.R94 r^> .-or ^ « bv- *^ o .^'\ . .. -.-^^». /\ '-^s /% '°^^-- /•% i^ ''-^^o^ p. ^ '""-■* -^ ' INSTRUCTIONS ON THE^ (legs, FEET AND TEETh) 7 OF THE HORSE, r '^ PROF. W^ RUSSELL I^CINCINNATl,OMIO.= Class _^I_M1_ Book ,1^.54- Copyright )l° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. /^ o/)/ ^^ PRESCRIPTIOXS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR TREATING THE DISEASES OF THE FEET AND LEGS OF THE HORSE By PROF. WILLIAM RUSSELL TOGETHER Wnil A TREATISE ON THE TEETH OF THE HORSE By ^^/'. A. LEWIS, D.V. S. CINCINNATI THE ROBERT CLARKE COMPANY 1902 THE utf«Af»v mr Two OpMii Rtfifivu APR. I 1902 C o rmmtr mtrwt c\.im o^ xxfr No. 0OPVA_ Copyrighted, 1902, by PROF. AVILLIA:M RFvSSEIJ. ^ A k X . INTRODUCTION. Following are s6mp,^.];easons why every lover of the horse, horseman and; 'hOrseShoer' should have a copy of the Sixth Edition of my .woi'k,. on • "Scientific Horseshoeing/' and study it well. It gives jnp^t valuable information on scientific horseshoeing, shows beyond all doubt how to pre- serve the foot in the state of nature, and how to restore the foot and leg w^hen they become diseased from neglect or improper and ill-constructed shoes, as seventy-five per cent of foot and leg lameness is caused by allowing the foot to grow too long at the toe or too high at the heels. By keeping the feet properly balanced under the legs the weight of the body is equally distributed to all pai'ts of the feet and legs. If the feet are jDroperly pared and shoes properly fitted and driven on, there is but little danger of tlie horse having sore or tender feet. As the old adage says, "Pre- vention is better than cure." " Scientific Horseshoeing" is a book of 346 pages, with over 500 illustrations of the feet and legs of the horse and slioes to suit all gaits, the walk, the trot, the pace, the gallop, and the fleet-footed running horse. By having a copy of the Sixth Edition and studying its contents you will avoid ninety per cent of the foot and leg lameness. It is published by The Robert Clarke Company, 31-35 East Fourth street, Cincinnati, Ohio. PROF. AVAL RUSSELL, Xo. 1722 Freemax Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. (iii) MEDALS. At the Cincinnati Industrial Exposition, held in 1870, First Premium Silver ]\Iedal and Diploma were awarded to Wm. Russell for the best display of hand-made horseshoes and for morbid specimens of horses' feet, caused by improper shoeing. The First Premiums and Diplomas have been awarded to Prof. Wm. Russell's display of hand-made horseshoes, as above, for the successive years 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1883. First Premiums have been awarded to Prof. Wm. Rus- sell's display wherever exhibited, notably at the Texas State Fairs and Dallas Exposition, held in 1889 and 1890. Best system of scientific horseshoeing, best display of hand-made horseshoes, and best display of morbid specimens of horses' feet. Have been awarded First Premium Medal and Diploma at the AVorld's Fair, held in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1876. Was awarded First Premium, Medal and Diploma at the World's Fail-, held in Chicago, Illinois, in 1893. Was awarded First Premium, Medal and Diploma at the World's Fair, held in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1897. I can say one thing, without boasting : ^have taken more First Premiums tlian any man living. I have the Medals and Diplomas to sliow for themselves in my office. I have always been awarded First Premium Avherever I made an exhibit with my hand-made horseshoes and horses' feet and legs. I have always taken first prizes wherever I have made an exhibit with my hand-made shoes and specimens of horses' feet and legs. I have over two hundred and fifty (6) W MEDALS. 7 different styles of hand-made shoes which I have invented and made myself in the past fifty years. Horseshoeing is one of the trades a man never finishes learning. As time changes, almost everything changes. As the horse increases in speed, he quickens liis evolution and changes his way of going. I wish to impress upon the minds of horse owners and drivers that in shoeing track horses it is more or less experimenting. The shoer, driver and trainer must experiment in getting the feet and toes of just the riglit length, and shoes just the riglit weight; weight and thick- ness and style to suit the gait of the horse, as scarcely any two speed horses are shaped and gaited alike. The style and weight of shoes that would suit one horse would not be suit- able for another. So, after all, shoeing speed and race horses is experimenting in getting their feet just the riglit length on the ground tread, and shoes just tlie riglit weight ; weight and thickness and style to suit the gait of the horse. As the horse increases in speed he changes his way of going and re- quires a different style of shoe. Why every man who shoes horses should have a copy of my Sixth Edition : It has over 500 cuts of different styles of shoes, feet and legs, over 348 pages. It contains sixty-four vears of experience at the anvil, with hammer and tongs, knife and rasp in hands under the horse. Any man who will follow the instructions given can do fifty per cent better work by following the instructions given in the book than without following the instructions. Send and get a copy of •the Sixth Edition. Why every nian owning horses ought to have the Sixth Edition is tdBcnow for himself w^hen his horses' feet are properly shod and the foot and leg is set plumb under the Ijody. It ought. not to be a question how cheap I can get my horse shod. The question ought to be, how good can I get my horse shod, so as to preserve his usefulness. Plorses do not wear out from hard work ; they wear out from the abuse of the foot and log-. THE SKELETON AND OUTLINES OF THE HORSE DRAWN FRO:\I NATURE. See Fig. 1. 1. Cranium and face. 2. Lower jaw. 3. Cervical vertebrse— Jointed process of the neck. 4-4. Dorsal vertebrae— Jointed process nf the back. .5-.i. Lumbar vertebrae — Jointed process ol the loins. 6-0. Sacrum. A consolidation of five vor- tetarie, articulated, or jointed in front with the last lumbar, or loin vertebrae, and behind witli the first coccygeal bone; and on tlie sides with the coxae, the bones which, with the sacrum, form the pelvis. The sacrum is triangular, flattened above and below, and from before and behind, describes a slight curve upward. 7-7. Coccygeal vertebrae— Jointed process extending from sacrum backward. 8. Sub-trochanterian crest. 9-9. True ribs. 10-lU. t^artilages of true ribs. 11-11. False ribs. 12-12. Cartilage.s of false ribs. 13. Collar-bone. 14. Fourteentli Dor-sal Vertebra — Tlie axis upon wiiich the body is hung. 15. Radius— Forearm. 16. Elbow. 17. Pisiform, or pea-shaped bone. 18. Cuneiform, or wedge-shaped bone. 19. Lunar t)one. 20. TrajK'zoid, or table bone. 21. ALTgnum, or large bone. 22. .Scaphoid, or cradle bone. 23. Unciform, or liock bone. The pisiform bone, together witli the last six named, make •up the carpal bones, and correspond with the wrist bones of man. 24. Cannon or shank bone. 2-5-26. Splint bones, two on each leg. 27-28. Sesamoid bones. 29. Upper pastern bone. 30. Coronary, or lower pastern bones. 31. Cortin or foot bone. 3J. Wing of coffin, or foot bone. 33-36 and 34-3.5. Coxae- these bones with the sacrum form the pelvis. 37. Femur. 38. Tibia. 39. Os calcis— heel bone. 40. .\stralagus. 41. Scaphoid, or cradle bone, 42. Cuneiform, or large wedge-shaped bone. 43. Os cuboides, or cube bone. 44. Little cuneiform, or wedge-shaped bone. Tiie heel bone, together with the five last named, form the tarsus, or hock, 45. Cannon, or shank bone. 46-47. Exterior and interior splint bones. 4S. Shoulder. 49. Fibula. 50, 50, 50, 50. Navicular or nut bone. A. Molars. B. Canine teeth or tusts. C. Incisors. E. Atlas— First Vertebra, or joint of neck, and articulating or jointing immediately with the occipital f)r head bone, sustaining the head. Hence its name. G. Orbit— Cavity in which the eye is situ- ated. H. Lower tusks. I. Lower lip. M. Carini form cartilages. N. Ensiform, or sword-shaped cartilage. O. Coracoid process of scapula. P. Spine. Q. ('artilage, or gristle. R. Major trochanter. S. Sternum, or breastbone. T. Trochlea. U. External condyle. V. Patella or stifle. W. Hock joint. X. Trochanter — Major externus. FIG. 2. SECTION OF RIGHT FRONT FOOT AND LOWER PORTION OF LEG SHOWING ARTICULATIONS OF BONES AND TENDONS. A. Coffin bone, or os pedis. B. Navicular, or nut bone. C. Lower pastern bone. D. Upper pastern bone. E. Lower end of cannon bone. P. Velvety tissue, or sensitive sole. G. Horny"outer wall. H. Horny, or insensitive sole. I. Horny", or insensitive frog. K. Plantar cushion and sensitive sole. L. Horny, or insensitive laminae. M. Sensitive laminae. N-X. Front extensor tendon. O-O. Flexor perloratus (superficial flexor). P-P. Flexor perforans (deep flexor of the foot, inserted under the coffin bone). R. Suspensory tendon of the fetlock. S. Sesamoid bones (dotted lines). T-T. Branch of perforatus tendon attached to upper side of lower pastern bone. FIGS. 2-a AND 2-b. SIDE VIEWS' FORE AND HIND LEGS A OF THE TENDONS, LIG A. Flexor perforatus. B-B-B. Flexor perforans. C. Metacarpal or upper check ligament of the perforans tendon. D. Suspensory ligament of the fetlock. E. Front extensor tendon (inserted into foot of coffin bone). F. Splint bfnie. G (Fig. 3). Branching of the suspensory ligament. H-H (Fig. 2-a) and H (Fig. 2-b). Branch of suspen.soty ligament passing forward to join the e.Ntensor tendon. ^^ I-J. Periosteum membrane cova^pg sur- face of cannon and pastern bones. K. Junction of suspensory ligament and extensor tendon forming broad covering to lower pastern. ND FEET, SHOWING CORRECT POSITIONS .\MENTS AND SHEATHS. L (Fig. 2-a). Fibrous reticulum (podophyl- lus tissue), forrr ing the numerous leaves of the sensitive If.Qinae, covering the external face of the coffin bone and interlocking with the horny leaves ( keraphyllous tissue) of the inner surface of the surrounding wall. M. Pastern supporting, or lowerchecklign- ment. See Fig. 4, p. 51, "Scientific Horse- shoeing," for full explanation. N (Fig. 2-b). Tarsal sheath. N (Fig. 2-b). Oblique extensor. O (Fig. 2-b). Anterior extensor of meta- carpus. P (Fig. 2-b). Lateral cartilage. R (Fig. 2-b). (Joronary chamber. S (Fig. 2-b). Horny exterior, or outei wall of hoof. T Sesamoidal sheath. CONTENTS. Useful Prescription's. Nu. I'AfJE. 1. Cleansing the Feet J 4 2. Foot Salve 14 3. Liniment for Chronic and I'uinful Inflammations of Tendons, Coro- nary Cushion, etc 16 4. Wash for General Purposes IG 5. "Witch Hazel Wash, for General Purposes, such as Strained Tendons, Sore Loins and Soreness of the Muscles 17 6. Black Liniment 17 7. Condition Powders 17 8. Green Liniment for Scratches and Old Sores IS 9. A Good Liniment for Soreness of Tendons, Loins and Coronary Band. 18 10. Hoof Paste for Building up Flat Feet and Kestoring Broken-down Quarters 18 ] ] . Green Ointment for Scratches and Granulations 19 12. Liniment to Remove Pain and Produce Local Anesthesia in a Part Affected 19 13. Eye Wash to Relieve Soreness and Improve Clouded Sight in Horses. 20 14. Green Salve for Old Sores or Scratches on the Horse 20 15. Recipe for Colic 20 16. Hoof OintmeAt 21 17. Recipe for Kidney Trouble • 21 18. Reci))e for Loosening up Cold in the Head 21 19. Treatment for Weak Ankles or Knuckling 22 20. Recipe for Splints on Horses 22 21. For Horse's Feet; for Old (Jhronic Cases, such as Bruised Heels, Wounds of Nail, and Other Causes 23 22. Ringbone, Spavin, Curb-splints, Thorough-pin and Wind-galls 23 23. Caution 24 24. To Remove Warts on Horses 25 25. For Lamp|J|{s 25 26. Unexcelled Cough Powders 25 27. Celebrated Cough Syrup 26 28. To Kill Worms in the Horse 26 29. To Kill Lice on the Horse 26 30. For the Prick or AVound of a Nail in the Foot 2(> 31. To Stop the Flow of Blood 27 32. Liniment for Nail Punctures and Thrush 27 33. Treatment for Sore Tendons, Curbs, and Callous Skin 27 :M. Quittors of the Bone and F^sh 28 * 111) 12 CONTENTS. No. I'A(;i:. 35. Poultice for Horses' Feet, Wounds of Nails, Bruised Heel or Insole. 30 30. Remedy for Kidney Trouble 31 37. Relief for the Heaves 31 38. For Corns and Bruised Heels in Horses' Feet 31 39. Recipe to Preserve the Hair on the Skin after tlie Horse liasliied. 3- 40. "Worm Powder for the Horse .32 4 1 . Wash for Sore Mouth of the Horse 33 42. Recipe for Horse Colic 33 42\. Treatment for Arm or Shoe Boils 33 43. Red Liniment 34 44. Cure for Barbed-wire Fence Bruises 34 45. A Good Powder for Horse or Man 35 Useful Tools, etc. — Heating Irons and Hook 36 Russell's Foot Adjuster 37 The Compass 37 Russell's Foot Adjuster Applied in Front and Over tlie Quarters.. 38 Under Surface of a Perfect Front Hoof, Properly Prepared for the Shoe 39 Russell's Heel Adjuster 40 Russell's Hand Vise 41 Russell's Foot Tester 42 Russell's Root Leveling Plate 42 Leg and Foot Tester 43 Valuable Hints to Farriers and Horsemen 47 Problems in Farriery 49 Rate of Speed of Trotters and Pacer. .-. j 51 Abnormal Feet 52 Faults of Structui:e and Action G2 Curb 68 Speed Horses and their Stride — Line Trotter at a Slow Gait 70 Maud S.'s Stride 71 Maud S 72 Jay Gould's Stride 73 Natural Trotter 74 Cross Firer 75 Splay Foot 77 Pigeon Toe 77 Line Trotter 78 Hitching and Hopping Behind 80 Colored Plates of the Anatomy of the Foot and Leg 83-94 Treatise on the Teeth op the LIorse, by W. A. Lewis, D.V.S 95 Cutting — Causes, Effects, and Treatment 96 Parrot Mouth 101 Mow TO Tell the Age of the Horse 103 ] )osES FOR the Horse « 110 USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS TREATING DISEASES OF THE HORSE. The recipes and prescriptions herein I have gatliered from many which have come to my knowledge in the course of C4 years experience as a horseshoer, and all of which I have tried with satisfactory results. In the treatment of the horse for' diseases of the leg or foot, which have come through accident or improper care, much depends upon good judgment and the proper application of the remedy. And riglit here I want to say that it is far from my intention to advise that the attend- ance of a regular veterinarian be dispensed with, when any serious form of disease exists which calls for medical treatment beyond the farrier's art. Nor do I desire to appear in a false light with respect to the valid claims of professional veterinary practice. At all times surgical treatment of the foot is com- bined more or less with the mechanical work of shoeing, and a capable farrier should to-day be more than a more worker in iron, and it is for his guidance that I have published these recipes and prescriptions. Success in the use of these preparations, I may add, de- pends upon a right understanding of the nature of the trouble in each instance, and then in the proper application of the remedy. . ^13) 14 USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS. No. 1. Cleansing the feet. — The importance of cleanliness in keeping the feet of horses free from certain disorders of the skin and other excretory matters that are causative of eruptions can not be overlooked. In prescribing a simple wash for the feet, therefore, it is only a step in the way of preventing disorder in its functions, to which neglect of such precaution may lead. In hot, dry weather the extremities of the limbs should be thoroughly scoured at least once a day. Use the best castile soap, with a liberal supply of warm water, and make a good stiff lather and apply it with a brush — to rub it in and thus cleanse the skin from all impurities. Then rinse off with clear water and dry with a cloth. This operation should apply to all parts of the ankle and hoof, including the heels, and in this way a clear, healthy condition of skin and elastic, tough, glossy wall will be insured, if the foot is otherwise healthy. No. 2. Foot Salve. — Shoemaker's wax, ^ lb.. Beeswax, J lb.; mut- ton tallow, for summer use, J lb., and for winter use, J lb. To be melted in an iron pot over a gentle fire, kept constantly stirred until the composition is well dissolved and thoroughly mixed. ^This preparation is invaluable for many foot ailments when used according to directions. For Contraction. — After the foot has been prepared and the shoe fitted, have the salve well warmed, and fill the bottom of tlie foot with it, then cover with a thin overlay of white cotton or clean oakum, and nail on the shoe with a piece of leather fitted under the web to cover the bottom of the foot to retain the salve in place and protect it from dirt. For Coronitis. — Warm the salve as before and thoroughly saturate with it several pledgets or thin flat layers of white cot- usEFUii riii-:scRiPTio\s. 15 ton, and cover the coronary band all round with a thick coating of salve, secured with a compress bandage of linen, hiid over it to keep it in place, after which rub a warm smoothing iron over the surface from toe to heels, repeating this process once or twice daily for the space of a week or more, being careful not to scorch or burn the bandage in so doing. The application of heat will operate as a tonic to stimulate the circulation throughout the diseased organ, causing it to absorb the salve, Avhich will at once check the ossified coronary cushion. For Laminitis and Yillitis, or for inflammation and sore- ness of the villous tissue of the toe and sole of the foot, follow the directions given for treatment and shoeing in Chapter VII, Russell's "Scientific Horseshoeing," covering such diseases. For Bruised and Ulcerated Heels. — Have the foot leveled and prepared by removing all