5 ^ Book » r >> JEWELRY THE PRECIOUS STONES JEWELRY AKO THE PRECIOUS STONES: WITH A HISTORY, AND DESCRIPTION FROM MODELS, OF THE LARQEST INDIVIDUAL, DIAMONDS KNOWN: INCLUDINO, PARTICULARLY, A CONSIDERATION OF THE KOH-I-NOOR^ CLAIM TO NOTORIETY. BY HIPPONAX ROSET. JOHN PENINGTON & SON; —wo 61, SOUTH SEVEXTH STREET- PHILADELPHIA: 1856. /Tt) -f^ t ^ ^^ <^ < ^^4 \ CONTENTS. HISTORV OF THE JEWELER'S ART FROM Superstitions and aneodotos, 17, IS THE EARLIEST RECORDS TO THE The Crown of Hungary, IS PRESENT TIME, 2 to 6 The Crown of England, 18 THE PRECIOUS STONES, 6 The Crowns of Russia, 19 THE DIAMOND, 6 to 22 The Crown of France, 19 General characteristics, 6,T Profusion of Diamonds in Russia, 18,19 Mines, 7, 8, 22 Its name in various languages, 23 Mode of mining, 7,8 Its application to the mechanical arts, 22 Mode of cutting, 8,9 THE SAPPHIRE. 22.23 Mode of estimating, 10 THE RUBY, 23,24 Origin of " carat," 10, 21, 22 THE TOPAZ, 24 Individual specimens, described from THE EMERALD, 24 to 26 models, chiefly. 10 to 17 THE AMETHYST, 26,27 The Emperor of Russia's, 11.12 THE CARNELIAN, 27 The Orand Dulce of Tuscany's, 12 THE GARNET, 27 The Regent, 12, 19 THE ONYX, 28,2-.) L'EtoOe du Sud, 12,19 Cameos, 20 The Koh-i-noor, 12 to 16, 19 to 21 THE SARDONYX, 29 (^"The Great MnouVs;" shewn to be THE HELIOTROPE, 29 identical with the Emperor «/ THE CHRYSOLITE. 29,30 Russia's, rather than with the THE HYACINTH. 30 Koh-i-^oor,) U to 16, 19 to 21 THE CAT'S EYE, 30,31 The King of Ptyrtugal's, 16, 17, 21 THE OPAL, 31 The Blue Diamond, 17,21 THE PEARL, 31 to 33 The Pacha of Egypt's, 17,21 THE TURQUOISE, 33.34 Tfie Etiglish Lottery Diamond. The Sancy Diamond, The Polar Star, Thi Rajah of Mattan's, The Shah, The Green Diamond, 17,21 17, 21 17 17 17 17 THE PRINCIPAL JEWELERS OF FRANCE, ENGLAND AND AMERICA, CONTEM- PORANEOUS HEREWITH, DESCRIPTION OF A JEWELRY MANUFAC- TORY OF THE FIRST RANK, 34 to 3S The IVassue Diamond, 17,21 THE CULTURE OP THE BEAUTIFUL JUS- Unnamed specimens. 17.21 TIFIED. 39, 10 PREFACE, The matter of the following pages appeared originally, divided into half a dozen Chapters, in Numbers 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 of Bizarre, Volume VI, Year 1855. Although the subject is by no means fully discussed, the scope the author has allowed himself is believed to be comprehensive enough for the patience of the general reader. And a combination of these Chapters into one, it has been suggested, would form a pamphlet of sufficient interest to warrant its publication. In doing this, a more me- thodical arrangement of the subject, than that originally pursued, has been adopted ; considerable additional matter has been intro- duced ; and many former errors of the press corrected. H, R„ Philadelphia, December 1, 1855. JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. To one, Avlio contemplates it, there is much 'tlmt is of the poetic and attractive about the vocation of the Jeweler. In the first place, the materials he chiefly deals with are the rarest of earth's mineral products, the mas- ter-pieces of the " mighty mother," Nature, in this department of her labors. Gold and silver and the precious stones have iu all ages exercised an important influence over the hopes and wishes, the thoughts and imagina- tions of men in all stages of development, and these are the principal subjects of the Jeweler's handiwork. For a description of the potency of gold, Sliakspeare, as might have been supposed, transcends all others. " This y«!Iow slave VTill knit and break reliirions ; bless the accurs«cl; JIake the hoar leprosy adored^ place thieves. And give them title, knee and approbation ! O thou sweet king-killer, and dear divorce 'Twixt natural son and sire! thou bright defiler Of Hymen's purest bed! thou valiant Mars! Thou ever young, fresh, loved and delicate wooer, ■Whose blush doth thaw the consecrated snow That lies on Dian's lap! thou visible god, That Eolder'st close impoesibilities And mak'st them kiss! that speak'st with every tongue, To every purpose !" And this same metal is matter of the tlfiweler^s daily handling. r^ And then the associations connected with \ the products of his Art are such as appeal, V in numerous respects, most forcibly to the imagination. Kings and queens, peers and peeresses ; beauty, elegance, grace and re- finement; coronation seasons; triumphal oc- casions in all their variety ; the hall and the festival ; all these persons, scenes and things have a natural relation to the Jeweler's pro- fession, and derive no small share of their brilliancy and charm from the beautiful and costly specimens of his skill. L . The Jeweler's profession, too, belongs to the sphere of the artistic-beautiful, and is undeniably entitled to rank as one of the Fine Arts. Such, indeed, in ancient days, it was in the most absolute sense. The ana- tomic and general scientific knowledge, and the manipulative skill coupled with the creative genius, which went to the shaping of the immortal works of Phidias in marble and Apelles on canvass, were not less de- voted to the intaglios and alto-relievos of the gem-engravers Agathopus, Polygnotus, Apollonides, Lycos and their compeers suc- cessively in the Periclean, Alexandrian and Augustan ages. Still further. The precious stones have in all ages been signalized by myriad forms of imaginative, poetic superstition. These may in part have sprung from the several important uses made by monarchs of their engraved signet-rings. Pharaoh, we read, in conferring upon Joseph the vice-regal office, entrusted him with his own signet- ring. Antiochus Epiphanes gave his minis- ter Philip his ring, as a token of the latter's authority to elect a successor to the throne. Alexander the Great, while dying, transfer- red his signet to his general Perdiccas, and thus made him his successor. Darius and his nobles set their seals to the lions' den, into which Daniel was cast, as a security against the pi'ophet's being removed there- from without their permission. Judah gave his signet-ring to Tamar, as a pledge of his faith. In short, we find that, among the Egyptians and Hebrews, the Phoenicians and Greeks, the Etruscans, the Romans and the Northern nations generally, the engraved ring was employed as a token to impart authority and security besides being the most valued of all ornaments. It was doubtless from these circumstances, in part at least, tliat the precious gems be- came invested with so many superstitious associations. Many among them have al- ways been and are to this day ciierished by the Orientals as amulets possessing numerous mystic virtues both negative and positive — shielding their owners from peril and ad- versity, and securing to them prosperous fortunes. All over the East the signet of Solomon has been embalmed in numberless fables, as gifted with a miraculous power to command and control the dives, genii and JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. other demonic inhabitants of the invisible spheres. There is no extant history to oiir know- ledge of the Jeweler's vocation. Apelles, the celebrated Grecian painter, wrote a histoi-y of Art, which has unfortunately perished. There can be little doubt that this contained in a consecutive form the information we might desire on this subject. As it is, we must glean what information we may from scattered notices in general history. From all we can gather, it would seem that the Jeweler's vocation originally was not a distinct one, but was merged in the general profession of the Artist — a profession sometimes uniting sculpture, engraving, &c.. It is most probable that gem-engraving originated, like numerous other Arts, among the Egyptians. Diodorus Siculus, it is true, aflBi-ms that the Ethiopians preceded the Egyptians in this Art, but he furnishes no authentic evidence of this. Vague tradition, indeed, intimates that, at a date so early as to be immemorial, there existed in central Africa a nation, entitled the Ethiopians, who had reached a very high pitch of culture and refinement, besides being distinguished for eminent moral worth. Thus Homer, in ouo of his Epics, speaks of Jove arid the other Olympians having gone on their annual visit to the "blameless Ethiopians.'^ It might be, on the testimony of this hoary tradition, that Diodorus attributes the invention of gem-engraving to the Ethiopians. Authentic history, however, assigns it to Egypt. The first Egyptian specimens of this Art were hyeroglyphic symbols of their deities on shells and agate stones. These shells and stones were doubtless worn earliest as amulets, though afterwra-ds as orna- ments. The use of these ornamental symbols of the divinities speedily became so extensive, as to stimulate to improvements in the Art, as also to the employment of ma- terials more valuable than shell and agate. This Art seems to have attained its zenith among the Egyptians under the great con- queror, Sesostris, 1,000 years B. C, and 150 years after the supposed date of the siege of Troy. So far as we can gather, Egypt was the sino-le source from which the knowledge of this Art, as well as of others, spread into the other ancient nations made known to us by history. Moses and his people doubtless car- ried it thence into Palestine, for we find notices of it in the earliest Hebrew records. The Phoenicians were eminent especially as diesinkers, but also celebrated for their cameos and engraved gems generally. Their knowledge was probably derived from the banks of the Nile, though some have pro- nounced them original Artists, on what authority we know not. The Arts generally, this inclusive, are said to have been carried into Greece from Egypt 1,300 years B, C, and 150 years after Moses' death. If introduced thus early, it is singu- lar that Homer, in his account of the Trojan war, which is placed by tradition 150 years later, should not have mentioned engraved gems, while he does mention chasing on metal of the highest artistic perfection, as in the description of Achilles' shield, &c., &c.. Yet the eminent sculptor Polygnotus places an engraved ring on the linger of his statue of Ulysses, intimating his opinion, that the Art was known in Ulysses' day. Some of the earliest known Greek engravings on gems were those of Egyptian scarabtei and deities, — a clear evidence of the origin of their Art. During the interval of 800 years from Da3dalus to Pericles the Arts generally, this among the number, steadily advanced. To this era belong the distinguished names of Ileius, Scylax, Admon and others. The age of Pericles and that immediately fol- lowing were the topmost period of Greek Art. Phidias and Praxiteles, Apelles, Zeuxis, Parrhasius and Polygnotus, Aspasia, Mycon, Pamphylus and Plotarchus may be named, as among the artist-immortals of this era. Which of these combined gem-engraving with their other artistic performances we are unable to say. We are assured, however, that in gem-engraving were then found united all the excellences of sculpture and painting. During the century interveni^ between Pericles and Macedonian Alexander the Arts most probably declined little, if at all, in excellence. We find, engraved on gems of Alexander's time, as the names of iheir artists, Agathomerus, Axeochus and Aga- thopus. History records, too, as artists of the same era, some of them doubtless gem- engravers, Pyrgoletes, Action, Apollonides, Solon, Sostratus, Cronius, &c.. The Etruscans, the aborigines of Italy, having borrowed from Egypt the rudiments of the Arts, cultivated them witli considera- ble success. Their existence, as a separate people, however, was historically brief, and finally became merged in the universally dominant life of Home. For the first seven or eight centuries of their existence, the Romans seem to have devoted little attention to the culture of Art, Wars of conquest and agriculture were their favorite and almost sole pursuits. As their conquests, however, gradually extended over countries distinguished for artistic cultiva- tion, the spoils conveyed to Rome by vic- torious generals by degrees created a taste for the products of Art. We read that Pompey made a fine collection of these from the spoils of the celebrated Mithridatcs of Pontus ; that Julius Caesar presented the JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. city ■with a collection of gems engraved at his own expense ; that Marcus Scaunis had a museum of this kind, as had also Marcol- lus, tliat son of Octavia, whose early death is so pathetically commemorated by \ irgil in his ^"Eueid. We learn alsotiiat intaglio por- traits were common at tliis era. The emi- nence /ittained in tlie Jeweler's Art by these people is fully establislied, not upon the strength of the history and writings uf the period, but by tlie superb specimens actually extant in all the great museums of tlie Eu- ropean continent, which specimens have been exhumed at various periods from Etruscan graves, from Herculaneum, Pompeii, and numerous other localities in Italy. The British Museum some time sirfce became by purchase the repository of many treasures of this description which had been collected by the Prince of Canino. Among them are several necklaces of gold, some wrought into wreaths of ivy leaves, others consisting of circles, lozenges, rosettes, hippocampi, pen- dent hearts, &c.. The necklace proper, adorned with drops or pendents, which, when worn, fell round the neck like rays di- verging from the centre, was always a favor- ite ornament among the women of antiquity. The necklace has been in nearly all ages and countries worn too as a decoration or mark of distinction bj' men, and still exists as their most precious badge among the ex- tremes of the race — the refined Orders of Knighthood and the Savage Families of Indian chiefs — and by the word Indian we imply the whole race of uncivilized Man. Of course the progress of the Arts in Rome must have been greatly accelerated by the re- duction of Greece, their preeminently favored seat, to a Roman province about a century and a half before Christ, and the large migra- tion of Greek Artists, which would naturally then follow to t^he metropolis of the world. In fact Ilomu's most celebrated artists were rarely of other than Greek extraction, the Romans being ever worshippers rather of strength than of beauty. Tliis will appear in most of the following names, — those of distinguished artists of the era of Augustus, Rome's so-called "golden age," viz. Epityn- chamus, Felix, .i^Dpolianus, Evodus, Lycos, Carpos, &c.. The Arts continued to flourish in Rome till the reign of Septimius Severus about A. D., 200. By this period the empire had become so disordered, as to exhibit symptoms of rapid decline, and the Arts naturally shared in its f\ite. The removal of the Em- peror Constantine to Byzantium and the con- stituting of this the metropolis of the empire about A. D., 300, transferred most (;f the re- maining artistic culture to this city. It was the retiuence of the bright stream to its fountain-head. At Rome tiie bari^arian ir- ruptions, at the latter part of the fourth and the opening of the fifth centuries, buried in dense night whatever yet remained of the ligiit of Art. At Constantinople they sur- vived some centuries longer, though dwin- dling under the disorders of the Eastern em- pire, till this empire was subverted, A. D., 1,453, by the Turkish Sultan, Mahomet II. The Greek artists fled from this barbarian dominion, and found refuge in Italy. They were favorably received and patronized by the Popes, then in the zenith of both tem- poral and spiritual power, and by the citi- zens of those Italian Republics, which so brilliantly illustrated the darkness of me- diiBval times. The Medici of Florence were especially distinguished for their munificent encouragement alike of Classic learning and of Art, and Lorenzo bestowed a more than ordinary patronage upon the Art of gem- engraving. His brother Giovanni was him- self the most eminent gem-engraver of his age. We are now brought to the period in Avhich the Jeweler's Art reached its culminating point in the artistic performances of Ben- venuto Cellini. He was born at Florence in 1500, and was the son of an ivory-cutter. He apprenticed himself at an early age to a goldsmith, and soon rivalled the best work- men in designing, carving, engraving, chas- ing, damaskening steel, &c.. His skill be- came so well known that he was employed by the Pope, Clement YII, to make the stamps for the Roman mint; and the coins struck from them remain unrivalled to this day. After the death of Clement his talents were kept employed by the Grand Dukes of Tuscany, and by Francis I of France. The statues and statuettes in marble and metals, the medals, the works of jewelry, the ela- l)orately chased vases and dishes, executed for these sovereigns by this great Jeweler, ai-e incredil)ly numerous, and the chief of them still exist in the great European recep- tacles of Art, where they have been carefully preserved, and have challenged the skill of the first artists of every subsequent age. But the extent of the subject we have assigned to ourselves forbids us to linger any longer upon this interesting man — for, a correct, full and just description of certain single specimens of his celebrated chased vases, or pieces