L YR/C5 or THE SO/L /3Y LEANDEf^ LEGHORIV IJI(i> Prirj/eet iy f/,e au/Aor tfJtA //?e ^errry/sj/'on of T/x: 3os^n Post ^ \' -; \*^nr>^c^onrf. }fi/f not ^c. ^//^i7/77yeeie hfi/tra tr ffonf /oLXinejK To j^rry ancL jTirti^ / Of J. Cot<,e/ tree/ o^ rhtftftrr; /€>in::frj77 eart/f ne^f; JK) tree coa/cf rear a/o^f a /eafc/ cresf; ^() frjat7//e //o^yer cci^fc( ref?fc4re /nTo 6/oorr^; T/?ere'(/ 6e r?o corrr ^orj^orAf se /A^L>rodcard. /,o>i l/^y 2v'S a rf^Tif srnart /of Tcoof/d ^/na a^ouf ^a//^ UO(f /he jo/ct^-hand/e Lechons fh/J />andof^// TUk€ /^cf t^e//-Wce<:^ Jure c/f^or? ry?u ^r?ee 77?^ frumps Oj^ Tl^roh ^re ec/io//?^^ ^n^/?^ /ree^ H^, r/V/s a/7^ rubers, jbi^/^Jt?^ To ^ou(r ^ar?^^ J^'ffj mofferr s/^oy\^ <^n^^ /oTs of^//^u/fa}/7^ * If/ke To ^e^ f/?c/ //rjf p-cf/V arrokKs ^/^e /f'/>//e aff Me ycsferJ^/aafes //e c/c(r? a^i:(/oH^ — T/jeY -sect? H^i// fur/? fb /r?oy /o /?e/^ (^ok ^ro^. T/?M art f he rn/fk^ f/pe L^f/er c/?eese at7(^ c^^r^^s That ne^ fc p^cf /^^ fifxe^ o^ oi/ir fa^^c/s 7%af^oT^er>vise^ ^a^fc/ Se in of/?er Sanc/6, To Tieo K03/N I noiA c^rf the her^a/c^ oj^rrfu hOjoe^^ (D V/^^^ /\^r 6''e/i he /ore trre uo>^/ofrt^ra^si /;a^ ^f/r-rec/ /o /^<5^^^ /XJ carDef -for /of/ts on^r? , ^J f/?Oo((?h f/?^ shou/a/ers /////e c<:^re /?c;fc/ /^on^rp. Z like to k^ato/7 uoe4 rur? ^hout a ry oc/as/?fu/ du //7U pre>yer?ce ^^/^/?, /i^/?o j(r/iart^s /b /o^osoero(46 ^/rth, JjncZ t^ou€jh y/ie morn he k^^efki^herj Tanse^ Z'// hc4//a fhe ^ire ar7c^ ^oot^cf rr?cy fo i^e ^arc/ooc . XsOrt (/^Y ^-fuau cf// are n't f/rec/ o/ ctn anc/^r7f'rc^, Jln^ /earno c(oq6 Ttraf Jbay yjor ccfts H^/ff? c/oivs. i3o cjcntfe IVfctcf fceep ocm/nQ^ soeec/ fhe^ vest. Lacf fona ff/u sfr/Wes c 'er rafe a^c/ st^n-k^'c^rmec/ h/ff, Jlf^^ shot4/(p( some ctf/ifc mock ff?ee /r? ff7y^^€sf^ x5oc4rn lij\^ as socsfc/en .!,uer?c^tf?r/Yt sjourn^ a 6/Yf. moM trju rhi4rr)es so rock tfifs k^af(^ o^ fears ^ Tfjafaff ff?e hrorfo/ *v/7/ IcnoH< f/iaf Jof yna c far/or; T7aro unf/f The i^ears PV?rj^ ^crff? my /an^e ctS frorrf a hrciZen ^r€4rrr{ JUon l^€J (Tac^ satfs T'ty? fo s/bn fhese /)oef/c screens Jlnc( aef ouf/h ffje hacJi sAe^ cir7c?