hi ^5^ 2_ .1^484. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 028 049 1 p6Rnulif6« E 458 .2 ...e.i -"^SS NORTH AND SOUTH SEVEN POINTERS OF THE NOKTll STA1{. THE "^lEDI A TOR BETWEEN Oil TIT!-: THOUGHTS OF AN AMERICAN JN THE WILDERNESS. Hise America ! The time has arrived! Take tlie lead in breaking prejudice chains When custom or doctiines are ii) tl.e way. ilel'.-)>reservati()n is ilie urst law uf isninif. i;Ai;rjMonr; Copy 1 X ^^ •I .m If" $ ^^ TJIOUGHTS OF AN AMERICAS IS THE WILDEIINESS. Motto:— If we help ourselves, God will help us! At present, the world is composed of two parts — nature and soul. Soul is given, to conquer, rule and improve nature. Every white man, has power, more or less tj do so. Plants did grow, when the sun gave light and warmth to the slime of the flood.* Land animals were created, when they could find something to eat on land. Men were made, from a species of the land animals, at the time soul came into existence. The first product of creation was undoubtedly the best, as we see in Asia's origi- nal men and animals. The white man, elephants and horses show for this. Keasen shows that this part of the globe, on account of its elevation, for years, was in- habited by all kinds of land animals, before Africa was in a fit condition to sustain such. The next products of creation were the squareheads of Eastern Asia, the copper-colored race of America next, and then the negro. The doom of the white race is : Never to be in peace and rest like the other races. When one preju- dice is conquered, another reforming genius arises. The bulk of the people have always been against reformers. They are persecuted, and often die the death as martyrs. But their immortal soul performs their work bravely, after their bodies have turned to dust. History shows that only individuals have civilized the world, all of them, without exception, men of the white race. The doc- trines of Confucius, Lycurgus, Solon, Moses, John the Baptist, Jesus Christ St. Peter, John Huss, Martin Luther, George Washington, Napoleon Bona- parte, and others, arc local, therefore liable to changes. The doctrines of men like Homer, Socrates, Solomon, Senaca, and others, are universal truths as lono- as the white race inhabits the earth. Pieasou shows that Confucius was persecuted by his countrymen for being wiser than all the rest. He found a good recep- tion among the Chinese. He established laws there, which elevated the Chinese to the most civilized nation on earth. Proud of this, they build a wall around their empire, to prevent amalgamation with other nations. They shut their gates, and lived several thousand years in peace and happiness, under the opinion, they were the wisest, and most civilized nation on earth, until John Bull and Brother Jonathan knocked a hole in their wall, and dictated laws to them To their surprise, they found out they were 500 years behind times. If other nations had not interfered, it is likely they would have, 2,000 years from now, the same habits, laws, and government they had before the last war. China is not able to produce a reformer among her people, therefore the white man will put his foot upon it. We find no traces of the white man in the history of the aborigines of America, except the remains of some temples on the Pacific shore, which show that the soul of a white man has been the architect of them. The people there look upon them as a mystery. It is reasonable to suppose, that the species of the laud animals, where white men were made from, were also created in the elevated regions of America, the same, as in Asia. They became men, as we see on their edifices. It is reasonable to suppose, they were exterminated by the copper colored race. Fur this, (the crime of exterminating their sipjcri ors.) they are punished. The doom of the different tribes (who have not mixed with the whites) is : To die off', under the infiuences of luxury and physic, which the white man brings into their communities. The time will come, when the aborigines of America, will be called a race that has been. The first settlers of the country soon found themselves in possession of lar<''e tracts of land. It was a rule in the country they came from, that land-owners were not supposed to work hard. Notwithstanding, it was necessary for the land-owners either to work hard or starve ; and to overcome what they deeinod i an evil, they coumienccd the traffic in negroes from Africa. It proved success- ful, and they continued on till stopped by Government. What a folly ! The Chinese, an inferior race to us, build a wall to prevent foreign nations from amalgamation with their race, and we, a nation of white men, with an oppor- tunity to be the greatest power on earth, imported the negro, a brute with the resemblcince of a human, to breed on our lands and amalgamate with us. That a negro is a brute is a fact. The difference between men and animals is : That a man has a soul and an animal has none. Some people are under the delusion that a negro has a soul, because he has religion. Religion is one of the animal propensities. For instance, take ignorant men, a stallion or gelding, bull or ox, how often they get afraid of something, when they have no occasion to be afraid of it. It is called fretting in animals, and after it is cultivated, it is called pious in us. Conscience is not so much developed in animals as in men. A negro can ape after a white man. He can be made a