33 r I 1 THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILirY ALVA AGEE PRICE, FIFTY CENTS 'J THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY Copyright. 1910. by The Stock man-Far rner Publishing Company Pittsburgh, Pa. The Essentials of Soil Fertility BY ALVA AGEE "The Fertility of Our Soil Is the Salvation of Our Country" 1 J Published by The Stockman-Farmer Publishing Company Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania FOREWORD 'X^HIS little book has been printed for practical -■- people. It seeks to present the facts about soil fertility in such a plain and concise way that any reader may know the essential needs of his soil and the rational way of supplying those needs. It packs together into small space the teachings of The National Stockman and Farmer on soil fertility. ALVA AGEE Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania September 1, 1910 VouKTH Edition, Makch, 1913 6 TRANSFERRED FROM COPYRIGHT OFf=ICfc 8£f 2 I3i3 The Essentials of Soil Fertility CHAPTER I A PLAIN FARMER'S CREED THEOLOGICAL experts can take the plain "Sermon on the Mount" and write so learnedly and so much that a plain citizen can't tell right from wrong in the simplest matters. Scientists can go so deep into problems of soil fertility that their results mean nothing at all to the man who has a living to make from land. Turning aside from the cart-loads of figures that are drawn out of e;x:perimental fields and laboratories each year, and from the theories of highly refined scientific minds, w^e know that the prac- tical means of making land productive are simple and easily understood. There are only four essential things to consider in converting all the thin fields between the Mississippi river and the Atlantic seaboard into productive land. DRAINAGE The first thing is drainage. Much of our land has natural drainage, and this problem does not enter. Other land is wet — water-soaked. We know what that means. Air cannot enter to help make the inert plant food available. Friendly bacteria cannot \vork for us. Plant roots will not penetrate into the stag- THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY nant soil. We cannot plant in season nor cultivate as we should. The soil is water-sealed when we want it to be activ^e. Such land must have drainage. Usually we should under-drain, and tile is the best material. But each man may solve his problem in his own way. If surface ditches will secure the end, well and good. If a deep -running plow will break up a hard-pan that prevents escape of water, that is fine. If stone drains are preferred, they can be used. If a profitable crop can be found which thrives in a rather "wet soil, that is another solution to the problem. JNIost plants want a well-drained soil. If they are to he grown, and the land has an excess of moisture, -drainage of some sort is essential. It is one of the four considerations when there is unproductive land to be put into profitable condition. DESTRUCTION OF ACIDS The second plain requirement is that the soil be sweet. Very much land is acid. The area grows greater year by year. The acid condition is unfavor- able to many kinds of plants, and notably so in the case of the clovers. Low wet land or high sandy land may be sour. Infertile land usually is sour in the eastern half of this country. Don't waste time argu- ing the point with men whose land does not need lime. Let tliem believe as they may : no harm can result, because their soil is sweet. But lime your own land if it is acid, and do it iiiii|ii|1|ihMB||li«iii li tT' ... -; r^- 1 1 ^Kt^B^K^ ' ^^!^ 1 H^f; .' ~'"". ^ ^ ... 4:<* WKfi.''^^ . ^ IH j^BSK^ri-S^ ,--' ^^\\ ' ' •» \- V. -- - -•i^^mi H Young Peach Orchard Small Fruits for the Farm Home 23 Crimson Clover Adds Fertility to the Soil Rape Is a Succulent Forage 24 THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY WHAT FORM? Many farmers are asking what form of lime they should use. The correct answer depends upon the cost of the material. Pulverized lime, which is limestone burned into lime, and then made mechanically fine in order, that it may be distributed with ease, contains tlie greatest possible amount of material for correcting soil acidity. When lime has been slaked with water, its weight has been increased, while its ability to correct acidity has not been increased. One ton of lump lime will correct about as mucli acidity, roughly speaking, as two tons of finely pulverized limestone. If the limestone could be made as fine as flour, so that every particle were available in the soil, two tons of the lime- stone would correct somewhat more acidity than one ton of lime, but, as we find the pulverized limestone oa the market, it is safe to say that it is not fine enough to permit two tons to be as effective as one ton of the pulverized lime. The so-called "new process" lime on the market is a lime which has been slaked by steam, and therefore has had its weight increased without any addition of ability to correct acidity. One ton of this *'new-process" lime cannot correct as much soil acidity as one ton of pulverized lime. On the other hand, the ease of application is a great consideration. "New-pro- cess" lime is easy to handle, and on that account rtiay be worth as much to