{ sort Those see^/s. /^Hl/B/If^B l%ou /a? /%if^f^ e^eru ^ont?^ I ivafc^ /hy* //yee, Jjf^c{ lvl7eh7 I^A>cf f^^ qMCf/z^f/^f cr//7k{ec( crest ^i^rjt f^ru f/7e cri46/-ofyKtfos jer/oots t^est, I /(r^oyy tf]^f Sonne? n^e'/f^ee^ Jjrjo( aff ffre ^t^/Ur? sa/?s i^/// J><9 sSef free. 7%oo/ess cot7/^ry7jof /or ff)^ s^(^/ich s/a/Kj 5/?0(^/c^ 6r/r?o /f?e //^/?fofjo/ec46o/er of'fhe K/r^/^ Jea/'^ Tnoci art the fra^^ CKc^f/cr^ ^ z^/j /ai^ J//l^^ s/r?C(^ ^^U ty///par? /6r^/ s/ioe/t tt;^' c?^oor?7. T^e/; tt;Oi^ i^tfsooj^ t>e s/ic^c/c/er-//?^ Jr? tt?e /S^-^ yt/7(/ /^^/>W t/ctc^ts A^ atct ^Aaro/7's t>oaf: nsr/?aos T^t?oo(tc/n'f toiss t/yese heau^ous c/ai^s, ^t^t H^'^£/7 1 see r?^cf Jj(^c(c/fr?^ trees c/e/vtec^ Xfl5 >r?osf too rvucJ^^ a^c{ Z^et r<^^/t/y r/tec^, 7%ose t>e4i2s tt?eu ^ef/T^u fcat ^^ c/aor^^ter jays. /ret/ ttftxs J the rpe^t t^tr?e /t7atJ yyr/te ci^orr?c Ztt trcf to s/zos^ the ^/t^er/r; s50/??e o/oc r)af'e)(ic(cftcf r^/^/7f at t?onye. rrett^ Z n7:4st ct/^t> ^oH^ri troi^ ^ese peats oftt;ouft7f^ ^r?c^ ^^/#^/7 so^nevesty ra/s /f^ ye r'^jtcac^^^t O l^l^NDOi^ Full or^/^£:£'A/^ J^^ I otkir^^^e /rem ^ fee jo O'i^r each sn-^au/r?^ ^ s^c^ / X (^/issyy^r To /r7£J cr/f/cs, otre ^/7^ ^//. 1/ uou c{or;'t /fK(? /r7Cf reed's r^i^de, rc^ra/cctu^ Ther? ^o^'f ^ou reac/ /fj-T'^ r7of /^ uouro^Yf Tnere not^^ t^af^ a//— I't^e ^a/a^ /r?^ /rrear?esf'krorc^' 77?e ^orf/^'tyesf HTftrc/ /s ///re a/y e^f/^ />c/et, Tin/s s a/00/7 /re dacy ^r/tc/ X'///7of 6e asco/c/. ^/7c/ /f Z ca/7r7of .J/^^ ///:6> £^or7c/€r /;/rc/ J// /)e a Ae/r ci/?/^ o/ucJc m^//// cct/ny con Tent .firfc/ rrof ^/re ^/ooyyy /b our^ f^cf/r^ co^- r)c/7f. Old Mcj< or Mght cor^ JV^f h^afc^e^;/ f/r^e /"/ax? fA^ frc^n^e Af^/fo'er/^e jea^^ J^^ I c//^ f/ft fAe c/^er'/K^ Jotrje /^ay Jo /nfer^oerje nri/ f^Aorj m/c/ the Aay, J^n /aof /^r/o^e ofJo/^ t/?e ^un, Offfj/S /r7Cf /o^u^e fi/iho^e ^jk se<^^^s /yef^er c^o^g. O ^Umn, ^//i^cr o/y-c/e ^yt^/^^^^rn^ fre50rrn^fh/t7o (P^rj^^ere/7f frorrr /he j/^hiof^oof^j Xt ^^^ ^ serf c7^^ou/-/bne f/7af /^J ////e . IV/?osc craters stare /%? eyes aj^ c/o^s Jony c/eac/ — /^/7y yr7Cfc^ /^^ a^t70stu/ ^t/trj^er/yr^l ^e ^^or^ec^ct L Mre o^i, OLc^yra^ ttft 0£4ryy7tnc/s f/^or?7 ctau; ff^e r?7a yj^y7t?t A(Teancft rc^ t?etjO a/or?