lawyer, doctor, preacher, or mechanic, by j)atiently teaching him, but out of his brain an improvement never came. For instance, take a lot of negroes, the mo-t civilized in the United States, of pure African blood; give them provisions for several years, domestic animals and tools, send them to an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean, and let them have no communication with white men. The natural consequences will be, in two generations they are, what their forefathers were in Africa. Take a lot of white men, only of the common class, give them the same op- portunity, and after one generation they will have improved themselves, although the most mistakes and greatest iniquities are found in the white race. Nothing shows for the negro that he has a soul; therefore he should be classed among the animals. Where white men have not interfered with him, he lives like such, and is inferior to the beaver, swallow, honeybee, or pismire. The negro was the cause of secession. After the war for the Union is over, the negro will be the cau.se of another war, more cruel than history ever re- corded, if no decisive means are taken to settle the negro question. Our armies are now invading the South. Our s-^ldiers, after getting familiar with the countrv and institutions there, will see the folly of the emancipation bill. In the Gulf States, where the white people increases slowly, the negro breeds prolific. If the negro there, is not kept by master and whip, he will impose upon the white man. The climate and his majority favor him there. Negro property was born and raised with the Southern people. The think- ing men there, recognize it as a national sin. This evil is a hundred years old, and it takes a Iiundred years to cure it effectually. The negro question has been discussed in Congress for many years. Piles of books have been written about it, and it has been the cause of many street- fights and duels. When argimient is exhausted, and no judge or jury can be found powerful enough to settle a dispute and enforce a judgment or sentence, the case will fall back to the law of nature, and the parties will fight it out, the same as two low- bred, or passionate men, or two cocks would fight out a dispute or grudge be- tween thorn. If one party is considerably weaker than the other, peace is soon restored. But when the slavery* and anti-slavery parties go to war, U. S. will never recover. Such war is one of nature's elements; in a short time it sweeps the country of many years' improvement and leaves thousands of mourning and starving women and children, and the negro question unsettled. The negro question is like the oracle of the Gordian knot, which said : ' ' Whoever unlooses this knot shall be ruler over this country." The priest knew if a man attempted to un- loose a knot with his fingers which could not be unloosened that way, such a man was not fit to regulate a government in disorder. Alexander the Great on want to emancipate the negroes, and as a natural consequence his travels, came to this place, looked at the knot, took his sword, and cut it." The United States, in this crisis, wants such a man. Why cannot, like in olden times, a reformer arise, and save the country from destruction. But it seems the people are so degenerated and selfish, that not a man in the nation can be found, to forfeit his peace, property and life, voluntarily, to introduce a reform, for the good of his country. Every sin is liable to punishment, it may be an individual or national sin. The sins of the fathers are persecuting their children to the third and fourth generations. Our forefathers did not traffic with the negroes with a good con- science. They knew, it was natural and good for a man to earn his bread with the sweat of his brow. The time of punishment has arrived, and will persecute us until we have found a remedy to cure the evil, which would be how to get rid of the negroes, with a clear conscience and profit to the nation. We cannot colonize or eman- cipate them with a clear conscience. Old diseases often require desperate reme- dies of a character that the relation of the patient will not allow applied, and the patient dies helpless. To find a remedy, we must throw all prejudice aside, and with the dignity and power of white men, take help from the clear foun- tains of truth. 1st. Let U. S. take all colored persons, with less than three-fourths white blood, for the purpose, of redeeming all treasury notes, north and south; and to give pensions, to all disabled soldiers; and for the support of the wives and children of deceased soldiers, in all the States from Maine to Texas. 2d. Let every colored child, with less than three-fourths white blood, born after the year 1874, if male be castrated ; if female spayed. od. Slavery of any kind is inconsistent v/ith a republican form of govern- ment, therefore negro slavery, should be entirely abolished, and all colored per- sons should be called by no other name than negro property, and such property should have all the benefits of the Christian religion. 4th. To suppress the accumulation of riches, luxury and avarice, (the natural consequences of such laws,) one-tenth of all the produce of the negro owners should be given to the poor in Europe, clear of the expense of collecting and distributing those sacrifices. 5th. With the passage of these kws, all foreigners should be Americanized, and put on an equality with the natives, after taking the oath of allegiance. 