of plate, would of itself cover scarcely less ground than does our entire article. Before finally disnussing him however we will recommend to the reader's notice his autobiography, a translation of which, under the title of '•Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini," (2 vols, Hvo.) was published in 1822, under the supervision of Thomas Roscoe. This is one of the most entertaining and peculiar pieces of composition extant, and such a course of extravagant self-laudation does our 6 JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. hero pursue, throughout his book, that the reader would be strongly inclined to suspect him of being but a quack after all, if, fortu- nately for his reputation, the embodiments of the great conceptions of his genius did not still exist in all their pristine perfection. We have thus traced the history of Art down to the period when the Reformation, the discovery of America, the invention of printing, &c., &c., gave a new and unprece- dented and universal impulse to all branches of culture and all departments of human im- provement. Under this impulse all the na- tions of Christendom have been rapidly and incessantly advancing, and their progress at this moment is, perhaps, more rapid than ever before. With the lapse of time and the division of labor, which has so widely taken place in all trades and professions, the Jeweler's vocation has gradually become separated from that of the general Artist, and its professors now limit their perfor- mances chiefly to the more valuable metals, gold and silver, and the precious stones. Altliough, as we have said, no individual performances have since surpassed those of Cellini, still since then the most extraordinary improvements have taken place in the Jewel- er's Art — in his day the commissions of the European monarchs sufficed to monopolize all the talent of the epoch — in ours, thanks to steam and other ingenious mechanical inven- tions of late periods the elementary branches of labor in this Art have been so abridged, thus reducing upon any single piece of work the expenditure of efi'ort of the finishing Ar- tist, and enlarging prodigiously the general field of workmanship, that the talent now at the world's command suffices for the full ac- complishment of the endless commissions of that now really vast population throughout the globe, the wealthy classes. Pans and London in tlie Eastern hemisphere, and New York in the V/estern, are the principal seats of culture of this Art at the present time. Had we in detail the materials we would connect herewith some description of the great establisiiments of the former cities which supply their continent with the mag- •nificent jewelry in such general deniand at this day among people of wealth. How- ever unprepared we are for that task, we are not, as it happens, able to plead a want of information concerning the great focus of the Art of the Jeweler on this side of the Atlantic — we mean the Atelier of Tiffany in New York. Alter a full discussion then of the main branches of our subject, we will, lunless it would be prolonging our article un- reasonably for the pages of so slight a journal as Bizarre, revert to this point and give our readers some account of this vast labora- tory — not only because we consider that it •cain«s really within the scope of our subject and that we possess the materials therefor, but because we believe we could make it very interesting, and, still further, for a spe- cial reason that we will give, if we resume the consideration of the matter that has sug- gested itself here. Having traced the history of the Jeweler's Art to the present day it seems proper now, that we should speak of the materials with which the Jeweler is chiefly engaged. Of gold and silver it were superfluous speaking, since whatever is known at all concerning these metals, and the regions producing them, is sufficiently familiar to all readers. Of the Precious Stones we may then speak, and this we will do in their respective order of hard- ness, Avhich the lapidarj'^ divides into ten principal grades. 1. The Diamond. 2. The Sapphire, the Ruby. 3. The Topaz, the Emerald, the Amethyst. 4. The Carneliau, the Carbuncle, the Garnet, the Onyx, the Sardonyx, the Heliotrope, the Chrysolite, the Hyacinth, tlie Cat's-eye. 5. The Opal. 6. The Pearl. 7. The Turquoise. Under the 8th, 9th, and 10th grades are classed sub- stances not fiilling under the denomination of Precious Stones, such as Amber, Coral, Lava, Ivor}', etc.. The substances given under each of these grades will scratch all those substances classified under subsequent grades, and the ancients engraved them all save tlie Diamond, and the art of engraving that was discovered liy Ambrosius Cara- dossa, A. I)., 1500. We will now proceed Avith the consideration of the Diamond, the first in the above order. The Diamond, by unanimous consent, is placed at the head of all gems, and this rank it has always held. It was named by the Greeks, " adamant," from two words signi- fying " unconquerable." This title was given it from its hardness, it being then sup- posed indestructiljle in its atoms, though it might be reduced to atoms by the hammer, or otherwise. But the magical electric cur- rent reduced this hardest of substances to mere gaseous products — though it had be- fore that been somewhat volatilized in the focus of the great lens of Cosmo HI, Grand Duke of Tuscany, in the middle of the seven- teenth century. The degree of temperature required for its combustion is 5,000 degrees, Fahrenheit. It is just three and a half times as heavy as an equal bulk of water. Its re- fractive power exceeds that of any other body, and thus endows it with its extraordi- nary brilliancy. It seems however to incor- porate light within itself, or to be phospho- rescent, as it will at times emit rays of light of its own in total darkness. This light is oftener observed upon rubbing the stone with the finger, or with any silk, woolen, or fur substance. It is a non-conductor of elec- tricity, and is not acted upon by any solvent. JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. The Diamond has never been found in rocks, as are all other minerals, but only in gravel and mud conglomerations in beds of rivers, in deep ravines on the slopes of mountains, and in cavities and ■water courses on the summits of, sometimes, the loftiest elevations ; and hence it is be- lieved to be the product of vegetable secre- tion. This supposition is eontirmed b^' the results of the experiments upon it, which seem to demonstrate it to be pure erystalized carbon. The primitive form of the J)ianiond is the regular octohodron, or two four sided pyramids, whose sides are equilateral trian- gles, placed base to base. Diamonds are gene- rally found nearly colorless and those that are entirely so are most esteemed. They have been found however rose-colored, yellow, blue, green, red, gray, brown, and even black. But the latter are extremely rare. When cohu-ed, it is by the presence of some adventitious substance, as by the oxides of iron, manganese, nickel, chromium, etc.. Those Diamonds, which are only tinged with the various colors, are of less value than those colored deeply. The modes of testing the Diamond are various. The most convenient are, submit- ting them to a white heat, and rubliing them with a pointed Sappiiire. They will undergo the former test without melting and the latter witliout being scratched ; and the Sap- phire is the second in the order of hardness as we have above stated, and Avill scratch every other substance but the Diamond. Frequent attempts have been made to pro- duce the Diamond through artificial chemical processes, but without the least success. The two principal regions yielding the Diamond are portions of Ilindostan and Brazil. At "present the latter country yields most of these gems, though the most ccle- l)rated now existing were produced by the former. AVe say celebrated, since, from the fact that Diamonds are tlic gems spe- cially a|)propriated by monarchs and nobles, and the M'eaithiest of the people, many of them are subjects of historic fame. Indeed more than once a large Diamond has affected the fate of an Asiatic kingdom. Diamonds were first found in Brazil in 1738, and during that same year it is stated, in tiie history of the period, that about eighty j^ounds avoirdupois (!) wore taken to Europe by the Portuguese. This statement must l)e taken doubtlessly cum grano, or rather with a great many f/vains, if not indeed pounds, of allowance. They were however brought in sufficient quantities to alarm those in posses- sion of the alreadj' discovered Diamonds, and they disseminated the worst slanders against the new stones, alleging that they were less hard than the Oriental ones, and calling them contemptuously Portuguese Diamonds. But they came forth unscathed from the most searching tests, and pulilic opinion was at last obliged to acknowledge their legitimacy. They still continue to be found in Brazil in considerable quantities, and the pursuit constitutes a large and important business. The Diamonds are found in a loose gravel, consisting fu'incipally of rounded (juartz peb- bles, mixed with sand and oxide of iron, and accompanied with blue, yellow and white tojiiizes. In the centre of the Diamond region is the town of Diamantina; situated upon the Rio Preto, a branch of the Trapajos, itself one of the great Southern tribu- taries of tiie Amazon. This region consists of broken highlands, constituting the divi- ding ridge between the streams flowing North into the Amazon, and those running South into the La Plata. Up to the year 1849, it had yielded ten million dollars worth of these stones ; and it is now said to produce about fifteen thousand carats per annum, less than a tenth of which however is fit for jewelry. Its climate is very unhealthy, and lias already cost Brazil the lives of one hun- dred thousand men. Tlie expenses of living in Diamantina are excessively high ; the various species of mer- chandise bringing eight hundred per cent, advance on their price at Para. Traders be- tween these two places exchange their goods for Diamonds and gold, for the latter also exists most abundantly in this region, and return to Par,!, after an eight months' alj- sence, with a realized profit of five hundred per cent, on their original outlay. The principal Indian mines are named Raolconda, Gani, Soumelpour and Sacca- dan, and are located in the kingdoms of Gol- contla, Yisapour and Bengal, and iu the island of Borneo. The first of thes^e is rocky: the second terraqueous ; and the other two are sandy or river mines. In tiie first, the Diamonds are washed out of earthy and gravely matter, that' is drawn by hooked iron insfci-umeiits iroui the fissures in tiie rocks, into wliich this matter had been carried by rains or desiccated streams. In the second they are waslied in sieves from certain eartliy and vegetable deposits, lying about twelve feet Iteueatii the surface of the ground. In these mines the stones are generally found enveloped in earthy lumps. Tlie workers iu these mines, men, women and children, are all slaves, — the overseers alone being freemen, — and, while at work, must be perfectly nude, with the exception of a strip of clotli round the loins. And yet, despite all precautions, the workers some- times secrete these stones, by swallowing them, by hiding them in ulcers, and by secre- ting them in the corners of their eyes. As JEWELRY xVND THE PRECIOUS STONES. an incentive to activity and ftiitlifulness, every slave, on finding a Diamond of pre- scribed weight, is pronounced free, and may go where and engage in what he chooses. The required weij^it differs perhaps in each mine ; but both in Asia and South America it varies not under fifteen nor above twenty carfits. The mine of Soumelpour is nigh a town of the same name. This town, lying on the banks of the river Gouel, is large and the houses are built of earth, covered with cocoa- nut-tree branches. The Diamond-hunting period at this place and at Saccadan is im- mediately after the rainy season in Decem- ber. The stones are obtained by sifting the I'iver-sands. In each of the above-named mines, from fifty to sixty thousand persons are employed. The other Asiatic mines of less importance are in the central and southern part of India proper, and in the peninsula of Malacca. The Brazilian Diamond districts are in Government hands, and are worked on the same general plan with the Indian. Full particulars of the stringent measures adopted in the former country, throughout the whole Diamond district, to prevent the stones from being taken unlawfully out of the boundaries, may be found in the Travels of Doctors Von Spix and Von Marlins, made in Brazil, by the command of the King of Ba- A^aria.* The whole region is marked out by a cordon, encircling it, extending many miles. Diamonds have also been found in con- glomerates of recent volcanic origin, called geologically amygdaloids; in gold and plati- num sands in the Ural mountains; and one is reported to have been found lately in Vir- ginia ; and another in the district of Fer- managh, in Ireland. And, as they are com- monly found wherever gold exists, it is not unlikely that they will eventually be dis- coveretl in quantities in various quarters of our widely extended territories, (particularly in California,) in Australia, and in Africa. Indeed mention is made in the classical authors of Diamonds received from the latter country. The Diamond when found possesses by no means the brilliancy for which it is famous. In its natural state it is not even transparent — it is at best but translucent. To art, therefore, it owes in a great degree its re- nown: for its tires, which so dazzle the eye, are only released by I'emoving the external crust, and may indeed after that be greatly increased by cutting the stone into peculiar shapes. * Keise in Brnsilien anf Befehl S'r Magestat Maximilian .Tosejih I Koni;^s Yon liaiern. Geniacht uud beschiieben Von D'r Von iSpix und D'r Von Marlins. Munich : 1828. 4to. The method of polishing and cutting the Diamond was first discovered by Louis de Berguem, of Bruges, in 1476. The former is done by means of Diamond powder, which is obtained by rubbing two Diamonds to-, gether — the latter by fragments of Diamond set in convenient instruments. The stone to be operated on is itself firmly set by cement or soft solder in some suitable body, and re- quires a different setting to produce each facet. A facet is the name of any one ex- ternal ^Z««e upon the Diamond. The sliape of these planes or facets is gene- rally triangular and quadrangular, in con- sequence of course of the shape of the whole Diamond, which is required to be of a certain peculiarity, which, it is believed, is that which renders the Diamond in the highest degree brilliant. This shape will be described presently. These operations (of polishing and cut- ting) are generally performed over a small, strongbox, which serves to retain the powder that may be produced by abrasion as well as the fragments that result from cutting. These pieces are called technically hort. The first polished stone is said to have be- longed to Charles the Bold, and many ro- mantic stories are related of it. The last census of the United States in- forms us that there are twenty-eight lapi- daries in its territories — sixteen of whom are in New York, nine in Rhode Island, two in Massachusetts, and one in New Jerse}'. But throughout the whole world the only Diamond-cutter of eminence at the present day (we mean to whom the cut- ting of a stone of extraordinary size would be entrusted) is M. Coster, of Amsterdam, if we except one of growing reputation in Paris, whose name we cannot recall. AVithin late years the steam-engine has been em- ployed at Amsterdam to do a great portion of the cutting. The shape, as yet discovered, which ren- ders the Diamond the most effective in its lustre, is called the Brilliant, and was first adopted about a century and a half ago. This shape, in the absence of engravings, we will attempt to describe for the benefit of those readers who have not met with stones of sufficient size to have been the subjects of careful cutting. The Brilliant is of the shape of two pyramids, whose bases are hec- cadeeagons, or sixteen sided, placed base to ^ base, the upper half (in altitude) of one of which pyramids has been first cutoff; the other pyramid is left complete, or at most is deprived of its vertex or mere tip. The truncated pyramid is the one which is pre- sented to the view when the Diamond is set in any piece of jewelry, the perfect pyramid being behind or under. The truncated and the perfect pyramid are called respectively JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. the table and the collet, and their line of unison, or, what is the same thinj^, the pe- rimeter of eithei-'s base, is called the (/irdle. The \:xr'^(i»t facet on the 1>kii,liant is the plane of di.