fitted, her to preside over a home of her own. She is a true, generous-hearted, womanly woman, and holds a warm place in the affections of those about her. She is one of the valued members of the same church with which her husband's name is indissol- ubly connected. Three of the children born of her marriage with our subject are now living — Temple E., Alice E. and John C. Temple, a merchant of Astoria, married Miss Emma McIIue, and they have two children — Mabel and William ; Alice married George Rice, a merchant of Astoria, and they have two children — Bessie and Hattie. John C, a druggist at Galesburg, 111., has been twice married. He was first wedded to Miss Dolla Kost, who died, leaving one child, ]\Iildred. He was subsequently married to Mrs. Eva (Kost) Merrill, a sister of his former wife. Dr. and Mrs. Toler in the kindness of their hearts adopted their niece, Miss Lizzie Morrow, when slie 326 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. was an infant, and reared her as tenderly as If she were their own daughter. She married Charles Home, a resident of San Diego, Cal. Dr. Toler was a man of much practical business talent and financial ability, and by the judicious investment of his money acquired a valuable prop- perty, and became one of the wealthy men of As- toria. He was prominent in social circles as a member of Astoria Lodge, No. 100, A. F. & A. M. -^ €-*^ ^ m lOHN F. RANDOLPH. This county is pre- eminently' the home of the agriculturist, and everywhere througliout its expanse the eyes (^l^i of the traveler rest upon thoroughly culti- vated fielfls, fine orchards, substantial buildings and all the appurtenances which indicate well-directed and successful efforts. Tbe estates wliieh are held by its many farmers are not, as a general thing, so wide in extent as those of the dwellers in the prai- rie States beyond the Mississippi, but are more val- uable on account of their exceeding fertility and fine improvements. One of the largest landowners in this county is .John F. Randolph, who is the fortunate possessor of eight hundred and sixty acres in Joshua and Canton Townships. His dwell- ing stands on section 19, Canton Township, and is a commodious and well-built structure, accompan- ied by tlie various outbuildings which are neces- sary to carry on the work in which the owner is engaged. Besides tiiis fine property, Mr. Randolph owns other real estate in Canton, where he has erected a brick building known as Randolph's Block. The father of our subject also bore the name of John F., and was born in Yates County, N. Y. He married Nancy Rawalt, a native of the Keystone State, and their first home was made in Utica, Ind. They remained there a few j-ears, the husband be- ing engaged in teaching and running a flatboat down the river to New Orleans. In September, 1835, they came to this count)', settling in Joshua Township, where they continued to live until called hence. Mr. Randolph became the owner of a large tract of land, and was one of the most extensive agriculturists of those early days. Asa pioneer la- borer in the development of the county, and an active participant in all matters of public import- ance, he proved a benefactor to the communit)' in which he lived. For many years he was one of the three County Commissioners. He and his wife were of a religious turn of mind, and Mr. Randolph was an enthusiast regarding the doctrines of Swe- denborg. Our subject was the fourth in a family of ten children, five sons and five daughters. He was born in Utica, Ind., May 26, 1833, and was there- fore a child of two years when brought to this county. His earliest recollections are of the pio- neer surroundings and his earliest labors were those of a frontiersman's son. He grew to manhood in Joshua Township, and after the death of his father, which occurred in April, 1845, virtually had charge of the farm. He continued to reside thereon with his mother until his marriage, when he settled on the location he still occupies in Canton Township. The wife of Mr. Randolph bore the maiden name of Louisa Havermale. She was born in the Buck- e^'e State March 3, 1836, and accompanied her par- ents, Peter and Maria (Gardenhour) Havermale, to this county about 1845. Her parents lived for a short time in Farminglon Township, then settled in Joshua Township, where the balance of their lives was spent. After having passed many years in wedded bliss, in death they we'-e not long divided, the wife passing away March 24, and the husband March 27, 1888. The ceremony which united the lives and fortunes of Mr. Randolph and Miss Hav- ermale took place February 14, 1856. They have five living children — Flora, Thurston. Viola, Artie, and Johnie. The oldest of these is now the wife of Alba Page, and lives in the State of Washington; Viola is the wife of George Miller, of (janton Township. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph have lost one child, Orpha, who died when a year and a half old; Artie and John are at liorae, while Thurston is en- gaged in business in Wallace, Idaho. Mr. Randolph is undoubtedly the leading mem- ber of the Patrons of Husbandry in this county, taking great interest in the work of the order, and ready at all times to assist in its affairs. He form- erly acted with the Republican party, but is now PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 327 identified with the Union Labor party, and in sym- pathy with the reform movements in the United States. He is liberal in his religious views, while his wife is a member of the Methodist Church. His ability and interest in the good of those about him, was long since recognized by his neighbors, who called upon him to serve as School Director, in whicli office he has labored for some twenty years. The fine property belonging to our subject is a standing monument to the energy which lie has put forth in the labors of life, and the good judgment which has characterized his efforts, while his high standing among his fellow-men, is an equally sat- isfactory proof of his worth as a neighbor and citi- zen. ■ ^ • ^.N< - ^ ELISHA E. SAUNDERS, commonly known as Squire Saunders, is a very popular and highly respected citizen of Liverpool Town- ship, where his marked ability, honest and indus- trious habits have won him numerous friends. Our subject was born in Niagara County, N. Y., Jan- uary 19, 1827, being tiie son of Hiram and Parae- lia (Maynard) Saunders, natives of Yates County, N. Y. The father was born in 1797, and died in Canton, August 9, 1873; the mother was born in 1804, and died at the age of twenty-two in Niagara County, N. Y. The Saunders family were of Scotch descent, and our subject's father was reared on a farm in Yates County, but when twenty-one years of age took a contract on the Erie Canal, where be worked for three 3'ears. At a later date he removed to Niagara County, where he engaged in farming for two years, and then came to Illinois, making the trip on a raft down the Alleghany to Pittsburg, and the rest of the way by steamboat on the Ohio, Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, finally landing at Galena, this State. He came to Fulton County in 1832, and established a ferry across the Rock River at Dixon ; but when the Black Hawk War broke out, he gave up the ferry, and enlisted in the army under Capt. Nelson Ball, and served three months, during which time he participated in sev- eral skirmishes, at New Boston, Little York, and Other places. After the war he settled down in Henderson County, this State, and bought one hun- dred and sixty acres of land. In 1852 he sold his farm and came to Fulton County wiih Iiis children. The Maynard family so far as is known were of Irish descent. Mr. Saunders came to Illinois wiUi liis father in 1832, and settled in what was then known as War- ren County, but is now Henderson County. His youth was spent on a farm, and he attended school through the winter, and worked at farming through the summer. After reaching his twentieth year, he commenced working for himself in a brickyard, where he received in compensation for his ser- vices $12 per month. He remained there three months, and then for one year woi'ked in a sawmill and continued in this way until after his marriage, at which time he settled in Putnam Township on a rented farm. But after two 3'ears he bought his present place on section 1, Liverpool Township, and on this estate be resides at the present time. When he bought this land it was covered with heavy tim- ber, but now it is pretty well cleared, and much of it is well cultivated. Besides farming, he is largely interested in stock-raising. The subject of our sketch was married February 4, 1855, to Miss Sarah Beckstead, who was born June 3, 1 834, and was a daughter of George Beck- stead, who was a native of Canada. The Beckstead family is of German descent. To Mr. and Mrs. Saunders have been born ten children, eight cf whom are living, viz.: G. Edgar. John L., Hiram D., Henry F., Leonard E., Caroline P. (Mrs. War- field), Orelia (Mrs. Kendall), and Glafa. Mrs. Saunder's father, George Beckstead, was born in AVilliamsburgh, Canada, was married there and re- mained in the Dominion until 1834, at which time he came to tliis country, and settled in Canton, from which place he moved to Buckheart Township, and from there he moved to the west half of section 1 , which lie purchased and improved. He built a saw- mill there about 1848, and continued to run it for five or six years. At the end of that time he re- moved to Putnam Township, where he remained for four years, and then returned here and purchased one hundre-^-^ -e4h /J/7^-io^ PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. :hi he persuaded to share with him his life and fortunes, and to her he is greatly indebted for his present prosperous circumstances. Their union lias been blessed with seven children, viz: Albina, married William ^lilam of Lincoln, Neb.; Anetta, wife of John Hown of Lane County, Ore.; Orlando, who married Emma Tindall and lives in Farmington; Ira Melvin, who married Belle Loman and lives in Peoria County; Edgar A., who married Ida Opie and lives with his father; Seward Lincoln,who mar- ried Cora Gamble and lives in Peoria County-, and Mary E.. who resides at home. When a boy Mr. Pliillips learned the trade of a tanner, and afterward acquired that of a carpenter and also wagon-making and painting. He came to Orion Township in 1874, and opened a shop for the manufacture of wagons and also identified him- self with the agricultural interests of the place and has a well-improved farm. Mr. Phillips is skillful in his calling and b}' well directed and incessant labor, has accumulated a comfortable property, and is conducting a good business which brings him in an excellent income. He is a man of steadj^ habits, is a kind and helpful neighbor and is in every way to be relied on. He is a loyal and law abiding citi- zen, interested in the welfare of his country, and has always affiliated with the Republican party which finds in him a true supporter. Jn AMES M. WHITE. On the opposite page is presented a portrait of this gentleman, who is one of the heroes of the late war, in ' which he fought bravely and sacrificed much for the sake of his country. He is the son of a pioneer of this county, and now resides with his brother on the old homestead that his fallier im- proved from the wilderness on section 11, Berna- dotte I'ownship. The parents of our subject, William and Malinda (Januar}') White, were natives respectively of Greenbrier County, W. Va., and Adams County, Ohio. The}- passed the early years of their mar- ried life in Ohio, and came from there to Cuba, this county, in 1849. They lived there one year, and then located on the farm of eighty acres, where our subject now lives, and here their declining years were passed in peace and comfort. The subject of this biographical review was horn in Greene County, Ohio, August 25, 1836. He re- ceived his schooling in the district schools of his native State and of Illinois. He was here reared to the life of a farmer. When the war broke out, he was among the first to lay aside his work and vol- unteer to aid in defending the starsand stripes. He enlisted in the Fifty fifth Illinois Infantry, and bore a gallant part in the following battles: Pitts- burg Landing, Corinth, Arkansas Post, and in the siege and capture of Vicksburg, where he was ac- tive in the two charges; he also fought at Jackson, Miss., and in man}' other engagements and skirm- ishes. The battle of Kenesaw Mountain, in which he engaged June 26, 1864, will ever be memorable to him, as it was there he was wounded and crip- pled for life. He was struck on the right knee with a musket ball which shattered his leg, rendering amputation necessary on the same da}-. He pa- tiently endured the severe sufferings caused by the operation, and was removed to Resaca, Cia., whence he was takcu to Rome, in the same State, and thence to Springfield, III. He remained in the hospital in that city until he was honorably discharged from the service June 1, 1865. After his bitter experiences of life on Southern battlefields and in the hospitals, our subject re- turned to his old home. He had won a military record that placed him high among the brave sol- diers who so nobly fought for the Union, and to whose unflinching courage and steadfast adherence to the cause we owe it to-daj' that our glorious flag is waving over a free and undivided country. He served long and faithfully, and showed on every occasion that he possessed the true soldierly quali- ties valued by a leader, and proving to him that his men will face every danger without question and perform every duty with conscientious fidel- ity. In two years after he enlisted, he veteranized with his regiment, and was with it until he was in- capacitated for further service by his wound. Since the close of the war, Mr. White has lived quietly on the old homestead with his brother. He is so crippled tiiat he is unable to do much hard la- 342 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. bor, but his sister-in-law finds him of great assist- ance in caring for tlie children, and in doing the thousand and one nameless little acts that are so helpful. He is partly indemnified for what he lias suffered for the salie of his country, by a pension from the Government. He received $24 per month until 1888, when the sum was increased to $36 a month. He cast his first vote for President, for Buchanan, the only Democrat he ever voted for, and is sorry he did so. He has ever been a loyal citizen, both in time of peace and in time of war, and is well known throughout the community as an honest, upright and warm hearted man. «^ LEXANDER SLACK is one of the most (^0| intelligent and practical members of the |ll farming community, that is building up ^ and carrying on the extensive agricultural interests of Farmington Township. He is a son of John Slack, a native of Derbyshire, England.where ho carried on business as a shuttle-maker for many years. He died in the land of his birth when sixty- six years old. His wife was Ann Gardshidcand she was also a native of Derbyshire. She was liis sec- ond wife and the mother of eight cliildren, of whom the following seven grew to maturity: Alexander, Deborah, Moses, Josiah, Nathaniel G.. Robert, Francis and Margaret. Aaron, who died in in- fanc}-. and Moses were twins; Deborah is now Mrs. Hilton and resides in Abilene, Kan.; Moses lives in California; Josiah, a graduate of Rusli Medical College, Chicago, practiced medicine at Cuba for several years after the late war in which he was Captain of a company in the Nineteenth Illinois Infantry. Natlianiel was also a doctor and practiced in Rushville, 111. some twenty-five years. He died there in August, 1887; Robert enlisted in tlie One Hundred and Third Illinois Infantry, and gave up his life for the country of his adoption; Frances married Joab Shinn, and died in 1878; Margaret is the wife of Wallace Shryock. Alexander Slack was born in a small village by the name of Mellor in Derbyshire, England, April 21, 1822. He began to work in the cotton mills at tlie earlj' [age of, eight years. This deprived him of his schooling, and as he was a] bright bo}-, his old schoolmaster, Mr. Blackshaw. wlio took][a liking to him, expressed regrets at the idea of his having to leave school at so tender an age, but his father's limited circumstances forced him to with- draw the child that he might help in supporting the family. At the age of twenty-two, our subject married February 14, 1844, Miss Esther Cross, a native of Manchester. Her father, Thomas Cross, was at one time a soldier in the English army, and took part in the battle of Waterloo. His eyes were injured and he was a pensioner from the Royal Treasury. In later life he became a twister in a factory. The maiden name of his wife was Esther Jackson. They were the parents of the following twelve children: John, George, Charlotte, James, Mary Ann, Ann, Mary, Esther. Thomas. Elizabeth, Alice andSarah. Mr. and Mrs. Slack have had two children: John who died in England at the age of one jear; and William H. The latter is a resident of Farmington Township. He married Nettie Leeper and they have four cliildren — Stella May, Albert Lee, Lora Alexander and Arthur ^a,y. Our subject and his estimable wife came to America in 1846. landing in New York, October 12. Their destination was Woonsocket, R. I. There Mr. and Mrs. Slack engaged as weavers in a cot- ton-mill, and were thus employed three years. He did not like the confinement necessitated by his work, and wishing to become more independent and have more freedom of .action, he came to Illinoib in 1849 b}' the way of the Erie Canal and the Great Lakes. After he arrived in this State he embarked on the La Salle Canal and journeyed on that until he ar- rived at the Illinois River, and on that stream con- tinued on his way to C^opperas Creek landing. When he came to his destination he had $450 in his pocket, with which he purchased forty acres of land in Farmington Township. He has done well at his calling and now owns a well-improved farm of eighty acres on which he has a substantial home where he and his family enjoj- the comforts of life. He possesses a keen intellect, is broad and progres- sive in his views. He is a close observer and a PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 343 careful reader, and is tborouglil\' in sympathy v.itli movements of a political, social and religious or- der. In regard to the latter point he is a free thinker, having been brought around to this state of mind by long and careful stud}'. He became a voter in 1866, and voted for John C. Fremont for President. He is at present identified with the Democratic party and is an advocate of tariff re- form. WILLIAM G. 8WARTZ. Among the goodly number of farmers of Fulton County, who J ^ have won a competence from the product- ive soil and have retired to enjoy the fruits of their industr}', is the gentleman above named. He has long been a prominent citizen of Young Hickory- Township, in which he has acted as Justice of the Peace for twenty four 3'ears. His fine farm consists of two hundred and fortj' acres on section 12, and with its beautiful groves, orchard, well-tilled fields and comfortable buildings, is an attractive feature in the landscape. The acreage has been devoted principally to raising corn and feeding cattle and hogs, which Mr. Swartz has both raised and bought in considerable numbers. The cattle are of high grade and some fine horses are also bred on the place. Mr. Swartz is of German ancestry in the paternal line and comes of old Pennsylvania families. His grandfather Swartz was a farmer in that State and his father, Henry Swartz, learned the trade of a tanner and currier. He removed from his native county of Washington to Pleasant Unity, West- moreland County, where he successful!}' tarried on a tanyard and later engaged in farming. He was successful in worldly affairs and a useful member of- the community. At various times he served as Assessor and Collector and was also a member of ihe Board of County Commissioners for years. As Class-Leader in the Methodist Episcoixal Church he assisted in religious work for years. The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Margaret Gardner, and was a native of Westmoreland Count}', Pa. Her father, Christo- pher Gardner, was born in Adams County, but spent many years of his life at Pleasant Unity. He was a miller and followed his trade and farming. After the death of her husband Mrs. Swartz came West, bought a farm in this locality and lived thereon until her death, in 1873. She was a con- sistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Her children are William G., of whom we write; Mrs. Caroline Phillippi, who lives in Young Hick- ory Township; Mrs. Elizabeth Reamer, in Prairie City; Catherine, who died in Galesburg in 1873; Mrs. Mary Phillippi, in Hancock County; Mrs. Lucia Welty, in Young Hickory Township; John, of London Mills; Christopher, who died in 1865; Henry, in London Mills; .\lexander, a civil en- gineer in California. John, Christopher and Henry belonged to Company B, One Hundred and Third Illinois Infantry, serving their country from 1862 until the close of the war. Christopher was Wounded at the battle of Missionary Ridge and died from the effects of the wound soon after the war. John held the rank of First Lieutenant. Our subject was born in Pleasant Unity, Pa., October 7,1825. When old enough to do so he learned the trade of a tanner and currier and became a partner with bis father. He did not like the business, the work being too heavy for his health, which was not the best, and after the connection had continued three years it was dissolved. The young man then began teaching school, but this occupation proved no more agreeable to him and in the spring of 1851 he came West. Reaching this county and the home of his grandfather Gardner, he taught school one summer, then returned to his native State, spent the winter and again came to Illinois. Mr. Swartz then bought eighty acres of the land lie now owns, which was devoid of any improve- ments except a log cabin. The new owner taught a term, after which he gave his entire attention to the improvement of his farm and its thorough cul- tivation. He has added to his original acreage and placed the estate in the fine condition before noted. The log house in which he first resided was replaced in 1859-60 by a brick dwelling, the material for which was made by himself. The marriage of Mr. Swartz and Miss Elizabeth Welty took place in the Keystone State, January 344 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 15, 1857. The bride was born in Pleasant Unity and exhibited the sterling traits of character which won the respect of those who knew her and are held in reverent remembrance by her family. She entered into rest May 22. 1890. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Swartz includes two living children and a son, John, who died when sixteen years old. Anna V. is the wife of John B. Hagaman, their liome being in Fairview Township; Harry is married and lives in tiie olil home with his father. Mr. Swartz filled the office of Supervisor one term. He is ademitted member of the Masonic Lodge at Kairview,and has a letter from the Methodist Epis- copal Church at Midway, which is now extinct. He belongs to the Democratic parly, has frequently been a delegate to county conventions and was Centr.ll Committeeman two years. His fellow-men liold him in good repute as a man of honorable character, intelligence and usefulness. /?;^?:ORGE W. CURFMAN is a fine rcpresen- jll (— , tativp of the brave soldiers who fought so ^^^ nobly in the late war, and to whose un- flinching courage and unswerving lo3'alt3' it is due that our glorious banner waves over a free and undivided country. He is a highly respected resi- dent of Harris Township, where he is acting as the efficient agent of the Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw Railway Company, at the station at the village of Seville. Our subject is a son of one of the early pioneer families of this county, of which he is a native, born at Barker's Grove, March 2, 1843. His par- ents, Adam and Elizabeth Curfman, were natives respectively of P'rederick County, Md. and Vir- ginia, the former born in 1791, and the latter in 1806. They were married in Franklin Count^^, Ohio, in 1831, and came immediately to this county, and began their wedded life in a primitive pioneer home at Lewistown. They located on the banks of Big Creek, on what is now known as the Ike Harris place, and there Mr. Curfman made his first clear- ing. He and his wife lived there the ensuing year, but during the year of the Black Hawk War he took his wife and the one child that had been born to them in the meantime, to Mason City for safety, and while there stayed in the blockhouse and watclied the Indians. After the close of hostilities with the savages in 1833, the family removed to where the village of Marietta now stands, and there Mr. Curf- man built the first house that was ever erected in that town. He lived there two years and then en- tered a piece of land at Barker's Grove, where he remained until about 1845, when he came to Harris Township, and settled on section 12. He opened up a farm here on which he dwelt until 1855, when he sold it, having traded for it in the first place. To the last place he purchased he had been given a forged deed, and the rightful owner subsequently took possession of the land and in his old age the father of our subject was left without a home, when George was a lad of twelve years. After that mis- fortune Mr. Curfman went to Cass Township in 1858 and rented a farm and there made his home until death closed his mortal career February 7, 1882, at the venerable age of ninety-one years, he having arrived at that age the September previous. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and was in all respects an honest, upright man. George Curfman, of whom we write, was reared in this his native county and gleaned his education in its district schools. When the war broke out lie was a youth of eighteen years, and with enthusias- tic ardor and patriotism he resolved to give his services to his countrj', and if need be sacrifice his life for the old flag. October 19, 1861, he enlisted at Canton in Company D, Fifty-fifth Illinois In- fantry. From Chicago his regiment was dispatched to the South and our subject had the honor of tak- ing an active part in thirty-three different bat- tles, among which were those fought at Shiloh, Corinth, Champion Hills, Jackson (M.'ss.), Black River and Vicksburg. He was present at the as- saults on that city and he fought at Missionary Ridge, Kenesaw Mountains, did good service at Atlanta, at Ezra Church and at Jonesboro. Mr. Curfman was one of the brave men who attacked Ft. McCallister and engaged with the enemy at Benton- ville, N. C, which was the last of the many big battles in which he fought. He was an actor in many skirmishes, took part with his regiment in PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. all its fights and was under fire one hundred days. He was with Sherman in his march to the sea and through the Carolinas to Washington where lie took part in the Grand Review. Mr. Curf man had a long and lionorable career as a soldier, lacking but a few daj'S of four years' con- tinuous service. During that time he had veteran- ized after three years for another three years, or during tlie war. He was twice wounded; once at the battle of Kenesaw by a piece of shell, but he pluckily remained with his regiment, and was again hit by a musket ball the 10th of August, 1864, in front of Atlanta. The latter wound laid him up for about two weeks, but he sturdily refused to go to the hospital. He still bears the scars so bravely won by him while defending his country's honor. After the Grand Review the rest of the army was mustered out, but the Second Division of the Fif- teenth Corps,which included our subject's regiment, was sent to Little Rock, Ark., where he and his comrades continued in service two months, and were then honorably discharged and sent home. After his long and hard experience of life in the army our subject returned to Fulton Count3', and quietly resumed farming, tlie occupation to which he liad been bred. In 187:3 he obtained the com- panionship and help of a good wife in his labors, by his marriage to Miss Plicebe J. Watson, of Smith- field, the daughter of A. S. Watson, a well-known man of this county. Since their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Curfman have lived in Harris Township, where he has held the position of agent for the past five years, at the Seville station on the Toledo, Peoria (t Warsaw Railway. He also operates the engine for the pumping works in connection with his other duties. He is prompt and faithful in the discharge of his duties, devoting his best energies to looking after the interests of the company that employs him, and is regarded by the officials of the road as one of their most useful men. Five children have blessed their marriage to our subject and his amiable wife, whom they have named: Charles C, Mary Ellen, Joseph Martin, John L., and Lula May. Mr. Curfman is a Re- publican in politics, but does not care to take a very active part in the political life of the town, though tlie value of his citizenship is never questioned, He proved his loyalty by his conduct during the war. He was then often in the midst of very hotly contested battles, and of one of these the history of his regiment states that five hundred and twelve men went into the fight, and in two houis and twenty minutes, two hundred and forty-eiglil of them had been slain by the enemj' or severely wounded, and twenty-six were taken prisoners. -^1 4^ mi M. WATSON. It is im|)0ssible in a brief biographical sketch to render full justice to prominent men, and yet there are some who f/ are so intimately and clearly identified with tlie county's welfare, and whose names are so fa- miliar to all that it is only justice to dwell upon what they have done and the influence of their ca- reer upon others, not as empty words of praise, but the plain statement of a plain truth. To this class belongs J. M. Watson, commonly called "Roe" Watson, Assessor of Cass Township, who is a young man of indisputable ability, and good business habits, and one alike popular in social and mercan- tile circles. He is an active, wide-awake farmer, and has won great success in pursuing this, his fa- vorite occupation. Our subject's birth occurred on section 29, this township on the 19th of July, 1852, he being the son of John D. and Catharine (Cameron) Wat- son, natives of Indiana and Illinois, respectivel3'. His father is numbered among the pioneer settlers in this Slate, and experienced all the hardships and privations incidental to a residence in an unde- veloped country. lie was called upon to mourn the loss of his beloved wife in 1856. To them had been born three children, all of whom reached rna- turit3% but of whom our subject is the only one liv- ing at tlie present writing. His father was married again and now makes his home in Oregon. The subject of our sketch was the recipient of a common-school education, but at an early age man- ifested a lively interest in educational matters, and an amount of industiy and integrity of purpose that could but result in success. Following the footsteps of his father he has always devoted hi* 346 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. attention to farming, witli the exception of a few years during wiiich time lie tried railroading. At tlie ear!