'UDY OUTLINE SERIES HOME ECONOMICS DIETETICS TENTATIVE EDITION Many clubs are convinced of the advantage of studying one subject thruout the season, and for this work a carefully prepared program is needed. Local or state committees and state library commissions have spent time in preparing outlines which would be suitable for use else- where if they could be made available by print- ing. It is proposed in this series to centralize such work and to conserve the effort spent in making a good outline by putting it in shape for distribution. The outlines in this edition are printed as originally prepared and they are experimental rather than typical. Qubs them- selves by an actual testing of the outlines will be able to offer suggestion and criticism which will lead to a revision of form. The H. W. Wilson Company HMMfiflVft The Study Outline and Its Use The series will include outlines on art, litera- ture, travel, biography, history and present day questions. The outlines vary in length. If more topics are given than the number of club meetings for the season, those topics that are more difficult to handle or on which there is less available material, may be dropped. If there are fewer topics than the scheduled meetings, certain topics may be divided. Lists of books are appended to some of the outlines. It would be well for the club to own some of the recommended books. Others can be obtained either from the local public library or from the state traveling library. When very full lists are given it is not necessary for any club to use all the books, but the longer list leaves more room for choice. The best material on some subjects may be found, not in books, but in magazines. These may be looked up under the subject in the Readers* Guide to Periodical Literature. Maga- zine articles and illustrated material may be ob- tained from the Wilson Package Library. For terms see fourth page of cover. A partial list of the study outlines now in print will be found on page three of this cover. For latest additions to the list write to publisher. HOME ECONOMICS A STUDY OUTLINE Prepared by HOME ECONOMICS DIVISION Agricultural Extension Department, Purdue University THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY WHITE PLAINS, N. Y., AND NEW YORK CITY 1915 •^4 u'\ STUDY OUTLINE ON HOME ECONOMICS The accoinpanving outline has been prepared keep- ing in mind the broadness of the subject, Home Econo- mics. For this reason the different phases have been touched upon rather than having any one phase taken up in detail. . . The outline is purely suggestive. The topics m each lesson have been subdivided so that as many members as possible mav take part. These sub topics may be combined, again divided or outside material of special interest to the class be substituted if the program com- mittee deem such a proceeding advisable. In each lesson provisions have been made for the discussion of the important happenings of the month. The time required for this will vary, five minutes will be sufficient -as a rule. Reference in food work has been made to Hutchison s "Food and Dietetics," Janet Hill's "Practical Cookmg and Serving" and Fannv Farmer's "Boston Cooking School Cook Book." As the latter are standard cook books, members of the club will likely have them, in case they have to be bought either would be sufficient. "The Farmstead" bv Roberts and Pyle's "Personal Hyo-iene" are other 'books which would be good for reference material. Anv of these books may be obtained from Whitcomb & P)arrows, Publishers, Huntington Chambers, Boston, Mass., who make a specialty ot home economics books and will send a list of same upon request. The encvclopedia has also been referred to; this is a valuable source of information which is frequentlv overlooked. Farmers' bulletin have been given as references. These bulletins may be obtained free of charge upon