the hard, dead portions of the horny sole around the affected part, then apply the salve and cotton in and around the sore or tender spot. After the shoe is applied, soak the foot in tubs of warm water, as this will act favorably in reducing inflammation and removing soreness. For Chapped Heels or Dry Skin. — Apply the salve same as above, secured with bandage, and repeat the heating process with warm iron as recommended for Coronitis, and all soreness or derangement will quickly disappear. For Punctured Wounds. — Whenever the foot is wounded by a nail or other sharp body, it will be necessary to immediately open up the injured spot by means of a drawing knife and remove the edges of the wounded parts as deep as the horny tissue extends. The salve is then to be poured into the orifice until the cavity is filled — the foot being held up that the salve may cool and harden. By having it remain there the stimulus which it imparts will soon allay any irritation and bring on a healthy growth. IG USEFUL rHKSCKIPTlONS. No. 3. Liniment for Chronic and Painful Inflammations of Tendons, Coronary Cushion, etc. — Tincturo of Aconite lioot, 2 oz.; Spirits of Ammonia, '2 oz.; Tincture of Iodine, 4 oz. Mix and shake Avell before using. This remedy is applicable to all cases of soreness or inflam- mation in the tendons and coronary structures; also it operates favorably on bog spavins, wind galls, and chapped hocks. It stimulates the parts affected to healthy action by causing all exudations, whether of the bones or soft parts, to be quickly re-absorbed and the irritations alla^'ed. In applying, saturate and rub the parts affected well once a day, and in severe cases, twice a day, morning and evening, continuing the operation until recovery takes place. No. 4. Wash for General Purposes. — The following recipe is a mild caustic, and will result in no injury to the foot if used as directed: Carbolic Acid, 1 ounce ; Glycerine, 1 ounce; Distilled Water, 6 ounces. Mix thoroughly. When used for bruised heels, pare all the dead hard sole from around the bruised parts, thinning the insensitive sole un- til it will spring under the pressure of the thumb. After having done this, saturate white cotton large enough to cover the affected parts, lay over the bruise, and alloAV it to remain for fifteen or twenty minutes. Put a few drops of the wash on the cotton occasionally, so as to keep it thoroughly saturated. It sometimes happens that the horse' strikes his opposite ankle or shin, cutting it, and quite often proud flesh sets up in tlie wound. If this happens, take white cotton large enough to cover the wound, thoroughlj^ saturate with the wash and lay over the wound. Bandage the leg to hold the cotton in i)lace, and let it remain on the wound for fifteen or twentv minutes. USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS. 17 This will remove the proud flesh and stimulate a healthy growth. I have used the above wash and it has always pro- duced the best and most satisfactory results. No. 5. Witch Hazel Wash, for G-eneral Purposes, such as Sprained Tendons, Sore Loins and Soreness of the Muscles. — Witch hazel wash is an old, long-standing remedy, well known to horsemen, and has a well-earned reputation as a relief for the above-named troubles. I have used it myself with the most satisfactory results. Always bear in mind to have the foot properly balanced, and a shoe so constructed and fitted that when nailed to the foot the horse will stand with his foot and leg naturally under the body. In this way the weight of the body is equally distributed to all parts of the foot and leg. No. 6. Black Liniment. — Oil Spike, Oil Stone, Oil Turpentine, a. a. This liniment is very valuable for burns or scalds, or fresh cuts in horses or men. Saturate white cotton with the liniment, large enough to cover the affected parts. Apply the cotton to the wound, and wrap a rag over it. Saturate three or four times a day with the liniment until cured. No. 7. Condition Powders. — Jamaica Ginger, powdered, 2 oz.; Black Antimony, 1 oz.; Salt Petre, 2 oz.; Gentian Powder, 2 oz,; Finogruk, 2 oz.; Rosin, powered, 2 oz. Give one tablespoonful once a day in Mash, made of bran and middlings. Put two tablespoonfuls of salt in the Mash, Feed light for a few days and give ths powers at night. 18 USEFUL rKESCKIl'TIO.NS. No. 8. Green Liniment for Scratches and Old Sores. — Verdi- gris, h oz.; Oil of Origiuiuin. oz.: Barboroiis Tar, 6 oz.; Tur- pentine, 4 oz., Olive Oil, 14 oz.; Oil Spike, 2 oz. Mix. I have used this liniment with wonderful success for Scratches, Grease Heel, and removing grjinulated flesh in old sores. Before using, have the liniment well shaken up, so as to have it thoroughly mixed. In applying, thoroughly saturate the parts affected, and rub it in with the hand until they become softened. The old scales w\\\ exfoliate and be cast off, and the skin will become quite soft and pliable. Use once a day until cured. No. 9. A Good Liniment for Soreness of Tendons, Loins and Coronary Band. — Sulphuric Ether, 2 oz.; Chloroform, 2 oz.; Laudanum, 2 oz.; Liquor of Ammonia, 1 oz.; Croton Oil, ^ drachm ; turpentine, 1 pint. Mix and shake well before using. In case the horse shows signs of soreness in the tendons; muscles, etc., by pressure of the thumb and finger, apply the liniment to the affected parts. To test the loins for soreness pass the finger and thumb down on the back toward the hip- bones. Apply daily until the soreness disappears. This lini- ment will relax the skin and tendons and speedily remove soreness, but if applied too freely will blister. I gave $o0.00 for this recipe. No. 10. Hoof Paste for Building up Flat Feet and Restoring Broken-down Quarters. — GuttaPercha, (3 oz.; Gum Ammonia, 3 oz.; Burgundy Pitch, ^ oz. Heat and mix in a vessel over a slow^ fire until well dissolved. Before using this paste, the hoof must be pared as low at toe and heels as can be safely done, also the outside wall must be rasped to its proper shape and the USEFUL PHESCRIPTIOXS. 19 shoe fitted in tlie maimer directed in Chapter lY, Russell's " Scientific Horseshoeing,'" punching the nail holes to enter at the strongest part of the wall. When this is done, have enough of the hoof paste in readiness by boiling it in hot water until it is quite soft and pliable. In this state it will be of an elastic con- sistency and may easily be stretched or molded to suit the pur- pose intended. Next have the hoof well warmed, wherever the paste is to be applied, by holding a piece of hot iron near enough to thoroughly heat the parts, as this will make the paste unite itself firmly to the hoof. Then with a stiff-bladed case knife, spread the paste over the parts of the hoof as required, to fill all defects evenly with the toe and heels, working it very quickly before it cools and hardens. After which nail on the shoe. By use of this paste as directed, any part of the hoof maybe built up to its natural form. The base of the wall or the bars may be restored, and where the sole is flat, the applica- tion of the paste in sufficient quantity will restore the flattest foot to a good cup-like form. This paste is also invaluable for filling, toe and quarter-cracks. No. 11. Green Ointment for Scratches and Granulations. — -Russian Tallow, lib.; White Rosin (ground), J lb.; Pulverized Alum, 1 oz.; Verdigris (pulverized), 4 oz.; Venice Turpentine, 4 oz. Melt over a slow fire. This is good for scratches and for granulated flesh in horse's feet. No. 12. Liniment to Remove Pain and Produce Local Anes- thesia in a part affected.— A^eratria, 3 drachms; Soap Lini- ment, 2 oz.. Tincture Aconite Root, 2 oz. Mix. Rub in well with the hand every two or three hours, on the afiected parts of the horse. This is also valuable for the human being. When used for 20 USEFUL I'liESCRIPTIOXS. man, rub the aftectcd parts well. After rubbing, cover with a warm piece of red flannel. Repeat every half hour until the pain ceases. This has proved to be one of the best liniments I have ever used for lumbago for pains in any part of the body. After rubbing,w ash your hands well with soap and warm water, otherwise, they should not come in contact with the face or eyes, as a painful, smarting sensation will be created, although its effects will not be injurious to eitber face or eyes. No. 13. Eye Wash to Relieve Soreness and Improve Clouded Sight in Horses. — Put half a pint of rain or spring water, half a drachm of White Vitrol, and half a drachm of Sugar of Lead together. Take a fine camel's hair brush, and with it put one drop in the eye, night and morning, until the scum or film is removed. I have known this to remove the worst cases in 48 hours, so as to show a good clear eye No. 14. Green Salve for Old Sores or Scratches on the Horse. — Rosin, 4 oz.; Hog's Lard, | lb.; Beeswax, 3 oz.; Common Turpentine, 6 oz. Dissolve in an iron pot, over a gentle fire ; then add 2 oz. of pulverized Verdigris. Stir all together until they are thoroughly mixed. Strain through a coarse cloth, and set aside until it cools. It is then ready for use. This is a splendid salve for old sores, bruised heels and scratches on horses. I have used it with great success. No. 15. Recipe for Colic. — Tincture Opium, 2 drachms; Tincture Capsicum, 2 drachms ; S[)irits Peppermint, 2 drachms; Tincture Rhubarb, 2 drachms; Spirits Camphor, 2 drachms. To 1 gill of Molasses, ^ pint of water. Mix for one dose. Repeat in 30 USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS. 21 minutes, if not relieved. This should be kept on hand by all who keep charge of horses, as it is invaluable as a remedy for colic. This painful affection of the bowels requires prompt atten- tion, and the above is to be given in a drench. No. 16. Hoof Ointment. — Pine Tar, Fresh Butter, Carbolic Acid, Strained Honey. Equal portions of each to be melted over a slow fire. To be applied around the coronet band three times a week. Have it rubbed in well with the finger, from the hair about one inch, down around on the hoof. There are cases where nature requires assistance, and it is only in chronic cases and whenever the foot becomes hard and dry from fever and laminitis, and has partially lost its growth, looking rigid and rough, that I would recommend the above hoof ointment. If used as directed, it will produce good results. No. 17. Recipe for Kidney Trouble. — Equal parts of Buchu and Uva Ursi Tea. Give one-half pint at a dose twice a day. It can be given in a drench or in food. Also give one pint of fresh Elax Seed Oil at a dose twice a day, two hours after giving him the drench. Get the flax seed, put a sufiicient quantity into an iron pot, over which pour water, boil the seeds well, then skim off' the oil to give to the horse. In this way the oil will be fresh and pleasant, and may be given in a drench or in food. Better to use chopped feed. No. 18. Recipe for Loosening up Cold in the Head.— In case the head and throat are partially closed up from the effects of a cold, or other causes, steam the head well with hot bran. Take a small measure of bran in a bag, place this in hot water, and 22 USEFL'L i'KESCKIPTrOXS. then take ^ of a teaspoonful of aimiionia and pour it on the steamed bran. Hold the bag over the liead and let the horse's nose remain in the bag for 15 or 20 minutes. By so doing, this will loosen up the mucus in the head and throat, allowing the horse to breathe more easily. Repeat the steaming, as may be necessary to keep the head open. Be careful not to let the horse take cold after steaming. No. 19. Treatment for Weak Ankles or Knuckling. — By referring to Chapter VIII, Russell's "Scientific Horseshoeing," under the head of Defective Ankle Joints, a full description is here given for preparing the foot, and a style of shoe shown for remedying this defect. After having the foot in shape and the shoe nailed on, clip ofl' all the hair around the fetlock joint close to the skin. Then apply porous plasters cut in strips one and a half inches wide. Let the horse stand on foot, dip the plaster in warm water, and wrap it six or eight times around the joint for a bandage, both above and below, at least two inches each w^ay. After this has been done, cover with a red flannel bandage, and let it remain for three or four weeks. As the hair begins to grow, the bandage will become loose, when it must be removed, and the hair clipped close to the skin, and renew above treatment, applying bandages as before. In extreme cases it w^ill be advantageous to have an iron toe piece, two inches wide, extending forward two inches, welded on the front of shoe level with the ground surface, with- out calks to heels of shoe. Let the horse have rest. By faith- fully adhering to these directions, the most stubborn cases will be cured. I have used it and never failed to make a cure. No. 20. Recipe for Splints on Horses. — Equal parts Mercury and Spanish Flies. Mix into a salve. Before using, clip the hair off around the enlargements of the bony structure. Then USEFUL PEJvSCRIPTlOXS. 23 cover it with this salve. Let it remain oti for three days. Then grease well with fresh lard, and let it remain on for three days. After this, wash the sore well with earbolic-acid soap and warm water, and then apply the salve again, as above, followed by the greasing and washing, until the enlargement of the boney struct- ure has been removed. If used as per directions, a successful cure will follow. Keep the head of the horse tied up during this treatment, so he can not bite the sore. No. 21. For Horse's Feet. For Old Chronic Cases, such as Bruised Heels, Wounds of Nails, and Other Causes. — Washing Soda, 4 oz.; Four Broken Eggs ; Pulverized Alum, 2 oz.; Carbolic Acid, 2 oz.; Ground Flax Seed, enough to make a poultice to suit the occasion. Mix all together into a poultice; apply to foot as warm as possible ; tie up the foot so as to retain the poultice. In case of suftering, add 4 oz. laudanum to the above. Remove the poultice after 24 hours, and have the wound thoroughly washed with warm water and carbolic soap. In case the wound requires another poultice, repeat the above for 24 hours longer. In almost every case tv^'o poultices are sufficient. In many cases the foot would be better off having a shoe lightly nailed on the foot. The above is a recipe par excellence for poulticing bad ulcerated heels, especially if broken out at the coronet. 24 rsKKUL IMtKSCKll'I'loNS. No. 22. Ringbone, Spavin, Side-bone, Curb-splints, thorough- pin, Wind-puff or Pastern, Bog Spavin. — Oil of Origuuuin, Tincture of Iodine, Oil Stone, Tincture Camphor, Tincture Turpentine, Tincture Cantliarides, Corrosive Sublimate, Oil of Cedar, Croton Oil, Gum Eupborbium, of eacb one ounce. Mix with ten ounces of fresh lard. Cut off the hair the size of the lump and around the bony deposit. Use ointment on the affected parts lightly once a day for three days, and grease the blister once a da}^ with Castor Oil for three days. The seventh day wash the blistered part with warm water and castile soap. After having the blistered part thoroughly dried, use the liquid or salve as before for twenty-four days and the horse will be relieved if not cured of his lameness, and in many cases the lump will be removed. When the above named medicine is mixed altogether, it will be a liquid. When used in a liquid state, take a soft brush ; dip into liquid ; brush over the affected parts lightly so as to produce a sweat blister. When I have my druggist to make the spavin medicine, I have it made into a salve. I always apply the salve to the affected parts with the linger. If the medicine is used according to the above instructions given, it is a sure cure for all the above- named diseases of the foot [and leg. In my Sixth Edition, I invented and made a four-calked shoe to be used for spavins. On pages 248 and 249 is a cut of the four-calked shoe to be used for spavins, and full instructions given how to shoe the foot to give relief to spavin leg at once. When made into a liquid, keep the bottle corked tight. When made into a salve and put into a tin box, some of the ingredients are less liable to evaporate. Always bear in mind to keep the medicine tightly boxed up. This recipe is one of the Scotch spavin remedies ttiat USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS. 25 has been used over one hundred years ago, and it lias proven to be a success wherever used, if used according to instructions given. No. 23. Caution. — IS'ever use Butter of Antimony, or Spirits of Salt, for wounds of nails, corns, or bruised heels, as is frequently done by many shoers, as these acids are very injurious to the feet. I have specimens showing their destructive effects upon the wines of the coffin-bone, which were diseased and wasted away from their use. No. 24. To Remove Warts on Horses. — Muriate of Ammonia, two drachms; powdered Savin, one ounce; fresh Lard, twelve ounces. Mix all together, and it will be ready for use. Apply daily, and they will soon disappear. No. 25. For Lampers. — All 3'oung horses are more or less liable to this trouble; it is nothing but inflammation of the gums. Bleed or scarify the gums ; never burn, for it may add to the disease of the teeth. After bleeding or scarifying, rub the gums well with salt, and feed bran mash so as to keep the bowels re- laxed for a few days. No. 26. Unexcelled Cough Powders. — Angelica Root, 4 oz.; Ze- doary, 4 oz.; Galangal, 4 oz. Grind coarse, put into evapora- ting dish, moisten with alcohol, then pack tight, cover it over and let it stand until next day ; then pack in a percolator and pour on alcohol slowly until one pint is filtered