}' age of twenty-one be commenced to make a business record for himself, and is now the owner of a valuable estate near Smithfield, and also of an elegant residence. Mr. Watson was married April 3, 1873, to Miss M^ry C. Cable, daughter of Solomon Cable, and immediately after his marriage settled upon his present farm, which comprises one hundred and forty acres of excellent land all in a bod3', one hun- dred acres of which are in a state of perfect culti- vation. Besides agriculture, be is also largely in- terested in stock-raising, buying and selling all the time. To Mr. and Mrs. Watson have been born six chil- dren, viz: Carrie B., Sadie C, Josie M., James H., John H., and William E. all of whom are living at the present date. Our subject is a member of Smitblield Lodge No. 103, I. 0. O. F., and has held the office of Treasurer, and others of equal importance. He takes an active interest in political issues, voting the Deraccratic ticket, and has at various times been a delegate to conventions. His interest in school matters is very pronounced, and bis children are all receiving excellent instruc- tion. Mr. Watson is classed among the pre-eminently successful agriculturists of Cass Township, and has lost no opportunity for improving bis estate, or contributing to the general welfare of the com- munity who hold him in such hi<>b esteem. ^^^EORGE FOUTS. This gentleman is the C jlj g=, owner and occupant of a productive tract ^^s! of land on section 12, Lee Township, which he purchased and took possession of in the spring of 1870. The farm consists of one hundred and thirty-five and a quarter acres, bears the usual im- provements, and is so managed as to bring forth abundant crops of good quality. Our subject comes of a good family, being a son of Michael and Elizabeth (Kuhn) Fonts, who were natives of the Keystone State. From that common- wealth they came to EUisville, this county, in 1852. The mother passed away in 1871, and the father breathed his last in Iowa ten years later. Mr. Fonts was an own cousin of the well-known Simon Cameron. Our subject is a twin of John Fonts, now living in EUisville, their natal day having been February 18, 1826. Their native place was Huntingdon County, Pa., and iu the district schools they were educated. In the fall of 1850, be of wiiom wo write was married, and immediately af- terward engaged in digging iron ore at $16 per month. The man who could obtain that remunera- tion was considered an extra hand. Our subject accompanied his parents to this county in 1852, and locating at EUisville, worked at the carpenter's trade and wagon-making until 1870. During that period he made three trips across the plains, spending one winter in Salt Lake City. He next located on the estate which he still occupies, from the operation of which be has been gaining a good maintenance, .and laying up some- thing against a rainy da^ . Tbe good wife of Mr. Fonts w.as born in Penn- sylvania, January 19, 1828, and was known in her maidenhood as Miss Eliza M. Shaffer. She is a daughter of Adam and Elizabeth (Lowe) Shaffer, who were natives of Pennsylvania, and are now de- ceased, the mother having died in 1852, and the father in 1875. Mrs. Fonts is the third child and eldest daughter in a group consisting of four boj-s and four girls. She became the wife of our subject. November 14, 1850. iind has' striven hard to he a capable helpmate and a wise mother. She is a con- sistent member of the Lutheran Church, an excel- lent housekeeper, and is well liked by all who know her. Mr. and Mrs. Fonts have had fourteen children. Three sons and three daughters died when young. The living are Frank F., born March 3, 1856, and still living with his parents; FAla. M., born May 11, 1858, now tbe wife of Charles Staton, living at Lewistown; Agnes S., born December 13, 1859. still at home; Clara A., born October 27, 1861, and living in Colorado; George W., born August 28, 1864, who married Amanda Lathbury, and lives at Leivistown ; Robert Sherman, born September 9, 1866, now living in Shelby City, Iowa; Emma La PORTRA[T AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 347 Rue, born December 2, 1869, a teacher in this county; Flora Belle, boru February 17, 1873, at- tending the Normal School at Lewistown with the expectation of being graduated in the spring. Mr. Fouts was a Whig until after the organiza- tion of the Republican party, when he gave his support to the new institution, but he takes no ac- tive part in politics of late. He belongs to the Odd Fellows fraternity, has held all the offices in the lodgfi, and has been a representative to the Grand Lodge of the State; is a member of Lodge No. 78. He has had his full share of local offices, having been Road Commissioner of the township three years, School Dircctornine years, and Pathmas- ter during a long period. He was also elected to tlie office of Justice of the Peace, but would not ac- cept. Mr. Fouts is not identified with any relig- ious bod^', but is a liberal contributor to the sup- port of tlie church, and manifests a deep interest in other good works. ^/OSEPH C. MYERS, has met with more than I ordinary success as one of the most skillful ^_ I and wide-awake farmers and stock-raisers of i^J) this county, and, while yet in the prime of life, has been, enabled to retire practically from business. He has a beautiful home in Canton, oc- cupying one of the finest residence properties of the city, pleasantly located on North Main Street. Mr. Myers was born September 3, 1 844, in Frank- lin County, Pa., He was the fifth child in a family of thirteen children born to Henry and Maria (Eshelraan) Myers, natives of the Keystone State. In 1848 they settled among the pioneers of this county on a farm in Canton. They resided there one year, then settled permanently in Farming- ton, where the father gave his attention to agricul- tural pursuits. He is still living on his homestead there, and is now in his seventy-eighth year, hav- ing been born Noveml)er 2, 1813. His wife was born September 11, 1817, a daughter of John Esh- elman, who was a native of Germany. The Myers family was also of German descent. Joseph C. Myers of whom this sketch is written, was about four years old when his parents brought liiin to this county. He gleaned a good education in the Farmington schools, and as early as nine years of age, began to help his father on the farm. When he was sixteen years old, he began to assist in operating a threshing machine, which was hired by the farmers in the township. This was too hard work for a youth of his years, and it int>paired his health, which has never been as good as it was be- fore. He remained with his parents until he reached his twenty-first year, when he began farming on his own account. He bought stock, which he fed and sold, and occasionally he sent hogs to the Chi- cago market. He continued thus actively engaged in the stock business for seventeen years, and dur- ing the past four years of that period, dealt exten- sively in fine horses, matching and selling them and he has won the highest prizes of any man in Ful- ton County for well-matched and well-bred teams, and has sold a span of horses for $625. Mr. Myers still owns his farm of two hundred and seventy acres of choice land, situated on the line, part of which lies in Canton, and part in Farmington Township, which he rents on shares. It is amply supplied with neat and well-ordered buildings, and with the finest of farming machin- ery. He still pays much attention to the breeding of fine Poland-China hogs, though he has retired from general farming. In 1888 he left his home- stead, and coming to Canton, purchased a large and fine residence, with its be.autiful surroundings, known as the Harry Balton place, where he is en- joying all the luxuries and comforts that make life worth living. In his career as a farmer and stock- raiser, he has displayed more than ordinary capa- city, as he began life with but little means, and even had to go in debt for liis first plow, but he has conquered all the difficulties that lay in his path, h.as risen above adversity, and is one of the raone3'ed men of the city of Canton to-day. He is generous and public-spirited as a citizen, is upright as a man, and in his domestic relations is all that a kind husband and good father should be, while his neighbors ever find him friendly and obliging. In politics he is rather conservative, voting in Na- tional and State matters with the Democrats. Mr. and Mrs. Myers began their pleasant wedded 348 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. life in the month of January, 1871, and to them have come two daughters, Blanche L., and Mabel lone, who Is attending school in Canton. Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Myers was Mary J. Switzer, of Farraington Township. She was born and reared in tiiis county, and is a daughter of Jesse and Aba- rilla Switzer, who were early pioneers of the county, coming here in 1836. "I? EVY McVeigh DONNELLY, who is ably ll (?g) managing the large Learaan estate in Har- J^^- ris Township, is a prominent citizen of tliis part of the county, and is widely known as one of Its leading iwliticians. Mr. Donnelly is a native of Ohio, the place of liis birth in Licking County, and the date thereof August 27, 1841. His parents were James and Evaline (Jenkins) Donnelly. His mother was a daughter of Levy and Mary Jenkins, of Ohio. She died when he was three weeks old, and he was reared by his uncle John McVeigh. He lived in Ohio until he was thirteen years old, when, in 1854, his uncle moved to Fulton County, 111., and settled six miles west of Canton, where now is the station of Civer. In 1856, he removed to Lee Township, where he resided until 1858, when he bought a farm three miles from Marietta. ISIr. Donnelly grew to manhood on that farm, and when his uncle and aunt became so feeble from olil age that they could not care for themselves, he cared for them until they died, his aunt dying Feb- ruary 10, 1862, and his uncle August 4, 1864. They were very kind to him, and he never knew what it was to lack a mother's love, or a father's care. Indeed, be knew no other father than his uncle, as his own had remarried after his mother's death, and moving to Kansas, had died tiiere. Our subject chose to follow the occupation to which he had been reared, and has become one of the most practical and substantial citizens of Harris Town- ship. After marriage he lived in Marietta from the fall of 1868 until the fall of 1883. During that time he started a store there, which he soon sold out, and for eleven years was Constable of the town. He was first elected Justice of the Peace in 1879, and h.as held that office continuously since that time. In 1883 he removed to his present place of residence on the R. F. Leaman estate, which com- prises some seven hundred acres of land, on which is a valuable stone quarry of fine sandstone for building purposes. Mr. Donnelly, is managing this quarry for the widow of Mr. Leaman, who resides in Cincinnati, Ohio, and to whom he makes monthly reports. Under his able and energetic management, the quarry is turning out a great quantity of sandstone that is bringing in a hand- some income to its owner, who gives our subject a fine salary in repayment for his services whicli she appreciates. I At the age of twenty, Mr. Donnelly was married to Miss Ann Maria Morey, a daughter of Zenas J. and Anna Morey. Her father came from New York, and her mother from her birthplace in Ohio, and they were married herein pioneer times. Mrs. Donnelly is a native of Fulton County, and is in everj' respect worthy of the regard with which she inspires her neighbors and friends. Her marriage ] with our subject, has been blessed by the birth of six daugliters and one son, and one daughter and ; the son are now deceased, both dying in infancy, Anna Eveline at the age of eighteen months. Tiiose living are Ida Alleatha,who lives at home, and is one of the finest educated, and best teachers in the township, and now presides over the school in her father's district; Tillie B., who is the wife of Jo- I seph M. Jackson, of Peoria, who is an eraplo3-e on the Toledo, Peoria « 'HOMAS W. WILSON, a man universally jopular. and one who has achieved great success in life, furnishes the subject for the present sketch, and we are pleased to represent such a public-spirited and courteous gentleman in our Album. Many years ago David Wilson was born in the State of Tennessee, and after a prosperous period of farming in his native place, moved to the Blue Grass State, settling in Knox County, after- ward removing to Harrison County, Ind., where he died. He was the grandfather of our subject, and a man well calculated to giTe noble principles to the younger members of his household. At the time he removed to Kentucky, his son, Joseph, fa- ther of our subject, was a lad of ten summers, and there he continued to reside up to the time ho reached his twentieth year, lie then went with the family to Harrison County, Ind., making the trip by wagon through a wild country, and being num- bered among the pioneers at that place. He ])ur- chased land in the woods, where he built a rude log cabin, and commenced to clear the land pre- paratory to cultivating the soil. He soon had his one hundred and sixty acres under good cultiva- tion, and continued to make that his home until 1855, at which date he sold his estate and removed to Fulton County, making this trip bj- way of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and in this county he died after attaining his eight^^-tliird year. He was married in 1833. to Miss Mary Rogers, a native of Virginia, and to them were born two children, viz: Thomas, our subject, and Margaret, who is now Mrs. Amos Kinzer, and resides in Sedgwick, Kan. Mr. Wilson at an early age attended school, and received all the educational advantages possible in those days when the schoolhouses were rude, and the information imparted in them was meagre in- deed. Indiana at that time possessed none of the advanced ideas that at the present time make it a popular place for educational matters. He worked on a farm through the summer, thus becoming f.a- miliar -with the duties of agricultural life, and when twenty years of age, he moved to Fulton County, where he bought one hundred and twenty acres of land on section 6, Kerton Township. The land was not cultivated, and nature ran riot, so he had a great deal of hard work to clear the ground, and bring his property to its present value. He built a log cabin 18x20 feet in dimensions, and has con- tinued from time to time, both to improve and add to his farm. He purchased fifty-eight acres of river-bottom land on section 4. in 1888. Besides farming he is interested in stock raising, and is re- garded as a most progiessive and energetic farmer. Our subject on the loth of February, 1855, mar- ried Miss IMartha A. Deweese, of Harrison County, Ind., whose birth occurred December 11, 1839, and PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. who is a daughter of John Deweese. Her father was a native of Kentucky, removed to Indiana "at an early date, and at the present writing is malcing his home in Kansas with his son. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are the happy parents of eighteen children, viz.: Sarah P., Joseph W., John W., Mary S., Mar- garet E., Cliarles S., Amos L.. Lafayette, Nandora, Emmett C, Laura B., Louis E., Mattie, Hayes, Thomas J., Gertrude, Abbie G., and Roscoe C. Mrs. Wilson has been a faithful member of the Methodist Church since girlhood, and is a lovely Chiistian woman, and one very popular with all who know her. M"-. Wilson is a member of the Re- publican party. He has held many otBces of pub- lie trust, having served as Road Commissioner, School Trustee, and Collector for this township. Indeed, his popularity is great, and extends through- out the count}'. OHN S. LEE. The agricultural regions of America have given a foothold to many a poor young man, who by reason of his de- termination to succeed, his industrious habits and his quick appreciation of favorable circumstan- ces, has overtaken Dame Fortune and won his crown. One of this class, residing in Levvistown Township, is the gentleman above named, who is now num- bered among the solid men of the township, in which he virtually commenced his career as a farm laborer. His home farm consists of one hun- dred and twenty acres of well improved cultivated and pasture land, upon which stands a complete line of good buildings. In addition to this he is the owner of a tract comprising one hundred and lifty acres on sections 9 and 16. and a quarter of section 12. In order to appreciate the efforts and qualities which have led to the success of our subject, it may be well to say a few words regarding his parents and his early home. His father, Barton Lee, was born thirteen miles from Baltimore, Md., and there reared to manhood. During the early settlement of the Blue Grass State he went thither, locating in Lewis County, where he purchased a tract of heav- ily timbered land. There lie began a clearing, bnilding in the wilderness a hewed log house in which our subject opened his eyes to the light November 12, 1823. The father cleared and im- proved his estate, continuing to reside upon it un- til 1842, when he passed through the valley of the shadow of death. His good wife, formerly Ruth Smith, a native of Lewis County, died in 1825. Eight of her children were reared to maturity, but the only one now living is our subject, the young- est member of the family. Mr. Lee was reared in his native county, pursu- ing his education in the subscription schools, which were carried on in a primitive log schoolhouse. As soon as he was large enough to do so, he began to bear his share in the farm work, continuing to take a greater and greater part therein as his years and strengtii increased. He worked with his father until the death of the latter, and then continued on the home farm until 1 846. At that time he accompanied a neighbor to the Prairie Slate, their journej' being made with a four-horse team. Here Mr. Lee sought employment in the occupation to which he had been reared and was soon engaged by the month as a farm hand. In 1849 Mr. Lee was enabled to purchase eighty acres of heavily-limbered land, of which twelve acres had been cleared and upon which a log cabin stood. There he began housekeeping in 1850, in a few years being able to purchase the eighty acres adjoining, making a good farm upon which he re- sided thirty-three 3'ears. He cleared the greater part of the first eighty, built good frame buildings and surrounded himself with the comforts which his energy had won and his industry deserved. In 1883 he rented this land on section 12, and bought that upon which he now resides. In the meantime he had purchased the other property mentioned and placed his financial affairs on a sound basis. November 14, 1850, the interesting ceremony occurred which gave Mr. Lee a faithful and effi- cient companion. His bride, formerly Miss Emily Walker, was born in Lewis County, Ky., to Will- iam and Nancy Walker. The happy union has been blessed by the birth of three children, but one of whom was reared to mature years. This was Will- iam F., who was born in 1851 and died in 1888. PORTRAIT AND BlOGRAl'IIICAL ALBUM. He was educated in this county, becoming well informed, and following in his father's footsteps as a man of industrious habits and good principles. Octobers, 1877, lie was united in marriage with Kliza Bearce, daughter of Orseu and Jane Bearce, whose sketch appears in this volume. She is a na- tive of Lewistown Township, and is an intelligent, whole-souled woman. She and her four children, Ralph, Jennie, Mary E., aud John Orsen, live with our subject,whose home is made cheerful and pleas- ant by her efforts. Mr. Lee is a firm believer in the principles of Democracy. ACOB SIIAWVER. One by one the old set- tlers of the county are departing to the bourne whence no traveler returns, leaving '^^Jj behind them records more or less worthy of study, and examples more or less worth}' of emula- tion. One of this number is the late Jacob Shaw- ver, who is well remembered by all who knew him, !is a man of great industry, good judgment, and the personal character which won a high degree of respect from those with whom he associated. Finan- cially speaking, he was a self-made man, having begun his career in life with no other capital than that embraced in his brain, his will power, and his physical ability. When removed by death, June 22, 1874, ho was theowner of a fine estate of nearly three hundred acres in Lewistown Township, which Is still held in the family. Mr. .Shawver was of German ancestry, a son of John Shawver, who, so far as is known, was a na- tive of Pennsylvania, and was himself born in Union Count}', November 4, 1804. His father being a farmer, he was reared with a knowledge of agricultural pursuits, and with the educational ad- vantages which at that period of the century were possible in the country. He learned the trade of a comb-maker, and finally engaged in the business for a time, later turning his attention to agricul- ture. Our subject removed from his native State to Ohio, residing in Clarke County until 1836, when, in company with his brother, he started for Illi- nois, their mode of conveyance being a wagon drawn by four horses. Relocated near Lewistown, and with his brother engaged at the blacksmith's trade, but ere long bought a tract of timber land. He began at once to clear a farm, building a log house in which he lived for some years. He then sold his property and bought a tract on section 10, Lewistown Township, from his father-in-law, mak- ing that his home during the remainder of his life. The marriage of Mr. Shawver occurred Septem- ber 20, 1838, his bride being Miss Hannah Bearce. This worthy woman was born in Monroe County, N. Y., April 3, 1817, being a daughter of KW H. and Sarah (Austin) Bearce. (See sketch of Orsen Bearce on another page in this Album). She was five years old when she came to Illinois with her parents, and she has lived to witness the wonderful development of this countj^, of which she is one of the verj' oldest living settlers. During her early years her mother had no stove, doing her cooking and performing other household duties at the open fireplace. She also spun and wove, and in the knowledge of those useful arts instructed her daugh- ter, who became proficient with the wheel and shut- tle. In 1889, Mrs. Shawver removed to the county seat, where she is yet living. She is the mother of ten children, viz: Sarah J., Elizabeth, John, Amanda,Jacob, Wesley, Franklin deceased in child- hood, Sophia, George, and Harvey. John Austin, the maternal grand failier of Mrs. Shawver, was a native of the Empire State, and a farmer by occupation. After residing in New York many years, he started to move to Illinois, coming via the rivers. He had been in poor health for some time, and died at JSt. Louis, Mo., while en- route to his new home. His wife, formerly Miss Hannah Frost, came on to this Stati!, and spent her last years in this county. The farm formerly operated by the subject of this sketch is now occupied and carried on by his son George, who is engaged in farming and stock- raising. He was born on the homestead, October 3, 1860, and was but fourteen years old when his father departed this life. Four years later the man- ngement of the estate devolved upon him, and he has since been carrying on his labors there. He is numbered among the enterprising, progressive and PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 355 intelligent young farmers of tlie township, and is looked upon with respect as a worthy follower in the footsteps of his progenitor. At the residence of George W. and Elizabeth Ford, in this town- ship, on New Year's day, 1889, he was united in marriage with Miss Ad.lie, daughter of tlie host and hostess, a young lady who has many frieuds in this section where she is well known. SAAC N. WILLIAMS. The visitor in Lee Township would not long be in ignorance of the name and character of the gentleman above named, who is numbered among iier agriculturists, bis home being on section 27. He is one of six chil- dren born to John and Nancy (Smalle^') Williams, her parents having been natives of Adams County, Ohio. Thence they removed to Winnebago County, this State, residing there for a decade and then lo- cating in Harris Township, this county. Here the father passed away in 1870, the mother surviving until 1872. All their children are living except the youngest son. The gentleman whose name introduces this sketch was born in Winnebago County, .July 12, 1840. He pursued his studies in the district schools, supplementing the knowledge there obtained by one term at the Bushnell High School. The at- tempts made against the Union aroused in him a de- sire to battle for his country, and in 1862, he en- listed in Company C, Fifty-fifth Illinois Infantry. His brother Andrew was one of the gallant sixty thousand who marched with Sherman to the sea and bore his part in the principal battles of that world-famed event. He remained with his com- rades until the close of the war, receiving his dis- charge in May, 1865, and returning to his father's home with an honorable recf>rd. Mr. Williams continued to make his home with his parents until his marriage, in the fall of 1870, when he established himself on the farm he still oc- cupies. His estate now consists of two hundred and eighty-seven acres of excellent land, all under cul- tivation and well improved. Its present condition is due to the efforts of our subject, who has had a two-story frame house of convenient arrangement and homelike appearance erected, together with a barn and other outbuildings such as he finds useful. The place is well stocked with domestic animals and machinery, and general farmwork is carried on successfully. On September 25, 1870, the rites of v/edlock were celebrated between our subject and Sarah, daugh- ter of Daniel and Orilla (Wells) Gantz. Mrs. Wil- liams was born in Brown County, this State, April 2, 1850, and is the youngest and only living child of her parents. She had two sisters and one brother. Her parents were born in Ohio and re- moved thence to Brown County where both died about 1869. Mrs. Williams is a lady of intelli- gence, domestic acquirements and excellent char- acter, having many warm friends and being deeply loved by the members of her family. She has borne her husband two sons and two daughters — Budgie, Mary, Grace and Floyd. Mr. and Mrs. Williams and their two oldest chil- dren belong to the Good Templars Order and Mr. Williams is Lodge Deputy. The particular society with which they are identified is Check Row Lodge of Lee Township, which numbers about on(! hun- dred and fifteen members and occupies a pleasant hall, 30x40 feet, which is the only hall known to have been built in the country by and especially for a lodge. Mr. Williams was reared as a Demo- crat but now votes the temperance ticket on all oc- casions and works earnestly for the advancement of the Prohibition part3'. He has held the township offices of Supervisor, Collector and Assessor. He belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church, is Steward thereof and Superintendent of the Sunday- school. 