application to the editor-in-chief, Division of Publica- tions, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. as long as the supply lasts. After this they may be purchased for a nominal sum from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washing- ton, D. C. Another valuable source of reference material is the traveling libraries sent by many State Library Commis- sions . These libraries are usually sent free except for express charges and may be retained for several months. In the references as given under the topics, Farmer refers to "Boston Cooking School Cook Book," by F. M. Farmer; Hill, to "Practical Cooking and Serving," by J. M. Hill ; and Hutchison, to "Food and the Principles of Dietetics," by Robert Hutchison. F. B. is the abbrevi- ation for "Farmers' lUilletin." A list of these references giving full information follows the outline. 1. Roll call: Bible quotation. 2. Short ]^ai)ers on coffee. 1. J listory and manufacture of coffee. Farmer, p ^5 Hill, p 43^ Hutchison, p 322. Encyclopedia. 2. Coffee making. Farmer. ]) 37-3. 413 p 5-8. 3. General discussion : The ideal farm home, size, necessary rooms, points in planning. F. B. 270 p 39-48. F. B. 317 p 5. F. B. 607. 4. Current events. 5. Demonstration : Junket served with plain cakes or cookies. Ill 1. Roll call: INIottos of celebrated men. 2. Discussion : Pure air. 1. What is ventilation. 2. How may well ventilated rooms be secured? How may poor ventilation be detected? Iowa State College. Healthful Homes. University of Illinois. Importance of Pure Air. Encyclopedia. 3- Short papers on fruit. 1. Place of fruit in the diet. F. B. 293 p 22-35. 2. Digestibih!ty of fruit. F. B. 293 p 25-26. 3. Cooking of fruit. F. B. 293 p 28-30. 4. The possibihties of a home fruit garden. F. B. 154. F. B. 169. 4. Current events. Refreshments : Fresh fruit or dates, figs and nuts. IV 1. Roll call: r\av()rilc breed of chicken. 2. Short papers on kilciicn. I. Size and furniture. \\ •>• 317 P ^>-7- v. 15. 342 1) 32. l\ 15. 607. Wall and lloor coverings. V. 15. .S42 p 31. Ohio State I'niversity. The kitchen. Go to the kitchen and note convenient arrangement of furniture and fixtures. Suggestions for improve- ment by members. Shc^rt ]:)ai)ers (ni eggs. 1. Kinds used for food. F. B. 128 p 7. 2. Place of eggs in the menu. F. B. 128 p 26. 3. Care and ])reserving of eggs. F. B. 128 p 29. 4. ''Cooking eggs." l^^armer. p 94-108. Hill, p 58-72. F. B. 128 p 8-13. Current events. Refreshment : Egg sandwiches and coffee. V Roll call : House cleaning convenience least easily dispensed with. Short papers on vegetables. 1. Classes of vegetables. F. B. 256 p 6-9. 2. Structure of vegetables. F. B. 256 p 5-6. 3. Cooking of vegetables. M'ill. p. 258-262. F. B. 256 p 9-13. 4. \^alue of vegetables in diet. Fanner, p 280-284. Hutchison. \) 171-180, 251-252. F. B. 256 p 12-15. 5. General discussion on house cleaning. How can old-time house cleaning days be eliminated? Aids in cleaning. Current events. Refreshments : Sandwiches and punch. \l 1. Roll call: Quotation from Shakespeare. 2. Short papers on chocolate. 1. Where grown. 2. Manufacture. 3. Food value. Hutchison, p 335-336. Encyclopedia. Walter Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass., will send you upon request a good book on cocoa and chocolate. 3- Discussion : Tlie home grounds. 1. Aims in home planting. F. B. 185 p 5-15. F. B. 248. F. B. 494. 2. Results of improving home grounds on indi- vidual in home; on community. F. B. 185 p 24. 4. Current events. 5. Demonstration : Cocoa and chocolate cookies or cake. VII I. Koll c all : Most helpiul magaznie. 2. Short papers on disposal of wastes on farm. I. Water waste. F. B. 278 p 21. 2. Sewage. F. B. 43 p 5-14. F. B. 270 p 21-34. F. B. 527. 3- Ashes and miscellaneous refuse. F. B. 43 p 15 F. B. 270 p 35 4- Dangers from accumulations of waste F. B. 43- 3. General discussion : Reading. 