through, then 26 USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS. evaporate to a dry powder and add 2 oz. of Tied Sulphuret of Antimony burnt black in a crucible; Sulphur, ^ lb.; Fenugreek, lib. Mix into a powder; give one tablespoonful twice a day in feed. Better to feed mash or chop feed. This recipe is in- valuable to horse owners, and the powder should be kept con- stantly on hand. No. 27. Celebrated Cough Syrup. — One of the finest preventives for lung fever, which the horse is subjected to in certain climates and seasons of the year. Oil of Tar, 2 oz.; Balsam of Fir, 2 oz.; Alcohol, 8 oz.; Mix. Shake well before using. In case you find your horse has taken cold and commences to cough, give one ounce of the liquid at a dose three times a day, one hour before or after eating. The best and easiest way to give the medicine is to get a long necked syringe, open the horse's mouth, pull his tongue partly out, then put the syringe well into his mouth and throat, and inject the medicine. Always have two persons at hand to assist in this operation. No. 28. To Kill Worms in the Horse. — Give one handful of pul- verized sage in mash feed at night for fourteen days. No. 29. To Kill Lice on the Horse. — Equal parts of Acetic Acid and water. Mix. Sprinkle with the liquid over the body lightly once a day for three days. A good receipt for the above purpose. No. 30. For the Prick or Wound of a Nail in the Foot. — Equal parts of Carbolic Acid and Morphine, a. a. First, open the wound to the bottom with a farrier's knife ; then drop the wash into the wound, saturate white cotton with USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS. '-^ i the wash, lay the cotton into the wound, let it remain there for fifteen or twenty minutes, then get pickled fat salt pork from the brine, cut into slices, cover the bottom of the foot well with it, and tack on the shoe lightly with a piece of sole leather, so as to retain the poultice in its place; have it dressed occasionally until the soreness is removed. This treatment is also good for thrush in feet. No. 31. To Stop the Flow of Blood. — Horses are often liable to calk themselves in icy weather, after having been sharp shod. The wound in many cases is deep and hard to cure. To stop the flow of blood, saturate a sufficient quantity of white cotton to cover the wound, with Muriate of Iron, and bind over the wound with a cloth bandage. No. 32. Liniment for Nail Punctures and Thrush. — Corrosive Sublimate, 2 oz.; Gum Camphor, pulverized, 2 oz.; Spirits of Turpentine, 1 quart. Mix thoroughly before using. In case the horse picks up a nail, pull the nail out, open the wound around the nail hole to the sensitive sole; then 3 or 4 drops of the solution should be placed in the nail hole. Two or three applications are generally enough. When used for treating thrush, hold up the foot, drop the solution into the diseased part, enough to reach the bottom or seat of the disease. In moderate stages of Thrush, two or three applications of the solution, once a day, will gener- ally be sufficient to effect a cure. No. 33. Treatment for Sore Tendons, Curbs, and Callous Skin. — A callous skin may result from knee hitting, cuffing, or what is frequently termed boxing the ankles. Long-continued curbs on the hind legs is also productive of this callousness. In my 28 USEFUL I'liESCKlPTlOXS. treatise upon " Scientific Horseshoeing," I liave very fully explained, with ample illustrations, how to shoe for curl), page 179, and for iniianied or sore tendons, on pages 196 and 197, and how to apply the bandages and when to remove the bandages. As supplementary thereto, I repeat here in substance the treatment. After the bandasfe has been applied, keep it well wet with w^arm water until the inflammation be subsided. Remove the bandage once or twice a day, and bathe the affected parts with Recipe ^o. 3, replacing the bandage and keeping it wet with warm water. These applications should be kept up as long as any inflamma- tion is observed; for they tend to keep the pores open and assist Mature in scattering the serum through the pores. If the skin becomes callous, I would recommend painting the aftected part with iodine, well heated in with the hot iron. Fig. 1, page 36, but do not apply the iodine and heated iron until after the effects of the first blister have disappeared. Grease the blister well with castor oil to preserve the roots of the hair. In five days wash the wound well with warm water and castile soap. Do not bandage after using the iodine. Continue the iodine and hot iron treatment until the skin becomes soft, pliable and natural. No. 34. Quittors of the Bone and Flesh. — This is a very import- ant subject, and its treatment demands most careful attention to all the details. There are two kinds, Quittor of the Bone and of the Flesh. Bone Quittor is the more obstinate of the two, and less often yields even to the most careful treatment. Bone Quit- tor is most frequently caused from old, long-standing, ulcerated' or bruised heels, accompanied by a continued slushing discharge of purulent matter through the bottom of the heel, under the outside or inside of the front foot. This suppurating condition is, or has been, allowed to continue through an indefinite period without checking. The result is that the periosteum, or skin covering of the bone becomes diseased, and is wasted awav under USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS. 29 and around the heel of the coffin bone. It becomes diseased, loses its elastic toughness, and is liable to become fractured. Cases of this kind will be very difficult of cure. It is easy to distinguish iiBone Quittorfrom a Flesh Quittor, as the discharge from the former is of a greenish tinge and very offensive to the smell. The first step in the treatment of Bone Quittor is to remove all the hard insensitive sole around the affected parts; then take a silver probe, made for the purpose, and probe around the wound for any loose particles of bone. After all the fractured pieces of bone have been removed, inject with a small syringe Carbolic Wash, Recipe iN'o. 4, on i»age 18, thoroughly cleansing the wound. ISText use Salve, in Recipe No. 2, page 15, in this manner: Warm the salve first, and then holding up the foot, fill the cavity well with the salve and cover the aftected parts with white cotton well saturated with the salve. After having done this apply a bandage around the foot so as to hold the dressing in its place. Next, stand the feet in the soaking tub filled with warm water 6 or 8 inches in depth (Fig. 93, p. 197, Rus- sell's Scientific Horseshoeing). Let the horse stand with his front feet in the tub of warm water at least 2 or 3 hours. Have the foot dressed daily as above until cured, which will be assured under the attention of a skillful and practical man. Flesh Quittors often arise from bruised heels, quarter crack, a prick or wound from a nail, or a bruise or cut from the oppo- site foot, as well as from many other causes. The treatment of Flesh Quittor is comparatively easy. With a silver probe, probe down to the bottom of the pipe, and insert a stick of lunar caustic its full length, as far as the pipe extends, to the bottom. If there are more, treat all alike, and after tilling the pipe or pipes with the caustic, bandage the foot with a linen cloth so as hold the caustic in the wounds. After leaving the bandage upon the foot for 30 hours, remove it, and wash the wound well with warm water and carbolic soap. After cleansing, see if the 30 USKFUL PKESCKIPTIONS. pipes are loose enough to be removed with a sharp instrument sup[)lied with a small hook on the end, as in Fig. 2, on page 36, In case the pipes can not be easily removed after 30 hours, probe them again to the bottom, and fill with tlie lunar caustic long enough to reach the bottom, placing a bandage around the foot to hold the caustic in place. Remove the bandage in 24 hours, and the pipes can be easily removed. After the pipes have been removed wash the wound well with warm water and car- bolic soap, making a good stiff lather. After thoroughly cleansing the wound, inject the "Wash No. 4, page 16, thor- oughly cleansing the wound. "When this is done use Recipe No. 2, page 14. Have the salve warm and thoroughly saturate with it enough white cotton to cover the inflamed parts, having the dressing thickest "around the Avound. Place a bandage around tlie foot wide enough to hold the dressing in place. Then take iron No. 1, page 36, and after warming it hold it close to the wounded and inflamed parts, thoroughly heating the salve into the foot. Repeat the heating process at least morning and evening for the first day or two. This will open the pores of the skin and assist nature in passing the inflammation through them, and it will soon be reduced. With the above named treat- ments I have never failed to make permanent cures of Bone and Flesh Quittors. No. 35. Poultice for Horses' Feet, Wounds of Nails, Bruised Heel, or Insole. — Take strong wood ashes, over which pour boiling water, and let it stand for a few hours, straining off the ley-water. Heat this ley -water until hot, with which, make a poultice, using bran and middlings. Apply it in the foot as warm as possible. Tie up the foot so as to retain the poul- tice. Repeat the application twice a day for a day or two, or until the soreness is removed. If there should be granulated flesh in the wound, lunar caustic can be used, either in the solid stick or diluted with distilled water, in the proportion of fifty, a USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS. 31 hundred, or two hundred grains to the ounce. After cauteriz- ing, use salve, Recipe No. 2, according to directions given. No. 36. Remedy for Kidney Trouble. — In case the horse is suffer- ing from Kidney trouble and can not make water freely, or is suftering from the want of making water, give one ounce of Sweet Spirits of Nitre, mixed in one gallon of water. Give it as a drench. Repeat every three or four hours until relieved. It is better to lay wet cloths over the loins, covered with blan- kets, until relieved. Then remove cloths and rub the parts dry. Afterward cover the horse with a dry blanket to prevent taking cold. No. 37. A Relief for the Heaves. — Oil of Tar (in one vial), 2 oz.; Sulphuric Acid (in another), 2 oz. Drop twelve drops of Oil of Tar into a mash or into vats at night. Put twelve drops of Sulphuric Acid into a half bucket of water and let him drink it; put one tablespoonful of pulverized Resin into the feed with the Tar, Use in this way once a day, and wdien the above quantity of Oil of Tar and Sulphuric Acid is consumed, the horse will be relieved. It is better to wet the hay and straw and feed chopped feed for the above disease. This prescription I have used in many instances with satisfactory results, not as a cure but as a relief for the heaves. No. 38. For corns and bruised heels in horses' feet. — Pine Tar, Gum Turpentine, well powdered. Take equal parts, put into an iron pot heated over the lire, and stir well until thorouo-hly mixed. Before using, have all the insensible sole pared off around the bruised spot in the heel, then put a suitable shoe to the foot. If there is proud flesh in the heel, sprinkle fine table salt over sore, then warm the salve. Pour it in and around 32 USEFUL PKESClUrTlOXS. the sore, cover the sore well with the salve, then lay a thin layer of white cotton over the sore spot to hold the dressing into its place; then get a piece of stiff leather the size of tlio shoe; nail leather under shoe. By so doing tlie leather will hold the dressing in its place. Keep the })ressure of the sore spot at heel. In many cases soak the foot in warm water for an hour or two. Will give great relief to the horse. As soon as soreness is gone, lameness is gone. No. 39. Recipe to preserve the hair on the skin after the horse has died. — I have often been asked how I kept the hair on the horse's leg and pasterns. It can be done b}' using the following wash : 1 ounce of carbolic acid mixed in a pint of water. Keep the bottle well corked when not in use. After the leg has been cut off the dead horse, it must be done before mortification sets in by a string around the limb. Hang it up in the air. Sprinkle the above wash over the hide twice a day. By so doing, all the hair can be retained on the skin so as to be natural. Keep this up for a week or ten days, or more if necessary, until the leg is perfectly cured and dried. No. 40. Worm Powder for the Horse. — Powdered Ginger, 6 drachms; Powdered Calomel, 2 drachms; Powdered Worm- Seed, 6 drachms; Santorien, 4 drachms. Give the above in 4 doses. Give the horse but little rough feed while taking the worm medicine. Feed a small quantity of ground flaxseed meal; add one tablespoonful of salt to the chop feed; b'etter feed powders at night. Give the horse all the water he will irink while taking the worm powders, and see that the horse is well groomed and cared for after the four doses have been ^iven. Feed my condition powder as directed and you will soon see the chans^e for the better. USEFUli PKESCRIPTIONS. 33 No. 41. Wash, for Sore Mouth of the Horse. — This has proved to be an excellant wasli: Sage Tea, 1 pint; Pulverized Borax, 3 drachms; Pulverized Alum, J ounce; Cider Vinegar, 1 pint; Sugar of Lead, 2 drachms. Shake the bottle well before using. The best way to use the wash is to take a line sponge well saturated with the above wash, open the month, and swab the sore places. 0[»en the mouth so far that jou can get at the sores with the wash, which will soon heal them and toughen the skin. It is best to swab tlie month three times a day. Do not feed your horse hay or clover, but give soft feed while the month is sore. No. 42. Recipe for Horse Colic. — S[)irits Peppermint, 1 oz.; Sul- phuric Ether, 1 oz.; Tincture Capsicum, 1 oz.; Tincture Opium, i oz.; Tincture Camphor, 1 oz. Mix and give in 4 doses, 15 minutes apart, until relieved ; give in ^ pint of warm water at each dose, in a drench. The best and safest way to give the medicine is to take a long nozzle swing, put the medicine in the swing, place the swing well up in the mouth, and then swing the dose down the throat. By following these instructions the horse will receive the benefit of all the medicine given. The above has proven to be a splendid recipe for colic. No. 42|. Treatment for Arm or Shoe Boils. — This is a lump or callous on the inner side of the fore leg, or on the upper end of the forearm near the body, and is caused by the horse laying down on the heel and shoe of the same foot. Many horses do this from habit. I blister, and make the lump or callous sore, so that the horse will take his foot away, because it will hurt him when he lays down, and the blister will help remove the 34 rSKl-TL riilvSC KIPTIOXS. lump; then apply any sini[)lc liealing salve to the blister. In ease there should bo heel caulkings on the shoes, clip them off smoothly on the ground surface. By following the above in- structions you will remove any arm boils in the first stages. Old, long-standing, or arm boils often bafile the skill of the best pro- fessors; in such cases my advice to all farriers is to apply suitable shoes; then I recommend the ow'ucr of the horse to the most skilled veterinary surgeon in the city or village to take charge of the case. No. 43. Red Liniment. — Turpentine, 2 oz.: Oil Origanum, 1 oz.; Eed Souders, q. s.; Cider Vinegar, 4 oz.; Arnica, 6 oz. This Liniment I use for swollen joints and legs on horses. It is a mild stimulant and speedily removes soreness; the parts being thoroughly saturated and rubbed in with the hands, rubbing the hands down toward the feet. I eed nn' Condition Powders according to directions. No. 44. Cure for Barbed-Wire Fence Bruises. — One of the most difficult bruises to cure and leave no trace, either of lame- ness or scar, is a barbed-wire fence laceration around the heels or quarters of the foot and the coronet band. This is especially true if n(;t taken in time and properly treated. I have success- fully undertaken the cure of some cases where the hair had been drawm and lodged at the bottom of the wound. In such an instance as the above, the first thing to do is to cleanse the wound, syringing well with the Wash Xo-. 4, page 16. Aftcrw^ard take a small probe and remove carefully all the hair which may have lodged, being sure to get the very last hair at the bottom of the wound. Then dress the wound with Recipe Xo. 2, page 14. Take white cotton, well saturated with the salve, and, after warming it well, apply to wound, and fasten a linen bandage around pastern to hold the dressing upon the wound. USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS, 35 Then warm the iron, Fig. 1, page 36, and holding it to the attected part, warm the salve into the bruise. Dress the wound once a day until it begins to show a healthy appearance. Before removing the dressing at any time, first hold the iron, well warmed, over and around the dressing, so as to soften the salve, thus allowing it to be removed without irritating the sore. If the wound has an irritated and inflamed appearance, use the Wash No. 4, page 16, as before, dressing and heating in the salve as above described, until the healthy appearance results. Wounds of this sort, even if they do not lame, often leave a dis- figuring scar. In such an instance remove all the disfigured wall as deeply as the keraphyllous tissue, being careful not to draw blood. Next, fit a shoe to suit the diseased condition of the foot. After nailing on the shoe, dress the afl:ected parts with the Salve No. 2, page 14, as before, bandaged and heated in with the warming iron No. 2, page 36, covering the hair and skin with salve from one-half to an inch above the wall at the coronet. Then apply the linen bandage around the foot and coronary band so as to hold the dressing on to the affected parts. Then with the iron heat the salve into the affected parts well, once every day for a week or two. The dressing will exclude the air from the affected parts, the heating will caused a sweating and assist nature in producing a healthy growth ^f skin and horn. If the above instructions are strictly adhered to, I will guarantee to restore the foot to a healthy, natural wall. The heating pro- cess is something new, and has always proven to he successful in this treatment. No. 45. A Good Powder for Horse or Man. — Calomel, powdered, sprinkled over ulcered sores, will afford the greatest relief. In some cases it may be necessary to cover the affected parts so as to hold the powder on to the sore. For drying up running sores this powder is especially efficacious. 