.^S7j^ ^<--/i^:Uu/zSt^6 I TBRftRY OF CONGRESS iHi. n a^'X 7B4 069 / 013 764 069 LBTTLi L8I2(irS LiTTEB« ..<-jf..„. -A £:u/^.^^.^^. ^ This loHcn~->nn'> o/)«/ I-. « 7„'«T- —•-.J .. - - JMe Ii5;tt3 Ittte ta !i »k ?n yotc aie aMe €o ^a u^i, Qr ^^M you ^o mU'le to 9716, ana teu 9716 a// yoai tlcuO-^:^: &7icme(J yoco mc// /one/ a /lodtaae i^taTn/i. of /eve at Q4o. QAiu/-Q4ind-meet. cZ/y. '}ai O/u'enc/, LIZZIE S- ^ y aie fna7zu omeU Aeie mat /ii^ ^yi^tt t'i^ dtitvcna t(/im. Q/ ex/iect to no Aome to dee 'Tn'^- e/eai /uene/i> once ■?7zoie. Q^7?t ^^eiy■ t/ia7i/'/u/ t/iat tAe ^lUmtene tii^ aiantecf, a7ic/ Q/ tiu^ tfe i^/ia// Aai/e a AaA/i7/' meetma. ^X^eai ■:^/^t'zcece, Q/ '7nuiit c/o:^e. Qyflay ^/^oc/ t'^/edd- 'uou, t'd 'my- /i^iayei. j^tte •m^e agatn. Q^ctctiedd' y-otci /uenei, Fourth Mich. Cavalry, Nashville, Tenn. Tlwre is evidence that S L iV ims truly converted by means of Lizzie's letter, and is a most zealous and usefid Christian soldier. It is suggested that children make for the soldiers the Utile article called "Housewives " and with the pins, needles, thread, buttons, etc., put also in them a kind letter to a soldier, and send them with prayer, to George H. Stuart, Chairman United States Christian Commission, 13 Bank- i street, Philadelphia. \ AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, 150 NASSAU-STKEET, NEW YOKK. W a77Z notv- neai^ ii/e/f; ti/cu ^e au^ io torn ttpu ieaim^en^ ^o /ace me ene?ny / anc/ i/ Q/ ^Aau/a /au on Me ^aM^-/ce/c/, Q/ ■may ■Aave me Me^i^ec/ aMaiance o/ tftee^ina TJiy- '^^vmtii in /leace. ^e^, "^ie i4 a nayiyiy /anc/." Q^Cay we mee^ in ^ai da/i/iy /anc/. Q/ c/o nof mcnA mai 9?tu /e-^tiA. ^o/f/,ieU tm // c /e^ei me /io7n ^eiwna Tfii^ Q//Ca4M. QyAeU^ This letter vjas sent by a little girl seven years of age, with a Testament, to " some sick soldier" in the hospital at Nashville, and given by a delegate of the United States Christian Commission to the first soldier in the Convalescent ward in hospital No. 8 who rose to request prayer for his salvation, in the first meeting there after the precious Testament and letter amved at Nashville. A few days after, he wrote to Lizzie the fol- lowing reply. of iecet'mc/ youi, dmc/ /e^iei Aont O/Zi. ^, of. Q// ©r i^eaufUa/ Yile^en^ i?zc/eec/, anc/ Q/ {hc^t ii wt,'// /e one o/ {/i,e m€a?iS o/ cojiveUi?ia omeU, aS tt^e// ad- me iecectfei. ^"f/au H2-oc/ //eA me aivei. ^oic i/ave c/one a nooc/ tc^oid. ^onlc?iu0 ^o ^iia?y, c/eal i^tAM, a7ic/ ^~^oc/ zcac//' a7Uz(Aei 'uou. G/Le t^ayd do i'?t d'a ic^oic/. Q^/u c/cai Tncmei a m me aiai/e. Q/i t'd- ncai^ e/even yeaid H'?ice dde o/cec// /u^ me c/c'ec/ AaAyi^/, a?ic/ Q/ Ikaf &r /^/la// meef /iei i?v /leciven. Q/ tm/f ^i7/- anc/ 5*5 /oi Tnyde^. (^Lave /een /n ^ne Aod/i,c'ta/ i^ui D. T. Merkley. iaApt907 Copy 1 mi/ dcve7i "^eaU o/a. Q/ -KAanl /