1. Importance of reading in farm home. 2. Kinds of reading. 3. Reading for children. Cornell University. Reading in the farm home. 4. Current events. 5. Demonstration : New way to cook eggs, or eggs poached in milk. 8 VIII [. Roll call: My favorite color combination. 2. Short papers on cereals. 1. Distinguishing- features and how prepared for food : wheat, oats, corn, rice. 2. Importance of cereals in diet. F. B. 249. Ohio State University. Cereals. Encyclopedia. 3. General discussion : Prepared vs. home-cooked ])reakfast foods. 4. Paper : The use and abuse of color in one's ward- robe. Give illustrations if possible. 5. Current events. 6. Demonstration : Oatmeal cookies. IX 1. Roll call: Favorite Bible character. 2. Short papers on sugar. 1. Sources of cane sugar. Hutchison, p 2yo-2y6. F. B. 535 p 12-15. Encyclopedia. 2. Food value and digestion of sugar. Hutchison, p 277-280. F. B. 535 p 15. 3. Use of sugar in the diet. Hutchison, p 281-284. F. B. 535 p 23. 4. Sugar for children. Hutchison, p 476-477. F. B. 535 p 30 3- General discussion : How should the housewife's recreation time be spent ? 4. Current events. 5. Demonstration : Making of candy. Refreshments : Candy, nuts. X 1. Roll call: Rik.y quotations. 2. Short paperr on textile fibers : Cotton, linen, wool, silk. Encyclopedia. Illinois Bulletin. Textiles. 3. Current events. 4. Report of work accomplished by the club during the year. 5. Possibilities for our club the coming year. 10 REFERENCE LIST Farmer, F. W. Boston cooking school cook book, new ed. $i.8o. Little. Hill, J. M. Practical cooking and serving. 1902. $2. Doubleday. Hutchison, Robert. Food and the principles of dietetics. 3d ed. 1911. $3. Wood. Encyclopedia. Farmers' Bulletin : No. 43. Sewerage disposal on the farm. Care of milk on the farm. Eggs and their uses as food. The home fruit garden. The farmer's fruit garden. Beautifying the home grounds. The lawn. Cereal breakfast foods. Preparation of vegetables for the table. Modern conveniences for the farm home. Use of fruit as food. Experiment station work "The farm home." Experiment station work "A model kitchen." L^se of milk as food. Care of milk and its use in the home. Lawn soils and lawn. Experiment station work "Sewage dis- posal for rural homes." ^^ 535- Sugar and its value as food. No. 607. The farm kitchen as a workshop. Cornell University. Reading in the farm home. Iowa State College. Healthful homes. Ohio State L^niversity. Agricultural College. Cereals. 19 1 2. Columbus, Ohio. Ohio State L^niversity. Agricultural College. The Kit- chen. 19 1 2. Columbus, Ohio. University of Illinois. Importance of pure air. University of Illinois. Textiles. II No. 63- No. 128. No. 154- No. 169. No. 185. No. 248. No. 249. No. 256. No. 270. No. 293- No. 317- No. 342. No. 363- No. 413- No. 494- No. .S27. DIETETICS A STUDY OUTLINE Prepared by HOME ECONOMICS DIVISION, Agricultural Extension Department, Purdue University THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY WHITE PLAINS, N. Y.. and NEW YORK CITY 1915 STUDY OUTLINE ON DIETETICS In the references given under the topics, Hutchison refers to ''Food and Dietetics," by Robert Hutchison; Jordan refers to ''Principles of Human Nutrition," by W. H. Jordan; and Thompson, to "Practical Dietetics," by W. G. Thompson. A list of the references giving full information follows the outline. Farmers' Bulletins have been given as references. These bulletins may be obtained free of charge upon application to the Editor-in-chief, Division of Publica- tions, Washington, D. C, as long as the supply lasts. After that they may be purchased for a nominal sum from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Another valuable source of reference material is the traveling library sent out by many state library commis- sions. These libraries are usually sent free except for express charges and may be retained for several months. I Paper : The food we eat. 1. Definition. 