36 USEFUL PRESCRirTIONS. HEATING IRONS AND HOOK. The illustrations in Fig. 1, are heating irons and a hook, used by me in the treatment of the various diseases of the leg and foot, as described in my book " Scientific Horseshoe- ing." I use No. 2, for burning and cauterizing old sores and re- moving proud flesh in the various diseases in which they occur or from which they spring. This blade is made of steel, is sharp on the convex end, and of the following dimensions: Blade IJ inch wide, I of an inch thick, and 4 inches in length. The handle is 9 inches long, with a ring turned at the end. No. 3 has a width of blade of 2 inches, slightly curved, with thick- ness of ^ an inch, and length 3 inches. The handle is 18 inches in length. This instrument is used to heat salves, poultices and liniments into the sores, arising from any cause whatsoever, as fully described in my book above named. No. 1 is a hook, made of steel, is 6 inches long, and used for such purposes as drawing pipes from feet aflfected with Flesh Quittor, and other similar purposes. For all these treatments, the uses of the salves, liniments, poultices, and the various methods of bandaging, together with the use of the instruments and the Fig. 1. USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS. 3i various processes, the most detailed instructions are given in the Fourth Edition of " RusselTs Scientific Horseshoeing." In this book of recipes, I have only touched upon the subjects, outside of giving the full recipes. ^ RUSSELL'S FOOT ADJUSTER. Fig. 2. Instructions for use given on pages 77 to 81 ; see also Pigs. 16 to 29, Russell's " Scientific Horseshoeing." THE COMPASS. Pages 94, 95, 97, RusselTs "Scientific Horse- shoeing," give fall explanation how to use the compass, so as to produce the best results in leveling and balancing the foot, so as to equalize the pressure to all parts of the foot and leg. To be had of any liardware house. Fig. 3. 38 USKFUL I'UESCHIPTIONS. RUSSELL'S SCIENTIFIC FOOT ADJUSTER, For Leveling and Balancing the Horse's Foot. The Latest, Best, and most useful Improvement in Farriers' Tools. !Fig. 4. Bed-plate of adjuster. -J-,. c- (Adjuster at ti>e--00 .degrees -p- o (Adjuster at quarter=70 degrees. Jvi\v in mind to keep the heels of tlio same height and the toes of the same lenoith from coronet band to ground tread. If the foot twists in, take a piece of sole leather tliick enough to make up tlie difference between the two sides of the heel ; cut the leather the same shape and width as the shoe ; let the leatlier extend to the center of the shoe at the toe ; 23unch a rivet hole in the heel of the shoe ; rivet the leather at the heel of the shoe, as shown on l^age 220, Fig. 110 ; then com- mence about three-quarters of an inch in front of the heel and grad- ually tliin the leather down to the center of the toe, as shown in Fig. 110, page 220. B}^ so doing, tlie foot can be built up to a perfectly level bearing on the ground tread ; so tliat when the foot lands on the ground it Avill land perfectly level from heel to toe. The thickness of tlie leather must be made to suit the case in hand. If the foot and pasterns twist out, the inside of the heel will be the higher, and the leather must be placed under the outside LEG AND FOOT TESTER. 45 of tlie shoe. In many cases the foot and pasterns will hang perfectly straight. When the foot is uplifted, the problem is solved why a liorse will w^ear the outside heel and quarter and heel on one foot, and on the oj)posite foot the wear will be greater on the inside lieel and quarter. The cause is, when the foot is uplifted, one pas- tern and foot will twist in, while the opposite foot will twist out. There is a cause for all things. First find the cause ; then, by re- moving the cause, the effects cease. The great science in horseshoeing is to know how to balance the foot under the leg and body, so that when the foot lands on the ground it will land perfectly level from heel to toe. When the horse is wearing his shoes level from heel to toe, the foot and leg are break- ing straight through the journals of the joints. By -the use of my Fig. 2. russell's scientific leg foot and leg tester every horse can ^^'^ ^^°^ ''^'^^^^■ A, Movable dial, be shod correctly. -d t> i ^ ^ . •^ B, Back or tester, on leg. Fig. 2, Back view, shows the C, Thumbscrew to set slide to foot resting on a level floor, with suit the length of shank or the leg tester placed back of the '''''""°" ^"''^.• leg. Whenever the dial letter. A, hangs straight, the foot and leg are perfectly under the body. This shows how every sound horse -stands with perfect feet and legs. 46 SCIKNTIFIC ll<)K'Si;sH()i:[.\(j. Fig. o, Ivu&seirs Scicntitic Foot aiul Leg tester, shows by a side view liow to apply tlie tester when tlie foot rests upon a perfectly level llooi". Ill my opinion, it is just as essential 1o ])alance the foot and leg behind as in front. By koeiDing tlie feet and legs bal- anced under tlie body every joint will Avork smoothly, and the horse will move with ease and comfort. It is said by all expert horsemen, trainers, drivers, and slioers who have seen the leg and foot tester, that it is the most accurate instru- ment that has ever be.en invented to cor- rectly balance the foot and leg under the body. The foot and leg tester is manufac- FiG. 3. A, Heel of foot. B, Bent to suit the lengtli of pasterns. C, Thumbscrew to slide up and down to suit the lenj'th of cannon bone. tured and for sale by The M. & M. Machine Co., 215 West Pearl Street, Cincinnati, 0. For sale by Prof. ^Vm. Russell, 1722 Freemaii Avenue, Cincinnati, O. Pi-ice, $2.00, charges Ijrcpaid . [Copyrighted.] USEFUL INFOKMATIUN. 47 VALUABLE HINTS TO FARRIERS AND HORSEMEN. Since the publication of the fifth edition of "Scientific Horseshoeing" many new and valuable ideas have occurred to me as the result of my practice for sixtj'-four vears, some of wliicii I venture to give to farriers and liorsemen, feeling confident that they Avill be of benefit to them. For the benefit of readers I show on pages 42, 44, the foot prints of the noted Queen of the Turf, Maud S., both in her slow work and when up to her full speed, when her stride was eighteen feet six inches. She proved herself in 1885 to be the greatest mare or horse living. I show also on page 45 the stride and foot-prints of Jay Gould in 1864 ; third, on page 46 the stride and foot-prints of the majority of race horses when up to speed ; fourth, on pages 47, 48, the stride and foot-prints of horses cross-firing with the right hind foot and leg ; fifth, on page 49, of splay foot horses ; sixth, on tiie same page, of pigeon-toed horses ; seventh, foot-prints of the line trotters on page 50, hitching and hopping on right hind foot and leg on page 52. These drawings should be of great value to the thoughtful farrier and horseman. My theory has always been first to locate the cause of tlie faulty action in the gaits, and then as a result of removino" the cause the defect will cease. No fixed rule can be given for shoeing any two horses alike, as tliere are scarcely any two horses shaped and gaited alike. As a result, the shape and style and weight of slioes that suit one horse will not suit 48 USEFUL PRESCRirTIOXS. another. Horseshoing necessarily depends largel}' upon <^ood judgment. For instance, take the draft cob road liorse. Tliere are scarcely two horses that wear their shoes alike, as some will wear the outside of one shoe and on the opposite foot will wear the inside ; some horses will wear the toes of shoes more than the heels, and some will wear the heels more than the toes. (See cuts shown in 6th edition.) Now, to overcome faulty action, make a close examination of the foot. Where the wea,r is the greatest on the outside heel, the foot is not level, and the inside toe of the foot is too high ; in some cases the outside heel and quarter are curled under. Take the opposite front foot where the wear is the greatest on the in- side, and on close examination it will be found that the out- side toe is too high. If tlie foot is pared and shoe properly made and fitted, the shoe will be worn level. (See page 97, fig- ure 23 ; pages 94 and 95, figures 17, 18 and 19.) By keeping the foot pared level, the foot and leg in their forward movement will break straiglit tlirough the journals of the joints. (See page 148, figure 45, where the cuts clearly show the effect of having the foot pared and dressed level from coronet to ground tread.) One of the most important points in horse- shoeing is in having the feet pared level. (As shown on pages 94 and 95, figures 17, 18 and 19 ; page 97, figure 23 ; page 100, figure 26; page 103, figure 29, in 6th edition.) Stand the horse on a level floor, then step in front and behind the horse and see if the upper and lower pasterns stand up- right and plumb under the cannon bone. If the upper and lower pasterns are leaning in and out the foot is not level on the ground surface ; if the pasterns are leaning in, the foot is too high on the outside toe and quarter, while if tlie pasterns lean out the foot is too high on the inside toe and quarter. Step to the side and see if the front part of the foot is on a PROBLEMS IN FARRIERY. 49 line with the upper and lower pasterns. (See page 62, figure 5, sixth edition.) One of the most important points in the science of horse- shoeing lies in dressing the foot for the reception of the shoes. If the horse is wearing his shoes level from the toe to heel, the weight is equall}^ distributed to all parts of the feet and legs at each foot-fall. Seventy-five per cent of lameness in feet and legs can be traced and located in unbalanced feet. A horse well shod is twice sliod. And my theory has always been that prevention is better than cure. First, find the cause ; then, remove the cause and the effects will cease. A close observer never finishes the learning of horseshoeing-, and no one man knows it all. The world moves in every de- partment of mechanics and in all the professions ; science now holds supreme sway, and the farrier must keep up with the march of improvement. PROBLEMS IN FARRIERY. The principal points demanded in the training and de- velopment of a perfect and sound horse are, for a driving horse, speed and endurance, and for a draught horse, strength and endurance. How can the utmost sj)eed and greatest en- durance be best attained? These are the ends aimed at by the skillful and experienced farrier, and after the practical experience of a lifetime, extending beyond the allotted years of man, I am ready, from that practical experience and from my observation of the practical experience of others — for no one man can know it all — to give to the world what measure of practical knowledge has come to me in the way of the de- velopment of speed and endurance or strength of the horse. In the first place, it is undeniable that the value of a horse for speed and endurance depends primarily and always 50 PROBLEMS IN FAHUlKJi V. upon the soundness of the feet and legs"; and, in the second phice, that this soundness depends upon the skill, compe- tency, and good i:)ractical judgment of the shoer ; that is, the farrier. The most important thing the farrier sliould know is that the more equality of pressure obtained at all points of the feet and legs, at each footfall, the greater will be the speed and endurance attained, and this stands to reason. There are three very essential points which he should bear in mind to attain to these desiderata of speed or strength with endurance. First, the farrier should know how to obtain accurately the natural angle of the foot ; he should know where to cut and when to stop cutting. I am perfectly convinced that such knowledge entitles a farrier to the name and fame of a master in his trade as a professional farrier. When the feet are properly balanced the weight of the horse's body is equally and proportionally distributed in all parts of the feet and legs at each footfall. Before proceeding to dress the foot, close observations should be taken from in front of, as well as the rear of the horse, to ascertain whether the foot is directly underneath the leg ; tliat is, if the center line of the foot is in the same vertical line with the leg ; then step to the side, take note of the vertical line and Avhether the ujjper and lower pasterns are on a line with the front wall of the foot, wdien the horse stands on a level floor. It can thus be readily determined if the feet are directly under the legs, as before advised, in dressing or paring the feet, so as to get the heels the same height from coronet to ground tread — same height over the quarters from coronet to ground tread — same height and length of toes from coronet to ground tread, on the front feet, and also for the hind feet. The eye cannot be trusted ; guesswork must cease ; mathematical accuracy is demanded. This can onl}^ be ob- niOBLEMS IN FARRIERY 51 taiued by resorting to the use of mathematical insti-umeiits, and for this purpose tlie six-inch compass, foot and lieel adjuster, leg and foot adjuster have been invented, and should be adopted and used by all expert fai-riers. Tlie front feet being of the same length from the top of the coronet band to tlie ground tread, and shoes of equal tliickness and weight being used, the stride of the front feet will be of the same length at each footfall when up to speed. The correct rule for the angles of the feet : when the front feet stand or measure 48 degrees, the hind feet should stand at 50 degrees, for the reason that the hind legs are the pro- pelling powers of the horse. This has been my never-failing rule after an experience and close observation for more than sixty-four years as a practical farrier. Rate of Speed of Trotters and Pacers — I give here a table showing the distance covered per second by a horse when going at speeds vaiying from a 2 : 00 to a 2 : 30 gait. The table given is believed to be a substantially correct com- pilation of the figures. It Avill be noticed tliat in the distance covered by the horse when going at a rate of speed of from 2 : 30 to 2 : 20 R.\TE OF Speed. DlST.\XCE PER Second. Kate of Speed. Dlstaxck PER Second. Feet. In. 2 5 8 11 •) 5 8 3 () 9 Feet. In. 2:30 35 3() 3() 37 :!7 37 38 38 38 38 2:15 2:14 39 . 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 44 4 •>->4 2:13 s ').■>;• 2:12 902 2:10 2:08-| •>-->L 2-'0 2:08 •> 2:19 •>■ 1 8 2:05 2:04 3 L': 1 7 2:00 2:11) 52 ABNORMAL FEET. there is an approximate increase of three inches per second for each additional second's lowering of the speed rate, "vvhile in the speed rate between 2 : 10 and 2 :.00 tlie increase •amounts to four and one-tenth inches per second. A horse going a mile in two minutes would distance Martlia Wilkes, Palo Alto and Maud S., and have something to spare, and would leave Nancy Hanks and Mascot, the fleetest of tlie jDresent day, about seven lengths to the rear. A railroad ex- press train, one mile a minute, eighty-eight feet a second, is a good comparison. Abnormal Feet. — Before making an examination of faiiUy limbs, it is proper to present the subject of abnormal feet. The foot is in perfect poise when it is level and balanced, the heels being of the same height, so that the horse lands upon both alike, and springs from a level toe, after he has rolled over quar- ters of the same heiefht. The lA M heels must not be too high, nor the toe too long, nor tlie hoot out of proportion at the sides, taking the median line of the cleft of the frog as the basis of measurement. Fig. 80 represents a per- fect front foot. It is placed properly under the carcass. The vertical line, A, A, j)asses down through the axis of the cannon bone, and reaches the ground at the posterior angle of the wall and bar. The line n> B intersects the line A A at the center of tlie ankle , , A, A, Axial hue of leg. E, B, joint, and passes through the Axial line through coffin bone. Fig. 80. perfect front foot. LAMENESS AND DISEASES, ETC. 53 axis of ,the coffin boue to the ground, which indi- cates the perfect poise of the coffin bone when the foot is at rest. This is the crucial test of a foot both level and bal- anced. If the coffin bone is out of position with reference to the median line, B, B, the entire foot and limb are out of bal- ance. The journals of the joints at the ankle and knee do not articu- late in equilibrio, and the tendons and ligaments are unduly taxed or relieved, dependent upon which side of the hoof bears an undue strain. The ac- companying drawings will illustrate this point. Fig. 81 shows the proper position. Fig. 86, with the vertical dropping through tlie apex of hoof, is the reproduction of a perfect coffin bone, photographed from nature. The line of pressure was thrown back from its correct vertical position by an undue length and height of the wall at the toe (see Fig. 82). The reverse result is obtained by an excessive height of the heel, as shown in Fig. 85. In the one instance a preponderance of the weight is thrown upon the flexors, and in the other upon the extensors; and in both cases depriving the bone structure of tlie limb of its primary function of being the organic weight bearer. The practical result of thus placing the foot out of line with reference to the vertical position of the cannon bone, and Fig. 8L coffin bone. Lateral view — correct position. 