^section of the upper half of that pyramid of vvhicli the table is formed, which facet, we have already said in effect, is that prominently exposed to view. '\^\\\s facet is a regular octagon — so is the minute one pro- duced by the abscission of the vertex of the other pyramid — the other facets upon the vemnining surface of the two pyramids, or ratiier what is left of the same, are all quad- rangular and triangular. First, as to the table : this contains eight fi({\vAYe facets, the dagonals of which, as they are arranged, form an imaginary perfect octagon, parallel with that really produced by the truncation of the pyramid. One side of the OQi-A^ow facet , one side of one square facet, and one side of the adjacent square facet form a triangular yace/, and thus in all are formed eight triangular facets. Now there are still sixteen more triangular /«ce^5 about the table. They are formed as follows. As the square facets, united diagonally around the table, incline to each other, the angles formed outside of them by the con- junction of their corners, are much more ob- tuse below, or next to the girdle, than above. In order therefore not to reduce unneces- sarily the size of the stone, it is not ground down to one triangular plane between one lower side of one Rquarey«ce/, the uniting lower side of an adjacent sq\\a.vQ facet, and one-eiglith of the girdle, but to two triangu- lar planes, each of which two has one side that is identical, one side formed respectively by the two adjacent square J'acets, and the thii'd side by a sixteenth of the girdle. Thus are formed upon the surface of the table six- teen triangular /«ce^5 below the eight square facets. These sixteen, the eight square ones, and the eight upper triangular ones before described, and the large octagon shaped facet, forming in all thirty-three, embrace the whole external surface of the table. Second, as to the collet. This, when not at all truncated, contains around the vertex eight lozenge shaped facets, whose upper sides (we speak of the collet as a pyramid) are all united. The spaces between the lower sides of the lozenges and the girdle are ground into sixteen triangular /J/^e/.?, in the same manner as in the table. The eight lower corners of the lozenges unite upon the girdle with the eight lower corners of the squares, and the sixteen lower triangles in the table all abut on the sixteen triangles in the collet. Now the vertex of the collet is generally cut off; this produces a small octagonal jace^, and at the same converts the lozenge shaped facets into pentagon shapes. Thus the collet is included in twenty-five planes. The Avhole surface of the Brilliant is then divided as follows: two octagons, eight squares, eight pentagons, and forty triangles — in all tifty-eight /teceis; and the girdle i» a perfect heccadecagon. The Brilliant is generally set in open work which attaches only at intervals at the girdle, allowing the light to enter under the stone. Thus the Brilliant when set ex- poses the thirty-three y«ce^s of the table, and reveals, through its large octagon y«ce^, the small octagon yint Petersburg. Much of interest in regard to this Diamond may be found in " J'icturesfrom Saint Petersburg," published about five years ago by Jerrman, the Ger- man tragedian. This, it maybe worthwhile to mention, is the stone concerning which is generally narrated the fabulous story of the theft of a Diamond eye from an Indian idol, by a French, and sometimes Irish, soldier. The second in order is that called " The Grand Duke of Tuscany's." The weight of this is one hundred and thirty-nine carats. In beauty of shape and purity of water it exceeds all others remarkable for size. It is al)solutGly colorless, and is cut as a Brilliant of the most perfect symmetry. It is about an inch and a half in diameter at the girdle, and about an inch deep. This is said to be the same stone, now in possession of the Em- peror of Austria, called " The Maximilian." But, on the other hand, a statement now be- fore us describes " The Maximilian" to be of a lemon coloi", and Rose-cut, although the same account represents it further as " cut on all sides facet-wise." The next in size is that called the "Re- gent" of France, and sometimes the " Pitt" Diamond. Its weight is one hundred and thirty-six and three-fourths carats. It is cut as a Brilliant, is of admirable shape, but of a blue tinge. Its diameter at the girdle is about an inch and a quarter, and its depth about an inch. It was said to have been found in Malacca, and was sent to England in 1702 by Thomas Pitt, grand- father of the Right Hon. William Pitt. He was at the time Governor of Fort Saint George, Madras. lie stated in a letter pub- lished in the London Daily Post, dated No- vember 3rd, 1743, that he bought it of a na- tive merchant named Jamchuud, for 48,000 pagodas. The pagoda is about a dollar and half of our money. It was purchased for Louis XV of France, in 1748, for £135,000, w^hich is about its value, according to the mode of calculation we have before laid down, estimating a single carat of the quali- ty of this Diamond at $35. A commission of French jewelers, however, in 1791, esti- mated it arbitrarily at twelve million francs. It was worn by Napoleon in the handle of his sword, and still remains among the Royal Jewels of France. The fourth in the order of weight is the "Etoile du Sud." This is of recent dis- covery, and is the largest ever found in Bra- zil. It came to light in the month of July, 1853, and was purchased by the Messieurs Halphen of Paris, who are still its owners. Its weight when found was two hundred and fifty-four and a half carats. Its shape is good, and will cut advantageously. Several months ago it was laid before the Academy of Sciences for inspection, and was pro- nounced to be of the purest water, and ex- empt from blemish of any description. It is now undergoing the process of cutting by M. Coster, of Amsterdam. When completed its weight will be between one hundred and twenty and one hundred and thirty carats. The fifth in size is " The Koh-i-noor," in possession of the British Queen. This Diamond has, thanks to the officious and extensive Press both in England and the United States, made an undue sensation in latter years, as we think any one will be in- clined to admit upon a mental comparison of its weight and appearance, as we will de- scribe them, with those of the first three al- ready spoken of. It exceeded, it is true, in weight, but in that respect alone, the Duke' of Tuscany's and the Regent, at the time of its exposition in the Crystal Palace at Lon- don. It was however almost devoid of shape. That it did not possess any beauty as an ornament, at least in that respect, may be surmised, when we state that its conforma- tion Avas, as near as possible, that of the hulk of a vessel, one of whose stern corners had been completely sliced off. So uncouth was its appearance that it was determined to have it recut. This operation was " com- menced in August, 1852, at London, under the supervision of the most eminent artists from Amsterdam; and so mis-shapen was the object of ther skill, that they were put to the necessity of sacrificing eighty-three and a quarter carats of its weight before they could reduce it to symmetry. This recutting occu- pied thirty-eight days of labor. Its present weight is exactly one hundi'ed and two and thirteen-sixteenths carats, as we find stated by Professor J. Tennant in a paper read be- fore a late meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Before the last cutting it was nearly two inches in length, about an inch in breadth, and three- fourths of an inch in depth. It is slightly tinged with a yellow color. The authentic history of this Diamond, like that of the Russian Emperoi-, dates only from Nadir Shah. It had doubtlessly been obtained by him in one of his numerous ex- peditions to India — probably in the first, of which we spoke more particularly in our ac- JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. 13 count of the Russian Diamond. In June, 1747, Nadir, as we have before stated, was assassi- nated by his subjects, partly from jealousy of the Aif<:;hans, who were in sueli favor at Cour't. One of this race, of the Abdallec Tribe, Ahmed Shall, had acted as Nadir's Treasurer, and, upon liis assassination, was obliged to withdraw with his countrymen from Persia. The Affghans, thouo-h beset and intercepted on all sides, safely fought tiieir Avay out of the kingdom, Ahmed carrying with hiin the Koh-i-noor. At the head of his band he per- formed many daring achievements, and at length became the founder of a new empire in the kingdom of Cabul. lie proved to be one of the greatest warriors of the age, ^ud carried on with prodigious success nu- merous wars of conquest, by which vast trea- sures were amassed. He also subjected llin- dostan among other countries, and carried back a great deal of plunder. Upon his death (of cancer in the face), in June, 1773, the Koh-i-noor was found among the royal jewels, and desceudcd to his son, Timoor Shah, whose death occurred May 20th, 1793. A younger son of Timoor, Shah Zemaun, succeeded as king, but was soon driven from the throne by Mahmood, his half brother, who had received the aid of Futteh Alii Shah, King of Persia. Shah Zemaun in his flight took with him the Koh-i-noor, and in his retreat stopped with a few retainers for refreshment at the Castle of Moolah Aushik, a dependent of iiis. He received them hos- pitably, but took measures to prevent their escape and sentoff a messenger to Mahmood. While detained a prisoner here he secreted the Koh-i-noor, with some other jewels, in the Avail of his apartment. Mahmood soon sent a surgeon to him to deprive him of his sight, the usual mode of disabling a great rival throughout the Eastern nations. His ej'es having been pierced with a lancet, he was taken to Cabul and put under confine- ment. Mahmood, after a short and turbu- lent reign, was deposed by a chief named Mookhtar-oo-doulah, w^ho had successfull}^ fomented a revolution. Mookhtar placed upon the throne Shnja Ool Moolk, the full brother of Shah Zemaun, whose release was the first act of Shuja's reign ; the next was to arrest and execute the traitor Moolah Aushik, a fate he well deserved. The Koh-i-noor was now brought from its hiding place, where it had safely remained during the reign of Mahmood, and was seen in 1808, worn upon the person of Shuja, by M'r Elphinstone, British Envoy to the King of Cabul. The following is an extract from the account of his reception by the King : "We thought at first that he had on an armour of jewels, but, on close inspection, we found this to be a mistake, and his real dress to consist of a green tunic, with large flowers in gold, and precious stones, over which were a large breast-plate of Diamonds, shapeil like two flattened fleurs de lis, an or- nament of the same kind on each tliigli, large emerald bracelets on the arms (above the elbow), and many other jewels in different places. In one of the bracelets was the Koh-i-noor, known to be one of the largest Diamonds in the world. There were also some strings of very large pearls, put on like cross-belts, but loose. The Crown was about nine inches high, not ornamented with jewels as European crowns are, but to ap- pearance entirely formed of those precious materials. It seemed to be radiated like an- cient crowns, and behind the rays appeared peaks of purple velvet ; some small branches, with pendants, seemed to project from the crown ; but the whole was so complicated and so dazzling, that it was difficult to under- stand, and impossible to describe."* But none of Ahmed Shah's descendants possessed a tithe of his ability, and the king- dom he founded became more and more dis- ordered, until it was subverted, shortly after the date of M'r Elphinstone's visit, by the victorious chief of the Sikhs, Runjeet Singh. Shah Shuja Avas the last of the once poAverful Abdallee chiefs who possessed this stone. The particulars of its transfer by him to Runjeet are thus amusingly furnished in an article in the Kew 3Ionihli/ Magazine, made up from a leader on the subject in The Times : " He put the Shah under strict surveil- lance, and made a formal demand of the jcAvel. The prince hesitated, prevaricated, temporized, and employed all the artifices of oriental diplomacy, but in vain. Runjeet redoubled the stringency of his measures, and at length, the 1st of June, 1813, was fixed as the day when this great Diamond should be surrendered by the Abdallee chief to the ascendant dynasty of the Singhs. The two princes met in a room appointed for the purpose, and took their seats on the ground. A solemn silence then ensued Avhich continued unbroken for an hour. At length Runjeet's impatience overcame the suggestions of Asiatic decorum, and he whis- pered to an attendant to quicken the memory of the Shah. The dethroned prince spoke not a word in reply, but gave a signal Avith his eyes to a eunuch in attendance, Avho, retiring for a moment, returned Avith a small roll, Avhich he set doAvn upon the carpet midway between the two chiefs. Again a pause fol- lowed, Avhcn, at a sign from Runjeet, the roll was unfolded, and there, in its matchless and unspeakable ijrilliaucy, glittered the Koh-i- noor." * An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul. By the flon. Mountstuart Elphinstone, of the Honorable Kust India Company's service, auU late Envoy to the King of Caubul. London: 1S15. 4to. 14 JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. Thus came this precious stone to Lahore, the capital of Runjeet Singh's dominions, and, when the Sikh provinces were annexed to British India, it followed the train of con- quest, and was carried to Bombay, whence it was brought, five or six years ago, by Colonel Mackeson, Political Agent, and Captain Ramsay, IMilitary Secretary of the India Governor-General, in the Medea Steam- ship, to the distant shores of England. Instead of proceeding directly to speak of the King of Portugal's Diamond, the next in order, we will now interrupt the programme for a moment to offer some considerations upon the one spoken of by the world at large, as " The Great Mogul's," and we do so here because its history has connection with that of two of the stones that have now been described. Three hundred years ago reached Europe the fame of a Diamond in the possession of the Emperors of Mogul. Many fabulous stories were then told of re- mote countries like this, and this stone above all furnished a subject for a thousand mar- vellous narrations. All readers have proba- bly met somewhere with the descriptions concocted in these times of the throne of jewels, of the peacock of gems, and of the great Diamond, as large as a goose egg, at Delhi. It was not difficult however to gather from all these exaggerations that a Diamond of greater size than had yet ever been known did actually exist in the possession of this Eastern monarch, but it was not until a cen- tury after its first fiime was bruited, that Europe obtained any satisfactory particulars regarding it. In the middle of the seven- teenth century a Frenchman by birth, named Jean Baptiste Tavernier, a person of intelli- gence and means, and a great connoisseur in jewelry and gems, the trafiio in which be- came a perfect passion witli him, made a number of prolonged journeys to all parts of Asia — the greater portion of a period of forty years having been passed by him in this then remote country— partly out of love of adventure, partly for speculation in the pre- cious stones. Ilis observations and adven- tures were published in Paris, after his final return thither in 16G8, in three volumes pet. folio, 1676, and they are among the most agreeable and instructive writings of tlie kind we have ever met with. One of the volumes opens with a profession of his penchant for the Diamond : " Le Dia- mant est la plus precieuse de toutes les pierres, et c'est le negoce auquelje me suis le plus attache." His narration is, remarkable for an air of simplicity and truth pervading it, and is as different as possible from the proverbial conies de voijar/enrs. His work must have demolished many matters of popular belief at that period, and, if still read, could serve to correct numerous errors yet entertained. We ourselves had no idea, for example, of the limited extent within which is, and always has been, confined the burning of widows in India. Tavernier informs us that none but those who are childless are ever permitted or desire to thus immolate them- selves : and even of this class, the proportion of which must be exceedingly insignificant, he says by no means are all permitted to mount their husbands' pyres — a special au- thority to do so being required in each in- stance from a Government functionary — and this permission is not r. It is kept in " The Green Vault," a mineralogical museum at Dresden, It was bought l)y Augustus the Strong, in Warsaw, for sixty thousand thalers. The E.ast India House possesses one known as " The Nassuc Diamond," which was part of the spoil taken in the English war against the Mahrattas. It is described as of irregu- lar form, but of fine water, A conical Diamond of unusual size is in possession of Holland ; and a large one, in the shape of a pyramid, is among the Por- tuguese Crown Jewels. The late Duke of York possessed one almost black, and of great size and beauty. A Diamond about the size of a large hazel- nut was found last winter at Manchester, near Richmond, Virginia. It