^ tAe re/^r? o^ r/^Af yy^t /re^c/s tAato^t/f^^ other ^a £^)^e rr?u o/(/ /jeac^ ^ac/ H^/70//^ /or?e, //cn^efor^ //ey?^ >r/y /cfy^/sS or? y?7u /axj, ^t?t^ Z H^/// /ai^r7c/? a so/^<^ fb rye/c/ //?£/ r?^^rr?e l/r?/o /ho^c o/ecf^/c^s cr^^^s rK/?er^e ec^^/es Z'^f/o yf/yc^ Oreer? //ye/r yy/rr^s ier?€c?//? Jo^ ^/^t?ce o/' A^rrre. //nat coce /e^!fr?c/er or? f/ze f-c^r^yrrj There Zca?7 yyor/^^ — //yere 1 car? jory?e^ry;es J/t?^. O A^ONO PLANE Bear c/ou afoff" coo /Aere t^/ff? sjoeec/ si^SHrryY — • Afef/fwJcs fhcff (^Oi< C4:ft? ei^rf Jbeaf/Ac o^e,€4ce ^fic( o/^er Jbir^c/s ff^af^octr a^i^.Sf^A: a^tp{ c/rrfl^. 14^' fh frurri^^^^ ffi^mmmf //kg a a^en^on ^^ft Tnou c/osf arjr^oe^tTce /hif J^rcser?ce on /t?e Trar/j 7i?ot< c/osf H^/f I? (^ race fu/ Gase fAjyO/Zofu^^^ 7lf?oir %Jc/er?ce r?eec/s masf h^oo f^e C€ire/l4/ €/cec/, Xf sUe's To corfa£4er a/r i^^s 0i^e//crs -^/^ac/. O Sixmry?cr /c f/?^ c?/onous anU fnu best Ofjreen anc( f^/oti^nt?(? yc^/es I<^/i^e ff?ee ^^/// yyofy AS me fi^/f^ter c7ftr?c/ orcctf C/(Kjre^ff /Sr J car? ^c^roe corj/ciM rrjcr /r?rKroj/ h^c^//. j/i/^nu afv Ifesterm^ ^r?eaw tnis Ua^ of^orycj Tnaf na£4r7^ >^€ /^//^^ /7ec^i^^f7a^c/ec/ Aee/, To oress ry?^ on r}7c^ /orfcraus H^cfc^ a/ono jTf/Joe/ff/7Ccx(?y7 fhe/r/Drejer7ce 1 {/o /kef C /t?/r?e ecs/u^/es n?eat? /////e /7oi^ j^r^ r?7e far pasture ^ ^rr? ar7c{ ^rc^er? o/ci/t?7 rno" //r?7<^^' The o/^s arepru/n^? jboarcts ^ror?7 af/ft?e/rjoer?^ J^r7C?f T/Tfi^/'f -fe/oh //?e Ddas Qr?^/ /be€!ft7^ /b/or/rrre, Jlnc^ ifet Tfcf/r? MramW^rai/^e fn&e^ jSc^/vn^er. street ^ f^cr U70i^ i/os/'pr^ac/?ofc/?e6rfc^/f7ess at^c/ /?Ojoel 2 }r///y?otohiafe fhee, /na^^/i fr/YT? kvee^s Tccjoe, y//r?c/ S0 XySC^u , yJ// /?<^f/ me si^/nmer'ys f/r/e, Tnc^t sSH^ef/sS o'ertn/s, me ss/?orc of/>?cir7''S^/?oi-f^on/^^ ^r?