1^' SAIAH C. WORLEY, Master in Chancery, of Fulton County, an honored citizen of Lewis- ii town, and a distinguished veteran officer of the late war, has been for many years identified with the civic life of this county and is classed among the ablest men who are at the head of the judicial department of its government. Mr. Worley was born on a farm near Carlisle, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. Curaberlanfl Count}', Pa., and is a son of Daniel and Mary Worley. He was but two j'ears old wlicn his parents moved to Ohio and settled in Ricliland County, and he was onl}- seven years old, when be liad the misfortune to lose his father. His bo\-hood was still further saddened by the death of his mother at a Liter period, and he went to live with his brother Nathan for a time. At the youthful age of fourteen years, the manly, self-reliant lad com- menced the battle of life on his own account. A venturesome, enterprising spirit brought him from Ohio, to this State in 1849, and from that time he has made his home in Lewistown, with the exception of the time he passed in the South during the war. He was engaged at various kinds of occupation un- til twenty years of age, when he accepted the posi- tion of assistant in the office of the Circuit Clerk, remaining there until 1862. The patriotism of our subject was roused by llie great struggle that was carried on between the North and South during the late conflict, and August 1, 1 862 he volunteered in defense of the honor of his country ,enlisting in Company A, One Hundred and Third Illinois Infantry. His superior qualifications gave him the position of Second Lieutenant of his company, he being mustered into service in that ca- pacity. Later he was promoted to be First Lieu- tenant, and fought bravely with his regiment in the battles of Vicksburg, Jackson, Memphis and Mis- sionary Ridge, and did valuable service while with Sherman in his march to Atlanta and the sea, fighting with the enemy in many an important en- gagement of that campaign. From Savannah, Lieut. Worley accompanied the victorious army to Soutli Carolina. He was taken sick at Beaufort aud his gallant military career was tliere brought to a close, as on consultation with Gen. Howard, that officer perceiving the bad condition of his health, sdvised him to resign his commission, and he did so. After leaving- the army, our subject returned to Lewistown. and as soon as able resumed his position as Deputy County Clerk, retaining it until 1873. His long and valued services in that capacity earned him merited promotion to the office of Clerk of the County Court, to which he was elected in the year mentioned. He held that otfice by re-election nine years until he was appointed in 1883, Master in Chancery and has been in this position ever since. Our subject has been twice married. His first mar- riage which was consumated in 1862, was to Amanda L. Clark. She was a native of Lewistown, and a daughter of Charles and Amy Clark, natives re- spectively of Pennsylvania and Ohio. Mrs. Wor- ley departed this life May 14, 1888. Mr. Worley was married a second time, June 4, 1890, taking as his wife Emma Alice Dyckes. She is a native of this county, born in the town of Bernadotte, and a daughter of Joseph and Lucinda Dyckes, of whom see sketch on another page of this volume. By his first marriage, Mr. AVorley became the father of two children. Amy Mabel and William Clark. Mr. WorIe3' possesses a thoughtful, clear mind, an intellect well balanced, and executive talent of a high order, and his constant re-appointinent to the important office of which he is an incumbent.shows the high estimate placed upon his services as Mas- ter in Chancer}'. He is a true Christian gentleman, and in him and his amiable wife the Presbyterian Church finds two of its leading members. Politically he is a Democrat, one of the most intelligent sup- porters of his party in this vicinity. He has aided in the management of civic affairs, as a member of the City Council and of the local School Board. He belongs to Lewistown Lodge, No. 104, A. F. & A. M. y ILLIAM WILSON, M.D., the oldest physi- cian in London Mills, has been of great ^ assistance to the community in building up the town. He has been interested in real estate, has built a score of houses and still owns village property. He has filled nearly every oflBce in the township, taken a part in the workings of the social orders, and in addition to all this, has had a large practice in his profession. His mind has been well developed, his memory stored with facts and prin- ciples pertaining to the science of medicine, and with all the strength of an energetic nature he has made use of his knowledge. Dr. Wilson is the eldest of the four children born to Dr. Samuel and Mahala (McFarland) Wilson. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 357 The parental history will be found in the sketch of his brother, Dr. H. L. Wilson, in this Album. Our subject was reared in the vill.age of Hermon, Knox County, where bis eyes had opened to the light July 8. 1848. During his youth he attended the common schools and Abingdon College and in 1864, enlisted in Company K, Seventh Illinois Cavalry, was mustered in at Peoria and served until July, 1865. Soon after the war he began studying medi- cine, his father being his preceptor. He removed with his parents to Iowa and entered the medical department of the University of Iowa City, and was graduated from that institution in 1875, as physician and surgeon. He at once located at Lon- don Mills, being the first physician to open an office here. He worked up a fine practice and has been verj' successful in his efforts to ameliorate suf- fering and preserve life. The lady whom Dr. Wilson won for his wife and with whom he was united in marriage in Iowa, in 1872, bore the maiden name of Jennie A. Hall. She was born in Oskaloosa, Iowa, in 1852; she is a lady of culture and stands side by side with her husband in her knowledge of medicine. She studied that profession in the University at Iowa City, taking a special course the same 3"ear as her husband. She was I'ostmistress in London Mills from 1887 to 1889, and is a popular member of the society here. Doctor and Mrs. Wilson have one child, a son, Samuel A. Dr. Wilson belongs to the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows in this place and to Joe Mower Post, No. 107, G. A.ll. ; he is also identified with the Masonic fraternity at Abingdon. In politics he is a Democrat of the Jacksonian order. ATTHEW MITCHELL owns and occupies a favorably-located estate on section 27, L Deerfield Township. The land is carefully and intelligently tilled, and the place is well stocked, there being fourteen head of cattle, six of horses and sixty of hogs upon it at this writing. The usual farm implements and various machines, including reapers, mowers, etc., are .also to he found there, and the improvements which have been made bear evidence to the:enterpriso and good judgment of the owner. The dwelling is a well-built, two-story frame house, 16x26 feet with an L 18x20. A large barn, 26x40 feet, filled with hay, and various outbuildings, occupy con- venient positions and afford ample shelter'for stock and crops. The subject of this sketch is the second son born to Ebenezer and Mary (Shofer) Mitchell, whose entire family consisted of five sons and one daugh- ter. The parents emigrated to this county, in 1849, from the Buckeye State, locating on section 16, Deerfield Township. The falher,"hreathed his last December 13, 1849, while still quite a 3'ouug man, having been born February 28, 1804. The mother, whose natal day was March 25, 1814, survived un- til September 17, 1868. Matthew Mitchell opened his eyes to the light August 28, 1839, in Franklin County, Ohio, and received bis education in the district schools of that county and the township in which his parents^ located after removal. He worked by the month on a farm until the war broke out, when he was one of the first to respond to the call made by Presi- dent Lincoln for seventy-five thousand volunteers. August 13, 1861, he was enrolled in Company A, Fifty-fifth Illinois Infantry, and, following the for- tunes of his regiment, he took part in many, of the most important engagements of the war. The list of battles in which he bore a valiant part includes Shiloh, Russell House, Corinth, Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Snyder Bluff, Vieksburg, the siege of Vieksburg, Keuesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Ezra Chapel, Jonesboro, Clinton, Statesboro, Ft. McAl- ister. Savannah, Duck Branch. North and South Edisto, Columbia and Bcntonville. At the battle of Vieksburg, May 19, 1863, Mr. Mitchell received a wound in the thigh from a minie ball, which laid him up until the following March. He then returned to his regiment with which he was able to continue until the close of the war, receiving his discharge on the 24th of August, 1865. He returned to this county and resumed the peaceful occupation of a farmer, some- times operating a farm, and again working by the month until after his marriage, when he located PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. upon the land he still occupies. The farm consists of eighty acres, and although not so large as many in ti)e county is capable of affording a good main- tenance to our subject and his family. For nearly twenty years an efHcient and sympa- thizing helpmate shared in the various fortunes of our subject. Thi.s lady, whose maiden name was Deborah C. Glass, became his wife October 16, 1870. She -was born in Deerfield Township, Octo- ber 7, 1843, being a daughter of Samuel and Mar- garet (Myers) Glass. Her death took place .January 31, 1890, and her remains were followed to their resting place in Fiatt Cemetery by many friends who sympathized in the grief of the afflicted fam- ily. The home of Mr. Mitchell is brightened by the presence of six children, named respectively, John W., Minnie J., Mary M., Rosa M., Bertha E. and Franklin M. The eldest daughter was born in the spring of 1874 and is therefore able to fill her mother's place as housekeeper and look after the welfare of the younger children. Mr. Mitchell is a Republican but takes no active part in political work, except to deposit his ballot. He is an honest, upright man, a consistent member of the Free Will Baptist Church, is well known in the county and well liked by his acquaintances. %M ILO HARLAN is a well-known and influ- l\\ ential citizen of Young Hickory Township I* and bears a prominent part in the various affairs of the township. He is social, be- nevolent and energetic, has a good war record and an established reputation as a farmer. He is now filling the office of Township Collector, and in previous years has held school offices. To what- ever position he is called he brings a determina- tion to faithfully serve his fellow-men and deal honorably in every particular. The ancestral history of Mr. Harlan may be read in the sketch of A. J. Harlan, which occupies another page in this volume. He is the third in a family of nine children and was born near AVil- mington, Clinton County, Ohio, March 13, 1840. He had three miles to go to school, but the insti- tutions of learning were good and he laid a fair foundation before the age of ten years. At that time his parents, with seven children, started for Polk County, Iowa, their method of travel being a team and wagon. They were three weeks in reaching this county, which the father liked so well that he remained. lie was of a mechanical turn, able to take up almost any trade, and had on his farm in the Buckeye State been engaged in brick- making. After concluding to remain here, he en- gaged in that work for David Cowman. In the spring of 1852 he continued on to his previous destination with two wagons drawn by oxen, cross- ing the Mississippi on a ferry at Burlington, and spending two or three months in breaking Iowa prairie. In July he returned to Central Illinois, took up his abode in Abingdon and pursued vari- ous occupations until 1853. He then farmed near London Mills, and in the spring of 1854 settled on one hundred and sixty acres in the township which is still the home of his son. Milo Harlan attended the subscription schools in the winter, sitting on a slab bench in a log house heated by a fire-place, and in the summer drove oxen and otherwise helped on the farm. When the war broke out two of his brothers enlisted, and when, in August, 1862, a call was issued for six hundred thousand men, he volunteered, becoming a member of Company G, Eighty-third Illinois Infantry. He was mustered into the service at Galesburg, being first sent to Cairo, then to Fts. Henry and Donelson. The regiment was kept on detached service much of the time, doing guard duty and raiding the country in Kentucky, Ten- nessee and Alabama. Thej' had many skirmishes with the enemy and took part in the second battle at Ft. Donelson and the second fight at Nashville. After the former our subject was promoted to the rank of Corporal, He served until the close of the war, took part in the review at Nashville June 20, 1865, was theu mustered out, and going to Chi- cago, received an honorable discharge. Although minie balls had pierced his hat he escaped bodily- injury. When ready to resume the arts of peace, ilr. Harlan took charge of his father's farm and after a time bought out the other heirs. He has made ^ M" A^-^^Uy^yiy PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. many improvements upon the place, among them being a comfortable dwelling and t«-o barns, one 30x46 feet and the other 30x48 feet in dimensions. The latter is used as a shelter for the cattle, which are graded Short-horns. Formerly Mr. Hailan kei)t full-blooded Short-horns and raised sheep of the best wool-producing breeds. He also, in connection with his brother A. J., bought sheep, cattle and hogs quite extensively for two or three years, and tlien abandoned that business as it was overdone. He raises quite largo numbers of cattle and hogs, and feeds^droves ofithe latter. He likewise raises Clydesdale and Norman horses of high grade. His estate comprises one hundred and sixty acres on section 3, situated about one mile from London Mills. It is fenced into convenient fields and cul- tivated by means of the latest farm machinery. It is supplied with natural groves, evergreens have also been set out and some raised from seed. Mr. Harlan formerly belonged to the Odd Fel- lows' Lodge, at London Mills. Ho is now identi- fied with the Masonic fraternity at Fairview. He is a member of Joe Mower Post, No. 107, G. A. R., in which he has held every office but Commander. He was Quartermaster of the Encampment in 1888. It would be hard to find a stancher Republican than he, or one better able to give a reason for his political faith. He has represented his associ- ates in county and Congressional conventions. He discharges the duties of citizenship in a reliable manner, and the only fault his neighbors have to find with him is, that he has never married. His home is not, however, devoid of woman's presence, as he has his beloved mother with him. \f OHN S. GREEN. Tlierc is always more or less curiosity to know the true and inner history- of men who have been long and favorably identified with the social and business interests of an}' comraunitj', and undoubt- edly the biography of Mr. Green will prove inter- esting alike to oM and young. Brought up to a knowledge of farm duties, he naturally chose the avocation of a farmer, when it became necessary for him to select a calling in life. His experience has been wide and varied, and although advanced in years he is well preserved and quite active. The subject of this sketch is the son of John and Sarah Green, natives of Berlin, N. Y. The parental family comprised ten children, as follows: Martin, Horace, Maxom, Steven, John, Hampton, Rob- ert, Burton, Nathaniel, and Lewis, all of whom reached years of maturity. He of whom we write was born in the State of New York, June 19, 1821, and passed his childhood upon a farm, wlure he was taught habits of industry and self-denial. He received excellent educational advantages, prepar- atory to business life, but did not of course receive any special literary training in the common schools. He was capable of taking the finest collegiate course, and had a natural inclination for study, but belonging to a large family and that being a time when the education of children was not so thorough as at present, he was forced to content himself with a moderate amount of learning. When ready to establish a home of his own, Mr. Green was united in marriage with Miss Caroline Saunders, their union being solemnized October 31, 1847. Mrs. Green is the daughter of Peleg and Hannah (Saunders) Saunders, both n.atives of New York. Mrs. Green was born in Berlin, New Yoik, in 1821, and was reared to womanhood under the parental roof. She earl}' became proficient in those housewifely qualities which add so much to the at- tractiveness of a home, and has proved a devoted wife and wise mother. Of their six children the following is recorded: Peleg, a farmer in Fulton County, 111., married Miss Jane Burbridge and has five children. Ida resides in Knox County and is the wife of Mcnzo Rapalee. They have one child. Lenora was first united in marriage with Stephen Greggs, by whom she had two children. After the death of Mr. Greggs she married John Fink, of Knox County. Burton married Miss Sarah Wilcox and lives in Fulton County. Herbert mar- ried Flora Daikeman, and they have two children. John resides on the old homestead. His wife bore the maiden name of Ida Thurman, and they have two children. Mr. Green gave all his children a good start in life and they settled within three miles of the parental home. In May, 1854, Mr. 362 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. Green and bis wife, in companj- with Jacob Brim- mer, came to Fulton County to visit some relatives of Mrs. Green, who had located here. Mr. Green and Mr. Brimmer were so delighted with the soil that they immediately purchased seven hundred acres of fine land in Knox and Fulton Counties. Mr. Green tiien returned to his home in Jefiferson County, N. Y., and disposed of his property there, prior to removing to Illinois. In the fall of 1854 he returned to Fulton County, accompanied by his family. Tlie following spring he planted his Qrst crop, which brought to him such a fine harvest that he became fully satisfied with the richness of the soil. Ills history since coming to this place has been that of a thoroughly progressive man and what- ever he has undertaken has proved successful. Mr. Green is a man of vast experience, whose wealth and enterprise have given him social pres- tige in this community and have enabled him to give to his children a thorough education. Al- though he has given each of his sons considerable land, he still retains in his possession a highly cul- tivated farm of three hundred and twenty acres in Farmington and Salem Townships. He and his wife are esteemed members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Politically, Mr. Green vvas first a Whig, but upon the organization of the Republican party, cast his ballot and used his influence in its interest. He is unusually keen-fitted and is able at a fiance to place the correct valuation upon men and things. He is held in high esteem by his fellow-citizens and is consulted upon many afifairs of importance, whether of public or private nature. In connection with this biographical review the reader will notice on another page a portrait of Mr. Green. \i^ORTER J.GREEN is a well-to-do farmer 11 Jji and stock-raiser of this county, owning a •^1?*^ valuable farm, of which one hundred acres 11^ lie on section 5, and sixty acres on section 6. Farmington Township. He is a native of Rens- selaer County, N. Y. His father, Jonathan Green, was born in the same count}'. He was there mar- ried to Miranda Himes, and of the nine children born to them the following is recorded: Antoinette married Barber Green and lives in Adams, Mass.; Samuel resides in Zilonite, Mass. ; Margaret, who lives in Rhode Island, has been twice married, first to Mr. Lamb and afterward to Mr. Green; Pris- cilla lives in Adams. Mass.; William died at the age of twenty-two; Porter, our subject; Amy died at the age of nineteen ; Dyer is a resident of Nebraska; Ambrose, of Rhode Island. The father died in Rensselaer County, and the mother then removed back to Massachusetts, where her life was brought to a close at the age of eighty years. The subject of this biographical review was born November 12, 184 L He was well trained by his worthy parents, and started out in life well pre- pared to fight its battle.'. He early adopted the calling of a farmer and has met with success in his pursuits. He purchased his present homestead in 1880. This is provided with a neat and substantial set of buildings, including a fine new barn which was erected in 1889. The farm is first class in all its appointments and is one of the most desirable places in the neighborhood. Our subject was married in Jefferson County, his native State, to Miss Matilda Brimmer, a daugh- ter of Jacob and Matilda (Saunders) Brimmer. Her father came to Fulton Count}' in 1854 and became a very well-to-do man. He died in the State of New York in January, 1886, at the advanced of eighty-two years. His widow is still living in Jefferson Count}', N. Y., and is in her seventy- ninth year. Of the eight children born of their marriage seven grew to maturity, namely, Jacob, Nathan, Electa, Mary, Matilda, Ambrose and Sarah. Mrs. Green was born in Jefferson County, N. Y. She is a capable woman, and knows well how to manage the affairs of her household. Two children are the fruit of her marriage with our subject — Arthur, who lives at home, and Nellie. The latter is the wife of Nelson AVright, of Farmington Township, and they have one child — Lloyd, a beau- tiful, black-eyed boy. Mrs. (Saunders) Brimmor and Mrs. John S, Green are the only survivors of the Saunders fam- ily. The Brimmers were Methodists in their relig- ious views, the Saunders were Seventh-Day Baptists and the Greens were Baptists. Thus our subject PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 363 and his wife received an early religious training, are people of earnest Christian belief and among tiie leading members of the Baptist Church of Farmington. As a true citizen should be, Mr. Green is interested in politics and is a stanch ad- lierent of the Republican parly. (^5$)H0MAS WEESE, who ranks among the /^^^ prosperous agriculturists of Pleasant Town- ^•^'J ship, was born in Fulton County July 2nd, 1849. His parents, John and Elizabeth, commonly called Betsy, Weese, were among the early settlers of this county, the father having been born in the State of Tennessee. He was quite a young man when he came here, and was three times married, our subject being tiie only child born to his first marriage. He settled ir. Pleasant Township while tlie country around here was scarcely more than a '•forest primeval" and like most of the pioneers wiis forced to endure many hardships and privations. He was a man possessing great strength of charac- ter and excellent judgment, and was largely instrumental in bringing about the wonderful transformation that changed a land covered with timber to fertile anil valuable farms. He was, in politics, in sympathy with the Democratic party, and took great interest in supporting all political matters that tended to the improvement of county and State. He also exerted great influence in social circles and was a man much beloved and respected by his neighbors. He left a large and valuable es- tate, at the time of his death. The subject of our sketch inherited sufficient money to give him a good sitart in life, and the scenes familiar to his childhood are all in this county, and his interest in the progress of Pleasant Township is therefore naturally very great. He has at all times given his attention to agriculture and is a most successful and enterprising farmer, having cultivated his lands after the most improved methods and making a real science of farming. His educational advantages were the best that time af- forded, but he received none of the polish of the higher branches of study Uiat one finds at the pres- ent time in the schools throughout the country. The schooUiouse he attended was merely a little log cabin and tlic furniture within was truly primi- tive in character, consisting of split-slab seats, and other things quite in keeping with these. A ruder construction could scarcely be imagined, and situ- ated as it was in the midst of an uncultivated country it presented a picture that lingers long in memory. Our subject has always been fond of reading and has taken much pleasure in keeping posted on literary matters of the day. He is a most elegant and cultured gentleman and one whose many excellent traits are fully appreciated by the community in which be resides. Mr. Weese married Miss Maggie Athy, a native of Mason County, 111., and to this union have been born six children, four of whom are now living — Dickson, Hattie, Effie and Mary. Our subject owns one hundred and fifty-four acres of valuable land, all of which is well cultivated. He is a member of the Democratic party and a strong supporter of his party principles. He is a man well and favorably known and one whom we are pleased to represent in our Album. ARTIN B. MASON. The world is crowded with men and women trying each to gain success through the different avenues of mone^'-making, and day after day the ceaseless round of duty goes on; some giving atten- tion to professional callings, some "buying and selling" in commercial headquarters, and still others cultivating tlie soil. It is a pretty generally conceded f.act that the agriculturist leads the freest and easiest life, since his time is his own through much of each year. And certainly to no class of '•bread winners" are we indebted for more beneficial results than to the farmer. Our subject at tlie present time is identified with the latter-named chiss. and it would be difficult to find a more genial, intellectual, or courteous gen- tlem.an than Mr. Mason. At one time he was in the hotel business at Farmington, and made a good ••mine host." But after continuing in that business PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. for several years in connection with his brother James, our subject moved to a farm in Knox County, about two miles from Yates City, and there became an extensive land owner. However, he re- turned to this county, settling on a small farm one mile from Farmington, where he owns a nice resi- dence and fifteen acres of ground. Mr. Mason was born in Fayette County. Pa., on the sixth day of May, 1808, his parents being Jacob and Catherine (Biddinger) Mason, natives of Pennsylvania and Virginia respectively. His earliest recollections are of life in Ohio, where' he attended school in a little log house for three months during the winter. The father moved with his family to this place in 1837, going into the hotel business. In 1842 the subject of our sketch mar- ried Miss Mary A. Slosson, who was born in Troy, New York, and is a daugiiter of Dutcher and Sarah (Sampson") Slosson, natives of New York and Massachusetts respectively. Mrs. Mason reached maidenhood at Troy, coming with her parents to Illinois in the year 1835. To Mr. and Mrs. Mason have been born seven children, viz: Charles H., who married Miss Melissa Coon, has three children, and resides at Fairfield, Iowa; Sarah J.; Harriet E., who married James Broherd, and died without leaving any children; Catherine; William J., who married Miss Mary Yager, lives in Yates City, and has one child; Mary A., now Mrs. Charles F. Coon, has three children, and makes her home at Holdridge, Phelps County, Neb.; and Martin S., who mar- ried Miss Clara Rider, has one child and lives in Farmington. The subject of our sketch is a member of the Masonic order No. 320, is a member of the Yates City Lodge, and belongs to a Commandery at Galesburg. He is verj' prominently connected with this fraternity. He has held several public offices, being at one time County Commissioner of Knox County, and Sujiervisor of Salem Town- ship. Mr. and Mrs. Mason and their family belong to the Universalist Church, Mr. Mason having helped to build the churcli of this denomination both at Farmington and at Yates City. Our subject's father was fifty-seven years old at liie lime of his death; the mother lived to be past seventy. To them were born four children, viz : Martin, James and Nancy (deceased), and Wil- liam. The father moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio in 1814, where he followed agricultural pur- suits. He was at one time Justice of the Peace in the latter named State. The subject of our sketch has many celebrated ancestors and has inherited much social culture. 5SE0RGE C. SHUMAKER is an enterprising I-—, and intelligent farmer, and is successfully ;^ managing two hundred and seventy acres of land, which he rents, lying partly in Farmington, where he makes his residence, and partly in Canton Township. He was born in Washington County, Md., near Rohrersville. His parents, Jonathan and Mahala (Branderberg) Shuraaker, were also natives of ISIaryland. The paternal grandfather of our sub- ject, and also his maternal grandfather, came from Germany to this eountr}'., The father of our subject was a farmer,and in 1837 came westward and tried life in Oiiio, Illinois and Missouri, but not liking this part of the country he returned to his native Mar3'land, and died there in 1874, attlie age of sixty-three years. The mother of our subject also died in that State. She and her husband had seven children, four of whom grew to maturity and are still living as follows: George C, Otho James, Cj-ster Rupley and Frederick T. O. J. lives in Middletown, Md., and all the others, with the exception of our subject, reside in that State. George C. Shumaker, of this biographical sketch, was born November 20, 1860. His boyhood and youth were passed in Maryland, where he was reared on a farm and gained a sound practical knowledge of agricultural pursuits. In 1883, ambitious to better his financial condition, he determined to see what he could accomplish on the fertile soil of the Prairie State, and he made his way from his old home to this county. He worked out five years hj- tiie month, and carefully saved his earnings, and was enabled to marry and estab- PORTRAIT AND BKXtRAPIIICAL ALBUM. 