is of the first water, but holds several black specks in its centre. The Ledger stated, at the time, that it weighed nineteen carats, and was found by a laboring man, in the employ of M'r James Fisher, Jr. The Evening Post of April 28th, 1855, says : " We were shown yesterday, on board the steamship Jamestown, what is said to be the largest Diamond ever discovered in North America. It was found several months ago by a laboring man named Benjamin Moore, at Manchester, Virginia, in some earth which he was digging up. The Diamond was put in a fufnace for melting iron at Richmond, where it remained in a red heat for two hours and twenty minutes. It was then taken out and found to be uninjured and brighter than ever. It was valued in Rich- mond at §4,000, The tinder of the prize is a poor man with a fiimily," The ancients, as we have intimated, at- tributed occult and miraculous properties to many of the precious stones, as may be seen discussed at large in Pliny, and particular gems have been marked by their own distin- guishing fables. The same notions have more or less continued down to times not long past. Even a philosopher, so eminent 18 JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. and modern as Boyle, published a treatise on the sanative, and life, health, and beauty conservating virtues of the precious stones. Thus, a dose, -which he denominates clectua- rmm e gemmis, will stave off, he says, the approaches of old age. Some superstitions and anecdotes relative to the Diamond may be worth quoting before we take leave of it. The Diamond has been regarded as bearing a mysterious relation to the Sun ; as setting at defiance all subduing and destroying agencies, save the solar ray — a tradition which seems to have been so powerful as to have influenced M'r Boyle to make the at- tempt to dissolve it by a powerful lens, an experiment, the first, which proved success- ful, and the one we have before alluded to as performed by the lens of extraordinary Eower in the possession of Cosmo III, Grand 'uke of Tuscany. Pliny asserts that the Diamond and the magnet are naturally inimical to one another, and in mediaeval times the Diamond was con- sidered an antidote to poison, a safeguard against mania, and even a preservative of virtue. The peculiar color of each of the precious stones rendered it tlie emblem of many things. Thus the Diamond, being white, signified light, purity, faith, innocence and virginity. The London Atlienceum in a late article stated that in ancient wicked times it was used to detect infidelities ; that, if placed upon the head of a slumbering wife, it would compel the sleeper to betray the secrets of the bosom. The mode of this self-disclosure we find described in an old book, by Thomas Nicols* : " If a true Diamond be put upon the head of a woman without her knowledge, it will make her in her sleep, if she be faithful to her husband, to cast herself into his em- braces; but, if she be an adulteresse, to turn away from him." This is a philosophical superstition that mighc be safely believed in, we should ima- gine ; we should not be surprised indeed if the actions described would duly ensue with- out the use of the Diamond. The sangfroid of the husband, our " some times" Cantab, does not appear to have be- lieved susceptible of influence, and the bold- ness and frequency with which these gems are presented nowadays to the wife at various re- curring fetes seem to confirm the correctness of this view. Master Nicols says further, " that it is esteemed powerful for the driving away of Incubos and Succubos." Tlie Jewish Rabbis say that Eve, on quit- ting Paradise, had her ears bored in token of her subjection to man. On this a commenta- tor remarks that the women have revenged themselves for this sign of degradation by compelling the men to suspend to their ears Diamonds and other costly stones, which they must procure by wearisome toil. The sign of subjection should have been the complete excision of the ear, and we remember that, at Trimalcyon's feast, one of the revellers says that, as his wife's Diamonds have absorbed nearly his whole estate, if he ever has a daughter he will cut off her ears at her birth, to avoid first his own utter ruin, and, secondly, that of her future husband. It seems rather strange that in so cele- brated a crown as that of Saint Stephen's of Hungary, Avhich has always served at the coronation of the Austrian monarchs, there should have been no Diamonds. It is de- scribed as being of pure gold, ornamented Avith one emerald, fifty rubies, fifty-three sap- phires, and three hundred and thirty-eight pearls, weighing in all fourteen pounds. This is the crown that was stolen during the late Hungarian insurrection, and has never since been found : the coronation of tlie Emperor of Austria seems consequently to be indefi- nitely postponed. The Crown of England is composed of Diamonds and Pearls, chiefly of the former, of which there are about seventeen hundred, valued altogether at half a million dollars. Russia has always been noted for the dis- play of Diamonds made by its noble classes. The following are brief extracts from " The Life of Prince Potemkin,"* a successor, in the affections of Catharine II, of that same Prince Gregory Orloff, who bought her the large Diamond from Persia : " At the same time her Majesty adorned his neck with a Diamond collar, of the order of Saint Alexander, worth 60,000 roubles." — (p. 187.) " She sent him 100,000 roubles in gold; a crown of laurels made of emeralds set with superb Diamonds, and valued at 150,000 roubles; and ordered three gold medals to be struck to his honor." — (p. 214.) " The Prince handed the Empress from her coach. lie was dressed in a scarlet coat, over which hung a long cloak of gold lace, ornamented with precious stones. lie wore as many Diamonds as a man can wear in his dress. Ilis hat, in particular, was so loaded with them that he was obliged to have it car- ried by one of his aides-de-camp." — (p. 230.) But when we read the following it causes us to wonder at the real profusion of Dia- * A Lapidary: or the History of Tretious Stones. By Thomas Nicola. Sometiuies in Jesus Coliedge in Cam- bridge. Cambridge, 1052. 4to. * Slemoirsof the Life of Prince Potemkin, Field Marshal, &c., Ac. Compreheiidiug original anecdotes of Catharine the Second and of the Ilussian Court. Translated from the (jierman. London. 1812. Svo. JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. 19 monds actually existing. It is a list of tliose presented by Catliarine II to her various fa- vorites. We collate it froi:» a work of high interest.* To AV'asielitsehikoff Diamonds of the v.alue of ^00,(100 roubles. To ZawadotTsky, Dia- mo'nds -worth 80,000 rouljles. To Zoritz, Diamonds worth 200,000 roubles. To Kor- zakoff, Diamonds worth 50,000 roubles. To Lanskoi, Diamonds worth 80,000 roubles. To Yermoloff, Diamonds worth 80,000 rou- bles. To Plato Zouboff, Diamonds worth 100,000 roubles. The value of those presented to the five brothers Orhjfi", and to Potcmkin and some others, is not particularly stated, but it far exceeded the total of those sums we have enumerated. The Jewels and other presents showered upon her lovers by this munifi- cent sovereign is estimated in this book at 88,820,000 roubles! Amongst the Russian Treasures at JMoscow are three crowns, first, that of Peter the Great, containing 887 large Diamonds ; second, Ivan's, 841 Diamonds ; and third, the Imperial Crown, with over 2,500 large Diamonds. There are also two saddles of the Empress Catharine II, completely covered with Diamonds. The French Crown Jewels have just been overhauled, some new set, and tlie whole exposed in the Great Exhibition now open in Paris. An inventory of them has also been published, from which we collate some in- teresting fixcts. The "Regent" is estimated at five million francs, which is reached on the basis of one carat of its quality being worth about fifty dollars. This is falling off considerably from the value set upon it by the Commission of 1701. The whole number of precious stones is G4,812, weighing 18,751 carats. The Crown contains 5,352 Dia- monds, of which 5,206 are Brilliants, and the others Rose-cut. One sword is set with 1,57(3 Brilliants, and another with 1,50G Rose Diamonds. There are two clasps, the one mounted with 217, the other with 197 Brilliants, and a chapeau button formed of 21 similar Diamonds. The N'orih American corrGspondent, writing from Paris, says of these Crown Jewels : "There are Itouquets of Diamonds, with cords and tassels to match, to tie round the ■waist, and Diamond stomachers, filled with stones, only inferior in size to the 'Regent.' In one case alone twenty-eight l>iamond necklaces lie exposed in rows of light, sup- ported by a fan encrusted with the same, while a Diamond comb adjoining places the head of tlie happy wearer at least on an equality with the hand. They occupy a pyramidal case of nine divisions, at the apex of which is placed, alone and unset, the 'Regent,' a Diamoml of wonderful size and beauty, square in shape, and slightly rounded at the corners." The same writer says that the "Regent" was stolen from the Royal Garde-Meuble during the French Revolution, but was soon after recaptured, and then pledged by the Directory for 0,000,000 of francs to the Bank of Amsterdam. It was redeemed by Napo- leon immediately after the battle of Marengo. L' Europe Artiste of July 29th, 1855, says that this stone will shortly be placed ia the hands of the eminent Jeweler, M. Le- monnier, to be set in a new Imperial Diadem, which he has been commissioned to execute. Since the printing of those pages ia which we spoke of the "JCtoile du Sud," we we have learned from a late number of the North American that the cutting of that stone has been completed, and that it is at pi'csent placed in the French Exposition. The Paris correspondent of that paper says : " The Diamond is well exposed to the light, being simply suspended between two metal points which allow it to be seen on all sides. The faces of the cuttings are unusual- ly large, but, if one may judge by the fire which they throw out, and the brilliant pris- matic colors displayed, the operation has been scientifically and successfully conduct- ed. The stone appears perfectly colorless, and of elegant oblong form." "Its weight is one hundred and twenty-five and a half carats, but, owing either to the superiority of the cutting, or to the unusual thickness, nineteen millimetres* from the table to the extreme point behind, the refraction of light is wonderfully great, and, when the level sun falls rightly upon it, its fires are really mag- nificent." " The ' Etoile du Sud' is at this moment in the market positively to be sold, if a buyer can be found." Its weight, as above stated, sanctions our classification of it. (p. 12.) When penning our remarks upon the "Koh-i-noor," and " The Great Mogul's Diamond," (pp. 12, 13, 14, 15, and 10,) we sought in vain for some official English state- ment of the grounds of the identification by them of these two stones, and the conclusion we arrived at, though unavoidable from the facts before us, was not unaccompanied by the fears of the existence of some absolute • Vie tie Catharine II, Imperatrice de llu.-sie. Avec fix portraite graves en taille-Uouce. A I'uiis. 1797. (- vole. 8vo.) * Nineteen millimetres are equal, within n shadow of » fraction, to three-fourths of an inch. This distance, the writer evidcnily means, is from the centre of the promi- nent /cicet of the tabic to the apex of the coUU. 20 JEWELRY AND THE PEECIOUS STONES. adverse proof -u'lncli vre had been unable to encounter. Since then we have found what we presume to be the strongest statement of proofs that the English Court can put forth upon the subject. It appears in Vol. II, p. G95, of the " Official, Descriptive and Il- lustrated Catalogue" of the "Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations," in which, it will be remembered, the "Koh- i-noor" was exposed to the public by the Queen. It is published "By Authority of the Royal Commission," and four large columns of print are devoted to the subject. We were greatly surprised, after an atten- tive perusal of the same, that a claim of such magnitude, so universally made by English ■writers, does not even pretend to possess a shadow of proof to support it. The Diamond is traced back, as we have done it already, to Nadir Shah, and the "Great Mogul's" is traced down to tliat personage. But that this latter stone was the one carried off into Cabul, upon the truth of which rests M^hoUy the "Koh-i-noor's" authenticity, not a word of evidence is offered. The whole of this momentous portion of its history is thus briefly given, and without the support of a single reference: "After Nadir Shah's death, the Diamond, which he had wrested from the unfortunate representative of the House of Timur,* be- came the p«-operty of Ahmed Shah, the founder of the Abdali dynasty of Kabul, having been given to him, or more probably taken by him from Shah Rokh, the young son of Nadir." This is poor indeed. But the Court scribe has still a difficult task before him. Taver- nier has carefully weighed, and minutely described to the world, the "Great Mogul's Diamond," and that stone, by him thus described, has become famous throughout the land — and the " Koh-i-noor" obstinately will KOt accord with Tavernier's statements. So our writer says : " Tavernier of course took the actual weight with the native standard of weight, the rati, and his valua- tion of the Diamond at two hundred and seventy-nine and nine-sixteenths carats was ihe result of a mistaken notion of the weight of the rati !" He then deduces from other authorities the •weight of the ratis, (spelt by him rati,) and makes it out, instead of seven-eighths of a carat, a little over two grains. Upon this basis three hundred and nineteen and a half ratis equal one hundred and seventy-five carats ! This, it is true, is nearer to one * 0\ir references to this celebrated historical character haTe been by the name of Tamerlane. Eillier appellation may be used at random. Tjiveruier calls himTemur-leng, and says that the ■word means Le Bnitcux, a term per- sonally applicable, he says, to the Tartar chief. hundred and eighty-six and one-sixteenth carats, (the "Koh-i-noor's" late weight,) than to two hundred and seventy-nine and nine-sixteenths carats, to which Tavernier says three hundred and nineteen and a half ratis are equal, but it is still some distance therefrom. That discrepancy however the enterprising writer thus disposes of: " The weight of one hundred and seventy- five carats is a sufficiently near approxima- tion to the actual weight of the 'Koh-i-noor,'* one hundred and eighty-six carats, taken with more perfect scales and weights than the Imperial Jewelers were likely to have provided, and with more care and delibera- tion than Tavernier might have had the op- portunity of exercising." AVhen the reader is reminded that Taver- nier was a Diamond merchant by profession, that he spent nearly forty years in Asia, that he brought back to France a vast number of Diamonds, Rubies, and Pearls, all bought in the East by the ratis, that he published with great care and elegance the results of his travels, illustrating his account of the "Great Mogul's Diamond" with a well executed en- graving, and that he repeatedly speaks both of the Aveight of this Diamond and of the weight of the ratis — when the reader is re- minded of these facts, we say — it will be dif- ficult for him to credit that this famous "travelling Jeweler," as Gibbon calls him, could, first, have made a mistake of nearly a hundred per centum in the value of the deli- cate ratis, and, secondly, in addition tliereto, have blundered to the extent of eleven carats in weighing the most precious stone ever de- posited in his hands, or indeed known to the world ! It seems hardly fair either that the official account of the " Koh-i-noor" should pass over in perfect silence Tavernier's descrip- tion of the beautiful shape of the Mogul stone, and his engraving thereof, without at- tempting to reconcile it with the long hulk of the " Mountain of Light !" Although we found no use of the word " Koh-i-noor" made before the date of Nadir Shah, and believed that none such had been made, we hesitated to assert this as a f\ict, for fear that the "Mogul's Diamond" might, in some authority we had not encountered, have been so styled ; but the official history of the "Koh-i-noor" absolves us from the responsi- bility of making this assertion. It says : " The appellation 'Koh-i-noor' is not given to the great Diamond of the Mogul Emperors." " Nadir Shah is said to have bestowed upon it the name of 'Koh-i-noor'." If then, even so poor a proof as the coinci- dence of names does not exist, we cannot * It had not yet at this date undergone its re-cutting. JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. 