wmssmmsmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmmsmmwm^^ I OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN H D 21 N7 Copy 1 i N I VER Book. t GopyrightlJ^. COPYRIGOT DEPosrr. OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY Old World Steps to American History BY HARMON Ba^VNIYER Author of "A School History of England' ATKINSON, MENTZER & COMPANY Boston New York Chicago Atlanta Dallas ^^ ^ ^-^ Copyright, 1915, BY HARMON B. NIVER. APR 12 ISIo ©CI.A397538 PREFACE THIS book has been prepared by combining the author's two earlier vobames on " Great Names and Nations," Ancient and Modern. In the preface to the second volume it was stated: " The idea that first lessons in history should be given in chronological order, is one that has gained strength in recent years. This study as usually pursued in our elementary schools begins and ends with our own country — a method which leaves the children profoundly ignorant of the rest of the world, and gives them the most erroneous ideas of the relative age and importance of the United States." While a patriotic pride in the land of our birth is a most commendable quality, an arrogant self- sufficiency is as deplorable in nations as in men. It is highly desirable and entirely practicable to give children in our elementary schools, through story- telling and reading, some notion of the great actors in the world's history and of the beginnings of the great modern nations of which the United States is one. When the pupil has some understanding of " how the world has come to be known as we find it today," he is prepared to take up with fuller appre- ciation, the story of his own country. To furnish this background for the study of American history is the purpose of the present volume. Especial attention has been given to the great leaders in the world's history and to the rise of the nations contemporary with the United States. The migrations of mankind from the ear- liest ages, and the great inventions and discoveries which have shaped the history of the world, have also been made prominent. In short, it has been our purpose to fully conform to the spirit and letter of the new " Course of Study in History " for the public schools. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. ANCIENT HISTORY. PAGE The Study of History 1 The Chinese Republic 6 Japan 19 India 23 Egypt 38 Assyria and Babylonia 47 The Phoenicians 56 The Hebrews 59 Media and Persia 63 Greece 69 Rome 107 The Republic 120 The Empire 140 MEDIAEVAL HISTORY. The Barbarian Invaders 157 Clovis 161 The Beginning of England 166 Mohammed and the Saracens 170 The Empire of Charlemagne 181 The Northmen 191 The Norman Conquest of England 201 The Crusades 209 Beginning of New Nations 218 The Revival of Learning 227 MODERN HISTORY. The Search for the Indies 236 Peter the Great and Russia 246 People Against Kings 253 The Settlement of New Lands 270 The New German Empire 277 How Italy Became One Nation 290 The Turks 299 The American Republics 307 ANCIENT HISTORY I. THE STUDY OF HISTORY TVIIOSE COUNTRY IS THE BEST There is an old poem about four German kings who met together, and were boasting, each about the merits of his own country. " My land is great and powerful," said the Saxon king, " because of the treasures of silver, found in the deep mines among the mountains." " Behold my land," cried the king from the Rhineland; "its valleys are covered with golden harvests, and the vineyards on its hills yield the best of wine." " I have great cities and rich churches," cried Louis of Bavaria, " which make my land better than yours." Eberhard, the king of Wiirttemburg, then spoke : " My country has only small cities, and its mountains yield no silver. My greatest treasure is the love of my people." Then the other kings said to Eberhard: " Your wealth is greater than ours, and your country has the most costly treasure." 1 2 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY If I were to ask you what country you think the best, you would answer, like the German kings, " My own." The German loves his " Father- land," the Englishman his " Mother Country," the Frenchman, his " Beautiful France," the China- man, his "Flowery Kingdom," and the Japanese, his " Sunrise " Land. The country that we love most, is the best country. OLD COUNTRIES AND NEW COUNTRIES How shall we tell the age of a country? We speak of the " Old World," and the " New World," and of " Old Countries " and " New Countries." We say that Columbus " discovered the New World and the Indians who inhabited it"; but the New World was here and the Indians were here, thou- sands of years before Columbus came. The birthday of our own country was July 4, 1776. It was on that day that the EngHsh colonies declared their independence of Great Britain and became a new nation. When a country separates itself from another country and begins a life of its own, we may call it a new country or a new nation. We call America the New World because a new race of people came into it and made it their own. Nations are like men: they are born, they grow up, and pass away. Some nations have been living THE 8TUDY OF HISTORY 3 for thousands of years; others have lived only a few centuries, or a few years. IMMIGRATION Most countries of the world have been settled by people from older countries. Men are like cer- tain birds and animals ; they are migratoi^y , that is, they move from place to place in search of new homes where they can live more comfortably. Our country was settled by people from the countries of Europe, and people from these countries are still coming to America at the rate of about a million a year. When we study the history of the countries from which these people come, we find that Spain, England, France, Germany, and other countries of Europe, were themselves settled by people who emigrated from countries lying still farther east. Even the very oldest nations, the Chinese, the Japanese and the Hindus, have not always occupied the country where they now live. Their legends tell us that their ancestors came from some older country in Central Asia. The Greek and Roman legends also, say that the first people who came into Greece and Italy, once lived in Asia. Oh account of these stories it has been thought that the first home of the human race was somewhere in Asia; but the oldest nations of that continent have long since passed away and have left no records. 4 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY WHERE THE STUDY OF HISTORY BEGINS Where, then, shall we begin our study of his- tory? We cannot begin with our own country, be- cause all of us or our ancestors have come from other countries across the ocean. We cannot begin with England, Germany, or France, because those countries were settled by people from older coun- tries. Let us think for a moment what history is. We may call it a stoi^y of the lives of nations. But in order to study such a story we must have books or records of some sort. Now, the oldest nations did not know how to write, and all that we know about them must be found out from the stories handed down from one age to another, or from the monuments and works which they left. We be- lieve that the oldest nations are those of Asia and of Northern Africa, but we do not know whether China or India or Egypt is the oldest nation still living. It will be convenient, however, to begin our study with the nations of Asia, because throughout the history of the world, men have moved from the east toward the west. WHY WE SHOULD STUDY HISTORY Why do you love your country? Perhaps it would be better to ask first " Why do you love your home? " Your home is a comfortable place in THE STUDY OF HISTORY which to Hve; it provides you with food, shelter, and the other necessities of life. Your parents provide for your wants, and do all they can for your comfort and happiness. We love our coun- try because it is a safe and comfortable home; be- cause it protects our lives and property; because it protects us in whatever part of the world we may happen to be. We love our country, too, because of the great deeds of those who founded it, and who built up its cities and its schools, who fought its battles, and who made it one of the great and powerful nations of the earth. If we study the history of our country, we shall love it more and we shall try to do all that we can to make it a better country. II. THE CHINESE REPUBLIC Though China was ruled by kings and em- perors for thousands of years, it has recently be- come a republic like that of the United States. During all their early history, the Chinese had little to do with the rest of the world, and the rest of the world knew very little about them. Occasion- ally a traveler from Europe would make his way into China, and on his return would have wonder- ful tales to tell about the wealth and splendor of that distant country and of the other countries through which he had passed. The Chinese have an ancient book telling of a voyage made across the Pacific Ocean in the fifth century, by one of their priests and his companions. The priest's name was Holi-shin, the first part of the name sounding much like our word whey. This company discovered a great country on the east side of the ocean, and called it Fusang, which was their name for a certain cactus plant that grows abun- dantly in Mexico. It is generally believed that the account of this voyage is true. Fusang may have been Mexico, including our State of California, or, possibly, it may have been Peru. But the Chinese seem to have made no use of their discovery of America, as the Europeans nlade of the discovery by Columbus, about a thousand years later. When the people of Europe had learned to THE CHINESE REPUBLIC / make long voyages by sea, they began to search for the rich countries of the East. Columbus was look- ing for China and the Indies, when he accidentally stumbled upon the New World. It was a long time before the Europeans made their way to China, and it was a still longer time before the Chinese would have anything to do with them. Of late years, however, China has greatly changed; or perhaps it would be better to say she has begun to change. She has adopted many of the ideas of Europe and America. She is building railroads, opening mines, and building factories. She has improved her schools and sends her young men and women to Europe and America to be educated in the mod- ern way. And as the greatest change of all, she has driven out her kings and established a govern- ment of the people, which we call a republic. OLD CHINESE CUSTOMS The Chinese ways of doing things are so differ- ent from ours that we think many of them ridicu- lous. But we must remember that thcij have the same opinion of owr ways. It seems strange to begin a book on the last page and read the lines up and down, but tliat is the way a Chinese book is made. In the schools the boj^s sit with their backs to the teacher; and when they study and recite their lessons, they shout as loud as they can. 8 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY When a Chinaman meets a friend on the street he bows low and clasps his hands together, moving them up and down in front of him. If one should be on horseback or riding in a sedan chair or carriage, he must get down on the ground before speaking. If he wears spectacles he must take them off, for it is a great offense to a Chinaman to be looked at through glasses. If either should be too busy to stop he puts a fan before his face. This means, "In a hurry; can't stop today." When you call at a Chinaman's home be care- ful to keep a little ahead of him on entering and leaving, and to sit down at the same time with your host, because it is thought very impolite to sit when others are standing. During your call he will give you a cup of tea, using both hands. This you must receive in the same way; but do not 'drink it until you are ready to go, for a Chinaman never drinks until he wishes to end his visit, and the host then expects him to go at once. You may inquire of a Chinese gentleman how many sons he has and how they are getting along at school, but if you should ask after his wife or daughters he would become your enemy for life. SOME AVISE OLD KINGS The Chinese are very proud of the great age of their country and of the wisdom of their kings. THE CHINESE REPUBLTC They call their emperor the " Son of Heaven," and their empire the " Celestial Empire." They believe that the world itself was made by a great giant, especially for Chinamen, and that they are the greatest and wisest people on the whole earth. They tell us that many, very many years ago the first Chinamen came from a far distant country. For a long time they led a wandering life, living in tents, until their first great king, Yu-Chau, led them into the land along the Yellow River and taught them to build huts from the boughs of trees. But they never forgot their tent life, and the Chinese house is still built to look like a tent. The next king was the wise Su-jin, who, like our Indians, found that he could kindle a fire by rubbing two dry sticks together. He also taught the people how to count the days, by tying knots in a string. Fo-hi found out the use of iron, and Chin-nung invented the plow. The next king was Hoang-ti. Hoang-^i means Yellow Emperor, just as Hoang-/zo means Yel- low River. This emperor divided the year into months and made the first calendar. He also built roads and ships. His wife, Se-ling, taught the people how to unwind silk cocoons and to weave the fiber into cloth. During the reign of Yao and Shun, the Yel- low River caused great destruction and death by 10 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY overflowing its banks. The people call this river China's Sorrow, because of the millions that have been swept away by its floods. The next emperor, Yu, spent nine years in digging canals to drain off the waters. But the unruly stream refused to stay in its new channels, and from time to time, when the spring floods came, it would break over its banks, drowning people and carry- ing away their houses. The greatest of all the old Chinese kings was Che-Hoang-ti, who is sometimes called The Great. When he came to the throne there were a number of kings ruling in difl'erent parts of China who would not obey the Yellow emperors of the Middle Kingdom. But Che-Hoang-ti made war on them and united all their countries into one, which we now call the Chinese Empire. He was really the first emperor. North of China lived a fierce race of yellow warriors called Tartars. They began to break into Hoang-ti's country, killing the people and carrying ofl* their property. He gathered a large army and defeated the Tartars in many battles, driving them back into their own land. To protect his people against these robbers the emperor then began to build the Great Wall, which still stands on the northern border of China. When he was safe from all his enemies, Hoang- ti divided his empire into thirty-six provinces and THE CHINESE REPUBLIC u set a man over each to govern it. He then made a grand tour of his whole country. It had been the custom in China to keep in repair only those roads over which the kings traveled. But Hoang- ti said the people needed good roads as well as the The Great \Vall of China. king, and he caused all of them to be kept in good condition. We have one thing to tell about this emperor that is not so worthy of praise. He had made many changes in the religion and government of China that the learned men did not like. Wishing to gain their favor, he called them all together to a great meeting and explained to them why he had done these things. One man arose and said: " You, O king, are the 12 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY greatest man of all time, and you have done more for the good of your country than all the kings that have lived before you." At this one of the learned men said: " That fellow is a vile flatterer, O king, and is unworthy of the position he occupies. What he has told you is not true; for in our books we read of kings that were far greater and wiser than you." You may be sure that this made Hoang-ti very angry. He declared that if such things were in the books he would destroy them, and that he would put to death any man who should ever speak of them again. Then he commanded that all the books in the Empire should be burned, saving only those which were written about farming, medicine, building, and astronomy. Four hundred and sixty of the learned men who would not obey him he buried alive in a great pit, and many more were put to death. But Hoang-ti and his men could not find all the books. Some were hidden away in secret places, and after his death they were brought out and printed again, so that many of the oldest Chinese books are still treasvired and read by the students and wise men of China. CONFUCIUS, THE CHINESE SAGE A sage is a wise man, and Con-fu'-cius, or Kung-Fu-tse, was the wisest Chinaman that ever lived. THE CHINESE REPUBLIC 13 The names of persons, like everything else in China, are upside down. John Smith would be called Smith John, and Willie Jones, Jones Willie. Confucius belonged to the Kung family, and was named Fu-tse, or The Teacher. His father, Kung- Heih, who was a soldier and a judge, died when the little Confucius was only three years old, so that his mother brought him up. She sent him to school, where he astonished everyone by his knowledge. He became so famous that he w^as appointed to a public office at the age of seventeen. When his mother died, a few years later, he left his office and went into mourning for three years, as the custom is in China. After that he became a teacher of young men, for he thought he could do the most good in that way. So many came to learn of him that at one time he is said to have had 5,000 pupils. Once he was passing with his pupils through a field where a man was snaring birds. After watching for a while Confucius said to the man: "I do not see any old birds here. Where have you put them? " " The old birds are too wary to be caught," re- plied the hunter, " and the young ones which fly with them also escape. I can catch only those that fly by themselves, or that go in company with other young birds." "Do you hear that?" asked Confucius of his 14 CK» w«Bij> 5Y5z^ r^:« amehcax hethikt The Toon^ luds escape onhr when ther In Has wsT he wtnU teach his piqMls to re s pe c t and obey tteir paifnts and teachos^ and also to fed- low Ike oU cnslims of ^!!^ i-fmitrT, si^ Confb*: _ ^ : -eventy-three te _ _ 'WTitiiigs f>f ^^ cfTT r H r ^ _ 3^>^ of H- — -:if B. £ :: Rires. --. 2 ■: : Jies, V izid Airr^ziz - These It 7 7 '^ just - T : _ _ :) Us 7 : ~ :t t most of and ■" Yes. -bat yoa wmldnot 7 ' :oyoa- Hoe;^: . dns: To see _._: _ ^ _ do it k to be a eowazd. He wi - . - Hr--- h-i^ zTt to whom be : T"'^ ' :^ -'- -low in his words and ear _ " iiig^ by Confocios THZ CHES-Z.-Z RZPTTBLIC 15 was the duty of cfafldren to love and obey iixsr parents when alive, and to h<»0r and worship them after death. When a Chinaman does wronsr or changes the old ways he is thought to dishonor the memory of his parents, and there is no greater crime than this in China. HOW THE CHESTIiE CaAIZ TO wy ^R PIGTAILS Many years after Confucius and the great Che- Hoang-ti had passed away the yellow robbers of the Xorth came climbing over the Great Wall into China. The Emperor had brave soldiers to guard the wall and see that no one should cross it : but now the Tartars had grown very strong and the Chinese were not able to keep them out. Their king was called Gen'-ghis Khan, a name meaning Very flighty King. Genghis was one of the greatest generals that ever Hved. and he conquered all of central and southern Asia and killed millions of people. He did not hve long enough to subdue the Chinese, for they fought bravely. But his grand- son. Ku'-blai Khan, carried on the war until the Chinese were forced to yield. Their great leader. General Chang, escaped to Indo-China. where he raised a large lieet for a last attack on the Tartars. But it was caught in a terri- ble storm in the China Sea and Chang was drowned. Kublai Khan then became the first Tartar em- peror of China. He compelled every Chinaman to 16 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY shave the top of his head and to braid the rest of his hair in a queue as a sign that he was the slave of the Tartars. Kublai Khan built the city of Pekin, which is still the capital of the Chinese Empire. The city was eight miles square and surrounded by a high wall. Within the outer wall was another city, six miles square, and within this still another, one mile square. In the inner square was the royal palace, containing dining halls for hundreds of guests, and there were hundreds of other rooms, made very beautiful with pictures and statues. The palace was surrounded by a park and a lake, where the king fished and hunted. Outside of the park the king kept his army of a hundred thousand men al- ways ready for war. Marco Polo, a traveler from Venice in Italy, once visited Kublai at Pekin and remained many years at his court. When he re- turned home he wrote an account of his visit. He told his countrymen all about the wonderful land of China, with its wealth of gold and jewels, and his stories made the people of Europe eager to visit the rich country. SOME CHINESE IN^^NTIONS The Chinese have made many useful inventions, some of which have been made also in other coun- tries. The people of Europe, for example, began to use the mariner's compass about the year 1300; THE CHINESE REPUBLIC 17 but the Chinese understood the use of this instru- ment probably 2,000 years before that time. The art of printing also has been practised in China for several thousand years. It was discovered in Europe only in the time of Columbus. The Chinese were the first discoverers of the art of making gun- powder, but the only use they made of it was in celebrating festival days. This discovery was made in Europe about 2,000 years later by Roger Bacon It is interesting to note that the Chinese forbade the making of gunpowder when they found that it was dangerous to human life ; but when the peo- ple of Europe found that human life could be de- stroyed by the use of gunpowder, they were all the more eager to manufacture guns and rifles. One of the most useful discoveries of the Chinese was the art of reeling the fiber from the cocoons of the silk worm and of manufacturing the silk into cloth. When the people of Europe first saw Chinese silk, they thought that the fiber was obtained from some kind of plant. The Chinese kept the secret carefully, but it was eventually dis- covered by some travelers from Europe, who took home with them some eggs of the silk worm con- cealed in a bamboo rod. Thus the cultivation of silk was introduced into Europe. The Chinese discovered also the way to make porcelain and paper. All nations have found out how to make potter}^ of some sort, but the Chinese 18 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY manufactured beautiful vases and other articles from clay several thousands of years ago. The Chinese made paper from rice straw and they now make many varieties of paper goods which are sold to all parts of the world. III. JAPAN We have no means of learning anything about the very early history of Japan. The Japanese learned the art of writing from China about 2,000 years ago. Before that time there was no means of keeping records, and we have to depend upon what we can learn from the records of other nations. The Japanese stories of the early times tell us that the first Japanese came from somewhere in the western part of Asia. They tell us that their first king, whose name was Jimmu, began his rule about 660 B. C. At that time the people believed that their ruler was descended from a god and that he became a god again after he died. The old religion of Japan was a worship of dead kings and heroes. The war god of old Japan is O'-jin, who was once a noted warrior. The Japa- nese take great pride in soldierly qualities. They are brave and hardy. They are very courteous and dignified in their intercourse with strangers. Every man is ready to fight and to give his life for his country in case of need. In the early times Japan was greatly troubled by the wars of rival kings and chiefs. It was like the condition of Germany in the Middle Ages, when the nobles were often stronger than the king. The warlike chiefs, or shoguns, at last got con- trol of the government, and the mikados retired to 19 20 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY private life. It was not until 1868 that they were restored to their old power and position. When the Tartars overran China and made themselves masters of that country, they tried also to take Japan. The Tartar emperor sent a great fleet in 1281 to make the conquest of the islands. But a tj'phoon, or fierce tropical storm, swept over the sea and completely wrecked the Tartar fleet. Gradually the Japanese established a feudal system. The shogun was the chief lord, and his vassals were called dai'-mi-os. They ruled over the various provinces, or divisions, of the empire. In 1889 a constitution was adopted, giving the people the right to vote and to take part in making laws. Japan is therefore now a constitutional mon- archy, like England or Germany. NEW JAPAN In 1855 the President of the United States sent Commodore Perry to Japan to make a treaty which would allow Americans to visit that country and trade with the merchants there. This was the first time that Japan consented to allow foreigners to come into their country. After the treaty was made we sent a Mr. Harris to Japan as minister. A minister is one who looks after a country's interests in a foreign land. Mr. Harris was re- ceived with great honor. Men were sent ahead to see that the road and bridges over which he must JAPAN 21 pass were in order. People were asked to sweep the streets clean in front of their houses. And they were forbidden to gather in crowds to look at the procession, as this in Japan is not considered pohte. One of the mikado's palaces was given him to live in during his stay at the capital. Every street that he passed through and every place that he visited was selected beforehand, so that every- where he might receive every courtesy and kindness. The most wonderful thing about Japan is the quickness with which she learned the ways of civilized nations. For years she annually sent five hundred young men to England, France, Ger- many, and the United States. These young men remained in foreign countries to get an education. They studied the arn ies and navies of these coun- tries. They studied the laws, occupations, and the manufactures of the people among whom they lived. When they returned to their own land they taught their countrymen the best things they had learned. The Japanese soon began to make the articles that they brought from abroad. They learned to build their own war vessels, to make their own can- non, rifles, and ammunition. They drilled their soldiers after the German method, because they thought that the best. They built railroads and telegraph and telephone lines. During the yeais since Commodore Perry visited them, they 99 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY have made as much progress as other nations have made in two hundred years. They are called the Yankees of the East, be- cause they are so ingenious; they are called the French of the East, because they are so polite; and some one has called them the English of the East, because they are so persevering. They have taken to themselves all the good qualities of the other nations. In 1904-05 Japan engaged in war against Russia, because that country did not keep an agree- ment she made to take her armies out of China. Russia despised the Japanese, calling them yellow dwarfs. But in a few months the "dwarfs" sank all the war vessels that Russia had in that part of the world. By stubborn perseverance and skillful fighting they took from Russia the strong fortress at Port Arthur that Russia declared could not be taken. The Japanese defeated Russia's armies in many battles by their superior skill, and drove her out of China. Japan is now counted among the great nations of the world. IV. INDIA THE HINDUS North of India once lived a people who called themselves Ar'-yans, or the noble race. They kept cattle, sheep, and pigs. They also raised wheat, which they cut with a sickle and drew away in wagons with wooden wheels and axles. The women spun wool and wove it into cloth, and the men tanned the skins of animals into leather for shoes. They built canoes and skiffs in which they sailed upon the rivers, and for weapons they had spears and the bow and arrow. After a time the Aryans began to leave their country. Some climbed the snowy passes of the mountains and settled along the Indus River in northern India. There they found a dark-skinned people. They drove them out and took the land for themselves. They soon spread over the Indus valley and came to be called Hindus, or Dwellers on the Indus. Then they moved southward into the great plain of the Gan-ges, driving the native tribes across the hills into the Dec'-can, as the high plain in the south of India is called. There is an old collection of hymns from which we learn much about the Hindu religion. A favor- ite god was In'-dra, the god of rain. Without rain the crops fail, and the people die of hunger. 23 24 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY Indra was thought to fight battles with the clouds and compel them to give forth rain. Agni was the god of fire, Soma the god of wine. After a time this simple worship became a wicked idolatry. Human beings were sacrificed in honor of idols. The chief gods became Brah'ma, the Creator; Vish'-nu, the Preserver, and Si'-va, the Destroyer. At O-ris'-sa there is a temple of the god Vishnu. At the yearly festival in honor of the god a great wagon containing the idol was drawn through the streets, and men and women would throw them- selves under the wheels and be crushed to death. They believed that this pleased the god, and that he would make them happy after death. The Ganges is regarded as a holy river, and the Hindus will travel hundreds of miles to bathe in its waters. The Hindus are divided into four great classes called " castes." The priests, or Brah'-mans, are the first, or highest caste. The soldiers and rulers form the second caste. The farmers and mechan- ics are the third, and the lowest caste is composed of common laborers. A man must always remain in the caste in which he was born and follow the business of his father. According to their belief, if he lives a good life his soul may pass at death into the body of an infant born into a higher caste, but if a Hindu does not remain in his caste and INDIA 25 keep all the rules of his religion, then his soul may enter the body of an animal or of an insect, and thousands of years must pass before he can hope to again become a man. At the same time that Confucius was teaching the Chinese to return to the old ways of living, a man arose in India who opposed the foolish ideas of the Brahmans. This man was Prince Sidd-hartha, or Gau- ta'-ma, whose beautiful life, spent for the good of his fellows, is made familiar in our time by the pop- ular poem of Sir Edwin Arnold entitled "The Light of Asia." The story is legendary in its de- tails. It is interesting to note that Jesus of Naza- reth came, with His religion of love and purity and peace, almost midway in time between the gentle Gautama and the fierce conqueror JNIahomet. GAUTAMA BUDDHA Gau-ta'-ma was the son of a king in northern India. In later life he was called The Buddha, meaning the Enlightened One. His mother, ]Ma'-ya, was thought to be the most beautiful woman in the world. She died soon after Gautama was born, and he was brought up by his aunt. You will not be surprised to learn that he was a very beautiful boy and that he soon became more thoughtful and wise than any of his playmates. 