i i REFERENCE BOOK. I i I BLEGEN'S Pocket Map AND I i LIBRARY OF CONGRKS E ill' II''' ooQO'^t.sbiiOa LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Cliap.E:15.'^Copyright No. Shelf.3-Ldr_. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. BLEGEN'S Pocket Map AND Reference Book MAY ieiR9R J. BLEGEN, . / ^ '^ Publisher, Chicago. \ t) ^^\ /s'^ G^-"^ COPYKIGHT 1896, BY J. BLEGEN. INTRODUCTION. As the title indicates, this little publication is hereby intro- duced as a ready reference book to people wlio intend to make a jonrncy to anj' pai't of tlie world, it gives Railway Fares From Chicago to the principal points on this Continent, wliich will be found a convenient guide to tlie traveling public in general, and people wlio contemplate going abroad in any direction can easily figure out the approximate cost of a through passage by adding these railway fares to the Ocean Rates from New York, Montreal, New Orleans and San Francisco quoted herein. The Maps of the World and the United States thougli on a small scale, will answer the purpose in many instances as a useful and interesting addition to the book. For the benefit of the sporting fraternity in this country the book gives the Laws Regulating the Hunting and Fishing Seasons in the Northern and Western States where such sport is an attraction. Invalids will find a chapter devoted to the Best Known European Mineral Waters and their medical merits, and people who intend to travel abroad for pleasure will find a brief description of European Points of Interest located in regions which seem to offer the greatest attraction at present. The statistical tables given are in harmony with the other contents of the book. The passage rates quoted are subject to possible changes and will be corrected in future editions. Further particulars pertaining to travel can be ol)tained by application to the re- spective companies and agencies advertised herein, or to -^._- ... ^ Publisher 164 Randolph Street, CHICAGO. CONTENTS. PAGE. Introduction. Passeng-er Rates from Chicag-o 1-32 (iame and b'ish Laws 33-4 1 Hates of Postage ... 42-44 Help in Cases of Accidents 44-4.5 The United States Land Offices 4(j Health of American Cities 47-48 Legal Holidays 48 Passenger Rates from New York, Montreal, New Orleans and San Francisco to all Parts of the World 49-51 Local Passenger Rates in Europe 51-.53 Distances from New York 54 Miles of Various Nations 54 Railways In Europe 55 Information for Passengers Ooing Abroad 56-57 Coin Eqiiivalents 58 Objects of Interest in Europe 50-G5 Watercure Establishments in Europe OG-(kS Comparison Between the Scales of Thermometers 09 Map of the World. Map of the United States. PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. Prices of First and Second Class Limited liailrnad and Steam- ship Tickets from Chicago to all Competing and Principal Points. (Siilijert to Change.) 150 lbs. of IJasfsage allowed with eich full ticket. LIMITKH. FROM CHICAGO TO ■r. r. Abercrombie, N. Uak . 17.87 Abenleen, S. D;ik •>0.\{) Abertleeu, Miss 14.90 Abbeville, Ga 26.30 Abilene, Kan 16.90 Abilene, Texas 31 80 23.85 Abingrdon, 111 5.16 Abingdon, Va 18.50 Acldey, Iowa 9 39 Acton West, Ont 10.70 Adairsville, Ga 19 35 Addison, N Y 15.20 12.70 Adrian, Minn 13.70 Afton June, Iowa ... 11 47 Alton, Va 17.50 15.00 Aprinconrt, Ont 11 10 Aiiiiai)ee, \Vis 7.i6 A ins won li, B. G . . 59 00 51 50 Alivon, Ohio 8.50 36 ''O 7.00 Alamosa, Col Albany, Ga 25 90 Albany, N. Y 19 no i6 00 Albany, Ore., v. Port 62.50 52.50 Alba ny, Texas 31 40 23.95 Albert T>ea, Minn 10 5't Albia. Iowa 9 17 Albion, Mich 4 90 Albion (Oi-.Co.t,N.Y 13.90 ii.40 Albnqnerciue, N. M 35.10 Alden, Mich 10.50 AHerson, W. Va .... 15 85 14 PO Alfred, N. Y 14.20 11.70 Alfrer, Mich 8.39 Algfona, Iowa 11.53 Allandale. Ont 13.15 Allegan , Mich 4.70 Alleprhany, N. Y 12.50 io.no Alleo-heny, Pa. . 11.00 9 50 AUentown, Pa 18 00 15.50 Alliance, Ohio 9.70 8.20 Allison, Iowa Alma, Mi< h 7 Alma, Mo 11 Alma, Neb 19, Almonte, Ont 18 Alpena, Mich H Altamonte, Fla 32 Alton, Jll G Alton, lovya 13 Altoona, Fla. . N2 Altoona, Pa 15 Altoona, Wis 9 ■■Mvarado, Texas .... 20 Araasa, Mi•> 22 25 Auburn, Pa., B&O&P Anburndale. Fla An burn June, Ind Audubon, Iowa. Augusta, Ga. . . . Augusta, Me — Augusta, Wis. . Aurora, 111 Aurora, Ind. . . . Aurora, Neb ... Auror-i, Ont. . . . An Sable, Mich. Austin, Minn . . . Austin, Nev. . Austin, Tex. . .. Avon, N. Y Ayer Junction, Mass Aylmer, Que 16. 15 50 Bainbridge, Ga 26 Bainbridge, O 9. Baird, Texas 31 Baker City, Ore .... 56. BakersHeld, Cal 62. Baldwin, Fla 27, Baldwin. Wis 10 Ballinger, Texas 33. Baltimore, Md 17 Bantf H'tSp's,Alb'rta58 Bangor, Mf* 28. Baraboo, Wis 5 Bardstown, Ky 9. Bar Harbor, Me 28, Barlow. N. D Barnp.'-ville, Ga 23 Barnesville, O 10 Barnet, Vt . 19 Barrie, Ont Barstow, Cal 62 Barton, Vt 19 Barto w . Fla 34 Basic, Va 17 Batavia, N. Y Bates City, Mo 12 Batesville, Ark 00 23.00 11.60 61 ..50 23.75 11.82 18.00 16.30 23.45 46 50 .52.50 25 40 15.00 51.50 25.00 25., 50 21 .50 9 .50 17 (M) 12 .50 .52 .50 17.00 15 00 11.22 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. ■r. 2 Biitesville, Ind 6 liiith.Me 25 Bath, (S. Co.) N, Y...15 Bathgate. N. Dak Bathurst, N. B 27 B.itisean, Que 21 B;itou Rouge, La 23 B ittle Creek, Iowa. . .12 Battle Lake, Minn. . . 17 Battle Mountain, Nev. 59 Ba.xter Sprinjj.s, Kan . 15, Bay City, Mich 7 Baytield, Wis Beardstown, 111 5 Beatrice, Neb 15 Beaumont, Texas 27 , Beaver, Pa 10 Beaver City, Neb 20 Beaver Dam, Wis ... 4 Beaver Falls, Pa 11 Bedford, Pa 16 Bedford, \"a 18 Beeville, Texas 31 Beidinof. Mich 6 Belen, N. M Belfast, Me 27. Belknap, Iowa 8. 16 .19 Bellaire. Mich Bellaire, Ohio Bellefontaine, Ohio Bellefonte, Pa. . . Belle Plaine, Iowa. Belleville, 111 Belleville, Ont Bellevue, Idaho 58. Bellevue Iowa 4. Bellevue. Ohio 8. Bellows Falls, Vt. via Greenfield 21. Bells, Te.xas 25. Bell wood. Neb 15. BellmoTul, Iowa 10. Belmont Jnc, N. H. ..19. Beloit, Wis 2. Belton, Texas 30 Belvidere, Neb 16. 50 ,62 47 00 50 00 65 55 '^ 62 85 00 50 95 75 98 35 00 85 05 41 35 20 45 00 65 iO 79 13.45 21 50 23.05 17 16 .25 .50 52 ^50 'sioo 21 9 20 00 '9 14 15 27 00 50 00 60 35 8.5 24.00 '9 '56 14 75 13 49 .50 15 7 66 18 41 19.05 i7 66 22 66 Belvidere, N. Y 13.40 Bemus Point, N. Y. ..12.65 Bennett. Neb 14.22 Bennington, Vt 20.09 Benson, Arizona 54.10 Benton,Mon.Ft.Ben'n44.50 Ben wood, W. Va 11.00 Beresford, Fla 31.35 Berkeley Sp'gs,W.Va. 17.35 Berlin, Conn 20 75 Berlin, Md 18.75 Berlin, Wis 5.35 Berthier Jnc, Que . . .19.65 Bessemer, Pa 10 70 Bethlehem, Pa. 18 00 Bethlehem Jnc, N.H.;M 93 Beverlv, Mass 22.40 Beverly, W. Va 15.80 Biddeford, Me 24 40 Big Si,ndy, Mont 44 50 Big Sandy, Texas Big Springs, Texas. . .35.00 Big .Stone Gap, Va. . .17 32 Billings, Mont 44 50 Biloxi, Miss. V.Evans. 23 00 Bingham, Neb 23.99 Binghampton, N. Y..17.00 Birmingham, Ala .... 19.75 Bismarck, N. Dak Blackburn, Mo 11.40 Black Foot, Idaho.. . .46 20 Black foot, Mont 47.00 Black Hawk, Col 31 40 Black RiverF'lls,Wis. 7.70 Black Rock, Ark .... 14.55 Blair, Neb 13.05 Blairstown, Iowa 7.48 Blairsville, Pa 13 70 Blanchester, O 8. .55 Blockton,Iowa . ...12 50 Bloomington, 111 3.75 Bloomsbnrg, Pa 18.00 Blooms Ferrv,Pa ....18.00 Blossburg. Pa 17.00 Blue Earth, Minn ....12.05 Blue Rapids, Kau....l5.25 10.90 9.50 i7.69 44 65 35 . 50 9 50 17 .7b 16.00 i6!75 9.20 15.50 21.93 19.40 14.45 21 40 33.90 19.40 2J.05 37.56 14.75 21! 50 41 ^50 40.00 i3;i6 ii.'76 15.50 15.. 50 15.05 PASSENGER FAKES FROM CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Blue Springs, Neb 15.60 Blunt, 8.D 22.60 Boise City. Idaho 57.50 Bolivar, Tenn 15.20 Bonham. Tex 25 35 Bonners Ferry, Idaho 54. 00 Boone, Iowa 10.20 Booncville, Mo II. TO Booneville, N. V 17.09 Bo.sfobel, Wis 6.02 Boston, Mas.s 22.(0 Both\vell,Ont. V. Det.. 8.65 Bottineau, N. Dak ' Bt>ulder, Col 29 Bowdle, S. Dak 22. Bowerston.O.v.Palns 10. Bowie, Texas 27. Bowling- Green, Mo. . . 7. Bowling Green, O.v.W 6 Bowling (ireen, Ky...ll Bownianville, Ont Bozeman. Mont 44 Bracevilie.Ohio 9 Bradford, Pa. v. E-L 12 Braddooks, Pa 12 Braidentown, Fla... 38 BramiJion, Ont :. Brandon, Man Bi-antford, Ont Brazil, Ind 5 Brattleboro, Vt 20 Bremond, Texas Brenliam, Texas ... . 31 Brewsters. N. Y 20 Bridgeport , C^on n 21 Bridgeport, Ohio 11 Brighton, Mich 6 Brighton, Pa .10 Brinklev. Ark Bristol's. Dak 18.89 Bristol, Tenn 18.50 Britt, Iowa 10.90 Britton. S. Dak 19 63 Broekport, N. Y 14.16 Brock ville, Ont. 18 00 Brockwayville, Pa... 14. 58 47.50 12.00 19.05 46 50 15.59 19.00 23 'of) 8 90 ;0 95 11.7.1 37.50 8 00 10 02 10 20 iOTO 24 85 9 50 17^70 22 65 23.95 17.00 18.15 9.f0 9.0) 14.85 11.66 15.50 12.08 FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Brocton, N. Y Bronson, Fla Brooktield.Mo Brookings, S. Dak. . . . Brooklyn, N. Y Bi-ooksville, Fla .... Brown's Valley, Minn. Brownsville, Minn ... Brownwood, Texas . . Brunswick, Ga Brunswick, Me Bi-yan, Texas Buchanan, W. Va . Buckeye, Wash Bucklin, B; o Bucyrus, Ohio Buda, 111 Buena Vista, Col. . . . Buena Vista, Va Buffalo, N. Dak Buffalo, N. Y lUiford, N.Dak Bull City, Kan Bunker Hill. Ind Burgin, Ky Burke, Idaho . . . Burkeville, Va Burlington, Col Burlington, Iowa Burlington, Kan Burlington, Ont Biirlington, Vt Burnett, Texas Burnett June, Wis... Biirnham, Me Burrton, Kan Bushnell. Ill Butler, Pa.; v. Akr>n Butte. tMon.v. Mo. Riv Byron, 111 "5 2 12. a5 31.10 10.15 16 15 20.00 34.20 li.OO 7.86 31 .20 26.30 25.25 30.75 14.95 58 25 9 79 7.75 3.50 35.50 17 40 20.25 13.50 9.50 17.00 25.50 22 25 23.35 14.05 48.25 19.44 3.95 10.40 54.00 19 00 25.00 6 17 17.55 15.00 io^50 25.00 45.90 17.00 33.95 . 4.30 .24.00 .18 65 . 5 65 11.50 .46.50 . 2.65 9.75 19.00 25.60 22.66 9.50 41.50 Cabool, Mo 15 35 Culillac, Mich 8.35 Cadiz, O., via Pa. L .10 70 Cainsville, Ont., v. W. 11. 05 9.50 9.50 PASSENGER FARES PROM CHICAGO. 5 LIMITED. FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. FROM CHICAGO TO ^ Cairo, 111 Calabasas, Ariz Caldwell, Kan Caldwell, N. Y Caledonia, Ont Calera, Ala. via Evan, Calfrary, Alberta Calhoun, Ga Callahan, Fla ... Callao, Mo Callery Jvuietiou, Pa. Calmar, Iowa Calumet, Mich Calvert, Texas Cambria, Wis Cambridge, 111 Cambridge, Neb Cambridge, Ohio. ... Cambridge, Pa Camden, Ark Camden, Ind Camden, Ohio Cameron, 111 Cameron, W. Va Camp Douglas, Wis. Camp Point, 111 Campbell, Minn ... Canaan, Conn Canadian, Texas Canal Dover, Ohio... Canal Fulton, Ohio . Canandaigiia, N. Y. Canistota, N. Y Cantield,Ont Canisteo, N. Y' Canterbury, N. H . . . Canmore, Albert a Cannon Falls, Minn . Canon City, Col Canton, S. Dak Canton, Miss Canton, Mo Canton, N. Y Canton, Ohio Cape May, N.J Cape Vincent, N. Y. , 10.94 .... 50.75 49.40 19.75 18.75 17.93 9.50 20 7(3 54 15 19.10 27.30 9.. 50 11.00 8.15 13 42 30.10 4 96 4.83 20.49 9 .50 11.90 21.10 3.85 7.(0 5.12 11.70 6.50 7.06 17.29 19.73 49.85 '9.50 22! 70 9.50 18.50 9.50 9.50 13 94 15.40 11.75 14.65 19.00 57.50 10 50 31.. 50 14 50 7.80 18 00 9.15 19.75 18.00 10.45 17.23 23.10 8.00 8.20 12.41 13.90 9 50 12 15 17.00 51 50 15 25 ie^oo 7.65 17.25 16.00 Carbondale, 111 Carbondale, Pa Cardiff", Tenn Carey, Ohio Caribou, Me Carlelon June, Ont Carlisle, Pa Carlton, Minn Carmi, 111 Carnforthjlowa ... Ciirrington, N. Dak Cai'roll, Iowa Carrollton, 111 Carrollton, N. Y ... C'arson, Iowa Carson, Nev Cartersviile, Ga . . . Carthage, J 11 Carthage, Mo Carthage, N. M Carthage, N. Y Carver, Minn Cascade, Iowa Casselton, N. Dak . Cassville, Wis Castleton, Vt Castille, N. Y Ciitasauqua. Pa ('atawissa,Pa.v.B&S. Catlettsburg, Ky Catskill, N. Y.v.Crest. Cayuga, N. Y. Cedarburg, Wis Cedar Cily, Mo Cedar Falls, Iowa Cedar GroA'e, Wis... Cedar Keys, Fla Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Celava, Mexico. Centralia, 111 Centralia, Wash Centralia, Wis Central City, Col Central City, Neb Central Ont. Jnc. Ont Centre June, Iowa 15.50 27 65 15 .50 14.75 21 50 PO 35 18 35 50 (0 05 85 80 51 50 92 .=^8 99 29 55 (0 85 ,80 76 68 21 55 .40 70 .40 75 .95 57 ,50 38 ,60 .55 .90 ,80 9.68 ^4 '56 35 95 15 54 17.00 11.05 15.50 15.35 i6!76 13.18 41.05 si! 50 14.30 6 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. LIMITED. FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. FROM CHICAGO TO -1 1 1st Class. 1 1 2(1 Class. Chadron, Neb 2i.45 Chamberlain, S. Dak. 20. 35 Champaijjii, Jll 3.83 Champion. Mich 10.37 Chan lite, Kan 15.85 Chapin, 111 5.65 Chariton, Jowa 10.09 Charles City, Iowa . . . 9.29 Charleston, 111 5.48 Charleston, S. C 26.30 Charleston, W. Va.. . . 12.30 Charlestown, W. Va. . 17 25 Charlevoi.v, Mich. ... 8.75 Charlotte, Mich u 50 Charlotte, N. C 22.95 Charlottesville, Va. . . 