2. Classification according to 1. Source. 2. Function in body. 3. Nutritive constituents. 3. Absorbability — why important. Hutchison, p 1-13. Thompson, p 4-6, 399-400. Farmers' Bulletin 23 p 10-15. Farmers' Bulletin 142 p 1-21. 2. Debate : Resolved that the kind and amount of food taken by the average individual is not suited to his needs. Jordan, p 117- 126, 209, 225. Thompson, p 317-325, 350, 351. Farmers' Bulletin 23 p 16-17. Farmers' Bulletin 142 p 32-46. University of Illinois. Bulletin 32 p 1-15. 3. Reading: Life of Ellen H. Richards, chapter I. II. 1. Paper: Cookery of foods. 1. Object of. 2. Effect on various foods and fcwDd nutrients. Hutchison, p 390-392. Jordan, p 258-259, 312-319. Thompson, p 211-212, 294-295. Farmers' Bulletin 142. p 30-32. Farmers' Bulletin 249. p 22-24. Farmers' Bulletin 256. p 12-13. Farmers' Bulletin 293. p 28-30. Farmers' Bulletin 298. p 15-21. 2. Short papers on the advantages and disadvantages of boiling, baking, roasting, stewing, etc. Hutchison, p 390-401. Thompson, p 295-303. Farmers' Bulletin 34. p 14-19. 3. Discussion : Errors in the cookery of food. Hutchison, p 390-398. Jordan, p 312-319. Thompson, p 123-124, 303-305. Farmers' Bulletin 142. p 46-47. Farmers' Bulletin 249. p 22-24. Farmers' Bulletin 256. p 11 -12. Farmers' Bulletin 295. p 13-17. 4. Reading: Life of Ellen H. Richards, chapter II. 4 III. 1. Demonstration of cookery of tough meat. Mock duck. Casserole roast. Filipino beef. Farmers' Bulletin 291. p 19-22, 24. 2. Paper : The tough cuts of meat. 1. General composition. 2. Proportion in carcass. 3. Comparison in nutritive value with tender cuts. 4. Precautions which must be taken in the cookery of tough meat. Hutchison, p 58-71. Farmers' Bulletin 34. p 4-1 1, 14-19. Farmers' Bulletin 391. p 4-5, 6-8, 10-12. 3. Discussion on the buying of meat. Wholesale vs. retail price. Apparent and actual cost of different cuts. Texture and flavor. Farmers' Bulletin 34. p 19-24. Farmers' Bulletin 391. p 6-10, 13-14. 4. Reading: Life of Ellen H. Richards, chapters III, IV. IV 1. Paper : Cheese. Manufacture and kinds. Hutchison, p 146-148. Thompson, p 114-119. Farmers' Bulletin 363. p 7-1 1. 2. Paper : The place of cheese in the diet. Hutchison, p 149-150. Farmers' Bulletin 487. p 11-19. Farmers' Bulletin 363. p 36-38. 3- Demonstration : Uses of cheese. 1. Ways of serving cottage cheese. Farmers' Bulletin 487. p 20. 2. Cheese fondue. Farmers' Bulletin 487. p 24-25. 3. English monkey. 4. Reading : Life of Ellen H. Richards, chapters V, VI. V 1. Short papers: 1. Different kinds of beans. 2. Different kinds of peas. Hutchison, p 233. Thompson, p 192-193. Farmers' Bulletin 121. p 1-16. 3. Nutritive value of legumes. Hutchison, p 229-232. Farmers' bulletin 121. p 18-20, 38. 4. Digestibility of the bean, pea, and lentil. Hutchison, p 230-231. Farmers' Bulletin 121. p 21-28. 2. Demonstration : Cookery of legumes. 1. Boston baked beans. 2. Split pea soup. 3. Lima bean salad. 3. Short papers : 1. Preparation of legumes for cooking. 2. Principles involved in the cookery. Hutchison, p 229-230. Farmers' Bulletin 121. p 28-33. 4. Reading: Life of Ellen H. Richards, chapter VH. VI 1. Paper: Points to be remembered in the preparation and cooking of made-over dishes. 1. Attractiveness. 2. Agreeable combinations. 3. Temperature at which served. 4. Those made from protein should not be over- heated. 2. Discussion : Is the consideration of left-overs worth while. 3. Reading: Life of Ellen H. Richards, chapter VIII. 4. Demonstration : 1. Moulded timbals w4th tomato sauce. 2. Potatoes baked with cheese. 3. Bread puddings or trifle. VII 1. Debate: Resolved that desserts should be abolished. Farmers' Bulletin 293. p 294-295. University of Illinois. Bulletin 32 p 1-15. 2. Paper: The value of desserts in the diet. Consider this from the standpoint of 1. Palatability. 2. Nutrition. 