26 (JLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY When he went to school his teachers soon found that he already knew more than they did. He could write from memory all the old hymns, and in arith- metic the}^ found that he could write numbers large enough to tell how many drops of water would fall upon the earth if it rained every day for ten thou- sand years. Gautama loved to be by himself. He would wander into the forest and stay all day lost in thought. He wanted to do something to help his fellow- men to be happy. He felt that he was in the world to do something, and not to lead a life of pleasure. His father would not allow him to see any un- pleasant thing. People who were old, sick, or poor were kept away from the palace. But one day when the prince was riding with a company of friends in a park, he met an old man, lame, wrinkled, gray- haired, tottering upon his staff. " Who is this man? " he asked of his servant. " Sir," replied the servant, " this man is old, his senses are feeble, his strength is gone, he is despised by everybody and left here to die. But such a fate is not for this man alone; your father and all your relatives and friends shall come to the same state, and there is no other end for living beings." "Alas! " said the prince, " why are we so proud INDIA 27 of our youth, seeing that old age soon comes upon us? Coachman, turn the chariot quickly. What have I to do with pleasure? " Another day, going out again, they met a poor man suffering with fever. Farther on a funeral procession was seen bearing a body to the tomb. He again asked his coachman what these things meant, and learned that all men could become sick and die. Once more he met a tall, thin, stern- looking man, who told the prince that he had left his home and every pleasure; that he was living upon alms, wandering about trying to make him- self better. Gautama liked that kind of life, and one night he left his young wife and his beautiful palace and rode away into the forest. He met an old hunter and gave his beautiful garments of silk for the hunter's yellow coat made from the skin of a stag. He then sought a noted teacher who had a school of three hundred pupils; but he soon went away, for the priest could not tell him the things he wanted to know. He then heard of another still more famous teacher. But even that one could not tell him how to find happiness. He then went away by himself, and after long study he found out how to be happy. During that time we are told that many bad spirits came and tempted him to return to his old life. When they found he w^ould not do this, they came in great armies to kill him. and the rocks and spears which 28 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY they threw at him were changed into flowers which formed in wreaths about his head. When Gautama, or Buddha, as he then called himself, was satisfied that he had found out the true religion, he wanted to teach it to others. Soon he had sixty followers. He sent them out as mis- sionaries to teach others. Buddha declared that the Brahmans played tricks upon the people to get their money. He said that the system of caste was wrong. " Between a Brahman and a man of an- other caste," said he, " there is no difference." This was good news to the poor Hindus. Thieves and robbers, beggars and cripples gathered around him. Mighty kings came also to confess their sins, and even many of the proud Brahmans con- fessed their ignorance before him. The sacrifices to the old idols were stopped. Beautiful churches were built for Buddha. They were open to all classes of people, men and women. Missionaries were sent to Ceylon, to Siam, to Burma, to Thibet, and to China, and many of the people in those coun- tries still hold to the religion of Buddha. ALEXANDER THE GREAT AND KING PORUS Many years after Buddha was dead, the Greek general, Alexander, set out to conquer the world. Alexander was King of Macedonia, and we shall hear about him in the stories of Greece. INDIA 29 He had heard of the rich country of the Hindus along the Indus, and was eager to conquer them. In the eastern part of Af-ghan-is-tan' there is a deep valley across the mountains called " Khai'-her Pass." India, you know, is cut off from the rest of Asia by high mountains, and there are only a few passes by which travelers may reach it. Khai- ber Pass is the chief one, and many mighty armies have come that way to India. At the beginning of summer Alexander brought his army to Ca'-bul, and then came marching down Khaiber Pass into the Pun- jab, or " land of the five rivers." It was the rainy season, and the rivers were so swollen that he had a hard task to get his men across. The Hindus were astonished at the fear- less conduct of the Greeks and a good deal fright- ened by their dangerous-looking swords and spears. Several of the Hindu kings hastened to surrender to Alexander. But when he came to the river bor- dering the country of Porus, that king gathered an army of soldiers, horsemen, chariots, and ele- phants to keep him out. The war-elephants looked dangerous, and Alex- ander sent his soldiers to another place to cross. But Porus also sent his men to meet them, and the Greeks did not dare go into the water. At last Alexander ordered his soldiers to pitch their tents as though they meant to remain there. 30 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY But in the middle of the night he took his bravest men and hurried up the river to a good crossing- place. Long before light they came upon the astonished Porus. The Hindu king and his men fought bravely, but they were no match for the Greeks. Porus was made prisoner and taken into Alexander's tent. " How do you wish me to treat you? " asked Alexander. " As a king," replied Porus. The Greek was so pleased with his brave fight and with his noble answer that he made him his friend and gave him back his kingdom. Alexander's men had grown weary of war, so they went sailing down the Indus to the sea, where they met their ships that were to take them back to Greece. THE MIGHTY MAH'-MOUD For many years after Alexander left India, Porus, his children, and grandchildren were left to rule in peace. But the Hindus were worshipers of idols ; and when people of the Mo-ham'-me-dan re-' ligion began to spread over Asia, they made war on every people who would not accept their faith. Mahmoud, King of Afghanistan, believed that God had commanded him to destroy all idols and idol-worship and to make all Hindus worship the one true God. Many of the idols were made of gold and silver, and the temples were stored with INDIA 31 money and jewels. All this wealth Mahmoiid carried off to his own country. Mahmoud was a mighty warrior. Seventeen times he led liis sol- diers to victory in India. Once he heard of a very rich temple which stood near the sea in western India. As many as 300,- 000 people worshiped the idol, which was made of pure gold. Every day the idol was washed with water brought from the holy river, the Ganges, a thousand miles away. It took two thousand priests and three hundred musicians to conduct the services of the temple. To reach the temple Mahmoud had to lead his army across a wide desert where there was no food or water. • Twenty thousand camels were loaded with water and provisions for the march. When he approached the temple a messenger came out to see him. " You and all your army will be instantly killed by our god," said he, " if you offer any disrespect to his temple." INIahmoud laughed loudly at this. " We will see about that to-morrow," he replied. But when he attacked the walls around the temple, the Hindus fought so bravely that it was several days before he broke through. At last he came in sight of the gold idol, an ugly-looking object over fifteen feet high. He hurled his spear at the idol's head and broke off 32 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY the golden nose. Then the priests fell on their knees about him and cried, " We will load all your camels with gold if you will only leave us our god!" His friends urged him to do this, but Mahmoud said, " No; I have come to destroy idols, as God has commanded me." Then his soldiers threw their spears at the idol until they broke a great hole in its side. Out poured a glittering stream of diamonds, rubies, pearls, and emeralds, which had been stored in the hollow image. Besides this there were thousands of images of gold and silver in various parts of the temple, and Mahmoud carried away more wealth than he had gained in all his former wars in India. When this rich king came to die he had all his gold, silver, and jewels brought out of his treasury and put before him. All his army, elephants, cam- els, horses, and chariots passed in review. Then the king wept at the thought of never seeing any of his treasures again. He retired to his palace and a few days afterwards died. THE GREAT MO-GULS' Near the city of A'-gra, in India, stands a build- ing which is said to be the most beautiful in the world. It is the Taj Ma-hal', or royal tomb of the wife of the Shah Je'-han, the greatest of the Great Moguls. " But who were the Great Moguls? " you ask. INDIA The Moguls, or Monguls, were people of the yellow or Mon^go'-li-an race who conquered India. They drove out the descendants of Mahmoud and made DeF-hi their capital city. After that the Yellow Emperor of India, who lived at Delhi, was called the Great Mogul. The first Mogul in- vader was Ti'-mour, the Lame, or Tam-er-lane', a descendant of the Tartar, Genghis Khan, of whom we have read. His capital was at Sa-mar-cand', in Tur-kes-tan'. He was a very bloody warrior, and delighted to pile up the heads of his prisoners in front of the cities he conquered. When he took Delhi he made a great pyramid of 100,000 heads. Though he stayed only two weeks at Delhi, he caused greater destruction and suffering than any other invader. Many years after his death, Ba'-ber, the great grandson of Tamerlane, who ruled at Cabul, led his army into India and made himself emperor at Delhi. He was the first Great Mogul. Baber died before he could entirely conquer India, but his work was finished by another em- peror, Ac'-bar, who made himself ruler over the whole country. The Mogul emperors were noted for their great wealth and their splendid palaces and festivals. One of the finest holiday celebra- tions was held on the emperor's birthday. There was a fair at which all sorts of goods were sold, and processions were held lasting several days. A 34 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN inSTORY splendid tent was erected for the emperor. There were rich hangings of silk embroidered with gold and precious stones. Each noble also had a rich tent. Several acres of ground were covered with silken carpets and rugs, where the court met to see the ceremonies. On the great day of the festival hundreds of elephants passed in review, having on their heads great golden plates set with gems, and covered with cloths of silk embroidered with gold thread. Next came thousands of horses and trained ani- mals — lions, tigers, rhinoceroses, leopards, and hounds. Then an enormous troop of horsemen, all glittering in cloth of gold, closed the procession. Then a great golden scale was brought out. On one side sat the emperor. The courtiers piled up gold, silver, gems, and curious ornaments on the other side until the mass balanced the weight of the emperor. All the treasures were then scattered among the crowd, and there was a mad scramble to get them. Many forts, towers, and tombs built by Acbar are still standing, but Jehan was the greatest builder; for, besides the Taj Mahal, he left pal- aces at Agra, and a mosque, or church, called the Pearl Mosque, on account of its whiteness and beauty. The throne on which Jehan sat was one of the wonders of the world. It was called the Peacock INDIA 35 Throne, because the back of it was formed by two peacocks with tails spread out. The beautiful col- ors of the plumage were shown by rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds, while just above them was perched a parrot carved from a single emerald. The framework of the throne was solid gold. The The Taj Mahal. throne was worth over thirty millions of dollars, and the jewelers of Shah Jehan labored seven years to build it. Nothing now remains of the throne except the marble base on which it stood; for a king of Persia captured Delhi and carried it away, and no one 36 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY knows what became of it afterwards. The Moguls with all their glory, gold, and gems are gone for- ever, but the palaces, tombs, and monuments which they left are still the most beautiful structures in the world. HOW THE ENGLISH CAME TO INDIA Many tales of the rich Mogul Empire had been carried by travelers to the countries of Europe, and every sea captain was eager to find a way to that land. Many tried in vain. Columbus thought he had found India, but it proved to be a new world. At last a Por'-tu-guese sailor, Vas-co da Ga'-ma, reached Cal'-i-cut on the western coast. Then came the Dutch, the French, and the English. In 1600 the great queen, Elizabeth, gave a company of merchants permission to trade in In- dia. They were called the East India Company. This company built trading stations at Cal-cut'-ta and Ma-dras'. Many years afterwards there was a clerk in their employ at the Madras station named Robert Clive. Clive was noted for his courage. He once accused a young officer, with whom he was playing cards, of cheating. The officer held a pis- tol at Clive's head. " Make me an apology at once," he said, " or I will fire." "Fire away, then," answered Robert; "I said you cheated, and now I say it again." INDIA ^7 The officer did not fire. At this time there was war between the French and the English. The French held Arcot, a city with a hundred thousand inhabitants. With only five hundred men Clive attacked the city and took it. As he came near the town a terrible thunder- storm arose. The natives were afraid to fight dur- ing the storm and soon surrendered. Clive was then besieged in the city by the French with ten thousand men. They had war ele- phants with iron plates on their heads, which were trained to butt against the gates to break them down. But Clive, although besieged for many weeks, drove all his enemies off and saved the town for the English. Soon after this there came terrible news from Calcutta. An Indian prince, Su-ra'-jah Dow'-lah, had captured the English garrison. He locked up 146 of them in a narrow room, where all but twenty-three died of suffocation and thirst in one night. Clive determined to have revenge. He marched to Calcutta with 3,000 men. He defeated the Sura j ah, who had 30,000 men, in the famous battle of Plas'-sey, and thus made the English power strong in India. Since that time the English have conquered the entire country, and the King of England is Emperor of India. But he owes his throne to Robert Clive more than to any other man. V. EGYPT THE LAND OF THE XHE About the time that Confucius was teaching the Chinese to follow the good old ways of their fatliers. and Buddha was teaching the Hindus how to live better lives, an old Greek traveler was writing about the wonderful land of Egypt. '* Egypt." said he. " is the gift of the Xile.'' In that country it rains not more than once in a thou- sand years: but every smnmer the great river, fed by the rains of Central Africa, overflows its banks. All the country then becomes a great Like. The houses are surrounded by water, and the boys and girls go about barefooted, wading from place to place. When at last the waters go away, a thin l?yer of black mud is left spread over all the country. It was on this account that the country was called Kent, meaning black land. Year after year the Xile has been bringing down its layer of black mud. Every year the lake grows wider and the mud deeper, until now the soil of Eg^'pt is deep and rich, and cotton, corn, and wheat grow quickly and yield large crops to feed and clothe the people. Great dams are built to hold back the water, 38 EGYPT 39 and during the long dry seasons the farmers use it to water their gardens and fields. Without the river this rich land would be only a barren waste of sand, where neither plants nor animals could live. The Pyramids. Do you wonder that the old Greek traveler called Egypt the " gift of the Nile "? At the mouth of the river a great three-sided piece of black soil has been left. This is called the "Delta," because the Greek letter delta, or A, is three-sided. The Delta is the richest land in all Egypt. 40 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY Very long ago a company of people came into the Delta to live. They found it very easy to get food from the rich, black soil. They did not need to plow or cultivate. They sowed the grain in the soft mud, and it grew up and gave them a hundred bushels for one. These people were ruled over by kings. They built strong cities, with splendid tem- ples, monuments, and tombs. CHEOPS, THE PYRAMID BUILDER One of these cities was called Mem'-phis. It stood on the left bank of the Nile, and was once ruled over by a great king by the name of Che'-ops. Near Memphis is a wonderful pile of stone which is called the Great Pyramid. It covers as much ground as five city blocks, and is nearly twice as tall as the tallest building in our large cities. It is built of great blocks of hard, red stone, each one as large as a trolley car. The Egyptians must have been good builders, for each one of these stones was cut out in a quarry hundreds of miles up the Nile, and brought all the way to Memphis. Then they had some machinery for raising them high up in the air so that they might be built into the pyramid. For hundreds of years no one knew what the pyramid was for. As it was of no use to anyone, men began to take away the stone to make other EGYPT 41 buildings. But one day, when a workman was busy on the side of the pyramid cutting out a block of stone, a piece fell through an opening and rolled down inside the pyramid with a clattering sound. Obelisk and Ruined Gate to an Egyptian Temple. He called other workmen, and they found a long passage leading into the pyramid. Follow- ing this they came to three large stone rooms, one 42 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN inSTORY of which had beautiful walls and ceilings made of a kind of marble polished until it shone like glass. In the middle of this room was a large stone coffin. There was no dead body within, but upon the walls was written in many places the name of Cheops. Then they knew that this king had built the pyra- mid for his tomb. There are seventy pyramids still standing along the Nile, but that of Cheops is the largest. Nearly all of them were meant to be the burial places of kings. The Egyptians were careful to preserve the bodies of their friends, for they thought that if the body should decay it could never be raised from the dead; so they embalmed it with oils and spices, and wound it with linen. Thousands of such em- balmed bodies are found in the tombs of Egypt. We call them " mummies," and some of them are so well preserved that they still look like the pictures and statues of the kings who once lived in them. It is said that Cheops employed a hundred thou- sand men for thirty years in building the pyramid. He seized the people and made them work as slaves, and even closed the temples in order that he might have all the money for his work. And after spending nearly all his life in building a tomb, his body was not buried in it after all. The people were so angry on account of his wicked deeds that they would not allow it to be placed there, and the EGYPT 43 statues that he had made of himself they broke. The pieces of one of them have been found. THE SHEPHERD KINGS If you look at the map of the continents, you will see that Asia and Africa are joined together by a neck of land called the Isthmus of Suez. This isthmus is a green and delightful country, and was very attractive to the shepherds who tended their flocks among the dry hills of Par-es-tine. Sometimes a famine would compel the shepherds to go down into Egypt to buy food. The granaries of that country were always well filled, and there was plenty to sell to those who needed it. Once the shepherd tribes joined together and formed a kingdom called the Hit'-tite kingdom. One of their kings led them into Egypt, and they fought with the King of Memphis and drove him out. They then made Egypt their own country and lived there for two hundred years. It was in the time of these shepherd kings that the sons of Jacob went down to Egypt to buy corn. They found that their brother Joseph, whom they had sold as a slave, had become the chief officer of the Egyptian king. The Hittites were of the same race as the He- brews and felt friendly toward them. So King Pharaoh invited them into Egypt, and gave them the land of Goshen in which to live. 44 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY ram'-e-ses the great and the hittites After a time the Egyptians drove the Hittite kings out of Egypt, but the Hebrews still remained in the land of Goshen. The Hittites had formed a new kingdom near the Red Sea. Rameses the Great had become King of Egypt, and he was afraid the Hittites were go- ing to attack his land again, so he made war on them. He defeated them in a great battle at Kadesh. A poet who wrote about the battle says that Rameses drove his chariot right through the Hittite army, scattering them right and left and killing many of them. The Hittites were so ter- rified that they tumbled one over another in their flight. When Rameses came back from Kadesh he rode through Goshen. " Who are these people that have these fine sheep and cattle? " he asked. He was told that they were Israelites, who had come into Egypt in the time of the Shepherd Kings. " Well," said Rameses, " there are more of them than there are of us, and some day they will drive us out of our own country, if we do not take care." " They belong to the same race as the Hittites," his servant told him, " and they have been kept hard at work, but, in spite of all that can be done EGYPT 45 to keep them down, they become stronger every year." " Let them be divided into companies of a hun- dred each, and put an overseer at the head of each company," said Rameses, " and set them to making bricks. I am going to build a great wall to shut out these enemies of Egypt." The wall was built. It reached from the Nile near Memphis to the Med-i-ter-ra'-ne-an Sea, a dis- tance of ninety miles. Then the king built a canal from the Red Sea to the Nile. Along the wall and the canal he built " treasure cities." These contained great store- houses and forts, where food and supplies for war were kept. He had plenty of work for them, for he then decided to build a new capital in the Delta. He chose the treasure city Ta'-nis. There he built pal- aces, temples, and gardens, and made it the most beautiful place in the world. When Rameses had finished his wall and his cities he began to build temples. He finished the great temple of Kar'-nak, which his father, Se'-ti, began. The Hall of Columns in this temple is the most wonderful structure in the world. The col- umns are sixty feet high and twelve feet thick. On the outer wall of the Karnak temple is one of the most interesting things in Egypt. The treaty of peace which Rameses made with the Hit- 46 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY tites is carved there. This is the oldest treaty in the world. In some of the larger books about Egypt you may read it all. Whatever the Egyptians build is noted for great size. Rameses had a number of huge statues of himself carved out of the rock. Four of these stand in front of a great temple. Another, which is now broken, stood fifty-four feet high — as high as a four-story building. A beautiful obelisk which Rameses had placed in front of his temple of the sun now stands in a public square in Paris. It is eighty -two feet high and cut out of a single piece of pink granite. Ruins of a Temple of Rameses. VI. ASSYRIA AND BABYLONIA NATIONS THAT ARE DEAD AND BURIED If you turn to the map of the Ancient World and look in the southwestern part of Asia, you will find two rivers, called Ti'-gris and Eu-phra'-tes. These rivers join in the lower part of their course and flow into the Persian Gulf. Like the Nile, they overflow their banks in the rainy season and spread a rich, dark soil over the plains. Thousands of years ago people made their homes along these rivers, because it was very easy to get food. Wheat grew wild there, and when cultivated yielded large crops. Palm trees of many kinds were found, from which were obtained bread, wine, and fruit. The bark furnished a fiber for cloth, and the trunks, wood to build houses. The clay along the river banks, and pitch found in the lakes of the plains, were used to build temples and palaces. The clay was molded into bricks and baked in ovens. Often it was made into slabs and hollow cylinders, which when soft, were written over with curious wedge-shaped letters. They were then baked and became clay books, which last much longer than books made of paper. Rain seldom fell in this region, but the water 47 48 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY of the river was led through the land by a network of canals and used to moisten the growing crops. To-day this great river plain is almost a desert. The traveler sees a vast stretch of level country, with hundreds of mounds or hillocks of earth rising here and there. A few thousand wandering Arabs, living in small villages or tents, form the only population. Many years ago some curious travelers began to dig into these mounds, and made the most won- derful discoveries. They were found to be remains of cities, temples, and royal palaces built by the nations who lived there six thousand years ago. Three great nations, one after another, ruled in this land — Chal-de'-a, As-syr'-i-a, and Bab-y-lo'- ni-a. We can learn much about them from the Bible and from the books of old travelers. But we have learned far more from the clay books, the tem- ples, and carvings which have been dug out of the mounds. We know little about the very earliest people of Chaldea, as we call the southern half of the plain, except that they were of the Yellow race, and that they had a kind of picture-writing re- sembling that of the Chinese. The Bible tells us that Nim'-rod, the great-grandson of Noah and a mighty hunter, was the first settler in this countryc ASSYRIA AND BABYLONIA 49 SARGON The first great King of Chaldea was Sar'-gon I. A clay cylinder tells a story about Sargon which reminds us of Moses. This cylinder was written by Sargon's son and ]jlaced in a temple. It says: " My mother put me in an ark of bulrushes and closed up the door with pitch. She threw me into the river." A water-carrier found the little Sar- gon and brought him up. Sargon was the founder of the first public libra- ries. He translated the books of the older race into his own language and placed them in these libraries for the people to read. These clay books contain stories of the gods of the Chaldeans, and prayers and hymns addressed to them. There are astronomies, geographies, his- tories, and arithmetics. There is a story of the Creation, of the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life, of the Flood and the Tower of Babel, nearly as it is found in the Book of Genesis. There is a story of a great hero named Iz-du-bar", who per- formed twelve labors, reminding us of the story of Her'-cu-les. The Chaldeans were famous astronomers. As the land was level and the sky clear, it was easy for them to study tlie stars. They divided the year into twelve months, and the day and night into twelve hours each. They invented the weeks of seven 50 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY days, the last day of each week being, hke our Sun- day, given to rest. The Chaldeans pretended to foretell events by a study of the stars. They in- vented weights and measures, made linens, muslin, and silk, engraved gems, and were the first to be- gin trade with other nations. Their gods were the heavenly bodies, the earth, and the waters. They also worshiped good and evil spirits, which they represented as monsters, part animal and part human. The Chaldeans were the wisest people of an- cient times, and much of their wisdom has come all the way down to us. Chaldea was at last conquered by the As-syr'- i-ans, a strong nation which had grown up in the northern part of the plain. Their chief city was Nin'-e-veh. But the Chaldeans were a peaceful people, devoted to useful occupations, while the Assyrians were cruel and warlike, giving all their energy to conquest and plunder. The cities they conquered were ruled with great severity, and the prisoners taken were often tortured and put to death. The palace of the Assyrian kings has been dug up from the great mound which contains all that is left of the city of Nineveh. In one room thou- sands of clay books were found, and cylinders which give accounts of the deeds of great kings. The carved walls of the palace show scenes in the life ASSYRIA AND BABYLONIA 51 of a monarch, such as the taking of a city, the tor- turing of captives, and the king on a Hon hunt. One clay cyhnder tells of another Sargon, who invaded Sa-ma'-ri-a and carried the ten tribes of Israel away into captivity. Sen-nach'-e-rib, the son of Sargon, made war An Assyrian King Hunting. on Hez-e-ki'-ah, king of Judah. 'The royal tab- let reads: "I took forty-six of his strong, fenced cities. . . . And Hezekiah I shut up in Jerusalem like a bird in a cage, building towers to hem him in, and raising banks of earth to prevent his escape." But a great calamity came upon the army of the 52 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY Assyrian, compelling him to retreat. The Bible tells us that one hundred and eighty-five thousand of his men died, '' smitten by the angel of the Lord." For the angel of death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed ; And the eves of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill. And their hearts but once heaved — and forever gi-ew still. And the widows of Asshur are loud in their wail. And the idols are broke in the temple of Baal ; And the might of the Gentile, unsmote by the sword, Hath melted like snow in the glance of the Lord. sar-da-na-pa'-lus Another noted Assyrian king was Asshur-bani- par, or Sar-da-na-pa'-lus, as he was called by th( Greeks. He was the king who decorated the walL^ of the palace at Nineveh with the scenes of his bat- tles. He was a swift and terrible warrior, and did really, as he says, " break his enemies into pieces " and " level their cities with the ground." He built splendid palaces and made great collections of books. After being buried for two thousand five hundred years, .his library has been dug up, and we have learned much from it about Chaldea and Assyria. NEB-U-CHAD-NEZ'-ZAR After seven centuries of Assyrian rule, Chal- dea, or Babylonia, as the later nation was called. ASSYRIA AND BABYLONIA 53 rebelled and became independent. Under Neb-u- chad-nez'-zar it joined with the king of Media, and destroyed the city of Nineveh. This king was the Napoleon of ancient times. He conquered every kingdom from the Za'-gros mountains to the Medi- terranean Sea. He captured Jerusalem, put King Zed-e-ki'-ah to death, burned the beautiful temple of Solomon, and carried away all the people of any note to Babylon, where they remained for seventy years. But his greatest work was the rebuilding of the city of Babylon. The new city was ten miles square, surrounded by a wall eighty feet high, of vast width, and surmounted by two hundred and fifty towers. On each of the four sides of the city were twenty-five gates of brass. Outside the wall was a broad and deep ditch, filled with water. The Euphrates river ran through the middle of the city. There were many wharves on each side of the river. The streets were laid out straight, and beautiful green fields, gardens, and parks were frequent. The king's palace, and the Hanging Gardens near it, excited the wonder of every traveler. The Hanging Gardens were built by Nebuchadnezzar to please his queen, A-my'-tis. A series of square platforms, each smaller than the one below it, were supported on stone arches. The whole structure sloped upward like a pyramid^ and rose to the height of seventy-five feet. Each platform was filled 54 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY with earth, and planted with trees and flowers, so that the whole structure looked like small moun- tains covered with plants. Thus it reminded Amy- tis of the green hills of her own country, Media. The palace and Gardens were inclosed by a wall three miles in circumference. The great temple of Bel, the chief Babylonian god, was another wonderful building. It was a quarter of a mile in length and breadth. A stair- way wound around the outside of the temple to the top. Each stage or story became smaller as you ascended. There were, in all, seven stories, each sacred to one of the seven heavenly bodies that were known to them. In the midst of his beautiful city, in the royal palace, Nebuchadnezzar stood one day listening to an explanation of a dream by the Hebrew captive, Daniel. " Thou shalt be driven from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. Wherefore, O king, break off thy sins by right- eousness, and thine iniquities by showing mercy to the poor." But the proud king replied: " Is not this great Babylon, which I have built for the royal dwelling place, by the might of my power, and for the glory of my majesty? " And in the same hour a disease came upon the king which drove him from among men, and he " ate grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven." ASSYRIA AND BABYLONIA 55 A few years later Babylon was taken by the Persian king, Cy'-rus, who entered the city at night by turning the Euphrates out of its course and marching through the bed of the river. The last king, Bel-shaz-zar, was giving a ban- quet to his lords that night, and the city was given up to feasting and song. The Persians found the river gates unguarded, and their army reached the center of the city before being discovered. VII. THE PHOE-NI'CIANS Phoe-ni'-cia was a little strip of seacoast north- west of Par-es-tine, along the Med-i-ter-ra'-ne-an Sea. The people who lived there were Ca'-naan- ites, who had come into the land from the East long before A'-bra-ham left Haran (p. 59). The rough, rocky soil did not tempt the Phoe- ni'-cians to become farmers; but the great blue waters before them, and the splendid cedar forests which covered their mountains, made them the first sailors who ever sailed out of sight of land. They were good workmen, too. We shall read how they were employed by King Solomon to build the temple at Je-ru'-sa-lem. They could work metals, make glass and cloth, and cut jewels. It is said that some shipwrecked Phoenician sailors once built a great fire on a sandy shore where there were many shells ground up by the waves. Shells are made of lime. The fire melted the sand and lime into glass, thus teaching the sailors how to make this very useful article. The Tyr'-i-an purple was a rich cloth famous all over the world. The purple dye was obtained from a small shellfish that was found along their coast. To obtain metals for their workmen, they sailed into every