17.50 Charlottetown, P.E.I.30.35 Chaska, Minn . ..11.50 Chateausa.y. N. Y....18 40 Chatfield, Minn 10.00 Chatham, N. B 27.80 Chatham, N. Y 19.57 Chatham, Ont 8 65 Chatsworth, 111 2.89 Chattanooga, Tenn ..17.30 Chautauqua, N. Y . . . . 12.65 Cheboygan, Mich 12.16 Chenoa, 111 3 07 Cheney, Wash 56.50 Cherokee, Iowa 12 75 Cherokee, Kan 15.70 Cherry Run, W. Va. .. 17.25 Cheri-yvale, Kan 16.40 Chester, 111 9.50 Chester, Neb 16.79 Che.stei-, Pa 18.00 Chetopa, Kan 16.75 Chewelah, Wash. ...59 00 Cheyenne, Wyo 29.50 Chicago Jnc, Ohio. .. 7.85 Chicopee,Mass.v.Spr.20.00 Chieoutimi, Que 27.00 Chihuahua, Mexico .49.35 (niildwold. N. Y 18 00 Chillicothe, 111 3.77 Chillicothe, Iowa 8.68 15.00 i9!56 15.00 26 35 16^46 23! 70 16.57 4 50 46 '50 i4.75 15^50 50 25 7!no ir.oo 24 00 37.65 16.00 Chillicothe, Mo 10 Chillicothe, Ohio, via Upper Sandusdy. . . 9. Chilton, Wis Chinook, Mont Chipley, Fla . Christianburg, Va Church's Ferry, N Cincinnati, Ohio Circleville, Ohio Cisco, Texas. . . . (;itra, Fla Citronelle, Ala.. City Point, Fla . Claremont Jnc, N Clarendon, Texas Clarence, Mo.. . Clarinda, Jowa Clarion, Iowa . Clarks, Neb. ... Clarksijurg, W. Va Clarksville, Iowa. Clarksville, Mo . . Clarksville, Tenn. Clarksville, Texas Claysville, Pa Clayton, Iowa . . . Clayton, N. Y. .. Clearfield, Pa Clear Lake, Iowa. Clearemont, Wyo. (Hearwater, Fla.. Clearwater, Neb . Clebiirne, Texas . Clermont, Fla Cleveland, Ohio Clifton Forge, Va Clifton Springs, N Clinton, 111 Clinton, Iowa Clinton, Ohio.. . . Clinton, Tenn. Clinton Jnc, Wis. Clintonvilie, Wis. Cloquet, Minn.. .. Clyde, Kan.. ... .. 4 . 44 ..26 ..17 D... 9 30 30 22 34 H.21 ..12 ..10, .16 ..13 .. 9 .. 8 . 12 . . 25 .11 .. 6 ..18 ..17 ..10 . 38 .35 ..16 ..26 . 32 .. 8 .17 lM4 .. 4 .. 4 .. 8 ..15 95 50 89 50 ailso 30 40 15 00 .. 21 50 00 30 40 22.95 65 00 16.00 00 93 18.93 65 23.60 85 50 .... 71 .. .. 20 35 12.45 10 12.00 18.50 9.75 15^95 15.15 32.50 95 20.25 7.00 H.-^-O 12 54 .00 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Clyde, N. Y (^lyde, Ohio Coal (jriove, Ohio Coaltoii, Ohio Cobourg, Out Cobleskille, N. Y. ... Cochi-an, Ga Cocoa, Fla Coenrd'AleneCity.Id. CotTeyville, Kan Cotteeville, Mi.ss Cogswell, N. Dak Colchester, 111 Cold water, Mich Colfax, Cal Colfax, Wash Colf.ix, lud., V. Big4. Collingwood, Ont Coloiia, 111 Colorado, Texas Colorado Springs, Col Colton. Cal Columbia, S. Dak Columbia, Pa. Columbia, S.C Columbia, Teun Columbia Falls. Mon, Columbiana, Ohio, via Penna. Lines. . . Columbia City, Ind. . , Columbus, Ga Columbus, Ind Columbus, Kan ("olumbiis, Mi'^s Columbus, Neb Cotnmbus, Ohio Columbus, Texas. . . . Columbus, Wis Columbus. Inc., Iowa Colville, Wash Conception, Mo Concord, N. H Concordia, Kan CoiiHuence. Pa Connel, Wash. , Connell.sville, Pa 80 .80 0.5 75 65 ::o .15 ,60 ,80 ,63 ,28 .60 .50 .50 25 12.72 7!oo 12 4b 15.10 46.50 is! 5.5 52 50 46.50 is^oo 25^25 52^56 i.5;.50 22.30 42^50 8.90 15 50 24^55 .51.56 ir^oo \2 \b 46 .50 11 35 FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. X i Connersville, Ind 6.65 Conover, Iowa 8 24 Contention, Ariz 55.95 Conwaj', Iowa 12.50 Coolidge, Kan 25.65 Cooperstown, N.Dak Corber, Mo ..11 Corinne, Utah 42 Corinth, Miss 16 Corning, Iowa 12 Corning, Mo 18 Corning, N. Y 15 Corning, Ohio 9 Cornwall, N. Y 20 Cornwall. Ont 18 Corpus Christi, Tex. .36 Correct ionvi lie, Iowa. 12 Corry, Pa. V.Erie lines. 12 Corsicana. Texas Corn una, Mich . . 5 Cortland, N. Y 17 Coshocton, Ohio 9 Council BhifFs, Iowa.l2 Council Grove, Kan. . 16 Covington, Tenn 14 Covington, Va 17 Cozard, Neb 19 Crab Orchard, Ky....ll Crawford, Neb 25 Crawfordsville, Ind.. 4 Creede. Col 40 Ci-esco. Iowa .. 8 Cresson, Pa 15 Crestline, Ohio 8 Crestou, Iowa 11 Creston, Ohio 8 .5(t 7 00 Crete, Neb 15 Crewe, Va 19.00 17.00 Cripple Creek, Col. . . . 32.75 . Crockett, Texas 21 . 70 Croton,Wvo 32.50 Crystal Falls, Mich .. 9.75 Crystal City, Mo 9. .50 . .. Cuba, Kan 17.10 Cuba, N.Y 12.95 Cuero, Texas.... 33.00 45! 60 21. 50 is. 25 is. 75 17. 16. 29. ('6 00 30 '9. 21. 50 40 ii! 45 i2! 14. 66 50 13.' 05 10.45 25 95 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Culbertson, Neb 21.58 Cull man, Ala 18.16 Ciiiuberlaud, Md.. .. lr).35 Cui-vyville, Mo 7.r)5 Curtis, Neb 21 13 Custer, Mont 44.50 Custer, S. Dak 31 . 25 Ciivahojja Falls, O. . . 8.65 Cyiithiaua, Ky 10 10 14.10 35 55 '7.15 Dade City. Fla 33 Dakota City, Iowa — 11 Dalhousie, N. B 27 Dallas, 111 6 Dallas, Ore 62 23.00 c2 50 51.50 17^85 12.52 Dalles, Ore 61 Dalton, Ga 18 Danburv. Con 20 Dansvilie, N. Y Danville, 111 3 Danville, Ky 10 Danvil'e, Pa 17 Danville, Va 20. Danville Jue., Me ... 20 Davenport, Fla 33 Davenport, Iowa 5. Davenport, Wash 58. David City. Neb 15. „ Davis. W. Va 1« Davis .Tunt'tion, 111 .. . 2 Dawson, Minn 15 Davton, Iowa 10 Dayton, N. Y 12 Dayton, Ohio 7 Day t o n , Wash 57 Da'vtona, Fla 32. __ Dazey, N. Dak . 21 .50 Deadwood.S. Dak 31 55 Decatur, Ala 17.18 Decatur, Ark 18. ('5 ... Decatur, 111 4.45 Decatur, Ind 5.10 Decatur, Texas. 26.95 20.25 Decherd.Tenn 16.00 Decoi'ah, Iowa 8.43 73 65 65 15.15 00 17.00 50 18 50 85 02 00 48.00 31 90 15.. 55 26 11 90 00 9 50 25 15 47.15 30 FROM CHICAGO TO L13IITED. Deer Lodge, Mont ...46. tO 41.50 Deer Park, Md 15.35 14.10 Dctiauce, Ohio 5.50 Deb'uniak Sp"j>^s, Fla.25.20 DeKalb, Jll 1.70 DeLaud, Fla 31.55 Delano, Minn 12.64 . ... Delavan, 111 4.30 Delavan, Minn — "....11. .54 Delavan, Wis 2.35 Delaware, Iowa 6.65 Delaware. Ohio 8.00 Delhi, N. Y 17.79 16.24 Dell Rapids, S. Dak.. 15. 74 Delmar, Iowa 4.95 . ... Del Norte, Col 38.65 . ... Delo.uine, Man 27.95 23.95 Delphos, Iowa 12.48 Delphos, Ohio 5.80 .... Deraing-, N. M 45 40 35.95 Denison, Iowa 12.42 Denison, Texas 18.75 Dennison, Minn 10.50 Dennison.O.v.Pa.l'ns 9 85 8.50 Denver, Col 29. ,50 . ... DePere, Wis 5.82 Deposit, N.Y.v. E. Ins. 17.80 15.00 DeSmet, S, Dak 17.70 Des Moines, Iowa ...10.15 DeSoto, Wis 7.69 Detroit, Mich 7.75" Detroit, Minn 17.61 DeValis Blufif, Ark., via Brinkley 17.45 15.35 Devil's Lake, N. Dak 21.50 DeWitt, Iowa 4.8"i De wit. Neb 15 42 Dexter, Me 24.75 22.75 Dexterville, Wis 7.55 Diagonal, Iowa. ....12.05 Dickinson, N. Dak 24.40 Dickson. Tenn.v.Evnsl3..=i0 .... Dillon, Mont 46. 50 41 50 Dillsbursr, Pa.v. B&0.18.79 16.29 Dixon. Ill 2.94 Dix'n,Neb.vSio'xC'tyl4.17 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO TO LOIITED. Dodg'e Center, Minn. Dodge City, Kan .... Dodjifeville, Wis .... Donald, B. C, via P. Dorchester, Neb . . . Dover, Minn Dover, N. H Diavosburg', Pa Driftwood, Pa Driiuibo, Ont Dii Bois, Pa Dubuque, To sva Dululh, Minn Dniidas, Ont Dunkirk, N. Y Dunkirk, O io Dun more, Assina boine, via Portal. . Dnnnellon, Fla DiHireith. Ind Dnpont, Cia Du Quoin, 1 11 Durango.Col l")ui"ingo, Mexico. ... Durham. N. C Duibin, Ohio D.ver.sburtr, Tenn Dyersville, Iowa 10.50 22.15 5.28 59.00 15 . 25 9.57 23.60 10.87 16 35 15.25 5.45 13.55 11 50 12.65 7.05 44 85 32.25 6 15 26 30 8.65 48.60 55 . 1 5 21.85 7.80 13.50 6.30 Eagle Bend, Minn . . . . Eagle Bridge, N. Y.. Eiigle Cirove, Iowa . . Eagle Harbor, Mieh. Eagle Lake, Texas. . . Eagle Pass, Texas.. . Eagle River, Wis Earlville, 111 Earlville, N. Y East Bloombnrg, Pa. East Liverpool, O Eastman, Ga Easion, Mo Easton, Pa East Palestine, Ohio. Fast St. Louis, III.... 51.50 20.60 9.37 13.35 9.50 13.35 '8!66 9 .=)0 9.50 40.. 55 FROM CHICAGO TO 41.60 18.50 12.00 16.12 17.23 16.63 11.03 8.<0 31.00 23.95 39 .55 30.40 9.60 2.17 16.42 13.92 18.00 15.50 10.65 9.00 25.80 . ... 12.50 . 18.00 15. .50 10.70 9.00 7.25 .... LIMITED. Eaton, Ohio 6 Ea'on Rapids, Mich.. 5 Eau Claiie, Wis 9 Eau Gallie, Fla 34 Eddy, N. M 42. Eddyville, Jowa 8. Edeiiburg, Pa 10. Edgar, Neb 17. Edgeley, N. Dak 21 Eilinburg, Ind 5. Edmonton, Alberta.. 63. Edmore, Mieh 7. Edmund-ton, N. B 34. Edwardsville, 111.. .. 6. Eflluer, Ind 2. Elbow Lake, Minn 16. El Campo, Texas 32. Eldon, Iowa 8. Eldora, Iowa 9. Eldorado, J 11 8. Eldoradn, Kan 17 Elgin, 111 1, Elizabeth, 111 4. Elizabeth, Pa. v.C.orYl I . Elizabethtown, Ky . . . 9 Elk Falls, Kan 17 Elkhart, 111 4. Elkhart Lake, Wis.. . . 4. Elkhorn, Wis 2. Elkins, W. Va 15. Elko. Nev .55. Elk Point, S. Dak 13. 55 Elkton, S. Dak 15. .50 Ellendale, N. Dak.... 20. 89 EUenburg, Wash 58.00 Ellinwood, Kan 19.35 Elliot, Minn ...17.21 Ellis, Kan 21.08 Ellis Junction, Wis .. 7.40 Ellsworth, Kan 18.70 Ellsworth, Me 26.50 Ellsworth, Mich 11.10 Ellsworth. Wis 11.40 Ellwoo0 42.50 52.. 50 5.00 15.00 51 Eyota, Minn 9.70 Fabyans, N. H 19. Fairbank, Ariz 55. Fairbury, Neb 16 Fairtield, 111 .. .... 7, Fail-field, Iowa .... 7 Fairmont, Minn 12 Fairmont, Neb 16 Fairmount, N. Dak ..17 Fairmonnt, W. Va ... 13 F^airmount, Ind. .. 5. Fair Play, Col 34 Fairport, N. Y 13. Falcon, Col 29, Fak-oner, N. Y 12. Falls City, Neb 14. Falls Creek, Pa 15. Fall River, Mass 19. Farber, Mo 8. Fargo, N.Dak 18. Faribanlt, Minn 10, Farley, Iowa 6. Farmer City, 111. via Bloomingrton. . . 3. Farming:ton, 111 4. Farminoton, Jowa.. . . 7. Farm i n orton. Me 23 . Farmington, Minn 10. Farming^ton, Wash... ,56. Farmville, Va 19. Farwell, Mhin 15 Faulkton, S. Dak 21. Fayette, Iowa 7 65 25 10 86 69 26 79 24 20 25 95 58 50 00 10 15 82 00 48 .50 15 92 96 47 15 89 50 00 85 40 72 50 55 05 20 45 Fayette, Mich 16 F'ayette, Mo 10. Fayetteville, Ark 18. Fayetteville, Tenn ... 17. Fernwic-k, Ont 12. Fergus. Ont Fergus Falls, Minn ..17 13 Fern;indina. Fla 27.80 Findlav, O 8.00 Fishkiil, N. Y 18.08 Fitchburg, Mass 19.00 17.65 45.80 12.08 '9 50 13 15 18 20 21.15 46.. 50 16.50 4.00 10.20 11.10 16.08 17.00 PASSENOER FARES FROM CHICAGO. 11 FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Flandreaii. S. Dak ...15. Flatonia, Texas 31 Flat woods, \V. Va 15. H leiniutrlou, N. J i9. Fiooduood, Mich ..... 9. Flora, Iir 7 h loreme, Ala 17 Florauoe, \Vis 9 l^luvaniia, N. Y \2 Folsom, N. M 34 I'onda, N. Y 18 1 ontanelle, Iowa. . . 12 Forest City, Iowa ... 11 Forest City, S. Dak.. .23 Forrestoii, 111 3 Forest Jiiiic, Wis .. . 5 Fostoria, O., viaB&O. 7 Fountain, Minn 9 Fountain City, Wis . . 8 Foxburof, Pa 13 Fox Lake. Wis 4 Framin^hani, Mass.. 21 Frankfort, Ind 4 Frankfort, Ky 9 Frankfoit,Mieh Frankfort. N. Y ... 16 Franklin, Ind 5 Franklin. Ky 12 Franklin, Neb 19 Franklin. Pa l2 Franklin, Tenn H Franklin Citv, Md .. 19 Frederick, S. Dak... 20 Frederick, Md 17 Frederick sbiirfT, la 8 Fredericksbnrj?:li. Va.19 Fredrick ton. N. B. . . .28 Fredonia. Kan.. .. 16 Freej)ort, 111 3 Fremont. Mich 6 F'remont,Ohio .... 7 French Lick Spgs, Ind 8 Fresno. Cal ^2 Friend. Neb 15 Friendship, N. Y 13. Frisco, Utah 48 21 55 14.95 15 9 f,0 29 55 1 5 . 5u 11.15 is' 50 3 00 13.74 9.50 1(3.50 iis'co i() CO 24.20 7.00 52!. 50 io'75 LIMITED. FROM CHICAGO TO "S £ — aD r^ ^ ^ U Frontenac, Minn . 10.12 Ft. Royal. Va 17.50 15.00 P't. Atkinson, Iowa... 8.33 J't. Collins, Col 29 50 Ft. Custer, Mont 36 65 Ft. Dodg-e, Iowa 11.18 Ft. Edward, N. Y.... 19.99 17.00 Ft. Garland, Col 38.20 Ft. Howard, Wis 5.95 Ft. Madison, Iowa. . . t3..55 Ft. Mason, Fla 32.45 J't. Meade, Fla 35.45 Ft. Oo-den, Fla 37.35 Ft Payne Ala. 18.83 36.90 Ft. Pie ice, FIm Ft. Plain, N. Y.. 16.65 15.28 Ft. Reno, Okla. Ter . 19.55 Ft. Scott, Kan 14 60 Ft. Sill.i.T.v. H.Spg-s 27 00 22.05 Ft. Smith, Ark.. . . 19 95 19 05 Ft. Snellinor, IMinn . . . 11. .50 Ft. Steele, Wyo 37.60 Ft. Ticonderogra.N.Y 19.31 16.80 Ft. Wavne, Ind 4 45 Ft. Worth, Texas 26.95 20.25 Fulton, Ark 18.50 Fulton, 111 4.07 Fulton, Kv 12 44 9 55 12 00 Fulton, Mo Fulton Chain, N. Y . . 18.00 16.00 85 ainesville, Fla 30 15 ainesville, Ga 22 4.^ ainesville, Texa.s 26 30 alena. 111 4 81 alenn, Kan 15.85 alesburjrh. 111 4.88 alion, Ohio 8 OU allatin. Mo 11 .70 allatin, Tenn 12 76 allipolis, Ohio 10 80 alt, Ont 11 00 alva. Ill 4.18 al vest on, Texas 32 .50 ambier, Ohio 8.35 19 '9 25 5.5 90 45 12 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO TO LOlITEl). .19 ,.10 ..10 .14 .. 9 .40 .30 65 79 75 00 ,59 59 55 61) 5) 00 62 88 .25 9a 14.85 Ganaoque Jiii'., Ont Garden City, Kan ... .28 Garden Grove, Iowa 10 Gardiner, Me Gardner, Mass Garlield, Kan Garner, Iowa Garnelt, Kan Ganeltsville, Ohio. (iarri>.on, Mont. ... Gatesville, Texas .. Geneseo, 111 4 Geneva, Neb 16 Geneva, N. V 14.25 11.75 Georfj:etown, Col.. .3i Geororetown,Ky.v.Cin 9 20 75 17.00 8.10 41.50 23.05 Georg-etowu, Del 18.75 16 00 Geoi-oretown, Ont. ...15.30 10.70 Gettvsburj?, S. Dak..23.l0 .... Gettysburg, Pa 17.5!) 15 00 Gil)son, Indian Ter. ..20.15 18.75 Gittord, Iowa 9 33 . .. ixila Bend, Ariz 6i..50 52.50 Gill man. Mo. . 10 5i) ... Gillman. Ill ... 2.43 Girard, 111 5.25 . . Girard, Kan 15.85 Girard, Ohio 9.85 8.35 Girard, Pa 10 85 8 50 Glaoier, B.C 59 00 51.50 Gliidbrook, Iowa 8.70 Glade Sprinofs, Va 18 50 Gladstone, Mich lO.'O 4.00 Glasgow, Kv 1122 Glasgow, Mont 29 00 Glasport. Pa 10 95 9.45 Gleneoe, Mmn 12 30 Glencoe. Ont.via Det. 8.70 . .. Glendive, Mont 28.65 Glen Rock, Wvo 31 60 . ... Glens Falls, N. Y ... 