54 SCIENTIFIC HOKSESHOEIXG. Fig. 82. high toe. Defective results shown by lines B, B, audD, D. passes through tlie axis of the caimon bone reaches the ground at an appreciable distance back of the heel, thus showing the entire foot and limb are thrown forward out of their proper posi- tion. Moreover, the inclination of the pastern joint is enormously increased, as shown by the line D, J), whereas the proper in- clination is shown by the line B, B. Now, if the toe is low- ered the distance marked C, C, it is apparent that the vertical line A, A, will be thrown forward till it will pass through the axis of the proper inclination of the pastern joint, is pre- cisely the reverse of what is the general conclusion of the average horseman. For instance, an abnor- mal high toe invariably pitches the foot and limb forward, and an extra high heel (Fig. 85) has the opposite result. This is plainly shown in Fig. 84. By elevating the toe the vertical line that Fig. 83. coffin bone, same defect. ' LAMEXESS AM) DISEASES, ETC. oo tlie ankle joint and toucli the heel at the ground surface. The foot will then resume its normal position, by standing further back directly under the limb. This investigation is so important in its practical re- sults that the converse eflect of excessive height of tlie heels is illustrated in this con- nection. Fig. 84 shows this defect in dressing the hoof for the shoe. The vertical line of pressure, A, A, is thrown for- ward bevond the axis of the Fig. 84. shows defect caused by too high heels. cannon bone, so that it reaches the ground far in advance of the angle of the heel. The inclination of the pastern is made more up- right, as shown by the line J), D, instead of preserving its normal position as indi- cated b}-- the line B, B. If the heels are lowered the distance indicated by the line C, C, the foot will be clianged to the correct po- sition indicated by E, E, and all tlie bones, joints, Fig. 85. coffin bone, same defect. o6 SCIENTIFIC HOKSEtiiluEl.NU. Fig. 86. coffin boxe — vertical, in LINE. Fig. 86 is a photograph of a perfect coflin bone, exactly level on sole bearing, with the flexor tendon cut off even with B, the navicular bone. In a well-balanced foot the vertical dropped from the center of the knee passes through the center of the apex of the cofhn bone. Fig. 87. coffin bone — vertical out OF LINE. Fig. 87 is a photograph of a perfect coffin bone, showing the effects of an uneven height of quarters. Assum- ing width of hoof 4 inches on the bottom, distance from base to knee 20 inches, difference of height in quarters of } inch would cause a dis- placement of 1} inches at the knee, thus unevenly distributing the weight and bearings. tendons and ligaments will operate in structural har- mony. We are now prepared to advance to the consideration of the foot and leg in their proper positions as weight bearers. Fig. 88 has been drawn with great care to show the perfect front limb and foot. It is correctly placed under the carcass, so LAMENESS AND DISEASES, ETC» 67 Fig. 88. perfect front i.imb and foot. Fig. 89. front limb and foot pointing for- ward — HIGH toe. that the bone structure from the shoulder to the ground surface shall bear its exact proportion of the body, and enable all the complex actions of the joints, tendons and ligaments to operate with the greatest ease, precision and effect. Fig. 89 shows the limb and foot pointing forward, by reason of the causes heretofore explained. The invariable result ot this faulty position is soreness at the point of the frog. To re- lieve this painful ailment, the toe should be lowered and the wall relieved at the toe, so that no bearing will be placed upon the shoe, at least the thickness of a Xo. 5 horseshoe nail around the forward arch of the hoof, and the two toe nails be left out. This will give almost instant relief. 58 SCIENTIFIC IIOliSESHOEI.NC. The opp'isite result, from an ex- cessive heii^bt of heel, is exempli- fied ill Fig. 90. The trouble, after a careful examina- tion, will invaria- bly be located in the heel and the flexor tendon. Gentle pressure or slight blows will indicate tlie sore spot. The hard, unyielding sole at the point of pain should be re- moved and the Fig. 90. fkont i.imb and foot, inflammation re- PUINTING BACKWAKI,. ■ J UCcd by Staodiug the foot and limb in a batb of tepid water. The hospital shoe to prevent lameness, if the horse is needed for immediate use, can be selected from several approved patterns. It may be necessary to cover the sole of the foot for the first shoeing with protecting leather. When this is done the best shoe to use is the bar, as shown on page 233. As a remedial shoe it can be improved by welding on oblong heel calkins, and a long toe calkin set back from, the outer web of the shoe in front. If an open shoe is preferred, the four-calkin shoe illustrated on page 213 (Fig. 101) will answer the purpose. In case the lameness is severe, the leather covering may be supplied with a packing to keep the sole of the foot from becoming hard and dry. In that event, my experience has demonstrated the benefit of using LAMENESS AND DISEASES, ETC. 59 fat pickled pork, just out of the brine, cut in lono^, thin slices and pressed well into the sore spot and into the commissures. The inflammation will be relieved if the foot, when thus packed, is placed in warm water for at least two hours, keeping up the temperature as hot as the hand can bear. If speed is required while the horse is under treatment, the rolling motion shoe (Fig. 125), on page 235, may be used ; or, if the action is already too high, the scoop-toe shoe (Fig. 121, page 232) can be substituted. "When the weight is thrown, by reason of a too high or long toe, unduly upon the flexor tendon, the result in violent action shows itself in either an inflamed flexor tendon or a complete let-down. In the latter case the usefulness of the horse is at an end, but in the former, remedial treatment, accompanied with absolute rest, insures a per- fect cure. The tendon bows out as shown in Fig. 91. The foot should be dressed as shown in the illustration, and a prepared surgeon's bandage, wrung out in witch hazel, applied as therein shown, after the limb has been thoroughly bathed in the same preparation. After the leg has thus been bandaged moderately tight, the foot should be shod witli the four-calkin fe' Fig. 91. FOOT PROPERLY PARED BKFOKE BEING SHOD. (30 SC I E N T 1 F 1 C HO liS ]•: SHU K 1 .\ G . slioe as illustrated in Fig. 101, page 213. The licel calkins should be higher than the toe calkins. This will throw the weight forward npon the cannon bones and relieve the flexor tendons till the inflammation subsides. When this is accom- plished the witch hazel may bo discontinued, and the more Fig. 92. roar afteu being bandaged and shod. Stimulating liniment described on page 294, liecipe 3, can be substituted. The liniment can be alternated with the bandage, each being applied every other day for ten days, when nature will complete the cure. It may be useful to describe a proper soaking tub. Such a vessel is shown in Fig. 93. It should be made of hard wood, • LAMENESS AXI> DISEASES, ETC. 61 about twenty inches iu height and width, with a strong bottom sufficient to stand the pressure of the heaviest draught horse. When the treatment is for inflamed tendons, the warn^ water should be at least sixteen inches in depth, while five or six inches of water is sufficient for the ordinary foot bath. Fig. 93. soaking tub. (52 SCIENTIFIC HOKSESHOEING. FAULTS OF STRUCTURE AND ACTION. REGULATED OR RESTRICTED BY SHOEING. A large percentage of the horses have feet or legs which are not perfect in conformation, and as a consequence of these imperfections they are especially predisposed to certain injuries and diseases, as well as to manifest discordance of action — un- desirable in itself and unpleasant in its etiects according to the rapidity of motion in different gaits. Much may be learned from careful observation of the action of an evenly-balanced horse, as a standard by which to compare and determine that which is defective or undesirable in figure and gait, as previously indicated in Chapters I and Y (6th edition). After examining the gait at which the horse moves, as pointed out, carefully study the poise of the legs and feet when at rest. The weak points of a horse's conformation can be bet- ter discovered while standing than while moving. If he is sound he will stand firmly and squarely on his limbs without moving them, with legs plump and naturally and equally poised ; or if the foot is taken from the ground and the weight taken from it, disease may be suspected or at least tenderness, which is the precursor of disease. If the horse stands with his feet spread apart, or straddles with his hind legs, there is a weakness in the loins and the kidneys are disordered. Heavy pulling bends the knees. A kicking horse is apt to have scarred legs ; a stumbling liorse has blemished knees, etc. jS'ever buy a horse in harness. Unhitch him and take every thing olf but his halter and lead him around. If he has a corn or is stift", or has any other failing, you can see it. Let him go FAUI.TY CONFORMATIOX AND MOVEMENT. Q^ by himself aways. Back him too. Some horses show their weakness or tricks in that way when they do n't in any other. The vital part of a horse, as far as his value is concerned, is the foot, for it is only as an organized locomotive machine that the horse is practically the most valuable companion to man. Hence without good feet and supple, muscular legs he would be of small value, either for work or speed, and the rational care of these underlies all else in the equine economy, as any impair- ment of them is a matter of extreme gravity and apprehension. It is difficult, indeed, to understand how the feet and les-s of horses stand the wear and tear of work in our great cities, where every step of their iron-shod hoofs is upon a hard, un- yielding road ; and where, even at rest in their stables, they are, in a majority of cases, condemned to stand upon hard floors. There is no other creature living — save and excepting the don- key or mule — which, can long bear the constant battering en- tailed by rapid locomotion over a paved surface. But if we look at the structure of the horse's foot (Figs. 3 to 15) we see how it is that the jar and vibration do not injure them more — severe as it is known to be. He is in fact mounted on springs, and it is not surprising that the intricate apparatus of locomo- tion, with its symmetry of movement and the perfection of its details should be admiringly termed " a living machine." In the language of another : " His very muscles appear at every motion, not soft and flabby, but firm and distinct. His veins, like rivulets, run in an infinite number of meanders, his limbs are clean, nervous, durable and ready at every call — and of all creatures he seems to approach nearest man, both for beauty, majesty and sagacity, and his services are likewise the most noble and excellent." The drawings on the following pages fairly illustrate the dif- ference between well-formed and malformed legs, and good and faulty standing positions. A comparison of these may enable the reader to judge for himself as to what is the best position, and 64 SCIENTIFIC HORSESHOEING. 1. Too straight. 2. Too much bent. 3. Too far buluiid. Fig. 94. faulty positions of hind legs, side view. what condition or malformation of tlie legs causes deviation therefrom. It must be borne in mind, however, that experience is the best and only teacher in matters of this kind, and that all I can attempt within the limits of this branch of my subject, is to set the reader on the right track ; the rest depends upon himself. The character and position of the hock has much to do with the standing position of the rear part of the horse, and the numerous faulty positions in which we show this is conclusive on this point. The qualities of a good hock are that it should be clear, rigid, and well defined, without pufiiness or swelling ; the bones should be large and prominent, and viewed from the side should appear wide above and below. They should be neither straight or overbent. There is also a relative value to be attached to hocks malformed or apparently difiering from those laid down. Horses with defective hocks may be good for one sort of work and unsuited to another. As for instance. FAULTY COXFORMATIOX AND MOVEMENT. 65 hocks that will not stand violent exertions may endure for years in quiet work ; but these are exceptions, and the rule stands good as before. Comparing Figs. 1, 2, 3 (page 200), and 4 and 5 (page 201), we recognize some broad distinctions. In Fig. 1, the hock is too straight. The legs in this posi- tion are subject to spavin and thorough-pin. In Fig. 2, the hock is overbent and we may look for curb. In Fig. 3, the leg is too far behind ; and, therefore, does not afford the horse sufficient propelling power. In Fig. 4, the hocks stand in and the toes stand out ; and in Fig. 5, the hocks stand out and the toes stand in. In contrast to the foregoing, Figs. 6 and 7 (page 202), rep- resent the usually recommended position and what is considered the best position ; and in connection herewith the reader is re- spectfully referred again to Fig. 1, illustrating the model horse, according to my 50 years' experience and observation. 4. Hocks too close. 5. Hocks too open. Fig. 95. faulty position op hind legs, back view. 66 SCIENTIFIC HOKSKSHOEING, 6. Position usually recommended. 7. Best position. Fig. 96. good position of hind legs. Figs. 8, 9, 10 and 11 represent faulty positions of the fore legs. In Fig. 8, the elbow stands ont and the toes stand in, commonly called " pigeon toes." In Fig. 9, the elbows stand in and the toes stand out, caus- ing the knees to spring to- gether. In Fig. 10, on the 189th page, we have a side view of what is termed a 8. "Pigeon-toed." 9. Knock-kneed. " calf leg," in this the Verti- FiG. 97. FAULTY POSITIONS OF FORE LEGS, cal liue from the should- er through the axis will pass outside of and at a distance from IWULTY CONFORMATION AND MOVEMENT. 67 the wings of the heels. This, as will be seen upon reference thereto, varies much from the requirements of a perfect horse. Such a position does not denote speed, but is not objectionable in a draft horse. In Fig. 11, the feet stand too closely together on the ground ; a position not recom- mended in a good horse. Finally, in contrast with these faulty positions of the fore- legs, we show front and side views 10. Calf leg. 11. Feet too close, of them, ill w^hich the points Fig. y8. faulty positions of fore favorable in a perfect horse are all noticeable. In the side view, the foot is well under the leg, and the axis of the bones of the leg are all in line, as indicated by the vertical dotted line that drops from point of shoulder to foot, and the foot stands upon its proper angle. In the front view the conditions still remain the same. The shoulders are prominent, strong and well- set back, the fore arm is muscular, the fore leg tap- ered from elbow to foot, and the dotted line, in the ver- tical, passes directly through the axis of each les: and foot. 12. Side. 13. Front. Fig. 99. VIEWS OF PERFECT LEGS. 68 CUKB. Curb. — This consists of an inflamniatioii and swelling of the posterior of tlie tendon passing over the calcis or hock bone. (See page 36, Fig. 2, in sixtli edition.) It is often accompanied with considerable heat, pain and lameness. It Fig. 78. itind leg, showing curb, before being shod. Fig. 74. showing difference of POSITION OP leg with CIRB BAN- DAGES AND FOOT SHOD. is caused by overtaxation of the back tendon passing over the oscalcus or hock bone, and is often the result of hard pulling, prancing or galloping over uneven ground surface, etc. The peculiar formation of some hind legs renders them more likely CURB. 69 to spring curbs than others . It is always the result of over- taxation, and does not admit of much labor in the affected parts. It should be treated as soon as possible. Fig. 73 shows an extreme case of curb, such as may come from the feet and legs standing too far under the bod}^ (see p. 200, Fig. 94), the result of a bent or cycle hind leg formation. In these cases use four calkin shoes (p. 213, Fig. 101) . The heel calkins should stand higher than the toe calkins, thus placing the foot farther back ; and the changed position, together with the elevated heel, will support the leg and relieve the strain upon the affected Aveak joint. Bathe the curb frequently in warm water, and bandage in four or five thicknesses (Fig. 74) . After the inflammation has subsided, apply liniment described in Recipe 3, page 294, for a week or more. If any callous remains, paint the surface witli iodine until it disappears. 