^^'^^AJ^^^k^^^m^^A ''^i^^^^^r^.: %m^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ii^aqi itijajrigj^t !f Shelf ..S^^-i. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ;Mm^#?>1 ^z^o:^. .0 bT- COI^GESTED PRICES. By M. L. SCUDDER, Jr. ^ o/^ WA'-v/^- CHICAGO: JANSEN, McCLURG & COMPANY. 1883. Copyright By JANSEN, McCLURG & CO., 1S83. COT^TGESTED PRICES. By the title " Congested Prices," I intend to describe prices made in certain unhealthy conditions of trade. There are times in the existence of our best organized commercial systems when the streams of exchanges, usually flowing quietly and evenly, become clogged by mad rushes. At such times, like the agitated blood in the human body under abnormal conditions, the excited efforts to effect transfers of property become too strong for the customary channels. There is a heaping up, a congestion of prices at weak pointy, and, unless speedy relief is affqrded, the prostration or destruction of the commercial system follows. As the knowledge of the cause and cure of disease is the proper direction in which to seek the preservation of health, so the study of the nature of commercial crises is the best method of preserving a sound condition of trade. For this reason the investigation of prices in a state of congestion leads to the prevention of panics, and cultivates that intelligent and sober state of mind whicn confines business ventures within prudent limits. It maybe noted in the outset that the subject of prices is largely within the bounds of mental science. The desire for possession, the comparison of desires, the fear 6 Congested Prices. of deprivation, the far-reaching effort to apprehend by analogy the desires of others — all these mental phe- nomena are manifested in the making of prices, and, political economists to the contrary notwithstanding, are better worth investigating than the amount of laboi expended in production or the extent of the wage-fund. Prices are values expressed in money terms ; but there is also, I think, a more restricted meaning to tlie term in common commercial use which is not noted in the dictionaries. Price, I think, implies that a transaction has actually been effected ; at least this is true in markets where transactions are effected by offerings and bids. A merchant may mark the prices on his goods at which he hopes to make sales, but a dealer in grain, provisions or stocks would hardly make use of the term in the same way in regard to his commodities. He might possibly speak of it as the "seller's price," but the word price alone would mean for him only the money value of a commodity as determined by an actual transaction. This distinction is important. There are in common use the terms "bidding price" and "asking price," but neither is regarded as the real price established by an actual exchange. With this meaning clearly understooa, the term "con- jested prices" becomes more significant, and the impor- tance of mental conditions is more definitely brought out. The opinions of men, their desires, their needs, are the elements to be studied. How comes it that for long periods, by diligent comparison of their multiform The Problem of Panics. wants and wishes, having succeeded in accomplishing by exchange a very satisfactory state of existence, men all at once unite in desiring one thing intently, and direct all their efforts, without consideration or judg- ment, to attaining it ? This is the problem of panics. On September 23, 1873, spring wheat sold in Chicago at T.o4)4 per bushel; on September 24 it sold at 89 cents per bushel. Why was this sudden change in its value ? Political economists assure us that value is de- termined by cost of production. Yet we are quite sure there was no great change in the cost of production of wheat within these twenty-four hours. The reason for the decline is to be found in the opinions and desires of men, and the laws of the opinions and desires of men are the chief laws of prices. It must be conceded that this subject hardly admits of logical treatment. The data are so widely scattered, so numerous and so minute, that their classification in anything like a connected theory is impossible. One in treating this subject conscientiously can only pick up an interesting fact here and another there, point out the peculiarities of each and cast them away again. If these observations seem to teach any valuable lesson, it must come from a previous mental agreement between listener and speaker, for there is no well placed solid foundation amongst these facts upon which a reasoner can build so as to command the agreement of all mankind. From the ungraspable nature of this subject, it is at once the easiest and the most difficult to treat. The 8 Congested Prices. easiest, if one is willing to dogmatize or to prophesy, for in this uncertain field a dogmatic assertion or a ^jrophecy may possibly prove correct ; but the most difficult, if one sincerely and by sound method strives to reach a positive conclusion. The effort to compass and comprehend the infinite number of facts is as yet too great for the mind. We cannot get a satisfactory hold on the particulars which will warrant us in work- ing up surely to the general law. In the mechanism of prices, stock and grain ex- changes have prominent places. They are organizations for the chief purpose of determining and recording prices. They are developments from the demands of trade, but not the less is the ingenuity remarkable which has constructed them and fitted them with well established customs and carefully drawn rules, so that prices with uniform conditions are made momentarily, hourly, daily, for the guidance of all the trading world. The advantage of prices made on these exchanges is their mathematical certainty. Compared with outside trading they are as the demonstrations of Euclid to practical surveying. They have a certain quality of abstractness, which makes one inclined to call them " pure prices." These exchanges are undoubtedly the developments of the fairs of the middle ages. But they have totally changed their characters. The merchants and farmers who attended the fairs of Stourbridge or Winchester brought their goods and produce, made their exchanges Grain and Prodvce Exchanges. 