18.10 16 55 Glen wood, Iowa 12.50 Glen wood, Minn 15 40 Gif>n wood Spor.s., Col. .41 ..50 Glvndon, Minn 18.48 Godfrey, III 6.40 FROM CHICAGO TO liDIlTED. 12i Gogebic, Mich 10.95 Golden, Col 30.15 (iolden City, Mo .. ..14 60 Goldfield, Iowa 11.06 Cioldman, Ark 18.15 Goldsboro, N. C 23. WO Gonzales, Texas 3"^. 70 Goshen, Cal 62 50 Goshen, Ind 3 30 (ioshen, N. Y 18.00 Goshen, Va.vCin.C&017. 00 Gosport, Ind 6.10 Gouverneur, N. Y 18.00 Gowrie, Iowa 11.18 Graceville, Minn 16 70 Grafton, N. Dak Grafton, Ohio 9 25 Grafton, W. Va 13 Graham, Va 16 Grand Haven, Mich.. 5 Grand ] stand. Neb ... 17 Grand Junction, Col. 41 Grand June, Tenn. . .15 Gr'nd Ledge, Meh.v Ls 6 Gr'nd Meadow, Minn . 10 Grand Rapids, Mich . 5 (Jrand Rapids, Wis... 7 Granger, W.vo 41 Granite Falls, Minn.. 14 Grant City, Mo 12 Graven hurst, Ont Greason, Pa 18 10 Gr'tBarringt'n,Mass.20.28 Great Bend, Pa 17.05 Great Falls, Mont 44.50 Greelev, Col 29.50 Greeley Centre, Neb .17.89 Green Ba.v, Wis 5.95 Green Castle, Pa ..17 60 Green Cove Spgs,Fla.28.80 Greenfield, 111 6.11 Greenfield, Ind 5.60 Greenfield, Iowa 12.53 Greenfield. Mass 19.00 Greenfield, Ohio 9.00 Green Lake, Wis... . 5.15 15 50 20.63 25.35 52.50 16.66 15.00 ib'.sb .. 21.50 25 8.00 85 12 50 85 15.00 35 2 00 15 ... 50 75 12.00 05 20 40 38 50 38 92 13.95 15.60 17 28 14.75 37.50 3.. 50 15.10 17.00 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. 13 Green River, Wyo Greensboi'o, N. C. Greensbiirs, Ind .... Green sbvirg. Pa (Jreen Spring-, VV. Va Green Springs, Oliio Greenup, 111 Greenville, 111 . . .... Greenville. Mich. v. L (Jreenville, Miss v.M Greenville, Ohio Greenville, S. C Greenville, Pa Greenville, Texas... Greenville, Va Greenwich, Ohio.... Grenada, Miss Griffiths, N. Y Grinnell, Iowa Griswold, Iowa Grot on, S. Dak Grover, Col Giiadala jara, Mex., . Giianajnato, Mex . . . (i liny mas, Sonera. .. Guide Rock, Neb Gnelpli,Ont Gunnison, Col .... Guthrie. Okla. Ter .. Gulhrie, Ky Guttenberg-, Iowa... 41.50 21. n5 6.40 12.83 15 80 "609 6 87 , 6 55 20.90 6.75 22.45 10.70 26.10 17.40 8.20 18.74 12 65 8.58 12.35 19.64 28 65 .69 90 65 00 72 3^) 18 38 11.05 38.45 %'.3b io.m 14.55 7.00 ie'.so 12 32 6.45 Hager. Wis 10.94 Hagerstown, Ind 6.25 Haprerstown, Md 17.25 Hagersville, Ont 11.25 Hailev, Idaho 53.25 Haines City, Fla 34.05 Haliburton, Ont Halifax, N. S 32.00 Hallowell, Me 22.90 Halsev. Ore 62 50 Halsiead, Kan 18.65 Hamb'rer,Ia.vR'dOak12 50 Hamburg, Pa 18.00 9 20 19.25 15 00 7.00 14.00 9 50 55 55 45 80 52.50 io.'ro 19. 50 12.00 14.75 9.50 49 40 i-i!35 28.50 20.90 52.50 15.50 Hamder, Ohio 10.05 Hamilion, N. Dak Hamilton, Mo 12. Hamilion, C>hio 7. Hamilton, Out 11 Hammond, Lii 23. Hampton, Fla 29. Hampton, Iowa 9. Hampton, V a 20. Hancock, Mich 12. Hancock, N. Y 18. Hanley Falls, Minn. . 14. Hanaford, N. Dak Hannibal, Mo 7. Hanover, Kan 16. Hanover, Mich . ... 5 Hanover. Pa 17. Harbor Springs, Mich 11. Hardy. Neb 17. Harlan. Iowa 12. Harlem, N. Dak 19 Harper, Kan 19. Harper's Ferry, Iowa 7 Harper's Ferry, W.\ al7. Harriman ,lnc.,Tenn.l4 21.50 9.50 16.50 17 00 15^0 2i'.56 15.00 4.00 14 75 Harrisbuvg. Oi'e Harrisbu < g. Pa. . . Harrison. Ohio . . . Harrisonburg, Va Harriscnville. Mo Harrodsburg, Ky. Harro£rate. Tenn . Hart, Mich Hartford, Conn. . Hartford, S. Dak Hartford. Ind Hartford, Wis Harvard. Neb Harvey. N. Dak . . Harwood. N. Dak Harwood. Texas . Hastings, Iowa. . . Hastings, Minn... Hastings. Neb. . . Havana, Cuba. . . . Havana. Ill 25 10 50 50 35 49 35 93 90 25 25 90 50 25 90 .... 25 15 00 75 52 . 50 14 75 ..^0 oi 50 !85 14 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. ^2 Hav re-de-Grace, Md .18.00 Hiiveihill, Mass 19. 7n llaverliill.NH.v.Mont ly.OO Hawarclen, Juwa .... 14 .05 Hawle.v, Pa 18.00 Hawthorne, Fla 30.15 Hazletou, Pa 18.00 Heariie, Texas Hebi-on, Neb 16 70 Hedrick, Iowa 8.22 Helena, Ark 17.65 Helena, Mont.v.Mo.R.46.50 Hemuigford, Neb 25.25 Hempstead, Texas.. . .31 .00 Henderson, Ky 9.40 Hennessey, I. T Henrietta, Texas. .. 26.75 Henry,Col.M'nteV'sta37 85 HerkMuer. N. Y 17.46 Herinansville, Mich . . 8.73 Hermosillo, Souora..67 95 Herndon, luwa 11.(0 Hiawatha, Kan 13.69 Hickman, Kv 13.00 Highland, III 7.25 Hill City, S. Dak .....31.55 Hillsburo, Ohio 9.20 Hincklev, Minn 13 55 Holc'en, Mo 13.05 Holdredpre, Neb 18.94 Holprate, Ohio 5 90 Holland, Mich 4.70 Hollidaysbnrg-, Pa — 14.73 Holt, Mo 12.51 Holton, Kan 14 00 Holly, Mich.v.Diivand 6.:s5 Holly Spring's, Miss. .15.90 Holyoke, Col 24.55 Holyoke, Mass 19 OO Homer, Mich 4 94 Homer, N. Y 16.00 Homestead, Pa. .. 10 70 Home wood, Pa 11.00 Ilomotassa, Fla 33.20 Homesdale, Pa 18.00 Honnedaga, N. Y 18.00 15.50 1 7 . 75 17.00 1 5 . 75 15.50 22 70 14.45 41.50 23 i)5 19 hb 20. OU i4.'82 52 50 i2;45 12.^3 12.00 17.00 i3.50 9.20 9 00 is! 7.5 15.78 I FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Hoosic Falls, N. Y...17. Hook.sett, N. H 19 Hopkins, Mo 12, Hopkmsville, Ky . . ..11 Horicon, Wis 4. Hor nellsville, N. Y' . . . 14 Hortonville Jnc, Wis 5. Hot Spring's, Ark 20 Hot Springs, N. C....18. Hot Springs, 8. Dak. 27. Hot Springs, Va 18 Houghton, Mich 30. Houlton, Me 28 Houston, Minn 8 Houston, Texas 3i Jlovvell, Mich 6 Ho.xie, Ark liubbell. Neb 16 Hudson, N. Y 17. Hudson, Wis II. Humboldt. Kan 15. Humboldt, Neb 14 Humboldt, Tenn 13 Hum bird. Wis 8 lIumeston,Io\va .... 10 Hunnewell, Kan 19. Huntingdon, Pa ... . 15. Huntingdon. Que. . 18 Huntington, Fla 30. Huntington, Ore . .. 56 Huntinsiton, W. Va. . . 10. Huntsville, Ala 17 Huntsville, Texas 30 Huron, S. Dak 19. Hittchinson, Kan. ... 18 Hutchinson, Minn. ... 12. Hyannis. Mass.v.Bos. add to Boston rate. 2. Hyndman, Pa 14. Ida Grove, Iowa ..12 75 Idaho Falls, Idaho .. .46.50 Idaho Springs, Col 31.45 Ilion, N. Y 16.28 Imperial, Neb 23.07 16.39 17.00 12.00 is^so 18.30 ieioo 7 00 25.15 23! 95 i2!85 ie.'si 12.00 13'56 16.40 46 '50 22^80 2.40 13.70 41.50 13^78 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. 15 FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Independence, Col . ..32.75 Independence, Kan.. 16. 70 Independence, Iowa . 7.55 Indiana, Pa 12.60 Indiitiiapolis, Ind 5.00 liidianola, Iowa 10.57 Iiidianola, Neb 20.90 Ingrersoll, Ont 9 85 Ida, Kan 15 35 Ionia, Mich.. 6.20 ]o\va City, Iowa 6 64 Iowa Falls, Iowa 9.71 ] psvvich, S. Dale 21 . 15 lion Mountain, Mich . 8.73 J ion Rid^re, Wis 3.95 Irouton. Ohio 10.80 Irvineton, Pa 12.69 Ishpeming-, Mich 10.37 Isinours, Minn 9.53 i.sland Pond, Vt 19.00 Ithaca, N. Y 15 30 Ithaca, Mich 6.50 Jackson, Minn 13 04 Jackson, Miss 22 00 Jackson, Ohio 10.05 Jackson, Tenn 14 .34 Jacksonville, Fla. ...27.80 Jacksonville, 111 5.35 Jamestown, N. Dak Jamestown, N. Y 12 00 Jamestown, Pa 11.15 Janesville, Wis 2.73 Jeannette. Pa 11.20 JetTerson, Iowa 11.10 Jefferson, N. H 19.32 Jefferson, Texas 27.00 Jeffersonville, Ind. . . . 7.75 Jeffersonville, Ohio.. 8 25 Jellico, Tenn 14 00 Jennings, La .25.95 Jenning's, Mont .53.05 Jersey City, N.J 18 00 Jersey ville, Ont 11 50 Jesup, Ga .26.30 11 17 9.50 10.19 17.00 12.80 15.50 12! 00 21.50 9.50 9.50 '9!76 17. '32 18.55 19.40 44.00 16.00 9.50 FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Jewell City, Kan 17.96 Johnson's, Tenn 18.50 Johnsonbiu"":, Pa. . ..13 78 Johnstown, Pa 12.85 Joliette, Que 19.60 Jonesboro, Ark 14.75 Jonesboro, Ind 4.99 Joplin, Mo 15 85 Jordan, Minn 11.50 Junction City, Kan... 16. 31 Junction City, Ky 10.75 Junction City, Ohio . 8.95 Juniata, Neb 17.-19 Jupiter, Fla 38 55 Kalispell, Mont.. Kamloops, B.C.. Kanawha F'ils.W Kane, Pa , Kankakee. III. . . Kansas City, Mo . Kaslo, B. C Kasota, Minn Kaukaitna, Wis Kearney, Neb Keene, N. H Keithsbifg, 111... Kelton, Utah Kellerton, Iowa . . Kenedy, Texas . . Kenesaw, Neb. . Kenova. W. Va .. . Kent, Ohio Kenton, Ohio Kenyon, Minn. . . . Keokuk, Iowa.... Ketchum, Idaho.. Kewanee, 111 Kesvaunee, Wis. . . Kevser, W. Va.. Key West. Fla . Kidder, Mo Kilbourn City, Wis Kingtisher, O. T Kingman, Kan.. ..49 ..61 a. 13 ..13 .. 1 ..12 . .59 ..11 .. 5 . 18 ..19 .. 5 . 46 ..11 ..34, ..17 ..10 .. 8, .. 7, ..10 ..53 .. 3 .. 6 ..15 ..46 . 12 00 .50 40 .73 .67 50 00 37 ,50 43 00 79 15 93 25 74 80 80 05 50 15 C'O 94 94 35 05 20 53 11.28 11 35 16 10 12.10 19.60 42 51 50 50 ii 23 5i 50 17 66 27 26 7 36 50 00 14 31 16 50 19 55 16 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. LI.niTKI). FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. FROM CHICAGO TO ■s. i Kinprsbury, Texas. .. 32.95 Kinijslaiid, Ind 4 75 Kiu^slaiid, Ark . Kitiffs Mountain, Ky 11.30 Kinor1, Mass. .19.90 New Caaabia, Mo 9.70 New Carlisle, Ohio. . 7.60 Newcastle, Ind 5.90 New Castle, N. B 27.50 Newcastle, Pa 10.50 Newcastle, Wyo 31.35 17.35 52.50 15.00 21.50 51.50 12.00 15.50 16.00 11.48 17.97 23.03 9.00 17.00 17.00 16.00 17.90 23.00 9.00 FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. '51 * Neweomerstown, O.. 9.50 NewCumberl'nd.WV. 10.50 9.00 Newell, Iowa 12.47 New Glasgow, N. S . .32.00 26.00 New Hampton, Iowa. 8.70 New Haven, Conn 19.60 17.60 New Haven, Pa 12.15 10.65 New Lexington, Ohio. 9.00 New Lisbon, Wis.. . 6.32 Newlon, W. Va 15 95 1.5.05 New London, Conn... 19.00 17.00 New London, Iowa. . . 6.75 New London, W^is ... 5.85 Newnan, Ga 22.20 New Market, Ont 11.75 New Orleans, La . . . 18.50 12.50 New Philadelphia, O. 9.60 8.10 Newport, Ark 13.90 Newport, Me 27..50 24..50 Newport, R.I 22.00 19.00 Ne wport, Vt 25.75 22.75 Newport, Wash 56.50 46..50 Newport News, Va . .20.00 17.00 New Kockford, N. D 21.50 Newton, 111 6.17 Newton, Kan 18.65 ... Newton Falls. Ohio.. 9.50 8.00 New Ulm, Minn 12.24 .... Newville, Pa 17.25 14.75 NewWestminster,BC.61..50 51.50 New Whatcom, Wash. 61. 50 51.50 New York, N. Y 18.00 16.00 Niagara Falls, N.Y. . 12.00 9.50 Niagara Falls. Ont . .12.00 9.50 Nicholasville, Ky . . . . 10-40 Niles, Ohio 9.70 8.20 Noblesville, Ind .5.00 Noel, Mo 17.55 .... Nogales, Ariz 59.40 49.95 Noquebay, Wis 7.50 .... Nora June, Iowa 9.72 Nora Springs, Iowa. . 9.70 Norfolk, Va 20.00 17.00 Norris City, 111 8. .55 Norvistown, Pa 18.00 1.5.50 North Adams, Mass. . 18.00 17.00 22 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Northampton, Mass. 19.50 17.U0 North Andover,Mass. 19.64 17.64 North Benuiug^ton,Vt 17.64 16.74 North Conway, N. 11.20A0 18.50 North Creek, N. Y 18.14 Northtleld, Minn 10.50 Northtield, Mass 19.30 17.30 Northtield, N. H 19.00 17.00 Northtield, Vt 19.00 17.00 North Hampton, N.H. 20. 19 18.19 No. Manchester, Ind.. 3.60 North Platte, Neb . . . 21.25 North port. Wash 59.00 51.50 Northumberland, Pa. 17.25 14.75 North Vernon, Ind . . 6.50 Northwood, Iowa . ..10.47 NorthWoodstocK,NH. 19.63 17.63 NorthYakiraa.Wash 58.00 48.00 Norton, Kan 20.85 Norton, Va 17.86 Norionville. Ky 10.i<0 Norwalk,Ohio 8.40 7.00 Norway, Mich 8.73 Norwich, Conn 19 50 17.50 Norwich, N.Y 16.65 14.50 Norwich, Vt 19.00 17.00 Norwood, Mich 4.00 Norwood, Minn 11.96 Norwood, N. Y 18.00 16.00 Nutt, N. M 45.40 35.95 Oakes, N. Dak..' ...20.10 Oak Grove, Mo 12.50 . ... Oakland, 111 4.83 Oakland, Md 15.30 13.95 Oberlin, Kan 22.09 Oberlin, Ohio 9.00 ... . Ocala, Fla 31.20 .... Ocean Grove. N. J . 19.20 17.00 Ocean Springes, Miss. 23.00 Oconowoc, Wis 3.49 Oconto, Wis 6.81 Ocosta, Wash ,61.50 51.50 Odell, Neb ....16.10 Odell,N.Dak 21.50 FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Ode.sso, 3Io 12.20 Octavia, Neb 14.74 Odeuton, Md 17.50 Odin, III 7.32 Oj?den, Iowa 10.55 Ogden, Utah 41.50 Ogdensburgh, N. Y . .18.00 Ogdeusburg, Wis 6.50 Ohio City, Ohio 5.60 Oil City, Pa 12.00 Oklahoma, O. T Okoboji Lake, Iowa. . OUolona, Miss Old PointCoui fort, Va Clean, N. Y Olney, lil Olympia, Wash Omaha, Neb Omro, Wis Onalaska, Wis Onawa, Iowa Oneida, N. Y Oneonta, N. Y Ontonagon, Mich Oostburg, Wis Opelika, Ala. v. Birm. Oquawka, 111 Orange, Texas Orang-e, Va Orange City, Iowa Orange, City, Fla.. .. Ord, Neb Ordway, S. Dak Oregon, 111 Oregon City, Ore Orillia,Ont Orion, 111 4.93 Orlando, Fla 32.45 Orleans, Tnd 7.75 Ormond,Fla 32.05 Orrville, Ohio 8.50 Ortonville, Minn 16.14 Osage City, Kan 14.90 Osage Mission, Kan. . 16.15 Csborn, Mo 12.50 Osceola, Iowa 10.88 13.25 18.10 20 00 12.60 7.32 61.50 12.75 5.43 7.87 12.75 15.50 16.65 12 50 3.82 23.00 6.04 27.00 17.98 13.35 33.05 18.50 20.10 2.70 62.50 15.00 15.80 9.50 19.55 17.(0 10,10 51.50 14.00 15.10 20. 60 15.00 52.50 13.85 7.00 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. 23 FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Oshawa, Ont Oskaloosa, Iowa Ossian, loNva Oswecro, Kan Oswego, JN.Y Ottawa, III Ottawa, Ont Ottawa, Kan Ottum wa, Iowa Ouray. Col Owatonna, Minn Oweg-o, N. Y OwenslDoro, Ky Owen Sound, Ont Owosso, Mich Oxford, Miss Oxford, O., Butler Co. Ozark, Ark 8.56 7.96 16.70 1.5.60 2.36 18.00 13.95 8.43 43.60 10.50 16.30 10.15 13.15 5.86 17.34 7.25 19.80 Pacific June, Iowa..l2..50 Padueah, Kv 11.16 Painesville, Ohio. ... 