365 lisli a home for liiraself. He is now actively en- gaged in his calling:, renting one hundred and twenty acres of land in Farmington, and one luindred and fifty acres in Canton Township. The land is under good cultivation and he manages to get from it a full return in fine harvests for his out- lay of labor and expense. Mr. Shumaker and Miss Jennie E. Slifer, united their lives and fortunes on the 27th of December, 1887, and have established a home where coziness and comfort abound, and that is, in fact, one of the pleasantest abodes in the neighborhood. Mrs. Shumaker is a daughter of William and Ellen (Potter) Slifer, and she was born, reared and mar- ried in Maryland. She was the only child of her father, who died when she was young. Her mother married a second time, becoming the wife of Mr. Andrew Reader. By that marriage she had live ciiildrcn, namely: Cornelius James, Fannie L., David G., Jersey J., Charles C. I'annie is the wife of Charles L. Castle, a farmer, and they have two children. Mrs. Shumaker is a devoted Christian a:)d is a member of the United Brethren Church in Maryland. Her marriage with our subject has been blessed by the birth of one child — Roy C. Mr. Shumaker is a stalwart defender of the Democrats in politics. <^THARINE keeling, whose sketch now @£Jj invites attention, is one of the oldest men 11 Hi in the State of Illinois, having in the ^ course of his long life witnessed many changes and an immense amount of progress in the State, and also having accumulated a considerable fortune. Longevity for some reasons and in some cases is not a desirable thing, liut it certainly gives a man a vast amount of valuable esperience, and gains him a larger number of successes than can be accomplished in a shorter span of years. Mr. Keeling's birth occurred in Elizabethtown, Hardin County, Ky., on the 12th of May, 1823, being the son of Lewis and Lydia (Howey) Keel- ing. When only three years of age our subject moved with his parents to the State of Illinois, the family leaving the beautiful Blue Grass country for no other reason than that the idea of slavery was distasteful to them, and as that custom pre- vailed everywhere south of "Mason and Dixon's line," they were forced to seek a northern home. They first located in Jacksonville, but after two years removed to Springfield, where the father purchased a grist and saw mill on the south fork of the Sangamon River; and the earliest recollec- tions of our subject date back to the "old mill" by the river side, where he spent manj' happy da^'s in his childhood. The business proved very success- ful, and the father previous to his death was an ex- tensive landowner, owning several thousand acres of valuable timber and prairie land along the San- gamon River. He died in 1856, being sixty-one years old; the mother had died about twenty years before, when only thirty-six years of age. To them were born nine children, viz.: Eldridge, Atharine; Singleton, Hayden, Lydia and Louisa are deceased; America; Lewis, deceased; and William. Our subject's paternal grandfather, William Keeling, was a Methodist minister, and his birth- place was in England. He married in that country Miss Susan Grant, and upon coming to America settled first in Virginia, but afterward removed to Kentucky. Our subject's maternal grandfather, Joseph Howey, was born in the State of Virginia, and married Mrs. Cecelia McKinney. They were all of Scotch-Irish descent, and settled in Virginia about the time of the Colonial War. Mr. Keeling's father being interested in the brick business, he learned that when a boy of four- teen summers, going to a pa^' school through three months of the twelve, which was taught by Dr. Springer, father of Congressman Springer. Our subject was a neighbor of Abraham Lincoln, and was well acquainted with him. The subject of our sketch left home at the age of eighteen, when his father wafe married the sec- ond time, and commenced to work for himself in the brick business, employing a number of hands and clearing iil,000 the first year. He continued Ibis field of labor for a period of fiftj'-two years, turning out a tremendous amount of brick and tile. Mv. Keeling was married iu 1848, to Miss Mary PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. Jane Wilson, daughter of Samuel and Maria (Bro- herd) Wilson. She was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, and her father was by birth and education a Scotchman — Edinburgh being his native place. To Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were born seven children, viz.: Thomas J., Mary Jane, Maria, Ellen, Marga- ret, Amanda, and James, who died in youth. Our subject and his wife have been blessed with six children, viz.: Oscar II., Mary Helen, Alice A., Annie M., Clara Inez and Jesse L., all of whom are prosperous and talented. Mr. Keeling voted for Henry Claj- in 1844, and for the Whig candidates until the organization of the Republican party, at which time he commenced to support that party. He is a member of the BapUst Church, having been connected with tiiat denomination for forty years. Mrs. Keeling also belongs to this church. The subject of our sketch is a great reader, and possessing a retentive mem- ory is a most interesting companion, and much es- teemed both for his intellectuality and his many excellent traits of character. <« IVILLIAM H. COZINE is known as one of \/\J/l the most skillful and intelligent machinists '^^ and blacksmiths in all Fulton County, and his business as such, which he is conducting in Lewistown, is extensive and lucrative. He is prominent in the public life of this municipalit}' as a member of the Cit}' Council, and his active in- terest in its welfare and sagacious, well-trained mind make his aid invaluable as a civic official. January 4, 1841, was the date of the birth of our subject in Hendricks County, Ind. His great- grandfather, Garrett Cozine, was a native of Penn- sylvania and was of early German ancestry. He was reared and married in Pennsylvania and re- moved from there to Kentucky. He became a pioneer of Mercer County, where he dwelt until 1835. Once more lie became a pioneer, removing from thence to the wilds of Hendricks County, Ind., where he bought land and improved a farm. He there died at the ripe old age of eighty-four years, his wife having died two years previously at the same age. Her maiden name was Shuman and she was born in Germany. Cornelius Cozine, the grandfather of our subject, was a farmer and spent his entire life in Kentucky. The maiden name of his wife was Jennie Vanars- dale, and she w;is also a native of Kentuckj'. Their son Garrett, father of our subject, was born in that State, near Harrisburg, in Mercer County. He emigrated from there to Indiana, and became an early settler of Hendricks County. He was ac- companied thither by his wife and children, and they took up their abode on a tract of timber land, which he had leased. He cleared much of it, and lived on it until 1852. Again he became a pioneer and in that j'car started westward with his wife and five children, and came to Fulton County. On his arrival here he leased a farm for a time, and tlieu bought one in Lewistown Township, which he de- veloped into a fine piece of property and there death rounded out his busj- life in 1888. His wifs had preceded him in death, dj'ing in 1872. Her maiden name was Susan R. Beadles. She was a daughter of John Beadles and a granddaughter of Niel Beadles. For her family history see sketch of N. Beadles. William Cozine, of whom these lines are written, was one of thirteen children, and was a lad of ten j'ears when became to this county with his parents. He has a vivid remembrance of his early home in Hendricks County, and of the incidents of pioneer life there. There were no railroads in Indiana when he was a child and that section of the country where his people lived was sparsely settled. The nearest mill was at Indianapolis, twent^'-six miles distant, and it was operated by a tread power. Tiie highways of travel were rough and at times almost impassable, and a rude corduroj' road extended most of the way from Hendricks Count3- to In- dianapolis. William attended school and assisted on his father's farm until he was eighteen j-ears old, when he eng.iged with Joseph Yarnell as an ap- prentice to learn of him the trade of a blacksmith. He subsequently went into the plow shops of Tliomns Stanbury, and worked under his instruction a year and a half, his motive being to more thoroughly learn the trade of a machinist, for which he seemed to have a particular genius. He then opened a PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. machine aud blacksmith shop in Lewistown and with the exception of three years, has carried on busi- ness in this city continuously since tliat time. He is celebrated as a fine workman and he employs only the most skilled men and has Iniilt up an ex- tensive trade. In 1862 Mr. Cozine was wedded to Ann Eliza Herl)ert. The estimable lady is a native of Lew- isto^vn and a daughter of James and Anna (01m- stead) Herbert. Harry, the first child of our subject and his wife, died when six years old. They have three children living: Charles H.,AVillard C, and Blanche. Mr. Cozine is classed among the best citizens of the cit\', both as regards his private life, which is irreproachable, and his civic capacity in which he has acted without stain. His fellow-citizens ap- preciating his worth, his sound business talent and genuine integrity have called him to take uart in the management of municipal affairs and he is now serving his eighth year as a member of the Cit}' Council. He uses his political Influence in favor of the Democratic party. Religiously, he and his wife, who are sincere Christian people, are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. im^ J -^ AMES NELSON. Superintendent of Claire Coal Company, at Middle Grove. Scotland has contributed her full quota to the popu- lation and development of the great AVest, and her sons have been found almost uniformly thrifty and industrious, and especially is this true in the case of James Nelson. Coming from the land where flows the "bonny Dee," and where the purple heather clothes the ground with a bright and seemingly unbroken carpet, he possesses all the poetic genius and love of the beautiful which seems somehow an innate principle of every Scotchman's nature. Although a comparative stranger in this city, Mr. Nelson has by his ready wit, courtesy, and kindness of heart won for himself the esteem of this community. Mr. Nelson was born in Holley Town, Scotland, and there surrounded by the beauties of his native land, passed a happy childhood. His father, Alex Nelson, and his mother, who previous to her marriage was Miss Annie Kirkwood, were natives of Scotland and were married in that country, and their five children were born there before they emi- grated to America in 18G4. LTpon first reaching the United States they settled in Pittsburg, and later in Ohio, where the father died in 188.5. hav- ing attained his sixty-seventh year. The mother is at the present writing living in Ohio, and is sixty-eight years of age, and her children were named respectively: Alex; John (who was killed by a baseball when fourteen j'ears of age); Jane, Ellen, and James. Our subject's 'birtli occurred on February 19, 1845, and his recollections of bonny Scotland are very pleasant indeed. His educational advantages were excellent, and he lost no opportunity to im- prove his mind. At the early age of ten years he began to work in a colliery, and when fifteen years of age enlisted in the Seventy-eighth Highlanders, and was on the point of departing for the Cape of Good Hope, but was recalled home by his parents, and seeing Ijow much the idea distressed his mother, concluded to abandon the ranks and sailed for Amer- ica in 1860. He landed in New York in August, and going to New Jersey began to work on a farm, but not being accustomed to that kind of work he soon abandoned it and went to Pennsjlvania, where he engaged in coal mining for four months, and was at a later day engaged in the same business in Maryland. In the latter named State he lost his heart to Miss Elizabeth Allen, who was like him- self a native of Scotland, and after a nine months' courtship they were married on November 10, 1862, in the city of Pittsburg, and there made their home for a lime. One child was born to them, Annie, who died when only eighteen, months old. Mr. Nelson enlisted in 1864 in Company A, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Pennsylvania Infantrj-, and was mustered into service at Camp Wilkins, and discharged at Pittsburgh, Pa., in the fall of the following year. He then turned his attention to coal mining at Uniontown, Kj'., and while there fell a victim to the ague, which is so prevalent in that State. He was engaged in mining through different parts of Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, 368 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHIC Al. ALBUM, Marylaiul, Kentucky, and Illinois, and has traveled tlirough the greater portion of seventeen States. Me took possession of the Claire Coal Company in September of the year 1889, a company which is turninjj out one hundred and forty tons of lump coal |)er day, and engages forty miners. Of this business our subject is well prepared to take charge, having had a most extensive experience. Though at present so closely identified with the business and social affairs of Middle Grove, his residence is at Gloucester, Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Nelson have been born six sons and four daughters, of whom one is de.ad, and the following living, viz: Annie, Alex, Frank, James Bruce. Xettie, Robert, Willie, Mary and Andrew. Our subject was ordained to preach in the Metho- dist Church in 1873, at Mt. Vernon, Ohio. He is a Good Templar, and took an active interest in or- ganizing the lodge at Middle Grove, and takes pleasure in always supporting the Prohibition ticket with his vote and influence. Mr. Nelson at the time of his residence in Oliio was Deputy High Cliief Ruler of the Independent Order of Recha- bites. He is an unusually intellectual man, and his extensive travels liave given him a clear insight into the social and business customs both of the I'nited States and Scotland. -^^- J JACOB DARLING is acceptably filling the position of Police Magistrate of Astoria. He came to this place more than forty years ^^ ago, and has ever since been one of its most useful citizens. He was born September 5, 1827, on a farm near Warsaw, Coshocton County, Ohio. His father, Isaac Darling, was born on the south branch of the Potomac River in Virginia, and was a son of Robert Darling, who is thought to have been born in Ireland of Scotch parentage. The latter on coming to America settled in Vir- ginia, and subsequently remcvcd from there to Ohio in 1806, and was a pioneer of Coshocton County. The removal was made with teams, and the greater part of tiie way lay through a wilder- n'ss. There were but a few families living in Coshocton Count3' at the time and the Indians still lingered about their old hunting grounds in that part of the State. Mr. Darling bought a tract of heavily timbered land and built a log house to shelter his family. There were no markets and the people lived almost entirely on the products of their land and on venison, bear meat and other game which was abundant. The grandfather of our subject cleared quite a tract of land, and lived in his pioneer home until his death. He raised flax and kept sheep and his wife used to card, spin and weave the wool and flax, and made all the cloth in the family. Her maiden name was Catherine Passcn. She also died on the home farm. She was the mother of twelve children; eight sons and four daughters. Isaac Darling was twelve years old when his par- ents removed to Ohio. He assisted his father in clearing the farm, and resided thereon until his marriage,when he bought land across the Walhold- ing River from his old home. Forty acres of land were cleared and a log house stood on the clearing, which was afterward the birthplace of our subject. The father erected a substantial brick house in 1839, and in that made his home until his death during the war. He lived to see that part of Ohio in which he settled, develop from a wilder- ness into a well settled and wealthy count3-, and he contributed his quota to advance its growth. The father of our subject was twice married. The maiden name of his first wife, the subject's mother, was Mahala Severns. Her father, Joseph Severns, was a native of Wales and a pioneer of Coshocton Count}'. Mrs. Darling died in 1832. There were six children born of her marriage; four sons and two daughters. Mr. Darling's second wife was Jane .Severns, a cousin to his fir^t wife. She died two years after her husband's death. Jacob Darling, of whom we write, grew to man's estate in his native county, and at the age of twenty.^ one commenced work at the trade of a carpenter. He resided in Coshocton Count}^ until 1848, when he went to Indiana, and spent the winter in that State. In the spring of 1849 he started on horse- back for this county, and after a very pleasant and agreeable journey arrived here safelj'. and located in Astoria. He found here only a small ^^ ^fel: Harrison Putman PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 371 village, and men of his calling were in demand to ass'st in building up the country. He worked at his trade until the _year 1852, and then was elecied Constable. He served in that otHce continuously until 1885, a period of thirty-three years, and made an invaluable official. In 1885 Mr. Darling «:is appointed Postmaster of Astoria, and served with acceptation until after the change of adminis- tration. During the time he was Constable he acted four terms as Collector of Taxes. In 1890 Mr. Darling was elected to the important office of Police Magistrate of Astoria. He is discharging the duties thus devolving upon him with sound judgment, rare discrimination, tact and fairness, and the people are well satisfied with his manner of conducting the affairs of his office. ]M*. Darling and Miss Matilda Fleming were married in the month of October, 1849. Mrs. Darling is a native of Coshocton Count}-, Ohio, and a daughter of John Fleming. Six children have blessed her happy union with our subject, whose names are as follows: Isaac M., Oliver L., (jeorge N., Clement L., Lee Roos and Hugh H. NA ARTIN V. PUTMAN is a prominent and /// IV w^'^l'-l^y farmer of Canton, 111. He is a /// li) native of this countj-, and a representative ■J of an old and well-known pioneer family, in whose honor Putman Township, the place of his birth, was named. He was born December 28, 1843, an 1 is the sixth of ten children born to Har- rison and Malinda (Fouts) Putman. Harrison Putman, whose portrait appears on the opposite page and who is a retired farmer living in Canton, was born in Gibson County, Ind., De- cember 3, 1811. His father, Hazel Putman, was a native of North Carolina. His mother, Isabel (Fouts) Putman, was a daughter of David Fouts, and a native of North Carolina. She and her hus- band removed to Indiana in an early day of its settlement soon after their marriage, becoming pioneers of Gibson County. A few years later they removed to a farm near Evansville. Harrison Putman was the oldest of a family of seven children, and passed his youthful days on the old homestead near Evansville. He was eleven years old when he came to Fulton County with his parents who located in what became Putman Town- ship; the latter was named in honor of his father, who bought a large tract of timber land, for which he afterward secured a patent and carried on trade there as a blacksmith and gunsmith. Both father and mother dietf in this count}'. He was a member of the Baptist, and she of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The father of our subject remained with his par- ents until he was twenty-one years old, when he began farming on his own account in Putman Township. He was very fortunate in the pursuit of his calling, acquiring a iiandsome fortune and a farm containing several hundred acres of choice land. In 1872 he retired from his farm in Putman Township to Canton, where he has since made his home. He was married November 15, 1832, to Malinda Fouts, a daughter of David and Mary Fonts. She was born July 27, 1814, and after a . happy wedded life of nearly fifty-eight years dura- lion, she died in the month of April, 1890. Martin Putman, the subject of this sketch, was bred to manhood on his father's old homestead in Putman Township. He attended school at the Hiatt schoolhouse during the winter months and worked on the farm in the summer. One winter he was a pupil in a Canton school. He remained an inmate of the parental household till he attained his twenty-first year, when he began his career as a farmer on eighty acres of land given him by his father. Success has attended his efforts, and he is now a substantial and well-to-do farmer and stock- raiser. His fine farm of two hundred and sixty- four acres in Putman Township is well cultivated and highlj- improved. He has erected on it good buildings, and has it well stocked, as before his re- moval to Canton he was an extensive feeder of cattle and hogs. He has been very successful as a wheat raiser, and has also raised large crops of corn. He continued to reside on his farm till 1884, when he removed to Canton that he might give his children better opportunities for an education. In the western part of the town he built a neat and 372 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. commodious residence wiiieli is shaded by beauti- ful native hard maple trees that afford a most frratoful and refreshing shelter during the summer months. March 14, 1867, was the date of the marriage of our subject with Miss Hannah Newton of Putraan Township. She is a daughter of Dr. Newton, a prominent physican of the county, who came here from Connecticut. Mr. and Mrs. Putman have had four children; Kate N.. Leuella M., May M. and Gean Gale who died in infancy. While he was a resident of Putman Township, Mr. Putman took a prominent part in educational matters as a member of the .School Board and also as School Director for a number of years. In poli- tics he upholds the policy of the Democratic party. He is a man of good mental endowments, frank and .straightforward, and is highly regarded by all who know liim or have had dealings with him. J""/ ESSE POLLOCK, an old pioneer of Fulton County, is now one of its most substantial j farmeis and his fine farm in Lewistown ' Township is one of the best in the locality. His birth-place was a farm two miles from Florence in Washington County, Pa., and the date of his birth was April .3, 1812. He is a son of one David Pollock who was born of Scotch ancestry in the North of Ireland. His parents were Presbyterians and reared their family in the same faith. The fa- ther, two brothers, Benjamin and John, and three sisters came to America and made their home in Pennsylvania. The father of our subject arrived in this countrj' at the commencement of the Revo- lution and enlisted with the Minute Men and did good service In the war. After peace had been de- clared, he settled in Washington County, Pa., of which he was a pioneer. He carried on farming on leased land there until 1818. In that j-ear with his wife and six children, he started with a team for Ohio, and was one of the first settlers in that part of Richland, now included in Ashland County. He bought a tract of heavily timbered land in Milton Township, and erected a log house in the primeval wilds, where deer, bear, wolves, and all kinds of wild game roamed at will. There were no railways or canals in that part of the country in those days and the lake ports, forty miles distant, were the princi- pal markets. He cleared away the forest trees from his land and evolved a productive farm from the wilderness, and there the remainder of his life w.is passed. His wife also died on the home farm. Her maiden name was Betsey Morrow, and she was a native of the North of Ireland and of Scotch an- cestry. They reared a family of seven children. Their son, Jesse, was six years old when his pio- neer life commenced in the wilds of Ohio, and there he was bred to a stalwart, vigorous manhood. He early commenced to assist his father in clear- ing his land and in its cultivation. At that time lumber was of no value, as there was no market for it, and large logs that to-day would bring a good sum of mone}' were rolled together and burned. In 1830, our subject left the home of his youth and returned to his native county, in Pennsylvania, where he learned the trade of a carpenter. He worked at it there two and one-half years and then went back to Ohio, and followed his calling in that State until 1836. In April of that year, imbued with tlie pioneer spirit of his forefathers, he set out with a pair of horses and a wagon, taking with him his wife and two children and started for the wild prairies of Illinois. A journey of four weeks and three days brought the little family to the southeastern part of Knox Countj', and for a j'ear our subject rented a farm in Salem Township. In the spring of 1837 he came to Fulton County, and bought one hundred and sixty acres of timber land on section 6, Lewistown Township, and eighty acres in Putman Township. The price of this two hun- dred and forty acres of land was ^5.50 an acre, and it look all his ready money and left him *G0 in debt. Mr. Pollock went to work at once to prepare his land for cultivation and his first crop paid his in- debtedness. He has since improved all the land, has it under a fine state of tillage, and has erected neat frame buildings. His hard |)ioneer labors have been well rewarded and besides this valuable estate he possesses another farm, comprising one hundred and twenty acres of choice land, and he is now in PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 373 possession of a bandsome competence. As a pio- neer lie has done much to develop the agricultural interests of the township and county and his name will ever hold an honorable place among those of ihe early settlery of tliis part of Illinois. His life course as a husband, father, neighbor and citizen lias l)een creditable tu himself and has won the es- teem of ail around him. Mr. Pollock and .lane Em mens were married in 1831. She was Ijorn in Wayne County, Ohio. Of their marriage there are six children living: Ann, widow of Mr. Linn; David; Elizabeth, wife of David Whitnah of Cuba; .Tohn ; Alvina, wife of Napoleon Bowen of Iowa, and Sylvester of Grand Isle, Nel). Our subject's wife died in 1850, he was married a second time in 1855 to Miss Jane Conner who died in 1883; by his last marriage there were no children. John Pollock the son of our subject is a prac- tical wide-awake young farmer. He was born on the farm where the family now resides and was here reared, receiving his education in the district scliuols. He has always followed farming since he was old enough to be of any use, and is a resident of his father's homestead. In 1872 he was married to Jane Grimes, a native of Virginia. They have three children whom they have named Jessie, Min- nie and Lillie. |Tm|l'FU.S K. BOHANNON. Among the men IW^ who are actively advancing the stock- iL \Vl raising interests of Illinois, stands our \^, subject, who occupies a leading position among the farmers and stock-growers of Berna- dotte Township. He has some horses, cattle and hogs of standard grade that are as fine as are to be found in the .State. He is a son of James E. Bo- hannon, who was born in Tennessee, in the year 1818. He married there Eliza H. Byrd, who was also a native of that State, and was born in 1814. She is now dead; her death occurring in the month of September, 1867, near Lebanon, Mo. The father is still living in his old home in Tennessee. Our subject wrs the sixth son of ten children, and was born January 7, 1852. He began life for himself in 1871, as a farmer in middle Georgia. He resided there one year and then took up his residence in middle Tennessee, where he lived about eight months. During his stay there he suffered a severe fracture of the ankle. He sub- sequently came to Fulton County, and resided with his brother. T. O. Bohannon, three months. At the expiration of that time he established him- self on a farm near Table Grove, and remained there two months. His next venture was to en- gage with J. B. Cattron in farming in Pleasant Township. He was with him about eleven months when he married his daughter, Rachael T. She was born December 5, 1854. Tlie maiden name of her mother was Nancy Smith. Immediately after his marriage, our subject rented the old homestead of his father-in-law, Mr. Cattron, and was actively engaged in its manao'e- ment three years. At the end of that time he rented a farm of one hundred and twenty .acres near Ipava, for one year. He next rented a farm of his father-in-law, and carried it on two years. After that our subject tried ranching it in Texas, near Dallas — his father-in-law having made him and his wife a present of a rancli of eight hundred and forty acres, and for one year he was engaged in the stock business there. He made many im- provements oh the place, building a house and fences, and otherwise putting the ranch in good order. A year later he was obliged to leave there on account of his wife's health, as the climate did not agree with her. On his return he made his father a visit in Tennessee. After he came back here in 1883 he bought one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 23, Bernadotte Township, where he has since resided. He has cleared about one hundred acres of heavy brush, doing the most of the work himself. He has built a neat one and one-half story house, 20x26 feet in dimension, with an "L" of the same proportions, and he has erected a large barn 64x48 feet, and 24 feet high on the main corners, with a capacity of forty tons of hay. He has as fine a herd of horses as is to be found in the State. He has four brood mares, two of them one-fourth, and the others three- 374 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. fourllis Petcberon Norman. He has also of the sarae breed a pair of beautiful seven-eighths twin colts, tliree months old, as iiearlj' perfect as can be; two beautiful three-fourths colts, and one seven- eighths, three months old, valued at 8100. His favorite breed in cattle is the Durham, and of tlicse he has twenty head of milch cows, one very fine bull, fifteen spring calves, and thirty-two steers, the most of which he raised himself. He has sev- enty-five Poland-China liogs of high grade, and liis farm is one of the best stocked in the vicinity. Our subject has a pleasant home, and his family consists of himself, his amiable wife, and their three hoys, of wliom the following is the record: Fred- die C, was born January 22, 1876; William K., March 20, 1882; David W., September 16, 1887. Our subject is a man of high Christian princi- ples and tries to live up to the Golden Rule. He is one of the most consistent and exemplary Chris- tians in the community, is a prominent member of the Free Methodist Church, and is very active in all religious works. He is Class Leader in his church, and is a reg\ilar attendant at Sunday-school. He sets an example as to how a true Christian should act in his daily walk and conversation. About eight j'ears ago he adopted the principle of