cc j c: ac(^; rc3tic ^-a^c.,. rcjc <:^ k LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. J D r, - fc^^l? |opsn0lxt f |! UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, f ^: «3^-e ^cic/cTc ^^mxj^m ^ ? ^"^ ^t€ ::ci'DjYTJJJS i^JlA'TI. ^» (SeiAtf ct'f^^cL.ofu THE OEDEAL OF LIFE, GRAPHICALLY ILLUSTEATED — IN THE — EXPEmENCES OF FIFTEEN HUNDRED INDIVIDUALS PROMISCU- OUSLY DRAWN FROM ALL NATIONS, RELIGIONS, CLASSES, AND CONDITIONS OF MEN. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, —AND— ■ GIVEN PSYCHO.METRICALLY, THROUGH THE MEDIUMSHIP OF if IN PRESENCE OF THE COMPILER, ,Ni,/- THOMAS E. HAZAED, P n-,^.i WILLIAM WHITE AN OMPANY BANNER OF LIGHT OFFICE, 158 l^ashington Street, KEW YORK AGENTS— THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, 116 Nassaiu Street, i8yo. .<^t. ^^0<* INTRODUCTION. The brief sketclies of individual character that follow, were, with a few exceptions, written automatically by the hand of Dr. John C. Grinneil, of Newport, R. I., in the summer and au- tumn of 1869; in the presence of the undersigned. Those with an asterisk, were obtained in Feb., 1870, in the same way. During the process of writing, the medium was generally in his normal state of mind excepting that a mist was thrown by spirit power over his vision, so that he was unable to decipher what was indited, that, as was alleged, the matter might not be af- fected by the action of his own mind. The sketches taken exceed fifteen hundred in ail, (a portion of which are reserved for a future edition) and with the exception of those otherwise designated, purport to have been written under the control and direction of the spirit of the late Stephen B. Chase, of Newport, R. I., who was a man of a true and noble nature, and that of a Narragansett Indian, whose proper name was Opplahehota, but was called "Shanky" by the whitjes, from his speed of foot. A sketch of Chase's earth character and spirit condition as seen from the after-life as well as that of the Indian's and medium's, will be found under their appropriate lettering, and I think they are all correctly given. To obtain the sketches, I was obliged to sit with the medium for the space of from one to three hours daily, for some one hundred and twenty days. At snch times as the mind of the medium was calm and composed, and not disturbed by outside influences, he would write fiom fifteen to thirty at a sitting, and on one occasion he wrote forty-one. On that and some other favorable days, the medium wrote rapidlv and pretty correctly without apparent effort. On other days, when his mental organism was disturbed from internal or external causes, he wrote but very few, and those indistinct, and full of repetition. I have, however, in compiling been very careful to retain the substance of these together with the exact words that are used to give point to the meaning. The reader will probably perceive that some of the terms used, such as "moral" and "cunning," are generally intended to be applied in their most enlarged [sig- nification, whilst religion is almost always used to express an outward observance. The char- acters given under the Indian influence are copied word for word, exactly as given. When I first commenced raking the characters, I wrote down names of individua,ls as they occurred to my mind with little or no regard to their order, on blank sheets of paper. Alter leaking some hundreds in this way, I found the communications were getting too lengthy for practical use, anct cuni- menced writing names as they occurred to me on small slips of paper prepared for the purpose, and for convenience wrote the names of the individuals I wished given, one on each side of the paper. Perhaps some two or three hundred chai-acters were written under these circumstan- ces; and among these I am led to suppose there may have been a lew- important mis- takes or transpositions made, though I think as a general thing, the character of the individ- uals given are as correct as can be obtained from history or otherwise. Whilst writing under these particular heads, I observed that the medium often hesitated, and turned his paper over to look at the name on the other side. I finally asked why this was done, and then the control- ling influence for the first time told me that the names operated as talismans to draw the spirit indicated, and their close juxtaposition caused such a mingling or transposition of their influences that be found it hard to separate them, asking me at the same time to write the names only on one side of each piece of paper. I did so afterward, and for convenience sake would write several in advance and lie them down together; but this mode was also soon ob- jected too on like grounds as the other, and I was requested in future not to record any name until the moment I handed it to the medium. I did so, and found from that time forward that the communications flowed more freely, and as I think, more correctly, than they had done as a general thing before. After I had exhausted such names of interest as occurred to me, I had recourse to a very terse Biographical dictionary for a supply, and was throughout exceedingly careful to say nothing to the medium that might influence the comraunirations, sim- ply writing the names as they appear in the following pages, and verbally giving the nation of the person asked after when it was within my knowledge. This is all that was required by the controlling influence, which requested that nothing more should be added. To this rule I adhered throughout, txcepting in the instances of Csesar and Lucretia Borgia. The medium had never read a history or biography, except the Bible, in his life, and had probably never heard even the name pronounced of one in twenty of the historical persons asked after. I subjoin some facts relating to the medium's hfe and occupation furnished by himself, and will merely add that 1 know from personal knowledge, that many of the facts he relates as regards his former dreadful decrepid state and his 'seemingly miraculous cures of cancers and other maladies are literally true, and can be verified if necessary by judicial testimony. Dr. John C. Grinnell was born Dec. 15th, 1831, of very poor parentage, in Hampton, Wind- ham County, Connecticut. His father died before be was eight years old, when he was placed in a cotton factory to work to help maintain the widowed family. At fourteen he went to la- bor on a farm, where he worked until his seventeenth year, when he was taken sick with ty- phus fever, and was confined for about nine months before he was able to be sent to his mother ■who was then struggling against poverty in Rhode Island. In a letter to the writer of this, dated Feb. 26, 1870, Dr. Grinnell says: "The sickness and medicine produced inflammatory rheumatism which rendered me nearly helpless. The calomel I took caused dropsy of the blood, a stiffness of the joints, and I was growing worse all the time under the medical treatment, until nearly every bone and joint in my body was drawn from its location. At the end of about six years treatment under the old school practice, the doctors left me with my limbs and feet so swollen that every time I moved it seemed as if my limbs would burst, and I was not able to get up at all or move without help. ]\Iy heels were drawn nearly into my back, and my head and chin drawn down to my chest. My left arm became helpless and very sore. My right hand was doubled up so that I could not use either of them. I did not have ray clothes on for nearly a year, as my flesh was so sore I could not bear their weight. In ihis state I remained until the good angels came and deliv- ered me. Before they came I had grown to be a hard, cold atheist, feeling that the God of the universe, if there was one, had left me to suffer, and this caused my unbelief But in 1856, the power or influence of unseen angels came upon me, at firsc by tipping the stand, and then by controlling my hand to wrife. Before that I could not feed myself; but after they had thus controlled my hand a few times, I could use it to cut my food and eat with. Not long after a spirit purporting to be 'Samuel of old,' came and controlled my hand to write a letter to a lady residing in Fall River, by the name of Phebe Shelling, in which he told her that if she would come to Newport she could help me. The day after this she came to me. We were entire strangers to each other, and 1 had never heard of her only through the spirit communication. As soon as she entered the door, 'old Samuel' entranced her and commenced to operate on me, saying that he could and would make me wa4k. This was about five o'clock in the afternoon, and she worked on me about twenty minutes, and the next morning I got up and dressed my- self, which was something I had not done before for seven years. 'Old Samuel' said that if I would place myself under his directions, he would, thiouoh her instrumentality, soon haye me walking about. I concluded to do so, and went to Fall River where Mrs. Shelling could see me every day, and in seventeen weeks she straightened my limbs so that I measured thirteen inches in height more than I did when she began, and she made me walk without crutches, which I had not done for many years, and I could feravel nearly as well as ever. Mrs. Shelling having a family of small children to attend to which she could not neglect, gave up her gift of healing. I remained in gooi condition for about four years, when I wa- attacked with paralysis which has obliged me to use a cana and crutch ever since. As yet the spirits have not been able to restore me, but they prom'se to help me as soon as I get into a condition sufficiently harmonious to receive their iafluence fully. While I was under Mrs. Shelliag's influ- ence I was made clairvoyant, and could see the different diseases of persons who chanced to come into the room and often when they were passing the house in the street, and could tell how and where they were affected. But being ignorant of all the laws of physiology, and remedies, I did not for some months apply my powers to examine into disease. But finally, the spirit of 'old Sammel' and others controlled me to examine and find remedies in the vegetable kingdom and I practised for years in Fall River without any remuneration except the consolation of my being made an instrument to benefit hundreds of people, and I have continued to practice with little remuneration up to the present time. I have during the last fourteen years kept an account of about thirteen thousand patients I have examined, and have not all down on my book, and I do not think there has been to exceed ten out of the whole number who have not expressed themselves satisfied with their diagnosis. I have had almost every phase of mediumship, but examining and healing seems to be my es- pecial gift. You ask me about my education and reading. I do not remember of ever going to school three months in my life, and I can say with truth that with the exception of the Bible, I never read a biography or history in my life. In fact, my mind cannot confine itself closely to any kind of reading. I practised healing seven years before I ever looked into a book, on bot- any, or physiology, and I never now think of consulting any medical or other book for' healing as my spirit doctors are always in attendance when needed. I have had perhaps as good suc- cess in healing as most clairvoyants, but of myself I claim to have very little knowledge or wis- dom, but rely entirely upon the.higher influences that control my organism. I have operated on eighty-one cases of cancer, and have seventy-nine certificates of euros be- ing effected, which I will show any who wish to see them. There are several cases in the vicin- ity of Newport that you yourself know about, among thoni Mrs. Hannah Alleu, from whose breast I took a cancer as large as a tea-cup; Mr. John R. Peckham,from whose under Up I took 6 two about the size of walnuts ; Mr. William Howland, from whose nose I took one about as larj;e as a marble; Miss liogers, from whose wrist I took one about the size of a butternut. I have never filled but in two instances. One of these oases was that of Mrs. C whom you also know. It had five heads, and they were all healed except one which was about as large as a nickle cent, when she lefc m ; at Newport to go home. When she came to me at Fall River afterwards,* it was not bigger thiu the end of my little finger, and the artery that buist was in the centre of this head." I am well acquainted with this last nani'id case that Dr. G. sets down a^ a failure. Mrs. C called on me, saying that she wanted to raise twenty-five dollars to pay a doctor to cut out a cancer on her breast that had already been operated on in that way twice, and had ex- hausted all her means. I told her that surgical operations on cancerous tumors could not possi- bly afford any other than temporary relief. She said that she was aware of that and knew that she must soon die, but thought if she could have«it cut out once more it would enable her to work a few weeks or months more for her aged father and mother who lived with her and were both past work. I finally recommended her to go and see Dr. Grinnell. She did so and the controlling spirit told her that as af{gravated as her case was he thought she might be cured. She accordingly took board near Dr. Grinnell's, a few persons contributing to pay all expenses. I occaolonally visited the doctor whilst he was operating and saw the cancer several times. It was at first the most revolting thing to look at that can be imagined, and, as I remember, covered a space as big as a small saucer with several angry looking heads. After a few week's treatment these began to disappear, and a new coat ot flesh came over the diseased por- tion covered with a thin transparent skin. When I last saw Mrs. C ihe appeared nearly well, and insisted upon going home. The influence tried to prevent her doing so, telling her that the muscles and blood-vessels were very weak and would not bear being strained. She refused however to be advised and went to work, and the consequence was that a blood vessel broke as was foreseen. The fact is, the cancer itself was about cured, and no doubt soon would have been entirely well had Mrs. C listened to advise. I know of several other cancers cured by Dr. G. Mrs. H. Allen, a case something like Mrs. C 3, who was, as she told me, cured in about three weeks, after several other doctors had failed. Mr, Rowland's case I know pretty well. For many months I had been advising him to attend to an angry tumor on his nose, telling him that it would be his death if he let it alone much longer. He delayed until it grew very troublesome, and then as he informs me, started with a determination to let Dr. G. operate on it. On his way he happened to meet a physician and told him the object he had in view. The doctor remarked that if he would come to him after he had tot through with the quacks he would cut it out for him. Mr. H. however persevered, and in a short time the cancer was successfully removed by Dr. G. This was nearly a year ago, and Mr. Howlaud's visage is yet fiec from even a sear. I have h'.'ld sceances with scores of mediums, but I think I never knew one who had a greater diversity of gifts, or who hved in closer rapport with the spirit world than Dr. Grinnell. With him the two worlds seem almost merged together, and hg converses about as readily with the denizens of the one as the other, passing into and out of the trance state with astonishing fdciliry. Far, similks of his handwriting, when under influence of spirits, are given on a previous page ; owing to the distorted state of his hands he has to write with a thumb and one finger only. Newport R. I. March 1, 1870. Thomas R. Hazard. THE ORDEAL OF LIFE ADA • AFR Dr. Abernethy A man with a clear tho- and perceptive man, with great moral depth rouf^h calculating mind, strong reflective powers He loves all the world — was very wise, and — great intellect, and a very ambitious, dignified truly good upon the earth, and is now wise and nature. He is cool and systematic, and has good in spirit life, made good progress in spirit life.* Joseph Addison. A man of very strong Abraham. A man who stands much bent intellect and high culture. He has a large fore- over, and wears a long skin dress with sandals head, a large top head, and a fine intelligent made of skins on his feet. He has large, high brain. He had a great deal of individual inde- cheek bones, a long eagle-beak nose, and is en- pendence, large perception, and intuition, and tirely bald, with the exception that a large great reflective powers. He has a great deal of braid of white hair hangs from the back of his method, plan and arrangement, and great powers head. He is a very old looking man, with strong of mind and depth of learning. He was very perception and a religious nature. He has made moral and has made great progress, and is now a great progress in spirit life. beautiful spirit. Achilles. A man of great powers and Pope Adrian 3rd (by Eeischenbach). A strength, and a friend and defender of mental man with a strong comprehensive mind, large freedom. He had strong perception, deep causality, observation, intellect, comparison, and wisdom, and good morals, and was a blessing to perception, and of high culture. He is one who bis people. He has made great progress in loves to have all the people bow to him in obe- gpiritual life. dience and submission, and was a very ambitious John Adams. A highly intellectual man, and dignified ruler. He has not made very very full in the wisdom principle. He had a fast progress in spirit life. great conception of things, and a large idea of Aeysha (Mahomets's wife). A woman of what should be. He is deep and wise, and be- very large intuition and perception, with a longs to the Washingtonian band in spirit life, beautiful form, a full round face, a well-formed Mrs. John Adams. A firm and decided nose, and her hair plain, without wreath or woman, with a very practical and comprehensive ornament, and she wears a full blue silk dress, mind. She had large perception, and was highly trimmed with gold and silver lace, and a long moral, benevolent, and intelligent, and full shawl around her neck. She has found the of deep, shrewd, honest plans. She was a mate she loved so well on earth, and they are woman that thousands of to-day wou 1 do well living together in the heaven their affections to pattern after, for she was good and noble, make, although she is fitted for much higher and generally right in her decisions. She has spirit life than he. risen to the seventh sphere in spirit life. Scipio Africanus. A very deep man, o John Q. Adams. A very intelligent, good, great wisdom, large perception, and btrong in- *It was not until after a nnmber of characters were written that it occurred to me to ask after their spiritual progression. Hence the omissions in this respect. The temperaments are given in the originals (which the curi- ous may examine if they wish to) but have been omitted to save room. ALA 9 ALE dividuality. He was cunning and far-seeing, tellect. He is full of the wisdom principle, bu* had large destruetiveness, self-approbativeness, very cunning, selfish and ambitious. He is of a and self-esteem, and was very lustful, and alto- dark brunette complexion, and has a large gether a hard tyrannical man, full of deceit, and straight head, a large nose, a very dark eye, a quick, strong and bold in carrying out his pur- broad forehead, a broad long face, and very poses. He has not much light in spirit, but has long, black hair, braided down on his back. He progressed some. has a steel looking hat on his head, made Agesilaus. a man of strong will, large, in four parts, each of which is of a difler- clear perception, and a powerful intellect. He ent color — green, pink, red, and blue; and there was very sanguine, but a true man to his is a blue and red feather drooping over his countrj', and wise and faithful in carrying out left shoulder. He wears a very thick coat, the powers he was invested with. He was ra- made of the skins of wild beasts, and cohered ther ambitions, and severe in some things, but with what looks like plates of silver and gold, had good judgment and high morality, and has There is a large, thick sleeve to his coat, which made good progress in spirit life. is again covered with a heavy skin case and he Aggasiz. a big much learned brave, ffim holds in his hand a very large shield. He has goes into the depths of the great spirit's hunting made gradual progress in spirit life, and is now ground, and find out the big hunting ground be in a good sphere. bigger thau big writers say. Hims' think the Alexander, Son of Massasoit. A power- big hunting ground he's here long anterior to ful and intelligent man, with very clear per- the Eden story of paradise. Him's he's a great ception, and the strongest individuality. His mind thinker, and him's will keep on though mind is like the towering cedar, his thoughts hims' know it will kill fhe big's book. Him's like the fleetness of the birds, his morals like the see much clear, and hims's trying to get out of sweet scented balm. A good and true man the big's book without the big preach seeing when treated well, but if treated ill, his nature what him's about. Him's big brave, and (if) was like lightning, and his anger like the echo of him's keeps on him's will be in shining hunting the thunder. He was like sunshine in his na- ground when him comes here. Him's much tive element, but like dark clouds in the pre- good. sence of civilization. He has made great pro- PoPE Agotho 1st (by Keischenbach). -^ gress in spirit life, very consequential, ambitious man, of a firm, Alexander 1st of Russia. A powerful determined nature. He has a thorough strong man, who was very tyrannical and cruel, but mind, and is very religious and bigoted, but had large adhesiveness, which caused him at sincere. He has not made much progress in times to be more considerate and charitable. He spirit life. was easily aroused, and was then very bard and Agricola. a far-seeing man, of strong in- sanguinary. He was strongly individualized, dividuality and deep perception. He was of a and. had large perception, and was altogether a cold, material nature, rather wise and very am- selfish, hard, cold, determined man, who little bitious. His spirit seems to have been cast in regarded human life. He has many friends in an iron mould, and he will not leave the earth spirit life, and has made fair progress, sphere for many years yet. Alexander the Great. A powerful man, King Agrippa. A very proud, dignified with a nervous, sanguine temperament and great man, of a cold, stern, iron-like nature. He has wisdom, but a leal tyrant. He has strong in tel- a very broad back head, a full forehead, a large ^^'^' ^^^ ^ "°^^' ^^'^' ''^^'^ ^^'"'^^ ^' ^^ ^ ^°'^' V J /. u J * 1 1 • i-u daring man, who feared nothing on earth, nor broad face, a hard-set looking mouth, a gray o ' = ' beard, long wavy hair, and a cruel bull-dog ^°^^ ^^ in spirit life, and w.U be a long tmie m look. He wears a red robe, tied with a silver ^° ^'^ P'°"'''' ^° ^'°^*- J u ..j: 1 ij II , -1 Pope Alexander 6th. A very cold, blood- cord — a beautiful gold neck-lace, ana a silver ^ ' .., , ., ., ,. thirsty, bad old man, with nothing really human crown, with a long mantle thrown over his . •'^' ' . .= ^ 111 TT u ^ •*• -11 J in him. He wears a white silk robe, and a shoulders. He has a strong positive will, and . ■,. . 1 Vi. A -u i. A worked steep cap. He is a most dreadful man, very strong individuality, and has not made ^ ^ . , • • -i. IT — hard, cruel, besetting and shrewd, and a man much progress in spirit life. ' > o ' A^ . A _ ^ • -u-v of blood. He is a real deceiver, and high- way Alaric. a man of nervous, sanguine, bilious- . . ° ^ i. ..> ^ „ u^ij ^1 tv i. i robber, draped up in religious disguise. His temperament, a bold and loftv nature, strong ' f f o o ] • -I ••, T^ ' ■, , . sufferings are intense m spirit. He is very dark perception and individuality, and a great m' , , "= ^ ^ »!i\; he has no rest. ALI 9 AMB j Prinoe Albert. A man of a very easy looking face, a straight nose, a large black eye» I nature, and though much addicted to planning, and a large full mouth, and he wears a long had but little executive ability. He was rather blue cloak and a white peaked hat. He has high toned in his nature, and somewhat spiritu- made slow progress in spirit life. ally inclined, and was altogether a moral, Ethan Allan. A great and good, benevo- quiet, good man. He had not much shrewdness, jent, noble-minded, and truly tender-hearted although his perception was large, nor was he man ; who was as strong as a granite rock, and very intellectual, but his benevolent organs were as true as steel. He had not much power ot fully developed. His large perception did much language, but he was very perceptive, moral to make up his want of intellect, and he had al- and methodical, and altogether a man of the together a well balanced mind. He was, while highest honesty and justice, and good will to on earth, in advance of most of those around man and his country. He has made great pro- him in spirituality, and he has since had quite gress in spirit life. an experience in spirit life, and has now got Washington Allston, (by Elder Gam- into good progress. ^^^^ ^ brave man, with a clear, methodical Alcibiades. a far-seeing, strong, and ^^^^^ ^^^ .^ j^^j^ ^^^ intelligent, comprehen- i powerful man, with large individuality, and gj^^ ^^^^^^^^ jj'^ 1^^^ ^^^^^ continuity and com- verv high and honorable for one of his time, parison, and has made a great progerss in spir- He was highly ambitious, and perhaps not as ^^^ ^,^^j -^ ^^^ ^-^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^.^^ -^ accordance wise as some, but he was a very clear minded ^-^^^ j^j^ ^^.^^j, cherished desire, striving to har- and good man for that day, and has made good ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^:^^^^ ^^ ^^^th. He has risen to progress in spirit life. the sixth sphere. Alfred the Great. A man of wonderful „^ . , j i • j ... . , William Almy. A very good, kind man, wisdom and power, with large perception and a . , ,.,.,,,., ... i / n ,, ,_ ,, , , with a high intellect, large intuition and lull reverence. He is a man of good judgment, has a large powerful brain, and a religious beautiful nature. He was, magnetically, a me- dium, and he has made great progress in spirit life. strong intellect. He was naturally cruel and revengeful, but could shew great benevolence when it answered his purpose. He was im- moral and lustful, but very bold, and exercised potent sway over his people, lie has not yet progressed much in spirit life, but is now gain- '"X^ . * ^ • • j r ^ . 1 1 1 «.,. ,• Duke OF Alva. Afar-seeing,strong-mind- mg fast s)nce he has thrown on his sensuality. , , ,, , , . , , ^, ^ , .,. , , , , - ed, bold and darmg man, with large, per- Alfierl a beautiful smooth lookmg man, . .,.?,,. , ,. , „ . • V, . 1 • 1 1 1 .1 , ception, strong individuality, and a powerful of an eccentric but highly honorable and pure .„ ^V , , , ... .,, , 1 1 / will. He has not made much progress in spn-it nature, with large reverence and hope, strong ,., , . . . , .,, , . .,..-,,,. . . , . 1 , • , life, but is now gaining and will derive some individuality, intuition and perception, and high , ' ^ , • i , . .^ ,.^ TT 1 • • benefit from this day s experience, spirituahty. He has a very winning, open . . ,. , ,, ,, , ,■ ^ ,. ,. .-J Amasis. a big, long, tall, old b»ave him countenance, and is much given to wit and , , , % ^' , . . , , . 1.1 • 1 • 1 1 , 1 . 1 , be, a long connorber (head) and langidemus, laughter, but he is highly benevolent, and sub- , , . , . tt , - , . \ • , , • i ,. ' , 1 . J . • (thinker.) He big chief with big long swift limely good, and has made great progress in ^ . , , ^ , , f , , r^ ■, , , • .;,.,? stick (arrow) in him hand. He be a much big spirit hi'i. r. , r. -, . , , . ^ • 1 1 . Tr * r . • T -1 1-, father of tribes with big caw^w5 iows (guide and Ali Kahn. a man of strong individuaht}', , ^ . rr v r , . ^ - . ■,- 1 r u- u protector,) care and attention. He big face large perception, strong intuiUon, and of a high ^ ^ .y ,. „. , , , - ^ tt- ,. ,. , . ,, TT • 1 1 T chief with sA;i7ie^ws (kindred and nation.) Him quality of brain generally. He is a heavy look- , ,. ,,,.,.,, , . , . , ^ , ^ , . have on furs and much big high thoughts run- ing, large sized man, of a brunette complexion, . ,, , ^, . . tt i , r u 1- X- n 1 11 1 1 • 1 ning m him thinker (brain,) He be s a powe- a full face, full eye, long black hair, and very " ^ ^ , . ^ , . , ij,, TT- u J 1 ^^ r- ful big bravc on trailers marchiug of big bravcs. broad ctieeks. He is very brave and full of >= ,,.,.'='. ^ , , u • u,. 1 i. Him's no much in the hich spirit corner, and courage, and wears a long, bright, scarlet wrap- , ,, " ^ , , . '■, r r , . vk • * • • bims be go long trail (journe}) fore hims get to per, made ot fur skins, with nice trimmings upon " " "^ . __. , . ° .. T<. k 11 J T 1 11 .• 1 bior breathing hunting spirit. Hims be in much it. It has a queer look, and I should think f ^ ^ ^ judging from his dress, that he must have been ^^^ ^^ " -^ -^ ,_, . .... r. , ,. ,. , , ^, . tr , St. Ambrose, (bishop of Milan.) A hard- fond of fancy colors and gay things. He has ^ ^ , ^ , ^„ , , ... ..f. looking man, of great force of character and made great progress in spirit life. ^ , i tt i A. /HT u ^j /-I i\ A J • depth of knowledge. He has very high cheek Ali, (Mohamet's General ) A deep, cunning ^ ^ , . "^ ° ^„. ,^z. , • ^ n ^ 11 • J- • 1 1- bones, and a long, large straight nose, a hard man of strong intellect, and large individuality . ' j \ , , - TT1 vku ii?L.j 1 ui. rigid face, and a dark look around his eyes. He has a high, broad forehead, a large bold- "» ' J^ He has a very compressed mouth, a large head, AND 10 ANS large eyes, a large forehead, and a very cold She is with Josephine, in the Washing tonian expression in his countenance. He has most band. powerful perception, and a highly intellectual Michael Anoelo. A man of strong indlvi- look, and is of a strong, determined and selfish duality, perception, reflection, ideality and nature. He seems to be very dark, not having comparison, and highly intellectual, spiritual and as yet made much progress in spirit life. moral. He has a sublime-looking, handsome Fisher Ames. A man with a full fore- face, with full cheeks and eyes, and is very ar- head and a highly developed brain. He has tistically dressed, and has a beautiful bust of an large intuition and perception, full self-esteem infant Jesus, and a marble tablet before him, on and approbativeness, and a very practical, far- which is inscribed, " Laws of Spirit Life." They seeing and determined mind. He was shrewd, read as follows: — '' He who does not expand all cunning, argumentative and methodical, and his mind's faculties in earth life, will be obliged to has made great progress in spirit life. remain long in spirit life before he finds his highest Anacreon. a foxy-looking man, but still, expression." He has made great progress in very wise and good. -He has a very affection- spirit life. ate heart, although he had strong passions and Marshall Angereau. Hims be like a big was much addicted to women. He is of a well- canoe on the water of the big hunting ground, rounded, full nature, and has a benevolent coun- and him paddle along much in hims own way. tenance. He is very plainly dressed, and has The many spirits have much good feel for him. made great progress in spirit life. He he's a big string of wampum, chained to Anacharsis. a man of great intellect, all the big thinkers in spirit land. Hims he's with a large top head, a beautiful broad, high sailing fast. forehead, a large, full, expressive eye, a full be- Duke of Anjou. A hard, cruel, cold, sel- nevolent face, and great fullness in the organs fist? ambitious man, with strong perception and of memory. He wears a blue robe with the individuality, and a powerful will. He has moon and a number of stars worked in it, and made very slow progress in spirit life, holds a square and compass in his hands. He Santa Anna. A wild, enthusiastic man, o^ has a high, intelligent, spiritual look, and is proud deportment, and full of fire. He is bold, kind, noble and good, and has made great pro- seif-willed, posi(tive, and cunning, and has strong gress in spirit life. perception and great power of endurance. He Major John Andre. A highly heroic and ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^°^ s^^^^^' but .still has got a talented man, with a deep, far-seeing, calcu- g^^^^ ^^^^ °^ spirituality, but not much moral, Jating mind. He was very comprehensive, in- intellectual or intuitive developement. tellectual, perceptive, methodical and determin- Annawan. A true-hearted man of deep, ed, and well calculated to exert a great in- ^'g^' "^^^^^ ^^^"^^ ' ^^^^ ^^ ^'^ character best fluence with the people. He has made good pro- expressed symbolically, after the manner of all gress inspirit life. Indians^ by himself : " Eyes like the eagle, arm John A. Andrew. (An opposing influence ^'^'' ^^^ branch o^ big forest tree, thoughts like here took control, and hastily wrote)! " A man ^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^''^'^^«' perception quick as the that 1 don't like, but the world does. He is not *^0"^' intellect as keen as a scalping knife, a man who knows so much as you would think. ""^^^^^ ^^ ^'S^ ^^ ^^^ »'^^^' ^"^ * memory as What he knows he has mostly learned from ^^^^^ ^"^ g^^°^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^«^^^s- ^^^ ^^« ^ State affairs and ciriiumstances, but he is not a ^reat and bloody chief, and the blood of revenge real ori^^inal man." ^^° ^'^ delight, and a scalping knife his highest (Signed) "Buchanan.' ambition." He has made great progress in Archbishop Anselm. A man of a The medium's spirit guardians here mterfered, ^ . , . f b ' Arch and It was wriiien : , . ,/,.,, . -, . J , .,.,.,. strong, comprehensive, and forcible mmd Andrew has a great power withm his brain, __ ° , j , • • , * u . 1 , • , .He wears a long, watered, white satin robe, He 13 a verv good, sympathetic, moral man, who . , . , ,. , , , , , ,, , . , , '..,,.,.„ 1 . trimmed with little worked tassels on the skirt, bae great intellect, and is lull of profound , , - . . i . -.i . -i i . , ^ and a high, steep hat, with two silver tassels wisdom. , , • , , . 1 , r attached to it, the one hanging down before, the Andromache. A beautiful and strong wo- ot^er behind, which he' says represents the man, and avery high spirit. She has large indi- Apostle Peter and Pope Paul. He has made viduaiity and perception, and is noble and good, f^ir progress in spirit life. APE 11 ARI St. Anthony. A highly religious man, of Arago. A peculiar man, of a powerful in- great intellect and strong individuiUty, and of a tellect, a forcible, determined nature, and a very selfish, secretive, cunning, cruel, hard, vindic- penetrating, critical mind. He has a strong tive nature. He has a high lorehead, large will, and great powers of controlling others. Roman nose, and high cheek bones, and* he His brain is well developed, and he has made wears a long black robe and a steep hat. He good progress in spirit. has not, as yet, made much progress in spirit Archimedes. A very eccentric looking life, but is now gaining fast. person, with a great amount of wisdom, which Susan B. Anthony. A bold and fearless he would like to give to the world, through this person, with a very fine brain, and a powerful, medium, as he has a special love for the scepti- intelligent intellect. She is very moral and ra- cal department of his brain. He has a most dical, has large, full benevolence, is far-seeing noble and profound look, and has learned some and very perceptive and intuitive. She has a in spirit life ; but still has not made much pro- strong, bold, determined mind, is powerful with gress, as he seems very much inclined to remain the pen, and is very spiritual and aflfectionate, in connexion with the earth sphere. He has a with a fratertial feeling for her sex. She has highly expressive eye, and a strong, stern look, made great progress in her spirit. and he shews me a variety of studies that he Marik ANTOfNETTE. A highly dignified says he was addicted to when in earth life. person, with large ambition perception, in- Ariosto. A man with a powerful, full tuition and self-esteem. She was sympathetic brain, and a strong will, but a very fine mind. and affectionate, but of a selfish, jealous nature, jje has strong intellect, perception, causality, and at times very determined and cruel. She gelf-esteem, approbativeness or ambition, and is was far-seeing and observing, and loved power, ^^^^ far-seeing and methodical. He has made and would have been a tyrant. She was intel- ^^^^ progress in spirit life. li^ent, moral, and very religious, but has not . . , _ ^ , ° , . . . ^ „ Aristotle. A deep and powerful man, made much progress in spirit life. . , , . , . , , i • i • . n ^ i ^ ^ " . , -, , 1 with a logical mind, and a high intellect, large, Cardinal Antonelli. A shrewd old man, „• , , , j • ■,• -j i- j i. , , - ,^ , full benevolence and mdividualit}', and alto- with a sen-important look, and a verv selfish, , . ^ . .. • , /> i, • . • • . , ^ XX , 1 ,r> ' gether wise, and scientific, with full intuition, tyrannical nature. He has large self esteem, a ° . ,. , . tt • "^ - . J • J 1 • perception, causality and comparison. He is very determined mind, large prominent top *^ , ., ,.,,., / ,i i , J . , , 111 • X • u -.. J very philosophical, high-toned, noble, moral, head, with a large back brain to weigh it down* , , •, \ i tt , . , , , . T_ ■ 1 • 1 • good and honest, and a deep reasoner. He was and in fact closely approaches the animal in his *= , . , ' , ., , r ■, j TT -1- -11 .1 very skeptical, but has done much for the ad- organization. He is, however, intellectual and '' /. i • i . ^ „. . J 1. . -.1 vaucement of mankind, intelligent, and very cunning, but neither moral nor honest in his religious belief, and is a Aristeides. A man of deep and profound great lover of money and the sex. He has not wisdom, and a very high, noble mind, although made any progress in spirit. iiot the deepest soul nature. He was intellec- Apollonius. a very eccentric but highly in- ^"^1, benevolent, far-seehig, and very strongly telligent man, with a thorough intellect, and a individualized, and somewhat eccentric, and full philosophical mind. He has a full forehead and of deep theories, for the good of society. He was a large brain, and was a great logician and a true to the cause of his country, and has made profoundly wise man. He wears a short wrap- sood progress in spirit life, per, of a dark purple color, and has a long beard. Arius. A man of great wisdom by nature, He holds the drawing of a building in his hand, with a full, large, round, well formed forehead and says it represents " the temple of God — the a high top head and a great deal of brain. He world in a nut-shell — in which he has been holds a heart shaped shield in his right hand permitted to live." He has made great progress and a large scroll in the left. He has strong in spirit life. intuition, intellect* and ambition, and very high Apelles. a man with a full round head, a self esteem. He is of a dark cream colored high, broad forehead, a penetrating eye, and a complexion and has a gentle feminine look, long, gray beard. He has strong individuality, though one can readily perceive that he has a intellect, perception, hope and intuition. He powerful mind and great force of character, is full of wisdom, method, and arrangement, He wears a very singular looking dress that is and has high self-esieem and ambition. He has hard to describe ; a blue coat, something like a made great progress and has a very fine spirit, woman' double flannel dress, trimmed with gold ATH 12 AUG I colored cord. He has made fair progress in dignified appearance. He was cunning andft spirit life. wise, but not honest nor good, and has made Benedict Arnold. A very ambitious man slow progress in getting through the first sphere [ of large secretiveuess, and one who was deeply ia spirit life. I deceptive, untruthful, and unreliable. He is Athei.stane. A man with good percep-I shrewd and cunning, but as contemptible a man tion and high self esteem, and of a very selfish,P as can be found in the spirit world. He can- im.moral and impure nature. He had a great* not, as yet, even come in contact with the higher deal of low lust, but was intellectual, and could souls whose cause he betrayed on earth, nor has on occasions be very kind, but was by nature, he made much spiritual progress hard, and full of death and cruelty. He was not Roger Ascham. A very singular, queer noble or honest, and was much given to tricks looking man indeed. I cannot compare his face and schemes. He is rather dark in spirit life, to any thing more like, than an old tree knot. Attilla. A very wise and bold, but wild He has also a very queer looking head, and in looking man, with deep perception strong in- fact is odd looking every way. He has a loig dividuallty and intuition, deep calculation, i; febaggy beard and long wavy hair, and he wears and large destructiveness. He has very round a double-breasted green coat with a very queer and full coal black eyes, with a fierce savage ex- looking strap running over his shoulders and pression, very thick hair twisted and knotted across his left breast. He has strong individuali- together, a broad lorehead' a large full nose, ty and great determination, and has made good and a round short face. He wears a very light progress in spirit life. colored upper dress made of skins, and a scanty Pope John, 22. [Given by Artikoowhab. covering of fur over his legs, and large skin Prophet and medicine man of Pequot tribe.] moccasins. There hangs by bis side a big bam- A strong selfish man with a very religious boo club and a large broad axe that looks as if nature on the external. He was a great sacri- it was made of stone. He has a very large fice of others to his will. His religion was like braided girdle made of skins tied around his hollow trees when you pound on them, — dead waist, and he holds a long spear with a stone^ sound. So with his spirit, when you look into point in one hand and a large wooden shield in him he has no inside, but is all hollow. No pro- the other. Altogether he has a very striking gress in spirit. picturesque look. He has made slow progress St. Francis Assisi. A very selfish man in spirit life. of strong intellect and perception and deep De Aubigne. A highly intelligent, intel- cunning. He had strong individuality and ap- lectual and thorough man, althou2h a little probativeness, and possessed great power to carry bigoted. He has great tenacity of purpose, and is out his plans. He was very ambitious, cold and ^"^1 of plan and reasons. He has large percep- tyrannical, and has made rather slow progress tion and ideality, and is very exacting and firm, in spirit life, although he has many friends who He has large command of language and a most help bim some. wonderful memory, but he has a great deal tc ** *il/i7/ionaire, iV.F. He was a very shrewd, learn of spirit before the material scales M. sharp, far-seeing, penurious person, and really a ft"om off bis eyes. man of destiny and fate. He had brge percep- St. Augustine. A very hard though stronc tion, and was hard, selfish and overbearing, and and perceptive man who did not scruple tc of a grinding, repulsive nature, who denied him- forge miracles to blind the people, and lie tc self many of the comforts of earth life, that he promote the interests of the church. He haj might accumulate. He has not made much not made very much progress in spirit life, progress in spirit life. Philip Augustus. A man of a sharp St. Athanasius. A cunning, far-seeing man, keen, shrewd, intelligent, far-seeing mind, and i of powerful intellect, strong individuality and a bold, cunning, selfish nature. He has a full top very tyrannical nature. As he now shews him- and back bead, a straight well formed body, an self, he wears a long, white, silk robe dropping angular face, with a great projection over hi down to his feet, with gold, silver and bronze eyes, which are of a dark, gray blue color, and colored trimmings up and down the front and stand out wiith a wild forcible look. He wear on the collar. The sleeves are also ornament- a crown set with diamonds and a Lavende- ed very heavily with the same material. He silk wrapper tied around him with gold brai(^ has a full long face and a very solemn look and He has made slow progress in spirit life. BAL 13 BAR Fri=:i>krick Avgu&tus, of Poland. Avery very wise and profound. He has a large fore* high and dignified man with a determined cruel head and high cheek bones, and looks as if he look He has a powerful mind and a great was very much depressed. I will let the Ara- amount of combativeness and was of a very for- bian and Indian spirit describe him. cible nature. He acted for power and ambition? "Cogliostro is a very intelligent man with a and carried out some seemingly almost impossi- great intellect, and very wise and profoundly bie things. He was far-seeing, cunning, intel- learned. He has great cunning and artfulness, lectual, planning, calculating and full of re- and is full of projects, and powerful in composi- venge. tion and contrivances. He has a round head Marcus Aurelius. A very hard, bad man, and a long beard, and is in fact a real old coek , of a cold iron nature. He was selfish, immoral of the mystical roost, who has made good pro- and religious, but not spiritual, and had but gress in spirit life." little of the lenient element in him. He was in [Signed] Pan. fact, a hard, tyrannical, fiendish man, whilst on "He make Shanky (the Indian spirit,) earth ; but still he has made fair progress in think of big tree all sound on the outside but spirit life. no good in the heart. He be a clog to the roots Francis Bacon. A deep profound man, of the great spirit. Him got steeple house in with high intellectuahty, powerful individual- him's thinker. He no got much light of big ^ ity, strong reasoning faculties and a very phy- spirit. He lives low down in big hunting ^03ophical mind. He was ambitious but full of ground." wisdom, and altogether a great and powerful Gen. Banks. A true man in his nature, but man. He has made great progress in spirit life, easily acted upon by psychological influences. Roger Bacon. A great and wise man with He is by organization a medium, but external a wonderful intellect, a large powerful brain, circumstances have killed his gift. Though not strong individuality and perception, and a full strictly honest in the highest sense of the word expressive nature. He has an untold amount of he has done much " good. He is strong and . wisdom, judgment, and phylosophy and is in highly intellectual and ambitious, deep, shrewd, every way a good, great and noble man, and he and artful, and full of reasons for every thing, has made great progress in spirit life. Mrs. Letitia Barbauld. A highly talent Bajazet 1st. a man of deep perception ed woman, of a wise, shrewd, calculating and strong individuality. He has a large head, mind. She has large causality, perception and very broad on the top, a large full eye, and intuition, and is methodical and comprehensive. *broad between the eyes, and long, black, straight She has a long forehead and very high top head hair. He has a very rounded body, but is not Her thoughts are deep and expansive, and her very tall. He wears a loose, dark, grey skin attractive nature brings her many earth and that looks something like a buffalo robe, and spirit acquaintances. She is full of knowledge vfery dark grey fur skin pants, and a round top and wisdom, and has made great progress in ?kin hat with a blood red feather in it. He spirit life. sits in what looks like a large birch canoe and Barbaroussa, (the Pirate.) A very bold holds a paddle in his hand, but he also shews me and cruel man with powerful individuality, large that he was a good horseman. He has a shield perception, self esteem and ambition, good madeof dark colored wood, and a large spear judgment and great stiength of character. He tipped with a blue stone. He was very active has a bold looking angular face, a full dark and has a wild cruel look, and has made slow gray eye, a large broad head, a very compressed progress in spirit life. mouth, large projecting jaws, heavy down to Lord Baltimore. A highly intellectual the chin, a massive neck, a large moustache and man with a strong persevering mind, and very a long beard. He is a large man in person? shrewd and determined. He had remarkably and very wise but selfish. He has a gay col^r clear perception and good j udgment, and a full ed coat on, and a blue feather in his hat which comprehensive nature. He had whilst on earth is made like a muff and has a queer look. His too great love for power, but has now progress- coat is dark red, trimmed with light blue silk ed to a better state of feeling towards humani- and silver cord. He sits on a richly caparison- ty. ed deep black horse, and hmds a large shield Joseph Balsam, [^Cagliof^tro.l A great and in one hand, and every thing about him looks wonderful man, with a powerful intellect and imposing and grand. He has made but little pro BAR 14 BEE gress in spirit life as yet, but is gaining pretty fast, now. Barbaroussa, (Frederic.) A man of strong individuality and large perception. He was a true man at heart and had many high and noble traits of character, but lived for ambition, which in a large degree killed his better nature. He was a great warrior and every way a powerful man. He wears a long loose robe with large gold and silver straps on his shoulders and a three-cornered hat. He is seated on a dark bay horse, and holds a spear in one hand, and a broad sword hangs by his side. He has on a pair of skin, cavalry boots, and holds a red and white flag in his hand, with a death head or skeleton face represented upon it. He has a large, bold and full face, rather a sallow com- plexion, a broad forehead, and is very broad be- tween his eyes, and has a long, big nose and dark brown hair, mixed with gray. He has not made much progress in spirit life. Robert Barclay, A profoundly wise, spirit- ual man, of deep, powerful intellect, strong individuality, large perception, and very large intuition. He is shrewd and full of spiritual knotvledge and wisdom, and highly benevolent, honest, truthful and noble ; and has made great progress in spirit life. He wears a plain drees, and has a long, broad, full face, a very broad fore- head, high cheek bones, a penetratiug eye, a short chin, and a sharp, smart mouth. Jacob Barker. A far-seeing, calm, and con- siderate old man, with strong judgment, large reverence, a religious nature, and a very clear mind. He is rather dark, spiritually, but is nevertheless a truly noble, good, generous spi- rited man. He has a good intellect, and is a cool calculator, and is in a fair state of spiritual progress. Baroxius. a cheerful looking man, but very cunning and deceitful, and one who would seek to please those who were over him, without regard to prmciple or the means used. In fact he represents himself as having been a very un- principled man, who did not believe in any of the relioious forms he practiced, though his love of power and name led him to deceive the very best of the people. He was inclined to rule in his pleasant way, but was naturally very bad at heart, and would even murder behind the cur- tain, if necessary to accomplish his ends. He bas a large, round, >ipunning looking face, and was highly perceptive, far-seeing and wise. He wears a dark pink robe, ornamented with little silver bells around the skirts, and a hat that fits close around the head, but is large and ful- i higher up, with a gold braid around the top of ^ it. He stands in a graceful attitude, and has great power of speech, but has not made much progress in spirit life. Bathsheba. An angelic-looking person, with powerful perception, strong individuality, and a high top head. There is a soft, bright circle of silvery light around her head and face, and she wears a wreath of beautiful feathers made in crown-like shape. She has a long face, high cheek bones, a large nose, long hair, and her countenance has a very smiling, lovely ex- pression. She has on a blue linen robe, a large purple mantle and beautiful sandals, worked with shells. She has a large scroll in her right hand, full of queer looking characters, like the following — {SeefacSimilie.) She has made great progress in spirit life. Jaxe Bawden. a woman ot a sublime na- ture, and one of the angels both of time and eternity. There are many who love her, and - she comes affectionately to mortals that they may drink from the pure celestial fountains of '> love, that emanate from her present immortal home. She is in fact a beautiful angel of light, who will illuminate many a dark place on earth, ' if permitted to enter. Richard Baxter. A highly intellectual ; and intelligent man, with a very down-cast lock, who was awfully fooled when on earth, and has carried his folly into spirit life. He had a won- , derful tear of his great parent, but he finds that . the true idea of a Saint's rest is not to sing : psalms in heaven, but to go to work and re- ; deem people out of the nonsense he led them in-i to". It is now his mission to get the Saints he made out of their false rest, and teach them how to work for progress. He has, however, made fair headway for progress in spirit life. Dr. James Beattie. A very eminent man of high intellect and great intelligence- He has a full knowledge of science and a wonder- ful capacity to unfold the problems of human economy and the ills that flt-sh is heir to. He has made great progress in spirit lifa. A^enerable Bede (by Spurzkewi). A far- seeing man with a highly cultivated mind, full of knowledge and wisdom and very revei'ential and religious. He has large determination, perception, and causality, very strong iutuidou and intellect, and great powers of cakulariou. He is very charitable, and has made great pi"og-> ress in spirit life. Lymax Beecher. a very far-seeing, solid BEN 15 .BER old man with a strong and bigoted, but very a full, strong intellect, with a good deal of moral and high-toned nature. He has a very Reverence, and high sjarituality. He was dig. strong brain with large individuality and deter- nified, and had a high toned, exalted mind, mination. He was benevolent, and very relig- and was very religious, and has made fair pro- ious, but just, noble and honest in carrying out gress in spirit life. his belief. He has made great progress in Anthony Benezet. A high toned man spirit life. with a brilliant intellect, and great intelligence. Rev. * * ***** Well, the truth He has very large benevolem.-e, full perception, must be told. He is a very deep, cunning, strong indivMuality, a retentive memory, and shrewd, foxy man, who is highly intuitive and deep sympathy. He has a profound mind, full intellectual, but not really hon'est and sincere of wisdom, and a great deal of penetration, and in his religious profession. He has no relig- precision. His eye is very expressive, and in- ion but church religion which he preaches for dicative of great force of character. He looks selfish purposes. He is, however, both wise very light, and has made great progress io and great, and has made fair progress iu his spirit life. spirit. James Gordon Bennett. A man of a Robert Bellarmin. An eccentric man of fearless, and radical nature, with a great and high intellect, full perception and great cun-, powerful mind. He is very material, and Lves ning and wisdom. He has a very high fore- mostly on the external, but cares not for popu- head and round face, and full, piercing eyes, lar opinion, nor is he troubled with petty fears, and he wears a black robe and a white neck- He is bold, resolute, and determined, and very tie, and looks something like a priest. He shrewd, and can be very hard in words, but is shows me some lithographic specimens and says nevertheless, a generous, benevolent, and good that he had an apparatus for executing them man at heart, and has made fair progress in when on earth, although he said but little about spirit.' it. He has not progressed veiy fast in spirit Richard Bently. A high toned man of a ®' beautiful mind, and most sublime nature. He Pope Benedict 8th. A man of deep per- has great intellect, and intelligence, and was ception, large intellect, strong individuality, very philosophical and a powerful logician .He great reverence and high self esteem. He has a has a mathematical mind, and a most wonder- large, full eye, indicative of great power and M memory, in which he seems to have stored force. He has a full, round top head, and was up all the history and ethics that have been a man of great shrewdness and high culture, written in the various languages of earth. He He wears a long, worked, white silk robe, and has most profound wisdom, and is altogether a has a large cross before him. He was of a very wonderful man. He has made great progress moral, benevolent nature, and believed in the in spirit life. doctrines of his church, and has made great pro- Thomas H. Benton. A deep, artful, -r> ^^^^ ^ * curfning man, with clear perception, and Strong Pope Benedict 14th. A man who was ^ r^ tj • ^- ^ r n \ mentality. He is very secretive and full ot very full or method and arrangement. He has ^i • -, • j. ^.i ^ - i n^-, ^ ° theories and projects that are not always of the however, a very dark cloud over him, which re- ^.^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ 1^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^j^^ comparison, presents the deceptiom he practiced whilst in ^^^ his brain is well developed in the financial earth lite. He did not then believe either in his j , ^ tt i ^ *- ,. . department. He has made great progress m own church religion or in that of his own nature . ., v^- ^ spirit liie. but was very wicked and full of folly and the ^ ^ ^t t , .. , ... ,, . . , -,-r Bishop Berkeley .He savs he does not feel practicmg of deceptive miracles. He wears a , ., , ^ . ,. , ' ■,-,,. ,,,,,.,,, . , „ afraid ot facing his character, and wdl give it worked, black silk robe, with a great amount of , . ,,. , r. , , • , ,. . ., -, . , rir , . , himself : and afhrms that he is a man of a dicrni- siiver cord on its edges. He has a great mtel- n \ . ■ i . ■ j ^ ' , • 1 ^ ^ . ,. . , °. , f ^ ,, , , fied nature, with a strong mmd and great selt- lect, strong mdividuahtv, and a round, full head, a- , i i ^ f- ,. . ,. ^. ° . ^ , . - , , ' ' esteem. Also that he has a powerful intellect, indicative ofmteli.gence, but has not made much g^rong individualitv, and a remarkable amount progress m spirit hfe. ^j. ^^^^^^.^^ H^ t^i^j.^ ^-^ ^^^-^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ Pope Benedict 2nd, [by Reischenbach.