Outlines of _ America i^ literature. Outlines American Literature. _BY- K. ^SANFORD, r Professor of Literature In the State Normal School, Millersville, Pa. LANCASTER, PA. THE NEW ERA BOOK PRINT. 1889. Copyright by F. E. Sanford, CO -7 Prefatory Note. The following outlines are arranged for class use in connection with text-books and reference books. They are not intended to be committed to memory by the pupil, but rather to guide him in the study of an author's works. In studying a literary production the pupil should learn: (i) the name of its author, (2) what it is about, (3) the circum- stances under which it was written or which led to its writing, (4) so much of the author's life as will throw light on the work or add interest to it. The names of periodicals are given in italics; other literature, in black type. F. E. S. Millersville, Pa., April 1, 1889. American Literature is divided, in these outlines, into four periods: — I. Colonial Period, . 1620-1775. II. Revolutionary Period, . 1 775-181 2. III. National Period, 1812-1861. IV. Present Period, 1861-1889. AMERICAN LITERATURE. COLONIAL PERIOD, 1620-1775. Pilgrims landed, 1620. Salem founded, 1628. Boston founded, 1630. Bay Psalm Book, 1640. Memorable Providences relating to Witchcraft, . 1689. Salem Witchcraft Trials, 1692. Wonders of the Invisible World, 1 ^ ) 9o- Magnalia Christi Americana, 1702. Boston News-Letter, 1704-76. New England Courant, 1 721-7. Penn. Gazette, 17 28-1845. Poor Richard's Almanac, I 73 2 ~57- Freedom of the Will, 1754. Autobiography of Franklin, . . . .1771. REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD, 1775-1812. Revolutionary war began, 1775. Declaration of Independence, 1776. War ended, 1783. Notes on Virginia, J 784. Constitution of the U. S., 1787. Federalist Papers, 1787-8. Farewell Address of Washington, J 796. Hail Columbia, 1798. New York Evening Post, 1801. AMERICAN LITERATURE. NATIONAL PERIOD, 1812-1861. I. THREE NEW YORK WRITERS. WASHINGTON IRVING, 1783-1859. (a) Boyhood and education. (b) Salmagundi t (1807.) (c) Knickerbocker's History of New York, (1809.) (d) In England, (18 15.) («?) Sketch-Book, (18 19.) (/) Bracebridge Hall, (1822.) (g) Tales of a Traveler, (1824.) (h) In Spain, (1826.) (0 Life of Columbus, (1828.) (J) Conquest of Granada, (1829.) {k) Alhambra, (1832.) (/) At "Sunnyside," (1832.) (m) Astoria, (1836.) (n) Life of Goldsmith, (1849.) (V) Life of Mohamet and his Successors, (1850.) O) Life of Washington, (1859.) J. FENIMORE COOPER, 1789-1851. (a) Farmer in Scarsdale, N. Y. (fr) Precaution, (1820.) (0 Spy, (1821.) AMERICAN LITERATURE. (d) Boyhood in Cooperstown, N. Y. (e) Leather-Stocking Tales. (i) Deerslayer, (1841.) (2) Last of the Mohicans, (1826.) (3) Pathfinder, (1840.) (4) Pioneers, (1823.) (5) Prairie, (1827.) (/) Life as a sailor. (g) Sea Tales. (1) Pilot, (1824.) (2) Red Rover, (1828), etc. (h) History of the U. S. Navy, (1839.) (/) Travels in Europe. (/) Bravo, (1831.) WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT, 1794-1878. (a) Boyhood at Cummington, Mass. (b) Embargo, (1808.) (V) Thanatopsis, (18 12.) (d) Lawyer at Plainfield and Great Barrington. 