6th. No more Chinese, Mexican or other colored races, should be permitted to become citizens or residents of the United States. 7th. To extinguish the different nationalities, all European, Chinese, Mexi- cans and Indians, should not marry in their own nationalities. These laws will find opposition, but they must be enforced or the nation will perish. If we help ourselves, God will help us ; but if we insist upon our preju- dices and passions, unbecoming to civilized white men, other nations will inter- fere and govern us. We are too much degenerated, for the majority of our people to appreciate these doctrines, but if there is a spark of the fire of Pro- metheus alive in us, these laws will be gospel and the nation saved. All the objections in the way of our freedom and progress we have removed, •except the negro question. If we cannot overcome it, we deserve to be tramped upon by other nations. We have a right to enforce such laws, by answering the question: "Which shall go under, the United States or the negro ?" Is not the earth given to the white man, to conquer and rule it .' Have we not more right to alter the rising generation of the negroes, than we have to alter our colts, calves, or pigs ; and it is not so cruel, as to send tiiose negroes, which are accustomed to civilized life, to another country, to starve there, for want of enei'gy and industry to make a living. The sufForings and clamorings of such negroes would bring the wrath of God upon us. The emancipation of the negroes in the country would result in the rapid amalgamation of the races. Colored people will marry white people for ambi- tion, and white people will have connection with the colored race for pleasure's sake. If the negroes are free the penalty of death will not prevent tbe races from amalgamating. Although it is a greater sin, for white people, in this country, to have connection with negroes than it is to have connection with the other domestic animals. The former results with the increase of the national weed, and the latter is a sin, only aifocting the individual's soul and body who commits the act. These thoughts are out of the every day's business line, and will excite dis- gust with many readers. Virtue has been punished in our country, because it was out of every day's business line. The disgust with the doctrine of castrat- ing and spaying the newborn negroes, arises more from ignorance, mock mod- esty, or cowardice, than humanity. Well-bred or brave men are very apt to appreciate those doctrines. Men, like animals, when they see something strange or monstrous, are afraid of it. After they examine those strange objects, they get familiar with them. When runaway negroes, in Texas, on their way from the settle- ments to Mexico, fall into the hands of the Comanche Indians, they treat them aeither as friends or enemies, but take them for what they really are. They castrate them and keep them as the rest of their live stock, negro slavery being as strange to them as horse or ox slavery is with us. But, as the Comanches are bad surgeons, and these negroes are adults, it is likely that many of them die under the operation. At the same time they are anxious to steal Avhite women and children, to keep up their tribe, which is de- creasing by diseases, which the white man has introduced, and they do not know how to cure. It is considered a crime with them to castrate a colt or calf, and inhuman to amputate a diseased limb of a man. They act as philosopliers of their race by castrating the n"groes and stealing the whites : and as fools, by abhorring cas- trating of colts and calves, and amputating diseased limbs. If we want to keep the supremacy of the white race, we sliould not be ashamed to cultivate certain virtues of other nations or tribes — even of the Co- manche Indians. The duty of Government is to preserve unity and peace in the cation it rep- resents. In Governments (they may be despotical, monarchical, or republican,) it is a good motto, if they are going to do anything, to do it as good and perfect as it can be done ; and if it is a serious job, they should bear in mind the world is narrow, but the brain is wide Evils have turned to blessings by properly managing them. The present war, if it should terminate in the restoration of the Union and the final, reasonable, and gradual disposal of the negroes, will prove a benefit to the country. >' When we study the history of nations past, and see tte current of our present aflFairs, we have a gloomy future before us. To stop the current of national afiairs is a task, that never has been done by a republican government Is any thing impossible, because it never has been done? It can be done. This should be sufiicient for a nation of freemen to do it at once. By doing it, we shall confuse the heads of the European ari.stocrats, who pre- dict our destruction in this war. We show the world a nation of free white men, ■who can overcome their prejudices, and revive where other republics fell. Words are wind, lotters dead, but actions are recorded in tlie memorandum of God. In order to give weight to those arguments the life of the author will come in question. If it corresponds witii his thoughts, he is a reformer of thc/nine- tcenth century. Written in the name of T-od. whom he f^erves. ]' ATKIOT, (iCTOEtR, 1SG2. From Texas / LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS ■ill 012 028 049 1^