70 LINE TROTTER kJ A SLOW GAIT. i^ m ® ^ Fig, 12. A, A, front footprints. B, B, hind footprints. USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS. SPEED HORSES AND THEIR STRIDE. It seems iucumbciit upon me to say a word as to the gaits and strides of horses. In gen- eral, it may be hiid down that no two beings, human or animal, are alike, so diversified is nature ; and, therefore, what can be said of one horse, can not be said of another. But as each horse, when up to speed, has its own individual stride, just as it has its own record for speed, a few examples from the first in the race will serve our purpose. Now, in the first place, we should understand that in any case, as a horse starts upon a walk, changes to an amble, breaks into a trot, and then speeds away, in each instance the stride is lengthened, and when up to speed varies ])ut a trifle. Again, I have watched very closely, and noticed that as a horse increases his speed he quickens his strides. Take a horse, for instance, going at a 2:30 gait, and suppose he increases his speed to a 2:20 "clip," the change is quite noticeable. Let the speed be increased to a 2:10 " clip," it is very plain he must have quickened his stride ; and when the Sliced drops down to 2:04 or 2:03|, the increased number of strides is very noticeable. The following illustration may make my point more clear to the reader : Fig. 12 is the diagram of a line trotter at a slow gait. In this instance it will be seen by the footprints that the hind feet, B, B, fall right in line and behind the front feet. A, A. Such was Maud S at a slow, jogging trot. The next illustration. Fig. 13, shows the stride of Maud S when up to speed in her USEFUL PRESCKIPTIU^S. 71 MAUD S. STRIDE i d ($3 Fig. 13. A, A, front footprints. B, B, hind footprint. fastest work, when she made her famous record of 2:08f , to a high-wheel sulky, over the Cleveland track in the year 1885. When up to speed, note how her hind legs and feet, B, B, swung out around her body and landed six inches ahead of her front feet. A, A, in a true line. Maud S was called a line trotter. Her stride on this occasion, meas- ured accurately by those who know, is said to have compassed eighteen feet six inches. The representation of Maud S, page 37, is one of the only cuts extant, and was taken at the time she made her great record over the Cleveland track, of 2:08|, to a high-wheel sulky, a record which stands to-day unbroken to a high-wheel sulky. She was photo- graphed when up to speed, with all four feet off the ground at the same time, and, as many will recognize, she was driven by W. II. Baer, her old trainer and driver. 72 "USEFUL PKESCKirno^ s. USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS. JAY GOULD STRIDE. 73 f ^ A ^ I m Pig. 14. A, A, front footprints. B, B, hind footprints. Jay Gould's stride was very wide be- hind, as shown in diagram. A, A, represents the front footprints ; B, B, the hind footprints. This famous trot- ting stallion was so wide gated behind as to have made it very tirtsome for' him, and if as much had been known in his day as at present about the shoe- ing of trotting horses, he could have been shod behind so as to have closed up his gait and increased his sf)eed from four to ten seconds. Jay Gould was as plucky, as game a horse as ever was entered upon the track. It is my opinion that for the lowering of records in the past thirty-five years and more of trotters, from 2:40 to 2:03f, the modern farrier, educated and experi- enced, can not be given too much praise, and also for his labor in balanc- ing the leg and body so as to equalize the pressure to all parts of the foot and leg. Thus a uniform motion is pro- duced, no unnatural strain fatigues one part of the body more than another, and the motion of the trotter is like clockwork in its regularity. 74 USEFUL PKKSCKiPTIONS^ NATURAL TROTTER m (i # 11 II s Fig. 15. A, A, front footprints. ■*^- B. hind footprints. Fig. 15 ropresents the true gait of a majority of trotters when up to speed. A, A, footprints of front feet ; B, B, footprints of hind feet. In all long-striding horses, when up to speed, the hind feet are carried in advance of the front footprints, sometimes eight inches more or less. The stride in front and behind are of the same length at each footfall, and the foot fall is as regular as the tickino; of a watch. CROSS FIRER USEFUL PRESCKIPTIOXS. 75 CROSS-FIRING. Probably no infirmity of action impedes the gate of the trotting and pacing horse, causing liim to become discouraged and leg weary, and thus condemning him as wanting in race horse courage, than the vicious habit of cross-firing. This drawing shows very plainly the foot-prints of the horse that cross-fires with the right hind limb and foot. Letter A indicates tlie front foot-print, while B shows the hind foot-print. In order to determine the extent of cross- firing, the studious farrier should have the horse speed on a level dirt road or track, and then accurately measure the foot-prints with a tape line, in order to ascertain the stride of the front and hind feet. To his surprise, this dia- gram on the ground will disclose the fact that the Cross-firing hind limb and foot will make a stride from three to six inches shorter than that of the opposite hind limb and foot ; and, furthermore, this instructive diagram will show that the stride of the left front foot will be from three to six inches shorter in the stride than the right front foot. In all cases of this kind, the front feet should be shod with shoes of equal weight. Then to the shorter striding front hoof apply the stick- fast toe weight, one ounce to the inch ; so that six inches shortness of stride requires six ounces in the toe weight. Then pare the cross-firing hind foot, as de- g scribed on page 260, and shoe the same with the cross-firing pattern, as illustrated in figures A 165 and 166, on the same page of my sixth 76 USEFUL rHESCRIPTIONS. edition of Scientific Horseshoeing. These hind shoes should also be of equal weight, but on the outside of the foot tlie horse cross-fires with, should be attached a stick-fast weight having exactly the same ounces in weight that the cross-firing hind stride is short in inches. The desirable patterns for the front feet will be found illus- trated in figures 150 and 151, pages 252 and 253, of the sixth edition of Scientific Horseshoeing. The prevalent cause for cross-firing is that of unbalanced feet, produced largely by un- even dressing, and rarely by misshapen limbs. To the mis- shapen feet and limbs can be ai)plied, too often, badly con- structed and fitted shoes. Sometimes the causes are more hid- den than these ordinary troubles. For instance, the teeth are sometimes out of order, causing the horse to take the bit on one side, and thus throwing the head and neck out of line. This one-sided carriage of the head and neck is frequently ac- companied by tilting the rump to the opposite side. "With the use of the cross-firing shoe above set forth and the aid of the weights, and the balancing of the feet, the stride can thus be made as regular as the ticking of a watch. It is to be hoped that these remedial agents have been made so clear to the average farrier that horses thus afflicted will be universally benefited. USEFUL PRESCRIPTIONS. 77 SPLAYFOOT. Splay Foot. Fis:. 17 shows the inward and outward sweep of the horse's foot, known as splay foot. This evil causes horses to hit and bruise the ankles, shins, and knees. Low speed, low cut ; high speed, high cut. Full in- structions for shoeing splay foot will be found on pages 208 (Fig. 100) and 202 (Fig. 83) , in "Scientific Horseshoeing," sixth edition. Pigeontoe. Fig. 18 shows the outward and inward sweep of the horse's foot, known as pigeontoe, just the opposite sweep to the splay foot. In my work upon ' ' Scien- tific Horseshoeing," page 216, Fig. 101, I have given cut of shoe to remedy the above evil. Rarely, if ever, do pigeontoed horses hit their ankles, shins or knees. PIGEONTOE Fig. 17. Fig. 18. 7S LINE USEFUL rUKSCllirTlOXS. TROTTER m THE LINE TROTTER. I The trotting horse that moves as close to a straiglit line in his action, economizes in the greatest degree his muscular exertions, as well as shortens the space over which he moves to the goal. It must be remembered in the math- ematical axiom that a straight line is the short- est distance between two given points, applies with force to the action of the trotting horse. The trotting action that is all abroad, technic- ) ally speaking, Avherein the hind legs violate tlie line precision by excess of width and height, and the front legs climb, with a waste of knee action as to interfere with the length of stride, means over-exertion, muscular wea- ' riness, and total exhaustion at the finish of a race. Tlie illustration, clearly shows tlie foot j^rints of a line trotter : .1 shows the print of the front foot, and B that of the hind foot. Such a horse trots .with tlie precision of a perfectly constructed machine. He must be perfect at birth. His stifles must be developed straight, with the points turning neither out- wardly nor inwardly, for the outward turning of the stifles indicates the straddler in action, while their inward turning would make the horse pigeon-toed behind, with a predisposition to cross-firing. But, if the stifles are straight, tlie hind feet will land in a line with the front feet ; all the prints will flex straight, backward g and forward in their journals, and the horse A. can sustain his sj)eed with extreme endurance, USEFUL PKESCRIPTIONS. 79 because he moves with the greatest possible economy of mus- cles. The stride of such a trotter can be lengthened or short- ened by the rules laid down in Scientific Horseshoeing, as his development in speed may require. But, to preserve his line of action, he must be shod so as to be perfectly comfortable in his feet. This means that the comparative length of toe and height of heel should be accurately adjusted ; that the foot should be dressed to a level ; that the weight of the shoe, and in the sulky or road wagon should be in proj)ortion to his muscular capacity, and that all his brushes of speed should be finished well within his courage. If he is short pasterned, he will have a quick-drum-beat revolution, and this should not be interfered with to the extent of making his muscles sore. If he is long in the pasterns, he will be long gaited, and provided in either action the horse goes clear free from hop- ping or hitching, or cross-firing or over-reaching or any other defects, then he should be shod with thin, broad, wide web shoes, that place the hoof as near to the ground, almost, as in the natural state ; and the front shoes should not be made more than two and one-half or three ounces heavier than the hind ones, in order to comply with the same relative weight of the front and hind feet in their natural green state. Thus shod and rigged, the line trotter in perfect condition, under the most skillful reinsmen, is destined to become the perfec- tion of the fleet-footed trotting horse. 80 USEFUL PKIOSCRirXIOXS. HITCHING AND HOPPING BEHIND IN TROTTING MOTION. Tliis clrawiug accurately marks the foot-prints of the horse that hitches, •while trotting, with his right hind foot. In diagram, letter A shows front and B hind foot prints. The most unusual cause for hitching is tlie malformation of the offending hind limh ; that is, in some cases it is shorter than the other one. In all my experience, of more than. a half a century, as a farrier, I have never found but two cases of this de- scription. The method of discovery is , of sufficient interest to narrate. I pro- cured a carpenter's leveling board, then stood the horse upon a level board floor with a man in front to hold his head at the prox^er angle with the body. The leveling board was then laid across the hips. I then took two iron rods, stood one end on the floor, placed one rod on each side of the hips, and took the measurement on rods under the level- ing board. I then placed the spirit level on top of leveling board, and then raised the low end of leveling board until the spirit level was accurately adjusted to a perfect level, and both measurements proved that one leg was just three- quarters of an inch shorter than the other. Subsequent examination and measurements showed this difference was in length of the hind limb. The shorter HITCHING^^HOPPING ^ (k USEFUL PIlESCRIPTIO^■S. 81 one required to be lengthened by shoeing. I selected a piece of iron three-quarters of an inch wide by three-eighths thick and turned it edgewise, then formed it into a shoe and nailed it on to the foot. The opposite foot was shod with a thin, fiat steel shoe. This gave the short leg tlie required three- quarters of an inch to make it the same length as the other limb, and the horse moved off clear in stroke in one shoeing and the hitching disappeared. This horse was the noted trotting horse called Galier, owned in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1870. The other horse, similarly afflicted, was a noted road horse owned in Chicago. I found that the rear hind limb, upon close examination, was five-eighths of an inch shorter than the opposite limb. The same remedy was applied. The short limb was lengthened to the length of the other by making and placing thereon a shoe five-eighths of an inch thicker than the other hind shoe. The horse moved off square without the chronic hop that had before disfigured his trotting action. But generally the hind legs are of the same length, and the cause of hitching must be detected in the front action. Take the case of the phenominal trotting mare, Lida Bassett, whose performance at Chester Park, in 1883, startled the turf community. At first she hitched in her slow work in the left hind leg and then extended it to her brushes of speed. On one occasion, at Chester Park, I noticed that tlie mare nodded every time the right front foot landed on the ground. This led me to have the stride of the front and hind feet measured with a tape line. The front print of the right front foot was just four and one-half inches shorter than the left foot print. I removed the right front shoe, welded a spur in center at toe, bent up at angle at front part of foot, then placed a four ounce weight on spur on the right front 8J USEFUL PUESCIUPTIOXS. foot and had the mare driven. The hitching entirely disap- peared on the left hind leg. This is one of the causes of hitching behind was in the opposite front leg. The stride of front and hind feet must be as regular as the ticking of the clock. In many instances the horse will hitch by being speeded every day, or being overdriven frequently at his highest flight of speed too long at a time. More frequently he is compelled to haul too much weight, and his ambition to forge ahead will frequently cultivate the habit of hopping or hitching as a means of overcoming the excess of weight he should drag along. Such horses have been known to hitch on one hind leg for a time till they get very weary and then rest themselves by shifting the hopping to the other hind leg. In all these cases the remedy should be apparent to the thoughtful farrier and owner. The feet must be dressed to a mathematical level ; their weight should be regulated to promote a balanced stride ; the weight burden should be lessened, and the impatience of the horse should be curbed till, by slow handling, he is again restored to a well-poised gait, and then his speed should be gradually quickened, always within the desire to hitch. In thus locating the various causes of hitching, the author trusts that his efforts may prove beneficial to the horse com- munitv. THE FOOT OF THE HORSE. 83 A, Flexor perforatus (attached to lower pas- tern bone). B, Flexor perforans (inserted under coffin- bone). C, Metacarpal or check ligament of the per- forans tendon. D, Suspensory ligament of the fetlock. E, Front extensor tendon (inserted into front of coffin-bone). P, Splint bone on outer side of the cannon. G, Branching of the suspensory. H, Branch of same passing forward to join the extensor tendon. I, J, K, Periosteum membrane covering the surfaces of the cannon and pastern bones. L, Fibrous reticulum covering the face of the coffin-bone and forming the reticular tissue leaves, or sensitive laminae, which dovetail into the horny leaves of the wall, completing the union of these regions. M, The pastern-supporting or check liga- ment. This has never before been shown in anatomical drawings. It binds the upper head of the lower pastern to the lower head of the upper pastern, and is located midway be- tween the flexor tendon and upper pas- tern bone. Its office is plainly duplex — it holds the ankle and pastern joint firmly in position, and divides the strain with the flexor tendon in its severe down- ward action. Fig. 4. external side view of left froxt limb, showing the articulations, tendons, and ligaments of the knee, fetlock, and FOOT. 84 SCIENTIFIC HORSESHOEING. A, Coffin-bone. B, Navicular-bone. C, Lower pastern-bone. D, Upper pastern-bone. E, Cannon-bone. F, Velvety tissue or sensitive sole. G, Horny wall. H, Horny sole. I, Horny frog. K, Plantar-cusbion or sensitive sole L, Horny laminae. M, Sensitive laminge. N, Front extensor tendon. O, Perforatus (superficial flexor). P, Perforans (deep flexor of the foot inserted under the coffin-bone. Q, Metacarpal ligament (joining the perforans tendons. R, Suspensory ligament of the fet- lock. S, Sesamoid-boue (dotted line). T, Branch of per- foratus tendon attached to lower pastern-bone. Fig. 5. median section of front digit, from base OF FOOT to head OF CANNON BONE, SHOWING ARRANGE- MENT OF THE ARTICULAR AND MUSCULAR APPARATUS. The dotted line through center of digital bones shows the line of action of weight from above to below, and marks the normal ans^le of the foot. THE FOOT OF THE HORSE. 