^ j/re^ hih^ ^r^c/oi4j j(>ot4r7//es To aS/We jL'^e ^ctfo fc oc7£gA ^c>v T'c/ ///:e ^see f^y sc^/^ ^^e/fna/Zec/ IJ7 jat?ie ^/ra/7^ j'a// a/a/7a /x^/^ af/yer/^Uf T- of/j/ r?7£^sf Isai^ mc^ fr-zt;^ a tret a /so /rfk, U/S^asj/ctjafe/c^ or? ^/?at ffr/s earf/? cz/e/c^j. for rea//cf ^ot^ /Aere's /o/s of^ooc/f^/^^s /?^re Jinc/ royii$ ci ae/?eiroc<3-^r?c/€k/ / /^ r?ct /ef /A^^rTf spoj/ //s r?af/i^e /oof. O Come, t yl sonn€t Jj^ Z /ci^e ^or/fr fc etc /jf7e et'e^/tr^ chore ^ y/lnc^ amS/e ^arr?n^arY!^ h^z/'A /Ae /r?//K/A?foaiA yrnai /s tf?e m/ss/o^ 0//^^ ^r?/^/c/ //oAf /rtro^e //r^e iusf uKe a oarsJ/rr^ crcH^r? A5 j^reat^ lyt rac^/c(r7Ce raire^ //yafcx/]/^ f/7a venous ^//ohf? If/7ere o^ic/jf fAoU come /rorrfj n^/tner oocst fhooc^ Theu sau WU paf/r /^ one ^reaf /r^oyjsTroi/fS ct^ri^e^ Trotf? i^htch fhou cati^f/fcte'en one Aa/rj Jbj^cao^fi/r Ehc k^ouf^sf /liooi ccn?e ^ ^n7as^ as //7 a j/oi4o(^. O mac/ I kVfna tnu fjoftyi^/e path ar/aAf^ Jjs Thou c(ost, Cosrr?fC Carfct^ /// /4^ /7/f /^/t O Bear?^ Tf)oc/( 6t^/joou^ hi^afi^e of^/he so//, X fc^e /d H^^tc^ /^^ /j^^ar/^Y /?eac^s as a/ re /y-om t^e c^ar?A t^/rt, arjc^, e^^r- c//tr?h/t7^ /?/aAer^ 7^e^ponc{ 1o a/r^ ^^/7, n^/t?^ ant?( honest /o//, IVnefj^er n^e Dic/\ f^ee u^c^r?^ a/7c{ 6ofV f/?ee ^reer?. Or ^/?e////p<:d ^rcyr? //?e ooc^^s /r? ^c^fustc/acrs, Or ff>tesh ffiee ^Dut kv^hen J?o(/lrf^Y ^f^ cfreafer joen wan mltfe- In /Erne's Zona naff PJf p/ufce thee H^/fti me /r/ne, yKnoje i^a/i^e Zha^^e Vo/cec^ /^cr nyanc/ cf ^?&^. ^o frorrf yvhafeh^er ana/e tt?Oi^ art .seey?^ /ficf /worthiness sh/nes oat Jo L/ess n?ant:/r7ct. J^n^ /or m^ joart I t/t:e tnee /^//^ a r/nct Of pork ^ hahe/:/ /n a/oot, — joor/c sonjeiwhattean. Ves .^ec^n, I'cp/ /fj(e fo aron^'^ t?e u^e /^^f/^ star?^ a/t tests t/f^ npa^ /^rc/oounc^^ ^r?c( /ron? tZ?e nearest c^a/c/ nei^er f^e. Jiet/, P/f ha^e to ftcj fort/? fro n? f/ts poetry fo^^ JInct jb(//t6( a nekv ^trouah for otc/ tnaraoh oc(r ho<7. JI/\/o'rHSR iSoA/A/ST TO J1a/oth€R Commit That cor7a^e6cef7€/s /S ckoss oak ^y7U/7{;^a^e ^/cu, J. Ts c/ar/or? /7ofe , ^f7c^ o 'er Ae^t^ £>;^/a/7c/ fju. 7/frce-^i4n<;{re^'//7ouja^o^oajKs of eyes >5ha//s/:?cf These fie^rr/n^ //ncs arfcf ffcec/ /he//^ /rumoe/ztrc^. / J^^^^ /^^t/7 <^////oT/c /J ^o /or?a J]^ ho(rr7af^ c^ar-c/ sf/ck car? jbe^^/r? !o Je// /^Oh^ nra^u ^^/ ar?c/ inches /r? /Y c/n^e//, AoiT CGtrr tve te/T H^/faf ^a^es f/ru ^/oH^ so sTronff i/riT/Ac >sory7£ /fi4man ^/o/^s H^ho '//reac^ f/?