~\ A thing to him, as he would have been a very bad man ofa comprehensive but rigid, selfish nature, man without it. He has nob, however, as yet He had great penetration, large causality, and made very rapid progress in spirit life. BLA 16 BOE QtTEEN Bernice. A woman of a very nice, elegant form, and a well-developed intellect. She has a large forehead, a full, round face, a well-forraed nose and a full bosom. She is about five feet high, and wears a full blue skirt, hanging down to the feet, and a mantle on her shoulders, worked with red, white, blue and yellow silk, and she has a silver band round her head, bordered with gold. She has made great progress in spirit life. St. Bernard. A truly noble and upright man, who lived a pure, true life. He has a powerful mind, high spirituality, strong benevo- lence, and the deepest sympathy. He was good and noble by nature, and would have baen so, if he had not been in the church. He may well be a holy Saint, for he has progressed in the spirit world to celestial life. Note. As I wrote down the name ot St. Bernard, what purported to be his spiric immedi- ately entranced, the medium, whose countenance assumed a sublimely benevolent expression, that I am sure, no mortal could counterfeit, as he affectionately regarded me, and pressed my hand in his. Beziers. As me's sees him, he he's all covered over with fire. Him sparkles like silver waters. Hims heart looks like diamonds in big quartz rock. Him's shines like big red rubiss. Him's spirit he's like the big shiny gold mines. Him's he's in the big high spirit, and him's he's much good cheery. Bias. A very eccentric man, of high intel- lect, full perception, and profound wisdom, learning and knowledge. He has great intelli- gence and reasoning force, and was full of method and plan. There is a bright silvery star, resting on his head, and he has a most pure and celestial spirit nature. Count Bismark. A very strong, dignified, bold man, with large causality, perception, am- bition and determination, a powerful intellect and a far-seeing, forcible mind. He has great ability, is a clear reasoner, and has a singular completeness of nature, but is cold and selfish. He has, however, made good progress in spirit. Black Hawk. A big chief, but mighty much pale face in him. No mighty much red man. He big chief; he big strong chief. A big chief on war trail. A mighty much know- ing Indian, but be no clear red man. He good treat him well ; but he big kill no treat him well. He has made great progress in spirit life. The Black Prince. A cunning foxy man, of a cold, cruel, blood-thirsty, iron-like nature. He had large perception, intuition, and strong individuality, and was externally very reli- gious, but not moral. He was self-conceited and had large self-esteem, and was very hard and tyrannical. He has made rather slow pro- gress in spirit life. Sir William Blackstone. A far-seeing man who well represents wisdom, knowledge, intelligence and mental power. He has a full intellect and a large full forehead, and. he was a great critic and a most wonderful scholar. He is a deep reasoner and a profound philoso- pher, and altogether, was one of the wisest law-making men of the world. He has pro- gressed to the seventh sphere in spirit life. Hugh Blair. A very hard old soldier of the cross, who is at present in Elder Knapp's boiling hell of conscientiousness. He has a powerful intellect, but was very tyrannical in his views, and severely hard on all who did not believe as he did. He has a powerful brain, but a great part of his religion and reverence was expended in putting his neighbor into hell, from the pains of which, only himself and followers were to escape. He has not made much progress iu spirit life. Bishop Blanchett. As we see it on the ; roll the last syllable is spelled "cheutt." He j, is a very tyrannical, powerful and influential man, of great intelligence and intellectual strength and a lion-like will. He is not a man who will take a high sphere in the spirit world , and it will be a' long tiuie before one in his con- dition can rise much in ihe progressive scale. Boadicea, (Queen of Britain). A woman of deep intellect and good perception and intuition. She had some noble t'-aits of char- acter and did a great deal of go-^d for her peo- ple, but was of a hard, revengeful nature, and like most of her day, tyrannical and fond of wielding power. She was quite wise and very quick to see causes and effects, and has made good progress in the spirit world. Boerhave. Me no say qiion (welcome to wigwam) to him, cause he know mighty much more than this Indian. He be mighty big thinker. He be big rivers in him's heart. He make mighty much big rivers flow in other hearts. He hare mighty much swamp (intri- cate problems) in him's head. He be no good for indiin corn soil (the common mind). He be big, thick forest. He think mighty much. BON 17 BON He be a big, full brave, but he no have good was rather tyrannical and ambitious, and has cheer. He no have pleasant hunting ground, a very sober, downcast look. He has a large He be mighty much big think inhira's own wig- forehead and a broad top head, a large amount warn (thinks when alone). He stand on big of reverence, a great intellect, strong individu- hill, and he say sun rises miyhty much t^hiney, ality, and large • perception. tie has very He big, long, tall brave. He have big know great tenacity in advocating his faith, and still (knowledge) in him's thinker (brain). He be a believes in the doctrines of his church. He mighty much full brave of big know of things, wears a long red robe tied with gold cord. He He have bright trimmed blankets on, mighty has a very marked face, and has on a high nice. He pretty good shiner in big hunting peaked hat. He has not made very much ground, but he no go so high up as this Indian, progress in spirit life. Lord Bolingbroke. A very proud, far- Boniface 7th. A strongly individualized seeing man, of deep intellect and strong indi- man, of a most artful nature, with a bold, cruel, viduality and perception. He had large self- revengeful look. He is very decided, and has esteem, a powerful mind and a strong will, in- great intelligence, and well represents in his clinino- to tyranny. He has made rather slow face, hardness, power and force. He wears a ... 1.^ dark blue coat trimmed with sliver cord, and progress m spirit life. ^ ■ , , . , ., a four-cornered hat ornamented with silver tas- BoLiVAR. A strong, bold man, with large ^^j^ ^^^^^ 1^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^,^ corners. He has not individuality and very high st-lf-esteem. He ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^,.1^ progress in spirit life. Pope Boniface 8th. A very eccenfi ic man, is a powerful enemy, but a true friend when treated with respect. He is very wise and in- . ... . -, n •, n ^^ . . . 1,1 1 r. of great ambition and wonderful lull percep- dependent m his nature, and had a great love oi . tt • ^ n ^ ^ ^ ,„^ , ,. T 1 1 . 1 ,Y> tion. He has a very long face, and a hard, re- liberty, and sympathized deeply in the sutler- ... ., ^ . t./.j j V,. XT. • 1 1 . 1 1 ligious look, and is very dignihed and over- ings of his country. His ideality is large, and , . . ,. , tt i ° , *' - ,1 bearing in his nature. He has a great amount he can be a verv good or a very bad man. ,. ,,. , , , ,.,,, , f, „ , , ; *=* . ..,.;. of selfishness, but very little charity or syrapa- He has made good progress in spirit life. ,, ,. , ,, ^ •.-, , ^ ^ <=> ^ thy, and is one who would control with tyran- Anne Boleyn. a person of a shrewd, com- ^^j^^j ^^^^^^ ^^^^ if necessary, enforce his will prehensive mind, and of a very affable, yield- ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ of others. He wears a long, black ing nature at times, though she is apt to go in- ^^^^ ^j^l^ ^^i^^ ^^^^^^ i^^^ ^1^^ f^.^^^ ^^ ^^^ to fits when she becomes tyrannical and deter- ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^-^ ^.^p ^^^^ ^ ^^11 ^^-^^ £^^,1^^,. mined. She is a woman who has a great de- j^ ^^ ^ j^^g^ ^^^^^ ^^^ b^^^g l^^„g ^^^^^^ sire to rule and make things conform to h.r j^^^ ^^^j^^ but he says that if people really wishes, and is very intuitive, far-seeing, perse- ^^^^ ^^^^_ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ represent vering, absolute and commanding, though at ^^^^^ ^^uld not wear it. He holds a scroll in times she is kind and good, and at others very ^-^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^.^^ j^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^,^^ ^.^^ .^^^. severe. She has made fair progress in spirit ^^^^ ^^ ^^ printed), and says that if you do not ^ ^* believe they convey the true meaning of the *PiERRE Bonaparte. Him's makes me cross, you can ask any who are learned in think of big thorn tree^ Him's got many red the early languages, and they will bear witness berries on him's tree, and you go ro pick them to their truth. He has not made much prog- you get big thorns in your fingers, and you will ress in spirit life. only^ find the fruit bitter when you get it. p^^^, Boniface 3d. A highly dignified " * looking old man, and very foxy and shrewd. Napoleon Bonaparte. A man of a He was very bigoted, and had a great amount powerful nature, with deep perception, very ^f religious intelligence, but lived a pure life. strong individualisy, and the greatest ambition, jjg ^^g^^s a long purple robe, and has a pro- He was extremely selfish, hard, tyrannical and foundly solemn looking face, and very strong blood-thirsty, and deep and profound in wisdom faith in the doctrines of his church. He v/ae but not highly moral. He was very bold and exceedingly hard on those who did not believe determined, and loved war and blood-shed, and ^s he did, and has not progressed fast in the had a great desire to control the world. He spirit life. has, however, made good progress in spirit life. ^^^^^^ Bonner. It is spelled " Bonaw " St. Boniface, (Apostle of Germany). A on the roll. He was very avaricious and cun- real cunning, shrewd and far-seeing man. He ning, and had a powerful intellect, and strong BOR 18 BOU indiviiluality, and was altogether a very hard braves know when he's he's on trail; her'sbe s old man; but he has many friends in spirit tell-till-titendo nomousous f means) " sly, secret, life, and they have helped him to progress and artful one, who will deceitfully gain other's slowly. confidence and then betray them, and tell se- St. Francis De Borgia. Big brave, crets to those who will execute." Her's he's Bi^i biorh thinker. A big chief; he be mighty much bad, and her's he's jealous squaw, and much know. He have mighty much big heart, much bad. Her's be,s much inside developed He have big writer and a full luminary (illumi- devil. Her he's no good; her's he's all draped nated spirit.) He in high mountain, in spirit i^ big's reading letters. "A lie, a cheat, a hunting ground. He have much full know deceiver, a leader astray squaw, a bad squaw.'* ('knowledge^. He be brave who put much high Her's have to wear these round spirit world, letters together (a good writer). He know ^o light with big spirit. where all the way marks he's. He be good Sec'y Borie. A very intellectual, good chief, and have big heart. He be near big man, who is full of wisdom and knowledge, and ®1'"'^^* has a comprehensive mind and great executive Cesare Borgia A very selfish cruel man, ability. He is very sympathetic, and has larcre Ota po^vertul and determined mind. He was , , j V , ' '^ ^ ., . , . ,., 1, 1 Ti • ^ ' o^^nevolence and good morals, very evil in hi^ nature like all the Borgia fami- ^ -p, ° a , . , , . . , , Ti . -1 1 u • Carlo Borromeo. A highly intellectual ly who were alike tyrannical and overbearinor , , i i i . ^ •^ J J i. 1, a- 1 .1. ^ ^u ^"^^ ^oble looking man, of a most beautiful and cared not who suliered, so that they es- , tt . , T u . 1. u /^u ^ countenance. He has a very perceptive, kiod caped. 1 would not, however, say but that , ,, ,.,,, ,, ,T . , , . , J . 1 . and open look, a highly developed head, and a there might have been some good m mm. ,. „ „ . , • , , , ' .^, . ,-. T J- X A u 1 nu lull tdce With prominent cheek bones. He was (The same by the Indian.) A bad old brave. i ji ii , r^. n , • J 1 1 Ti- 1 • g^°^ ^"^^ bold, and seems to have been a man Hims be s m a very dark place. Hims being ,. , j • ja i , ,. , -, '. , , , . , ^ „ oi honor and influence, and one who did much carrying round on hims back big tubs of lore- ^ xi i j c ^ ■ .• /^A-ix ui 1 u- X. ^ ;y u ^^^ *^^ freedom of his country. He wears a tied (tetid) blood. Hims have bad smell. , -? j i 1 1 • , i- i ' . „. , , "^ . , 1.1-11 ,T , dress ot dark bhie with a little trimmino: around Him he's a mighty much bad brave. Him's no t . ^ , , , , , . , , 1 1. 1 X • • : 1 .' ^ his coat sleeves, and he shows me a leather mighty much light in spirit hunting ground. ,, i • , , . ,> , , „ . r,. , , . ° . . ^ ° ° scroll, on whicLi his ^cts for the good of the Him no love big spirit. i , tt , , ° ^ country are recorded. He has made great LucREZiA Borgia. A woman of deep in- progress in spirit life. tuition, large perception, strong individuality, t> /d- ? r nr , , •. r. oi f , ,./, BossuET (Bishop of Meaux). A very and very large ideality, ohe has a beautiiul, i ■, • ^ ^ . , . , „ ; , f. ^ r n 1 1 1 r ^^ s^rewd, cuauing, hard, tyrannical man, with cheerful looking face, full cheeks, large, full ^ • j- -j ,-. j n ^ -,, ° J . , . , , , ,,. "= ^ strong individuahty and a powerful wdl. He blue-gray eyes, and is highly intelligent, far- . ,a ^. ^ ^^ ^ . \; . . , J 1 o, IS ^'^^y selfish and not really honest, and has seeing, noble, spiritual, true and honest, ohe ^ ^ , i , , . . . ,.^ ° n ,1 n ^o*> as y^*: made much headway in spirit life, has but few ornaments about her person, and , . ^i • i i j ? • .,, . . , , , , . T, ., TT but thinks this day's experience will start him wears a dark dress something like tibet. Her , ° onward, hair hangs over her shoulders, and is rather wavy. She shows me a very humble condition ^^^^^^ Boswell. A man of high intellect, of life, which she says she mentally represents. '^''^^^ ^^^' ^^*^ ^^^^^ perception and individu- She has made great progress in spirit life. *^^^^- ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^'^^ ^*^^' ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^'^J „,,.,,. , hair, a large nose, dark hazel eyes, a large Note. — ihe above is no doubt incorrect, and , j u- i .• i . , ,, -, r. , , 1 \. broad chin, a very compressed mouth, and is probably comes under one oi the neads referr- u j u ^ ^l tt ^ , . \ ^ ., TT . very broad between the eyes. He wears a ed torn the preface, notwithstanding Lucrezias \, . ■^ j x ^ i. re . -i ,, \ , , , ^ 1 . . swallow-tailed coat and buff vest with blue averment that history has done her miustice. v i , x, . tt u i ,, Til Ti. .. broadcloth pants. He has made great progress Some weeks later, 1 asked an Indian spirit to ... v.. ^ o ' ^ . in spirit life, give the same person s character, and received the following, for which allowances should be ^^^^^ Boucher. A very devoted, noble made, as I had given expression to my ^°°^^^' ^^^^ ^^^°°S perception and intellectu- ^1 w 1- 1 T, ■ n J 1 ality, and a good, honest, truthful nature. She own thoughts which may have influenced the •" = ' ' ■ ,. -1 , u ui J- 1 • was full of Avisdom and highly spiritual when communication, and most probably did in some - : f ^^" , ' on earth, and has progressed in spirit to celes- LucREziA Borgia, (by Ardkoowhah, proph- ^^ ' ^' et and medicine man of Pequots). Her's big Daniel Bourxoulli. A far-seeing, noble sly, he's much look out for braves, and lets looking man, with a very strong intellect, who BRA 19 BRO seems to represent the hi;;hesfc condition of his head. He big on war path. He be big mind. He is a very high-toned man, and very knowledge. He ppeak big words to red man. deep in wisdom. He has a full face and a high He big shiner. He have big shiner in big top head, and holds a large scroll in his hand hunting ground. He be much big heart of great entitled, " Universal Power." He has made spirit. He be clear up in sunshine in spirit great progi'ess in spirit life. land. Secrktary BouTWELL. A Spiritual, kind, Thomas Bray. A man of a very reveren- benevolent man, who can see and coiDprehend tial nature, and a highly cultivated mind. He quickly, but is not so fully developed in the has strong individuality, large peception, great wisdom principle as he is deep in the intuitive, intellect, and a wonderful power of language, although very strong in his desire lor the ex- He has a large forehead, ^nd a wise profound ternal. His top brain is large, and he has ^^^^^ He might have been a proficient in ethics, great affection and is good generally. He is ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^ man for church and State, not fully understood by the people. jje ^^^^ j^ade good progress in spirit life. Billy Bowlegs (Seminole chief). Him's Brennus. A man of a high and noble spirit, he's much tinctured with the fire-water of pale with a very bold looking fad, a large mouth face. Him's have big heart, but pale face and long beard, and hair. He wears a singular make him's heart rotten, and him's be no much looking frock coat made like a highland dress high in spirit land. Him's no be true to him's ^^^^p^ ^^^^ -j. ^^^^^ j^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^ red men, and no be true to pale face. Him's deal of silver trimming on it. He has a wonder- no be true to nobody, and the Indian spirit f^i amount of equipage on his legs and shoulders land no like him. So they send him where ^^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^.^j, ^^^^^ hat trimmed with silver there be much confusion, for him's better suit- ^^^j ^^ ^-^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^ black horse compar- ed there. Him's no much high in spirit land, j^^^^^ ^,^^^. Ug^^j^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^ 1^^^^ ^p^^^ j^ Robert Boyle. A man of a powerful and ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^.^-^ i^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ profound mind, with full perception and great jj^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^-^ progress in spirit life. ambitio.i. He was evidently master of his John Bright. Avery intellectual, liberal mother tongue, for he has any amount of high ^^^ eloquent man, of a philosophic and platonic flown language at command. He holds a large ^^^^ of mind. He is far-seeing and full of intel- book in his hand entitled "Unity of principles, lige^jce, and profound knowledge, reason aqd, both in government and church." He is good wisdom, and has a highly moral and forcible, looking, and has a very high head, and has ^^^^^^^ jj^ ^^^ 1^^^^ causality, and almost progressed rapidly in the spirit world. unbounded benevolence, affection and sympathy. Marco Bozzaris. A very eccentric man. He has made great spiritual progress, of a most determined mind. He understood the j^^^^ Brought am. a" shrewd, decided, people well, and was wise and profound m Signified, powerful minded map, with large per- council, aud could foresee events, and follow ^eption, self esteem and ambitious. He was out and elaborate plans to meet the tuture with ,.,,.„. , „ . -, /. ,, ^ . , , ,. . , , highly mtelligent, and far-seeing, and full of great tact. Almost his whole success came ° -^ , , . , ,. -, \ . , 7 1.1 . ^ 1 . II- reason and loo;ic, but bijjoted and tyrannical, from his large perceptive faculties and his , „ , . ^ "■, ■ n r 1 n • ^ TT He has a full brain, and a strong desue for great knowledge of Tiuman nature. He was ^ r -, , ^ ■, ■ -. . . 1 r. ,, ^ , , n power, and was of a forcible and determined very enterprising and full or plans and very et- ^ ' , , , i „. . .., . , rj nature, but has made rather slow progress in ficient m carrying them out, and oiten success- . . ^ " ful in his undertakings. He has made slow progress in spirit life. J^^N, Brown, (of Providence, R. I.) A Colonel Brandt. Big chief. H^. got big strong man of a very sharp, shrewd, cunning,, heart in the bright spirit hunting ground. He comprehensive, calculating, religious nature, big gropDus (guardian) of red man. He strong ^^^^ strong perception, and determination, and big chief. He have mighty much big thinker one who was naturally very keen and smart, [brain.] He go up high mountain in big hunt- and a real money catcher. He was in some de-, ing ground. He have big heart [love] now for gree a benevolent man, but one who turned pale face. He have all his big feel toward red over his pennies many times befo3?e he let them man too. He say big roses (cultivated gardens) go. He has, however, made fair progress in grow now where red man go sleep in ground, spirit lite. and pale faces no dig him up. He have big Mosse Brown. A deep, shrewd old man,-. moons [thoughts wiren others are sleeping] in full of cunning and artfulness, but wise, percep- BRU 20 BUR ^ve, benevolent and very kind. He was a man destructiveness, great caLiulation, full comba- of high spirituality. I do not think he fully be- tiveness andsecretiveness, and great ambition, lieved in the religion he professed, but he was and is of a warlike nature. He has made fair a great help to man, and has raide great pro- pro^^ress in spirit life, gress in spirit life. Prest. Buchanan. A man of strong in- Mrs. Browning. A beautiful and angelic tellect, but weak in the perceptive and moral looking woman, with a great intellect, deep in- departments, and one who was too easily acted tuition, strong individuality, and large percep- upon and influenced by others. tion. She is noble, loving, sympathetic, and David Buffum Senr. A wise, far-seeing highly spiritual in her nature, with large rever- man, of a profound mind, and a ^reat intellect, ence, and hope, and every way honest, true, He was a good honest man, and always tried to affectionate, kind and 'good. She has reached carry out the Christ principle. He wa? a man celestial life. of great judgment, and in fact was a judge, a Jous Brown, (of Pottawattamie,) Big wild lawyer, logician and philosopher, and really chief Be's got all the twistum head (negroes) one of the wise men of the world. He loved of the big hunting ground round him's. Him's peace, and was a man of peace. He was threwd, be's a big chief in the big's hunting ground, but sincere, and truthful in his religion, and Him's be's a mighty much brave. Him's be's though a real money catcher and one who knew no fraid of any bodies, and [with whom] him's how to keep it, always got it honestly. He has goes fight. If him's have no much fight with made great proj^ress in spirit life. him's * [him's] be a great much light and ce- Tristram Burgess of R I. Him's be's lestial brave in big bunting ground. Him's be's a big brave. Him's be's mighty much strong with big braves. minded. Him's be's foxy. Him's pate be's Rev. * * * A man of a high and digni- like a thousand readers. Him's memory be's fied bul selfish and ambitious nature. He has stronger than Sampson's big paws (arms), a large, high top head, and is fall of reverence, Him's would kill all the owls that ever was and churchology. Hi is nat^urally very hard, raised south of D. C* Him's was no scare- and depravei, but is intelligent, and intellectu- crow, hims much wit and much sharp bill, al. He is very shrewd and cunning, has large Him's have eye? like big balls of fire. Him's self esteem, and perception, and is wise, though much could say big much hard words. Him's very self important. He is in fact, a real nose be the ploughshare of the rough ^rourid. hard old man, who has not made much spiritual Him's be's a mighty big brave, and him's be's progress as yet. no fraid of any bully. Him's be's shines in Bishop Brownell. A man with a highly spirit land, intelligent and comprehensive mind, but one Edmund Burke. A man of strong intellect .who lives mostly on the surface, and has not and one of the grand minds of his tin e. He rmuch spirituality ^e is on the material plan, was strongly material — or rather he was one : and is very devoted to the interests and who could bring out his interior thoughts and unity of the external church, but has little skill materialize them. He was very profound and in healing the soul. thorough, and could generally carry his point, Wm. G. Brownlow. a large brained in many ways, against those who fancied them- . man, with full perception, high reverence, and selves superior to him in wisdom. He was a sanguine deterniined nature. He Is very sar- really a great man, and has. made great pro- castic, and witty, and highly intellectual, iotelli- gress in spirit life. gent^ bold and forcible. He has a very angu- Aaron Burr. A strong-minded, immoral lar head, and a wonderful sharp, active mind, and powerful man, with very large intellect He has much light. and destructiveness. In fact he was a wise, M. J. Brutus, (the Tyrannicide.) A bold, bad man, but is, nevertheless, a progressive intelligent man, of a sanguine nervous temper- spirit. mant, and great shrewdness and wisdom. He Gen. Burnside. A very massive brain, has a very full forehead, large cheek bones, and but not fine enough in quality to give much under jaws, and a most determined looking face- depth of mind. He is good at heart, and rather He is very foxy and far-seeing, and has large sympathetic, and naturally honest and some- [ * Shanky probably alludes to Browns being hung by *The Indian probably means " south of Masons and Wise, whom of course he had but little chance to fight. Dixon's line, or District of Columbia." BUT 21 CAI what reckless. lie is true to his country, but has made ^reat progress in spirit life. his perceptive faculties are not strong enouj^h Lokd Byron. A very deep man, with to make him a safe man with whom to risk powerful intellect, intuition, and individuality, results in great emergencies. His love of ^^^ weak morality. He was very wise, but his country and other sound qualities would make animal propensities over-mastered his reason, liim a good civil offioer, but he is not really ad- ^^'^ ^^ ^^^ of too debauched and lust'ul a na- apted to war. He has a great deal of what I ture to rise very fast in the spirit world, although call enzeophic brain. [A spirit here en- ^^ ^as made good progress. tranced the medium, and said, " He means Lady Byron. A very intuitive person, of encepludlc. Rieschenbach."] a high-toned aflfectionate nature. She was Robert Burns. As you know how he very confiding, but lived unhappily, and in tact looked on earth, I will here give a spirit view of ^ 1'^*^ of insanity in her love feelings. She has him, now that he has thrown off his material ^ ^^^le intellect and full perception, and was passions. He has the same shaped face as he had "Ot one who beheved in a variety of loves. She when on earth, with the exception that it is seems very much depressed, and has made but fuller and more rounded. He has a mirthful ^^^w progress in the spirit world. look a high intellect, large individuality and r«A^..,TT^ /-ir- r rrt t. \ \ ^„« ™;.u „ ' ^ ' o J vADMUS, (/vtn^ 0/ Ineoes.) A man wi in a intuition, and a strong encephalic brain. He ^^^^ ^-^^ ^^p ^^^^ ^^^ forehead, a large nose, wears a Scotch Highland dress and has a Scotch ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^j ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^1 ^^^^ g.^ cap on h.s head. He has made great progress complexion is a brown of the darkest hue,bor- ; * dering on ebony, but yet not really black. He Horace Bushnell. A highlv dignified , i u • • ^ -^.u u i • a f ^ ■ = has long wavv hair mterwoven with all kinds oi man, with a very intelligent intellect, and a.-.^ a' r ii- cuu in '^ ' trinkets made or queer-looking fish bones, shells deep, profound mind. He is talented, eloquent, i ■ . o 3 x c " ^ J H > and precious stones. He wears a dress made of and self possessed, and full of his doctrinal ideas, .. ,. /• 1 1 • 1 xi . u j^ . *« , . the skins or wild animals that reaches down to not vet having progressed out of the old church i- 1 a i, u u- u j • „i.. ^ ^ '^ his knees, and he has on his head a curiously creeds. He is very dark, spiritually, but is 1 j u i. • • j .. ^u ■*.!, ^ • ^e '' ' ^ ^^ worked hat, joined together with strings of growing more liberal, and gaining in hght. ,-, ■, /• un j , ■ iiui- r, ^ ° 00 beads made of shells, and his whole bodv is cov- BiSHOP Butler. A great historian and , .^, , ^-r ■ • c ^a ' i. .^1 ^ ered with a beautiful equipage of dinerent col- writer, and a man of a most profound and phi- tt u j . • 1 1 , , - , . , ^^ ,. , ors. He has a very determined, savage, cruel losophical mind. He was high-toned and had , , j u u 1 1 r i 1 • • 1 •« ^ . " look, and he bolds a funny-looking spear in his a great intellect, full perception, and a wonder- ij^u, ^v ^^..u-u e f '. TT hand that seems to be made of the jaw-bone of ful mind and brain. He was of rather askepti- 1 • j j- i: u tj i, ^ i • k ,•„ - some kind of fish. He has progressed high in cal nature, but at the same time was inclined to . •. ,./. , ... spirit life, be reliyious, in accordance with the Christian ot^., i„ ^ XT I • 1- Caiaphas. He will not come forward to standard. He was, however, very wise when ^„..^u .„A I ^. A. 4. • • -J. show himself, but he is represented to me as be- on earth, and has made great progress in spirit ^ 1-p ing a large, • fleshy, pompous-looking man, and * * / vz- • • J- T31. J T 1 jv that he wears a silk robe and hat, both trimmed * * {nnllwnairie of Rhode Island). u . 1 A . ^„ „.ic k I 1 • ■ \A -^L with gold and silver. I am also told that he A very selhsh, hard, avaricious old man, with *=' 4-\ ^ x- ^ ^ A r ■ A ■ has a hard, iron-like face, and a very dark the fox and secretive cunning very predomi- ' ' ^ nant in his nature. He has large perception, countenance every way. I cannot get a re- with a great deal of shrewd calculation, but is Presentation of him in full, but am sure small in benevolence and extremely penurious. !^^^ ^« has not made much progress in spirit I He has not made much progress in spirit life. . Gen. * * * a very poor man for the Cardinal Caieton. A very liberal, no- 1 country, and one you can not depend upon, ble-minded man, with powerful mdividuality 1 His morals are far from being of a high order. ^^^ s^^o^g perception, who stood by the rights He has a great deal of intellect and a large of the people. He has made good progress in brain, but far too much- of it is low down in spirit life. the cellar. Bilious lymphatic temperament. ^T. Caius, A very good moral man with a Butler {Poet). A very eccentric man, high intellect and great intelligence. He has a of strong intellect, great intelligence, deep per- queer-looking, hard, cold, sober face with an ex- ception, strong individuality, high morality, and pression that some would call saintish. He has fulj. of wit and humor. He is a good spirit, and large cheek bones, a large thick nose, aud a full CAL 22 CAN broad high forehead. He was kind and benev- Pope Callixtus 2^d. He big brave olent to some, but was tyrannical towards those mijrhty much lightning in his head. He be big who refused to conform to his dictation. He spider, make many webs in his path, and runs wears a long purple robe, and has not made over them but other braves get catehed. He much progress in spirit life. big brave, he got mighty much devil in his John C. Calhoun. Avery long-headed, heart. He no got mi^ihty sun.hine iu his think- deep, prophetic man, with a great intellect and er (mind.) He big fight and he got mighty strong individuality. He is highly moral but much dark moons night on his spirit. He no cunning in the prosecution and procurement of have warm heart. No be any good brave. He his ends. He is great in intellect, perception be full of war enching (making) spirit. He and intuition, and full of logic, reasons and ar- have a mighty fine green blanket that look like goment, and clear-headed, and true to his pur- green leaves, but no flowers grow on him's spirit. pose, and in fact he is in every way a very Him look mighty nice on outside but him be strong and mentally great man. , black as nigger devil inside, and he be no high Caligula. A man of deep profound wis- in spirit hunting ground, dom, but cold and unsympathetic, and the John Calvin. A real strong and tyranni- height of his ambition was the exercise of un- cal man of a hard, selfish and destructive na- limited power and a tyrannical will. He was a ture, and very powerful in the defense of his large sized man with a veiy broad head and doctrine. He is now in the dark pit and still bold face, a hard, stony individuality, and continues to suffer in the hell he doomed o;hers deep perception. He has not much desire to to. He was highly intellectual and logical, but progress and has made but little advance in very material, spirit life. Cambackres. A very logical philosophical Pope Callixtus, 3d, (Bt/ the Arabian man of a highly developed profound mind. spirit.) A very deep, cunning old fellow, who He has* great penetration, is methodical and wants to know what he is called here for, and calculating, has a comprehensive intelligent in- says that he has not a ray of light to impart, tellect, and a very dignified nature. He has He has a bald head and a very bloated, red- made great progress in spirit life, looking face. He says that he was a temper- Soion Cameron. A man of very deep ance man, but he looks to me as if he loved affections, but one who can be too easily mould- brandy. He has however a very intelligent ed and influenced by others in the interest of look, and is shrewd and awful full of divinity self-aggrandizement and power, and smooth words. He could calculate very Camoens. A very high-toned, far-seeing losely on the Church and the State, and seems man, with a wonderful intellect for one of his to have been a kind of priestly lawyer, that nation. He loves powo- and likes to be noticed, could talk all of the rest of the world dumb, and he has a great deal of knowlei ge and wis- He is a real old hero, and just as full of artful- dom, and a very perceptive look. He was very ness as he can hold. He has on a white shroud forcible and naturally good, and was often a and has a long white beard. He does not have great benefactor to those he came in contact much desire to progress. What think you? with, and has made great progress in spirit life. He looks just as though he could stand the test Cambyses the Great. A bold and great of fire. man with strong Individuality, perception, and (The same, hy Chase) A shrewd hard-look- self-esteem and high ambition. He has a large ing man with a great intellect, high reverence, face, large full nose and eyes, high cheek bones, and one who was very full of the Church. He dark brown complexion and hair, and large has a smooth looking full face, and is dressed in thick lower jaws. He has a hard, cruel, and a long dark robe with worsted trimming, and a highly dignified tyrannical look, and a most large crowned hat decorated with white cord magnificent suit of armor of a steel color, and and tassels. He did much on earth to fetter over this a beautiful gay dress of many colors, and retard others, and has not made much pro- He has made some progress in spirit life, gress as yet in spirit life. Canonocus. A strong highly perceptive The Arabian who took advantage of my man. Hare is his character best expressed by temporary absence, complains that I have himself spoiled his synopsis of Callixtus by toning it "Full of wisdom as the dragron root is of down so much. smoothness, heart deep and profound as the CAR 23 CAR ocean, broad as the seashore and high and exci- ful intellect, and a high-toned, far-seeing n. ting as the dashing waves, full of cunning as but, very selfish and bigoted. H^; is highly in- the red fax, with intellect as full as the ears of teHigent, but very gro^is and material. Hj is indian corn. He was the chief of Sparkling strongly individualized— has large perception, Waters, clear, true, noble and good." He has and a large brain, and is logical and argument- made great progrcFS in spirit life. ative, and full of reasons /or his thoughts, but Canute THE Great. A deep cunning man very lacking m spirituality, in which he has with verv strong intellect and good perception. ^^^'^ hut little progress. He was' self-conceited, hard and tyrannical, Carneades. A rough but witty-looking and had but little feeling or sympathy, but was «»an, of a very eccentric nature, with high cold, dark and revengeful, and a source of trou- cheek-bones, sunken cheeks, long hair and a ble to the people and country. He has not ^on^: beard. He has a hard and very queer progressed much in spirit life. ^o"'^' ^^^ ^^i'^ ^^^^^ ^^'""^ '^'^ ^^^^ ^ S'^eat .nan. Canonchet. Him's bright as the morn's He wears a beautiful dress and holds a scroll of beam. Him's full of the love of b'g spirit as parchment in his hand, r«'.presenting that lie the sun is full of rays. Him's is big in him's was a writer and calculator of some note. He heart as the big swelling ocean. Him's he's has made fair progress in spirit life. strong in him's thinker as the tides of the sea- Carnot, Him's head be Uke the roar of shore. Him's speak big truths as the thunder mighty oceans. Him's eyes he's like the can- makes big loud. Him's be swift as the chains non's mouth. Him's face he's like the moon, of lightning in him's progress. half-eclipsed. Him's body he's like the big Hugh Capet. .\ real trump this fellow! logs. Him's he's big chief, and kim'& heart goes He holds fast by his dignity and has a very for- like big sounding guns. Him's he's very big cible look. He has powerful perception, and brave. Him's^ be's a dark brave, was rather a shrewd, cunning, foxy man, though Caroline {of George IV)' A highly not very wise, and was one who was capable of dignified-looking woman, of a selfish, tyrannical the hardest kind of deivds, and did a great deal nature. She has a piercing, full, dark eye, of a of un seeming mischief. He has a very fresh, blueish cast, a large back brain, large destruct- cruel-looking face, and as I should judge was iveness and full intuition. She had naturally a fond of power. He has made rather poor pro- great love for power, and seems to think still gress in spirit life. that all here bhould bow the knee to her. She Caracalla. a very strong man with a was a strong, cruel, and deceptive woman, and powerful will and a very selfish, artful, cunning, had wonderful governing power. Death and cruel, destructive nature, but he had many bad paisery are engraven on her face, and she h ss enemies on earth. not made much progress in spirit life. Caractacus. a powerful, hard natured, j^an Baptiste Carrier. He big mo*s tyrannical, bad man, who possessed a certain bank (very large). He mighty big pale face. kind of intellect ; that is, a perceptive intellect. He big un war path. He big brain. Big find- and some wisdom, but was selfish and passion- ^r of war path. He know bow big kill must be ate. He was sharp, secretive, deep and artful, done. He know mighty much. He got big and was a great curse to his people. He has, scalping-knife. Have mighty big book in hi'^. however, made some progress in spirit life. hand. He have on mighty much nice blankets Cardinal Caraffa. [hy Stvedenborg.^ all trimmed with white and red. nave in head A very hard and conceited old man, who has bright big feather. Him's be in shining hunt- an ideal heaven or purgatory of his own. He j^g ground in spirit laud. has not made much headway, became he is so ["The description ot the ?ame, which follows, anxious to set up a little kingdom of his own. ^^s given some months after the above.] He meets all the religious natures he can, and ^Sg Chase.'] A most powerful man, with a tries to persuade them to come to his heaven, of ^^ry forcible mind, and one who was great in which he claims to be the main lord and God. carrying his point. He was most sure to ac- He gets a good many for a little while, but he eomplish what he attempted, notwithstanding soon loses them, as their quality of spirit rises, ^be opposition of persons less wise than himself, in a short time, above him. He is in (he second ^bo often suffered in consequence of their elTorts quality of light, and has made slow progress, to counteract him in his plans. He has made Thomas Carlisle. A man with a power- g^eat progress in spirit life. CAS 24 CAT Kit Carson. B'g old war brave. He have He be mighty much grand. Him all trimmed biiir scalping knife, and \onor war clinker over with funny trinkets. He big thinker ; big (gun). He be a mighty much wild brave. He much know. He be big devil. Ele no have cunning. He got mighty much injun in him much friend in spirit hunting ground. He got He be real oak tree — ^no one can tomahawk him no any light; he be in big hell, where all be down. He be a big war brave. Me see hims^ black, and no sunshine. in big corner (place), and he jump and skip like Lewis Cass. A very tyrannical n»an, of little fones (fawn?). * He migln^y much quick powerful will and strong intellect, but not very him's walkers (walks fast). He big chief He good perception. He is rather cunning, and have on short, dark blue over blanket. He find naturally desperat', and full ot the essence of braves; and he big much fox. He have big mischief. He has not made much progress in much know (knowledge). He go big hunting spirit life. ground. Big spirit have to wash him all over * Emelie Castelar. A highly intellec- before he can be shiny. He be now shiny (has tual man, with a strong, perceptive, far-seeing progressed). mind, and one who is much admired for his Des Cartes. A man of very strong indivi- clear, deep judgment. He is very wise and duality, great intellect, and a philosophical comprehensive, and lias a great deal of careful mind. He has a broad, full top head, and a very calculation, and abounds in useful knowledge, quiet, but queer look, and it is evident there is which he gives out for the benefit of others, great power* in him, for you can see it, stick out. and is, on the whole, an extraordinary man. He was a wise, far-seeing man, but bis large He has made fair progress in spirit li^e. face has a care-worn expression. He has on a Lord Castlereagh. A forcible, intelli- dark purple robe, studded with stars worked in gent man, of a srrong, comprehensive mind, yellow silk. He has made great progress in and remarkably full intution and perception, spirit life. ' and lai^ge self-esteem, ambition and destructive- Elizabeth Carter. A most beautiful ness. He is very intellectual and talented and spirit, and a 'wise, good woman, of fine culture possesses great power of observation. He has and great sympathy and affection. She has made great progress in spirit life, large perception, and is full of benevolence and Sir George Cateret. A man of great charity. Her head is large and full, and she wisdom, and a thorough determined mind. He has a most noble looking face, and in fact sym- had broad, clear perception and great executive pathy, affection and goodness seem to pervade ability. He has a comprehensive, observing her whole being. She holds a large amount of nature, and was very straightforward, and sel- writing in her hands, and she has risen in spirit dom bent from his purpose. He had good life to the celestial sphere. judgment and was kind, and has made good Las Casas. A very strongly individualized progress in spirit life, man, who was wise and good in many things, Catharine of Aragon. A woman of very although he was inclined to covet power. His good' perception, and a good adviser, and full perception was not very good, but his judgment of plans. She has a care worn face, but is was sound, and he had a strong mind He has kind, calm, and good looking withal. She has made fair progress in spirit liie. a brilliant iniellect, and represents herself as Casimer 1st (^Poland). A bold, tyranni- being the saviour of her husband and aninstru- cal man, with a very cruel look. He was great ment for doing much good she never got credit forcible and ambitious, and has large self-esteem for. She has made good progress in spiiit life, and firmness, and a hard nature. He St. Catharine of Sienna. She comes a lar^e, broad top head, large urder-jaw,as here with an old black bonnet on, and a long dark complexion, dark black eye, and a very cloak. She has a very deep, cunning nature, expressive face. He wears a dark crimson and is a good representative of the cat in sly- colored sack made wrapper- trimmed, with gold ness. She has a round face, but a vtry sharp cord. He has not made much progress in spirit nose, and deep grey eyes, and is intellectual, lif/. intuitive and perceptive, and though not with- Caius Cassius. Big chief. Big kill. Have out faults, was very benevoltnt. She has a mighty black eclipse over him's head. Dark made slow progress in spirit life, gr^en vipers crawl around him's feet ; big wolves Catharine 1st, of Russia. A strong, pow- growl round him's vitals. He mighty big devil, erful woman, with large intuition and full per- CER 25 GIIA ception, and very wise, but selfish and rather and strong individuality, and self esteenn, but of plodding. She was strongly individualized, a revengeful nature. lie was highly ambitious, and had a \ery strong will. She had many but not very moral, and has now a sullen, ugly good trails in her character, and has made look. He has, however, many frit nds in spirit good progress in spirit life. Ufe, and lean see that he has made fair pro- Cato. a most dci^p, profound and strong gress, although he will not fully represent him- man, with a greats intellect, strong indivi lu- self. ality, and a very h gh spiritual head. Alto- Cespedes, (of Cuha ) Ht-.'s be's a well gether he was a wise, cunning, powerful man, formed brave. Him's big war chi' f, and got's and has progressed very fast in spirit life. mighty much nice blantcets on. Him's be's a Count Cavour. A man of power ul Intel- big's much know brave, and a big's much strong lect, with a most d-ep, far-seeing, strong mind, brave in thinker. H m's be's council brave and He has large perception, and a great dial of bim's a big old much seeing brave. Him's have the commanding nature, and a disposition to pretties on him's shoulders, and shiney on over use it when he can. He has great tenacity of bim's back and breast, and long ssalping knife purpose, and works from motives and self-ends, by him's side. Him's be's a tough old brave, and he loves to show his influence and to secure Him's big chief. Him's be's means to be's big the world's flaitery. He is ambitious and chief and gets the tribe (ro go,) much long trails somewhat conceited, and is fairly moral, and a^ter much many big kills, and him's be's a one who would do much for the benefit of the "»"^^ g'^eat old brave. Him's no be's see the people, fo the sake ot praise, or that it might big spirit in much long time, sound to the world. But nevertheless, take Julius Cesar. A man of strong individu- him all in all, he is a well developed man, and ality, deep perception, and large self esteem, somewhat spiritual though not fully expressed He was rather wise, but vep^ selfish, immoral as yet. He has made fair progress in spirit ^"^ cruel, and altogether a blood thirsty, hate- ife. ful, tyrannical man. He has not made as yet Wm. Cecil. A most profound, far-seeing much progress in spirit life, man, of powerful inrellect, and a very great Augustus Cesar. A man ot a high and planner, and calculator. He is wondrous strong ^"^^ religious nature, but cruel and bard to all and fall of thoughts, a scholar, a lawy^.r, a phi- outsiders. He had strong stlf will, with very los6pher, a lojiician, and in tact, was a very strongindividuality,a..d determination, and most great and powerful man. He has made good inordinate ambition. H^ was quite moral for prDoress in spirit life. bis day, but selfish, and unkind, and very ty- POPE Celestine. a man of a firm mind, rannical.' He has come into the philosophical and great tenacity of purpose. He has string spbere in spirit life, which has helped him much individuality, and perception, and represents I and through the aid of friends, lie has made most tyrannical nature. He has not much faith considerable progress. ofany kind, and says that all things are false, both S. P. Chase. A good-hearted man of human and divine. He does not seem to be- <1««'P judgment, and a careful examiner of lieve in anything, but exists independent of all whatever he undertakes. Plis intellect is not, and declares that neither God nor man is to be perhaps, as strong as some mens, but it is good trusted. He is awful in his feelings, and has and of a kind that derives more of its power not made mm-h progress in spirit life as yet. ^"^^^ intuition than me ital reasoning. He is Celsus. a man of deep and profound w.s- "o^ really a great logician, but he is good and dom. He was very intellectual, and had large benevolent. self esteem, but not much belief in his -nature, Stephen B. Chase, (hy Spurzlieim.) The and was very bitt jr in some respects, and fore- writer of these characters is a man of a power- ed argument up( n argument to disprove the ful intellect, and a very logical, philosophical, doctrines of the Christians. He was both logi- and comprehensive mind. He is truthful, pro- cal and philosophical, and was much feared by tound and wise, and very dignified, proud and the church. He has a large fa#e, and a full spirited. He has a great memory, and deep eye, and wears a plain, neat, brown dress. He perception, and though very positive, is highly has made very great progress in the spirit sympathetic, benevolent, and kind hearted. He world. is observing and metholical, and highly spiritual Cervantes. A man of deep perception, and very broad and liberal in his views. CHA 26 CHA He is a man of (jreat integrity, but shrinking! y he loved. He wa3 highly ambitious, and en- sensitive, and of unbounded love and affection, couraged broils and contentions among his He is free from even the mediiation of harm to peers, that he might the more readily control others^ and wanted to do all the good he could, them. He was very simple, and did not fully He was by nature secretive, and at times very understand the higher laws of wisdom, but was pleasant. He was of a deep, spritual nature, coarse and gross, and not very moral, and alto- and his soul was too much developed to remain gether a hard man to deal with. He has, how- in earth life. He was exceedingly careful not ever, made fair progress in spirit life, to hurt the feelings of others, and his religion Princess Charlotte, {of England). A was to do good, and bis worship was to love person of a very formal nature, who has not yet and admire the universe of God, and give praise risen out of the little petty notions she wa? to all knowledge, light and truth. He was a possessed of on earth. She is highly dignified good, true m^n, but earth was too cruel for bira and has large self-esteem and small perception. and he is now enjoying the blessedness of epirit Although lenient at times, sha is naturally ty- life, free from the anuoyances of selfish and rannical, and is not very deep, though rather wily men, where he is making rapid progress. shrewd and cunning in some directions. She Thomas Chalkley. A man of a high has made slow progress in spirit life, order of intellect with strong individuality, Charles 9th, (of France). A hard, sel- clear perception, and full intuition. He was a fish, powerful, tyrannical man, with strong in- good and wise man, and seems to represent dividuality and large perception. He has a great firmness and tact, And quickness of mind, very cruel look, but has, as he says, wonder- He is high toned, and when he says anything fully softened down since passing to spirit life, it is to the point. He was kind and benevolent, in which, however, he ha^, as yet, m.ide very and did much for the benefit of mankind. He slow progress. \^as divinely impressed, as he calls it, and has Charles 12t^, {of Sweden). Avery self- made great progress in spirit life. willed, sober, solemn, bold looking man, with Rev. Mr. Chapin. A truly noble. Christian- a bushy face, and a hard, tyrannical nature, like man, of great ability, and full of wisdom. He was cruel and very determined and power- He is very intelligent, intellectual and compre- ful, and always resolved to have his own way. hensive, far-seeing, and talented, and rather Even if he knew himself to be in error, he conservative, but of a good, true, deep soul na- would not give up, but insist upon his being in ture He is logical and phiio-ophical, and the right. He was a dangerous man to encoun- now shines bright as the stars in spirit. ter, as he knew no fear, and would carry his Dr. Chalmers. A real solid old* man, as point regardless of consequences. He was tall firm as the rock of ages and of so determined a and large in person, and had strong individu- mind that all the spirit world cannot turn u. ality and perception. He has made but slow He has a very strong faith in his old theories, progress in spirit life. and seems to take them in now and swallow Charlemagne. A man of deep, profound them with as great gusto as he did in earth life, wisdom, large perception, a very far-seeing He has a great mind and intellect, and is not a mind, clear reasoning faculties and sound judg- bad man, but rather good, and is very profound ment. He was strongly individualized, and in learning, and full of reasons, and notions im- had a great intellect, and though highly ambi- bibed when on earth. He has, however, made tions, generally tried lo act for the good of the some heal way, and has progressed to the 4th people. He had great method and plan, and sphere in spirit life. was very forcible in carrying out his measures, Dr. Channing. A ncble, true, honest man, and though rather selfish was moral and honest, with a great intellect, and highly intelligent, and has made good progress in spirit life, intuition. He has altogether a very strong in- Charles The Bold. A man of deep per- dependent nature, and is a true philosopher, and ception, strong individuality and a wolf-like na- a true believer in wnat he professed and taught ture. He has a hard, sorrowful looking, large on earth. He his made great progress in spirit square face, dark hazel eyes, very Ligh cheek "'^- bones, a thick nose especially through the mid- Charles 5th, {of Spain). A man of strong ^le of it, a large rough mouth, a very angular individuality and a powerful, piratical nature, head, broad in its back, and shajzoy hair. He although he was kind and affectionate to those has larcre combativeness, and ver/ cruel do- CHA 27 . CHI .