the farmer as the pulverized lime which is unslaked and must be drilled into the ground before it slakes, unless one is willing to be troubled by burst packages. Pulverized limestone can be handled with compara- 25 THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY tive ease; but the buyer must remember that he is paying for the transportation of a large amount of "U'aste material in the pulverized limestone, a^: nearly one-half of it is worthless so far as correction of acidity is concerned. It is a mere matter of arithmetic to de- termine how much soil acidity can be corrected with the least amount of money, the first cost of material and the transportation and the ease of application be- ing considered. HOW SHOULD LIME BE APPLIED? AVhen the general need of lime is more fully ap- preciated, there will be a greater demand for lime spreaders. Several firms are making spreaders that handle lime in small quantities per acre. Where lime is inexpensive and the farmer can afford to apply forty or fifty bushels per acre, he will find that the manure spreader will do fairly even work ; but when lime is costly and only one thousand pounds per acre should be applied, the manure spreader is not satisfactory. The Ohio Experiment Station had a lime spreader made at a local blacksmith shop at a total cost of seventeen dollars. A A^-shaped box was used with an :axle passing through the box and furnishing a fairly good force feed. Old mower wheels were used for this spreader, and it gave good satisfaction. Some grain drills with fertilizer attachments are capable of apply- ing five hundred to one thousand pounds of lime per acre, but I think most men fail to get such results from their drills, and the thing to do is to purchase lime spreaders that will apply any amount from a few hundred pounds to a ton or two per acre, 26 THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY The easiest way to make lime applications is none too good. DO NOT PLOW DOWN I^ime should not be plowed down. The old way- was to apply one to two hundred bushels of lime per acre on the sod and to let it lie for months and then plow it down. In the case of such heavy applications, the more waste the better for the land ; but when lime costs several dollars a ton the right way is to get the greatest possible effectiveness out of it, and that means working the lime into the surface of the soil after the land has been broken for the crop. The tendency of lime always is downward. Do not plow lime down, but bring it into contact with the free acid in the top soil. Let it become mixed with the top soil and make it sweet. HOW TO VIEW LIMING We often are asked whether lime will increase the yield of corn and wheat and other crops. If land is sour, containing harmful acid, the sweetening of that land with lime will result in increased yield of almost any staple product, but we do not urge any one to apply lime for the sake of increase in yield of corn, wheat and similar crops. We wish the farmer to take a different view-point. If his land is in an unhealthy state and lime will put it into a condition friendly to plants, the thing to do is to correct that soil with' lime and, when that has been done, he should have in mind first the production of a heavy clover sod. The increase in yield of wheat or corn is incidental. The Vital thing is to make the land 27 THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY friendly to all plants, especially clover, because in most farm crop rotations clover is fundamental, and continued productiveness of the soil depends largely upon it. As clover usually is seeded either with oats or wheat, the lime may be drilled into the ground while preparing the seed bed for oats or for wheat. If the farmer prefers, he can drill the lime into the ground when preparing land for corn, although I am sure that a larger amount per acre will be necessary than when applying the lime immediately previous to the seeding to clover. I have tried to impress these facts : The tendency of soils is toward lime deficiency. Limestone soils themselves gradually lose some available lime. Maxi- mum crops can be obtained only from neutral or alka- line soils. As lands grow old, we shall be compelled to apply more and more lime to keep the soil sweet, and we can get that lime out of stone lime, pulverized or slaked lime or finely pulverized limestone. The day will come when we will realize that the Creator placed beds of limestone in our lands for the benefit of humanity, just as He placed the coal beds. Just as the coal is an accumulation of material for the benefit of the human race, so is our limestone an accumulation of material to satisfy deficiencies that will continue more and more to occur in our tillable soils as long as the earth stands. If there were no supplies of lime, we probably could look forward only to the day when our soils would be rank with poison- ous acids and wholly unfriendly to plant life. 28 CHAPTER ly THE THIRD ESSENTIAL ORGANIC MATTER When land has been robbed through the greed of its owner and has been abandoned, nature imme- diately begins the work of restoration. All land which once was in productive condition contains large stores of inert plant food, and an unproducti\e condition has