9 and took away their purchases. But a very small per- centage of those who buy or sell on the exchanges of the great commercial centers desire to possess the prop- erty which they purchase, or are in possession of the property which they sell. The fixing of the price is the main object of nearly all transactions on these ex- changes. For every transaction there must be a pur- chaser and a seller, and the price once fixed is made the basis of a contract. To the fixing of this price each party to the contract brings his widest information and his best judgment. One of the two parties must be in error in his judgment, as to the supply of, or the demand for, the commodity concerning which they con- tract. In the course of time it is apparent on which side the error of judgment has been made. But it rarely happens that either party waits for the other to complete his contract. The loser takes his loss when he pleases by making another contract for the purchase or sale of the same commodity with another party, and the winner takes his profit in the same way. It is cus- tomary to set off one contract against another. Thus there are always a large number of contracts always in existence between the members of every exchange, and these contracts are almost always for a very much larger quantity of commodity traded in than is in existence within easy reach of the contracting parties. This is roughly the method by which these great exchanges are conducted. It is not strictly accurate as to the details, for every commodity is subject to pecu- liar conditions, and it is a recognized principle of all 10 Congested Prices. exchanges that delivery and pa3-ment, according to the terms of the contract, must be rigidly enforced if either party desires it. If it were not for this principle the prices made on the various exchanges would be without value to commerce ; with this principle they become the guide of all transactions within the civilized world. I wish here to bring out prominently this point, that these exchanges and boards of trade are mainly occupied in determining prices. It is a sort of division of labor. The members of these exchanges are not greatly employed in handling or using the commodities whose prices they develop. Their busi- ness is to determine the prices, and in the economy of employments it falls to others to possess and enjoy the property. It is not to be understood that the members of any of the prominent exchanges determine prices solely according to their own desires. Every such exchange is the center of general attention ; many thousands ot interested men are listening, to the click of the tele- graph instruments which report its doings, and every quotation made is the result of innumerable and wide- spread influences, as far beyond the control of a board of brokers as are the clouds or the seasons. It is hardly worth while to discuss here the morality of speculation in the various exchanges. That is a subject very much misunderstood, and neither the opinions of learned judges nor the statutes of Illinois have served to make it plainer ; but, whether it is right Economy of Exchanges. 11 or wrong, it is certainly the height of folly for an excitable or inexperienced person, with a small^ margin, thus to attempt to take a hand in fixing the price of an imi)ortant commodity. It is true, however, that this kind of speculation per- forms an important office for trade and commerce, — a part in the machinery of the world's business which cannot be abolished, any more than the railroads can be done away with because the locomotive occasionally slaughters a careless citizen. Very few ])ersons were ruined financially by specu- lation in wheat before the days of trading in futures, of negotiable warehouse receipts, and of the labor-saving machinery of the board of trade. When it was neces- sary to pay in full out of one's capital for every bushel of grain bought, to provide a place to store it, and to go to all the trouble of receiving and keeping it, taking a flyer in wheat was no easy matter, and persons of inadequate means did not often engage in that amusement. Now it is the improvement of the machinery — the greater momentum of which it is ca- pable — which makes it tempting, and which also makes it dangerous. The old-fashioned carpenter's saw rarely maimed or injured the boys and careless working-men who handled it, but the modern buzz-saw, which now does nearly all the work of the older instrument with twenty times the speed and economy, cuts off fingers and thumbs, and otherwise frequently lacerates heedless persons who meddle with it. It is as much more dangerous as it is more efficient. Yet no one thinks of 12 Couvcsieii Prices . denouncing the buzz-saw for the lost fingers and thumbs, or advocating its destruction. The machinery of the Board of Trade is only a big commercial buzz- saw. By its means more exchanges are made in a day than fifty years ago could be made in a year, yet it will sometimes amputate a bank account or lacerate a