^^uctiveness, and he wears a dark blue coat way, but cared little for external things, and is trimmed with red and white and bordered with carelessly and oddly dressed. He has on a gold and silver fringe, and dark blue pants queer looking cravat cross.d over his bosom, trimmed also with red and white, over all of and his coat is in two parts and buttoned or which is thrown a long cloak reaching nearly fastened both before and behind, and seems to down to the feet. He wears high boots made be calculated to wear either side out. He has of some animal's skin, with silver tassels hang, rather a short, full, square f^ce, a laughing ing over the sides. A red and white sash mouth, a broad forehead, high eyebrows, a crosses his shoulders and helps support a broad bald head and rather shagiry be^rd. He has a sword that hangs at his side. He has not powerful intellect, strong individuality and made much progress in life. large perception, and has male great progress Charles 2d, {of England^. A man of i^ ^W"^^ 'if^- rather weak intellect and mind, but a great ty- Chedorlaomer. A man of powerful struc- rant. He was naturally cruel and easily led. ture physically, with a da'-k cniii.lexion of a He had much cunning, but lacked wisdom and greyish hue very much like the Spaniards, judgment greatly. He was a very hard man, H. wears a fanciful, long dress and a bright although he has not so much to answer for, as I'^oking crown. He has a large, bold face, a from his lack of wisdom he was made the tool very long, peaked nose, and a remarkably of others, and therefore was not so consciously large muscular arm. He has made good prog- bad as he otherwise might have been. He has ress in spirit hie. mide good progress in spirit life. Bishop Cheverus. Here he comes, full o Charles the 1st, {of England). A very ^eai men's bones. He was very hard and blood-th-*r.ty man, of a hard, cold nature. He selfish, and (ull of deep cunning and artfulness, had great physical strength, and was very sel- and a great tyrant, and, in fact, a cold, bad, de- fish and quarrelsome, and has a bold, indepen- ceitful man, with no more religion than a can- dent look and bearing. His intellect is not nibal. He was intellectual and strongly indi- strong, hut he has fu 1 perception and large in- vidualized, but not moral, and he has made dividuality. He was artful but not wise, and slow progress in spirit life, rather easily led into war and cruelty. He Langdon Cheves. A most splendid man, lived very much in the lustful condition, and of deep principle and strong character. He is was neither moral nor spiritual, and has not ^^uly noble, profound and wise, and rather made much progress in spirit life. spiritual. He is moral, rrup, -ood and great, Chateaubriand. A ch ar-headed man, of and I admire his high princii)le, his lofty ideas, a comprehensive, thorough mind, with a high, and his broad, expansive views. He has made broad, intellectual head, clear perception, fair progress in spirit life. great power of reflection, and a condensed na- Mrs. L. M. Child. A woman of deep soul tare. Altogether he is a talented, intelligent, nature, and one of the pure, the good and lov- brilliant man, wise and full of superior ideas, ing persons of humanity. She has a deep, in- and has risen to the seventh sphere in spirit. tuitive, confiding mind, and is truly noble and Lord Chatham. A highly intellectual J"^t. She is what I call a ten fuld Christian, man, of deep wisdom, and though benevolent and is highly intelligent, intellectual and com- and kind, was yet very selfish. He had lar^e prehensive. She has great penetration and perception, and was very active, but of a whim- method, and is very determir.ed, and is now in mish nature. He has a gre«t many friends in i^e light of spirit life, without knowing it. spirit life, and has progressed fast. CniLO. A very eccentric old man, with a Thomas Chatterton. He has a great in- crinkled, dried-up looking taee. He has a tellect, and was a deep, perceptive, cunning, ^^^^^ \rM^\\^^t, and clear, lull perception. He far-seeinL. man, who had a wonder'ul talent to ^^' ^ ^^^^ ^^S^ forehead, a large head, long put together the broken Iragmen s of revolu- gra} ish hair, and a long beard on the upper tion (or resolutions) harmonize discord or mak- lip- He holds a great bundle of parchment in ing it worse if ocasion required. He has large his hand, and has a strange way of scribbling causality and wonderful powers of speech, rea- his characters. He represents himself as being son and logic, and depth of plan, and is a wise very learned, and says he figured largely in the good and very progressive spirit. things of earth; sometimes tor self, and some- ^ . , , . , . times lor the good of others. He has made fair Lhaucer. a man who was proud in his ... ..r progress in spirit lire. CHR 28 Ci.A Rev. John O. Choules. A man of a w ars a fine black coat and a white ueek-tie. strong, decided mind, with large s} mpathy and He was a very hard man, and has not made bcinevolence, but his religion made him very rapid headway in spirit life, though he seems hard, so far as the God he worshipped was con- now willing to proiire^s. cerns d. He was, however, take him all in all, Cicero. A good man, and history has not a good man, and has made fair progress in given him credit for one half of his wisdom, spirit life. He was profound, de£p and full of knowledge. Christina (of Sweden). A dignified, high- and very intellectual, eloquent, benevolent and toned person, but very belfish. She has gT eat kind. He was a large, powerful, soui.dly de- power of mind, and is deeply intuitive and wise, veloped man, vtry deep in law, learning, and but very designing and full ol plans. She has philosophy, and naturally good. He has made great ambition and large self-esteem and calcu- rapid progress in spirit life, and is near ;he ce- lation. Although her face looks very sublime, lestial sphere. there seems to be much cunning hidden under Cincinnatus. Big chief. He be mighty the surface. She was of a very independent na- much better than other brave (Cassius), but he ture, and believed sincerely in her religion, and be not mighty much bright in the spirit hunting has made the way clear to rise into higher life, ground. He be great thinker. He have bad She has many friends in the spirit world, and heart. He kill and have many kill f killed) has made great progress. do him no harm. H'^ be no cjood He have Jesenu Christna. a very queer-looking not mighty much good spirit. He be in big con- man, who seems all absorbed in the Gods of his fusion. He no like to come here. He hay he day. He was very intimate with Bramea, and have no big heart — no love the Great Spirit, was the instrument of a heathen religion. He Thomas Clarksox. A man witli a high was blind in many things, though very cunning toned intellect, and a very finely developed in carrying o'lt his plans. He was a man of organization. He has strong perception and nature, and had a great amount of experience, individuality, and a profoundly philosophical and was very determined and full of high faith, and brilliant look, and certainly a great and and naturally a scholar, but has not been much wise mind. He was a man of great capacity, interested in religion since he passed from earth and intelligence, and a profound reasoner. life. He is quite anxious to come to you now, Some wonderful things seem to have been stored and say, "let the past die, and think of me in up in his brain, and he is a learn-d, noble look- the living present only, as one who has dropped ing man, and has made good progress in spirit his former errors." He has made fair progress life. in spirit life. JoHN Clarke of Rhode Island. A wise Christophe. a more benevolent man, and and good man who did what he believed to be a man of greater wisdom than the other (Touis- right, and carried out his own deep soul feelings sant). He is great for Irgh and noble action, He had a great intellect and was a wise planner and naturally jealous, but can be a good, true- for the State and government. He had a great hearted man. He has a strong intellect, and and profound mind, and was a noble, just and large perception, and is shrewd and wise, and true man in his nature. He has a highly reve- full of self-approbativeness. He has large rential look and holds faithfully, as yet to his causality and individuality, and was a great old earth rehgion, but he has nevertheless pro- lover of power, and more ready to govern than gressed to about the third sphere in spirit life. to be governed. He is a strong friend to those Bishop ***** A man of great who treat him well. intellect, strong perception and ve-y high spirit- Chrysostom. a man who had a great uality, with large selt-esteem and a great deal deal of plan and force in his nature. He was of pride. He is jealous of his reputa-ion, and a great advocate for keeping the people in ig- to preserve his influence teaches doctrines that norance and blindness. He has a very broad he does not himself really believe in. He has, head, and the top indicates great reverence however, progressed fairly in spirit, for his religious doctrine. He was a tyrant in Appius Claudius. A man of large indi- his way, and a great man for doing the work of viduality and perception, and of a strong tyran- destruction. He has a great intellect, and a nical nature. Since passing to the spirit world wonderful power of looking into things, and he has repented and grown out of many of his planning the best way to rule the people. He earth errors and is now willing to learn and CLE 29 CLI seek for true knowledge and wisdom. He re- Pope Clement 8th. A far-seein", shrewd, presents himself as having been a very hard foxy-looking old man with a very smooth face, man on earth, though not quite so bad as re- and a most cunning as-pect. Jly was a highly presented. He has a large bold face, a high religious, strong-minded man who coveted pow- head, a dark chestnut eye, thick dark brown er, and was full of ambition and the love of rule, hair, and a highly dignified but hard look. He He was very wise but sharp-looking, and tyran- wears a dark hat, and a beautiful coat trimmed nical in his religious nature, and loved to hold with bell-formed gold buttons, and there is a all power in his own hands. He has a great cross hanging around his neck and a number of deal to do now in the way of helping up those others about his person which he says represent he pulled down, and has not made very much his cruel nature on earth. He has however progress as yet in spirit life, progressed into light and is makingfair progress, Pope Clemknt 14th. A man of strong Henry Clay. A man of a great and even- faitk although his god was a selfish one for rule ly-balanced mmd with a very marked moral and power, and this he wielded for the depres- character. He has great honesty of purpose, sion of the people. He was tar-seeing, wise s very conscientious, and truthful, sympathetic and perceptive, and a great planner lor his own and kind. He has very deep intellect and in- selfish ends. He was a hard, cold, dignified and tuition, and is full of reason and wisdom, and self-determined man, and fond of rule as was altogether a great and good man. shown whilst in his earth life which was cut off Senator Clayton {pf Delaware:) A very by poison. He had a moss powerful will, great material man of the most determined mind judgment and strong individuality, but he has who was anxious for the downfall of all but his not made much progress in spirit life. own household. He was highly intellectual Pope Clement 9th, A real determined, and observing, but had little development of hard, selfish old man, with a most cruel look, his spiritual nature when on earth, and has He has large intellectual powers, and is of a made but little progress since. very forcible, iron nature. He was not a true Father Clemens, (Romanus.) A far-see- man, and did not believe in the religion he ling, good-looking old man with large benev- professed. He was, on the contrary, a great olence and charity reflected from his fact, aud a deceiver, and full of deeds of sin, and although pleasant, fine-looking eye. His perception is ^jge and very perceptive, he was very deficient large and he has a great deal of spirit light Iq morals, and had a most wicked heart. He about him. He is noble in mmd aud full of has not made much progress in spirit life. the principles of charity, truth and honesty, and PopE Clement 2nd. Big brave; good, carried out in his life and acts the Christ prin- large brave. He mighty much cunning, foxy ciple. He has a good intellect and prolbund and sly. Braves say he no good ; but me say wisdom, and has made great progress in spirit he got bright look. He got no much mighty hfti- sunshine in spirit world. He have bright FATHH.R Clement. A highly inteHigent, shiner over him, but he no yet get in it. He intellectual far-seemg man, with a strong mind got secret heart. The big brave no good in and a harmonious noble nature. He has a heart, but some braves call him good. He be round head and a lull high foreliead, and was big brave— big chief, but big spirit no like very reverential, religious and good principled, him in heart. tie wears a plain black suit of clothes made of Cleopatra. A very strong, far-seeing, silk and wool. He was full of wisdom, and al- gglfish woman, with deep intuition and full of jways meant well and was true to his convictions gpint impressions. She was attended by what |He has made great progress in spirit life. the ancients called familiar spirits, but many of I Pope Clement 5th. Big brave. Big lie. them were low and selfish, nor did she always jHe mighty much blood running in his path in adhere to her highest spirit teachings. But khe spirit world. He be no good in the bright though her oracles were cruel, she was bunting ground. He no go to shining corner of rather .wise and perceptive, and had many ex- ihe pale face. He no be any good. He big cellent qualities, and has made rapid progress ievil. He be good as the other (Clement 2d.) jq the spirit world. \on\y he show more bad out on him's face. He De Wit Clinton. A powerful man, with no mighty much good heart. Big spirit no great depth of thought and intellect, and a {trust him. strong conservative nature. He is very cool, COD 30 COL and has stroncr individuality, and a power of ia,ge perception, and a strong determined will. lie is highly religious in his nature, but mind. He was highly perceptive in his dispo- drawn too much to the flesh pots of Eg}pt, and sition, and strongly developed in the wisdom is not remarkably' progressive. There is too principle, and he had a full active intellect. He much of an air ot importance in his bearing, but had large destructiveness, but was a man of in- he i>-, nevertheless, a very strong man, and has tegrity, and justice, although be wa3 somewhat made good prosiross in spirit life. blinded through superstition when on earth, but Lord Robert Clive. A highly intellectual he is clear now, and has made good progress in man, of great intelligence and a most profound spirit life. mind, with full perception and a wonderful Elizabeth Coggeshall. A noble and power in formii.g- and carrying out his plans, pure woman, that every one might confide in. He has a dignified and brilliant look, and is s^e was naturally loving, and her heart was far-=5eeing and full of knowledge. He was very ^s sympathetic as heart ^could be. She was smooth of speech, and well qualified to carry (.^uly a Christian spirit, and has risen to out and fulfil the duties of the station he occu- ^igh sphere from whence angels return bringing pied, liis eye is sharp and piercing, and he ^^ter from Elysian shores for poor weary was a good counsellor and strong reasoner, ^^^^^^^ ^^ j^j^,^^ y^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ p^.^ and altogerher an eminent personage. He has g^gss in spirit life. made o^reat prepress in spirit life. o -n i-i . . , ° t- f r gjjj Edward Coke. A very eccentric but Clothaire 2nd, (King of Soissons) A philosophical, dignified looking man, with full straight, erect, good looking old man, and high- perception, and intuition, and a great intellect. ly dignified and polite. He is wise, and has jj^ jg ^^^^ ^^^-^ i^^j^^^g^ but has a far-«eeing full perception, and a great intellect,but a cold, profound mind, and is good, noble ana jast. cruel, expression. He has a large He was a good thinker and rea^oner, and very broad head, and a full forehead, and wears a i^gi^^j^ ^^^ ^^^3 a wonderful^ constructive beautiful dark purple dress coat, with a large talent. He has made great progress in spirit collar trimmed with silver cord, aud a satin vest j^^^^ and rose colored pants. He has on a peaked ^ ^ ^ r-. i t^ n r.. , ^ , , . , . . . Luther Colby, (Ed. Banner.) Big cheer crown risinop up around his head m a curious , n- t ,• /• i i -ft- , « , ^^ ® ^ , , , orave. Big Indian cornfield. Hmi^, De's great style. He has onlv progressed, as yet, to the , . tt- » i r- , . , , . . •; ,.„° "^ much raise corn. Hims no plant corn for third sphere m spn It lire. ,. tt- » v ji- .- , ^ ^ ^ - 1 1 1 /. T • nothing. Him s dig round him so him makes Clovis. a man of a good deal ot dignity ,. ° -rx. , . , , ■, i i. , . , ,. , /• 1 , TT "1"^ grow. Him'* be s good brave, and him's and verv fond ot the respect of the people. He , ~ .. .,,., , , , , , , • ,.. , ,„^ ^ , be after spirits with him's tomahawk and scalp- had great ambition and strong selr esteem, and . , •^. Tx- » 1. , !_• 1 At , ° ,„ . , . - , , , . ,, ing knile. Him's be s bior brave. Me s sees was selfish and tyrannical, and loved to wiela "^ ^ n ,•••,•,,• i , . ^ ,, , , ,, , sun, moon, stars all shining m him s thinker, power over his fellow men, and have all to bow ^^. , , . ^ • , • , , ^ , . ^^ , , , ij L Him have big tire in him s heart to warm many to him. He was rather moral, but could be . . , "^^^ , , , , , . , . , _r^ , 1 r . ... hearts with. Hims be s much sharp lu nim s very cruel. He has made fair progress m spirit. " j u • ? i u i i •' r , 1 6ves and him s cltar cornorber pate can look Skcy. Cobb. A man of rather a smooth ' u r.u j i i t' u- » , through much of the dark places ol him s sur- surface, who did not really want to harm any tj- , l , u , u- i ' ... 1-11 roundings. Him's be s much know. Big heart, one. He is very intuitive, but not logically , . ... ■ •. . • .i.- i u- i v , . ° big soul, big spirit, bio- thinker, bio; round brave or philosophically deep, sensitive and rather , • , , . nr , i • , , . , . f , , / , n „ ,. , , , on him's head. Me specks bim no need saltmcr kind and benevolent, and full of good thoughts, , ^ . ,/ ,, •• ,-,r" ,.,,,,, ^-. ° . down to keep when he gets to spirit world, for which he lacks language to express. He tries ,. , , j /-• x . • i. • , , , , ,? .,, . himsbes cured (m) this hunting ground, to be harder than his nature will permit. ^ ^ ° ° Wm. Corbett. a far-seeing man, with a ^^^^ President Colfax. A very smooth, very fine and well developed brain, and a pro- gentlemanly looking man, who is just uow much found philosophical mind. He has high intel- i° ^^shion. He has a good intellect but is of a lect, broad, lull benevolence, and a noble ex- ^^y ^^ture, and thoOgh perhaps as good a man ^ pansive nature. He was very intelligent, and ^s the times and circumstances will permit, 1 a powerful thinker, and has done much for the should not be trusted too far. ■ good of the people at large. He has a high Admiral Coligxi. He shows me a vision toned spiri-, and has made great progress in representing a most awful and heart-rhrilling soirit life scene, wherein he shows me a great platform Wm. Coddingtox, (of R. I.) A man of with himself standing in the centre of it, but he I CON 31 COO will Dot tell me what the vision means. This braves with the big sharp sythe that mow« is all I uan get from him. down both great and small in superstii-h. Her Admiral Collingwood. A highly digni- heart throbs like the pealing notes of tl)e bird, tied looking man of a very brave and compre- and her he's the sunlight of the earth's hunt- hensive nature. He has clear perception and ing ground. Her he's mighty much in bloom large individuality, self-esteem and cahulation for spirit, and tier got no many dry stalk. and a look and bearing that indicates a tyran- Lewis Conde, {The great). A very cruel nical rule. He was far-seeing and had strong and hard looking man, of great cunn'ng and individuality, and large casualily. He wears a most savage nature. He was very shrewd and dress trimmed with red and gold-colored satid wise, and a great calculator and planner. He cord, and has made good progress in spirit life, has strong individuality and perception, and a Columbus. A man of large ideality and great deal of force in his nature. He was very intuition, with a deep strong mind and a high foxv but clear headed, and one who was much moral nature. Pie was very benevolent and feared. He wears a beautiful dark green, mili- spiritual, and had strong perceptive faculties tary cloak, and has a very full fcice and large and great power of conception and plan. He under jaws. He has made slow progress in had a mathematical mind coupled with a great spirit life. love of the beautiful, and was altogether a just Condorcet. A very careful, calm, even, col- and truly great and good man. He has made lected man, who was ever a strong and consist- great progress in spirit hfe. ent friend to the cause of the depressed. His CoMMODUS. A tall and not very fleshy, but whole life was more evenly balanced than strong, muscular man, of a deep, foxy nature, might be thought possible under the conditions He has a very hard, sharp face, a bold, revenge- and surroundings that attended him. He was ful look, and a strong, powerful will, and was rather material, but is now making good pro- very deep, secretive and deceitfuh He has gress in spirit. strong individuality, intellect and perception, Conrad 8rd. (Emp. of Germany.) A and was not moral, though noi. so bad a man as powerful man, of a very dignified determined is represented in history. He has made some nature. He has large self esteem, ambition, progress in spirit life. intelligence, with but little sympathy, and a Confucius. A deep and wise old man, cold, hard, cruel look. He has a large full with large benevolence and individuality, and a back head, thick lower jaws, and rather a bril- powerful intellect. He is of a brunette com- Hant mind, but has not made much progress in plexion, and has a very eccentric look, with a spirit. high peak in the part of his head where posi- Constantine the Great. A large headed tive power is located. He has an oval-shaped qM monster, while on earth, and he is still car- face and forehead, high cheek bones, and a r) ing out his deviltry in spirit life, by intluenc- strongly marked nose, being both wide and j^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^,^^^^ round in shape, large full eyes of a dark hazel -, tt r i . .• ^,. ° . ^ ness and wrong. He was a powerful man, indi- color, and a clnn expressive of decision. He • i i-. , i j ,i ^ . . ' . f , , viduahty, and a very bad man morally, and m IS about SIX feet in height, and is altoo-ether , . , ^ n n ^ i , , ', , • J 11 1 his nature, was lull of lust, and he has a areat a good, true, honest, lust and noble man, and -,,,..,,, , , , has reached celestial life. ^'"^ "' '' ^""' ^'^og^'^er he was a cruel, Wood- I Mrs. J. H. Conant, (Banner circle). Her '''|4'^^7\;i7lt|-e ' "'''' *' ^"'' ""^^ *"^ j he's a big water pit, and her he's a healino- to 1 1 spring. Her's fountain never gets dry, for her ^^^^- ^^''^^ ^^^^- ^ ^^^^' far-seeing, I draws mighty much water from sj^kit lands- trong-willed man. He was a great calculator, I I Her no need he's fraid if there he's big sharks' ^"^ ^^^ ^"^^ perception, and strong individuali- j|in her ocean of spirit life 'cause her can swim ^^X' self esteem and ambition. He had a deep^ mighty much faster than sharks. Her he's big expansive mind, and was a great adventurer, white tulip all in bloom, and her spirit go and possessed such endurance that he seemed (give) out much good smell to earth's hunting able to go through with most any hardship, grounds and spirit life. Her he's big gquaw, He was wise and cunning, and full of desperate and have mighty big feel in her heart for all undertakings, and a great man for finding out braves and squaws. Her be's mighty much secrets in distant lands. He is now here, and »harp, and her be's after the big steeple-house says that he did a great deal of good, as well as COR 32 CRO a great deval of barm whilst In earth life. He the external, he loves the right ailfi if possible ha<, however, maile great progress in spirit life, would carry it out. He would have great Peter Cooper. A highly intellectual and ps} cological influence over those around hina. moral man, of a determined mind. He is one He has deep perception, a good intellt-ct. and who acts much under control of outside influ- large comparison, and has made fair progress ences, and is very planning, at the same time in spirit life. that he is proud and dignifi.'d, in his nature. Cosmo 1st. A strong, fine looking man, He ha^ a clear comprehension of the writings with a powerful will, who lyas never easy in his and institutions of the day, and sees deep in- nature, for the reason that he was so. much flat- to things generally. He has great executive tered for his personal beauty, which seems to ability, and large perception, but is spiritually have excited his pride and self esteem to such blind. He is, however, externally sharp, and a degree that he became babirually grand, dig- far in advance of the generality of mankind, nified and pompous in his demeanor. He has He has made good progress in the worlds de- a large, broad forehead, a full, round red cheek, velopmint of spirit. and is very fair to look upon. Although not Copernicus. A very logical, intelligent, ^o wise as some, he has a great intellect, and far-seeing man with a strong full brain, full clear ^^^ very perceptive and intelligent. He was perception, and very shrewd, and intellectual, ^^xy, cunning and cruel, but has nevertheless moral and good. He was a high toned reason- "^^^^ ^^'^ progress in spirit life, er, and a philosopher, a man of great ability, Arch. Cranmer. A very determined, and mental power, a thorough scholar, and one powerful man, of deep wisdom and perception, who understood the laws of life and the people, a ^'^^^j religious nature, and an iron will. He He has made grear progress in spirit life. ^^^ made some progress in spiric lite. CoRiOLANUS. A man of strong intellect, Thomas Cromwell. A far-seeing man, of a andof deep profound wisdom, with powerful in- ^^^^^ "^'"^ and ahold, tyrannical nature, with dividuality, but very little sympathy in his na- ^^^""g individuality and perception, large de- ture. He has high cheek bones, and a full nose, «tructivness and eventuality, and a powerful , ^, ^ ^ ,-c \ u XT intellect. He has a large face, a full, crray eye, and the most beautiful eye brows. He wears a , , . , " ' ^ o j j ^ . , 1 r- J ui 1 J 1 1 a large, thick nose, and dark brown hair. He very singular coat made of red, black, and blue , , , ,, , , ^ ,- , , ... , , ,., ,1 r 1 wears a long, dark blue cloak, and a high hat, material tbat looks like the dress formerly worn i,,j,r i- , ,t^i?tt . -, r ^"^ holds before him the a/ms of England. He by Eixvptian soothsayers, and a scarf passes over , jr.. ... ,.^. ~^ J °- ^ ' ' t- jjas made fair progress m spirit hie. his shoulder and comes down on his left side ^ ^-^ , . ., TTu ^c^ ii-Ui. Oliver Cromwell. A man of profound where it is tied. He has a self important but a . , . ^ . . ~ I 1 ] I 1 J i. i.1.- 1 -^ u wisdom, very deep perception, and strong indi- very firm bold look, and seems to think it be- ' . f t' r » o \ , • 1- •. X . ^u- 1 J viduality. He had a very laroe intellect, and neath his dignity to come to this place, and -^ . <^ > , , , i. ru- o \irTu \ £. i. lar^re adhesiveness, and possessed a bold strong asks me what you want of himi* When he first ^, tx • l , i 1 , , 1 1 ^1 .. T 1- ij 1 I. mind. He was cunniiio^, but very truthful and came he demanded that I should make a bow , "^ -^ ^_ ^ , . ... J .1 • ^ T J 1- moral, for tQe times in which he lived. He was to him, whi .h, under the circumstances I dechn- ' , J . TT- 1 J 1 . . .^ a really great man, and although a warrior, ' I doing. He has made slow progress m spirit , , ' . =* , and a hard man on his enemies, he was natural- life. _,' „ A 1 1 /• . . ly honest and good, and has made rapid progress Peter Corneille. A noble, far-seeing, great . . . ,.^ ^ r r o J • u I.- u * u J J 1° spijit hte. and wise man, with a high top head, and a powerful intellect, who, though rather of a hard David Crockett. Big old brave. A real nature, did a great deal to stir up and elevate old big mueh aheer (very happy.) He be aU the people. He has strong individuality and "^'^^^y °^"c^ fi"^- ^e big laugh, and he like to perception, and was naturally self witted and "^^^^ ^'S ^o\se. He go big long trail (journey) determined, and a man of power. He is bold He find much big stories to telL He tell big and fearless, and has a noble looking face indi- stories. He be big much thinkers, but big cative of great talent, judgment and mental much in brave thinker (knows much.) He have strength. He has made fair progress in spirit °^'g^^y "^"^^ g^^d cheer in the big hunting 1 j^g ground. The big springs of the big spirit run Hernandez Cortez. A brave, wise and <^own on hims head while he in earth hunting good man, of great power and determination. 2°""^' "^^ke hira clean and nice for big Although a material man, and living mostly on ^P'^it. CUL 33 CYR John Cotton. A tough old brick, as hard Curran. A very logical, far-*seeing mrni. as a rock, and a real trump in the spirit world, of a deep, philosophical mind and a poweilu He is very moral and has a large share of reasoner. He is highly intellectual, and has brain, a full intellect, and a strong, powerful strong individuality and great calculation, mind, but he is set and self-willed, and full of His countenance is expressive of all that is lib- notions. He is far-seeing, and has great judg- eral and noble, and he is altogether a very ment, and, in fact, would make a good judge marked and learned man. He has made great for others, but not for himself. He is, how- progress in spirit life. ever a very long-headed man, and seems to Quinctius Curtius. A man of a strong and have understood his business when on earth, highly developed brain with a wonderful pow- •nd, in fact, is making good progress in getting er of mind. He has a high back head and lull out of his earth notions in spirit life, though he back brain, with large perception and selfishness, has but little light yet. a strong intellect and great con' rolling power. Couthon. a clear headed man, of strong He has on a long flowing wrapper of an oran.'^e intellect, and very fully developed in the basic color tied about him with a narrow belt orna- brain. He has a strong, far-seeing mind and mented with all kinds of characters like the great powers of observation. He was remark- following {see fac simile) , He wears a cap folded able for his judgment, wisdom and calculation, on the top in two folds with a tassel hanging and though rather tyrannical by nature was be- behind. He has made good progress in spirit nevolent and kind at times. He has made fair life. progress in spirit life. Archbishop Cuthburt. A very intellect- CowPER. He has a full, high moral head, ual, ambitious and powerful man, of the great- and a large, broad, benevolent face. He was est determination. He is far-seeing and has a strongly individualized, deep in wisdom, logi- comprehensive mind, a strong religious nature, cah far-seeing, and high in spirituality. He and is very sharp and dogmatic and fond of has a very expressive mouth, high cheek bones controlling. He has made slow progress in and large eyes, and has made great progress spirit life. in spirit life. • Cuvier. A dignified man, of a highly intel- Sec. Cox. A very kind, true hearted man, lectual, logical brain, with large comprehension with deep perception, great force of will, a and causality, some ideality and benevolence strong intellect, and very moral and good. He and a deep, profound mind. He is very de- is wise and not very hard, and has clear, cided and full of reason and wisdom. He holds comprehensive mental wisdom. a large book in bis hand, and represents it as William Crutch. A very sincere, intel- containing his best thoughts. He now adds, lectual man, with great reverence and intuition "Thought fully expressed is the god of man." and a powerful mind. Pie had a great deal of He has made great progress in spirit life, the sanguine in hisspirit, and was a good reason- Lucas Cyril, (of Alexandria^ Egypt). A er, and very kind and truthful, but dignified in very shrewd and far-seeing man, with full intel- his demeanor and nature. He was a medium lect, perception, individuality and large com- when on earth, and although he died by vio- bative powers. He has a low, broad forehead, Jence, has made great progress in spirit life, a large base brain, and was of a cruel, war-like (At the conclusion of this communication the nature. He was very determined and had medium manifested uneasiness, and remarked large destruotiveness, and was full of greed for that h© was distressed with a sensation like power. He has a dignified look and was very choking ) wise, but his face has a striking resemblance to j Capt. Paul Cuffee. A real good, honest the bull dog's, and he was of a powerful and [man, a truly bright spirit that soars high in the tyrannical nature. He has not made much \ realms of moral progress. progress as yet in spirit life. Archbishop Cullen. A strong, deter- Cyril, {of Jerusalem). A very hard old mined, tyrannical man, with a fully developed man, of a tyrannical nature and a cold, cruel intellect. He is very fastidious, tenacious, look, but he is intelligent and wise, and has a sanguine and religious, but immoral and lustful, wonderful power of will and intellect. He has and much addicted to gratifying his selfish pro- a full, beardless face with but little hair on pensities. He has not as yet made any prog- the top of his head, and he wears a long white ress in spirit. silk robe, tied about with a large purple cord DAV 34 DAV and tassels. He is a hard looking old sinner, "0!may that cuss, Jeff Davis, and was altogether a deceptive, immoral, mur- Without compassf sail or oar, derous man. He has not made much progress ^.fsEkTSSiSrem and stem, in spirit life. -A-nd a whale engulph him down in turn, J^ ^ . , , , , ^^^ *^® I^^vil get the whole concern." Cyrus the Great. A carnal and hard rm. -i- , .. . . ' •^, . • r 11 ,- 1 loe medium's ffuardian here interfered and it man, with deep cunning, full perception and . ° u^i c^ cu auu lu large destructiveness, and of a cold, tyrannical r^ • • i • 1 1 XT 1 J 1 1 : u- I- J 'avis IS a highly moral and intellectual man, nature. He has progressed slowly to a high r j • i i ■, . ,.^. • • •. IT ° or good wisdom and verv good principles when condition m spirit life. , ? , . , ', , ^ A u t.1 I- ^' . °® knows the right, but he has rather a poor Daniel. A highly prophetic man, a great • i. r i. ,i , . , J r , . • J 8-gtt for the world, psychometist and a powerful magician and ta- ^ , t^ , ., , . , -.u ^ n .• J ^^^'- John Davis. A man of large per- mer of wild animals, with full perception and . , , . , .. '^ f ,. TT . 1 r n u J ception and observation but of a puritanical strong medium power. He has a large full body, ^t . .„ ujj^u^ AT A 1 nature. He has a strong will and was highly head and forehead, a round face and a long, . , „ , , * , . , . = - , 1 , , TT • ^ -, ^. [ intellectual and very careful m his executive dark beard. He is now present and says that ,^ tt i i , ^, i. /• *u u J •*• .1 11 Blatters. He had good strong judgment and the account of the handwriting on the wall „ , . , . . . , ^i *i • 1 * J • • "^^^ generally sound in his conclusions. He and many other things related in connexion , ■, n • „ .- ,• u . .- n ^ *u V. u has made fair progress in spirit life, with him are substantially true, though he r => r never served any other king than Nebuchad- ^^^'^- ^ ^^'^ 8°°^ ^^^^^^g' '"^^^^ sized nezzar, to whom he made himself very useful ^^° ^°^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ''^ ^^^^ ^'g^) ^'^^ » He states that he held control over the lions ^^'^"^ ^^^^ ^°^ ^^^^' ^ ^^^^ ^""^ beautiful eye, a through the magnetism of his eye. He has round dimpled chin and a very mild, pleasant, made great progress in spirit life. handsome countenance. He has large intellect Dante. Avery strong-willed man, with a and eventuality, high reverence and spirituali- deep, powerful intellect, large perception and a *^' ^^^^" perception and great intelligence, great exoansive brain. He has a brilliant look ^^ ^^' ^^"S white hair and a long white beard, and was 'of a highly liberal, logical and philo. ^^^ ^^^'^ ^ P"^P^^ ^^^^ ^'^^ ^''^'^^d him with sophical nature. He has progressed very faot a Imen cord, and a sheep skin mantle. Head- in soirit life ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^°° much given to women and Danton.' a wonderfully far-seeing man, with "^^^^'^'^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^°"^ Uriah's wife. He al- deep perception, great wisdom, and large am- «« 'states that he was very ambitious, selfish and bition and self esteem. He was of a hard na- tyrannical, that he dealt hardly with the people, ture,and while on earth ordered many to be ^nd appropriated God too much to his own es- sacrificed through the agency ot others. He P^^al use. He has made slow progress in has long been an earth bound spirit, but has ^P^^' ^ ^' now began to progress. A. Jackson Davis. Avery shrewd, cun- Arch. Darbois. a shrewd, calculating, cun- iii»g man, of very large intuition, ambition and nlng, and religious man, of a comprehensive and perception. He has a full high top brain and ambitious nature. He has causality and reflec- is very spiritual, logical and philosophical, with tion fully developed, with large self-esteem and a great amount of spiritual reverence. He is determination. He has no moral principle and of a kind and noble nature and is altogether a is one who will take the advantage of any wonderful man with a wonderful experience, man or woman, though fortunately his social He has made great progress in spirit, influence is not great. He has made but slow IVIary Davis. A person of a deep, intuitive, progress in spirit. controlling mind and a firm nature. She has Lord Darnley. A very selfish, wily man, strong individuality, causality and self-esteem, with a wonderful perception and is one who and is intellectual, intelligent and spiritual, can inflict without compunction a great deal of and altogether a liberal, noble, kind and earnest suffering and misery on others. He is not even woman, full of love and affection for the suff'er- as high in benevolence as his Queen, so that ing ones of earth. She is very high in spirit, you may know that he has not progressed Sir Humphrey Davy. A man of a scienti- much in spirit life. fie, philosophical and logical mind, and of pro- Jefferson Davis. As this name was plac- found wisdom. He was highly dignified, corn- ed before the medium, a desperate spirit took prehensive, considerate, calm and practical, had control and wrote in frantic haste great capacity and breadth of thought, and DEM 35 DIL has done much good in the world. He has at the time under the full belief that Democri- made great progress in spirit life. tus and not Her aclitusvr ai.s the weeping philos- Pauline Wright Davis. A woman with a opher of Greece, fine philosophical mind and a most beautiful Demosthenes. A very intellectual and nature. She is far seeing and intellectual, has perceptive, deep, profound, powerful man. He strong intuition, is very benevolent, and highly was wise, far seeing, moral and philosophical moral, spiritual, and intelligent. She has large intuitive, and strongly individualized. He was sympathy and is full of charity and love. She kind, benevolent, honest, just, and did much in is very strong minded and has a determined the cause of liberty and freedom. He was will, but has°made great progress in spirit. scientific and had great judgment, and *Henry L. Dawes. A man of a strong was very shrewd in all of his observations, decided nature and a powerful mind. I should He has progressed to celestial life, think him honest and trustworthy. He has a Raymond Desere —A man of a very com- good intellect, and is progressing fast in spirit, prehensive, reflective, practical and thorough Deborah. She is the most beautiful and mind. He has a penetrating, decided look and most cultivated woman that has been brought was very forcible, and could see the motives of before me. She wears a linen dress with a individuals very clearly. He was a powerful camel's hair mantle hanging over her shoulders actor and very determined, and has made fair and holds a scale in her hand that she says is to progress in spirit life. weigh the good acts that are done on earth. VVm. Dewsbury. A very moral and She stands very straight and has a silvery good man, of full ideality, deep spiritual intui- looking plate hanging round her neck on tion and very large benevolence. He has a which is written, "To the world ! God is the lull, expressive face, very high cheek bones, a mightiest of the mighties, all the hosts of earth long head through from forehead to back, short, and of spirit life are to bow before him." She light brown hair mixed with gray, and a very has a well formed face and a large full forehead, high forehead. He wears a full suit of plain Stephen Decatur. A bold, far-seeing tan colored clothes, and his coat is ciit more man, with a calculating, methodical, systematic, slantingly than those worn by his sect in the practical mind. He has large perception and present day. He has made great progress in destriictiveness, a mechanical intellect, strong spirit life. observation, a proud, dignified ambition, and a ^^^^j^ Dickinson. A person with a fine most forcible determined will. He is very in- beautiful mind, and a great, broad intellect, telligent, and has made good progress in spirit ^^^q jg very logical, philosphical, intuitive, ^ife* perceptive, far-seeing, intelligent and clear. Democritus. a profoundly wise, far see- g^^ though noble, loving, liberal, just, kind and ing, shrewd and foxy man, who is full of design, ^ery spiritual, she is yet dark to the light of and claims to have done much towards estab- ^jj^ future. She has, however, made great lishing the religion of the Greeks, in which he proaress in spirit. says he still continues to be much interested. ^^^^ A shrewd, ambitious woman, of He is a well foimed man, of a dark complexion ^^^^ful will and intellect, deep perception and and a very high forehead, large cheek bones •^^^■^■^^^ and a noble, dignified nature. She and a heavy gray beard. He holds a large i^^g^n a singular looking dress with seven pleat- roll of parchment in his hand and seems to pos- ^^ ^.^j^^ ^^^^.^^ ^^p ^^-^ ^^^^ it^ ^^^^^ j^^g^j^^ sess much knowledge in relation to the condi- j^^^^^^ ^, if it was made of camel's hair or tion of the different nations. He has until re- ^^^^ ^^^^^ g^^ material of the kind, and is of a . cently made slow progress inspirit life but is ^^^^^^iful blue and straw color. She has a gaining fast now. ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ of the same kind .Note. Whilst the medium was wiiting the ^f ^air, braided and worked in with beads or above he assumed a very merry mood, and i^^g atones. She has made good progress, much to his own evident acnoyance was almost . . -.auq constantly convulsed with laughter. This was ,^ a j i the more remarkable for the reason that Geokge DiLWm. A good honest upright, whilst he himself had never before heard worthy man, of expansive mmd and sobdjudg- - n T\ -. xi- -^ r ^x.- mpnt. He was precise, truthful, and straight the name of Democritus the writer of this m'^"'-- , , \ , ^ , , , , XT, 1 .u *\ forward, and had not much of what may be (who was the only other person present) was i"i>*<*^"» ^ •'. DOD 86 DOR termed petty in his character or devotions. Domitian. A man of lar2;e sympathetic He has made great progress in spirit life. temperament, but still of a bold and very hard DiocLESiAN. A man of strong intellect nature. He has a full face, dark hazel eyes and individuality, but very selfish, deceitful, and shaggy hair, and is large framed though ambitious and tyrannical. I cannot see a good rather short in stature. He is marked with thing in his earth life, on his roll but then he is strong individuality, self approbativeness and not altogether a poor deserted spirit, for I per- self-esteem and is selfish and cold, although ceive that he possesses some high qualities more affectionate and kind than is represented, that represent progress for which he is now fully He has many friends in spirit life and has made ripe, and has many friends to help him onward some progress. in spirit life. St. Dominic. A man of deep wisdom but Diogenes. A man of a great intellect and very selfish and limited in his benevolence. a highly developed, broad, comprehensive mind. He has strong individuality, large perception He was ambitious, firm, perceptive, shrewd and and a great intellect, but was cruel, hard and methodical and understood well the laws of very tyrannical. He had a powerful will and mind. He has a high top head a large full has not made much advance in spirit life, al- forehead, dark penetrating eyes, long hair and though since the modern opening of spiritual a long beard. He has a band around his head intercourse he has pi ogressed faster than he did and wears a short flowing dark purple dress before. cut in four parts, each part trimmed with differ- Bish. Donatus. — A fine looking man, of ent colors and mingled throughout with salmon great force of character, with a full reverential color. He has made great progress in spirit top head, and large perception, intellect,causal- life. ity and benevolence. He is of a noble nature Dorothea L. Dix. A highly noble and and was sincere in his faith. He was charita- pure woman, and if there ever was an angel on ble and kind-hearted, honest, upright and earth, she is one. She has large hope, charity, good, and full of noble deeds. He wears a long sympathy, aflfection and love, and is in fact in- black robe, and has a high colored brunette ternally divine. She is of a firm, true nature, complexion and long wavy hair nicely parted and seems to possess every excellence of good- on the top of his head. He loved the religion ness and benevolence. She has a high moral he taught, and was of a very plastic nature, and religious brain, that is most harmoniously He has made treat progress in spirit life and developed, and she is already progressed in spirit has returned to earth to assist in redeeming the to the degree of spirituality that merges into colored race. He is great and good, the more pure celestial. She is in fact possess- Henry Dandola. A man of great digni- ed of every virtue that goes to make up a noble ty and force. He has deepf full perception whole-souled woman. and intelligence and was very cunning. He Bish. Doane. A dignified, determined has on a dark blue dress and a high round top man, of strong intellect and a very intelligent hat. He had great tenacity of will, and repre- nature. He had a highly developed mind and sents himself to have been a man who possess- was far seeing and very perceptive, but rather ed governing power. He holds a scroll in his selfish, shrewd, cunning and overbearing. He hand, and there is a sword hanging by his side was religious, but has not made much progress on which is engraven, "powet and peace." He in spirit life. has not made much progress in spirit life. Philip Doddridge. A profoundly wise Dr. John Donne. A far-seeing man, of a and eminent man. He was highly intellectual very scientific nature and of a broad expansive and very scientific, logical and philosophical in mind. He has a high intellect, great talent and his nature. He has a high top head, a wonderful ability, and clear perception, and was a great brain, a sharp looking eye, full perception, cau- logician and full of useful knowledge and wis- sality, method and plan, and clear strong dom. He had a high top brain and was very reasoning powers. He has large individuality, argumentative, and a man of power and pro- a strong will and was very forcible and far found mental acquirements. He has made seeing. He had great mechanical genius and great progress in spirit life, large powers of invention and governing Andrew Doria. A man of a comprehen- force. He has a brilliant, intelligent intellect, sive mind but of a singular and eccentric na- and has made fair progress iu spirit life. tare. He is so queer, in fact, that it is hard to DRA 87 EAS get his real character. He is very fully de- has a strong, logical mind, and is full of deep veloped generally, and has a remarkably keen, calculations. He has not appeared here in clear perception, and is one who has a great person, and I have this from his friends. He has amount of interior reflection that never mani- made great progress in spirit life, tested itself on the surface. He has made John Dryden. A highly intellectual man, good progress in spirit life. whose earth character has never been half told. Miss Lizzie Doten. Her he's a big squaw He possessed true spiritual goodness, and a in thinker. Her he's good squaw for to come great, pure and full soul, and is one who into spirit life. Her he's much know. Her through his own labors and example left the big thinker. Her he's like thousand murmur- world better than he found it. He has made ing rilk Her goes singing on the banks of great progress in spirit life, time and her makes big gully-ways in the sides Lord John Dudley. A man of deep per- of the superstitious rivers of time. Her's he's ception and very strong individuality. He as pure as the lily, and big much whiter in spirit was a wise, powerful man, of high morality and than Holy Ghost. Her's he's Holy Ghost, and rather spiritual and has made rapid progress in her he's the lamb of big spirit, but her no get spirit life. kill in body yet, so her no live. But her much Alexander Dumas. A man of great times gets big hard feel from evil-eyed jeal- mind, but very desirous of exercising power, ousy. Her he's a mighty much nice squaw. He is, however, both moral and just, and al- Her he's good to ludian. Her love red man though very material has some high spirit qual- and when Iser go to spirit corner her find big ity. He has many deep, original thoughts, and wigwam in spirit land. Her can cume to red is one who will gain many friends. He has man with big heart full of sympathy and benev- made fair progress in spirit, olence. Her he's much good much big squaw. Mary Dyer. A high and noble woman, Fred. Douglass. (Col.) A very intel- with large perception and intuition and strong lectuaj, wise aud honest man, who has been a intellect and individuality. She was highly de- great help on the road to progress. veloped in the moral and spiritual region of Bishop Doupanloup. A man who is the brain, and had large causality and rever- shrewd, cmning and polite, but who lives on the ence. She was wise, and very affectionate, and lowest plane of his animal nature and sensual has reached the celestial sphere, desires. He has not progressed any, and is very Dionysius. A very far-seeing, bold and low in spirit. He should be a Mormon. thorough man, with full perception, high intellect Lorenzo Dow. A man of high spirituality and great controlling power. He was natural- and strict morality. He was strongly individu- ly a very cruel man, though lenient at times alized and had large perception, intuition and when his own ends were to be answered. He comparison and was very deep and wise. He had a large full body, full face, a large full was the soul of honor, though very cunning, black eye, black hair and a heavy beard on his and had a fair intellect, with great force of chin. He wears a long salmon colored camel's character, aud believed in the doctrine he hair robe, trimmed with black fur, and a large preached. He ha? progressed to c lestial life. necklace reaching down to his knees, and has Neal Dow. A wonderfully shrewd, intelli- a large shield made of some kind of gum that gent man, of a very odd eccentric nature, with looks like Indian rubber. He had great force a strong intellect and a large fine brain. He and hardness of character and has made slow has full perception and an enormous amount progress in spirit life. I of both causality and comparison, with a great Bishop Eastburn. A man with a strong ' deal of benevolence and native wit. He is a mind and intellect, but not much benevolence. I real philosopher as well as logician, and has a He does not possess the deepest wisdom, nor i wonderful faculty of saying things to the pur- much of the reasoning faculty, but he is nev- I pose and point. In fact, he is a real genius, ertheless very efficient through the force of a both in talking and writing, and altogether is a strong tyrannical will. He is a man of very I good, noble, kind," liberal-minded man, who little spirituality and loves to exercise authority has made great progress in his spirit powers. and be seen and heard by the world. He has Sir Francis Drake. A highly moral man, however, made fair progress in spirit, of powerful intellect, strong individuality, Father Eastburn (of Phila.) A good large self-esteem and profound wisdom. He man of the greatest benevolence and most de- EDW 38 ELI voted nature, and naturally moral, spiritual and lar tyrant. He was in fact when on earth, a religious. He is one who would of himself try hard, unjust, selfish old man, without a good to help the poor unfortunate ones of earth. He thing in him, but he has nevertheless progressed has a large soul and will do much good. He is some in spirit life, truly spiritual. M. Egalite (JDuke of Orleans). A man Maria Edgeworth. A high-toned, intel- with a very high iatellect, and a calculating lectual, intuitive woman, with full perception far-seeing mind. He has a dignified nature, a and a far-seeing comprehensive mind. She is full back brain, and a high top head, broad strong in the fraternal love principle and is very through from side to side. He is very shrewd active in ministering to the wants of her sex and has large causalty; so large that the organ and people. She has made great progress in sticks out. His brain is, however, well balanc- spirit life. ed, and he has made good progress in spirit life. Judge J.Edmonds. A man of a thorough Elagabulus. Mighty big brave and a determined nature, with a high top head. He is big old chief. He be big feel (proud) and got good, religious and spiritual, and loves to make on mighty much nice blankets. He got big others happy and cheerful. He has a practical pate (brain). He big, hard, old brave. He mind, a strong intellect and large intuition, no love the big spirit. He have a long connor- and is sound in judgment but rather marvelous, ber and mighty much shiny things hang and apt to be too lenient toward the decei- round his neck. He big old pale face. He vers of the world; but he is nevertheless mak- know mighty much. But many moons (years) ing rapid progress in spirit. ago be have big kill in his heart (human Edmund 2d (England.) A bold forcible slaughter). He no go to big hunting ground, man, with great combativeness, and a cross. He be no light-footed: he no go fast. Hebe ugly, cruel look. He is cunning, and has a no light heart. Big spirit no hear him. piercing eye, high cheek bones and a full Eleazer. A powerful man, of a very secre- beard. He holds a large cutlass in one hand tive nature, with a long, gaunt, hard-looking and a roll of parchment in the other. He wears face, and a long nose and beard. He wears. a blue coat with a cap attached to it, and a queer looking dress made of skins of different the coat around the collar is trimmed with colors, cut into three cornered pieces and sewed silver cord, and there is a large coat of arms together. He has a spear in one hand and a in front of him. He has not made much pro- bow in the other, and represents himself as a gress in spirit life. governor. He has made good progress in spirit Wm. Edmundson. a man of a far-seeing life, determined mind, and of great consequence and Elijah. (Abbreviated.) A very quiet importance to look at him. He had profound looking old man, but very wise and intuitive, wisdom and knowledge, and possessed great He has a full round face and a large bald head, powers of investigation. He was very compre- and alleges that there is no truth in the hensive and intuitive, had clear perception, story about the children and the bear. He and is one who has done a great deal for the wears a scarlet-colored linnen robe and a long world. He has made great progress in spirit purple mantle, and says he lost his life in a ter- life. rible tempest of thunder and lightening attend- Edward 4th. A man of deep intellect and ed by a whirlwind, and that his body not be- perception and somewhat intuitive. He was ing found gave rise to the story about his being very artful and cunning, and full of lust and carried up in the chariot of fire. He has made debauchery. He had, however, some good great progress in spirit life, traits of character, althouah in the main he was Eli. A man with a very large physical a bold, designing, bad man. He has made body, and very strong individuality. He has a rather slow progress in the spirit world. large full face and nose, and a broad high fore- Jonathan Edwards, D. B. A real old head, and he wears a purple skin dress tied hell-bound sinner, as hard as a rock. He around with a cord, and a mantle over his was void of all principle or justice, and had shoulders. He has long gray hair and beard, large destruetiveness, and was full ot wrath and and a full back brain. He was a great mediam vinegar, and greatly inclined to tell the wrong when on earth for spirit communion, and has truth. He was a man of strong intellect but since made great progress in spirit life. had little sympathy or reason, and was a regu- John Eliot. A very good chief, and he EMM 39 EPA Lave mighty much good cheer. He have lime, intellectual look, and is highly endued mighty much good heart. He love big spirit, with a knowledge of the laws that govern man- and he be no much bad brave. He be very kind, and power to look into the deep problems good brave and Indian love him. He love In- of society. He has made good progress in dian. He mighty much know. He make spirit life. good cheer. He have big spirit, sunshine on Victor Emmanuel. A very shrewd, sel- him. He go bright, high corner in big hunting fish, foxy man, who has great fondness for ground. He much peace chief. (Had much power. He loves to control and rule, both in knowledge.) state and religious affairs, and is one who can Queen Elizabeth. A strong, determined exercise great influence over the people. He person, with more of the spirit of war in her is moral in the direction of power, but is some- heart than love. She was naturally a bad wo- what tyrannical and very determined. He man and very bitter towards those that did not lives much in the external, and has but little conform to her wishes. She was more mascu- spirituahty. He is very self-reliant, and loves line than feminine, and not very moral, and to be thought much of by the higher religious possessed but little of the kindly feeling, and classes, though he has very limited feelings of was of a very hard, iron nature. She was not sympathy and kindness for the poorer kind of very wise, though of a cunning, plotting make people. He seeks for power and glory, and in and very pettish and irritable. She has not some directions has attained his wishes. He made much progress in the spirit world. " is cunning and calculating, and has a highly Bishop ELiot (of Georgia.) Big brave, intellectual, far-seeing mind, but he has made He be much good brave. He have shiney on slow progress in spirit. him thinker. Him's have good heart. He likes Samuel Emlen. A highlv intellectual much good cheer and big words from big braves, ^^^^ ^f ^ ^^^^ ^^ble spirit to look upon He but him's much good brave and no believe is what 1 should term a real solid man, of a can- much m braves and squaws be going to big hell, ^id mind and a fearless nature, whose life bore But him's be much good feel for braves. He be testimony that his heart was true to the cause good feel in him's religious nature and him ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^.^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ g^^^^ progress in wants all braves and squaws go to big Christ's gv^ij-jf ijfg hunting glory where they will sing much sweet, ^ ^ ^ , , u , n u- J XT u J Governor John Endicott. A man o and long echo s of big sounds. He be good , TT , , • • -^ J t 1 1 • deep intellect, strong; individuality, high mor- brave. He love b g spirit and he go long shi- ^ ' "= ^ -^ '^ , ^. ' 1 -D- u i. 1- i. r i_- ality and profound wisdom. He had a power- ney hunting grounds. Big heart beat for big ^ , , . .^ /T o ] • I.- I. i. \ ful will, but was of a true and noble nature, and spirit. (Loves God m his heart.) ' ' Oliver Ellsworth. A very talented ^^' Progressed fast in spirit life, man, with a strong intellect and will, and a ^^^^^- ^ ^'^^^ ^^^ '^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ g^'^^V large arid highly developed brain. He has fuU P^^^^^^tor as Endicott was should have made 1 , ,.. -I , such good proo;ress, and it was answered: '-By perception and eventuality, and very large ?^ f o ' , . / combativeness and self-esteem, and was bold his helping those he had wronged in earth life, and fearless, and of rather an assuming, over- ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^" rendering good for evd; for bearing nature. He was highly intelligent, but *^^^ ^^^ *^^* ^^^ ^^^' sincere." has a look of pride and loftiness, and was too Bishop England. A man of strong cbar- much a seeker after power, self-agrandizement acter, and largely developed in his social na- and worldly honors. He has, however, made t^re. He had strong sensuality and a tyran- great progress in spirit life. iiical, overbearing and unbending will, and was, R Waldo Emerson. A very honest, true, i" bis own esteem, a god of the people. He benevolent, good and noble man, full of kind- was very decided in his way, and bad a strong ness, and one who ever has the love of all intellect and large individuahty, and was very mankind and especially the poor in his heart, independent and^ selfish and cold, and full of He is intellectual, perceptive, strongly individ- I'ttle artifices. ualized, and profoundly wise, and has made Epaminondas. A rather wise and strong, great progress in spirit life. high-toned man, with large individuality, per- Thomas Addis Emmet. A bold, noble ception and ambition. Pie was moral and had man, of deep and profound wisdom, and very in his nature many liberal elements, and was a large intuition and perception. He has a sub- friend to freedom. He could be cruel, but was EST 40 EVA generally liberal and practical in his measures, very strono; physically, and has a benevolent He has made good progress in spirit life. look, and wears a red and blue linen dress. Ephkaim. Another one of the brethren, with a long mantle over her shoulders, and a He has a large full face and nose, long hair and necklace made of precious stones. She has a heavy beard. He wears a Ions:, dark brown made great progress in spirit life, gown tied with a girdle, and sandals laced up, Euclid. A man of a deep, profound, philo- and he holds a ?pear in his hand. He has sophical mind, and a great logician. He is made great progress in spirit li'e. very perceptive, intelligent, scientific, methodi- Epictetus. a man of a great and profound cal and intuitive, has large self-esteem and am- raind. He has a high, large, reverential head, bition, and is full of wisdom. He has made very full on the top, and is very secretive. He great progress in spirit life, has full perception and intellect, and is very Bishop Eudoxus. A dignified looking man, forcible. He wears a dark blue coat made to of strong perception and intellect, andof a very come straight down his body, and has a long hard, deceptive nature. He has a large, bold beard, and represents himself as having been a face, and was very tyrannical, and possessed but very dignified man. He has made some prog- little sympathy or human feeling. He loves ress in spuut life. ^^^ covets power and has a great deal of the Epicukus. a very wise man, of a profound reached and had gi^eat pride and a powerful mind. He celestial life. has made good progress of late in spirit life. Mary Herbert. (Countess cf Pembroke.) Henry Till (England.) A pretty stout A woman of a selfish, hard nature with a high person, of medium height, witii a broad, shaggy , ttill head, but cruel, cunning and foxy. She bushy, bull-dog looking face,' and heavy beard, has large self-esteem and ambition, but is fuU of He is a man of power and will, and a real ty- intrigue, po'icy and death at heart. She is in rant. He has strong individuality, perception, fact, a perfect fiend in her nature and one who and self esteem, and is full of artfulness and de- would try to carry her points at any sacrifice of ceLt. He was very hard, and neither moral nor others. She has a very dark look, and has not spiritual, and possessed a great depth of hatred made any progress as yet iu spirit life, and revenge, and a cruel destructive nature. Hercules. A very eccentric long headed He has not made much progress in spirit Kfe. old man, with a truly herculean intellect and Henry IY (England.) A ver}^ selfish man, the grandest perception. He was very strong of a deep, cunning, cold, iron-like nature. He far-seeing and profound and had a mathemati had large individuality and perception, and cal mind, large intuition and a powerful will. great self-conceit. He was hard and blood- He was endued with great strength and execu- thirsty, and a great curse to himself through his tive power and has progressed high in spirits selfish and immoral nature, and has not made life, much progress in spirit life. Heraclitur. A man of a great mind, and I HER 53 HIP very logical and shrewd in calculation. He has a stronnjly marked forehead, a large steep has large causality and perception, and is of a head, rather a large nose, a deep set mouth, a very intelligent, determined nature. He has a penetrating eye, a long beard, and dark wavy cunning look, a dark, wild eye, and a long hair. His organs were rather deficient through beard. He wears a large, long red wrapper the moral region of the brain, and he has not trimmed around with dark colored, pointed made much progress in spirit life, pieces. He represents himself as having been Eltas Hicks. A great progressive man. both a writer and a judge, and has made good He is vp.ry profound, and has deep, full intui- progress in spirit life. tion and wisdom. He was a strong advocate Hermes. A very bold man of a shrewd, for liberty and had a true understanding of cunning, far-seeing, high-toned, and highly inspired revelation. He was highly spiritual intellectual mind. He has a strong, physical and intellectual and believed in what he taught, body, a broad full forehead and great reasoning PIiero 2d (King of Syracuse.) A sel- powers. He wears a long straw colored wrap" fish, cruel looking man, of a cunning, cold, per with dark trimming, and very queer colored hard, tyrannical nature. He weais a rich pants. He has a large (uU nose, a long beard, looking dress, of a dark violet color, with a and a large breast-plate on "his chest. He has green scarf tied around his waist. He has a made good progress in spirit life. large long horn attached to a belt, paintevi red Herod (the Tetrach.) A large, tall well and blue, and wears a low cap made in a baggy built man, with strong individuality and large shape and hanging down behind his head with perception. He is of a very florid complexion, a tassell to it. He holds a large knife in one ^nd has a large head with bristly hair, and hand that shmes like gold, aud a long shield in heavy eye brows, and altogether a hard, selfish, the other, with a bright band around it. lie savage looking face. He wears a robe of dark has a very determined but downcast look and blue, and a peaked hat trimmed with silver cord has not made much progress in spirit life. and tassels. He has only reached the second Hiero 1st, King of Syracuse. A bold, jj sphere in spirit life. self possessed man, with a strong full brain and Herodian. a very clear headed man, of a a very combative, destructive nature. He-has full expansive nature, a strong intellect and a a large full head, a hard iron face, a piercing logical mind. He has full reverence, indi- black eye, dark hair, and a dark brunette com- viduality, self-esteem and perception, and plexion. He wears a camel's hair military great dignity and wisdom and is inclined to force dress, with a band of different colors around his way. Pie has a bold look, bright golden his waist, and epaulettes of colored wool on his brown eyes and a full long beard. He has shoulders. He holds a large shield before hira, made great progress in spirit life. and a great broad sword with a stone handle. Herodotus. A fine looking old man, with He has not made much progress in spirit life. a high intellect and a most profound and phil- Hilkiah. A strong built man, with large osophical mind. He was very logical, moral, individuality and perception. ±ie has an an* good, truthful, noble and kind, and has great gular shaped head^ a large face, a large,full, bold knowledge and wisdom, and a remarkable ca- looking eye, and a long, full black beard, pacity for thinking and writinor, and the ar- He wears a dark blue robe and a red mantle ranging and compiling of different subjects over his shoulders, and he holds a large wheel together. He has risen in spirit life to the in his left hand and a razor looking knife in seventh sphere. the right. He has made great progress in James Hervey. A very shrewd, wise, in spirit life, telligent man, of a powerful intellect and a Isaac Hill. A real, good, true and noble profound mind. He has a large brain, large spirited man, of deep profound wisdom. He causality and self-esteem, is a great critic and has strong perception, and is a great logician reasoner and altogether a man of a wonderfully and philosopher, and has good judgment and developed nature. He has made good progress morals and high spirituality. He has made id spirit life. good progress in spirit life. Hesiod. a powerful and very eccentric H[ipparchus (of Pfirygia.) A dignified man, with large perception, individuality and man with a large, full brain, a strong intellect destructiveness,and a cruel,tyrannical look. He large perception, and great reverence and in- HOL 64 HOO telligence. He was far-seeinpr and very decid- Secretary Holt. A hard, cold man, with ed and wise. He has a ^^un face with a sharp but few friends and one who has little sympathy chin, high cheek bone.