21 conceive upon what fjrounds at all it has ever boen asserted that Knjiland is in possession of the "Great Mogul's Diamond." This account, in order we presume to add to th6 fame of the stone, pretends to give its history from a remote period. It is made iipb from occasional references by Indian historians to large Diamonds, and the "Koh- i-noor" thus becomes the hero of all the early stories related of any and every con- spicuous Diamond. Such a history may be consitlercd, of cfourse, as purely fabulous. It is us follows. It was found 3001 years be- fore Christ, and was worn by Kama, King of Anga. It was next heard of as belonging to Vikramaditya, the Rajah of Ujayin, fifty- six years before Christ, and his successors, Ihe llajahs of Mahva. JMalwa was conquer- ed and overcome by Alla-ud-din, Sultan of Delhi, in 130G. From him it passed to the Bikermajit family of Agra, who presented it to Ilumayun, who presented it to Sultan Baber, who presented it Ijack to Ilumayun. After this, it passed permanently, until Na- dir's arrival, into the possession of the Em- perors of Mogul, The recent history of the "Koh-i-noor," as here given, is doulitlessly quite authentic, and, as it is somewhat more precise than that related by us, we shall quote from it : "After Runjet's death it was worn by Khur- ruk Sing and Shir Sing. After the murder of the latter, it remained in the Lahore Trea- sury until the surpercession of Dhulip Sing, and the annexation of the Punjab by the British Government, when the civil authori- ties took possession of the Lahore Treasury, under the stipulation, previously made, that all the propertj'^ of the State should be con- fiscated to the East India Company, in part payment of the delit due by the Lahore Government, and of the expenses of ihe war. It was at the same time stipulated that the ' Koh-i-noor' should be surrendered to the Queen. The Diamond was conveyed to Bom- bay by Governor-General the Earl of Dal- housie, whom ill health had compelled to re- pair to the coast, and was there given in charge to Lieut. Col. Mackeson, C. B., and Capt. T. Ramsay, the Military Secretary to the Governor-General, to take to England." They left Bombay with it April 6tl), 18-50, arrived in England -June 30th, and surren- dered it, July 2nd, to the Chairman and De- puty Chairman of the Court of Directors, who, with the President of the Board of Con- trol, presented it, July 3rd, to Her Majesty." AVe should have stated in speaking of the "KingofPortugal'sDiamond" (pp. 16,17) that several French authorities give its weight as one hundred and twenty carats, which would fix the " Koh-i-noor" as the sixf/i in order of the large Diamonds. "We stated the weight, ninety-three and three-quarters carats, as given with the model from which we de- scribed it. The weight of " the Pacha of Egypt's Diamond" was there misprinted sixty-nine instead of forty-nine carats. We have learneil that M'r Henry Thomas Hope, of London, is in possession of a blue Diamond, M'eighing one hundred and seventy- seven grains. If this were seventy-seven carats it would accord with the weight of ihe "Blue Diamond," which we have described. It is more probably " The English Lottery Diamond;" for one hundred and seventy- seven grains are equivalent to a little over forty-five and a half carats, which is nearly the weight we have accorded " The Lottery Diamond," and it also has been described as of a blue tinge. The Parisian correspondent of the NbrtJi American says that the " Sancy" was also stolen from the Royal Garde-Meuhle during the French Revolution, and became ultimate- ly the property of the Emperor of Russia. On page seventeen the " Sancy Dia- mond" was described as of square form, and " The Polar Star" as of an egg shape, flat- tened at the sides. These descriptions apply reversely to these two stones. Wo should have mentioned also on the seventeenth page, that "The English Lot- tery Diamond," " The Sancy," and " The Polar Star," are all cut as Brilliants. D'r Feuchtwanger says " The Nassuc Diamond" weighs three hundred and fifty- seven and a half grains, (91.95 carats,) and that it was sold at the auction of Mess'rs Rundell & Bridges in 1837, for $36,000. He says at the same time were sold a pair of Brilliant ear-rings, Aveighing two hundred and twenty-three and a half grains, formerly the property of Queen Charlotte, for $55,000; a Brilliant drop, sevent3'-nine and a half grains, for $5,900 ; and an oblong Brilliant, one hundred and fifty-one and a quarter grains, for $14,000. A Diamond valued at 200.000 francs, and a diadem set with 9,000 Diamonds, are now exposed, at the Frencli Exhibition, by Mess'rs Marret & Beaugrand, prominent Jewelers ia Paris. We learn from L' Ev rope Artiste of Aug.Sth, 1855, that the House of Marret & Jarry have just completed a splendid necklace of Dia- monds — 2,000 in number, and Aveighing in the aggregate one hundred and twenty carats. The price of 120,000 francs is put upon it. On page ten we hazarded some con- jectures as to the origin of the word c;vrat. Since that has been printed we have fallen upon, incontrovcrtibly, the origin of the word, and, although our opinion of the ordi- nary " bean derivation" is shewn to have been correct, neither of our own theories has 22 JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. proved so to have been. Thomas Nicols, in his old book op " Pretious Stones," quoted "by us before, uses throughout it the -word ceratmm, and plural cerutia, in speaking of the weight of gems. He makes it clear also that it was equivalent to our carat, by the following sentence : "Monardus writeth that he saw Diamonds in Bisnager (Visnapour) that weighed 140 ceratia, and every cei-aiium is foure grains." If anything is Avanted to confii'm this origin it may be found upon re- ferring to this word in the Latin Lexicon, which shews us that it was derived by the Romans from the Greek keration, and de- scribes it as " the name of a very small weight or measure." Being of such Greek derivation, the Latin word is to be pro- nounced with the (■ hard, which will give us almost the identical word we use. We have found a remarkaljle confirmation of Tavernier's account of the Diamond mines of India, in a paper read before tlie lloj'al Society in the latter part of the seventeenth centui'y.* This examination must have oc- curred too at about the same date as that of Tavernier's visits to India. "Currure'^ and "Gani" seem to be used indiscriminately by Tavernier and other Avriters as the name of th« same mines. One little old bookf calls them CovUoitr : " The second mine is called CoiiUmir in the Persian language, and the Idolaters of the countrey call it Gany." The mines visited by D'r Voysey in 1823, about three miles Irom the Krishna river, and called l)y him Partiala, are said to be the same mines. We extract a curious para- graph from the Earl Marshall's article: " About sixty or seventy years ago, when the Curi'ure mines was under the Govern- ment of the Hunducs, and several Persons permitted to adventure in digging, a Por- iw^eez Gentleman went thither from G^o«, and having spent in Mining a great sum ofMony to the amounts of 100,000 pagodas, as 'tis reported, and converted every thing he brought with him, that would fetch any mony, even to what wearing Cloaths he could spare, while the Miners were at Work for the last Day's expence, he had prepared a cup of Poyson, resolving, if that Night he found nothing, to drink his last with the conclusion of his Mony; but in tlie Evening the Work- men brought him a very fair spread Stone of 180 mangelleens' weight, in commemoration whereof he caused a great Stone to be erected in the place, with an Inscription iugraven on * "A Description of the Diamond-mines, as it was pre- sented by tbe llight Honourable the Earl Marshal of England, to the Koyal Sociuty." Publit^hed in the Annals of that Society. t The History of Jewels, and of the Principal Riches of the East and West. Taken from tbe relation of Divers of the most famous Travellers of our age. London. Printed by T.N. IbTl. it, in the Hundues or TeUinga Tongue, to the following effect, which remains to be seen to this day : Your Wife and Children sell, sell what you have. Spare not your Cloaths, nay, make your self a Slave; But money get, then to Currure make hast; There search the Mines, a Prize you'l find at last. After which he immediately returned with his Stone to Goa." On our fifteenth page we gave Tavernier's account of the largest Diamond he saw in India in private hands, and states its weight to have been one hundred and seventy-six and a quarter mangelins. This is so near the weight of that referred to in the above paragraph, that it would seem probable that these two accounts refer to the same stone. " The History of Jewels," by the by, above referred to, is chiefly made up of extracts from Tavernier, Avithout aword of credit, but still, in such quaint English, that we are tempted to give the reader a slight taste from the Prefixce : " There is nothing more admirable in this lower Avorld then precious stunes, seeing they are the starres of the earth, and shine in competition with those of the firmament, dis- puting with them for splendor, beauty, and glory. Nature produceth nothing more rich, and sufficiently confesseth it, in her most careful laying them up and hiding them in her private cabinets and repositories in the inner parts of the earth, so that they are not easie to be come by ; but their value and price make them Avorth the searching for, even through the boAvels of the world." Tavernier informs us that, in the language of the Ilindostan miners, the Diamond is called III ; in Turkish, Persian and Arabic, Almas ; and, in all the European languages, something analogous in sound to the word Diamond. The Diamond is now used extensively in the mechanical arts ; it is used for powerful lenses, for engraving on copper and steel, and upon all hard stones, for cutting glass, for sockets to pivots in Avatches, and for various other purposes by dentists, turners, china- menders, lapidaries, &c.. It is time noAv to dismiss the Diamond, but, in proceeding Avith the other stones upon the list, the reader need not apprehend that each will be treated at the same length; for the interest attaching to this gem exceeds that of all the other precious stones com- bined. Tlie Sapphire in hard ness,comes next to the Diamond. It is one ot theVarieties of that vast genus thesilex. Its chemical composition is pure alumina crystallized. The colour most commonly understood to attach to the Sap- phire is blue, and therefore the poets are JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. wont to sing of Sapphire skies. It is also found occasionally gray, white, green and yellow. In shape it is usually rhoniboidal. ilaliy names it the " telesic," and IJournon the "perfect corundum." Being silioious in. its nature it approaches in its hardness close upon the Diamond, while, in its blue species, it is very beautiful. The deep-blue Sapphire is named by the lapidaries the " male," and the pale-blue the " female." It is acted ifpon by neither the acids nor tire blowpipe. It is found mostly in tlie beds of rivers, especially in Ceylon and in the southern part of the Barman Empire. This stone through its blue color was the emblem of heaven, the firmament, truth, con- "fetancy, and fidelity. The Jewish priests wore robes and breast-plates of this color as significative of heaven. The Hebrew Rabbis declare this to lie th« stone of which the rod of Moses and the Tables of the Law received on Mount Sinai were composed. Thomas Nicols, whom we have before quoted, says (as it is useful to know) that " the Sapphire if worn by an adulterer loses its splendor, and the wearing of it quells the animal senses ;" " if put into a glasse with a spider it will quickly die ;" " it keepeth men chaste, and therefoi-e is worn by priests." Fine specimens bring high prices. The late jM'r Hope purchased one from the Parisian Jardin des Plantes, paying therefor the considerable sum of £3,000. The French crown contains 59 of these stones. A Sapphire weighing seventy-five and a half carats was sold, says D'r Feuchtwanger, at the auction of IMess'rs Rundell & Bridges, for $2,4G5. The Ruby is, chemically, the same as the Sapphire except so far as it is affected by its coloring matter. It ranks next to the Diamond in value. A fine specimen of the Oriental Ruby is rarer than even the Diamond itself. An- ciently it went by the name of carbuncle, as it does occasionally now. It is a species of silex or quartz, and therefore participates in the natural hardness of that stone. As its name indicates, it is red in color — a carmine- red — and a very beautiful ornament for the " ornamental sex." They are found in Ilin- dostan, in Ceylon, in Bohemia, and in Hun- gary. The largest Ruby known is said to be in the Imperial Russian Crown, in which it is placed under the cross. It was bought for the Empress Anne in Pekin, for 120,000 roubles, by her ambassador to that city. Tavcrnier gives drawings of and describes several remarkable Rubies he saw in the East. First is one that belonged to the Kins: of Persia, nearly as large as an egg and of that shape, of deep color, and of unknown weight. It had Ijeen for many years in the treasury of that monarch. The second figure is that of a stone sold as a Rul)y to Giaferkan, uncle of the Great Mogul, for 95,000 rupees ($285,000), and presented by him to the Emperor. A dis- charged old Jeweler of the king, having found some opportunity of examining it, declared that Giaferkan had been deceived, that it was not a Rubj% and was not worth over 500 rupees. The king's .Jewelers were convened to decide upon the matter, and they declared their belief in its genuineness. Ah in the whole Empire of the Great Mogul there was no person more skilled, it was be- lieved, in the knowledge of precious stones than Shah Jehan, then detained a prisoner at Agra by his son, Aureng Zebe, the latter sent the stone to his father, begging his opinion. He confirmed the views of the old Jeweler, and said it Avas not worth more than 500 rupees. The stone having been brought back to Aureng Zebe, it was returned to the mer- chant who sold it, and he was forced to dis- gorge the money he had received for it. This stone was of an egg-shape. The next is a view of one weighiirg seven- teen and a half carats, in the possession of the King of Visapour, of the shape of half an egg. It is well cut, and of the greatest beau- ty. It was bought in 1G53, for 14,200 new pagodas, (about as many dollars.) We have then described one "weighing fifty and three-quarters carats, of the second water, uncut, and almond-shaped. It was ofi'ered to me at Banarous for 55,000 rupees." Tavcrnier says that Rubies were so scarce in Asia that he found it profitable to take them thither from Europe to sell. He says he found them so preciously guarded, that a merchant would never shew a Ruby, even if an insignificant one, unless you agreed to give him some trifling present, as a cap or belt, in case you did not buy. He speaks of one Aveighing five carats, found in Bohemia, and presented bj' General Wallestein, Duke of Fridland, to the Viceroy of Hungary. In the Cfreen Vault at Dresden there is a pair of Ruby ear-rings, which have been valued at 2-4,000 thalers, though at present they would probal)ly bring a much higiier price, owing to these gems being greatly in fashion. The aljoye sum would 1)0 about 18,000 of our dollars. The English Crown contains a large heart-shaped Ruby. Ludovicus Vartomannus, a lying old Ro- man, says that the King of Pegu, in India, had a Ruby whicli could illuminate a dark room as brilliantly as could the sun 1 Andreas Baccius says in his book, De Na- 24 JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. tura Gemmanim, that if danger approaches the ATcarer of a Ruby, it will turn black, and, upon the danger being past, resume its color again ! Nicols relates the following of Baccius and a Ruby he possessed enclosed in a gold ring: " On the fifth of December, 1600, he wa§ tra- velling with his wife, Catharina Adelmania, to Studgard, and in his travel he observed his Rubin e to change its glory into obscu- ritie, whereupon he told his wife, and prog- Dosticated that evil thereupon would ensue either to himself or her, which accordingly did ; for not many days after his Avife Avas taken with a mortal disease and died ; after which he saith his Rubine of its own accord did again recover its former lustre, glory, beauty, and splendour." The Topaz, according to lire, is still another form of the silex or quartz. It is found crystallized in rhombic prisms in Bra- zil, Siberia, and Saxony. It is transparent and translucent, and commonly of a wine- yellow colour, but frequently sulphur colour- ed, and rose-red. Sometimes it occurs per- fectly limpid. It is not affected by the acids. It becomes electric from heat or friction, and to such a degree as to make it distinguish- able, by this property, from other stones that may chance to resemble it. »See Nicol's Manual of Mineralogy,* pp. 255, 257, also D'r Feuchtwanger's Treatise, p. 80. The principal supply of this gem is from Brazil, where it is sought in the rainy season, in the same manner, and in the same localities, as the Diamond. The annual production from this region is about foi'ty pounds. The white, and the rose-red are the most valuable. The former are called by the Portuguese pi/tf/o^ d'ar/oa, (drops of water,) and, when cut, they closely resemble the Diamond in lustre and brilliancy. The