giving one-tenth of his income to the cause of Christ, and still continues the practice. He is a Prohibitionist in politics and principles, is temperate in all things, and is rearing his children to be the same. In all the relations of life he has been true to him- self and others. He was filial and obedient toward his parents, never giving them a rude or unkind word: and as a husband and father he is devoted and tender. -" -^-^ — lk.A\ OSES VAN SICKLE. A goodly numbei of the old settlors of Fulton County have won a competence sufficient to allow them to retire from active duties, surround themselves with the comforts suited to their de- clining years and spend their last days unharassed by anxiety. Among this number is Mosts Van Sickle who for almost a decade has been occupy ing a pleasant home in Astoria, his dwelling having been erected for his own occupancy. Beginning his career in life as a poor boy, obliged to assist his widowed mother in the support of her family, he put his shoulder to the wheel with so much energy and good judgment that he became well-to-do, was able to bestow upon his own offspring good ad- vantages and hear a hand in inan^- worthy enter- prises. Mr. Van Sickle is descended from good families of Holland, both his paternal and maternal great- grandparents having emigrated from that kingdom to America in Colonial times. His grandfathers, John Van Sickle and Seth Jewell, were Revolution- ary soldiers from New Jersey, and became pioneer settlers of Venango County, Pa. The former bought a tract of timber land there, cleared quite a farm and continued to reside there until 1815, when he accompanied his son Abram to Ohio, spending his last years in Hamilton County. Abram Van Sickle ■was, like his progenitors, born in New Jersey and was quite young when his parents removed to Pennsylvania. Upon growing to maturity he mar- ried Mary Jewell, a native of the same State as himself, and whose father, like his own, after hav- ing resided in the Keystone State some years be- came a citizen of Ohio, dying in Van Wert County. Some years after their marriage the parents of our subject turned their faces toward Southern Ohio. The father built a'flatboat which he launched on the Alleghany River, loading upon it his house- hold goods and the various members of his family. They floated down the stream to Pittsburg and thence on the Ohio River to Columbia, asettlement now included in Cincinnati. After remaining there for a time Mr. Van Sickle located in Butler County where his death took place about 1817. His widow was left with five children and in very limited cir- cumstances. She subsequently married Thomas Gray, continuing to make her home in Butler County until her death which occurred at the resi- dence of her son-in-law. Joseph Gray. The children born of her first marriage were John, Moses, Edith, Sarah and Nellie; her second marriage rtsulted in the birth of a daughter, Rebecca. The subject of this notice was born in Venango County, Pa., February 16, 1806, and was about PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. nine years old when his parents removed to Ohio. , There were no free schools in that section [^during his youth, but he made the best of the opiJOrtnni- ties afforded by the subscription schools to acquire an education. As soon as he was large enough he began to assist in the support of the family, ere long learning the trade of a cooper,^ at which he j worked during the winter] season, farming during ! the balance of the year. He [resided in 'Butler County and vicinity until 1838, ,when he came to the Prairie State, soon after^his arrival securing a i tract of one hundred and sixty-three acres of tim- ber land in Woodland Township, this county. Tlie price of the land bought by Mr. Van Sickle was $260. He bought a wagon, plow and team to begin his agricultural operations with, borrowing money at ten percent, with wliieh to pay for them. He was much in need of a harrow, but his means being limited he was not able to buy it and "neces- sity became the mother of invention" in his case as in tliat of many another pioneer.] Cutting a forked white oak, he inserted pins of the same wood, and of similar material made a cultivator for his corn- field. He built a log cabin on his land and when married began housekeeping therein, moving into it before a chimney had been built or a piece of glass set for windows. While residing upon the estate he placed the greater part of it under thor- ough cultivation, making 'it^his home from his marriage until 1881, when he bought his town lot and removed ;tliereto. The good woman who for many years shared the burdens of our subject;and enjoyed with liira their increasing prosperity became his wife June 6, 1839. She was previously known as MariahCNanc-y Mar- shall, being a daughter of ,AVilliam and Margaret Marshall, both of whom died in Ohio. Mrs. Van Sickle was born in Jefferson County, that Slate, and with her brothers and sisters came to^' Fulton County |[in 1839.1jShe was proficient in the arts of spinning and weaving and during her early mar- ried life did much of that work,' the sight and sound of her busy wheel recalling to her husband the days when his ^mother had clothed her little family"in cloth^of her own construction by a simi- lar preliminary process. In accordance with the custom on the frontier, Mrs. Van Sickle did all her cooking by a fireplace until some years after her tiiarriage. She breathed her last August ■21,°187.", leaving behind_her a memory of domestic virtues and motherly care which is recalled with pleasure by the surviving members of her family. Mr. and Mrs. VanjSickle reared five children, the youngest of whom, Margaret A., resides with her father; William is a citizen of Marshall County, Kan.;Abram lives in^Dundy County, Neb.; Jo- seph Moore died in Nemeha County, Neb., in 1873; and Andy occupies the homestead. Mr. Van Sickle cast' his firsl'vote for Andrew Jackson and has been a Democrat [from that day.TA peaceable, law- abiding citizen, just to his neighbor, and of friendly spirit, he is well respected by those who know him and pointed out as"u fine example of the.self-raade man. I ARCUS L. TANKESLEY, ;Prosident"and General Manager of llje White Oak Roller Mills, and President of the village board of Astoria, stands among the foremost of the prominent business men who have contributed so largely to the financial prosperity of this part of the county. With true public spirit and character- istic liberality, he has aided every enterprise that would in any way advance the welfare of the com- munity, promote the growth of the town, or im- prove its condition. '~ Our subject came of good old pioneer stock, and numbers among his ancestry some of the early set- tlers of this State. He is himself a native of Illi- nois, born iin Scottj County, June 1,1844. His •father, La wner B. Tankesley, was a native of Breck- enridge County, Ky., and a son of Charles Tankes- ley, who was born in South Carolina.'^The great- grandfather of our subject was a wagon-master in the Revolutionary War. The grandfather was reared and married in his native State, taking as his wife Nancy Waters. He continued to make his home in South Carolina until 1790, when he re- moved to Kentucky, and was a pioneer of Brecken- ridge County. He bought a tract of timber land and built a cabin in the wilderness where the In- dians still made their homes, 'and deer, bear and 376 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. other wild animals roamed at will. He was obliged to build pens of hear}' logs to protect his iiigs ancl calves from the ravages of the bears. Mr. Tankes- ley lived in his Kentucky home nearly forty years, and then, in 1828, left it to accompany bis f.amily to the primeval wilds of Illinois, making the entire journey with a team. He settled in that part of the State now known as Scott County, where he en- tered a tract of Government land. He erected suitable buildings, and there his death occurred at the ripe age of seventy- five years. His wife lived to be eighty-three years old when she too passed away. The faliier of our subject was sixteen years old when his parents came to Illinois. When the Black Hank War broke out, though he had scarcely at- tained manhood, he enlisted and did good service in helping to drive the Indians from Northern Illi- nois. He was of a studious thoughtful turn of mind, was ambitious to secure an education, and making the best of his opportunities became quite learned. He commenced teaching when he was in his teens and was one of the pioneer teachers of Scott Countj', conducting a school in the winter season and tiie remainder of the j'ear engaging in farming. He made his home in Scott County until nearly the time of his death, when a valued citizen and a good man was removed from the community where he had so long made his home. A short time before his demise, he went on a visit to his daugliter in Texas, and he died while with her in 1 887. In early manhood he married Margaret Ann Gillham. She died on the home farm in Scott County when only thirty years of age. Mrs. Tankesley was a daughter of Capt. William Gill- ham, who is thought to have been a native of Norlli Carolina. He removed from that State to Illinois, and was one of the early settlers on the American Bottom, east of St. Louis. He lived there a few years and then removed to Scott Countj-, where he bought land. He dealt quite extensively in live stock and accumulated a goodly fortune for those days. He became one of the most prominent citi- zens of the county. He was very active in its political life as a Whig, and bore an important part in pubjic afifairs. He commanded a company in the Black Hawk-War and represented his county in the State Legislature. He married Margaret McDow. His useful and honorable career was brought to a close bj' his death at an advanced age and he was buried on his own land. Marcus Tankesley was very young when he had the sad misfortune to lose his mother by her un- timely death. He continued to live with his father until he was seventeen years old, and was given the advantages of an excellent [education attending school quite steadily. He was scarcely more than a boy when the war broke out. W^ith a deep and patriotic love of country inherited from his fore- fatliers, he determined to"volunteer to fight for the old flag, and in August, 1861, he enlisted in Com- pany B, Twenty-seventh Illinois Infantry. Our gallant 3'oung soldier took part in thirteen general engagements and among the most important battles in which he fought we may mention Belmont, Island No. 10 siege of Corinth, Stone River and Chicka- mauga. He was in Sheridan's division at Mission- ary Ridge, Resaca, New Hope Church, and Kenesaw Mountain. His brave soldierly qualities, his fidel- ity in discharging the duties that fell to his posi- tion and his general trustworthiness gained him the good opinion of his superiors and made his war record a creditable^ one. After more than three years of experience of a hard life on the Southern battlefields, he was honorably discharged from the service^at Springfield, September 20, 1864, and returned home to his rejoicing friends. In 1865 Mr. Tankesley, ambitious to secure a better education, attended school in Springfield, and for a year closely applied himself to his studies there. After that he entered the employ of the Chicago & Alton Railroad, as station agent and telegraph operator. Later, he was with the Wabash Railroad Company in the same capacity. In 1870 he went to the territories in the employ of the Union Pacific Railroad to assist in building a line of telegraph wires. At that time Western Ne- braska, AVestern Kansas and Colorado were prac- ticall3- unsettled, and deer, antelope, elk and bufifalo were plenty on the plains, where thriving towns have since sprung up. Our subject stayed four months in the West, and on his return to Illinois became station agent and operator in the employ of the Rockford, Rock Island & St. Louis Railroad PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. Company. Seven years later he resigned that po- sition in order to give attention to the manufacture of flour with W. II. Emerson. They built the Wliite Oak Roller Mills, and our subject has since devoted himself to the management of tiie big business that be and his partner liave under their control. They have their,[mills supplied with all the most approved machiner3'. and have a large capacity for making flour of a fine quali^ty. Mr. Tankesleyi'and Miss Anna Bailey, a native of New Orleans, were married in 1869. They have five children: Emma, Roy, Fred, Walter and Wade. Their home is attractive and within it hospitality reigns supreme, the pleasant, womanly hostess and courteous, kindly host always extend- ing a cordial welcome to any who cross its thres- hold. No man has done more 'Jor the upbuilding of Astoria and its general improvement than our sub- ject, who has proved a valuable acquisition to the citizenship of this locality. His prompt and meth- odical business habits, good flnaucial talent and tact in the management of affairs have brought him before the public as a desirable civic otflcial, and as President of the Village Board of Trustees he is pushing forward the interests of his adopted home with characteristic ability. He is a man of much decision of character and intelligent and l)ronounced views on all subjects, particularly in the matter of politics, acting with thi^ Democratic party. Si^\ ILO T. GAMBLE, M. D., of Farmington, |; is one of the most successful physicians and business men of Fulton County. He con- ducts an exceedingly large practice that extends into Peoria and Knox Counties, and he is considered one of the most eminent medical men in this section of the State. Aside from his pro- fessional duties the Doctor manages a drug business and has a bookstore, and his financial ability has brought him wealth. Our subject is a native of Beaver Countj-, Pa., his birthplace being near Rochester. He is a son of Andrew and Mar3' (Thompson) Gamble, natives, respectively, of Hancock County, Va., and Beaver County, Pa. His mother departed this life in 1888, at the age of sixty-nine years. The father of our subject is still living, and carries his seventy-seven years with the vigor of a much younger man. He is derived from one of the early Virginia families, and is a cousin of ex-Governor Gamble, of Missouri. When he was young his parents removed to Beaver County, Pa., and there he was reared and married. During his residence in that county he was promi- nent in its public life, and served as County Commissioner. Tiie maternal grandmother of our subject was one of the famous family of Connor, from whom sprang the great Irish orator of that name. She was born in Ireland, and though un- educateidow, PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. a woman of remaikable energy and good judgment, leniaiiied in Gibson County until 1827, keeping liei- little family together, and emigrating with Ihein to Illinois, making a settlement in this conntj. She purchased a tract of timber lar.d in what is now Woodland Township, making it her home for some years, bat dying at the residence of a daugli- ler in Astoria. Her family included the following children: .lane, Peter, Mary, Robert, John and AVilliam. The second member of this family was born in Perthshire, Scotland, was reared to agricultural pursuits, and early in life took up his share of the labor in which his father was engaged. lie was sixteen years old when the famil}* removed to America, and after their settlement in Indiana ho remained there until 1824. He then came to Ful- ton County, III., and although not yet of age, en- tered heait and sonl into the pioneer labor which has resulted in making of this section one of the garden spots of the Mississippi Valley. He soon bought a tract of timber land three miles northeast of the present site of Astoria, where at that time there was not a building. The boundary of the (•ounty was practically unlimited, including the ter- ritory from here to Lake Michigan, and from the Illinois to the Mississippi River. The section in which he located was sparsely settled, game was abundant, and, although too industrious to spend much time hunting, be was fond of the sport, and kept his table well supplied with venison and other meats. A log cabin was built by Peter McLaren, which after a few years was replaced by a frame structure, the lumber for which was sawed by hand, or whi|)- sawed. This was done by building a scaffold upon which a squared log was i)laced, and one man standing on the scaffold and one underneath operated the saw. Mr. McLaren was a resident of the farm, with the exception of a few years in town, until his death, Januar)^ 31. 1888, at the ripe age of eighty years. For manj- years he was aided in his labors to advance his fortunes and properly rear his family by a worthy woman who was known in her maidenhood as MissLucinda Saffer. She was a native of the Hoosier State, daughter of John W. Saffer, who became a resident of this county about 1830. Her father was num- bered among the pioneers of AVoodland Township, where he purchased a tract of land upon which a small clearing had been made and a log cabin built, which property he made his home until death. He was drowned in the Ohio river while on his way to visit his native State. Our subject is one in a fam- ily of thirteen children, of whom those reared to maturity are himself, Mary E., John W., E.lward 0., Charles A., Sarah J., Fanny E., Ellen and Pittinger. The wife of our subject bore the maiden name of Amanda Lane, and became Mrs. McLaren April 16, 1857. She is a daughter of Isaac and Mary (Jones) Lane, pioneers of Schuyler County, to which they came from Kentucky, where the daugh- ter was born. She is a member of the Christian Church, and while making the care of her home and family her first object, yet finds time for many neighborly deeds of kindness and" the pleasures of soci.al life. She has, borne her husliand three children, of whom one, Walter, died in infancy'. The two remaining are Clement L. and Harry E. LIVER J. PETTYJOHN. The result of energy and perseverance are nowhere better illustrated than in the career of MivPetty- john. who began life with only a natural ability with which nature bad endowed him and is at the present time a well known and highly respected citi- zen of Farmington. As census enumerator and a veterinary surgeon, our subject is well known throughout the community and h.as an extensive and lucrative pr.actice. Mr. Pettyjohn was born near Tremont, 111. His father J:imes S. Pettyjohn was also a veterinary surgeon, and won a considerable reputation for skill. He was born in Browning County, Ohio. The grandfather, James Pettyjohn, had in his time fol- lowed the same profession and owned a large estate in Ohio. The mother of our sketch was previous to her marriage Miss Mary Ann Quinn, daughter of Elijah Quinn, and he, too, had followed the pro- fession of a veterinary surgeon. Our subject's father moved to Illinois and died 410 PORTRAIT AND BIOCxRAl'HICAL ALBUM. in this State from the efifeets of a kick received from a horse when Oliver was quite young, and the mother was married the second time, and has one child by this union — Katie. Our subject's parents had four children, viz: Oliver James, Luella, Alice and William. Luella is now tli'e wife of Joseph Hancock, a jirosperous young farmer and stock- dealer atOroveland, and Alice is the wife of Smith Hancock, and lives near Groveland. William is a drug clerk in Kansas City. The subject of our sketch received his education in the public schools of his native place. Much of his childhood was passed on the farm, and at an early age he evinced a great fondness for horses, cattle and sheep, andnaturallj- took up the profes- sion followed by his father. Being the oldest child he was called upon after death had claimed the father, to assume heav\^ rcsponsibilites. Mr. Pettyjohn entered the Illinois Academy at Jacksonville, and took an academic course in same, graduating with honors in 1871. Immediately after he commenced farming for himself, in the mean- time studying the profession he has followed through life, and having read extensively on tiie subject of horses and the best methods for handling them. He lieard lectures from Dr. York, an ILLIAM FRANKLIN BARKER. The sub- %r\jf ject of this notice is a native of Farmers '^'Vj Township, has grown to man's estate on the farm which he now owns, and has never been away from home an (jntire week at a time. He is a son of one of the earliest pioneers of the town- ship, and grandson of a man who came to Peoria with his famil}' when but three white families were Ai PORTRAIT AND UKXiRAPIIlCAL ALBUM. 41- living there. He is therefore well posted regard- ing the history of this section of country, its wonderful development, and proud of his connec- tion with those who have aided in making it so flourishing a locality. John Barker, the grandfather of our subject, ran the first ferry between Peoria and Wesley City. After working there a year or so, he took up his abode on Totten's Prairie, whence he and his son John W. came to this county to select land in the fall of 1825. The first night out from home they slept in a deserted wigwam. Having found a tract to please them they broke some land and in the spring planted some corn which wa^ destroyed by wild hogs which were very numerous. This land was on section 7, and eighty acres of it was given to the son when he became of age. He also entered and bought several hundred more at vari- ous times. On one occasion he purchased forty acres at a sale for |5 and when returning home in company with several companions, remarked tliat anyone who would give him a dollar for his bargain might have the land. Ilis brother George took up the offer and after keeping the i)roperty several years sold it for some hundreds of dollars. This John W. Barker lived to be about seventy years of age, dying January 8, 1888. He had' been married three times and was the father of ten chil- dren, eight of whom now survive. His first wife was Rachel Harris who bore him two children. His second wife, the mother of our subject, was Eliza, daughter of George and Eliza S. Brand, who were among the early settlers of this county whither they came from Virginia. Of the eight children liorn to this good woman he of whom we write was the next to the youngest. His mother was called from time to eternity in 1877. Our subject is now in possession of the ol<;/^^-o♦o e^^iHOMAS COOPER, of the firm of Cooper & (jh{^!\ McMahon, ranks exceedingly high inthebusi- %^f^ nesscirclesof Canton, FultonCounty, 111., and in company with his partner, James T. McMahon, is conducting a thriving livery business in that place. He was born in Brig, Lincolnshire, England, on the 7th of March, 1849, his parents being Thomas and Emma (Oglesby) Cooper, both of whom were Eng- lish by birth and education and had always resided in that country. The father died while Thomas was still an infant, and the mother married George Jacikson, after which event the famdy emigrated to the United States, while the subject of this sketch was in his sixth year. The mother died in Canton. To his parents were born four children, two of whom died in infancy. The others are, William, who resides in St. Louis, Mo., and our subject. Mr. Cooper spent the days of his childhood in Fulton County, and received a good education in the schools of Canton. He engaged in various oc- cupations until the month of September, 1880, at which time he formed the partnership above men- tioned. Mr. Cooper married Miss Maggie A. Turner in July, 1884. She is a native of Fulton County and a daughter of Horace and Mary E. Turner. To them has been born one child, Horace T., whose birth occurred October 28, 1889. He is a member of the Masonic order, and a gentleman who is highly respected both in business and social circles for his pleasing manners, strict integrity and generosity. The firm of which he is a partner is one of the oldest and best known in the county, both because of the fine horses and conveyances which are .always kept on hand, and because of the popularity of the proprietors. J~ ESSE T. SWITZER is a bright and wide- awake j'oung farmer and stock-raiser of Canton, and has a promising future before him. He and his brother C. W. operate two farms in partnership, one in Canton Township, and the other in Farmington Township. Our subject is the joungest son of Jesse Switzer, one of Fulton County's oldest living pioneers, and is a fine type of the young men who within recent years have come forward to aid their fathers in the great work so well begun in the early days by the sturdy, hardj'. self-sacrificing early settlers of this region in their efforts to develop its rich agricultural re- sources. The parents of our subject settled at Blackjack, Canton Township, about 1833, and were among its first pioneer settlers. For further parental history see sketch of J. Switzer. He of whom we write PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 425 was the youngest cliiW of the family and was horn in Canton Township, December 28, 1858. He was well trained by his father and mother, and was given the advantages of a sound education, begun in the schools of Farmington, to which his parents removed when he was five years old, and com- pleted by a fine course of study in the Canton High School. He was thus well equipped for the battle of life, and when it became time fur him to decide what vocation to pursue, he selected that calling which Horace Greeley called "the noblest of professions," and has become a practical, skillful farmer. The farm on which he has his home comprises one hun- dred and thirty acres of highly productive soil, whose well- tilled fields yield abundant harvests and a desirable income. The buildings upon it are of a neat and substantial appearance, and everything about the place indicates careful attention and well-directed labor. The stock that our subject and his brother raise is of a good grade, and they can alwa3's find a good market for it. Mr. Switzer is not without the active co-operation afforded by a helpful, capable wife, whom he ob- tained in the person of Miss Lena Miller, to whom he was wedded December 22, 1885. She is a daughter of the late D. C. Miller, formerly of Farmington. Mr. Switzer is a young man of fine phj'sique and presence and of good mental endowments. He is one of the progressive young men of the county, and is a factor in its material advancement. In politics he is with the Republican part}- and gives it stanch support. He is a member of the School Board of his district, and is zealous in promoting educational matters. OSEPH ZWISLER. The old a.Lige tiiat practice makes perfect, is fully verified in the case of Mr. Zwisler, who for a period of years running back to 1852, has been stead- ily engaged as a carpenter and contractor in differ- ent places, and is at the present writing one of the leading men in bis trade at Canton. He gives special attention to dwelling houses, and has built some of the handsomest residences in that city. C)ur subject was ushered into the drama of life in Bavaria, Germany, on the 1st of March, 1834, being the son of Joseph Anton and Mary Ann (Miltenberger) Zwisler, who was a turner by trade and who lived and died in the Fatherland. Our subject's mother died in the old home in 1870, having attained her seventy-second year; the father being about eighty-four years old at the time of his death in 1876. To them were born five children, all of whom are now living, viz: Franz, a farmer in Germany; Theodore, a stone- mason in the old country ; Joseph : Amelia, wife of Valentine Zeller, living in Germany; Angeline, cigar manufacturer in Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Zwisler was educated entirely in Germany, and upon changing the old home for one in the United States, settled first in Dayton, Ohio, where his uncle, Joseph Zwisler, kept an hotel. After re- maining with this kinsman for a short time, our subject commenced to work as a carpenter in Mi- amisburg, near Dayton, and lived there two years, during which lime he managed to get a good start at his trade. Coming west he worked for a long time for the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, and af- terward went to Terre Haute. Ind. But when four months had elapsed, Mr. Zwisler came to the State of Illinois, remaining in Springfield a few months, going to Sweetwater at a later date, and locating in Canton on the 8th of August, 1857. During his long residence here, he has won numerous friends, and the esteem of the entire community-. Every- where and among men of every class and nation true merit will find speedy recognition, and a wor- thy industrious man provided of course he pos- sesses agreeable manners, cannot fail to meet with a cordial reception in any communitj-. Our subject married Miss Mary Jane Wishon, at Springfield, in 185G. She was born and reared near Oliillicothe, Ohio, and is a daughter of Baker and Hannah (Austel) Wishon. To Mr. and Mrs. Zwisler ten children have been born, Louisa, Elmlra and Amelia deceased, Charles Theodore, a resident of Canton and a carpenter by trade. He married Miss Nellie McCoUy.and has one child-Frank; Charlotte, wife of Charles Johnson, a carpenter b^- trade. They 426 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. liave two children — Ralph and Blanch ; Anna, sten- ographer in Kansas City; Minnie, Nellie, Edwin, and Frank, the latter deceased. Mr. Zwisler is a Mason, belonging to the lodge in Canton, and is also an Odd Fellow. He belongs to the United Workmen. The subject of our sketch comes from a nation that has contributed most gen- erously to the population of the United States, and among the many nationalities found in this country, none are more stead3% enterprising and respected citizens than are the Germans. Politically he is a Democrat. Mrs. Zwisler is a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. DDLSON ABERNATHY. Among the pros- perous agriculturalists of Farmers Town- ship, the gentleman above named is well ieserviug of mention. He is the fortunate of six hundred acres of land which is finely watered and especially well