"Delicious, Tastes Just Like Fresh Picked!" ive better Be better Live longer The 4-in-l Victory Food Drier For Drying Vegetables, Fruits and Seed Corn For the Home and the Farm The best and the only apparatus of this type in the World At Last a Perfected Home Drier More Food Belter Food Cheaper Food The Lake Breeze Motor Company 560-570 West Monroe St. Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A. Cable Address: Lakbrezmot J Western Union >)des: 1 Bentley's (A. B.C., 5th Ed. Circular D2 Delicious Food Drier Made in U. S. A. Made in U. S. A. Advantages of Home Drying With a 4 - in - 1 Victory Drier 1. With the Victory Drier home drying can now be done by anyone, anywhere, at slight expense for fuel and little work. 2. The Victory process is simple — any boy or girl can do it, and can make money thereby. 3. Victory dried fruits and vegetables make wholesome food. 4. Victory drying preserves the flavor and the color of the product. 5. Victory drying saves storage space. The product is stored in ordinary paper sacks. 6. Victory drying saves transportation. The product can be shipped anywhere by parcels post. 7. To Victory dry food products is to save them for food and they can also be sold at a profit. 8. Victory drying therefore is good sense and good business. By Courtesy of the International Harvester Co. 5 quarts Same Fresh Straw^berries Berries Dried Copyright, 1919, by Wm. .T. H. Strong MAY I6I9IS ©CI.A52fi690 \ 1^ "Tastes Just Like Fresh Picked"- tike It ^ "*^ "^ ~ ^AA ~ ^ So Good VJ- rrJ"°.t The 4-in-l '"""""' Victory Home Food Drier A Fan An Auxiliary Furnace A Stove A Food and Seed Corn Drier More food is produced than is eaten. Much is perishable and as the means of quick distribution are lacking it spoils. You can Save Time Have Better Food Save Money Have Cheaper Food Save Labor Have More Delicious Food and Save Food Live Longer with a Victory Drier Outfit With this outfit results are achieved in home drying never before pos- sible. Women, take notice. This is what you have been looking for. If once you use this drier you will never go back to the old methods. Accessory Foods Science has recently been discovering and teaching new and im- portant facts about food. Besides the fats, sugars, proteins and salts, certain accessory foods are necessary for the nutrition of man. There are two sorts of accessory foods, or "vitamines," fat soluble and water soluble. The fat solubles are abundant in dairy products and foliage while the water solubles are found generally in seeds and roots as well as leaves. Drying preserves these accessories as well as the salts and other food elements, while can- ning, especially with the use of temperatures considerably above the boil- ing point (such as are used in the commercial methods), destroys some or all of the accessories. Victory drying retains all the food values. This is vitally important in the raising of young children as they will thrive on properly selected dried food when milk is not available. If you wish delicious food and nourishing food easily digested and beneficial eat dried foods, raised in your garden or bought when cheap, and dried in your home Victory Drier Outfit. Ventilation gentle and properly directed and controlled, and tempered with just the right heat, is the secret of the remarkable and perfect results when vege- tables and fruits are dried with a Lake Breeze non-electric fan drying equipment. It is used anywhere without electricity or wires, springs or -Live Better — Be Better- — 3 — -The Delicious Food Drier- l)atteries and it costs almost nothing to run. Anyone can successfully operate this X^'ictory Drier day or night, rain or shine, and with ease, economy and certainty. The old, costly, laborious and imperfect methods of preserving food are now superseded by this modern and scientific drier, the only perfect one ever made. With this equipment there is no slop and no uncertainty. The ^kin of such vegetables as need to be skinned can be removed by paring, scraping or scalding. Others like beans should be blanched in boiling water a few minutes. Others need nothing but slicing. Slice one-six- teenth inch thick or less, lay it on the trays, light the stove, start the fan and go about your other work. When dry put the product in bags. You cannot over