fortune before a careless speculator knows he is hurt. But we should not, therefore, condemn the Board of Trade. It is best to explam that nearly all dealings on the New York Stock Exchange are invariably settled by delivery and payment, and that sales there for future delivery are insignificant in amount. In almost all transactions the stocks or securities bought are delivered and paid for on the following day. There are there no regular settling days, when accounts are adjusted against each other, as on the Stock Exchange in London or on the Paris Bourse, or in all the grain and cotton exchanges. The New York stock brokers are enabled, by means of the large amount of banking and other loanable funds which their business has attracted to Wall street, to bor- row money on the stocks and securities, in which they deal, to make their payments in full every day. To this fact, I think, is to be attributed a part of the great influence which the New York Stock Exchange exer- cises in the commercial affairs of the country. It not only determines the prices of the chief of those invest- ments in which the fix'-d capital of the country is en- gaged, but it also exhibits the rate at which the loanable The New York Stock Exchange. 13 funds of the country are to a great extent employed. This is no insignificant influence. In the study of prices it is very important, and it gives to the quotations and operations of the New York Stock Exchange a paramount and commanding position in the financial affairs of this land. It is the fashion with many editors and demagogues to denounce the stock "gambling of Wall street," and they doubtless lead many ignorant persons to believe that the Stock Exchange is a disrep- utable and harmful spot, that the world would be better without it. I think that a careful examination of its office and influence, its methods and character, will prove it to be a highly beneficial and well managed institution. The reports of the Comptroller of the Currency show that forty per cent of the loans of the national banks of New York city are demand loans on stock collateral, and presumably for Stock Exchange business. It is esti- mated, by the same authority, that about forty-six per cent of the business of the banks in the clearing-house in New York city is for transactions on the Stock Exchange, and the clearings of these banks are seventy-six per cent of those of the whole country. It is easy to see, from these figures, that no other single organization exercises an influence equal to that of the New York Stock Exchange upon the financial affairs of the United states. Indeed no line of trade or manufactures, nor any combination of them that is likely to be made, can equal its influence. 14 Congested Prices. I have endeavored to make plain these few points concerning the use, character and importance of ex- changes, because it is now chiefly in the quotations made on these exchanges that we must study prices. The great agricultural products are now bought and sold exclusively on exchange quotations, and no one is more benefited by this machinery than the farmer. He is able to know, with considerable precision, what his product is worth at the time he offers it for sale. The value of that knowledge to him can hardly be over- estimated. He would otherwise be at the mercy of middlemen and speculators. The efficiency of these exchanges has developed rap- idly in recent years, under the influence of rapid trans- portation and the development of the telegraph system. There is nothing in civilization more wonder- ful than the machinery by which prices are made and reported to every part of the world. It is by the study of the prices made by the great exchanges that we can today best learn the workings of the laws of trade. We have, as it were, in a microcosm, the opinion of all interested persons as to the money value of the chief articles of commerce at each particu- lar moment of each business day. It is probable, too, that the modern improvements have considerably modified the fluctuations in prices. In the development through the ages of the influence of prices upon human affairs certain cities stand out as focal points from which that influence has radiated — The First Traders. 15 Sidon, Tyre and Carthage, Athens and Corinth, Venice and Genoa, then Amsterdam, and now London, to be followed by New York, perhaps, before the world is a hundred years older. There are a thousand cities on the globe more prosperous than ancient Sidon ever was, but there are none which have been of greater benefit to man. The Phoenician galleys, coasting the shores of the Mediterranean, were first to show that the wants of mankind can be better satisfied by agreement than by force. It was a new principle that bargaining may create power; that exchanges in which each party gains are surer to secure riches than robbery. We know very little of the life at Sidon. Very likely the Sidonians began business as pirates, but found trading more profitable. They are entitled to credit for the dis- covery. The fact that they were known as Sidonians rather than the subjects of any king speaks well for them. It indicates some idea of equality in citizenship, a well-defined notion of individual right of property, and a government by common consent. Tyre and Carthage preserved this characteristic, and indeed through the centuries, from that time, cities of commer- cial importance have been greater than their rulers. Unlimited kingship has invariably destroyed commercial prosperity. It is essential to commercial prosperity that buyer and seller can meet on terms of commer- cial equality; that