% a long white beard, and except when in rapport with the answering of long white hair tied up with a cord. He wears his own ends, but lacks influence to carry out a plain dark satin dress, with a light bronze his principles. colored vest and dark wine colored pants. He Daxiel Home. Ha big spirit. He have has made fair progress iu spirit lite. mighty much of the big spirit in his heart. He HipPARcaus (of Bythixia.) A very ec- be big thinker. The big pale faced braves m centric but wise and powerful minded man. spirit hunting ground do mighty much for him. He is intellectuil, talented, cu m ing and far He be all spirit most. Got his body fine seeing, and has a la-ge broad forehead, a full enough to go into spirit world without any dy- face, full cheeks throu^^h the lower part of the ing. He have many big thinkers with hira« jaws, a long gray beard and a bald head. He He knows not mighty much himself but spirits wears a full figured dark and red colored coat, know for him. He big shining spirit. He a straw colored vest and dark blue pants made mighty much in spirit world, large and flowing. He has made great pro- Homer. A man of strong; ideality and intui- gress in spirit life. tion and very spiritual. He had large com- JosEPH HoAG. A man of a deep, prophetic parisou and deep, profound wisdom, and was nature. He was good, honest, wise, true, and a real spirit medium, for he shows me his noble and a great lover of justice. He was face andl see much light around him. He has philosophical and benevolent and in all respects great knowledge and power of progjress in his a good and true man, and has progressed to soul, and is a high, progressive spirit. He is celestial life. good, noble, just and kind, but very eccentric. Nathan"* Hoag. A determined man, of a Pope Honorius 4th. A naturally religi* highly moral and religious nature but very big- ous and dignified man with great reverence. He oted. He was, however, truly noble, good, has a powerful mind but is cold, selfish and benevolent and sincere, and was governed in ambitious. Hi has a high top moral head, and his conduct by true Christian principles. He is profoundly wise and cunning. He has a very has made great progress in the spirit world. smooth catdike look and nature, and wears a Attorney Gen. Hoar. He is a thorough, purple robe trimmed with white silk and gold thoughtful, strong-willed, powerful man, and cord. He has made slow progress in spirit life would make a good ruler should the country Pope Honorious 1st. A very cunning, ever need a king. He has a strong intellect foxy, selfish, immoral man. He is wise and with marked comparison and perception, and is clear headed, and has full perception and am- a great logician, and naturally very energetic bition, and is a real tyrant, and one of the and executive and wise in forming plans. deepest, darkest, demons of earth, and of the Wm. Hogarth. A far-seeing, talented spirit hell. He is cruel and wicked, and full man, of a deep, profound mind, and of a truly of animal lusts, althoiigh a very intellectual sublime nature. He was very forcible, and full and intelligent man. He wears a white robe ot the great principles of progress, although he ^^^th a nice white cord and tassels around it. suppressed manyof his best thoughts whilst on He has not made any progress in spirit life, earth. He was logical and philosophical and a Thomas Hood. A man of a full and most deep reasoner, and is one who did much for sublime, spiritual nature. He has a high the world. He has made great progress in toned mind, full perception, and large caus- spirit life. ^^I'ty; comparison and individuality. He was S.LAS Holmes. A man of a high, noble ^^ry moral, religious and reverential, and full nature with strong perception and full of of benevolence and charity. He has made shrewdness. He had a strong will and a very great progress in spirit life, clear mind, and though naturally * rather ma- Theodore Hook. A far-seeing, ambitious terial he is progressing fast in spirit life. and wise man, of great intellect and a power- Senator Holmes (of Maine). A high- f^^ '^^^^' ^^ was very scientific and logical, ]y intellectual man, with a firm, broad, powerful ^'^'^ f^^^^' ^le^r perception, -and was truly moral mind. He was very deep and wise when on ^^'^ reU >ious, and altogether a high toned, no- earth and has made fair progress in spirit life, ^le and honorable man. He has made great progress in spirit life. HOR 55 HUG Bfsriop Hopkins. A true believer in the comes in to warm np tlie good cheer of the religion he taughf,, and a very good, and rather braves thinker. He got big river of black mud a wise, cautious man. He was conscientious, running where he can no cross, cause he moral and true, and has a good intellect, but migh'^y much big heavy with big eriors. He has made slow progress in spirit Y\fi. no light enough to gross the big thick river, so Dr. Hopkins, [of R. I.] A man of hard he stay on your side. He no much shiney I cold intellect, but believed hincerely in the doc- brave. He no in big clear spirit hunting trine be professed and taught, and in fact has ground. Big spirit no see him in his heart. not fully progressed out oi' his earth belief yet. John Hoskins. A noble, good, consistent 1 He was honest but not very wise, and though man, with a highly developed mind, who al- I tyrannical, was truly desirous of saving the ways tried to do the best he knew. He was I h.mian family fiom the torments of his ideal very religious and devoted, and has made good ! hell. He was rather perceptive, but not phi- j)rog!'ess in spirit life. I iosophical, and was neither benevolent, hope- Bish. John Hough. A man of a strong, ful nor sympathetic, but in fact was as cold and metaphyiacal mind, with full intuition, causali- seitish as the old Mosaic God that he worship- ty, self esteem and ambition, and a great in- ped. He has, however, made good progress in tellect. He was very reverential and pe.^cep- spirit life. tive, and of a firm and highly dignified nature. Stephen Hopkins, [R. I.] A man with a He had strong alimentiveness, and was a real large brain, and a clear strong mind. He is tyrant in religious matters, but very good to far-seeing, moral, shrewd and wise, and was those who believed and thought as he did. He bigoted and religious, but true to what he be- has made fair progress in spirit life, lieved to be his duty. He is very intellectual, Sam. Houston. A shrewd, powerful man, and intelligent, and has made go )d progress full of artfulness, and highly intuitive and in- in spirit life. tellectual, and oltiraes bold and foj'cible. He Isaac Hoppkr. A wise and good man, of was moral and wise, and has made great pro- very compact judgment, and a reverential and gress in spirit life. highly religious nature. He was honest, con- Julia Ward Howe A person of a most scientious, and very intuitive and spiritual, and beautiful and highly dignified nature, with large has a far seeing, comprehensive mind. He intuition, and high splrituaiify. She has clea-, was devoted to good acts whiisi on earth, and strong perception, and large affection, and is now shines beautifully in the seventh sphere of full of benevolence and liberal thoughts. She spirit life, has a most sublime intellect, and a deep pro- HoRACE. A highly intellectual, and intel- found mind. She is truly and highly inspired, ligent ■uan, with powerful perception. He and is yery amoitious, but honest, true, and . stands very straight, and is well formed, with a just, and has made great progress in spirit. large round, bald top head, 'with long locks Francis Howgill. A pure, just, noble hanging down the neck, a broad face from minded man, of a deep full love nature. He cheek to cheek, and wide between the eyes, was true to himself and to mankind, and is a He is plainly dressed, and wears a very large worthy example for all to follow who incline to hat. He has made good progress in spirit life, seek after right and the highest truth, and Thos. Hornsby. (iSftwport, R. I.) A would be guided to the hi^li portals of eternal man of a well developed, comprehensive mind, ^i^e. He is much progressed in spirit, and a strong independent nature. He has great Wm. Howitt. A highly intellectual man, hope, reverence, perception and causality, and with very clear spirituality. He has a logical' was naturally religious, and somewhat bigoted, and philosophical mind, and a free broad view He is practical, benevolent and kind, and has of things. He has large intuition and percep- a very intelligent, good and noble spirit, and tion, and very good judgment, and in fact pos- has made good progress in spi -it Lfe. sesses the main attributes that go to make up a Bish,. Sam'l. Horsley. A big old long wise, good, and great man. He is making fast faced brave. He be a mighty much thinker, progress in spirit. He be many moons gray, [many years old.] Archbp. Hughes. A powerful man of He no mighty mucdi full big heart. His heart deep wisdom and cunning, and of a very phi- be hollow in the centre, where the big spirit losophical mind. He had strong individuality HYP 56 INN *ad keen perception, and though a man of intuition, is moral, intelligent, perceptive, and rather a progressive nature, was full of artful- far-seeing, and of a very forcible nature. She ness and hypocrisy. He Avas not spiritual, but wears a beautifirl green dress trimmed with highly intelltctual, and a i^reat reasoner for gold la'-e and silver cord. She is a very exalt- his cause. He was religious externally, and ed spirit and has a most pleasing look. She had an artful way of drawing the people and has reached celestial life. winning popular favor. His moral character Iamblicus. A real good and true man, with was indifferent but not very bad. He has made a powerful brain, and intellect. He had great slow progress in spirit life. talents, and was a profound thinker, and a real Victor Hugo. A reaJ old battle axe, who benefactor to his people. He was very forcible, is always in hot water, and planning something and has a grand dignified aspect, but rather a that may turn to his own advantage. He is queer look in the eye. He has a very strong very argumentative and shrewd in accomplish- nature, and is far-seeing and knowing, and full ing his ends, and is by nature, a religious ty- of wisdom. He seems to be of too elevated a rant, very bigoted, and oftimes very severe, cast for one of the Arab race, and I think he He has great wisdom and knowledge. He has had a mixture of other blood in his veins. He a large bold forehead, and a heavy back brain, lias made good progress in spirit life, and has made slow spiritual progress. St. Ignatius. A very spiritual, religious David Hume. A solid old man, who seems and devoted man, wirh a clear brain, a calm to be made up of rock and hard material. He collected look, and very large intuition and per- has krge perception, individuality and intuition, ception. He has a very fair complexion, and a andafar-seeing,deep, profound mind.- He had bald head, with a wreath of artificial flowers high spirituality and morality, and did a great around it. He wears a dark brown wrapper, work in bringing light and knowledge into the ^i^li t^e front part worked, and a steep peaked world, and in opening a grand path way to hat with tassels attached to it. He has made the science of geology and the growth of mind, fair progress in spirit life. He was kind and good, and h^as reached the P^pe InxXOCEnt 1st. A powerful minded celestial sphere. man, ot a very hard, selfish, determined nature. John Huss. A man with a high intelligent He is calculating, and full of cunning and de- intellect, and a logical, philosophical far-seeing ception. He is highly intelligent and intellectu- ' mind. He has great shreAvdness and abilitv, al, but not moral, and he is externally religious, , large individuality and causality, and wonder- only so (ar as it ministers to his greed of power fill deep intuition. He has a full forehead, and and influence. He w( as a black wrapper with is a verv profound, noble, wise and good man, alight colored scarf around him, and has a very and nas made great gTogress in spirit Lfe. care-worn face. He has made slow progress in Father Hyacynthe. A very cunning^ spirit liie. foxy man, with full intellect, and perception, (The above and the character that follows and a far-seeing mind. He is highly religious, constitiite one of ;he instances referred to in the moral, honest and noble in his nature, and full the preface.) of charity and benevolence. He has a high Pope Innocent 3rd. A man of a strong reverential head, and is A^ery spiritual, and has powerful mind, and of a selfish determined na- made great progress in spirit. ture. He was calculating, cunning, intelligent, Edward Hyde. A A^ery far-seeing, elevat- intellectual, and full of deception. He was relig- ed. intelligent man, with a strong intellect, high ious on the external, but only so far as it miais. spiritualitv, self-e.teem, and reverence, and^a tered to power and influence. He was immoial most beautiful perceptive mind. He has great and very hard, and has a most care-worn look, wisdom, and a very tine order of brain, and Fie wears a black wrapper, with a light colored Avas a great plannt'r and arranger of his own scarf around his body, and has made slow thoughts and the thoughts of others. He is a progress in spirit life. man ofculture and refinement, and Avas very Pope Innocent 4th. A real old sticklei firm, decided and forcible. He has made great for religion and the church. He is naturally a prog.-ess in spirit life. moral, sincere man, but very ambitious and ty- Hypatia. a person Avith a full developed rannical. He has large firmness, hope and head, and a very strong mind. She has full veneration, and strong intellect, and was very ISA 57 JAC sanpfuine in regard to his religion. He wears a St. Isadore. A very beautiful person, wi t dark green robe, with a little cap on top of his a full intellect, and a most brilliant mind. She head. He has a large forehead, and a large was very dignified, has high spirituality, and is back brain, and was a great lover of money intelligent, intuitive, perceptive and benevolent. He has not made much progress in spirit life. She wears a black cloak over a long dress with ' Pope Innocent 10th. A strong, cunning double folds up the skirt, and a very plain cap, man, of a very secretive foxy nature. He has trimmed with wide lace. She has made great a perceptive intellect, full destructiveness and progress in spirit life. selfishness, and but little religion, but is firm, Isaiah. A highly prophetic man, with great cruel and ambitious. He wears a dark gray mediumistic powers, ^.nd one who told many robe trimmed with silver up the main body truths. Pie is now present and avers that he with crosses of a gold color worked all over it. clairvoyantly savv the child Jesus long anterior He lias not made much progress in spirit life. Pope Innocent 12th. A hard intelligent man, of a powerful intellect, large perception, individuality, and firmness, and very intuitive. He wears a dark purple robe, with white silver trimming, and so singular a hat that I don't know how to describe it. He has a large work- ed mantle around his shoulders. He is wise, to his birth. He has long hair, and a long full beard, and was highly perceptive, and strongly individuahzed, and in many ways, a most won- derful man. Pie has made great progress in spirit life. IsHMAEL. A man of a real strong character, with a full face, and a yery long nose. He holds in his hand a singular looking bird of vari- far-seeing, and very tyrannical, and has not gated plumage,|— black, brcwn, red and white, — • made much progress in spirit life. which he now raises up before me and says that Ireneus. A very determined old man, with it represents progress and intelligence. He has full perception and strong iotellect. Pie has an made great progress in spirit life, intelligent but skeptical look, and an ambitious, Iturbide. Not profoundly wise, but of a strongly, individualized nature. He holds a deep, cunning nature. He was a tyrant, and a great many written scrolls in his hand, and says hateful tormentor of his fellow man. lie was he has yet much to give the world that will help bold and daring, and had but little moral princi- human progress. He has made great progress pie, and great lack of sympathy. He was in- in spirit life. tellectual, but had limited perception, and reas- VVashington Irving. A high toned, in- oning faculties, and was cruel, unjust, hard and telligent man, of a noble nature, and a power- selfish. ful mind. He has a fine intellect, and strong Andrew Jackson. *'PIe big strong, tree individuality, reverence and perception. He has and mighty much strong bark, and full of sap. a broad fuUbrain, stored with most expansive He can stand thunder and big lightening and thoughts, and is altogether a great, good, and be no fraid. He big brave. He know mighty eminent man. He has made great progress in much. He big on war path. He know how spirit life. follow Black Plasok trail, and all red men. Rev. Edward Irving. A man of a hard, (Signed) Opplahehota." fanatical nature, who has not made much head- Jackson has strong intellect and perception, a way yet. He is flying round as usual, but has powerful will and a great deal of force, and made no converts on our side, nor has he yet combativenesg. Externally he was a hard come to his sober senses, or realized where he seeming man, but he is a wise good spirit, and be meapt justice if he broke every body's neck in He obtaining it. He is benevolent and firm, and a Is. He has a very crazy look, and it w long before he is prepared to go ahead, ii at this moment on hi:J knees praying for sin- ners. Isaac. A man of great intelligence and in- very strong man for his people and country. Here he comes and will speak for himself. "Sir. — My character is best expressed in the tellect, and of a highly spiritual nature for one phrase 'By the Eternal'; I can be as good and of his day. Pie has a long large head, a power- ful physical body, a high full forehead, high cheek banes, and a full, large nose. He wears sandals, and a dress made of carr>els hair. Notwithstand- ing his good looks he has made but little pro- gress in spirit life. kind as the lamb if I am surrounded by har- monious influences, but any attempt to force me brings on the lion and bear fight, when come what will, one or the other must die." Stonewall Jackson. A man whose in- JAJVI 58 JAN tuitive and perceptive facilities are very large, ness, He has a wonderful, large, back brain He is highly sympathetic, and has great powers that comes down to the spinal column, very full of mind, and a keen perception of things, and is on the neck. He has natural shrewdness and very enthusiastic, moral and religious, but rather a full intellect, but his perception and calcula- fo->^y- tion are limited, and he is very revengeful. Jacob. A most beautiful looking spirit. He He has not made much progress in spirit life. had a large physical body and a high intellectu- James, Earl of Morton. A man of an al forehead.. He wears a goat skin coat and insincere, cunning, secretive, calculating na- says that he used to rear large flocks of goats tare, who had great tact in accomphshing his that were of many colors such as speckled, ends. He was a very clear headed man in white, black, brown, led, and yellow, and that go^e respects, though he did not possess suffi- it was of such skins as these that the "coat of cient wisdom to meet the exigencies of rhe of many colors" we real of, was made. He also ti^es in which he lived. He has made slow wears a band made of goat skin about his head, pro/ress in so-irit life. He has made good progress in spirit life. jImes Sd, (of Scotland). A selfish, cold James 1st (of Aragon.) A highly dignified fij.^^ decided, dignified man, with high cheek man, of a very shrewd and jealous nature. He bones and large jaws, and a wild, reckless look. is of a dark complexion, and has a singular He wears a rich robe that looks as if it was looking, full, round, prominent chin, a long, made of gold and silk mixed, and a gold crown, angular nose, full cheeks, dark brown eyes, and jje has made slow progress in spirit." a long beard. He wears a full made frock coat James the son of Alpheus. A canning, under a long pink silk wrapper^ trimmed with far-seeing roan, of a religious nature, a fall, yellow cord, and a beautiful liat that runs up comprehensive mind, and powerful intellect, peaked from the back to the front, an 1 bulges He has large self-esteem, causality and com- or flares out on the sides and is trimmed with parison, and is wise, forcible, intelligent and silver cord and tassels. He has made lair determined, but selfish, cruel and tyrannical, progress m spirit life. ^j^d a great lover of honor and power. He was James, {son of Zebzdee). " Faith without one who took: great pleasure in controlling, and works is dead." A highly intelligent and in- treasuring up the oLl historic*! parchmen^ts and tellectual man, with large perception, full intui- record^ of God's laws to the Jews. He has not tion, stron,^ individuiility, and great bencvo- made much progress in spirit hfe. lence. He has a full, round, reverential look- James 1st, (of England). A very selfish ing face, a long dark beard, and is bajd on the man, of a jealous nature, but of a forcible, de- top of his head. He wears a peaked hat and termined m'nd. He was conscientious, but a long, dark red robe, with flowing sleeves. fuR of ambition and the de.ire for control. He has made great progress in spint life. He had la-ge continuity, and was war-like and James 1st, (of Scotland). A selfish, tyran- loved to exercise power, and had a hard way nical, cruel man, who loved power, and is of a of forcing it. He has made slow progress in very ambitious, warlike nature. He is cun- life. Hume is present, and says that ning, deceitful, bigoted and prejudiced, but far- King James was more of a man than history seeing and full of wrsdom. He wears a very represents, and that though he was easy to rich colored Scotch plaid coat, and has a strong, control, he was war-like and forcible when hard look. He has made slow progress in aroused. spirit life. Cornelius Jansen. A cunning, wise, far- James 4th, (ofSco'land). A cruel, selfish, seeing man, of a highly intelligent aud digni- tyranaical man, ot apparently small calibre, fled, but selfish, cruel and bigoted nature. He He looks weak in intellect but he is not. He has a high, intellectual head, and was very has rather a weak constitution, but a powerful forcible, though not very moral. He wears a animal nature, and is very immoral, and does beautiful black silk robe and over it a white not regard human hfe, but is full of death. He satin wrapper. The robe is trimmed with cord has not made mu h progress in spirit life. of a hsiht flesh color. He has on his head a James 2xd, (of England). A consequen- steep cap with a tassel on top, and holds a tialman, of a powerful nature, with la:ge ali- written parchment in his hand relating to rcUg- mentiveness, and an organization that indicatCg ions worship. He has made slow progress in force, selfishness, immoralily and destructive- spirit life. JOA 59 JOII John Jay. A very intuitive man, witli large perception, and strong individuality, and a highly spiritual brain, but tlie externals of life crushed out bis spirilualiiy, and allowed but a small part of the nobler qualities of liis nature to act. The materiality of his intel- lect is full. He lias a comprehensive miad, though not very profound judgment. He is not a bad man, but rather moral and generally acted to the best of his knowledge. He has made fair progress in spirit life. Thomas Jeeferson. A man who is pro- foundly deep in wisdom, a great reasoner and logician, and full of divine principles. He was great, noble, honest, true and benevolent, when on earth, and he is so now in spirit life. He is highly intellectual and intelligent, and good, and pure in all his motives, and belongs to the celestial band. Francis Jeffrey. A dignified man of strong inteiiect, and a fai-seeing profound mind. He has full perception and causality large approbativencss and self esteem, aid was very forcible and defermined, and has a good religious nature. He has made fair progress in spirit life. Judge Jeffries. One in whom is concen- trated the quintessance of Deviltry and wis- dom. He IS a very intellectual man of strong individuality and fair perception but awful in his judgment. He has a powerful tyrannical will, allied to wrath and madness, and has made slow progress in spirit lii'e. Ai?ne Jenkins. A lady of great benevo- lence and a most beautiful spirit. She is Very intellectual, intelligent, kind, just, and full of love, and has a great many persons now with her whose temporal wants, she relieved whilst on ea;t'i and whose spiritual wants she is help- ing now. She is a most sublime person of a no- ble divine nature, and has made great progress in spirit life. Jeremiah. A small sized, round shouldered man, very much bent, with a small round bead and face, a well formed forehead and nose, and rather narrow bet.veen the cheek bones, a dark gray eye and a iarge white beard. He wears a handsome dress tied in a peculiar and graceful manner.. He has a beautiful sublime look and is highly intelligent, Intellectual, kind, noble, and spiritual. He has made great progress in spirit life. JOAB. A man with a large, full, coarse, rough looking, but honest, benevolent face. H® has a high, broad forehead, a large bald head with only a little hair around the neck. He wears a dark green robe tied around with a blue cord. He has made greai progress in spirit life. Joan of Arc. A Ftrongly individualized, pure, nobles strong-minded woman, who was highly moral, intellectual and benevolent and is now in celestial life. Job. (abbreviated.) • He shows me a num- ber of boils on bis hand and says that he was afflicted in that 'way, but that the story ot his great temptation to curse God is not true, al- though he did have a wife whose temper was a great trial to bim. He has a very intellectual face, and a long gray beard with a sandy mix- ture, and was altogether a kind, patient, peace- ful man. A beautiful light encircles bis head which shows that he has made great progress in spirit life. Pope John 1st. A man of a highly digni- fied, intelligent nature, with large intuition, perception, firmness and inteiiect, but very sel- fish, cunning and tyrannical, and full of in- trigue. He is rather warlike and is not fully honest in his religion. He had but little benev- olence and loved power and rule and v/as much given to sexual lust. He has on a dark, sky blue wrapper trimmed with gold cord. He has not made much progress in spirit life. John, the Divine. A highly intelligent, intellectual man with a pleasant, sweet looking countenance. He has a snort, smooth, round face, dark brown hair, ^nd a light beard, and that only on his chin. He has really a spiritu- al and divine look as be now presents himself with a scroll or book in his hand in which is written, "The last trumpet has sounded and all silence is broken." He wears a white robe with a blue sash tied around him, and has risen to celestial life. Andrew Johnson. A real strong man in the fullness of his opinions, and one whose wisdom and principles will stand the test of ages and be cherished by the world long after his opposers are dead. He is a little conven- tional, but very strong, and not nearly as bad as has been represented. He is very kind by na- ture unless grossly insulted and made ugly and has large benevolence and a great deal of in- tellect and soundness and is in fact a great and wise man. Pope John 20th. (the alleged Popess.) A very hard, tyrannical man who was the cause of JOH 60 JON the death of thouaands of his fellow creatures, intellectual, intelligent and far-seeing, and full He was a great and troublesome man, and in of wisdom and deep plans. He wears a laven- fact a real demon, who has blood stains all over der-colored wrapper, trimmed with silver cord, his individual nature. He is the most deep- and a pair of slippers worked with silk crosses. dyed in blood and wickedness of any of the He has made slow progress in spirit life. Popes I have seen. He pretends to be very Pope John XVL A man with a full, round pure, but others say he is not, and I believe head, a large back iDrain, rather a prominent them, for he has a most cruel look. He wears a nose, a thick heavy lower jaw, and a long gray black robe, and a black steep hat and in fact he beard. He is deep and shrewd but not moral, is black all over, both inside and out, and has and has a very red face and blood-shot eyes, not made any progress in spirit life. and looks like a man who indulged in strong JoHX, The Great Duke . of Argyle. drink. He wears a broad, dark, linnen wrap- An exceedingly tyrannical man of a powerful per and worked white silk stockings, and black mind who understood well the laws of human slippers, and there is a large gold cross on his nature and how to acquire power. He did not forehead. He has made slow progress in spirit much regard human life outside of those, who life. went to make up an iron band to increase his Pope John XXH. A far-seeing, inteUigent, own strength. He is selfish and made great intellectual man, with a full brain, and a very mistakes in some of his earth transactions. He cunning, foxy, religious nature. He has a large was rather of a doubtful, treacherous nature lower brain, with full reverence and a powerful and not one to be fully trusted, or relied upon will. He wears a fine white satin robe trimmed when on earth, around which he still hangs and with dark crimson sat^n cord, and a beauhful has made slow progress in spirit life. steep hat with a white tassel attached. A large King John, of England. A hard, ty- cross hangs from his waist. He has made slow rannical man, of a real demoniac nature. He progress in spirit life. was self conceited, cruel and murderous in his Pope John X. A stubborn, self-important disposition, but had such great lack of percep- looking man, with large self-esteem and ambi- tion, and was so weak in the wisdom principle tion, and a selfish, cold, hard, iron nature. He that he could not hold sway a great while. He lias a large head, and rather a short nose ; and has not made much progress in spirit. in fact his head, face and eyes, ail very much John 1st {of Portugal.') A warlike lookincr resemble the hog's. He has but little religion, man, with a very Ibrcible brain, a dark complex- and wears a long black satin robe, and a square ion, a long nose and black eyes. He has on a topped hat with a tassel attached. He has queer looking dress. It is not fur thouo-h it naade some progress as he has changed his earth looks like it, but is more shaggy like the hair of views, and is now on his way to a higher hfe. a Newfoundland dog, and is trimmed with a Ben. Johnson. A very eccentric, queer beautiful orange-colored fringe. He wears a old man. He is very odd and a real genius bright scarlet colored crown set with rubies. He is shrewd, cunning, and intellectual, and and a long mantle with long fringe around it. lias large perception and a powerful will. He He holds a black flag in his hand with a coat of wears a plain suit of drab clothing, and a very arms worked in the middle of it. He has not large slouch hat, and he has a fro u sly head with made much progress in spirit life. hair standing every way. He has made great Dr. Samuel Johnson. He is a real orig- progress in spirit life^ nal character. That is a grand story he told Jonah. A rather small sized, pleasant look- about Rasselas in the happy valley. He was ing i^i^o* ^i^h a large forehead, a thin face, high deep and profound and very rehgious but he cheek bones, a large full eye, a thin nose and had a great deal of the sectarian in his heart chin, thin lips, a rehgiously organized head and He had strong comparison end a great intellect a long white beard. He wears a large robe and and was veiy illnstrative. He was highly a long mantle, and has made great progress in moral, but bigoted and full of church religion, spirit life. but has made good progress in spirit life. Note. Through the vocal organs of the me- POPE John XII. A powerful minded, but ^i""^' J°°^^^, ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^'\ '^^7 ^^^' '^"^P*-^,, , , -, , , . -, , a symbolical representation alter the manner ol very hard man, with a large brain, and a de- the period, of his being swallowed and" tossed termined, tyrannical nature. He was a great by a great temptation — from whicb, alter a time, reasoner on cause and effect, and was moral, (likened to three days,) he was delivered or cast upon firm land. JOS 61 JUD Paul Jones. A powerful, energetic man, with stronfy individuality and perception, who was endowed with a recklessnes that made him full of daring. With great lack of caution, he was all courage and determination, and a real good fort in himself. He was foxy, but wise and honest, and true to his country, and has made good progress in the spirit life. Sir William Jones. A man with a won- derfully fine, and highly developed brain, and a beautiful spirit. He has a far-seeing, compre- heasive mind, with full perception and causual- ity, and great wisdom. He was very forcible and strong in judgment, and altogether a great and honorable man. He has made great pro- gress in spirit hfe. Josephine. A noble, strong woman, with large perception and powerful individuality. She has a long, oval face, with a full forehead, a long but good shaped nose, and a benevolent and almost sublime expression of countenance. She wears a head dress of diamonds and other precious stones, worked upon French satin, and a light water colored silk dress. She has made great progress in spirit life. Joseph (of Arimathsea). A highly intel- ligent man with a great intellect and a very open and bold look. He has a full face, a high, broad nose, a full gray eye, and a dark beard mixed with a little gray. He holds a long piece of folded bark in his hand on which are writ- ten the following characters, (see fac simile). He has a very angular shaped head, and wears at times, a crown of diamond stars. He looks very full of light, and is very desirous of progress, but from some cause has not yet risen very high in spirit life. Joseph H {Germany.) A man with abroad, full intellect, large self-esteem, and ambition and very full of of plan and method. He has a bold, powerful look, with a full face and a dark gray eye, and was of a war-like nature. He wears a fine cloak with a deep crimson trim- ming, and has a large book in his hand. He has made fair progress in the spirit life. Joseph (abbreviated. J Reuben is present and bears witness with Joseph, to the truth of the latter's being cast into the pit, and after- wards sold to the Ishmaelites. Joseph also testi- fies to the truth of his dream, in relation to his friends, the chief butler and baker, but he says he did not foretell the famine, which extended over but a part of the kingdom. He supplied his brethren with corn, as is narrated, and says that he was in great favor with the king whose name was Panahaplus ; Pharoah being a general term sygnifying hardness. He is a kind, honest man, of great wisdom and knowledge, with a be- nevolent face, and a great deal ot intellect, intel- ligence, and spirituality. He is dressed in a coat of many colors, which he says he wore to distinguish him as a dreamer and soothsayer. JoSEPHUS. A man of strong intellect, intui- tion, perception, and individuality. He has a large, full face, very broad between the cheek bones, a straight nose, heavy lion-looking jaws^ thick through the lower part, a large full black eye, a well formed mouth, and a large dark brown beard, with a great deal of hair on the upper lip. He wears a round cap upon his head, that runs up to a little point on its top in rather a peculiar way. He had very large self- esteem, and was in fact in his own estimation, a little " great I." He has a good forehead, and was wise, but ambitious and blood-thirsty, and has made slow progress in spirit life. Joshua. As his name implies, he is a man of great physical power. He has a very high head, a large straight nose, a full face, a full large eye, and long beard. He wears a singu- lar looking coat, made in three parts, that hang down behind nearh to the feet, and each side of the three parts is trimmed with what looks like red cloth. He holds a scepter in one hand, and a large sun-dial of the olden time in the other and has the laok of a warrior. H« has made good progress in spirit life. Rlchard Jourdan. a cunning and intel- lectual man, of a good, deep, and determined mind, and a strong will. He is shrewd and far- seeing, and has high reverence, sound judgment, and great force of character. He has made fair progress in spirit life. JoviNius. A shrewd, cunning, strong man, with very large perception and intuition, and a powerful intellect. He has a large, round head, a large full face, and large gray eyes with a black centre, and a very long beard. He wears a long, full robe with large lapells hang- ing to the sides of it. He has made great pro- gress in spirit life. Juba (the Elder). A great and mighty man, with large intuition and perception, and a far-seeing powerful mind. He ha'^ no clothing on except a three cornered piece of thin cloth tied about his loins. He is of a dark, olive color, and has a large face, and knotty wooly hair. He has made great progress in spirit life. ■ JuDAH. A hard man, and a real hbertine. JUL 62 KEL He was in f;\ct very unjust, and is still suffering a powerful mind, and a cunning nature. He in spirit life on that account. He wears a has a large, tull forehead, and was' far-seeino- sheep skin dress on his limbs, and a goat skin intelligent and perceptive. He has a laro^e over his shoulders, and he has a sharp look, a long, full face, with full back brain, and lie bald head, a long chin, and a long peaked nose wears a sky blue wrapper, trimmed with (^old and face. cord, and a three cornered peaked hat. He Judas Iscariot. He has abroad top head, has not made much progress in spirit life, strong individuality and perception, great am- St. Just. A man of great talent, ability bition, large self-esteem, and very large des- and wisdom, with a broad, intelligent intellect tructiveness. He has a cruel look, but is not and a comprehensive mind. He has large in- so bad and treacherous as has been represented, tuition and perception, and a great deal of and he has made good progress in spirit lite. benevolence, though when aroused he was very JuGURTHA. A very ambitious man, of a cruel and resolute.. He was naturally relioious bold and powerful nature, with strong intellect, and a good hand with the pen., and left a areat individuality, perception and causality, and an amount of writing that has not been given to the iron win. He was a far-seeing man, of great world. He has made /air progress in spirit life, wisdom and clearness of conception, with a Justinian. He shews me a laro-e role of dark, shining face, a large forehead, rose, mouth parchment. He must have been very clear- and neck, and a black eye. He has great de- headed, and great for historv, but he does not cision of character, and a cold hard look. He represent anything more, than that he was far- wears a fancy colored wrapper with straps seeing, shrewd and crafty, with great aptness crossed on the breast and back, and a white neck and cunning, and rather skeptical. He has a tie. He has wooly, black hair, which he wears large head, and full forehead, and is very plain longer than is common with others of his nation and unai^suming in his appearance. He has as a mark of distinction. He has made very made good progress in spirit life, good progress in spirit life. Juvenal. A very intellegent man, of a Pope Julian II. A, very self-willed, tyran- great intellect and pi^ofound wisdom. He has nical man, of a cold, hard, iron nature. He is large ideality, hope, individualitv, causality highly intelligent and far-seeing, and has a eventuality, reverence, and perception and great strong intellect, large perception, individuality, method and plan. His head is lar^e and full approbativeness, and self-esteem. He wears a on top, and he has rather a round mouth a full long black silk robe, with white trimming dark blue eye, a large nose but not very loner around it, and has a dignified, determined look, a very red or flushed face, a full head of dark He has not made much progress in spirit life. brown hair, which is now parted in the middle Phillip Marcus Julius. {By Pan, an and comes down over his shoulders, and a fnll Arabian spirit.) His name should be written daik beard on his chin. He wpars a very fine Marchus DePhillipus, (sei^iacsimile,) is an hon- set figured wrapper, composed of red, blue orary title the same as your ^^ De." He was a green, brown and white, that reaches to the great and far-seeing man, of a very combative hips, and loops up and down the front. He and ambitions nature. He wears a short flow- has on light, gold-colored pants, a bright elaret- ing wrapper, trimmed with a row of feathers, colored vest, and brilliant worked slippers, and has a large full face, large dark eyes, and a He sets in a \ery green looking chair, with a thick long nose. He has a highly comprehen- round top, round back, and round seat, and a sive mind, and he should receive much praise great number of springs in the seat. He has for his great ability. He has progressed high made great pro. ress in spirit life, in spirit life. Kant. A man of a deep, far-seeing, loo-ieal Pope Julius 111. A very powerful man and philosophical mind. He has a powerful with large causality, eventuaUty and individual- intellect, and clear perception, and understood ity, and very selfish, immoral, religious and ty- the laws of the human family very thoroughly, rannical. He has a strong mind, but a hardj He is in fact, a real, mental chemist, who knows nature, and was very lustful and full of intrigue, how to analyze the conditions of nature very H<; wears a full, dark green silk robe, trimmed accurately, and prosecuted his investigations •with black cord and lace. He has not made for the simple pm-pose of acquh-ing knowledoe. much progress in spirit life. He has made great progress in spirit. Pope Julius I. A cruel looking man, with Abby Kelley. A strong minded, deter- KEN 63 KIIA mined woman, with a great deal of the mascu- writer, and him's a big war chief. lie got big line element. She has large benevolence, and kill in his eonnorber. He be a much jealous affection, and is a strenuous advocate of liberty, brave. He be fraid be other braves be chiefs, and the equal rights of all. She is very com- and he no have hiai's power. He puts much prehensive, forcible, enthusiastic, bold and fear- devil in many him's council, (State advisers), less, and has made great progress in spirit. and then gets up much muss and big v^r Kemble. a deep and shrewed man, Avitli whoop. He tying (or trying) them big many much of the fox's cunning about him, He is braves he kill. Him have pretties on him's far-seeing and wise, and has strong individual- head, and be much shine>y. Him's have scalp- ity, reflection, eventuality and causality. He ing knife, (sword), with a much feel of kill and lias a very eccentric intellect and a great deal to be big chief. Him's be a very dark brave, of mirtlifulness and benevolence, and has made with no much light in him's heart. He no be great progress in spirit life. see big spirit clear rivers, and him be no good Fanny Kemble. A noble, intellectual in big spirit hunting ground. He no have woman, with high spirituality and intuition, much cheer in hunting ground. He no shine deep perception, and strong adhesivent-ss and much. benevolence. She bas large t^pmpathy, is Kenneth 2nd. A man of a highly digni- ju-'^t, good, affectionate and kind, and is alto- fied nature. He has on a loose, flowing frock, gt'ther one of ihe noblest oC her sex, and has gathered in, all around the waist and back, made great progress in spirit life. * The skirt is very full, and reaches to the bend TtroMAS A. Kempis. A man of deep per- of the knee, but is open down a little in front, ception, a powerful intellect, large intuition and shews a plaited shirt bosom, with two large and individuality, and a very strong will. He diamonds in it, the one about the middle and bas ma-le fair progress in spirit life. the other toward the neck. Over this dress is Brsri. Kendrick. A big puff. He have a wrapper hanging down below the skirts. He big swell. Him's think him's be much account, wea-s a worked, dark, low velvet cap, and He be much know with much lonij and cunnino- around this a crown worked with different col- thinker, and hiui's be a much preach big Christ, ored precious stones, such as pearls, rubies, An he no believe much what he preach. He emerald and diamonds, and a beautiiul band of be long thinker, he know mighty much, but fine gold. He holds a coat of arms in hand him's no be honest chief in him's preach. Him's and in the other, a large shield on which is be on earth dark hunting ground, and him be represented a cutlass and human skeleton. He no much in good cheer with big spirit. Him's has not made much progress in spirit life, be sometime much feel condemned, and wish Jenghis Khan. A man of powerful percep- he does much better, but he like wampums tion and individuality, but small benevolence mighty much, and he no care how him's gets and sympathy. He has a steep, high head it. He be long faced old brave, with much with a full back brain extending fi-om the top smooth but dark waters run in him's spirit, of the head down to the neck. He has a very He be in big eddy of the big river of progress, (^ark, sallow, copper complexion, and a wild and he got wait come big waters to wash him looking eye, a full face, a broad, long nose, a out, for big spirit to see him much. very full mouth, and a large, broad chin. He Amos Kendall. A far-seeing man, with a ^as a necklace which looks like the moon and very logical and philosophical mind, and a stars chained together, and he bas a quiver by strong, and highly comprehensive nature. He his side, and a large bow, and a long arrow, has a remarkably inteUigent intellect, great ^^ wears skin pants, and a fur skin wrapper or penetration, and strong reflective powers, and gown tied round his waist with copper colored is one who can look deep into things, and un- and checkered snake skins. He has a high fore- derstand cause and effect, and correctly measure l^^^^^' ^ compressed mouth, and a cruel, surly and estimate consequences. He has made great ^^o^' ^^^ ^^^ "^^^® ^^^^ progress in spirit life, progress in spirit. Thamis Kouli Khan. A tyrannical look- Kenneth 3rd. [of Scot] He he's one a ing man, of very large intuition, and strong compound of all the tribes of the nation. He individuality. He has a strongly marked, an- have a long and hard pate, and strong, and he gular face, with broad cheeks, a large, wide have a big large blanket on, with a mighty nose, a penetrating black eye, a large mouth, much nice red collar. He have a big long war and rather pointed chin. His head is rather KIR 64 LAB low and flat on top, and very rounded on the ^ion and cau?ality. He was very talented, and sides, an.i he wears a large red and green blank- ^ S^^^^ thinker and reasoner, and had great et, or cloak, made of colored skhis, and soft knowledge and a comprehensive view of things, skin pants, and moccasins. He holds in his ^^ ^^« "^^^^ S"^^^*^ progress in spirit, hand a large, mahogany colored, wooden Mary Knowles. A woman of a deeply shield, covered with rliinoeeros and elephant afiectionate nature, with strong adhesiveness, skin, and chain? made of pearls, shells and other ^nd large social and reflective organs. She trinkets, hangs from his waist, head, and neck, has a most angelic face, full, dark eyes, with He has made slow progress m spirit life. the sky blue reflection, a full forehead, large Khaled, (Mahomet's general). A large, well-formed eyebrows, a round dimpled chin, thick set, fleshy man, of very dark complexion, ^ finely formed nose, slightly Roman, and full with large, thitk under jaw J, a large, full fore- ^^^^ly cheeks. She is remarkably self-pos- head, full, round back head, and large, full eyes, messed ajid dignified, and she wears a wide, with projecting brows. He has great shrewd- beautifully worked lace collar on her neck, and ness, and strong perception and individuality, rather a peculiar, small shawl. She has made and a great deal of force. He has a calm but great progress in spirit life, bold looking face, a heavy head of black hair, John Knox. A profoundly wise man, with and a long beard on the upper lip. He wears strong individuality, and rather a tyrannical a dark red coat trimmed with white buttons will, but still he has made very good progress and silver cord, and pants of the same material in spirit life. with gold cord running down each side of the See Ma Koang. He have a long tail on legs. He carries a very long sword like a cut- i^im'g back head. He have a long sprig of lass in one hand, and a large picture in the green bush in him's hand. He have big pipe other, which, he says, represents the last bat- in ijim's mouth. He have on good nice bSank- tle he fought on ear h. He was naturally very ets, and be much yellow looking. He look like hard and cruel for one of his nature, but has Indian when he be going on long trail. He made fair progress in spirit life, having risen to niuch Indian. He no much want to believe the second sphere. big christian's devil. He have no much faith Richard Kidder. Big, tall brave. He in spirit hunting ground. He be no much in big, tall thinker fbigh forehead). He have ^ig heart feel that the big spirit he come and many big words in him's thinker. He be a tell him's mighty much. Him's be not mighty long and steep, and much know brave. Him's uiuch in big sunshine. He no be warmed by much big pompous look and feel. Him's have bier spirit heart. much peacock in him's nature. He feel be Koschiusko. A verv bold man, of a noble, much big chief and big council cheer. But he j.^^^^j ^^.^^^^ ^.^^^ ^ ^l^^ ^^^ p^^^^^-^l i^^^j, sometiaies no have big, long, wise feel. He lect,. and strong individullity. He is a large, b.'s long (tall) and much strong old brave, f,,n-bodied man, with a hicrh, broad, head, Him's big sesenist (a man of science) some- dark complexion, and sti-aight black hair. He times he think. He big pufi'-blow. He not ^^^^.^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^,^^ ^^ ^^^,^ ^^^^^ much in warm heart. ^^^ ^^^ ^j^.^^ material, and has a broad sword Senator King, (of Alabama). A strong ^^^„^^^ ^y his side. He has on his head a willed man, with a powerful mind. He was ^^^,^^^,^^ ^^^^ ^-^^ ^^^^^^ ^.^,^ ^ ^;i^.^^ ^^^^ ^^^ shrewd, cunning and intellectual on earth, and ^^^^^^ jj^ ^-^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^j- li^^^^^y his material nature o'ertopped the spiritual, and the rights of mankind, and has made great He has made slow progress m spu'it. progress in spirit life. Rev. Thomas Starr King. A highly am- Kossdth. A man of very strono- will, and bitious and religious man, with large self-es- ^^^^^i individuality. He is highlv moral teem, and an unbounded soul nature. He was ^^^^ intellectual, and a true lover of justice and susceptible to high inspirations, and had clear ^.^^^^^^ ^^ .^ phylosophical and logical, and perception and great reverence, and was a far- ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^j ^^^^^^,^ ^^^ i^_ seeing, wise, just, good and noble Christian ^^^^ .^^^ ^^^ ^^^p^^ ^ 1^^^ ^^ ^.^^^^^^ ^^^ ^q^^ man. He is progressing rapidly in spirit life. ^.^^^^_ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^.^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^p.^.^ William KiRWAN. A man of a strong, ca- \^^^^^ A morbid, sle^epv look in- man, pacious, methodical mind, with large percep- ^^^ ^j^^,^^.^ ^^^ ^^^^.^ jj^ .; ^^ ^.^^^; ^..