9.35 Paint Rock, N. C 18.55 Palatine Bridge, N.Y.16.84 Palatka, Fla 29.80 Palestine, Texas 27.60 Palisade, Nevada. . . .56.95 Palmasola, Fla 38.15 via St. Louis 49.75 Palmer, Mass 19,(X) Palmetto, Fla. .. 38 15 Palmyra, Mo 7 70 Palmvra, N. Y 13 82 Palmvra, Wis .S.09 Pana, 111 5 42 Panasoffkee, Fla .. 32.60 Pan Handle Citv,Tex Paola, Kan....' 13.85 Paragotild, Ark 14.10 Paris, 111 4.83 Paris, Ky 10.35 Paris, Ont Paris, Tenn 13.50 Paris, Texas 25..S5 Park City, Utah . . ..41.50 UJZ 1 1 55 14.16 16.66 13.90 12.60 19.05 18.30 15.34 209.5 52.50 17.20 11.32 23.10 12.66 9.50 12.00 19.05 FROM CHICAGO TO LLniTKD. >— as 1^1 si Parker, S. Dak 15.65 Parker, Pa 1.3.00 11.25 Parker (nty. 111 9.73 Parkersburgh, W.V. .10.80 10.00 Park River, N. Dak 21 .50 Parkston,S. Dak.... 17.45 Parkville, Mo 12..50 Parnell Cily, Mo 12.50 Parsons, Kan 16.15 . ... Passaic, N J 18 00 16.00 Pass Christian, Miss.. 23. 00 Pasqua, Assinaboiii 34 35 30.05 Paterson, N. J 18.00 15.00 Pattersonville, Iowa. 13.66 Paulding, Ohio 5.40 .... Paul Smiths Sta.N.Y. 18.00 16.00 Paxton, 111 3.08 Pavnesville, Minn 14.28 Pecos Citv, Texas.... 39.00 28.65 Peekskill, N. Y... . 20.00 17.00 Pierce, City, Mo 15.85 Pekin, 111 4.25 Pella, Iowa 9.07 .... Pelican Lake. Wis ... 8.65 Pemberton, Fla 30.65 .... Pembina, N. Dak 21. .50 Pembroke, Ont 20.40 17.20 Pendleton, Ind 5.25 Pendleton, Ore 56.50 46..''0 Penn Yann, N. Y 14. .39 12.89 Pensacola, Fla 22 00 .... Pentwater, Mich 7.05 .... Peoria, 111 4.25 Pepin, Wis 9.74 .... Percy, 111 9.51 Perham, Minn 16. 9r Perrv, Iowa 10.65 Perrv, O. T 21.05 19..55 Perth, Ont 18.00 1.^45 Perth Ambov, N. J. . .18.00 16.00 Peru, Ind. Pl.RkorArg 3.85 Peshtigo, Wis 7.21 Peterboro, Ont 13.00 Petersburg, 111 4.80 .... Petersburg, Va 19.00 17.00 Petoskey, Mich 11.10 24 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Pewaukee, Wis 3.12 Philadelphia, Pa. ...18.00 Philiip.sburg, Mont.. .48.80 Phoenix, Ariz 62 80 Phoenixville, Pa 18.00 Pickens, W. Va 16 30 Pickering, Iowa 8.50 Picton, Ont . . Pictou, N. S 32.00 Piedmont, W. Va. ...15. So PietlrasNiegras,Mex.40 05 Pierre, S. Dak 23.80 Pike, Wis 8.01 Pilot Bav, B.C 59.00 Pine BlufF, Ark. 19.00 Pineville, Ky 14.36 Pipestone, Minn 14 90 Piqua, Ohio . 7.25 Pittsburg-, Kan 15.60 Pittsburgh, Pa 10., 50 Pittsburg, Texas 27 00 Pittsfield, Me 23 90 Pittsfield, Mass 17 82 Pittston, Pa 18.00 Pittsville, Wis 7.67 Plain Citv, Ohio 8.25 Plainfield, N. J 18.00 Plainvievv,Minn 10.18 Plant City, Fla 41.80 Platteville, Wis 5.27 Plattshurgh,N. Y ...19. .54 Pleasant Hill, Mo . . . .13.20 Pleasanton, Kan . 14 60 Plover, Wis. 7.05 Plum Creek, Neb. . . 19. 4r Plvmonth,Fla .32.45 Pl\ mouth, N. H 19.00 Plymouth, Wis 4 19 Plymouth .Tunclowa 9 97 Pocatello, Idaho 45 00 Pocahontas, Va 16 65 Pt. Chautauqua, N.Y. 12.00 Point du Chien, N. B.27 85 Point Levi, P. Q 21 00 Polo, 111 3 09 Pomeroy, Ohio 10,80 15.. 50 41 .50 53.35 15. .50 15.40 i4.75 26.00 14.10 30.90 51., 50 16 40 9 00 18.80 21 90 17 uO 15 50 16.00 36 .'36 i6 80 .00 41. .50 15.00 9 .50 23,00 18.00 FROM CHICAGO TO lilMITKO. ^l Pomeroy, Wash 58.00 48.00 Pomona, Fla 33.30 Pond Ci-eek, I. T 19.55 Poplar, Mont 27.00 Poplar BlutT, Mo 12.00 Portage City, Wis ... 5.02 P'rt'ge laPrairie,Man 23.70 Portal, N. Dak 27.95 23.6. Port Arthnr, Ont 10 00 Port Colborne, Ont. ..12 00 9 .'() Pori Dalhousie, Ont..l2.10 9 LO Port Harford.Cal.add to San Fran, rates . 6 00 4 fO Port Hope, Ont 17.70 12 2 > Port Henry, N. Y 19 51 16.80 Port Huron, Mich ...7.30 . .. Port Jervis, N. Y 18.00 16. (H) Port Kent, N. P 19. ,54 16.80 Port Tampa, Fla 36 O-i 26.90 PortTo\vnsend,Wash.61 .50 51.5;) Port Washington, Wis 3.30 Porterville, Call 62.50 .52.50 Port land , Me 20 . .50 1 8 .50 Portland, Ore 61 .50 51 ..50 Portsmouth, N. H....20.40 18.40 Portsmouth, Ohio 10 25 Portsmonth, Va 20.00 17.00 Postville, Iowa 7 63 Pot,sdara, N.Y 18 00 16. M) Pottsto wn , Pa 18.(0 1 5 . .50 Poltsville, Pa 18 00 15. FO Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 18.30 17.00 Powers, Mich 8.73 Prairie du Chien, Wis. 6 79 .... Prescott, Ariz 62.30 53.35 Prescott, Ont 1 « 00 1 5 80 ' Prescott, Wis 10 98 Presque Isle, Me., add to Boston rates. .. . 10.65 .... Preston. Ont. .. 1 1 00 Prince Albert, Sask..47.60 43 75 Princeton, 111 3.13 Princeton. Ind 7 8') Princeton, Kv ll.H) Princeton, N. J 19. .35 16 60 Princeton, Wis .. 5.43 .... PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. 05 FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Providence, K. I. . Pueblo, Col Pulaski, Tenn.. . . Pulaski, Va PuntaGorda, Fla Pmvell, I. T PiitiKim, Conn. . . 19.45 29.50 15.91 17 80 38.05 19.00 Quaker City, Ohio. ...10.00 Quanah, Texas 28.45 Quantieo, Va 18. .55 Qu.Appelle, Assa 33.25 Quebec, P. Q 21.00 Qiietaro, Mexico 64.60 Qnincy, 111 7 25 Quinn.sec, Mich. 8.73 Racine, Wis 1. Ra 7 50 15., 50 52;50 20.00 3i!40 15 66 15. ir 16 40 52.50 FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. V. 2 Renova, Minn 10.05 Rensselaer, Iiid 2.20 Republic, Mich 10 07 Republican, Neb 19.48 Revelstocke, B. C 59.(,i0 Rhinebeck, N. Y 20.00 Rhinelander, Wis .. 9.25 Rii-eville, Iowa 9.40 Richfield Sjn-'gs. N.Y.17.12 Rich Hill, Mo. 14.45 Richland Centre,Wis. 5.70 Richmond, Que 19 00 Richmond, lud 6.25 Richmond, Me 22.00 Richmond, Va 19.00 Richwood. Ohio 7.80 Ridge Farm, 111 4. -.'5 Ridgeton, Ont 9.45 Ridgewa.v, Mo 12 10 Ringgold. Texas 26.30 Riparia, Wash 56. .50 Ripon, Wis 4.97 Ritzville, Wash 56. .50 Riverside, Cal 62.50 Riverside, N. Y Riverside, Pa 17.40 Riverton, Va 17.40 Riviere du Loup, Que. 24 65 Roanoke, Va 17.40 Roberval. Que 26.95 Rochelle, 111 2.24 Rochester, Ind . ... 3.(K) Rochester, Minn 10 07 Rochester, N. H 20 90 Rochester, N. Y 13.38 ]{ochester. Pa 11.00 I{ock Creek, Wvo .... 34 .(K) Rockdale, Texas 31 .00 Rock Falls, 111 3.29 Rockf.ird, 111 2.50 Rock Island, III 4.97 Rockland, Me 23.00 Rockledge. Fla 34.20 Rockport. Mass 19.83 Rock Rapids, Iowa... 14 00 Rock wood. Pa 13.90 51., 50 17.00 15.. 52 17.00 'ioioo 17.00 19.55 46.. 50 46 .50 ,52.. 50 17.90 15.0(1 15.00 20.45 15 00 22.45 18 90 10.88 9.0) 2:?! 30 21.00 i7.'83 i2!35 26 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. LIMITED. FROM CHICAGO TO LI3IITKD. FROM CHICAGO TO 3l XT. — ir. OB — 5B Rock wood, Tenn Rocky Mount, Va Rulfe, Iowa Rome, Ga Rome, N. Y Romney, W. Va Rondout, N. Y Roscoe, S Dak Rosenbiirg', Ore Rosenberg', Texas . . . . Ross, N. Dak Rouse's Point, N. Y.. Roxboro, N. C Rugby, N. Dak Running Water, S. D. Rushford, Minn RushSp'gs, Ind.Ter , Rushville, Ind Russelville, Ky Ruthven, Iowa Rutland, Vt Sabetha, Kan Sabina, Oliio Sabula, Iowa Sac City, lowji , Saekets Hai'bor, N. Y Sackville, N. B Saeo, Me Sacramento, Cal Saegertown, Pa .... Saginaw, Mich . Salamanca, N. Y. Salem, S. Dak , Salem, Mass , Salem, Ohio Salem, Ore Salem, Va Salida, Col Salina, Kan Salisbury, N. C Saltillo, Mexico Salt Lake, Utah... . San Angelo, Texas. . San Antonio, Fla 3.T 95 6.T 7.5 35 00 40 .50 .(X> 7.65 58 20 30 60 GO 14.25 8.55 4.19 12.75 17.. 58 28.65 20.90 62.. 50 11.95 6.90 12.00 16.55 19 35 10 10 62.. 50 17.49 34.00 17. 55 21.. 55 46.45 41.50 34.15 33 95 15.80 13 26 14 95 17.00 52.. 50 23 95 21.. 50 16. 8u 17.. 55 21 50 19.55 15.08 24 15 18.90 .52.50 9.50 '9!.56 i7!3.5 8 60 52.. 50 15.00 18 .30 33.35 26.4.5 San Antonio, N.M .. 45.40 San Antonio, Texas.. 34. 50 San Bernardino, Cal. 62. 50 Sanborn, N. Dak S. Buenaventura, Cal. 64. 05 Sandusky, Ohio 8.25 San Diego, Cal 62. .50 Sandwich, 111 1.68 San ford, Fla 31.55 San Francisco, Cal... 62 50 San Jose, Cal 62 .50 San Luis Potosi, Mex.53.70 San Marcial, N. M ..45 40 Santa Ana, Sonora ..62.60 Santa Barbara, Cal.. 64. 85 Santa Fe, N. M 41.05 Santa Rosa, Cal.. ..64.00 Saranac Inn, N. Y...18.00 Saratoga, N. Y 17.82 Sargent, N. Dak 19.63 Saugus, Cal 62.. 50 Sauk Centre, Minn... 15. 01 SaultSt. Marie, Mich. 15. 53 Savanna, 111 4.04 Sava-anah, Ga 26.30 Savannah, Mo 12.50 Savon a, Ohio 6.60 Scandia, Kan 17.38 Schenectady, N.Y.. 17.60 Scotland, Out., V.Wat .10.90 Scotland, S. Dak 16.40 Scott Haven, Pa 11.70 Scotts. N. H 19.00 Scranton, Pa 18 00 Sea Girt, N. J 20.00 Seaside Park, N. J . . .20.00 Seattle. Wash 61 50 Sedalia, Mo 11.70 Seguin, Texas 33.25 Selma. Ala 21 00 Seneca, Kan 15 05 Seneca, S. C 23.45 Seneca Falls, N. Y ...14.60 Severv, Kan 17.35 Seville, Fla 30.80 Seville, Ohio, via Ster. 8. .50 35.95 25.35 52.. 50 21.. 50 54.05 7.45 52.50 .52.50 52. 50 35.95 .52 . i:5 54 85 33.85 51.00 16.00 15.90 52.50 16.00 9.50 10.45 17. CO 15.50 17 CO 17.00 51.50 25.35 i2.10 "7.06 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. 27 FROM CHICAGO TO 23 85 SewaU, N. Dak. ... Sev%ard, Neb Seymour, lud Sepmoiii', Iowa Seymoiir, Wis C Shabboiia, 111. - Shabbona Grove, 111. 2 Slialcopee, Minn 11 Sliainokin, Pa 17 Shannon, 111 S Shanuopin, Pa 10 Sharbot Lake, Ont. . .17 Sharon, Pa 10 Sharpsburg, Pa 11 Sharpsville, Pa 10 via Penn. Lines 10 Shawano, Wis 6 Shawnee. Ohio 9 Shawneetown, 111.. . . 9 Sheboycran, Wis .... 4 Sheboygan Falls, Wis. 4 Shediae, N. B '27 Sheffield, Ala 17 Shelbina, Mo 8 Shelby, Ohio 8 Shelb.yville, 111 5 Shelbvville, Ind 5 Sheldon, 111 2 Sheldon, Iowa 13 Shell Koe-k, Iowa 8 Siienandoah, Iowa... 12 Shenandoah, Pa 18 Shenandoah Jc.W. Val7 Shenanffo, Pa 10 Sherbrooke, P. Q ...,19 Sheridan, Mich 6 Sheridan, Mo 12 Sheridan, Wyo 40 Sherman, Texas 2r> Sherman, Wyo 30 Sherwood, Ohio 4 Sheyenne, N. Dak Shiocton, Wis 6 Shippensburof, Pa 17 Shoshone. Idaho 50 Shreveport, La 24 21.50 FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Shumway, 111 Sibley, Iowa Sidney, N. Y Sidney, Ohio Sig^ourney, Iowa Silver Bow, Mont Silver City, Idaho Silver City, N. M Silver Creek, N. Y Silver Lake, Ind Silver Springs, Fla. . . Silverton, Col Siovix City, Iowa .... Sioux Falls, S. Dak . Sioux Rapids, Iowa.. Sitka, Alaska 1 Skowhegan, Me Slater, Iowa Slater. Mo Slayton, Minn Smith's Falls, Ont.... Smithville, Ga Smithville, Ohio . ... Smithville, Ont Snohomish, W' asb Socorro, N. M Soda Springs, Idaho . Solon, Ohio Somerset, Ky Somerset, Pa Somerset, Ohio Somerville, N. J. ... Soiiris, Manitoba South Boston, Va . . . . South Charleston, O. S.Framingham.Mass. South Freeport, 111 . . . South Greenfield, Mo. South Haven, Mich.., South Lyon, Mich . . . . So. Schenectady, N.Y. Sparta, III Sparta, Tenn Sparta, Wis. Spartanburg, S. C I Specht's Ferry, Iowa "- SB 15.10 41.50 54.00 37.85 9.50 81.50 21.80 15.50 i'bo 10.10 51.50 35.95 41.50 7.45 12 35 21.(55 16.90 17.00 15.10 28 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. FROM CHICAGO TO Spencer, Iowa 12.98 Spirit Lake, iowa . . . . I3.:;i5 Split Lo^, Mo 17. 10 Spokane, Wash 55 50 Spooner, Wis 11.50 Sprague, Wash 5(5.50 Spring-dale, Wash 59 00 Springer. N. M ... fcjpringlield, S. Dak. .17. Sprmgtield, Mass. ... 19 Sprin;j Held, Ohio 7. SpringHeld, Mo 14 Spring Lake, N. J 20. Spiing Valley, 111. .. 2, Spring Valley, Minn. . 10 iStauibaugh, Mich .. lO Stanford, Ky 11 , Stanton, Mich 7. Starke, Fla 29. Star Lake, Wis 10 State Center, Iowa.... 9 Slatesville, N. C 21, Staunton,Va.v Wash. 17 Sterling, Col 26 Sterling, III 8 Sterling, Kan 18 Sterling, Ohio 8 Steubenville, Ohio ... 10 Stevens Point, Wis. .. 7 Stevenson, Ala 1(3 Stewardson, III 6 Stiles, Wis ... 6 Stillmau Valley, III... 2 Stillwater, Minn 11 Stockport, Ohio 10 Stockton, Cal 62 Stockton, III 3 Stonington. Conn 23 Stony Creek, Ont 11 Stor.v, Iowa 9 Storm Lake, Iowa 12 Sti'asburg, Va 17 Streetsville Jnc, Ont. 11 Strondsburg, Pa 18 St. Albans, Vt 19 St. Andrews, N.B.... 27 40 00 75 CO 00 97 13 18 05 30 15 Ab r> 55 ,05 65 .29 .7.^ .-0 50 .1 5 .90 .28 .70 .51 .50 .10 50 .94 .12 .70 85 46 5J 46.50 49.50 32.35 17! 66 17.00 18 30 15.00 7.00 9.00 52. 5U 20.12 9.70 15.00 11.20 15., 50 17.(0 23.50 St. Ann's, Ont 12 20 St. Augustine, Fla — 29. bO St. Catherines, Ont. . . 12.00 St. Charles, III 1 .07 St. Charles, Minn 9.45 St. Clair. Mich.. . . 8.65 St. Clairsville, Ohio.. 11 lO St. Cloud, Minn 13.75 St. Ignace, Mich 12. t8 St. James, Minn 12 71 St. John, N. B 27. .50 St. Johns, P. C^ 19.00 St. Johns, Mich 6 15 St. Johnsbury, Vt ...19 00 St. Johnsville, N. Y..16.30 St. Joseph, Mo 12.50 St. Louis, Mich.,... 7.05 St. Louis, Mo 7.50 St. Paris, Ohio 7.50 St. P,iul,Minn 11..^0 St. Paul, Neb.... 17.35 St. Peter, Minn. . . 11.37 St. Petersburg, Fla. 36.55 St. Raymond, Que. . . .22 00 St. Stephens, N. B ...26.50 St. Thomas, N. Dak St. Thomas, Ont 9.45 St. Vincent, Minn Sturgeon Bay, Wis... 7.90 Stuttgart, Ark Surt'olk, Va 200;) Sullivan, III 5 08 Sulphur Sp'gs, Ark ..17.70 Sulphur Sp'gs, Tex.. .26.6i> Summertown, Tenn. . 15. 