Brazilian yellow Topaz, when exposed to heat, becomes reddish, and "bears a strong resemblance to the Ruby, but may be distinguished from it by the elec- tricity it is capable of evolving. The Saxon pale-wine coloured Topaz, when exposed to heat, becomes colourless. It is said to have derived its name from an island in the Red Sea, where the first specimen was found by a Mauritanian King. The name however, fopazioa, has existed in the Greek language from time iuimemorial, but whether it Avas the name of t!ie same mineral as our Topaz it cannot be with certainty affirmed. Tavernier gives a view of a magnificent Topaz in the possession of the Great Mogul. It is beautifully cut, its girdle being a per- fect octagon. " This," says he, " is the only gem I have seen him wear upon his person * Mar.vial of Minernlosry, or the Natural nijtory of the Mineral Kingdom. By James Nicol, 1\ 11. S. E., F. G. S.. Edinburgh : 1S49. whenever I visited his Court during my last journey to the Indies. It weighs one hun- dred and fifty-seven and a quarter carats, and was bought for this monarch at Goa for 181,000 rupees, (§543,000.)" A Topaz valued at 10,000 roubles is among the Jewels in one of the saddles of Catharine II of Russia. Albertus Magnus says that this stone is more beautiful in the morning than at any other times of the day. And is this not true of every thing, animate or inanimate? Cardanus says that with a simple powder of Topaz diffused in wine, he cured one Cesar Palavicinus, Esq., of a fever that he had had for fifteen days, and another gen- tleman of " melancholy," who had long been dosed in vain by the prescriptions of the re- gular'practitioners. Thomas Nicols calls it " a very hard glo- rious sun-shine gemm." He also says : " The powder of it is said to be good in asthraatick passions, and in the ortliopnoeu if it be drunk in a convenient liquor. If in fevers it be held under the tongue it is said to quench thirst. It is cold and dry as all other pretious stones are." The Emerald is a composition of silica, alumina, and glucina, coloured generally green by chrome oxide. It is of various shades of green, sometimes colourless, some- times inclining to blue and yellow. Those species not green however ai-e specifically known as beryl or aqua-marine — the co- louring matter in them being iron peroxide. Emeralds are found in the shape of six-sided prisms, Avith the lateral faces smooth, and varying from transparent to translucent. It is not afifected by acids. It is found chiefly in Peru. Less beautiful varieties are met Avith in India, Ceylon, Greenland, and Sibe- ria. It is cut in A-arious forms, the Brilliant, the Rose, and the Table styles. It is usually set Avith a green substance behind it, unless of very fine quality, Avhen they are open-set. They sell at the price of $12 per carat. One of twenty-four grains, at the auction of the Marquis de Dree, sold for 2,400 francs. It may be very successfully imitated. Ancient!}' there were mines of it Avrought in Egypt on the Arabian Gulf. For some centuries all knowledge of them Avas lost, but they have been rediscovered, in modern days, by Caillard. Tavernier has some remarks on this stone, which, as bearing on the early history of America, are Avorth translating in full. He first expresses the opinion, that the Emerald, though known from time imme- morial, always came from America. He- then adds, " I believe, that, prior to the dis- covery of that part of the Avorld, commonly called the West Indies, Emeralds were in- JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. deed brought into Europe from Asia, but that their actual source was the kingdom of Peru. For the American^', before they be- canie>knowu to us, traded in the Phillippine Isles, whither they carried gold and silver, especially the latter. The same traffic is still continued, and tlie Peruvians visifrtho Phillippines yearly with two or tliree vessels carrying silver and rough Emeralds. Here they are met by traders from Bengal, Ara- can, Pegu, Goa, and otjier places, bringing cloths of all sorts, set Diamonds and Rubies, gold-jewelry, silk-stufls and Persian carpets. It should, however, be remarked, that they are not permitted to deal directly with the Americans, but only through the interven- tion of persons residing at the Manillas. And this is the only way in which Emeralds reached P^urope before the discovei-y of the West Indies." The Spanish conquerors of Peru heard that, in the Valley of IManta, was a temple dedicated to the Goddess, Emerald. Of course they hastened to pay their devoirs at the shrine of so respectable a divinity. But, on reaching the temple, they found that the Goddess had disappeared, llowever, finding there a large numljer of daughters of the "Mother of the Emeralds," (as the Goddess was entitled by the priests,) they took pos- session of these for their own behoof. The Mexican kings prized these stones so highly, that they were accustomed to pierce their nostrils and there hang one of the finest specimens they could procure. They put them also upon the faces of their idols. If we may credit an old Avriter, the traffic in them from America must, at one time, have been enormous. For he says, that in the fleet, which came from the Indies, in the year 1587, there were two great chests of Emeralds. If this be fact, the number in circulation must, we think, have diminislied. Highly as these stones have ever been prized by Europeans, it would seem that the Orientals have valued them more highly Btill. For Tavernier says, that, in his day, Emeralds, and indeed nearly all the pre- cious stones, except the Diamond, brought better prices in Asia than in Europe. This stone is especially noted for the ex- travagant traditions of all kinds concern- ing it. Thus it is gravely recorded, that the vic- torious Saracens captured, at tlie Spanish city, Toledo, a table three hundred and sixty feet long, constructed of a single Emerald ! Also that an obelisk stood there, composed of four I]meralds only, which was sixty feet high ! It is stated also that in the Cathe- dral treasury of Genoa was preserved, in 1780, a hexagonal bowl of Emerald, of which the broadest diameter was fourteen and a half inches. In 1319 this bowl was pledged to a certain cardinal for 1200 gold marks, and twelve years elapsed before the city could raise this sum for its redemption. la 172G a volume was published in Genoa, which professed to demonstrate by authori- ties, tliat this identical vessel had once be- longed to King Solomon, and was an item of the presents brought to him by the Queen of Sheba. It must be confessed, tliat it is rather a sorry downfall of the romance concerning this stone to find it more than probable, that all these large specimens are neither more nor less than green glass, or at best but rock-crystal, imbedded perhaps with portions iof aqua-marine. For it is stated that in Peru, which yields the finest in the world, no one larger than an ostrich's egg has ever been mentioned, and tliat such a one ever existed is extremely doubtful. In Saint John's Apocalypse (chapter iv, 3 v,) tlie throne of tlie Deity is described as surrounded by a rainbow of Emeralds. Tradition says that the famous magician Hermes Trismegistus engraved on an Eme- rald a panacea for all human maladies, which was enclosed with his body in his tomb. Rather a selfish proceeding it seems to us. As a fact belonging to modern times, we would mention that the sceptre of Poland was a simple piece of beryl, two feet long. It has been broken in the middle, and is now in the possession of Ptussia. M'r Hope, of London, possessed a cut crystal of the beryl class, weighing sis ounces, and valued at £500; and the Duke of Devonshire another from Peru, two inches long, and Aveighing eight oz. eighteen dwts, but containing many flaws, and valued at one hundred and fifty guineas. In the "Memoires du Rfegne de Catharine, Imperatrice de Russie" mention is made of an Emerald, belonging to the Crown, of the size of a hen's egg. Martinus Rulandus says that the Emerald exceeds in verdure watered grass, or the greenest leaves of the trees. Avenzoar declares it to be a specific against poisons, and Boetius gives a recipe for a "tincture of Emerald." D'r Aloysius Mundella says that his brother, a Jeweler, sold an Emerald for one hundred and thirteen aun'o.i to Franciscus Maria, Prince of Urbino, and intended by him to be used medicinally. Cardanus says that all green jewels may be affected by the fire on account of the abundance of humour contained in them ! {De lajniiis pretio.'ii-s-. Book 7.) Baccius says, speaking of the berjd speci- men, that if wrapped in a linen cloth and put into water, or juit into water by itself, the water will seem to be moved. And 26 JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. "Wurtzung, a German physician, says that it is used in all diseases of the heart. We shall conclude our researches upon this stone M-ith some quaint old passages from our " Sometimes member of Jesus Col- ledge." " Sophisticatours are wont, lucri cmiscl, to adulterate this gemme." " The Emerauld is a precious stone or gemme of so excellent a viridity, or spring- colour, as that if a man shall look upon an Emerauld by a pleasant green meadow, it will be more amiable then the meadow, and over- come the meadow's glorie, by the glory of that spring of viriditie which it hath in itself: the largcnesse of the meadow it will over- come with the amplitude of its glory, where- with farre above its greatnesse it doth feed the eie : and the virescencie of the meadow it will overcome with the brightnesse oi' its glory, which in itself seemeth to embrace the glorious viridity of many springs. This stone is known by its apparent coldnesse in the mouth, and by its gravity being weighed." " They do much sharpen and acuate the dulnesse of the sight, and therefore engravers ■will most willingly be employed about them. They are very transparent, and do very ex- cellently dart forth their rayes like lightning; and therefore they are of great esteem and price." " The Scythian Emerauld is found in gold mines, and cannot be obtained without a great deal of danger: for it is reported, that the Gryphines take charge of this, stand cen- tury about it, and have their safe custody upon it. These fierce ravenous birds make their nests in the mines of gold where these pretious gemms are to be had, therefore the Arimasjn, or MonocvH, who hunger much after the gold, and I']meraulds, are forced to arm themselves for a battell with these birds, before they can obtain their prize." " This stone is good to recreate the sight; Andreas Baccius, Agricola, Cardanus, and Anselmus Boetius say, that there is such an enmity betwixt it, and illegitimate venery, or the uncleannesse of the flesh, as that if it do but touch the skinne of an adulterer, it will break. And that it doth bridle the reins of lasciviousnesse, and much temper it; insomuch as Albertus Magnus doth not doubt to affirm that the king of Hungaria Bela having carnall knowledge of his wife, with an Emerauld set in gold on his finger, the Emerauld brake into three parts." The Amethyst, which has been known from the earliest days of Greece and Rome, and was also empKjyed for sacerdotal pur- poses among the Jews, is also a species of the extensive genus, quartz. The highly trans- parent, colourless varieties of quartz go by the name of rock-crystals. The finest Ame- thysts are found in the cavities of rocks in Dauphine, Switzerland, Tyrol, the Pyrenees, Hungary, Siberia, Brazil, Madagascar, Cey- lon, India and Pei'sia. The Amethyst comprises the violet-blue varieties of quartz, generally crystalized as pyramids on the exterior of rocks. The uniting planes of the prismatic portions are frequently marked by undulating lines, and all specimens, thus arranged, are now termed Amethysts. This stone varies from trans- parent to translucent ; is of a vitreous lustre; and on the same specimen is often a dark-violet and nearly colourless. It scratches white glass, strikes fire with steel, but yields to the file. Under the com- pound blowpipe it parts Avith its colour. The blue colour of this stone is believed to be caused by peroxide of iron. The German chemist, Ileintz, found a very dark-tinted Brazilian AmethA^st become colourless, when subjected to 250° of heat, and, as it contained, at most, only 0.01 per cent, of manganese, he decided that the latter could not be the colouring principle. From various other ex- periments he concluded, that organic matter could not produce the colour, but that, most probablj', it was owing to the peroxide of iron . The finest violet Amethysts come from Siberia, Persia, India and Ceylon. The Scottish Highlands were formerly distin- guished for producing the cairngorm, a highly prized brown or yellow species. It is sometimes cut in the form of a Brilliant, and, when set, is supplied with a blue or red foil, in case it is pale, but, when deep-coloured, it requires no artificial assist- ance. Though used in almost all descrip- tions of Jewelry, it shows best in necklaces. The Amethyst is no longer prized so high- ly as once. And yet, when large-sized and intense and uniform in colour, it is greatly valued still, and well-cut stones, of one carat, are worth from three to five dollars, and so on in proportion to their bulk and tint. The Amethyst may be imitated very closely with paste — so closely, that the imitation is distinguished with great difliculty from the real. The artificial gem, however, is some- what heavier than the genuine, on account of the metallic oxides, which enter into its com- position. Among the ancients this stone was ever a favourite one for purposes of engraving. Several fine specimens of it have come down to our day, such as a bust of Trajan carried by Napoleon from Prussia to Paris during the wars of the Empire; the Apollo Belvidere; the Laocotin Group ; the Farnese Hercules, &c.. As with other precious stones, so with this, antique tradition has connected not a few superstitions. Thus its very name, — from the Greek privative, a, and mdhuo, to intox- JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. 27 ictite, — Avas given to it, under the impression that wine, taken from a cup of this material, couKl not intoxicate. The •'Amethyst was the ninth stone in order on tlie Urim and Tlunnniim, worn on the breast by the Jewish High Priest. Aristotle says that the Amethyst if worn on the stomach hinders the ascension of vapours; the reason of it he gives to be that it draws tlio vapours to itself, and thus dis- sipates them. Andreas Baccius says (Pe Natura Gem- marum, Chap. XI) that it sharpens the wit, destroys sleep, and resists the effects of poison. With a quotation from Nicols we will dis- miss this stone: " riiny, sporting in his naturall History about this stone, saith that it doth draw nigh to the colour of wine, but it durst not tast it, that is, it taketh but very little of it: for before it doth througlily relish it, its glory doth end in a very dolightfull pleasing sparkling violet colour : the most excellent of them have in them a glorious fiery bright- nesse, which doth most excellently and pleasingly dart its self forth (as I have ob- served in one which I was once master of) through the transparent cloud of a skie colour ; from the mixture of its rednesse, brightnesse, or fiery splendour with this skie colour, ariseth all the glorious delight of its pleasing tincture." In proceeding to treat of the minor gems, we deem it proper to put the^reader on his guard by observing that our whole subject is made difficult and perplexing by the fact, that various names have been given to the same stone in different times and countries, and that great numbers of them, slightly difi'ei'- enced from each other, belong to the same genus, and even the same species. This re- mark applies especially to those of which we are now to speak. We shall thread the lal)y- rinth as best we may, though we could wish we had that antique " silken thread" to guide us. The Carnelian is a species of the calcedony, which is itself a sub-species of that universal mineral, the quartz. To the ancients it was known as the " sarda," for Avhich name two reasons have been assigned, which we will give when we speak of the Sardonyx. The moderns have variously entitled it Car- nelian and Cornelian — in either case from its Ted color, corresponding to the color of the flesh, " caro," and the heart, "cor." The finest of these stones come from Siberia, Arabia, India, Surinam and Tyrol, though they occur in various other places in both the old and new worlds. It is found in masses or pebbles ; is semi-transparent and translucent; and (what somewhat inijicaches its name) is, in its varieties, not only blood- red, but yellow and yellow-brown. The Jewelers prefer the dark-red and the yellow- tinted. It is used for seals, rings, watch-keys, &c.. Its color is said to be improved by calcina- tion, and it is also said that the ancients boiled it in honey to heighten its color. On account of its hardness, it is very useful for seal-engraving. In regard to this stone we close by citing an old superstition referred to by Nicols: "It causeth him thatweareth it tobeof aehearfull heart, free from fear, and noblely audacious, and that it is a good protection for him against witchcrafts and fascinations, and putrefac- tians of humors." From the best information we can obtain, Carbuncle was the ancient name for the now entitled in geological treatises spjnelle, which latter, according to Ilaliy, is the true Ruby. As we have already de- scribed the Ruby, Ave need not, of course, repeat ourselves, but consider that our list of precious stones, which made the Carbuncle and the Ruby two different gems, was erro- neous. Garnets, or Granats, according to quaint ohl Nicols, were well known to the ancients, who considered them as a species of Carbun- cles, otherwise of Rubies. They are pellucid, crystallized chiefly in dodecahedral forms, imperfectly lamellar in structure, more or less conchoidal in fracture, and take their name some suppose from being found chiefiy in grains. The Garnet is of three principal species: 1st. The Syrian, of a deep rose color, "like unto the flowers of pomegranates," says Nicols. " Boetius," continues he, "saith that it looketh like a flame of fire, &c.." 2nd. The Bohemian or Ceylonese, wine- red or nearly orange-yellow. 