^^^^ LAI 65 LAN shouldered and inclined to stoop. His wife and very philosophical, intellectual, intelligent, and Rachel are present with him, and also comprehensive, far-seeing, wise and profound, Jacob, and they all say that they always lived and since he came to spirit life has done a in harmony, and that the story of the rods and great deal of work, in the way of progress and spotted kids was concocted by the priests. He to enlighten his fellow creatures on earth. He has made good progressan spirit life. is just, good, true and full of knowledge, and Le Compte. a real deep, strongman, with has risen to celestial spirit life, a powerful brain, a great intellect, and a pro- Charles Lamb. A very high toned, intel- foundly wise, penetrating, argumentative, logi- ligent, great and good man, with a powerful in- cal, reasoning mind. He is far-seeing, and tellect, clear perception and large benevolence. a thorough scholar, and very intelligent. He is very afiectionate, and has full ideality learned, philosophical and determined. He and large reverence and sublimity. lie has holds in his hand a quantity of manuscripts, progressed rapidly in spirit life. and has made great progress in spirit. Princess Lamballe. A person of a care- M. Lacroix, (hy Shanky). A high, big ful, observing nature, who has a great variety brave, has a big thinker, and him is wide of prominent elements in her organization, awake. He no sleep in wigwam. He go She was moral, but selfish and determined, and much to find the big spirit's truths. He got material and contracted in her religious much knowing thinker and a big heart. He nature, and could not see outside of the church have much heart beats for big spirit. He live religion of authority by which she was con- in big wigwam in hunting ground. He do trolled. She has not made much progress in much big talk. He know how every big river spirit life. runs. He have much big know, and he put his Lamartine. A man of high culture and big thinker to make much big spirit wisdom, intelligence, and a deep, scientific mind. He He see much light, and the big spirit warms has a noble intellect, and is far-seeing, logical his heart. and profoundly wise, and altogether- a great Ladislaus 1st. a dignified, ambitious and learned man, and truly one who has been man, of a very selfish, proud, warlike nature, useful to the world. He has made great pro- He has a large, full back, and base brain, and gress in spirit. was very determined, shrewd, cunning and cal- Joseph Lancaster. A high toned man, culating. He has a reverential and compre- with a full top brain and a strong mind. He hensive mind, and a large amount of marvel- is very talented and far-seeing, has a great in- ousnes. He wears a short blue cassock with tellect, full perception and ambition, and is gold cord around the bottom of it. He has wise, religious and spiritual. He has made made fair progress in spirit life. good progress in spirit life. La Fayette. A noble, great, far-seeing Archbishop Lanfranc. A strong and intellectual man, possessing the highest and thorough old man, with a shrewd, comprehen-r most expansive liberality. He was strongly sive mind, and very religious but of a selfish,, individualized and highly benevolent, honest compulsory nature. He wears a large mantle and wise. He is very perceptive, moral and with twelve tassels on its border- On. thie spiritual, and a great lover of liberty and the right side they are all of gold, and on the left rights of the people. He did much for the op- of silver; under this is a thick, dark cloth wrap- pressed and down trodden, and like all other per, with gold cord tied around him. He ia benefactors of mankind has made great pro- very dignified, and has made slow progress in gress in spirit life. spirit life. La Grange. A man of a large, full brain, Monseigneur Languillot. Hims make. a strong, comprehensive nature, and a far- me think of big bed bug. liim's does much seeing, deep, clear profound mind. He has bite and gets much blood (wampum) when high ambition, large perception, calculation, him's runs under the bed, or him's bide him's method and force, and great activity and nature under the pillow of the steeple house, determination. Altogether he is one of the Him's he's big brave with big much wit. Him's ablest minds I have ever met with, and has great spirit, he's the devil's grandfather, and made great progress in spirit lite. him's he's and old loggy (log) in |he stream of James Lainez. It is speiled Lainezes on big braves, floating against all the scum on the the roll. A man of a noble and superior mind, sides of the shore of time. He he's mighty LAZ 66 LEO much cunning. Him's he's like possum, sleep wide awake. Him's whole spirit he's made up of more, more bite, more wampum. Him's much know much big path. Him's (will) he's among the snapping turtles in spirit world. Him's divine nature he's dark, no good. LajSTtantius. Big, old and much long con- norber, and he know much big and big thinker. He have much of the big words of the big spirit. Hims is no much on earth's hunting ground. He he's in a great army of braves, and him's says him's live in high, shining stars, and have much good cheer (happiness). He was io a long way off fi'om many braves. He he's a queer brave. La Place. A high-toned man, of superior intellect, and a comprehensive, intelligent mind. He is methodical, scientific, logical, philosophi- cal, and profoundly wise, and full of reason and argument. He has reached the seventh sphere in spirit life. Bishop Latimer. A very eccentrie man, with large benevolence, strong individuality, and a powerful will. He was shrewd and cun- ning, and had many hard as well as good traits in his character, but his greatest curse was de- ception, which has greatly retarded his prog- ress in spirit life, although he has, with the help of others, begun to progress some. Archbishop Laud. A selfish man, but one who considered his religion as the very breath of his existence. He was a true man, and loved his Christ and God, and believed more in reality, than he could express. He was highly intellectual, energetic and full of faith and hope, and has now risen out of his re- ligious errors, and has made great progress in spirit life, and will do much good. Lavater. Big much chief. He have much long scalp (hair J on him's chin, and him's have a big, long thinker, and much big top on him's old pate. Him's a long, broad and much good council man, and him's be in clear, big grass, and he find much of the braves in hunting ground of his own tribe. He be very sunshiney old brave. He much feel big sun. Lazarus. A hard looking object, with very sore eyes, face and head, and long matted hair and beard. He wears a dirty, skin robe full of holes, that hangs in tatters about him, but notwithstanding his filthy appearance, he has highly spirftual face, a solt, sweet voice and a sublime look, and a great light encircles his head, that shines like the sun. He has pro- gressed in spirit to celestial life. Leah. A woman with a large muscula^ body, a high head and forehead, a very long face, broad across the cheeks, and a large, straight nose. She has on a black and white goat skin dress, trimmed with red of the sajne material, and sewed up on each side with strips of skin, and she wears a dark purplfliwreath about her head, which she says was colored with berries and sunshine. She has made great progress in spirit life. Anne Lee. A noble, true, spiritual woman, of great wisdom, strong individuality, and large perception. She was very cunning, and full of her ideas of religion, and perfection, but was good and honest, and truly lived up to the doc- trines she taught. She is in the celestial sphere. General Robert E. Lee. A deep, pro- found man, full of wisdom. His morals are good, and he is highly intellectual, but of rath- er a cold, ironlike nature. Lady Augusta Btron Leigh. A clear headed and observing woman, with great pene- tration and a strong, intense nature. She has a comprehensive mind, and great power ot control, and was a woman of talent and great decision of character. She had very complete method, and was quizzical, and rather inclined to make mountains out of mole hills. She wa€ not a real peace maker, but could when inclined make herself very agreeable. She has made fair progress in spu'it life. Leibnitz. A very philosophical man, of a full, sympathetic brain,with full intuition, large causality and self-esteem, clear perception, great intelligence, and a far-seeing, powerful mind. He inherits his father's constitution and his mother's benevolence, and is of an easy dis- position, but honest and wise, and he is in good ' spiritual progress. Pope Leo 1st. A high old feeling brave. He have on much nice blankets. Him's be in much pray all the time, but him find out the big spirit no hear him's big words. Him's be in a large, barren field, where he no gets very good eat. He have to stay here until he sees all the braves and squaws he made dark, go hio-h in spirit corner (sphere). Thi n him can go. He have to be in much big dark night in spirit corner. He no have moonshine. He be long there. Pope Leo the Great. A powerful and fully developed tyrant. He is very intellectual comprehensive, selfish and religious, and pos- sesses, in his own estimation, a most heavenly dignity, but has not yet made much progress in spirit life. jLjCU 67 LIG '' Pope Leo 9th. A big old chief. Him's gave way to temptation and did wrong things thinker ba's much shiney. Him's very much He was however, rather liberal, and generally out of the old forest of superstish. He has got meant well, and has made fair progress in spir- to feeling much of big spirit heart's good cheer, it life. He hav^ much long thiney in hunting ground. Leonidas. A perceptive, high-toned man, Hims have found good much counsel, and him's of great mirthfulness, and of a highly spiritual got clear in him's judgment, and hims go high nature, although he was very strong in his likes with big shiney braves. and dislikes. He was rather social, and Pope Leo 8th. A determined, fearless though not a debauchee, he was a great lover of man, of a selfish, self-important and material women. nature. He was very religious, but hard and Leopold the Great. A very cunning, cruel, and had but little sympathy for the peo- shrewd, deep man, with large individuality, ple,but loved power and control in both church and though cruel, had naturally a fine, spirit- and state. He had a comprehensive mind, but ual brain. He was one of the great men of his has not yet risen much in spirit life, but is now day, and was always ready to gird on his ar- wiliing to progress. mour to promote the selfish ends of ambition. Pope Leo 2nd. Big old chief. Has a very He was a wise man, with large perception, and much dark cloud over his eyes. Him only powerful in the prosecution of desperate acts. have one pair of eyes, and him only see partly He has not progressed much in spirit life. out of them. Him's big, snakey old fellow. Prince Leopold, {of Brunswick). A man Him do shew him's snakeship mighty much in of great intelligence, and very high intelleet, spirit hunting groundr Him crawls on him's and a beautiful, fine spirit. He has a large belly all the time in spirit hunting ground, amount o/daring and ambition in his nature. Him wear him's belly all out crawling. and great force of character. He has a full Emperor Leo 1st. A very strong, hard, share of benevolence, which he says he has surly old man, with a powerful mind, and won- mostly acquired in spirit life. He wears a derful . physical determination. He is ambi- black coat and a fight colored vest. His spirit tious, selfish and cruel, has large, full destruct- is very light and well developed, iveness, and was very forcible. He has a digni- Bishop John Leslky. A proud and dig- fied but tyrannical nature, and large self-esteem, nified man, of a highly religious, reverential He loved power, and is hard in the control and bigoted nature. He has large ambition, of the people. He has not made much prog- intellect, penetration and determinatiou, and a ress in spirit life. very thorough, comprehensive mind, and has St. Leopold. A very compelling, selfish made fair progress in spirit life, man, with a determined will, a thorough, com- Levi. A strong, hard looking physical man prehensive mind, and large reverence, percep- ^jth a well developed heal, k very angular tion, ambition and self esteem. He has a face, long hair and a heavy beard. He was strong intellect and a religious, bigoted nature, father to the Levites, and a good representative and was di^^nified and very forcible. He has of his own father. He wears a red skin dress now cleared himself of many of his former tied about his loins, and has made good pro- earth notions, and is making fair progress in gress in spirit life, spirit life. Pope Liberius. Him's have on much fun- Pope Leo 10th. A man of deep percep- ny looking wig-scalp. Him's look so him's tion, strong individuality and high ambition, be scalped some time. Be's many braves here He had large secretiveness, and was very bold say him's wore all the hair oif him's pate hold- and sanguine in his appearance and mode of mg him's hand on him's head, doing much pen- action, and of a highly intelligent, hard, and ance. Him's have great notion rubbing him's selfish nature. He was profoundly wise when pate when he be saying him's spokes (sermons on earth, but has made slow progress in spirit or prayers.) Him have long nice pink blanket life. on him's body. Him big pate brave. Him Ponce De Leon. A far-seeing man, of a loves squaws much. Him go whittle chips, (In- cret, cunning, jealous nature, although in dian mode of wooing), with squaws mighty ^me respects very good. He had a clear com- much. He be's now all out of that, and him be prehensive mind, but was inclined to seek ex- big shiney brave. He love big spirit much, terual favor, and at times, like most other men, John Lightfoot. A strong, determined LIV 68 LOP man, with large self-esteem and causality, full reflective powers, a great intellect, and highly intelligent. He has large comparison, and a mind well stored with wisdom and knowledge, and has made great progress in spirit life. John- I^ilburnk. A wise, philosDphical man, with a deep, profound mind. He was far- seeing, logical and reverential, and of a hope- ful nature. He has a well-balanced brain, and is very calm, considerate and comprehensive. He has strong n flective powers, and deep intui- tion and soul-feeling, and has reached the seventh sphere. Abraham Lincoln. A good, honest- hearted man, though a little corrupted by am- bitious promptings in his last days. His wis- dom and knowledge were not very deep, nor was he a great statesman, but he was one who acted in accordance with the truth to the best of his knowledge and abihty. LiNN^us. A man of a high, thoroughly de- veloped, far-seeing mind, with large pejception, constructiveness, penetration, causality, com- bativeness, individuality, and self-esteem. He was very active and energetic, but had a good even balance of eventuality, and an intelligent though rather selfish nature, which he is now growing out of, and is making fair progress in spirit life. Sophia Little (Neicport, R. I). A per- son of a sanguine and religious nature, who in passing me on the street always threw a pleas- ing halo over my spirit. She is very benevo- lent, charitable, sympathetic, and affectionate, and is of a forcible nature and an untiring worker. She has fair intellect though not much causality, and is true, noble, honest, just, and good. She has large spirituality, with but little idea of the future, but has made good progress in spirit. Thomas Lord Littleton. A man of deep wisdom and strong, fulh'-developed mind. He has clear perception, and large causality and combativeness, and vv^as very determined and forcible. He is highly mtellectual and compre. hensive, and full of knowledge, but rather sel fish and ambitious. He was moral, cold and dignified, and has made fair progress in spirit life. EoBERT R. Livingston. An ambitious man, of a very intelligent, perceptive, compre hensive nature. He^ had full causality and comparison, great reverence and profound in- tellect. He has large reflective and reasoning organs, strong individuality and morality, and was very forcible. He has made good progress in spirit. John Livingston, D. D. A real bigotted old man, full of superstition and prejudice. He is very religious and tenacious for the interests and control of the church. He was set and de- termined when on earth, and had great self- esteem and ambition, and still has a queer idea that he is appointed to look after the lambs of Christ, of which he says he can find only now and then one. He has not made much head- way in the spirit world. LiVY. . A man of deep, profound wisdom, and strong individuality and perception. He had a strongly marked, large face, a large nose, a broad chin, and a deep black eye. He had a high spiritual nature, and has made good progress in spirit life. John Locke. A man of a deep, scientific mind, and highly philosophical intellect. He had a large brain, and was wise, far-seeing, and very logical. His judgment was great, and he was powerful in the mental and strongly indi- vidualized. He has made great progress in spirit life. *JoHN D. Logan. A strong-minded man, of powerful intellect and very large perception. He is a close observer and a good planner, and has great executive ahility. He is what I should term a thorough and good man consider- ing his position. He has made good progress in spirit. LoNGiNUS. A man of a very strong will and powerful individuality, and large intuition, in- tellect, perceptive and reflective organs. He has a large, straight, full face and nose, a large full greyish blue eye, and a full grey and black beard. His appearance is very dignified, and he is a deep thinking man of great precision, method and plan. He wears a large, black coat, and holds a black hat in his hand. He has a solemn and spiritual look, and has made good progress in spirit life. Longfellow. A noble man, with large benevolence, philoprogenitiveness, adhesiveness hope, love and sympathy, and altogether pro- foundly wise, good and honest. He has a most sublime spirit, and has fully ripened for immor- tal life. President Lopez. A real wild, cruel and revengeful despot. He is cunning and shrewd, and has large combativeness, destructiveness and ambition, full self-esteem, and strong indi- viduality, and is irritable, warlike and tyranni- cal. He has a very angular head, and full LOU 69 LUC strong perception and intuition, but lias not amiable looking, though rather sly, and cun- made any progress in spirit. ning. She is intelligent and intellectual and Cardinal Lorraine. A man of powerful has a beautiful look but is not very spiritual, perception and individuality and a strong, an- She has large ' self-esteem, large approba- aimal nature. He had a determined, stubborn, tiveness, and a far-seeing mind, and has made ■will, and a selfish, hoggish, nature, and was good progress in spirit life, fond of being first and forenaost in everything. Louis Napoleon. A shrewd, ambitious, He has not made much progress but this days perceptive, man, who readily penetrates the experience will start him onward. plans of others. He is selfish and immoral but Lot and hjs wife, (abbreviated.). Rath- highly spiritual, and quick to discern the relation er an inferior looking old man who says he was of things. He has a powerful will and a very a salt maker, and that a volcano broke out near cunning way in compassing his ends, his works and the lava ran down and mingled Wm. Low^ndes. A strong, perceptive, far- with the salt he had stored up and that his seeing man, with clear comprehension and a wife got bewildered in her attempt to escape tremendous will-power. He had a firm, san- and ran directly in!;o the melted lava and salt, guine, penetrating, social nature, though he and was christalized, or carbonized, which gave was ambitious of influence and power. He had rise to the tradition about her. Both Lot and strong individuality, high, self-esteem, great his wife have made good progress in spirit life, reverence, and was very philosophical and a LoTHAiRE 1st (of Germany.) A far-see- great reasoner. He has made great progrebs ing man, of a very ambitious, calculating, na- in spirit life. tare. He has a great brain, large self-es- Bish. Rob't Lowth. A self-willed man of teem, and penetration, and a comprehen- a strong, determined, nature. He was exceed- sive mind, but is proud hard and cruel. '*He ingly religious and a great lover of power and has a vpry war-like look, and wears a coat of was ambitious of obtaining the respect of the armour and holds in his hand a cutlass and a high people of earth. He has a comprehen- strong, but thin steel shield. He has not made sive mind but remains in the fog about divinity, much progress in spirit life. and still clings to his earth idea of religion with Louis 9th (France.) A powerful man, of great reverence and tenacity. He has not strong individuality, who was not moral but made much progress in spirit life, as he stands very warlike and religious. He has a full hazel on his dignity and wants progress to come to ,eye, large eyebrows of a dark color, and a him- large neck and chin. He has on a gay, bronze- Ignatius Loyola. A shrewd, foxy man, of colored coat, a" large red and claret color- great intellect, intuition, ambition, and percep- ed vest, lilac pants, and green and straw- tion, and of a cunning, secretive, and eccentric colored slippers. He has made slow progress nature. He has made very slow progress in in spirit life. spirit life. Louis 11th (France.) A full-sized man Lucien. A selfish, ambitious, man of a with a hard, tyrannical looking face, and a strong, far-seeing mind. He has a large, base, powerful and cruel nature. He has dark brown brain, a full back head, and a religious organi- hair, a little wavy, and a large long beard. He zation. He has large perception, and deter- wears a dark brown velvet cloak, and black mination, and is very shrewd and forcible, and velvet slippers, and has made slow progress in sharp looking, and wears a dark green wrapper spirit life. with a heavy cord tied around it. He has not Louis 16th. A very intellectual man, with made much progress in spirit life, a strong, forcible mind, but of a tyrannical, des- Pope Lucius 2rd. A very religious and tructive nature. He loved power, and self~ag- devoted man of great dignity of character. Pie grandizement, and was never better pleased has great firmness, is calculating, and shrewd than when he saw his subjects bowing to him. and has large comparison and a strong intel- He was reflective, cunning, exacting and cruel, lect. He is now doing a work of love for those and took pleasure in seeing the people ground who come to spirit life that will repay for all to the dust to further his selfish ends. He has his former errors, and is making good progress. not made much progress in spirit life. Pope Lucius 1st;. A man of a shrewd, cun- Maria Louisa. A high-toned person with ning, determined, nature. He has large cau- iarge intuition and full perception, and very sality, but not much reverence, or religion, and LYS 70 MAC is very hard, cautious, careful, and observing, hair on top of his head and he has on a skull He was not what he seemed to be on earth, but cap made of skins. He holds a large roll of he is highly intelligent and may come out clear parchment in his hand with a thick tanned after awhile, though he has not made much string around it. He has progressed to a high progress in spirit life as yet. sphere in spirit life. Lucretius. A very intuitive person with St. Macarius. An old white bearded a beautiful well developed head. He has a man, with a bald head and a dark foggy look, practical profound mind, a loving, sympathetic His spirit seems as heavy as a stone, and he nature, and great reverence. He wears a long has to take himself around by others light. He linen dress and a fur skin cloak. He has reach- is very bigoted and slow in his movements, ed celestial life and is now helping a great and finds it hard to rise from the earth because many into light and knowledge. he will not let go of his preconceived ideas. He St. Luke. A very good, serious looking has on a long black robe with a white mantle man with a broad face, a broad full nose, a long over his shoulders, and a black peaked hat. beard, and a mild, expressive countenance. He has not made much progress in spii-it life. His features are coarse, but he has a spiritual Smox Maccabeus. He be a long hair in look, and seems to be of a reserved disposition, i^j^ f^ce. He be mighty much long fa°ce. He A spirit now present says that no such man i^^ve big, high snout (nose). He have a fun- as Luke, ever lived, and that it is one of the ^y dress with mighty much nice gold color priests who coined his name that is represent- blankets (clothes). He have big O (moon) in mghim. But the spirit that claims to be Luke him's hand. He have big * in his forehead, is of too simple a nature to be a priest, and ge be big chief (one in authority), he know although he wears a long robe, he has none ^.^j^ty ^^^^^ He have big spirit in him's of theself-importance that generally attaches to thinker. He says mighty much big words. He the priestly order, and I can also see from the have long preach in his heart. He be mightv light that shines around him that he has made ^.^ch know, (has great knowledge). He be great spiritual progress. lo„g i^ big spirit hunting ground" fore he see Martin Luther. A man of great intellect, sunshine. He see sunshine now. sound judgement, and very strong perception, Macenus. A real cunning old man of a individuality, and intuition. He was highly ^^^.y comprehensive mind, and a deep, pro- moral, religious, benevolent, good, true and found thinker. He has large brain-clear per- kind, but of a very bigoted nature, which has ception, strong intellect, combativeness and much obstructed his progress in the spirit lile. determination, and full causality. He has a He has, however, progressed rapidly since the tyrannical look, but a fair bright spirit. recent openingr of spirit communion from the ., t^- n • • .. f ■= ^ Macchiavelli. Big, old, swinging brave. immortals. tt- -, u n .i .- i • > x- ^ u- . , , . , Him s be all the time on him s tip toes. Him Lycurgus. a very powerful man with , , , ^ xx- » t. i • i. .,.,,. ;' ^ . , , much queer old pate. Him s have big much strong mdividualitv, and perception, and deep , i i ■ , -r i. i • ..i,- i u ^ ° - ' r 1" » »" know, and him s have much big thinker ; but wisdom. He was exceedingly ambitious, hard , . , , , ,1 ^ i-i *.u u ° •' ' him s be much easy blow round like the bran- and cruel though not very destructive. He , n ^ i, .u • j ui u- -d- ° .... ches of trees when the winds blow him. Big has made fair progress in spirit life. u t.- r tt- i, -u- u .u- i tt- ' ° ^ old ctuef. Him have big much think. Him s Bp. Lynch (of Toronto.) A determined, be's know (thinks he knows) when him does dignified, and strong-minded man, of a very ^ot know all big spirit. He says he knows how religious but selfish nature. He has full percep- ^^^1 he weighs in the scale of big spirit, but tion, intuition, self-esteem, causality, individu- bim no does. Him have much big bladders cf ality, reverence and hope, and is proud, calcu- conceit over his eves. lating and ambitious, and very metnodical and g^j^ James MacIntosh. A very eminent intelligent. He is making good progress in j^^n with strong individuality, large preception sp^'^^*'- and high reverence. He is of a philosophical Lysias. a very gigantic map abont seven nature, has a givar, far-seeing, logical mind, feet and a halt high. He has a large broad and a refined intellect, and is altogether a head and face, a full high nose and a long beard, deep, intelligent and profoundly wise, kind, He wears a dark cream-colored fur robe with a true and good man. He shows me a large roll large band tied around his waist. There is no of parchment which, he says, contaius a record i MCF 71 MAE of Ihe best part of his earth career. He has and good to the poor and sick. He is truly made great progress in the spirit life. benevolent and noble, and an exemplary Chris- James Macpherson. a man of deep, pro- tian in thought and deed, and has made o-reat found mind. He was far-seeing, and had great progress in spirit. penetration and preception, and a comprehen- Thomas McKim. A man of a hiah com- sive brain generally-bemg very intellectual, prehensive, and fully developed mind. '^ He has reflective methodical and mechanical He strong preception - individuality, penetration, was, m fact, a highly honorable man of great ^^^^^y^,^ ^,^j i^^^U^^^^ ^^^ .^ ^.^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ability, with a sharp, shrewd, wise nature, and ^^^ intelligent. He has a full top head, and a has made great progress in spirit life. ,^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ I j^^,^ philosophical mind, James MacSparran, D. D. Big's old ^r..^ u^. r^^A a '• ^^^^■£' . ^^ ' "= and has made good progress in spirit life. brave. Hun's spirit brains be's oozing out big much white froth, and him's be like big mineral , ^'Z' McLean. A deep, cunning man who springs. Him have mighty much bad green ^^' ^^'f^ destructiveness, and a good deal of J 11 ., ' c I.' f ii - *'he old puritan kill in his nature, and a stronsr and blue matter running from him s finger enas. ^ uaiuic, auu a. snuug H-_. u • * • 1 • J u- I. stubborn will, with great power to wield it. ims being tapping large vein, and big much ' 5 u ^^ * ^t iw ^Yiriv^ 11,. red looking matter come's out, and him's be's ^^^ '' ^^'P ^"^ far-seeing, but has not much got's big's swelled blisters on him's sides and o^ the progressive spirit in him, and though not stomach. Him's be's all surrounded with long ^^^"^ ^^^ '' ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^"' ^^^^ ^ g^^^ big scalping knives. Him's have his much gray I'^tellect, but small sympathy and benevolence looking powder. Him's takes it and makes Bishop Mc*****. A real hard, selfish man him's sick and purges him much. ^^^^^ ^^^^^ °^i"d ^^ ^^^^o^^^ to the one idea of Bp. McClosky. a very strong man who Promoting the power of the church. He has pretends to great holiness, but in reality has ^^^^^ ambition, but not a particle of the di- no religion other than that ^^ihe end justifies the ^^°^ °^ spiritual element expressed in his ex- meansr and that it is right to deceive for ^^'^^^ memory, but is existing wholly in the Christ's sake. But still he stands high as a "material world. Yes, it seems as if he really moral man, and, perhaps he is, so far as re- sought to draw his cap over his mental eye and gards sensuality, though not in a religious "^^ ^* ^^^"^" ^^^ ^^^"^^^ influence and power, point of view. But he is intellectual, philo- ^^ ^^' ^^^ ^^^^ ^^"^^ benevolence, and is sqphical, intuitive and logical, and profoundly ^^^^ ^ ^^°^^^ ^^" ^ hardshell He may be deep and wise, and has made good progress in "^«'^^' ^"^ ^^ '^ ^^^^^^^ sympathetic nor charit- spirit. able, and is cold, dignified and very stern Gen. McClellan. A man who is good and ^^^^^ '^ ^° «°"1 ^" ^'^ religion, and it will take deep in his nature, and of the finest sensibih- ^ ^^^^^ "^^">^ :^^^^« ^^^^ ^^^® ^"^ hereafter to ties. He is highly intellectual, intuitive, spir- ^^^^ "P ^'^ ^^^^ ^^t'^^e- ^e is making slow itual, and conscientious, and free from the progress in spirit. vices of most men. He is quiet and undem- Madig. A clear-headed, but queer, old onstrative, but 'Very sympathetic, and loves his Mian with large preception, intuition and caus- country and the world. He is good both in ality, and a far-seeing, comprehensive mind. morals and affections, and strong and forcible He has a high, full top head, and a wide basic when certain, but very cautious. brain, and is very energetic. He has an un- Sec'y. McCui.LOCH. A very sound and concerned and careless, but fearless, look, and good hearted man of honest and good inten- is full of shrewd plans. He has made fair pro- tions, und great in all his acts. Pie has a gress in spirit life. strong, deep intellect, and keen, hawk-like James Madison. A clear-headed, strong preceptive faculties, and though weak in some minded, deep and profound man, with rather points and habits, he is true, kind and benev- too much cunning and acquisitiveness, but he olent. is highly intellectual, intuitive, wise and good Bp. McFarlAiS[D. a man of a deep, pro- and a great man to his purpose, found mind, and one of the best bishops I have Maelebranche. A man of a profound seen. He is gentle, sincere, reverential, reli- mind, with full intellect, perception, causality, gious and devoted, and highly moral. He is and reflection, aAd very methodical, wise, far- con 5 jientious, quiet and calm, and very kind seeing, comprehensive and determined, and MAI 72 MAN possesses great wisdom and knowledge. He them big much writer of Moses' barks of coun- has made great progress in spirit life. cil," (book of laws) ; and him's call its " the Rev. Mr. Maffit. A very ambitious man parchment of Jehovah, big spirit." Him's with strong self-esteem and a great deal of says him bring this big bundle all round him, shrewdness and external religion. He has a mighry much fraid braves gets him, (it). Me's highly reverential nature, with a great deal of tells him it he's no good. Me's tells him throw selfish bigotry. His head is full on top, but him's bundle into Moses on hunting ground, very narrow from side to side, and be is very Simon Magus. A very old looking man, tenacious in behalf of his religion, but the church with a large, broad, dark, olive colored face, a and creeds embodied his idea of worship. He long, high nose, and a broad head. He has a used to say that if the idea'jof a devil was put long flowing green robe, with scarlet spots, and out of the Church you might as well take the wears a band round his head. He has a full blue pills from the doctor, for the devil to the beard and long hair, and holds a triangle, with Church was the same as the blue pill to the pa- a picture of the moon with a spiritual face in tient. He has not made much progress in spirit the centre, in one hand, and a large balance in ^^■^- the other. He has made great progress in spir- Mahommed Bey. A very thick set, fleshy it Hfe. man, with a large, broad, bulldog head and a Malachi. A short, thick, fleshy man, with massive lower jaw, but yet, has high reverence a low forehead, and a down cast look, but and a brilliant, though hard and cruel, look, of great wisdom, judgment and knowledge. He has a broad forehead and a high, expan- He has a short, broad face, a short, small nose sive intellect, with great intelligence, self es- a long gray beard, and is very slow of speech, teem, ambition and firmness, and a very forci- He wears. a blue robe tied round him with a ble, tyranical nature. He has made slow pro- white nord, and has made great progress in gress in spirit hfe. spirit life. Mahmoud 2nd. a hard, selfish, ambitious Malcolm 4th, (of Scotland). A man of a man of a most determmed nature, and far-see- Signified, but selfish, tyrannical, determined and ing and wise, but neither moral nor spiritual, combative, nature. He has a far-seeing mind, He has a heavy, thick under jaw, a large back ^-^^ ^^^^^ self-esteem, perception, penetration, brain and a wild eye, and was very lustful and ambition, and intellect. He is very intelligent destructive. He has not made much progress and has great constructive power, and has made in spirit life. ^ ^ ^^^^^ progress in spirit life. Mahomet. A very deep, cunning man, with ,, . ^ -, . -, T • ,• • T 1. 1 Malthus. a man of a strong, determined strong preception and individuality, and very . , -rr , , , , , -,, . Tx 1 1 ^ M ^ , mind. He has a very observable and striking large adhesiveness. He has a large, tuil, fleshy . , . . , -, , , , , , , , . , ,. . , appearance in the spirit world, although he has body, a strong appetite and digestion, a large, , , , , -, , .. . , „ , T ,. , , 1 1 1 7,1 passed through several ordeals of trying experi- round face, a bioad, high head, and a large, lull ^ . .*-. , . . . tt , /. n , ,, , , ^^ enees in gaining his position. He has a full, eye, with great breadth between the eves. He , , , , ^ ■ -, i • • . n . i , ° . , , , . T, , .,, ' , , broad head, a great mind, and is intellectual, has on a priestly looking, black silk robe, but ., , . , 1 1 1 • ,/> • .1 n U-, TT and rather perceptive. he also shows himsell in another oi blue. He has deep affection and an honest look, but has Judge Mangum. A man of fine sensibili- not made very fast progress in spirit life. ^'^'^ though of a selfish nature. He has great Mahomet 4th. A very religious man, with i^fellect, and perception, and a strong will, but a long beard, who is much devoted to the wor- ^^^ "°t strongly marked in the moral brain, ship of his fathers, and disposed to cling to the ^e was shrewd and cunning, and full of deep relics of the past. He wears a dark silk and plots and theones, but has made fair progress hnen robe tiimmed with images of difi'erent iQ spirit hfe. kinds of animals, with a coffin worked and Abp. Manners. A highly dignified man sewed on the back of it, and a low peaked cap. of a deep, far-seeing, comprehensive mind. He has not made much progress in spirit life. He has a strong religious nature, with great Maimonides. a brisk, old brave. Him's reverence and devotion. He has a full intel- be mighty much funny old brave. Be's big, lect, and high self-esteem, and is proud and old, ill-shappd knot. Him no grow big straight, conceited to a degree that is seldom equalled. Him got big hucup on him's back's. Me's says^ In fact he is a real swell in society that seems Brave, what be's that for? He say, "it be's ready to burst through the excess of his own MAR 73 MAR importance an 1 vanity. He has made slow Margaret of Denmark. {Bij Spur zli elm.) progress in spirit. A lady of large individuality, intuition, calcu- James Manning, D. D. A man with a lation, comparison, ambition, and self-esteem high, full top head, great reverence, and a very and very high and complicated reverence. She I religious nature. He has full perception, am- ig of a very thorough, determined, and com- I bitioQ, self-esteem and determination, and a prehensive nature, has great constructive I highly talented, comprehensive mind. He is power, and is shrewd, intellectual, and intelli- I full of religious bigotry, and his great will force gent. She has a full and hopeful brain, and Ij and tenacity of purpose enables him to over- has made good progress in spirit life. |i come obstructions without noise or apparent Margaret of Anjou. {By Spurzheim.) effort. He has not made much progress in A person with a very high top head, and a spirit. strong, determined nature. She has a thorough, M. Manuel. A man of a fine, full devel- and collective mind, and large firmness, caus- oped brain, and a religious, forcible nature, aiity, and self-esteem. She has on a beautiful He has a strong intellect, large perception, intui- sky blue robe, trimmed with orange colored tion, causality, individuality, and ambition, and braid, and wears a crown set with diamonds. great shrewdness and intelligence. His mind She has not made much progress in spirit life I is of a high order, and he has made fair pro- Caius Marius. A man who stands high gress in spirit life. has large, broad shoulders, dark, long, auburn Marat. A highly perceptive, and ambi- hair, a large moustache, sallow complexion, and' I tious man, of a powerful and very cruel nature, a dark, chestnut eye. He was a very bold man but one who always acted truly for his friends, with strong perception, eventufClity, and in- He was selfish, and strongly individuahzed dividuality, and a full powerful intellect. He and loved to wield the sword of power. He was iar-seeing, and rather moral, and has made has however made fair progress in spirit life. good progress in spirit life. Manton Marble. A very truthful, straight- Mark Anthony. Although he had many /-orward, good man, of a decided nature, and good traits, still he was a bad man. He has a clear, thoughtful mind. He has good judgment large individuality, and powerful perception, and is shrewd, and highly intellectual, and is and was full of war and revenge. He was a progressive m spirit. large, strong built man, of a brunette complex- Marcellinus. {By Spurzheim.) A cal- ion, with but little sympathy or spirituality in culating mind, with large causality and com- his nature, but very self-willed and tyrannical. parison and self-esteem 5, plus, constructive- He has made some little progress in spirit life. ness 3, et/ua/, ambition 4 1-3, hopeful Q.plusi, Mark. A very fully developed man, with amativeness 6, pZus, caution 4, equal, percep- high cheek bones, a long face, a full for eheM, tion 6, p/ws, reflection 6, p/ws, causality l,plm. and a long peaked nose. He has a strong in- He has risen very fast in. spirit life. tellect, large perception, and a peculiar, shrewd, Marcion. a man of large cerebellum and and foxy look, . coupled with an expression of a large encephalic brain. He was a most thor- great simphcity and innocence. He is very ough logician and thinker, and altogether a conscientious, and unassuming, and has made wise and powerful man, with full perception great progress in spirit life. and a very religious nature. He has a large, Marmont. A big, strong chief. He big long face, dark brown eyes, a greecian nose, and know, and have mighty much big war path in I bald head, and a brilUant look. He has on a him's thinker. He been big hunting ground black silk vest, a round tailed coat, made from many moons, but he be in big dark hunting I the finest wool, and checked pants. He wears ground, he no see much big sunshine in the big I a large breast plate, and has a wreath in his spirits corner. He make me think of a little hand and a red flower in his breast pocket. He star who have a cloud half over it, so he no has made great progress in spirit life. shine only half way. He got b^g clinker (gun) Judge Marcy. A hard old knot, but deep big scalping knife, (sword). He have on blue and profound. He had a strong intellect, and and red blankets. He big connorber (head). large benevolence, and was very moral and He mighty much hair on his chin. He no see deep in his plans, and could as circumstances big spirit in long moons. required be hard, or very easy. He has made Marmontel. A man of a strong brain, I good progress in sphit Ufe. and a fully developed mind. He is very com- MAR 74 MAR preh«nsive, intellectual, far-seeing and intelli- steam blows hirn's up byme by. Hur! H-ur! gent, and in fact has a full combined develope- (steam whistle). ment of the prominent mental organs. He has Pope Martin 1st. A man of a fully devel- a determined, forcible nature, and understands oped mind, and of a selfish, external, religious the laws of individuality and true liberty. He nature. He was very shrewd, and his mind has made good progress in spirit life. was more bent upon controlling the ignorant JoHX Marshall. A decided, strong, deter- people and making them believe in the author- mined man, with a clear perception, and ity of the church than in promoting true reli- fine oroanism. He has great wisdom, and gion. He has not as yet made much head way though not infallible was as a general thing n spirit life, but will soon begin to progress well qualified to meet out judgment and justice faster. toothers. He is moral, logical, and philosoph- Justln^ Martyr. Avery intellectual, in- ical, and highly intellectual. telligent, talented, philosophical man, with a Charles Martel. A very wise, intuitive, far-seeing, logical mind. He was a man of and reverential man, who was much interested great wisdom, but has a plain look and seems in establishing his faith and had a hard way of very careless in his dress. He was great for enforcing ]t. He was intellectual, cunning and composing and arranging, and has made great shrewd, had a full perception, and was of a progress in spirit life- cruel, hard and dignified nature. He has a John Marsallac. A wiry, nervous look- great amount of confession to make, and has ing man, with powerful intellect, large percep- not made much progress in spirit life. tion, strong individuality, and large intuition. Pope Martin 3rd. Big old mo5s bank, He has a large, full, round top head, a little (gross coarse man). Him's be a miohty, much bald, a sharp nose at the end, but rather full at knowing brave. He he's on his knees and the upper part of it, very full cheeks, rather a him's have many long prays. Him's much deep set eye, and a closely shaven beard. He cunning brave. He have no found the beauti- wears a coat and pants made of gray cloth, of ful silvery moon. Him's no find the true holy a golden tinge, and a dark brown vest. He has water. Him's he's out all the time in muddy made great progress in spirit life, showers. It be braves and squaws turning Mary (Queen of England.) A deep, and muddy water on him, because they say he puts cunning woman, of a strong selfish nature. She mud in their face and calls him holy water, so lacked morality, spmpathv and intuition, and them's giving him's much holy mud. He have was rather material, but had a good intellect, stand it, for he no get out the shower, cause and large perception, individuality, and self- mo: spirit no let him. esteem. She is rather dark and has not made St. Martin. A highly dignified man, of a much progress in spirit life, thorough, intelligent, far-seeing mind. He has Mauy (Queen of Scots.) A not very strong a very fine brain, strong intellect, large per- or wise woman, but one of an extremely selfish ception, ambition and self-esteem, and a nature, and a real tyrant at heart. She was hard, religious, exacting bigoted nature. He not highly spiritual or moral, but had pretty has a determined will, and did many wrong good perception. She was artful and deceit- things but has made fair progress in spirit life, ful, and a hard woman in the exercise of power, (The Same.) A big, old chief. Him's be her love of which ovei powered her better nature, all covered with pretty trinkets. Him's have Her intellect might be termed weak. She has much nice looking blankets, (garments). Him's got some light in spirit life but has not made be got gimblet eves. Him's big boar, (swin- much progress. ish). Oh — mighty much boar in him's pate. Mary of Cleves. A noble and refined Him's be no mighty much Saint me thinks, person. She is very spiritual, and has full per- Him's big much know with big much looking ception and intuition, and a strong determined glass in his hands. Me sai/s "brave what make nature. She is high and dignified, has large you have that?" Him's says "him's much self-esteem and ambition, but is benevolent and good look and him's want to (see) himself!" has made great progress in spirit lite. Him's got much big lump on him's head. Mary of Austria. (Bt/ Spurzheim.) A Men's calls it mulch, but braves says be steem, wise, far-seeing person, of a strong highly de- (self-esteemj. Hur! Hur! me's guess his veloped organization, and a very full basic N MAS 75 MAT brain. She lias large perception, intellect, am- looking neck-tie, and needle- worked slippers bition, ideality and determination. She is very made oft different colored silk. He is cunning and intelligent, and lias large penetra- not a moral man, and has a cruel look, and has tion and constructiveness, and is rather digni- made slow progress in spirit life, fied and proud. She has made good progress Marshall Massena. {hy Spurzlieim.) He in spirit life. hasa strong, complex brain, with large calcula- Mary THE Mother OF Jesjs. (Abrevia- tion, and is methodical, far seeing, and con- ted) A beautiful, sublime looking woman, and structive. He has high self-esteem, and great very honest and good. She says that neither constructive and mechanical powers, a strong herself or her son ever claimed for him any intellect, a powerful will, large comparison and other than human paternity, although some of great skill in planning. He was a very deep his followers did, and though he was crucified and searching man, full of knowledge, and wis- his physical body was not ressurrected as is dom, and has made fair progress in spirit narrated. She is now in a high sphere in spirit life, life Massinissa. A man of strong individuali- Masillon. a man of a strong, logical, ty, perception, intuition, self-esteem and am- philosophical mind and a determined com- bition. He has a large, round, full face, of a bative nature. He has large intellect, -intui- dark, sallow, silvery complexion, a penetra- tion, perception and causality, and is highly ting black eye, and a bold, cunning and shrewd, intelligent. He has made fair progress in look. He wears a very gay looking parti-col- spirit life. ored coat, of bright colors, that looks like John Mason, D. D. A dignified, proud, worked worsted, or carpet, and he has a large man, with a large, full, top head, and a rever- ^^^^^^^ ^hain around his neck and a tall peak- enlial. religious nature. He has large percep- ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^s ^« if i* ^^« "^^^^ «f bl'^^ tion and individuality, great decision and firm- silk, on his head. He has a spear in one hand, ness, and a strong intellect, but is very bigoted ^"^ ^ ^^^g^' ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ °*^^^- ^^ ^^' ^ ^ -, • J- J TT u t i. w i- large nose, a large full mouth, is verv wide in and prejudiced. He has great tenacity of ° ' =" , , ' p ., , ^ , , 1^ -n 1 '• 1 the face between the cheeks and has a well- purpose, a forcible stubborn, self-willed mind, „ , , , , ^ , , ,^ ,. , . , , . . , , • -^ 1 ^ ^ formed body about five and a half feet high, and is in a dark spiritual state. ^^ , •; ...,.„ ° He has made some progress in spirit life. Massasoit. a very deep and wise roan, of ,^ ,_ ■ n ■, . , ^ rr 1- 1 Cotton Mather. A man of a deep, pow- a strong, jealous nature. He was rather sel- r , . , , r n ^ tt ^ , . . 1 • , . . 1 1 -I erful mind, and great force of character. He fish, cunning, perceptive and intuitive, and had , - , , • „ , , ^, . 1 /• 1 -1 1 1 . , . , was highly intellectual, though not very spirit- the mind of a philosopher ; here is his charac- a u- ^•(• • i ^ • v • r ter symbolized by himself. ''Shady as the for- est, bright as the sunsliine, thorny as the wild rose, gigantic as the oak. His spirit expansive ual, and his life is marked in religious force although under other circunjstances he might have been very different. He had a bard will, , „ „ , , - , . , , , and a great lack of true judgment, and is not as the full blossomed rose, his thoughts as deep ,. , . • -.^-n ,, , . J iM • • 1 . ^^U high in spirit hfe. as the sweet scented lily, majestic as the pine, strong as the Buck deer, natural, moral, and Increase Mather. A very set and big- good." He has made great progress in spirit oted old man with a strong, determined, forcible j-pg mind. He has a very religious but prejudiced Massaniello. a man with agreat intellect, ^^^"'^' ^^^ '' ^« s«Perstitious that he would not large perception, strong individuality, and a see the right when he was on earth, nor will he powerful iron will. He has a care-worn face, '^^ '^ °"*''^^^ ^^ ^^' preconceived ideas now, and a cunning, decided look. He has- a and he remains a kind of monument of the past dark, gray eye, a little of the yellow or cat- with but little show of progress, color around its center, a high, religious liead. Father Matthew. A man of deep wis- large destructiveness, a bold, full face, a large dom, with strong benevolence, reverence and nose, full cheeks, and a puckered up mouth, individuality, and a high order of intellect and with scraggy looking lips. He shows himself morality. He was honest, good and sincere^ to me dressed in along gown, tied around the whilst on earth, and has made good progress in breast with a silk cord, a steep, tall, three cor- spirit life, and is now engaged in helping others nered hat, a large white vest, a very queer to obtain light and a knowledge of the truth. MAX 76 MEL St. Matthew. A very rough looking man, f General Mead. A good, benevolent^ witli a hard, brawny, sun-burnt face, large nose moral man, of rather a quiet, easy, character, and eyes, a long head, and short hair. He has His mind is full of problems too undemonstia- large reverence, but his intellect is so lacking ^^^'^ to be observed by the public. He is nat- in cultivation that he has an almost idiotic ex- "^'^^X *^o°est and intuitive, and well calculated pression. He looks like a personification of *" ^^^^P ^^^ out of unnecessary danger. He the marvellous, but has made great progress in ^^^ ^ peculiar intellect, more observable in the spirit life. mind than in its expression. Maurice, (By Comhe.) A man with a full, Catharine de Medici. A woman of great highly developed brain, and very cunning and P^''^^ ^nd self-esteem, but of a very amiable proud. He has large and full self-esteem, and a mature. Her surroundings were not good, but wonderful faculty to search into things. He ^^^ was strong in her benevolence, and al- has a sharp and very active mind, large and together a kind and noble woman. She had full or plus brain, e^/uaZ minus in comparison, and ^^rge perception and was, highly intellectual, plus in calculation and individuality, and plus ^"^^ ^^^ "^^de great progress in the spirit world, in self-will. He has large eventuality plus 5, ^^^ is now present and says she is misrepre- and large causality plus 6, equal minus construe- rented m history. tiveness equal 3, and has made slow progress in Maria De Medici. Her's he's all closed spirit life. "P ^^ ^^^ casket of spirit. Her's he's not much Maupertius. a bold and highly talented, s^ow (herself; out her's big casket. Be's like man, with full perception, firmness and ambi- Graves getting behind's big trees, to hide's, tion. He was intelligent and comprehensive, Her's spirit be's way behind her body's looking and noble, and 20od in some directions, thoucih t^^rough. Me's guess her's no mighty much he did many things that might seem to spring ^barp spirit. If be's (if it was) it would no from selfish motives. He has made good pro- ^^""^^ behind's her body. Her's be's no much gress in spirit life. ^o°^' ^"^ ^^^'^ ^^'^ ™"^^ ^^^^^- Her's be's Cardinal Mazarine. A lar^e brained ^ ' t^ ^t * . i j-j - , - - , - ; , , Lorenzo De Medici. A most splendid, and rather fickle man, of a very singular and , , , , . . , , -n ^ i . , • , , '' . -. lovely looking man, with a beautiful, benevo- ecc°ntric mind, with large perception and , ,. ° . . . , . . , . . . , .,..',, ^ .. ^ . ,, lent face. He is highly spiritual, intuitive and strongs individnality. He had a great intellect, . -, , j , i • •. i j , -, -, . , ,' perceptive, and has a wonderful mind endowed and wonderful powers of adaptation and method, ., • . /. ^ • tt • ... xx , , ""^ith a great variety oi representations. He is m carrying out his plans. He has not made as , . , , .\, ^ ^ i .i. i. • . . "^ ^ ...,.„ , . now pointing to a magnificent temple that is ^apid p'-ogrcss in spirit life as some, but is now , ^ , . , "rp. . . ^ before him and says : "The great master mason ^^l^^°" ^^ ' . ,. .^ , , had that built." A beautiful arch of light that Maximilian 1st. A dignified but very • , , • , • ^ r u- u ^ -- , , . - ^'^ . , ^ ■^ resembles a rainbow eminates from his head selfish and imn^oral man. He is shrewd, cun- , , , ., . . . ,.^ ^ . 1 , . . T /. • r , and he has made great progress in spirit lite. ning, lar-seeing and ambitious, and ot a powerful ,, . ,'^ --ii. 1J1 . TT Philip Mel.anchtiton. A very strong man and determined, but cold, cruel nature. He ., ^ • , i • , ' i , i .. ,.^ of firm, decided natjre, with a high, moral head ha3 not made any progress as yet m spirit hfe. , ' ^ . ° ^^ . » ,_ ^ * , . . , and a calm, refltctive countenance. He has a Maximilian 2nd. A very ambitious, sel- , . . i, , , „, ., , • T -1 T, -, ,,. strong, comprehensive intellect, and large caus- fish man, with strong individuality and selfes" ° , . . , . i ■ ,• ,, , . , ' c ^^ r. ality, ambi.ion and perception, and is highly teem, and a sanguine nature. Pie was full of •' ; ^^. ^ , , . : , , , , ^ ,, T , . J, 1-11 relioious. His forehead is large and broad, and folly and deception, and has a weak mmd and f , ,..,.,, , , ,.^ . ■ J 1 i J .-1 he has made great progress m spirit lile. but little wisdom, but was very despotic when _ ,, ® » ,. • •.. - TT * 1 . J ' . Earl Melbourne. A far-seeing man, with aroused. He has not made any progress in , ^rnj ^ ju- .... a very large and fully developed brain, strong ^,, " A 1 • 1 J u i.T 1 • •. intellect, and full intuition and individuahty. Maximilianus. a high and beautiful spirit, f .,,. , juji.- and full of goodness and nobleness, and of a He has very straight limbs and bod> , but is a most divine nature. He was honorable and kittle round shouldered. He has great penetra- gpiritual and loved justice, and has a won- tion, and is rather sharp and sarcastic, and derful development for one of his nation. He very witty. He has a strong, logical mind, and is now a high and excellent spirit, and one that is o^ a high and honorable nature. He has i I am glad to have at this time to help me; for niade great progress in spirit, he is wise and good. Melchisedec. A m&n, who, as was stated MIF 77 MIR a real high priest, and afterwards crowned king. He is now here and says that he was of the Tidal race, who lived far back in the forest, and that he came alone to Salem, and when people asked who he was he played on their marvel- ousness, aud told them that he had neither be- ginning nor ending. This led them to think he must be a god, and he cunningly kept up the cheat as the high priests who succeeded him ji have done since. He has now progressed high I in spirit life. j Melissus. a dignified and very intellec- tual man, with a high, well-developed head, broad on the top, a large, bold lace, large nose, dark brown hair, and a long beard. He has laj'ge perception and intuition, and is very intelligent, and has a determined look. He I wears a large flowing wrapper-like coat made of i| dark blue silk and has made fair progress in ii spirit life. Menander. a very old, looking man with a long, white beard, high cheek bones, a long nose, a broad but not high forehead, a large brain and very broad through the head. He wears a cherry-colored robe with a large man- tilla over his shoulders and a band of green cord tied around his wai:)t. He has made irood progress in spirit life. Prince Menzikoff. A very bold and dig- nified, but selfish man, with most thorough per- ception, clear intellect, and a wonderfully in- telligent and determined mind. He is highly ambitious and of a forcible commanding na- ture and much inclined to turn the cold shoul- der to all but the higher classes. He has not made much progress in spirit life. Methuselah. He is rather old looking but not so aged as is represented. He is now here, and says that he lived on earth, about one hun- dred and nine years, only. He is a gi- gantic man with a large, coarse-looking face, and he wears a fur skin dress. He has a bald top but long hair on the back of his head, and ja long, white beard. He has progressed high 'in spirit life. I Dr. Midbleton. (hy Pan) 4. very strong, intelligent man with a most high, com- prehensive mind, but of a religious, bigoted na- ture. He has a clear head, and is methodical, scientific, thorough, and talented. He has a broad, expansive view of the laws of life, and has risen in spirit above the orthodox heaven. Thomas Mifflin. A man af a well-devel- c^ed intellect, and a most high, and noble na- ture. He is far-seeing, true, and honest, and has a clear head, and a very strong, perceptive mind. He was rather forcible and had good judgment and was very intelligent, and a great reasoner ; and altogether, a liberal good prin- cipled man. He ha*! made great progress in spirit life. John Stuart Mill. A very eminent and highly dignified man. He has a wonderful memory, a clear perception and a far-reaching mind. He is a scholar, a philosopher, a meta- physician, a logician, and a great reasoner. He has a great intellect, and a methodical brain. He has great tact in controversy and is very in- quisitive, argumentative, and clear-headed, and altogether a man of a wonderfully profound mind. He has made great progress in spirit. Hugh Miller. A clear-headed man with a profound, intelligent mind, extensive knowl- edge, and great natural ability. He has great method, and arrangement, is very perceptive, intellectual, and scientific, and has a deep, de- termined, thorough nature. He is naturally argumentative, and skeptical, but was a great, good, and wise, man, and has made great pro- gress in spirit life. Milloradowitch. a large, powerful, man, of a very forcible, far-seeing mind and a cruel look, though he was mild at times. He has a strong, animal, nature, and was inclined to be stern and commanding. He has large, self-es- teem, perception and intellect, and great ambi- tion. Pie has made great progress in spirit life. Rev. Joseph Milner. A talented, far- seeing man, with a finely cultivated, determin- ed, mind, but selfish, and external. He has great intelligence, and strong perception, in- tellect, and intuition, and a religious, self-im- portant, and dignified nature, with a wonderful amount of cunning. He has made fair pro- gress in spirit life. John Milton. A very religious old man, who was physically blind on earth and remains spiritually so still. He had a great intellect, and strong comparison, reflection, perception, and individuality. He was a moral man of a spiritual, though perverted, nature, and has not progressed so fast as some in spirit. life. Mirabeau. a very honest, and good man, with deep perception, strong individuality, and profound wisdom. He was ambitious but moral, and has made great progress in spirit hfe. Mithridates, (^By Pan, an Arabian). A wonderful man, full of knowledge, with a highy philosophical, logical, comprehensive, intelli- MON 78 ^ MOO gent mind. He has full perception, a powerful very high quality of brain. She has a long intellect, and deep, profound wisdom. He but well rounded, finely furmed face, a bigh wears a singular looking, flowing, dark green nose, and a full chin a little pointed, a broad coat, with bands over the shoulders, and he head and face, and very large ears. She has a holds in his hand something that looks like a highly dignified and positive look, and rather a compass and tripod with a ball on the top of it. frown when she looks steadily at you. She A long spear stands by his side. wears a light, pea green silk dress, and a braid- MoLiERE. A man with a clear, bold, strong ed head dress set with valuable stones or beads, mind, and great intelligence, and very philo- a lace cap, a beautiful worked shawl, and a sophical and profound. He has large intuition, very elegant bracelet of diamonds, set in tor- perception, and causality, a full top head, and toise shell. She has made great progress in a large, broad forehead, and is one who is sin- spirit life. gularly fitted to prosecute the deep studies of Montezjjm A, (of Mexico). A man of great life. He has made great progress in spirit. power, and full of the spirit of revenge, but one Michael Mollinos. A big, clear thinking who would like peace under his own dictation, brave. Has a large full head. He mighty He was strong, and full of determination, had much big mind. Has a hard, ugly nature. He large self-esteem and approbativeness, and was big chiet with big much know. He have much a great lover of power. He was strong and ao- sorry heart. He do' no much good ; many tive in his intuitive, intellectual, and motive moons in (earth) hunting ground, and he have powers, and in all ways a powerful man. He no much shines in him's spirit. He have much lias made great progress in spirit life, big work to do in big hunting ground. He Montesqueu. A high and determined man, have no much of the big spirit. He be very of clear perception, and wonderful powers of selfish brave. He much bad to many of his mind. He has an intelligent intellect, and a tribe, He no shiner brave. comprehensive, far-seeing, ambitious nature, Wm. Mompesson. a talented, dignified and intuitively possessed a great deal of knowl- man, with a comprehensive, strong, full mind, edge. He has a clear mind, and was a pro- and a powerful, intelligent intellect. He is far- found reasoner, and, as represented here, must seeing, wise and perceptive, and has a good have great ability and wisdom. He has made share of benevolence, and wonderful mental great progress in spirit life. activity. He is of a noble nature, and has Montgomery, {Poet). A sublime looking made great progress in spirit life. man, with large self-esteem, individuality and Lord Monboddo. A highly dignified, perception, and high spirituality and ideality, proud man, with large self-esteem, and a very He was a very social, moral, intelligent man, ambitious, determined nature. He has strong and has a good intellect. He has made greai intellect and perception, and is a httle irritable progress in spirit life. and nervous, but very forcible. He has a Archbishop John Moore. A dignified consequential and self important air, but a man, of a strong, comprehensive mind, and a clear, deep mind that is not easily turned from thoroughly developed intellect. He is very its purpose. He has made good progress in watchful, careful and perceptive, and keeps a spirit life. jealous eye on the church, lest any of his peo- Gen. George Monk. A big war-chief. He ple grow weak in the faith. He has made fair be a big fire brave. He love fire water. He progress in spirit life. do much big hunt on war path. He go on trial Thomas Moore, (Poet). A very eccentric after many braves. He have big round pate n^an, with a great intellect, and a beautiful, in- (forehead). He have big eyes. He see mighty tuitive nature. He has high reverence, spirit- much long trails. He have big war heart. He uality and morality, and is honest and good, no have much love in his heart. He big much He has a high forehead, a rounded head, and a know, and he go many moons in big hunting strongly marked face, approaching the sublime ground 'fore he shiney brave. He have big, in expression. He has made great progress in tall staif stick in his hand. He have big cloud spirit life. over him. He no see big sun of big spirit. Sir John Moore. An honest, high-toned. Lady Mary Wortli:y Montagu. A dignified man, of a beautiful and affectionate brilliant looking woman, with strong individu- nature, and far-seeing, practical mental powers. ality, and large perception, and altogether a He is intelligent and intellectual, good, true, MOR 79 MUR noble, kind and just, but very ambitious. He lectual, and has a clear and thorough nature, has a large forehead, a high top head, and an and was very strong in her moral character, almost sublime expression, and has made great She had wide benevolence, and was devoted progress in spirit life. and religious, and possessed great social attrac- MoRDECAi. A very eccentric looking, raw- tions.