they can be free to consult their own interests only, and to trade or not to trade, as seems best to them. It is only under such circumstances that fair prices can be made ; and this is the reason why 16 Congested Prices. the great commercial cities of the world have been free cities. Whether the desire for a fair bargain preceded the desire for civil freedom, no one can tell, but the ideas could not have been far apart. And we may conclude that the Sidonian merchants, shrouded for us in anti-Homeric gloom, carrying out their purple robes, and bringing back Eyptian corn and Spanish iron, wine from Cyprus and gold from Lydia, were the first practical advocates of liberty, as they were the first instructors of mankind in the art of acquiring riches by voluntary exchange. Fair prices can only be made where buyer and seller meet on terms of perfect commercial equality. There must be equal freedom to trade or not to trade for all parties to transactions. We can imagine a highwayman taking a thousand dollars from his victim and leaving his old hat in exchange, but we would hardly say that the price of the hat was a thousand dollars. The exchanges of property among savage tribes are often of this unfair character; so also is much of the commerce under despotic governments. The trading in the bazaars of Central Asia at the present time is largely of this nature. The leader of a tribe of Turcomans can secure much more favorable bargains than he who has no armed horsemen at his command, for there is a probability that the chief will take by force what he wants if the price does not suit him. It is not absolutely certain that this element of in- timidation is absent from all the transactions of civilized Fair Prices. 17 life. One party to a transaction may so threaten the other as to force his acceptance of unsatisfactory terms. Such transactions are void in law, but sometimes the law cannot be successfully applied. In such cases no fair price is made. I think also that something of this unfairness is con- sidered to exist, when sales or purchases are made under compulsion of law or of rules of trade. For example, prices made in judicial sales are not regarded as strictly fair, nor are those made to enforce defaulted contracts under the regulations of boards of trade. The persons for whose account such transactions are made may have no right to object, but as they have no voluntary part in fixing the prices, such prices are not regarded as fairly quotable in establishing actual value. There is a certain analogy between the weather and prices. To be sure the phenomena of the weather are natural, while the phenomena of prices are the crea- tions of man ; but these phenomena are equally beyond man's intelligent control as yet, and perhaps equally influence his welfare. It is interesting to trace the growth of the fabric of prices from the earliest rude exchanges of property to the present intricate network of financial relations, which pervades civilization like an atmosphere, sustain- ing all commercial life, and making possible the enlight- ened comfort and happiness of the race. It is hardly possible to gain an adequate conception of the change in the condition of man through the development of 2 18 Con8:ested Prices. the system of prices. We m^y compare Abraham in the first recorded monetary transaction, buying the field of Ephron for four hundred shekels of silver "current money of the merchants," with his latest descendants, the Rothschilds, bringing the enterprises of nations- and of kings to the tribunal of the money market. The prices of corn and mutton were matters of small concern to the men of Abraham's day. They made their own arrangements for food independent of their neighbors' wants. They planted their fields and tended their flocks and defended them, and, according to their success in these pursuits, did they and their children have much or little to eat. But now, in Roths- child's time, each minute want of Jew and Gentile is conceived of on a money scale. It is attainable or impossible according to its price. Almost every action of a very large part of mankind is controlled by con- siderations of price. In Abraham's time, and for many hundred years afterward, rulers and warriors and priests, governments and armies and religions were entirely independent of prices, but the meshes gradually tightened round them, and now there is no potentate or statesman or pope who dares to disregard the market. There is no govern- ment foolish enough to move against the current of prices, no army can make headway against it, and re- ligions are contented to go along with it. There is a'rcertain analogy, as I have said, between the weather and prices. Somewhat the same qualities, The Weather and Prices. 19 of mind and disposition, which make the weather-wise man also make the market-wise man. Much watching of the clouds and much experience of storms create the instinct which forewarns changes- Much buying and selling, long observance of demand and production, one or two practical trials of a panic, produce a sense of commercial fluctuation. The price prophet, like the weather prophet, rarely is able to give satisfactory reasons for his opinions, yet he is equally confident of his own infallibility. The price prophet, like the weather prophet, if successful, has a following of blind and wondering disciples. The attempt to discover a science of prices is also like the attempt to formulate a science of the weather in a condition of uncertainty. Each science is sought in a series of averages, and each has progressed only so far as to offer to the curious observer long