resulted in part from the removal of all vegetable matter. Nature's first effort is to produce some vegetation through whose growth and decay comes about some increase in the availability of the natural stores of fertility. A growth of weeds and briars and bushes is made the first season, and when the leaves and stalks and roots decay there is ability in the soil to produce a larger growth of vegetation the next year. Handicapped as is the abandoned soil by the greed of man, and helpless with respect to selection of the best possible plants to renew the sup- ply of humus, the soil makes use of whatever variety of plants is possible to it and in time there is a return to better productive condition. Organic matter is the life of the soil, and the means of supplying it is the vital consideration after we have been assured of drainage and freedom from acidity. STABLE MANUKE There is a limit to the amount of stable manure that may be made, because there is a limit to the 29 THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY amount of soil products that should be furnished the human race in the form of animal products. The man who advises that all of the soil products of a farm be fed to animals, and that other feeding stuffs be purchased to make good any loss of fertility resulting from feeding and sale of live-stock, has no solution of the soil-fertility problem for the world. The human race must be supplied with other food than meat and milk, and the scheme of creation must have provided for the maintenance of soil fertility, while land furnished bread and vegetables and fruit to those wlx> would not be farmers. If there were an abundance of manure on all farms, the factor of organic matter in soils would need little consideration. When the manure rotted in the soil, it would improve the texture of the ground, assist in liolding moisture and add plant food. But there is not enough manure to keep all the land supplied with organic matter, and dependence must be placed upon plants. We may get the material from their roots and stubble, as is usual in the case of the clovers and grasses, or from the entire plant. When the supply of manure is light, it pays best to use it to grow a heavy sod for plowing down. It can be made to supply more organic matter indirectly than it does directly. The owner of thin land who has a limited supply of manure should accept the thought that in his case the chief function of manure is to produce heavy sods which will supply vegetable matter. In his case enough of the farm supply of manure will be kept in the surface soil to furnish the most favorable conditions to young clover and grass plants when starting life. He will 30 THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY plow manure deeply only after he has used a sufficient part of the farm supply as a top-dressing to insure sods. CLOVERS Immense importance attaches to the care and use of the manure now made. Present wastes are enor- mous. The supphes, however, should be supplemented by the legumes. There would hardly be a limit to the supply of organic matter from the clovers if we would nieet the conditions for successful clover growing. On two-thirds of the land from the Mississippi river to the seaboard there has been a tendency to accept the idea that the clovers cannot be made to grow successfully. In the northern states the varieties in common use are medium red, mammoth and alsike. They have been failing more and more, and land has grown deficient in organic matter and less productive. There are limited areas in which disease has caused failure, but in the vast majority of cases the inabihty to grow" clover can be overcome. Drained land, made sweet with lime and given proper applications of fertilizer,, can be brought to the production of heavy clover sods. Some who read this will doubt the statement, but within the last few years the certainty of it has been established by thousands of men on all kinds of soils. We can get the clover, and it does not pay to doubt the fact. CHOICE OF VARIETY Medium red clover is a great soil builder when given a chance. It produces two crops and we can 31 THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY harvest one of the two without any great injury to the soil. This may be the first crop, the second crop being plowed down. Or, we may clip the first crop, making a rich mulch, and then take off a crop of seed. When we take both crops we rob the land of organic matter unless manure comes back to it. Medium red clover also makes a big growth of roots. When a soil is not water-logged, and has been sweet- ened with lime, medium red has no superior in ability to build up fertility. Where drainage is less good, and where there is some deficiency in lime, the alsike is surer. It does not equal medium red or the mammoth as a soil builder, nor does it make as much hay per acre, but it is excellent, nevertheless, and a good plan is to mix alsike and red when seeding doubtful ground. The alsike seed is small, and a mixture of one bushel of alsike to five bushels of medium Ted is good. The mammoth makes only one crop. It makes coarse hay, and falls badly when seeded alone. It is a good mixture with timothy, ripening later than the medium red. The latter