adapted for pas- ture, to which a great part of it is devoted. Some two hundred head of cattle may be seen grazing upon it, while other good stock and first-class im- provements of various kinds indicates the intelli- gence and judgment of the owner. The beautiful dwelling now occupied by the family was erected by our subject in 1872, and even in its external ap- pearance gives evidence of the presence therein of refined womanhood. Our subject is the oldest living representative of the family of James and Hannah (Throckmorton) Abernathy, natives of AVest Virginia, who removed to Ross County, Ohio, many years ago. The for- mer was taken thither by his parents, John and Polly Abernathy during his early boyhood and af- ter his marriage continued to reside there several years. He then removed to Montgomery Count}-, Ind., whence in 1836 he came to Central Illinois, settling where his children now abide. The land was not in market, but a Mr. Knott had a claim which Mr. Abernath}' bought, so that when the sales came on he was able to secure the tract. His first purchase was of the southeast quarter of sec- tion 33 to which he added other quarter sections in the neighborhood. During his life he owned and partly improved about six hundred and fort}' acres, with the assistance of his sons bringing some two hundred acres under particularly fine cultivation. This land is still held by his heirs. In accordance with the primitive custom. Mr. Abernathy brought his family hither in a wagon. At that time timber land was in great demand, as it was thought that within a few years the groves would be destroyed and fuel very high. This was one of the mo.st erroneous notions prevailing in those days, although others were extant which would now cause a smile. The mother of our sub- ject closed her eyes to earthl}- things on tlie home- stead in 1874, the father following her to the tomb in January, 1882. They had buried three children and had six living when called hence, all of these yet surviving. While unloading their goods and putting them in the little log cabin which was to be their future home, a little daughter, Bettie. went into the woods to gather nuts. She wandered from the little clearing until thoroughly bewildered, but was fortunately found by a lady who happened to be passing through the forest and brought home to her parents before they had become alarmed at her The life of our subject has not been devoid of misfortune although his worldl}' success has been quite satisfactory. During the '60s, while en- gaged in the stock business, he was traveling on the "Q" when au accident occurred. The train in the caboose of which he was seated, was not flagged, and was run into b}- a heavy train during the night, the engine passing through three full lengths of cars. Mr. Abernath}- was knocked insensible and upon coming to found his left arm cut about the wrist, permanently crippling him, although it was not found necessary to amputate his iiand. He received damages from the company to the amount of $2,500. The lady whom Mr. Abernathy won as hi? com- panion and helpmate was formerly known as Kattie Ann Harris. She is a daughter of Isaac and Jane (Swearingen) Harris, the former of whom was the first settler of Vermont, this county ,wherein he built the first three houses. He was a native of Pennsyl- vania, while the Swearingens came from the neigh- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. borlioort of Wheeling, Va. Tbis family was of Revolutionar}' stock. Great-grandfather Swearin- gf-n and his wife were riding on a liorse toward their homo when they were fired upon from the brush by Indians. The wife fell to the ground niurlally woun vices only ^10 per month. In 1840 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Vail, a native of Butler County, Ohio. Mr. Elrod in 1846 purchased the estate upon which he now resides, and which at that lime embraced but eighty acres of laud, with ten in a state of cultivation. The house in which he lives was on the farm, but not completed, but by dint of industry and su- perior judgment lie has increased this estate to three hundred and twenty acres, and has improved the house in a most perfect manner. On June 4, 1890, Mr. and Mrs. Elrod held their golden wedding at which one hundred and sixty guests were present, most of whom were children of people who lived in Bernadotte Township. To them no children have been born, but they have adopted several, in fact, eight or ten, and two of them were married from Mr. Elrod's home. In politics the subject of the sketch was first a Whig. He voted for Abraham Lincoln twice and continued to be interested in the same party until the univer- sal right of suffr.age was given; but concluding that this was entirely against the interest of the country he cast his lot and influence with the Dem- ocratic party. Mr. Elrod has at all times and un- der all circumstances taken a prominent part in the affairs of this count}-, and served his township for fifteen years as Supervisor, and served .as Chairman in 1889. He joined the Presbyterian Church of Lewistown, and about 1874 united with the Presbyterian Church of Ipava where he has been a Deacon ever since. A liberal supporter of all church matters, and the welfare of his neighbor- hood, Superintendent of the Sabbath School, and a most generous and thoroughly upright man, lie has naturally won a high place in the esteem of the community in which he lives. Mr. Elrod is also ac- tively interested in educational matters, a fact which is definitely proven by his good service as School Director through the p.ast tliiity years. During the late war he was a hearty supporter of the National Government, and besides furnishing a sub- stitute at a cost of ^1,100 he was exceedingly active ! in raising the war quota of Bernadotte Township. He I has been a member of the Masonic fraternity for PORTRAIT AND 15I0(;RAPIIICAL ALBUM. 445 nearly forty years, first of Lodge 107 at Lewistown, and later of Lodfje 213 Ipava, of which he was a member for ten consecutive years. Mr. Elrod has always devoted his attention to farming, though in connection with this occupation he has at different liiiii'S invested in stock for shipment. He is a natural mechanic, having planned two large and handsome barns that st.-'.nd at present, on his farm, and for a time after settling on his present place was a carpenter and contractor. In this capacity lie l)uilt a number of houses and several saw mills. Mr. Elrod was President of the Fulton County Agricultural Society, but for his services did not charge or receive any compensation whatever, his one aim being to benefit the agricultural interests of the county at large. To such men as the sub- ject of this sketch the broad and prosperous land over which the Stars and Stripes wave so majes- tically owes the honor which it everywhere leceives. His popularity is alike great in business and social circles, and he has many warm personal friends who fully appreciate his worth and his natural kind- ness. JnOIIN L. BARRICK. Probably no resident in Lee Township is better deserving of repre- I sentation in this volume than .John L. Bar- ' rick, who was left fatherless and motherless at an earlj' age, and who. reared among strangers, has pursued a course which has resulted in secur- ing for him the hearty respect of those who know him. and given him a proud rank among the farm- ers and landowners of the county. The visitor to his pleasant home will find a well-regulated establish- ment, where good stock in sufficient numbers, im- proved machinery, and a complete line of well-built edifices add to the value of the naturally fertile soil. The estate consists of two hundred and sixty- six acres on sections I'J, 20, and 30, which are de- voted by the intelligent owner to the purposes of general farming. The parents of our subject) are believed to have been born in Pennsylvania, and he. himself, at Utica Mills, Frederick County, Md., in May, 1825. The mother died when our subject was about tliice years of age, leaving the lather with seven chil- dren to caie for. He was a cooper b\' trade, and going to Washington County for better opportuni- ties of employment, he died soon after, leaving his orphans without a home. The youngest child, our subject, became an inmate of the household of Mr. and Mrs. Edwards who lived at Williamsport, Washington County, and remained with them until the death of Mr. Edwards, when the youth was twenty years of age. At the age of sixteen young Barrick began to learn the trade of a cari)enter and joiner, at which he served an apijrenticeship of four years. He worked at it in Deerfield, Akron, and Talmage, in the Buckeye State, and in other towns for some years. February 22, 1847, Mr. Barrick led to the hy- meneal altar Miss Lydia Hughes, who was born at Holleyhead, North AVales, in 1824. The bride was the fifth child of her parents, John and Margaret (Williams) Hughes, who were also born in North Wales, and who had emigrated to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1832. During that year the father died of the cholera, and so likewise did one of his sons. In 1856 Mr. Barrick removed with his family to this State, locating at Bushnell, where he resided about two years and a half. He then removed to a farm near the town, remaining there until the spring of 18G6, when he bought eiglity acres of his present farm. By dint of industry and good man- agement, aided by the. prudence of his companion, he was able ere long to add to his farm, which from year to year has been made still nK>re remunerative and valuable. The family of our subject is made up of the fol- lowing children: Thalia V., now the wife of Sam- uel Hawn; Rosabella A., wife of S. R. Nickerson, of Onarga; Margaret I., now living in South Da- kota, her husband being Myron Nickerson, a Aletli- odist minister; Lewis E., who married Carrie Steach, and lives on section 20, Lee Township; Ly- dia, wife of George W. Thompson, their home be- ing in McDonough County. Mr. Barrick acted with the Democratic party until about six years ago, but is now a Prohibition- ist. He was a candidate for Representative on the Prohibition ticket, au(l received eighteen votes in 446 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. Lee Township. He is an enthusiastic worker for the cause of temperance. He has belonged to the Metiiodist Episcopal Church forty seven years, and held the offices of Recording Steward, Class-Leader, and Steward. He has been Superintendent of the Sunday-school, and is now Vice-President for Lee Township, of tlie Fulton County Sundaj^-sciiool Association. He has been Commissioner and School Director, both in Bushnell Township, McDonougii County, and liere. Mrs. Barricit is also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, having united witii that denomination when but eleven years of age. ^^EORGE LALICKER, who resides on section " ' tlie the ^<;=^ ii.(j klt n, ijAL.iVjivii.u, WDO resides on seci 11 3, Pleasant Township, is the oldest of *^^^ pioneers of this place that is living at u present time. His birth occurred in Clermont County, Ohio, April 7. 1821, he being the son of John and Elizabeth Lalicker. His father was a na- tive of Germany, and figured in the Revolution- ary AVar, dying when our subject was only two years of age. His mother breathed her last about four 3-ears later, and thus at a tender ago he was left without his natural protectors. Mr. Lalicker spent part, of the time with his sis- ter, Mrs. Thomas France, but while quife j'oung, commenced to shift for himself, and in this waj' ac- quired excellent business habits, and great indus- try. In 1831, he came with his sister to Fulton County, and here he received a moderately good education. The schools in a new country are al- ways poor, and in those days educational matters did not receive the same attention that they do at this date. Though what the world terms a self- educated man, he has acquired a goodly amount of information, and like so many that come under that class, has succeeded better than the average collegiate graduate. Our subject married Miss Rebecca Parvin, a na- tive of Ohio, and a daughter of Hosea and Eliza- beth (France) Parvin. natives of Kew York and Ohio respectively. Mrs. Lalieker's birth occurred April 7, 1824. in Clermont County, but in 1832 she removed with her pareiits to Fulton County, settling in the northern part of Pleasant Township. Her parents were among the first to locate here, and a few days after their arrival the mother died, and in 1884 the father passed away from the scene of earthly joys and sorrows. Her father was twice married, and had a large farailj^ of children, of which those now living are as follows: Rebecca, Mrs. Lalicker; William, Henry, Hosea, Jasper, George; Elizabeth, wife of Andrew iSIajdand; and James. Mr. and Mrs. Lalicker are the parents of nine children, viz: Hily A., wife of Hamilton Bedwell, of.'Marshall County, Kan; John and Mary deceased; William; Sarah J., wife of Andrew Ilarvick, of Ple.asant Township; Susan, wife of William Shago, of Marshall County, Kan.; Amanda, wife of Josiah Crick, of Marshall County, Kan.; Eva, wife of Jo- seph Morgan, of Pleasant Township; and Mary (deceased.) Our subject and his wife naturally endured many hardships as pioneers of the county, and settled first on section 28. Four of Mrs. Lalieker's broth- ers served in the Civil War, taking part in the Con- federate army. Mr. Lalicker removed to his pres- ent farm on the Ides of March, 1861, and has continued to reside here since. His estate com- prises two hundred and twenty-five acres of valu- able farming land, two hundred of which are well cultivated. He is in sympathy with the Demo- cratic party, and much interested in local politics, and everything that advances the community in which he makes his home. He is a member of the Christian Church, and is in fact, a man whose sketch will do honor to our volume, and piove interesting to the many friends who hold him in the highest possible esteem. J~?OHN EFFLAND. This gentleman is the owner and occupant of a fine tract of land I on section 31, EUisville Township, which in ' its improvement and general appearance will compare favorably with any estate in the count}-. It consists of forty acres, occupying a beautiful situation a half mile from EUisville. A PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. commodious bouse of pleasing architectural de- sign was built In 1882, and a fine barn erected the same season. Another was put up in 1890, the second being 32x48 feet in dimensions. A fine orchard has been set out and other improvements have been made, including the conducting of water into the house by pipes, thus adding greatly to the convenience which characterizes the fittings of the home. The water is also conve3-ed to the barn from a living spring in the hillside, which furnishes a thirty-fo(;t fall. Mr. EtHand owns other real estate in this vicinity. Our subject is a son of Mathias Effland, who was l)orn in Bavaria, German}'. His parents were far- mers, and he was reared and educated on the es tate. When a young man he entered the employ of the railroad as a brakeman, then became weigh- niaster, holding the latter j)Osition until he resigned to come to America, where he believed he could better his condition. In accordance with the laws of the land he also served for a time in the Ger- man array. He married Miss Margaret Pippert, a n.itive of the same province as himself, and with her and one child came to the United States in 1851. They left Bremen on a sailing vessel, and after a long voyage landed in New York, whence they made their way to Elmore, Ohio. Mr. Eff- larid's means were exhausted, and he labored at whatever he could find to do for a short time. He then bought a piece of land in what was known as the Black Swamp, in Ottawa County, locating there and endeavoring to build up a home. The country was low and unhealthful, and the entire family was troubled with the ague. Mr. Effland therefore determined to seek a healthier country, and in 1857 left this land and came to Ellisville, 111. Here he worked by the day as a laborer, and also did farm ing for others. In 1861 Mr. Effland took advantage of the first opportunity afforded of selling his Ohio land, re- ceiving 8300 for the one hundred and sixty acres. He at once secured one hundred and sixty acres on section 29, Ellisville Township, the price of which was §700. It was unimproved bottom laud, and its low price was due to the fact that settlers were afraid to venture crops in the bottoms of the Spoon River, for fear of bdug drowned out. Mr. liffland began iraproring and cultivating his farm, finding the soil capable of yielding large crops. He continued to reside in Ellisville, and being successful in liis labors soon bought fifty-two acres on section 6, adjoining the village. A few years later he sold it and purchased eighty acres on section 30, and there made his home, [Hitting up the best of buildings and oilier improvements. About 1872 he purchased a town lot, put up a store building 20x60 feet, and buying a stock of general merchandise, embarked in trade. He was interested in the stQre twelve years, paying the greater part of his personal attention however, to farming. He had gone into nterchandising to help a friennd forty acres, and is now one of the finest estates in this section. Our subject and his'good wife have reared five children — having lost threejn infancy. The eldest, George W., is married and has one daugliter; he is a farmer operating a portion of his father's land in Harris Township. Andrew J., also lives on a farm obtained from his father; he has been married fourteen years but has no children; Olive, the wife of Eranklin Waid, and the mother of three children, occupies land given her by her father; Cora Ann, wife of George AVilson, has tiiree chil- dren, they being occupants of a good farm pur- chased by the husband. Eva married I. Brown, has three children, and is now living on an eighty- acre tract belonging to our subject. Mr. Walters is Democratic in politics as was his father, and has always taken an active interest in party affairs. He has served .as School Director, and held various township offices, serving faithfully in every position to which he has been called. The family are identified with the Christian Church, are looked upon with respect, and have many warm friends wherever they are known. ENRY LEEPER is a member of one of the most popular and prosperous families in i^ Fairview Township, and has inherited all (^ the nobility of character and strength of will that have combined to bring success to each member of the Leeper family. He is a brother of Hon. John Leeper and Isaac N. Leeper, whose sketches appear in this Album. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. Our subject was born on section 24, on the old | jamin and Rebecca (Iligdon) C Lomestead of William Leeper, and there lie passed his youth, being the youngest son in bis father's family. His father, William Leeper, was one of the old pioneers of Fulton County, settling on the section above mentioned in 1840, and his mother, Eleanor (Lake) Leeper, came with her father, John Lake, who settled on the same section in 1838. The Lake and Leeper families both came from Ohio, the former coming originally from New Jer- sey and being connections of Anneke Jans, whose vast estates have been for such a long period in liti- gation. Of the Leeper children there are eight liv- lng,viz: John A., Isaac N., Harriet, Emmaline, Oli- ver, Charles E., Henry and Nettie M. Harriet is the widow of Joseph McMillan, and resides at Ft. Scott, Kan. ; Emmaline married Josiali Brooks and lives in Kan.; Oliver makes his home in the AVest: Charles E. resides in Sabetha, Kan., and is a farmer; Nettie M. married William Slack, and makes her home in Farmington Township. Our subject's father was a noble looking man. and was prominent in political, social and religious matters, and his business career was exceedingly prosperous. His death occurred in June, 1888, after he had attained his eightieth ^-ear, and at that time he owned about eighteen hundred acres of land in Fulton and McDonough Counties, and also some in Iowa. His wife died at the age of sev- enty-six, in July, 1890. Mr. Leeper was born March 1, 1850, and re- ceived a common-school education, after which he entered the Lombard University' at Galesburg, when eigiiteen years of age. But after one year there he returned home and began to work on his father's farm and has up to the present time been in- terested in a stock farm which he has run most suc- cessfully. He owns a considerable amount of land and is prominent both as a farmer and a horseman, and is well thought of by his fellow-men, having a large circle of acquaintances and friends. His country residence is a ver}- attractive place and his barns are unusually' good ones. He breeds Clay and Hambletonian horses, having on his farm six- teen head of the same. The subject of our sketch was married January 1 , 1 87 1 , to Miss Elizabeth Gentle, daughter of Ben- II or parents came from Ohio and settled in Farmington Town- ship. To them were born four children, viz: Mary A., Julia, Lottie and Emma. Our^subjeet's|wife died in 1872, and September 30, 1874, he was married to Mils Evaline Garnsey, daughter of Sylvanus and Margaret (Knickerbocker) Garnsey. She was born in Ontario, Canada, and came with her parents to Illinois when quite young. To this marrjage have been born two children, viz: Earl L., who is four- teen years of age; and Cora E.,>ho is eleven years of age. Mr. Leeper, besides his other possessions has four luindred and fifty head [of Shropshiredown sheep. He is a prominent man and served as School Director for nine years and'also as Highway Commissioner. He is a member of]the Republican party and a strong advocate of those measures that benefit this community. -^-^-^i^^^t^^iij^-^^— iJI^^RANKLIN CLARY. Fulton County is I— ^ justly proud of her native born citizens, jti ^ who are honorably bearing their share in sustaining her interests and extending her wealth. Among these is the subject of this bio- graphical review, who is chiefly engaged in stock- raising in Deerfield Township, and is one of its most jjrogressive and enlightened farmers. The parents of our subject were among the pio- neers of Fulton County, coming here in 1848. His father, Henry Clary, was born in Kentucky in 1824. His mother, Sarah E. (Davis) Clar3', was born in tliat State in 1830. After coming here they located in Lewistown Township, where they lived about ten years. They then removed to Woodland Township, where the father died in 1868, thus depriving his community of a good citizen. The mother is still living there. Mr. Clary was born in this countj', February 17, 185G. He has four brothers and five sisters liring. He was reared and educated in this county, obtain- ing his schooling in the district schools. He re- mained an inmate of the parental home till the age of twenty-three years, when he married Ida M. PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. Hendee, tlieir marriage taking place February 1, 1880. Mrs. Clary was born in Texas, March 19, 1858. She is the daughter of Josiah and Marj' (Watkins) Hendee, natives respectively of Con- necticut anfi Kentucky. Our subject and his wife began their wedded life on land rented from William Craig. Mr. Clary fanned that place for two years, and at the end of that time bought eighty acres of land on section 10, Decrfleld Township, wliere he has resided ever since. He has greatly improved his farm and added to its value, by tiling, building fences, barns, etc., and has here a fine looking place. His prin- cipal business is stock-raising, he having his farm well stocked and is doing a iirofitable business in that line. As a 3'oung man of clear, well-balanced mind, with a good insight into business matters, and much capability, our subject is considered to be well adapted to publjc life, and last year was elected by his fellow citizens to a position on the County Board of Supervisors by a very large majority. He is an ardent Democrat in his political views and uses his influence to advance party interests. He is not a member of any church but is a liberal con- tributor to religious organizations, as his wife is a devoted member of the Christian Church. The3' have one of the coziest of homes and to them has come a little daughter, Mabel, born April 24, 1890. eHARLES G. STAFFORD has a very fine location on section 32, Vermont Township, where he has successfully prosecuted his calling for more than thirty years, and is entitled to recognition as a pioneer on account of what he has accomplished. He is of New England birth and antecedents, and was born in Apponaug, R. I., June 10, 1817, to Thomas R. and Sarah (Taylor) Stafford who were natives and residents of that place till their death when quite old. The Stafford family came originally from England. The father was a sailor and a devoted member of the Method- ist Episcopal Church. Ho and his wife reared the following children: Thomas R., who died in Ver- mont Township, leaving two sons and one daugh- ter; Eurupa, who married Marshall G. Freeman, a farmer of Vermont; William, of Rhode Island, a painter by trade, who is married and has one son and a daughter; John R., of Natick R. I., who is married but has no children; Charles G.; Sarah, wife of Willard Perce; Henr3', a carpenter of Charleston, S. C, who married and had two daugh- ters and who is now living with his second wife. Our subject was educated in the schools of his native town. When a lad of eight years he entered a cotton factory, and when twelve years of age, be- gan spinning at $3 a week, subsequentl3' spending four or five years in the dressing room at §1 a day. We next hear of him in the city of Providence, in his native State, and there he began to acquire the trade of a carpenter, which he followed till he was thirtj'-two years old. After that he engaged in the lumber business v.'ilh his father in-law lill he came to Illinois in the spring of 1856. After his arrival in the Prairie State, he took up his residence in Vermont Township, purcliasing at that time sixty acres, to which he later added sixty more acres on section 32, and subsequently bought one hundred and thirtj' acres where he now resides on the same section. At one time he owned two hundred and flft}- acres of land, but be has dis- posed of one hundred and twenty acres at a good price, and retains but one hundred and thirty acres, which is finely cultivated. Upon his estate he has placed many valuable improvements, having a beautiful lake and park and a very pleasant home. A view of this residence, with its convenient appur- tenances, appears on another page. In the month of May, 1839, now more tiian half a century ago, our subject and Miss Mary P. Bur- rows, of Providence. R. I., united their lives and fortunes. Her death in 1878, at the age of fifty- nine years, was a serious blow to her famil}^ as slie had ever been a true and f.'iithful wife, and a kind mother. She was held in high esteem by her neighbors and friends and was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. She was a daughter of John R. and Mary Phillips Burrows, the father a carpenter and a lumber dealer in Rhode Island, his native State. He had a family of thir- PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM 463 teen children, of whom three sons and three daugh- ters grew to maturity. Our subject and his estimable wife had born to them seven children of whom two died in infancy. The others are: .Sallie, who married John Mercer, and has four sons and three daughters; Saliua, who married Jones Adams, and died leaving one daughter — Etha; Willard, a resident of Taniora, Seward County, Nob.; Rilla; and Charles, who was drowned at the age of seven years while in Rhode Island. Our subject has so conducted him- self in his career as a farmer, citizen, husband, father and neighbor, as to win llie respect and re- gard of all who know him. In politics he is a stanch advocate of the Democratic party. -^ .^-c^ ^ i^^HOMAS L. YOING. An honorable posi- ((((^^ tion among the agriculturists of Banner ^^!