85 Fig. 6. side view of the outside half of the right front foot with WALL of the hoof REMOVED, SHOWING NUMEROUS LEAVES OF THE SENSITIVE LAMIXAL TISSUE. A, Median section of the hoof, continued through wall, sole and frog. B, Base of hoof on opposite side. C, The keratogenous membrane or sensi- tive laminse, covering the upper face of the pedal-bone, consisting of vascular leaves, designed to interlock with the horny laminae on the inner face of the wall of the hoof. D, Tlie coronary-cushion, showing its continuance to the bulbs of the plantar-cushion at the heel and the perioplic ring around its upper border To the great vascularity of these sensitive tissues is due the bright red color they show on the surface. They form in their connection with the plantar surface of the velvety tissue, the es- sential apparatus of touch and feeling in the foot. They are, in addition, highly elastic and assist in the springy action so neces- sary to the ease of the foot when exerted in speed or in the severe strains of drawing heavy loads. 86 SCIENTIFIC HORSESHOEING. A, Numerous leaves of the sensi- tive laminpe (podophyllous tissue) formed by the reticulum covering the external face of the coffin-bone, and which interlock with the horny .leaves (keraphyllous tissue) of the surrounding wall. B, Coronary-cushion, the organ which develops the horny wall, and acts in reciprocal relation between it and the skin above, as an elastic medium of connection. It also unites in the same manner with the vascular laminte, and is prolonged downward at the back, into the bulbs of the plantar-cushion and the villoup tunic of the velvety tissue. Fig. 7. front view ov the horse s foot, showing the superficial appear- ance of the keratogenous membrane, or laminal tissue, after re.moval of THE HOOF. The villi of the coronary-cnshion and velvety tissue deter-' mine the structure and maintain the elasticity of the entire hoof. The laminal tissue has the property of throwing ont a tem- porary horn, whether exposed by stripping oiF the hoof or by the active changes of inflammation, but this must be replaced by that from the coronet when the foot returns to its normal condi- tion. THE FOOT OF THE HORSE. 87 Fig. 8. internal structures of the region of the left fore-foot as seen from the outer side. A, Lateral cartilage of the coffin-bone. B, Reticulum, enveloping the coffin-bone, sus- taining the blood-vessels and laminal tissues of this region. C, Tendon of the front extensor of the foot to its insertion on eminence of coffin-bone. D, Terminal of the side extensor of the foot. E, Rear face of the sesamoid branch of the transverse ligament. F, Periosteum membrane, covering the surfaces of the cannon and pastern bones. These plates represent the arteries in red, the veins in blue, and the nerves in white. Each of these systems maintains the most intimate relations with the others and meets in the extremi- ties in various forms of branches, collaterals, and ganglionic en- largements, remarkable alike for their large volume, intricate reticulation and extreme delicacy. The divisions shown in this plate are the digital and ungual arteries and veins of the plantar region, the veins of the coro- nary plexus, and the median circumflex artery of the foot to- gether with the digital branches of the median or cubic plantar nerve. 38 SCIENTIFIC HORSESHOEING. B, Continuation of the fibrous reticulum, for the support of the vessels and leafy tissue on the coffin-bone. C, Tendon of the front extensor of the foot goincr on to the coffin-bone. E, Rear margin of sesamoid ligament. P, Periosteum of the cannon- and pastern- bones. Fig. 9. internal stkuctures of the region of the left fore foot, as seen from the inner side. The digital arteries and veins course almost immediately be- neath the skin. Descending from above the fetlock joint they follow the course of the flexor tendon and throw out innumerable twigs and divergant ramifications to supply the surfaces, as well as the deeper tissue substances of the foot. Those shown in this plate are the perpendicular artery, circumflex coronary, artery of the plantar cushion, preplantar ungual, venous network of the lamina! tissue, coronary plexus, and the deep cartilaginous layer — all flanked by the plantar nerve, which interlaces them with numerous filaments. THE FOOT OF THE HORSE. 89 Fig. 10. FROXT view of the foot region, SHOWING THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE INTER- NAL STRUCTURES. A, Front border of the lateral cartilage of the cofRn-bone (the corresponding piece on the other side having been removed). B, Continuation of the reticulum, form- ing the membraneous net, which holds in its meshes the dependent vessels and laminal tissues on the coffin-bone. C, Tendon of the front extensor of the foot to its insertion in the coffin-bone. D, Terminal of the side extensor of the foot. F, Inner and outer borders of the can- non-bone. The external and collateral branches of the perpendiculai artery and satellite veins and nerves are here shown by their an- terior branches, which concur in forming the articular branch of the phalanx, veiny plexus of the coronary crown circle, and net of the reticular tissue, accompanied by the vasa motor nerves belonging to the plantar system. 90 SCIENTIFIC HOKSESHOEING. A, Rear border of the lateral cartilagL' (the other being omitted). B, Pyramidal base or bulbs of the plan- tar cushion or sensitive frog, interposed be- tween the perforans tendon and the horny hoof. C, Reinforcing phalangeal sheath cover- ing the perforans tendon and the suspen- sory ligament with a fibrous expansion and attaching itself to the larger part of the pastern-bones. D, Flexor perforans at its exit from between the two branches of the perforatus. E, Superficial bundle or ring of the sesamoid ligament. F, Flexor perforatus, giving off two branches toward the bottom, which become attached to the lower pastern-bone. Fig. 11. BACK OF the foot re- gion, SHOWING THE INTEltNAL AR- KANGEMENT OP THE PH.VLVNGES. The arteries, veins and nerves are the posterior offshoots of the internal and external collaterals, furnishing this region same •as previously referred to. THE FOOT OF THE HORSE. 91 Fig. 12. plantar sukface at lower face of the third or ungual phalanx of the footi the pedal, or coffin-bone, upon which the digit is BASED This view represents the sole of the bone covered by the plantar reticulum and shows the origin of the preplantar ungual artery as it emerges at the retrossal process of the wings and loops into the semi-lunar anastomotic arch, communicating in the bone. The radiating branches from this arch and from the outer border correspond with the affluents of Figs. 13 and 14. The nerves shown are the descending posterior branches of the preplantar nerve, accompanying the digital artery on the retros- sal process, traversing the cartilages and laminal tissues, and terminating around the plantar ungual artery in the plantar fissure. The attachment of the deep flexor of the foot — the per- forans — is shown as covering the semi-lunar crest and the me- dian imprints of this bone; widening into a large expansion designated the plantar aponeurosis. This terminal expansion is covered by the plantar cushion which adheres to it most inti- mately. This muscle flexes the phalanges on one another, and it also concurs in flexing the entire foot on the fore-arm. 92 SCI KNTl KIC HORSESHOEING. A, Lower border of the lateral cartilage of the coffin-bone (the part corresponding to this on the other side being detached for this illustration.) B, The proper tissue, or vil- lous tunic of the reticulum, which is correlated to the upper surface of the velvety tissue, and answers to the periosteum on the coffin-bone, which it en- velopes like a villous sheath. C, The periphery of the re- ticular tissue, conspicuous for the divisions of arteries and ves- sels which it sustains and which prevail so largely throughout Fig. 13. the plantar reticulum or kera- the whole extent of the plantar TOGENOUS MEMBRANE COVERING THE LOWER FACE gyj.face OP THE COFFIN-BONE, AND SUSTAINING IN ITS MESHES THE VEINS OF THE SOLAR PLEXUS. The venous apparatus of the digital region is remarkable for the number, distribution and interlaced disposition of the vessels composing it. They are extended over and molded on the two last phalanges of the foot, discharging themselves by numerous descending and ascending branches, converging in flexiform nets and arches, and communicating with each other, or traversing every element, by an intricate system of arte- rioles or venules, analogous to the capillary system. THE FOOT OF THP] HORSE. 93 A, Lower face of the velvety tissue, or sensi- tive sole iminecliately overlying the horny sole, which it secretes. B, Base, or bulbs of the plantarcushion, sep- arated by the depression orcleft(mediau lacuna), on the inside of which the spur or stay of the horny frog reaches. C, Return of the bars to their junction with the wall. D, Arch, or spring of the bars, formed by their angle of inflection at the heels, also showing the laminal leaves covering them. Fig. 14. the lower face of the horse's foot, after removal of the horny hoof. The arteries forming the plexus or network furnishing this region of the foot are similar to those shown on the other plates, and like them proceed from the parent trunk, descending on the side of the digit, terminating in the plantar ungual branch from which the inferior communicating arteries pass through the foramina just above the edge of the coffin-bone, branching closely over the laminal tissue and uniting below to form the large circumilex, or peripheral artery, which runs around the toe. They also help to form the inferior circumflex artery and finally join the coronary plexus — collectively form- ing the circulatory apparatus of the entire digital region. H SCIENTIFIC JIUKSKSHOEING. Fig. 15. a pekfect hoof, kemovi:d from tii:: F(K)r, siiowixg a lateral. POSTEIlIOn VIEW OK A SOUND NATURAL AXD IIEAI.":iY D::Vr.LOPM::XT OF WALL — HORNY LAMIX.K— COnOXAnY CHAMBER — SOLE, Fr.OC-STAY, FLSSURES AND BARS. A TREATISE TEETH OF THE HORSE. BY W. A. LEWIS, D.V.S. A horse has 40 teeth and a mare 36. But few people stop to consider that they suffer with the toothache just the same as the human race. And quite often they are in a pitiful condition for weeks, and the owner or driver never thinks to examine to find what condition the horses' teeth are in. A large percentage of horses, if taken in time, could have their lives prolonged if the owner would have a quali- fied veterinary surgeon or dentist to operate on the animal's teeth in a humane way. Young horses should be looked after as well as old ones. Some colts during dentition ex- perience a great deal of trouble with their teeth. Many a horse has been killed for glander when it was nothing more or less than nasal gleet, and the cause is quite often due to the teeth. I know this to be true from practical experience. Ruminants and the pig and dog are susceptible to diseased teeth same as the horse, but they are passed by un- noticed. Many a time I have traced the seat of the trouble to the horses' teeth. Horses of all ages suffer more or less from long, sharp and projecting points which are often found on tlie molar teeth. They are situated on the inside of the lower lO.-)) 96 A TREATISE OX THE nnd on the outside of the upper molars, and also occasioii- all}^ but rarely, on the inside of the upper molars. They vary much in size and shape, some being small and blunt^ wliile others are long and very tliin and sharp. Tlie injury tlicy produce will bo in proportion to their lengtli and the thinness of their edges or the sliarpness of their points. The external surface of each upper tooth usuall}^ con- tains two of these projections, which correspond with the ridges already described as running from the table surface to the roots of these teeth. The internal surface of the lower molars also contains two sharp projections, which usually are mucli shorter though sharper than those on the upper teeth. These projections are the result of limited lateral motion of the lower jaw. In masticating its food the animal works the lower jaw from side to side. Unless this motion is ex- tensive enougli to bring the whole table surface into wear, a portion of tlie teeth will not be worn away. In some animals the width of the upper jaw (which is always wider than the lower) exceeds that of tlie lower to such an extent that it amounts to a malformation. Cases of this kind have come to my notice where only half of each row of teeth came into wear, and tliat portion remaining out of wear had become so long tliat it bruised and lacerated the gums of the opposite jaw. Tlie lower teeth passing inside of the upper had cut deep cavities into the palatine processes, CRIBBING— CAUSES, EFFECTS AND TREATMENTS. Cribbing is a condition which may be considered as a vice or halnt rather than a disease. It consists in the horse laying liold of any stationary object with tlie teeth, sucli as TEETH OF THE HORSE. 97 a manger, post, fence, gate, etc., and violent]}- extending liis neck, and then after a convulsive action of tlie tliroat a grunting sound is heard, accompanied by a gul[)ing in and swallowing of air. CAUSES. Many theories have been advanced witli regard to tlie cause of this vice. Some maintain tliat it is due to indi- gestion, others to the closeness of the incisor teeth, while some attribute it to a combination of both conditions. Others to idleness. The latter, with heredity, undoubtedly, is the main cause, and most cases occurring could be traced directly to them if pains w^ere taken to investigate their origin. Well fed vigorous colts sometimes get fretful and bite or lick the manger, eventually contracting the habit. With some ani- mals it seems to be natural ; they evidently derive much pleasure from the habit. The effects of cribbing are various. The teeth are worn away and occasionally broken, so much so in aged horses that they graze with difficulty. The grain is often wasted by dropping from the mouth into the manger or upon the floor. Digestion is impaired through the loss of saliva which escapes. The stomach and intestines become distended with gas, inducing colic, chronic indigestion and sometime acute indigestion, lowering the condition of the animal and event- ually producing death. All animals, however, do not suffer from colic and indi- gestion ; indeed, some remain healtliy, fat and sleek, notwith- standing they may be addicted to the vice in the severest form. Wind-sucking constitutes another vice equally as bad if not worse than cribbing. It consists in simply gathering air into the mouth, extending the head, arching the neck, gath- 98 A TIIKATISH OX Till: ering \ho foot togotlioi- ami guli)ing down llio aii'. It dilfors from ci-il)l)iiig in that the animal doos not gi-asp any object witli the tooth. TREATMENT. Cribbing and wind-sucking constitute a decided unsound- ness and are incurable when once tlioroughly established. Were the vice due to pressure of tlio incisor teeth against each otlier, tlie extraction of one or two of them would cer- tainly remove the cause and be followed by a cessation of the habit. Some surgeons claim to have entirely dispelled the vice in young animals when first noticed by the extraction of one or more teeth. I have operated in that Avay (as an ex- periment), under like conditions on the teeth of several horses, but have never been able to entirely stop the habit. Sawing between the teeth can have no i:»ossible effect in breaking up the vice, although it is- frequently resorted to for that purpose. A neck strap buckled tightly around the throat while the animal is in the harness will act temporarily in checking the habit, but has no good effect whatever when removed, but, on the contrary, will press on the throat and produce roaring in some instances. To prevent the vice, give the horse something to do. Do not keep him tied in the stall from one week to another, but turn him out and give him plenty of exercise. * Horses which are crib-biters or wind-suckers are to be considered as unsound, as the vices generally arise from or cause indigestion, induce colic, tend to lower condition and to depress the vital powers. A crib-biter seizes the manger or some other fixture — the collar-shank when nothing else can be taken hold of — Williams' Prm-iice of Surgrri/, page 540. TEETH OF THE HORSE. 99 Avitli his teeth, a relies liis neck and makes a belching noise. After a time the abdomen becomes evidently enlarged. Many crib-biters thrive moderately well, whilst others are always unthrifty, dry in the coat and hide-bound. Some practitioners maintain that air is swallowed during the act, whilst others state that gas is expelled from the stomach, and that the continual belching or eructation causes further de- rangement of the stomach, the increased formation of gases and the consequent tympanitis. I was at first disposed to think that the first opinion was the correct one, as it is quite possible for air mixed with saliva to be swallowed, but fur- ther experience inclines me to the latter, namely, that gases are expelled, and that increased disorders of the stomach are induced by the habit. A chronic crib-biter may be easily recognized by the appearance of the incisor teeth wiiich are worn and rounded at their anterior borders, and by an en- larged or hypertrophied condition of the muscles which de- press the jaw, the sterno-maxillaries, stylo-maxillaries, etc., and generally by the mark of a strap on the neck. A wind-sucker smacks his lips, gathers air into his mouth, extends his head, or presses it against some solid body, arches his neck, gathers his feet together, and un- doubtedly swallows air, blowing himself out, sometimes to a tremendous extent.