/s You ^eT c^our joof/7cU(a/ ^u/( aroof^ci^on //^e. OJV/a^r O A^/aht fhoi^ airt out f here ^ O Arof^f^ ^Ujorej^e yt/W of a s//e/^t ^o///i^c/e /hat h^ears The A/A7^ c^//^/f/7/'^/?e/? Ko6jber^ /eai^e fhe/'r /a/y^s . }^1^/?o //^y^cct^/? fr7t for?o c/a^y^s /ador for oi^y^ heQt7S^ O M^fi'f' tvher} thou art ^Ufc^ a/un? fU/f c/ stc^r^^ y}3 thick ^j- rafj/zi^ in C^a^'J Aon^e/vcic/e ca^e, 77s fhetf ry7u s/o/r/f /ea/o>s its Pa^/ure hars 7r?a rhi^y>7es ccnyer^sh/f^f fhrca^h rr?c/ ^niz/ecf hea^r^^ usee a ^co^/^ fecfsf of /hcuy/?7s yi^/c/c>sjoreac( ^ sjjnc/ H^eare rr?cf scr^as rrony a/n70sT <^/7y/^/w. J^i^ttrher? uoi4 yy^oo the moon O ^n^sof^e .A^fhfy The sTars £)/acf 77/c/&-atri^-^eeA yr/7h/n h)r f^ear 7hei^ yryc^u ^/stc^r^ the /o^tfrs ' Ja/e. k5o, A^cf/if ^ ^oocf-n/a7?f^ T// ^ee^ j^^o^//eTs hc{sk^^ The fire /s fon^ the c/ooA: /s ^Ti^/^m^ e tcj^o^rCi^^^ Ji^re, JT a/n^c^us am rrhe/? Tsr/upsc /a/e. i3o//(5 About Ac/ruA/Tf^ O />/Mja^t c/a^^ ^vf?^^ l/ooJ: of^ayra^se c^ry fhe /o/?s of Aay ar^^ fra//?^ />onr /^////^/-a k^Nif{ sa/e^fes of jr?okf^ a^^ rartr; Js Ifeffer- far- /haz? ify^u u^ec/ /^e raaJ^ That so^^^ r?7e/7 ^/?ec/ ou>o/7 oc^i^ AT^ecrrc^ r^ace ^ M^er7 ca/7C^r^:/a/es for- i^ff/c(^ sef/r7€ nace. Zon l/oa yl^cf feef at-e au<^ru ^o I'T/^f/r rrfc/ reotrs, yj/j^:/ fef oc>ff /t? ^aic/ Jbarn atrc/ /Ar/?sAt • carrs. O Ooiv . It — — — • — "* Afc/ /jear/^ is ^c^r??j6/M^ f^e re ^r e /yoH^T /'//)?(? J7/f^rf /c4t7efc7 ///oa art o/c/ a/^ct cuct's are /parat ^ chen^, /ffm referent ha/^c/ yye Tar/? //?ee //7/0 Leef. }i^ ^a^e /^u /7/i/e oc^r 600/s, fnu /yooKs cparf/i^ey TJ7o< Jbones n7/xec/ ^/m f/ie 6oif re/jea^ t/ye /eaf^ Lor?a /^a<^ H^e A>ear fhc^ /^//c/^/T?(s///Waoao '/^c^o/ Jit /r?//j\/r7<:^ f/r?7e ^ >f^Ae^ 6Ker/^c^ afras^et/7 /7earj A.