dry it with this apparatus. The Victory process is so simple it is almost too good to be true. We regard this Victory Drier as one of the Most Important Develop- ments of the War. With it the problem of food for the masses will largely be solved. It is your duty to use it and to secure its benefits. When women once learn how delicious Victory foods are ; how the natural flavor is retained ; how they appeal to the eye because of their natural color, and how much more wholesome because all the accessory foods are saved, thus improving the health and prolonging life ; how easy the work is and how economical, they will insist on using a Victory Drier. Food is necessary to life. Where food is not produced the year around, as it is in the tropics, animals must either migrate, as most of the birds, hibernate, as the bear and the woodchuck, or lay food in store, as the squirrel and as man. Nuts and the grains are best cured and rendered fit for storage in Nature's own way, but to preserve fruits and vegetables special pro- cedure is necessary. In the country districts roots may be kept in a root cellar'^without floor, in which the roots will neither freeze nor shrivel, but such a cellar is not available in many homes and such root vegetables cannot be suc- cessfully kept any length of time in the ordinary cellar. Perishable fruits and vegetables may otherwise be preserved by Chemical treatment, such as pickhng or salting, Sun curing, Canning in metal or glass containers, Evaporating, Dehydrating, desiccating or drying. Chemically preser^-ed foods, such as pickles, are not of great value save as relishes, as they cannot safely be eaten regularly in any quantities. Sun curing, because of dirt, insects, danger of spoilage and trouble, is not practical save where the humidity is relath^eiy low, and the propor- tion of seasonable sunshiny days is large. / (j -Better Food — Cheaper Food— "^ ^ — 4 — O 4 feet wide. It has 12 shelves. The heater is 1 foot long. A Lake Breeze Motor produces the gentle circulation necessary and food products are dried thus better than by any other known home process. Kerosene is the fuel recom- mended altho alcohol or city gas burners can also be supplied. The shelves contain 36 square feet of surface and hold little or much. This drier works day and night at almost no expense and the products are dried in the most perfect manner. With a Victory Drying Outfit you can have delicious, wholesome food and at lower cost. Prices Domestic Export Domestic Export Drier $34.50 $55.00 Heater Hood $15.50 $26.00 Stove 7.50 12.50 Model B, 16 in. Fan 22.50 37.50 Domestic Export Price complete, Victory Drier Outfit '$75.00 $130.00 Terms : Cash with order ; freight on board cars, Chicago. Dry The Lake Breeze Motor Co. 564-570 West Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A. Your 0\^n Food Products When you think of dried foods think Delicious Food Drier. That's the Victory. Now you have it. It is the only successful home drier ever made. Lake Breeze Fans Everyone Should Know About These Non-Electric Fans. They Run Anywhere On Kerosene, Alcohol or Gas ^'^^ ^^ Natural Cost }ic per hour }4c per hour i/ec per without wires, springs, batteries or trouble. Improved patented models. Fifth season. Of genuine merit. Proved comfort and efficiency bring- ers in the heat, day and night. Quiet and convenient. Portable any- where. Ideal for the sick. These fans are essential. Ventilation is ^\j^ life and these fans are necessary to M your complete well being. They are useful in winter as well as summer, as they increase greatly the heating capacity of stoves and radiators. Three models. 3 sizes. Write for Catalog F. The No. 31 Fan. Model B, 16-inch, kerosene burner, is the one advised for Drying and is the fan supplied with the Victory Drier. hour ■You want it — Get it- I.S - You Need a Drier General Directions Food products to be dried should be as young, fresh and clean as possible. The trays can be used either side up. Different vegetables require different treatment. Let experience govern. They all will dry. In general cut the fruit or vegetables into short pieces, or shred, or put through a meat grinder or slice not thicker than one-sixteenth inch before drying. Before drying it is usually preferable to remove the skin by scalding