tables of figures and mathematical charts of differences, from which he can draw only vague conclusions. If there is to be a science of prices it must be developed, like meteorology, through the classification of the records of innumerable observations. It may be interesting to note in this connection the singular superstitions and the absurd theories which, to a considerable extent, influence the actions of men with reference to prices, and which resemble nothing so closely as the old wife superstitions and maxims of sailors and farmers concerning weather. Many specula- tors are governed in their operations by the conviction 20 Consresied Prices. that prices decline on Friday more often than on any other day of the week. I know a man who prefers to buy stocks on Tuesday. Many pious people pray for higher prices of property which they wish to sell. I have heard of a grain speculator, who requested the prayers of his minister to enable him to sell at a profit- able advance, and who vowed to give a considerable sum to a religious charity if Providence favored his petition. There is a very general feeling among busi- ness men that their individual luck controls prices. Some say, " If I buy, prices will be sure to decline ; if I sell, they will be sure to advance." This is like the common notion of an individual that his carrying an umbrella will prevent rain, or his leaving his umbrella at home will bring on a shower. Hardly any trader is free from some sort of fetichism in his dealing. Good or bad luck is believed to be associated with various inanimate objects. As storms are supposed by sailors to follow a certain ship, so mis- fortune is thought to dwell in certain shops. I have heard of an operator on the Board of Trade grinding to pieces under his feet the lead pencil which has recorded losing transactions. Another similarity between the market and the weather is the tendency which we have to personify them. We know that each atmospheric change is pro- duced by many causes, and also that each fluctuation of prices depends on numerous special reasons. Yet we disregard and seemingly forget these facts in thinking Cycles. 21 or speaking of them. We conceive of them as we would of an army moving under one leadership. We say of the weather, it rains or it is warm, as we say of the market, it rises or it is strong. Changes of prices are the results of the comparisons of innumerable opin- ions, but we see only the aggregate and forget the indi- viduals which make it. We talk of the irresistible laws of trade, of prices or of credit, and yet we believe in man's free agency. We surely believe that each transaction in trade is an act of voluntary judgment, and yet we treat these trans- actions in the aggregate as if they were predestined and unavoidable. Tracing the analogy between the weather and prices, it will be observed that men show a tendency to arrange the phenomena of each in cycles, and by noting the succession of events in the past to predict the same successions in the future. There is something in the idea of a cycle which is peculiarly attractive to the mind. It is more satisfactory to describe life by a graceful, well rounded curve, than by a line which is jagged and incomplete. This is shown in all fields of inquiry. We search history for curves of conduct, and, when we find them, make them con- spicuous, and we will generally allow ourselves to patch up our favorite curves in their faulty parts at the expense of fidelity to facts. It is our disposition to believe in heroes, who did no wrong, and in villains who showed no good qualities, and to expect that history will repeat itself. 22 Congested Prices. So the weather prophet, anxious to satisfy the human craving for a curve, arranges meteorological events in cycles, and endeavors to show, because cold and heat, rain and snow, frost and drought, have occurred in a cer- tain order in the past, that this same order constitutes a natural law, and will be followed in the future. I am not intimately acquainted with the methods of the eminent weather prophets. Indeed they and "their little sys- tems have their days and cease to be" so rapidly, that one hardly has time to give his unreserved adherence to any of them before the failure of some unlucky prophecy consigns the prophet and his system to oblivion. But I have observed that the cycle theory is accepted by all, as if it were a scientific fact, and the only difficulty is supposed to be in describing the cycle correctly. These remarks apply only to the long-range weather prophets, who endeavor to map out the weather of a season in advance, and not to the painstaking signal- service observers, whose best hope is to be correct, twice out of three times, in locating a storm after it has begun. There is no oureau of government for the observation and foretelling of prices. But there are conscious and unconscious price prophets throughout the country in great numbers, and I think that the belief in the cycle theory of prices is almost universal. It will not do to treat this theory with disrespect. It has been favorably considered by the most eminent English writers on this subject. It is the opinion of Tooke and Newmarch, of Bagehot and Giffen, that Price Cycles. 