* Of the two vices this is the worst ; a wind-sucker being more subject to colic, indigestion and polyuria than a crib- biter. To prevent crib-biting a muzzle or neck-strap made for * For my part I cannot understand why a crib-biter should only expel gas, and a wind-siicker swallow air. The action and noise made in both cases are similar, as also are the results of the vices. I am inclined to believe from observation that air is swallowed in both instances. L.ofC. 100 A TREATISE ON THE tlie purpose is sold liy saddlers ; and for wiiid-sucking a sti-ap, studded with sharp points of iron opposite the lower part of the Jaw, is the best preventive, whilst the indi- gestion from which these animals seem to suffer is best com- batted with purgatives, alkalies, rock salt in the manger and regular work. Want of work, indigestion and the irritation of teething are generally the causes of these vices. * It is very doubtful Avhether crib-biting originates from an}^ disease. It may perhaps with more reason be considered a propensit}^, a habit, or a vice, which in time may result in indigestion, loss of condition, etc. This, however, depends much upon the extent to wdiich it is practiced, and the con- stitutional vigor or strength of the animal ; for it is well known that many a horse constantly practicing the vice is neither retarded in his growth nor injured in his health. As to the cause of this troublesome vice, it occurs mostly in young horses that are w^ell fed and insufficiently worked. There is no doubt also a special predisposition to the habit ; witli some horses it appears to arise naturally, as though the sucking or gulping down of air gave them pleasure or a relief from some sort of suffering. It has also been observed that horses at all disposed to it may be easily led into it by the practice of some men in cleaning them ; for if they clean them before the manger and irritate them with a too severe comb, and in parts where the}?- cannot endure it, they seize upon the manger for a counteraction of their sufferings, and in doing this first get a habit of it which may afterward extend to the removing of other pains or distressful. feelings. Some horses indulge in the habit of licking the manger and gnawing the woodwork, which may eventually lead to crib- bing. Dr. H. II. Paaren in Breeders'' Gazette, Vol. TX, page oo3. TEETH OF THE HORSE. JOl III practicing the vice, cribbcrs avail tliemselvcs of any prominent object even as small as a nail or a ring, and in the absence of any protruding or prominent object they will grasp the Iialter or bridle-rein. Horses that simply practice the act of wind-sucking require no resting point. When horses first begin to crib-bite, and sometimes inveterate crib- biters, they only indulge in the practice at intervals, some while eating and others while standing in the stable without food before them. During attacks of painful disease, cribbers do not attempt the act, and it may be regarded as a favorable sign when such a horse returns to his old practice. All sorts of preventives have beeil resorted to, including muzzling with steel rods fixed to the bit. The use of a broad leather strap around the throat is not to be recommended, be- cause it has got to gradually produce distortion or constric- tion of the windpipe and thus cause roaring. Our inquirer asks whether placing the horse in a stall devoid of anything upon which to get hold would be a preventive. Well, with the plurality of horses it may ; but we have seen some old and inveterate offenders thus placed who practiced tlie vice upon their knees and upon tlie hard floor wliile lying down. PARROT MOUTH. Parrot mouth is a deformity which is frequently noticed, and consists in the upper incisor teeth projecting in front and overhanging the lower incisors. The incisor teeth do not come into wear, and as a result they gradually increase in length beyond the gums.. In some cases the lower incisors come in contact with the bars in the roof of tlie mouth, lacer- ating thein and eventuall}^ producing seinous results. Tlie animal will fall away in flesh, presenting an emaciated ap- 102 TKKTII OF THK lluRSE. pearance, and ma}' ovciitiially die of starvation, evcMi in tlie midst of plenty. A horse with a parrot mouth will feed well enough from the manger; but if turned out to pasture, experiences much difficulty in collecting the food. If the lower incisors wound the roof of the mouth they may be dressed down with the incisor cutters and the rasp. If the upper incisors wound the lower lip they should be op- erated upon in the same manner. HOW TO TELL THE AGE OF THE HORSE, Fig. :. The milk incisors of the lower jaw as seen Irom Ihe right eide, when fujly developed, arc here represented in their natural sije. The exterior surface of the teeth is arched as above represented. The explanation of the figure is: a, the nippers : (i, the middle tooth ; c, the corner tooth ; A, the contracted body of teeth; i, the narrow {arched neck of teeth ; m, the root of teeth ; A, B, C, the concave side of teeth towards hollow of the mouth ; d A f, d B f, d C f, the outer edges of teeth ; d e f, the inner edge of teeth, somewhat lower than the outer edge — the mark is enclosed within these inner and outer edges ; g, the hollow inside surface of body of teeth. Fig. 4. Half Year. A side view of the Jaw of a foal at six months, nippers; b, middle tooth ; c, corner tooth. Fig. 2. Half Year. An inside view of the lower jaw of a half-year-old foal. The outer and inner edges of nippers are worn, while only the outer edge of the middle teeth is worn, and the corner teeth have not yet come into contact. One Year. At one year old the lower jaw presents the appearance represented in this figure. The outer and inner edges of all the incisors are partly worn by grinding, while the inner edges of the corner teeth alone are uninjured. Fig. 3. Half Year. Outer side of the jaw of a foal at six months old. a, a, the nippers ; 6, t, the middle teeth ; c, c, the corner teeth. Fig. 6. Two Ycars. Here we have the lower jaw as it appears at two years old. The mark of the nippers and middle teeth is now worn down, as well as their edges. The inner edge of the corner teeth also begins to show wear. The Colt's teeth begin to shed at two and a half years old, and the permanent or Horse's teeth then appear to take the it places. 104 IIUW TO TJ;LL THK age of THK HOU8E. Fig. 7. A. The horse mcisora of the lower jaw as seen from the outside, with the outer surface arched towards the bony blade of the socket. The hook teeth are now seeu for the first time. $ Explanation : — a, a, the nippers ; 4, 6, the middle teeth ; c, c, the corner teeth ; K^ A", the hook teeth ; e, d, the line from d to e shows the position of the cavity in the outer partition of the mark ; Oi o, o, o, the furrows which distinguish the horse's teeth from the colt's teeth ; m, m, the roots of the books. A idpper in the various stages of development and wear from three years to twenty-four years. / is the nipper just pusliing thro' at three years old ; from 1 to 2 is its breadth, from 3 to 4 its thickness. // is the same tooth at six years, the crown worn off i inch, the breadth decreasing and the thickness increasing, so that the surface takes more of / un oval form. /// is the tooth at twelve years old, the surface nearly round, and the breadth and thickness nearly the same. At eighteen years old the sur- face becomes triangular, as shown ,at JV. At twenty-four years the tooth is just the re- verse of what it was at three years, and the breadth is only lialf the thickness.— See V. The larger figure D shows an incisor of a full-grown horse, split lengthwise, d, a,/, the outer raised edge ; fl, 0, the fun- nel-shaped cavity of the tooth ; k, the hollow body of the tooth ; TO, the root not yet filled. Fig. 8. B. C. The large figures B and C represent side views of a horse incisor, in which the root c, c, is twice as thick as the upper f Dd. The two small figures on the right and left ot b and e show side views of a foai's tooth. FIG. 7. The incisor teeth of the lower jaw, from the insid e of the mouth, a, a, the nippers, showing wear of the upper and outer edge; b, b, the middle teeth, showing wear on the outer edge while the inner edge remains uninjured ; c, c. the corner teeth ; d, r, e, e, the dotted lines, mark the divisions between the crown of the teeth and the gums; A", K, the hook teeth about to push through the gums; m, ni, 7n, ?«, the roots of teeth not filled out with bony substance. Fig. 9. Two AND One-Half Years. The lower jaw at two and a half years old. The horse nip- pers are just i>usbing through the gums, while the middle arid corner teeth not yet shed (foal teeth) present a smooth, worn, surface. HOW TO TELL THE AGE OF THE HORSE. 105 Fic. 10. Three and One-Half Years. At three and a half years the lower jaw presents the appear- ance shown in this figure. The middle teeth (horse teeth) are just pushing through, and the nippers show wear on the outer edge. The cornpr teeth (foal teeth) are worn down blunt. Fig. 14. Five Years. The lower jaw at five years — an inside view. The nippers are worn down on both edges until the mark ia nearly gone. The outer edge only of the middle teeth shows wear, while the outer edge of the corner teeth is just beginning to be worn a little. The full-growD book teeth do not show any wear whatever Four and One-Half Years. At four and a half years the foal teeth are all gone from the lower jaw. The nippers show wear on both edges, and the outer edge of middle teeth is worn. The book teeth and corner teeth of the horse are just appearing. Fio. 15. Six Years. Is the lower jaw at six years old the nippers are worn down even •ith the middle teeth, which latter etill have a cavity. The inner edge of the comer teeth is also even with the outer one. Fig. 12. Five Years. A side view of the lower jaw at five years old. Fig. 13. Five Years. A front view of the lower jaw at five years old is here given. Fig. 16. Seven Years. The lower jaw at seven years is here represented. The pointed ends of the hook teeth have become more rounded, are worn away 6omewhat. Both edges of the corner teeth are worn to a smooth surface, with a small cavity between them. The middle teeth have loet their cavity and show an even surface all the way across. 106 HOW TO TELL THE AGE OF THE HORSE. Fig. 17. Eight Years. At eigbt years old the teeth of the lower jaw, forward of the hooks, ATA all equally worn, and only a trace of the mark is Been in the corner teeth. The edges of the hook teeth are worn down almost Frc. 21. Eleven Vears. In the upper jaw at eleven years old the mark of the comer teeth I worn down even with the edges. FIG. 18. NINE Years. The upper jaw at nine years old is shown in the above figure. The mark in the corner teeth is comparatively deep and clearly defined ; the mark is still visible in the middle teelh ; but it has almost entirely disappeared from the nippers, and the inner edge is worn down. Fig. 22. Twelve Years. Showing the lower jaw at twelve years old. The nippers are rouuJ or nearly so — as thick as lUey are broad. The middle teelh are get- ting round, and the corner teeth are gaining in thickness by com- parison with their breadth. Fig. 19. Nine Years. The upper jaw at nine years old— a side view, d, the indentation usually seen in the comer tooth. Fig. 23. Twelve Years. In the upper jaw at twelve years the iudentation i^i corner tooth has become larger and more, plainly visible, d, the indentation increased in size. Fig. 20. Ten Years. In the upper Jaw at ten years the mark in middle teeth i down. The mark in the corner teeth is still visible. Fig. 24. Thirteen Years. The nippers and middle teeth of the lower jaw at thirteen years old are almost perfectly round. Their breadth and thickness are the same. The corner teeth are not j'ct round, but are fast becoming so. The hool; teeth are now blunt. HOW To TELL THE AGE OF THE HOKSE 107 Fic. 25. FOURTEEN Years. The conier teeth of lower jaw have now become round. Fig. 29. Eighteen Years. The nippers in the lower jaw are triangular at eighteen years old. Fig. 30. Nineteen Years. The middle teeth of the lower jaw are also triangular at nineteen years old. Fic. 26. Fifteen Years. The nippers of the upper jaw become round at fifteen years Fig. 31. Twenty Years. In the lower jaw at twenty years old the corner teeth have become triangular. Fic. 27. Sixteen Years. The middle teeth of the upper jaw become round at sixteen years old. Fig. 32. Twenty-One Years. The nippers of the upper jaw ure now tri3ng\ilar. Fig. 33. Twenty-Two Years. Fig. 28. Seventeen Years; _, . .,. , I . u I . The middle teeth of the upper jaw become triangular at The corner teeth of the upper jaw become round at seven- , , rr .■ o , , twenty-two years old. leen years old. ■' ■' 108 HOW TO TKLL THE AGE Ol' TJIE HOUSE. Fig. 34. Twenty-Three Years. The corner teetb of the upper jftw assume the triangular form at twenty-three years. Fig. 38. Twenty-Seven Years. The nippers of the upper jaw iiave now become twice as thick as they are broad. FIG. 35. Twenty-Four Years. The nippers of the lower jaw are now twice as thick as they are broad. Fic. 39. Twenty-Eight Years. The middle teeth of the upper jaw are twice as thick as they re broad. Fig. 36. Twenty-Five Years. The middle teeth of the lower jaw are now twice as thick as broad. Fig. 40. Twenty-Nine Years. The corner teetb of the upper jaw at twenty-nine years old re twice as thick as they are broad. Fig. 37. Twenty-Six Years. The corner teeth of the lower jaw at twenty-six years are twice as thick as they are broad. Fig. 4h Twenty Years. Here we have a tooth of the lower jaw that is twelve lines loo long, as shown by the diagram. It has grown up a line each year, but, owing to its position too far forward in the mouth, it has not worn down proportionally. Them.ark indicates eigUl years, but we must add twelve for the extra hues — wliich gives twenty years as the true age of the horse. HOW TO TELL THE AGE UE THE HUKSE. 109 Fig. 42. Showing an inside Twenty Years. of tlie lower jaw at twenty years I 3S» « III f < S 3 HI ii> I'' II when the teeth are twelve lines too long. Tho mark and the friction surface only show eight years' wear. Fig. 45. Sixteen Years. Here we have an outside view of a lower jaw at sixteen years, showing teeth ten lines too long. Fig. 46. Sixteen Years. This is an Inside view of the same Jaw in whieh the mark Indicates six years, but, as the teeth are ten lines too long, the true age Is sixteen vears- FiG. 43. Twenty Years. Here the superfluous length of the same teeth Is remove^, and we have an inside view of the lower jaw, showing tho natural wear of a twenty-year-old mouth. Fio. 44. Twenty Years. ' Th'i gives an outside view of the loyer jaw, showing the ?eth in their proper length at twenty years. Side view of horse's head, showing the fourth molar of the upper jaw one inch longer than the balance of the teeth and grinding away tooth in lower jaw. . Hundreds of horses have elongated teeth and are in need of treatment. 110 i)(JSi:S FOR THK JI'JKSE. DOSES FOR THE HORSE. Name of Drug. Aloes Alum Auise Seed Aqua Atninoniu Arsenic Assafoetida Biearhoiiiite of Potash. Bismuth Black Antimony Blue Vitrol Calomel Camphor Cantharides Carbolic Acid Castor Oil Cayenne Chlorate of Potash Copperas Crotou Oil Digitalis Leaf Epsom Salts Ether Fowler's Solution Gentian Root Ginger Glauber's Salts Iodide of Potassium . .. Linseed Oil, Raw Magnesia Mercurial Ointment... Nux Vomica Opium Prepared Chalk Quinine Saltpetre • Fn Dose. ^ to 1 ounce. 2 to 3 drachms, i to 2 ounces. 1 to 4 drachms. 1 to 5 grains. 1 to 3 drachms. 3 to 5 drachms. ^ to 1 ounce. ^ to ^ drachm. i to 1 drachm, 10 to 40 grains. i to 1 drachm. 3 to 6 grains. ^ to 1 pint. 5 to 25 grains. ^ to 2 drachms. ^ to 1^ drachms. 10 to 15 drops. 10 to 20 grains. 2 to 8 ounces, i to 2 ounces. 1 to 4 drachms. 1 to 1 drachms. 2 to 5 drachms. 6 to 12 ounces. ^ to li drachms. 1 to 2 pints. :]■ to 1 ounce. 15 to 25 grains. :|^ to 1 drachm. ^ to 1 ounce. 15 to 50 grains. 1 to 3 drachms. DOSES FOR THE HORSE. Ill Najhe of Drug. Soda Bicarb ...... Soda Sulphite Solution of Lime Spirits of Chloroform Strychnia - Sulphur . Sweet Spirits of Nitre. ... Tannic Acid Tartar Emetic Tincture of Aconite Root. Tincture of Cantharides — Tincture Ergut Tincture Iodine Tiucture Iron Tincture Nux Vomica Tincture Opi am AVhite Vitrol Dose. 3 to 8 drachms, i to 1 ounce. 4 to 6 ounces. 1 to 2 ounces. ^ to 1 grain. ^ to 2 ounces. Tt to 1^ ounces. 20 to 40 grains. ^ to i drachm. 15 to 35 drops. 1 to 2 drachms. 1 to 2 ounces. ^ to 1 ounce. 2 to 4 drachms. 1 to 2 ounces. 5 to 15 erains. Note. — For a colt one month old, give one-twenty-fourth of the full dose for an adult horse as given above ; three months old, one-twelfth ; six months old, one-sixth ; one year old, one-third ; two 5'ears old, one-half; three years old, three-fourths. APR. n 1902 ]126'-lAPf,7 190? FOR AGENCY APPLY TO W. A. LEWIS, D.V.S., MT. VERNON, OHIO. 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