or paring. Set the drier where the air is as dry as possible. If the fan is operated without artificial heat the temperature of dry- ing will be not higher than the temperature of the room or somewhat lower, due to the evaporation. Evaporation refrigerates or cools. Chard should be rolled with a rolling pin or the stems in the leaves should be removed. Berries should stick to the hand but not crush when squeezed. Leave the dried products unsealed for a day or two protected from insects and in a dry place, and mix a few times before storing in jars, tins or paper bags. Keep clean and dry. If the drying has been well done curing will require only a day or two. When you think of dried foods think Delicious Food Drier. That's the Victory. Now you have it. Instructions for Setting Up The holes in the sheet steel pieces match when the pieces are in the right position so all you need to do is to try the pieces in different posi- tions until the holes fit. The heater hood can stand at either end of the drier. Note that the wide flange on the sides should go against the drier, that the narrow flanges on the shelf upon which the heater stands point up, that of the two side pieces the flanges of one point toward the drier, that is out from the casing, and the flanges of the other point in. The side of which the flanges point in is the side by which the fan is placed. The narrow strip goes low down between the side pieces. Its purpose is to force the stove to be put to one side. The kerosene stove will always burn a blue flame if the wick is clean. Therefore, if the flame is red or yellow after lighting it simply means that some of the char should be removed from the wick. The way to do this is to remove the outer burner shell and the inner spreader and with a piece of newspaper with a clockwise circular motion brush off the top of the wick. Don't turn the wick quite above the edge of the brass tube in which it runs. Be sure to always clean the stove wick thus after each time it is lighted. Of course a kerosene lamp-wick should never be trimmed with scissors. A book of special fan directions accompanies each fan. Order Immediately — 14 — -"Delicious, Tastes Just Like Fresh Picked"- Home dehydration is now a final and perfect success with a VICTORY DRIER outfit. Why not dry? Vegetables Percentage of Water in Fresh Produce Asparagus . .' Beans, String- Beans, Wax Beans, Lima Beets To Brussels Sprouts Cabbage 91.0 Carrots 88.0 Cauliflower Celery 94.0 Chard, Swiss Corn, Sweet 75.4 Horseradish To Kohl-rabi Leeks Okra Onions 87.0 Parsnips Peas, Garden Peas, Sugar Peppers Potatoes 78.0 Pumpkin Rhubarb Spinach 92.0 Squash, Summer 86.0 Tomatoes 94.3 To Turnips To Fruit 'Apples 84 Apricots Berries Cherries Cranberries Peaches Pears Pineapple Plums Quinces Strawberries Blanch Boiling Water (minutes) Then cold dip 5 to 10 6 to 10 6 to 10 5 to 10 loosen skin 6 10 6 6 3 3 5 to 10 loosen skin 5 to 6 5 3 5 6 3 to 5 6 30 3 3 3 loosen skin loosen skin Drying Time Pounds dried Hours Product per With Without 100 lbs. of Heat Heat Fresh Produce 10 12 12 12 6 7 6 9 8 8 6 3 6 6 5 4 8 6 7 10 10 12 10 10 6 8 12 6 6 12 10 12 12 12 8 12 12 12 15 20 24 24 24 12 14 12 18 16 16 12 6 12 12 10 8 16 12 14 20 20 24 20 20 12 16 24 12 12 24 20 24 24 24 16 24 24 24 30 10 7 21 8>4 22 8>4 7/2 15 Our VICTORY DRIER is the first, the best and the only drier of the type ever made for the home. Why not dry? -Make Money by Drying- is — What's the Answer ? LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^ 014 420 530 3 Victory Dried Food Products Look better. Taste better, and are better Require less work, less storage space, are more economical than food otherwise preserved and are much more easily Transported by Parcels Post The Victory Drier 4 - in - 1 Is the only Perfect Home Food Drier made in the World Domestic and Foreign Patents Applied for You can Make Money by dryi ng food and selling the products and renting your drier to your friends and neighbors. Give your children a chance. The Victory Drier has been made possible by our remarkable Non - Electric Fans which run anywhere on Kerosene, Alcohol or Gas (Nanirai) Our season's output is limited; better order immediately. The Lake Breeze Motor Company 560-570 W. Monroe St. :: Chicago. Illinois U. S. A. Why Not Dry? 16-