23 there are such cycles. But none of these writers attempt to give the law by which such cycles may be foretold, or do more than point out, with great shrewd- ness and accuracy, some of the facts which have attended the rising and falling of prices in the past. I think that the use of the term cycle by these authorities is misleading. It is properly to be applied to the recurrence of a certain order of events at a certain period. The element of time is essential to the idea of a cycle, and if the same events recur even in the same order, but at varying times, there is no cycle shown. It cannot be denied that the course of prices can be approximately represented by curved lines. But the fascinating idea, that it can be represented by a regu- lar recurring curve, that is by a cyclical cury^, is quite another matter. I think, however, that this idea quite generally pre- vails among men who are in the habit of reasoning upon the course of prices, and vague beliefs are common that certain years, at set intervals from past financial crises, will witness future panics and general liquidations. The most consistent attempt, which I have met with, to mark these years down definitely in the calendar is the work of an Ohio farmer named Benner. He pub- lished a small book in 1876 called " Benner's Prophe- cies," which passed through several editions, and is still read with attention and belief. It is a most curious volume, not only on account of the definiteness with which some of the prophecies have thus far been ful- filled, but also as an illustration of the kind of rea- 24 Congested Prices. soning upon which general prophecies concerning prices and weather depend. Farmer Benner was a positive man. His prophecies must have been compiled in 1874 and 1875. -t^^^ most positive declarations are con- cerning prices of pig-iron and hogs, and concerning the next period of general commercial and financial disaster. As to prices of pig-iron from 1875 ^o 1882, his prophecies have been in a measure fulfilled. He said that pig-iron would sell lowest in 1877, would begin advancing in 1878, and that its price would culminate in 1881, and that it would then decline again, reaching its lowest point once more in 1888. These predictions so tar have been justified by events, and judging from them alone we are disposed to give farmer Benner great glory. But when we examine his forecastings as to the prices of hogs we do not find \\\\\\ so fortunate. Ac- cording to his cycles in the hog trade, prices were to be highest in 1875, would decline in 1876, and reach lowest figures in 1877; would rise during 1878 and 1879 ^"d would culminate in 1880. They would de- cline again in 1881 and reach the lowest point in 1883, etc. The facts are that hogs sold as high in 1876 as in 1875, were lower in 1877, but not so low as in 1878 and 1879. They sold as a rule higher in 1881 than in iSSo, and v/ere higher still in 1S82. Not one of Ben- ner' s prophecies concerning the prices of hogs has been fulfilled. But it is much more remarkable that anyone should correctly foretell the course of prices of pig- iron than that anyone should fail to foretell the prices of hogs. For this reason I have tried to discover upon Benner s Prophecies. 25 what principle farmer Benner proceeded in reaching his conclusions. But, like all other prophets, he can only inadequately explain his system; but as far as he explains it, it is arithmetical, and consists simply in ascertaining the general course of the price of any important com- modity in the past and predicting the same fluctuations for the same length of time in the future. For example, concerning the periods of commercial prosperity in this country, he finds that there were panics followed by gen- eral liquidations in 1819, 1837, 1857 and 1873. ^^ assumes that the interval from 1819 to 1873, fifty-four years, constitutes a cyclical period, and that within this period are three snialler cycles of eighteen, twenty and sixteen years respectively, corresponding to the intervals between the several panics. He assumes that a new cyclical period of fifty-four years began after 1873, ^'^^ that the first small cycle of eighteen years will end in 1891, for which year, accordingly, he predicts a great financial revulsion. This is the only substantial basis on which these prophecies rest, and this is sufficiently inconclusive ; and yet I think that this reasoning fairly represents the popular theory of high and low prices. Farmer Benner is plainly not entirely satisfied with the logical character of his system, for he continually breaks the thread of his argument with sententious ad- vice to his fellow men and with proverbs of his own coin- ing, and these are only another illustration that the same mental qualities characterize the weather prophet and the price prophet. And, as if to complete the analogy, farmer Benner concludes his treatise by claiming that 26 Congested Prices. "the cause producing the periodicity and length of these cycles may be found in our solar system," and then goes on to treat vaguely of meteorological cycles and planetary equinoxes, with very much the same air of mystical wisdom with which Tice and Vennor and Wiggins and others discourse of the causes and perio- dicity of storms. It seems hardly necessary to produce evidence in op- position to the cycle theory of prices after this example of its last analysis. But there is, I believe, a general belief in it. The expression, "a panic is not due yet," is often heard, and the larger part of the public rest in the conviction that a commercial revulsion, like an eclipse of the sun, can be calculated and foretold if only the proper persons are awake to their duty. After witnessing the panic of September, 1873, from the gallery of the Stock Exchange in New York, the editor of the Nation comforted his readers with the assurance that panics occur in England once in ten years, and in this country once in twenty years, and concludes with these words: " If this theory be correct, our next great panic will be due , about 1877. Let us hope, however, that the present slight attack may inspire enough prudence and good sense to ward it off." This is the astronomer so distracted by his calculation, that he doesn't know a total eclipse, even when the umbra covers him. A careful account of all the great revulsions in prices, special Panics. 