18 Summit, Ont 11 50 Summitville. N. Y....18 dO Summit. S. Dak 17 44 Sumnei', III 7.10 Sumner, Iowa 8.10 Sunburv, Pa 17.25 Suncooii, N. H... 19.00 Sundance, Wyo 35.75 Superior, Neb 17 fO Superior City. Wis — 13. b5 S'sp'nsionBridge,N Y 12.00 10.20 23^50 16. bU u'.iib 14.20 is" 60 23 50 21.50 21.50 i.5.2.5 17.10 \9.Gb 9. hi) 16.00 i4"75 17.00 '9^50 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. 29 FROM CHICAGO TO LmiTED. Sus(xiieliaiina, Pa 17.35 Susst-x, N. B 27.^0 Sutherland, Fla 35.55 Sulton, Neb 16.88 Sutton, W. Va 16.10 Sydney, C. B 35.85 Sykeston, N. Dak Sycamore, III 1 .70 Syi'acuse, Neb 13.67 Syracuse, N. Y li.9J Table Rock, Neb 14.40 Tabor, Iowa 12.85 Tacoma, Wash 61.50 Talladega, Ala 20 76 Tallahassee, Fla 27.80 Tallapoosa, Ga 20.95 Talmadgre,Iowa.. ...11.82 Tama, Iowa 8 10 Tam.aqua, Pa 18.00 TamyKi, Fla 35 65 Tampico, Mexico 55.50 Taopi, Minn 9 65 Tarpon Spring's, Fla .35.20 Taunton, Mass 19.51 Tavares, Fla 32.45 Tawas City, Mich . .. 9.40 Taylor, Texas 31.00 Taylorville, III 5.31 Tecumseh, Neb 14.40 Teeswater, Ont 12.45 Telluride, Col 46.40 Temple, Texas . . ..29 85 Tennessee City, Tenn. 13. 50 Terral. Ind. Ter 13.50 Terre Bonne, Que. ... 18.65 Terre Haute, Ind 5 36 Texavkana, Ark 22.00 Thaver, Iowa 11 .35 Thaver, Mo 16 (i5 Thetford, Vt.... 19 00 Thomasville, Ga 26.30 Thorold.Ont '..r^.ltO Three Rivers. Que 19.75 Thurston, Ohio 8.80 14.75 23.50 15.20 28.45 21.50 12.48 51.50 15 50 26.90 36.80 17.51 23^66 i2j6 22135 18. bb u.'m \7 00 9 50 17.00 FROM CHICAGO TO LIMITED. Tiffin, Ohio 7.40 Tiffin, Ga 36.30 Tilsonburg, Ont 10.20 9 50 Tilton, N. H 19.00 IT.UO Tioga, Pa 15 9.) 13.45 Tiplon, Iowa 6.05 Tipton, Ind 4 65 Titusville, Fla 33.40 Titusville, Pa 12.54 10.04 Tobias, Neb 16.23 Toledo, Iowa 8.20 Toledo, Ohio 7.U0 . ... Toloho, 111 4.11 Tomah, Wi.s 6.87 Tomahawk. Wis 9.-.'0 Tomahawk Lake, Wis 9.80 . Tomhicken, Pa 18 00 15.50 Tonawanda, N. Y....12 22 9.72 Topinabee, Mich 11.80 Toronto, Fla 32.25 . ... Toronto, Ont 12.40 10 70 Torreon, Mexico 49.85 37.65 Towanda, Pa 16.45 13.75 Tower, Minn 16.90 .... Tower City, N. Dak .20.50 Towner, N. Dak 21 ..50 Tracy, Minn 14 10 Trempealeau, Wis. . . 8 27 Trent, Wash .56 20 46 . 50 Trenton , N. J 18 00 15 . 50 Trenton, Tenn.. .. 13.50 12.(0 Trenton Falls, N. Y 15.08 Trinwav,01iio 9.00 Trinidad. Col 32.35 Troupe, Texas .26.15 19.90 Troy, N. Y 16 80 15,65 Troy, Ohio 7.25 Tr u c k ee, Cal 62 . .50 52 . .50 Truro, N. S 31.00 26.00 Tucson, Ariz 56.40 46.95 Tulare. Cal 62.50 .52.50 Tullahoma.Tenn. ...15.60 Tankhannock, Pa.... 18 00 15. ."0 Tupelo, Miss 17. .-5 13.80 Tn])per Lake Jc.,N.\'.18.00 16 00 Tuscaloosa, AI. 1 21.41 . . 30 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. Tuscola, 111 4.49 Tuscumbia, Ala. . ..17.18 Two Harbors, Minn.. 14. 50 Two Rivers, Wis 5.10 Tyler, Texas 26.15 Tyrone, Pa 14.43 19.93 12.93 8.50 46.50 Uhriehsville Jnc, O.. 9.75 Umatilla, Fla 32.70 Umatilla, Oregon 56 50 Union, Iowa 9. '^3 . ... Union Citv, Ind 6.30 . .. Union City, Pa 12.00 9.50 Union City, Tenn 12.iS3 Uniontown, Pa 12.60 11.10 Upper Sandusky, O. . 7.55 . Urbana, 111 3 83 Urbaua, Ohio 7.75 Utica, Mo 11.30 Utica, N. Y 16.04 13 54 Uxbridge, Ont 1190 Valdosta, Ga 26.30 Valley Falls, Kan .. 13.27 Van Buren, Ark 19.05 Vanceboro, Me 27.00 23.50 Vancouver, B. C 61.50 51.50 Vandalia, 111 6 32 Vandalia, Mo 7 80 . .. Vanuessa, Ont 10.90 9.50 Van Wert, Iowa 10 40 Van Wert, Ohio 5.40 Vassalboro, Me 22 98 20.95 Vassar, Mich 7.50 .... Velasco, Texas 32.80 25.75 Vermillion, S. Dak. ...14. 10 Vermont, 111 5.65 . .. Vernon, Texas 27.65 22.00 Versailles, Ohio 6.8.i .. .. Vicksburg, Miss 16 .^0 12.00 Victor, Col 32 75 Victoria, B.C. . ...61.50 51.50 Victoria, Texas 33.00 25.95 Vilas, S. Dak 17.45 Villisca, Iowa 12 50 Viiiccuucti, lud 7.11 Vineland.N.J 19.25 16.50 Vinita, I. T 18.15 Vinton, Iowa 7.45 .... Virginia, III 5.20 Virginia Beach, Va. .20.50 17.50 Virginia City, Mont. .48.50 42.65 Virginia City, Nev. . .65.50 55.50 Viroqua, Wis 8.09 Volga, S. Dak 16.40 Volga City, Iowa 7 33 ... Wabash, Ind 4.05 Wabasha, Minn.. . 9.55 . ... Waco, Texas 28.80 21.65 Wadena, Minn 16.26 . ... Wadsworth, Ohio .. 8.50 7.00 Wahpeton, N. Dak ... 17.45 Wakefield, Mich 11.48 Waldo, Fla 29.60 .... Walnut, Kan 15.85 Walnut Cove, N. C . . .21 .05 18 10 Wallace, Idaho 53.75 45.70 Wallace, N. M 34.15 Wall Lake, Iowa 12.50 Walla Walla, Wash. .56.50 46. 5i) Wallula June, Wash. 56. 50 46.50 Waltham, Mass 19.00 17.00 Walton, N. Y...., 17.34 16 00 AVampum, Pa 10.50 9.00 Wapello, Iowa 6.38 Warren, 111 4.04 . .. Warren, Ohio 970 8.20 Warren, Pa 12.86 10.36 Warrentown, Va 17.50 15.00 Warsaw, 111 7.15 Warsaw, Ind 3.25 Warsaw, N.Y 12.97 JO. 47 Warwick, Ohio 8.50 7.00 Wanseca, Minn .... 10. .50 . ... Washburn, Wis 12.50 . ... Washington, D. C....17 50 15.00 Washington, III 3.89 Washington, Ind. ... 7.71 Washington, Iowa... 6.99 Washington, Kan 16.10 Washington C. H.,0. 8.55 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICACO. 31 LIMITED. FROM CHICAGO TO Washington.Pti.W.Col 1 .00 Waterbury, Conn 19.00 Wateibury, Vt 19 00 Watei-ford, Ohio 10.55 Wateiford, Out ... 10 95 Waterloo, Iowa 8.25 Waterloo, N. Y 14.52 Waterstneet, Mich 10 40 Watertown, S. Dak... 17. 25 Watertown, N. Y. . . 17 23 Watertown, Wis 3.87 Water Valley, Miss. .. 17.81 Waterville, Kan 15.50 Waterville, Me 23.65 Waterville, Minn 10. .SO Watkins, N. Y U.8l Watrous, N. M Waiibay,S.Dak 17.99 Waukon, Iowa 7 82 Waupun, Wis 4 58 Wausau, Wis 7.92 Wausaukee, Wis 7.71 Waverly, Iowa 8.75 Waverly, N. Y 15 85 Waverlv, Ohio 10.05 Waverly, Tenn 13.50 Wa.vahachie, Te.vas. .27.90 Wavcross, Ga 26 30 Wavland, N. Y 14.2:1 Wayne, W. Va 11 ..^5 Waynesboro, Pa 17.25 Waynesboi-o, Va 17. Way nesboro J n c. , Va . 17 . Waynesville, Ohio.. .. 8 Weatherfonl, Texas. .~7 Weavertoi), Md . Webb City, Mo 15 Webster Citv, Jowa . . 10 Weedsport, N.Y" 14 Wirsdale, Fla 32 Weir's, N. H 19 Weisev, Idaho 56 Welch, W. Va 15 Weldon,N. C 22 Welker, Ohio 6 Welland, Out 12 35 25 00 27 90 17.25 h5 60 56 10 00 50 85 30 65 00 9.50 17.00 17.00 '9!56 12 '02 ii 73 13 15 2i 65 12 32 34 35 i3 3.5 20.85 ii!73 u.Yo 15.10 14.75 21 "26 14.75 i'i 06 i7 00 4). 50 15.00 19.30 '9.50 LLlilTKU. FROM CHICAGO TO -1 Wellington, Kan 19 Wellington, Ohio 8 Wells, Me 21 Wells, Minn 11 Wellsburg. W. Va... 10 Wells River, Vt. 19 Wellston, Ohio 10 Wellsville, Ohio ... 10 Wellsville, N. Y ....13 Wenatchee, Wash 58 Wenona. Ill '^ Wentworth, N. H. ... 19 Weqiielonsing, Mich. 9 Wernersv'lle, Pa 18 West Baden iSpgs, Ind 8 West Bay Citv, Mich. 7 West Bend, Wis 3 West Concord, Minn .10 Westtield, Mass 18 West gate. Iowa 7 West Gladstone. Mich. 10 W.Greenbush, Mich . . 10 W. Harrisville, Mich. 10 West Libertv, Iowa. . 6 West Liberty, Ohio. . . 7 West Marietta. Ohio. 10 Westmnster, B. C 61 West Newton, Pa 11 Weston. W. Va 14 W. Palm Beach, Fla. 39 West Plains, Mo 16 West Point, Ga 23 West Point, Miss 18 West Point. N. Y 18 Westport, N. Y 19 West Salem, Ohio.... 8 West Superior, Wis. .13 West Union, Iowa ... 7 Weverton, Md 17 What Cheer. Iowa. ... 8 Wheatland, N. Dak.. 19 AVheaton, Minn 17 Wheeling, Mo 10 Wheeling, W. Va . ...11 Whitby, Ont White Creek, N.Y.... 17 .15 .50 7.00 .30 19.30 09 75 9.25 ,00 17.00 05 50 9.00 70 11 20 00 48.00 95 .... (M) 17.00 00 4.00 00 15.50 25 20 57 .... 50 22 17.00 90 00 25 45 18 75 80 .... 50 40 35 20 ,80 ,(K) ,95 00 54 .50 51.. 50 9 90 13.45 1525 15.(0 15.00 16.80 8.00 i4!75 61 9 50 11.45 16.49 33 PASSENGER FARES FROM CHICAGO. LIMITED. FROM CEIICAGO TO White Earth, N. Dak. Whitetield, N. H Whitehall, N. Y Whitehall, Mich Whitehall, Wis White Haven. Pa. ... White Lake, N. Y .... White Plains, N. Y... White River Jne., Vt. Whitesboro, Texas. . . White Sulph.Sp's,WV Whitewater, V*'is Whitino^, Kan Whitman, Neb Wiohita. Kan Wifhita Falls, Texas. Wiekes. Mont Wilber, Neb Wileo.x, Neb Wi'd Rice, N.Dak.... Wild wood, Fla Wilkesbarre, Pa Williams Bridge,N.Y. Williamsport, Pa Williamspovt, Md. .. Williamston , Mich . . . , Willimantic, Conn. . . . Williston, N.Dak Wi Ulnar, Minn Willow Island, Neb .. Willow Sprino-s, Mo. . Wilmerding, Pa.. .. Wilmington, Ohio . . . Wilmington, Del Wilmington, 111 Wilmington, N. C. .. Wilmot, S. Dak Winehenden, Mass... Winchester, Ind Winchester, Ky Winchester, Va Windom, Minn Windsor, Vt Winfield, Kan Wing Road. N. H Winnebago, Minn ... 00 65 25 90 00 00 00 00 80 55 17 00 08 65 30 50 60 63 48 30 00 00 25 25 05 00 38 03 80 81 55 00 58 45 24 00 15 85 ;5 23.35 17.00 16.80 15.50 15 62 17 00 17.00 19.25 14.50 20.55 41.50 15.50 17.(0 14.75 14.75 i7!co 24.55 15.25 9.31 isiso 22! 93 i-r^oo ib.bb i7.6o if 06 FROM CHICAGO TO LnilTKD. Winneconne, Wis. . . . 5.58 Winnemncea, Nev . . .62.50 Winnipeg, Man Winona, Minn 8.62 Winona, Miss 19.40 Winona, Mo 18 05 Winsted, Conn 20.50 WinstOD-Salem, N. C..21.55 Winter Park, Fla ....32.25 Winterset, Iowa 10.93 Wolsey, S. Dak 19 55 Woodman, Wis 6.20 Woodruff, Wis 10.00 Wood.stock, Minn. ... 14.60 Woodstock, Md 17.5i» Woodstock, N. B 28.00 Woodstock, Ont 10.10 Woodstock, \a 17.25 Woonsocket, S. Dak.. 18 80 Wooster. Oh io 8 50 Worcester, Mass 19.00 Wytheville, Va 18.45 Worthington, Ind 6.45 Worthington, Minn... 13. 25 Wymore, Neb 15.60 Wvoming, 111 4.10 Wyoming, Pa 18.00 Xenia, Ohio 7.65 Yankton, S. Dak 15.15 Yarmouth, Me 20 50 Yates Centre, Kan . . .15.80 Yazoo City, Miss 23.00 Yemassee, S. C 26.30 York, Ala 21 90 York, Neb 16.55 York, Pa 17.50 Youngstown, Ohio... 9.95 Yuma, Arizona 62.50 Zacatecas, Mexico 59.85 Zanesville,Ohio 9.00 Zell wood, Fla 32.45 Zionsville, Ind 5.00 Zumbrota.Minn 10.84 52.50 22.85 14^56 17. FO 18.30 15 (M) 25 15 9 50 15 00 00 17 CO 15 50 18 50 io 50 15 CO 8 45 52 50 44 45 33 GAME AND FISH LAWS OF THE NORTHWESTERN STATES. CALIFORNIA. Valley quail, bob whites, partridges, robins, wild ducks and rail are protected by law between Feb. 15 and Oct. 1.5, mountain quail and grouse between Feb. 15 and Aug. 15, doves between Feb. 15 and ,]\^]y 1, male deer between Oct. 15 and July 15. Feuiale deer, fawn, antelope, elk and mountain sheep must not be killed at any time. Bore of gun must not exceed gauge No. 10. Song birds shall not be killed or taken po>ses.sion of except for the purpose of propagation. Striped bass and black bass are protected by the law between Jan. 1 and July 1, trout between Nov. 1 and April 1. Tr )ut less than six inches in length must not be bought or sold. Salmon are protested by law between Aug. 31 and Nov. 1. COLORADO. Insectivorous BhrlH, Mou(joliiii Pita (sat Us, Qiuul, Ptar- rtibjan. — It is prohibitory to kill such birds at any time. Doves may be shot from July 15 to Oct. 1. Wild tur- key, pheasants, prairie chickens and grouse may be shot between Aug. 15 and Nov. 1, the same pear, only. Wild ducks, geese, brant or swans, or other waterfowl, any be shot between Sept. 1 and INIay 1 following only, and then only by an ordinary shoulder gun. It is unlawful to use dogs for the purpo-e of running or coursing mountain sheep, deer, elk or antelope, and it is prohibitory to kill at any time any bison, buffalo or mountain sheep. It is allowed, however, to shoot deer, antelope and elk with horns between Aug. I and Nov. 1 the same year, and then only for domestic and immediate use. 34 Trout, Food Fish. — It is prohibitory to take such fish during- the months of December, January, February, March, April and May. It is unlawful to kill any trout or other food fish during" the open season except for food, and then only when necessary for immediate use. It is unlawful to sell and ship such fish, and to kill any trout less than six inches long". IDAHO. Moose, caribou, mountain sheep, mountain g"oat or elk, protected until Sept. 1, 1897. Deer and antelopes, Sept. 1 to Dec. 1. Hounding" prohibited. Mong"olian pheasants protected until Aug". 1, 1897. Quails and prairie chickens, Oct. 1.5 to Dec. 1.5. Partridges, pheasants, g'rouse, sag"e hens and fool hens, Auo". 