^ Township is held by the gentleman above named, who is the fortunate possessor of two bun- dled and eighty acres of fine land on section 4. The well-tilled acres are devoted to raising mixed crops and the ordinary amount of stock, both grains and animals being of good quality. A homelike dwelling and various outbuildings, to- gether with a well-kept orchard and garden and neat fences, indicate to the passer-by that the land is occupied bj* a family of enterprise and good judgment. Mr. Young is the third of six children born to John and Mary (Lommason) Young, whose home was in Warren County, N. J. In that count\' two sons and one daughter are now living — George, who married Jane Moore; Sarah, now the widow of James Cool; Peter, who married Josephine Crissraan. Two members of the parental family — John and Mary — are now deceased. He of whom we write was born January 17, 1R,33, on the homestead, and reared there, receiv- ing such an education as the common schools of the day afforded. To that foundation he has added by reading and observation, his effort being to keep himself well informed regarding current events and topics of general interest. In 1858 Mr. Y'oung came to this county and securing work on a farm, spent a year in laboring by the month. He then rented a farm in Mason County, began tilling the soil for himself and gradually accumu- lated means with which to purch.ase his present fine estate. Mr. Young was fortunate in his choice of a life companion, winning for his wife Miss Ellen Weaver, to whom he was united January 17, 1867. Mrs. Young is a daughter of Jacob and Mary A. Weaver who settled in this county in 1839 and reared a family of nine children. Mr. AVeaver was a native of Virginia. The happy union of our subject and his estimable wife has been blest by the birth of the following: Lenora is the wife of Douglas McCann and lives in Canton Township; John is still with his parents; Mary marrie(i Albert Provard and lives in Buckhart Township; Judson, Abbie, Thomas and Jessie are yet with their parents. Mathew Weaver, grandfather of Mrs. Young, died at the home of his son Jacob at the age of one hun- dred and one years, seven months and five days. He had never been sick a day until his last illness. Jacob Weaver died at the age of eighty-nine years. Our subject is of a retiring disposition and takes no active part in political matters, except to deposit his vote, which is a Democratic one. He and his wife belong to the Methodist Protestant Church at Monterey and earnestly endeavor to practice in daily life the grand princi[)les in which they be- lieve. J JOSEPH DeFORD. Bernadotte Township is a rich agricultural center and the men who conduct its farming interests are enterpris- ing, self-reliant and shrewd business men. Among these the subject of this sketch occupies no unimportant place. His parents were among the pioneers of the county, coming here in 1838. He was then a lad of eleven years, having been born July 19, 1827, in RichLand County, Ohio. At the age of twenty-two he started out in life for himself in the spring of 1849. He early secured the co- operation of a capable trusty helpmate and a true wife in the person of Eliza M., daughter of David 464 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. and Eliza Rouse, of Wapello County, Iowa. The foUowinu; is recorded of the three children two daughters and one son, the fruit of their mar- riage: Milton J., born in 1852, married Amanda Goudy, and they live on a portion of his father's farm, one mile south of the paternal home; Louisa A., born March 10, 1855. married Frank Sheets and they live one and one-half miles southwest of the city of Lewistown, on a farm of their own con- taining over oce hundred acres of laud; Anna L., born in 1866, lives at home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. DeFord have also taken to their homes and hearts a nephew whom thej^ reared from child- hood. He is now thirty-one years old and still makes his home with them. When Mr. DeFord first began hi" career as a farmer, he rented a farm west of Canton for one year. He then took up his residence in the north- east corner of Bernadotte Township on what is known as the p]ngle farm. A year later he rented a farm west of Cuba, which he operated two years. He next became the proprietor of a farm of his own, buying sixty acres of land on section 14, Bernadotte Township, on which he now makes his home. Twelve years later he added one hundred and sixty acres of fine farming land on section 23, to his original purchase. This last tract was cov- ered with woods. He has since cleared off the tim- ber and has purchased twenty-two and one-half acres of land on section 14, so that now he has two hundred and forty-two acres of as fertile farming land as ever the sun shone on. He has a handsome, substantial two-story frame residence; a large barn, 50x30 feet in dimensions; granaries, cattle sheds, etc. His farm is well-stocked with high bred horses and cattle. Mr. DeFord is a Democrat in principle, but is independent in action, voting for the man and not tlie part}'. He has held the offices of Road Com- missioner, School Director and School Trustee, and lias discharged the duties thus devolving upon him with characteristic fidelity. He has witnessed much of the pioneer growth of this county and has acted well his part in its development. Those were very trying times in the early days of the sittlt-- ment of this county as the pioneers had much to contend with. There were scarcely any facilities for carrying on labor such as the farmer of to-day enjoys. He can well remember when their flour was made by the most primitive methods, and the pio- neers had to grindithe grain by hand or go hungry. It may be his prideithat he has not only witnessed the growth of this county but has taken an active part in its advancement. I^Ir. DeFord is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and his life is that of a true Christian. ,^^ OLOMON STROUSE, whose sketch now ^^^^ claims attention, is one of the representa- (fl/\M| tive farmers in Pleasant Township, and a gentleman highly respected alike for his good business qualifications and his upright cliar- acter. His l)irth occurred in Beaver County, Pa., on the 2nd of May, 1813, he being a son of Henry and Barbara Strouse. His paternal grand- father was in the Revolutionary War, and his father was born in Berks Count3% Pa., as was also iiis mother. Our subject grew to manhood's estate in his native county, spending most of the time on a farm, and when about twenty years of age com- menced learning the tanner's trade, being appren- ticed for that purpose for nearly two years. He subsequently followed this trade and that of a journeyman for a number of years. He received his education in the early subscription schools of Pennsylvania, where the system at that time was not thorough as at the present time. In 1842 Mr. Strouse moved to Illinois, living for a short time in Stark County, where he engaged in farming. He moved to Lewistown, and there su- perintended the tannery of William Proctor, re- maining in his employ a number of j'ears. In 1852, our subject went to California, traveling over the plains and being ninety-six days on the way. While in California he turned his attsution to gold- mining and during the four years of his sojourn there was financially very successful. However, he failed to find a desirable place for a home and returned to Fulton County in the year 1856, and two years later purchased his present farm. At PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. that time there was a double log house and a log barn on tiie place, and the land was not cultivated. Naturally, therefore, lie had great difficulty in bringing it to its present state of cultivation and prosperity. He built an elegant brick residence in 1868 and replaced the old barn with a very handsome one. His estate embraces one hundred and eighty-three acres of fine farming land and yields every year a fine income. The subject of our sketch was married in 1850 to Miss Belle Wallace, daughter of Isaiah and Eliz.abeth Wallace, pioneer settlers of Isabel Town- ship, this county. This marriage was blessed with three children, viz.: Addie, who is at home with her parents; Ilarr}', who resides in this place; and Frank, who is dead. Mr. Strouse served two terms as Supervisor of Pleasant Township, and served also as Collector. In politics he is a member of the Democratic party, and takes much interest in affairs of public import- ance. He is a member of the Masonic order at Lewistown, Lodge No. 104. While he is what is commonly designated as a self-made man, he is well educated, and being fond of books is a great reader, and keeps himself thoroughly posted both in literary and political matters. He is a public spirited man and one who delights to advance both his own interests and those of his neighbors. Today he ranks among the wealthy and influential agri- culturists of this county, and is surrounded by all the comforts of life, proving the truth of the old assertion tiiat "industry will win in the race for fortune and position." ■*-B-- ILLIAM PARRY, the sou of an early pio- neer family of this county, is a prosperous member of its farming community, owning and managing a good-sized farm in Astoria Town- ship. He was born twelve miles east of New Phil- adelphia, Ohio, June 16, 1822. He is a son of Caleb and Rebecca (Engle) Parry. His father settled in the wilderness of Ohio in a very early day, and cleared and improved a farm of one hundred and sixty acres of land. He was a keen calculator. possessing an arithmetical turn of mind, and was successful financially. In the fall of 1834 he came to Menard County, 111., with a team, being thirty- one days on the road. In the spring of 1835, he came to Fulton County, and located on a tract of one hundred and sixty acres, which he had entered during the winter. He sold that shortly after and bought another farm on which he lived until his demise. Before his death he gave each of his ten ciiildren eighty acres of land. When he came to this State his property was comprised, in $500 of money and four horses. He lacked eight |days of being eighty-three years old when he died,'and his wife was within eighteen days of being ninety-three years old at the time of her death. She always en- joyed good health und was an active worker almost to the last. For further parental history, see sketch of subject's brother Enocli, which appears 'on an- other page in this volume. William Parry grew to man's estate on the farm. He is stlf-educated and all the time that he spent in school was before he was thirteen years of age. He chose the calling to which he had been bred and since 1864 has lived on his present farm. He has here three hundred and eighteen acres of well cul- tivated land, upon which he has placed many valu- able improvements. He sold one hundred and eighty acres of land to his son Stephen. When our subject began his life as a farmer on his own ac- count he had eighty acres of woodland which cost $100. He cleared it and improved it into a sub- stantial farm, and from time to time added more land by further purchase. The first three years he lived in a hewed log house, and all his iiousehold goods had been taken to it on a one-horse sled. He has accumulated the rest of his property by his own efforts. He has assisted his children to the amount of $1,000 each. In his early days Mr. Parry was a Whig. He was a liberal supporter of the Union during the war and joined the Republican party after its formation. He cast his first Presidential vote for Henry Clay, and has never missed being present at an election since that time. The pleasant wedded life of our subject and his wife began August 10, 1842. Nine children have been born to them, three of whom, Isaac, Caleb and Rheuam died young. Those living are, Catherine, 466 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. wife of William DuPuy; Jesse, John, William, | Stephen and Flora B., wife of Georij;e Sbeuman. | Tliey all i'eceived excellent educations in the public | schools. Mrs. Parry's maiden name was Miranda Walker. She was born in Ohio and is a daughter of Jesse and Catherine (Barnhart) Walker, who were early settlers of Fulton County, coming to this State from Knox Count}', Ohio in 1840. Mr. and Mrs. Parry have long been faithful and valued members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with which he identifiey beautiful trees and shrubbery, and adorned with lovely flowers, combine to make it a very attractive home. ■ji^RANK A. MORT(JN. To an activi". wide- |l^(^, awake young man who is tlie happy pos- jkj sessor of that energy and ambition that almost invariably wins success, there is always a broad field in which to 'lew out a flattering career. After tiie declining years of life are reached there is little to expect or achieve, but while the bloom of youth lingers, one may accomplish nearly any desired end in the commercial and political world. Everywhere and among every class of men there is a feeling of reverence for a man who taking up the tiireads of his destiny in a firm hand has woven them into a beautiful whole. It is often a difficult matter to realize the importance of each passing- moment that robs life of this energy and strength of purpose, but such men as Fraak A. Morton real- ize fully that "life is real," and so endeavor to leave behind them '-footsteps on the sands of time." Our subject, who is an aspiring young politician, was first ushered into this mundane sphere on the 2d of March, 1855, being the son of H. D. Morton, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume. Frank's birth occurred on the old Slorton home- stead and there he passed his earlj' youth, attend- ing the common schools and at a later date the High School at Farmiugton. Even in youth he evinced a liking for his books and made rapid progress in his studies. Mr. Morton was married in 1880 to Miss Anice Eshelman, daughter, of Samuel Eshelman, of Can- ton, and one of the pioneer settlers in that place. Mrs. Eshelman, previous to her marriage, was Miss Catherine Deffenbough, of Pennsylvania, where her husband was also born and where they were married. Mr. Eshelman died in 1886, at the age of seventy-two, and his wife continues to lire at the old iiOmestead. To them were born seven children — Mary, Amanda, David, Susan, Samuel, Alice and Anice. Mrs. Morton passed her girlluxjd in Can- ton and tliere received a good educativ chooses the vocation of a farmer will in all \(^) Ir probability be spared the excitements which ^^Si^ belong to some pursuits and the stirring events which characterize life in the centers of commerce. He has, however, abundant opportu- nities for the exercise of the sterling qualities of manhood and the exhibition of those habits which are worthy the emulation of mankind. F2xamples of unremitting zeal, sincere kindliness and the strictest integrity may be met with in every agri- cultural district of our country. It affords us pleasure to embody in this Album a brief outline of the life of an unassuming citizen of Canton Township, who is yet well known and highl}' hon- ored for his noble character and useful life. Mr. Alward comes of a good family from the Atlantic Coast. His parents, Stephen and Joanna (Poole) Alward, were natives of New Jersey, the former having been born in Soraei-set County. 468 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. TLiey removed to Pennsj'lvania in 1823 and in 1836 journeyed still farther westward, taking up theii abode in this county. Thoj' made their home in Canton uniil 1848. then settled in the township of the same name, where they subsequently died." The^' were the parents of four children, of whom our subject is tiie third child and only son. The others are: Sarali, now the widow of John Law- rence; Esther, who became the wife of Edmund Riclimond and died in Knox County; Phebe, who married Wilson Pecii and died in Marshall County. The gentleman of whom we write was born in Warren County, N. J., May 14, 1822. His early life was passed in no unusual manner, the first prominent event in his career being the journey to this State when lie was fourteen years old. This was in 1836, and in 1847 he was able to purchase one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 9, Canton Township, to which his parents removed the following spring. He continued to successfully' prosecute his chosen calling, adding to the value of bis estate by its continual improvement and ex- tended acreage. It now amounts to three bundled and eighty-five acres which are carefully and in- telligently tilled. So numerous and well-built are the outbuildings upon it, that at a little distance it presents quite the appearance of a hamlet. In the spring of 1890 the house, which was erected in 1856, was destroyed by fire, but during the summer a modern dwelling was built to suppl}' its place. At tiie home of the bride in Peoria County, March 27, 1856, Mr. Alward was united in mar- riage with Miss Eliza Holcomb. This lad}- was born in Peoria County, January 12, 1838, and is the youngest child of the late John and Harriet (Richmond) Holcomb. She is a consistent Chris- tian, an earnest worker in the fields of religion and benevolence, a sympatJiizing counselor to her hus- band and a tender and wise mother to her cliildren. She has borne twelve sons and daughters, one of whom died in infancy, and a son, John, when he was just entering his teens. The survivors are Harriet J., Ida, Elizabeth, Benjamin, George W., Charles, Henry, Grace, Carrie and Mabel. Mr. Alward has never been an office-seeker, but manifests an intelligent interest in political affairs and unfailingly supports the Democratic ticket. He has been quite deaf since he was twelve years old, the misfortune having been brought about by an attack of scarlet fever. He and his wife are active members of the Baptist Church. ^jfpfiLIJAH MANNING. The Manning home- |pf| stead, now operated by our subject, consists /i' — JJ of two hundred and sixty-six and one-half acres on section 12, Fairview Township. It has been the life-long home of our subject, who is a very successful cultivator of mixed crops. He pays considerable attention to the raising of Gallo- way cattle, at the head of his herd being the cele- brated bull, Mountain Lad}'. John Manning, the father of our subject, was born in the Emerald Isk, near the city of Dublin, and came to America when seventeen years of age. His first employment in this country was as a farm laborer in the northern part of New York State, but he afterward found occupation on public works. He was induced to come to Illinois and worked on the Michigan and Illinois Canal for some time, then went down to Kentucky and found a situation on a farm near Covington. There he married Miss Tlieodosia Morton, an aunt of H. D. Morton, of Farmington Township, whose biog- raphy is included in this volume. Mr. and Mrs. Manning came to this section in 1837-38, the hus- band purchasing forty acres of Government land. This has never been out of the Mannings' hands and never mortgaged. It fell to a daughter. Jlrs. Margaret Harden, who, with her sister, Mrs. Eliza- beth Shermaii,of London Mills, and our subject,con- stitute the Manning family of to-day. The only other member of the parental family was Mary Jane, who died in infancy. The father lived to the ripe age of eighty-two years, passing awaj' in 1888. The mother, a native of New Jersey, died in 186C, at the age of sixty-three years. She was a very hospitable lady and had many friends. The subject of this biographical notice was born November 11, 1844, on the farm that is still his home. He was brought up under the educational PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. ndvantages of the township schools and the excel- lent home training bestowed by his worthy par- ents. In 1861 he attempted to enlist in the Eighty-sixth Illinois Infantry, but was not accepted as a volunteer on account of his tender years. Denied the privileges of participating in the battles of the Union, he resumed his duties on the home farm, and from year to year bore a greater share until he finally had control and possession. Mr. Manning was married at the age of twenty- two years to Ella, daughter of Hivmilton and Mary Ann (Yerkes) Roberts. Her parents are na- tives of Ohio and are now living in Southwestern Nebraska. They came to this .State about 1 860, sojourning here a few years. Mr. Roberts is a blacksmith by trade. The family circle, of which Mrs. Manning is the third member, consists of seven living children, the others bearing the names of Paxon, Willie, Charles, Everett, George and Hat- tie. Mrs. Manning was born in the Buckeye State. brought hither in childhood, and reared in the township of whose society she is still an hon- ore=;^ TEPHEN A. KELLY, a son of a well- ^^^ known and highly respected [)ioneer, John (^£j|y B. Kelly, and a native of this county, is one of its most progressive and popular citi- zens, and is an intelligent and efficient civic official. He is prominenth^ identified with the farming interests of Orion Township, where he is ably managing his extensive agricultural inter- ests on his father's finely improved farm on section 1 1, which the latter purchased half a century ago, and developed by hard and persistent labor into one of the choicest estates in this locality. The father of our subject was born in Cattarau- gus County, N. Y., February 6, 1820. His first marriage was in 1840, to Miss Elizabeth Smith, who died in 1841 leaving no children. He was married the second time to R.achael Proctor, of McLean County, 111., their union taking place February 10, 1842. She was born April 24,1821. Mr. Kelly had come to Orion Township in the spring of 1840, and purchased the farm on which he resided with his family until his death, August 10, 1890. He was very much prospered in his pioneer labors and accumulated a comfortable properlj'. For manv years he took an active part in public affairs, but transmitted to his son Stephen, our subject, that interest formerly held by himself, as he was in very feeble health, he having been severely injured in the Chatsworth disaster, August 10, 1887, hav- ing been one of that large part^- of excursionists that started from Peoria to visit Niagara Falls. He was one of the original Republicans of this State and voted for Fremont, was very active in aiding to raise troops for the late war, and gave two of his sons to the service. He was intrusted with all the numerous township offices at some period of his residence in the township, and was vahsed very highly in his civic capacity. By their marriage John B. and Rachael Kelly became the parents of fourteen children, as follows: Elizabeth, born September 14, 1844, married John W. Tyndall, February 13, 1868, and lives in Orion Township; Nelson, born December 25, 1845, mar- ried Sophia Bitts and lives in Peoria County; Alonzo, born February 10, 1847, enlisted in Com- pany K, Twelfth Illinois Cavalry, and died at Baton Rouge, La., February 1, 1864; William, born April 15, 1848, lives in Pekin; Jennie, born September 12, 1849, married Walter Eagles and lives in Orion Tovvnshij); Hannah, born November 14, 1850, married Mark Bowton, and died January 8, 1872; Ranson, born August 29, 1852, married Alice Richardson and lives on the homestead ; Alice, born November 6, 1853, married F. Rice, December 12, 1872, and lives in Orion Township; Stepiien A., born November 26, 1856, married Lyde Kleflfman January 21, 1888, who died November 20, 1889, leaving one daughter, Lyde; John F., born Sep- tember 3, 1857, married Alice Bell and lives in Orion Township; Orren, born December 7, 1859, died in infancy; Cassia A., born January 8, 1860, married Lemuel R. Vandeventer, and lives in Orion Township; Emma, born August 15, 1862, died August 22, 1866; Warren, born July 6, 1864, mar- ried Annie Duffield and lives in Peoria. Stephen A. Kelt)-, of this sketch, was reared and educated in this county, and early adopted the calling to which he had been bred. In 1883 he went to Dakota, and there he engaged in stock-rais- ing and was quite successful financially. He sub- sequently returned to Orion Township, and is now PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. managing his father's valuable farm on section 11. This comprises three hundred and twentj' acres, and is amply supplied with substantial and conven- iently arranged buildings, and all the appurte- nances of a first-class farm. Mr. Kelly is a true, courteous gentleman, con- .siderate and genial in his intercourse with others, and a general favorite among his associates. In business matters lie is wide-awake and keen, and is judicious and fair in his dealings. His character and capability eminently Ht him for positions of trust and honor, and he is following in his father's foot- steps as a public official. He represents Orion Tovvnshi|i on the County Board of Supervisors, and the fact that the township is a Democratic stronghold, yet he, a stanch Republican, was elec- ted by a majority of fifty-one, demonstrates his popularitj-. i^^HOMAS OFFICER CAMRON. Those in- m^^ terested in pioneer experiences would derive ^V^^' much pleasure from conversation with this gentleman who well remembers many incidents of frontier life in this county. His father, James Cnmron, is a native of Kentucky, wiience he came to White County when but a child. He married Elizabeth, daughter of .Joel Harrell, a Kentuckian and a slaveholder, who on removing to what was then the Territor}' of Illinois brought slaves with him. The marriage of this couple was probably the liisl celebrated in Cass Township. Their first home was near Smithfleld where their first-born, our subject, opened his eyes to the light February 18, 1828. His parents had eleven children, nine of wliom lived to maturity. The mother entered into rest in 1872 and the father subsequently contracted a second marriage. When our subject was about six years old his parents removed to a farm near Bernadotte, being accompanied by his uncles, Thomas and John. Tlie latter had begun building a mill which was the storting point of the town, and was the lirst water- mill on Spoon River. He, of whom we write, dis- tinctly remembers the journey hither and that, the river being up, the goods were brougl.t across in an Indian dugout while the men were obliged to swim and drive their stock. A cabin was built in the brush from which their land extended on to the prairie to the south. This part of the farm was soon placed under cultivation, and b^- the aid of their cattle, of which they owned a considerable number, the brush was soon killed around the house. The stock grazed about at will and Mrs. Camron was in the habit of sprinkling salt about in the brush when the dew was on to induce the animals to graze there and so tramp down the bushes. The sod of the prairie was turned by a plow with a wooden moldboard, drawn by an ox-team, and the tract upon which our subject now lives is one of the first pieces subdued from its primitive wildness. Mr. Camron lemembers an Indian scare which was occasioned by a settler named Welsh who lived some five miles northwest, passing Mr. Cam- ron's 3'elling and comporting himself in a savage manner, thus giving the impression that the red men were in the neighborhood. On another occa- sion Indians had camped in the vicinity, and refus- ing to leave when ordered to do .so were set upon with hickor}' switches and whipped away. While the home of our subject's parents was near Smith- field there was an unusual fall of snow which is distinctly recalled by Mr. Camron. His father was getting in wood l>y hitching the horse to a "drag" and starting him homeward in a place which he had broken down somewhat in the snow. The wife would unhitch the horse and start him back to her husband, in this way saving his passage to and fro in the drifts. He of whom we write, received his education in an old log schoolhouse about two miles from his home, his text books being Webster's Speller and a paddle, and during the latter part of his attend- ance, a geography. He lived on the home farm until he was twenty-two years old, when he was united in marriage with Miss Mary C. Elli.s. entered a prairie farm in Boone County, Iowa, and estab- lished his home there. Mrs. Camron is a daughter of Solomon H. Ellis, one of the old settlers in While County, where she was born and lived to the age of eighteen years. She belongs to a family which 486 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. is of the Dunkfti-d religion. Slie has borne her hus- band nine children, two of whom died in infanc3\ Tlie survivors are Joel Franklin, Perraelia J., Emma A., Ellen, Enos A., William II. and Alice S. The oldest of these has a wife and three children and is now farming in Calhoun Count}', Iowa. Per- melia is the wife of J. F. Harrold, of Farmers Township, and Ellen, the wife of M. Dunblazier,aiso a farmer in this township. The others are unmar- ried and still reside under the parental roof. The Iowa home of our subject was about sev- enty miles from Spirit Lake where the massacre took place in 1847, the section at the time of his residence being quite on the frontier. "When the war broke out Mr. Camron returned to his native State with the intention of leaving his family at home and going into the arni^'. His people* how- ever, were so set against his intention that he flnallj^ abandoned it and settled, selling hislowu land and buying about two miles north of his present resi- dence. There he remained twelve years, then traded for about eleven hundred acres in Arkan- sas County, Ark., where he made his home three years. He then returned to this county, traded a part of his land for a farm of one hundred acres in Bernadotte Township, near the village, upon the corporation line of which the tract corners. The most of this property is under a fine state of culti- vation, but our subject makes his home on his fa- ther's homestead in order to keep it in proper condition. Although favoring Democratic views in the main, Mr. Camron is not so radical a party man as many of his associates. He has never been an of- fice-holder, finding sufficient occupation in his per- sonal affairs, the quiet duties of citizenship and the pleasures of social and domestic life. eEORGE W. DOBSON. The subject of our present sketch is a man whose history it is a pleasure to place in our Album, from the fact that his success in life is an admirable example to the younger members of our society, and lie- cause a record of his faithful and courageous ser- vice during the late war cannot fail to be of interest to the general reader. He was born in Woodland Township, July 23, 1845, being a son of Joseph Dobson. Our subject's father was a native of Kentuckj', but came to this place in 1830, making the trip by means of a flalboat down the Ohio River to the mouth of the Mississippi, and coming up that river and the Illinois River landed at Point Isabel, being one of the first settlers here. He came in 1833 and took up one hundred and sixty acres of Gov- ernment land. The country was ver^' wild and the land covered with heavy timber and he was com- pelled to content himself with a rude log cabin while he cleared the land preparatory to farming. He next moved to Woodland Township where he bought one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 1. He lived there until the spring of 1865 at which time his death occurred. He served in the Mexican War for one j'ear and was discharged at Comargo, Mexico, on account of disability. He was at one time a Whig and afterward a member of the Republican party. He married Miss Eliza- beth Shealds, who was born in Corydon, Ind. She lived to be sixty-eight years of age, and was the mother of ten children, eight of whom grew to maturity, viz.: Martlia, William M., James V., John M., Anna, Mrs. Rancaus, Martin K., George W., Ellen, Hardin, and Winfield 8. Mr. Dobson was reared on a farm and like the majority of boj'S at that day, attended school through the winter and worked on the farm through the summer. When only eighteen years of age he enlisted in the army August 23, 1863, in Company K, Sixteenth Illinois Cavalry, and was sent to Cov- ington, and then through the Cumberland Moun- tains and was at the siege of Knoxville, Tenn. He was captured at Jonesville, Ya., in January, 1864, and was taken on foot bare-footed, to Lynchburg, and then to Richmond, where he was placed in prison for four weeks, and then sent to Anderson- viUe Prison where he remained another four weeks. He, with other prisoners, flanked out and went to Richmond, where he was taken sick and sent to a hospital. He was paroled and sent to Annapolis I and in August was sent liome. In October, 1864, he returned to liis regiment and was in Hood's PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 48; campaign afouriil Nashville until 1865, an^l was discharged on August 25, of that j'ear at Nashville, In 1871 ho came here and settled, renting land in Isaljel Township wliere he lived until 1878 and then moved to Kertou Township, taking possession of the eighty acros of land which his wife's fatiier had given her in that township. The subject of our sketch was married November 4, 1874, to Miss Mary E. Brown, daugliter of Jacob Brown, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this Ai.