27 I think, will show that no one has been a repetition of others. Each has had its peculiar characteristics and causes. But this opens the field for history into which I can- not enter. The stories of the great panics have been fully and accurately told by many able writers. A read- ing of then\ will show that great panics are as dissimilar as great battles. We can acquire from them no more reason for concluding that we will experience a financial panic once in ten or twenty years than from the facts of military history that we shall pass through a great war once in so often. In this country the panic of 1837 was precipitated by wild speculation in land, and that of 1857 by unsound banking. In England the panic of 1846 was brought about by unwarranted expenditure in railroad building ; that of 1866 by too great confidence in limited liability companies. The panic of 1873 was caused by over speculation in all commercial countries. Robert Giffen, the present President of the London Statistical Society, looking at it from an English standpoint, called it a "foreign- loans panic." From an American standpoint, it was a general-loan panic. The American people generally had borrowed money and bought property. Real estate, not only in the west, but in the cities and towns of the east, was largely mortgaged. Railroads were mortgages to a greater extent probably, in proportion to their cost, than any other kind of property. Manufacturing com- panies carried heavy bonded debts and heavy lines of 28 Congested Prices. discount. Merchants had all the paper out which the banks and their friends would take. Former panics in this country had been greatly influ- enced by distrust of the currency. There was nothing of this in 1873. Men hoarded greenbacks and national bank notes with absolute confidence in their value. Former panics have been created to some extent by special disasters, such as deficient harvests or wars or political commotions. There were none of these in 1873. Crops were abundant, and the world was at peace. It was simply a realization on the part of a great number of men that they had borrowed more than they could readily pay, or that they had lent more than they could readily collect. The business of the country was done on a too narrow margin of capital. The suspen- sion of the house of Jay Cooke & Co., the closing of the New York Stock Exchange, the suspensions which followed, the devices of the banks to resist the fiist rush of excited depositors — these were but the striking inci- dents which were not especially characteristic of the course of events. But the gradual liquidations which followed, with gradually declining prices through several years, are peculiar and noteworthy. This decline was resisted by strenuous arguments, and by mutual assur- ances of confidence. But those who sold their proper- ties at once and settled their accounts, were the most fortunate. These were few. Nearly all masked their eagerness to sell behind declarations that the decline in prices was but a temporary reaction, that prices would The Panic of 1873. 29 soon improve, and that properties were cheap. And thus the long and weary struggle went on, between growing interest accounts and maturing loans on one side, and slirinking assets and decreasing incomes on the other, until it ended for many in bankruptcy, dis- grace and poverty. Lenders suffered as greatly as bor- rowers. Indeed, it was impossible to classify the people in this way, for the majority of business meri were both borrowers and lenders. Lenders were compelled to take collateral and securities which they did not want and could not use, and which they in their turn sacrificed at the first opportunity. There was nothing especially calculated to give warn- ing of approaching disaster in the course of events just before the panic of 1873. The daily record of financial matters during the summer of 1873 ^^^-^is like the story of greatest confidence and security. In August the stock market was dull, with good prices for leading stocks. Money was easy, and the banks held reserves largely in excess of the legal requirement. Early in September Mr. Jay Gould was credited with an attempt to run a corner in gold. This failed, and he became a bear on stocks, especially on Western Union Telegraph stock. The reported earnings of the railroads were greatly in excess of those of the previous year, and yet the newspapers accused the directors of the Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad of depressing their stock in order to buy it. (A strangely familiar item.) Money began to rise in price early in September, and 30 Congested Prices. the reserve decreased. The week before the panic the reserve fell below legal requirement, and money on call on stock collateral commanded a premium above the legal rate. Sixty-day commercial paper was discounted at from nine to twelve per cent per annum. September 8, the New York Warehouse & Security Co. was re- ported in trouble. This company had made consider- able advances on bonds of n*ew railroads. September 12, the firm of Kenyon, Cox & Co., in which Daniel Drew was a general partner, failed to meet its engage- ments, owing to endorsements of railroad paper, par- ticularly the paper of the Canada Southern. September 15, Jay Cooke &: Co. closed their doors, and the absolute tranquillity and confidence of less than thirty days previous was succeeded by the wildest agitation. An account of the scene in Wall street on the days following the suspension of Jay Cooke & Co. and be- fore the Stock Exchange closed its doors, describes "the brute terror with which great crowds of men rushed to and fro, trying to get rid of their property, almost begging people to take it from them at any price," and says, "No dog was ever so much alarmed by the clatter of the saucepan (at his heels) as hundreds seemed to be by the possession of really valuable and dividend-paying securities, and no horse was ever more reckless in extricating himself from the debris of a broken carriage than these swarms of acute and shrewd traders in divesting themselves of their possessions. Hundreds must really, to judge by their conduct, have been so confused by terror and anxiety as to be unable ll'hat Produced the Fafiic ? 31 to decide whether they desired to have or not have, to be poor or rich." The interesting question to the calm observer, at this distance of time, is as to the cause which could produce such wild terror in men not different m any particular respect from ourselves. Was it the sudden realization that they had borrowed more than they could readily pay, which drove them crazy ? How was this change in feeling brought about? During the previous sum- mer there were numerous prophecies of impending financial trouble. But this goes for nothing. There are always plenty of such prophecies. No storm ever sweeps the sky but some grumbler has foretold it, and there is no day so bright, but it is marked for a cataclysm in some calendar. There are always innumerable signs of the times, which one notices afterward, and there would be a panic every month in every year, if the foretelling disaster could produce it. But no one of the forebodings, which I have ;net with, has attempted to show the special condition in which men's minds are suddenly converted from a state of perfect confidence to a state of absolute fear. It is not credible that men generally were so ignorant of their financial con- ditions in August, that an examination of their affairs in September could throw them into despair. Yet it is necessary to imagine such a situation, in order to account for the effect produced. If we can suppose that the clerks of the majority of the bankers of Wall street had robbed their employers of half their capital 32 Conzesfed Prices. and absconded together, or if there had been a com- mon falsification of accounts, we might find a sufficient reason for a general collapse of credit. But no such treason or deception was charged or believed. Could the panic have been averted if Jay Cooke &: Co. had secured a loan sufficient to have met their current obligations? Could the business of the country have been brought by wise management to a sound basis without a general liquidation ? Conjecture only can answer. It is firmly implanted in our minds, because we have passed through the experience, that some such process of fright and sacrifice, of distrust and realization, is neces- sary occasionally to produce a sound state of credit. But the proposition will hardly bear examination. Blind fear and unreasoning distrust should characterize only the ignorant and inexperienced. Well trained men of affairs should never give way to such passions. It is only by supposing that the business world is a mob of ill-taught and ill-informed novices, that we can imagine them liable to such affections. It is known that raw levies and undrilled crowds can be panic-stricken by vague danger, but disciplined and skillful soldiers can- not be stampeded by uncertainties or sudden alarms. And, by this analogy, it may be asserted that when the business of the country is controlled by men of sound courage and good training, financial jjanics will be impossible. It is not Utopian to look for a time when financial catastrophe will be averted by organization — when threatened congestion of prices will be prevented Panics do not Repeat Themselves. 33 by scientific treatment. There are many philanthropists and statesmen who expect the time when wars will be avoided by international arbitration — " When the common sense of most shall hold a fretful realm in awe. And the kindly earth shall slumber lapt in universal law ; " then the same common sense, which restrains angry passions, will check sudden fear; and when masses of men possess the self-control to submit their disputes to the decision of disinterested tribunals, they can no longer be stampeded in blind terror by any unexpected event, whether financial or physical. I have said that no panic is a repetition of any other, and I think that an examination of the history of financial affairs will show that the special causes which have led up to each panic have been removed in the time follow- ing. Each panic has had its lesson, which has been practically learned. The English people have not speculated wildly in rail- way shares since the time of Hudson, nor committed their funds blindly to limited liability companies since the failure of Overend, Gurney & Co., nor invested indis- criminately in the stocks of foreign states since the days of the Foreign .Loans Committee. In this country there has been no speculation in land as rabid as that immediately preceding 1837. We have thoroughly reformed our banking system, so that the " wild-cat scare of 1857" can never visit us again. I think also that we have learned wisdom from 1873, ^"^' ''i'.^i^.K- w^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 966 466 8