Messrs. Roberts Brothers^ Publications. A NILE JOURNAL. By Thomas G. Appleton. Square i2mo. Cloth. Price $2.25. " The account furnished by Mr. Appleton of his winter on the Nile wiU proba- bly be pleasant reading to those who have already passed through the same scenes. It gives a vivid photograph of that wonderful East, for whose shores we all have a reverent longing. The journal, kept by a man of varied experiences, and large and many-sided intelligence and knowledge, cultivated by travel and study, is a far better way of conveying even to the casual reader a real picture of what is most striking and characteristic than a mere dry recital of facts and figures, such as can be pieced out of guide-book and professed h!Stories._ It is by his skill in selection that Mr. Appleton has made a book that is especially rich in local color. Instead of giving a learned catalogue of the most striking remains, he furnishes a well-digested reference table of the books best worth reading. There is little of statistics, less of the frequent discussion of the questions of Eastern politics, nothing at all of Egyptian industry, but there is a glowing word painting of the scenes daily opened to a watchful traveller ; and, when prose fails, poetry serves to fill in the needful touches that make the picture perfect." — Philadelphia Ledger. " We cannot follow this genial author any further. While we don't find any thing very heroic or daring m going down a well-known river in a canoe, we find a great deal that is of surpassing interest. He sees with the eye of an artist, and therefore always seizes upon the most salient points. He never tires us; and, when we have read on to the end of his book, we wish there were more, or that another book in the same vein would soon make its appearance." — San Fran- cisco Evening Bulletin. A SHEAF OF PAPERS. By. T. G. A. Square i2mo. Cloth. Gilt top. Price $1.50. " These initials will be readily reco^ized as those of one of our best-known Boston wits, many of whose quaint sayings have already become proverbial. . . . In them [the papers], every reader will recognize a strong basis of common sense, a lively fancy, and a keen wit. The book is one to take up in any idle hour, and to put in one's pocket for a travelling _ companion ; and one cannot help wishing that the writer had also included in it some of the poems which were privately printed several months ago." — Boston Transcript. " A very pleasant and thoughtful book, which we who are not of Boston do not like any less, but rather more, because it has an eminently Bostonish flavor ; and it affects us somewhat as ' a fine last century face.' These papers could not have been written from any other motive than the joy of writing them. They have an air of quiet about them that is wonderfully refreshing. Their talk of ' Art and Artists^ is particularly pleasant." — Christian Register. I' He is one of the few Americans who have written too little, Mr. Emerson being the most conspicuous of that small band. A man of native wit, and now of world-wide experience, too little of which, perhaps, is practical, he cannot write otherwise than pleasantly, and often with_ a profound wisdom which takes on a superficial air only from the gayety of his style. He can vmte as lightly as a Frenchman, as seriously as a German, and yet with all his culture and his foreign anecdotes is simply an American, — even a Bostonian, — tnalgri luL" — Spring- field Republican. Sold by all booksellers. Mailed, postpaid, by the Publishers, ROBERTS BROTHERS. Boston. CHEQUER-WORK. Chequer-Work. BY THOMAS G. APPLETON, AUTHOR OF "a SHEAF OF PAPERS," "a NILE JOURNAL,'? " SYRIAN SUNSHINE," " WINDFALLS." ■Jn !3^ BOSTON: ROBERTS BROTHERS. 1879. Copyright, 1879, By Roberts Brothers. university press: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge. TO H. W. LONGFELLOW. Dear Henry: — Allow me, a laborer of the eleventh hour, to dedicate to you, who have cultivated for so long and with such honor the field of letters, these improvisations, in token of our life-long intimacy, sympathetic and without a cloud. I. THE ARTIST OF TANAGRA. KoAa yepeia eiaofiLeva Ta.vaypLSe