- Shehas made great progress in spirit life, boned, muscular, ugly built man, with a large, . Mosheium. A very philosophical, logical, bony face, high cheek bones, a large, hawk-bill strong-minded old man, of profound intelligence, nose, a deep black eye, and very shaggy hair large intuition, causality, comparison and indi- and beard. He has strong individuality, high vidulity, and a religious nature. Hehasagreat, self-esteem, great ambition, and a tyrannical far-seeing brain, full of reason and deep thought, nature, and he wears a long, dark, camel's hair and has made good progress in "pirit life. coat, and a steep hat. He has not made much Lucretia Mott. A very beautiful woman, progress in spirit life. who truly loves the world: Yes, the world is Thomas More. A highly ambitious and her heaven, and the people her angels. She i& far-seeing man, of large intellect, and strong in- noble, true, just, and good, and has a high in- dividuality, perception, causality and self-es- tellect, full intuition, a thorough nature, and a. teem. He has a mild, sublime looking eye brilliant look, and is benevolent and kind, and expressive of great intelligence, and is a most very high in the scale of intelligence. She has a wise, honest, good and noble man. He has gentle, affectionate disposition, great sympathy, made great progress in spirit life. a good heart, and a powerful, thoughtful min^d, j Hannah More. A woman of full intuition, and has made great progress in her spirit. ' individuality, and preception, and large appro- Richard Mott. A very dignified, far- I bativess, pbiloprogenitiveness, and reverence, seeing, shrewd, cunning, intellectual, intuitive, and high spirituality. She has a high top and benevolent man. He holds a roll of parch- I head, a full, long face, and she is a profound, ment in one hand, and a large Bible in the I intelligent, moral, honest, good woman. She other, which he says is yet his guide. Me has wears a plain dress with a large printed lace made slow progress in spirit life, collar. She has made great progress in spirit Mozart. A most sublime looking man, of life. strong intellect, and very large ideality and General Moreau. Him's pate he's full spirituality. He has dark brown, wavy hair, a of the paths of blood. Him's heart he's the full, dark eye, and a smiling face, and he wears channel (charnel bouse) where bigs much kills a small eight-cornered, worked cap, a high col- be's Him's he's full of the crys of the earth ored, green and blue, loose wrapper, very- hunting ground. Him's he's a very haru brave, bright martin colored pants, and low white Him's he's in the many agonizing groans of the slippers with buckles. He has made great widows and fatherless children. Him's he's progress in spirit life. not much near big spirit. Loudovic Muggleton. A strong minded, Philip Morn ay. A very intelligent, strong far-seeing man, of a bold, determined, fearless minded man, with full intellect, perception, nature, with large perception and causality, causality, and de.tructiveness. He has a large. He has a high broad forehead, and is very tal- full top head, and was highly mora', shrewd, ented, wise, clear, logcial, thorough, and intelli- forcible, bold, and fearless. He possesses gent, and a great reasoner. He has made throughout a superior and honorable nature, good progress in spirit life, and has made good progress in spirit life. James Munroe. Not a very strong, but a Rorert Morris. A far-seeing, high and very good man. He has a good intellect, and noble man, of great benevolence and sym- a good mind, but has not so much stamina as pathy. He has large constructive and reason- some. But then he is benevolent, kind and ing powers, a strong intellect, full perception, true in his purposes, and full in his principles of good judgment, and a very moral, decided, re- morals. ligious, and high-toned nature. He has made Prince Murat. A maH of powerful indi- great progress in spirit life. viduahty and perception, and of a very self-pos- Mary Morton. A high and estimable sessed, ambitious and highly determined nature, lady, of deep soul feehng, and a far seeing, com- He had a strong love of power, and delighted prehensive mind. She is intelligent, and intel- in seeing the blood of his enemies flow. He NER 80 NEW was wise and cunning, but not very moral, and friends. He has made no progress as yet in spirit has made slow progress in spirit although life. Bonaparte is now helping him. Nerva. A dio;nified man, with large seK- {The same). Him he's little mountains esteem, causality and perception, with a very with scraggy rocks falling from them's sides, combative and cruel organization. He is wis€ Him he's like the tallow of the deer's kidney, and cunning, and has a far-seeing, clear, com. Hiui's he's like the checkered adder. Him's prehensive mind, and a sharp intellect. He has eyes speak. Him's hand be's a iron band, and a large angular head, and is highly cultivated him's tougu'i be's like the forked arrow. Him's and self-possesed, but not very moral. He has natnre be's all in motion, and hims be's all in not made much progress in spirit life, roll hkc big waters. Him's covered over with Nesseleode. A long thinker, and full, high ^loud. cornorber. He mighty much big cheat. lie :Nahor. a war-hke looking man, who wears jio be what he make braves think he be. He a purple colored skin dress, and sandals, and puts on much long writer with big long words, shews hiniseli with a long spear in his hand, and He no be good brave in heart. He have muck a queer looking wooden tank slung over his big sayings in him's pate (forehead). He be shoulder. He is a strong built man, with a big wide forest, but he's big thinker, no be fall, round, bold face, and a long wavy beard, green, he be dry, and he's thoughts all parched. He has progressed far into spirit life. and his heart be all dry. No goo^l cheer. But James Nailok. A man of a high, full de- he big brave, know much. He see some sun- veloped intellect, and a very susceptible nature, shine with big spirit. He has great intelligence, full intuition, a pow- Nestor, (of Russia.) A very dignified erfui brain, and a high head, full of wisdom, and ^an, with a large back brain, and a hard, self- an interior knowledge of ethics. He has made ish, forcible nature. He wears a beautiiul, bright great progress in spirit life. pink colored robe, that looks as if made of rouuh Neander. a far-seeing, and highly intel- ^[\^^ ^tb straw colored bands over the should- iigent man, with a strong intellect, and a firm grs, and a high, round peaked hat with a red decided nature. He has large individuality feather in it. He holds a horse with one hand, and eventuality, quick intuition, and a flexible and a large charger shaped like a harpoon in mind. He is a deep reasoner, and is cunning the ether. There is a belt about his wai«t, in and religious, but has not made much spiritual ^hich there is a long dirk and a big square progress. bladed horse knife. He has not made much Nebujhadnezzar. a large, powerful progress In spirit lire. man, with a large, full, bold face, a large nose, Nestor, (of Troy). A bold fearless, selfish, a broad top head, long brown hair, and a long, ambitious cunning, cruel, Avild looking man. brown beard, mixed with gray. He has full He has long hair, and wear^ a straw colored perception, intuition and individuality. He wrapper with dark gn en straps over the back, holds a large pair of brass scales in one hand, and a braided band of hair and beads around his and a large box in the other shaped like a bee- bod>'. He has a powerful mind, but has not hive, and he wears a purple robe and a red made much progress in spirit life. mantle. He has made great progress in spirit Richard Nevil. A forcible, dignified, am- lif^, bitious man, with large self-esteem, and a great M. Necker. Him's be's like the rose-buds, lover of power and self-aggrandizement. He Him's have got big much blossoms on him's ^as very proud, and much bound up with the memory in spirit life, and him's be's a very big world's honors and the chit-chat of society, to and much big unfolded of big thinker, and which he made heaven a secondary object, him's have got near big spirit. He has, however, made fair progress in !^pirit Nero. A deep, scorpion nature; a real life, deadly creature, who is now in one of Sweden- Rev. William Newman. A man of a borgs slimy hells, where the quality of spirit is thorough, classical mind, and very dignified like the foulest stench. He is the hardest and nature. He is one of the most wity fathers of most cruel man that has yet been represented the church, and is shrewd, and full of deep here to me. He was selfish, jealous, wicked, wisdom. He has but little spirituality, and aud blood-thirsty, and a tyrant even to his lives mostly on the material plane, though he is 1 I NIC 81 NIC highly religious. He is not easily influenced, power must be limited in the spirit world, and and is positive and cold, and has made slow commenced throwing off his selfish nature, and progress in spirit. to labor for a more benevolent and spiritual Bishop Thomas Newton. A man of a elevation. He is bringing his power to bear dignified nature, but very hard, selfish and ma- upon the present emperor, his son, so that he terial. He is shrewd, intelligent and percep- jnay labor also for the welfare of his people, tive, but has not much spirituality. He has, Pope Nicholas 1st. A strong minded old however, a great deal of external religion, but man, of great dignity, and of a tyrannical, de- is very proud, and inclined to force things, and termined nature. He wears a beautiful laven- hates to acknowledge that all men are equal in der robs trimmed with braid made of human their strivings to advance in the scale of pro- hair of diiferent colors, and he has on his head, gress. He has made but slow headway in spirit a hat in two parts. The frout part rises up life. like a flat piece of leather, and has the name Sir Isaac Newton. A man of deep, pro- "Mary " written on it. The back part of the found wisdom, clear perception, and very hat rises to a peak, on which there is a round, strong intuition. He was highly spiritual and golden ball. He has made slow progress in moral in his nature, and had great intellect and spirit life. method. He was noble, honest and kind, and Nicephorous. A strong, powerful man, had strong individuality and comparison, and with a lar^e, high, broad forehead, full caus- wonderful powers of mind. He has progressed ality, and a very penetrating look. He has a to celestial life. large, full, dark eye, a lull, thick nose, and a Dr. James R. Newton. A man with a long, heavy, gray beard. He wears a green, determined mind, and wonderful vital forces, silk and wool wrapper, with a dark brown cord He is of a very sanguine, religious nature, and tied around it, and a large, long wig, with has large ambition, self-esteem and reverence, bands around the head to keep it on. He has and high spirituality. Though truly noble", he made good progress in spirit life, is not remarkably shrewd in business, as his Pope Nicholas 5th. A real strong, hard, large benevolence and charity renders him too man, of a most tyrannical nature. He is very re- open hearted and sympathetic to be deep and ligious and is still trying 'o establish his creed in cunning, although his mind is of superior quali- the spirit world, and exerts a good deal of influ- ty, and he has a good intellect and brain. He ence in keeping his subjects depressed, and in a is logical, and can be philosophical and deep, dark religious state. But it is useless for him although he works more from power and im- to make an ado, for, after a while, the light o pressions. He is strongly attached to those he spirit progress can not fail to dawn and bring him loves, and his nature is such that he can be both out of darkness into light, and to the true asoen- positive and negative. He is a kind hearted, sion way that leads to Jesus and the apostles, good man, and has made great progress in He has made slow progress as yet. spii'it. NiCHODEMUS. A dull looking old man, with Marshall Net. A wise, long-headed, fai- a broad forehead, a full, black eye, thin jaws, a seeing and eccentric man, of a true and high large head and nose, a very long beard and nature, with very strong love for the people of hair, and a sleepy, slouching, but intelligent, his day, though he had a great deal of selfish- look. He has large perception, and is very ness, and was very ambitious. He had good cunning and foxy. He wears a dingy looking, judgment, but says he was not naturally a gray robe, and has made good progress in spirit brave man, but constitutionally timid, and life. shewed more apparent courage than he really Pqpe Nicholas 2nd. A powerful man, possessed. He has a wide circle of friends, ^^ith great tenacity of will, and a highly de- who have helped him in spirit life, and he is veloped intellect, but of a dogmatic, prejudiced nowintheWashingtoaian band with Josephine nature. He was perceptive, and strongly in- and Bonaparte. dividualized, and very religious, but ere long he Emperor Nicholas. Though a large, will find that religion is not the essential for noble looking man he was a demon of a real sa- spirit progress. He is now trying to impress tanic nature. He had an iron like individu- all those in spirit life he can reach, with the idea ality, and was hard hearted, selfish and tyran- that the immaterial spirit is all that is left of man nical, and full of ambition for self-aggrandize- when he passes from earth, but when he come ment. He soon learned, however, that his to learn that matter is spirit, he will find no ar- NOA 82 ODI gument for immateriality. He has made slow selfish, cruel, impulsive, nature. He is ambi- progress in spirit life. tious and very immoral and gross looking, and NiMROD. A majestic, athletic man, of hereu- hard and insincere in his religious professions, lean stature, who wears a skin coat and pants, He has not made much progress in spirit life, and is of a clearer copper complexion than his Lord North. A man with a large forcible ancestors. He has a large, bold looking face, brain, and a fully developed, comprehensive and long hair, but not much beard, and he mind. He was far-seeing, talented, wise, and holds a bow and arrow in one hand and a large methodical, and had large self-esteem, and spear in the other. He has a wild look, and causality, and a strong intellect. He has made shows me a great many kinds of animals that great pregress in spirit life, he has tamed, and brought with him to the Novatian. A far-seeing, intuitive man? spirit world. He has a broad chest, and there with great perseverance and mental power, and is a large piece of wood fastened upon it. He large penetration and calculation. He has a has progressed far into spirit life. very angular, thin, flushed, bony face, and is Ninxigret Him's bold as the fires of the dressed in the military costume of his day — a woods land. Him's spirit he's red like the short red and blue tunic coat, and flowing big flowers. Him's thinker he's bright as the pants, buckled around the ankle. He has noonday, and him's power be like a thousand made slow progress in spirit life, whirlwinds. Him's big chief. Him's love for Gregory Nyssex. A man of a great and big spirit he's as deep as the rolling volcano profound mind, with clear perception, strong in" fire. Him's heart throbs like the big earth- dividuality, intellect and reverence, and of a quakes. Him's soul all aglow with truth and very religious, though self-willed nature. He is trust to big spirit. quite fleshy, and has a full, broad face and head, Nixus. An eccentric, far-seeing, hard, old a large, wide nose, and a black eye. He wears man, with strong individuality and perception, a long, dark scarlet robe, trimmed with gold, and a powerful mind. He is naturally relig- looking cord. He has made slow progress in iousi, but very selfisli, and cunning. He wears a spirit life. 4ark robe, with a cord tied around the waist, Titus Oates. ^ Him's he's mighty much and he has a little dried up face, a very pene- muss brave. Him's big much dispute, make trating eye, and a large top head. He is full of much war in big council room in big's wigwam wisdom, and has made fair progress in s pirit (parliament house). Him's got mighty much life. saucy talker, and mighty much big war whoop Noah (abbreviated). A gigantic man, of a on him's long tongue. Him's make's him's queer appearance. He is of a copper color, and tongue go like big's paddle on big's steam canoe, is dressed in sheep skins after the fashion of his and him's gets up big angry waves .'nd much day. He avers that the story about the ark is big volcano fires, and get's man braves mighty a myth, but confesses that he and his family. had much hot in thinker (much excited). Them's to flee to the mountains with their flocks and burst (get angry), and gives him's big kick, and herds to escape being drowned, during a wide- gives much big kicks on him's holder up on spread submerging of the lower parts of the him's big shanJcs (hinder parts). Him's big country, caused by heavy rains and a great devil. No good. Him's he's in growl now all overflow from th soul for his own ways of thinking. of high intellect and reverence, and great sel- Peyton Randolph. A very eloquent, am- fishness and ambitiou, and desire for power, biti >us, strong and determined man, with a He was forcible and far-seeing, but of a very deep, far-seeing, profound mind. He is highly cruel nature. He was elevated in the church, intelligent and intellectual, has strong percep- but warlike in his religion, and very bigoted . tion and intuition, and is very logical and phi- He has not made much progress in spirit life, iosophical. He is a truly great man, and has Sir Joshua Reynolds. A m-in of a high made good progress in spirit life. order of intellect, strong individuality, and Raphael. A man of large parception, cau- large concentrativeness, aad parception. He sality, and individuality, with a full intellect, is eccentric and cunning, but honest, kind and deep reflection, and high reverence and spiritu- benevolent. His powers of reflection, are ality. He has a oenevolent, smiling face, and great, his ideality large, and his countenance a full, moral nature, and there lies before him a has a sublime expression. He wears a short beautiful spirit painting, representing the great wrapper, stamped m colored figures of red, fire of Moscow. He has made great progress green and blue, which makes a gay appear- in spirit life. ance. He has progressed to celestial life. Sec'y Rawlins. A man of deep wisdom, Richard Reynolds. A man with large strong individuality and perception and a pow- perception, and a fine, artistic head, that is very erful will. He has a great deal of cunning regular in its developement. He is highly ob- and shrewdness in his nature, but is honest, serving, an 1 strongly marked in the methodical kind and benevolent, and very smart. organs, with large comparison and reflection. Rebecca. A woman with a beautiful coun- He has a good mind and was a capable person tenance, but a very eccentric, mirthful, queer in his department of life. He has made good look. She has a round face, a high top head, progress in the spirit world, and peculiarly compressed lips, and she wears a Lawrence Ricci. A man with a full top dark purple dress made of skins, and sandals, brain, large ideality, caution, comparison, rev- fastened with strips over the tops of her feet, erence, self-esteem, reflection and conscien- She has risen to celestial life. tiousness and wonderful clear perception. Red Jacket. A truly great man, and one Though highly reverential in some respects, he who is worthy of bemg placed among the fore- has little marvellousness. He was very moral , most of the world's statesmen. He was noble, and has a strong, positive, searching mind and true, eloquent, sublime, and full of deep wis- is a careful thinker. He has a full top, back dom. He loved his country, and had a spirit of brain and has made good progress in spirit Kfe. civilization in him. His nature, was very Richard 1st. A cold, selfish, unfeeling spiritual and religious, and his high aspirations man, of a determined will, and very hard and are worthy of respect. He is strongly intellec- tyrannical, and full of greed for dominion, tual and intuitive, and a great benefactor of the whose highest ambition was to conquer and world in his day. He was good, loving, moral, wield power over kingdoms. He was intel- kind and true, and has made great progress in lectual and cunning, but not wise, for he was spirit life. self-conceited, designing, immoral and blood Regulus. a man of a very eccentric na- thirsty, and full of lust, and has made slow ture. He says, the last scene in his earth life progress in spirit life. was dark, and that he reminds you of it, to show Richard 2nd. A combative, ambitious how dark he himself was in nature. He has man, of a hard, cold, dignified, warlike, de- been very slow to accept the help of those who structive, cruel, tyrannical, iroulike nature, would lifl him from his low estate, and he has a He has large amativeness,and was full of malice solemn, dark and surly look. He has not and blood thirstiness. He was very cunning made much progress in spirit life. in his plans, but has not made much headway Renan. a far-seeing man, of deep wisdom in spirit life, and a very logical, argumentative, profound Richard 3rd. A deep, cunning man, wi'h mind. He is liberal, methodical, comprehen- a broad intellect, but cold, hard, cruel and un- sive, perceptive and intellectual, and, in fact, is sympathetic. He was rather wise, but not • one of those master spirits, who will live for all practical, and of a very destructive, blood, time in the memory of man. He has made thirsty natm-e. He was of medium height and irrr^at progress in spirit. RIE 97 ROB rather stout built,and he had high cheek bones hidd n under a cloak of deception which he and a Roman nose. He was a hard man on has thrown off in spirit hfe. earth, but has great powers of reflection and David Rittenhouse. A man with a verv that h,as helped him a great deal in spirit life scientific, philosophical and logical mind, with and he is now progressing fast. large perception, causality, intuition, penetra- Cardinal Richlieu. a very queer, eccen- tion, self-esteem and ambition. lie has a high- trie man, of great wisdom, and a deepjprof'ound ly Intelligent intellect, and a comprehensive, mind. He bad strong individuality, and per- constructive, practical nature and was altogeth- ception and deep cunning, and was full of the er, a great and noble man, full of knowledge warrior, though seemingly as quiet as a lamb, and wisdom. He has made much progress in He thinks he has made an awful mistake in spirit hfe. coming to spirit life, where he does not seem Gov. Rives. A strong minded, determined to belong, and says, he now finds himself among man of a very selfish nature, who was both cal- strangers, and does not like his place so well as culating and capable, though he sometimes he did the one he filled in earth life. missed the iight. He did not have much spir- Dean Richmond. A man of a thor©uo-h, i^uality when on earth, and has made very Httle comprehensive, profound mind and a remarka- P^-ogress in the spirit world. bly clear head. He has full intuition and per- Robespierre. A man of good intellect, ception, and a strong intellect. He has grea^ ^^^S« intuition, causality, self-approbativeness depth of thought, and his words are always to ^"^ ambition, and high sprirituality. He was the purpose and convey practical lessons to the ^®^P' ^^^^' ^'^^' ^^ ^ g^^^ degree, moral and re- world. . He has a high, exalted spirit and has ^igious, and had a great gift of seeing things in made great progress. their true light. He has made good progress Leigh Richmond. A very perceptive and ^° ^^^^^\ ^^^^„ , , . , T.ovo».«T.+,-oi w,„ -4.1. 1 1 /• r , Sec'y Robeson. A man who is rather reverential man, with a calculating, profound ^ „ . , ^ . .., j • . . • mind. He was one who could exert great influ- ^^^^ ^^ '^' '"J ^?:^' ^^'^ ^7^ T enceoverhis hearers and was a stickler for con- P^^^^P^^ ^^^^f^^«' and altogether strong, fr.rr«;f-., f^ »»,^ ^ J . 1 ,. wi«e, and good hearted. He means well for tormity to the dogmas and external worship Of •, . , , . , fV,^ ^i,,...,>u XT V !-• ! 1 1 1 , Ins country, and understands the nature of true the church. He has a highly developed nature ^' , 1 1 u i . r x lu i on^ i., orv.u:*.'^ ^ • IT.,, government, and would help to foster liberal and is ambitious, sanguine and determined and ^ . . , has made great progress in spirit lite. P^'"^^P ^^* ^d . n a i i o r Wm. Robinson, (^os^on). A real good, hon- Bishop Ridley. A wise, deep, cunning^ est man, with a high, moral nature, strong in- strong willed, intellectual man, with powerful tellect, great wisdom, and deep spiritual love perception and individuality. Religion was to He was on earth true to the cause he ad- him, power and force and he carried it forward, located, and is now high in celestial spirit life, with a high hand, as far as his deep, planning William Robinson, (./ Narragansett). A nature enabled him to get the people to submit ^ery good, substantial man, of strong mind, ^^ ' , ;, ^ ^^' ""^^^ ^'^'^ progress in and clear, solid judament. His plans were gen- spirit life, although he has not many friends n • ^ 'a j i u i 4. i -r^ • ° xxiauy iiieuub erally wise and good, and he had great ability T^ ' , , . in perfecting and carrying them out. He has Roderigo. (Old). A shrewd, cunnino-, ^ , • -'.vr , r . , ° made great progress in spirit life, cruel man, of a very lealous and revenaeful r> -i? / r rrr ^ k , ' , •' "^ , , ^vcii^ciui Rowland Robinson, (son of Wm.). A nature, but not so hard to look at as he repre- /■ i,- n ui a- ^ \ v . • ^ , . ,^ TT 1 , . , ^ man of a highly noble and lust nature, but m- sents himself. He has a high, bold forehead y -, i . i^ k *• tt ., ^ 1 • 1 , . « clined very much to self-approbativeness. He and a powerful mind,and is of a strong, deter- , ^ f a a . , , Tx o5 ■- ^^ was, however, a great and a good man, and mined nature. He wears so singular a dress, u a r . • • vrf• ,, , t i . 1 , .. has made fast progress in spirit life, that I know not how to describe it, or what to rp -d / .- u/ ^ a a -^ , -TT 1 , , Thomas Robinson, (son 0/ fym.). A good, compare it to. He has several difl^erent thinos ^ ^ i .. + i +• n .,.,,,- o true man to his trust, and oi a very noble na- in his hands, and there seems to be a chain of ^ tt ^- i i ^i . i, , , , ^ 1 , . , , ture. He was careful when on earth to walk gold plates around his body. . ^, ^i /• • w ^ u u i u •' in the paths of right as far as he could, and he RiENZi. A sublime, fine looking man, of is now well progressed in spirit, and often corn- powerful perception and high spirituality. He municates through the mediums of the day. has a long, broad head and is now of a very Sarah Robinson, (wife of Ihos.). A very progressive nature, though he represents him- devoted and kind-hearted woman. I always self here as he was on earth where he was thought she must have been superior to most ROL 98 ROS women, for when I was on earth the mere ity, and is very logical, far-seeing and method- mention of her name always brought with it a cal. He is very material in his nature, but has heavenly intluence. She was, in all directions, a large, full top head, and is wise and intelli- a high toned, noble woman, and it is a t reat gent. He holds a large mass of writings in his pity that more people in Newport do not follow hand and seems to have light, in her footsteps. She has made great progress Parsox Romaine, {Rhode Island). A very in spirit life. external man, of a crude, heavy spirit, with *HenriRochefort. Him's got big fire stars large perception, and a good deal of a clumsy, in him's lookers. Him's hair he's like the wav- bunghng sort of intellect, that brought forth ing trees. Him's he's a big thinker. Him's very gross and absurd ideas. His nature head he's like the is^inglass, and him's face he's was very hard, and seems to have been made like big's comet?. Him's walk very like the up of the characteristics of the lowest animals, deer. Him's mouth he's like the big spouting of which it represented a grand menagerie, fish. Him's he's a big, strong hearted brave. He has not made much progress in spirit life. Him's spirit he's a galloping fox. George Romanzoff. A dignified, but *De Rodas. a man of a bold, fearless and queer looking man, of a highly controlling, con- destructive nature. He is self important, and sequential and persevering nature. He has highly combative, and has clear perception, and large self-esteem, ambition, perception and pen- good judgment, and understands things well, etration, and was far-seeing, self-willed, selnsb, He is very selfish, and has not made much self important and proud. He has a large back progress in spirit. brain, and possessed strong governing power. Clark Rodman, {of Newport, R. /.). A He has not made much progress in spirit life, far-seeing man, with a strong intellect, good Samuel Romilley. A very intelligent, judgment, full intuition and reverence, and intellectual man, with a far-seeing comprehen- great benevolence and sympathy. He has a sive mind. He has large causality, comparison, noble spirit, and is good, just, intelligent and peiception, ambition and calculation, and an honest He has made good spiritual progress, analytical brain of full constructive powers. John Rogers. A man of a highly religious, ■ He has made great progress in spirit life, sanguine nature, with large reverence, percep- Romulus. A man of deep wisdom and tion, intuition, constructiveness and conscien- learning, strong individuality, a powerful intel- tiousness. He has a strong will, and was am- lect, and a large brain. He was a great lover bitious, but very sympathetic, and has risen to of liberty and the people, and a strong man to celestial life. carry his point. He represents to me a diploma ROLLA. A man of an intelligent, forcible, of honor in the school of philosophy and relig- far-seeing mind, with large perception and cal- ious science. He has made great progress in culation. He has a good shaped face, and long spirit life. beard and hair. He wears dark brown pants, St. Roque. A hard, selfish t}-rant, with a and a light pink overcoat made in the shape of great deal of lust m his nature, and very d^ a goatherd's shallego, tied with a belt round the bauched and wicked. He was intensely cun- middle, with a full skirt hangiug in gathered ning and shrewd, and altogether a perfect de- folds. The breast of the overcoat is open rrom mon, who strove constantly to depress the peo- the belt to the neck, and turns over like a vest pie. He has not made much progress in spirit collar. He has made good progress in spirit life. life. Rosas. A powerful, high-toned man, with ROLLIN. A man with a very large, inti-lli- a far-seeing intellect, large causaUty, sharp gent brain, a fully developed intellect, and penetration, and a forcible, determined mind, large sell-esteem, ambition and perception. He is highly religious, tincere and firm, but He was of a highly dignified nature and a great of a jealous, selfish nature. He is dignified thibker, with alar-seeing and highly cultured and ambitious, and can be hard and cruel, but mind well stored with facts and events. He is true to his friends. He has made fair pro- was very learned and had great method and gress in spirit life. plan, and was both a philosopher and historian. William Roscoe. A profound, far-seeing He has made fair progress in spirit life. man, with deep cunnmg, and of a highly deter- Ledru Rollin. °A man of marked head mined nature. He has a full brain, great can- and a strong, expansive mind. He has a power, tion, a methodical mind, a full intellect and lul brain, full perception, intuition, and causal- strong perception, and is thorough, exacting RUS 99 SAL and iotelUgent. He has made good progress very logical, philosophical, methodical, digni- in spirij; life. fied and forcible. He has large causality. General Rosecrans. A man of deep eventuality and perception, a strong, intelli- sympathy and affection, but of a very decided gent intellect, a wonderful brain, and a fjlldevel- nature. He is one who can kill or heal almost oped spirit, (•' in body;" is doubtlessly a mistake.') at the same time. He would kill men if it was Ruth. A finely organized, prophetic wom- deemed necessary, ju?t as the butcher would an, who was impressed to warn the nations, kill sheep, and again he would turn round with and call upon them to repent. She has large all the benevolence and sympathy of the most intellectuality, and a very sublime looking face, tender-hearted, and heal the very wounds he She wears a linen dress, and over it a three- had himself just deemed it necessary to make, cornered woolen shawl, or what looks like one. He is, by nature, a good, full souled man, with She holds a scroll in one hand, and a dove in broad views, and one who is ever ready to help the other, and there is a large olive tree beside the poor and depressed. He is religious exter- her. She has made great progress in spirit nally, but lives much more on the material than life. the spiritual plane, though he has m^de some Tippoo Saib. A strong, powerful individ- progrcss in spirit. ual, with a full amount of combativeness and Bishop Rosecrans. A bigoted, narrow- selfishness, but not much sympathy, nor much minded man, who really belongs to bygone of his father's forgiving nature. He has rever- times. He does not want to see the light him- ence highly marked notwithstanding his cruel self, nor will he, if possible, let any one else see \qq^^ There is more of the lion m his nature it, and is spiritually as dark as darkness itself, tj^an in his father's, and he has a hard, bold Rousseau. A man of great pride and am- f^ce, and dark eyes and hair. He wears a bition, a powerful intellect, large perception, ^oat of a pale yellow color, trimmed with red and strong intuition and individuality. He and blue tape or ribbon. He has received had a very religious, but singular and eccen- ^elp in spirit lite from friends who went before trie mind, and a selfish, proud, self-consequen- him, and has made good progress, and looks tial nature. He has made slow progress in pretty bright. ^T> ' ^ ^ n . Saint Pierre. A man of a high, clear, Rammahan Roy. A far-seemg, strong , . • j -rr i 1 . , J ... .,..,,.. . ° observing miud. He was very moral, and minded man, with large- individuality, intuition, ,•,,■,, j • i. ^ . ^ , , ^ . ,5^ . ^r^ , highly developed in his nature, but mostly on (iestructiveness and alimentiveness. He has a . , , . , tt i i i ^ ,, „ , , - . 1 , . material subjects. He has made good progress, lull forehead, and a penetrative, good bram, , • • -^ i x> o r = > .,.„ .,^ \ . however, in spirit life, but IS of a very jealous nature, and needs more spirituality. He has a worldly look, but has Sakyamaoni or Buddha. {See fac simile). made fair progress. ^ ^^^P' ^*^^"g '^^"' ^^^^ powerful individu- RuBENS. A very odd lookin^r man, of a ^^'^^ ^""^ perception, and very noble and high highly eccentric nature, with large intellect, ^° ^'^ ""^"^^ ^^^"'^- ^^ ""^^ ^ ""^^ ^^ ^'""^ ideality, comparison, eventuality and individu- sy^apathy, and has progressed very high in ality, and small self-esteem. He has a high ®P'"* ^^^^' forehead, and a large back brain, which has at Saladin, A highly dignified man, of full times held full sway over his moral faculties, perception and intellect, and great controlling He has a full mouth and face, "and a beautiful power. He is cunning, and forcible, and full of chestnut colored eye. He was never highly P^a^s and reasons. He ha-^ a large lower jaw, j ambitious, and he has an honest look, and has ^'g^^ cheek bones well covered with flesh, and ' made great progress in spirit life. a. high, broad head. He wears a large, blue i Dr. Benjamin Rush. A profound and circle cloak, and under it a full, black dress, I thorough thinker, and a man of great wisdom, trimmed with gilt cord. He has made great i knowledge and true goodness. He is far-see- progress in spirit life. I ing, methodical and practical, intellectual and Francis De Sales. A man of strong in- I comprehensive, has large comparison, and is tellect, with a well-formed face, and a large, full, very scientific and philosophical. He has pro- dark, hazel eye. He wears a beautiful laven- gressed to tbe seventh sphere in spirit life. der colored frock coat, decked with gold but- Lord John Russell. A high, full and ton?, and has a large book under his arm that grandly developed man both in body and mind, contains the history of his earth life, which he I He is grpat, wise, profound, far-seeing and says he will give to you in oral communication. SAM 100 SAK if you wish him to. He has made fa'r progress beard, he now shows himself without any, and in spirit life* says it was shaved off to be kept as mementoes Salmeron, of Toledo. Big, much sharp by the people. He has made great progress in brave. Him's he's mighty light-footed. Him's spirit life. much goes bigs' skulking on war trail. Him's Sampson. (^Abbreviated). A gigantic man, big kill. Him's big war chief. Him's big's of great physical strength, which he says has cunning and him's loves many squaws. Him's been greatly exaggerated. He has a large have many squaws on your hunting ground^ bead of stout, coarse hair, and he admits that Him's big's much old brave. Him's got pretty his wife used sometimes to get him into trouble nice blankets. Have blue's blankets, and have by revealing things she ought not to. He re- many trinkets hang on him's head, and nice pudiates the story about the jaw bone, and the shining scalping knife, and him's big much sel- gates, and says that, aboat the foxes, was made fish, cheating, zealous brave, Him's much big up from his having on the occasion of a raid war brave. Him's have big much braves kill, thrown together and burned several hundred (caused many to be killed.) Him's be big shucks, or foxes, of corn. He wears a tanned strong council man. Him's do much big write, hon skin, and wooden sandals covered wifh Him's he's goes much round find many things, skins. Him's be war trail hunting brave. Him's he's Arch-Bp. Sancroft. A strong minded mighty big, and much superstish hrave. Him's man, with full calculation and perception, and have to walk on big prickers in spirit hunting a great intellect He was shrewd, and digni- ground. fied, and candid, and sincere, in his religious Sallust. a highly intelligent and ambi- . convictions, but very bigoted. He wears a full |ious, but queer looking man, with a rather citizen's dress made of black broadcloth, and a long, high, Roman nose, a very long chin, a common hat. He has made good progress in thick, massive lower jaw, a wide, compressed spirit life. mouth, sharp, dark eyes, and a large neck. His David Sands. A man of power and intel- head is very broad and thick through the sides, lect, strong individuality, large perception, and or around the basic region of the brain. He very good and benevolent, and of a high moral, wears a curious three cornered coat, with a and spiritual nature. He has a broad forehead, point at its back, and one on each side, and and a rather small, gimblet-looking eye, that straight in front. He holds a large bevel in has a cunning, weasely expression. He has one hand, and a roll of parchment in the made good progress in spirit life, other. He has made fair progress in spirit life. Sappho. A person with a broad forehead. Princess Salm. A strong, ambitious, proud large philoprogenitiveness and ideality, and very woman, with large self-esteem and a deeply broad on the top head, in the region of spirit- aflfectionate nature, even to jealousy, and very uality. She has a well developed, beautiful peevish in her likes and dislikes. She has a face, with a full chin, and fine grey eyes. She strong and abiding nature, but loves to control has deep perception, and strong individuality, and wield power, and is one that cannot be Sue stands a little bent forward, and has on a quiet or easy under any circumstances. She is plain, merino-looking dress ; she shows me very dark in spirit. these hues. " Man is only an element, and his Samuel. The spirit of Samuel is present, power is real, only in proportion as he reaches and says that he was judge of the tribes as conviction through experience." She has stated, but denies having hewed Agag in pieces made good progress in spirit life. He also says that he heard his name called* Sarah. A woman of great powers of mind, when a child, and that this coming to control She comes with a beautiful, silvery light and speak through mediums is not new to him, around her, as briTht as the sua at it rising ; as he manifested himself in speech not only but I am told that she is one of that class of through the woman of Endor, but has done so spirits who have the faculty of appearing better through other mediums of that and later days, and lighter than they really are. She wears a He has a strong intellect, and great intelligence goat skin dress over her hips and loins that an i wisdom, but a very tyrannical nature. He comes down to the feet, and skin sandals. The has a bald head, rather a long thin face, a upper part of her body is naked, and beautiful- Roman nose, and a decided, solemn countenance, ly developed, and she has a full, broad face. He has on a red dress, and a purple mantle The child told of in the book, she says, is all a and sandals. Although he usually wore a long, myth, got up by those who wrote the story to SCA 101 SCO make the people believe they h^d the power of exernUive ability. He has made good progress God upon them. It was born of one of her in spirit life. miid-servants, and palm-^.d off as her own. Thomas Scattergood. A man of a re- She has not made much progress in spirit life, markably clear mind, and a very strong nature. Sardanapalus. a man with a large, full- He was true to his. work, and did much to ben- developed brain, strong perception, intellect elit others. He had a high order of intellect, and comparison, and a thorough compound of and was one who could stand under a great all the faculties. He is very shrewd, and has deal of mental pressure. His judgment was a high, fully-developed top brain, and a compre- sound, and he was methodical, and a good hensive mind. He has long hair, a long, bnshy planner. He has made great progress in spirit beard, and a large forehead, and wears what life. I(jt5ks like a fortune tellers dress, dark green. Cardinal Schkvarizenberg. A selfish trimmed with yellow. He has progressed to a man, of a religious nature, and inclined to high sphere in spirit life. be overbearing and tyrannical. He is bold and Judge Saunders. (Eng.) A man of deep self-reliant, and (though I would not vouch for and profound judgment, strong individuality* it), he appears to be moral. He is altogether a and a high moral nature. He was very spirit- hard man, but he keeps a sharp eye on the ual and religious, and has made rapid progress church. He is rather slow in spirit progress, in spirit life. Schiller. A man of a singular eccentric Saul. A man of very strong individuality, nature, with strong individuality, perception and a tall, powerful, phvsical body. He says that and imitation, and a mirthful face ; although after his day men began to dwindle in stature when he is deep in thought, it has a careworn and size from the prevalence of disease. He expression. He has a large forehead, and a stands very straight, and has a large angular broad head from side to side, full cheeks, a face, a large hawk-bill shaped nose, high cheek large nose, chestnut colored hair, and a full, bones, a long beard, and wavy, long hair, and penetrating eye, with a golden cast in the cen- is Df a light yellow complexion. He wears a tre. He wears a long wrapper, and a buff tanned double skin dress, that looks as if it was vest, worked stockings, and needle worked silk stiff and hard, over which their hangs down to slippers. H^ has a beautiful, smiling, benevo- hiis feet a long, linen robe, and he holds a lent face, and has made great progress in spirit shield in one hand, and a broad axe in the oth- life. er. He confirms the istory about the medium of Rev. John Scott, (% Combe). A full com- Endor. He has made good pBOgress in spirit parison, equal, 4 1-2*, lari^e reverence, plus, 6, life. very strong perception, plua, 5 1-2, small causal- Savanorola. A far-seeing, high and no- ity, equal, 3, hope, plus, 5 1-3, ideality, equal, 4, ble man, of deep sympathy, and strong Individ- —minus, strong, full self-esteem, plus, 6, ama- uality and perception. He was sanguine, tiveness — , strong animal passions, p^as, 6 1-2, moral and benevolent, and loved his religion penetration (depth of thought, power to look and his politics, and had a determined, power- into things), equal, 4 1-2. According to the ful mind. He has risen to the higher life, and best rules known to science, this man is self- is enjoying the blessing of a true spirit home. willed, compulsatory and very forcible, but George Savile, {by Combe). A man of lacks spirituality, and is deficient in his moral strong comparison,j9^MS, 6, and powerful causaUty, nature. He has not made much progress in plus, 6. He has a very nervous temperament, spirit life. phis, 5, self-esteem and conscientiousness plus, 6, Walter Scott. A strongly individualized very full and intellectual brain, pZws,5,very highly and highly moral man, with very large percep- intelligent according to anthropology, measures tion, intuition, ideality, and spirituality. He is 5 1-3 inches from forehead to back brain. He wise and good, and has a large poetical has large constructivencss, is very practical brain, and great powers of illustration. He is and has a high spiritual top brain, plus, 5. He a high spirit, and has progressed to the sixth has made great progress in spirit life. sphere, or the sixth degree of individual devel- Scaliger. a man of large perception, in- opment. dividuaUty and ambition, stiong judgment, and Sir Michael Scott, (by G. B. Combe). a shrewd, cool, calculating, comprehensive A man of a deep, profound mind. Approba- mind. He has a full forehead, and a calm, mild , , , ^ . - • J J 1 * The usual signs of the cross and lines are given, but look, but IS very determined, and has great omitted for want of type. SEL 102 SER tiveness, 5 1-2, plus, self-esteem, 6, plus, very got no sap in him's body. He have no good strong and ambitious, large causality, 6, plus, clean blankets. He be a very filthy brave, full perception, plus, 5 1-3. He has a full, Him's have to go every sun and be washed in round face, large weight, 5, plus, a full philo big rivers, and big many of the pale faces, sophic mind, veneration, 6, plus, hope, 6, plus have to rub him's over with coarse, barks (tow- easily depressed, conscientiousness, 4, equal, els). He have to go through long tanning pro- and very secretive, plus, 6, and he has a good cess, to get clear of his green bark of badness, deal of the cat in his nature. Love of the He have big many squaws tied to him back and beautirul, ideality, gran leur, yoZws, 5. He has he have to carry them all round, and they go made great progress, and is 7, plus, in the sev- screaming and he can no get clear of them. He enth sphere. no like the noise. He no much shiney. Job Scott. A real honest, noble man^ Richard Seller. A man of unbounded with a great intellect, and a decided character, sympathy and charitable feeling. He has great He has a broad, long head, a high forehead, constructive power, and can execute as well as and a keen, expressive, pleasant face. He plan. He is far-seeing, has large causality, re- wears a drab colored coat, and light brown A^iction, and perception, a strong, logical mind, pants, and has made great progress in spirit ^^^ great comprehension, wisdom, and knowl- life. edge. He has progressed to the seventh sphere. C. Justice Scroggs. A strong old chief Semeramis. A strong, powerful, woman of (man in authority). Has a big thinker, and ^ tyrannical and highly ambitious nature, and mighty much strong, decided brave. He ^^^y perceptive, and strongly individualized know m-ich in big councils, and he be big chief, ^o^ one of her sex. She was strong-willed, He have much strong and long thinker. He and exceedingly selfish and hard, and not very be a much sharp old brave, and a big much moral. She has large self-esteem, and self-ap- know how him tribes should go. He be some probatlveness, but was very adhesive and af- times mighty much too hard, but he think it be fectionate, and has many friends in spirit life warning to others, tie strong and long judg- ^^^^ whose aid she has made good progress, ment, with a much hard feel in him's heart ^apt. Semmes. A very moral, intellectual, He no care many times whether he give braves ^^^ rather a strong-minded man, full of ambi- hard job (injustice), or not. But he have *'0"- He is benevolent and kind, but at the many braves that he have hanged that he have ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^*^^« destruetiveuess and is in- to go help warm their hearts. He no see big clined to be wild and advent irons, spirit yet. Seneca. A very singular man of great in- SCYLLA. A man Of a Wicked, hard, immor- tellect\ and a profound reasoner. He was a- al nature, and full of the spirit of revenge, deep and wise man, with strong individuality, He had strong individualitv and large percep- ^"^ perception, and high spirituality. His J T, ij ' J X -it' mental powers were exceedingly strono^, and he tion, and was very bold and tyrannical. In ^ o J '• ^ o' «"^ "^ person he was strongly built, and had a deep- ^t^ ^^"^ ^ ^^^^' ^^^^ '^ ^^^ ^^'^ '^ *^^«^ ^'"^ set eye, a large face, and a broad head. He ^^^'^ ^''^''^' -He was very cunning, and had has many progressed friends in spirit life, with ^^'^^ selt-esteem, and was highly religious and whose aid he has made rapid progress. ^^.^^ '^ ^'' ^^^ ^^^ estimation. He has made ^^ . ^ , . fair progress in spirst life. * * D D. A man of clear perception, and a o * i ti i u- .„ , . , „ , ^ . ,, Sennacherib. A cruel, war-like, looking strong-willed mind. He has a great intellect, -.u i r n i. j l j /^ ° ,. ,^ , ... , man, with a large, full body, a broad face, a large causality, self-esteem and ambition, and a-,,/,-! ,. , .j i, . = ,^ /' „ . '„ dark, florid complexion, a long beard, and long, lealous, selfish nature. He is not naturally re- , • tt l • j- -j i- , •; , , - /. . Tx , wavy hair. He has strong individuality, and ligious, but forces an appearance of it. He has • mz v. j i.-.- tt /• h ^ ', ,, , , . . . is very selfish and ambitious. He wears a full not made much heaaway yet in spirit. . , . j r- n • i .^ j l ii '' "^ ^ circle robe, and a full circle mantle, and holds Miss Sedgwick. A woman of a beautiful a shield in one hand, and a spear in the other, and highly intuitive nature. She is far-seeing. He has not made much progress in spirit life, has large self-esteem and benevolence, a fine Servetus. A beautiful, noble, banevolent, intellect, and a very affectionate heart. She Qjan, whose whole being seems to be made up has great talent, and gives expression to many of the best of nature's elements. He has gone sublime and beautiful thoughts. She is very to the celestial sphere, from whence his perse- high in spirit, almost etherial. cutor will ask him to bring a drop of water to "Selim 1st. Much hard, old, dry stick. He quench his thirst. SEY 103 SHE Se80RTRI8 the Great. Mammoth, and of self-dignity. She has not progressed very gigantic in his nature, and a man of deep intu- fast in spirit life. ition, and very strongly marked in destructive- Catharine Sforza. A highly intelligent ness, eventuality and perception. He repre- and dignified person, of a far-seeing, cunning sents a hard, eru'^l, man, with native judgment nature. She has large intuition, and pcrcep- and wisdom, but very selfish and immoral. He tion, and though professing unbounded sympa- has progressed slowly in spirit life, but has at- thy in some directions, was yet capable of exer- tained to a good deal of light. clsing great cruelty in others. She could in Seth. a very difft rent man from his broth- fact be both saint and devil, and, as circum- ers. He is of herculean strength and stature, stan(;es demanded, be either selfish and exact- and has progresed in spirit to celestial life. ing, or very lenient and easy. She has a broad S. L. Severus. a cruel, tyrannical look- forehead and a large back brain, and has made ing man, with a large, bold face, and long fair progress in spirit life. black beard. He wears a silk coat, trimmed Siiaxky. {Opplaheliota) . A mo?t remarka- with gold cord and buttons, and a blue satin ble red man, with a powerful mind, and a very vest with silver buttons, and a large emerald shrewd, observing nature. He hais large self- crown with silken tassels and gold fringe tied esteem, and is very intellectual and wise. He to the back part of it, and his shirt bosom is ha'^ more of the nature of the fox in him than neatly worked with white silk. He has not ^ ever saw in any person. He is altogether a made much progress in spirit life. wonderful composition of humanity, and is high- Secretary Seward. A man of great \y spiritual, and like most other Indians has ability and a strong intellect, but his moral or- made gr^at progress in spirit life, gans are weak, and he has but little benevolence The same. Me's big Indian. Me's know or heart. He has profound wisdom, and a san- how to get wampum, and me's know's how to guine, foxy nature, but his sympathies are play shrewd, and m«'s he's mighty much smart- cold and false in their appearance. er than pale face. Me's shine in my spirit cor- Wm. Sewall, (by Gall.) Comprehensive ner like big council fires. Me's big brave, and and intelligent. Has a high intellectual mind, me's big heart, and he's mighty much long (in) with a broad and expansive view of things and spirit land. a strong, determined nature. He is a remarka- Shakespeare. A man of very strong indi- bly great man in his capacities, and has a far, viduality, perception and intuition, with a high- seeing intellect that reaches out to worlds of ly spiritual nature, and a remarkably fine en- thought. He has made great progress in spirit cephalic brain. He is wise, shrewd and cun- life. ning, and full of representation and comparison, Sam'l Sewall. A very strong, and rever- and is the most intellectual man that I have yet ential man, of a wise, profound mind. He is seen in the spirit world. He was moral, benev- shrewd, far-seeing, comprehensive and logical? olent, kind, and go^d, and has reacJaed the celes- andhas large continuity, causality, and con- tial sphere. structiveness. He has a fully developed Intel- Abp. Sharpe. A very cunning man, of pro- tect, abroad, intelligent judgment, strong com- found wisdom, large perception, and strong in- parison and perception, and great wisdom and dividuality. Although in a good degree honest, knowledge. He has made great progress in he was selfish, hard, and tyrannical, and looked spirit life. not for orogress in the world, for to him man Horatio Seymour. A shrewd, deep, in- was a demon. It would have been better for telligent man, full of wisdom. He is intellec- him if he had been more liberal in his views, tual and benevolent, and is full of the country's for he has made slow progress in spirit life, democratic good, but lacks knowledge and abil- Granville Sharpe. A prpud and ambi- ity to accomplish his object. He likes to have tious, but very inteUigent man, with a large, broad his ends answered, but otherwise, is rather a top head, great self-esteem, a strong intellect moral man. and brain, and a determined will. He was far- Jane Seymour. A cunning, artful, far- seeing, and had large causality and penetration, seeing woman, with great self approbativeness, great reasoning powers, and a vast deal of and one who loved honor and praise. She was knowledge. He has a very brilUant look and very consequential, and tyrannical, and was not has made great progress in spirit life. one who loved outside of her own self-naturej Queen op Sheba. A tall, slender woman, nor would she bend below her own formal sphere of strong individuahty, with a beautiful round SHE 10* SID head, face, and pretty nose, anci fine, black, nature. He has progressed far into spirit life, wavy hair, which is braided and wound about William Shenstone. A man of a sharp, her head and decked with sparkling stones, shrewd intellect, and a hiohly developed brain, She wears a rich silk and linen dress, with the with large perception, intuition, ambition and skirt trimmed with gold and silver, and a large determination, but rather deficient in benevo- gold necklace. She has a very fine forehead, lence, though he could be kind and generous and a countenance expressive of great benevo- on occasions. He has an important look, and leoce and wisdom, and she is highly spiritual was highly dignified, but rather selfish. He looking. She has a clear straw-colorrd com- has a long back head, with a full, high top, plexion, and wear^ a pair of worked slippers, and a practical mind well stored with knowl- the first that I have seen of that day. She edge. He is of a firm, decided nature, and has holds a dove in one hand, with a dark green- made good progress in spirit life, colored back and a cream-colored breast ; and Gen^eral Sheridan. "He big brave kill in the other, a picture of a city ot Egypr, and Indian." ^^ Cornstalk.'''' of the Temple of Solomon. She has made great Sheridan is not so great a man as some imag- progress in spirit life. ine him to be. He is very distinctive and dis- Tho. Shelatoe. a man of strong, full, cerning, and has a good perception of the field intellect, and of a very conscientious nature, of battle, and many good qualities, but he is He has high morality, spirituality, and rever- not very wise or intellectual, nor is he a deep ence, distiuctl^^ marked on the top of his head, reasoner. He has a great deal of method, plan and he is broad and liberal in his views, and and design, and is naturally a strong man, and held the Qaakf-r doctrine to be a means, rather very intent in accomplishing his purposes, but than an end, to bring mankind to the fold of he lacks benevolence, and although mild in so- Gol. He ha-5 a sharp top head, and was firm cial life, he is highly ambitions to make his and decided, but good, honest, noble and true, mark, and is inclined to be tyrannical. He hsf*? a grave look, firm, full eye, large, full Bishop Sherlock. A dignified, intelligent ey< brows, and was very straight in the body, and religious man, with strong intellect, percep- but somewhat round shouldered. He has very tion and reverence, and a fully developed full cheeks, and a scar over bis left temple, mind. He has a wonderful power of speech, H« wears a dark brown, plain dress, and has sound judgment, large causality and compari- made great progress in spirit life. son, and was of a forcible, comprehensive na- Shelly. a man of a very philosophical ture. He was honest and true to his belief, mind, and a profound leasoner. He has large and has made good progress in spirit life, perception, ideality, reflection, causality, self- Roger Sherman. He stands now beside esteem and ambition, and is very methodical me. He is a very magnetic man, and exerted and decided in his nature. He has a high, a powerful influence over the people within his moral head, and large bentvojence, and was sphere. He had great judgment and strength radical in his ideas, but honest and good, and of mind, with high moraUty and ideahty, and has made great progress in spirit life. an eccentric, but great, intellect. Philip Shklton. A far-seeing man, of a General Sherman. "He big Indian killer, highly intellectual, liberal and intelligent na- Me no like him. He big cheat. Big Indian ture. He has a profound mind, large causality killer. He make Indian no good." and reflection, and a very high top head, deep '•^King Philip.'