part of the Mediterranean and Black seas, and even out into the Atlantic Ocean to Gaul 56 THE PHOENICIANS 57 and Britain. They brought gold and silver from Spain, copper from Cyprus, and iron and tin from Britain. They brought pearls from the East, lions' and panthers' skins from Africa, linen from Egypt, and perfumes and spices from Arabia. They made all these into useful articles, and sold them in all parts of the world. The Phoenicians had colonies along the coasts where they traded. Cadiz, in Spain, and Carthage are two of their famous colonies. Being mer- chants, they had to have some way of writing and of keeping accounts. In order to do this, they ob- tained in Egypt twenty-two of the picture-letters of the priests. These they changed into letters like ours, and gave each letter a name. This alphabet they taught to all nations with whom they traded. And so it happened that the Greeks and Romans, the Germans, and the people of Spain and France, received a knowledge of writing. Almost the only king of Phoenicia whose name has come down to us is that of Hiram, who is men- tioned in the Bible. Althovigh these people in- vented the alphabet, they wrote no books, and so we know little about them. Of Hiram we only know that he was Solomon's friend and furnished him the materials to build the temple. The ships and sailors of Phoenicia carried goods for nearly every nation of ancient times. They carried timber to Assyria and Babylonia to con- 58 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY struct the palaces of kings. When Xerx'-es wanted to bridge the Her-les-pont, to carry his armies into Greece, it was the Phoenicians who furnished the boats for the bridge. The King of Egypt hired their sailors to find a route around Africa by sea. After a voyage lasting 'several years, they sailed their ships out of the Red Sea and back through the Mediterranean to the mouth of the Nile. After many centuries the Phoenician nation was conquered by the Greeks and Romans, and died out. Nothing but tombs and a few ruins re- main. But we will remember them on account of the alphabet, for no invention has done so much good to the nations of the world as this. VIII. THE HEBREWS About f(3ur thousand years a^o, when Chaldea was yet a great kingdom, one of the descendants of Shem left his native city of Ur, in Chaldea, and moved with his family into the desert to the wxst. His name was Te'-rah, and he made his home at Ha'-ran. There he died, and his son Abram came into possession of all his goods. Abram became tired of life in the desert. He had heard of a fertile land farther west, nearer the great sea. Once he heard a voice speaking to him and tell- ing him to leave Haran with his family and goods. The voice told him that he should have many de- scendants, and that his name should be changed to A'-bra-ham, which means " father of nations." So Abraham began to lead a wandering life. He went westward into Ca'-naan, as the country between Babylonia and Phoenicia was then called. This country was the home of wandering tribes, who lived in tents and moved from place to place to find grass for their cattle and sheep. Abraham's family and servants soon became such a tribe. They were called Hebrews, a word meaning " from the other side," because they came from the other side of the Euphrates River. For a long time he lived at Shec'-hem, on the w^est of the 59 60 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY river Jordan. Once, in a time of famine, he went into Egypt to live. He soon became very rich in flocks and herds. At last he died, and his son, Isaac, became chief of the Hebrews. When Isaac died, his son, Jacob, became the head of the tribe. Jacob had twelve sons. Joseph was the youngest, and his father loved him so much that the older brothers became jealous. Once, when Joseph was sent to them with a message, they seized him and sold him to a company of traveling merchants. The mer- chants took him to Egypt and sold him to Pot'-i- phar, the chief servant of the king. Joseph was so honest and faithful that he became the chief ser- vant of Pharaoh, the Egyptian king. When Jacob had become old another terrible famine came into the land of Canaan. He sent his sons into Egypt to buy food. They were brought to Joseph, and he knew his brothers, although they did not know him. After a time Joseph brought his father, his brothers, and their families into Egypt to live — seventy-two persons in all. He gave them homes in Goshen, a fertile region north of the Red Sea. THE HEBREWS LEAVE EGYPT For many years the Hebrews continued to live in the land of Goshen; but at last the King of Egypt began to treat them as slaves and oppressed THE HEBREWS 61 them in many ways. In order that they might not become too numerous, he caused all the male chil- dren to be killed. Of course, this order was not carried out. One of the little ones that escaped was adopted by the king's daughter and grew up as a prince in the king's court. His name was Moses, and he afterwards led the children of Israel out of Egypt into the wilderness, where they re- mained wandering back and forth for forty years. After the death of JNIoses, Joshua became the leader of the people. They invaded the land of Canaan, took possession of it, and divided it among the twelve tribes. For 200 years, the tribes were governed by judges; but at last, so many enemies appeared and the people became so rebellious, that a king was chosen to rule over them. The first of the Hebrew kings was Saul. He was a brave soldier and defended the country against its enemies, but he disobeyed the commands of God, and the prophet, Samuel, was commanded to choose a new king. The new king was David, who became the great- est of the kings of the Hebrew people. He con- quered their enemies, and established his capital at Jerusalem. He built many cities and traded with the Phoenicians, who lived along the ^lediterranean Sea. He collected vast quantities of gold, silver, and cedar wood to build a great temple at Jeru- salem. His son, Solomon, who succeeded him. 62 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY built the temple, which was one of the most beau- tiful buildings in the world. After the death of King Solomon, the land was divided into two kingdoms. This made the people weaker, and they fell a prey to the kings of Assyria and Babylonia. Finally, in the days of the Romans, the Hebrew kingdom was utterly destroyed, and the country became a Roman province. IX. MEDIA AND PERSIA In the highlands east of the Ti'-gris River lived two nations, the Medes and the Persians. They were of the Aryan branch of the white race, and had come from the region of Bac'-tri-a, along the Oxus River. We have read of a Median princess who became the queen of Nebuchadnezzar, and of a Persian king who took the Bab'-y-lon-i-an king- dom under Bel-shaz'zar. The Medes at first ruled over the Persians, but when Cy'-rus became King of Persia he conquered the Medes and founded the Persian Empire, the greatest nation that had yet appeared in the world. The first great king of the Medes was Cy-ax'-a- res. We have read in the story of As-syr'-i-a how he joined with Nebuchadnezzar and destroyed Nin'- e-veh and its last king, Sar-da-na-pa'-lus. It is said that Sardanapalus heaped all his possessions together into a great heap, and when the Medes and Babylonians burst into his city he set fire to it and died in the flames. As-ty'-a-ges, the son of Cyaxares, was the next King of ^ledia. CYRUS THE GREAT The Greek traveler and historian, He-rod'-o-tus, 63 tells the story of how Cyrus became king 64 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY Astyages had dreamed that his daughter, Man- da'-ne, would bring trouble to his kingdom, so he married her to a Persian chief, Cam-by'-ses, and sent her out of his country, hoping thus to avoid any trouble she might cause him. When her son Cyrus was born, Astyages dreamed again that the child would one day become King of Media instead of him. He consulted his wise men, and they ad- vised him to kill Cyrus. He invited his daughter to bring the child to his court. He then sent for Har'-pa-gus, one of his chief nobles, and gave him the baby in a basket, ordering him to put it to death and bury it. But Harpagus, fearing to bring trouble upon himself, called in one of the king's herdsmen, to whom he gave the child. He told the man what the king had commanded, and directed him to ex- pose the child upon the mountains. " After it is dead," said Harpagus, " send for me, and I will send one of my trusted servants to see the body, that I may be sure the king's will has been carried out." The herdsman took the little Cyrus to his home, and told the story to his wife. It happened that her own baby had just died, so she put the dead child in the basket, and brought up Cyrus as her own son. When Cyrus was ten years old he was one day playing with the other boys of the village a game MEDIA AND PERSIA 65 which they called " choosing a king." One of their number was made king. The king would then choose his officers and give them various duties to perform. On the day that Cyrus was chosen, one of the boys, who was the son of a nobleman of the court, refused to obey the orders of the cowherd's son. Whereupon Cyrus, in true Persian fashion, had him tied up and beaten with rods. The noble- man complained to King Astyages of the treatment his son had received, and the cowherd and his sup- posed son were summoned. Astyages recognized the royal boy, and compelled the herdsman to tell the whole story. When he asked his wise men what he should do with Cyrus, they told him that when the boys made Cyrus king his dream had been fulfilled, and that there was no further danger. So Astyages sent him back to his parents in Persia. But the king was terribly enraged at Harpagus, who had failed to carry out his commands. In his anger, he actually seized a young son of Harpagus and cruelly killed him. The king then told Har- pagus what he had done. " Whatever the king does is well," said Harpa- gus ; but in his heart he began planning revenge. The Persians had long been weary of the rule of Media, and when Cyrus had grown to manhood it seemed a good time to rebel. Harpagus now saw a good chance to get revenge upon King Asty- 66 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY ages for the murder of his son. He sent a secret message to Cyrus, urging him to gather his soldiers and attack Media. " The army of Astyages," he said, " will desert to your side." Astyages heard that Cyrus was raising men, and sent an invitation to visit him at Ec-bat'-a-na, his capital city. " Tell him," said Cyrus to the king's messenger, " that I will be there when he is ready to receive me." Astyages did not suspect Harpagus, and had put him in command of his army. When Cyrus advanced into Media, Harpagus deserted with his men and joined the Persians. Astyages was made prisoner, and Cyrus became the king of the Medes and Persians. DARIUS The next great king was Da-ri'-us. He was the first king of a new family. That no one should ever be in doubt as to his race, he had this inscrip- tion cut on his tomb: " Darius, the great king, the king of kings; the king of all inhabited countries; the king of the great earth far and near ; the son of Hys-tas'-pes, a Persian, the son of a Persian; an Aryan, of Aryan descent." Darius made peace everywhere. Then he built great roads throughout his empire, all leading to Susa, his capital. He coined new money for the empire. At Be-his-tun', in Persia, he made smooth the face of a lofty rock, and had carved upon it an MEDIA AND PERSIA 67 account of all his deeds, in three languages, in the old picture-writing of Chaldea. It has been the chief means of helping us to learn this strange language. Having secured j^eace within his empire, by put- ting down a number of small rebellions, Darius then set out to conquer new lands. There were still two countries where the Persian armies had not reached — India on the east and Greece on the west. The king was especially angry with the Greeks, for wlien he sent envoys there to demand earth and water as a sign of submission, the A-the'-ni-aiiS ana Spar'-tans threw his messengers into wells head foremost, and bade them " help themselves to earth and water." The army which he sent into India was victori- ous, and the whole northwestern part of that coun- try was added to Persian rule. The story of his attacks upon Greece, and of his son, Xerxes, w ill be told in the chapter on Greece. The religion of the Persians was the worship of one god, whom they called Or'-mazd. They be- lieved also in a bad spirit, whom they called Ah'-ri- man. After a time new religion teachers, called JNIagi, appeared, who taught the worship of the Sun, or of fire. The descendants of the fire-wor- shipers are found today in India, and are known as Parsees'. Zo-ro-as'-ter was the great prophet, or religious teacher, of the Persians. He lived in 68 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY Bac-tri-a before the race emigrated to Persia. His book of religion is called the " Zend-Aves'-ta," and still exists. Deceit of every kind was hateful to the Persians, and contrary to their religion. He-rod'- o-tus says they taught their boys three things: *' to ride, to shoot with the bow, and to speak the truth." X. GREECE Greece consists of the most southern penin- sula of Europe. It is a small country, but in early- times it was divided into twenty-four little states, each one managing its own affairs. The coast line is very ragged, with many inlets and bays. This made it easy for ships to sail to any part of the country. Then there were hun- dreds of little islands, which stretched away across the sea to the shore of Asia. You will see why it was that the Greeks soon became the most famous sailors in the world. They became the rivals of the Phoe-ni'-cians, and, in the end, took their place as the leading merchant people of the world. In the early days the Greek states had kings: but the people finally put down their kings, and car- ried on the governments themselves. The Greeks, like the JNIedes and Persians, were of the Aryan branch of the white race. In early times, of which we know but little, they had wandered westward along the northern shore of the Black Sea into Greece. The name Greek was not used by them. They called themselves Hel-le'-nes, and their coun- try Hel'-las. These words come from the name Her-len, the ancestor from whom all the Greeks were thought to be descended. We are very uncertain as to just what happened in Greece before 776 b. c. At that time writing began; but the Greeks had lived in their country 69 GREECE 71 at least a thousand years before. All that we know of this early period is found in the poems of Homer and He'-si-od, who recited their poems about one hundred years before the first records were made. A Wall Built by the Early Inhabitants of Greece. Hesiod tells about the creation of the world and the birth of the gods, and Homer tells of the great deeds of the early heroes. TIEE GODS OF GREECE Hesiod tells us that first in order of time came Cha'-os, or Confusion. Out of Chaos came Heaven and Earth. The children of Heaven and Earth 72 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY were the Titans, or giants, the Cy'-clops, and the Cent-i-ma'-nes, or hundred-handed tieings. Cro'-nos, a Titan, married R h e ' a. Their children were Hes'-ti-a, De-me^- ter, He'- re, and three sons, Ha'-des, Po-sei'-don, and Zeus. We are better acquainted with these deities under their Latin names — Ves'-ta, Ce'-res, Ju'- no, Plu'-to, Nep'- tune, and Ju'-pi-ter. Jupiter and his brothers engaged in a war against their father. A desperate struggle, lasting ten years, followed, in which all the gods, god- desses, and Titans took part. Jupiter and his followers occupied Mount O-lym'-pus, while Cronos and his Titans stood on Mount Oth'-rys. Crags and Ulysses Bending His Bow, GREECE 73 mountains were hurled back and forth. The noise and thunder of the battle caused the distant ocean to boil, and all nature was in confusion. Finally, Jupiter, aided by his thunder and hght- Wars of the Gods and Titans. ning, conquered. These terrible weapons were fur- nished him by the Cyclops (round-eyed), whom he had released from their gloomy prison, Tar'-tar- us, under the earth, where Cronos had imprisoned them. Cronos and his Titans were then thrust 74 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY down there instead, to remain forever. Neptune built a great wall of brass around them, and the hundred -handed giants were placed on guard in front of the entrance. Jupiter had many wives. A-poF-lo and Diana were his children. JMinerva, the goddess of wis- dom, sprang full-grown from his brain. He mar- ried Ma'-ia, the daughter of At-las, and their son was Mer-cu-ry. His last and permanent wife was Juno, and their children were Mars, the god of war, and Vul-can, the divine mechanic who made armor and weapons for the gods and heroes. Ve'- nus, the goddess of love, sprang from the foam of the sea near the island of Cyth'-e-ra. Thus we have the twelve great gods and god- desses who lived on Mount Olympus and ruled the world. Besides these twelve there were many other divinities of less importance, such as the Muses, the Fates, the Graces, the Dry'-ads of the woods, and the nymphs of the streams and foun- tains. Then came the Har'-pies, the Gor'-gons, the three-headed dog Cer'-be-rus, the Hy'-dra, the Cen'-taurs, the Sphinx, the winged-horse Peg'-a- sus, and a hundred others. Death, Strife, Sleep, I^aw, and similar objects, were often looked upon as divine persons. The deeds of the heroes are the first things we read of in the story of Greece. For this reason we call the early times '' the heroic age." Every city GREECE 75 and village had its hero, whose deeds were told in song and story. Some heroes became so famous that their renown spread throughout Hellas. Such were Ja'-son, Her'-cu-les, A-chil'-les, The'seus, and Ulysses. Then there were great adventures in Jupiter. which many heroes took part. The most noted of these were the Ar-go-nau'-tic Ex-pe-di-tion in search of the golden fleece, The Trojan War, The Seven against Thebes, and the Cal-y-do'-ni-an Hunt. These stories were told over and over in 76 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY old Greek poems. Ulysses, or Odysseus, is the hero of the famous "Odyssey" of Homer. After the return of the Greeks the Heroic Age of Greece came to an end. Instead of myths we find history. The Greeks had already received the alphabet from the Phcenicians, and they began to make a record of the leading events in each state. LEAGUES, ORACLES, AND GAMES In the days of the heroes it was believed that the gods and goddesses came down to earth and talked with men. But in later times it was thought that they chose certain places where they spoke through a priestess. Such places were called " oracles," and the mes- sage which the gods gave was also called an " oracle." The god Apollo was especially the one who re- vealed the future. There were about twenty of his oracles scattered through Greece, and a smaller number of those of Jupiter. When one wished to ask a question of an oracle, a gift had to be made for the support of the temple. The priestess would then listen to the question, and after several days of fasting and ceremony she would write the answer. The oracle of Apollo at Del'-phi was the most noted in all Greece. There a temple was built over a cleft in the rock, through which a gas arose out GREECE 77 of the earth. The priestess sat on a stone over this cleft and breathed the gas. It was then that the god was thought to tell her how to answer the questioner. The Greeks had the greatest respect for the oracles. After a time there was much money stored in the temples, made up of the gifts which had been brought by those who came to inquire c^f the oracles. As it was necessary to protect these treasures, the cities in the neighborhood of an oracle formed unions to keep the oracle free and to protect t)ie temple. The most important of these unions was that of Delphi. Men chosen from each state in this league formed a council, and important ques- tions were decided by them. Often they could stop wars. In case of a war they would not allow any town in the union to be destroyed, or the running water cut off. They built good roads leading to the tem- ple, and protected all those who traveled thereon. Thus the oracles and unions were a means of keep- ing the cities friendly to one another, and of unit- ing them against enemies. Another important thing in Greek life was the Sacred Games. The Greeks thought that the souls of the dead were pleased by the same things that they had enjoyed in life. So games were held, such as boxing, leaping, running, and wrestling, 78 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY near the tombs of their heroes. After a time these games were held in the honor of the gods. The most important of the Sacred Games were those held at O-lym'-pi-a, every four years, in honor of Jupiter. There was a splendid temple at Olym- pia, and the statue within it, called the Olympian Jupiter, was one of the wonders of the world. The first games were held in 776 B.C.; the sec- ond in 772 B.C. This period of four years was called an O-lym'-pi-ad. The Greeks reckoned time by Olympiads. They would tell you, for example, that Co-roe'-bus won the foot-race in the first year of the first Olympiad. Greeks from every part of the world attended the Sacred Games. During the games no war or military expedition could be begun. The victors in the sports received the highest honors and rich rewards from their native cities. The reward given in the field was a simple wreath of laurel, or olive, twined about the head. After a time it was the custom for poets and historians to bring their best writings to read at the games. A kind of fair was also held, where mer- chants sold or exchanged their goods. All this made the Greeks more friendly one to another, and prevented many quarrels. Besides those at Olympia, Sacred Games were held at Delphi, in honor of Apollo ; at Cor'-inth, in honor of Nep'-tune; and at Ne-me'-a, in honor of Jupiter. GREECE 79 ATHENS AND SPARTA, AND THEIR LAWGIVERS After the return of the Greeks from the Trojan War there was a great deal of confusion in Greece. This was caused by many people changing their homes. There were four branches of the Greeks: the Do'-ri-ans, I-o'-ni-ans, ^-o'-li-ans, and A-chse'- ans. The Dorians moved south into the Pel-o- pon-ne'-sus, or Mo-re'-a, as we now call it, and drove out the Achseans, who lived there. The Achseans in turn crowded out the ^olians to the north. The result of all this was that many Greeks of all races crossed over to Asia and established colonies along the shores of the Aegean Sea. It took a long time for the country to become quiet again. When the confusion was over, we find that two cities had become more powerful than the rest — Sparta, in southern Greece, and Athens, in central Greece. These two cities established a kind of leadership over the others, and afterwards became rivals for the first place. The noble families became jealous of the kings, and drove them out. They then governed the cities themselves. When a few people have control, we call the government an oK-i-gar-chy. Next, we find the common people rising up against the nobles. Some brave man would become 80 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY their leader. They would then put down the nobles. To do this, an army had to be raised. The crafty leader would get control of the army, and after the nobles were driven out he would set him- self up as chief ruler. Such a ruler the Greeks called a ty'-rant. This meant one who ruled with- out authority, but not a bad ruler, for a tyrant might be a good man. One of the most noted tyrants was Pi-sis'-tra- tus of Athens. One day he came running into the market-place with a number of wounds upon his body, which he had made himself. " See," he cried to the people, " how the nobles have treated me, because I have been your friend! " The people at once gave him a guard of fifty men. He soon gathered a much larger force, seized the A-crop'-o-lis, or hill, where there was a strong fort, and made himself master of the city. Pisistratus ruled Athens for thirty-three years. He made the city beautiful with parks and fine buildings. He gathered a large library and gave it to the people, and collected and published for the first time the poems of Homer. Another tyrant who was a friend to educa- tion was Per-i-an'-der of Corinth. The Greeks thought so well of him that they counted him among their seven wisest men. The Greeks were too fond of liberty to submit very long to the rule of the tyrants. They were GREECE 81 soon put down, and free governments established. Athens and other Ionian cities had dem-o-crat'-ie governments — that is, the people ruled. Sparta and the other Dorian cities were ruled by a few of the nobles. In times of strife and trouble it usually happens that some wise man appears who makes good laws or plans a new kind of government. Ma'-nu in India, Me'-nes in Egypt, and Moses, the leader of the Hebrews, were such lawgivers. The lawgiver who planned the government of Sparta was Ly-cur'-gus. Before undertaking his great work in Sparta, he is said to have traveled in India and Egypt, studying the laws of those countries. He went to Crete to learn about the laws of ]\Ii'-nos, the first king and lawgiver of that island. He then came home and made the laws of Sparta. When his work was done, he went to consult the oracle at Delphi. He made the people promise to obey all his laws until he should return. In answer to his questions about the welfare of Sparta, the oracle told him that his country would " prosper as long as she should obey his laws." Lycurgus sent this answer to his countrymen, and then went far away into a strange country, and died an exile. No one knew what became of him, but the Spartans always honored his memory with temples and with festivals. C2 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY In Sparta there were two kings, each to keep watch of the other. Laws were made by an assembly of all the men over thirty years of age. There was at first a senate of twenty-eight men to conduct the government, but later all the power was given to ^ve men called eph'-ors, or overseers. The object of Lycurgus's laws was to make a race of warriors. The Spartans trained the body by athletic exercises. The boys practiced the use of weapons until they became very expert. But reading, writing, and oratory were despised. They had martial music, for that gave the soldiers courage. The children were taken from their parents at the age of seven and brought up by the government. From that time until the age of sixty they never returned to their homes, except for a visit. All ate at the public tables. The food was of the simplest kind, but no complaints were ever heard. An Athenian who once dined with them said he saw why the Spartans were not afraid of death. " For anyone," he said, " would prefer death to living on such food as this." The Spartans built no walls or defenses for their city. A traveler once asked the Spartan king, " Where are your walls? " " These are our walls," the king replied as he pointed to his soldiers. Athens was just the opposite of Sparta. There GREECE 83 the body was trained, but only that the mind might be made better. The people ruled in Athens, and there were no kings. The last Athenian king was Co'-drus, who gave his life for his country, in this way: The Dorians had invaded the land, and the oracle said that " if the king should die the country would be safe." Codrus went out with only one companion, and attacked the enemy. He was soon killed. His successor was called simply ar'-chon, or ruler, for the Athenians said that " no one was worthy to be called king after Codrus." After a time a strife arose between the nobles and the people, and Dra'-co was appointed to pre- pare new laws. These laws were so severe that it was said they were " written in blood, not ink." Draco said, " The smallest offenses deserve death, and I know of no severer punishment for the great ones." The people soon murmured against Draco's laws, and So'-lon, another of the " seven wise men," was chosen to make new laws. His laws were noted for their mildness. Under the laws of Draco a man could be sold into slavery for debt. Solon did away with this. He gave all power to the assembly of all the people, in which every man had the right to speak. This assembly selected the nine archons, and a senate of four hmidred. 84 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY After the tyrants had been driven out, another lawgiver, named CUs'-the-nes, arose. He divided all the people of At'-ti-ca into ten tribes, and increased the number of the senate to five hundred. Clisthenes also introduced the practice of os'- tra-cism. This was a way of getting rid of a troublesome man by exiling him for ten years. It was so called from the word ostrakon, which means a shell. If six thousand persons handed in a man's name written on a shell, that man had to leave the country. Under this good government Athens soon be- came the strongest state in Greece. Such progress did she make that the Spartans became jealous of her, and tried to change her government and set up one like their own. But Sparta failed. Her armies were twice de- feated, and Athens became stronger than ever. GREECE AND PERSIA When Darius was trying to subdue the revolt of his Greek cities in Asia, the Athenians had sent soldiers to help their countrymen. During this revolt, Sardis, the old capital of Lydia, was taken and burned by the Greeks. Darius was so angry at their insolence that he had one of his servants repeat to him every day the words " Master, re- member the Athenians." GREECE 85 The time had now come, 500 B.C., when he was to attempt to punish them. His first attempt to invade Greece failed, on account of a terrible storm, which wrecked his fleet and compelled the army to retreat. But ten years later he came again, with one hundred and twenty thousand men and six hundred ships. The Persian army landed at Mar'-a-thon, a broad plain on the coast of Attica, near Athens. The Athenians had sent to several of the Greek cities for aid, but only Pla-tse'-a responded, with a thousand men. The Spartans were delayed on ac- count of a religious festival, and came too late for the battle. Mil-ti'-a-des, the Athenian general, drew up his ten thousand men on the hills back of Marathon, facing a Persian army ten times as large, arranged near the seashore. Back of them, along the shore, lay their ships. Singing their war hymn, the long, thin line of Greeks came running down the hill, and fiercely attacked the Persians as they were crowded to- gether in masses. The Persians were too aston- ished and frightened to fight long, and throwing away their spears, they ran to the ships. The Greeks followed, but the Persians fought desperately, and lost only ten ships. The Greeks lost one hundred and ninety-two men ; but sixty- four hundred of the enemy lay dead 86 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY on the field. A swift herald was sent to Athens with the news of the victory. Before the battle was over, the flash of a bright shield on the top of a hill near Athens, twenty miles away, caught the eye of Miltiades. It was a signal from some treacherous Greek to the Persian com- manders to sail to Athens and destroy the city while its defenders were away. But Miltiades under- Greek Warriors. stood the signal, and he at once marched his army toward Athens. When the Persians came sailing to Athens the next morning they saw the very men who had de- feated them on the previous day. They had no mind to try the mettle of 'such men any further; they gave up the war and returned to Asia. When Darius heard of the defeat at Marathon, GREECE 87 he at once began to gather men, ships, and supphes. He would attack Greece with so large a force that failure should be impossible. While he was still making preparations he died, and his son Xerx'-es came to the throne. Xerxes continued the work of his father, and for eight years all Asia was busy making ready to destroy Greece. Men were gathered from every part of the empire, from India to the African deserts. Storehouses along the line of march were filled with grain. A great bridge of boats was built across the Hellespont, so that the army might march as if on dry ground. A canal was cut around Mount Athos, the dangerous promontory where his former fleet had been wrecked. At last everything was ready. The fleet and army met at Sardis. For seven days and nights the Persian host streamed over the bridge. Xerx- es's bodyguard, tlie " ten thousand immortals," in holiday dress, led the van. Behind them came the king, drawn by eight milk-white horses, in the chariot of the sun. On the plain of Do-ris'-cus the vast host was covmted. A wall was built around ten thousand men drawn up as closely together as they could stand. This space was filled one hinidred and seventy times, making the number of the army one million seven hundred thousand men. 88 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY The fleet carried a half milhon more. Adding to these numbers the servants and slaves who accom- panied the army, it is probable that the whole host numbered over five millions of men. The Greeks were kept informed of the doings of the Persians, and they were preparing to meet them. The two leaders at Athens were The-mis'- to-cles and Ar-is-ti'-des. Both loved their coun- try. Themistocles was the abler man, but Aristi- des w^as so famed for