^/7y /Tyac/ ftye ^ras^ses /east^c^?? ^a/7 ar/af ate^ That /Aoa /^ac/jt /^ef^er Kfioi^ a joa^tare c/rear. ne/l, 1'// r7(^^e fo sfo/D SjO/'/in/hf a 6of^/^e y^r/p^ ^'inc^ ^ef fticse /7e^ coh^-^/a^c/?ro/7S a/? //7 fAe oar//. 6o/v//£:t to ^/jd'j 7k/{^^rrLa: 77;oi^ sfo/o/ssf o/^Aorr7e yf^/?o^e 6cs^ c^nc^ /r?a^e tsetse oiyfrc^rt^ To keejo c4^ t^z!(irn7 H<'T7en f/e/cfs Aay'e Ai^j/?ffc/ 7/)(?/r c^r^^e/?! V' 17/ place t^ee /tya boen?^ //?£/ -^trje s/j^// Le . 77// cflj //)€ jo/a//^/^ orserr^s ^ee cy^ //; cr^arr/, . Oofrre7//vj riisf/c roaf^ /?ee(pf j7c/ ^r?er?[s feers. Xc^r-i^n/ T/iee /7?/^, ar? ci44>-eo/e oi^ 6^rf 75 ^race y^/y 6tt>yf^ a/7^/ocfu 7/?ee A^ /Ae c/ear^s T7?ar Thoci ha^ / /ik^c/ ar?c^a/ac^^c/ //?7/7e A/^tjest jOarf. AoHT f/7af//?(?sc /eat-trs ^7 ^^ T^oc^^^f- are ^7?e^/^ TT// ^/ 7/jafr?eii^ Trf^a-^/n jr?/d tr?cj M^ooc/.5/e^, O /7>//V /A/ (^/*:/Vir/f/7Z. C?^ ss/orec/ r^e^/ecf/orfs o^ //7c/ ^^/^//'^<2 h^y^^) }rhe^ j^nrra c/ra^^s ^/^/? fo M^oa f'/?6^c^/cJ!:et?h7f sanj^ Jlnc/ fe/?7/tpTs C4J T?//pe^f y^/7e// That shades jtr-orr? 7?<^ai^(r/7 /J?e s7rsootA//ro ct?//r7rroc^t^c/ tAcf /or/r? ^re jat^////es ofcu^rrofs, Dai^ssr?/'ps^ See/^^ foUt/oes^ fc5, (r^^jb^i?e^ — ^A^ H^/?^f ^a^ for cra6/ro/70r?7/c ^y/?7>^^jy!jr fb joer^/hrrr? / JrherJ rK/^i^/j c^r^e corr?/nf Ke^er^ or?c/jr?on^j^/aJc(TSj^/cf^ Jir?c/ farjor out oj^c/t^or^ /^5 ^or?e /^//^ ze^t l/r?fi/ W^ iracc4£^rx7 jber7ea/^ ry;cf Ke^f' Or/^s ^^/r/ /rr an^u/jA /or^ a: /hoc/ ^c^pp/cf — ■ O py/)at f^erc <^///A(? ^cer?/s oj^ ^ra^y. To fhu ^rar7c/7cit^-/r^y//jir7y^ sy/ffp/;o^f'/ O Stubble O ^fl(/fjb/e inhere jr7c^ ^ccyf^c Aafh %yec^r^ei/ Tyre jr7i4t& /r7c?i^tjc^^ yp'/nere rrju hoe Aa^ yvrootaAf O sft^J^b/e^ on fAe/r ^Aoi^/c^er^^ ^j^ch^ The /i4^tc/ ^ar^ f/jaf //^^nec^ M^e/f To a/f /he ry70(ryy7iy(re€/ mc^s/er/es Tnat e^rth a/7^/ oi/r ar?^ ra/r? coi^/^ /e//. noi^ Ic/fi^ //Ke fo I/e ai^ci^e y/shor/ //p^e ^t^nnrrjer^ ^/^Ats^fb Aear Je///na of^ hcfry-e^t UfAor /7ear^. y///^ /AetT fhe //me /^//^^j- n^ooi/^ <^a// ^ /asf Aci//oo c^nc/ /oiAe /Ae/r ///t^A/* jAer? ei^erc4 yr^enacZ/ej^ yh^o^/ot ^Aea/Ae /T/^ s^ojrc/ yK//A//^ TAe ^//er7f n/aAf, Lon vou J//70/ fa/:e J^farf/fCf up to J/// /^rc^s to ^ef^hoc/. C^ Orbs /hafc/rcu/afdi /^oaf/?Htfcfs c^ri^ec/ From yr?y j^/^/tr£?cnT/7 o/^ //?c)U(?