is the better for fertility if its second crop is left on the ground. It would be great if crimson clover could be grown throughout the northern states. It is a winter annual, like wheat. Crimson clover can not be sown with success in the spring. The outcome would be much as in the case of winter wheat sown in the spring. If it were a hardy plant, our northern states would have the best possible winter cover crop. If people inoculated the soil for it, as they do for alfalfa, 32 The Large Roots of an Alsike aover Plant 33 Fruit and Truck Farm Kept in a High State of Fertility A Market-Garden on Soil That Has Seen Made Rich 34 THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY the day would come when much larger areas in the North would ffrow this clover with success. GRASS SODS The grasses can furnish a large amount of organic matter to land, and would be soil builders if used aright. The chief trouble is that we do not fertilize grass sods so that they will be heavy, and do not plow them down when heavy. We use them to skin the soil rather than to build it up. A heavy grass sod, turned under with some aftermath, adds largely to the soil's supply of vegetable matter, and therefore to productive power. We are learning that it pays better to fertilize a sod than to fertilize the crop fol- lowing the grass. The investment makes double returns. OTHER SOURCES OF ORGANIC INIATTER When land is not growing a crop to be harvested, it should be proSucing organic matter for itself. Soils produce plants on account of their hunger for vegetable matter that may rot and thereby increase their productivity. A part of that which the soil produces belongs to it by natural right, and when any man's scheme of farming provides for the removal of a greater part of the soil's production than riglit- fuUy belongs to him, the land is on the road toward infertility. JNIany of our best farmers find it possil)le to give to the land its share of that which is pro- duced by making free use of catch crops. They may be grown after the remo\'al of the reguhu- crop in the rotation, or they may be grown with some of 35 THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY these crops. Frequently they may take the place of some crop whose failure was inevitable on account of conditions that could not be controlled. In warm latitudes, the southern field pea and crimson clover are peculiarly valuable because they add large stores of nitrogen while supplying organic matter. Farther north, the Soy bean takes the place occupied by the southern field pea in the south. It will thrive in iiny good corn soil. Winter vetch is another valuable legume. Rye is the surest winter cover crop for northern latitudes and has considerable value. Any plant that adds organic matter to the ground adds productive power, provided there is lime in the soil to unite with the acids produced by the rotting plant- 36 CHAPTER V THE FOURTH ESSENTIAL AVAILABLE PLANT FOOD When we consider our soil-fertility problem simply and broadly, there are those who accept the statement that drainage, soil sweetness and organic matter are essentials, but they believe that these three are the only essentials; and that I am all wrong in naming a fourth — commercial fertilizers. Again there are those who accept the fourth, but don't see anything simple about proper selection of commercial fertilizers, while they do know how to drain, to sweeten a soil, and to work out the best way of getting plenty of organic matter. THE NEED The first class may have a soil well filled with available fertility. There is such land. The day will come when its supply of mineral plant food will run too low for maximum production. Then will be the time to replenish it. Nature stored up great deposits for this purpose. But many farmers on naturally rich land, or land receiving stable manure, are failing to get the best yields of grain, potatoes, etc., because they do not supply some phosphoric acid and potash — especially the former. The clover and the manure supply nitrogen which makes a rank growth of stalk and leaf, but the yield of grain is not in proportion, because phosplioric acid is lacking. 37 THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY WHAT TO APPLY It is easier to find out that certain quantities of certain elements will bring some net profit than it is to learn what application will bring the most net profit. It is the best net profit that one wants, and I reckon that few ever do hit the mark exactly. But there are some broad lines between which we can work. We can make far more intelligent guesses than some of us are doing, and then we can learn by each year's experience. UNPRODUCTIVE LAND Most land has a lot of fertility in it that is not available. It is like ore before it is mined. It consti- tutes the "natural strength" of the soil. This ma- terial becomes unlocked gradually by means of good tillage and the action of rotting vegetable matter. AVhen we undertake to improve a poor field, it usu- ally pays to supply nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash — a high-grade complete fertilizer — until we can get a supply of organic matter at work for us in the soil. The complete fertilizer helps to make a heavy sod for plowing down, or a