honesty that he received the surname The Just. Aristides wished to strengthen the army, but Themistocles thought it better to build up the fleet. The strife between them be- came so violent that the city decided to ostracize one of them. When the shells cast into the urn were counted, it was found that there were six thousand bearing the name of Aristides. He there- fore went into exile. A story is told of Aristides that he was once stopped along the road by a rough countryman, who asked him, not knowing who he was, to write the name Aristides upon a shell. " And what harm has Aristides done you, that you wish to banish him? " he asked. " He has done me no harm," said the man; "I do not even know him, but I am tired of hearing him called ' The Just.' " Themistocles, left in power, made the Athenian fleet the strongest in Greece. A congress of all the Greek cities was held at Corinth the year before GREECE 89 Xerxes crossed the Plellespont. But some of them had been bribed by the Persians; some were jealous of Athens, some of Sparta, who was to have chief command, and only fifteen united against the enemy. The road which Xerxes was following along the coast of Greece is interrupted at one point by a narrow pass called Ther-mop'-y-lae, or the Hot Gates, from the hot springs that break out at the foot of the cliffs. Here the Greeks had stationed the Spartan king Le-on'-i-das, with three hundred of his own men and six thousand allies from dif- ferent states. The main body of the Greeks were celebrating the Sacred Games. Leonidas was expected to hold the pass till the games were over, when reenforcements would be sent. Xerxes waited a few days for the Greeks to retreat, not dreaming that so small a number would dare to resist. But when the Spartan king Dem- a-ra'-tus, who had been driven from his own coun- try and had joined the Persians, told Xerxes that the Spartans would surely fight, the king sent a messenger to Leonidas ordering him to give up his arms. The reply of the Spartan was, " Come and take them!" For two days the Persians stormed the pass. The wall of their dead along the Spartan front grew steadily larger. The " immortals " attacked again and again, with no better success. Xerxes, 90 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY from his throne on a high diff overlooking the pass, three times leaped up in anger and astonishment at their failure. At length a treacherous Greek pointed out to Xerxes a mountain path by which he could gain the rear of the Spartans. When Leonidas saw the danger he allowed his allies to retreat. All but seven hundred Thespians retired. The laws of Sparta forbade retreat or surrender, and the little band, surrounded by the Persian host, fought and died to the last man. Above their graves in after years a marble shaft was placed, with the following inscription: Go tell the Spartans, thou who passest by, That here obedient to her laws we lie. Athens now lay open to the invaders. The oracle had said, " When everything else in Attica is taken, you shall find shelter behind your wooden walls." This was thought to mean the ships. So the town was left, and the women and children sent to a place of safety. The soldiers were all placed upon the ships in the bay of SaF-a-mis. Here, too, were the fleets of other cities, nearly four hun- dred ships in all. They were attacked by a Persian force of seven hundred and fifty ships. King Xerxes himself witnessed the battle. GREECE 91 A king sat on the rocky brow That looks o'er sea-born Salamis ; And ships by thousands lay below, And men in nations — all were his. He counted them at break of day, And when the sun set, where were they ? Two hundred Persian ships were destroyed, and the rest fled. The terrified Xerxes hastened back to Asia before his bridge should be destroyed. He left a fleet and an army under Mar-do'-ni-us to con- tinue the war. But in the following year his army was defeated at Platsea by the Spartan general Pau-sa'-ni-as, and his fleet was destroyed at Myc'- a-le, in Asia Minor, where it had been drawn up on shore to escape the Greeks. The Persians never invaded Greece again. AVARS AMONG THE GREEK STATES The close of the Persian War left Themistocles the foremost man in Athens, and Athens the fore- most city in Greece. The people speedily built up their homes, which the Persians had burned. They enlarged their city, and built a wall around it seven miles in extent. The Spartans sent messengers to persuade them* not to build the wall. " For," said they, " if the Persians take your city again they may remain in it, and it will be hard to drive them out." 92 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY What the Spartans really feared was that Ath- ens would become stronger than they. The Athe- nians said they would send men to talk the matter over with them. They sent Themistocles ahead, but the other men were not to start till the walls were built high enough to defy the Spartans, if they should try to stop the work. In the meantime Themistocles managed to keep the Spartans quiet. When they would wait no longer for his friends, he ordered them to send to Athens to inquire the cause of the delay. Secretly he sent word to detain the Spartan messengers in Athens. In this way time enough was gained to build the wall so high that it could be defended. The Athenians also built walls, four miles long and sixty feet high, running from the town down to the harbor. They increased their fleet by adding to it twenty vessels each year. After a few years they felt safe. If they should be attacked from the land, the high walls would protect them; while their strong fleet could supply them with food. Aristides the Just had returned from exile in time to fight the Persians at Salamis. He now did another work which made Athens the strong- est power in the world. He formed all the island cities, and some of the cities in northern Greece, into a great union called the Con-fed'-er-a-cy of De'-los. This league was to defend Greece against GREECE 93 the Persians. All the cities were taxed to build up a fleet, which Athens kept for herself. Soon she became so powerful in her navy that Ci'-mon, the son of Miltiades, was sent to drive the Persians out of the Greek cities in Asia. He was very successful, and the rich spoils that he brought home were used to beautify the city. Public build- ings were erected, and walks and parks were laid out. One of these parks, called the Academy, was a favorite resort of the Athenians, and was noted as the place where the wise men and philosophers, like Soc'-ra-tes and Plato, met to talk with their pupils. Cimon's very generosity at last brought about his disgrace and exile. A great earthquake had destroyed a large part of the city of Sparta. In the confusion, their slaves, called he'-lots, took up arms against their masters. The Spartans were not able to conquer the slaves, who were more in number than they, and called on Athens for help. The advice of Per'-i-cles, the greatest man in Athens next to Cimon, was not to send aid. But Cimon said, " Athens and Sparta are the two legs of Greece; do not let one of them be lamed." So the Athenians decided to return good for evil, and sent Cimon with an army to help Sparta. But when he arrived there the Spartans did not trust him, fearing that he would take sides with the 94 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY helots. They therefore sent him back to Athens. This so angered the people that they drove Cimon into exile, and Pericles became the chief statesman in Athens. Pericles made some changes in the government which gave the people more power. He said that the poorest man ought to take part in the govern- ment as well as the richest. He therefore intro- duced the method of filling the public offices by lot, so that every citizen had an equal chance. Be- fore his time all public officials had served without pay, but to enable the poor man to take part in the government, he introduced the system of paying salaries to those who gave their time to the work of the State. He also had allowances made to the poorer citizens so that they might attend the per- formances in the theater and the religious festivals. Themistocles had been exiled for taking bribes, but Pericles carried out his plan for strengthening the navy. He built many ships and equipped them in the best possible manner, for he saw that if the Greeks were to be the strongest nation they must rule the sea. Once he said to the people: " There is no king or nation in the world which can at this moment withstand the navy which you can put out to sea." It was Pericles who built the splendid temples and gateways which you may still see crowning the GREECE 95 A-crop'-o-lis at Athens. He built the Par'-the- non, the ruins of which still remain, and the splen- did approaches to the Acropolis. He adorned the streets and public places with statues of gods and heroes. There were so many of them that it was said " One met more statues than men in the streets of Athens." Pericles encouraged artists and sculp- tors to perform their best work. It was during his time that the great sculptor Phid-i-as, who designed the Parthenon, lived, and that the famous dramas of Eu-rip'-i-des, Soph'-o-cles, and other poets, were written and performed in the theaters of Athens. Pericles was the most distinguished statesman and political leader of Greece. Though rich and of noble birth he was the friend and leader of the people, and insisted that all were entitled to equal rights and privileges in the states. One reason for his great success was his power as a speaker. Some of his public addresses are preserved and may be read in the history of Greece written by Thu-cyd'- i-des. The period of 28 years, from 459 to 481 B. c. is called the " Age of Pericles ; " during this period Athens had more famous men than the whole world ever produced in the same length of time. During the time of Pericles, all the Greek cities were either joined to Sparta or Athens. These two cities had never been very friendly, and soon a great war arose between them which had the most Italy and Neighboring Countries. GREECE 97 terrible results for Athens, and weakened the whol© of Greece. Athens had interfered with some Dorian col- onies on the coast of Macedonia, and Sparta de- clared war. When the Spartans invaded Attica all the Athenians gathered behind their walls in Athens. Here a terrible disease broke out, and one-fourth of the fighting men died. Among them was the great statesman Pericles. At his death he said that he had so lived " that no Athenian need ever put on mourning through act of his." The leader in the later part of this war was a brilliant young man named Al-ci-bi'-a-des. Though he was reckless and wicked, he won the love of the Athenian people, and could get them to vote for any of his measures. He persuaded the people to send out a large army and fleet, with himself as commander, to attack the Dorian city of Syr'-a-cuse, in Sicily. " Then," he said, " we will conquer Africa and unite all the armies with our own. With such a force we can afterwards crush Sparta at one blow." This seemed easy, but the forty thousand men who sailed away from Athens to Sicily never returned. They were defeated, and perished miserably. Those that were not killed were sold as slaves. Alcibiades was called home to answer to a charge of destroying some statues of the gods in Athens; but he deserted to Sparta, and advised them to send 98 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY an army and their best general to Sicily. This was done, and helped to destroy the Athenians. The Athenians raised another fleet and army, but they were finally defeated by the Spartan gen- eral Ly-san'-der at ^-gos-pot'-a-mus, on the Hel- lespont. The Athenians had lost sixty thousand men and nearly all their ships. Sparta then com- pelled them to pull down all their walls and forts that defended the harbors, and allowed them to keep only twelve ships of war. For thirty years Sparta was the strongest na- tion in Greece. Then the army of Thebes, com- manded by E-pam-i-non'-das and Pe-lop'-i-das, vanquished her in the battles of Leuc'-tra and Man- ti-ne'-a. For a few years Thebes held the first place. Then a mighty power arose in Macedonia under Philip, and in 338 B.C., by the battle of Chasr-o- ne'-a, he became the ruler of Greece. For many years Philip had been planning to get control of affairs in Greece, and now something happened that gave him a chance to do it. The Pho'-cians had robbed the temple of Apollo at Delphi. When the other Greek cities found that they were not strong enough to punish them, they called on Philip for aid. This he gladly gave, and was made a member of the union. There was one man at Athens who saw that Philip would soon attack them. This was the ora- GREECE 99 tor De-mos'-the-nes. He made twelve speeches to the Athenians, urging them to fight Phihp before he should take away their liber- ties. But the peo- ple had grown careless and idle, and did not heed what he said. And when at last the Thebans and Athe- nians did try to drive Philip out, he was too strong for them. Though Athens had ceased to be strong in w^ar, she became more tluin ever the leader in education, in phi- losophy, in art and science. It was during the time that Sparta ruled that Soc'-ra-tes, the greatest of Greek teachers and philosophers, lived in Athens. His father was a sculptor, and Socrates had begun Demosthenes. 100 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY to learn the same art, when he was obliged to lay down the chisel and take up spear and shield to fight Sparta. After the war he became a teacher. He had no school, and charged nothing for instruction. His pupils were those whom he met on the street or in the shops and parks. He neglected his home, and did not provide well for his children. It is no wonder that his wife Xan-thip'-pe scolded him. Once she threw a pitcher of water over him. " I am not surprised," said Socrates, " that it has be- gun to rain, for Xanthippe has been thundering for a long time." Socrates did not believe in the gods that the Greeks worshiped, and the charge of impiety was brought against him. He was also accused of mis- leading the young men by his teaching. For these things he was sentenced to drink poison. His last days were spent in prison. His friends were allowed to visit him, and his chief pupil, Plato, has given us an account of his death. One of his pupils asked, " In what way shall we bury you, Socrates? " "Just as you please," he replied; " if you can catch me and I do not escape you. I cannot per- suade Cri'-to," he said to the others, " that when I have drunk the poison I shall no longer remain with you, but shall depart to some happy state of the blessed. You cannot bury Socrates, but you GREECE 101 may bury my body in any way agreeable to our laws." Soon after this he drank the poison that the jailer brought, and lay down. He soon felt him- self growing cold, but death came so easily that he said to Crito, " We owe a sacrifice to the god of medicine; pay it, and do not neglect it." " This was the end of our friend," says Plato, " the best man of all his time, and the most just and wise." ALEXANDER THE GREAT Socrates's famous pupil Plato had a still more famous pupil, Ar-is-tot'-le, of the city of Sta-gi'-ra, in JNIacedonia. He became the teacher of Alexan- der, the son of Philip of Macedonia. Aristotle was the greatest thinker and writer of ancient times, and no man has ever lived since who was wiser than he. For two thousand years his books were studied by all those who wished to have the best education. His pupil, Alexander, liked much better to read the poems of Homer than to listen to the instruc- tion of Aristotle. He loved those books because they told of war and heroes. When he saw his father conquering one city after another, he cried out, "Alas, there will be nothing left for me to do! " He was fond of athletic sports, and was a fine horse- man. He succeeded in training a war horse called 102 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY Bu-ceph'-a-lus, that had been given to his father, and which was so fierce that no man could be found to ride him. Alexander was twenty years old when he be- came King of Macedonia. He soon found plenty of work to do. The Greek cities and the wild tribes on the north all revolted at once ; and because so young a king had come to the throne, it seemed a good time to get back their liberty. But in two years he had crushed all his enemies. The city of Thebes revolted the second time, and Alexander appeared suddenly with an army and leveled the city with the ground, leaving only the house of the poet Pindar. He put six hundred of the people to death and sold the rest as slaves. It was the ambition of Alexander to conquer the world. The Persian empire was still the chief power in Asia, and it was this empire that he set out to conquer in 334 B.C. He crossed the Hellespont with thirty-five thou- sand men. A third Darius was now ruling in Per- sia. On the banks of the river Gra-ni'-cus he met a Persian army and defeated it. With his own hand Alexander slew two Persian nobles. He sent three hundred suits of armor, gathered from the battle field, as an oiFering to the goddess Mi-ner'-va at Athens. The chief means by which Philip and Alexander won their battles was the phalanx. This was a body GREECE 103 of men sixteen deep and a thousand in line, making sixteen thousand in all. They were armed with pikes or spears so long that the spears of the first five lines reached out in front of the phalanx. This body moved in a mass, and nothing could with- stand it on level ground. When the phalanx struck the Persian army it plowed a road through it like some great machine. Alexander marched on toward Persia. Pass- ing through the city of Gor'-di-um, he visited the temple of Jupiter. Here he heard this story: A peasant named Gordius was once chosen king of that country. In gratitude he had placed his wagon and the yoke for the oxen as an offering in the temple. The yoke was fastened to the pole by a rope tied in a very intricate knot. The oracle had said that " whoever could untie the knot would be the master of all Asia." When the knot was shown to Alexander he drew his sword and cut it. This was thought to be the meaning of the oracle. From this story we have received the expression " cutting the Gordian knot," meaning a quick way out of a difficulty. By the following year Darius had raised a force of six hundred thousand men, and he advanced to attack Alexander. The two armies met on the nar- row plain of Is'-sus, near the Mediterranean Sea. At the first attack of the Macedonian cavalry the Persians broke and fled. A vast number of the 104 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY fugitives were killed, and the tent of Darius, his wife and children, and a large amount of money, fell into the hands of the Greeks. From Issus, Alexander marched southward into Phoenicia and Palestine. The city of Tyre alone held out against him, and refused to allow him to enter. Tyre stood upon an island half a mile from the mainland. As Alexander had no ships, he built a solid road of timbers and earth through the sea to the island. Even then he could not break down the wall which surrounded the city. He then went among the towns he had conquered and gath- ered a fleet of two hundred ships. He surrounded Tyre and attacked it on all sides at once. The Greeks at last broke through the walls and took the city. Eight thousand men were killed, and the rest of the people were sold as slaves. This siege of Tyre took nine months, and is considered to be the most difficult task that Alexander accom- plished. The conqueror next marched to Egypt. The Egyptians had been ruled harshly by Persia, and were only too glad to change masters. Here Alex- ander founded, at the western mouth of the Nile, a city which has become the most important in Egypt. He marked out the streets with his own hand, and named it after himself, Alexandria. But he also did a very foolish thing in Egypt. He went to the temple of Jupiter in the desert, where GREECE 105 there was a noted oracle. He had the priests of the temple say that he was not the son of Philip, but the son of the god Jupiter, and that he was destined to conquer the world. After leaving Egypt Alexander again set out in pursuit of Darius, who was raising an army to meet him. The final battle took place at Ar-be'-la, where the Persians were so badly defeated and scat- tered that they could not be united. The different nations composing their great army went to their homes, and Darius fled away with only a small bodyguard. He was afterwards killed in Bactria by his own nobles, who hoped by putting an end to the king to stop the pursuit of Alexander. The Greeks then took possession of the chief cities of Asia. Susa, Babylon, and Per-sep'-o-lis, wdth immense treas- ures, fell into their hands. In Bactria Alexander met a beautiful princess, Roxana, and was so charmed with her that he made her his queen. He next crossed the Hindu Kush Mountains into India. Along the upper waters of the Indus River he found and conquered a rich country ruled by a king named Porns. Alexander soon afterwards returned to Baby- lon, which he intended to make the capital of his vast empire. Here he was taken sick with a fever, of which he died at the age of thirty-two years. His empire was divided among his generals. 106 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY Ptor-e-my received Egypt and the coast of the Mediterranean Sea; Cas-san'-der took Macedonia; L in]iaj> STEPS TV> AMEKICjlX hktoky Seine. whiA has grown into the beautiful dty of Paris. This part of Gaul became known as France or the land of the Franks, Thus Cloris founded c»e of the great modem nations of the world. During this campaign agaiust Syagrius an in- cident occurred that shows the rough manners of these Frankish tribes and tells us somethinor about the kind of man Clovis was. Some of his soldiers had carried away from one of tiie diurches at Rheiois a beautiful vase, which the bi^K)p entreated Clovis to return as a special favor to him. Accordingly when the spoils were divided Clovis asked his men to set aside the vase for himself. A soldier standing by exclaimed. * Xever shall you have more than your just share I " And as he spoke he broke the vase to pieces with a blow of his ax. Clovis o^ncealed his anger for the time, and said not a word. A year afterwards when he was reviewing his soldiers he approadied the one who had insulted him. Taking the man's weapon he threw it upon the ground, chiding him for not keeping it in better condition. As the soldier stooped to pick it up. Clovis blattered his skull with Mie blow, exclaiming; " Thus didst thou with the vase at Soissons I " Clovis married Clo-til'-de, niece of Gun '-do- bald, the Kin or of Burcrundv. ClotOde was a Chns- CLOVIS 163 tian, and did all in her power to convert her pagan husband and his people to her own rehgion. Clovis was not satisfied with the extent of his new kingdom, and he soon made war on the Al'-e- man-ni. another German tribe living along the Thus Di, tiio'j wi: \.^^ at ^oisjohs '. upper Rhine. It must be remembered that these Germans thought the most honorable way to get an}i:liing was to take it by war. It was thought a disgrace to get anything peacefully when it could be obtained bv a fair fii:rht. 164 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY The Alemanni were stubborn fighters and three times they drove Clovis from the field. Then the king thought of the God that Clotilde had told him about, and he prayed earnestly for victory to Clo- tilde's God. At the next charge of the Franks they swept the Alemanni from the field. When Clovis returned home he announced to his people that he had become a Christian. He or- dered all heathen gods and temples to be broken down, and on Christmas day he and three thou- sand of his warriors were baptized by the arch- bishop in the church at Rheims. When Clovis died, his kingdom was divided among his four sons. Their descendants continued to rule France for a century. Then in 613 the whole kingdom was united under Clo-taire'. His son, Dag'-o-bert, was a worthless king, and a man named Pip'-in was made mayor of the palace. This mayor was the real king. A descendant of Pipin, known as Pipin the Short, retired the '' do- nothing " king to his country place and made him- self the founder of a new line of kings. The great- est of this line was Char-le-magne' who in 811 be- came king of all the Franks. The Baptism of Clovis. XIV. THE BEGINNING OF ENGLAND In the Lowlands along the North Sea between the Rhine and the Elbe and on the peninsula of Jutland lived the Sax'-ons, An'-gles, and Jutes. These were German tribes like the Franks and Goths. They became good sailors on account of their situation, and often made voyages to Britain and along the coast of Europe. Like their brother tribes, they lived by war and plunder, and they soon became the terror of the Britons living along the eastern coast. The Roman army had long protected their British colony against the sea robbers. But in 410 Ho-no'-ri-us, the Roman emperor, called his sol- diers awa/ from Britain to guard Italy against invasion. Then the Jutes, the Saxons, and the Angles swarmed over into Britain. Two chiefs of the Jutes named Hengist and Horsa are said to liave been the first comers. They soon drove out the Britons and took possession of the larger part of the island. Some of the Britons escaped into Wales and Cornwall, where their descendants con- tinue to live. The Britons had long before this been con- verted to Christianity by the Romans, and a Chris- tian king in Wales fought bravely to save his coun- try from the heathen invaders. 166 THE BEGINNING OF ENGLAND 167 This king" was Arthur, about whom many tales are told. He is said to have lived in a splendid palace at Car'-le-on in Wales where he gathered about him many brave knights. Twelve of these are known as the " Knights of the Round Table." They were wont to go out in search of adventures, chaining up wicked giants, protecting the helpless, and driving back the heathen. While Arthur and his knights were warring against the Saxons, a Christian priest, St. Patrick, was converting the wild Irish tribes, baptizing thousands of them. He founded churches and schools, where young men were trained to become missionaries. They were then sent out to teach the faith to the Picts in Scotland and to the Gauls across the English channel. The Saxons and their brother tribes built up seven kingdoms in Britain. These were united into one by King Egbert of Wessex, who began to reign in 802. Egbert was the first to be called King of England. Long before this the Saxons also had been converted to Christianity. By Sax- ons we mean all the Germanic tribes in Britain. It is strange that although the greater part of the invaders were Saxons, it was the Angles who gave a name to the new country — An'-gle-land, or Eng- land. Pope Gregory the Great, while he was yet a priest, was attracted by the fair faces of some THE BEGINNING OF ENGLAND 169 Angle children who were exjiosed for sale in one of the slave markets in Rome. They were so heau- tiful that he said, " They have the faces of angels.'' When he became the head of the church, he sent Aug'-us-tine with forty monks as missionaries to convert the Angles to Christianity. Augustine landed in Kent in 597. Eth'-el-bert was then king of Kent. Like Clovis, he had married a Chris- tian princess, Bertha, the daughter of a Frankish king. Augustine was welcomed, and in a short time King Ethelbert and a thousand of his men were baptized. During the next century missionaries visited the other kingdoms of Britain and they too ac- cepted the Christian faith. An old Roman church at Can'-ter-bur-y where Jupiter and Juno were once worshiped was made into a Christian church. It grew to be the Cathedral of Canterbury and Augustine became the first archbishop of Canter- bury. XV. MOHAMMED AND THE SARACENS The three religions which have taught the world that there is but one God are the Jewish, the Chris- tian, and the Mohammedan. These religions have all come from that branch of the Semitic race which is descended from Abraham. The wander- ing Arabs, the tribes of the Arabian desert, claim Ish'-ma-el, the son of Abraham, as their ancestor. Their holy city is Mecca. In Mecca is the Ca'-a-ba, or holy temple, where a black stone is kept that is believed to have been given to Abraham by the angel Gabriel. Pilgrims from all over Arabia came here to worship and to kiss the sacred stone. The Arabs were worshipers of the sun, moon, and stars. The level plain and clear sky made them familiar with the motions of these bodies. They found their way across the desert by the stars, and they thought that their own lives were guided by the position and motion of the heavenly bodies. Mohammed was the founder of Islam, as the Mohammedans call their religion. He was born in Mecca about 570 a.d. His family belonged to the tribe of the Ko'-reish-ites, who had charge of the temple of the Caaba. His parents died when he was a child and he grew up as a shepherd boy, 170 .liiiiliiiiiliillilliiiliiiiiilll 172 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY tending the flocks and camels of his uncle, A'-bu Ta'-lib. Every owner of camels in the East frequently has occasion to join caravans carrying merchandise across the desert. He would receive pay for the use of his camels and for his own services. Mo- hammed traveled with his uncle to all parts of Arabia as a camel driver. Soon he became himself the leader of a caravan. He became known for his honesty, and merchants frequently intrusted to him valuable goods and large sums of money. When Mohammed was about twenty-five years old, he was engaged by a widow named Kha-di'- jah to take charge of her caravans. Her husband had been successful in this business, and Khadijah wished to carry it on. Khadijah was so pleased with his skillful management, and he became so fond of his mistress, that they decided to be mar- ried. As his wife was rich he did not need to make so many journej^s as before. For fifteen years they lived at JNIecca. At the end of this time Mohammed began to think much about religion. He knew about the religion of the Jews and that of the Christians, but he did not exactly like either of them. He liked still less the idol worship of Arabia. Mohammed had always been thoughtful about religion. Each year dur- ing the holy month of Ram-a-dan', he went away to a cave near Mecca and there he spent the 174 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY time in fasting and prayer. It was in this cave that the angel Gabriel first appeared to him and taught him the religion that he afterwards taught to his followers. From time to time the angel came to him, tell- ing him more and more about the new religion. All of this JNIohammed remembered carefully and had it written in a book. This book is the Moham- medan Bible. They call it the Koran, a word which like our word Bible means book. The most important teaching of the Koran is this: " There is only one God and Mohammed is his prophet." He first taught his religion to his own family, and they became his first converts. But when he began to preach in the streets of Mecca, the crowd called him a fool and thought he was not right in his mind. At last the chiefs of the Koreishites threatened to kill him if he did not keep silent. They were the guardians of the Caaba; and Mohammed, by con- demning their worship of idols and men, of sun and stars, made the care of the temple less profit- ablco He was at last obliged to flee from Mecca at night, and he escaped death only by hiding in a cave while his nephew put on his clothes and lay down on the couch of the prophet. This made the pursuers think that Mohammed was still at his home. A story tells us that the spiders spun their webs MOHAMMED AND THE SARACENS 175 across the entrance of the cave, and that the doves built nests in front of it to deceive the angry chiefs, who sought the prophet's life. The flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Me- dina took place in 622. This is the event from which all Mohammedans reckon time, just as we reckon the years from the birth of Christ. The Arabic word for this event is Heg'-i-ra, or flight. Since 622 was the first year of the flight, 1915 would be 1293 in the Arabic reckoning. Mohammed had many followers in Medina, and a mosque, or place of prayer, was soon built and the prophet taught the people a form of wor- ship. One God only must be worshiped five times each day with the face turned toward JNIecca. A part of one's goods must be given each year to the poor, and the yearly fast in the month Rama- dan must be kept. Every good Mohammedan must also make once in his life a pilgrimage to Mecca. All this was not taught at once, however. Soon after coming to Medina the prophet said that the angel Gabriel had told him that Islam must be forced upon the whole world. All heathen nations must accept the new religion or be put to the sword. Jews and Christians must become Mo- hammedans or pay tribute to the prophet. Mohammed soon had an army at his command. He attacked and defeated a caravan of the Ko- reishites, and finally captured the city of Mecca 176 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY itself. He broke all the idols of the Caaba, shout- ing* as each one fell, " Truth has come and false- hood gone forever! " He continued his conquests until all Arabia was converted. Hearing that the Greek emperor, Her-a'-cli-us, was preparing to attack him, he made ready an expedition against him. In the midst of this he died in the year 632. Mohammed's father-in-law, A'-bu Bek'-er, was chosen caliph, or successor, to the prophet. Under O'-mar, the next caliph, Persia, Palestine, and Sy- ria were conquered and made to accept the new re- ligion. Egypt was next added to the rapidly growing Mohammedan Empire. When Al-ex-an'- dri-a was taken, a Moslem leader inquired of Omar what should be done with the books in the famous library there. " If these books agree with the Koran, they are not needed; if they disagree with it they should be destroyed," said Omar. The seven hundred thousand rolls of parchment which the library was thought to contain were dis- tributed among the public baths of the city and used for fuel. In 710 the conquest of Africa was finished and the leader Ta'-rik crossed into Spain. In 711 in one great battle he destroyed the Visigothic king- dom there. When Spain was secured, a great army crossed the Pyrenees into Gaul. There the MOHAMMED AND THE SARACENS 177 Mohammedans were met by Charles Martel with an army of Franks. At Tours in 732, a battle was fought that saved Christian Europe from de- struction. The Mohammedan cavalry rode again and again upon the Frankish infantry, but were beaten back as if from a wall of iron. All day the battle lasted. Toward evening a charge was made by the Franks and the Moslem leader, Abd-er- Rah'man was killed. During the night the enemy retreated, and they never appeared in France again. It was decided by the battle of Tours that Christians and not Moslems should rule Europe. Charles was the son of that Pipin who was the mayor of the palace in the time of the do-nothing Merovingian kings. From the stout blows which he dealt the Mohammedans with his battle ax, he got the surname Martel, or the Hammer. He be- came the hero of Europe, for he had saved it from becoming subject to a false religion. Some time before this the capital of the Mo- hammedan Empire had been fixed at Bag'-dad on the Tigris River. This city became the most beau- tiful in the world. Five bridges spanned the river, and six hundred canals ran through the city. There were a thousand mosques and as many tem- ples. All the wealth obtained by conquest was spent there. The palace of the caliph was equal to the golden house of Nero or the cedar house of SolomoUo 178 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY The empire became so large that a second cap- ital was set up at Cor-do'-va in Spain, where the cahph of the West ruled. Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours. From 768 to 809 there ruled at Bagdad the most noted of all the caliphs. This was Ha-roun'- MOHAMMED AND THE SARACENS 179 al-Ra'-shid (Aaron the Just) . The wonderful tales of the Arabian Nights are stories of Bagdad in the good days of Haroun. When Haroun was a young man he became a general in the army. He defeated the army of the Empress Irene of Constantinople and compelled her to send to Bagdad every year seventy thousand pieces of gold. This money was paid regularly for many 3^ears; but when Ni-ceph'-o-rus came to the throne he sent this letter to Haroun : " The weak and faint-hearted Irene agreed to pay tribute to you when she should have made you pay tribute to her. Now, pay back to me all the gold she sent you or else we will settle with the sword." When Haroun had read the letter the messen- ger of Nicephorus threw down before him a bundle of swords. " Then," the story goes, " the caliph drew his keen scimiter and with a stroke cut in two the Roman swords without dulling the edge of the weapon." Then he wrote a letter to Nicephoiiis. This is what it said: " Haroun-al-Raschid, Commander of the Faith- ful, to Nicephorus the Roman dog : I have read thy letter. Thou shalt not hear, thou shalt see my reply." The army which he sent utterly routed the Ro- 180 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY mans. The emperor promised to pay the tribute again. He did not keep his promise, and Haroun prepared again to punish him. But he died be- fore his army was ready to march. It was left for the Turks, a Tartar tribe which had been converted to Mohammedanism, to take the city of Constanti- nople. XVI. THE EMPIRE OF CHARLEMAGNE PiPiN THE Short, who set aside the last Me- rovingian king and made himself king of Frank- land, had two sons, Charles and Carloman. As Carloman lived only a short time Charles became king. He ruled from 768 to 814. In after times he was called Charlemagne (Shar-le-mane'), the I*'rench form of Karl the Great. We must remember that in his time there was yet no France and no French people. Charle- magne was a German and spoke the German language. The Franks, too, were Germans, who had settled among the Gauls and Romans. The French people and language came from the mix- ing of these three races and languages. On the east of the Rhine, where there were no Gauls or Romans, a pure German race lived, and their country is now called Germany. Why was this king called the Great? Only a few kings have received this title, and there is al- ways some good reason for it. In the first place, Charlemagne was of great size and stature. He was seven feet high, broad in shoulders and chest, and of immense strength. He was fond of hunting, riding, and swimming. He shrank from no toil and feared no danger. He was a successful general; he fought fifty-two 181 182 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY military campaigns and never met defeat. He en- larged his empire so that it took in all of western Europe except Spain, and he was crowned by the Vo])e as Roman emperor. Besides knowing how to win battles, he knew how to govern his empire. He divided it into dis- tricts ; at the head of each district he placed a count, who could be removed if he did not manage well. Twice each year he called together all the chiefs and the people to take part in the making of laws. Every Frank felt that he was a part of the great empire, and that he was helping to govern it. After the laws were made, judges were chosen and sent to all parts of the kingdom to hold courts and enforce the laws. Charlemagne was the first barbarian king to establish schools. In his own palace at Aa'-chen (Aix) he had a school for his own children. He brought a learned Englishman named AF-cuin from the school of York in England to direct the teaching in his schools. He himself never learned to read and write until he became a king. But then he saw the need of it and studied so diligently that he learned to speak in Latin and to read Greek. These languages were the most important then because all the books were written in them. Char- lemagne cared little for eating and drinking, and usually read a book while he ate. He was prompt Charlemagne. 184 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY in all his actions, never lost time, and in this way he had time enough left for recreation when his work was done. His first war was against the Lom'-bards in Italy. The Lombards were a German tribe who had been invited into Italy by N arses, the general of Justinian. After the Gothic kingdom of Theodoric was destroyed, the Lombard kingdom became the chief power in northern and central Italy. As the Lom- bards were Greek Christians they were not friendly to the Roman Pope and they soon began to threaten Rome. This was about the time that Pipin made himself king of the Franks. As L-^ wanted to be crowned by the Pope, he was invited to help Rome against the Lombards. Pipin marched his army into Italy, took from the Lombard king a large part of his territory, and gave it to Pope Stephen III. In return for this, the Pope solemnly crowned him king. In the time of Charlemagne another quarrel came up with the Lombards. He had married the daughter of Des-i-de'-ri-us, the Lombard king, and afterwards divorced her and sent her home to her father. Desiderius was so angry at this that he called upon Pope Ha'-dri-an to make the son of Carloman king instead of Charlemagne. The Frank king promptly led his army across THE EMPIRE OF CHARLEMAGNE 185 the Alps, took Desiderius prisoner and shut him up in a convent. He then put the iron crown of the Lombard upon his own head and declared hii^i- self lord of all Italy. On account of the crimes of the Empress Irene at Constantinople, who had blinded her own son that she might rule, the Italians declared them- selves independent of her. The Eastern emperors had gone on calling themselves Roman emperors ever since the time of Constantine, although they had no power at Rome. The Greek and Roman churches had come to think differently about religion. A great dispute about the use of images came up in the eighth cen- tury. In the East the mosaics and pictures were taken out of the churches and destroyed, the priests claiming that the people worshiped these things as idols. But the Roman Church held that it was right to adorn the house of worship with the statues and pictures of the Saviour, the Virgin, and the saints. The Pope thought that there should be an em- peror in the West who agreed with the Roman Church. Accordingly, on Christmas Day, 800, in the Church of St. Peter, Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Roman emperor. As the golden crown was placed upon his head, all the people shouted, " Long live Charles Augustus, Emperor of the Romans! " The Crowning of Charlemagne. THE EMPIRE OF CHARLEMAGNE 187 After this, the eastern half of the old Roman Empire came to be called the Greek Empire. The language spoken there was Greek, while in the west only Latin was spoken. The war against the Saxons was the most stub- born in which Charlemagne engaged. These fierce people lived on the eastern bank of the lower Rhine. They were still worshipers of Thor and Woden, and they hated the Franks because they had become Christians. It took eighteen campaigns and thirty years of warfare to conquer them. JVIany times they seemed to be subdued but then the war broke out afresh. Charlemagne insisted on making Christians of them, and baptized many at the point of the sword. Once he massacred forty-five hundred of them for breaking a treaty. At last he gave up trying to conquer them and offered to make peace, if their heroic leader, Wit'-te-kind, would consent to be baptized. After his baptism many of the Saxons became Christians. Their name still remains in the king- dom of Saxony, one of the German states. The emperor built a splendid cathedral at Aachen, his capital. There he was buried, under the floor and beneath the dome of the church. His body was placed sitting in a marble chair, dressed in his royal robes and crown. His horn, and a copy of the Gospels were upon his lap and his THE EMPIRE OP CHARLEMAGNE 189 sword by his side. The marble chair may still be seen in the cathedral at Aix, but the other relics were taken to Vienna by later emperors. His son Louis was a weak ruler and had a troubled reign. He divided the kingdom among his three sons. Louis received the eastern, or Ger- man part, Charles the western part, and Lothair, Italy, with a long strip of land running north be- tween the other two. Such was the beginning of the modern countries, France, Germany, and Italy. Roland in the Pass of Roncesvalles. {Roland was one of Charlnnagne s bravest warriors.) XVII. THE NORTHMEN The Teutonic tribes living on the northern shores of Europe, in Denmark, and in Norway and Sweden are known in history as Northmen. Just as their brother tribes in Central Europe invaded and conquered the Roman Empire in the fifth century, so they invaded and conquered parts of the older Christian countries in the ninth and tenth centuries. But the Northmen, living along the bays and inlets of the coast, became expert sailors and ship- builders, and their raids and invasions were made by sea. Like the Franks and Goths they were strong and warlike, and despised getting anything by labor which they could get by plunder. Their ships were long and narrow. There was one mast in the center which carried a large square sail. Along the sides there were benches for twenty or more rowers. Their weapons and food were packed snugly away in the bottom of the boat — in the bow and stern and under the benches. In these boats they made long voyages. Set- ting out from Denmark or Norway, they would cross over to England and to the coast of France, and even to Iceland, Greenland, and America. They would frequently sail up a river until they came to a rich city or town. They would then land 191 192 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY their warriors and plunder the place, carrying off all the valuable things they could find. Then they would sail away before enough men could be got together to catch them. At first their raids were made in the summer. When winter came they would all go away to their homes along the fiords and harbol's of Norway. But toward the end of the ninth century they be- gan to make settlements along the coasts that they plundered. ALFRED THE GREAT Just 100 years after Charlemagne became king of France, Alfred, the greatest of English kings, came to the throne. Alfred and Charlemagne were much alike in some things. Both were great in war, both loved learning, and both were expert in the art of governing their countries. Alfred was the first English king who learned to read. A Welshman named Asser, who wrote the life of King Alfred, tells this story : One day Alfred's mother was showing her sons a poem written on parchment, and beautifully orna- mented with colors. She said — " Whichever of you will first learn to read this poem shall have it to keep for himself." Alfred at once sought out a teacher, and soon learned to read, but his brothers gave no further thought to the matter. From that time, he devoted THE NORTHMEN 193 every spare moment to improving his mind, and became himself a writer of books. Alfred was twenty-two years old when he be- came king, and he at once entered into a terrible war against the Danes, who had invaded the coun- try. Three shiploads of these robbers had landed on the English coast in 787, and when the sheriff of the place went to inquire who they were, they slew him. That was the first appearance of the Northmen in England; but afterward, more and more of them came. As they were heathen and hated the Christians, they took delight in plunder- ing and burning the churches. In those days valu- able things were usually put in the churches for safe-keeping. The Danes soon found this out, and they killed the priests and carried away the treas- ures. The Danes proved to be more than a match for King Alfred and his soldiers; so he decided that he must build a navy and fight the enemy on the sea. The English quickly captured a Danish ves- sel, and they felt so encouraged that they soon had a good sized fleet of larger and stronger ships than even those of the Danes. Alfred thus became the founder of the English navy. In the sixth year of Alfred's reign, a large Danish army landed on the coast. They marched across the country, burning houses and villages, and robbing the people. King Alfred was driven from 194 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY his capitol, and with a few of his followers, he hid in the swamps and woods. But he soon got to- gether another army and attacked the Danes at Eddington, where he defeated them in a hard fought battle. It was during these wars that Alfred disguised himself as a minstrel and went into the Danish camp, where he amused Guthrum, their king, by singing and playing on the harp. While so doing he found all about the situation of the Danish camp and the best way to attack it. After defeating the Danes, Alfred forced them to make peace and he baptised Guthrum and thirty of his men. He gave them the eastern half of England, north of the Thames River, for their home. As soon as the war was over, Alfred set to work to organize an army in case war should break out again. He stationed his ships along the coast and built strong forts for the defense of the country. After doing this, the king gave his attention to making good laws and in appointing judges who would study them and make just decisions. He rebuilt the chvu'ches and convents which had been destroyed by the Danes; and he had many manu- scripts copied for the use of the priests and other learned men, for there were yet no printed books. He kept a record of all the events of his reign, and this record is the chief means we have of finding out what happened in King Alfred's time. THE NORTHMEN 1IJ5 Besides all these things, Alfred was interested in architecture, in art, in working metals, and in cutting gems. He measured his time by means of candles, which were made so that each one would burn out in four hours. He placed his candles in horn boxes so that they would not be blown out by the wind which came through the walls of ihis palace. These horn boxes were the first laiiterns used in England. It was Alfred's work as an author that distin- guished him from nearly all the kings of history from the time of David and Solomon. Other kings patronized literature, engaging men to write for them; but Alfred toiled over his own manuscripts amid all his other cares, and added greatly to the meaning of our language by fixing the use of words and supplying to the people good forms of speech, while at the same time cultivating their moral and religious characters and securing to them an endur- ing record of his reign. Alfred died in the year 901; and the lasting gratitude of his people was shown by the observ- ances in his honor after the lapse of a thousand years, in 1901. In the reign of Ethelred the Unready, the Danes began to come in greater numbers than ever. The king gave them great sums of money to go away. They took the money and were ever de- manding more and more. 03 o OS O > I O THE NORTHMEN 197 At last in 1002 Ethelred ordered a general mas- sacre of the Danes all over England. Thousands Alfred in the Camp of Guthrum. 198 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY were killed and among them was Gunhilda, the sis- ter of King Sweyn of Denmark. Sweyn vowed vengeance on the English king. He came with a large army to England and drove Ethelred out and made himself king of England. In 1016 Canute, his son, succeeded him. He was a good king and made excellent laws for England. He was a Christian and forbade the worship of the old gods. He forbade slavery also, and punished crim- inals, the strong as well as the weak. In 1042 the Danish line of kings died out and Edward the Confessor, the son of Ethelred, was restored to his throne. ROLF THE GANGER While these things were going on in England, the Northmen were making conquests in northern France. Once the}^ stabled their horses in the great church that Charlemagne built at Aachen. Rollo was a noted leader in the attacks on France. He was called Rolf the Ganger, or goer, on account of his long legs. In 885 Rolf came sailing up the Seine with thirty thousand men and seven hundred ships, and laid siege to the city of Paris. The city stood on an island, and was con- nected with the mainland by two bridges. These bridges were defended by two high and strong towers. The Northmen after staying for eighteen months gave up the task and retreated. THE NORTHMEN 199 In 911 Kolf and his Noi*tlimen came again. They were routed in one battle, but King Charles saw that they were too strong to be driven out. He then did what Alfred had done in England. He gave them two provinces in the northern part of France. Rolf received a French princess for his wife and became the vassal of the French king. When Rolf was told that he must kiss the king's foot as a sign of faithfulness, he scornfully refused. When the French said that that part of the ceremony could not be left out, the chief told one of his men to kiss the king's foot for him. The soldier knelt before the king and lifted up his foot so high to kiss it that Charles rolled off his seat. The Northmen burst into laughter at his ridiculous appearance. The land given to Rolf became known as the duchy of Xormandy, and the Northmen were called Normans. Although Rolf had been a pirate and a plunderer himself, he would not allow any lawlessness in his new duchy. He made strict laws, and robliery was punished by hanging. Normandy became the best governed part of France. The new duke divided the land among his chiefs. They in turn gave part of their land to their vien, that is, the soldiers who fought with them, and kept the rest for themselves. Each man who thus received land of a chief had to give him part of the grain and fruit that he raised. He also 200 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY had to do a certain number of days' work for his lord each year and fight for him in case of war. Any man who received lands from another became a vassal and he had to take the oath of fealty, or faithfulness, to his lord. The land thus received was called a fief or feud, and this system of landholding was called the feudal system. The vassal was a freeman. But the great mass of the people were serfs. Some were slaves that could be bought and sold. The serfs could not be sold but were obliged to live always upon the estate of their lord. They could not get any pay for their labor ajid when the land changed hands the serfs went with it. Wherever the Northmen went, they learned the language and accepted the religion of the land in which they lived. In France they became French- men, in England they became Englishmen. One of the descendants of Duke Rollo was William I, the conqueror and King of England. In Russia also a band of Northmen under a chief named Rurik set up a government with Nov'- go-rod as his capital. This was the beginning of the Russian Empire. Under King Vlad'-i-mir they were converted to Christianity and became Russians just as Rollo and his men became French. Wherever the Northmen were found, they were skillful in both war and government. XVIII. THE NORMAN CONQUEST OF ENGLAND When the Danes drove King Ethelred from his throne in England, he fled to Normandy. His wife was Emma, the great-granddaughter of the first duke, Rollo. His son Edward, called the Con- fessor, on account of his piety, grew up at the Nor- man court. When Edward wa^ restored to his father's kingdom he took along many Norman friends to whom he gave good places as officers in the English government. This was very displeasing to the English nobles, especially to the Earl Godwin, who was the most powerful among them. After a time Godwin drove the Norman families back to Nor- mandy. Edward married Edith, the daughter of God- win, but they had no children. After Edward's death, therefore, the English people chose Harold, the son of Godwin, to rule over them. Duke William of Normandy now laid claim to the English throne. He said that Edward had agreed to leave it to him. Once Harold had been shipwrecked on the Nor- man coast and found his way to the court of Wil- liam. Before William would allow him to return to England, he made him lay his hand upon an 201 202 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY altar and swear that when Hdw^ard died, he would support William's claim to the throne. The top of the altar was then removed and Harold was shown that his hand had rested just above the bones of certain holy men, or saints. To swear upon the bones of the saints was considered the most solemn kind of oath, and anyone who broke it would be treated as an outlaw. William sent a message to Harold reminding him of his oath. But Harold replied that he had been chosen king by the people of England and that he w^ould stand vip for his rights. William then made preparation to invade Eng- land. For eight months Normandy was a busy workshop. Bows and arrows, swords and spears, helmets and armor, were made ready. Along the coast hundreds of ships were fitted out and stored with provisions. William had asked the Pope for consent to con- quer England. It was given and the Pope sent also a beautiful flag, that he had blessed, to be car- ried at the head of the Norman Army. At last everything was ready and the Normans crossed the English Channel and landed on the English coast near Hastings. As William went ashore he stumbled and nearly fell. Some men near him exclaimed that it was a bad sign. But the duke showed them the earth which he had in his THE NORMAN CONQUEST OP ENGLAND 203 hand saying, "It is a sign that I am taking pos- session of England." The Normans found no one to oppose them, for King Harold was away in the North fighting an army led by the King of Norway, who had in- vaded England. At Stamford Bridge Harold's army nearly destroyed the Norwegians and the English rebels who were with them. The English were celebrating the victory at a banquet, when news came from the South that Duke William had landed in England. Harold hastened to meet him, gathering men as he advanced. He placed his army on a hill near William's camp, and fortified it by driving stakes into the ground around it. Here the Normans made several attacks, but were driven back. At last the English soldiers came out of their defenses to attack the retreating Normans and were slain. Then William made a fierce attack on the king's standard, around which the best of the English soldiers were gathered. The king was wounded, the standard taken, and the battle of Hastings was won. This battle made Duke William of Normandy King William of England. The new king soon had orderly government es- tablished. Those English who refused to accept his rule were harshly treated and lost all their es- tates ; but those who submitted were kindly treated. 204 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY The feudal system was set up in England. All land belonged to the king. It was divided among the barons who came with him, and they in turn divided their shares among their men. The small- est division of land was called a knight's fee, be- cause anyone holding this amount of land must furnish one knight to fight for the king. There were sixty thousand knights' fees in England. When the king needed an army, he called upon his barons to come with a number of soldiers accord- ing to the land they held. The barons called upon their men and an army was soon assembled. Three times each year William called together all the men in England that held land of him, to make laws and advise him about the state of the kingdom. It is said: " He made such good peace in the land that a man might travel all over Eng- land with his bosom full of gold without molesta- tion." For a long time there were two nations, two languages, and two kinds of law in England. But just as the Northmen became Frenchmen in France, the Norman-French became Englishmen in England. It required nearly two hundred years to blend the two nations into one. But King John lost the province of Normandy, and from that time the Norman conquerors became more and more English. The feudal system continued a long time iii Harold lieceiviiig tlie News of the Norman Invasion of England. 206 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY England, but it was finally abolished, and every man became the owner of the land that he had once held of the king. There were two bad things about this system that caused it to be set aside. One was that it made the barons too strong. Sometimes one baron would have at his command several hundred knights. With such a force he could defy the king. Many barons set up an independent rule of their own. Some became highwaymen and robbed merchants and plundered the people. Often a quarrel would arise between two barons and then they would carry on war until one was conquered. All of this made the country unsafe to travel in or even to live in. The only way to be safe w^as to become the vassal of some powerful noble who made it a point of honor to stand by his men. Every baron lived in a strong house built of stone which we call a feudal castle. This castle was a huge structure. It contained great courts and dining halls large enough to accommodate hundreds of men. There were stables for horses and storehouses for food and supplies of war. Outside was a deep moat, or ditch, filled with wa- ter. This made it possible for a baron to gather all his men within the castle and to remain there for a long time if he was besieged. His men could gather on the high walls and towers and throw down stones and weapons upon THE NORMAN CONQUEST OF ENGLAND 207 the besiegers. The only way to take a castle was to batter a hole through the walls, or to build up high towers alongside of them. Then a bridge could be made from the tower to the wall of the castle. But with brave defenders inside, the baron could usually bid defiance to any foe. The feudal system was a bad thing for the king, the people, the merchants, and for all the weak and unprotected. It made the king too weak to pro- tect his people. It made the people the slaves of the nobles. The man who was not protected by some lord might be killed as an outlaw. The mer- chants had to travel in large companies with armed men to protect them. After the death of Charlemagne and the divi- sion of his empire, there were no more strong and able kings to keep the nobles in order. The result was that each noble built a strong castle and be- came partly independent. In this way the feudal system spread over Europe. After a time it came about that the people joined with the kings to put down the nobles. A witty writer said that the king was the cat, tlie nobles were the rats, and the people were the mice. Both cats and rats eat mice, but there was only one cat while there were many rats. So it was prudent for the mice to help the cat to kill off the rats, even if the cat ate a few of them. The merchants and mechanics lived mainly in 208 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY cities. Soon the cities grew strong and rich enough to purchase their independence of the noble in whose province they stood. The noble was always in need of money for his wars, and the city would furnish the money in return for the privilege of governing itself. When gunpowder came into use the power of the nobles was soon broken down. A musket ball could pierce their armor and a cannon could batter down their castles. A few pieces of cannon, with the help of the people and the free cities, made the kings strong again; and in place of the feudal system, Europe became divided into monarchies ruled by powerful kings. XIX. THE CRUSADES We have read how the followers of Mohammed overran all Western Asia and compelled the inhabi- tants to accept their religion. Jerusalem, Naza- reth, Bethlehem, and all the places associated with the life of Christ fell into their hands. Among the early Christians it was thought to be a very pious act to make a ]3ilgrimage, or jour- ney, to some»sacred place. The tomb of some saint, like that of St. Thomas at Canterbury in England, might be the place. But a visit to the birthplace of the Saviour at Bethlehem or to His tomb at Jerusalem, was thought to bring upon the pilgrims the choicest blessing of heaven. The Saracen caliphs at Bagdad ruled over Palestine and the holy places. Haroun-al-Raschid was one of these caliphs. They were usually intel- ligent and liberal men, and were willing that the Christian pilgrims from Europe should be allowed to visit Palestine. They even encouraged such pil- grims and treated them courteously for the pil- grims brought considerable money into the country. But in the wars of the caliphs, a Tartar tribe living near the Caspian Sea was converted to the faith. These were the Turks. They soon became stronger than the caliphs, and took away almost all their possessions. The Turks were ignorant 209 210 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY and barbarous. They called the Christian pilgrims dogs and unbelievers, and seized and plundered them. They even tortured, insulted, and killed many. The holy church at Jerusalem was made into a stable and the other holy places were treated with like contempt. When stories of these insults were brought back to Europe, it made the Christians very angry. The Pope and the priests began to urge the kings and nobles to take revenge upon the infidel Turks. You may imagine how the Christian knight was affected by this oppression. He had taken a vow to aid the persecuted and the helpless, and to be a champion in the cause of religion. What could please his chivalrous nature more than to go to the Holy Land to fight the heathen and pro- tect the pilgrims? The father of the first Crusade, or War of the Cross, was Peter the Hermit, a monk of Am'-i-ens, France. A council of the church was held at Cler- mont in France to consider what should be done. Pope Urban made a speech to a great throng of people telling them of the wrongs suffered at the hands of the Turks. " When Christ calls you to defend Him," cried the Pope, " let nothing keep you at home. Who- ever shall leave his house, his father, or his mother, his wife, or his children in the name of Christ, shall THE CRUSADES 211 be rewarded a hundredfold, and shall have eternal hfe." The vast assembly rose up in their enthusiasm and shouted: " It is the will of God! It is the will of God!" Those who were wilhng to join in a war against the Turks placed crosses upon the breast or shoulder. Peter was at the council and immediately after- wards he set out on a journey through Europe preaching with great earnestness to enormous crowds of people. Everywhere he was welcomed, and thousands of men in every land took the cross. Finally a day was set when the expedition should start for Constantinople. From that place they were to cross into Asia Minor, and march through ^yria to Jerusalem. Peter himself led an advanced guard of eighty thousand men, women, and children through Eu- rope. But they had made no arrangement for food or shelter. On the way through