3. Short papers or demonstration on 1. Nutritious hot desserts. 2. Nutritious cold desserts. 3. Appetizing hot desserts. 4. Appetizing cold desserts. 4. Reading : Life of Ellen H. Richards, chapter X. VIII Paper: Different salad dressings and precautions to take in their making. 1. French dressing. 2. Mayonnaise. 3. Boiled dressing. 2. Short papers I 2 )apers : The place of salads in the menu. Preparations of salad vegetables. Serving and garnishing salads. Farmers' Bulletin 256. p 46-48. Farmers' Bulletin 487. p 33-35. 3. Demonstration I. Cold vegetable salad. Fresh vegetable salad. Meat or fish. Cheese and pimento salad. 4. Readings : Life of Ellen H. Richards, chapter XI. ■ IX 1. Short papers on invalid cookery. 1. Liquid diet. 2. Semi-liquid diet. 3. Solid diet. Hutchison, p 508. Thompson, p 861-907. 2. Paper : Care in preparing an invalid's tray. 3. Demonstration : Attractive trays for invalids. 4. Reading: Life of Ellen H. Richard's, Chapters XII, XIV. 8 X 1. Paper: Points to be considered in planning a meal. Jordan, p 229-236, 255-257. Farmers' Bulletin 79. p 22-38. Farmers' Bulletin 142. p 43-48. Farmers' Bulletin 249. p 31-32. Farmers' Bulletin 293. p 21-27. Farmers' Bulletin 295. p 22-23. Farmers' Bulletin 298. p 29-31. University of Illinois. Bulletin 32. University of Iowa. Planning and ser- ving meals. 2. Debate : Resolved that there is too great a variety in any one meal. Jordan, p 241-245. University of Illinois. Bulletin 32. p 5. 3. Short papers : Menus of well balanced meals giving amounts for family of six people. University of Illinois. Bulletin 32. University of Iowa. Planning and ser- ving meals. 4. Reading: Life of Ellen H. Richards, Chapters XV, XVI. 5. Demonstration : Dinner served to class. * REFERENCE LIST Hunt, C. L. Life of Ellen H. Richards. Whitcomb & Barrows. 1912. $1.50. Hutchison, Robert. Food and dietetics. 191 1. $3. Wood. Jordan, W. H. Principles of human nutrition. 1912. $1.75. Macmillan. Thompson, W. Appleton. G. Practical dietetics. 4th ed. $5. Farmers' Bulletin : No. 23. Foods No. 34 No. 121 No. 142 No. No. No. No. 249 256 293 295 No. 298 No. 363 No. 487 Cornell Liniversit}; nutritive value and cost. Meats : composition and cooking. Beans, peas, and other legumes as food. Principles of nutrition and nutritive value of food. Cereal breakfast foods. Preparation of vegetables for the table. Use of fruit as food. Potatoes and other root crops as food. Food values of corn and corn products. Use of milk as food. Cheese and its economic uses in the diet. Human nutrition. University of Illinois. Bulletin 32. Some points to be considered in the planning of a rational diet. University of Iowa. Planning and serving meals. « 10 k List of Study Outlines American Literature. Outline No. i. Prepared by Mrs. Jane Noble Garrott. Early literature to Lowell, with a pro- gram on the historians. lOp 15c. Outline No. 2. Prepared by Cornelia Marvin. Orators and statesmen, Whitman, Howells, a group of poets, analytical novel, short story, old and new South, middle and far West, essayists, humor, drama. lop 25c. Contemporary Drama. Prepared by Prof. Arthur Beatty for the Wisconsin Library Commission. Ibsen, Maeter- linck, Hauptmann, Sudermann, Echegaray, Rostand, Tche- kofif, Brieux, Robertson, Jones, Pinero, Phillips, Shaw, Gals- worthy, Yeats, Gregory, Synge, Fitch. List of plays, most important ones starred. Interpretative notes and suggestive ideas for discussion and study. I2p 25c. Contemporary English Literature. Prepared by Prof. Arthur Beatty for the Wisconsin Library Commission, Swinburne, Meredith, Hardy, Kipling, Bridges, Gissing, Conrad, De Morgan, Wells, Bennett, Galsworthy, Yeats, A. C. Benson, Chesterton, Noyes, W. W. Gibson, Masefield. List of most important works. Critical references. Certain books studied with interpretative notes. 