- lU-M. To this marriage were born three children, viz.: Lnliend E., Freddy, and John M. Mr. Dob- son is in sympatliy with tlie Republican party and is largely interested in all public measures that promise to benefit the community in wliicli he resitles. m E. OVERTON, the subject of the present II "^ sketch, is a native of Bernadotte Township, ^J Fulton County, 111., having been born July 25, 1841. His parents, Francis L. and Sarali (Van Dorn) Overton, settled in Bernadotte T\>wnship near Ira Elrod, in the year 1853, and two years later removed to section 7, where they con- tinued to reside until the father's death. Francis L. Overton taught school in his younger days, but after coming to tliis county devoted his time to farming and took a prominent part in local affairs, at various times liolding offices of trust and respon- sibility. He was especially interested in educa- tional matters. His wife, who at the time of their marriage was Mrs. Sarah Wilcox, owned the one hundred and sixtj' acres of land on a part of which her son now resides. Their union was blessed with the following children: Charles E. ; Luther M., who was married first to Miss Mary Fate, and after- ward to Miss Alice Vorhees, and who lives on a part of the old homestead; Harriet M., who mar- ried George Fate, and died nineteen years ago; Alice A., who married Mrs. Curtis J. Strode, lives in Lee Township, this county; and Francis L. The latter and his wife Sarah are buried in the Randall graveyard side by side. Charles Overton was educated in the public schools, and passed one term in the Lewistown Seminary, acquiring thus a sufficient amount of knowledge to begin teaching at the early age of eighteen. However, after two ternis of teaching and wlieu he had reached his twentieth year, he en- listed as a soldier in the Union Army on Septem- ber 10, 1861. He was in Company G, Fiftietli Regiment Illinois Infantry, which was organized at Quine}^, HI., and his first service was in Missouri along the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad. He figured in the battle of Shiloh, and narrowly es- caped a very serious wound, a ball striking the metal on his leather belt and glancing off. He also took part in the battle and siege of Corinth on the 3d and 4th of October, besides which he was in many smaller eng.agements and served in Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississipjji and Louisiana. Being transferred to the Fifty-fifth United State- Colored Infantry, he received a commission as First Lieutenant of Company C, and later was Cap- tain for a year and a half. Mr. Overton continued in service until January 1, 1866, at which date he was mustered out at Baton Rouge, La., and imme- diately returned to his home in Bernadotte Town- ship, where he devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits. In October, 1856, Mr. Overton was united in marriage with Miss Laura E. Heckard, daughter of Jacob and Mary (Kimball) Heckard. After his return from war he bought the eastern half of the old homestead, but sul)sequently exchanged it for the western half, and to this ho has continued to add until his estate at the present writing embraces two hundred and seventy- five acres of highly im- proved and valuable land. Upon this he has a large frame house and many barns which have been erected by himself. For several years after his marri.age he taught school. They are the parents of two children, viz: Fnnk L., who was born Au- gust 10, 1867, and is now Assistant Cashier of the Arkansas Banking Company, of Stuttgart, Arkansas County, Ark.; and Cora B., who was born March 20, 1875, and lives at home. The Overtons weie of Scotch origin, and the A'an Dorns an old and prosperous German family. In politics Mr. Overton is a Republican, and like his father was a strong Abolitionist, having assisted several slaves to escape — whole families going 488 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. through at once. He has served his township as Collector, Assessor and School Director. Besides farming he is interested in stock-raising, and ranks among the most prominent and successful men in the county- He is also largeily interested in real- estate in Stuttgart, Ark., being a large stockholder in the bank at that place, and being one of the three men who secured the charter for the Stutt gart & Arkansas River Railroad. His son Frank L. was educated in the Fulton County schools, and at the Normal School, Valparaiso, Ind., from which he was graduated with honors on June 2, 1887. He afterward went through a commercial course at the same institute, being graduated March 21, 1889. Miss Cora Overton has up to the present time at- tended school in her native county and also at Cuba, and her parents are making arrangements to have her most thoroughly educated. Mr. Overton has been of much benefit to the community in which he resides, being at all times interested in public matters and a willing contributor to worthy causes. ^^ORNELIUS MUMMERT. Among the [I younger farmers who are active in carrying ^^^J on the agricultural interests in this count}- but few have met with more success in the prosecu- tion of their noble calling than our subject. He is one of tiie most extensive farmers and stock- raisers in Woodland Township, and bids fair to place himself among the most substantial citizens of this part of the State. Our subject is a native of Pennsj'lvania, and was born m York County, May 8. 1854. His father, Jonas Mummert was also a native of that county, while his father came from Holland. After arriv- ing in this country he had located on a farm in Pennsylvania and there his remaining days were passed in peace and tranquillity. The father of our subject was bred to the life of a farmer on the old homestead in Pennsylvania and was there married, taking as his wife Elizabeth Stremmel, a native of the same county. She is still living, being now over sixty years old and is a faithful member of the Gernmn Baptist Church. Mr. Mummert owned two hundred acres of land and was one of the extensive farmers of York County. He also operated a gristmill seven years. He finally disposed of his property in 186G, and coming to this county purchased three hundred acres of choice land on sections 7 and 8, Woodland Township. There were but few improvements on the place and it was only by years of hard labor that it was brought to its present fine condition. He erected the handsome brick house, in which our subject now lives and put up buildings of a good class for ever}' needed purpose. He farmed exten- sively and raised a great deal of stock. He was quite prominent in public affairs and while in Pennsylvania served in various official capacities and assisted in the draft during the war. He was a Democrat in politics. He was a member of the German Baptist Church from the time he was twenty-one until his premature death at the age of forty-eight years, when not only his church was de- 1 prived of a valuable worker but his community' j lost a good citizen. Fourteen children were born to him and his wife, of whom the following grew to maturity: John, George, Conrad. Amanda, Cor- j nelius, Jonas, Moses, Pollv, Andrew, Elizabeth, Savilla and Barbary. Young Mummert was reared to a farmer's life on his father's homestead in this county he being a lad 1 of twelve years wben his parents removed hither. i lie received his early education in a German school I in Pennsylvania and as a boy he worked in his father's gristmill and on the farm. He was of great assistance to his father in clearing and improv- i ing his land here. After his father's death the 1 farm was sold to his father-in-law, and our subject '. is now living on the place and managing it. It comprises three hundred and four acres, a part of which Mr. Mummert owns and he has besides one hundred and forty-seven acres of fine farming land in Vermont Township, all well-improved and under a high state of cultivation. Our subject is a stirring, wide-awake man, possessing shrewd busi- ness talents and other fine qualifications. He has re- cently completed the finest barn in Fulton Countv at a cost of $1,800 besides his own labor upon it. He lives in a commodious two-story brick house, which occupies a high prominence, is shaded by PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. lovely' trees and has a beautiful lawn, makiuj;; this one of the handsomest and most desirable places of residence in this part of the county-. Mr. Mnmmert and Miss Sarah J. Cassell were married October ^2, 1878, and they htive reared tliree cliildren whom the}' have named, Ida, Will- iam and Jonas. Both Mr. and Mrs. Muinnicrt are members of the German Baptist ('hurcli and polili- cally h 1 is a Democrat. \|^ ETER CRICK, farmer and stook-raiser of ij Jjj Pleasant Township, is the subject of the '^r**^ present sketch, and is a native of Perry ]^ Count}-, Pa., having been ^born there on the 29th of June, 1817. His parents, John and Margaret (Troutner) Crick, were also natives of Pennsylvania, and his jiateinal ancestors were of German extraction. Mr. Crick, at the age of ten years removed with his parents to Ohio, and in that State passed bis boyhood and youth. He received only a moderate education, owing to the imperfect educational fa- cilities of those da^'S, and at an early age learned farm work, and so fitted himself to be through af- ter life a successful agriculturist. Our subject was married in Ohio in 1841, to Miss Elizabeth Fulker. This union was blessed with eight children, five of whom are now living, viz: Samuel, who resides in Pleasant Township; Jo- siah, who lives in Marshall County, Kau. ; Emeline, wife of Lester Shago, of Pleasant Township; John, who makes his home in Pleasant Township; and Anna, wife of Allen Lovell, of Marshall County, Kan. Mr. Crick was called upon to sustain the sad loss of his wife in 18G1, and was again married in Ohio, in 1862, this time to Mrs. Elizabeth Black, widow of Prederick Black, of Miami County, Ohio. In that county Mrs. Crick was born on the 24th of September, 1827, being the daughter of Jacob and Mary ^Yerty, natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio, respectively. To our subject and bis wife have been born two childien, one of whom\, Jacob, is living in Pleasant Township, and the other, Miranda, is dead. After coming to the State of Illinois, Mr. Crick for a sliort time resided in McDonough County, where he devoted his attention to farming. He then re- moved to Iowa County, Iowa, but after one year returned to McDonough County, and finally at the expiration of a year settled iir Fulton County. Those early days were fraught with mucih that is amusing to remember, but that was very hard at the time. Many were the privations both for hus- band and wife, and the BibUcal instruction was car- ried out, the wife being in reality the helpmate in affairs both great and small. Mr. and Mrs. Crick are identified with the Dunk- ard Church, and are held in the highest possible esteem by all who know them. He is indeed a self-made man, and one who undoubtedly has achieved unusual success both in business and so- cial circles, having a comfortable fortune, and a host of friends. His estate embraces eighty-three acres of fine farming land under good cultivation. Mrs. Crick had by her first marriage with Frederick Black, five children, three of whom are living, viz: Andrew, in Pleasant Township; John W., Ipava, 111.; and Mary, wife of W. A. R. Lowell, of Ip.ava; Jacob and Aaron are dead. We are gratified to represent such popular people as Mr. Crick and his wife, in our Album, and realize fully that to such citizens the glory of Fulton County's progress is largely due. r-=^'ERDINAND WEIRATHER, a well-to-do Pi farmer, resident of Lewistown Township, was born in Baden, Germany, in January, 1825. His father, Francis Joseph Weirather, was a native of the same place. He was a shoemaker by trade, and spent his entire life in the Fatherland. He was a descendant of an ancient family that emigrated from Italy to Germany during the Roman conquest. Ferdinand was the only son of bis father, and was ver}- young when the latter died. He was cared for by his mother and stepfather and received a sound education in the schools of his native land. 490 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. which he attended until he was fourteen years old. At that age he was apprenticed to learn the trade of a cabinet-maker at which he served two and one- half years. At the expiration of that time, as was then the custom, he traveled and worivcd in differ- ent cities in Germany tlie ensuing three j'ears. He was ambitious to better his condition and in March, 1846, emigrated to America to find what life held for him here. He went first to Liverpool, England, and from there set sail on a vessel bound for these shores and landed at New York after a voyage of thirtj'-fiye daj's. A stranger in a strange land who conld not talk the language of its people and with- out money, our subject was in a forlorn condition when he arrived. But with good courage he sot out to find work, and soon obtained emplo3^raent at his trade in the city. He remained in New York two years, and then went to New Orleans. After a short stay there he ascended the Mississippi River to Quinc}- and worked there for a time. He then boarded a steamer bound for Peoria, but on his arrival at that place he was ilisappointed to find it a much smaller village than he expected, so he did not land but kept on to Peru, and tlience went l)y c.inal to Chicago. That city was not then a very large town and though he could get work there he could not get his pay in cash, but had to take it in orders on a store. That did not suit him so he Cducluded to go further eastward and pushed on to Buffalo by the way of the Lakes and then by rail- road and Hudson River, and anally found himself once again in New York City. He secured em- ployment in a piano factory and remained there until 1855. In that year our subject returned to Illinois, and for one year worked at his trade in Peoria. During that time he visited Fulton County, and bought the farm where he now resides which is pleasantly lo- cated on section 6, Lewistown Township. He set- tled on the place in 185G and has since made his home here. His farm is one of the choice farms of the township, is under excellent cultivation and is provided with neat and well-built frame buildings and everything for carrying on agriculture advan- tageously. Mr. Weirather has proved as capable a farmer a^ he has shown himself to be a skilled mechanic, and has been well prospered in his agricultural ventures. He is a man of solid virtues, sensible and thoughtful in his views, and in him and his wife the Baptist Church finds two Christian mem- bers. Mr. Weirather was married in 1850 to Nathalie Weidensee, a native of Saxony, Germany. They have been eminently happy in their domestic rela- tions and have been blessed by ten children: Fer- dinand, Edward J., Herman, Amelia, Charles, Mary, Ida, George, .Sidney and Harrie, all living. ^^ EORGE KEEFAUVER: On section 36, in if 'Wf '''^^ southeast corner of Joshua Township, ^^^S lies a pleasant, finely tilled, and well-im- proved farm, which is the property of our subject. He has been a resident of this county' for nearly forty years, and has aided in the pioneer laliors that have brought it to its present condition. Mr. Keefauver is a native of Maryland, and was born in Washington County, in December, 1816. In the prime of early manhood, he went from his early home to Preble County, Ohio, and was a pio- neer of that region. In the year 1851, he left the Buckeye Slate to take up his residence on the prai- ries of Illinois. _He then bought sixty-seven acres of his [iresent farm in Joshua Township, and luas since added to it until it comi>rises eighty acres of as choice farming land as is to be found in this part of the county. The land is valued at $75 per acre. He has erected on it a fine set of farm buildings, and everything about the place is well ordered, and betokens the care of a neat, thrifty and capable owner. He has accumulated his property by down- right hard labor, b3' that wise economy that knows how to spend as well as to save, and by the exer- cise of sound judgment in his dealings. His place is among the most respected citizens of Joshua Township, and his honesty and uprightness in all the affairs of life have gained for him the confi- dence of the entire community. He is a Repub- lican in politics, and voted for Benjamin Harrison for President. Mr. Keefauver has been twice married. Nuvem- Residence OF George Keefauver, Sec. 36 . JoshuaTp. Fulton Co. Ill Residence of D.M. Higgins, 5ec.25.Deerfield Tp Fulton Co. Ill PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 493 ber 15, 1838, he was wedded to Miss Lizzie Miller, near Winclioster, Ohio. After nearly forlj' years spent together, their peaceful aud liappy married life was brought to a close by Mrs. Keefauver's death. May 16, 1878. Mr. Keefauver was married tt) his present estimable wife, formerly Malissa Parker, February 13, 1879, in Fulton County, HI. She is a sincere Christian, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. On another page the reader will notice a view of the fine farm of Mr. Keefauver, including the resi- dence and other substantial buildings. ANIEL M. HIGGINS. Although this gentleman is still quite a young man, he has become well-known as a successful fiirnier, who pursues the most approved methods in the management of his estate, keeping it above par in its improved and orderly appear- ance, and making of it an attractive as well as re- munerative piece of property. He is also held in good repute as an lionest, upright man and citizen, who, although not a raruiber of any religious or- ganization, is a liberal contributor to the church and all good causes. The parents of our subject, Hiram Higgins and Elizabeth Baughman, were married February 14, 1844, and took up their residence in Cass Town- ship, this county. The mother had been born in that township Deeembei' 10, 1828, and the father had opened his eyes to the light in Kentucky, March 4, 1820. The\' occupied a farm in the town- ship mentioned until the death of the husban • >^^ - ^ jEORGE HUNT SWITZER. The journal- ,--, istic profession is one of such a peculiar __J^ nature, so complicated in its literary and business channels, that to call a man an editor has become equivalent to saying that he is apt in speech, acute in perception and well versed in mind. In this age of the world an uneducated man ennnot conduct a paper even in what migiit be called the "backwoods," and much less in the midst of an en- lightened communit}', who demand that their local papers shall be spicy, newsy and readable. All these characteristics are true of the London Times, a weekly paper edited by the subject of this bio- graphical notice. Mr. Switzer is a grandson of William Switzer, 5vho was born in Clermont County. Ohio, and be- came a farmer there. He made an early settlement in the Hoosier State, whence he came to Illinois in 1 843, locating in Chestnut Township, Knox County. He pursued his vocation of agriculture until his death in that township. In politics he was a Repub- lican, and In religion a believer in the doctrines laid down in the creed of the Methodist Episcopal Church. John AV^. Switzer, the father of our sub- ject, was born in Indiana, near Covington, but PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 495 reared in Knox County, this State, from the age of eioht years. He adopted the calling of his father and became the owner of a good farm, which he sold in 1 867 to remove to Macon County, Mo. There he purchased land on which he lived a twelvemonth, when, the family being ill, he re- turned to Knox County, III., finally buying the old homestead. On it he still lives, now engaged in fiuit growing and the nursery business, having abandoned general farming in 1880. Mr. Switzer is an active worker in the Method- ist Episcopal Church, and gives his suffrage to the Republican party. His estimable wife bore the maiden name of Phoebe Hunt, and is a native of the Buckeye State. Their family included our subject; P:iizabeth B., now Mrs. B. F. Brown, of Orange Township, Knox County; William I., still at home; Jane, who died at the age of eighteen months; John E. and Peter O., who are yet at home. The maternal grandfather of our subject was George Hunt, a native of Kentucky, who located on a farm in Ohio and later removed to this State. He was a pioneer of Indian Point, Knox County, and at one time owned a large amount of land. He was very liberal and gave a site for a schoolhouse, himself also putting up the building. In the War of 1812 he was wounded bj' a ball passing through his side. His commander was Gen. Hull, by whom he vvas given up as a prisoner of war, afterward spending nine days without food. In addition to his farm Mr. Hunt carried on a large sawmill un Cedar Creek. He was quite a hunter. When called hence he was over seventy years of age. George Hunt Switzer opened his eyes to the light of day in Cedar Township, Knox County, May 22, 1862. He was given the advantages of the com- mon schools in the different localities in which he passed his boyhood and ^-outh, and when twenty years old entered Hedding College at Abingdon. In that excellent institution he spent three 3'ears, pursuing a literary course two years and then tak- ing up the commercial course, from which he was graduated in 1885. He secured a teacher's certif- icate and in the fall began teaching in Maquon Township. There and in Chestnut Township he carried on his pedagogical labors a year, after which he became traveling manager for the firm of Law, King HARLES M. SMITH owns and occupies a (l( ^.^ fine tract of land on section 7, Banner ^^^' Township. The estate consists of eight}' acres of thoroughly cultivated land, bearing a com- plete set of fine buildings and the other improve- ments which stamp the owner as a young man of enterprise and good taste. Mr. Smith was born in the township of which lie is now an honored resident, February 26, 1868, was reared on a farm and received a district-fchool ed- ucation. His father, William H. Smith, Esq., was quite extensively engaged in farming and milling . and our subject assisted him until he had reached his majority. He then established himself in life, beginning a career which promises to prove suc- cessful in a financial sense, and in securing for him the further good will of those about him. Mr. Smitli inherits from his father a belief in the prin- ciples of Democracy, which he therefore supports with his ballot. He possesses agreeable traits of character, pleasant manners and a good character. On September 19, 1889, Mr. Smith was happily married to Clara, daughter of Thomas Fouts, one of the old and prominent settlers of the county. The home of the young couple has once been vis- ited by the angel of life and they have a young son named Elmer. I EV. ALEXANDER H. WIDNEY. For more than Ihiity 3-ears this gentleman has ili \V been aiding in the spread of the gospel, de- ^^, voting himself with assiduitj- and loving zeal to the work of the ministry. The center of his present field of labor is the town of Cubk, where he has held a pastorate for over two j-ears. He is a man of broad intelligence, decided literarj- abilit}', and the dignified yet winning manners so thoroughly in keeping with his profession. The ancestors of our subject settled in Ireland in the year 1688, John Widney having been a colonel in the army of William, Prince of Orange, and hav • ing received a valuable estate in County- Tyrone, in consideration of services rendered in the war be- tween William and James. John Widney, father of our subject, was born at Ernj'vale, Ireland, in the year 1779, and at the age of five jears w;as brought by his father to America. The family set- tled in the upper part of Path Valle}-, Franklin County, Pa., whence the descendants of the two brothers and three sisters who settled in this rug- ged region together, scattered to various portions of the United States. Our subject was born July 29, 1834, in Toboyne Township, Perry County, Pa., and is the youngest son in a family of eleven children. At the age of three years he lost his father by death, and the fam- ily soon after following the spirit of adventure, .'-^ ^1: rvi PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. 503 became identified with the early settlement of Nortlieastern Indiana. They made a home on the Little !St. Joseph River, DeKalb County, Ind. There an older brother, who had received a good education in the East, became a school-teacher for the early pioneers,and would often take bis younger brother on his back and carry him a distance of two or three miles through the unbroken forest to the log schoolhouse where he taught. In the year 1848, at the age of fourteen, our sub- ject left his widowed mother, and returned to the old home in Pennsylvania, where for five years he apprenticed himself to his eldest brother, who was the proprietor of a wagon shop. Returning to In- diana in 1853, he began his struggle for an educa- tion by teaching a district school at $15 a month, he to have his board among the people. But board- ing around was not pleasant, and he took the only alternative, securing his own boarding place. His pedagogical labors were followed by two years of close application to study at the LaGrange Insti- tute at Ontario, Ind., and he then began in a small way the work of the ministry in the Methodist Protestant Church. For thirteen years Mr. Widney pursued his chosen profession in Indiana, traveling the extensive cir- cuits of that day, and often preaching five or six times each week. During the fall of 1858, while on a circuit in Fountain County, he was seized with the terrible disease known as "milk sick," and nearly lost his life. In the struggle through which the church passed in 1857-58 over the slavery question, Mr. Widney was branded as an Abolitionist, and the doors of one of the churches on his charge were shut against him. In 1869 be removed to Illinois, wherein, with the exception of three years, his sub- sequent life has been spent and his labors expended. During the three years, from 1877 to 1880, th^ Rev. Mr. Widney was settled in Copiah County, Miss., on what is now the Illinois Central Railroad. The removal to the South was for the benefit of his health, his throat having become diseased. In those years Mr. Widney improved a small fruit farm, and traveled extensively through the "piney woods," preaching whenever called upon to do so, and writing up that country for the Northern press. In 1880 he returned to Illinois, since which time he has been pastor at Lima and Ursa, Adams County, for two years, DeLand and Weldon,DeWitt County, four years, one j'ear each at Foosland and Clinton, and is now for the third year at Cuba. Mr. Widney has been for over thirty 3'ears a con- tributor to the religious press, chiefly of his own church, and occasionally to the secular papers. At present he is editor of the Cul)a Journal, an inde- pendent i)aper in the village where he holds his pas- torate. He enjoys the full confidence of the church in which for t.'iirty-four years he has been a minis- ter, and has been honored with membership in the General Conference, has been for four years a mem- ber of the Board of Missions, etc., etc. The good which the Rev. Mr. Widney has accomplished in the uplifting of humanity can only be measured when time shall be no more. Mr. AVidney has been twice married. His first union was solemnized in 1850, his bride being Miss Martha A. Wigent, who died in 186G, leaving six children. The second union was with Mrs. Susan E. Norton, who is the mother of one son by Mr. Widney. Of the various members of his family, one daughter is a milliner, one son and one daugh- ter are teachers, one son is managing a newspaper, one is a recent graduate of the Law School at Ann Arbor, and located at Denver, Colo., and one is clerking. The eldest son died at the age of fifteen years. _< ^ , '^^|^ g_ a ^—^ ^^ ORRELL HIGBIE, a history of whose life is herewith presented to the public, ami I whose portrait is shown on the opposite page, has passed from the scene of earthl}' joys and sorrows to his final resting place. For weeks his numerous friends had known that the end was near and .•ill hope of his recovery had been ahandoned. Still, when on the eve of Marc^h 1 2, 1890, he breathed his last, surrounded by his'de- voted family and a few intimate friends, the shock was felt throughout the community. Such was his popularity, and such devotion his noble life had won, that strong men were affected to tears upon hearing the sad news. Mr. Higbie's birth occurred on January 10, 1833, 504 PORTRAIT AND BIOGRAPHICAL ALBUM. at Oppenheim, N. Y. He was one of a family of fourteeu children, twelve of whom lived to matur- ity, and five of whom survived him, viz: Mrs. Jeannette Plautz, of Warsaw. 111.; Mrs. Maria Buell, of Keokuk, Iowa; Mrs. Dr. James, Whites- town, N. Y.; James Higbie, of Utica. N. Y.; and William Higbie, of Kansas. Our subject came to Illinois in 1857, locating in Canton, and was at first manager for E. P. Buell, a railroad contractor, who constructed what is now the Toledo, Peoria