Hungary they compelled the people to feed them. The Hun- garians attacked and killed many of them. Hun- ger and cold killed more. Not more than seven thousand crossed the Bosporus into Asia, and these were cut to pieces by a Turkish army. In the meantime the main army of the cru- saders gathered. It was a splendid body of v/ell- disciplined soldiers. There were a hundred thou- sand mail-clad knights and six hundred thousand cu K -M THE CRUSADES 213 footmen, commanded by Godfrey, the Duke of Lor-raine', and Tan'-cred of Sicily, two of the noblest knights in Europe. The different bodies of troops met at the Bos- porus. The capital city of the Turks, Ni-C£e'-a, was taken. The crusaders then took up the march to An'-ti-och, a distance of two hundred miles. Disease, starvation, and the enemy killed nearly half of them before they reached that city. It was seven months before the stronghold fell into their hands. Then they pushed on to Jerusalem. At last they came in sight of the Holy City. All their strife and toils were forgotten in their enthusiasm. They kissed the ground and marched bareheaded and barefooted, in the manner of pious pilgrims. A month was spent in building machines to scale the walls. A first assault was unsuccessful. But at the second the crusaders burst in the city. For seven days there was a fearful slaughter of Moslems and Jews, and it only ceased when there was no one left to kill. Jerusalem was then made into a Christian king- dom with Godfrey at the head of it. He would not be called king but took the title. Defender of the Holy Sepulcher. This was the end of the first Crusade. It had lasted three years (1096-99). The crusaders then returned to Europe leaving a few hundred knights to guard the holy places. THE CRUSADES 215 About a hundred years after the first Crusade, the city of Jerusalem was taken by Sal'-a-din, the JNlohammedan ruler of Egypt. But Saladin showed a nobler nature than the Christians or Turks. There was no slaughter of prisoners or of defense- less women and children. Three great sovereigns then set out, each with an army, to recover the Holy City; Richard, King of England, Philip Augustus of France, and the distinguished German emperor, Frederick Bar- ba-ros'-sa. The emperor was drowned while cross- ing a swollen stream in Asia Minor and his son, Frederick II, also lost his life in this, the third Crusade. The chief event was the siege of A'-cre, a city on the coast which blocked the way to Jeru- salem. It took a long time to capture the place. It is said that six hundred thousand men were gath- ered about its walls. Saladin made strong efforts to drive the besiegers off, but he failed, and the city surrendered in 1191. Philip and Richard could not agree, and the French king led his army home. Richard re- mained two years after the fall of Acre trying in vain to take Jerusalem. But his troops were so thinned by disease and battle that they were scarcely equal in number to the Moslem garrison in the Holy City, and Saladin with an enormous army was hovering near. So he made a truce with 1 THE CRUSADES 217 Saladin. It was agreed that the Christians should go untroubled to the holy places, and that a strip of coast from Tyre to Joppa should be held by Richard. There were in all eight crusades, but the re- maining five are of little importance. They closed in 1291, having lasted almost two hundred years. In that year the last Christian was driven out of Palestine and the Mohammedans have held the land to this day. Though the Crusades did not keep Jerusalem out of the hands of the Moslems, they had some good results. They helped to take away power from the feudal nobles who had oppressed the peo- ple. Thousands of the nobles died in war. Many more got so far into debt that they could not afford to keep knights about them. When a noble died and had no heirs, his estates went to the king. In that way the kings became strong enough to control the rest of the nobles. The Crusades also led to commerce between Europe and the East. The Italian cities, Venice and Genoa, became rich in supplying the needs of the crusading armies, and they kept up the trade that they had begun. Soon the products of India, China, Persia, and Arabia, were brought to Venice and Genoa. From these cities merchants sold them all over Europe. XX. BEGINNING OF NEW NATIONS ENGLAND The nobles were much less in number after the Crusades. But those that were left became more powerful and the fights between them and the kings in the different countries of Europe still went on. When Richard the Lion-hearted died, his brother John, a very wicked man, became king. It would take a long time to tell all the bad things he did, but here is one of them. The rightful heir to the throne was Arthur, the son of John's older brother, Geoffrey. John took Arthur prisoner and shut him up in a castle in Rouen. He ordered the jailer to put out the boy's eyes, but Arthur begged so pitifully that the jailer did not have the heart to do it. Then John came one night accompanied by his squire, and the two men took Arthur out on the Seine in a boat where they killed him and sunk his body in the river. Whether this is true or not, it is certain that Arthur was never seen again after he left the castle with his uncle. The French king fought against John and took Normandy away from him. When John sum- moned his barons to go with him to France to win 218 BEGINNING OF THE NATIONS 219 the lost province back, they refused to go. Then he began to take away their property and to abuse their famiUes. Some of them were secretly mur- dered as Arthur had been. No man's life was safe in England while John was king. At last the barons made war on the king and compelled him to sign a paper called the Great Charter. By doing this he agreed not to take any more money from the people without the consent of the great council composed of the nobles and the bishops of England. He also promised that no man should be unlawfully imprisoned or put to death. The Great Charter contained many other things that took away the power of the king, and made the life and property of the people safer. In the reign of John's son, Henry III, Simon de Montfort, the leader of the barons, called to- gether the representatives of the people. These with the nobles and bishops made up the English Parliament, the body which still governs England. Thus in England the barons and the people joined together to take away power from a wicked king and give it to the people. For the next two hundred and fifty years the nobles remained very powerful in England; but they did not try to rule independently of the king as in France and Germany. In the middle of the fifteenth century a civil war, called the " Wars of King John Signing the Great Charter. BEGINNING OF THE NATIONS 221 the Roses," broke out in England between the rival houses of York and Lancaster. Both these fami- lies claimed the throne. So many of the nobles were killed in this war that they never became powerful again. King Henry VII would not allow them to keep any armed men in their castles. The kings of England then became so strong that they ruled the country without consulting the people very mucli about it. After a time one of the kings, Charles I, be- came so tyrannical that the people rebelled against him and put him to death. England then became a republic for a time. Charles II, the son of Charles I, was restored to the throne, but from that time the people gained more and more power. FRANCE When the empire of Charlemagne was divided in 841, his grandson, Charles, became king of the western Franks. He gave the county of Paris to a brave soldier, Robert the Strong. Just as the descendants of Clovis became worthless and were set aside by Pepin, so Pepin's descendants became weak, and at last died out altogether. Then the counts of Frankland chose Hugh Capet, the great-grandson of Robert the Strong, to be king. Hugh's domain had become known as 222 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY the Duchy of France. He was therefore the first King of France. The French counts and dukes were just as strong as the king, and considered themselves his equal. A large part of the history of France for four centuries is taken up with wars between the kings and their vassals. Louis XI at last subdued the last of them and made himself supreme. France became a strong monarchy. The common people in France had little power. They were mostly serfs or slaves, and they did not gain en- tire freedom from their lords until the outbreak of the French Revolution. GERMANY AND ITALY The story of the feudal lords and the kings in Germany is quite different from that of France or England. The countrj^ became divided into five duchies, Sax'-o-ny, Fran-co'-ni-a, Swa'-bi-a, Ba- va'-ri-a, and Lor-raine'. These great dukes with the bishops elected the German emperor. In 1356 four princes and three archbishops ob- tained the right to choose the emperor of Germany. These were called the seven electors, and Germany and Italy together were known as the Holy Roman Empire. In 911 the family of Charlemagne had died out. The last king of his house was known as BEGINNING OP THE NATIONS 223 Louis the Child. At his death the nobles met and chose Conrad, of Franconia, king. At this time a tribe of fierce Tartar warriors called Magyars (Ma-jarz') invaded Germany, and a strong king was needed to defend the country. Conrad lived only a few years. On his deathbed he called his brother to him and gave him the crown and jewels. " Take these to Henry of Saxony," he said. " He is the only one strong enough to defend the country." The princes met at Aachen and elected Henry. The messengers sent to inform him of his election found him hunting birds. On this account he be- came known as Henry the Fowler. Henry proved to be a vigorous ruler. First he compelled the Duke of Lorraine, who had set up an independent kingdom, to obey his authority. Soon the Magyars began to pour into the country. Henry beat them in one battle, but seeing that his soldiers were not fit for war, he made a truce with the barbarians for nine years agreeing to pay them every year a large sum of gold. Then Henry set to work to train his army. He built forts along the border and stocked them with food and supplies. Before the truce was up he was ready to meet the enemy again. In the tenth year the JNIagyar king sent to de- mand the tribute again. 224 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY " Xo," said Henry, " not a piece of gold will I give you.'' There was a hard struggle, but at ]Mer'-se- burg, in 933, Henry took the camp of the ^lagyars and got back a large amount of money that they had taken from him. The ]Magyars then settled along the lower Danube and called their kingdom Hungary, and there they are to-day. They are the only people in Eiu'ope except the Turks who do not belong to the white race. The greatest of all the old German emperors was Frederick I of the house of Ho'-hen-stau-fen. He is known as Frederick Barbarossa, or Red- beard. One of the best of his acts was to stop the wars and plundering^ of the barons. He com- pelled all the princes to obey him, and made the kings of Poland and Bohemia his vassals. But Frederick with all his power could not con- quer the Italian cities. These cities were founded by the Lombard nation whom X arses had brought into Italy. JNIilan w^as the leading one. They had grown rich by trade, and wxre determined to gov- ern themselves. They drove out the counts and bishops w^ho had ruled them. When Frederick came into Italy with his army, they joined in a leagaie against him. The king captured and burned ]Milan, but in the end he was defeated and the cities became free and independent. Henry the Fowler Chosen Emperor of Germany. 226 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY Frederick's death during the third Crusade has been mentioned. He was the best loved of all the emperors, and the people mourned for him many years. A legend grew up among the peasants that the hero was not dead, but asleep in a cav- ern among the mountains. In after years, when the empire fell into disorder and weakness, the people sighed for the return of the times of Barbarossa. XXI. THE REVIVAL OF LEARNING Revival means a bringing to life again. When a country has schools and colleges, books, and works of art, and when the people are edu- cated, we may say learning is found there. The barbarian tribes that swarmed into Europe cared nothing for learning. The books of the Greeks and Romans were destroyed. There were no schools worthy the name. Here and there a wise king like Alfred the Great or Charlemagne, had established schools, but most kings cared only for war. The knights and nobles despised learning. Study was for priests and not a fit occupation for a soldier. A few schools were kept up in the churches or in the convents where the monks lived; but these were only for the education of the priests. We may say truly that learning had died out in Europe. During the fifteenth century it was revived, or brought to life again in Italy. Italy was less exposed to the attacks of the bar- barians than the other European countries. The Lombard cities were the first to grow rich. Flor- ence, Venice, Genoa, and Pavia, had many citizens who had grown wealthy by trade. When people 227 228 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY have mone}^ they can devote their time to writing hooks or to painting and sculpture. The jDeople of these rich Itahan cities were the first people in Europe to give some attention to books. The poet Petrarch was the first to begin to study the old Greek and Latin books. He loved to read the poems of Homer. He said that there were not more than ten men in Ital}^ who could under- stand them. Petrarch and other Italian scholars began to search through the old libraries of the churches and monasteries for rolls of parchment containing old writings. In neglected cellars among heaps of rubbish, and in strange nooks and out-of-the-way corners they found here and there a manuscript which was priceless. These precious old rolls were unrolled and copies were made and placed in libraries. It was in the fifteenth century that Pope Nicholas V founded the great Vatican library at Rome. He collected five thousand volumes at a cost of $250,- 000. This Pope kept several hundred clerks at work copying books, for you must remember that there were no printing presses at that time. Constantinople was the only city that had not been taken by the invading tribes. Many valuable collections of books were kept there. Schools were kept up and many learned Greeks taught in them. THE REVIVAL OF LEARNING 229 In the thirteenth century the Turks began to attack this city. They crossed the Bosporus and cap- tured all the land about the city. The Turkish Sul- tan, Baj-a-zet', defeated an army of one hundred thousand French and German knights and swore that in a short time " he would stable his horse in St. Peter's Church at Rome." But before Bajazet could carry out his plans, his own kingdom in Asia was invaded by Tam-er- lane', a descendant of the great Genghis Khan of whom we read in the story of China. His name was really Timour the Lame. He was so called because he was lame in one of his legs. But this name was changed into Tamerlane. Tamerlane ruled in Turkestan. His capital was at Sam-ar-cand', where he lived in a fine palace of marble. He was chief of the Mongols, a tribe of Tartars. He had conquered all of Asia except India and Turkey, both of which he afterwards did conquer. He was more cruel than Attila, the " scourge of God." It is estimated that he burned and plundered fifty thousand towns and killed five millions of people. When he took Ispahan in Per- sia he slew seventy thousand. At Delhi in India, one hundred thousand prisoners were massacred. He took Bagdad, the old capital of Haroun-al- Raschid, and made a pyramid of ninety thousand heads at the gates of the city. He now decided to subdue the whole world. statue of Gutenburg, the Inventor of the Printing Pres* THE REVIVAL OF LEARNING 281 " There is only one God in heaven," said he, " and there should be only one king on earth." From Bagdad he marched west. Bajazet hurried away from Constantinople to meet him. They met at Angora in Asia Minor. The Turkish army was destroyed. Bajazet was made a prisoner. Tim- our put him in an iron cage and chained him to one of the bars. In this way he was carried from place to place for the amusement of the Mongol soldiers. Tamerlane returned to his capital and gave sev- eral weeks to feasting. Then he called his armies together and set out to reconquer China which had just rebelled and had driven out her Mongol em- perors. On the march he died. His empire fell to pieces at once, and the world breathed a little more freely when it heard that he was dead. The people of Constantinople knew that sooner or later their city would be taken. They could hardly muster ten thousand soldiers while their ene- my had several hundred thousand. Many Greeks began to leave the city for Italy. Teachers and scholars, who owned precious parchment rolls, took their treasures to Italy. They set up schools in the Italian cities, where they taught Greek and Latin. They were made welcome. The Italians had become earnest students of these languages and they gave their wealth to these Greek teachers. Many hundreds and even thousands of these pre- 232 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY cious old books of Greece and Rome were thus saved. For in 1453 Mohammed II besieged Con- stantinople with two hundred thousand men and took it by storm. He took down the cross from Mohammed II. Entering Constantinople. THE REVIVAL OF LEARNING 288 the steeple of the cathedral of St. Sophia, and put up the crescent, the sign of the Mohammedan re- ligion. Since 1453 the Turks have continued to hold the city on the Bosporus, that Constant ine had thought the finest place in the whole world for a capital. While the Italian clerks were slowly copying old manuscripts with pen and ink, a German, John Gutenhurg, of Mainz, was inventing a quicker method of book-making. Long ages ago the Chi- nese had discovered a way of printing. Before Gutenburg's time this Chinese method was in use in Europe also. A block of hard wood was made of the size of the page to be printed. On this block was care- fully carved the words and sentences of that page. When this was done, the wood around the letters was cut away leaving the letters standing out in relief. Ink was put on the block. It was then care- fully pressed down on a sheet of paper, just as we use a rubber stamp to-day. Gutenhurg improved this method by cutting out each letter separately on a piece of wood or metal. When this movable type had been used to print one page, it could be taken out to set up another page. Thus the printing press was in- vented in 1438. About the same time also the art 234 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY of making paper from linen rags was discovered. These were two of the greatest inventions ever made by man. A few years after this invention, printing presses were set up in Italy. The greatest printer of the age was Al'-dus Ma-nu'-ti-us of Venice. John Gutenburg and the First Printing Press. Gutenbm-g's first printed book was a Latin Bible made about 1450. Aldus printed hundreds of books in Greek and Latin. His books were famous for their beauty and freedom from mistakes. Scholars from England, France, and Germapy THE REVIVAL OF LEARNING 235 flocked to Italy to learn of the great teachers there. When they returned to their homes they carried with them copies of the books they had studied. Teaching in the Italian schools consisted in read- ing and copying the old Greek and Latin manu- scripts. First the teacher would read a passage. This was written down by the class. Then the teacher would explain the meaning of the passage copied ; this was also written. When the course was finished, each pupil would have a complete copy of the book along with the explanations given by the teacher. In a few years schools were established all over Europe for the study of Greek and Latin, or the New Learning, as it was called. Books on geog- raphy and travel were eagerly read, for men had begun to make voyages along the coasts of Africa and northern Europe. MODERN HISTORY WII " -^ — .. H Yx^V. 1 H K IXBLES IVmizs Aiesuder tke Gjot kd 1b araBi- into - _ : ■- - "- _ — -77 ^- - ;^^ iL. ^- - _. -- -_ ^ prosper- - ^^pi: up for Bmziy s time ft is 7 C^HtllDBL X^^ T -: '7 -':^\ "^(r— " ri^-^fd on t — ' ' - — — fir -- ^BzV-: - 7 2. \I ' r - -_ _ - - - - - - - . : " - " ' - - _ . _ '_;' - "^ --_- - - - ^ ' ^ fffi 3i0-|iH It 7 -- - T -.,"-'*- - - ' ' ' - - - - _ _ --'-- ~ ' - ' - T " - " T . - - . . _ , b- -_ ' •^- - _ , , ^ - ;- - _ - _ ::_ ^- Zi:~ TiMJirs- 7 - ted rf tibcic tia^iEfes- >l2rco P<^ faftf ZBsdiianed as a Tis- oCbistixidk. Tk tales fid cdia and liA pabes erf . i. woe HOI bder^d hr Ms 'C^'*^- Heandea . -Ifecoaslof t Tidf. and wtwd of it is tme- the deck on allowed to Sir totiadewitL Ubs place tr and Ihoo^t v»llli £gypl cararans win 238 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY Euphrates rivers and the Persian Gulf. There these caravans bought goods of other caravans that came from countries still farther east. When the Turks took possession of Western Asia they would no longer allow the Christian mer- chants to trade in those parts, and after they took Constantinople they shut the vessels of Genoa out of the Black Sea. Their pirate ships swarmed in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, and it was unsafe for a merchant vessel to venture into those parts, unless well armed. The Turks sailed even out into the Atlantic and along the coasts of Europe and Africa, and many a battle was fought with them by sailors of Italy and Portugal. Columbus tells of a sea fight which a vessel of Genoa had with a Turk off the Portuguese coast. The Genoese ship was sunk and the crew swam ashore, Columbus among them. When the Eastern trade routes were thus cut oiF by the Turks, the Italian cities began to search for a new route to India by sea. In this work the Portuguese took the lead. Marco Polo had told of a great ocean on the east coast of India and China. If they could only find this ocean! But Africa was in the way. They must sail around it. It was not thought to be very far. But there were strange ideas about the ocean in those times. People thought that if one sailed out to the edge of the 240 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY ocean, the ship would fall off the earth, or else be destroyed by the terrible monsters that were thought to live there. They thought the earth to be flat, like a round pie dish, and that the ocean was a great stream flowing around the outer edge. Then it was believed that as one approached the equator, the water became boiling hot, and of course no one could sail a ship on boiling water. But Prince Henry of Portugal was not dis- turbed by these tales. He sent out ship after ship along the coast of Africa to look for a strait through it or a way around it. He also told his sailors to go ashore and look for gold. The sailors were easily frightened and soon turned back. When they reached Cape Non, they were met with such terrible storms that they did not think it pos- sible to go farther. When Prince Henry died in 1463, his sailors had gone as far as the gold coast. In 1471 they crossed the equator and were astonished not to find boiling water. At last in 1486, Batholomew Diaz reached the most southern point of Africa, which was named the Cape of Good Hope. For now they had " good hope " of reaching Polo's won- derful ocean and the Indies. In 1498 four ships sailed under the command of Vasco da Gama, a young man, but one who was never frightened by anything. When he reached the Cape, the storms so alarmed his men that they THE SEARCH FOR THE INDIES 241 resolved to turn back. But Vasco locked them up and sailed on. He passed the Natal coast on Christmas Day, which he named in honor of the birth of Christ. On he sailed vip the eastern coast. At Mozambique he found a pilot who knew the way to India. Then they struck eastward across the Indian Ocean and arrived at last in the harbor of Calicut on the west- tern coast of India. The road to the Indies was found at last. Everywhere da Gama found the Moors in pos- session of the trade. A battle was fought with them at Calicut before they would allow the Portuguese to go ashore. In 1500 da Gama returned to Lis- bon with his ships laden with the treasures of the East. The Portuguese then sailed frequently over da Gama's route to India. Their great generals, Al-me'-i-da and Al-bu-quer'-que, drove out the JVIohammedans, and Portuguese settlements took their place along the African coast. While the Portuguese were sailing east around Africa in search of the Indies, Columbus was hop- ing to find them by sailing west. When he read Polo's tale of a great ocean east of Asia, he said that this ocean was only the western side of the Atlantic Ocean, and that the world was round like a globe and not flat like a plate as most people thought. Being round, India could be reached by sailing west, just as a fly can walk around an apple. THE SEARCH FOR THE INDIES 243 When Columbus asked help of the King of Spain to fit out a fleet, that king was making a final effort to drive the INIohammedans out of Spain. After ten years of bloody war, the Moorish kingdom of Gra-na'-da was taken. Bo-ab-dil', the last king, fell in battle, and the people were given the choice of becoming Christians or leaving the country. For a hundred years longer the Moorish people remained in Spain. But on account of cruel persecution many left. In 1609 Philip III drove the last of them, about a million, out of the land. It was in 1492 that Queen Isabella at last gave Columbus three ships for his western voyage. His discovery of a new world in the West was the most important event in the history of the world. For many years America was thought to be a part of India. But in 1513 a Spaniard, Bal-bo'-a, crossed the Isthmus of Darien and saw the great Pacific Ocean. Six years later, Ferdinand Ma- gel'-lan, a Portuguese sailor, was trying to find a shorter voyage around the southern end of South America into the Pacific Ocean. He crossed this ocean to the islands south of Asia and came back to Portugal by way of the Cape of Good Hope. He had sailed around the world. Magellan had proved that America was a new continent separate from India. But he had also found the voyage to be far longer than the route around Africa. Magellan did not live to reach THE SEARCH FOR THE INDIES 245 home, and only one of his five ships returned. The tale of his voyage is one of the most thrilling and interesting in history. These voyages would n.ot huve been possible had it not been for the mariner's compass, by which the sailor can steer his ship in fair weather or in storm, by day or by night. And without gun- powder and muskets the explorers would not have been able to conquer the fierce natives that they found on every coast. It was the savage tribes in the Philippine Islands that killed JMagellan, and the first colony that Columbus established in Hayti was soon destroyed by the Indians. A new period in the history of the world begins with the voyage of Columbus and the finding of the Indians. We call it modern history. Three great inventions mark the beginning of this perio:!, the printing press, the compass, and gunpowder. The story of printing has already been told in the Chapter on " The Revival of Learning." Both gunpowder and the compass wxre known in China at least 2,000 years before they were invented in Europe. The compass now in use was invented by Flavio Gioja (Fla'-vi-o Jo'-ya), an Italian, about 1300. A few years before this, gunpowder was discovered by Roger Bacon, a learned stu- dent and professor at Oxford, England. It was first used in war by the English at the battle of Cre'-cy in France, 1346. XXIII. PETER THE GREAT AND RUSSIA In the story of the Northmen we have seen how a pirate chief, Rurik, began the kingdom of Rus- sia. The Finns, living along the Baltic Sea, called the invaders Rustsi (pirates). From this came the word Russia. But the Mongols and Turks, who invaded Europe from time to time, completely crushed the little kingdom. The Russians were made slaves and forced to pay tribute for more than two hundred years. In the fifteenth century, Ivan the Great freed his country from the Tartars and built up a new kingdom at Moscow. In 1682 the greatest of the Russian rulers, Peter the Great, came to the throne of Muscovy, as the country was then called. Dur- ing his reign of forty-three years, he changed his little barbarous kingdom into a great and progres- sive modern empire. One of Peter's intimate friends was a Swiss named Lefort. Lefort had traveled widely, and he told Peter how affairs were managed in the great European nations. Peter's first work was to get seaports. His only port was Archangel, in the north. The harbor was frozen during the greater part of the year and was of little use. The Swedes held the Baltic, and the Tartars kept the region bordering on the Black 216 PETER THE GREAT AND RUSSIA 247 Sea. In two expeditions Peter broke the Tartar power in the south and seized a port on the Sea of Azof. But he needed a fleet. The Russians had no ships and did not know how to build them. Peter determined to learn how. He disguised himself as a common laborer and went to Holland. The Dutch were the best shipbuilders in the world at that time. He hired himself to a rich shipbuilder at Amsterdam and helped to build a large vessel for the East Indian service. He learned the whole proc- ess of building a ship, from the laying of the keel to the rigging of the sails. After a time it leaked out that the active and hustling workman was the King of Russia. The Dutch called him Boss Peter. They have preserved the little house where he lived, and you may still see the two rooms where he cooked his food and slept. Peter was not content to learn one thing. He also studied medicine, learned to pull teeth, and studied the manufacture of paper, flour, and the construction of mills and printing presses. In fact, every art and industry that he thought might be of use to build up his own country was care- fully studied. He was not interested in war, but later he became a good soldier. From Holland he went to England. King William III gave him a beautiful vessel fitted out PETER THE GREAT AND RUSSIA 249 for war, and arranged a mock naval battle to show him how to use it. When Peter departed he slipped into the king's hand a large and beautiful ruby of great value. Ivan the Great had organized a powerful com- pany of guards called the Strel'-it-zes. This im- perial, bodyguard reminds us of the Pretorian Guard at Rome. When the government did not suit them, they rebelled and set up a king that they liked better. While Peter was studying naval tactics in Eng- land, he heard that the Strelitzes had revolted. He hurried back to Moscow, and with his own sword he cut off the heads of a hundred of the rebels in an hour. He then disbanded them altogether and organized a new army. The dress of the Russians was like that of the Turks. They wore long robes with wide sleeves, and long beards were the height of fashion. Peter wanted them to dress like the people of civilized countries, and made a law that every man except the priests should cut off his beard. He ordered the long robes to be shortened, and the loose sleeves to be made smaller. When some of his courtiers ob- jected to this new regulation, Peter took a pair of shears and clipped off their beards and skirts him- self. He also placed barbers and tailors at the gates of the city, and when a long-bearded Russian came along he was seized and shaved. 