* intuition, and is forcible, bold and fearless, and Sherman is a very long-headed man, of deep full of wisdom and knowledge. perceptive faculties, who has a strong inclina- Shem. Avery strong, large bodied man, tion to rise to the top round of popular opinion, with a hairy face, and long hair. He wears a He has a strong intellect, aud a natural, social, skin about his loins, and a skin head-dress col- winning way. He is, in fact, a great man, and ored green, which he says be tanned with green though he lacks sympathy for the red man, and berries, and dried in the sun. He now shows loves worldly honor, he is not of a hard nature, me how it was done. He squeezes the berries Mrs. Siddons. A beautiful woman, with and dips the skin in the juice. He says they strong individuality and perception, and large made in his day, blue, brown and red colors benevolence and intuition, and a great and after the same manner. He looks more care- brilliant intellect. She has a high forehead, worn than any of his ancestors, and I can see a broad top head, and round cheeks, and other- ambition and selfishness exhibited in his earth wise a finely shaped, beautiful, smih'ng face. SIX 105 SMI Her e}es are blue, her hair a beautiful Jight squaws in his wigwam. He no be mighty brown, and she has a head-dress made of beads much good heart. He got superstish in think- that look like rubies. She is dressed in dark er, and no good to the bright sun in spirit Water colored satin, and a long, white shawl, hunting ground. She has made great progress in spirit life. Pope Sixtus 4th. Big fire brave. He have Sir Philip Sidney. A man of noble intel- many burn up, in earth hunting ground. Has lect, a deep, profound mind, and a very logi- a big stream of slime coming out his mouth, ca,l reasoner. He had strong individuality and you get any where near it, you go dead for long perception, and was far-seeing, and highlv mor- time in spirit world. He big rattle viper. He ^1 and kind. He has made great progress in bit, he kill, he big cheat. He have his body all spirit life. covered with green scum. . He be no good. Algeknon Sidney. A man with a high. He have lived in dark wigwam ever since he round head, a noble, full face, full nose, a very come to big hunting ground. He will be no expressive mouth, and large lips. He wears a good for long millions of moons. He big, old coat and hat, both of velvet, high shoes with scarecrow. He no love big spirit. He be in buckles, and white silk stockings. He has the ditch of mud. He no get out. strong individuality, causality and intellect. Pope Sixtus 5th. A very strong, det^r- and is a good, true, deep and powerful man. mined, dignified, intelligent man, with a corn- He is highly intuitive and has great reverence, prehensive mind, but full of intrigue. He is and morality, and has made great progress in shrewd, and cunning, and has a strong intel- spirit life. lect, individuality, perception and ambition, SiGiSMUND OF Poland. A bold, selfish, and is profoundly wise. He wears alor.g, dark determined man, of a tyrannical, warlike, de- blue robe, with silver trimming, and a peaked structive nature, and an iron-like will. He hat, and holds in his hand, a large, square box, has large self-esteem, ambition and causality, with a cross on top of it. He has not made but not much reflection, and did not regard the much progress in spirit life, killing of others to answer his ends. He has Sm Hans Sloane. A man of a compre- a large back brain, and a hard, scowling face, hensive, logical and philosophical mind. He and has not made much progress in spirit life, has great knowledge and wisdom, and a re- SiGiSMUND. A selfish, hard, determined markable talent for investigating and delinea- man, with a strong, cold intellect, and a very ting subjects of a profound nature. He is decided mind. He has large self-esteem and very intellectual and perceptive, has strong in- perception, and was highly intellectual, cun- dividuality, is far-seeing and methodical, and ning, calculating and cautious, but fearless and has a wonderful memory. He has made great bold. He was proud and dignified, and had progress in spririt life. great ability, and tact, in carrying out his plans. Gerkitt Smith. A man of a high, noble, He had a hard, but progressive nature, and is and benevolent, though rather eccentric nature. making fair progress in spirit life. He is full of wisdom, and the principles of jus- SiMONiDES. Big, old chief. He have big, tlce, and is always ready to Jend a helping hand round connorber, and he have much long trail, to the depressed and weak ones of society. He have big much long beard. He have long He has clear perception, and is overflowing vencen, fwild animal), skin blankets, and with sympathy and pity for the unfortunate, them's be painted red. He have on a long, and has made good progress in spirit life. big skin over him's back, painted with red Joseph Smith, {mormon). A cunning, i shamherries, and blue dangle berries, set with shrewd and religious man, of a very intuitive, , salt and olive. He have on him's connorber a spiritual and affectionate nature. He has a ; large, long skin's top hat. He have on hair full back brain, and was very sanguine, and j moccasins, with big tighs round his runners, determined. He has large self-esteem and am- I (legs). He big chief. He in big hunting ground, bition, and a wonderful perception, but not I He in shiny corner. much moral sentiment, though he followed tlie ! Pope Sixtus 1st. Big, long-faced, old old book most tenaciously. He has made slow brave. He big cheat, and big devil. He tell progress in spirit life. big lies, and is big cunning brave. He tell big Adam Smith. A highly intelligent, intel- stories, and they no be much true. He have lectual and talented man, with a powerful, far- on heavy black blanket, and large (see fac sim- seeing and intellectual mind. He has large I h.) hat. He big know, and he have many perception, calculation, self-esteem and causal- SOL 106 SPI ity, and very sound judgment. He is a pro- and modes of thought. He has made great found reasoner and logician, and has made progress in spirit life. great progress in spirit life. Ptolemy Soter. An Egyptian, with a John Sobieski. A powerful man, physi- very attractive face, and well proportioned cally, with a look of great intelligence. He body, who stands about five feet seven inches has high cheek bones, a large full head, and high. His brain is highly developed, and he nose, and a broad forehead. He has great de- has a comprehensive, philosophical, far-seeing cision of character, and is honest, moral and mind, with full intuition, reflection, causality truthful. He has a great intellect, and is full and penetration. He wears a large, flowing of wisdom, with a good deal of both the lion robe, made of hemp, with a fur mantle colored and the lamb in his nature, and he can be very red, and has made good progress in spirit life, cruel, or very lenient. He has on a polish Hernandez De Soto. A man of a strong, costume, a full skin, or fur frock, belted down, ^^^ ^^^ure. and a clear perceptive mind, and a and a fur hat. He has a beautiful, moral, no- powerful will, which enabled him to force his blelook, with great judgment, and he looks wav through many dark scenes of the times he like an old Rabbi, and is a man I rather ad- ^^^^ -^^ jl^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ t^^^t^ rmre. He has made great progress in spirit ^ut lived mostly on the external, and in the de- sii e to make himself distinguished on earth. SociNUS. A man of a strong, intelligent, He has, however, made fair progress in spirit comprehensive, decided, forcible mind. He life. has a high, reverential head, with clear Soult. A highly determined man, of deep perception, and large ambition, and intuition. He calculation and cansality, and large perception has a cold, calm look, and is very calculating, and comparison. He was very clear headed, and wielded great mental power, in controlling and perceptive, and ofsoundjudgment, and great men. He has a long beard, and wears a dark, wisdom, but was of a hard, cruel nature. He cherry colored robe. He has made fair prog- has made slow progress in spirit life. ress in spirit life. -d^^c^^ a r ^ KoBERT SouTHEY. A man of a very m- SocRATES. A wise, and profound man, telligent intellect, and a deep, profound mind, with large perception, and a deep, philosophi- He is far-seeing, and has large causality, and a cal mind. He had high spirituality, and was very large, fine brain, full of sublimity. His very benevolent, and just, and, in faet, his was highly developed, and he has deep whole life was given to the advancement of intuition , and great re verence and eventuality, mankind in knowledge, light and truth. He He has reached the seventh degree in spirit, is good, kind, and intellectual, and very honest, Spartacus. A man with a very strong and and is now a celestial spirit. eccentric mind. He has large individuality, Solomon, (abbreviated.) A strong, power- and is intelligent and far-seeing, and is of a de- fiil man, of a brunette complexion, a large, terniined, precise nature. He has a broad broad head, and a spiritual face. He has a forehead, a long nose, a large cheek, high cheek shrewd, cunning lo'ok, and claims to have been bones, and dark brown eyes. He has on a a great genius in his day, both in planning, and short wrapper, with a belt around the waist. working, and says he would like to give you He has mad good progress in spirit life, gome idea of the temple, by controlling the Arp Spaulding. A dignified, but bigot- vocal organs of the medium. He shows him- ed and superstitious man, who is very religious self to me in a deep red dress, with a bottle of and tyrannical, and loves power and influence wine in his hand, attended by all of his wives He is highly moral, and has large calculation, and children, and says that the former and a great deal of shrewdness. He is very never exceeded twenty in number. He has forcible, and always means to carry his points, made great progress in spirit life. and therefore, never stands for trifles, but works Solon. A man of deep and profound wis- on for power, and his ends, and generally suc- dom, and fully accomplished in ancient learn- ceeds. He has not made much progress in ing. He had strong individuality, andpeicep- spirit life. tion and intellect, and was highly spiritual. Spinoza. A highly intellectual man, of He was noble, kind and benevolent and very profound wisdom, and deep scientific mind, liberal, for one of his day, although bound up He was very logical and philosophical, and had very much in his own idea of religious worship strong individuality and perception, and was STA 107 SrE . aTtogether, a noble, honest, true man. He has world. She has a broad, benevolent sublime made great progress in spirit life. looking face, a full, rounded head, and the high- AcHSA Sprague. a person with a fine, est order of brain, and there are inscribed on well developed brain, large ideality, full per- her capacious forehead these words — "Deedb ception, strong intellect and a beautiful spirit, are the salvation of the world." She holds also She has great intelligence, a strong, full, social, in her hand, a scroll, on which is also written, affectionate nature, broad, clear mind, strong "Love, is the enduring law of both mortal and individuality, large intuition, and high morali- immortal." She is dressed very plainly, and •ty. She has reached the seventh sphere in has risen to celestial life, spirit life. Atty. Gen. Stanley. A kind hearted Rev. Dr. *(N. York.) A highly intelligent bold, far-seeing, honest, strong minded, noble, and dignified man, of a strong, determined and good man, with a deep, profound intellect, mind. He is far-seeing, and full of destruc- and a great deal of wisdom, tiveness, aad better calculated for a prize E. Cady Staunton. A strong, and highly fighter, than a preacher. He has a large, full, cultivated woman, with more of the masculine back brain, and is but little fitted for refined than the feminine nature. She is far-seeing society, or the pulpit. When preaching, he and forcible, has large causality and compari- makes great use of his fists, and I think he son, and strong, clear perception, with great might pound the devil out of his hearers, if ambition and combativeness, and almost the any body could. He is vtry dark in spirit. warrior's power. She is bold, fearless and de- Spurgeon. a very intellectual, cunning termined, true and noble, and has made great and witty man, and one who possesses wonder- progress in spirit life. ful magnetic power, to draw people after him. Sec'y Staunton. A man of limited prin- He has great power of language, and a shrewd ciple, and hard nature, who would not much way to enter the social sphere of others. He care if the country went to destruction, provi- has large perception and individuality, and is ded he could have his own ends answered, very forcible in declamation, and says many Having but little moral principle, or benevo- gi eat and good things. He is not very rever- lence, he does not much regard the sufferings ential, nor does he care much for the religion of others, provided he is at ease himself. He he preaches; but he likes the money it brings, is rather intellectual, but his judgment is not He is a man of great ambition, and is a fair strong, nor is he a great reasoner. spirit to look upon. Saint Cyr. Him's he's an old brave. Spurzheim. a logical, far-seeing, profound Him's looks as though him had gone to seed, man, with strong individuality, a great intellect, Him's he's mighty, much seedy and old look- and high spirituality. He is wise, and calm, ing. Him's he's rnal bow, and him can shots and has a full, social nature, and a broad, ex- him's arrows fast. Him's big thinker, and can pansive, philosophical mind. He is very sci- do much good in spirit. Him's big gun. entific, good and true, and has reached the Stephen K. of England. Big, old, shiny seventh degree in spirit life. dress. Me no see only the top of his should- Madame De Stael. a beautiful and re- ers. He got on a long, loose, round blanket, fin^d woman, with a high, strong intellect, and on his body. He be old brave, with much nice a deep comprehensive, phylosophical mind, blankets on. He be no very dark brave, in j She is far-seeing and perceptive, has strong re- spirit hunting ground. He have many spirit j flection, and great ambition and intelligence, friends, and they help him mighty much. He j She is very dignified, and has a penetrating big chief, with big red blankets around him's I look, large reflection, and a sublime, fully de- body. He been transformed since he came to j veloped nature. She has made great progress spirit corner. He no come high corner first, in spirit life. but he now seem good cheer, but he have to Lady Esther Stanhope. A most beauti- carry big bundle of burning wood on his back, ful, noble woman, of high intelligence, and (remorse of conscience), but no burn him, bad great wisdom, and intellect. She has large as it did. He get more shiny, and he get more individuality, perception, intuition and causal- cheer, but big spirit give him's much light, ity, and a strong, affectionate nature. She has Pope Stephen 2nd. A very religious, ma- high spirituality, and great sympathy, and is terial and ambitious man, with a thorough in- good, wise and true, and altogether, one of the tellect, strong selfishness, and a determined, most noble women I have seen in the spirit tyrannical nature. He has strong perception, STE 108 STO -' and was far-seeing, and very revengeful, but strongly marked in individuality, self-esteem has now got clear of his earth condition, and and perception, and had great prid •, but was, seems to be making good progress. Since he nevertheless a noble man, and has made good became the benefactor of those he degraded, progress in spirit life. he has done much to help them to rise out of Baron Steuben. A far-seeing man, with their low conditions, and by this means, has a strong intellect, large perception, self-esteem, helped himself also. ambition, individuality, firmness and determina- St. Stephen. A man of unbounded sym- tion. He has a full, top head, and strong re- pathy. He has a large head, a full face, a flective powers, and is very intelligent and de- broad forehead, large, black eyes, and long hair cided. He has made great progress in spirit on the back of his head. He has strong indi- life. viduality, and great benevolence, and wears a Marmaduke Stevenson. A man of a purple robe, and a high, steeple hat. He has deep, profound, noble nature. He had strong made great progress in spirit life. intellect, perception and individuality, and was Pope Stephen 1st. A very big old, worn- very moral, wise and spiritual. He has made bled crop, deceitful chief. He think, when he great progress in spirit life, come to spu'it hunting ground, he going to have Thaddeus Stevens. A real good, old all the sway In big spirit's heart. He get here, man, who liked to make a great noise, but and he find he have to go in dark cave, where never really meant any harm. Though rather he no find much good, dry, sunshine. He be a cunning, and full of actions and thoughts, he big pate brave, with big, long blankets onhim's did not resort to much deception for their fur- body. He be a big face, old brave. He got a therance, and was rather kind and benevolent, big, red seal over his mouth, and he get to wear He was not very moral, nor over wise, but he it there, until he find all the braves he big had the faculty of hurra-ing others on to ac- cheat, have got clear of the big cheat wafers, tion. He has got to wear a big piece of stinking Alex. H. Stephens. A very good man, meat on his nose, for making the braves think with a fine, powerful brain, in which, thephilo- the wafers had afficice (efficacy) in them. O! progenitive organs are largely developed. His me wish you could see him, he being have perception and intellectual faculties are good, smell all the time, and he no get clear till he and he is very sympathetic. He Bas great cour- have helped them he cheated, get clear of the age, and is full of fight when aroused, idea of the wafer. He be working much hard Gilbert Stewart. A man of strong in- to help them. dividuality, and large perception. He is moral Pope Stephen 4th. A man of a very sel- and good, and has a beautiful, full, benevolent fish, hard, determined nature, but very intel- and smiling face. He wears a plain, black, lectual and intelligent. He is reverential and broad cloth suit of clothes. He has made great calm and rather cunning and foxy, and has progress in spirit life. large self-esteem, but was sincere in his reli- Dugald Stetvart. A profound man, and gious belief He wears a long, white, trailing a great metaphysician. He is far-seeing, has robe, and a high cap, round at the top, with full intuition and intellect, great culture and silver tassels attached to it. He has not made scope of thought, and a very logical, clear, much progress in spirit life. strong mind. He was a writer, a historian Pope Stephen 8th, A man of a strong, and an illustrative man of knowledge, and has full brain, and powerful mind. He was intel- made great progress in spirit life, lectual, but very selfish, and has a cold, hard Bishop Stillingfleet. A dignified man, look. He has large perception and reflection, with large sympathy and benevolence, a pow- and was religious, cunning, combative, ener- erful brain, and %ery observing, reflective, getic and determined, and fond of power, and conscientious, and full of charity. He is firm, loved to make those under him, conform to his decided, determined and exacting, bnt bas a doctrine. He was dignified and ambitious, but noble spirit, and is truly religious and honest, not very good, and was the cause of a great He has made great progress in t^pirit life. deal of trouble, in the government and the Lucy Stone. A woman of great tenacity, church, notwithstanding which, he has prog- a strong, thorough mind, and a highly combat- ressed fast in spirit life. ive brain. She is intellectual and determined, Lawrence Sterne. A far-seeing man, of and has large causality, but is deticient in per- deep wisdom, and powerful intellect. He was ception and philoprogenitiveness. She is Jib- STU 109 SYL eral and charitable, and though by nature a very clear in his brain. He is in a good state tyrant she controls her disposition. She is of progress in spirit life. methodical and talented, and full of love for Ezra Styles. Big old preach, and big her sex. S!ie has made good progress in old spirit of no much sunshine in him's heart, spirit, and looks quite light. He have big thinker, and big connorber. He TaOMAS Story. A truly great man, with have mighty much big spirit on him's tongue, large causality, strong judgment, and a firm, bnt he no have him mighty much in heart, decided mind. He was calculating and far- He have no much good feel for big spirit. He seeing, and understood well the great funda- preach that big spirit have big hell, but he find mental principles on which government and the no big hell, only he find he no get in shiney law should be based. He has made great pro- spirit corner, nor high wigwarm. He have gress in spirit life. green worms crawling all over him. This be Judge Story. A man of deep artfulness the worm that he preach never die. So he and cunning, and full of cogitations and here- hav^g it until he get tired of it. He have sies, and one I should not choose to decide a some sunshine, but he no much bright. He no case for. He has great strength of intellect, see big spirit. and profound wisdom, but he lived on the ex- Simon Stylites. A man of a wonderful ternal, and is full of worldly matters. He mind, and very developed in the basic brain, could, at times, be very kind, and at others, He has a shrewd look, and was very tyranni- exceedingly severe and tyrannical. He has cal and self-willed. He has high, broad made slow progress in spirit life. che^k bones, with long beard and hair, and he Mrs. H. B. Stowe. A woman of a beau- wears a short flowing wrapper and dark pants, tiful and sublime nature, with large self-esteem, both made of fine hemp. There is a half-moon benevolence, ambition and intuition, and very shaped, gold collar attached to the front part full hope, reverence and afiection. She has of his dress, with several characters on it like large causality and comparison, strong ideality, these, (see fac simile^. He denies the story and great dignity of character, and a most told of him and the pillar. He has made good beautiful, loving spirit, full of an all but divine progress in spirit life. love of liberty and justice. John Summerfield. A strong, far-seeing, John Strickland. A very strong and full- highly intelligent man, with a large -intellect, souled man, and one who has reached the great reverence and very full perception. He grand goal of progress. He was true and no- was logical, philosophical and comprehensive, ble, and one the world should know for his and has a critical, observing mind. He has great heart and progressed soul. He was true made good progress in spirit hfe. and good when on earth, and now brings with Senator Sumner. A rather wise man, him that quiet peace that all good angels have, with strong intellect and perception, and great He has made great progress in spirit life. oratorical powers. He is very argumentative Caleb Strong. A man of a determined, and wordy on all subjects, but his arguments, elevated nature, and a powerful mind. He is however cunningly put, are not all sound. He highly intellectual, shrewd, cunning, ambitious, is not a good man for the country. moral and intelligent, and has great penetra- Swedenboeg. A man of a highly religious tion. He is calculating, far-seeing and com- nature, with large perception and intellect. prehensive, and has a well developed mental Hfe was wise and good, and he experimented, organization. He has made great progress in theorized and philosophized until he forced the spirit lite; spiritual idea into theology. He was very I Jonathan Sturges. A man of an ambi- deep, methodical and reflective, and has as- j tious, determined nature, and a fully developed, cended high in spirit life. I far seeing mind, with large perception, pene- Dean Swift. A very eccentric old man, 1 tration, causality, comparison and reflection, a real oddity. He was shrewd, cnnning, tal- j He was a great and good man, and has made ented and full of maxims suited to practical I great progress in spirit life. life. He had strong individuality, and was Peter Stuyvesant. A man of a ealcu- very iniellectual, perceptive, far-seeing and lating and powerful mind, who was a great good, and has made great progress in spirit benefactor to his kind whilst on earth, and re- life. mains to be so in spirit life. He was deter- Pope Sylvester 1st. A big old chief. Has mined ih his purposes, but sympathetic, and very big cheating connoiber (head). He be TAM 110 TAS big much know. He have many trinkets in tion. He has a long nose, very full at its end? spirit hunting ground. He big much control a hard looking, ugly, hanging mouth, large him's tribe. He make them go long big work, cheek bones, and a large and powerful body, for wampum for him, and he no good. He He has but a scanty amount of clothing, con- tell them a big story, so many of his braves tell sisting of a kind of frock coat, a low cap that me. He tell them there be big mountains of looks like a three cornered done up handker- sugar and rivers of honey, and they find it chief covered over with a large bright red fur when they get big hunting ground. But when skin, and large full pants made of skins with the they came they no find it. So he laugh at front part of the legs laced up. He has a large them men for being big fools. He be in big rope that resembles a lasso in his hand, and is spirit hell. No get out many moons. sitting on a cream colored horse, and represents Pope Sylvester 2nd. A consequential, himself as pursuing after an army of wild self-important and highly religious man, of a beasts. He has made slow progress in spirit strong, selfish, determined nature, with large life. self-esteem, perception and calculation. He C Jus. Taney. A very great man in mwals, has a large basic brain, and is very intellectual intellect, and mind, who would do the best he and comprehensive, but extremely immoral, could to help others, though he is rather selfish He wears a full black robe, and a three-cor- and avaricious in money matters. He hasa strong nered hat. He has not made much progress inclination to float on the surface, and live on in spirit life. the afiluence of popular opinion, but is never- Syphax. a very ambitious, full faced man, theless a wise and deep man, and has made fair of a dark, copper complexion, with a large, full progress in spirit life. nose, a large, full, wild looking, dark eye, and Tarquin, the 2nd. A strong and dignified a heavy back brain. He has on a skin dress man, with a thorough, stern, controlling nature, dyed red, and holds a long bamboo club in one He was religious and had great reverence, was hand, and a large piece of wood filled with rather nervous and impulsive, and could be three-cornered needle«= that look like files in very cruel, or very lenient. He is a plain the other, and he carries a shield on his back, looking man, though his face has a warlike He has not made much progress in spirit life. aspect, and he wears a belt which shows that Tacitus. A deep hard man, of strong in- he was one of the grand order. He has made tellect and individuality, who was both wise f^ir progress in spirit life, and cunning, and of an ambitious nature. He Tarquin the Elder. He has a large fhll has made slow progress in spirit life. face, high cheek bones, a rounded nose, a N. P. Tallmage. A highly spiritual, Intel broad forehead, and grey eyes. He has high lectiial and far-seeing man, with deep percep- self esteem, and great ambition, and stands tion, and clear intuition. As here represented he about seven feet high. He is large bodied, and is of a very fine quality of spirit, and has a tas a dark complexion of rather a yellow cast, noble benevolent expression in his face. He There are two lambs on his right side, and a is very honest, moral, and truthful, and has scorpion on his left. He has progressed slowly made great progress in spirit life. to a high sphere in spirit hfe. Talleyrand. A man of deep and power- Bp Tasche. A man of a thorough eompre- ful individuality and intellect, and very large hensive mind, and a highly dignified nature, intuition and perception. He had a strong He has full perception, and is inclined to sel- will and was very determined in carrying out fishness. Although very religious he is neither his plans, and it was hard to divert him from his liberal nor lenient in his disposition. He has purpose. He has made fair progress in spirit a great deal of the deep shrewdness and cun- life. ning that generally appertains to the priest- Talma. A man with a wise, deep, .and hood of his church, and although moral he is profound mind, a large full forehead, a power- dark spiritually, and is making but slow pro- ful brain, full intuition and perception, and gress in that direction. strong individuality He was very egotistical, Tasso. A highly intuitive man, with a but far-seeing and intelligent, and of a very grand intellect, and a beautiful spirit. He is forcible nature. He has made great progress eccentric and mirthful, but full of sympathy, in spirit life. He is about 5 feet 6 inches high, and stands Tamerlane. A shrewd intellectual man, very straight; — looking as if he could not bend of strong individuality, and very large percep- His complexion is quite sallow, and his head TER 111 THE ha^ a beautiful soft light around it. He has a lonfT nose, and a peculiar lookina: forehead, and a round benevolent face, with sharp deep, hazel eyes, lie has made great progress in spirit life. Z. Taylor. A hard, determined, stubbor old man, with a strong will but very little wis- dom or knowledge, and scarce a trace of caution or causality. Though not a statesman he was not really a bad man. Tecumseh. The character of the Indian does not vary much, only as they become civi- lized. As the chiefs become associated with the whites, their nature changes, and in some instances they become completely metamor- phosed in character. Tecumseh was a bold and strong chief^ with deep perception, strong intuition, a strong I voice, and altogether a noble man. He was a wise planner for success, and very powerful I and cruel in war, but good when treated well. I Wm. Tell. A noble, intelligent, great, and I liberal minded man, of broad benevolence, and strong individuality. He was very patriotic, and one who loved his country. He was full ol wisdom, and honest, kind, and truthful, and a deep thinker. He was shrewd, and far-see- I iog, and has large "perception, and high spir- ; ituality. He has made great progress in spirit life. M. F. Tellier. a man of a profound com- prehensive, lar-seeing mind. He is highly philosophical, has strong intellect and percep- tion, is very observing, and logical, and has made great progress in spirit life. Dr. Temple. A highly dignified man of j crf'great mental capacity, and very perceptive, intelligent, and intellectual. He is religious, bigoted, and determined, but is nevertheless a broad, talented, comprehensive good man, i with a well progressed spirit. Abp. Tenison. a man of a dignified, far- seeing, strong, and determined mind, but of a selfish ambitious nature. He was forcible, in- tellectual, comprehensive and religious, but very tyrannica , and has made slow progress in spirit life. Tennison. a man who approaches sublim- ity in character. He is high, intellectual, and intelligent, and profoundly wise. He has strong individuality, and perception, and large benevolence, and ideality, and a high moral nature. He has a beautiful spirit, and is kind, honest, just, and good. Terence. A very bold determined ambi- tious man with very large constructive power, and a good thinker, and one who had great ability to control others. He has a dark complexion, a full front brain, and wears a dress something like that worn by the North American Indians, only it is a thin material made of hemp. He has made slow progress in spirit life. Tetzell. a man of a tyrannical, selfish, religious, forcible, and ambitious nature. He had in his composition a complex variety of elements that enabled h'm to exercise great selfish control over the people. He was intel- ligent, and had large perception, but was rather too sanguine to be practical, though he has made good progress in spirit life. The same. Him's big long sound tongue whooping brave. Him's he's a real Hopum to jump amd twisiiums (crying aloud) ringing, preach brave. Him's squall, him's hollow. Him's do makes mighty much noise. Him's he's sometimes on him's knees, and sometimes on him's walkers (feet), and do much harrow go banging. Him's get's on corner of street, and on steeps (steps), and gets many big crowd round him. Him's get bad smell eggs on him, and mighty much big noise after him's. He hollow braves (to the mob), go to big hell, and go burn, and him have have mighty much crazy spirit hold of him's pate. Thackeray. A man of the strongest and most determined nature, with a great intellect, and a powerful thorough mind. He has large approbativeness and causality, and is very com- prehensive and philosophical. He has made great progress in spirit. M. Thiers. A man of very great intellect, and strong comprehensive power. He has large causality and perception, is very reflec- tive, has a firm decided mind, and is one who can consider calmly and see results clearly. He is ambitious and deep in knowledge, and wisdom, and has great method in his plans. He has made great spiritual progress. Themistocles. a very strong and true man, who was Hberal and spiritual, and al- though he had too great love for the fair sex, was of a good and affectionate nature. He had strong individuality, perception, and intu- ition, by which last he seemed to read and know future events, and his plans were always well matured. He was very intellectual, pro- found, and wise, and though rather too san- guine he was liberal as far as conditions would permit. He has made good progress in spirit life. Bp. Theophilus. (By a mixeH vijlnence.) THE 112 TIB A bigs old lizzard. Hlm's be mighty much forcible, religious, and sincere, but at times poision, and mighty much hard old shambo very cruel, and has not much soul or spirit. (crab). Hiui's he's a vilonfone (ugly and de- He wears a full gathered white robe with a ceitful). Him's he's an cantonvilapondus, (a mantle of scarlet, banging over his shoulders, real deep and thorough rascal). Him's he's a and has a long beard, a large nose, and is very much old superstish, and very comprehensive full in the lower part of his jaws. He hae and dignified. Him's be an old sweetnotem, made slow progress in spirit life. (religious in pretension.) Him's he's an old Theramenes. A very ambitious, far-seeing Godoes Topondam (a cruel and impulsive man, of a strong comprehensive, thorough mind. m?.n). He has no sympathy, and has not made He has clear perception, and large self-esteem, any progress in spirit life. . ^^^ ^^^ j^gi^^l ^^j ^^.^ material whilst on Theodosius the Younger. A cunning, ^^rth, but his nature has now undergone a bold, fearless man, of a selfish, strong, tyran- change, and be has much light, both mental nical will, and a hard, iron nature. He has ^^^ spiritual. full intuition and ambition, and a cruel forcible ,, rr ^i o t • n a j -., , , „ . ' n . , , Maria xheresa (by Spurzneim). A proud warlike look. He is wise, far-seemg, calcula- a a- -c a £■ a -a ting and comprehensive, but has a very ugly and dignified person of a strong, determined ..,,.. n TT , , nature, with large self-esteem, and great ambi- brutish looking lace. He wears a short robe , .,. tt • r • ^ • ic u , • , 1 T ^ . , , , bition. He is far-seemg;, comprehensive, seliish trimmed with gold fringe, and has not made , i^ -n j j . . much progress in spirit life. and self willed, and has a strong nervous orga- „ „ - „ ^.,. . . ^ ,. ,, nization, and could be either hard, or sympa- Bp. Theodorus (of Cihcid). A big old ,, ,. , .. , , rr , . j u „ /J \' TT- , , ,• , , thetic, or charitable. He has not made much Haqmetog, (mud pout). Him's be a big old . . .^,.„ , . r . \_ t 1 • . 1 ,- , , progress m spirit life. chief with much high pate, and him's have much large war trail in him's heart. Him's be ^^^' Thomas. A strong intellectual man, much want to he's the great "/." Him's have with a very intuitive mmd,anda great reasoner. on a long scalp, and him's have a funny thing ^e is natural and unassuming, and has a goad over his paunch. Him's nose be a long rooter. ^^«^<^' ^^^ excellent moral qualities. He is Him's thinker he's much compelling, (forcing). ^^'^^ ^^^ benevolent, and very honest, and Him's no find big spirit yet. Him's no good. true. Theodore {King of Abyssinia). A tall. Grant Thorburn. A man of a deep, majestic looking man, and strongly developed comprehensive mind, with large reverence, physically. He has a dark, sallow face very perception, intuition, reflection, and intellect, round and broad, a large dark eye, a broad and a dignified and religious nature. He has full nose, and a powerful body. He wears a °aade good progress in spirit life. cap that fits tight to the head, but as it turns Thucidides. A man with a highly devel- up it flares out, and is round on top, and has a oped intellect, strong judgment, and a deep gold tassel hanging on the back of it. As he profound mind, and very intelligent, philosoph- now appears he is thinly clad in j. \. ,,, , ,.^ * ,-, , ,1 lesents him, "Passion and hardness." But he and that ot General Jackson's also. ' r^ -rr ». n -, had a high and noble nature, ahhough, as in Cornelius Vandp;:rbilt. A man of a deep, ,^ , ,. , ■ • - n • /> .1 1 . . , -1, 1 manv other instances or ambitious persons, cir- lar-seeing, firm mind, a determined will, large ■ ,.,,,.. , . ,.,. ,. . , ^. n cumstances killed his goodness in a great de- ambition, causalit}^, caution, observation, reflec- ^^ - ,, , , ' , • ,. ,.. ^ , , ^- 3 gree. He was intellectual, and strongly indi- tion, comparison, sell- esteem, calculation, and ^ ,. , i , , , , 1 - 1 J r. Ml vuhialized, but has made rather slow progress benevolence, and a sanguine, broad, forcible . , ,.' TT- • -J. • • ' 1 ^ ^ 1 in spirit life, nature. His -spirit is m a good state of pro- ^ ^^ , n Americus Vespucius. a man of an ex- gress. ceedingly clear, calculating observing mind, Vandyke. A very eccentric, strong-minded, ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ designed many great things. He determined man, with great intellect, percep tion, comparison, reflection, cunning and self bad strong intuition, and was highly spiritual, and, in fact, a clear seer^ who worked out many esteem, and very sharp and smart. Pie was , t ii tt u- ^ . •' "^ . hard problems. His history, as given, is not logical and shrewd, and had g eat constructive r /■ i • i. tt • i, . *= far Irora being correct, lie was sanguine, but power, and he has made fair progress in spirit , , , ■ i ^ a • i |. r o r |jg^(j strong judgment, and was very gooQ, and has made fair progress in spirit life. Anna Van Hove. A lovely looking wo * ]y[ Yexjillot. A very energetic, far-see- man, of a strong, determined mind, full intui j^^ ^^^^ ^^it^ a b^oad, thorough, poweriul tion, clear perception, strong individuality, and ^^^^^ jjg is shrewd and keenly percepriv- a very refined nature. She has a beautiful ^^j. has not much soul development, althou'h face, and a very cunning and fully developed ^^ j, ^^ deep 'in mental reflection that h.^ s hitellect. She has made good progress in spir- ^^^^ .he world might call an expert in lis ^^ ^^^®' moves. Whilst he is neither very spiritual, i or Gen. Varnum. A hard, determined, old hopeful of the fu ure, he is gifted with faci:;!- man, of a secretive and combative nature. He ties that enable him to penetrate the science o- was, however, very truthful, and did a good the soul, though he will have to wait for a full deal to benefit others. He was a close observ realization of individual life, beyond the tomb, er, and has made some progress in spirit life. Altogether he is a powerful man in external Gustavus Vasa. a man of strong indi- things, and a great thinker and worker in the viduality, and of very religious but animal cause of the people, and is in a fair way . f spir- and lustful nature. His intellect and percep- it progress. tion were highly developed, but he had smaU Victoria. A true, good, wise, noble wo- spirituality. Although he was very cruel and man, though rather selfish. She is very moral, and blood-thirsty, and of a hard governing dis- and has strong individuality and high spirituali- , position, his conscientiousness was often aroused ty. She is even in her nature, and has a well so that he became very sympathetic, kind and balanced mind, and outshines all British kings lenient, and he died a more true-hearted man and queens that have gone before her. , than he had lived. He has made fair progress Pope Victor 1st. A man of strong intel- in spirit life. lect, and a comprehensive, perceptive, deter- N. Vattel (hy Spurzhevn). A bold and mined nature, but selfish and ambitious. He brave, but selfish and tyrannical man, of a great was very observing and looked closely into mind, and very warlike and determined in his things. He was religious, forcible, politic and nature. He did not regard the death of others, audacious, and held great control over the gov for he loved power, and to accomplish his end, ernment and people, and was sanguine in VIR . 116 VON church affairs. lie has made fliir progress in flaps, or tails, hanging over the hips. Thecoat spirit life. is trimmed with blue colored cloth. He wears Pope Victor 2xd. A very talented, bril- a four square hat, or head covering, and his liant man, with large intuiiion, comparison, chest is covered, as I think, with a breastplate, causality and perception, and very calculating. He smiles as he stands here, and says he is not intellectual, far-seeing, and comprehensive. He ashamed of his looks, for although he is not now had a clear apprehension of coming events, and very bright, he shall soon be as one of the shin- was generally well prepared for contingencies ing stars. He has made fair progress in spirit growing out of the wishes of the people or the life. upward or downward tendency of neighboring Vishnu. A man of high, moral nature, powers. He has made slow progress in spirit life, with a large, broad head, a full, smiling, mild Pope Victor 3rd. A man of smooth out- face, with a calm, benevolent expression. He side, but whose organization denotes destruc- wears a beauti'ul dress: his coat and vest, being tiveness as the most prominent feature. He trimmed and covered with all manner of fig- has, however, clear perception, ra?her high ures and hieroghphics. He has a wreath of hope and reverence, large causality, penetra- golden stars about his head, and his face is ra- tion and ambition, and is dignified and intellec- diant with light, and he holds a large scroll in tual. He is very shrewd, cunning, selfish, hislund, on which is represented the sun of calculating and determined, and is inclined to brightness. He has progressed further into ce- rule with a potent sway. He has made slow Je.-tial life than any spirit I have seen, progress in spirit Hfe. Vitkllus A cold, ambitious man, of a Bp. Vigilius. a man of a compretiensive deep, profound, comprehensive, determined nature, with large veneration, reverence, deter- mind. He was very proud and dignified, and mination, benevolence, charity, symparhy and of a very hard, cold, religious nature. He was affection. He was very unassuming, calm, re- far seeing and calculating, and had large per- flective and religious. He has a large, full ception, causality and firmness. He has not face, and wears a i)lain looking, dark, brown made much progress in spirit life, wrapper. He has made very good progress Vlodomir. {of Russia.) He is a man who in spirit life. stands very erect, and has a cleir head, and a Pope Vigilius. A shrewd, cunning, cold, powerful mind, but a selfish, combative nature, hard man, with great penetration, and one who He is calculating, shrewd and cunning, and is well versed in the methods and forms that means that all shall submit and obey when he correspond to man's religious nature. He speaks. He has a large heavy, lowei- jaw, a stands so straight and stiff, that it seems as if bold, full face, and* a thick, heavy back brain, he could not bend. He has a full top head, a He has made slow progress in spirit li'e. broad forehead, a large neck, and could fight, Volxey. A man of a profound, philosophi- or preach, as bpst suited his ends. He has not cal,and highly cultivated mind, great intellect, made much progess in spirit life. and a logical thinker. He has great intelli- ViRGiL. A man of great cultivation, deep gence and perception, and is far-seeing and ntuition and perception, and a powerful intel- comprehensive. He has a broad, beautifully leer. His countenance expresses vs^isdom and developed nature, and is noble, just, and full of knowledge, enough to make of itself the vox wisdom and knowledge. He has risen to the dei, or voice of a small god. He wears a small, celestial sphere in spirit life. peaked cap, made in a very peculiar style. He Voltaire. A far-seeing man, of great in- has, a large, full face, a large, full, dark eye tellect, a strong, logi.-al mind, and profound and abroad forehead, and, is, in fact, nearly a wisdom. He was very philosophical, and deep- perfec*^^ man. He has risen to celestial life. ly learned, but very material. Hisunderstand- A^iRGiNius. A far-seeinof man, of a deep, ing, however, is clear, and he was kind and eccentric nature, with a strong individuality good, and his liberal nature mide him labor to and a cruel expression of countenance. He free mankind from religious bondage and priest- has a large, long face, covered with a thick, craft. He has large perception, comparison, long beard, a large, thick nose, a dark eye method and plan, and is altogether, a great, high cheek bores, dark hair, and heavy eye- good, noble, honest man. He has reached the brows. He has on a very queer looking, dark, celestial sphere. bronze colored coat, that comes down below Dr. Vox Bleck. Him's he's much foxy, the loins, and buckles up very tight, with little Him's he's a very strong thinker. Him's likes WAL 117 . WAY to he's all the time doing thin2s — cause liim's Earl Warwick {King maker). . A man think him's be'rf smart. Ilim's he's much who possessed a very troublesome irritable na- sbarp, and him's can be like a flea, when vou ture and in fact never knew what it was to be think you got him's he he's gone. Him's no satisfied with any thing. He had great cunning much shine. and shrewdness, and was very secretive, VoRTiGEN. Big, long trail. Him's have sly, selfish and cruel, and full of mis" mighty much fight in him's pate. Him's he's chief and plots, and by no means a good man. mighty much big brave. Him's goes on war He has made slow progress in spirit life, trail. Him's does much big fight and him's Bp. Warburtok. A strictly pious man, ot big chief. Him's he's big Twriga (brave, bold, a highly forcible, intelligent, and religious na- and fearless.) Him's have mighty much shiny sure, and very sanguine and devoted. He has things on him's shoulders. Him's be strong high reverence, benevolence, and sympa- thinker, big's much know. Him's he's much thy, and though bigoted, was sincere, and on the big warpath in the earth hunting ground, much given to prayer. He has made good Him's be all dress in red and white blankets, progress in spirit life. Him's he's much big faculty to counsel of big Washington. A beautiful spirit and a very war trail. Him's not mighty much shiny. good man; not so strong in logic as in intuition, Sen. Wade. A deep, cunning, wise man, but almost divine in nature. He has strong who is rather secretive, and has many friends perceptive faculties, and possesses a full knowl- fer he can accomplish much through the pro- edge of things, and is what maybe called a foundness of bis artfulness, aided by a stern harmoniously developed man. He is high in will and great intellectual strength. He is great spirit life, and belongs to the Washingtonian for controlhng for a time, but his power does not band, last long. Secy. Washburne. A man with large self- William Wallace (anonymous). A highly esteem and self-approbativeness coupled with a intelligent man, who lives in the memory of good deal of power to accomplish but lacks meth- millions, and still speaks in lones of grand old od and plan. He is very subtle, and in political times. His great ideal is reached and he has affairs might be deemed treacherous but has no truly obtained the prize. He shines with illumi- real desire to harm. He is close in money natiug stars of just men made perfect. He matters, but can be benevolent to a friend, and dwells in the glorious eden bowers of paradise, is a true friend to those he likes, but is not oth- He has washed the past from his mind, and in erwise always to be trusted. He has a good beauty and truth forever he will shine. God share of intellect, and is rather secretive and help him. Angels attend him. fall of doings, but has not much active power. Edmund Waller (poet). A man of eccen- Watts. A truly bigoted, self-willed trie nature, with strong individuality, and large blind old man. He was intelligent, and full of perception. He has a full benevolent, and ideal representations of the future a-jcording to very marked face, a large, full, mirthful eye, his fancies, and he still continues to sing the old and a bald head, and wears a wig. He has on psalms of Orthodoxy. As I see him he is just a three-cornered hat, a long dark wrapper, the same man as when on earth, and fill of re- and a beautiful pair of buckled shppers. He hglon and salvation, and Hell and damnation, has a fine countenance, and has made good He finds however, no hell here like that he progress in spirit life. made in his ideal mind. He wants me to tell Horace Walpole. A highly intelligent you that he is making some progress in spirit. and intellectual man of a proud dignified na- Francis Wayland. A highly intellectual lure. He has a powerful mind, and is far-see- man, with strong individuaUty, but small be- ing, very sharp, perceptive and talented. He nevolence and spirituality. He was cunning, i full of logic and reason, and broad expansive wise and profound, and had a high analytical views, and has a highly developed head. He brain full of conceits and theories. He was cold has made great progress in spirit life. selfish, hard and unkind, and one who loved Nicholas Waln. A very benevolent and himself better than he did any body else. He spiritual man, of a high and beautiful mind, a has made fair progress In spirit life, very intelligent, strong intellect, full percep- Gen. Anthony Wayne. A very strong tion, and a high religious nature. He has decided man, of great force of mind and char- risen very fast from the earth, and has now a acter. His spirit^ is highly developed and fully developed spirit. WEL 118 WHI be has progressed ver}"- fast in spirit lite. He with not many superiors. He was strongl.^ has a clear, comprehensive nature, and he is individualized, and had very large self-esteem, noble, true and just. He will soon be a shin ing lio-ht f.o tlie world. VVkathekf.ord. Bi fire chief. and a great brain. He was profoundly wise, and had the interest of his country at heart. Hira's He is a good progressive spirit. noble, big heart, and Jaim's heart he's beating to the red men of big hunting ground. Him's hands he's big power like the fire hor^e. Him's body he's like Kentucky cave, swallow up much of the big spirit bright. Him'ij he's mighty much sharp eyes. Him's can see through the black hearts of the pale face. Him's head he's mighty much clear. Him's he's bright as moon beams and him shine all the time. Daniel Webster. A strong gigantic old man, with a powerful intellect, and very large intuition, perception, causality, and comparison. He is cunning and deep, and full of argument and reason, and plans aod executes with great method and power. Though not a higWy moral man, he is sympathetic, and full of good for his country, prompted by the intellectual ambition of a great mind. Kev. Mr.***** (Mass). A strong minded dig- nified man, of a highly religious, superstitious nature, and a great deal of pride. He is mate- rially religious and has bat little spirituality. He is very self-important and conceited, and floats with the popular soum, and has not made much progress in spirit. Theodore Weld. A man of a real firm, determined, far-seeing mind, with great self- esteem, a wonderful intelligent, profound intel- lect, clear perception, and large calculation. Although very sharp and full of plans and argu- ment, he is a most thorough man, of high phil- osophic brain, and his spirit has made fair progress. Secy. Welles. A man of deep and pro- found mind, who has the good of his country at heart. He has strong destructive powers, and affections, and has not the strongest feeling for humanity, although he might prevent frcrc inflicting needless suffering. Notwith- standing his organization indicates hardness, he is rather kind until his cruel nature is roused to action. He is very positive, and has a large share of decision coupled with a sincere desire to befriend. Lord Wellixgtox. A man of great intel- lect, and a deep far-seeing mind. He was cal- culating and wise, but very selfish and ambi- tious. He was highly dignified, and cold to his inferiors, but still had a great control over the eople. He was altogether a wonderful man, Charles Wesley. A very careful, consid- erate man, of a well measured judgment, and a far-seeing, observing, methodical mind. He is vvise, good, comprehensive, and has a clear idea of things and an un isual completeness of nature. He is in fact profound in wisdom, and has a beautiful, and highly progressive spirit. John Wesley. A noble man with deep intuition and perception, and large benevo- lence and morality. He was very honest and sincere, and his love embraced all mankind. He has risen to celestial life. Ben.j. West. A man of high spirituality. and strong individuality, and perception, and a sensitive temperament. His face is broad and full through the cheeks, and is very wide be- tween the eyes, and he his a witty, cunning expression, with a look of goodness. He has a large full top head, and a flashing dark eye. His friends say that he has reached celestial life, but I think they are mistaken and that he is only in the sixth sphere of progression, Abp. Whately. a far seeing, p ofound man, with a powerful intellect, and full percep- tion, eventuality, ambition, calculation, method plan and arrangement. He has a large roll of written parchment in his hand, which he would now like to give to the world, and says that he if not now searching among the old de- bris of the Jews, nor is he anxious to advocate the doctrines of the church. He says that he always had his doubts of immortality, but that ambition and his desire of wisdom and knowl- edge led him to seek after truth, which he really longed for, but did not find until he left the earth sp'iere. He has made fair progress others in spirit life. Daniel Wheeler. A man of an open, ex- pressive look, wish a high, philo:>ophical mind, and a great deal of real inspiration. He has a very high head, large reverence, and a power- ful brain, and was of a full, forgiving, harmoni- ous nature. He has made great progress in spirit life. BuLSTRCDE Whitelock. A fiir-seeing man, of high culture and reverence, who much re- sembles some of the old mastei-s of Israel. He is very eccentric and reserved, and does not seem disposed to give his character in full. He WIK 119 WIL looks proud, stiff, and dignified, and has made there should be any. lie has made fair progress slow progress in spirit life. '^ spirit iile. Henry Whitfield. He lias a beautiful Wm. Wilbebforce. A high toned, sub- divine spirit, that comes up like sunshine in the lim« a^an, with a sublime order of mind. He east. He has powerful intuition, a high, moral was very spiritual and intuitive, had full per- head, a strong religious nature, and he is wise ception, was very intellectual, reverential and and good, and truly sincere. He was deeply hopeful, and truly and fully developed in hisre- inspirational,* almost sublime, and has risen to Vygioas nature. He was ever on the side of jus- celestial life. *^^®' ^"^1 is very wise, far-seeing, noble and true XT T- \T(T \ c t 4. He has made great progress in spirit life. H. KiRKE White. A profound, strong- ^ » ,, • j . , J -.1 u- u • i- 11 ^ Tf A • Jemima Wilkinson. A well-meanmg, good minded man, with high mtelleetualitv, deep in- ■,.,-, ■ j j ^ -r ^ • )• -f r^ A ' ^- A woman, who was true, kind, determined, and tuition, strong inuividualitv and perception, and ' , , , ^ . -, i ,.,.., ,.^ TT . ■ r 1 ^ , full of work, but had great lack of wisdom, and high spirituality. He is very benevolent, hon- ' ^ ® .... ° \, ^ , . , , ,, -, , not much cunninir. She was very intuitive, spir- est, truthful, wise and good, and has made great ^ . , , ,,,-,,, . . ., ,.^ "^ itual, honest and liberal, and really had the progress in spirit liie. ' ,.>,,, j good of her work at heart, bhe has progressed Bishop White. - By the grace of God I ^ eelestial life, am not ashamed of my character, and will give William H. (Eng.) A dignified man, with it myself. A man of large perception, strong ^ ^^^^,,^^ tyrannical look, and a very exacting, individuahly and great religious development, ^^^^-^^ j^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ jj^ ^^^ l^^ge and who truly and sincerely believed what he ^estructiveness, was easily excited, and has a preached. He was rather a good moral man, ^^^^^^^ ^^^^..