2ip 25c. Dietetics. Programs for 10 club meetings. The study is based on four selected books and the Farmers' Bulletins, lOp. Under one cover with "Home Economics." England and Scotland: History and Travel. Prepared by C. E. Fanning, Intended for travel study club which has a historical foundation for its work. Bibliography. List of additional topics. lOp 25c. Home Economics. Prepared by the Home Economics Di- vision, Agricultural Extension Department, Purdue Univer- sity. Programs for 10 club meetings. The study is based on three selected books and the Farmers' Bulletins, up. Un- der one cover with "Dietetics." 25c. Italian Art: A General Survey. Prepared for the Minne- sota Library Commission. Chronological order of subjects 6p 15c. Mexico. Prepared by Study Club Department, Wisconsin Library Commission. 2p. To be used in the same year with South America Past and Present or Panama. Under one cover with Panama. 15c. Municipal Civics. Prepared by Anna L. Guthrie. A topical outline with references by page to books and periodicals. Bibliography. 32p 25c. Panama. Prepared by L. E. Stearns for the Wisconsin Library Commission. 4p. Under cover with Mexico. Present Day Industries in the United States. Prepared by the Study Club Department, Wisconsin Library Commission. Topical outline without references. 6p 15c. Slav Peoples. Prepared by Gregory Yarros. The history, present distribution and culture of the Slavs. A topical out- line with references under each topic. Bibliography. 24p. 25c. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS South America. Prepared by Cori outline with chapter and page referen preparation of papers. Full ^ibliograp United States since the Civil War. ^ 0^4 133 443 5 Fanning. Intended for clubs studying ad tory and modern problems. Bibliography lOp 25c. OUTLINES BASED ON THE QUESTION METHOD. Note- There has been difference of opinion among those interested in the Study Outline Series as to the relative advantage of two methods of oresenting the outline: the topical method which assumes that the topics given in the program will be assigned to different members, or the ques- tion method which assumes that all members of the club will work in unison and all be prepared to discuss the questions given for the meeting. The topical method calls for a more or less lengthy bibliography, while the question method uses a small number of books which each member should own. These required books may be supplemented by a collateral reading list. In the list given above, South America, Municipal Civtcs^^nd The Slav Peoples illustrate the topical method; those listed below illustrate the question method. Active Citizenship. By Charles Davidson, Ph.D. A study of citizenship in general and of the intelligent management of local problems. Topics for discussion in meetings and short lists of, books and documents which may be consulted. 40p. South America Past and Present. Based on the study of Bryce. South America. One subject for each meeting with questions for discussion. Short list of reqmred references. I ^O 2^C Studies in Modern Plays. By H. A. Davidson M.A. Contents: Justice, Milestones, Chitra, The Great Divide Ihe Faith Healer, Marlowe, The Piper, The Blue Bird, Herod The Fire Bringer, Analytical study of each play, presented by question. Full directions for study and reference list. 44P. 35c. (10 copies for $2.50) QUANTITY PRICE ID copies (duplicate titles) listed @ 2Sc $1.50 10 copies (duplicate titles) listed @ 15c 100 100 copies at half price Wilson Package Library The Wilson Package Library is prepared to furnish maga- zine articles at a minimum rental charge of 50 cents for the first one to seven articles on each topic; additional articles 5 cents each. Collections of pictures illustrating these subjects may be rented or purchased from the White Plains office in sets of 40 or more. Season rental, $1.50. Purchase $2.50. Smaller collections prepared for any topic on request.