/7f, ^ o//e>^ c/oif^a^. /7w Jb<:er? /b /7?€:^^ ^^ /^so/ra/i'of^ ^ra/7a(\ TVpecf ye see/7 fn^ ^^^a/oA/css nfars/?a//^c^ //^A/s f^e ,5a me /c^/r l^<2Ci\5 s//k^£r ^/75 no /e/csco/oe can //n<^^ f^'en the (4^/7 /f7^////%?^^/^ ^>s /o/7^ a^f Z upon f/?/^ ^a// ato ^i^ntj Aeep ey) yoi^r ^/or/OLis ^ >s//cnf,<:.^an/ncf cAanf. ^on hoc4 lV/?ens (^/^ I^^fn7Cf sTarrc^^ c/cicA F T^cf n70sf oj^/fouf Ot^ the aun^nacA, ® 03©© O /vw, ^nose a^t aroj^c^s ^/r/^e /?7u /7ose fVner? fnou art roasf/^y /n fJ?e ok^e/7.s e/r?Sr^ce^ /r//ifp//? //;ose //a/oc^or? c^e//i p^/?ere ooe/s jorooo^e To jj/ace C(// Mf//7ys of or^ceF Z a^A o/ ^// H^Ac re^c^r^ /^sc //r?es /^i^y^ O r6Pu{/7^ /70^r a/via^ f/?6 /ooc:( TAt^if /Ti^^es of///e orje /orpa-drzi^^^ /voJ^sJer/rpfaff- O f^a^t jo/;//osoo/?er ^fc^rec^^^^r?ooc{, 7%^ /7o/?/6/7es6 I Zee/. 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Tre/p break fp?e roac/s h^/w Jo^ at?c/j^ers, /r/e/7d Zero, Tapprotre fh^ pro^ra/>Tyr?e co/^, /i^/?af, T?^peat^ j^/^en ^^^^ TaAes a Ao/c/, ^ — O (^C^/^ or 7s/7- — - — JJcross fhe leagues of .sea /r? ^h/jos of s/ee/, Ti^?e,f7 l)rcu(?m fb our of^r? /Gyry7 /rt afr-frahf t/ns 7%af ^o/af fA^f far77ooH^r?eaf' /^ee yy/^? ^ /ai^re/ ^rec^f/? ofsfea/^?^ x5f/// n^/7/ T urc7e Ar7c^ /r^use fo jorarse //m J7an7e. H^c^f^ n?^u/as^ ofcft// H^/70 reac//r7Cf^/ctY, Js Jbe/ter t/?^^ acjooc/ ^of ay) of^a, JH^er? /c^f^en ^r/ff? a sc4/oper of co/c/ /arr?6, T^fa^es, /r/y/oi^t Ai^fy/c^ c^ofn £>/ess 7ne f/r^c/ £>oc/c/ a^c^ f/?e 61^ su ^/-^//7 Ji/ff7 ^oryje itftcfn^/6/e, c//K//7e car&^s. Yk/6'^ of rt/s yk/iK6 — O kJou, T/)0U a^-t f^e ifeasfofa/f /77c^ i^ears, T/)af fiffs T/je i?eanf c(ou^/?-//h ^/oon? of //^oH^/it f/jau art t^e ^m^er fAaf ^/of/? /^aAe t>7e <^ee , //^^f/7 H^or/k ^ee/y?s on/c^ £(^fa SKUerf n^a// y/f^df^^e ca/f jee /?/J ^/y/t^/^y >sceyo/re .s////, Xflr-e J>(4f /ooJ<: al%fi^ai'/- c^cryf 3/700f/c/er//7j ^///, //^ /f7 my /f7fi^r'i/s ffe a //a/ef LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 018 603 759 5