0) To a Waterfowl, ( 1 8 1 5 . ) (/) Green River. (£■) Monument Mountain. (A) The Ages, (182 1.) (f) Volume of Poems, (1821.) (/) Editor of Evening Post, New York City, (1825.) {k) Robert of Lincoln, Fringed Gentian. (/) Iliad and Odyssey translated. (m) Waiting by the Gate, June. (n) "Cedarmere." AMERICAN LITERATURE. II. TWO NEW ENGLAND ORATORS. DANIEL WEBSTER, 1782-1852. (a) Boyhood at Salisbury, N. H. (b) Lawyer at Portsmouth and Boston. (0 The Dartmouth College Case, (18 18.) (d) The Landing of the Pilgrims, (1820.) (e) Bunker Hill Speeches, (1825 and 1843.) (/) U. S. Senator. (g) Reply to Hayne, (1830.) (h) Seventh of March Speech, (1850.) (/) Home at Marshfield, Mass. EDWARD EVERETT, 1794-1865. (a) Education. (£) Greek professor at Harvard, (18 19.) (c) Editor of N. A. Review, (1820.) (d) Circumstances Favorable to Literature, (Cam- bridge, 1824.) (e) Representative in Congress, (1824-34.) (/) Governor of Mass., (1835-8.) (g) Minister to England, (1 841-5.) (h) President of Harvard, (1846-9.) (*) Secretary of State, (1852-3.) (}') U. S. Senator, (1853-4.) (k) Writer and speaker, (1854-65.) (/) Fourth of July Address, (Dorchester, 1855.) (m) Relief of Savannah, fFaneuil Hall, 1865.) AMERICAN LITERATURE. 9 III. THREE HISTORIANS. WILLIAM H. PRESCOTT, 1796-1859. (a) Education. (b) An accident and its results. (c) Preparation for literary work. (d) Ferdinand and Isabella, (1837.) (e) Conquest of Mexico, (1843.) (/) Volume of Miscellanies, (1845.) (g) Conquest of Peru, (1847.) (k) Reign of Philip II., (1855-8.) (0 Life of Charles V., (1857.) (j) Methods of work. GEORGE BANCROFT, 1800- (a) Education. (b) History of U. S., vol. I., (1834.) (c) " " " vol. II., (1838.) {d) Collector of port at Boston, (1838.) 00 History of U. S., vol. III., (1840.) (/) Secretary of Navy, (184 1.) (g) Minister to England , (1846-9.) (h) Moved to New York City, (1849.) (0 History of U. S., vol. IV-X., (1852-74.) (J) Minister to Germany, (1867-74.) (k) History of the Constitution, (1882.) (/) Home in Washington. AMERICAN LITERATURE. JOHN L. MOTLEY, 1814-1877. (a) Education at Harvard and Gottingen. (Z>) Morton's Hope — hist, novel — (1839.) {c) Merry Mount — hist, novel — (1849.) (d) Historical studies in Europe, (1851-56.) 0) Rise of the Dutch Republic, (1856.) (/) History of United Netherlands, (i860.) (g) Minister to Austria, (1861-63.) {h) Minister to England, (1869-70.) (/) John of Barneveld, (1874.) IV. FOUR POETS. HENRY W. LONGFELLOW, 1807-1882. (a) Boyhood and education. {b) In Europe, (1826-9.) (c) Professor at Bowdoin College, (1829-35.) (d) Outre Mer, (1835.) (e) In Europe, (18 mos., 1835-6.) (/) Professor at Harvard, (1837.) (g) Psalm of Life, (1838.) (Ji) Footsteps of Angels, (1839.) (/) Hyperion, (1839.) (/) In Europe, (6 mos., 1842.) (k) Evangeline, (1847.) (/) Kavanagh, (1849.) (m) Building of the Ship, (1850.) AMERICAN LITERATURE. (n) Resigns his Harvard professorship, (1854.) 0) Hiawatha, (1855.) (p) Miles Standish, (1858.) (g) Tales of a Wayside Inn, (1863.) (r) Dante's Divine Comedy translated, (1863-67.) (s) My Arm-Chair, (1879.) (/) "Craigie house." JOHN G. WHITTIER, 1807- (a) Boyhood. (F) Barefoot Boy, (1856.) (c) Snow-Bound, (1865.) (jT) Becomes acquainted with William L. Garrison. (e) Secretary Antislavery Convention, (1833.) (/) Editor of Haverhill Gazette, (1836.) (g) Editor of Penn. Freeman — mobbed, (1838.) (Ji) Voices of Freedom, (1849.) (f) Witchcraft and legends. (/) N. B. Legends, (1831.) (&) Mabel Martin. (/) Pictures of N. E. life. (m) Maud Muller, (1856.) («) Old Floyd Ireson. (o) Cobble Keezar. (/) In School Days. (q) Among the Hills. (r) Home at Amesbury. 