250 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY The results of Peter's travels were now seen in other changes. He began by building schools and factories. Then he laid out roads and canals, and established a postal system. The gold and silver were made into new coins, mining was begun, and new laws were made, giving the people of each town a share in the government. While Peter was busy with these things, a boy of fifteen years became King of Sweden. Several kings of Europe thought this a good time to rob Sweden of some of her land. Peter wanted the Baltic coast as a place to build a new capital, and to afford harbors for his ships. But the new king was Charles XII, who turned out to be a young Alexander. He attacked Peter at Narva, and with eight thousand men beat twenty thousand Russians. " The Swedes have beaten us this time," said Peter, " but they will soon teach us how to beat them." And they did. At Pul'-to-wa, the Rus- sians so defeated the army of Charles that he fled into Turkey with less than a dozen men. Peter then filled in the marshes along the river Neva and built the city of St. Petersburg. This brought Russia into the midst of European affairs, and made her one of the greatest of the nations. One more war, this time against Persia, brought to Russia the Caspian Sea and the land around it. Two years later Peter died of a fever which he got PETER THE GREAT AND RUSSIA 251 by exposing himself in assisting some shipwrecked sailors in the Gulf of Finland. Forty years after his death (1762) another great sovereign came to the throne of Russia. This was Catherine the Great, the ablest woman that The Battle of Pultowa. ever sat on a throne. She was fully as active and far more wicked than the great Peter himself. There is only one of Catherine's many deeds that we shall now try to remember, and that one is the seizure of Poland. With Prussia and Austria she divided that kingdom, and each of the robbers 252 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY took a part. The Poles fought desperately under their patriotic leader, Kos-ci-us'-ko, but they were defeated by the three giants who seized their country. " Now," said Catherine, " I have a doormat on which I may step when I go into Europe." Poland was ruled by a Russian governor at first, and the people were allowed to have their own laws and the Catholic religion. But in 1832 they rebelled on account of harsh government. After a series of bloody battles they were put down, and eighty thousand of them were exiled to Siberia in one year. The Roman Catholic religion was suppressed and the Greek Catholic faith forced upon the people. The Russian Government is still the harshest in Europe. Some day the people will no doubt rise up and demand liberty. XXIV. PEOPLE AGAINST KINGS There was once an uprising of the people in an old city of Europe. Some of the rebels were seized by the soldiers, and one poor stuttering fellow was brought before the king. " Why have you rebelled against me? " sternly asked the king. " For t-t-to-o m-much taxes," was the ]30or fel- low's reply. " Too much taxes " has been the cause of much trouble between people and kings. It has brought about revolutions, or changes of government. The revolutions in England, in France, and in America were all caused by too much taxes. The people will put up longer with a king who takes their lives than they will with one who takes their money. A great deal of the old history is about kings and nobles. But in the modern history we find more about the people. In most countries they were kept under by the king, the priests, and the soldiers. But gradually they have gained a share in the affairs of government. Usually they gained their rights through bloody wars and deeds of vio- lence, for tyrants do not give up power easily. Let us see now how the people threw off the rule of their kings in some of the leading nations. After the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the Scotch 253 254 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY king, James Stuart, became King James I of Eng- land. He believed that a king had the right to make any laws he pleased, whether the people liked them or not. He also thought he had a right to tax them without their consent. James's son, Charles I, succeeded him in 1625. In England, as we have learned, there was a body of men called the Parliament. Every county and city chose two men to represent them in this Parliament. These men made up the House of Commons. The nobles and bishops composed the House of Lords. No tax could be raised without the consent of the House of Commons. As soon as Charles began to reign, he levied taxes on the people without asking the House of Commons. They then drew up a document called the Petition of Right, and made the king sign it. In this he agreed not to take money from the people in any way without the consent of Par- liament. But the king broke his word and taxed the people more than ever. At last they and the Par- liament began war against him. The great leader in this civil war was Oliver Cromwell. For three years the war went on. Cromwell won the battles of Marston Moor and Nase'-by. The king was taken prisoner, and put to death as a " tyrant, traitor, murderer, and public enemy." England then became a republic with CromWell 256 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY at the head of it. He was called Protector of the Commonwealth. After his death, the son of Charles I became king. He ruled according to the laws of the coun- try. But his brother, James II, came to the throne in 1685, and began to iiile in the old way, without the consent of the Parliament. James tried to change the religion of the coun- try, as well as to collect taxes unlawfully. He put many people to death without a fair trial. The people soon came to hate him so much that they de- clared the throne vacant and made William of Or- ange king. William was King of Holland, and a descendant of William the Silent, who had fought against Philip II. This change of kings is called the English Revolution. Since that event the people have gained more and more power in England, until to-day they have entire charge of the government, while the king has very little power left. In 1775 the American colonies rebelled against another English king, George III. He tried to do what the Stuart kings had done — tax them without their consent. A long war followed, which we call our Revolutionary War. The colonies won and became the United States of America. The great leader of the colonial armies was George Wash- ington, who took command at Boston in 1775. By March of the following year he had driven the Brit- PEOPLE AGAINST KINGS 257 ish out of that city. But he was defeated in Au- gust, 1776, in the battle of Long Island, and was obliged to retreat across the Delaware River into Pennsylvania. In the meantime the Declaration of Independence had been signed at Philadelphia, July 4, 1776. For five years longer the war went on until the British were surrounded at Yorktown, and their general, Lord Cornwallis, compelled to surrender. The independence of the new republic of the United States was acknowledged when a treaty of peace was made in 1783. George III was the last English king who had very much power. The Parliament declared that the " King's power had increased too much and ought to be diminished." And they speedily di- minished it. The next uprising of the people took place in France. Again it was " too much taxes " that caused the trouble. France had been governed by kings since the time of Clovis, twelve hundred years before. The king was assisted in the government by a council of his nobles, and by an assembly of the people. We have read how all the freemen met in the time of Charlemagne to assist the king. But after Louis XI conquered his vassals he took all the power himself, and neither the nobles nor the people had anything to do in ruling the country. From 1643 to 1715 Louis XIV had been king. The French called him the Magnificent. He ruled PEOPLE AGAINST KINGS 259 alone. Such a government we call an absolute monarchy. He fought long and expensive wars with England, Germany, and the Netherlands. These wars made the taxes very heavy. There were about one hundred thousand nobles and priests in France who owned one half the land. They paid no tax at all. The people who owned the other half of the land paid all the taxes. The nobles as well as the king taxed the people. It was said: " The nobles take half of the people's money and the king takes the rest." They had to work on roads and pubHc works without pay. They were taxed for everything they bought ; and every peasant who sold any vege- tables or grain had to pay a tax when he took them to market. Black bread with a piece of onion to flavor it was their food. Besides, they had to make the flour in the lord's mill and bake the bread in his oven, and pay well for the privilege. They were not allowed to build fences to protect their crops, be- cause that interfered with the lord's hunting. At night they had to stay up and thrash the frog- ponds, so that the croaking of the frogs might not disturb the lord's sleep. During the reign of Louis XV (171.5-74), things grew worse and worse. He was wicked and wasted the public money. England took away the French colonies in India and America. France 260 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY lost her fleets and armies. More taxes were laid on the suffering people until they became rebel- lious and desperate from starvation. " After me comes the deluge," said Louis to his courtiers on his deathbed. And a deluge of fire and blood did come in the shape of the French Revolution. The next king was Louis XVI, the grandson of Louis XV. He was married to Marie Antoi- nette, the daughter of Maria Theresa of Austria. A boy and girl became the rulers of a country that needed the genius of a Csesar or a Napoleon. The king called the clergy and the nobles to- gether to see what could be done to pay the great debt that had been brought on by the foolish wars. But they refused to pay a cent of tax, and the peo- ple could not pay auy more. Next the States General was summoned. This included, besides the nobles and the clergy, the rep- resentatives of the people, who were called the Third Estate. The Third Estate soon took the power into their own hands, and called themselves the National As- sembly. The king attempted to send them home, but they declared that they would never go till they had reformed the government of France. They drew up a constitution, or law, which took away from the king the power to levy taxes, and gave it to an assembly of the people. This government PEOPLE AGAINST KINGS 261 lasted only a year. Then a new assembly, called the National Convention, met in 1792. During this time (1789-92) the king had en- listed a bodyguard of German and Swiss soldiers. This angered the people. They took the Bastile (Bas-teer), or state prison where the tyrannical kings had kept their prisoners, and leveled it to the ground. The king and queen were made pris- oners in Paris. Once they nearly succeeded in es- caping from France, but they were captured and brought back and kept as prisoners in the palace of the Tuileries (Twe'-le-riz). Many French nobles had fled from the country to get help to restore the king to power. Prussia and Austria sent armies to Paris under the Duke of Bruns- wick. But the Revolutionary generals defeated him. A Paris mob attacked the Tuileries and killed the Swiss guards to the last man. Then about ten thousand royalists, that is, those who favored the king, were taken from the jails and killed. When the National Convention met, they abol- ished the monarchy, and made France a republic. The king and queen were put to death. Now be- gan the time that is called the Reign of Terror. During this period everybody suspected of favor- ing a return to the old government was beheaded. An instiTiment called the guiF-lo-tine was invented for cutting off heads quickly, and a special sewer 262 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY had to be made to carry off the blood. It was Hke fhe days of Marius and Sulla in ancient Rome. In the city of Nantes (Nants), thirty thousand were killed. Killing one at a time took too long, so the prisoners were lined up and mowed down with cannon. Sometimes a ship would be loaded with victims and sunk in the river. Three hundred little children were drowned at one time in the river Loire. At last Robes-pierre", the leader in the work of blood, was himself sent to the guillotine. The peo- ple came to their senses again, and the work of the mob was over. In October, 1795, the Convention met to form another government for France. Its members had seen enough blood, but the Paris mob, " Terror- ists " they were called, had not. About forty thousand men and women surrounded the palace where the Convention met. They forced back the troops, and the members were in fear of their lives. Two years before this, when the French army had captured the city of Toulon, a young officer of the artillery had shown great skill in planting the guns. There was one man in the Convention who had been present. " I know of a man," cried he, " who can pro- tect us from the mob." That man was Napoleon Bo'-na-parte, a native PEOPLE AGAINST KINGS 26/5 of the island of Corsica. He was then twenty-six years of age. The Convention put him in com- mand of the troops, and adjourned until the next day. During the night Napoleon planted cannon facing every street that led to the Tuileries palace and charged them with grape shot. The next day came, and the Convention met. The mob again advanced, determined to kill the men who were trying to restore order. They were allowed to approach within a hundred yards; when boom! whiiF! they were met by a hail of shot that sent them flying back in wild disorder, leaving hun- dreds of dead and dying on the ground. The mob and France had found a master. The young man who thus became famous in a day was born in the island of Corsica in 1769. He was educated in a French military school and ap- pointed to the army at the age of sixteen. In school he was noted for industry and perseverance. A hard problem was once given to his class. Napo- leon shut himself in his room and worked at it for seventy-two hours, and solved it. The Directory at once made him commander of the National Guard. It was his business to de- fend Paris. But the enemies of France were com- ing on every side, and he was first sent to Italy to meet the Austrians and Sar-din'-i-ans. In eighteen months he had compelled both coun- tries to make peace. He had won fourteen battles. 264 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY and taken a hundred thousand prisoners with two thousand pieces of cannon. France then declared war against England, and Napoleon was put in command. He took a fleet and army to Egypt, intending to take possession Napoleon at School. of that country, and then to attack the English pos- sessions in India. But there he failed. Admiral Nelson destroyed his fleet in the Battle of the Nile, and Napoleon re- turned to Paris. The people received him joy- fully. The Directory had failed to govern success- fully, and Napoleon drove them out. He then took charge of afl'airs himself. He was called the PEOPLE AGAINST KINGS 265 " First Consul,** There wera two other consuls, but Napoleon ha4 all the power. Austria had begun war again, but was defeated in the battles of Ma-ren'-go and Ho-hen-lin'-den and forced to make peace. Napoleon was made First Consul for life in 1802 by a vote of the people. In 1804 they chose him Emperor of France. From that time until the Battle of Waterloo, in 1815, he was constantly engaged in war. The story of Napoleon's life is a story of battles. Let us see what these wars were about. It was a rule in Europe that no one country should be al- lowed to become too strong, for fear it might seize upon its weaker neighbors. This was called keep- ing the balance of power. The balance of power was then in favor of France. Napoleon had seized lands in Italy and Germany which did not belong to France, and the other countries joined together to make him give up the conquered territories. England, Russia, Austria, and Sweden made the first great attempt to overthrow him. To fight England, he must invade that coun- try. So he gathered a great army at Bou-logne', and was only waiting for his ships to come to take his army across the English Channel. But Nelson destroyed his fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar, and Napoleon was obliged to give up the attempt. He then marched his army into Austria, where 'EOPLE AGAINST KINGS 267 he defeated one hundred thousand Russians and Austrians at Aus'-ter-htz. It was his greatest victory. In 1806 Prussia joined the alhance against him. In two battles he crushed that country and took possession of Berhn. While there he visited the tomb of the famous fighter, Frederick the Great. The sword of the great general was kept suspended over his grave. Napoleon took it down and said: " I will send this to France as a relic." Said one of his generals, "If I were you I should keep it for myself." " Have I not then a sword of my own? " asked the emperor. The next year (1807) Russia was completely overwhelmed at the Battle of Fried'-land and com- pelled to ask for peace. The emperor and the czar met on a raft. " Do you hate England? " asked Napoleon. " As much as you do," answered the czar. " Then," said Napoleon, " peace is soon made." He next began war against Spain and Portu- gal to get control of those countries. This war was called the " Peninsular War." England sent an army under Sir Arthur Wel- lesley ( afterwards Duke of Wellington ) to the aid of these countries. After a long struggle Napo- leon's generals were defeated and driven out. During the Peninsular War Russia had broken PEOPLE AGAINST KINGS 269 her agreement with Napoleon, so he invaded that country with half a million of soldiers. The Rus- sians allowed him to march as far as Moscow, and they then burned the city. But they would not fight him. They destroyed all the food, and made the country through which he must march a desert. Winter came on and Napoleon had to retreat to France. In that terrible retreat he lost three hun- dred thousand men. Again his enemies joined against him and de- feated him at Leip'-sic. He then resigned the em- pire and went to the little island of Elba to live. But he broke his agreement to live a private life and escaped to France. He soon raised a fresh army and hurried to meet the English and Prus- sians in Belgium. At Waterloo he met the English under the Duke of Wellington. After a stubborn battle he was defeated and his army driven from the field. He was not allowed to escape again, but was taken in an English vessel to the island of St. Hel- ena. There he died. May 1, 1821. Louis XVIII, a brother of Louis XVI, was then placed upon the throne a second time. He was succeeded by Charles X. Charles was driven out in 1830, and Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans, was chosen king. He was driven out in 1848 and a republic established for the second time. Louis Napoleon, nephew of the great general, was chosen president. XXV. THE SETTLEMENT OF NEW LANDS After the route to the Indies was discovered by the Portuguese, and a new world found by Co- kimbus, the nations of Europe made haste to send ships and colonists to the new lands. Although these lands were occupied already by other races, it was considered right for Christian nations to drive out the heathen and take their lands. The Portuguese were the first to establish trading ports along the coast of Africa. They also settled in the islands of Java, Sumatra, and in the Moluccas. When Philip II conquered Portugal all these col- onies of Portugal became Spanish. The Dutch were famous merchants and ship- builders, and when Philip made war on them on account of their religion, they sent their ships to the East and seized all the Spanish settlements. Soon all the tea, coiFee, and spices of the Indies were in the hands of the Dutch merchants, and they grew rich by selling them to the nations of Eu- rope. The Dutch East India Company employed Henry Hudson to look for a shorter road to the Indies. He sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean and entered the Delaware and Hudson rivers. He took possession of all the land between these rivers for Holland. They named it New Netherlands. 270 PEOPLE AGAINST KINGS 271 The English king, Henry VII, sent out John Cabot to find a western route to the Indies. Ca- bot sailed along the coast of North America and claimed all that part of it lying between Nova Scotia and the Spanish possession on the south. Columbus had discovered the West India is- lands and the coast of South America. Ponce de Leon found the coast of Florida. Cortez con- quered Mexico, and Pizarro, Peru. And so, the southern half of the New World came into the pos- session of Spain. The Pope had divided the new lands between Spain and Portugal by drawing a line straight around the globe, near the fifteenth meridian. This gave Brazil and the East Indies to Portugal. But all the Western world belonged to Spain. But France, England, and Holland paid no a ttention to the Pope's division of the world. It is told of Francis I, the French king, that he asked Philip to " show him the will of Father Adam by which the New World was divided between Spain and Portugal." The will was not found, evidently, for Francis, too, sent out explorers, who sailed up the St. Lawrence River and discovered the great fisheries along the coast of Newfoundland. This part of the New World became known as Canada, and was settled by the French. The trade with the mainland of India was first 272 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY in the control of Portugal and Holland. But France and England soon took the greater part of it from them. The English East India Com- pany was established by Queen Elizabeth in 1600. The merchants of this company built trading sta- tions at Ma-dras' and Cal-cut'-ta in India. From 1689 to 1782 France and England were almost constantly at war. These wars were due to the ambition of the kings of France, Louis XIV and Louis XV, to make France more powerful than the other nations. The war in America was decided by the capture of Quebec in 1759. General Wolfe and his army climbed the steep cliiFs above the city during the night. In the morning they waited for the French to attack them on the Plains of Abraham. Montcalm, the French commander, led his men against the foe, but the French were defeated, and both Montcalm and Wolfe were killed. A single monument has been built to the memory of both. Only two years before this, in 1757, Robert Clive had won the battle of Plassey in India. " This made the English supreme in the Valley of the Ganges River, the richest part of India. The Eng- lish continued to take town after town until now they rule the whole of India. They owe their vast empire in America and India to James Wolfe and Robert Clive more than to any other two men. Peace was made in 1763, and England made p 274 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY France give up nearly all her colonies in America and India. The English also gradually drove the Dutch out of their African colonies. In 1806 they seized Cape Colony, and the Dutch moved into Natal. Then England took this also. Finally the Boers (Boors) , as the Dutch were called, crossed the Vaal River and settled the Orange Free State and the Transvaal. These colonies were also taken by England at the end of the Great Boer War in 1901. British East Africa, Egypt, and the Sudan, are also under the control of England. About 1775 the English began to settle Aus- tralia. Gold was found there in 1851, and the country grew rapidly. Sheep were found to thrive in the dry climate, and stock-raising has become the leading occupation. The English have also settlements in the islands of the Pacific, in the East Indies, and on the coast of China. About one-fifth of the land surface of the globe is under the control of Great Britain. When the power of the Turks began to grow less, France crossed the Mediterranean to attack the pirates who had for several centuries made that sea unsafe for merchants. She took Algiers and kept it. Later she seized Algeria and Tunis, while Italy captured Tripoli from the Turks in 1911. The discovery of the New World and the In- THE SETTLEMENT OF NEW LANDS 275 dies came at a time when many people in Europe were most anxious to find new homes. The Span- ish were led to go to the colonies in America by the discovery of gold and silver in Mexico and Peru. The Dutch were content with the profits of the spice trade. Great coffee plantations grew up in Java and Sumatra, and the Dutch farmers found them very profitable. The French began a valu- able fur trade with the Indians, and the fisheries kept thousands of men busy. The religious wars in Europe drove a multitude of settlers to the New World. Protestants from Germany, France, and England emigrated to America. During the reign of the tyrannical English king Charles I, the Pilgrims and Puritans left England and settled in Massachusetts. The Quakers and Catholics also were persecuted, and found homes in Pennsylvania and Maryland. When Cromwell ruled, the friends of the Stuart kings, called Royalists or Cavaliers, came in thou- sands and built up the Virginia colony. Thousands of people in England were out of work. The land had been taken away from the farmers by the landlords and turned into sheep pastures. This left many laborers out of employ- ment, and they were glad to find a home in the American colonies. The Thirty Years' War in Germany compelled many Germans to leave the country. The Hugue- 276 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY nots, or French Protestants, were persecuted and driven out of France by the CathoHc kings. Many went into Germany and Holland, and still more found homes in America. All of these causes brought thousands of good, industrious settlers to the new lands. The new colonies grew rapidly, and New Eng- land, New France, New Netherlands, and New Spain added much honor and wealth to the old countries of Europe. After a time many of the colonies across the ocean broke away from the mother countries and made themselves into inde- pendent nations. XXVI. THE NEW GERMAN EMPIRE A GREAT deal has been said in this book about a German Empire. The old empire was a disor- derly empire, where rival kings were constantly engaged in war. The emperor always had hard work to keep his vassals in order. But the German Empire of to-day is a united, orderly, and well- governed nation. It was established in 1871, and the King of Prussia became the emperor. Prussia was the youngest of the German states, but be- came the strongest one. In this chapter we want to learn something about the growth of Prussia and how the new German Empire was formed. The old German Empire was always exposed to the attacks of savage people on the eastern bor- der. It was the custom of the emperors to appoint their bravest soldiers to rule over the mark, or bor- der land, in order to keep out invaders. This offi- cer was called markgraf, or count of the border. In the times of Charlemagne, there was a border state called the ost mark, or eastern border. Later this state was called ost reich, or Austria, meaning eastern kingdom. The markgraf was allowed to conquer as much of the enemy's land as he could and add it to his mark. So it came about that the border state be- came the largest and most powerful of the empire. 278 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY In the twelfth century, the emperor appointed a daring soldier, Albert the Bear, to govern the north mark. He took the city of Branitu from the Wends, a Slavonic race, and from it he called his mark, Bran'-den-burg. When Albert's family died out, Brandenburg was given to Frederick of Ho-hen-zolF-ern, an ancestor of the present Ger- man emperor. In 1356 the Markgraf of Bran- denburg obtained the right to vote at the elec- tion of the emperor. This gave him the title of Elector. The greatest of the Electors of Brandenburg was Frederick William, a HohenzoUern, who be- gan to rule in 1640. In return for help which he gave to the King of Poland in a war, he received the Duchy of Prussia. This had been taken from the Slavonic tribes by the Teutonic knights, when they returned from the Crusades. Frederick, the son of Frederick William, was crowned at Konigs- berg, in 1688, as the first King of Prussia. The next king was a rough, despotic man also named Frederick William. He loved two things above all else, money and big soldiers. He had a regiment, called the Potsdam giants, numbering two thousand four hundred men. Some of them were eight feet tall. He hunted all Europe for big men, and wherever he heard of one, he induced him in some -way to join his famous regiment. He was always busy, rushing about, and look- THE NEW GERMAN EMPIRE 279 ing over his shoulder right and left. If he saw anyone idle, or lounging about, he would give him a rap with his stick, and tell him to "be oiF and get to work!" He especially despised fine and showy clothes, and anyone who met him dressed in this way was pretty certain to get a caning. Though rough in his ways, he was very just, and he would not suffer the poor people to be wronged or injured in any way. His little son Frederick, who was to become Frederick the Great, had a harder time than most boys. He was fond of pictures and music — things which his father despised. He had a flute, but woe to him if his father caught him playing on it. The king wanted his son to study history, geography, mathematics, and about guns and war, for he in- tended to make a soldier of him. But Frederick liked Latin and French — languages which his father could see no use for. At last Frederick and his tutor, Kat'-te, planned to rim away to England to the court of his uncle, George 11. But the plan was discovered. The angry old king hanged Katte, and he came very near hanging Frederick too. For a long time he was kept in prison and fed on bread and water. When his sister Mina was married, he was re- leased, and his father seemed glad to have him about again. When Frederick William died, in 1740, Pros- 280 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY sia was one of the strongest states in Europe. He left a well-filled treasury and a well-disciplined army of eighty thousand men. Frederick — of course he was not called the Great till after his death — soon showed that he had a genius for war. His first war began at once. The emperor, Charles VI of Austria, had left his throne to his daughter, Maria Theresa. Being a woman, the neighboring kings hoped to rob her of part of her possessions. In those days " right was the might of the strongest." Frederick wanted Si-le'-sia, as it bordered on his kingdom, so he marched his army into it and took possession. France, Spain, and Bavaria also made ready to seize other provinces. Thus beset with enemies, Maria Theresa ap- pealed to the Hungarian nobles. Dressed in mourning, with crown on her head and sword at her side, and carrying her infant son in her arms, she appeared before the Diet. She was a beautiful woman, and her beauty, her tears, and the pathetic and eloquent address she made, stirred the chival- rous Hungarian blood. In the old-time manner they clashed their swords upon their scabbards, and with uplifted blades, swore that they would die for their queen. England and Sardinia joined Austria in the war that followed. But when it ended, Silesia re- mained in the hands of Frederick. Prussia was THE NEW GERMAN EMPIRE 281 never known to give up anything that she had once taken. But Maria Theresa determined to have revenge and to get Silesia. During the next eight years she was busy enhsting alHes on her side, while Fred- erick enlarged and disciplined his army. Then the Seven Years' War began. France, Russia, Po- land, Saxony, and Sweden fought with Austria, while Frederick had only the half-hearted support of England. Frederick, surrounded by enemies, attacked them with a vigor and success that earned him the title of Great. He beat the French at Ross'-bach, the Austrians at Leuthen ( Loi'-ten ) , and the Rus- sians at Zorn'-dorf. But then his fortune failed him. He lost two battles. The Russians and Aus- trians defeated him so badly at Ku'-ners-dorf that he wrote to his minister, " All is lost." The Rus- sians took Berlin. He defeated the Austrians again, but his treasury and his army were ex- hausted, and Spain, too, joined his enemies. At this point Peter III, a friend to Frederick, came to the throne of Russia. Peter said that he and Frederick together would " conquer the world." They won a victory, but Peter was mur- dered, and Russia called home her troops. By this time Frederick's enemies were also ex- hausted and ready for peace. It was made at Paris in 1763. It was this treaty that stripped France THE NEW GERMAN EMPIRE 283 of her colonies. Frederick had won a reputation as the greatest general in Europe, and Silesia is still a part of the German Empire. Frederick ruled Prussia until 1786. He was a friend of the American colonies during the strug- gle for independence, and sent a sword to General George Washington. In his love for the common people, and in respect for their rights, he was like his father. In the beautiful street, " Unter den Linden," in Berlin, is a splendid bronze statue of Frederick on horseback. A copy of this statue was presented to the United States in 1904, and now stands in the city of Washington. During the wars of Napoleon, Prussia was ut- terly crushed by the battles of Jena (Ya'-na) and Auerstadt ( Ou'-er-stet ) . Half of her possessions were taken away and given to Napoleon's brother, Jerome, who was made King of West-pha'-li-a. But after Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo by the English and Prussians, Prussia got back all that was lost. There were at this time (1815) thirty-nine Ger- man states, still separate and independent. But there was a congress or diet, composed of delegates from all these states, that had power to settle dis- putes among them, and could act on matters that concerned them all alike. The German people felt that the states ought to be joined together into one nation, instead of 284 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY having thirty-nine nations. The leading German states were Prussia and Austria. Since the time of Frederick the Great they had been enemies. If the German states were to be united, it was clear that one of these rival states must remain out- side the union. It was like the case of two quar- relsome families. One house would not be big enough to hold both. In 1848 Austria had a war with her Hungarian subjects, who had revolted under the lead of Louis Kossuth. In early life Kossuth had been a law- yer and editor of a newspaper. The peasants of Hungary were serfs, and the country was gov- erned harshly by Austria. Kossuth wanted the peasants to be made free, and the people to have more rights. He had once been put into prison for printing a newspaper, and he wanted a free press. In 1848 there was a great uprising of the peo- ple through all Europe, demanding freedom and a share in the government. Kossuth at this time was a member of the Hungarian Diet. He now de- manded an independent government for Hungary. He became the head of the nation, raised armies, and made ready for war. In 1849 Hungary was declared independent of Austria. He won