1;") to Jan. 1. Dncks, g-eese and swans, Aug. 15 to April 15. Fish of all kinds, April 15 to Nov. 1. ILLINOIS. Deer and turkeys, Sept. 1 to Jan. 15. Pinnated grouse or prairie chickens, Sept. 15 to Nov. 1. Ruffed grouse or quails, Oct. 1 to Dec. 1. Woodcocks. July 15 to Sept. 15. Geese, brants, ducks or other water fowl, Sept 15 to April 15, Gray, red, fox or black squirrels, June 1 to Dec. 15. Possession and sale of g"aine prohibited in close season, except game broug"ht in from other states, which may be sold from Oct. 1 to Feb. 1. The sale or exportation of quails, grouse, squirrels and turkeys killed within the state prohib- ited. Bounty of 2 cents per head paid on EUiglish sparrows during winter months. The law prohibits the taking of fish with any device other than hook and line, except minnows for bait, within one-half mile of any dam; prohibits fishing through the ice from Dec. 1 to March 1. INDIANA. Deer, Oct. 1 to Jan. 1; chasing or worrying at any time and trapping prohibited. Quails add pheasants 35 (ruffed grouBe), Oct. 15 to Dec. 20. Wild turkeys, Nov. 1 to Feb. 1. Prairie chickens, Sept. 1 to April 15. Woodcocks, July 1 to Jan. 1. Wild ducks, Sept. 1 to April 15. Squirrels, June 1 to Dec. 20. Wild pigeons protected from any kind of molestations within a half • mile of nesting. Exportation of game prohibited. Gigging and spea^-ing tish allowed only from July 1 to Jan. 1. Artificially stocked waters protected for three years after planting fish. Hook and line fishing al- lowed at any time. IOWA. Prairie chickens, Sept. 1 to Dec, 1. Woodcocks, July 10 to Jan. 1. Ruffed grouse or pheasants, quails and wild turkeys, Oct. 1 to Jan. 1. Deer and elks, Sept. 1 to Jan. I. Wild ducks, geese and brants, Aug. 1 to May 1. Not more than twenty-five each of grouse, woodcocks or quails to be killed in any one day by any one person. Beavers, minks, otters and inuskrats, Nov. 1 to April 1 (for the protection of private prop- erty at any time). Not to exceed one dozen game birds per day may be shipped to any person within the state. Exportation of game birds prohibited. Bass, wall-eyed pike and croppies, May 15 to Nov. 1. Salmon and trout, April 1 to Nov. 1. MICHIGAN. Deer in upper peninsula, Sept. 25 to Oct. 25; lower peninsula, Nov. 5 to Nov. 25. Killing deer and fawns in red and spotted coat, and in the water, or by means of pitfall or trap or artificial light, forbidden. Deer and elks protected on Bois Blanc island vmtil Nov. 1, 1899. Woodcocks, Aug. 15 to Dec. 15. Ruffed grouse (partridge), pheasants, quails (colins or Virginia par- tridge), lower peninsula, Nov. 1 to Dec. 15. Ruffed grouse (partridge), upper peninsula, Oct. 1 to Jan. 1. Jacksnipes, wild geese, redheads, blue bills, canvas- backs, pidgeons and pintails ducks, Sept. 1 to INlay 1. All other wild fowl, Sept. 1 to Jan. 1. Prairie chick- ens protected until Sept. 1, 1894. Mongolian pheas- 36 ants protected. Exportation of game birds and fish and sale of either during- olcKse season prohihited. Speckled trout, g-rayling-, California trout and land- locked salmon, with hook and line only, May 1 to Sept. 1; less than 6 inches in length protected; also protected in streams where they are not native for three years after first planting; brook trouts and and graylings shall not be taken for sale or sold. Black, strawberry, green or white bass at any time, bat by hook and line only; muscallonge, July 1 to March 1. MINNESOTA. Fawns, elks, moose and antelopes protected until January, 1898. Deer, Nov. 1 to Nov. 30. Hounding prohibited, Woodcocks and upland plovers, July 4 to Nov. 1. Prairie chickens and sharp-tailed grouse, Sept. 1 to Nov. 1. Rufied grouse, pheasants, quails or partridges, Sept. 1 to Dec. 1. (xeese, ducks, brants, snipe and all aquatic fowl, April 25 to Sept. 1, but no person shall be permitted to kill any such aquatic fowl while nesting or in localities where they are ac- customed to build their nests, daring the nesting per- iod. Minks, musivrats, otters and beavers, Nov. 1 to May 1. Trespass prohibited; lands must be posted. Speckled, river or brook trout, April 1 to Oct. ]. Wall- eyed pike and other food fish, April 15 to Dec. 1. Hook and line fishing only allowed, and then not near a fish way, millrace or dam. Not more than twenty- five birds or fifty fish allowed to be caught by one person in one day. Exportation of game and fish prohibited, except that persons may convey from the state in person the amount legally allowed. MISSOURI. Deer Oct. 1 to Jan. 1; hounding prohibited. Turkeys Sept. 15 to March 1. Prairie chickens (pinnated grouse), Aug. 15 to Feb. 1. Ruffed grouse (commonly called pheasants) and quails (Virginia partridges), Nov, 1 to Jan. \. VVoodeoeks and Aloag'olian pheas- ants, July 1 to Jan. 10. Doves, ineadowlarks and plovers, Aug". 1 to Feb. 1. Waterfowl not protected. Non-residents are not allowed to shoot or fi-sh within the state. Exportation of quails and prairie chickens prohibited until March 3 ), 1898. MONTANA. Bisons or buffaloes, quails and Chinese pheasants protected until March, 1903. Moose, elks, otters and beavers protected until March, 1903, except that beavers may be killed by owner of land to protect his water rig-hts. Deer, antelopes, mountain sheep and mountain goats, Aug". 15 to Dec. 15. Hounding- pro- hibited. Martens and fishers, Oct. 1 to April 1. Grouse, prairie chickens, pheasants, fool hens, sag"e hens, par- tridg'es and snipes, Aug*. 15 to Nov. 15. Wild g-eese, ducks, brants, swans, Sept. 1 to Jan. 1. Speckled or mountain trout, July 1 to May 1. The sale of trout prohibited. Fishing" with sing-le rod, line and hook only Mllowed. All other devices prohibited. Shoot- ing" for market or for speculation or for hides or heads prohibited, NEBRASKA. Buffalos, elks, mountain sheep, deer, antelopes, Oct. 1 to Jan. 1. Grouse, quails and turkeys. Sept, 1 to Jan. 1. Transportation of g-ame is prohibited. Minks and muskrats, Feb. 15 to April 15. Ducks. g"eese and all wild fowl may be shot at any time with a shoulder g"un. Hounding" deer is prohibited in Burt, Doug-las, Cass, Sarp3^ Saunders and Dodg"e counties. Fish can be taken with hook and line only. NEVADA. The shooting" of g-ame birds, such as wild g-eese, ducks, cranes, brant, swans, plover, curlew, snipe and mud hens is prohibited between April 1 and .Sept. 15, and partridg-es, -pheasants, woodcock, quail, g-rouse or yellow-hammers between March 15 and Sept. 15. The 38 sliooting" of biff game is prohi))itory between Jan. 1 and Sept. 1. Such game includes antelope, elk, mountain sheep or goat, and caribou. Fishltui. — It is prohibitory to fish lake or brook trout or land-locked salmon between Oct. 1 and June 1. NORTH DAKOTA. Buffaloes, elks, deer, antelopes and mountain sheep, Sept. 1 to Jan. 1. Exportation of any of these animals prohibited. Hounding prohibited. Grouse of all kinds and wild ducks, Aug. 20 to Dec. 1. Snipe, geese, brants, plovers and curlews, Sept. 1 to May 1. Quails protected until March, 1895. Not more than twenty-five of any of the game birds or fowl men- tioned allowed to be killed or had in possession at any one time, Exportation prohibited and not more than one dozen of either of said game birds allowed to be shipped or transported in any one day within the state by any one person, after making affidavit that said birds have been legally killed. Wasting* game or leav- ing the same lying about prohibited. Pike, pickerel, perch, bass, muscallonge. May 1 to Feb. ]. Fishing with hook and line only allowed; all other devices prohibited. OREGON. Elk, Moose, Mountain Sheep, Deer. — No person is allowed to kill such animal for the purpose of obtain- ing the skin, hide, ham or horns at any time, and it is prohibitory to kill them for other purposes between Dec. 1 and Aug. 1 in the following year. It is prohib- itory to kill any spotted fawn at any time for any pur- pose. No deer must be hunted or killed between one hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise. and no person shall kill any deer unless the carcass of such animal is used or preserved or sold for food. It is strictly prohibitory to hunt elk or deer with hounds. Birds, such as grouse, pheasants, INIongolian pheas- ants, quail or partridges, are protected by law between 39 Dec 1 and Sept. 1 the following- year, except for breed- ing purposes, and it is unlawful to shoot any prairie chicken during the months of .July, August and Sep- tember. It is further prohibitory to kill any pheasant or quail at any time east of the Cascade mountains. No person is allowed to kill in one day a greater num- ber than twenty birds. It is prohibited, except by special permit from the Fish and Game Protector, to ship birds out of the state except for breeding pur- poses. Trout in mountain lakes or brooks may be taken with hook and line only, and the taking and killing of such fish is prohibitory from Nov. 1 to April 1 the following year. Wild swans, mallard ducks, wood ducks, pidgeon, teal, spoonbill, gray, black, sprigtail or canvas-back duck are protected by law betvveen March 15 and Sept. 1. Wiidfoivl Methods. — It is strictly prohil'ited to use sink-boxes for the purpose of killing* wild waterfowl. It is also prohibited to use swivel pivot guns in killing such birds. Nothing but g"uns fired from the shoulder are allowed for such purpose No blind or other structure must be used for the purpose of killing sea- fowl when it stands more than lOJ feet from shore, and it is prohibitory to fire off an^'^ gi^n^ build fire or fiasli any light or powder on or by any lake, pond or slongh or ground frequented by ducks or other waterfowl at any time between one hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise. All kinds of singing birds are protected by law the year round from being killed or taken possession of. It is further provided b}^ law that no person shall trespass or enter into any standing or growing grain not his own to catch, recover or kill any bird or animal, or permit any dog for hunting purposes to do so. SOUTH DAKOTA. Prairie chickens, ruffed and sharp-tailed grouse, Sept. 1 to Jan. Snipe, plovers, curlews, ducks, geese and brants, Sept. 1 to May 15. Quails protected until 40 1898. Shooting- of more than twenty-five birds of one kind in a day, or the possession of the same, pro- hibited. Shipping- out of state and the shipment of more than twelve birds within the state prohibited. Deer, buffaloes, elks, antelopes and mountain sheep protected until Sept. 1, 1896. Bass, muscallong-e, pike, pickerel and perch, May 1 to Feb. 1. Those intended for breeding- may be taken at any time. Netting- pro- hibited, except in Missouri and Red rivers. WASHINGTON. It is unlawful to hunt deer with dogs, and it is un- lawful to hunt deer, mule deer, caribou, elk, inountain sheep or g-oats for the purpose of securing- their hides or horns, the spirit and letter of the law being that the carcass of such animals shall be preserved for food. Hides and horns of such animals being- offered for sale between Jan. 1 and Aug". 15 shall be treated as a mis- demeanor. It is prohibited to kill such animals be- tween Jan. 1 and Aug-. 15, It is prohibitory to hunt such animals with dog-s except during- the months of October, November and December. Waterfowl of all kiads are protected by law between April 1 and Aug-. 15, and at all times between the hours of 8 o'clock p. m. and 5 o'clock a. m. Sinkboxes, floating- blinds, rafts, sneak boats, punt, or any other device for approaching waterfowl while resting- o"n the waters of this State, are prohibited by law. Grouse or pheasant, and sage hens are protected between Jan. 1 and Aug. 1. It is further unlawful to kill any wild feathered g-ame for the market except daring- the month of De- cember. Mountain trout are protected between Nov. 1 and April 1 the following- year, and it is further pro- vided that food fish implanted in the creeks, rivers, lakes or bays must not be taken for three years after a ;t of March 6, 1891, amended 1895, except for propa- gating- purposes. Salmon are protected between March 1 and iVpril 10, and between Aug". 10 and Sept. 10, and 41 between the hours of G o'clock p. m ou each and every Saturday and G o'clock in the afternoon of the follow- ing" Sunday. WISCONSIN. Woodcocks, quails, partridg-es, pheasants or ruffed grouse, prairie chickens, sharp-tailed g-rouse or g'rouse of any other variety, snipe, plovers, mallard, teal or wood ducks, Aug-. 20 to Dec. 1. Wild ducks of any other variety, wild g^eese or brants of any variety, or any aquatic fowls whatever, Sept. 1 to May 1. Deer, Nov. 1 to 31. Hounding* or worrying" deer prohibited at all times ; and the use of dogfs with which to hunt rabbits during- October, prohibited. Otters, martens, minks, fishers, Oct. 1 to May 1. Beavers protected until 1898. Shooting" wild fowl from any other than natural blinds, prohibited. Pigeons protected within two miles of their roosts. Brook, rainbow or moun- tain trout, April 1.5 to Aug". 30. Lake trout, Jan. ir> to Oct. 1. Black, g-reen and Osweg"o bass and wall-eyed pike, June 1 to March 1. Muscallong-e, June 1 to March 1, Catching" trout for sale prohibited. Export- ation of deer and trout prohibited. WYOMING. Partridg"es, pheasants, prairie chickens, prairie hens or g-rouse, Aug. 15 to Nov. '. Sag"e chickens, July 15 to Sept. 15. Snipe, g-reen shanks, tattlers, g-odwits, curlews, avocets, or other waders, plovers and quails, protected at all times. Wild ducks, Aug-. 