growth to be plowed under. The soil is nearly helpless until the hunuis-making material is supplied. When land has been hard-run, and is unproduc- tive, it needs the three elements in a complete fer- tilizer, but such land, when sweetened with lime, should grow clover if the phosphoric acid and potash are supplied liberally. The clover, with some stable manure on the farm, should supply the greater part 38 $20,000 Improvements Paid for from Proceeds of Farm— Fertility Did It A Rich Soil Grows Big Wheal Soy Beans Make Rich Soil Extensive Lettuce Growing 40 Limestone on Sweet Clover at Ohio Experiment Station. The Large Growth is Limed Prolific Oats 41 Champion Com THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY of the nitrogen for all staple crops. We can tell whether it is doing so by the appearance of the growing plants. This is simple enough. If corn makes a heavy stalk, with broad, dark leaves; it timothy grows rank; if potato vines are heavy — quit buying nitrogen. If plants are pale in color and small, buy nitrogen until the clovers and manure do supply the need. If it will not pay to feed plants according to their need, it will not pay to farm the land. THE MINERAL ELEMENTS We should learn from others. It is the experi- ence of nearly all experiment stations and land- owners, from the Mississippi river to the ^Vtlantic seaboard, that phosphoric acid is the limiting element in our soils. That is to say, if a soil lacks anything phosphoric acid will be found to be deficient. Other plant food may be lacking also — probably is, if the soil is poor — but most of all is the need of phos- phorus. Hence we learn to supply it, and our usual failure is to supply it Hberally. The chances always are that we should use steamed bone, basic slag or acid phosphate, or a mixed fertilizer running high in phosphorus. THE COMPLETE FERTILIZER There are immense beds of material containing phosphorus, and there is a nearly universal hunger for that element in our soils. When we supply enough, together with potash where needed, to produce good clover, we have land brought up to a good state of 43 THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY productiveness. We get crops yielding profit. After the marked deficiency has been met in this way, fur- ther increase in yield of cereals, grasses and most vegetables comes from the use of a fertilizer supply- ing all three elements. First use freely the carriers of phosphorus on land that will grow clover well, and let the organic matter help to free plant food. Then, usually on such land a complete fertilizer helps to still greater profit. Thin land is helpless. We supply everything to get clover started. Later, with the clover, we depend heavily upon phosphorus for profitable, productive condition. Then, with the chief hunger of the soil met, when we go after increased yields, we find the complete fertilizer pays. In some soils the need of potash is as marked as that of phosphorus. RATIONAL FARMING Our country is comparatively new. It was cleared and cropped. The need of drainage in many sections has increased as the subsoil became packed and the top soil lost its humus. The lime has washed out or been used up. The organic matter has been con- sumed, and the stores of soil strength have been locked up. The steps toward improvement are not difficult to understand. We have learned much about methods of draining. We have learned the imperative need of lime, and what and how to apply to make a soil sweet and friendly to clover. We have learned to plan so that the soil's natural share of vegetable matter may go back to it in sods, catch crops and manure. We have learned something 44 THE ESSENTIALS OF SOIL FERTILITY about supplying a soil's hunger for mineral ele- ments. We have an immense deal yet to learn about methods, so as to meet the land's need, and at the same time get the most net profit, but we know the general direction of the road we must travel. The amount of stuff we should feed on the farm, the rota- tion and kind of crops, the amount of tillage, the place to use fertilizers and the amount — an endless mass of things puzzle every thinking farmer, and will continue to puzzle us because curcumstances vary; but we do find the fundamental principles simple, and know what we are trying to do. The farming of the next fifty years will be far more intelhgent than tliat of the past, and land will grow better and not worse. 45 "Common Sense Treat- ment of Farm Animals" By DR. C. D. SMEAD 'pHIS book, written by Dr. Smead, a noted authority in his hne, tells in every-day style how to treat common diseases of cattle, horses, sheep and swine. Tells how to keep them healthy and thriving and what to do in case of emergency — chok- ing, colic, bloating, wounds, etc. The illus- trations make the book worth many times more than is asked for it, showing as they do the methods of applying different treat- ments. Animals on every farm get sick at times. The study of Dr. Smead's di- rections and quick action will save nine cases out of ten. You can't follow direc- tions without the book. Price 50 cents. Copyrighted and Published by The National Stockman and Farmer Publishing Company. JUL 5 1913 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 755 490 8