several victories over the Austrians, and would have be- come another Washington if Russia had not come to the aid of his enemies. A Russian army joined THE NEW GERMAN EMPIRE 285 the Austrians, and Kossuth was forced to surren- der, August 13, 1849. Kossuth fled into Turkey, and afterwards vis- ited England and America. He was welcomed ^^^Bafeafc-i •'i'^IBl Bl rvT' 1 ■ Louis Kossuth. everywhere as a patriot and the hero of his country. We come now to the work of the greatest of German statesmen, Otto von Bismarck. It was he who united the German states and founded the 286 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY German Empire. The King of Austria was presi- dent of the German Diet, but Prussia was really the strongest state. In 1861 William I became King of Prussia, and soon afterwards Bismarck became his Prime Minister. Bismarck had been a member of the Diet and minister to Russia and France. He was a shrewd, bold man, but he knew how to work secretly for his own ends, too. He had fully made up his mind to make Prussia the head of the German states, and to drive Austria out of German affairs. Year after year he added soldiers to the army until he had nearly half a million trained men. He made a secret treaty with the King of Sardinia to help against Austria, in case of war. He formed a new plan of government for Germany, leaving i^ustria out. When two nations want to fight, they will soon find something to fight about. In this case the quarrel was about the two provinces, HoF-stein and Schles'-wig. These had been taken from Denmark, Old Prussia and Austria could not agree as to the division of them. Austria wanted the question to be settled by the Diet, but Bismarck sent twenty thousand soldiers into Holstein and said that " only blood and iron could settle the question." The war called the " Austro-Prussian War " then began. Von Moltke, the commander of the German armies, had the war all planned out before THE NEW GERMAN EMPIRE 287 it began, and everything worked to perfection. The states that were the alHes of Austria were com- pelled to remain neutral. King George of Hano- Bismarck. ver refused, and his army was surrounded and taken prisoners. The three Prussian armies then took up their march toward Vienna. At the village of Sa-do'-wa they met the Austrian army. Several victories had 288 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY been won, but tbe battle at Sadowa was decisive. A half million of men fought until noon without victory on either side. Then a fresh Prussian army arrived, and the Austrians were driven from the field. By the treaty of peace that King Francis Joseph was forced to make, Austria was no longer to take any part in the affairs of Germany. A union of the chief German states called the North German Union was now^ formed. The Prussian King was to be president of the union and command the armies. The king and Bismarck already knew where they would soon have need of armies. Louis Napoleon was elected president of the sec- ond French republic in 1848. This was called the year of revolutions, because there were so many of them. He made himself emperor in 1852, and was called Napoleon III. He saw^ how strong Prussia was growing, and hoped to be able to check her. He was anxious to extend France to the river Rhine. But when the French ambassador spoke to Bismarck about giving up the rest of Alsace to France, the man of " blood and iron " very gruffly refused to think of it. In 1870 something happened that brought on war between France and Germany. The crown of Spain was offered to a member of the House of Hohenzollern, that is, the Prussian royal family. Prince Leopold, to whom it was offered, re- THE NEW GERMAN EMPIRE 289 fused to accept. But Napoleon III wanted King William to promise that no relative of his should occupy the Spanish throne. The French minister made this demand of the king" on a public street at Ems. The king told him " to see the ministry at Berlin." At Berlin, Bismarck dismissed the am- bassador with a rude refusal. France began to call her armies together at once. Every German state joined with Prussia, and a million of German soldiers were soon in the field. They were eager to avenge the wrongs that the first Napoleon had brought upon them fifty years before. The war with Austria lasted only seven weeks. This war lasted only eight. The French were beaten everywhere. The decisive bat- tle was fought at Sedan, where the French had to surrender ninety thousand men. Two months later they surrendered their main army, one hundred and seventy-six thousand men. Paris was then be- sieged and taken. Napoleon had surrendered his sword to King William at Sedan. He did not dare return to Paris, but at the close of the war fled to England. His empire was over, and for the third time France became a republic. On January 18, 1871, in the palace of the French kings at Ver-sailles', King William of Prussia was crowned Emperor of Germany. The German states were at last united to form a Ger- man nation. XXVII. HOW ITALY BECAME ONE NATION AxL during the JVIiddle Ages, that is, from 476 to 1492, Italy had no king ruhng the whole coun- try like England or France. But each city had its own duke or prince. Rome and the near-by ter- ritory was ruled by the Pope. This state of affairs made the country weak. The stronger nations, es- pecially Spain, France, and Austria, overran Italy, seized upon such of the cities as they wanted, and added them to their own possessions. During the first half of the fourteenth century an attempt was made to unite the parts of Italy. At this time the residence of the popes was in France, and Rome was in great confusion, owing to the quarrels of leading families. These fami- lies built strong castles and behaved like the feudal barons of Germany. Nicolo di Rienzi is the hero of this first attempt to unite Italy. His brother, a boy, had been killed in the strife of the nobles, and he wished to be re- venged upon them. Rienzi was a persuasive orator, and he called the people together in secret meetings. He asked them to meet him in Rome on a certain day. On that day he appeared before them and read to them a form of government and laws that he had prepared. The people shouted their ap- proval. They chose him chief ruler, and called 290 HOW ITALY BECAME ONE NATION 291 him Tribune, after the old Roman officer of the people. For a time Rienzi ruled Rome well. Then he planned to bring under his government the other Italian cities. INIany of them favored his plans. But the success he had seems to have turned his head. He began to take on the appearance of roy- alty. He called himself high-sounding titles, as, August Tribune, Defender of Italy, and Friend of JNIankind. Finally, he had himself publicly crowned with seven crowns. Soon the clergy, the nobles, and many of the people turned against him and drove him out of Italy. Affairs in Rome became as bad as before. After a time Rienzi returned. But he soon began to levy high taxes, and behaved as foolishly as be- fore. Then the people rebelled again. This time they pursued him to the capital and stabbed him to death. Petrarch, the poet who led in the revival of learning, said of him: " I loved his virtues. I praised his ends, and I looked forward to the rule of Rome over a united and happy Italy at peace with the world." During the rule of the free cities of Italy, more great men flourished than at any time in the world's history. Athens, in the time of Pericles, is the only city that can compare with Florence in the days of Rienzi. The greatest artists and sculptors, poets, and historians were born in that city. Dan'-te, 292 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY Raph'-a-el, and Michaelangelo were some of the greatest artists and poets. In geography and science, too, Italy took the lead. To prove this we need only name Colmn- bus, Vespucius, and Cabot among the discoverers. In the early times man thought the earth to be fixed and immovable, and that the sun and the stars revolved around it. An early astronomer, Ptolemy (Tol'-e-my), had taught this, and for many cen- turies men believed it. Toward the end of the six- teenth century a Polish astronomer, Co-per'-ni- cus, taught that the sun is the center around which the earth and the planets revolve, and that the stars are fixed. This idea of Copernicus was taught by the most famous of Italian scientific men, Gal-i-le'-o. The first discoveries of Galileo were made while he was a medical student at the University of Pi'-sa. There is a famous tower there that leans to one side on account of the foundation having settled unequally. It is known as the " leaning " tower. From the top of this tower Galileo would drop objects of different weight and material. He found that two objects of the same size and shape would strike the ground at the same time, no mat- ter if one weighed more than the other. He observed the swaying of a large chandelier in the cathedral. It suggested to him the pendu- lum, which is used in measuring time. But Gali- HOW ITALY BECAME ONE NATION 293 leo's greatest work was the invention of the tele- scope, an instrument that makes distant objects seem near. With it he discovered the moons of Jupiter, and watched them revolve around that planet. He also saw the black spots on the sun, and could tell by the movement of these spots that the sun turns on an axis like the earth. He was the first to see the mountains and val- leys on the surface of the moon. The telescope enabled him to see thousands of stars that could not be seen by the naked eye. Galileo became nearly blind in his old age. John Milton, the greatest of English poets, went to see him when, as a young man, he traveled in Italy. The old philosopher took pleasure in ex- plaining to the young Milton the mystery of the sun, the planets, and their motions. Before his death, in 1642, Italy had become the most wicked country in Europe. Nowhere else were there so many murders, poisonings, and revo- lutions. Rulers were treacherous, and no man's word could be trusted. Much of this wickedness was caused by bad gov- ernment. Early in the nineteenth centmy. Napo- leon put the Pope in prison and added Italy to the French Empire, but after his defeat it was given back to its former owners. In the peace which came to Europe at the end of the NajDoleonic wars, in 294 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY 1815, the rulers of the nations banded together to put down all opposition to their governments. Ex- hausted by the long reign of disorder, the people submitted for a time. Then the opportunity was given for a gradual and orderly advancement in self-government. Instead of this, however, a distrust of the people and a repression of their desires were conspicuous in the governments of the nations of Continental Europe. The pent-up force of the people's will grew stronger with the years, and was certain to burst forth in revolutionary uprisings sooner or later. The very map of Europe was an absurdity. The Austrian Empire was a patchwork made up of many nationalities. There was no such thing as an Austrian language or Austrian blood. Italy, on the other hand, was divided among numerous governments despite its unity of language, litera- ture, and history. Venice and the northern part be- longed to Austria ; the Pope ruled the central part ; the south was called the Kingdom of Naples, and was ruled by a king of the French Royal house, the Bourbons. The northwestern part, called Piedmont, was part of the domain of Victor Emmanuel I, King of Sardinia. The French had given Italy a taste of liberty, and when the old rulers began to rule harshly, there were soon mutterings of discontent. 296 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY Plots and societies were soon formed to over- throw the tyrants. Two of the most noted leaders of the patriots were Joseph Mazzini (Mat-se'-ne) and Joseph Ga-ri-bar-di. They founded a secret ■ " X k ^^ I k liHI ,#f 1^ w" Garibaldi. society called Young* Italy, whose object was to fight for the freedom and unity of Italy whenever and wherever the chance came. Another older so- ciety was the Car-bo-na'-ri, or charcoal-burners. HOW ITALY BECAME ONE NATION 297 These societies stirred up many revolts, but all attempts to obtain rights for the people were put down by the troops of Austria. Mazzini and Gari- baldi had to flee from Italy to save their lives. Garibaldi spent fourteen years in South America, where he married a Spanish girl, Anita. In peace or in war, this devoted wife was always with him until her death. In 1849 he returned to Rome where he stirred up the people to resist the French and the Aus- trians. When he saw that he was sure to be de- feated, he led five thousand of his men through the enemy to join the Sardinian king, Victor Emman- uel II, in the north. The Austrians triumphed again over conquered Italy. Victor Emmanuel had for his minister a shrewd statesman named Count Ca-vour'. Cavour in- duced Napoleon III to help drive Austria out of Italy. Sardinia had helped France in the Crimean War (p. 220) , and now France returned the favor. The armies of France and Sardinia won two great victories over the Austrians at Ma-gen'-ta and at Sol-fe-ri'-no. Austria gave up all her Italian pos- sessions, except Venice. That city and territory she was soon to lose also. In 1860 came one of the romantic adventures of Garibaldi. The people of Naples and of Sicily had rebelled against their king. Gathering a thou- sand of his men, the hero of the " red shirt " sailed 298 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY from Genoa for Sicily. He drove the troops of the king out of Sicily. Then he crossed for Naples, where the people welcomed him as their saviour. A vote was taken, and the people of Naples and Sicily all agreed to join the kingdom of Victor Emmanuel II. The next step in uniting Italy was made in 1866, at the close of the Seven Weeks' War. Ca- vour and Bismarck had agreed to make Austria give up Venice, and it was done. The final step was the most important of all. The capital had been first at Turin, then at Flor- ence. Rome was still held by the Pope, who was protected by a French army. When the Franco-Prussian War began, in 1870, Napoleon III withdrew his troops from Rome to fight Germany. Victor Emmanuel at once gave notice to the Pope that Rome would now be made the capital of the Italian kingdom. The people of Rome voted to join the new kingdom. Thus the domains of the popes, over which they had ruled since the time of Pepin, King of the Franks, were taken from them. It was the last stroke, Victor Emmanuel at last ruled over a united Italy ; from the Alps to the Mediterranean his rule was gladly accepted. XXVIII. THE TURKS The city of Constantine on the Bosporus came into the hands of the Turks in 1453, and is still a Mohammedan city. Five times each day from the Calling to Prayer. tower of each of the five hundred mosques of the city, the voice of the muezzin, or priest, may be heard calling the people to prayer: " God is great; there is but one God; Moham- 299 300 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY med is the prophet of God. Prayer is better than sleep; come to prayer! " Every good ^Mohammedan then turns his face toward jNIecca, the birthplace of the prophet, and repeats a prayer. The Turks are the only people of Europe who are not Christians. They have always illtreated the Christians who live in their country. This per- secution has led to many wars, w^hich have ended in taking away from Turkey several of her prov- inces. The Turks would have been driven out of Europe long ago if the Christian nations could have agreed as to who should have their capital city. In some ways Constantinople is the most impor- tant city in Europe. One reason why it is impor- tant is because it controls the entrance to the Black Sea. Then, the nation that owns Constantinople can send ships to any part of the eastern INIediter- ranean, and to the mouth of the Nile. The Suez Canal has become the great highway to the Indies. More ships pass through this canal than any other. England depends upon it to reach India, her great- est colony. Now, a strong nation in control of Constantinople and the Black Sea could easily send war vessels and seize the Suez Canal. When Turkey was a strong nation, she would not allow any ships of other nations to sail on the eastern JMediterranean. Now she is a weak nation and can- not do this. o o cw P a 5' o 302 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY Russia has made many attempts to drive out the Turks and get Constantinople for herself. But England and France have prevented this, for fear that Russia would try to shut their ships out of the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal. The meaning of the " Eastern Question " is this: if the Turks are driven out of Europe, what nation shall have Constantinople? In 1820 Turkey was greatly weakened by a revolt among the imperial guard of the sultan. This body of men was called the jan'-i-za-ries. Sev- eral times they had rebelled and put the sultan to death. At last Mohammed II determined to get rid of them. Eight thousand were penned up in their barracks and burned. Twenty thousand more were executed or exiled. The rest were disbanded and scattered. In 1825 Greece rebelled against Turkey and gained her independence. The hero of this war was Marco Bozzaris (bot'za-res), who is sometimes called the Leonidas of modern Greece. His great- est deed was a night attack on the Turkish army, in which he routed them and captured their camp. It was his last battle. ' ' They fought like brave men, long and well ; They piled that ground with Moslem slain ; They conquered, but Bozzaris fell Bleeding at every vein. THE TURKS 303 " Bozzaris, with the storied brave, Greece nutured in her glory's prime, Rest thee ! There is no prouder grave, Even in her own proud dime. " We tell thy doom without a sigh, For thou art Freedom's now, and Fame's, One of the few — the innnortal names, That were not born to die. " Turkey had been further weakened after the Greek rebellion. Me'-hem-et Ali, the sultan's vice- roy in Egypt, had rebelled against his lord. He had destroyed the sultan's fleet and robbed him of half his possessions. JVIehemet even threatened Constantinople. If England and other European nations had not stopped him, he would have made himself master of the whole Turkish Empire. The bad treatment of the Christians living in Turkey led to several wars with Russia. In 1853 Nicholas I, the Czar of Russia, proposed to Eng- land to drive out the Turks and divide up the coun- try between them. When England refused, the czar began a war against Turkey " to protect the Christians," he said. But England and France thought what he wanted was Constantinople, and they joined the Turks against him. This war is called the Cri-me'-an War, because it was fought mainly on the peninsula of Cri-me'-a. The French and English defeated the Russians in nearly every battle. 304 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY At the battle of Bal-a-kla'-va occurred the fa- mous *' charge of the hght brigade." about which the EngUsh poet Tennyson has written a splendid poem. This brigade was ordered to recapture some gmis which had been taken from the English. But by mistake they attempted to take a batter}' two miles away, in the very center of the Russian army. '• Half a league, half a league, Half a league onwai*d. All in the vallev of death Rode the six hundred. ' Forward, the Light Bngade ! Charge for the guns ! ' he said ? Into the vallev of death Rode the six hundi-ed."' '••'Forward, the Light Brigade!* Was there a man dismayed ? Not tho' the soldier knew Some one had blmidered. Theii-s not to make i*eply, Theirs not to reason why. Theirs but to do and die : Into the Valley of Death Rode the six hundred. *' Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them. Cannon in ft-ont of them Volleved and thundered : THE TURKS 305 Stormed at with shot and > Boldly they rode and well. Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell Rode the six hundred. hell. ^^^H ^^^^^H^^^sppipmfpHPii _ JU^^. .^f- ^^BHifeK '■^^^^■^^^ > " t^^- The Capture of Sebastopol. " When can their glory fade ? O the wild charge they made! All the world wondered. Honor the charge they made ! Honor the Light Brigade, Noble six hundred ! "^ This war was ended when the Russian strong- hold of Se-bas'-to-pol was taken. The Russians 306 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY agreed not to keep a war fleet in the Black Sea, and not to interfere any more in the affairs of Turkey. In 1876 Turkey massacred thousands of Chris- tians in Bulgaria. This led to another war with Russia. Turkey lost Bulgaria and two other prov- inces. In 1911, still another war was fought be- tween Turkey and the Christian states of the Bal- kan Peninsula. Turkey lost all her European possessions except the city of Constantinople, and a small adjoining territory. XXIX. THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS All the colonies in America, before 1776, had been ruled by governors sent out by the mother countries. In that year the thirteen English colo- nies along the Atlantic coast of North America declared themselves independent of Great Britain and became the United States of America. A republic is a country where the people them- selves choose the men v^^ho govern it. The United States was the first republic to be formed in the New World. The example of the United States in freeing itself from the rule of a king was soon felt in both Europe and in the Spanish colonies of America. The French soldiers who fought with Washington went home to take part in the French revolution. The French king was put to death and France be- came a republic. But the French did not act as wisely as the American colonists. They had had no experience in governing themselves, while the Americans were accustomed to manage their own affairs in the towns and cities. Since the French people could not bring about order, they fell under the control of a man who could keep order, Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1808 Napoleon conquered Spain and made his brother, Joseph, king of that country. 307 808 OLD WORLD STEPS TO AMERICAN HISTORY The Spanish colonies in America refused to submit to the rule of a French king and revolted under the lead of Simon Bolivar. Bolivar was born in Caracas, Venezuela. When a young man, he visited the tomb of Washington at Mount Vernon. He resolved to follow the ex- ample of the great patriot and devote his life to obtaining the independence of Venezuela. In 1811 he called a meeting of the citizens of Caracas. A declaration of independence was signed, and Fran-cis'-co Miran'-da, an older patriot than Bolivar, was made chief. A few days after this a fearful earthquake destroyed the city and killed several thousand of Miranda's soldiers. The Spanish governor had ten thousand men sent from Spain, and he soon got his power back. Miranda was sent to Spain where he died in prison. But Bolivar escaped and lived to see his country free and independent. He at first fled to the island of Jamaica. A few years later he returned to South America. He was made dictator at Lima in 1823. Peru and Venezuela joined forces. They defeated the Span- ish army on the lofty plain of A-ya-cu'-cho, twelve thousand feet above the sea. A new republic was formed and named Bolivia in honor of the leader. Soon afterwards the republics of Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela were formed. A few years before this, in 1818, Chile and the THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS 309 Argentine Republic were organized. Ten years later Paraguay and U'-ru-guay were separated from Argentina and became distinct republics. Brazil remained an empire under the rule of Dom Pe'-dro II till 1889. It then became a republic. In Mexico there was a long and bloody war with Spain. The leader in the war for Mexican independence was I-tur-bi'-de, who finally de- feated the Spanish in 1821. Mexico was declared independent and Iturbide became emperor of the country. In 1824, the form of government was changed to a republic. Napoleon III attempted to seize Mexico in 1861 and make an Austrian noble, Max-i-mil'-i-an, emperor. But the United States interfered, and declared that she would protect the young repub- lics in America. The French troops sailed back to France, and Maximilian was captured and shot by Mexican soldiers. During this same period (1808-21) the little states of Central America also drove out their Spanish governors, and began to govern themselves as republics. We might call the time between our own Revolution and 1824 the revolutionary age, since there were no less than sixteen new republics formed by revolutions during that time. Reference Index Aachen {d'hen), 182 Abd er Rah'man, 177 A'bra ham. 59. 170 Ac 'bar, 33 Achaeans (a herons), 79 Achilles {a hiVlez), 75 A crop'o lis. 80. 95 Ac'ti urn. 139 A'dri an op'o lis. 152 Ae gos Pot'a mos {e'gos), 98 Ae o li ans {e o^li ans), 79 Ae ne as {e ne^as). 107 Ae qui ans {e'quians), 122 Aetius {a e'shus). 154 Afghan is tan', 29 A^gra, 32 Al'a ric, 152 Al'ba Lon'ga, 108 Al ci bi'a des, 97 Al'cuin, 182 Aleman'ni, 163 Al ex an'der, the Great, 28, 101 Al ex an'dri a. 104. 176 Al'fred, 192 Amu'lius, 108 A my'tis, 52 An'cus Martius {mar' shi us) . 112 An'gles, 166 An'tioch, 213 An ti'o ehus, 127 An to ni'nus, 148 An 'to ny, 137 A pol'lo, 74 Arbe'la, 105 Ar ca'di us, 152 Ar cot', 37 Ar'go nau'tic Ex pe di' ti on, 175 Ar is ti'des. 88 Aris tot'le, 101 Ar min'i us, 140 A'runs, 117 Ar'thur. King, 167 Ar'vans. 23 As'shur ba ni pal', 52 As syr'i a, 47, 62 As ty'a ges, 63 Ath'ens, 79 Ath OS, Mount, 87 At'las, 74 At'tila, 153 Aug'us tine, 169 Augus'tus, 139 Aus'ter litz, 267 Av'entine, 112 B Ba'bel, 49 Ba'ber, 33 Bab'y Ion, 105 Bab y lo'nia, 47, 63 Ba'con, Roger, 17, 245 Bactri a, 63, 105 Bagdad', 177,209,231 310 INDEX 311 Bal bo'a, 243 Be his tun', 66 Bel, 54 Bel shaz'zar, 55, 63 Bis'marck, Otto von, 285 3o ab dil', 243 Bon var, 308 Bo'na parte, Xa po'le on, 262 Bozzaris (hot za'res) , 302 Britain, 135 Brit'ons, 166 Bru'tus, 116, 137 Bu ceph^a lus, 102 Buddha {hood' da) ,2^ Bu sen'to, 153 Bv zan'ti um. 151 'a'a ba. 170 "a'diz, 57 'ae sar {se'zar), 131, 135 ^al cut'ta, 36 lal'i cut, 36 !al'y do'ni an Hunt. 75 'am by^'ses, 64 'a'naan, 59 'an'nae, 126 a nute', 198 an'ter bury. 169 a'pet, Hugh, 221 'ar'le on, 167 ar'lo man, 181 ;ar'thage, 57, 123 as san'der, 106 as'sius, 137 ath'er ine. the Great. 251 at'iline, 134 a'to, 128, 137 a vour', 297 en taurs'. 74 Ce'res, 72 Cer'be rus, 74 Chae ro ne a {ker o ne'a), 98 Chaldea (kal de'a),i8 Chalons (sha Ion'), 154 Chang, 15 Charlemagne (shar'le man'), 164 Charles XII of Sweden, 250 Che Hoang ti (che hn-an^'te), 10 Cheops (ke ops), -^0 Che rus'ci, 140 Christians, 148 Cic'ero, 134 Cim'bri. 131 Ci'mon. 93 Cir'cus Max'i mus, 112 Clau'di us, 127 Cle'opa'tra. 139 Clis'the nes, 84 Clive, 36 Clo taire', 164 Clotil'de, 162 Clo'vis, 161 Co'drus. 83 Col la ti'nus, 116 Col'os se'um, 144 Co lum'bus. 238 Co mit'i a Cu'ri a'ta. 110 Co mit'ia Cen tu'ri a'ta. 113 Comit'ia Tri bu'ta, 114 Con fu'cius, 12 Con'stan tine, 148 Con'stan ti no'ple. 151 Con stan'ti us, 150 Cor do'va, 178 Cor'inth, 78, 88 Coroebus (ko re'bus), 78 Cor'tez, 271 312 INDEX Cras'sus, 134 Crete (kret), 80 Cri'to, 100 Crom'well, Oliver^ 254 Cro'nos, 72 Cy ax'a res, 63 Cy'clops, 73 Cy'pruS;, 57 Cy'rus, 55, 63 D Dag'obert, 164 Danes, 193 Dan'iel, 54 Dan'te, 291 Da ri'us, 66, 84 Delhi {deVle),dS De'los, 92 Del'phi, 76, 77 Del'ta, 39 Dem'a ra tus, 89 De me'ter, 72 De mos'the nes, 99 Des'i de'rius, 184 Di an'a, 74 Di'o cle'tian, 148 Domitian (do mish'an), 146' Do'ri ans, 79 Do ris'cus, 87 Dra'co, 83 Dry'ads, 74 Duil'lius, 123 E Ec bat'a na, 66 E'dith, 201 Edward the Confessor, 198 Egbert, 167 E'gypt, 38 E pam i non'das, 98 Eth'el bert, 169 Eth'el red, 195 E tru'ria, 110 Eu rip'i des, 95 Eu phra'tes, 47 Fa'bius, 126 Faus'tulus, 109 Francis I, 271 Francis Joseph, 288 P'ranks, 161 Fred'er ick Bar'ba ros'sa, 215, 224 Frederick II, 215 Frederick the Great, 279 Gal'i le'o, 292 Ga ri baFdi, 296 Gauls, 122 Gen'ghis Khan, 15 Gen'o a, 217 George III, 256 Ger man'i cus, 141 Gis'go, 126 God'frey, 213 God win. Earl, 201 Gor di an Knot, 103 Gor'gons, 74 Go'shen, 44, 60 Goths, 151 Gracchus (grak^us), 130 Graces, 74 Gra ni'cus, 102 Gra'tian, 152 Greg'o ry, the Great, 167 Gun hiFda, 198 Gufen berg, John, 233 Guth rum (goth'rom), 194 INDEX 313 H Ha'des, 72 Ha'dri an, 148 Hamircar, 125 Han'ni bal, 125 Har'old, 201 Haroun al Raschid {ha roon^al ra'shed), 178 Har'pa gus, 64 Har'pies, 74 Has'drubal, 126 Has'tings, 202 He'brews, 58 Hegira (he jVra), 175 Hel'las, 69 Hel'len, 69 HeFles pont, 58, 87 Hen'gist, 166 Henry VII, 221, 271 Henry, Prince, 240 Henry the Fowler, 223 Her a'cli us, 176 Her'cu la'ne um, 144 Her'cu les, 75 He're, 72 Her ni'cians, 122 He rod'o tus, 63, 68 He'si od, 71 Hes'ti a, 72 Hez'eki'ah, 51 Hin'dus, 23 Hi'ram, 57 Hit'tites, 43 Hoang ti (hwang^ti), 10 Ho'mer, 71 Ho no'ri us, 152 Hor'ace, 142 Ho ra'ti us, 117 Hor'sa, 166 Hun'gary, 153 Huns, 151 HyMra, 74 Hys tas'pes, 66 I Id'za bar, 49 In'dia, 105" In'dra, 23 In'dus, 105 I o'ni ans, 79 I'rene, 179 Is a bel'la, 243 Ish'mael, 170 Is'sus, 103 Iturbide (e^oor bertha) , S09 Ja'cob, 43, 60 James I, 254 Ja'nus, 139 Ja'son, 75 Je'han, 34 Je ru'sa lem, 61, 134 Jira'mu, 19 John, King, 204 Jop'pa, 217 Jor'dan, 60 Jo seph, 43, 60 Josh'u a, 61 Ju'li an, 151 Ju'no, 74 Ju'pi ter, 72, 74 Jus tin'i an, 184 Jutes, 166 K Kar'nak, 45 Khai'ber Pass {ki'ber), 29 Ko'ran, 174 314 INDEX Kos suth', 284 Kublai Khan {koo'bli kari) ,75 Lars Por'se na, 117 Lati'nus, 108 La vin'ia, 108 La vin i um, 108 Le'o, 185 Le on'i das, 89 Leuc'tra, 98 Liv'y, 107, 142 Lom'bards, 184 Lothaire', 189 Louis XIV, 257 Louis XV, 259 Louis XVI, 260 Lu'ce res, 110 Ly cur'gus, 81 Ly san'der, 98 Ly sim'a chus, 106 M Mac e do'ni a, 97, 128 Ma dras', 36 Ma gel'lan, 243 Ma'gi, 67 Magne'si a, 127 Mag'yars, 223 Mah'moud, 30 Man da'ne, 64 Man ti ne'a, 98 Ma'nu, 81 Mar'a thon, 85 Mar cell' us, Mar'co man'ni, 148 Mar'co Polo, 16,237 Mar'cus Au re li us, 148 Mar do'ni us, 91 Ma'ri us, 131 Mars, 74, 108 MarteF, Charles, 177 Max im'i an, 148 Mazzini (mat se^ne), 296 Mec'ca, 170 Medes, 63, 69 Me'di a, 63 Mem phis, 40 Me'nes, 81 Mer'cu ry, 74 Mi'chael An'ge lo, 272 Mil'an, 224 Mil ti'a des, 85 Mi ner'va, 74 Mi'nos, 81 Mi ran'da Fran cis'co, 308 Mith'ra da'tes, 134 Mo guls', 33 Mo ham'med,170 Mo ham'med II, 232 Molt'ke, von, 286 Mont calm', 272 Mont' fort, Simon de, 219 Mo'ses, 81 Mu'ses, 74 Myc'ale, 91 N Na po le on III, 269 Nar'ces, 184 Neb'u chad Nez'zar, 52 Nel'son, 264 Ne me'a, 78 Nep'tune, 74 Ner'va, 146 Neth'er lands. New, 270 Nicae'a, 151,213 Ni ceph'o rus, 179 Nich'o las V, Pope, 228 Nic o me'di a, 148 INDEX 315 Nile, 39 Nim'rod, 48 Nin'e veh, 50 No'ah, 4-8 North'men, 191 Nu'ma, 1 1 1 Nu'mi tor, 108 o Octa'vius, 139 O'din, 158 Odoa'cer, 152 O'jin, 19 O lym'pi a, 78 O lym'pus, Mount, 74 O'mar, 176 O res'tes, 154 Or'mazda, 67 Os'tro goths, 161 Oth'rys, Mount, 73 Phar'salus, 137 Phid'i as, 95 Phil'ip, 98 Phirip Au gus'tus, 215 Philip pi, 139 Pho ci ans ( fo^ she ans), 98 Phoenicia (fe nish^a), 56,61, 69,76, 104 Picts, 167 Pin'dar, 102 Pip'pin, 164 Pi sis'tra tus, 80 Pizar'ro, 271 Plas'sey, 37 Plataea (pla te'a), 85,91 Pla'to, 93 Plebe'ians, 120 Plu'to, 72 Pompeii (pom pa^ye), 14!4i Pom'pey, 132 Pon'ti fex Max'i mus. 111 •Po'rus, 29, 105 Pal'atine, 109 Po sei'don, 72 Palestine, 104,217 Ptolemy (toVe my), 106 Par'is, 162 Pu'nic Wars, 123 Par'sees, 67 Pun jab', 29 Par'the non, 95 Q Pa tri'cians, 120 Patrick, Saint, 167 Qui ri'nus, 110 Pau sa'ni as, 91 Quiri'tes, 110 Pe lop'i das, 98 R Pel o pon ne'sus, 79 Per i an'der, 80 Ramadan', 172 Per'i cles, 93 Ram'e ses, 45 Perry, 21 Ram'nes, 110 Per sep'o lis, 105 Raph'a el, 292 Peter the Great, 246 Regillus (re jiVlus), 119 Peter the Hermit, 210 Re'mus, 108 Petrarch, 228 Rhe'a, 108 Pharaoh (faVo), 43 Richard, 215 316 INDEX Ri'en zi, 290 Rol'lo, 198 Rom'ulus, 108 Rox a'na^ 105 Ru'bicon, 139 Ru'rik, 200, 246 Sa'bines, 110 Saradin, 215 Sal'a mis, 90 St. Sophi'a, 151 Sa ma'ri a, 5 1 Sam nites, 122 Sar'da na pa'lus, 52, 63 Sar'dis, 84, 87 Sar'gon, 49 Sax'ons, 166 Scipio (sip'i o), 125 Se ja'nus, 143 Seleu'cus, 106, 127 Sen nach'e rib, 51 Ser to'rius, 132 Se'ti, 45 Sex'tus, 114 Shech'em, 59 Sib'ylline Books, 115 Sicily, 97 Sil'vi us Pro cas, 108 Soc'ra tes, 93, 99 SoFo mon, 6 1 So'lon, 83 Soph'o cles, 95 Spar'ta, 79, 89 Spar'ta cus, 132 Sphinx, 74 Spu'ri us Lar'tius, 118 Sta gi'ra, 101 StiFicho, 152 SuFla, 131 Su ra'jah Dow'lah, 37 Su'sa, 66, 105 Sweyn, 198 Syr'acuse, 97, 123 Tac'i tus, 157 Tam'er lane, 33, 229 Tan'a quil, 113 Tan'cred, 213 Ta'nis, 45 Ta'rik, 176 Tar'quin, 112, 114 Te'rah, 59 Teu'toberg, 141 Thap'sa cus, 137 Thebes, 98 The mis'to cles, 88,91 The od'o ric, 161 The o do'si us, 152 Ther mop'y lae (le), 89 Thes'pi ans, 90 Thor, 160 Thu cyd'i des, 95 Ti'tans, 73 Titus, 143 Ti'tus Her min'i us, 118 Tra'jan, 148 Treb'ia, 125 Tras i me'nus, 125 Tro jan War, 75 Troy, 107 TuI'lus Hos tin us, 1 1 1 Turks, 274, 299 Tyre, 104, 123 u U lys'ses, 75 Ur, 59 INDEX 317 Ur'ban, 210 U'tica, 137 V Va'lens, 151 Val en tin'i an^ 151 Valhal'la, 158 Valky'rie, 158 Va'rus, 140 Vas'co da Ga'ma, 36, 240 Ven'ice, 217 Ve'nus, 74 Ver cin get'o ris, 135 Ver'gil, 142 Ves pa'sian, 143 Ves'ta, 108 Victor Em man'u el, 294 Vis'igoths, 152 Vlad'i mir, 200 Volscians (voV shi ans) , 121 Vul'can, 74 w Wash'ing ton, 256 WelFing ton, 267 William the Conqueror, 200 William of Orange, 256 William I, 289 Wit'tekind, 187 Wolfe, James, 272 Xanthippe (zan tip'e), 100 Xanthippus (zantip^us), Xerxes {zerVs es), 58, 87. Ya'o, 9 Yu, 10 Yu' Chau, 9 Za gros Mountains, 53 Za'ma, 127 Zed e ki'ah, 53 Zend'-A ves'ta, 68 Ze'no, 154 Zo ro as'ter, 67