1 to May 1. Deer, elks, moose, mountain sheep, moun- tain g-oats, antelopes, protected at all times, except that a bona-fide resident may at any time kill not more than three of any of said animals in any one week for the purpose only of supplying- himself and family with food. Non-residents prohibited from hunting- them at any time. Bison or buffaloes and beavers protected until March 15, 1900. Exportation of g-ame, hides or heads prohibited. Any g-ame brought 42 into the state must be accompanied by an affidavit, to be recorded in the office of the county clerk and re- corded in tlie office of county clerk and recorder of the county, to prove that said g-ame was not killed in any other state or territory in violation of the laws of such state or territory. Fishing-, June 1 to Oct. 1; trout less thvin (J inches protected. RATES OF POSTAGE. DOMESTIC. First Ctass.— Letters and all written matter, whether sealed or unsealed, and all other matter sealed, nailed, sewed, tied or fastened in any manner so that it cannot be easily examined, 3 cents per ounce or fraction thereof. A 'special delivery " 10- cent stamp, wlien attached to a letter, in addition to the lawful postag-e, shall entitle the letter to imme- diate delivery at or within one mile of any postoffice. Postal cards, 1 cent each. Second Cldss. — A.11 reg-ular newspapers, mag-azines and other periodicals issued at intervals not exceeding- three months, the postag-e is one cent for each pound. A special rate of 1 cent for four ounces is made for all second-class matter mailed by other than publishers or newsdealers. Tlilrd Class. — -Embraces printed books, pamphlets, circulars, eng'raving's, lithog^raphs, proof-sheets and manuscript accompanying" the same, and all matter of the same g-eneral character, and not having the character of personal correspondence. Circulars pro- duced by hektog-raph or similar process, or bj^ electric pen, are rated as third class. The limit of weight for mail matter of the third class is four pounds, except in the case of sing"le books exceeding- that weight. 43 The rate of postage on mail matter of the third class is 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. Fourth Class.— AW mailable matter, like merchan- dise, not included in the three preceding classes, which is so prepared for mailing as to be easily taken from the wrapper and examined. Rate, 1 cent per ounce or fraction thereof, except seeds, roots, cuttings, bulbs, plants and scions, which are 1 cent per two ounces. Limit of weig'ht, four pounds. Full pre- payment compulsory. Liquids and other like injuri- ous matter, not admitted, except some under condi- tions which may be learned at any postoffice. Mnncy-Ordsr Fees. — For money orders in denomina- tions of $100 or less, the following fees are charged: For orders for sutns not exceeding 83.50 3c For over $3.. 50 and not exceeding 85 .'ic For over $5 and not exceeding $10 8c For over $10 and not exceeding $20 10c For over $30 and not exceeding $30 13c For over $30 and not exceeding $40 loc For over $40 and not exceeding $50 18c For over $.=iO and not exceeding $00 30c For over $60 and not exceeding $75 35c For over $75 and not exceeding $100 30c FOREiaN. To all parts of the Universal Postal Union, embrac- ing Argentine Republic, Australia, Austria-Hungai'y, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria. Ceylon, China via Hong Kong, Chili, Cuba, Denmark and Danish colo- nies, Ecuador, Egypt, Falkland Islands, France and French colonies, (xermany, Great Hritain and British West Indies, Greece, Greenland, Guatemala, Haiti, Holland or Netherlands and Netherland colonies, Honduras. Hong Kong. India (British), Ireland, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Lnxeiuburg, Malacca, Mauritius, Montenegro, Natal, Newfoundland, Norway, Paraguay, 44 Patagonia, Penang-, l^crsia, Peru, Portugal and Portuguese colonies, Kouriiania, Russia, St. Kar- tholomew, Salvador, Servia, Siam, Singapore, Spain and Spanish colonies. Straits settlements, Sweden, Switzerland, Transvaal, Trinidad, Turkey, United States of Colombia, Uruguay, Venezuela. On Letters. — Five cents for each half ounce or frac- tion thereof —prepayment optional. Double rates are collected on delivery of unpaid or short paid letters. On newspapers, books, pamphlets, photographs, sheet music, maps, engra-'ings and similar printed matter, 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. Help, in Case of Accidents. Droumhui. 1. Loosen clothing-, if any. 2. Empty lungs of water by laying body on its stomach sind lift- ing it by the middle so that the head hangs down. Jerk the body a few times. 3. Pull tongue forward, using handkerchief, or pin with string, if necessary. 4. Imitate motion of respiration by alternately com- pressing and expanding the lower ribs, about twenty times a minute. Alternately raising and lowering the arm from the sides up above the head will stimulate the action of the lung's. Let it be done gently but persistently. 5. Apply warmth and friction to extrem- ities. G. By holding tongue forward, closing the nos- trils and pressing the ' Adam's apple " back (so as to close entrance to stomach), direct inflation can be tried. Take a deep breath and breathe it forcibly into the mouth of patient, compress the chest to expel the air and repeat the operation. 7. DON'T GIVE UP! Persons have been saved after hours of patient, vigor- ous effort. 8. When breathing begins, get patient into a warm bed, give warm drinks, or spirits in tea- spoonfuls, fresh air and quiet. 45 Burns ami Scakls. Cover with Ooo'kmg' Soda and lay wet cloths over it. Whites n{ J"'g-g-s and Olive Oil, Olive or Linseed Oil, plain, or mixed with Chalk or Whiting-. LightniiKj. Dash cold water over a person struck. Sunstroke. Loosen clothing-. Get patient into shade and apply ice-cold water to head. M, Brooklyn 20, Brownsville, Tex 44. Cambridge, Mass 19, Charleston, S. C 27 Chattanooga, Tenn 11, Chicago 14, Cincinnati 18, (Meveland 17. Columbus, 13 Dedham, Mass 17 Detroit 14. Dubuque, Iowa 10, Evansville, Ind In, Grand Rapids, Mich \'S. Hartford, Conn 15 Jersey City 24 Knoxville, Tenn. 16. Lowell, Mass 19 Manchester, N. H 19 Alameda, Cal II. Battle Creek, Mich 9 Belleville, 111 10, Bloomington, 111 13 Brunswick, Ga 19, Butte, Mont 14 Columbus, Ind 9 Council Bi\iffs, Iowa 9 Crawfordsville, Ind.., 11 Danville. Ill 12 Dayton, 13 East St. Louis, 111 11. Flint, Mich 13. Fort Smith, Ark 8. Fort Worth, Tex 9. Fresno, Cal, 13 GreenvilUe, Miss 17.43 Kalamazoo, Mich 12 Oi Keokuk, Iowa 1C.2() Loredo, Tex 40.00 Ludington. Mich, l2.4o Memphis, Tenn 23.06 Milwaukee l.'i.7i Minneapolis 9.24 Nw-ark, N J 2.3.(J7 New Orleans 24 88 New York City 21.38 Philadelphia 18.28 Portland, Me 20.12 Reading, Pa 17 95 Bichmond, Va 20.23 Rochester, N. Y 14. n4 St. Louis 16.12 Salt Lake City 8.10 San Diego, Cal 12.50 San Francisco 1 8.84 Scranton, Pa 17.28 Sioux Falls, S. D 4 49 Springfield, Ma.ss. 15.73 Syracuse, N. Y, 16.94 Toledo, 8.0ft Washington, D. C 19.89 Wilmington, Del ,. .. 16.^8 Worcester, Mass 17.20 Manitowoc, Wis 12.35 Marinette, Wis 20.27 Massillon, 11.68 Middletown. O. 9.ro MusUegon, Mich 14.09 Ogden, Utah 9.^3 Ottumwa, Iowa 12.1 1 Pensacola. Fla 17.05 Racine, Wis 10.84 !-aultSte. Marie, Mich 10.29 Spokane, Wash 7.83 48 Sterling. Ill 11.86 Stoektou, Cal 10.8::^ Superior, Wis 5.9U Tiffin, 12.71 Urbaiui, 1 10.12 Warren. 8.37 West Bay City, Mich 14.28 Winona, Minn 12.31 Young-slown, 14.84 Zanesville, O . .. 15.30 In some of the southern cities the report shows the compara- tive death rates between while persons and colored, as follows: Augusta, white 11.36, colored 28.41; Charleston, S. C, white 1(5. f)8, colored 35 SO; Knoxville. Ten., while 12.4, colored, 29.63; New Orleans, w.iile 21.91, colored 32.14. Where the names of the cities are not given in this list, it is because their health officials have failed to respond to the re- quests of the Surgeon-General for the data upon which the list is prepared. LEGAL HOLIDAYS OF THE UNITED STATES. Jannai'y 1, New Year's Day, is a legal holiday in all the .States except Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massa- chusetts, New Hamp-ihire, Rhode Island, and NortH and South Carolina. -January 8. the anniversary of the battle of New Orleans; February 12, the anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln; and March 4, the firemen's anniversary, are legal holidays in Louisiana. February 22, Washington's Birthday, is a legal holidav in all States except Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Tennes- see and Texas. March 2, the anniversary of the independence of Texas, and April 21, the anniversary of the battle of San Jacinto, are legal holidays in Texas. April 26, Memorial Day, is a legal holiday in Georgia. Good Friday is a legal in Florida, Louisiana, Minnesota and Pen nsyivania. Shrove Tuesday is a legal holiday in Louisiana, and in the cities of Mobile, Montgomery and Selma, Alabuma. May 30, Decoration Daj', is a legal holiday in Colorado, Con- necticut, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont. July 4, Independence Day, is a legal holiday in all the States and Territories. Thank.sgiving Day. and public fast days, appointed by the President, are legal holidays in such States as may set them apart for religious observance by the proclamation of the Gover- nor. Days af)pointed for general election. State or National, are legal holidays in California, Maine, Missouri, New Jti'sey, New \"ork, Oregon, Soiith Carolina and Wisconsin. December 25, Christmas Day, is a legal holiday in all the States and Territories. 40 Passenger Rates to Europe. FROM NEW YORK TO BRITISH PORTS. To Liverpool " Glasgow " Londonderry ... " Queenstown ... " London " Southampton... From New York to Ports. To Havre " Bremen " Hamburg " Antwerp , '' Rotterdam Coiitiiu'iitiil FIRST CABIN. $60.00 up 50.00 50.00 60 00 70.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 95.00 60.00 55.00 From New York to Sean(liii.ari.*iii Ports. To Copenhagen, Christiania and Christiansand " Stavanger, Bergen and Trondhjem From New York to Italian, Swiss and Austrian Points. Direct To Oibraltar Steamers " Naples " " Messina, Palermo, ( ,, Leghorn and tienoa f Via havuk and mauseili.es. Venice Zurich Inebruck Vienna Marseilles Trieste Budapest Milan Turin Genoa , Leghorn , Naples Palermo Messina , 55.00 62.00 50 no 60.00 75 00 SECOND CABIN. $35.00 up. 80 00 ' 30.00 ' 35 00 ' 35.00 ' 35.00 ' 60.00 50.00 60.00 4-2.00 38.00 45.00 47.00 PASSENOER RATES TO EUROPE— Continued. FKOM NEW YORK. FIRST CABIN. SECOND CABIN. STEKR- a<;e. To Capetown, via Southampton " Johannesbiirg, via " " Alexandria, Eg'ypt, via Ant- werp and Marseilles $214.00 300.00 *152 00 191 00 $ 69.. 50 91.00 42 00 " Beyrouth, Palestine, via Ant- werp and Marseilles 42 50 " Beyrouth, Palestine, via Havre and Marseilles 40.00 " Jaffa, Palestine, via Antwerp and Marseilles 44 00 " Smyrna, Palestine, via Ant- werp and Marseille.s 39 00 " Aden, Arabia, via Glasgow and Liverpool 185.00 351.00 351.00 351.00 358.00 375.00 230.00 205.00 230.00 50 00 " Adelaide, Australia, via London 205.00 205.00 205.00 215.00 225.00 132.00 132.00 132.00 99 50 »* Melbourne, Australia, via London 99 50 " Sidney, New South Wales, via London 99.50 " Bri.sbane, Australia, via London " Wellington, New Zealand, via London. ... " Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, via London " Rio de Janeiro, via London " Montevideo, Uruguay, Argen- tine Republic, via London. " Constantinople, Turkey, via 104.50 99.50 55.00 55.00 55.00 41.00 147.00 " Pernambuco, Brazil, via Havre and London " Bahlo, Brazil, via London. . . " Gray town, NicarO _^. . agua, IJi^e^t '« Hong Kong, China f g,!^"'" " Yokohama, Japan J 195.00 205.00 132.00 132.00 55.00 55.00 45.00 85.00 100,00 51 PASSENGP:R rates to Europe— Continued. FROM MONTREVL. To Londonderry " Liverpool " London " Copenhagren. Gothenburg.. " Qhri.stiania, Christiansand. " Trondhjem, Berpren FIIJST CABIN. 150.00 50. (H) 08 00 70 00 70.00 80.00 SKCONU CABIN. $30.00 30 00 33. on ■1:1. 00 -15 00 45.00 STEERAGE. $24.50 24.50 29.50 29.50 29.50 Passenger Rates to Miscellaneous Points. FROM NEW ORLEANS. I'll; ST (A BIN. SECOND CABIN. STEERAGE. To Belize, British Honduras,*.. . .? 15 00 " Puerto Cortez, Hondura.s*. . . 18 00 " Port Limon, Costa Rica* " Blueriehls, Nicaragua* 15 00 20 00 From San Frsmcisco. To Yokohama, Japan* 85 00 " Hon Kong, China* " Honolulo Hawaii* 100 00 82 50 " Apia, Samoa* " Avu'kland, New Zeabind* .. " Sydney, New South Wales*. *Direct Steamer.s. 50 (0 100 00 100.00 Local Rates in Europe FROM LIVERPOOL. FIRST CLASS. SECOND CLASS. To London $3.00 " Glasgow, Bristol or Cardiff.. " Belfast " Antwerp, via Grimsby " Hamburg, via Hull " Bremen " " $10.00 11.00 13.