^1^^ determined mind. He has a with high spirituality, intellectual and dogmat- ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ f^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^, ^ ^^^^^^ 3ij,, ic, and true to his purpose." ^^^^^-^. ^ ^^.^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^j ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ comes (The same by Chase.) He was a cold, selfish ^^^^^ ^^ ^.^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^i^ji man, who liked to be conspicuous and much ,• i ■,- j tt i ^^a^(^- ^^v/^cc ' '- rubies and diamonds. He has made fair progress thought of, and whose nature was to love the • • ., i-r ^^ ' in spirit liie. church rather than the people He lias made e lisha Williams (FaZe Co%e). A man slow progress m spirit life. ^^ ^ thorough, comprehensive, well cultured Sir Kichard Whittington. An intelli- mind, very dignijfied and religious on the exter- gent man, of large capacity and intellect, and nal, and had large perception and extensive of a strong, compreheusive mind. He has a learning, and was both a good teacher and a high-toned, dignified nature, and carries with good man, though not very progressive, but he him a most striking look of authority and com- has now risen above his educational clogs and mand. He has very soft, fine, brown hair, rath- has reached the third sphere in spirit life, er thin on the top of his head, and wears a blue William the Conqueror. A man of deep coat, with large, flowing sleeves, the skirts of perception and a strong mind, but cruel and which are cut rounding, and reach down behind bloodthirsty, and very bad. He has but little to the bend of the knee. He was brave and reverence, and was immoral, secretive and de- good, and has made great progress in spirit life ceptive, and a hard master. He wears a long, Wickliffe. a fully developed man, of a flowing robe, with a long trail, trimmed with shrewd, cunning nature. He has a powerful yellow and pink silk, and a plain band around miad and intellect, great determination, and his head. His acts were not prompted by any large intuition and self-esteem. He was ambi- desire to do good to others, and he is rather low tious, but true and just, and has made good pro- in spirit life. gress in spirit life. Roger Williams. A good, true, honest, Bishop Wikeham. A highly dignified and noble man, of deep perception and wisdom, and talented man, of clear perception and a strong, high spirituality. He had great power, and was comprehensive mind. He has a highly religious a true lover of justice and mankind; and in brain, and was one who greatly reverenced and short, there was a principle in him that should loved the " book of books," and took great prevail more in this day. He has reached ce- " spiritual comfort, " as he expressed it, in read- iestial life. ing the " blessed word." He was a very de- William HI. {of Eng.) A man of a hard, voted man, and often consoled himself with the cold nature, with strong individuality, intuition idea that there were comparatively butfewskep- and perception. He was fuU of lust, and verv tics in Christendom, whilst he marvelled that immoral, powerful and cruel. He was intellect- WIT 120 WRI ual, and rather wise, but not a good man, but ty. He did a great deal of talking, but not bard, selfish, deceitful and revengeful. He has much real Christian practical work. He was • made slow progress in spirit life. formal and cold, and in fact he killed all the Pkofessor Wilson {of Edinburgh). A real spirit of religion in his higher and better far-seeing man, of great intelligence and wis- nature. He has been fortunate since he came dom, with full perception, intellect and intui- to the spirit work, and has found many friends tion. He has great scientific culture, and a to help him, and has gof fair light. " clear, fine order of mind, and is very logical phil- Gen. James Wolfe. A man of great en- osophical and methodical, and a good reasoner. ergy and vim, and very determined, high-toned, He has made great progress in spirit life. and far-seeing. He was bold and fearless, and Gen. Wilson. A power that wie ds the so- had great judgement and calculation, large per- cial element around him, aHhough somewhat ception and causality, and large destructiveness open to influence himself. He is not strictly a and combativeness. He had a large, full brain, moral man, nor highly intellectual or deep in and was a man who adhered to his purpose, and wisdom, but take him kll in all, he is B, very was hard to throw oflT the track. He has made good man. great progress in spirit life. Priest Wilson, (o/Bo.§^on). A rather com- John Woolman. Good and kind, benevo- ing down as it were from Heaven to Hades, lent, true and honest, very deep and wise, be- (The character of George Fox had just been Heved in what he taught, and is a high, celes- given.) Tfce old priest has not got fairly risen tial spirit. He was a great man. Wisdom and out of the say so's of priestcraft. He is highly love were his greatest principles. A real God- intellectual and perceptive, and strongly indi- marked man. (This is word for word as it was vidualized, but has not progressed very fast. written by the medium.) Uey.Dv.^, (of Philadelphia). A man Cardinal Woolsey. A man of deep and of a finely organized brain and a fully develop- profound wisdom, with a high intellect and ed intellect. He has large perception and firm- strong individuality. He was a very moral ness, and is very moral and religious, but tena- man, and had great sympathy with the weak cious and bigoted. He has a dignified, decided and depressed, whom he would gladly have as- look, and is very intelligent and far-seeing, sisted to rise in the scale of humanity. He has shrewd, cunning and selfish, bnt is making fair made good progress in spirit life, progress in spirit. Wordsworth. A beautiful and sublime St. Winifred. A very strong and selfish looking man, with a radiant light around his man, and anything but a saint, if he is what he head, and his spirit seems to have had whilst represents himself. He has a strong intellect, OQ earth full expression. He has large intel- and very strong individuality, and looks like lect, perception, causality and benevolence, and one who possesses great wisdom, but he has not his character seems rounded to fullness and no- made much progress in spirit life. bility in all respects. He holds in his hand a Henry A. Wise. A deep and profound scroll on which is written, " Scholar, historian, man, who Is capable of doing a great deal r£ philosoplici, poet*' He has made great pro- harm, and should be watched. He ha'^ a iur gi' ss in spirit Vi\\ intellect and good intuition, but i- sot, very Sam"l. Worcester. A consequential but strongly marked in the spiritual and moral bra n talented man, with large self-esteem, and a far- and has not progressed much in spirit. seeing, determined, and comprehensive mind. Cardinal Wiseman. Big's much know He has a religious, but bigoted ard compelling brave. Him's have mighty big connorber. nature, and was highly dignified and (orcible. HIm's big's much counciliing brave. Him's biiT He has large causality but was very external, long preach brave. Him's reads long ticker and had not much soul in his idea of the Crea- ticker. No much sense in him's book. Him's tor. In fact he remains to be a hard person to reads goes round and round likes old mill horse ; accept new ideas, and still profess to use the old DO gets anywhere, and when him's gets throu^-h wooden plow of orthodoxy. He has made slow grinding him's have the same old chankings progress in spirit life. (pummice). The juice he's all squeezed out Silas Wright. A man of a determined, before him's begun to grind, so him's have ro impulsive temperament, and fiery desires. He good cider of the big spirit. has large amativeness, but is not largely devel- JoHN Witherspoon, D. D. a very sel- oped in the spiritual, nor is he deep in wisdom, fish old man, with but little sympathy or chari- He is, however, wise in his wav, and a great and XYM 121 ZEN powerful man. He has good perception, rather limited comparison, and not the strongest moral mark upon his brain. He has made fair pro- gress in spiiit life. FAXis^Y Wright. A woman of high intel- lect, strong individuality, large perception, large benevolence, and a full top head. She has a noble, finely formed face, though she is plain looking. She says she has not found the ortho- dox hell that was marked out for her and other free thinkers, by some of the rehgious teachers of her day, but has reached a condition that many of those who consigned her to eternal tor- ment have not yet arrived at, though she has lived to see some of them weighed in the same scales of moral justice as herself, and found wanting. She has a beautiful home in spirit life, and says she will write you a communica- tion soon. Francis Xavier. Big old chief and big thinker. Him's have mighty many buds in him's brain. Him's have a big star over him's head. Him's have a white scalp, and long hair on jaw bones. Him's be big mind. Him's be philosophy bearing bush. Him's can give many thoughts from spirit hunting ground. Him's be hig great oak. Him's stand big lightning and big winds and storms. Him's can sail in canoe on big waters, and him's big brave. Him's in big hunting ground Him's got laurels on him's head. Him's can speak high things. Xerxes. A man of powerful individuality, with a large head, very long through .from the forehead to the back, a short, round face of a sallow complexion, dark eyes, black hair, and .arge, thick beard. He is a mirthful looking man, and has on a queer looking, short coat with flowing tails and large sleeves, and a large green and pink badge on his left breast, and a white and red one on each sleeve. He al- so wears a corded silk vest looped together with two ornamental rows of shining buttons, or something of the kind, one on each side, and a high, four-cornered hat or cap. There is a large cravat around his neck that is brought down in front of his bosom, and crossed and fastened with a clasp, and a blue colored scarf around his waist. He wears high boots with leggings over the tops, and holds in his hand, a magnificent golden staff, on which is written, "Socrates and the law of philosophy." He has progressed slowly, but has reached a good sphere in spirit life. Bishop Roderick Xymenes. A dignified, talented man, of a fully developed mind, and of a strong, tyrannical nature. He was relig ious in a great degri-e fi-om conditions and cir- cumstances, but had but little if any natural reverence, and was a worker in xhe church from selfish motives. He has a dark sallow complexion, and wears a plain white robe. He has no hat on his head, and his hair is parted in the middle, and hangs down on each side to represent Christ ^esus. He has made slow progress in spirit life. Elisha Yale. A man of large self-esteem, wish a high top head, powerful intellect, and a strong, comprehensive nature. He is very proud, and has large comparison, and a highly cultivated mind. He was intelligent, and a seeker of self-ao-grandizement and the world's honors, but altogether a good and benevolent man in his way, and he has made good pro- gress in spirit life. Yelverton. a very intellectual, eminent man, with a far-seeing, deep and wise mind He has a full top head, a broad forehead, a large base brain, large self-esteem, eventuality, causality and perception, and was somewhat cunning and foxy, but looks like a highly cul- tivated man. He has made good progress in spirit life. Brigham Young. A man of a highly re- ligious brain, full intellect, and a far-seeing, argumentative mind. He has large ambition, individuality and self esteem, and a heavy back brain. He is very devoted to his belief, but is not fully honest, nor does he feel so. He is a cunning, selfish and unjust man, neither noble nor good, and has not made any progress in spirit. Young. A very eccentric man, with large ideality, and of rather a mirthful nature. He was profoundly wise, and had strong benevo- lence, individuality, perception and eventuali- ty. He was cunning and witty, and very hon- est and noble hearted, and has made great progress in the spirit world. Zkchariah. a very white headed old man, with a long white beard, a long, slim nose, a large, round, full face very broad be- tween the eyes, and high cheek bones. He is a lai ge bodied man, and wears a long dark green robe and a tall, peaked hat. He has made great progress in spirit life. Zenobia. a mother of harlots and devil- try, according to the roll, but I will give the best as well as the worst of her conditions. She was both a hard woman and a kind wo- man. That is, she was kind when it would best answer her own purposes, or if necessary, XYZ 122 XYZ would be uakind, and use force to accomplish foxy and avaricious, and very deficient in sym- Iier object. I do not mean tli3 words I have patliy and charity. He has a powerful brain, used to imply lewdness in its ordinary acoep- and is shrewd, cunning, ambitious, ironlike and tation. She had some very good traits of char- penurious. He has little true soul nobility, and acter, and was not altogether a tyrant, but was has a cold, dark spirit that lies very low in the tyrannical in furtheriug her own end^. scale of progress. Zexophon. a man with strong compari- j^^^, ^^° * (Boston.) He big, grand son perception and intuition, and a very fine ehief. He feel mighty, much important. He intellect. He was most profoundly spiritual think he kno.v mighty much. He be a big and full of inspiration. He has a great brain, ,^„i,^ g^^. He make bier noise, and no big and IS a deep reasoner. He was very religious, sense. He have much control over braves. He and had great analytical power, and although ^o love big spirit. He be now running on big highly ambitious, was a noble, good man. He ^apid river, and he go mightv fast, and he feel has progressed to celestial life. ^^^h cheer. He have a ^ood deal wampum. Zexophanes. a noble and great man, of He no mighty much preach to big spirit. He deep wisdom, strong individuality and large no mighty much shiny brave, perception. He has a very philosophical ,. -c ivr n a , .. mmrl nr.ri ^o. . i • • j ^^RS. F. M. H. A lady with very strong mind, and was a great logician and reasoner. ^ ,. -, ^ ^. .^\ "^ ci • TTo Vioo ,..^.1 ^ • . . -..n atiections, and or a dignified nature. fe>he is He lias made great progress m spirit life. , , , , ,,.,,.-• a 7vK-r^ A i. ^ -. ^ 1 extremely benevolent, and highly intuitive, and ZrE^o. A great and most wonderful man, ., , , o •nrifV. o u^^^ I, • J /^ 1 . ■, -n possesses the deepest sympathy, one has a witli a large bram and a powerful mmd. He ^ • ,, . \ i ^ -u !« fcv coo^r, 1-1 1 • 1 1 • 1 . 11 , strong intellect, is very devoted, and one who is lar-seeing, philosophical, logical, intellectual , ° •, , -, . - • -'x^.x. xa^ ar,!^ r^-^^fr...^ u • TT 1 1 . 1 1 T ^^s ^^^ darkened her spirit with the world s and profoundly wise. He has a high top head, ,. . , ^, ,.\ ^ , .i Tirifi. ^,,11 .• 1 . . . , rehgions, but has a reliirion of soul and love, with full perception and intuition, and was no- -, ' „ o, , ^ Kla i;h« 1 A J • . rr 1 -I ^66P ^"^^ full. She has made great progress ble, liberal, good and just. He has made . /. . ,... ° ^ great progress in spirit life. ''' ^ Zoroaster. A deep, cunning, shrewd and ^^^- ^^ *^® ^^^''^ warmed, passed from earth wise old man, with large perception and intel- ^'^^ ^^ *^® ^^^^ ^^^^- ^^^^^ *^^^' ^ ^^^^ ^®" lect, and a powerful will. He was very benev- ^^^""^^ volumes of oral and written communica- olent, and has done a great deal in spirit life ^^^°^ purporting to come from her spirit. The to help mankind out of the dark. He was ^^llo^'^^S are fair samples of a lengthy series strongly individualized, and of a hio-hlv noble, ^^^^ ^^'^ '-"^'^"^^ °^^ ^>' ^^^ ^'^'^ °^ ^'- ^"'" conscientious nature, and did a orelt work for ^^l^'^^^^^^ ^^ was giving the precedmg Phsy- the world at large; for many^ through him cometrical characters. have been led to true ideas of creation and "Dear one, the spring hopes and the autumn theology. sighs that you have experienced have all been ZwiNGLius. A calculating, far-seeing man, for -your good. Let your soul look now, in re- ef great wisdom, with a strong, compre- trospection, and see the throng that you have hensive, thorough mind. He has made great gathered around you. We need many existen- progress in spirit life. ces. We have the world of the past and the * * (N. York). A selfish, ambitious man, present, and when our souls are entwined to- with a sharp, t^hrewd, foxy mind, and a won- gether, we shall catch the glimpses of futurity, derfully clear, far-seeing perception. He has that will light up the pictures of the past. Let but little conscientiousness and sympathy, but us be faithful to every incident of life. This deep, cunning, a good deal of self-conceit, great life is but one existence. The curtain of and a tremendous developement of self-esteem the tomb is but a little shadovv. Spirits and He is very dark in spirit. mortals are working together. . Angels are *** (Millionaire N". York.) A very sharp, ever twining garlands of affection around the shrewd man, with large perception, caution, hearts of earth's children, who are all alike re- self-esteem, reflection, causality and secretive- cipients of God's love. We who have gone to ness, but little true benevolence and charity, spirit life, are still loved ones in your house- He is calculating, cunning and foxy, and has a holds. Does not your own spirit throw its sun- strong, capacious mind, but is very dark in shine around each soul, to illuminate and draw spirit. it spiritual ward? This is the central point, * * * (millionaire of N. York.) A man of a where thy influence begins, but where it is to real selfish, tyrannical nature, who is secretive, end, time answereth not, for there ai-e no 123 boundaries to the emanations of spirit. I want you to recognize me more in thought. Tiy to feel that I am ever thine own loved guest in thoughts that come spaikling within thy soul'. I am waitinjr to meet thee in thine own com- munion, — waiting where thy spirit may catch the cadence of my soul, — waiting for the time when thy thoughts will flow next to mine with- out an intermediate wave,— waiting for thy spirit to enter gently into my own. The finest emotions of the spirit have no utterances. The sweetest interchange of thoughts are the si- lent idflowing from soul to soul. Dost not thou feel how near I am at this moment to thee? Our spirits now embrace. Were it not lor the atmosphere of bliss that surrounds you, I could not come in such near and dear rapport. Thy spirit opens its welcoming arras, and I swiftly fly to thy fond embrace. But, Oh, how little can I now give thee of my spiiit life! the bless- ed fulness is yet to come. Then, Oh then, we will have such rosy hours, we will have such dewy thoughts! They will fall like pearls uniting our spirits. We will wander amid such azure bliss, we will garland our souls with such love blossoms, that we cannot meet but in sweetness and beauty. Together we will trav- el over the fields of thought in dual joy; we will wind our course along through forests of beauty, sparkling with streams of bliss. Our joys shall all be twin-born beauties ! Thy hap- piness! will rest on mine, and mine will be thy soul's bright duplicate. Can you fail e'en now to feel my love? Dost not thou see how deep it lies, hovv broad the stream it flows to thee? O! let its waters bear thee to our home! Come, come, God bids me send this gentle stream to bear thy soul to heaven. He creat- ed me for thee, a fountain bright and clear, and thus thy spirit tastes his love and goodness. "Fear not, doubt not, dear one. I am not a thing of fancy made — a fabricated angel love, but a true existing principle, a tangible being, a iivino; soul in unison with thine, waff in »• heavenly breezes to thy life, to bear me back thy joys, thy woes, that I may share them all, and cradle thy spirit in the motion of my love, where I can lull it to a sweet repose. (Prayer), Oh thou guardian of all created love, who hast allied my spirit to this dear wave of life, guard thou my soul's emotions, and from thy great throbbing heart of all life, flow out thy spirit, and enable us, thy children, to bear the current of life which thou hast giv- I en u?, brightly through this mighty system of existence, and, as it passes through our souls, return it back to thee untainted. Oh, keep thou me a healthy, moving wave, to bear thy softening love down to creation's woes, to waft to the shadows of earth, the dew-drop^ of thy light, to tint the midnight with a beam of day, and in my acts to sing to thee, thou central soul of all creation's love and wisdom, some grateful lay of melody and praise. (signed) , Fanny. ' ' Sept. 15th, 1869.— My theme to-day is Love, the reigning queen of all that's best in human nature — the crown imperial of the soul, and the highest attributes of Deity. " 'Tis all unfolded to celestial light— 'Tis always blooming to the child of right." Love, in its truthfalnes, is the spiritual es- sence of purity, gathered through the experi- ences of earth, and the attribute in which celes- tial spirits gather and repose. It is a plant so beautiful, so subhme, that in its growth it reaches out beyond the selfish walls of clay and shines in its sweetness upon every neigh- boring soul. It mounts the highest framework of man's device. Ye cannot stay its progress, for Divinity hath planted it, and spirits and seraphs prune its beautious growth. Long may its beauty fill our souls. Forever may its per- /"ection and sweetness abide. It is a plant des- tined for eternity. There is not a human sou 1 without it. There is not a place where it does not dwell. It grows in the conservatories of the celestials; it shines over the bowers of seraphs, and is planted by the den of the demon. Trav- erse creation and we find Love everywhere a native plant. It encircles and fills all worlds; it winds in spiral beauty about the centre and eircumference of all firmaments and systems. It is the life flower of the universe. It sends out its elements of divinity to the poor ar.drich alike, and in its glorious beauty it will yet merge-all finite sufl'ering in eternal bliss. 'Tis my soul's attribute; 'tis thy soul's attribute; 'tis creation's sweetest blossom. Let us take this attribute at meeting; let us take it at parting, and let us wear it forever. Dear one, I come again to-day to cheer up thy soul, and bring to thee the sweet aff'tctiou of life. My work of love often calls me to visit the gay assembly, and mingle with the busy throng, but its dearest mission is to go to the unfrequented hovels of the poor, there to trans- plant consoling and higher truths. Yes, when you come to our spiritual home, we will go together and soothe the sorrowing; we will carry them spiritual balm; we will bathe 124 t heir suffering souls with waters that flow from sed assurance to me is ever sweet to hear the elysian founts. This is not fancy's fabric; it echo ''Well done." Dear one, I will leave no is no mystical framework, no air-built castle, string un4;ouched within thy spirit, but will at- but it is a work of love that our hands united tune them all to harmony. I will tune your shall do. Our hearts and our sympathies, dear soul to lovlier music yet. I will strike some one, will be united; our tears shall fall together sweeter chords. I will draw forth still finer on the blighted flowers of earth; our hopes, our melodies, till thy spirit bathes in harmony, joys, our affections shall entwine together in Life's music of love shall thrill thee. It shall one; together we will bear one cross, and to- jet flow unbroken, in sweet and heavenly gether we will stand under the crown of eter- strains. And is not thy faith now riveted with nal life. This is only doing the work that a stronger chain than once it was? Is it not Christ bids us do — to cast out the spirits of evil, linked to eternity? live, so that all around and we with holy faith may claim the prom- thee will remember and cherish the good man's ises that have been given, that greater works name when thy spirit comes home. Leave than Jesus did shall we do, if we repose in his with them thy mantle of joy. Leave with faith. The labor of love, how sweet! the call them many earth thoughts that thy mind hath that takes us to the needy, how welcome! and planted, thoughts that grow from experience welcome, dear one, are all to the spiritual gifts ^^ heavenly communion, gathered by thee in of God, who will receive them. Blessed may earth life. Leave no blank devoid of love in thy pathway be through life. Fanny. thy existence. Fill all the circle around the central principle, the God of love, with beauties. The Divinity of Human Life. With Thy spirit draws around it a circle of other all the shades around thee I would have thy loving forms, corresponding with the central soul shine forth in love, a center of beauty, thoughts of beauty in the children at home on around which all the darker ones about thee earth. We are love flowers in God's great shall gather. Every love has its circle in life, garden. He that goes forth to gather culls a central beauty that attracts the outer, the largest first, and twines the smaller buds There is divinity in each phase of matter, and around them to^form a beautious contrast. So within every circle, one center of attraction, stiive to have thy soul surrounded by buds of All life revolves around its center love, as promise, forms that are unfolded, and be thy- the earth and other planets revolve around the self the central flower, shedding fragrance on sun. This may be called fancy, yet this ar- all around. Dear one, watch the little buds rangement of beautious. reflections is the sym- that are bursting forth to light and love, bol of a great truth, and all things that we Watch them with an eye of care and duty, conceive in the ideal are truths that really ex- Now that I have found myself a way to earth ist though fancy shapes them and bears them to in language, I would give rnore lines of know!- us on the wings of the imagination. The edge, and leave them in the kind hearts that thoughts of love are central and eternal, exist- have read my former breathings of love. It ing with God. They goto make up the sum claims not to be a perfect work ; there is much in of creation as truly as does material matter, it that needs the kind eye of charity. The When your spirit takes a thought of love from love of our souls is the consciousness that we out the great ocean of intellect, it adds to the have yet to get and yet to learn. To go on- soul's dimensions as truly as particles of earth ward, homeward, heavenward, is the soul's material add to the bulk of a body, or some bright star of thought. It is that that keeps known nutrition adds to the size or growth of its radiance up through every night of gloom, the human form. Feed well then on thoughts 'Tis joy to know that there is enough for all that nourish the soul of love. Take that the pure desires that form within the ever-grow- which gives the sphit an upward and fuller ing soul. There is measured out by a loving growth. Oh, dear one, scorn the love that God a full equivalent for every want. He impoverishes thy soul. Mark the hour when I keeps the balance even. Thy body craves the first communed with thee. Thy spirit was bread of earth, and it grows upon the earth, not then tuned. Il waited a skilful hand to Xby spirit craves the bread of life, and it is draw forth its harmony. And I have tried found growing in the world of intellect. I faithfully to perform that duty. I have looked liave uttered these little truths of love for thee upon the soul, and known that my love has to read and give to others. Thou canst thy- touched thy harpstrings of beauty. The bles- self be a book, daily unfolding new buds and 125 truths, for there is much in the language perienee, but the calmness of tho-e I loved, that goes from friend to friend, that helps to who stood around my bed as I passed a\fay, nnfold Nature's book, so that it may be read kept the magnetisms I left on earth free by human hearts. Now keep thy soul passive, froln commotion, and I gained strength faster and I will try to pour into it more words of on that account. .***-* Yes, pa, I was at truth and light to give to others. The voice the burial of my body, and I was well satisfied, of my soul's language is inaudible when I for I was wrapped in my new joys. * * * * come to thee when thou art alone, but still thou No, pa, I did not suffer much immediately be- mayest recognize it at times. 'Tis better, far fore I left you, for I passed away in sleep and better that the words I bring should be placed awoke in my spirit home. Pa, I have no white on thy spirit than on paper, not that I would wings, and yet mother, my soul mother, says I that thy soul should be enveloped in a mantle, have the dove of peace. O, pa, I wish I could to shut out thy material senses, but I would make you see us. 1 come to you at home, and silently store it with sparkling gems of spirit move about, and sometimes can see you all, truth. Fanny. and I try to touch you, but a mist seems to Oc^ 17, 1869. come between us that I can't understand. I shall be with you often, and shall go a berrying Miss A. P. H. A person of a strong deter- ^-^^ y^,^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^.^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ mmed nature, with large perception, ideality ^ j^^^^ ^ p^^ j appreciate the kindness you causahty and intuition, and high spirituality. ^|j showed me. She has a comprehensive mind and a broad, ^^^^ ^^^.^,^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ high, moral head, but she is not so affectionate -j as the mother, nor so deep in soul love ; but she n f t ow, o^ ^^^A *t,„4. ,^ • ij i u ' ^ ' U I 1 am so glad that you yielded her up IS true, good and noble and has made great ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^j^^ ^^ q^j^^j^^ jj^^ ^^.^.^ ^^^^ progress in spnit life. (% S. B. Chase.) ^^^^^ ^.^1^ ^^^^ ^^,^^^j^ -^ j^^^ ^.^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ The above named spirit passed to the higher and the natural law required that she should life on the 7th of Feb., 1868. On the 15th, pass out of it to be born again. A host of ten days after, the following communications spirits met and carried her to her spirit home, were given through the mediumship of Mrs. They came through the different spheres to McCormick, while in an unconscions, trance watch the gradual dissolution, and as thread condition. after thread that bound the spirit to the flesh ***(>; pa,*njo language can describe the was broken, angels were telegraphing it on- beauties of my spirit home. Free from pain ward and upward. The spiritual dews fell and suffering, I find my peace. O, that you upon her before she left the form, and made could know of the glorious reception my moth- her realize that she was standing on the portals er gave to me. I cannot have a choice of Ian- of Paradise. She awoke refreshed, and full of guage here, pa, and, if I could, there is none joy to find herself free, free. She was weary that could describe what. I experience. They and rested : but it was not the sleep that knows brought to me iillies of purity before I left my no waking. It was the rest of the spirit. Joy, form. Yes, pa, they put them all over me, knd joy is here. Joy is mine, and still greater joy I could see them even then, and I thought is in store for us as each link is loosened from them so beautiful, but when they bore me earth and added to the immortal chain. So, as away, I felt so weary that I could not retain you live, ever love us and love them who are my memory. The fragrance that came from with you, love all, and you will see your great the blossoms on which I rested restored my advancement. I cannot now stay longer. I spirit's consciousness, and I saw my mother, aunt know that these thoughts will strengthen and Gertrude, and others watching over me. O, comfort you. I know that the birth into spirit pa, such a welcome ; sweet strains of music life of our much loved Anna will bind our floated about me, and angel voices chanted hearts closer together, and that the final laws glad anthems. I gradually realized that it of your being will be vibrated upon, and bring was the welcome to spirit life. O, how I you nearer to us and to the Father. ' yearned to turn back and proclaim my great Her reception into spirit life, — given by a joy to those I had left on earth. You know, guardian spirit through the entranced medium- pa, that each spirit on leaving the form is weak ship of Mrs. Fanny Wilcox, of Providence, on and has to gain strength gradually, the same the 17th of Feb., 1868. I as a convalescent on earth. This was my ex- On a couch of flowers lies the young form o f 126 one we had loved on earth ; — one that had buds mean love. These are all from Anna ; be#ti dear to us by the ties of nature ; — one and here is a fall blown rose from mother, whose voice had been melody to us; — one which means abundance of love, and lam go- whose kisses have often pressed our lips. But ing to bind them all up with the silver cord of now disease has stamped her features pale ; sympathy. Here they are, pa, take them, and that joyous laugh that once rang through our and keep them in your bosom for our sakes, home is now to re-echo in the better land. As won't you, pa? the eye grew dim, and earth scenes faded from Xhe spirit mother now took contiol, and her sight, the spirit eye opened, and behold, said:— You have taken down what our sweet before her came a band of spirits with beautiful Mary and Anna have said. O, how I yearn to flowers to crown her aching brow. That loved fold each one of our dear earth ehildren in mother pressed her fondly to her bosom as in ^y gpjrit arms, and make them know of the days gone by Here stands another angel form, realities of life tbey will have to meet that are and says, sister, here is a spirit staff I briiig now hidden in the folds of the future. The you, and here is a banner that shall wave over ^eep love within me, that lasts forever, would your head. They lead her onward: she feels lead a mother, weie it possible, to come to them as if she were dreaming. We cannot express again clothed in the material. Tids cannot this to you in all its beauty, for we are obliged be; but teach them, O teach them of life, of to use earth's language, but the closing scene life eternal. Teach them to worship at the was the most beautiful we ever witnessed, for shrine of truth, for that is the crown that I the magnetisms of both the earth, and spirit ^^nt to encircle their brow. These thoughts form were so strong and harmonious, that they t^^t I give may inspire and help them to fulfil blended and formed a lovely arch, and the light gygj-y duty with that fidelity that will ennoble of heaven shone so brightly, that earth's eyes them and fit them for the spiritual life. i would fail to give you an idea of it. I wish would like to say more if I could hold control you could have heard the angel voices that longer, but I must now thank the spirit guides joined in singing, and the other accompanying ^f ti^^e medium, and express to you the same heavenly music with which this loved one was love that I know you feel for me, and which welcomed to spirit life, which her soul's unfold- acts as an attractive element to draw me -to ment seemed beiiter adapted to, than a coutinu- you, and make me ever your faithful watcher ance on the earth's plane. and guardian. Yes, dear husband, and these March 2nd, 1868.— M'-s. McCormick, medi- welcomes that you give me fi-om time to time urn. _ rExtracts.) From A. p. H. * *'* * ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^Y iiappiuess than words can ex- When I was with you I loved the world, for all Pi'^ss, or you can realize until you too come to nature seemed beautiful, and O, how great my our beautiful spidt home. Good-bje, good-bye. happiness now, that I can come and bring gems The following communications are fair sp^c- of truth to those I love, and make them know imens of a series that were automatically writ- of heaven and heavenly joys. * * * I felt no ten by the hand of Dr. John C. Grinnell, pur- pano- on awakening to a realization of these, porting to be indited by the spirit of A. P. H. for 'exquisite music quieted my weary spuit ^^^ isGD.-Dear Father, how I love to , and my soul drank m its fulness. * * * Pa, ^^^^ ^^^ j^^,^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ I find that I had two bodies when 1 was on ^i, t.. • ^i ^ ^^ ' a u i X uuu LUdb -L earth. It is the spot — the dear old home — earth and that 1 have two now. 1 have a -n ^ j ^ eaiLu, du^ ,11.1-,. where memory lingers with fond endearments, • sniritual body, and a soul body withm that. . ^ t., . , ^ ,. ' ij bpiriLUd,i uu J , . , . . ™ m which we all meet. The ripples of time are f I Ir is beautiful, pa, this being two m one. Ihe • ^^ j I i f ic IS uectuLiiui, y , °, , . ^ running gently on, and one after another we *' snirit bodv is the external clothing or garment ° ° *' ^ ^^ . n spiiiL uuuj 1= I ^ o a are swelling the deep current tnat flows to the of the soul, which is the inner lue; but the . ^ i V i u n n u .- 01 tiie boui, Yvxi 7 immortal shores where we shall all be torever i two act as one. Tell B*** (her brother) to .^ . ^ i w . ^ xwo dci d-s uii^ V y united, for we are soul relatives, and never, no, cling to truth, won't you, pa, and to re mem- ^^^^^. ^^^ ^^^^.^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^_ berthat .he has a sp.nt sister watchmg over ^^^^^^.^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^, .^ g,j^^ ^.^^ ^^^^_ i^^^- When it flows out to its kindred soul, its sweet t Mary, sister of the above, who passed away est communion is silenxie; for unuttered Ian- -l in infancy, in the year 1842, took control, guage is deepest felt. "Whilst rippling streams f and said :^-Pa, I bring you two liliies and two hke words are changing ever, it is the silent '- rosebuds. Xhe lilhes mean purity and the water, like the silent soul of love, that is fath- 127 omiess. Thu8 our souk mf.y hold communion, where I dwell discord never conies ll.rn.K and we may speak in deepest tone without the is a sanctity that pervid!-!! h ? voice's sound. Thou art never, dear father, oh, how I ,L^ 'Z I t 7 1^^ 7' /*''' a one. When thy thought goes forth it meet- not spoken in any feeling fsel'iro,::: thmoonmyw.ytchee. Have not the les- spring from truthful, srafetuUhoughs^wI I sons of wisdom thou hast learned been of the know you can in part reoinrocate L deepest import?_ They have shown to thee, perceive how simiLr I rlo^y tat r^nd more of the varied phases that dwell within feelings of earth ? The things mv youn. heart he un,verse Do.t thou not already begin to loved best are in rapport with »; s "• i"^, l^ look upon the world of matter and the world of gress, and y.t my heart .oes out 1 .pintasone? They are fast, O, how fast, merg- kindly iove' as w'len on ZCJyCm tng .n toone sphere-the spiritual and the ma- deeper, and when 1 find a channel o7co,m™f tenal! It matters not where the body is, for cation, through which I can send my ZouZs rLZ:\ T^ *° lovecan join us in bliss. I always embrace the opportunity,^ onvt I Thy sprit dwells in my spirit, and mine in with you. I love you aid sisters Lnd b oTh r thme, and on the plane where we have ar- none the less because I have a favorite reTrelt ava'nd . f'\ '"'"' ,"'" ^""^ ""^ a "ovely bower where I first me our a day and learn to dnnk as we have drank from lives who had passed on before me the niace ont etherial fountains. All of God's truth that where first my band grained dearmol ' ^ has made us full and happy still remains the my soul first Lt the cX IXi/r same eternal truth. It is stereotyped carnally and heaven ye Imness stir eTe dJ" .n our book of nature for those sad forms to Father dost tLu remember 1 hour of nuT up to the haven where ^l have sli "d andTv fi; h" •"' '", ' °""'"' "'""'*^'^' Dear father, how beautiful ,he thought that , n n nal ':™° ^ ™-^...s wings for spirit there, within ,he spirit's shrine, it leaves its athway tie h iTsZt h ^ impress, and goes on forever flowing and for- And how thee infl , ever leaving its daguerreotype of foy within „„ . h ^ ' "■' '"''*'"'''° '^"^ another and another soul. And Ls in me / '°""'? °^ ''"'''''' ' ^"^ ^=P'<"^ -'= an mnstbe hiessed.^ .or, dearest:.!:;,';:: z^'uZ^:^::!::' "r'^^---" thought that ha; made the; thrrwiriSo- tf, ^ ™ 'f ^ 'hr sphU at times catches day, must, ere the morrow passes, be an.Lr's ^^'w T". '" '"" '"^■^'™ '" '^"" joy ; and it will roll on through eternity, and Z , ,t n T™ '"P"'''' '° '" """■'™- paint a glowing picture on The darkes' soul "eT Th"' T '"" '^" '"™'' ""^"^'™ ^ that's now in misery. All-all must in time ,' ' °'' ""^ ""^'S" of life are rise to God! No jo^-no, not in heaU cou": :: il VeirenTV' ^""ff 1" ^°™ "^ "^^"^^ there be joy for me, did I believe there was "'l"*^"™'.^ '"""f- ^ fond companion awaits one poor form of sin and sorrow doomed to pi. 1X1!. Tff T '' '"j^'""" ^''"'' linger in an eternity of woe. But oh the T f \ *""°'' """^ '°™ "'" """'' sorrowing forms that I have seen! So, 'kind ™V°™^'=°'^<'^'-^'1 by -memory are watching father, let thy thoughts and spirit flow out to "l fo„7 '"°f''\^'"' ^^ "' ""' ''"'"' less developed forms like these, for thy soul' " ' '""^'"f ^^ /'"^^ -"d <>«■• dear ones has beauties forthcoming that it knows not of T , ^". "^ "" """'"« "" '^^^ ThetwiUghtraysofsof,Lss,then.orn;n" av; s"r° 1 °" it' "'''' *^ ™"'"=^- 1 of light, the noonday's beam of happiness, the f/'^^ ' --' ^P'"'f bome ! this shall be thy bright efi(ulgenceofeternity-all, all will come '^^ ".' J^ "^^^ '""^ *P'"' stands within its to thee, and to all who with willing hearts will TTT ■ ^"'*T^''^°°>'°S choirs will echo love and seek the truth. A P H "'''"' *h3 strains. Dear father, thy spirit blends n..,\ ,«rQ r, T. , . ' ' ■"'"' °" """"i^'s, the souls within have found I va. 1, 18Gtf,-Dear Father.-In the sphere their mutual points of attraction and your lives 128 flov "^to 0"®- -^"^ "°^' ^^^^ father, that I I love to pour my spirit thoughts into thine, have spoken cf the coming beauties of thy and ^'he■w thee how we love to come and whis- spirit home, I will speak of the things that per to thee with united voices; how heaven's make up the joys and duties of life. I am high arches are yet to echo to earth, higher .often at our earth home, seated by the dear glories far, than man has- yet conceived of. one's sides. In one sympathy and hope, in For time has not yet pictured its brightest one trust our souls flow. Already, has thy ' landscapes; the finer lineaments of love are hand reached forth and gathered truths, in still unsketched in the hearts of men. advance of earth life. Can the soul gather Thoughts of diviner wisdom are yet to be en- in too much beauty? Hast thou any bliss graven oa the soul of creation; more etherial to part with now? Are not all thy streams waves will yet flow to earth's chilaren than of joy necessary. Has thy soul gathered too their inadequate powers have yet cooceived of. many truths? Be ready as opportunity pre- O the crown that time is germinating for the sents, to distribute of thy abundance. Al- nations. Reiterate, repeat, sound the glory ready I have observed the willingness with round the world. Fear not, faint not, for if which thy hand has given. Still continue to the coronet grows dim through distance in its be willing, and never deny a child of God a coming, God's wisdom will regem it, his rays beauty that has cheered thee. They are thine reguild its brightness. only in possession, they are mine only to dis- O, spirit of progression, let thy glory shine tribute, we will keep thy soul richly supphed, out, leave no beauty undefined, but show thy- for many souls that walk abroad, are now fam- self to earth both within and without the gold- ishing for spiritual food which thou must im- en portal that leads to where yon spirit sits so part. calmly waiting, whose inner name is Love. Dear father, let me pray for thee. She dwells amid afiection's courts, she crowns O, my heavenly father, have I guarded this the brow of sorrow, she dews the fading flow- heart aright? Have I carried the incense of er, she tunes the trembling notes of joy and his gratitude to thy throne and boriffe him back sweetly chimes (hem with her own. Yes her the love of angels. Havel softened the dews name, her spirit, her life, her soul is "Zoi'e." that fall around him? O, holy father, give me How sweetly must thy spirit rest beneath her spiritual strength to lead him aright. Bright gentle guardianship. angels bring me language to bear my thoughts It is dear mother! dear mother! Lst her to him. Give me the spirit'udl^oblet sparkling bath^; thy soul in som':i star-lit sphere, and with eternal nectar that I may pass it to his catch some glowing thoughts of flowing joy, to lips. Heavenly Father give me strength and new baptize thy faith and love, and help }ou power to carry his soul to the golden portals of walk through the many paths of life, in trust bliss, where thy love can bid him enter, where and hope. The smiling angels are multiplying thou canst shed thy bright effulgence around o'er God's firmament of glory, and looking liim. down like stars on the children of earth. B^r fa^er — What soothing strains of melody shall my spirit j When joy pervades the air, bring, what loving theme shall I put forth, And all is mirth and glee, what golden banner shall I wave across thy My thoughts with childlike love pathway to re-invite thee to the land of love? Will kindly turn to thee. But I will gently come and softly kiss the faith When sorrow presses strong, ^^^^ rises in thv soul, and bear thv hope in my And bows thy heart to grief, ^^^^^ j ^-^ ;^^^^^^ -^ j^ ^^. ^^^^ embrace, - With trust and love I'll come, ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ .^.^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^^..^ j ^^^, ^ And give to thee relief. ., , . . , . i , ^ A p TT tell thee that the path is thorny where thou , wouldst tread in blindness, and my hovering | Oct. 18th, 1869. Dear Father, I come heart of love will be that monitor, to keep thee ' again to day to add to the happiness of thy gafe. Oh, still prolong and keep the theme of ear'th life. Thou hast many, yes, many friends beauty ringing loud and clear that angels love. watching thee from spirit life. The aspirations If shadows thicken around thy pathway, and of thy soul flow up to heaven with those of sorrow grows to mountain magnitude, I will other dear ones whose Hves I guard, and whose not leave thy soul alone. There are deep -wandering footsteps I fain would plant in the mossy banks, there are lillies blooming white ^iful paths of eternal progression. O how and fair, there are soft meandering streams, J 129 there are arcbes radiant with blooming roses, t^ere is deep toned music chiming, there are Stars of diamond beauty flashing, there are harps of coral gems, there are fountains danc- ing, there are bright flowers blooming, there are birds of paradisiacal plumage, there are rain- bow tints of glory bursting everywhere in the future of every soul's existence. Sorrow is but the shadow ot the wing of happiness; sunshine and shadow live together. Let every one in the earth life repose and rest in the thought that peace and harmony flow through creation, aftd every spirit must find its legitimate part of bliss A. p. H. The following is a fair specimen of several communications, that were written by Dr. John C. Grinnell, purporting to come from Mary, sister of the above. Oct. 2nd, 1869. Dear father, — Anna has come to-day to help me bring to your soul the sweet lilies of life, the unfolding of my soul's progress. Ever may my words flow into thy soul dear father with celestial softness and glad- den thy heart with eternity's love. Fast are the currents of joy flowing into thy soul and rapidly is the stream of time bearing thee on to spiritual bliss. Unnumbered are the garlands that are weaving for thee, and as often as thy spirit changes a new one descends upon thy brow. I feel to-day buoyant with love and happiness. My soul seems bursting with afiec- tion, and would bear a wave of joy to all the dear ones of earth. I would that my earth relatives could wear such garlands as encircle my head. I would that the rays of the love I feel for all might shine in every heart ! And how shall 1 bear my best afiections to them ? How shall I waft to their spirits a knowledge of the loving arms that are waiting to clasp fond hearts in their embrace. With outstretch- ed arms 1 welcome them all, and we will send angels with sheltering wings to keep them in the path of love. Dear father I hope your earth life will be long enough to leave many grand thoughts, long enough I trust to turn many a benighted mind from darkness to light, long enough to leave many once barren spirits en- grafted with love, so that when thy spirit comes home there will be towering monuments of affection erected to thee in many souls and hearts in earth life. O, there are so many things that thy soul demands, that you may be joyous and happy here and on earth. Dear fa- ther how multiplied are the avenues through which we reach the soul. The full depth of thy soul's love and affection is for the use of all thy angel friends,- and we all stand upon it even, whilst the gate of benevolence is ever open for thy entrance. I -^ome and fill your soul with love ! Let that suffice for thee and me and give to those who need thine own. If I bring thee joy enough for us to feed upon, let it suffice and give the joy to the mourners of earth. If thy own spirit has a moonbeam of light and I come adding many rays, give thy beams to darkness, and I will come again bearing more to you; but part thou with thy ray before I come so that thy soul give not from a superfluity but of a scantiness, for the deed that is registered high- est in heaven is that where he that hath but one rose blooming in his garden plucks it from the stem and gives it to his brother who has none. Is not the virtue of such a on* higher than that of another who parts with only one rose out of an abundance. Is it sacrifice to bestow from out an overflow of bliss? No rather should we part with the last beam of hope to light our brother home, than to tarry for the moment when myriad rays illumine out own pathway. The soul that drinks only from the fountain of self, finds but insipid waters. The drops must flow from heart to heart to keep the waters pure and bright. As silent waters are dark and turbid, so are souls that live only for self. But like the gushing, bound- ing, rippling brook are souls that send theip streams of love coursing through their neigh- bor's hearts. Even the smallest rill is made purer by its ceaseless flow. Dear father let our spirits join, and rove away with me in some elysian land of bliss where we may gather bright, brilliant flowers in presence of which the glorious light of day would fade. We have long been wandering amid the buds, let us now take the full-blown flower bursting with its own beauty and fragrance. We have wander- ed long by little rills, now let us roam the mighty ocean of love where thoughts go mov- ing on to shores immortal. Let us grasp the bright conception and plume our spirits to the bright odeals and away, away. And sip from the nectar Of angels bright streams, And fold our freed pinions In heavenly dreams. Strike the lyre, let angels' fingers, Tune thy soul for heavenly choirs, Lovingly the soft touch lingers, 130 O er the spii-it breathing wires. ingly gaze on the faces of thy loved ones in '"'luS.l.rr't^Srt'l't^afur"' l^-™- ^ut with this of joy I woald bring Like some zephyr stealing o'er us, a sigh to earth- Yes, dear father, dear mother Bringing hearts to God again. says she would have you go hand in hand with Bow thy soul in adoration, i, • xi, ^ r i ot. i j i Mortals bow before the throne, ^^^ '^ *^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^o^«- ^he would have you Sing this song to eveiy nation, seek the lowly of earth, the dark, the dreary 'Tis not for thyself alone. souls that wander m the ways of error, and Dearfather, should the soul of gratitude for- i^^^ ^^^^ ^^ jigl^j. ^^^ ^ruth, that they too get the hand tbat beckoned it to heaven? no ! ^^^ ^e brought up to a state of angel purity. no! should the bounding brook forget the Work on in thy strength, in this labor of love smilmg, mossy banks through which it wends for humanity. Tell those erring ones (so dear its way? No ! never ! never ! When thy hours ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^-^^^ ^^ love overspreads are dark we lend an anchor to thy trembling, ^^em and that if they will listen and profit by sea-tossed soul. You stand on the shore of the beautiful teachings that are now flowing to time and send us a tiny bark to bear us thence- ^^^^^^ ^^^^ spirit life, it will lead them to ever- My spirit comes to thee like a summer zephyr i^^^^^ ^^^^^^ and happiness. Mary. born on a winter's wind. It cheers thy Ian- -r, t^ o- ^ « .,,, . ,^.., -r ^or Dear Sister S. guished hopes, it warms thy fainting heart. I ^j^^^ ^^^^^^ p^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ am happy now , I am pure now ! The impetus And bows thy heart in grief, of angek' winces urges me onward. I seem to With trust and love I'll come, ^ • f-i. Txi .1. J And give thee sweet relief. rise to purer, higher joys as I gather the sands j.^^ ^^^^ of ^^^^^ ^^^^ gist^j.^ of time and count the moments 1 have bet n With thoughts so warm and true, in blis?. Should dangers thicken around vqu, ^^, angel friends will bless , ^ , . • .,1 , . ' • / The love I bear to you. dearfather, my spirit will hasten to thy aid. - When changes sad shaU come. Although a purer, brighter, guardian angel ever To blight thy prospects fair, guards theestm my lesser beams shall lend their "Vm^iS m^the,Ss there, rays and I would revolve around thy soul as a Maby. second luminary of love. Take now the offer- Qct. 8th. Dear one. Our dear angel ing of your loving daughter's heart, and em- daughter is all worthy of being hstened to balm thy soul with the love that fills hers. gj^^ brings her drop of sympathy with ours and MARY. jg deeply interested in your welfare. If by this Dear father, I come again to greet you in dear child you receive comfort, how I rejoice love. My soul, the soul of thy soul— my spirit, that I gave her birth. How I joy to see her the spirit of thy spu-it, my words of love, I give mingle with thy sympathetic mind. Hers is a to thee. Oh, what joy it is thus to meet thee seraphs' band, and she joys in your progress with dear mother and sister, and talk of spirit- and in the progression of all. She has long ual things. How I like to point to some httle been seeking to convey to you her little drops spots of beauty that I have seen, and whisper of of sympathy and like myself she feels deep in- them to thee. Dear father, draw near to terest in your earthly welfare. Let thy mind thy loving child in spirit, and let me feel the flow out in thankfulness for her coming, for her throbbings of thy heart vibrate to mine. And P'Jfe spirit in beauty is like the blushing rose, when thine beats in quick pulsation for some So let her kin^ words sink into thy mind and sorrowing form on earth let mine answer in re- bring the wisdom and knowledge ten-fold. We spouse. I am here to guide you, I am here to shall all be with thee now and forevermore. bless you, and would share thy woes. I "^^'^^ " would have you bring them all to my sympa- Errata. For ''anonymous," on fac simile thizing breast. I would be a sharer in all your page, read "Bathsheba." To "Pops Celes- griefs and joys. 1 will ever walk faithfully by thy tine" add "the 1st." For "Wm. Corbett,'* side through thy earth life, and when that once read "Cobbett,." Under head of "A. Jack- dread messenger of death approaches, I will son," for "Black Hasock" read "Black Hawk." assist in calming his terrors until thy soul is Under head of "Joseph," for "his dream" gently borne to us. We are waiting for thee, read "the dreams." For "Pope Lucius 2nd" 'Twill only be a httle shadow, a quicken breath, read "the 3d." For "Sir VVm. Phillips" read the dampening dew upon the brow, and all that Phipps." To "Sigismund" add "of Germany.' is of death will be o'er, and thou wilt gaze, lov- Under Maria Theresa for " he " read " she." 131 THE EMPIRE MUTUAL PEERLESS SOAP Still Ahead! LIFE INSURANCE COMPAJJY. G. HILTON SCRIBNER, President. SIDNEY W. CEOFUT, Secretary. HEADLEY & CLARY, Managers. N. E. BEAU OH— 32 Washington St., Boston The success of the Empire has been unequalled in this or any other country. It is trne; and because the features of the £mpire are liberal aud yet strong. All policies are non-forfeitable. All policies are incontestable for any cause excepting All restrictions on Travel and Residence removed, and no permits required, experience and statistics proving them to be unnecessary, while they are vex- atious and expensive to the insured ; and no extra charge for Women, or any class of ordinary risks. 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In consideration of the fact that the PEERiiESS Soap is manufactured by strictly scientific princi- ples, and of the very best materials, so combined a to render it highly detersive, without resulting in the slightest injury to the most delicate fabric or hand, the proprietor has no hesitancy in asserting it to be fa#ahead of any other brand in the market for all purposes of a Family Soap. Manufactured by CURTIS DAVIS, and for sale by all grocers, and warranted to give periect satis- faction or money refunded. Highest premium awarded to CURTIS DAVIS for Domestic Bar Soaps exhibited at the late fair of he Mechanics' Charitable Association held in Bos- on. Curtis Daris, Manufacturer of the Amer- ican Peerless Soap. Pure and Excellent ! "Tour committee consider the Soap exhibited by this manufacturer as THE BEST, and award the highest premium— a Bronze Medal." Extract of Report of Committee on Chiemicals Oils, &c. Mechanics' Fair, Boston, 1869» 132 Weed's Patent Washing Machine and Table com- bined. Patented Jan. 11, 1870. This Washer super- cedes all others ever invented ; it is mere recreation for a lady, who can do a large washing without wet- ting her hands. alt will wash more rapidly and clean- er than any other machine, and not wear tl^^clothes a particle. It takes up no room in the kitchen or wash room, and is useful at all times for an ironing or kitchen table. Manufactured and for sale by OTIS K- "V^EEID r .x. To Chickering & Sons, a Gold Medal and the still higher recognition of the Cross of the jgion of Honor, the higheU award to any competitor (Signed,) "JOHN G, PERRY, Commissioner from Rhode Island to the Exposition.' ' Messrs, Chickering : Gentlemen,-The Cross of the ^-egion of Honor not only conferred .gher distinction than the highest grade of Medals, but was tU highest recogmlxori awarded to any \mtitor (Sgned,) J. VV.nUYl, ^U. S. Commissioner to the Paris Exposition, and President of the Commission from the State of Wisconsin." 246 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. II E;?.st 14th Street, New York. BANNER OF LIGHT: AN EXPONENT OF THE Spiritual Philosophy of the Nineteenth Century, AT NO. 158 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. WSLLIASVS WHITE Bt CO. THE BAXNER OF LIGHT is a first-class eight-page Familj- Newspaper, containing forty columns of interesting and instructive reading, classed as follows : — I^ITEKAKY DEPARTMENT. — Original Novelettes of reformatory tendencies ; and, occasionally, translations from French and Grerman authors. KEPORTS OF SPIRITUAL LECTURES. — By ahle Trance and Normal Speakers. ORIGINAL ESSAYS upon Spiritual, Philosophical, and Scientific subjects. EDITORIAL DEPART3IENT.— Subjects of G-eneral Interest, the Spiritual Philoso- phy, its Phenomena, &c., Current Events, Entertaining ili.scellany. Notices of New Publications, &c. 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