12 AMERICAN LITERATURE. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, 1809- (a) Boyhood and education. (£) Old Ironsides, (1830.) (V) Volume of Poems, (1835.) (d) Professor of Anatomy at Dartmouth, (1838-40.) (e) Practiced medicine in Boston, (1840.) (/) Professor of Anatomy at Harvard, (1847.) (g) Medical Essays. (h) Contributor to Atlantic Monthly, (1857-60.) (0 Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, (1857.) (J) Professor at the Breakfast Table, (1859.) (k) Poet at the Breakfast Table, (i860.) (/) Elsie Vermer, (1861.) (m) Guardian Angel, (1868.) (n) Life of Motley, (1879.) 0) Life of Emerson, (1884.) (J>) Occasional poems. (q) The Boys. Bill and Joe. (f) Humorous poems. (j) One-Hoss Shay. My Aunt. (/) Boston home. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL, 1819- (a) Boyhood and education. (p) Volume of Poems, ( 1 841.) (c) Editor of The Pioneer, (3 mo., 1843.) (d) Vision of Sir Launfal, (1845.) (e) Biglow Papers, (1846 and 1861.) (/) Fable for Critics, (1848.) AMERICAN LITERATURE. 1 3 (g) Professor of Belles Lettres at Harvard, (1855.) (k) Editor of Atlantic Monthly, (1857-9.) (t) Editor of N. A. Review, (1863-72.) (J) Under the Willows, (1869.) (k) Among My Books, (1870.) (/) My Study Window, (1870.) (tn) Centennial Odes, (1875-6.) (n) Minister to Spain, (1877-80.) (0) Minister to England, (1880-85.) (p) "Elm wood." V. TWO CONCORD WRITERS. RALPH WALDO EMERSON, 1803-1882. (a) Boyhood and education. (b) Preached in Boston, (1829-32.) (c) In Europe — met Carlyle, (1833.) (d) Moved to Concord, Mass., (1834.) (e) Began to lecture, (1834.) (/) Transcendental Club formed. (1836.) (g) Nature, (1836.) (h) Volume of Essays, (1841.) (/) Editor of The Dial, (1842-4.) (J) Volume of Essays, (1844.) (k) Volume of Poems, (1846.) (/) Lectured in Europe, (1847.) (tn) Representative Men, (1850.) (n) English Traits, (1856.) (0) Conduct of Life, (i860.) (p) Letters and Social Aims, (1875.) (q) Home in Concord. 14 AMERICAN LITERATURE. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE, 1804-1864. (a) Boyhood and education. (<$) Writes short stories for periodicals, (1825-36.) (V) Editor of American Magazine of Useful Knowledge, (1836.) (d) Twice Told Tales, first vol., (1837.) (e) Grandfather's Chair, (1841.) (/) At Brook Farm, (184 1.) (g) Moves to Concord, in " Old Manse," (1842.) (ti) Twice Told Tales, second vol., (1845.) (i) Mosses from an Old Manse, (1846.) (/) Surveyor of port of Salem, (1845-48.) (k) Scarlet Letter, (1850.) (/) Moves to Lenox, (1850.) (m) House of Seven Gables, (185 1.) (n) Wonder Book, first vol., (185 1.) (o) Blithedale Romance, (185 1.) (/) Moves to Concord, at "Wayside," (1852.) (q) Tanglewood Tales, (1853.) (r) Wonder Book, second vol., (1853.) (j) Consul at Liverpool, (1853-7.) (/) Travels in Europe, (1857-9.) (u) Marble Faun, (i860.) (v) Our old Home, (1863.) (w) English Note-Book. (?c) French and Italian Note-Books. VI. MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS AND PERIODICALS. Star Spangled Banner, . 181 2. N. A. Review, 1815. AMERICAN LITERATURE. 1 5 Croaker Papers, 1819. American Flag, 1819. Culprit Fay, 1819. Youth's Companion, 1827. Marco Bozzaris, 1827. Birds of America, 1827. N. Y. Sun, 1833. N. Y. Herald, 1835. N. Y. Tribune, 1841. The Raven, 1845. Harper 's Magazine, 1850. Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1852. Atlantic Monthly, 1857. PRESENT PERIOD, 1861-1889. A Reference List of One Hundred Authors, Alphabetically arranged. Alcott, Miss Louisa M., 1832-88. Story writer. Little Women. Alden, Henry M., 1836 — . Ed. Harper's Magazine. Alden, Mrs. Isabella, "Pansy," 1841 — . Story writer. Four Girls at Chautauqua. Aldrich, Thomas B., 1836 — . Ed. Atlantic Monthly, poet, story writer. Marjorie Daw, Story of a Bad Boy. Allen's wife, Josiah, see Miss Holley. Atkinson, Edward, 1827 — . Labor Statistician. Boyesen, H. H., 1848 — . Novelist, poet. A Norseman's Pil- grimage. 1 6 AMERICAN LITERATURE. Burnett, Mrs. Frances H., 1849 — • Story writer. That Lass o' Lowrie's, Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burroughs, John, 1837 — . Naturalist, essayist. Wake Robin, Winter Sunshine. Butterworth, Hezekiah, 1839 — . Ed. Youth's Companion. Zig- Zag Journeys, History of U. S. Cable, Geo. W., 1844 — . Novelist. Old Creole Days. Carleton, Will., 1845 — . Poet. Betsy and I are Out. Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth W., 1850 — . Writer of Sketches. Three Vassar Girls Abroad. Childs, Geo. W., 1829 — . Ed. Philadelphia Ledger. Clemens, Samuel L., "Mark Twain," 1835 — . Humorist. In- nocents Abroad. Cooke, Mrs. Rose Terry, 1827 — . Story writer. Coolidge, Susan, see Miss Woolsey. Craddock, Charles Egbert, see Miss Murfree. Crawford, Marion, 1845 — . Novelist. Mr. Isaacs. Crosby, Fanny, see Mrs. Van Alstyne, Curtis, Geo. Wm., 1824 — . Ed. Harper's Weekly, and Easy Chair in Harper's Monthly. Nile Notes. Dana, Chas. A., 1819— . Ed. N. Y. Sun. Davis, Mrs. Rebecca H., 183 1 — . Story writer. Deland, Mrs. Margaret, 1857 — . Novelist. John Ward Preacher. Dodge, Miss Mary A., "Gail Hamilton," 1830 — . Miscellaneous writer. Woman's Wrongs. Dodge, Mrs. Mary Mapes, 1838 — . Ed. St. Nicholas. Eggleston, Edward, 1837 — . Novelist. Hoosier Schoolmaster. History of U. S. Fiske, John, 1842 — . Philosophical writer. Myths and Myth- Makers. Foote, Mrs. Mary Hallock, 1847 — . Novelist. AMERICAN LITERATURE. I 7 Gibson, W. H., 1850 — . Artist, essayist. Gilder, R. W., 1844—. Poet. Ed. Century. Greenwood, Grace, see Mrs. Lippincott. Guiney, Miss Louise Imogen, 1861 — . Poet, essayist. Hale, Edward E., 1822 — . Story writer. Ten Times One is Ten, In His Name. Halstead, Murat, 1829 — . Ed. Cincinnati Commercial- Gazette. Hamilton, Gail, see M. A. Dodge. Hardy, Arthur Sherburne, 1847 — . Novelist. But Yet a Woman. Harland, Marion, see Mrs. Terhune. Harris, Joel C, 1848 — . Ed. Atlanta Constitution. Uncle Remus. Harris, Dr. W. T., 1835 — . Educational writer. Hart, Francis Bret, 1839 — . Humorist, poet. Heathen Chinee. Hawthorne, Julian, 1846 — . Novelist. Hay, John, 1838 — Poet, essayist. Castilian Days. Hayne, Paul H., 1830-86. Poet. H. H., see Mrs. Jackson. Higginson, Thomas W., 1823 — . Essayist. History of U. S. Holland, Dr. J. G., 18 19-81. Poet, Novelist. Bitter Sweet. Holley, Miss Marietta, "Josiah Allen's wife." Humorist. Sweet Cicely. Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward, 18 19 — . Poet. Battle-Hymn of the Republic. Howells, W. D., 1837 — . Novelist. Their Wedding Journey, A Modern Instance. Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt, 1831-85. Novelist. Ramona. James, Henry, 1843 — • Novelist. Daisy Miller, Portrait of a Lady. Jewett, Miss Sarah Orne, 1849 — • Story writer. Johnson, Rossiter, 1840 — . Poet, essayist. 