(K) '' Gothenburg" " 18 00 " Copenhagen " " 19.00 " Bergen or Stavanger,viaHull " Chrisiiania or Christansand via Hull 20.00 20.00 THIRD CLASS. $ 4 00 ;< 00 1,25 52 LOCAL RATES IN EUROPE— Continued. FROM LIVERPOOL. FIRST CLASS. SECOND CLASS. THIRD CLA.'!S. To Stockholm, via Hull .J25.00 25.00 " Trouhjeui or Aalesund " Paris $10.00 From Loiulou. To B ri.stol 1 65 " Cardiff 2 50 " Glasgow 7.50 " Antwerp or Rotterdam, via Harwich 3.75 3.50 6 50 5.00 9.00 13 50 18 00 16.00 20.00 3.75 2.74 13 36 3 66 11.23 3.8'5 7.52 5 UO 1.54 22 76 11.12 8.00 10 90 6.00 18 40 4.90 8.65 8.10 6.60 " Pari.s, via Havre " Paris, via New Haven and Dieppe " HaTb'l^-g h'---' ='--" " Copenhagen, Malmo, Hel- sinsborsf. " Gothenburg, via Hull " " direct steamer. " Bergen, Stavanger, Christia- From Havre. To Paris $ 5.00 2.50 From Antwerp, 1 60 " Berlin 6 20 1 35 " Lucerne 5 10 " Luxemburg " Mannheim 1.15 3 70 " Paris 2.70 " Rotterdam .75 " Vienna 8.35 " Zurich 5.05 From Bremen. To Acheu 9.50 15.05 8.00 24.85 6 fb 11.70 10.95 8.90 3.85 " Baden Baden 6 20 " Berlin 3 25 " Budapest " Cassel " Dresden 10.18 2 75 4.75 " Frankfort on the Main *' Leipzig 4.55 3.65 53 LOCAL RATES IN EUROPE— Continued. FROM BREMEN. To Prag " Trieste " Vienna Fruni (lieiioii. To Alexandria " Arona •' Bolo{?na " Cannes '* Como " Florence " Leg-horn " Lucerne " Nice " Rome " Venice To From Paris. Bonn Brussels Cologne Frankfort on tlie Jlaiu. Geneva Genoa.. Heidelberg Lucerne Lyon Madrid Mannheim Marseilles Mayence Milan Naples Nice Pan Rome . Strassburg Turin Venice P'lKST (LASS. $15.90 32.95 21 20 1.90 4.40 6.50 5.40 4.25 5.40 4 00 7.25 4.50 11.00 9 (50 12.00 7.50 11.40 16.00 15.40 25 . 50 16.00 14.35 ' 12.50 ?6.80 15 00 21.00 15.20 21 10 44.00 26.50 20.00 35 . 60 11.75 19.40 27.45 SECOND CLASS. THIRD CLASS. $11.55 23.85 15.10 1.30 3.10 4.50 3.80 3.00 3.75 2.75 5.00 3.10 7.75 6.75 8.90 5.65 S.50 11.90 11 60 18.80 12.00 10.65 n.25 27.20 11 30 15 50 1 1 . 30 15.35 32 00 20 00 15.00 25 . 75 8.75 14.40 $ 6.50 11.00 7.50 I 19.75 54 Distances toy Water from New York to Foreign Ports PORT. Alexandria Efrypt — Amsterdam Holland Bermuda West Indies Bombay India Bordeaux France Brussels Belarium Cape of Good Hope Africa. — Cape Horn South America Constantinople Turkey Copenh agen Denmark Calcutta India , Canton China Gibraltar Spain Glasgow Scotland Halifax Nova Scotia Havana (^uba Lima 'Peru Lisbon 'Portugal London ....JEngland Liverpool lEngland Madras British India COUNTRY, Naples Pekin Fernambiico . . St. John St. Petersburg. San Francisco Shanghai Stockholm . . . . Valparaiso Vera Cruz Vienna Yokohama . . . Italy China Brazil Newfoundland Russia Sandwich Islands. California China Sweden Chili Mexico Austria Japan Miles of Various The English andAmerican mile is yds., 1,760 The Scotch mile is 1,984 The Irish mile is 2,240 The German mile is 8,106 The Dutch and Prussian mile is 6,480 The Italian mile is 1,766 The Vienna post mile is . . . 8,296 MILES. 5,095 3.530 680 11,555 3,334 3,418 6,840 7.000 5,154 3.a50 12,512 14,105 3,290 2,934 563 1,275 11,312 3,184 3,376 3,080 11,840 4,327 15,325 4,926 785 4,432 7,1.50 18,843 14,510 4,075 4,813 2,185 4,095 7,523 Nations in Yards. The Swiss mi,le is yds., 9,153 The Swedish and Danish mile is 7,341.5 The Arabian mile is 2,143 The Roman mile is.. 1,628 or 2,025 The Werstmile is.. .1,167 or 1,337 The Tuscan mile is 1,808 The Turkish mile is 1,826 The Flemish mile is 6,869 55 Railways in Europe. Althouprh the American Railway System as a whole is far ahead of that in Europe as resrards comfort to the traveling pnblic, it is far from being^ trne that railway travel ou the other side of the Atlantic is void of comforts and advantages. To be sure the cars are small and without the American conveniences, but trains run invariably on time, and dangers of collisions are much smaller than in America, owing to superior roadbeds and the absence of surface crossings. The right of way is kept as trim as a lawn. The bridges and viaducts are always of stone or iron, and the stations are built to last for centuries. On longer runs, as between Glasgow, Liverpool and London, sleepers and dining cars are in use. They are high priced, but they are accessible for all classes of passengers. Facilities for obtaining lunches and refreshments along the lines of any railroad are excellent. First Class Railway fares in England are high and the com- partments, are no more comfortable than those of second class. Third class is counted good enough by most travelers, even by ladies. on the continent second class accommodations are good enough except in Italy, where even the first claf.s com- partments are not always attractive. Travelers who have made up a certain route usually buy the so-called "circular tickets," as they are cheap and very con- venient. On these tickets travelers can stop almost anywhere along the route and resume their journey when they see fit. They are purchased at a tourist agency and are printed in English as well as in the language of the coiintry in which they are to be used. The rule at any European Railway Station is to show the tickets before being admitted to the train platform. Usuallj- the conductor or guard comes around and examines tickets before the train starts. 50 Information for Passengers Going Abroad. Passports are not generally necessary in Western Europe in time of peace, but if one is wanted, any steamship aofent can furnish it, or a letter may be directed to the State Department in Washing-ton, D. C, asking for passport blanks, and the re- quisite papers will be furnished. Baggage. Too much baggage is a great inconvenience. A traveler for pleasure should take along only as much as is abso- lutely necessary. A sti'ong trunk, 26 inches, by 18 and 15 deep, with a flat toi? is the most suitable. Owners name should be painted on it in full. The American checking system does not exist in Europe. Some of the Steamship Lines wnll check bag- gage as far as tneir own steamers run, but passengers must look after their baggage at their destinations on the European Railways, Funds. Large amounts of money should never be carried in currency or gold. A draf tis always safe. Amounts, say over five hundred dollars, should be carried in a letter of credit. Foreign Money. The English money is a puzzle to most people who are accustomed to the decimal system. An American will generally be inclined to reduce the English coins to their equivalent in dollars and cents If he asks the price of some- thing and learns that it is " 37 and 9 " he may need a pencil to calculate that these figures amount to about ^ C5 04 ! ci o> ■* lO Ol T « «5 C I osdnH CJ o ■* c \ ; 1 00 (~ «r. CO o o c» i^ •^ 0S8d -^ ■^^ o « w '»! J> 00 «0 CI 1 Pt lO c^ >1» M CO CO in 1 laqna ■" «o ' M to Cl Oi o to a 3- «o I- i~ 00 If; <- i- t^ «o jauoja CO 00 " CJ CO '^ ^1 l~ Lt I- 00 CI 00 c X o» Oi Ov as CO •-0 c aanoj3 •* "^^ ^^ \ '"^ CO ifi c> 20 Ci 00 Ol • o i> ?c CT -^ T o -T in "— ' suuoi^ CI ei C) ^^ o CO ._i a Ift CO .c 1- i^ 5» ■"n 00 V. 00 ■^ X S51J«K ■V o Cl ^ ^^ CO ■^ ^^ GO 5J -t< CT in Ol ot !C o CI CJ C o CO X CI CO SOUBJJ Ift CI '"' c- »- ^^ CO in CJ ^ Ci GO \r CO o X 00 CO •sSaii ,_^ i- OS 00 c X -uus •x> CO 00 c CO 00 X « •^ «o 05 CO c o •Ji -r ^H ■^ SJUnOQ c^ ■* CJ CJ i- o ■1 -^ .-; be c ^ c s , ce ,-j '55 "o ■ie CO % H tJ X 2 X X 5 P it 0) Q < o ^ S g 4- S-i c3 ^ ^ c ID s 0) a> o 0) "o O e« e8 o p p ^ a « ^ fe S u^ M w W eu tf 1 c eS a «3 ce .a a S ^ a p>< Is M •r" <<-i S o ti 5 0) m a m • s — «J a -^ r, rt bD ^ a '3 ? a r* o 4i — %j OJ a a J3 > t3 T , ■kS "^ h rt c3 «J a a> a a> cS rf) a rt nt V IT ^ ^ 3 cS tS V a a ss >■ ■n r/1 f/J * C -t- 59 Objects of Interest. GLASGOW TO EDINBURGH. Glasgow. Cathedral (built 1133) Monuments and Parks. Sterlimj is a place of many historic interests. Edinburgfi. The Caledonian Castle with Queen Marg-arets Chapel. Holyrood Abbey founded 1128. Beneath the pavement lie David II, James II and Queen, Darnley and others. Queen Marys apartments in the palace are of g-reat historic interest. Here is also shown the bloodstained room, where Rizzio was murdered. Other objects of interest are Monuments to Dug-. Stewart, Nelson, Waterloo, Burns and Hume and St. Giles Cathedral. Liverpool to London. Lcamhiiiton on the Le KKUAIUI GUNARD 5n-hich ha! mr.di- llic Fa!le5l Time -, Record. U.a.'X'S, T IKH us. •-•^ M M Ti:s. The New Twin-Screw Stcannhips. LUCANIA AND CAMPINIA Tiic Largest, fastcsl and .MusiMagnincout i< ilic W'mM. UMBRIA, ETRURIA, a\JRANIA, sEI^VIA. 520 fl. Long, 8,500 Tons, 14,500 HorM-hwer. .\if\ other Fl.O.VriNC PAI.ACK.S, CMpnsing an' iNuiMPAR\m.K i-Li:E%y SATURDAY SAILINGS rt,.ni Ni«- V..rk. Bosfoi.and Liver- ', WHITE STAR LINE. UNITED STATES ROTAL MAIL STEAMERS. NEW YORK TO XIVERPOOL, LLOYD S. S. Co. J! "MAJESTTO." ••GERMAMIC." 'i>r45^F„rtl*»(.«t IOtll«W«t. •lEUTONrC," ""• '"•""" ^■""■'■•BRITANBIC.'' . Unequalled Second-cabin and ISfeerage : iinniai SEND rOR YOUR FRIENDS ■y tliis line whicli has betii niJiniin; ovcr 5 years, and Dfver lost a passenger's life. F. G, WHITING, Maii»K«". rif.iiiii':il hmm Vm,v,,-. 147 Washington St. CllKAOO. IP I,. Gen'l Western Passenger Agency BALTIC -LINE, STETXIN-NEW YORK, HANSA LINE, allAMI'.rK(i-.\XT\\I.Kl'-Mp:\rKr:.\L. Ocean Tickets. AU Lines. All Classa ( •:;if>.Ro/.i. FklLWAYTRIiEl«. East. West. North. South. 14; WASHINGTON SIHEET, ( CHICAGO. \ THE CHICAGO^ Milwaukee & St. Paul FIAILWAY RUNS Electric Lighted Vcstibulcd Trains botwren I Chicago, Milwaukee, St. I'aul and Minne- I apolis, daily, through Parlor Cars on day.lrains between Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, Ulcctric Lighted Vcstibulcd Train* between Chicago and tjmaha and Sioux t ity, daily. |-css than two hours Itohi Chicago to Mil- 1 waukec; Seven fast tr.ains, each way. daily, i with y^rXoT Car SeA'icc. Solid tralnK between Chicago and, principal point* in !>!o;thern Wisconsid.,ir'4 the Pe- , ninshlKOt Michigan., ' 1 I'hroClgii Trains with Palace Sleeping Cars, 1 Free Chair Car. an \ l ,,,„lus bcm^c:. rhica;!^-^^ . ' The best and lai- . , , ,„.,;. nient Cars, Free Keclining Cliain Huffett Library Smoking Cars. 6,169 miles of road in Illinois, \^ Northern Michigan, low H. MAITLAND KERSEY. General Agent, 2CI nr„adw.,v, KF.W YORK. N. S. TENNEY ERENCH, General We.tem Agent I ;, chVAG;k I New York, Southampton, Bremen, London, HAVRE, PARIS. Sbort fioate lo loodoo, SoutbanptOD, Uaiie and Bremen, i.AI&.' MAALU, H,\^ 1:1., UKUII ALLEK, KMS, l-'l'LI>.V. - 0( 5,500 to 9,000 Tons, and 8.oi>o to 13,000 Horse Powe kvKBY TUESDAY AND S.\TIIRI>AY. 'These Stumers arc all of the larjjesl and most mod Ij^ii. an(V^re tfhe*i'ialled as nu.irds the cvcellente of 1} flfcrn,- alidiabin ,ir ^[.cltI German Mediterranean Service {111 cuiiiicct;,.ii Willi Hainliure-Anicritan Line.) :@Dii'ect Route lo Joctterii Prance, Italy, Switzerland!: Aad the TjToU ¥i> Sonthcrn Italy and Egypt, \ ork t,i Geiioa in 10,'j days, by the fine North Tloi.l Steamers "Wcrra," "Fnlda" "Knis," and Willielm." 1'L.toucliinE: III Gibraltar. \ork to Naples In 11 jaS's. ' H. CLAUSSENIUS & CO., 0'.>.f'Wnar,;„.lf,;,r,. No. 80 Sc 82 Finb Avenue. CHICAGO. AMERICAN AXD RED STAR LllTES '.;;,'.;,,',""■;;;::':'„'„,';';;;,"""■' ^g^y York-Antwerp, ,- ,,, _, Every Wednesday. Every Wednesday. T^liladelpliia" S'.r,:';,:"."" PWladelpiia-JntwerpT" Every Saturday, Every other Week. ^, COMPAGNlE I GENERALE TRA);SATL1NTI01. | French Line Mail Steamers. j 1, All Steamers cross the Atlantic ia-one week, P'.ntiu; fleet of the New Vi,.|t-Mavrc Line composed of large Kxprcss Sli.imtrjJyhich U.i\e New York every Saturday ami i,,M al H,a\ re the following Saturtlaj- or Sunilrn, ivjjlre passen- gers are tran-^ported iininedi.iteh rlii^pt front the docks by Company's train | coni]K,,>iS of palace chair cars] to Paris, where couveimlt coiuicc- tions are made fur all prineip,,! cuif Avoidini; by this short route to the t onlitilKl both tile discomforts of crossinij the CliaoniljKnd havin.c; your bag;.;agc e.vaniinej at llie jcaii^L A. FORGET. General Agent. - - JTEW YORK. MAURICE W. KOZMINSKI, General We^trru Ai;, ;it ALLAN L.INB IN l> ALL.VX STATE LINE. 3 0^5®il^L%i'P^ REGULAR SAILINGS Three and Four Times a Week to and from NEW YORK.MOSTREAL, QUEBEC, BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA. LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW. First, Second Q^bin and Steeragje Tickets to and from Europe at low- est rates. ALLAN & CO.,