3rd. The "Vermeille, deeply tinged with orange-yellow. The red Garnet is found in many species of rocks, in loose crystals, in small boulders, in grains, and in alluvial earth. It occurs in many European countries and in various parts of the Uuited States. The grains collected by digging and wash- ing alluvion are preferred by lapidaries to all others. The chemical constituents of this gem are silica, alumina, and the protoxides of iron and manganese. Garnets are much used in Jewelry, being cut into rings, breastpins, ear-rings and neck- laces, and out of the larger ones snuii'-boxea are sometimes made. Their value is measured by their size, pu- rity and color. A Syrian Garnet, eight and a half lines long and sis and a half broad, was sold at the auction of the ^Marquis de 28 JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. Dree for 3,550 francs, and a red Ceylonese Garnet, eleven lines long and seven broad, was sold for 1,003 francs. They can be very well imitated by pastes. As one of the Latin names of this stone, or of the Ruby, or of both, is Rubinus, it formerly was often called Rubine in English. This ex- plains the meaning of Rubine in the following quotation from Nicols, with which we close. " Plinie relateth of the Ethiopians that they have a way of quickning obscure and dull Rubines, so as that they will make them to discover their splendour and nitour for fourteen moneths together, even like a flaming coal; and that is by macerating of them for fourteen dayes in vineger : but by tliis means, though their glory be increased for a time, they are made softer, and more subject to a brittle and fragile condition." The Onyx is one variety of the species of mineral substance called calcedony, and is the stone of which those exquisite artistic products, the antique Cameos, Avere made, and although cheaper sub- stances, and more easily to be wrought upon, are used chiefly at the present day for the production of these works of Art, the Onyx is still extensively employed. The peculiari- ty which iits it for this branch of Art is its composition of different coloured strata, of which the artist takes advantage in fashion- ing figures in relief on and out of the stone. If there are two strata, a figure, or a series of them, is engraved out of the one, and the rest of it is cut awa}', until the other stratum a]ipears as a ground for the subject engraved. If there are three strata, two figures may be engraved, the one most prominent and the back ground being of the same colour — the intermediate one being of a different hue. The colours of the different layers of the Onyx are black, (or dark,) and white. The principal supply of this stone now comes from Oberstein, in Prussian Saxony, though some are furnished both by the East Indies and Brazil. As gocd specimens of these stones are scarce, it has become common even in Saxony to stain in imitation of it common uncolored specimens of calcedony. This mineral in all its varieties consists of strata of different degrees of density, though oftener all of the same colour — a nebulous milky gray. It will absorb fluids in the direction of the strata, which, on account of the diversity of their structure, will, though all be gray, if tiie whole stone be dyed with one material, present tints widely marked in hue. This is a business extensively carried on at the towns of Oberstein and Idar. The Onyx itself is treated also chemically at these places, to increase the contrast be- tween its white and dark layers. This is effected principally by sulphuric acid. These imitations, as well as the Onyx itself, are very hard and expensive to en- grave ; a cheaper and softer material was therefore sought and found in shells, and of this substance are made the greater propor- tion of Cameos we now meet with. Among the shells fitted for the purpose is the "Bull's Mouth," from Ceylon and Madagascar, hav- ing a red inner coat ; the "Black Helmet," from Jamaica, Nassau, and New Providence, having a blackish inner coat ; and the "Queen Conch," having a pink coat. The "Black Helmet" is the largest, a single shell often furnishing two or three Cameos of the size usually adopted for breast-pins. All these shells have three several layers, depo- sited successively by the secretion of the mollusc, white forming its calcareous domicil. The substance was introduced in the manu- facture of Cameos in Sicily, only about fifty years ago. It was restricted to that island and the Italian peninsula for about twenty years, but, an emigrant Italian then com- mencing the manufacture in Paris, that city has since been the head quarters of the Art. A still cheaper material for Cameos has been found in glass. It is prepared by ce- menting together two layers of different colours. The figures are cut upon the glass in the same manner that all cut-glass ware is decorated. If done carefully they look extremely well. But to revert to the Onyx itself — it is a stone knoAvn from the earliest times. The Bible calls it the " Stone of Stones," and in China it is stiid to be reserved for the Em- peror exclusively. The name of this stone is derived from a Greek word, identical in its spelling, signify- ing the finger-nail, a derivation which, (if the word was then as now applied only to those specimens of calcedony formed of white and black streaks,) would seem to indicate that this God-like race were accustomed to wear theirs in mourning! In the Green Vault at Dresden is an Onyx valued on account of its clearness, and reckoned to be worth forty-eight thousand thalers. It is regarded as one of the principal curiosities in this collection. There is a very slight flaw in it, but the artists dared not cut it deeper, under the apprehension that, though they might thus make it a perfect gem, they might also make the original im- perfection more perceptible. It is about three inches long, and of neaidy the same width. Dioscorides says that, if worn about the neck as an amulet, it will excite the passions, and stir up strife, and that it will serve as a preventive against epileptic fits. Appianus says that Mithridates, King of Poutus, had two thousand cups made of this stone among his household treasures. JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STOXES. 29 Thomas Nicols, speakinj^ of the calccdo- nies, says that its " chief'est use is in seals; lor it scaleth freely, without any devouring of the wax." Baccius says that it drives away evil spirits, is good against melancholy, and will ensure victory to the bearer of it. Bo*!) the Greeks and the Romans carried the Art of Cameo, as well as Intaglio, en- graving, to the highest pitch of perfection, and the Italians, 'as successors to the latter, are at the present day the most skilful cut- ters existing. Between the best antique and modern Cameos it is exceedingly ditticult, if not impossible, to tell the ditference, and even the greatest connoisseurs are at fault.- The Apotheosis of Augustus is a celebra- ted historical Cameo, of very large diame- ter, comprising four layers, two white and two brown, which are skilfully turned to ac- count. It is not within our limits however to give individual descriptions of celebrated Cameos, as they exist in so great numbers, but the reader may refer with much pleasure and profit to the Avork, whose title is given in the note at the foot of this column.* Here are two quarto volumes, the whole of the first and the half of tiie second of which con- sist of descriptions of all the best engravings upon stones that have ever been executed. The remainder of the second volume is occu- pied with well executed drawings of the most prominent subjects described. Some are very beautiful — some are very curious. It may be asked what peculiar force is con- tained in the word Cameo, when the expres- sion, relievo engraving, seems to cover the whole ground. The answer is that the word Cameo, whatever may have been the origin of the word, implies now not only atigure in re- lief, but that the ground upon which it rests is of a different colour from the figure itself. A Medallion is in no case a Cameo, nor would an artificial colouring of any portion of it render it so — the diversity of tints of the Cameo, it is understood, must be natural, or at least an imitation of some natural produc- tion. Intaglio is the term used to express an en- graving sunk below the surface of the stone, as is required for a seal, in order to re-pro- duce the subject in relief in impressions upon wax. The Sardonyx is a stone of the same spe- cies as tiie Onyx, and differs from it only in ^/ this, that its layers instead of being black and white, are pink, (or red,) and white. It * Catalogue raisonnfi d'une Collection Genernle de Pierres Gravees Antiques ot Moderues taut en Creux que CaniOes, tii'oes des Cabinets lea plus celobres de I'Kurope. WouIl'cs en putes de couleurs a I'iuiitation des pierres, emaux blancs et Soufres par .Tacques Tassie, Sculpteur. 31is en ordro, et le text6 redijro par II. H. Kaspe. Urno de pluncbes gravees, etc.. 2 Tomes, 4to. A Loudres. 1791. is found in the same localities and is used for precisely identical purposes. The name is formetl from the two Avords, saixlhis, applied by tlie ancients to the Carnelian,on accountof its similarity of hvie to the flesh of a fisii of the same name, or because found in Sardinia, and oni/x, the finger-nail — the whole signi- fying, we suppose, a red ami wliite finger- nail, and so called by way of distinction from black and white streaked specimens of cal- cedony, which were honored with the generic name of Onyx ! Nicols says : " The China vessels, which are brought into these parts, are supposed to be made of this stone and the fatter part of the earth boylcd together." The Heliotrope is a species of calcedony, and is of a dark-green color, sprinkled with deep-red spots, whence it is sometimes named blood-stone. The name. Heliotrope, comea from two Greek words, hclios and tropB — siui and turning — it having, according to some, been anciently employed for observing the sun. It occurs in obtuse masses, with translu- cent edges, and is of a resinous lustre. It is found in Siberia, in the Faroe Islands, in Scotland, in several countries of Asia and Africa, and in some portions of the United States. It is chiefly employed for sword and dag- ger hilts, for snufF-)K)xes, and the ordinary articles of Jewelry. Ii is much admired. Its price is measured by its number of red spots, a good and large specimen often bringing twenty dollars. Its red spots, according to mediaeval super- stition, were owing to the blood of Christ being diffused through it. Nicols also, according to his wont, has re- gistered some curious superstitions concern- ing it, which we here cite for the reader. " It is reported of it, that if it be put into water Avhich is directly opposed to the beams of the Sun, it will make the water bojd, and cause it to be resolved into a cloud, which not long after is dissolved into dropps of rain. And that if it be put into fair water, opposed to the beams of the Snnne, it doth change its beams, and by the repercussion of the aire, seem to shadow the clearnesse of its rayes; and so to induce a sanguineous colour in the aire, as if the Sun, by the interposition of the body of the Moon, did suti'ar au ecliptick darknesse." " There is a report, which ariseth of the im- pudence of Magicians, that if this gcmnie be anointed with the juyce of a Marigold, it will cause him that carrieth it to walk invisible. So saith Plinie." The Chrysolite. The authorities are un- usually at odds respecting this stone, so that it is very difficult to make out an uuim- 30 JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. peachable description of it. The name is gignificant enough, " golden, or gold stone." It would seem there are several varieties of this gem, the two principal of vrhich are called the Chrysolite, par excellence, and the olivine-species — the former embracing all fine, green-colored and crj'stalized varieties — the latter all less pellucid and inferior-colored species. The Chrysolite comes principally through Constantinople from some region unknown, though occasionally also from Brazil. The olivine specimens are found in several countries of Germany, in many parts of Scot- land, in Russia, Siberia, South America, and in a few of the States of our Union. It occurs chiefly in basalt, but also in some lavas, and in several species of rock. It is rarely, though occasionally crystallzed. Fine large specimens are not unfrequently found, and this stone, though of indifferent color, from its taking a high polish, is sometimes sold for considerable sums. Two were vended in Paris at 600 francs each. The largest specimen known weighs six- teen pounds. It was found in IMinas Novas, and is in possession of the Brazilian Crown. Both these species of the Chrysolite are used for ornament, though not to any great extent. It will be remembered that this is one of the stones in John's description of the New Jerusalem. Nicols says : " It is of such excellent faculties, as that it is said of it, that it freeth men from pas- sions, and from sadnesse of the mind. And that if it be cast into scalding hot or boyling water, it doth so asswage in a wonderfull manner, and so in an instant, and of a sud- dain astonish and stupifie its heat and fer- vour, as that it straight taketh away all its boyling, and its heat, and a man may in that very instant in which it was put in, put his hand Avithout any hurt or danger into that water which even now with the fervency of heat boyled up. For this cause it is thought to. be a very excellent remedy for the mitigating of choler and of cholerick passions. It is reported of it that it doth drive away noc- turnal fears ; and that it is a very effectual amulet against cholerick distempers of the brain. Authours do say of it, that if it be put upon a table where poyson is or venome is left, it will straight-way fail of its splendour, and loose its glory, and so soon as the poyson or venome is taken away, it will recover all its glory again; wonderfull is this also which is reported of this stone, namely, that it doth increase and decrease in its strength of powers and foculties, according to the in- crease and decrease of the jMoon." The 'Hyacinth. AVriters differ about the identity of this stone, as about so many others. We suspect the cause of these dif- ferences is chiefly, that they are speaking about varieties of the same stone. Without essaying the difficult and protracted task of reconciling their discrepancies, we shall take for our main authority, the latest, and, in our view, the ablest of these writers, James Nicol. He holds the Hyacinth to be identi- cal with the "zircon." This stone occurs in imbedded crystals, chiefly prismatic or pyramidal, and in round- ed grains. It is in its several species not only red, but gray, yellow, green, and color- less. It is most abundant in the sienite of Southern Norway and in the miascite of the Ural Mountains. It abounds in numerous parts of Europe, as also of North America. The colorless varieties are often sold for Diamonds. The specific name Hyacinth, is more particularly appropriated to the most brilliantly colored ones, Avliich are rarely of large size. The "hyacinthus" of the ancients is believed by scientific writers to have been a different stone. Nicols of course has some traditions about it. " One of these Cardanus saith he was wont to wear al)0ut him, to the intent of procuring sleep; to which purpose he saith it did seem somewhat to conferre, but not much." " Cardanus in his book cle lapidihiis prt- iiosis, saith, that it is endued with a power and focultie of procuring sleep, of chearing the heart, of driving away plagues, of se- curing from thunder, and of increasingriches, honour, and wisdome, &c., being worn in a ring on the finger, or about the neck as an amulet." The Cat's-eye. This stone takes its name from the peculiar play of light on its surfixce, whereby it variously appears greenish-white or gray, olive-green, red, brown or yellow. It contains parallel fibres, resembling those of amianthus or mountain-flax. The finest come from Ceylon and JMalabar, but it is also found in the Hartz Mountains, in Ba- varia, and in several of the United States. It is a species of the universal quartz, and is found, never larger than a hazel nut, in tiio fragments of boulders and gangs. It ia valued according to the size, color and play of light. In the Imperial Cabinet at Vienna a Cat's-ej'e, five inches long, and of a yellow- ish-brown color, is preserved. Some of the ancients called this stone "oculus solis," or ej'e of the sun, and the Per- sians named it "mithrax," the sun. This stone is, at the present day, a great fivvourite in China, and commands a high price there. Nicols has his tradition concerning it. " This stone is greatly esteemed amongst JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. 