1 8 AMERICAN LITERATURE. Johnston, Richard M., 1822 — . Humorist. Lanier, Sidney, 1842-81. Poet, essayist. Larcom, Miss Lucy, 1826 — . Poet. Lathrop, Geo. P., 185 1 — . Novelist. Lippincott, Mrs. Sarah J., " Grace Greenwood," 1823 — . Poet, essayist. Matthews, Brander, 1852 — . Dramatist. McMaster, John B., 1852 — . Historian. History of U. S. Miller, Cincinnatus H., "Joaquin Miller," 1841 — . Poet. Songs of the Sierras. Mitchell, Donald G., 1822 — . Essayist. Reveries of a Bachelor. Moulton, Mrs. Louise C., 1835 — . Poet. Story writer. Murfree, Miss Mary N., "Charles Egbert Craddock," 1850 — Story writer. Where the Battle was Fought. O'Reilly, John Boyle, 1844—. Poet. Pansy, see Mrs. Alden. Parton, James, 1822 — . Biographer. Perry, Miss Nora, 1841 — . Story writer. Phelps- Ward, Mrs. Elizabeths., 1844 — . Novelist, poet. Gates Ajar. Porter, Noah, 181 1 — . Psychologist^ Ex. Pres. Yale. Human Intellect, Books and Reading. Pulitzer, Joseph, 1847—. Ed. N. Y. World. Read, Thos. Buchanan, 1822 — . Poet, artist. Sheridan's Ride. Reid, Whitelaw, 1837—. Ed. N. Y. Tribune. Riley, James W., 1852 — . Poet. • Rives-Chandler, Mrs. Amelie, 1863 — . Novelist. The Quick or the Dead. Roe, Edward P., 1838 — . Novelist. Barriers Burned Away, Nature's Serial Story. Sangster, Mrs. Margaret E., 1838 — . Ed. Harper's Bazaar, poet, story writer. AMERICAN LITERATURE. I 9 Saxe, John G., 1816-87. Poet. Rhyme of the Rail. Scudder, Horace E., 1838 — . Essayist. Bodley Books. History of U. S. Sherman, Frank Dempster, i860 — . Poet. Shillaber, Benjamin P., "Mrs. Partington," 1814 — . Humorist. Smith, Chas. E., 1842 — . Ed. Philadelphia Press. Spofford, Miss Harriet P., 1835 — . Story writer. Stedman, Edmund C, 1833 — . Poet, critic. Stockton, Frank, 1834 — . Novelist. Rudder Grange, Lady or Tiger. Stowe, Mrs. Harriet B., 1812 — . Novelist. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Minister's Wooing. Taylor, Bayard, 1825-78. Traveler, poet, novelist. Views Afoot, Story of Kennett. Terhune, Mrs. Mary V., "Marion Harl and," 1830 — . Novelist. Thaxter, Mrs. Celia, 1836 — . Poet. Thomas, Miss Edith, 1854 — .. Poet. Thompson, Maurice, 1844 — . Poet, novelist. Tourgee, Albion, 1838 — . Novelist. A Fool's Errand. Trowbridge, John T., 1827 — . Story writer, poet. Twain, Mark, see S. L. Clemens. Van Alstyne, Mrs., "Fanny Crosby," 1823 — . Writer of Sacred Songs. Wallace, Lew, 1827 — . Novelist. Ben Hur. Warner, Chas. D., 1829 — . Essayist, humorist. Being a Boy. Warner, Miss Susan, 1819-85. Novelist. Wide, Wfde World. Watterson, Henry, 181 1 — . Ed. Louisville Courier -Journal. Whipple, E. P., 1819-86. Essayist. White, Richard G., 1822-85. Essayist. Words and Their Uses. Whitman, Walt, 18 19 — . Poet. Leaves of Grass. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T., 1824 — . Poet, novelist. We Girls. AMERICAN LITERATURE. Whitney, Wm. D wight, 1827 — . Philologist. Wilcox, Mrs. Ella W., 1845 — . Poet, novelist. Wilson, Robert Burns, 1850 — . Poet. Winchell, Alexander, 1824 — . Scientist. Sketches of Creation. Woolsey, Miss Sarah C, "Susan Coolidge," 1845 — • Poet, juvenile writer. Woolson, Constance F., 1848 — . Novelist. Youmans, Wm. J., 1838 — . Ed. Popular Science Monthly. I-S* * CONGRESS 'Mr W7 I65 7 7 |7 ,,,l ^|