-0^ oo CD o o z n m CO w A- 7ei^T1^e. §Pi?i^g§ t ^tv"i-7*cn "^A^W^V^m^^f^o. 30 1891 Photographed and Copyrighted, I89L by C. E, DeGroff, Pertle Springs Photographer, Warrensburg, Mo. Tho Albertype Co., 67 Spring St., New York. "17 Vju ' ^''^■' - V*- ■ ~() *PERTLE*SPRIN6S> circling their base and running like silver threads between tlehflk ,hlhr,^ i ■ J exquisite lakes ' delicious. ^sonia^equate^hat ever, Lw vii^X^ ^^Jl^'^lll'^^l ^^^^-P- - --- ChauTXurfnVod^e'ra^soPc" doVs' make u;:;ihe^^^^^ ^'d ^""T^ ""l^^'^i'^' P^°P'^ "^ "^'^ ^"^ °"^- ^'^'tes. beautiful and healthf^il resor for summer Pe, tie Sn ''"^""■r- ^" '^^'"°" '° "'" ^"^^^tion^ as a cool, in every department of iffe ' ^P""^' '"PP''^' associations with people distinguished Pertle Springs are situated one and one half miles from Warrensbur? on the Mo PUT? j all hnes of travel reduced rates are given. The hotel is so dpIkrhVfnIlv L ^ f i .i' .■ ,?-■' ^"'^ °''^'' ments it is a home, and those who. Is summer guests have known m/ and M s rM .'" f '« arrange- after cherished them as highly valued friends ■ '-'"■i5'°P'ier, have ever ThH H^'nt"^/'^^';^ attractions at the Springs for the season of ,891 : Christian Sunday School Convention, June 15th to iSth State Teachers Association, June igth to ^cth Missouri State Training School, June 26th to July icth Mi^u^r^ii^tSr^ii^^^rfjifS;^;^.'^'^''' "■-^"^^ °^^^^^^°"- j-- ^-^^ - ju,y .„d. Pertle Springs Camp Meeting, July 3cth to August 6th. rZ h 1 7^"'"?"' ^^.'''"c'" ^'^'^ ^""^^y ^':'i°°I Association, August 7th to qth Sf^?i At r Pi5-*>'''='-f " S""day School Assembly, August nth to 20th ^ State Meeting Farmers' and Laborers' Union, August 2|th to 2Sth S (s>lorel c$^iaf\ev v^' [:, EVylT-cirvce to -Bojttn.^ I^Ke { j (9 erva'5 ^ OfN. Jover^' Wdlk. ' ;a^oi\ir\g^ w cj,'.' _^ron^-/^,uciil^riu.ni^.y ■ i d: ^MfP^MOpi m^mmmmmmm ► i rwwwj^' % .c^^ .H^^ % ■^l,erlar\d prc.SPy-lcr.- a j4. H. Gilkeson Dry Goods Co. Leaders in all Kinds ol DRY GOODS. 0)ie Price Cash House. ESTABLISHED 1 867. E. L. DE GARMO & SON, Dry Goods and Carpets. Warrensburg, Mo. P. 0. Book Store, For Fine Stationery, Books, Newspapers and Magazines. C. H. Harrison, Prop'r. Daisy Livery Stable. Fred. Seamands & Co. Proprietors. Stylish Rigs on Short Notice. Reasonable Prices, South Side Pine Street. Near Magnola Opera House. Russell & Williams, Clothier.^, Hatter.': iiitd Gents Furni.'ihers. 2 Doors East of Post Office. J. G. STONE, PHO TO GRA PHER, Our Motto: "Fine Work" Studio opp. St. Cloud Hotel. Commercial Hotel, J. H. Connelly, Proprietor, Rates: i 2 per day. Situated South of Depot. The "Purity" Cigar Factory. J. M. Wessell, Propr. Manufacturer of the Cele- brated Purity Cigar. WARRENSBURG, MO. GEO. W. HOUT, Dealer In All Kinds Of B u ildi ng Ma terial, Culton Street. HICKMAN BROS.. Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries. Queensware, Glassware, Wood ware, Etc. Pine Street, Opp, Depot, The Star Printing Office. Headquarters for All Kinds of Fine Job Printing. J. B. McDonald, Jr., Prop'r. Daily Star, 50c. per month. Weekly, gi per year. J. D. EADS & CO., Druggists and Apothecaries, Cor. Pine & Holden Sts. Prescriptions prepared at alt hours, during Day or Nigltt. Bank of Warrensburg Capital, S 2 J, 000. Surplus, ^I z.ooo. H. Y. Hughes, Pres. W. P. Hunt, Cashier. GEO. C. BRAMMER, Barber Shop, Under Citizen's Bank. Hair Cutting a Specialty. CITIZEN'S BANK. Warrensburg, Mo. J. T. Cheatham, President M Youngs Vice-Pres O. S. Wadell, Cashier. The Wonder Store. Cohn Bros, Propr's. General Outfitting Store, North Side of Pine St. NELLIE C. STICKLE, H/illiiiery and Drasmakitig, Over Willson's Clothing Store. B. F. Sams &^ Co., Fresh and Dried Meats, Lard and Fish, Warrensburg, Mo. Geo. K. Christopher, Hardzvare, Staves, Etc Corner North St. Cloud Hotel. SHEPARD'S Cash Dry Goods Palace Warrensburg, Mo. O. L. MILLER, Artistic Painter and Interior Decorator Warrensburg, Mo. Missouri Pacific Railway to Colorado and Rocky Mountain Resorts. Free RecHning Chair Cars and Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars to Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Vestibuled Sleeping Cars St. Louis to Denver, Cheyenne, Ogden and Salt Lake City. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 614 886 4 %