31 the Inn the second and third floors. Separate stair-cases exist for that perfect army of perst)ns employed about this palace of industry. Down the centre of this room stretches a row of ele- vated, plate-glass cases in black walnut frames, filled with elaborately wrought wares. In the rear, beneath a spacious sky- light, and in a most retired position, are the private offices and those of the Cashier of the establishment. The whole interior is char- acterized by a chaste and simple richness: and so admirable is the taste presiding over the arrangement and the multifarious con- tents of this apartment, that you are re- minded, by the spectacle, rather of a palace or a museum, than of a mart of traffic. In this magnificent apartment are to be found specimens of Jewelry which Royalty itself would covet, which are unsurpassed by any in the celebrated magasins d'orfevrerk of Europe, and are far from being equalled by the richest articles contained in the stock of any other establishment in America. There was, first, a bracelet of chain gold bearing in fi-ont a large oval-shaped Opal of the first quality, and the largest in the world in possession of a private individual. Our guide informed us that their House had been five years in treaty for this stone. It was surrounded by sixteen Diamonds of uniform size, weighing about two carats each. To this cluster was suspended a solitary stone, full of fire, of perfect shape, entirely free from defects of any nature, and of the first water. It is the largest perfect Diamond that has ever been brought to this country, weighing nearly eleven carats, and is of such pure water that its first carat is estimated at fifty dollars. The centre cluster and the solitaire Diamond may be detached from the bracelet, so as to be worn, if desired, in a necklace, feroni^re, or otherwise. The value of this bracelet was of itself a small fortune. We next examined a necklace, bracelet, ear-rings, and brooch of Pearls and Dia- monds, which would have raised powerful emotions in the breasts of some of our fair readers, no doubt. Imagine a necklace of twenty-five, large, perfectly globular, equal sized, bright, and glossy Pearls, and in the centre of them a cluster of superb Dia- monds. All the other pieces of this set were in the same style, and the price of the whole was five or six thousand dollars. We remember a gorgeous bracelet of three bands of gold, covered with a perfect shower of Diamonds, the price of which was between one and two thousand dollars ; another neck- lace at three or four thousand dollars, con- taining upwards of a hundred Diamonds ; another of Pearls, with a Diamond cross at- tached, at a thousand and some dollars ; a bracelet of four rows of closely set Pearls of uniform size, intersected with four rows of Diamonds, at about a thousand dollars ; a iady's chatelaine, containing a tiny watch, with a globnlar Pearl pendant, at a couple of thousands. There was another lady's watch, with Diamonds around the fiice, and a superb Diamond star in the ce-ntre of a green enameled back. A green enameled heart, covered with Diamonds, u|x>n being pressed at the side, opened and revealed a watch half an inch in diameter I Another watch specimen may be worth describing. It was a bracelet of thick hinged gold, fas- tening with a serpent's head of Diamonds. JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. 37 The centre piece was a circle of Diamonds, containing the precious little time-keeper; the back was of blue enamel, and either that or th'e face could be worn exposed to the view. ,We saw a thousand dollar necklace of ena- meled berries and Diamonds; another of two TOViS of Diamonds intersected with Emeralds; a bracelet consisting of a green enameled serpent, with a head of Diamonds, in which could be distinjcuislied, so exquisite was the workmanship, the teeth and tongue; its eyes were Rubies, and on the top of its head was a Sapphire ; another bracelet in the form of a garter of Opals, with a buckle of Diamonds; a breastpin in the form of a butterfly, the back of Opals, the wings of Diamonds, set to shine upon both sides, as the wings were movable ; a bracelet of heavy filigree gold, with an oval centre piece, consisting of an Opal surrounded by two rows of Diamonds. We were much interested in an appeal to our masculine fimcy. It w^as a solid gold cigar case, covered with exquisite enamel of white, green and blue, with six fine minia- ture landscape paintings of Swiss scenes. They were Lucerne, Berne, the Chapel of William Tell, Chamouni, Geneva and Mount Saint Bernard. Minute as were these paint- ings, we found them able to bear the strictest scrutin}'^ with a magnifying glass. The top opened with a spring, revealing a watch-face as large as a gold dollar: the watch how- ever may have been an excellent time-keeper, as the movement of it was as large as the top of th« cigar ease. An intricate thousand dollar plaything was shewn us in the shape of a gold and blue enameled pistol covered with Diamonds- It was about six inches long, and contained in its stock a watch and a scent box. Upon pulling the trigger the barrel expanded to the form of a bouquet holder. We now passed to a case containing the Cameos, which were innumerable in variety, among them several antiques set with Pearls and Diamonds, which had belonged to the Crown Jewels of Napoleon. They were ob- tained abroad of some members of Louis Philippe's family. Those Cameos, cut from stones containing three veins, were exqui- sitely l>eautiful; among them we remember one with a black ground, bearing a chariot and a horse perfectly white, and then, in still 'higher relief, another horse black as jet. This was of large size, and was estimated at one iiundred and fiftj dollars. Another consisted of a white female head upon a dark ground, •and in high relief upon the bead a black wreath of flowers. There were innumerable exquisitely cut Madonnas and Cupids, both jn the Onyx and Sardonyx, at prices ranging l)etween fifty and a hundred dollars. Because in our descriptions of manj pieces of workmanship we have stated their value, as nearly as we recollect them, it must not be inferred that we annoyed the person in attendance by asking the price of every arti- cle passed in review. A system here pre- vails which rendered such a proceeding un- necessary. To every object, however costly, however insignificant in value, was attached a label, bearing its price in legible figures. This is a plan which should be adopted in shops for every kind of wares. A most beautiful flower vase for a centre piece had just been completed. It was supported by four frosted statuettes of solid silver, emblematic of the four elements. ' Although what we remember is but a small fraction of all we beheld, we are com- pelled to forego the description of many things still recalled, for want of space. Let the reader imagine, besides such articles as we have described, gold and enameled card cases and porte-monnaies, set with Dia- monds, and bearing watches and miniature paintings, and costing hundreds of dollars ; serpent bracelets of finely polished coral; enameled shields, little golden 7-eal pistols, that could be loaded with powder and fired, aad other trinkets set with Diamonds, to be worn upon chatelaines; pins and rings of Diamond flies ; perfect ropes of gold for necklaces ; and a tiiousand other forms of Jewelry; and he will then have but a faint idea of the wonders and temptations exposed in this gorgeous temple of Art. It cannot be doubted, we said to ourselves, upon leav- ing this hall of enchantment, the Arcadie, the land of romance and poetry, is — a Jewel- er's shop ! The apartment covering the second floor, of the same size with that beneath, is finished in pure unornamented white, and tilled with artistic bronze articles of all kinds, arranged on elaborately carved white-oak tables. These bronzes are all manufactured in Paris, and, outside of that city, no collection of them surpasses in richness and extent that dis- played i« this immense apartment. They consiet of mantel ornaments of every descrip- tion, artistic figures, single nad in groups, of various sizes, vases, clocks, candelabra, can- dlesticks, lamps, girandoles, ornamental gas- fixtures, &c.. Some of the bronze figures are of life size, and the statuettes seemed to be innumerable. The display of bronzes at the New York Crystal Palace was very fine, as most of our readers are probably aware, of their own knowledge, but it could not have compared in numljer, variety, or workman- ship, with that collection we were now sur- veying- For one who lives a life of pleasure we here beheld a most fitting and emblematic marker of the flying hours. It was a playful and most gracefully arranged group in 38 JF.WI^LRY AND TTIE rRECIOUS STONES. Iironze, consititing (if a capering goat attaclit'il to and drawing a car, wliicli Avas surmounted and surrounded by irolicsonie Cupids. The wlieel next to tiie spectiitor served as the dial oi" a clock. The price of it Avas three or four hundred dolhii's. We remember a superb group — Napoleon at the Bridge of Arcole, the value of vvhicli was tlireo hundred ddl- lars, and at about half that sum an exquisite classical composition about three feet high— Hector taking leave of Andromache. At about a hundred dollars there was a most admirable and perfect miniature of the fa- mous Arch of Trium[)h in Paris. We recall too, distinctl}', a magnificent .and enormous \'ase supported by two satyrs, surrounded by a Bacchanalian group. But it is impossible to enumerate all thegroupsof horses, wolves, and other animals, urns covered with figures in relief, tripod inkstands, figures in relief on large mer-molu gas-fixtures, Argaud burners for gas, with porcelain shades, hall-lamps of painted porcelain, &c.. There was one chandelier fitted with a single enormous globe of ground glass, the whole supported only by flexible chains, through one of wdiich ran a channel for conveying the gas down. This and most of the chandeliers were balanced with weights, so as to be pulled down or elevated at pleasure by a mere touch of the finger. This struck us as a great convenience, and upon expressing some surprise to our cice- rone that we had never met with any similar contrivance in Philadelphia, where gas is burned in every house, with scarcely a single exception, he informed us that the Gas Com- pany would not allow tlie introduction of this arrangement. This statement, we think, nuist be erroneous, as we cannot possibly imagine to what objec^on the plan can be open on the part of the gas-manufiicturers. Tlie reason why it is not used probably is that it is patented and too expensive. This apartment, rendered so gorgeous and intricate by its contents, is amply lighted from the front by large arched windows, each consisting of a single plate, and together oc- cupying the entire end of the room, which latter is of the full size of the building with the exception of a small ofiice comprised in the rear. The third floor is filled with elegant porce- lain from Sevres, Dresden, and otherwhere; tortoise shell, enameled, and inlaid furni- ture, and dressing tables, &c., &c.. We saw here a gentleman's dressing ease in rose-wood, the price of which was a th(ju- sand dollars. It contained a basin, ewer, candle-sticks, &c., of solid silver ; even the frfime of the mirror, we rememlier, was of silver. The Sevres porcelain vases were extremely beautiful, and tlie tete-a-tete tea sots, for. a hundred dollars, or a little less, painted with rustic scenes, were really exquisite. Theie were cups and saucers of Dresden porcelain at a hundred dollars a dozen, and dinner sets at three thousand dollars ! The statuettes of this material were remarkably beautiful; we remem))er one of a female figure, in an exquisitely cut, lace dress, the price of which was aiiout a hundred dollars; also five most ingenious and pretty concep- tions, emblematic of the five Senses. The beautiful gveridoiis painted with flowers, and the exquisite toilet-tables, en- ameled, and inlaid with gold and shell, and garnished with tiieir elaborately carved ivory brushes, we have only time to give a hurried parting glance. This story was lighted in the same manner by plate-glass, arched windows, but of smaller size, and the articles were all arranged in cases upon white-oak tables, in the same ele- gant style, as in the rooms beneath. Suffice it to say of the interior, that from roof to basement floor, throughout every section of the building, convenience, elegance, taste, and security, were cojnbined in a degree as nearly perfect, as, w^ith our present lights, we think attainable. But this establishment would be unjustly dealt with, did we not speak, with emphatic commendation, of the external of the edifice, in which it is embodied — a structure worthy in all respects of its artistic and precious con- tents, and, we verily believe, unsurpassed in classic beauty by any business edifice in the Avorld. It is of white marble, and of that richly ornamental composite order, denominated the modern Italian. The whole fa JEWELRY AND THE PRECIOUS STONES. iis exemplars? The idea seems to us by no means absurd. If then we penetrate deeper than the mere surface of things, it will appear that the Art of the Jeweler, like the other Fine Arts, and, in short, like all modes of creatino- Beauty, whether in form or tint, corresponds to one of the profoundest facts in the universe, and ministers to one of the most ineradicable wants of the human mind. It is as truly a part of the mechanism of this material life, as the vocation of the farmer, who feeds us, or the house-builder, who constructs a shelter from the elements. We will not here enter upon the cthuaes of ornamentation. They are hut too common, and are familiar to all. They make however nothing against the Beauty-producing A-rti<. but are merely instances of that human frailty, and unsustained equilibrium, which are as old as History — which are indeed the distinguishing characteristic of Man. As Pope expresses it in his immortal Essay upon that frail creation, we may as well expect " eternal springs, and cloudless skies, Af! Men for ever temiierate, calm and wipe." [Postscript. — Since all of the foregoing pages have been in type we have read for the first time in the North Brilijih Review for' November, 1852, an article, entitled the "History of the Diamond," in vsrhich the diflBculties in the way of the " Koh-i-noorV olaim are set forth in much the same manner as we have done. The writer quotes a theory of Professor James Tennant, Mineralogist to the Queen, according to which the "Emperor of Russia's Diamond" and the "Koh-i-noor" are both slices of the "Great Mogul's ;" this theory however the writer in the Korth British does not himself support, nor do we think it entitled to the least consideration, especially as it appears that Professor Tennant's information in regard to the Russian Diamond is as limited as our own. Notwithstanding the many forcible facts stated in the article, the author does not seem to have had the independence to deduce his own conclusions in regard to the "Mogul Diamond" and the "Koh-i-noor," unless, in the face of his own arguments, he includes himself among the "believers" referred to in the following sentence: "'The iJreat Mogul Diamond' passed through various hands, and after many changes in weight and in form is believed to be represented by the Great Exhibition Diamond belonging to Her Majesty." This however is scarcely probable, after his stating that " the historical evidence" and " the physical testimony of weight and form" — " two sources of evidence," lie says, " which, taken separately, we consider irresistible, and which, when combined, uniountto demonstration" — are both against conclusions involved in such a "belief 1" The name of D'r Horace Wilson is given in this article as the writer of the account of tiie "Koh-i-noor," published in the " Official Catalogue of the Great Exhibition," and the author of this article itself is stated by the Eclectic Magazine, fur January, 1853, (in which it is republished,) to be Sir David Brewster, which latter statement we do not hesitate to discredit. Although the article is deeply interesting, and irreproachable in its style, it does not exhibit such results of personal scientific research as we presume would characteri/.o- •whatever would be deemed worthy of publication by so eminent a philosopher.!